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setuidWell that was fun... seems the fglrx module doesn't built at all, and nothing I can find contains it, nor radeon or r300 modules for the kernel, so it all dies after I try to log in. 12:05
setuidI get the gdm login/graphics/etc. but after I log in, it just recycles gdm, no X at all after login. 12:06
setuidIs there some magical mojo to get the fglrx kernel module built for a custom kernel? 12:06
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jbaileybenc, airlied: I noticed that the kernel from today has more r300 bits in it.12:21
jbaileySo I'm trying it again. =)12:21
BenCjbailey: yeah, I'm hoping that will help you12:21
setuidhrm, r300 you say? ;) 12:34
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernl GIT tree info (updated): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.15-22.35 uploaded (May your computer boot happily)
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel GIT tree info (updated): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.15-22.35 uploaded (May your computer boot happily)
BenCwell, he goes a git-pull from latest kernel12:38
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jbaileyBenC: *lol*12:43
jbaileyI'd say "sheesh, you barely stopped for a smoke", except I'm sure that's not true ;)12:43
BenCthis merge is getting ugly :)12:57
jbaileyDo you cherry pick changesets, or create new diffs when you do backports?01:01
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BenCjbailey: a little of both01:09
jbaileyI'm really not looking forward to merging glibc with Debian again.01:10
BenCsome of the stuff can't be cherry picked, especially things that made the semphore -> mutex switch01:10
jbaileyAssuming you're targetting .17 for edgy?01:10
jbaileyI'm wondering if glibc should have support for the new syscalls.01:10
BenCman, I know I've seen atleast 50 conflicts pass by so far01:10
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BenCyeah, maybe even .1801:10
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BenCif .17 released within 4 weeks of edgy opening, then we'll target .1801:11
jbaileyYou're brave.01:11
jbaileyAren't we theoretically still aiming for an October edgy release?01:11
BenCLinus has been sticking with his 3 month release cycles pretty closely01:11
BenCare we??!01:11
BenCwow, that sounds like it will be a little insane01:12
jbaileyI haven't seen anything that says we're not.01:12
crimsunyeah, we're shooting for a shortened one to get back on track01:12
crimsun6.06, 6.10, 7.04, 7.10, ...01:13
jbaileyAnyhow, off to the gym.01:14
BenCshit, this merge is going to take a few days01:52
desrtoh man01:55
desrtedgy kernel already?01:55
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BenC360 files conflicting01:57
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cjbThis is for edgy?  I think Fedora does things pretty well by rebasing to Linus every day.02:16
cjbBut I guess they stay closer to upstream than you guys.02:16
desrtit takes a lot of guts to be as cool as benc :)02:17
cjbhe doesn't feel the peer pressure, huh :)02:17
cjbOf course, Fedora also introduces weird bugs that break things that they then ignore the bug report on for a month, and then continue to ignore it after I find out what they've done wrong and give them a patch to fix it.  *sigh*02:22
desrtBenC; got a sec to explain something to me?02:23
airliedcjb: kernel bugs? or other things?02:23
desrt(or anyone who knows, really)02:24
cjbairlied: Yeah, kernel, I was thinking of https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=190128 .02:24
desrtwhen building a new kernel config, how do i decide if it needs a new ABI number and how do i affect the change?  is this somehow automated?02:24
cjb(Which is still broken in Rawhide.)02:24
airliedI haven't seen davej online lately, he might be away.. :-)02:25
cjbHe's posting to lkml and pushing new kernels, so I think he is around, but I've heard that he's pretty swamped.02:25
airliedthey should have a hey I fixed this flag in bugzilla..02:27
crimsundesrt: yes, it's in debian/rules.02:27
desrtcrimsun; does kpkg automatically deal with it?02:28
crimsundesrt: it's sed, grep, wc, and shell magic.02:28
cjbairlied: That's a really good idea.  I wouldn't have privileges to change state to it, though, unless they make it so that anyone can.  Which would also be a good idea.02:30
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jbaileycjb: Every distro has their own approaches to kernel, toolchain, etc.02:36
jbaileyIt's what makes us all interesting ;)02:36
desrtjbailey; is there more of a formal office in montreal these days?02:37
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cjbYeah.  And then there's Xen, which rebases against -stable guaranteeing that *no* distro will be in a position to merge it, no matter how often they rebase to Linus.  :)02:37
desrtcrimsun; i guess the thing that confuses me -- you have to know the kernel version number before you start building it02:39
desrtcrimsun; but it doesn't seem like you'd know the ABI version number until after building02:39
BenCdesrt: If you do the debian/rules build, it will tell you the ABI changed02:40
BenCand if it does do: debian/rules bumpabi02:40
BenCand be sure to edit the version in debian/changelog02:40
desrtthen i have to rebuild?02:40
BenCdebian/rules binary-debs02:40
BenCis the target I use02:40
BenCdesrt: yeah02:40
BenCdesrt: it will only build the first target though02:40
BenCnot the whole thing02:41
desrtok.  if i'm fairly sure the ABI is gonna change then i can just bumpabi first?02:41
BenCdesrt: apt-get install ccache02:41
desrtgood call.02:41
desrtdoes that setup automagically?02:41
BenCyou have to add /usr/lib/ccache to the front of your PATH02:41
desrtdone & done02:41
desrtso first, build02:42
BenCmaybe even set CCACHE_DIR to some place you want02:42
BenCdebian/rules binary-debs02:42
=== cjb symlinks gcc to 'ccacne gcc'.
BenCif the ABI changes, run debian/rules bumpabi02:42
desrtthere is no debian/ directory here?02:42
BenCedit debian/changelog to reflect the ABI change02:42
BenCthen how can you have an existing ABI? :)02:42
desrtwhere do i get debian/ from?02:43
jbaileydesrt: Yeah, we take possesion of it next week.02:43
BenCapt-get source linux-source-2.6.1502:43
desrti thought install == source for linux-source02:43
BenCwell, it is, minus the debian directory that we use to build the packages02:43
desrtok.  this actually makes quite a bit more sense now :)02:43
desrtwhat of make-kpkg?02:44
desrtjbailey; that's pretty sweet.  where is it?02:44
desrtBenC; so i take it the bump-abi rule just copies the new abi info into the debian/ directory?02:46
BenCdesrt: it just sed's the files needed to reflect the new version02:50
desrtthere's a stored copy of the 'old' abi information somewhere in debian/ for purposes of comparison, right?02:50
desrtok... so the -23 source package has a copy of the abi's for -22 but not for -2302:54
jbaileydesrt: Near Lucien L'alier.03:04
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desrtjbailey; cool.04:21
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jbaileyBenC: X spun out and kill -9 didn't solve it.04:42
jbaileySo still some sort of problem  Ah well.  post-dapper problem.04:42
airliedjbailey: still nothing causes the spin?04:44
airliedjust general usage?04:44
BenCjbailey: that sucks04:44
jbaileyairlied: In this case it was in a screensaver.04:45
jbaileyI was afk, so I don't have more details.04:45
jbaileyIn a screensaver, I can't really tell if it's thatit's changing, was about to DPMS, etc.04:45
airliedhmm I'll probably have to run more screensavers.. you on 64-bit or SMP?04:45
jbaileyIt's unfortunately a very poor testcase.04:45
jbaileyboth. =)04:45
airliedah lovely... I've always wondered if we might have some SMP issues..04:46
jbaileyairlied: If you have some sort of assault test that you want me to run, I can cheerfully do so.04:46
airliedmy only SMP machine has an X1300 in it, so I can't use it yet..04:46
jbaileyAlthough perhaps not tonight.04:46
airliedjbailey: I'd love to have one that's the problem we don't so finding these things is a real pita..04:46
airliedI might put a PCI radeon in my SMP box for a test...04:50
jbaileyYEah, I'm sure.04:53
jbaileyI don't know how to start troubleshooting this sort of thing.04:53
jbaileyIf it's at all significant, kill -9 wouldn't take out Xorg04:54
airliedyeah nothing will take it out once the GPU crashes..04:54
airliedit's also like playing whack a mole, you smack one bug, another bug the exact same pops up, it could be 5 bugs all different having the same symptoms..04:55
jbaileyAre you part of upstream for this?04:58
airliedjbailey: I'm the DRM maintainer for upstream..05:01
jbaileyAh, cool.05:02
jbaileyYou seemed excessivly clueful for a random observer. =)05:02
airliedI also try and fix r300 things because I hate ATI. :-P05:03
fabbione_morning guys05:08
jbaileyairlied: Eh, you express hatred in a way with which I am not familiar ;)05:08
jbaileyHeya Fabio!05:08
fabbionehey Jeff05:08
=== jbailey goes and grabs some more food.
fabbionetouch: cannot touch `/root/glibc-2.3.6/stamp-dir/check_sparc64': No space left on device05:09
fabbioneinfinity: i need your binaries.. sort of now05:09
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BenCairlied: When I sync to 2.6.17-git, I can just revert and merge conflicts in drm to match Linus' tree, right?08:07
airliedBenC: yes there should be nothing in your tree that isn't in Linus..08:10
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infinitymjg59: Too late to do anything about it now, but I think your "switch to 640x480 on some machines" hack could be circumvented with just tweaking the 640x400 timings instead.08:54
infinitymjg59: If I'd known you were looking at doing that, I would have worked with you to test some stuff.  I didn't have access to any hardware where the current (admittedly not-quite-right) timings didn't work, so I couldn't test better ones. :/08:55
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bluefoxicythat is ugly as shit.09:31
=== bluefoxicy is attempting to write a patch to control mmap() and stack randomization entropy levels from kernel parameters
bluefoxicytrivial but 1) i don't understand the code really so I may be off by 1; 2) I shoved two additions, a subtraction, a bit shift, and a modulus in one statement.09:33
bluefoxicyat least the code appears robust enough to handle it even if I screw up.09:33
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infinityBenC: Hrm, the CONFIG_RTC=y thing didn't go in, did it?02:38
Keybukoh, hurrah02:42
Keybukpleeeease put that in02:42
Keybukand GENRTC=y02:42
Keybuklet more pointless modules bite the dust <g>02:42
infinityIt's less about pointless modules and more about SMP machines *requiring* the RTC driver to manipulate the hwclock in any sane fashion.02:44
BenCinfinity: damnit...that's two config options I forgot to add02:45
infinitySo hwclock and ntp don't blow up, among others.02:45
Keybukhwclock wouldn't blow up now anyway02:45
BenCI forgot HUGEPAGES for PPC64 aswell02:45
=== Keybuk points at /etc/udev/rules.d/85-hwclock.rules
BenCI'll sneak it into the first update02:45
desrtKeybuk; try to convince BenC to release a -24 for dapper :)02:46
BenCno no02:46
=== desrt j/k
BenC-23.36 if anything :)02:46
desrtfwiw i have a sneaky suspicion that hugepages changes the abi02:46
Keybukdesrt: that wouldn't be an ABI change02:46
desrtyou certainly get new functions02:47
infinityBenC: When you say "first update", you mean "the first update before release", not "after", right? :)02:47
Keybukyeah, let's have ANOTHER kernel ABI change before release02:47
Keybukthey're SO MUCH FUN02:47
infinityBenC: I suspect the RTC change especially won't fly after release.02:47
BenCif HUGEPAGES changes the ABI, then powerpc will get an ignore file02:47
infinity(Doubly-so, since we seem to build some udebs with rtc drivers in them?... Feh)02:47
BenCI don't think it would affect modules anyway02:47
desrtignore file?02:48
BenCdesrt: echo "Yes" > debian/abi/powerpc.ignore02:48
BenCso I don't have to bump the ABI02:48
desrtah.  i see.  cheater file :)02:48
infinityOf course, we put those udebs in universe, so we know d-i isn't using them ANYWAY.02:48
BenCif it only adds functions, it would ignore it anyway02:48
BenCsince new != important02:48
BenCwait a second02:49
desrtplus... the normal modules get upgraded along with -image and you don't really have a whole lot of linux-restricted-modules kicking around on ppc02:49
BenCI'm not working...I don't have money in my budget for extraneous beer-to-super expenses02:49
KeybukBenC: fabbione promised to wipe clean the irc logs :)02:49
infinityBenC: I'll cover your drink requirement.  I'm sure I already owe several.02:49
infinityHell, I actually UPLOADED on my day off.02:50
infinitySo, I'm a lost cause.02:50
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Keybukinfinity: and it wasn't exactly a subtle package either ;)02:50
=== desrt has been looking for someone willing to do an upload since last night :p
BenCI'm at 73 files remaining of 360 for the edgy 2.6.17 git merge02:50
zygaI've got a kernel panic just a moment ago02:51
zygaI've got pictures if anyone is interested02:51
desrtBenC; btw.. is it normal that the kernel doesn't build-dep on kernel-wedge or m4?02:51
BenCzyga: you're too late...all oopses are not considered features, which enable breaks to prevent hyper-tension and repetitive syndromes02:51
jbaileys/not/now/ ?02:52
zyga? :D02:52
zygaduh.. I need to run now02:52
zygaI'll post the pictures and come back in 5 hours02:52
BenCdesrt: the kernel, or the kernel source?02:52
desrtBenC; source02:52
desrtoh man i'm a dumbass.  i did apt-get build-dep linux-source.  disregard.02:53
BenCapt-get install linux-kernel-devel02:53
BenCthat'll help a little too :)02:53
desrtso i'm still trying to figure out the abi thing02:54
=== BenC notes we are better than Vista
BenCand, our install is easier than MacOSX, which I think says a lot more02:54
desrtthe -23 source i downloaded contains the -22 abi files.... how does the build check if my build is the same as -23?02:54
BenCdesrt: it doesn't02:54
BenCwe have to add the -23 files in afterwards, they aren't important in that source file02:55
desrtah.  so if you were building a kernel, you'd have them kicking around in there02:55
infinitydesrt: Grab the -23 ABI file from /boot/ :)02:55
desrtahah.  truth revealed02:55
desrtinfinity; thx. i've been wondering :)02:56
BenCdesrt: debian/bin/getabis 2.6.15 2302:56
BenCthat will get them _all_02:56
infinityBenC: Actually, that's a fair point.  Maybe our shipping kernel source should contain the ABI files, for people trying to mangle derivative kernel builds.02:56
BenCin the process, downloading a few hundred megs of .debs :)02:56
infinityBenC: Which makes a good excuse for one last upload. :)02:56
BenCdesrt: debian/bin/getabis 2.6.15 23.3502:57
infinityBenC: The process is confusing enough for people to understand without also wondering where the files are. :)02:57
desrtto hell with it02:57
BenCinfinity: Nah, ppl love a good file hunt :)02:57
=== desrt copies from /boot :)
jbaileyBenC: I'm vaguely amused at comparisons between Linux distros and Vista.02:58
BenCjbailey: I'm ammused that our TCP/IP stack needs optimizing02:58
jbaileyWith a target release of midwinters, the likelyhood of xgl being stable is high.02:58
jbaileyDid davem just plan a redo of a large part of the IP stack?02:59
jbaileyI thought I saw something about doing channels and some other optimisation.03:00
infinityOur IP stack has needed optimisation for eons, this is no surprise.03:00
jbaileyBut just that all the flashing zing that Vista can pump out will probably be matched in every aspect that an end user will care about.03:00
infinityThe WinNT IP stack was lifted nearly verbatim from BSD, and has been very performant from day 1.03:00
infinityBut, yeah, most users don't give a hoot about a slightly better IP stack.03:01
infinityAnd most server scenarios don't push data from RAM fast enough for those benchmarks to mean anything to them.03:01
infinity(Some few here and there actually do, but most machines aren't bottlenecked elsewhere)03:01
desrtthis dapper review has an entire paragraph devoted to "we should have shipped networkmanager by default"03:06
infinityYeah, WiFi is either not important at all, or THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER.  It's a rather polarising thing.03:08
infinityI'm still in the "not important at all" camp, despite having a small wireless network at home.03:08
desrtit depends on if you have a laptop or not03:08
infinityMostly because when I want to get any real work done, I still switch to copper (and probably always will, since copper is always a few steps ahead)03:09
desrtmy laptop's inability to get onto my wireless network without me invoking a shellscript is sort of a sore spot03:11
desrtit doesn't hurt me too much....03:12
desrtbut it hurts my "look how awesome ubuntu is!" credibility :p03:12
infinityMine seems to do well anywhere with NM now.03:12
infinityWEP, WPA, etc, etc.03:12
desrtnm is terribly buggy on bigendian03:12
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infinitySo are many wireless drivers. :/03:13
desrtthe opensource broadcom ones seem to work fairly well03:15
desrtand the latest upgrade massively improved the range i get03:15
desrti used to barely be able to connect from the far corner of my office... now i get flawless signal from across the hall03:16
BenClinux-source-2.6.15 (2.6.15-23.36) UNRELEASED; urgency=low03:22
BenC  Changes by Ben Collins03:22
BenC  * powerpc64: Enable HUGETLB03:22
BenC  * x86: Build-in rtc and genrtc on all but the 386 kernel.03:22
BenCI'll try to get this in for dapper release, but no guarantees03:22
infinity  * amd64: Same as above03:23
BenCgood call03:23
infinityI have no idea about RTC drivers on PPC, so I can't comment there, sadly.03:23
infinityIf you have an SMP G5, you could do some hwclock testing.03:23
desrtwhat's the issue with having the driver built-in?03:23
desrtkernel gets correct initial time without having to use hwclock in the initscript?03:24
infinityBut on amd64, we know we want it (heck, the installer does "echo rtc >> /etc/modules" on amd64, doesn't it?)03:24
infinitydesrt: No.03:24
infinitydesrt: hwclock and ntp (and other hwclock-using things) just plain don't work right on SMP systems without an rtc driver.03:24
infinitydesrt: So having it modular on our kernels that are now all SMP-enabled is just plain silly.03:25
desrtbtw: there is no 'rtc' module on ppc03:25
desrtinfinity; why not just load the module on boot?03:25
infinitydesrt: Because loading it on boot unconditionally it no different from having it built in?03:28
desrtfair enough :)03:28
infinitydesrt: s/it no/is no/03:28
desrti thought the ubuntu kernel policy was "make everything a module that is humanly possible"03:28
infinityI dislike adding more moving parts without a good reason.03:28
infinityNo, that's the Herbert Xu kernel policy.03:29
desrtthat's my kernel policy too :p03:29
infinityOurs is more like "make things modular if there are conflicting ways to set up a system"03:29
desrtor my pre-ubuntu-feeding-my-kernel policy03:29
infinityYou'll note we don't modularise the IP stack, for instance.03:29
infinityWhich CAN be done.03:29
infinityBut it's insane.03:30
desrtwait.. the true test03:30
desrtunix domain sockets -- not a module03:30
desrtgood job :)03:30
infinityYeah, I vaguely recall Xu building that one modular.03:31
desrtwho is Xu?  i think i'd like this chap.03:31
infinityHerbert Xu.. Was a Debian kernel maintainer for ages, worked for us on the kernel back in the warty and hoary days, and did some contract work for us in the breezy timeframe.03:32
infinityHas nothing to do with us recently.03:33
fabbioneBenC: what about HUGEPAGE for sparc?03:56
fabbioneHUGETLB i mean03:56
BenCI can do that too03:56
fabbioneis it worth?03:56
fabbioneor are we going to destabilize *?03:56
BenCprobably best to ask davem03:56
fabbionei know he enables it in his kernels03:57
=== BenC is down 10 files to manually merge from the 360 he started with
BenCfabbione: might be a good idea then03:57
jbaileyBenC: 10 files?!?03:57
jbaileyslacker ;)03:57
=== jbailey hides
BenCit'd be a lot more if my perl skillz weren't soo good :P03:58
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=== BenC pushes a most likely unbuildable edgy 2.6.17-git kernel
fabbioneBenC: cool :)04:40
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BenCyay, first 2.6.17-git build started!05:43
=== BenC waits for it to fail horribly
BenCif this works on the first try, I'll be worried05:43
crimsunI expect it to break horribly in sound/  ;-)05:44
BenCI reverted most of sound/05:47
BenCit's pretty much stock 2.7.17-git05:47
crimsunoh excellent.05:47
BenCexcept for my snd-power-mac forward port05:47
BenCcrimsun: do you go both ways...like if I send you patches can you submit them to alsa? :)05:48
crimsunBenC: oh sure05:48
BenCgood, I need to get the snd-powermac changes merged05:48
BenCbenh has been bugging me to get it done for awhile05:48
infinityBenC: Stop hitting on our volunteer contributors.  It could be misconstrued as sexual harassment. :)06:39
infinity"Do you go both ways" indeed.06:39
jbaileyBenC: merged..  What did you take on doign sound?07:44
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bluefoxicyfuck that07:56
bluefoxicyoops wrong window07:56
tuxmaniacGuys isnt it linux-kernel-tree to download source from ubuntu breezy?08:06
crimsunyou probably mean linux-tree{-2.6.12}08:08
tuxmaniaccrimsun: yes.. linux-tree-2.6.12 will download the source I guess? I forgot and now in dapper its linux-source?08:13
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bluefoxicyI wrote a patch to let me shift around entropy for mmap() and stack bases via kernel command line!  ... now to build and test.10:55
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zygaanyone awake?11:17
bluefoxicyI'm awake11:24
bluefoxicyAnd very bored.11:24
bluefoxicy  LD [M]   drivers/media/video/zr36067.o11:24
bluefoxicy  CC [M]   drivers/media/video/videocodec.o11:24
bluefoxicyIt seems I have much more boredom to come.11:24
=== bluefoxicy building a kernel package to test a patch
zygaI've got pictures of a kernel panic11:25
zygainterested? :)11:25
bluefoxicyocrap, i have it set to build for like 59 different architectures11:25
bluefoxicyabort, abort!11:25
zyga(fspot is still working on that part though :)11:25
zyga59? :)11:25
bluefoxicydidn't clean antyhing out11:26
bluefoxicyhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/ImsI6i74.html  <-- this is what I'm doing11:27
zygaI'll post the pictures in a moment11:28
bluefoxicygotta love how I replace 2 lines of code with 23 lines ;)11:28
zygaholy sh... :-)11:29
bluefoxicyrandom_factor = get_random_int() % (4096 << (mmap_random_bits - 1));  <-- this is wrong :)11:29
zygaI had just plugged an USB mic+headphones11:29
zygaand a notification popup asked me to configure it...11:29
zygawhen did linux distros get that good!11:29
infinityThe more interesting thing isn't that it asked... It's whether or not it workes afterward. :)11:30
=== bluefoxicy changes things directly inside the patch ;)
zygagood point11:31
zygawell gstreamer seems to see it11:31
=== zyga is curious what kind of usb device it reports as
zygahmm, bDeviceClass - 0 11:32
zygaI don't know usb :P11:32
zygapictures are ready11:32
zygabluefoxicy: I did use lsusb11:32
bluefoxicywhat'd you panic this time?11:32
=== bluefoxicy would imagine usb headphones == sound card
zygabluefoxicy: probably right11:33
bluefoxicyzyga:  next april I should send a patch to lkml to fix panic()11:34
bluefoxicyit occurs to me the kernel doens't actually panic11:34
zyga#define panic() BUG() 11:34
zyga(tla has left its marks on my soul)11:35
bluefoxicyI'll fix this by having it mdelay() for a few seconds and then randomly printk() one of {"My mind is going","I'm scared, Dave; will I dream?","Daisy, daisy....","HELP ME!!!!!!} in a loop.11:35
zygahrumpf... gnome-sound-properties doesn't remember the default sound device setting11:38
zygait works 11:41
zygaare my photos of any use?11:42
bluefoxicyI see lots of numbers.11:43
bluefoxicyso not to me :)11:43
zygathere is a backtrace...11:43
bluefoxicyI know11:44

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