jmanblue | where do i make feature requests? | 12:13 |
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bddebian | I assume sl-modem is in multiverse for license reasons? | 03:56 |
dudanogueira | hello all! please, im not finding where to change the "applications" icon at the top left menu. sorry for asking this at this channel, but i looked everywhere! | 03:56 |
bddebian | dudanogueira: The applications icon itself or a specific application? | 03:56 |
dudanogueira | the application icon itself | 03:56 |
bddebian | Oh hmm, that I'm not sure of, sorry | 03:57 |
dudanogueira | the ubuntu icon. its because im making a tomato OSX, a joke with apple... a better deskop | 03:57 |
sladen | bddebian: yes, it's a binary blob | 03:57 |
bddebian | sladen: thx | 03:58 |
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ispiked | maybe here is the more appropriate place to ask this question. is mono stuff (libraries needed to run mono apps., etc.) shipping with dapper? | 04:17 |
crimsun | yes, even develop them. $ apt-cache policy mono-devel | 04:20 |
ispiked | crimsun: cool. | 04:21 |
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desrt | dapper dapper dapper dapper | 07:10 |
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BenM | hey guys, is the usage of gettext in gnome-panel ubuntu specific | 07:14 |
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BenM | for the menu item names | 07:14 |
BenM | .desktop files have X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gedit, and i'm wondering what this is | 07:14 |
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jdub | BenM: .desktop translation | 07:27 |
jdub | BenM: | 07:28 |
BenM | interesting | 07:30 |
BenM | so, i noticed that g-p mmaps 1.5 mb of RSS in the gettext files | 07:30 |
BenM | which is a bit nasty | 07:30 |
BenM | if it's reading a string or two from each | 07:30 |
BenM | and i think many of those mappings are only for gp | 07:31 |
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BenM | dontzap should be a default :-) | 07:32 |
BenM | anyways, so it's doing things like loading the yelp .mo | 07:33 |
BenM | just to get a single string | 07:33 |
jdub | BenM: yeah, sounds about right, probably not taken into account during the analysis | 07:43 |
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BenM | perf has this tendency to be ignored | 07:56 |
BenM | :-) | 07:56 |
jdub | no, some elements were examined - read the page | 07:57 |
BenM | well, something like this isn't going to cause an additional second | 07:59 |
BenM | so, the perf data there isn't really all that useful | 07:59 |
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kagou | hi | 12:40 |
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mdke | Riddell: around? | 01:13 |
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tseng | thom: thanks for the mongrel tip, fcgid blows | 03:05 |
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mdke | Riddell: new snapshot of translations for kubuntu-docs is in the repo, i've added targets to the Makefile for new languages and some which we already had but didn't seem to be in the Makefile. | 03:42 |
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bddebian | Hello | 04:20 |
pitti | hi bddebian | 04:20 |
bddebian | Hi pitti | 04:21 |
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delire | i'm interested to know what Ubuntu's policy is on packages that move out of Debian unstable and ultimately into stable for longer than two Ubuntu release cycles. it appears there was a piece of excellent audio software that has since moved on into Debian stable, and having been considered 'stable' for so long, is now no-longer in Ubuntu or Dapper.. | 05:03 |
delire | it seems a shame that good but very stable software slips out of Ubuntu over time.. | 05:03 |
jsgotangco | its not in universe? | 05:03 |
delire | nope | 05:03 |
mdke | packages move out of debian unstable? | 05:03 |
bddebian | What package? | 05:03 |
jsgotangco | what is this? | 05:03 |
delire | pd-externals. a huge set of plugins used by thousands of people with the modular sound programming environment 'Pure Data' | 05:04 |
sladen | delire: what's the package? | 05:04 |
bddebian | So it's non-free? | 05:04 |
delire | bddebian: no, it's completely free | 05:04 |
bddebian | Usually packages are not dropped unless they are unmaintained | 05:05 |
jsgotangco | yeah | 05:05 |
delire | mdke: yes, they move out over time when development is no longer continued or a package maintainer decides that s/he doesn't need to package them any more. | 05:05 |
crimsun | the reason is stated at | 05:06 |
sladen | delire: has it been renamed? | 05:06 |
delire | bddebian: hmm, well pd-externals in CVS is still very active. | 05:06 |
delire | sladen: it doesn't appear to have been renamed, no. | 05:06 |
crimsun | yes, it was removed from sid, so it was removed from dapper as well. | 05:06 |
delire | sladen: i could very well be wrong, hope so. | 05:06 |
delire | crimsun: that's a shame. | 05:06 |
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delire | crimsun: universities all over the world use these plugins on Redhat systems. | 05:07 |
delire | (via planet CCRMA) | 05:07 |
sladen | delire: (really not a argument :) | 05:07 |
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delire | sladen: of course, i'm just saying it's a popular package and used the opportunity to find out what happens in this case. i'd argue for some sort of 'package retention' policy on good software gone stable. | 05:08 |
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mdke | delire: you should probably try and convince debian to maintain the package again | 05:08 |
delire | mdke: i guess i should yes, though this does throw up a loophole i think. a stable package shouldn't go 'stale'. | 05:09 |
crimsun | delire: it's not a matter of "stable" vs. "testing" or "unstable" here; it's a matter of maintenance. The latest release seems to be from March 12, 2003. The version that was removed is a snapshot. | 05:09 |
mdke | or maybe you could even maintain the package yourself | 05:09 |
delire | crimsun: i think it's 2004 according to my Debian system, but would need to check. yes, it has been unmaintained for a while. | 05:10 |
crimsun | yes, what mdke suggests is the most viable course of action imo | 05:10 |
delire | hmm. i'd consider this yes. what is the road to becoming a package maintainer for Ubuntu? | 05:11 |
delire | s/road/path | 05:11 |
mdke | s/Ubuntu/debian | 05:11 |
delire | i see.. | 05:11 |
crimsun | delire: it would be best to maintain it in Debian so it can be synced into Ubuntu | 05:12 |
tseng | you dont have to jump through hoops to be a debian developer | 05:12 |
tseng | you just need to do good work on the package and find someone to sponsor you | 05:12 |
tseng | check your work and do uploads | 05:13 |
delire | crimsun: right. so no total 'switching' from Debian for Ubuntu developers i see ;) | 05:13 |
delire | tseng: i've been using debian for many years, and having read various letters to lists/blogs et al, it looks like a convoluted initiation. i'll look into it thanks. | 05:13 |
tseng | its a pain to become a developer, not to get a sponsor for a single package | 05:14 |
sladen | delire: the more work we upload directly into Debian and then sync back to ubuntu, the less difference there is between Debian and Ubuntu | 05:14 |
delire | tseng: right, that may be where i have gone wrong in my assumption. | 05:14 |
tseng | | 05:14 |
delire | sladen: a good way of putting it. | 05:14 |
sladen | delire: keeping that difference small becomes really important when all those changes have to be maintained by 50 Ubuntu developers instead of 1000+ Debian developers | 05:15 |
delire | tseng: cheers | 05:15 |
ivoks | sladen: i extracted diff for lexmark fix | 05:15 |
delire | sladen: yep. | 05:15 |
ivoks | sladen: but... it's much easier to package whole rc3, than apply that fix :/ | 05:15 |
sladen | ivoks: groovy. how big is the fix | 05:16 |
ivoks | sladen: it's drastic :/ | 05:16 |
sladen | ivoks: did you manage to test with just that patch | 05:16 |
sladen | ivoks: oh. | 05:16 |
sladen | ivoks: do you have the patch somewhere? | 05:16 |
ivoks | sladen: no, i can't build package | 05:16 |
ivoks | sladen: this is the thing... new lexmark-print.c breaks building | 05:16 |
ivoks | sladen: over 50% of changes between rc2 and rc3 are .po | 05:17 |
ivoks | sladen: which should be changed, if we replace lexmark-print.c | 05:17 |
ivoks | sladen: we are looking at total rewrite of that file | 05:18 |
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ivoks | sladen: it's bug #6627 | 05:21 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 6627 in gutenprint "lexmark z53 blank pages" [Normal,Needs info] | 05:21 |
delire | thanks all. ciao | 05:27 |
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sladen | delire: thank *you*. For being it up | 05:28 |
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sladen | ivoks: /me looks | 05:30 |
sladen | ivoks: if you remove all of those debug printf renames, the patch is 10 lines | 05:34 |
sladen | sorry, ~4 lines added and 10 lines moved | 05:35 |
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sladen | ivoks: the hunk at @@ -2193,6 +2160,7 @@ seems strange | 05:40 |
sladen | ivoks: where did you get patch from? | 05:41 |
infinity | sladen: Where did you lose article? | 05:44 |
infinity | And yeah, that change looks odd. :) | 05:44 |
_lemsx1_ | infinity: ping | 05:46 |
infinity | It seems odd to ping someone 20 seconds after they typed something. | 05:46 |
_lemsx1_ | lol | 05:46 |
_lemsx1_ | i just woke up | 05:46 |
_lemsx1_ | :-P | 05:46 |
_lemsx1_ | just wanted to ask, it seems that is the only script that calls unicode_start (or _stop) that gets delayed until after usplash finishes | 05:47 |
_lemsx1_ | doesn't have any usplash code | 05:47 |
infinity | Err, yeah. | 05:48 |
infinity | I suspect that's because console-screen is the only one that does the crazy VT-switching madness. | 05:48 |
sladen | ivoks / infinity: is the patch stripped down; but there's another floating '}' brace near the end | 05:49 |
_lemsx1_ | infinity: gotcha. lol | 05:50 |
infinity | Must have missed a + } elsehwre.. | 05:50 |
_lemsx1_ | infinity: it's mad indeed | 05:50 |
infinity | Or, the original patch is skee-eeetchy. | 05:51 |
infinity | sladen: Or, given the indenting in the context, that } was misplaced and just plain didn't belong.. | 05:52 |
sladen | bah | 05:53 |
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ivoks | sladen: sorry, my pppoe died :/ | 06:18 |
sladen | ivoks: I've replied to the bug report with what you missed | 06:19 |
ivoks | ok | 06:19 |
ivoks | sladen: that's diff between rc2 and rc3 for lexmark-print.c | 06:24 |
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sladen | ivoks: can you put the -rc3 version up somewhere and I'll have another comparision. Will you be around for a while to test the package? | 06:30 |
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ivoks | sladen: i can't test them (i have no lexmark), but i can build them, and I allready did | 06:31 |
ivoks | sladen: there have ben lots of changes between rc2 and rc3 | 06:31 |
ivoks | sladen: imho, best thing would be uupdate, but i also thing that's worst thing we can do | 06:32 |
sladen | ivoks: yes most of them are changes in the name of the debug function. When those are stripped out the patch is below 20 lines, most of which is a big location (see the one that is attached to the bug report) | 06:32 |
sladen | s/location/relocation/ | 06:32 |
ivoks | sladen: but, that's not the problem... | 06:32 |
ivoks | sladen: with your patch, compile fails | 06:33 |
ivoks | sladen: with my patch .mo generator seg faults | 06:33 |
ivoks | sladen: i'll give you whole diff, so you can see how not-trivial this is :( | 06:34 |
sladen | ivoks: Yes. note that I've hilighted two hunks (again in the bug report) in that patch that look suscipicious; which is why I'm after the two original files, so I can re-diff then and check that I get the same results if I start afresh rather than massaging the current diff that was put up | 06:34 |
sladen | ivoks: it's obviously going to fail (just as the patch it was based on, fails), because there's a duplicated line in one hunk and a hanging brace in the other | 06:35 |
fabbione | so what do i need to disable to avoid cdrom's to be automounted on insert? | 06:36 |
fabbione | (server install or almost) | 06:36 |
ivoks | fabbione: kill ivman/gnome-volume-manager... | 06:36 |
fabbione | i don't have gnome installer | 06:37 |
fabbione | installed | 06:37 |
fabbione | see... server install or almost | 06:37 |
sladen | fabbione: a server install isn't going to have g-v-m running is it? | 06:37 |
fabbione | no it doesn't | 06:37 |
ivoks | hm | 06:37 |
ivoks | then what could automount it? | 06:37 |
ivoks | autofs? | 06:37 |
sladen | fabbione: which is what takes in the incoming hal/udev message and hangs it off to pitti's pmount (IIRC) | 06:37 |
fabbione | ps ax |grep gnome | grep -v grep | wc -l | 06:37 |
fabbione | 0 | 06:37 |
fabbione | there is no autofs | 06:37 |
fabbione | it's not kde | 06:38 |
fabbione | it's basically X + openbox + mythtv | 06:38 |
sladen | fabbione: what's an lshal -m give you? | 06:38 |
fabbione | all mythtv options to monitor cd/dvd are off | 06:38 |
fabbione | an error? | 06:39 |
fabbione | sladen: sorry-- | 06:40 |
fabbione | there is no lshal | 06:40 |
ivoks | huh? | 06:40 |
fabbione | ivoks: i did a server install... please read what i wrote, ok? | 06:41 |
ivoks | then nothing automounts it :) | 06:41 |
fabbione | well something does | 06:41 |
ivoks | fabbione: i'm aware of that, "huh" was for "no autofs, no utopia and it still automounts" | 06:41 |
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sladen | fabbione: so you have no HAL on that box at all? | 06:45 |
fabbione | ok i figured | 06:46 |
fabbione | thanks guys | 06:46 |
fabbione | mythtv doesn't stop cd/dvd polling on the fly | 06:46 |
fabbione | it needs a restart | 06:46 |
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sladen | ivoks: do you have copy of that -rc3 file somewhere handy? appears to be down | 06:51 |
ivoks | yes... sec | 06:52 |
ivoks | sladen: | 06:52 |
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ivoks | sladen: that's a release, not svn | 06:53 |
ivoks | or cvs | 06:53 |
ivoks | i got it! | 06:54 |
ivoks | it works... | 06:54 |
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sladen | ivoks: what works? I thought you said you didn't have the hardware to test it? | 06:57 |
ivoks | i don't have hardware, but package builds now... | 06:57 |
ivoks | there was duplicate lines in my patch | 06:57 |
ivoks | lexmark_imageable_area, | 06:58 |
ivoks | + lexmark_imageable_area, | 06:58 |
ivoks | that was wrong... | 06:58 |
sladen | ivoks: good, that gets rid of the first hunk I flagged up. what about the extra '}' brace? | 06:59 |
ivoks | i removed it | 07:01 |
ivoks | sladen: | 07:03 |
ivoks | sladen: there's source and packages | 07:03 |
sladen | ivoks: do you have a debdiff? | 07:04 |
ivoks | sec | 07:04 |
ivoks | sladen: | 07:07 |
sladen | ivoks: okay. Can you remove all the debug_* changes | 07:09 |
infinity | ivoks: Strip the first hunk from that diff. Updating CVS IDs in patches is non-sane. | 07:09 |
ivoks | infinity: ok | 07:10 |
sladen | ivoks: which don't actually relate to the fix at all | 07:10 |
infinity | (And what sladen said too) | 07:10 |
ivoks | all right | 07:10 |
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infinity | mdz: Barring something Very Bad happening, our final glibc version for dapper is building right now. | 07:12 |
infinity | mdz: I'll spend tomorrow making sure OOo and friends are all up-to-date, one way or another. | 07:13 |
=== infinity heads to bed now. | ||
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ivoks | infinity: 'night | 07:17 |
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sladen | ivoks: ah that extra brace matches "if (1) { /* wisi */" | 07:29 |
sladen | b | 07:29 |
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fabbione | infinity: did you check if it's getting the right z relno yes on sparc??? | 07:29 |
infinity | fabbione: Yes, I'm as parnoid as you. :) I checked, and it's fine. | 07:29 |
fabbione | infinity: thanks dude :) good night | 07:30 |
sladen | ivoks: you should probably end up with: | 07:33 |
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ivoks | sladen: I am | 07:38 |
ivoks | it's kind of hard to work over ssh on GPRS line :) | 07:39 |
sladen | ivoks: ouch. not working locally? | 07:40 |
ivoks | nope... | 07:40 |
ivoks | imagine downloading gutenprint over gprs :) | 07:40 |
infinity | That would be like.. Lke.. Living in Australia. | 07:42 |
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ivoks | i have ADSL, but it died couple of hours ago :) | 07:43 |
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infinity | When my DSL dies, I consider that God's way of telling me to go out and get some fresh air... | 07:44 |
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bluefoxicy | infinity: and you mention this in #ubuntu-devil why? | 07:44 |
infinity | It's a good tip for anyone who spends as much time in front of a computer as I do (if there is anyone else that insane) | 07:45 |
bluefoxicy | infinity: I have no rl friends, I have a job offer but I'm awesome :) | 07:45 |
bluefoxicy | I was sitting at my computer and someone called me | 07:45 |
neuralis | infinity: there's more of us than you know ;) | 07:46 |
desrt | | 07:46 |
bluefoxicy | like "Hello I'm ##@#*(* with @*%^( and we would like to schedule you for an interview..." | 07:46 |
desrt | awesome!! | 07:46 |
bluefoxicy | infinity: that kind of sitting in front of computer? | 07:46 |
ivoks | sladen: ok, that went without problems | 07:46 |
ivoks | sladen: now we have to get lexmark guys to test those packages | 07:47 |
bluefoxicy | Does anyone have any clue on why some people are having trouble with GLX still? | 07:47 |
desrt | flight8 release is on digg too | 07:48 |
desrt | neat! | 07:48 |
bluefoxicy | in #ubuntu+1 someone reported his radeon out of the box didn't do 3D; my via has a driver but it doesn't do 3D either.. we get like, unable to get an RGB double-buffered visual... there's 5 bugs for this on malone. | 07:48 |
bluefoxicy | Any ideas, at all? | 07:48 |
infinity | bluefoxicy: Xgl, or GLX? (Two very different things) | 07:49 |
ivoks | :) | 07:49 |
bluefoxicy | infinity: | 07:49 |
bluefoxicy | bluefox@icebox:~$ glxgears | 07:49 |
bluefoxicy | __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 - succeeded | 07:49 |
bluefoxicy | Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual | 07:49 |
bluefoxicy | bluefox@icebox:~$ | 07:49 |
infinity | Oh, cute. | 07:49 |
infinity | WFM for with both free and non-free drivers on a radeon. | 07:49 |
bluefoxicy | Xorg.0.log I can paste on if you like.. actually it might be in the bug I filed (I split a separate one for via) | 07:49 |
bluefoxicy | yes for a loto f people it works... :/ | 07:50 |
infinity | Either way, unless someone comes up with very obvious bugfixes, you may be SOL at this point in the game. | 07:50 |
infinity | Release is WAY too close to go fiddling. | 07:50 |
bluefoxicy | which means it's hard to fix. | 07:50 |
infinity | And 3D, while cool, is pretty low on the list of "things that must work before release" | 07:50 |
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bluefoxicy | | 07:51 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 29493 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "Failed to find a GLX visual on ATI x700 card using ati driver" [Major,Fix released] | 07:51 |
bluefoxicy | mm. Fix released for ATi, I wonder what it was. | 07:51 |
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bluefoxicy | infinity: I didn't attach my xorg.0.log completely to that bug, or my xorg.conf. I'll do so, maybe someone can fix it post-release on dapper. Thing is only like 1 dev has a via chipset video driver :( | 07:53 |
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infinity | bluefoxicy: post-dapper, it'll probably be fixed upstream and working in edgy, I'd guess. | 07:55 |
infinity | bluefoxicy: pre-release (and shipping in dapper), you're likely stuck with it how it is. We won't hold up the release for something like this. :/ | 07:55 |
bluefoxicy | infinity: don't worry about holding up the release. | 07:55 |
bluefoxicy | It's already back by a couple of months, I would have preferred it released on-schedule as it is. | 07:56 |
=== bluefoxicy idly starts counting weeks as months | ||
bluefoxicy | infinity: in the mean time I'll ping #xorg on the issue and see if they have any leads. | 07:58 |
ivoks | bye all | 07:59 |
sladen | bluefoxicy: things like that can fail, simply if there is no enough video RAM available to create the buffer | 07:59 |
sladen | ivoks: okay, thanks for your work | 07:59 |
bluefoxicy | I'm more interested in edgy development, because I'm hoping for gcc 4.1 + -Wstack-protector + FORTIFY_SOURCE, maybe some increased randomization in the kernel. Too bad there's no SELinux developer or we could get away with some other niceness (like denying executable stacks...) | 08:00 |
ivoks | sladen: well, i'm in ubuntu-printing team... this is something i should be doing :) | 08:00 |
bluefoxicy | sladen: does anything in Xorg.0.log tell me how much vram it found? | 08:01 |
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jono | can anyone point me to an ubuntu CSS stylesheet? | 08:09 |
sladen | jono: (hint. View source) | 08:11 |
sladen | jono: there's actually a block of 4 stylesheets, with overrides for screen/print/projector, so you may want to include the full 4-line block | 08:12 |
mdke | there are loads more now | 08:13 |
mdke | just point your browser at and view the source | 08:13 |
mdke | then follow the imports :) | 08:14 |
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bluefoxicy | Not that simple. I tried setting my video memory to 65536 (I have 64M of video memory) and it didn't worksforme. :( | 08:16 |
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bluefoxicy | I've decided I'm not going to specify how much video ram I have | 08:54 |
bluefoxicy | because the X server freezes. Again. | 08:54 |
infinity | That's generally a good sign that you're specifying an inaccurate figure. :) | 08:55 |
infinity | (But I'm pretty sure the unichrome driver does a bang-up job of autodetecting video RAM anyway, so overriding that is probably pointless) | 08:55 |
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bluefoxicy | infinity: my bios reports 960M RAM + 64M VRAM | 09:00 |
bluefoxicy | I'd asummed 64M == 65536K | 09:00 |
bluefoxicy | sladen said I might fail getting a double buffered visual because I don't have enough video ram for it. :/ | 09:00 |
infinity | bluefoxicy: You can easily see in your Xorg log if the VRAM is being detected correctly. | 09:01 |
bluefoxicy | um, where? | 09:01 |
infinity | bluefoxicy: Specifying a number, though, means that the Xserver may be randomly mapping into main memory ranges (and it's not hard to see why that could hang the system) | 09:01 |
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bluefoxicy | <-- All I see are "Found XXXXXXXXX ranges excluded YYYYYYYYY overlap at ZZZZZZ ranges NNNNNNNN" | 09:02 |
infinity | bluefoxicy: Most drivers will print a "Detected Memory" or "Video RAM" line or some such in the log. | 09:02 |
bluefoxicy | easily understanding that is called "being a hardware engineer" :P | 09:02 |
bluefoxicy | ah | 09:02 |
infinity | Er, this log is from when you specified it manually, isn't it? | 09:02 |
bluefoxicy | no | 09:03 |
bluefoxicy | it's from | 09:03 |
infinity | Oh, then the line is here: "(--) VIA(0): videoram = 65536k" | 09:03 |
bluefoxicy | oh, videoram o.o | 09:03 |
=== infinity just thought that looked suspicious, since it was the number you quoted above. | ||
=== bluefoxicy had a hard time locating that :> | ||
bluefoxicy | well then.. that narrows the problem down to nothing I know of | 09:04 |
bluefoxicy | obviously I have enough video ram for a double buffered visual? | 09:04 |
infinity | I don't know the math involved in that one, so I can't say for sure. | 09:05 |
sladen | bluefoxicy: do you have any other programs open? | 09:05 |
sladen | bluefoxicy: eg. firefox will lots of images? | 09:05 |
bluefoxicy | sladen: firefox displaying xorg.0.log | 09:05 |
sladen | bluefoxicy: or any other 3D applications | 09:05 |
infinity | (Though, I have the same amoung of video RAM here, so...) | 09:05 |
bluefoxicy | no other 3D apps | 09:05 |
bluefoxicy | I'm logged into gnome with xchat and FF running | 09:05 |
sladen | bluefoxicy: what does LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxgears give you? | 09:07 |
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bluefoxicy | ahhh yay, debugging stuffs :) | 09:08 |
bluefoxicy | sladen: nothing new :( | 09:08 |
bluefoxicy | <-- that's not ALL visuals possible is it? | 09:09 |
bluefoxicy | someone pointed that out on one bug but another person says they always get that and glxgears works anyway | 09:10 |
sladen | bluefoxicy: glxinfo | grep '^ visual' -A99 will give you the available modes | 09:10 |
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bluefoxicy | visual x bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer ms cav | 09:11 |
bluefoxicy | | 09:11 |
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bluefoxicy | Bugs | 09:15 |
bluefoxicy | The driver is not fully 64 bit clean. In particular, 3D acceleration, XvMC and VBEModes do not work properly in 64-bit mode. | 09:15 |
bluefoxicy | from the man page for my driver. | 09:15 |
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bluefoxicy | SHIT. | 09:16 |
bluefoxicy | it's a 64-bit bug >:| | 09:16 |
=== bluefoxicy ammends the bug report. | ||
Mithrandir | mgalvin: sorry about not telling you, but no, no flight 8. | 09:22 |
bluefoxicy | OK I've added a link to the page stating it's got 3D problems on 64-bit, the bug can be marked confirmed, severity whatever but it's an upstream bug, thing is malone does not let me do that. | 09:24 |
bluefoxicy | there is simply nowhere to edit the severity or status of a bug anymore | 09:24 |
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YokoZar | I'm unable to sign codes of conduct - whatever I do it keeps giving me the error "The signed text does not match the Code of Conduct. Make sure that you signed the correct text (white space differences are acceptable)." This occurs even when I don't insert extra whitespace. | 09:25 |
YokoZar | Is this feature just broken or do I need to be walked through it? | 09:26 |
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mdke | YokoZar: if the code of conduct is version 1.0.1 then it is broken. move to #launchpad to ask any more questions about launchpad | 09:28 |
YokoZar | mdke: ahh thanks | 09:28 |
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tseng | is it possible to run the utf8migrationtool on a directory that isnt mine | 09:42 |
tseng | not ~ | 09:42 |
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Mithrandir | tseng: I don't think so. It's also unmaintained and should probably either receive some attention or be removed. | 09:43 |
Mithrandir | tseng: you just want to convert a directory tree from one encoding to another? | 09:44 |
tseng | right. | 09:44 |
Mithrandir | apt-cache show convmv | 09:44 |
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tseng | thanks, Mithrandir | 09:45 |
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mgalvin | Mithrandir: no worries :) i'll just use the content for the RC tour | 10:15 |
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lzap | Sunday, uh? :-) | 11:02 |
AlinuxSOS | mdz, hello, 19 may pacakge ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts, version 0.2 has no entri for new BGP_Rioni.ttf font in /etc/defoma/hints/ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts.hints, I've --purged and reainstalled this package. should I file a bug? And I'm working on special ~/.font.config to manage in the best way BPG font family. | 11:09 |
sladen | AlinuxSOS: yes, please file a bug (including the solution you've just given if you've tested and confirmed that that works) | 11:11 |
AlinuxSOS | sladen, some friends that are practise in .deb building can build this font package + personilise .font.config for georgian user . it's ok? | 11:17 |
AlinuxSOS | of course I'll test everything before. | 11:17 |
sladen | AlinuxSOS: ideally it would be good to have that work out of the box. If you know what changes they are making, could you ask them to integrate them? | 11:17 |
lzap | will Dapper have 2.6.15 kernel or .16 ? | 11:18 |
Chipzz | 2.6.15 I guess | 11:19 |
Burgundavia | lzap, .15 | 11:19 |
Chipzz | 2.6.16 isn't even packaged yet I think | 11:19 |
mdke | it will have the kernel it has now | 11:19 |
sladen | go Skype. They've actually fixed their binary deb to have the right dependances | 11:21 |
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Burgundavia | sladen, stunning. I guess I would have lost my bet then | 11:26 |
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