
=== _claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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kwwiinight all01:28
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Tonio_nite kwwi01:28
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Riddellmarseillai_: adept depends on app-install-data02:26
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imbrandonRiddell: you was wanting to know about successfull / unsuccessfull flight 7 live cd nstalls right ?02:34
imbrandonthere is a guy in #kubuntu thats having a crash on the live cd install and willing to guinypig test if you was interested ( nick: superdump )02:35
=== superdump waves
superdumpit's the partioning page bug02:38
superdumpi'm pretty sure it's well known and no doubt fixed but i forgot and burned the graphical install cd02:38
superdumpthe problem is i don't have a spare cd to burn another iso, so i'm willing to hack in the fix if it's not too difficult and anyone is willing to point me to a patch / send me a patch / point me to the changes02:39
Riddellyeah, that's been fixed02:41
Riddellupdating ubiquity-frontend-kde and ubiquity will sort it02:41
superdumpand that's doable on the live cd? (if so that's awesome)02:41
Riddellcertainly is02:42
superdumpthank you very much02:42
superdumpand you too imbrandon 02:42
Riddellsuperdump: let me know how it goes02:42
imbrandonnp, Riddell is the real genius for this ;)02:43
superdumpi will do02:43
superdumpunfortunately i ran an update of everything and it's run out of space on whatever virtual device it's using02:44
superdumpi will report back in a bit02:45
Riddelloh you'll need to update qtparted too02:45
Riddellbut that's all02:45
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superdumpRiddell: it worked but i have a query03:10
superdumpno reiser?03:10
superdumpi'm guessing the answer will be a "there will be but not yet"03:13
imbrandonthat would be my guess, its just not in there yet03:16
Riddellno qtparted support03:16
superdumpwell, thanks for the suggestion, it appears to be working fine03:17
superdumpi'll remain here while i run through the installation03:17
superdumpext3 will have to do03:17
superdumpRiddell: it think the installation completed successfully, let's see if it did03:29
superdumpback shortly03:29
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Hobbseehi all06:41
=== Hobbsee has conquered her evil maths test :)
freeflying|awayHobbsee: congrats  :)06:41
Hobbseehi freeflying|away :)06:41
imbrandonheya Hobbsee and gj06:44
Hobbseeah, the kde rebuild must have finished. good!06:44
Hobbseehi imbrandon 06:45
yuriygj Hobbsee06:52
Hobbseety yuriy :)06:52
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/ || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings -- Next meeting is 22/05/06 2100 UTC
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Riddell at Thu May 18 12:57:34 2006
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raphinkRiddell: hi_10:09
UbugtuMalone bug 45961 in kubuntu-docs "Docs use wrong path to images" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  10:09
raphinkwhat do you think the fix should be ?10:09
raphinka patch in kdelibs or patching the doc ?10:09
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OculusAquilaebug #45791 seems to be fixed by me. Could somebody with the "might" look at it and upload it?10:42
UbugtuMalone bug 45791 in ktorrent "KTorrent doesn't install its Language-Files" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4579110:42
HobbseeOculusAquilae: Riddell or raphink 10:43
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seaLneRiddell: not sure if its a issue for the KDE frontend to ubiquity but where it asks the user info stuff and asks for a machine name could it check the current name its IP has and suggest that?11:21
seaLneRiddell: also i'd consider it a regression compared to the normal install that you aren't asked for a proxy and so it sits waiting to timeout for ~10min, ofcourse the normal installer didn't actually save the proxy info anywhere so you had to manually set it up to install/update packages after the install anyway11:26
seaLnehmm interesting Acquire::http::Proxy is set to "false" in /etc/apt/apt.conf wonder when that started to be added11:45
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=== MidMark [n=MidMark@host-84-220-97-49.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MidMarkhi people, why the last daily cd is 712 MB? It doesn't fit in a cd...12:24
LureMidMark: yesterday's was 705MB and it worked for me with overburn12:26
MidMarkLure: today is 712 and with overburn it fails to verify last % of cd12:27
MidMarkamd64 is even 716...12:28
LureI have seen some new depends for kubuntu-desktop added today (libatspi1.0-0, brltty-x11)12:28
Lurenot sure if they are so big though (might be also new translations that are pouring in...)12:29
MidMarkyes but if this problem remains this, how can I burn a cd?12:30
LureMidMark: you will have to wait for Riddell to address this...12:31
seaLnei successfully burned todays live 138612:33
Riddelldamnit, how did that happen12:33
MidMarkmy cd-rw doesn't fit a 712 mb also with overburning with disc-at-once12:34
RiddellI removed a whole bunch of language packs12:34
MidMarkhope to see daily 23 o RC that fit in about 700 megs...12:45
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MidMarkI another question unasked before (very short): kernel in dapper is the same for smp and non-smp?12:56
OculusAquilaeMidMark: for 686 yes12:58
MidMarknot for amd64 x2?12:58
OculusAquilaefor amd i think too12:58
MidMarkwhich smp aren't included if you know?12:58
OculusAquilaedon't know12:59
MidMarkok thanx12:59
verwilstfor smp you need the -server kernel01:23
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OculusAquilaeverwilst: why does the 686er kernel says it has smp support too?01:31
verwilstnot sure about that01:32
OculusAquilaei mean its desciption01:32
verwilstmight be that 686 has smp too01:32
alleeverwilst, OculusAquilae: -server has preempt disabled and lower timer freq., Good for throughput but not the best for interactive desktops.02:01
verwilstyeah i know02:02
MidMarkso the answer to question "An AMD X2 will be recognized both in i386 and x86_64" is yes?02:02
verwilstbut i'm not sure wether the 686 kernel has smp enabled02:02
OculusAquilaeverwilst: read its description02:03
alleeOculusAquilae: this never helps for linux- pkgs.02:06
alleeFWIW linux-686-smp depends on standard 686 kernel.  So this kernel supports both UP and SMP02:07
OculusAquilaebut if smp support wouldn't be in it there should be another -smp-kernel :)02:07
marseillai_a question : does ubuntu has a apt-get autoclean in a cron ? because on both of my configuration i've had a problem when starting X. He can not write in /tmp due to free space on /. and a apt-get autoclean was REALLY needed! and I think it can be a problem. So i would like to make a bug report on this. what do you think about it?02:08
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Riddellmarseillai_: not by default it doesn't02:19
marseillai_i think it should02:20
Riddellmarseillai_: that's unlikely to change, but you could certainly argue that e.g. adept should be able to turn it on easily02:20
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marseillai_Riddell: someone wich don't know debian could be surprise by this! i think to windows-people02:21
marseillai_an auto-clean is not so dangerous and can free many space!02:21
Riddellmvo would know more about the rationale02:23
marseillai_I'll make a report about it and see reactions02:23
Riddellit's more a discussion point than a bug, ubuntu-devel list may be a better place02:24
Riddellbut check the archives to see if it has come up before02:24
MidMarkIn my opinion there should be an option to clean, it isn't so user friendly 'sudo rm ...../*.deb' for a newbie...02:25
MidMarkand every update leak hard disk memory...02:27
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RiddellHobbsee: pong02:28
HobbseeRiddell: oh good :)02:28
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RiddellLure: are you going for memberjship tonight?02:33
Riddellkwwii: same?02:34
Hobbseewhat's the current utc time, and can we move our meetings to these sort of times?02:34
Ubugtuschedule Retrieve the date/time of scheduled meetings in a specific timezone02:35
UbugtuCurrent time in UTC: May 22 2006, 12:35:0902:35
Hobbseehow does a 1-2pm UTC meeting suit everyone, do we know?02:35
Hobbseesomewhere around there02:35
Riddellsuits me fine but some europeans will be at work02:35
Riddelland americans will be sleepy eyed02:35
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Hobbseeah, good point...02:36
Hobbseeabout time they are :P02:36
Riddellbut do suggest it as a time to hold the next meeting and see who complains02:36
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Hobbseethat'd be cool - cos i'm really not a morning person, so 7am starts...well, you've seen how i do so far...02:36
Hobbseeer, have done02:36
seaLneMidMark: apt-get clean02:37
seaLnemarseillai_: ^ even02:37
HobbseeRiddell: Lure is not a member?  wow02:38
Hobbseeneither kwwii?02:38
RiddellseaLne: r.e. computer name from dns, seems sensible, report a bug if there's not one already02:39
RiddellseaLne: proxy, likewise02:39
seaLneagainst ubiquity?02:39
RiddellseaLne: did you manage to get an install done?02:39
RiddellseaLne: yes02:39
seaLneyeah, just takes even longer to timeout that d-i02:39
RiddellHobbsee: lure was talking about membership when we were first discussing kubuntu membership, he may have become a member through traditional means since then I'm not sure02:39
seaLnefirst time i got round to trying it, looks good apart from those02:40
Hobbseeah okay02:40
RiddellseaLne: so installed ok otherwise?02:40
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seaLneyep, but because it couldn't talk to the archive everything in sources.list was comented out, which also ment if you used adept you got a choice of no packages02:41
MidMarkseaLne: thanx, but no user-friendly too02:42
raphinkRiddell: I'm about to fix a bug in kubuntu-docs but I'm not sure whether this fix is a bit dirty02:42
raphinkwould you mind giving me your opinion?02:42
HobbseeRiddell: Lure's a member02:42
Riddellraphink: sure02:42
Riddellraphink: images?02:42
raphinkwait a min I'll show you the patch02:43
Riddellwhere can I find an image that would be broken?02:43
raphinkany language by en02:43
raphink /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/fr/kubuntu/packagingguide/index.html02:44
raphinkthis should have no image02:44
RiddellI don't see any images on that page02:44
Riddellexcept the headers and footers02:44
raphinkoh well02:44
raphinkthere's no headers and footers02:45
raphinkin other languages than en02:45
raphinkthat's the problem ;)02:45
raphinktry it with  /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/fr/kubuntu/packagingguide/index.html you'll see02:45
Riddellthose pages are only ment to be accessed through the help:/ ioslave02:45
Riddellwhich seems to do something clever with common02:46
raphinkyes it seems so02:47
raphinkok then the images work this way02:47
Riddellwe could add lots of common symlinks to ../en/common02:47
raphinkalthough I think some people might go to /usr/share to see them02:47
raphinkand http://pastebin.com/730947 fixes that02:47
raphinkthis is what it does, symlinks02:47
Riddellyou're ahead of me :)02:48
RiddellI'm just packaging docs now so I'll add that in02:48
raphinkI can add it02:48
raphinkI have the package with this patch02:48
seaLnewouldn't mooving common out of en be better?02:48
raphinkso I just have to dput it02:48
raphinkseaLne: that would mean patching the whole khelpcenter stuff02:48
raphinkRiddell: we also miss index.html pages02:49
raphinkfor higher levels in help:/02:49
raphinkbecause people might want to see a list of available help pages02:49
raphinktht might be a feature for edgy if it's too hard02:49
raphinkor too long02:49
raphinkRiddell: are you ok with my patch so I can upload it?02:49
LureRiddell, Hobbsee: yes, I want through CC meeting as I applied before Kubuntu-members was introduced. Does this mean I am automatically also member of kubuntu-members?02:50
HobbseeLure: i would expect so02:50
raphinkLure: you're an ubuntu member?02:50
Lureraphink: yes02:50
Hobbseeraphink: according to the hostmask :P02:50
raphinkLure: so I guess we can just add you to kubuntu members02:50
raphinkHobbsee: :p02:50
Hobbseeactually, i remember seeing that meeting...02:50
LureTonio_ gave some good comments and I passed somehow... ;-)02:51
HobbseeLure: it's a bit like that, yeah :P02:51
Hobbseemost of them had heard of knm, i expect, so that would have helped..02:52
Lurehowever some CC members asked for Kubuntu core developers comments, but you were not there....02:52
=== Hobbsee is not a core dev, is she?
=== Hobbsee didnt even know the meeting was on, nor that she was supposed to be cheering for anyone
LureKamion was there and also give good feedback on ubiquity testing and some remote debugging that I helped with02:53
Hobbseeah yes, that's right02:53
=== Hobbsee wonders what the heck the random banging on her roof is
seaLnebirds with clogs on?02:54
Riddellraphink: don't upload a package, I'm just about to do that02:54
raphinkRiddell: right02:55
Riddellraphink: if you can get it into svn that would be good02:55
HobbseeseaLne: i've honestly got no idea...02:55
raphinkI don't have access to the documentation svn02:55
raphinkI should ask laserjobk02:55
raphinkRiddell: how about the index.html pages for /usr/share/kde/doc/HTML/$lang and blah/blah/$lang/kubuntu/ ?02:55
raphinkdo you think it's still possible to add some ?02:56
raphinkat least to english?02:56
raphinkso that when people type help:/ or help:/kubuntu02:57
raphinkthey don't get an error message02:57
RiddellI'd rather not do that for dapper at this stage02:58
raphinkthen it should be done for edgy02:58
raphinkwell two HTML pages could be done really fast in english and put in kubuntu-docs02:58
raphinkso it looks clean02:58
raphinkwith the idea of doing a whole stuff in docbook for edgy02:58
raphinkit's dirty but at least people would get a list of available help docs in dapper02:59
raphinkI'd consider these error pages to be bugs to fix rather than new features, just as long as it's about putting a list of available docs03:00
raphinkI'll bbl03:00
=== raphink is moving and has to keep stuffing his car
jjesseso for edgy we need some html docs?03:00
raphinkjjesse: we would need pages for help:/ and help:/kubuntu imo03:01
raphinkso it looks cleaner03:01
raphinkthis is just two pages03:01
jjesseraphink: can you add what you think they should look like to KubuntuDocs/Edgy on the Wiki?03:01
raphinknot sure if help:/ could be generated by a postinst from all the doc available :(03:01
raphinkjjesse: not right now03:01
raphinkI'm in a hurry03:01
raphinkI just wanted to bring that patch and I'm going back to stuffing my car03:02
jjessewhen you have a chance03:02
Riddellraphink: how fast can you do that?03:07
LureRiddell: did you found the cause of too-big CD? I think it should be put to DapperReleaseRadar...03:10
RiddellLure: not sure, gtk got brought back in and there's new language packs uploaded which I guess might be bigger03:10
RiddellI've changed the seeds now so I'll get the live CD remade once the new docs package is in03:11
Riddelloh and ship-live got added at some point which is a new seed that adds some stuff03:11
Lureok, lets wait and see what we get...03:11
Luremaybe ship-live is tuned for ubuntu, but too-big for kubuntu?03:12
Lureedubuntu (but only i386) is oversized too...03:12
Riddellit's less than 3 MB03:13
Lureinstall CDs are good though...03:13
Riddellyes, they didn't change03:13
Riddellso it's all a bit of a mystery03:14
=== Hobbsee ate it :P
Hobbseemystery solved :P03:14
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Riddellraphink: I'm making your docs change in debian/rules, not postinst03:24
marseillai_[14:37]  <seaLne> marseillai_: ^ even ----->> it should be cron! and not with clean but autoclean wich is a better way to do!03:28
seaLnei was just suggesting a solution, cron-apt auto cleans03:31
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marseillai_yes seaLne i've already it in cron.weekly03:33
marseillai_but i think it should be in ubuntu-base03:33
seaLneseems reasonable, not sure if auto update ever got in?03:34
RiddellseaLne: what CD did you do your install from?03:35
seaLnethe first of today if there is now more than one03:36
Riddellexcellent, thanks03:36
RiddellseaLne: did you get a popup at any time saying "new media found" during install?03:36
raphinkRiddell: I wanted to put it in postinst for a reason03:37
seaLneno, i did get a popup saying something about being unable to talk to security.u.c03:37
raphinkRiddell: because you can't be sure when you install kubuntu-docs that kdelibs-data is already installed, can you?03:37
raphinkunless you run the script as postinst, and then you're sure to find the $lang/ dirs in /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML03:38
raphinksince this piece of bash relies on the fact that the $lang/ dirs are already there03:38
=== PascalFr [n=PascalFr@pcpc.vmfacility.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellthe lang dirs are installed by the kubuntu-docs package03:38
raphinkall of them?03:39
raphinkthen fine :)03:39
PascalFrhello all03:39
raphinkyop PascalFr03:40
PascalFri'm currently testing residual bugs in kde dapper03:40
raphinkresidual ;)03:40
Riddellraphink: all the ones with kubuntu docs anyway03:40
raphinkRiddell: ok03:40
raphinkmakes snes03:40
LureRiddell: I have installed yesterday's live CD w/o problem (no new medium dialog)03:40
Riddellhi PascalFr, what have you found?03:40
PascalFrI started on a completly new profile and noticed a few strange things03:40
RiddellLure: fantastic, thanks03:41
RiddellLure: i386?03:41
PascalFrfirst 03:41
raphinkRiddell: so  you're using a dh_link in install: ?03:41
jjessei had no problems with i386 from yesterday either03:41
LureRiddell: i386 and worldmap now works + auto selection of mpoints after manual partitioning - great work!03:41
Riddellraphink: I'm using ln -sf in debian/rules03:41
raphinkRiddell: ok03:41
PascalFrI found this  file  .kde/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.kwl03:41
PascalFrwhere it should be kde/share/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.03:42
PascalFrwhere it should be kde/share/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.kwl03:42
=== jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
PascalFr.kde/apps should not be created03:42
raphinkPascalFr: has a bug been reported for this already?03:43
raphinkyes PascalFr that is right03:43
jeroenvrpok, who is the one responsible for not including amaroK 1.4!!!?03:43
PascalFrdont know  I wanted to be sure with you first03:43
RiddellPascalFr: hmm, yes03:43
raphinkPascalFr: i've got it too03:43
PascalFrbut i read smewhere somone talking about it wallet beeing erase or not available...03:43
raphinkjeroenvrp: nobody, or everyone, or just blame UVF ;)03:43
PascalFrmight be related03:43
Riddelljeroenvrp: the amarok developers, for not releasing it three months ago03:44
jeroenvrpthats a big big big shame03:44
raphinkjeroenvrp: you'll do the UVFer next time03:44
Riddelljeroenvrp: packages are available03:44
jeroenvrphopefully I can still do it03:44
raphinkjeroenvrp: ?03:44
jeroenvrpRiddell: I know, but their on the CD03:45
raphinkjeroenvrp: if you want amarok 1.4, you can have it from kubuntu.org03:45
jeroenvrpnot on the cd03:45
jeroenvrpis there really not any change 1.4 will still be included03:45
raphinknot any chance jeroenvrp03:45
raphinkat all03:45
jeroenvrpok, than I stop my whiniung :-)03:45
jjesseits way too late in the ball game03:45
freeflying|awayRiddell: can we appy for a big bunch of kubuntu's CD  :)03:46
raphinkthere's a greater chance that the moon falls on you tonight I think03:46
jeroenvrpI will accept03:46
raphinkjeroenvrp: new versions have been closed long time ago03:46
jeroenvrpyeah thats true, Koffice was one of the last exceptions03:46
raphinkjeroenvrp: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule03:46
jjesseboy wouldn't it be wierd if the moon did fall tonight03:46
jjessewould we have to include amarok 1.4 then?03:46
raphinkUVF was 3 months ago03:47
jeroenvrpabout time the moon falls :-)03:47
raphinkI'm sure its thread will die soon03:47
raphinkit's been hanging around too long03:47
marseillai_Riddell: i've found this archive : http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20060329.094730.5bf4420a.en.html it seems synaptic comes with an autoconfiguration wich removes old file from /var/cache/apt/archives but kubuntu has nothing similar. adept should manage this thing for edgy if mornfall agree and temporarily kubuntu could had manage this with using a weekly cron wich purge this files if free spaces on / is less t03:48
PascalFrbug 4599903:49
UbugtuMalone bug 45999 in kdeutils "default kwallet misplaced on a fresh kde user" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4599903:49
Riddellfreeflying|away: yes, that should be available from shipit this week or next week03:49
PascalFrnow it is in the base ;)03:49
PascalFrI have another big big problem ... 03:50
PascalFrOn my fresh KDE user i cannot find any MENU entry for   openoffice applications nor kontact kmail ...03:52
marseillai_PascalFr: known bug03:52
PascalFrreference ?03:52
UbugtuMalone bug 45869 in ept "adept-installer don't depends on app-install-data" [Normal,Fix committed]  03:52
raphinkmarseillai_: doesn't seem to be the same problem03:53
Riddellmornfall: what plans for adept 2.0?03:53
PascalFrso should I open another one ?03:53
Riddellhmm, no sime03:54
=== raphink bbl
seaLneis ubiquity intended to be the only installer for *ubuntu?03:55
RiddellPascalFr: do you have a bug number for the kwallet file issue?03:55
PascalFrbug 4599903:55
UbugtuMalone bug 45999 in kdeutils "default kwallet misplaced on a fresh kde user" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4599903:55
RiddellseaLne: no, the text installer CDs are still there, but ubiquity is only one on shipit03:56
RiddellPascalFr: thanks03:56
PascalFrwhat component is impacted for missing menu entries ?03:57
PascalFrI mean culprit component03:57
RiddellPascalFr: do you have /usr/share/applications/ooo-writer.desktop ?03:57
OdyXRiddell: just notices k3b is entirely in english now, still problems with translations ?03:58
OdyXimports to LP ?03:58
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellOdyX: hmm, yes03:58
PascalFrRiddell: yes  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7999 2006-04-27 09:26 /usr/share/applications/ooo-writer.desktop03:58
RiddellPascalFr: then it's kdelibs fault if it doesn't show up in the menu03:58
RiddellPascalFr: although that's quite a problem, is this a new install?03:59
PascalFrdoes update-menu  adds it  normally?03:59
Riddellno, kbuildsycoca will rebuild the database though03:59
PascalFrno it was a breezy upgrade  I did on dapper FL4 if I remember04:00
=== MrFaber [n=MrFaber@dslb-084-057-250-209.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee suddenly notices that she has frozen solid.
MrFaberhi all04:01
=== Hobbsee waits for the moon to come crashing into her :P
PascalFrI erased my .kde today  to test on a new kde install04:01
Hobbseehi MrFaber 04:01
MrFaberhi Hobbsee :)04:01
=== OdyX will try to make crazy proposition.
OdyXWhat about kat in Edgy ?04:06
HobbseeOdyX: stupid question, but does it work?04:06
OdyXHobbsee: why stupid ?04:06
Hobbseeno, my stupid question, ie, a very obviuos one04:06
Hobbseenot yours :P04:06
OdyXHobbsee: it "will", development seems on its way and maybe ready for Edgy04:07
OdyXand with the help of the 4 new KDE devs, it could b something powerful and making Edgy Dapper-killer.04:07
OdyXWell.. Where is it to "propose" features ?04:08
OdyXfor Edgy04:08
OculusAquilaeOdyX: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFutureIdeas04:09
OdyXThanks OculusAquilae04:09
Hobbseewhich 4 new kde devs?04:11
=== Hobbsee suspects she's missing something, here
PascalFrbug 4348204:11
UbugtuMalone bug 43482 in kubuntu-default-settings "entries missing from kde menu." [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4348204:11
Hobbseedidnt know we had more new people04:11
PascalFrI can add comments on this one 04:11
=== Hobbsee just wants to see a faster kde :P
=== Hobbsee hears that suse stuff is fast, and thinks that testing out some of the patches on kubuntu would be cool
PascalFrkde really starts very fast now04:14
PascalFrbut session restoration is slow04:14
Hobbseeesp with an empty profile04:15
PascalFryeah :)04:15
OculusAquilaeshould be tried out for edgy, some patches are already in kde 3.5.3 i think04:15
PascalFrAnother annoying bug in kde ?  04:15
PascalFrI can confirm that konqueror DOES NOT start from the default kde internet menu04:16
PascalFrbecause of missing konqueror profile04:16
OdyXHobbsee: new devs coming for Paris's mettin04:16
HobbseeOdyX: ah right :)04:16
OdyXHobbsee: was announced by sabdfl after LT200604:16
Hobbseeah, gotcha :)04:17
=== Hobbsee didnt see that
Hobbseei dont think04:18
OdyXHobbsee: well.. I maybe interpolate, but new devs is for sure04:18
Hobbseecool :)04:19
RiddellPascalFr: uploading fix for that right now04:19
RiddellPascalFr: do you have kubuntu-default-settings installed?04:19
PascalFrit is bug 4500404:20
UbugtuMalone bug 45004 in kdebase "konqueror :filebrowser profile only available" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4500404:20
PascalFrRiddel: ii  kubuntu-default-setting 6.06-20                 Default settings and artwork for the Kubuntu desktop04:20
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Hobbseehi bddebian 04:44
=== Riddell pokes jjesse in a polite way with sharp sticks
=== Hobbsee laughs
=== Hobbsee politely stomps on Riddell's toes
RiddellHobbsee: shouldn't you be in bed??05:01
freeflyingRiddell: who change the kubuntu meeting time to 21:00UTC on fridge and wiki?05:01
=== Hobbsee should.
Riddellfreeflying: I think it was always that time05:02
=== Hobbsee is too cold to go to bed.
Riddellbed is a warm place to be05:02
Hobbseeyou'd probably have the body fat to stay warm too...05:02
Hobbsee*is envious*05:02
=== freeflying my calc fault ? check it again
=== mornfall|mx [n=mornfall@dsl-200-67-171-109.prod-empresarial.com.mx] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellmornfall|mx: any plans for an adept 2.0 release?05:10
mornfall|mxRiddell: yes, i need to get from this airport ;-)05:10
mornfall|mxRiddell: when i'm home i'll make it, that's in 40 hours or so05:10
Riddellmornfall|mx: anything in it apart from version number bump?  I need to put it on DapperReleaseRadar05:11
mornfall|mxRiddell: i have it mostly prepared05:11
mornfall|mxRiddell: yes, app-install-data dependency or such05:11
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/ || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings -- Next meeting is 22/05/06 2100 UTC
mornfall|mxRiddell: i'll check for others05:11
Riddelloh foo, that got removed in 1.9205:12
mornfall|mxRiddell: but i don't think i have other changes pending05:12
RiddellI think I'll make a quick upload with that change now actually, so it's in the RC05:12
Hobbseewish lure or tonio_ was here - i'd like to see what the diff is between teh old and newer versions of knm...05:15
Hobbseeand when it comes otu05:15
Hobbseei'd love to see that dodgy bug fixed in it, even if it came thru dapper updates or something05:16
OculusAquilaeRiddell: could you or raphink upload patches for bug #37131 and bug #45791 today or tomorrow?05:16
UbugtuMalone bug 37131 in kdebase "can't play dvd's with kaffeine using the kde window for removable devices" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3713105:16
UbugtuMalone bug 45791 in ktorrent "KTorrent doesn't install its Language-Files" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4579105:16
raphinkOculusAquilae: I'll test them now05:16
Riddellraphink: let me know if/when you upload05:21
raphinksure Riddell05:21
raphinkOculusAquilae: this patch goes to kaffeine, not to kdebase05:21
OculusAquilaeraphink: right, wrong package in launchpad-bug05:22
Hobbseeoh yeah, i didnt go thru the kdebase ones much, reassigning...05:22
=== Hobbsee should have done that
=== MrFaber [n=MrFaber@dslb-084-057-250-209.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
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raphinkOculusAquilae: your patch for ktorrent is enormous05:27
raphinkdo you need such a HUGE patch?05:27
raphinkI don't think I can possibly accept a 2MB patch to fix i18n05:28
raphinkhi kwwii :)05:28
kwwiihi raphink!05:28
OculusAquilaeraphink: i will look at it again 05:29
raphinkthanks OculusAquilae05:29
pygihey raphink 05:29
raphinkplease make as small a change as possible OculusAquilae05:29
raphinkhi pygi05:29
=== mornfall|mx [n=mornfall@dsl-200-67-171-109.prod-empresarial.com.mx] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lathiatlol 2MB patch05:30
Lathiat isaw a patch for firefox the other day that was 400kb 05:30
raphinkI'm building kaffeine OculusAquilae05:31
raphinkLathiat: http://librarian.launchpad.net/2781936/kubuntu_01_translations.patch05:31
raphinkthis is the 2MB patch05:31
raphinkI can't upload that05:31
seaLneis  Bug #39950 actually a bug?05:31
UbugtuMalone bug 39950 in kdebase "local files are treated as remote files" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3995005:31
raphinkesp. for such an app as ktorrent05:31
Lathiatnot possible to make custom larger cd orders for kubuntu05:32
raphinkLathiat: yeah I noticed that, too05:32
Lathiati've given out a good 100+ of warty, hoary and breezy with good interest, i'll hastle someone to see if i can get a custome rorder :)05:32
RiddellLathiat: coming next week05:32
Lathiati guess their tryign to cut down on the junk orders05:33
LathiatRiddell: ah ok05:33
Riddellor later this week05:33
Lathiatinteresting, why no mac edition for kubuntu bu tfor ubuntu?05:34
raphinkseaLne: commented ;)05:34
Lathiati guess powerpc macs are outdated anyway ;)05:34
raphinkLathiat: :p05:35
seaLneraphink: yeah, but should it be left open?05:35
raphinkLathiat: mind you, Riddell has got a mac mini and I've got a powerbook G405:35
Lathiatraphink: and i've got a 486? *g*05:35
raphinkkwwii also has a powerbook G4 btw05:35
Hobbseemust be nice, to have more than one machine...05:35
raphinkseaLne: you can reject it I think05:35
=== Lathiat has 3
raphinkseaLne: this is a KDE feature, we're not going to "fix" that05:36
Lathiatits funny 2.5 years ago i had nothing, like a p233 with 128mb ram. :)05:36
kwwiiI have 4 ppc machines :-)05:36
raphinkkwwii:  :)05:36
Lathiathow working helps the pocket.05:36
raphinkppc powa05:36
=== Hobbsee has 1.
kwwiior better put, I *only* have ppc machines05:36
=== Hobbsee only knows of one linux machine in her vicinity...
=== raphink has one ppc laptop + one K7 server
=== Lathiat has 2x centrino laptops + amd64 x2 desktop
raphinkHobbsee: do you survive?05:37
=== seaLne dosen't know how they cope with only one mouse button :)
Lathiateugh 2 mouse button 'd drive me nuts05:37
Lathiat2 drives mnuts enough05:37
Hobbseeraphink: no.05:37
Lathiatfirst thign i' do if i had a mac was get a 40 button mouse :)05:37
=== Hobbsee is dead. she just hasnt stopped moving yet.
Riddellkwwii: are you going to go for kubuntu membership at the meeting tonight?05:38
kwwiiRiddell: hrm, I guess I could try, even though I haven't been around very long05:39
pygiRiddell, we need to solve those 2 Kubuntu applications, and that should be now05:39
=== pygi supports kwwii for a membership :)
Riddellpygi: which two?05:39
=== raphink would be happy with kwwii as first official named kubuntu-member
pygiwhat do you want with them?05:39
Riddellpygi: guy turned up on IRC for first one, he seems like a good SoCer05:40
pygiRiddell, oki, and second?05:41
raphinkOculusAquilae: great patch for kaffeine, up it goes05:41
raphinkRiddell: about to upload kaffeine05:41
pygiRiddell, I just also saw...05:41
Riddellraphink: go for it05:41
raphinkRiddell: let's go :)05:41
Riddellraphink: edit DapperReleaseRadar when done05:41
Riddellpygi: not heard from the second guy but it's a useful project and can't be too difficult to do05:42
=== mornfall|mx [n=mornfall@dsl-200-67-171-109.prod-empresarial.com.mx] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pygiRiddell, ok, and third? (that wine thingy)05:42
Riddellpygi: he's the same guy who put in an application for cups 1.2 support, which we thought would be too difficult for him05:43
raphinkRiddell: shouldn't the kubuntu CC members be admins in the kubuntu-members group so they can add people?05:43
Riddellpygi: doing a guidance module or two should be all good though05:43
pygiRiddell, indeed05:44
raphinkRiddell: DapperReleaseRadar updated :)05:44
pygiRiddell, but are you sure you wanna mentor all 4 applications? :-/ (along with that Kubuntu OEM redistrib.)05:44
=== mornfall|mx notes that mexico is fairly civilized afterall -- free wifi at airport ++
Hobbseehehe yay!05:45
raphinkOculusAquilae: package accepted, thanks for your contribution. I'm waiting for a new patch for ktorrent now. Send it to me when it's done :)05:46
Riddellpygi: I'll see if I can get sime to do the guidance one05:46
pygiRiddell, can you do it fast? The assigning thing must be done today :-/05:47
pygiI'll poke Jane to assign you on other three05:47
RiddellI've already pinged her05:48
pygioki :)05:48
=== PascalFr [n=PascalFr@pcpc.vmfacility.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pygiRiddell, argh, we have just 45 mins until SoC becomes locked and JaneW is out :-/05:49
pygiwho are the other admins?05:49
pygimpool, and?05:49
RiddellI only know of mpool05:49
Riddellit closes at 16:30UTC?05:49
pygiit was actually already supposed to be locked, but heh :-/05:49
=== Hobbsee goes to bed, to be up again in 5 hours...
pygiIt was supposed to be locked 45 mins ago, and google won't accept applications without assigned mentors05:50
Hobbseedoesnt seem like much point, really...05:50
pygi17:00 pdt05:50
kwwiiHobbsee: erm, the meeting is in a couple of hours or?05:50
Hobbseekwwii: meeting is in 5 hours, afaik05:50
UbugtuCurrent time in UTC: May 22 2006, 15:50:5005:50
Riddellkwwii: 23:00 your time05:50
Hobbsee4-9pm....5 hours, yeah.05:50
kwwiithis UTC stuff still confounds me05:51
kwwiisorry ;-)05:51
Hobbseekwwii: you're only 2 hours out - yours does at least sound sane...05:51
pygi@time pdt05:51
kwwiiHobbsee: that is what I thought too05:51
Hobbseethat should be mentally calculatable05:52
Hobbseeand you dont have the DS differences like we do05:52
Hobbseeanyway, night for a bit05:53
Riddellpygi: where does it say that?05:54
Riddellpygi: PDT sounds american, and they're some hours away from 17:0005:54
pygiRiddell, it's 17:00 PDT locking, I just asked Danny 05:54
Riddellwho's danny?05:55
pygiThe google employee? :)05:55
seaLneBug #40415 sounds to me just that blank screensaver is running?05:55
RiddellPDT is 7 hours behind UTC so we have 6 hours to go05:56
UbugtuMalone bug 40415 in kdebase "Switching back to a locked screen shows a blank screen. need to move mouse first." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4041505:56
seaLneif so i think it can be rejected?05:56
pygiRiddell, ah,ok05:56
RiddellseaLne: that's normal, it's a feature05:56
kwwiiI guess 5 years at the uni studying higher math b0rked my arithmatic skills05:59
OdyXFor those confounded with UTC: $ date --utc05:59
kwwiiOdyX: now that is usefull, thanks :-)06:00
=== My8os [n=My8os@ppp120-233.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
seaLneOdyX: you've spoiled peoples excuse for missing the meeting :)06:06
OdyXseaLne: you mean ?06:06
OculusAquilaeRiddell: (about translation of .desktop-files of adept installer) what to do if there's no translation in kde-svn?06:07
seaLne"oh i thought the meeting started in an hour" or similar :)06:07
RiddellOculusAquilae: add one fast06:08
OculusAquilaeRiddell: that's only possible via the desktop_*.pot-files right?06:08
RiddellOculusAquilae: yes06:09
OculusAquilaeRiddell: ok06:17
OculusAquilaeraphink: shall I push the patch to launchpad?06:19
raphinkOculusAquilae: send it to me : raphink@ubuntu.com06:20
PascalFrhello again06:20
PascalFrI have another one that i'd like to confirm with konqueror 06:21
PascalFrkonqueror in web mode    goto -> Tools -> mini-tools -> configure     what window does open ?06:22
Riddellraphink, OculusAquilae: ktorrent .pos can be fixed by adding a call to make -f admin/Makefile.common in the debian/rules file06:22
Riddells/ OculusAquilae / OdyX /06:22
raphinkRiddell: ah06:22
Riddellactually, it was OculusAquilae I wanted :)06:23
RiddellOculusAquilae, raphink: I'm upoloading06:23
OdyXRiddell: ;-)06:23
OculusAquilaeRiddell: the ktorrent thing?06:23
raphinkRiddell: are you also uploading kubuntu-docs?06:23
OculusAquilaeRiddell: it's a one line patch !!!06:23
OdyXOculusAquilae: your patch is a 2mB thing...06:23
OculusAquilaeOdyX: the new one is 455 byte :)06:24
OdyXOculusAquilae: fine ! ;-)06:24
RiddellOculusAquilae: http://librarian.launchpad.net/2781936/kubuntu_01_translations.patch is 2MB06:24
Riddellraphink: already uploaded that06:24
OculusAquilaeRiddell: I sent a new one to raphink 06:24
raphinkRiddell: great06:24
OculusAquilaeok 06:24
=== OculusAquilae thought that to be an ugly solution
RiddellOculusAquilae: autotools is an ugly problem06:25
raphinkRiddell: OculusAquilae's patch is a one line patch for the Makefile06:25
Riddellah right06:25
=== bddebian2 [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
raphinkcleaner imo06:25
OculusAquilaeit only adds the translation-folder to the subdirs :)06:25
Riddellwell you shouldn't patch Makefiles, they're autogenerated06:25
Riddellas is subdirs06:26
raphinkyeah right06:26
=== bddebian2 is now known as bddebian
=== kozz [i=kozz@h203n1fls31o834.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
OculusAquilaeRiddell: ok, translated. what about the script in kde-svn, does it run so often, that the translation gets into svn until you/mornfall make(s) the package?06:43
=== Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellOculusAquilae: if we put it in SVN today scripty will run overnight and put the strings in the .desktop files06:46
RiddellOculusAquilae: got a URL to your translation?06:46
RiddellSime: hi06:46
RiddellSime: how is the guidance .pot files made?06:46
OculusAquilaeRiddell: kde-svn06:46
RiddellOculusAquilae: scripty is the strings run over KDE's SVN to merge translations06:47
SimeRiddell: python setup.py update_messages06:47
OculusAquilaeRiddell: right06:47
SimeRiddell: python setup.py build_messages06:47
SimeRiddell: one of those06:47
RiddellSime: we should try and get it into the normal KDE translations06:50
Riddellwhich should just need a Makefile.am with a messages target that calls that python thing06:50
Riddellalthough that'll need kdedistutils to be installed on KDE's server06:51
RiddellSime: can you tell it which directory to output to?06:51
Simenot on the command line anyway06:51
RiddellI think that's needed06:52
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Simeit is probably easy enough to work around06:56
Simehow is the release shaping up anyway?06:57
Simeare you happy with kubuntu right now?06:57
RiddellI need to sort out .po files from k3b06:57
Riddelland the CDs are oversized so once kdebase gets compiled and in the archive I'll ask for them to be remade and see if they fit06:58
Riddelloh and we're waiting on jjesse to give us the kubuntu chapter from the book06:58
Riddellbut otherwise I'm optimistic06:58
Riddellwe need to make a testing wiki page for kubuntu RC06:58
LureRiddell: is Kubuntu DVD available and should be tested too?06:59
RiddellLure: you can try http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/20060519/06:59
Riddellthey're completely untested so I've no idea if they work06:59
Riddellso yes, testing would be handy06:59
RiddellSime: what was that guidance bug that needed fixed?07:00
SimeRiddell: I think it was fixed in the *.ubuntu2 package.07:00
LureRiddell: I expect DVD provides both Live CD (with Ubiquity) + Install CD + additional packages, right?07:00
RiddellLure: yes07:00
RiddellSime: any way to confirm that?07:01
LureRiddell: ok, will download now and test it today/tommorow 07:01
RiddellLure: thanks07:01
SimeRiddell: yes. I just look at the source that is install under /usr/lib/... and see if that bugged line of code is still there.07:03
SimeRiddell: .....and it is fixed.07:03
RiddellSime: wonderful, thanks07:03
Simethe joys of python. :-)07:03
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jjessedid someone ping me?07:12
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OdyXCould someone give an advice on bug 41955 ? Isn't that "critical" regarding user's possibility to easily share with Windows users ?07:13
UbugtuMalone bug 41955 in kdenetwork "Normal user cannot share folders from home, even if authorised" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4195507:13
=== Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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RiddellOdyX: it's an important bug but it's not critical07:14
OdyXRiddell: any idea for solving it ?07:14
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RiddellOdyX: not really07:15
OdyXRiddell: seems pretty deep problem, huh ?07:15
yuriygood morning07:20
RiddellOdyX: it is, but it's also not a new problem07:21
Riddellhi yuriy 07:21
OdyXRiddell: edgy then :D07:21
RiddellOdyX: I suppose so07:21
OdyXRiddell: I note it on the Wiki07:21
OdyXRiddell: Konqueror still crashes a lot with pages containing multimedia (audio or video), any chance to solve these big issues for Dapper ?07:22
uniqprobably not.07:23
OdyXuniq: well.. Bad bad then...07:23
yuriyi see soc discussion. too bad if you decide i can't handle cups, but I can see why, though i think I could do it07:24
uniqwell.. we can't re-make KDE before release.07:24
yuriyanything else we need to discuss?07:24
OdyXuniq: because it does not only crash your tab, but all tabs (even current LP translations :-P) and sometimes all konqueror instances..07:24
uniqodyx: you can choose to use one konqueror process for each konqueror instance.. might limit the damage to the one konq instance.07:25
OdyXuniq: well.. This is workaround... no bug solving.. :D07:25
OdyXuniq: but I note it07:26
uniqI know, it's limiting the damage.07:26
OdyXhow ?07:26
OdyXwell... how do I choose that ?07:26
uniqkonqueror -> settings -> config konq -> performance07:27
uniqor something similar.. i translated from norwegian, might be some difference.07:28
OdyXwell. Thanks.07:28
OdyXNorvegian => English => French07:28
uniqhehe.. :)07:29
uniqif you set "Minimize memory usage" to "Never".07:30
OdyXYep. Seen07:31
OdyXwill be good for testing07:31
RiddellSime: I've added a Makefile.am to guidance in SVN, lets see if scripty gives us a .pot file tomorrow07:44
Riddellyuriy: I hope you understand my sceptisism with your KDE and CUPS project, it's a difficult code base and you don't have any KDE or CUPS or C++ experience07:46
Riddellit's not that I wouldn't love to have some kdeprint love07:46
Riddelland your guidance project would also be cool to have07:46
yuriywell i'd still definitely like to do the guidance one then07:47
yuriywas there a fix recently for bug #45650 or are we experiencing more sporadic effects of the bug?07:47
UbugtuMalone bug 45650 in kdeutils "View Mode button unavailable (really!)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4565007:47
Riddellyuriy: there's not been any recent changes07:48
Riddellyuriy: also I don't know much about kdeprint, so I wouldn't be a good mentor07:49
yuriyin that case who IS going to do the work that needs to be done (judging by the kdeprint/cups problems appearing/discussed in the last couple of months)07:51
Riddellin theory Christian Tribina, although he's a busy man07:52
Riddellyuriy: the API breakage in KDE for CUPS 1.2 has been fixed though, what else would you work on?07:53
yuriyoh, in that case, nevermind i guess..07:54
Riddellthere's lots that still needs fixed, but I don't know the specifics of what that is07:55
yuriyyeah, it would be tough.  i thought the api breakage would give me a start and then i would have gone through a lot of the code and would know what i'm doing07:55
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel
SimeRiddell: ok, thanks for that.08:02
SimeRiddell: are you guys talking about that SoC idea that showed up in my email a week ago?08:02
RiddellSime: there's at least a couple for guidance, yuriy's looks like being the only one with a chance of being accepted08:04
SimeRiddell, yuriy: which one is that?08:04
yuriyoh, good to know08:04
Riddellhis application is for Wine, but my evil plan is to get him doing other things as well :)08:04
yuriya configuration module for wine08:04
yuriyRiddell: i don't mind08:05
Simethat might be a good one for the simple reason that I've been using Wine quite a bit lately.08:05
Riddellnow if only Jane would come back from the gym we can get mentors assigned08:05
Simeis there a written proposal for the Wine SoC project?08:08
RiddellSime: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/soc-wine.text08:09
yuriytell me if i need to try to add more specifics to it08:10
Riddellone thing that would be nice if we get a wine guidance module is the ability in system settings to hide it if wine isn't installed08:11
RiddellSime: you can sign up at http://code.google.com/soc/mentor_home.html to be a mentor08:12
yuriyRiddell: of course (but i'll take note to make sure i don't forget by then)08:13
SimeRiddell, yuriy: I'm missing some high-level usage scenarios for the wine SoC project.08:25
SimeRiddell, yuriy: What should an end user be able to do with the Wine config thingy at the end of the project, which they can't do now?08:26
SimeRiddell, yuriy: also, are certain WIN32 applications types being targetted here?08:27
Sime (I'm personally not super interested in putting proprietary software on linux. Games might be an exception here)08:27
=== Sime is now known as Sime|BRB
yuriyi wasn't planning on targeting any specific applications (well.. except for the installer idea i guess, that was meant for games), but games are personally my concern with wine usage08:29
Sime|BRBI'll be back in an hour or so.08:29
yuriyand I kind of agree with you in terms of proprietary software, so in that way games are sort of being targeted08:30
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yuriyRiddell, Sime: is it ok for the module to be LGPL? because wine is... or am I wrong to assume my module would have to be LGPL as well?09:35
Riddellunless it uses code from wine it doesn't need to follow the wine licence09:35
Riddelland being pykde it'll need to be GPL09:35
=== Sime|BRB is now known as Sime
=== Sime is back.
yuriyit would use some code from winecfg...09:37
Riddelldoesn't wine have a weird licence anyway?09:37
Riddellit has proprietry derivatives09:37
yuriyit's LGPL according to the about screen and the site09:38
Riddellwell you can use wine code fine then, it just probably has to be GPL'ed09:39
tomacodeweaver is commercial and proprietary09:39
tomacrossover, not codeweaver.09:39
yuriytoma: i know, but wine isn't.. i guess the LGPL allows for that somehow?09:40
Riddellthey must add their own libraries09:40
RiddellI thought wine used the artistic licence09:41
tomacrossover is far better then wine, so wine is the derivate from crossover if i should guess.09:41
Simewine existed first.09:43
=== OdyX_ [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seaLneits the "pay us for the better features" model of business09:45
tomaseaLne: everyone wants to eat ;-)09:46
SimeRiddell: ok, I've submitted the mentoring form for SoC.09:47
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seaLnetoma: i prefer the "skiving at work to do fun stuff" method :)09:48
RiddellSime: did you tick the ubuntu box?09:51
Simewhat ubuntu box?09:51
Simeyes, yes I did. :-)09:51
alleehi toma back from tv-mode ;)09:53
tomaallee: tv-mode and chatting go together09:53
alleetoma: with the digikamapp.cpp patch, several digikam instances are started09:54
tomaallee: should not make a difference09:54
=== allee admires toma for this multi media^Wtasking capabilities
alleetoma: wasn't there a readonly lock for the second instance?09:55
RiddellSime: please mark yuriy's guidance project as "I will montor this" http://code.google.com/soc/ubuntu/open.html09:55
=== javier [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tomaallee: not that I know, should be in your desktop file then09:55
alleetoma: okay.09:56
tomaallee: but two digiKams make no sense to me, so maybe change that behaviour09:56
alleetoma: yeah, I never understood why it's no unique app09:56
alleetoma: we wrote once a wrapper before 0.8.1 release to workaround this09:57
alleetoma: ah, umount from menu09:57
alleeneed  some more 'uncomments' me.09:57
SimeRiddell: BTW, how do you get to that page via the front page?09:57
tomaallee: that was the third line I mentioned09:58
tomaallee: making it an uniq app is straightforward09:58
alleetoma: short story: I'm still not sure if we keep the service desktop file and uncomment 'your' 3 lines or remove it09:58
RiddellSime: no idea09:58
RiddellSime: your mentor home should link you09:58
alleetoma: oh, I tought I uncommented all three09:58
alleechecking ...09:58
tomaallee: for dapper or dapper+1 ?09:59
alleetoma: dapper09:59
tomaallee: do the safe thing for dapper and experiment in the beginning of dapper+109:59
tomasafe thing = disable imho10:00
alleetoma: yeah, my feeling too.  but it's a sad :(10:00
tomayes. I promise we can work on it. I will have some more time soon10:00
tomayou just promise to buy your children a horse ;-)10:01
alleetoma: fwiw. I leave this friday for 10 days holiday (so back after dapper release)10:01
Riddell** kubuntu meeting in 1 hour10:01
alleeJoern give toma his mick back!10:01
alleenick that is10:01
tomaallee: ok, we can work onm it when you are back and do it right this time10:02
SimeRiddell: that is by the "Evaluation" pulldown?10:02
=== allee dances the break dance
=== allee cries autsch!
=== OdyX makes the human beat box.
tomaallee: be careful!10:03
alleetoma: too late ;)10:03
RiddellSime: yes10:04
yuriyRiddell, Sime: I tried to answer some of your questions (benefits, etc) and posted an updated proposal at http://people.brandeis.edu/~ykozlov/socprop110:10
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yuriyI think I can add a bit more, i'll get back to it in a couple hours10:11
SimeRiddell: ok, I've got that SoC project page in order now.10:23
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alleeraphink: digikam camera hotplug is not working as it should.  Please apply and upload: http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/tmp/interdiff-0.8.2~rc1-0ubuntu2.diff10:26
raphinkallee: I will, tonight10:27
raphinkin a few hours10:27
alleeraphink: thx!10:27
=== javier_ [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
alleeraphink: I guess I'll apply for MOTU after holidays.  Bothering others with stuff like this is somehow nonsense ;)10:28
kmonmay I ask a question about the paris summit? ;)10:29
kmonshould the kde dev's that are going to be invited included in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperSummitParis/Attendees10:30
kmonarg, sorry for my awfull english10:31
kmonnew keyboard and I'm still not used to it10:31
Riddellthey aren't on that page10:31
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@pD95090BB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kmonwhat page then? :)10:32
raphinkallee: is there a bug linked to this change?10:32
Riddellthe internal canonical wiki page10:32
alleeraphink: no.  It does not work.  That's all.  Plugin you camera and select digikam10:33
raphinkI'm building10:33
kmonit's only for warhogs10:34
Riddellkmon: what do you want to know10:34
tomaraphink: its either this patch or another patch which I consider experimental10:34
kmonthe invited people10:34
kmonyust curious10:34
Riddellkmon: aseigo, sebas, kwwii, ervin and ellen also dfaure for a day10:35
raphinktoma: can you check it?10:35
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tomaraphink: the patch of allee is ok, it removes the service menu, a bit sad but better then something not working at all10:36
Simeyuriy: have you had a look at Winetools? ( http://www.von-thadden.de/Joachim/WineTools/ )10:36
tomaraphink: i'll work with allee for this feature for dapper+110:36
kmonaseigo was looking for you yesterday in #kubuntu10:37
kmonlate night10:37
yuriySime: i've used it before, it's unmaintained, right?10:49
SimeI don't know about that...10:50
=== `6og [n=kgoetz@ppp218-91.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
yuriySime: well not quite, i guess there were some updates last year10:56
yuriyRiddell, Sime: according to section 3 of LGPL, i'm fine on that front10:58
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddell** kubuntu meeting in a minute in #ubuntu-meeting11:00
Riddellping raphink, toma 11:04
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HobbseeRiddell: ping11:05
RiddellHobbsee: yo11:05
HobbseeRiddell: sorry for hanging up on you - line was so bad...11:06
alleeraphink: meeting!11:08
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureTonio_: -> #ubuntu-meeting11:12
Tonio_lure thanks11:14
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raphinksorry allee I'm stuffing my car I've got far more urgent than a meeting11:20
raphinkI've got to leave tomorrow morning11:20
raphinkand the night is not that long11:20
Lureraphink: good luck with packing (I hate it too ;-))11:21
alleeraphink: fine.  good luck  (and as much sleep as possible ;)11:21
raphinkand let it be known that lure has my +1 for membership11:22
Lureraphink: ;-) - I hope I pass by the fact that I am Ubuntu member already ;-)11:23
Tonio_raphink: lacheur !!!!!!!!11:23
raphinkTonio_: j'ai 10h de route demain matin  7h11:24
raphinket j'ai  peine la place de rentrer dans ma voiture11:25
raphinket c'est pas fini11:25
Tonio_raphink: tryc de payday stou ;)11:25
raphinkalors dsl11:25
Tonio_bon aller ca va va te coucher :)11:25
Hobbseeoh no, not again :P11:25
=== Hobbsee tunes out
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raphinkRiddell: yes?11:42
Riddellraphink: meeting!11:42
raphinkRiddell: I have to leave tomorrow at 711:42
raphinkand my parents are helping me stuff the car11:42
raphinkI really can't attend11:42
raphinkI'm really sorry11:42
Riddellraphink: ok, no problem11:42
Riddellstop idling on IRC then and go and help them11:43
raphinkI'll get the comp off11:45
raphinkas I have to put it in the car11:45
raphinknight everybody11:45
raphinkand congrats kwwii11:45
kwwiithanks man :-)11:45
Hobbseenight rap11:45
Tonio_toma: alle just reminds me I confused you with danimo... sorry for this...11:52
Tonio_I'm just out of work and need a few moment to get my brain in "ubuntu mode"11:52
tomaTonio_: oouch... that comparisation fails on more fronts ;-)11:52
Tonio_toma: well I spent 10 hours on a windows 2003 server today........11:52
Tonio_hard to think correctly after this...11:53
kwwiioh, be honest, you have been playing tetris on that machine all day11:53
Tonio_kwwii: I would like so ;)11:53
Zerlinnakwwii: not everybody's like you... congrats btw ;)11:53
Tonio_kwwii: corrupted ldap directory, exchange crashing plus a few other things...11:54
kwwiithanks Zerlinna11:54
Tonio_I'm TIRED11:54
Zerlinnakwwii: did you change the blood-wallpaper? :-P11:54
kwwiiZerlinna: nope, I left it just for you :-911:55
kmonFYI I've added a post in distrowatch pointing out the kubuntu development newsletter11:55
Tonio_toma: in any case it is the last time I'm doing such a mistake...11:55
tomaTonio_: hehe, no problem....11:56
Zerlinnakwwii: so I really should put it instead of mine... ;)11:56
kmonand sent a mail to fridge-devel11:57
kwwiiZerlinna: I made it just for you! I hope you use it!11:57
Zerlinnakwwii: guess I have to :D11:58
Zerlinnakwwii: I've proofread the german flyer.. but I'm note sure about the spacing11:58
kwwiiZerlinna: the spacing still needs work11:58
Zerlinnakwwii: yeah I can see that11:59
kwwiiZerlinna: I fixed the english version already, but wanted to wait until the text is perfect until I do the spacing again11:59
Zerlinnakwwii: do you have the english flyer somewhere? then I could compare11:59
kwwiiZerlinna: I put it in the new example-content package...running a really new system?11:59
Zerlinnakwwii: hehe.. installed it yesterday ;)12:00
kwwiithere should be a png in there12:00
kwwiisvgs are no longer allowed :-(12:00
Zerlinnawhy that?12:00
HobbseeRiddell: surely we should be *deleting* all users partitions?  the bug is that we're not...12:01
ZerlinnaRiddell: got it :)12:01
ZerlinnaRiddell: oups sorry12:02
Zerlinnakwwii: that was for you.. "got it" ;)12:02
kwwiiZerlinna: well, a package has to be installed per default to edit that content with12:02
Zerlinnakwwii: and the name of that package is?12:02
kwwiiinkscape would be the editor of choice12:03
Zerlinnakwwii: the program you really adore... ;) I have it12:04
kwwiigod knows that karbon is total shit12:04
Zerlinnaah you mean.. _because_ another app has to be installed the svg is no longer allowed.. right?12:04
Zerlinnakwwii: see.. didn't work for about 2 days now my brain is still in screensaver mode ;)12:05
kwwiihehe, lucky you!12:05
Zerlinnayou think? I was 30min late today at uni :-/12:06
kwwiino working and you still show up late?12:06
Zerlinnafor the spacing: the orange titles should be a bit closer to the related text I think12:06
ZerlinnaI arrived at home at midnight yesterday.. ;)12:08
Zerlinnakwwii: doesn't the new license of the wiki affect your artwork?12:09
kwwiinew license?12:09
kwwiiI do not really care which license my stuff has....it should be as free as possible12:09
Zerlinnathey want to make all the wiki public domain12:10
Zerlinnaya but doesnt this mean that everybody can use the logo without any permission?12:10
Zerlinnakwwii: I'll forward you the mail I've got 12:10
kwwiithey are crazy12:10
kwwiidoes anyone have any idea of what they are doing?12:11
Zerlinnakwwii: mail sent12:11
=== kmon leaves
Lurekmon: bye12:12
Zerlinnakwwii: welcome.. anyway I'm asking myself if it's legal to _change_ a license in this way12:12
Zerlinnakwwii: especially for artwork12:12
kwwiiit is not the artwork itself which is the problem12:12
kwwiiit is the rights to logos and such that we should be carefull of12:12
Zerlinnaof course.. but p.ex. for the artwork it's said that some part of it is licensed under cc... and I don't think you can just change a cc license to public domain12:13
Zerlinnabut the logos are more important of course :)12:13
kwwiiyeah, good point12:13
kwwiibut Riddell asked me about what I want for a license and I told him I do not care12:14
kwwiiI mean, when I am getting money to do something for a company, I signed all the rights away when I signed the contract12:14
Zerlinnakwwii: ya but for the other hundreds of contributor of the wiki...12:15
kwwiihehe, good point12:15
Zerlinnaand since you didn't get that mail I don't if everybody else has got it12:15
Zerlinnadon +know if..12:15
kwwiigood point12:15
Riddellthe ubuntu logo is CC12:16
Riddellso the kubuntu logo is too12:16
Zerlinnaso either it has to be removed completely from the wiki12:16
kwwiibut you cannot put that on a page listing a different license12:16
Zerlinnaor something like that.. - but as you can see they want to make the whole wiki public domain12:17
=== Zerlinna re-reads the mail
Zerlinnakwwii: ah maybe it's just for _new_ pages... 12:19
kwwiinow that is different12:19
Zerlinnakwwii: though that could end up in kind of a mess ;)12:19
=== kwwii still hasn't gotten that mail yet
=== Zerlinna has sent it 8 minutes agai
kwwiiwell, guess my server is slow tonight12:20
RiddellZerlinna: why are you asking about licences?12:20
kwwiiwell, she is lawyer and is trying to find a new case12:20
Tonio_Riddell: have a bad news for paris june......12:20
RiddellTonio_: hmm?12:21
ZerlinnaRiddell: ya you know the internet is full of money :-D12:21
Tonio_looks like my company want to f**k me up cause I'm leaving...12:21
Tonio_they don't want to accept my vacations........12:21
LureTonio_: I ha ve reproduced sun-java5-bin problem with adept...12:21
kwwiiTonio_: I'll never get that beer/wine out of you!12:21
Tonio_so I need to be sure what I risk if I don't come for one complete week :)12:21
ZerlinnaRiddell: I was just thinking about all the protected logos getting into a public domain license on the wiki... 12:21
Tonio_kwwii: I will come anyway, but I need to be sure what the risks are12:22
RiddellZerlinna: the wiki licence change (which is legally highly dubious anyway) is only for the text as far as I know, not the images12:22
Tonio_kwwii: I already gave my letter to leave, so the rules are a bit different, they cannot fire me ;)12:22
kwwiiTonio_: of course, I was only kidding anyway12:22
RiddellTonio_: it's france, can't you just go on strike or something?12:22
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LureRiddell: lol12:23
Tonio_Riddell: hahah :)12:23
Tonio_Riddell: that's an idea :)12:23
Tonio_Riddell: in fact the problem is that my boss is a kind of stupid asshole...12:23
ZerlinnaRiddell: in the mail they're talking about "material"12:24
Tonio_and 2 weeks ago, I send an email to all the company explaining my opinion on her...12:24
=== kwwii has to take his son to school in the morning...going to bed now
Tonio_4 pages of destruction, and that doesn't help for vacations of course12:24
kwwiisee y'all tomorrow12:24
Zerlinnakwwii: see ya :) 12:24
Tonio_Lure: ah !12:25
Tonio_mornfall: arround ?12:25
OdyXTonio_: next time... First ask vacation, then fire them.. :D12:25
Tonio_Lure: the java bug is quite annoying, since about everyone will install it with adept12:25
Tonio_OdyX: I will think about it yes ;)12:25
kwwiiZerlinna: go to bed soon, or you'll be late for school again :-)12:25
Zerlinnakwwii: that was just what I was thinking *lol*12:26
LureTonio_: true - this is what I get on Show Details: http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/8467/adeptjava2bw.png12:26
=== Zerlinna thinks that kwwii is right... and is leaving too :)
alleeZerlinna: nite too ;)12:26
Zerlinnaallee: gut nacht :)12:26
kwwiistick with me and everything will be all right :-)12:26
LureTonio_, Riddell: I will submit but, but not sure if this can be fixed on short notice...12:27
Zerlinnakwwii: :-D12:27
Tonio_Lure: I don't get this, I have the normal screen when using "adept" and not "adept-installer", but it's freezing anyway........12:27
Zerlinnakwwii: maybe you'll get the mail till tomorrow ;)12:27
Tonio_Lure: probably only mornfall can12:27
HobbseeZerlinna: i got that mail.12:27
ZerlinnaHobbsee: so what do you think of it?12:27
Tonio_Lure: does it freeze for you ?12:27
LureTonio_: I think it is problem with interactive pre/post scripts that adept* cannot handle12:28
Riddellgosh that's evil12:28
kwwiiZerlinna: yeah, I hope so12:28
Tonio_Lure: it can for some postinst12:28
LureTonio_: yes - it stops on 20% and I can only click Show/Hide details12:28
HobbseeZerlinna: for the stuff that i add to the wiki?  i dont mind - hadnt even thought about hwat it was under12:29
Tonio_Lure: did you try with the standard adept ?12:29
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
LureTonio_: not yet, but will do...12:29
Tonio_Lure: the fact it stops on 20% is normal, but you should get the standard screen on details like in shell12:30
Tonio_actually it shows up here, and adept freeze....12:30
Tonio_Lure: I will post a bug, with major priority12:30
ZerlinnaHobbsee: I dont' care for my stuff either - I was just thinking about the artwork / logo because in the mail theres talk of "material" (not of text only) - but if it affects only new contributions and if it's marked clearly it could be ok12:31
HobbseeZerlinna: welcome, btw...another female :P12:31
ZerlinnaHobbsee: thank you :-) 12:32
LureTonio_: #4608312:32
Lure(close as duplicate if you already did)12:32
Zerlinnaso.. I'm really going to bed now... nighty-night :)12:33
=== Zerlinna [n=Zerlinna@Q75a2.q.strato-dslnet.de] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
RiddellHobbsee: what does Ubuntero mean on a launchpad people page?12:35
LureRiddell: signed CoC12:35
alleeRiddell: signed coc12:35
HobbseeRiddell: you dont know?  means that they've fulfilled the requirements for it, ie, signed COC12:35
Riddellah, that answers my next question12:35
alleelauchpad slang ;)12:35
=== Lure thinks Riddell should go thorugh new member process on next meeting ;-)
HobbseeRiddell: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate12:36
RiddellLure: I've done my time12:36
RiddellI was the first ubuntu member who went through the community council12:36
HobbseeRiddell: sorry http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember12:36
LureRiddell: really - lucky you...12:36
Hobbseehehe.  bet you got in easily then :P12:36
Tonio_Lure: I just confimed with regular adept12:37
Tonio_mornfall: when you're arround : bug 4608312:37
UbugtuMalone bug 46083 in ept "cannot install sun-java5-bin" [Major,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4608312:37
LureRiddell: should we put ^^^ to DapperReleaseRadar?12:46
RiddellLure: I don't see that get getting fixed in the next few days12:48
LureRiddell: you may be right - let's wait for mornfall to comment12:49
Riddellhe's probably on a plane just now12:49
=== Riddell fights with flickr
=== Hobbsee hands Riddell a pitchfork
Riddellspose I should do the koffice release thing12:50
apokryphosflickr's great :D. Good with new kipi-plugins12:52
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apokryphos(though /me still dreams of improvements with it: upload to given set/create set, folders that synchronise etc)12:53
Hobbseecant say i've ever used flickr12:55
apokryphosit's really great. Nice and clean (has a good API, I hear, so tools are easy to make for it). But more than just that: the web tools provided are really excellent (some super javascript going on there)12:55
Riddellapokryphos: how do I batch add tags to photos?12:56
apokryphosit's more than easy enough to get my parents to use (who aren't that very comptuer-literate), but still quite powerful for other users12:56
apokryphosRiddell: before uploading?12:56
Riddellno after12:56
apokryphosi.e. when uploading12:56
apokryphosorganize > drag into section > add tag, no?12:56
Riddellphotos are uploaded12:56
=== apokryphos looks
Riddellso I've done Organise->Most Recently Uploaded12:57
apokryphosthe filter on the bottom there is very handy. And finally, a complex organiser and set of things that works perfectly in firefox to konqueror12:57
Riddelland it gives me this funky javascript enabled page12:58
apokryphosbulk grab them (use shift or ctrl), put them in that area, then add tags12:58
Riddellholy guacamole!  I just exploded a photo12:58
apokryphosdeleted? :O12:59
RiddellI dragged and dropped into the box and it exploded12:59
Riddellreading the box again it says "drop here to remove from this set"12:59
apokryphoshm, are you under the "Batch Organize" tab?12:59
Riddellapokryphos: I am01:00
Riddellstill can't find any way to add tags to them01:00
apokryphosdrop here to edit as batch, yes, that's the area01:00
apokryphosnear the top, Edit Photos, Permissions, Edit dates, Add tags01:00
RiddellAdd Tags doesn't do anything01:01
RiddellI suspect it doesn't like konqueror01:01
apokryphoshm, works fine here01:01
apokryphosI noticed there are one or two extra effects in firefox, but I've never lost any functionality in Konq01:01
apokryphos(and I've uploaded/played with over 2000 images with flickr now)01:01
Riddellwhat is Add Tags supposed to do?01:01
apokryphosjust a tag so that they're more easy to locate later (you can search for <sometag>) and for others to be able to find it under the search01:02
apokryphospersonally I only really use the sets, but sometimes the tags too01:02
apokryphosAdd Tags is supposed to bring up a new text box01:03
apokryphosand you just enter the tags there you want01:03
Riddelldoesn't work in firefox either01:05
Riddelldo I have to select them somehow?01:05
apokryphosonly drag them into the batch area01:05
Riddellwhere is that?01:06
apokryphosas soon as you go to flickr.com/photos/organize -> "Drag photos here to edit them as a batch."01:06
apokryphosit's big there in the middle, hard to miss :P01:06
=== Hobbsee *was* goign to try to be on time for uni todya....
Hobbseeand now that wont happen :(01:06
Hobbseesee you all later...01:07
apokryphossee you Hobbsee =)01:07
RiddellI must be missing the text box where I add the tags01:08
apokryphosRiddell: http://giannaros.org/flickr1.png01:11
Riddellthat doesn't appear01:12
Riddellin konq or firefox01:12
Riddellflickr must just not like me01:12
apokryphosdang :)01:12
Riddellmornfall: might be nice to fix bug 46003 for release01:56
UbugtuMalone bug 46003 in ept "adept_notifier can flood .xsession-errors" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4600301:56
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Riddellmorning bddebian 02:15
bddebianHi Riddell02:15
Riddellif you see jjesse, poke him and tell him to send us the book chapter02:16
=== Riddell goes to bed
bddebianGnight :-)02:17
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Riddellimbrandon: shall I make you an op in #kubuntu?02:24
imbrandonsure ;)02:24
imbrandoni'm back for the evening now , took a little nap ;)02:24
Riddelluse it wisely :)02:25
Riddellnight all02:25
bddebianGnight Riddell02:25
imbrandonoh i will, thanks , gnight02:25
apokryphosRiddell: nikkia is long gone, by the way, may want to remove her...02:25
apokryphosshe's fit and well though, despite using windoze a lot these days :P02:25
=== imbrandon is gonna bug naloith later to change his hostmask
apokryphosimbrandon: you'll want to speak to seveas for that02:26
imbrandonahh okie ;)02:26
Riddellapokryphos: done02:26
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imbrandonanyone know what the 3 packages are that are needed to update the live installer on the flight 7cd08:41
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Riddellubiquity ubiquity-frontend-kde qtparted08:51
Riddellimbrandon: ^^08:51
imbrandonahh thanks man08:51
imbrandoni have another flight 7 case in priv chat ;)08:52
Hobbseehi again Riddell 08:52
=== Hobbsee thinks that Riddell really does exist now, having heard what he sounds like
Hobbseegood thing mum didnt hear that phone call...08:53
imbrandonRiddell: i got most of those wiki's updated for ya, just a few more minor changes left08:53
Hobbseeshe would have wondered who was calling me up so early :P08:53
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Lurekwwii: something like this would be nice for Kubuntu: http://people.simplifiedcomplexity.com/~mgalvin/ubuntu-artwork-nostalgia/09:55
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LureRiddell: i386/powerpc Desktop CD images are still oversized - did your change get in?10:45
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kwwiidude, I hate wikis and crappy unclear webpages11:29
kwwiiapparently I now have two accounts on launchpad11:30
kwwiithe best way to hide info is to put it in a wiki11:30
imbrandonunless you are searching it with google ;)11:31
kwwiiyeah, exactly...I need an external search site to find anything in a wiki....GREAT!11:31
=== OculusAquilae likes good linked wikis
OculusAquilaebut most aren't good linked :)11:31
kwwiiboah, now it wants to merge the account with my real nick and login with the extra one11:32
kwwiiI hate this crap11:32
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imbrandoncant you just delete te new one ?11:33
kwwiiI have already put my key and signed txt file on that one11:34
imbrandonohh ouch11:34
kwwiiand how in the hell is one supposed to navigate this crap?11:34
kwwiiso now I can have an account with a different name, great11:34
kwwiithe functionality is great, the usability is =%11:34
kwwiisometimes I think they do this kinda shit on purpose, just to keep out people who are not developers11:35
imbrandonhow true11:35
=== allee is sure kwii talks about launchpad :)
kwwiiscrew it, now my account name is wimer11:36
kwwiiso I will forget it once a week11:36
OculusAquilaelaunchpad is a littlebit, let 's say unsorted11:36
kwwiiassuring that I will scream about this stuff again and again and again11:36
OculusAquilaebut I think launchpad will be usable in about one or two years11:37
kwwiiwe said the same thing about YaST every two years or so11:37
imbrandonheh i havent used yast in sooooo long ;)11:38
OculusAquilaeyast isn't so bad11:38
kwwiioh, yeah...the mono crap they added is GREAT11:38
imbrandonheh i havent used it since then but i DO like mono11:38
kwwiinot for an installer11:39
kwwiiluckily you can turn it off11:39
imbrandoni seen ther was an wm somewhere that was being built on mono11:39
kwwiibut don't tell the ximians that or they will remove that function as well11:39
imbrandoni was like omg11:39
imbrandonjust becouse i CAN make a wm in say ummm php dosent mean i SHOULD ;)11:40
kwwiiexactly :-)11:40
imbrandonwhy would i get this 11:42
imbrandonE: Build-dependencies for kbabel could not be satisfied.11:42
imbrandonpkgs missing in repos ?11:42
imbrandonthat was with apt-get build-dep kbabel11:43
kwwiiwell, in the end I could merge both accounts and then change the name back to the old one I merged :-)11:45
kwwiiat least the functionality is there11:45
kwwiiimbrandon: yeah, look for the packages that were missing and install them11:45
kwwiierm, reading again....ignore that11:46
kwwiino idea11:46
kwwiioh dude...this sucks...now it says I have not signed the code of conduct11:49
kwwiiI mean, is this meant to be a game or such?11:49
kwwiioh dude...I give up11:52
kwwiibad signature11:52
kwwiimy ass11:52
OdyXkwwii: you have forgotten the chocolate for last level's monster11:54
kwwiiOdyX: yeah, no doubt...that is exactly how I feel11:54
OdyXWell, and don't forget to drop your magic flower on the third floor of 31st level, only "those who know" can pass this.11:56
imbrandonkwwii: you might have to sign the 1.0 coc not the 1.1 one11:58
imbrandonthats what i had to do11:58
kwwiiI did that11:58
kwwiiand I post the content of the.asc file and it says str: No signatures found11:58
imbrandonhmmm maybe its the flower on the 31st level then man ;(11:58
imbrandonsoroisly i dunno11:58
kwwiiyeah, I bet nobody knows11:59
imbrandongrr i cant speel today at all11:59
kwwiiI mean, my key is shown on the page11:59
kwwiiI just cannot sign the code11:59
OdyXkwwii: wait... You downloaded the code ? (= wrote it in file somewhere) ?12:02
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kwwiiand did the clearsign things12:03
kwwiicopied the text in the .asc and uploaded it on the webpage12:03
kwwiiand then it says "error"12:03
imbrandonheay \sh12:03
kwwii\sh: dude, you can help me, I am sure12:03
kwwii\sh: I uploaded my pgp key to launchpad12:04
seaLneis there a way to make all kde apps use utf8 i thought i had in the past but kate seems to be munging a utf8 file?12:04
kwwiiand now when I sign the code of conduct it says "no signatures found"12:05
OdyXkwwii: your key is registered on your personal page ?12:05
kwwiiOdyX: yepp12:05
kwwiiwell, I give up for now12:06
kwwiiI have better things to do than spend hours on this shit12:06
kwwiiguess I just won't be a member12:06
=== kwwii goes to a lunch meeting...be back later tonight maybe
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel []
\shthere was a glitch somehow with some gpg kezs12:10
OdyXRiddell: a user on -fr seem to have found source of Konqui crashing with Multimedia... kaffeine is still loaded...12:15
OdyXas it should not12:15
=== goldenear [n=user@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellseaLne: kate should be fine if you make sure it opens and saves as utf812:24
goldenearHi, it think I have found why Konqueror is crashing when playing (trying to play actualy) embedded videos (I'm using dapper)12:28
Riddellgoldenear: why's that?12:29
goldenearit's because sometimes, konqueror uses kaffeine embedded instead of kmplayer12:29
goldenearwhen kmplayer is used, no pb12:29
goldenearwhen kaffeine embedded is used --> crash12:29
OdyXRiddell: just tried to remove --purge kaffeine. The page asks me to download from Microsoft .com (sic)12:30
goldenearRiddell: try this url http://zdnet.com.com/1606-2-5423189.html12:30
goldenear(with Kaffeine installed)12:30
goldenearand chose wmv as video format (real video won't work)12:31
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goldenearthis url is ok : http://xboxmovies.teamxbox.com/xbox/2913/ToCA-Race-Driver-3-Damage/12:32
goldenearit also uses wmv, but it will play it using kmplayer12:33
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
goldenearI can't understand how konqueror make the choice between kaffeine and kmplayer when playing embedded video... but it should never use kaffeine IMHO12:34
goldenearRiddell: is there a way to force konqueror always using kmplayer ?12:35
Riddellit probably depends on the codec being used12:35
goldenearbath the links I give here use wmv12:36
imbrandonwmv is a container like avi12:37
imbrandonit can be encoded with difrent codecs12:37
Riddellthe webserver can send various different mimetypes for wmv12:37
goldenearI mean both are wmv912:37
OdyXYeah... But if kmplayer is meant to play embedded media, let it play media, not kaffeine, even if it won't read....12:38
Riddellthat zdnet page I clicked on is using kmplayer for me when I clicked on wmv12:38
goldenearRiddell: you're lucky !12:38
goldenearwhy does it uses kaffeine embedded for me ?12:39
goldenearhow can I change that ?12:40
Riddellgoldenear: if you can get the URL from the webpage we can try and find what mimetype its sending12:40
goldenearI can't read the zdnet page any more: I had selected real media to see if it helps and now, konqueror crash each time I want to load the page :(12:43
imbrandonthe zdnet url is mms://a999.v0674e.c674.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/999/674/3ccdde3f/cnetnews.download.akamai.com/674/4n1022ballmer_1_hi.asf12:44
imbrandonfor the wmv one12:44
OdyXHow do you determine it's MIME?12:44
Riddelloh, weird protocol.  good question12:45
Riddellwe must have a default handler for that protocol though12:45
imbrandonthe other is12:46
OdyXwell... wgetting it is bad bad bad, because it's like a loop, the file only contains reference on itself12:46
goldenearimbrandon: it works for me when I open your url12:46
goldenearit opens the url with kmplayer12:46
OdyXRiddell: is kmplayer supposed to be translated though ?12:46
imbrandonthats the links from the pages you gave12:46
imbrandonmms is probbly a registerd protocal of kaffine12:47
imbrandonthats why its handed off12:47
RiddellOdyX: should be yes12:47
OdyXRiddell: it's not...12:48
imbrandon( i use the mozillla mplayer plugin , so it plays both )12:48
goldenearOk here is what happends for me12:49
goldenearmms://a999.v0674e.c674.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/999/674/3ccdde3f/cnetnews.download.akamai.com/674/4n1022ballmer_1_hi.asf will open kmplayer, full frame, in konqueror12:49
goldenearhttp://zdnet.com.com/1606-2-5423189.html will open kaffeine embedded in the web page (an actualy  it works, I mean the video is playing well)12:50
imbrandonhmmm maybe its the code they are using to embed it12:51
imbrandonin the html12:51
goldenearI guess12:51
goldenearthis url wil crash konqueror12:52
imbrandonthats rm12:53
imbrandonrtsp:// and an rm file12:53
imbrandonis it maybe the way konq is handeling non http:// stuff when it hands it off ?12:54
=== imbrandon is shooting in the dark
imbrandonRiddell: feel like a few small uploads , -motu seems dead12:55
Riddelltonio knows all about this stuff12:55
goldenearopening directly the rtsp:// url in konq works for me (it open kaffeine full frame in a conqueror tab)12:55
Riddellimbrandon: ok12:55
imbrandon4 small dh_iconcache diffs12:56
goldenearRiddell: any idea on how to desactivate kaffeine as embedded player for web pages ?12:58
imbrandongoldenear: yea might be good to show tonio about this later, i personaly have no clue about this other than just pure guesses12:59
goldenearwho is tonio ?12:59
imbrandonhe is in here at other times01:00
imbrandonkubuntu dev01:00
marseillaigoldenear: il passe souvent sur kubuntu-fr tu le verras01:00
goldenearI'll ask him01:00
Riddellimbrandon: all those patches use cdbs, they don't need any changes in debian/rules01:11
Riddellthey just need rebuilt01:11
imbrandonahh umm ok 01:12
Riddell/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde.mk now has dh_inconcache in it directly01:12
imbrandondholbach made a new list and said make the change01:12
imbrandonahhh ok01:12
imbrandonsoo just no change and rebuild them ?01:12
goldenearI've got a proposal: considering all the bugs still in kubuntu, I would propose to delay the release of kubuntu dapper...01:13
Riddellgoldenear: already happened01:13
imbrandonRiddell: i guessing that go's for 90% of these ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DhIconCacheChanges01:13
goldenear5 days delays shoud be ok... then the release date would be 6.6.6 :D01:13
imbrandonlol no01:13
Riddellimbrandon: you'd need to look at them and make sure they use /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde.mk01:14
imbrandonwill do ( changelog just to say "rebuild for dh_iconcache" ? )01:14
imbrandoni'll delete those and redo them, that should save tons of time lol01:15
Riddellthe ones from kdesdk for example have their own kde.mk so they'll need to be changed01:15
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imbrandonright, i just need to check the rules and make sure its included , if so just rebuild01:16
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OdyXRiddell: problem... Log from yesterday's meeting is 0ko01:45
OdyXubuntu-meeting-2006-05-22.html   23-May-2006 00:00    0  01:45
OdyXWell. Current contains log. Thanks ..01:47
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imbrandonRiddell: still no one alive in -motu , wanna try again ( those plus a few more ) @ http://ubuntustuff.sytes.net/devel/dapper/01:53
Riddellimbrandon: if you're just rebuilding and it doesn't already have ubuntuX in the version number you should use buildX instead so that it will still sync from debian02:00
RiddellI can change that though02:01
imbrandonok, thanks ( still learning ;)02:01
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RiddellOdyX: wonderful minutes03:01
RiddellOdyX: /msg better than /query or whatever you did, that one appeared on the server notices window03:02
OdyXit was /notce03:02
Hobbseeah yes, darn notices.03:03
mornfall|vienotices are fine :-)03:25
mornfall|viefor unimportant things03:25
=== Hobbsee rarely sees them, at all..
Hobbseeer, if at all03:26
Hobbseeunless i go to the server window, to do a /whois on someone03:26
Luremornfall|vie: hi - can you comment bug 4608303:26
UbugtuMalone bug 46083 in ept "cannot install sun-java5-bin" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4608303:26
mornfall|vieLure: i have no idea what it means03:27
mornfall|vieLure: aha03:28
mornfall|vieLure: seen screenshot03:28
Lureadept hangs when installing this package as the package asks license questions (interactive script)03:28
mornfall|vieLure: *shrug*03:28
mornfall|vieLure: it's a known issue and noone cared so far03:28
Lureproblem is that many users will install java now from offical repo and will hit this...03:28
mornfall|vieLure: and we are after release candidate so way too late03:28
Hobbseeoh whacko, that....03:28
LureI can understand... Maybe we need to consider for dapper-updates...03:28
Hobbseethere's no real way to hide that03:29
Hobbseeassuming the licencing stuff has to be there03:29
=== Lure wonders how other GUI installers are handling interactive scripts...
=== Hobbsee bets that they dont. check synaptic though
mornfall|vieLure: dupe of 37696 (so i marked it as such)03:31
Lurethanks - any idea how to fix?03:31
mornfall|vieLure: well, there's a solution that can be done besides RC03:31
mornfall|vieLure: keep the terminal open by default03:31
mornfall|vieLure: but i have proposed that solution over and over again with no success03:32
Lureadept opening terminal when installaing or user doing it as workaround03:32
mornfall|vieLure: adept being in the "details shown" state in default03:33
mornfall|vieif user has to do it, well, that's bad03:33
mornfall|viethe problem is, how do you notice that maintainer script is hanging on user input03:33
mornfall|vieis it using debconf? in that case requiring libqt-perl could be an option03:34
mornfall|vieif it works03:34
mornfall|viekdebconf that is03:34
mornfall|viei have no idea really03:34
mornfall|vienoone maintains it03:34
mornfall|vieso it may as well be borked03:34
=== mornfall|vie tries to do something about his aching muscles
Hobbseemornfall|vie: stupid question, but are you the only person who works on adept - how many more of you are there?03:36
mornfall|viesorry i'm being mean, but i have spent lots of time travelling lately (27 hours?) and i'm stuck in vienna airport03:36
=== Hobbsee counts the mornfall's...one..two...
mornfall|viethere is only one mornfall working on adept03:37
mornfall|vieand the only nontrivial (code) patch i think is from klichota03:37
Hobbseewell, how many other people are there in total working on adept?03:37
Hobbseeah okay03:37
mornfall|vieit's not applied though, it is just an experiment in how threading works03:37
Hobbseeadept still has less bugs than synaptic :P03:37
mornfall|vieHobbsee: less features too03:38
Hobbseemornfall|vie: shhh...it works nicely :)03:38
mornfall|vieit needs lots of work03:38
mornfall|viebut not today03:38
mornfall|viei have to do uni work too and bachelor's thesis03:38
Hobbseeas nicely as any dumbed-down package installer is going to be anyway - and it has to be dumbed down, so people dont get confused03:38
mornfall|vieand first of all i have to GET HOME03:38
Hobbseemornfall|vie: how do you get home?  need us to distract you for a while?03:39
mornfall|viei get home by bus03:39
mornfall|viebus arrives in 2 and half hours03:39
Hobbseeewww...and how long till it arrives?03:39
mornfall|viethat'd be 18:05 local time, it arrives 20:3003:39
Hobbseemornfall|vie: there was a guy...raf, i think it was, interested in coding for kubuntu/kde....03:40
mornfall|vieHobbsee: adept is hard and unforgiving C++03:40
Hobbseenot sure if you want to get it suggested that he helps with adept, or something...03:40
Hobbseei'm not sure what his style of "coding" entails..03:40
mornfall|vieHobbsee: if he is brave, let him try03:41
mornfall|vieHobbsee: if he's a newbie, well03:41
mornfall|vieHobbsee: chances are he gets burnt and ends up unhappy03:41
mornfall|viewhich i probably don't want03:41
mornfall|vieadept is scary enough as it is03:41
Hobbseewell, it doesnt take long to go "yes i want to do this03:41
Hobbsee" or "no i dont"03:41
=== Hobbsee bans the enter key!
mornfall|viei don't need people running around and spreading the word :)03:41
Hobbseemornfall|vie: you wrote crap code hey?  :P03:42
=== Hobbsee ducks
mornfall|viecrap no, but it's a bit... dense, at times03:42
=== Hobbsee thinks of the other half of her assignment, which looks like it will involve lots of crap code.
mornfall|viethe thing with adept is, it's extreme programming03:42
Hobbseeah okay03:42
mornfall|vierefactor as you go03:43
mornfall|vieunit tests03:43
mornfall|viehigh development speed03:43
mornfall|vieeven if i'm si03:43
=== mornfall|vie bans enter for a change
mornfall|vieeven if i'm single on the GUI part03:43
Hobbseeah....i see...03:43
mornfall|vieenrico zini from debian is helping out on the lower level APIs03:43
Hobbseei would try to help you out - but that'd be pretty pointless.03:44
mornfall|vieyou are currently helping out by talking to me, which means minutes run faster03:44
Hobbseethat's what i figured :)03:44
mornfall|viewhich cannot be a bad thing, since i want to be home03:44
=== Hobbsee is good at distracting people from their work.
Hobbseewhat do you end up coding in, come ot think of it?03:45
mornfall|viewell, only bad version i can think of is that you get too good and i miss the bus :p03:45
mornfall|vieend up coding in?03:45
mornfall|vie<-- not understanding question03:45
Hobbseei wont be awake that long...03:46
Hobbseeie, which program do you use - or do you just code in $favoritetexteditor?03:46
mornfall|vieemacs :-)03:46
mornfall|viethat programming language with built-in text editor03:47
mornfall|vieor something03:47
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Hobbseehi OculusAquilae 03:47
OculusAquilaehi Hobbsee 03:48
mornfall|vieexpected battery life 1 hour03:49
mornfall|viei will have to change the battery in 45 minutes or so :-)03:49
Hobbseeyuck.  any powerpoints around?03:49
Hobbseeah :)03:49
mornfall|viei have second battery that's full03:49
=== Hobbsee only has one battery
Hobbseewhich lasts for just over an hour or so...03:49
=== mornfall|vie does not envy
mornfall|viemore like anti-envy03:50
=== mornfall|vie pats Hobbsee
Hobbseewhy anti-envy?03:50
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfall|vieHobbsee: you envy when someone has something you want, well, meaning anti-envy would be when someone has something you don't want? :)03:50
=== mornfall|vie is playing with words
mornfall|viewell, the laptop is a bit hot on the bottom03:51
Hobbseethis is sounding scarily like differentiation and antidifferentiation...03:51
Hobbseefeel like doing my maths assignment, while you're stuck in vienna?03:51
mornfall|viei can't differentiate03:52
mornfall|vieapparently my brain is too small to fit it03:52
=== Hobbsee can differentiate. just the proofs for differentiating and integrating? ick!
OculusAquilaeRiddell: ping03:55
=== Hobbsee launches a large cow at OculusAquilae
RiddellOculusAquilae: hi03:56
OculusAquilaehi Riddell 03:56
HobbseeOculusAquilae: monty python, dont mind me03:56
=== Hobbsee kills more phishing attempts in her inbox.
OculusAquilaeRiddell: the ktorrent package you uploaded yesterday seems not to include the .mo-files03:56
OculusAquilaeRiddell: perhaps a depency-problem?03:57
OculusAquilaeI mean build-dep03:57
=== mornfall|vie counts 1, 2, 5, err, 3 and hurls the holy handgrenade of antioch at Hobbsee
marseillaidoes anyone knows how to restart with a totally new profile for konqueror! because my dapper is a breezy upgrade and i've many problem with kaffeine+kmplayer and on my fresh install on my laptop i've no problem .....03:57
RiddellOculusAquilae: the .mo get sucked out by the buildds and sent to rosetta03:57
OculusAquilaeRiddell: and where are they?03:58
RiddellOculusAquilae: launchpad.net03:58
OculusAquilaedo they come via the language-packs?03:58
=== Hobbsee duct-tapes the killer rabbit to the holy hand grenade of antioch, and throws it back at mornfall|vie
RiddellOculusAquilae: you can ask carlos to check if they've been imported03:58
RiddellOculusAquilae: yes03:58
Riddellthey will do03:58
=== mornfall|vie looks for killer carrot
Hobbseethe killer carrot?03:59
RiddellF7 in Konqueror04:00
mornfall|vieto feed the killer rabbit04:00
Hobbseeah...i see...i see...04:01
=== Hobbsee invites mornfall|vie to a dual on the bridge of life and death.
HobbseeTo pass, you must answer me these questions three...04:01
=== mornfall|vie answers yes to all
=== mornfall|vie runs
mornfall|vieSystem of a Down -- Aerials04:02
Hobbseemornfall|vie: so what's the capital of assyria?04:03
mornfall|vieHobbsee: yes!04:04
=== Hobbsee watches mornfall|vie sail off the bridge
=== Hobbsee waves
mornfall|vienext time i better use google04:05
mornfall|vieHobbsee: would "ggl:capital of assyria" be good enough? :)04:05
mornfall|viei'm lazy to switch windows04:05
=== Hobbsee shakes her head - what is this guy in #kubuntu doing, and why is he here? weird...
mornfall|vie2 hours04:07
=== Hobbsee is not staying up till 2am today!
=== Hobbsee looks at mornfall|vie reproachably
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
bddebianHowdy folks04:09
Hobbseehi bddebian 04:09
bddebianHi Hobbsee04:09
OdyXHobbsee: please give a sight on #kubuntu, you have to kick...04:12
mornfall|vieHobbsee: no worry, i have to leave sooner than that :-)04:14
mornfall|vieHobbsee: probably will just suspend notebook when battery runs out and read till the bus is here04:14
=== Hobbsee gave up.
Hobbseeah okay04:14
\sh /boot 69M / 73G /data 6.3T04:17
Hobbseehi \sh 04:17
bddebianHeya \sh04:18
mornfall|vieHobbsee: goodnight in case you go to bed04:20
Hobbseemornfall|vie: i wont yet, i think...04:20
mornfall|viei'll be back i guess, in 20 maybe or so04:20
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jjesseRiddell: 05:18
Riddelljjesse: how's the chapter coming along?05:19
OdyXRiddell: Minutes terminated: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings/2006-05-22 Hope it'll satisfy05:22
jjessefinally some movement05:24
jjessehad to get ahold of the right people05:24
jjesse_lunchRiddell: mdke is going to help me convert things i'll send a message whne i'm done05:31
=== macd [n=bashscri@adsl-156-71-225.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellOdyX: excellent, please add that link to KubuntuNewsletter05:34
Riddellhello macd 05:34
macdHi there05:34
OdyXRiddell: OK. I will . I was about to write the mail to fridge-devel, but the meeting is ever in place ??05:34
RiddellOdyX: yeah, tell fridge too05:34
OdyXWell. They've been told... The meeting is placed05:35
OdyXbut not by me 05:35
Riddellno news on fridge for almost a month05:36
OdyXah... "news" ?05:36
OdyXWell. The meeting is in place on the agenda, but nothing on the news.05:36
OculusAquilaeRiddell: ktorrent does not generate .pot-file05:40
OculusAquilaeRiddell: could send you a patch for that if you want05:41
RiddellOculusAquilae: sure05:41
macdIve heard talk of initng development, is there any plan to incorporate this into the next release cycle?05:42
Riddellalthough it's in main, we'd need approval before uploading05:42
OdyXmacd: it's a spec AFAIK05:42
Riddellmacd: keybuk would be the guy to ask, he seems to be against it05:42
OdyXmacd: so improve the spec05:42
OculusAquilaeRiddell: what kind of  patches do we make for packages?05:42
RiddellOculusAquilae: debdiff05:42
Riddelldebdiff old.dsc new.dsc05:42
macdI'd be curious to know why against it, I'll have to inquire, thanks for info OdyX, Riddell 05:43
PascalFrRiddell: thanks for fixing konqueror menu entry  it works now05:44
RiddellPascalFr: what did I fix?05:45
OdyXRiddell: don't worry.. It's fixed ! :D05:49
PascalFrRiddell: konqueror could not be launched from internet kde menu  yesterday  (profile was missing)05:49
OdyXwhere are the daily CD's ?05:51
RiddellPascalFr: oh yes, you're welcome :)05:56
RiddellOdyX: KubuntuFiles knows all05:56
Riddellalthough if you wait a an hour we may have ones that aren't oversized05:56
PascalFrRiddell:  hem... :P 05:56
OdyXFine. Thanks.05:56
OdyXRiddell: Cool05:56
Riddellcdimage.ubuntu.com rather05:57
macdSome of the us repost reporting http-301, fresh sources list from source-o-matic.05:58
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OculusAquilaeRiddell: ok, i have the debdiff -- http://oculusaquilae.de/kubuntu/fixes-dapper/pot_generation.diff06:05
OdyXIs somebody going to try live CD soon ? bug 4382906:08
UbugtuMalone bug 43829 in kdebase "Kubuntu Dapper Flight7 LiveCD: Cant unlock session as long as there is an empty password" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4382906:08
Riddellmacd: wait a few hours, if it still happens complain to znarl06:10
RiddellOculusAquilae: looking06:12
RiddellOdyX: I don't see that getting fixed for release06:12
OdyXRiddell: well. Then don't authorise users to lock the screen...06:13
OdyXRiddell: it's pretty important _if verified_06:13
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
OdyXbug 35573 ?06:17
UbugtuMalone bug 35573 in kdebase "No localizations available" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3557306:17
RiddellOdyX: ask if he has language-pack-kde-de installed06:18
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Riddelljjesse_lunch: thanks for starting the edgy docs spec06:37
Riddellmornfall: just for your information https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2006-May/005677.html06:43
apokryphos*another* package manager? Aren't there enough already 8)06:48
bddebianNever ;-)06:49
apokryphoskpackage is hardly *the* solution. It'd need quite some development to get up-to-scratch06:49
apokryphosif someone's going to go a different way, I can't imagine doing much better than smart 8)06:50
=== apokryphos posts to the list
apokryphosall smart really needs is a decent KDE front-end. All the stuff at the back is excellent06:52
marseillaiRiddell: is it possible at this time to remove kmplayer-konq-pluggins from kubuntu-desktop ? because every where i can see it causes more problems than it brings solution ....06:52
Riddellwhat problems does it cause?06:53
marseillaiwhen it works sometine it doesn't work06:55
marseillaiand sometimes it doesn't work at all06:55
marseillaifor me removing kmplayer-konq-pluggins resolve all my problems06:56
=== macd [n=bashscri@adsl-156-71-225.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
OdyXRiddell: bug 44474 <- We still have both. This has to be solved, huh ?07:08
UbugtuMalone bug 44474 in kdebase "Not helpful descriptions for KWiFiManager and Wireless Assistant" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4447407:08
RiddellOdyX: kwifimanager has been removed from the seed/CDs, you can mark as fix released07:10
OdyXbug 44548 <- Annoying.. Very annoying. I just confirmed it. Just a mix between UTF-8 and iso-8859-1507:11
UbugtuMalone bug 44548 in kdebase "Problems with accentuated characters in man pages" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4454807:11
OculusAquilaeRiddell: Konversation is for some reason suddenly untranslated. yesterday it was07:13
OdyXDoes anybody else have kontact eating 70% of CPU all the time ?07:17
OculusAquilaeRiddell: but translations are in launchpad, strange07:18
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Zerlinna [n=Zerlinna@Q76aa.q.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureTonio_: hi!07:25
Tonio_hey ;)07:26
Riddellhoorah, CDs well within size http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20060523.2/07:30
Riddelltest away!07:30
LureRiddell: just complete Ubiquity install from DVD 20060522, will also try text install just to see how breezy installs looked like ;-)07:31
RiddellLure: installed ok?07:31
LureShould I report results somewhere or here is good enough?07:32
RiddellLure: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/CurrentKubuntu07:33
Riddellinclude the CD/DVD build number07:33
Tonio_Riddell: I have prpared a machine at work for tomorrow.07:34
Tonio_Riddell: the test will be : resizing of an ntfs partition, resizing of a fat one, and installation07:35
Tonio_and the goal is to have a dual boot of course :)07:35
RiddellTonio_: great07:35
Tonio_Riddell: vacations accepted, I will be there from 19 to 2307:35
RiddellTonio_: great :)07:36
LureTonio_: tests w/o resize with NTFS work for me. I have seen that Kamion is fixing some NTFS resize issues today, so he might be interested in results07:37
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Tonio_Lure: well we will know tomorrow ;)07:37
LureRiddell: where to write ubiquity install? Should I add new line for it?07:38
LureRiddell: I would replace OEM to Ubiquity as we do not have OEM anyhow.... ;-)07:38
RiddellLure: yes, please do07:38
Lureshould I write "desktop" or "ubiquity"?07:39
OculusAquilaeRiddell: Konversation is for some reason suddenly untranslated. who can I ask because of that?07:39
RiddellLure: ubiquity I'd say07:40
RiddellOculusAquilae: is there a file for it in the language pack?07:41
LureRiddell: done07:41
RiddellLure: please add build number too07:44
OculusAquilaeRiddell: not in yesterdays de-langpack07:44
Lurebuild number? I have put a note which DVD version (directory) I used07:45
RiddellLure: oh I see, might be clearer in the table though07:45
LureI can add in table, but may become huge07:47
LureRiddell: how is WinFOSS supposed to work?07:47
Riddellit's important information07:47
LureRiddell: will add it in07:47
RiddellLure: put into windows machine, see if it runs07:47
=== marseillai [n=marseill@AMarseille-256-1-30-126.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureI got Kubuntu splash for short time, Autoplay is examining the DVD for cca 5 minutes and now I got the menu with offering and then AutoPlay completed07:48
LureIt is a bit strange...07:48
RiddellLure: is there windows software on the DVD?  can you run whatever the .exe is called?07:49
LureIt may be due to the fact that I have DVD-RW and WinXP now offers me also "Open writebale folder"07:49
LureRiddell: yes it is, and installers work...07:49
Riddelldoes the autorun.inf file point to the right place?07:50
LureRiddell: tried DVD-ROM drive and everything is fine now (got splash, then menu with SW to installed in 10 sec or so)07:51
OculusAquilaeRiddell: but konversation is translated in rosetta07:51
LureRiddell: I suspect this Autoplay delay is just a side effect of using DVD-RW media and drive (which normal users probably will not use)07:52
RiddellLure: so it's Windows fault then :)07:52
RiddellOculusAquilae: ask pitti and carlos if it's being exported07:52
LureFirefox seems to be old, but not sure if this can be changed that late...07:53
LureRiddell: should I submit wishlist to include latest Firefox & Thunderbird?07:56
RiddellLure: no07:56
Riddellthe packager will know that there are new releases out07:57
LureRiddell: packager? TB version is 1.5 20051201 which seems quite old...07:59
Riddelloh, thunderbird08:00
Riddellit's too late for dapper08:01
LureRiddell: it is a bit a shame that two flagship WinFOSS products are a bit old :-(08:03
LureI will try server install now...08:04
RiddellLure: oh, winfoss, I see08:06
RiddellI think heno just used whatever was stable08:07
LureRiddell: have added version into table and I will submit wishlist to include newer FF and TB and they can reject (as it may be too late)08:10
=== OculusAquilae thinks that WinFOSS should be removed for edgy because we get more space for innovation then
LureOculusAquilae: I would agree with that... But if it is there, it should be latest08:16
OculusAquilaethat's right08:16
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Lurehi raphink10:52
raphinkhi Lure10:53
Lureraphink: you are moving to new location or something_10:54
raphinkyes exactly Lure10:54
raphinkabout 1000km away from where I have been lately (my parents) and indirectly 1400km from where I was living last month10:55
raphinkso I'm kind of busy and sorry of it10:55
Lurethat can be challenging... where did you move to?10:55
raphinkI'm moving to Vallauris, French Riviera10:55
Lurethat is great - just the sea can be distracting (at least it would be fr me ;-))10:56
raphinkhehe :)10:56
raphinksame fore me Lure10:56
raphinkit will be10:56
raphinkI have plans to sail, too ;)10:56
raphinkso I took my sailing stuff with me :)10:57
Lurebut, as friend of mine would say: these are all nice problems ;-)10:57
raphinkI was told there are people with sails looking for experimented staff around ;)10:57
LureI just had a great sailing week on the Adriatic....10:57
raphinkgreat :)10:58
raphinkyou'll have to come here so we can sail together some time ;)10:58
raphinkLure: you're in croatia right?11:01
Lureraphink: I am from Slovenia, but we sail in Croatia 11:01
raphinkok :)11:02
=== Lure is impressed with Ubuntu/GNOME polish
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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kwwiianyone know how to use a gpg key I created on my osx machine in linux?11:10
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
raphinkkwwii: does osx create a .gnupg dir ?11:15
raphinkin your ~ 11:15
raphinkin /Users/yourlogin11:15
kwwiiraphink: yes, and I copied it to my home in linux11:15
raphinkshould work then11:15
raphinkdoesn't it?11:15
kwwiito be honest, I know exaclty 0% about gpg11:16
raphinkwell give me a few minutes and I'llg et  you through11:16
kwwiiI tried to upload a signed version of the code of conduct for about 3 hours today11:16
apokryphoskwwii: there's quite a valuable wiki entry on it, I believe11:17
kwwiiapokryphos: yeah, that is the best place to hide something i know of11:18
kwwiikwwii@isaac:~$ gpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.txt11:27
kwwiigpg: no default secret key: secret key not available11:27
kwwiigpg: UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.txt: clearsign failed: secret key not available11:27
kwwiiyet gpg -list-keys shows it11:27
kmonI don't know why but the documentation section in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuFutureIdeas isn't shown correctly11:28
kwwiiit worked great on OSX but the damn webpage will not accept the .asc file contents that are made on OSX11:28
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alleekwwii: does your first last name in /etc/passwd match what --list-keys shows?  I doubt ;)11:50
kwwiiallee: it is exactly the same11:51
kwwiikwwii:x:number.number: Kenneth Wimer,,blahblah11:51
tomakwwii: trying the 1.0.1 version or 1.0 ?11:51
alleekwwii: remove the leading space?11:51
robotgeekcongrats to all members11:52
kwwiierm,  I added the leading space myself :-)11:52
robotgeeki think the 1.0.1 doesn't work, try it with 1.011:52
kwwiiit is a problem that it says I have no secret key11:52
kwwiigpg: no default secret key: secret key not available11:52
alleekwwii: no _default_ secret key .  does gpg -K  list your key?11:56
kwwiiyes, it does list my key, fingerprint, the other keys I have as trusted, etc.11:56
kwwiibut gpg --list-secret-key Kenneth Wimer says I have no secret key11:57
alleegpg --list-secret-key "Kenneth Wimer"11:57
kwwiisame thing11:57
kwwiisame result, I mean11:57
alleegpg -K output (only your section)?11:58
kwwiigpg: error reading key: secret key not available11:59
kwwiiI have like 2 other things I have to get done by tomorrow (befor the holiday) since I am flying to port. on Friday....for now it'll have to wait11:59
kwwiiI simply cannot waste a day doing this crap12:00
kwwiithanks for the help anyway12:00
=== kwwii gives up and does something worthwhile
kwwiimembrership will just have to wait12:00
kwwiias will spelling :-)12:00
kwwiinight all12:01
=== allee still confused why 'gpg -K' complains
alleekwwii: nite12:01
kwwiimight be back shortly tomorrow, otherwise it'll be a few weeks12:01
alleekwwii: me too ;)12:01
=== Zerlinna [n=Zerlinna@Q76aa.q.strato-dslnet.de] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
kwwiiallee: yeah, but I am not going on vacation...I am going to work :-(12:01
alleekwwii: your fault12:02
kwwiihehe, yeah...it is all for KDE12:02
alleebut it's better that I'm going to vacation.  Not that big loss was when you go to vacation ;)12:02
kwwiiha! I doubt taht12:03
kwwiiI have not had a vacation in 11 years12:03
alleenevetherless I wish you and the other artists creative and fruitful weeks12:03
kwwiithanks :-)12:04
kwwiiI hope you enjoy your vacation! :-)12:04
kwwiihere is a better question...when I do the --clearsign thing on osx, it works great12:04
kwwiibut when I try to upload the file the webpage complains12:04
kwwiimy guess is the the "gnupg (darwin)" is not execpted12:05
kwwiiit probably wants linux or such in () instead12:05
alleeinteresting assumption. only #lauchpad-devel knows (perhaps :)12:06
kwwiidude, launchpad is evil12:07
kwwiilaunchpad is a usability nightmare12:07
kwwiitools made by developers for developers12:07
=== Lathiat [n=lathiat@ubuntu/member/pdpc.basic.lathiat] has joined #kubuntu-devel
alleeyeap, it's good start, but needs lots of UI polishing12:08
kwwiianyway...me heads off, too many other things right now12:08
kwwiisee you12:08
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
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kwwiiso, being the sadist that I am, I keep banging my head against the gpg wall12:35
kwwiinow I figured out the problem with the key stuff...it works now (it was the rights on one file)12:36
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kwwiiand when I upload the contents of the .asc file I get this: "str: Single signature expected, found multiple signatures"12:36
tomakwwii: you signed the signed one 12:40
tomakwwii: make sure you sign the one downloaded and haven't signed before12:40
kwwiitoma: I just downloaded it again, and I get the same error12:41
tomano idea then12:41
kwwiiha! It worked after like 15 tries12:42
kwwiiI think it was an extra space12:42
kwwiithanks be to god12:43
imbrandon_morning everyone12:43
kwwiiI can sleep now12:43
kwwiinight imbrandon_12:43
imbrandon_gnight kwwii12:43
=== kwwii goes to sleep dreaming of gpg keys
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poimendoes amarok 1.4 is inside the normal distribution of dapper 06:12
freeflyingpoimen: no06:13
poimenor I still have to have the amarok 1.4 sources in my sources.list?06:13
poimenit is going to be in it in the final relese?06:13
freeflyingpoimen: will not be in dapper06:13
poimen:( why?06:13
freeflyingpoimen: too much UVFe06:14
imbrandonsame with koffice 1.5.106:15
poimenI have downloaded 200 mb of updates today:)06:17
poimenI am updating daily06:23
poimenI dont want to download 700mb the realese day06:23
imbrandonheh me too , but mostly only 200mb on days i reinstall06:23
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poimentoday there was a update to the kernel06:24
imbrandonyea i saw that06:24
poimenso that was a big one with the source and all06:24
imbrandona few hours ago06:24
poimenI havent installed them..06:25
imbrandonjust download ?06:25
poimenI downloaded them with the apt-get -d upgrade option06:25
poimenI will install it later06:25
poimenI am doing some things now I dont want to break my system just now ( there is a little chance it happens I am using XGL and ati propierary drivers)06:26
imbrandonyea i was thinking about redoing xgl here in a few06:26
imbrandonhavent tried it in a few weeks06:27
imbrandonyour not happer to be on kde do you?06:27
freeflyingpoimen: can you use compiz under kde06:28
imbrandonfreeflying: yea06:28
poimenand works somehow nice06:28
imbrandonthere is compiz main pkg and compiz-gome and compiz-kde06:28
poimenlittle problems but it works06:28
imbrandonpain to setup ?06:29
imbrandonlast time ( like i said a few weeks ago ) it took me all one afternoon06:29
freeflyingpoimen: if I use compiz-kde, some applications keep crash, sometime, I even can not log in 06:29
poimenI dont think I am using compiz kde06:30
poimenIt dint work untill I installled compiz-gnome06:30
poimenand I start gnome-window-decorator06:30
imbrandoni wish you could use kwin ( i have a custom theme i use )06:31
poimenSomone using deskorator?06:35
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Hobbseehi kwwii :)10:36
kwwiihi Hobbsee10:37
seaLneweird since i restarted kde/kontact today if i try to save an attatchment from kmail i get a 0 sized file, anyone else see this?10:39
Hobbseei dont use kontact/kmail, sorry seaLne 10:40
kwwiiseaLne: I update every day and use kmail...haven't noticed that yet10:41
seaLnedo you reboot?10:41
seaLneor atleast restart kde10:42
kwwiiseaLne: funny, you should ask, I have to reboot right now :-)10:42
=== kwwii will brb in 5min
kwwiiseaLne: nope, it works fine here10:48
seaLnewell i suppose its good that no one else has the problem :-/10:54
freeflyingseaLne: hi10:58
seaLnelo freeflying 10:58
seaLnei still get 0 sized files even after restarting kontact10:59
freeflyingseaLne: the last interveiw kept in my mail box about 3 weeks  :) 10:59
seaLnei am expecting german and french today or tommorow hopefully......11:00
seaLnethis syncronised language release of interviews isn't really working very well11:00
freeflyingseaLne: heh11:03
=== seaLne feels slightly embaressed as he discovers the problem with his attatchments, /tmp is full
HobbseeseaLne: you didnt happen to write a bug on that, then have to admit that in lauchpad too, did you?  :P11:03
seaLneno, luckily :)11:04
=== Hobbsee will make note of that for the future though
=== seaLne blaims beagle
seaLne829M    beagle-kd-bf6ab01c-bc87-4d1e-aedd-15f8a9859e4711:04
seaLneis beagle supposed to need that much?11:05
freeflyingseaLne: 892M, a bit big11:08
seaLneyeah, big enough t make me consider not using kerry11:08
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abattoirRiddell: I was officially notified that i've been accepted for SoC 200611:26
abattoirThanks a lot :D 11:26
abattoirI look forward to working w/ my mentor( I assume it would be you ;) )...11:26
abattoir... and on the project11:26
abattoirthanks once again :) 11:27
seaLneabattoir: good luck11:27
abattoirseaLne: Thanks :) 11:27
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=== seaLne hates debian being the standard at work, dapper live cd works perfectly on t60 (except needs to use vesa) and its hard to get sarge to do anything, so kubuntu++ definitly :)
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Riddellhi abattoir, congratulations11:54
Riddellyuriy_: have you been notified?11:54
abattoirRiddell: thanks :) . You'd be my mentor right?11:56
abattoirok, cool.11:56
Riddellabattoir: do you know when the SoC starts and ends?11:56
abattoirIt officially started today :P 11:57
Riddellright!  get cracking then! :)11:57
abattoirbut i guess you are busy w/ dapper11:57
Riddellthat's quite short notice they give you11:57
Riddellyes, true11:58
abattoirAug. 21 is the deadline11:59
abattoirthere is an interim evaluation though11:59
abattoirthat'd be due on June 3012:00
Riddellby the way tvo is our SoC student from last year, maybe he has some tips for you12:03
Hobbseehi abattoir and Riddell 12:03
=== Hobbsee goes searching for burns-related stuff, and is afk
abattoirhello Hobbsee12:03
abattoirok, hi tvo ...12:04
abattoiryou here? ;) 12:04
abattoirRiddell: what did he work on? if i may know...12:04
Riddellkiolocate and the google search box we ship with12:05
Riddellabattoir: do you have a plan for getting started with the project?12:06
abattoirRiddell: oh the google suggest search box, that's awesome :) 12:06
RiddellI know :)12:06
abattoirI have put up the wiki... outlining the Ubuntu Installer12:06
abattoiras you had asked me to12:06
abattoirI have also glanced at the Ubuntu code.12:07
Riddellsaw that, very useful12:07
abattoirshould i put up a new spec in launchpad, or is it linked to the ubuntu spec?12:07
Riddellit may well be worth putting up a spec and a wiki page with an outline of what's to be done yes12:08
Riddellyou should also talk to Kamion to see if he has any plans for the OEM installer which might affect your project12:09
abattoirok. so initially just port the glade stuff to qt right?12:09
abattoiraah, ok12:09
Riddellbut he'll be busy with RC releasing today as well so be polite12:09
abattoirok, i can do one thing, since there is time...12:09
Riddellporting the glade stuff to qtdesigner is a good start, that's how I started with ubiquity12:09
abattoirI have an exam tomorrow :( 12:09
abattoirwill get back home next week...12:10
abattoirdapper would also be out by then12:10
Riddelloh right, well no need to start today, get back revising then12:10
Riddellabattoir: you've not done pykde before have you?12:10
abattoiryes, i have worked w/ pykde before12:10
Riddelloh, cool, sorted12:11
abattoirlearnt it for some superkaramba themes...12:11
abattoirbut didnt end up implementing it... :(12:11
abattoiractually i did, but very little12:11
RiddellSime here is our local pykde expert, he can answer any problems you might have with it :)12:12
abattoirok :) 12:12
abattoiri'll get back to studying then.... :(12:13
abattoirthanks a lot once again12:13
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellabattoir: weekly summary updates by e-mail from you would be good12:15
OdyXLast release is Flight 7, huh ?12:15
RiddellOdyX: RC out tomorrow12:15
OdyXURL ?12:15
Riddelltesting of today's live and install CD very welcome12:15
OdyXI'v got somebody on -fr for complete testing (install Windows on whole and then daily-live12:16
seaLnedapper-alternative 20060524 installed fine12:16
seaLnetodays desktop seems to run fine, not had a chance to test installing from it yet12:17
RiddellSime: i386?12:17
abattoirRiddell: sure. anyways, i'll be lurking around here.12:18
cmvoRiddell: Hi! Latest dapper-install is 0522, should I test that or dapper-alternate 0524?12:18
seaLnenice d-i sets the proxy in apt.conf that you specified during the install now :)12:19
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Riddellcmvo: install is renamed to alternate, test 052412:19
Riddelland live is now desktop12:19
cmvoRiddell: Ok, I'll try alternate 0524, as soon as the download finishes :-)12:22
cmvoRiddell: Is there a way to preseed a local repo for the install?12:24
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Riddellcmvo: I'm not sure what you mean12:28
OdyXcmvo: using a proxy ?12:31
cmvoRiddell: When installing on a system with a network connection and a local repository, but not internet access.12:31
seaLneyes as its d-i, but not easily12:32
cmvoRiddell: The install insists on scanning the remote repository at archive.ubuntu.com.12:32
seaLnewhich is mildly annoying as it makes the install take about 10times as long for me12:32
cmvoRiddell: I'd rather not wait for the timeout. Using the export mode of d-i I can set the name of the normal repo, but not the security repo.12:33
seaLnecmvo: how do you do that?12:33
cmvoseaLne: Don't have the install disk boot screen in front of me. I thin its F4 to choose between normal and expert mode.12:35
seaLneas simple as that :)12:36
cmvoseaLne: Its F6 twice and choosing expert mode.12:37
seaLneyeah trying it now12:38
seaLnepity you then have to answer all the questions tho12:38
cmvoseaLne: expert mode asks more questions, but using the defaults its more or less the same a normal.12:40
seaLneload installer components isn't obvious tho12:40
cmvoseaLne: It's a pity, either two timeouts or more questions and one timeout :-(12:41
seaLneinteresting if you previously selected lvm you can't automatically use lvm the next time as it errors about there being lvm12:43
cmvoseaLne: It seems it isn't. I've been using this installer mode so many time since pre sarge, I don't think much about it.12:44
cmvoseaLne: Hm, I've not tried lvm with the installer.12:45
seaLnei've never really bothered with expert mode before12:45
seaLnenow i need to check it in non expert mode12:45
seaLneoops if yu have lvm you can't install using lvm automatically even tho the option is called erase and lvm12:48
cmvoseaLne: Last time I tried normal mode in flight-7, it put grub in the mbr without asking, I didn't like that too much...12:48
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cmvoseaLne: Do you know if I can do a network install, loading the packages over the network not from the cd? As with the debian netinst cd.01:13
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Riddellcmvo: we have a net install CD, I've not tried it out01:49
Hobbseecurrent ubiquity should work, right?01:49
RiddellHobbsee: from todays desktop CD yes01:50
Riddellbut keep an alternative CD around just incase01:51
Hobbseemmm okay - it's a user in #kubuntu asking01:52
cmvoRiddell: Ah, thanks. Where can I find it? Can't see it on cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/01:52
HobbseeRiddell: [21:55]  <VincentMX> I'm going to start a small pc company, where i'm going to sell PC's. am i allowed to sell them with Kubuntu Linux installed? since i'm not supposed to use it for commercial purpouseses01:55
Riddellcmvo: hidden away at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/01:57
Riddellyou may need to ask kamion if there's a magic boot command for it to use kubuntu01:58
RiddellHobbsee: where's he?01:58
HobbseeRiddell: #kubuntu01:58
cmvoRiddell: Ok. Should have known to look in the archive :-) I'll give it a try.02:02
Riddellcmvo: I've added a link from KubuntuFiles so I know where to get it next time :)02:03
cmvoRiddell: It's the debian place :-)02:06
imbrandonheh i noticed that too, same place as tyhe debain net install iso02:10
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/CurrentKubuntu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/ || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings -- Next meeting is ...
OdyXRiddell: next meeting is 6th June, 21 UTC02:26
OdyXRiddell: what else as libxine-extracodecs is needed for RestrictedFormats ?02:26
OdyXfor xine '02:28
OdyXimbrandon: the easiest way to install it is still going through marillat's ?02:30
imbrandonyup far as i know02:31
OdyXwell. that's far from easy, but works.02:31
Riddelllibxine-extracodecs from multiverse, w32codecs and libdvdcss from dodgy places02:31
imbrandontheres a script in multiverse that installs libdvdcss202:32
imbrandonsudo apt-get install libdvdread3 build-essential debhelper fakeroot02:33
imbrandonsudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh02:33
imbrandonthat will install libdvdcss202:33
Riddelloh, groovy02:37
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Hobbseewb Riddell 02:56
Riddellfreenode broke02:56
Hobbseedid it?02:57
Hobbseenot here...02:57
Hobbseewasnt even a netsplit here..02:57
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auTONYmoushi, anybody here this morning?02:58
OculusAquilaemorning? where morning ? :)02:58
Hobbseehi auTONYmous 02:58
auTONYmousI the US...9:00 am here02:58
OculusAquilaehi auTONYmous :)02:58
Hobbseemorning in the US02:58
auTONYmousI have a question about kdesu02:58
auTONYmousI know someone here (in there infinite wisdom) has recompiled kdesu to use sudo instead of su02:59
auTONYmousI sometimes use kubuntu and suse interchangeably...how can I recompile kdesu to use sudo on suse?02:59
OculusAquilaeauTONYmous: i think there's a patch on kdebase03:02
OculusAquilaetry to make "apt-get source kdesu" 03:02
OculusAquilaeand look in the new folder/debian/patches03:02
auTONYmousthanks, i'll check that out03:02
auTONYmous(I've seen something somewhere that apt4suse is being replaced with repmod...but that's really not a topic for here.)03:03
Riddellyou need the patch in kdelibs too03:03
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kwwiion launchpad it mentions that I am not a member of any team, is that important?03:33
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seaLneprobably only for your ego :)03:36
kwwiihehe :-)03:36
OdyXkwwii: join the more team you can, it's always fun03:37
OdyXkwwii: ubuntu-art for example... :D03:37
=== Hobbsee wonders why this is not working :(
kwwiiwell, how does one join?03:37
kwwiiI see no link to any kind of list or such03:37
seaLneshould should join kubuntu-team tho i'm sure Riddell will approve it :)03:37
seaLnekwwii: go to the team and click join on the left03:38
seaLnehttps://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+join i think (don't have it as i'm a member of the team03:39
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kwwiiso if you do not know the name of the team, you cannot find that page to join03:40
seaLneso err yeah03:40
kwwiiyeah, that is what I meant :-)03:40
kwwiiagain, great usability03:40
kwwiihiding the teams is the best way to avoid stupid people from joining :-)))03:41
Hobbseekwwii: hehe.  it seems to take people a while to find their way around launchpad :P03:43
Lurekwwii: you can search for teams...03:43
seaLnelp has improved alot over the last year tho03:43
LureDatumImePriimekMetodaLokacija delaSBAKomu poroaRedno odDays from last PE/PDPGMPerformed?03:43
LureLukaVogriniLuka VogriniR(Z)LJ.BTCBHSPredrag Krsti21.11.2005 00:0038847StorageNO03:43
Luresorry wrong paste03:43
seaLneLure: 14:41 < seaLne> https://launchpad.net/people/+teamlist03:43
HobbseeseaLne: that is very true.  the search probably works almost all the time now :P03:45
seaLnesearching for a bugs the one you are about to report might be a duplicate of never seems very successfull03:46
HobbseeseaLne: i know :(03:46
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Hobbseehmmm...any way to access konsole from inside konv?  or some form of run command?03:49
Riddellwhy would you want to?03:49
=== kwwii is now known as kwwii_afk
HobbseeRiddell: because i killed kdesktop, as it crashed, that froze kicker, so i killed that too, and now i cant get anything else to run!03:50
seaLneswicth to a virtual console?03:50
=== Hobbsee sees that kdesktop seems to *like* crashing when right clicking a file - i wonder if that's what the kopete bug people are talking about is...
HobbseeseaLne: doesnt let me restart kicker...03:50
seaLneyou can't just run kicker?03:50
Hobbseeoh, never mind...03:51
HobbseeseaLne: with what?03:51
seaLnetypeing it03:51
Hobbseeah ha!03:51
Hobbseelong live katapult :D03:51
HobbseeseaLne: i couldnt, i had no kdesktop and no kicker.03:51
Hobbseehmmm...and kicker is borked...03:52
OdyXHobbsee: can't access to TTY ?03:53
HobbseeOdyX: nothing GUI will run from there03:53
OdyXHobbsee: sure it will !!03:53
RiddellHobbsee: alt-F2?  katapult?03:53
OdyXHobbsee: export DISPLAY=:0 && kwin &>/dev/null03:53
OdyXHobbsee: try it03:54
HobbseeRiddell: i eventually figured that out...katapult was running.  alt+f2/win+r wouldnt work, for some reason - think that was part of the freezing, half killed kdesktop03:54
=== Hobbsee tries to fix kicker.
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseei'm back :)03:57
imbrandonnight Riddell / Hobbsee / OdyX , tis my bedtime03:58
Hobbseenight imbrandon 03:58
=== Hobbsee contemplates bed, then realises she got up less than 12 hours ago...
OdyXHobbsee: keyboard in raw with SysRQ then go to TTY 1 and start whatever needed from there.03:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: i was only 4 hours late to uni, you know :P03:59
HobbseeOdyX: in english?  :P03:59
OdyXHobbsee: well.. If you're blocked /freezed, you should use SysRQ commands04:01
HobbseeOdyX: when i get really frozen, ie, cant do anything, i cant get to a tty either - so have to hit the power button.04:01
OdyXHobbsee: no... not always04:02
OdyX[Alt] -[SysRQ] -[R]  for "Raw"04:02
OdyXthese are special commands that permit to guide directly the kernel04:03
seaLneyou would need to enable sysrq first tho04:03
Hobbseehmmm okay...didnt know about them04:03
OdyXseaLne: it is per default, no ?04:03
seaLnei'd hope not04:03
OdyXseaLne: verfiy04:03
OdyXseaLne: when you cat something in /proc (or was it /sys), is it permanent ?04:07
seaLneno, something needs to set it at boot unless its a default04:07
OdyXseaLne: well.. It works then...04:08
OdyXdo you want to be sure ?04:08
OdyXtry sysRq b (reBoot)...04:08
OdyXSeveas tried ^^04:08
seaLnehmm, sysrq shouldn't be on by default its a security risk04:09
OdyXseaLne: I'm almost sure it is enabled per default...04:09
OdyXseaLne: it is...04:09
seaLnei'm begining to agree04:10
OdyXseaLne: but very useful though04:10
seaLneit didn't used to be on because i enabled it on my home machine a while ago04:10
OdyXseaLne: it allows to safely reboot with syncing, proper killing.04:10
seaLnei'm familiar with it04:10
OdyXwhere's the place we can check (and make checks) it is enabled ?04:11
seaLneit should be getting turned on somewhere in /etc04:11
seaLneunless it is turned on by default in the ubuntu kernel?04:12
OdyXgrep gives nothing in /etc about sysrq, sysRQ nor SysRQ04:12
OdyXit seems default in ubuntu kernel04:12
OdyXat least desktop's (so default's)04:12
seaLneso that answers that one04:13
OdyXdo we have time to make it change ?04:14
seaLneits a simple change, but it depends why it was enabled04:15
OdyXseaLne: who asks on ubuntu-devel ?04:17
Riddellfabbione and benc are the linux people04:18
seaLnefile a bug if you want against linux-source-2.6.15 if you want04:18
Riddellwhere linux == our kernel04:18
OdyXseaLne: well.. I don't see exactly the security issue...it needs local /serial access, no ?04:19
seaLneyes but not everyone with local access should be able to do evrything it can04:22
OdyX[16:22:54]  <BenC> OdyX: the only reason I know of is "it's always been on"04:23
OdyX[16:22:47]  <mjg59> OdyX: If someone has physical access to the console, then in general they can own the system04:23
seaLneunless its physically secured and the software is secured04:24
seaLnebut i think there are way more important issues atm with dapper to worry about :)04:24
OdyXseaLne: could you please argue on #ubuntu-devel04:25
Riddellmight be best to argue after dapper release :)04:25
seaLnei'd much rather you could sync a palm while using bluetooth than have sysrq disabled :)04:25
OdyXRiddell: sure !04:25
OdyXSome'd like to connect to Internet through Bluetooth04:26
seaLneits a strange problem tho04:31
OdyXseaLne: [16:30:45]  <mjg59> OdyX: Put kernel/sysrq=0 in /etc/sysctl.conf04:31
seaLneOdyX: yip04:31
OdyXseaLne: <fabbione> OdyX: if a server is on the network is not secure. if a server has power is not secure. if there are cables coming out is not secure. if the disks are replaced the data are not secured. if you don't slam it in a 2x2x2mt cube of concrete is not secure (a nuclear blast might cause DoS)... if04:32
OdyXarf ^^04:32
seaLnedesktops not servers04:32
seaLnebut i don't really care enough to argue04:33
seaLnebug 43686 is very hard to reproduce on a clean install, yet happens on my home machine i wonder if there is something in that fact04:33
UbugtuMalone bug 43686 in linux-source-2.6.15 "kpilot stops responding" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4368604:33
seaLneit alo effects pilot-xfer so is not just a kpilot problem04:35
abattoirI cannot seem to download off cdimage.ubuntu.com... "Connection to host cdimage.ubuntu.com is broken."04:46
abattoirdoes anyone else get this error?04:46
abattoirfor example04:47
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-240-5.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
abattoirhello pygi :) 04:49
pygihello abattoir 04:49
pygicongrats :)04:49
abattoirthank you :D 04:50
Riddellabattoir: works for me04:50
Riddellabattoir: what are you using to download?04:50
seaLneConnection closed at byte 1448. Retrying.04:50
abattoirRiddell: plain old konqueror04:50
seaLne^ wget04:50
abattoirI guess it's my network then...04:50
abattoironly the .iso s dont work04:50
seaLneabattoir: i get error04:50
abattoirother files work fine04:50
abattoirseaLne: oh, ok.04:51
seaLneit is sending back "206 Partial Content" 04:51
Riddellsome programmes have problems with extra large files04:52
Riddellabattoir: try wget04:52
seaLneRiddell: i get the error with wget04:52
abattoirRiddell: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers. Retrying.04:52
abattoirthat's with wget04:53
abattoiri'll try installing kget04:53
seaLnemy problem maybe be  proxy getting upset tho04:53
abattoirbut it has worked fine w/ konqueror's file transfer 'thing' before04:53
seaLnei can get cd iso's fine just not the dvd04:53
pygiabattoir, pm? :)04:53
abattoirpygi: sorry, was checking out wget... :) 04:54
abattoirseaLne: yes, the cd ISOs work fine04:56
seaLneyou behind a proxy? maybe even "transparent" proxy?04:56
Firetechhmm, anyone here using QT4 (on kubuntu)? I'm trying to run qmake-qt4, but it seems to want to run uic from qt3...04:57
abattoirseaLne: I dont think so.04:57
FiretechI don't really want to change the links in /usr/bin, since I still want to be able to compile qt3 stuff...04:57
=== Hobbsee beds - night all
kwwii_afknight Hobbsee05:00
abattoirseaLne , Riddell : ftp works fine05:01
seaLneabattoir: sounds like it might have been a proxy then, looks like you are on broadband or sme sort of home connection?05:02
abattoiryes, ADSL05:03
abattoirbut i dont think i am behind a proxy....05:04
OdyXnight Hobbsee05:05
UbugtuMalone bug 46374 in kubuntu-meta "Could not find "About Ubuntu"" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  05:07
seaLneinteresting point05:07
RiddellseaLne: Reject, kubuntu isn't ubuntu05:11
seaLnei presume he means about kubuntu05:11
Riddellwell there's no such thing :)05:11
Riddellif we were to add it we'd put it in the About KDE box05:12
seaLneabout ubuntu in gnome seems to just give the help page05:12
seaLneand adding another help item would be bad05:12
seaLne"about kubuntu" is available in the "help" menu option seem ok response? i don't want him to hate me :)05:13
Riddellyep, good idea05:13
seaLneshould help:/ not give you something?05:17
Riddellideally, but too late to fix as I said to raphink the other day05:17
OdyXseaLne: this was pointed yesterday by raphink05:17
seaLneah this was related to the other doc stuff05:18
OdyXRiddell: how are AAC files supposed to be read in AmaroK ?05:39
OdyXin libxine-extras ?05:39
cmvoRiddell: dapper alternate 0525, expert mode, i386, ok :-)05:41
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OdyXRiddell: the icon "Install" on live CD is supposed to launch ubiquity, huh =05:43
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
OdyXseaLne: OK. We'll see05:44
OdyXseaLne: 256 is supposed to be enough RAM ?05:44
seaLnewell its way more than 64k05:45
seaLneRiddell: what about patching kio_help to redirect to help:/kubuntu/about-kubuntu/ when no result?05:50
cmvoRiddell: s/25/2405:52
RiddellseaLne: an index of some sort would be nicer, but as far as I know KDE doesn't put anything there so I'm not going to add a new feature to dapper05:55
Riddelledgy yes05:55
Riddellcmvo: great, can you update the kubuntu table at Current/Testing05:55
seaLneits a 1 line patch05:55
RiddellOdyX: yes, Install should launch ubiquity05:55
RiddellOdyX: aac Files probably with libfaad05:55
cmvoRiddell: I'll take a look...05:56
OdyXRiddell: thanks and thanks05:57
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== OdyX reached 10'000 karma.
bddebianw00t, congrats OdyX06:07
seaLneits amazing how its starts to add up06:07
kwwii_afkdoes that mean you get a free t-shirt or what?06:07
=== kwwii_afk ducks
OdyXkwwii_afk: if it were...06:07
=== kwwii_afk is now known as kwwii
=== bddebian wanted 30K by release but I don't think I'm gonna make it :'-(
seaLnekwwii: that would actually be a very cool idea06:08
OdyXkwwii: it means I don't see the sun anymore.06:08
kwwiiOdyX: I know *exactly* what you mean06:08
OdyXkwwii: ...06:09
kwwiimy wife thinks that I will get a suntan next week in portugal - how wrong she is :-)06:09
OdyXkwwii: looking at top left edge of screen to know outside's weather ?06:09
kwwiiyeah :-)06:09
kwwiiI do not even open my blinds anymore06:09
=== OdyX 's actually correcting "french" to "frenchspeaking" in every translation he founds.
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-015-246.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiithe MIT 100$ laptop is Ubuntu themed! (even if it runs fedora)06:13
pygikwwii, joy :-)06:14
seaLnekwwii: i didn't think they were going to be brown :)06:15
kwwiiseaLne: they are red and orange in the pics06:15
=== freeflying-g4 [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellkwwii: did you have any thougts about a release image?06:24
Riddellwould any of these be good enough for release candidate do you think? http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/mug/06:25
Riddellcropped obviously06:25
OdyXcould be cool if we saw all of the word06:26
=== OdyX has same spoon.
Riddellcan't really fix the word and the logo into view06:26
OdyXRiddell: yeah... We have some real good blenderists on forums, maybe some funky 3D image ?06:27
Riddellgo ahead and poke some, random images to go with news on the website are always welcome06:28
Riddellso long as it has some connection to kubuntu06:29
OdyXI'll go and make propositions06:29
OdyXwhat's the reward ($$$) ? 06:29
Riddellfame and women, no money06:29
OdyXOK. I think they'll need woman's pictures..06:31
freeflying-g4Riddell: is RC out?06:31
OdyXfreeflying-g4: tomorrow as I heard06:31
freeflying-g4OdyX: 06:31
Riddellfreeflying-g4: no, all testing of curren CDs welcome06:33
Riddelladd results to Testing/Current06:33
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/ || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings -- Next meeting is ...
freeflying-g4Riddell: thx06:34
seaLneRiddell: is there no way to fix the certificate problem with wiki.kubuntu.org?06:36
RiddellseaLne: if you report it to bugs.kde.org I'll poke the sysadmin to change it06:37
Riddellactually that probably needs a separate IP address so they probably won't06:37
RiddellseaLne: konqueror doesn't remember to not warn you about the certificate, I'd say that's a KDE bug06:37
seaLneIPs are free :)06:37
Riddellyeah yeah, just because you university types have thousands of them :)06:38
seaLneRiddell: thats a secondary issue, it looks very unprofesional06:38
seaLneno i mean they are free06:38
RiddellI know06:38
seaLnethey have a /20 they aren't exactly short06:39
Riddellalthough a lot of hosting companies find ways of adding admin fees for the privilage of routing them06:39
Riddellbut yes, I'll poke sysadmin06:39
seaLneeven geeksoc has a /24 :)06:39
seaLneah sorry its mNET that has the /20 the servers are only in a /2506:41
seaLnecan anyone else confirm that moused over links in the footer on wiki.kubuntu.org unreadable due to foreground and background being the same?06:52
seaLneor actually slightly different but still unreadable06:52
OdyXseaLne: I confirm. Riddell: can someone try to make a slightly different /Dapper CSS therefore (wiki.kubuntu.org) ?06:54
OdyXsomeone could be me though06:54
kwwiiRiddell: something like that would be nice, but I would suggest making a better pic06:59
kwwiiRiddell: I also started to render an image with nifty light shining through it, etc.06:59
kwwiiI actually bought two cups like that and then forgot to bring them with me when the LT was over07:00
RiddellOdyX: please do :)07:00
kwwiiI have a light table for taking pics like that07:00
OdyXRiddell: OK. Going to.07:01
kwwiibut no cup :-(07:01
Riddellkwwii: how does that work?07:01
kwwiiRiddell: you mean a light box?07:07
seaLneindirect light so no glare?07:07
kwwiibasically it is a big piece of opaque plexi-glass which you can bend in all directions and underneath it is a series of lights which you can individually dim07:08
kwwiierm, semi-opaque07:08
kwwiitranslucent is the word I was looking for07:08
kwwiiactually you could build one yourself...just buy white translucent plexiglas and a bunch of neon lights07:10
kwwiithe color of the lights is unimportant since it shines through the plexiglas first (so you could also use tungsten light or whatever)07:10
seaLnehow big is it?07:11
kwwiiactually I have two of them, a small one I made myself and a bigger one I bought07:12
kwwiibut the small one is too small07:12
kwwiibasically 1mx1m is big enough for most things07:12
kwwiiit depends on which angle you are shooting from07:12
seaLnedo you use other lighting aswell?07:12
kwwiiand how high the object is07:12
kwwiiyes, I rent a studio with a friend and we have a full set of studio lighting07:13
kwwiibut those lights are "daylight" lights which are expensive07:13
kwwiiyou could also simply use a white sheet or piece of paper and blend the details out with light but because the cup is white it would be better not to do it that way07:14
kwwiiyou will loose some of the edges of the cup07:15
kwwiianother way would be to put it on a grey bg and only use minimal lighting to illuminate the cup nicely but the edges might be a bit rough07:17
kwwiithere is a nice filter in krita which could help (min and max colorizing stuff)07:18
kwwiihelp with cutting out the cup, I mean07:18
seaLneis gksudo "update-manager -d" really the recomended way to dist-upgrade?07:23
OdyXseaLne: under K ?07:25
OdyXseaLne: certainly not07:26
OdyXIf you are in command line, i'd say a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is the only best one07:26
seaLnei'm not exactly sure how wiki.kubuntu works, does it access wiki.ubuntu.com content aswell?07:26
OdyXseaLne: they are exactly the same07:27
seaLneOdyX: not very friendly for users07:27
OdyXjust two diferent hosts07:27
seaLnethought that07:27
OdyXseaLne: well.. users have to change their /etc/apt/sources.list07:27
tvohi abattoir 07:28
OdyXseaLne: a Kubuntu version could be good07:29
seaLneshould the live cd drop out of usplash into text if safe mode was selected?07:33
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OdyXI made a first adaptation of https://wiki.kubuntu.org/RestrictedFormats for Kubuntu. Could some take a look (and modify) ?08:10
apokryphoslooks good; gonna add a note on kubuntu mp3 under breezy. gstreamer0.8-mad required for mp3 playback using the gstreamer engine, and k3b-mad for k3b08:16
RiddellOdyX: where?08:17
OdyXRiddell: directly on the page.08:18
OdyXRiddell: This page is referred everywhere, so I took the liberty to modify directly there.08:19
apokryphosyes; I'd almost definitely say it was the most-visited wiki page08:19
RiddellOdyX: describe what kaffeine and amarok do, like on the line above for ubuntu08:22
RiddellOdyX: Breezy Badger needs gstreamer0.8-mad too08:22
apokryphosI've changed to add that already btw08:23
OdyXRiddell: OK. On my way doing it08:24
Riddell"here is ever a plugin in Kubuntu" -> "Kubuntu comes with a plugin by default"08:24
Riddellwhere does flash get installed these days? does konqueror know about that directory?08:25
Riddelllooks good08:26
apokryphosthe actual plugins go to usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/08:27
Riddellthat should be ok08:27
apokryphosyeah, I very vaguely recall flash being picked up08:27
apokryphosbut not java; had to manually change it to /usr/bin/java for sun-java to be used. Plain 'java' would never be picked up for me08:28
=== marseillai [n=marseill@AMarseille-256-1-30-250.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
yuriyOdyX: the original page had gnome stuff listed first everywhere, then KDE, for the kubuntu page i think it should be flipped08:29
OdyXyuriy: there is no kubuntu page..08:29
OdyXyuriy: there is only one page...08:29
OdyXyuriy: both wiki show the same pages08:30
apokryphosthe two wikis are the same thing exactly08:30
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
yuriyoh, i thought you were creating a new one for kubuntu. i see, nevermind then.08:33
RiddellSime: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StreamlinedBoot  we need to move guidance to 6008:38
OdyXbtw, if someone has time to test from Breezy, it could be cool to update that page too: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/DapperUpgrades08:39
apokryphosOdyX: which part?08:45
OdyXapokryphos: well.. the whole... I doubt it'll work "as is" from Kubuntu breezy08:49
apokryphosof course it will08:49
apokryphosthe second part, anyway (Upgrading by changing sources...)08:49
OdyXapokryphos: the second part, for sure, OK.08:53
OdyXapokryphos: and there is no Breezy/KDE tool to make it08:54
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@209-6-87-175.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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SimeRiddell: fine09:24
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
marseillaihi! i'll soon make two new installation of kubuntu before the final release is there any test to do? (aka live cd installation or breezy upgrade ?)09:40
robotgeekmarseillai: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing09:42
Riddellmarseillai: see kubuntu table https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current09:44
Riddellbreezy upgrade would be interesting actually09:44
marseillaioki I'll try both of them!09:50
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=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-226-182.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== pascalFR [n=pascal@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
OdyXRiddell: just thought about a bad issue: Kdm splash is not translated...12:44
Riddellkdm or ksplash?12:45
OdyXwell.. graphical login prompt12:51
OdyXdamn... these translation pages are sooo heavy12:52
OdyXRiddell: I just checked... All are complete green in Rosetta12:53
OdyXI mean, kdm* ksplash*12:53
OdyXRiddell: In which package are "username", "password" and all that stuff from login prompt ?12:54
Riddellshould be in KDM I expect12:56
OdyXwell.. Everything is translated then...12:56
OdyXwell.. translatable are only kdmgreet and kdmconfig12:57
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel []
OdyXit's in kdmgreet. Correct in FR12:58
OdyXRiddell: I'm going to search an existing bug and file one if noone found.01:01
tomaOdyX: can you ckeck your settings?01:01
OdyXtoma: I can, where ?01:02
tomasystem settings->01:02
tomasystem management01:02
tomalogin screen01:02
OdyXOK. Seen.. It's in "nothing"01:03
OdyXThat's still a bug...01:03
OdyXMy system is in fr_FR01:03
tomacan you change it and see if it works?01:03
OdyXlet's go01:04
tomaafaik kdm does not look at the locale (gdm does)01:04
OdyXtoma: it works01:04
tomaI'm not sure you would call this a bug, but I guess so.01:06
OdyXtoma: could that be changed at install (ubiquity or/and text install) ?01:06
OdyXrapid other question: "half translated" packages will be uploaded or not ?01:08
tomaOdyX: it is in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc so I guess it can01:09
OdyXtoma: so will it ?01:09
OdyXtoma: I mean, it's not soooo critical, but makes "user's first sight bad" when getting out of ubiquity01:09
tomaOdyX: yes, better ask Riddell then01:10
Riddellthat's pretty silly of kdm01:11
tomaRiddell: yes, it is01:12
tomathere is an endless discussion at http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5537901:14
UbugtuKDE bug 55379 in general "language selection in kdm" [Wishlist,New]  01:14
tomaabout language selection, but touches this subject here and there01:14
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellnew desktop and alternative CDs are up for those who want to test01:18
Riddellquite likely to become final release candidate01:18
OdyXnite all.01:32
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellmorning bddebian 02:21
Riddellbddebian: what timezone are you in?02:21
bddebianUTC -5 I think?02:21
Riddellso you must be getting home from work at this time?02:21
Riddellfor whatever definition of work02:22
bddebianMaybe we're -8 Here?  Hell I don't know.  It's 8:23pm :)02:23
crimsunthat's -4, dude, you're EDT like me.02:56
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-015-246.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
bddebianOh, hehe03:02
bddebianTold ya I was dumb :-)03:04
crimsundate -R  :-)03:04
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/ || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.ubuntu.c
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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freeflying|awayHobbsee: any article introduce kubuntu dapper?06:24
Hobbseefreeflying|away: hmmm?06:24
freeflyingHobbsee: I'd write an anticle about kubntu for a magazine, so any artcle can be reference06:26
crimsunfreeflying: the Kubuntu links in the right side of http://doc.ubuntu.com/ are good06:27
crimsunnamely About, Release, and Adept06:28
freeflyingcrimsun: thanks06:28
freeflyingcrimsun: how about the UVFe of zhcon  :)06:29
crimsunfreeflying: malone #?06:30
freeflyingcrimsun: heh, I thought you would work on it 06:31
crimsunfreeflying: no, I've been too busy06:31
=== poimen [n=poimen@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip24-250-215-175.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee hates article writing
poimen.me loves it06:43
=== poimen loves it
=== Hobbsee had to write far too many feature articles for english to be interested in writing more
poimenbut only linux related stuff school crap is hatefull06:43
Hobbseeespecially with techniques - ack!06:43
poimenHobbses what u do in kubuntu06:44
Hobbseepoimen: well....06:46
=== Hobbsee never knows how to answer that
Hobbseeimbrandon: how should i answer poimen's question?06:46
Hobbseeyay!  we got new emails!!!  :D06:46
imbrandon*looks* sorry wasent looking06:46
imbrandonpoimen: she is a member of the comunity council and a motu(ish) person ;)06:47
Hobbseeyay.  that's cool :D06:47
Hobbseepoimen: and work with bug reports, bits of organisation, rather than coding, per se...06:47
=== Hobbsee cant code much :P
freeflyingpoimen: you like article, so you have kubntu's ?  :)06:48
freeflyingpoimen: introduce kubuntu to windows users06:48
poimenI am running kubuntu dapper 6.06 updated yesterday to curent and downloading updates rightnow ;)06:48
imbrandonHobbsee: new emails ? /me is still waiting on his @ubuntu.com and/or @kubuntu.org and @ubuntu/members/imbrandon hostmask ;)06:49
Hobbseeimbrandon: see the topic06:49
poimenyou are aking me to write something?06:49
Hobbseefor the hostmask, poke Seveas 06:49
imbrandonahh nice, i'll have to try it .... go's off to email imbrandon@kubuntu.org06:50
freeflyingpoimen: no, just I'd write, but I hate articles06:51
poimenfreeflying I can help ;)06:51
freeflyingpoimen: really? fine06:51
poimenfor when u want the article?06:51
imbrandonHobbsee: PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 9): 550 <imbrandon@kubuntu.org>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table06:52
poimenu want the article for that kubuntu websitE?06:52
freeflyingpoimen: as soon as you can 06:52
Hobbseeimbrandon: the emails should already work...06:52
freeflyingpoimen: no, it's for a e-magazine06:52
imbrandonyea i just tried it06:52
Hobbseeit's a redirect to your email account listed on launchpad06:52
imbrandonsee the smto erir06:52
poimenfreeflying one page?06:53
poimenor how many?06:53
freeflyingpoimen: about 1k words 06:53
imbrandonHobbsee:  i know, but the mailserver is kicking it back06:53
Hobbseeimbrandon: :(06:53
poimen1k <----- that mens 100006:53
imbrandonError (state 9): 550 <imbrandon@kubuntu.org>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table06:53
poimenok I will try to ;)06:54
poimenwere u live USA06:54
poimenits 1 am here06:54
imbrandonHobbsee: try to send a message to imbrandon@kubuntu.org06:54
freeflyingpoimen: no, I'm in China06:54
poimenI can have it for 4pm06:54
imbrandonand yes thats my lpad-id and yes i have an email setup on lpad ;)06:54
poimenbut I wont say it will be pefect but I think it could help06:55
freeflyingpoimen: thx06:55
poimenfreeflying u want what from the article?06:56
freeflyingpoimen: it's up to you06:57
poimenwell I have to take a nice shower06:59
poimenI have a strange smell in me....06:59
poimen:p be back in a hr or so ;)06:59
freeflyingpoimen:  :)06:59
=== dereks [n=derekS@cpe-66-108-44-139.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
dereksi am trying to use krdc, which required libkdnssd.so.1, which isn't on my system, i looked in the kdnssd package, and it doesn't inclued it. any suggestions? (i am on dapper btw)07:10
Hobbseedereks: as in, libkdnssd.so.1 isnt in kdnssd?07:12
dereksHobbsee: i did a dpkg -c and it wasn't07:12
dereks dpkg -c /var/cache/apt/archives/kdnssd_4%3a3.5.2-0ubuntu6_i386.deb07:12
Hobbseehow odd...07:13
dereksHobbsee: do you see that on yours?07:13
Hobbseedereks: yes07:13
dereksHobbsee: ok, so thats causing krdc not to work07:13
Hobbseedereks: gotcha - breezy or dapper?07:14
Hobbseedereks: it's in kdelibs4c2a07:15
poimen-showerbtw : I am going to install ubuntu kubuntu or xubuntu in a friends PC but he has a olf 400MHZ with 128mb of ram07:15
poimen-showerHobbsee :D can I have kde4 in my system :D07:15
Hobbseepoimen-shower: ouch,  xubuntu might be better for that :P07:15
Hobbseepoimen-shower: huh?07:16
poimen-showerbtw: shower done..07:16
poimen-showerbtw: shower done..07:16
poimen-showerHobbsee :D how can I have kde4 in my system ??07:17
Hobbseedereks: try reinstalling kdelibs4c2a - the libkdnssd.so.1 is in there, and it's listed as a dep for krdc07:17
Hobbseepoimen-shower: compile it?  i'm not sure, i've not tried07:17
poimenderek .... u sing kde 4 ?07:18
dereksHobbsee: i just did, sudo apt-get --reinstall install kdelibs4c2a07:18
Hobbseedereks: it's definetly in kdelibs4c2a version 0ubuntu1807:19
dereksHobbsee: i see it in there, it doesn't seem to be installing though07:19
=== Hobbsee wonders what's with dereks' system
derekswhen i do an updatedb;locate libkdnssd i get only "/usr/lib/libkdnssd-avahi/libkdnssd.so.1.0.0.kdecore"07:20
dereksHobbsee: i wonder too07:20
dereksHobbsee: is --reinstall right? or should i do a different param07:20
Hobbseeyou'd have to look under apt-get -h for that07:21
=== Hobbsee doesnt remember
dereksso i know --reinstall works, i just don't know if it does the desired thing07:22
poimenI can set up KDE for best preformance in a system like my firends ?  07:22
derekslemme read07:22
crimsun--reinstall install07:22
derekscrimsun: yeah tahts what i did07:22
derekscrimsun: that should put the files where i need them?07:23
crimsunit should07:23
derekscrimsun: should i try 1 step lower and do a dpkg-reconfigure?07:23
dereksor would that not work07:23
crimsundpkg -P --force-depends kdelibs4c2a && apt-get -f install07:25
Hobbseedereks: the other, less elegant solution, is probably to just grab the source, and copy the files over to where they need to be...but you might be having trouble with more than just that file..07:26
derekscrimsun: whoa, lots of dependency issues07:26
=== Hobbsee notices that the topic is far too long..
derekssorry 07:27
Hobbseeodd.  didnt know that had a lmit07:28
dereksoh, thought you meant our convo :)07:28
Hobbseeno...the topic :P07:30
=== Hobbsee points to the top of the screen
poimenwell time to sleep07:31
poimensee you all laterz07:31
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/ || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.kubuntu
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
Hobbseenow it fits :D07:31
dereksthis is annoying me07:32
crimsundid you purge it and reinstall it?07:32
derekscrimsun: yeah07:32
derekscrimsun: http://pastebin.com/73652307:33
crimsunwell, that's the command I gave you, yes, but that's a bit less than helpful for debugging.07:34
derekscrimsun: what do you mean?07:34
crimsunI'd be more interested in seeing dpkg's and apt-get's output.07:34
dereksoh, sorry i thouhgt it was pasted there :) darn webboard applet07:35
Hobbseedereks: did it finish after that?  install kubuntu-desktop again after that...07:36
dereksHobbsee: reinstall it ?07:37
derekskuz it is already the latest version07:37
=== Hobbsee will leave this to crimsun...
=== Hobbsee woul dhave thought it was removed, with all the other bits...
=== ajmitch_ is wondering what the actual problem is..
dereksme too07:37
crimsundereks: well, what /is(are)/ the symptom(s)?07:37
ajmitch_dereks: ls -la /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so.107:39
derekscrimsun: i am looking for libdnssd.so.1 so i can use kdrc, but it isn't installed, hoever its in the kdelibs package07:39
dereksls -la /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so.107:39
dereksls: /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so.1: No such file or directory07:39
ajmitch_dpkg -L kdelibs4c2a |grep kdns07:39
Lathiattrentl@ubuntu:~$ dpkg -S  /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so.107:39
Lathiatkdelibs4c2a: /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so.107:39
dereksdiverted by libkdnssd-avahi to: /usr/lib/libkdnssd-avahi/libkdnssd.so.1.0.0.kdecore07:40
ajmitch_right, so it is a diversion07:40
ajmitch_I thought it might be..07:40
derekswhats that mean?07:40
ajmitch_it's avahi so I blame Lathiat for all those problems07:40
Lathiatlibkdnssd-avahi isnt used07:40
HobbseeLathiat: run!07:40
Lathiatthats something youve installed previously07:40
Lathiatand the diversion wasnt cleaned up07:40
dereksLathiat: how should i fix it :)07:40
Lathiatwho knows the magical command? :)07:41
Lathiatdpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so.107:41
dereksdo i need to remove a package? lemme see07:41
ajmitch_probably by dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so.1.0.007:41
Lathiatdereks: check its installed but i doubt it07:41
Lathiatgiven it doesnt exist07:41
=== ajmitch_ would assume that the full lib name is diverted
dereksrc  kdnssd-avahi07:42
dereksits not07:42
dereksthough other parts of avahi are, is that ok?07:42
ajmitch_so the remove script of it is broken07:42
ajmitch_since you once had it installed, but the diversion remains07:43
ajmitch_dereks: have you tried the dpkg-civert magic foo?07:43
dereksyeah i just did it07:43
ajmitch_any effect?07:43
derekslet me reinstall kdelibs, right?07:43
ajmitch_shouldn't need to reinstall it07:44
dereksajmitch_: yeah i needed to reinstall it07:44
dereksbut now its working :)07:44
dereksthaks guys07:44
dereksnow its time for bed so i can play with this in the morning07:45
derekshave a nice evening/morning07:45
Hobbseebye dereks 07:45
Hobbseeimbrandon: test passed07:46
=== dereks [n=derekS@cpe-66-108-44-139.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu-devel []
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Hobbseeimbrandon: talk about dev stuff in here :P09:14
imbrandonyea i know , was just lazy ;)09:14
Hobbseeimbrandon: er....that's already uploaded09:14
imbrandonbrb i'ma grab some mt dew while you do that09:14
Hobbseemaybe the launchpad page is just slow or something09:15
imbrandonwhat is ?09:15
Hobbseeimbrandon: kmess.  do you still have the debdiff for that at all?  i cant see it changed in the rules file, but the changelog is updated...09:15
Hobbseeno, wait...i'ts just rebuilt, that's okay...09:16
imbrandonnothing changes it was just a rebuil;d09:16
Hobbseeinteresting.  i only see -0ubuntu2 in repos...09:18
imbrandonyea probbly becouse it ftbfs09:18
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflying|awayavahi-utils has two entries in menu, anyone would like fix it?09:19
Hobbseeimbrandon: trying to build it now09:19
vinboyis the release candidate coming?09:20
imbrandonvinboy: when its ready09:20
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
vinboyhi imbrandon09:21
vinboyit is you again09:21
imbrandonhello ;)09:21
vinboyso funny09:21
vinboyi keep asking and u keep answering09:21
imbrandonyes youve been asking that all night and will get the same awnser all night ;)09:21
Hobbseeit's only 7am UTC - be patient...09:21
vinboyi have been waiting for 5 days09:22
imbrandon7:22 ;)09:22
Hobbseevinboy: when it's there, it'll be in the topic09:22
vinboyimbrandon where u from?09:23
vinboyHobbsee where u from09:23
Hobbseevinboy: sydney, australia09:23
imbrandonkansas city , missouri , usa09:23
=== Hobbsee updates her pbuilder - annoying errors.
imbrandonfreeflying|away: two menu entries in kmenu ? 09:24
vinboyi'm from little New Zealand09:24
freeflying|awayimbrandon: ya09:25
OdyXcrazy.. people from all around the world.09:25
imbrandonbtw vinboy not that i personaly care but this is the development channel, release info will probbly be told in #kubuntu first  ;)09:25
Hobbseevinboy: another one of you.  you're multiplying.09:25
freeflying|awayimbrandon: one in system, another in utilities09:25
imbrandonfreeflying|away: k i'll grab that , seems simple enough ;)09:25
freeflying|awayimbrandon:  :)09:26
imbrandonwhat one would be more approperate ? system or utils  ?09:26
Lathiatwhats the menu item?09:26
freeflying|awayimbrandon: I prefer to util09:26
=== marseillai [n=marseill@AMarseille-256-1-30-250.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lathiatyeh utilities is probably better09:27
Hobbseeimbrandon: configuring...09:28
freeflying|awayimbrandon: can you upload?09:28
Hobbseeimbrandon: actually, i'tll probably be said here at around the same tiem09:28
imbrandonno but i can get someone to do it when i finish it09:28
imbrandon*working on upload privs soon* just need a little more under my belt ;)09:28
Hobbseefreeflying|away: imbrandon just went for membership - not motu :P09:28
freeflying|awayimbrandon: then I can upload it for you 09:29
imbrandonbut i spend 50% of my time in #kubuntu helping newbs or the other 50% with motu stuff ..... soooo it wont be long ;)09:29
freeflying|awayHobbsee:  how about your motu ship?09:29
Hobbseefreeflying|away: havent thought about it09:30
Hobbseefreeflying|away: well, not much, anyway09:30
seaLnefreeflying|away: btw german version of kinnison is done now just waiting on french :)09:31
freeflying|awayseaLne: heh, you may give us new, we can prepare for the next one09:31
seaLnethen i'd just have you asking for even longer :P09:32
Hobbseefreeflying|away: it's getting to the point where it's getting annoying to have to ask for uploading people hehe09:32
imbrandonlol yea Hobbsee ;)09:32
Hobbseethen again, i really dont want to kill the repos accidently09:33
freeflying|awayHobbsee: if you are a code-dev, you will not get annoying anymore  :)09:33
=== Hobbsee raises her eyebrows at freeflying|away
seaLneHobbsee: its ok you are probably far enough away that no one would be bothered to kill you :)09:34
=== Hobbsee didnt think you were supposed to say that to a woman! ever!
HobbseeseaLne: heh09:34
crimsunforgive freeflying, who's probably not as familiar with those intricacies ;-)09:35
Hobbseeimbrandon: damn.  ftbfs indeed.09:36
crimsunbut yes, you never say to a woman that she's annoying. Unless she's your sister and you're on the phone with her. And you don't plan to talk to her for four years.09:36
imbrandonyea and i changed nothing Hobbsee so it was probbly that way before *or* something else is breakin it09:37
Hobbseeit cant have ftbfs before...09:37
Hobbseetha'ts really weird...09:37
imbrandonyea but a changelog only will not cause it to ftbfs09:37
freeflying|awayHobbsee: sorry for using wrong word, and I'm not so good at English, maybe I exprress something wrong09:37
Hobbseefreeflying|away: i know :P  i was amused09:38
=== Hobbsee is not angry - she has tougher skin than that :P
Hobbseebut yes, i wouldnt end up annoying people anymore with upload requests...09:39
=== imbrandon would get to bug Hobbsee to upload for him
crimsun(it's not annoying, btw. We all understand it's protocol you have to endure.)09:39
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to get crimsun to upload her next stuff, after seeing that
Hobbseeno, what annoys me is if i say "hey, i need this uploaded, and someone goes "no, it's kde, ask the kde people, we dont want to touch it" when it's only a simple debian/control change09:40
=== freeflying|away 'd learning english more, anyway I've abandon it for years
Hobbseei start to think "hey, i wouldnt have asked you to if i thought it was a fix that needed kde-experienced eyes over it - especially way after UVF - really!09:41
imbrandonok not to look *totaly* stupid but i thought menu entries were in .desktop files ? *sees none*09:42
Hobbseeimbrandon: they usually are09:43
imbrandondo they get generated durring build or something?09:43
Hobbseeno, they should be there - look around it may not be right in the debian folder09:43
Hobbseemight be in a subdir09:43
imbrandonyea  ..... updatedb &09:44
Hobbseei am wondering about that ftbfs, and why i'ts there09:45
imbrandonyea i think thats beond us , maybe convice crimsun or someone too look at it ?09:45
imbrandonbtw found it lol09:45
Hobbseecrimsun: any idea why this FTBFS?  http://pastebin.com/73661409:46
crimsunline 95.09:48
Hobbseecrimsun: yeah, more info than that?09:50
=== Hobbsee got that much
crimsunerr, give me a sec to apt-get source09:51
imbrandonfreeflying|away: ping09:55
freeflying|awayimbrandon: pong09:55
imbrandonfreeflying|away: http://ubuntustuff.sytes.net/devel/dapper/avahi_0.6.10-0ubuntu3.debdiff09:55
imbrandonthere she be09:55
freeflying|awayimbrandon: ok09:56
crimsun(err, avahi is main, and the repo is still frozen for RC prep...)09:56
crimsun(you can still upload, but it'll be queued)09:56
Hobbseefreeflying|away: just a thought, what happens with that in gnome then?  does it still keep it's menu entry?09:56
imbrandon*dident know* freeflying|away just ask me to remove the dupe ;)09:57
freeflying|awayHobbsee: it has two entries in K menu09:57
Hobbseefreeflying|away: so i hear, but does taking out one of them effect the gnome menu?09:57
=== Hobbsee isnt good with menu files
imbrandonHobbsee: it has two in gnome too09:57
Hobbseeah okay09:57
freeflying|awayHobbsee: no09:58
freeflying|awayimbrandon: silly my network, I can not access to the url you given09:58
imbrandonhmm want me to dcc it ?09:59
Hobbseeyeah, didnt know what the "GNOME" bit actually meant..09:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: email it, surely09:59
imbrandonfreeflying@ubuntu.com ?09:59
freeflying|awayimbrandon: zhengpeng-hou AT ubuntu.com09:59
Hobbseefreeflying|away: that is, of course, the disadvantage of not using your irc nick in launchpad - no one can guess your email...10:00
freeflying|awayHobbsee: it's used to be, but raphlink told me to use real name on launcpad10:01
crimsunHobbsee: you need the patch from #35776410:01
Hobbseebug 35776410:01
Hobbseefreeflying|away: ah okay10:01
crimsundebian #35776410:01
UbugtuDebian bug 357764 in kmess "Subject: kmess: FTBFS: g++ compile error" [Serious,Closed]  http://bugs.debian.org/35776410:01
crimsunhmph, or pull it from upstream10:02
=== crimsun looks.
=== Hobbsee doesnt see a patch there :P
imbrandonfreeflying|away: sent, but i found out why the url dident work either ( my local file/webserver cycles every night at 3am so its rebooting ) but its on its way in the email10:03
crimsunthat's because 1.4.2-2 is only in testing now (1.4.3-1 is in unstable)10:03
freeflying|awayimbrandon: ok, thx10:03
Hobbseecrimsun: grab it from testing then?10:04
crimsun+-  messageLabel_->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum );10:04
crimsun++  messageLabel_->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum) );10:04
crimsunthat's the relevant portion of the diff10:04
Hobbseecrimsun: what are you suggesting?  patch that bit, or sync it?10:05
Hobbseehow big's the diff?10:05
crimsunjust wrap both actual parameters in a method call to QSizePolicy()10:05
crimsunHobbsee: no, just manually edit kmess/notification/balloonbase.cpp10:05
Hobbseecrimsun: ah, gotcha...10:06
crimsunthe change is just one line10:06
Hobbseeimbrandon: did you want to do it?10:06
Hobbseeseeing as it was his to begin with10:06
imbrandonsure, dosent matter, yea i got it open10:06
freeflying|awayimbrandon: You have just changed the upstream source tarball, you'd provide a patch for that10:06
Hobbseefreeflying|away: for kmess, you mean?10:07
freeflying|awayHobbsee: no, for avahi-utils10:07
imbrandonfreeflying|away: ok send my patch to upstream tooo ?10:07
freeflying|awayimbrandon: no,  change anything for upstream source tarball shall provide a patch10:08
freeflying|awayimbrandon: that's debian's policy10:08
imbrandonok i'm missing something ....... *confused* 10:09
Hobbseehow does one go about implementing a patch with cdbs?  ie, how do you make one?10:09
imbrandonfreeflying|away: i just apt-get source and changed it then debdiffed it, sent you the debdiff ...... so i need to send the debdiff upstream also ? ( i'm not familiar with debian policy )10:10
Hobbseewoohoo!  it's c++  Stuff i can more or less understand!10:10
freeflying|awayimbrandon: no, this patch is for debian's package10:10
imbrandonumm i got it from ubuntu repos 0ubuntu2/310:12
imbrandoni guess i'm not seeing where debian comes in ....10:12
freeflying|awayimbrandon: we can only patch the source tarball when we package it ,but can not change it directly10:12
imbrandonumm ok we packaged it right ( thus the 0ubuntu2/3 at the end )10:13
freeflying|awayimbrandon: there are examples in  debian/patches10:13
imbrandonahhh ok i think i get you now, dont change the file directly , make a patch in debain/patches10:14
freeflying|awayimbrandon: y10:14
imbrandonahhh ok sorry i wasent understanding, still kinda new to this, ok i'll redo it here in a sec10:14
Hobbseecrimsun: stupid questoin maybe, but how do you actually *create* a patch?10:16
freeflying|awayimbrandon: http://www.us.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/10:16
imbrandonwith "patch" ?10:16
freeflying|awayimbrandon: sorry for my silly English, I can not sxpress it clearly to you 10:17
imbrandonahh thats ok, i have a hard time understanding good english half the time ;)10:20
imbrandonbuilding kmess now, will rebuild that when this is done10:20
imbrandonbrb mt dew time10:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: no, not with patch, it seems...10:21
imbrandonahh ok, was just a guess10:22
Hobbseepatch applies the patches10:22
imbrandondebdiff / diff ?10:22
OdyXHobbsee: and "man patch" ?10:23
HobbseeOdyX: didnt show much that i understood10:23
OdyXHobbsee: arf...10:23
imbrandonlooks like diff Hobbsee10:23
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
OdyXCould someone with rights on specs note that https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-language-selector as superseeded ?10:38
imbrandonfreeflying|away: ok got it changed, should i use diff or dpatch to make the patch .....10:41
freeflying|awayimbrandon: up to you 10:41
imbrandonbtw Hobbsee the kmess builds now fine ..... here is the diff http://ubuntustuff.sytes.net/devel/dapper/kmess.debdiff10:42
Hobbseeimbrandon: ah, so you can do it that way - great :D10:42
Hobbseeimbrandon: better poke siretart or someone10:42
OdyXDoes any Launchpad specialist know how you get the rights about specs ?10:44
HobbseeOdyX: i dont, soryr..10:44
imbrandonnot i10:44
OdyXHobbsee: well.. thanks anyway10:45
HobbseeOdyX: does it acutally have the language selector?10:45
OdyXHobbsee: sure...10:45
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, that dh_iconcache fix looks to have worked, too10:46
Hobbseeaccording to postinst10:47
imbrandonyea i looked when i was done to make sure10:49
=== sebas [n=sebas@belphegor.deadlysins.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonfreeflying|away: i'm having a bit of trubble figuring out how exactly to make the patch ( i tried diff like i'm used to normals but it dosent output the same as the other patches so i dont think its working right. on the other hand the main guide says use dpatch and that dosent look like the same output either as the other patches  .... any insight ? )10:52
HobbseeOdyX: ask that on #launchpad 10:53
imbrandondiff avahi-python/avahi-discover.desktop.in avahi-python/avahi-discover.desktop.in.orig > debian/patches/03_dupe_menu.patch   . thats what i did the first time, but again it didten output the same as the others10:54
freeflying|awayimbrandon: I used to get a diff, and write it manually into a dpatch10:54
seaLnediff -urN i think?10:54
freeflying|awayimbrandon: diff -ruN orig  new > 10:54
OdyXHobbsee: sure10:55
imbrandonahhh looks MUCH better thanks10:55
imbrandonbuilding now10:55
imbrandonit should apply all the patches in the debain/patch dir on build right becouse debian/rules includes include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk10:56
imbrandoncorrect ?10:56
Hobbseeimbrandon: i believe so10:56
freeflying|awayimbrandon: it do10:57
imbrandonkk building now, will have a diff in a few10:58
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9508B59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonbtw thanks for putting up with a newbie freeflying|away 11:00
freeflying|awayimbrandon: nope, anyway, me too11:00
Hobbseei think we all are :P11:01
OdyXRiddell: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-katapult <- Don't you find katapult kool ?11:02
OdyXRiddell: this is superseeded for me ^^11:03
seaLnesome of these specs seem stupid11:04
OdyXseaLne: yeah... sure.11:05
OdyXseaLne: I'm going through some... I just can't modify...11:05
HobbseeOdyX: i expect that they'll go thru these in paris11:05
OdyXHobbsee: sure11:05
seaLneanyone know what does "ber" translate in english as?11:07
seaLnenot sure if tat showed up properly its uber with dots above the u, i'm not convinced that it is german for "stuff"11:09
HobbseeseaLne: awesome, or something?  it's not a real word11:09
seaLneyeah thats what it means to me11:10
=== seaLne wonders about a german translation of an interview
imbrandonseaLne: "cool" or "awesome"11:10
seaLnebut definitly not similar to "stuff"11:11
seaLneas in "ubuntu stuff"11:11
OculusAquilaeseaLne: or about11:12
seaLnehmm ok, that sounds similar ish11:12
seaLneOculusAquilae: are you german?11:12
seaLnewhat wuld you say was the equivelant of stuff?  also what does Dinge mean?11:13
imbrandondinge is "dirty"11:14
OculusAquilae"Dinge" is things11:14
seaLneOculusAquilae: thanks11:15
OculusAquilaewhat about the context? "dinge" is mostly a bad word :)11:15
OculusAquilaeit says nothing :)11:15
seaLnePersnliche Dinge11:15
OculusAquilaeok, there it could be ok11:16
=== ubijtsa_ [n=ubijtsa@karlsson.force9.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
UbugtuMalone bug 39658 in kubuntu-meta "[dist-upgrader]  dist-upgrade wants to delete almost kde packages while migrating from breezy to dapper" [Major,Confirmed]  11:40
seaLnebreezy upgrade fails :( 11:40
OdyXseaLne: shite...11:40
OdyXseaLne: for all ?11:40
OdyXseaLne: hplip is still a problem11:41
seaLneso it uninstalls kubuntu-desktop and also seems to have a problem with login11:42
Firetechhmm, I can't get QPainter to paint anything with Qt4 in kubuntu :/ The same code works fine on Windows (I also tried a simple code just to draw a square in an empty window, but nothing appeared)11:48
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isaacRiddell: around? 11:51
raphinkhi isaac11:52
Riddellisaac: hi11:52
raphinkhi Riddell11:52
isaachi raphink 11:52
isaacwe would like to switch koffice 11:53
isaacto build against graphicsmagick11:53
isaacinstead of imagemagick11:53
marseillaiseaLne: i've got a same with an upgrade i did with vnc .... apt-get install kubuntu-desktop in a tty solve de problem ...11:53
isaacbut to get that graphicsmagick should be available in all the "major" distros11:53
isaacand AFAIK it's only available in debian now11:53
isaacany chance to get it uploaded to ubuntu? :)11:54
raphinkisaac: then we can sync it in edgy11:54
Riddellinteresting, I've never heard of graphicsmagick11:54
Riddellisaac: what's the advantage over imagemajick?11:54
isaacstable API and ABI11:54
isaacimagemagick causes headaches11:54
isaacwhich each ABI and API change, both to debian release dudes11:55
isaacand koffice developers11:55
Riddelland it's a dropin replacement to compile against for the moment?11:55
isaacbut koffice developers are willing to change the code11:55
isaacor whatever is needed11:55
isaacto use graphicsmagick11:55
isaaconce it's available in debian, kubuntu, suse, ...11:55
Riddellshouldn't be a problem to include the package in edgy next month11:56
raphinkisaac: it being available in kubuntu shouldn't be too hard. It just has to be sync from Debian in the beginning of Edgy dev 11:56
isaacok :)11:56
RiddellI suspect it'll be questioned when moving it to main about duplication with imagemagick11:57
Riddellbut if the package requires it then that's what'll have to happen11:57
raphinkquite a lot of other programs will still depend on imagemagick though11:57
isaacwell, it would be really nice to have graphicsmagick available11:58
isaacso app developers can switch to it11:58
raphinkbut maybe having graphicsmagick available in most distros will encourage other devs to switch to it11:58
Riddellisaac: I'm being asked if anyone from debian plans to upload icecream/icecc11:58
isaacthey're eager to do it, but stopped by the fact that's not shipped in some distros11:58
isaacRiddell: uhm, no idea :(11:58
Riddellisaac: the package is there, maybe I could convince you to sponsor uploading it for me next month sometime11:59
isaacRiddell: ok 11:59
isaacwell, this graphicsmagick thing is the kind of thing that doesn't happen if it's not somehow coordinated12:00
isaacpackagers don't include it because it's not used12:00
isaacdevelopers don't use if because it's not packaged ... :)12:00
toma(the ubuntu icecream packages work great on a debian system)12:00
Riddelldevelopers shouldn't not use something because it's not packaged, if a program needs it people will package it unless there's some obvious problem with it12:02
isaacI'm quoting you at #koffice :p12:02
sebasDid I miss something?12:12
sebasUbuntu icecream packages?12:12
OdyXsebas apt-get install icecream && icecram &>/dev/mouth.12:15
isaacraphink: I met David Glassey at DebConf12:16
raphinkisaac: Daniel I guess12:16
isaacyeah, that:P12:16
isaactoo many names12:16
raphinkyes I guess :)12:16
isaacin too few days :P12:16
raphinkhow was it ?12:17
isaacit was quite nice12:17
isaacalthough I couldn't get much work done12:17
raphinktell me about that :(12:17
Riddellsebas: it's icecc12:18
seaLneooh the latest live cd works on a t60 wonder what changed 12:19
seaLnepreviously X didn't work12:19
sebasit uses the vesa driver?12:22
sebasThe x1300 is not yet supported by ATi drivers12:22
sebasx1xx even12:22
sebasEeh, ati / radeon oss driver/12:22
sebasThe binary one supports it.12:22
sebasRiddell: Ah, thx.12:23
sebasInstalled it on two machines from source :/12:23
OdyXRiddell: Add/Remove Programs in english here. It has been in fr_FR once...12:25
RiddellOdyX: is adept.mo installed?12:25
OdyXRiddell: seems to...12:25
Hobbseehi Riddell and sebas 12:26
OdyXRiddell: adept is "mostly" in fr_FR, not totaly12:26
sebasAre those icecc packages new?12:27
mornfallicecc packages?12:28
sebasOr they're in {uni|multi}verse and I didn't have those enabled.12:29
Riddellthey only recently passed NEW12:29
seaLnesebas: yeah but previously the live cd didn't try to use vesa for it and i had to select the safe or whatever its called option12:32
sebasseaLne: Yes, that's what I tried to imply12:33
sebasI've got a T60, too.12:33
seaLnesebas: asides from the graphics card kubuntu detects everything fine on it unfortunatly at work our default is sarge and it isn't playing very well for me so far12:34
crimsunHobbsee: sorry, was in a meeting. Yes, use diff to create something applicable with patch.12:34
Hobbseecrimsun: right..12:34
sebasseaLne: Ah.12:35
seaLnethe upside is that the frustration has driven me to kubuntu bug triage :)12:36
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marseillaikat's developper are looking for tester, may be create test package for kat would help ton include a stable and functionnal release of kat in edgy ....12:50
OdyXmarseillai: please do.12:50
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vinboymarseillai: what is kat?01:23
marseillaia kde-beagle more efficient if it works .... but it has many problems01:24
vinboyany webpage?01:25
vinboyi gonna get some info01:25
vinboyi'd love to test it if it is interesting01:25
marseillaior #kat01:26
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@bb220-255-65-252.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@lns-bzn-53-82-65-59-253.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelltesting of desktop 20060525 and alternate 20060525.1 welcome01:42
freeflying|awayRiddell: is altenative the install cd?01:43
Riddellaltenative is text installer01:44
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelldesktop is live CD and live installer01:44
vinboyRiddell: is the RC out yet?01:44
Riddellvinboy: no, that's why I'm asking for help testing01:44
vinboyi wish i can help, but my connection is too slow01:46
Riddellyeah, .nz is like that01:47
vinboydo u know if RC will be released soon today?01:48
=== Hobbsee glares at vinboy
Hobbseevinboy: that's precisely why they need the damned testers - to see if the daily cd works or not - if it does, it will become the RC, if not, then it wont!  01:49
Hobbseeand all the questioning in the world wont stop that from happening.01:49
HobbseeRiddell: do we happen to have koffice1.5 debs out somewhere?  you've got a repo on kubuntu.org or something?01:50
OdyXHobbsee: c.f. kubuntu.org01:51
OdyXHobbsee: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-1.5 dapper main ?01:51
HobbseeOdyX: hmmm... deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-151 dapper main01:52
OdyXwelll. Was /dev/memory/brain > /dev/hands > sss:laptop:/dev/keyboard01:52
OdyXsorry then01:52
OdyXI was not far.01:52
Hobbseehehe it's okay01:53
=== Hobbsee should have looked it up, and not been so lazy to begin with :P
HobbseeRiddell: @kubuntu.org emails work nicely, btw01:54
freeflying|awayHobbsee: we have @kubuntu.org01:59
freeflying|aways mail 01:59
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freeflying|awayHobbsee: we have @kubuntu.org's mail?01:59
Hobbseefreeflying|away: yep.  see the topic02:00
vinboyhow do I get a kubuntu.org email?02:00
freeflying|awayvinboy: you'd be a member of kubuntu02:00
freeflying|awayHobbsee: do you know how to do like that?02:00
Hobbseefreeflying|away: it redirects to the account specified in your launchpad account02:02
freeflying|awayHobbsee|Coding: how can it be redirect to our mail?02:02
Hobbsee|Codingfreeflying|away: i dont know the logistics of it - but mine gets directed to hobbseeATgmail.com, as that's my primary launchpad email02:04
Hobbsee|Codingwell, it was02:04
freeflying|awayHobbsee|Coding: okey thx02:05
tomaHobbsee|Coding: I'm finishing my wiki page, how do i prevent TwoCapitalWords from becoming a link?02:10
Hobbsee|Codingtoma: no idea, sorry...02:10
=== Hobbsee|Coding has never been successful in getting wiki pages to link, let alone not to link.
OdyXtoma: try to insert &shy; between your words...02:13
OdyXtoma: HTML char for word-separation02:13
toma? It is one word with two capitals..02:14
OdyXyeah,,, Try Word&shy;Capitalised02:14
tomadoes not work02:15
OdyXwell. good try though02:15
freeflying|awayHobbsee|Coding: bother u again, how can mail all members in a team on launchpad?thx02:18
OdyXfreeflying|away: I don't think it's possible without ML..02:18
OdyXfreeflying|away; for spam preventing, obvisously.... imagine I could mail all fr translators...02:19
freeflying|awayOdyX: but most of them haven't subscirbed to our ml02:19
OdyXfreeflying|away: then... dunno02:19
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Riddelltoma: put '' in the middle of it or there's some other way03:04
Riddellmoin is crazy like that03:04
=== Hobbsee declares that kate, with the built in konsole, are way better than devc++
OdyXHobbsee: :-) Sure03:07
HobbseeOdyX: you can *paste* into it :D03:07
OdyXMiddle-clic ?03:07
Hobbseethat too03:08
Hobbseeyou cant in a standard DOS prompt :(03:08
OdyXDOS ? Does it still exist ?03:08
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Hobbseewell, cmd.exe03:09
Hobbseegreat for things like net send :P03:09
tomaRiddell: thnxs03:10
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jjesseRiddell: ping 03:35
Riddellhi jjesse 03:35
jjessedid you get the missing figures you mentioned ?  can i help you out?03:36
Riddellthe adept and rss ones were missing03:36
Riddellalso the kaffeine one wasn't se as far as I could see in the text I got03:36
jjessedo you need them sent to you or did deb was?  i can try and find them in a backup03:37
Riddelldebra only seems to have sent me ubiquity ones03:37
jjesseok i'll get them out to you03:37
mornfalldoes kubuntu have deb-src lines in default install?03:39
Riddellmornfall: for main yes03:43
Riddellassuming you had internet during the install03:43
Riddelluniverse are there too but commented out03:43
Hobbseeand multiverse arent there at all :(03:47
Riddellexcept for backports strangely enough03:50
Hobbseeseems dogdy to me - users keep coming in, saying yes, i've got multiverse, when they only have multiverse backports.  odd.03:54
seaLneBug #46526 is strange grepping the package for Rodney i don't find that string at all03:59
UbugtuMalone bug 46526 in amarok "Amarok description in Add/Remove programs is silly" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4652603:59
seaLnemornfall: where does adept look for the description it places below the app name?04:04
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee does not recommend having less than 200mb of free space on / - makes the system *very* slow!
=== seaLne dosen't recoment having )mb free in /tmp :)
mornfallseaLne: try apt-cache show <package>04:07
seaLnemornfall: its fine see bug above04:07
mornfallseaLne: well, why you ask about "adept" when you mean adept installer?04:07
mornfallseaLne: that one is from the .desktop file04:08
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seaLnedoh the amarok package has a tar ball inside it thats why my grep didn't find it, less of a mystery then04:10
Riddellthe amarok.desktop file is stupid, I'll fix it in edgy04:13
Riddellalthough that means changing all the transations too, I might need to do the translating .desktop files stuff first04:18
=== MidMark [n=MidMark@host-84-220-97-49.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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bddebianHowdy folks04:35
OdyXhowdy bddebian04:35
bddebianHello OdyX04:35
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bddebianHey, where's that testing page?04:36
Riddellsee topic04:36
bddebianI am.  Am I ohhh. NM :-)04:36
=== bddebian feels stupid as usual
seaLneRiddell: what about just changing it to something like "Multimedia Player" and steal the translations from another package?04:36
RiddellseaLne: good plan04:37
seaLneas amarok is a tbz inside the tgz how would i go about replacing the desktop file?04:39
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bddebianseaLne: Is the desktop inside the tbz or in a debian dir?04:40
seaLnethe tbz04:41
RiddellseaLne: extract tbz, cp amarok.desktop amarok.desktop-orig; emacs amarok.desktop; diff -u amarok.desktop-orig amarok.desktop > debian/patches/kubuntu_xx_unstupidiy_desktop.diff04:41
seaLnei don't understand why the tbz wasn't just recompressed?04:41
seaLneRiddell: ah simple :)04:41
RiddellI just followed how it was done in debian, some packagers prefer that, it means you know the sources are unmodified04:41
bddebianYeah but it's a pain :-)04:43
bddebianunstupidity_desktop.diff... lol04:43
Hobbseehi bddebian 04:44
bddebianHi Hobbsee04:44
Hobbseeis it mandatory that a source has .orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz, and .dsc for the ubuntu repos?04:45
=== Hobbsee has just noticed that apt-proxy does not follow that format.
RiddellHobbsee: no, packages which are made only for debian or ubunu have a .tar.gz instead of .orig and diff04:45
Riddellthey're called native packages04:45
Hobbseeah okay04:46
bddebianHobbsee: If the package is native I ... Gah Riddell beat me to it04:46
Hobbseebddebian: learn to type faster :P04:46
bddebianYeah, I suck :'-(04:46
Riddelljust be like e and don't correct your typos04:46
=== Hobbsee can usually spell. usually.
=== Hobbsee glares at the 5 sec lag.
seaLnemornfall: would it use GenericName instead of Comment in the desktop file if Comment wasn't there?04:47
seaLneit looks like juk's GenericName is used04:48
bddebianIf Name is there GenericName isn't used I thought04:49
seaLneamarok has GenericName and Comment, the stupid stuff is in Comment04:49
seaLneGenericName=Audio Player04:49
bddebianComment should be used on MouseOver I thought?04:49
Hobbsee@#$%!!!  I almost removed my entire /home by accident then!04:50
=== Hobbsee should leave her computer alone, on that basis!
seaLnebut not every .desktop has a coment so i think just removing Comment from the .desktop files is better than changing it?04:50
tomaRiddell: what is a "kde formatting tool" ?04:52
Riddellfloppy and usb disk formater04:52
Riddellwhere did you see that?04:52
tomakubuntu-devel ml04:52
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seaLneRiddell: thoughts on just removing Comment as it is the problem and not a necessary part of .desktop file?04:53
RiddellseaLne: go ahead, that's easier than patching the .desktop file each time04:54
seaLnewell that would still need to modify the 2 .desktop files04:54
Riddellthere's 2?04:55
seaLnekonquisidebar not sure what its for04:55
Riddelloh, that, I wouldn't bother I don't think that shows anywhere04:56
seaLnewhat is konquisidebar?04:56
Riddellpress F9 in konqueror to find out04:56
seaLneoh you can get amarok in it04:57
mornfallseaLne: i believe so, yes04:58
mornfallwhen we speak about silly05:00
mornfallhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/release-notes/C/ar01s01.html#releasenotes-new <-- this is silly, too05:01
mornfall"Wahoo a sweet new installer is available for Kubuntu 6.06!!!!"05:01
mornfall"It is extremly easy to install Kubuntu 6.06."05:01
mornfall^^ those are outright ridiculous statements05:02
mornfallfor release notes at least05:02
mornfalli wouldn't mind in someone's personal blog i guess05:02
seaLne"kubuntu is so hard to install yu should just give up right now"05:02
jjessewhy do you think that is silly? mornfall?05:02
seaLneit dosen't give a reason, if it said with the new installer you are asked fewer questions or something like that might be better05:03
jjessethose statements have been since the beginning of the dapper release stage05:03
mornfalljjesse: those are release notes, i assume release notes would be done before release :)05:04
OculusAquilaebut they are not very serious :)05:04
mornfalljjesse: either way05:04
mornfalljjesse: the latter of those about kubuntu being extremely easy to install is both false and useless05:04
jjessemornfall: you believe that installing kubuntu is not easy?05:04
mornfalljjesse: yes05:04
mornfalljjesse: installing OS is always nontrivial, especially if you try to do it side-by-side05:05
OculusAquilaeeasy yes, but what makes it easier than installing for example suse?05:05
mornfalljjesse: backing up existing data is nontrivial already, so :)05:05
jjessemornfall: can you explain whY?  i have never had any issue installing kubuntu especially side by side05:05
seaLnei think the statement would be improved if it was qualified05:05
Hobbseejjesse: for new users, tryign to dual boot, it's still complicated, and a pain05:05
mornfallHobbsee: don't say that, even if it was "easy", that's a looong shot from "extremely easy"05:06
jjessebefore i started using k/ubuntu i used suse and it was harder to install especially in a dual boot scenario05:06
mornfalleven TV is not "extremely easy" to install05:06
Hobbseejjesse: and this comes from someone who managed to format her hard drive, trying to install kubuntu in hoary :P05:06
mornfallextremely easy is something a five year old can do without further explanations05:06
mornfallwithout breaking things05:06
jjessei can change the notes, i just thought it was easy to do compared to other distrobutions i have tried and installed05:06
jjessethough i don't know if i5t can be changed due to the stage of the ballgame05:07
mornfalljjesse: "easy to install" is a regular overstatement you can do05:07
Riddellnah, it's too late to change 05:07
mornfallokey, no matter then05:07
mornfalldefinitely fix it for edgy05:07
mornfallif you don't want to be a target of ridicule05:08
jjessecan i ask why this is being addressed now for the first time?05:08
mornfallthe exclamation marks are, umm... umm!05:08
jjesseas they have been there since flight 1?05:08
mornfallprobably noone cared so far05:08
mornfalli just stumbled upon a link05:08
mornfalland read it05:08
mornfalland thought, ow my05:08
mornfallah, it's because someone mentioned release, something and adept guides are linked from doc.ubuntu.com sidebar05:09
mornfallso i got highlighted on adept05:09
mornfallbtw the adept manual there is sort of useless as well, written for 1.0 and not even complete on that version05:09
jjesseyes i know it is useless 05:10
mornfallit would help if someone was employed on the documentation for kubuntu05:10
mornfallubuntu have paid writers, no/05:10
jjessenot that i am aware of, the ubuntu writers (ubuntu-doc team) covers both kubuntu and ubuntu05:11
mornfallall of ubuntu-doc is volunteer?05:11
jjessehowever prior to dapper there was no one else writing kubuntu docs besides myself05:11
jjesseall is volunteer05:11
Riddellonly the writers of the official ubuntu book are paid 05:11
mornfalloh well05:12
jjesseand not all the writers of the official ubuntu are members of the doc-team05:12
mornfalli would have hoped canonical hires some people, since good documentation is so sorely needed05:13
vinboyr they making any money out of ubuntu yet?05:13
mornfallthere is only so much volunteers can do05:13
mornfallvinboy: don't think, it was never supposed to make any?05:13
vinboybut at least to cover the developers' cost05:14
jjessemornfall: agreed but the people that do the docs put in a lot of time to get the docs good and for dapper the documentation is better then any release so far05:14
Riddellcertainly is, jjesse and robotgeek rule05:14
mornfallRiddell: they would rule more if they had more time for it (eg. being part-time paid by canonical for the work)05:15
jjesseRiddell: btw i'm starting to compile some thoughts for edgy located at KubuntuDocs/Edgy05:15
mornfalli definitely think that the doc team is undermanned05:16
bddebianmornfall: Great idea.  So why don't you get out there and recruit some for us? :-)05:17
jjesseagreed bddebian05:17
=== _ZuZuu_ [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-85-85.w86-217.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfallbddebian: i'm a poor student, myself working for wage... i can't hire anyone05:17
Hobbseeunfortunately, not everyone can be paid.05:18
bddebianDid I say hire?  I don't get paid for my MOTU work.05:18
jjessemornfall: he didn't suggest you would pay for it05:18
mornfalli must have misunderstood then05:18
OculusAquilaeperhaps we (kubuntu.de) could encourage some people to help05:19
OculusAquilaeI'll suggest that :)05:19
seaLneRiddell: http://stuff.duffus.org/tmp/amarok/05:19
mornfallRiddell: is canonical not approving documentation bounties?05:19
jjesseOculusAquilae: we would love more help in the doc team especially in the kubuntu side05:20
mornfallwell, get me another 4-6 hours a day and i will help05:20
Riddellmornfall: not as far as I know, although there's very few bounties that actually get finished in general05:20
mornfallRiddell: tell me about it :-)05:21
jjesseheck if there wer bounties for doc id do them :)05:21
mornfalljjesse: try arranging some05:21
OculusAquilaejjesse: I'll mention the doc-team highlighted :)05:21
mornfalljjesse: for edgy05:22
mornfallumm, i'll have to book tickets for paris05:23
jjesseOculusAquilae: thanks it will be appreciated05:23
Hobbseemornfall: after just getting home again?  nasty05:23
seaLnebetter than walking05:23
mornfallwell, yes05:23
mornfallHobbsee: well, i have exam tomorrow... you can imagine how much i'm motivated to study :p05:24
mornfallanother one on monday05:24
Hobbseemornfall: haha05:24
seaLneyeah not good of them scheduling exams near a release :)05:24
Hobbseestudy?  what's that strange thing you speak of?05:24
=== OdyX agrees.
mornfallthen 6th and 12th05:24
HobbseeseaLne: try them scheduling exams thru the spec stuff...05:24
Riddellpeople with extream bandwidth: new DVDs are up http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/20060525/05:24
=== Hobbsee wouldnt have a chance of going to paris, no matter how involved she was
mornfallHobbsee: school interference?05:25
Hobbseemornfall: right in uni exams05:26
Hobbsees/in/in the middle of05:26
mornfalli have scheduled exams early on05:26
seaLnesquid really dosen't like that dvd iso05:26
mornfallhope i don't have to repeat any05:26
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mornfalland, umm, i only have 4 exams this term05:27
mornfallcompared to 7 last one05:27
mornfall--> food05:28
mornfallbbiab :-)05:28
vinboyhmm exams05:28
vinboymy last exam was end of last year05:28
Hobbseehmmm...kopete just crashed on me :(05:29
seaLneor as Riddell is probably busy with more important stuff anyone else that can upload fancy looking at http://stuff.duffus.org/tmp/amarok/ to fix 46526?05:35
Hobbseeamarok's in main, i expect05:35
bddebianYep :-( I can't touch it05:35
Hobbseebddebian: so when do you go for core dev?05:35
bddebianHobbsee: I put my name on the list but I was considering withdrawing it05:36
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=== Hobbsee beds - night all
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RiddellseaLne: it's probably too late for that in dapper,but it'll be first in the queue for edgy06:08
seaLnebah :)06:08
seaLnedosen't seem a major change06:09
Riddellit's not a major problem06:09
OdyXRiddell: what's your todo for Dapper ?06:10
OdyXRiddell: what are the last critical bugs ?06:10
Riddelladept 2.0, guidance init script change, turn off media notifier in ubiquity, fix going Back to qtparted in ubiquity, match language packs to CD size06:11
Riddellmaking usplash_down more reliable would be nice but I doubt that'll happen06:12
mornfalladept 2.0, i will try to have that ready tonight06:17
OdyXadept 2.0 ?06:21
OdyX1.92 for now..06:21
Riddellwe're going to splash out and jump by 0.0806:22
OculusAquilae2.0 sounds a lot better than 1.92 :)06:25
mornfallwell, i think the only missing bit is fixing about dialogs06:26
mornfalli make a tarball for isaac and then for Riddell 06:26
OdyXRiddell: and you don't plan to solve impossibility to add HP printers ?06:26
RiddellOdyX: I can add my HP printer ok06:26
OdyXRiddell: I can't...06:26
OculusAquilaeOdyX: i can add my HP printer too06:26
OdyXwell.. I'll give it a try... :D06:27
OculusAquilaebetter I could at the beginning of this week06:27
MidMarkRiddell: italian kde language isn't included in daily 25/5 cd?06:27
OdyXOculusAquilae: is there something I should "purge" before trying ?06:28
OculusAquilaehere it ran after a simple update I think06:28
OdyXok. 06:28
RiddellMidMark: no, I removed a bunch to make everything fit, I'll add them back as much as possible for the final one06:30
MidMarkok that is normal that it is in english :)06:31
MidMarkon dvd there are all languages isn't?06:32
OdyXRiddell: sorry.. I still can't install my printer...06:32
OdyXRiddell: "Impossible to create Foomatic pilot (...)". I'll try with new user.06:33
=== OdyX can't even add users...
=== OdyX will reboot first.
=== seaLne finds in confusing in ubiquity that you click on edinburgh and it sets the time to london, but knows why
RiddellseaLne: sssh06:35
=== seaLne wants a glasgow aswell :P
MidMarkand is it normal that in manual partitioner with ubiquity disable keyboard at all?06:35
RiddellMidMark: I think the embedding doesn't handle it properly06:36
RiddellseaLne: what are you testing?06:36
seaLne"critical error during ped_disk_new" when selecting manual partitioning06:36
seaLneRiddell: dvd06:36
Riddellerk, it crashed?06:36
seaLnegot that twice and then a sort of hung prepare partitions06:37
seaLnelet me reboot and try again06:37
RiddellseaLne: error in qtparted or ubiquity?06:37
seaLneqtparted i think06:38
Riddellanything unusual about your hardware?06:38
seaLnenot really PIII 512Mb nv graphics card 6.4Gb disk06:39
seaLneits my normal dev machine tho the hard disks change06:39
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bddebianIs it worth testing an install on this Dell Latitude laptop?06:42
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=== iluvhelix is now known as bddebian
seaLneRiddell: got it again http://stuff.duffus.org/tmp/snapshot1.png06:46
Riddellthat's not good06:46
RiddellIDE disk?06:46
seaLnetrying a different hard disk just incase, i have a pile that i switch between06:46
Riddellvery strange06:47
Riddellyou don't have LVM or something on that disk do you?06:47
Riddellor RAID06:47
seaLnenope, it just had a breezy install on it i think06:48
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seaLneRiddell: no problems with this hard disk, wonder what it didn't like about the previous, current disk had lvm on it aswell and it seems fine with that so far06:53
bddebianOK, I have the Ubuntu desktop.  Now what? :-)06:54
bddebianI just booted my desktop CD :-)06:55
Riddellbddebian: live or installed?06:55
seaLneoops spoke too soon: http://stuff.duffus.org/tmp/snapshot2.png06:56
seaLnenothing mounted06:56
RiddellseaLne: any swaps on?06:56
bddebianRiddell: Dunno.  I'm a little confused.  I selected Start or INstall Ubuntu :-)06:57
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Riddellbddebian: well are you running off the CD or off your hard disk?06:57
seaLneRiddell: nope06:57
bddebianRiddell: CD 06:57
Riddellbddebian: then try an install06:57
bddebianI am :)06:58
RiddellseaLne: /proc/swaps is empty?06:58
bddebianSorry I'm being a smart-alec.  I'll shut up now06:58
seaLneRiddell: yep06:58
RiddellseaLne: try editing with standalone qtparted, see if it's still broken06:58
seaLneRiddell: unfortunatly can't just now, late already for meeting some friends, i'll look tommorow morning06:59
mornfallRiddell: http://lorien.mornfall.net:8012/m/adept/kubuntu/ept_2.0.tar.gz06:59
bddebianSo we don't get an option to install kubuntu?  It's still a matter of installing Ubuntu then install kubuntu-desktop?06:59
mornfalland i'm switching to incremental development model for adept now :-)07:01
Riddellbddebian: if you have an ubuntu CD yes07:02
Riddelluse a kubuntu CD if you want kubuntu07:02
Riddellmornfall: thanks07:02
OdyXRiddell: I still confirm bug 42965. sudo foomatic-cleanupdrivers is missing somewhere...07:02
UbugtuMalone bug 42965 in kdeprint "Can't add a printer in KDE: parser error?" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4296507:02
RiddellOdyX: added to TODO list07:03
OdyXRiddell: fine. Thanks.07:03
bddebianI didn't see a kubuntu CD?07:11
bddebianGah, damnit07:11
MidMarkriddell don't want to push it, want to know only if Bug #45398 will be fixed for final release or not. It isn't important, just can confuse people07:18
UbugtuMalone bug 45398 in qtparted "with a non-empty fat32 hard disk, after delete the partition it still says that it's non-empty" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4539807:18
RiddellMidMark: I will be looking at qtparted but I suspect I won't get round to that07:21
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MidMarkdo you think it isn't qtparted?07:23
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Riddelloh it is qtparted07:29
=== OdyX smiles.
yuriymornfall: (looking at bug #44202) isn't the point of having the deb-src lines in sources.list commented out so that adept/apt-get/aptitude don't check the source repos?07:35
UbugtuMalone bug 44202 in ept "Adept wastes bandwidth" [Wishlist,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4420207:35
yuriyi realize you want to be consistent with apt-get, but shouldn't apt-get not check those as well (it does.)07:35
mornfalllet me repeat07:36
mornfallI DON'T CARE07:36
mornfallsomeone tell me that tens of thousands of users download deb-src index every day07:38
mornfallfrom every mirror07:38
mornfallit's not like it changes all the time in the stable distribution07:39
mornfalland if it doesn't change, it's not downloaded07:39
mornfallOH MY07:39
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mornfallit's fscking 300 kilobytes for dapper07:39
mornfallthat's not a bugreport that's an insult07:40
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yuriymornfall: my bad, i had one of them not commented, so adept/apt-get/aptitude do do it correctly.  and i'll be POLITE and tell the user to make sure they are commented out/disabled in adept07:46
yuriythe bug report was written poorly, but IMHO if it was indeed using sources.list incorrectly that would certainly be a bug.07:46
mornfallit's using sources.list correctly07:47
yuriyyup :)07:48
mornfallif the reporter doesn't have enough respect to me to do some research or file useful reports and not overinflate severity, i don't feel obliged to respect him either07:48
marseillaimornfall: if i report you something about adept? will you hurt me ?07:49
mornfallmarseillai: maybe :-)07:49
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mornfallmarseillai: i only screw people as much as they screw up their reports07:49
marseillaimornfall: when using adept i got this messages before every dpkg-action : http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/737494 don't know if it's a bug or not07:50
marseillaiso i prefer ask you if i have to report or no?07:50
mornfallmarseillai: unfortunately, i  hit that as well and have no idea what to do about it :\07:50
mornfallit's a problem if you would want to use x-based debconf frontend07:51
marseillaii had the same thing with my debian sid! i made a mistake when upgrade dpkg and it did that ....07:51
mornfallapparently, it only breaks for some people07:51
Riddelllooks like debconf is trying to use the kde frontend07:51
mornfallRiddell: which is fine, but it should be allowed to connect...07:51
mornfallunless kdesu screws something up07:51
Riddellmore than likely07:51
marseillaimornfall: it does it on a breezy upgrade and a DF6 install ...07:52
mornfallmarseillai: i suppose it doesn't happen *everywhere* since i have seen a screenshot of kdebconf running from adept07:52
mornfalli would have to dissect kdesu i suppose07:52
marseillaiso you know the problem! I don't have to report ?07:53
mornfallwhatever you prefer07:54
mornfallif you report, it's less likely it is forgotten07:54
bddebianDamnit, now I have to download a kubuntu CD07:54
mornfallon the other hand, i suppose it's kdesu problem07:54
mornfallso it should be filed with kdesu07:55
mornfalland there, i won't notice it07:55
mornfallyou could file against kdesu and assign to me07:55
marseillaiRiddell: where is located moc 4.0 in kubuntu ????08:01
marseillaiI only find  this one Qt Meta Object Compiler version 26 (Qt 3.3.6)08:01
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=== bddebian grabs a kubuntu iso
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marseillaiRiddell: for edgy is it possible to dream about a kubuntu-live-dvd with ubiquity, every langage pack, aibility to dist-upgrade if there is an active connection, aibility to choose package to install, configure repository to enable (universe/multiverse/restricted/plf), ask installation for restricted format, ask installation and configuration for graphic card (aka ati and nvidia) ??? ar is it a pure dream ?08:38
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Riddellmarseillai: dapper DVD has all language packs and ubiquity on it08:47
marseillaiRiddell: yes but not the features i was talking about ....08:48
Riddellmarseillai: moc is in one of the qt4 packages08:48
marseillaiyes i install it ..08:48
marseillaiall the libqt4 package08:49
marseillaii'll try to look where it can be08:49
=== Riddell spots http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/6.06/
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yuriywhat's a good place to start a wiki page and spec? wiki.kubuntu.org/YuriyKozlov/KDEGuidanceWine or just wiki.../KDEGuidanceWine or wiki.../KubuntuSummerOfCode2006/...08:56
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=== OdyX don't know what to think: http://www.kitenet.net/~joey/blog/entry/a_bad_taste_in_the_mouth_detailed_ubuntu_patch_review.html
marseillaiRiddell: do you know where is locate moc for qt4 ? i only find moc 3.3.609:12
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pygiRiddell, would something like Alacarte be useful to Kubuntu?09:14
Riddellyuriy: top level09:14
Riddellyuriy: have you registered it in launchpad?09:14
Riddellpygi: remind me again what that is09:14
pygiRiddell, menu editor09:15
Riddellwe already have kmenuedit09:15
Riddelluserinterface could do with some improvements of course09:15
yuriyRiddell: not yet09:15
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yuriyooh found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetterIntegratedWineSpec09:25
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mornfallRiddell: well, there's at least one thing that can go to edgy as far as adept goes :)09:38
mornfallRiddell: i'm almost done splitting up the package to -common, -installer, -manager, -notifier and -updater09:38
Riddellmornfall: good idea09:39
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=== Riddell throws http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/newsite/ at the channel
mornfallwell, possibly other things...09:40
mornfallah, and i renamed the source package to "adept"09:40
mornfallit may be that it is ported to new apt-front before edgy09:40
mornfalland some polish issues can be solved09:40
mornfalli will kick out all user strings from apt-front as well, so translating adept should be straightforward for 2.109:41
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RiddellI'm doing a breezy -> dapper update just now, and an estimated time to go would be pretty handy09:42
Riddelloh and the single mouse button mac users have been complaining about having to right click to enable stuff in Manage Repositories09:43
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OdyXRiddell: that's bad.. Isn't there a keyboard combination09:47
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=== claydoh wonders if it is possible to sort of make the Kubuntu logo have a bit more "shape", abit more like the Kubuntu text graphic?
=== claydoh is *not* a graphics guy
claydohthelogo is a bit "flat" compared to the new text10:07
claydohif that makes any sense10:07
claydohlove the colors, I dig blues quite a bit :)10:08
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marseillainew kat works fine!!!!!10:51
marseillaiindexer does a great job10:52
marseillaisystem is usable during indexation10:52
Riddellwhich new?10:54
marseillaikat is being recoded10:56
marseillaiand i'm currently svn10:56
marseillaiand i can tell it works fine10:56
marseillaithere many work to do10:56
marseillaibut it works fine10:56
marseillaidaemon and search10:56
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marseillaii've ask if it'll be ready for edgy and dev told me he'll try to have at least a beta in two month10:57
nixternalhow come there isn't a kubuntu laptop testing community like there is in ubuntu?11:02
nixternalwrong channel11:02
OculusAquilaemarseillai: nice11:02
Riddellnixternal: because canonical never put kubuntu in the laptop testing team's contracts and because nobody has taken the inititive to start one11:04
nixternalahhhh...well i have been testing on a couple of laptops thinking there was one ready...i don't know where to post the information11:05
Riddellnixternal: where would you post it for ubuntu?11:05
nixternaldapper flight 7 that is11:05
nixternalubuntu-laptop under the specifications area11:05
OculusAquilaewhy not making a new kubuntu laptop testing team 11:05
Riddellnixternal: URL?11:05
nixternalwhere they have the laptop testing table11:05
nixternalone sec...it is on the laptop ;)11:05
nixternalthat is where the info is concerning the testing...the rest is about as confusing as getting microsoft to run my dishwasher w/o crashing11:07
Riddellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ToshibaTecraM2  right11:08
Riddellquestion is do we want to put kubuntu on the same page somehow, or on separate pages11:08
nixternalRiddell: i would go with a seperate page. there is a lot with kubuntu and ubuntu getting thrown together that might be confusing for some11:09
Riddellyes, although they should have links to each page11:09
nixternalsure. but i like the blue kubuntu theme a little better ;)11:10
Riddellnixternal: please put your data on LaptopTestingTeam/MyModelKubuntu and we'll see how it looks11:10
nixternalit could become usefull with edgy11:10
nixternali can do that Riddell11:10
nixternalno problem11:10
OdyXRiddell: about http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/newsite/ <- I was doing something very similar though11:14
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apacheloggerRiddell: ping11:16
Riddellapachelogger: hi11:16
apacheloggerRiddell: what do you think about opening a kubuntu pastebin?11:17
OdyXapachelogger: it's easy, and done..11:17
apacheloggeras in _real_ kubuntu pastebin ;-)11:17
OdyXapachelogger: ah... well...11:18
apacheloggerinterated into kubuntu.org etc.11:18
OdyXapachelogger: what's the interest ? apart of "look" ?11:18
apacheloggerat least from my point of view11:18
OdyXWell.. That's fine...11:19
marseillai8000 files indexed in less than half an hour! it tooks more than a night to do the same thing with beagle ....11:19
Riddellmarseillai: what's the user interface like?11:19
marseillaifor the moment there's no user interface11:20
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marseillaionly daemon running in background and a text-box for search content!11:20
marseillaithe next stage is to polish the daemon and do the interface11:20
Riddellno user interface would be the best thing actually, it should be integrated with konqueror11:21
marseillaiRiddell: it's exactly what he wants11:22
Riddellperfect :)11:23
marseillaiI tell you what he think about front end :11:23
marseillai[23:22]  <vandenoever> i'm relying on other people for that11:23
OdyXRiddell: Just a beginning: http://didier.raboud.com/share/temp/kubuntu.org.png11:23
nixternal`afkgotta get some work done11:23
marseillai[23:22]  <vandenoever> i do make it easy for any kde app to access the engine11:23
OdyXRiddell: do you wan't me to prepare integration of yours in wiki and stuff ?11:24
OdyXwell.. it's done :-(11:24
OdyXRiddell: I'd make titles a little darker.11:25
RiddellOdyX: keep that design around, we'll use it for edgy if nothing else11:26
OdyXRiddell: you won't change the actual with yours ?11:26
OdyXRiddell: I'll polish it for Edgy then11:26
RiddellI've no time just now11:26
Riddellonly 4 months to edgy!11:26
Riddelland a week11:26
OdyXSure. So it'll stay "as is" for Dapper ?11:28
OdyXWell.. I could do integration if you want (and give me access).11:28
RiddellI can't give access to website, and I have no access to wiki or shipit which are the other two that need updated11:30
OdyXpfiouh... Ok.11:32
OdyXGood try though11:32
RiddellI could put it in a bzr archive so other people can change it and I could sync from them11:32
Riddellbut not today11:32
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OdyXRiddell: well. If you do, ping me...11:34
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MrFaberhi all12:19
MrFaberDoes anyone knows where the display suspend time of system settings is saved because it is always resetted to 30 minutes?12:20
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Burgundaviaanybody know who loic2 on the wiki?03:35
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Riddelldunno, where did you find him?03:39
Burgundaviawe is doing odd things on the wiki03:39
apacheloggerkood nikht all :-)03:40
Riddellhttps://launchpad.net/people/loic  <-- kubuntu's loic03:43
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Riddellhi bddebian 03:44
bddebianHi Riddell.  Hows things going?03:45
Riddellrelease candidate is out03:46
RiddellI think dapper is going to be a great release03:47
bddebianYeah, it looks nice.  Both kubuntu and Ubuntu03:48
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imbrandonyea i totaly agree04:30
imbrandonmorning bddebian Riddell04:30
bddebianHeya imbrandon04:31
=== claydoh uses his last blamk cd for the rc :) too late to go buy more tonite
claydohI do want to say you folks are doing an amazing job w/kubuntu 04:33
bddebianYes, they are :-)04:34
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip24-250-215-175.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonRiddell: hows your new google soc guy ;)04:47
freeflying|awayimbrandon: hi, how about avahi-utils  :)04:50
imbrandonfreeflying|away: thought i gave that to ya, hold on lemme grab the diff04:50
freeflying|awayimbrandon: well 04:51
imbrandonsorry for being so late, thought i gave you the link before i went to sleep yesterday04:53
=== freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflying|awayimbrandon: I'd upload it soon, thanks04:59
crimsunfreeflying|away: you have main privs?05:03
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflying|awaycrimsun: avahi in universe05:04
Lathiatavahi is in main05:04
imbrandonavahi is main i think05:04
Lathiattrentl@ubuntu:~$ apt-cache showsrc avahi|grep Direct05:04
LathiatDirectory: pool/main/a/avahi05:04
freeflying|awaysilly me05:05
bddebian apt-cache madison avahi ;-)05:06
Lathiatah yes madison05:08
Lathiatforgot about that05:08
freeflying|awayavahi-utils is in universe, I'm right  :)05:10
bddebianBut the source is in main ;-)05:11
bddebianbdefreese@bdubuntu1:~$ apt-cache madison avahi-utils05:11
bddebianavahi-utils | 0.6.10-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages05:11
bddebian     avahi | 0.6.10-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Sources05:11
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freeflying|awaybddebian: around05:38
freeflying|awaybddebian: seems I can not upload avahi-utils, would you like sponsor my upload?05:39
bddebianfreeflying|away: I can't upload to main :-(  Sorry05:40
freeflying|awaybddebian: heh, avahi-utils in universe,but avahi is in main    05:42
freeflying|awaycrimsun: around ?05:42
=== pounk [n=pounk@142-217-81-161.telebecinternet.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lathiatfreeflying|away: yep but main standards still apply05:55
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poimen!seen freeflying06:44
robotgeekpoimen: no ubotu here06:46
freeflying|awaypoimen: hey06:46
freeflying|awayrobotgeek: hi06:46
poimencan we priv msg?06:46
freeflying|awaypoimen: sure06:47
robotgeekhey freeflying|away 06:47
freeflying|awayrobotgeek: long to see you  :)06:49
robotgeekfreeflying|away: yeah, been busy06:49
=== abattoir_ [n=abattoir@bb220-255-86-27.singnet.com.sg] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete]
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=== sheldonc [n=sheldon@208-98-198-49.cable.dynamic.sunwave.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
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freeflyingRiddell: around?09:34
=== hunger_ [n=tobias@p54A61643.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ToshibaSatellite1735 <-- there she is, completely tested for Kubuntu10:11
nixternalgood night all10:11
Hobbseenixternal`zzz: good point, i should do that...10:11
nixternal`zzzi am burnt10:12
=== Hobbsee unburns nixternal`zzz
nixternal`zzzbeen testin' that bad boy all night...it took everything i threw at it...i am so happy i ran into kubuntu ;)10:12
nixternal`zzzi even broke xorg so bad i confused myself...don't try attaching 2 screens to 1 display...doesn't work...hehe10:13
Hobbseewonder what it says...10:13
nixternal`zzzi tried to force desktop extension for a card that will not do it...i was close...but i just couldn't get it10:14
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-245-26.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== vincentrc [n=vincentr@237.165.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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vincentrcHi J.Riddel, are you there ? I'd like to talk to you about 2 bugs (release candidate). Is it the correct channel for this ?11:15
freeflying|awayvincentrc: what's wrong with RC11:19
vincentrcWait please. coming.11:19
vincentrcSorry, I tape very slowly (Lol !) please go on #kubuntu.11:21
seaLneRiddell: just checked and qtparted gives the error i had ~1800 yesterday with the disk when run on its own11:22
imbrandonhe is speaking of malone bug #40596 ( taken from #kubuntu )11:26
UbugtuMalone bug 40596 in kde-systemsettings "(Dapper) Same reaction whatever option choosen in Desktop>Windows behavior>Actions in title bar" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4059611:26
seaLneanyone getting OptionalError from launchpad every few page loads?11:27
imbrandonseaLne, yea i thought it was just me11:28
imbrandonmaybe we should report in #launchpad11:28
=== Firetech [n=Jocke@amarok/rokymotion/Firetech] has left #kubuntu-devel ["So]
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== _ZuZuu_ [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-15-202.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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HobbseeRiddell: horrible!12:58
=== Hobbsee beats Riddell up
HobbseeRiddell: how do you spell my nick???12:59
Riddellvincentrc: hi12:59
RiddellHobbsee: no idea, I always get confused about which letters are double and which aren't12:59
Riddellfortunately most of the time I have tab completion12:59
Hobbseeit's *not* a single b :P01:00
Hobbseeand your blog is wrong :P01:00
HobbseeRiddell: for shame - most people can remember how to spell yours :P01:00
vincentrcHi JR01:00
RiddellHobbsee: except that before you arrived vincentrc didn't, which is why I didn't respond to him earlier :)01:01
HobbseeRiddell: hmmm?01:01
Riddellnixternal`zzz: lots of nice ticks there01:02
vincentrcRiddel : What do thing about this ? Can you confirm ? (if you have some time)01:02
Riddellfreeflying: hi01:03
freeflyingRiddell: hey01:03
marseillaiso! after a night of testing : kat daemon and kat searching klient works really fine! it's almost ready for a beta test .... 01:03
marseillaiit kills beagle on much features01:03
freeflyingRiddell: avahi-utils has two entries in menu, shall we fix it?01:04
marseillaithrough one in system and one in utilitaires01:04
Riddellfreeflying: it's in universe, go ahead01:04
vincentrcRiddell : There was something else about the live CD (RC) : you have to do Ctrl + Alt + Backspace in order to the screen resolution modifications take effect. Should I report on launchpad ?01:05
Riddellalthough source is in main, but I can upload01:05
Riddellvincentrc: yes, report under kde-guidance package01:05
freeflyingRiddell: http://www.ubuntu-zh.org/~freeflying/debdiff/avahi.debdiff01:05
=== ubijtsa [n=ubijtsa@karlsson.force9.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
OculusAquilaeis it normal that guidance only works at the second boot here?01:07
Hobbseehi OculusAquilae 01:07
RiddellOculusAquilae: nope01:08
Riddellwhich module?01:08
_SimeOculusAquilae: could you give some more info about what you are seeing?01:09
OculusAquilae_Sime: there was this text saying you that it couldn't be loaded (now its my second boot and it works)01:10
OculusAquilaethe same that comes if you change the code and reinstall it01:10
OculusAquilaei think01:10
_SimeOculusAquilae: kde-systemsettings said that it could not load the display module?01:11
OculusAquilaeright after installation of the RC 01:11
OculusAquilaefrom desktop-cd01:11
_SimeI'll be able to test that in a minute... (just installed the RC)01:15
vincentrcRiddell : Done : https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/4673401:17
UbugtuMalone bug 46734 in kde-guidance "(Kubuntu Dapper RC, Live CD only) Screen resolution modifications take effect only after Ctrl + Alt + Backspace." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  01:17
vincentrcSorry to bother you again with this bug (https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-systemsettings/+bug/40596), somebody told me it was too late to solve it. Is it true (I had reported it a long time ago) ? Can somebody confirm this bug, or is it only happening on my computer.01:21
UbugtuMalone bug 40596 in kde-systemsettings "(Dapper) Same reaction whatever option choosen in Desktop>Windows behavior>Actions in title bar" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  01:21
seaLnehaving kubuntu-desktop removed during breezy upgrade means you miss out on quite a lot of packages01:26
_SimeOculusAquilae: the display modules starts up ok.01:28
OculusAquilae_Sime: hm01:28
_SimeOculusAquilae: and the resolution change in fact does not work correctly.01:28
_SimeOculusAquilae: I also saw this problem recently when I switched over to a new nvidia card (from ATI).01:28
_SimeOculusAquilae: it is something to do with X11 and nvidia.01:28
_SimeOculusAquilae: and the RandR extension.01:29
_SimeOculusAquilae: wine couldn't change res either.01:29
=== OculusAquilae has a nvidia-card
=== OdyX too
_SimeOculusAquilae: I really don't know what we can do about it.01:29
OculusAquilae_Sime: did the resolution-change work with the module of KDE for Display things?01:30
=== Hobbsee growls at supertux being too hard!
OculusAquilaeHobbsee: :) right, it is too hard :)01:30
_SimeOculusAquilae: don't know. But wine uses the same x extension, and it had trouble too. I also tried the xrandr command.01:31
Hobbseegot it!!!!01:32
Hobbseenyah to those painful grey things!01:32
OculusAquilae_Sime: what about the krandr-thing for kicker?01:32
OculusAquilaeit works01:32
_Simeyeah, it works now, So does guidance and xrandr.01:32
_Simei'm using the nvidia driver BTW01:33
=== OculusAquilae too
_SimeOculusAquilae: now xrandr works but guidance still doesn't. :-/01:34
OculusAquilae_Sime: hm, here it works , but it seems that the monitor config of this module don't write the size of the monitor into the xorg.conf, so it can't choose bigger resolutions01:35
OculusAquilaeI choose 1280x1024 but this resolution is not in my xorg.conf and then it isn't possible to select it01:36
_SimeOculusAquilae: now guidance works too. Everything suddenly works.01:37
_SimeOculusAquilae: your monitor is probably Plug n Play, and it is not being detected propertly at boot time.01:37
_SimeOculusAquilae: try selecting a monitor manually in systemsettings.01:38
_SimeOculusAquilae: and restart X01:38
seaLneis there a "problems with dapper" wiki page?01:38
seaLneah https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems01:40
seaLneis linked but dosen't exist01:40
Riddelllinked from where?01:41
OculusAquilae_Sime: ok now it works01:41
OculusAquilaebut its 17" so i switch back to 1024x768 :)01:42
RiddellseaLne: ah, that's foor final I think, but please do start off that known problems page01:43
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:seaLne] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.kubuntu.org
seaLneis there a wiki way to link to a bug?01:52
Riddelljust URL I tihnk01:52
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=== MrFaber [n=MrFaber@dslb-084-056-217-170.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MrFaberhi all02:10
freeflyingRiddell: did you get the debdiff of avahi02:10
MrFaberIs this bug known? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-systemsettings/+bug/4673902:11
UbugtuMalone bug 46739 in kde-systemsettings "monitor power off time isn't saved" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  02:11
Riddellfreeflying: yep, I'll ask to upload it along with a couple others I'm preparing02:11
MrFaberIt happens for a long time but I though that this is a widely known bug.02:12
freeflyingRiddell: thx, we can upload to universe now?02:12
Riddellfreeflying: yes, if other MOTU agree02:12
MrFaberCan this be fixed until release?02:15
freeflyingRiddell: thanks02:15
RiddellMrFaber: report it to kde-guidance and see what _Sime says02:15
MrFaberat least the power off time, the display bug isn't important02:16
MrFaberRiddell: in channel kde-guidance?02:16
RiddellMrFaber: package kde-guidance, not kde-systemsettings02:16
MrFaberRiddell: ups, sorry02:17
Hobbseeyou know, it'd be cool if we could package basic cli help with edgy, too...seems that people need it...02:20
MrFaber_Sime: you there?02:20
=== Hobbsee mutters about more people commenting out all of their sources lists, and wondering why their things dont work.
MrFaberRiddell: btw thx :)02:20
_SimeMrFaber: hi02:21
MrFaber_Sime: Do you know this bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/46742 ?02:21
UbugtuMalone bug 46742 in kde-guidance "monitor power off time isn't saved" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  02:21
MrFaberhi _Sime :)02:21
=== _jdong [n=jdong@d149-67-101-201.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_SimeMrFaber: yeah I just read it.02:22
_SimeMrFaber: ok, the first thing you can do is open up a konsole and run systemsettings from there so that you can see any error messages,02:23
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MrFaber_Sime: ok02:23
MrFaberopen /dev/mem: Permission denied02:24
MrFaberVESA BIOS Extensions not detected.02:24
MrFaber_Sime: 02:24
MrFaber_Sime: When I change it this is posted. BTW it looks like changed setting but if I restart X it is resetted to 30 minutes.02:25
_SimeMrFaber: what gets posted?02:28
MrFaber_Sime: ok, I paste the whole output in pastebin02:29
MrFaberone second02:29
MrFaber_Sime: http://pastebin.ca/5901502:29
MrFaber_Sime: its changes the time but only for session02:30
_SimeMrFaber: that looks normal to me.02:31
MrFaber_Sime: hm, and it overwrites laptop mode setting. Where is the power off time saved?02:31
MrFaber_Sime: please post where the setting is saved so I can change it with a script on every start02:39
MrFaber_Sime: thx for checking - bbl02:39
_SimeMrFaber: the setting is set with xset. I'm not sure who or what actually saves it between logins.02:43
_SimeMrFaber: I'll do a test here.02:43
_SimeMrFaber: the setting is being automatically saved after log out for me.02:45
_SimeMrFaber: what are laptop-mode settings?02:46
imbrandonRiddell, or Hobbsee, any idea why i would not get any printers on my printer list ( see screenshot http://imbrandon.sytes.net/misc/printer.png )02:58
imbrandonupto date dapper , just made sure everyting is updated02:58
Hobbseeimbrandon: The requested URL /misc/printer.png was not found on this server.02:59
imbrandonsorry http://imbrandon.sytes.net/misc/printerlist.png02:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: that's there again?03:00
=== Hobbsee declares CUPS evil.
imbrandonit sees the printer on the port etc, just cant choose a driver ;)03:00
imbrandonguess so, dident know it was there before03:00
imbrandonis there an easy fix i can do ?03:00
Hobbseei had that, then got cups updates...03:00
imbrandoni just made sure i had all updates , so if there is one its not in the rpos yet03:01
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-231-53.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandongrr just when i need to print some stuff too lol03:02
=== imbrandon pokes the cupsd gods
imbrandonpoke'em with one of your super pokes in the ribs Hobbsee ;)03:03
=== Hobbsee agrees with Sho, that printers are the spawn of the devil, and that CUPS is therefore evil, and should not be entered into.
Hobbseeimbrandon: heh.03:03
imbrandonhahaha , thats the only way ( well that and my winxp theme ) i got my mother to let me switch her computer to linux ( hp printer support ) 03:04
imbrandonyou see my new tux start button ? 03:05
Hobbseeimbrandon: ewww...hadnt noticed how xp-ish it was, until you mentioned that...03:05
Hobbseeimbrandon: what theme are you using on that?03:06
imbrandonthats a good thing, transparency ;)03:06
Hobbseewindow deco is plastic, i assume - standard blue theme?03:06
imbrandonHobbsee,  one i've made, havent got it packaged up03:06
Hobbseeah...is that it...03:06
imbrandonyea kwin deco and kbfx are the main changes03:06
imbrandonplastik is the widgets03:07
Riddellimbrandon: works for me03:07
Riddellimbrandon: is the mouse cursor a busy cursor?03:07
HobbseeRiddell: try removing all your printers, then adding htem again.03:07
imbrandonits a normal cursur, it  says "loading driver list .... " or similar for like 3 seconds then go's blank03:08
imbrandonwith a normal cursor like its wanting me to select from the list , but obviouisly i cant do03:09
imbrandonwhat package should i remove and reinstall to see if that helps .... cupsd ?03:10
imbrandonerr cupsys ?03:10
Hobbseeimbrandon: you can try sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart03:11
imbrandondid that ;(03:11
imbrandonbefore i came in here03:11
=== Hobbsee prods Riddell - were you able to reproduce?
imbrandonHobbsee, you have a printer ? try it  ....... if your brave heh03:12
=== Hobbsee isnt brave enough to lose her only printer again.
Hobbseewell, one of two...03:12
Hobbseethere's stuff in the mailing lists about cups being borked again, it seems03:13
imbrandonheh i dunt wanna install windows just to print something lol03:13
RiddellHobbsee: nope, I can happily remove and add again03:13
imbrandonwhoa hmmm wonder whats diffrent on my system03:13
=== Hobbsee wonders whether she wants to be brave
Riddellimbrandon: try purging cupsys and reinstalling it and the other stuff that depends on it03:14
imbrandonRiddell, anything else i can check to help ?03:14
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@s64-186-37-84.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonkk will do, back in a few when thats done03:14
Hobbseeimbrandon: checking it03:14
HobbseeMODEL:HP Color LaserJet 450003:15
imbrandonRiddell, should i manualy delete these files ......03:15
imbrandon * Stopping Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                                                                                                                     [ ok ] 03:15
imbrandonPurging configuration files for cupsys ...03:15
imbrandondpkg - warning: while removing cupsys, directory `/var/cache/cups' not empty so not removed.03:15
imbrandondpkg - warning: while removing cupsys, directory `/var/run/cups' not empty so not removed.03:15
imbrandonbefore reinstalling ?03:16
Riddellmake sure cupsys isn't running and remove those directories03:16
Hobbseehmmm....this kde print wizard doesnt force you to use kdesu03:17
Hobbseeso you cant load any new drivers03:17
imbrandonyou can hit the admin button03:18
Hobbseeyeah, it added again...03:19
imbrandonwhooo hooo worked this time .... wonder what got borked on my sys03:19
Hobbseeimbrandon: it's CUPS - heisenburg bugs are to be expected.03:20
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-014-156.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: what would it take to get rid of  that darned certificate message for accessing wiki.kubuntu.org?03:34
Riddellfix konqueror to remember it, poke sysadmin to get a certificate03:35
HobbseeRiddell: happens in firefox too03:35
imbrandonfirefox does it too03:35
HobbseeRiddell: who's sysadmin03:35
Riddellprobably znarl, but I'll poke him03:37
HobbseeRiddell: okay, cool, thanks03:37
=== Hobbsee shoots her sound.
Hobbseebad sound!03:45
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== jsgotangco dances madly
Hobbseehi jsgotangco 03:46
Hobbseewhat 'cha dancing over?03:46
=== jsgotangco hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs back, but does not dance
jsgotangcoi just installed Kubuntu again after a year03:46
Hobbseejsgotangco: yay!  arent you one of those edubuntu-type-people though?03:47
Hobbseeor do you have multiple machines?03:47
jsgotangcoHobbsee: i wrote some stuff for Kubuntu-docs back then03:47
Hobbseejsgotangco: ah...i see...i see :)03:47
jsgotangcobut im very much a gnome person03:47
jsgotangcoHobbsee: but i like what i see now :)03:47
=== marseillai_ [n=marseill@AMarseille-256-1-25-40.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jsgotangcoseriously..this is a quantum leap03:49
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== Hobbsee feels like she's going back thru time.
=== Hobbsee is seeing blog posts about ubuntu starting, and them not having a kde developer :P
jsgotangcoi gotta check my laptop if it got to capture all the stuff03:50
pygihey jsgotangco :)03:51
jsgotangcopygi: hey :)03:51
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
bddebianHowdy folks03:52
bddebianHeya jsgotangco03:52
Hobbseehi bddebian (again)03:52
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Riddell suspects Hobbsee of reading his old blog posts
=== Hobbsee declares Riddell correct
Hobbseethey're very interesting, you know03:56
=== Hobbsee likes reading blogs - as long as she doesnt have to write the damned things.
Hobbseeand maybe i can cope with appearing in them :P03:57
Riddellah hah, Hobbsee can be our model for the image to go with the dapper release announcement03:58
=== Hobbsee snorts
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note *not* to tell ajmitch_ that.
Hobbseeseeing as he will have a camera when he's over here03:59
imbrandonsend a kubuntu cd with him too ;)03:59
imbrandondone deal ........ *hides*04:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, i'd like one of them - it wouldnt get to NZ before he flies here though04:00
\shkubuntu pr0n nice ;)04:00
=== Hobbsee raises an eyebrow at \sh
=== Hobbsee wonders what to do...
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee wonders about pounding him into many little bits, and then stomping on them.
seaLnestabbing is always good04:01
HobbseeseaLne: hehe - want the honours?04:01
\shI would model for the release announcement but I think I'm not the type of model riddell wants to have ;)04:02
jsgotangcoRiddell: is kubuntu going to have a separate release annoucement? I thought we're going to all-in-one route?04:02
seaLne"kubuntu - linux for hetrosexuals" :P04:02
Riddelljsgotangco: it'll be separate for the final thing yes04:03
jsgotangcoahh k04:03
=== jsgotangco makes a note on that
=== apokryphos hopes Kubuntu actually gets mention on /. this time
\shseaLne: metrosexuals ;)04:03
Hobbseeapokryphos: help it out a bit?  :P04:04
=== jsgotangco prefers digg lately
HobbseeRiddell: i'm sure you dont want me as a model either :P  I'm not that pretty04:04
apokryphosHobbsee: sure; I'll be swarming the channels on release right before and after my egzam ;-)04:04
=== marseillai_ is now known as marseillai
=== Hobbsee still cant think of a punishment good enough for \sh :P
\shHobbsee: this is punishment enough http://photos.shermann.blogweb.de/v/shermannpics/Karlsruhe2006/20060518PaulsAbschied/P1000333.JPG.html04:07
Hobbseeyeah, stick that as the model pic...04:07
=== OdyX smiles.
=== imbrandon looks for that rhino pick
\shHobbsee: http://photos.shermann.blogweb.de/v/Linuxtag2006/P1000274.JPG.html04:08
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe04:08
\sh2 of the new kubuntu council members are on this picture04:08
Hobbseeimbrandon: it'll be entirely obvious though, when i actually get to a conference about (k)ubuntu - very few women - especially not of  my age...04:09
imbrandonhahah true04:09
Hobbsee\sh: want to enlighten us on who they are?04:09
imbrandonwho is that \sh04:09
imbrandonthe female is too old to be Hobbsee ;)04:09
=== Hobbsee has no passport.
imbrandoncan you even get one yet?04:10
\shHobbsee: left front: Amu, left behind amu is allee,  right front: zerlinna, right back: raphink04:10
Hobbseei can, but if  i wait till i'm over 18, then i can get a 10 year one...04:10
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jsgotangcoahh its been a year since i last saw amu04:10
imbrandonahhh ok Hobbsee wasent sure on teh au rules for them04:10
=== Hobbsee thinks zerlinna should be the model, not me!
apokryphosdoes amu still not work on the live cd?04:11
apokryphosor desktop cd now, I should say04:11
\shapokryphos: he is doing the kubuntu.de releases for new software etc. he did as well the linuxtag dvd04:11
\shhttp://photos.shermann.blogweb.de/v/Linuxtag2006/P1000254.JPG.html <= kwwii and amu @ indian restaurant04:12
apokryphosah yes, I remember reading that04:12
apokryphoscool :)04:12
imbrandonthere should be a pic database somewhere for all the kubuntu members ;)04:12
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe.  with labels.04:12
Hobbseethe UDU and UBZ pics are pretty good - with labels...04:12
=== apokryphos recommends flickr :P
Riddelllaunchpad.net/people has hackergotchis04:13
imbrandonflickr is nice04:13
Riddellbut a kubuntu group photo would be cool04:13
imbrandonyea Riddell pic like these04:13
\shapokryphos: flickr is not nice enough...the pictures are not big enough after upload 04:13
imbrandonbrb i gott hit the store04:13
HobbseeRiddell: hehe, send me a plane ticket :P04:13
=== imbrandon gimps a group photo togather
apokryphos\sh: you can keep the original size (though I think it's not displayed for normal accounts). There's always a "large image" option, which is something like 1000xbleh04:14
Hobbseeimbrandon: heh.  good luck.04:15
Hobbseeimbrandon: no...wait...do you actually have a picture of me at all?04:15
imbrandonummm now that i think about it nope04:15
=== imbrandon feels left out *again*
imbrandonhold on Hobbsee brb , i got to hit the store04:16
Hobbseeimbrandon: few do, i wouldnt worry.04:16
=== PascalFr [n=PascalFr@pcpc.vmfacility.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee laughs at the idea of kde people taking over motu
=== Duffman [n=duffmast@sos1-1x-dhcp191.uio.no] has joined #kubuntu-devel
\shapokryphos: for the non paying people as well?04:38
apokryphosfree users get the following sizes available http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=149765727&size=o04:40
apokryphos(up to 1200x900). If the album owner has a "pro" account, then whoever views the picture... there'll always be the option to see original resolution, however large it is04:40
\shI stay with my own gallery ;)04:41
apokryphosI use my own gallery script too, but mainly because I'm lazy04:41
apokryphosflickr is really good because of the options available for it (kipi-plugins, kflickr). Camera -> album in 30 secs04:41
apokryphosand the organisation tools are pretty damn excellent, if I may say so. Some awesome javascript wizards there04:42
=== Duffman [n=duffmast@sos1-1x-dhcp191.uio.no] has left #kubuntu-devel []
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Lure is famous now - he got to Riddell's blog ;-)
HobbseeLure: hehe.  Riddell managed to spell your nick right?04:44
Lurename not, but nick yes ;-)04:44
Lureblog editor probably does not support tab ;-)04:45
OdyXLure: it doesn't seem to support uppercase...04:45
HobbseeLure: having names on pages that other people read is bad.04:46
=== Hobbsee is glad that only her nick got up there.
=== Lure too
RiddellHobbsee: my mis-spelling could have been a deliberate attempt to respect your privacy04:46
=== Lure got fridge exposure with name :(
LureRiddell: good one ;-)04:47
HobbseeRiddell: that's true - nah, i dont mind people using my nick :P04:47
HobbseeRiddell: nice try :P04:47
robotgeeki'm all over the interweb anyways, too late for remorse :)04:47
Hobbseerobotgeek: same here - my nick, not my name.04:47
HobbseeRiddell:  i come up enough in google that any misspelling of my name would be repointed to the correct version.04:48
LureRiddell: btw, who is upstream maintainer for knetworkconf? In case we do not get network guidance for Edgy, I would like to get WPA/WPA2 support in knetworkconf for people who do not want knetworkmanager...04:50
RiddellLure: Juan Luis Baptiste <juan.baptiste@kdemail.net>04:51
RiddellI've told him I'll put in the current kubuntu patches soon04:52
Hobbseedoes anyone happen to know when i'm supposed to be working tomorrow?04:52
OdyXRiddell: almost... OdyX <- uppercase at last too... :D04:54
OdyXHobbsee: at 2.04:54
HobbseeOdyX: serious?  i really have no idea...04:55
=== jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee wrote it down, somewhere.
OdyXHobbsee: not at all.04:55
jeroenvrphi guys04:55
Hobbseehi jeroenvrp 04:55
jeroenvrpgreat RC04:55
jeroenvrpone question: why is CUPS a dependancy of almost any application?04:56
jeroenvrpI dont want cups, I have a paperless office :-)04:57
OdyXjeroenvrp: good question04:57
jeroenvrpOdyX: thanks, and now the answers ;-)04:58
OdyXnext question jeroenvrp04:58
jeroenvrpno thats the only one04:58
Riddelljeroenvrp: cupsys isn't, libcups probably will be04:58
OdyXWell. Can't you let cups, desactivated ?04:59
jeroenvrpI just installed kubuntu-desktop, to make sure I've got all new things and now am nusy going to strip tjinks, like raid, bluetooth, laptop things and printer support04:59
jeroenvrpRiddell: yes indeed05:01
jeroenvrpOdyX: yes than I have to dsiable it 05:01
OdyXjeroenvrp: that'it...05:02
OdyXjeroenvrp: the only inconveniant would be the place it takes.05:02
jeroenvrpOdyX: yes I know, but I like to clean it up a little bit05:02
OdyXjeroenvrp: well.. We all want.. :D Compile all your apps removing cups dependancy then 05:03
=== jeroenvrp slaps OdyX with his compile tools
seaLneits ok they aren't installed by default05:04
Hobbseenight all...05:08
MrFaber_Sime: with laptop-mode you can define different power off times for working on battery or with ac adapter, but I haven't set 30 minutes in laptop mode05:08
\shoh did I tell you that kubuntu.de has now "planet.kubuntu.de" ?05:11
Riddell\sh: nice05:15
Riddellcan anyone get to http://picasa.google.com/linux/ ?05:15
HobbseeNot Found05:15
HobbseeThe requested URL /linux/ was not found on this server.05:15
HobbseeRiddell: no05:15
freeflying|awayRiddell: it's not native linux application05:16
\shHobbsee: no available for europe and other non american people05:16
Hobbsee\sh: what?  urgh!05:16
freeflying|awayRiddell: picasa+ wine + mshtml 05:16
robotgeekHobbsee: can get the direct link for you05:16
robotgeekhttp://dl.google.com/linux/deb/pool/non-free/p/picasa/picasa_2.2.2820-5_i386.deb 05:17
Riddellso the web pages don't work outside the US but you can wget the .deb fine05:17
Riddellthat's very daft05:17
Hobbseethat's the idea05:17
apokryphosno actual idea why it's only available in US only, too. As some /. noted, Windoze version is available anywhere.05:18
=== apokryphos hopes using wine for applications doesn't become a trend
Hobbseesame with those dreaded windows programs too, you know - you can get the dir link after going thru the activatoin process - then just post the link.  extremely daft.05:18
apokryphosis Picasa really Qt though?05:19
Riddellapokryphos: no, that's google earth05:19
apokryphosheard someone say it, then heard someone say in ubuntu-offtopic that it's definitely not05:19
apokryphos..and then I see this blog http://cartman-kde.blogspot.com/2006/05/google-is-clueless.html05:19
jeroenvrpmm laptop-mode has also a systemwide dependency05:20
jeroenvrpI don't have a laptop, so... can I disablem it?05:20
apokryphosRiddell: interesting. Funny with a blog title about Google being clueless =)05:21
imbrandon_goneshkubuntu - "kollaboration to the core"  ;)05:32
Hobbseewb imbrandon 05:32
imbrandonheya Hobbsee05:33
=== imbrandon had to go get ome smokes and strwberry milk
Hobbseebleck.  smokes.05:35
Hobbseenice strawberry milk though :P05:35
Hobbseeokay, i'm really off to bed this time...night all...05:38
Hobbseeimbrandon: if you're any good with xine and alsa and amarok, #kubuntu needs you05:38
imbrandonlooks like they got it before i got in there, heh, was updating my blog ( FINALY )05:41
nixternalgood mornin'...i am gettin' up, hobbsee is goin' to sleep..this is what i call an aroudnt he clock operation...and imbrandon the code monkey has been up for 4 days straight :)05:42
imbrandonlol nah05:43
nixternali went to sleep 6 hours ago and your were still up..hehe05:43
=== imbrandon is actualy on almost the same schedule as hobbsee even though i'm on the other side of the globe
nixternalput down the keyboard and step away form the machine ;D05:44
imbrandonits about my bed time thats for sure05:44
imbrandonheya bddebian05:45
bddebianHi imbrandon05:45
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
bddebianWhat the heck is the difference between the ksimus.desktop and the ksimus-execute.desktop?05:59
OdyX"-execute" ?06:01
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@83-131-242-245.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellbddebian: where?06:13
bddebianRiddell: Inside the source.06:39
bddebianbdefreese@bdubuntu1:~/devel/ksimus$ dpkg-deb -c ksimus_0.3.6-2-10ubuntu2_i386.deb |grep desktop06:39
bddebian-rw-r--r-- root/root       357 2002-08-05 17:44:00 ./usr/share/applnk/Applications/ksimus.desktop06:39
bddebian-rw-r--r-- root/root       395 2002-08-05 17:44:00 ./usr/share/applnk/Applications/ksimus-execute.desktop06:39
bddebian-rw-r--r-- root/root       130 2002-08-05 17:44:00 ./usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-ksimus.desktop06:39
bddebianAnd in the source, they look pretty much identical06:39
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bddebianMan, I am going to kill this poor Dell laptop installing every derivative of Ubuntu on it..07:11
jsgotangcoheh this has 407:12
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bddebianWell Live CD and Live Install seemed to work great for me08:11
jjessethat's good news, haven't had a chance to download them yet myself as i am !high speed internet (dial up connection for awhile) :(08:11
=== pascalFR_ [n=pascal@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjesseRiddell: i sent you the pictures you were missing for the chapter08:30
Riddelljjesse: thanks, I'll see if I can upload them (it'll need approval)08:33
jjesseRiddell: it shouldn't be too hard ot get approval should it?08:33
Riddelljjesse: no08:34
jjesseok, let me know what else i can do to help08:35
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-192-165.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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pascalFRbug 4223209:26
UbugtuMalone bug 42232 in kdepim "all contacts lost - address book resource truncated to zero" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4223209:26
pascalFRthis is really a showstopper for me ... 09:26
tomapascalFR: which version of kdelibs are you using?09:28
tomai recall the fix got in at version
pascalFRtoma: 3.5.2-0ubuntu1809:31
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tomapascalFR: so far you are the only reporter of this problem with 3.5.2 as far as i can see, in the br and upstream report09:39
tomapascalFR: not sure what to do09:40
pascalFRtoma: humm strange ... then I'll try with a clean .kde       strangely kde upgrades have always lead to problems with old .kde09:40
pascalFRtoma: or maybe my  vcs file  is corrupted somewhere and triggers another bug09:41
tomapascalFR: never had problems with that, since 3.1.4 when i started with kde.09:41
tomapascalFR: possible09:41
pascalFRtoma: for example  on some entries   firstname lastname  combinaison  only appears when I edit then save the entry09:43
pascalFRtoma: in the listing columns they call  formatted name09:44
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@s64-186-37-84.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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yuriy_when i go to the kubuntu wiki, opera tells me The server's name "wiki.kubuntu.org" does not match the certificate's name "wiki.ubuntu.com".10:08
nixternal`choresthat is due to wiki.kubuntu.org just using ubuntu.org's ssl certificate for the good ol' https...they need to get their own in order for it to go away10:11
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Tm_Mwhats up10:34
yuriy_nixternal`chores: i realize that, i was hoping "they"= somebody here who can go fix it10:48
RiddellI've had more complaints about that in the last week than in the last month or two since it was launched10:49
RiddellI've put in a request with the sysadmins to fix it10:51
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== MiKiX [n=MiKiX@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelleveryone: welcome our new summer of code student11:53
MiKiXgood evening everybody11:54
RiddellMiKiX: so, you'll be writing our super cool floppy disk and USB formatting tool?11:56
RiddellMiKiX: have you coded in qt/KDE before?11:57
MiKiXyes, some program with qt3 and qt4 (a  picture viewer, a network simulator...)11:59
Riddellah, wonderful11:59
Riddellin C++?11:59
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellMiKiX: are you in England?12:00
pygiMiKiX, hey, welcome :)12:02
MiKiXnow, yes, I finish a project at teesside university and I come back in france during june12:02
marseillaianother french kde developer! :) the french kde-community is really strong! :)12:03
Riddellfrench kubuntu community certainly is12:03
RiddellMiKiX: you could pop in and visit us at our developers summit in Paris next month12:03
RiddellMiKiX: do you think you'll use qt3 or qt4?12:04
MiKiXI think I will use QT412:05
Riddellgood plan12:06
RiddellMiKiX: have you put a spec into launchpad/the wiki?12:06
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MiKiXI will put the spec in my blog this week ens12:09
RiddellMiKiX: can you add a column to the table KubuntuSummerOfCode2006 and link to it when you do12:13
RiddellMiKiX: when do you think you'll start work on this?12:13
MiKiXI think I will start to work on next tuesday12:15
RiddellMiKiX: have you had any thoughts about user interface design?12:16
MiKiXI think I will try to make about the same user interface as kformat12:23
Riddellyou should pass the UI by a usability person at some point, canonical's usability guy is mpt12:25
Riddellit would be good to have the application launched in the right click menu of media:/ rather than from the k-menu12:26
MiKiXyes, I try to add autodetecton to launched it when a media non formatted is inserted12:29
MiKiXI find some information about solid to do this but this library isn't finished12:30
Riddellthat's a good idea12:30
Riddellwell I think I'm out of questions for just now12:30
RiddellI'd like short weekly reports by e-mail of progress12:31
Riddelland do hang around on IRC, it's our natural medium12:31
Riddelloh and tvo was last years student, he might be able to give you some tips12:31
MiKiXok, I will try to stay connect when I can in IRC and thank you for the pseudo of the two last year student12:35
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LeeJunFanyay! I figured out why kde can't mount floppies, and made it work!12:39
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RiddellLeeJunFan: how?01:21
LeeJunFanI updated the bug in lauchpad, apparently udev is setup so it requires you to be in the group "disk" to mount floppies.01:26
LeeJunFanor perhaps it's just kde, not really sure, but it worked anyway, I stumbled on that while resolving a problem mounting USB drives for a user I just created and didn't add to plugdev.01:28
=== Mez [i=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellhi Mez 01:32
RiddellMez: there was some library of yours that had issues in NEW the other day01:32
MezRiddell: which one ? and what issues?02:05
Mezliblog4net-cil? or libflaim ?02:06
Riddellhmm, we don't have irc logs02:08
Mezlamont logs it IIRC02:13
Mezsorry, fabbione02:15
crimsunthe ifolder snippet is at the bottom of http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-devel-current.html02:15
LeeJunFanapparently openoffice bug with saving to media:/ is back or was never fixed?02:17
RiddellMez: doesn't cover the channel I'm after02:17
Riddellanyway kamion should have contacted you02:18
RiddellLeeJunFan: KDE won't pass media:/ URLs to openoffice02:18
MezRiddell: my emails crud atm... I cant get in to delete everything due to the move in house... I have about 17000 waiting till I get broadband at my new place02:19
MezRiddell, which chan was it ?02:19
LeeJunFanRiddell: hrm, what's the point of openoffice2-kde? :)02:20
RiddellMez: ask kamion on tuesday what was up with it then02:21
RiddellLeeJunFan: provides KDE integration for openoffice02:22
LeeJunFanRiddell: kind of makes it more confusing though, for people to save things to USB or floppy.02:23
Riddellyes, that's a problem02:25
LeeJunFanRiddell: well, what's odd is that you can load from "storage media" in openoffice, modify, and save, and "save as" and overwrite a file, but if you try to save a new file to "storage media" it complains about media:/02:26
Riddellyes, because KDE will translate the filename if you open it from konqueror02:27
LeeJunFanRiddell: I was just using menu functions from openoffice, not konq.02:31
LeeJunFanRiddell: what I find odd is that I can save as and choose to overwrite a file on media:/floppy, and that works, but if I do the same thing and try a new filename it doesn't. Seems those 2 should be handled the same and work. It's still the same function.02:33
LeeJunFanie. wether the file exists or not, it's still writing to media:/floppy.02:34
Riddellany news to add? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuNewsletter02:54
Riddelloh yes, SoC02:54
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee waves to everyone
Riddellmorning Hobbsee 03:42
=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeer...wonder why my clock suddenly says auckland03:42
Hobbseeah, that's better03:42
Hobbseei'm not supposed to be at work yet, good!03:42
HobbseeRiddell: should i ask a stupid question?03:43
Hobbseewhy on earth are you still up when i'ts almost 3am there???03:44
Riddellhay, it's the weekend, I can stay up as long as I want :)03:46
HobbseeRiddell: hehe.  good point :P03:46
Hobbseewish that logic worked here!03:46
Riddelldid you get your assignment done the other day?03:47
Hobbseewhich one?  computing?03:47
Hobbseeno, it's still being a pain, and needs fixing03:47
Hobbseehalf of it's right, the other half just confuses me badly...03:47
Hobbseei did the physics one though, and looked enough at the maths to know that i didnt want to even start that one!03:48
Riddellwhat's the computing one on?03:49
HobbseeRiddell: http://online.mq.edu.au/pub/COMP115/assignments/ass3.html03:50
Hobbseei'm sure it's not that hard, but the solution hasnt fallen into my head yet, so that's kinda annoying :P03:50
Riddellmm, C++ on windows, lovely03:53
Riddellso you need 9 arrays each with 9 bool values, assign the characters you read in to the correct array and match each array to a character03:54
Hobbseewell....yeah, on windows while i'm at uni...it works here...03:54
=== PtitGNU [n=ptitgnu@2001:6f8:32c:0:211:d8ff:fe22:c39] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseei guess that would make sense03:57
Hobbseebut hey - with doing a bit of c++, the source files make more sense :P03:58
Riddellhello PtitGNU 03:58
PtitGNUhello :)03:58
RiddellPtitGNU: come to be an elite Kubuntu developer?03:58
PtitGNU^^ I'm not ready for this I think :) But I like this idea.03:59
Hobbseehi PtitGNU 03:59
HobbseePtitGNU: just make it sound like you know what you're doing :P03:59
=== Hobbsee goes to rescue her breakfast, before it catches fire
Hobbseeokay, i'm off to work :( - bye Riddell, PtitGNU 04:09
PtitGNUbye Hobbsee :)04:09
Hobbseespeak now if anyone wants to replace me!  :P04:09
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PtitGNUI'm currently testing a fresh installation from "desktop" CD... I think that I found a little problem : if you choose manual partitioning and click on Back button, qtparted don't quit (100% cpu usage) and the installer freezes... (maybe the same bug that https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/qtparted/+bug/44346 )04:14
UbugtuMalone bug 44346 in qtparted "qtparted is left running after cancelling Ubiquity in Kubuntu" [Major,Unconfirmed]  04:14
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=== neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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johnny3dhello has this bug for no sound been resolved?  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/4373807:39
UbugtuMalone bug 43738 in linux-source-2.6.15 "No sound" [Normal,Confirmed]  07:39
Mezsays it's confirmed.... so not fixed yet07:46
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seaLnelp broken?09:49
Hobbseehi Mez 09:49
seaLnelo Hobbsee 09:52
=== javier [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflyingRiddell: around09:56
Hobbseehi seaLne and freeflying 09:57
Hobbseefreeflying: heh, he probably finally went to bed09:57
freeflyingHobbsee: hi09:57
seaLnecan either of you access launchpad?09:57
freeflyingseaLne: wired, proxy error09:59
HobbseeProxy Error09:59
HobbseeThe proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.09:59
HobbseeThe proxy server could not handle the request GET /.09:59
HobbseeReason: Error reading from remote server09:59
seaLnei'm sure they will fix the zope servers soon09:59
=== MrFaber [n=MrFaber@dslb-084-056-215-238.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MrFaberhi all10:05
Hobbseehi MrFaber 10:08
MrFaberhi Hobbsee 10:08
MrFaberIs it planned that adept updater shows no information box or notification about updates?10:08
Hobbseeask mornfall10:08
MrFaberI think that especially new users can't get it.10:09
MrFaberKDE has many, many systray symbols after some time :)10:09
seaLneMrFaber: you are wanting that users don't get told if there are updates?10:12
MrFaberseaLne: no, the different10:13
MrFaberseaLne: Maybe it happens only on my system but I see no message or notification if the systray adept updater symbol is shown10:13
seaLneah you mean some sort of popup?10:14
MrFaberseaLne: something like this http://www.ubuntu.com/include/testing/flight4/update-notification.png10:14
MrFaberso new users got the point10:14
Mezhey hobbsee10:15
seaLneyeah, personally i think the new icon is too subtle the old one was much more noticable, i think it won't happen for dapper but you could see if he would add it for edgy10:15
MrFaberseaLne: :(10:15
marseillaiusing system settings to configure my screen resolution make me loose my screen sleep ....10:16
MrFaberseaLne: I think that the Icon isn't the problem since KDE has so many that new users can't recognize it10:16
seaLnemarseillai: i think that someone was talking about that yesterday10:16
MrFabermarseillai: yep, I :)10:16
MrFaberVery weird that everyone comes now since the bug happens since monthes10:17
marseillaiMrFaber: sorry i've never use system setting before ....10:17
MrFabermarseillai: np :)10:17
kmonMrFaber: mornfall asks to use kde svn for bugs/features request of adept10:17
MrFabermarseillai: I only have reported the bug nothing more10:17
kmonso file a whishlist10:17
kmonI also think notifications would be nice10:18
MrFaberkmon: ok, I am going to try it10:18
kmonespecially for kernel updates10:18
kmonwhen a reboot is needed10:18
MrFaberkmon: without registering?10:18
MrFaberkmon: yes :)10:18
kmonMrFaber: I think you need to register in kde bug tracker10:18
MrFabermarseillai: do you see the correct resolution under DIsplay?10:19
MrFaberkmon: ok10:19
marseillaiMrFaber: yep10:19
MrFabermarseillai: hm, I see the wrong one and it resets screen resolution after restart if I change monitor power off time but today a new kde-guidance was relase so maybe it is fixed10:20
seaLneinteresting in my xorg.conf file i only have one resolution specified so you can't move the slider, on the 1st head the slider is at lower position and on the 2nd head its at higher10:21
MrFaberseaLne: I have only one defined and can't move it at all and it shows me 1024x768 instead of 1366x768. Don't know why.10:22
MrFaberOk, bbl, hope it works10:22
=== MrFaber [n=MrFaber@dslb-084-056-215-238.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MrFaber:(     ;)10:26
seaLneis there anything else important that would effect everyone that should be added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems ?10:28
MrFaberseaLne: yes, the kernel scalling bug10:29
MrFabervery important imho10:29
MrFaberbut not Kubuntu specific10:29
seaLnedo you know the bug #? kinda hard to check on lp10:29
MrFabervanilla works fine for me10:29
seaLneMrFaber: can you access lp just now?10:30
MrFaberkernel seems to be a little bit overpatched :)10:30
MrFaberseaLne: no, like Ubugtu10:30
MrFaberour great bot :)10:30
seaLneMrFaber: kinda like the crash if you have bluetooth and want to sync a palm bug10:30
MrFaberI have no palm.10:31
MrFaberBut Bluetooth works very fine for me, respect.10:31
HobbseeseaLne: CUPS problems, it seems - varying heisenburg bugs about them10:32
seaLnecups broken again? *cries*10:32
HobbseeseaLne: there's a guy in #kubuntu talking about it10:33
Hobbseecups is always broken, isnt it?10:33
MrFaberCups works fine here10:33
MrFaberEven over network, I am really impressed :)10:33
seaLnei only print at work, and then maybe 2 or 3 times a week so it takes me a while to notice10:33
Hobbseepeople are whining about the kopete configure dialog crashing - but i cant reproduce that here either.10:33
MrFaberHobbsee: ask them to move their configuration directory10:34
MrFaberHobbsee: maybe an old configuration bug10:34
seaLneHobbsee: the devices thing? yeah i couldn't either for a while10:34
HobbseeMrFaber: yeah, it seems to come up every once in a while10:34
seaLnecouldn't reproduce that is10:34
HobbseeseaLne: no, that's different10:34
MrFaberoh, ok10:34
HobbseeMrFaber: it was up for a while, seemed to get fixed, no one had problems, and bang, now it's up again10:35
seaLneMrFaber: is https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/36014 cpu scaling not working?10:35
MrFaberseaLne: yes10:36
MrFaberseaLne: at first only for 686 kernel and now for everyone10:36
MrFabersince then I only useing vanilla kernel10:37
HobbseeseaLne: they got a patch for that kopete devices thing :)10:37
seaLnewasn't it fixed a while ago?10:38
MrFaberAnother question, why tor users are banned on #kubuntu and so on?10:38
seaLneMrFaber: ask Riddell its maybe a channel option that needs set10:38
MrFaberseaLne: it is a channel option but I don't see the sence since people have to been registered at least on #ubuntu10:39
=== pascalFR [n=pascal@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeMrFaber: that's over all of freenode, pretty much - ubuntu too10:41
HobbseeMrFaber: afaik, they dont need to be registered on #ubuntu10:41
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MrFaberHobbsee: no, freenode has the option10:42
MrFaberHobbsee: I can connect to #kubuntu-de with tor10:42
MrFaberHobbsee: channel ops can choose10:42
HobbseeMrFaber: they dont need to be registered on #ubuntu10:42
HobbseeMrFaber: not exactly - chanserv auto-bans them again10:42
MrFaberHobbsee: don't know now but in past you was moved to an other channel if you connect to #ubuntu without identifying your nick10:42
HobbseeMrFaber: go look now10:43
=== MrFaber is now known as test
HobbseeMrFaber: i'm also under as blah__________________ <-- unregged, and it's there10:43
testok, works now10:43
Hobbseetest: it's not +M anymore10:44
=== test is now known as MrFaber
MrFaberHobbsee: works10:44
HobbseeMrFaber: i know :)10:44
MrFaberHobbsee: but not with tor10:44
Hobbseeyeah, nto with tor10:44
Mezmorning Hobbsee10:44
=== Hobbsee waves
MrFaberHy, I am useing kubuntu how should I know that it has changed ;)10:44
=== Mez wves back
HobbseeMrFaber: if it gets unbanned by an op, then chanserv just goes and kicks, and rebans, as soon as a tor user enters...10:45
HobbseeMrFaber: heh - #ubuntu's got interesting stuff in it, at times10:45
MrFaberno, the k is missing ;)10:45
=== Hobbsee connects to multiple channels :P
Mezwhats with the ban problem 10:45
HobbseeMez: tor users10:46
HobbseeMez: [18:38]  <MrFaber> Another question, why tor users are banned on #kubuntu and so on?10:46
HobbseeMez: ?10:47
MezI dont see any bans10:47
Mezwhats the tor IP?10:47
MrFaberMez: they can't connect10:47
MrFaberMez: it is a freenode function, freenode recognizes tor users and the op can set an option that they can't join this channel afaik10:48
HobbseeMez: [18:47]  [367]  #kubuntu *!*@tor/session/* 10:48
HobbseeMrFaber: we cant seem to set the option - unless someone knows how to modify chanserv somehow.10:48
MrFaberI have tested it a week ago and it doesn't worked10:48
Hobbseeer, unset the option, ie allow tor users10:49
seaLneautorem seems to be the problem from looking at chanserv commands10:49
seaLneassuming it lists tor10:50
seaLneunfortunatly you need to be op to see if it is10:51
MrFaber"Channel owners are free to deny access to their channels by Tor users. But freenode  and PDPC  urge you not to use a "ban" command"10:51
HobbseeseaLne: kubuntu one is emtpy, i cant see the #ubuntu one10:52
=== Mez_ [i=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pascalFRhum  launchpad seems to be down or broken10:53
seaLnepascalFR: yep10:53
HobbseepascalFR: yep10:53
pascalFR:)  ok this is not  a scoop  :) 10:53
MrFaberok, thanks for checking, bbl10:54
Hobbsee_awaywow!  just realised how many hits there are for "hobbsee" on google - first link is the launchpad page11:18
=== seaLne wonders if the link in the kubuntu news to icecream was intentionally the old one :)
seaLnelooks like no ETA on launchpad working :-(11:22
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:seaLne] : yes launchpad is broken | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -
=== freeflying-g4 [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== javier [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee_away pokes seaLne that the topic has a limit of characters in it
Hobbsee_awayhi kwwii 12:14
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:seaLne] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -
seaLnelaunchpad is back12:14
Hobbsee_awayseaLne: yay :)12:15
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.kubuntu.
Hobbseehmmm okay...12:16
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLinuxTag2006 || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting
Hobbseebah.  cant win.12:17
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:seaLne] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting
seaLnelinuxtag is no longer needed12:18
Hobbseetrue - which means you can stick the meeting link back in12:18
seaLnewhich was?12:18
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meeting
seaLnecool :)12:18
seaLnethe email thing could probably go aswell?12:19
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
Hobbseeer, with the correct URL12:19
seaLnei'd imagine those it effects will have seen it12:19
Hobbseeprobably some people havent seen it yet12:19
=== seaLne shrugs :)
=== Hobbsee shrugs - i dont think there's antying else to go in there
kmonHobbsee: the url for the RC?12:24
kmonHobbsee: the url for the RC?'12:24
kmonor it's linked in testing current12:25
kmonsorry for the repetition, my keyboard is possesed12:25
kmonI was talking about adding it to the topic ;)12:27
kmonhi jpatrick12:27
jpatrickhi kmon12:27
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:jpatrick] : RC! http://tinyurl.com/ehqdg |https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | lpad-id@kubuntu.org e-mail working for members | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meeti
jpatrickOh great12:28
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-241-113.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflying-g4hi jpatrick 12:35
jpatrickhi freeflying-g412:36
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD950A596.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseekmon: good point12:42
Hobbseejpatrick: take teh launchpad ID stuff otu then :P12:42
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:jpatrick] : RC! http://tinyurl.com/ehqdg |https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Woo! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ || Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs || https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:seaLne] : Release Candidate http://tinyurl.com/ehqdg | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity | Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
seaLneremooving those extra |s helps :-/12:54
Hobbseegood point12:54
Hobbseesomeoens' going to come in and think we've gone nuts with the topic...12:54
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:seaLne] : Release Candidate http://tinyurl.com/ehqdg | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUbiquity | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
seaLneRiddell: neither of the wiki links on https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team exist01:09
=== verwilst [n=verwilst@d54C1E11B.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== My8os [n=My8os@ppp128-233.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehow odd.  my keyboard input suddenly stopped working01:34
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=== marseillai_ [n=marseill@AMarseille-256-1-19-121.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LeeJunFanHobbsee: heh, the rest of us stopped listening to you weeks ago, I'm surprized your keyboard held out this long :p01:40
=== _ZuZuu_ [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-66-234.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== chavo [n=chavo@68-235-253-154.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: what happened to the UVF exception request for koffice?02:26
pygiHobbsee, you have a sec?02:26
RiddellHobbsee: too late02:26
HobbseeRiddell: ah okay02:26
Hobbseepygi: mmm...should do02:26
pygiHobbsee, http://omicron.pwsp.net/imgs/snaps/window09.jpg02:26
pygihow does this look like to you?02:26
Hobbseepygi: stupid question, but what precisely is it meant to do?02:27
pygiHobbsee, hm, the icons?02:27
pygilol :)02:27
=== freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseelooks nice to me :P02:28
pygik, thanks :)02:28
Hobbseenah, was trying to figure out what all the different icons were - or whehter i was supposed to be looking at the programs or what02:28
pygiah,oki :)02:29
=== Hobbsee goes off to see when kde4 is planned to be released now
HobbseeRiddell: what's the story with kde 3.5.3?  do we know?02:45
chavoHobbsee, it's only bugfixes for 3.5.x ffrom now on02:47
RiddellHobbsee: in which respect?02:47
Riddellchavo: 3.5.3 has new features and strings too02:48
HobbseeRiddell: does it exist, and where's the changelog?  i'm curious now...02:48
RiddellHobbsee: kde 4 preview release in october, in theory02:48
Riddellit's on the server for packagers02:48
chavoHobbsee, it's been tagged in svn but no release yet02:48
Hobbseeso i saw02:48
tomastring freeze was not lifted02:48
Hobbseechavo: ah okay02:48
Riddellchangelog will be same place as 3.5.2 changelog but s/2/302:48
chavoI have an up to date copy installed here also02:49
Hobbseenow if i could just find where the 3.5.2 changelog went..02:49
chavoRiddell, I installed a fesh copy with the LiveCD last night and my exisiting kubuntu install was not added to grub menu is that normal?02:50
Riddellif it's still on the system the grub setup should still pick it up02:51
chavoOk well it picked up my XP install but not this other dapper install02:52
chavobut other than that it was flawless, and fast02:52
chavoI'm going to test the install CD in a minute02:53
Hobbseemmm...changelog looks nice :)02:54
Hobbseepity it'll miss dapper by a long shot :P02:54
HobbseeNew: KDE startup reordered in order to improve startup time.02:54
Hobbseeyes!!!  Prevent "Akregator is running" messages on startup (reset PID to -1 when closing akregator)03:04
=== Hobbsee sees that about half the time. very annoying.
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee goes on a bug killing mission
Hobbseehi LeeJunFan 03:10
LeeJunFanhello bugslayer.03:10
Hobbseenot much i can do now, except reassign what's assigned wrognly03:12
=== Riddell decides to stay out of the stooshie in #ubuntu-devel
Riddellinface I think I'll go and mow my lawn03:17
tomaRiddell: I think you should clarify some things on kde-i18n-doc03:20
tomabut mowing your lawn is also important ;P03:22
Hobbseebah.  03:22
Hobbseeif he doesnt mow the lawn, then people wont think that they're welcome03:22
Hobbseethis will be a good thing, as it will give him more time to code.03:22
tomawe should by him some Evil Dogs03:23
tomaSpeaking of Dogs. I should go out and fetch some cat food, keeps the dogs in the neighbourhood in good shape.03:27
Riddelltoma: did my message get through?03:56
RiddellHobbsee: if I don't mow my lawn my nagging neighbour will continue to nag me, and then I'l have less time to code03:56
HobbseeRiddell: haha fair enough.  if he doesnt like it, cant he do it?03:57
Hobbseebesides, why does your neighbour get a say in it, if it's your lawn?03:57
RiddellHobbsee: my neighbour lives underneith me and her flat backs onto the back garden, but she has no access, I have access through my stairwell, but my flat faces onto the street and I never see the garden03:58
Hobbseeah...okay....that makes sense...03:59
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
bddebianHowdy folks04:02
=== Hobbsee throws another penguin at bddebian
Hobbseebddebian: hey!  it wasnt a koala!  what are you complaining about?04:05
=== Hobbsee throws a large tiger at bddebian instead
Hobbsee*now* i can see why you'd complain!04:05
bddebianSheesh, violent group ;-)04:11
=== Hobbsee is violent, yes.
=== Hobbsee uses her banstick. repeatedly.
Hobbseegotta love ops :P04:19
Hobbseebddebian: i dont know about being a violent group, per se...04:22
=== Hobbsee has always been a little violent though - the guys seem to like being bashed up :P
tomaRiddell: yes, your message came through, but the translators are not cheering.04:28
=== Fig0^Breezy [n=NightFig@p5486EDBB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Fig0^Breezyi have found a bug04:55
pygiFig0^Breezy, file it on malone04:56
=== Hobbsee laughs
Fig0^Breezywhen i have make a upgrade then my kernel hung at HAL04:56
Hobbseethat was definite, pygi :P04:56
Fig0^Breezyon 3 pcs04:56
Hobbsee*more* people with that?  fun.04:56
pygiHobbsee, :)04:56
Fig0^Breezyand my Logitech MX900 doesnt work04:57
Fig0^Breezyunder breezy work the mx90004:57
Hobbseedefinetly file that one in malone.04:57
seaLnewhat is a Logitech MX900?04:58
OculusAquilaeseaLne: mouse04:58
Fig0^Breezya mouse with bluetooth04:58
pygiFig0^Breezy, have you tried dapper? :P05:04
pygiand, does it work?05:06
seaLnehe siad earlier that it did05:07
pygiah :-/05:08
Fig0^Breezyin breezy works the mx90005:08
Fig0^Breezyin dapper not05:08
pygiFig0^Breezy, try chrooting into system from live cd, and getting all updates05:08
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflyingRiddell: around?05:33
Riddellfreeflying: a bit05:34
freeflyingRiddell: scim-chewing FBFTS, for yours changes in scim05:34
=== Hobbsee pictures "a bit" of Riddell at a ubuntu conference, or something. hmm.
=== Hobbsee had wondered who that leg had belonged to, sitting on hte floor.
freeflyingRiddell: http://www.ubuntu-zh.org/~freeflying/debdiff/scim-chewing.debdiff05:35
Riddellfreeflying: could you get mdz to review that05:36
freeflyingRiddell: but mvo tell it can build on amd64, I don't know kow can he build it 05:37
=== marseillai_ is now known as marseillai
Hobbseeokay, who was the chocolate-eating-gremlin????05:39
jpatrickHobbsee: what?05:40
=== Hobbsee is suspiciously chocolate-less
jpatrickcould of been me05:42
=== Hobbsee mutters darkly at jpatrick
Hobbseecan i have it back please?05:43
jpatricktoo late for that now...05:44
=== Hobbsee cries sadly.
jpatrickwas my birthday yesterday :P05:45
=== Hobbsee hands jpatrick a walking stick as a present
Hobbseeso you're...15...16 now?05:46
Hobbseegood guess :P05:46
=== jpatrick ponders on where his sound system went
Hobbseejpatrick: do your kmix settings look like they normally do?05:57
jpatrickHobbsee: yes05:58
=== Flosoft [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jpatrickartsd just seems to have passed on05:58
Hobbseejpatrick: does aplay work?05:58
FlosoftRiddell: Can you update the Download pages?05:58
jpatrickHobbsee: I'll restart KDE05:59
Hobbseegoodnight all...must leave, before i pass out...06:00
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseegoodnight all...must leave, before i pass out...06:02
Hobbseejpatrick: did it work?06:02
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee waves to neoncode on her way out
neoncodehi Hobbsee 06:04
=== neoncode waves back
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD950A596.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellFlosoft: to what?06:29
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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pygiRiddell, I might have a complete icon set ready for you for Edgy07:27
Riddell1 icon?07:28
pygiComplete Icon set, not 1 icon :P07:30
Riddelltaken up artistry?07:31
pygino, I have artists who will do it :)07:33
Riddellin my humble opinion KDE needs less icon sets and more people working on the default KDE artwork07:34
RiddellI'm sure the oxygen people would welcome any help for example07:35
pygiah, kwwii is great on that :)07:35
Riddellcertainly is07:36
pygiok, I'll just have to tell him to work on something else then :-/07:39
pygiwell, that artist? :)07:40
Riddellget him helping with oxygen, it'll become public in a couple of weeks07:41
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goldenearRiddell: I've found the solution about kaffeine opening embedded video instead of kmplayer08:49
goldenearthis problem is that there is a mess in the files types association08:50
Riddellgoldenear: oh?08:51
goldenearhave a look to http://goldenear.online.fr/filetype.pdf08:52
goldenearit's a table of my files types in konqueror08:52
goldenearthere are two problems 1) check the application/x-mplayer2 line08:53
goldenearthis was the linux wich cause kaffeine to be embedded in webpages instead of kmplayer08:54
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goldenearI didn't understand why kaffeine was used ... indeed in video/x-msvideo and video/x-wmv kmplayer was set as the default player...08:56
goldenearthen I've seen that *.wmv was also associated to application/x-mplayer2 wich was set to use... kaffeine!08:57
goldenear /usr/share/applications/kde/kaffeine.desktop <-- the problem for that is here08:58
goldenear2) I don't understand why there is for example both vorbis and x-vorbis, ogg and x-ogg, mpegurl and x-mpegurl ... etc09:01
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goldenearRiddell: ?09:08
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jpatrickgoldenear: I think he's mowing his lawn09:11
goldenearI hope he will check what I sais... it's really an anying problem in kubuntu and it's easy to fix :)09:13
Riddellgoldenear: how do we fix it?09:17
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A62BF9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
goldenearRiddell: first is it normal to have both eg vorbis and x-vorbis ?09:25
goldenearwhat's the right type ?09:25
RiddellI don't know09:26
goldenearthat should be asked to somebody able to answer and then to "clean" the files types to remove unused ones09:28
RiddellI'd suspect both are used09:28
goldenearabout the kaffeine problem, to fix it you just need to remove the type application/x-mplayer2 in /usr/share/applications/kde/kaffeine.desktop09:29
Riddelland what does that change?09:30
goldenearso kaffeine won't be activated by default for video embedded in webpages09:30
Riddellwhat the heck is application/x-mplayer2 anyway?09:31
Riddelltrouble is that if kaffeine can do that mimetype we shouldn't just remove it, we should lower the priority09:31
goldenearalso the application/x-mplayer2 type should be completly deleted IMHO09:31
goldenearlook at my pdf file09:32
chavogoldenear, did you install kmplayer?09:32
goldenearchavo: kmplayer is not needed, only kmplayerlib (witch is what konq. uses)09:33
goldenearRiddell: you can see *.avi or *.wmv files are associed to severel types (application/x-mplayer2, video/avi, video/x-msvideo, video/x-ms-wmv)09:36
Riddellboth /usr/share/services/kmplayer_part.desktop and /usr/share/services/kaffeine_part.desktop have x-mplayer209:38
RiddellI wonder how it chooses which to use09:38
Riddellthey both have InitialPreference=9 so maybe kaffeine is first by alphabet or something09:38
goldenearI guess yes09:39
goldenearimho application/x-mplayer should not be used at all09:39
goldenearx-mplayer2 I mean09:39
Riddellso we need to add x-mplayer2 to /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/profilerc09:39
RiddellI imagine it's there for a reason09:40
Riddellgoldenear: fancy adding it to that file and testing to see if it works better?09:41
goldenearI think the only reason was a quick and dirty hack to open *.avi *.wmv files by default with kmplayer09:41
Riddellthe mimetype file for x-mplayer2 comes from kaffeine09:42
RiddellI'll ask the kmplayer dude but it's too late to go around removing thing09:42
Riddellediting kubuntu-default-settings though we may well get away with09:42
goldenearI guess kaffeine also used the hack to get the hand on mplayer09:43
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD950A596.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
goldenear<Riddell> so we need to add x-mplayer2 to /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/profilerc <-- if x-mplayer2 can't be removed, so yes I think it's the best solution... not very clean IMHO, but at least it will work :)09:47
Riddellwant to give it a shot?09:47
goldenearwhat do I have to do ?09:48
Riddelledit that file, try as a user with a fresh .kde directory see if it fixes things09:49
Riddellsend me the diff, or for bonus points the debdiff09:49
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Riddellhello frinkillo 10:03
pygiRiddell, he seems to be interested in oxygen :)10:17
=== jpatrick is also interested in oxygen as he needs it to survive
Riddellpygi: cool, look out for the big announcement in a couple of weeks, or get him to contact kwwii first10:27
pygiRiddell, yup, I'll tell him to contact kwwii10:28
pygijpatrick, joy :)10:28
pygidon't we all? :P10:28
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neoncodeUhhh.... Huge update...10:56
pygineoncode, ?11:01
neoncodepygi: Adept updater just told me that there's a new update. Includeing important-sounding packages such as "ubuntu-standard" and "ubuntu-minimal"11:07
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goldenearRiddell: the change on the profilerc file works.11:54
Riddellgoldenear: excellent11:54
Riddellgoldenear: fancy making me a debdiff?11:54
goldenearplease find the diff here : http://goldenear.online.fr/ubuntu/11:54
Riddellthat'll do nicely11:55
goldenearit not a debdiff11:55
Riddellthat's fine11:55
goldenearonly a diff from the old profilerc11:55
Riddellwhat name shall I put in the changelog?11:56
goldenearthe new profilerc is also on my web place11:56
Riddellhello ctw 11:56
goldenearor would you prefer my real name ?11:56
Riddellreal name required11:56
goldenearalso I have verified that x-mplayer2 is requiered11:58
Riddelldid you work out what it's for?11:58
goldenearx-mplayer2 indeed seems to be a quick and dirty fix for the kmplayer-kpart plugin12:00
goldenearbut we can't remove it... it's really requiered12:00
goldenearI really think that a better solution would have to be find for edgy12:01
RiddellI don't understand why it should be needed, it should just use the actual mimetypes12:01
goldenearbecause as I told you, at the moment files like *.avi or *.wmv have to be "set" for several files types (x-mplayer2 and the "normal "mimetypes")12:02
goldenearI don't neither understand why it is needed ... but I did try to remove application/x-mplayer2 but then kmplayer-kpart doesn't work12:03
=== Zerlinna [n=ircont9k@cpe-024-168-251-071.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
goldenearI think kmplayer-kpart coded to use the x-mplayer2 mimetype and not to use each mimetype (video/avi, video/x-ms-wmv, etc..) independently12:05
goldenearI really think mimetypes woud need to be cleaned for edgy... IMHO it's not very clean to have, for example, both ogg AND x-ogg. 12:07
goldenearRiddell: I also discovered what is the problem with konqueror not correctly diplaying man pages with accuentuated characters12:10
=== ctw [n=ctw@129-79-193-33.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]

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