Tonio_ | bddebian: imagin the user on a fresh kubuntu installation, he launches amarok -> functions are disabled for reasons he cannot understand | 12:03 |
Tonio_ | bddebian: then he launches k3b and is prompted something he doesn't even know is missing.... | 12:03 |
Tonio_ | what will the user think ??? "that sucks !!".... | 12:03 |
Tonio_ | and amarok/k3b are the most acclaimed kde softwares, not simple addons.... | 12:04 |
Tonio_ | bddebian: of course we cannot depend on "*" but I think those two softwares have to we 100% activated out of the box | 12:05 |
pygi | s/we/be :) | 12:07 |
Tonio_ | pygi: hum... yes ^^ | 12:07 |
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bddebian | Tonio_: Yeah | 12:28 |
Riddell | Tonio_: too late for dapper though | 12:28 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: I know, but I have to keep this for edgy :) | 12:44 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: there are still lots of things to do for usability :) | 12:44 |
Riddell | Tonio_: have you told canonical you're coming to the summit? | 12:45 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I have too, but I cannot until my commpany doesn't confirm me they're okay for the vacations :) | 12:48 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I should have the response on monday.... | 12:48 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: in any case I have filled the wiki page | 12:49 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: where to annouce it except on the wikipage ? | 12:51 |
Riddell | ah yes, wiki page should be fine | 01:00 |
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Hobbsee | we have more people wanting to join :) | 04:17 |
Hobbsee | *points them tothe new member page* | 04:17 |
crimsun | speaking of which, what /is/ the page? :-) | 04:21 |
robotgeek | hey Hobbsee crimsun | 04:31 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: at the moment? see and add yourself to the last link in the topic | 04:32 |
Hobbsee | it's being a pain, and not copying :P | 04:32 |
Hobbsee | hi robotgeek | 04:32 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: err, I thought there was a separate process for Kubuntu members | 04:34 |
crimsun | so it's the same membership process currently? | 04:35 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: well...afaik, and this is all new, we're running the same type of process, except that we on the kcc are deciding, rather than the cc | 04:35 |
=== robotgeek has lost track, unfortunately | ||
Hobbsee | that's the impression i get, from what Riddell has said | 04:35 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: usually Riddell just approves them, but they decided to change that, and make kubuntu membership equal with ubuntu's, decided in the same way | 04:36 |
Hobbsee | not sure about the ubuntumembers team bit though... | 04:37 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: good, so my impression was not misguided. | 04:37 |
crimsun | I figured that the Kubuntu CC would approve new members in the same manner that the Ubuntu CC currently does. | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: yes, that's what i understand to be the case | 04:39 |
crimsun | btw, I've fixed libvisual-plugins, so there are now spiffy plugins. | 04:44 |
=== robotgeek looks | ||
crimsun | they probably won't be in the archive for another two hours thanks to publisher's schedule | 04:45 |
crimsun | nonetheless, when you click Tools> Visualisations in amarok 1.4, you'll be able to install them after reading the message | 04:46 |
robotgeek | kk, i probably won't use them ever | 04:46 |
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crimsun | neither do I, but we're probably corner cases :-) | 04:47 |
crimsun | these little things add up for impressions | 04:47 |
bddebian | aaahhh Why the hell is scanpci in gatos?? | 04:49 |
robotgeek | true | 04:49 |
crimsun | bddebian: what's the issue? | 04:50 |
bddebian | crimsun: Bug #43414 | 04:50 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 43414 in gatos "Dependency error" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 04:50 |
crimsun | bddebian: add a diversion? | 04:52 |
bddebian | crimsun: How do I do that? | 04:52 |
crimsun | dpkg-divert(8) | 04:52 |
bddebian | crimsun: But should it even be in the package? | 04:54 |
crimsun | if it differs significantly and adds functionality, sure | 04:54 |
crimsun | if it simply duplicates what's in xserver-xorg-core, remove it before building the deb and note it in README.Debian | 04:55 |
crimsun | my hunch is the latter, but you'll want to double-check | 04:55 |
bddebian | According to some of the source files it's scanpci from Xfree86 3.3.3 | 04:56 |
crimsun | yeah, I'd clean it in debian/rules, then. | 04:57 |
crimsun | definitely make a note in README.Debian | 04:57 |
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Hobbsee | gimme my nick back, hehe! | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | :P | 04:58 |
bddebian | crimsun: Just rm debian/gatos/usr/bin/scanpci in rules? | 04:59 |
crimsun | yeah, prior to binary*install | 04:59 |
bddebian | OK, thx | 04:59 |
crimsun | if you need an example, look at what's done with alsaconf in alsa-utils's debian/rules | 05:00 |
bddebian | crimsun: Great thx | 05:00 |
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kwwii | moin | 08:50 |
Hobbsee | hi kwwii | 08:50 |
kwwii | hi Hobbsee | 08:51 |
Hobbsee | hey wow, kdesu is working again! | 08:53 |
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Lure | hi | 12:47 |
\sh | hey lure | 12:47 |
Lure | hi \sh | 12:47 |
=== Lure just finished upgrade after one week of being offline | ||
Lure | is there any burning issue to address before RC? | 12:49 |
Lure | Tonio_: around? | 12:50 |
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\sh | kwwii: ping do you have a nice kubuntu logo which is scalable in a svg editor? | 02:04 |
kwwii | yepp :-) | 02:04 |
kwwii | which kind do you want? | 02:04 |
kwwii | a 3d-ish one or a normal one? | 02:05 |
kwwii | hi, btw :-) | 02:05 |
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\sh | something nice ;) | 02:09 |
kwwii | \sh: :-) | 02:09 |
Tonio_ | Lure: hey ;) | 02:24 |
Lure | Tonio_: hi | 02:25 |
Tonio_ | Lure: had a question ? | 02:25 |
Lure | Tonio_: got mail from Timo last week that 0.1 will be delayed until wallet startup problem is not resolved... | 02:25 |
Tonio_ | a great | 02:25 |
Hobbsee | hi \sh Lure and Tonio_ | 02:25 |
Tonio_ | well this will be for edgy then | 02:25 |
Tonio_ | hey Hobbsee | 02:26 |
Lure | this probably means no update for Dapper - unless we persuade somebody that wallet bug is critical | 02:26 |
Lure | hi Hobbsee | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | is this kwifimanager? | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | er, knetworkmanager? | 02:26 |
Lure | knetworkmanager | 02:26 |
Tonio_ | Lure: backport is still possible | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | is *that* why mine fails to connect every once in a while....i was wondering that!!! | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | it may not be critical - but it's darned annoying | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | actually, i'd call that reasonably critical... | 02:27 |
Lure | Hobbsee: probably - I also get empty ESSID list in cca 5% of the startups... | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | for people who have long and complicated passphrases, which arent easily rememberable... | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | and to have to type that in once every few boots... | 02:27 |
Tonio_ | Lure: I never that problem | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | Lure: hmm...dont think i've ever had that. it dropped out today, saying it couldnt find a network | 02:28 |
Tonio_ | but I know lots of people are reporting it | 02:28 |
Lure | Tonio_: I have it occasionally, but it looks to me it is some timing issue, as it is not easy to trigger (at least on my system) | 02:28 |
Lure | Hobbsee: I get sometimes a list of three entries in menu w/o name/essid - Timo has also confirmed some reports with that | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: Lure. well, knm is becomming well known for "just working" in linux - so i'd think that to get any major bugs out of it would be very good, and worth doing. like the one with the passphrase | 02:29 |
Lure | I have first suspected n-m, but then no nm-applet user reported it... | 02:29 |
Tonio_ | Lure: yes that's true | 02:30 |
Tonio_ | Lure: anyway I'm confident in timo to resolve the issue | 02:30 |
Lure | Hobbsee: true, the problem is that 0.1 will be late (if at all on time) for RC. | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | Lure: chuck it in a repo, when it comes out, then look at a dapper-updates or something... | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | i dont know how those things work | 02:30 |
Lure | imho, knm is alreayd better than nm-applet (at least if you look problems reported by users...) | 02:31 |
\sh | and timo has some nice ideas in his backpocket ;) | 02:33 |
Lure | \sh: good to hear that! | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | yay! | 02:33 |
\sh | talked to him during linuxtag | 02:33 |
\sh | cu later need to go off for 1-2 hours | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | is kpowersave planned to be the default for edgy? | 02:36 |
Lure | Hobbsee: hard to say - we need to understand how Ubuntu PM is planned to be eveloved for Edgy | 02:37 |
Hobbsee | true... | 02:37 |
Lure | I would personally rather see uswsusp than powersave in... | 02:38 |
Lure | uswsusp looks promising and may be included in kernel that Edgy will be based on... | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | havent discovered that one yet | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | ooh good! | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | does edgy kernel still plan to support ndiswrapper? | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | or is that non-support in a kernel ages away? | 02:38 |
Lure | it is evelution of swsusp that is used in Dapper today, but does lost of stuff in userspace and allows cool features like suspend to ram then to disk | 02:39 |
Hobbsee | ah :) | 02:39 |
Lure | Hobbsee: no idea abut ndiswrapper - I always buy HW with moderaterly good Linux support (ipw2200 for wifi) | 02:40 |
Hobbsee | heh, lucky... | 02:40 |
=== Hobbsee didnt know linux existed when this laptop was bought | ||
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kwwii | lol | 02:40 |
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marseillai | mornfall: it seems app-install-data don't depends on kubuntu-desktop or something else so adep_installer is free of applications when kubuntu is freshly install . | 03:17 |
marseillai | Riddell: may be you are concern too | 03:17 |
OdyX | Well.. nothing requires app-install-data in Kubuntu, which makes adept_installer mpty | 03:17 |
OdyX | marseillai: report bug ? | 03:21 |
marseillai | yes! i let you do! | 03:22 |
OdyX | marseillai: No... My honour is to let you do it. | 03:24 |
OdyX | marseillai: Ok. I'm on my way | 03:25 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: ping me when you're around please :) | 03:25 |
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OculusAquilae | anybody has an idea how to fix bug #45791 ? | 03:48 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 45791 in ktorrent "KTorrent doesn't install its Language-Files" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 03:48 |
Hobbsee | OculusAquilae: do the language files exist? | 03:49 |
OculusAquilae | Hobbsee: they are in the source-package but doesn't seem to be in the .deb | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | hmmm... | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | oh yeah, i see | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | OculusAquilae: <-- not sure if it means that, or where to put that in - you'd probably have ot check another source that gets the lang files put in correctly | 03:55 |
OculusAquilae | Hobbsee: that's for generating .pot files, but there are .po-files in the source-package, but they doesn't get installed in the .deb-file for some reason | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | yes, so i see... | 03:57 |
OculusAquilae | it works with "./configure", "make" and "make install" perfectly | 03:57 |
Hobbsee | odd | 04:08 |
Hobbsee | er, what's a debhelper package for kde? | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | hmmm... | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | oh, found one :) | 04:10 |
Hobbsee | OculusAquilae: i dont know sorry...i'm not great with debhelper stuff yet... | 04:15 |
OculusAquilae | same for me :) | 04:15 |
Hobbsee | there are probably guides on which bit each file means... | 04:16 |
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Hobbsee | hi bddebian | 04:21 |
bddebian | Hi Hobbsee | 04:21 |
Lure | Riddell: today's live CD is 705MB - does not fit on cd-rw :-( | 04:22 |
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Hobbsee | OculusAquilae: if you havent seen it before | 04:26 |
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OculusAquilae | hm | 04:27 |
javier | Tonio_: | 04:28 |
javier | can you help me with bug 43500 | 04:29 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 43500 in kmplayer "kmplayer depends on gstreamer 0.10 and the default media engine in kubuntu is xine" [Normal,Rejected] | 04:29 |
javier | I can't remove libgstreamer0.10-0 without leaving broken packages | 04:30 |
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Lure | Hobbsee: bug 45759 sounds like your problem? | 04:52 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 45759 in acpi-support "Resuming from suspend to disk, I get logged out!" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 04:52 |
Hobbsee | Lure: yep | 04:53 |
Lure | since it is reported to acpi-support it is probably not related to kpowersave, but more generic issue | 04:54 |
Lure | (but strange still - very hard to understand what may cause it) | 04:54 |
Hobbsee | yeah, rather | 04:55 |
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Hobbsee | Lure: i confirmed that bug, btw | 05:22 |
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OculusAquilae | really no idea how to fix bug #45791 :( | 05:33 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 45791 in ktorrent "KTorrent doesn't install its Language-Files" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 05:33 |
OdyX | (Ktorrent 1.2 sucks...) | 05:43 |
OculusAquilae | OdyX: does it? | 05:46 |
OdyX | OculusAquilae: well.. for some aspects, it has BIG regressions since 1.1 | 05:47 |
OculusAquilae | OdyX: maybe, I don't use Bittorrent very much | 05:47 |
kwwii | hehe, I am trying it for the first time | 05:48 |
OdyX | OculusAquilae: well.. Try to share files from amovible device... | 05:48 |
OdyX | and try to share more than 1024 files | 05:48 |
OdyX | (which is fast with free music) | 05:48 |
OculusAquilae | hm | 05:48 |
OculusAquilae | possible | 05:48 |
OdyX | 1.2 opens one thread per shared file, as 1.1 did open them only when needed (really shared) | 05:48 |
=== OculusAquilae shares two files :) | ||
OdyX | And so.. If you open 1.2 without your removable device, it complains for EACH shared torrent which is on the device (as it tries to open the threads) | 05:51 |
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yuriy | any way to make any more visible to people. 3 bugs like #45814 in the last 3 days... | 07:51 |
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verwilst_ | grm, using firefox under kubuntu isn't really flawless | 07:57 |
verwilst_ | sometimes i have no sound | 07:58 |
verwilst_ | like when playing flash movies or such | 07:58 |
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marseillai | i think konqueror should depend on libarts1-xine wich permit to have video-preview in konqueror | 09:05 |
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marseillai | Tonio_: don't you agree with the libarts1-xine dependency problem ? | 09:43 |
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marseillai | what is the name of the kde application wich is in charge of mounting romvable device graphically and propose to open it with several action? i would like to make a report on it and i can't find his name. | 10:07 |
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kwwii | hi all | 10:42 |
jjesse | hiya kwwii | 10:42 |
kwwii | whoever is responsible for my F-keys working again gets a *BIG* hug from | 10:42 |
kwwii | me | 10:42 |
jjesse | i'm glad they are working for you :) | 10:43 |
kwwii | it has been awhile since they worked | 10:44 |
kwwii | pbbuttonsd seemed to be flaky for my laptop (the last ppc ever made) | 10:44 |
kwwii | now I can eject my cd! | 10:44 |
kwwii | well, only a few of them work, but at least the important ones :-) | 10:45 |
kwwii | people bitching about pdf as an "un-free" format might as well complain about jpeg as well | 10:55 |
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jjesse | well this week i give up my laptop w/ kubuntu on it as i switch jobs ;( | 11:01 |
jjesse | i hope the next job allows me to install kubuntu on it | 11:01 |
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kwwii | jjesse: be happy to have a job :-) | 11:12 |
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