
crazy_penguinnight all! // jo ejt!12:02
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bleakedquestion, if one obtains new hardware (complete system, but will use current hard drive) is it ever worth the potential headache to just plug the current hard drive in the new machine, and just go, or should one always just install fresh and migrate data over?12:07
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crimsunyou can choose either given you've kept the Ubuntu kernel.12:08
crimsunit's modular enough to support a massive variety of hardware.12:08
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Bizzehanyone use kdevelop?12:19
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Bizzehwhats the kde package that lets you configure any aspect of kde and any of the apps associated with it?12:24
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PyroMithrandirBizzeh, kcontrol?12:26
thom_Bizzeh: do you mean control panel12:26
thom_also known as system settings12:27
Blissexthom_: the proper name is Control Center, not Control Panel....12:29
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PyroMithrandirwhat, is this a quiz now?12:29
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orient2000can i transfer mp3 to ogg in kubuntu?12:41
benanyone willing to help with an AC'97/alsa problem12:42
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sorush20hi guys is it possible to have a kde inteface for firefox/12:50
sorush20for the save and open dialouge12:50
aseigoRiddell: ping?12:51
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MasterEvilAcei want a script started that i have in /etc/init.d01:21
MasterEvilAcewhat runlevel script should i put it in under /etc/rc#.d01:21
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PyroMithrandirorient2000, yes01:32
PyroMithrandirsorush20, not than I know of01:32
PyroMithrandirMasterEvilAce, that depends which runlevel you want it on :)01:32
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sorush20PyroMithrandir: the gnome dialouge sucks01:32
PyroMithrandirI agree01:33
PyroMithrandirif you find a way, I'd like to know01:33
PyroMithrandirbut I don't think there is one01:33
MasterEvilAcei did sudo nano, and saved a file that i want to run.. do i have to do anything special? i do an ls and all the other files are green but the one i made is white01:38
MasterEvilAce(i'm trying to learn linux better)01:38
imbrandonMasterEvilAce: you need to chmod it ot make it executable01:40
MasterEvilAceah, thanks01:41
MasterEvilAcethat makes sense01:41
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MasterEvilAceperfect! thanks01:42
imbrandonyw ;)01:42
deanhello. Im having a strange problem with my laptops keyboad missing characters as im typing (no im not missing letters off like a fool) :D01:43
deananyone ever heard of anything like it happening fore and even better a fix01:43
MasterEvilAcehappen to know how KMix starts up? sometimes it opens when i startup, other times it doesn't01:44
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MasterEvilAcedean: that would happen to me in windows if a program was making it bog down badly01:45
Topclassstrange thou cos im not running anythi and it even missis letters at the login stage01:45
Topclassthe missing ng from anythi above proves my annoying point :D01:46
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Topclasscome on you cant ruin my illusion that the people here know everything :D01:50
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Topclassim guessing nobody knows about how to stop keyboards from not gistering some keypresses :(01:56
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xtacocorexis there an option in the dapper install to not install lvm?01:58
xtacocorexnm, i'll ask in the dapper channel02:02
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orient2000I did try to compile mp3toog-2.0 in tmp/mp3to... but I had missing gawk, mp3info, oggenc, vorbiscomment. I've got mpg321-0.2.10 and I can not ./configure. Missing gawk, gcc, cc, cl, no acceptable compiler found autoconfig, automake, autoheader, make, info. It seams like I have compilers or library missing. What do I do wrong?02:05
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LeeJunFanUgh! sun wonders why java never took off. Because it doesn't work! Hardly any app I ever try even runs.02:07
_cathalis there a way to configurer kde when moving to a new desktop, not to take the items in the taskbar to the new desktop screen so I have a clean taskbar?02:08
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imbrandonyea right click on the pannel and click configure, its an option02:09
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troyRiddell: thank you very much for the updated amarok packages :)02:13
unpersonHi, I'm trying to get drivers for a Samsung ML-2010 laser printer installed, but I need a little help.02:13
unpersonI first tried adding a printer in the KDE printer setup, but it didn't list that model.02:14
unpersonNow, it turns out that this printer comes with a CD that has "printer drivers", but I'm not quite sure how to get them installed.02:14
unpersonThere's a setup script for Linux that installs a program called "linux-config" that may be able to setup the driver, except it doesn't seem to work properly on Ubuntu.02:15
unpersonIt asks for administrator login info, but nothing seems to work.  I think this must be login info for the CUPS server, but I'm really not certain.02:16
_cathalimbrandon: unfortunately I can't see an option, a pointer in the right direction would be great. Im probably blind.02:16
unpersonAnyway, I'm thinking that the appropriate drivers must be somewhere on the CD, so I guess the question is what would the printer driver files look like?  For example, what extension are they likely to have?02:17
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_cathalimbrandon: its ok i found the option.02:18
imbrandonsorry was afk, i was looking ;)02:18
imbrandonglad you found it though02:18
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ryanakcawhats the kde equivalent of gnome-session?02:21
superdumpis it possible to run the text installation from the flight 7 live cd?02:21
imbrandonsuperdump: no02:21
superdumpthe partioning crash is preventing me from installing and i don't have another spare disc02:21
superdumpah crap02:21
imbrandonyou need the text install cd OR the DVD with live and text02:21
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imbrandonryanakca: for? like the startup scipts ?02:22
superdumpthanks anyway02:22
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orient2000love 7 live cd never worked for me but 2GD install from internet worked just fine and I just love it02:24
bleakedso, just to clarify this, i'm looking at the flight 7 ISO download page.  i see a 'desktop cd', which appears to be a live disc with an install option, and then there's the text-mode install disc.  i have a new machine that i want to dump kubuntu on and i require dapper..which is the preferred install disc?02:25
RadiantFireI would say text-mode02:25
RadiantFireif your already sure you want to install02:25
bleakedyes, that's sort of what i was thinking, but the 'install later' option lead me to believe that this might be a preferred install method or something.02:26
imbrandontext mode02:26
imbrandonbleaked: it is prefered once dapper hits non beta but not yet, still loads of bugs ;)02:26
imbrandonso text mode for now02:27
imbrandonto awnser you02:27
orient2000press esc or F1 before installation and there should be txt info what to do... few options02:27
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eosynbloody memory whores02:28
imbrandoneosyn: ?!?02:28
eosynoh just applications that pork all my ram and swap once in awhile02:28
imbrandon*cough* firefox *cough*02:29
troyeosyn: openoffice? :/02:29
eosynazureus I think it was this time02:29
troyjava :P02:29
eosynjava is a bastard02:29
superdumpimbrandon: i just had a thought, has there been a fix committed for this partitioning issue? it appears to be something about unicode02:29
imbrandonahh thats more a java thing, there is actualy a command line option to only allow it 64 / 128 etc etc mb of ram02:29
imbrandonfrom the vm02:29
troyeosyn: you should try ktorrent :) new versions are quite nice :)02:29
eosynktorrent is weird02:30
superdumpif i could hack up the necessary scripts enough to get it working as intended then i'd be happy with that02:30
imbrandonsuperdump: yes there has BUT you need the latest daily build live cd02:30
=== troy actually uses the official python bittorrent when ktorrent is not available...
imbrandoni dunno if you can apt-get update the live cd but its worth a try ;)02:30
superdumpktorrent ate ~1.5GB combined of ram + swap last time i used it02:30
eosynits relativily light and I like it but it seems to have problems with some torrents and just sits there stalled.. dunno why02:30
troysuperdump: ewww02:30
superdumpsince i've used rtorrent02:30
superdumpand been happy02:31
superdumpas i can leave it in a screen and do what i like02:31
superdumpimbrandon: worth a try i suppose ;)02:31
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imbrandonworst case it wont work stil ;)02:31
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superdumpbut as i said, i don't mind hand editing scripts if it's not too difficult a fix02:32
imbrandontry the apt-get update thing and if that dont work ask them in #kubuntu-devel what needs to be edited02:33
superdumpok, thanks :)02:33
PyroMithrandirsuperdump, what's so good about rtorrent?02:34
superdumpit's not stupid, it does what it's supposed to and does it with minimal resource use02:34
superdumpand i've had no problems with it02:34
PyroMithrandirI mean, I get that it is not a memory hog, but does it have other advantages?02:34
superdumpplus being able to put it in a screen is a big plus02:34
PyroMithrandir"put it in a screen"?02:35
superdumpscreen is a very useful program02:35
PyroMithrandirI'm not familiar with it02:35
superdumphave a google, it might come in handy for you02:35
PyroMithrandirwill do02:35
imbrandonyea i use screen all the time02:36
superdumpbut, rtorrent doesn't exactly have the easiest scheduling / "run 2 downloads at a time and when one is done, set another going"02:36
superdumpif it's possible at all02:36
superdumpthough this should come shortly with updates to libtorrent or so i'm told somewhere in the mists of time02:36
imbrandoni just use btdownloadmany.py and set it to a dir ;)02:37
imbrandoninside a screen on the server02:37
superdumpif ktorrent doesn't eat ram anymore then i guess it would be ok02:37
superdumpi want utorrent ;)02:37
imbrandonazureus is nice as long as you limit the ram the java vm can use ( easy command line option )02:37
troyktorrent has a 2.0beta available for breezy (didn't see dapper packages) - but 1.2 seems to be installed by default on dapper...02:37
troyimbrandon: the problem for me is java in general on amd64... kind of hit-or-miss02:38
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imbrandonjust compile from source, i avent had a problem since then ;)02:39
imbrandon*on amd6402:39
imbrandonbrb smoke break02:40
PyroMithrandirscreen looks like it would be nice for ssh sessions02:41
PyroMithrandiror when I say to myself "oh, I'll come back to this, after I do such and such in a new terminal"02:43
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PyroMithrandirit's actually a pretty cool idea02:43
XVampireXHey, check out klik02:44
troyPyroMithrandir: I use konsole with tabs for much the same think...02:44
PyroMithrandirwell, yeah, that's what I normally do02:45
troyXVampireX: yeah, the only problem with klik is that they are ix86 friendly and ignore other platforms...02:45
troyXVampireX: still, x86 Opera packages work nicely on my amd64 machine from there :)02:45
XVampireXI'm on x8602:46
troyXVampireX: well then you're in luck :)02:46
goldeneardoes anybody here use kpowersave ???02:46
goldenearI've got some problems with it02:46
XVampireXI mean yeah to troy :P02:47
XVampireXIt's an awesome idea in my opinion02:48
troyXVampireX: go tell them (the developers) that in #klik :)02:48
XVampireXIt's easier than managing software in the repositories02:49
XVampireXWell structured02:49
XVampireXThere's a SoC project for integration of klik with openSuSe02:49
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jub3ii have a question02:58
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jub3ii am trying to update my mozilla thunderbird and it says im up to date when i know i have a older version02:59
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jub3iim using apt-get , and when i try to update it, it says im up to date, and im not02:59
jub3iis there a source list that i need to update ?02:59
jub3ifor apt02:59
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PyroMithrandirjub3i, yeah03:06
PyroMithrandirsudo apt-get update03:06
PyroMithrandirthat will update the sources list03:06
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goldenearis there a command in irc to review the n last messages (my computer crashed and I had to reboot) ???03:07
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CheeseBurgerMangoldenear: You can look at the logs, assuming that your client logs the conversations.03:07
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goldenearCheeseBurgerMan: I was rebooting ... so my client did not work for the last 5 minutes :/03:09
CheeseBurgerManAh, I think there's a place online that store the logs for this channel...let me see if I can find it03:09
goldenearthat's why I'm asking if there is a command to ask the server an history of the conversation03:09
ubotulogs are at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/03:09
CheeseBurgerManI don't know of a server command...but that link should do.03:10
clintc_laptopjust upgraded to amarok 1.4 in dapper, using the xine engine, have libmad0 installed, mp3 still don't play, anyone know how to get back mp3 joy03:10
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goldenearclintc_laptop: you have to install xine non free codecs03:11
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goldenearclintc_laptop: apt-get install libxine-extracodecs03:13
clintc_laptopgoldenear: thanks, what repo does it live in03:13
goldenearI guess it's in universe03:14
goldenearno sorry, it's in multiverse03:15
clintc_laptop I have universe, no joy, so probably it's multiverse03:15
goldenearyes it is03:17
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tulgaI need install tomcat on dapper. where I find good howto?03:30
clintc_laptopgoldenear: life is good, mp3s play, multiverse is the way03:31
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goldeneartulga: with google ?03:35
tulgagoldenear: yes. I use google first03:35
goldenearand it doesn't give you anything ?03:36
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goldeneartulga: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Install_tomcat_5.503:37
goldenearfound with google ;)03:37
tulgagoldenear: yep. can I use blackdown's JDK instead of Sun JDK for tomcat?03:37
tulgaha tnx03:38
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tulgapackages really work on dapper?03:39
goldenearI don't know03:39
goldenearI don't use tomcat03:39
luksani have gstreamer installed and amaroK still won't recognize it03:39
imbrandonamarok uses xine dosent it03:40
goldenearyes indeed03:42
goldenearat least it can use it03:42
luksanno, it uses multiple backends03:42
goldenearbut it can also use other backends03:42
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luksanis anyone actually using Amarok 1.4?03:44
goldenearyes I do03:45
luksanhow did you get it?03:46
goldenearI've just install it 1 hour ago :)03:46
luksaneven if i enable "universe" the highest i can get is 1.3.903:46
goldenearread the kubuntu.org website03:46
goldenearluksan: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.php03:47
luksani got it03:47
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luksan(k)ubuntu - making Linux suck less!03:49
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BilfordKubuntu makes Windows suck more03:50
luksanall i want is for my amarok to play mp3 files03:53
luksanand it won't show the arts plugin either, wtf03:57
goldenearluksan: what would you like the arts plugin for ?03:59
luksangoldenear: nothing, i want the gstreamer plugin, but i am just noting that it is not showing the arts plugin either even though i have amarok-arts03:59
goldeneararts is depreciated04:00
luksani know04:00
goldenearthe gstreamer plugin shoud be available soon AFAIK04:00
goldenearbut it's not yet ready for gstreamer 0.1004:01
goldenearI thinks phonon will be very useful :)04:02
luksangoldenear: in the mean time how would you recommend i listen to mp3 podcasts?04:02
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goldenearwith libxine04:02
luksangoldenear: i'm using amarok with xine04:03
goldenearamarok work fine with libxine for me04:03
luksanbut it will not play mp3s04:03
goldenear apt-get install libxine-extracodecs04:03
goldenear(in the multiverse depo)04:03
luksangoldenear: ok... thanks04:04
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luksangoldenear: is that the same thing as backports?04:06
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luksanoh, i see i just have to add the word "universe" to my components04:07
luksanthe config file makes it confusing04:07
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luksanor not04:08
luksangoldenear: how do i add the multiverse?04:09
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luksanthe "Documentation" section of the website isn't exactly ablaze with answers04:10
BilfordIn KOrganizer, how do you make it so default entries have a Reminder04:10
pascal_Anybody know how often Rosetta synchronizes with dapper?04:12
Bilfordtj9991, Linus Torvalds uses KDE04:12
BilfordUbuntu + KDE = Kubuntu04:12
Bilfordwrong channel04:13
goldenearluksan: modify your /etc/apt/sources.list file and enable multiverse in it04:14
Bilforduseful thread about what the file fodlers mean:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview?highlight=%28filesystem%2904:14
XVampireXDoes  anyone know how plasma will look like?04:14
luksani know, but how do i enable it?04:15
luksangoldenear: see my previous three comments04:15
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XVampireXluksan: You enable them by removing comments04:15
XVampireXI think it was #04:16
XVampireX# = comments sign04:16
luksanXVampireX: removing the line with backports, aparrently04:16
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XVampireXluksan: It clearly says what you should do to enable universe/multiverse04:18
XVampireX"Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the universe repository" for example, and another one is for multiverse04:18
goldenearluksan: deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse04:18
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goldenearadd it like that04:18
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Bilfordor   alt+F2, adept  -   Adept -  Repositories04:18
XVampireXWhen you're done save the file and do sudo apt-get update04:18
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luksanok, following goldenear's directions worked, even though i had already done it once before04:19
orient2000addin universe muliuniverse https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto04:19
luksanbut, it was to no avail, because adept ignores me04:20
Bilfordor   alt+F2, adept  -   Adept -  Repositories04:20
goldenearluksan: here is my soucers.list file : http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73044804:20
luksanbut now it works04:20
XVampireXSo anyone knows how plasma will look like?04:20
GaiaX11Why is that I cannot connect to my hotmail through konqueror? I give the right passw but it don't access my account? I think it is about certificate, but i do not know how to set up them.04:20
=== luksan thinks plasma is vaporware
Bilfordhttp://www.abclinuxu.cz/images/clanky/kratky/kde4-plasma-2_s.jpg maybe04:20
XVampireXplasma is KDE4, not vaporware04:20
Bilfordit is?04:21
XVampireXlol! Damn!04:21
XVampireXThat looks good04:21
goldenearBilford: the app on the right is very ugly ! ;)04:21
XVampireXThough I think it's just brainstorming, or is it?04:21
XVampireXgoldenear: You hate gimp?04:22
luksanBilford: that screen shot has been around FOREVER, i'm pretty sure it's just brainstorming04:22
Bilfordhow do they manage to keep it so secret04:22
luksanXVampireX: GIMP has the worst user interface in the world04:22
Bilfordtheres not even any info in Wiki. just a red link04:22
luksanXVampireX: it is byzantine04:22
luksanVive Krita04:22
XVampireXluksan: It works well with gnome interface04:22
XVampireXit's not as suitable for kubuntu as ubuntu04:23
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XVampireXThough gimp is weird, I think it needs a more integrated GUI04:23
goldenearI don't hate it... I juste never could get familiar with its ui... I'm more a photoshop guy... So I'm happier with krita :)04:24
goldenearbtw did you know that there had been a linux version of photoshop ?04:24
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XVampireXNo, but there are few things you can do to get photoshop to run on linux04:24
goldenearphotoshop 3.5 has indeed existed for linux...04:25
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goldenearI mean... without wine04:25
XVampireX1. You can use photoshop plugins for gimp and other programs. 2. wine. 3. crossover office04:25
goldenearI was a native linux version04:25
XVampireXYeah,   I think it could have been04:26
XVampireXI'm not into graphics too much, more into programming04:26
goldenearBut adobe stoped it ...04:26
goldenearI bet Adobe may soon be back on the linux scene ...04:26
Bilfordis Gimp good at removing background?  PS CS was good04:26
XVampireXBecause of a reason: It's not worth development for a platform that is not mainstream04:26
tulgacan I use blackdown's java SDK for tomcat?04:26
XVampireXJust use regular java04:27
goldenearGimp is nice for website gfx creation but it can't be compared to ps IMHO04:27
goldenearit's too bad for publishing04:28
CheeseBurgerMangoldenear: Maybe not, but the Gimp's price is what made the decision for me. ;)04:28
XVampireXyeah :P04:28
XVampireXgood point04:28
goldenearit depends your need04:28
XVampireXI think linux needs native directx support04:29
goldeneardid you try krita 1.5 ?04:29
XVampireXkrita is pretty good04:29
CheeseBurgerManYes, I looked at Krita04:30
CheeseBurgerManStill like Gimp better :)04:30
goldenearI prefer the interface of krita04:30
goldenearmore like photoshop :)04:30
XVampireXBecause it's integrated04:30
XVampireXgimps interface is all broken down04:31
goldenearyes indeed04:31
luksangoldenear: except it doesn't take 20 minutes to start up like all adobe applications04:31
goldenearnot yet :)04:31
goldenearbut it can't do all what PS can do atm...04:31
goldenearbut I'm pretty sure it will be faster when it it :)04:32
goldenearXVampireX: directx support ?04:32
XVampireXFor the sake of people using linux instead of windows :P04:32
goldenearyour mean a translator to gstreamer ?04:33
luksangoldenear: i don't know, KPDF is pretty good, and it starts instantly cf. Acrobat Reader04:36
goldenearAcrobat reader is pretty fast before v 4.5...04:37
goldenearafter adobes add many useless (IMHO) stuff to it04:37
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goldenearand may be some spyware ;)04:37
goldenearXVampireX: why to use directx when you can use sdl ?04:38
orient2000where can I get sdl?04:40
XVampireXBecause of current games/applications that use directx04:40
XVampireXif you want to search for a package you can search for apt-cache search packagename04:40
Bilfordin Windows, I used FoxIt for pdf04:41
goldenear<XVampireX> Because of current games/applications that use directx <-- doesn't wine provide a directx emulation ?04:42
goldenearanyone wanting to make a multiplatform game should use sdl04:43
XVampireXEmulation is the keyword04:43
XVampireXI said current for a reason04:43
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BilfordCedega is for games04:45
Bilfordaka WineX04:45
XVampireXI know04:46
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XVampireXNot all games work and those that do, do not work perfectly.04:46
_laurenhow do I create a symbolic link?04:46
Bilfordit doesnt matter.  Windows is on the way down04:47
BilfordKubuntu is on the way up04:47
XVampireXI hope04:47
XVampireXKubuntu needs more unique features that seperate it from other distros04:48
pacaAs soon as kubuntu 6.06 is out, I will install it for the first time.  Koffrice and OpenDocument have me fired up.04:48
goldenear_lauren: ln -s ?04:48
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Bilfordit is out, for the most part04:48
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kkathmanlappyyah pretty much... updates each day tho .. but thats no big deal :)04:49
goldenearpaca: koffice doesn't yet support opendocument very well04:49
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BilfordIm using 6.0604:49
kkathmanlappyprobably acceptable to load the Flight 7, then just do the updates :)04:49
pacagoldenear: heh, neither does OpenOffice in my experience...04:49
pacaIt doesn't fail gracefully like it should.04:50
goldenearTry to open the demo documents in dapper with koffice ...04:50
goldenearit won't work04:50
goldenearopenoffice will do it properly04:51
goldenearbut it may be because these documents have been made with OOo and are not "clean"04:51
_laurenwhere does the package installer install the firefox dir?04:51
RadiantFiregoldenear: I remember reading somewhere that the standard is slightly ambiguous04:52
RadiantFireand thats the reason for the slight issues that occur04:52
goldenearI read an interview of a koffice programer somewhere... it is said that we'll have to wait at least for koffice 1.5.3 for "full" opendocument handling04:53
goldenearRadiantFire: it's now an ISO standard... it should not be ambiguous ;)04:54
BilfordI like the K products04:57
Bilfordlike KOnversation04:57
XVampireXK gimmick04:57
Bilfordyes, but most are actually good04:58
BilfordI dont use IM04:59
goldeneartwinKle :)04:59
BilfordKTorrent is nice04:59
XVampireXThe VoIP, it doesn't look good, prefer skype04:59
XVampireXKTorrent sucks :P04:59
Bilfordwhat do you need it to do?05:00
goldenearskype sucks05:00
goldenearit a proprietary software...05:00
BilfordI like KOrganize calendar05:00
XVampireXGizmo-Project > Skype > Twinkle05:00
Bilfordhow that little line moves down05:00
goldenearsip works at least as well IMHO05:00
BilfordI dont use VOIP05:00
XVampireXproprietary or not, it's good.05:01
goldenearXVampireX: did you try the lastest version of skype ?05:01
BilfordKonversation is underrated05:01
XVampireXOn linux?05:01
BilfordI never even heard about it until I installed Kubuntu05:01
XVampireXNo, I never tried it, cause it looked bad05:01
goldenearI mean twinkle, not skipe05:01
XVampireXYeah, i saw05:02
goldenearyou should give it a try05:02
goldenearI'm compiled the latest version for dapper05:02
XVampireXI tell you what, I'll install it, if the sound sucks, and it doesn't support alsa by default, I'm going to remove it05:02
Bilfordthats a Windows mentality05:02
XVampireXIt's not :P05:03
Bilfordin LInux, if you dont like something, you can usually configure it05:03
XVampireXI know05:03
Bilfordin Windows, if you dont like something, youre screwed05:03
goldenearit supports alsa05:03
goldenearand the sound is very good05:03
BilfordI use XMMS, because Im so used to WinAmp05:03
BilfordI only switched over from Windows 2 weeks ago05:03
XVampireXI use amarok05:03
goldenearme too05:04
XVampireXI switched from windows about a month ago or more05:04
Bilfordwhy did you switch05:04
XVampireXCause linux r0x0rz05:04
XVampireXlol :P05:04
XVampireXI put it that way just to sound lame05:04
goldenearI switch between Linux and windows all the time....05:04
XVampireXI don't dual boot05:05
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goldenearI still have to use windows for my work :(05:05
Bilfordthats no good05:05
goldenearI'm a professional video editor05:05
Bilforddoes Linux have any good video editing tools05:06
Bilfordfor professionals05:06
goldenearand professional video editing can only be done under windows (or Mac OS, but I have the "one button mouse" concept ;) )05:06
XVampireXI forgot their names05:06
goldenearnop !!!05:06
goldenearnothing really "professional" under linux for video editing05:07
XVampireXYou got 10 minutes to impress me with twinkle05:07
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XVampireXWhat is a good SIP service provider?05:08
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deviantlol needin some help, How to you turn on Universe and Multiverse in apt-get?05:08
goldenearvoxalot ?05:08
XVampireXnever heard of it05:08
deviantI know it's something like.. sudo vi /etc/source.list or something.05:08
goldeneardeviant: you can do it with adept (in K/system)05:09
goldeneardeviant: you can also have a look to my sources.list : http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73044805:10
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goldenearand edit your file with sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list05:10
goldenearbut I guess it's much more simple with adept05:10
John-ZHrmm.. I'm unable to get any mp3 player to play my mp3's. Using Dapper 6.0605:10
John-ZIt just skips through my playlist.. I believe I have everything installed.05:11
deviantI like apt-get alot more, Adept sometimes has a hard time loading lol05:11
John-ZUsing amarok05:11
goldenearJohn-Z: you're the 1000th person to ask for that :)05:11
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goldenearapt-get install libxine-extracodecs05:12
John-Zdoesnt work.05:12
goldenearnot a bug, missing codec only :)05:12
goldenearyou have to enable the multiverse depo05:12
John-ZThought I already did it.. let me dbl check.05:12
goldenearJohn-Z: have a look to my sources.list : http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73044805:12
deviantTo save in vi you type esc then ws?05:13
John-Zjust w05:13
John-Zor wq to write,quit05:13
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luksanactually :w05:13
goldeneardeviant: ": w q"05:13
XVampireXgoldenear: How do I get twinkle configured with voxalot?05:14
XVampireXI registered on voxalot... I just don't know what to put in the wizard05:14
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goldenearXVampireX: let me try05:15
John-ZI have all depo enabled, can't locate libxine05:15
John-ZUsing Adept..05:16
goldenearit's libxine-extracodecs05:16
John-ZI know.05:16
goldenearand it's in multiverse (no only universe)05:16
John-ZIs that a depo I have to manually add, or does it show in my list.05:16
goldenearXVampireX: Your name: what you want05:17
goldenearUser name: your voxalot number05:17
goldenearDomain : voxalot.com05:17
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goldenearReal: let it empty05:17
deviantaight one last question before I get out of your hair.. Updating KDE what's the command for apt-get sudo apt-get upgrade ?05:18
XVampireXWhat's the stun server?05:18
goldenearName: your voxalot number05:18
goldenearand passwd: your voxalot passwd05:18
XVampireXYeah, what about STUN server?05:19
John-ZDamnit.. I have ALL repo's enabled within adept and still no libxine-extracodecs05:19
John-ZCan't see what Im doing wrong.05:19
goldenearXVampireX: try stun.fwdnet.net05:19
goldenearJohn-Z: did you make an apt-update ?05:20
goldenearapt-get update05:20
John-ZMaybe someone knows why this always happens.05:21
John-Zapt-get jacks up..05:21
John-Zspits out:05:21
John-Zroot@teknowledge:~# apt-get install libxine-extracodecs05:21
John-ZE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:21
John-ZE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:21
goldeneartry sudo apt-get install ...05:22
John-ZSame thing.05:22
goldenearapt-get needs superuser rights05:22
John-ZSame error.05:22
goldenearyou have to close adept before ...05:22
John-ZYou can see I was root when I tried it the first time.05:22
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XVampireXGood quality05:23
John-ZSo I did an update .. now tried apt-get install libxine-codecs and it says:05:23
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John-ZPackage libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:23
John-ZThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:23
John-Zis only available from another source05:23
XVampireXgoldenear :P05:24
goldenearJohn-Z: paste your sources.list here: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com05:24
XVampireXWanna call me? :P05:24
goldenearXVampireX: I can't now ...05:24
John-ZHow do I paste it there?05:24
XVampireXhaha :D05:24
goldenearMy girlfriend is sleeping in the next room05:25
goldenearBut later I can call you sure05:25
XVampireXSo I can call anyone on any other sip network?05:25
goldenearsip is open :)05:26
John-ZAnyways.. Golden, not sure how to paste my source list to that location.05:26
goldenearJohn-Z: go to the location, copy your file (from kate) and past it...05:27
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MasterEvilAceWhy does amaroK crash whenever i try to play music from a shared network drive?05:27
MasterEvilAce(same files play when on the HD itself)05:28
John-ZWhat file contains my source list?05:28
John-Z<-- New to Ubuntu, sorry.05:28
John-ZWant to take a look at it..05:31
goldenearwhat's the url ?05:31
John-ZI literally have every single repo enabled.05:32
John-ZConfusses me.05:32
deviantHrm, There isn't a way put a background on grub.. In Kubuntu like there was in SuSe. gah..05:34
John-ZDamn them!05:34
John-ZId be happy if I could simply play a mp3.05:34
deviantTry to install mplayer05:35
John-ZIm mizzing codecs05:35
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deviantGo to the mplayer website.05:35
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deviantThey have the codecs.05:35
jeff_whats up guys05:35
John-ZHey Jeff_05:35
devianthttp://mplayer.hq or something like that.05:35
jeff_anybody know how to capture from a webcam?05:35
goldenearJohn-Z: add multiverse at line 22 and 2305:36
John-Zappended on the end?05:36
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John-ZLets test her out.05:37
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John-ZAmarok still just skips through the damn files, without playing them.. ARG!05:38
goldeneardid you close and relaunch it ?05:39
goldenear(I mean exit ... not leave it in the systray)05:39
John-ZHrmm.. thought I did, guess not.05:40
John-Zthere we go.. thank you for your help goldennear05:40
John-ZIve been dying to listen to the new tool album.. heh.05:41
jeff_so uhh05:41
jeff_anybody know how to capture from a webcam?05:41
jeff_video that is05:41
goldenearJohn-Z: also you should use ogg vorbis instead of mp3 each time you can05:42
jeff_ogg doesnt cost money05:42
imbrandoncamstream - Collection of tools for webcams and other video-devices05:42
imbrandoncamstream-doc - Documentation for camstream05:42
goldenearogg vorbis sounds really better and it's free, opensource05:42
jeff_every time you make something and save as mp3, you are helping whoever is charging for people to use their file format05:42
goldenearand patents less05:42
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jeff_imbrandon: yeah thanks05:43
goldenearjeff_: ffmpeg can also capture from webcam AFAIK05:43
jeff_goldenear: how?05:44
goldenearjeff_: kvlc can also do it05:44
goldenear(open a capture device)05:44
jeff_goldenear: right right, i did the whole howto for capturing with vlc on the forums but it didnt work05:44
jeff_goldenear: whats AFAIK?05:45
goldenearAs Far As I Know05:45
goldenearjeff_: http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/index.php05:45
jeff_lol ok05:46
goldenearffmpeg is a command line tool to convert one video file format to another. It also supports grabbing and encoding in real time from a TV card.05:46
=== goldenear go and sleep
imbrandonor any v4l device05:46
jeff_thanks guys05:46
goldeneargood night/day... (function of the part of the world you are) :)05:47
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RugHowdy all06:01
RugIs this channel just for Breezy, dapper, or both?06:02
PyroMithrandirthe dapper channel is #ubuntu+1 but some of us here run it06:02
Rugok thanks.06:02
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John-ZGuys in #Gentoo arent as friendly as they are here.06:15
HymnToLifethat's because Gentoo is not a friedly as Ubuntu )06:16
John-ZIm having a hell of a time upgrading php with their stupid emerge tool.06:16
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HymnToLifewhy don't you install it on an Ubuntu ?06:17
John-ZIm recently a sys / network admin for a large datacenter and they offer every single linux flavor you could think of.. *sigh*06:17
John-ZThe web server is running gentoo..06:17
HymnToLifeweird idea if you ask me06:17
|RadiantFire|thats fun06:17
John-ZReal fun.. I have to learn the quirks of 20 different OS's.06:17
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RadiantFiregentoo is pretty solid though06:18
HymnToLifeso is Debian06:19
HymnToLifeand it's much less hassle to manage06:19
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RadiantFireI always enjoyed gentoo06:20
RadiantFireI dropped it because I got tired of the incessant compiling06:20
HymnToLifesame here06:21
HymnToLifeI became aware of its uselessness when I was 17 :p06:21
John-ZIt wasnt my choice guys.. :(06:22
RadiantFirewell, the good news with gentoo is you never ever have to worry about installing -dev packages06:22
HymnToLifeheah, it's really a weird choice to put gentoo on a server...06:22
RadiantFirewell, think about it06:22
RadiantFireservers don't upgrade that much06:22
RadiantFireunless there is a security hole06:23
RadiantFireand you get the performance benefit of stripping out junk you don't need + not having to deal with i386 compiled packages06:23
RadiantFireso not to much compiling06:23
=== imbrandon can easly stip out the stuff i dont need on ubuntu and still compile pakages for 686 etc if needed
HymnToLifebut you have to be familiar with it, or you get stuck in John-Z's situation06:24
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imbrandonubuntu/debian minimal installs are small and lightweight06:25
RadiantFirethey are, but then again, gentoo is easily deployed onto multiple boxes06:25
RadiantFireyou use 1 as the compiler and deploy prebuilt packages onto the rest06:25
imbrandonso is any linux distro ( ghost the drive 0 ;)06:26
RadiantFireI guess it all depends on what you look for06:26
imbrandonor send the .debs to the other boxes06:26
RadiantFireI never messed with my cflags, use vars to much06:26
RadiantFireI liked the init system06:26
imbrandondebuild on one box and use the debs on them all06:26
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MasterEvilAcewhere in the world is tux racer???06:29
HymnToLifeits name chaged if I remeber well06:30
imbrandonits penguin racer06:30
HymnToLifesearch for it in Synaptic06:30
MasterEvilAcei use adept06:30
MasterEvilAceoh penguin racer06:30
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HymnToLifein Adept then (I never could stand it)06:30
MasterEvilAcethere it is.. why was the name changed??? :(06:30
HymnToLifeask the developpers...06:31
MasterEvilAceso what makes Synaptic so special?06:32
MasterEvilAceI thought Yast was pretty good in comparison to adept06:32
imbrandonnothing its the same as adept06:33
imbrandonsynaptic == gnome , adept == kde06:33
John-Zapt-get, screw adept.06:33
crimsunno synaptic is gtk and not specific to gnome. for instance, it installs in Xubuntu just fine without dragging in other gnome dependencies.06:34
imbrandonahh i stand corrected ;)06:34
imbrandoncrimsun: dsl too the more i think about it06:34
HymnToLifeJohn-Z> agreed, I like Synaptic though06:35
RadiantFirei've noticed adept and synaptic handle search differently06:36
RadiantFirefor instance search in adept for blender doesn't bring up  yafray, while it does in yafray06:36
RadiantFireer in Synaptic06:36
=== imbrandon uses apt-cache seach most of the time
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nixternalhello there fine sir06:46
nixternali did a nice little ubuntu isp server install tonight06:46
nixternalwent smooth...running great06:46
nixternala little testing and some shoring up...and this just might go ahead the upgrade my current suse servers that have been running forever06:48
nixternalthe speed increase on an older server is impressive...it should be good on some dl360's06:48
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MasterEvilAceokay. weird. i made a symbolic link in the /etc/rc.local/rc2.d/ to point to a script in /etc/init.d/   i read it's SUPPOSED to start up but it just doesn't!06:54
MasterEvilAceer rc5.d *06:55
savutwhen the next release happen ?06:55
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MasterEvilAceor where-ever it's supposed to be06:56
savutfirst June ?06:56
MasterEvilAcesavut: yes06:56
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savutKubuntu the same ?06:56
MasterEvilAcei believe so06:56
savutwating for it, I. already using Dapper, is there any difference ?06:57
savutor they just realease it as stable06:57
MasterEvilAcedapper is basically a beta06:57
MasterEvilAceeven if they don't change ANYTHING.. there will still be some sort of new version on june 1st06:58
MasterEvilAceyou probably won't notice anything.. just bug fixes, etc.06:58
savutthx for the info, but It's look like working fine on my computer already06:58
MasterEvilAcesame :D06:58
savutI still cant get my ATI card to work :(06:59
savutOpenGL I mean06:59
savutI have to use vesa06:59
=== Hobbsee sees that in dapper, all the kde packages were rebuilt today.
savutKDE is pretty :P07:00
Hobbseeit is :)07:01
MasterEvilAceKDE rocks07:01
MasterEvilAcekubuntu rocks07:01
savutKonversation rock07:02
deviantAnyone know where I can find a mplayer .deb package at?07:02
ubotumplayer is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106107:02
deviantlol thanks07:02
savuti use KMPlayer, it's the same thing or not ?07:03
MasterEvilAcenot that it's a big deal or anything.. but does anyone know why the default KDE IM client is Kopete or whatever, but even if you install gaim, there's no way to change the default client07:03
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Shipit! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Amarok 1.4, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Sun May 21 16:31:42 2006
(nixternal/#kubuntu) don't need an ipod for this...what it does is sits on a server with all of your mp3's and what not...and with itunes, rythmbox, or banshee...you can see the server automatically and listen to the music07:12
(deviant/#kubuntu) !mplayer07:12
(ubotu/#kubuntu) methinks mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106107:12
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savutyou mean listen to the music remotely ?07:14
savutlike shoutcast ?07:15
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savutstreaming mp3 ?07:15
imbrandonmore like a nfs share only seen by music apps07:15
nixternalso i have like...5,000 songs sitting on my server...no matter whnich machine i am on...i just fireup itunes (winblows) or rythmbox or banshee for linux...and i can listen to the music on my server07:15
imbrandonit streams on demand07:16
nixternalexactly like imbrandon07:16
savuthmm ok you can pick what song you want and it stream it07:16
nixternalsee..if i do an nfs share though...then i could write to it...where as with daap i can't...and i have to ftp songs up to my server07:16
savutlook cool07:16
nixternalhmm..i just might do an nfs share07:16
imbrandonthat and you have to install services for unix on winblos to see nfs shares07:17
imbrandonthats a pita07:17
savutlol or add remote server07:17
imbrandonsmb share might be good though07:17
savutin KDE you can add remote places07:17
nixternaland hell...that can get setup right in system settings i beleive07:17
imbrandonsavut: yes07:17
imbrandonnixternal: yea samba is simple to setup07:17
nixternali haven't messed much with samba...and when i did...it was probably more than 5 years ago07:18
imbrandonjust not ulta secure but if you have a router and are on nat no biggie07:18
MasterEvilAceyou can't be serious brandon07:18
nixternalif i can setup webservers all day long..t.hen samba shouldn't be much07:18
MasterEvilAcesamba is a pain to do simple stuff07:18
nixternalsudo apt-get install samba probably07:18
imbrandonMasterEvilAce: it takes me like 3 minutes to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to do what i want ;)07:18
nixternallol...apt-get is almost as good as a gettin' a free drink at the bar07:19
MasterEvilAce3 minutes way tooo long07:19
MasterEvilAceapt-get is too easy07:19
nixternalapt-get is easier though07:19
imbrandonhahaha ok setup nfs from install to secure in 3 minutes ;)07:19
imbrandonAND get both windows and linux to love it ;)07:19
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imbrandonsides for the ulta newb there is swat web interface to config samba07:20
nixternali am very impressed with the ubuntu breezy server install though07:20
MasterEvilAcemy samba network stuff doesn't like windows writing to it, and doesn't like to write to windows. however both are glad to read off each other07:20
nixternalit doesn't get any easier07:20
nixternalruns better than debian etch also07:20
savutHmm a question:  ALSA vs aRts vs Esound  what the difference, which one should i use07:20
imbrandonhmmm you might have a non standard install i do ALL my storage on a samba server with no problems to read and write and its over 300gb ( software raid share )07:21
RadiantFirearts and esound are both sound servers07:21
RadiantFirealsa direct interation with the hardware07:21
nixternalnon-standard install for what??07:21
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savutso I dont need arts and esound ?07:21
imbrandonMasterEvilAce: said he didnt like writes to smb shares07:21
nixternalwhat card do you have savut?07:21
savuton motherboard07:22
nixternalalsa i think07:22
savutit's work on install07:22
nixternali use also with sb07:22
nixternali keep putting also everytime07:22
savutjust some player didn't heard the sound, so I installed anything about sound :P07:22
savutI think i messed my computer :(07:23
nixternali will say...my worst experience with kubuntu was all sound related07:23
nixternalbut i caused most of the problems07:23
savuthaha same for me07:23
nixternali don't like my machines with overhead...so everything i don't use...it gets whiped out...well i whiped out a lil to much i guess07:23
nixternalnow this system is runnin' better then any system i have seen07:24
nixternalno initNoGo either07:24
savutI try to install everything until it work :P07:24
savutand it get overbloated07:24
nixternalck10 patch...which i can't tell a difference between it and vanilla kernel07:24
nixternalhahaha savut07:24
imbrandonck10 patch ?07:24
nixternali was doing that just to get nessus to freakin' work correctly07:24
nixternaldon't ask me how i found it either07:25
nixternalit was a hidden con blog07:25
nixternalthat dude has crap every07:25
imbrandonwtf is ck10 ?07:25
nixternalcon kolivas07:25
imbrandonummm ok * gos back to coding *07:25
nixternalhe does custom patches for linux kernels07:26
nixternalthey are supposed to be hacked for performance07:26
nixternali decided to try one out today07:26
=== pppoe_dude hmm
nixternallinux default kernel is horrible with everythin loading in kernel or as a module07:27
nixternalham radio...i don't need that ;D07:27
imbrandonmodules only load when needed ;)07:27
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nixternalbut they are there...and i don't like it...that lil file takes up space i can use ;D07:27
nixternal18 seconds from grub to log in07:28
nixternal9 seconds from login enter to desktop07:28
deviantCan't believe how hard of a time I'm having just trying to install mplayer lol07:28
imbrandonpretty damm close to mine, and i dident go through the headache07:28
nixternalit takes exactly 30 seconds to boot...7 seconds to shut down07:28
nixternalthis is an older machine too07:28
nixternalnothing fancy07:28
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imbrandonmy bios takes longer to post then me to boot and i have a vanella kernel ;)07:29
nixternaland at start...i have 2 konsoles, akregator, kmail, konversation, kweather, kopete, superkaramba...plus themes load07:29
nixternalsame here07:29
nixternal1.4ghz t-bird...256mb ram...gf4 mx40000000????07:30
Hobbseenixternal: wow07:30
nixternal6 active desktops...all doing something07:30
imbrandonnixternal: p4 2.9 ghz 1.5 gig ram gf4 mx 400 ;)07:30
nixternali need to up the mem on all my machines07:30
imbrandonyea i love the extra ram07:30
nixternali am seriously low on ram07:31
nixternalall my machines are i believe 512 and under07:31
nixternal512 has always been good...but i found 1gb sets for $70 at fry's...so i might buy a couple this week07:31
imbrandonwell i usaly am compiling something and building a package of some kinda with a few browsers open and photoshop running x 2, 90% of the time so the extra ram helps07:31
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nixternaldamn coders ;D07:32
nixternali need to start coding again07:32
nixternalalthough..the coding i did was nothing like what is oging on today07:32
nixternali used to program ladder logic, assembly, and vb about 8 years ago07:32
savuthey guys im going, gnight everyone, see you when Kubuntu Dapper will release :P, i'll surely have lot of questions :P07:32
solid_liqmore ram always helps07:33
nixternali have been sys admin'n now and not wanting to code...i love networking, security...and i love hardware07:33
solid_liq1 gb on laptop, 2 gigs on one desktop, 3 gigs on the other07:33
imbrandoni've been codin since ummm about 96 with everything from fortran to cobal to c/c++, c# vb6 vb.net ummm and a little klix/delphi mixed in there07:33
solid_liqmore ram speeds things up tremendously07:33
nixternali do a lot of tech articles...and do a lot of news for local linux user groups07:33
nixternaland free os forums07:33
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solid_liq(3 gigs is for my 64 bit machine, as that uses more ram)07:34
nixternali messed with .net for 15 minutes07:34
nixternalto scarry for me ;p07:34
imbrandonmost all the coding i do now is in either php or c#07:34
nixternali think i looked at it cuz someone gave my vstudio for free07:34
imbrandon98% atleaste07:34
nixternali can do a lil php now07:34
nixternalcuz i am messing wiht web servers all day long07:34
nixternali understand it when i see it...starting to look more and more like english to me07:35
imbrandoni need to update my blog BADLY, i've been putting it off for months07:35
nixternali want to pick up python cuz one of the security focus groups i am with...well they code with python and one of our war machines is loaded with python07:35
imbrandoncleanup some of the php it uses etc and finish the features07:35
nixternali haven't had time to blog...i need to do one for the family...so everyone nt he family has one place to go07:36
imbrandonpython == the devil everytime i've tried to mess with it but its getting easyier07:36
nixternali heard it is a good starter07:36
nixternali did c++ and that crap in college07:36
nixternali can't remember any of it07:36
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nixternali finsihed my bachelors in 97...i don't remember squat07:37
imbrandonits like riding a bike, plus c++ looks alot like php , or is it the other way arround /scarcasim07:37
deviantanyone know a good deb port I can download the mplayer package from?07:37
imbrandondeviant: its in universe or multiverse07:37
nixternali know one of my sr. thesis' was on internet growth and the security focus and standpoints one should understand07:37
imbrandonbreezy just "sudo apt-get install mplayer-586" dapper "sudo apt-get install mplayer"07:38
nixternalas far as programming...i don't know...this fall i am going to go for my postgraduate and starting some transfer classes...i might take up some programming07:38
deviantPackage mplayer-586 is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:39
deviantI've been having the same problem all night.07:39
nixternalpretty much all the network course i get to skip cuz of certifications...so i might spend soemtime coding07:39
imbrandoni should probbly go back and take a few classes07:39
nixternali don't know if coding is such a good idea since i really quit drinking07:39
imbrandondeviant: breezy or dapper ?07:39
deviantEven though I put universe and multiverse in the sources.list07:39
nixternalwell...i haven't really quit drinking...i just didn't drink today ;p07:39
deviantWell commented out07:39
imbrandonnot sure, i havent used breezy in so long07:39
imbrandonlol @ nixternal07:39
nixternalim using breezy...with no x-windows though07:39
imbrandonyea my server is breezy lol07:40
imbrandonshould say server(s)07:40
imbrandonall upgraded from debian07:40
nixternalhehe...i have breezy...debian sarge & etch....solaris 10...and openbsd07:40
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nixternaland win2k3 ;p07:41
nixternalgotta do ad testing with nix workstations07:41
imbrandoni take that back my xbox cluster has gentoo but thats mostly becouse i'm to lazy to compile a ubuntu kernel for xbox07:41
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nixternalthe xbox cluster07:41
nixternalhad to bring that up again07:41
nixternali have been on ebay dreamin'07:41
imbrandoni love that thing ;)07:41
deviantThink I found a way around it.. Alien'ed a rpm of mplayer07:42
deviantmade it a .deb package07:42
imbrandondeviant: its better to fix you other problem it will likely save you trubble in the long run07:42
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deviantI can't figure out what the problem is though.. It's in the sources.list but I commented out every deb07:43
imbrandonyou mean uncommented ?07:43
deviantTook the # off07:44
imbrandonhold on07:44
imbrandonpastebin is loading SLOW lol07:45
imbrandondeviant: it should look like this only with "breezy" in place of all the "dapper"  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/729091   thats my sources.list07:46
=== noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-58-166-179-120.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
HymnToLifehere's my sources.list (Breey) : http://fkraiem.no-ip.org/stuff/sources.list07:47
nixternalmy little script kiddy ass neighbor is war driving up and down the street with his pda...this kid is like 14 years old...he is insane...07:52
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imbrandonsounds like my neighborhood07:52
nixternalmy god07:53
nixternalhe comes to the door and i like wth rich...your wireless is open07:53
nixternali told him go ahead and connect07:53
nixternalhopefully he knows how to spoof his mac07:53
nixternalCurrent weather for Chicago / West Chicago, Dupage Airport : Clear skies, Temperature: 45F, Pressure: 30.11" Hg, Wind: 0 MPH07:54
nixternali just figured that out07:54
nixternalwrong channel07:54
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deviantThanks guys don't know what was wrong with mine, But Imbrandon your sources.list worked for me.07:55
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nixternali had no clue there were hidden lil scripts07:56
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MasterEvilAceargh!!! why is my script in /etc/rc5.d/ not running on startup???07:57
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MasterEvilAceit's just NOT starting. i can run it manually and it works07:57
MasterEvilAcebut it just won't run on startup07:57
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nixternal`zZzznite nite kubuntu08:09
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nixternal`zZzzimbrandon: the room is all yours.....nite08:12
imbrandonheh gnight08:13
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MasterEvilAcecrap. I messed up something08:37
MasterEvilAcemy computer boots in a loop now08:37
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Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, hm?08:43
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Zaireummmm anyone know how to get mp3 playback on kubuntu dapper?08:46
noiesmoZaire, yes08:46
Kamping_Kaiser!tell Zaire about mp308:46
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Zairecool thx08:47
prashantk76hi guys i have display problem(Toshiba, P3, Tridant display,Xubuntu install)after 3 min it automatically off (if i use keybord it works but if i use mouse off)08:49
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MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: I start my computer.. grub shows up, it continues, then my comp restarts completely.. i tried recovery mode, command line mode, etc. it always reboots08:58
MasterEvilAcemaybe it's a heat issue.. the computer is damn hot08:59
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, does it reboot at the same point?09:00
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crazy_penguinmorning! //jo reggelt!09:01
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admin__any good kde tuts some where ?   pm me pls09:02
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, what point is it?09:02
Kamping_Kaiseradmin__, look at the help files. what do you want to do?09:02
Kamping_Kaiserhi crazy_penguin09:03
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admin__dunno just install some stuff im a windows boon so :P09:03
Kamping_Kaiseradmin__, try help.ubuntu.com09:03
admin__okz thnx !09:03
ubotuapt-get is probably http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/apt-howto.en.txt (in depth) and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto09:05
Hobbseeadmin__: see wiki.ubuntu.com09:05
admin__is there a good program 2 see what u have on ur pc like a spec list ? that it go's on ur desktop ?09:05
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Hobbseeadmin__: system, kinfocentre09:06
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MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: I start it, i see bios screen, grub comes up , says hit ESC for menu, counts down 3 seconds.. it continues, and reboots09:08
MasterEvilAceso after the 3 seconds09:08
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, can you boot a different kernel?09:08
MasterEvilAceno, nor any of the recovery ones09:09
noiesmosounds like a livecd rescue job MasterEvilAce09:09
MasterEvilAcewhat option do i use on the livecd?09:10
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MasterEvilAceok it says "Booting 'Ubuntu..." whatever and then restarts at that point09:10
noiesmoi'd use knoppix the chroot in mount proc get internet access and try reinsatll kernelimage09:11
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, start the live cd normaly09:11
MasterEvilAceok, i'm there09:11
=== drgonzo [n=drgonzo@124-168-1-183.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserhi drgonzo09:12
drgonzois anyone else finding kontact is struggling to run properly09:12
drgonzohello Kamping_Kaiser09:12
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, now open a terminal (konsole)09:12
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Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, do you know what partition number your ubuntu install is?09:13
drgonzohello all09:13
MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: nope09:13
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Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, ok. then run 'cat /proc/partitions' to get a list of your partitions09:15
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MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: okay.. it shows up as major 3, minor 1, hda109:20
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, did you do a default ubuntu install?09:21
drgonzobtw, if anyone elses kmail is running extremely slow, what fixed it for me was deleted all the .index files and letting kde recreate them.09:21
drgonzoseemed they must of got corrupted.09:21
MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: kubuntu, but yeah i let it do all the partitioning and all of that itself09:22
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drgonzolater all09:22
MasterEvilAceit was working, i was installing stuff and setting up stuff how i want it, restarted and now it boots in a loop09:22
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, sorry, kubuntu :). so in our temrinal type 'sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt`09:22
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Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, i suspect you removed a bit to enthusiasticly09:22
MasterEvilAcenot sure :P ok i ran that command09:23
Kamping_Kaiserif you type `ls /mnt` you should see your install, mounted into the live cd09:24
Kamping_Kaiserif you can, type `sudo chroot /mnt`09:25
Kamping_Kaiserthen *do not* type `rm` at any point while you have the terminal open :)09:25
MasterEvilAcealright, got it09:26
MasterEvilAceany command to have it run through checks to see what it's failing on?09:26
=== savut [n=savut@MTL-ppp-154949.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserafter you type the 'chroot' command it should say something like ubuntu@kubuntu09:26
Kamping_Kaiserwe are about to get there :)09:27
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Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, whats your cpu?09:27
MasterEvilAceit's a pentium III 1ghz i think. it's a dell inspiron (laptop)09:27
Kamping_Kaisercool. 686.09:28
=== OrangeSun [n=orangey@toronto-HSE-ppp3990390.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, try running `apt-get update` then `apt-get install linux-686`09:28
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Zaireis kubuntu dapper supposed to be using Synaptic package manager cause mine isnt09:32
Kamping_KaiserZaire, no its not09:33
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD95090BB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserit should be using adept afiak09:33
Zairethen for enabling how am I supposed to remove place holders09:33
Zairefor repositories09:33
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Kamping_KaiserZaire, i asume adept handles that. you could also look at help.ubuntu.com in the kubuntu section09:34
MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: Alright done09:34
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, does it install stuff?09:34
MasterEvilAceyeah it did all that09:34
Kamping_Kaiser*if* it installed new kernels, you can type `exit` to quit the chroot, then type `cd /` and `sudo umount /mnt` in your terminal09:35
Kamping_Kaiserthen reboot and try to boot off the hard drive09:35
Zaireits not very enlightening this help thing on the site I mean I understand what needs to be done its just figuring out what repository is what or even if the one Im looking for is in there :S09:38
MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: seems to be working!09:39
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, :)09:39
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MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: Thanks. that should have just cleaned up the core files, and not mess with any settings, right?09:40
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Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, it shoudl have installed a new kernel, and the restricted modles to go with it. not touched any other apps or settings09:41
MasterEvilAcecool, thanks again. boots fine09:41
Kamping_Kaiserdont remove your only kernel again *waves finger*09:42
=== MasterEvilAce whistles blindly
aftertafkk dunno what you meant, but i did that too :)09:43
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aftertaflivecd + chroot + apt-cdrom add09:43
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Kamping_Kaiserlol aftertaf09:44
Kamping_Kaiserhi mate09:44
aftertafyou on about the 2.16-15.22 kernel that vfs panicked ?09:44
Zairedamnit now I can't even open adept  :S09:45
aftertafZaire, why?09:45
HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: oh dear...who removed their only kernel?09:45
Hobbseehi aftertaf09:45
Kamping_Kaiseraftertaf, we had a 'it wont start' problem. turned out to be no kernel installed09:45
aftertafi removed all but one09:45
aftertafit worked when i killed the others.... i think it felt lonely in my /boot... ;)09:46
Kamping_Kaiserhey Hobbsee. proffessional silence binds me *Points at MasterEvilAce *09:46
ZaireThe APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.09:46
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aftertafZaire,  and?? ... :/09:46
Zairewas working fine then down it went09:46
ubotuaftertaf: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:46
HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: hehe!09:47
MasterEvilAcelol, if it DID get removed.. i have no idea how09:47
aftertafubotu, kernelpanic is If you have removed all working kernels and are a bit stuck.... Grab a livedvd, boot to it, mount your old /, chroot to it, add dvd to sources.list and apt-get install another :)09:48
ubotuaftertaf: okay09:48
Zairethe command that error message says to use apparently doesn exist acording to commandline09:48
Hobbseeoh is that a kernel panic?09:48
Hobbseefair enough09:48
aftertafZaire, try sudo apt-get update09:48
MasterEvilAceargh! my /etc/rc5.d/ script STILL won't load at startup09:48
Kamping_Kaiseraftertaf, kernel panic could be otehr stuff as well09:48
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, what script?09:49
aftertafyeah i know that... but if you need a working kernel...09:49
Zairejust tried and I got this message............E: Type 'akode-mpeg' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list09:49
aftertafZaire, pastebin your sources.list09:49
aftertafin /etc/apt09:49
MasterEvilAcefound a script to map my laptop's special keys (volume up/down, play, stop, previous , next) using xmodmap. it works when i call it, but it's not getting called on startup09:50
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markcis there a kubuntu/Qt version of the update-manager package ?09:50
aftertafMasterEvilAce, how did you istall it? just put it in rc5.09:50
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, is it executable? also i think you wil find rc5 si the rong place09:50
Kamping_Kaiser*is wrong09:50
Kamping_Kaiser2 would be ok.09:51
macdmarkc: Id use synaptic it seems to be the best, plus its a debian project (I think)09:51
Zairehow do you pastebin?09:51
aftertafMasterEvilAce, use update-rc.d to add it to /etc/init.d ;)09:51
ubotuI heard pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126909:51
Kadranhi all, does win4lin can be installed on kubuntu?09:51
markcmacd> does it do automatic updates ?09:51
aftertafpaste your sources.list there and give us the link09:51
macdmarkc: no you should let adept_updater handle that.09:52
MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: searched google, it told me to make a script in /etc/init.d i think and make it executable. then add a symlink to /etc/rc5.d, and to run that update-rc.d command. i did all that and it's not working still09:52
markcmacd> adept_updater. never heard of it, thanks09:52
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macdmarkc: its in kde.09:52
macdmarkc: and installed by default by kubuntu09:53
aftertafZaire, get rid of line one ;)09:53
aftertafthats your pb :)09:53
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, rcS.d or rc5.d?  :O09:53
markcmacd> so if I install kubuntu-desktop I should get whatever package it's in then09:53
macdmarkc: yep09:53
Kamping_KaiserMasterEvilAce, try rc2.d09:53
aftertafZaire, or better still.... replace it with mine... you're on dapper so its cool ;)09:54
MasterEvilAceKamping_Kaiser: 5 (Five), alright i'll try 209:54
macdmarkc: if for some reason it doesnt, in konsole. 'sudo apt-get install adept adept-updater'09:54
Zairewell that did it it opens now09:54
markcmacd> thanks for the tips... I usually only ever use apt-get09:55
markcmacd> I mean, I don't usually use any gui apt applications... it'll be interesting to see what adept is like09:55
Zaireand apt-get update is running to09:55
aftertafZaire, that way you'll have universe & multiverse enabled too... more software :)09:55
aftertafKamping_Kaiser, shouldn't he use update-rc.d IMHO?09:56
macdmarkc: I still prefer apt and aptitude over the gui ones, but they do give more information.,09:56
aftertafmacd, the gui give more info?09:56
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macdaftertaf: it gives package descriptions and sometimes a synopsis of the changelog b/t versions.09:57
aftertaftrue... but there is apt-cache show too.09:57
Zaireso how do I add those lines to the file?09:58
aftertafman apt-cache ;)09:58
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Kamping_Kaiseraftertaf, yes ideally. but i dont add new stuff to my services (i only turn existing ones off), so i dont know the details of that09:58
aftertafZaire, gnome or kde?09:58
Zairegnome sucks lol09:58
aftertafZaire, ok. type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list09:58
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aftertafthen paste, save, and apt-get update.09:59
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macddappers of the chain with these updates tonight, 122 of them :/09:59
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aftertafman update-rc.d is quite readable... ;)10:00
aftertaffor once10:00
Hobbseeheh...for once10:00
Zairewill those lines help fix k3b to? or is there something else10:00
aftertafthey will...but what is the breakage?10:01
Zaireplace holder issue for audio10:01
Kamping_Kaiseraftertaf, yes, but i have no need to read it :)10:03
aftertaffor general culture, man!!!!! jeez :)10:03
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aftertafplace holder issue? wazzat?10:04
aftertafzaire, type dpkg -l | grep k3b10:05
aftertafwhat do you have? (pastebin maybe ;)   )10:05
aftertafZaire, did you do your apt-get update / apt-get dist-upgrade ?10:06
Zaireits a file format issue on restricted format basically nothing I can pastebin anywho :S10:06
aftertafmp3 burning to audio?10:06
Kamping_Kaiseraftertaf, lol. i do enough of that anyway10:07
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aftertafanyone hot on lvm/evms?10:08
=== Kamping_Kaiser pours petrol over lvm
aftertafi wanna migrate my / to evms, dynamic disk...10:09
aftertaf!lart Kamping_Kaiser10:09
aftertafwell, that worked a lot..... :/10:09
Hobbseethey disabled it10:10
=== Kamping_Kaiser tries to install daper to see if his problem is debian or hardware related
aftertafoh ok .10:10
aftertafwhats the pb kk?10:10
Kamping_Kaiseraftertaf, cant get it to boot. i think grubs not installing on the mbr properly10:10
Kamping_Kaiserand i have a 12x cdrom drive. (left the fast ones at work... sigh)10:11
solid_liqaftertaf: why not use LVM instead?10:13
Kamping_Kaiserwhy are you using lvm aftertaf ?10:13
Zairemore or less mpeg yeps I had some of my CD's ripped for going to a lan party so I wouldn't have to take up any drives for installing my games and well one of them was kinda blown up in my one cd drive and now not only is the cd thrashed but the drive is to :S10:13
Zairebut managed to save the audio files thankfully10:14
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Zaireand i'll say this much its a pain only having 1 drive in your computer :S10:15
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aftertafKamping_Kaiser, argh!10:16
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Kamping_Kaiser10:16
aftertafsolid_liq, well it seems that lvm & evms are related, but evms is actually easier to manage.10:16
aftertafand i want lvm/evms (dynamic disks) to have partition freedom10:17
aftertafresize and all that10:17
solid_liqaftertaf: I personnally like LVM better, it seems to be more reliable10:17
Zaireso you know how to fix that with k3b?10:17
aftertafZaire, an exploded cdrom drive? no :)10:17
aftertafsolid_liq, for now ive swithced my home to evms.10:18
aftertafi want to migrate my :10:18
aftertafmy /10:18
aftertafall but /boot, iirc...10:18
Zaireno no the place holder for burning lol I had saved the audio from my exploded CD but can't do anything with k3b10:18
solid_liqah, are you sure root evms partitions are supported by kubuntu?10:18
aftertafZaire, burn to iso?10:18
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aftertafsolid_liq, i think so... all but /boot.10:19
aftertafbut i'm not sure.....10:19
Zaireyeps audio cd it was one of my favs to lol10:19
aftertafZaire, cant you choose to burn the ISO?10:19
solid_liqaftertaf: better check before you render your system unusable10:19
Zaireummm oh you mean is it an iso10:19
aftertafnot touvhing anything else yet...10:19
Zairenope its mp3 files10:19
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aftertafZaire, choose to burn an audio cd, then just to only burn the image.... does that work?10:20
Zairenope tried that it says it can't read or basically use the file format from what I get form it10:20
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Zaireit says Unable to handle the following files due to unsupported format10:22
Zaireand it does that before I can do anything with creating an ISO10:22
aftertafZaire, you are missing a package10:23
=== rus [n=rus@ppp85-140-9-170.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu
aftertafsolid_liq, evms can manage lvm among other, right?10:23
rushi all10:24
solid_liqaftertaf: I don't think so10:24
rushave this problem:10:24
Zairethat package wasn't found :S10:24
aftertafZaire, apt-get update?10:24
Zairedid that right after the changes I made10:25
rusalsa keeps switching from the sound card to my tvtuner as the default sound device10:25
rushow do i force it to use the sound card only?10:25
aftertafZaire, its in universe.10:25
Zairek confused lol10:25
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aftertafZaire, repaste your sources.list if u want. ill recheck.10:26
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=== Hobbsee would comment on her sound, but doesnt want to tempt murphy's law
Zairealways a good thing lol'10:29
aftertafZaire, line one is commented out... either uncomment it, or add to the end of line 10 universe multiverse.10:29
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:29
aftertafif you uncomment line 1 , comment out 10.10:29
koshHobbsee: well I find that good hardware makes the problems go away, my sound problems stopped when I first get an sblive :)10:30
aftertafdo the same with lines 15+16. add uni & multi, then comment out line 2 , or comment out lines 15+16 and leave line 210:30
Zaire? :S10:30
=== Hobbsee had working sound, until she reinstalled.
Hobbseego figure.  :P10:30
koshconsidering that an emu10k1/emu10k2 card goes for abotu $30 now unless you have a laptop it is just easier and more sane to replace the hardware10:31
=== Hobbsee has a laptop.
aftertafZaire, see my corrections... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1445410:32
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-187-219-210.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
aftertafmy sound stopped working yesterday too.10:32
aftertafno sound, just like that no error....10:32
koshI prefer to avoid laptops10:32
=== erofee [n=erofee@dsl-220-235-241-22.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
aftertafsame this morning.10:32
=== turrican [n=turrican@p54BBD3D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
erofeehi all10:32
aftertafHobbsee, it was the mixer that had reset to zero volume :)10:33
erofeecan anyone help me with a problem with apt-get10:33
Zaireso I take it Im supposed to erase all the original text and input changes lol'10:33
Hobbseeaftertaf: ah, great10:33
turricanspeak english only here?10:33
Hobbseethat'll do it10:33
aftertafZaire, yeah :)10:33
Hobbseeturrican: yes10:33
Hobbseewhat language were you after?10:33
aftertaferofee, fire away10:33
Zairek thought I would check with my track record of deleting things lol10:33
turricanhobbsee: ok, than i try it10:33
aftertaflol zaire :)10:33
aftertafyou can even delete all the lines with a #..... just clutter now;10:34
erofeei keep getting "couldn't stat source package list" errors10:34
erofeei am using breezy10:34
aftertaferofee, paste your sources.list ;)10:34
ubotusomebody said pastebin was http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126910:34
erofeeW: Couldn't stat source package list http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/mirror.cc.columbia.edu_pub_software_kde_stable_3.5.1_kubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:34
erofeeW: Couldn't stat source package list http://www.mirrorservice.org breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/www.mirrorservice.org_sites_ftp.kde.org_pub_kde_stable_3.5.1_kubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:34
erofeeW: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://bolugftp.uni-bonn.de breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/bolugftp.uni-bonn.de_pub_kde_stable_3.5.1_kubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:34
erofeeW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:34
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Zaire*sigh* damn still unsupported lol10:34
ubotuhmm... pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126910:34
erofeesorry, will do it there10:35
aftertafZaire, grr.... :/10:35
Zairesrry maybe should just mod my partition and install xp pro for this lol10:35
aftertaferofee, that is not a standard sources.list........10:35
aftertafZaire, argh!10:35
aftertaferofee, see easysources.10:35
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, aftertaf10:35
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:35
aftertaf!tell  erofee about easysource10:36
ZaireI know Im unlucky lol no worries i'll figure it out sooner or later10:36
aftertafZaire, how many packages do you have when you type dpkg -l | grep k3b10:37
aftertaf-l = a small L  and not a 1(one)10:37
erofeethanks i will give all this a try and get back if i am still having problems10:37
aftertafhmm ok.10:37
aftertafZaire, try with another mp3. maybe corrupt mp3z?10:38
aftertafok erofee :)    those repositories look quite custom ;)10:38
Zairenopes it does same with all so far10:38
aftertafZaire, dcc send me one, i'll try if u want.10:39
Zairecould try another backup of files10:39
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erofeecan anyone tell me where to find the sources list on my box?10:39
ZaireI try to keep a backup for all of my fav cd's for that just incase another cd blows up thing lol10:40
imbrandonin /etc/apt/sources.list10:40
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Zaireoh boy can't mount cd now lol Im just one problem after another lol10:41
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Xemanth^umount /dev/hdc ?10:42
aftertafZaire, in use?10:43
mikmakhello, I just installed knetworkmanager, but it does not seem to be able to connect to the dbus backend , as it says knetworkmanager was logged out apparently, any idea ? :)10:43
rus_umount -f /dev/hdc10:43
aftertafZaire, and check you dont have a console open and in that directory.10:43
Zaireonly one open and its in my home directory10:44
Zaireis write protected is busy is already mounted :S10:44
ZaireI get all 3 messages in one lol10:45
rus_umount -l /dev/hdc10:45
ZaireI do that remount it and refresh to see file list and it gives me the same message :S10:46
Zairecould it be that the directory for the drive doesn't exist?10:48
Zairehmmmmm nothing in the mnt directory10:49
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Zairesigh oook then I somehow have the drive rerouted to a directory outside of mnt lol10:50
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Zaireaftertaf: ok confirmed the files from my cd aren't corrupt I just tried another files from one of my backup cds and same thing not supported10:52
aftertafZaire, may be because k3b thinks you still have a cd burner.10:52
aftertafnot usre10:52
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ZaireI don't think so cause the program says unsupported format and then give the name of the file below which is a .mp310:53
Zairewell its getting late I may be back on tomorrow but might try my partition mod with horridly crappy xp lol10:57
Zairethx for the help10:58
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aftertafweird. maybe he doesnt have the codecs elsewhere.11:01
aftertafoh well.11:01
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ubuntui'm trying to install grub right... installation couldnt handle it by itself (using XFS as my main linux partition)...11:05
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assclownso i booted into the kubuntu livecd, and then goto Konsole... "grub-install /dev/hda"11:06
assclownit replies "mkdir:: cannot create directory '/boot/grub': Permission Denied11:07
assclownhow do i remove it from this "safety mode" sort of thing ?11:07
assclown(ie. read only mode)11:07
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Kamping_Kaisertry sudo11:09
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Kamping_Kaiserrun grub-install with sudo11:10
assclownok i did it11:12
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assclownubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/hda11:12
assclownProbing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.11:12
assclownCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.11:12
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Bilford_big update today11:17
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luksanseems like there's a big update every hour11:18
luksanseriously, i do a full upgrade and half an hour later there's 20 packages waiting to go from r23 to r2411:19
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Bilford_you dont have to upgrade11:20
Bilford_it would suck if youre on dialup11:20
Bilford_I guess people on dialup arent likely to download the beta CD though11:20
luksani know, but i like less bugs11:22
Bilford_is there a list of changes somewhere11:24
Bilford_for each upgrade11:24
aftertafdapper days await us.11:26
assclownwhy cant i access my hard drives ?11:26
assclownerrr hard drive even11:26
aftertafbe prepared, and apt-get away11:26
assclownwith the livecd...11:26
aftertafassclown, mount it.11:26
assclownit is hda11:27
aftertafwhat is the device name (ie hdb4)11:27
aftertafhda 1/2/3/4?11:27
assclownhda1 = XP, hda2 = linux... XFS, hda5 = linux swap, HDA6 = fat 32 common share11:28
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aftertafok. make a new directory in /mnt or /media11:28
aftertafthen type  mount /dev/hda[number]  /mnt/[newdir] 11:29
aftertafthat ok assclown ?11:30
assclownim in the livecd...11:31
assclownand it keeps f*ckingg saying access denied :/11:31
assclownit is as if the hard drive is in "read only" mode...11:31
assclownim trying to install grub, but it just wont let me11:31
Bilford_isnt the LiveCD read only11:31
aftertafBilford_, the cd itself yeah, the rest is in memory11:32
Bilford_I mean, read only as in , you cant affect the HD11:32
assclownubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/hda11:33
assclownCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.11:33
assclownit just wont work :/11:33
aftertafBilford_, you can igf ou mount it11:33
assclownthis is on my laptop...11:34
aftertafassclown, what you trying to do? recover grub?11:34
assclownim trying to INSTALL grub11:34
aftertafassclown, chroot to your HDD root11:34
ubotuhmm... chroot is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457511:34
aftertafassclown, i did this to reinstall a new kernel on my hdd from the livecd11:35
aftertafyou create a mountmoint,mount your drive then chroot /mnt/themountpointinquestion11:36
assclowni cant mount the drive...11:36
aftertafassclown, what are you typing to try?11:37
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting11:37
assclownan i pm you what i've tried ? (5 lines or so)11:38
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aftertafor paste to #aftertaf11:38
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aftertafanyone help with this pb when chrooting to HDD root in livecd?   :  sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()12:00
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dumbkiwianyone know what:12:09
dumbkiwi(Reading database ... E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault.12:09
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dumbkiwimeans when upgrading/installing packages?12:10
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jelhow much space does /boot require ?12:51
jeli know you cannot install grub to an XFS partition (and get it to boot it)12:52
jelso im thinking i should just make another small partition for /boot ?12:52
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turricanwhere i can download a kubuntu dapper drake dvd-iso?12:58
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rpedroturrican: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/01:02
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ubotuHymnToLife: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:06
ubotuCD and DVD ISOs for Ubuntu / Kubuntu can be downloaded from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/01:07
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trymis there an easy way of getting svn to support https ?01:17
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klerfaytis there a way to enable aoss in konqueror (besides "aoss konqueror") like it can be done in firefox?01:21
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klerfaytok... how I turn off slpash (framebuffer)? vga=normal and splash=0?01:35
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drgonzohey fellas I think there is something up with the packaged kmail in kubuntu dapper01:52
drgonzoIt's freezing up for about 30/40 seconds with any actions like deleting an email or moving it. I thought it might of been a corrupted index files so i regenerated them but It didn't fix the problem once new emails came back... It started again I've got some errors with kmail starting too01:53
drgonzoHere is some of it01:53
drgonzoalso kmail crashes sometimes with the standard "ERROR: Communication problem with kmail, it probably crashed."01:53
drgonzoIt's acting like my system resources are being used up and lagging, but they arn't very little is used...01:54
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drgonzoerror sorry01:56
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drgonzoit's also complaing about a stale lockfile01:56
drgonzo[21:57]  <drgonzo> and when it close it off, it doesn't fully exit.01:56
drgonzoWeaverThreadLogger: thread (ID: 1) destroyed. ??01:58
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drgonzoI might try reinstalling kmail package02:22
drgonzowho knows might fix the problem02:22
drgonzoI've posted a bug report too btw.02:23
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dennis-hmm, my xmms is skipping whenever there's load on the machine, anyone knows how to fix that?02:24
Search4Lancerhow do I remove old kernel versions?02:24
drgonzommm ok when re-installing the packages I've got some more info02:25
drgonzoIt's complaing about assigning it to a group that doesn't exist, Could this be a poorly created deb package?02:25
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dennis-hmm, other questions, is the xine engine used by amarok not able to use arts for sound output?02:27
klerfaytdennis-: try avoiding arts02:27
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dennis-klerfayt: why?02:28
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firepolhi, ive just upgraded to (kubuntu) dapper02:30
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firepoli dont understand why if i run "gaim" from the konsole i get it opened. if i click the gaim icon in the "internet" groupo, it loads but then it closes02:32
dennis-klerfayt: why?02:32
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klerfaytdennis-: arts is dead02:33
dennis-klerfayt: what should i use then?02:33
klerfaytdennis-: use alsa02:33
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dennis-klerfayt: does it support multiple apps accessing the sound device?02:34
klerfaytdennis-: yes, alsa uses dmix if your soundcard doesn't do hardware mixing02:35
dennis-klerfayt: ok, thank you02:35
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klerfaytxfs or ext3 ?02:37
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Obsti have installed kubuntu 64 bit now, are the apps from apt all 64bit compatible?02:37
firepolobst, 32 bit applications should be compatible. the questrion is if all packages are 64 bit or some are only 32 bit02:40
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damithahi, i am running kubuntu on laptop and my screen goes off after inactivity. The problem the screen wont come up after any mousu clicks or keys02:51
damithaanybody hav any idea?02:52
admin__drivers ?02:52
admin__u downloaded all drivers for ur laptopz?02:52
damithayep everything is smooth only problem i have is the black screen after certain time of inactivity02:54
damithaand can't get it back online...i ahve to restart the xserever with ctrl+alt+backspace02:55
admin__put of the thing that turns it to black after idle :P02:55
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damithai don't haven't turned onnscreen saver as well02:59
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wackohttp://pastebin.com/730980 i get this error when compiling xmoto03:10
Hobbseewacko: try installing liblua50 and try again03:12
wackoHobbsee: what is the name of lib lua03:12
Hobbsee!info liblua5003:12
wacko powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications.03:12
ubotuliblua50: (Main interpreter library for the Lua 5.0 programming language), section libs, is optional. Version: 5.0.2-5 (breezy), Packaged size: 61 kB, Installed size: 176 kB03:12
Hobbseeliblua50-dev if the first one doesnt work03:13
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wackoi have those installed and still get the errors03:17
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klerfaytI got ugly fonts in pdf03:46
klerfaytdo I need msstcorefonts?03:46
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davidhousewhich packages do i need to play m4as in kaffeine?03:53
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juliananyone can help me to switch to kdm?04:11
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klerfaytjulian: isn't kubuntu using kdm by default?04:11
Hobbseesudo dpkg --reconfigure kdm04:11
Hobbseei think04:11
Hobbseemay be without the re04:11
julianno, im using gdm04:12
klerfaytjulian: in kubuntu?04:12
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julianim gonna try04:12
julianbye, thanks04:14
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DaSkreechMasterEvilAce: Hello04:19
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klerfaytis the latest dapper iso "flight 7" ?04:20
klerfaytHobbsee: can I get newer somehow?04:21
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Hobbseethere are daily cds04:21
HobbseeRiddell: which ones are recommended for testing?04:21
Hobbseerecent ubiquity or something?04:21
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RiddellHobbsee: yesterdays live CD would be good04:22
Riddellklerfayt: ^^04:22
Riddellhmm, that's oversized too04:23
kasimhi there, will dapper Kubuntu support xorg-multiseat features (that is: 2people working on one Kubuntu_PC, everybody with monitor, mouse, keybord) ?04:23
HobbseeRiddell: define "yesterday"04:23
RiddellHobbsee: yesterday UTC :)04:23
UbugtuCurrent time in UTC: May 22 2006, 14:23:5404:23
Riddellactually flight 7 with updated ubiquity ubiquity-frontend-kde and qtparted would be good too04:24
Hobbseeneat plugin that :P04:24
Hobbseehow big are cds usually?  680mb or something?  650?04:24
Riddellaseigo_dead: pong?04:24
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RiddellHobbsee: we do 700MB now04:25
Riddellsome CD-Rs are 650 so you can't use those04:25
Hobbseeah yes, the ones here are 700...cool...04:25
klerfaytis there somewhere newer iso than "flight7" hidden? ftp.estpak.ee/ubuntu/04:26
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goldenearWe'll there be a netinstall of ubuntu ?04:26
h3sp4wnThere already is its in the netboot/ directory called mini.iso04:27
goldenearSo the Boot CD would be only 100MB and you could choose Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc... at install04:27
h3sp4wnIts 8mb04:27
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goldenearbut with 8MB you won't be able to install a base system...04:28
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klerfaytdapper/main/daily-installer-i386/current is latest?04:30
v3ctorbase system comes from net on netinstall04:30
h3sp4wnYou take everything from the network04:30
klerfayth3sp4wn: this is like the latest stuff?04:31
v3ctornetinstaller  = kernel, shell, installer !pkgs04:31
h3sp4wnIt also allows you install without a keyboard or monitor (if none are found it defaults to console on ttyS0) - Thats why I found out about it04:32
klerfaytnixternal`afk: you can see him typing password04:32
nixternal`afki know04:33
nixternal`afkbut still...that is one hell of a setup04:33
nixternal`afk3 os's...xgl/compiz style...but not just desktop switching...he is os switching04:33
nixternal`afkhis ubuntu boots up just a tad bit quicker than mine04:33
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nixternal`afkklerfayt: only hax0rz see the password being typed ;)04:34
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klerfaytText-mode install CD will install the same kubuntu as desktop cd?04:40
troyklerfayt: yes04:41
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_pascalIs it possible to get visulizations for amarok on a kubuntu deb-mirror?04:58
uwohi all. how do i burn .bin files?04:58
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_pascaldoesnt k3b support bin files?05:00
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Topcasshi anyone ever heard of an anoying butwhere every so often the keyboard forgets to register a couple of keresses?05:02
Topcassthe oddness of the above message proves my problem about how annoying it is05:03
klerfaytTopcass: what machine you got?05:04
Topcassand there are no issues under windows (dont hate me) so it has to be a lunix/kubuntu thingi think05:04
Topcassacer laptop 1681LCi05:04
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ririhow too create a lilo or grab in dapper 7 ?05:06
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bleakeddoes anyone know the LAN kio slave package?05:06
ririthe installation doesn't seem to do a dual boot ?05:06
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Topcassany ideas klerfayt?05:07
klerfaytTopcass: http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/acer.html05:07
ririnixternal : i use firestarter05:07
Topcassthis keyboard mess is the only thing stopping me from using linux full time on this laptop05:07
Topcasscheers will have a look05:08
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klerfaythello _jesus05:09
koshI don't like that jesus guy, he has a horrible respawn time ;)05:09
koshsomeone should check his connection ;)05:10
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klerfaytkosh: you mean ping?05:10
koshI think it is way more then ping05:10
klerfaytkosh: I'm new to irc; what are you trying to say?05:11
Topcasskleraty: thanks but still no keyboard issues reported :(05:11
koshklerfayt: it is a joke05:11
koshklerfayt: you now the whole jesus died 2000 years ago thing and he was supposed to come back etc05:12
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DaSkreechSo why does Firefox hate Kubuntu?05:12
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koshall that myth stuff05:12
DaSkreechMyth Rocks!05:12
HobbseeDaSkreech: it does?05:12
DaSkreechWe need a KubuntuMyth05:12
DaSkreechLike KnopMyth05:13
DaSkreechThought you can apt-get myth :-(05:13
klerfaytTopcass: is your freq. scaling working?05:13
v3ctorkosh: you mean the 3 day respawn time?05:13
koshv3ctor: well that first one was pretty bad but supposedly he was goign to respawn again which just did not happen05:13
koshv3ctor: maybe he lost connection05:13
Topcassklerfayt: ?? freq. scaling ??05:14
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klerfaytTopcass: what cpu you got?05:14
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klerfaytTopcass: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/3747205:14
Topcasspentium m 1.5GHZ05:15
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ctothejhow do i automatically type to a person ("username:") in polaris x mirc script?05:15
DaSkreechHobbsee: Oh wait05:15
theverantcan anyone help me get SMP working form my X2?05:16
DaSkreechYou were talking about the Firefox hate thing huh?05:16
theverantI need NVidia working as well05:16
HobbseeDaSkreech: yes05:16
DaSkreechHobbsee: Yup05:16
DaSkreechI t starts like one time out of 1005:16
Hobbseeodd. mine will usually start here05:16
DaSkreechIt will start the thread Bounce the icon05:16
DaSkreechThen stops05:17
Hobbseeis this just for startup, or all the time?05:17
klerfaytTopcass: try booting with   i8042.nomux=105:17
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gil_hello i need some info on remote desktop....05:18
gil_I am using kubuntu dapper05:18
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DaSkreechWhen I t starts I try to not close it just cause I know it won't open again05:18
DaSkreechAnyway to try and debug?05:18
Topcassklerfayt: i would love too but im afraid my linux is not that good :D have not been using it long and the learning curl ishall we say STEAP :D05:18
klerfaytTopcass: interseting stuff this keyboard problem05:19
siefkencpgil: rdesktop05:19
siefkencp-f for full screen05:19
klerfaytTopcass: what if you turn off touchpad? Can it be done with Fn key?05:19
Topcassklerfayt: well im gd i can keep you entertained :D05:20
Topcassone sec05:20
DaSkreechWhat is nspluginviewer?05:20
siefkencpgil "-a 24" for full color05:20
Topcasstrying the tchpad thing now05:21
gil_where is remote desktop setup05:21
Topcassah no the missing letters above show me the problem is still there ;D05:21
siefkencpwait, you want to share yours or remote desktop a windoz machine?05:22
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gil_i am new to kubuntu...trying to get my machine setup for remote acess05:22
Topcassklefayt: i will be back in a few minutes (sorry)05:22
DaSkreechgil_: openssh-server05:22
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siefkencpwill that give him vnc style access too DaSkreech?05:23
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DaSkreechIs that what (s)he is looking for?05:23
gil_ok my wife needs to acess this computer from our office05:23
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gil_we have always been using remote desktop on windows05:24
DaSkreechAnd she needs pretty gui type stuff?05:24
h3sp4wnFreenx is probably the best way05:24
Topcassklefayt: back05:24
gil_well she isnt very computer savy.....i want it to behave the way remote desktop did in XP showing exact desktop05:24
klerfaytTopcass: I have no idea05:25
gil_i see the setup here in kubuntu for desktop sharing but it doesnt seem to be user speciific05:25
klerfaytTopcass: send a letter to acer05:25
edulixyou want to share desktop? use krdc05:25
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edulixyou can connect to vnc servers via krdc in kde05:26
DaSkreechRight adept just froze :-(05:26
Topcassklefayt: hehe no worries. nobody else has ben able to help either. thanks for trying05:26
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edulixalso, you can do a sudo ptitude install tightvncserver for a server05:26
gil_ok how do i set up an acount for her to log into this computer....a permanenet account05:26
firepolhi, is anybody here using kubuntu with dapper?05:26
Lynourefirepol: yep.05:27
firepoli've just installed openoffice, but the openoffice icons are not updated in my kde menu05:27
Lynourefirepol: (and many other ppl, I bet)05:27
Hobbseehi Lynoure05:27
Lynourefirepol: But #ubuntu+1 seems to be the 'real' dapper channel05:27
firepolopenoffice works, but no icon has been added under the "office" group05:27
firepolLynoure, i asked there but it seems they use gnome...05:28
HobbseeLynoure: dapper support for kubuntu specific stuff is in here05:28
gnomefreakfirepol: did you try restarting the panel/menu?05:28
firepolhow can i restart it?05:28
gil_what i am asking is can she connect using remote desktop of XP to my kubuntu machine05:28
LynoureHobbsee: ok.05:28
Hobbseefirepol: killall kicker && kicker05:29
gnomefreakHobbsee: ty05:29
gil_does she have to have VNC set up on XP to acess kbuntu?05:29
DaSkreechAnyone have nsplugin running?05:29
DaSkreechgil_: Is she on windows?05:29
firepolHobbsee: same problem05:29
firepolsince i upgraded to dappert only one icon stayed there: openoffice-writer. the others are missing (but ive just installed everything)05:30
gil_DaSkreech: yes05:30
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DaSkreechThat should work then05:30
gil_DaSkreech: she is on XP05:30
gnomefreakcan someone give me a clue as to what causes this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14476 i get it when it installs most everything05:31
gil_ok what do i need to setup an account for here....05:31
gil_on my kubuntu machine...05:31
gnomefreakit started after i did a major install of apps05:31
gil_how do i give her an accnount and password/?05:31
klerfaytgil_: system settings in menu05:31
DaSkreechHobbsee: Do you have Firefox running now?05:31
HobbseeDaSkreech: yeah, just started it05:32
klerfaytgil_: look for "users&groups"05:32
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DaSkreechOk whats the process called?05:32
firepolHobbsee ... any ideas?05:32
gnomefreakDaSkreech: should be firefox iirc05:32
firepoli had the same problem installing thunderbird05:33
DaSkreechIt's not even starting now :-(05:33
Hobbseefirepol: none at this hour, but i recall a bug about itsomewhere..05:33
firepolis there a way to recreate the whole menu from scratch?05:33
HobbseeDaSkreech: try killall firefox first05:33
firepolif i delete some .kde subfolders in my home and restart kde, it should recreate the menu, right?05:33
DaSkreechno processes killed05:33
firepolthe question is which directory contains the menu items?05:33
HobbseeDaSkreech: is this the mozilla binaries, or the ubuntu versions?05:34
DaSkreechIt starts for like a second05:35
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DaSkreechfrom the command line it throws a list of errors then opens05:36
Hobbseewant to pastebin the errors?05:36
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DaSkreechUn momento05:37
ubotusee <!pastebin> please05:38
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 05:38
firepolanyone knows which one is the directory containing all the icons of the panel menu? i'd like to delete it and restart kde to regenerate all the groups and icons...05:38
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Hobbseefirepol: locate *.png05:39
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firepollocate: fatal error: Could not find user database '/var/lib/slocate/slocate.db':  No such file or directory05:39
gnomefreakisnt it /usr/share/pixmap or something like that05:39
Hobbseefirepol: probably in /usr/share/icons/themename05:40
DaSkreechfirepol: sudo updatedb05:40
Hobbseefor teh icons, at least05:40
gnomefreakDaSkreech: it opened?05:40
DaSkreechI think the first two Xerrors are scim type errors05:40
DaSkreechgnomefreak: Hmm?05:41
gnomefreakDaSkreech: did you just follow the wiki for installing new version of ff?05:41
DaSkreechgnomefreak: Firefox?05:41
gnomefreakDaSkreech: yes05:41
DaSkreechI apt-got it05:41
firepolHobbsee i think its not a good idea to delete the /usr/share/pixmaps directory... do you think it will be recreated just after restarting kde?05:41
Hobbseei've got no idea...05:41
firepoli was thinking more to delete some of my personal settings instead05:41
gnomefreakfirepol: i wouldnt delete anything05:42
firepolif i delete my /home/.kde folder it will be regenerated05:42
gnomefreakDaSkreech: im sorry i forgot kubuntu :(05:42
firepolbut i dont want to lose all my kde settings05:42
firepolid like just to regenerate the menu settings05:42
gnomefreakupdate-menu i think it the command05:43
aseigofirepol: icons in the panel menu? you mean the kmenu structure?05:43
aseigofirepol: if so, remove ~/.config/menus and ~/.local/share/applications (i think the latter is correct; might not be, but it's somewhere in .local =)05:44
firepolaseigo, exactly05:45
firepolthanks aseigo, ill try that05:45
firepoli was convinced it woul dbe someghere inside .kde ... but no, in .config... :-S05:45
aseigothat will revert it back to the system defaults05:45
aseigothat's because we share that now with gnome05:45
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aseigo(and anyone else who implements the menu spec)05:45
DaSkreechgnomefreak: It starts when you run from cimmand lie05:45
aseigoand amazingly, gnome wasn't cool with having it in .kde ;-P05:46
gnomefreakDaSkreech: yes i know that the errors were the same after upgrading to ff1.505:46
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firepolok, i hope the icons will be recreated, but of course il lrename the folder just in case05:47
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firepolsee ya later and thanks05:47
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DaSkreechgnomefreak: Was there a fix?05:48
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gnomefreakDaSkreech: no it stopped doing it iirc it had somethign to do with the update checking it did at start up05:49
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firepolhi guys, i got my menu icons regenerated correctly05:51
DaSkreechSo why would starting it from CLI work?05:52
firepolbut well, its not a nice bug for people that will upgrade to dapper...05:52
gnomefreakDaSkreech: after upgrading i could start it either way icon or cli but cli was spitting out errors as it does with almost anything :( even adept scrolls alot of stuff including the first lines of your error05:53
DaSkreechYeah I noticed05:53
DaSkreechThats why I said it's probably scim05:53
gnomefreakDaSkreech: it has something to do with gathering the ifo for updating its database05:54
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gnomefreakit could be scim05:54
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DaSkreechThen why does it work sometimes?05:54
gnomefreakDaSkreech: it should open everytime (thats what im not getting05:54
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gnomefreakthe errors/warnings shouldnt effct it opening except is there was a bigger issue like it couldnt update itself05:55
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Jel_anyone here good with Kopete?05:56
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Jel_i hid a menu bar, and can't find where to get it back... the main one which says "file" etc.... just above the main tile bar05:57
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DaSkreechgnomefreak: Ok I'm going to open it from CLI and try update it05:58
DaSkreechMan now Adept won't opn05:59
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billytwowillyhi, any plans to put amarok 1.4 in dapper?06:00
gnomefreakDaSkreech: gksudo adept or gksudo firefox  they wont open them at all06:00
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gnomefreakbillytwowilly: if its not in now it wont be in06:01
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billytwowillythat's unfortunate.06:01
billytwowillyguess I'll just have to wait for the backports to start up;)06:01
gnomefreakbillytwowilly: 1.3.9 is the version in dapper06:01
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=== billytwowilly is running 1.3.9 right now in dapper. Thus the 1.4 question;)
gnomefreakbillytwowilly: go to the kubuntu.com site and grab the amarok repo06:02
gnomefreakit will give you 1.406:02
billytwowillyoh ok.06:02
kaiyilenhey, i got a question i thinks a bit confusing. after i installed kubuntu it takes me to the command line. any ideas on why it did this when fedora4 didnt?06:02
gnomefreakim assuming its still there06:02
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gnomefreakkaiyilen: is it a tty or do you have gui with a terminal open?06:03
kaiyilenno gui, straightto the command line. it doesnt even report any errors06:03
kaiyilenthat i can see06:03
gnomefreakkaiyilen: did you do server install?06:03
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gnomefreakkaiyilen: what install method did you use06:04
kaiyileni dont think so. how can i check ifi did a server install? on the install type screen i type 'install'06:04
billytwowillyok, I'm mildly retarded today. I see the amarok 1.4 beta 3 package repository in the wiki, but no mention of release packages for 1.406:04
gnomefreakkaiyilen: apt-cache policy kde  << see if its installed06:05
gnomefreakbillytwowilly: it hasnt been released yet06:05
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kaiyileni'll try that, is there any thing else i can try?(not at the machine right now)06:06
billytwowillyamarok 1.4 has been released...06:06
gnomefreakkaiyilen: if it turns up not installed run sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop    if it is installed type startx06:06
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MidMarkguys but kubuntu cds are totally free? I mean NO cost at all?06:07
gnomefreakbillytwowilly: than the wiki hasnt been updated?  where is the wiki you are talking about?06:07
gnomefreakMidMark: correct06:07
kaiyilenMidMark: correct06:07
MidMarkwho pay for them?06:07
gnomefreakMidMark: for most part depends on wher eyou live there may be a tax06:07
DaSkreechAnd shipping I think06:07
billytwowillylinked from here ^06:07
DaSkreechYes but it's not in the dapper repos06:07
gnomefreakbillytwowilly: give me a sec06:07
MidMarkI live in Italy, but site doesn't say how much does it costs sending cds06:08
billytwowillyok;) I'll take the time to point out your nick is hilarious given that this is a kde channel;)06:08
kaiyilenwhy not DL it at a cafe?06:08
DaSkreechbillytwowilly: Maybe he freaks anytime he uses gnome?06:08
DaSkreechThough I doubt it :)06:08
kaiyilenMidMark: why not DL it at a cafe?06:08
gnomefreakamarok 1.4 has not been released06:09
MidMarkI can download here, but I'm just curious06:09
gnomefreakhence the word beta06:09
visik7gnomefreak: ?06:09
billytwowillygnomefreak: http://amarok.kde.org/06:09
kaiyilenMidMark: ohhh heh.06:09
visik7gnomefreak: amarok 1.4 is out06:09
billytwowillyoh. says may 1706:09
billytwowillythat's probably why. Just not packaged yet.06:09
gnomefreakvisik7: everything i just read says its not06:09
billytwowillycheck the official page I linked to. released may 1706:10
billytwowillyor just type /j #amarok06:11
kaiyilenany way, thanks gnomefreak i'll try these when i get home. buh bye!06:11
gnomefreakit did make it in dapper too i guess because they had beta in dapper06:12
DaSkreechIt's not in the dapper repos06:12
DaSkreechGo to www.kubuntu.org06:13
gnomefreakDaSkreech: not yet its not06:13
gnomefreakDaSkreech: read what i gave you06:13
DaSkreechI asked Riddell and he said it probably wouldn't get in06:13
gnomefreakAmarok 1.4 has been released and packages are available for Kubuntu Dapper.06:13
DaSkreechMuch like Kopete .1206:13
DaSkreechYeah I know I'm running 1.4 now :-)06:14
gnomefreakthan it gives an offical dapper repo06:14
DaSkreechWhat I mean is that people cannot expect to hit update and see Amarok 1.4 suddenly appear06:15
DaSkreechWork and knowledge is involved06:15
DaSkreechWhile many people can do the work06:16
DaSkreechThe instructions are very easy06:16
gnomefreakit was released after the freeze for new packages06:16
DaSkreechThe knowledge that it's there is going to be sparse amongst many06:16
DaSkreechMaybe backports can take care of it06:16
billytwowillyI think there are even amarok 1.4 packages in the repository.. when I changed teh deb source on the webpage to remove the beta stuff it worked and the packages appear to be release packages...06:16
DaSkreechOf course that's after dapper ships06:16
gnomefreakso it shouldnt be added but im assuming since beta was they plan on updating beta to stable06:17
DaSkreechWhere is the apt-get database lock?06:20
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DaSkreechis it /var/cache/apt/archives/lock ?06:24
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visik7DaSkreech: you have another program that use apt06:26
visik7like adept06:26
visik7or a running apt-get something06:26
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DaSkreechI tried to run adept and it started dying like firefox06:26
paulvolkI am having some problems updating with Adept06:26
DaSkreechIt starts for a few seconds then dies06:26
paulvolkCan some one help me?06:26
DaSkreechpaulvolk: What be the problem?06:26
visik7DaSkreech: btw you need to be sudoed or root06:27
paulvolkIt won't update anymore and I know that there are updates cause I have another system that is working fine.06:27
RadiantFiredoes it give you an error?06:27
gnomefreakDaSkreech: gksudo adept06:27
DaSkreechvisik7: Yup I know06:27
DaSkreechkdesu :)06:27
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visik7kdesu here we are in kubuntu not ubuntu06:27
DaSkreechpaulvolk: It won't update the lists or you can update the lists but not packages?06:28
gnomefreaksorry forgot06:28
DaSkreechHis name belies a lot06:28
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paulvolkDaSkreech I am not sure I have tried both but either way I get that no packedges need to be updated06:28
paulvolkBut I know that they should be.06:29
DaSkreechpaulvolk: Is this breezy or dapper?06:29
DaSkreechcan you install an application06:31
DaSkreechvisik7: Where is the apt-lock?06:31
visik7uh ?06:31
DaSkreechthere is a lock file created when you try to interact with the apt-database06:31
visik7yes and removed when finisced06:32
DaSkreechSo if you run a second apt-type program it won't confilct06:32
DaSkreechWell something didn't remove mine06:32
g0dchildIs there a way to save sessions in konqueror?06:32
g0dchildsimilar to opera?06:32
visik7are you sure that nothing has running that interact with apt db ?06:32
DaSkreechI've gotten adept to start now but it throws an error that somethign else is using the database06:32
RadiantFireg0dchild: settings -> save view profile06:33
DaSkreechUnless someone has sshed in and is installing things now06:33
RadiantFirethen create a new profile06:33
DaSkreech(I think that's highly unlikely)06:33
klerfaytI don't have power failures and I want something faster than ext3 is xfs the logical choise?06:33
visik7DaSkreech: so you can safely remove that file06:33
visik7but be sure that nothing is running that use apt db06:34
DaSkreechvisik7: It's /var/cache/apt/archives/lock correct?06:34
visik7correct but be sure06:34
paulvolkDaSkreech I can still install things06:34
paulvolkjust not update them06:34
visik7DaSkreech: wait06:34
firepolhow to get rid of arts? with kubuntui breezy the sound was working, now it doesnt work anymore and i see an istance of arts running. even if i kill it the sound doesnt work anyway :(06:35
DaSkreechpaulvolk: The two machines have two different versions?06:35
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=== DaSkreech waits
paulvolkDaSkreech No but one is updating the other says there are no updates06:35
RadiantFiredo you have sounds at all06:35
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DaSkreechmaybe one is more up to date than the other?06:36
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DaSkreechvisik7: Ok point of interest06:36
visik7DaSkreech: no the lock file is /var/lib/apt/lists/lock06:36
DaSkreechI just did a ps aux | less06:36
DaSkreechand there are two kdesu adept processes running06:36
DaSkreechand one adept <defunct>06:37
=== DaSkreech thinks of logging out
DaSkreechThere are lot of stray processes hanging around06:37
visik7or apt06:37
visik7also apt-get lock that file06:37
DaSkreechvisik7: Thanks for the correction btw06:37
DaSkreechno apts06:37
DaSkreechJust adept06:37
visik7maybe adept was crash06:38
visik7and doesn't unlock06:38
DaSkreechbut it's a kdesu adept06:38
firepolRadiantFire: with breezy iu could listen for music in amarok and xmms, now not anymore06:38
visik7so there is ?06:38
paulvolkDaSkreech That is what I thought originally but when I checked the versions on the two the one that updates is more upto date then the one that claims that there are no updates.06:38
DaSkreechwhich makes me think that it started to open and asked for a login which somehow disappeared06:38
DaSkreechpaulvolk: are they servers?06:38
DaSkreechvisik7: I see no prompts open though06:39
RadiantFireRadiantFire, what is you amarok engine06:39
visik7killall adept and apt remove the lock file and use apt-get install <package> and apt-cache search <package>06:39
DaSkreechLog out and log back in :)06:39
RadiantFirefirepol: what is your amarok engine?06:39
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DaSkreechvisik7: I'm going to log out and back in06:39
visik7ok do it06:40
DaSkreechSoon return06:40
paulvolkI have tried to restart it even and it still hasn't worked06:40
firepolRadiantFire: no engine, but i think its because ive upgraded to dapper. lets try an easier program, like XMMS06:40
firepolxmms doesnt work anymore.06:40
RadiantFireyou don't have any amarok engines?06:40
firepolRadiantFire, my soundcard is a USB headset, which was previously working06:41
RadiantFireok, lets try something simple to see if your sound is working at all06:41
RadiantFireopen a terminal and type cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp06:41
RadiantFireyou should get static06:41
firepolxmms was configured to use ALSA, and I could hear the sound. everything was working fine06:41
firepolRadiantFire: bash: /dev/dsp: No such device06:41
RadiantFiremmm, thats no good06:42
RadiantFirewhat kind of soundcard do you have06:42
firepolRadiantFire, the kernel module is loaded, i cannot understand why /dev/dsp is not there06:42
firepolRadiantFire, my soundcard is a USB headset, which was previously working06:42
RadiantFireso the sound card is connected via usb06:43
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ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:44
HymnToLifeJel> if you want information for yourself, please /msg the bot :)06:45
ubotuwell, fishing is randomly throwing !commands in the channel instead of using /msg ubotu command. Please dont fish for help. either !ask in the channel or msg ubotu < Knows Everything!> :)06:45
Jeloh ok, sorry :)06:45
firepolRadiantFire: yes, it is connected, i checked by typing "dmesg"06:46
Jeli got Grub to work ^_^06:46
RadiantFirefirepol: if it shows up, and was working, I don't know06:46
firepola friend tells me i need the alsa modules for usb_audio06:47
firepolbut i didnt change the kernel06:47
ubotuI guess fish is A way to access another computer's files using a simple SSH shell account and standard UNIX utilities on the remote side.06:47
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi06:47
ubotuDaSkreech: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:47
firepolRadiantFire, the kernel i have is the same i was using with breezy... strange issue, really06:47
RadiantFiretry using the latest kernel?06:48
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firepolRadiantFire... good idea ;)06:48
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DaSkreechvisik7: Same issue06:48
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DaSkreechI do a kdesu adept and it accepts the password then doens't open06:49
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DaSkreechWhats a KDEsu_stub?06:50
foodcomanwhois kathman06:50
foodcomanThat needed a slash infront sorry.06:51
firepolRadiantFire, ill try with the latest kernel: 2.6.15 ...06:51
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DaSkreechGood news is that Firefox works now :)06:55
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DaSkreechNow I have three adepts running?06:58
DaSkreechplus an adept_update but that's inconsequential06:59
racookierinstall kubuntu on fasttrack units how??... i instaled with strip and grub hangs (wiothout error message)07:02
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Prakmy linux pc is currently connected to the internet through an ethernet cable to a router and then to my broadband modem07:10
Prakhowever, when i installed kubuntu, it doesn't detect DHCP on my computer07:10
Prakcan anyone help me with that?07:10
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nixternalholly shnikeys07:14
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nixternalgood bye07:14
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nixternalthx for stoppin' by07:14
nixternalsup Prak07:14
nixternalsudo killall everyone_on_freenode07:14
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Prakmy linux pc is currently connected to the internet through an ethernet cable to a router and then to my broadband modem07:14
Prak however, when i installed kubuntu, it doesn't detect DHCP on my computer07:15
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Prakcan you help me with that, nixternal?07:15
nixternali sure can try07:15
Praki know i may have to setup something07:15
nixternalfirst off...do you see a link light where you plugged in your computer to the router?07:15
Prakright now, it's installing the packages as i left the internet configurations for now07:15
nixternalk..so there is the physical connection....good...type in        lspci07:16
nixternalthat is LSPCI07:16
Prakin terminal?07:16
nixternalsee if it shows your network card in there07:16
nixternalyes sir07:16
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Prakok...i'll have to wait until the packages are finished installing07:16
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Prakthis internet problem has given me grief07:17
nixternallspci will show everything connected to your pci bus07:17
nixternalhehe..what kind of network card is it?07:17
PrakD-Link ethernet07:17
nixternaldo you know the brand?07:17
nixternali see dlink07:17
nixternalwow...i can't believe it didn't work right from the get go07:18
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Prakthis problem didn't happen for my laptop07:18
Prakit worked from the get go for a really old distro of mepis that i tried07:18
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nixternalya...the dlink should have worked...maybe somehtin got botched during the install07:19
_per_if i order some cds from kubuntu shipit today, what release would i get?07:19
klerfaytI can't burn with k3b. I tried k3bsetup and added group cdrom but still it can't burn cd's because of permission errors07:19
nixternalnixternal|mobile: <-- that is my laptop with a wireless dlink card...it worked right from the get go07:19
nixternalya...something got messed up during the install07:20
nixternal|mobilei need to kernel hack...bbiab07:20
nixternaldone installing packages yet?07:21
Prakthe package installation would take 10 more minutes i think07:21
nixternalhehe...roger that07:21
_per_if i order some cds from kubuntu shipit today, what release would i get?07:21
_per_dapper, right?07:22
klerfaytweird kdesu k3b works07:22
nixternali hate when that happens ;p07:23
HymnToLifeklerfayt> why wouldn't ik ?07:24
Prakam i still here?07:24
nixternalya prak07:24
klerfaytHymnToLife: permission errors07:25
nixternalit tends to get quiet in here for a few minutes...then all of a sudden it gets swamped07:25
klerfaytHymnToLife: but I got it working with kdesu k3b07:25
nixternalhello Prak07:25
nixternalscroll down07:25
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Praknixternal, are you still here?07:26
nixternalprak...careful with the mousewheel07:26
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nixternalyou were here the whole time...07:26
nixternal[12:25]  <Prak> hello?07:26
Praki am07:27
Prakmy router got fucked up for some reason07:27
nixternali think you accidentally scrolled up 1 line and thought you were disconnected07:27
nixternalwe could see everything you were typing07:27
nixternalyou using konversation?07:27
Praki didn't scroll up the bar07:27
Prakusing windows07:27
nixternali have done it in the past...i always hit07:27
nixternalprolly had some lag then07:28
Prakit's lagging like hell07:28
nixternalthat is freenode07:28
nixternalthis is the lowest i have been07:28
nixternal#kubuntu - 215 nicks (0 ops) | irc.freenode.net - Lag: 39 ms07:29
Praki mean my router is lagging like hell07:29
Prakand my adsl07:29
Praki'm logging in right now07:29
nixternalsbc dsl?07:29
_per_how fast, prak?07:29
Prakuniserve adsl; so i'll vspci soon enough07:29
Prak1.5 mbps?07:30
nixternali need foood07:31
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nixternalalright prak...you in yet?07:32
Jeli need the akode-mpeg package07:32
Jelbut cant find it ?07:32
nixternalinteresting...the repositories have akode-dbg...but not akode itself07:33
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racookierdo you have grub hangs07:33
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racookiergrub hangs at start up07:33
Jelknow of any external repositories nixternal ?07:33
nixternalcan you hit escape07:33
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nixternali have all of the repositories i think possible...and i don't see it anywhere07:33
Carpamy router lagged a lot again07:34
Jelthen how am i going to get mp3 support?! >_<07:34
Jelthe guide says i need it07:34
nixternalthe guide for what?07:34
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DaSkreechGot adept to work07:34
Prak_alternatenixternal, what do i type in again?07:34
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Prak_alternateand then?07:35
Prak_alternatei see ethernet controller: d-link system inc dl10050 sundance ethernet (rev 12)07:36
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nixternalwifey called07:36
nixternali can't stand when she does that07:36
Prak_alternateso i think the card is there07:36
nixternalok...do you see your network card in there07:36
nixternalsee eth0 at all?07:36
nixternalhow about lo07:37
nixternaldo this07:37
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nixternalmore /etc/network/interfaces07:37
nixternaldo you see any settings for eth007:37
nixternallike auto eth007:38
Prak_alternatemap th007:38
nixternaliface eth0 inet dhcp07:38
Prak_alternate*map eth007:38
nixternalyou just have map eth007:38
nixternalno other eth0 in there07:38
Prak_alternatejust map eth007:38
nixternaldo this07:38
nixternalsudo nano /etc/network/interfaces07:38
nixternalthis will open up that file in nano...a text editor07:38
Prak_alternateand then?07:39
nixternalarrow down to the bottom and then type....07:39
nixternalauto eth007:39
nixternaliface eth0 inet dhcp07:39
nixternalonce you have that typed in...those 2 lines then you07:39
nixternalcontrol + o07:39
nixternalpress enter to save07:39
nixternalthen control + x to close07:40
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nixternalthen issue...07:40
nixternalsudo /etc/init.d/networking.sh restart07:40
nixternaldon't do that07:40
nixternalit is07:40
nixternalsudo /etc/init.d/networking restart07:40
nixternaland you should be good to go07:40
Prak_alternatewe'll find out soon07:41
Prak_alternatei also have another problem with my linux pc07:41
nixternaldon't we all ;p07:42
Prak_alternatei have a linux root and swap partition, a fat32 windows partition, and a ntfs windows partition07:42
Prak_alternateis it possible to access the ntfs partition by mounting that drive?07:42
Prak_alternatei have a problem of not being able of doing so07:42
Prak_alternatelet's work on the internet problem first07:43
nixternalhehe...you almost there yet?07:43
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Prak_alternateshould i do anything else to get my internet working?07:43
nixternalthat should do it07:43
Prak_alternateit doesn't do it07:43
nixternalas long as the interfaces file is good07:43
nixternalmore /etc/network/interfaces07:43
nixternallets make sure everything is ok in there for eth007:44
Jeli have like 250 packages that can be updated07:44
Jelshould i update them ?07:44
GaiaX11Does anyone here use an aerial for wireless card? I use this and the aerial is up in my house. It is 6metres high. The problem is that there is a big mango tree which belongs to my neighbour and it is higher than my aerial. So, my connection is becoming very low now. Do anyone know if it has any influence in getting the signal from the server provider big aerial?07:44
Prak_alternateshould i get rid of map eth0?07:44
nixternalumm...no it is fine07:44
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Jelnixternal - what is the console command to upgrade all upgradeable packages? :D07:45
nixternalsudo apt-get update ....then do sudo apt-get upgrade07:45
Jelthank you!07:45
nixternalhey prak...do ifconfig07:45
nixternalnp jel07:45
nixternaldo you see eth0 in there?07:45
nixternaldoes it show an ip address at all?07:45
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Jelgotta upgrade!07:46
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nixternalyou aren't by chance working with vmware are you?07:46
Prak_alternatewhat's vmware?07:46
nixternalok...nm ;D07:46
nixternaljust checking07:47
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nixternalwhat is your LAN ip...is it like
Prak_alternatethink it's
nixternalwth am i thinking.....i am sitting here doing all konsole stuff...i am so used to working on a freaking server07:48
nixternalis this a dapper install you are using?07:48
nixternalplease say yes...cuz i don't have any breezy computers setup...except for my server07:49
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foodcomanRiddell: Dapper is looking really good, connected from the LiveCD right now.07:49
Riddellfoodcoman: great07:50
Riddellfoodcoman: live CD from when?07:50
nixternalwhoa...the master himself07:50
=== Riddell looks around for the master
=== nixternal holds up a mirror...here...look silly
foodcomanRiddell: I got what ever was at the main site, so probably the last main release.07:50
nixternalummm..Prak...where did you go?07:51
Prak_alternatewhich lan ip are you talking about?07:51
nixternalthere you are07:51
Prak_alternatethe ip that i use to login to the router?07:51
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foodcomanIs there a location for the latest greatest builds in ISO?07:51
nixternaldon't worry about that now...i forgot the fact we are not prehistoric and actually have something called x-windows07:51
nixternalare you on a kubuntu dapper install prak?07:51
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Prak_alternateor router's ip address according to what i see for www.whatismyip.com?07:51
Prak_alternatewhat's a dapper install?07:51
Riddellfoodcoman: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/  although all the latest ones are oversized07:51
nixternalyou were right with the
foodcomanRiddell: Gracias.  Im all over it.07:51
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foodcomanRiddell: Wish I had more time to really be strong tester.  I use to manage External Test for Symantec.07:52
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Prak_alternatedo i also have to setup my router?07:53
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nixternalyou shouldn't have to prak...cuz it is working just fine...if it wasn't...you and i wouldn't be talking07:53
nixternalwhat version of kubuntu do you have installed?07:53
Prak_alternatei think07:53
nixternaltry this07:54
nixternalKmenu > system > kcontrol07:54
Riddellfoodcoman: release candidate candidates arriving from tomorrow will need testing :)07:54
nixternal<- can test if needed...laptop x86, desktop x8607:54
nixternalwireless, wired..whatever07:55
Prak_alternatewhere's kcontrol?07:55
nixternaldo you see something that says control panel?07:55
nixternalwhoa i am lagging bad now07:55
foodcomanRiddell: Tomorrow End of day I will grab.07:55
Prak_alternatei got to network settings in conqueror07:55
nixternalya ya07:55
nixternalthat will work07:55
nixternaldo you see eth0?07:55
nixternaland can you configure it?07:55
Prak_alternatei saw it07:56
Riddellfoodcoman: cool07:56
Search4Lancercan someone please tell me how to remove old kernel versions?07:56
nixternalsee...on dapper everything is in system settings07:56
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Prak_alternateenable interface for eth0?07:56
tuxedupi have a question about kubuntu, as I understand it as each new releae of KDE comes out kubuntu package it up and put it on the repositories, doe these packages recieve security updates, or do they stay the same version until a new full version is released rather then upgraded individual packages?07:56
nixternalyes prak07:56
nixternalsee if it crashes or not07:56
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assasukassehi all07:56
Search4Lancerhi ass07:56
assasukassei found a bug on kubuntu07:57
Search4Lancerso submit it07:57
assasukassesomeone found it too?07:57
Prak_alternateit's taking a surprising long time to enable eth007:57
assasukassefl7 doesn't work at all, just hangs after seeing the desktop07:57
Prak_alternatei tried it before and it got automatically disabled again07:57
nixternalok..when that crashes out...lets try to set the ip's static07:57
Prak_alternatecrashed out07:57
assasukassefl6 instead works, but when i try to set wifi connection crashes..so i've no connection..07:57
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Prak_alternatei had trouble before setting it to ip static07:57
Search4Lancerthen how are you on here?07:58
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assasukassewith my main pc.07:58
assasukassenot with the laptop..07:58
assasukassekubuntu goes on the lap07:58
assasukassebtw ubuntu fl7 works fine, even wifi works perfectly..07:58
nixternalhey prak...goto terminal/konsole07:58
nixternaltype in        dmesg07:58
nixternalsee if it shows errors07:58
Search4Lancerso anyway.... how do I remove old kernel versions?07:59
Prak_alternatefor eth0, noIPv6 routers present07:59
nixternalthat is the only erro?07:59
assasukassenixternal how can i submit it?07:59
tuxedupapt-get remove linux image<version> --purge07:59
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Prak_alternateand i lot of usb 4-2 error messages, but we won't get into that today08:00
Prak_alternateor now08:00
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foodcomanSeveas:  =)08:00
Prak_alternatewhat's next?08:00
nixternalone sec...i am uploading my /etc/network/interfaces config to the pastebin..08:02
nixternalit is kinda slow right now08:02
nixternalactually terribly slow08:02
Prak_alternatei know08:02
racookiergrub hangs at startup whitout error message08:02
nixternaldon't you hate when those automated dialers call...and they tell you to wait for someone...and they called you08:03
nixternali love it08:03
nixternali waited and when the guy came on...i started to talk to him...and then hung up08:03
nixternali love it08:03
DaSkreechMy hard drives kinda automount08:03
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nixternaldamn pastebin...to may connections08:04
Prak_alternatedo i configure the router?08:04
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nixternalyou shouldn't have to configure the router08:05
nixternalyour router is setup to do dhcp correct?08:05
DaSkreechHow do I get them to be writeable by me?08:06
nixternalin windows...goto cmd and type ipconfig08:06
nixternalwhat do you get?08:06
DaSkreechOn bootup?08:06
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nixternalipconfig /all08:07
nixternalin windows08:07
nixternalnot kubuntu08:07
Prak_alternatewindows is fuckin stupid08:07
nixternalwth...how do you connect to the internet with windows then?08:07
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nixternali thought i made a post in the pastebin...but i can't find it08:08
Prak_alternatedo i include some dns addresses from my isp into the settings?08:09
nixternalnone of that is an issue right...it is almost like eth0 isn't even connecting to the router for communications08:09
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nixternalyou can't ping your router from the linux box can you?08:09
Prak_alternateping ip?08:09
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nixternalwhat error do you get?08:10
Prak_alternateconnect: network is unreachable08:11
nixternalcan you ping from the windows machine08:11
uniqwhat does 'mii-tool' say?08:11
uniqit'll tell you if you have link or not.08:11
Jelwhere can i find akode-mpeg package?08:12
Jelits not in the repositories...08:12
nixternalyou see that prak08:12
nixternalsudo mii-tool08:12
uniqjel: it's in breezys universe only.08:12
nixternaltry that and see what it says08:12
Prak_alternateeth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok08:13
nixternalok then08:13
nixternalcheck out this ->  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/731569       <- that is my lappy /etc/network/interfaces file....you want yours to look like that08:13
nixternalat least similar08:13
nixternalmake sure...if your network is a 192.168.0 network...then use that08:14
Prak_alternatehold up08:14
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nixternal192.168.0.100 for the ip.... for the gateway.....and for the netmask08:14
nixternalthat is eth0 (zero)08:14
uniqyour router probably provides a DHCP service, and if you connect automatically from windows it's probably dhcp. i'd try that first.08:14
nixternalalready tried that08:15
nixternalthat is why we are givin' the static a shot08:15
nixternali think there is a typo somewhere...at least that is what i am hoping08:15
Jeluniq - so what do i do about it ? i want to play mp3's...08:15
uniqjel: in amarok? are you on breezy or dapper?08:15
Prak_alternatei tried dhcp, it doesn't work08:16
Prak_alternateso i should try static?08:16
Prak_alternatewhat's the gateway address08:16
nixternalcan you connect to your router...from windows and look at the configuration?08:16
Prak_alternatethe address that i see from www.whatismyip.com?08:16
nixternalgateway address is the ip of your rouer08:16
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nixternalconnect to the router...lets see how it is setup08:16
uniqjel: i use amarok-xine08:17
nixternalmake sure dhcp is enabled08:17
nixternaland it is a router...and not just a wireless access point right?08:17
nixternalhow many computers do you hvae hooked up to the dsl not counting hte linux box08:17
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Jeluniq - what about for xvid/divx playback ?08:17
uniqnixternal, prak_alternate: keep in mind that the wireless segment might use a separate subnet.08:18
nixternalthat is why i want to look at the config08:18
Prak_alternateit's a router08:18
nixternalare you in it yet?08:18
uniqjel: kaffeine is the default player in kubuntu. 'kaffeine-xine' for engine.08:18
nixternalk...what does it have for the router's ip address?08:18
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RadiantFireJel: you probably want to install libxine-extracodecs08:19
nixternalusually a 192 or 10 start08:19
nixternaldo you see dhcp config at all?08:19
Prak_alternatesubnet mask
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Prak_alternateit's on08:19
Prak_alternatewhich subnet mask should i put08:20
Prak_alternatelan port subnet mask?08:20
Prak_alternateor internet port subnet mask?08:20
Jeli cant see libxine-extracodecs08:20
nixternalthat is for the lan side08:20
Jeli've already got kaffeine-xine installed08:20
RadiantFireJel: you need to enable multiverse, libxine-extracodecs lets you get all the exciting things like mp3 playback08:20
Jeli have enabled multiverse? :S08:21
Jelit was just 2 different things i had to click enable on ?08:21
RadiantFireare you using your default sources.list?08:21
Jelhow do i check ?08:21
RadiantFireopen up your manager repositories08:22
Prak_alternatemodified the file like you said and restarted connection08:22
Prak_alternatestill doesn't do it08:22
RadiantFireyou should have something that ends in "breezy  universe multiverse"08:23
nixternal.    /etc/init.d/networking restart08:23
nixternalthat didn't do it08:23
nixternalomg im an idiot08:23
Prak_alternategrr is right08:23
nixternalhere..t.ry this08:23
nixternalsudo ifup eth008:23
=== m0ns00n is now known as m0ns00n^away
Prak_alternatefailed to bring up eth008:23
nixternaltail -f /var/log/messages08:24
Jelok i fixed it08:24
Jelforgot one of the lines to edit ;)08:24
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RadiantFirePrak_alternate: I don't think is a valid IP08:25
RadiantFirei think it should be .1.108:25
nixternalit is for a gateway08:25
nixternalit is good08:25
nixternalmy wireless subnet uses it08:25
RadiantFireevery gateway I've ever seen has been at .1.108:25
nixternalmy open wireless net is
RadiantFiremmm, wierd08:25
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Prak_alternatei'm not sure08:26
Prak_alternatei'll try08:26
nixternaltry what?08:26
=== usuario [n=usuario@40.Red-213-97-18.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
Prak_alternateto connect my pc to the adsl modem directly08:27
Prak_alternateto see if it is my router's problem08:27
Prak_alternatebe back in half an hour08:27
wasp_emsi am getting a xine engine error..no demuxer plugin available..does anyone know where i can get that plugin from08:27
nixternalif you do that...then you need to setup pppoe and all that08:27
uniqprak_alternate: has this setup ever worked?08:27
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nixternalwhich is weird...typical 10/100 dlink nic08:27
nixternalit should have picked up everything during the install08:28
Prak_alternatebut it doesn't08:28
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nixternalwhat is the model number of that card in the computer?08:28
uniqprak_alternate: make sure your router and the modem does not use the same local subnet. I've had problems with adsl modems giving the router a 192.168.1.x address, and the routers default config is to use the same subnet for it's clients. that makes problems.08:29
Prak_alternateshould i install the linux drivers for the card?08:30
uniqit's already installed as eth0 is there.08:30
nixternalyou shouldn't have to08:31
uniqmii-tool told you the link was ok.08:31
nixternalya rather ;)08:31
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nixternalhe has 1 eth0 error and it is the typical 'no ipv6 routers present'08:32
Prak_alternatei have to go08:32
nixternali have that and so does everyone else...of course unless they connect to an ipv6 router08:32
uniqthat's just a warning.08:32
nixternalk prak..i willb e here all day08:32
nixternali don't know where else to look at on that one08:33
nixternalhis /etc/network/interfaces files is good08:33
uniqi would guess it's a router setup problem.08:33
nixternali should have had him try to force eth0 and see it will crash out or not08:33
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nixternalya...but even if you set it to static...i don't care what the router ip is...eth0 should take a local static ip08:34
nixternalas a matter of fact i just forced a static ip of on my lappy08:34
nixternalit is now the ip of my laptop...08:34
Jelok this is strange08:34
nixternalthe world is strange ;p08:34
Jelmp3 playback is working through kaffeine08:34
Jelbut not amarok ?08:34
nixternalgo figure....i hate amarok08:35
Jeli like it :(08:35
nixternali finally got it up and working...but it doesn't support daap...08:35
BrujahThe best musicplayer I know of!08:35
nixternali thought wmp was the bestest ;)08:35
Jelmaybe i need to restart x08:35
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g-hennahi everyone08:36
nixternalwell hello there g-henna08:36
uniqjel, that shouldn't be neccessary.08:36
g-hennai have a problem with copying files with rsync on kubuntu. right place to ask here, or switch channel?08:36
uniqg-henna: right place.08:36
nixternali haven't setup rsync...and don't have experience with it...anyone else?08:36
h3sp4wng-henna: What you trying to do ?08:37
g-hennaok, there is no #rsync, i'll ask here :-) -- i want to copy my whol homedir with rsync and now i have problems with german 'umlauts' in file names...  and so08:37
Brujahwill try wmp!08:37
nixternalgahaha Brujah08:37
nixternalwmp version 11 now08:37
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nixternalsoon to dominate every desktop08:37
g-hennawhen i copy everything with konqueror through the fish:// protocol, umlauts get preserved, but when i use rsync from the console, they are somehow mixed up08:37
nixternalor is that corrupt08:37
g-hennaand the very odd thing is... i see umlauts on *this* computer correctly in shell and in konqueror. now i copy them with rsync to my remote machine and... when i'm logged in there with ssh, i see them correctly in the console, but looking at the same remote dir via fish:// and konqueror, i see they are bad08:38
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h3sp4wng-henna: just using the normal syntax i.e something like 'sudo rsync -av /home h3sp4wn@triton:/home/h3sp4wn/'08:38
g-hennah3sp4wn: exactly. -av is everything i did08:39
ubuntusorry, im a newbie to this Kubuntu. I have the live cd, but can I have the root password?08:39
h3sp4wnJust run sudo -i08:40
nixternallogin as kubuntu...no root password on live cd08:40
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LinuxMonkeywassup guys08:40
nixternalsup LinuxMonkey08:40
nixternalmy mouth is on fire08:40
=== nixternal grabs water and runs
h3sp4wnubuntu: Or select new root shell from the file menu in konsole08:41
g-hennai mean, why does fish:/ copy everything so that i can see the umlauts in every case, but rsync doesn't? is it a problem of konsole or of selected encoding or what?08:41
wasp_emsi am using a laptop and i am having a problem with my mouse.i am using the pad on the laptop..when i use the up and down arrow if i press it konqueror does a search..how can i disable this?08:41
h3sp4wnubuntu: Or select new root shell from the session menu in konsole sorry08:41
g-hennaor ssh-client/server?08:41
LinuxMonkeynot much, trying to find the address to download flight 7 again. my pc crashed last night,,,darn windows....lol08:41
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h3sp4wng-henna: both running kubuntu ?08:41
Jelok i got amarok working08:41
Jeldo you want to know what the issue was?08:42
g-hennah3sp4wn: this laptop (copy source) kubuntu, the remote server (copy dest) debian sarge08:42
Jelit can't play mp3's off my fat 32 drive (common space between windows and linux)08:42
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LinuxMonkeynixternal thanks, as u posted i just found it in my papers here08:42
Jeli dont know why it cant. linux can access fat32 no worries08:42
Jelbut amarok has a heart attack08:43
francoisIs there a samba pro ?08:43
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nixternalno francois08:43
nixternaljust straight up samba08:43
francoisI want to connect my PC to a AD domain!08:44
nixternalsamba pro used to be a horrible windows port back in the 90's08:44
nixternalone sec francois...lemme get you a link08:44
LinuxMonkeyew active directory...lol08:44
nixternali use it...only for testing08:44
g-hennah3sp4wn: in konqueror, i can select 'remote charset'. if i select utf-8 there, everything still looks the same08:44
nixternaland most of my clients are scared that if i ever ditch them...they won't know what to do with linux08:44
g-hennawith iso-88519-15, it looks at is is supposed to so08:45
francoisI want AD user to log on linux box08:45
RadiantFireso I'm having this wierd thing in k-mail where all of my contacts are duplicated,  I checked my Contacts list and it only has 1 resource, however, when I try to select address, 2 resources are in the dropdown menu, and there seems to be duplication of contacts.  Does anyone know how I can change this?08:45
LinuxMonkeyim microsoft certified but hate it08:45
nixternalhahah me too LinuxMonkey08:46
nixternalgot my Linux+ but companies fear it08:46
Jelis there any way to get amarok to read fat32 ?08:46
nixternalccna cert and i don't ever use it08:46
h3sp4wng-henna: dpkg-reconfigure locales set them both to the same08:46
LinuxMonkeyAD,2000 server, 2000pro,isa, and a few others08:46
uniqg-henna: rsync simply copies the bytes, it doesn't care about charsets, so it's probably a problem with the application you're using to view the filenames.08:47
nixternalmmm...tree structure08:47
nixternalmicrosoft is stupid08:47
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LinuxMonkeyhow many times has ad crashed .,....too many times to count08:47
nixternalactually...i will say...none of my servers have crashed08:47
nixternalonly issue i had was a radius server/ad server on one box08:48
nixternaland they hated each other08:48
g-hennauniq: looking at the konsole window i am looking at, i see that umlauts are converted to utf8: "Die rzte" becomes "Die \303\204rzte"08:48
=== macd thinks AD is a work of genius when implemented properly
LinuxMonkeyyeah well they usually crashed when another admin used it.08:48
nixternalthats why i don't work with other admins08:48
macdthe problem is people think they know AD but they just know enough to mess something up08:48
LinuxMonkeyi kept having to fix it for them08:48
nixternalthis way here if something goes wrong...it is my fault08:48
nixternalwhich happened earlier today08:49
h3sp4wnGetting something equivalent to AD working with openldap / slapd is difficult (possible ?)08:49
g-hennaso kubuntu uses utf-8 as locales-default, right?08:49
nixternali had a nice bind9 fart go one08:49
nixternaloooh wee i wasn't payin' attention08:49
nixternalcommitted to something i shouldn't have and lets just say...1,000 people went...WTF#@@$#@#08:49
LinuxMonkeynixternal backups are the savior of any admin most of the time08:49
nixternalmine was an easy fix...but for 2 minutes...when 1000 people log in to check out there email and it can't connect...oh the phones go nuts08:50
nixternali had it fixed in less then 2 minutes08:50
macdh3sp4wn: it can be done and rather easily, but it cant mimic interdomain trusts and proper replication b/t say 2 forrests not in the samy heirarchy08:50
macdso its not quite there yet.08:50
nixternali swear...other users hear about what happened...they don'th ave a problem...but they call acting like they do08:50
DrNickRivierai had some problems with apache, so i reinstalled it several times and now for some reason when i start adept i get the message, that the package database is already in use by another application and i wont be able to make any changes until that has been closed08:51
DrNickRivierai've rebooted my system and the problem persists08:51
DrNickRivieraanyone got an idea what could be causing this?08:51
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g-hennah3sp4wn: do i need to reboot for locale changes to take effect? i mean, what should actually be the outcome?08:51
macdDrNickRiviera: open konsole and type  'ps ax | grep adept'08:51
nixternalhey francois....have you set up the linux box to connect to the domain yet?08:51
uniqdrnickriviera: 'fuser -v /var/lib/dpkg/lock' will tell you what process using dpkg.08:51
RadiantFireDrNickRiviera: try sudo dpkg --configure -a08:52
DrNickRivierai have, the only thing that comes up is the adept notifier08:52
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francoisNixternal:  I have install kerberos, winbind and samba client08:54
macdDrNickRiviera: ok, go into /var/lib/apt/lists/  do you see a file called 'lock' ?08:54
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uniqdrnickriviera: kill it and restart adept and make a full upgrade.08:54
DrNickRivieraam just doing what RadiantFire suggested and that seems to be setting up the packages i had selected before it went wrong08:55
RadiantFireI had my adept crash when I tried to install sun-java5-jdk and that was how I got it back08:55
francoisNixternal: I have Kerboros ticket from my DC. I want de kde session manager with a logon to the domain!08:56
RadiantFirewhich I noticed the DLJ notice always crashes Adept08:56
RadiantFiremildly frustrating08:56
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DrNickRivierahmm, the command completed but when i try starting adept the cursor just bounces for a while and nothing happens :-/08:57
h3sp4wng-henna: Just relogging in should be ok - But you can try rebooting if its not a production machine08:57
RadiantFiremmm, I dunno, sometimes adept is just finicky08:58
wasp_emshow do i extract bz2 files?08:59
DrNickRivieraran an atp-get update and then the adept notifier came up08:59
DrNickRivieraand the adept updater is running through at the moment08:59
DrNickRivieraah, seems to be working again now :)09:00
macdthe adpet_updater had some problem last night, then I updates ~120 packages,  problem solved after that.09:00
g-hennah3sp4wn: ok, i rebooted now and additionally set in konqueror remote charset from standard to utf-8. shows up fine everywhere now09:00
=== macd speaks of dapper not breezy
g-hennathanks for your help09:00
g-hennah3sp4wn: does that have any influence on whether filenames itselves are stored as utf-8 or iso8859-15?09:01
h3sp4wng-henna: Don't know (I only use english which doesn't have many quirks)09:02
Paradossohow do I upgrade to kubuntu dapper?09:02
DrNickRivierais someone here fairly familiar with apache and php?09:02
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wasp_emsok fuck it as noone is helping i will ask an easy question..do u know how u can change the fonts in the konsole once u have made it transparent?09:03
DrNickRivierawas working fine for me and at some point (must have installed some package to cause it, but not sure what) it started offering a download box when accessing php files09:03
uniqwasp_ems: in konsole 'bunzip2 file.bz2'09:03
g-hennah3sp4wn: i actually try to use ae and oe and so on instead of german umlauts (which is somehow silly... the further you get in technology, the more you have to pay attention on how to name your files...), but especially for music files, it is not quite beautiful like this09:03
DrNickRivierawhich i assume means that apache doesn't know where the php interpreter is, but i don't understand why it used to work09:04
wasp_emsthanx uniq...09:04
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wasp_emsanyone know about the fonts?09:05
uniqwasp_ems: and for the font, the method doesn't change when konsole is transparent. settings -> font09:05
g-hennaok, bye then everyone and thx for your advices09:05
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wasp_emsuniq: it does not give me any option to change the colour09:05
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uniqwasp_ems: ahh.. the colour.09:06
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uniqwasp_ems: settings -> configure konsole -> appearance -> edit your color theme.09:08
wasp_emsuniq: i get an error that says that kcm_konsole.la not found in paths09:08
uniqwasp_ems: are you on breezy? which kde version?09:09
wasp_emsbreezy kde 3.5.209:10
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g0dchildHi, is it possible to get xine-extracodecs on breezy?09:12
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g0dchildI am unable to play any music on amarok-1.4 without this pkg- and i just read on the forum that i'd be needing this package09:13
uniqwasp_ems: this is a known bug with the kubuntu.org 3.5.2 breezy packages. workaround is explained in detail at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15441709:13
prashantk76hi guys how i can login as a Admin in xubuntu09:13
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Brujahpradeepto: you have to use sudo!09:13
wasp_emsuniq: ok thanx09:13
pradeeptoBrujah: what?09:14
Brujahpradeepto: In ubuntu you do not login as root. You call the commands as user with the sudo command!09:14
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pradeeptoBrujah: yes but why are you telling me that?09:15
Snake__Brujah: wrong person ;)09:15
Snake__prashantk76: everything Brujah just said to pradeepto is directed to you09:16
Brujahit seems my client changed the name...09:16
prashantk76oh ok09:16
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Brujahjust typed 3 letters...09:16
ubotu[sudo]  a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.09:16
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prashantk76i wanna try to copy and paste some real players plug in but ...09:17
pradeeptoBrujah: you scared me, really.09:17
Brujahpradeepto: sorry for that! :-)09:17
Snake__prashantk76: just put sudo before any command to run it as root09:17
Snake__(aka admin)09:17
pradeeptoprashantk76: whatever admin realted job you want to do, just sudo for that.09:17
pradeeptoBrujah: nah, j/k09:17
prashantk76ok if i wanna make dir then i have to write like :- sudo mkdir xyz09:18
Snake__prashantk76: correct09:18
pradeeptoprashantk76: well if need be yes09:18
prashantk76cool thanks09:18
prashantk76i dont know i am new to linux09:18
pradeeptoprashantk76: np09:19
pradeeptoprashantk76: your name's Prashant?09:19
prashantk76thanks pradeepto09:19
uniqg0dchild: for info on restricted formats you can read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:19
prashantk76yeah i am prashant09:19
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pradeeptoAnd you are from09:20
prashantk76and u09:20
Snake__Wrap it up or take it to #kubuntu-offtopic please..09:20
pradeeptoMumbai, India.09:20
Snake__Or a /msg09:20
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pradeeptoSnake__: yup , sorry.09:20
g0dchilduniq, i figured that out and tried installing 'xine-extracodecs'09:20
g0dchildbut cant find that in repository09:20
prashantk76cool where in mumbai09:20
crimsung0dchild: it's libxine-extracodecs.09:21
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Snake__crimsun: I think hes on breezy trying to run amarok 1.409:21
g0dchildoh yes- my bad...thats the one09:21
pradeeptoprashantk76: check /msg please.09:21
g0dchildits not there...i am using breezy- havent upgraded yet09:21
Snake__g0dchild: im not sure if that package is in breezy09:21
g0dchildSnake__, bingo...i suppose that wont work, right?09:21
crimsunSnake__: err, did he compile it himself? afaik, Riddell didn't compile 1.4 packages for breezy.09:21
Snake__crimsun: he didnt09:22
Snake__g0dchild: where did you get 1.4?09:22
g0dchildcrimsun, found som bleeding repos- from source-o-matic which provided 1.409:22
crimsunerr, which repo?09:22
crimsunapt-cache policy amarok09:22
g0dchildlemme check...09:22
prashantk76sorry pradeep it says i am not registered here09:22
Snake__crimsun: probly...whats that dudes name.. he makes all the packages that shouldnt be here09:23
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g0dchild      500 http://archive.czessi.net breezy/main Packages09:23
pradeeptoprashantk76: ok, just join #kde-in please.09:23
visik7how many updates are there from flight 7 to current ?09:23
Snake__czessi that it09:23
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g0dchildis he the bad guy then?09:23
Snake__visik7: not to many, probly about 100 mb worth (if that)09:23
crimsung0dchild: you'd still need libxine-extracodecs backported.09:24
Snake__g0dchild: not exactly, but breezy repos dont hold files to run 1.409:24
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visik7Snake__: I supose no other flight cd will be out before June 1st09:24
jorugar1Hola buenas tardes/noches a todos09:24
Snake__visik7: I believe 8 was just released, but ill assume thats the last one09:24
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:25
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jorugar1con que comando puedo saber la version de kubuntu que tengo?09:25
g0dchildcrimsun, alright- thanks for the tip then...i'll see if i can find it somewhere- or better yet, i am just as well off upgrading to dapper09:25
crimsung0dchild: it's better to just dist-upgrade to dapper imo. Make sure you remove all those backports first.09:25
jorugar1sorry, i'm spanish guy. How I can know what kubuntu version I'm running09:26
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g0dchildare there any guides pointing to the dapper upgrade?09:27
g0dchildjust in case.09:27
h3sp4wnlorugar1 :cat /etc/lsb-release09:27
BrujahJorkar: muy facil! solamente hay 2 possibilidades. breezy o dapper. tienes que ver la liste de los archivos en el adept09:27
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jorugar1I think is breezy. Thanks09:28
Snake__g0dchild: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades09:28
Snake__g0dchild: replace "gksudo" with "kdesu" when you type in that command09:28
jorugar1And how I can go to dapper from breezy? (sorry, my english language is not good)09:29
g0dchildwill do...09:29
Brujahjorugar1: Replace all breezy to dapper in the list09:29
Snake__g0dchild: youll also need these:09:29
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource09:29
Snake__g0dchild: replace your breezy sources with the dapper ones09:29
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Samuli^g0dchild, sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper' -i /etc/apt/sources.list09:32
Snake__Samuli^: not a good idea if he has non-offical sources. dont you think?09:33
g0dchildthanks- Samuli^ makes life a lot easier :D09:33
g0dchildSnake__, i can remove the backports manually09:34
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g0dchild...if it isnt going to create further probs09:34
g0dchildsed: -e expression #1, char 15: unterminated `s' command09:35
Samuli^Snake__, No, I don't think. It's good if they're not enabled when upgrading.09:35
Snake__"The bandwidth of the main Ubuntu server is not infinite. " Pshhh could have fooled me09:35
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Samuli^g0dchild, oh sorry. 's/breezy/dapper/'09:36
theineDoes anyone know how to use the latex plugin in kopete? It somehow doesn't work on my Dapper machine09:36
g0dchildno probs :D09:37
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alleeanyone using digikam?09:38
theineI figured it out09:38
Samuli^In one command whole thing is sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:38
kronozallee, just ask your question09:38
Samuli^I should write that down and just paste around.09:38
alleekronoz: when you plugin you camera and select digikam in the media selection dialog.  Does digikam work as expected for you?09:39
Brujahallee: sure. works fine!09:39
alleeBrujah: same question to you ask for kronoz09:39
NewToKubuntuhow do i run a console application using Monodevelop from the Konsole?09:40
Brujahallee: yes. I have to turn the camera on before starting it. but if i do it works fine!09:40
=== allee ponders removing digikam from media selector dialog :(
alleeBrujah: camera download dialog comes up for you?09:40
Brujahallee: yes! I get small versions of the pictures stored in my camera.09:41
kronozif the camera has an sd card i reccomend removing it and copying the pictues on to the pc from that then putting it back in the camera09:41
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alleeBrujah, kronoz: when a gphoto ro USB storage camera is inserted.  Do you get an 'media action dialog'?09:42
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Brujahallee: i have a canon camera. which gets detected automatically. No clue about anything else09:43
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alleeBrujah: what do you mean with detected automaticly?09:44
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Brujahallee: In the "add camera" dialog09:45
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alleeBrujah: ah, damn!  So you get no 'media selector dialog' when you connect camera.  Ditto here :(09:46
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alleeBrujah, kronoz: btw. you both run dapper, didn't you?09:48
Brujahallee: of course :-)09:48
kronozallee, yeah09:48
alleeBrujah, kronoz and when you connect camera to PC you get no 'media selector dialog'?09:49
kronozallee, 've never tried, i was just saying to ask your question instead of asking to ask09:50
Brujahallee: yes I got it. But I said I do not want to see it anymore!09:50
alleekronoz: care to try? :)09:50
alleeBrujah: ah, okay09:50
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carverkWhat would make an application not show in the Menu?10:03
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carverkOr katapult?10:04
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NthDegreehey has anyone got any tips for setting up an optimised KDE environment?10:04
racookierwhere are the default http directory of apache2?10:04
alleecarverk: where a hidden attribute that can be used to hide it from k-menu10:05
alleeracookier: default dir: /var/www10:05
racookierand the httpd.conf?10:06
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alleeracookier: default dirs you set in files in /etc/apache2/{available,enabled}-sites/10:06
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carverkDaSkreech: Hi!!10:06
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racookierthanks allee10:06
racookierwill try10:07
alleeracookier: /etc/apache/sites-available/default10:07
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SythenI have a problem, I cannot get Kubuntu to install. Ubuntu installs (with a problem or two..) but Kubuntu gives this error: "The debootstrap program exited with an error (return value 1). Check /target/var/log/debootstrap.log for the details"10:07
alleesites-enabled like to http.conf-like files in sites-available/10:07
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NthDegreeSythen try installing ubuntu-server then installing KDE from aptitude10:08
NthDegreetis' what i'm gonna do in half an hour to sort out the perfect KDE environment10:09
Sythenya mean apt :P aptitude isnt in server though, is it, because it is a guiapp, right?10:09
NthDegreeaptitude is text based10:09
Sythenwhats the gui based thing?10:09
NthDegreeadept is the KDE package manger10:09
NthDegreeor Kynaptic (Synaptic for GNOME)10:10
=== Sythen doesnt use aptitude
NthDegreeit's easy to use10:10
NthDegreeit loads like a gui app but text based10:10
Sythenill stick with apt-get install10:10
NthDegreethat'll do it10:10
NthDegreejust install the base system with ubuntu-server10:10
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Sythenill try that10:11
NthDegreethen apt-get install KDE should work10:11
Sythenis it kde or kde-desktop?10:11
NthDegreekde should do it10:11
Sytheni dunno10:11
racookierthanks allee10:11
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racookierand the smb.conf default file?10:12
javierthe official metapackage is kubuntu-desktop10:12
alleeracookier: n.p.10:12
racookieri tring to use swat, but i cant10:12
Sythenmy problem might be with gnome, because the whole computer freezes when gnome is loading. hopefully it doesnt happen with KDE <kde wub>10:12
javierthat will install the default kubuntu desktop (kde with tweaks)10:12
Sythenjavier thanks10:12
NthDegreebad idea lol10:12
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alleeracookier: try: locate smb.conf10:12
NthDegreeubuntu was made for gnome, hence why I want to mod mine from the ground up10:13
=== allee never used swat
SythenNthDegree yeah I know10:13
Sythenbut off to serverize my buntu10:13
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evildeath216 people how use linux wow nice10:14
kronozhow do i do recursive tar?10:14
evildeathor kubuntu :D10:14
racookierhow to acces swat (samba) http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:901 dont work10:14
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kronozevildeath, the linux-counter is at 400 odd thousand10:15
kronozand that just desktop users who want to register10:15
NthDegreei don't use kubuntu, i'm using windows till ubuntu-server gets it's ass redownloaded10:15
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NthDegreedebian messed me up :(10:15
kronozNthDegree, how?10:15
evildeathok ok ok10:15
NthDegreeno KDE on AMD64 copy10:16
NthDegreewell over half of it is broken10:16
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kronozNthDegree, debian-kde?10:16
NthDegreenormal debian, base only install10:16
kronozNthDegree, etch has amd64, and so does sarge i think10:16
NthDegreei know10:17
kronozoh.. i see now10:17
NthDegreetried one of them10:17
kronozsorry i though you meant no kde or amd64 support10:17
NthDegreeand i tried apt-getting kde no luck and none on aptitude either10:17
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NthDegreei'll be customising my stuff and quite possibly using redhat for GNOME as it seems to be better built for RH10:18
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kronozyum will make you hate it though10:18
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NthDegreetell me about it lol10:19
NthDegreeSuSE was cr@p for me, kept crashing 24/710:19
NthDegreeFC4 was unstable10:19
kronozSuSE is ok imo10:19
NthDegreenot for me10:19
NthDegreekde and gnome both had random lockups 24/710:19
NthDegreewhere not even the mouse pointer moved10:19
kronozNthDegree, with an nvidia card?10:20
noteventime10.1 is supposed to be kickass :)10:20
NthDegreeyes nvidia lol10:20
macdyast is impressive10:20
NthDegreeu stoned?10:20
kronozNthDegree, theres a xorg error which causes that10:20
kronozNthDegree, i used to get it alot on gentoo, really annoying10:20
NthDegreewell it doesn't have that problem with ubuntu10:20
macdif I was it wouldnt matter....yast is about as good as it gets for hardware detection10:21
NthDegreeonly SuSE had that problem10:21
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kronoz10.1 is a bit rough imo, new package management with rug and zenworks linux management (zmd)10:24
kronoz+ transition to gnome loads of other changes10:25
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Bazzibad decision by suse to switch to gnome IMO :(10:34
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RadiantFireI wonder why they did it10:35
nixternalbad decision by suse to sell to novell imo ;)10:36
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Bazziyeah :/ novell is crap if you ask me10:37
RadiantFireSuSe was my first distro10:37
RadiantFire8.2 I think10:37
RadiantFireor something like that10:37
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RadiantFireahh, memories10:38
nixternalsuse was my 3rd distro...and longest running distro10:38
racookierhow to install samba under kubuntu 5.10???10:38
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nixternali did suse from 5 point something to novell10:38
RadiantFireSaX is a great tool though10:38
racookierbecause in the samba properties window a cant see the "Administrator Mode" Button10:38
nixternali remember testing yast210:38
Bazzimy first dist was debian (through ssh on a server at that time, but nevertheless...)10:38
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Bazziso somehow I stuck to debian :/10:39
RadiantFireI tried Debian, I couldn't get it to load anything newer than a 2.2 kernel on the install without freezing, so I gave up10:39
Bazziyeah after my server experience I tried fedora core 1 or 2 on my desktop10:39
Bazziit was a disaster10:40
BazziI stumbled upon ubuntu along the way10:40
Bazzi4.10+5.04 were not quite ready IMO10:40
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Bazzibut after trying dapper now I'll finally do the switch from win10:40
RadiantFireI installed 5.10 Kubuntu, coming from Gentoo10:41
RadiantFireI'm still enjoying it immensly10:41
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Bazziyeah I tried gentoo as well, too much work :/10:41
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RadiantFirethe reason I switched was I was getting a laptop and Gentoo is a nightmare to configure networking at runtime10:41
racookierhow to install swat under kubuntu 5.10???10:42
macdnot to mention a 24hr install process, what a joke.10:42
uroshow do i go about finding the package id3info if it is not in the repositories (i have universe/multiverse enabled)10:42
RadiantFiremacd: I've had a Gentoo install up and running in 1:2910:42
macdyeah with nothing but a base system10:42
RadiantFireStage3 is your friend10:42
Bazziusing binary packages is just half the fun though10:42
RadiantFireno, fully functional environment10:42
NthDegreegentoo doesn't work for me10:42
RadiantFireI used the GRPs10:42
macdyeah thats not "gentoolike"10:42
macdthose wierdos10:43
RadiantFiremacd, it is if you recompile afterwards :)10:43
NthDegreeI prefer hacking ubuntu10:43
macdif my system didnt compile it with USE flags its not optimized10:43
macdblah blah blah10:43
RadiantFirethere are alot of nutjobs10:43
macdthey can keep thier 1000th of a second10:43
NthDegreemore than that macd10:44
RadiantFirecompiling architecture is a noticable difference10:44
NthDegreegentoo is very fast if it supports your hardware10:44
macdand the rice comes out....10:44
RadiantFireI only changed CFLAGS on a few packages though10:45
NthDegreeand it makes for a better KDE distro than any other right now10:45
RadiantFirelike Blender10:45
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BazziNthDegree: dapper runs more stable for me than gentoo ran10:45
RadiantFiremacd: there is also the sexiness of having multiple KDE versions installed in parallel :)10:45
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NthDegreebazzi: ever tried hacking kubuntu to improve it's KDEness10:45
RadiantFirelol, I know, completely useless, but f un10:45
BazziNthDegree: yes, once, and failed :/10:46
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NthDegreei'm installing ubuntu-server then adding KDE10:46
NthDegreei want to hack @ mine10:46
BazziI won't give up so easily, though :)10:46
crumI just want to learn how to use mine10:46
macdtheres not that much difference from ubuntu-server+ kde and kubuntu10:46
macdits all the meta packages, you might have a slightly cleaner install10:47
macdI dont think it would run any better...10:47
NthDegreei think it would10:47
macdI tried it once for reference, breezy.10:47
NthDegreewhich is why I am doing it in 5 mins10:47
Bazzibtw, is there any way to boost boot time on kubuntu?10:47
macdNth you going to use kde 3.5 ?10:47
Bazzistarts slow as crap10:47
RadiantFireBazzi, turn off servics you are not using10:48
macdBazzi: turn of services not needed.10:48
NthDegreemacd i'm gonna use the KDE in the official repos for now10:48
macddisabling the ntp time sync is a HUGE help10:48
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macdNthDegree: yeah I was but moved to deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main10:48
RadiantFiredon't use 3.5.110:48
Bazzithere are not many services I dont use10:49
RadiantFireuse 3.5.2 if you can get at it10:49
macdIts fine.....10:49
BazziI couldn't name one10:49
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RadiantFireI had all sorts of problems with 3.5.110:49
RadiantFireall the lil konq-addons were busted10:49
NthDegreei'm using dapper10:49
RadiantFirenm then10:49
macdworks for me just fine, Im on dapper now....10:49
macdbut I still run that kde repo10:49
BazziI heard of some parallel booting/starting of some services, is that possible? w/ init-ng or something.10:49
RadiantFireyeah, it works on dapper, but not so good in breezy10:49
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RadiantFireBazzi, yes, initng, but it is still highly experimental10:50
RadiantFireBazzi: don't break your system...10:50
NthDegreei am going to constantly get sources and upgrade KDE as needed10:50
BazziI don't mind right now10:50
BazziI'm in testing and evaluation period10:50
macdNthDegree: that kinda defeats the purpose for me :P10:50
Bazziand will cleanly reinstall the system once dapper final is out10:50
RadiantFireBazzi: does your sy stem take a long time to complete a step, or is it just slow10:50
macdI just want to work, not spend my time doing that, but to each thier own10:50
RadiantFirebecause my startup was probably about 30% improved from Breezy10:50
BazziRadiantFire: overall loading, nothing special10:51
NthDegreeI am also gonna remove the ubuntu graphical bootup10:51
NthDegreeand change the looks etc.10:51
macdtheres also some experimentation usinga  single xml file for configuration in kubuntu replacing all of /etc...10:51
h3sp4wnNthDegree: If you want to do that why not just run debian unstable ?10:51
NthDegreei only want ubuntu for it's brilliance :D so i can hack it to my will10:51
macdbut youve undone it all then10:51
NthDegreedebian unstable has no AMD64 KDE10:52
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RadiantFiremacd: that seems like a silly idea, great way to get full corrupted systems from 1 mistake10:52
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h3sp4wnNthDegree: http://amd64.debian.net or kanotix10:55
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NthDegreeI buggered kanotix in 1 hour it was so crap10:55
NthDegreeand i did try debian amd6410:56
NthDegreeKDE was broken - half of it's dependencies weren't htere10:56
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h3sp4wnI have been using it from the laptop I am on perfectly for a few days10:56
linuxmonkeywassup I'm back10:56
NthDegreetry apt-get update then apt-get upgrade :P10:57
macdRadiantFire: well silly has been working for me for 8 years of debian10:57
NthDegreethen try and tell me the same thing about kanotix10:57
macdohh wrong reply10:57
h3sp4wnThat would just upgrade me to sid10:57
NthDegreebrb ubuntu hax0ring time10:57
macdRadiantFire:  it just makes configuration very easy sort of like a windows registry <insert shudder here/>10:57
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RadiantFireoh well10:58
RadiantFireas long as there are comments10:58
macdyeah and everytings in plan text10:58
RadiantFireregistry is the most difficult thing to change ever10:58
RadiantFireI just have visions of a broken system from someone trying to manually edit it and losing a closing brace10:58
macdits just xml, so imagine the possibilities of handling that b/t differetn distros10:58
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RadiantFirethen again, I try not to edit conf files by hand anymore,  I have a tendency to break things when I try10:59
macdIm from the days when a GUI was only a dream in xerox's r&d dept, I feel pretty at home at console11:00
Riddell** kubuntu meeting in a minute in #ubuntu-meeting11:00
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RadiantFiremacd: as do I, from 2 years of using Gentoo11:01
RadiantFirebut I had a nasty insident where I tried to edit my udev rules by hand11:01
macdmaybee not the best idea :P11:02
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RadiantFirehey, in the end I was successful, but having your system unable to create devices is not the best state11:02
h3sp4wnIf you are going to edit anything I usually start from scratch if I can or from the default upstream configuration - Its very difficult to work out what is going on with the complex way packages are setup in ubuntu - And the documentation is alot less complete usually11:03
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RadiantFirethis was in Gentoo11:04
RadiantFireafaik Gentoo has the best documentation ever11:04
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RadiantFiresome might argue too much11:04
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h3sp4wnI think freebsd's documentation is more complete / easier to navigate11:05
RadiantFireI'll be happy if they ever get hal working on FreeBSD11:06
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LeeJunFanRadiantFire: didn't hal come from freebsd?11:12
RadiantFireI read an article that they are attempting to port it to FreeBSD11:13
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RadiantFireso the different volume managers will work11:13
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racookierhow to install SWAT (samba) under kubuntu 5.10?11:18
Bazzihmmm initng indeed seems still to be a pain11:19
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wasp_emsok i need help with two things..firstly is there a way that i can have an icon in my taskbar that shows me when i am connected to the internet and the second is that when i use my mouse on the laptop and i scroll up or down with the wheel, if i press on it it starts searching..can that be disabled?11:20
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Hobbseewasp_ems: breezy or dappeR?11:22
wasp_emsHobbsee: breezy11:22
Hobbsee!info knemo11:22
ubotuknemo: (network interfaces monitor for KDEs systray), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 0.3.1-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 171 kB, Installed size: 808 kB11:22
alleeknemo problem?11:23
racookieranybody knows how to install SWAT (samba) under kubuntu 5.10?11:23
Hobbseeallee: no, wasp_ems is looking for a taskbar app to display net connectoin, ie, knemo11:23
ubotuswat is, like, totally, Samba Web Administration Tool | sudo apt-get install swat | http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/swat.8.html11:23
h3sp4wnracookier: swat doesn't work properly without the root account enabled11:24
alleeHobbsee: good suggestion ;)11:24
=== Hobbsee is still asleep!
h3sp4wnracookier: It also needs inetd to be running / installed11:25
wasp_emsi will be gone for 5 minutes..can u think about them and send me a private message please?11:27
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racookierhow to install swat (samba) under kubuntu 5.10??11:29
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Hobbsee!tell racookier about swat11:30
Hobbseewasp_ems: i only know of knemo, you may find more by searching in adept11:30
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racookieradept install samba (but dont install swat)11:31
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visik7racookier: samba doesn't depend on swat11:35
h3sp4wnracooker: sudo aptitude install swat inetd then /etc/init.d/inetd reload - it should be listening on port 901 ( Then try logging in (However I believe that in order to the configuration properly you need to set a password for root)11:35
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wasp_emsHobbsee: so i should just install knemo?11:36
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Hobbseewasp_ems: i think so, i'm not sure what the configuration files for it are like in breezy though11:36
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wasp_emsHobbsee: ok thanx11:37
g0dchildIs there a way to get a scrnshot of a text terminal?11:38
wasp_emsso what exactly does sudo apt-get -f install do?11:38
g0dchildI hope i described that properly- am talking about a text-console.11:38
wasp_emsok thanx11:39
HymnToLifeg0dchild> if you want to record the output of a command, add > filename.txt at the end11:39
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g0dchildi havent seen it do anythin  useful if you mess ur system up real bad though11:39
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g0dchildHymnToLife, no, its ok, i know how to echo out the output of a command to a file...i was just checking whether if there're any programs that does exactly what i described...taking a scrot and saving it to an image file11:40
HymnToLifeI don't think there is11:41
g0dchildthanks though...i guess i am ruling out the possibilities here11:41
HymnToLifeand anyway I don't think it would be much useful11:41
g0dchildno it isnt. for the sake of didactics, if you will.11:42
linuxmonkeyany know how to get mp3 working in dapper11:42
linuxmonkeyim reading the restrictedformat on the wiki and no help11:42
h3sp4wnsudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs11:42
g0dchildlinuxmonkey, am still downloading :) will have to wait and see :)11:42
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Hobbseelinuxmonkey: install libxine-extracodecs11:43
HymnToLifeg0dchild> oh yeah I see, fur such things I run my Linux in a VM on windows11:43
linuxmonkeycool thanks11:43
linuxmonkeysome reason i read over the note11:43
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linuxmonkeyi think the wiki needs to be more K specific :)11:44
wasp_emsHobbsee: after i install knemo where do i go to set it up?11:44
Hobbseeallee:  *poke* - how to set up knemo11:44
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RadiantFireknemo installs a kcontrol module11:45
racookieraptitude install swat... do nothing11:45
alleeHobbsee: tonio fixed default setup.11:46
Hobbseeallee: even in breezy?11:46
alleeHobbsee: oh, breezy, well...11:46
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alleeafaik when knemo starts up first time one get's asked to configure it.11:47
linuxmonkeyhobbsee didnt work11:47
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linuxmonkeyits saying No candidate version found for libxine-extracodecs11:47
h3sp4wnracookier: Have you installed inetd and swat ?11:47
Hobbsee!info libxine-extracodecs dapper11:48
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: (the xine video/media player library, binary files), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), Packaged size: 1148 kB, Installed size: 2976 kB11:48
Hobbseelinuxmonkey: got multiverse enabled?11:48
linuxmonkeyi enabled the from adept11:48
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wasp_emsif i click on local network browsing in kcontrol i get an error the module cannot be found..know why?11:50
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linuxmonkeyHobbsee: i fixed it , should work this time11:51
linuxmonkeyI had enabled the wrong multiverse11:51
koolguynetthis may seem like a dumb question, but why isn't amarok 1.4 listed in Adept, do I have to manually get it?11:52
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ubotuHobbsee: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:53
Hobbseekoolguynet: see topic11:53
goldenearkoolguynet: check www.kubuntu.org11:53
racookierapt-get install swat  - dont work - E: cant find package swat11:53
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wasp_emsanyone know why local network browsing has that problem?11:53
h3sp4wnkoolguynet: add deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main to /etc/apt/sources.list (Only on dapper)11:54
h3sp4wnracookier: Do you have universe enabled ?11:54
klerfaytwhy should I have services like raid and lvm starting at boot?11:54
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h3sp4wnklerfayt: install sysv-rc-conf if you know what you are doing11:56
koolguyneth3sp4wtn, thanks!  That worked11:57
Hobbseeklerfayt: there's a howto on ubuntu forums for that11:58
wasp_emscan i upgrade only my konsole to dapper?11:58
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h3sp4wnwasp_ems: I don't understand what you mean12:00
CutieCoderOi ;)12:00
wasp_emswell i dont want to upgrade fully to dapper..but because i can a problem with my konsole that can only be fixed if upgraded to dapper i was wondering if it is possible12:01
racookieri need swat (how to install)12:01
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desig007hello everyone?12:02
h3sp4wnwasp_ems: Are you using kde 3.52 ? (Help about kde)12:02
desig007i need help INSTALLING kubuntu!12:02
klerfaytlet's say I enabled universe&multiverse and decided to install msttcorefonts - do I have to run something else after installing them or just restart x?12:03
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h3sp4wnwasp_ems: There is not much you can do without fully upgrading to dapper12:03
CutieCoderdesig007: start by reading the manual ;)12:03
desig007i need help INSTALLING kubuntu!12:03
soulcollectoris there anyone here familiar with RM Networks?12:03
wasp_emsh3sp4wn: ok thanx12:03
desig007i did12:03
desig007i seem to be having the same problem that a lot of other people have hand12:04
CutieCodersoulcollector: somewhat12:04
wasp_emsanyway good night all and thanx for the help12:04
desig007it gets to "Starting partitioner" 52%12:04
desig007and stops12:04
h3sp4wnAre you using the latest daily build ?12:04
desig007no 5.1012:05
desig007currently on mandriva 200612:05
desig007wanna leave it behind12:05
CutieCodersoulcollector: don't /msg me, talk in the channel12:05
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soulcollectorsoz, dnt use irc much12:05
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desig007i could really use help =(12:05
soulcollectorcutiecoder im trying to integrate a kubuntu box into a CC3 network..12:05
desig007i really wanna see what the fuss is about kubuntu12:06
CutieCodersoulcollector: ok, good for you... now did you have a question?12:06
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soulcollectorCutieCoder: yeh, i have looked at some of the online FAQs and just need a bit of a push in the right direction12:07
soulcollectorcutiecoder: like determining which of the servers is the domain controller, etc.12:07
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soulcollectorcutiecoder: and what adds to the confusion is the number of file servers there are (there are different ones for different year groups)12:10
klerfaytvery strange I can suspend to ram with nvidia drivers but not with nv12:11
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CutieCodersoulcollector: are you setting this for home or work?12:11
soulcollectorcutiecoder: school.12:11
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soulcollectorcutiecoder: nah, secondary12:12
CutieCodersoulcollector: Quebec?12:13
soulcollectorcutiecoder: eh??12:13
CutieCoderwrong window ;)12:14
soulcollectorcutiecoder: fair enuf. lol12:14
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CutieCoderWell, ask your system administrator... he should have enough clue as to which server you should connect and which file server / print server you have the right to use12:15
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Praknixternal, are you there?12:15
nixternali heard my name being called12:15
nixternalhow you doing Prak?12:15
Prakjust starting up linux again12:16
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nixternalalrighty....still having the same problem ey12:16
Obstis dapper stable ranked?12:16
soulcollectorcutiecoder: thats the thing, he knows we wanna do it and gave us the ok.. hes just not v helpful. he didnt even know what wireless network we ran.12:16
soulcollector(unrelated, but meh)12:16
Prakhaving the same problem for a long time12:16
nixternalwell...lets try and get this fixed12:17
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Praklast time we're at configuring the static ip12:17
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Praki think12:17
nixternalok...you got that configured right?12:17
nixternali had it in the pastebin for you to look over12:18
nixternalyour /etc/network/interfaces should have looked similar to the following12:18
nixternalauto eth012:18
nixternaliface eth0 inet static12:18
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nixternalthat should be below the lo config...12:19
Prakfor the address, is it whatever my router's ip address relative to the rest of the web?12:19
nixternalno...your router's ip address is the gateway12:20
nixternalthe address is one that is on the same subnet...for instance or .101 or .102....etc12:20
Praknot below mapping hotplug?12:20
nixternalmapping hotplug?12:20
soulcollectorcutiecoder: ill try and push him for some info and follow the online guides the best i can.12:20
Praki'll type out mine and send it to you12:21
Prakhow should i do it?12:21
soulcollectorcutiecoder: i got other things to worry about atm neway - IT exams tomorrow :|12:21
nixternalyou can use that...once you post...copy and paste the ip12:22
nixternalurl rather12:22
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nixternalit will look like http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/731569 <---but the number will be different12:22
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linuxmonkeyanyone have any issues playing music from a shared samba drive?12:23
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h3sp4wnlinuxmonkey: What type of a shared samba drive ? from linux / samba ?12:25
linuxmonkeyis there a way to play music through a shared samba drive thats protected with password. its on another linux box that I use as a file server12:26
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nixternalpastebin.com is horribly slow12:26
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HymnToLifelinuxmonkey> I suggest using NFS instead of Samba12:27
linuxmonkeyHymnToLife: only 1 problem with that12:27
linuxmonkeyi got a windows system that uses it constantly12:27
nixternalmy fav12:28
nixternalPrak: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/732047    <--your /etc/network/interfaces should look like that12:28
linuxmonkeyis there a way to use NFS with windows so that it can write to the linux file server and read from it just like a share, or should I just run both NFS and samba12:32
nixternalyou got it12:32
nixternali fear talkin' to windows12:32
Praknixternal, i'm posting the stuff onto pastebin right now12:33
nixternalroger that12:33
nixternalit should take a good week ;)12:33
nixternalxubuntu on my old ass laptop is decent12:33
nixternali just need to install the kubuntu-desktop and it will be the bomb12:33
linuxmonkeynow the debate starts should I upgrade amarok12:34
=== nixternal gets out of that debate cuz he doesn't like amarok
linuxmonkeywhat do u like?12:35
nixternalmy iPod ;)12:35
linuxmonkeyexcept the sexy strippers in toronto12:35
nixternalshhh...my wife is near by12:35
nixternali use the whole mt-daapd thing...until someone can show me a better setup12:36
nixternali can access it with every machine in the house w/o issue12:36
nixternaliTunes sees my daap server as soon as it starts up...and on my linux box i use rythmbox and banshee12:36
nixternali haven't figured which i like better12:36
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linuxmonkeyyeah but keep in mind i got a windows box too :(12:37
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nixternalya...i have 4 win boxes12:37
nixternal3 winxp and 1 win2k12:37
nixternal3 upstairs...one downstairs12:37
nixternali have 4 linux boxes12:37
linuxmonkeyso windows recognises the mt-daapd12:37
nixternal2 servers....1 laptop and 1 desktop12:37
nixternalya...iTunes sees it as soon as it opens12:38
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nixternali love itunes12:38
nixternalitunes owns12:38
nixternalit is freakin' garbage too12:38
linuxmonkeyi dont have my ipod yet12:38
Prakis pastebin slow right now?12:38
nixternalproprietary crap12:38
nixternalyou don't need an ipod for itunes12:38
linuxmonkeyprak yes12:38
MonkethIpod?  And you call yourself "linuxmonkey?"12:39
nixternalyou can dl itunes from apple...freeby12:39
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linuxmonkeyi got a tatoo of tus on my shoulder12:39
nixternalwho is tus12:39
klerfaytlinuxmonkey: real tattoo?12:39
linuxmonkeynixternal: i meant tux12:39
linuxmonkeyand yes its a real tatoo12:39
MonkethThat's pretty crazy.12:39
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MonkethAnywho, I'd go for a COWON iAudio X5, it's OS agnostic and supports OGG, mp3, FLAC, etc.12:40
MonkethIt's also cheaper than some ipod models...12:40
linuxmonkeyyeah well the ipod was free for me12:41
klerfaytlinuxmonkey: can you show us that tattoo?12:41
luksanwhy does Kubuntu require a restart for new applications to appear in the KMenu?12:41
nixternali got my ipod for christmas12:41
nixternalotherwise i wouldn't have one either12:41
Monkethluksan: *shrug*  Universally, or have tried logging in then loggin out.12:41
linuxmonkeyok klerfayt , gimme a sec i'll put em on my site if they havent shut it down12:41
luksanMonketh: yeah, that's what i meant by restart12:41
luksanMonketh: but no other distro requires it12:42
MonkethNice to see another kubuntu user, btw.12:42
luksanMonketh: maybe i need to install FAM12:42
nixternalthere is a 512mb mp3 player/usb flash drive at fry's electronics...if i had the need for a portable mp3 player...that would be the one i would get...it costs $39 and it sounded great12:42
Praki've posted my information on pastebin with the router stuff12:42
MonkethI dunno, that's interesting.12:42
Praki can't figure out which one is which12:42
nixternalok...look up top...you will see a # in the url12:43
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nixternalwhat is that number?12:43
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nixternalloadin' now12:44
nixternalgive me 2 days12:44
nixternalthe pastebin is a great idea...especially for a channel like this...but it is way to slow12:44
nixternali think it is time to find another option12:44
=== nixternal researches
luksanMonketh: i got tired of Gentoo packages not building12:44
Monketh: D12:45
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nixternalomg prak12:45
nixternalare you kidding me?12:45
nixternalthat is really the interfaces file?12:45
Prakwhat interfaces file?12:45
Prakthe top is the interfaces file12:45
luksanMonketh: gentoo was nice for like the first 6 months of its existence when it was up to date12:45
nixternalno wonder it didn't work12:45
Monkethluk: I'm just a newbie, an artist and not a hardcore techie.12:45
nixternalgot it12:45
nixternali see12:45
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nixternalwhew...i was about to say12:45
Praki just put two files in one12:45
luksanMonketh: good, Linux needs more artists12:45
Prakone is my interfaces file12:46
Prakthe one is my router settings12:46
Prakb/c i can't figure out which ip is which ip12:46
Prakthere are too many ips12:46
klerfaytlinuxmonkey: second is over now show me your tattoo12:46
nixternalthere are a lot of um12:46
Monkethluksan: So, after going through a few hassling distros either due to errors or my own incompentence or both, I landed here.  good stuff.  :)12:46
nixternali will paste a brand new one for you...that you can copy and paste using kate12:46
MonkethAside from that, I started out creating my work in GIMP, so there are few OS-App transfer issues.12:47
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luksanMonketh: for me it's the package management system that makes or brakes the distro12:47
luksanMonketh: everything else is pretty much the same12:47
luksanMonketh: distros are overrated12:47
Monkethluksan: Well, mandriva's package management was good, but there were too many bugs. :P12:47
nixternalPrak: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73207012:48
luksanMonketh: last time i used Mandriva was before it was Mandriva12:48
nixternaluse that Prak...but clear out your current file12:48
linuxmonkeypicture of me and my tatoo of tux http://photos.yahoo.com/terryrj@rogers.com12:48
nixternalyou can use kate if it is easier for you too12:48
nixternalthat just flat out pwns12:49
nixternalim goin' to get my tux on my forhead12:49
nixternaland the kubuntu logo on my chest12:49
nixternalit will be the worlds smallest kubuntu logo ;)12:49
Monkethluksan: Heh, maybe a good call.  It looked -really- nice though.  Thoroughly modern and such.  Plus that nifty control panel.12:49
linuxmonkeyu can still see some of the redness in it on the pic, now the red is gone it looks awsome12:49
Monkethnixternal: You're crazy too.12:50
linuxmonkeyklerfayt: check it out dude12:50
nixternali am gonna get that tux tat when he has the flyswatter trying to get the gay msn butterfly12:50
klerfaytlinuxmonkey: you should have done it a little lower12:50
nixternali love that picture12:50
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linuxmonkeynah im getting stuff added to it12:51
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klerfaytlinuxmonkey: what's next?12:51
godlkwrthi'm getting the minix mascot on my arm, the little badger12:51
nixternali have quite a few tats...but i need one or two removed12:51
luksanMonketh: i never liked the ultra-bright crystal icons. especially that star thing12:51
nixternaldon't drink and tat12:51
linuxmonkeynext is a tribal dragon on the other arm12:51
linuxmonkeyand after that a globe so that tux can sit on there12:52
Monkethluksan: I did! :P  But now I've got a much more subdued theme going on.  I change my look every 2 months or so though.12:52
nixternalya...cuz he is gonna get tired of just hangin' on the bicep12:52
nixternalhe needs something to sit on ;)12:52
luksanMonketh: to each his own12:52
linuxmonkeynot only that but because he pwns the world12:52
nixternalhaha..i bet Prak is still waiting for pastebin to load12:52
linuxmonkeyisnt there another site like pastebin12:53
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Monkethluksan: Yup.  Hijacked a couple of icon packs and made them into one. :D12:53
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nixternali haven't looked yet...but i will as soon as i get Prak's issue fixed12:53
nixternalthe way we have been going...it might have been quicker to dl dapper and install12:53
luksanMonketh: i've been thinking of doing that for a long time. i even considered making a program that would let you visual create a new icon theme from multiple existing ones12:53
nixternali need a good icon theme12:54
nixternaloh...speaking of themese...riddle me this12:54
luksani find Crystal GT is a good compromise, but some of its icons are still too bright for me12:54
klerfaytbest icons are gnome's default icons12:54
Prakstill can't go on the internet12:54
nixternalhow come i cannot change my kdm themes on dapper???  i installed the entire kdm package...well kde-kdm-themes12:54
nixternali have no idea where in the hell it went12:54
luksani don't like my destkop feeling like a nursery school12:54
luksanklerfayt: blasphemer! ;-012:55
Monkethluksan: I'll see if I can did up and link which ones I used...12:55
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nixternalwho is gnome?  how come i haven't seen him in here?  he needs to check out KDE12:55
Praksomething went wrong with my file12:55
nixternalis it working?12:55
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Praki forgot to delete some stuff12:56
nixternalohh..well delete12:56
Prakwe'll have to find out12:56
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nixternaluse kate12:56
nixternalgraphical text editor12:56
Prakon windows laptop right now12:56
Prakthe linux box is the other box12:56
nixternallike a supercharged notepad12:56
klerfaytusing windows yesterday made me feel somehow retarded12:56
Prakcan't connect to the internet12:57
nixternaldid you edit the file completely?12:57
nixternalget rid of all the hotplug stuff and what not12:57
nixternalsudo kate /etc/network/interfaces12:57
nixternalctrl+a delete or backspace12:57
nixternalthen copy and paste from the bin...or type it in12:58
Prakcan't use kate12:58
Prakcan i use nano12:58
Prakthat's what i did12:58
nixternaljus delete everything first12:58
aqui1awhere do i install firestarter from?12:58
nixternalcontrol o to save12:58
Monkethluksan:  Vista-inspirate & nouveauXT12:59
luksanMonketh: i used to use nouveauXT01:00
luksanMonketh: never heard of Vista-inspirate01:00
klerfaytis the bytecode Interpreter enabled by default in kubuntu?01:00
Monkethplus some "KDE Pro" deal for the folders.01:00
nixternalyou know what i really love about microsoft windows....b4 i open a file...i scan it with bitdefender to make sure it isn't infected01:00
nixternalpeople can't say linux couldn't make their life easier01:01
luksanMonketh: why do all the "good" icon themes come from GNOME?01:01
nixternali don't scan anything...i just open...unzip...install...you name it...i chkrootkit when its over01:01
BlankBwhich would be better to use acpi=off or pci=noacpi my machine will boot with either? I cannot turn off acpi in my bios.01:01
nixternalsudo /etc/init.d/networking restart01:01
nixternalstill failing?01:01
Prakstill failing01:01
Monkethluksan: GNOME is more similar to Macs, many artists use macs/like simpler interfaces, etc.01:01
nixternalthis is horrible01:01
linuxmonkeyhey nixternal ever play around with transparancy?01:01
nixternali wish konversation could go transparent01:02
nixternalit prolly can...i just haven't found it yet01:02
nixternalhey prak01:02
nixternaltail -f /var/log/message01:02
linuxmonkeylol im looking to know what i need to go transparent01:02
nixternaltail -f /var/log/messages01:02
Monkethluksans: I just find it awkward to use and not customizabel enough.01:02
luksanMonketh: true, there are prob. less icons in GNOME01:02
Prakany more stuff i can do now?01:02
nixternalwe shall see01:03
luksanMonketh: which makes it easier to come up with a theme01:03
aqui1awhere do i install firestarter from?01:03
nixternalthere is always something to try01:03
luksanMonketh: i'm looking forward to Oxygen01:03
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racookierhow the hell install swat under kubuntu 5.10 (i need it to configure samba)01:04
nixternalhey Prak.....does it say SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable                                      next line                 Failed to bring up eth001:04
nixternalwhen you do /etc/init.d/networking restart01:05
Prakit just went ok01:05
nixternali just purposely messed up my interfaces01:05
nixternalit just went ok?01:05
nixternalit is working?01:05
Monkethluksan: Likewise, esp. that demo where they pulled the window off. :)01:05
Praki tried to go to google.com01:05
luksanMonketh: Oxygen is just the icon theme...01:05
nixternaldo you have an ip?01:05
Praknot with eth001:06
Monkethluksan: Sorry, I'm kind of tired atm.01:06
nixternali am thinking out loud01:06
racookierhow the hell install swat under kubuntu 5.10 (i need it to configure samba)01:07
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nixternalsudo mii-tool01:08
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nixternalwhat is the connection on?01:09
nixternalis it eth001:09
nixternalwth batman01:09
nixternalyour network should be working01:09
Prakshould i restart my kubuntu?01:09
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nixternalyou can reboot if you want...just to see if something is locked up01:10
nixternalit never hurts01:10
nixternalyour laptop you are on...is it wireless too?01:10
linuxmonkeynixternal: i dont mind amarok, lol it works01:10
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Prakdoesn't have such problem on my laptop01:10
Prakbut i don't want to install linux on my laptop01:11
Praki'm using all of my hard drive space for windows01:11
luksanis read-write on NTFS considered stable by now?01:11
nixternalPrak: first rule of thumb....change your ssid ;)01:11
linuxmonkeyluksan: no01:11
nixternalunless you are in an area where people like me aren't around01:11
nixternalthe wireless portion of your network...in the router01:11
linuxmonkeyssid is what your network is identified by01:12
luksanlinuxmonkey: so if i want to boot the inferior operating system i also have to use the inferior filesystem if i want to share my data01:12
linuxmonkeyi personally change the name and set it not to broadcast01:12
nixternalow wow...you definately didn't skimp when it came time for a wireless router..thats for sure01:12
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Prakdo i change ssid through my router config?01:13
linuxmonkeyluksan: just set a partition to fat32 and use that as storage01:13
linuxmonkeyand then each windows and linux on seprate partitions01:13
nixternalthere are a lot of things to do to secure it...we can go over it once we have the kubuntu box working01:13
nixternalim loosing hair with this network issue01:14
linuxmonkeynixternal: i find the best way is to use ..grrrr drawing ablank .....instead of wep01:14
linuxmonkeyya thats it01:14
nixternalwpa2 now01:15
nixternalthat is the old way01:15
linuxmonkeyyeah a linux box to control the whole thing01:15
nixternali love it01:15
nixternalwith the wrt54g...you can control it with tacacs+01:15
linuxmonkeyor just run linux directly on the wireless router :)01:15
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nixternaltis what i do01:15
Prak_alternatejust changed my ssid01:16
Prak_alternaterestarting didn't help01:16
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linuxmonkeyanyways nixternal i'll be back later to help some of these people out, now i got a CS match01:16
nixternalcan you test that cat5 cable any way prak?01:17
Prak_alternatecat5 cable?01:17
nixternalhow about unplug it from the port onthe router it is in...and try another port01:17
nixternalthe network cable01:17
Prak_alternatesudo /etc/init.d/networking restart?01:18
=== nixternal prays for no errors
nixternaldo you have another cable?01:19
nixternaltail -f /var/log/messages01:20
nixternalwhat do you see?01:20
Prak_alternateipv6 over ipv4 tunneling driver01:21
Prak_alternateat the end01:21
nixternalthat is odd01:21
nixternalwhy is it referring to ipv6 over ipv401:21
=== xtacocorex is back.
=== nixternal researches
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Prak_alternatedon't know01:23
Prak_alternatei'll copy and paste the entire message01:23
Prak_alternateonto floppy01:23
nixternalput it to the pastebin01:23
nixternali can wait...cuz i am reading into something here01:23
=== stodge [n=mike@CPE0080c8289877-CM000039179a5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
nixternaljust copy the last 10 lines or so01:23
stodgeCan Kaffeine play .vob movies?01:24
Prak_alternatei'm probably have to quit for today01:24
Prak_alternateon this01:24
Prak_alternatei'll try to figure it out tomorrow morning i guess01:24
nixternalok...what is the make and model of that network card again?01:24
nixternali am gonna do a little studying01:24
Prak_alternated-link dfe-530txs fast ethernet 10/100 adapter01:25
nixternalif you get time...download kubuntu dapper flight 7 and install...i bet everything will work fine01:25
Prak_alternaterouter is netgear wgr614v401:25
Prak_alternatecan i download using windows?01:26
nixternalyou can download...and burn it to cd01:26
luksanawesome, adpet just started uninstalling all my KDE packages for no reason01:26
nixternaldownload the iso01:26
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nixternalthat will give you the latest version of kubuntu also01:26
Prak_alternatethanks for your help01:26
nixternalno probl...come back and letme know01:26
nixternali am here all the time01:26
nixternali want to get this workign for you...you will like using kubuntu01:26
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Shipit! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Congrats to imbrandon, kwwii and toma on membership | Amarok 1.4, KOffice 1.5.1 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
=== finz [n=finz@a80-126-76-211.adsl.xs4all.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
nixternalthat is where you can get the latest dapper Prak01:28
nixternalya guys...congrats on the memebership01:29
nixternalimbrandon you lil code hog01:29
nixternali can hack...but i can't code ;)01:29
nixternali can mod like crazy...01:29
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nixternalmy motto...if it ain't broke...well hell it is my job to break it...then fix...and break it again...then make it better..then...you get the idea ;)01:30
Search4Lancerah.... what's the name of that P2P program that I thought I had installed on here but can't find?01:30
nixternalis it p2p or bittorrent?01:31
nixternali use limewire for all my p2p needs..which is really just for music01:34
Search4Lancerwhelp I found an mp3 download on a website of what I wanted anyway...01:34
=== stodge [n=mike@CPE0080c8289877-CM000039179a5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Search4LancerAlice's Restaurant Massacre :)01:36
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sh3l1does KDE look much better than GNOME?01:36
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h3sp4wnNot really01:37
sh3l1i haven't tried it yet01:37
sh3l1screenshots anywhere?01:37
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sh3l101:38
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klerfaytstrange my konqi crashed now01:45
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carvehey room02:05
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nixternalgo home02:19
nixternalquit coming here ;)02:19
linuxmonkeywho me?02:19
nixternalthe guy behind you02:19
nixternallook..there he goes now02:19
nixternalfreenode must run on windows server....there are like 100 connection time outs, connection resets, you name it...every hour02:20
linuxmonkeythey must run on lindows02:20
nixternaloh lord02:21
linuxmonkeyor whatever u call it02:21
linuxmonkeylinspire is it02:21
linuxmonkeythey cant even keep a name straight02:21
nixternalim settin' up a vmware kubuntu and a vmware solaris 10 right now02:21
nixternalthis should take ummm...forever02:21
linuxmonkeyvmware from linux or from windows02:22
nixternalmight as well put the machine to use02:22
nixternalonly time i use it is to...umm..oh ya office and autocad02:22
nixternalsorry...but ms office ownz02:22
linuxmonkeynixternal: you wont say that for office 1202:23
nixternalya right02:23
nixternali am using 2003...it is bloated but i like it02:23
nixternalgo figure...im in the middle ofa  vmware setup and my damn mouse batteries die02:23
linuxmonkeydebating on removing suse and installing kubuntu on my server02:24
nixternaloh my slowness02:24
linuxmonkeythat will teach ya nixternal02:24
nixternalwathcin' vmware install kubuntu is like watchin' grass grow02:24
linuxmonkeyshould i mess with something thats not broke nixternal02:24
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nixternallag rox02:26
nixternalalways mess with something thats not broke02:26
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nixternalim a hacker for christ sake...i always break stuff02:26
CutieCoderNice ;)02:27
nixternalas a matter of fact...im kinda in the middle of creating my own pic controller02:27
nixternalim sick of all the designs out there02:27
=== CutieCoder hands verilog and assembly to nixternal ;)
I_Eat_PlasticMmm, code.02:27
nixternaland the best pic i have ever used is by rockwell automations02:27
linuxmonkeylmao nixternal02:27
nixternalya babh02:27
nixternalladder logic too02:27
linuxmonkeyi used to hack mssql server02:27
nixternalladder logic and a pic50002:27
CutieCodernixternal: ladder theory? :P02:27
=== CutieCoder cackles evily
nixternalhehe...damn CutieCoder has me pinged02:28
I_Eat_PlasticBling bling.02:28
nixternalthat was some good stuff back in the day02:28
CutieCoderI'll make you cringe with tamper-proof code :)02:28
nixternaleat plastic...i love that nick02:28
nixternali cringe at child-proof lighters02:28
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CutieCoderget a zippo02:28
linuxmonkeynixternal how many open mssql servers in china,,,, too many to count02:28
linuxmonkeyI even had a nice talk with the FBI02:29
nixternali don't mess with china...they are the only ones to render my network useless...the russians try every day..but the chinese were successful02:29
linuxmonkeythey never did anything :)02:29
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CutieCoderOnly romanians were successful on my networks... but that didn't last long ;)02:29
imbrandononly some group from amsterdam ever took mine down02:30
imbrandonand that was long ago02:30
linuxmonkeywhats the quickest and best way to access a NFS share02:30
aqui1ado i need to 'refresh' a panel for updates to be shown? e.g in ubuntu, 'killall gnome-panel'02:30
=== CutieCoder talks to the FBI at least once a month because of evil customers
apokryphosaqui1a: as I said, you don't, no =)02:30
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imbrandonlinuxmonkey: mount -t nfs /mount/point  ??!?02:31
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nixternalimbrandon: congrats you phpmonkey ;)02:31
aqui1alol :)02:31
linuxmonkeyremember +++ath002:31
imbrandonlol thanks nixternal02:31
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nixternal|vmwaremuahahah vmware sux02:31
nixternallivecd from vmware02:31
nixternalnot to shabby02:31
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nixternalgotta hurry and shut down b4 the batteries die02:31
CutieCodernixternal: the bloody thing works?!02:32
=== CutieCoder grins
nixternal|vmwaregoodbye, and good day02:32
nixternali think once it is installed to the harddrive...it will work like a champ02:32
nixternalbut livecd and vmware...just a little to slow02:32
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CutieCoderkinda defeats the purpose of a livecd don't it?02:33
nixternalin a way02:33
imbrandonlivecd is always kinda slow ;)02:33
nixternali did'nt realise it was a livecd02:33
aqui1athe reason i ask that apokryphos, is because i just installed firestarter and i can not find it :/02:33
CutieCoderimbrandon: that's because the bus chokes :P02:33
apokryphosaqui1a: alt+f2 -> firestarter02:34
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imbrandonaqui1a: no you shouldent have to , but in reality sometimes you do ( mostly for certain apps, like when i install crossover office i have to restart kicker etc , but no you shouldent HAVE to )02:34
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lwizardli had a xfs partition stop listing files almost like it lost the table02:35
lwizardlany way to get them back?02:35
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=== CutieCoder goes off to pray to the kvirc makefile god
nixternali remember kvirc in the old days...i didn't like it then...i doubt i like it now02:37
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CutieCoderIt's pretty sweet, but nothing beats screen + irssi02:37
nixternali don't trust bitchx anymore either02:37
nixternalit is like they gave up...the greatest irc client of all times...and they gave up02:38
nixternaland somebody setup sites to make you think you were getting bitchx and you werent02:38
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-187-219-210.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalscreen and irssi...my god you just went back to the beginning02:38
imbrandonscreen + irssi <#02:39
imbrandonactualy i use konversation 99% of the time , only irssi when im forced to use console02:39
imbrandonor with screenshots, good way to fill a terminal ;)02:40
nixternali like konversation i guess02:40
linuxmonkeyomg i just got a brain fart I can remember what to put in the fstab for NFS02:40
nixternalxchat...haven't used that since the beginning either02:40
linuxmonkeyi used xchat today actually, dont care for it much02:41
linuxmonkeyi wished they would do a mirc clone for linux02:41
nixternalif i had a mouse i would get to it...but since i don't...im not tabbing for the next 2 weeks to get it ;D02:41
imbrandonon winblowz xchat is about the best you can hope for02:41
nixternali use bitchx in windows02:41
nixternali lied...i am using mIRC as a matter of fact02:42
imbrandonnixternal: Konversation 0.19 Build02:42
nixternalhey...leave me alone mr. pr0tman02:42
nixternali see02:42
linuxmonkeyI like the look and feel of mIRC but dont like all thebugs/holes02:42
imbrandonlinuxmonkey: konversation is alot like mirc02:43
nixternaleverything has bugs or holes...it is just that the script kiddies let you know about it in mIRC02:43
nixternali want my transparency though02:43
nixternali love transparency02:43
linuxmonkeyi know there's a way but i forget how02:43
imbrandonnah i have a solid background so no need ;)02:44
nixternal192mb of ram in this old celeron lappy...how much swap should i give it??? i usually take ram * 3.502:44
nixternaloh...i have the bling bling factor of 10 going on cuz i can ;)02:44
imbrandonnixternal: 512 is what i would give it personaly02:44
nixternalwell...to late02:44
nixternalcuz that is what it got02:44
imbrandonmy personal rule with swap is under a gig of ram i give it 512, over a gig of ram i make no swap02:45
imbrandonmakes life simple02:45
klerfaytimbrandon: you need swap02:45
klerfaytimbrandon: some programs req. swap02:46
nixternali don't use swap on this system02:46
imbrandonklerfayt: i havent run accross any, i have no swap02:46
klerfaytimbrandon: ans you can't suspend to disk without swap?02:46
imbrandonhavent for months , probbly longer02:46
nixternalmy lappy and my server have swap and thats it02:46
imbrandoni dont suspend to disk, its a desktop that runs constantly02:46
linuxmonkeyim setting up nfs, the server is running suse and of course my main pc is running kubuntu,how do i setup kubuntu to connect to it, do i need a extra program installed or can I just add it to fstab02:47
imbrandonjust add it, its built into the kernel02:47
CutieCoderkvirc is still nice for it's avatar feature :)02:47
CutieCoderBut I'm a woman, so, cute stuff makes me biased :P02:48
nixternalim not gonna comment02:48
imbrandondont please02:48
nixternali have been commenting for 32 years....im stopping right now02:48
nixternaleverytime i comment...i do laundry ;)02:49
CutieCoderYou really don't want to...02:49
imbrandonhobbsee posted a cool link about comments on irc and women, i should try to find it .... it was too funny02:49
nixternalmy daughter didn't like my linux desktop cuz it wasn't cute02:49
klerfaytstrange - madpenguin.org says that suse10.1 is sexy02:49
CutieCoderimbrandon: I got  34gbps available at the datacenter, don't force me to get midevil on your ass ;)02:50
imbrandonnixternal , CutieCoder : http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/2702:50
imbrandoncutecoder, nah it was in womens favor ( hobbsee is female bythe way )02:50
imbrandonthats the link02:50
CutieCoderI'm a cute girl, I shoot guns and I got enough bandwidth to anihilate most ISPs, Any questions? :)02:51
imbrandontitled perfect : "OMG Girlz Dont Exist on teh Intarweb!!!!1"02:51
imbrandonhaha nice02:52
=== CutieCoder goes off to upload a picture
linuxmonkeyi think i may have messed up my NFS02:54
nixternalthats awesome02:54
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imbrandonheh nixternal i thought so too02:54
nixternali used to be in a gaming clan and we had a few girls...actually grown women...and they owned02:54
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nixternalactually...my company is woman owned02:55
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nixternali got owned by alex1s in q3 at a huge chicago lan in 200002:56
nixternalshe owned me silly style02:56
linuxmonkeyok now to figure out why i cant write to the NFS02:56
nixternali told you02:56
linuxmonkeytheres no ro02:57
nixternalat the gym this morning....i overheard some people talking about their "Unix" server and how it doesn't work02:58
nixternali love how people call anything not microsoft "Unix"02:58
linuxmonkeypermissions maybe dont NFS use the filesystem permission unline samba02:58
nixternali have original 8-bin unisys/at&t unix on a floppy here02:59
=== imbrandon pokes Seveas you arround ?
nixternalwhy would a dcc be actively denied?02:59
nixternalmy router isn't an issue02:59
imbrandonclient option02:59
nixternalcuz i receive dcc's all day long02:59
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nixternalis that konversation?03:00
nixternalahh man...someone got "you have been owned by he devil" listed in my weblog03:00
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linuxmonkeycan anyone help me with NFS03:01
nixternaland they think they are slick...and that is on the intranet03:01
nixternalmy lord these people are stupid03:01
nixternali bet my boss is playin' tricks03:01
imbrandonlinuxmonkey: what problem are you having ?03:01
nixternalcome on with the saycheese ;)03:02
imbrandonits getting sftp'd ;)03:02
linuxmonkeyimbrandon: i can connect to it i added it in fstab as /mnt/raid0 nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0 ...but i cant write to it03:02
nixternaltail -f /var/log/messages03:03
nixternalthat tells ya everything03:03
imbrandonyea try that see if there are any errors03:03
linuxmonkeyon server or on client03:03
nixternalhell..it told me my mouse was dead03:03
imbrandonclient first but both03:03
CutieCoderRedistribution of the url is strictly prohibited. Enforcement is done with an AK5B prototype and 30 little 5.56mm friends. My groups are of 1/8" of an inch at 600 yards, iron sight03:03
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-187-219-210.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
linuxmonkeynothing on client side no errors03:04
nixternalhttp://shop1.outpost.com/product/4714029?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG      <--$129 right now...i am gettin' another one...rm -rf linspire03:04
nixternalmmm 5.56mm ownz03:05
nixternal7.62 is better03:05
CutieCoderx39mm or x54mm?03:05
CutieCoder5.56mm only hurts, 7.62x39mm kills.03:05
CutieCoderbut it won't beat my new savage .30803:06
CutieCoderLove that baby03:06
nixternalomg you own03:06
nixternalCutieCoder pnw3z03:06
linuxmonkeyimbrandon: no error messages on client nor server03:07
imbrandonhmmm strange03:07
imbrandonis the dir chmoded correct ?03:07
imbrandonto allow write access03:07
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linuxmonkeyimbrandon: let me check03:08
CutieCodernixternal: 10FP-LE2 model, just put a TWS-X20 scope and #46 weaver base. Federal 168 grain match is just perfect. Accutrigger set to 0.8lbs03:08
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-145-41-131.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
CutieCodernixternal: bang ;)03:08
imbrandonmake install ; not war03:09
nixternalam i missing something?  my h&k usp40 looks like a squirt gun now03:09
DeshHi, whenever I plug USB drives into my laptop, I can see the folders but I cannot modify anything, such as adding or deleting or moving files. how can I change this?03:09
CutieCoderimbrandon: weakling03:09
CutieCoderWell, I am a gunsmith during the weekend :)03:09
nixternalno shit?03:09
imbrandonDesh: probbly options in fstab for its mount , check /etc/fstab03:10
linuxmonkeyimbrandon: is that on the server or the client were its mounted03:10
nixternal<-- 6 years active duty...GUNNER'S MATE!@#@@  w00t03:10
imbrandonlinuxmonkey: server03:10
=== CutieCoder hugs nixternal
nixternali gun smithed my whole naval career...plus...i was a small arms instructor03:10
nixternali gotta get some food...bbiaf03:10
=== nixternal is now known as nixternal|piggin
=== imbrandon points gun talk to #kubuntu-offtopic ;)
CutieCoderohhh right ;)03:10
nixternal|pigginforgot about that03:11
linuxmonkeyon the server  the folder had read/write to user linuxmonkey and group fileserver03:11
Desh:-O When I try to edit fstab as root it says conversation with root failed. >_<03:11
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imbrandonlinuxmonkey: just as a test change it to 777 ( dont keep it that way ) but just to see if its a perm problem ( on the client too )03:11
DeshWhenever I am asked for a password it says "Conversation with su failed."03:12
imbrandonDesh: huh ?!? are you typing "kdesu kate /etc/fstab"03:12
linuxmonkeyok another thing is that on the option for the NFS on the server is empty should there be something there03:12
DeshOh, no I actually went to it in the folders.03:12
aligrrlhi, a friend of mine is in a hotel trying to pick up wireless internet. how can he manually change the netmask? from what he's telling me all he can see is a dropdown window with pre-assigned numbers.03:12
Desh"Su returned with an error."03:13
apokryphosDesh: how did you install KDE?03:13
apokryphosyou'd get that error if you were using a vanilla kde, where kdesu isn't patched to work with sudo03:13
DeshIt came with Kubuntu.03:13
DeshSu wored just a second ago...03:14
DeshYes Breezy.03:14
apokryphosDesh: hm, ok; do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:14
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apokryphosI believe it was updated in breezy-updates because of a few problems03:14
apokryphosthough I don't recall that being one of them, really03:14
=== Sythen [n=clint@ppp-69-222-53-80.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
linuxmonkeyimbrandon: fixed03:15
DeshOk, done.03:15
=== Sythen is using irssi :-\
Desho_O nothing.03:15
linuxmonkeyit was actually the options on the server03:15
apokryphosDesh: ideally log back into kde and try kdesu again03:15
Sythenso how do I change the display modes for the X server?03:15
DeshRestart or just end session?03:15
imbrandonlinuxmonkey: cool , glad you got it working03:15
apokryphosDesh: restarting kde, which is ending the session, yup :)03:16
=== Snake[Emo] is now known as Snake__
DeshOk, thanks.03:16
linuxmonkeyimbrandon:  had to add rw,sync to the options on the server03:16
Sythenanyone know?03:16
imbrandonSythen: are you in kde ?03:16
Sythenimbrandon: no03:16
SythenI am using irssi in a terminal03:17
imbrandonSythen: ok then .... "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:17
Sythenand i dont know wat to do03:17
imbrandonshould work for ya03:18
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Sythenwhat should I put for the mode, since I have an ATI integrated gfx card03:18
imbrandonmode ?03:19
Sythenoh.. uhhh03:19
Sythendriver* :-)03:19
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imbrandonnot sure with ati *looks arround room*03:19
imbrandoni use nv myself03:19
Sythenthere is an ATI option, but it is integrated graphics, so i dunno :-\03:20
=== nixternal|piggin is now known as nixternal|cookin
imbrandonthats ok if its ati even intergrated should still be ok03:20
klerfaytSythen: what's the name of graphics card?03:20
Sythenwell its an ati radeon xpress 200 series for intel03:21
Samuli^Sythen, fglrx03:21
Samuli^make sure you have xorg-driver-fglrx installed first.03:22
Sythenookay.. *wonders what that is*03:22
Samuli^it's the ati-drivers from repositories.03:22
slicslakis it possible to start a remote x session or run x apps remotely on windows?  i know linux it's trivial, either X -query or ssh -X.  but windows???03:22
imbrandonslicslak: as long as you have an x server for windows like cygwins x server running03:23
imbrandonthere are alot of commercial x servers for windows but cygwins is free ( and oss )03:23
Sythenso I am running apt-get and it should be installing it03:23
Sythenso it is installed, Samuli^ now what ?:-|03:24
Sythenin ram, one mb is 1024 kb right?03:25
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=== Sythen doesnt know what to do :-x
imbrandonSythen: where? choose fglrx from the menu when asked03:31
imbrandonafter that package was installed03:31
Sythenhow do I restart X?03:31
Sytheni chose ati :-x03:31
imbrandonohh how? just type03:31
imbrandon"sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"03:32
imbrandonif your using kubuntu03:32
Sytheni apt-get installed kubuntu-desktop, is that the same03:32
apokryphosor ctrl+alt+backspace (which only restarts X)03:32
imbrandonapokryphos: he is at the console03:32
apokryphosoh ok03:33
imbrandonirssi on the console ;)03:33
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imbrandonwhat error ?03:34
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Sythenunable to find a valid framebuffer device03:35
Sythenbut hold on, gotta reconfig x03:35
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Sytheni didnt use the fglrx driver03:35
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Sytheni got it working, thanks03:38
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DeshUmm...I accidentally made myself a non sudo user so as root I made my normal user as primarily sudo and added admin as a secondary group, is this recommended? I can basicaly do everything I used to, w/o needing to type the password for sudo or su.03:40
DeshI made myself primary sudo b/c I forgot what it was there before.03:40
DeshAnd I added admin to see if I could now edit things like USB drives, which I can.03:41
Snake__How do I figure out my broadcast ip, netmask, domain and DNSs?03:41
NthDegreethat is equivalent to loggin into root Desh03:41
DeshSo this is bad?03:41
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DeshWhat should my primary group be?03:42
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DeshTry iwconfig Snake__03:43
DeshI can't prmoise it will have the info you need though. :-/03:43
Snake__Desh: doesnt give me the netmast, domain, or DNSs03:43
DeshAh, man I'm a Linux noob. Heh.03:44
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DeshWhat should a normal user's primary group be? And should admin be a secondary group?03:44
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Snake__wish I knew03:45
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MrHello all03:46
Mri am having a problem with KDE03:46
Mris this the right place?03:46
NthDegreewhat problem03:46
NthDegreeyes this is03:47
NthDegreeif you use kubuntu then it is03:47
ubotu[ask]  Just ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model and output of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org is important.  Please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html for more information.03:47
NthDegreekubuntu = ubuntu with KDE!03:47
NthDegreeMr, what is your problem?03:48
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MrThe fonts in most of my windows (applications) are very tiny i just installed the KDE packaged and increased the font in kcontrol and it worked in some of the windows; the resolution is the same as under Gnome03:48
=== _clint is now known as Sythen
Snake___How do I know what domain im on, what my netmask is, and what my DNSs are?03:48
ctothejive been waiting all month for ATI to release new drivers... SOO PISSED03:48
SythenI got it to work :-D03:48
Sythenfonts are a little funny though ;-)03:49
NthDegreeMr that is because KDE apps listen to KDE and GNOME ones don't03:49
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Mrbut the same application in gnome have large fonts03:49
Sythenhow do I have more than one server connected in konversation?03:50
NthDegreeMr are you trying to say that you can't change the size of your GNOME apps fonts under KDE?03:50
Mrlike fierfox was messed up only in KDE, then i installed version 1.5 and it was fine and i mean the menus and bookmars not the web content03:50
Snake___Doesn't anyone know!?03:50
=== Snake___ is now known as Snake__
bimberiSnake___: 'hostname -f', 'ifconfig' and 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'03:51
NthDegreeMr your best solution is to ONLY use KDE apps under KDE and GNOME apps under GNOME03:51
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NthDegreethat way you don't have problems03:51
drgonzohello all,03:51
MrNthDegree, no i am saying that they are fine under GNOME but smalller when on KDE03:51
Mrand its not only KDE apps03:51
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drgonzois adept updater working fine, I've litereally had 140 packages to update yesterday then today about 40 new packages that where next increments of yesterdays versions03:52
Mrkonsol is like that too03:52
Snake__bimberi: thank you, but ehhh what would my netmask/domain be??03:52
NthDegreeso your KDE apps are messed up too03:52
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bimberiSnake__: ifconfig should show netmask (eg. mine has "Mask:" on one of the lines)03:53
NthDegreeyou using breezy? Mr03:53
Mris that 5.10?03:53
Mryes then03:54
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NthDegreeget Dapper because they improved the KDE integration on it03:54
Snake__bimberi: great, hadnt noticed that! and I presume "localhost" would be my domain?03:54
bimberiSnake__: if 'hostname -f' only outputs the host name then you don't have a domain set up (i guess - i'm not strong on this)03:54
Snake__bimberi: snake@dapper:~$ hostname -f03:54
MrWhat is Dapper?03:54
NthDegreeMr:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-7/03:54
Mrthe next release03:54
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until than03:54
drgonzo40 new packages todasy*03:55
NthDegreethat is the next version of kubuntu/ubuntu03:55
bimberiblah, thrashed :P03:55
Sytheni LOVE kde :-D03:55
Snake__Here goes nothing...03:55
Mris it easy to upgrade?03:55
ubotufrom memory, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.03:55
drgonzothis is dapper btw.03:55
NthDegreejust download the CD and do a clean install Mr and it will solve your problem more than likely03:56
Mrahhh reaaly03:56
Mri've been installing all day03:56
drgonzoNo i'm reffering to adept-updater issue.03:56
drgonzoit's failing to install a package too03:57
NthDegreehttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-7/ @ Mr03:57
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Mrno other way?03:57
MrAlright Guys, thanks for your help03:58
bimberiMr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades03:58
Mris drapper still beta?03:58
Snake__Until June 1st03:59
NthDegreebut very stable now03:59
bimberiMr: yes - will go to Release Candidate soon and Final Release on June 103:59
Sythenhow do I open the control center?03:59
imbrandonk --. system settings03:59
imbrandonk --> system settings03:59
Mrso if i get it, i shouldn't have too much trouble when the final comes out, all the updates will be through apt?04:00
NthDegreeapt works yep04:00
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Sythenhow do I reconfigure my network adapter? internet seems really slow04:07
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imbrandonk --> system settings --> network settings04:17
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Sythenhow do I make the bar normally at the bottom so it is at the top like a mac?04:23
Deshright click it and use configure panel04:25
imbrandonright click bar --> configure pannel04:25
imbrandonSythen: but if your going for a mac clone gnome is more suited i think, its more like a mac outa the box ( not that i like gnome or anything )04:26
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Sythenthere is baghira :-D04:26
DeshWhen I run things like  Adept, it usually asked me for a pas. now that I added admin as a secondary group, it doesn't ask for one anymore. Same with using Admin mode in the SYSTEM SETTINGS window, etc. And sudo in the comand line doesn;t ask for a pass either.04:27
DeshI added it because after I accidentally changed my primary group sudo and su would not work at all.04:27
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lwizardlwhats the best video player that can queue multiple files ?04:33
apokryphoskaffeine's good04:33
lwizardlill try that04:35
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lwizardlnope most videos don't play in it04:39
imbrandonlwizardl: thats justa codec issue04:41
imbrandonkaffine plays all my video's04:41
imbrandonwhat kinda video will your not play?04:41
lwizardlhalf of my wmv04:41
lwizardlbut i have the win32 codecs installed04:41
imbrandondo you have xine extra codecs installed?04:42
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imbrandonsudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs04:42
lwizardllet me check04:42
lwizardlkaffeine-xine ? yes thats installed04:43
imbrandonsudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs04:43
lwizardl'not found04:44
imbrandonyou have universe enabled? one sec lemme look make sure i'm telling you correct04:44
lwizardlyes i have all the repos enabled04:44
imbrandonyup thats it04:45
imbrandonbreezy ? that might be dapper only , i dunno04:45
imbrandonyea thats breezy, as far as i know its a breezy pkg too but not sure04:46
imbrandoni am on dapper and cant check atm04:46
lwizardlok let me update and see what happens04:46
imbrandontry "sudo apt-get install akode-mpeg"04:46
imbrandonfor breezy04:47
lwizardlok that installed04:47
lwizardlnope same videos don't play04:48
lwizardlbut they play in mplayer04:48
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imbrandonhmm strange04:49
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imbrandonwell if they play in mplayer it is definately a codec issue i just dont know what one ;)04:50
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imbrandonbut i think , infact i'm sure you can configure kaffine to use mplayer too ;)04:50
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imbrandonnot just xine04:50
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chxhi. I tried to set up TwinView, and I have some success -- the second LCD signal LED turns to green but I do not see anything on screen04:52
chxkcontrol // Peripherals // Display crashes04:53
chxand K Menu disapperared, I guess it's on the second screen :)04:53
CutieCoderimbrandon: yes you can, kaffeine will use mplayer as engine04:54
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dunefana question if you please....how can I install KDE in Ubuntu without installing Kubuntu?05:01
Dr_WillisKubuntu-Desktop is just a meta package of a lot  of the kde packages.05:02
Dr_Willisyou could just select the packages alone if you really wanted to i guess05:02
Dr_WillisBoils down to 'what is the parts of kde that you install'05:03
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dunefanthe entire desktop05:04
Dr_Willisdunefan:  then that is "kubuntu-desktop" :P05:04
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Dr_WillisThe whole Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Xubuntu - confuses way too many people. :P05:05
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dunefanI can install Kubuntu Breezy and can never get my wifi to work....but I can install Ubuntu Breezy and then the KDE Desktop and the wifi works05:05
dunefanwhat is Xubuntu?05:05
Dr_WillisPersonally - i install Ubuntu, then install kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop as well05:05
Dr_WillisXFCE4 ubuntu05:06
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DaSkreechCutieCoder: Haha05:21
=== imbrandon missed something
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Ahmuckhi imbrandon05:27
imbrandonheya Ahmuck05:28
CutieCoderDaSkreech: WTF? over05:28
Ahmuckkubuntu has a lot of i386 stuff installed.  is there a way to get it to use i686 instead?  replace it?05:29
imbrandoni dunt know either CutieCoder, look like it came outa no where05:29
imbrandonAhmuck: only for some programs, most dont have i686 optimizations and the ones that do like mplayer use runtime proc identification05:30
Ahmuckdoes runtime proc identification work better05:30
imbrandonfor the most part yes05:30
RadiantFireit doesn't add overhead?05:31
imbrandonvery very little RadiantFire05:31
=== regeya sighs, grumbles.
imbrandonnot anything above a 200mhz would even care about05:32
regeyaseriously, there's a distribution for people who have to control every aspect of how their software is compiled... funroll-loops.org05:32
imbrandongentoo ;)05:32
RadiantFireGentoo's not worth it05:32
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RadiantFireonly useful thing it has is a really cool init script manager05:33
RadiantFirespeaking of i386 v i68605:33
RadiantFireI have a Pentium 4, and I'm using ndiswrapper05:33
RadiantFirewhen I am using the i686 kernel, I get random total freezes05:33
DaSkreechCutieCoder: Oh sorry05:33
RadiantFireI don't when I'm u sing the i38605:34
DaSkreechYou said I'm cute and I have guns and I own05:34
DaSkreechThen you said you were going to upload a picture05:34
RadiantFiredoes anyone know why?05:34
DaSkreechFor some reason I thought you meant a picture of you to prove you were cute :-)05:34
DaSkreechSorry catching up on 6 hours of missed IRC05:35
imbrandonRadiantFire: no clue but i experince the same thing, i figure its a ndiswrapper bug but i havent spent the time to track it down05:35
DaSkreechnixternal: Can you apt-get limewore?05:35
RadiantFireI remember being in a terminal once and it was a kernel panic05:35
nixternaldl it and run it05:36
DaSkreechWhy not?05:36
nixternalthere is not installing05:36
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RadiantFireI assumed it was locking issue, since the 686 is smp05:36
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DeshWHen you lock a session, what password gets you back?05:36
DaSkreechIs it against the canonical way?05:36
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imbrandonDaSkreech: you just need to have java installed, limewire there is no installing you just run it05:36
DaSkreechimbrandon: Ah Ok05:36
DaSkreechGood point05:36
DaSkreechWhich means no katapult :-(05:37
imbrandonDesh: your user password05:37
DaSkreechWhy would an application not turn up in katapult?05:37
DeshDIdn;t work for some reason...05:38
imbrandoncheck caps lock etc etc etc05:38
imbrandonbut that is what itsa wanting05:38
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DaSkreechOr the menu come to think of it ?05:40
imbrandondepends on the app, if it dident make a menu entry for its self then .....05:41
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RadiantFiregenerally terminal apps don't make menu entries05:41
DaSkreechand thats why it won't turn up in katapult?05:41
Desh2Ok I have a session that is trapped in the Lock Session window. I input my login pass and it says wrong pass.05:42
DaSkreechI just had the feeling that if you turn up in alt+F2 and had an icon katapult would feel you out05:42
RadiantFiresomewhere in kde is a program that searches the path for graphical apps not in the menu05:42
RadiantFireI don't know where it is05:42
RadiantFiremaybe its hiding05:42
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DaSkreechYeah Maybe :-)05:42
RadiantFiremaybe its not in the default kubuntu install05:43
RadiantFirebut I remembe rusing it05:43
DaSkreechSo With this 'somewhere in KDE program' I can get katapult to see gnucash?05:43
graywolfwhy isnt there a shortcut to KOrganizer05:43
imbrandonits intergrated with kontact05:45
DaSkreechRadiantFire: Is that the purpose for the app?05:45
imbrandonDaSkreech: probbly not as gnucash not a qt/kde app, you will probbly have to add it maunaly05:45
Desh2I have a session stuck in the lock session. My login pass doesn't work.05:46
DaSkreechRight. I figured that might be it05:46
RadiantFireDaSkreech: yeah, it searchs for graphical apps not in your menu05:46
RadiantFireI'm trying to find it05:46
DaSkreech(though I'm sure it would work in Gnome and so should work in KDE)05:46
DaSkreechMe Too :-)05:46
imbrandonDesh2: log in as root ( single user ) and change the password, thats the onyl way if you dont rember the pass05:46
RadiantFiremaybe its in the repository05:46
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RadiantFireDaSkreech: found it kappfinder05:47
Desh2But I do. I can login as that user, but when I lock a session the same pass is invalid.05:47
DaSkreechimbrandon: However can I configure katapult to look in a wider (or more focused depends on how you look at it) area to find more apps?05:47
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RadiantFire!info kappfinder05:47
ubotukappfinder: (non-KDE application finder for KDE), section kde, is optional. Version: 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu6 (breezy), Packaged size: 252 kB, Installed size: 1312 kB05:48
DaSkreechRadiantFire: Drat not in Adept05:48
=== DaSkreech is digging the adept tags
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ubotunixternal: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:48
nixternali had to see that05:48
=== nixternal clocks back in
DaSkreechOh no wait it is there05:48
seawolf__hi all05:48
DaSkreechWell I'm hitting bed05:49
DaSkreechSee you all tomorrow05:49
DaSkreechThanks nixternal imbrandon RadiantFire05:49
nixternalhaha np05:49
nixternaldid you get limewire?05:49
DaSkreechnope tomorrow05:49
nixternalim using it right now05:49
DaSkreechAfter I get javadebs05:49
imbrandonnixternal: all your's i'm off to code a bit05:49
nixternaldl'n at snails pace05:49
nixternaloh lord05:49
imbrandonhey you clicked in not me ;)05:50
=== nixternal puts on his head set and prepares for the calls
Desh2imbrandon, I know the password, but it says that pass is invalid05:50
imbrandonas i said , check you caps lock etc, it is the same one you logged in with05:51
imbrandonits the only password there is05:51
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imbrandonnixternal: just for you ........05:54
ubotuhmm... microsoft is Ubuntu bug #1 ( see - https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+bug/1 )05:54
nixternalnice one05:55
nixternalyou set that one up quick05:55
imbrandonnah its been there a while i just linked it05:55
nixternallol...good one05:55
nixternalmake that say a kubuntu bug05:55
nixternalubuntu is great and all...but it isn't kubuntu ;)05:55
imbrandonheh ubotu serves x/k/ed/ubuntu ;)05:55
robotgeekthey are all the same, but then again...they are not :)05:56
nixternaledubuntu is the only one i haven't messed with05:56
Hobbseenixternal: bug 4606305:56
nixternali am not a bug05:56
Hobbseeah, that plugin probably isnt active in here...05:56
nixternaloh...bug # 4606305:56
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imbrandonnot ubugtu in here ? hmmm05:56
Hobbseeyeah, that's a kubunt bug...05:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: sure, but that plugin would be disabled05:57
nixternali wish prak would come back...i really want to get his network up and running05:57
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nixternali think when he installed...something got fubarred....no matter what i did for /etc/network/interfaces it would crash out on restart05:58
robdid anyone else notice on the live cd installer that the Kubuntu logo is all stretched on the last couple of dialogs?05:58
nixternalcan't say that i have rob05:58
nixternaland i just installed it05:58
nixternallike...it just finished installing on my laptop05:58
imbrandonrob what version of the cd installer ( flight 7 ? )05:59
robnixternal, I did two installs in the last week (one laptop. one this PC) and it was for both05:59
nixternali didn't pay attention05:59
robumm off the top of my head the latest flight05:59
=== nixternal searches for disk
imbrandonrob , ok ...... if you dont mind a new RC will be released soon , try it with that one also and tell us05:59
robimbrandon, ok I'll check it out06:00
=== nixternal punches out on break...brb
Hobbseehi rob06:00
imbrandonbtw heya Hobbsee ;)06:00
robhi Hobbsee06:00
Hobbseehi imbrandon :P06:00
=== Hobbsee is back. there was no point in going to uni.
=== imbrandon has joins/parts turned off so i dident see ya come in
robare there any plans to make the bootsplash a little more easy on the eye?06:01
Hobbseerob: ask kwwii, when he comes back06:01
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Hobbseehe does all the artwork06:01
nixternalwell hello06:01
imbrandonkwwii is the art god ;)06:01
nixternalkwwii went back to bed06:01
robthe chunky blocky text and blurry kubuntu logo doesn't do justice06:01
Hobbseenixternal: hehe, not surprised06:02
imbrandonusplash or kdm splash ?06:02
nixternaldon't get me started on kdm splash...cuz mine isn't working06:02
Hobbseerob: what resolution would you be running at?06:02
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imbrandonahh that is also limited by 14 colors and some font issues etc06:02
robwhat ever the default is set to for usplash06:02
imbrandon800x600 probbly06:02
robits chunky even on my laptop with the 14 inch screen06:03
Hobbseei thought usplash had a resoltuion06:03
robthis one is 1906:03
nixternali thought it did too06:03
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imbrandonnot saying it cant be improved but as i said ......that is also limited by 14 colors and some font issues etc06:03
nixternalcuz i know on my 1600x1200 screen it is small...like it is also 1600x120006:03
robGentoo/Mandrake have had some really nice usplash in the past06:03
nixternaland it looks good06:04
=== nixternal don't use usplash
nixternaldon't need it...i know it is loading...if it's broke..it will tell me06:04
roband/or the other version of it06:04
RadiantFireI like the boot splash stuff, and it actually works the whole way through shutdown on the latest update06:04
imbrandonyea suse has had some nice ones too06:04
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robI just like the eyecandy when its booting up06:05
robif something breaks I'll check dmesg06:05
OpenSorceok......I've always been a lilo user.......I wanted to play with grub a bit...I typed "grub" and then ctrl-c to exit it and now my Windows drive won't boot......coincidence you think?06:07
robdid you configure grub to list your windows partition?06:07
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OpenSorceyes yes, and it worked previously06:09
RadiantFiredoes it not list your windows or does it not boot it correctly06:09
robso grub lists the partition on boot, but when you select it it wiggs out?06:09
OpenSorcethe windows issue probably has nothing to do with grub.......it gets to the screen asking if I want safemode or not.......so it's actually booting just freezing afterwards06:10
robnar thats not grub06:10
OpenSorceit's just windows crashing again06:10
robsounds like you have an issue with windows itself06:10
nixternali love when people get pissed at windows...as a matter of fact...i just got pissed at windows...cuz out of no where it just comes alive..figures..when you don't need it, it works06:11
robdelete that partition and store porn or something in its place :P06:11
robI adminster a large windows based network for crust, its lots of fun06:12
RadiantFiremmm, I"m sure06:12
robI have today of thankfully06:12
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steveklAnyone know how to save a screencap in VLC?06:12
OpenSorcehehe.....nah I have it mounted.....I'll keep using the data I have on it til I can reformat again06:12
robI was playing Sauerbraten last night at my lug meet, for an open source shoot-em-up its not bad06:13
robotgeekstevekl: printscreen works, i am not sure about vlc06:13
robits no Quake/Doom/Unreal etc, but fun never the less06:13
steveklWell that's officially too much work06:14
OpenSorcestevekl: assuming you haven't read that already :-)06:14
steveklI'm not about to close down an episode of MST3k right in the middle of it!06:15
OpenSorceI've tried to use the screen-cap app......I just get a blank capture06:15
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nixternalAMD X2's hit the shelves today06:28
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Ahmuckhow do i adjust ACLOCAL_FLAGS ?06:39
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robotgeekAhmuck: maybe export them06:43
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robotgeekusing export ACLOCAL_FLAGS=blah06:44
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drgonzohello all06:45
drgonzoadept manager is giving me a lot of these errors today "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. "06:45
drgonzoit's crashing during upgrades too06:45
robotgeekdrgonzo: what does apt-get say?06:45
drgonzowhat do you mean06:46
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robotgeekdrgonzo: try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"06:46
drgonzo0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:48
drgonzoi ran synaptic and it says something didnt complete run sudo dpkg --configure -a06:48
drgonzowhich I did06:48
drgonzomaybe i should reinstall adapt manager06:48
robotgeekdrgonzo: no, no need06:49
robotgeekdrgonzo: sudo apt-get install -f06:49
graywolfif you have a hard drive with like 5 gb left and install Kubuntu, can you gradually increase the partition size as you transfer files over from the rest of the HD?06:49
drgonzo0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:49
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robotgeekdrgonzo: i think you should be fine, just go ahead and install what you wanted to06:49
WordBilford I'm pretty sure06:50
drgonzorobotgeek: i was just doing some adapt suggested updates06:50
drgonzowhen it crashed updating about 40 packages06:50
drgonzoI then reran it and it said nothing is needed for update06:50
drgonzoThen the next day (today) it has another set of packages for suggested update and I did an update, and again it crashed during it.06:50
robotgeekdrgonzo: weird. did you get the backtrace and file a bug?06:51
drgonzono backtrace, just that error message.06:51
robotgeekdrgonzo: hmm, not sure. i rarely use adept06:52
drgonzoIF i don't click ok on the error message window I noticed that adapt keeps running and continues to update06:52
drgonzoit only closes off after i click ok on the error message06:52
_tom_the thing i dont like about freenet is there is no ssl connection06:52
robotgeekah, okay.06:52
_tom_but then again i think ssl is broke for me since thunderbird cant download my gmail06:52
drgonzorobotgeek: so i can do the same update using sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?06:52
_tom_it tries for like 2 minutes and then just moves on06:52
drgonzoIf thats the case, I'll just use command06:53
drgonzoI thought dist-upgrade was used to upgrade between breezy and dapper.06:54
drgonzoor does dist-upgrade check packages installed against repo and update them to latest?06:54
Dr_Willisive often used dist-upgrade as a 'more in depth' upgrade.. seems to fix a few things every now and then.06:55
drgonzook thanks06:56
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Dr_WillisNot sure the other details.. but ive seen where it updates the kernels and some other more 'imporntant' packages that may get held back06:56
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rafhello all07:08
rafwhat are the first steps to develop KDE applications in kubuntu?07:08
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imbrandonlearn c++/qt development07:09
Hobbseedepends - packaging, or actual developing?07:09
imbrandontrue ;)07:09
Worddapper is stable enough right now right?07:10
rafI'm a c++ programmer, but I don't know qt07:10
imbrandonWord: depends on your def of stable, if you can put up with frequent updates and a FEW quarks here and there yes, FULL DISCLOSURE: i'm running dapper now for months07:11
rafHobbsee: I don't understand what you mean with "packaging or actual dev"07:11
Wordfrequent updates make me giddy07:11
imbrandonraf: packaging is taking a c++ app and making it into a debain package07:11
Hobbseeer, as in, writing or hacking new applications, or packaging existing applications for the repositories?07:11
Wordand a broken kubuntu install that probably won't boot the next time I restart does the opposite07:11
rafimbrandon: ko07:12
rafimbrandon: ok07:12
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imbrandonraf if you program in c++ currently look into c++ qt hooks07:13
imbrandonkde / kubuntu apps are MOSTLY c++ using the qt libs07:14
imbrandonalthough python / qt is gaining ground as of late07:14
RadiantFireraf: qt is easy to learn07:16
RadiantFireraf: I've been looking at the documentation for about a 2 days now and I feel like I have a decent grasp07:16
rafwell, i want to develop a command line application, and develop a graphical front-end for that application07:16
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Wordimbrandon: Will there be an option to delete other OS installations when I run dapper install cd?07:16
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rafbut I don't what I need to learn to start programming in linux07:17
imbrandonraf then do the command line in pure c++ and the graphical app part in python / qt , would be the EASIEST way07:17
imbrandonWord: yes , if you so choose07:17
WordGreat, thanks.07:17
rafI mean, in windows there's an API, what's the way to programm linux applications07:18
_rince_programming in linux is not that different07:19
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rafis there a pretty cool C++ IDE under linux?07:19
_rince_you have no solutions or projects but have to wirte Makefiles instead07:19
_rince_there are ides but i can't say wether they're cool, i do my stuff in vim or emacs07:20
Wordwell for web programming there's Quanta Plus07:20
_rince_there's kdevelop for c++07:21
_rince_and eclipse07:21
_rince_for whatever you like07:21
rafI'm using eclipse right know07:21
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_rince_then it should be quite familiar07:21
rafbut it's so slow07:21
_rince_that's right07:22
rafmy pc is a P3 600Kh :D07:22
_rince_if you are planning on writing a lot of code, maybe emacs is worth a look07:22
_rince_but it looks kind of clumsy in the beginning07:22
rafcan emacs run on kde?07:22
_rince_expecially if you come from windows, but it turns out to be a real powerful editor07:23
_rince_although it is written in lisp and has a gtk gui it runs on kde, yes :)07:23
_rince_anything that runs on linux, runs on kde ... kde is nothing more than the look and feel of your windows07:24
rafI'll try emacs07:24
_rince_be careful, it's a pain in the ass in the beginning07:24
_rince_and it's no ide07:24
imbrandonif you are using eclipse you will like kdevelop307:25
imbrandonand it is an ide07:25
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imbrandonkdevelop3 is like visual c++ on windows07:25
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rafI'm trying to install emacs from adept, but I don't know what package I must install, there's hundreds of it07:26
rafI'm feeling that pain in the ass07:26
imbrandonraf honestly if you dont wanna learn emacs ( months just to learn the editor ) use kdevelop07:26
_rince_s/months/weeks/ but you're right somehow :)07:27
imbrandonweeks to use it productively months to leanr it ;)07:28
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_rince_"emacs is a damn fine operating system, it just lacks a good editor" :)07:28
aseigo_rince_: didn't someone implement a vim-alike mode in emacs? so i'd say it has a decent editor now ;)07:28
robmaybe they should make a Vim plugin for it then :P07:28
imbrandon_rince_: something tells me RMS dident say that07:29
_rince_there is a vim plugin ... 'elvis' isn't it?07:29
rafiis it emacs harder to learn than vi editor?07:29
_rince_i don't remember who said that :)07:29
Bilford_just use KDevelop07:30
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imbrandonsudo apt-get install kdevelop307:30
rafyes, I already did that07:31
imbrandondont get me wrong emacs might be a good thing to have under your belt later but for right now dont touch it07:31
rafbut I'll try emacs :D :D07:31
imbrandonokie ;) youve been warned ;)07:31
rafwhat about xemacs? is it the X version of emacs?07:32
imbrandonalso just so you know emacs is not an ide its just an editor , so no linker / compiler etc you still need to know gcc etc but kdevelop takes care of all that for ya07:32
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poimenkoffice is better than openoffice?07:36
nixternali have a 222ms lag right now07:36
nixternali love it07:36
imbrandondam nic reset on me for some reason07:36
nixternalahh..love when that happens07:36
nixternalthat was happening to me the other night07:36
nixternalthen the hard drive crashed07:37
imbrandonhopefully this is the only time it will happen *jinxes self*07:37
nixternaloh great...thats what you got to look forward to07:37
imbrandonheh i just put a sata150 400gb in here two days ago, it better not die lol07:37
nixternal$79.99 300gb ata133 7200rpm 8mb cache at fry's electronics07:37
nixternalgood ol' sata...07:37
imbrandonyea i wanted a sata300 but my wallet dident07:38
imbrandonpoimen: not better or worse, just diffrent, its more lightweight if thats what you mean07:38
imbrandonbut it also is not as interoperable with windows office07:39
imbrandonas openoffice is07:39
poimenI see07:39
imbrandonso its a tradeoff07:39
poimenI have never used it...07:39
imbrandonwell if you dont have to worry about windows users and the like then koffice is good07:39
imbrandoninfact its great07:39
Bilford_why isnt KOffice installed by default07:40
poimenI am in col;lage and I have to use windows format for class room :(07:40
nixternali hear you poimen...me too07:40
nixternalfunny thing...the instructor is the linux+ instructor for the area too07:41
poimennixternal what you study?07:41
nixternalanything i can now adays07:41
nixternalim inthe process of finishin up my mba...but i take extra computer classes at the local college for transfer credits07:42
poimenohh I see07:42
Bilford_where is KOffice07:42
nixternalgonna get into some coding cuz brandon told me to ;p07:42
imbrandonbut if you deal with having to save in windows office format then you need openoffice ( koffice will read office docs just not save them )07:42
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nixternalcan you at least save them in rtf format?07:42
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nixternalif you can save them in rtf format then im all koffice07:43
Bilford_I dont see KOffice in the07:43
nixternalcuz openoffice is a pig07:43
Bilford_I dont see KOffice in the Add Programs list07:43
poimenI feel out of place07:43
poimenI am using gnome for my desktop07:43
poimenbecause XGL works better here07:43
=== imbrandon loves the xgl in kde ;)
Bilford_wheres KOffice07:44
poimenXGL is lovely in KDE but I dont know why In suse it looks very nice but when I installed it in my kubuntu07:44
imbrandonpoimen: its the same compiz in kde or gnome07:44
poimenthe wobbly plugin is too exagerated07:44
imbrandonhold on Bilford07:44
poimenand there is another thing like a shadow I dont Know It sucks that I cant configure it in kde07:45
imbrandonBilford "sudo apt-get install koffice"07:45
imbrandonthere is a meta package07:46
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Bilford_thats weird07:48
Bilford_KOffice is a project of KDE and everything, but it's not in the normal Add Programs list or anything07:49
imbrandonkubuntu is not PURE kde ;)07:49
poimenBilford : u cant put all software in one cd07:50
Bilford_guess its a licensing thing07:50
=== tailor [n=tailor@dslb-084-058-098-248.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
imbrandonbasicly it boils down to , kubuntu is made to make linux easy, open office fit that idea better than koffice, thus its the default office apps ;)07:51
imbrandonbut that dosent mean you cant install koffice later07:51
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vinboyis the release at the (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/) stable enough?07:53
vinboyi'll get tat07:54
Bilford_its practically the finished thing07:54
vinboyi assume it is the same as the Release candidate due on 25th07:54
Bilford_not exactly07:54
Bilford_its due on the 25th?07:55
Bilford_I thought June 107:55
Bilford_oh release candidate07:55
vinboyi just can't win07:56
vinboycan't wait07:56
vinboyi'm going crazy07:56
Bilford_why are you waiting07:56
Bilford_it just downloads any updates07:56
vinboyto get the CD07:57
imbrandonnot quite07:57
imbrandonbut close07:57
imbrandonthats the daily build07:57
imbrandonrc wont be out for more hours to come ( 12+ or more )07:57
Bilford_does it matter though07:57
Bilford_it just downloads the updates anyway07:57
vinboyi'll do apt-get update when new things come07:57
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ririyou see a pleased man ! lol07:58
ririi installed dapper 7 yesterday07:58
riribut i was so afraid to break my linux i format xp ! lol07:59
Bilford_did you get your activation code07:59
ririso no more xp07:59
ririactivation code ?07:59
imbrandonactivation code ?07:59
Bilford_you have to register your copy07:59
vinboyare the images at (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/) install cd or live cd?07:59
Bilford_oh nm08:00
imbrandonlive cd as it says in the url08:00
crimsunvinboy: live08:00
Bilford_wrong channel08:00
ririif i don't register dapper ?08:00
imbrandonBilford maybe your thinking of #windows ;)08:00
imbrandonriri: no you dont have to register it08:00
ririi began to smile yellow ! lol08:01
riridon't make me so much pain in the morning ! lol08:01
vinboycrimsun: am I able to install using espresso to my HD?08:01
imbrandonvinboy: yes you should be able to no problems08:01
ririyou know i sticked to mandriva till now just because i needed to share internet08:01
seaLnevinboy: dapper-desktop is a live cd that you can also install from08:02
Bilford_how do you refresh the Menu after installilng something that doesnt show up08:02
riribut my version was not night so i couldn't do it manually08:02
imbrandonBilford restart kicker08:02
Bilford_is it in init.d08:02
ririi have a little problem08:02
imbrandonBilford no08:02
ririi wanted to install vmplayer08:02
ririto try xp :) lol08:03
ririso i found a nice webpage08:03
ririmade by a newbie female...08:03
ririeverything perfect... till vmware package08:03
ririi choosed rpm08:03
ririand installed rpm08:04
riribut missed dependances /bin/sh08:04
ririwhat this ?08:04
imbrandonrpm in kubuntu ?08:04
ririso i tried tar packages... tar xvfz08:04
ririi installed it from synaptic08:05
imbrandonwhy not just use the vmware player tar from vmware.com ;)08:05
imbrandonvery easy to setup08:05
riribecause i need vmware station08:05
imbrandonahh warez08:05
ririto make my image of xp08:05
imbrandonyou can use the free vmware server to make an image08:05
imbrandonand be totaly legal08:06
riribut i want to try vmware :)08:06
ririis there any problem with tar command ?08:06
imbrandonnot that i know of08:06
ririmay be the file is corrupted08:06
ririwell 100 mb to load ! lol08:06
ririok i try again...08:07
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riria friend of mine just told me i can use alien file.rpm ?08:07
ririis alien ok ?08:08
ririhi nixternal08:08
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nixternalhey riri08:09
imbrandonyou can try it but i recomend getting the official stuff from vmware.com08:09
imbrandonits free no reason no to08:09
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ririi load again and if broken i try alien08:11
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ririso nixt i have come to kubuntu at last08:12
ririi used firestarter for my sharing internet08:13
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ririis there somewhere I can get timidity ?08:17
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ubuntu_imbrandon: Hey you still here?08:18
ubuntu_This is word..i'm trying to install dapper..but when it's reading my windows partition it crashes08:18
ririyou are in manual ?08:18
ubuntu_i'm using the cd08:18
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ririif yes take a nightly08:19
imbrandonubuntu , hold on one sec08:19
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ririi spend the bug08:19
Bilford_how old is your CD08:19
ubuntu_just made it08:19
riribut it's already duplicated08:19
Bilford_from daily?08:19
_phoenixHi all !08:19
imbrandonthere are 3 packages you might need to update , hold on08:19
ubuntu_flight 7 bilford08:20
ririHi alone :)08:20
Bilford_you probably have an older verison.  it has a partition bug08:20
Bilford_this is the link for the latest:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/08:20
imbrandonBilford yes but there is a fix , just chill one sec08:20
_phoenixI have a couple of questions: 1. I have downloaded Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers08:20
imbrandonthat is not nessesary08:20
_phoenixbut non of them have a config file08:21
ubuntu_thanks imbrandon I really can't burn another cd if I want it to get done any time soon08:21
_phoenixso... when I enter ./configure, don't have somethnig to configure08:21
_phoenixHow can I install Firefox or Opera browsers if I don't have a config file ?08:22
riribilford 6.06 is not 7 ?08:22
ubuntu_opera has its own package so all you have to do is download it and right click Kubuntu package menu-> install08:22
_phoenixI'll try it right now08:22
Bilford_Flight 7 is beta of 6.06, but there's also daily builds08:23
=== ubuntu_ is now known as word
ririok i wait the final :)08:23
_phoenixnot working. I downloaded tar.gz and I extract it08:23
wordgo to the opera website08:24
_phoenixI went there08:24
wordand go through there download menu08:24
_phoenixno help for Linux install08:24
wordand go to linux08:24
wordyou don't need help08:24
_phoenixI'll check again08:24
wordyou need the .deb for ubuntu08:24
_phoenixook :008:24
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion08:24
_phoenixthank you08:25
Bilford_new FF is in Dapper08:25
imbrandonBilford that has directions for both08:26
rirican we write on ntfs ?08:26
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imbrandonnot without captitive ntfs drivers08:31
imbrandondefault install no08:32
vinboywat is captitive ntfs drivers?08:32
wordand captive ntfs still carries heavy 'don't yell at us if all your files are erased' warning heh...08:32
imbrandonvinboy: its a 3rd party ntfs kernel driver that uses wine08:33
imbrandon!google captiventfs08:34
ubotuimbrandon: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:34
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nixternal`zzzg`night all08:36
imbrandonnight nixternal`zzz08:36
nixternal`zzznight codemonkey08:36
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imbrandonkinda quiet tonight ;)08:58
farhankanyone is using yahoo messenger provided by yahoo?08:58
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robheh no08:59
=== imbrandon has kopete, farhank have a problem ?
_rince_imbrandon: where do you live?08:59
imbrandonkansas city, usa08:59
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_rince_ah, it's 9 a.m. here :)09:00
farhankno, not at all, i just dont want to use it, i am able to connect through gaim and kopete09:00
aftertafhi all :)09:00
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_rince_9 a.m. and not enough coffee yet %-)09:02
imbrandonasia ?09:02
aftertaf_rince_, its brewing right now :)09:02
imbrandonah ;)09:02
imbrandonutc is 7am ;)09:02
_rince_that's all that counts :)09:02
imbrandon2am here localtime09:02
_rince_aftertaf: i'm already at work, so i have to wait for my collegues09:03
_rince_.oO( however that is spelled )09:03
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_rince_yo_yo: nuernberg, germany09:03
aftertafi'm on shifts now, so i start @ 13:0009:03
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aftertaffrance :)09:04
yo_yoitaly me09:04
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aftertafeurope :)09:04
yo_yoi'm at school09:04
_rince_is there a non-europe italy, too?09:05
_rince_ok, maybe i missed the point here, off for some coffee09:05
yo_yoi need coffee too09:06
aftertafgood idea coffee :)09:06
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=== aftertaf drinks coffee
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=== imbrandon steals aftertaf mug and starts drinking coffee too .........
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=== aftertaf wrestles it back and lugs the rest...
aftertafhehe, want some?09:18
=== aftertaf serves coffee for everyone
aftertafhi raf09:18
=== Hobbsee will pass on the coffee
rafI want to install other languages in Kubuntu, what can I do?09:18
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=== imbrandon hands a mt dew to Hobbsee
aftertafraf, open synaptic. and type the english name for your language in the search.09:19
=== Hobbsee only drinks coke, strawberry milk, and water.
imbrandonraf look for language packs in adapt09:19
Hobbseemabye a couple of other things too...09:19
imbrandonno MT DEW ?!?! omg09:19
yo_yodo yopu know how change splash?09:19
rafI ran adept,but there's hundreds of packages on spanish language-pack-es, language-pack.kde-es, etc09:20
rafI don't know what I need to install09:20
aftertafraf install the kde one language-pack.kde-es,09:20
rafaftertaf: what is synaptic?09:20
aftertafi should have said adept ;)09:21
rafoh, ok :D09:21
imbrandonsynaptic == gtk version of adept09:21
imbrandonor similar09:21
rafooh, ok09:21
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rafI haven't synaptic, but I ahve adept09:22
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csseyahhey guys!09:24
csseyahquestion here!!!09:24
csseyahhello guru09:25
csseyahanybody here\09:25
aftertafraf, you found it compadr09:26
csseyahsue komportable09:26
rafaftertaf: hehehehe, yes I found it, thanks09:27
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csseyahwhat command Im going to run when im login in the terminal mode going to x windows...09:28
aftertafol man ;)09:28
aftertafcsseyah, eh?09:28
aftertafwhat do you mean?09:28
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csseyahyou know what i mean09:29
aftertafno i dont. you make little sense!09:31
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rafyaahooo, now my Kubuntu is in spanish09:31
rafand german09:31
csseyahohh men09:31
rafthanks a lot!09:31
csseyahdid u understand09:31
csseyahthat languages?09:31
csseyahur amazing men09:31
csseyahwhat else languages09:31
csseyahcan u speak09:31
rafmmm no, hehehe09:31
rafI'm not amazing, I need those languages09:31
csseyahohh ic09:32
csseyahyour trying09:32
csseyah to access09:32
csseyahthe site09:32
csseyahwith that languages09:32
rafI speak spanish, german, a very bad english and nahuatl09:32
yo_yowhat is?09:33
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rafnahuatl is a mexican language09:33
csseyahwhat is the command for going back to x windows09:33
aftertafcsseyah, alt + F709:34
seth|lappy'tis ctrl + alt + F7 actually09:35
seth|lappybut I think you want startx, as he said earlier09:36
aftertafseth|lappy, not if in console already :P09:36
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seth|lappyeven better would probably be sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart09:36
seth|lappyto make sure things are happy09:36
aftertafi agree :)09:36
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_johanwhere can i set settings to let work my fan on my laptop? using dapper drake09:39
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Spaceraverhi... i think i have a major problem... after choosing install to disc it says Uncompressing Linux. Booting Kernel09:43
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aftertafSpaceraver, restart it, and choose recovery mode (press esc if grub doesnt show) and give us the exact error... Which cd:dvd did you use to istall?09:43
SpaceraverALERT! /dev/ram/ does not exist. Dropping to console09:43
Spaceraverit's at the install09:44
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aftertafwhat cd Spaceraver ?09:44
Spaceraverthen /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off09:44
Spaceraverit's the 6.06 DVD09:44
Spaceraverdrops me to busybox console...09:45
aftertaf6.06... not yet stable.09:45
aftertafSpaceraver, id use 5.10 then dist-upgrade if you want dapper......   and let the ppl know what doesnt work.09:45
aftertafbugreport it09:45
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aftertaf6.06 isnt finalised yet. so there must be a bug in it that comes up with your config.....09:47
Spaceraverokay... ill report it at the forums... there goes that dvd out the window...09:48
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aftertafremerber which flight number? Spaceraver ?09:48
Spaceraverdl'ed straight off kubuntu hp09:48
aftertafHobbsee, you nkow who to mention that to?09:49
Hobbseeaftertaf: what?09:49
=== sugoruyo hi all
=== Hobbsee missed all of that
Hobbseehi sugoruyo09:49
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aftertafHobbsee, 6.06 install dvd hanging on start: ALERT! /dev/ram/ does not exist. Dropping to console09:50
sugoruyoi'm having some troubles with KDE on ubuntu flight 709:50
Spaceraverthen /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off09:50
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Spaceraverit drops me to busybox09:50
Hobbseeaftertaf: talk to Riddell about that09:50
ririvmware installed without any problem...09:50
aftertafRiddell, ALERT! /dev/ram/ does not exist. Dropping to console   on the 6.06 install DVD...09:51
ririi guess my tar file was corrupted yesterday09:51
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sugoruyocan someone help?09:51
aftertafRiddell, then :/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off09:51
ririalien is not good09:51
aftertafriri no . :)09:51
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imbrandonsugoruyo: whats the problem?09:51
sugoruyoi'm in gnome09:52
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sugoruyoand i have a notification that says09:52
rafhello again, I've downloaded the manpages in spanish, but I don't know ho to make that manpages the default09:52
sugoruyoi got tons of updates09:52
aftertafraf, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales09:52
imbrandonsugoruyo: ok and the problem ?09:52
sugoruyoso i tell it get them, and most files fail with a 404 error09:52
imbrandonsugoruyo: open a console and type09:53
sugoruyoalso it tries to get'em from a au. mirror and i don't know why09:53
aftertafsugoruyo, pastebin your sources.list09:53
Spaceraverthis is bugging me bigtime... funny thing is the suse dvd works and install perfectly..09:53
imbrandon"sudo apt-get update"09:53
ririaftertaf do you mean it's good ?09:53
aftertafSpaceraver, grab the 5.10 install cd/dvd and install that, then upgrade.... 6.06 is in final touches, but still not 100% stable.09:53
ririaftertaf means aprs le boulot ?09:53
aftertafriri, not at all ;)09:53
aftertafriri, oui ;)09:54
ririi guess you are from this funny country ! lol09:54
sugoruyoimbrandon: ok i did09:54
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aftertafnot from, but in.09:54
sugoruyoaftertaf: what's that?09:54
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imbrandonsugoruyo: now try09:55
imbrandonthe updates09:55
aftertafcat /etc/apt/sources.list09:55
sugoruyoaftertaf: no i mean where is the pastebin09:55
sugoruyowhat's the url09:55
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 09:55
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Spaceraverhmm... weird... cant seem to find the dvd release of 5.10 on the ubuntu hp... might as well have the option between kde and gnome09:57
ririaftertaf i am astonished of the quality of kubuntu09:57
ririeven i use dapper 709:57
a_la_posteme too :)09:57
a_la_posteback soon....09:57
sugoruyoimbrandon: ok now i'm getting stuf09:58
ririworking there ? lol09:58
riri_la_poste ?09:58
ririit's strange : fr-kubuntu is not very crowded... but here lot of french...09:59
rafaftertaf: thanks, after "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" my manpages still appear in english09:59
ririso is there a need to make a fr one ?09:59
=== seawolf__ is away: I'm busy
rafaftertaf: thanks, but after "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" my manpages still appear in english09:59
Hobbseeseawolf__: turn that off please10:00
sugoruyoa_la_poste: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1453810:00
sugoruyoimbrandon: what exactly was that?10:00
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_phoenixI'm back, so... I can't install Firefox10:02
lbeguys how/where can i set Firefox as my default webbrowser, i am very new to kubuntu.10:02
_phoenixit didn't work in the way they say on the website10:02
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a_la_poste_phoenix, sudo apt-get install firefox / use adept10:03
_phoenixI know sudo apt-get10:03
_phoenixbut he didn't find10:03
a_la_posteapt-cache search firefox10:04
_phoenixI'll try to install Opera10:04
a_la_posteim off, be back soon10:04
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imbrandonlbe: k --> system settings --> kde components --> default browser10:06
imbrandon_phoenix: try this link10:07
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion10:07
Spaceraverokay... i submitted the bug to the forums...10:08
imbrandonforums or launchpad ?10:09
imbrandonSpaceraver: there isnt a 5.10 dvd , only cd as far as i know10:10
imbrandondapper dvd just is the live cd and install cd in one10:10
Spaceraverwell i found the dvd after a bit of googling10:10
imbrandonwell if your going to install it like i said save your self some bandwidth and grab the cd ;) ( if you dont need the live cd option )10:11
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_phoenixthere is also an DVD10:13
imbrandonther is but like i said its just livecd + text install ( no extra packages )10:13
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Spaceraverwell i need the live dvd ver... might persuade some people to switch to linux along with me...10:13
firepolI wrote a post about the issues i encountered by upgrading from kubuntu breezy (+kde 3.5.2) to dapper, if someone is interested, take a look: http://www.pbworks.net/wp/2006/05/23/upgrading-ubuntu-breezy-to-dapper/10:14
imbrandonfirepol: thanks, will do10:14
Spaceraversince i dont know anybody who runs linux other than a LUG based 10 km from here10:14
Spaceraverand 2 open minds is better than one10:15
imbrandonfirepol: Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.10:15
Spaceraveror more even...10:16
firepolwtf, sorry, I'm editing the post righr now... ill fix it and repost the link10:17
imbrandonfirepol: you might be interested in providing feedback on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/UpgradePaths too10:17
Spaceravereven though there are no linux users among the people i know i might make some people switch if they try it first... ie a live disc is handy for that...10:17
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imbrandonSpaceraver: true10:18
rafaftertaf: man, I need help with my manpages10:18
rafthe locales method doesn't seems to work10:18
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Spaceraverbut im sorry to inform that ill keep my Win anyway... until there is DX9 support i cant solely rely linux on a daily basis...10:19
imbrandonSpaceraver: cedega has dx9 support10:20
visik7DX9 where?10:20
firepolimrandon: now it should work, sorry for the inconvenience10:20
imbrandonfirepol: no, look also at the link i posted for you10:20
firepolimbrandon: ill take a loom at the wiki.10:20
Spaceraverso then i pay a amount of money to use their service.. and get rid of win alltogether..10:21
firepolimbrandon: the bigger bug i encountered it the openoffice. it was removed during the upgrade10:21
Spaceraverwhen i have all the qiurks ironed out ill make a whole switch ie.. Mp3 and video support.. and support for my cad suites10:22
imbrandonSpaceraver: there is also a cedegacvs version thats free10:23
imbrandongoogle for it10:23
imbrandonand mp3 and vidieo support take aout 5 minutes to setup, if you have issues feel free to come ask in here10:24
imbrandoncad you a bit on your own ;)10:24
Spaceraveris it possible to make a configuration file that says "get this and that package and install it" at the same time?? so i could save the cfg file to say a USB disc and load it10:25
Spaceraveror is that a big thing to do...10:25
Spaceraverim really a n00b at this...10:26
imbrandonyou could add them all to a script and run the script10:26
imbrandoncould be whipped up in just a few minutes10:26
Spaceraverand i guess there is loads of console man pages i sift through first then...10:28
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dergringohow can I change default browser to firefox?10:35
aseigodergringo: in the control center there is a "default applications" panel10:38
dergringoaseigo: thank you :)10:41
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seaLneis there a way to make all kde apps use utf8?10:50
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Bilfordis there a broken thing in tonight's update11:09
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tiagohi !!11:31
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larsiviDo the kubuntu koffice 1.5.1 packages have a fix for that fatal kexi bug?12:09
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Adam_eMhi there12:10
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Adam_eMi'm going to give kubuntu 6.06 a try... is it the same as ubuntu ? what differs these two releases12:22
larsiviAdam_eM: KDE :)12:23
P3L|C4N0the desktop enviroment12:23
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larsiviRiddell: Do the kubuntu koffice 1.5.1 packages have a fix for that fatal kexi bug?12:27
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Adam_eMlarsivi that's great: i like the whole idea behind ubuntu but i don't like gnome :)12:28
Riddelllarsivi: yes, they do12:28
Riddellalthough you might want to test that on trial data first12:28
larsiviRiddell: thanks, don't have the trial data yet ;)12:28
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blagojngon frn sverige?12:29
Adam_eMthe only thing i am afraid of are the packages... most of them were made on gnome/gtk, so they're without qt flags... am i wrong ?12:30
larsiviAdam_eM: I haven't experienced such problems12:31
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Adam_eMlarsivi i meant that... for example: you're going to install some application, and after it you haven't got them displayed in the kmenu or such12:33
klerfaytAdam_eM: log out amd in12:33
klerfaytAdam_eM: it can happen backwards - you remove an applications but it's still in menu12:35
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Adam_eMi've never used to use any debian based distro, but i decided to try kubuntu in view of lots of packages. Can i use packages from debian repos too ?12:36
EvilIdlerYou can usually use packages built for Debian, but avoid the official repositories. You'll find most, if not all, in Ubuntu.12:37
Adam_eMklerfayt i had the problem if i was trying to install gnome-compiled package12:37
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Adam_eMi wanted to install gentoo because it has the biggest package base, but i have no time to compile everything so i decided to use kubuntu. I am using suse now12:39
Sythenyou devide to use kubuntu but are using suse.. o.O12:40
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Adam_eMSythen i haven't installed kubuntu yet. I'm just going too... and i'd like to get sum info about it12:41
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SythenAhh, I get it :oD12:42
Sythenmirc in suse?12:43
Adam_eMSythen windoze now, i'm not at home12:44
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Adam_eMi wonder if i could install my old nvidia card on dapper, which pisses me off on suse...12:47
Adam_eM7174 driver + 2.6.16 kernel\12:47
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Adam_eManyone knows ?12:51
Snake[Sleep] Adam_eM: check the wiki perhaps? (I dont know, just sayin what I do know :) )12:52
Snake[Sleep] !nvidia12:52
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:52
Snake[Sleep] :(12:52
Snake[Sleep] Adam_eM: according to that page ubotu just spit up, it goes back to the TNT and TNT2.. so it might work?12:53
Adam_eMSnake[Sleep]  i've got riva tnt2...12:54
Adam_eMand the usb modem - this might be a problem too12:54
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Adam_eMbut the nvidia drivers are included in repos - great12:55
Snake[Sleep] Heh USB modems I know nothing about :) but hell, worth a shot, wait for june 1st and get a dapper desktop cd (or go and get it now, but dapper is in beta stages - but its pretty stable)12:55
Adam_eMSnake[Sleep]  i've made a request for it via shipit. I hope it's worth to remove suse :)12:58
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Snake[Sleep] Alright I got to get going01:00
Snake[Sleep] hope you like kubuntu Adam_eM :)01:00
Adam_eMSnake[Sleep]  i hope so too :) take care, bye01:00
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crazy_penguinhi all!01:30
klerfaythttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/XglHowto?highlight=%28xgl%29 - that's for gnome and not kde!01:31
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klerfaytsomething wrong here with xgl - I don't have window decoration and system tray01:34
klerfaytpanel doesn't respond01:35
Seantaterklerfayt: they say -- xgl is /experimental/01:37
Seantaterklerfayt: try #ubuntu-xgl01:38
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klerfaytSeantater:  help me fix it01:38
klerfaytSeantater:  look into your  /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc01:38
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klerfaytSeantater:  line 46401:38
klerfaytSeantater: what comes after ServerCmd=01:39
Seantater /usr/X11R6/bin/X -br01:39
Seantaterno spaces before /usr01:39
klerfaytSeantater: I found the error compiz.real: Couldn't load plugin 'libgconf.so01:40
Seantaterso is libgconf installed?01:40
klerfaytSeantater: let me first revert back to normal01:41
klerfaytSeantater: kde is like half broken now01:41
chavoklerfayt, It's all working for me but I used the quinstorm repos for compiz01:41
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Seantaterklerfayt: working?01:44
klerfaytSeantater: yes kde is back to normal01:45
Seantaterklerfayt: xorg working?01:45
klerfaytSeantater: y01:45
Seantaterklerfayt: good!01:45
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klerfayteh, I need gnome-window-decorator for compiz?01:46
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firepolhi there, i was using kubuntu with kde 3.5.2 (kubunut.org official repositories). i recently upgraded to dapper and now I have the following problem with konqueror:01:48
firepoli have the "bookmarks" applet. each time i click a bookmark it opens it in a new konqueror window instead of using always the same one01:48
chavoklerfayt, yes01:48
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klerfaytfirepol: setting>configure konqueror01:49
klerfaytfirepol: web behaviour>tabbed browsing01:49
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firepolklerfayt: thank you very much01:51
firepolthe optinop was "hidden" inside the "advanced" tab01:51
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klerfaytI need good howto for compiz under kubuntu01:56
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chavoklerfayt, did you try ubuntuforums.org?02:01
klerfaytchavo: they are all gnome-centric02:01
chavowell I found one and it's working here02:01
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klerfaytchavo: link please? :)02:02
chavohold on a sec02:02
chavoklerfayt, you have an nvidia card?02:04
klerfaytchavo: yeah02:04
klerfaytkde-window-decorator is broken?02:06
chavothere's no kde-window decorator02:06
klerfaytthere is : KDE window decorator that can be used with the compiz composition and window manager02:07
klerfaytand it's broken?02:07
apokryphosyes, it's not complete02:07
klerfaytahaa; so I should install gnome-compiz instead?02:07
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chavoI have both installed but run gnome-window-decorator02:08
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chavoI'm using the quinstorm compiz repos too, not sure if that makes a difference02:08
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apokryphosklerfayt: es02:08
klerfaytok I failed with kde-compiz I'll try with gnome-compiz02:08
chavobut just Today I finally got it all working02:08
apokryphosdon't worry, it doesn't look very gnomey at all =)02:09
chavowell I had it working before, but it's working with Twinview now02:09
chavothe windeco is nice but I like my buttons on the left02:09
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chavoplus the XGL server fixes a wierd font rendering bug on geforce 6600 cards02:10
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klerfaytchavo: what's the issue?02:10
piotrekCan anyone help me installing Intel C++ Compiler on kubuntu?02:10
chavoreal slow font rendering on 6600GT with nvidia driver02:10
klerfaytchavo: woot02:11
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nadshey guys... i have an unusual question...does anyone know where the string table of the symbol table in an elf file is found? (in other words, i want to translate the symbols into their textual names)02:12
chavowoops one bug I havent fixed with XGL02:12
chavoShift and backspace kills the X session :D02:12
piotrekCan anyone help me installing Intel C++ Compiler on kubuntu?02:13
apokryphosnot a bug; a feature02:13
chavothere's still some wierd bugs though, I can't get the Server List window for konversation to close02:13
piotrek#join intel02:13
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piotrekjoin #intel02:13
chavoyeah man that slow font rendering thing made me go back to Windows, but now everything seems to be rockin02:13
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=== klerfayt gives another try to xgl
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klerfaythmm still broken02:24
klerfaytthis time with decorations02:24
klerfaytbut panel doesn't respond02:25
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klerfaytcompiz.real: Couldn't load plugin 'libtransset.so'02:25
apokryphostransset is obsolete now, anyhow; replaced by trailfocus and state plugins02:25
apokryphosand transset only comes in quinn's packs02:25
klerfaytextension "XFree86-VidModeExtension" missing on display ":0.0".02:26
pradeeptoRiddell: around?02:28
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Riddellpradeepto: hi02:30
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pradeeptoRiddell: hey there.02:30
klerfaytI'll try kubuntu.org wiki's xglhowto02:30
pradeeptoRiddell: just wanted to tell you that I just came back from a Qt development talk a while back.02:30
pradeeptoRiddell: to a group of engg. college professors.02:31
pradeeptoRiddell: gave away a lot of Kubuntu CDs, those rare blue packed ones :)02:31
klerfaytI don't have package gset-compiz02:31
chavoklerfayt, it's not needed but makes it easier to configure02:31
apokryphospradeepto: good stuff! =)02:31
pradeeptoRiddell: and also started the show with Umbrello as  proof what Qt can do :)02:32
pradeeptoapokryphos: thanks :)02:32
chavoI have a question about kubuntu-default-settings, why are there no bookmarks for konqueror?02:32
chavoi just noticed that on the live cd02:32
klerfayttake a look here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/XglHowto?highlight=%28xgl%29 - isn't this for gnome?02:33
imbrandonkbuntu and ubuntu use the same wiki back end , they are themed02:33
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klerfaytimbrandon: ok there can I find good xgl for kde?02:33
imbrandonyou can actualy use that for kde too , the gnome decorator works02:34
=== klerfayt tries that howto
imbrandonjust use compiz-kde instead of compiz-gnome02:35
imbrandonall the rest should be the same02:35
Riddellpradeepto: wonderful :)02:35
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chavoklerfayt, make sure you have no stray instances of gnome-window-decorator running it doesn't always exit gracefully02:36
pradeeptoRiddell: :)02:36
pradeeptoRiddell: the box you sent just has 5 CDs and your card left now. Thanks for them dude :)02:36
klerfaytchavo: I need howto first. you found it?02:37
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klerfaytchavo: shouldn't I replace "gnome-session "  with "kde" ?02:37
chavoI can't find the exact one I used, I think I took info from a lot of them. compiz and xgl are in heavy development and hard to stay on top of the progress02:37
klerfaytchavo: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/XglHowto?highlight=%28xgl%2902:38
chavoklerfayt, I used kdm to start XGL02:38
chavoklerfayt, kdm will start the XGL server, from there it doesn't matter which session you choose02:40
klerfaytimo https://wiki.kubuntu.org/XglHowto?highlight=%28xgl%29 is still not for kde02:41
chavoklerfayt, using that method just substitute startkde for gnome-session02:42
Bilfordhow do I edit files in www02:42
BilfordI opened Konqueror with kdesu konqueror02:43
Bilfordbut when I click on a file to edit, it says  Kate or KEdit cant be initiated02:43
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chavoBilford, why do you run konq as root?02:43
=== klerfayt gives another try
Bilfordchavo, I dont know.  Im trying to edit files in www.  what's the best way02:44
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chavofiles in www?02:44
chavojust kdesu kate and the open the files from there02:44
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klerfaytnothing happened :)02:45
Bilfordwhen I do, the files look all weird02:45
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Bilfordbut Im sure thats not the way to do thing like this02:45
klerfaytI think I'm doomed this time02:45
chavoklerfayt, is XGL server running02:45
Bilfordediting www files would be a common thing02:45
chavoBilford, sure it is02:45
BilfordI'll just delete that folder as root02:46
Bilfordand remake it as the normal user02:46
klerfaytchavo: no it's not02:46
imbrandonumm just chmod it02:46
chavobut I took ownership of the www folder02:46
BilfordI mean yeah02:46
chavoIt's all for local use only anyway02:46
chavoklerfayt, you use kdm?02:47
klerfaytchavo: yes02:47
klerfaytchavo: I'm not giving up yet02:47
chavoopen up /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc and go to line 5802:47
chavoshould read -> ServerCmd=/usr/bin/X -br02:47
Bilfordhow do I chmod from root to user02:48
chavonow comment that line out and add this one under it -> ServerCmd=/usr/bin/Xgl :0 -fullscreen -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo02:48
Bilfordthe comman02:48
chavoBilford, you have to chown first02:48
imbrandonBilford: man chmod02:48
PupenoHow do I find out the MAC address of my wireless card adapter ?02:48
Bilfordman chmod www/ -R  ?02:48
Bilfordwhere does it change user?02:49
chavoBilford, do you want to own them or just have write permissions02:49
imbrandonno man changemod is the manual02:49
BilfordI'll read that02:49
chavothen you'll want to use chown02:49
imbrandonchown and chmod are your friends02:49
Bilfordok ty02:49
imbrandontype "man <command>" to learn abouyt a command02:50
chavoor you can change the directory in apache config to one you own02:50
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chavoyou can use konq too, type man:chmod in the addressbar02:51
chavomuch prettier :)02:51
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Bilfordsudo chown USERNAME www -R02:52
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klerfaytchavo: I get it running but it's still half broken02:54
klerfaytchavo: panel is froxen02:54
klerfaytchavo: *frozen02:54
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chavoklerfayt, did you do dist-upgrade lately?02:54
klerfaytchavo: I'm using latest dapper02:55
klerfaytXlib:  extension "XFree86-VidModeExtension" missing on display ":0.0"02:55
chavoklerfayt, latest as in dist-upgraded today?02:55
klerfaytchavo: no installed from cd02:55
klerfaytchavo: it's updated02:56
chavook because I had problems and upgraded a couple of hours ago and all is well02:56
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chavobut like I said I used quinstorm repos02:57
chavodeb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ dapper main02:57
chavodeb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main02:57
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chavoI haven't tried the official ones lately so I don't know if they're broken02:58
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klerfaytchavo: quinstrom repos?03:07
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munzirgoldenear: hi03:13
goldenearhi munzir03:14
konolddoes anyone use pinentry-qt and kmail?03:14
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chavoklerfayt, you still here?03:15
klerfaytchavo: yes03:15
chavowell I can tell you which repos to add03:16
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klerfaytchavo: I got them03:16
chavook these?03:16
chavodeb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ dapper main03:16
chavodeb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main03:16
chavoso you have compiz_0.0.10-0ubuntu14?03:16
klerfaytchavo: I'm doing adept_update03:17
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chavoklerfayt, you were able to start the XGL server right?03:20
klerfaytchavo: yes but kicker freezed03:20
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chavobefore you tried to run compiz?03:21
klerfaytchavo: I had it running, just kde was half broken03:21
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chavohow did you start compiz?03:22
chavoyou made the script called thefuture?03:22
klerfaytchavo: umm. no03:22
froodDoes anyone know how I can type extended ascii characters in linux? Our Windows domain uses them in the domain password for the administrative accounts and I can't connect to the admin shares without them.03:23
klerfaytchavo: I'll try with -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo03:23
chavoonly one bug for me right now, no apps showing up in kde taskbar03:25
klerfaytchavo: what's in your /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc  ServerCmd=03:25
chavoServerCmd=/usr/bin/Xgl :0 -fullscreen -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo03:25
klerfaytchavo: is ":0 -fullscreen -ac"  needed?03:26
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chavoyes afaik, works for me03:26
klerfaytchavo: what if "accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo" ?03:27
chavoklerfayt, I think it'll work without them just very slowly03:27
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klerfaytchavo: and what's in you ~/.kde/Autostart ?03:29
chavoI have a desktop file that starts compiz & gnome-window-decorator03:30
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jorikis there something i can do to free up some space in ubuntu ? it's taking up 11G right now, 6G is in my home directory but i have no clue where the rest might have gone too.03:43
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Hobbseejorik: sudo aptitude clean03:44
jorikHobbsee, how much do you think that will clean ?03:45
jorikthing is03:45
Hobbseejorik: i dont know - however much you have in /var/cache/apt/archives.03:45
jorikhmmm ... 1G03:46
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Hobbseethat's a start then...03:47
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jorikthing is ... i want to be able to copy dvd's on kubuntu. I have 1.9G free right now. But it got me thinking ... i have some free space on my windows partition, could i use that one ?03:48
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jorikor is NTFS still dangerous to mount rw ?03:49
DeadS0ulNTFS is still dangerous to mount as rw03:49
DeadS0ulbut some people use fuse to mount it using the windows ntfs driver which is fairly safe from what i hear03:50
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jorikhmmm that doesnt sound like something id just set up in an afternoon03:50
Hobbseeor captivefs - but none of them are likely to be safe03:50
jorikI think im just gonna tighten the belt till i can buy a new -much much much bigger- HD03:51
gronbaekhow good is ext3 or reiserfs support in windows?03:51
DeadS0ulgronbaek: read only and ...it's meh lol03:51
gronbaekif u still can't use ntfs the other way around03:51
gronbaekso it's either one OS or FAT...03:52
joriki have a windows program to read from ntfs, i have yet to have problems with it, it seems very stable03:53
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koshit is amazingly how bad microsoft butchered filesystem support03:54
DeadS0ulwhat do you mean?03:54
koshthe original codebase that nt is based on (os/2) has very good filesystem support03:54
DeadS0ulhow'd they butcher fs support?03:54
koshDeadS0ul: it is a pain in the neck to support other filesystems in windows03:55
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jorikthe neck ?03:55
koshDeadS0ul: you know how basically it supports squat filesystems and there are almost no drivers for it to support any others03:55
DeadS0ulyeah the neck =P03:55
koshjorik: better then naming other places03:55
joriklol first time i've heard that one... is that "real" english ?03:56
DeadS0ulkosh: I read bout this on the ext3 windows driver, all the features must be coded in the driver it self, it doesn't have anythign like vfs03:56
DeadS0ulJorik yeah, the kind that parents use03:56
DeadS0ullike spiffy!03:56
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koshDeadS0ul: however the nt driver model originally came from os/2 which had a pretty easy way to add that kind of stuff03:57
koshDeadS0ul: however that was changed during nt 3.5 I think03:57
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hatred-I seem to be banned from ubuntu.. could someone please do me a favour and tell them they are gay ?03:58
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koshhatred-: umm would you like to get banned from here also?03:59
koshhatred-: that just seems like a very 5 year old thing to do03:59
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hatred-hmm.. sure03:59
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koshwell if you managed to get banned from ubunta I am sure you can manage it here also I just don't see why that is your goal04:00
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hatred-I'm bored04:00
chavohatred-, grow up quit calling people childish names and you won't get banned04:01
hatred-I don't care if I get banned04:01
chavo!hug hatred04:01
ubotuchavo: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:01
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chavoeveryone give hatred a hug04:01
koshwhat kinds of things where you saying to them which got you banned, usually you have to be very offensive04:01
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=== Hobbsee hears talk of banning - whta's the problem?
hatred-I can't really remember04:02
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=== DeadS0ul hugs hatred
hatred-stop it04:03
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=== RadiantFire hugs hatred-
Hobbseehatred-: with that attitude, you certainly wont get unbanned in #ubuntu04:04
hatred-I don't want to be unbanned04:04
hatred-I don't use debian/debian based systems04:04
hatred-so why would I care04:04
Hobbseehatred-: why are you here?04:05
hatred-to find the meaning of life04:05
RadiantFirei thought it was 4704:06
koshand the question is what do you get if you multiple 6 by 9 which it actually mathematically correct :)04:06
koshit just says how weird our universe is04:06
chavoeveryone go to #4204:06
apokryphoskatapult can now do calculations ;-)04:06
hatred-I think FreeBSD rules. I hope everybody else in here agrees04:07
koshso Hobbsee what base is the universe?04:07
apokryphoswhat base?04:07
koshFreeBSD is another os, it neither rules or sucks04:07
Hobbseekosh: 27.04:07
hatred-it rules.04:07
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OdyXkosh: base 1304:07
mornfall|viefun here? do tell04:07
chavoyes FreeBSD rules your Moms basement hatred04:07
RadiantFireFreeBSD is a very impressive OS04:07
Hobbseeapokryphos: exactly :D04:07
koshapokryphos: you can do mathematics in many number bases, most use base 10 but 6*9=42 in base 1304:07
koshOdyX: correct04:07
hatred-freebsd is the shit04:07
koshwell I can see why hatred- can banned04:08
Hobbseehatred-: quit flaming, and being otherwise immature.04:08
hatred-why ?04:08
OdyXkosh: reading WikiPedia is sometimes useful04:08
RadiantFirewe should all be happy :)04:08
koshOdyX: hehe04:08
mornfall|vieHobbsee: don't ban him yet, let's have fun with troll ;)04:08
Hobbseehatred-: because it's against the COC.04:08
RadiantFireis base 13 useful for anything?04:08
koshactually every os pretty much sucks04:08
hatred-what's "COC" ?04:08
mornfall|vieHobbsee: don't think CoC is ground for banning though04:08
mornfall|viecode of conduct04:09
Riddellmornfall|vie: certainly is04:09
koshRadiantFire: for some types of astrophysics04:09
OdyXRadiantFire: base 13 is the base in which the 42-tip works04:09
apokryphosguys, #kubuntu-offtopic is the place for general chatter04:09
Hobbseemornfall|vie: sure it is.04:09
OdyXwp:42 everybody04:09
mornfall|viei have to read it04:09
hatred-why don't you want to admit freebsd rules ?04:09
apokryphosmornfall|vie: we generally ask members to abide by it. It's mostly just common sense.04:09
koshI have not seen a good os yet, however debian based systems are pretty good and ubuntu is definitely a pretty good one04:09
mornfall|vieapokryphos: that's why i don't like that not following CoC can be used as excuse for ban04:09
OdyXhatred-: this is no FreeBSD chan04:09
Hobbseeapokryphos: afaik, COC applies in all ubuntu channels, i thought...04:09
mornfall|viei definitely don't follow CoC04:09
Hobbseethought that was in these definitions04:10
Hobbseemornfall|vie: you dont?04:10
mornfall|viebecause i haven't even read it04:10
OdyXmornfall|vie: you should04:10
mornfall|vieso i can't04:10
hatred-ubuntu is for noobies04:10
apokryphosmornfall|vie: it's never an excuse; it's more-or-less synonymous with common-sense. For those who don't know though we just link to it04:10
OdyXhatred-: no, not only04:10
mornfall|viehatred-: you are being obnoxious04:10
OdyXhatred-: ubuntu is for noobies TOO04:10
apokryphosHobbsee: sure, yes.04:10
hatred-yes it is04:10
OdyXhatred-: explain.04:10
apokryphosmornfall|vie: /msg ubotu coc04:10
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
mornfall|vieHobbsee: you can ban him now :-)04:10
koshhatred-: I have been using linux for about 10 years now, I started with slackware and I used unixes before that, however I currently use ubuntu and I write database apps04:10
hatred-it's gui centered. the end04:10
OdyXhatred-: can't you do admin/compilation/packaging/hacking stuff on Ubuntu ?04:10
mornfall|viehatred-: you are teh lame04:10
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OdyXhatred-: and so what ?04:11
koshhatred-: ubuntu is not more gui centered then slackware is or anything else04:11
hatred-mornfall|vie: you are teh gay04:11
mornfall|viehatred-: i like when people have no damn clue what they talk about04:11
hatred-kosh: yes it is.04:11
chavohatred-, you ar so right man, how could I have been so blind!04:11
hatred-mornfall|vie: narcissist04:11
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hatred-chavo: dunno04:11
mornfall|viehatred-: yes, i am gay (= happy), well, not right now, but usually04:11
koshhatred-: it has very good postgres and zope packages for example, the debian based zope packages do full tracking of products, handle the db restarts, upgrades, zeo dependencies etc04:11
mornfall|viehatred-: or at least sometimes04:11
hatred-that's not what I meant by gay04:11
hatred-and what *I* meant is what matters04:11
mornfall|viehatred-: what did you mean?04:11
mornfall|viefun fun04:12
koshhatred-: and debian based postgres packages are among the best anywhere and where some of the first to include an autovacuum daemon04:12
hatred-take a dictionary04:12
ubotumethinks kofftopic is Non Kubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #kubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!04:12
koshhatred-: that is for serious db stuff04:12
=== Hobbsee gives up, seeing as hatred- will not change, and has not been warned about offtopic.
chavohatred-, I am a gay, noobie, narcissist. does this mean you don't like me anymore?04:12
=== hatred- was kicked off #kubuntu by Hobbsee (You should know better. Bye!)
chavoYou won't be my friend?04:12
chavo he's gone04:12
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mornfall|vieHobbsee: bets when he's back? :)04:12
OdyXchavo: he "left"04:12
mornfall|vieI WIN04:12
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@unaffiliated/sybec] by Hobbsee
chavohatred-, will you be my friend, you are so cool?04:13
_pocketchavo pas cher tous ca04:13
koshactually I am happy that kubuntu recently added zope 2.9.2 packages and they are working well04:13
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Hobbseebah.  my remove didnt work!04:13
chavone parlez francais04:13
mornfall|vieand there, another one sent to hell with a burning footprint of Hobbsee's steel capped op boots on his ass04:14
koshmy only current problem with kubuntu dapper is some weird issues related to opening konquerors from the icons, probably related to my custom setup but still working on it04:14
koshsometimes it will open a konqueror window with no url bar04:14
goldenear_pocket: you're not on kubuntu-fr :) chavo n'est pas franais04:15
koshhowever alt-f2 konqueror always works so it is strange04:15
Hobbseemornfall|vie: these steel capped boots are useful, you know04:15
=== Hobbsee holds her steel capped boots protectively
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
koshHobbsee: at least we know why he was banned from the other channel04:15
Hobbseeyeah, well i suspected that after the first line...04:15
=== kosh offers Hobbsee some mithril boots
mornfall|vieHobbsee: i wear steel-capped boots (not now, but when it's not too hot)04:16
mornfall|viethey are useful, but you need be careful not to step on other people's feet04:17
koshpersonally I prefer planet killers04:17
mornfall|vieunless you hate those people04:17
koshplanet killers make a much better long term solutions to problems04:17
koshthose that say you can't solve problems with violence just never tried enough :)04:17
mornfall|viekosh: that's mean04:18
kosheffective though :)04:18
koshimagine this scenario, which is more likely to create peace in the middle east? 1) lots of small actions, negotiations, etc or carpet bombing the entire place with nukes?04:19
Hobbseekosh: now that's definetly offtopic...04:19
koshyup was just making a silly point04:19
koshhowever about the best way to fix windows boxes is to release a destructive virus? something that actually wiped out about 99% of all windows boxes and more then a few viruses have gotten that kind of penetration within < 8 hours04:20
koshthat way people would switch to something better04:20
koshthis chipping away with annoying viruses does squat, we need one that jsut formats every windows box04:21
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h3sp4wnIs anyone interested in writing a kde virus generation program ? (i.e viruses of the type that infect humans not computers - biological design)04:21
koshhmm actually no04:22
koshmostly I am interesting in writing better zope code04:22
koshI need to rewrite some of my code to work better in a lazy fashion04:23
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ricardohow to install swat under kubuntu 5.1004:28
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ricardohow to install swat under kubuntu 5.10??04:28
chxhi. I can't get my microphone loud enough -- no matter what I change in KMix, it sounds the same low in Skype :(04:28
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h3sp4wnchx: Are you sure you are not plugging it into a line in (as apposed to a mic input)04:29
RadiantFirewee, my laptop is here :)04:29
RadiantFireI'm sure I will soon have questions to ask :)04:30
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chxh3sp4wn: hmmmm04:30
ricardohow to install swat under kubuntu 5.10??04:30
chxh3sp4wn: according to the motherboard manual the pink connector is a Mic In04:32
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chxh3sp4wn: the Light Blue is Line in. I may wear glasses but I truly hope I can distinguish between pink and blue :D04:32
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h3sp4wnchx: run alsamixer from the console04:33
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chxh3sp4wn: konsole won't do? i do not run artsd04:36
h3sp4wnkonsole will do04:36
ricardohow to install swat under kubuntu 5.10??04:38
Bernardosudo apt-get install swat?04:38
chxh3sp4wn: not much success :( same low04:38
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Paradossohi, where can I get the unrar-nonfree package?04:39
h3sp4wnor www.rarlab.com04:40
ParadossoI have multiverse enabled h3sp4wn, but can't get the unrar-nonfree!04:41
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eeoshi there!04:41
HymnToLife!info unrar-nonfree04:41
ubotuunrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB04:41
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HymnToLifeParadosso> could you pastebin your sources.list ?04:41
eeosis Kubuntu 6.06 LTS available on the website the final version?04:41
h3sp4wnIts called just unrar in dapper04:42
chxeeos: can't be04:42
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until than04:42
chxeeos: June 1 is the day Dapper Drake flies04:42
eeoschriswk: why?04:42
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eeoschx: wy?04:42
chxit's not out yet!04:42
eeoschx: :-(04:42
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jagerwhere can i get an iso for dapper?04:43
chxeeos: come on it's just a week. and the beta is usuable. but this is offtopic04:43
eeoschx: why offtopic?04:44
HymnToLifebecause dapper discussion is on #ubuntu+1 until June 1st04:44
ParadossoHymnToLife, http://pastebin.ca/5838204:44
Paradossohere's my sources.list04:44
ricardosudo apt-get install swat (package swat not found)04:44
eeosok, thanks04:45
HymnToLifeParadosso> try removing the ' 's at the beginning of lines04:45
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ParadossoHymnToLife, still can't see unrar-nonfree04:47
apokryphosyou haven't enabled multiverse04:48
apokryphos!info unrar-nonfree04:48
ubotuunrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB04:48
Paradossoapokryphos, my sources.list is http://pastebin.ca/58382, I think multiverse is enabled04:49
HymnToLifeParadosso> thats weird, well you can still download the DEB I guess04:49
Paradossothat's what I am doing actually04:49
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apokryphosParadosso: no, it's not enabled.04:50
apokryphosParadosso: add "multiverse" to every line there that has "universe"04:50
apokryphosthen sudo apt-get update04:50
Paradossoyou were right apokryphos04:51
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eeosI am new to ubuntu. I was thinking to migrate my office computers to it as soon as Dapper Drake is out. How patched is the kernel? is it easy to recompile the kernel adding new packages (for example alsa 1.0.11).04:53
OdyXeeos: "new to Ubuntu", means "new to Linux"  ? Where are you from (distro) ?04:55
OdyXand for what particular purpose would you need to recompilie your kernels ?04:55
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eeosOdyX: no, it does not mean I am new to linux, just to kubuntu04:57
eeosOdyX: I need alsa 1.0.1104:58
OdyXwhat for ?04:58
eeos1.0.11 support ha modems04:58
OdyXAs Far As I know, Ubuntu kernels ar Vanilla's with Patches. Both can be obtained in packages.04:58
OdyXeeos: is there a way for me to see my version of alsa ?04:59
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eeosright. so the patches can be applied to any kernel?04:59
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OdyXwell. Probably not.04:59
eeosOdyX: yes you can see your alsa version, but is not that easy ( :-( )05:00
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OdyXeeos: I have time05:00
eeoswell, if you kept everything including tools at the same version05:01
eeosjust try05:01
eeosaplay --version05:01
eeoswhat is the result?05:01
OdyXaplay: version 1.0.10 by Jaroslav Kysela <perex@suse.cz>05:01
eeosso you are running the beta of dapper?05:01
eeosthen we know it is 1.0.1005:02
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eeosif you change the drivers but not the tools05:02
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eeosthen it is a bit more complicated05:03
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eeosyou can check the boot sequence, when it starts up alsa it should declare the version05:05
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eeosalso you can check the package name, usually contains the version05:05
eeosOdyX: is that ok?05:06
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eeosOdyX: you asked how to identify alsa?05:13
OdyXwell... I don't know what YOU are looking for...05:13
eeosOdyX: I kow how to identify the version of alsa. On the computer I have here is alsa 1.0.11 :-D05:14
OdyXwell. Here it is 1.0.1005:15
eeosOdyX: but I want to migrate to Kubuntu, so I need to know how patched is the kernel, how easy is to recompile with alsa upgrades05:15
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OdyXwell.. I don't recompile my kernels... It should not be hard. I did once, it just worked.05:16
eeosdo you know where to find the list of patches that kubuntu applied to the vanialla kernel?05:16
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pmi've installed dapper beta, will it automatically upgrade to the stable version on the first of july?05:18
koshyes and no05:19
therippercan somone help me install driver with ndiswrapper?05:19
koshit won't do it all on its own, however if you use adept, apt-get dist-upgrade etc to do upgrades it will just become that version05:19
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koshso as long as you are doing updates normally it will be all right, however if you don't do any updates at all then no it won't change from what is installed now05:19
chusohi all! :)05:20
chusofirst of all, sorry for my English05:20
chusoi have just changed "breezy" for "dapper" on my sources.list, so i did a aptitude udate ; aptitude upgrade ; aptitude dist-upgrade05:20
pmkosh: won't apt-get upgrade be enough?05:21
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chusobut the dist-upgrade returns me dependencies problems05:21
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chusogdk-imlib1-dev and gdk-imlib11-dev05:22
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chusodoes anybody know how could I fix it?05:24
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Prakis nixternal here?05:26
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ricardoagain, i need to install swat somebody knows if swat comes with kubuntu 5.10???05:33
sonicHi there, anyone know how to unlocck a M$ access db file?05:33
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nixternalhey Prak05:34
ricardoadept says that the package consits blah vlah vlah ..... swat blah blah blah, but swat it's not installed05:35
therippercan somone help me install driver with ndiswrapper?05:35
ubotusomebody said ndiswrapper was a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper05:36
=== corey [n=corey@cpe-66-69-186-60.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
coreyanyone here use kbear?05:37
h3sp4wnhttp://packages.ubuntulinux.org/breezy/net/swat its in breezy universe either you don't have the repos enabled or you are lying that it doesn't work05:37
h3sp4wnRemember to use swat you need to enable a root password which will break alot of things05:38
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ricardouniverse, will check05:39
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konoldh3sp4wn: can you provide an example of what will be broken?05:39
ltibor65Hi Guys! Please, help me! How can I fix the broken packages?05:40
coreynoone uses kbear?05:40
h3sp4wn[16:37]  <h3sp4wn> http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/breezy/net/swat its in breezy universe either you don't have the repos enabled or you are lying that it doesn't work05:42
h3sp4wnkonold: Things that are based upon using sudo maybe not everything or even anything you may notice but people have alot of problems doing that sort of stuff (probably not if you are not using any gui apps)05:42
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ricardothat sour don't appear in adept, a add, but how to enable universe05:43
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John-ZRicardo, what's your question?05:44
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource05:46
coreyim suprised here noone uses kbear05:47
coreyi cant figure out something simple05:48
coreyand apparently the sourceforge site that has the manual is down ;o05:48
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic05:52
macdlost my bookmark.05:52
coreyhttp://kbear.sourceforge.net/ thats getting an sql error for yall isnt it?05:54
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chavocorey, yes05:55
macdHas anyone else had a error with apt-get update, some of the repos are reporting http-301 err05:55
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coreyim trying to get khelpcenter and im getting a perm moved error05:56
coreyso i think somethings funky05:56
nixternalya..looks like some of the repository servers are takin' a nap05:56
ricardook adding repositories shows swat as BROKEN05:56
Praknixternal, i gotta go05:56
nixternalsame erros here05:57
nixternalk Prak05:57
Prakttyl about that problem05:57
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macdIs it just the US repos, does anyone else use another countrys mirrors?05:59
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Skipstercan kubutu be installed on the same drrive as windows06:00
Skipstermay i ask how06:01
coreytwo partitions06:01
ricardofirst install windows, the repartition disk06:01
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uwohi all. having problems unmounting ipod: "umount: /mnt/ipod: device is busy", although i am not using it (gtkpod closed and amarok not connected)06:01
Skipsterok great, would you know where i can fing the documentation for it06:01
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coreydunno theres numerous sites on dual booting06:02
coreyjust install windows form scratch but dont make the partition full size of disk only make it as much as you need06:02
Skipsteri'll just google Dual Botting then, thanks06:02
coreythen just install kubuntu and during install you can tell it to only take up free space06:02
coreyits not hard06:02
macdpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -06:02
coreyhrmm kbear crashes when i try and download a file ;[06:03
ricardoenablig universe and multiverse showa swat as BROKEN???06:03
coreyservers are down06:03
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xwolf-any suggestions on a good torrent client? azureus is slow as hell06:05
troyxwolf-: bittorrent.py :)06:06
nixternalktorrent is a clone to utorrent from the way it looks and acts...plus it is fast06:07
nixternalsudo apt-get install ktorrent06:07
troyor if you're on dapper, it's already there (at least in my case)06:08
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nixternalsame here06:08
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theripperok , i get an error when sudo ndiswrappper "on line 135" which is coulnt copy .inf , why would it not be able to copy it ?06:08
xwolf-ok ktorrent i can apt-get, what about the other one you said troy ?06:09
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troyxwolf-: that's the official bittorrent client, you can apt-get that one too :)06:10
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charonhi evrybody06:13
nixternalhey charon06:14
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aseigoErr http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages06:15
aseigo  301 Moved Permanently06:15
aseigook, that can't be good... =/06:15
charoni am looking for a tip in making tightvncserver work with amd64 dapper. Anybody got expirience with that ?06:15
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coreyaseigo: servers are funked right now06:17
aseigoevidently =)06:17
NthDegreethere is no problem with moved permanently06:18
NthDegreeit should have a link to where it's been moved to06:18
troyaseigo: mine are working fine... want my sources.list?06:18
aseigoNthDegree: this is when doing an apt-get update =/ and it just fails...06:18
charonhmm guess not06:19
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charonAnbody has a tip on a good alternate vnc server ?06:19
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aseigotroy: thanks.. but it's ok, i just switched off the .ca mirror06:20
troyaseigo: okay, no problem :)06:21
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troyaseigo: how long have you been using *ubuntu anyway? thought you were always an RPM person...06:22
aseigooh, i swing both ways06:22
aseigoi have been using suse as my primary desktop system for a number of years however06:23
aseigothat changed this year, but i still have one box with suse on it06:23
nixternal1 full second of lag on irc ownz06:24
nixternalit tends to look like i am only getting like 5fps06:24
nixternalgreat stuff06:24
troynixternal: weird, I'm at 91ms lag right now :P06:24
macdnixternal: get of that t0r network :P06:25
nixternali am to now...96ms06:25
nixternalt0r ownz j0006:25
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macdmore like it gets people owned06:25
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nixternalim doing a http flash of solaris 10..but that shouldn't take that much06:25
nixternal2400MBytes remaining06:26
nixternalit is quiet in here today06:26
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RadiantFireso I have a question06:32
nixternaland that question is?06:32
RadiantFireI'm trying to install on a Dell Inspiron E140506:32
RadiantFireand the wireless is being silly06:32
nixternalwhat card is in it?06:32
RadiantFirendiswrapper -l lists hardware present, but I don't have a wireless interface06:32
RadiantFireDell 139006:33
nixternalif you do iwconfig all  you see is lo and eth0?06:33
RadiantFirei've read I need to use fn-f2 software switch06:33
nixternallike you...my wlan = eth006:33
RadiantFireand the f2 key has a lil wireless dower06:33
RadiantFiremmm, I'm on the box right now06:34
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RadiantFireI have  an ethernet jack plugged into it right now06:34
nixternali set my wireless up right through my eth006:34
uwoi don't really understand this mount/umount thing - why does my ipod sometimes want to mount to sda2 and sometimes to sdb2 (even sdc2...); in fstab i only have sda2 for it, so it is a hassle when it "chooses" something else06:34
RadiantFireiwconfig says eth0 has no wireless extensions06:34
nixternalmy problem has been with setting up and wep and what not...i dont' use ndiswrapper cuz i have an orinoco card06:34
nixternallet me boot up my lappy real quick to take a look06:35
RadiantFirendiswrapper wiki lists this card as flawless06:35
Dr_Willisuwo,  im not sure you really want a fstab entry for that thing.06:35
RadiantFireand its a broadcom chipset bcmwl506:35
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uwoDr_Willis: on breezy? i read on forums i need one...06:35
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Dr_Willisuwo,  on dapper here. so cant tell ya.06:35
Dr_WillisIts getting to be a "user friendlyness fighting with users-that-know-how-to-do-things" issue. :P06:36
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uwoDr_Willis: am still on breezy - without the fstab entry it doesn't mount at all06:37
Dr_Willisuwo,  10 days.. dapper will be out. :P06:38
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nixternalya...see i don't use ndiswrapper...iwconfig shows my wireless card as eth006:39
nixternali have never had it as wlan0 or anything like it should either06:39
nixternalplus...every time i try to use wep...i can't get it to connect06:39
RadiantFirei'm convinced its a software switch thing06:39
nixternalit very well could be06:40
RadiantFirebecause bcmwl5 lists the hardware present06:40
uwoDr_Willis: can you tell me one thing - i am going to try dapper as soon as it comes out, because i have heard of several good improvements. i am still a bit scared that some things won't work (wireless, ?ipod?, ?palm?), so i would like to create a backup of my breezy so i can fall back. is it enough to copy the whole system to external drive and then just to copy back (using a live cd if it is the only way to start the computer? (am not dualbooting)06:40
nixternalthe boadcom card should have been picked up from the get go...odd that it doesn't autoconfigure and give you a connection either06:40
nixternali have always read that the broadcom cards were picked up06:40
RadiantFirebroadcom works without ndiswrapper?06:40
RadiantFirelemme rmmod ndiswrapper and see if anything happens06:40
Dr_Willisuwo,   i just use 2 hard drives with dirrenet disrtos on each one.06:41
nixternalmy card was picked up..and ubuntu/kubuntu is the only one to not install mine with ndiswrapper06:41
MetaMorfoziShey anybody knwos why said it all when i start kdm:06:41
nixternalhey RadiantFire...have you check out the wlan-ng website to see if it lists your card?06:41
MetaMorfoziSMay 23 18:30:03 sajtosteszta kdm_greet[5182] : Can't open default user face06:41
MetaMorfoziSMay 23 18:30:22 sajtosteszta kdm_greet[5182] : Internal error: memory corruption detected06:41
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MetaMorfoziStihsis why it satrts after nvidia logoo only 40seconds06:41
uwoDr_Willis: unfortunately can't afford that, am on laptop with limited space...06:42
nixternalMetaMorfoziS: that is the same with a lot of people06:42
MetaMorfoziSi found on google06:42
Dr_Willisuwo,  good luck then is all ya can hope for.06:42
nixternalmien does it to..even after a default setup at times06:42
MetaMorfoziSsome topics and psots, but i can'T find any solution06:42
Dr_Willisuwo,  i tend to use mondo/mindi to backup my systems06:42
nixternali haven't found one either06:42
MetaMorfoziSso, no solution?06:42
nixternali had read someone say it is due to the theme...but that can't be true if i am using a default kde theme06:42
MetaMorfoziSif i try other loginscreen?06:42
RadiantFirenixternal: that would be a negative06:42
MetaMorfoziSi readed that post^^06:43
uwoDr_Willis: thnx for hint, am sure it will be ok in the long run, its only the first 2 weeks that are risky (before the forums fill up)06:43
MetaMorfoziSbut i try out it.06:43
Dr_Willisive not heard of any dapper issues with that stuff.. but theres always issues with everything.06:43
nixternalummm...wlan has hardware compatibility update - feb 1, 200406:44
nixternali hate when someone grabs a url that is exactly like the real one and messes it all up06:44
RadiantFirethat no good06:45
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RadiantFirenixternal: ima brb06:46
RadiantFiresee if a reboot fixes anything06:46
RadiantFiremaybe I will hold down fn-f2 du ring boot and see if that does anhthing06:46
nixternaldo you hvae wep or wpa enabled?06:46
nixternalhow about ssid broadcast?06:46
nixternalis it enabled?06:47
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nixternalok...so it is like setup default right now then...cool..best way to test wireless with linux...secure it once it works ;D06:47
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nixternalsame here06:47
nixternalreboot see what happens06:47
nixternalim readin' up on your card06:47
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RadiantFirewell, I now seem to have a sit0 interface with no wireless extensions06:50
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nixternalya...i have sit0..same thing06:50
nixternalso you have lo, eth0, and sit0...and all 3 say no wireless extensions?06:51
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nixternalis your card internal or pcmcia?06:53
RadiantFirethis is frustrating06:53
nixternalwhat does dmesg say?06:53
RadiantFireawww, crap06:54
RadiantFireunknown symbols06:54
nixternalunknown symbols06:54
nixternalwth is that all about/06:54
RadiantFireI have no idea06:54
nixternalthat is what it says in dmesg06:55
RadiantFirendiswrapper is saying unknown symbols06:55
RadiantFiresigh, I got this wireless card cuz everyone said it worked great...06:55
RadiantFirewith ndiswraper06:55
Seantaterwhich card?06:55
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RadiantFiredell 139006:55
RadiantFirei'm connected I'm gonna upgrade to the newer kernel, see if it fixes anything06:56
=== [UB] Gwen [n=lbe@h48n2fls15o837.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu
LynoureDid latest update break anybody's wireless? I'm using knetworkmanager, which no longer seems to be able to configure the device06:57
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RadiantFirethats entertaining06:57
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LynoureRadiantFire: What's  entertaining?06:58
RadiantFireI'm having a wireless problem...06:58
nixternali just did latest update...but i don't use knetworkmanager06:58
nixternallet me look at mine and see what it does06:58
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nixternal<-cmd line junky06:58
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Lynourenixternal :)06:59
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nixternalword up homies...i dun even have it install....lemme get it really quick ;D06:59
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nixternalit is working on my lappy07:00
Lynoureknetworkmanager shows my network, but at signal strenght -1 (and the AP is 2 metres away, line of sight)07:00
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lbeanyone got the URL to the page about installing firefox 1.5 on kubuntu07:01
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nixternalare you talkin' knetworkmanager or kwirelessmanager?07:01
nixternali don't see any signal strength thing in knetworkmanager07:01
Lynourenixternal: knetworkmanager07:01
nixternali don't see any signal strenght indicators...i see 2 red exclamation points07:01
Lynourenixternal: I couldn't get kwirelessmanager to do WPA for me, originally07:02
nixternalhad to us wpa_supplicant?07:02
Lynourenixternal: Oh, I have never seen exclamation points, I think07:02
nixternalthey are to red towers07:02
Lynourenixternal: Yes, I do, I think...07:02
nixternalhad to look closely07:02
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nixternali can't get wep or wpa to work on my lappy07:03
nixternalbut i don't care...i have an open wireless network with mac filtering07:03
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RadiantFirethats a good idea07:03
nixternali only open it when when i use the lappy07:03
Lynourenixternal: mac filtering is quite easy to circumvent...07:03
RadiantFirei should probably turn macfilter on in the router07:03
nixternali use the lappy pretty much at starbucks only07:03
Lynourenixternal: but, yes, doing that helps.07:03
RadiantFireyeah, but anyone who can spoof macfiltering can probably crack wep07:03
LynoureRadiantFire: That's why I don't use WEP :)07:04
nixternalkismet picks up mac too doesn't it07:04
RadiantFireso, nixternal07:04
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nixternalno wonder my lil war hax0r neighbor keeps buggin' me07:04
RadiantFirei reinstalled the driver with ndiswrapper07:04
RadiantFireand got all of these messages07:04
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nixternalthe symbol messages?07:04
nixternalsomething new?07:05
RadiantFireForcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|207:05
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RadiantFirelike 8 times07:05
MetaMorfoziSnixternal: yes, it's true, not the login screen is the kdm_greet problem07:05
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nixternalcheck that out RadiantFire07:08
nixternalif yo haven't already07:08
nixternalit is your card and ndiswrapper setup07:08
nixternalyour not the only one with the problem either07:08
RadiantFirethhats exciting07:09
nixternalthe downfall to ndiswrapper...it uses windows drivers07:10
nixternal"Perfect! If anything goes wrong here it will be because of problems between the version of ndiswrapper and the kernel."07:11
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RadiantFirenixternal: so that guy who had the problem matches mine flawlesses07:12
nixternaland that was referring to ....   modprobe ndiswrapper07:12
RadiantFireare you suggesting I compile a new kernel and ndiswrapper?07:12
nixternali don't think i would go that far just yet07:12
nixternalwhat kerne are you using?07:12
nixternalor whatever07:12
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nixternali was close ;D07:13
RadiantFireI'm updawting right no07:13
RadiantFirei installed off flight 707:13
RadiantFireso I will reboot and try it with 686-smp-2307:13
RadiantFirewhen its done07:13
RadiantFireeverything else works really well though :)07:13
nixternalhehe...i got lucky with my wireless07:13
RadiantFirewait do you have the same model laptop as I do?07:13
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nixternalubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/nubuntu are the only distros to work with it though07:14
RadiantFiremmm, if I get desperate I can always whip out my gentoo CD, I bet it has newer kernel versions on it :)07:14
RadiantFireok, done updating07:14
RadiantFiregonna see if it works with the nwe kernel07:14
luksanmy font sizes went crazy after the latest upgraded07:14
xwolf-i want uTorrent running here ;/07:15
nixternaluse ktorrent07:15
xwolf-ktorrent sucks bad. bittorrent also07:15
nixternali use utorrent on winblows...and ktorrent on nix07:15
nixternalktorrent rox for me07:15
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nixternali don't know about wine and utorrent07:16
xwolf-i only use torrent in linux to seed...07:16
xwolf-i tried putting the damn torrent in ktorrent but couldnt do it07:16
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theripperok , i get an error when sudo ndiswrappper "on line 135" which is coulnt copy .inf , why would it not be able to copy it ?07:17
=== Lynoure smiles a happy, embarrassed smile
xwolf-azureus has force check, set folder and those things.. you can do it all. ktorrent doesnt (if it has, it's damn hidden)07:18
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xwolf-problem is, it's gonna be hard to start azureus every time i turn on the pc and wait for it to check 4.5GB of a single torrent07:18
nixternalsudo ndiswrapper -i filename.INF07:19
RadiantFirestill no joy07:19
RadiantFireI'm gonna do it the old fashioned way07:19
RadiantFireand compile ndiswrapper07:19
cyberboycould somebody please help me? I closed adept package manager wrong, but now it only opens in read mode so i can't install any thing07:19
nixternalyou doin' ndiswrapper from the reposiory?07:19
nixternalnice spelling on that one07:19
nixternalya..i read in the ubuntu forums when i was having issues...that some people had issues with the repository version07:19
RadiantFireI'm frustrated07:19
RadiantFireworks great on my desktop07:20
RadiantFireI wonder why07:20
=== aseigo notes that ktorrent 1.3 is decent.. 1.2 had a number of annoying bugs .. =/
RadiantFireother question07:20
RadiantFiredo you know how do enable the little media keys on the edge of the laptop?07:20
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aseigocyberboy: try running an apt command from the command line... e.g. apt-get update07:20
sethcyberboy, press CTRL + Escape07:20
seththen remove the hung process07:20
nixternali can't say that i do RadiantFire07:21
RadiantFireoh well07:21
nixternalthat link i gave you07:21
nixternalit has some guy on the bottom talking about it though07:21
sethcyberboy, you probably have a sleeping dpkg process hanging about :)07:21
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RadiantFireI know07:21
nixternallain....he says the hot key will not switch it on...so obviously he is using it07:21
RadiantFirethats my problem07:21
=== nixternal has an older laptop with no hotkeys ;(
RadiantFireso I just found something online07:22
nixternalwait...i do have hot keys...i forgot...my lappy has all hte media hotkeys07:22
RadiantFiresome guy coudln't make it work with 1.807:22
RadiantFireso he used the 1.1507:23
RadiantFirehe has a dell e150507:23
nixternalwhoa...he went back a little bit07:23
nixternal1.8 to 1.15 is over a year in difference isn't it07:23
RadiantFiresomeone needs to get on that07:23
RadiantFire1.8 is ancient07:23
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RadiantFireI was using 1.8 on a gentoo install 8 months ago...07:23
RadiantFiredo you know packages I have to install to build a kernel?07:24
nixternalya...i have noticed that all of the linux wireless apps are old07:24
nixternalwlan-ng, ndiswrapper07:24
nixternalthe only thing i seen have a recent update is wpa_supplicant07:24
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RadiantFireso I know there is some funky debian method for building a kernel07:24
RadiantFirewhat do I need besides build-essential to build a kernel07:24
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Flosoftwhy isn't there an up2date realplayer in Dapper?07:25
Lynourekernels are fun to build07:25
Flosoftor atleast a Konqueror plugin?07:25
LynoureRadiantFire:  google for "debian and the kernel"07:25
RadiantFireI know kernels are fun to build07:25
nixternali think i do sudo apt-get install build-essential bin86 gccwhatever07:25
nixternalkernel headers07:25
RadiantFirecan I build ndiswrapper without the fully compiled kernel?07:26
nixternalbeen a while since i installed um07:26
nixternalnow i just dl the kernel and get to work07:26
LynoureRadiantFire: I don't know anything about ndiswrappers, as I'm lucky to do out of box with my wireless07:26
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nixternalya same here Lynoure...orinoco worked right from the get go07:26
nixternalactually...i had issues with kismet cuz everywhere has my wireless card labeled as a prismII and it isn't07:27
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RadiantFirepush comes to shove I can always go get a ralink mini-pci I think07:27
nixternaland the breezy install i did used ndiswrapper now that i remember and i had issues up the wazoo...so i upgraded to dapper07:27
RadiantFireI set up a friends laptop and that one worked out of hte box07:27
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Flosoftmaybe a Kaffeine Real Player plugin for konqueror?07:27
nixternalgood question...i couldn't answer since i haven't gotten aroudn to messing with media yet07:28
nixternali am to busy writin' crap ;)07:28
RadiantFireso while I have sources downloading07:29
nixternalvmware + solaris 10 install = sloooooooooooow07:29
RadiantFiredid you figure out how to use the media hotkeys?07:29
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nixternalonce again...mine worked for the get go....let me tail /var/log and press um see what ig et07:29
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RadiantFireand people wonder why linux hadn't gone mainstream yet...07:32
nixternali hear you07:32
nixternallinux isn't for the kindhearted just yet07:32
nixternalhey Prak07:32
RadiantFireall I know is, my desktop worked out of theh box07:32
LynoureRadiantFire: It requires a careful choice of hardware still, I know. As many companies do not share their specs and reverse-engineering stuff is hard work07:33
Praki'm not near my linux pc right now07:33
RadiantFireLynoure: I did my research07:33
Praki'm just here to paste the error message that i got from yesterday07:33
Prakany updates?07:33
RadiantFireeverything was listed as compatible, including the wireless card through ndiswrapper07:33
Prakdownloading dapper right now07:33
LynoureRadiantFire: I think I carefully avoided ndiswrapper solutions.07:33
LynoureWas a sceptic.07:33
nixternaldapper will fix it Prak...i just have that feeling07:33
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Prakwe'll find out later tonight07:34
nixternalroger that07:34
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nixternali need to get cleanin' up my pigsty and get in the shower07:34
nixternalthis irc makes me lazy ;D07:34
RadiantFireLynoure:  there were no other good solutions07:34
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LynoureRadiantFire: I understand, it took me ages to find my baby07:35
RadiantFireweeem I figured out how to adjust screen brightness07:35
nixternalyou guys got me sittin' here with 4 puters goin' trying to simulate issues07:35
nixternalmy systems run so good that i don't have problems...and i can't even recreate um ;D07:35
LynoureRadiantFire: Now I'm deliriously happy with this hp nc823007:35
nixternalRadiantFire: i have noticed that linux runs better on older proven systems too07:36
Lynourenixternal: Did you notice my embarrassed happy smile above? =)07:36
nixternali don't have anythign newer then 3 years old07:36
nixternalya i seen that Lynoure07:36
RadiantFireoh well07:36
Lynourenixternal: that was the sound of my network problem being caused by pressing "network on/off" button before booting to winxp last night =)07:36
RadiantFiresooner or later its ability to run flawless on older systems will give it the inroads it needs07:36
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r0xzhey guys, is it normal for xorg to use 169 MB ram and peaks of cpu? (dapper)07:37
nixternalxorg is a hog that is for sure07:37
nixternallemme see what mine is doing07:38
r0xzthat is 169 virtual07:38
RadiantFireand the good news is I've compiled kernels before...07:38
nixternalmine is like 007:38
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nixternalkernel compilation = fun fun fun07:38
GaiaX11I've upgraded my system 4 times and when i reboot it, grub show me 4 kernel options. How can i get rid of some of them the older ones without breaking my system or not being able to boot it again?07:38
r0xzi just started ktorrent (svn) and xorg gone wild until i killed ktorrent 9?)07:38
GaiaX11I am asking it because i think the older kernels are taking much room in my hd.07:39
nixternallet me start ktorrent and see what happens07:39
nixternalgrub....you can get rid of the older kernels through adept07:39
nixternali just called you grub07:39
nixternalGaiaX11: you can get rid of the older kernels through adept07:40
RadiantFirei remember when I ran out of space in /boot07:40
r0xzi think the upgrades made some problem, 25 i'll install the rc and see again. I just hope i am the only one with this "problem"07:40
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RadiantFirethat was entertaining07:40
RadiantFireholy kernel panics batman, its not working!07:40
DeshCan a anyone help with changing root pass?07:40
nixternalyou need to keep kernel headers and the linux-kernel-2.6.15-23-38607:40
nixternaldesh...kmenu > system settings > users07:40
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GaiaX11What about synaptic?07:40
gpohi all07:40
nixternaldo administration...07:40
r0xzDesh: there is no root pass because there is not root account07:40
nixternalya GaiaX11...synamptic will work07:40
DeshNah see myproblem goes beyond this...07:41
nixternalno..there is a root account....it just is like disabled ;D07:41
nixternalsudo -s -H07:41
gpoi just installed kubuntu dapper and i've noticed that i have too many modules when i lsmod. Where can i delete some of them ?07:41
Desh It randomly asks me for a root passwd when I boot into recovery mode and the one pass I always used does not work. Also, my normal user account was accidentally stripped of sudo powers by me.07:41
nixternalyou cang et root that way07:41
nixternalfakeroot even07:41
GaiaX11nixternal, many thanks!07:41
nixternalwhen you select to remove them GaiaX11...look closely if it comes up with dependencies07:42
nixternalask question in here while you go through with it07:42
nixternaljust to be safe07:42
nixternaldon't want to grab to much07:42
r0xzDesh: have your tried sudo passwd root ?07:42
DeshI cannot since my only account is stripped of sudo powers07:42
nixternalhuh...how did that happen>?07:43
RadiantFireDesh, boot in recovery and do gpasswd -a <accont> admin07:43
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DeshI accidentally changed the primary group.07:43
gpoplz help me : i just installed kubuntu dapper and i've noticed that i have too many modules when i lsmod. Where can i delete some of them ?07:43
DeshAnd for some reason, when I boot into recovery mode it asks for a pass for maintenance.07:43
nixternalgpo: what do you mean you have to many modules?07:43
DeshI added a line at the end of the kernel in the GRUB menu and I am logged in as root@(none)07:44
gponixternal : he loads me many modules that i don't need07:44
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DeshBut when I use passwd there, it says: Authentication tocken lock busy07:44
nixternalyou change which modules load and what not through the kernel07:44
nixternalyou have to compile your kernel and select what you need and don't need07:44
r0xzyikes, i see. What about using a live-cd and create & mount the right devices and then change the groups?07:45
RadiantFirewhat does sleep-inside-spinlock do?07:45
nixternali hvae no clue07:45
RadiantFiresome kind of mutex mechanism?07:45
nixternalsleep-inside-spinlock...where in the hell did that come from...07:45
DeshHmm, I have Knoppix 3.4...07:45
gponixternel : it is a standard ubuntu kernel07:45
r0xzcould work07:45
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DeshHow would I change groups with that?07:46
nixternalya...all vanilla kernels are bloated...i download from www.kernel.org and grab the latest and compile my own07:46
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reagleBRKLNjust installed dapper and was hoping it would be nice pnp with my devices... but not only does it not create a logical symlink (e.g., FUJI, MUVO, usbdisk), it's not mounting an icon07:46
reagleBRKLNwhat packages do i need for this?07:46
gponixternal : there isn't a way to avoid that ?07:46
RadiantFirethats why I dumped gentoo, cuz I was tired of configuring kernels...07:47
gponixternal : i thought there was a file like /etc/modules07:47
nixternalnot really gpo....they are loaded like that so they tend to work on every machine they are installed on...all those modules really don't slow anything down or increase kernel size at all07:47
reagleBRKLNusb-mount, hal-device-manager ?07:47
nixternali don't have  /etc/modules07:47
gponixternal : except that ubuntu loads me a bad module for my wireless ethernet card07:48
nixternallol...my /etc/modules is there...just flat out empty07:48
nixternalwhat card do you have?07:48
gpowmp54gs working with ndiswrapper07:49
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RadiantFiregpo, add the bad moduole to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist07:49
nixternalwhat module is loading that is bad for the card?07:49
RadiantFireblacklist <modname>07:50
gpoyes !07:50
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RadiantFiresilly prism54 drivers did that to me07:50
nixternalya...me too07:50
nixternalthe whole prismII thing when i needed orinoco07:50
RadiantFirei've forgotten how much fun it is to watch kernel builds scroll by07:50
nixternali go and mow the lawn when that part takes place07:51
RadiantFirehopefully when this is done I can go outside in the nice weather and do some coding07:51
nixternaldamn...it is 70f right now too07:51
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nixternaland im in here on the puter07:51
nixternalim e.tarded07:51
RadiantFireits 8507:51
nixternaloh wow07:51
nixternalwhere you at?07:51
RadiantFireI'm gonna wait till it cools down a lil, and then go for a job07:51
nixternalhehe..stone mountain baby07:51
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nixternalpink floyd laser light show07:52
nixternali love hotlanta07:52
nixternalused to stay out in snellville07:52
nixternalmy x is from snellville07:52
RadiantFireanything doing with your multimedia hotkeys07:52
RadiantFireoh well07:52
nixternalthe only one that works is the sound on/off07:52
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nixternalbut i beleive that is through the bios and not nix07:53
nixternali know it is through the bios actually07:53
RadiantFirethe guy who got this lappy working that I'm reading uses Gnome, and said something about a gnome utility to configure all the fun stuff07:53
RadiantFireseeing as how I hate gnome, that does me very little good...07:54
nixternalthat key..all it is...is a power on/off switch...i don't see why linux would control it...i think it don't work cuz the card isn't working yet07:54
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RadiantFirethe thing is07:54
RadiantFirei have little fn key mods07:54
GaiaX11And then .... remove the dependencies as well?07:54
nixternalwhat you can do in gnome you can do in kde ;)07:54
RadiantFirethe fn key plus up-down changes my screen brightness07:54
nixternalyes GaiaX1107:54
RadiantFirebut the pgup key has a louder icon and the pgdown key has a softer icon07:54
nixternalas long as they are not related to the curent kernel07:54
RadiantFirebut fn-pgup doesn't increase volume07:54
RadiantFireand pgdown doesn't decrease it07:55
nixternaluname -r to see what your latest kernel is07:55
RadiantFirewhy does it work for some keys and not others!07:55
nixternalreally...see now my volume keys do work07:55
nixternalbut i don't believe they are software controlled07:55
nixternalas i can press then while the bios is loading up and see the volume indicator go up/down07:56
RadiantFirecuz that is useful :{07:56
GaiaX11nixternal, I did it. Now I will reboot to see if it works. Thanks!07:56
=== nixternal crosses his fingers ;D
r0xzDesh: with chgrp07:57
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RadiantFirewell, the mixer applet works at least07:57
nixternalhmm...you know...i haven't tested mine withthe mixer applet07:58
nixternaland i just shut mine off07:58
RadiantFiremixer applet controls raw pcm by default07:58
RadiantFirewhich seems to work07:58
nixternalthats cool07:58
RadiantFireyay, I'm compiling filesystems :)07:59
nixternalgettin' close now07:59
RadiantFireI'm silly and made my /home xfs07:59
nixternalfilesystems in just pased half way07:59
nixternalfilesystems is the only portion i really don't mess with in the kernel...i get rid of filesystems i know i will never ever use in my lifetime..that is about it08:00
nixternali have tried all of possible filesystems and ext3 has benchmarked the best on all of my systems08:00
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DeshI kick ass.08:00
RadiantFireif the 1.15 ndiswrapper works, I think I might submit a bug to the effect that ndiswrapper package is ancient08:00
nixternali am using reiserfs on my lappy cuz it seems a lil quicker08:00
nixternallol Desh08:00
RadiantFirei read that xfs works well on scsi drives so I mad root ext3 and home xfs08:00
DeshI remounted / and I changed pass.08:00
DeshYay for root access!!08:01
DeshOk now I need help.08:01
nixternalnow get your groups fixed so you don't have to root08:01
DeshMy main user, fries, I want that account to have the same type of access I did when I first made it.08:01
DeshThe primary group should be: fries?08:01
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DeshYes or no?08:03
nixternalsorry...dog was goin' nuts08:03
DeshHaha ok. Now, for me to be able to use sudo, and to be able to use the password thingy in Adept, Admin mode, etc, what secondary group do I need? Admin?08:04
RadiantFireor user08:04
RadiantFireI can't remember08:04
RadiantFireprobably plugdev08:04
HymnToLifeor add the user to /etc/sudoers08:05
RadiantFireare there cdrom and audio groups in ubuntu?08:05
nixternalim sure there are...08:05
RadiantFirethose would probably be useful groups as well08:05
RadiantFiremmm, isdn drivers08:06
nixternali thought the user control panel was a little more informative...but it isn't08:06
nixternalmine just shows user: nixternal08:06
nixternalthat is it08:06
nixternalit doesn't list groups or anything08:06
DeshI have: audio, cdrom, dialout, dip, disk, floppy, Ipadmin, plugdev, scanner, ssh, video08:06
nixternalthere youg o08:06
nixternaladd um all08:06
DeshAll of them?08:06
nixternali am used to using group: wheel08:06
HymnToLifeand admin08:06
DeshWhen I added sudo before, it NEVER asked for a pass.08:06
HymnToLifeotherwise the account won't have rights to use sudo08:07
Deshbut when I had admin w/o sudo it would ask for a pass, but only once. It used to ask for a pass everytime.08:07
RadiantFirenixternal: if I am installing ndiswrapper from external sources, should I uninstall ndiswrapper-utils?08:07
RadiantFireor will it just get clobbered and go away08:07
HymnToLifeit asks for the pass again after 15 mins by default08:07
DeshI'd remove it...08:07
nixternalgood question...i probably would...just so nothing gets mixed up with something that could be bad08:08
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RadiantFireah, i need to install checkinstall08:08
RadiantFirethat what i was forgetting08:08
knanandhi a;;08:08
knanandi'm using ubuntu 5.10, i how can i upgrade to kubuntu???08:09
nixternalsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:09
vmwarego to synaptic and install kubuntu-desktop08:09
DeshOk, so adding admin, umm, should I add adm, backup, bin, crontab, daemon, dhcp, fax, games, gnats, hal, irc, klog, kmem,  list, Ip, mail, man, nessagebus, news, nogroup, operator, proxy, shadow, slocate, src, staff, sudo, sys, syslog, tape, tty, users, utmp, uucp, voice, www-date08:09
DeshList the ones I should add, if you don;t mind. :)08:10
RadiantFireDesh, i don't thihnk you need those08:11
RadiantFirethose are groups used by system users08:11
DeshI thik I had adm before tho...08:11
DeshI may have removed it myself..08:11
RadiantFirenone of t hem would probably hurt08:11
RadiantFireyou want users08:11
DeshCan you check which ones you have that I don't? Just to be safe. :)08:12
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nixternal`afkgotta get some things done...i will be back shortly08:12
knanandwhat is the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu??08:13
RadiantFireknanand: default desktop environment08:13
xwolf-kubuntu = ubuntu - gnome + kde08:13
DeshThey run the same, both based off Debian, yada yda yada, cept Kubuntu is prettier since it's KDE.08:13
knanandif i install kubuntu desktop then will i lose gname??08:14
xwolf-and buggier08:14
xwolf-knanand nope08:14
DeshYou can use gnome apps on KDE and vice versa.08:14
RadiantFire5.10 kubuntu was buggy, I find 6.06 kubuntu more stable than gnome08:14
xwolf-YOU CAN?08:14
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knanandOh! so it is additional packages...08:14
vmwareI think you can choose kde or gnome from the login menu08:14
vmwareonce kubuntu-desktop is installed08:15
DeshYeah, you can have both KDE and Gnome.08:15
DeshI don't see why one would tho...08:16
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vmwarecause you can..... ;-)08:16
DeshHaha true.08:16
DeshOh man, I think I fixed this. Thanks to all who helped.08:17
DeshFirst to test if root login still works...08:17
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Flosoftwhy is the realplayer package out of date?08:17
vmwarehas anyone here have vmware trash the xserver files?08:18
FlosoftIt isn't working anymore :/08:18
DeshAnyone know a good Linux distro to use to teach computer retarded people Linux?08:18
vmwareI've had it happen 3 times08:18
FlosoftDapper has Realplayer 8 instead of 1008:18
FlosoftDesh: SuSE08:18
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DeshHmm...if I gave root a pass...then when my normal user is asked for a pass for sudo, what pass would that be, the user one or the root one?08:19
DeshAh ok cool. Thanks.08:19
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DeshAnd remember kids, never take your only user out of the admins group.08:20
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salvadorhi there08:20
salvadori need some help about kubuntu but i don write english well08:21
salvadorplease :)08:22
Deshbueno, si puedo te ayudare y si no puedo serbir de interprete.08:22
xwolf-you can try ubuntu-es, too.08:22
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DeshTambien creo que ay #kubuntu-es para espanol08:22
Deshde nasa08:23
RadiantFireso my kernel source package I installed through apt just failed to compile...08:23
Flosoftis Christian Marillat here?08:23
DeshRadiant, why?08:23
DeshFor ndiswrapper?08:23
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salvadorinstalle ubuntu en mi laptop08:23
RadiantFirethe kernel itself08:24
DeshRadiantFire, lame.08:24
Deshsalvador, y que es el problema?08:24
RadiantFireI can't find the error message08:25
RadiantFireI'm gonna try and reconfigure without the offending module08:25
salvadorresulta que al instalar kde aparece un error ya que seala que la temperatura del equipo se elevo demasiado y que necesita apagarse08:25
RadiantFiresilly me, "Select only drivers expected to compile cleanly wasn't clicked..."08:26
xwolf-salvador breezy o dapper?08:26
DeshHmm, estas seguro que sera un problema de ubuntu o alomejor configuacion en el laptop?08:26
salvadorel equipo es una compaq presario 2415la08:26
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:26
salvadorcon el escritorio gnome no me causa problema08:26
DeshPodria ser que necesites configurar a los ventiladores en el BIOS.08:26
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xwolf-el problema esta en su laptop, muy certo.08:27
Deshhey, salvador says that when he uses gnome the laptop runs fine, but when he uses KDE he gets a message that says it is overheating. Any clues?08:27
RadiantFireKDE has better lm_sensor frontends?08:28
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RadiantFirekde was supposd to use fewer resources last time I checked08:29
Deshsalvador, creo que es rpoblema del laptop. Puede ser que a Gnome se le escape ese detalle y KDE lo reconose, pero no hay rason para que KDE haga que la temperatura suba tanto.08:29
RadiantFirewell, I'm off for a job, hopefully the kernel will successfully compile this go around08:29
DeshGood luck, RadiantFire.08:29
DeshY KDE supestamente usa menos recursos, entonses debe de ser la computadora.08:30
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salvadorde acuerdo. el equipo por si solo se calienta bastante pero no me habia ocurrido eso...08:31
chusovaya en kubuntu se habla castellano? :S08:31
salvadorde todas formas gracias y checare en el BIOS el ajuste de los ventiladores08:31
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Deshde nada. :) buena suerte.08:32
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DeshWell I'm out, thanks and bye all! :):):)08:33
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chusodoes anybody know if this howto [1]  is the best installing xgl on Kubuntu?08:34
chuso[1]  = https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto08:34
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chusosorry for my English08:35
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frank_chuso: no, that one is for Ubuntu08:36
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chusofrank_: do you know any howto available for kubuntu, please?08:37
frank_chuso: If you have a Nvidia card, use this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=84507708:37
frank_chuso: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14835108:38
chusoI have an intel integrated card on my laptop08:38
chusobut that could be a good start point :)08:38
chusowow! :D thanks08:38
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chusoand another one question... I have just dist-upgraded my laptop, and now i would like to dist-upgrade my desktop. Should I download again all packages? or copying /var/apt/cache files and updating it should work?08:41
frank_chuso: I think it should work. Never tried it though08:42
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chusook, thanks again frank_  :)08:43
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SkipsterJust 1 more gig. to download and i'll be on my way to learning linux does anyone have any suggestions08:45
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uwohi all. installed kmplayer plugin with apt-get, but konqueror doesn't find it. how do i find out where it is installed, so i can add it to the plugins dir in settings?08:47
troyuwo: from the konsole, type 'which kmplayer' (should work if the program is called kmplayer)08:48
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uwotroy: it does nothing (its called kmplayer-plugin)08:50
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frank_uwo: are you on dapper?08:53
uwofrank_: no.breezy08:53
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frank_uwo: ok. in dapper there is a kmplayer plugin in konqueror by default (that actually uses xine to play videos)\08:54
frank_uwo: did you do a 'scan for new plugins'?08:54
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uwofrank_: problem could be that in the list of dirs to scan i only have firefox (i was removing the original list one by one to find a non-functioning one)08:55
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uwofrank_: and it doesn't find it in that dir, so that is why i am searching around for where it could be08:55
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frank_uwo: you can always do a sudo updatedb   then  locate kmplayer  to find files08:56
uwofrank:_: what is that?08:57
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frank_uwo: in a konsole.   locate filename  is a quick way to find files.    sudo updatedb   updates the file index  (it usually is run once a day)08:58
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uwofrank_: thnx - will do08:58
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uwofrank_: just for the record - i am looking for a .so file?08:59
frank_uwo: I think so... I don't know that much about plugins08:59
jtmoneydamn, adept found 139 updates today08:59
jtmoneynew release momentarily?08:59
RadiantFireyeah, the devs have been busy as of late08:59
troyit's worse if you have all the dev packages installed too :)09:00
RadiantFirelol, yes09:00
RadiantFireI had 223 on my desktop today09:00
RadiantFireand like 300 someodd if I can ever get this silly lappy up and running with wireless09:00
jullewhich version is the latest and stable kubuntu version?09:00
jtmoneyjulle: flight 7 is plenty stable09:01
RadiantFire5.10 is stable, although 6.06 is coming out in 9 days09:01
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RadiantFireoris it 1009:01
RadiantFireadding month days is hard09:01
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mzelemHow do I get a list of all the open ports on my server?09:02
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julleokey, i have 5.10 right now but is there someway i can upgrade my dist or do i have to reinstall kubuntu?09:02
frank_julle: you can upgrade09:02
RadiantFirethat failed09:03
frank_julle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades09:03
chusomzelem: nmap host09:03
mzelemok, thanks09:03
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frank_hmmm there is an upgrade for the kernel but not for the modules. I think I'll wait a bit09:04
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RadiantFireewww, I just started screensaver and it only appears in the top left corner09:05
BroxtorHi. I'm trying to mount an ext3 partition read/write for all users, but I can't get it to work. I can only read. I have the following line in my /etc/fstab:09:05
RadiantFirewhats up with that?09:05
Broxtor/dev/hda5    /media/hda5       ext3       rw,user,defaults     0         009:05
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Sythenhow do I install baghira?09:13
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Sytheni dont know how to symlink the admin dir from the kde cvs tree09:14
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Sythenhow do I install svn?09:20
xwolf-i have two adsl routers, how can i do this 'load balance' thingie with them?09:22
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Drakesonmy getty's are totally b0rked. when I Alt-Ctrl-F1 I get a totally blank screen. Also in the booting process I never see the initialization page (usplash?). I just get some flickering noise instead09:25
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menno_how can i move data to another partition?09:30
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SythenWhat does "c compiler cannot make executables" mean? :-\09:33
aseigoSythen: do you have gcc installed?09:34
Sythenaseigo: yes09:34
Sytheni just installed it09:34
aseigomenno_: mv or cp .. or in konqueror just drag and drop09:34
aseigoSythen: open the config.log and see what the exact error was09:34
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Sythenthe makefile isnt right09:40
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SythenMakefile.am:2: HAVE_3_4 does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL09:43
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KMortimeRK_ /msg NickServ IDENTIFY KMortimeRK09:45
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dergringoKMortimeRK_: :) I'd suggest that you change your Password, NOW.09:48
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StRhi all09:50
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StRis kubuntu dapper going to come with XGL?09:51
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chavoStR, it's available but not installed by default09:52
SkrotStR: There has been no work done on a window decorator for KDE/Compiz in 3 months, so I somehow doubt it. Unless they're planning to ship it with gnome window decoration09:52
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StRwhere can I read wich video cards work with XGL?09:53
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SkrotStR: Check out http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Video_Card_Support_Under_XGL09:53
Sythenanyone here have baghira installed?09:54
chavoSythen, yes09:54
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Sythenchavo: what are you using, kubuntu or other?09:55
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chavokubuntu but I built it from source I wanted the sidebar09:55
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Sytheni cant get it working -_-09:56
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Sytheni get this:09:56
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SythenMakefile.am:2: HAVE_3_4 does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL09:56
Sythenon the makefile building09:56
chavodo you have unsermak installed?09:57
Sythendidnt know I needed it :||09:58
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chavoI think you can build it without it but it's much easier with it, just apt-get install unsermake09:59
SythenMakefile.am:2: HAVE_3_4 does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL09:59
chavothen rerun configure09:59
Sythenconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables09:59
chavothen run unsermake09:59
chavohow did you install gcc?09:59
Sythensudo apt-get install gcc10:00
chavodid you install build-essential?10:00
chavoapt-get install build-essential10:00
Skipster23when i try to download the 5.10 dvd it downloads to 2.11GBs then internet explorer says that the server has timed out it has happend twice now what do i do10:00
SythenSkipster23: are you using NTFS?10:01
RadiantFirecan someone explain to me why the 2.6.15-22 kernel sources from apt don't compile?10:02
RadiantFireits very silly10:02
chavoRadiantFire, did you sprinkle them with pixie dust?10:02
RadiantFireno, i didn't10:02
chavowell :P10:02
RadiantFirei think I've got it10:03
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RadiantFirebut I had to strip out about 5 use net adapters10:03
Sythenoh great -_-10:04
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Sythenconfigure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!10:04
RadiantFireSythen: what are you compiling?10:05
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SythenRadiantFire: baghira10:05
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RadiantFiredo you have kdelibs4-dev installed10:05
chavoSythen, do a sudo apt-get build-dep kdebase that should get you all the required libraries10:05
RadiantFireor you could do that10:05
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gpore tout le monde10:06
chavothat'll pull in the qt, xorg and kde includes10:06
Sythenlol this is taking me forever10:06
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Sythenhow long does it take for [waiting for headers] ??10:08
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chavoSythen, you using the us repos?10:11
Sythenchavo: no, I thought they were down.. :-|10:12
chavoyeah theyre having trouble10:13
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Sythenbaghira site - "In the KDE Control Center, go to section LookNFeel > Behavior. Check ... (Mac OS-style) in the Menu Bar section." I dont see that10:26
Sythenchavo: are you there?10:28
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knanandhow can i install KOffice ??10:28
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KMortimeRK_"Could not calculate the upgrade" is this a bug in the update-manager or in the packages?10:30
knanandsome one tell me How to install KOffice in kubuntu?? :(10:30
icheyne!tell knanand about koffice10:31
Sythenanyone here have experience with baghira?10:31
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icheyneknanand, search in synaptic10:31
icheynefor Koffice10:31
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ubotuicheyne: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:32
chavoSythen, it's in Desktop -> Behaviuour the baghira site is old10:32
xwolf-http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html there is this page about using two routers, but i can only do that if i have two ethernet cards, right?10:33
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trpr42xwolf-: i think so. the router would have 3 ethernet cards. one for each service provider and one to connect to the local network10:35
xwolf-hm, cause i am connected through a hub to two separate routers ( and and wanted to use them at once. that's not possible, right?10:36
xwolf-right now, i have to choose between them, by editing my ip and gateway10:36
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trpr42xwolf-: i think the router is supposed to be doing that for you.. the router takes the two internet connections and binds them as one. from your point of view, you would only be connecting to the one router that is binding the connections10:39
xwolf-by router i mean *adsl modem*10:39
knanandwhen i add the repos and try to install koffice i get an error10:39
swokeDoes the gam_server CPU bug got any kind of solution ?10:39
xwolf-trpr42 sorry, i am not making myself clear. ---10.254 and ---254.254 are adsl modems, router modems. each one has its own phone line and everything. i can reach both of them, either setting my ip to 192.168.10.XXX or 192.168.254.XXX, but not at the same time. the idea was to use them as they were one10:41
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SkipsterQuestion - do i need a boot manager to be able run windows and kubuntu10:42
trpr42xwolf-: i see. yes. you can't use both without two ethernet cards10:42
trpr42xwolf-: or... a router with two ethernet cards that is doing what that diagram is describing10:42
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xwolf-i'm gonna do that, precisely... gotta buy a little machine though10:43
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trpr42xwolf-: sounds like fun. old computers make good routers10:43
h3sp4wnxwolf: Thing about link aggregation is each connection is assigned to one router so it doesn't become more reliable10:43
xwolf-but hey, how will i know $P1_NET and $P2_NET if each time the modem connects it is assigned a different ip number?10:44
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xwolf-Skipster kubuntu installs grub automagically, if you say yes.10:48
xwolf-trpr42: see that $P1_NET and $P2_NET there?10:49
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trpr42xwolf-: those are variables in your firewall script?10:49
xwolf-"Finally, let $P1_NET be the IP network $P1 is in, and $P2_NET the IP network $P2 is in."10:50
Skipsterok great is that like LILO booter10:50
xwolf-Skipster: i've never seen LILO, but looks like they're brothers or such10:51
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xwolf-trpr42: thing is, if a router modem is assigned a different ip number each time it connects to the provider, how will i know it when typing those codes?10:52
casperAnybody want to help a complete noob to linux?10:52
Skipsterif i don't have an extra partition on my winblows machine do i need to reinstall and creat a blank partition10:52
xwolf-casper: shoot10:52
trpr42xwolf-: sorry, not sure how to get those values.  i know it can be done with some simple scripting but i haven't done it10:52
xwolf-trpr42: i can always visit saymyip.com, isnt that what its asking?10:53
trpr42xwolf-: yes but thats no good. your machine should be executing these commands on its own. the page is describing a script.. ie those values should be fetched for you10:53
trpr42you shouldn't have to supply them unless you are doing it all manually..and i bet you will only want to do that once or twice ;)10:53
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xwolf-Skipster: you have to partition the HDD to install linux.10:54
xwolf-trpr42: right, thanks for the time man :)10:54
trpr42xwolf-: sorry i can't be more help. i have only setup very simple routers. ;\10:55
Skipsteri understand that can i make a new partition with windows already installed or do i need to reinstall windows with a extra partition10:55
casperI just installed kubuntu....successfully.  First time to ever experiment with any linux.  On all my windows machines, I use a program called synergy.  It is a LAN based software KVM switch, basically.  I downloaded a tar.gz file from synergy2.sourceforge.net (which I believe is a compressed format for linux).  I extracted all the files that I can navigate to in Konqueror and I see the file, that in Windows I would double click on to execut10:56
casperAnd I have no idea how to run this software....10:56
caspersorry, I know this sounds retarded10:56
casperbut....I am a linux retard at the moment10:57
xwolf-Skipster: no, you can leave winblows intact.. just use PartitionMagic to steal some spare space from it, then in kubuntu installer you use the automatic-use-this-space-as-linux-partition-thingie10:57
Skipstergreat thats what i needed to know thanks10:58
xwolf-casper: you downloaded the source files?10:58
chavocasper, synergy is available as a package10:59
Skipstercasper: tar.gz is a linux compressed file if you need to uncompress it in windows use winrar10:59
xwolf-casper: chavo said it all.10:59
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chavoI don't know what repo it's in though10:59
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:59
xwolf-probably universe11:00
chavocasper there's no gui to configure it though11:00
xwolf-oh... that sucks...11:00
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chavobut writing the config file is easy and there's a sample included11:00
casperthat's ok.  Once I can just figure out some basic things....  I will have no problems.11:01
xwolf-leaving now, cya.11:01
casperLike the equivalent commands from microsoft command line to the console11:02
Skipsterwhat is synergy anyways11:02
casperAnd how this directory structure (if that's even what this is) works11:02
caspersynergy is awesome11:03
casperIt allows you to use one keyboard and mouse11:03
chavoSkipster, it lets you use one mouse and keyboard with 2 computers11:03
casperfor multiple computers11:03
tripany dapper users find that kontact crashes after most recent updates?11:03
tripI updated kernel and now only crashes when i check mail11:03
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chavotrip, works for me11:04
chavoI updated this afternoon11:04
tripwonder if i've important my kontact settings through too many versions11:05
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chavoI've had the same .kde folder for a long time11:06
casperit is seamless....for example, I have 3 monitors (two side by side on upper level, one centered on bottom).  Upper left monitor is connected to a 2003 server, bottom center is connected to an XP workstation, and upper right is connected to a workstation running kubuntu....if I can get this working, I will be able to instantly travel between the three...it's really, really snazzy.11:06
chavocasper, it works no problem for me. Only 2 computers but both are dual boot and synergy works all the time11:07
Skipsterdoes anyone know how to use partion magic11:07
trippartition magic is pretty self explanatory11:09
tripif you understand partitions11:09
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tripYou guys think using i686 kernel vs i386 could cause dappers kontact install to become unstable?11:09
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Skipsterfor a linux partion i need a linux swap and a linux ext2 or ext311:11
Skipsterwhich one11:11
Skipster2 or 311:11
casperisregisterfreenode kicked me out for my nick being casper11:11
casperisregisterI just installed it, skipster, and I used 311:11
tripgo with 311:11
tripbut either will work11:11
luksancan somebody please search to see what package contains /var/lib/menu-xdg/menus/debian-menu.menu?11:12
tripisnt there a debian-menu package11:12
casperisregisterI did a dualboot setup.  If I can help, I will.11:12
Skipsterand the swap right11:12
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casperisregisteryou will need 3 partitions on your harddrive11:13
Skipsterlogic or primary for the ext3 and swap11:13
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Skipsterfor both11:13
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casperisregisterif your windows is primary11:13
Skipsterok and for the swap file how big should it be i have an 80GB and windows takes up 20GB but a need few more on the windows for my wife stuff online11:15
crazy_penguinnight all! pleasent dreams!11:15
Skipsterwhat is the swap partition for11:17
casperisregistersorry, skipster, I was away for a second11:17
casperisregisterSwap file (assuming it's the same as windows, which I'm sure it is) is:11:18
casperisregisterWhat your system uses when you are out of physical ram, basically11:18
Skipsterok so make my linux swap like 2 GB11:18
casperisregisterThat's what I made mine, exactly11:18
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casperisregisterprobably overkill....but I don't care11:19
tripWith the i686 kernel kontact crashed on me11:20
tripwith i386 it's fine11:20
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jageris azureus in the apt archives somewhere?11:21
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tripprobably in the community repositories11:24
jagerhmm, ok11:26
jagercan't find it :(11:26
casperisregisterI really hate to keep asking such dumb questions, and I will leave if I'm asked (I am familiar with impatience and "Use the search button" responses).  But where do I find these packages at?  I see no link on kubuntu.org....11:26
BlankBcasperisregister: which packages?11:27
dergringocasperisregister: open console. type _ apt-cache search firefox _ for example11:27
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BlankBjager: you do not need azureus from repo. The version from their site runs fine.11:27
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BlankBjager: you do not need azureus from repo. The version from their site runs fine.11:28
EvilIdlerI've actually had more luck with the official Azureus, especially since it auto-updates itself11:28
EvilIdlerDon't like running Azureus sudo ;)11:29
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casperisregisterI found "Adept" and I'm assuming that it is listing packages that are stored locally that I can install.  @BlankB: I'm trying to install Synergy, and someone said a second ago it is available as a package.  @dergringo: will that search online somehow?  Or just through the local packages?  Or am I not understanding this at all...11:30
Blissexcasperisregister: not necessarily locally... Most will not be local.11:30
casperisregisterok, cool11:31
RadiantFirehallelujah, and praise the lord!11:31
BlankBapt-cache show synergy says pool/universe/s/synergy/synergy_1.3.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb11:31
RadiantFireit finally works11:31
casperisregisterthanks everyone11:31
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casperisregisterI typed _ apt-cache search firefox _ and it said command not found...  So I typed it without the underscores, and it just went to a new line, with no visible response to what I typed.11:34
casperisregisterWell...  I replaced firefox with synergy11:35
dergringocasperisregister: sudo apt-get install synergy11:36
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chavoit's in universe repo11:36
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casperisregister@chavo: ok, what does that mean?11:38
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chavocasperisregister, some repos aren't enabled by default11:38
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:38
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casperisregisteroh, shit11:38
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casperisregisteryou said that a minute ago11:38
casperisregistersorry man11:38
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chavonp, you running dapper?11:39
casperisregisterI don't know what that is.11:39
casperisregisterSo....  Maybe?11:39
casperisregisteroh wait11:40
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casperisregisteris that a distro?11:40
chavodapper is the next release of kubuntu11:40
casperisregisterI am running breezy, if it is.11:41
chavook click on the 2nd link that ubotu gave you11:41
casperisregisteryea, checking that out now11:41
chavonow run this in a terminal -> sudo kedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:42
chavoactually you should back iy up first just in case11:43
chavosudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak or whatever11:44
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chavothen paste the text from the text box on that page into sources.list -> replace everything there already11:46
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chavothen run -> sudo apt-get upgrade11:46
chavowoops, update11:46
chavosudo apt-get update11:46
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RadiantFiredoes anyone know how I can get the lil volume hotkeys and thelike working on my laptop?11:50
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_tonyI need kernel building help11:51
RadiantFiretony_ whats your problem?11:51
_tonyI compiled a custom kernel, and alsa broke11:51
RadiantFiredo you select the alsa modules in the kernel?11:51
_tonyI re-installed the alsa debs, but the modules for my sound card are missing11:51
_tonyyeah, I selected the alsa mods in the kernel11:52
RadiantFirehow about the sound card driver in the kernel?11:52
_tonyI'm pretty sure ... lemme look11:53
_tonyyeah, it's there (as a module)11:54
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_tonyoh...I think I need to re-do my kernel package using "modules_install"11:54
skircr115hey, whats the best to have? ubuntu or kubuntu, to see what i should get.11:55
RadiantFiredid you do it manually or with make-kpkg11:55
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RadiantFireskircr115: matter of personal preference11:55
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skircr115but which is more user friendly?11:56
RadiantFireskircr115: we're probably biased11:56
RadiantFireskircr115: that is a highly subjective question11:56
RadiantFireit is possible to have both installed simulatniously however11:56
_tonyokay, one more question, and my kernel is complete:11:56
skircr115really, how?11:57
_tonyOn my custom kernel, I'm getting this during boot:11:57
robotgeekkde- did you know K in KDE stands for kool :) </end joke>11:57
_tonytkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make11:57
_tony it known11:57
robotgeekRadiantFire: yes, just install ubuntu-desktop11:57
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skircr115thanks for the info11:57
RadiantFiremy inspiron is almost fully working now :)11:57
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robotgeekRadiantFire: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop , (instead of apt-get)11:58
RadiantFirei wasn't the one asking11:58
RadiantFiremy question is how to get the silly multimedia hotkeys on this laptop to do smoething11:58
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Isishave you tried xmodmap?11:59
BlissexRadiantFire: it is more trouble than it is worth, leave it alone.11:59
RadiantFirei dunno, some of them work12:00
robotgeekRadiantFire: wiki has a couple of articles on it, check it out12:00
RadiantFirefor instance I can use fn to make my screen change brightness12:00
PyroMithrandirRadiantFire, run xev and then hit the keys12:00
RadiantFirebut I can't use fn to change volumne12:00
PyroMithrandirthat way you can see if they do anything at all12:00
RadiantFirethey all do something12:00
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RadiantFirerobotgeek: which wiki?12:02
RadiantFirethere are like 500000000012:02
RadiantFiremmm, so its de agnostic12:02
RadiantFirefun times12:02
robotgeekRadiantFire: you can look at it in a cooler style sheet if you go to wiki.kubuntu.org12:03
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auTONYmouswell I'll be damned...12:03
auTONYmoussudo make modules_install did it12:04
auTONYmousdoes that stick on reboot?12:04
casperisregisteralright.  I'm not doing anything right, apparently.  What is the actual goal here?  Like, outside of linux specific procedures, what needs to be done for this package to be installed?  Does a local file need to be updated with the URLs listed when I type sudo apt-get update?  If I can understand what I'm really trying to accomplish, rather just copying commands and pasting them into the konsole window, I'm sure I can figure this 12:05
casperisregisterthat sounds rude, reading it back now12:05
casperisregisterI don't mean to be rude, I promise you12:05
casperisregisterI am very appreciative of the help!12:05
orient2000Hi! I have a small problem. I reinstalled and upgraded system again. When I start my system before login it says 'cannot find /usr/share/kdm/theme/kubuntu' What do I miss?12:06
robotgeekcasperisregister: hmm. moment12:06
auTONYmoustkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make12:06
auTONYmous it known12:06
auTONYmoustkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make12:07
auTONYmous it known12:07
robotgeekauTONYmous: what are you doing?12:07
auTONYmousstupid stuff with the mouse...12:07
RadiantFireah, so I map them to function keys12:07
auTONYmouswon't happen again..sorry12:08
RadiantFirenow, question, fn- modified keys don't appear in xev12:08
RadiantFireif that key doesn't appear, does that mean I should give up12:08
robotgeekcasperisregister: i would recommend https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto (it has some details)12:09
auTONYmoushere's a dumb question: I lost my KDE volume control icon somehow...???12:10
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robotgeekauTONYmous: alt + f2, kmix12:10
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auTONYmouslifesavers, all of you..12:10
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=== auTONYmous wants to learn enough to be start helping others, instead of soaking up all the knowlege
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EvilIdlerHe's an alien knowledge sponge!12:11
auTONYmouskubunt > suse12:12
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tsumeauTONYmous: eh :P12:12
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tsumeship it cds for kubuntu.. hmm12:12
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tsumewhat does LTS mean?12:13
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orient2000Hi! I have a small problem. I reinstalled and upgraded system again. When I start my system before login it says 'cannot find /usr/share/kdm/theme/kubuntu' What do I miss?12:14
auTONYmous<==== Noob who has a newly rebuilt kernel with AMD64 optimizations (CK11 set),  NVidia drivers, and bootsplash...ALL WORKING12:14
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dergringotsume: long-term support12:14
robotgeekorient2000: maybe "sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdm" might work12:14
tsumeauTONYmous: yea but sadly ;( I've to use lilo on my laptop :(12:14
tsumeauTONYmous: grub doesn't work12:15
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auTONYmousnext mission: captive-ntfs12:16
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RadiantFireauTONYmous: you don't have to use captive-ntfs12:16
auTONYmouswhy not?12:17
tsumeI need to find a developer which can give me info on how bootloaders load their memory :/ I think its a issue with the hd booting too slow/fast or mobo issues :(12:17
RadiantFirethere is a fuse driver for ntfs write access12:17
tsumeRadiantFire: hmm12:17
RadiantFireI've used it to write a 2GB file to ntfs partition without corruption12:17
dergringoRadiantFire: has this driver a name? :)12:17
RadiantFireI can't remember, but there are i nstructions on the wiki12:17
tsumeRadiantFire: ditto question :)12:17
auTONYmouscaptive DOES use fuse...what's the difference12:17
RadiantFireit relies on libntfs#12:17
dennis-any eta for xorg 7.1 packages for dapper? :)12:17
RadiantFiremmm, intruiging12:17
RadiantFirewhen I installed it, i didn't install captive though12:17
RadiantFireand I didn't have to find a windows driver12:18
RadiantFireit just worked12:18
tsumedergringo: I doubt they will include 7.1, probably next release12:18
tsumedennis-: ^12:18
tsumeask mdz :)\12:18
tsumeor a different developer, just don't expect any nice response. Most of them came from Debian.12:19
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robotgeekyou could also ask on the mailing list12:20
auTONYmousradiant: looks good...I think captive goes a step further, using a windows driver to "ensure" the NTFS version/NLS is read/written correctly12:21
tsumethe mailing list is a much better palce yes :) one of the developers are less likely to give a cocky attitude because its always on the internet :)12:21
RadiantFireauTONYmous: i guess12:21
RadiantFirei wrote large files without corruption12:21
RadiantFireeither way its at your own risk12:21
auTONYmousfor me (with a 78GB NTFS windows dual boot), I'd rather not take any chances12:21
auTONYmousThanks for the heads up, though12:21
casperisregisterthanks, robotgeek.  That wiki explained it all.12:22
tsumeI completely forgot about the ubuntu forums :)12:22
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casperisregisterI got it enabled, and I installed the Synergy package.12:22
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auTONYmous(Captive definitely uses fuse as a basis, and uses the NT NTOSKRNL.EXE as access for read/write)12:22
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RadiantFirei know, i've used both12:22
RadiantFireI had some problems with captive, not being able to delete files it created12:23
crimsuntsume: it's not cockiness. They're under extreme pressure.12:23
RadiantFireI don't use my windows partition for anything anymore though, so if it gets corrupted, I'd just reclaim and use it for /var or something12:23
tsumecrimsun: one second and I'll explain12:23
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orient2000It was reinstalled but it dos't work. Last directory /kubuntu still does not exist Maybe it is new KDE upgrade problem?12:24
auTONYmousI didn't have any problems...at least not yet.12:24
NewToKubuntuWhere do i find a session file ? to add  compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place switcher water ??12:24
auTONYmousI don't mount my /windows/C with write perms12:24
auTONYmousbut my /windows/D has a ton of apps/games12:24
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xstHow stable is the current state of dapper? I consider upgrading from breezy but as I use it for work at a daily basis it should not break12:25
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robotgeekxst: check it with a live cd, then upgrade?12:25
auTONYmousand my /windows/E has my mp3/xvid collection (80GB) that I sometimes play around with ID3 tags and whatnoot12:25
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chavoxst, only 9 days till release you might as well wait12:26
auTONYmousI'm not willing to corrupt that /windows/E partition, so I used captive based on that12:26
auTONYmousoh, has anybody seen a method of installing Firefox 1.5.03 with upgrade ability (on breezy)?12:27
h3sp4wnjust when you need to upgrade run firefox with sudo then upgrade and quit (presumes it is installed into /opt)12:28
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auTONYmousso install it with the Howto from the wiki or the forums?12:28
robotgeeki think the forums howto is to discuss the wiki article?12:29
casperisregisterYou guys are great!  It's like this is all some foreign language to me...  On the exterior, it seems familiar, but underneath, it is drastically different.  So here's my next question, I've been poking around, now that I've got the Synergy package installed successfully, but I don't really know what to do with it.  In Windows, you install a program, then go execute it (usually through a shortcut it put in the start menu for you).12:30
robotgeekcasperisregister: did you look at the synergy howto12:30
casperisregisteruhh....no, no I didn't.12:30
casperisregisterI will do that now.12:31
casperisregister<---- Is retarded.12:31
auTONYmouscasper: RTFM used to be the old way...now you have to RTFM, then RTFHowto, plus Google, before you ask12:31
RadiantFirei hate people who say rtfm, because the manual is almos impossible to read...12:32
h3sp4wnSTFW is slightly less insulting than rtfm12:32
robotgeekRadiantFire: hmm, you can always try the wiki, or the good old help menu :)12:32
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EvilIdlerThe M in most cases is the manpage, which is just a reminder the programmer wrote to jog his memory12:33
casperisregisterlol @autonymous.  understood.12:33
tsumecrimsun: I went in #ubuntu-devel, which is the correct place to ask if there is a grub developer since it came with ubuntu. #ubuntu is not the place to ask, I'm not asking for support, I'm asking for a developer to clue me in on how grub loads. Grub freeze on my laptop with "GRUB" that is it. I've been using lilo, but it takes _forever_ to even load the kernel(3 minutes), and I thought the problem might be fixed in dapper(its not). I wasn't greeted wi12:34
auTONYmoustsume: are you dual-booting?12:34
tsumeI almost just wanna set the bots off on all the ubuntu channels so thye can be interrupted and forced to talk somewhere else heh.12:34
tsumeauTONYmous: no, straight linux :)12:35
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crimsuntsume: I witnessed the entire thing. You continued to be antagonistic despite several developers' attempts to tell you that they're extremely busy, not to mention several attempted to address your question.12:35
auTONYmousand grub crashes, lilo takes years?12:35
tsumeauTONYmous: I'm trying something differnt right now.. trying to have lilo load the first hard drive sector to boot grub. Grub boots when I use a livecd. which is _really_ weird12:35
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tsumecrimsun: yes, I know. Only because the same person was an asshole in the past. Its hard to have a nice image about a person when you know how they walk, talk, and think about others.12:36
auTONYmoustsume: because it's not reading the hard drive on a cd boot...12:36
crimsuntsume: you have a history of being a nuisance on at least two different irc networks according to different people, so the ban-evasion approach you employed in -devel is hardly likely to earn you any of the core-devs' time.12:36
tsumecrimsun: I told miguel md was a cheesy sd hack :)12:36
tsumecrimsun: though he does let me in the channel, he hasn't unbaned my server12:37
tsumeauTONYmous: i don't know how grub works, I know how lilo works..12:37
crimsuntsume: I don't really care what you think of any of the developers, but please understand that the core-devs are under duress. The time to approach them will be post-Dapper.12:37
auTONYmoustsume: if that drive is having problems from where the MBR is placed, you may want to look at a low-level format12:38
tsumecrimsun: a simple "I don't know anyone" or simply not answering my question in #ubuntu-devel would have sufficed12:38
tsumecrimsun: not a cocky attitude. I don't act cocky to any of my network users, I expect the same from others.12:38
crimsuntsume: you don't have a right to expect anything from them. They're not indebted to you.12:39
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tsumecrimsun: and they don't have a right to treat people how they treat others.12:39
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tsumecrimsun: do onto others how they would do onto you12:39
tsumecrimsun: I try to be really nice to people, I dont expect a cocky bs attitude, unless the person acts that way from friendship(bulgarians, etc)12:40
auTONYmoustsume: the method of asking the question ( or being a pest) determines the answer you'll get. (Cocky or not)12:40
crimsuntsume: if you're attempting to save someone's life via CPR, and someone else rushes in screaming, "My car broke down!" I think you'd be inclined to not neglect the person who needs to be saved.12:40
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tsumecrimsun: exactly, which would be by ignoring the person, not shooting him with a gun12:41
klerfayttsume, SCSI disk?12:41
tsumeklerfayt: if my laptop had scsi, I'd be surprised X)12:41
crimsuntsume: in any case, we're straying far off-topic here.12:41
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tsumeklerfayt: I've narrowed it down to 2 things: grub not able to read the hard drive(chipset), or something booting at not the right pace12:42
auTONYmoustsume: I'll give you a little example - the drive I'm booted into right now was in my wife's old PC. Chattered like a sombitch, errors everywhere. I low-level formatted, and no problems since12:42
klerfayttsume, bios is updated?12:42
tsumeauTONYmous: I thought I tried a low lever format before.12:42
tsumeklerfayt: you betcha.. since theres no floppy drive, I spent 4 hours getting a way to update my bios :(12:43
auTONYmoustsume: if you weren't using a maxtor/seagate/western digital DOS utility...you weren't low-level formatting12:43
tsumeauTONYmous: its toshiba :)12:43
auTONYmoussame diff. the manufacturers utilities (sometimes) work no matter who made the drive12:43
auTONYmoususe the WD if you can get your hands on it.12:44
klerfayttsume, create a bug report?12:44
auTONYmousgoogle: Hiren's Boot CD12:44
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auTONYmousI'm not advocating destroying all your data, but a bad sector near the MBR could be your problem12:45
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tsumeauTONYmous: if it works.. I'm a gonna beat myself silly12:49
tsumeklerfayt: if I created a bug report, they would pass it off as "Cannot replicate"12:49
klerfayttsume, ?why you think so12:49
tsumeklerfayt: its what I would do :)12:50
tsumeI develop, and I mark it off as such :)12:50
klerfayttsume, send a letter to toshiba?12:51
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tsumeklerfayt: I'd get this... "Dear sir, please use the operating system which was preinstalled with your machine"12:51
tsumewhich was XP Home12:51
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klerfayttsume, have you searched really hard in teg interweb?12:53
tsumeklerfayt: you bet I have. I looked everywhere12:55
klerfayttsume, and nothing similar has nappenef before?12:55
tsumeklerfayt: however, let me try finding a toshiba tool to zero out this drive. That is the only thing I haven't tried, but the thing is... when Fedora installs grub, it works..12:55
tsumeklerfayt: has happened every time I try installing grub. lilo works :) Which is why I'm trying to find a grub developer.12:56
klerfayttsume, ehat filesystem you use?12:57
klerfayttsume, *what12:57
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tsumeklerfayt: ext3, I've tried ext2, and reiserfs412:58
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steveklIs there a reason why my machine shut itself off by itself?01:09
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godlkwrthcpu temperature too high01:10
steveklI got a "root is broadcasting shutdown to all terminals" (or whatever) message01:11
steveklso the operating system knew about it and executed 'shutdown'01:11
godlkwrthoh you don't get a warning if cpu temps are too high01:11
stevekllinux just turned itself off then01:12
godlkwrththat message leads me to believe that someone acting as root shutdown your machine01:13
godlkwrthyou don't have any remote users do you?01:13
steveklWell is there a way to see any log-in logs?01:13
EvilIdlerstevekl: Check your syslog and messages around the time of the shutdown to see if anything strange is reported01:14
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tsumeklerfayt: this sounds odd, do you know if controllers in laptops are secondary or primary in the BIOS?01:16
steveklMay 23 16:03:42 localhost kernel: [4297774.752000]  Critical temperature reached (101 C), shutting down01:16
steveklWell i'll be!01:16
steveklnow I know what happened01:16
EvilIdlerSmeggin' L!01:16
EvilIdlerThat CPU is *cooked*01:16
godlkwrthyeah that's a little high01:16
EvilIdlerScrape off all thermal paste when it's cool, then re-apply.01:16
klerfayttsume, I know nothing about laptop controllers or grub :)01:17
EvilIdlerI've never seen a CPU that high still run.01:17
godlkwrthEvilIdler: THe heatsink probably came loose or something and shutdown just in time01:17
godlkwrthIt wouldn't have been at the temperature for any extended amount of time I don't think01:17
EvilIdlerYeah, probably. If it's Intel, it'll be fine. If it's AMD, start checking for prices of new ones :)01:17
steveklwhat should I do?01:18
godlkwrthcheck your heatsink+fan01:18
godlkwrthreapply thermal grease like he said01:18
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steveklacpi tells me that the CPU is at 51 C right now01:19
EvilIdlerYou most likely have the patch that comes with the fan, which is fairly useless. Buying som Arctic Silver should be much better.01:19
steveklIs that too high?01:19
EvilIdlerstevekl: Depends. What CPU do you have?01:19
EvilIdlerMy AMD64 has a running temperature of around 34 degrees. My Athlon XP usually 50+. My Pentium IV around 40.01:20
RadiantFirehow do you determine these temperatures?01:20
EvilIdlerGetting an XP down to 45 degrees is a true blessing :)01:20
EvilIdlerCheck in BIOS or use lmsensors and tools01:20
RadiantFirei tried installing lm_sensors and it just says "fail" on setting sensor limits01:20
PyroMithrandiryour mobo may not have them01:21
domchip should operate up to 70-90 degrees depending on the chip, iirc.  so 51c is fine if it doesn't rapidly get hotter01:21
EvilIdler65 degrees while playing a 3D game is the safest max I can recommend for an AMD, for example01:22
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PyroMithrandirmy amd sempron runs at ~40c with my fan at about half speed01:23
PyroMithrandirI mean, that's just normal usage01:23
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EvilIdlerPyroMithrandir: Yeah, sounds about right. The newest AMDs are really cool, in so many ways.01:23
PyroMithrandirif I start running high intensity stuff it'll go up01:23
PyroMithrandirah, mine isn't the newest, though01:23
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PyroMithrandirit's a socket A01:23
EvilIdlerWell, Sempron is of the newer method01:24
EvilIdlerXP is the old, hot one01:24
PyroMithrandirwell, yeah, but of the semprons, my is the oldest01:24
EvilIdlerAnd it can survive longer because it's cooler :)01:24
PyroMithrandirI have fancontrol set up to kick up to full speed around 50c01:24
steveklYeah my chipset fan was stopped01:25
steveklThat's going to be about as easy to fix as broken vase01:26
steveklI hate abit.01:26
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RadiantFirehey nixternal01:56
nixternalsup sup01:56
nixternali see you got it working01:56
nixternalwhat ended up fixing it?  changing out ndiswrapper (goin' back) or kernel upgrade01:57
tsumeawesome, just awesome :) definitely getting some shipit cds :)01:57
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RadiantFireit was a long fight01:58
RadiantFireI compiled a kernel01:59
RadiantFirewhich failed to mount my root fs01:59
RadiantFireand then it occured to me I could compile ndiswrapper with just kernel-headers01:59
RadiantFireso I did that, and it worked01:59
RadiantFirethe only things I have to do now are figure out how to get the multimedia hotkeys working and fix my screensaver so it doesn't only appear in the top left corner02:00
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nixternal`cookinhahah...ndiswrapper=the pain02:01
RadiantFirei have no idea why the screensaver is wacked though02:01
RadiantFireits an opengl, but glxgears works properly02:01
RadiantFireand my glx module is loaded properly...02:02
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RadiantFiresilly integrated intel02:02
nixternal`cookinhahahaha...AMD ownz02:02
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RadiantFirei'm getting excellent performance though02:03
RadiantFiremy battery life has actually been increasing for the last 1/2 hour despite the fact im u nplugged :)02:04
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tsumeRadiantFire: my laptop lasts 3 hours, 2:30 with wireless on. its a 15.4"02:06
RadiantFireI'm seeing how long t his will last02:08
RadiantFireits been off battery power for about 2.5 h and still has 77% charge02:08
RadiantFirethe only thing I got non-stock was a larger battery02:08
HymnToLifetsume> and with BOINC running at full power ? :p02:10
tsumeRadiantFire: actively using it, like writing?02:11
tsumeHymnToLife: hell no :P02:11
tsumeHymnToLife: I'm using limited power on a centrino.02:11
RadiantFiretsume, i'm on it right now02:12
tsumeHymnToLife: however.. this is an early model.. the other one I use doesn't steal the life from my battery :(02:12
tsumeand omg02:12
RadiantFirei set it down for abou an hour to eat dinner02:12
tsumethe guy who helped me earlier was right02:12
tsumezero'ing the MBR fixed grub02:12
RadiantFireI'm gonna code on it now for a while, since I have my samba shares02:12
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tsumeRadiantFire: tell me, what is your laptop?02:13
tsume*would you tell me02:13
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tsumecrap :) screwy english today02:13
RadiantFireinsprion e140502:14
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tsumeRadiantFire: that is a home system...02:15
tsumeRadiantFire: my battery is a 6 cell.. I wish I had a larger battery :)02:16
tsumea 12 cell would last a hell longer time :)02:16
RadiantFiremine is 85WHrs02:16
RadiantFireI'm not sure how much wattage the the computer actually drins02:16
tsumeoh, mine is very small, I think 3502:16
RadiantFirebut it says 8 hours02:16
RadiantFirewhich is obviously fully powered down02:16
RadiantFirepart of my experiment tonight is to see how long it will run02:17
nixternalmine will run for about 15 minutes ;D02:18
nixternali so need to get a new one02:18
=== tsume uses a laptop, but is always near a power source :
tsumeeven here in Homer, Alaska02:18
nixternalhaha...same here tsume02:18
RadiantFireyay, I get x events out of the multimedia hotkeys:)02:18
tsumeI'm always near power :)02:18
nixternaleven got the hotkeys workin' i take it02:18
RadiantFirenot working02:18
RadiantFirei just know I can02:18
RadiantFirei found a wiki article02:18
nixternalcool...point me in the right direction02:19
RadiantFirefirst step is to execute xev from a terminal and see if pressing the buttons does anything02:19
nixternalcuz i might go pick up this compact later..they want like $500 and it is a wide screen...02:19
RadiantFireone second02:19
nixternalthat would be perfect02:19
nixternalok vmware freaks..how to i get a higher resolution once installed???  all i have listed is 640x480 when i try through solaris02:20
nixternali haven't researched it enough yet02:20
nixternalmaybe later....02:20
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neoncodeWhat program can I use that can: Play video and music, supports most formats, can orginise my media collecton, Rip CD's, sync with my Creative Zen and be easy to use?02:22
tsumeneoncode: mm, can banshee do that?02:23
tsumeneoncode: its a mono based program02:23
RadiantFirebanshee doesn't do video02:23
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RadiantFireamarok can do all that except for playing video02:23
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tsumeRadiantFire: yeah? :)02:24
neoncodeRadiantFire: How do I get amaroK to sync with my Zen, and Rip CD's?02:24
nixternalmy thoughts exactly02:24
nixternali got it..iTunes does that all taht ;)02:24
tsumeI really hated all the apps like kaffiene for a long time just because stupid gstreamer02:24
RadiantFireI beleive the new 1.4 series can do it02:24
tsume0.8, now there is 0.10, and its working properly02:24
RadiantFirelol, don't use gstreamer... its evil02:24
tsume0.8 was a huge mistake to release02:24
RadiantFirexine > gstreamer all the way02:25
tsumeRadiantFire: well now it works correctly02:25
nixternali use xine..but to play m4a and that crap...you need to use gstreamer02:25
RadiantFireyou know I wonder whats gonna happen to all the video apps once phonon goes into place02:25
CyberSixif amarok doesn't kzenexplorer will02:25
neoncodeRadiantFire: How the hell do I get 1.4 on breezy... Actualy... I'll just download the fight 7 Install CD(The Live CD won't work)...02:25
BilfordI wonder if anyone will say at Lloyd Bentsen's funeral "I knew Lloyd Bentsen...  Lloyd Bentsen was a friend of mine"02:25
RadiantFireneoncode: well, Dapper comes out in 9 days :)02:25
tsumeRadiantFire: was fixed very quickly after 0.8, but they should have made an announcement on trolldot "to everyone using gstreamer, we are stupid wankers for releasing 0.8. We're sorry, please use the latest bugfix version"02:25
Bilfordoh sorry02:26
BilfordI keeep poosting in the wrong channels02:26
neoncodeRadiantFire: Sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will solve that in 9 days. Pluss I'm board and I want to play with Xgl02:26
tsumeubuntu is almost finished installing. yay :)02:26
tsumeusing dapper flight7 :)02:26
RadiantFiredoes transparency work in 3.5.2 yet?02:27
tsume:( so when do they release KDE4 based on qt4? :(02:27
nixternaleveryting i have is transparent...cept for konversation02:27
CyberSixneoncode: i use kzenexplorer to sync my zen, dunno if *ubuntu has it tho02:27
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RadiantFirei still have nightmares from enable transparency in kcontrol and having xorg crash when I clicked a view bubble from kopete02:27
tsumeRadiantFire: hehe02:27
nixternali don't chat..so i don't use kopete and that stuff02:28
nixternalif people need me...they email me...or come here to irc02:28
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nixternal`showertime to go clean some more ;p02:31
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MasterEvilAcedamn! kubuntu won't boot again02:31
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neoncodew00t downloading kubuntu flight 7 text mode install CD..02:31
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tsumeMasterEvilAce: what is it doin?02:31
RadiantFirego neoncode go!02:32
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tsumeI'll have to give kubuntu a try02:33
tsumeI"m switching this medical center to linux02:33
tsumeall the desktops too02:33
tsumeBilford: the cost of onership is nickel and diming my tech funds02:35
Riddelltsume: cool02:35
tsume*ownership for windows02:35
Riddelltsume: let me know if you have any problems02:36
tsumegotta buy this, gotta buy that, need upgrades, need upgrades agan02:36
tsumeI'm tired of getting nickel and dimed to death02:36
tsumeI'd rather be spending money or time on coding opensource software for the company02:36
tsumewhich is what I'm doing, and they even pay me extra02:36
Bilfordhave you used LInux much02:37
tsumeI need to create a program similar to 123employee scheduler02:37
Bilfordor are you new02:37
tsumeBilford: I've used *BSD since 9902:37
tsumelinux since late 0002:37
BilfordLinux veteran02:37
tsumeI"d switch them all to BSD, but neither KDE or GNOME are tied well to FreeBSD HAL :)02:37
RadiantFiretsume, they are workingon that :)02:38
MasterEvilAcetsume: gets to kubuntu progress bar loading screen. finishes, goes to blinking cursor, then goes back to kubuntu screen w/ progress bar, bar not filled, and no text under it (loading, etc.).. doesn't go any further02:38
tsume"oh, yes open a console windows and type sudo mount /dev/cd0c /mnt/cdrom" isn't going to cut it :)02:38
tsumeMasterEvilAce: oh noes :(02:39
RadiantFiretsume, I read on zdnet th ey are trying to get gnome-volume-manager up and running on FreeBSD02:39
MasterEvilAcetsume: i started linux, ran adept (it said new updates).. download them, it errors at some point.. so i close it and restart, and now it won't boot02:39
RadiantFireso all you hae to do is set vfs.usermount = 1 and voila, BSD automount02:39
MasterEvilAcetsume: adept (i tried starting it again before i rebooted), it said the "database is locked" or something02:39
tsumeRadiantFire: yeah, I know how to use automounting02:39
tsumeRadiantFire: however there is the fact BSD doesn't have a unlock cdrom utility from the settings ;(02:39
Bilfordsometimes when I put in a DVD, it doesnt mount, and sometimes it does02:40
RadiantFirethats unfortunate02:40
Bilfordso I just put a DVD icon link on my desktop, that I can right-click and select Mount02:40
=== neoncode goes as RadiantFire says
tsumeI'm still planning it all out02:40
=== theverant [n=thev@hlfxns0145w-142167156232.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
BilfordI hate when things work sometimes, and sometimes not02:40
Bilfordit makes no sense02:40
tsumeI'm switching the file servers too02:40
tsumethis is going to be a very heavy task02:41
theverantI'm sure you guys hear this a lot but... I can't get translucency to work - can anyone help me out?02:41
tsumewe had a symantec subscription, yuck02:41
tsumesymantec only catches 43% os viruses02:41
Bilforddoes LInux get viruses?02:41
tsumekaspersky catch 98% :)02:41
tsumeand its also cheaper02:41
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tsumebeing a russian company its cool02:41
SythenI have a problem with using a mac style menubar02:41
RadiantFiredid they every decide if that code they found was actually a virus?02:41
JBirdAngelhello, is kde the most windows like set up? and which version(distribution?) and kubuntu and suse are realitively for a new linux user coming from windows? what kind of things am i looking at for differences between distros, also is linux smaller than windows? but it takes about teh same time to load from teh computer being turned on right? thank you02:42
tsumeBilford: yes02:42
Sythenit splits into two02:42
tsumeBilford: a virus is just a program which runs unauthorized02:42
tsumeBilford: kaspersky is for linux too :)02:42
BilfordJBirdAngel, some people say Gnome is more like Windows, some say KDE02:42
tsumeBilford: what...02:42
theveranttsume - there's a much lower chance of getting a virus for linux than Windows, though?02:42
tsumeBilford: GNOME is like MacOSX02:42
BilfordOn the forums02:43
tsumeBilford: if you compare apps.. GNOME steals much of the MacoSX design02:43
Sythenmy internet seems slow, like loading pages in Konqueror takes a long time while in Windows it is faast02:43
tsumeKDE uses the Windows design02:43
Sythentsume: that is so untrue02:43
tsumewell, its a bit different, but it was grafted from it02:43
=== CheeseBurgerMan [n=bigk@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
tsumethe idea02:43
Bilfordno one can agree on this issue02:43
theverantWhy does it matter which is like which how?02:43
tsumeSythen: Gnome was based on MacOSX design02:43
Sythentsume: have you heard of baghira?02:43
tsumetheverant: it doesn't02:43
theverantpeople get way too hung up on that stuff IMO02:43
tsumeSythen: yes02:43
CheeseBurgerManOK, what's the topic? :)02:44
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CheeseBurgerManDE wars? :P02:44
tsumeSythen: I'm talking User interface documents, not look02:44
tsumeUI papers != look02:44
tsumeits usability02:44
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theverantis it important to define how much video RAM you have in xorg,conf?02:44
tsumeRythmBox looks like the music player from macosx..02:44
RadiantFiretheverant: not really, unless there are problems02:45
RadiantFirethe only thing rhythmbox has going for it is the ability to use daap02:45
casperisregisterI don't know why I got disconnected.  Did anyone answer in my absense?  Or did my question even go through?02:45
tsumeRadiantFire: I really don't like rythmbox, or the release which was in ubuntu before. It just didn't seem featureful02:45
RadiantFirethe new version is better02:46
RadiantFirehas a queue02:46
tsumeRadiantFire: I'll try it once I get everything installed back :)02:46
RadiantFiresome nice features02:46
CheeseBurgerManYeah, rythmbox seems featureless...amarok does more, and looks better :)02:46
Bilfordis amarok better than XMMS02:46
tsumeCheeseBurgerMan: no argument there :)02:46
RadiantFireIt'll be cool when amarok has daap support02:46
tsumeBilford: yes..02:46
tsumeBilford: unless you're talking about xmms2 :)02:46
casperisregisterI'm assuming nobody even saw my question about gcc?  The second I sent it through I was disconnected...02:47
RadiantFirei didn't02:47
RadiantFirewhat was y our question02:47
tsumecasperisregister: I didn't see it02:47
BilfordI just automatically switched to XMMS because I just switched from Windows, and XMMS is like WinAmp02:47
casperisregisterit was really long02:47
casperisregisterI'll type it again02:47
tsumeBilford: try amarok02:47
Bilfordwhat about video players?  I use VLC02:47
tsumeBilford: also rythmbox, they are both decent02:47
RadiantFireBilford: definately, amarok has things winamp couldn't dream of02:47
tsumeBilford: there is kaffine02:47
RadiantFireBilford: I would say kmplayer or kaffeine02:47
JBirdAngelmy understadning is that kde is better for graphic design stuff?02:48
CheeseBurgerManKaffine here02:48
tsumeI'm really bad on spelling today :/02:48
RadiantFirekaffeine is nice because of its queue02:48
RadiantFirebut I wish they would fix that bug where it crashes konq when your close the window02:48
RadiantFirereally annoying02:48
Bilforderm what02:48
CheeseBurgerManKaffeine came with it, and I don't watch much video. It's not worth it to install another player :)02:48
tsumeRadiantFire: uhoh, is it the next nautilus? :P02:48
JBirdAngelkubunut/suse/mandriva these are called distros short for distributuions(sp) right?  what is it i should be looking at to compare different distros?02:49
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BilfordI watch lots of video02:49
Bilfordmany formats02:49
RadiantFiretsume: its ok to crash during shutdown :)02:49
tsumeJBirdAngel: ease of use, how often they update packages02:49
Sythenis there a Qt based web browser besides konq?02:49
Bilfordxvid divx ogm etc02:49
tsumeRadiantFire: hehe02:49
tsumeSythen: Opera :)02:49
Sythenwell my internet seems slow in linux02:49
Sythendont know why02:49
tsumeSythen: was fast for me02:49
RadiantFiretsume: the only unacceptalbe crash I've seen in konqueror was in browsesr mode, there is some arbitrary hover effect that does it02:49
RadiantFirethey may have fixed it, that was a while ago02:50
Bilfordsounds like you had a preview configured weird02:50
CheeseBurgerManRadiantFire: I don't think so...but I may have been using KDE 3.4 at the time I tried it.02:50
tsumeRadiantFire: I used to be able to send emails to kmail users which crashed X11 :)02:50
RadiantFirethats fun02:50
tsumenow that was funny02:50
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RadiantFireI like kmail though, except sometimes I get the sam e-mail like 20 times02:50
tsumeyou couldn't delete them02:50
RadiantFirewhich is kind of annoying02:50
JBirdAngelokay thank you02:50
Sythentsume: loading pages takes a long time (like looking up the host), not all images are loaded in a webpage, and I get random errors about unknown host02:51
RadiantFiretsume, your mean02:51
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BilfordI like Konversation for IRC02:51
RadiantFirewhat did you do?02:51
tsumeeven if you disabled the viewing pane.. click on the subject and it crashes :P02:51
Bilfordthe only thing they need to change in Konversation is to provide a list of servers02:51
tsumeSythen: how odd02:51
casperisregisterSynergy package is installed.  Configured it, got it running, all was well.  Except that the package included synergy 1.2.2 which is pretty old and doesn't have the features I love about synergy in it.  I enabled all the repos and that is the only package that shows up in adept.  I was, however, able to download a deb file from another source.  When I right click on that file, and go to install package -continued02:51
tsumeSythen: well now Opera is free :)02:51
RadiantFirei enjoy KvIRC02:51
RadiantFirebut so huge and takes forever to load02:52
Sythentsume: is it possible to install opera with apt?02:52
CheeseBurgerManSythen: Not AFAIK.02:52
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tsumeSythen: I don't recommend it. Opera has a deb file available02:52
CheeseBurgerManThere may be some repo available, but it's not in the official repos. (at least for amd64)02:52
casperisregisterit tells me synergy depends on gcc 4.0.2 and system version is 4.0.1-4ubuntu902:52
Sythenhmm >.>02:52
casperisregisterand the only packages I can obtain for gcc are 4.0.102:53
casperisregisterI've scoured the net, and all I seem to find is people saying to upgrade to dapper02:53
EvilIdlerI'm using the Ubuntu package of Opera from the Opera site. Works fine.02:53
CheeseBurgerManEvilIdler: Same here.02:53
casperisregisteris there no other way to get 4.0.2 onto breezy?02:53
tsumeits amazing how well ubuntu is spreading :)02:53
tsumeubuntu is the next defacto for sure02:53
CheeseBurgerMancasperisregister: The latest is 4.1...not sure how to get it though.02:53
BilfordUbuntu is going to spread like crazy with Dapper02:53
RadiantFirethat makes me happy02:54
theverantoh many this translucency thing is so very sweet02:54
Sythenit takes like 10 seconds before konq even started to load opera.com02:54
EvilIdlerI'm doing my bit to infect people's computers with it when Dapper is released >:)02:54
tsumewhere is canonical based anyhow?02:54
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tsumeEvilIdler: I'll send out the linux2fbsd infector :P02:54
tsumeEvilIdler: its a evil virus(tm) someone made :)02:55
CheeseBurgerManEvilIdler: Yeah, I'm working on my brother...he want to install Linux, but his comp has 32MB RAM w/ a 400MHz PII :(02:55
tsumeCheeseBurgerMan: ouch02:55
EvilIdlerCheeseBurgerMan: Xubuntu for him, then02:55
CheeseBurgerManSlackware won't work for him. ;)02:55
SythenCheeseBurgerMan: what does it run now?02:55
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CheeseBurgerManSythen: Win9802:55
GaiaX11How can i configure another linux computer remotely? Through ssh?02:55
tsumeCheeseBurgerMan: EOL for win98 updates are in July :)02:55
Bilfordisnt Linux better for slower computers than Windows?02:56
tsumeGaiaX11: sure :)02:56
CheeseBurgerManEvilIdler: The Kubuntu install freezes...I tried it02:56
Sythen*bleh* windows 98 :-(02:56
SythenCheeseBurgerMan: were you doing the server install?02:56
EvilIdlerCheeseBurgerMan: Did you try Xubuntu? Note the X for XFCE02:56
CheeseBurgerManSythen: Yep02:56
casperisregistercheeseburgerman:  Should I just try to track down a deb file for 4.1?  I'm completely in the woods, with linux (this is my first day to ever even see it), so thanks for helping.  The pieces of how this works are falling into place with the help of manuals, howtos, google, and this room.02:56
CheeseBurgerMancasperisregister: http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=gcc <--- If you're lucky, the 'testing' or 'unstable' deb from there will work.02:57
CheeseBurgerManwhich are 4.0.3 (unstable) and 4.0.2 (testing)02:58
casperisregisterthank you very much02:58
CheeseBurgerManNot a problem, but let's see if it works first. ;)02:58
casperisregisterhehe ok02:58
tsumehow slow02:59
tsumeupdating at 290kB/s02:59
CheeseBurgerManWhat are ya updating?02:59
tsumeeverything since the flight7 release02:59
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tsumeonly 200 megs left :/03:00
tsumeat least my laptop is able to use grub now03:00
CheeseBurgerManYeah, that's always good :)03:01
tsumeauTONYmous gave me a solution, but only because his sister's computer did the same thing. "GRUB" would show and freeze03:01
tsumeand nobody else on the published internet ran in to the problem nor had a solution03:01
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tsumeI had to zero out my MBR03:02
=== tsume pets Hiren's BootCD
tsumebest thing since sliced bread03:02
RadiantFirewhy did you have to zero it?03:03
RadiantFirethats silly03:03
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EvilIdlerThat would indicate a bug in Grub03:03
tsumeRadiantFire: it kept Grub from working. "GRUB" would show on a black screen adn freeze right there03:03
RadiantFirethats no good03:03
tsumeEvilIdler: correct, a bug in the install process. Lilo would work fine03:04
tsumeand lilo had to load the whole kernel very slowly, taking 3 minutes to just load the kernel(not boot)03:04
tsumeI used some hacker's(coder) tool to zero out my MBR :) there were al sorts of leet warnings like "Are you this stupid?(Y/N)"03:05
RadiantFirethats entertaining03:05
tsumeit was totally leet :)03:06
=== _neoncode [n=neoncode@88-107-146-163.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
Bilfordwhats the command to restart kicker03:08
=== xtacocorex is back.
tsumeBilford: hit alt f203:08
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tsumetype kicker, hit enter03:08
Bilfordok thx03:09
Bilfordbut, what if it's already running03:09
BilfordI want to 'reboot' kicker03:09
xtacocorexbilford, you could also do in the terminal the following dcop kicker kicker restart03:09
tsumeBilford: oh oops :) heh03:10
connI'm trying to compile something, and I get this error when running autogen.sh: "aclocal: configure.ac: 106: macro `AM_CFLAGS' not found in library" - does anyone know what dev packages I need to install?03:10
Bilfordhm... wheres Kaffine03:10
tsumein suse kicker used to crash all the time in me because some packager was a waneker, so I assumed it crashed on you :)03:10
Bilfordit didnt crash03:10
BilfordI installed some new programs and theyre not appearing in the menu03:10
BilfordI guess Kaffine and Amarok need a  relog03:11
EvilIdlerThey'll turn up eventually03:11
Bilfordwhy eventually03:11
Bilforddoes the system internally refresh at set intervals03:12
EvilIdlerDon't ask why. They refresh eventually for me.03:12
tsumeis decss available in any of the ubuntu repositories?03:19
tsumeI don't remember how I installed it last time03:19
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Sythenhow do I install gnome?03:20
PyroMithrandirsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:20
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PyroMithrandirwell, that will give you gnome and a bunch of gnome stuff03:21
Snake__Bilford: are you on breezy?03:21
Sythencause im gonna switch just because I want xchat so bad03:21
BilfordSnake__,  no03:21
PyroMithrandiryou can run xchat with kde03:21
PyroMithrandirI am right now03:21
Snake__Sythen: xchat runs on kde03:21
Sytheni looove xchat, sorry konversation03:21
Sytheni know03:21
Sythenbut i also am going to try gnome03:21
Snake__Bilford: dapper?03:21
Sythenkde has too many bugs03:22
BilfordI like Konversaation03:22
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Snake__Bilford: fully updated right?03:22
Snake__irssi ftw03:22
Bilfordbleeding edge03:22
PyroMithrandirI should probably update, I'm a few days old behind ;)03:22
tsumeirssi here too03:22
Snake__tsume: irssi+screen+yakuake = best IRC client ever03:23
Snake__Bilford: odd...it should be auto updating :(03:23
Bilfordhow can I make it update03:23
Bilfordrelog in?03:23
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Snake__That never worked for me03:23
Snake__Perhaps go ask in #KDE03:23
Snake__it did that to me in breezy, I had to restart each time, quite annoying03:24
PyroMithrandirsometimes programs don't get added to the kicker and you have to add them yourself03:24
PyroMithrandirerm, s/kicker/k menu03:24
tsumeSnake__: I just use xterm+screen+irssi03:24
Bilfordok, Ill try that03:24
Snake__tsume: just as good :)03:24
Snake__Mmmm gimpy goodness03:25
Bilfordanyone here Usenet downloaders?03:26
Snake__No sir, torrent 4 life03:27
Bilfordtrying to find a good system for par2 repair03:27
BilfordIm currently using QuickPar in Wine03:27
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Sythensudo: timestamp too far in the future: May 24 06:36:51 200603:29
Sythenwhat does that mean?03:29
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Sythenthis is messed up03:30
PyroMithrandirthat means you've travelled forward in time03:30
PyroMithrandiryou probably were speeding in your delorian on the way home03:30
=== _neoncode is now known as neoncode_
Sytheni changed the clock, but that is because it was like 6 hours ahead03:31
=== neoncode_ is now known as neoncode
PyroMithrandirwell, that might have something to do with it03:32
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JohnCro13hey room.03:42
JohnCro13TV tuner card issue!~03:42
JohnCro13I run KDEtv or TVtime and my screen instantly goes completely black!03:43
JBirdAngelwhat is breezy? ubuntu breezy / kubuntu breezy?03:43
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JohnCro13breezy is the version before dapper.03:44
=== Ican [n=shedevil@ip70-173-190-40.fv.dl.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
JohnCro13get it?03:45
JohnCro13like Windows 98 is before me or 200 or xp...03:46
JohnCro13same concept.03:46
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IcanJohnCro13:  You aren't talking to me, are you?03:47
Icanwhat the hell03:47
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JohnCro13I was responding to JBirtAngel's question.03:48
IcanMy name was casperisregister...I got disconnected03:48
IcanNow casperisregister is still in the room.....interesting03:48
JohnCro13can you help me?03:49
JBirdAngelJohnCro13: okay thank you03:49
JohnCro13actually, can anyone help me?03:49
IcanWhat's your problem, johncro?03:49
IcanI missed most of your question03:49
JohnCro13I run KDEtv or TVtime and my screen instantly goes completely black!03:50
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EvilIdlerWhat X driver?03:50
JohnCro13Evil...directed toward me?03:51
JohnCro13but I have a tuner card too.  Separate.03:51
EvilIdlerYes, but I've had issues with my tuner card, depending on what graphics driver I used03:52
EvilIdlerBog-standard open driver, crash. NVidia's taint, perfectly fine.03:52
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JohnCro13I have an 878 card.03:52
EvilIdlerGood old Hauppauge 878 here03:52
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JohnCro13what section in Xorg.conf is that?03:54
JohnCro13because I can't find anything.03:54
GaiaX11Where do I find a SystemRescueCD to download for ubuntu?03:54
JohnCro13wow, Gaia.  i didn't know there was one.03:55
EvilIdlerJohnCro13: I guess the only related driver is v4l under section Module03:55
HymnToLifeGaiaX11> what do you need it for ?03:55
EvilIdlerThe installer CD/DVD is a rescue disc if you want it to be03:55
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JohnCro13it's not there!!!03:55
GaiaX11HymnToLife, For resizing hd partitions03:56
EvilIdlerJohnCro13: OK, add "v4l", then :)03:56
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JohnCro13Load "v4l"03:56
HymnToLifeGaiaX11> the Ubuntu Live CD has GParted in it, or you can use the GParted Live CD but beware, resizing Linux partitions is unadvisable03:56
JohnCro13how do I reload X?03:57
HymnToLifeJohnCro13> Ctrl+Alt+Bksp03:57
EvilIdlerJohnCro13: Just exit to save desktop, then ctrl-alt-bs03:57
aseigoheh.. that's the brute force way03:57
GaiaX11So, how do i start it?03:57
EvilIdlerIf you want to, reload KDM or whatever03:57
HymnToLifeGaiaX11> insert the CD in your drive and reboot :)03:58
GaiaX11And then?03:58
=== aseigo notes that there is also qparted which is my personal preference there =)
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=== JohnCro13 [n=joel@cpe-24-166-109-8.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
GaiaX11HymnToLife, is there a command to invoke Gparted after booting?03:59
=== HymnToLife notes that GParted and QtParted are the same thing
JohnCro13that didn't do it.03:59
EvilIdlerAdd easy Samba/NFS share handling, and I'd use them :)03:59
HymnToLifeGaiaX11> if you use the Ubuntu Live CD it's in the Applications menu03:59
EvilIdlerJohnCro13: You left before I could ask you what other drivers you have03:59
GullyFoyle hrm what's the keyboard shortcut to start katapult?03:59
JohnCro13I was excited.03:59
EvilIdlerJohnCro13: I have 11 modules listed03:59
=== xtacocorex is away: walking the dog
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:00
melvinsoy nuevo en este SO alguien q me pueda ayuda04:00
JohnCro13under "modules" I have 11 also.04:01
JohnCro13now including the v4l04:01
JohnCro1312c, bitmap, ddc, dri, extmod, freetype, glx, int10, type1, vbe, and now v4l04:01
EvilIdlerDifferent mix than me, then04:02
GaiaX11HymnToLife, Is there a Gparted in the install cd as well?04:02
EvilIdlerNo dri, for example04:02
JohnCro13It would seem, but I had made preally no modification.04:02
HymnToLifeGaiaX11> nope, you can get it easily though04:02
EvilIdlerIsn't dri and glx mutually exclusive?04:02
HymnToLifejust sudo apt-get install gparted04:03
JohnCro13OH!!! DINNER!!!04:03
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JohnCro13I'm back04:09
HymnToLife6 mins for dinner, wowo04:09
JohnCro13by the way, can I just delete the screen resolution depths I don't want to use in xorg.conf?04:11
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JohnCro13thought so.04:12
EvilIdlerI might even recommend it04:12
EvilIdlerYou could save some lower resolutions, in case games need it in fullscreen mode04:13
JohnCro13Highest I want to go it 1024x768.04:13
GullyFoylewow i must say that gaim looks much better with the antialiased fonts in breezy04:17
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JohnCro13typing v4l-conf did the exact same thing.  screen went black.04:18
JohnCro13this is a problem.04:18
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EvilIdlerYes, that is a problem.04:19
EvilIdlerUsing a default kernel?04:19
JohnCro13I know 23 is available now.04:19
EvilIdlerWhat kernel architecture, what CPU?04:20
EvilIdlerVersion doesn't matter - it's mainly repackaging04:20
JohnCro13you mean ... 386?04:20
JohnCro13I'm using 386, but have a 64-bit amd.04:21
EvilIdlerShould be fine, although you should get a better kernel for it04:21
JohnCro13I wish I knew how.04:21
EvilIdlerA K8 or whatever it's called04:21
EvilIdlerJust get the package for the kernel and modules04:22
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JohnCro13there's a 64-bit version of kubuntu, but (get this) macromedia flash isn't even supported.  I NEED that.04:22
EvilIdlerYes, I know.04:22
EvilIdlerBut k7 is the identifier you want. Plain 32-bit arch for modern AMDs.04:23
JohnCro13how can I see that?04:23
JohnCro13where can I go to see that?04:24
EvilIdlerYour package manager04:24
EvilIdlerAdept, aptitude, apt-get04:24
JohnCro13I'm in synaptic.04:25
GullyFoyleJohnCro13: you can install 32emu and run firefox32-bit with flash and everything04:25
EvilIdlerDon't know that one, but search for k704:25
EvilIdlerI had no luck getting flash to work with emulation.04:25
EvilIdler64-bit isn't desktop-ready ;)04:25
JohnCro13nothing installed.04:26
EvilIdlerSearch in packages to get, of course ;)04:26
JohnCro13but when I updated my linux kernal version, I lost my wireless card.04:26
JohnCro13that sucked.04:26
JohnCro13I'll be back.04:26
EvilIdlerYou also need a module package for it04:26
JohnCro13gotta go shopping.04:26
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CrystuferHello all. I'd like to know if anyone else has had problems with the system settings panel in breezy.04:36
chxI am trying to set up a dualhead config. and no matter what I try, there is no picture on the secondary monitor. it comes up but shows a black background and nothign else04:36
EvilIdlerYeah, system settings can't be resized. Use kcontrol instead.04:36
Crystuferthank you.04:37
chxand if I try to load the Display from kcontrol or System settings then it crashes with04:38
chx (preferred_width,preferred_height) = self.getAvailableResolutions()[self.getResolutionIndex()] 04:39
chxIndexError: list index out of range04:39
EvilIdlerHeh. Those errors tell us exactly what you already know: It's not working :P04:40
CrystuferI am also having trouble getting this thing on the internet, and kcontrol and system settings don't change to sudo mode properly.04:40
CrystuferEven if I sudo kcontrol, I can't enable my eth0.04:41
CrystuferI don't understand what's wrong.04:41
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EvilIdlerCrystufer: Do you have more than one network card?04:41
chxCrystufer: is it a PCMCIA card?04:42
chxEvilIdler: yes, but what should I do? for example, pastebin the xorg.conf and you give me advice? :)04:42
CrystuferYeah. one land line and one wireless.04:42
EvilIdlerTry enabling it as eth1 first04:42
EvilIdlerThen eth204:42
chxCrystufer: try cardctl eject 0 then cardctl insert 004:42
chxI was only to make my Xircom realport working by eject/insert04:43
Crystuferit's not pcmcia. But I do have two network cards.04:43
EvilIdlerIt might detect as eth204:43
EvilIdlerI have that problem on a server04:43
EvilIdlereth0 and eth1 detected on installation, but then I rebooted.04:43
Crystuferbut I'm using kcontrol.04:44
Crystuferit shows eth0 as the card I want.04:44
Crystuferis there a way to do this from the term?04:45
EvilIdlerYes, the settings are usually in /etc/network/interfaces04:46
=== xtacocorex is back.
EvilIdlerThen you just 'sudo /etc/init.d/network restart' to get the new settings04:46
EvilIdlerThe interfaces file can be a bit tricky, but my settings with two NICs works04:46
macd so /etc/profile modifies all users but roots bash_profile, but does not affect roots bash, can I add a .bash_profile to root, or am I missing something here04:47
EvilIdlermacd: Should be doable.04:47
CrystuferIf I pastebin this /etc/network/interfaces, will someone help me figure out to change it correctly?04:48
EvilIdlerCrystufer: Here's my file - http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73442704:48
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Crystuferevildler that is set up the normal way, right? dhcp on eth0?04:50
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EvilIdlerI have the LAN card detected as eth004:50
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EvilIdlereth0 = gigabit, eth1 = 100Mbit04:50
CrystuferCool. Static or dhcp?04:51
EvilIdlereth0 is static, and eth1 is DHCP straight to the internet04:51
EvilIdlerThat auto ethX line made all the difference for me04:51
macdauto ethx just tells to start at boottime, same as issuing "ifup ethx"04:53
CrystuferI don't see any lines starting with auto ethX. You mean the lines that say auto eth1 and auto eth0?04:53
EvilIdlerYeah, or to actually *do* something when you run /etc/inet.d/network ;)04:53
Skipster23ok I'm burning Kubuntu to dvd does anyony have any suggestions before i shutdown and install04:53
EvilIdlerIf you copy the settings I use to your respective NICs, it should work04:54
EvilIdlerIf kcontrol is recognising your card, you have the driver loaded fine04:54
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CrystuferYeah. I think so.04:55
BlankBIs there a channel similar to #ubuntu+1 that is good for discussing kubuntu dapper?04:55
Crystuferkcontrol is kinda screwy though.04:55
EvilIdlerCrystufer: Yeah, to put it mildly04:55
NickGarveyBlankB: mm don't see one04:56
Crystuferevildler that's what mine looked like before.04:58
Crystuferwell, it had comments in it too.04:59
EvilIdlerCrystufer: You were missing static or dhcp specification on one, I see04:59
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CrystuferIt's not set up the same as yours.05:01
chxis it possible that the video card is at fault -- despite the fact that it reads the monitor info string properly??05:01
EvilIdlerCrystufer: Mine works, though ;)05:02
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CrystuferWe'll see. /etc/init.d/network command not found.05:03
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vinboydoes anyone has kubuntu dapper daily build from 23rd?05:03
EvilIdlerCrystufer: ALWAYS use tab completion05:03
vinboyi need 2.5mb of it05:03
CrystuferEvildler What do you mean?05:04
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EvilIdlerCrystufer: Type partial command. Press tab. See what happens.05:04
koenhi everybody05:04
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Crystuferbtw, should it be /etc/init.d/networking restart?05:07
EvilIdlerCrystufer: That's right05:07
orcpmancan i ask some questions about kubuntu here? im new at it05:07
robotgeekorcpman: sure, ask away05:08
orcpmanto start, i have a sound problem05:09
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orcpmani hear sound when i start kubuntu, i can get on a teamspeak program, but i cant play music05:09
robotgeekorcpman, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:09
orcpmanoke thx05:10
orcpmanput it in may favorites already05:10
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orcpmansecond question: how can i get the best out of kubuntu05:11
orcpmanwhat to install,....??05:11
EvilIdlerDefine 'best' and your intended use05:11
robotgeekorcpman: are you running breezy/dapper?05:12
orcpmanintended use : kick bill from my computer (is dual boot now)05:12
orcpmanto be honest robotgeek i have no clue what version it is :s05:12
orcpmanwhere can i fandt that?05:12
EvilIdlerorcpman: In /etc/issue05:13
robotgeekorcpman: cat /etc/issue05:13
EvilIdlerFor playing music, I prefer XMMS. There are others, like Amarok, with its database stuff. I just need something small and simple, since my fileserver IS my database :)05:14
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robotgeeki just love all the bells and whistles of amarok05:14
orcpmanit says ubuntu 6.06 LTS \n \l05:14
robotgeekorcpman: okay, you are on dapper then. awesome05:14
EvilIdlerMovies, I prefer Xine. Install xine-ui and libdvdcss2 to get DVD playability, too05:14
EvilIdlerrobotgeek: I just open bell.ogg and whistle.ogg if I need 'that*05:15
robotgeekEvilIdler: :P05:15
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orcpmanand i would like to play games on this to, but most games dont suprt linux, do you know some cool games05:16
Dr_Willistheres ooodles of games that work under linux. :P and most are free05:16
Dr_Willisdepends on the kind of game ya like.05:16
NickGarveyah no05:16
robotgeekorcpman: there is a listing of games in the Desktop Guide05:16
NickGarveydon't say frozen. I can't finish it05:16
HymnToLifeFrozen Bubble > all05:16
orcpmani mostly like fps and mmorpg05:16
NickGarveyI have lost so much time to that..05:17
NickGarveyso much...05:17
robotgeeki am no gamer, so i can't help you, orcpman05:17
HymnToLifeNickGarvey> like you can finish NH, eh...05:17
Dr_Willisorcpman,  they have 7-step groups to get over that problem. :P05:17
NickGarveyHymnToLife: no I ment I couldn't finish typing the word..05:17
robotgeekorcpman: Help -> Kubuntu Desktop Guide05:17
EvilIdlerNot an awful lot of MMOs for Linux yet, but I suspect Sam Lantinga is pushing from inside Blizzard05:18
Dr_Willisa lot of fun is to use dosbox and play some of the great old dos games.05:18
Dr_Willisor the other emulators.05:18
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EvilIdlerSNES emulators and a few JRPGs can keep you entertained a long time ;)05:18
Dr_WillisIm thinking the MMO market is saturated and everyone it getting sick of it.05:18
HymnToLifeDr_Willis> have you tried Duke Nukem 3D on it ?05:18
HymnToLifeI definitely should give it a spin, that game rocks05:18
EvilIdlerA Tale in the Desert is in its third version. I think Puzzle Pirates also works for Linux.05:18
Dr_WillisHymnToLife,  im thinking thats one fo the few games that use special memory managers - and may not work well.05:19
Dr_WillisPuzzlePirates works great. :P05:19
EvilIdlerGood to hear :)05:19
EvilIdlerOr read.05:19
Dr_WillisI think the idea of paying $$$ a month for a game.. is silly.  but at least Puzzlepirates is a free download.05:19
HymnToLifeDr_Willis> guess I'll kepp my old dual boot DOS/Debien 486X then :p05:19
EvilIdlerDepends on the game. I don't mind paying a few Euros a month to get constant updates, and actual customer service05:19
EvilIdlerThings WILL go wrong in persistent online worlds :)05:20
BilfordI ran a php online game05:20
Dr_WillisEvilIdler,  then they try to screw ya out of another $$$ for some big update...05:20
Bilfordamarok doesnt play mp3 because...05:20
Dr_WillisI soled my World of Warcraft account. :P05:20
EvilIdlerDr_Willis: I don't play Sony games, so it's not expensive for upgrades :)05:20
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EvilIdlerThe only Sony games I play are non-MMO PS2 games.05:21
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Dr_WillisIm hearing some nasty things from the EQ1/2 players at work. :) glad i gave up on those a long time ago05:21
EvilIdlerNice system, crap endgame.05:21
EvilIdlerThat sums up most MMOs :)05:22
Bilfordanyoone played Toadwater05:22
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EvilIdlerUT2004 is real cheap now, with a DVD worth of extra material. If you have a reasonable 3D card, you can get lost in Alien Swarm or something.05:22
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Dr_Willis'treadmill'  = mmo.05:23
Dr_Willisno endgame.05:23
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EvilIdlerThe endgame is when you're the highest level. Some cheat, like Sony and Blizzard. They just add more levels.05:23
orcpmandou you have links for those games?05:23
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Bilfordwhy isnt amaroK playing mp305:24
Dr_WillisI never even finish games that can be finished. :P05:24
EvilIdlerorcpman: happypenguin.org - chances are you can find most games in your package manager05:24
EvilIdlerDr_Willis: I rarely ever finish FPSes, but I have fun with the mods :)05:24
Dr_WillisUltima4 ! :P05:24
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Dr_WillisEvilIdler,  Naked lady Mods :P05:25
Dr_Willisthat now get the company in trouble...05:25
EvilIdlerDr_Willis: Bah.05:25
EvilIdlerMods like Tally-ho! for UT add a lot to a game05:25
EvilIdlerI'd like an UT2004 version of that05:26
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Dr_Willisi had a blast playing Quake3 soccer :P05:29
EvilIdlerYeah, odd mods that change FPSes to anything non-FPS are great :)05:30
orcpmanis ut for free?05:30
EvilIdlerThere's a bunch of racing games, too05:30
Bilfordall I need is ZSNES05:30
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EvilIdlerHave you never heard of Unreal Tournament?05:30
orcpmanheard about it, never seen or played it05:30
EvilIdlerYou can find a demo on the net05:31
Dr_Willisfirst person seizure fest. :P05:31
orcpmanis it playable in linux?05:32
Dr_Willistheres a native linux port - yes05:32
HymnToLifegota try it sometime05:34
HymnToLifebut I guess you need a really strong gfx to run it05:34
EvilIdlerOnly somewhat.05:35
EvilIdlerUT2004 is one of the last CPU-bound games - newer games require serious graphics hardware05:35
HymnToLifeespecially on Linux where drivers aren't as efficient05:36
EvilIdlerAlthough Wine+F.E.A.R. would probably make grown men cry, even if you have the latest dual-core AMD :P05:36
JohnCro13I have returned!05:37
Dr_Willisif wine/cedega can even handle the copy protection.05:37
EvilIdlerI don't buy any game unless I know I can find a nocd05:37
Dr_WillisLame Copy PRotection/cd in the drive - is one of the many reasosn ive basicially given up on PC gaming.05:37
Dr_Willisthat and the price has climbed to close to $45-$50 a pop!05:37
HymnToLifeConsole gaming is far more enjoyable anyway05:37
EvilIdlerMMOs are nice like that. The media is merely a start to get the real downloads05:37
HymnToLifeGameCube + Mariokart + 3 friends + Piza + Beer = Hours of fun :p05:38
EvilIdlerMmm..my PS2 gamestack is huge, and the DS games are breeding like rabbits05:38
orcpmanim used to play silkroad online and americas army, but they dont work in linux (americas army dous but not the new version)05:38
EvilIdlerYeah, Pentagon gave up on Linux.05:39
orcpmanthe basterds :p05:39
EvilIdlerAfter all, why should they promote something that hinders their attempts to break into your computer?05:39
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orcpmanhaha, thats tue05:39
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JohnCro13okay.  I want to try installing k7 modules.  But that requires I install Linux-image-2.6.15-23-k7 as well.  my concern is losing my Wifi connection, which is an Atheros.  How can I save my current configuration and reload it if something goes awry?05:40
EvilIdlerJohnCro13: There's a modules package related, plus usually a restricted modules package. Get both of those too, and you shouldn't lose anything.05:41
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JohnCro13I did before.  I'm afraid.05:41
EvilIdlerYes, be afraid. Be very afraid. Kernel upgrades are something even us coder types don't like doing too often :)05:42
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EvilIdlerIf you have just one piece of odd hardware, it's better to live with the old kernels.05:42
EvilIdlerBut in your case, you're running a one-size-fits-all kernel on a very modern CPU.05:42
JohnCro13everything works just fine right now except for my audio and TV tuner.05:43
JohnCro13it sure is modern.05:43
JohnCro13so, you suggest k7.05:43
EvilIdlerI need my S-Video in, and (K)Ubuntu detected it automagically.05:43
JohnCro13Headers too?05:43
EvilIdlerHeaders optional, but suggested.05:43
imbrandondual core ?05:45
EvilIdlerPossibly for dual core05:45
imbrandonsmp is only for dual proc / dual core05:45
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EvilIdlerIn his case, it's a 64-bit CPU he wants to run in x86 mode to avoid all hassles05:45
orcpmangotta go, its time to go sleep, its already 06.00hours here and im awake from 08.00hours yesterday05:45
orcpmanthx for the help05:45
imbrandonJohnCro13: just use the meta package, it will choose all the right stuff for ya "sudo apt-get install linux-k7"05:45
orcpmantalk to you later05:45
HymnToLifesame here orcpman05:46
HymnToLifeAnd I have to wake up at 8 tomorrow05:46
HymnToLifewell, soon :p05:46
EvilIdlerThat's what waking up at midnight is for.05:46
HymnToLifeEvilIdler> +1e8005:46
HymnToLifebut unfortunately you can't do that everyday :(05:47
JohnCro13I have my fingers crossed very tightly.05:47
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=== EvilIdler expects a visit from the Kernel Disaster Fairy any moment now
JohnCro13this is probably the #1 reason I still have an XP partition.05:47
imbrandonJohnCro13: once you get used to it its not bad, special with apt-get05:48
EvilIdlerOut of all Debian-based distros, this computer liked Kubuntu best. I've only ever bought hardware I know also works in Linux.05:48
JohnCro13Evil, my konsole window is back to prompt.05:48
imbrandonsee i'm the opsite, i buy stuff that might not and MAKE it work ;)05:49
JohnCro13reboot suggested?05:49
EvilIdlerJohnCro13: The magic is done. Now you reboot.05:49
JohnCro13I may never see you again.05:49
imbrandonJohnCro13: you might want to ....05:49
EvilIdlerimbrandon: You beat it into submission?05:49
imbrandonapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade to05:49
imbrandonmake sure all deps are satisfied before reboot05:49
JohnCro13I'll do that after I reboot...IF I can get online.05:49
imbrandonummm like i said BEFORE heh05:50
EvilIdlerWouldn't want any nasty things to happen, like, say, init going missing..05:50
JohnCro13I'll update and upgrade right now.05:50
EvilIdlerI've had init disappear completely on me during rather large dist-upgrades.05:50
EvilIdlerThat was Debian, though.05:51
JohnCro13Linux-image-386 needs to be upgraded.05:51
imbrandonthats fine, you can use it as a fallback kernel05:51
JohnCro13as well as linux-restricted-modules-386.05:51
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EvilIdlerYou want those parachutes.05:51
johnny3dwhat is the best interface to use for libcal3d?05:52
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JohnCro13so I'll select k7 from Grub, though.05:52
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EvilIdlerJohnCro13: If it all goes pear-shaped, do you know how to boot with bash rather than init?05:53
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EvilIdlerJohnCro13: I guess you will find some informative manpages once it happens ;)05:53
JohnCro13startx, you mean?05:53
imbrandonheh no , way before that05:53
EvilIdlerJohnCro13: No, we're talking about as basic an interface as possible here - NO programs but bash05:53
JohnCro13yeah.... no.05:54
imbrandonhe has falback 386 thats working so he should be fine05:54
EvilIdlerOK, upgrade and reboot. Then come back here and scream if you need to :)05:55
JohnCro13if all else fails.  I mean seriously everything else, I'll just go into XP and try to get bacl onto chat.05:55
imbrandonsounds good, we'll be waiting ;)05:55
EvilIdlerYeah, that's a possible fallback.05:55
JohnCro13If I don't see you in a couple of minutes, thanks for your advice.05:55
EvilIdlerI've got 3 computers and backup bootups05:55
JohnCro13Evil, thanks.05:56
JohnCro13see you on the flip-side.05:56
EvilIdlerConsidering how fast my boot time with Breezy is, he'll be here in a moment unless it failed05:57
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JohnCro13I MADE IT!06:00
EvilIdlerWoo and stuff.06:00
JohnCro13but, the blank screen issue is still there.06:00
EvilIdlerRight, but it fails much more efficiently now.06:00
JohnCro13my god.06:01
JohnCro13actually, yeah.06:01
pppoe_dudeis it normal for amarok to be using upwards of 35% CPU just to play music?06:02
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EvilIdlerOn a P45, possibly06:03
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imbrandonpppoe_dude: depends on the codec , mp3 quite possibly06:04
pppoe_dudei c.06:04
EvilIdlerPentoum 45. Classic CPU. Slow as heck :)06:04
EvilIdlerPentium, even06:04
pppoe_dudemine is currently at 600Mhz but it scales.06:04
pppoe_dudei locked it at 60006:04
JohnCro13any suggestion where I should go for my tv tuner issue?06:04
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pppoe_dude6755 pp        15   0  118m  33m  23m S 21.2  6.9   2:48.67 amarokapp06:05
EvilIdlerMy old K6-2 200 used 2% tops on MP3.06:05
EvilIdlerThat was with XMMS and not a lot of memory.06:05
pppoe_dudethats top . 21.2 ranges from that to above... and total CPU usage is about 50%06:06
pppoe_dude45 - 70%06:06
tsumempg123 all the way :P06:06
EvilIdlerWow, sounds like a bandwidth issue. Harddrive not DMA mode?06:07
pppoe_dudeim thinking maybe my audio card has the wrong drivers installed...06:07
pppoe_dudehmm 1 sec.06:07
pppoe_dudehdparm -i /dev/hda?06:07
robotgeekpppoe_dude: i think it takes some juice while indexing your music06:07
pppoe_dudeok im on UDMA506:07
pppoe_dudeits constantly like this tho06:08
robotgeekpppoe_dude: plus, you cn turn off fancy stuff like last.fm06:08
JohnCro13I think I will try fixing my tv tuner tomorrow.06:08
HymnToLifelast.fm rocks !06:08
EvilIdlerpppoe_dude: How large is your music collection?06:08
JohnCro13goodnight, all.06:08
pppoe_dudenight JohnCro1306:08
pppoe_dudeEvilIdler: not too large... just a couple of playlists06:08
pppoe_dudeabout 15 songs in each06:08
EvilIdlerpppoe_dude: In mega/gigabytes?06:08
EvilIdlerAh, two albums.06:09
EvilIdlerA playlist could be my entire 160 gigs ;)06:09
pppoe_dudei thougth about indexing (like sorta how gnome's nautilus uses 100% on indexing images) but it aint so06:09
pppoe_dudeabout 150 MB06:09
EvilIdlerThat shouldn't take long at all06:09
EvilIdlerEspecially UDMA506:09
pppoe_dudei have an intel integrated audio card06:10
pppoe_dudei855, but i810 driver installed (to my knowledge)06:10
pppoe_dudeintel's drivers are BS06:10
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pppoe_dudebut i dont think it should matter anyway06:10
EvilIdlerYeah, that Intel Inside is a warning if you're using their chipsets :P06:11
=== tsume has a centrino, but the gfx cars is good ol nvidia :)
tsumeits what I was looking for in a laptop :)06:11
EvilIdlerNot that AMD is any friendlier. Never got that NForce working.06:11
pppoe_dudebut i855 is really crappy./.06:11
pppoe_dudeproblems with video from step 1 with linux (needs 855patch)06:12
Bilfordhm,  Kaffeine and amarok are good06:12
tsumeI need to make a mono based utility for making *ubuntu a sane solution(decss, w32codecs, etc)06:12
pppoe_dudeand debian's installer hangs coz of audio06:12
Bilfordwhats the shortcut for mouse roller06:12
pppoe_dudenext time, im gonna stick with ATI, even tho their drivers are usually late06:13
EvilIdlerUbuntu is already sane. What value of sane is needed?06:13
pppoe_dudeor maybe nvidia06:13
tsumepppoe_dude: what is wrong with nvidia? the drivers are better06:13
tsumeEvilIdler: dvd playback, w32 codecs :)06:13
HymnToLifepppoe_dude> nvidia is definitely the best choice06:13
pppoe_dudenot used to nvidia. + they have that splash screen ( i had it with my sony)06:13
pppoe_dudeim sure theres a way to get rid of it06:13
EvilIdlertsume: I have that. Xine works, mplayer works.06:13
tsumepppoe_dude: you can disable the splash06:13
tsumeEvilIdler: yes, but I had to use a third party, and search for the decoder06:14
HymnToLifethe splashscreen is cool :p06:14
tsumeEvilIdler: encrypted dvds wont work without decss06:14
EvilIdlertsume: There's one repository for all that which I use.06:14
tsumepppoe_dude: in xorg.conf, the video section NoSplash = true or something like that06:14
pppoe_dudeim now thinking of buying an averatec. they're cheap and tiny... just finding the right features can be troublesome06:14
tsumeEvilIdler: the plf, I know06:14
pppoe_dudetsume: i c06:14
tsumepppoe_dude: dude, have you seen or played with an averatec?06:15
pppoe_dudeHymnToLife: how is the splash screen cool?06:15
tsumepppoe_dude: the case is cheap and flimsy, so is the keyboard06:15
tsumepppoe_dude: buy a Toshiba, they work very well, except the SD card reader06:15
pppoe_dudetsume: a new one at bestbuy yes. it was ok actually...06:15
HymnToLifepppoe_dude> it's white06:15
HymnToLifeand green06:15
pppoe_dudetsume: built more like an ibook06:15
HymnToLifetha's cool :p06:15
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tsumepppoe_dude: they looked like cheap crap. I seen one at walmart06:16
tsumepppoe_dude: I'd rather buy a real notebook06:16
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pppoe_dudewell, i can argue that they are manufactured by the same company that makes dells06:16
imbrandondells are crap too ;)06:16
tsumepppoe_dude: no wonder all the dells I see are too fat then06:16
tsumepppoe_dude: dells are only good for the warranty when you buy the business models06:17
pppoe_dudeand sonys too06:17
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=== imbrandon will stick with the macbook
tsumepppoe_dude: you really haven't had a vaio, have you? :P06:17
pppoe_dude1 sec ill grab a link06:17
tsumepppoe_dude: or heard horror stories06:17
=== HymnToLife will stick with HP
pppoe_dudetsume: i had the B100B series...06:17
pppoe_dudetsume: cheapest one06:17
EvilIdlerCarefully selected parts for life!06:17
tsumepppoe_dude: stop going with cheap crap06:18
pppoe_dudetsume: easier said than done. no $$ :)06:18
tsumepppoe_dude: get a job :)06:18
imbrandonsave $$ , stop impules buying ;)06:18
tsumeimbrandon: that too06:18
=== tsume lives in alaska, theres not much to buy :P
imbrandonmy little bro works at mcdonalds and can buy a mac ( he just has to save ) ;)06:19
tsumeimbrandon: heh..06:19
imbrandonthats the wonderfull thing about ordering on the internet06:19
Bilfordhow do you configure  Kaffeine so the mouse roller is for volume06:19
=== tsume is salary, doesn't have to be at work in the mornings unless something breaks :)
pppoe_dudeHPs are crap too tho.06:20
tsumecompaq and hp06:20
HymnToLifeHP rocks !06:20
pppoe_dudeso are compaqs. at least the R2000, R3000 and R4000 series06:20
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tsumetoshiba is just okay, except their series from 200106:20
Bilfordwhen you configure app shortcuts, how do you enter mouse roller06:20
frank_can someone in dapper kubuntu who has the sun java plugin working in konqueror tell me what plugin is used for java in about:plugins  in konqueror?06:20
pppoe_dudeIBMs are ok06:20
imbrandonhp compaq sony and 90% of all other laptops are made by the same company in china06:20
pppoe_dudeor.. 'lenovo'06:20
tsumelevono(sp?) IBMs are good choices06:20
pppoe_dudeimbrandon: i was looking for a link about that, but yes06:21
pppoe_dudeimbrandon: i think theres acually 3 companies06:21
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imbrandon3 , but one major one06:21
pppoe_dudeimbrandon: and asus, which make their own06:21
imbrandonthat does most of them06:21
imbrandonasus and apple are among the VERY few that make ther own06:21
pppoe_dudetsume: i guess levono06:22
HymnToLifetsume> you must be fooling me, stikpads are total crap06:22
pppoe_dudecheap marketing :(06:22
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bobkcevening all06:23
pppoe_dudei like apple and MAC, i just wouldnt feel very "cozy" installing linux on one, so i try to avoid them06:23
pppoe_dudehowever, it is no more different than installing linux on my laptop tht has a "windows key"06:23
=== skipster23 [n=skipster@ip68-2-161-178.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
pppoe_dudehows Ubuntu on macs btw?06:24
pppoe_dudeplus the whole drivers thing gets more complicated06:27
bobkcpardon me, I have a question about a dapper install that's getting stuck06:28
=== luksan likes the way the new Konversation colorizes different nicks on the same IRC chan
pppoe_dudeluksan: XChat can do that too06:30
pppoe_dudebut, xchat is not konversation06:31
luksanpppoe_dude: yeah, I will always use the KDE integrated app regardless, i was just commenting06:32
luksanpppoe_dude: although occassionally when in a blasphemous mood i prefer Gaim of Kopete06:32
pppoe_dudeluksan: i just moved to KDE recently btw, and it is quite good, except for some performance issues with amarok06:32
luksanpppoe_dude: what kinda performance issues?06:33
pppoe_dudeand maybe konqueror plugin issues... unsure yet06:33
pppoe_dudehigh CPU usage when playing mp3s06:33
luksanpppoe_dude: ah, dunno06:33
luksanpppoe_dude: try a different backend06:33
pppoe_dudenot too high all the time tho... now its at 12% of 22%06:33
pppoe_dudeoh ya... might do that, does it go with xine as defualt?06:34
luksani think so06:34
luksanyeah, that's a tad high06:34
luksani'm using xine, and not having any problems06:34
pppoe_dudeyes i just checked06:34
pppoe_dudewhat other backends can i use? like mplayer-style or just gstreamer06:35
pppoe_dudeif even06:35
pppoe_dudecoz i dont have other selections06:35
luksanpppoe_dude: oh yeah i forgot06:35
luksanpppoe_dude: kubuntu doesn't seem to support multiple backends very well06:35
luksanpppoe_dude: if at all06:35
pppoe_dudeaRts i guess06:35
luksanpppoe_dude: even arts creator has disowned that monstrosity06:36
pppoe_dudemaybe ill install amarok-engines and see06:36
luksanpppoe_dude: i went through this the other day06:36
luksanpppoe_dude: it probably won't work06:36
pppoe_dudefirst ill check if kaffeine uses same CPU, to rule out anything else06:37
pppoe_dudeor rather, to make sure its xine's fault06:37
pppoe_dudekaffeine uses even more.. 40%06:38
pppoe_dudewell, 15% of 40%06:38
pppoe_dude22% of 40 sorry06:39
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pppoe_dudewith integrated mplayer player (kaffeine) its off the top list06:39
pppoe_dudeso its definitely a xine problem06:40
luksanpppoe_dude: have you tried seeing if there are any upgrades for xine?06:40
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pppoe_dudeim uptodate... using dapper... hey maybe its a dapper thing06:41
luksani'm using dapper but using multiverse06:41
pppoe_dudeya me too06:41
=== GeoKM [n=keith@ppp46-17.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
pppoe_dudetitle is referring to a membership of some sorrt.. what kind of membership?06:46
=== pwnshop [i=Mekanik@cpe-66-75-105-7.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
frank_pppoe_dude: playin a mp3 with kaffeine here is 1% cpu after I disable visualisation06:54
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pppoe_dudefrank_: according to top?06:55
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frank_pppoe_dude: yep06:55
frank_pppoe_dude: I'm running dapper up to date06:56
pppoe_dudeme too, but mine hovers around 30%06:56
pwnshopi'm burning my first kubuntu iso right now...getting ready to install06:56
pppoe_dudeoh.. sorry not with kaffeine, but with amarok. kaffeine with xine engine is worse..06:56
pwnshop<- new user06:57
pppoe_dudehi pwnshop06:57
pppoe_dudepwnshop: new to linux or ubuntu/kubuntu?>06:57
pwnshopkinda new to linux...i've had slackware and linspire but got an AMD64...06:57
pppoe_dudefrank_: but kaffeine with mplayer is fine... so i think its a xine problem06:57
pwnshopi needed a 64b distro...and found kubuntu06:57
pwnshopi just tried gentoo as well, but it sucked. the install was horrible06:58
pwnshopits gone06:58
frank_pppoe_dude: I just tried with amarok (with xine) and it's the same: between 1 and 2%06:58
pppoe_dudenot most fun06:58
pppoe_dudefrank_: i think it might be related to my audio card/driver... i810 is shitty all around06:58
pppoe_dudewith mplayer its lower, but not 1 or 2%06:59
pwnshopanything i need to know before i install this?06:59
pwnshopi've read up on it07:00
pppoe_dudepwnshop: not much... should be straight forward07:00
pwnshopgood...whats a recommended number of partitions to have?07:00
chavoamarok launches a few processes though07:00
frank_pppoe_dude: yeah but 40% with kaffeine is pretty excessive07:00
pppoe_dudepwnshop: do you have dapper version or breezy?07:00
chavoso it's really using about 6-7 percent07:00
pppoe_dudefrank_: yes. definitely somethn wrong there07:00
EvilIdlerPlaying MP3s average 0.5% here, and that's over the network07:01
pppoe_dudechavo: amarokapp uses about 20% of the 30%07:01
pppoe_dudedoes output device matter with these things? oss/esd/etc...07:02
chavoI have 8 amarok processes and it's using about 5-7%07:02
CutieCoderkaffeine + mplayer as engine is pretty good07:02
chavoby the way install htop if you haven't nice little update to top07:02
chavothis is amarok with xine engine07:03
EvilIdlerKSysGuard shows decent info, too07:03
pwnshopokie dokie, lets try this out07:03
=== grimse [n=grimse@F2254.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu
EvilIdlerFLAC barely registers in CPU use here07:03
chavoyeah but ksysguard takes a little while to start up07:03
EvilIdlerI have memory to keep things like that running :)07:04
CutieCoderdrinks about 1-2% on cpu #1 3.06 Xeon HT, for an NSV stream07:04
CutieCodervp61 codec07:04
pppoe_dudeno change in cpu usage when hovering output devices07:04
CutieCoderAACP sound07:04
EvilIdlerYeah, no sound should eat a ton of CPU07:04
pppoe_dudei really want a new laptop07:05
pppoe_dudebut dont know what to get07:05
HymnToLifeget some HP07:05
pppoe_dudei dont like how they look. :S07:05
pppoe_dudei liked the benq's but i dont know much about their reliability,07:06
pppoe_dude+ it would be internet purchase, no guarantee against dead pixels (tmk)07:06
=== Search4Lancer__ [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
HymnToLifehave you looked !laptops ?07:06
ubotuI guess laptop is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops or http://www.linux-laptop.net/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam, or tuxmobil.org07:06
=== stuq [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
pppoe_dudei looked linux-laptop.net07:07
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HymnToLifethat tuxmobil thing always makes me laughe07:07
HymnToLifeit's like Tux is a superhero just like Batman and his Batmobile rofl07:07
pppoe_dudeany ideas on Benq?07:08
pppoe_dudei just don't like their more recent cheezy marketing messages: "The BenQ Joybook S53W is an innovative laptop computer whose design is geared toward helping users realize their inner potential."07:09
pppoe_dudebut some of the designs and feats are ok07:09
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=== Crystufer [n=Administ@cpe-66-24-31-188.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Crystuferhello, all. I have a kubuntu laptop with no internet connectivity. Is there somewhere I can download the packages on a windows pc and then transfer them over on a cd or ipod?07:26
=== EvilIdler handles _rince_ some breakfast vowels
_rince_thx EvilIdler ... do they come coffee-flavoured?07:27
CrystuferHi, evildler. That network setup you gave me earlier worked like a charm.07:27
EvilIdlerThey're blocks of pure caffeine07:27
EvilIdlerGreat :)07:27
EvilIdlerI'd be surprised if it didn't - I'd be without net when reality catches up!07:28
CrystuferWell, there is always the chance that my pc is secretly running a really fast version of windows and I don't know it.07:28
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EvilIdlerCrystufer: What packages is it you need to download? You can use a downloaded CD of newer releases as a deb source07:29
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=== jaaroo [n=jaro@x53.mykey.cz] has joined #kubuntu
Crystuferi need wine mad lame flash, updates, you know... welcome to linux basket o goodies.07:30
EvilIdlerDownloading that and dependencies is a pain07:31
EvilIdlerNo working network card on the laptop?07:31
Crystuferit works, but I'm not allowed to connect it to the internet. "security risk"07:32
Crystuferi know.07:32
EvilIdlerBrowse around the webpage, find the packages..and start clicking..clicking..clicking07:32
CrystuferIt's not like i'm going to infect the ms pc's with "the linux".07:33
EvilIdlerAlternatively, find a netcafe and apt-get it there. Takes no more than 15 minutes, probably.07:33
_rince_and no pain with the dependencies07:33
EvilIdlerThey should be impressed you dare letting it on THEIR network :)07:33
=== mgilmore [n=mgilmore@cpe-65-26-156-194.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
CrystuferI wish there were a win pc program that would apt-get things and burn them to a disk.07:34
EvilIdlerThere's CoLinux07:34
CrystuferI'm sorry?07:34
EvilIdlerYou run Linux as a process on Windows, apt-get or mirror with apt-cache or whatever07:34
EvilIdlerStill a hell of a lot of work07:35
EvilIdlerI vote for a trip to your friendly netcafe07:35
CrystuferFinancially inconvenient. I wish there were a freedom toaster around here.07:35
_rince_you can install a "mirror" of your laptop inside qemu (which is available for w32)07:35
_rince_there you can download the the necessary packages and burn them07:36
Crystuferhmm... good idea.07:36
_rince_if you expect to need the setup more than once07:36
=== mgilmore [n=mgilmore@cpe-65-26-156-194.cinci.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
yuriywhat is yaboot? is it used in the powerpc version of ubuntu instead of grub?  or is it used by some other distros?07:37
_rince_but you still need to have a sharp look at the pending dependencies, your qemu solves07:37
_rince_so, off to work, bbl ~07:38
Crystuferyuriy it is used in the ppc version of quite a few linux distros.07:38
yuriyincluding ubuntu?07:38
Crystufernot sure. i gave up on ubuntu for ppc when i found osx07:38
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EvilIdlerFeh, X froze.07:39
Crystuferyuriy you could prolly find it in the documentation.07:39
yuriyyeah, thanks, already found it07:40
CrystuferCool beans.07:40
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crazy_penguingood morning! // jo reggelt! // buna dimineata!07:43
Crystuferbien dia, crazy penguin!07:43
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ririHi :)07:44
ririi just installed the "providence" dapper 707:45
ririit's a wonder07:45
riribut i can't install my printer07:45
ririit's in database07:45
ririwhen i use the control panel for printer07:45
riria wizard guides me through the step and when i select my printer it says i maybe haven't the right to config the printer07:46
ririhow can i do it manually07:46
ririi mean with root install07:46
ririsu - root07:46
ririi have a root pw07:47
=== ojpitre [n=ojpitre@modemcable032.124-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
ririwhat the name of the printer wizard ?07:47
ririif one can help me would be nice07:47
riribecause i couldn't find this printer on other distro07:47
ririx75 lexmark07:48
ririHi nixternal don't you know about printer ?07:48
nixternalsup riri07:49
nixternalx75 lexmark ey07:49
nixternallemme see whats up with that bad boy07:49
HymnToLiferiri> ask ubotu, he knows everything :p07:49
ririubotu : how to setup x75 lexmark ?07:50
uboturiri: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:50
HymnToLifeyou should ask like this07:50
HymnToLifeubotu : printer07:50
ubotuprinter is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org07:50
nixternalis the x75 older or newer?07:50
riri3 y07:51
nixternalchecin' kubuntu print db now07:51
ririi looked linux printing.org07:51
ririx75 is inside db07:52
nixternalwell then...what is the issue/07:52
ririis there any soft to install printer on kubuntu ?07:52
nixternalno...it is in kmenu > system settings > printers07:53
ririthe issue is : i tried to install it through the kubuntu kontrol panel07:53
nixternalas a matter of fact...it just locked up my lappy07:53
ririand a wizard started07:53
ririi was in admin setup07:53
nixternalya...i see it07:53
ririi detected x7507:54
ririand then it says either printer is not in db07:54
ririor you haven't enaught right07:54
ririso if i could find manually the printer setting i could do it in root07:54
ririwizard are ok when they work ! lol07:54
nixternaloh believe me i know....07:55
ririso if i can run this soft from root07:55
ririit will have the rights or ?07:55
nixternalobvioulsy it is in the db cuz you can see it in the wizard...and i can do an install w/o even logging in as root/admin07:55
nixternalso that is weird07:55
ririi am lucky each different distro always weird things ..lol07:56
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ririi can try to set it through vmaware in xp emulation07:58
riribut i want to get rid of xp dependances !07:58
ririi am not addict :)07:59
ririms addict07:59
=== shogouki [n=nicolas@ron34-1-82-225-191-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalare you using it on a vmware setup?08:00
ririno i am in kubuntu08:01
ririi want to setup in linux not in xp08:01
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riribut if i can't i will have to do it08:02
ririi am sure there is a way08:02
=== Antiparadigm [n=paul@cbl-dhcp-10-154.machlink.com] has joined #kubuntu
nixternaloh there is a way08:02
ririby hand08:02
nixternalim lookin' in on it now to see if there are any bug reports that are similar to your situation08:02
ririyou know this kind of setup curses from rh08:02
ririvery efficient08:03
nixternalaccording to linuxprinting.org the lexmark x75 works PARTIALLY08:03
nixternalwhat they mean by that...i don't know yet08:03
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-45-185.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu
ririi know what they mean08:04
ririit means only printing works not scan08:04
riribecause this drivers was on many printers and distro08:05
nixternaloh wow riri...you want to see the instructions for installing that printer???08:05
ririit 's made by a spanish08:05
nixternalmy god...you need a degree i think08:05
ririyes please08:05
ririyou know i have looking many years for printing with it08:06
riribefore same problem l320008:06
nixternalthey list a driver up top...then there are generic install instructions...then someone left a message about the printer a the botom08:06
ririthanks you are the best :)08:06
riribut why french always write english ? lol08:07
nixternalhey riri08:08
ririmailto:enrio@online.no i told you nixt :)08:08
ririit's the spanish !08:08
ririso if i could remind his name i wouldn't need more ! lol08:09
nixternalhe has a list of print drivers you can try in order to get it to work08:09
nixternalthe x75 drivers in cups doesn't work08:09
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ririit worked on mandriva08:09
ririand fc08:09
nixternalexactly...and it has issues with debain based setups08:09
ririit uses webadmin for printer08:09
ririmy luck :)08:10
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nixternali have issues with my printer too08:10
nixternalbut it is hplip causing my issues08:10
ririwho hasn't ?08:10
nixternali have a network printer...and a smb printer...both give me issues08:11
ririi think linux has a way to go before good printing ... 20 y ago08:11
ririit was the same :)08:11
nixternali can scan though with my hp psc161008:11
nixternalbut don't ask me to print you something08:11
ririyou are lucky08:11
nixternali can scan...but not print...how is that lucky?08:11
ririi can print on my notebook in the network08:11
nixternali don't use the scanner anyways...unless i have to fax something08:11
ririthat's why i wanted to be sure to be able to get internet before moving to kubuntu08:12
ririyes me too08:12
ririonly private pics...08:12
nixternalwell you got the internet...now the printer08:12
nixternaljeesh...whats next?08:12
riribut i will see if vmware can print with xp08:12
ririnext is scim08:13
nixternalim loading kubuntu in vmware now08:13
ririfor chinese writing08:13
nixternali have a kubuntu vmware kubuntu setup08:13
ririthe other way is better ! lol08:13
nixternalchinese writing...i can't even write english and i have lived in the USA my whole life08:13
ririi format xp08:14
ririfearing to delete my linux partition08:14
ririso now i don't want to put it bacl08:14
ririi have cursedxp and winlsd08:14
ririmuch better08:14
nixternalvmware is actually pretty smooth now08:15
nixternali remember when it first came out...it was flat out bad08:15
ririit 's incredibly speedy08:17
ririand easy to install on kubuntu08:18
ririxp works better in vm08:18
nixternali have solaris 10, kubuntu, then i don't know whats next08:18
nixternali am gonna do a kubuntu dapper server i think08:18
ririmy son wants to make a server08:19
ririi told him to take dapper08:19
riribut i told him first try it in livecd08:20
ririso he can make hands on it :)08:20
ririwe install teamspeak08:20
ririperfect audio08:20
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ririi have just problem with webcam too08:21
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ririits a philips08:21
nixternalteamspeak with dapper?08:21
ririworks fine08:21
nixternalnice...i didn't think to check that out08:21
ririthe audio is great08:21
nixternalthat gave me an idea08:21
ririwell son is the next generation :) lol08:22
nixternalthat is good08:22
nixternalhow old is he?08:22
nixternalprolly my age08:22
riri17y building himself in xp08:22
nixternaloh...i gottem by 15 years08:22
ririnow wants a server on linux ! lol08:22
nixternaldamn...he is goin' fast08:22
nixternalthats good though08:22
riribut i had to push his ace to get him to linux !08:23
ririand dapper help me a lot :)08:23
ririhe tried first ubuntu08:23
riribut he had some problem old release08:23
riribreasy i think... ???08:24
ririso i gave him dapper 7 kubuntu after solving the partition problem08:24
nixternaland now he is in love08:24
riricleaver boy !08:24
ririnot yet all :)08:24
nixternalyou should make a kubuntu movie....that would work i think08:24
riribut still few months08:25
nixternalpretty soon you will be asking him the questions08:25
ririyes for movie i have archos ! lol08:25
nixternalthere you go08:25
nixternalon your way08:25
ririhe does sometimes08:25
nixternalmy neighbor is 14...and i ask him all types of questions...he is a genius08:25
ririlast year i spend 3 months in china08:25
ririand i made lot of avi with archos08:26
ririi went to marry my laopo (wife in pinying)08:26
nixternalmy buddy uses it to make his movies and what not for work...i have seen it in action...pretty slick08:26
ririthat's why i need scim08:26
ririconjugal must :)08:27
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free0smannixternal is my god@!#@#08:30
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ririgood night08:50
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mrfishhatHi im having some issues with dapper and nvidia drivers, does anyone have an idea as to why i cant apt nvidia-glx  and nvidia settings at the same time?09:11
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nixternal`2gowhat error do you get mrfishhat?09:11
nixternal`2gosudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings09:12
nixternal`2gothat doesn't work for you at all?09:12
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mrfishhatit uninstalls the setting when the driver installs09:13
mrfishhatand vice versa09:13
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orient2000Hi! I have a little problem. Just before logit I am getting message: " cannot open filr /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu". Directory /kubuntu does not exist. I have flight 7 , kubuntu 6.06 fully updated.09:14
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orient2000Hi! I have a little problem. Just before logit I am getting message: " cannot open filr /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu". Directory /kubuntu does not exist. I have flight 7 , kubuntu 6.06 fully updated. Anybody has any idea?09:26
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nixternal`2gois that a default install? or did you add a theme?09:26
orient2000It is defalt install.09:27
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nixternal`2goso after you installed kubuntu...the first time you logged in that was the error you got?09:27
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orient2000no errors at first. I downloaded kde itself with no librarie ans switched to kde and yhere eas the proble. I did uptade more but problem is there before login. It does not affect the system but error is there.09:29
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nixternal`2gowas it an ubuntu install?09:30
orient2000yes it was ubuntu and then i switchd to kubuntu09:31
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nixternal`2goahhh..did you do it by09:31
nixternal`2gosudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:31
orient2000I will try09:31
nixternal`2gothat is the correct way to go from ubuntu to kubuntu...or add kde09:32
orient200037MB updates is coming. Thanks. I hope it works.09:35
nixternal`2golol...that should fix your issue and give you kubuntu the way it should be09:36
nixternal`2goif you are on cable or dsl..it should be pretty quick09:36
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nixternal`2gohello Crystufer09:36
CrystuferHow's stuff?09:37
nixternal`2goits goin'09:37
nixternal`2gotryin' to stay awake09:37
nixternal`2goi just tried to change the channel on the tv with my mouse...so sleep might be inevitable09:37
CrystuferCool. I'm trying to find a way to easily download updates and stuff for my kubuntu laptop and burn it on cd, but i think that's a bust.09:38
CrystuferOh well.09:38
Crystufernixternal`2go, Why stay up then?09:38
nixternal`2golike grab everything from the repositories and burn them to a cd09:38
imbrandonapt-get -d upgrade ?09:38
Crystuferyeah, like that, but from a winpc.09:38
nixternal`2goya that would work....but where does it dl it too imbrandon?09:38
imbrandon-d will just download them not install them ( they will be in the apt-cache )09:39
Crystuferimbrandon You're good.09:39
nixternal`2gonow i know where the hell they went earlier ;D09:39
nixternal`2gohe asked exactly what i did09:39
nixternal`2gobut i moved it to my server09:39
CrystuferI wish I could just download the whole repository.09:40
imbrandonyou can ( its 11 gigs for just i386 though ) , i ahve a local mirror running here at my house ;)09:40
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nixternal`2gothen i have a script that will change the soures.list to a temp one and dl from my server09:40
nixternal`2gothat way there...when i am installin' dapper on say 4 clients systems at the same time...i just get all updates local network09:40
nixternal`2goit is sweet09:41
imbrandonnixternal`2go: instead of all that look into a debian app called apt-mirror09:41
CrystuferOh. Wait, does that include the deb-src?\09:41
imbrandonCyberSix: no just binary is 11 gig09:41
imbrandonnot src09:41
nixternal`2gothat is what i am doing for my debian sarge and etch already09:41
imbrandonbin i386 is 11gig09:41
CrystuferSo just bin 1386 for only breezy?09:41
CrystuferThat's a pain in the butt.09:42
imbrandonbreezy or dapper, what ever one you choose but yea09:42
CrystuferIs dapper stable yet?09:42
imbrandonwell i have 10+ systems here at the house so its good for me to mirror it ;) actualy i mirror the whole repos ( my lug uses it too )09:42
EvilIdler11 gigs? I can manage that through the day :)09:42
nixternal`2goit is stable for me09:43
tsumeCrystufer: yes, many are using it already09:43
nixternal`2goi have slung everything possible at it and it rox09:43
nixternal`2gono matter the system i run it on...it is smooth and clean09:43
Crystuferdoes kcontrol work better?09:43
nixternal`2goi am on ann older laptop...and it runs as good as xubuntu did on it09:43
Crystufercuz I have problems with it on breezy like you wouldn't believe.09:43
imbrandonCyberSix: its "officialy" beta still BUT its rock solid thus ffar ( only a few days till full release )09:43
nixternal`2gokcontrol is now system settings09:43
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nixternal`2gosystem settings is nicer...reminds me of windows control panel a little09:44
CrystuferI like it too, but that is even buggier in my install.09:44
imbrandonnixternal`2go: type "kcontrol" in a terminal , its still there ;)09:44
nixternal`2goi know09:44
nixternal`2gobut im used to the system settings now09:44
CrystuferBesides, don't they use the same applets?09:44
nixternal`2goplus...the only thing i change in system settings is printer and themes...thats it...everything else in terminal09:45
nixternal`2gokonsole...gotta stop with terminal ;D09:45
Crystuferi can't do all of that yet.09:45
CrystuferI'm learning though.09:45
nixternal`2gosee...my linux experience is 10 years of terminal as a server admin09:45
CrystuferAnd glad I am too, cuz it's super-useful on osx term.09:46
nixternal`2goi used x-windows like for 2 months total prior to this year09:46
orient200017kB speed. I should have it soon. Can you advise me where to learn about linux? Manuals or books...?09:46
nixternal`2goim new to x-windows in a way09:46
nixternal`2gosearch oreily in google orient2000...09:46
imbrandonorient2000: wiki.ubuntu.com ;) and www.ubuntuforums.org09:46
imbrandonbooks are outdated before they are printed ;)09:47
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nixternal`2gooreily has the best linux books out....09:47
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nixternal`2gothat is why i say goto oreily's website..most of theirs are updated09:47
CrystuferSeriously, orient2000 the only thing I learned from my linux books was how to use rpm's.09:47
nixternal`2gored hat books suck09:47
Crystufer#kubuntu taught me everything else.09:47
imbrandonrpm's .... ewww09:47
nixternal`2gofedora uses rpms?09:47
CrystuferWell, and #ububtu09:47
Crystufernixternal`2go, I think so.09:48
nixternal`2gois that a new xxx release?09:48
Bilfordwhats the main image viewer for Kubuntu09:48
CrystuferIt's the red hot love version of gnome.09:48
nixternal`2gohad to ruffle your feathers on that one...i gotta kick out of it09:48
imbrandonfedora, madriva, suse, redhat , all kinds of distros use rpm that dont know about the apt-get goodness ;)09:48
CrystuferYay dpkg!09:48
nixternal`2gohaha yes09:48
nixternal`2gosudo rpm -die09:49
nixternal`2gonp orient200009:49
Crystuferorient2000 good luck.09:49
nixternal`2gowww.linux.com and www.linux.org have a lot of good links...linux.org is mostly enterprise and i know some of the guys09:49
nixternal`2gothe best way to learn though...break it and fix it...even if you don't mean too...that is how i learned09:50
nixternal`2goi learned nix with aix and irix at unisys when my mom worked there...as a kid i would go and log on when she was working and enjoy it09:50
Crystuferimbrandon, know a good way for me to dl a whole mirror?09:50
Bilfordwhen you Configure Shortcuts, how do you add Mouse Wheel shortcuts09:51
nixternal`2gohahah...just don't wget the whole thing09:51
CrystuferI was thinking wget32.09:51
BilfordOr any kind of mouse clicks09:51
imbrandonyou can even use it under cygwin ;)09:51
orient2000hey one more question. I tried to compile some programs before but I missed so many files, libraries. What should I get? I want to see my dvd working and maybe mp3?09:52
imbrandoncygwin == unix commands for windows09:52
Firetechisn't koffice-latest supposed to point to koffice-151 instead of koffice-15? (at http://kubuntu.org/packages)09:52
nixternal`2gohbo has the bunny ranch on09:52
orient2000well mp3toog is fine09:53
nixternal`2gowrong channel i know...but i thought you should know09:53
Crystuferwhat is the bunny ranch?09:53
nixternal`2goa great american freedom09:53
EvilIdlerOne word: Nevada.09:53
imbrandonFiretech: no, those are only installable by choice09:53
Crystuferalso, thanks imbrandon I'm gonna check the google for cygwin.09:53
nixternal`2goit is a special place in nevada09:53
nixternal`2gooh no...cygwin....09:53
nixternal`2goactually...cygwin is a saviour forme09:53
imbrandonbunny ranch == where i spent alot of my time while married and living in reno09:54
nixternal`2goi have never been...09:54
Firetechimbrandon: I noted that 151 only is available for dappper, too... maybe it's time to upgrade? (I think I'll wait until after next week, then there's no more schoolwork to worry about :P)09:54
imbrandonyour not missing much ;)09:54
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imbrandonFiretech: upto you, i've been running dapper months ;)09:55
imbrandonyour choice though09:55
imbrandonbrb smoke time09:55
nixternal`2goi really not into stable anything09:55
nixternal`2goi need the latest and greatest09:55
Firetechright now I NEED a stable computer, an I DON'T have time to fix migration issues...09:55
HobbseeFiretech: then dont upgrade yet.09:55
Firetechexactly :P09:56
=== Hobbsee likes dapper
=== nixternal`2go loves dapper
Crystuferinstalling cygwin.09:56
nixternal`2goforget likes ;D09:56
=== Firetech wants dapper, but it can wait
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nixternal`2gofrom the way it sounds...there are really only some minor tweaks left with dapper prior to release...righ Hobbsee?09:56
Hobbseenixternal`2go: yes09:57
Hobbseeeverything's being very carefully done this close to release09:57
nixternal`2goi had one issue with dapper...and flight 7 seemed to take care of it09:57
nixternal`2goevery thing i have thrown at it has gone w/o problem09:57
Crystufernixternal`2go, have yout tried wine?09:57
nixternal`2goi have put it on every type of machine possible and it flat out flies09:57
imbrandonwine works good, as does crossover office and cedega09:58
nixternal`2goCrystufer: i try not to mix win and nix....it is like drinking and driving...you just shouldn't do it09:58
Firetechthe only "unstable" thing I run is amaroK from SVN, but since I have a kde svn account, unbreaking stuff isn't that much of a problem ;)09:58
Crystufernixternal`2go, I gotta or my bros will kill me if they don't get their games.09:58
nixternal`2goi use windows for some autocad and custom spreadsheets...that is about it09:58
CrystuferI gotta dual boot at least.09:58
nixternal`2golol...i really don't game anymore09:58
nixternal`2gotuxracer is it ;D09:59
CrystuferWell, I need wine or cedega.09:59
Hobbseehehe yeah!  go tuxracer!09:59
nixternal`2goi am gonna order me some x2 love here soon...and it will be kubuntu09:59
imbrandonheya Hobbsee09:59
Hobbseealthough planetpenguin-racer is better - it's in dapper09:59
Hobbseehi imbrandon09:59
=== nixternal`2go sudo apt-get install planetpenguin-racer
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nixternal`2goi am not even gonna try to game on this laptop10:00
Hobbseenixternal`2go: more levels, etc10:00
CrystuferAnd I've never gotten it to work right. likely just because I haven't used my seperate windows installation yet.10:00
nixternal`2goi had kubuntu breezy on here and it was so slow...so i put on xubuntu...now i have on dapper...and by far dapper has been the quickest10:00
nixternal`2goand it orinoco'd my wireless instead of horrible ndiswrapper10:00
nixternal`2goyay orinoco...on a prismII card that i hacked so it would rfmon correctly10:01
nixternal`2gohahah cygwin goody10:01
Crystuferwhat is xubuntu anyways?10:01
imbrandonxfce4 desktop10:01
nixternal`2goand i love nubuntu too10:02
Crystuferit would be sweet to "right click>open bash term here"10:02
nixternal`2gothat is a fluxbox version for security testing10:02
h3sp4wnIf you want cgwin for anything useful you should install the commandline stuff from the server resource kit (with pstat and ntkill you can manage stuff without needing vnc)10:02
Hobbseenixternal`2go: breezy kde was slow anyway10:02
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nixternal`2goya..i noticed10:02
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imbrandon*cough* not supported by conocial *cough*10:03
nixternal`2goprior to kde i used gnome in the middle 90's10:03
imbrandonnubuntu that it10:03
nixternal`2goi have been on cde since the 80's10:03
nixternal`2gonow i am trying out jde on solaris 10 and it is horrible10:03
nixternal`2goa java version of gnome10:03
CrystuferAdministrator@basement ~10:04
nixternal`2goSysinfo for '3lockbox': Linux 2.6.15-23-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: Celeron(Coppermine) at 696 MHz (1393 bogomips), , RAM: 183/186MB, 86 proc's, 1.11h up10:04
nixternal`2gowhoa...actually this sytem is faster then i thought...i thought it was a 40010:04
imbrandonmy fileserver is a 333 celeron with dapper ;)10:05
nixternal`2gomine isn't much more than that10:05
nixternal`2goi think it is a 466 cellery10:05
Hobbseenixternal`2go: ouch.10:05
Crystuferhey, imbrandon. What am i supposed to do to download all this stuff exactly?10:05
imbrandonheh read up on apt-mirror10:05
imbrandontook me a few days to get it right, and i'm used to that kinda thing ;)10:06
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nixternal`2gomy main server is debian sarge on a dl360 dual xenon love10:06
imbrandonCyberSix: but i'll give ya a hint10:06
EvilIdlerDon't let the apt-mirror manpage confuse you by reading it; just find a howto10:06
imbrandoni have a sample mirrors.list on my webserver you can use10:06
imbrandonCyberSix: http://ubuntustuff.sytes.net/mirrors.list  <---- that will save you lots of time configing it10:07
imbrandoni'm sorry its : http://ubuntustuff.sytes.net/mirror.list10:07
CrystuferYou know you're talking to CyberSix instead of Crystufer , right?10:07
imbrandononce you install apt-mirror, put that in /etc/apt/10:08
CrystuferTab completion is a dangerous mistress.10:08
Crystuferapt-get command not found.10:08
imbrandonyea cygwin is not ubuntu ;)10:09
CrystuferI like ubuntu though.10:09
imbrandonjust got get apt-mirror.sf.net10:09
nixternal`2goi was gonna say...i don't remember debian commands in cygwin10:09
imbrandonuse that mirror.list and change the base path and comment out what you dont want to mirrir10:09
imbrandonthen run apt-mirror, and wait for 11 gigs + to download10:10
imbrandonheh i dident say it was easy i said it could be done ;)10:10
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Crystuferfair enough.10:10
imbrandonTHEN you have to setup a webserver to point to that mirror for the other installs to use it10:10
imbrandonas an apt-source10:11
CrystuferI'm not interested in actually mirroring I'm afraid.10:11
CrystuferI actually want to burn it all to cd then transfer it to my linux hd.10:11
r0xzhow are the live-cd's coming? as install or live-cd?10:11
imbrandonahh then you will have to homebrew up something10:12
Crystuferor better yet, ipod and sneaker-net10:12
r0xzok i am just out off bed :(10:12
EvilIdlerYou shouldn't start brewing until you know the taste10:12
r0xz*how are the cd's coming? as install or live-cd?10:12
CrystuferMan, all I want is to get a shit load of debs.10:12
imbrandonr0xz: both10:12
EvilIdlerr0xz: Yes10:12
CrystuferHey, EvilIdler .10:13
EvilIdlerAt least the DVDs will do both, so they're recommended10:13
imbrandonCrystufer: the problem with that is ubuntu uses 17000+ debs ;)10:13
Crystuferyeah. pin.10:13
imbrandonsoooooo basicly its grab what you need one by one or run a local mirror10:14
imbrandoni choose to run a local mirror ( becosue i give my local lug access to my mirror also )10:14
CrystuferIf my main pc was up, it'd be a no brainer.10:14
Crystuferwhat is a lug?10:14
imbrandonlinux users group10:14
CrystuferWhat locality?10:15
imbrandoncron updates my mirror ever 30 minutes10:15
imbrandonkansas city  www.kclug.org10:15
orient2000There is few files in /themes/kubuntu after installation. I hope it works. I go BOOT now. Thanks.10:15
imbrandonor #kclug here on freenode ;)10:15
Crystufer30 minutes?!10:15
imbrandonit dosent download the whole mirror , only whats changed ;)10:16
CrystuferSo it's constantly making sure you have the same as what is on the official?10:16
imbrandonbasicly yup10:16
MasterEvilAceHey, kubuntu isn't booting. I went to recovery mode and i get an error with "startx" .. it says NVIDIA: failed to load the nvidia kernel module!  Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration10:16
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imbrandonMasterEvilAce: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:17
MasterEvilAceHappens after I did an adept update (downloaded updated software)10:17
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EvilIdlerRecovery mode = no modules loaded, like the graphics driver10:17
CrystuferOkay. So how do i find out the requirements for a package?10:17
EvilIdlermodprobe nvidia should get it up10:17
DaveQB11Does Dapper have an exact release date ??10:17
=== DaveQB11 is some what excited
imbrandonthe first10:17
DaveQB11something to count down to :)10:17
DaveQB11thanx imbrandon_10:18
imbrandonCrystufer: without installing ?10:18
imbrandonyou can read the debain/control file, but i think there is another way , hold on10:18
imbrandonactualy type man dpkg and it should tell you or man dpkg-deb10:19
HobbseeDaveQB11: june 110:19
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CrystuferNope, winpc.10:19
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linyllgood morning, i wrote my CV with Kword and i wish know if i can make a pdf from kword ?10:20
imbrandonouch hmmm not realy sure if there is a sane way then ( other than ripping the deb apart and reding the debain/control OR looking on the package wiki )10:20
DaveQB11thanx Hobbsee :) I am loking forward10:20
DaveQB11linyll:  File > Export > PDF ???10:20
Crystuferkde is definitely pretty though.10:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: what are they looking to do?10:20
HobbseeCrystufer: apt-cache show packagename.10:21
imbrandonfind the packages a deb depends on ( in windows )10:21
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linyllDaveQB11: i do not have this... is there a .deb ?10:21
Hobbseeoh...in windows...10:21
imbrandonyea , heh10:21
DaveQB11linyll:  Kword ?10:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: search pacakges.ubuntu.com for the package.10:21
imbrandonCrystufer: yea what Hobbsee said10:21
linyllyes for kword10:22
HobbseeCrystufer: yeah.  what did you need it for?10:22
orient2000Thank you for helping me. No more errors except some f arabic letters. I'll have to look at language setup.10:22
Crystuferjust a bunch of stuff for my new kde com.10:22
MasterEvilAceOk, I did xorg configure, however no change. The actual NVIDIA module isn't there, for some reason. Anyway I can get that using apt-get in recovery mode?10:22
imbrandonHobbsee: getting updated debs for a non net connected laptop from windows10:22
Hobbseewhy not connected to the net?10:23
imbrandonbrb , smoke break time10:23
imbrandondunno dident get that far10:23
CrystuferI need flash for konquerer as well as java and xchat and mad and lame.10:23
imbrandonCrystufer: you need all that without the net connected ?10:23
=== Hobbsee would suggest getting the laptop connected to the net, then downloading packages
CrystuferAll kinds of stuff.10:24
Hobbseeif that's possible, of course10:24
Crystuferyeah. me too.10:24
imbrandonummm how are you gonna chat with no net ?10:24
imbrandonjust curious10:24
imbrandonnot tryinmg to make you fell ummm discouraged10:24
imbrandonanyhow brb smoke time10:25
CrystuferOkay. So here's the deal. My bro got a new top. He wants everything installed on it, but doesn't want it connected to the net and can't explain in actual words why not.10:25
CrystuferI think he has his head up his butt.10:25
imbrandonahhh bsicly tell him that he cant have everything installed ( within reason ) without the net ;)10:25
CrystuferBut I'm respecting his wishes because he's my bro.10:25
Crystuferi'm gonna try first.10:26
Crystuferif I can get just the codecs it'll be enough for me.10:26
DaveQB11Crystufer: odd, why net not allowed ? He would never know if it was or not, besides apt-get being configured ;-)10:27
CrystuferTrue, but I would know.10:27
imbrandoncodecs will be fun becouse like flash they are not all in the ubuntu repos10:27
CrystuferSo I gotta search the universe and multiverse too.10:27
imbrandonno not even in universe and multi10:27
imbrandonIE not in the ubuntu repos10:27
CrystuferI know I saw mad in there somewhere.10:28
imbrandonthey are restriced10:28
DaveQB11Crystufer: yes true, not saying it a "so go ahead and jump on the net" i am more saying it "why doesnt he want it on the net ? He wont know either way, wont make a diff either way"10:28
ubotufrom memory, restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats10:28
imbrandon^^ flash mp3's etc etc etc10:29
CrystuferYa know what? forget it all together. I'm gonna just see if I can teach him to use ogg's.10:29
CrystuferAnd that kind of thing.10:30
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CrystuferI still need wine though.10:30
CrystuferI don't even need to get that from ubuntu though, right?10:30
DaveQB11YAY for ogg and free software! :)10:31
MasterEvilAces's command to SEARCH apt-get database for nvidia?10:31
CrystuferI can get wine from the wine repos, right?10:31
MasterEvilAceyeah, that would make sense10:33
imbrandonapt-cache search nvidia10:34
DaveQB11Crystufer:  wine's website has ubuntu .deb's for Breezy10:34
HobbseeCrystufer: make sure you get all the deps that you need - it's very difficult to do an install without the net, if you want extra programs10:35
CrystuferI just want the wine for now. i'll work on everything else later.10:35
CrystuferI should just install kubuntu on a different pc and apt-get -d all the things i want and then burn them to disc.10:36
imbrandon*cough* live cd *cough*10:36
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CrystuferYou're a smart man, imbrandon.10:37
CrystuferA very very very smart man.10:37
CrystuferOr woman.10:37
imbrandonman ;)10:37
Crystuferi figured.10:37
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visik7I've an old install on lvm of ubuntu in a usb disk (that before was attacched to an ide channel, how can I mount it to retrive files inside the lvm partition ?10:39
MasterEvilAcevery weird, but got it fixed10:40
MasterEvilAcecool stuff10:40
MasterEvilAceneed to work on getting kubuntu to start/shutdown faster though10:41
CrystuferHey, how can I make it so that when I put in my ipod, konquerer opens to media:/ipod instead of media:/sda1?10:41
HobbseeMasterEvilAce: see the howto at ubuntuforums.org on how to speed up your system10:43
MasterEvilAceHobbsee: Danke10:43
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MasterEvilAceanyone know if nvtv works on Dell Inspiron Laptops? (nvidia geforce2 GO).. i want tv-out to work, but i'm not sure if that would work (or even if it's built into my gfx card)10:47
Crystuferokay, i got a deb. I thought I knew what to do with it. But I was wrong.10:48
CrystuferWhat's the konsole command to get my program installed?10:48
Crystufernevermind dpkg -i (package) yeah?10:51
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Crystufersudo dpkg -i wine.deb10:51
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nixternal`2gotime for sleep10:58
nixternal`2gogood night all...see ya in a few hours10:58
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CrystuferAnyone still around?11:11
=== Hobbsee isnt :P
tsumeno :)11:11
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CrystuferIs it possible to make adept check one of my folders for .debs as a repository?11:12
CrystuferSo that when I am using adept i can see the debs I donwloaded by hand and stored?11:13
CrystuferI'll take that as a no.11:14
CrystuferBut hello, cutie.11:15
PyroMithrandirI bet you could, actually11:15
PyroMithrandirI don't know exactly how, but if you can make it read .debs from a cdrom (the install CD) then it's probably not too different to do it from a folder11:15
CrystuferThat's what i thought.11:16
CrystuferBut it says cdrom:fjksalkfjdskj\11:16
PyroMithrandirlook at the /etc/apt/sources.list and then see if you can find some documentation on how and why it is set up like that11:17
CrystuferSo would i go with file:11:17
PyroMithrandiryeah, that's my though11:17
PyroMithrandirbut I don't know what you'd do with the "main restricted" part11:17
PyroMithrandirCrystufer, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-basico.en.html11:18
PyroMithrandirthe second section there is exactly what you want11:18
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CrystuferI got a crash. That's promising.11:22
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Crystuferokay crud. how do i edit apt-sources by hand?11:23
CrystuferI see it.11:24
Hobbseeah, okay11:24
Crystuferokay, so what's this bit about /dev/null?11:28
Crystuferuse /dev/null when calling dpkg-scanpackages?11:29
SkrotAny skype-users around?11:33
CrystuferNot I.11:33
MasterEvilAcefor services that start in ubuntu... what does rmnologin and screen services do?11:38
m0ns00nWhy aren't there more plugins written for Mozilla?11:38
m0ns00nThe plugin dev package etc is fully available to anyone, but there aren't many plugins like flash and mozplug out there11:39
m0ns00nIs it cumbersome to develop?11:39
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DenHi - I want to make an mp3 file(s) from a cd.  I found kaudiocreator - but there is no options for mp3 encoding available.  Do I need to add something to my repositories to gain mp3 encoding ability?  Is there a better program to use for this than kaudiocreator.  FWIW, the cd is a language learning cd - basically all voice.12:13
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SkrotDen: Try k3b :)12:14
DenSkrot: er, I want to take audio off the cd into (preferably) mp3 format12:15
Skrotk3b will do that for you :)12:15
DenSkrot: I've used k3b, but that's just for burning cd's right12:15
Skrotnope, it can rip as well :)12:15
SkrotEven hooks you up with CDDB and tags your files12:15
Skrotnp :)12:17
Bilfordwhats the main image viewer in Kubuntu12:18
SkrotBilford: Dunno if there's a standard viewer, but I find gwenview to be good :)12:18
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DenSkrot: Are you sure?? There is nothing in the help, or menus that I can see, for reading audio off cd & writing .mp3 files - wehre do I look for that function?12:19
SkrotDen: Insert the audioCD, open it from k3b on the left treeview thingy12:19
SkrotThen there should be a button for ripping the CD in the top right window12:19
SkrotThey should make it easier to find indeed, it's a nice feature :)12:20
DenSkrot: do you know if kaudiocreator will do this also?12:21
SkrotNever used it :)12:21
koshwow you guys sure do stuff the hard way12:23
koshjust use audiocd:/  and drag the mp3 files off the disk12:23
koshit will encode, do cddb etc12:24
koshit is a built in part of kde12:24
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Skrotkosh: But k3b gives more options for ripping :)12:24
koshI always rip with the same options12:24
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koshogg max quality12:24
EvilIdlerSome people don't always use the same options12:25
Skrotmp3 vbr >=192 to 320, does the kio-slave have such a option?12:25
SkrotI've never used it, to be frank :)12:26
koshmost of my oggs are about 400-500kbps12:26
BilfordI convert rm files to wav using   mplayer file.rm -ao pcm:file=file.wav  .  Is there an easier drag and drop way like  audiocd:12:27
EvilIdlerAt that rate, FLAC is probably a better choice :)12:27
koshflac was not an option when I was first doing that, I could reencode stuff though12:28
koshwhat is wrong with flac?12:28
MasterEvilAcethey're ginormous12:28
EvilIdlerFLAC is non-lossy and opensource. What do you expect?12:28
Denkosh: I want to convert a cd with language instruction to mp3  - audiocd will only drag .mp3's off a cd that already has .mp3 files, yes?12:28
SkrotDen: No. The mp3s are "virtual".. when you drag them, the audio is converted to mp3-files12:29
MasterEvilAceif i wanted lossless, i'd go for WAV lol12:29
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koshDen: no, the audiocd:/ ioslave is a virtual view of the cdrom, it shows all the audio tracks as mp3, ogg, wav etc files that you can drop off and it will encode them then12:29
MasterEvilAceeverything can play WAV's12:29
MasterEvilAcewhy use FLAC in that case12:29
EvilIdlerWell, everything can use FLAC on a computer12:29
koshall my stuff would play flac12:29
EvilIdleriAudio portable players can play FLAC12:29
Bilfordwhy is mp3 more popular than ogg12:29
koshit was out first12:29
Bilfordogg is old12:29
koshmp3 is older12:29
EvilIdlerOgg is newborn compared to MP3 :)12:29
SkrotBesides, MP3 was hyped by the media like crazy12:30
CrystuferHey. Don't you people ever sleep?12:30
Bilfordhasnt ogg been out since the 1900s12:30
EvilIdlerCrystufer: I guess some humans do.12:30
SkrotEveryone has heard of Mp3 :)12:30
CrystuferThat's at least 100 years ago!12:30
kosh500kbps is probably not much smaller then a flac file12:30
DenSkrot: or kosh so, use "audiocd:/" with what: konquewror?12:30
SkrotDen: yupp12:30
koshDen: yup12:30
MasterEvilAceogg won't replace mp3 becase mp3 is too popular12:30
koshonce you have it setup how you want you just pop in a cd, drag the files off and be done with it12:30
MasterEvilAceit's hard to kill something that's so commonly used12:30
koshwhy does it have to replace mp3?12:31
Crystuferogg was born last thursday.12:31
EvilIdlerEspecially with so many imperfect ears :P12:31
SkrotYeah. Old habits die hard :>12:31
MasterEvilAcewhat's the point if it doesn't?12:31
koshit sounds better and it works great on my computer for encoding my cds12:31
koshbecause without destroying the competition it still works great12:31
MasterEvilAceWhat's the point of having 5 formats if people will only use one, and are only able to play one "right out of the box"12:31
EvilIdlerOgg/Vorbis has a friendly license. Most non-Microsoft games use it now.12:31
Bilfordbut what if Linux kills Microsoft12:32
koshogg is playable out of the box on every linux dist, mp3 is not for license reasons12:32
MasterEvilAceI like ogg, too. i'm jsut saying.. it's practically not going to take off for general people-use12:32
dergringoIs there any software that can sync with google calendar (including write access trough Google API)?12:32
EvilIdlerSo it's not exactly a minority anymore. It just has different fields of use where it's more popular.12:32
MasterEvilAcelinux can't kill microsoft12:32
CrystuferMy linux can't play mp3's12:32
LynoureBilford: Microsoft is suiciding, more likely =)12:32
SkrotLynoure: Agreed. They are fighting them self :p12:32
koshwell considering that linux is a kernel I doubt it is going to kill microsoft12:32
MasterEvilAcemore home users use windows than linux. windows plays Mp3 out of the box12:32
EvilIdlerIf Linux is going to kill Windows for desktop use, I really, really want it to happen so slowly we can actually teach people to use computers ;)12:32
dergringoMasterEvilAce: Kubuntu has Office out of the box :)12:33
koshhonestly if it never kills windows that is still fine with me12:33
LynoureIt's easy to teach people to use Linux12:33
BilfordCrystufer, by choice?  or you dont know how12:33
SkrotJust look at Xbox360. Xbox360 COULD have been a great high-def media center for your living room, but that would not be good for microsoft, since they already have a media center OS to sell =)12:33
EvilIdler*I* use it and I'm happy with it.12:33
koshI have been using linux for about 10 years now and will continue to12:33
LynoureMy mother will go from Debian to Ubuntu next month :)12:33
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Lynoure(she is 65 now)12:33
EvilIdlerI also use Windows for games, I have various certs and many years of experience, and I *still* have trouble with it all the time.12:33
BilfordI'd never switch my parents from Windows12:33
MasterEvilAcelinux is cool.. it could use a few things though to make it easier.. the only reason i don't use it as main OS is because linux can't run windows apps (flawlessly)12:33
DenAre there any portable audio players readily available that play.ogg?12:33
koshmicrosoft would have to make massive fundamental improvements to windows to make it even possible for me to switch to that for my work12:33
Bilfordno reason to12:34
XVampireXMasterEvilAce: Alot of programs do work flawlessly and there are alot of native ports12:34
MasterEvilAceSkrot: but they DO make the 360 tie with the Media Center OS :P12:34
LynoureBilford: For her it was added speed and less hassle with upgrades12:34
MasterEvilAceXVampireX: not the ones i care about though :P12:34
SkrotMasterEvilAce: Indeed. And that's what I hate about them. :)12:34
EvilIdlerI prefer an OS that gives me devtools right out of the install CD.12:34
koshI use windows for games and linux for all my work12:34
CrystuferBilford, I kinda know how.12:34
MasterEvilAceXVampireX: I don't care if powerpoint works, for example12:34
SkrotIf you buy one product, you'll need ten more to complete it12:34
Lynourekosh: Same here.12:34
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BilfordCrystufer,  sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs12:35
koshI have not used any windows productivity software in close to 8 years or so12:35
XVampireXMasterEvilAce: Okey12:35
SkrotMasterEvilAce: Look at the PS3, it comes with linux. How long would you think it will take before some HTPC-software is ported to it and it becomes a fully powered home theater computer? :)12:35
DenSkrot: or kosh Are there any portable audio players readily available that play.ogg?12:35
EvilIdlerI use their compiler occasionally. It's still a pain.12:35
koshI do server software development mostly with zope and python12:35
koshDen: I don't know squat about portable audio players, I don't have them, have not researched them and don't have an intention to get one12:35
CrystuferBilford, Now tell me how to do it without the internet.12:35
MasterEvilAceSkrot: well that hasn't been entirely comfirmed yet. Even if sony says it now, i don't trust jack sony says until it actually gets out12:36
Denkosh: thx12:36
BilfordCrystufer, youre on the internet now12:36
SkrotMasterEvilAce: To be frank, I don't either. But if it does ship with linux, it WILL kick ass on that front :)12:36
MasterEvilAceDen: I think a few portable players support it.. but i know a lot don't because ogg requires more cpu power, generally, and that = less battery life12:36
koshSkrot: it would be cheaper to get a Wii and a regular entertainment system :)12:36
MasterEvilAceSkrot: I agree!12:36
dergringoIs there any software that can sync with google calendar (including write access trough Google API)?12:37
CrystuferBilford, This is my windows.12:37
Bilforddoes Wii use Linux12:37
XVampireXWhen PS3 comes out, all you get it12:37
koshI won't12:37
SkrotI'll get it if it ships with a open linux ready for brewing :)12:37
BilfordWii uses Opera12:37
XVampireXNo money?12:37
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: Quite a lot of players support Ogg/Vorbis now. Even FLAC is starting to become popular.12:37
MasterEvilAceBecause you already have linux?12:37
XVampireXSkrot: It will12:37
DenMasterEvilAce: Is there a .ogg format that is near .mp3 in cpu reqts?12:37
koshumm because the games on the Wii interest me a heck of a lot more12:37
SkrotXVampireX: So they say, but as MasterEvilAce pointed out, I won't belive it before I see it myself :)12:37
XVampireXKosh: Yeah, you can always get both12:38
XVampireXSkrot: There's nothing to believe, it's there12:38
koshXVampireX: why waste the money on the PS3 though? what could I possibly gain from it?12:38
SkrotXVampireX: Have you seen it?12:38
XVampireXNo, but when official sources say it will, then it will.12:38
koshXVampireX: my desktop computer is a lot more powerful and the new one will be staggeringly more powerful12:38
EvilIdlerDen: The only Ogg audio format that's commonly in use is Vorbis, and it's a bit heavy for small devices.12:38
XVampireXPS3 is running a different processor then what you have12:39
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MasterEvilAceDen: I dunno? I know OGG compresses better with the same quality as a similar bitrate mp3.. but that compression comes at expense to power consumption.. so, i dunno.12:39
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XVampireXYou can't compare12:39
koshXVampireX: a PS3 is not any good for anything that I do and it is very hard to optimize for12:39
EvilIdlerThe CPU use of Vorbis is not noticable on my computers, but a small device using any ARM really notices it12:39
DenEvilIdler: MasterEvilAce thx12:39
MasterEvilAceI personally hate the PS3, just because Sony is throwing too much at it, in my opinion. Maybe it'll be good, but I would not buy one unlses it had a hell of a lot of EXCLUSIVE games that i want. even then.. it'd need a LOT12:39
EvilIdlerPS2 and PS3 are like consoles from different worlds.12:40
MasterEvilAceEvilIdler: yeah, portable music players is what i mean12:40
EvilIdlerIn fact, I think Sony will be competing with itself.12:40
koshXVampireX: I do database development with web app stuff so I want io (disk and memory) and cpu power, what value does a PS3 have to me?12:40
SkrotMasterEvilAce: My guess is that most games will ship for both xbox360 and PS312:40
XVampireXWhat the heck? PS3 is a console12:40
XVampireXHas nothing to do with computers12:40
koshXVampireX: then why are you pressing so hard that it will run linux, if you are using it as a game console who cares what os it runs?12:41
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: The best audio players I know of are iAudio. Linux supported, harddrive version available, hacked (opensource) firmware available.12:41
SkrotThere is no such thing as a console any more. This new high-def generation killed the console. It's all about "entertainment system" now :)12:41
MasterEvilAceSkrot: I think so too. It makes sense for DEVs, as they'll make a hell of a lot more money, since both consoles aren't going to be as popular as older consoles were (due to price)12:41
Lynoureiaudios seem yummy...12:41
=== imbrandon points politely to #kubuntu-offtopic
SkrotAgreed. This isn't kubuntu-related :p12:41
koshSkrot: the Wii is a real console and the launch titles look amazing12:41
Skrotkosh: Agreed, but the Wii isn't really "next gen"12:42
MasterEvilAcekosh: I like the Wii in a sense that it's different, and affordable. However, I'd wait maybe a year to see what happens with it. Nintendo seems into gimmicky stuff, and for example, the DS, seems not entirely worth it.. and that AND the gamecube never really got any KILLER games12:43
klerfayttell me why do the same fonts look different in suse? (dpi is same)12:43
koshMasterEvilAce: re4, metroid prime 1 and 2, eternal darkness12:44
=== EvilIdler hugs his DS
XVampireXYou need to look in the positive side12:44
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klerfaytI'm more concerned about smaller font sizes - they look less "rounded" or something in kubuntu12:45
XVampireXwith PS3 being powered by Linux, it will help linux gaming12:45
koshthat one I don't know klerfayt I have not seen those issues12:45
Bilfordhow do I add more Applets to my KDE applet menu12:45
XVampireXBut shit, PS3 costs a fortune12:45
BilfordI mean, how do I add more to choose from12:45
EvilIdlerNot powered by. Optional.12:45
MasterEvilAcekosh: I have trouble w/ Metroid prime on gamecube. don't like the control scheme at all, really. RE4 demo was cool, I want that. On PS2 it sucked badly though (bad controls)... Eternal darkness i've heard of, but not looked into12:45
eeoshi there. does anyone know about a linux alternative to skype?12:45
imbrandonBilford: right click on the pannel12:45
EvilIdlerYou won't launch into a KDE desktop, sadly12:45
XVampireXEvilIdler: Actually, I think it's powered by linux12:45
imbrandoneeos: there is a skyupe client for linux12:45
BilfordI know, I get a list of applets to choose from.  How do I get more12:45
XVampireXNot like PS2 linux pack12:46
eeosI have tried the skype client and it is awful12:46
imbrandonconsole talk in #kubuntu-offtopic please12:46
EvilIdlerI suspect it's still specialised firmware - their devkits are Linux, though12:46
klerfaytsmaller fonts have "boxy" look in kubuntu12:46
eeosno video, sound is OSS, version is 1.212:46
EvilIdlerSkype might be in multiverse or PLF12:47
imbrandoneeos: unfortunately thats the only version atm12:47
SkrotI'm using the newest skype, and I'm having toruble with the sound12:47
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imbrandonEvil thats fgrom sktpe themselfs12:47
XVampireXSkrot: Skype will have problems because it's using OSS12:47
klerfaytin kubuntu smaller fonts are more readable than in suse12:47
XVampireXYou can't use other sound programs with it12:47
BilfordWhere can I download more appletss12:47
SkrotWhy would they use OSS?12:47
koshwho knows12:47
XVampireXCause they hate linux12:48
koshoss was deprecated before skype even existed12:48
EvilIdlereeos: You're better off using a real VoIP provider and SIP software12:48
Snake[Sleep] Bilford: 18,000 isnt enough?12:48
imbrandonoss will work fine ( alsa has a compatibility layer )12:48
XVampireXThey promised ALSA for a while now12:48
_neohow can i enable the root login on kubunto ?12:48
eeoswhat about aother product open source based which supports chat, audio and video? is there anything like that?12:48
koshhowever why not just get a good sound card12:48
BilfordSnake[Sleep] , where do you see 1800012:48
SkrotI get "problem with sound device" even if /dev/dsp is not locked, or is locked to skype12:48
Snake[Sleep] Bilford: in the repos..12:48
SkrotAnd sometimes it works, sometime it doesn't12:48
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imbrandonBilford: check kde-look.org or google please12:48
Snake[Sleep] ubotu: tell Bilford about sources12:48
koshyou can get rid of just about every possible audio problem in linux with a $30 pci sound card12:48
XVampireXYeah, SIP is cool, you can use whatever software you want and call to other people using SIP powered software12:48
eeosEvilIdler: do hey support video conferencing as well?12:48
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Snake[Sleep] Bilford: Go to the sites ubotu just sent you, and get yourself some universe/multiverse repos12:48
XVampireXBut with skype and microsoft and every company with monopoly it's hard to do that stuff, they want you to work how they want you to work.12:49
BilfordI have both, and Im already at kde-look.org12:49
eeosdo you know of agood SIP provider in UK?12:49
imbrandonSnake[Sleep] : he is talking aobut pannel applets12:49
EvilIdlereeos: There's supposedly a few IM clients that have plugins for such weirdness12:49
Snake[Sleep] imbrandon: OHhhhhhhhhhhhhh12:49
imbrandonBilford: check kde-look.org or google please12:49
eeosEvilIdler: :-D12:49
Snake[Sleep] Bilford: there are more applets in the repos too, if you havnt checked, is there a peticular one your looking for??12:49
BilfordIm already at kde-look.org12:49
EvilIdlerPersonally, I don't think people need to see me first thing in the morning on a conference call.12:49
BilfordOk, I'll check the repos12:49
_neohow can i enable root login on kubuntu please12:50
Snake[Sleep] Bilford: apt-cache search applet12:50
BilfordSnake[Sleep] , no, not any in particular12:50
Bilfordok ty12:50
Snake[Sleep] _neo: you should have to12:50
Skrotkosh: That will work swell on my 12" laptop :p12:50
EvilIdlereeos: Dig around Freshmeat for names. GAIM has an experimental video plugin.12:50
Snake[Sleep] !sudo12:50
ubotumethinks sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.12:50
Snake[Sleep] ^ _neo ^12:50
koshSkrot: there is a reason I don't like laptops :)12:50
MasterEvilAcedoes GAIM even support damn buddy icons?12:50
Snake[Sleep] MasterEvilAce: yulp12:50
=== imbrandon uses kopete *notices this is a kde centric room* lol j/k
EvilIdlerThat's a point *against* GAIM12:51
MasterEvilAceKDE ROCKS12:51
XVampireXkopete is KDE12:51
EvilIdlerI use Kopete, anyway :)12:51
MasterEvilAceThe last thing i want all over my OS is a giant foot12:51
=== Snake[Sleep] uses gaim, it can actually use direct connect and file transfers
imbrandonso can kopete12:51
Snake[Sleep] Kopete never worked for me :D12:51
_neosome actions i cant make with my user login12:51
eeosdoes kopete have one coming?12:51
klerfaytMasterEvilAce: foot print belongs to konqui12:52
SkrotKopete for IM, Konversation for IRC. Aye :)12:52
imbrandonneo use sudo12:52
Snake[Sleep] imbrandon: I know they say I can, I never got it to work tho12:52
Snake[Sleep] _neo: you put "sudo" infront of the command and it gives you temp. root rights12:52
MasterEvilAceklerfayt: ? I'm referring to gnome12:52
_neoi c12:52
_neobut no way to make root able to login in ?12:53
EvilIdlerSomebody make a qt-java mod for Azureus, and my desktop will be almost entirely KDE-based :)12:53
imbrandoncheck this link neo12:53
ubotuit has been said that sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.12:53
eeosget a look at http://www.ekiga.org/12:53
MasterEvilAcesudo is awesome12:53
eeossomeone from another room told me12:53
Snake[Sleep] _neo: you shouldnt have to... the root has no password by default, and if you realllyyyy wanna "run as root" use "sude su" (iirc) But thats not exactly supported in this community12:53
Snake[Sleep] oops12:54
Snake[Sleep] sudo su**12:54
_neoi c12:54
_neomany thanks12:54
=== Snake[Sleep] yawns
Snake[Sleep] I think its time to sleep (again) :D12:55
MasterEvilAceBah! Why sleep when you just have to wake up later?12:56
Snake[Sleep] MasterEvilAce: I dunno, I do this like, everyday: I wake up, tech support a few people in here, go back to bed12:56
Snake[Sleep] I dont know why, it just happens12:56
Snake[Sleep] lol12:56
Snake[Sleep] Oh and whoever said konversation, psh irssi12:57
eeoswhat about chat, voice and videocnferencing peer to peer, forgetting abot calling normal pstn phones? is there anything of the sort?12:58
Snake[Sleep] Like skype?12:58
Snake[Sleep] lol12:58
MasterEvilAceeeos: they're always hard to find, really12:58
EvilIdlerVideoconferencing is something that gives MCSEs I know trouble standing upright.12:59
MasterEvilAceI could never find anything that 1) Works good 2) looks good 3) does most / all of those things12:59
eeosMasterEvilAce: I know. I coud not find anything. hoped someone in the room knew about one.12:59
EvilIdlerSane people can manage phone and email.12:59
Snake[Sleep] !info centerirq01:00
Snake[Sleep] !info centerirq dapper01:00
Snake[Sleep] wtf?01:00
Snake[Sleep] !info centericq dapper01:00
ubotucentericq: (A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 4.21.0-10 (dapper), Packaged size: 1200 kB, Installed size: 2968 kB01:00
Snake[Sleep] ah ha! Good stuff01:00
eeoswhat is this centericq, never heard of.01:03
eeoswhere can I find information?01:03
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MasterEvilAceI checked WINE's app database, and it doesn't say much but is Fruity Loops (FL Studio) usable in WINE?01:10
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elvstonehello. is there a package for the microsoft fonts (georgia et.c.) in some restricted repo somewhere?01:12
elvstoneanyone know the package name?01:12
MasterEvilAceyeah there is a windows font repo01:13
MasterEvilAceyeah, that's it01:13
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elvstoneEvilIdler: thanks. what repo is that from? i have universe added but can't find it..01:14
EvilIdlerTry multiverse01:15
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EvilIdlerOr "deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf breezy free non-free"01:15
elvstonehm. do i just change 'universe' to 'multiverse' in sources.list? (sorry new to debian).01:15
MasterEvilAceit's in multiverse01:16
MasterEvilAce(just checked adept)01:16
EvilIdlerYou add, not change01:16
elvstoneah. i meant add. but everything the same as the universe lines i already have there, except s/universe/multiverse/ ?01:16
EvilIdlerYou can have free, non-free, universe and multiverse specified01:16
MasterEvilAceRandom question.. is there defragging in linux?01:17
elvstoneokidok. thx.01:17
EvilIdlerAll four keywords after the rest of the deb specification01:17
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elvstoneEvilIdler: i see. i have universe and multiverse now. found the msttcorefonts. thanks a lot.01:19
imbrandonMasterEvilAce: no01:21
klerfaythmm I'm screwed I just better reinstall with kde01:21
klerfaytoops wrong channel01:21
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berkesanyone familiar with Xorg configurations?01:30
berkesI tried to get GL working with teh latest ATI driver, but while doing that, I broke my mouse scrollweel :)01:31
berkesI have no idea how to fix this again.01:31
visik7does kubuntu has wpa setting panel ?01:32
berkesI already ran apt-reconfigure a couple of times for xorg, but it did not fix this.01:32
berkeswpa? visik701:32
visik7berkes: yes you know wpa ? the successor of wep ?01:33
berkesis it not under wireless settings in your kconfig?01:33
visik7I'm still with breezy and it doesn't01:33
MasterEvilAceberkes: ah, lol i don't know. I have it installed on a laptop :P01:33
berkesMasterEvilAce: you mean the X settings?01:34
berkesthey are for your laptop too, and if you plug in a mouse It Just Works ;)01:34
=== berkes thinks hell just put back his xorg conf backup instead
MasterEvilAcehmm.. you want me to look at my xorg?01:35
berkesMasterEvilAce: thanks for the offer, but no. I can see the diff with my backup,01:36
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imbrandonberkes: just look for the line in your old one that says zmapping "4 5" or simmilar01:36
berkesbut i fail to see why it did work in my old settings and not in my new ones01:36
imbrandonand put it in the new xorg01:36
imbrandonberkes: just look for the line in your old one that says zaxismapping "4 5" or simmilar01:36
berkesimbrandon: okay. zmapping. Thanks01:36
imbrandonsomething like that01:36
imbrandonhere it is : Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"01:38
imbrandonfor your InputDevice thats the mouse01:38
imbrandonthen restart x, your scroll wheel will work01:38
berkesimbrandon: yea, weird, my original conf just did not have that line at all.01:39
MasterEvilAceanyone use multiple desktops?? The PAGER seems buggy. I have it set to show desktop wallpaper. it doesn't load the other wallpapers until i activate a desktop, that's okay i suppose, but occasionally the thumbnail clears itself out and doesn't come back. weird. is it just me?01:39
berkesimbrandon: the new conf has that line you suggest, but it does not work :(01:39
imbrandondid you restart kdm and x ?01:40
berkesMasterEvilAce: its normal afaikr01:40
imbrandonafter the change01:40
berkesimbrandon: several times :)01:40
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berkesill try removing the lines and restatr now. sec.01:40
imbrandon /etc/init.d/kdm restart01:40
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berkesyea, BBIAS01:41
visik7is there a live cd of flight 7 ?01:42
Hobbseevisik7: there should be01:43
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imbrandonberkes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1459201:44
visik7Hobbsee: I can't find it01:46
Hobbseevisik7: for kubuntu?01:46
XVampireXWhat would you say is the second best (In terms of most used) VoIP application?01:46
XVampireXsecond best after skype^01:47
Hobbseevisik7: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-7/01:47
visik7text mode and desktop pd01:47
visik7text mode and desktop cd01:47
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visik7which one ?01:47
imbrandonvisik7: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/01:47
Hobbseeimbrandon: visik7 wanted flight 701:47
visik7what's the differences ?01:48
Hobbseevisik7: as in, the installer from the live cd?01:48
imbrandonahh ok, well thats not flight-7 but thats the latest01:48
Hobbseevisik7: the daily releases are more updated01:48
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visik7but the installer is the same ?01:48
imbrandonthe live cd installer on flight 7 is broke anyhow01:48
Hobbseeah is it?01:49
imbrandonuse the daily image01:49
Hobbseevisik7: use the daily image then01:49
imbrandonyes hobsee 3 pkgs need updated for it to work01:49
visik7but before I need a live to do a backup01:49
imbrandonvisik7: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/    <-- newest live cd01:49
visik7livecd allow me to install too ?01:50
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assasukassehi all01:50
assasukassei wish to know if ekiga is available with kubuntu or not?01:50
Hobbseevisik7: imbrandon: i'm told that today's daily should work01:51
Hobbsee!info ekiga01:51
ubotusomebody said ekiga was full-featured SIP and H.323 compatible VoIP, IP-Telephony and Videoconferencing application that allows you to make audio and video calls to remote users with SIP and H.323 hardware or software.01:51
Hobbsee!info ekiga dapper01:51
ubotuekiga: (Free Your Speech), section gnome, is optional. Version: 2.0.1-0ubuntu6 (dapper), Packaged size: 3572 kB, Installed size: 12188 kB01:51
Hobbseeassasukasse: breezy or dapper?01:51
assasukassedo i have to install all the gnome libs???01:52
visik7does kde has a wpa configuration tool ?01:52
visik7imbrandon: ok01:52
Hobbseeassasukasse: probably, yeah01:52
assasukasseHobbsee that's a problem...why is always like that, i've to install mb over mb of gnome that i never use..01:53
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Hobbseebecause it's built on the gtk libraries?01:53
assasukassewell that's a good reason :D01:53
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Hobbseeassasukasse: quite possibly, yes :P01:54
assasukassebtw is that true that in gnome something is missing or is just my impression?01:54
assasukassei installed ubuntu just before and i couldn't find many config stuff..01:54
Hobbseeassasukasse: gnome configuration is usually in the menus, or just doesnt exist.01:55
Hobbseehi VincentMX01:55
VincentMXI'm going to start a small pc company, where i'm going to sell PC's. am i allowed to sell them with Kubuntu Linux installed? since i'm not supposed to use it for commercial purpouseses01:55
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berkesimbrandon: thanks removing that line  did It. I suspected that part to be the part that borked my system, but your confirmation hepled me find and fix it!01:55
=== Hobbsee asks the people who are likely to know that
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VincentMXI'm going to start a small pc company, where i'm going to sell PC's. am i allowed to sell them with Kubuntu Linux installed? since i'm not supposed to use it for commercial purpouseses01:56
assasukasseHobbsee i wanted to know if is possible to show ubuntu applications in gnome only and kubuntu on kde only..i mean i installed kubuntu-desk over ubuntu and got the menues full of things (ubuntu stuff in kubuntu)01:56
berkesVincentMX: off course you are.01:56
HobbseeVincentMX: wait around till you get an answer :P01:56
=== Hobbsee cant remember the answer to that one
Hobbseeassasukasse: there may be, i'm not aware of what it is...i doubt it though01:57
berkesIve GTG now, but ill ping you in a few mins01:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: did you know?01:57
assasukassethanks anyway Hobbsee01:57
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berkesVincentMX: GNU allows you to sell it, as long as you distribute the sources with it.01:57
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imbrandonas long as the source is provided and the computer cost the same with or without kubuntu the i would say yes01:58
berkesyou can even ask  if you want, GPL allows all that.01:58
RiddellVincentMX: hi01:58
berkesnothing keeps you from selling kubuntu/ubuntu, its just that it will **also** be available free of xcharge.01:58
RiddellVincentMX: yes, please do sell PCs with kubuntu installed01:58
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berkesand on top of that, it is fair to ask money for the service of installing and configuring it, isnt it?01:59
RiddellVincentMX: you are allowed to use it for commercial purposes, just so long as you give access to the source if someone asks for it01:59
imbrandonberkes: yes01:59
RiddellVincentMX: if you use the name kubuntu in your advertising you are also very welcome to do that but you need a trademark licence from canonical, which they'll happily give you at no cost http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy/02:00
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HobbseeVincentMX: *poke*02:02
HobbseeRiddell: thanks02:03
imbrandonthanks Riddell ;)02:03
imbrandon* takes note for future qutions like that *02:03
RiddellI should add it to the FAQ02:04
HobbseeRiddell: that you should02:05
bertRiddell: Hi, Hows Kubuntu going? will we get updates after 1 june? or are things going Ok foe june102:06
imbrandonthere always updates ;) *notes there are lots of updates for breezy*02:07
bertDapper i am talking about02:08
imbrandonyes i was using breezy as an example, IE it will be released on june 1 but to think there will be no updates in its life cycle is silly ( 3 years )02:08
bertI meant in the first week of june, there have been so many updates of the same program, I may as well wait a while for the last update for a while02:11
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bertIt's a pain updating a program tonight, then tomorrow night and so on, may as well wait a while02:12
Riddellbert: looks like june 1st will be good for release day02:12
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bertRiddell: thanks02:15
bertRiddell: I wonder if someone knows that the screensaver doesn't work, doesn't bother me because I can't be bothered with screen savers02:16
bertBut it should be working02:17
Riddellbert: I've not heard of that problem02:17
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Hobbseebert: which screensavers?  rss-glx?02:17
bertMy screensaver never works, and I have seen others mention it too in the forums02:17
=== Hobbsee has no idea what the problem is with that.
=== DanglyBits [n=wayne@static24-72-74-4.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseebert: can you point to the forum thread please?02:18
bertI just have the clock set for a screensaver, but it doesn't work, used to in Breezy02:18
berkesdoes anyone actually know if its possible to centralise tha "status" screens?  I work nearly always remotely,02:19
berkesand the prograss screes are really annoying then.02:19
DanglyBitsi want to install kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu can anyone help with this ??  anyone help with a public key for deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 dapper main ?02:19
berkesprogress :)02:19
DanglyBitsi want to have ubuntu and kubuntu on my dapper system02:20
berkesis there some hidden setting to put them, eg in a single windown taht remains opened amm the time?02:20
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berkesguess i'l need to ask @ #kde ;)02:21
HobbseeDanglyBits: yeah, Riddell's key, it's on kubuntu.org site02:22
uboturumour has it, kde3.5.2 is to upgrade to KDE3.5.2, Follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php (add the deb...line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".02:22
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MasterEvilAceAnyone know if there's a way to make mouse cursor stop blinking so much when it plays an animation?02:27
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justme^flyui wasn das so voll hier !?02:31
House_MDsorry slightly OT, does anyone here use a asus k8v se mobo?02:31
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TsuroerusuI was just curious, is KNetworkManager gonna be integrated in Kubuntu Dapper?02:47
HobbseeTsuroerusu: yes, it's there02:47
Hobbseenot on by default though, IIRC02:47
TsuroerusuHobbee: Right out of the box, or is in an apt pool?02:48
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auTONYmouswhere's the kubuntu dev channel? I have a question about kdesu02:56
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auTONYmousNM....I found it02:58
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_michelhelp: when we make an icon for floppy the icon appears 2 times so to is not possible to umount because device busz03:03
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pussfellerwhich if any rar thingee handles multipart rars03:11
pussfellerunrar doesn't03:12
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bertHobbsee: I fixed my screensaver problem, I had xscreensaver installed, that stopped all screensavers03:16
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Hobbseebert: weird.03:16
Hobbseewhich screensavers were you trying?03:17
pd273Hi all, this may not be kubuntu specific, but can some one tell me what a "mailer table" is03:17
Hobbseethe kscreensavers?03:17
bertI deleted xscreensaver and now I have the standard screensavers working03:17
Hobbseewhich are the standard screensavers?03:17
bertNo xscreensaver03:17
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bertKscreensaver is installed03:20
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bertNow all I need is to get Konquerer to show a floppy drive correctly in system Media,  Storage Media and then everything is working03:22
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nahojhow do i check my graphic driver?03:44
nahojwich one i am using that is...03:44
DeadS0ulfor X or in your kernel?03:44
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timbbaHi, does anyone know how to add mp3 support to amarok? I'm a newbie :/03:45
nahojDeadS0ul, is there a difference?03:45
ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:45
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Hobbseetimbba: ^03:45
DeadS0ulhmm guess not03:46
DeadS0uluse lsmod to see what kernel modules you have, flgrx or somethign liek that is ati, nvidia is nvidias. not sure bout others03:46
timbbaso libxine-extracodecs?? where to find?03:47
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nahojDeadS0ul, I think I found it... i just need some kaffeine right now.. :p thanks anyway =)03:48
Hobbseetimbba: multiverse03:48
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource03:48
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timbbaok thanks hobbsee03:49
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DaSkreechSeveas: Good morning!03:50
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roclol it happens to be evening here... xD03:50
rocbut good morning anyway03:50
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fabioFxany is running dapper beta?03:53
DeadS0ulyeah here03:53
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assasukassehi all03:54
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assasukassemaybe someone wants to explain me what is the difference between performance, conservative, and userspace03:54
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fabioFxI'm at breezer... how to upgrade to dapper? apt-get upgrade-distro?03:55
fabioFxyeah :) sorry ..03:55
DeadS0ulyou gotta set up your sources.list first03:55
DaSkreechassasukasse: Huh?03:56
assasukasseDaSkreech the power management for laptops..03:56
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assasukasseit has cpu throttle03:56
DaSkreechAh ok03:56
DeadS0ulfor performance, reas some of the crap in www.nvidia.com03:56
assasukassebut no explanation about the meaning03:56
DaSkreechI would assume that perfermoance == dead battery and conservative means aggravting slow apps opening03:57
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fabioFxwhat version kde in dapper?03:57
=== DaSkreech waves at Hobbsee
=== DaSkreech reads http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27
=== Hobbsee waves back to DaSkreech
DaSkreechQuite funny :-)03:58
DaSkreechCOurse it's even funnier that the reason this was brought up was ause I thought that CutieCoder was putting up a picture of herself ;-)03:59
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Hobbseemost girls arent silly enough to put their pictures into public channels...04:00
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assasukassebtw is there any brightness control for battery operation?04:00
DaSkreechOh well you weren't here for the convo :)04:00
DaSkreech(neither was I for that matter)04:00
DaSkreechI was reading through the backlog of my idle time and it came up that she was a girl04:01
DaSkreechThen she said she was a girl she played games, handled guns and was cute04:01
DaSkreechThen she said she was going to put up some pictures04:01
DaSkreechand a little after that started talking about guns04:02
DaSkreechI just thought it was a proof of concept type thing :)04:02
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fabioFxwho is she?? :D04:03
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HobbseeDaSkreech: i was hoping i wouldnt need to point you to offopic, hoping you'd know better04:04
=== DaSkreech is quietly reading the Kubuntu meeting log now :)
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humboltI am getting a million of those when I start kontact/kmail but the app itself does not come up? QGArray::at: Absolute index 892268644 out of range04:07
HobbseeDaSkreech: hah, the one about me getting woken up?04:07
DaSkreechDoes Yup :-)04:08
DaSkreechYup :)04:08
humboltwhat can I do to resolve this problem?04:08
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HobbseeDaSkreech: fyi:  i was awake.  just.04:10
=== DaSkreech smiles
DaSkreechNo problem04:11
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MasterEvilAcein xorg.conf what the hell does this option do Option "UseEdidFreqs" "true"04:25
SkrotMasterEvilAce: I guess EDID is Extended Display Identification Data. So I guess UseEdidFreqs means that Xorg will use the freqs it gets from EDID04:29
SkrotMasterEvilAce: Which means the display knows its own horizontal/vertical frequency, and which video modes are supported at which refresh rates04:31
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uwohi all. i would like to do a clean install of my system, but just in case something goes wrong i would like to first make a backup, which i could restore if i choose. what is the best way? i have heard of mondo/mindi, but would rather save the backup on an external hard drive...04:45
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hunt0rhi all I try to install ubuntu dapper drake for a while now but it hangs on the boot process with this message everytime: cs: IO port probe 0x100-0x3af04:46
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Firetechhmm, anyone here using QT4 on kubuntu? I'm trying to run qmake-qt4, but it seems to want to run uic from qt3...04:53
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Firetechand the project I have is designed with qt 4 designer (windows, in school)04:53
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DeadS0ulyou might have better luck with #kde-devel04:55
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kOpterBecause I want to run XGL, I need a new videocard (PCI). Now I know I need an Nvidea, but I also read most ATI problems are now fixed.. Who knows more about this?04:56
ccc_kOpter: it works fine on my ati radeon 9600pro04:58
nixternalkOpter: it doesn't matter which way you go with the whole Nvidia & ATI comparison...they are equal pretty mcuh04:58
goldenearhunt0r: is a a flight releae ?04:58
nixternalthey both work great04:58
kOpterCaus it will save me about 40 euros :)04:58
goldenearccc_: are you runing xgl with KDE ?04:59
kOpterProbably not :)?05:00
ccc_goldenear: nope, i'm not running xgl, but i've tried it05:00
hunt0rgoldenear: flight?05:00
goldenearhunt0r: yes where did you get the iso from ?05:00
hunt0rhttp://source.rfc822.org/pub/mirror/releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/6.06/ i downloaded both the live and the install iso05:01
goldenearflight CD 7 or dayly build ?05:01
kOpterccc: Why do I find so much ATI bashing on the internet then?05:01
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ccc_kOpter: because it's the internet :)05:02
kOpterBut is the driver support of NVidia better?05:02
goldenearhunt0r: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-7/05:02
goldeneartry this05:02
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ccc_kOpter: i don't really know, never had an nvidia card. but i've heard people say that too.05:03
hunt0rgoldenear: thx but well I don't think it will solve the problem becouse my laptop hangs everytime when linux trys to load the pcmcia drivers05:04
goldenearkOpter: an ATI 9250 seems to be working pretty well and is very cheap05:04
goldenearhunt0r: this is a more recent release... your pcmcia problem may have been fixed05:05
hunt0rgoldenear: the problem is I have just one cd to burn left ^^05:05
goldenearhunt0r: if not, try to ask about your problem on (k)ubuntu-devel05:05
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kOptergoldenaer: I was looking at a 700005:06
kOpterand an FX 520005:06
kOpterBut the price difference is HUGE: 39 vs 69 euro's,,,,05:06
hunt0rgoldenear: k I will try to ask there thx05:06
goldeneara 7000 may not be enough powerfull for xlg05:06
goldenearthe FX5200 is more like an ati 9250 in term of perf.05:07
kOpterAnd price05:07
kOpterI think I'll look for a 5200 then...05:08
ccc_goldenear: actually i briefly tested the kororaa live-cd (which has both kde and gnome) some time ago. even tried xgl in kde. multiple desktops didn't really work, but apart from that everything was ok. wouldn't recommend it though. :)05:10
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goldenearccc_: xgl doesn't seem to work with KDE a the moment05:12
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Al-Dajai got 2 programs that only works with IE anything that i can do , or any browser that works like IE?05:17
GullyFoylewhat programs?05:18
kOptergoldenaer : why not?05:19
Al-DajaGullyFoyle, well they are programs to a game05:19
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Al-Dajakings of chaos05:19
GullyFoyleor something else05:19
Al-Dajai don't think so i have java05:19
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Al-Dajathey were made to work only in IE05:20
Al-Dajaor have the same programation as IE dunno exactly05:20
GullyFoylethe game itself or looking up stats etc..?05:20
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Al-Dajalooking for stats and clicking05:21
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GullyFoyleis it flash maybe?05:22
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GullyFoyleyou have to be more specific on what won't run05:22
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Al-Dajanothing works even with wine, i have firefox, konqueror, what i want to know is a way to cheat or a browser that can put that programs to work GullyFoyle05:25
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DanglyBitsI want to install Kubuntu on my Dapper Ubuntu system...how do i proceed to do this...the kde repo's are not in my sources.list05:25
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arafatDanglyBits: i think sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop should work05:30
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DeadS0ulDanglyBits: yeah apt-get install kubuntu-desktop should work05:34
DanglyBitsI get the following error when doing this... E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop05:35
DanglyBitsi need to have the kde repos in sources.list05:35
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_per_does anyone know the easiest way to try out xgl/compiz on kubuntu?05:36
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/05:37
_per_ubotu: thanks05:37
ubotusure thing, _per_05:37
DeadS0ulI've tried xgl05:37
DeadS0ulhad to use gnome's window manager for it05:38
DeadS0uland it crashed at times05:38
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MasterEvilAceanyone have TV-out experience? Pref. on a laptop05:40
DanglyBitsI want to install Kubuntu on my Dapper Ubuntu system...how do i proceed to do this...the kde repo's are not in my sources.list05:40
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grafterr... so how do i get konsole to use a particular character set?05:47
graftit insists on using 'cp 1252' when i want to use 'iso 8859-1'05:48
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merkurHi all! If you can read this, my Kubuntu-Installation was successful :-D05:50
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apokryphosmerkur: failed ;-)05:54
apokryphoswelcome :)05:54
merkurWhee :-)05:54
MasterEvilAcemerkur! congrats05:55
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leafwis it advisable to use update-manager from kubuntu ?06:04
leafwto upgrade from breezy to dapper ?06:04
leafwshould we use gksudo or kdesu ?06:04
apokryphosleafw: kdesu, preferably; normal kubuntu installations won't havfe gksudo06:06
leafwfails: no module named pygtk06:06
leafwalthough recommended, it's not a dependency !06:06
leafwso I need python-gnome2-extras I suspect06:07
leafwwhich asks for installing basically the gnome desktop in full06:08
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leafwwhat nonsense? I don't want gnome for kde !?06:08
apokryphosleafw: personally I'd just use the command line, a lot simpler.06:09
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ubotumethinks upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.06:10
leafwwhich is what I am doing06:10
apokryphoshm, not that method06:10
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leafwapokryphos : you mean changing the apt-get sources ?06:10
leafwbut I can't do a dist-upgrade to a beta, or can I ?06:10
apokryphoscourse you can; it's more-or-less the same as using the update manager, just not as easy for total new users06:11
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leafwapokryphos : I was told while ago I coudln't. So just point sources to dapper instead of breezy ?06:11
leafwis there any caveat?06:11
apokryphosyou definitely can, don't worry06:12
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leafw"don't worry"06:12
leafwI trust my backups.06:12
apokryphosleafw: (i) make sure you have kubuntu-desktop installed, (ii) change your sources.list to reflect dapper sources (/msg ubotu sources) (iii) sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:12
apokryphosif you encounter problems it's because dapper is the current development release, not because of the method of upgrading.06:13
leafwapokryphos I am doing just that06:13
apokryphosmight as well fix the wiki06:14
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geshohello guys, can anyone help me to get my logitec mouse working on my laptop? here is whole trouble: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1459806:18
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geshoanyone can help? can't get ps2 mouse to work.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14598  description06:22
dergringocan anyone help me to solve this problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14599 ?06:22
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apoldergringo: do you have automake installed?06:24
dergringoapol: yes automake and autoconf06:24
dergringoapol: I installed automake* and autoconf*06:25
apolyou could try with make -f Makefile.cvs06:25
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leafwwhat is the postfix ? Asks for parameters about internet06:28
leafwwhich I don't get06:28
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leafw!ubotu postfix06:28
ubotu[postfix]  the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix or here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto06:28
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_victoris this a help channel aslo?06:29
_victorcool i'm using and adsl usb modem with chip eagle III but sometimes "most of the times" it can't get syncro within 60 secs06:31
_victorand when it does i cna't connect to my isp06:31
_victorcan't sorry06:31
leafwno clue, never setup adsl on a ubuntu06:31
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_per_hey again, i followed ubotu's advice with getting started with xgl/compiz... however, in the link(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto), it states that i should go to "System -> Preference -> Sessions"... but there's no such thing in kde! what should i do instead?06:31
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geshocan anyone please help to get ps2 mouse working on my laptop?06:33
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_victoranyone about my question of adsl usb eagle modems?06:34
leafw_victor: your question is very generic, you may also try #ubuntu06:34
_victorok i'll give it a try thanks06:35
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu
gesholeafw: may be I'm not hopoeless. here is whole description with mouse problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1459806:35
_per_how can i place something in my session file on kde?06:36
gesho_per_ what's your problem?06:37
_per_gesho: in the link(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto), it states that i should go to "System -> Preference -> Sessions"... but there's no such thing in kde! what should i do instead?06:38
geshou want to open terminal?06:39
geshowhat do you want to do?06:39
_per_place a piece of text in my "session file"06:40
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_per_so i can get xgl and compiz running06:40
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_per_i have followed the steps, but now i'm lost06:41
geshono clue really. is anybody expreienced looking at this chat?06:41
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geshodo u know where on disk that "session file" is?06:41
geshogot problems too, can't make ps2 mouse to work on my laptop06:42
geshoonly touchpad works06:42
_per_to quote the guide: "We need compiz to start with the new Xgl server, so place the following in your session file. This is located at "System -> Preference -> Sessions. Go to the far right tab, and create a new entry and type in the following data: compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place switcher water"06:42
geshohang on, I have seen that,06:43
geshoits not there, I have seen that "Session preerence" elsewhere06:43
_per_the page is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto06:43
_per_near the end of the first tutorial06:44
geshookay, try these: go to Settings>KDE components>Session manager06:45
geshois that what you need?06:45
leafwis thee any way to remove all *dev packages with one command with apt-get , such as remove *-dev   ?06:45
_per_it would be if i could addentries to it!06:45
_per_*add entries06:46
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Bazzileafw * should work yes06:46
leafwok thanks Bazzi06:46
leafwI don't need anymore all those headers06:46
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gesho_per_: sorry :(, I gues that's the extent of my expertise...06:47
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_per_ok, thanks anyway06:47
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leafwwhat is the 'bicycle-repair' package ?06:50
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leafwdounds like a joke06:50
leafw!ubotu bicycle-repair06:50
ubotuleafw: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:50
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tawhello :-)06:51
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tawanybody had luck with skim in dapper ?06:51
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GullyFoylehey i'm running the dapper live.iso06:52
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MetaMorfoziSis there anybody who succesfully solved the kdm_greeet problem in dapper?06:53
GullyFoyledoesn't look a whole lot different, changes must be "under the hood"06:54
leafwGullyFoyle : yes, it's all under the hood06:54
leafwbasically networking stuff06:54
leafwfor wireless laptops and for sharing music, etc.06:55
GullyFoyleand kde3.5.206:55
Dr_WillisMetaMorfoziS,  what problem? ive not noticed any.06:55
leafwsome bugs fixed, maybe06:55
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MetaMorfoziSDr_Willis: when you boot06:57
MetaMorfoziSafter the kubuntu loading screen06:57
MetaMorfoziShow many seconds you get the kdm loading screen?06:57
MetaMorfoziS2-3 or 50?06:58
MetaMorfoziSok, not 50 but too much...06:58
Dr_Willisjust a few. as far as i can tell.06:58
Dr_Willisnvidia logo.. then kdm login.06:58
MetaMorfoziSso check your syslog06:58
MetaMorfoziSafter boot06:58
MetaMorfoziSor not... at thistime06:58
MetaMorfoziScat /var/log/syslog | grep kdm_greet06:59
MetaMorfoziSis it said anything?06:59
Dr_Willisthis is a clean install from the dapper daily build live cd. :P  so i cant test that at the moment.06:59
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MetaMorfoziSoh yes06:59
MetaMorfoziSbut if you install it you has this:06:59
GullyFoyleok back to breezy06:59
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MetaMorfoziSi saw somebody who has this problem, and i saw a lot of forums, but solution is nowhere..07:00
Dr_Willis Can't open default user face    - sounds  t o me like its looking for that user icon.. try changing to the 'dont show faces/icons' login method?07:01
Dr_Willisnternal error: memory corruption detected - Sounds like the program have a bug. :P07:01
MetaMorfoziSi tryit07:02
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu
MetaMorfoziSyes, you tip is worked07:04
MetaMorfoziSi have only May 24 19:03:41 sajtosteszta kdm_greet[5364] : Internal error: memory corruption detected07:04
MetaMorfoziSat this time07:05
MetaMorfoziSbut the loading time is still too big07:05
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Dr_Willisyou tried running that memtest for a few hrs? :P07:14
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Dr_Willishow many users do you have? if using that icon login option. it scans each home dir as well.07:15
Dr_Willisfor that login icon.07:15
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SolanI can't get disable the as-you-type spellchecking in kopete, anyone know how to do it?07:16
Dr_Willisi saw it as a check box the other day.. :P i dont know where however. :p07:16
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Solanhehe... I'v looked trough the whole config, I think. But I haven't found it, and it's really annoying....07:17
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Dr_Willissettings -> Behaivore/chat07:17
Dr_Willisyou missed it :P07:17
Dr_Willis'enable automatic spell checking'07:18
Dr_Willisthat is what i just saw on my 'irc'  connection i made in kopete07:18
SolanI don't have that option........?07:18
Dr_WillisSettings->Configure->Behiavor-Chat Tab07:18
Solanyup, but I don't have that option there... wtf?07:19
Dr_Willisim using dapper. :P07:19
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kOpterYello, does anyone know a good ubuntu alternative for Tag & Rename07:20
SolanI think I'm gonna reinstall... I'v been having other probs with it aswell... thx anyway m8:)07:20
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ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting07:20
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Solancrap... didn't fix the prob:(07:23
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inknanandhi all07:25
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inknanandcan i send rich text mails (HTML Mails) using KMail??07:25
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nixternalyes inknanand07:27
inknanandcan i send images in a message??07:27
kOpterSure, why not?07:28
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inknanandactually i want to include my official logo in my signature... how can i do tht??07:30
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inknanandhow can i add an image in my signature??07:32
nixternalconfigure kmail > identies > modify > picture07:32
=== dracflamloc [n=asd@216-166-223-10.dsl.coastalnow.net] has joined #kubuntu
dracflamlochello folks. how wouldi go about getting synaptic on a default dapper install of kubuntu07:38
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Dr_Willisapt-get install synaptic07:38
nixternalsudo apt-get install syan07:38
Dr_Williswith a sudo :P07:38
dracflamloci tried that07:38
dracflamlocneeds dependencies07:39
nixternaltry it through adept?07:39
Dr_Willisi alwyas install ubuntu-desktop and gnome-desktop myself07:39
leafwquestion: updated to dapper, no kdm at boot!07:39
leafwhow does one launch kdm manually ?07:39
Dr_Willissudo aptitude synaptic07:39
leafwstartx leads to my fluxbox07:39
Dr_Willisstartx dont launch kdm07:39
nixternalbut if it didn't load kdm automatically..i would believe your xorg.conf file is messed up07:40
aseigoleafw: /etc/init.d/kdm start07:40
Dr_Willisit starts whatever is in the .xinitrc :P07:40
leafwDr_Willis so who07:40
leafwI should have thought of that07:40
leafwthe init !07:40
aseigoleafw: but yes, it's likely a problematic xorg.conf07:40
aseigohm.. no07:40
aseigobecause if startx starts fluxbox, then that's not it07:40
nixternalsudo kdm07:40
nixternalthat will start it...actually just do kdm07:40
Dr_WillisI dont see how xorg being messed would affect kdm at all. :)07:41
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Dr_Willisa user normally does not start kdm.07:41
nixternalif you do startx then you can select kde/kdm through the session manager07:41
leafwkdm doesn't launch07:41
aseigoDr_Willis: it can't start without X ;) so it's the jmost common reason for kdm not comin gup07:41
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=== Dr_Willis thinks everyone is making this harder then it should be. :P
leafwhum, so then I'll just replace the flucbox by kde in the .xinitrc and fix issues from within kde07:42
nixternallol Dr_Willis07:42
Dr_Willisuse 'startkde' in the .xinitrc07:42
leafwthe /etc/init.d/kdm start didn't launch it07:42
aseigoDr_Willis: and then you lose shutdown / reboot / start new session features in kde07:42
Dr_Willissudo /etc/init.d/kdm07:42
aseigoDr_Willis: all that is done through xdm07:42
aseigoer, kdm07:42
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Dr_Willisaseigo,  some would consider that a good thing. :P  then again im old-skool.07:43
aseigoDr_Willis: lol07:43
Dr_Willisi just smack alt-ctrl-backspace!07:43
chavoyeah who wants to shutdown or logout anyway07:43
leafwcan't find startkde07:43
leafw ??07:43
chavoyup just hit the powerbutton07:43
aseigoDr_Willis: ooh. your apps must love you =)07:43
Dr_Willisaseigo,  xchat and xterms. :P07:44
Dr_Willisand screen sessions07:44
aseigoleafw: you don't have /usr/bin/starkde?07:44
nixternalsudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop07:44
nixternalsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:44
nixternalforgot that one lil thing07:44
Dr_Willisi think apt needs more options and little programs!07:44
aseigoDr_Willis: ah... do you use just a plain ol' WM then?07:44
leafwno input friver matching synaptics, so this is new iin dapper ?07:44
Dr_Willisaseigo,  often. been messing with "matchbox" lately07:44
leafwthis is kubuntu-ppc07:45
chavowm? we don't need no stinkin' wm07:45
Dr_Williswm=windowmaker :P07:45
Dr_Willisin his case I think.07:45
aseigono, window manager07:45
=== Dr_Willis is old skool.
Dr_Williswm used to mean windowmaker :P07:45
nixternali thought it still meant window maker07:45
Dr_Willisall ya kids and your fancy abbreivations.07:45
chavoactaully I'm running with compiz right now07:45
=== nixternal is out of touch with the main stream
Dr_Willisnixternal,  :P thats the fun of linux.07:46
nixternali guess....i used no xwindows at all for 10 years with linux...why cuz i thought they all stunk...07:46
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nixternali used xwindows with mandrake one time and about died it was so bad...that was about 96 i would say07:46
=== aseigo learned a new apt trick the other day: apt-get build-dep <package>
leafwnixternal : so what do yo uuse, screen and ttys only ?07:46
chavoI've been struggling with X since Redhat 5.007:46
nixternaland i use e in suse one time07:46
nixternalyou got it leafw07:46
chavoaseigo, that's a nice one07:47
nixternalnow i am using x cuz kde ownz now07:47
leafwnixternal : I work with images all the time, can't go without X07:47
Dr_Willisone ANNOYING thing ive noticec with kde on a new install.. the panel clock defaults to 24 hr format.. so i fix it to 'normal' :P  and i got to restart that silly clock07:47
aseigoinstalls everything needed to build that package.. so `apt-get build-dep kdelibs` gets me a kde dev env =)07:47
nixternalsee i am a server admin and security guy...never needed x cuz everythning ran term07:47
leafwnixternal : yeah, I run my freebsd servers like that07:47
chavoDr_Willis, just do dcop kicker kicker restart07:47
nixternali gave mepis a try and liked the look but mepis sucked...so i tried kubuntu...and well now the rest is history07:47
Dr_Willischavo,  heh.. all righty! :P07:48
leafwgreat news: find -name startkde   return ZERO results!07:48
nixternalnow i have 5 kde boxes running, and one xfce 4 box07:48
Dr_Willisi dident see much use in mepis07:48
leafwgreat update from breezy to dapper07:48
nixternalwhereis startkde07:48
Dr_Willisit had some neat ideas/features...07:48
nixternalif it shows ....    startkde:07:48
nixternalwell then it ain't there ;D07:48
leafwdoesn't show07:48
leafwI tried that07:48
nixternalat the prompt...type in start then hit tab to see what options you have07:49
nixternalprobably just startx07:49
leafwI'm running a sudo updatedb07:49
leafwthere is startx and startfluxbox, not startkde07:49
nixternalsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:50
nixternalthat will fix your problem07:50
nixternalkde isn't installed from the sound of it07:50
leafwbut it was there already ...07:50
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leafwthe install will fix an improper dist-upgrade ?07:50
nixternaldid you accidentally remove it?07:50
chavoleafw, looks like the upgrade ripped it out07:50
nixternalsometimes it will leafw...i have been 50/50 with that working07:50
aseigoNO KDE FOR YOU!07:50
chavoyou must have removed kubuntu-desktop at some pint07:50
leafwI will switch to gnome if it wasn't for kmail and konqueror07:51
nixternalsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop    <-- that will fix your problem and make you happy07:51
leafwchavo: 30 minutes ago I was on kubuntu-desktop, I mean on the KDE07:51
leafwthe dist-upgrade messed up something07:51
nixternalthats what it looks like07:51
nixternalyou did a breezy to dapper sources.list mod?07:51
chavoaseigo, I have a question about kicker. There is code in there to remove the 1 pixel border when you use a background image but it's commented out. any reason for that?07:51
leafwnixternal: all I mean is the kubuntu-desktop is already installed, if it wasn't dis-upgraded or soemthing that's anotherissue07:51
chavoleafw, running kde doesn't preclude having kubuntu-desktop07:52
leafwnixternal : yes.07:52
aseigochavo: i did one release with it like that and then i got a large number of complaints about it "breaking" the look for many wallpapers...07:52
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nixternalthere is your issue right there...you seem to be one of the unlucky ones....i did the same thing cuz someone said i could do it...well it didn't work as planned07:52
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nixternali did a kubuntu-desktop install and that fixed my issues07:52
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@SE400.PPPoE-907.sa.bih.net.ba] has joined #kubuntu
chavook well I have the kicker on top and it looks wierd to me, i always just patch it up07:53
nixternalthere were still some minor issues that eventually worked themselves ou with updates07:53
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leafwsomething is really wrong, can't find my openoffice, etc07:53
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aseigochavo: so i tried those wallpapers and indeed it did look crappy. and because we don't have support for things like cosmetic pens in vector graphics because it's just a scaled image, adding a line to wallpapers often doesn't work out unless the wallpaper is the exact size of the panel07:53
aseigochavo: so i just defaulted back to the historical behaviour. =/07:53
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nixternalediting the source.list to go from breezy to dapper isn't a good idea....07:54
aseigoleafw: looks like once kde is installed you're going to spend some time in adept ;)07:54
leafwbut kubuntu-desktop is installed, will the files be overwritten ... who knows07:54
aseigonixternal: hehe.. that's what i did and it worked like a charm. guess i'm just lucky =)07:54
nixternalit worked on my vmware machien....and didn't work on 2 others07:54
chavowell the thing is the border is all one color, why not give the top and left side a light color and the bottom & right sides a darker color07:54
=== nixternal just reinstalls with the dapper flight 7 iso anyways ;)
chavoI did that at one point and it looks nice, the 3d effect07:55
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aseigochavo: i really dislike that style personally.. i'd rather see it have a gradient and/or some subtle hinting .. but i'm not working on kicker anymore07:55
aseigochuso: kicker is, for better or worse, Finished07:55
chavook I understand you've moved on to kde407:56
chavoI was just curious as I tried to get a patch in for dapper07:56
chavosince it's going to be used for quite some time07:56
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chavoMetaMorfoziS, yup KDE4 is gonna rock07:58
chavonot that it doesn't rock now of course :)07:58
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aseigowel, no, it doesn't07:59
aseigoright now it's pretty broken =07:59
aseigonothing to be concerned about. you can't not break something when you're in the process of ripping it apart ... still have a few months to go before it's put back together in any form resembling non-broken07:59
=== aseigo notes the splash screen is particularly impressive ;)
chavoI meant that KDE 3.5 rocks now08:00
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leafwthe kdm is called 'start-stop-daemon'08:04
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leafwFYI, nixternal : the sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop downloaded all packages again, and replaced the exisitng ones with the exact copies (pretty much for nothing), and now KDE is up08:19
leafwand it takes forever (10 seconds) to switch from the X to a tty (here)08:19
nixternali guess that is a good thing08:19
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RadiantFirethats normal08:20
RadiantFireboth my computers take forever to switch tty's08:20
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squid0anyone have luck with amarok 1.4 on breezy 1.5?08:23
squid0i mean, 5.1?08:23
squid0*5.10 (doing well!)08:23
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h3sp4wnsquid0: You need a new version of taglib (as a minimum)08:30
squid0h3sp4wn: ok... i saw that on the announcement. what do  i do?08:31
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RadiantFiresquid0: compile it and install it08:31
h3sp4wnEither upgrade to dapper (probably easiest) or build it from source08:31
squid0i'd love to upgrade to dapper, but my dsl cap can't handle it...08:32
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squid0i live in primitive south africa :o08:32
leafwworst upgrade ever, but after entering the System settings and pushing apply a few times all is good now :)08:32
RadiantFiresquid0: then you need to install build-essential, find yourself a new version of taglib, and then compile/install08:32
RadiantFirethen do the same for amarok08:33
squid0leafw: serious??08:33
leafwsquid0 : ?08:33
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leafwsquid0 I havce just upgraded from breezy to dapper the debian way. Actually all is working, it just needed some refreshing actions (updatedb, apply some settings)08:34
RadiantFireso, as for my question, I'm having this wierd problem where opengl screensavers appear only on the top 1/3 of my screen08:34
squid0leafw: ah, ok. the debian way, ie. via apt-get dist-upgrade?08:34
leafwcan't see the multiple desktops in the kicker08:35
leafwonly glitch08:35
RadiantFireadd the applet back again?08:35
leafwgood enough I'lm used to shortcuts08:35
RadiantFiresigh, this is mildly frustrating08:35
RadiantFiresome of my fn key modifiers work and some don't08:36
Snake[Sleep] Grrrrrrrrrrrr I hate torrents that stop at 98 or 99 percent08:36
Snake[Sleep] ugh08:36
squid0so, you need build-essential to build on (k)ubuntu?08:37
Snake[Sleep] squid0: yes08:37
Snake[Sleep] !build08:37
ubotuIf you want to build software, you need the build-essential package to start with08:37
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RadiantFireinstall checkinstall08:37
RadiantFirethat way you can getmanage anything you install with apt-08:37
ubotuhmm... checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall08:38
squid0ah. ok08:38
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RadiantFireinstead of make install, run checkinstall -D make install08:38
RadiantFireand it will make and i nstall a .deb08:38
hamburghi, need gcc, but if i type in console gcc ->command not found ??08:39
RadiantFirehamburg: install build-essential08:39
hamburgRadiantFire: sry but how ?08:39
RadiantFiresudo apt-get install build-essential in a terminal08:39
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squid0ok... i've installed checkinstall and build-essential.08:41
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RadiantFiresquid0: now you need to find taglib sources08:41
leafwnixternal : how can I repair dpkg problems, such as 'hplip' pkg containing problems ?08:42
RadiantFirethat would be where google comes into play08:42
squid0RadiantFire: ok08:42
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squid0ok, should i download the .dsc or the orig.tar.gz or the diff.gz?08:50
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RadiantFireyou want orig.tar.gz08:50
RadiantFireare you downloading these from dapper source repos?08:51
squid0hmm... why?08:51
RadiantFirejust a comment08:51
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squid0ok.... google pointed me there...08:51
RadiantFireno, its fine, i was just being silly08:52
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squid0no worries08:54
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squid0does 'make' generally generate tons of output?08:56
Riddellif it's an automake application yes08:57
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squid0ok, great, i seem to have installed taglib! should I go on to install amarok 1.4?08:58
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squid0or is there maybe something else i'm missing ? (I'm on breezy here)08:58
RadiantFirego on to amarok then08:59
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squid0ok, cool.08:59
RadiantFiresquid0: first executre apt-get build-dep amarok08:59
RadiantFirethat should take care of any amarok build dependancies09:00
Flosoftmy Gajim GPG isn't working09:00
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Flosoftcould someone help me with that?09:00
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squid0RadiantFire: before adding the new amarok 1.4 dapper source to apt?09:01
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RadiantFiresquid0: i would recommend you compile amarok from source as well09:02
squid0RadiantFire: ah, ok.09:02
RadiantFireseeing as how the precompiled dapper amarok probably has newer runtime dependancies09:02
squid0so would that be independent of apt, then?09:02
RadiantFireyou can install it with checkinstall also09:02
RadiantFirebut yeah, independant of apt09:02
RadiantFireyou probably also want to install ruby, since the new lyric fetcher requires that09:03
squid0do i have to preface a 'make install'l command with checkinstall to have checkinstall work for it?09:03
squid0oh sh**09:03
robotgeekwhat's wrong with the precompiled amarok again? (only for dapper)09:03
squid0not serious, i suppose09:03
RadiantFiresquid0: its ok, no biggy, you've just clobbered a prexisting taglib install, but it will still work09:04
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RadiantFirethe only difference is apt thinks you still have the old version installed09:04
squid0RadiantFire: ah09:04
squid0is there a way i could reverse that?09:04
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squid0is there like, a 'make uninstall'?09:04
squid0ooh :)09:04
RadiantFireyou can make uninstall, then do checkinstall -D make install09:05
squid0ah, great09:05
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khaije1anyone know if i can combine key and password based authentication with openSSH?09:07
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=== robotgeek doesn't know, maybe you can ask in #ubuntu, khaije1
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khaije1mkay, robotgeek09:09
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h3sp4wnkhaije1: What are you trying to do ? why do you need both ?09:15
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khaije1hi h3sp4wn, i want to make ssh on my machine accessbile from the internet so i wanted to beef up to protection a littl09:15
h3sp4wnkhaije1: When you make a key you can set a passphrase on it key based authentication is almost impossible to brute force09:16
h3sp4wnkhaije1: If you disable all password based authention it would be most secure09:17
nixternalnot impossible h3sp4wn...just that it would take about 10 years to break ;D09:17
nixternalunless of course you have supercomputers comin' out the wazoo09:17
squid0RadiantFire: should I run make with checkinstall too, or just make install?09:17
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h3sp4wnimpossible in real terms09:17
h3sp4wnChange your keys every year if you want to be sure09:18
khaije1h3sp4wn: i realize that but is it possible to combine both the system password and the key? i'd rather have the two layers than add a static password to the mix09:18
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RadiantFiresquid0: only make install09:18
khaije1h3sp4wn: although what you're describing sounds pretty good....09:18
h3sp4wnIf you want higher security use ace server and secure id token09:19
squid0RadiantFire: thanks09:20
khaije1i use that at work, it is an elegant solution09:20
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RadiantFireis amarok working?09:21
h3sp4wnIts a pain when it drifts09:21
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squid0RadiantFire: still installing taglib (installed to an undesirable location at first). also downloading amarok source09:21
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RadiantFireo, oops09:22
khaije1h3sp4wn: still, that is to be expected as a result of real-world conditions09:22
RadiantFireyeah, generally its a good idea to ./configure --prefix=/usr/local when installing stuff from source09:22
RadiantFiremy bad :(09:22
phasegencan anyone name a good program for converting mpeg to dvd playable format?09:22
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squid0RadiantFire: ok, thanks. what does that do?09:22
khaije1h3sp4wn: basicly my question is... what is the relationship between these different auth methods? is it AND,OR, or XOR ?09:23
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RadiantFiresquid0: unix file location conventions, things installed as part of the system go into /usr while things that are installed custom go into /usr/local09:25
RadiantFiresquid0: when I instlaled kmplayer I had to install it to /usr/local or else it would clobber kaffeine's mime type reigstry09:25
RadiantFirewhen I was using breezy09:25
squid0RadiantFire: ah,. ok, thanks09:26
squid0but i thought configure doesn't actually do any installation? don't you mean make --prefix=/usr/local ?09:27
h3sp4wnkhaije1: I have never come across a way to use password based and keybased authentication together - Maybe you could use opiekey over ssh09:27
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khaije1h3sp4wn: is a password-embedded key prefered to the compounded-but-seperate password/key idea i had?09:28
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vraptorconfigure --prefix=/foo would set the proper path in the makefile before compiling09:29
vraptorbut you can pass the appropriate flag to make as well09:30
RadiantFiresquid0: it sets it so that when you instll, thats where it goes09:30
khaije1h3sp4wn: so what your saying is they don't automaticaly play nice? hmm09:30
squid0on configure for amarok, I get 'checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!' . what package would I need?09:31
squid0(i've come across this before trying to build other apps)09:31
h3sp4wnkhaije1: ssh2 is supposed to be mathematically sound i.e If you find out my public key then you can't find out my private key from that09:31
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RadiantFiresquid0: execute apt-get build-dep amarok09:33
vraptorsquid0: can't say specifically for that package, but dependencies should be listed in the install instructions or readme09:33
vraptorsquid0: you can then figure out where those requirements are and pass the appropriate paths, or install them as needed09:34
khaije1h3sp4wn: i know that, i'm not worried about the encryption at all... i'm more worried about the authentication/access control09:34
squid0vraptor: ok, thanks09:34
vraptorsquid0: the advantage of apt is that it manages dependencies for you09:34
squid0vraptor: right09:34
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vraptorsquid0: I've yet to find a pkg manager that is 100%, though09:35
vraptorsolaris, linux, *bsd, etc.09:35
RadiantFiresquid0: i dunno, generally failures in the pkg manager are the result of badly constructed packages09:35
=== vraptor nods
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RadiantFirei can't stand rpm though, impossible to install things from rpms...09:36
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vraptorno arguments from me on that09:36
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squid0RadiantFire: right. but i'm not installing from a package: i'm trying to install from source...09:37
vraptorI hateses the RPMses09:37
RadiantFirei spent half jy time ocmpiling source rpms09:37
RadiantFiresquid0: easy way to get all the amarok build dependencies is to run apt-get build-dep amarok09:37
RadiantFirethat should install all of amarok's build dependencies to the right place09:37
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phasegencan anyone name a good program for converting mpeg to dvd playable format?09:38
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RadiantFirekind of ugly though09:38
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phasegenhow so?09:39
RadiantFirei dunno, it just looks really really wierd09:39
RadiantFirebut it seems to work09:39
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phasegenThank you, I'll give it a try09:40
squid0RadiantFire: but, i don't have amarok in the apt sources file! i've just got the source downloaded...09:42
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RadiantFiresquid0: thats ok09:43
RadiantFireit will install build dependancies for the old amarok, which should be most of the dependancies for the new on09:44
RadiantFireand you've already taken care of taglib09:44
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squid0RadiantFire: i don't have that source repository in my sources.list either09:46
RadiantFirethe amarok source repository?09:46
RadiantFirethe build deps for amarok aren't stored in the amarok source repository09:47
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RadiantFiremost of them should be in main09:47
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squid0i still get: "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list" when I execute 'sudo apt-get build-dep amarok'09:48
RadiantFirei don't know then09:48
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RadiantFiretry searching for xserver in adept and installing any -dev packages that come up09:49
squid0ah! in the README file, it lists dependencies ! :)09:49
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khaijeh3sp4wn: heh, tripped over my cord, were you about to say anything?09:52
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h3sp4wnkhaije1: Can you not just firewall it so you can only connect via a host that is known to be secure (protected by secure id etc) I don't worry about the security of my home network really (never been hacked) ssh is exposed but only allows key based authentication - I looked at the mathematics of it but its insane10:01
squid0RadiantFire: hah. finally found it on google. i need xlibs-dev10:01
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khaijeh3sp4wn: i /can/ setup fw rules to exclude all but a trusted few ips, i just don't know what the ip's are atm, but i would definitely add them to the firewalling list...10:04
vraptorkhaije: could you give a brief statement of what you are trying to do?  I came in on the convo late10:05
khaijeh3sp4wn: in fact i was thinking about writing a script that would allow me to change the fw rules via text msgs from my phone, maybe even other admin tasks (that would be a neat project)10:06
vraptorkhaije: there is a cgi out there that will bring up ssh tunnels through a firewall after you request a URL and authenticate to it10:07
khaijevraptor: sure! initially i was wondering if i could combine key and password based auth with openSSH, but it sounds like people are saying that doesn't work well. instead it was reccomended that i use key-only auth, but using a password-embedded key, for the extra protection10:08
vraptorkhaije: you mean a key with a passphrase?  Yep, that is the way to go--use keychain and ssh-agent to get the key in memory10:08
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khaijevraptor: ya the ability to dynamicly adjust various things would be nice (i was thinking more through email) but that wasn't my main question just now10:09
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vraptorit's too bad no one has come up with a VPN that has one time use passphrases for consumer set ups10:10
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khaijevraptor: is it true that different auth methods that openSSH provides are inconsistent or incompatible?10:10
vraptorwhat do you mean by different auth methods?10:10
vraptorI know there are probs integrating OpenSSH with some versions of PAM (Solaris, for example)10:11
khaijevraptor: well, you know openSSH offers password auth, and key auth, and PAMauth, and probably others10:11
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Shurikenwhat's the difference between aRts and aKode ? (is one is better than the other ?)10:12
khaijerather than using key with a special password embedded key, i was thinking about using both the password auth method and the key auth method in conjunction10:12
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khaijevraptor: it was reccomended that i avoid this, but i can't help but be curious10:13
vraptorkhaije: password and key auth should "just work" if the keys conform to standards supported by the implementation of SSH you are trying to connect to10:13
h3sp4wnYou can only use one or the other (As far as I know)10:13
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vraptorkhaije: most people consider pub/priv key to be more than sufficient10:14
khaijeya, i'm sure they work seperately, but i was wondering about using both together10:14
vraptorkhaije: I know for certain that if you want both you will have to turn on PAM and implement it in the PAM stack10:14
vraptorkhaije: it's not something you can config in sshd_config10:15
khaijevraptor: do you mean to say i'd need to use key auth in pam? scary stuff10:15
Shurikenh3sp4wn: ok, in fact both work well, so it doesn't matter. but juK only supports aRts and aKode, so i was wondering what should i choose10:15
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vraptorkhaije: I would recommend testing on a local box that you have console access to, it's very easy to lock yourself out if you bork the PAM stack (btdt)10:15
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khaijehehe, ya thats what i'm thinking10:16
vraptorkhaije: PAM modules are stackable10:16
vraptorkhaije: I was trying to get Linux cracklib working with Solaris 910:17
khaijei'm on my laptop, i'll try this on the desktop and let you know how it went in a few10:17
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khaijevraptor: whats btdt?10:17
h3sp4wnkhaije: If you work how to do it I would be interested in knowing10:17
vraptorkhaije: (long story, but it didn't work out because of issues with a backporting of the Solaris 10 pam_unix_lib.so to Solaris 9 that Sun did)10:18
vraptorkhaije: been there done that (btdt)10:18
h3sp4wnShruriken: what is juK ?10:18
Shurikena music player10:18
vraptorkhaije: I think unless you are supporting a large number of users and are trying to control access without single sign on (e.g. LDAP, Kerberos), fiddling with PAM is overkill10:19
vraptorkraije: or you have some special authentication stuff you are doing where you need to build your own PAM module10:20
vraptorkhaije: I'm all about doing things in standard ways so that they are easier to support and scalable--important when you are having to support 100+ servers10:20
h3sp4wnShuriken: And you can't use xine ? (xine is what I use for everything) don't like arts or esd or gstreamer10:22
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Shurikenno, only aRts and aKode (so i have to download the lib aRts-mpeg or akode-mpeg for mp3 support)10:23
khaijevraptor: ya this is just for my peice of mind, but it means alot to me, y'know?10:23
Shurikenand yes, xine looks far better10:24
vraptorkhaije:Yep, it's why I fight with my own corporate droid IT department everyday about me not using *doze10:24
squid0thanks, all, who helped me out with installing amarok. unfortunately it just isn't working, i need KDE headers, and i can't install them because they would conflict with other packages. :( anyway, it's time for bed here. have a good day/night10:26
h3sp4wnShuriken: A would say use akode but only because I think arts is so poor (I think akode runs ontop of arts though) try akode and use arts as a last resort10:27
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Shurikenthanks, anyway i am already using aKode so i will keep it10:29
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brandon_is amarok 1.4 stable?10:40
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brandon_the lyrics feature doesn't work10:40
RadiantFirebrandon_: haven't had a crash yet10:40
RadiantFirebrandon_: install ruby for lyrics10:41
h3sp4wnI am using it (the dev's consider it stable)10:41
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brandon_can you give me an idea of which one? there are a million ruby packages here10:42
Bazzithe ruby not installed automagically will be fixed in 1.4.1 afaik10:42
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inc|freakyjoin #kubuntu-de10:43
inc|freakyoops, sorry10:43
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__filip_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto i have follow this and it works perfekt in gnome, what should i do to get it work in KDE?10:48
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steveklCan someone link me to a complete-newbie guide to gaming in ubuntu?10:50
Bazzi__filip_: I dont think it works yet in kubuntu10:50
RadiantFirethats cool :)10:51
Bazzistevekl: there are some guides in the dorums10:51
__filip_Bazzi: Are you sure?10:51
Bazziif it works then it doesn't work flawlessly10:52
Bazzibut I doubt they ported it to kubuntu yet, the kde version of xgl is still highly unstable10:52
__filip_Okey does anyboy in here have xgl installed and it works in KDE?10:52
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__filip_Bazzi: xgl works with KDE! But i dont know how to do.11:26
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BazziI wont touch Xgl until edgy11:27
Bazzisame with initng11:27
klerfaytBazzi: edgy is?11:27
klerfaytBazzi: it's like dapper after badger?11:28
klerfaytBazzi: does it have version number (e.g. 6.06)?11:28
Bazzi6.10 or 6.1211:29
Bazziwhatever mr shuttleworth sees fit ;)11:29
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axiomIn the KDE file dialogs, didn't there used to be an option to sort by filetype?11:36
axiomI can sort by permission, owner, or group, which I find utterly useless11:37
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axiombut there doesn't seem to be any option to change what is up there11:37
ctothejcan someone help me uninstall the previous ATI fglrx drivers and install the new ones?11:38
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ctothejnm, found the guide...11:41
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ninniuzI cannot use my ptp camera any more :(11:44
DaSkreechaseigo: Aaron!11:46
ctothejhow do i start ssh server?11:47
aseigoDaSkreech: yo11:47
DaSkreechIt just clicked a while ago!11:47
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ninniuzI installed dapper today and digikam cannot detect my camera anymore...running dmesg I can see the kernel detects it...11:48
ninniuzwhile it worked under breezy as a ptp camera11:49
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StRhi there?11:52
StRwhat is the new apt installer for kubuntu in dapper?   something like synaptic?11:52
StRninniuz: adept is like synaptic but comes in kubuntu?11:53
StRthanks ninniuz11:53
axiomDoes anyone know what happened to the sort by filetype option in kde's file dialogs?11:53
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skipster23Question-Can anyony suggest a good torrent client11:54
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skipster23ok thanks11:55
ninniuzyou're welcome11:55
ninniuzcan anyone help me with my digital camera?11:55
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StRwhere can I see a roadmap for the release of dapper?11:57
KyralThe dev cycle is over in.....7 days11:57
StRKyral: yes.. I want to see what is missing today so I can see if I can install the beta11:58
Kyraldunno then lol11:58
KyralI'd just jump to dapper via the Dist-Upgrade path11:58
StRKyral: i have a new computer and I need to know if I can install dapper or need to install breezy jost for one week11:58
KyralStR, I'm gonna tell you what I tell everyone when I dont have a definitive yes or no11:59
Kyral"Try it" :P11:59
StRso, there is no roadmap?11:59
ninniuzwhat's happening to udev?11:59
KyralThere is11:59
KyralI just don't know where it is :P11:59
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ninniuznow my usb pen drive is not even auto mounted12:00
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ctothejWill I be able to ssh onto my ubuntu if I started in recovery mode?12:04
ctothejicer: have an ip address and my ssh server is started on port 2212:04
ctothejoh nevermind, my ssh server didnt start12:05
ctothejhow do i start it?12:05
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shankyctothej: /etc/init.d/sshd start?12:07
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ctothejshanky: awesome thanks!12:08
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ctothejhow do i move all files in a directory to a subdirectory? i cant use: mv *.* subdir12:11
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h3sp4wnmv * subdir12:12
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ctothejit just brings up an error that the subdir cannot be moved into itself, but still completed the rest of the task...12:13
EvilIdlerThat's normal.12:14
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ctothejok. nice. thanks.12:14
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visikLivecdI'm on dapper livecd12:15
visikLivecdI'm looking for wpa settings12:15
visikLivecdbut I can't find12:15
visikLivecdwhere is it ?12:16
visikLivecdthere is only static wep conf12:16
visikLivecdhello _12:19
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visikLivecdhello ?12:22
h3sp4wn"/usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes is very easy to understand (If you know what wireless card you are using)"12:22
h3sp4wnIs the card detected ok already ?12:23
visikLivecdbut there shouldn't be a panel to configure wpa under dapper ?12:23
visikLivecdor am I wrong ?12:24
h3sp4wnYou need to setup /etc/network/interfaces as the above file stats12:24
h3sp4wnI don't know networkmanager was really buggy when I tried it12:24
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h3sp4wnIts much more reliable doing it from /etc/network/interfaces (configures wpa_supplicant manually)12:25
visikLivecdh3sp4wn: is that syntax supported also in breezy _12:25
h3sp4wnI don't think so12:25
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h3sp4wnThat one file is the only place its documented (no wiki on that way or anything) but its alot easier12:26
visikLivecdwhere is networkmanager _12:26
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evert_Hello all12:26
h3sp4wnYou could try installing it I suppose but it wouldn't work without an active desktop connection12:27
visikLivecdnow on breezy I've a pre-up script and post down that brings up and down wpa_supplicant when needed12:27
visikLivecdbut definitly it sux12:27
evert_I've got a question : how can i acces the linux filesystem with windows xp ?12:27
EvilIdlerPMounter can mount ext2 and more12:28
Bilfordyoou can share th ffolder  in Samba12:29
evert_but is kubuntu not using reiserf ?12:29
visikLivecdh3sp4wn: active desktop connection as another connection like ethernet?12:29
EvilIdlerBy 'more' I mean 'reiser'12:29
h3sp4wnhttp://pastebin.com/736035 visikLivecd: have a look at mine12:29
EvilIdlerThe filesystem is up to you12:29
EvilIdlerYou choose when installing12:29
h3sp4wnvisikLivecd: If you are using wpa-psk all you need to change is the pre-shared key and the maybe the driver12:30
h3sp4wnI don't know anything about network manager and think its crap12:30
visikLivecdh3sp4wn: is IEEE8021X handled by interfaces _12:31
evert_When i wants to use samba , i can just install samba on my windows xp , and then copy files out of my /home map ?12:31
Bilfordno, you dont install Samba on Windows12:32
Bilfordsudo apt-get install samba12:32
h3sp4wnI don't know - What is that used for ?12:32
evert_BUt need to copy files from my reiserf file system to my ntfs hard disk ...12:33
evert_i'm working with windows at the moment12:33
visikLivecdh3sp4wn: is wep with radius and dynamic key12:33
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evert_*i screwed up my xorg.conf file , and i just wanna take a backup of some files ..12:33
Bilfordyou install Samba  on Kubuntu12:33
visikLivecdh3sp4wn: h3sp4wn it's supported by wpasupplicant 'couse I use it under breezy12:33
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h3sp4wnvisikLivecd: You can do it but you read more deeply than the simple examples in that file12:34
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Bilfordevert_, is it on a diff computer or just a diff hard drive12:34
goldenearevert_: did dou try a "dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg" ?12:34
evert_different hard drive12:34
Bilfordoh, forget Samba then12:34
h3sp4wn"wpa-key-mgmt IEEE8021X" you will want you will just need to read documentation a bit more better than I have so far12:35
visikLivecdh3sp4wn: btw should be usefull a full working network manager, I'm stuck with ifdown ath0 ; ifup eth0 if I want to switch from wifi to ethernet12:36
visikLivecdthank you12:37
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evert_how can i do it then ?12:37
evert_if i wants to do it out of windows xp12:37
blank_hey guys I have a problem, you know the update manager at the bottom right, I clicked exit on the icon once and since then it hasn't come back on, how can I start it? the updatenotifier thing12:37
h3sp4wnNetwork manager makes the wireless go down all the time by scanning to make the silly graph12:38
Bilfordevert_,  is the Kubuntu HD mounted in Windows12:38
evert_I really don't know how to mount a hard disk in windows :s12:38
BilfordI forget how.  Right click My Computer, select Properties I believe12:39
Bilfordfind your way to the Diskk tools12:39
EvilIdlerYou want the admin tools menu for WinXP12:39
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visikLivecdh3sp4wn: :)12:40
h3sp4wnvisikLivecd: Unfortunately I am rediculously tired (had an exam today and was cramming most of the night) So if you haven't sorted it out by tommorow I will fully investigate how to do it (I am interested in wireless a bit - took me 8 months or so to get myself to a point where my network is stable and I am happy12:40
h3sp4wnvisikLivecd: Is it working ?12:40
evert_Bilford , i found my way to my hard disk , i see it in the list of hardware ?12:40
visikLivecdh3sp4wn: I'm at home now12:41
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visikLivecdh3sp4wn: the wireless connection is in the campus12:41
evert_what can i do now ?12:41
h3sp4wnvisikLivecd: I am going to sleep anyway no point in me trying to think at this moment cya12:42
Bilforduse that page to get you to the Disk tools12:42
visikLivecdh3sp4wn: through interfaces it will probably work perfectly but would be nicer if I can set all via guis :) I love guis :)12:42
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visikLivecdh3sp4wn: no problem12:42
Bilfordoh, you right-click My Computer, and select MANAGE12:42
h3sp4wnvisikLivecd: I hate gui's (well that one) because it makes the connection drop alot12:42
Bilfordnot Properties12:42
dracflamloc_ello. can someone help me out. my wifi just isnt working. it shows 4 networks available. but i cant connect to even the non-wep ones12:43
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dracflamloc_and mine doesnt seem to work either, which uses 128bit wep12:43
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Bilforddid you set the keys12:43
dracflamloc_i set one12:43
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dracflamloc_but like i said it wont even connect right to the open ones12:44
dracflamloc_i'm using the bcm43xx module12:44
BilfordI dont know12:44
Bilfordevert_, did you find Disk Management12:45
evert_i found it12:45
Bilforddid you mount it12:45
evert_I can see my linux hard disk .. but it's not shown in 'my computer'12:45
Bilforddid you mount it12:45
evert_I think it's mounted ?12:46
evert_if i see it in the list , it has to be mounted12:46
Bilfordisnt there an option in  Disk Management to mount12:46
evert_not that i see12:46
evert_But my hard disk (with the reiserf partition is shown here)12:46
evert_the link you gave is for formatting the partition12:47
BilfordI just gave you the link so you could find Disk Management12:47
Bilford[22:42]  <Bilford> use that page to get you to the Disk tools12:47
evert_i found that12:47
evert_sry I didn't read it well , my excuses12:48
Bilfordtheres something you do there12:48
Bilfordjust be careful you dont erase it lol12:48
evert_lol yes12:48
EvilIdlerYou can't read a ReiserFS partition in Windows without a special program/driver, like PMounter.12:48
evert_i can't find a download of PMOunter with google12:49
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Moomoo2Woah. Not a bad following12:50
EvilIdlerevert_: http://www.aptrio.com/Development/Specialized-Tools/paragon-alles-mounter-professional-version-12865.html12:51
evert_wow , not cheap12:51
EvilIdlerYou might be able to find a trial version on their homepage12:51
EvilIdlerI'd like someone to take a look at their software for any infringements, really12:52
evert_But is there no program that works without a bootdisk etc ?12:52
EvilIdlerNot in a handy fashion, no.12:52
EvilIdlerYou need to up your google-fu :)12:53
evert_Like i can mount my NTFS hard disk in linux ... just with adding some lines in the mount files12:53
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EvilIdlerRemember who makes Windows.12:55
Bilforda fine humanitarian12:55
EvilIdlerA tax dodging git, more like it :)12:56
Bilfordrich people hire people to dodge taxes for them12:56
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Bilfordthey know all the loopholes12:56
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evert_so it's not possible12:57
evert_i like linux , but it's worthless because i can't install the nvidia drivers :(12:57
EvilIdlerIT's possible. There is a simple tool to copy straight from a partition, but it's hard to use.12:57
EvilIdlerYou just need to have strong google-fu.12:57
mrfishhati too am having some nvidia driver problems12:58
mrfishhatwith me it seems as if the screen is smaller then the resoulution12:59
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jfarrellhey all, I just did an apt-get install firefox01:00
jfarrellbut it doesnt have the flashplayer01:00
jfarrellso i went out the macromedia and downloaded it, but its asking me for the path01:00
jfarrellwhat is the default install path01:00
neoncodeInstead of just locking my entire sesion. is it possible to just lock one of my virtual desktops? So that I can use the system and the other desktops normaly but to view/use that other desktop I have to unlock it with my password?01:00
EvilIdlerjfarrell: In your homedirectory01:00
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:01
EvilIdlerjfarrell: You should have ~/.firefox/plugins01:01
jfarrellEvilIdler, well its asking for the path to the browser01:01
jfarrellpoint in there01:01
jfarrellthe installation path, rather01:02
EvilIdlerjfarrell: Read the link above, then01:02
mrfishhathas anyone had any luck with dual monitors using twinview or zinerama?01:02
EvilIdlerI prefer to just use my $HOME.01:02
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icheyne!tell jfarrell about easyubuntu01:05
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timashowdy folks01:06
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jfarrellEvilIdler, nothing doing, that package mentioned doesnt exist (flashplugin-nonfree)01:06
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jfarrellnor does ~/.firefox01:06
klerfaytjfarrell: you know what is hidden file?01:06
jfarrellahh but there is a ~/.mozilla01:07
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jfarrellklerfayt, hidden files generally are files with a . in the front01:07
jfarrellthey are visible with ls -la01:07
jfarrellls can take a second argument for the path to list01:07
klerfaytjfarrell: yes. right path to manually copy those files would be   .mozilla/plugins01:08
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jfarrellwhich, doesnt exist01:08
klerfaytjfarrell: 2 files that end with   .so01:08
klerfaytjfarrell: you can create it01:08
jfarrellare created after the installer runs successfully01:08
klerfaytjfarrell: you don't have to use installer01:08
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EvilIdlerjfarrell: It's FAR easier to just create the directory and put the plugin there01:09
klerfaytjfarrell: extract the tar file. and copy 2 files that end with   .so  to your   .mozilla/plugins01:09
jfarrellEvilIdler, what is the directory01:09
klerfaytjfarrell: yes01:10
klerfaytjfarrell: you got .mozilla in your home?01:10
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timashum, anyone here know anything about openoffice toolbars that disappear and appear at free will?01:10
klerfaytcreate in .mozilla folder   plugins   and copy 2 files there01:10
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jfarrellthe only file is a libflashplayer.so01:11
klerfaytjfarrell: should be 201:11
klerfaytjfarrell: you got "readme" in tar?01:11
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jfarrellthat is the only .so file in ~/downloads/install_flash_player_linux01:11
EvilIdlerYou only need that one .so01:12
klerfaytjfarrell: then read it; find the section manual installation01:12
EvilIdlerThere used to be a dummy plugin before01:12
jfarrellits the .xpt that your thinking of01:12
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klerfaytjfarrell: I don't remember what files only that there was 2 of them01:12
jfarrellnow what01:13
jfarrelljust restart the browser01:13
klerfaytjfarrell: are you using konqueror?01:14
klerfaytjfarrell:then restart ff01:14
jfarrellalriht works01:14
jfarrellthanks guys01:14
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zimhi all01:21
zimjust a quickie01:21
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zimwhere do i edit the system menu on the right of the K menu01:21
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icheyneright click the system icon01:22
icheyneand click edit menu01:22
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zimnot an option01:23
zimdo u have to be root01:23
icheyneworks for me and I'm not root01:25
zimi have move... remove... and panel menu >01:25
Bilfordis the panel locked01:25
icheynecan you right click anywhere on th emenu01:25
Bilfordunlock it01:26
zimi can edit the panel01:26
zimsize K menu etc01:26
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Bilfordwhats the System Menu01:27
Bilfordit's an applet01:28
BilfordI doubt it's easily configuurable01:29
Bilfordcant you use the STar instead01:29
zimi can right click on menu items that are in the K menu but not on the system menu button just to the right of it01:29
Bilfordwhat do you want to add01:30
zimi want to copy the home folder link onto the desktop01:30
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Bilfordright click the Desktop01:30
BilfordCreate New01:31
BilfordLink to URL01:31
Bilfordadd    /home/YOURUSERNAME01:31
Bilfordchange icon, etc01:31
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Bilfordactually, it lets you browse for the folder01:32
dracflamloc__whats the package to allow me to play mp3s through amarok?01:35
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Bilfordtype this in terminal01:35
Bilfordsudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs01:36
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dracflamloc__thanks a bunch01:37
JohnCro13hi room.01:37
JohnCro13back seeking TV tuner help01:37
JohnCro13can anyone help?01:39
BlueParrotwhat is the propper way to upgrade kubuntu to dapper? The wiki instructions only seem to apply to gnome as far as I can tell.01:39
JohnCro13easy, parrot.01:39
JohnCro13do you have synaptec or adept?01:39
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JohnCro13(under syste,)01:40
BlueParrotyea, I have synaptec01:40
BlueParrottho I usually use aptitude01:40
JohnCro13okay.  did you select all the dapper repositories?01:41
BlueParrotheh, I tried doing it the "change sources.list with s/breezy/dapper/ then dist-upgrade" kind of way, but it sort of broke01:41
BlueParrotX refused to start afterwards01:42
JohnCro13yeah, I wouldn't mess with the sources.list.01:42
JohnCro13check your repositories in Synaptec.01:42
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BlueParrotit will all be set to the breezy default now as I did a fresh install after I broke it in the above mentioned way01:43
BlueParrotyea, it has a load of breezy repositories there01:43
JohnCro13any dapper?01:43
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Bilforddo a fresh install01:44
Bilfordstart clean01:44
BlueParrotyea, I figured that would be a good idea01:44
JohnCro13personal suggestion -- go to easyubuntu.com01:44
BlueParrotI have /home on a separate partition so it should be ok01:44
Bilforddo you know where to get the latest build01:45
BlueParrotcan I safely wipe teh config files and then just tell the installer not to format the partition I want to use for /home ?01:45
JohnCro13follow the instructions to get easy ubuntu and select the updated repository list.01:45
BlueParrotBilford: I'm thinking I will wait until it is released and just download the iso01:46
JohnCro13oh well.01:46
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=== xtacocorex is away: bzflag and sucking hardcore at it
BlueParrotxtacocorex: you can't be worse than me at bzflag, 90 minute game, I got one kill because a guy went afk : /01:47
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xtacocorexBlueParrot: hehe, i'm not bad, but my connection being laggy01:48
MasterEvilAceOkay.. I've had more weird screwups with Kubuntu than with anything else. NOW, my ethernet card isn't working. i think it's not being detected or something01:49
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nobbyhi does anyone know howto get your bluetooth headset working01:50
nobbyI've been trying for the last week but I just can't get it working01:51
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nobbyI;ve installed the btsco thing but can't get my headset to pair01:52
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: What type of card? Is it the only one in your computer?01:52
JohnCro13hi, evil01:52
MasterEvilAceEvilIdler: Inspiron laptop ,yes only one01:52
MasterEvilAceI was messing with xorg trying to get TV-Out to work and i guess this morning i start it up and no internet01:53
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: Do you know the chipset of the NIC? lspci might show if it's detected at all01:53
MasterEvilAceGeforce 2 GO01:53
MasterEvilAcei'm confusing shit01:53
MasterEvilAcelol ethernet.. um01:53
MasterEvilAceI'm not sure what it is offhand01:53
EvilIdlerI have learned to separate shit from everything else :)01:53
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MasterEvilAceit was working last night.. I'm not sure what happened as I did not change anything even remotely related to networking01:54
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: If it's eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces, you can try eth101:54
Bilfordmaybe an update changed something01:54
DaSkreechEvilIdler: Language01:54
EvilIdlerDaSkreech: MasterEvilAce started ;)01:55
MasterEvilAceMy bad :P01:55
DaSkreechMasterEvilAce: Language01:55
MasterEvilAceon boot-up configuring network interfaces gets "ok" next to it.01:55
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NotWiredwhat does ifconfig say MasterEvilAce?01:56
Bilfordmaybe the card isnt plugged in all the wway01:56
steveklWhen I 'test' openGL screensavers in KDE, the screensaver only takes up the top 1/3rd of the screen01:56
steveklanyone have any idea why?01:56
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EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: Run ifconfig and see if it lists anything more than lo01:56
DaSkreechstevekl: Do you have a GL Driver installed?01:56
MasterEvilAceEvilidler: nope01:56
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EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: check te interfaces file01:57
steveklDaSkreech: I think so...how do I test wether I have one or not?01:57
DaSkreechstevekl: You would know :)01:57
steveklglxinfo shows the expected output and glxgears works01:57
DaSkreech They are a pain to install01:57
DaSkreechWhat video card?01:58
MasterEvilAceEvilIdler: Okay, it shows my past configuration as "auto eth0" and it has my IP, gateway, netmask etc in there01:58
DaSkreechDisclaimer: I be of LImited knowledge == limited help01:58
steveklThis is a laptop, it's built-in intel graphics...let me check01:58
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BlueParrotstevekl: ouch01:58
=== DaSkreech goes into spasms
BlueParrotstevekl: intel graphics are "fun" to use on Linux01:58
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steveklVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device01:58
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: Behind a router?01:59
DaSkreechWell that would be of limited OpenGL help then01:59
MasterEvilAceevilidler: yes, but it was working fine last night01:59
DaSkreechstevekl: Are you registered with Nickserv?01:59
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: Can it give you DHCP?01:59
BlueParrotstevekl: you will have a hard time getting any decent hardware acceleration going on that01:59
NotWiredMasterEvilAce, if it's not listed by ifconfig then it's not being detected01:59
DaSkreechNotWired: Not true it could be turned off02:00
DaSkreechifconfig <interface> down would make it not turn up02:00
DaSkreechifconfig <interface> up would bring back goodness02:00
steveklDaSkreech: no02:00
steveklWell ok02:00
DaSkreechor ifdown <blah>  vs ifup <blah. of course02:01
BlueParrothmm, modprobe -l shoudl list it if the driver is working propperly, no ?02:01
steveklI don't *need* hardware acceleration, I was thinking I could get better-looking 2D on this laptop by installing the 'right' drivers02:01
steveklSo is it worth it?02:01
NotWiredokay DaSkreech but i'm thinking he would have booted and not done ifconfig <interface> down :-)02:01
steveklI mean02:01
steveklWill I get better 2D?02:01
MasterEvilAceI turned on dhcp and restarting.. i also wonder if I turned it off in BIOS.. but that was relating to PCMIA cards, Docking station (don't have) etc. so i turned those off to maybe save power / resources02:01
DaSkreechNotWired: Maybe he didn't02:01
MasterEvilAceI think though that it was working after I messed with the BIOS.. but it's all a haze02:01
DaSkreechstevekl: Good thing is Intel has Open source drivers (Me thinks) so you should find some half decent vs half dead support02:01
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: If the router gives you DHCP, try running 'dhclient'02:02
DaSkreechstevekl: try /join ##linux02:02
DaSkreechHe could have Evil Config Files (c) for his networking02:02
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DaSkreechThey can be of some broader assistance02:03
EvilIdlerIf he's got a router in DHCP mode and a static config file, he does02:03
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MasterEvilAcestill not detected02:05
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: lsmod would show a driver someone might recognise02:06
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: If there's no network driver shown, there's a bigger problem02:07
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MasterEvilAceI don't see it02:08
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MasterEvilAcehow does Ubuntu allow this to happen???02:08
MasterEvilAcegonna reset bios stuff02:10
MasterEvilAcei hope that works02:10
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DaSkreechDoes kubuntu ship with koffice?02:11
Search4Lancer___I keep getting "audio unavailable, the device is busy" in amaroK.... how do I fix (other than rebooting)?02:12
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Search4LancerDaSkreech: don't think so02:12
Search4Lancernot like it's tough to install it yourself though02:13
DaSkreechNo I was just wondering if I should bother02:13
DaSkreechDoes OO.o have templates?02:13
DaSkreechlike resumes or businessl etters?02:14
psyke83hi, is there an applet I can add to the panel similar to "show desktop" in gnome or windows?02:15
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Search4Lanceryes psyke83, just don't know where to get it.... looking....02:16
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DaSkreechIs there spell check in Konversation?02:16
MasterEvilAceNope:( Wasn't Bios stuff02:16
MasterEvilAcethere's NOTHING in "Available network interfaces" under network settings02:17
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psyke83Search4Lancer: I found it, thanks for looking anyway... it was in the "Add Applet" window, I missed it when I looked ;)02:17
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JohnCro13I'm sad.02:31
NotWiredJohnCro13, why is that?02:31
JohnCro13I can't get my tv tuner card working.02:32
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JohnCro13hey.  Does anyone know where I can get help for that?02:34
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JohnCro13no.  English only.02:41
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psyke83does anyone know a way to make kopete show google talk nicks rather than email addresses as contacts?02:44
joel_Caiado, I can't have a private message.  password issue.02:45
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caiadormmod bt87802:47
caiadormmod bttv02:47
caiadomodprobe bttv card=37 tuner=2 radio=102:47
caiadoexit 002:47
caiadothis script02:47
JohnCro13I'll try it!02:47
Kadranhi i used mandriva for a while and switched for kubuntu i think mandriva is faster but kubuntu is more stable does any one know how to make kubuntu faster?02:47
JohnCro13except my card is supposed to be a different number.02:47
JohnCro13never mind.02:47
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DaSkreechKadran: Use less ervices maybe?02:49
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godlkwrthi doubt mandriva is faster :P02:50
KadranDaSkreech: ok i will try to close some unused services and try it i liked kubuntu very much because it is really more stable02:50
DaSkreechKadran: Great! Don't upgrade to dapper+1 :-)02:51
KadranDaSkreech: i am currently using Dapper 6.06?02:51
KadranDaSkreech: is it slow?02:52
DaSkreechI would hope :-)02:52
DaSkreechNo it's ... edgy...02:52
Kadranyeah it 's cool02:52
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Kadranwith every thing uptodate i love it02:52
DaSkreechWell Dapper is even further than up to date :-)02:53
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DaSkreechEdgy :-)02:55
Ahmucki have a problem with adept.  it keeps telling me another copy is open and the database is locked.  there is however nothing opened.  when i do a ps -ax, no adept pid shows up.  this happened after a failed removal of cacti02:55
DaSkreechAhmuck: did anything crash?02:56
Ahmuckyes, adept did02:56
RadiantFireAhmuck: sudo dpkg --configure -a02:57
Ahmuckwell, i crashed it because cacti crashed during the removal, or rather adept crashed while trying to remove cacti02:57
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Ahmuckthat fixed it02:58
RadiantFiredpkg puts a lock on the database until its done, so if you ever crash, it keeps you from installing with partially configured packages, if it ever crashes just run that02:58
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DaSkreechNo language rules broken03:12
DaSkreechKoroaa is no longer in development03:14
Snake__DaSkreech: What!?03:15
DaSkreechGPL accusation :(03:16
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Snake__DaSkreech: im reading now03:17
jub3ican i get some help please, im getting this error when i go to use talk  " Error on read from talk daemon: Connection refused." how do i go abouts fixing this03:17
=== CheeseBurgerMan [n=bigk@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Snake__DaSkreech: I would like to know how PCLinuxOS gets away with it.03:18
DaSkreechor how edgy will03:18
DaSkreechIt's a stupid argument but ....03:18
RiddellSnake__: with what?03:19
Snake__Riddell: having MP3 codecs etc bundled on their CD...03:20
Snake__Riddell: but apparently koroaa cant have the binary nvidia/ati drivers03:20
EvilIdlerThe argument is over NVidia's driver, which NVidia have given permission to distribute in such ways03:20
EvilIdlerGPL zealots believe they are derived from the kernel03:20
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EvilIdlerIn that case, all my code is derived from PHP or GCC or Python.03:21
coreymon77hi guys03:21
Riddellyou can get away with MP3 on your CDs if you don't ship thousands of physicl CDs and have no money03:21
coreymon77ive got a problem03:21
coreymon77a big one03:22
CheeseBurgerManTrue,  but *buntu may ship thousands of CDs.03:22
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Snake__Riddell: PClinuxOS is pretty popular,its not suse or ubuntu, but it has its step of its world and I believe its download only03:22
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: OK, what is it?03:22
RiddellEvilIdler: it makes direct use of the internals of linux, it's very much derived03:22
jub3ican i get some help please, im getting this error when i go to use talk  " Error on read from talk daemon: Connection refused." how do i go abouts fixing this03:22
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neoncodeIs there any way to view an activeX controll using Linux?03:23
EvilIdlerRiddell: Put it like that, there exists no non-derivative way of making a driver.03:23
Snake__neoncode: I think theres a plugin for mozilla, check their extensions03:23
RiddellEvilIdler: correct03:23
Snake__Riddell: So how does edgy plan to evade this?03:24
EvilIdlerRiddell: So we're buggered. Can't use the drivers that actually work.03:24
neoncodeSnake__: Evade what?03:24
RiddellSnake__: same way dapper does, some trickery with tmp filesystems03:24
coreymon77ive burnt a kubuntu 5.1 (hoary i think) install disk twice from two different iso images from two different mirrors (and yes i didnt just burn the actual image on the cd because i put the cd into my computer on windows and everything is there) and both times my computer couldnt boot from either of them03:24
coreymon77what do i do03:24
coreymon77its not the cds03:24
coreymon77its got something to do with my computer03:25
coreymon77and i dont know what to do03:25
neoncodeSnake__: I checked their extentions, nothing...03:25
coreymon77kubuntu has worked fine before03:25
DaSkreechRiddell: What trickery?03:25
Snake__neoncode: sorry man :( I thought I Seen one before03:26
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: Is your computer set up to boot from the CD-ROM before the hard disk?03:26
Snake__Riddell: But arnt they planning to use XGL by default in edgy?? If so your going to need those drivers... perhaps shuttleworth can bribe ati/nvidia into opensourcing them? :D03:26
sheldonccoreymon77: you didnt dl isos for AMD64 or anything did you?03:27
coreymon77i have done this same procedure sucessfully with many different linuxs (including kubuntu) before this03:27
coreymon77im not meaning to be rude but since you guys dont know me, ill tell you this03:27
EvilIdlercoreymon77: You have symptoms of a faulty drive03:27
RiddellDaSkreech: I don't know, I've never used them03:28
coreymon77i am not an idiot when it comes to computers, i am actually very good with windows and even better with linux, so i know the basic stuff that i have to do03:28
DaSkreechSnake__: I doubt03:28
=== MasterEvilAce-La [n=masterev@cpe-071-075-009-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechdoubt that highly03:28
coreymon77besides, i have installed linux sucessfuly many times before] 03:28
RiddellSnake__: yes, we have plans to get Mark to buy ati and nvidia, free the drivers, then sell the companies on again03:28
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: Try it with a disk you know works.03:28
DaSkreechThey will have an easy way to play with it03:28
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coreymon77you know03:29
Snake__Riddell: Great! :P :)03:29
Snake__DaSkreech: I know, I was playin man03:29
Riddelldon't quote me on that03:29
=== DaSkreech throws his two cents in
coreymon77my bro got some ubuntu cds that he odered a long time ago03:29
neoncodeRiddell: your jokeing right? Though he could..... couldn't he?03:29
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Snake__neoncode: I doubt it03:29
coreymon77should i try with one of those?03:29
=== DaSkreech awaits either change or stock returns
coreymon77ill try somehting03:29
coreymon77ill be back03:29
Riddellneoncode: I'm afraid I am joking03:29
Snake__Riddell: zomg you lied!!03:30
=== Snake__ goes to blog it
Snake__j/p :)03:30
neoncodeRiddell: So is Xgl going to be default in edgy?03:30
Riddelloh I wouldn't say I lied...03:30
MasterEvilAce-LaI got ethernet working.. i guess i disabled a service that i needed. doesn't make sense at all, but whatever.. can't argue03:30
Riddellneoncode: not unless we can find someone to port kwin to be able to use it03:30
DaSkreechneoncode: First of all the AIGLX?XGL war hasn't even started much less been sifted out03:31
NotWiredMasterEvilAce, how did you figure it out?03:31
DaSkreechSecond kwin!= compiz03:31
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neoncodeMeh, Oh how easy will it be to use Xgl on Dapper?03:31
MasterEvilAce-LaNotWired: I guess i just checked over what i changed last night.. i'm not sure what specifically it was, but it's working now03:31
DaSkreechthird All code is so playing in the Alpha pool that Edgy could well be renamed bloody03:31
NotWiredglad to hear it MasterEvilAce-La03:32
Snake__neoncode: sketchy... I cant get it to work03:32
DaSkreechneoncode: hang out in #ubuntu-xgl for a day03:32
eimajenthathowdy peeps.  I'm trying to run ./configure, and I get the error that my X includes are not found.  Apparently, I need an xorg devel package, but I can't figure out which one.03:32
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ubotuWhen a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   x-window-system-dev03:33
Snake__eimajenthat: ^^03:33
coreymon77im back03:33
DaSkreech80% of all requests are How the <place of damnation her> do I get it to work with KDE?03:33
eimajenthatoh, thx03:33
DaSkreecheimajenthat: Gret nick03:33
MasterEvilAce-LaIs there a way to make the system tray use a constant number of rows? when there are two icons, the icons are stacked in two rows, until more icons appear, then it becomes a single row. i sorta like the double row03:33
coreymon77the suse disks that i used for my previous linux system worked03:33
DaSkreechRiddell: So I come on to say grats to the recipents of the Kubunt-member award and guess how many are on? :-D03:34
NotWiredi can sometimes get 2x2 MasterEvilAce-La but after that it goes single row03:34
neoncodeSo when is dapper being launched?03:35
Snake__neoncode: june first03:35
coreymon77cheeseburger: so i dont know what is going wrong here03:35
neoncodeSnake__: 1 Week?03:35
Snake__neoncode: I guess..03:35
neoncodeSnake__: I carn't wait... i'm still on breezy...03:36
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RiddellDaSkreech: pardon?03:36
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coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: so what could be the problem03:36
DaSkreechimbrandon kwwii toma?03:36
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: I dunno either. You said that you didn't burn the disc, what happens if you burn a new disk?03:37
DaSkreechThe last kubuntu meeting03:37
DaSkreechI missed it :-(03:37
Riddellthey're all european, they'll be sleeping soundly03:37
Riddellwhich I think I'll go and do a well03:37
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan i burnt the disk twice, from two different images from two different sources03:37
DaSkreechYeah I thought it was funny though03:37
coreymon77i burnt 2 disks03:37
=== DaSkreech thought you were from around there as well
coreymon77neither worked03:37
deciousI recently installed windows on /dev/hda while /dev/sda holds kubuntu installation. My bios does not allow me to boot straight to /dev/sda if /dev/hda is enabled, so I have GRUB installed on /dev/hda,03:37
Snake__Riddell: doesnt knoppix include lots of binary, closed source drivers as well??03:38
deciousproblem I have is I cannot boot my windows partition03:38
=== DaSkreech tries to figure out if there are Sun java debs for dapper
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neoncodeDaSkreech: Is java going to be in the repos this time?03:38
DaSkreechBut there were java debs by Seveas I think03:38
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan do you know what i could do03:38
NotWiredDaSkreech, i installed sun-java5-* in my dapper03:38
DaSkreechOK Cool03:38
deciousI have modified /boot/grub/menu.lst a variety of different way, no luck w/ any of them03:38
DaSkreechI'll just do that then03:38
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: I'm not sure what's wrong...I assume you checked the MD5 checksums for both ISOs?03:39
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DaSkreechTrolltech is selling out!03:39
NotWiredjdk, jre, bin, etc...03:39
DaSkreechLiterally :-)03:39
RiddellSnake__: I've no idea, not looked at in a couple of years and then my job was to remove everything from it03:39
coreymon77i got them from the official site03:39
DaSkreechtrolltech is going public :-)03:39
Snake__Riddell: heh I see... :-/ it just kinda makes me mad that a great project like koroaa live has to be shut down because of the GPL...03:39
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan what do you mean by that03:39
eimajenthatSnake__: what'd they do?03:40
neoncodeWhy carn't we put things like Java and Flash in the repos anyway?03:40
coreymon77and how would i do that03:40
DaSkreecheimajenthat: Ship XGL working03:40
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: Windows or Linux right now?03:40
RiddellSnake__: it's important to respect people's copyright in the Free Software world03:40
DaSkreechneoncode: Flash is in there kind of03:40
Snake__eimajenthat: Since the live disk had the binary ati and nvidia drivers, they got a email from a kernal dev saying it violated the GPL03:40
DaSkreechRiddell: Technically it's important in all worlds03:40
Snake__eimajenthat: aka legal action could follow if they dont shut it down03:41
neoncodeSnake__: Eh? how was it?03:41
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/File-Management/Ferruh-Mavituna.shtml (for Windows)03:41
Snake__neoncode: how was what?03:41
eimajenthatthat's whack03:41
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan windows03:41
Snake__neoncode: they are still offering live 2, but live 3 will never be released03:41
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan i mean, windoze03:41
DaSkreechWhich means that XGL in Edgy may get killed before it starts03:41
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: whatever...I still call it Windows :P03:41
neoncodeSnake__: How was includeing closed-source drivers a violation of the Gpl?03:42
Snake__neoncode: go to their site and read03:42
Snake__neoncode: http://kororaa.org/index.php03:42
DaSkreechneoncode: Apparently any driver for hardware is linking to the Linux kernel which is under GPL so it must be GPL itself03:42
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan now what03:42
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan i installed it03:42
DaSkreechAt least from what Riddell just said03:42
eimajenthathow does that even touch the GPL?  The GPL doesn't say you can't use closed sourse material, just that you can't use gpl material to make closed source material, right?03:42
Riddelleimajenthat: no03:43
Riddelleimajenthat: you can use GPL'd programmes to make proprietry software, e.g. using GCC to compile proprietry code03:43
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: Use it to check the md5 checksum against the one for the ISOs you downloaded (not sure which mirrors you used, so I can't be sure which checksum it is)03:43
Riddellbut you can't link to GPL code from proprietry code03:43
neoncode"free" software huh?03:43
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CheeseBurgerManIf that doesn't work, try burning at a slowers speed.03:44
coreymon77thats the mirror03:44
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coreymon77however, i did download it through botorrent03:44
DaSkreechand all drivers might possibly legally be considered linking03:44
jiihello is there somewhere daily builds of upcoming _kubuntu_ dapper?03:44
DaSkreechno one has ever tested it so no one knows03:44
neoncodeIsn't there a way to reverse-engniere(sp) decent drivers?03:44
coreymon77and btw03:44
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-187-219-210.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechand to make life safe they killed Koroaa03:45
Snake__jii: just get the latest flight, itll auto-update to the latest versions of everything03:45
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: how do i do this md5 sum checking thing03:45
DaSkreechwell the other issue is that at least nVidia drivers are not written for linux03:45
DaSkreechso it's not intended to link against GPL code in anyway03:45
Riddelljii: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/03:46
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Riddelljii: put results on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current03:46
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: I've never used that particular tool to use it...I'm not exactly sure. All the checksums are stored in ftp://ftp.cs.mun.ca/pub/mirror/ubuntu-releases/kubuntu/5.10/MD5SUMS03:46
ubotumd5 is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto03:46
CheeseBurgerManAha! :D03:46
DaSkreechubotu is smarter than you :)03:46
ubotuDaSkreech: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:46
nixternal1300 more files til a kde4 release...so at least that is what i got in akregator tonight03:46
DaSkreechnixternal: Which site?03:47
CheeseBurgerManDaSkreech: So? ;)03:47
nixternalplanet kde03:47
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jiiok thanks, i will give a try to Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) Flight 703:47
nixternalit came across akregator03:47
neoncodeIsn't it possible to some how use WINE(or a highly modifyed version of WINE) to use Windows Drivers with linux? Or something?03:47
ng_hi everyone. I want to ask where can I find a pppoe client?03:47
RadiantFireng_ rpppoe03:47
Riddellneoncode: ndiswrapper03:48
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: what is a windwos md5 thing for windows that you HAVE used03:48
DaSkreechnixternal: Groot?03:48
nixternalRiddell: i am unable to break dapper now...believe me i have been trying here testing it hardcore...so i am thinkin' it is edgy time ;)03:48
nixternalya DaSkreech03:48
nixternali don't care what system i put dapper on here it is working flawlessly03:48
=== DaSkreech can crash a few apps on kommand
Search4Lancer"xine was unable to initialize any audio-drivers"  ????03:48
Riddellnixternal: excellent03:48
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: I haven't use any. :P03:49
nixternali have been doing some brute testing and haven't come up with anything03:49
ng_RadiantFire: why is rpppoe not in default installation?03:49
RadiantFireno clue03:49
Search4Lancerlittle help here?03:49
nixternali mean i can delete a file to break it..but i am running it crazy....right now..i have 8 desktops with something going on and it is running clean03:49
robotgeekSearch4Lancer: lsof /dev/audio03:49
RadiantFirenixternal: what are you running?03:49
nixternalwhat ain't i running is the question03:49
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neoncodeHey why are the Open Source Versions of ATi/nVidia Drivers so 'crappy' anyway?03:50
DaSkreechbecuase no one knows the hardware03:50
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, eimajenthat03:50
DaSkreechThey have no specs about how the hardware works because they break so many patents03:50
RadiantFirenixternal: what was the 8 desktops running clean?03:50
Search4Lancerrobotgeek: now amaroK says "error: no engine loaded. cannot start playback"03:50
nixternalim folding on one desktop...irc on another...kmail on one...akregator on one....superkaramba and about 10 widgets on another..kismet ;) on one...ethereal on one03:50
DaSkreechSo no one can build good solid drivers03:50
DaSkreechOr even a good framework to build drivers03:51
nixternaland then one for browsing03:51
ubotueimajenthat: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:51
eimajenthat!Qt 3.203:51
RadiantFirenixternal: you have 2 many desktops03:51
ubotueimajenthat: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:51
nixternallol RadiantFire03:51
robotgeekSearch4Lancer: what does "lsof /dev/audio" in a terminal say03:51
robotgeekeimajenthat: what are you looking for?03:51
nixternali have been testing dapper...03:51
Search4Lancerrobotgeek: absolutely nothing03:51
nixternalso far the only system i have had with this much success...and it isn't even final yet03:51
RadiantFireI have been using dapper exclusively since beta 203:52
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RadiantFirethe only thing I had a problem with was a mirror sync so was unable to update one of the kernel03:52
RadiantFirebut that was fixed ages ago03:52
robotgeekSearch4Lancer: okay, good. close amarok and try again?03:52
nixternali jumped over the past month and a half..i was trying out mepis which just loves ndiswrapper for prismII card...at least dapper hooked me up with orinoco drivers...my kismet compile works out of the box pretty much03:52
neoncodeHow meany Kernel Devs are there anyway?03:52
Search4Lancerrobotgeek: still nothing. And for that matter, I have no /dev/audio folder....03:53
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, eimajenthat03:53
nixternalalright...enough about that...i can keep goin' on...it is help time03:53
robotgeekSearch4Lancer: weird03:53
Search4Lancersomebody remind me.... how is it again that you can get raw data from a device, such as a mouse, through the terminal? I knew, and then I forgot.03:54
Riddellnight all03:54
nixternalnite Riddell03:54
RadiantFireSearch4Lancer: use cat03:54
neoncodeOh If I get one of those AMD Atholon 64 X2 chips, will I be able to use Xen with Full Virtulisation? When Xen gets a little more mature I mean?03:54
nixternalwith ease more than likely03:55
eimajenthatwhat's this mean? ""03:55
eimajenthatchecking for KDE... configure: error:03:55
eimajenthatin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.03:55
eimajenthatSo, check this please and use another prefix!03:55
=== nixternal waits patiently for his x2 5000+
nixternalfreeby...but i gotta buy everything ;(03:55
neoncodenixternal: Are you talking to me?03:55
Riddelleimajenthat: install kdelibs-dev and use --prefix=/usr03:55
nixternallol...ya neoncode03:55
eimajenthatlike ./configure --prefix=/usr?03:56
robotgeekeimajenthat: yup03:56
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neoncodenixternal: Wait, does Xen work with hardware virtulisation on the atholon X2's?03:57
nixternalwhy wouldn't it?03:57
nixternali haven't seen anything saying that it won't...and most people have said they can't wait for the x2's for it03:57
neoncodenixternal: I thought the X2's were allready launched....03:57
nixternalthey launched yesterday03:58
neoncodeYesterday? Wow.... I thought that they had been out for months...03:58
neoncodewow, oh do they use the AM2 socket?03:59
nixternalnewegg has the most am2 socket boards available too right now03:59
nixternalwith asus leading the pack03:59
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nixternalsee...xen would be usefull to me...but all of my systems are right here locally04:00
nixternalalthough...i will more then likely utilize it for remote clients in the field04:00
neoncodesweet. My and a friend of mine are going to build like 800 computers at the end of the year and we have been drooling over the X2 chips for the past month or so...04:00
nixternalthere is a price list floating around...there are 3 versions...all based on power draw...low, medium, and high04:01
eimajenthataww, not another socket change04:01
eimajenthatwhat was wrong with the last one?  The Socket 939 or whatever04:02
nixternalam2 is ddr204:02
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nixternalthat is the main change truthfully04:02
neoncodeWait, hold on. were talking about this chip right: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athlon_64_X204:02
nixternall3 cache04:02
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: alright, i checked the md5 sum thing for the iso and it matches the one on the source site04:02
neoncodeIt says on there that it was launched in april...04:02
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: now what04:02
nixternallittle things...and the overall improvements are only like 1% increase over fx cpu04:02
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eimajenthatwhy can't they put ddr2 on a 939 board?04:03
nixternalno..they were released at midnight yesterday..the 23rd04:03
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: I'm really not sure...you could try burning it at a lower speed.04:03
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nixternali was over at etg #virtual-hideout when they did the release04:03
neoncodenixternal: How much are they?04:03
coreymon77what would that do04:03
=== xwolf- away: comer
nixternalthey range from $150 up to $1200 or something close to that04:03
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: what would burning it at a slower speed do to?04:04
neoncodenixternal: Sweet. I have a budget of arround 800-1000 GBP for my next comptuer... I want an X2 because I want to play with 64 bit linux and hardware vitulisation.04:04
nixternalim sure you can do it easily04:05
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: Less likely that the data gets corrupted during the burning.04:05
nixternalhell...i hvae been buying those stupid linspire machines for $130...they ain't much...but great for linux04:05
neoncodeWhen can we expect the first info on hardware virtulisation with the X2 chips then?04:05
godlkwrthneoncode: i think qemu with kqemu is more interesting than xen04:05
godlkwrthxen only supports 3 OS's04:05
nixternalim sure it is out somewhere already04:06
RadiantFirenixternal: buying them for what?04:06
nixternalxen supports more than 3 os's04:06
neoncodegodlkwrth: What is qemu?04:06
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: should i do it a 1X -150 kbps04:06
CheeseBurgerManSure. That's what I do. ;)04:06
nixternalfor test machines...and im working on creating a cluster04:06
godlkwrthFreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, plan9, 4 OS's04:07
nixternala kubuntu cluster04:07
coreymon77that was to me right04:07
nixternalsun solaris04:07
nixternalmac osx04:07
DaSkreechneoncode: You are both right04:07
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: and if that doesn work, well then you dont know what to do right?04:07
nixternaltheere is a video of a guy using xen somewhere...we watched it the other night...he was a sun box using it04:07
DaSkreechWith hardware virtualisation wouldn't it support Windows as well?04:07
neoncodeDaSkreech: That's what I thought...04:07
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: should i put on buffer protection and finalize the cd?04:08
godlkwrthqemu with kqemu gives you full virtualization04:08
DaSkreechJust not as Dom004:08
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: yeah.04:08
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coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: alright, i put on every corruption protection option my burning software has, lets try this again04:09
CheeseBurgerManlol, OK04:09
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: wish me luck :P04:09
nixternalA: Currently Xen supports Linux 2.4, 2.6 and NetBSD 2.0. XenSource demonstrated Windows XP running on Xen at the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) in August 2005, and will deliver a commercial support offering for this in early 2006.04:09
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: Good luck. ;)04:10
nixternalthat is from the xensource.com site....and the video floating around shows the dude with a solaris box runnin' a bunch of stuff04:10
RadiantFirei thought the guest operating system had to be modified to run under xen, how did they get ms to agree?04:10
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coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: this may take a while...04:10
staalehi everyone, I have a screenshot, and its my licence that shows ive payd for a dataparty aka lan im going to tomorrow, or today or whatever. My printer driver wont be installed, when i trie to install the printer drivers through kdeprint, I get the following message:04:10
staaleUnable to load the requested driver:04:10
staaleUnable to create the Foomatic driver [HP-PhotoSmart_7350,gutenprint-ijs.5.0] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.04:10
neoncodewill dapper support Xen/eqmu(or whatever) anyway?04:11
godlkwrthI think they use special hardware to achieve virtualization. i.e. chips that aren't yet available04:11
nixternalis there another selection for that driver???   like a hpijs driver04:11
nixternalor hplip driver?04:11
DaSkreechneoncode: yup04:11
godlkwrthto virtualize windows04:11
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neoncodeDaSkreech: By defualt?04:11
coreymon77staale: try taking the drivers directly off of your printers install disk that came with it04:11
nixternalit won't be installed in dapper04:11
DaSkreechneoncode: I don't think you quite get Edgy :-)04:11
nixternalbu as long as it is a 2.4 or 2.6 kernel you are good to go with xen04:11
ubotuEdgy Eft is the next codename for Ubuntu dapper+1. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html04:11
neoncodeDaSkreech: No I don't...04:11
DaSkreechIt's the crazy non supported version of Dapper04:12
DaSkreechDapper is polished and streamlined04:12
ubotuI heard eft is a newt in its terrestrial stage of development - the release after Dapper will be called Edgy Eft.  For information and pictures of efts/newts, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt04:12
DaSkreechEdgy is the exact opposite04:12
staalecoreymon77: i did install this printer on another pc, with kububuntu and kdeprint, it went out okey. Why not this time?04:12
DaSkreechSo anything goes as long as it doesn't go against Ubuntu's code04:12
neoncodeDaSkreech: I know, it's the beta version.04:12
staalewhat package do i have to remove / install ?04:12
godlkwrthqemu has 0 learning curve. xen on the other hand...04:12
staaleMay i reinstall kdeprint04:12
DaSkreechSo Everything is game to be in there by default and when it starts it probably all will be04:12
staaleand foomatic-db?04:13
=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #kubuntu
eimajenthatso it's sort of like Sid, but Ubuntu style?04:13
DaSkreechWith out the crashing04:13
=== DaSkreech ducks Sid-Lovers-Club's club
coreymon77staale: i dunno, once again, take the drivers directly from the disk04:14
staalei dont have the disk that followed04:14
DaSkreechneoncode: In Short We don't know but we sure are going to do our utmost best to make all questions you ask be yes :)04:14
coreymon77staale: download the driver from hps website04:14
nixternalselect the 7350 hpijs driver when you set it up04:14
Search4Lancerbummer.... cat doesn't work to see the raw data from my GPS unit....04:15
nixternalim installing it on my lappy now to see if i get an error or if it will go through04:15
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, eimajenthat04:15
neoncodeDaSkreech: Sweet.... I gotta get involved in edgy's development realy...04:15
staalenixternal: may the reason for the error accours be that i dont have the rigts?04:15
DaSkreechneoncode: Yeah!!04:15
=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0149-aem-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalcan you sude?04:16
=== jipumarino [n=juan@244-126-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu
DShepherdDaSkreech: had a premonition now? :-)04:16
staalei got it working thanks to nixternal04:16
nixternalyou have rights04:16
neoncodeDaSkreech: I have no dev experiance. How can I help?04:16
nixternalit works staale?04:16
staalehe said me to use the hpijs04:16
staalenot the regular04:16
nixternaldamn..i haven't even gotten the driver screen up yet04:16
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, CheeseBurgerMan04:16
staalethat worked :D04:16
nixternalya...gotta use hpijs or you get that goofy error04:16
staalethanks nixternal!04:17
nixternali have a similar printer04:17
nixternalnp staale04:17
DaSkreechneoncode: Document, test, confirm bugs, help out in forums/channels/wiki04:17
staalenixternal: you saved my night!04:17
DaSkreechbasically be more familiar with the system04:17
nixternallol....good to know man...now print out your lan party slip and have fun04:17
staalenixternal: i will. bye04:17
nixternalpwn someone for kubuntu04:17
DShepherdneoncode: you can check out #ubuntu-bugs and help out with some bugs there04:17
DaSkreechDShepherd: Umm no04:17
DShepherdDaSkreech: :-P04:18
DaSkreechDShepherd: That was .. not really a surprise but unexpected :-)04:18
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: alright, it burnt04:20
neoncodeRiddell: So, what do you have left to do in the 7 days before dapper's launch?04:20
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: he goes the moment of truth04:20
nixternalall hell just broke loose here in chicago04:20
nixternalmy lord the storm blew in quick04:20
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@unaffiliated/imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: wish me quadruple luck! ;):P04:20
nixternali looked outside to see the rain fallin' and lightning hit close...made me pee myself a lil bit04:20
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: Quintuple luck. :P04:21
DShepherdnixternal: hehehehe04:21
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nixternalim not laughin' at that one04:22
macdwell, you know if you have to put a blanket over your head and use the PC, just make sure you have ventilation.04:22
nixternalit's a comin'04:23
DaSkreechHow do I set up /weather in konversation?04:23
nixternalyou gotta have kweather running04:23
nixternalCurrent weather for Chicago / West Chicago, Dupage Airport : Few clouds at 6000 feet, Temperature: 70F, Pressure: 29.68" Hg, Wind: 16 MPH S04:23
=== tburdick [n=tburdick@24-148-43-87.grn-bsr1.chi-grn.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechWhere do I find that?04:24
=== tburdick is now known as TheMonoTone
DaSkreechkatapult didn't find it :-(04:24
CheeseBurgerMan'sudo apt-get install kweather' ;)04:24
CheeseBurgerManand then run 'kweather' :P04:24
MasterEvilAce-Lawhere to get kicker panel applets?04:24
=== DaSkreech just started a dist-upgrade :-(
=== dom [n=dom@] has joined #kubuntu
macddoes kweather run in the task tray area? I assume its no widget like a karamaba sort of thing04:25
nixternalwhat kind of applets?04:25
nixternalkde-look.org has a few04:25
=== eimajenthat [n=jamie@cpe-70-123-133-94.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalit runs in the kicker correct04:25
macdIm a mac person and widgets = pwnage :P04:25
=== Bilford [n=bilford@67-42-183-199.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
nixternalthat is why i like it...karamba takes up valuable desktop space04:25
macdthats what multiple desktops are for04:25
nixternali have 8 desktops04:26
nixternali dont' need another for karamba04:26
macdbut I think alot of people find themselves talking to a empty desktop04:26
nixternali hear you04:26
=== nixternal has done that
neoncodenixternal: I have 8 desktops too... I think I might change it to 10 actualy...04:27
nixternalim prolly gonna go up...cuz i am messing around with python a little bit...plus learnin' php a little more04:27
Search4Lancerack..... how do I change themes? been so long, don't remember04:28
nixternalkmenu > system settings > appearance04:28
Bilfordor  alt+F2  kcontrol04:29
DaSkreechnixternal: So heres my issue04:29
DaSkreechhow do you jump to Desktop 18?04:29
nixternalcan you even go that high?04:30
Bilfordmy  kmenu > system settings > appearance  has no Themes04:30
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, eimajenthat04:30
Bilfordno optin for Themes04:30
nixternalya...haha 20 of um04:30
nixternalyou need one hellified kicker to hold em all04:30
=== neoncode sets it to 20 desktops for the hell of it
EvilIdlerOr tiny icons04:30
DaSkreechI think you can go to like 3604:31
neoncodeOoooo.... multi-tasky04:31
EvilIdlerThey're virtual, so memory is the limit04:31
BilfordI only use 1 desktop.  what are other desktops used for?04:31
EvilIdlerless clutter04:31
nixternali wish each app wouldn't be displayed in the task panel...cuz i can select them on the desktop they are on04:31
EvilIdlerAll browsing on one screen, development on another, a screenful of spammy IM windows on a third, for example04:32
DaSkreechI have akregator in another desktop right now04:32
nixternali have 6 main desktops....email, rss, irc, konsole x2, office, internet...then i use 2 others for whatever im actively working on04:32
nixternalwould be nice if you could split desktops too04:32
EvilIdlerLike, draw a line in the middle and have them split to virtual desktops or other monitors?04:33
BilfordYou need one desktop just to manage all your other desktops04:33
neoncodeBilford: Lol04:33
nixternalya EvilIdler04:33
eimajenthatanyone know how to run KMDR scripts?04:33
eimajenthatKommander scripts?04:34
=== nixternal don't
EvilIdlerThat would be a cool addition to the virtual screen manager in KDE04:34
macdIve got one of those nvidia quadro cards on my workstation at the office, running 4 heads, 4 seperate X sesions04:34
neoncodeeimajenthat: I don't even know what a kommander script is...04:34
macdIts prety slick04:34
nixternalEvilIdler: i will back you up on that one...get it setup as a proposal on the launchpad04:34
macdnow getting glx working was another story..04:34
CheeseBurgerManeimajenthat: Hold on...lemme download one. ;)04:34
=== EvilIdler resists digging into X internals again
eimajenthatfrom what I gather, Kommander is related to QT Deisgner, tool for making small QT apps04:35
eimajenthatkmdr-executor <filename>, apparently04:36
CheeseBurgerManhehe...I just got kommander installed :P04:36
EvilIdlerI think I'll look into expanding the functionality of the background picture handler before I do anything *useful*04:37
=== coreymon77 [n=icechat5@CPE000f663685cd-CM0011e67c2935.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
Bilfordis there any way to make money working on Linux04:37
nixternaloh ya Bilford...it pays the bills for me ;)04:37
Bilfordhow, when everything is free04:37
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: BADDAM-CHING!!!!!!04:38
eimajenthatbe Redhat, they seem to make some good bank04:38
nixternalconsulting = $$$$$04:38
EvilIdlerThat's exactly why :)04:38
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: it worked!!!!!04:38
EvilIdlerYou bait them with decent, free software..then you help them use it.04:38
imbrandonno the software is free ( as in freedom not always beer )04:38
Bilfordyou ahve to go to their house?04:38
eimajenthatI'm getting free consulting here, though04:38
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: Yay! :D04:38
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: now to do it with my dapper release!04:38
imbrandonBilford: if home customers are your target yes04:39
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: one more question04:39
nixternali charge $175/hour to consult....you buy hardware through me...i charge you $85/hour...get it elsewhere $125/hr...mac i charge more and windows i charge more04:39
EvilIdlerBilford: Think bigger. Think of selling consulting & admin services on a webserver, fileserver etc.04:39
imbrandonmost consultantsa work for companies04:39
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: OK, what is it?04:39
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: how do i install my network card drivers04:39
BilfordOh well, I dont have the qualifications for that kind of work04:39
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: they arent on there natively04:39
CheeseBurgerMancoreymon77: Wireless, I assume.04:39
ubotusomebody said ndiswrapper was a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper04:39
nixternalwhat network card?04:40
coreymon77linksys wireless g pc wireless network card04:40
nixternalndiswrapper more hen likely04:41
nixternalatheros card...so it probably is04:41
nixternalunless you got lucky and got an orinoco version04:41
eimajenthatI have that04:41
EvilIdlerNow I can't get that Enya song out of my head :/04:41
eimajenthatlinks abg card04:41
neoncodeNeed.... sleep....04:42
eimajenthatworked out of the box with Dapper04:42
nixternalnite neoncode04:42
CheeseBurgerManneoncode: go...to...bed... ;)04:42
=== neoncode falls asleap on his keyboard....
eimajenthatatheros chipsets use the madwifi driver04:42
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan: model number wrt54g04:42
neoncodeIt's 3:42 AM... and I have school tomorrow... great...04:42
coreymon77CheeseBurgerMan:: and i dont need ndiswrapper for it04:42
nixternalthat is an atheros card depending on the version....atheros = ndiswrapper04:43
coreymon77i know that04:43
BilfordDid you set the keys04:43
coreymon77its a rawlink card04:43
nixternalwrt54g = router...not wireless card04:43
Bilfordthats the one I have04:44
Bilfordand I just configured my laptop to talk to it04:44
=== coreymon77_ [n=icechat5@CPE000f663685cd-CM0011e67c2935.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
CheeseBurgerManBilford: Good..help him. :P04:44
coreymon77_my card has a rawlink chip in it04:44
Bilfordbut I did so many different things trying to figure out how to set it up, I forgot exactly04:44
=== imbrandon_ [n=brandon@unaffiliated/imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77_rawlink does not need ndiswrapper04:45
nixternalwhat model# is the card?04:45
BilfordI get an unpleasant feeling when I help people , for some reason04:45
nixternalthat is a router04:45
coreymon77_atleast thats the model of the router04:45
nixternalthat isn't a card04:45
coreymon77_let me check04:45
EvilIdlerBilford: Maybe you're a bastard deep down, and helping people is not in your true character? :P04:46
Bilfordnot too deep04:46
nixternalthere are 3 main chips for wireless cards..they are atheros, prism, and orinoco...those are the 3 best...rawlink isn't a chip for wirelss cards that i know of04:46
nixternalbesides cisco's airnet stuf04:46
EvilIdlerRawlink or RAlink?04:47
nixternali forgot about broadcom too...i helped someone get one running yesterday04:47
nixternalralink maybe04:47
=== macd [n=bashscri@adsl-156-71-225.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
nixternallol....no RadiantFire...you got yours up on your own...there was someone else04:47
RadiantFirewell, you assisted04:47
nixternalhahaha..i ran you in circles :)04:48
RadiantFirelinux-headers-686 were my savior04:48
RadiantFireI didn't have to compile the kernel in the end04:48
nixternaltry this...do this...do that...no don't do that...hell you do soemthing04:48
RadiantFirenow if I could only get opengl working...04:48
RadiantFirewell, working all the way04:48
nixternali don't even know if it is working all the way for me04:48
RadiantFireall I know is my gl screensavers are borked04:48
nixternalactually i guess it is..cuz i have played tuxracer and what not04:49
nixternaland the one where he eats the fish04:49
RadiantFirei've never played those ones before04:49
nixternalhe lies on his belly and slides down a glacier04:49
RadiantFirelol, thats hot04:49
nixternali got bored and installed them04:49
nixternalyour sick04:49
RadiantFirei used to have fun with glhack04:49
RadiantFireit kept me entertained04:49
coreymon77_found it04:49
RadiantFirerandom button mashing :)04:50
nixternalyou just brought back memories with glhack04:50
coreymon77_my model number is wmp54g04:50
nixternali remember the first time tyring xwinders04:50
nixternalthere we go04:50
CheeseBurgerMannixternal: Awesome game. :)04:50
=== neoncode is going to bed...
nixternalradiant...help him...i believe the wmp54g = broadcom04:51
nixternaloff the top of my head with that though04:51
coreymon77_its rawlink04:51
macdhey since I know this has been covered 1000times and Ive tried everything I know, ATI IGP340M I cant get fglrx or the proprietary ati drivers to work, anyone else have the igp340M so I could take a ganer at thier xorg.conf ?04:51
coreymon77_my card is a rawlink card04:51
macdmainly I want DRI.04:51
RadiantFirecoreymon77, so its wmp54g04:52
nixternalthere is no such thing as rawlink04:52
RadiantFireand doesn't work with the prism54?04:52
RadiantFireralink chipsets work out of the box04:52
RadiantFireso if it was a ralink it would be workig04:52
nixternalit is a broadcom card if im now mistakin'04:52
RadiantFiremost of them are04:53
=== nixternal works wireless networks and ad-hocs all day long
RadiantFirebut linksys changed it up for v4 and made it ralink04:53
coreymon77_i used to have a broadcom chip for mine04:53
nixternalwell...you can find them with an atheros chipset in um04:53
coreymon77_but the antenna kept on breaking04:53
coreymon77_i happened twice04:53
RadiantFirenixternal: do you know if I can set a ndiswrapper card to work in master mode?04:53
nixternalralink is ndiswrapper isn't it?04:53
RadiantFireralink works natively04:53
DaSkreechimbrandon_: Grats!04:53
=== nixternal hates ndiswrapper and stays away from those cards
coreymon77_then they sent me the rawlink card04:53
RadiantFireI set it up for a friend, he had a minipci airlink04:53
RadiantFireit worked worse under ndiswrapper04:54
nixternali didn't think that was possible04:54
nixternalhawking 802.11g cards..they all have atheros chipsets04:54
=== Dr_Willis [n=willis@] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalor i buy my cards from seattle wireless04:54
RadiantFireit worked natively full capacity, it was sweet, I was hoping this laptop would be as easy to set up :(04:54
nixternalold dlinks are good..but can't secure worth a crap...04:54
macdatheros are nice, but theres some bugs in the drivers still04:56
RadiantFireso coreymon77, what does lspci say?04:56
macdI went back to using ndis04:56
RadiantFireabout your card04:56
RadiantFirei'm excited about the new driver stack they are folding in04:56
RadiantFirethat was donated by that company04:56
RadiantFirecoreymon77_ type lspci in a terminal, and see if it lists your wireless card04:57
coreymon77_i dont have linux installed yet04:57
coreymon77_im using windoze at the moment04:58
nixternalcoreymon77_: http://www.larsen-b.com/Article/28.html04:58
coreymon77_waiting for dapper to dwnload04:58
nixternalread that...it willg et your card up and running04:58
nixternalthey have it for debian cuz i see the instructions is using dpkg -i04:58
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@unaffiliated/imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77_for crying out loud04:58
coreymon77_it isnt a broadcom card04:59
nixternalYES IT IS04:59
nixternalgive me a rev# then04:59
coreymon77_i know my own damn card04:59
nixternallinksys own website says broadcom04:59
imbrandonbroadcom chipset04:59
RadiantFirecoreymon77_ it is either a prism54 (broadcom) or a ralink if it is from li nksys04:59
RadiantFirev4 is the ralink04:59
nixternalv4 is broadcom05:00
RadiantFireare you sure?05:00
nixternalreading it on linksys website now05:00
RadiantFirei thought v1 and v2 are prism05:00
coreymon77_v4 is rawlionk05:00
nixternalwmp54g = broadcom05:00
RadiantFireand v4 was broadcome05:00
nixternalevery single one of um05:00
coreymon77_v 1.2 is broadcom05:00
RadiantFirethe prism54.org website said differen't I though05:00
nixternalim wrong..v4 is ralink05:00
=== nixternal is sorry
=== nixternal scrolled down
nixternali was looking at pcmcia05:01
DaSkreechimbrandon: grats!05:01
imbrandonthx DaSkreech05:01
nixternalif your card isn't v4..then it is different05:01
nixternalwhat does it say?05:01
coreymon77_screw this05:01
SeantaterWe have automatix and easyUbuntu for multimedia, why not something automating stuff for wifi?05:01
nixternaldoes it see the card?05:01
coreymon77_im installing kubuntu v5 and then dapper thorugh that05:01
macdnetorks are hard to manage :P05:02
nixternalthey are easy05:02
Seantatereven /installing. drivers?05:02
RadiantFirewlmanager is the greatest invention ever byy the way05:02
coreymon77_nixternal: im not using linux at the moment05:02
macdif was un at the typo ;)05:02
coreymon77_its not installed yet05:02
imbrandonSeantater: yes05:02
RadiantFirendisgtk is a nice frontend05:02
SeantaterRadiantFire: I tired it, IMO, it sucks05:02
=== nixternal uses all terminal for config'n
RadiantFireSeantater: ? I really like it05:02
macdubuntu has a gui?05:02
nixternalya gnome05:02
RadiantFireyeah, ubuntu does05:02
RadiantFiremaybe I should make that my next programming project05:03
coreymon77_ill be back on kirc05:03
RadiantFireporting ndisgtk to kde :)05:03
macdI actualy witnessed someone download and install the ubuntu server iso, then apt-get install kde05:03
imbrandonknetwork manager makes ndiswarapper a sinch ( even installing drivers )05:03
Seantaterimbrandon: ooohhh -- I'll put it on my list of apps to try out -- :-)05:03
macdI wanted to laugh, but I did not.05:03
RadiantFireimbrandon: it does?05:03
nixternalno wonder wmp54g is the worst rated wireless card...it is built off the same config as the usb version05:04
Seantaterimbrandon: what about downloading them on an eth conn?05:04
RadiantFireI have a wusb54g, except for the random freezes when using the 686 kernel, it works good05:04
nixternalmy hawking works from live cd until install...no matter what version of kubuntu i install...and it is ralink05:04
nixternalthat card is rated one of the worst...the v4 series that is...05:04
nixternalyou can turn it into a usb version...only cuz it draws less power...so it is a 200ma card like the others05:05
RadiantFireimbrandon: I had heard horrible things about people b0rking their system with network-manager05:05
nixternalit isn't**05:05
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-014-156.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
RadiantFirethey fix it yet?05:05
nixternalsudo nano /etc/network/insterface05:05
nixternalthat is how you set up your network05:05
nixternalguarantee it is your fault if it don't work ;)05:06
imbrandonif they do just uninstall it in single user mode05:06
EvilIdlerThe nano method also increases chances of success ;)05:06
RadiantFiremmm,  I wonder what we will end up for network management once Solid comes out05:06
RadiantFirevim > nano, muahaha05:06
RadiantFirebut thats horribly offtopic05:06
nixternalim gettin' used to nano finally..for 15 years i used vi...so my jklm keys are erased..you can't tell the letters anymore05:06
nixternali and o are almost gone to05:07
EvilIdlerLeet geeks use a completely blank keyboard, anyway.05:07
=== nixternal uses old ibm clickey clacks still
nixternalhahaha...oops...slipped in an old os2 venture database there05:08
EvilIdlerThe IBMs are the sturdiest battleta..keyboards I know of05:08
nixternali love um..i wash mine once a month too in the dishwasher...great stuff05:08
nixternali used to have a how-to on washing your keyboard at www.virtual-hideout.net that i wrote like in 99 or 200005:08
RadiantFirethat doesn't kill it?05:08
EvilIdlerI dip the keys into diskwashing liquid and scrub the innards.05:08
nixternali through in like 5 ibm keyboards05:08
DaSkreechimbrandon: Koroaa got shut down :-(05:09
nixternalnot at all RadiantFire05:09
nixternalyou can't turn on high heat05:09
EvilIdlerRadiantFire: As long as you keep the temperatures reasonable and dry before use, you can put keyboards through anything :)05:09
imbrandonnah DaSkreech they choose to not continue it05:09
nixternali wash my keyboards and my ball caps together05:09
EvilIdlerLCD keyboards would be an exception05:09
RadiantFirethats fun05:09
DaSkreechThat's terrible :-(05:09
nixternallike this stupid gaming lcd keyboard someone gave me05:09
DShepherdimbrandon: why not?05:09
RadiantFirehow does that work exactly?05:10
Dr_WillisI got a Logitech G15 also. :P05:10
Dr_WillisIts a nice keyboard.05:10
EvilIdlerRadiantFire: When you change keymaps, the keys change :)05:10
imbrandonDShepherd: video card lic issues05:10
RadiantFirethats retarded!05:10
=== DaSkreech waves
=== Dasnipa` [n=Dasnipa@c-67-162-122-104.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
EvilIdlerRadiantFire: Why? If I switch to Icelandic, I want to see the special symbols05:10
DaSkreechThat would be be over here05:10
RadiantFireEvilIdler: so it mysteriously add keys05:11
DaSkreechimbrandon: And don't bug Dasnipa` either :)05:11
Dr_WillisHmm? an oled keyboard?05:11
EvilIdlerYes, OLED keys05:11
EvilIdlerThey're still partially in the fictional realm05:11
EvilIdlerI have yet to lay my hands on one, but I hope they will actually be produced soon :)05:11
imbrandonDaSkreech:  i was talking to the right person "22:09]  <DShepherd> imbrandon: why not?"05:11
RadiantFireEvilIdler: that makes me think of the consols frmo ST: the next gen05:12
DaSkreechAh Missed that totally :-)05:12
EvilIdlerRadiantFire: I bet the designers do, too :)05:12
Dr_WillisEvilIdler,  thats why i was wondering where he even got the thing.05:12
EvilIdlerRadiantFire: It has its uses in applications like flight simulators, too05:12
DaSkreechimbrandon: has  sabdfl reacted to that yet?05:12
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imbrandonto what ?05:12
imbrandonkororaa ?05:13
DaSkreechThe possible legal brouha of shipping a working XGL in Edgy05:13
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DaSkreechUnless it's not going to work05:13
imbrandonkororaa was putting nvidia and ati MINARY drivers in with it, nothing to do with xgl05:13
EvilIdlerI just want to go into stasis and wake up when it's sorted out. Then download the then-current edition.05:13
DaSkreechI know05:14
imbrandonwe dont put binary drivers in be default , so not the same issue05:14
DaSkreechbut then Edgy wanted to ship with AIGLX/XGL05:14
imbrandonxgl is totaly independant05:14
DaSkreechI get it :)05:14
EvilIdlerimbrandon: My brain auto-corrected that, but when you corrected yourself, I looked again. My idea of minary software is not pleasant :P05:14
DaSkreechI just didn't see the point of shipping it without that stuff on05:14
imbrandonxgl dosent REQUIRE nvidia etc05:14
Dr_Willisnow i wonder if the installer could get them legally.....05:15
DaSkreechimbrandon: But then it's not Kool :)05:15
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imbrandonDaSkreech: just takes one extra step ( apt-get install nvidia-glx ) heh05:15
imbrandonetc , no biggie05:15
Dasnipa`DaSkreech, ?05:15
DaSkreechDasnipa`: Sorry :-)05:16
imbrandonhe dident want me to typo his name and say yours ( auto tab )05:16
DaSkreechI guess that's an interesting side step05:17
DaSkreechAny thoughts so far on XGL vs AIGLX?05:18
imbrandonDr_Willis: it could if it grabbed them from the nvidia/ait website and showed you the lic , etc etc05:18
DaSkreechX 7.0 went stable I think?05:18
imbrandonx 7.1 is released ;)05:18
Dr_Willismodular :05:18
imbrandonyup modular05:18
macdhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/736417   am I correct in thinking the ati proprietary driver wil work with this?05:18
imbrandon( wont make dapper in time though ) will be for edgy05:19
Dr_Willisnow if they could get the xorg.conf file more modulare and a little cleaned up...05:19
imbrandonmacd: should ( although i am not an ati expert , mostly nv cards here at the house )05:19
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macdwell, you ready to see some errors ? :P05:20
imbrandonheh sure, dunno how much i can help but like i said i'll try ;)05:20
macdthats all I want another mind, maybee Im missing something silly05:20
imbrandonw00t looks like kubuntu.pastebin.com is sped up to normal speed finaly05:21
imbrandonhas been slow as ...... the last few days05:21
Snake__imbrandon: its because they started letting you store posts forever, it smashed their servers05:21
macdrestarting X to test...brb05:22
DaSkreechRight modular thats what I was going for05:22
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JohnCro13okay.  I'm BACK.  Last time tonite.05:23
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JohnCro13can anybody help me with my stupid TV tuner issue?05:24
nixternali have been reading up on this whole xgl/compiz thing...maybe i don't see it...but what is so great about it?  it reminds of cuber...the old apple 2e screensaver05:24
nixternalwhats up JohnCro13?05:25
JohnCro13nix, it's all about cooness.05:25
Snake__nixternal: get a koroaa live disk and play with it. its very pretty/fun :)05:25
nixternali guess so...it odn't look cool to me05:25
=== nixternal gets the koroaa
JohnCro13it's just as cool as Vista.05:25
JohnCro13and that's what matters.05:25
Snake__JohnCro13: its cooler than vista.05:25
EvilIdlerCooler, even05:25
nixternalwth...vista stinx05:26
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EvilIdlerVista is just Mac with a different binary format now :P05:26
Snake__Does anyone know if vistas got virtual desktops at all?05:26
RadiantFireit is?05:26
nixternalvista = polished poop05:26
imbrandonSnake__: yes05:26
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RadiantFirevista == 5 security dialogs to delete a desktop shortcut05:26
nixternali have been beta testing vista...it is horrible05:26
EvilIdlerRadiantFire: Look at the presentation floating around. It's Bill Gates presenting 'new' features, but a video of someone's Mac desktop :)05:26
nixternalit looks pretty...whoopy doo05:26
imbrandonyea nix i have it up in a vm right now ;)05:26
JohnCro13so my issue is I have a Kworld TV tuner card.  When I try to open TVtime or KdeTV, I get a black screen and that's it.05:26
imbrandonJohnCro13: what chipset ?05:27
nixternalgah...why couldn't you have had a hauppage or a radeon... ;)05:27
JohnCro13this was cheaper.05:27
imbrandonhauppage == linux friendly05:27
nixternalok..that is similar05:27
EvilIdlerI like my years old Hauppauge.05:27
nixternalaiw radeon = linux friendlier05:27
JohnCro13the ex ran off with my hauppage.05:27
EvilIdlerThey've even got some Linux help on their pages.05:27
imbrandonJohnCro13: cheap dosent always work correct ;)05:27
nixternali hate when that happens JohnCro1305:28
EvilIdlerAt least she had some sense :P05:28
JohnCro13it's a sad story.05:28
JohnCro13and now, here I am.05:28
JohnCro13stuck with a cheap kworld.05:28
EvilIdlerTVtuner-less and sad.05:28
macdyeah imbrandon no luck, whe  I use the aticonfig generated xorg.conf, when restarting X, the kubuntu usplash screen loads with no tet then hangs untill I kill kdm05:28
imbrandontrust me i know JohnCro13 i'm going through a divorce right now05:28
macdI think its time to check the Xorg.log05:28
DaSkreechnixternal: It's actually pretty neat05:29
=== nixternal already went through the divorce
=== nixternal is freeeeeee
JohnCro13good times.05:29
EvilIdlerJohnCro13: I'm not sure if it means anything at all, but you had both dri and xgl loaded, didn't you? That is a nono with NVidia, at least.05:29
nixternalya...really great ;(05:29
RadiantFirewhat ever happened to xorgcfg?05:29
RadiantFireits nowhere to be found05:29
JohnCro13I'm an Ati guy, Evil.05:29
EvilIdlerMy condolences >:)05:30
imbrandonRadiantFire: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ;)05:30
DaSkreechnixternal: Plus Compiz is pretty well done :)05:30
imbrandoni'm sorry JohnCro1305:30
RadiantFireimbrandon: yeah, but xorgcfg requires no user input05:30
nixternalis compiz a wm?05:30
JohnCro13hey, Imbrandon, will dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with for me too?05:30
nixternalthat i haven't read into much...05:30
RadiantFirenixternal: yes it is05:30
imbrandonRadiantFire: ok "dpkg-serconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"  no user input ;)05:30
nixternali just looked at the pics and that was enough for me not to like it05:31
JohnCro13compiz info is on the novell website.05:31
RadiantFirethere is a compi-gnome and a compiz-kde from what I've read05:31
nixternalok...im not switchin' from kde...so thats that ;D05:31
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nixternali definately ain't messin' with it if it is on the novell website05:31
imbrandonnixternal: its a composite manager that works WITH knome or kde05:31
imbrandonand its in the repos05:31
macdwell, in Xorg.0.log, I see where the ati gfx are detected and using the radeon driver, it even sais its loaded radeon DRI, then sais it cant find and framebuffer devices...any ideas? anyone05:31
nixternali still dont' like it ;)05:31
EvilIdlerKDE works perfectly here, apart from one thing: Konqueror keeps popping up when I insert media. I want it to stop.05:31
imbrandonturn off framebuffer ;) i dunno man *dislikes ati*05:32
EvilIdlerIt used to open Konq AND Kaffeine, but I stopped the latter05:32
RadiantFireEvilIdler: there is an option in kcontrol somewhere05:32
RadiantFireI wish the autopopup worked for dvd05:32
EvilIdlerThe framebuffer driver is loaded on the image disk thingamy05:33
imbrandonEvilIdler: its in kcontrol05:33
RadiantFirei put in a dvd and hit play with kaffiene, and it tries to play system;/media/hdc which is clearlynot a device05:33
EvilIdlerRadiantFire: Yeah, that's where I switched off Kaffeine autostarting, but I found nothing that helped against Konq05:33
RadiantFireor a mountpoint05:33
macdyeah I have a x1800 on my other laptop and it works great...out of the box dapper ..05:34
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JohnCro13so, anyway...05:34
nixternalJohnCro13: i see people using that card with mythTV and having no problems...i don't see them using it with anything else....05:34
JohnCro13v4l-conf command does the same thing.05:35
JohnCro13I scoured the ubuntu forums.05:35
XVampireXIs X.Org 7.1 in the repositories?05:35
eimajenthatdon't do it!!!05:36
eimajenthatupgrading Xorg seems to break stuff05:36
eimajenthatat least when I do it05:36
XVampireXDoes it work for others?05:37
eimajenthatI dunno05:37
eimajenthatIf you're confident in your abilities, go for it.05:37
nixternalhey JohnCro13...im gettin on with my lappy...i have a link for you that may help you out...give me one second05:37
XVampireXNot abilities, I'm not an advanced linux user... just wanna have the "Bleeding Edge" as they call it05:37
eimajenthatBut if you have any feelings of newbieism, you should avoid it05:38
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eimajenthatget Dapper, it's got Xorg 7.0, iirc05:38
RadiantFiretrust me, bleeding edge gets old af ter while05:38
RadiantFireespecially when shit starts breaking05:38
nixternal`2gotry that JohnCro1305:38
nixternal`2goi know it is mepis...but that guy seemed to fix everyones issue with your same exact 878 card05:39
XVampireXI'm on dapper05:39
nixternal`2goscroll down...eadwine put in his 2 cents and fixed everyones issues05:39
JohnCro13I am checking it out now.05:39
eimajenthatDapper's somewhat bleeding, as much as I'd recommend.  Upgrading Xorg is more like hemorrhaging edge05:40
eimajenthatIf you want you want to delve into that realm, I'd suggest having two boxes, or at least two installations05:41
nixternalJohnCro13: here is a quote "you need bttv with card=78 tuner=5 radio=1" to make it work05:41
eimajenthatone with dapper, and one to hoze05:41
nixternalim guessing he is referring to the bttv.conf file05:41
DenHi - Howto play audio cd in Kub?  yesterday I was told use "cdrom:/" in konq  - that didn't work. (K3b did offer to create mp3s.)  When I did "mount /cdrom" I got some error.   ---  I'd like to just be able to browse to the cdrom with konq, & click on tracks to play them.  What's the proper/easy way to accomplish that?05:42
eimajenthatalso, install nirc and lynx05:42
EvilIdlerThe voices in my head are arguing about upgrading to Dapper now :/05:42
Dr_WillisMay as well..05:43
nixternalDen: i just use kscd in the multimedia directory..it does everything for me..plus when i put in a music cd...kubuntu automatically mounts it for me...what version of kubuntu are you using?05:43
Dr_Willisservers will be over loaded next week05:43
eimajenthatnirc is a commandline IRC client and lynx is a commandline web browser.  If Xorg breaks, you'll still be able to access irc and the web to research fixing it.05:43
imbrandonDen : amarok ?05:44
Dennixternal: latest, I believe, plus latest kde pulled from somewhere as deb packages for ubuntu05:44
Dennixternal: er, or Breezy, + latest kde05:44
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Denimbrandon: thx :)05:45
nixternalya imbrandon...keep sellin' that amarok ;)05:45
nixternalis kopete the best all around chat client?05:46
imbrandonfor IM yea05:46
DenShouldn't konq be able to see & understand (what to do with) an audio cd??05:46
imbrandonkonversation for irc05:46
nixternalyes den is should05:46
imbrandonDen : kinda05:46
DenSo, what do I need to do so konq sees the cd?05:46
nixternalya imbrandon...i will give you konversation...thx for that recommendation05:46
nixternalalthough my kubuntu kbfx theme rox on the llappy05:46
nixternal`2goit is groovy05:47
imbrandonnixternal mines better lol, although i'm working non a new one05:47
imbrandonnixternal check -offtopic05:47
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SeantaterDen: konq has a protocol called audiocd://05:48
DenSeantater: How is it used/accessed?05:49
ubotueimajenthat: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:49
imbrandonDen amarok is the best audio player for kde05:49
SeantaterDen: It has several folders (which are a figment of the protocol's imigination), and you drag the files from the appropriate folder to whereever you want your music05:49
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SeantaterDen: The folders are arranged by encoding flac/mp3/ogg, etc05:50
eimajenthatwhat about juk, never tried it, but I've meant to for a while05:50
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SeantaterDen: Amarok uses the audiocd protocol, but it uses it in a way it was not intended to be used -- it;s made to endoe the music, not immediate playback05:50
Seantaterencode even05:51
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Seantater05:51
DenSeantater: I don't want (in this case) to drag the files anywhere, I just wnat to put the audio cd in the drive, open konq, & go to a folder that has the cd files list, & click on a file & have it play - what's the proper settings/whaterver to do that?05:51
imbrandonden then you want amarok , konq is a file browser not a player05:52
SeantaterDen: You probably want a cd player program that odes not unnecessairly encode the music -- try kscd05:52
Denimbrandon: but, I want' to browse the files05:52
imbrandonaudio cd's have tracks not files ;)05:52
imbrandonand you can list the tracks with amarok05:52
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imbrandonor use kscd05:53
Seantaterimbrandon: true, but amarok is not necessary to list the tracks05:53
Seantaterimbrandon: but probably more conveinent05:53
imbrandonSeantater: yea but he keeps saying konq and thats not going to wqork in HIS situation05:53
Seantaterimbrandon: I agree05:54
imbrandonnot for what he is wanting05:54
imbrandonden are you used to windows ? look at it like this , konq == windows explorer , amarok == windows media player05:55
Denimbrandon: but konq _should_ (i deem it so) show the tracks/files on the cd!05:55
imbrandonnot by design, konq way to handel audio cd's is to get them ready to encode05:56
imbrandonnot play05:56
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imbrandonin a perfect world it would do both gracefully but umm ......05:57
=== imbrandon go's to rip his KISS cd's to ogg
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Denimbrandon: Seantater everyone: thanks :)05:57
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RadiantFirei need to convert all my music to ogg...05:58
RadiantFirenow that I have rockbox working05:58
imbrandonRadiantFire: ogg2mp3 is nice ;) but again its lossy to lossy ( if at all possible better to re rip )05:58
imbrandonerrr mp32ogg05:58
imbrandonbanshee music player is nice too05:59
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coreymon77hi everyone06:06
coreymon77im back06:06
coreymon77and talking form kubuntu!06:06
coreymon77i got a problem06:06
coreymon77two problems06:07
Dr_Willisoh? oh? :P06:07
coreymon77how do I setup a konsole startup command?06:07
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Dr_Williskonsole runs a shell.. so it depends on what you are trying to do exactly06:08
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Dr_Williscommands in .bashrc or .bash_profile normally for 'shell' things. :P06:08
coreymon77i need to have a command for iwconfig to run at system startup06:08
dereksdoes kde have a builtin remote desktop server like gnome does?06:08
Dr_Willisthat has nothing to do with 'konsole' then.06:09
coreymon77its done in konsole06:09
Dr_Willisdereks,  not sure on that.. there is a built in vnc viewer.. but never tried it as a server06:09
derekshmm, i don't need a viewer06:09
Dr_Williscoreymon77,  its CAN be done in the shell.. the sysv init system runs a lot of scripts.06:09
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vinboyhi kubuntu dapper RC1 out yet?06:09
coreymon77how do i get this particular script to run everytime i boot06:10
Dr_Willisdereks,  i find it better to run vnc server in the backtground. But it depends on wha tyou are doing06:10
Dr_Williscoreymon77,  there may be a proper place for it in the networking configs/scripts.. or use /etc/rc.local06:10
coreymon77i kinda need step by step instructions on exactly what to do06:11
dereksDr_Willis: why06:11
coreymon77if you can give me them06:11
derekskde has *something* built in06:11
dereksjsut not sure how to use it06:11
coreymon77i dont know to much about scripts06:11
imbrandonvinboy: not for a few more hours06:11
DaSkreechHow do I figure out what is using a device?06:11
vinboyok thx imbrandon06:12
vinboyimbrandon: wat time does it normally get released?06:12
coreymon77i can run apt (which is my second problem) and run apps and type in this script to run it when i want it to and other stuff like that06:12
coreymon77but to get something to happen a system startup, i dont know how to do it06:12
imbrandonvinboy: 12 noon on the 25th06:12
vinboyoh ic06:13
vinboyso that is 8 more hours06:13
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Dr_Willisdereks,  faster for one thing.. and i can just  log out and keep the session running for weeks on end06:15
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dereksDr_Willis: how is that different than "desktop sharing" in system settings06:15
Dr_Willisdereks,  desktop shareing is how vnc workjs under windows.. you  desktop you are on - is also shared..06:16
Dr_Willisrunning vncserver lets you have several  desktops/xsessions that are not seen locally06:16
Dr_Willisvncserver is how vnc used to work. :P (old skool) only recently has the shared-current desktop feature been  added to gnome (not sure about kde)06:17
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Dr_Willisive been using vnc for ages. :P06:19
dereksDr_Willis: is there a reason the -fullscreen doesn't work?06:21
dereksi am using "Terminal Server Client" to connect my gnome box to my kde06:22
Dr_Willisno clue there.. i normally use.. 'krdc' whatever thats called. :P06:22
Dr_Williscould be the same program. just i call it from the shell.. and your icon has a long name06:22
dereksmy icon has a long name?06:23
Dr_Willisin the menus. kde likes to use 'descriptive names'06:23
dereksdo you knwo the correct syntax for cli?06:24
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dereksnm i am a moron06:24
Dr_Williskrdc --help06:25
Dr_Willisi set up icons that connect to my fileserver06:25
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Dr_Willisi also got my fileserver set where i vnc to port 5962 and it auto-spawns a vnc session to the kdm/gdm screen06:26
Dr_Willisvnc is fun to play with06:26
DaSkreechI think Amarok went nuts06:26
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DaSkreechDen: Found kscd?06:29
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dereksDr_Willis: heh, i am a moron, cuz i ahve a dual monitor setup, full screen spans both monitors :(06:29
Dr_Willisdereks,  heh - i pluged in my tv to the tv out. and lost "X" for 2 days.. because it was defaulting to showing on the tv out...06:30
Dr_Willisdereks,  i was real real irked.. the shell worked.. X seemed to work.. even played sound..06:30
Dr_Willisdereks,  then i turned on the tv..06:30
dereksgnome normall handles "maximizing" and stuff with twinview/xinerama really well06:30
DaSkreechIt's been scanning for a while now06:30
Dr_Willisdereks,  ive only used clone for the tv out and 'twinview' feature of nvidia06:30
dereksyeah, it took me 6 days do get my original dual monitor exactly how i wanted it like 5 years ago06:31
dereksits come a long way since then :)06:31
dereksif i am using twinview, that means i only have 1 "display" right?06:32
Dr_Willisone thing i aint been able to do.. is get the videos i play to show on the tv in FULL SCREEN mode.06:32
aseigodereks: correct06:32
Dr_Willislike they do under windows.  - whichis dang handy06:32
aseigodereks: by "reall well" you mean "correctly" or was that sarcasm (given the laughter the followed)06:32
aseigoDr_Willis: i believe kdetv supports fullscren mode06:33
dereksaseigo: no, i was being serious, by default it handles it exactly how i like it to/would expect it to. I haven't used my kubuntu box on a dual monitor, so i can't comment on how it handles it06:34
aseigodereks: ah, yeah, i was going to say they fixed that some time ago =) and kde handles it quite well06:34
dereksaseigo: :)06:34
aseigodereks: our splash screens even show up in the right places06:34
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Dr_Willisaseigo,  on the 2nd display only. :P -  i want video just on the tv. (full screen) leaving the other desktop untouched.06:35
dereksthis vnc thing is the first thing that *hasn't* worked how i need it to right away(and it might, i am investigating it now), and i assume that is the clients problem anyways (not kde/gnome's)06:35
dereksaseigo:yeah, the splash screen on gnome i *think* displays weirdly06:36
Dr_Willisvnc has a 1000 and 1 neat things and 1000 and 2 'gotyas' at time you need to look out for.06:36
dereksDr_Willis: so how do i do halffullscreen :)06:36
aseigoDr_Willis: yes, fullscreen in kde apps is xinerama aware06:36
Dr_Willisaseigo,  but im using nvidias twinview :P06:37
dereksaseigo: so kde would have fullscreen for xnvc working correctlY?06:37
DaSkreechaseigo: Whats the most promising thing in KDE4?06:37
Dr_Willisthe vnc clients are normally the ones that decide to be fullscreen or not.06:37
dereksDr_Willis: i think thats why my terminal services app is having problems06:37
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Dr_Willisdereks,  the 'windows' terminal services ap? or krdc ?06:38
aseigodereks: if you use the kde app for it, yes..06:38
Dr_Willis I cant recall ever using 'terminal services' :P lets see06:38
dereksDr_Willis: i am using it on my gnome box to connect to kde06:38
dereksaseigo: so i would *expect* the gnome one to work too... hmm06:38
DaSkreechHooray the Progress bar moved!! :)06:39
aseigoDr_Willis: yes, it works on twinview as well. twinview is just nvidia's impl of xinerama.. to x11 apps it looks identical06:39
Dr_Willisusing the gnome 'terminal services' eh...06:39
=== DaSkreech watches amarok to see if it will move again
dereksDr_Willis: my main machine is gnome06:39
aseigodereks: well, there's a difference between "maximized" and "full screen"06:39
aseigodereks: for the latter you need some support in the app itself. just like with splash screens06:39
Dr_Williskrdc - has a 'fullscreen' button. :P06:39
dereksaseigo: ohhh06:39
Dr_Willisof coruse ya could krdc under gnome if ya wanted.06:39
dereksDr_Willis: i keep my 2 seperate, no kdelibs on my gnome box, no gtk libs on my kde box06:40
dereksaseigo: thanks for the help06:40
Dr_Willisdereks,  phhht!06:40
=== Dr_Willis tends to install everything
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip24-250-215-175.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
dereksi did till i got my second box06:40
dereksi notice it performs a lot better and looks cleaner06:41
Dr_Willisnever noticed any differance at all.06:41
Dr_Willisas for looks.. :P bah!06:41
EvilIdlerSo no GIMP on the KDE box?06:41
Dr_Willisgimp is too handy.. and so is k3b...06:42
dereksDr_Willis: and i also think both environments do a great job integrating their apps into the environment, but not into others06:42
dereksEvilIdler: i have it on my gnome box, but i don't think i have ever used it06:42
Hobbseedereks: they've gotten better though, with the same dpi settings06:42
Dr_Willisi mix and match kde + gnome all the time.. and have very few problems.06:42
=== EvilIdler is a webmonkey, and needs image manipulation
=== Hobbsee uses kde + firefox + thunderbird
Dr_Willisused to be some big problems.. but i cant even think of any problems ive had  with the 2 lately06:42
dereksHobbsee: really? i am waiting for freedesktop.org to merge kde+gnome06:42
EvilIdlerAzureus is integrated nicely with the KDE desktop, really.06:43
Hobbseeyeah, kubuntu decided to use the same dpi settings as gnome, so that it was consistent across all teh wm's06:43
EvilIdlerI use that qt-engine theme06:43
dereksthe one app i wish i could have on my ubuntu box is kpim06:44
Dr_WillisHobbsee,  and drag&drop seems to work good now to.. in the 2.06:44
EvilIdlerI don't mind mixing apps that have different looks; it's not as if you can avoid it on other OSes, with all their mad skinning and indecently non-standard GUIs06:45
Dr_WillisEvilIdler,  youve noticed that nasty stuff happening on windows and osx also eh? :P06:45
Dr_Willisits sooo 'nice' when a windows app. decides it should look like a OS-X app.06:45
=== imbrandon stays with kde as much as possible, if something dont work like i like it i just change the source ;)
Dr_Willisnormal square windows seems to be 'forbidden' these days06:46
EvilIdlerDr_Willis: I use Windows for games, and no two programs share a common GUI standard, even if they don't actually have fancy skins06:46
EvilIdlerXFire: No option to turn skins entirely off. Norman: A sort of non-skinned GUI..yet there are odd buttons, and so on06:46
=== DaSkreech cheers imbrandon
Dr_Willisive given up on games  :)06:47
=== DaSkreech can't wait till edgy to start coding on some irks in Dapper
=== DaSkreech wesnoths
EvilIdlerI'll keep playing the ones I have till I'm entirely bored of them all if Vista becomes a requirement06:47
Dr_Willisthe $50 price tag on most of them now a days is a big turn off.06:48
Dr_Willisand the song and dance ya had to do for Halflife2 was just....  dumb. :P06:48
EvilIdlerThe $50 pricetag is actually excellent for me - different country and downloadable purchases :)06:48
Dr_Willisand the *#&@&@ cd in the drive requirements...06:48
Dr_WillisI do see more downloadable  things these days..06:48
EvilIdlerGah, HL2 was absolutely the most painful experience I've never bothered with06:48
Dr_Willisbut i often play a game for a while - then give it to my brother.. what if that game would ONLY work on my initial pc.. that would suck06:49
EvilIdler10-40 dollars for a game is nice for us; we pay the equivalent of 80 dollars for console games06:49
EvilIdler$60-70 for Windows games06:49
EvilIdlerI do have some Linux games, fortunately.06:49
EvilIdlerBesides the free ones, that is.06:49
MasterEvilAcesometimes when i install programs they don't put themselves into my KDE menu.. is that normal?06:51
dereksanyone have a problem with finding "libkdnssd.so.1"06:51
dereksi am trying to open krdc and it can't find it (on dapper)06:52
ubotugpg is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/874606:53
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@] has joined #kubuntu
dereksprob not for me06:53
EvilIdlerdereks: Is the krdc package installed?06:53
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dereksEvilIdler: yeah06:54
EvilIdlerdereks: There's also a krfb package that is related to it06:54
dereksEvilIdler: ?06:54
EvilIdlerdereks: Just in case it is needed, that is. Check the wiki for info.06:54
=== Bilford [n=bilford@67-42-183-199.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
dereksEvilIdler: i think it has to do with my kdnssd not krdc06:55
MetaMorfoziSbye all i go to school :\06:56
Dr_WillisMasterEvilAce,  yes.06:57
=== Dr_Willis [n=willis@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
derekshmm, the kdnssd package is installed, yet there is an error when something tries to use libkdnssd.so.107:00
derekswhere should that be located?07:00
EvilIdlerThe most common location would be /usr/lib07:00
EvilIdlerMine are there07:01
dereksdo you have that EXACT file name?07:02
EvilIdlerYes, /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so.1.0.0, with two links to /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so.1 and /usr/lib/libkdnssd.so07:02
derekshmmm, i am missing those!07:03
EvilIdlerRemove the package and get it again.07:03
EvilIdlerYour drive must be suffering bitrot :)07:03
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=== gabe is now known as cybersaga
dereksEvilIdler: i just did that, its not fixing it07:04
dereksapt-get remove kdnssd07:04
dereksapt-get install kdnssd07:04
EvilIdlerdereks: This was dapper, right?07:04
=== macd [n=bash@adsl-156-71-225.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
EvilIdlerCheck the contents of the downloaded deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/07:05
EvilIdlerdpkg -c07:05
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EvilIdlerIf it lists the libraries in the same location I have them, there's something else, very weird going on07:06
dereksEvilIdler: dpkg -c /var/cache/apt/archives/kdnssd_4%3a3.5.2-0ubuntu6_i386.deb07:06
dereksit doesn't list them07:07
EvilIdlerdereks: Ooookaaay..07:07
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dereksEvilIdler: do yours?07:07
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EvilIdlerdereks: Not sure if I have the package anymore07:08
EvilIdlerIt's not there, since I've cleared out mine. Besides, I'm on Breezy.07:08
EvilIdlerI don't get why the libraries aren't anywhere, though.07:09
dereksEvilIdler: ahh, so you are using different packages anyways07:09
EvilIdlerdereks: The structure of that system is pretty much the same, though.07:09
EvilIdlerAnd the libs should be *somewhere* in your libpath ;)07:09
dereksEvilIdler: maybe they changed?07:09
EvilIdlerChanged, and you caught them mid-change, perhaps.07:09
dereksi will ask in -devel cuz i did a locate, found nothing07:10
dereksEvilIdler: but shouldn't that fix on a dist-upgrade?07:11
DaSkreechis apt going to be updated in dapper?07:11
EvilIdlerdereks: Yes, but if you happened to catch your updates while packages were being mirrored, you've got a system in limbo07:11
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-187-219-210.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
dereksEvilIdler: eh?07:12
EvilIdlerdereks: Packages don't automagically appear all at once; they're uploaded in whatever order the devs do, so strange things can happen.07:12
EvilIdlerDapper IS still in development.07:12
derekslol, oh so you are saying it might be broken tonight07:13
derekscuz of the mirrors07:13
EvilIdlerCould be :)07:13
=== bimberi_ [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #kubuntu
EvilIdlerYour mirror might not be entirely done. I know mine is extremely slow.07:13
EvilIdlerIf I update at midnight, I am often not able to grab half the packages.07:13
EvilIdlerThe pacakge lists are sent first, then the packages.07:14
EvilIdlerBut that's just my mirror; yours might have it happen differently.07:14
dereksEvilIdler: Hobbsee has the same problem, so it is prob a bug07:14
EvilIdlerYeah, probably07:15
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=== mrfishhat [n=mrfishha@adsl-69-224-0-117.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
mrfishhathas anyone had any luck with xinerama?07:19
HobbseeEvilIdler: we were looking in teh wrong package - it's in kdelibs4c2a07:23
EvilIdlerAh. But where do the libs end up?07:24
=== thom_ [n=thom@ip70-187-209-40.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== EvilIdler doesn't like gigantic packages containing nearly every library
frank_EvilIdler: somewhere in /usr/lib07:26
=== mrfishhat [n=mrfishha@adsl-69-224-0-117.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
DaSkreechthe new apt has incremental updates :-(07:30
=== mrfishhat [n=mrfishha@adsl-69-224-0-117.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
mrfishhatIs there a GUI app for configuring twinview or xinerama?07:31
BlankBmrfishhat: Using dapper kubuntu it is in built into the system settings gui.07:33
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shankygood morning08:15
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_phoenixHi all !08:28
_phoenixI need a little help here08:28
_phoenixI made un update, install a new kernel08:28
_phoenixhow can I recompile the kernel or third party ?08:28
_phoenixbecause now in Grub show me 2 kernels and 2 kernel images08:29
_phoenixthe older and the new one08:29
_phoenixand after this update I can't see the others partitions (NTFS from Windows)08:30
_phoenixsomebody here ?08:30
_phoenixwhat should I do ?08:30
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BlankB_phoenix: when it installs a new kernel it leaves the last one in place...just use the old one08:32
_phoenixso then why updates exist ?08:32
_phoenixSo I must reboot in older kernel08:33
BlankBsee if it works.08:33
_phoenixok, but if I have to recompile the kernel, how shoul I do ?08:33
frank__phoenix: that's the whole concept of a unreleased version. dapper is not stable yet.08:34
_phoenixI see08:34
frank__phoenix: are you running dapper?08:35
_phoenixhmm not stable yet... I don't like this words :)08:35
_phoenixKubuntu 5.1008:35
frank__phoenix: oh....  no that's breezy. If the newer kernel is not working there is a problem08:35
_phoenixSo SuSE remains one of my favorites :) hmm... untill now Kubuntu it's ok08:36
_phoenixBreezy... somehow08:36
Hobbseefrank_: it will be in a few days...08:36
_phoenixyes it's Breezy, I don't know whay I make the confusion, sorry08:37
frank_Hobbsee: I haven't rebooted with the latest kernel update but I've seen people complain that USB drives don't automount for example with it08:37
_phoenixso, if it show me 2 kernels, the older and the new one, and to kernel images... ?08:38
=== shogouki [n=nicolas@ron34-1-82-225-191-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
_phoenixand now in my storage media I see only floppy08:38
Hobbseefrank_: i havent been able to reproduce that, but i've heard others talk about it08:38
_phoenixand it shoud be another 3 partitions, from Windows - NTFS08:39
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_phoenixwhat is the solution?08:39
frank__phoenix: if you see 2 different kernels in grub it means that both kernels are installed at the same time. I suggest you just use the one that works for the time being08:39
_phoenix but this is not a solution for long time08:40
_phoenixmy /ect/fstab is empty08:42
Hobbsee_phoenix: because you misspelled it?08:42
_phoenixbefore update the new kernel it looks diferent08:42
Hobbsee /etc/fstab08:42
_phoenixlol, sorry08:42
_phoenixyes my /etc/fstab08:43
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_phoenixno solutions... ok...08:46
evaderHi, I was trying to find the most current version of Kubuntu to download,08:47
evaderSome sites have it listed as 'Beta 2' , some say 'Flight 708:47
evaderWhat is the newest release please08:47
nixternalflight 7 is the latest08:47
Hobbseeflight 7, for the moment.  i dont think the RC has been released yet08:47
=== mrfishhat [n=mrfishha@adsl-69-224-0-117.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
evaderWell what was Beta 2, by the way?08:48
evaderFor examplke ^08:48
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inquisitor2hi everybody09:05
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Bilfordyou want the most current version?09:10
inquisitor2what irc client you guys use ?09:11
inquisitor2ah well :)09:12
=== tburdick_ is now known as BrigadierFrog
inquisitor2hmm, i want konversation in english09:12
=== imbrandon cries Hobbsee kmess is giving me FITS, but darnit i'm gonna get this thing to co-operate
imbrandoninquisitor2: install the english lang packs ?09:13
Hobbseeimbrandon: what's it doing?  still ftbfs'ing?09:13
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14d77.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
imbrandonHobbsee:  yea09:13
inquisitor2imbrandon: aight, will check it out, first time using this one :)09:13
=== Hobbsee grabs the source
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nrsnhi, new to kubuntu and linux, just wondering how much disk space it required?09:27
BlankBI'm not sure what is required but I usually give my root partition about 10G09:29
Hobbseewow, mine's closer to 509:29
nrsnim going to dual boot with xp, does it have to be a root?09:30
BlankBnrsn: by root I mean the partition that holds my root install... I usually give the rest of the drive to my /home dir09:30
ubotufor wintel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo :for the Mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:30
Hobbseenrsn: how big's your hard drive?09:31
Hobbseeand how much stuff do you have on your windows partition?09:31
=== pradeepto [n=pradeept@dialpool-210-214-14-202.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu
nrsnabout 18g but my defrag, i need to create a partition, still has things scattered up to 50% of my disk09:32
Hobbseei'd create about 10 gig as /, 30 or so as /home, and leave the other 40 as windows09:33
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nickoI'm looking for a mud client - any ideas?09:35
nrsnsorry Hobbsee i dont know what "as /" means09:35
Hobbseenrsn: / = the root partition09:35
Hobbseeotherwise, just get it to resize, and use the free space on your disk - there's a setting for that09:35
BrigadierFroghow do I get libxine-extracodecs in dapper?09:36
BrigadierFrogits not in the usual repos I take it09:37
nickoyou need to add the multiverse repository09:37
nrsnant tips on how to partition, i was thinking of using my xp install disk to get to the format/partition point, partioning and then backing off09:37
BrigadierFrogI thought I did that already...09:37
BrigadierFroglemme check09:37
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nickoBrigadierFrog: you might have enabled universe09:37
nickoBrigadierFrog: on the same line you should add multiverse after the universe keyword09:38
BrigadierFrogthanks nicko09:39
nickono problems, BrigadierFrog09:39
nrsnok well thanks you guys for the info, gonna get going to do the install deed09:41
=== OdyX is now known as OdyXydO
BrigadierFrogwhen I full screen the video's there's these jaggies that show up every so often09:44
BrigadierFrogas if the screen doesn't refresh fast enough09:44
BrigadierFrogis opengl the best way to have xine output video?09:44
BrigadierFrogeh oh well09:46
cfraz89BrigadierFrog: i think you need sync to vblank09:48
cfraz89and usually xv is best video output09:48
=== aseigo chalks up another kubuntu convert: http://theconstant.blogspot.com/2006/05/trials-and-tribulations-of-techie.html
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cfraz89you know, the computer teacher at my school wont let me use my laptop on the school network, because it runs linux09:54
cfraz89why is that?09:54
Hobbseecfraz89: that's crazy09:54
Hobbseelikely because they dont want to provide support, or have some windows based software that they want to run on teh network09:55
aseigocfraz89: what sort of school? secondary? uni?09:55
cfraz89high school09:55
=== aseigo has seen this at high schools before
aseigoyep =)09:55
cfraz89last time i did it apparently he got really angry09:55
cfraz89but i wasnt there to see it09:55
cfraz89so instead of just using my laptop, we have to install java, eclipse and python on the school computers09:56
aseigoit's usually either a fear borne of ignorance or fear that they can't control someone running linux as well (the assumption being that a) you can do more with such an OS and b) the operator is probably smarter than the average bear)09:56
=== Hobbsee uses her linux laptop at uni, without a problem
cfraz89cant wait for uni09:57
Hobbseethey wont support it - but they dont care what OS we use...09:57
aseigoHobbsee: universities tend to be a bit more clueful09:57
aseigoHobbsee: high school computer teachers tend to be math or science teacher who get pushed into the job and really don't know all -that- much about computers and are overworked ...09:57
aseigoHobbsee: they don't need more brokenness on their systems (high school networks are usually a mess what with bored student messing with them and understaffed/trained IT barely keeping up)09:58
cfraz89he prefers windows 2000 over xp09:58
Hobbseemy computer teacher ran a mac :P09:58
aseigowhich leads to the really annoying problem of it being hard to introduce linux into many high schools where it could reach more young people09:59
cfraz89all my friends are impressed by xgl09:59
cfraz89i havent told him that last time i hooked up, i could go straight into the principals shared folder though09:59
cfraz89they thought someone hacked the wireless network09:59
cfraz89but theyve redone the network setup since then10:01
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Spaceraverwhere do i find the md5sum of the ubuntu dapper drake cd??10:09
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Spaceraverthx... been googling for it  an hour10:11
Bilfordthe last official Flight 7 was at :  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-7/MD5SUMS10:12
=== OdyXydO is now known as OdyX
BilfordI'd get the Daily build though10:12
Bilfordthe old one has problems with partitioning10:12
Spaceraverdapper alternate??10:16
Spaceraverhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ from here right...10:17
Bilford 10:17
Bilfordlet me look10:17
Spaceraverim actually at my third download of ubuntu... last two discs i made didn't work... :/10:18
BilfordId go wtih my link10:18
Bilfordyours says alternate.  Im sure it's ok, but I dont know what they mean by alternat10:19
Bilfordwhy didnt they work10:19
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Spaceraverwell... the dvd i dl'ed killed itself somehow... after i chose install and 10 minutes of: Uncompressing Linux. Booting Kernel. it went ALERT! dev/ram does not exist. dropping to shell..10:21
Spaceraverand i wound up in busybox10:21
Bilfordno reason to get the DVD10:22
Bilfordget the CD10:22
Spaceraverso i will download the cd image and find a md5sum checker...10:22
Bilforddo you verify your burns10:22
Spaceravernormally not... brand new burner10:22
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Spaceraverand the SuSE DVD i made a week ago works fine.. didn't check or verify that one either...10:24
Bilfordyou can always wait a week10:25
Bilfordfor the official release10:25
Spaceravernah.. i need to play around a bit... and it would be okay to run it right.. as it's only a week to release10:28
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LynoureI'm looking at the latest set of updates for dapper... any idea what's pulling app-install-gnome to kubuntu, or is it needed directly?11:22
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klerfaytis nvidia-glx package going to be updated in dapper multiverse?11:32
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_nano_hi, could any one tell me which process mounts my usb drive?12:04
_nano_i don't see any entries in the fstab file..but it still gets mounted..how? :-s12:04
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DenHi - How do I turn off the "Unhandled event:41" message box that pops up blocking about half the screen whenever I quickly press & release the "Fn" key?  --  A week ago I set some control to disable error message sounds.  Changing that or some other setting at that time caused the pop up messages, instead of sounds.  Now I find the pop up boxes annoying, but cant find where to turn them off.  I've looked in "system settings > sound & multimed12:09
Dentings > sound & multimedia > system bell",   "system settings > hardware > keyboard"   --- Any ideas where to turn off this setting?12:09
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ubotuvikke: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:35
vikkecan anyone help me to share files over the network in kubuntu dapper?12:36
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_rince_vikke: have you tried ktorrent?12:37
_rince_it should be in the default install12:38
Bilfordsudo apt-get install samba12:38
_rince_ah, that kind of filesharing :)12:38
vikkeyes :)12:38
vikkecan i share to windowsplatforms with samba?12:39
vikkegreat ill try it :)12:40
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leafwanyone running into Gdk problems?12:42
leafwInkscape shows the iwnodwi n black12:42
leafwand Gdk reports warnings about the pixmap being empty12:43
leafwsorry, the window in black, and the menus as well12:43
leafwsomething is really wrong with the Gdk for kubuntu-ppc at least.12:43
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ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:01
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Snake[Sleep] mornin Hobbsee01:02
Hobbseehi Snake[Sleep] 01:02
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MasterEvilAceI need a reason to use my laptop more. "Sell" me to some linux apps to enhance my lovelife with kubuntu01:10
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EvilIdlerOK, Dapper was disatrous again :(01:13
EvilIdlerDisastrous, even01:13
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MasterEvilAceEvilIdler: :(01:15
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EvilIdlerThe kernel wouldn't boot. Broken udev and/or kernel and/or update-initramfs. Bug reported to death by many people already.01:16
EvilIdlerNo kernel = mismatching NVidia drivers01:16
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Dasnipa`all your kernal are belong to me01:17
Bilforddo you work on it01:17
imbrandon_zZzMasterEvilAce: banshee , ummm yea01:17
EvilIdlerDowngrade lost my sound again :(01:19
MasterEvilAcestupid worthless websites out there. Googled Banshee and got a review site. The site reviews Banshee but doesn't even link to the website01:20
MasterEvilAceisn't there some way to setup a sourceforge thing in adept? so i can have adept control the install01:23
MasterEvilAcelike set it up as a repo01:23
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radoneI have just installed kubuntu 5.10 - Please, how can I change display resolution to 1600x1200 ?01:29
MasterEvilAceKDE panel-> system settings -> display01:31
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radoneMasterEvilAce: the problem is, that there is not option for 1600x1200 :(01:34
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radoneMasterEvilAce: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf I have defined modes:  "1600x1200" "1400x1050" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:35
vinboyu have to set it in xorg.conf01:35
MasterEvilAceyour screen does support it though?01:36
klerfayteasiest way is  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:36
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MasterEvilAceyeah, go for what kler said01:37
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vinboyalmost 1201:40
vinboyhope the RC comes out01:40
MasterEvilAceSourceforge as repository???01:40
klerfaytI was thinking here - isn't it bad for my stabilty if kubuntu creates 3 entrys for some weird "wacom" deivece even though I don't have it?01:40
MasterEvilAceklerfayt: Stability? not sure. Wacom tablet is used for drawing01:41
MasterEvilAceYou can remove the references and you should be fine01:41
klerfaytMasterEvilAce: I have done it but theretically thinking shouldn't it affect my system some negative way if xorg.log screams that "device not found" ?01:42
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MasterEvilAceklerfayt: nah, i doubt it. or else they wouldn't have shipped it in there. I think it's more for compatibility for hardware, i don't consider that a bad thing, really01:43
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MasterEvilAceklerfayt: I also consider "device not found" more of a debugging type thing, rather than some sort of critical error01:44
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klerfaytis wacom so popular? :)01:45
MasterEvilAcefor artists, yeah01:45
MasterEvilAcemy friend has one for drawing on the computer01:46
MasterEvilAceit's actually pretty slick01:46
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klerfaytany thoughts about why msstcorefonts look dirty (other fonts look good) http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/3561/snapshot15iu.png01:47
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klerfaytcould it be that bytecode_interpreter is turned on by default in ubuntu?01:49
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menno_is the place to put in environmental variables: ~/.basrc?01:52
chavomenno_, that'll work for just you01:53
menno_chavo: thats ok01:53
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menno_chavo: and 'export SSDIR=/media/sda9/csound_data/Samples' will got01:56
menno_o that path every time i demand SSDIR?01:57
menno_(just to be sure...)01:57
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menno_chavo: is there a nice way to check if when i provoke SSDIR it is showing the location?02:09
chavoecho $SSDIR02:10
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menno_chavo: ok it's astring02:10
wangweilinhi everybody is possible that now with dapper xwine is not included in the packagemanagmend anymore ?02:11
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Dr_Willisyou mean 'wine' ?02:16
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ghbI'm trying to get wpa_supplicant to work, but it won't find the AP. Could anyone please help me?02:17
brendahy brandon_02:17
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BilfordIn amaroK, can you change the mouse roller value, so it raises the volume by less than 4% per click02:23
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klerfaytBilford: menu>system settings>mouse>advanced02:24
wangweilinghb i might be able to whats your problem02:24
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ghbI've configured the conf file (the way I think it's suppose to be), but when I run wpa_supplicant it just says "Failed to set encryption" and Operation not supported02:25
Bilfordklerfayt, there's no setting for amaroK there02:25
wangweilinok whats the command u use to start the wpa_supplicant02:25
ghbwangweilin: wpa_supplicant -i eth1 -D ipw -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -w02:26
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klerfaytBilford: look at mouse scrolling value02:26
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wangweilinok change the "-D ipw" to "-D wext" this might be teh problem02:26
Bilfordklerfayt, thats lines.  I have it set to 12 lines.  I want to change only amaroK volume control02:26
MasterEvilAcewhat do the kde applets dock app bar, and kasbar do?02:27
klerfaytBilford: are you sure that can be changed?02:27
klerfaytBilford: never heard of it02:27
Bilfordklerfayt, no, that's what I want to know02:27
BilfordIn XMMS, you can change it02:27
ghbwangweilin: Hey, now I don't get any errors. Although it says there's no network configuration for the current AP. But still something... =)02:27
BilfordI'll check the config file02:27
wangweilinok then you need to setup a config file ... lets start a privat chat and I will explain it to you02:28
ghbIs there any way of knowing what network you're currently connected to?02:28
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wangweilinshure iwconfig02:29
wangweilinsure "iwconfig" i mean02:29
wangweilinsry i am not registered and cannot send privat msg ... sry02:31
wangweilinghb plz join the channel "#ghb" because i cannot post privat msg02:32
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MasterEvilAcedoes KDE4 have a date they're shooting for?02:33
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dracflamlocwhats the best way to reduce the bootup time of linux?02:41
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MasterEvilAcedracflamloc: disable stuff that you don't need from running on startup02:41
MasterEvilAcedracflamloc: I did it.. there's a big change for shutdown time, small change for start-up. there are more drastic changes you can make, but they're not recommended02:42
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MasterEvilAcedracflamloc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491&highlight=optimize02:42
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blackflaghello all03:02
blackflagIs it possible to compress a directory with tar?03:02
EvilIdlerOf course03:03
blackflagI can not find a way03:04
EvilIdlerJust like you'd archive files03:04
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EvilIdler'tar cvf archive.tar directory' to just store without compression03:04
EvilIdlerThat shows you what it's doing (v flag) while creating (c flag)03:04
EvilIdlerAdd a z or j to the flags for gzip or bzip2 compression03:05
EvilIdlerYou can also use Ark to do it graphically.03:05
blackflagahh, okay03:06
blackflaghow is it with permission in tar s?03:06
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blackflagwhen I uncompress then I have rights from original?03:06
blackflaguser rights permissions?03:07
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EvilIdlerp flag to preserve permissions for non-root03:07
EvilIdlerIf you sudo tar, it automagically keeps them03:07
joshuafrhello all03:07
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EvilIdlerSo, 'tar jcvPf' would handle it at fairly high compression03:08
MasterEvilAcewhat in the world.. isn't samba config supposed to be /etc/samba/smb.conf ?03:08
MasterEvilAceIt seems to be gone now.. what the hell03:08
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: That has happened to me on numerous upgrades, too03:08
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: smb.conf is something I keep multiple backups of03:09
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MasterEvilAcedamn! well how do i get it back.. or atleast a default copy?03:09
blackflagwhen I uncompress then I have also sue the -p flag?03:09
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EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: I'd recommend installing swat, and reading the docs about it. smb is a pain in the anatomy without it :)03:10
MasterEvilAceEvilIdler: thanks03:10
joshuafrI have a problem with xvid files, I can't watch them, and running xine give me the line : "video_decoder: no plugin available to handle 'XviD'", but I have installed avifile-xvid-plugin03:10
EvilIdlerblackflag: Untar preserves flags by default, I think03:10
joshuafra idea?03:10
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: You need restricted formats03:11
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joshuafrEvilIdler: The joke is that 2 weeks ago all works right!03:11
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: Have you upgraded since?03:12
EvilIdlerNot a single package?03:12
joshuafrEvilIdler: many package, not a dist-upgrade03:12
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EvilIdlerjoshuafr: Well, that's upgrading, too03:12
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EvilIdlerCheck if you can install libxvidcore403:13
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EvilIdlerYou'll find various such formats and w32codecs in the repository "deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf breezy free non-free"03:14
tuxedupubuntu 6.06 will have xgl available, suse have xgl on kde as well as gnome, will kubuntu provide support for xgl on kde?03:14
joshuafrEvilIdler: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libxvidcore4, but nothing change03:14
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EvilIdlerjoshuafr: What is it that won't play?03:14
joshuafrEvilIdler: all my xvid files03:15
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: Did you make them yourself?03:15
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joshuafrEvilIdler: no, I have downloaded them, like the demo of xgl03:15
Infectocan some one tell me how to export mail settings from kmail03:15
Infectothat when i rm -rf .kde03:16
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: Use the 'file' command on them and see what codec it really asks for03:16
Infectoi will steal be able to restore my acount settings03:16
joshuafrfile xgl-bastion-et-water-xvid.avi03:16
joshuafrxgl-bastion-et-water-xvid.avi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 800 x 600, 25.00 fps, video: XviD03:17
tuxedupthe w32 codecs dont seme to support avi files, try mplayer of vlc03:18
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: Which player are you using?03:18
joshuafrEvilIdler: kaffeine03:18
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: Dunno what codecs that uses - I use Xine03:19
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tuxedupxine wouldnt play avi files for me even when i had the w32 codecs, it complains it cant find the codec support, so try vlc or mplayer, i wa dunable to find a way to make xine/kaffeign play avi files03:20
joshuafrEvilIdler: xine says no plugin availabled to handle 'XviD'03:20
EvilIdlerThat's really odd.03:20
EvilIdlerI'm in Breezy, and it just works.03:20
EvilIdlerDVDs, too03:20
joshuafrEvilIdler: ok, mplayer plays it03:22
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: Then it's an issue with Xine and Kaffeine, possibly the same library03:22
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: Dapper or Breezy?03:22
joshuafrEvilIdler: Breezy03:22
dracflamloci have a synaptics touchpad, is ther a way to change th tap sensitivity and such?03:23
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: I haven't installed anything beyond w32codecs and libxvidcore4, and I just did a reinstall an hour ago03:23
joshuafrEvilIdler: thanks for your help03:23
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: If you can call it help ;)03:24
MasterEvilAcedracflamloc: yup let me see what i have installed on mine real quick03:24
joshuafr:-) my daughter will be happy to see her movies03:24
EvilIdlerGood :)03:24
EvilIdlerjoshuafr: You should try VLC, too. It's probably got a better interface than MPlayer03:24
joshuafrEvilIdler: I'm going to try03:25
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joshuafrEvilIdler: bye and thanks again03:28
KDEfanboyspeaking of vlc... anyone happen to know why 0.8.5 isn't in the universe repository hmm or maybe i don't have my universe repo set up right..03:28
EvilIdlerNo prob03:28
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EvilIdlerKDEfanboy: No idea why, and it's 0.8.4 in Breezy right now03:30
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dracflamlocMasterEvilAce, any luck>03:36
MasterEvilAcedracflamloc: adept decided to start updating a bunch of stuff.. it's almost done then i can check03:36
dracflamloclol ok03:36
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MasterEvilAceoh no deja vu03:38
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Dr_Willisits deja vu all over again!03:39
MasterEvilAcedracflamloc: Okay, I have ksynaptics and xserver-xorg-input-synaptics  installed. ksynaptics is the GUI part03:39
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MasterEvilAceor something like that03:40
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r0xzanyone knows what a movie with a *.ts extension is?03:41
GazzaKhow stable is the live cd?  ie if I boot from it, can I stay logged in and running erm, like for a few days?03:41
dracflamlocalright thanks MasterEvilAce03:42
r0xzmy sister is hammering me to get an awnser ;(03:42
MasterEvilAceGazzaK: on my computer, the live cd was slowwwwww to do anything03:42
MasterEvilAcei'd imagine the live CD is just as stable as an install03:43
GazzaKit is slow, but i've got to use it this way, as the work laptop is being given to another user, so I had to reinstall windows03:43
GazzaKhow do I disable all power management and screensaver options?03:43
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MasterEvilAceif it's the same as an install go to system settings, desktop, screensaver    for power management there's a laptops & power in my system settings03:45
MasterEvilAceI have a WINE install that froze up.. how do i terminate it03:46
chavoMasterEvilAce, killall wine03:47
GazzaKthanks MasterEvilAce :)03:47
MasterEvilAcechavo: no process killed03:48
chavoMasterEvilAce, try killall wine<TAB> it's wineserver or something like that03:48
MasterEvilAcechavo: thanks, that worked03:49
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ghbAdept crashed and now I can't get out of read-only mode. Doesn't matter if I reboot the computer. =(03:57
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eddy_ohey guys03:58
eddy_oim having trouble installing kubuntu...03:58
dracflamlocthe problem would be...03:59
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eddy_oit says installation step failed when it tries to install the base system thing04:00
eddy_ou know, after the partition bit04:00
dracflamlocinstalling dapper?04:00
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dracflamlocwhich version of kubuntu04:01
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drgonzohey fellas04:02
MasterEvilAcedid the burn go ok? i thinkthe live cd has a check media option when you put it in04:02
drgonzohow come there is no video preview support in kubuntu kde ?04:02
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eddy_oi checked integrity of the cd04:02
drgonzofor konqueor that is04:02
eddy_oif thats what u mean04:03
MasterEvilAceya, and it was ok?04:03
eddy_oim not doing the live one, the install one04:03
eddy_owell apparently one file was corrupted..04:03
dracflamlocis there a kde equivalent of gksudo?04:03
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dracflamloceddy_o, well that file is probably where it crashes04:03
eddy_oit crashes straight off though04:04
eddy_owithout even starting04:04
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drgonzoor am I missing something?04:05
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drgonzoBecause I can't see any video previews in view -> previews04:05
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eddy_okubuntu installs onto ntfs right?04:06
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MasterEvilAcelinux can't write to ntfs04:06
eddy_ooh shit04:07
eddy_othgats my prblem then04:07
eddy_owhat system do i wana use?04:07
HymnToLifeext is the defaul Linux filesystem04:07
eddy_othat the best?04:07
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HymnToLifeIt's good enough for pretty much everyone04:08
SkrotUnless you've got some unusual requirements for your filesystem, go with ext304:08
EvilIdlerJFS and XFS are other good choices.04:08
eddy_osuch as what requirements?04:08
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ghbeddy_o: For one, being able to kill an invisible process that's blocking the package database...04:09
eddy_oalso.. i have a partition with loads of media i wana keep... thats in ntfs04:09
eddy_oso i should go with ext3?04:09
drgonzoam I missing a package?04:09
h3sp4wnIts better after unclean shutdown ext304:09
EvilIdlereddy_o: Google for a test of Linux journalling filesystems to see if you actually need anything more04:09
eddy_ook ta :)04:09
EvilIdlerI use ext3 for my root and JFS for the rest04:10
Shurikeneddy_o: ext3 is much better than ntfs04:10
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h3sp4wnI use ext3 for everything appart from /var on my webcache which runs reiserfs (because it was significantly faster)04:10
eddy_oyay its intalling now :)04:11
eddy_oi know its better..04:11
EvilIdlerReiser is great for lots of small files04:11
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eddy_obut will linux be able to reead my ntfs partition?04:11
EvilIdlerExt3 is Ext2 with journalling tacked on04:11
Shurikeneddy_o: yes, but read only04:11
HymnToLifeeddy_o> yes, but not write04:11
EvilIdlerXFS and JFS was designed to be journalling from the start04:11
eddy_othats ok04:11
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h3sp4wnXFS is good on IRIX never used it on linux because of horror stories04:12
EvilIdlerNTFS support in Linux is enough to help you off the habit :)04:12
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eddy_oil probs end up sending all the files to the other pc back home then rewriting the partition04:12
eddy_oas ext304:12
MasterEvilAcei let kubuntu format my stuff itself.. clean format.. what filesystem did it probably use?04:15
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klerfaytMasterEvilAce: ext304:16
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: You can see that in your fstab04:16
paolo_hi all04:16
Hobbseehey pau04:16
MasterEvilAceit's just a jump to the left04:18
=== Hobbsee cant spell todya
EvilIdlerDo the time-warp?04:19
MasterEvilAceLOL yes04:19
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eddy_owhich kernel do i want to install?04:20
=== Hobbsee is awake but cant spell. this is the opposite to me in the early mornings, where i'm not awake, but can spell :P
MasterEvilAceAlso, why in the world did kubuntu setup three partitions? Partition 1: 29.1GB  partition 2: 1kb   partition 3: 729.5 (SWAP).   what's the deal with the 1KB?04:20
Hobbseeeddy_o: type /sysinfo04:20
HobbseeMasterEvilAce: because it likes doing that way - something with the way it all gets mounted :P04:20
eddy_owhy hobbsee?04:20
EvilIdlereddy_o: Depends on your CPU. i686 for P4, K7 for regular AMD04:20
eddy_oi have an amd6404:20
Shurikenthe second one it's not realy a partition04:20
MasterEvilAceis it possible to use that 1KB? perhaps it hides a 1KB text file easter egg? ASCII art even? i wonder what it hides there04:21
Hobbseeeddy_o: what EvilIdler said, and /sysinfo well tell us, if you dont know :P04:21
eddy_oot says amd64 thingy, then something with image in it04:21
Shurikenin fact there is only 2 partitions04:21
EvilIdlereddy_o: k7 most likely, then. Not SMP, not 64-bit (it's still only for the brave)04:21
ghbThey say that the safest computer is the one not connected to any network. That's why I recommend D-Link Wireless access point...04:21
Hobbseeeddy_o: k7, yeah04:21
MasterEvilAcelol ghb.. i've heard that before somewhere04:22
ghbMasterEvilAce: Try bash.org04:22
MasterEvilAceyeah that sounds right04:22
EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: 3Com homepage?04:22
=== Hobbsee likes bash.org
EvilIdlerHours of fun :)04:22
MasterEvilAceyeah it is04:23
MasterEvilAcedoesn't get updated often enough though04:23
MasterEvilAceit's sad04:23
ghbMasterEvilAce: Seriously, Linux and D-Link APs are NOT a good combination. Hell doesn't even work with Windows! What do you need to do to make it work?? Replace the damn thing??04:23
h3sp4wnghb: Depends on what model - install linux on it ?04:24
eddy_oi thought linux was ok with 64 bit?04:24
MasterEvilAceLOL BASH -- <Sede> I usually got to be the car, because otherwise I'd pick the Scottish-Terrier-riding-a-wheelbarrow-wearing-a-tophat piece, which didn't leave anyone else many options.04:24
ghbh3sp4wn: Install Linux on a D-Link box?? Madness.04:24
EvilIdlereddy_o: It is, but are you ready for it? Getting Flashg working in your browser is a pain, some programs are simply not available04:24
EvilIdlereddy_o: I had absolutely no luck even while running 32-bit versions of browsers. No plugins worked *at all*.04:25
ghbh3sp4wn: Okay, if you wrap the D-Link shell around a linux computer, then it might work...04:25
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EvilIdlereddy_o: You also completely lose the ability to use w32codecs to play various media formats. You've got basic Xvid, and that's not really enough anymore.04:26
ghbTonight I recommend everyone around the world to be outside at midnight +1:00 CET. Look out for a white stripe on the sky. If you see it, you'll know that's my D-Link AP taking a joy ride to the moon...04:26
eddy_oi kinda downlaoded the 64 version...04:26
EvilIdlereddy_o: So install a 32-bit kernel and 32-bit OS :)04:26
EvilIdlereddy_o: Poopy :(04:27
blackflagcan someone tell me how I should copy multiple files?04:27
eddy_oil have to download a new one...04:27
blackflagI do "cp path/pri.* /path/pri.*04:27
Shuriken64 bits version is still ready for the desktop04:27
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EvilIdlereddy_o: I have a few commercial Linux games, and apart from UT2004 64-bit version, they were unstable04:27
blackflagbut it tells me the target directory dopesnt exists04:28
blackflagbut its still there04:28
Shurikenbut there is to much problems for non-supported applications :/04:28
blackflagwhat Im doing wrong?04:28
=== EvilIdler recommends 64-bit for servers if it's AMD on S939 (for memory bandwidth)
blackflagcan someon help?04:28
eddy_oso i gotta download the 32 bit one..04:28
h3sp4wnghb: If its based on ar7 there is a semi working port of linux for it - Try using better antenna's first - upgrade the firmware - which model is it ?04:28
eddy_ocan anyone link me?04:28
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Shurikensure, wait 2s04:29
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EvilIdlereddy_o: Did you get that 64-bit edition off a local university? If so, you should find other ISOs around the same directories04:29
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wimpiesI have upgraded to dapper and need to compile my ATI fglrx drivers for the new kernel.04:30
wimpiesTherefor I need something in /usr/src/linux ... which package should I install for dapper ?04:30
h3sp4wnwimpies: The ones in the repo are the latest ones04:30
wimpiesAh, dapper contains the fglrx drivers ?04:30
dracflamlochowdy. whats the package for sun java?04:30
eddy_oevil i downloaded i04:31
h3sp4wnwimpies: you need to install linux-modules-restricted and xserver-fglrx04:31
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eddy_odo i want dapper hoary or breezy?04:32
wimpiescould not find package ? need an entry in sources.list ?04:32
MasterEvilAceeddy_o: get all three! TRIBOOT OMG04:32
EvilIdlereddy_o: Breezy04:32
MasterEvilAceit would be an awesome use of resources as all of them could use the same swap partition04:32
EvilIdlerHoary is the previous one, Dapper is the soon to be released update, but there are problems04:32
EvilIdlereddy_o: x86 indeed04:33
h3sp4wnIt is possible to use a 32bit userland with a 64bit kernel04:33
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eddy_ox86 is the 32 bit version right?04:33
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: Sorta, but it's a bit wonky04:33
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EvilIdlereddy_o: Yep04:33
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: When I tried it, 32-bit libraries were there for backwards compatibility, but there's a way to run a chroot jail of some sort04:34
ubotu[chroot]  at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457504:34
HymnToLifebut's it's much hassle04:34
EvilIdlerEnormous hassle.04:35
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EvilIdlerIf my preferred software doesn't work, it's not much good :/04:35
wimpiesh3sp4wn : linux-restricted-modules is installed and contains fglrx but04:36
wimpiesI ran xinit and x is unable to find the fglrx module04:36
HymnToLifewimpies> did you modprobe it ?04:36
h3sp4wnwimpies: have you installed xserver-fglrx also ?04:36
wimpieshymntolife : should that happen automatically (It did in breezy)04:37
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HymnToLifedon't know, it was just a guess04:38
EvilIdlerYou may need to run modconf and look for the driver once, then it remembers it on future reboots04:38
HymnToLifebut dapper discussions are on#ubuntu+104:38
glickexcuse me how can i play .ram files?04:38
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ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until than04:38
glickrealplayers says that file type is not longer supported04:38
wimpiesh3sp4wn : Ah it was xorg-driver-fglrx04:38
glickhelix cant play it04:38
glicknor anything else04:38
HymnToLifeglick> realplayer is available for linux, see !plf04:38
wimpiesMuch better !!04:38
glickrealplayer says that file type is no longer supported04:39
h3sp4wnwimpies: That would be it (check fglrx is at the bottom of /etc/modules)04:39
HymnToLifethat's bad04:39
HymnToLifemaybe !w32codecs04:39
MasterEvilAceI wouldn't touch realplayer with a really really long stick04:39
EvilIdler.ram is just a file containg a URL, isn't it?04:39
wimpiesglick : tried mplayer ? I never use realplayer04:39
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h3sp4wnI think the actual file is .ra the helix player is fully opensource04:40
glickit says the context your are trying to play is using an obsolete file type04:41
glickand is no longer supported04:41
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EvilIdlerYay proprietary media formats!04:41
glickso wtf?04:42
glicki cant listen to them?04:42
wimpiesglick : who is 'it'04:42
glickwimpies: realplay04:43
glickfor linux04:43
wimpiesglick : use mplayer ... It works much better04:43
wimpiesor kmplayer or gmplayer ...04:43
wimpiesI need to change my screen resolution04:43
wimpiesin X04:43
wimpiesI remember some menu somewhere ... anybody ?04:44
glicknay doesnt work in mplayer either04:44
wimpiesWhat does mplayer say ... Does it recoginize the file format or perhaps it is missing codecs ?04:44
v3ctorif it doesn't play in mplayer it is not worth listening to04:44
wangweilin@wimpies I think now you have to go to systemsettings x screen something04:45
glickim trying to listen to the audio files here04:45
wimpiesHold on glick ... will try04:45
wimpiesaudio ?04:46
wimpiesI tried 'paster deacon fred' and it works.  Just save the 'ram' file to desktop and click on it.04:46
wimpiesThen kmplayer starts up and I hear sond04:47
wimpieswangweilin : yes I found it but It seems the 'display' module is not installed ... (all others for perpherals seem to work)04:47
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v3ctorglick: they play in amarok04:47
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glickv3ctor: in amork it says error gstreamer could not determine type of stream04:49
glickwimpies: gmplayer doesnt play it for me04:50
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wimpiesThen you are missing codecs04:50
glickand when i just click on it kaffeiene tries to open nit04:50
leafwanyone having a hell of a time with gtk-2.0 in kubuntu 6.06 beta ?04:50
leafwfirefox crashes, java apps run really bad., inkscape doesn't paint properly ..04:50
glickwhat codecs do i need?04:50
wangweilinthats because there is no gstreamer package for amarok anymore04:50
goldenearat least.... not yet :)04:51
nick_My kubuntu fails to start with the newest kernel04:51
wangweilinyou need gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg und gstreamer0.10-esd I think than it works04:52
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nick_Everything loads fine, but instead of getting the nvidia splash as I usually do, I get the kubuntu boot screen back.  It says loading local boot scripts /etc/rc.local but then won't go any further04:53
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glickwangweilin: nah i have the latest version of those already installed04:54
wangweilinI had the same problem but I just reinstalled kubuntu ... sry I cannot help you04:54
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MasterEvilAcenick_: i had the same thing happen. I tried recovery mode (hit esc at grub).. then when it loaded that, i typed startx and it gave me an error04:54
MasterEvilAceand he's gone04:54
wangweilinglick http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181248 try this it worked for me04:55
wangweilinand is very simple to use04:56
antxhow can I set a network interface as default? I go to Systemsettings -> Network Settings, hit the "Administrator Mode"-button, enter my password, click on the interface I want and hit the "enable interface"-button. So far it works and I have network access, but after a reboot its all back to what it was before. With every reboot I have to do this again. How can I save the settings?04:57
Hobbseeantx: add a line saying "auto (interface)" into /etc/network/interfaces04:58
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wimpiesHmm ... when I boot and kdm starts up the display resolution is OK04:58
wimpieswhen I log in as my user then the display resolution is 640x480 ... which could have been saved04:59
wimpieswhen the fglrx module was not yet properly installed.04:59
wimpiesHow can I get rid of that setting ?04:59
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h3sp4wnwimpies: Got to system settings -> display -> Administrator mode and set it there05:03
h3sp4wnwimpies: Because it is fine for upto and including kdm I think the x server is configured properly05:04
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antxokay, but I cant save the file and have now idea how to edit it from within a console so that I can use sudo...05:06
MasterEvilAceantx: i use sudo nano whatever.conf    to edit files05:06
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antxoh, okay, it seems the "desktop"- idea of (k)ubuntu is really just an idea... at the end one still has to do everything in a console... :-(05:09
h3sp4wnantx: you can use kdesu kate /path/to/file (from run)05:11
MasterEvilAceconsole isn't so bad05:11
MasterEvilAcei hated it at first05:11
dereksantx: so don't use it05:11
MasterEvilAcenow it's just normal05:12
dereksdesktop means desktop machine as opposed to server, not desktop as opposed to console05:12
MasterEvilAceOk. Kubuntu is pissing me off05:13
dereksMasterEvilAce: why05:13
MasterEvilAceeverytime I restart, something else disappears, is deleted, or gets lost05:13
antxyes, but what is then gnome and kde all about? however, at the end its just me...05:13
MasterEvilAceThis time wine files are missing05:13
Infectois some thing messed up witch klaptop and performance profile ?05:14
dereksantx: they are about creating a gui05:14
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Infecto2.6.15-23-686  on thos kernel05:14
dereksantx: if you ahve problems with their functionality, patches are very welcome05:14
MasterEvilAceKDE is purdyness and gnome is basically like functionality over anything05:14
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r0xzMasterEvilAce: don't do that...05:16
MasterEvilAcer0xz: personal opinion :D05:16
MasterEvilAcecough based on facts cough oh sickness cough05:16
wimpiesI had a dual display set up and it seems that the screen shown on display 0 is the settings for display 105:16
antxI m no programmer, I just thought by know linux would be an alternative to windows. It sure is in many parts, but apparently its not yet for my purposes...05:17
dereksantx: it is a great alternative to windows, i don't see a reason why it isn't, unless you need programs that aren't supported (where there are no alternatives)05:18
MasterEvilAceantx: it takes some getting used to. and it's always improving05:18
goldenear<h3sp4wn> antx: you can use kdesu kate /path/to/file (from run) <-- may be a new icon with "Edit as superuser" in the K menu should be included by default05:18
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dereksantx: i use windows for work, and i go into the command prompt a lot05:18
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dereksi havne't found an operating system that DOESN"T need some sort of CLI05:19
dereksand in addition, it would take you 30 seconds to write an "open as superuser" bash script05:19
MasterEvilAceantx: I originally tried linux a few years ago. I hated it. most programs had really bad interfaces, and it seemed like a mess. It's cleaned up a LOT now, it looks beautiful to me, and it doesn't have the problems i had long ago. it's different, in a cool way05:20
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BazziMasterEvilAce: the last bad interfaces will hopefully be gone in KDE4 :/05:20
MasterEvilAceI actually like it more than windows, now.. I can't officially get rid of windows though because i play a lot of games--something all devs don't entirely support05:20
antxat the end linux might be able to do everything that windows can, but just not so easily...05:20
HymnToLifedereks> mont Windows users don't need the CLI at all05:20
goldeneardereks: windows doesn't need CLI never05:20
=== RadiantFire can't wait for KDE 4
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RadiantFiregoldenear: ever hear of .bat files? they are basically shell scrips05:21
ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org05:21
r0xzi have a serious noob question that i wanted to know for years now ;p05:21
MasterEvilAceoh ok05:21
derekswhether people realize it or not, they do05:21
dereksthether it is a bat file, or something similar05:21
r0xzsometimes i see people selecting text backwards with the keyboard, how do they do that?05:22
h3sp4wnThe last time I had to do anything with windows (migrating a virtual server from nt4 to windows 2000) I used cygwin and perl for everything so that junk like restarting iis could be done over ssh05:22
MasterEvilAceI use command prompt a bit in windows. namely tracert, ipconfig, ping, etc.  and I use start-> run constantly. I actually sorta hate start menus.05:22
Hobbseer0xz: ctrl+shift+left arrow?05:22
MasterEvilAcer0xz: shift arrowkeys?05:22
goldenearRadiantFire: .bat files can be launched (and edited) from the gui, they don't need CLI05:22
dereksantx: while maybe you feel kde or gnome *should* have an open as superuser in the file dialog, there is a reason why neither do05:23
RadiantFiregoldenear: I can edit .sh files from a GUI and launche them from an interface, that doesn't change the fact they execute cli commands05:23
dereksgoldenear: but .bat files essentiall are a cli05:23
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dereksRadiantFire: well, in that case you NEVER need to use the cli in linux either, just create a bash script to open each file05:24
MasterEvilAceCLI is good to know how to use period. allows you to fix your own computer when windows (or any OS) messes up05:24
dereksor do whatever05:24
mhterreshello people05:24
antxyes, its more save and all that... but now that I just had a look at that interfaces file and find my router password there in plaintext, I wonder how save all that is in the end...05:25
antxjust an exsample05:25
MasterEvilAceone thing I hate in linux currently.. when a program crashes.. no error message whatsoever that I can see. Just "oops" basically. or if a program doesn't start due to an error, i get nothing. I have to open console and try to launch the program there, and THEN it'll give me an error05:25
h3sp4wnantx: use wpa_passphrase05:25
r0xzHobbsee, MasterEvilAce, yeah that's it, i feel such a noob now05:25
dereksantx: well, its similar in windows, you need to encrypt things you want safe05:25
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goldenear<dereks> goldenear: but .bat files essentiall are a cli <-- of course, but the user will only have to learn CLI commands to edit a .bat file...05:26
dereksgoldenear: so in the same respect, then there is NEVER a need to use the CLI in linux either05:26
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dereksif you just edit bash files05:27
goldenearFor most users, kate will always be more user friendly than vi05:27
dereksgoldenear: i am not denying that, but people can't do away with the cli on an os05:27
dereksthey need to learn it05:27
Hobbseegoldenear: then again, nano's not too bad05:27
MasterEvilAcenano rocks05:27
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antxI just think that all the effort the KDE people are doing is in vain for the big mass as long as one has to work with a console...05:27
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goldenearI used to works with cli when administrating a server :)05:27
h3sp4wngoldenear: Unless they read UNIX in a nutshell before they start trying to use a UNIX os (as I did) - why are people so adverse to learning anything05:27
dereksantx: its the same with windows05:28
HymnToLife+1 h3sp4wn05:28
antxwhat is the point of the networksetting dialog if the settings are gone after reboot?05:28
dereksantx: i have a feeling thats something YOU are doing wrong05:28
HymnToLifepisses me off when some dude is here telling "it's my first time using linuxe"05:28
RadiantFireantx, it depends which network setting dialog you use05:28
derekscuz i never have that problem05:28
MasterEvilAceI think what antx is talking about is editing settings. A lot of programs in linux don't have GUIs for it. In windows, practically everything has a settings window05:28
visik7I had Xft fonts in breezy where are they in dapper ?05:28
antxin windows there are other problems... but sure not those05:29
HymnToLifeI'm like "wtf are you doing her e? Go read some docs !"05:29
goldenearh3sp4wn: because of windows : people are used to work with a GUI and then think CLI is only for geeks05:29
RadiantFirei dunno, I seldom have to use the CLI anymore05:29
goldenearCLI is very nice for system administration IMHO05:29
dereksantx: complaining that linux is too hard to use and a waste won't solve your problems, why not just state your problems then we can tell you what *YOU* are doing wrong05:29
goldenearbut it's useless for the basic user05:30
dereksgoldenear: i am not an admin, i am on the cli right now :)05:30
KDEfanboyMasterEvilAce: if it was in X, the error messages are probably found in ~/.xsession-errors. KDE apps will give a GUI stacktrace though, and for example, amaroK will actually launch a new email message with the stacktrace ready to send to the developers when it crashes05:30
antxRadiantFire: okay, I of course use the one I find first... and I would not even expect there to be another one...05:30
HymnToLifegoldenear> basic users can do their stuff more efficiently from CLI05:30
goldeneardereks: do to what exactly ?05:30
HymnToLifei.e. copying files and such things05:30
derekswell, email, im, chat, etc05:30
RadiantFireantx: did you use the one in system settings?05:30
dereksantx: stop complaining and describe your problem05:31
RadiantFireantx: you have to select "start at boot" for the interface to come back up05:31
eddy_oshould the main 1st drive with the system files on be the root / drive?05:31
h3sp4wnI think most cli stuff works better (wpa_supplicant from cli not constantly polling the network like that networkmanager junk does for example)05:31
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goldeneardereks: so you're not a basic user... I meann to do all this stuffs from gui you need some computer skill05:31
dereksgoldenear: oh yes, but on windows i still need the cli05:31
MasterEvilAceKDEfanboy: yeah, I understand. amaroK was one i was thinking of. the dialog that appears is just basically "oops" sure, you CAN find out what happened, but it would be nice to just know right then in the crash.  The other part is, say the sources.list for Adept is messed up.. if you try to open adept, nothing. no error. but if you use apt-get in console, it'll tell you the error05:31
dereksand i don't do anything big on windows05:31
dereksoutside of VS200505:31
RadiantFireMasterEvilAce: what would be nice is a "cannot execute program dialog" like the one gnome spews when it can't launch something05:32
antxdereks: well, as I said: at the end its just me... Linux is just not there yet where I would like it to be...05:32
dereksantx: so then either help contribute (so your complaints mean something) or swtich to another os that is "there"05:33
MasterEvilAceRadiantFire: Don't know much about gnome. I used it only the first time I installed linux.. after I got KDE, it was over. gg gnome :P but any sort of detail info is good to have05:33
antxcontributing isnt that easy when you are not a programmer...05:34
MasterEvilAceywah, but with opensource you can basically go to a forum and tell people what you're wanting fixed05:35
MasterEvilAceand someone can do it05:35
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KDEfanboyMasterEvilAce: yep, I noticed that adept does do that in its present state (at least the one that was there before the last upgrade). that's true. there, you're talking about runtime problems, though, not crashing. well, when a program crashes, it's basically because it's trying to access or run code in invalid memory spaces, so for an ordinary user, "oops" is about the best you can do because it's not understandable. in windows, i05:35
KDEfanboy that's the best you can do05:35
dereksantx: thats not true, there are tons of tasks, what do you do for a living05:35
MasterEvilAceKDEfanboy: Ah, very true05:36
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antxa while ago I had a problem with Klaptop, I checked the docs and found that it was totaly outdated and did not fit the program anymore. I posted a bugreport and offered my help with the docs, but that was it since then...05:37
antxIm an artist...05:37
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dereksantx: they need LOTS of artists05:38
Hobbseeantx: grab kpowersave instead :P05:38
Hobbseeah yes, see #ubuntu-art for artists, i think05:38
dereksantx: http://kde.org/support/#Contributing05:38
RadiantFireantx: http://appeal.kde.org/wiki/Oxygen05:38
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_andyhow can i get me mp3's till play?05:38
aseigoantx: if you are still interested in writing docu, email kde-docs-en@kde.org =)05:38
dereksantx: they need people in documentation AND art05:38
aseigoantx: they'll point you in the right direction05:38
aseigoantx: and yes, artists are always in demand =)05:39
antxhold on... I have to write things down...05:39
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KDEfanboy_andy: which players have you tried?05:40
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_andyim new till this05:41
MasterEvilAce_andy: you want to be able to play mp3s?05:42
RadiantFiretry clicking on your mp3 files and seeing what happens then05:42
_andyi'll try now05:42
KDEfanboyoh, to be a newb. those were the days05:43
eddy_ono they werent05:44
_andyi have till restart its not letting me into my usb hard drive lol05:45
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mensurdoes anyone know if there is some nice looking app installer which can be used ??05:45
jjessemensur: are you running dapper or breezy?05:46
MasterEvilAcedamn. wine is saying "could not load c:\\windows\\system32\\install.exe" : module not found"05:46
mensurjjesse: dapper... and i want to distribute one software with it05:46
jjessemensur: hmm don't know was thrown off track by your question to be honest, i thought you were asking about installing software not distrubting softawr05:47
h3sp4wnAnyone running ubuntu on an xbox ?05:48
mensurhehe thanx anyway05:48
HymnToLifeh3sp4wn> !anyone :p05:49
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antxhere is another question: I once hit "lock session" by accident and got a loginscreen after that. put it just would not acept my password. And I really tried a lot... how come? it is my user password that it wants or not?05:50
MasterEvilAceyeah, user pass05:50
visik7kubuntu dapper fonts are tfu05:50
visik7any way to fix it ?05:50
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KDEfanboymensur: maybe this is good http://www.happypenguin.org/show?BitRock%20InstallBuilder05:50
eosynheh I accidentally hit lock session last night05:51
eosynit didnt lock anything, it just logged me out.. cute05:51
antxhmm... strange... I could make a new session with my password but the old one was just locked...05:51
h3sp4wnHymnToLife: Are you ? Its easy enough to get debian on it and its x86 based so I don't see why it shouldn't be relatively easy05:52
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HymnToLifenope I'm not, I don't have a xbox05:53
h3sp4wnHymnToLife: I don't but am thinking that they may be quite a bit quieter than my current server05:54
mensurKDEfanboy: yes but i have heard that some of bitrock apps are containing spyware05:55
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eddy_ooh la la05:57
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yogiCan someone tell me which pkg it is that auto-umounts a cdr drive when the eject button is pushed?  Breeay did it automagically, Dapper doesn't.05:58
jjesseyogi: it works for me correctly on dapper05:58
KDEfanboyi hope _andy didn't lose hope :(05:59
yogijjesse:Hm.  Wonder why it's busted on my up-to-date system, then...?05:59
yogijjessee:Been busted ever since the upgrade from Breezy to Dapper via FTP.06:00
jjesseyogi: don't know,sorry06:00
yogijjesse:Right-o.  That was more-or-less rhetorical. :-)  Thanks.06:01
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wimpiesI still am not able to set my user session to the proper resolution.06:02
wimpiesWhen KDM shows, the resolution is fine but when I log in then it seems that the06:02
wimpiessettings for screen1 (I had / have a dual head setting) are selected06:03
klerfaytwimpies: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:03
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eddy_oguys even06:06
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eddy_ohow do u set up a vpn on a freshly intalled kubuntu?06:06
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ubotuhmm... vpn is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD06:07
eddy_odo u need the network drivers for ur mobo or what?06:07
MasterEvilAceare there any Linux emulators?06:07
MasterEvilAceNES/SNES etc06:07
eddy_othats useless06:07
HymnToLifeeddy_o> why ?06:08
eddy_ono idea how that helps lol06:08
HymnToLifewait for someone else then, or maybe ask in #ubuntu06:08
r0xzis the beta2 download the RC?06:08
=== HymnToLife wonders what the third one answers
r0xzcool, something to wait for then06:10
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eddy_ouhh im stuck again :(06:15
eddy_oasrock doesnt do any drivers for linux...06:16
eddy_oi have an asrock mobo06:16
MasterEvilAcethere needs to be more programs out there that move animated characters around your desktop06:17
eddy_ohow do i get the drivers in on linux?06:17
klerfaytMasterEvilAce: there are06:17
wimpiesklerfayt : nope ... that does not help ... it still uses 640x480 after I login (which corresponds to screen1 settings)06:18
klerfaytwimpies: menu>system settings06:18
eddy_ohelp meeeee :'(06:18
klerfaytwimpies: menu>system settings>display06:18
XVampireXeddy_o: What drivers?06:18
wimpiesStrangely enough, in system settings the display configuration does not work (it does not show anything)06:18
wimpiesOn my laptop it does so I presume I am missing some module or something but which ?06:19
XVampireXMasterEvilAce: nes/snes use zsnes06:19
XVampireXeddy_o: What drivers?06:19
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h3sp4wnMasterEvilAce: You are probably better off building the pre release 1.43 versions from source (They run alot lot faster / better)06:20
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MasterEvilAceit's a shame the noob windows stuff carried over to linux. i click X on a program, it tells me it's in system tray. you close from system tray and the program asks if you meant to close it.. ugh06:20
MasterEvilAceh3sp4wn, XVampireX: thanks06:21
eddy_onm vampire:)06:22
XVampireXMasterEvilAce: I didn't notice it but yeah, actually, sometimes it's a good thing to get confirmation, it's not Kubuntu/KDE's fault, it's programmers "fault", but it's easier for people who didn't intentionally click on it, some people have reflexes to do it06:22
XVampireXeddy_o: that gaming vpn thingy, just do it, it should work.06:23
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dracflamlochey. i dunno what happened. i restarted my computer, and now after i click login, the screen goes blank for a second then the login screen pops up again06:24
XVampireXWhat did you do before it?06:25
dracflamlocnothing that i can think of06:25
dracflamlocit was just sitting there06:25
XVampireXDoes it bother you? Is it really a problem?06:26
XVampireXAh, wait06:26
dracflamloci mean it cant start kde06:26
XVampireXnevermind, I'm kinda dizzy, didn't sleep for a while06:26
MasterEvilAceanyone know if there's a way to stream music from a network drive (using Samba) through amaroK?06:26
MasterEvilAceplugin or somethin'06:26
XVampireXMasterEvilAce: Maybe :P06:27
XVampireXdracflamloc: Did you update recently?06:27
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dracflamlocmm. no06:28
XVampireXYou dual booting ubuntu and kubuntu?06:28
dracflamlocnah, just kubuntu06:28
dracflamlocno dual boot06:28
XVampireXKDM might have failed loading something06:29
XVampireXDid you try getting into the safe thingy?06:29
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dracflamlocyea failsafe seems to work06:29
dracflamlocjust opens a konsole window06:29
dracflamlocno border06:30
XVampireXYeah, KDM failed to load something06:30
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dracflamlocis there a kde log?06:30
XVampireXYou'll need to ask someone else :P06:30
XVampireXI'm not that advanced but I know a little bit what might be going on06:31
KDEfanboyMasterEvilAce: what does playing through the kioslave do?06:31
XVampireXLog? There might be, try to see what fails to load during startup06:31
MasterEvilAceKDEfanboy: No idea what that means06:32
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dracflamloconly thing i see in kdm.log is some errors regarding synaptics touchpad06:33
KDEfanboydracflamloc: maybe you are looking for ~/.xsession-errors, where X stdout goes06:33
XVampireXnot related to synaptic06:33
_usuarioque hay?06:33
_usuariosale, que esten bien!06:33
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KDEfanboyMasterEvilAce: using the smb:// kioslave. if it plays ok, you might be able to build a playlist and point files to it06:34
dracflamlocKDEfanboy, x is fine i think since the kdm shows up ok06:34
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dracflamlocnothing in .xsession-erros06:34
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ll_onehello :)06:34
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ll_oneI'm trying to enable direct rendering on my apple laptop (ATI), does anyone here know know where to look for help?06:35
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jarlathCan anybody tell me how to restart my network when my wifi connection is lost? I've tried the script in the init.d folder 'networking restart', but it doesnt change things. At present, only rebooting reconnects me to the network.06:35
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ll_onejarlath: do you use dhcp? Then you prob have to restart the dhcp daemon06:36
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jarlathll_one, I have also tried 'dhclient wlan0'. but it never establishes a connection.06:38
KDEfanboydracflamloc: completely empty?? there should be a lot output from various kde startup apps.. you can check /var/log/kdm.log* .. then try starting kde manually without kdm from a login console06:38
Sweet_katehello everybody06:38
jarlathMaybe its not the same thing though. I will try killing theh daemon too.06:38
KDEfanboyhey kate06:38
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dracflamlocKDEfanboy, kdm.log has alot of stuff. only errors i see are regarding synaptics touchpad06:39
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Sweet_kateif i right-click on desktop it  does not appear the menu that once appeared!! hopw can i restore it??06:41
KDEfanboydracflamloc: hmm next is to then stop kdm and use startx from a login console and see the output directly06:41
eddy_owhats the root password?06:42
XVampireXjust use sudo06:42
MasterEvilAceeddy_o: first rule of sudo, don't talk about sudo06:42
hastesaver!tell eddy_o about root06:43
eddy_owhats the root pw? :p06:43
MasterEvilAceeddy_o: that's a security risk, we can't!06:43
MasterEvilAcedon't give out your root password!06:43
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:43
eddy_oty :)06:43
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MasterEvilAceaw, we could have had him confused all day06:43
MasterEvilAcestupid ubotu bot06:43
eddy_obitch :p06:44
eddy_oapparently to set up my vpn i have to do this06:44
eddy_oTo configure or create a VPN connection you need to run the PPTP client as root,06:44
eddy_o# pptpconfig.php06:44
eddy_ohow do i do that then?06:44
KDEfanboyMasterEvilAce: did smb:// work for amaroK streaming by chance?06:44
MasterEvilAceKDEfanboy: ? best i could figure was i went to the share folder itself and did an open with amaroK. it opens then closes amarok06:45
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MasterEvilAceKDEfanboy: i read though to mount the drive to a folder and it'll work, so i'm doing that now06:45
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hastesavereddy_o, read the RootSudo page. In short, "running something as root" ~ "running it with sudo".06:45
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KDEfanboyMasterEvilAce: ah06:46
macdhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/737380   < Does anyone see why DRI wouldnt be working? It appears to be loaded and finds dev/dri06:47
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eddy_oits all gibberish06:49
eddy_oi cant understand it :'(06:49
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MasterEvilAcethat's cause it's the european alphabet06:50
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dracflamlocok i got it06:50
eddy_ocan someone show me how i am to do this06:51
XVampireXYou can become root through running the command: sudo su06:51
eddy_ostep by step?06:51
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eddy_owheres the command line?06:53
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zambbaOpen Konsole06:53
ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org06:53
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h3sp4wneddy_o: If you need to be root you can just press session new root shell from konsole06:54
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aitorwould you recommend me to upgrade from breezy to dapper or to wait the remaining 2 weeks?06:56
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antxwell 2 weeks, I think you can survive this...06:57
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eddy_oit sayd command not found06:59
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pipeKubuntu spanish????07:00
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:00
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KDEfanboyhehe, nice07:02
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XVampireXWOW! Piracy law enforced in europe I hear, that's good for the Free Software world!07:05
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klerfaytXVampireX: piracy law?07:06
OdyXXVampireX: URL ?07:06
XVampireXno URL but a friend of mine told me07:07
XVampireXsome 10k people arrested07:07
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, OdyX07:07
=== I_Eat_Plastic checks slashdot.
=== OdyX 's checking news.google.com
=== hastesaver is waiting for one of them to find it and paste the url :)
XVampireX"btw, there's a new law in europe" "that is kinda freaky" "10000 people were already arrested for that" "yeah there are people that sit and watch u downloading illegal stuff" "then they use your IP to figure out who u are" "and then the police comes and arrests u"07:09
MasterEvilAcelike a huge piracy ring07:09
MasterEvilAceor a bunch of nobodys?07:09
eddy_otarball pptp-1.7.0.tar.gz07:09
eddy_osrc.rpm pptp-1.7.0-1.src.rpm07:09
eddy_oi386.rpm pptp-1.7.0-1.i386.rpm07:09
eddy_ox86_64.rpm pptp-1.7.0-1.x86_64.rpm07:09
eddy_owhich one do i want?07:09
eddy_oi have no idea how to extract this stuff07:09
XVampireXWhat system are you using?07:09
XVampireXYou don't want either one of them if there is a deb package07:09
XVampireXRPM is not for ubuntu/kubuntu07:09
MasterEvilAcerpm -ivh blah.rpm07:09
eddy_okubuntu breezy07:10
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MasterEvilAceDapper is a cooler codename than breezy07:10
XVampireXAh, I'd suggest you compile it then07:11
XVampireXGet tarball07:11
hastesavereddy_o, check the repos first (apt-cache search pptp)07:11
I_Eat_PlasticI'm trying to install kubuntu on my laptop. It's stuck at "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.".. Is it actually doing anything? I'm not getting any output. Ubuntu is already installed on it, and installed fine.07:11
hastesavereddy_o, there are at least three packages that might do what you want07:11
XVampireXIt's there07:12
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XVampireXI_Eat_Plastic: I've had similar problems, you need to go to grub07:13
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I_Eat_PlasticXVampireX thanks.07:14
XVampireXAnd use earlier kernel07:14
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XVampireXLatest kernel seems to be faulty07:14
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XVampireXI_Eat_Plastic: If you notice during the startup it doesn't mount root file system07:15
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knanandhi all07:16
HymnToLife[19:15]  <XVampireX> I_Eat_Plastic: If you notice during the startup it doesn't mount root file system <= now THAT's an annoying bug07:16
MasterEvilAceyeah that would be07:16
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XVampireXI_Eat_Plastic: So it is stuck in the place where you said07:16
knanandHow can i install kdm instead of gdm??07:17
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XVampireXHere's the article the one who told me about the anti-piracy law07:17
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XVampireXuse babelfish for translation07:17
I_Eat_PlasticXVampireX: Yeah, I'll see about manualy installing it.07:18
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knanandhow to install KDM???07:18
HymnToLifeknanand> youmean KDE ?07:18
eddy_o17:25]  <XVampireX> Ah, I'd suggest you compile it then07:18
eddy_o[17:25]  <XVampireX> Get tarball07:18
eddy_o[17:25]  <hastesaver> eddy_o, check the repos first (apt-cache search pptp)07:18
eddy_o[17:25]  <XVampireX> Yeah07:18
eddy_ono idea what u guys r saying07:18
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eddy_ook how do u open a tarball on linux?07:19
hastesavereddy_o, type "apt-cache search pptp"07:19
XVampireXsudo apt-get install pptp07:19
hastesavereddy_o, drop the tarball, untill you're very sure there's no other way :)07:19
MasterEvilAceeddy do jumping jacks07:19
XVampireXsudo apt-get install pptp-linux07:19
knanandHymnToLife:  i mean K Login manager (wat ever its called)07:19
XVampireXknanand: That's KDM, and what is the problem with it?07:20
HymnToLifeknanand> isn't it enabled by defaut if you run KDE ?07:20
XVampireXYeah, it's enabled by default :P07:20
I_Eat_PlasticAnyone know what packages I must unintall to rid of gnome?07:20
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XVampireXI_Eat_Plastic: yeah07:20
HymnToLifeI_Eat_Plastic> hmm nautilus ?07:20
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eddy_oi still have no idea07:21
ubotuFYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour.07:21
knanandi am not able to shut-down or restart.. i can only log-off...07:21
eddy_ook, say i dl the tarball, move it to my pc07:21
I_Eat_PlasticHeh, thanks.07:21
eddy_oi have it on the desktop, what do i do07:21
XVampireXI_Eat_Plastic: libgnome2-007:21
HymnToLifeeddy_o> don't dl the tarball unless you sure there's no other way, what are you trying to install ?07:21
XVampireXsudo apt-get remove libgnome2-007:21
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XVampireXIt will uninstall most things gnome07:22
HymnToLifeI remember messing my GNOME up once when trying to remove the useless evolutions07:22
knanandHymnToLife: i am not able to shut-down or restart.. i can only log-off...07:22
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I_Eat_PlasticXVampireX: Thanks07:22
XVampireXI_Eat_Plastic: No problems07:23
HymnToLifeknanand* what happens when you try to reboot ?07:23
eddy_ohymn its a pptp thing07:23
HymnToLife!info pptp07:23
knanandHymnToLife:  there is only one button "End Current Session"07:23
HymnToLifeeddy_o> did you search for it in the repos ?07:24
eddy_oi know i gotta get this thing on my pc07:24
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eddy_obut its in a tarball pptp-1.7.0.tar.gz07:24
eddy_osrc.rpm pptp-1.7.0-1.src.rpm07:24
eddy_oi386.rpm pptp-1.7.0-1.i386.rpm07:24
eddy_ox86_64.rpm pptp-1.7.0-1.x86_64.rpm07:24
eddy_oor one of them07:25
eddy_oand i need it on my pc07:25
eddy_ohow do i install it?07:25
HymnToLifeeddy_o> you have lots of pptp packages in the repos07:26
HymnToLife!info pptpd07:26
ubotupptpd: (PoPToP Point to Point Tunneling Server), section net, is optional. Version: 1.2.1-4 (breezy), Packaged size: 57 kB, Installed size: 248 kB07:26
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knanandHymnToLife: there is only one button "End Current Session"07:28
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HymnToLifeknanand> I read it the first time, and I have no idea about it sorry07:28
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eddy_owhere do i get that from?07:29
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HymnToLifesudo apt-get install packagename07:30
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knanandHymnToLife: i have recently upgraded from ubuntu.. do you know wer to change the Login Manager... wer de settings are stored..??07:30
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:30
Kejk_PLknanand: install kdm07:30
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knanandHymnToLife:  how07:30
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de07:31
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eddy_o[17:43]  <HymnToLife> sudo apt-get install packagename <--- i dont need to dl anything?07:31
HymnToLifeknanand> sudo apt-get install kdm I guess07:31
Kejk_PLknanand: aptitude install kdm07:31
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HymnToLifeeddy_o> it will automagically download and install it07:31
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eddy_onot if i need pptp to connect to the onternet :p07:32
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HymnToLifeeddy_o> hold on a sec07:32
eddy_oil have to download SOMETHING and move it to my pc... (this isnt the linux pc07:32
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HymnToLifeeddy_o> you can download the PPTP client from here : http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/net/pptp-linux07:33
HymnToLifethen move it to your linux pc and run        sudo dpkg -i filename.deb07:34
eddy_omy uni linked me to this -> http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/#download07:34
HymnToLifeIt tells you tu use any distro specific stuff instead of that one07:36
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, HymnToLife07:36
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HymnToLifeI guess the Ubuntu-thing to use PPTP is the one I sent you07:36
eddy_owhat u mean?07:36
eddy_oim on kubunt07:36
eddy_oi want the amd64 one?07:37
HymnToLifeI mean that the link you gave is a relatively generalist thing, there are specific - and easier - ways for each distro07:37
HymnToLifeeddy_o> depends on which version you installed07:37
eddy_okubuntu :p07:37
HymnToLifeUbuntu and Kubuntu use the same packages, go for it :)07:38
eddy_owhich thing do i wana click on?07:38
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HymnToLifeclick on "amd64", it will give you a list of mirror to download the package07:38
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eddy_oi have a .deb07:39
eddy_owhat do i do with it?07:39
HymnToLifeeddy_o> copy it to the other pc07:40
eddy_othen what?07:40
HymnToLifeand run sudo dpkg -i filename.deb07:40
eddy_ohow do i run that07:41
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eddy_oon the root thing?07:43
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eddy_ocan someone scroll up and paste me the command i got instructed to use?07:56
abattoireddy_o: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb07:56
abattoiryes, that's 'install' i guess07:57
eddy_oit says no such directory07:59
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eddy_owhere does the file need to be?07:59
Monkee13how would I setuid root for my screen saver?07:59
abattoireddy_o: the file can be anywhere...08:00
abattoirbut you need to change the directory...08:00
eddy_obut i did tat command..08:00
eddy_owhat do?08:00
abattoirtry 'cd /path/to/file'08:00
abattoirsorry '/path/to/dir'08:00
abattoirwhere is the file?08:00
eddy_oon the desktop08:00
abattoirok, so type 'cd Desktop'08:01
abattoirw/o the quotes :)08:01
abattoirthe prompt should have changed now08:01
abattoirhas it?08:01
eddy_ono such file or directory08:01
abattoirare you in your home directory?08:02
abattoirtry the command ls08:03
abattoirok sorry, type 'cd ~/Desktop'08:04
abattoiram really sleepy here :(08:04
eddy_oits ok :)08:04
abattoirdoes that work?08:04
eddy_ono such file or directory...08:04
XVampireXabattoir: same here08:05
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XVampireXI mean, I'm also sleepy :P08:05
eddy_oits on the desktop.. i dunno argh08:05
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abattoireddy_o doesnt the graphical installer work?08:05
eddy_othe what now?08:05
Tallia1Kubuntuhi there08:05
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abattoiri.e right click on the file-> Install package?08:05
eddy_ou mean clicking on it?08:05
eddy_ono it kinda doesnt08:05
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abattoirXVampireX: :) , i also have a flight to catch in the morning ;)08:06
macdright-click --> then select install package08:06
macddont double click it ;)08:06
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Tallia1Kubuntusomebody here is experienced with ATI multiple desktop?08:06
antxdesktops? or do you mean screens?08:07
eddy_oit says it wants an i38608:07
eddy_oso i dl the i386?08:08
XVampireXweeeeeee :D08:08
Tallia1Kubuntuthey look as separate kde desktop, with the only difference i can navigate from one to the other08:08
abattoireddy_o: what processor?08:08
Tallia1Kubuntuso somebody knows about it? i have something to ask08:08
klerfaytwhy is it so that if I want to remove katapult I have to also remove "kubuntu-desktop" ?08:08
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abattoireddy_o: also, what is the output of 'uname -r' ?08:08
Tallia1Kubuntuklerfayt: the latter is only a meta-package08:09
MasterEvilAcetrying to mount on boot, but it's root-only... so it's not working very well. any ideas?08:09
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eddy_oi have an amd6408:09
Tallia1Kubuntuthat is, depends from a list of package that a user that want to install kubuntu in his desktop version, is likely to install08:09
abattoireddy_o: and the output of 'uname -r' ?08:09
antxwell, I have a 2nd screen attached to my notebook, but I can only use one at a time...08:10
Tallia1Kubuntuif you decide to install that one, the system have to install all the dependancies..08:10
Tallia1Kubuntuantx: meh, i can use both of them08:10
klerfaytTallia1Kubuntu: is doesn't mean that I'll loose something else?08:10
Tallia1Kubuntuklerfayt: nope08:10
Tallia1Kubuntuklerfayt: for sure!! :)08:11
Tallia1Kubuntuif you see in details -> installed files, you will see.. .it's empty!08:11
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Tallia1Kubuntuantx: when xorg starts, two different kde systems are istantiated08:11
antxwhen I detach the CRT-screen my notebook screen is used, otherwise only the CRT is used and I can not change this in the settings...08:12
Tallia1Kubuntuantx: with the particularity that i can move from one to the other08:12
eddy_oit said package (amd64) does not match system (i386)08:12
Tallia1Kubuntuantx, do you have an ATI?08:12
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eddy_owhats uname -r?08:12
Tallia1Kubuntuantx, do you have ATI propetary drivers?08:12
abattoireddy_o: its a command which tells which kernel you are using08:12
Tallia1Kubuntu( installed i mean :P )08:13
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antxati mobility radeon 970008:13
Tallia1Kubuntuantx: ? the drivers?08:13
abattoireddy_o: you can install both 32-bit Operating Systems(x86,i386) and 64-bit Operating systems(amd64,x86_64) on an AMD 64 processor.08:14
antxI use the drivers that came with the Kbuntu DVD. the propritary ones were too hard to install08:14
abattoireddy_o: i suspect you have installed the 32-bit version, i38608:14
Tallia1Kubuntuantx, you shoulda check now!! they are in the Repositories, they are supereasy to install08:14
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Tallia1Kubuntuantx, let me give you this link08:14
abattoireddy_o: that's why i want to know the output of uname-r08:14
abattoirsorry, uname -r08:15
Tallia1Kubuntuantx, jump over the part that regards compilation, and go to the packaged driver part :)08:15
antxI have kubuntu 5.1 and I tried only 3 weeks ago08:15
abattoireddy_o: yes, as i suspected...08:15
eddy_owhat happened08:15
Tallia1Kubuntuantx: my FPS went up of 20x08:15
Tallia1Kubuntuantx, i see :)08:15
Tallia1Kubuntuit's very easy to set them on08:15
abattoireven though you have an amd64 processor, you have installed a 32-bit operating system08:15
Tallia1Kubuntuthe only annoying thing is the xorg.conf file..08:16
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Tallia1Kubuntubut i can give you an hand08:16
antxI can imagine they are faster...08:16
Tallia1Kubuntuyou can copy and paste08:16
abattoireddy_o: if you want to use a 64-bit OS, amd64, you should have installed from a different CD08:16
eddy_oyeah ofc i did08:16
eddy_oi have both08:16
Tallia1Kubuntuantx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI08:16
eddy_obut i put the 32 on cs 64 is buggy08:16
eddy_owell didgy08:16
eddy_oso what do i do about it?08:17
eddy_oi dont want a 64 bit OS08:17
eddy_oi just want this 32 bit one and i wana get  this bastard program running08:17
Tallia1Kubuntuantx, do you want to try?08:18
abattoireddy_o: then you should install the i386 version of the package08:18
abattoirnot the amd64 version08:18
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eddy_oi got the i386 thing08:18
eddy_obut it doesnt like it08:18
eddy_othere isnt an install thing on the right click08:18
abattoireddy_o: what is the name of the package... exactly?08:19
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abattoireddy_o: there is not Install package submenu under Actions?08:21
wimpieshow do I enable xv on an ATI fglrx board ?08:21
antxerm... I think I just stick with the drivers that I have... All that stuff looks so hacked together, at least I have something now... I just hope one day all this will be easier...08:21
abattoireddy_o: huh, back to the command line then :(08:21
eddy_oi guess08:21
abattoireddy_o: funny cd ~/Desktop doesnt work08:21
MasterEvilAceBooting without root (or sudo)... how?08:21
derekswhat is with everyone command line phobia08:21
MasterEvilAcenot booting08:21
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hastesaverabattoir, what do you mean it doesn't work?08:22
abattoirhastesaver: eddy_o says it gives him no such file or directory08:22
hastesavereddy_o, did you type *exactly* "cd ~/Desktop" (without the quotes)? And as normal user, not as root?08:22
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eddy_oi moved the file into my personal files08:25
eddy_oit recognises it now but i stoill get an error08:25
eddy_osaying it is not debian or something08:25
abattoireddy_o: the exact output might be helpful. :)08:25
eddy_osigh.. itl take ages08:25
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abattoirif it is long, you can post it at http://kubuntu.pastebin.com08:25
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abattoireddy_o: aargh... my mistake08:26
abattoiryou seem to be installing an rmp08:26
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abattoiryou should install a .deb08:26
abattoirwhere did you get the file?08:26
hastesavereddy_o, make sure you're not running it as root. (You were the one asking for the root password a little while ago?)08:27
abattoiryou should have got it from an ubuntu mirror08:27
abattoirhastesaver: he is trying to install an rpm08:27
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eddy_oyeah im running it as root08:28
eddy_osubprocess bpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 208:29
Tallia1Kubuntu_somebody here is experienced with ATI propetary drivers - multiple screens?08:29
abattoireddy_o: you are running breezy right?08:29
abattoirone sec, i'll try to find you the package08:29
eddy_othx :)08:30
MasterEvilAceomg DIE LINUX08:32
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MasterEvilAcei can't mount a damn folder without root08:32
abattoireddy_o: one sec...08:32
abattoirthere are 2 packages08:32
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abattoirpptpd and pptp-linux08:32
abattoirthey also seem to have dependencies08:33
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abattoireddy_o: i am sorry if you have answered this earlier08:33
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abattoirwhy dont you install it through08:33
abattoireddy_o: that is kubuntu's package manager08:33
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eddy_onever heard of it08:34
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eddy_oall i knew about linux was the name before today08:34
abattoirAlt+F2 -> adept08:34
eddy_oremember that :(08:34
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dickhallit's also under the system tab in your K menu08:34
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ossossohi everyone!08:34
dickhallor Alt-Space -> Adept if you've got katapult going08:35
MasterEvilAceHelp mount without root08:35
MasterEvilAceHelp mount without root08:35
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ossossoI've yet installed this packets: kubuntu-desktop and Kde (previously I had Ubuntu)08:35
ossossonow all seems to work.. but it's all in english :) can I translate it in Italian?08:35
abattoireddy_o: has adept been launched?08:36
eddy_onothing happened/...08:36
abattoirok sorry, click the Kmenu button....08:36
hastesaverMasterEvilAce, you usually mount filesystems, not single folders... what exactly are you trying? Maybe it's not to do with mounting at all...08:36
eddy_ook what do i do once adept is launched08:36
eddy_oi launched it dw08:36
abattoiroh ok cool08:37
abattoirnow in searchbar, type pptp08:37
dickhallossosso: Kmenu->System Settings->Regional and Accessibility->Country Region and Language08:37
abattoirthere are 2 packages08:37
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abattoireddy_o: i think you should install both08:37
ossossothanks dickhall!08:37
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dickhallno prob08:38
dickhallnever heard of linux and you're trying to get pptp going? ambitious :)08:38
MasterEvilAcehastesaver: basically trying to get amaroK to stream my networked music. someone said they mounted it and got it to work.. which is possible.. and they mentioned mounting it at startup. but you can't mount period unless you have root08:38
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DevGetI have problems with gmail's smtp in kmail08:38
hastesaverMasterEvilAce, yes, that's true. If you don't have root access, get the admin user to do it for you08:39
eddy_oit found it, i clicked intsall and now its supposedly installed08:39
MasterEvilAcehastesaver: I am the admin user08:39
abattoireddy_o: sorry, i just picked up the conversation in the middle, else would have pointed to adept ages ago :)08:39
eddy_oit found one anyway08:39
eddy_oits ok :)08:39
MasterEvilAcehastesaver: well whatever.. i just need amarok to play networked music :(08:39
DevGetI have set server to smtp.gmail.com, port to 465, SSL, and PLAIN08:39
hastesaverMasterEvilAce, then you can do it with "sudo"08:39
eddy_oso now i have it "installed"08:39
eddy_ohow do i run it?08:39
MasterEvilAcehastesaver: yeah, but i'd like it to automount at startup, though.08:40
abattoireddy_o: sorry i have no clue about that... :(08:40
abattoirtry pptpd08:40
abattoirin the ocmmand line08:40
MasterEvilAcehastesaver: i'm only even mounting it because i don't know of any other way. so i prefer not to mount at all, heh08:40
ubotuhastesaver: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:40
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ossossounder Languages there's only English08:41
dickhallhrm, just noticed that too08:42
ossosso :)08:42
ossossoand now?08:42
dickhalltry installing the "kde-i18n-it" package08:42
ossossook.. can you tell me where's the Synaptic link?08:43
ossossoI don't know this interface..08:43
dickhalljust a guess. I haven't done any i18n stuff as I'm a native (and exclusive) english speaker08:43
dickhallwhat version of Kubuntu / KDE are you running?08:43
dickhallI always use adept08:43
ossossoprobalby the last..08:44
ossossoI've update kubuntu from ubuntu08:44
dickhallah, fair enough08:44
ossossodo you mean old?08:44
abattoireddy_o: what happened?08:44
abattoircommand not found?08:44
dickhallno, that's just a figure of speech08:44
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ossossoah ok..08:44
eddy_oi dunno how to run it08:45
ossossoso.. where can I obtein that package?08:45
abattoireddy_o: did you try 'pptpd' in the command line?08:45
dickhallokay, I don't know where synaptic is... you can try doing Alt+F2 (which opens a "run" dialog in kde) then typing "synaptic"08:45
dickhall(synaptic isn't included with Kubuntu by default)08:46
dickhallif that doesn't work, try running Adept, which is the KDE front-end08:46
dickhallpackage manager, that is08:46
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ossossohaven't you kubuntu?08:47
dickhallI do have kubuntu08:47
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dickhallbut synaptic is not a kubuntu program08:47
ossossoand how do you istall packages?08:47
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ossossoit's the same?08:48
dickhalldon't know, I've never used synaptic08:48
dickhallsimilar, probably. it's very easy to use08:48
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dickhallget it working?08:49
ossossounder System---Language Selector08:49
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ossossoI can choose a language..08:50
ossosso"Italian" is yet checked...08:50
eddy_ocan anyone help me run pptp-linux?08:50
dickhallyet checked?08:50
eddy_oapparently i have to configure it but i have no idea how to08:50
ossossobut it doesn't appera under Country\Region Language08:50
dickhallis it in the Add Language menu?08:51
ossossoyes.. there's a lot of language08:51
abattoireddy_o: maybe http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=configure+pptp-linux&btnG=Search08:51
ossossothe most unchecked, but italian is checked08:51
ossossomaybe I have to reboot08:51
milian_Hi there, what do I have to do if I want to use the php mail() function? It returnes true but no mails are sent...08:51
ossossoI don't know..08:51
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milian_I read something about postfix, where can I find the postfix log ?08:52
ossossodickhall, can you tell where's Adept link?08:52
dickhallmilian_: look in /var/log08:52
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dickhallossosso: Click the K in the lower left corner, and it's in the system menu08:53
dickhallossosso: when you say that italian is checked, is that in the system settings or in adept?08:53
milian_dickhall: thanks, I looked for something like postfix but it is named "mail.log" ...08:53
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ossossosystem setting08:54
eddy_ohow do i start config for a package i just installed on linux?08:54
dickhallmilian_: yep, mail.log08:54
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dickhallossosso: okay, well, if you apply that and it says that italian is selected, it says that it only affects newly started programs08:55
dickhallso, try starting a new program and seeing if it's in italian08:55
dickhallyou need to logout and log back in to get everything in italian08:55
ossossook.. I try againg..08:56
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ossossoall in English :)08:59
ossossook ok... step by step..08:59
ossossowhich my first step?09:00
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dickhallOpen adept, make sure the package "kde-i18n-it" is installed09:00
ossossook. wait..09:00
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GaiaX11When I turn on the PC what can i do not to restore the previous session in kubuntu?09:01
ossossoit says "not istalled"09:01
RadiantFireGaiaX11: select default session from the menu tab in KDM09:02
RadiantFireinstead of last session09:02
ossossoI made Rightclick and "install"09:02
dickhallah. there's your problem :)09:02
dickhallokay, then you need to "Commit"09:02
dickhallwith adept, you can "preview changes", which shows which packages will be installed, and you can "commit changes" which actually installs the package09:03
abattoirGaiaX11: or you can start with an empty session w/ Session Manager09:03
dickhall"Commit Changes" is a button near the top of the Adept window, it has a green checkmark on it09:03
dickhallsee it?09:03
ossossoyes but...09:03
ossossounder the package there's a button "Installa Package"09:04
sonicAnybody know how to crack a protected M$ access db file?09:04
ossossoI press it before you said of Commit Changes09:04
dickhallyes, that's correct09:04
antxthat only marks it for installation09:04
dickhall"Install Package" really means "Add this package to the list of packages to install"09:04
dickhallit doesn't actually DO anything until you hit Commit09:04
antxcommit is what it then really installs it09:04
ossossobut now all is blocked :(09:05
dickhallthat's handy if you want to install, say, 100 packages at a time09:05
dickhallblocked? how so?09:05
ossossojust when I clicked on that button..09:05
dickhallon commit? it should be downloading and installing the package09:05
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GaiaX11RadiantFire, abattoir - thanks very much!09:06
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abattoirGaiaX11: no problem :)09:07
ossossook it's downloading.09:07
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ossossowhich difference between the various System--->Package Menagement?09:08
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dickhalldo you mean Adept, Synaptic, etc.?09:08
ossosso(adept - kpackage.. and so on)09:08
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ossossoyes I've four Package Menagement..09:09
ossossoAdd Application - Adept - kpacakge - Syaptic09:09
ossossoeveryone has different applications?09:09
dickhallI think Kpackage manages things other than (k)ubuntu packages09:09
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ossossounder Adept can I do a research for package that interest to me?09:10
dickhallbut Ubuntu and Kubuntu want to be easy, so they have easy tools like Adept09:10
dickhallyes, there's a search field09:10
ossossoor have I to know the precise name?09:10
dickhalland you can narrow it down to the type of application you want09:10
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ossossoand when I check an application.. it automatically check for me the necessary package?09:11
dickhallto see what it's going to install, you use the "Preview Changes" button09:11
dickhallthat will show you every package that will be installed if you press "Commit Changes"09:11
ossossoI return under Country\Region...?09:12
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ossossoI don't remember the path :P09:12
dickhallKMenu -> System Settings -> Regional and Accessibility :)09:13
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ossossook .. I've added Italiano09:14
ossossonow I log out09:14
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GaiaX11I did not like the system configuration view of kubuntu. And it does not give me other view options! They decided for us. Linux is freedom! Isn't it?09:18
ossossoall wokrs :)09:18
ossossograzie mille09:18
dickhallgood to hear09:18
ossossojust the last thing09:18
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ossossokubuntu controls update automatically?09:19
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dickhalldo you mean, does the system automatically update itself?09:19
hastesaverGaiaX11, you can change everything :)09:19
ossossono.. that it's advert me when I'va to donwload updats..09:19
dickhallno, it won't do that09:20
ossossowhere can I control updates?09:20
dickhallbut what you can do, once a day or once a week or whatever you want, is open adept, click "fetch updates", and click "full upgrade"09:20
dickhallthat will mark every package to be updated09:20
GaiaX11So, how to change the system configuration view?09:20
GaiaX11hastesaver, So, how to change the system configuration view?09:21
dickhallyou can then go into the "Preview Changes" menu to see exactly what is being upgraded09:21
ossossothanks again09:21
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dickhallso, say you wanted to upgrade everything except "Program X". You would go Fetch Updates -> Full Update -> Preview Changes, remove Program X, then click Commit09:22
dickhallokay, it's lunch time, I have to go. Hope that helps09:22
hastesaverGaiaX11, I don't know -- I don't even know what the "system configuration view" is. If it's just a GUI thing, then I really don't know how to change how it looks. Look in Edit->Preferences or View, or something.09:22
ossossogood lunch09:22
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ossossoI noticed that Skype appears also for linux.. instead download it form the website.. does it appear under the Adept?09:28
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GaiaX11hastesaver, I will try anyway. Thks09:32
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abattoirossosso: i dont think so, i.e it'd not be in the ubuntu repositories09:36
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ossossook thank you09:36
abattoirhowever, if you do install the .deb skype package, it will show up in adept as an installed package09:36
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esbenI'm working on switching to Kubuntu :) Just one thing left, I hope someone can help me here.09:37
esbenA tale in the desert (a game) wants a so: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.309:37
esbenAnyone know where to find that?09:37
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esbenIt might be something from the gcc 2.96x days :/09:38
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NoUseesben you might try searching http://packages.ubuntu.com09:39
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h3sp4wnesben: You may want to try running it from a chroot of debian woody09:40
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grafthey, why doesn't kaffeine play any audio for me?09:42
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graftit just says 'there were no decoders found to handle the stream'09:42
esbengraft: What sort of audiofiles are you trying to play?09:43
graftjust some mp309:43
graftor no09:43
grafta wav rather09:43
esbenmp3 woudl probably need some mp3 decoder installed. Wav... that is just strange :/09:43
ubotu[restrictedformats]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats09:44
grafti've got the appropriate mad lib installed anyway, i can decode mp3s fine in amarok09:44
graftno ideas? anyone got kaffeine working at all?09:47
chavograft, kaffeine works here09:48
graftusing which, gstreamer or xine?09:48
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boruthi all09:58
borutcan anyone help me with installing mp3 codec09:58
uboturestricted is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats09:59
ubotuit has been said that mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:59
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wimpiesanybody around that has a working fglrx ati dapper system using XVideo ?10:07
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dergringois the aircrack-ng available for dapper?10:21
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Bazzibut can be easily compiled from source10:22
dergringoBazzi: ok, I don't like compiling because of updating, etc.10:23
Bazziyeah but it has no dependencies, not even a configure, just make && make install :)10:23
Bazzibut I'd like to see that as a package as well10:24
Bazzimaybe something for edgy10:24
Bazziif you have a launchpad account feel free to ask for it ;)10:24
dergringoBazzi: I dont have10:25
Bazziand I'm too lazy to get used to using launchpad10:25
Bazzibut ultimately I'd like to add packages myself10:26
dergringoBazzi: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=downloads I found a breezy package here10:26
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dergringoBazzi: I installed without any problems on dapper10:29
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RadiantFireargh, silly hibernate10:32
klerfaytRadiantFire: dapper is missing boot option "suspend=..." or something like that - that's way you can't hibernate10:32
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Bazzidergringo: such things should be in universe though :)10:33
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dergringoBazzi: agree :) aircrack(-old) is in universe afaik10:35
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Hrrmschmr..I have a question or two..10:35
Bazzinot w/ the tools unfortunately10:36
Hrrmschmr..if there's anyone 'round.10:36
Hrrmschmryay! maybe.10:36
RadiantFireklerfayt: naaa, it actually was suspend, my laptop autosuspends if its unplugged and left idle for 2 long10:36
RadiantFireits kind of frustrating10:36
RadiantFireI need to figure out how to turn it off10:36
domgo for it.  chatrooms have all the answers, Hrrmschmr10:36
Hrrmschmr..trying 'kdesu kdar' doesn't work, nor does 'kdesu konqueror' -- it seems that anything I want to start as root doesn't work if it's an X application.10:36
HrrmschmrInevitably, they seem unable to connect to display <whatever>(:0, :1, :2)10:37
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Hrrmschmr"XInputExtension" missing on display ":2.0" ..etc.10:38
hamburghi, on bootscreen all steps = ok, only: initialized modules = failed  ?10:38
Hrrmschmr..this is vnc.10:38
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domHrrmschmr, you want to VNC as a regular user and the use kdesu to launch an app as super-user?10:39
HrrmschmrI have a VNC session up and running, and it works fine.10:41
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Hrrmschmr..I'm checking right now (having someone else check) to see if the same is true non-vnc.10:41
ubotu[mp3]  a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:42
domI was about to ask10:42
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domI've found VNC isn't the greatest of protocols but I haven't tried doing what you describe so I don't know what to expect for that10:43
pinuxlol 226 nick, et pas un mot ds que un pinux arrive hein !  :p10:44
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domit's a bit quiet, yets10:48
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GnarusLeohi, anyone know where my linux headers are located?D irectory containing linux kernel source code []   ?10:50
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Duffmanhi, does anyone know if the Kubuntu rc1 will be released today too?10:52
domdid you look in /usr/src/linux ?10:52
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RadiantFireGnarusLeo: I think kernel headers are somewhere in /lib10:54
GnarusLeo/usr/src actually, but thanks10:55
RadiantFireheaders are differen't than source though10:55
GnarusLeois that why I get:10:55
GnarusLeo/lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/build/include/net/sock.h:992: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of csum_and_copy_from_user differ in signedness10:55
GnarusLeold: frag.o: No such file: No such file or directory10:55
GnarusLeoFailed to make module "cisco_ipsec".10:55
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RadiantFireGnarusLeo: are you compilining kernel modules?10:55
GnarusLeono, Im trying to install a cisco vpn client10:56
RadiantFirewhat does uname -a say your kernel is?10:56
RadiantFireoh, nm10:56
GnarusLeognaleo@tryodin:~/tempo/vpnclient$ uname -r10:56
RadiantFireGnarusLeo: insteall linux-headers-38610:57
RadiantFireand try it again10:57
GnarusLeook, ty10:57
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GnarusLeostill, the same10:58
esbenh3sp4wn, NoUse: Thank you both. As it turns out, the application needed to have a setup script run to use the new libstdc++. No idea why I didn't think about that.10:59
GnarusLeoyou think I am missing something RadiantFire ?10:59
RadiantFirei don't know11:00
RadiantFiresame error?11:00
RadiantFireI don't know then11:01
nixternalhow come there isn't a kubuntu laptop testing community like there is for ubuntu?11:02
RadiantFiregood question11:03
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nixternali have been testing dapper  on a laptop now for over a month...and everything is ubuntu11:04
nixternalthere isn't much for kubuntu in the launchpad either and i wish there was...kind of makes supporting a little more difficult11:04
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RadiantFirethat is kind of annoying11:04
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[mX] anyone know how to run an app in X as a different user? xhost doesn't appear to work..11:05
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RogueJediXDoes anyone have the rss-glx package installed? I can't get the screensavers to work11:10
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esbenAny AMD64 expects here? If I have an extra 32-bit .so file I want to get picked up by needing applications, where should I stuff it? I see no /usr/local/lib3211:13
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Shipit! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | 6.06LTS Release Candidate out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
Riddelltopic diff: 6.06LTS Release Candidate out11:16
Hrrmschmr(I was talking to someone earlier and disappeared)11:16
HrrmschmrHere's the deal:  It's only KDE programs that have this issue.11:17
Hrrmschmrkdesu nautilus makes a happy root nautilus window.11:17
Hrrmschmrkdesu kdar, konqueror, and such gets stuck.11:17
HrrmschmrThis is after an install of kubuntu dapper from flight 7.11:18
Hrrmschmr(and updating and all)11:19
Hrrmschmr..is there any way to figure out what's keeping my kde programs from running as root when I kdesu?11:19
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esbenWhat if you simply sudo ?11:22
Hrrmschmrwell, output is slightly different if I remember correctly..11:22
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HrrmschmrNope, output's essentially the same.11:23
esbenwhat about sudo strace konqueror11:24
HrrmschmrBTW, it gets to a certain point and freezes: It doesn't die.11:25
Hrrmschmr(unless ctrl-c'd)11:25
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m0ns00nWhat happens when linux says: Booting the kernel. [freeze] 11:34
m0ns00nTried command line disabling etc...11:34
m0ns00ndisabling apic11:34
m0ns00nWhat's wrong?11:34
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mickswell, i'm completely new to kubuntu11:38
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micksbut i just don't know how to install for example firefox11:38
HrrmschmrGo to the k menu..11:38
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RadiantFireMenu -> System -> Adept (Package Manager)11:39
esbenm0ns00n: Try booting with acpi=off11:39
esbenacpi is the trouble too often :/11:39
HrrmschmrK menu, system, adept (package manage) and install synaptic!  Heh.11:39
RadiantFiremicks: if your feeling adventurous and know the name of what you can install, you can also type apt-get install <program name> in a terminal11:39
RadiantFireer, sudo apt-get install <pkg name>11:40
micksok, i get a lot of help here, let's see11:40
micksit's just soooo much different than windows11:40
HrrmschmrA nice thing to remember:  alt-spacebar.11:41
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esbenmicks: When you have adept up and running, type "firefox" or whatever in the search bar11:41
esbenthat should narrow the number of packages down to a managable number :o)11:42
hamburghi, how can i record sound from my hardware mixer with the line in ?11:42
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Hrrmschmryou can run programs you know the name or description of, or if amarok (music player) is installed, you can play a specific song..11:42
zblachanyone know about ipod video and gtkpod?11:42
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wimpiesguys, I am out of ideas with my screen resolution problem11:44
RogueJediXCan anyone here get the Really Slick Screensavers package (rss-glx) to work?11:44
wimpiesAnybody have some time to help me with this ?11:44
wimpiesIt is a KDE problem I am sure but I do not know which11:44
Hrrmschmrmicks:  I find it useful to hunt around on the web for a particular linux app 'til I find one I like,11:44
Hrrmschmrmicks: and then install it from the package manager.11:44
Hrrmschmrmicks: ..as opposed to searching through the package manager.11:45
micksok, and how to install it in the package manager?11:45
Bilfordfor a newbie,  Add/Remove Programs would be easier11:46
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davixis there a program that can help me make and burn dvd movies?11:47
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wimpiesis there a problem with OpenOffice2 packages ?11:48
davixdoes it makes divx become readable on dvd?11:48
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Hrrmschmrnot to my knowledge.11:48
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zblachanyone know anything about gtkpod and ipod video?11:49
m0ns00nHow can I make linux not look for apic?11:49
m0ns00nIt freezes on ACPI: ..11:49
wimpiesHrrmschmr : When I use ADEPT to install openOffice2 it shows BREAK ...11:49
HrrmschmrMicks:  sorry, old computer, got real slow for a bit.11:49
dereksinfo 0 hillz2511:49
Hrrmschmrwimpies: Have you done a recent apt-get update?11:49
wimpiesHrrmschmr : yes I have11:49
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Hrrmschmrmicks: To install using package manager, you can:  run adept (package manager), then click "fetch updates".11:51
Hrrmschmrmicks: ..then select the package you want from the list (use search to narrow things down first, probably)11:51
wimpieswhen I do apt-get install openoffice.org2 openoffice.org11:51
wimpiesI get :   openoffice.org: Conflicts: openoffice.org211:52
wimpiesand when I do : apt-get install openoffice.org211:52
wimpiesI get11:52
HymnToLifewimpies> you can't install both11:52
wimpiesopenoffice.org2: Depends: openoffice.org (> 2.0.2)11:52
Hrrmschmrmicks: then click on the item you want to install, and click "install," then "apply changes" at the top.11:52
HymnToLife!info openoffice.org211:53
ubotuopenoffice.org2: (OpenOffice.org Office suite version 2.0), section editors, is optional. Version: 1.9.129-0.1ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 73 kB, Installed size: 192 kB11:53
Hrrmschmrwimpies: do you have extra repositories in your list of repositories?11:53
micksit is working :D11:53
Hrrmschmrmicks: :-)11:53
HymnToLifewimpies> could you pastebin your sources.list ?11:53
wimpiesyes I can if you tell me quickly how to pastebin again ...11:53
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 11:54
Hrrmschmrmicks: You can do the "fetch updates" thing once every few days.  ..or, if your system is up and running 24 hours, it'll fetch updates automatically sometime in the middle of the night.11:54
micksim getting it11:54
Hrrmschmrmicks: You can also click on "add/remove programs" instead of "adept package manager".11:55
m0ns00nesben: Doesn't work11:55
Hrrmschmrmicks: ..that's a simplified version of the same thing.11:55
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m0ns00nesben: This is where it stops: ACPI: setting ELCR to 0200 (from 0c28)11:56
m0ns00nesben: {freeze] 11:56
Hrrmschmrmicks: ..but when you're installing a package you know lots of people probably use, its simplicity is quite nice.11:56
wimpiesPastebinned it11:56
RadiantFiremicks: with the new version Dapper, the system will notify you of updates as well11:56
micksit's great :)11:57
esbenm0ns00n: You booted with acpi=off ... and it still does ACPI? Weird11:57
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m0ns00nesben: Yes, I use "c" (command line)11:58
zblachis there no proper linux ipod software?11:58
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zblach** is there no proper software for the ipod in linux?11:58
m0ns00nesben: kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro splash noapic nolapic apci=off11:58
m0ns00ngonna try again11:58
esbenit's aCPi, no aPCi11:59
esbenm0ns00n: it's aCPi, no aPCi11:59
Hrrmschmrzblach: Apple doesn't make any.  But, you can use amarok..11:59
m0ns00nThanks man!11:59
m0ns00nNow it boots11:59
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, m0ns00n11:59
zblachHrrmschmr: amarok work with ipod video?11:59
m0ns00nI had apci11:59
m0ns00nnot acpi12:00
pike__zblach: there is a proper linux for the ipod :) www.ipodlinux.org12:00
esbenm0ns00n: spelling mistakes are too easy on the kernel boot line :/12:00
Hrrmschmrzblach: Oh yeah.  you're looking to put video on there..12:00
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zblachpike__: tried it. _very_ crappy.12:00
zblachbut i can't do anything to help12:00
pike__zblach: oh guess i wont try it just yet then12:01
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wimpiesHrrmschmr : my pastbin did it work ?12:01
jeeklDo I dare update to dapper now or should I wait a week untill it's released?12:01
zblachpike__: rockbox is nice, but there's still much lacking there too12:03
Hrrmschmrzblach: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10307112:03
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Hrrmschmr..how does one fetch a pastebin?12:04
zblachHrrmschmr: thanks. found that earlier. still not much help12:05
zblach...the site, not anyone here12:05
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 12:05
wimpiesIt seems I need to paste the URL ?12:06
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davixhow do I make an xvid file play on dvd if my dvd dosent support xvid?12:08
wimpiesdavix : convert to mpeg212:08
smooshhi, how can i see witch version of gcc is used for compile a (compiled) binary file?12:08
davixwhat app can do it?12:08
wimpiesmencoder : transcode and a few DVD authoring guis (check freshmeat or kde.apps)12:09
davixwill do thanks12:09
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hamburghow can i get firefox 1.5x ? i use 1.08 ;/12:12
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Hrrmschmr..there's no kde applet.12:14
Hrrmschmr..for webboard.12:14
wimpiesHrrmschmr : the above URL does not work ?12:14
luksan_why doesn't kubuntu have packages for zsnes?12:15
RogueJediXluksan_: I can find it just fine12:15
imbrandonluksan_: it does12:16
imbrandonluksan_: zsnes - Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM)12:16
luksan_i have multiverse, but adept isn't showing it12:17
imbrandoncan you paste your sources.list in pastebin ?12:17
luksan_this doesn't make any sense12:17
Hrrmschmrwimpies: You do have a couple of extra repositories, and though they don't look like they'd contain packages that would conflict with oo.o2, it's still possible.12:18
Hrrmschmrwimpies: (yes, the url worked, I just didn't look hard enough -- didn't notice viewing links and 'search')12:18
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luksan_imbrandon: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/zdOaUc95.html12:18
imbrandonk one sec12:19
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Hrrmschmrwimpies: can you also pastebin the conflict message?12:19
esbensmoosh: You can't, not really. You can see the ABI with something like nm /home/esben/c++/a.out | grep CXX, unless it's stripped12:21
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imbrandonluksan_: looks like your missing a few that i have of the official ones, try my sources.list http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73817612:22
imbrandonback yours up, doa apt-get update and try again12:22
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jeeklI was about to upgrade to dapper from my breezy and changed my sources.list to fit dapper and ran a apt-get update and then a dist-upgrade. But apt wants to remove lots of packages from me? Why is that? I HAve the correct repos in my sources.list. Here is the output of dist-upgrade:http://pastebin.com/738166 and this is my sources.list: http://pastebin.com/73817112:22
smooshesben: ah, ok... thanks alot for the info...12:23
_per_how do i change the screen resolution? (it is set to 1024x768 now, and i know it can get up to 1280x800, but that option is not shown in the "System Settings")12:23
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imbrandonjeekl: thats semi normal, it will remove alot ( including oo.o ) just reinstall it when its done if you want12:23
wimpiesHrrmschmr: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1465012:24
luksan_imbrandon: ok thanks12:24
jeeklimbrandon: Seminormal? Okey, but why? Design flaw in apt or just some strange behaviour in repo handling or something?12:24
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HymnToLifejeekl> it will install a lot of new wones too, I think it's OK12:25
imbrandon_per_: at a command prompt type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:25
HymnToLifesee line 7512:25
_per_imbrandon: thanks12:25
imbrandonjeekl: no i just ment thats normal ( ignor the semi )12:25
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jeeklHymnToLife: Yeah, I see. Right then. I guess it's all fine and dandy.12:25
jeeklimbrandon: Right, thanks.12:26
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imbrandonmorning HymnToLife12:26
gilhow do i take a large linux partitions and resize it....create a new partition out of it12:26
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gilis that from the command line12:27
imbrandonno command line is cfdisk12:27
Hrrmschmrwimpies: When was the last time you did an apt-get update?12:27
wimpies10 minutes ago ?12:27
HymnToLife'night imbrandon :p12:28
imbrandonwimpies: apt-get install openoffice.org2 << drop the "2"12:28
imbrandonwimpies: apt-get install openoffice.org12:28
wimpieswould that install version 2 ?12:28
gilcan i create a fats32 partition with qtparted12:28
wimpiesor 112:28
HymnToLifegil> it's recommended to create them with Windows12:29
wimpiesso whats this .org2 package then ?12:29
HymnToLifeit might not recognie FAT partitions created with Parted12:29
imbrandonmeta packages to make the transition wimpies12:29
HymnToLife!info openoffice.org12:29
ubotuopenoffice.org: (high-quality office productivity suite), section universe/editors, is optional. Version: 1.1.5-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 6707 kB, Installed size: 28920 kB12:30
klerfaytwhat does LTS stand for?12:30
imbrandon!info openoffice.org dapper12:30
ubotuopenoffice.org: (OpenOffice.org Office suite version 2.0), section editors, is optional. Version: 2.0.2-2ubuntu8 (dapper), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 24 kB12:30
HymnToLifeyep, seems openoffice.org2 is a metapackage12:30
Hrrmschmrwimpies: I don't see the package "openoffice.org >2.0.2" in the openoffice.org2 package dependencies.12:30
gili have one large ext3 partition from which i want to create a small fat32 partition!12:30
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wimpies!info openoffice.org dapper12:31
ubotuopenoffice.org: (OpenOffice.org Office suite version 2.0), section editors, is optional. Version: 2.0.2-2ubuntu8 (dapper), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 24 kB12:31
HymnToLifegil > what d'you mean ?12:31
Hrrmschmrwimpies: comment out all but the ubuntu archives, and do an apt-get update, and then try to install oo.o2.12:31
imbrandongil: resize the ext3 with qtparted and the go into windows and create a fat32 part in the free space12:31
wimpiesHrrmschmr : seems I need to install the openoffice.org package12:31
gilok thats what i thought12:31
imbrandonwimpies: are you on dapper or breezy ?12:32
gilthanks imbrandon12:32
giloh...i have another question about my ALSA sound...12:32
gilit seems to look up on me on occasion...how do i restart it?12:33
Hrrmschmrwimpies: it's a metapackage that should install all of the oo.o2 stuff.12:33
gillock up12:33
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imbrandonapt-get install koffice ;) j/k12:33
gilwhen i use mic on skype for example,...afterward my sound is locked up,,,i actually need to turns skype off to fix the problem12:34
wimpiesimbrandom : dapper (I just upgraded but during upgrade openoffice was removed )12:34
imbrandongil: i dunno look for a init script in /etc/init.d for alsa the do "/etc/init.d/alsa restart"12:34
imbrandonwimpies: then yea drop the "2" its not needed in dapper anymore12:34
imbrandon!info openoffice.org dapper12:35
ubotuopenoffice.org: (OpenOffice.org Office suite version 2.0), section editors, is optional. Version: 2.0.2-2ubuntu8 (dapper), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 24 kB12:35
imbrandon^^ version 212:35
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rob138whenever i do "dcop kded mediamanager fullList" it says call failed, can anyone help?12:35
imbrandon!info openoffice.org2 dapper12:35
ubotuopenoffice.org2: (Transitional package to openoffice.org), section editors, is optional. Version: 2.0.2-2ubuntu8 (dapper), Packaged size: 0 kB, Installed size: 24 kB12:35
imbrandonsee meta package12:36
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Hrrmschmrimbrandon, shouldn't the metapackage automatically install the others? ..and if it doesn't, shouldn't that not be a part of its description in the apt cache?12:37
rob138whenever i do "dcop kded mediamanager fullList" it says call failed, can anyone help?12:37
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imbrandonHrrmschmr: it SHOULD but its broke, they are working on it ( its a known issue )12:38
Hrrmschmr..but, yeah, either way, installing oo.o should be fine.12:38
Hrrmschmrimbrandon: thanks..  :-)12:38
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wimpiesimbrandon : do you know anything about kde and screen resolutions ?12:39
imbrandona little , whats up ?12:39
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wimpieswell, KDM runs in the perfect resolution (1280x1024) but when I log on as my user then12:39
wimpiesit switches to 640x480.12:40
wimpiesI can manually set it to the proper resolution but it seems to forget every time12:40
wimpies(Using system settings -> display12:40
rob138can someone help me fix my dcop/hal to see my ipod and make it work with amarok?12:40
imbrandonhmm do you .... hold on lemme find the option12:40
imbrandonactualy that should work .... if your on the newest dapper, and its still not working file a bug on launchpad.net ( detailed please )12:42
imbrandonrob138: whats wrong with it ?12:42
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wimpiesimbrandon : should I report the bug about the screen resolution ?12:43
imbrandonwimpies: thats what i was talking about12:43
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RadiantFirerob138: whats your problem?12:43
rob138imbrandon, when i do dcop kded mediamanager fullLIst, which it says to do if amarok can't autodetect, and then it says call failed12:44
imbrandonrob138: what version of kubuntu and how do you have the ipod hooked up and what does aramok say ?12:45
SlimGanyone know if openoffice.org will be replaced by koffice in the final release of kubuntu 6.06 ?12:45
imbrandonSlimG: no it wont ( not for dapper )12:45
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rob1386.06 kubuntu, ipod is hooked up through usb...? and amarok says: QWidget::setMinimumSize: The smallest allowed size is (0,0)12:45
rob138QComboBox::setCurrentItem: (speakerComboBox) Index 1 out of range X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3  Major opcode:  7Minor opcode:  0 Resource id:  0x340003a12:45
SlimGimbrandon: thanks, too bad12:46
rob138when i try adding the device manually12:46
imbrandonhrm ok i havent seen that one, have you my chance tried amarok 1.4 ?12:47
rob138i am using 1.412:47
imbrandonk hrm12:47
wimpiesBTW. are there known issues with kdetv and dapper ?12:47
wimpiesWhen I run Xine or Mplayer things are OK but when I start kdetv X screen goes black (I think12:48
rob138imbrandon, yah, i tried remove amarokrc and the amarok folder and reinstall amarok and it still the same12:48
wimpiesX crashes)12:48
imbrandonwimpies: check the forums12:48
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rob138imbrandon, also when i click auto-detect it popups and says: No new media devices were found. If you feel this is an error, ensure that the DBUS and HAL daemons are running and KDE was built with support for them. You can test this by running "dcop kded mediamanager fullList" in a Konsole window.12:50
wimpiesimbrandon : at the risk of sounding stupid ... URL ?12:51
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imbrandonwimpies: www.ubuntuforums.org and www.kubuntuforums.net12:52
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da_fat_thinghttp://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=4019.0 <-- i have exactly the same problems12:52
da_fat_thingis there any fix yet?12:52
imbrandonrob138: no idea about that command but i do know kde/kubuntu has dbus / hal support12:53
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imbrandonda_fat_thing: maybe try dapper ( better laptop support ) ??12:54
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da_fat_thingyeah, thats the thing12:55
da_fat_thingits not a laptop12:55
da_fat_thingordinary desktop, x800xt, athlon 64 3000+12:55
imbrandonyea but your install is thinking it is12:55
da_fat_thingpretty much the same config12:55
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da_fat_thinghm, is that all?12:56
imbrandonhttp://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/6.06/  <-- dapper release candidate12:56
da_fat_thingthen i should be able to deactivate the check, shouldn't i?12:56
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da_fat_thingi've got no blank cds here, so kubuntu is my only shot until tomorrow12:56
da_fat_thinghoped to install it tonight12:56
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da_fat_thingalso it hangs directly after the check12:58
da_fat_thingso its propably not the check itself12:58
da_fat_thingdunno what the guys problem in the thread is, but noapic helps me12:59
da_fat_thingas a boot parameter12:59
da_fat_thingdoes that change anything important or is it acceptable to keep it permanetly?12:59
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visik7fonts in dapper sux or I'm stupid ? :)01:01
imbrandonda_fat_thing: thats ok to keep perm yes01:03
da_fat_thingnow only xorg is left01:08
da_fat_thingbut ive always got problems with that01:08
da_fat_thingis it normal that the configuration changes?01:08
da_fat_thingwithout me provoking it01:08
da_fat_thingxorg cant find a card in the specified pci-bus01:10
da_fat_thinghow can i find out in which bus it is01:10
wimpiesIn konqueror the view mode icon is no longer there ... how can I reactivate it ?01:11
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gilimbrandon: how do i get qtparted to work with my drive....when it says it is busy01:15
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gilcan someone help me out with qtparted....01:17
visik7konversation n dapper sux01:17
rob138imbrandon, i think i figured my ipod problem, it is being mounted as read only, how do i change this?01:17
visik7its abbreviate channel name and isn't easy to undestand in which channel am I01:17
HymnToLifevisik7> only in dapper ?01:17
visik7any way to fix it ?01:17
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visik7HymnToLife: I'm using it in breezy and works ok for my needs01:17
theinevisik7: what sucks about it?01:18
HymnToLifeguess I'm too used to my xchat but I didn't like it in Breezy either01:18
visik7theine:  it abbreviate channel name and isn't easy to undestand in which channel am I01:18
visik7theine: the led at the left of the channel name is too big01:19
theinevisik7: hmmm, I don't seem to have that problem01:19
visik7theine: plain install of flight 701:19
visik7now I'mgoing to try rc01:19
imbrandonvisik7: the led's dont show up in dapper  : look http://imbrandon.sytes.net/misc/snapshot2.png01:20
theinevisik7: I don't have such a led, but I continually upgraded from breezy01:20
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da_fat_thingis it possible that kubuntu has problems with pcie?01:20
visik7imbrandon: I'v enabled it01:20
RadiantFirewhat does SCIM do?01:21
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imbrandonstandard something input method, something about mappping kleys01:21
visik7btw most of my font apps in breezy are setted to xft font (dunno where is it but is cool ) in dapper there isn't such a font01:21
RadiantFireI wonder if I could use it to get at my multimedia h otkeys01:21
gilimbrandon: how do i get qtparted to lock onto my drive...it says it is busy01:21
imbrandongil unmount it01:22
gilunmount root partition01:22
imbrandonyou cant change a mounted drive01:22
RadiantFiregil, do act on  your own harddrive your gonna have to boot with some sort of rescue CD01:22
imbrandonahh if its root you have to boot from a live cd or such01:22
gili cant use qtparted like partiition magic?01:23
nomadanyone with drake that has xgl running ?01:23
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imbrandongil , not on mounted drives ( you can run qtpartd on a livecd )01:23
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imbrandon*yawns* , soooooo how is everyone this eve ?01:25
=== imbrandon drops a pin on the floor
=== RadiantFire takes a picture of the pin from Sprint
RadiantFirepointers are evil...01:30
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imbrandonye they are ...... * sticks with c# *01:31
RadiantFireoh wells...01:31
RadiantFirewhen in doubt, scrape the whole function and start over :)01:31
Kadranhi did any one tried to install hsf modem on kubuntu?01:32
Kadranplease tell me how?01:32
imbrandonhsf sorry no, i havent used a modem in a long time01:33
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HymnToLifeKadran> you have a site full of informations on this subject at http://www.linmodems.org01:35
HymnToLifebut it might be a bit confusing, ask for help if needed01:35
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KadranHymnToLife: thanks01:37
da_fat_thingnow its getting frustrating01:37
da_fat_thingi tought (k)ubuntu was so good at detecting hardware -.-01:38
HymnToLifeda_fat_thing> it is01:38
imbrandonda_fat_thing: for the most part it is01:38
HymnToLifeat least for me01:38
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da_fat_thingi dunno, i dont have any exotic hardware and i cant seem to find the error, it behaves differently on every boot01:39
imbrandonda_fat_thing: ipod ?01:39
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imbrandonwhat are your errors, what ahardware ?>01:39
imbrandonwe can TRY to help01:39
da_fat_thingwell, a card reader, im gonna disconnect that01:40
da_fat_thingstill that01:40
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da_fat_thingexept it sometimes works with noapic or pci=routeirq as boot parameters01:40
da_fat_thingor it locks up at a different point01:40
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imbrandonahhh as i sugested before , atleaste TRY dapper01:40
imbrandonbreezy will be upgrading to dapper by default in a few days anyhow01:41
imbrandonin your case might be good to jump ahead01:41
da_fat_thingany way to do that from the console?01:41
imbrandonyea if you have network01:41
imbrandonjust edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and change all the "breezy" to "dapper"01:42
imbrandonand apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade01:42
imbrandonwait for it to finish, reboot01:42
da_fat_thingif i get to boot it i'll try, if not, i'll have to wait till tomorrow01:43
da_fat_thingi had kubuntu 3 i think, that worked very well01:44
imbrandonwhen booting01:44
imbrandonedit the grub entry and add "single" without quotes to the end01:44
da_fat_thingi'm just wondering what changed01:44
imbrandonthat will put you in single user mode01:44
imbrandonto do the upgrade01:44
imbrandonthen remove it when finished ( still might need noapic depending on your hardware01:45
da_fat_thingwell, noapic isnt working anymore :(01:45
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YazzYhi guys01:45
YazzYi dapper the latest version of ubuntu ?01:46
imbrandonyes dapper RC is01:46
YazzYwhat repositories do i need to add to get applications like ktorrent, kmplayer, dixv support and such ?01:46
imbrandonuniverse and multiverse01:47
imbrandonYazzY: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73817601:47
YazzYimbrandon: could you please post your apt config on pastebin.com ?01:47
da_fat_thingis there some sort of boot-log?01:47
imbrandonda_fat_thing: /var/log/messages01:48
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YazzYthanks again and laters01:49
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nrdbI was wondering if there is an interface that goes direct to the ethernet hardware without going though the TCP/IP stack?01:53
nrdbthat is for a C program!01:54
Dasnipa`sounds like that would be too easily exploitable...01:54
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imbrandonnrdb: you could probbly write a kernel interface ;)01:57
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scubes13anyone familiar with booting a box via pxes having already installed freenx onto kubuntu?01:58
scubes13any direction at all is well appreciated01:58
scubes13someone had mentioned the pxes project, but I have yet to be able to figure out what is needed on a kubuntu box to connect a client01:59
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imbrandonscubes13: might try edubuntu channel they use ltsp alot ( just let them know your on kubuntu though )02:00
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nrdbimbrandon: so there isn't an interface or you don't know what it is?02:01
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imbrandonnrdb: no, you would have to write a driver on your own02:01
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nrdbimbrandon: ok thanks for that. :(02:02
_bbeckDoes anyone know if the release candidate that came out today will there be a live cd for it?02:02
imbrandonthere already is02:02
I_Eat_PlasticHmmm, McDonalds is offering adult happy meals.02:03
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_bbeckoh, is the desktop version what they're calling the live cd?02:03
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imbrandonalternate install is the text mode install02:03
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coreymon77guys i have a question02:06
coreymon77for printers02:06
scubes13imbrandon: thanks for the tip, had not even thought about edubuntu channel, thanks again02:06
evaderHi, I just installed Flight 7 last night, and now the release candidate came out today!!!02:06
coreymon77would a driver for the hp photosmart 3200 work for the hp photosmart 321002:06
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evaderIs there a changelog?02:06
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imbrandonevader: just apt-get dist-upgrade and you will have the latest , dosent matter what you install02:07
evaderCan I read the changelog still please02:07
imbrandoncoreymon77: yes , most likely ( they only release major numbers )02:07
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, HymnToLife02:07
RadiantFiredoes he need to dist upgrade if he installed flight7?02:07
imbrandonRadiantFire: its always better to use dist-upgrade rather than upgrade unless you have a specific reason02:08
coreymon77so i should use hplip02:08
imbrandoncoreymon77: yes02:08
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evaderI can't seem to find the right changelog02:09
evaderI want to see the differences between flight 7, and the RC02:09
da_fat_thingwell, thanks for the help, the upgrade will take 30 minutes so ill try that tomorrow02:09
coreymon77i mean hpjis02:09
coreymon77now my printer has ethernet capabilities meaning it can connect directly to my network as a seperate entity02:10
imbrandonevader: read the dapper-changes mailing list, there isnt a "changelog" per se02:11
coreymon77would all i need to do to get it to work is download the driver02:11
evaderimbrandon: ok i'll have a look02:11
imbrandonevader: many thousands packages get changed , would be impossible to maintain02:11
imbrandoncoreymon77: correct02:11
coreymon77or should i upgrade to dapper rc before trying02:11
evaderimbrandon: well i just wanted to know if there is any configuration changes that i miss out on because i used Flight 702:12
imbrandondosent matter coreymon7702:12
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drgonzohello all02:12
imbrandonevader: no, not as long as you are apt-get dist-upgrading , its exactly the same02:12
drgonzois anyone here using kbfx with kubuntu, I'm having issues with the applet02:12
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imbrandondrgonzo: yes i'm using it ( http://imbrandon.sytes.net/misc/snapshot2.png  )02:13
drgonzoOnce I installed the deb package  through synaptic, I can add kbfxvista( the name of the applet) to my pannel, but from there I can't edit it or open it02:13
coreymon77which would bring me to my next problem02:13
imbrandonin the control center02:13
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drgonzooh, In kde components?02:14
imbrandonno apperance02:14
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drgonzook thanks :)02:14
coreymon77imbrandon, apt on my computer has no repositories on it, after installing kubuntu fresh apt has no repositories02:14
coreymon77how could i get all the ones i need02:14
imbrandoncoreymon77:  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73817602:14
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coreymon77where does the repositories list go02:15
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imbrandonin /etc/apt/sources.list02:16
coreymon77oh, by the way, i still have breezy02:16
imbrandonouch , will still work, just change all the "dapper" to breezy02:16
coreymon77but i want to get dapper rc through apt02:16
coreymon77how would i do that02:16
imbrandonthen use my sources.list02:17
HymnToLifecoreymon77> here's mine if you want : http://fkraiem.no-ip.org/stuff/sources.list02:17
HymnToLifeit's for Breezy02:17
imbrandonand apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade02:17
dergringohi, I am looking for an alternative icon theme for kopete (not an emoticon theme) but I can't find anything :(02:17
imbrandonthen use my sources.list ( to get dapper if thats what you want )02:17
imbrandonand apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade02:17
imbrandondergringo: check kde-look.org02:17
coreymon77do i have to do anything so that it downlaod non final releases aswell02:18
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imbrandoncoreymon77: here this is easyier to ready : http://ubuntustuff.sytes.net/sources.list02:18
dergringoimbrandon: I do, daily :D But I just find emoticon sets :(02:18
coreymon77oh, and thanks hymm02:18
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coreymon77which one do i use02:19
imbrandonno coreymon77 just do the updates every day and you dont have to do anything02:19
coreymon77the breezy one from hymm or yours02:19
imbrandoncoreymon77: if you want dapper use mine02:19
imbrandonif you want breezy then his02:19
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imbrandonyou wanted to upgrade to dapper right ?02:20
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coreymon77and where do i put it02:20
imbrandoncoreymon77:  http://ubuntustuff.sytes.net/sources.list  <-- make your /etc/apt/sources.list look like that02:20
imbrandonwith "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"02:20
coreymon77so just replace my sources.list with the one you gave me02:21
imbrandonand then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"02:21
imbrandoncoreymon77: yes02:21
imbrandonand then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"02:21
imbrandonit will upgrade you02:21
coreymon77oh, and this includes kubuntu right02:21
imbrandonyes thats kubuntu or ubuntu02:21
imbrandoneither one02:21
=== imbrandon uses kubuntu ;)
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coreymon77could i just use sudo -s and not have to type sudo all the time02:24
veronica--fI always did the long version of that: sudo zsh02:25
imbrandoncould but i dont recomend that to new people02:25
=== imbrandon always uses "sudo su -"
imbrandoncoreymon77: you WILL have to reinstall openoffice.org when done ( no way arround it atm ) but its easy , when its all done just "apt-get install openoffice.org"02:27
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coreymon77brandon, i know how to use apt, ive been using linux for years02:29
imbrandonkk sorry, dont mean to talk you down, alot of people in here dont ;)02:29
Spaceraverincluding me02:30
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coreymon77i can still use kubuntu while dist upgrade is going right02:32
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Ahmuckif i unplug my cable, and then plug it back in will kubuntu auto connect ?02:42
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imbrandonto what ? ethernet ?02:46
Bilfordtj9991,  cant you transfer everything off the Windows drive instead, and then remove Windows02:46
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Ahmucki am having problems with resize on a windows xp box02:53
HymnToLifewhat problem exactly ?02:53
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AhmuckI get an error that says, "Failed to create enough space for installation  The resize operation did not create enough free space for the installation.  Resizing may have failed.  You will have to set up partitions manually.  <Go Back> <Continue>02:54
AhmuckWindows XP Pro and NTFS02:54
HymnToLifeAhmuck> resize your NTFS manually with GParted before installation02:55
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brad_im thinking about switching from slackware to kubuntu because of its amd64 support. how was is its support for sata drives?03:08
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HymnToLifebrad_> It's rather kernel-based but no problem for me03:10
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zblachhey, anyone here use gtkpod often?03:12
brad_ive used it03:12
zblachthat sounds like it's in the past tense03:13
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zblachi just got an ipod video in the mail, and i'm wondering if there's a gtkpod-like program for video03:13
brad_i think i read on their site that is gonna support video pretty soon03:14
zblachany idea what 'really soon' means?03:14
brad_i was actually looking for the same thing03:14
drgonzooh btw, now that dapper is final, do I need to change my repo entry ?03:14
brad_i just got an ipod video03:14
zblachbrad_: the version included with breezy is 99.2, and video is supported from 99.003:15
zblachmaybe i'll take a second look03:15
brad_oh nice deal03:15
brad_i had some problems with it03:16
brad_kept crashing03:16
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drgonzodo i  even need the repo now that dapper is released?03:18
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drgonzowon't kubuntu 3.5.2 be in the main repo now?03:18
BilfordI dont know.  what if people dont want to upgrade?03:18
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dipnlikhi all. my konqueror's amaroK sidebar is not working, it always display "no track playing". any ideas?03:20
sethhi dipnlik, what kind of media files are you using?03:21
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brad_there isnt a dvd releasee of dapper?03:23
Bilfordwhy do you want a DVD03:23
dipnlikseth: mostly mp3, but i have some oggs and wma's and mp4, i think03:23
sethdipnlik, breezy or dapper?03:23
sethdipnlik, if dapper, amarok 1.3 or 1.4?03:23
dipnlikseth: dapper, 1.4-beta303:24
sethdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main03:24
brad_there was a dvd with the last release wasnt there?03:24
seth1.4 final is out03:24
sethshould fix your issue03:24
dipnlikseth: wow, cool!03:25
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brad_what was the reason for the dvd release? because it was a livecd and install disc03:27
seththe dvd also contained all of main03:27
BilfordYou can install with the Live CD03:27
Bilfordyou dont need the DVD to install03:28
brad_what do you mean all of main... sorry i dont know all that much about kubuntu. im thinking of switching from slackware03:28
Bilfordyou only need the CD03:29
Bilfordafter you load the Live CD, theres a desktop icon to Install03:29
brad_is dapper safe to install or should i stick with breezy till dapper is final03:30
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dipnlikbrad_: no problems with breezy here03:31
brad_dipnlik, do you mean dapper?03:32
dipnlikbrad_: dapper here, sorry03:32
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dipnlikbrad_: i'd go breezy in a work environment, maybe03:32
brad_ive heard a lot of good things about *ubuntu. the whole it just works motto makes me feel confident03:33
BilfordDapper is safe.  the official release iis in about a week03:34
dipnlikbrad_: i really like this part too03:34
HymnToLifehmm what about servers, should I dist-upgrade mine ?03:34
BilfordI think it's better to install Dapper fresh rather than Breezy, and have to upgrade a week later03:34
brad_6.06 LTS is downloading right now03:34
Bilfordwhere are you getting it from03:34
Bilfordthe link I posted?03:35
Bilfordoh, sorry03:35
BilfordRC is out03:35
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unix_infidelhow would i go about removing old packages from cache?03:35
unix_infidelor is that even viable since ubuntu doesnt really release new software.03:35
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brad_so with kubuntu i have access to all of ubuntu packages and all of debians? is that true?03:36
unix_infidelbrad_: yes.03:36
imbrandonmost of debians not all03:36
HymnToLifebe careful when using Debian binaries though03:37
EvilIdlerUbuntu recompiles pretty much everything from Debian. Kubuntu is the KDE desktop for Ubunru.03:37
brad_thats really the main thing that slackware lacks... package management03:37
HymnToLifebbut all of Ubuntu for sure, Ubuntu and Kubuntu are basically the same thing03:37
EvilIdlerThere's probably an apt-slack by now :)03:37
brad_evil_doer, there is03:37
unix_infidelanyone on my old package removal questino,03:37
EvilIdleridler = !doer03:37
brad_slapt-get actually03:38
imbrandonunix_infidel: what question ?03:38
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unix_infidelimbrandon: how would i go about removing old packages from cache.03:38
EvilIdlerYeah, I thought they'd get to their senses eventually, even in slack territory :)03:38
unix_infideland what threshold in days does it use to determine which packages are out dated.03:38
imbrandonapt-get clean03:38
unix_infidelimbrandon: threshold?03:38
EvilIdlerNo threshold. The packages stay till you run clean.03:39
imbrandon   clean - Erase downloaded archive files03:39
imbrandon   autoclean - Erase old downloaded archive files03:39
brad_there is also no talk of supporting amd64 either. and since i just paid for a new system id like to use it to its potential03:39
imbrandonno threshhol, all or none03:39
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imbrandonbrad- :)03:40
imbrandonjust a smile at amd6403:40
brad_oh :)03:41
brad_where is this repository of packages? can i look at the goods?03:41
imbrandonubuntu and kubuntu both use the same repos , its just diffrences in whats installed by default03:42
brad_oh really03:43
EvilIdlerUbuntu defaults to Gnome. Kubuntu is the KDE desktop instead.03:43
imbrandonubuntu == gnome/gtk , kubuntu == kde , by default but can be mixed and matched etc03:43
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imbrandonand if you install kubuntu and wanna try ubuntu just "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" or xubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop or edubuntu-desktop etc etc etc03:45
ubotuwell, xubuntu is Ubuntu using Xfce instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://www.xubuntu.org03:45
dipnlikbrad_: xubuntu is cool, i used it at work03:45
brad_ah nice03:45
brad_yea xfce is nice03:46
dipnlikwow, kwrite is not available anymore, anyone knows why?03:46
imbrandonlike i said all the *buntu's use the same repos , just whats installed by default ( kubuntu == kubuntu-desktop and dependancies )03:46
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imbrandondipnlik: its avaible just not installed by default .... apt-get install kwrite03:47
imbrandonbut kte is nicer03:47
imbrandonerr kate03:47
dipnlikimbrandon: not available here, are you sure it is available?03:47
brad_i really hope this is nice as it seems03:47
imbrandonmy bad, look like kwrite == kate03:48
brad_im sick of standing on my head to get some things to work in slack03:48
HymnToLifeimbrandon> I'm pretty sure it is, in Breezy at least03:48
imbrandonbrad it is ...... BUT just rember its not the end all / be all BUT if your used to slack then you will love it03:48
dipnlikimbrandon: IIRC, it was possible to embed vim in kwrite, this is not possible on kate03:49
imbrandonHymnToLife: probbly03:49
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imbrandon!info kwrite breezy03:49
imbrandon!info kwrite dapper03:49
imbrandon!+info kwrite dapper03:50
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ubotuPackage 'kwrite' does not exist.03:50
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imbrandon!+info kwrite breezy03:50
ubotuPackage 'kwrite' does not exist.03:50
imbrandonis kwrite part of koffice ?03:50
dipnlikimbrandon: no, that is kword03:51
imbrandonahh ok03:51
HymnToLife!info kwrite03:51
imbrandonmight have to get a debian package for now and take your chances, then ask the -motu to maby get it in for edgy03:51
HymnToLifethat's strange03:51
imbrandondebian etch/sarge packages *can* work , just be carefull with them03:52
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imbrandonbut if your a vim user then you might be used to that ....... *chokes on vim*03:52
imbrandonbut i'll see what the deal is later once dapper has shipped for getting it into edgy for ya if its possible03:53
NeoChaosXkwrite is installed if you have kate installed03:53
NeoChaosXit's just a stripped down kate03:54
imbrandonthats what i thought NeoChaosX03:54
imbrandonbut he seems to think diffrent03:54
NeoChaosXwho does?03:54
dipnlikNeoChaosX: wow, yeah i have kwrite (just not on katapult, wierd)03:54
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HymnToLife[03:54]  <imbrandon> but he seems to think diffrent <= I hate apple :p03:55
nahojanyone else having trouble with kubuntu dapper freezing very often?03:55
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imbrandonnahoj: not i, been running dapper a long time now03:55
dipnlikHymnToLife: i like mac minis, want one :)03:55
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dipnlikimbrandon: how do you like the macbook?03:55
HymnToLifeThe only Apple stuff I ever bought was an iPod :p03:56
nahojmy system just froze 2 times in five minutes...03:56
imbrandoni LOVE it03:56
imbrandonnahoj: why?03:56
dipnlikNeoChaosX: kwrite can have vim embedded03:56
brad_so im searching packages.ubuntu.com and some packages have  restricted in red letters after the title what is that all about?03:56
nahojimbrandon, no idea, every day it freezes at least 4-5 times03:56
HymnToLifeI would't spit on a 12" iBook either but I cn't afford having 2 laptops yet03:56
nahojeverything but the mouse just stop working03:56
dipnlikNeoChaosX: Settings, Choose editor03:56
nahojno option but to reboot03:56
imbrandonbrad_: diffrent licencing03:57
NeoChaosXdipnlik: didn't know that, that's interesting03:57
dipnlikNeoChaosX: just want to know what do I need to do to have vim embedded03:57
dipnlikNeoChaosX: google says vimpart, but kubuntu doesn't have that package either03:57
nahojimbrandon, i just had a clean install and after 3 minutes it froze completely03:58
d3aa new Windows xp installation has destroyed my grub ? is there a way to have the multiboot ?03:58
imbrandonnahoj: check /var/log/messages for errors, sounds like you have some hardware issues maybe03:58
dipnliknahoj: my dapper freezed when I tried something OpenGL w/o configuring my video card03:58
brad_d3a, should have installed windows first03:58
d3ai can get in to my previous ubuntu partitions03:58
d3abrad_ yes too late03:59
dipnlikimbrandon: i'll have to save money for some 6 months to buy my mini... quite sad03:59
imbrandond3a: yes just use the ubuntu cd again and repair grub ( there is a repair menu )03:59
d3aoh tks03:59
d3abye all04:00
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nahojimbrandon, hmm... i don't really know what to look for... *n00b*04:00
NeoChaosXdipnlik: yeah, funny, vimpart package is in Breezy, but not in Dapper04:01
nahojimbrandon, in the file, that is...04:01
imbrandonnahoj: look for errors04:01
dipnlikNeoChaosX: maybe it is hidden in another vimpackage, heh04:01
NeoChaosXThat has links to where you can download the Breezy vimpart package04:02
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dipnlikNeoChaosX: oh, thanks :)04:02
NeoChaosXno problem04:03
brad_dipnlik, what video card do you have?04:03
dipnlikbrad_: radeon 925004:03
brad_do you have it working with opengl now?04:03
NeoChaosXoh wait a minute. dipnlik, it doesn't work in Dapper04:04
NeoChaosXit requires an older version of the kdelibs4c2 package. >_<04:04
dipnlikbrad_: well, i followed the steps on the wiki, and noticed better performance, but didn't try even an opengl screensaver04:05
NeoChaosXThe question is if it was updated for KDE 3.5. If it wasn't, that may explain why it isn't in the Dapper repos04:05
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nahojimbrandon, hmm.. when i check the file I can't find the word error anywhere....04:06
brad_k, i have an ati card as well... did it give you any ass pains04:06
conflabermitsanyone wanna volunteer to help me? i just migrated from xp and i'm having some problems getting used to linux. need help installing stuff and learning the basics. volunteers?04:07
nahojconflabermits, off course, newbie-questions are my speciality. ;-)04:08
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=== nahoj only know the answers to newbie-questions
nahojthat's why :p04:08
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masterlokiHi there is there a way to install 6.06 live beta on text mode?04:08
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conflabermitsso nahoj, i downloaded a version of tron (the game) and i'm trying to learn how to install it04:09
nahojconflabermits, is it .deb?04:09
conflabermitswhat do you mean by .deb?04:10
=== Hrrmschmr lurks for your amusement.
nahoj.deb is a package that is ready to be installed with debian-based distros04:10
brad_hrmm this is weird...  im missing a gig of ram04:11
nahojconflabermits, start with extracting the file04:11
conflabermitshmm, i guess it isn't. i didn't see that extension on any of the files04:11
conflabermitsyeah, extracted04:11
conflabermitsthat was the easy part :)04:11
dipnlikmasterloki: you want terminal commands to install 6.06 or install 6.06 w/o graphic mode?04:11
nahojconflabermits, hmm... are u sure u can play that in linux?04:11
conflabermitsi should be able to04:12
dipnlikconflabermits: where did you download it from?04:12
masterlokidipnlik I want to enter in04:12
masterlokidipnlik install w/o graphic mode04:12
masterlokidipnlik: sorry to much lag04:12
conflabermitsit might take me a little while to find the website...04:12
conflabermitslemme check the history04:13
dipnlikmasterloki: on install, there is a server mode install or something like that... ubuntu-server ... i saw that once, just don't remember exactly now04:13
masterlokidipnlik, ok let me check04:14
nahojconflabermits, hmm.. got my hands full right now, but i am sure u are in good hands. good luck =)04:14
conflabermitsthanks for the help, have a good one04:15
Hrrmschmrconflabermits, wait.04:15
nahojsee u around, good night04:15
HrrmschmrI have come out of my lurking for a purpose.04:15
Hrrmschmr..have you heard of armagetron?04:15
conflabermitsnot at all04:15
Hrrmschmryou should try it.  3d, multiplayer (same machine or otherwise).04:16
conflabermitsif you missed all the action, i'm about two days, about two hours, into using kubuntu04:16
Hrrmschmr..it is the love of the gods shining down on tron lovers.04:16
conflabermitsis there a basic mode? i'm a fan of the classic04:16
Hrrmschmr..well, you can change the 3d view..04:16
conflabermitsdo you have a link to one that's easy to install?04:16
Hrrmschmrit's simple, fun gameplay.04:17
conflabermitsor that you can guide me through04:17
Hrrmschmrapt-get install armagetron.04:17
Hrrmschmr..that's it.04:17
Hrrmschmr..it's nice, but not necessary, to have 3d accelleration.04:17
Hrrmschmrarmagetron -w if you need to run it as a window.04:17
conflabermitsadept, right?04:17
dipnlikconflabermits: you can search for tron in adept :) i saw armaagetron and ktron at least04:18
MasterEvilAceKtron is stupid04:19
conflabermitsi can't seem to find it04:19
MasterEvilAcearmaagetron we played at school04:19
MasterEvilAcethat game was AWESOMe04:19
MasterEvilAcei don't know of spelling04:19
conflabermitslemme fetch updates04:19
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conflabermitsi found ktron04:19
MasterEvilAcektron is 2D04:19
MasterEvilAceit's like the game snake04:20
conflabermitsno prob04:20
MasterEvilAceexcept with two snakes04:20
MasterEvilAceand no items04:20
conflabermitsi know tron04:20
imbrandontron ;)04:20
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Hrrmschmrarmagetron is love.04:20
MasterEvilAceKTron is lame in comparison to 3d armagetron04:20
conflabermitsthe only other person i know with linux has it i think, that's one of the reasons why i wanted to get linux :P04:20
Hrrmschmrit's all the simplicity of the older games, with some newer graphics.04:20
imbrandonktron is a clone of the old tron arcade game MasterEvilAce04:20
MasterEvilAceimbrandon: I understand.. it04:20
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MasterEvilAces just rubbish :)04:21
conflabermitsso i clicked install and commit changes04:21
dipnliki basically use emulators for non-windows gaming, maybe i'll give armagetron a try04:21
conflabermitsSWEET it worked!04:21
conflabermitsso adept is basically how i get most apps?04:21
HrrmschmrLook 'em up on the internet, and then see if they're in adept.04:22
EvilIdlerHappypenguin.org and Freshmeat.net are good places to start04:22
HrrmschmrIf you don't have at least the 'universe' repository on, you should try it.04:22
Hrrmschmrerh, should turn it on.04:22
HrrmschmrIt will increase your selection a lot.04:22
dipnliki have universe and multiverse. just don't know exactly what is what, but in this case more is more :)04:23
EvilIdlerAdd the PLF repository, and you have all you need, pretty much04:24
HrrmschmrJust remember that if you see two packages that seem similar, and one has 'ubuntu' in the package version, use that one.04:24
EvilIdlerPenguin Liberation Front :)04:24
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imbrandoncybefunk is better ;)04:24
dipnlikdon't know about this04:24
imbrandonit has dapper stuff04:24
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HrrmschmrWhat is this cybefunk you speak of?04:24
conflabermitsi shall do some research04:25
EvilIdlerI'm on Breezy, because the kernels in Dapper won't boot04:25
conflabermitsmy goal is just to learn how to navigate in linux by the end of the summer04:25
HrrmschmrWell, you'll prolly have it by then.04:25
HrrmschmrMost of the distributions have one sort of package manager or another.04:26
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imbrandon# Cipherfunk multimedia packages (packages, GPG key: 33BAC1B3)04:26
imbrandondeb ftp://cipherfunk.org/pub/packages/ubuntu/ dapper main04:26
HrrmschmrAdept, Synaptic, kpackage, yum..04:26
imbrandon^^ w32codecs and such04:26
HrrmschmrThanks, imbrandon.04:27
conflabermitshey, thanks for the help guys. i'm off to play some tron and browse around for more stuff04:28
brad_ok off to install this...04:29
coreymon77hi everyone04:31
coreymon77im running dist-upgrade (finally)04:31
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EvilIdlerHmm..not good. Adept crashed when I selected ScummVM :/04:34
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ParkotronIs there a way to make Kopete ignore status when sorting contacts?04:36
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DrBairanyone out there use bing?04:43
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coreymon77ill be back with dapper!04:46
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imbrandoncoreymon77 : good luck04:50
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kathyI'm having trouble getting my Palm m500 to consistently sync with KPilot05:14
kathythe strange thing is my Tungsten T works flawlessly05:14
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Ed_Lif I install 6.06 LTS now, will there be an easy update path to the final version?05:35
imbrandon"apt-get dist-upgrade" wait to finish .... done ;)05:36
imbrandonthats easy huh ;)05:36
Ed_Lafter a failed Xandros attempt I'm now stuck on Mandrake :/05:36
imbrandonin other words yes, sorry kinda sarcastic tonight05:36
imbrandonfailed Xandros ?05:37
imbrandonheh i never wanted to pay for xandros or i might have tried it sometime05:37
Ed_Lit was stuck on 1024x768 on a widescreen LCD. no fun :/05:37
Ed_Lthere is an open circulation edition of it, but it was released a year ago to the month05:38
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Ed_LI like how KDE just crashed05:41
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drgonzohello all05:53
drgonzoanyone here using xgf and kde ?05:53
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imbrandondrgonzo: might have better luck in #ubuntu-xgl if anyone is awake05:57
drgonzoah thanks05:58
DrBairdrgonzo: have played with it a little if you can't find help there05:58
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drgonzoOK thanks DrBair05:59
drgonzoSeems it might be dead atm.06:02
drgonzoDrBlair: i'm trying to follow this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148860&highlight=compwiz06:02
drgonzoI've got a nvidia fx 5200, and i've compiled the driver using the exe for my own kernel.06:02
drgonzocompiled my own headers that is.06:02
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drgonzoAnyway once I've gone through all the steps for kde, i restart ubuntu and when kdm boots up the nvidia windows starts but then it just dies back to a terminal straight away06:03
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drgonzoactually im going to try something06:05
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drgonzois that guide no good?06:12
drgonzoDrBair: Neither the gnome or the kde parts work for me06:13
drgonzooh yeah im using 875606:16
dereksdrgonzo: check out #ubuntu-xgl ... its a whole channel for that topic :)06:16
drgonzoyeah, im there.06:16
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DrBairdrgonzo: have you checked the output of the xorg log?06:19
drgonzothere is nothing06:21
drgonzonothing complaing anyway06:21
drgonzoDrBair: did you follow that guide ?06:21
DrBairyeah, no problems on my NV660006:21
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drgonzoI compiled the nvidia drivers by hand using the nvidia installer06:22
drgonzodo i need the packaged nvidia-glx etc ?06:22
MasterEvilAceokay, i gave user access to smbmount command or whatnot. so i can mount stuff w/o root. but it still wants my user password to do it. is there a way to provide this in the mount command so i can put it in a script w/o having to enter pass everytime06:23
DrBairMasterEvilAce: I can tell you it is possible06:25
MasterEvilAceDrBair: but not anymore?06:26
DrBairdrgonzo: the nv installer should have brought glx with it06:27
DrBairMasterEvilAce: I think its something like 'mount -t smbfs -o username=xxx -o password=xxx //address /mountpoint'06:27
drgonzobrb trying something06:28
MasterEvilAceDrBair: is that password for MY user on linux so my user can mount it? or is it for the network share access?06:31
DrBairfor the share access06:32
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MasterEvilAceoh :-/ looking for a way to bypass my linux user password06:32
coreymon77big problem06:33
MasterEvilAcecoreymon77: yes?06:33
coreymon77internet not workin06:33
MasterEvilAcecoreymon77: does your network card get recognized?06:33
coreymon77ralink card06:34
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robotgeekcoreymon77: should work out of the box, really06:34
DrBairhow does dmesg look when you attempt to connect?06:34
robotgeekcoreymon77: are you on breezy / dapper?06:34
coreymon77i use iwconfig06:35
ubotuI guess wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto06:35
robotgeekcoreymon77: check that link out, and i'll help you thru it06:35
coreymon77haha! ubotu!06:35
coreymon77one problem06:35
coreymon77im in windoze right now06:35
coreymon77thats how im tlakin to you guys06:36
robotgeekcoreymon77: hmm, it is going to be an issue without 2 computers/other computer on wire06:36
coreymon77theres a whole special page for my specific card!06:36
robotgeekcoreymon77: i also used to use te card, it should really work directly in dapper06:36
coreymon77its working06:37
coreymon77im connecting to my network06:37
coreymon77just not the intarweb06:37
robotgeekcoreymon77: as in, you can ping the gateway, but not google06:38
coreymon77i cant acess my router either06:38
coreymon77havent tried pingin it though06:39
robotgeekcoreymon77: okay, maybe we need to set route or something06:39
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coreymon77heres the problem though, i cant use konversation in linux, so if i go and try something and it doesnt work, i have to go back into doze, which is a pain in the @$$06:42
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MasterEvilAceok, cool. i figured out the mounting stuff. when i put a mount entry into /etc/fstab, it puts an icon on my desktop. anyway to get rid of that?06:43
coreymon77robo. you there?06:46
robotgeekcoreymon77: yeah06:46
coreymon77so, what do i do06:46
coreymon77the way in which i have to reboot as little as possible06:46
robotgeekcoreymon77: do you have a ehternet connection06:47
coreymon77give me all the possible things that you can think of to try which would fix it or show you what is wrong, ill try them all and tell you if they work or not06:47
coreymon77i have a wireless card06:47
robotgeekcoreymon77: maybe printout the wireless howto/save it on the linux machine?06:48
MasterEvilAceif you can connect to network but not internet.. maybe there's a proxy setup for some reason?06:49
coreymon77aslright you ge tthe point06:49
EvilIdlerHoly punctuation, Batman!06:49
robotgeekcoreymon77: please don't do that06:49
coreymon77alright i had my fun06:49
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coreymon77ace: iwconfig and kcontrol say im connected and i dont have a prox06:50
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MasterEvilAceand check if there are DNS servers? if not add one. like  are the ones i use (someone else suggested them)06:50
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coreymon77i have my own dns servers06:50
critterthe new release of dapper is nice...06:50
crittervery nice06:50
coreymon77ill copy them directly from my router (im doing this all in windoze btw)06:51
MasterEvilAceyeah make sure all the settings are filled in that you can06:51
MasterEvilAcealthough DHCP should work perfectly fine06:51
coreymon77DNS 1: DNS 2:
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coreymon77and it worked perfectly in breezy06:52
critterhey this might be a bit off topic, but does anyone know where i could grab a nice skin to go with beep-media-player; the default skin is meant for ubuntu, and i am running kubuntu, so it looks a bit ugly06:53
critteri need something blueish06:53
robotgeekamarok :)06:53
coreymon77what, doze media player06:53
critteramarok is cool, but i like the simplicity of beep06:54
critterplus im on an older machine, so i am tryin to save those extra cpu cycles :P06:54
coreymon77back to my prob06:54
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coreymon77robo, ace anyone got any other idea06:55
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masterlokiHi there anyone knows who to start text-mode install on 6.06 LST?06:58
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:coreymon77] : Linuxit! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | 6.06LTS Release Candidate out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:coreymon77] : Shipit! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | 6.06LTS Release Candidate out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
coreymon77i cant believe that worked06:59
MasterEvilAcecoreymon77: not really.. it's weird that it connects to network but you can't use the internet. I'd make sure DHCP (automatic config) produces the same results as manually-configing. also try to ping,etc. places06:59
MasterEvilAcemasterloki: what is LST?06:59
coreymon77you mean lts?06:59
masterlokityping error07:00
coreymon77what do i do07:00
coreymon77i want my eentarweb to work!!!07:00
MasterEvilAceis that the live cd master?07:00
masterlokiMasterEvilAce, yes07:01
MasterEvilAceboot the live CD07:01
MasterEvilAcethere's an install option icon on the desktop of the CD07:01
coreymon77who me?07:01
MasterEvilAcei don't know if there's a diff way (not booting live cd, that is)07:01
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MasterEvilAcebut that's what i did07:01
MasterEvilAcecoreymon: no07:01
masterlokiMasterEvilAce, I don't want to use it07:01
coreymon77loki: i just used an install cd07:01
coreymon77a regular old classic install disk07:02
masterlokiMasterEvilAce, It seems it destriy my partition table07:02
coreymon77loki: use a regular old install cd07:02
MasterEvilAcemasterloki: hmm? weird. it shouldn't mess with partitions until you get to a certain part of install, and it will ask you if you want to config it yourself me thinks07:03
coreymon77or get breezy and then dist-upgrade07:03
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drgonzook, it sort of works now07:03
masterlokicoreymon77, dist-upgrade brokes my install07:04
coreymon77i dont know what to do with my inet07:04
drgonzoIf i run thefuture by hand after boot it starts up but suddently all my apps can't be moved and no keyboard entry works07:04
coreymon77it seems like its destined never to work :(07:04
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coreymon77atleast you can still use linux07:05
coreymon77im beginning to give up07:05
robotgeekcoreymon77: okay, lets try to go over it step by step07:06
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drgonzommm, ok very buggy07:08
drgonzocan someone tell me what the /etc/kde3/xdm/xdmrc ServerCmd= line was. I stupidly wrote over it without backing it up07:09
coreymon77doc: its important, kubuntu cant work without it, once you shut off you computer you will never be able to boot kubuntu again without reinstalling it07:10
bintrueso is the only difference between kubuntu and ubuntu the UI?07:10
coreymon77just kidding07:10
drgonzothat is for kde 3.5207:10
coreymon77i have no clue what its for07:10
drgonzoit's under the [X-:*-Core] 07:10
MasterEvilAcedrgonzo: /usr/bin/X -br  is what mine says07:10
drgonzoMasterEvilAce: ServerCmd=/usr/bin/X -br ?07:11
coreymon77kubuntu is for kde ubuntu is for gnom07:11
MasterEvilAcedrgonzo: yup07:11
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coreymon77im really getting hopeless here07:12
MasterEvilAcegonna play a game.07:13
coreymon77my internet is never gonna work07:14
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coreymon77i always have problems with linux and internet07:14
coreymon77why do i even bother07:17
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EvilIdlerI always have problems with Windows and routers. Want to trade?07:18
coreymon77windows works great with me07:18
coreymon77i help you and you help me?07:18
coreymon77well it works great when it comes to my router07:18
EvilIdlerNote: Problems are fixable when Linux is in the mix, while we *know* Windows is hopeless ;)07:18
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:coreymon77] : Shipit!-Get FREE Kubuntu CDs shipped directly to you home! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | 6.06LTS Release Candidate out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
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coreymon77so, evil07:20
coreymon77how do i fix my problem07:20
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:coreymon77] : Shipit!-Get FREE Kubuntu CDs shipped directly to your home! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | 6.06LTS Release Candidate out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
EvilIdlerWhat IS your problem?07:21
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coreymon77isorry about that07:22
coreymon77i dont know what my crazy computer just did07:22
MasterEvilLaptopcoreymon77: damn man just try to narrow down the problem. it's hard to suggest what the fix is if we don't know more about problem07:23
coreymon77what can i say, iwconfig says im connected and my essid and wep key are all correct07:23
coreymon77but i cant access my router or the eentarwebb07:24
EvilIdlerWireless is one field I am completely clueless in. My DS *sometimes* connects. That's all I know :)07:24
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EvilIdlerWireless and databases is what I avoid most.07:25
MasterEvilLaptopI don't think it's a router problem07:25
MasterEvilLaptophe says his network connects fine07:25
coreymon77 what is going on here07:25
MasterEvilLaptophe just can't visit outside network07:25
coreymon77insane windoze is disconnecting me all the time07:25
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EvilIdlerHmm..sound like it IS the router.07:27
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coreymon77 does anyone know wtf my crazy computer in disconnecting form the server07:27
EvilIdlerIf you get a local address but no traffic outside the LAN, the router might not be letting your MAC out.07:27
EvilIdlerWith my own router, I set my MAC IDs as DMZ and was done with it.07:28
martinjh99Will there be a standard DVD edition of 6.06..?07:28
EvilIdlerThen I reject access by any unknown IDs. No need for authentication then, really.07:28
coreymon77martin, the point of dvd is it has both live and install07:28
martinjh99Corey thats what I meant yeah.. ;)07:28
coreymon77are you guys all talking about my problem07:28
martinjh99Standard as in the same as the Breezy DVD I've got...07:29
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kakaltohow do I change what starts on startup?07:29
robotgeekdamn, got disconnected07:29
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kakaltolike, stop cups from starting, stuff like that07:29
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coreymon77answer soon b/c f**kdows is gonna go crazy again soon07:29
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robotgeekcoreymon77: hmm, i pointed you to a link07:30
EvilIdlerHe might have missed it while offline.07:30
kkathmanhi there robotgeek :)07:30
EvilIdlerIf the system he's using now is the same he's trying to use Linux on, I suspect hardware trouble, plain and simple.07:31
robotgeekalso, there is a troubleshooting guide for wireless, but i can't help you if you cant read it while debugging07:31
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robotgeekhey kkathman , how goes it07:31
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coreymon77  v  guys, im about to give up here because this always happens07:32
coreymon77my internet problems07:32
coreymon77for crying out loud, my broadcom card worked better07:32
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EvilIdlercoreymon77: Are you in Windows on the same computer where you're having Linux trouble?07:32
kakaltounder gentoo, it's easy - rc-update {add,del} <package> (default)07:32
EvilIdlerSeems like you have some broken hardware there.07:33
coreymon77two different hds though07:33
EvilIdlerNo amount of OS perfection will fix it then ;)07:33
kakaltobut there's no rc-update I can find on [k] ubuntu07:33
robotgeekkakalto: all you would need to do is sudo update-rc.d foo remove07:33
robotgeekkakalto: while being in the /etc/init.d directory07:33
coreymon77iit worked in breezy though07:33
kakaltorobotgeek: kewl, thanks. can I list them through that command, too?07:33
EvilIdlercoreymon77: But since then you've also started having trouble in Windows. I see a connection there.07:33
robotgeekkakalto: all system services are started from there, mostly07:34
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kkathmanrobotgeek: okie dokie...traveling alot..just got back from a week in Nashville.07:34
kakaltorobotgeek, but can I list them... at the moment, more or less all I know to remove is cupsd..07:34
kakaltojust ls in /etc/init.d/ ?07:35
robotgeekkakalto: no, cd /etc/init.d , sudo update-rc.d --force cups remove (i think)07:35
coreymon77when i get to 0 i give up07:36
kakaltorobotgeek, to _list_ all things in the boot?07:36
MasterEvilLaptopamarok takes a long damned time to load a huge network folder of music07:36
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kkathmanuhmmm is this necessary?07:36
kkathmanthanx robotgeek07:36
robotgeekcoreymon77: please don't do that07:36
critterwhat a loser07:37
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coreymon77im gone /quit sorry, im just being annoying so ill leave now07:37
kakaltorobotgeek, for example, there's something to do with 'battery' in the boot, but... I have no idea what it's called07:37
robotgeekkakalto: i know there is gnome gui to handle system services, not sure about kde gui.07:38
kakaltorobotgeek, what about a CLI?07:38
kakaltoor just some files?07:38
kakaltoI'm without GUI at the mo07:38
robotgeekkakalto: okay, what exactly do you want to do?07:39
MasterEvilLaptopkonversation is awesome07:39
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scarnis there a concrete date for 6.06 release?07:39
MasterEvilLaptopthe color coded names is brilliant07:39
MasterEvilLaptopJune 1st07:39
MasterEvilLaptopconcrete can be broken with a jackhammer though07:39
kakaltorobotgeek: I want to find out all the things that start on bootup, and disable all unnecessary things (eg, cups, battery, APM)07:39
MasterEvilLaptopjust keep that in mind07:39
scarntrue dat07:39
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scarn< mason lol07:39
robotgeekkakalto: almost all relevant services are in /etc/init.d, man update-rc.d for syntax  (sorry, i don't have access to my buntu machine currently07:40
kakaltorobotgeek, perhaps it would be easier for me to simply install the GTK app for managing this stuff?07:41
kakaltowhat's it called07:41
robotgeekkakalto: i think its called bum07:42
kakaltorighto then07:42
MasterEvilLaptopboot up manager07:42
kakaltoI'll see what I can do07:42
kakaltoI still find myself trying to emerge07:42
kakaltoyep, bum exists07:42
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kakaltoby the way, is the (k)ubuntu livecd the same as install these days?07:43
kakaltodid they actually integrate it?07:43
MasterEvilLaptopyou can install thrfough live cd07:43
MasterEvilLaptopso sure?07:43
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kakaltooh, and shipit is for kubuntu aswell? yay07:44
MasterEvilLaptopwhat is shipit07:44
Bilfordyes, you only need the CD07:44
Bilfordthe LiveCD has an icon on the desktop for Install07:44
kakaltoshipit.... ship it... to your house07:44
scarnshipit, you can get pressed cds of k/ubuntu sent to you07:44
MasterEvilLaptopthat's awesome07:45
kakaltodo both come in the same pack now, or is it just 1 cd?07:45
MasterEvilLaptopkubuntu is so cool07:45
kakaltooh yeah, free, too ^-^07:45
Bilfordyou only need the 1 LiveCD07:45
kakalto1 cd for {k,u}buntu, install + live??07:45
MasterEvilLaptopphotoshop has to be run via wine, right? is it pretty stable and works fine?07:46
BilfordPC (Intel x86) desktop CD for most people07:46
Bilfordyes Photoshop appears to work, with only minor annoyances07:46
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kakaltoahh, desktop and alternate07:47
kakaltoare both shipped?07:47
BilfordI dont know07:48
BilfordYou only need Desktop07:48
kakaltoI can't check, I can't access https links at the mo07:48
Bilfordthe LiveCD is both a LiveCD and installation CD07:48
sheldoncugh, photoshop. i'd want something closer to macromedia fireworks07:49
BilfordThat works too07:49
kakaltowell, the desktop cd doesn't support upgrade well does it? the alternate one says it's for upgrade07:49
critterfor must have apps i would consider using vmware; it is fantastic07:49
BilfordNo, Fireowrks doesnt work07:49
critterhighly recommended07:49
critterand it runs much faster than you would expect07:50
Bilforddont you have to install Windows in VMWare to run anything on it?07:50
critteryou run windows virtually through vmware07:50
BilfordIm done activating07:50
critteri'm just saying for the must have apps that do not work with wine07:50
BilfordIm tired of getting activation keys07:50
crittervmware is an excellent option07:50
Bilfordtrying to find my serial number, etc07:51
critteri hear ya07:51
sheldoncim guessing we're trying to win over windows users?07:51
Bilfordwith VMWare, does virtually everything run in it?07:51
EvilIdlerI've tried Win4Lin on an irregular basis, and it's also damn impressive.07:51
crittereverything will run on vmware07:52
EvilIdlerDirect3D also?07:52
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kakaltoyou actually install the OS onto vmware07:52
sheldoncwhat apps in windows do you find yourself missing?07:52
critteryes, not quite as fast as you would like07:52
critterbut it will run07:52
sheldonci mean what apps in linux do you find yourself missing07:52
kakaltobut, since it's emulating a whole computer, it does slow a bit07:52
kakaltosheldonc: who are ya asking?07:52
crittertrue, there are specific drivers you can install to speed things up though, i have found overall, aside from gaming, it is totally usable07:53
sheldoncanybody who is running wine or vmware or whatever07:53
Bilfordwell, I only miss them because Ive been using them forever07:53
BilfordI only switched to Linux 2 weeks ago07:53
EvilIdlerFor just running a compiler, I'd prefer W4L. I have XP already, though, and some variation of Visual Studio.07:53
Bilfordfor instance, I was a heavy NewsLeecher user07:53
_tom_you can install windows vista ultimate edition it doesnt require activation07:53
kakaltosheldonc, I myself... only miss windows for games. and cedega's doing a pretty good job of that for me07:53
kakaltoapart from Oblivion >.<07:53
BilfordI'd also like to be able to par2 repair files just by clicking on them, instead of running QuickPar in Wine07:54
critterflashfxp, has no true equivalent in linux yet, though i suppose fxp clients are a dying breed07:54
EvilIdlerLinux for work, Windows for games. In other words, two computers needed.07:54
kakaltootherwise, it tends to be me missing features/apps in windows, from linux..07:54
_tom_i like filezilla07:54
kakaltothe middle-click drag thing.... and amarok07:54
crittercant compare to flashfxp though tom07:54
critterflashfxp for those in the warez scene is a must07:54
BilfordHow many games does one really need?07:54
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kakaltoBilford: as many as you can get :P07:54
BilfordLinux has enough games to last anyone a lifetime07:54
critternot that i support that kind of activity though07:55
kakaltoBilford, AFAIK, 90% of linux games are small, arcade style things...07:55
LynoureBilford: Hardly, if one likes adventure games...07:55
sheldoncGah. RPGs are lame, nobody has made a good RTS in years (Total Annihilation is the best game ever), and FPS is good enough - and hassle free - on a console.07:55
critteranother app i would love to see ported is newsleecher, pan is nice, but the supersearch in newsleecher is a must07:55
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_tom_theres a free total annihilation clone07:55
EvilIdlerI have a stack of PS2 games large enough to last a lifetime, or at least 3 years (which is the console's lifetime, anyway). But another stack for Windows, and a smaller one for Linux..07:55
critterand theres no linux equivalent for that, yet07:55
sheldonc_tom_:  ?07:56
_tom_critter what you gonna leech07:56
EvilIdlerTA is indeed the best ever RTS.07:56
_tom_sheldonc: i dont remember what its called sadly07:56
critterlets just say i do my fair share of moving bits _tom_07:56
EvilIdlercritter: Seems like you only mis programs used for infringement of various copyrights :P07:56
_tom_TA Spring07:56
critteri know!07:56
_tom_is what its called07:56
crittermaybe its a sign07:56
Lynourecritter: there is some programs for getting binaries from USENET...07:56
_tom_critter: hellanzb is popular and python07:57
critteryea, but i'm specifically talking about the supersearch option newsleecher has07:57
critterthere is no equivalent to that yet07:57
robotgeekhmm, i would suggest people to keep illegal/warez talk off here07:57
EvilIdlerBitTorrent gets me my old TV shows (and some new ones). I mainly play online games, so I buy them.07:57
_tom_yeah i know robotgeek07:57
EvilIdlerDamn, I'm legal and uncool :(07:57
_tom_i was wondering whats with all the filez talk07:57
sheldoncmaking a free TA clone would be damn hard. at least, it would be hard to make it flawless07:57
_tom_sheldonc: ta spring07:57
critteri run vmware for those two apps alone, and a few others i need07:58
_tom_listen to me someday07:58
Lynourerobotgeek: By default, there is nothing illegal in getting binaries from usenet, though, true, many of the binaries are there illegally07:58
_tom_loook it up on wikipedia07:58
EvilIdlersheldonc: Yet there are two projects. Just hoping one of them actually "finishes"07:58
robotgeekLynoure: i was merely suggesting to keep illegal talk away from this channel (in case)07:58
imbrandoneven so can we please keep this on topic ( kubuntu support ) /me points to #kubuntu-offtopic07:58
EvilIdlerMy ISP doesn't carry *any* binary groups because of the possibilities, and because they have traffic stats from past incarnations07:58
critterdapper is pretty though, xgl is going to be the shit07:58
Bilfordwhy isnt Linux burning the midnight oil making something that will make Windows games compatible?  then more users could switch, and with more users, game companies would start developing for Linux07:58
EvilIdlerSo Pan would be enough for me :)07:59
critteri tried xgl out last week, i was really impressed07:59
BilfordThere's only  Cedega07:59
kakaltois dapper actually based on xgl? or just available?07:59
Bilfordwhich isnt free07:59
Lynourerobotgeek: luckily not much talk is illegal, but sure.07:59
critterits available, you got to do some editing by hand07:59
crimsunkakalto: availabel in universe.07:59
imbrandonkakalto: avaible07:59
critteretch will use xgl though07:59
critterits a definite07:59
EvilIdlerBilford: It is free if you compile, but you need to pay for copy-protection support for so many reasons.07:59
BilfordGames are everything07:59
EvilIdlerYet another thing against protection by anything other than a license key.07:59
imbrandonBilford: not to everyone07:59
critteri haven't gamed since quake208:00
critteri am out of the loop08:00
crimsungames are very much /not/ the reason Linux took off08:00
BilfordGames built the home computer industry08:00
sheldonctoo many of my friends have their lives devoured by gaming08:00
EvilIdlerGlimmer, GCC, mediaplayers, Quanta, a debugger and the core X tools. That's all I *need* from Linux distros. Everything else just makes it more fun :)08:00
critteri second that sheldonc08:00
imbrandoneven so can we please keep this on topic ( kubuntu support ) /me points to #kubuntu-offtopic08:01
kakaltoBilford: as I see it, there simply isn't enough developers who have the knowledge and drive to make a completely OSS & free directx implementation08:01
EvilIdlerI know several 8-16 hours a day gamers. Need to convert them to Linux so they can use their copious spare time for good :)08:01
imbrandonkakalto: check out cedega08:01
imbrandon^^ dx908:01
kakaltocritter: didn't quake2 suck? I thought quake1 was better xD08:01
LynoureI have been planning to make an adventure game for Linux for quite some time08:01
critterget them away from the consoles and get them learning C08:01
LynoureBut alas, no graphics artist...08:02
kakaltoimbrandon: Bilford was complaining about open, free directx emul08:02
=== EvilIdler has a Torque license
critterquake1 with opengl was the shit, il never forget the first time i saw that08:02
critter"no pixels!"08:02
imbrandonkakalto: its open source and free ( although yes there IS a payfor version )08:02
EvilIdlerMmm..glQuake+Voodoo on Linux. That was how Quake was meant to be.08:02
_tom_my main computer is an ibook runnning linux08:02
kakaltoimbrandon: in my experience, the CVS version quite simply sucks.08:02
_tom_i mean osx08:02
critterhaha i think i bought a voodoo rush specifically for quake108:02
imbrandonkakalto: but its there ;)08:03
EvilIdlercritter: That was pretty much all I had to test it with back then, too :)08:03
EvilIdlerNow I just dug up Descent 2 files from deep in my piles of old crap.08:03
kakaltoimbrandon: heheh. true I suppose... but it's not exactly inviting for people to switch... "you just have to use CVS to install this emulator which will let you install & play your windows games...08:03
critterthey made an opengl port for duke nukem3d08:04
EvilIdlerI tested the Torque Game Builder fish-demo (which uses GL lighting), and verified my 3D is working perfectly well.08:04
critterso i have been playing that now and then08:04
kakaltocritter: they did?08:04
critterfor old school purposes08:04
kakaltoSHOW ME PLUEASE! xD08:04
crittergoogle jonof duke3d08:04
EvilIdlerGL Duke Nukem? Where?08:04
Bilfordto update everything I just type  sudo apt-get update    right08:04
imbrandongames talk ( even linux ) please to #kubuntu-offtopic ( so we can not clutter the support channel )08:04
kakaltocritter: how good is it?08:04
critterthey had internet play working, it was pretty cool08:04
imbrandonBilford:  no you need "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"08:05
Bilfordoh ty08:05
EvilIdlerNo Linux port..yet08:05
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critteryea, i ran it on XP08:06
critterthere may be a linux port somewhere though im not sure08:06
EvilIdlerDidn't this Fowler guy do a sort of port of a reverse-engineered Frontier:First Encounters?08:07
critterits possible, i know he has worked on a few games08:07
critteri have talked to him on aim before, he usually responds to messages08:07
vinboyhow do I use my KDE theme?08:07
vinboyi downloaded 1 from the net, but dunno where to put it08:07
imbrandonfollow the README for the file, there are alot of diffrent ways to install them depending on what it is08:08
|brad|kubuntu is pretty damn sweet08:08
imbrandon|brad|: ;)08:08
|brad|what a change from slackware08:09
EvilIdlerSlackware is recommended for learning.08:09
EvilIdlerIt was my first distro :)08:09
|brad|i put a cd in and it mounted itself? are serious08:09
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EvilIdlerScary, isn't it?08:09
EvilIdlerIt's like it *knows* you want to use the disc!08:09
|brad|EvilIdler: it was my first too08:09
critterevery distro has its advantages, but lets face it, ubuntu is just damn convenient08:10
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EvilIdlerMy WinXP installation has stopped recognising discs after the first one..08:10
imbrandonand kubuntu is pretty ;)08:10
critteryea, kubuntu is lookin pretty08:10
critterdapper has really impressed me08:10
critteri'm officially on the wagon08:10
|brad|but whats up with mp3 support? i saw in the faq you have to install some extra packages?08:10
EvilIdlerLots of ridiculously over-designed themes to get :)08:10
critteryou have to install multimedia codecs seperatyl08:11
imbrandon|brad|, yup08:11
critteradd them to your sources08:11
ubotu[restricted]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats08:11
critterits due to licensing issues08:11
keviianyone familar with Wifi in kubuntu? I have my wireless nic associated with a AP but I can't get an ip from my DHCP server08:11
|brad|i figured thats what the deal was08:11
EvilIdlerOr fear of licensing, in the case of MP3. The MAD decoder is technically not infringing in one respect.08:11
Lynourekevii: WEP/WPA/neither?08:11
imbrandonbrad check that link for mp3 stuff08:11
keviiLynoure: none08:11
critterjust follow the faq, might take 5 minutes to get everything going with the multimedia08:12
MasterEvilAcedamnit why does simple stuff have to be so difficult? Samba is NOT auto-mounting, despite me telling it to auto-mount08:12
keviiMasterEvilAce: because then it wouldn't be Linux :)08:12
imbrandonMasterEvilAce, make sure its above your cdrom in fstab08:12
EvilIdlerLinux: Simple stuff becomes hard, but impossible stuff becomes doable :)08:13
Lynourekevii: hmm, then I have no idea, many things could be wrong.08:13
EvilIdlerThe (K)Ubuntu desktop is very simple to use, though.08:13
EvilIdlerSuch a relief to have auto-recognised media, just plugging in my headset to attempt some swearing over TeamSpeak etc.08:14
Lynourekevii: I'd start with checking that you AP really offers dhcp, then check the logs for errors about the wifi drivers08:14
imbrandonand check the wiki too08:14
ubotuhmm... wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto08:14
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imbrandonEvilIdler, and prank calls with skype ;)08:15
EvilIdlerimbrandon: Hehe08:16
keviiLynoure: I know it does dhcp. the wired nic is working just fine :) if I do ifup eth0 (my wireless nic) it just sits there waiting for a dhcp reply08:16
EvilIdlerkevii: Try 'dhclient eth0'08:16
EvilIdlerkevii: It that gives you an IP address, netmask and DNS, you have a few minor changes to make in the config file08:16
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wordI just started installing dapper and the partitioner doesn't work..what can i do to fix it?08:20
imbrandonRC ?08:20
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wordflight 7 i believe i talked with you before imbrandon and you told me i needed to update 3 packages but it wasn't fixing it08:21
imbrandonahhh well RC is out and it fixes the flight 7 partition bug08:21
_keviiwell wireless works now...08:21
_keviinow that I got it working... to upgrade to 6.06 or just reinstall08:22
wordwell i can't burn a new one >< any way i can do it with flight 7 ?08:22
imbrandonnot unless those 3 package updates worked08:22
imbrandonthere are ALOT of other bug fixes too , i would highly reomend grabbing it08:23
imbrandonor reverting to an older cd and updating later08:23
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worddo you remember what those 3 packages were?08:24
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imbrandonno i sure dont , sorry ( i asked the dev at the time but he is not online atm )08:25
MasterEvilAce[02:14]  <imbrandon> MasterEvilAce, make sure its above your cdrom in fstab08:29
MasterEvilAceHow does it make a difference?08:29
MasterEvilAceI will try that however08:29
MasterEvilAcein hopes that it will work08:29
imbrandonMasterEvilAce, i dunno why it works just know thats what i have to do with mine08:29
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:imbrandon] : Shipit!-Get FREE Kubuntu CDs shipped directly to your home! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | 6.06LTS Release Candidate out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic
MasterEvilAceimbrandon: restarting. I hope it works. That would be fantastic. Also, do you get a desktop icon for the share?08:30
MasterEvilAcethere a way to get rid of it?08:30
MasterEvilAceor hide it08:30
imbrandonyes there is , i'll let you know if it works ( look at my icons http://imbrandon.sytes.net/misc/snapshot2.png )08:31
imbrandon3rd one down is a smb share08:31
MasterEvilAceI see08:31
MasterEvilAcethat's exactly what i'm doing08:32
imbrandonanyhow ... rightclick configure desktop08:32
imbrandonchoose behaveure ... then on that screen choose device icons tab08:32
imbrandonyou can uncheck it from there08:32
imbrandonuncheck the "Mounted/Unmounted Samba ( Microsoft Network) Share" options08:33
imbrandonand others you dont want shown on the desktio08:34
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serenityi have installed the closed-source nvidia-drivers, edited the xorg conf file, but no change has been done08:38
imbrandonrestart x ?08:38
serenityyes, i restarted the x-server ;)08:39
imbrandonwhat change did you expect ?08:39
serenityfrequency of my crt08:39
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imbrandonok i'm sorry i must have missed you orig convorastion, what did you do ( exactly ) and what are you trying to accomplish , and why do you think is t not working ?>08:40
MasterEvilAceimbrandon: Thanks, that did hide the icon (awesome tip).. however putting the share above the cdrom drive didn't auto-mount it, still08:40
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imbrandonMasterEvilAce, can you pastebin your fstab ?08:41
serenityinstalled nvidia closed source drivers, edited the xorg conf and restarted x-server08:41
MasterEvilAcesure hold on08:41
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imbrandonserenity, ok lets try to be a bit more specific, did you get and compile them from the website, if so was it successfull , or did you apt-get install nvidia-glx, exactly HOW did you edit the xorg.conf etc etc etc and what make you say that the drivers isnt working , IE what test did you use ?08:42
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=== macd knew he should have bought nvidia based laptop
macdthats rite still not luck with ATI08:43
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serenitydriver works correctly, the nvidia logo is shown on x-server starts.08:43
macdhowever Xorg logs dont indicate a single error.08:44
imbrandonserenity, if nvidia works on xserver start then the nvidia driver is working08:44
imbrandonerr logo shows on start08:44
imbrandonthen its working08:44
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MasterEvilAceimbrandon: http://www.pastebin.com/73875408:44
serenity        Option          "NvAgp"                 "1"08:44
serenity        Option          "RenderAccel"           "true"08:44
serenity        Option          "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"08:44
imbrandonserenity, please dont paste here08:44
macdMasterEvilAce: I think you need to specify a username:password , or a credentials file.08:45
imbrandonmacd, hold on lemme fix that up for you , one sec08:45
imbrandonerr MasterEvilAce08:45
serenitythis sections were edited08:47
macdMasterEvilAce: http://pastebin.com/738760 thats my solution, imbrandon prolly has another as well :)08:47
imbrandonMasterEvilAce,  ...... http://ubuntustuff.sytes.net/master.fstab ..... that is like mine and it auto mounts08:48
imbrandonon bootup08:49
macdor mount -a ?08:49
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imbrandonmacd, i never use mount -a ,i just let it mount on boot ( its a files server i'm connecting to )08:50
imbrandonso i dunno ;)08:50
macdyeah I try to but sometimes my fileserver here isnt on, so a lil mount -a solves that08:50
imbrandonguess i could umount it and try08:50
imbrandonahhh my file server is my webserver and mail server etc so if its not on i got bigger probs ;)08:51
macdyour way works I just tried, Im just not to keen on having my usernames/passes in a file viewable by nonroot :P08:51
imbrandonmacd, i have a special smb user setup08:51
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macdbut that doesnt stop someone from seeing that in /etc/fstab08:52
imbrandonyea but they have to GET to my fstab first08:52
macdwell actualy I dont think anyone but you would anywho :P08:52
imbrandonand physical security i dont worry about08:52
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imbrandonif someone is broke in my house i dont care about my mp3/ogg collection08:53
macdunless its the riaa08:53
imbrandonlol true08:53
GazzaKgod i'm tired...08:53
macdya know the riaa and mpaa are going crazy these days08:54
serenityriaa is breaking in someones house? Never mind the mp3s08:54
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macdwell _they_ seem to think they are law enforcement08:54
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imbrandonmore artist need to goto indy labels but this is offtopic ;)08:55
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imbrandonanyhow serenity whats not working for you now? if the nv logo is showing the driver is working08:55
imbrandonMasterEvilAce, did that work for ya ?08:57
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EvilIdlerOoh..PlantStudio is soon to be GPLed, for those of you looking for more graphical tools.09:00
=== EvilIdler bookmarks it as a future porting effort
serenitygf woke up...mom09:01
imbrandonyou gf woke up your mom ?09:02
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MasterEvilAceimbrandon: give me a second09:06
imbrandonnp, was just curious09:07
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ririhi nixternal09:09
ririnot "dodo" yet ?09:09
ririi am testing dapper 7 for few days now ... really the best !!!09:09
GazzaKdapper 7?09:10
GazzaKI thought it was dapper 6.06 still09:10
ririnot the daily one09:10
ririi mean on kubuntu website they said dapper 709:10
ririthe last before the final :)09:11
GazzaKblimey, only yesterday I got the latest build and I was sure it said 6.06?  i'll check09:11
ririyou are right you probably got a daily one ?09:11
PyroMithrandirriri probably means flight 709:11
ririo yes sorry09:12
ririhumble apologize ! lol09:12
GazzaKahhhh, yes flight 7, hehe09:12
imbrandon6.06 is the version, be probbly means "Dapper Drake 6.06 LTS - Flight 7 Beta"09:12
GazzaKd'oh, I should have realised, but I have a headache and needed more sleep09:12
PyroMithrandir6.06 means June 2006 :)09:12
ririso take some medicine09:13
ririand stop kubuntu till fresh :)09:13
GazzaKUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) Release Candidate is the latest - it's a RC :)09:13
imbrandonbesides flight 7 is old, RC is released ;)09:13
GazzaKwhen did that come out?09:13
imbrandontoday ;)09:13
ririi just downloaded the last 6.06 which correct partitioning09:13
ririguys things go to quickly09:14
=== imbrandon points to the topic
GazzaKthats gonna need downloading for my new laptop which is due today09:14
ririi will still spend a cd !09:14
imbrandonriri,  thats how things go with betas09:14
=== GazzaK reads the topic - woo
ririyes i know09:14
ririand i appreciate it09:14
imbrandonriri, and the final will be released in a few more days09:14
ririas long as beta are good quality like this one09:15
GazzaKnow, should I wait....... naaaa09:15
imbrandonon the first to be exact09:15
riripity i go to paris ! lol09:15
ririmaybe i have time to download it before...09:15
imbrandonGazzaK, you can just apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade from RC to release09:15
ririto tell you the truth i never read topic too quick09:15
rirican i too ?09:16
imbrandonriri, just type /topic to read it again09:16
imbrandonyes riri you can too09:16
ririi am newby with irc09:16
GazzaKimbrandon: i'm funny like that, i'd rather do a clean install - dunno why09:17
ririyes... but i choose to try it now ! lol09:18
riribefore kubuntu i had xp in dual with mandriva09:18
ririnow i have "kubuntu " lol09:18
ririso i can spare one hard disk09:18
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mcquaidhello, i'm trying to install the 2.0beta of ktorrent. the site provides a ubuntu pkg but i get this error:09:19
mcquaid trying to overwrite `/usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-bittorrent.desktop', which is also in package kdelibs-data09:19
mcquaidsame thing happened when compiling from source09:19
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imbrandonmcquaid, looks like its not compatible atm09:19
imbrandonprobbly why its still a beta09:20
mcquaidhmm, why does kdelibs-data brom a minelink for bittorrents?09:20
ririso upgrade is started :)09:20
imbrandonit has the mimelinks for alot of things09:20
mcquaidhave a mimelink09:21
mcquaidseems like a very minor thing though, should be ok if I force it09:21
GazzaKI can't belive this live cd is running so well, left it running stuff last night when I went home, and it was fine this morning :)09:21
GazzaKfunny though, it wants me to do 23 updates - think that might be kinda hard on a live cd09:22
imbrandonyou can do them it will just take up the ram09:22
GazzaKyeah, thats so not gonna happen09:22
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GazzaKthis laptop has a gig, but thats for me :)09:23
riri very qucik done : adept did the job this morning i guess09:23
GazzaKand if one of those updates wants a reboot? :p09:23
riri19 packets only09:23
imbrandonupdates ? reboot? this isnt windows ;)09:23
GazzaKif it's a kernel update?09:23
imbrandonthat would be the only thing and then you dont HAVE to09:24
GazzaKrecently on my home ubuntu install I have had plenty of updates wanting reboots after09:24
imbrandonkernel updates09:24
GazzaKnotice the wanting reboots, not needing reboots, thats MS's way :p09:24
ririhow can i get rid in grub of many boot options ?09:24
GazzaKgotta love this OS though09:25
imbrandonsudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst09:25
riribetter you hardly can find better one !!09:25
ririthanks im09:25
|brad|yea i dont think there is anyway im going back to slackware09:25
imbrandonim<tab> hehehe09:25
ririi will do kath nano i can't use09:26
imbrandon|brad|, and thats just the first day, wait till you get "used" to it ;)09:26
imbrandononce you learn the ubuntu way ther is no other ;)09:26
ririno doubt i begin to be conviced09:27
imbrandonriri, the use "kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst"09:27
GazzaKif I were to ask the dreaded question "whats better, ubuntu or kubuntu?" would that be a really stupid thing to ask on a kubuntu channel?09:27
MasterEvilAcevery stupid09:27
imbrandonkubuntu !?!!!!!09:27
MasterEvilAceinfact you should leave to avoid laughter09:27
|brad|hrmm  i wonder if my media card works09:27
GazzaKMasterEvilAce: thats not nice09:27
MasterEvilAceyou should change your name too09:27
riridepends if you like gnome or kde ?09:27
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MasterEvilAceGazzaK: you asked.. i just told you:P09:27
imbrandonserouisly kubuntu rocks ;)09:28
ririi used to like gnome better because the manager (vista like) but since crystal on kde i am delighted09:28
GazzaKI've got ubutu at home, and like it, but i'm running this live cd here at work, and I like it too, but for different reasons09:28
imbrandonGazzaK, pop a ubuntu live cd in and try it though, each has it own09:28
imbrandonriri, then you would like my kde theme ( http://imbrandon.sytes.net/misc/snapshot2.png )09:29
ririi found a green island picture with blue sea !09:29
|brad|i always wanted to try out ubuntu but never liked gnome... then i found out about this.09:29
GazzaKimbrandon: i've only used linux for a month, but in that time I've had local installs of breezy, both flavours and dapper, both flavours, and like both kde and gnome, but can't figure out which I like more09:29
imbrandonkde <309:29
ririit looks like suse ?09:30
shankyhi, I'm having problems with accents in OpenOffice2 with kubuntu dapper09:30
imbrandonriri, thats kubuntu dapper 6.06 LTS ;)09:30
ririone on the web (kde-look) made suse and when on mandriva i could use it09:31
imbrandoni did that theme from scratch by hand09:31
MasterEvilAcethe visual style is just KDE or Gnome09:31
shankythe accents are working in konsole, kate, konqueror... but not in openoffice09:31
riribut your bar is what i would like09:31
MasterEvilAceGnome is a cleaner looks, and KDE is a more eye-candy look09:31
rirican i get it ?09:31
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imbrandonriri, its kicker ( normal kde ) with the kbfx applet09:32
imbrandonand some custom images i made09:32
ririi don't know how to use kiker09:32
ririand kbfx09:32
imbrandonkicker is the "bar" in kde09:33
GazzaKI like eye candy :)09:33
riribut there is no round one in kde ?09:33
ririand no start pingouin09:33
PyroMithrandirI disagree, MasterEvilAce, you can make KDE look very clean09:34
GazzaKkubuntu is the only one I can run without changing the default theme, ubuntu I have to change the theme asap09:34
imbrandonthe penguin is a custom graphic i made for kbfx ( and applet for kicker )09:34
riridon't you share it ?09:34
imbrandonriri, its not packaged up yet, i will package it up someday, but there is the image if you want to put it in your self09:34
GazzaKimbrandon: that looks very winxpish09:35
|brad|nice! media card reader works09:35
rirican you explain ? if it's not asking you too much ?09:35
imbrandonhttp://imbrandon.sytes.net/kbfx/custom_kbfx/bar_bg.png and the bar bg09:35
imbrandonGazzaK, just becosue i like linux /kde dosent mean i dont like how windows LOOKS ;)09:35
GazzaKyou gotta love those bouncing icons when a app is loading :)09:35
PyroMithrandirI agree with GazzaK... far too windowsy for me09:35
ririnot for me09:36
GazzaKPyroMithrandir: I was not slating winxp, I was making an observation09:36
ririi can change the wall parer with mine ! lol09:36
GazzaKI've used windows for the last 8 years as a sys admin - it pays my wages, i'd not slate it too much :)09:36
PyroMithrandirGazzaK, I know, I was just taking your observation and turning it into a bash ;)09:36
ririwhere is the tux image for start ?09:36
imbrandonhttp://imbrandon.sytes.net/kbfx/custom_kbfx/bar_bg.png and the bar bg09:37
imbrandonfor kicker09:37
GazzaKnooooo, windows bashing is bad, their dodgy software full of bugs pays my salary :p09:37
imbrandon( to use the tux image you will need kbfx )09:37
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ririi start kbfx09:38
imbrandonnoooo kbfx is an applet for kicker09:38
ririand it needs config ?09:38
imbrandonits a kmenu replacement09:38
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rirican i get it with adept ?09:38
imbrandonif you like09:38
riribecause i can't download your file09:39
imbrandonon dapper that is ( not in breezy )09:39
ririi am on dapper09:39
ririflight 709:39
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imbrandonriri, did you apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ?09:39
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ririi have nothing to loose so i installed it09:39
riri19 pakages09:39
imbrandonthen you are not on flight 7 any longer ;) your using RC09:39
GazzaKwill my custom ubuntu dapper sources.list work in kubuntu dapper?09:40
imbrandonGazzaK, yes09:40
ririwill it work on rc ?09:40
imbrandonGazzaK, ubuntu and kubuntu use the same repos09:40
imbrandonriri, yes09:40
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=== ubuntu is now known as word
GazzaKthats great news imbrandon, you font of all knowledge you :)09:40
wordimbrandon: hey is that dev on again?09:41
|brad|ok what do i have to do to install java?09:41
Master_Evil_Acestupid internet09:41
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|brad|i dont see any packages in adept09:41
imbrandonword, no09:41
imbrandonbrad you need to enable universe and multiverse first then search adept for sun09:41
imbrandononce thats enabled "sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre"09:42
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imbrandonand then "sudo update-alternatives --config java"09:43
imbrandonand choose "sun" probbly option 3 if its like mine09:43
imbrandonthen your good to go09:43
apokryphossun java isn't in universe/multiverse09:43
imbrandonapokryphos, yes it is ( now )09:43
apokryphosoh, for dapper?09:44
ririi just installed it yesterday manually09:44
imbrandonapokryphos, yes09:44
apokryphoshm, so I see.09:44
ririif i would have known !09:44
=== MasterEvilAce [n=MasterEv@cpe-071-075-009-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
MasterEvilAceok auto-mount thing didn't work :(09:45
MasterEvilAcebut um09:45
MasterEvilAceis there a way to run the desktop icon and see what IT runs?09:45
GazzaKI love the icon for my usb memory stick09:45
MasterEvilAcethe exact command09:45
imbrandonroot@voyager:~#  apt-cache madison sun-java5-jre09:45
imbrandonsun-java5-jre | 1.5.0-06-1 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Packages09:45
MasterEvilAcewell even then09:45
|brad|ok i enabled universe by following that link that was posted earlier09:46
MasterEvilAceI mean i can mount on my own.. it's just not mounting at bootup09:46
imbrandon|brad|, you on dapper correct ?09:46
|brad|but it wont let me enable multiverse? i typed it in after universe and it just kept disappearing09:46
imbrandonmake your sources.list look like this http://ubuntustuff.sytes.net/sources.list  <-- dapper only09:46
imbrandonyou can edit the file by "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" and copy paste it09:47
GazzaK|brad|: are you modifying the sources.list as su?09:47
|brad|GazzaK: no i was using adept09:47
imbrandonye use the command i showed you and paste mine in there09:48
imbrandonyou can edit the file by "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" and copy paste it09:48
|brad|roger that09:48
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imbrandon|brad|, make sure to run "sudo apt-get update" after you edit that file09:51
esbenWhat is the (k)ubuntu way of handling 3rd party aps, like ut2004 and their ilk? Under Gentoo you installed them as anything else, but I see no ut2004 or similar package.09:51
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tirolocohow package contain "xorgconfig"09:51
tirolocoon dapper branch09:51
|brad|you guys kick ass... its installing now09:51
imbrandontiroloco, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:52
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neilI am trying to setup a printer for my new install of kubuntu, it has asked for a printing system authorization dialog.  it isn't acepting my login in name/password what does it want?09:53
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imbrandonesben, depends on the app, if its not in the repos ( cant get it via apt-get ) then you probbly need to 1) compile it OR 2) get a deb from the maintainer09:53
|brad|ok this is gonna be the real test of kubuntu. if i can get this website to work i will be so happy. now matter what i did in slack this damn site would not load09:53
tirolocoimbrandon: ok09:53
imbrandon|brad|, what site ?09:53
tirolocobut and xorgconfig?09:53
tiroloconot this in dapper?09:53
MasterEvilAceimbrandon: that auto-mount /etc/fstab stuff still isn't working :(09:54
imbrandonstrange MasterEvilAce works perfect for me ;(09:54
Hobbseeneil: is this a network printer?09:54
esbenimbrandon: I'm unlikely to get my hands on the sourcecode of unreal tournament and games like that :) I was just wondering how to install it nicely on Kubuntu (if there is no nice way, I'll just put it under /uisr/local)09:54
neilHobbsee: no its connect via a USB cable.09:54
imbrandonesben, well normaly if there isnt source there is install instructions , no if there isnt a deb there isnt a nice way09:55
RogueJediXesben: Get the loki installer for them. Easy as pie.09:55
neilHobbsee: a HP deskjet 948c09:55
|brad|imbrandon: air force training site09:55
ririim : kbfx is installed with dapper09:55
esbenimbrandon: kk, thanks :)09:55
imbrandonriri, yes kbfx is in the dapper repos09:55
ririit' s installed but i have  no icones09:56
Hobbseeneil: hmm, okay then.  no idea09:56
RogueJediXesben: For more info visit http://liflg.org/09:56
imbrandonits a pannel applet , right click on your "bar" and add applet , it will be on the list09:56
arthurbHey, has anyone musicbrainz working with mp3 in amarok ?09:56
ririsorry i am slow ! lol09:56
esbenRogueJediX: It's not the installing, but in Gentoo new patches etc could be installed as any other upgrade and so on, that is all :) I've gotten used to not having to check for updates myself :) But thanks, I will check that out :)09:56
imbrandonmorning Hobbsee09:57
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Hobbseehi imbrandon09:57
ririi have a kbfx vista09:58
imbrandonyea thats kbfx09:58
ririin button skin option09:58
ririi have to put your pic ?09:58
imbrandonriri, read up on www.kbfx.org09:58
imbrandonits in kcontrol09:58
imbrandonthe option09:58
imbrandonhello Kadran09:58
Kadrancan the update be automatic i want kubuntu to work every day and udate it self without me even know09:59
Kadranhi imbrandon09:59
imbrandonKadran, you could make a script and have cron run it i guess but as far as an option i doubt it10:00
imbrandonand it would be dangerious as it would have to assume "y" for installs10:00
neilI am trying to setup a USB printer in the 'printer' system config it meantions /dev/usb/lp0 etc. but I have no directory called /dev/usb is there something I need to do first?10:01
Kadranimbrandon: is there any thing to force the apt-get upgrade command and not to wait for the y?10:01
imbrandonneil, check10:01
ubotumethinks printers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org10:01
MasterEvilAceimbrandon: I think i may have gotten it *crosses fingers*10:02
imbrandonKadran, there is an option in apt-get to assume "y" for everything but again i would be carefull with it10:02
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Kadranimbrandon: ok thanks alot i will try doing it now and see what happen :)10:03
imbrandonKadran, "sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade" as a cron.daily would work10:03
imbrandonKadran, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade" would work not the former10:04
Kadranimbrandon: will the last cammand do the update and upgrade ?10:04
imbrandonbut you need to be carefull becouse that wont diffrenciate between kmess or a kernel etc10:04
imbrandonKadran,  yes10:04
Kadranimbrandon: what is kmess?10:05
apokryphosmsn for kde10:05
imbrandonkmess is a msn clone , just an example as to you not knowing whats going to get updated , as kernels require reboots etc10:05
imbrandonits possible just not "safe" ;)10:06
GazzaKdoes anyone have a intel graphics card?  and if so, does it work okay10:06
Kadranimbrandon: ic so i need to have a look to the log from time to time?10:06
imbrandonGazzaK, i have a built in intell 845 works great , even with xgl/compiz 3d ;)10:07
imbrandonKadran, yes10:07
Kadranimbrandon: anyway i will take your advice and stick to the manual way :)10:07
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ririim : it works even on the older bar10:08
imbrandonKadran, it would probbbly be ok if you rebooted after the updates10:08
imbrandonGazzaK, here is what i have "0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)" works like a charm even for 3d10:08
Kadranimbrandon: i have added more sources from source-o-matic, would it be dangerous?10:09
imbrandonohh yes definately then dont do it10:09
GazzaKimbrandon: great, as my new laptop, which should arrive today has a intel 930 or something, card10:09
imbrandonyea thats an 845g10:09
ririgas : lucky man :)10:09
Kadranimbrandon: thanks alot :)10:09
imbrandonKadran, yes i would only recomend that if you use only the official sources.list10:09
imbrandonriri, if you type the first few chars of someones name and hit <tab> it will autro complete it for you10:10
imbrandoni just need an inline typo checker lol10:10
GazzaKit's one of these btw - http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/uk/en/sm/WF06b/21675-283229-283229-283229-12434618-12115130-64938339.html10:11
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GazzaKhas a "Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 900"10:11
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nixternal`zzzgood night all10:11
imbrandoni would upgrade the hdd right away but other than that hp's are nice10:11
ririgonit alone :)10:11
imbrandon5400rpm gonna be a slow hdd10:12
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GazzaKi'm not bothered about the 60Gb hard drive, at work all data is on the server, and at home it is on the NAS box10:12
imbrandonthe rest looks good ;)10:12
GazzaKand it is a 2Ghz cpu and will have 2Gb ram10:12
imbrandonnot realy the compasity , its the speed, 5400rpm ( thats the slowest you can get )10:12
imbrandonwith that ram and proc it will be bottlenecked on the hdd10:12
GazzaKyeah, I typed my bit before you said the speed10:12
GazzaKI might have to "borrow" another hard drive then :)10:13
imbrandonyea 60gig is ok for a laptop, just get something faster than a 540010:13
|brad|i just recently went against my religion and bought a hp desktop10:13
GazzaKit is only like 1.8Kg, 4pounds10:13
imbrandonyou will see a "noticeable" diffrence not just on benchmarks but realworld10:13
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GazzaKI might try to get work to buy a faster drive, then give this 60Gb one to my partner who only has a 20Gb drive atm10:14
nixternal`zzzwhoa...how is the system running?10:15
wordi accidently fried my 60 gig drive by putting a bare wire under it..(don't ask ;p) and maxtor sent me back an 80 gig drive10:15
GazzaKI might try that idea then word :p10:15
wordit was refurbished but meh didn't even look like it'd ever been used10:16
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wordimbrandon: I'm installing / upgrading more and more and the partitioner is slowly gaining funcionality lol :P10:17
|brad|error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java5-bin_1.5.0-06-1_amd64.deb (--unpack):  <--- what the piss does that mean?10:17
imbrandonno idea , you got me on that one10:18
crazy_penguingood mornin' ! // jo napot!// buna ziua! :)10:18
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noiesmothe error processing will refer to either a corrupt deb package or maybe a confilt with dependanies but normally thats outputed as well10:19
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imbrandon|brad|, it might be a bad build on the repos ( might have to manualy get it from sun10:19
ririfrom sun works fine10:20
ririand easy to install10:20
noiesmoI would remove /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java5-bin_1.5.0-06-1_amd64.deb the do sudo apt-get update and then apt-get install10:20
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|brad|this sudo  thing is gonna take a little bit to get used to10:23
GazzaKit's like sumo but not10:23
GazzaKyou do not have to wear the funn suits10:23
|brad|noiesmo: that didnt work... i guess im gonna have to get it from sun10:24
imbrandon|brad|, my beatup old HP ( that does all my compiling etc , my main dev wk station ) http://imbrandon.sytes.net/misc/work_area.jpg10:24
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|brad|you smoke the cowboy killers eh?10:25
imbrandonheh sata drives took all my hdd spots so i have that ide drive just dangling10:25
imbrandonlol yea i smoke like its going out of style10:25
|brad|yea looks like my old system with shit hanging out and the case off10:26
imbrandoni took that picture just NOW, like 2 secs ago10:26
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GazzaKsome one has stolen the side of your pc10:26
|brad|i dont even know where my case is... i think i left it in pennsylvania10:26
satemplerhas amarok 1.4 made it in the dapper main release or would I still have to get that seprately10:27
visik_ is reiser from dapper installer still unavailable ?10:27
imbrandonlol GazzaK thats just that one, i should go downstairs and take a pic of my other computers ( about 6 more ) or my file servers ( 2 more ) or my xbox cluster ;)10:27
GazzaKyou need to tidy up imbrandon10:27
GazzaKxbox cluster - tell me more :)10:27
Hobbseesatempler: separately10:27
imbrandonheh its 9 xboxes modded runniing gentoo atm ( to lazy to compile a ubuntu xbox kernel just yet )10:27
noiesmo|brad|, theres is a way to make your own package from the java bin from sun with is the preferred way10:28
|brad|thats sexy10:28
satemplertrying out the Live CD installer10:28
imbrandon|brad|, read the bottom of !restriced to find out how to make your own package from sun10:28
uboturestricted is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats10:28
GazzaK9 of them?  all running seperatly or as one?10:28
noiesmo|brad|, Create a debian packagae with Sun Java jre package ( http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp )10:28
imbrandonGazzaK, all as one , a beowolf cluster10:28
GazzaKand I thought I was geeky10:29
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GazzaKbut imbrandon, what does it do?10:29
|brad|Unfortunately, Sun's Java for 64-bit PC's does't work very well yet <--- thats my problem10:29
noiesmo|brad|, sudo apt-get install java-package && fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin && sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb you may need to Adjust jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin to suite the one you download10:29
imbrandoni'm going to put a howto up[ on my blog sometime next week when i got kubuntu running ( i have to recompile a xbox kernel for kubuntu )10:29
GazzaKI want to mess with my xbox, but cannot get that game which is supposed to help open it up10:30
imbrandonGazzaK, right now its my media cluster , i have it record tv shows server up mp3/ogg files and movies/tv show streams to my media pc in the living room10:30
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GazzaKbut nice of them?10:30
satemplerGazzaK Livberate it from bittorrent ;)10:31
imbrandonGazzaK, i did all mine through software , no game / mem card needed ( you have to "hotswap" the hdd while its on10:31
satemplerGazzaK: that was supposed to be liberate10:31
imbrandonstevekl, wont work, needs to be the orig as an unmodded xbox wont read a dvd-r10:31
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satemplerah ok10:31
GazzaKsurely doing a live hotswap is dangerous10:32
GazzaKcould kill the hard drive?10:32
imbrandonBUT you CAn do it via hotswap with nothing extra , no mod chips or games / memcards10:32
GazzaKimbrandon: can you write a how to?10:32
imbrandonGazzaK, you COULD but its very unlikely i've dont littlery dozens of them for friends10:32
GazzaKmine is a early xbox, one of the first, with the noisy fan10:32
imbrandonyea a 1.1 probbly10:32
GazzaKpop over here and do mine please :)10:32
imbrandonGazzaK, yea i'll make a howto next week on my blog10:33
GazzaKwhere is your blog?10:33
imbrandonGazzaK, no joke send me your xbox and i'll mod it ;) just pay shipping both ways ;)10:33
imbrandonwww.imbrandon.com where else ;)10:33
satemplerto bad the live cd won10:34
=== imbrandon needs to update it badly
GazzaKimbrandon: shipping would cost a lot :p10:34
satemplert grab the latest updates10:34
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imbrandonGazzaK, yea, i'll just put a howto up, you should be able to do it np10:35
imbrandonits not THAT hard once you know the steps10:35
imbrandonand dosent require any additional hardware, but you Do know it will void any warentee you might nhave ;)10:36
imbrandonbut like i said i've done dozens for me and my friends with no problems , never messed up one yet, not even the first one i tried10:36
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GazzaKimbrandon: this xbox is old, it has no warrany10:38
GazzaKplus I'm getting hassle to buy a new xbox 360 from the other half10:38
imbrandonheh its nice when the other half is wanting one instead of hassle you NOT to buy one ;)10:39
GazzaKyeah, but the other half is making me poor10:39
imbrandonheh get a wii not an xbox360 then ;)10:40
GazzaKI already have a load of xbox games though10:40
GazzaKand don't like mario10:40
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imbrandonbut that makes it even better becosue your 360 will play your old xbox games and your then free to run linux on it ( and yes you can wire a keyboard and mouse upto it , the controler ports are just "funny shaped" usb ports )10:41
imbrandonAND after its moded it will play "backup" iso's ( not that i would condone downloading those ) or original games as well as linux and xbmc ( xbox media center )10:42
GazzaKsounds fun imbrandon10:45
GazzaKwhen I have the case apart, I think i'll paint it too10:46
imbrandonhttp://xbmc.sourceforge.net/imgs/xbmc_alpha/xbmc_alpha_screenshot_mayhem01.jpg   <-- xbmc running10:46
GazzaKthat is ace10:46
GazzaKgimme gimme gimme :)10:47
GazzaKnice, looks good10:49
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assasukassehi all10:52
assasukassei wish to know how much ram usually kubuntu requests at bootup10:52
imbrandon192 i THINK10:53
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assasukasseimbrandon thanks, do u know if xmms firefox and ssh are installed by default?10:56
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imbrandonnone of the above, but you can apt-get thm easy10:57
assasukasseimbrandon are u using it? did u experience any particular problem?10:57
imbrandonyes and no10:57
assasukassei have read this http://tinyurl.com/ofb9r review and i was pretty surprised10:57
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ririkvfx is really wonder :)10:58
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imbrandonim<tab> and kbfx ;)10:58
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imbrandonassasukasse, that was from almost a year ago10:59
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imbrandonlook at the date10:59
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imbrandon 04/25/200510:59
|brad|damn its 5 am11:00
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assasukasseimbrandon can i ask why u choose kubuntu over ubuntu?11:00
imbrandonbecouse i dont like gnome and i develop qt/kde applications  ( and help package them sometimes )11:01
imbrandonhow about you ?11:01
assasukasseimbrandon i've been using kanotix for long at now, but i need something that will work with the power management of my laptop..11:02
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h3sp4wnI am using kanotix on my laptop (because kde is actually useable with 256Mb on it) - but my desktop has kubuntu because the bloat is less of a problem11:03
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assasukasseh3sp4wn actually i was unable to make the power management work with kanotix..11:04
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assasukassesuspend hangs11:05
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assasukassespeedsteps doesn't work properly..11:05
assasukassei end up with 2 hours battery while with win Xp lasts 4 hours11:05
assasukasseh3sp4wn is kubuntu far more bloated??11:06
h3sp4wnDepends on the speed of your laptop11:07
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h3sp4wnMore importantly how much ram you have11:07
assasukasseh3sp4wn i have 51211:07
assasukasseon a centrino 1.411:07
h3sp4wnkubuntu will be fine with that - but its got alot of internationalisation stuff compiled into everything must be why its so slow11:08
assasukasseh3sp4wn is there any way to get rid of that? i don't need bulgarian or thai languages...11:09
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EvilIdlerLanguages aren't loaded into memory unless you use them11:11
h3sp4wnWhat about like pango and all that type of stuff11:11
EvilIdlerNeeded for input11:11
h3sp4wnNot necessary for english11:11
EvilIdlerMany countries use more than 26 symbols11:11
h3sp4wnFor me thats bloat all the input related stuff11:12
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EvilIdlerIt's not only input, but also output - UTF-8 etc.11:12
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esbenmle <--- english word, no? :o)11:12
assasukasseactually kanotix or kubuntu are my only two choices...and kanotix doesn't work with my lap well...11:12
EvilIdlerOr nave :)11:13
XVampireXAnyone know any linux conferences here in Israel?11:13
assasukassebtw can i do something about EKIGA?11:13
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XVampireXanyone know? :P11:13
xanax`XVampireX : http://www.iglu.org.il/IGLU/index.php11:14
EvilIdlerThe point of having i18n libs and constantly using them is so people from non-English speaking countries can safely stick to one text format (Unicode) and share it with everyone11:14
h3sp4wnEvilIdler: Its not worth it because it makes your system alot slower they should provide a version without all that (kanotix is so much faster) - I think speed is one of the most important things (especially on older computers)11:15
assasukassefor using ekiga i have to install all the gnome lib or just will take what is needed..11:15
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EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: You almost sound like an American saying that ;)11:15
EvilIdlerI don't think the i18n libs will make your program a lot slower11:16
XVampireXassasukasse: Ekiga is in the repositories, it will handle the dependencies alone11:17
h3sp4wnEvilidler: Try running firefox compiled with and without pango - Look at the speed of bootup and general snappyness between kanotix and kubuntu11:17
EvilIdlerIf you don't live in a country that needs it, you don't know what a pain it can be to share documents when everyone's on a different codepage ;)11:17
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: Couldn't that be some other optimisation Kanotix has done?11:17
EvilIdlerMy system sure feels nice and fast.11:17
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EvilIdlerWhen I occasionally use the fox of flames, it's nice and responsive :)11:18
vincentrcHi everybody. What is the correct channel for kubuntu bugs please ?11:18
imbrandonvincentrc, launchpad.net11:18
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admiral_proFTWvincentrc, what bug do you have11:19
vincentrcThe first one is minor and happens only in the Kubuntu live CD : you have to do Ctrl + Alt + Backspace in order to the screen resolution modifications take effect.11:20
vincentrcThe second is one I have reported for a moment, but hasn't been fixed : Bug #4059611:20
vincentrcI wanted to talk about on the irc as the final release is coming soon.11:20
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imbrandonRiddell, is the maintainer for that .... might ping him sometime11:22
vincentrcYes, I have tried to ping him on #kubuntu-devel.11:22
vincentrcNo response for the moment, I'm waiting.11:23
freeflying|awayvincentrc: hi11:23
imbrandonvincentrc, well then you have done what you can, i'm sure he will get to it asap time permitting, what makes it easyier is if you also submit a patch if you are able11:23
imbrandonheya freeflying|away ;)11:23
vincentrcSorry, I'm not a developper, I have never coded. It would have been a pleasure.11:24
imbrandonvincentrc, thats also a package in main too witch is frozen for the moment so the patch would have to be approved11:24
imbrandonvincentrc, thats why i said if possible , i realize not everyone can code ;)11:25
h3sp4wnEvilIdler: It could be other optimisation kanotix has done - but the fact is on older hardware kubuntu runs slowly (whereas my desktop runs easily fast enough - my laptop is unusably slow)11:25
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admiral_proFTWi had a bug updating to dapper, but i was with tt-cidfont-conf11:25
|brad|well java works now11:25
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: Removing internationalisation libs from this distro would break a lot of things for a lot of nationalities, though11:25
|brad|but that site still doesnt work... i guess i do still need windowss11:26
admiral_proFTWbrad: what do you mean java "works"11:26
|brad|admiral_proFTW: i just installed jre11:26
h3sp4wnEvilIdler: Just having one version with internationalisation support and one without would be fine11:26
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: Exchanging files between developers would often be a pain then, though.11:27
admiral_proFTWbrad: the one on the sun page11:27
EvilIdlerI'd be using UTF-8, thanks to the 'bloaty' libs, while a UK developer would be using ASCII files11:27
admiral_proFTWhmm, i read somewhere not to install that. i just used automatix and i think that set it up11:27
EvilIdlerWhen he reads mine, no problem. When I read them back, nothing is certain.11:28
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h3sp4wnEvilIdler: ASCII is more standard than UTF-811:28
|brad|admiral_proFTW: i have a amd64 system11:29
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: We're moving away from it, though.11:29
admiral_proFTWBrad: oh that would complicate things. i have friends that are wiating on ubuntu to have better 64 support11:29
|brad|its support is better then slackware11:30
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: i18n is here to stay ;)11:30
admiral_proFTWscripts like easy ubuntu, automatix, bumps arent supported11:31
admiral_proFTWis what i mean11:31
admiral_proFTWi expected more problems from people...11:32
h3sp4wnEvilIdler: Every file you create in utf8 is four times as big11:33
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gnaleoI am trying to install mercury, and I only get this error allt he time, though j2re is installed! No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH11:33
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EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: You're thinking of something else. UTF8 is an extra byte for specific symbols11:33
EvilIdlerUTF-16, UTF-32 or whichever you'd need for most efficient Chinese11:34
_rince_gnaleo: maybe you have to run update-alternatives and set the correct vm?11:35
gnaleo_rince_, how do I do that?11:35
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: The input libraries need to process what you type in, which can't possibly reach millions of characters per second, so I don't think they're the problem if things are slow11:35
_rince_gnaleo: i can't remember the exact syntax, have a look at "man update-alternatives"11:36
_rince_gnaleo: maybe 'update-alternatives --all'11:37
_rince_that one asks you for every binary which has alternatives (editor, pager, browser ...) including the java-vm iirc11:37
h3sp4wnEvilIdler: Firefox goes from being horribly slow (ubuntu build) to perfectly usable (mozillia.org build) having experimented disabling various features with pango disables its almost as fast as the mozilla.org one11:38
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: You should nag some Pango devs, then. It shouldn't be so.11:38
gnaleook, I choose the sun-j2re _rince_  ... how can I add it to my PATH?11:39
imbrandongnaleo, update-alterntives11:39
EvilIdlerh3sp4wn: Pango is for text-processing, and there's not that much text on most webpages that it should crawl because it hit an 11:39
gnaleoit worked :)11:39
_rince_should be done automagically11:40
_rince_fine :)11:40
gnaleothanks alot :)11:40
assasukassebtw then is it possible to speedup kubuntu?11:40
EvilIdlerI had to use "sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/bin/java" before Azureus worked11:41
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unix_infidelhey guys, quick question, does ubuntu ship with a dynamic association script with its wireless config11:42
unix_infideleg with iwconfig11:42
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: You do it from /etc/network/interfaces11:43
EvilIdlerLooks like he did find it :)11:43
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jakehey what does the debian menu in automatrix actually install?11:44
imbrandonunix_infidel, yes iwconfig is installed11:45
unix_infidelimbrandon: noooo, i meant how does ubuntu manage dynamic wireless association.11:45
unix_infidelwhen i get my device up it automatically associates to the closest AP11:45
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imbrandonno as in it dosent , brb11:46
unix_infidelthen why does it associate with the closest unencrypted ap then?11:47
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h3sp4wnunix_infidel: Its only 3 commands to do it with iwlist and iwconfig - kubuntu is not designed for going onto other peoples networks particularly - use knetworkmanger if you want that sort of junk - otherwise just use wpa_supplicant to handle multiple (named) networks11:49
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: well, i dont need encryption with wpa_supplicant11:49
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unix_infideli'm just trying to figure out why iwconfig sometimes reassociates with a new AP when i'm not looking.11:50
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: It doesn't have to have encryption (but then you can set priorities for different networks)11:50
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: so you're telling me i can use wpa_supplicant to manage my AP's for me.11:51
unix_infidelif i predefine say 2-3 aps to associate if it detects them itll associate, get an ip and go on its merry way.11:51
unix_infideland it'll even manage unencrypted Ap's well.11:52
unix_infidelhow would i go about doing that?11:52
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: key_mgmt=NONE11:53
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unix_infidelh3sp4wn: yea, i'm reading the man page.11:53
unix_infidelthat seems simple enough, i'm talking about the hard part, specified association, then if not getting the defined AP's use the strongest unencrypted WAP11:53
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h3sp4wnunix_infidel: /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes (that tells you how to hook it into /etc/network/interfaces)11:54
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: /etc/network/interfaces?11:54
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h3sp4wnunix_infidel: Where the network interfaces are configured the doc's haven't been updated yet I don't think (are you on breezy or dapper ?)11:55
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h3sp4wnunix_infidel: into /etc/default/wpasupplicant you need to put ENABLED=1 into it make sure you card type etc is specified properly and put your networks into /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf (you use priority=7 or whatever) inside each network section12:01
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h3sp4wnunix_infidel: If they are your access points just run them in WDS mode and it will automatically associate with the strongest12:08
toweriGreetings. I have a problem with root on LVM2 and lilo giving fatal errors on kernel upgrade (done with apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; breezy, 2.6.12-9 ->2.6.12-10)12:09
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imbrandonlilo ?12:10
imbrandonwhy not grub ?12:10
toweriIIRC installation didn't even offer me the choice to install grub.12:10
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imbrandondid you run /sbin/lilo when you upgraded the kernel ?12:11
toweriThat's exactly when the error occurred.12:11
XVampireXtoweri: grub exists internally12:12
imbrandoncan you apt-get install grub ?12:12
toweriExact lilo output:12:12
toweritimo@badger:~$ sudo lilo12:12
toweriWarning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure. Name change: '/dev/dm-0' -> '/dev/dm'12:12
toweridevice-mapper ioctl cmd 12 failed: No such device or address12:12
toweriFatal: device-mapper: dm_task_run(DM_DEVICE_TABLE) failed12:12
imbrandoni have no idea i havent used lilo since 199712:13
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CinAnyone tried Xgl on KDE?12:13
toweriXVampireX: Umm, what exactly do you mean, "grub exists internally"?12:13
xanax`Cin : try #xgl12:14
toweriI had gathered that grub wasn't exactly friendly with lvm.12:14
CinIt's working sweeeet on mine. I just got an upgrade of compiz. Not sure *how new* it is... but it's got more stuff to it.12:14
XVampireXIt just does12:14
XVampireXIt installs it automatically with kubuntu12:14
CinNah I just thought I'd come and tell you chaps that it works perfectly on KDE now.12:14
toweriXVampireX: Apparently not.12:14
nico8481what works better with linux? geforce or radeon?12:14
Cinxanax`, but thanks.12:14
XVampireXToweri: You might have a corrupt cd then12:14
imbrandonnico8481, nvidia12:14
toweriXVampireX: Breezy downloaded from official mirror, md5sum matches.12:15
nico8481imbrandon: don't they have "closed" drivers?12:15
imbrandonopen and closed as does ati12:15
imbrandonso ?12:15
EvilIdlernico8481: NVidia overall; both work, buit NVidia's drivers are nearest Windows performance.12:15
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XVampireXToweri: Right12:16
nico8481EvilIdler: all geforce are nvidia, right?12:17
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EvilIdlerNVidia chipsets, yes12:17
_nano_anyone knows of a superkaramba widget for amarok?12:18
nico8481any idea about the heat production of intel core duo CPUs ?12:18
imbrandon~45c  this is google type stuff ;)12:18
nico8481coz i've read that the mac laptops using them get incredibly hot !12:18
_nano_45C is like P412:19
nico8481actually i'm wondering if it's a good idea to buy a core-duo based laptop...12:19
imbrandonnah buy a chia-mac http://plig.org/things/pictures/tn/chiamac.med.jpg12:20
toweriHmm, I gather that no-one here has any idea about that lvm + upgraded kernel problem?12:22
imbrandontoweri, probbly not VERY VERY few people use lilo12:23
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toweriimbrandon: I know, I'd rather use grub, if it supported LVM.12:23
toweriApparently, it doesn't, so I'm kinda stuck.12:23
imbrandonwhy do you need lvm ?12:24
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toweriSuffice to say that I didn't have a choice when installing this machine.12:24
imbrandonok , looks like grub / softraid would solve your problems12:25
imbrandonbut w/e ;)12:25
toweriSeems that I have to take a few backups and try to resize one of the lvm pv's to fit in a non-lvm boot partition.12:26
toweriThanks anyway.12:26
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frodo90it seems that kubuntu is so slow12:40
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frodo90my system runs nearly perfect under xp, now i swichted to kubuntu and everything seems to be working sub-optimal12:45
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frodo90system: pIII 866mhz, 512 ram12:46
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kubuntualrite guys12:46
kubuntuneed help on kubuntu12:47
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frodo90kubuntu: what's up?12:47
kubuntuhavent a clue how till work it12:47
_nano_frodo90: what kind of graphics card you got?12:47
frodo90gf 420012:47
_nano_frodo90: what's the output of the command: glxinfo: grep direct12:47
kubuntuhow can i ply mp3's frodo9012:48
ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:48
frodo90nano: what do u mean in special?12:49
kubuntuthanks _nano_12:49
_nano_frodo90: i'm wondering if your graphics card is configured properly12:49
_nano_frodo90: plus KDE has even from graphics eye candies as compared to XP...so12:50
_nano_*from= more12:50
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frodo90i installed the closed source nvidia drivers12:51
_nano_frodo90: hmm...12:51
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_nano_frodo90: so what's the output of the command i typed down before?12:52
atomic16im having a problem with settings12:52
frodo90but dunno if i did it correct. Everytime the x-server starts, the nvidia-logo is shown12:52
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frodo90it didnt work12:52
_nano_frodo90: then most probably graphics card is configured correctly12:52
_nano_frodo90: the command didn't work? as in ?12:52
_nano_glxinfo | grep direct12:53
atomic16I can't change any of my settings can anyone help?12:53
_nano_atomic16: what kind of settings?12:53
frodo90nano: first you typed : not pipe12:53
atomic16any of them12:53
_nano_frodo90: oops my bad...12:53
=== _nano_ surely needs coffee
frodo90direct rendering: yes12:53
_nano_frodo90: what's your RAM?12:53
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atomic16it says I need to be in the administrator, but I am the administrator, then when I click the admin button an error comes up12:54
=== _nano_ thanks frodo90
frodo90133 mhz clocked12:54
_nano_frodo90: swap size?12:54
frodo90atomic: u arent admin. Click admin button, type the pw you set on install und hit return12:55
_nano_frodo90: use command : df12:55
atomic16no I get an error then it won't let me type a password, plus I am the only user12:55
_nano_atomic16: but you surely must have set a root password?12:55
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_nano__nano_: oops..12:56
atomic16yes I did, I tried login in on it but it said it was disabled, then I tried running kuser on it but it said I had the wrong password, I know the password was right.12:56
frodo90nano: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/1205/12:57
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_nano_frodo90: you don't have a swap partition01:00
TimmmmHi, are there qt 4.1 packages anywhere for (k)ubuntu?01:00
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ubotuswap is, like, totally, used to put unused programs out of memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwapFaq01:00
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_nano_and given the fact that KDE has more eye candies than XP..i guess it's safe to assume that it uses a good amount of memory..01:01
_nano_unless you tone it down a bit01:01
_nano_your XP also has a swap file01:01
frodo90will try01:01
XVampireXKDE uses less meomry01:01
_nano_it might...but that doesn't prove a case for not using a swap01:02
XVampireXI know01:02
_nano_with a memory of 512MB01:02
XVampireXI got 256mbram and 768 swap01:02
TimmmmI don't have swap.01:03
atomic16the error I get is "su returned with an error"01:03
frodo90what size would be good for 512 mb ram?01:03
TimmmmOr at least if I do it is never used.01:03
Hobbseeatomic16: use sudo, not su01:03
XVampireXYou should use at least another 512mb for swap01:03
atomic16Im not in terminal01:03
vinboywhat browsers do u guys use?01:03
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vinboyfirefox is slow after awhile01:04
XVampireXUse opera then if you want01:04
XVampireXOr konqueror01:04
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XVampireXFirefox is not slow01:04
atomic16so what do I tupe in Konsole?01:04
vinboyeating up memory01:04
h3sp4wnelinks or firefox (depending on whether the site looks ok in elinks or not)01:04
XVampireXelinks? :P Never heard01:04
_nano_me too never heard01:04
_nano_XVampireX: could you link me to a benchmark comparing memory consumption of XP and KDE?01:05
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atomic16I typed kdesu sudo and the same error came up01:06
h3sp4wnXVampireX: using elinks requires the site to be properly designed (because its text based)01:06
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_nano_h3sp4wn: web browsing is not only about reading text :(01:07
h3sp4wnnano: what about blind people everything should be readable in a text only browser easily01:07
h3sp4wnnano: If I am working I get less destracted using a text only browser01:08
vinboyblind ppl can't read01:08
h3sp4wnscreen readers01:08
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h3sp4wnthey can only do text01:08
vinboymay as well download the mp301:08
vinboydo u guys play any game?01:08
klerfaytvinboy: wesnoth01:09
h3sp4wnStreetfighter 2 Turbo (Jap) on advancemame01:09
vinboyany nice game on linux?01:09
_nano_tuxcart ;)01:09
klerfaytvinboy: what type of game you like?01:09
vinboyreal time strategy01:10
h3sp4wnI have Civilisation call to power for linux (but it has to be run in a chroot of debian woody which is a pain)01:10
vinboyfirst person shooting01:10
_rince_h3sp4wn: doesn't run on kubuntu?01:11
_nano_people have run counter strike using wine..01:11
_nano_i haven't tried it01:11
klerfaytvinboy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_first-person_shooters01:11
_rince_last time i played it using gentoo, a few years ago01:11
vinboythx klerfayt01:12
vinboyi got cedega going for my CS01:12
vinboybut, the frame rate is 3001:12
frodo90which command is for looking up swap volume running?01:12
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_nano_frodo90: didn't get your question01:13
_nano_frodo90: rephrase?01:13
frodo90i installed a swap parti, but dunno if it was done correct01:14
klerfaytvinboy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open_source_games01:14
_nano_frodo90: mount -l01:14
vinboygot it01:15
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_nano_frodo90: my bad..01:15
_nano_frodo90: that's not the command01:15
h3sp4wnrince: Its an old loki game and hence linked against old libraries01:15
admin__is there a guide on how to build a new kernel for kubuntu anywhere ?01:16
_nano_frodo90: check your /etc/fstab file?01:16
admin__my usb wirelss card locks up the dapper kernel01:16
frodo90nano: ?01:17
Dasnipa`red stripe beer does not make good laundry detergent. that is because it is not laundry detergent... its beer! hooray beer!01:17
_nano_frodo90: cat /etc/fstab01:18
klerfaytis it seriously final artwork in rc?01:18
_nano_frodo90: also you might check sysguard to see how much swap is being used01:18
_rince_h3sp4wn: ah, rings a bell01:18
_rince_and no more updates available01:19
h3sp4wnthey are in liquidation01:19
_nano_frodo90: kdemenu-->system-->performance monitor(kdesysgard)01:19
frodo90thats the entry  /dev/hdc5 none swap sw 0 001:19
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_nano_frodo90: pastebin your fstab please?01:20
frodo90it seems that the swap is not used (looked up in perfomance monitor)01:21
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_nano_frodo90: i'm wondering why the word "none" exists there :-?01:22
_nano_frodo90: it should say "swap" instead of none :-?01:22
_nano_frodo90: did you format it as linux swap?01:22
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frodo90i did it like the how-to said01:23
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ubotusomebody said swap was used to put unused programs out of memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwapFaq01:23
Jelhow come smbmount does not work ?01:23
Jelisn't samba installed from installation ?01:23
imbrandonactualy it SHOULD say none there, the swap gets no mount point01:24
imbrandonlook at your own fstab ;)01:24
imbrandonJel, no its not01:24
imbrandonjel apt-get install smbfs01:24
frodo90what should i do now?01:25
_nano_frodo90: what does your kdesysguard say?01:25
frodo90no use of the swap01:25
_nano_frodo90: and the physical memory used?01:25
frodo90491mb used01:26
_nano_frodo90: that's like most of your RAM :-?01:26
frodo90yipp, 24.000 KB free01:27
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Dasnipa`frodo90, sounds like you got probs01:27
Jelimbrandon - how would i mount a network directory, smb://server/media/mp3s ?01:27
Jelto say /mnt/mp3s01:27
h3sp4wnfrodo90: the memory under cached is available if necessary01:28
_nano_frodo90: did you disable and recreate your swap?01:28
_rince_usually most of your memory is "used" - this is considered a feature01:28
h3sp4wnfrodo90: Same with buffers01:28
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ubotuhmm... swap is used to put unused programs out of memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwapFaq01:28
imbrandonJel, if smbfs is installed you would use "sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=username,password=password,uid=uid,gid=gid,rw //server/share /mount/point01:29
frodo90all: i switched 2 days ago to linux...01:29
frodo90so no knowlegde is available01:29
Jeluid ?01:29
Jelgid ?01:29
imbrandonlinux user id and group id01:29
imbrandonie uid=jel,gid=admin01:29
Jelahh i c01:30
Jelthe file system doesnt have a user/pass required01:30
Jel(its from a windows XP shared directory)01:30
imbrandonjel then a winxp username / password from that bopx01:30
imbrandonunless you have it set to world writeable , bad bad bad boy01:31
Jelahh ok01:31
_nano_frodo90: swapoff -a01:31
_nano_/sbin/mkswap /dev/hda501:31
_nano_swapon -a01:31
Jelso i can put username=administrator (my account on xp), and then password=<mypass>01:31
_nano_where hda5 is your swap partition01:31
imbrandonsure jel01:31
frodo90did so01:31
_nano_frodo90: try rebooting?01:32
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frodo90perf.mon says: 1.502.036 KB free, but i created only a 768mb swap01:33
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Jelimbrandon "Could not resolve mount point /mnt/Mp3s"01:36
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Jeli've done sudo mkdir /mnt/Mp3s01:36
h3sp4wnfrodo90: look at the output of 'free -m' take the total and minus the buffers and the cached01:37
h3sp4wnfrodo90: For example my desktop here with a gb of ram reports only 38Mb free but if necessary there is alot more available01:37
Jelhmm ok, seems the mnt point is case sensitive01:37
EvilIdlerJel: All files are case-sensitive01:38
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Jeli tried this:01:40
Jelsudo mount -t smbfs -o username=administrator,password=j*********,uid=jel,gid=admin,rw //server/media/mp3s /mnt/mp3s01:40
coreyIs this the right channel to ask noob questions in?01:40
EvilIdlerJel: I recommend using lowercase filenames for mountpoints01:40
EvilIdlercorey: One of many good ones :)01:40
Jeland it says: "11505: tree connection failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (you specified an invalid share name)01:41
JelSMB connection failed01:41
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Jelthat is the RIGHT name of the director i want to share...01:41
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EvilIdlerJel: Samba shares are changed to uppercase, so no worries there, but the mountpoint is case-sensitive01:42
frodo90nothing happened after rebooting01:42
Jeli know it is01:42
EvilIdlerJel: Is the name of the actual server 'server'?01:42
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coreyEvil: Great. I'm having a problem with Adept. A lot of packages give me an error that it "Could not commit changes." "there was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages."01:42
EvilIdlerJel: And does it have a share named media?01:42
Jelif i type that in konqueror i can access it01:42
EvilIdlerJel: I don't think you can set up a directory under a share like that; try just //server/media01:43
klerfaytwhat parameter I should give to glxgears so that it will show me fps?01:43
EvilIdlercorey: Breezy or Dapper?01:43
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coreyFor example, if I try to install frozen-bubble with apt-get install, I get "Depends: libsdl-mixer1.2 (>= 1.2.5) but it is not installable"01:44
uboturumour has it, print is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org01:44
EvilIdlercorey: Try running Fetch Updates again, then Preview what it wants to change01:44
frodo90nano: nothing happens01:44
_nano_frodo90: give me a min01:45
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Jelhmm you're right01:46
Jeli can mount /media fine :)01:46
_nano_frodo90: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=410701:46
EvilIdlerJel: Thought so - I can't mount a directory under a share on Windows either :)01:46
coreyI don't know why I uncommented universe Sources. It takes forever to update and I'm not ready to start Linux development ... yet.01:49
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Jeli just got a few thousand mp3's in amarok ^_^01:49
frodo90nano: no help01:50
EvilIdlercorey: It's handy to have for more than development. If you have all four corners of the Ubuntu reality, you're covered well :)01:50
EvilIdlerJel: Neat-o01:50
coreyEvil: Fetched updates, and previewed changes. there is nothing there.01:50
EvilIdlerAmarok choked on my 160-gig music partition :/01:50
Jelnow i just need to setup that wireless network between me and my mates place01:51
Jelhes got 100gb of his own music :O01:51
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:seaLne] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Shipit!-Get FREE Kubuntu CDs shipped directly to your home! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | 6.06LTS Release Candidate out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic
Jelyeah it took a few minutes to reconstruct my "collection"01:51
EvilIdlercorey: What were you trying to do when it failed?01:51
EvilIdlerI just went back to XMMS, since it crashed horribly :/01:52
coreyTrying to install a new package.01:52
_nano_frodo90: i'm clueless here...may be reinstall with the swap ?01:52
EvilIdlercorey: Are you still getting the error when trying now?01:52
coreyFor example, if I try to install frozen-bubble, I expand the selection, click "Install Package" then commit changes. That's when I get the error. Yes, I am still getting it.01:52
frodo90need the url once again01:52
EvilIdler17930 available packages. What more can I install today..01:53
EvilIdlercorey: Can you stick your /etc/apt/sources.list on pastebin?01:53
frodo90nano: need the url once again01:55
_nano_frodo90: which url? the latest one?01:55
frodo90the !swap01:55
ubotuwell, swap is used to put unused programs out of memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwapFaq01:55
EvilIdlerDoes the bot have a list of topics you can get in a private message?01:56
=== mhterres [n=marcelo@] has joined #kubuntu
HobbseeEvilIdler: yes01:57
ubotuHobbsee: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:57
HobbseeEvilIdler: ^01:57
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@unaffiliated/imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu
=== milian_ [n=milian@p54BEA6A9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
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=== markrian [n=markrian@cpc2-cmbg2-0-0-cust473.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
EvilIdlerHobbsee: Cheers :)01:58
=== Pupeno [n=Pupeno@80-102-114-247.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu
_nano_frodo90: you might wanna consult Hobbsee :)01:58
=== hansl [n=hans@84-107-168-23.dsl.quicknet.nl] has joined #kubuntu
EvilIdlercorey: I can't see anything directly wrong with that file, but I dunno if that cdrom source is necessary01:59
Hobbsee_nano_: oh no...what's teh problem/01:59
markrianAfter updating APT's cache of the repos, archive.ubuntu.com doesn't validate01:59
_nano_Hobbsee: it seems frodo90's swap isn't being used...he has 512MB of memory..is that normal?01:59
Hobbseehow much of the RAM is being used?01:59
markrianAnd doing it again doesn't fix it. No matter what, archive.ubuntu.com's update doesn't validate - what's the problem?01:59
_nano_Hobbsee: he didn't have swap partition in his initial installation01:59
Hobbseewhat is the output of "free"?02:00
_nano_Hobbsee: no idea :-s02:00
coreyI don't know if it will help, but I added the output of "apt-get" to the bottom. It does have 2 specific errors. I get the same kind of problem on several files. Others download and install fine. http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73906902:01
Hobbseefrodo90: what's the output of "free"?02:01
EvilIdlermarkrian: Try a countrycode in front of archive, like uk.archive.ubuntu.com02:01
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource02:01
markrianEvilIdler: but it's always worked, just last night I updated fine02:01
Hobbseecorey: delete what's in yoru /etc/apt/sources.list, and add what's in the URL next to breezy there02:02
Hobbsee# means a comment02:02
_nano_Hobbsee: have you used superkaramba? if yes, would you happen to know of any amarok widgets?02:03
Hobbsee_nano_: ages ago i did, i think there might be...no idea what it's called though - check on kdelook.org / kdeapps.org02:03
EvilIdlerYeah, I see it now. Corey's main repositories are commented :P02:04
_nano_Hobbsee: yeah that's what I've been doing...was loookin for a shortcut ;)02:04
=== Bazzi [n=Bastian@p50800D1B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
_nano_Hobbsee: and as they say, there are no shortcuts in real life :(02:04
=== Hobbsee hasnt used in since she was dual booting hoary/breezy, while breezy was still in development...
coreyThanks, guys. I warned you I'm a noob!02:04
=== Hobbsee goes back to playing ksudoku :P
EvilIdlerNewbie, perhaps, but not noob ;)02:05
EvilIdlerNoo..don't tempt me to open my DS and waste more time on sudoku!02:05
_nano_same difference :P.... corey welcome to the club :P02:05
frodo90nano: free get me this http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/1207/02:05
imbrandonlol @ Hobbsee02:05
=== _nano_ pokes Hobbsee ... frodo90 is here!
=== zara_thustra [n=zara_thu@81-202-199-111.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseefrodo90: hmmm...okay...02:06
HobbseeEvilIdler: hehe!02:06
_nano_frodo90: it seems you have free memory in your RAM02:07
Hobbseefrodo90: what are you running on your system at the moment?02:07
=== caiado [n=rodrigo@200-206-253-215.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseeyeah, and it'll use most of the ram before the swap02:07
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~$ free02:07
imbrandon             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached02:07
imbrandonMem:       1026544     589340     437204          0     104648     25568402:07
imbrandon-/+ buffers/cache:     229008     79753602:07
imbrandonSwap:      1951888          0    195188802:07
imbrandongah sorry guys02:07
frodo90firefox, amarok (non playing), gaim02:07
imbrandonment to paste that on paste bun  /me kicks own self for flood02:07
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe, i could do that for you, if you liked :P] 02:08
_nano_frodo90: lol I've exact same apps running :D02:08
coreyAnother stupid question. If I want to edit a file as root, how can I manage that via the GUI? The only way I've figured out is to "su -" then use pico another console editor.02:08
ubotuUse kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.02:08
EvilIdlerYou see? Even the gods are not faultless!02:08
=== caiado [n=rodrigo@200-206-253-215.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Hobbseefrodo90: i'd try running a few games on there as well, just to use up the memory...02:08
=== imbrandon is NOT a god
uboturumour has it, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.02:08
=== khnmog004 [n=khnmog00@pc05.tsl.uct.ac.za] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseeimbrandon: nah, bddebian is :P02:09
EvilIdlerSorry, too much SG-102:09
imbrandonheheh yea Hobbsee02:09
imbrandonomg i LOVE sg-1 ;)02:09
=== mark--- [n=mark@c-67-161-24-44.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
frodo90hobbsee: fired up 5 instances of writer at once02:09
=== imbrandon lives sg-1 and sg-a
EvilIdlerMmm..I need my fix, but there's yet another season-break now :/02:09
Hobbseefrodo90: haha, that should do it02:09
=== Hobbsee makes a note *not* to test koffice while still on dapper
frodo90but my mem never runs to zero02:10
Hobbseefrodo90: my machine only swaps very occasionally as well - even when it only had 512mb of ram...02:10
imbrandonheh looks like here in a few days i'll have to go back to dual booting ( dapper / edgy )02:10
EvilIdlerWas there a Dapper update today? I'm waiting for a couple of kernel-related bugs to be fixed before I can upgrade :/02:10
EvilIdlerBy update, I mean bigger than usual02:10
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Hobbseeimbrandon: exactly - brign it on!  unfortunately, i made my dapper / a bit small :P02:11
_nano_Hobbsee: how much ram do you have now?02:11
Dasnipa`if you run 256 mb ram it swaps a lot02:11
imbrandonEvilIdler, not bigger than usual02:11
=== Jel [n=jel@203-59-212-2.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
Hobbseeimbrandon: you going to keep your /home for both distros, or have separate ones?02:11
Hobbsee_nano_: 1gb02:11
EvilIdlerThere's something weird going on with the unholy trinity of udev/update-initramfs/the kernel02:11
=== imbrandon has 1gb ram / 2 gb swap
_nano_Hobbsee: i too had 256mb..and now I also have 1gb :D02:11
Hobbseebah.  that'd never go into swap - waste of space02:11
Hobbsee@ imbrandon02:11
imbrandonyea i know , i use it for when i boot live cd's02:12
imbrandonnot normal ods02:12
EvilIdlerI have two gigs of swap on 1 gig of RAM, but what else can I use all that space for?02:12
frodo90but my system seems so slow, a live-cd is faster02:12
Dasnipa`thats back arsewards...02:12
kubuntui am trying till add reporites, i added the universe 1's and went till fetch updates but nothing happeed, it said fetching headers for a while but i didnt get any updates?02:12
Dasnipa`livecd should be slower than poop02:12
Hobbseekubuntu: your network was definetly connected?02:13
imbrandonEvilIdler, lol same here ( look at my df -h output on konsole in this pic http://imbrandon.sytes.net/misc/snapshot2.png )02:13
=== House_MD [n=maxb@222-153-52-86.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu
EvilIdlerI guess they've softened the livecds to diarrhea levels..02:13
=== _carl [n=carl@LNeuilly-152-23-25-109.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
kubuntuyeah sure im talking till u now02:13
imbrandonDasnipa`, nah live cd is pretty fast on my pc02:13
Hobbseekubuntu: odd, want to paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin please?02:13
EvilIdlerimbrandon: Those files on the server must feel lonely02:13
Oboi have two users in my ubuntu desktop, one who uses gnome (which has a root password) and the other who uses kde which doesn't. is it possible for the gnome user to login to kde and d/l packages for the kde user ? will all the settings set by the gnome user stick?02:14
=== Hobbsee can chat on irc, but have no http connection, nor repos connection
=== ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu
kubuntusorry i dont no wot ur on about :s02:14
HobbseeObo: yeah, you could also do that from a virtual terminal02:14
imbrandonEvilIdler, heh its a webserver ( with an dapper / edgy mirror on it now , wasent when i took the snapshot )02:14
=== OdyX is now known as OdyXydO
EvilIdlerimbrandon: I've found ways to fill it up. Copying over Neverwinter Nights now, and digging for my Loki+ other games :)02:14
=== NotWired [n=notubunt@cpu1112.adsl.bellglobal.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== frodo90 isn't satisfied which his os speed
Obovirtual terminal?02:15
kubuntuhobbsee wots the paste bin?02:15
HobbseeObo: ctrl+alt+f1 - ctrl+alt+f7 to get back02:15
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 02:15
imbrandonkubuntu, kubuntu.pastebin.com02:15
_nano_frodo90: what was your config again?02:16
Hobbseefrodo90: install kpersonalizer, and get rid of some of the effects from there02:16
Hobbseefrodo90: how much free space do you have?02:16
imbrandondf -h02:16
Obooh ok thanx02:16
frodo90866 mhz, 512 mb ram02:16
imbrandonfrodo90, df -h02:16
EvilIdlerWhiskey tango foxtrot?! Samba just decided to restart :/02:16
Hobbseefrodo90: ever tried running xfce on that?02:17
imbrandonEvilIdler, dapper and samba != good atm02:17
frodo90imbrandon: what for df -h?02:17
imbrandonfrodo90, wrong person02:17
EvilIdlerimbrandon: I'm on Breezy after a failed attempt at Dapper, so there's probably something related to that downgrade ;)02:17
kubuntuhobbsee send feebeack?02:18
frodo90hobbsee: apps need some much ram02:18
imbrandonoooooooh google just release picasa for linux , now if they would port some other apps ;)02:19
Hobbseekubuntu: huh?  type "kate /etc/apt/sources.list" into a console, copy the output, from the new window that opens, then paste it in the pastebin link above, and give us the link02:19
Hobbseeimbrandon: didnt they release that a while ago?02:19
EvilIdlerJust a poker client away from getting my dad to ditch Windows, I guess :)02:19
imbrandonHobbsee, not for linux02:19
_nano_imbrandon: that uses wine02:20
imbrandonEvilIdler, crossover office ;)02:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: ah okay, i thought they did02:20
=== theine [n=theine@c217003.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu
frodo90nano: where is kpersonalizer installed?02:20
kubuntuwot link do i give u?02:20
imbrandon_nano_, ye but it uses wine "internaly" IE static linked02:20
_nano_imbrandon: aah02:21
EvilIdlerimbrandon: Hmm..I'll have to find out what he uses and see if crossover has a demo, then02:21
_nano_frodo90: i never used kpersonalizer :P Hobbsee  did :)02:21
Hobbseefrodo90: should be in the kmenu02:21
Hobbseefrodo90: i'd think of trying xfce02:22
ubotuI guess xfce is a lightweight Desktop Environment that uses GTK. to install, "sudo apt-get install xfce4" or "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". http://www.xfce.org/02:22
Hobbseewith only that little amount of processor power02:22
=== joshka [n=joshka@lns-bzn-42-82-255-127-190.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
joshkasalut la room02:23
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joshkakelkun aurait-il la solution  mon problme svp ?02:23
Hobbseeimbrandon: any idea what language that is?02:23
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=== mstodd [n=mstodd@CPE-70-94-1-204.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
GazzaKI think02:24
joshkaexcuse me02:24
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:24
joshkai don't know it s an english channel02:24
=== diop [n=yt@212.149.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu
GazzaKokay, not a problem joshka02:24
joshkahave a nice day02:24
GazzaKyou too :)02:24
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying|away
imbrandonHobbsee, it ?02:25
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:25
=== Hobbsee shrugs
GazzaKmaybe it's alien?02:25
imbrandonsalut is german though02:25
=== Hobbsee can only recognise german and english :P
GazzaKgutten morgen Herr Hobbsee02:26
=== corey can recognize Thai but only read a little.
frodo90nano hobbsee: all my running apps seems no need so much RAM, not the kde gui02:26
=== Hobbsee glares at GazzaK reproachably
Hobbseefrodo90: ah okay...02:26
kubuntuSorry, that looked a bit too much like spam - go easy on the links there. why is is saying that?02:26
=== GazzaK hides from the scary glare
=== nnn0 [n=nnn0@unaffiliated/nnn0] has joined #kubuntu
frodo90reduced it to the ugliest i ever seen and it's also slow02:26
HobbseeGazzaK: i'm not a herr anything :P02:27
HobbseeGazzaK: ya02:27
=== xfizzle [n=xfizzle@ool-4579a46e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
GazzaKenschuligunsee (damn, I cannot spell right in german)02:28
coreyAny recommendations for a window manager ... or is that another personal preference thing? I don't want one that eats memory or system resources, but I'd like to play with some of the advanced features.02:28
Hobbseecorey: light ones - fluxbox, xfce, settings rich - kde02:28
=== macd [n=bashscri@adsl-156-98-85.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
GazzaKkubuntu - pretty, ubuntu - nice and clean, xubuntu - tiny02:28
Hobbseecorey: you can install more than one, and choose at login..02:28
coreyoh. cool.02:28
GazzaKtry them all is maybe the best advice I've been given02:29
GazzaKHobbsee: do you feel a bit in the minority here?02:29
HobbseeGazzaK: yeah, at times - but it's not like i get hit on terribly much, which is good.02:30
=== Hobbsee has been around mostly guys all her life, so...
GazzaKI get hit on by Darkmatter all the time :)02:30
GazzaKand it is kinda funny, as we are both blokes, and it scares people! :p02:30
HobbseeGazzaK: now that is scary.  it's also offtopic02:31
kubuntuhow can i install xmms?02:31
ubotuxmms is, like, totally, to get xmms to work in Ubuntu Hoary and Breezy, set the output plugin to eSound (right-click on the XMMS window, then choose Options -> Preferences)02:31
=== darkmatter_ [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-132.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseekubuntu: sudo apt-get install xmms02:31
Hobbseehmm okay02:31
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frodo90hobbsee: tried xfce and same here...low mem02:32
klerfaytesound? right...02:32
Hobbseefrodo90: darn02:32
Hobbseeklerfayt: i suspect that's gnome related02:32
_nano_i would highly appreciate if anyone could post a screenshot of how www.google.com looks on their browser .. :(02:33
=== _pocket [n=pocket@ALyon-152-1-122-45.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbsee_nano_: which browser?02:33
klerfayt_nano_: it's ugly02:33
_nano_Hobbsee: firefox preferably02:33
Hobbsee_nano_: mozilla binaries, or from the repos?02:33
kubuntuE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:33
kubuntuE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:33
klerfayt_nano_: msstcorefonts look dirty in dapper02:33
kubuntuit comes up that02:33
Hobbseekubuntu: got adept/synaptic/another apt-get window open?02:34
_nano_I've installed installed ttf fonts from windows directory itself02:34
=== Hobbsee doenst have msttcorefonts
_nano_Hobbsee: show the screenshot..lemme look :D02:34
Hobbseei just use deja vu sans...02:34
kubuntuit comes up a pile of stuff now02:35
=== darkmatter_ [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-132.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
frodo90hobbsee: why is it so?02:35
coreyWhy does firefox tell me it can't find libmozjs.so when I run it? I can see the file right there in the directory.02:35
kubuntucan some1 remotely connect till me pc?02:35
_nano_corey: which directory?02:36
coreysame directory as firefox-bin02:36
Hobbsee_nano_: http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/3287/snapshot53ph.png02:36
imbrandonomg Hobbsee is that your desktop ?02:37
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Hobbseeimbrandon: no02:37
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@dyn-213-36-160-172.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu
_nano_Hobbsee: wow it looks nice!02:37
Hobbsee_nano_: yeah, rather02:37
_nano_Hobbsee: atleast fonts are big02:37
XVampireXYou people know about swiftfox?02:37
=== Hobbsee has changed them to look reasonable.
HobbseeXVampireX: yeah02:37
Hobbseecustom user.js file also does the job ;)02:37
XVampireXIt's not just for AMD anymore02:38
h3sp4wnThe mozilla.org build is alot faster than the ubuntu ones (unless it has changed in the last 4 days)02:38
_nano_Hobbsee: what did you change in the user.js file?02:38
coreynevermind ... weird. Firefox wouldn't come up yesterday. Now it does.02:38
_nano_Hobbsee: do you force all the websites to use dejavu fonts?02:38
Hobbsee_nano_: yeah, i think so02:38
_nano_Hobbsee: k02:38
Hobbseeno, wait, i let them choose my own02:39
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: definetly02:39
_nano_Hobbsee: :D02:39
Hobbsee_nano_: http://pastebin.com/73911902:39
=== DeadSouL [n=DeadSouL@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
kubuntui guess its back till windows for me :(02:40
frodo90where can i upload pics like pastebin?02:40
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=== kubuntu [n=andy@ACBCAD73.ipt.aol.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
_nano_Hobbsee: that doesnt seem to have any info regarding fonts ?02:41
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Hobbsee_nano_: no, that's to make it render pages faster, among other things02:41
Hobbseei've got the fonts of the actual window set in gtk settings in system settings...02:42
_nano_Hobbsee: aah...nice! :D thanks a bunch02:42
frodo90nano: look at this http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/6788/screenshot7ge.png02:42
frodo90hobbsee: look at this http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/6788/screenshot7ge.png02:42
_nano_frodo90: wow that's a cool english mod :D02:42
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frodo90nano: ?02:43
Skrotfrodo90: What's the problem?02:43
=== dbglt [n=dbglt@60-240-157-244.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
dbglthey everyone02:43
_nano_frodo90: jking :D02:43
dbgltis there a way to use (like wget does) --limit-rate of an apt-get download?02:43
_nano_frodo90: i wasn't able to understand the language thats why02:43
mhterresRiddell: ping02:43
frodo90skrot: my system is sooo slow02:43
Riddellmhterres: hi02:43
Hobbseedbglt: no idea, but i doubt it02:44
Hobbseedbglt: check in apt-get -h02:44
mhterresRiddell: hi.02:44
mhterresRiddell: will final Kubuntu 6.06 be released in june, 1st ?02:44
dbgltI already checked the help file too02:44
dbgltman file02:44
dbgltnothing there02:44
HobbseeRiddell: thanks :)  my ego feels better now :)02:44
Riddellmhterres: I expect so02:44
dbgltI assumed since it is a normal http download wouldn't be so hard to have rate limiting built in02:44
RiddellHobbsee: welcome :)02:45
mhterresRiddell: let me show you something that makes me worry02:45
HobbseeRiddell: gotta love rss feeds :P02:45
Skrotfrodo90: How much ram do you have?02:45
mhterresRiddell: I requested the Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs and today I saw this message in shipit:02:45
frodo90skrot: 512 mb, but a live-cd seems to run faster than my system02:45
=== naosv [n=naosv@cpc2-cani1-0-0-cust556.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
mhterresRiddell:20 CDs requested in 2006-05-18. 20 CDs approved and sent to the shipping company in 2006-05-24. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.02:45
mhterresRiddell: How they sent the CDs to the shipping company if the final version is not out ?02:46
Skrotfrodo90: The thing about linux is that if you go for KDE, you save resources by only using KDE apps (e.g konqueror over firefox). Do you run many non-kde applications?02:46
frodo90only gaim and firefox02:46
=== klerfayt [n=klerfayt@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
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frodo90skrot: and it eats up nearly 500 mb of my sys02:47
Skrotfrodo90: okay. In what areas is it slow? Starting apps?02:47
frodo90skrot: yes, and browsing02:47
Riddellmhterres: it means the order has been approved, this shipping company is the same company as makes the CDs02:48
Skrotfrodo90: Another thing about linux, is that the number you get from f.ex "top" about memory usage isn't exactly true02:48
XVampireX_Should I update to xorg 7.1?02:48
koshs/exactly/even remotely close/02:48
Skrotfrodo90: The number you get, let's say 60mb for konversation, is how much memory konversation would use, if it was the only program running, because the shared libs are included, and they are used by more than one application02:48
mhterresRiddell: Hmm, ok. I imagine that, but I was not sure. Thanks for the information.02:49
_nano_frodo90: what version of kubuntu are you using?02:49
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qbertkubuntu rules02:49
Skrotfrodo90: Anyway, if you use KDE with firefox, a whole lot of shared libs will have to load in order to get firefox running, as for konqueror, most of those libs are common to other KDE applications, and thus already loaded02:49
frodo90skrot: 5.10 i'm using...02:51
koshSkrot: it is even more complex then that, some of it is memory mapped libs, where the memory is not really being used02:52
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Skrotkosh: Indeed.. memory usage in linux is a tricky one.02:53
koshSkrot: so you could be using <1M of a 5M lib but since the lib is mapped as part of the process address space I think it will show up as 5M02:53
_nano_Skrot: I remember upgrading to dapper improved kde performance significantly02:53
koshSkrot: actually it is tricky under any modern os even windows, windows just fudges stuff to be what people expect02:54
Skrot_nano_: I can't remember, but my dapper is blazing fast :)02:54
_nano_Skrot: yeah .. kde on breezy was kind of sluggish02:54
koshmy dapper is fairly fast but it won't get a lot faster until I upgrade to a new computer02:54
EvilIdlerUse xrestop to get some more reasonable process memory usage readings02:54
koshquad monitor output is a real hit on this box02:54
SkrotKonqueror starts in < 1sec02:54
frodo90perhaps my definition of slow ist wrong. Let's say slower tha windows02:54
EvilIdlerIt's a spin-off program from the KDE folks02:54
coreyI updated my sources.list file and did a fetch updates. When I commit Changes, it starts downloading stuff. Every time it finishes downloading a package, it says "error"02:54
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coreyNow what have I done wrong? :(02:55
Tallia1Kubuntuhi there02:55
coreyAnd how do I abort... no sense letting it continue.02:55
Tallia1Kubuntui'd need a hand for the configuration of the second screen...02:55
Skrotkosh: Really impressed with the speed of OOo in kubuntu as well02:55
koshcorey: hmm I have not seen that before02:55
SkrotIt starts *way* faster than most OOo's I've tried in windows02:55
koshSkrot: oh yeah konq and stuff like that starts in <1s it is just that the gui is not as responsive as I would like with 4 monitors02:55
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Skrotwow, 4 monitors? =)02:56
koshSkrot: that is one reason I want to upgrade to nvidia cards and use xgl/aiglx since longterm the idea is to offload more normal work to the graphics cards02:56
Tallia1Kubuntui want to use the Svideo to see the fullscreen of the screen of my laptop, by now i can see it, but it's not completely showed on the TV, when i move the cursor on the laptop, the showed screen in TV moves... somebody could take a look to my xorg.conf??02:56
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XVampireX_Skrot: That's because java works faster on linux02:58
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koshSkrot: people keep showing off the visually interesting stuff for xgl/aiglx but if you look at the dev stuff on it the real plan is to allow the gui to be hardware accelerated more efficiently02:58
frodo90how to change the frequency of my monitor02:58
SkrotI know. The end game is a 100% accelerated server, isn't it?02:58
coreyapt-get complains about not being ale to lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock ... does that help?02:59
Tallia1Kubuntuis there anybody that can help me?02:59
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koshcorey: sudo apt-get update02:59
Skrotkosh: Seeing how ATi and nVidia won't keep up making those 2D chips in a few years.02:59
XVampireX_corey: You can't be running sudo on several users03:00
coreyI already did a su -03:00
XVampireX_so in su just do apt-get update03:00
coreyI'm not ... at least I don't think I am.03:00
XVampireX_But make sure other tasks running apt-get don't exist03:00
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koshcorey: so you added a root user to your system?03:00
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koshcorey: okay then do lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock and see what other program has it open03:01
XVampireX_kosh: people can run su through sudo03:01
coreyOkay ... it is running now. I already updated everything with Adept. I'm just trying to find out why when I do a commit everything give me an error.03:01
coreykosh: yes.03:01
xcyborgwhen the final 6.06 release will be available for mirrors ?03:01
XVampireX_xcyborg: June 1st03:01
HymnToLifeJune 1st I think03:02
xcyborgjune 1st isn't the official public release ?03:02
XVampireX_Yeah it is03:02
xcyborgthe mirrors don't get to sync first ?03:02
XVampireX_The mirrors get it altogether03:03
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XVampireX_all together^03:03
GazzaKsurely that will be a massive load on the mirror servers/bandwidth?03:03
GaiaX11XVampireX_, will it be possible to upgrade to stable, let's say, from June 1st?03:03
Tallia1Kubuntuis there anybody that can help me?03:03
XVampireX_GaiaX11: Yes03:04
XVampireX_GazzaK: That's what bittorrent is for03:04
GazzaKTallia1Kubuntu: what resolution are you running?03:04
XVampireX_Tallia1Kubuntu: What do you need?03:04
Tallia1KubuntuGazzaK: 1400*1050 on the laptop screen, and i tried 1024x768 on the TV03:04
GazzaKsvideo out afaik will only use 800x600, or it will scroll03:04
coreyhmmm ... this can't be right. http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73915803:04
GaiaX11XVampireX_, good!03:04
GazzaKI think anyways03:04
Tallia1Kubuntulet me try 800x600 and i will come back here03:05
GazzaKgood luck Tallia1Kubuntu03:05
GazzaKsorry for the delay03:05
Tallia1KubuntuGazzaK: see ya in 3 secs :)03:05
GazzaKbut if 15 mirrors are all trying to pull 10Gb (or whatever) from one location, it's gonna take ages03:06
GazzaKplus about 5 million desperate geeks too03:06
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GazzaKthat was quick Tallia1Kubuntu03:06
XVampireX_GazzaK: Don't worry03:06
Tallia1Kubuntuit scrolls even more than with 1024x76803:06
XVampireX_You got a scrolling problem03:07
Tallia1Kubuntuwhat can i do?03:07
EvilIdlerWe need apt-torrent functionality :)03:07
GazzaKwhats the max res for svideo out on a laptop?03:07
coreyokay. Once I know who is locking a file, what's the safest way to unlock it? And why does my ssytem still think Adept is running when I closed it?03:07
XVampireX_In the xorg.conf file03:07
Tallia1Kubuntudunno, i tried 1400 and it didn't work03:07
Tallia1Kubuntumaybe i can try03:07
XVampireX_EvilIdler: No, you don't need apt-torrent03:07
coreyor ... maybe I should say "why does lsof show it is locked by adept when I alrady closed adept?03:07
XVampireX_Tallia1Kubuntu: In the xorg.conf file there's something you have to disable03:08
XVampireX_I had scrolling problem too, I forgot how to fix it, I think it was in the xorg.conf03:08
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Tallia1Kubuntuany idea of what should i change?03:10
Tallia1Kubuntuwhat about xinerama?03:10
Tallia1Kubuntui remember that when i was using a desktop on the side of another i used that one to have it working03:11
Tallia1Kubuntuand have it of the same size03:11
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xcyborgwhat does "LTS" mean ? long time support  ?03:13
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DaBooMGRguys i have a problem03:15
DaBooMGRi don't know how to mount my windows partition to kubuntu03:16
DaBooMGRplus, i've screwed up the accounts section03:16
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DaBooMGRi've turned myself into an administrator, but when i press the "adminstrator mode" button, and enter my password, nothing happens03:16
DaBooMGRanyone ?03:18
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HymnToLifehappens here too, bug I assume03:20
coreyDaboo: Are you mounting an NTFS partition?03:20
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qbertahoy, is their a GUI for configuring apache with kubuntu ?03:20
DaBooMGRcorey yes03:20
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coreyDaBoo: this is what I did. First, mkdir /mnt/xp03:21
Tallia1Kubuntusomebody is still here to gimme a hand?03:21
DaBooMGRbut the problem is that i can't manage them anymore, because of the screwups with the accounts03:21
coreyDaBoo: Then, mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/xp -t ntfs -r -o umask=022203:21
coreyThat assumes the partition you want to mount is on /dev/hda2.03:21
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koshqbert: there probably is a gui but you would regret trying to do it that way03:22
coreyThe files will show up under /mnt/xp03:22
qbertwhy is that ?03:22
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qbertand what is the gui called :P03:22
koshqbert: the gui config tools are almost universally horrible, it just takes too much time compared to doing it manually03:22
DaBooMGRcorey the problem is that i get "only root can do this"03:22
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koshqbert: I know there is a gui, I don't remember what it is called and I don't recommend using it03:22
coreyDaBoo: yep. You need to be root.03:23
DaBooMGRbut i can't login as root03:23
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DaBooMGRit says "no root logins are allowed"03:23
DaBooMGRin the login screen03:23
coreyOh sorry ... then I'm out of my depth.03:23
jfroalright, i feel kinda stupid, i can NOT set my timezone, it just doesn't work03:23
DaBooMGRcan u tell me the command for console login ?03:24
qbertjfro, you try setting it in bios right ?03:24
coreynope. I just installed kubuntu yesterday. I know as close to nothing as is possible!03:24
EvilIdlerjfro: Try tzsetup03:24
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DaBooMGRsame here03:25
theineDaBooMGR: can you log in as ordinary user and use sudo?03:25
DaBooMGRdoes anyone know how to login as root from console ?03:25
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jfroEvilIdler: thanks!03:25
DaBooMGRi don't know what sudo is :P03:25
Hobbsee!tell DaBooMGR about sudo03:25
jfrois there a way to restart the panel so the clock updates? hehe03:25
theineDaBooMGR: open a terminal and type "sudo ls" and enter your user password03:25
HobbseeDaBooMGR: it's a bad idea to log into the GUI as root03:25
theineDaBooMGR: see if that works03:25
Hobbseejfro: killall kicker && kicker03:25
DaBooMGRthanks guys03:25
coreyI'm getting a LOT of "104 Connection reset by peer" errors from apt-get. Is it a problem with apt-get or my internet connection? It wouldn't surprise me a bit if it IS my internet connection.03:25
DaBooMGRi'll read some documentation03:26
DaBooMGRgr8 support!03:26
h3sp4wnDaBooMGR: you can just do session root terminal from konsole also03:26
h3sp4wnnew root shell sorry03:26
HobbseeOdyX: you're in hisory now :P03:26
DaBooMGRi'm out03:26
OdyXHobbsee: ?03:26
DaBooMGRgoing to try these things03:26
jfrothanks so much!, apparently editing timezone file manually doesn't trigger whatever tzsetup does after changing03:27
jfrofinally clock is set right03:27
HobbseeOdyX: we both made it into Ridd*ell's blog03:27
Hobbseejfro: yay!03:27
OdyXHobbsee: URL ?03:27
jfroKDE's adjust time & date flat out wouldn't work03:27
jfrowhich sucks... heh03:27
HobbseeOdyX: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/204003:27
Hobbseejfro: yeah, that seems botched.  no idea why.03:27
OdyXHobbsee: I thought Fridge publicated my fantastic minutes...03:27
=== jfro gets back to work
jfrothanks again03:27
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HobbseeOdyX: hehe03:28
OdyXHobbsee: well.. Nobody reads them in every case.03:28
HobbseeOdyX: the kde developer blogs are pretty well linked..03:29
OdyXRiddell: On your blog (^^), you miswrote my nick... It has big letters..03:29
OdyXHobbsee: sure . But no RSS03:29
HobbseeOdyX: haha!  yours too?03:29
OdyXHobbsee: ;-)03:29
HobbseeOdyX: sure it has rss - that's how i saw it03:29
OdyXHobbsee: well.. Not correctly showed then... No icon in Konqui03:30
Hobbseeas in, konqueror?03:30
=== Hobbsee runs them thru akregator
OdyXas do I03:30
=== OdyX hates to clic "Yes, I accept the certificate" for each Wiki page.
Tallia1KubuntuHobbsee: have you ever had scrolling problems while using screen cloning on the TV-out Svideo?03:31
h3sp4wnDoes anyone have a full copy of the wiki in text format (or know how to use html2text for a full directory)03:31
HobbseeTallia1Kubuntu: i've never tried...03:32
coreyOdyX: Sounds like a job for GreaseMonkey.03:32
Tallia1Kubuntuh3sp4wn: what about yoU? the last time you have been very helpful03:32
OdyXcorey: ? GreaseMonkey as in Firefox ?03:32
HobbseeOdyX: yes, same here.  maybe we should poke someone to get that fixed, after release03:32
coreyOdyX: yes.03:32
HobbseeOdyX: greasemonkey is an extension in firefox, yes03:32
OdyXHobbsee: do it now...03:32
OdyXcorey: I don't have Firefox...03:33
h3sp4wnTallia1Kubuntu: I don't really know anything about tv out is it on ati ?03:33
Tallia1Kubuntuh3sp4wn: yes03:33
coreyOdyX: Okay. nevermind.03:33
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h3sp4wnTallia1Kubuntu: My card has an svideo out but I don't think I have an svideo cable :(03:34
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coreyThanks for the help. It's way past dinner time and apt-get says it will be busy for another 30 minutes. I'm out of here.03:36
leafwattention powerpc users: dapper doesn't stand as high as breezy. There anumerous problems with Xorg and the gtk/gdk that affect lots of applications (firefox, any java app, inkscape ...)03:37
leafwnow if only it was clear how to downgrade again.03:37
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markcFWIW I was in the middle of rolling new kernels and drivers to get my USB wireless card working and then the RC ISO image download finished so I blew a CD and tried it out... lo n behold I got to see my wireless working for the first time... in over a year of having a linksys dsl router and a USB wireless card... me very happy03:44
GazzaKmarkc: what wifi card?03:44
markcGazzaK> a small Repotec USB card... rt257003:45
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GazzaKdo you happen to know who the wifi chipset is made by03:45
GazzaKis it broadcom?03:46
markchang on,  I have to put it in and load the driver... it might freeze on this box03:47
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markcZyDAS 802.11b/g USB2 WiFi03:48
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markchttp://www.repotec.com/wirelessLan/RP_WU0402.htm  FWIW03:51
fortusGood afternoon, or what time its around there03:52
esbenWhere do I found libdecss packages for kubuntu?03:52
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ubotuit has been said that plf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf , mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc03:53
fortusIm wondering if there was some1 who would like to help me with sound problems?03:53
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esbenty :)03:53
HymnToLife!tell fortus about justask03:53
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Tallia1Kubuntuok, since i gave up having 1400x1050 on the sVideo 1024x768 without scrolling, is there a way to hot-change the resolution of the laptop screen from 1400x1050 -> 1024x768 without restarting Xorg?03:55
markchave you tried control-shift key + and minus ?03:56
markckey = keypad03:56
Tallia1Kubuntui don't have a keypad in my laptop :|03:56
AbnaxosIs there any workaround for https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/39658 (using /etc/apt/preferences or something)?03:57
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Abnaxosdist-upgrade from breezy to dapper wants to uninstall 355 packages. :(03:57
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esbenAnywhere I can find decss for amd64? Or is there a guide to compile source packages in Kubuntu somewhere?03:57
apokryphosAbnaxos: what's wrong with that?03:57
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Abnaxosapokryphos: It's kde-desktop and all of its dependencies.03:58
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Abnaxosapokryphos: s/kde-desktop/kubuntu-desktop03:58
ubotuA nice howto about compiling software from source code can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (but remember to search !apt first, after adding all the !repos)03:58
markcesben: it might be as simple as download tarball and cd into the dir and "make"03:58
Tallia1Kubuntui don't have a keypad in my laptop :|03:59
Tallia1Kubuntuok, since i gave up having 1400x1050 on the sVideo 1024x768 without scrolling, is there a way to hot-change the resolution of the laptop screen from 1400x1050 -> 1024x768 without restarting Xorg?03:59
esbenmarkc: Sure.... but isn't source packages about compiling and installing them as a package? (Forgive me if I ask stupidly)03:59
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HymnToLifeesben> nope, it will just get you the source files04:01
markcesben: sure and that howto probably outlines how to do so... I think the decss program is so small and self-contained it's probably easy to compile and install it directly though... probably simpler than doing a real deb package04:01
HymnToLifeAFAIK, you'l have to compile them yourself04:01
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esbenmarkc: ok. I'll try :)04:02
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fortusthank u very much for guiding me to some page I can find fom google on my own, but Id rather have help from some104:03
fortusI have already been searching from web sites and forums but they dont seem to help me with this problem04:05
markcfortus: did you outline what your problem is ?04:06
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fortusmark: I have Integrated intel ICH5 soundcard and I only get alarm  noises04:07
fortusyes, Im sure I havent muted em04:08
fortusso no mp3s etc04:08
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fortusso no help :(04:11
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RototoRHi! I've updated my fglrx drivers to 8.25.18 and now i'm getting "[fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for  ..." errors when starting any GL application04:19
RototoRHave you ever seen this error?04:19
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wimpiesI am unable to get sound out of amarok ...04:23
wimpiesartsd works, mplayer works, but konqueror preview and amaroK dont04:24
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markcfortus: that is not much information to go on... I don't have that sound system so I can't test anything similar, what program are you using to play mp3's ?04:25
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markcwimpies: have you tried the xine engine in amarok ?04:26
wimpiesNo I currently have it set to Artsd but I noticed something weird04:27
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wimpiesThe KMix application shows Master and PCM to max04:27
wimpiesbut still amarok's volume is 0.04:28
visik_RototoR have u try to askto ggl??04:28
wimpiesSetting the amarok volume to higher produces sound but no mixer04:28
wimpiesslidebar moves to higher values.04:28
markctry amarok-xine04:28
wimpiesSo I am wondering which volumen amarok is controlling ?04:28
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markcI think it depends on the driver/soundcard04:28
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wimpiesactivating XINE engine says : error - cannot initialize any audio-driver04:29
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RototoRvisik_: Yes i have, but i didn't find much information on this error. It was only posted in some problem reports, but no fixes were provided :(04:31
visik_RototoR: are you using any sort of nonvesa framebuffer ?04:32
Hawkeyehi to all!!04:32
RototoRvisik_: No, i don't use any framebuffer04:32
coreyCan someone please help me? I'm still trying to get apt-get to update the headers. I keep getting a data integrity error. See: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73933004:32
Hawkeyesomeone knows how to install kubuntu on hard disk sata?04:32
RototoRvisik_: The problem is: X starts fine, also the driver reports in the Xorg.0.log file that it found the correct kernel module04:33
RototoRvisik_: But when trying to start any Gl linkt application it aborts and reports this error message for all GL extensions provided by the fglrx driver04:33
RototoRe.g. [fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for TexBumpParameterivATI04:34
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visik_have you correctly installed libGL.something ?04:34
visik_I think it's a problema about wrong library04:34
RototoRvisik_: I think so. libGL* is a symlink to /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL* - as created by the fglrx drivers04:35
RototoRvisik_: Maybe I could try reinstalling some packages?04:35
visik_dunno what package I don't use ati driver :)04:36
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RototoRhmm, who knows this? *g*04:36
XVampireX_Hi, while configuring SVN kopete:04:36
XVampireX_checking for KDE... configure: error:04:36
XVampireX_in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.04:36
XVampireX_So, check this please and use another prefix!04:36
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NoUseXVampireX you need the kde packages ending with -dev, also you need the build-essential package04:41
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HobbseeXVampireX: install kde-devel04:49
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XVampireXHobbsee: Tons of dependencies which won't install04:50
Monkee13In kontact and Korginizer my exchange2000 calendar is the wrong offset for hours.  My system, app, and exchnge server are all set to he corect timezone.  Anu ideas?04:50
naliothXVampireX: in a console, "sudo apt-get -f install"04:50
HobbseeXVampireX: pastebin the errors?04:50
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XVampireXok, just a sec04:52
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HobbseeXVampireX: great.05:00
XVampireXWhat's so great about it? :P05:00
markcanyone using amaroK v1.4a ?05:01
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gibarianHi, I've got a question relating to external harddrives...anyone?05:02
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markcgibarian: just ask05:03
freemanenfixme:msi:MsiInstallProductW L"AutoRun.exe" (null)05:04
freemanenfixme:msi:MSI_OpenDatabaseW open failed r = 80030050!05:04
freemanenwhat does this error mean?05:04
gibarianright...I'm using an external harddisk, holding my photos and music...how can I have a fixed mountpoint for the disk, so apps with databases (like amarok or picasa) won't get confused over different locations of the media05:04
markcdamn, I wish I knew the answer to that one :-/05:05
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Shurikengibarian: you can mount you extertal where you want05:06
Shuriken*external HD05:06
markcyes, but usb drives tend to get automounted where the system wants... which can be different the next time one reboots etc05:07
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wimpies anybody here that can help me with Amarok and the xine backend05:07
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Shurikendoes your external HD always on the same USB grip ?05:08
markcwimpies: for some reason my marok 1.4a won't play streaming files... something has changed (for me) in recent dapper updates05:08
_nano_gibarian: you can write your own udev rule05:08
dickhallslow night in here05:09
Bilfordshould I have version 1.3.9 of amaroK still05:09
gibarianshuriken: Yes, I know...the problem is that I won't know whether it's going to be sda, sda1, sdc, etc...I have to enter all possibilities into fstab, resulting in any other USB device like my camera, sitting on top of the already mounted external disk05:09
markc_nano_: doesn't that depend on the usb drive having a label though ?05:09
_nano_markc: there are so many things you can use as a key..like product, model etc05:10
dickhallhah, or not, my screen just wasn't scrolling :p05:10
_nano_markc: i've used the serial number for instance05:10
wimpiesmarkc : i just tried an mp3 file but i get this XINE backend problem all the time05:10
gibarian_nano_: how do I set up the udev system?05:10
gibarian_nano_: nevermind, I looked it up05:11
Shurikengibarian: i understand that, but if your external HD is ALWAYS connected on the same USB grip, so Ubuntu will always recognize it on the same grip05:11
_nano_gibarian: let me give you some links .. they have explained it real well05:11
wimpiesis there ANY place I can find some logging or error output ?05:11
_nano_gibarian: http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html05:11
markcwimpies: perhaps it might be worth trying the 1.4 version of amaroK from -> deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main05:11
wimpiesmarkc : I just did and that has the problem too05:12
_nano_gibarian: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2004/11/msg00689.html05:12
gibarian_nano_: thanks!05:12
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markcwimpies: bugger, so your arts plays sound but xine does not ?05:12
gibarianShuriken: what if I turn off my external disk, then on again, all in the same session...if in between another USB device as been added, the system will assign it to another grip05:13
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_nano_gibarian: like in my case, i've a usb hub..and I have two different ext hard drives..one for media and another for documents and backup....my media hardrive always gets mounted to /mnt/music :D05:13
gibarian_nano_: that's exactly what I need05:13
wimpiesyes indeed but the arts engine seems not to be available for 1.4 (hard05:13
wimpiesdependency of the egine to version 1.3.905:14
markc_nano_: can you spare a quick on-irc tutorial ? :-)05:14
_nano_gibarian: the first link is kinda bible..it's really helpful05:14
wimpiesso it works for amarok 1.3 only05:14
Bazziarts has been wiped from amarok 1.4, yes05:14
Bazziprimarily now xine, secondary gstreamer05:14
markcwimpies: and xine does not work for either the dapper or 1.4 amaroK... double bugger05:14
_nano_markc: i'm myself a noob..but can share my experiences :P05:14
gibarian_nano_: alright, thanks again05:14
wimpiesActually I don't get this sound thing05:15
Hobbseemarkc: it doesnt?05:15
wimpiesamarok plays through xine which plays to arts but which has a backend to xine ?05:15
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markcwimpies: I don't think xine uses arts as a backend, it could use either ALSA or OSS (or ALSA/OSS emulation) for the backend driver05:16
_nano_XVampireX: there?05:16
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gibariananyone tried Picasa already?05:17
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robotgeekgibarian: digikam works very well, thank you. plus, i am on ppc05:17
_nano_gibarian: didn't try the new wine linux port yet :P05:17
wimpiesI thought that also was not able to handle inputs from multiple sources and that was05:18
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wimpiesthe task of arts ?05:18
_nano_robotgeek: sup!05:18
robotgeek_nano_: nothing much05:19
markcwimpies... ALSA... later versions of alsa with modern cards can multiplex sounds05:19
XVampireX_nano_: If I'm here? Yes05:19
gibarian_nano_: well, it's pretty good actually...05:19
wimpiesso what is the purpose of arts then05:19
_nano_XVampireX: i'm trying to figure out a way to make swiftfox use artsdsp :-S05:19
XVampireXNo idea, I want it to use alsa05:20
_nano_XVampireX: unlike firefox, running flash sound in swiftfox  blocks other sound apps ...05:20
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r0xzwhere do i paypal if i want to donate some money to the shipit guys? I did this for the breezy cd's too, but i can't find the right email anymore05:20
XVampireXIt happened to me in firefox too05:20
markcwimpies: it used to be the only consistant way to mix sounds, and provides an api for various programs... but it's on the way out, it's unmaintained and a thing called Phono will take over in KDE405:20
_nano_XVampireX: but the firefox issue is resolvable...05:20
_nano_XVampireX: the firefox script is a bit different from swiftfox script05:21
_nano_XVampireX: the firefox script has the provision to specify the DSP (artsdsp in our case)05:21
XVampireXI don't know :-/05:22
wimpieswhats this with skype then ? why does skype block audio ?05:22
_nano_XVampireX: so with firefox I can listen to music and still hear the whitehouse presidential debate on googlevideos :D05:22
markcwimpies: perhaps try xmms as an alternate app and see what happens05:22
markcwimpies: it can use ALSA or OSS directly as a backend05:22
XVampireXI'm gonna try aoss I think05:22
wimpiesmarkc : xmms works like a charm05:22
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_nano_XVampireX: vi /usr/lib/firefox/firefox05:23
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markcwimpies: because it only uses the OSS backend (or it used to, maybe it uses ALSA now, not sure)05:23
wimpiesAh so any system using ALSA is able to 'mix' inputs ?05:24
EvilIdlerIf Skype uses OSS directly, and you don't have a Creative Live/Audigy card, it hogs all audio05:24
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wimpiesevilldler : i have used the hyjacker program and at least I do not have05:24
wimpiesto restart skype once I had a call05:24
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markcwimpies: well certainly any modern card, ALSA also has a built in "dmix" but I'm not sure how many apps can use that notively05:25
markcnatively yet05:25
masterlokiHi there anyone has enabled mp3 playback on 6.06?05:25
masterlokilibmad0 and libxine-extra05:25
masterlokiarent in repos05:25
XVampireXnano: Ok, I tried aoss with swiftfox and it works, so use it05:26
robotgeekmasterloki, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:26
_nano_XVampireX: what did you try exactly.? (so that I can try and replicate)05:27
_nano_XVampireX: i mean the steps :D05:27
XVampireXYou just have to start swiftfox with aoss05:27
_nano_"aoss swiftfox"  ?05:28
XVampireXHow did you install swiftfox? Did you just unpack it and run it from the folder?05:28
XVampireXyeah, prefix aoss and then swiftfox05:28
_nano_the fonts etc are better in swiftfox :D05:28
_nano_means ubuntu's firefox build is :-S05:28
XVampireXswiftfox fonts are better BUT05:29
XVampireXSome italics are hard to see05:29
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wimpieswhat is amarokapp ?05:29
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XVampireXnano: I tested it on exactly what you said: flash application (I.E: pandora music) and google video05:31
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domwimpies, amarok? it's a music (media?) player.  it's bitchin05:31
_nano_XVampireX: did you try running amarok while pandora was running?05:31
XVampireXI'm not sure amarok works with alsa05:32
wimpieswhen I run amarok it says I should not use gdb or valgrind on it but use amarokapp05:32
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domXVampireX, sure it does.  I run it with alsa.05:32
_nano_XVampireX: it shouldn't matter right? the point is that my browser shouldn't lock up my media players05:32
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XVampireXIt does matter05:33
_nano_XVampireX: "aoss swiftfox" returns "aoss command not found" :-s05:33
markcwimpies: hmm, I just downgraded to amarok 1.3.9 and get the same thing when I try to start it from a shell... it still won't play PLS streams from the net though... something has changed in dapper in the last 24 hours05:34
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XVampireX_nano_: You need aoss installed05:34
XVampireXsudo apt-get install aoss05:34
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XVampireXor wait, whatever the package name was05:34
XVampireXsudo apt-get install alsa-oss05:35
XVampireXIt is OSS applications that lock the sound device05:35
wimpiesmarkc : I have 9 updates on dapper pending but non seem to be related to audio05:35
XVampireXBut I heard you can somehow get xine to use alsa, need to figure out how exactly05:36
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markcXVampireX: in amarok, at least, there is an Output plugin option when using the xine engine05:37
markcsettings -> engine05:38
XVampireXAh, cool05:38
_nano_but then i've to do that for every media player05:39
_nano_kaffeine, vlc etc tec05:39
imbrandononly once05:39
_nano_and all this for just the browser...so if I could make the browser behave....05:40
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XVampireX_nano_: I don't think you have to, the browser plugins work together with the browser05:42
XVampireXso if you launched it with aoss, you can get all plugins working with aoss05:43
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_nano_XVampireX: and aoss won't conflict with kaffein etc..right?05:43
XVampireXNo idea05:44
XVampireXI don't think05:44
_nano_now let me try it :D05:44
XVampireXThe skype bastards are very behind with the linux release05:46
XVampireXNo alsa support yet05:46
XVampireXNor does aoss work with skype05:46
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markcdoes this work for anyone ? -> amarok http://somafm.com/groovesalad.pls05:48
XVampireXmarkc: Nope, it doesn't work05:48
XVampireXI wanted to listen to it today05:48
benoitwhen Kubuntu 6.06 will be downloadable ?05:48
markcah, maybe somefm.com has problems... whew05:48
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_nano_XVampireX: I'm not getting any sound with aoss (note, amarok isn't running)05:48
XVampireXIt does because other stations don't work05:49
XVampireX_nano_: You need to get dmix, too05:49
XVampireXIt's really easy with dmix though05:49
_nano_XVampireX: what's dmix?05:49
ubotuI heard dmix is first try system>prefrences>multimedia system selector change it to alsa. for oss application type aoss <appl name> if still have problems then http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin05:49
klerfaytdmix is enabled by default05:49
XVampireXYeah it is05:49
klerfaytaoss is in multiverse05:49
markcah yes, bassdrive works05:50
XVampireXBut I think I had to enable it :P05:50
klerfaytfor firefox to use aoss you need to edit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc05:50
XVampireXWe're using swiftfox05:51
_nano_klerfayt: the point is we are not using the default firefox build05:51
klerfayt(I'm not sure about konqueror)05:51
markcsheet, I hope somafm.com are okay... I keep meaning to make a donation :-/05:51
klerfaytofcourse you can launch program with  aoss firefox05:51
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XVampireXI replaced firefox icon with swiftfox location before and just now to test aoss I added aoss before the quote mark05:51
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XVampireXAH! nano, you need to go to the multimedia settings05:52
XVampireXAnd then instead of auto-select you need to make it alsa05:53
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XVampireXerr, not auto-select.. but whatever it was that's auto :P05:53
_nano_XVampireX: yep trying that :P05:54
XVampireXPhonon should make things much easier in KDE405:54
klerfaytaoss only works if other applications use alsa output?05:55
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XVampireXNo idea05:55
klerfaytXVampireX: you get no sound in swiftfox if amarok is playing? but what output is it using?05:56
klerfaytXVampireX: is it set to xine-alsa?05:56
XVampireXklerfayt: I already fixed the amarok problem05:56
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XVampireXyakuake... just heard about this program06:06
foold3mon84: #ubuntu-it-chat :)06:06
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ccc_XVampireX: yakuake = best ever :)06:16
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v3ctori use kuake06:18
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xfizzleyakuake ? what is?06:19
macdyeah yakuake rocks06:19
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macdits like konsole but scrolls up and down so its out of your way06:20
xfizzleis that in the repos?06:20
macdf12 is the action key, though just moving out of focus will do the same06:20
macdsure it is :)06:20
xfizzlewow where the heck have I been06:20
macdthen just alt+f2 yakuake06:20
macdok katapault06:21
xfizzleim rather fond of katapult06:21
macdand it supports transparency, when coupled with X's composite, its impressive and smooth06:21
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xfizzleI never did figure out how to use x's composite06:21
macdI never actualy got into katapault I just ue alt+f2 (run command)06:21
macdits pretty easy :)06:21
macdadd a few lines to your xorg.conf06:22
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macdwant me to stick them on pastebin for you?06:22
CoOlGhOsThey all06:22
CoOlGhOsTI recently installed ubuntu (migrated from mandriva), then afterwards i installed the kubuntu packages. when i use the "log off" menu item in KDE i only have an option of "End session". How do I get options of closing the computer etc in the dialog that appears???06:22
xfizzleyakuake is awesome06:23
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macdxfizzle:   http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/739570    add that to the very bottom, restart X then your good to go, though Id recommend checking to see if you have DRI enabled, as its way slow without06:23
xfizzlehow do I check for dri?06:23
dickhallwhat does yakuake offer over, say, console?06:23
macdat yakuake :P06:23
macdtype glxinfo06:23
macdcheck to see that it doesnt say mesa indirect06:24
xfizzleMesa DRI Intel(R) 915G 20050225 ?06:24
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macdgood to go :)06:25
macdlucky you, I still havent got my DRI working on my laptop with ATI..06:25
xfizzleill paste it into pastebin so you can take a look if you like06:26
macdyour good to go :) you can jsut add those lines to your xorg.conf and youll have composite manager06:26
dickhallis yakuake more robust than kuake? websites are a little sparse on details...06:26
ubotularsivi|idc_pl: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:26
macddickhall: Ive never used kuake, so Im not sure about the differences, is there anything that kuake doesnt do that youd like it too?06:27
dickhallnever used kuake either :) just Konsole06:27
xfizzlemacd 2 questions. where is the xorg.conf and is yakuake themeable06:27
xfizzledickhall yakuake is pretty nifty06:28
dickhallbut I saw that yakuake was "Yet another Kuake", and I've never heard of either, so I figured I'd get some opinons on them06:28
dickhalltrying it out currently. I spend all my time on the console (mutt, vim, irssi) so a good term is key :)06:28
macdxfizzle: 'sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf'    yakuake might be Im not sure...I just selected uyse same settings as konsole06:28
macddickhall: well I definetly recommend yukuake over konsole, it behave like a set of window blinds, so dekstop clutter can be kept low.06:29
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xfizzlemacd http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/73958806:30
dickhallokay, cool06:30
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dickhalla lot of KDE devs here, so if it's good I'll be a popular guy ;)06:30
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macdlooks good to me xfizzle06:31
n3stormhi everyone06:31
n3stormmy pc is shutting down for no reason known06:31
dickhalland by kde devs I mean developers who use KDE, and by here I mean my office, not the channel06:31
n3stormI am thinking in getting a 64bits dual core machine06:31
macdI kinda figured that ;P06:31
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dickhalln3storm: could be bad hardware06:31
n3stormany advice for kubuntu?06:31
xfizzlemacd ill be back06:31
macdsure sure :)06:32
dickhallit's very likely not a software issue06:32
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n3stormdickhall: yeah, I think so06:32
dickhallso it's not a kubuntu specific problem06:32
macdn3storm: the ubuntuforums have some good info on 32bit v 64bit linux, and userland stuff, its worth reading into.06:32
n3stormthanks macd that's what I asked for in some way06:33
macdyoull find that 64bit userland isnt all its cracked upto be06:33
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dickhalldoes it shut down when you're doing specific things? like processor intensive tasks (could be heating issue), memory intensive task (bad ram stick), etc.06:33
macdno backwards compatibility with 32bit binarys....anywho, youll see :)06:33
dickhallwhen my box was shutting down randomly, it turned out the capacitors on my motherboard had burst06:33
dickhallthen it was my powersupply06:34
macdyeah caps on mobos = bad06:34
macdcaps on apple powerbooks = worse :P06:34
dickhallhope they have a different mobo on ibooks, 'cause I have one06:35
macdmy coreduo one has been sent in like 3 times06:35
n3stormmacd: yeah, it doesn't look very well for me06:35
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n3stormdickhall: is an all-in-board and I think it's in bad state06:35
n3stormI cannot even replace the CPU so I want to replace the whole machine06:36
macdahh yes06:36
dickhallmight be an idea :)06:36
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dickhallmight want to throw in a liveCD of some sort and run it for a while, just to make sure it's a hardware problem06:36
macdn3storm: PC mag just had a great article on building a cheap but06:36
macdopps, I didnt finish06:36
dickhallof course, that won't test if your hard drive is the problem, unless you've got it set up to use swap06:37
_serenitywhat does "safe default" mean when kubuntu is booting?06:37
n3stormdickhall: nice idea06:37
macdnone the less it was a sub $500 machine that was pretty well equiped06:37
dickhalland even then it won't test all your hard disk. still, it could narrow it down06:37
macd_serenity: for one it allows you root06:37
n3stormdickhall: I'll try later on, but anyway this pc has to go06:37
dickhallyeah, building your own machine's the way to go. I've built my past 4 (discounting the ibook, of course), and I don't think I've paid over $700 CDN for one including monitor06:37
dickhallcool, good luck06:38
_serenitymacd: allows you root?06:38
dickhallsudo su - ?06:38
n3stormI wonder if I could get a small pc, mini pc or something like that, any ideas?06:38
macd_serenity: yes normal kubuntu doesnt allow you to be root, safe default is a maintance mode of sorts, it allows you to become root, also there is no gui.06:38
macdn3storm: shuttlePC has a line of barebones intel dual core and amd dual core06:39
macdI think you could put one together minus display for about 65006:39
n3stormmacd: compatible with Kubuntu?06:39
macdn3storm: of course06:39
_serenitymacd: oh, i see. Just wondered if it is some kind of "don't load to many drivers etc"-mode06:39
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n3stormgreat! hehehe06:39
macdn3storm: basicly, linux friendly, = nvidia gfx06:39
MitjaHow do I upgrade to new version of KDE?06:40
macdMitja: what version are you on now? and what kubuntu version?06:40
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dickhallmacd: what do you mean, doesn't allow you to be root? do you mean in the gui?06:41
dickhall'cause I use a root console all the time06:41
macddickhall: well unless youve set a root password in kubuntu, you cant be root, you sudo to act as root06:41
ubotuhmm... sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:41
HymnToLifedickhall> tes, who needs to be root in the GUI anyway ?06:41
dickhallHymnToLife: I agree, I was just trying to clarify what he was saying06:42
macdkdm runs as root :P06:42
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macdbut thats another story06:42
dickhallbut if you sudo su -, you are root06:42
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HymnToLifeyou _can_ get a root terminal, just the command to get it is different06:42
macdkinda pointless to me :P06:42
HymnToLifeit's sudo -i instead of su06:42
MitjaWhat's the command for kubuntu version?06:42
macdMitja: is it breezy or dapper?06:43
Mitjabreezy, KDE 3.4.306:43
macdwell you can enable the kde 3.5.1 repos for breezy06:43
macdwould you like the repos to add to your /etc/apt/sources.list ?06:43
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dickhall3.5.2 is available for breezy, I've been running it since it came out, quite stable06:44
HymnToLife3.5.2 actually :)06:44
uboturumour has it, kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/06:44
xfizzlemacd it worked06:44
=== dickhall just realized that ubotu's a bot
HymnToLifedammit, I added the 352-thing in it06:44
dickhalldon't mind me, I'm new here06:44
macdxfizzle: you like>06:44
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xfizzleoh yeah!06:45
macdMitja: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-351.php  theres some instructions06:45
Mitjamacd, thanks06:45
wimpiesif I can hear audion from my microphone on my speakers but am not able to record from it06:45
xfizzlemacd are there any other tweaks I can use?06:45
wimpiesusing the sound recorder, what might be wrong ?06:45
macdxfizzle: not that I can think of off hand06:45
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HymnToLifethat's better :)06:46
macdmaybee I can get some help now :)06:47
xfizzlemacd whats going on?06:47
macdDRI not working :P06:47
xfizzlewhat gfx card?06:47
macd ATI IGP340M06:48
xfizzleare you on dapper06:48
macdthough http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/737380   is my Xorg.0.log and it sais DRI was loaded succesfully06:48
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macdworked in breezy no prob06:48
xfizzletry your luck at #ubuntu+106:48
macdyeah I was thinking that06:49
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macdId love to get it working on my laptop, I want composte manager back :)06:50
macdits eyecandy to the extreme ;)06:50
xfizzlemacd it totally is06:51
macdis your working very smooth and fast?06:51
xfizzlemacd you know what, xfce picked up the fact that I enabled the composite manager right away06:52
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xfizzletotally It faded out the panels06:52
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xfizzlebut I still don't know how to fade out apps06:53
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Jack_SparrowHello All, first time here.06:53
macdhmm, in kde the apps fade nicely06:53
xfizzledamn xfce! lol06:54
xfizzleI will log onto my kde account to check it out06:54
xfizzle] brb as kdizzle06:54
Jack_SparrowAnyone here used Mepis or Knoppix.  Those are all I have used and I would like to know more about what to expect now that I am switching to kubuntu06:56
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macdJack_Sparrow: first off, hows your ship doing? sunk any lately?06:57
macdJack_Sparrow: expect a great experience with kubuntu06:57
HymnToLifewell, Knoppix is a Live CD so it's not realy the same thing06:57
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macdKnoppix can be installed I do believe06:57
Jack_SparrowKnoppix has both live and install versions06:58
HymnToLifeand Mepis AFAIK is very user-friendly, Ubuntu is a bit less06:58
HymnToLifeyou'll have to do much more stuff in the command line for example06:58
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Jack_SparrowWarren who wrote Mepis is switching to an Ubuntu base06:59
Jack_SparrowIS it still Debian?06:59
Jack_SparrowThat helps06:59
ubuntuhi anyone can tell me if the Live CD installer is the actual installer for the Kubuntu 6.06 ?06:59
macdubuntu is basicly a different "glue" if that makes sense06:59
h3sp4wnalternative is the older installer06:59
dickhallhrm.. is there a way to force Katapult to rescan it's db?07:00
Jack_SparrowI have compiled kernels if that helps you to know my level of understanding07:00
ubuntuh3s: oh, so this Live Cd installer is the new one?07:00
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macdh3sp4wn: so the radeon driver wont do DRI ? I had read in to forums that it did :/07:00
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h3sp4wnmacd: You have got dri07:01
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h3sp4wnmacd: support for anything greater than 9250 is still considered expermental by the devs of xorg07:01
ctothejis there a way to download and install kdevelop using adept or apt-get?07:01
macdwell I think a IGP340 is way under a 925007:02
kdizzlemacd, The apps aren't translucnet07:02
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macdkdizzle: oh snap! , they do fade in and out correct?07:02
macdh3sp4wn: should I be able to get direct rendering with the radeon driver?07:02
macdglxinfo would say direct rendering: yes07:03
RadiantFirectothej: yes, just search for kdevelop07:03
kdizzlethey look the same as they did before i enabled x thing07:03
ctotheji used adept and put kdevelop in the search box, nothing showed up...07:03
kdizzle*pardon that last bit07:03
h3sp4wnmacd: I don't know about your card it is possible you may be able to but I don't know how (may check xorg 7.1 to see whether it now supports 9800pro with radeon driver)07:04
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Jack_SparrowWill I have any problems with my Nvidia Card.. 6600 I think is the chioset07:04
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macdty h3sp4wn07:05
kdizzleoh macd when the window is inactive the border is translucent07:05
macd7.1 isnt in the official repos yet is it?07:05
kdizzlebut thats it07:05
h3sp4wnmacd: Its experimental as expressed in the release notes of xorg 707:05
xwolf-can anybody point me a site you can download subtitles?07:05
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macdxwolf-: Im not sure thats a question for #Kubuntu07:06
h3sp4wnmacd: probably not until edgy at least (I don't think the edgy repos have opened yet) fglrx should work though07:06
xwolf-that's NOT a question for kub, but i have nowhere else to ask07:06
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xwolf-anyway, if one knew such a site, couldnt he just PM me the address?07:07
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n3storm1crash again07:07
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LorandKAhave just isntalled kubuntu07:09
LorandKAfirst problems :P07:09
LorandKAfirst problem: cannot set refresh rate to more than 60hz07:10
LorandKAhow can i set refresh to more than 60hz?07:11
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Ryoga85Hi, I have a problem with adept-updater07:11
h3sp4wnLorandKA: Are you using an lcd panel some / (most ?) are recommended to be run at 60hz07:12
LorandKAno, i just have an old monitor07:12
Ryoga85It says "Database in use", so I can't update my system :( can anyone help?07:12
h3sp4wnLorandKA: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:12
LorandKAi have used it at 1024@75hz, on ms07:13
Jack_SparrowDid you have it running a faster refresh on another OS07:13
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dickhallRyoga85: sounds like apt is hung up somewhere. Do you know how to kill apt from a command line?07:13
ctothejHow would i use apt to get kdevelop?07:14
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dickhallctothej: kdevelop is in "universe"07:15
Ryoga85dickhall: apt is not running, I just started kubuntu07:15
ctothejdickhall: so i need to add that to apt's config file right?07:15
dickhallctothej: yeah, there should be a line you can uncomment in /etc/apt/sources.list07:16
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d3mon84hi, is there any wpa_supplicant expert?07:16
LorandKAreconfigured xserver, still cannot shoose more options for refresh rate07:16
ctothejdickhall: thanks.. ill try it now07:16
dickhallno prob07:16
LorandKAdo i need to restart?07:16
h3sp4wnLorandKA: Yes you need to restart07:17
dickhallRyoga85: so `ps auxww | grep apt` doesn't give you anything?07:17
LorandKAwell one more important thing07:17
Ryoga85brb triing to restart KDE and see if it helps07:17
dickhallhrm.. that's always been the case whenever that happend to me (though it hasn't happened in a while07:17
LorandKAwhere can i get that script, that mount automatically my windows partitions?07:18
LorandKAurl? simething07:18
h3sp4wnCouldn't tell you just add the partition to /etc/fstab is about the easiest way07:18
LorandKAwell i'm an absolute newbie07:19
LorandKAis there a more easier way?07:19
n3storm1I came back in the laptop07:19
n3storm1the pc crashed again07:19
LorandKAsettings/ system administration /filesystem07:19
n3storm1but I don't have the display settings applet in kcontrol07:19
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n3storm1I need to change resolution07:21
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tRSSquick question: my resolution has been changed from 1024x768 to 800x600 after a reboot. i am using (K)ubuntu 5.1007:21
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ubotun3storm1: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:22
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Tallia1Kubuntui just downloaded Poseidon from the net in VCD format, it's divided in 2 cds, each with a couple of .bin/.cue files, how can i playe the movie?07:23
Jack_SparrowBurn it07:23
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Ryoga85E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.07:24
Ryoga85I did that and it works07:24
dickhallTallia1Kubuntu: to view the movie, simply go to a theater and pay money ;)07:24
Massacrationgood afternoon07:24
Tallia1Kubuntuit was the old poseidon, not the new one07:24
dickhall1960's? with leslie neilson? sweet07:25
Massacrationcould anybody  help me07:25
Jack_SparrowDid he pass away?07:25
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Jack_SparrowWhats up Mass07:25
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Massacrationi'm having trouble withmy keyboard07:25
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Jack_SparrowDont tell me.. You cant get a new console07:26
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Jack_SparrowMy DL of Kubuntu is 50%07:27
Massacrationhow do i reconfig them?07:27
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tRSSwhy is everybody having resolution problem suddenly?07:28
ossossohi friends!07:28
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Massacrationit's taking about a  second07:28
Jack_SparrowIs it a wireless keyboard?07:28
ossossoI'm trying to download with the torrent software, but it doesnt' go07:28
ossossoin which way can I see which port that program uses?07:28
Massacrationto show aaaaaaaany  char in kubuntu07:28
Massacrationno its a regular keyboard07:29
Jack_SparrowHad to ask.07:29
Massacrationits noy even usb07:30
Jack_SparrowWhat is your cpu speed and monitor res?07:30
Jack_SparrowI am shooting in the dark since I dont have kubuntu installed yet07:31
Massacrationbut when i pressss any char, I have to hold it for about 1 sec before it shows on kubuntu07:31
tRSSMass:  you might to have simply change the keyboard settings, but I can't remember where they are, as I am currently on an OS X(x86) machine07:32
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dickhallhrm.. not sure I really like yakuake07:33
Massacrationanybody knows the com to reconfig it?07:33
Jack_SparrowI am currently on an XPee box myself07:33
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macddickhall: its customizable, just look at the menu07:34
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dickhallit doesn't allow you to change the order of tabs like konsole does07:34
dickhallI checked the shortcuts, there's no way to add a new one07:34
macdyeah I noticed that as well, you can rename them however07:34
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dickhallyeah, but my workflow is such that often I'm flicking back and forth between to tabs07:35
dickhaller, s/to/two07:35
macdI can see why that would be a(n) issue07:36
dickhallso, if it's tab 1 and 5 that I'm toggling, and I'm running yakuake, I'm SOL07:36
dickhallneat eye-candy though07:36
tRSSso how do I fix my resolution? my resolution changed from 1024x768 to 800x600 after I rebooted my box. no changes were made. I have even looked at my xorg.conf file and everything seems in place. help would be appreicated. i am running (K)Ubuntu 5.1007:36
macdI really like the fact it moves out the way when Im done07:36
macdIm a vim whore nodbout07:36
dickhallbut it looks like it just allows you to use f12 as a hotkey instead of alt-tab07:37
macdyou can change the hotkey07:37
dickhallyeah, maybe I'll install it on my home machine07:37
dickhallbut here at work I'm always in the console anyway, and usually only have Konsole + Firefox open, so it moving out of the way isn't really a benefit07:37
Massacrationdpkg - reconfig xserver07:38
macdbrb, need to restart X07:38
=== corey [n=corey@cpe-66-69-186-60.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
ctothejyou guys like kdevelop as a c++ editor?07:39
Massacrationis this the right command?07:39
coreyanyone here familiar with konversation?07:39
Massacrationdpkg - reconfig xserver07:39
Massacrationis this the right command?07:39
dickhallctothej: I'm just about to get into it in the next few days07:39
ctothejcorey, its a very simple prog07:39
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coreyctothej: well i cant get the connect command to work07:39
coreyi have commands in there, but its not executing them ;/07:39
ctothejdickhall: i'm scoping it out now. i want it for ruby too07:40
Massacrationfat bastards07:40
ctothejconnect command?07:40
Massacrationfat bastards07:40
coreycommands to execute after you connect to server07:40
coreyhelp says you can put in a command and i did, yet its not executing it07:41
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ctothejcorey: which topic in the help file did you look under? i want to check it out07:43
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coreyDefining new networks, servers and auto join channels07:43
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coreyits the 2nd picture07:43
coreyim using same command they are using, yet with AuthServ07:43
ctothejwhy AuthServ?07:44
coreycause network im on with it doesnt use nickserv07:44
ctothejoh... which network?07:44
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dickhallctothej: cool. I want to get into Qt/KDE development, and they highly recommend using kdevelop, so I figure why not07:45
dickhalland my "IDE" is currently vim (for C, perl, javascript, html)07:45
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dickhallunfortunately, the "vimpart" KDE part is discontinued, I could never get it to work07:46
ctothejdickhall: yeah, i am currently messing around with a GTK project. I think you need to get a QT plugin... hmm07:46
Tallia1Kubuntudoes ever happen to anybody lately that firefox stop running? it simply freeeezes when i open some webpages :( ?07:46
ctothejbrb going to check this auto ident command...07:47
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dickhallI think it natively supports QT, seeing how KDE is built on it and kdevelop is touted as the IDE for KDE07:47
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Jack_SparrowTallia, link a site that locks you up07:49
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coreyctothej: authserv07:50
ctothejcorey: hmm, i just set it up fine for freenode...07:50
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Tallia1KubuntuJack_Sparrow: ok, gimme the time07:50
coreyi dont know why it wont work for me07:50
coreyit doesnt message authserv or anything07:50
ctothejcorey: put your commands: line in quotes here..07:52
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coreyim getting a [451]  Register error07:53
coreyim just doing /msg AuthServ Name Pass07:53
ctothejcorey: looking through the AuthServ help, got this -> "-AuthServ- /msg AuthServ@Services.GameSurge.net AUTH [account]  <password>"07:54
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Tallia1KubuntuJack_Sparrow: www.europlex.it07:54
coreyits a shortcut07:54
ctothejuse "AUTH" before name, pass07:54
coreyim doing that07:54
coreyi just typed it out07:54
ctothejyou typed: "/msg AuthServ Name Pass", im saying to type: "/msg AuthServ AUTH Name Pass"07:55
Tallia1KubuntuJack_Sparrow: any idea?07:55
coreyi am07:55
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coreyi didnt copy and paste07:55
coreyit says07:56
corey[451]  Register first07:56
coreyand thats not an authserv error07:56
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Jack_SparrowIt is looking for the latest flash player..07:56
ctothejcorey: its not recognizing your account...07:57
Jack_SparrowSorry I am bandwidth challenged today07:57
coreyits something on konversations side07:57
coreycause  thats not an authserv error07:57
corey[12:56:54]  [451]  corey Register first.07:57
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coreycorey isnt my accoruntname eithe07:58
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Jack_SparrowDoes anyone know what version of flash is still working with Kubuntu07:58
ctothejcorey: i think konversation is sending your command, i put a simple command in and ran it, and it worked fine.07:58
Jack_SparrowI heard they are dropping Flash support for Linux as of 8 or 907:59
coreymaybe its sending it too early?07:59
ctothejcorey: its possible. or it is using your nick instead of the account name/no07:59
coreyshouldnt be07:59
coreyi have /authserv auth itscorey pass08:00
coreywonder how i can delay it like 5 seconds08:00
ctothejcorey: can you run the command manually?08:00
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coreyit says it sends it after connecting but it looks like it sends it while connecting08:01
coreyneed to find out how to send the command several seconds later08:01
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ctothejset up a mirc script to run when you connect to that network... use the "/pause s <no>" command08:02
ctothejand then /echo "stringtoidentify"08:02
coreypause Unknown command08:04
ctothejno, its mirc script language08:04
ctothejnot a network command08:04
coreyso id just do /pause s 5 /echo /AuthServ auth....08:05
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ctothejthink so... i havent scripted in a bit, but that seems right08:06
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ossossowhich comand to see Ip local address?08:06
ctothejossosso: ifconfig08:07
coreyand then in the connect command just /exec filename08:07
ossossothanks.. then I don't understand why ktorrent doesn't start...08:08
ossossoonto the router I've open 6881-6889 doors for my ip08:09
ossossothere's something more have I to do?08:09
ctothejossosso: what do you mean by opened?08:09
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coreywhere do i put it ctothej?08:10
coreyi put it in08:10
ossossoThe NAT, the table where in the router I can open different ranges of ports08:10
corey.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts but it didnt work08:10
corey^ in home08:10
ossossoI've opened the range 6881-6889 (default range for torrent client) but ktorrent doesn't go08:11
ctothejcorey: not really sure, i never did this for konversation. only mirc on winblows08:11
ctothejossosso: Is there a port forwarding section?08:11
uwohi all. tryed to upgrade to dapper with gksudo "update-manager -d" and got error message: "Could not calculate the upgrade. A unresolvable problem occured while calculating the upgrade. Please report this as a bug. ". Do you think it is safe to try to upgrade by changing repositories or am i likely to come into troubles?08:11
ctothejossosso: use the port forwarding section..08:12
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ossosso?? with "port forwarding" I mean "opens that range of port that that particular software needs to enter the net"08:13
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ossossoand I did it08:13
ossossowhat do you mean?08:13
SeantaterHas anyone here used kitchensync?08:13
coreyhrm, it seems to be executing it, but not doing anything ;o08:14
ctothejossosso: what router?08:14
coreyUsing: /pause s 5 /msg AuthServ Auth ItsCorey PASS08:14
ossossomine router :)08:14
Jack_SparrowOss are you not getting through the router at all.?08:15
Jack_SparrowAre you on a secod system?08:15
ctothejcorey: did you see the Scripting section of the help file?08:15
coreyyea, it sucks08:16
coreyits executing now08:16
coreybut i dont think the command is right08:16
ctothejcorey: ok, just make sure you gave it execute permissions08:16
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coreyis this right: /pause s 5 /msg AuthServ Auth ItsCorey  ?08:16
sonicAnybody here ever get problems with reppppppeating kkkkkkkkeys?08:17
ctothejmaybe: /pause s 5 /echo /msg AuthServ Auth ItsCorey08:17
coreysonic: system>prefs>keyboard08:17
coreystill nothing08:18
coreyno output, no error08:18
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sonicI don't think it's that cause I can type as fast as I want and It's fine, but every say 50 characters, even if I type really slow, I'll get a repeating character08:18
Tallia1Kubuntuguys, i have a question.08:19
Tallia1Kubuntusuppose that i have this stream that i want to download using mplayer08:19
Tallia1Kubuntucan i even record it on file?08:19
Tallia1Kubuntuhttp://[1] .4400.S01E02.nsv08:19
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ctothejcorey: maybe those commands only worked in mirc.08:21
corey i just put the straight08:22
DeBertNow that (k)ubuntu's release candidate is out, does that mean the artwork in (k)ubuntu is final?08:22
ctotheji'm trying to find some docs on the net about it now, but no luck yet08:22
coreythe /authserv auth command only in the script08:22
coreyand it doesnt execute08:22
ctothejtry to put a simple "/say yo adrian" line in there08:23
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YazzYhi guys08:23
YazzYany idea how to change keybindings ? I cant find any application allowing this in kubuntu08:24
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coreynothing ctothej08:25
coreydoesnt say it08:25
RiddellYazzY: each application handles its own keybindings08:25
YazzYRiddell: not really, you can change global keybindings in kde08:26
coreyi dont think /exec works like this, i think all the commands in the script are passed to bash08:26
foodcomanRiddell: I installed today.1 Dapper on my R52 thinkpad.08:26
ctothejcorey: reading http://www.free2code.net/plugins/articles/read.php?id=20408:27
coreythis isnt mirc though..08:27
ctothejerr... right08:28
Riddellfoodcoman: release candidate?08:28
ctothejbeen using it for so long... it just seems natural08:28
coreyin the konversation commands i can just put like08:29
corey50 echo commands08:29
coreythatd delay it08:29
ctothejvery true08:29
coreyuntil im connected08:29
bsnideris anybody able to log into hotmail using konq?08:29
ctothejor put the auth command like 25 times!08:29
YazzYwell, if kubuntu somehow locked option to change keybinding then i will have to ditch it08:29
ctothejnah.. that would probably warrant a kick08:29
coreyyoud think thered be a command to wait or something08:30
coreylol crap08:30
coreyi put too many08:30
foodcomanRiddell: cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/2006/0525.1/    iso08:31
corey[13:31:20]  [421]  /msg Unknown command08:31
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coreyhow is that an unknown command08:31
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ctothejheh.. how many times did it say that?08:32
coreyjust once, for the auth command08:32
ctothejohhh right. did the say commands execute before?08:33
Riddellfoodcoman: yeah, that's release candidate.  any problems?08:33
coreywell no08:33
coreyits doing it after connected now08:33
coreyor at least its showing it after08:33
ctotheji meant the echo commands08:33
coreywell according to timestamps the echos are after connected08:33
corey13:32:30]  [421]  /echo Unknown command08:34
corey[13:32:30]  [421]  /msg Unknown command08:34
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foodcomanRiddell: The installer for some reason glitched and I could see what came after about 53% while installing Base.  Black Screen with 2 white blocks.08:34
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ubotuhmm... restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats08:34
foodcomanRiddell: I rebooted CD and reinstalled base and Grub with no hiccups.08:34
ossossohow cna I create a link of a file to the desktop?08:34
ossossoIf I right click on it there's no option that let me do it08:35
coreycommand /msg should work no matter what, i dont see why its showing it as an unknown command08:35
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ctothejreal weird...08:35
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ctotheji put this in and it worked for me: "/msg AuthServ HELP AUTH"08:36
coreyi just have08:36
ctothejit just echoed the help text for the auth command08:36
coreythis: /echo;/msg authserv auth08:36
misieqhow do i change timezone? i mean i think i have timezone configured properly, but i'm in gmt+1 but clock indicates gmt time.08:36
coreymisieq: right click on the clock08:36
misieqhow obvious...08:37
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nelioben kdm se charge oui08:37
ctothej> [14:33]  [421]  echo Unknown command08:38
nelioenfaite si tu veux le resum de ce que je voies en ce moment08:38
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ctothej[14:33]  [Notice]  -AuthServ- AUTH requires more parameters.08:38
nelioc deux choses08:38
ctotheji did your command08:38
neliokonversation et la konsole08:38
nelioc tout08:38
coreywhatd u put08:38
coreyyou did this: /echo;/authserv auth ?08:38
ctothejcorey: yep08:38
coreywhat network08:39
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ctothejcorey: irc.gamesurge.net08:39
ctothejcorey: what version of konversation do you have?08:40
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corey0.18 #301608:40
ctothejsame here08:41
ctothejmaybe we should look into bitchx lol08:41
coreyi have exactly this: /echo;/authserv auth itscorey PASS08:41
coreydid u put a space?08:41
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ctothejcorey: no. but then i put "/say yo; /msg authserv help auth" and i got...08:42
ctothejyo; /msg authserv help auth08:42
coreywhat in the world08:43
ctothejsorry, wrong line08:43
ctothej[14:38]  [412]  No text to send08:43
ctothej[14:38]  [421]  /msg Unknown command08:43
ctothejwhy would the msg work in the first command and not in the second string?08:43
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coreyi think im going to find a new client08:44
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PyroMithrandirxchat ftw08:44
ctothejcorey: i just pasted your line in there and got08:45
ctothej[14:40]  [Notice]  -AuthServ- Your hostmask is not valid for account ItsCorey.08:45
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ctothejso it would have worked...08:45
coreythe cmd works so somethins fd08:45
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Seantaterdoes kitchensync sync general files and folders too?08:48
Seantaterif so, how?08:48
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corey_using xchat now08:54
corey_since it actually works08:54
ctothejcorey_: how is it?08:54
coreyi need to seriously configure it08:55
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PyroMithrandiryeah, xchat takes a bit of time to configure, but once that's out of the way, it's really a nice client08:59
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foodcomanEvery time I upgrade codec/DVD is a bugger.  Anyone have a good link?09:03
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mueslihey guys... what happened to libxine-extracodecs?09:05
muesliis there any mp3-codec package for xine now?09:06
bsniderwhat do you mean?09:06
bsniderit's still there09:06
muesliwell, it's gone here09:06
coreybsnider, !restrictedformats09:06
bsniderbut it's not called libxine09:06
PingunZxine-ui ?09:06
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mueslino, i'm talking about libxine-extracodecs09:07
mueslithe ui and the other xine libs still exist of course09:07
bsniderit's still here09:07
bsniderit's installed on my system, i yanked it out of the repos only a couple of weeks ago09:07
PingunZKubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) Install the libxine-extracodecs package.09:07
mueslii got multiverse and universe09:07
bsniderit's in multiverse09:08
muesliPackage libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:08
muesliThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:08
muesliis only available from another source09:08
bsnideryour sources.list is screwed09:08
bsniderget a better one, and your problems will be solved09:08
mueslilol, a better one09:09
PingunZuse source-o-matic09:09
PingunZu using dapper / breezy ?09:09
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bsniderit's there in dapper, you can be sure of that09:09
PingunZsecond that09:09
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PingunZmaybe you can upgrade to dapper ?09:12
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wordSo the partitioner has bugs in the RC Desktop version too?09:13
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muesliyeah, i got dapper09:13
PingunZdont think so09:13
muesliit seems to be a problem with my uk mirror09:14
mueslii switched the mirror and the errormessage disappeared09:14
wordI just started it up and it doesn't want to work09:14
bsnidertold you09:14
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prxqI still have to get used to the kubuntu login screen... Other than that - upgrade went perfectly well :-)09:15
wordhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/739883 - i got that error when after the partition scanner thinger closed and i pressed back09:15
PyroMithrandiryou can get a new login screen09:16
PyroMithrandirjust search on kde-look.org09:16
muesliPingunZ: upgrade your chatzilla ;-)09:17
wordis the partitioner supposed to be broken in RC Dapper?09:17
PingunZhuh why ? :p09:18
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wordbecause it's broken for me09:18
cvasilakhello there what is the name of the package that installs the SMP kernel for dapper drake?09:18
PingunZmeusli, why ?09:18
cvasilaki have a dual core processor09:19
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prxqPyroMithrandir: thanks09:20
muesliPingunZ: that was the friendly way of saying "i think you could be a bit more friendly and don't assume you're just right if you're infact not"09:21
h3sp4wncvasilak: How do you know you aren't using two cores already ?09:21
ismaelwhat repository should I put for haven't this error "libidn11 (>= 0.5.18) but 0.5.13-1.0 is to be installed" II have a ubuntu breezy  distribution09:22
wimpiesis the mplayer version in ubuntu old ?09:23
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foodcomanWireless is improved in RC.09:26
cvasilakjust installed the 6.06 LTS. just whoa! no ndiswrapper for the wireless needed anymore, no alsa recompile for the sound. the system just works! many many thank to kubuntu developers.....i love you :)09:27
foodcomanNewer Kernel09:27
_adamhi all, im having problems playing mp3's with amaroK and Kaffeine. I have set "realtime priority" and raised the sound buffer but no luck. Any ideas?09:27
Lynoure_adam: what kind of problems? Sound quality or not playing at all, or something else?09:29
_adamoh sorry the mp3's play but stutter so much you can't really make it out09:30
KDEfanboy_adam: i had that problem and set my sound buffer as low as possible and that fixed it for me09:31
_adami'll try that now09:31
_adam:( no different, still stuttering09:32
_adamif it helps i installed gstreamer0.8-mad to enable mp3 support09:33
bigkevmcbobbyd_adam, try xmms or mpg123 from the command line09:33
bigkevmcbobbyd_adam, does other audio work ok?09:33
bigkevmcbobbydyou should set your sound buffer to be very large09:34
_adami haven't tried anything apart from mp3's, I will download something now maybe an ogg encoded file09:34
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KDEfanboy_adam: might try this too http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdemultimedia/artsbuilder/artswrapper.html09:36
bigkevmcbobbyd_adam, or just opent eh soudn settings and try the normal KDE sounds?09:36
_adammp3 is playing fine with mpg123 from command line09:37
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_adami have also done a "Test Sound" from the Sound System Config dialogue which is also fine09:39
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KDEfanboyusing gstreamer0.8-artsd?09:40
_adamno just using gstreamer0.8-mad09:41
_adamjust noticed when i play the file in amaroK and move the window around a but it takes a few seconds for the screen to refresh, maybe its a memory or cpu config issue09:44
KDEfanboyi think mad's just a decoder, but artsd is an audio output module. what other gstreamer plugins do you have installed?09:45
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_adami am running on a p4 laptop with 512mb ram so system resources shouldn't be a problem09:45
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KDEfanboybetter question is, what is the output module configured with gstreamer in amaroK?09:48
_adamaparently i have alsa, audiofile, cdparanoia, dv, dvd, flac, gsm, hermes, jpeg, mad, misc, musepack, oss, sdl, speex, theora, vorbis pluggins09:48
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_adamoutput pluggin in amaroK is alsasink09:49
KDEfanboywell you can try oss and see what happens. but since the test sound is running ok with the arts, you might try installing gstreamer-0.8-artsd and use that09:50
KDEfanboytrying oss will just check to see if the alsasink is the problem09:50
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prxqhm. the kernel from the linux-source package errs10:00
prxqmake[5] : *** [drivers/usb/net/zd1211/zddevlist.h]  Error 110:01
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LeeJunFanI've got a set of desktops with dapper who can't mount usb drives in KDE, it says can't find /dev/sda1 in fstab or mtab, however it shouldn't need to be.10:06
LeeJunFanhal should be taking care of the mounting.10:06
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coreyanyone here use kbear?10:07
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coreyit crashes whenever i try and transfer a file for some reason10:08
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anyhow can i make the middle click opening a new tab on konqueror ?10:13
RogueJediXcorey: Same problem here. I just use ncftp or konqueror instead10:14
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RogueJediXany: Settings -> Configure Konqueror... -> Web Behaviour -> Middle Click opens URL in selection10:15
segfaulti can't get transparency in konsole (the fake background transparency)10:15
Jack_SparrowJust booted Kubuntu for the first time live cd..  No Games, No firefox, no thunderbird, no kvirc I used my kvm switch to bounce to this machine and when I went back to Kubuntu it was hosed up.10:15
RogueJediXany: Also, tick off "open links in new tab instead of new window"10:16
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anyRogueJediX: and to close a tab with middle click ?10:17
RogueJediXany: You got me there10:18
RogueJediXany: Closest thing I can find is the "Show close button instead of website icon" option10:19
coreyi like kbears feature where you can open code thru client10:19
coreyand save as u go to see changes10:19
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adam2oh god its one of those days10:20
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coreyand now their website errors out10:21
coreyso idk what their deal is10:21
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RogueJediXcorey: Whose?10:21
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shankyhi, I have a kubuntu dapper installed, and using wifi, but it's really slow even in the wifi-lan10:21
RogueJediXcorey: Here's their sourceforge site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kbear10:22
coreykbear.sourceforge.net/ is what i was looking at10:23
coreywhat i always had bookmarked10:23
adam2while trying the suggestion of using the artsd pluggin for my mp3 playback problem the whole system hang, i rebooted and then I was unable to change my network settings. I am now on my windows box as i can't specify my dns servers :(10:23
RogueJediXcorey: I know, but it gives funky mysql errors for me too10:23
coreyi have 2.110:24
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coreythey have a 3.0 alpha ill try10:24
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adam2can anyone tell me where dns server addresses are stored?10:25
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coreyis ncftp graphical RogueJediX ?10:25
RogueJediXcorey: Nope, console client10:27
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RogueJediXcorey: There are tons of other KDE FTP clients, though10:27
coreywell im actually usinb ubuntu10:27
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nightmarehello ,i'm new to kubuntu10:28
RogueJediXcorey: Go for gftp then10:28
nightmarei will ask a few Q if you dont mind!!10:28
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nightmarehow can u put Trash on the desktop10:29
nightmareTrash icon10:29
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RogueJediXcorey: And if you dislike gftp, check out the other gnome-based clients here: http://www.gnomefiles.org/subcategory.php?sub_cat_id=4410:30
coreythanks ill chekc those out - iw as looking on freshmeat10:30
coreyi just liked how on kbear itd open the file in the program and let you save as you go to see the updates10:30
pekaysorry but why can't I play MP3s in amaroK?10:31
RogueJediXcorey: Yeah, but kbear seems to be a tad unstable. Old too. Last update was in 200310:31
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RogueJediXpekay: Do you have libmad0 installed?10:32
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texjoachimgood evening!10:32
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pekayRogueJediX: no :S10:32
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nightmarehow to put Trash icon on Desktop10:33
RogueJediXpekay: Go install it, then. sudo apt-get install libmad0 in console10:33
nightmarei have kubuntu10:33
RogueJediXpekay: Or use adept, if you like10:33
pekayoh ye it says installed in adept sorry10:33
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RogueJediXpekay: What program are you using to play audio files?10:34
pekayRogue: amaroK 1.410:35
RogueJediXpekay: Look in Settings -> Configure Amarok... -> Engine and tell me which one you're using10:35
RogueJediXpekay: Hm, weird. What does it say when you try to play an mp3 file?10:36
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nightmaresorry for disturbing you i think no one want to answer my Q10:37
Jack_BlackI would answer but I dont know..10:37
pekaynothing, it just goes to the track then skips to the next one10:37
KDEfanboyi just read it nightmare10:37
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nightmarethanx guys10:38
nightmarei just installed kubuntu10:38
RogueJediXpekay: Okay, let's try this. Close everything you're not using, including amaroK and then run it again10:38
Jack_BlackI just booted the live cd for the first time10:38
nightmareand i would like to mode trash icon to desktop10:38
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Lil_EagleHello, I just tried new RC and get sync out of range when X starts.  Anyone heard of this?10:39
nightmaremove trash icon10:40
Lil_Eaglenightmare, just drag it.10:41
pekayRogue: okay10:41
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SteelProblem - i just updated my dapper - and my opengl seems to be lost sinse then10:42
Jack_BlackEagle dragging it didnt work10:42
KDEfanboynightmare: ok i found it10:42
coreymoni got my internet working!10:42
Lil_EagleSomehow I think noone here has tried the RC yet...10:43
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RogueJediXnightmare: Right click on the desktop and go New... -> Link to Location and type in trash:/ as the URL10:43
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coreymonif anyone remembers me from yesterday10:43
coreymoni got my internet working10:43
pekayRogueJediX: nah still the same :(10:43
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Jack_BlackThanks Rogue10:44
RogueJediXpekay: I'm stumped, then. My best guess was some other app was using the sound device. All I can think of now is rebooting10:44
nightmarethanx alot RogueJediX10:44
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RogueJediXNo prob, Jack_Black and nightmare10:45
nightmareit works yaay :D10:45
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nightmareby the way the firefox that came with kubuntu its version very old i think v1.010:45
swingheadi want to sync my nokia mobile phone a some kind of pim app...tried a lot, but nothing worked right10:45
nightmaredo i have to find latest version and install it10:46
pekayRogue:JediX: damn thats like the player that looks like iTunes :p. Eh, do you use Konversation since I have a nick completion problem there :p10:47
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Lil_EagleNightmare:I would suggest you try automatix, it will give you Firefox 1.503 as well as many other goodies10:48
RogueJediXnightmare: Just sit tight. 1.5 is in Dapper which should be released a few weeks from now, if I'm not mistaken10:48
Jack_BlackI just dl'd the live version and no firefox at all10:48
RogueJediXpekay: Yeah, I'm using Konversation right now10:48
coreymonguys i have a question10:48
Lil_EagleWhich live version?10:49
Jack_BlackSame here10:49
Jack_BlackJust got it...10:49
coreymonyou know the kde orint manager10:49
Jack_BlackOne sec..10:49
Jack_Black5.10 live10:49
pekayRogueJediX: I cant understand how this nick completion works for instance when I was on mIRC with NNscript, i could do "Jedi:" and would complete it for me, it dont't seem to be like that here, how does it work if you know?10:49
morzelhi all10:49
morzelwhen will the stabil dapper comming?10:50
Lil_Eagletoday a new RC is out, check distrowatch...10:50
RogueJediXpekay: Well, you have to type in the first letter of the nick (not case sensitive) and if there's only one nick beginning with that letter it completes it itself. If not, it gives you a list10:50
morzelwhat's the different about rc and stable?10:50
Jack_Blackrogue which prog does that?10:51
pekayr: test10:51
Lil_EagleRC = Release candiate10:51
pekaysee? :p10:51
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coreymoni have a problem10:51
RogueJediXJack_Black: Konversation. It should at least.10:51
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coreymonhow do i get my printer to work10:51
morzelturn on and print... :D10:51
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Jack_BlackRogue it dosent seem to do that.10:51
pekayRogue test10:51
pekayheh :S10:51
coreymonno i dont mean like that10:52
pekayRogue: test10:52
RogueJediXpekay: Go Settings -> Configure Konversation... -> General and take a look at the "Nick Completion" section10:52
hestiacoreymon, what printer do you have?10:52
Lil_Eaglecoreymon: printer icon in system settings.  You need to tell KDE about it.10:52
coreymoni have an hp photosmart 3210 printer10:52
coreymonit has ethernet capabilities so it is part of my wireless network as a seperate entity10:53
Jack_BlackIt says shell like with completion box10:53
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coreymoni try using the add printer wizard10:53
coreymonbut it can never detect it10:53
pekayRogueJediX: I did its like this "Shell-Like" (whatever that is :p) and suffix is ": "10:53
RogueJediXJack_Black and pekay: Gah! I screwed up, my bad10:53
hestiacoreymon check out the HP linux driver project http://hplip.sourceforge.net/ it has complete instructions there10:53
coreymoni can access it by its ip on firefox10:53
RogueJediXJack_Black and pekay: After typing in the letter hit Tab10:54
coreymonbut i checked in my drivers folder10:54
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coreymonkubuntu has my printers driver10:54
pekayRogueJediX: hoi10:54
pekaythanks :] 10:54
Jack_BlackThanks.. cool10:54
RogueJediXpekay: No prob.10:54
Jack_BlackRogueJediX:  nice feature10:54
hestiaI found that with my HP printer the printer doesn't fully work unless I install hplip10:55
RogueJediXJack_Black: Isn't it, though? :)10:55
coreymoncould i get it through apt?10:55
Lil_EagleYou select Network (TCP) in the wizard and type in the IP and it still doesn't find it?10:55
Jack_BlackIm going to try my hp now...10:56
hestiaprobably.... i don't use apt so I don't know10:56
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coreymoni use apt whenever i can10:57
hestianothing wrong with that ;)10:57
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RogueJediXapt is your fwend10:57
hestiasource is my friend10:57
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coreymonim trying eagles sugestion of just manually putting in the ip adress10:57
RogueJediXYeah, I like him too, but he usually takes a while to get in binary form10:58
Jack_BlackNope Didnt print..10:58
Jack_BlackMy HP is on parallel port.10:58
Jack_BlackWould have thought it would have configured it by itself10:58
coreymonwhich driver should i select in the list10:59
coreymonphotosmart 3200 or photosmart 3200 hpijs10:59
hestiawhich list?10:59
coreymonin the kde print manager10:59
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hestiatry the first one10:59
coreymoni typed in the ip and it asked me to choose a driver10:59
coreymonthere are 2 drivers for my printer11:00
coreymonphotosmart 3200 and photosmart 3200 hpijs11:00
Lil_Eagleagreed, first one.  If it doesn't work well, then try the other.11:00
coreymoni dont know which one to select\11:00
pekaydoes KDE support Dell printers? :p11:00
coreymonuse the non hpijs driver?11:00
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hestiayes try the non hpijs first11:01
nimrodhello, i just started using kubuntu, anyway to make the input local show on taskbar like gnome does?11:01
Lil_Eaglepekay: Dell M5200 and S2500 are supported.11:02
pekayLil_Eagle: i got a A920 :[[11:02
Lil_Eaglepekay:  Sorry, I can't help.  Might want to just try other drivers, if you find one that works, use it.  You won't need to try that many to find one that works.11:04
coreymonnow, next question11:05
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coreymoni want the command "sudo iwconfig ra0 essid cohens key [my wep key] " to run on kde startup11:07
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coreymonhow do i get that to happen11:07
Lil_Eaglegotta run... bye11:08
Lynourecoreymon: make a little shell script, put it in ~/.kde/Autostart  , and then it does11:08
coreymoni dont know how to make scripts11:08
Jack_SparrowAnd Yes11:08
coreymonand is it possible to make it remember my password so that i dont have to put retype it again11:08
coreymonevery time kde boots11:09
dickhallthat's really poor security... besides, why are you booting that often?11:09
coreymonnevermind that11:09
coreymonnow that linux is all working, i guess i wont have to be restarting my comp all the time11:10
coreymonhow do i make the script11:10
dickhallit's just a textfile11:10
dickhallplus you'll have to make it executable11:10
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dickhallnot sure if .kde/Autostart items need to have a specific format, I've never used that feature11:11
coreymonso just write the command that i want in kedit, save it, make it executable and put it into the autostart folder?11:11
coreymonim gonna try11:12
dickhallyou might have to put "#!/bin/sh" at the beginning of the file11:12
dickhalland as for rebooting your box, yeah, you shouldn't have to do it often. my uptime is 17 days, and only that low because I had to move where my machine was11:13
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coreymonso put the bash thing before sudo11:14
dickhallyes, #!/bin/sh should be the top line in the file11:15
coreymonand do i have to name it anything in particular, or just w/e i want11:15
coreymonoh wait, it should be on a seperate line11:15
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Lynourecoreymon: as it starts with "sudo" you'll need some way to pass the password to it...11:15
coreymoni just wrote it all on the same line11:15
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dickhallyes, good point11:16
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coreymonlyn, a dialog box pops up and i type the password11:16
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dickhallalternatively, you could add that script to the /etc/sudoers file under NOPASSWD11:16
Lynourecoreymon: I don't think it would pop up a dialog when placed there, but I might be wrong11:17
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coreymonguys give me an exact template of what the scrpit should look like11:17
Lynourecoreymon: dickhall's idea seems good :)11:17
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dickhallthe first line: #!/bin/sh11:18
dickhallthe second line: <your command here>11:18
dickhall(without the <>)11:18
coreymondoes the second line have to be prefixed with anything11:18
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dickhallof course, I have no way to test this, since I'm not logging out for htis11:18
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chusohi all11:19
coreymonsave it as w/e name i want right?11:19
dickhalland I've never used Autostart. someone else may be able to help more11:19
coreymonsay save it as iwconfig11:19
dickhalland chmod +x it11:19
Lynouredickhall: the one time I did that, it was way easy: drop it in and it should work11:20
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chusoI have just dist-upgraded to dapper, and now I dont have openoffice. Is it a bug? does anyone know the solution?11:20
neoncodeon amaroK 1.4 how do I get this "mood bar" thing to work?11:20
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coreymonchuso: no, it isnt a bug, just reinstall it using apt11:21
coreymonsame thing happened to me11:21
dimmakanswers in the amarok channel aren't helping?11:21
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nimrodhello, how can i switch between locales in kubuntu? i tried playing around with the settings, but it won't switch :(11:22
coreymonalright, i typed it, saved it and made it executable11:22
dickhallnimrod: you need to log out and log back in to have it affect everything11:22
neoncodedimmak: Oh I didn't know anyone had said anything11:22
coreymonhow do i do this no root password thing11:22
nimrodno no i mean11:22
nimrodi have hebrew and english installed11:22
nimrodboth locales11:23
dimmakneoncode: it doesn't appear that they have11:23
nimrodbut i can't switch between them with a keypress like i did with gnome11:23
dimmakneoncode: i am also unfamiliar with the issue11:23
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neoncodedimmak: Well it has made a mood bar for one song. but not for any others11:23
coreymon77two secs11:23
hestianimrod, dont you see a little flag in the tray11:24
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nimrodi do11:24
dimmakneoncode: i am googling for information now11:24
hestiawhen you click on that you can't switch?11:25
nimrodit does11:25
nimrodbut can't i create a shortcut?11:25
nimrodlike in gnome?11:25
neoncodedimmak: Thanks... I'm tring to figure out why it did it for 1 but not any others...11:25
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coreymon77how do i do that sudoers no password thing?11:26
dimmakneoncode: how long have you been using it?11:26
neoncodedimmak: About 10 minutes11:26
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dimmakcoreymon77: sudo su passwd? though i think that might be bad practice11:27
dickhallnimrod: under System Settings->Regional Accessibility, there's a keyboard shortcuts menu11:27
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dickhalldimmak: no, he wants to run a certain command under sudo with no password11:27
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dickhallcoreymon77: man sudoers :)11:28
coreymon77let me just try something11:28
nimrodi did11:28
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nimrodbut those shortcuts won't work11:28
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dickhalldunno, I don't use locales11:29
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hestiasorry nimrod, I don't know.... have you looked in the kde manual?11:30
coreymon77hey it works!11:30
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coreymon77let me just try something here11:32
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andreahi everybody11:33
coreymon77,    !!!11:33
coreymon77just trying something11:33
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andreahave u got a great experience in ubuntu linux??11:34
ryanakcacoreymon77: what was that?11:34
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ryanakcahebrew methinks11:34
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coreymon77nimrod says he speaks it, i just wanted to see11:34
ryanakcaI have some friends who speak hebrew11:34
coreymon77can someone try and get his attention11:34
ryanakcanimrod: ping!11:35
cvasilakhi there, what is the name of the package for the nvidia-kernel SMP version11:35
coreymon77you said you understand hebrew didnt you11:35
nimrodi do11:35
coreymon77why didnt you answer me then11:35
nimrodi did11:35
nimrodcuz you're not supposed to talk in any other lang, other than english in the main channel11:36
nimrodif you wanna speak in hebrew, pm me11:36
coreymon77you can answer in english11:36
coreymon77i dont care11:36
coreymon77its my first language anyways11:36
nimrodmaybe you can help me please?11:36
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coreymon77i was just playing around11:36
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coreymon77i pmed you11:36
nimrodwhy can't i change my locale with shortcuts?11:36
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hestiaI'm sure you can somehow11:37
nimrodi tried everything, i must be missing something11:37
coreymon77answer the pm already11:37
nimrodi did|!11:38
coreymon77how come im not seeing it11:38
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coreymon77oh wait11:38
nimrodah i know~!11:38
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coreymon77have you registered your nickname yet?11:38
nimrod00:38]  [505]  Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! (11:38
nimrodthat's why11:38
coreymon77with nickserv11:38
nimrodi will in a sec11:38
coreymon77ive had mine registered for ages, now no one can take use my nickname but me11:39
da_fat_thingi can't write to a vfat partition11:39
da_fat_thingi have no idea why11:39
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=== Nim is now known as NimRod
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:coreymon77] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Shipit!-Get FREE Kubuntu CDs shipped directly to your home! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | 6.06LTS Release Candidate out now! - See http://kubuntu.org/ | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Please take off-topic
=== NimRod is now known as Nimmrod
coreymon77nimrod, did you register11:40
Nimmrodthank god11:40
Nimmrodi just did11:40
da_fat_thingi edited fstab11:40
da_fat_thingbut it still does not allow me to write on that parition11:40
da_fat_thingonly as root11:40
da_fat_thing/dev/hdb8 /windows/o vfat auto,rw,exec,users,quiet,gid=users,umask=0000 <-- thats in fstab11:41
HymnToLifeda_fat_thing> did you remount the partition to apply the changes ?11:41
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da_fat_thing/dev/hdb8 on /windows/o type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,quiet,gid=100,umask=0000 <-- thats the output of mount11:42
da_fat_thingi wonder why it changed exec to noexec11:42
da_fat_thingis it not possible to start linux binaries off windows partitions?11:43
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da_fat_thinganyway, gid and umask are still correct11:43
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da_fat_thingand i added my account to the users group, so that should be correct too11:44
da_fat_thingis there anything i missed?11:44
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WordHey uh...the partitioner isn't working for me in RC anything i can do to fix? or will the alternate version work?11:47
h3sp4wnProbably almost certainly the alternate version will work11:48
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Wordok because i only have one cd left11:48
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h3sp4wnThat version has never failed for me (and I have only a slave disk on the first channel (no master it died)) are you using sata ?11:49
Wordnope i have a previous kubuntu install that i want to erase and i want to keep my windows partition so that might be what's causing the problem for me11:50
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Wordh3sp4wn: should i erase the partitions from the old kubuntu install?11:53
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h3sp4wnWord: Delete them and re create them is probably easiest11:54
Wordrecreate them in the installer?11:54
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joakimHi folks!11:55
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h3sp4wnWord: yes11:55
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h3sp4wnWord: Delete them there as well11:55
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Wordis 'extended' a part of the linux install? it's like 386 mb and i don't remember putting it there..11:56
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dustyHey guys I have a wheel mouse and im wondering what I have to put under the mouse section of xorg.conf to make it work? Everything else works fine, apart from this?11:58
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hestiadusty, what mouse do you have?12:01
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dustyDOn't know on the underneath it says: Model Name SAGM002, its silver and black two buttons with a wheel in the middle?12:02
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dustysysgration ltd12:03
dustyis in small print12:03
dustyit doesnt say a brand12:03
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dustySurely the whell configuration is irrelevant of brand.. what do you usually put in, and i'll try that?12:05
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hestiawell I've used: Option  "Protocol" "explorerps/2"12:05
hestiathen: Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"12:06
hestiaand that worked for my current mouse, it didn't work for another mouse though12:06
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dustyhmm ok12:07
MetaMorfoziSokay, good night everybody. kshutdown @ 20min.)12:08
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xwolf-firefox doesn't have its own bouncing icon.12:08
xwolf-how can that be?12:08
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crazy_penguingood night, pleasent dreams!12:12
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Nimmrodanyway to make a key combination of keyboard switchers go back and forth?12:14
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coreymonwhoever is the op12:23
coreymonthis is coreymon7712:23
coreymonsomething screwed up12:24
coreymonand apparently coreymon77 is still online12:24
coreymoncould somebody kick coreymon77 so that i can restart with that nick again12:24
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coreymonsomeone please12:25
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robcoreymon, done12:26
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coreymon77thank you12:27
coreymon77so ur an op rob?12:28
coreymon77in konversation there is a square made up of 4 little squares beside each nick12:29
coreymon77what do they mean12:29
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robdunno, I just xchat12:29
robuse, that is12:29
coreymon77does anyone know what the squares are for?12:30
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eosynI think the squares are ment to piss curious people off12:32
MasterEvilAcecoreymon77: you fix internet?12:34
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coreymon77and printer12:35
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MasterEvilAceWhat was the problem?12:35
coreymon77it just started working12:36
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coreymon77how do i add an app to the kmenu?12:36
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MasterEvilAceright click the kmenu12:37
MasterEvilAce(when the panel isn't locked)12:37
MasterEvilAceand edit kmenu12:37
coreymon77now what12:37
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MasterEvilAcecoreymon77: open whatever section you want to edit, and then click the sheet of paper with a star on it (for add new)12:38
coreymon77what do i put for command and work path12:38
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dickhallctothej: how's kdevelop working for you12:39
MasterEvilAcecommand you put the name of the program, with any other options after it.. such as just put  "gaim" as the command to launch gaim12:39
MasterEvilAceworkpath i assume is to supply a folder such as "/usr/bin/" and then command for whatever program you want to run in that workpath12:40
MasterEvilAcealthough i dunno, none of my kmenu items have a workpath12:40
MasterEvilAcei'm just assuming hat's how it works :P12:40
s22hello, may i ask a question?12:43
ubotuFor information on how to ask good questions please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The more information you can give the better we can help you. If your going to give output of commands please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:43
KDEfanboywow there's an !ask, cool!12:43
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s22i'm using kubuntu and today i found out that in konqueror under "tools", i can't find the option to search for files...12:44
s22and under "settings" i can't find the "load profile"12:44
MasterEvilAceKDEfanboy: that's hilarious12:44
s22do you guys have any idea how that could happen?12:45
KDEfanboys22: search for files is in Edit->Find12:45
coreymon77how do i set myself a static ip12:46
KDEfanboyMasterEvilAce, heh i had no idea what ubotu would show up, if anything.. figured i'd give it a shot12:46
s22it's not there12:46
KDEfanboywait a minute12:47
s22it used to be under "tools" but something went wrong... if i open a new user it works fine12:47
LeeJunFananyone here having problems using floppies with dapper that can try my fix and see if it works for them - works with my USB floppy. just add your user to group disk, log out/in then try mounting floppy via kde storage media.12:47
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MasterEvilAcecoreymon77: system settings-> network settings -> click your interface -> configure interface -> select Manual, fill out stuff12:47
KDEfanboys22: sorry you're right... should be in tools.. anything happen if you do CTRL+F ?12:47
s22i tried removing konquerorrc and things like that - didn't help either12:49
KDEfanboys22: do they come back if you start konqueror like this? KDEHOME=~/somedirectory konqueror12:49
s22in another user i have it under "tools"12:50
s22obviously something's fucked up in my home directory but i don't know what12:51
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s22KDEfanboy - yes12:51
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gilhello,....i need help with a USB hookup of a sony MD device12:52
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KDEfanboyhmmm mmmm12:53
gildoes anyone know how to make dapper see a sony Hi-MD as a removable media12:55
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KDEfanboys22: this has menu data (different from konquerorrc) .kde/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc01:02
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gilcan someone help me install a Hi-MD device as a Mass storage device01:03
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gdhHola - anyone seen this behaviour before (qtparted hangs on custom partitioning on RC live CD) ? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/4684101:11
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Riddellgdh: nope01:22
rogeri need help for kubuntu01:22
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gdhRiddell: ... I feared that would be the answer :(01:22
coreyfound an ftp client i seem to like :o01:23
gdhRiddell: If I use the 'Allocate largest free contiguous space', it decides that it'll use /dev/sda2 as ext3 .... that partition is an 8MB hidden partition :|01:23
rogeri installed this version of webside01:23
rogerand etered my name for one user01:23
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gdhRiddell: I mean, I'm perfectly comfortable hacking around it to get a working system, but I'm more interested in dealing with this as an issue that may affect N number of other potential Windows converts :)01:24
rogerbut i don't know which is my psswrd root01:24
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.01:25
h3sp4wncorey: ncftp ? (I think that is the best one there is)01:25
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Riddellgdh: qtparted has its share of bugs, I've not seen yours before and I'm pretty sure people have tested it on machines with windows installed, so hopefully it's not too common01:25
gdhRiddell: Are there steps I can take to help with debugging given that I am not a programmer?01:27
gdhIs the strace output remotely helpful? (the affected system is sitting here beside me running the livecd if you need it via krfb / ssh etc.01:28
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coreyIglooFTP :o01:30
h3sp4wnnever heard of it01:31
gdhIglooFTP is a shameless copy of BulletProof FTP for Windows..01:31
gdhIt's commercial01:31
Riddellgdh: kfrb would be fun01:31
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gdhRiddell: Then it shall be so. Give me a minute to poke holes in the firewall, etc.01:32
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foodcomanDoes anyone know the dpkg command that would reconcile my repositories with my installed apps.  My package manager shows some stuff not installed that is.01:52
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dusty_Hello guys, anyone in here use Real Player, im having some troubles installing it?02:06
=== Snake is now known as Snake__
crimsunwhat sort of trouble?02:06
=== Snake__ is now known as Snake
DaSkreechSnake is kind of shifty02:08
SnakeDaSkreech: ?02:08
SnakeDaSkreech: I finally dropped the underscores! yay02:08
DaSkreechname shifting02:08
Snakeah, I was setting up new links and whatnot02:08
=== DaSkreech waits for a KDE4 deb to hit Edgy
=== dergringo waits, too
h3sp4wnyou will be waiting a long time think02:12
=== DaSkreech tries to think up a good F name to wait for KDe4 on
=== oneimich [n=oneimich@filter.sequoia.net] has joined #kubuntu
BilfordFurry Ferret02:13
DaSkreechFurry doesn't make sense02:14
BilfordI like fuzzy02:14
DaSkreechFab Ferret :-)02:15
Bilfordbut that implies fuzzy logic02:15
DaSkreechIt's not edgy02:15
DaSkreechBut it's not definte either02:15
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Bilfordok, Fuzzy then02:15
=== DaSkreech tries to turn on spell check in konversation
SnakeWhys it have to be F?02:15
DaSkreechCause thats how it is02:16
DaSkreechThe code names are always a pair02:16
Bilfordwhat happened to C02:16
SnakeWhat happen to A?02:16
DaSkreecha Descriptive name and an animal name02:16
SnakeDaSkreech: but why F??02:16
DaSkreechAfter Dapper they said they would keep the progression alphabetic02:17
SnakeDaSkreech: how about "Funny Flamingo"02:17
Bilfordyoure just mad because there wont be a Slithery Snake for a long time02:17
DaSkreechAnd I just picked up the other day that they descriptive name is indicative of the intent or state of that release02:18
DaSkreechHence the first one being warty02:18
DaSkreech the breezy one focusing on speen02:18
DaSkreechthe dapper one being about ppolish02:18
SnakeDaSkreech: you didnt notice that??02:18
DaSkreech theedgy release being about cutting edge02:18
BilfordFriendly Ferret02:18
SnakeBilford: I like it!02:18
=== DaSkreech likes fuzzy
Bilfordto make it even more user friendly02:19
SnakeDaSkreech: I like my screen crystal clear02:19
dusty_Hello guys, anyone in here use Real Player, im having some troubles installing it?02:19
gdh"grotesque goatse," anyone?02:19
Snakegdh: hahaha02:19
DaSkreechwell it's not about what you see it's about what you feel02:19
gdhthe OS that opens that little bit wider...02:19
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DaSkreechOn the real player front02:32
DaSkreech What's up with Helix?02:32
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SnakeCan anyone help me with frostwire/java?02:37
DaSkreechWhats frostwire?02:37
SnakeDaSkreech: herd of limewire?02:37
SnakeLimewire pro minus the ads and subscription02:37
DaSkreechHurd of heard? :)02:37
SnakeDaSkreech: http://www.frostwire.com/02:38
SnakeThis what happens when I run it02:38
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noteventimeSnake, You need the SUN JRE02:39
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Snakenoteventime: I got the one from the repos02:39
noteventimeSnake, the sun one fromo the repos?02:40
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noteventime02:40
DaSkreechHmm that's pretty neat02:40
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Snakewho said I needed the sun?02:41
noteventimeI did02:41
Snakenoteventime: I got the binarys from the dapper repo02:41
Snakewould that work?02:41
DaSkreechSeveas's repos?02:41
noteventimeIf you got the Sun ones yes02:41
SnakeDaSkreech: Offical repos02:41
noteventimeMy brother uses frostwire :)02:42
DaSkreechthere is a sun on the official repos?02:42
Snake!info sun-java5-bin dapper02:42
ubotusun-java5-bin: (Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 21625 kB, Installed size: 65608 kB02:42
Snakenoteventime: would that one work with it?02:42
DaSkreechOh wait02:42
DaSkreechThis is since the Sun change of heart02:42
noteventimeHmm, I thouoght so :/ But it's in multiverse...02:42
SnakeDaSkreech: yes02:42
DaSkreechCoolness :)02:42
noteventimeSun opensouorced java about a week ago02:43
noteventimeor two :D02:43
noteventimeMight even be three :P02:43
DaSkreechSun "opensourced" java about a week ago02:43
noteventime;) well, you get my point02:43
dergringono kidding? haven't read about it.02:43
=== Snake goes to cry
DaSkreechDoesn't work?02:44
noteventimeSnake, take a look at the website if frostwire works with version 502:44
Snakenoteventime: im loojin around now02:44
noteventimeSnake, try sun-java5-jre02:44
Snakenoteventime: alright02:44
wordUmm..should it be nescesary to open system settings as administrator?02:45
noteventimeMaybe it wasn't installed by sun-java5-bin02:45
noteventimeword, ? what settings02:45
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Snakenoteventime: I already got it02:45
=== graywolf [n=graywolf@67-42-183-199.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
wordI want to change the hostname in network settings. When i click on Administrator Mode no login box comes up02:45
DaSkreechword: You can change them as admin02:46
noteventimesnake, maybe try j2re1.4?02:46
Snakenoteventime: will that run along side the sun?02:46
noteventimeword, try running kcontrol instead of system-settings02:46
noteventimeSnake, I don't know, I'm sorry.02:47
noteventimeI think that is the one my brother is using02:47
noteventimeDunno if I upgraded his to the java onoes02:47
noteventimeAnyway, I'm too tired for this, g'night all02:48
Snakenoteventime: night02:48
wordnoteventime: Just running kdesu systemsettings did the trick.02:49
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graywolfSystem Settings - Panel - Panels - Add SETTINGS02:51
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SnakeYES GOT IT!02:53
=== Snake dances
Snakesudo update-alternatives --config java -- then tell it to use the sun java02:54
ubotufrostwire is, like, a free peer-to-peer application that runs on the Gnutella network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWireHowTo02:54
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bigkevmcbobbydhas anyone here mastered a VCD disc for a hardware player?02:57
bigkevmcbobbydI'm trying to and it's just not working02:57
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MasterEvilAcewhen you go to logout, when the screen turns black and white03:04
MasterEvilAcedoes it all turn at once03:04
MasterEvilAceor does it scroll down03:04
MasterEvilAcemine scrolls down.. maybe videocard is too old to do it fast (and i use 1600x1200.. so there's a lot to black out)03:04
MasterEvilAceanyway to speed it up?03:04
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DaSkreechWhat's the difference?03:05
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MasterEvilAcethe evilometer just went up 2%03:10
EvilIdlerQuick! Invite more gullible people!03:10
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MasterEvilAcewhat's that program that tells you about the keys you've pressed03:12
MasterEvilAceit's like kev something03:13
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MasterEvilAcexev was the correct answer it seems03:14
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EvilIdlercoreymon: Network still not treating you well?03:20
=== noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-60-231-147-142.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
matej_hi, is there linux-kernel in kubuntu with applied suspend2 patch? I mean official .deb (I know I can compile it myself, I did it for many years).03:23
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wordin dapper are ntfs partitions writable? Or what does the setting "Security and setting (checkbox) Writable" in the mounting configuriing for an ntfs partition mean?03:33
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coreymon77how can i acess my windows ntfs drive from kubuntu03:35
DaSkreechmount ?03:36
ubotuntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe.03:36
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=== DaSkreech waves at Hobbsee
Hobbseehi DaSkreech03:36
coreymon77what / mount hda103:36
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coreymon77i dont want to write, just acess and copy files off of03:37
DaSkreechnormally hda1 is your root partition03:37
coreymon77hda1 is my windwos dirve03:37
DaSkreechman mount03:37
=== anthony is now known as WEBGUY0822
WEBGUY0822hey guys, quick kde question for ya03:38
WEBGUY0822how do i create desktop shortcuts to my Home Folder, Network Places...etc03:40
noiesmoWEBGUY0822, right click i\on desktop then create new03:41
WEBGUY0822ok, then what??03:41
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segfaultsomeone can helpme03:42
xwolf-WEBGUY0822 then.. pick a flavor.03:42
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WEBGUY0822just point to /home03:42
WEBGUY0822is that what a "launcher" is??03:43
segfaultmy konsole cant do transparency :( what can i do?03:44
WEBGUY0822if, so how do I change a launcher's icon?03:44
coreygo to its properties WEBGUY082203:44
WEBGUY0822ok thanks alotg corey03:45
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coreyanyone know a program that lets you schedule when tv shows will be on?03:45
coreydoesnt have to record, just lets you kind of organize when shows you want to watch are on03:45
WEBGUY0822i'm sure i'll be back03:46
xwolf-segfault you set the scheme as transparent?03:46
segfaultbut only i have with that is a black BG03:46
ubotuntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe.03:48
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xwolf-i tried that before, it's not just edit that place, i had to choose it also. the settings menu has a Scheme submenu with a bunch of schemes03:48
segfaulti know03:48
segfaulti set transparent03:48
segfaultin everyscheme03:48
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Seantaterdoes kitchensync support syncing general files and directories, rather than just pim stuff?03:50
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coreymon77when i try to go to my media folder it gives me an error message saying kmediamanager is not running03:50
coreymon77how do i get kmediamanager to run03:51
monteiroin dapper, my hp print driver, doesnt detect my printer, anyone knows what is it ?03:51
coreymon77this is urgent guys03:51
coreymon77i need to acess my windows drive03:51
Seantatercoreymon77: type which kmediamanager into a terminal --se what happens03:51
Seantatercoreymon77: there are other ways to get to the windows drive tho03:52
Seantatercoreymon77: just go into the "media" folder in "/" and you will find several folders, one should be windows03:52
coreymon77i need to know now03:52
coreymon77 do i have to do this as root03:53
Seantatercoreymon77: I see your urgency -- but impatience will not help03:53
coreymon77or will my regular user work03:53
Seantatercoreymon77: nothing I have yet said needs root03:53
segfaultRiddell: are u here?03:53
coreymon77all right03:54
coreymon77the folder hda1 is there03:54
coreymon77but theres nothing in it03:54
Seantaterokay -- is windows in it03:54
coreymon77what is this kde media manager03:54
Riddellsegfault: hi03:54
segfaulthi how r u03:54
Seantaterokay -- look in /mnt now03:54
segfaulti think i found a bug (btw sorry my english)03:54
segfaultbut i have a problem and a friend too03:54
segfaultwith kde 3.5.2 and dapper (its not from kde because i asked to a few friends that uses another distros and they not have the problem)03:55
coreymon77nothing in the mnt folder03:55
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Seantatercoreymon77: then you have a bigger problem that just the above -- try restarting03:56
sopidohi.. i'm on kubuntu dapper and i installed beagle, but when i run beagle-settings i get "Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: intl" any ideas how to fix this?03:56
Seantatercoreymon77:  It might remount your devices and make life easier03:56
coreymon77if i restart, just might aswell go into windows and email the things i need to myself03:56
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coreymon77why dont i just do that03:57
Seantatercoreymon77: sorry -- but you might try this as root: mount -a03:57
coreymon77unknown filesystem type 'ntfs-fuse'03:57
coreymon77im restarting03:58
Seantaterthen look for windows in the folders (except /dev) that the output of 'mount' gives you (no need for root here03:58
Seantaterpatience is a virtue03:58
Seantateroh well03:59
Seantater /next/ - haha03:59
segfaultRiddell: ?03:59
Seantatersegfault: what is it, I might be able to help03:59
segfaultahh oka03:59
=== skipster23 [n=skipster@ip68-2-161-178.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
segfaultdont have transparency04:00
Riddellsegfault: what's the problem?04:00
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Riddellkonsole transparency works for me04:00
segfaultdamn :(04:01
coreyanyone know a program that lets yyou download tv listings and select shows to add to a list that you want to watch?04:01
segfaultfor me no04:01
Riddellwhat doesn't work about it?04:01
skipster23i 'm having trouble installing mozilla firefox can anyone help me04:01
segfaultinstead of transparency i have a black bg04:01
segfaultor white bg04:01
segfaultdepends on the transparency schema that i choose04:01
skipster23i have done everything the documents tell me04:02
elijahlofgrenskipster23: What error are you getting?04:03
elijahlofgrenskipster23: Try this: sudo apt-get install firefox04:03
skipster23the installer tells me ./mozilla-installer-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:03
elijahlofgrenskipster23: Hmm.. There's a problem in the package somewhere.04:03
elijahlofgrenskipster23: Have you upgraded to Dapper Drake yet?04:03
elijahlofgrenskipster23: If not, then I would. The release candidate is out.04:04
skipster23no how do i do that04:05
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Hobbseeelijahlofgren: its' not stable until june 104:06
elijahlofgrenHobbsee: But the release candidate is recommened for everone using Breezy now.04:06
Hobbseewho said that?04:07
skipster23does it come kubuntu 6.0604:07
segfaultRiddell: ?04:07
elijahlofgrenHobbsee: From the email: "04:07
segfaultSeantater: ?04:07
elijahlofgrenWe consider this release candidate complete, stable and suitable for testing04:07
elijahlofgrenby any user. We would especially recommend that current Ubuntu 5.10 ("Breezy04:07
elijahlofgrenBadger") users and developers use the upgrade procedure described below.04:07
Hobbseeelijahlofgren: oh okay, fair enough.  i didnt see that, i dont think04:08
Seantatersegfault: I'm here04:08
skipster23where do i get breezy04:08
segfaultdo u read the error?04:08
Seantatersegfault: have you adjusted the transparency levels?04:08
=== hayeah [n=howard@S010600032f09bbb2.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
skipster23never mind thats what i have04:09
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segfault[22:08]  <Seantater> segfault: have you adjusted the transparency levels? <- yup04:09
elijahlofgrenHobbsee: Here's the URL https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-May/000081.html ;)04:09
Hobbseeelijahlofgren: mmm okay - so i didnt read it properly04:09
Seantatersegfault: doing great  here -- transperancy is perfect!04:10
segfaultdammn :(04:11
Seantatersegfault: there is still hope04:11
elijahlofgrenskipster23: You find more info about Dapper here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades04:11
Seantatersegfault: look at "konsole color"04:11
Seantatersegfault: check it on and off, see if it helps..04:11
skipster23i hace kubuntu 5.10, do ihave it already04:12
Seantatersegfault: make sure to "save schema" too04:12
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elijahlofgrenskipster23: No, You want to upgrade to Kubuntu 6.0404:12
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Seantatersegfault: what version of KDE?04:12
Seantatersegfault: I use 3.5.2 on Kubuntu Dapper04:13
segfaultme too04:13
segfaultsegfault@hidroxilo:~/varios/sphpblog$ kde-config --version04:13
segfaultQt: 3.3.604:13
segfaultKDE: 3.5.204:13
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skipster23i can just wait for 6.06 right i've already orderd a dvd04:14
Seantatersegfault: what revision -- (it should be the last numeral in the version when viewed on adept)04:14
segfaulti dont use adept04:15
segfaulti check with apt-cache04:15
segfaultVersion: 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu2604:15
=== goldenear [n=user@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Seantatersegfault: but are you sure that is what /you/ are using, not just what is available to upgrade to?04:15
segfaultim using it04:15
segfaultim update my system04:15
SeantaterI'm using ubuntu1604:16
elijahlofgrenskipster23: Sure, it's fine to wait until you get the Dapper DVD. I would try running: "sudo apt-get update" and then try installing Firefox again. There may be fix in a new version for your problem.04:16
Seantatersegfault: then I think I will refrain from upgrading until 27 :)04:16
Seantatersegfault: I upgrade ~monthly, and backup just before then04:17
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Seantatersegfault: perhaps you were best off telling riddell04:18
Seantatersegfault: but you could tell launchpad too04:18
=== mann is now known as tuxmann_
=== tuxmann_ [n=mann@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
neoncodeI just accsidently shut of the power to my PC while I was ripping a CD. I swore a lot then I rebooted. Now i'm stuck in 640x860 and I carn't change it!04:19
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Seantater04:19
ubotuhmm... res is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:20
=== scarn [n=scarn@ppp-70-226-151-54.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
SeantaterRead above04:20
neoncodeIt was fine before...04:20
Seantaterneoncode: I really don;t know anything about it -- I;m just trying to give you a straw to grasp04:21
neoncodeSeantater: ok, thanks... what was the xorg reconfigure command?04:21
Seantaterneoncode: #ubuntu is more busy and may be more helpful04:21
macdneoncode: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'04:21
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skipster23which kde come with kubuntu 5.10 1 or 204:24
neoncodeNope didn't help...04:25
neoncodethe reconfigureing didn't help...04:25
neoncodeskipster23: KDE 3.4 I think04:25
HymnToLifeyep, KDE 3.4.304:25
DaSkreechafter a Ctrl+Shift+T how do I jump tween window frames?04:25
HymnToLifeyou can upgrade to 3.5.2 though04:25
skipster23i need to download an burning software for iso's like kisocd ant suggestions04:26
skipster23sorry any suggestions04:26
ubotuI guess res is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:26
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=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0098-acc-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
DShepherdDaSkreech: and your here too04:29
elijahlofgrenskipster23: Use k3b for burning ISOs.04:35
elijahlofgrenskipster23: K-Menu -> Multimedia -> K3b04:35
elijahlofgrenskipster23: Then just click "Burn CD Image"  and next to "Image To Burn" click the Blue folder icon and select your ISO file.04:37
=== georges_ [n=georges@d83-182-16-108.cust.tele2.be] has joined #kubuntu
matej_corey: apt-cache search xmltv04:40
coreymatej_, yea i just installed that but i cant figure out how it works04:41
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matej_corey: it is quite complicated -- go to their website (IIRC xmltv.sf.net) and read their docs. Basically, you have to download all the stuff with one command and then there is command which will filter out whatever you need.04:42
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DaSkreechHow do I get a METAR location?04:43
coreyill keep looking theres gotta be something easier04:44
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coreyor at least a web site thatll email you when shows you added are coming on04:45
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OpenSorcealright......in an attempt to err on the side of caution......if I have my box use ide-scsi on one of my drives will it break (k)Ubuntu?04:52
OpenSorcethe drive in question being a DVD Burner04:52
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Onetrack.......this is really complicated.......04:52
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satemplerRiddell: you here04:55
satempleris there a reson why automake1.6 isn't in the repos ??04:55
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DShepherdsatempler: cause the rock said so?04:59
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satemplerthe rock who04:59
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matej_corey: I think you can get something like that (email on show) from Yahoo!05:15
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coreygosh, why cant a program just download listings form the internet05:26
coreyinstead of using this xmltv crap05:27
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DaSkreechif they have a aRSS feed you subscribe05:27
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DaSkreechcan I dpkg--reconfigure kubuntu-desktop?05:29
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coreyyahoo tv listings stink05:36
nightmarehello, i faced a display problem after i upgrade05:36
nightmareplz help me i'm new05:36
nightmarewhen i put resolution 1024x768 it goes crazy and i cant read anything but 800x600 has no prblem05:37
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DaSkreechWhere is the lock file for adept?05:42
DaSkreechI crashed it installing KDM05:42
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DaSkreechaseigo: Hi06:00
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DaSkreechIf adept crashes which lock file should I remove?06:03
DaSkreechinstalling KDM crashes it06:04
nightmarewell, is kubuntu is the most suitable distro???06:04
nightmarei would like to know how to make it more stable06:04
nightmarecoz i think it is not06:05
DaSkreechlaunchpad :)06:05
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=== nixternal pets his stable as all hell kubuntu dapper
nightmareso dapper is more stable??06:05
nightmarei installed automatix and i think it has many problems06:05
=== DaSkreech would have thought that the economy of Hell would be more turbulent huh?
nixternalstable on my computer yes...but i don't know about your computer06:05
nixternalcomputers are like finger prints...each one is different06:06
nightmaremy computer is toshiba tecra m206:06
nixternalhahah DaSkreech...im sure it is..but at least they use linux there06:06
nixternallook there ;)06:06
DaSkreechnixternal: Where are the lock files for adept?06:06
nixternalyou know i have no clues...i try to stay away from adept since it is slow i think06:07
nightmarei think kutuntu is not stable yet coz after i done upgrade the display goes crazy and i cant read anything06:07
=== nixternal looks though
nixternalwhat video card is in the tecra m2?06:07
JavaGeekmmm... So updating to 6.06 RC will uninstall kde?06:07
nixternali have a toshiba satellite 1735 with ati rage mobility-c and it runs great...i have some artifacts at times..but they always clear themselves06:08
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nightmareso why this prblem appeeeeers06:09
nightmareCreating NVIDIA TLS links... done06:09
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DaSkreechFixed it06:10
nightmarei will try06:11
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nikkianahmm... what do you do if you have a program kinda lock up and then not be able to close it? is there anything in kubuntu that's equivelent to the Ctrl+Alt+Del of WIndows?06:18
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nixternalwhat is the issue with yahoo and kopete????06:18
admiral_proFTWopen up perfomence monitor06:18
nixternalps -e06:19
admiral_proFTWor "sudo killall -KILL <process>"06:19
nixternalfind the program06:19
nixternalsudo killall die die die06:19
admiral_proFTWos "sudo killall -KILL gaim"06:19
admiral_proFTWis how i do it06:19
DaSkreechnikkiana: You mean to kill the program?06:21
DaSkreechnikkiana: May I make the assumption that it's a GUI program?06:21
nikkianaDaSkreech, yeah... Firefox locked up for some odd reaso06:21
DaSkreechnikkiana: Try Ctrl+Alt+Esc06:21
coreyis there a better more customizabl email/tasks/calender suite then evolution?06:21
DaSkreechYour mouse should change06:22
DaSkreechKlik on Firefox06:22
DaSkreechDo NOT Click on the desktop... ever!!!06:22
nikkianaahhh... thanks :)06:22
nikkianaDaSkreech, i take it bad things happen if you were to accidently click on the desktop ;)06:23
DaSkreech<farnsworth voice>Oh my Yes</farnsworth voice>06:24
=== nikkiana laughs
DaSkreechYou got it!!06:25
=== DaSkreech loves nikkiana
=== nikkiana hugs DaSkreech
=== nikkiana confesses that she's a Linux newbie....
DaSkreechWe all are06:26
DaSkreech:-) in some way06:26
=== nikkiana likes it though.
nikkianait's more fun than being frusterated with... say.... Windows. :D06:27
DaSkreechOh yeah that goes on for years and years06:27
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DaSkreechAny other packages to deliver?06:29
LorandKAjust a little help06:29
LorandKAi need the url for that, windows-partition-auto-mounting script06:29
LorandKAcant find it anywhere06:30
admiral_proFTWi think you want that06:30
LorandKAcan i use it in kubuntu?06:31
LorandKAi used it in Ubuntu last time...06:31
admiral_proFTWyou can06:31
LorandKAwhatever..i'll check it up06:31
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admiral_proFTWor you can do a "sudo mount /dev/hda# /home/user/Partiton"06:32
admiral_proFTWif you know which one is the windows partition and wherever you want to mount it06:32
DaSkreechnikkiana: anything else we can help with?06:32
LorandKAno..there was a script., that did this things automatiucally on startup06:32
DaSkreechLorandKA: It works in all linux type thingys06:33
nikkianaDaSkreech, not at the moment. :)06:33
nikkianathanks though :)06:33
=== DaSkreech bows
PyroMithrandirfstab will do it automatically if you tell it to06:33
DaSkreech Well we are always here06:33
admiral_proFTWyou do an edit on /ect/fstab06:33
nikkianai'm sure i'll be around06:33
PyroMithrandirand using an fstab entry is better than using a script06:33
admiral_proFTWfstab loads everytime you get on your system06:33
LorandKAi see06:33
admiral_proFTWand fstab auto mounts what you tell it06:34
LorandKAor i could just mount the part's in sys settings/sys admin./disk & filesystem?06:34
LorandKAnope...I could not06:35
LorandKAwouldn't be easier, just to find and run that script?? :((06:37
PyroMithrandirthe easiest thing would be to add it to your fstab06:38
LorandKAi'm kinda affraid using term06:38
PyroMithrandirokay, well, you can edit it with a gui if you want06:38
LorandKAbrings me back to the worst days in ms-dos06:38
LorandKAgui? sounds good06:38
PyroMithrandirbut you will have to open a terminal to get kate open with privs06:38
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admiral_proFTWno man the terminal is quite powerful.06:39
PyroMithrandirso, open up konsole and type sudo kate /etc/fstab06:39
admiral_proFTWyea do a "sudo kate /etc/fstab"06:39
admiral_proFTWomg pyro you suck06:39
HymnToLifeplease, use kdesu instead of sudo to run GUI apps06:39
ubotuUse kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.06:39
DaSkreechnikkiana: Great :-)06:40
LorandKAkdesu kate /etc/fstab ?06:41
admiral_proFTWubotu: really? i never heard of that before06:41
ubotuadmiral_proFTW: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:41
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DaSkreechAlways great to have people who laugh at Farnsworth :)06:41
PyroMithrandiradmiral_proFTW, you realize ubotu is a bot?06:41
PyroMithrandirhence uBOTu06:41
LorandKAthat is chineese for me06:42
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.06:42
admiral_proFTWyea now i do06:42
PyroMithrandirright, LorandKA, the first column is where the partition you want to mount is, the second is where you want to mount it, the third is what kind of partition it is and the other two aren't really important ;)06:43
PyroMithrandirso, do you know what the location of the partition you want to mount is?06:44
HymnToLifePyroMithrandir> they are if you mount FAT or NTFS drives06:44
HymnToLifeor if you want to tweak the settings a bit06:44
HymnToLifequite useful actually06:44
PyroMithrandirHymnToLife, oh, I know they're useful, but I doubt a newbie would need them06:44
HymnToLifePyroMithrandir> newbies use a lot of FAT or NTFS , and they like to have access to them ;)06:45
LorandKAthe world is happiness....06:45
PyroMithrandiroh, geeze, I forget about the options column, didn't I?06:45
PyroMithrandirI meant that the last two weren't really important06:45
PyroMithrandirthe options column is very important06:45
LorandKA..or i can just find that damn script06:46
HymnToLifeLorandKA> what script ?06:46
LorandKArhar script. that locates and mounts all the fat32 partitions06:46
LorandKAlast night i have edited ..some...stuff...and kde couldnt boot up06:47
LorandKAthat is why i don't wanna mess up things again06:47
HymnToLifewell, automatic scripts can mess up things badly too, even this one which is unsupported06:48
HymnToLifeespecially* sorry06:48
HymnToLifeIt's late here :p06:48
LorandKAwhatever, last time i have used that in ubuntu, and it worked,...06:49
LorandKAokay..have a good night!06:49
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HymnToLifeLorandKA> well, if I were you I'd learn how to do it by myself06:53
HymnToLifeit's really not difficult06:53
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LorandKAHymnToLife :(( it's urgent06:56
LorandKAi will learn that later06:56
HymnToLifeit involves copying 1 line of text06:56
LorandKAi know that06:56
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BilfordI have a question about KView07:07
Bilfordhow do you disable that message asking to Save or Discard Changes after rotating images07:07
LorandKAcannot make dir permission denied07:08
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HymnToLifeLorandKA> sudo :)07:10
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johnny3dI filed a bug for no sound weeks ago, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/43738, but I still have no sound07:27
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johnny3dis there any hope of resolving this issue?07:31
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macdjohnny3d: ask in #kubuntu-devel , or #ubuntu+107:34
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johnny3dthankyou macd07:39
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wordHey uh...how do you use shockwave in a web browser?07:57
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frank__word: for shockwave, the only way is by using wine I think08:02
wordYah i got it08:03
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edulixhi !08:50
edulixwhat I need to reinstall to fix image support in kde?08:53
edulixit's not working very well, for example konqueror doesn't show image previews and it only opens them correctly with gthumb08:53
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jtmoneywill shipit send the final version of dapper to me?09:10
jtmoneyor one of the flights09:10
jtmoney(i'm confused because the final version hasn't been released yet)09:10
crimsunonly the final.09:10
jtmoneyokay, sweet deal09:10
crimsun(they obviously won't begin shipping til post-1 june)09:10
jtmoneyjune 1 > 1 june09:11
jtmoneynothing, just weird to see 1 june09:11
jtmoneyignore me09:11
crimsunno, we tend to follow convention. The majority of the developers are not in the USA.09:12
jtmoneyahh, gotcha09:12
crimsun(I'm from NC myself, but when in Rome...)09:12
jtmoneyahh, from what part?09:12
jtmoneyno clue09:13
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jtmoneybeen to blowing rock, boone, ashville, chatolla (sp?), charlotte, mooresville09:13
jtmoneybeautiful state09:14
crimsuntriad's greensboro/winston-salem/high point; the triangle is raleigh/durham/chapel hill09:14
jtmoneyhah, right in the middle of the circus, eh?09:14
jtmoney(duke LAX)09:14
jtmoneyerr, n/m09:15
jtmoneytriangle == circus09:15
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GazzaKis the rc iso dated 25th may the latest iso image?09:27
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Tallia1Kubuntui dunno why when ubuntu set up one year ago, the wireless card have been associated to eth1 instead of wlan009:29
Tallia1Kubuntuis there a way to correct it?09:29
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jtmoneyTallia1Kubuntu: same here09:29
Tallia1Kubuntuis seems kwifimanager complains about it... :(09:29
jtmoneyTallia1Kubuntu: hmm, not really sure09:29
Tallia1Kubuntueven when the wireless card is connected.. it says it is not..09:30
jtmoneyscrew kwifimanager09:30
jtmoneyi hate that program09:30
Tallia1Kubuntuwhat do you use?09:30
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jtmoneyif you go into settings, you can configure a wireless network easily that way09:30
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Tallia1Kubuntuyeah, i did that..09:30
Tallia1Kubuntubut i have a switch on the laptop09:31
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Tallia1Kubuntufor the wifi, and i can't understand when the wifi is on since the led doesn't work09:31
AbnaxosHi, I just upgraded to Dapper ...09:31
Tallia1Kubuntuhow can i understand if it is on? i am sure that the button is working09:31
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GazzaKfrom what Abnaxos ?  how do you find it?09:31
AbnaxosNow, for some reason, X won't start anymore; /var/log/Xorg.0.log sais that the nvidia driver couldn't be loaded09:32
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GazzaKwhat did you upgrade from?09:32
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GazzaKyou could try setting your xorg.conf graphics card driver back to nv09:33
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GazzaKand then once in, doing a driver update?09:33
AbnaxosI've got to add that I'm running a custom kernel (because of suspend2) ...09:33
GazzaKI have no idea how that would effect things?  lets hope it doesn't09:34
Abnaxosyeah, that's certainly possible, but the CSS nvidia driver should actually work, too ;)09:34
uwohi all. how do i make a back up of my kmail inbox/outbox... if i try to copy the /.kde/share/apps/kmail dir to an external drive i get several "could not write file" errors...09:34
Tallia1Kubuntuhow can i understand if the wifi card is on using a program? my led is screwed.. it's always on09:34
AbnaxosActually, it seems that the NVidia driver's installer is doing someting wrong ... still, although I'm not really a newbie, I'm stuck here :)09:35
GazzaKI am currently downloading the latest kubuntu iso, I have always done a fresh install, rather than updates, as even though people say updating is fine, I don't feel comfortable going that route09:35
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GazzaKAbnaxos, can you use the nvidia driver in the repos?09:36
AbnaxosGazzaK: No, because of my custom kernel09:37
GazzaKoww, 24% of that iso so far :)09:37
GazzaKeeek, then sorry Abnaxos i'm stuck for ideas for you, but i've only been using linux for a month!09:37
johannes__hi guys09:38
johannes__i have kopete 0.12 beta 2 and kde 3.5.109:38
johannes__when someone is offering to send me a file in msn it crashes. HELP!09:38
GazzaKmind you in a month, I've tested 5.10, gnome and kde, 6.06 k&g and now on g and d/ling kubuntu rc09:38
Hobbseejohannes__: hwo'd you get the beta 2?09:38
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johannes__Hobbsee i think i installed bey hand from sourceforge09:40
Hobbseejohannes__: ah okay09:40
johannes__using the manual from their webpage09:40
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Hobbseejohannes__: work around would be to not get people to send you msn files, and work by email instead, i expect09:41
Hobbseewe cant really troubleshoot it - not having that version on our systems09:41
HobbseeGazzaK: smart09:41
=== GazzaK runs
johannes__yes Hobbsee i thought of that too and will do if there is no easy solution09:42
HobbseeGazzaK: smart in downloading a cd09:43
GazzaKyes, I just do not feel comfortable updating09:43
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GazzaKpeople say "yeah it's fine to do a dist upgrade" but is it?  is that really wise?09:43
AbnaxosThe versions are: NVidia 8756, Kernel 2.16.17 (almost vanilla, just added Suspend2), Dapper upgraded from Breezy09:43
AbnaxosGazzaK: Currently definitely no, because it will uninstall almost anything which is related to KDE ... :)09:44
uwoone more try: how do you export kmail mails in order to do a clean install of your system. i seem to not be able to physically "just copy" the /.kde/apps/kmail directory09:45
GazzaKdo you get an error uwo09:45
uwogazzak "could not write file" errors... if i autoskip (or skip all files with error) it copies only 30 Mb out of some 800 Mb09:46
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GazzaKwhere are you copying them to?09:46
uwoGazzaK: external drive09:47
HobbseeGazzaK: it can be.09:47
GazzaK800 mb - ouch, we give users at my work only 100Mb to play with in their mailfiles :)09:47
uwoGazzaK: it's 3 years worth of private/work files... should try to clean it up a little... :)09:47
GazzaKuwo, I've had "similar" I did a retry on each error and it retried and worked?09:48
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uwoGazzaK: i only get cancel/skip/autoskip...09:49
GazzaKthats odd09:50
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AbnaxosJust did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, still no avail09:51
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AbnaxosThe question is, where does the new X-server expect the driver so it can find it? (the log sais it can't find the driver)09:55
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serenityi am using kubuntu 5.10 with kde 3.4, is it possible (if yes...how?) to update to 3.5?09:57
ubotuhmm... kde3.5.2 is to upgrade to KDE3.5.2, Follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php (add the deb...line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".09:57
Hobbseeserenity: ^09:57
serenityother one: i want to have firefox as my standrad web-browser. How to configure?09:58
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cfraz89go to systemsettings09:59
cfraz89then kde components09:59
cfraz89then go to webbrowser10:00
cfraz89and change to firefox10:00
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serenityi switched a week ago, first i was scared and now i love linux10:02
cfraz89lol yeah its awesome10:03
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serenitybut i must pretend that for "normal" users is sometimes very difficult. For me, it's no problem configuring my x-server 2 hours10:04
Abnaxoshmmm ... strange ... I did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, nvidia-xconfig, the module is at /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o, just as in the package, but Xorg can't find it :/10:04
cfraz89Abnaxos: your not using Xorg 7.1 are you?10:05
serenityis there a command for looking up my kde version?10:05
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cfraz89kde-config -v10:05
AbnaxosNo, Dapper 'default' (except for the kernel)10:06
cfraz89have you rebuilt the nvidia driver since you changed kernel?10:06
Abnaxosthe module is loaded10:07
cfraz89my /usr/X11R6/lib doesnt have a modules folder10:09
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crazy_penguinmorning all!10:10
cfraz89Abanaxos: for me it is in /usr/lib/xorg/modules10:11
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Abnaxosoh, I'll try that :)10:13
Abnaxosyay, a symlink did the job, thanks! :)10:16
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BroxtorHow can I perform CUPS adminstration tasks in Dapper? My username and password aren't good enough......10:27
cfraz89i think you have to be in the lpadmin group10:27
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Broxtorcfraz89: I already am. So something else is bothering me....10:28
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cfraz89maybe sudo adduser cupsys shadow10:29
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Broxtorcfraz89: cupsys is already a member of shadow10:31
cfraz89you could try enabling root10:31
Broxtorcfraz89: how would I do that?10:32
HobbseeBroxtor: run kdesu kcontrol10:32
Hobbseethen add it in that way10:32
cfraz89sudo passwd root10:33
cfraz89then set a root password10:33
macdI added some lmsensors in my /etc/modules and it freezes on boot, even in failsafe mode on sensors, is there anyway to bypass loading modules?10:33
macda option I can pass to grub?10:33
cfraz89once you dont need root anymore its best to lock it10:33
cfraz89sudo passwd -l root10:33
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Abnaxosmacd: add init=/bin/bash to the kernel options, then manually mount /usr, vi /etc/modules and remove the modules10:35
macdexcellent ty.10:36
Broxtorstill no luck10:37
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scoopexhi, where can i get kdevelop for kubuntu-breezy....10:40
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HymnToLife!info kdevelop10:42
scoopex!info kdevelop10:42
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HymnToLifeapparently, there is no package for it10:42
cfraz89sorry Broxtor, im not sure10:43
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EvilIdlerThe package is kdevelop310:43
Broxtorcfraz89: np. Thanks for the help so far.10:43
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scoopexok :-)10:44
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macdAbnaxos: its stil loading all the kernel modules,....10:52
AbnaxosWith init=/bin/bash? With this option, the boot process stops just after the kernel is up, so it basically can't be. :)10:56
macdyeah my mistake, I added it on its own line, Im frazzled10:56
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ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, pascalFR11:13
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 11:13
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_esbenIt seems I need either ruby 1.8.2 or 1.8.4, but the repository version is 1.8.3 (it says 1.8.2 but it is 1.8.3). How do I install one of the others?11:33
piotrekwho now how can i install intel c++ compiler on kununtu?11:34
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g0dchildHow do i install qcomicbook - is it available through apt?11:39
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jpatrickg0dchild: compile and install it?11:40
g0dchildyeah, tried that-11:40
g0dchildand when i do, i get an error...wait..let me get it11:41
johannes__sry guys i havent worked it out by now: i wanna download a wma file from my notebook to the ipod nano, understandably it just wants to be fed with mp3s . how do i convert in ubuntu breezy,kde351?11:41
jpatrickwhat happened?11:41
g0dchild#checking correct functioning of Qt installation... cat: bnv_qt_test.c: No such file or directory failure11:41
g0dchildany ideas what the prob is- am i missing qt-headers11:42
jpatrickjohannes__: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IPodHowto11:42
piotrekwho now how can i install intel c++ compiler?11:42
jpatrickg0dchild: install libqt3-mt-dev11:43
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g0dchildgot it-11:43
uroshi all. does atumatiks work for dapper?11:43
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g0dchilduros, i read somewhere it didnt11:44
g0dchildi used easyubuntu11:44
urosgodchild: tnx.11:45
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coreyCan I get a little help? I have autofs set up so that I can see my NTFS volumes, but I can only access them if I "su -" first. How can I set the permissions so all accounts see my NTFS volumes?11:49
javier#join #kubuntu-devel11:49
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xstHow do I configure konqueror to NOT move deleted files to trash?12:13
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seaLnelaunchpad is back12:15
klerfaytwhat's the package name that enables video thumbnails in konqueror?12:15
nico8481xst: Settings>configure Konqueror>Behavior>"Show 'Delete' context menu entry....."12:15
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nico8481xst: "thanks" is the word you're looking for12:17
cyberserverHi people. Where should I discuss dapper install problems?12:17
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cyberserverIs there a #kubuntu+1 ?12:18
ccc_cyberserver: all versions go in here afaik12:19
Hobbseecyberserver: in here12:20
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cyberserverMy kubuntu rc install is stalling at 81% .... I'm guessing its a kernel panic as I've lost control of the machine...12:25
cyberserver... or maybe its a problem on grub-install ...12:25
cyberserver ( as I've just notisted my grub is messed up )12:26
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macdcyberserver: does it say kernel panic?12:32
cyberserverNo. My installer just stalls12:33
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waterglasshi, i'm  a little new to kubuntu and i'm thinking of buying a microsoft ergonomics keyboard.. i've heard of a few packages that help to suport the extra programmable keys but just wanted to know, has anyone got all the extra keys on it working on kubuntu?12:34
waterglassit's just that it's quite expensive and i don't wanna waste moneyon it until i know for sure12:35
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Hestiawaterglass it's doable, but expect to spend alot of time trying to get it working right12:37
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cyberserverMy kubuntu rc install is stalling at 81% .... I'm guessing its a kernel panic as I've lost control of the machine... or maybe its a problem on grub-install ( as I've just notisted my grub is messed up )12:41
cyberserverThe installer placed 1.5G in my drive and I see no grub in /boot12:41
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johannes__hi, is there someone familiar with the kaddressbook?12:42
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klerfaytI see that if I have lately used sudo then kdesu adept won't start adept12:43
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tsdgeosanyone knows why updating from 5.10 to 6.06 gave me a ugly boot sequence?12:52
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klerfayttsdgeos: define ugly12:52
tsdgeosseems the same as before12:52
tsdgeosbut with ugly colors and probably much less resolution12:52
Hobbseetsdgeos: that's the new usplash, i expect12:53
klerfayttsdgeos: type in the konsole dmesg and look what is your vga=12:53
waterglassHestia: thanks.. sorry i just saw your reply.. missed it earlier somehow12:53
Bizzehi just grabbed, gcc, all automake versions, binutils, and kdevelop12:53
Bizzehwhen i try and compile a project, i get this http://pastebin.com/74094812:53
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klerfayttsdgeos: what's your desktop resolution?12:53
tsdgeosklerfayt: 1280*102412:53
tsdgeostsdgeos@bluebox:~$ dmesg | grep vga=12:53
Bizzehits the "aclocal: configure.in: 8: macro `AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' not found in library" i dont get12:54
tsdgeosBizzeh: install libtool12:54
klerfayttsdgeos: try   vga=79412:54
klerfayttsdgeos: you know how to add it to grub ?12:54
tsdgeosstrange it worked before12:54
Bizzehwill do12:54
klerfayttsdgeos: vga=794  will set your framebuffer to 1280x124 16bit12:55
klerfayttsdgeos: *1280x1024*12:55
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tsdgeosklerfayt: ok, let's reboot and see if that helps12:55
Bizzehtsdgeos: ok, im getting somewhere now12:55
Bizzehnow i get12:55
Bizzeh"configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables"12:55
MasterEvilAcescript problem?12:56
ubotuor if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, or get "make: command not found, then you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.12:57
Bizzehhmmn, g++ didnt install with gcc as it said it would12:57
HobbseeBizzeh: installed ^?12:57
Bizzehinstalling that now12:57
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tsdgeosit improved a bit12:58
tsdgeosbut only because it's smaller :D12:58
Bizzehall good12:58
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cyberserverany way I can boot rc cd in text mode ( to do a install in text mode )?01:02
kmonanyone knows how to change the locale from the live cd? so I can use my keyboard layout properly?01:02
tsdgeoscyberserver: recovery mode option in grub gives you a text mode01:02
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cyberservertsdgeos : Ok, but I dont have the option to install in text mode ( a la debian, as it was before flight5 or so )01:03
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tsdgeoscyberserver: no idea :D01:03
robhow can I get konqueror to show a web page by default when I run it, at the moment I just get a blank page when it starts01:04
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tsdgeosrob: go to the page you want to start it01:05
tsdgeosand then go to settings -> save profile01:05
tsdgeosand be sure "save url" is checked01:05
robthanks tsdgeos01:05
h3sp4wncyberserver: Use the alternate cd (its the old install one)01:05
robthat worked :)01:05
cyberserverh3sp4wn : oh, great!01:06
robany idea why Konqueror starts so small?01:06
robah same again01:06
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klerfaytrob: settings>save view profile01:09
robklerfayt, yeah I found that, had to tick "save window size" also01:10
klerfaytrob: I have no idea why "saving profile" is better idea01:10
robit caught me out, kind of seems dumb but its done now01:11
klerfaytrob: have resize it anyway then browsing different sites01:11
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n3stormhi everyone01:25
n3stormupgrading to Dapper I got this:01:26
n3stormE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:26
n3stormand now not all packages can be upgraded01:26
n3stormsome of them important ones01:26
Hobbseen3storm: paste all the stuff above that to pastebin?01:26
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n3stormHobbsee: I can't01:27
Hobbseerun sudo dpkg-configure -a01:27
n3stormThe machine is a laptop, and I am using my old pc01:27
n3stormI have done that01:28
urosdoes any1 know what the mac os style panel that replaces kicker is called?01:28
RogueJediXHow do I make my machine diplay japanese characters correctly?01:28
Hobbseeuros: baghira or something?01:29
Hobbseeit's on kde-look.org01:29
n3stormyeah uros, check at baghira website, they have nice howtos for that01:29
dergringouros: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=869201:29
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Hobbseen3storm: i dont have enough information to even start doing that - what did sudo dpkg-configure -a do?01:30
n3stormHobbsee: I don't have this package: dpkg-configure -a01:30
n3stormwell, dpkg-configure01:30
n3stormdoesn't exist01:30
Hobbseetry sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a01:30
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urosthnx all01:31
n3stormHobbsee: something is going on now01:31
klerfaytRogueJediX: what's wrong with your japanese characters?01:31
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RogueJediXklerfayt: All I get are weird symbols and squares, when I think I should be getting either katakana or kanji01:32
klerfaytRogueJediX: do you have fonts installed?01:33
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RogueJediXklerfayt: I'm not sure. Japanese characters display fine on websites in Konqueror, but not in the console01:34
n3stormI've been asked to use Dash instead of Bash, is it a good idea?01:34
Hobbseen3storm: not heard of dash01:35
n3stormI'll give it a try01:35
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urosinstalling dapper on thinkpad - system settings says to load nvram module "insmod nvram"; i tried this but i get insmod: can't read 'nvram': No such file or directory01:44
_userDoes anyone know why openoffice would open then close while trying to open a xls or doc file from a network drive in kde, yet if booted into gnome they open fine??01:47
klerfaytehee adept is using nuvola icons - any way to change that?01:47
n3storm_user: which kind of network drive?01:48
n3stormdo you mean smb:/ or nfs:/ ?01:48
n3stormOpenoffice cannot handle smb:/ nfs:/ or fish:/01:49
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LeeJunFann3storm: or media:/ for that matter.01:50
dbglthey folks01:50
n3stormLeeJunFan: that's right any:/01:50
dbgltjust wondering how I can get juk to work with gstreamer? I did a dist-upgrade to dapper, and now juk won't output to gstreamer anymore01:51
_usersmb: - they open fine through gnome though01:51
n3storm_user: don't know, but if you mount the smb it will work ok, the prob is that smb:/ are not real mounted network directories01:52
n3stormyou can mount dirs with smb4k01:52
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_useryeah wierd.. tried 7 diferent distros and gnome work fine but kde would just open openoffice then close back down01:53
_usermight try koffice01:54
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n3storm_user: mount those dirs using smb4k, you want need to change your office suite01:55
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ubuntuHi! I'm trying to install 6.06 from livecd, but the installer doesn't have reiserfs. Is it a bug or what?01:57
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_userdont want to do that for everyone in the office. You see my work doesnt want to fork out the money to be fix there lack of MS licensing issues so I am on a mission to convert the office to linux. 100+ users. I want a 1 cd install distro that doesnt need to much tweaking to talk to the Windows side of the business.02:00
_userkubuntu would be ideal if this error didnt pop up02:00
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GazzaKhi user02:02
drbreeni have an pentium II processor and an amount of 64 mb ram02:02
drbreenkubuntu runs but is slows02:03
GazzaKI bet it is slow02:03
jpatrickdrbreen: I'm not surprised02:03
tsdgeosdrbreen: you need more mem02:03
drbreenso can i just upgrade ram and hope it to run faster or do i need a faster processor ?02:03
drbreenso 128 mb would be ok ?02:03
GazzaKwhat speed PIII?02:03
_userwhat speed02:03
drbreen350 mhz02:04
_user256 at least i rekon02:04
drbreencan go up to ~400 i think02:04
GazzaKI'd look at more than that drbreen as the slower cpu will kinda be offset a little by more ram02:04
drbreensorry i do not really understand what you are trying to tell me ?!02:04
drbreeni am not so good at english02:04
GazzaK350 > 400 mhz isn't gonna make much difference, but 64Mb to 256 will02:04
drbreena i see02:05
_userupgrade everything you can afford to02:05
GazzaKso get 2 x 128Mb memory modules.02:05
drbreeni have another pc which runs fine02:05
drbreenbut i wanted to use this crap pc and xfce is not really that configurable02:05
drbreenthe other has an athlon 2000+ and 265 mb ram02:05
_userlove it02:06
drbreenGazzaK: what is recommended for running open office ?02:06
jpatricklots of mem02:06
drbreenwhich amoutn of ram02:06
jpatrickI prefer KOffice02:06
_userid put more ram in your other pc. Buy vmware and throw out the old pc02:07
GazzaKnot sure whats recommended drbreen02:07
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GazzaKI agree with _user02:07
RogueJediXWhy buy vmware when there's qemu and bochs?02:08
GazzaKmore ram in good pc and bin old one02:08
_userxen even02:08
_useri know02:08
drbreenthe old pc is for my mom so she can finally ditch newspapers - i just dont like binning usable hardware ;)02:08
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drbreenerrr... can i say "binning" ?02:08
drbreenfrom to bin02:09
_uservmware so much easier though02:09
RogueJediXGood point02:09
drbreendoes koffice use less ram than open office ? and can it read odf, doc, rtf ?02:10
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jpatrickdrbreen: yes to all02:10
jpatrickI'm going to eat02:12
drbreenjpatrick: the last time i used koffice it had some problems with odf formulas02:13
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drbreenjpatrick: is that an oo.org issue or an koffice one ?02:13
tsdgeosdrbreen: did you report a bug?02:13
RogueJediXdrbreen: What version did you have at the time? 1.5 fixes a A LOT of problems02:14
drbreenis 1.5 in breezy repositories 02:14
RogueJediXdrbreen: No, but you can add the repository yourself02:14
RogueJediXDamn you, tsdgeos and your uber-fast pasting skills >_<02:15
drbreenso how does one add a repo throgh use of CLI ?02:16
Hobbseedrbreen: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and add the repo on a new line02:16
drbreeni do not want my upgrades to stop when i waste the x server...02:16
Hobbseeadd a repo, or update?02:17
Hobbseeupgrade:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:17
drbreenHobbsee: i know that with use of editor i just thought it could be there is something like "apt-get addrepository http://myrepo.com/ breezy/universe # my cool repository for STUFF(tm)"02:18
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Hobbseedrbreen: nah, you have to add it separately...02:18
Hobbseeyou can add cdroms that way though02:18
RogueJediXWhich is the first thing I commented out. I just prefer to leech everything off the online repos02:19
Hobbseesame here02:20
drbreeni prefer online stuff also02:20
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drbreendo i have to add all the koffice breezy repos or just one ?02:20
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RogueJediXdrbreen: Just one of your choice02:20
drbreenok ill take uni of bonn02:20
RogueJediXdrbreen: Also, don't forget to do sudo apt-get update afterwards02:21
drbreenyeah i know02:22
buddensi upgraded to dapper yesterday and i cant get my ati radeon to work (fglrxinfo always shows mesa) and my sound doesnt work anymore (sb live, playback seems fine, i just dont get any output)02:23
drbreena question: why didnt they put koffice 1.5 in their repositories ?02:23
Hobbseedrbreen: was after feature freeze, adn UVF02:23
drbreenwasted! dapper is beta.02:23
Hobbseedrbreen: only for another 4 or so days...02:23
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drbreenoh nice02:24
RogueJediXHobbsee: That soon?02:24
Hobbseedrbreen: the idea of not sticking unstable stuff in what's about to be stable is usually recommended :P02:24
HobbseeRogueJediX: june 1 was the last i heard02:24
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drbreenHobbsee: so ko 1.5 is "unstable" ? what does that mean ? unstable like m$ software or unstable like debian unstable ?02:24
Hobbseedrbreen: the latter02:24
RogueJediXdrbreen: Unstable as in not been thoroughly tested with Breezy02:24
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Hobbseedrbreen: well, it was released after the feature freezes, etc02:25
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Hobbseeactually, come to think of it...i wonder what happened to the UVF exception for it...02:26
RogueJediXHobbsee: It did get into Dapper, though, right?02:26
HobbseeRogueJediX: 1.5 did, not 1.5.1 though, i think02:26
Hobbseeno, was too late02:27
Hobbsee1.5.0 is in there02:27
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drbreenmy system load average is at 2 mostly, but in peak times it goes up near to 5 ? is that bad ?02:27
RogueJediXOh, well. Can't complain with full ODF support and everything02:27
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HobbseeRogueJediX: edgy, it will be02:29
RogueJediXHobbsee: Isn't KDE4 coming out around that time?02:30
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HobbseeRogueJediX: no, it'll be released sometime after edgy02:30
RogueJediXCwap :/02:30
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goldenearedgy will be an updated dapper... more stable I guess.02:32
_userwhat the easist way to clone a linux hard drive?02:32
goldenear_user: dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb02:32
goldenear(of course if the two drives are the same model/capacity)02:33
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_userif i add a new hard drive into a kubuntu pc will it reconise it as /dev/hdb or do I need to format it or something?02:35
drbreenno i think not02:35
ubotuwell, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:35
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drbreenyou do just have to add it with "disk manager"02:36
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drbreenor something like this at "system settings"02:36
_usercool ill give it a go02:36
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, RogueJediX02:38
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buddenshttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/928 <- this one describes my problem. any ideas how to fix it?02:39
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noteventimeDoes anyone know if there are any problems with DVI resulution 1440x900 with NVIDIA drivers?02:42
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noteventime'ello slow-motion02:44
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slow-motionhi noteventime02:44
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uroscan you make an application running in sudo take up on your theme (style&win decorations)?02:52
uniq_you'll have to install/choose the theme for the root user. 'sudo kcontrol' choose theme there.02:53
chavouros, I'd suggest using a different color scheme at least. just to remind you that you're root and not to mess up02:54
uroschaco: not a bad idea... will stick with it 4 a while02:55
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HobbseeRogueJediX: kde 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 are coming out, they'll be in edgy..02:56
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GazzaKhello xanax`03:09
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DeshHi, after choosing fglrx as my video driver all my fonts got bigger. how can I change my DPI?03:19
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cfraz89make a file called .Xresources in your home03:20
cfraz89and paste this into it:03:20
DeshOk, llemme try.03:20
Bilfordare Linux programs uncompiled C?03:20
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cfraz89sometimes, it depends03:20
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cfraz89there are many compiled packages03:20
GentixI have problems with skype. When I have a conversation I can hear myself on the speakers. How do I fix this? (ive got a sb pci512)03:20
cfraz89and many, especially KDE progs, are c++03:20
dergringoGentix: use www.openwengo.org :D03:21
cfraz89Bilford: usually uncompiled03:21
cfraz89but many have compiled packages too03:21
Gentixthats not a solution. This is a problem within the sound mixer setup03:21
=== xanax` agrees with dergringo about openwengo ;)
Bilfordso they compile whenever you start them?03:21
cfraz89its too hard to support compiled packages for many distros03:21
cfraz89for some reason, autopackage hasnt caught on03:21
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DeshOk, restart time.03:21
DeshThanks cfraz89.03:22
GentixI have problems with skype. When I have a conversation I can hear myself on the speakers. How do I fix this? (ive got a sb pci512)03:22
cfraz89Try turning off the microphone in the mixer03:23
_userturn off the speakers :)03:23
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cfraz89leave it on03:23
cfraz89but turn volume right down03:23
cfraz89thats how i use skype03:23
Gentixcfraz89: I tried that then the other person can't hear me03:23
Murfyskype on linux = crap, use OpenWengo instead :)03:24
cfraz89did you try volume up + mic off?03:24
Gentixyes yes really nice theis openwengo..... DOES IT WORK WITH SKYPE USERS???03:24
GentixI'll give it some more shots at it03:24
Murfyno but they should use it too :)03:24
Gentixthen openwengo is nowhere03:25
dergringoGentix: This is not possible: http://www.secdev.org/conf/skype_BHEU06.handout.pdf03:25
Gentixpeople wont use it cause they want to talk to skype users03:25
cfraz89Gentix: mute the capture channel03:25
Gentixlook at kopete and howmany people use msn instead of icq or other networks03:25
dusanI have problem with play dvds, the linux show me a blank dvd, but in dvd rom is dvd with video? Why?03:26
dergringoGentix: tell all your friends to use openwengo :) There are binarys for win32/osx/*nix03:26
psyke83dusan: did you follow the guide here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:26
Murfyisn't there any client which works with the skype protocol?03:27
dergringoMurfy: not unless you have skype installed, too03:27
dergringoMurfy: did you have a look at this: http://www.secdev.org/conf/skype_BHEU06.handout.pdf ?03:28
Murfyi will now03:28
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GentixSound problem fixt03:30
Gentixsimple turn down the AC97 channel03:30
DeshOk, I have installed fglrx, X works, yay. Now, the Penguin Racer game still does not work. Do I need to configure fglrx somehow?03:31
Gentixdesh you prolly got some glx issues03:32
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GentixDesh: are you sure you have all the ati libs installed?03:32
ninHerhi all03:32
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DeshWell, I folwed the instructions from the Ubuntu Wiki.03:34
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DeshThe game loads, but it runs really slow.03:34
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Steven_Mis mplayer avaliable for dapper flight 6?03:35
dusanpsyke83: Yes I install libdvdcss2 but linux show me blank dvd03:36
urosam having difficulties with konqeuror crashing on a sight with embedded realplayer stream. anyone willing to help?03:36
DeshUse forefox. :)03:36
ubotumplayer is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106103:37
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urosdesh: it does help :), but prefer konqeueror03:37
DeshHehe, are you using mplayer? Have not tried it o konqueror but it works great on firefox.03:38
jpatrickKMPlayer ftw03:39
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DeshI can't get this stupid game to work.03:39
urosdash: not mplayer... trying so far either kaffeine (which crashes) or realplayer, which doens't embed03:41
urosdesh: which plugn does mplayer need?03:41
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DeshWith Wine.03:43
DeshOk, i have Cdega, how do I put steam in there to work?03:43
MasterEvilAceDesh: ya that's what i hear03:43
MasterEvilAceI think only HL1 engine games run though03:44
DeshFatal Error. :(03:44
MasterEvilAcei don't think HL2 works03:44
DeshI read Cdega works with HL2.03:44
MasterEvilAceCdega is fee based right03:44
BazziRthe wine devs are implementing more and more for hl2 to work though03:45
BazziRespecially steam03:45
MasterEvilAcethat's good03:45
MasterEvilAcei want gaming supported really well in linux03:46
MasterEvilAceso i can switch03:46
EvilIdlerGoogle fixed over 200 bugs in Wine, too. That's going to help a good bit.03:46
MasterEvilAcehow does DirectX stuff work? do you have to use opengl, or does wine/cdega have stuff implemented to allow some sort of Directx clone?03:46
DeshSteam loads up but theN i get a message: FATAL ERROR. Could not load module 'bin/vgui2.dll'03:47
EvilIdlerDirect3D is just a layer between games and OpenGL in Wine.03:47
MasterEvilAceso it basically takes the equivilant of direct3d and uses opengl?03:48
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EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: All 3D calls are done with OpenGL, yes. Shaders might be more evolved in Cedega, though.03:49
MasterEvilAcewhy'd the cedega people become greedy03:49
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EvilIdlerMasterEvilAce: It's not greed. Apart from two sections, all if available as source.03:50
MasterEvilAcethe main sections?03:50
EvilIdlerThey had to license a few types of copy protection, plus some shader-related stuff.03:50
MasterEvilAce*cries harder*03:50
klerfaytanyone else having problems with "gam_server" ? end from FAM server connection invalid length 2490203:50
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=== MasterEvilAce floods the place with tears
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XVampireXMasterEvilAce: :D03:56
MasterEvilAceI have a linux related question03:57
MasterEvilAceMy question is: Why, Cedega, why?03:57
XVampireXWhat's wrong with cedega?03:57
MasterEvilAceWhat's right with it?03:58
GazzaKhey MasterEvilAce03:58
=== MasterEvilAce puts on flame suit
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stjepananyone here uses kxdocker?03:59
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hugelmopfklerfayt: there exists a bug about this gam_server problem.04:02
DeshRagnarok (kRO) won't load with Wine.04:02
klerfaythugelmopf: how I fix it?04:02
MasterEvilAceDesh: CEDEGA???04:02
hugelmopfklerfayt: where do you get that error message? https://launchpad.net/bugs/3658104:02
DeshNah, I don;t know how to use it.04:02
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MasterEvilAceWHY ?? WHY CEDEGA???04:03
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=== pgquiles [n=pgquiles@55.Red-83-49-101.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
minimousehello, please i need some help with software raid on kubuntu. kubuntu installer doens't recognize the hard drive at all (partitioner doesn't show any disks or partitions). laptop is toshiba portege S100 with 80GB RAID0 hard drive. Matter is very urgent.04:04
klerfaythugelmopf: it's in ~/.xsession-errors04:04
klerfaythugelmopf: is it because I use reiserfs as filesystem?04:04
hugelmopfklerfayt: then we are talking about the same bug. no solution yet though. have you recently upgraded to dapper?04:04
stjepanwill anyone here do me a favour? I need a checkinstalled kxdocker package for dapper. (kxdocker-1.1.4a)04:06
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Hobbseestjepan: compile it yourself?04:06
Hobbseecheckinstalled debs are dangerous.04:06
stjepanHobbsee, I can't get it working04:07
Hobbseecheckinstalled debs are not to be redistrobuted04:07
Hobbsee!info kxdocker dapper04:07
ubotukxdocker: (innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 253 kB, Installed size: 832 kB04:07
Hobbseebesides, it's in repos...04:07
MasterEvilAcewhat in the world is a checkinstalled deb04:07
stjepanI need latest kxdocker deb04:07
HobbseeMasterEvilAce: checkinstall is evil.04:07
MasterEvilAceso it's been said04:07
MasterEvilAce!info checkinstall04:07
Hobbseestjepan: that isnt the latest?04:07
ubotucheckinstall: (installation tracker), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.5.3-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 34 kB, Installed size: 132 kB04:07
stjepanHobbsee, the one in the dapper repos is too old04:07
silviahi, i'm trying to get my lexmark printer to work, i installed the drivers as recommended by www.ubuntuusers.de. but now when i start "printer" in the system konfiguration a window pops up saying "initializing printersystem.." an there it hangs04:08
stjepanHobbsee, latest one is 1.1.4a04:08
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Hobbseestjepan: you'll have to compile it then...why didnt it want to compile?04:08
stjepanHobbsee, it compiled04:08
silviais this a known bug and is there a workaround?04:08
stjepanHobbsee, but I compiled it badly :(04:08
Hobbseesilvia: grr...that again?04:08
Hobbseeimbrandon: found someone to reproduce your bug.04:09
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Hobbseestjepan: define "badly"04:09
silviaHobbsee: does that mean it is a known bug and there is no workaround?04:09
stjepanHobbsee, when running kxdocker it wanted to get libraries from /opt/kde/blah/blah/lib/  Strange, huh?04:10
stjepanHobbsee, but I did ./configure --prefix=/usr04:10
klerfaythugelmopf: are you expert?04:10
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klerfaythugelmopf: I did flight 7 install04:10
klerfaythugelmopf: and it's updated04:10
stjepanHobbsee, I'll try to install it again04:10
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stjepanbtw, what is the name of the next ubuntu unstable? (after dapper)04:11
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hugelmopfklerfayt: i don't know how to solve that bug, but for me it disappeared after a few days.04:11
MasterEvilAcehow are the names determined anyways04:12
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HobbseeMasterEvilAce: there is a long explanation as to *why* checkinstall's evil, but you'r eprobably happy just knowing that it is, and that it's okay for your system, as long as you dont majorly upgrade your system04:12
Deshfglrx is working as my video driver, X works, but games like planet penguin racer still run VERY slowly.04:13
MasterEvilAceHobbsee: why the positive name, then? checkinstall surely seems like something you'd want to do after every install...04:13
DeshAnyone know how to fix this?04:13
HobbseeMasterEvilAce: heh.  i dont know04:13
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silvia[16:07]  <Hobbsee> silvia: grr...that again?  <--- does that mean it is a known bug and there is no workaround?04:14
Hobbseesilvia: yeah, reading back - i ignored all this red to deal with the *other* red.04:14
=== Hobbsee growls at silly people who are *askign* for bans!
GazzaKwhat was that from ubuntuprobz???04:14
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Hobbseestjepan: tried installing those specific libraries?04:15
silviaok i see04:15
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Hobbseestjepan: edgy.04:17
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@] by Hobbsee
HobbseeGazzaK: a troll, from #ubuntu04:17
MasterEvilAceomg you're an op04:17
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Hobbseeokay...anythign i missed?04:17
MasterEvilAceyou can't hide04:17
MasterEvilAcewe already know who you are04:18
GazzaKHobbsee: really, thats sad04:18
Hobbseeoh darn, silvia left..04:18
HobbseeGazzaK: yeah, rather04:18
GazzaKI can't belive they would troll, not organised anyhows, just some lonely guy with nothing better to do...04:19
HobbseeGazzaK: nah, you'll love the *real* trolls...ack...04:20
=== Hobbsee *hates* them coming in!
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MasterEvilAcemommy says trolls aren't real04:21
GazzaKlol @ MasterEvilAce04:23
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Adam_eMhi there04:24
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Adam_eMi've just burnt dapper rc live, and i'm impressed :)04:24
Adam_eMi'm just starting with (k)ubuntu04:25
MasterEvilAcefirst time with linux?04:26
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Adam_eMMasterEvilAce: no, first time with this particular distribution04:26
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MasterEvilAceAdam_eM: Ah. cool. Stay away from checkinstalls, i hear. they're dangerous. I don't know why, nobody tells me these things. :)04:26
GazzaKAdam_eM: nice isn't it :)04:27
GazzaKcheckinstalls - ?  tell me more MasterEvilAce?04:27
MasterEvilAceThat's all i know, honest.04:28
MasterEvilAcefirst time i heard it was 10 minutes ago04:28
MasterEvilAceHobbsee mentioned it!04:28
MasterEvilAcenag him to tell us :)04:28
HobbseeGazzaK: it's evil.04:28
=== Hobbsee kicks MasterEvilAce
Adam_eMMasterEvilAce: I'm just testing it at the moment. It works fine... nearly fine04:28
Hobbseeyes, oh green martian.04:28
MasterEvilAceAdam_eM: Yeah, my first time with dapper, too. I installed it half a week ago. It's very good. My favorite so far.. a few nagging things here and there, but i'm slowing fixing them04:29
Adam_eMGazzaK:  what do you mean ? the distro ?04:29
Adam_eMi can't launch the add/remove thing, and some more apps04:30
HobbseeMasterEvilAce, GazzaK:  I dont have the full and long explanation of it, as my head's hurting a fair bit, but each package has its' dependancies - checkinstall is not good at figuring out what the dependancies are - so while it works on yoru system, it's not redistributable, as no two people are likely to have the same package installed on their system.  It's a very bad and nasty hack04:31
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MasterEvilAceHobbsee: lol, alright. sorry about your head. I wouldn't have told everyone to nag you if i had known :)04:32
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Adam_eMi've chosen the distro, because i am really dissapointed with suse 10.1. I've heard that ubuntu has much more packages in the repos, and i can upgrade them smoothly04:32
HobbseeMasterEvilAce: hehe, i'ts okay04:33
HobbseeMasterEvilAce: by the way, i'm female....04:33
=== Hobbsee always thinks it feels weird to be referred to as a guy
MasterEvilAceHobbsee: sorry to hear about that ... we can't be friends anymore, then04:33
Adam_eMor even whole OS04:33
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HobbseeAdam_eM: yeah, particularly if you enable multiverse04:34
Adam_eMis there a possibility to edit xorg,conf when i am using livecd ?04:34
Adam_eMmultiverse ? i don't get it clearly04:35
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MasterEvilAceAdam_eM: disappointed? Suse? I like suse (although i like kubuntu more, now).. i felt suse was one of the better distros out there. and Adept shows like 18,700 something packages available04:35
MasterEvilAceAdam_eM: extra repositories that you can enable in sources.list .. allows you to have access to more stuff04:36
Hestiabut suse is begining to lean towards gnome04:36
Adam_eMMasterEvilAce: yeah i like(d) suse too, but the recent release isn't good imo04:36
h3sp4wnAdam_eM: You can edit it from the livecd (it uses unionfs)04:36
GazzaKAdam_eM: I have the live cd running on the work laptop - it's been running for a week with no reboots fine, any apps you install will be lost upon a crash or reboot04:37
Adam_eMh3sp4wn: i wanted to enable composite and check how it works, but i don't know how since i can't save any file (that's obvious)04:38
HestiaGazzaK, that can't be doing your cd drive any favours04:38
GazzaKI think compiz will need a restart04:38
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GazzaKHestia: it's a work laptop, I don't care :p04:38
GazzaKHestia: it's a great ram tester though04:39
HobbseeAdam_eM: did i write that?  i meant universe.  well, both really04:39
h3sp4wnAdam_eM: You can save files (because the live cd uses unionfs)04:39
Hobbsee!tell Adam_eM about repos04:39
Hestialol gazzak well that's one way of looking at it04:39
h3sp4wnAdam_eM: But getting composite working on the live cd would be non trivial04:39
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h3sp4wnAdam_eM: You mean XGL / compiz? try an xgl live cd if you just want to see what its like04:40
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Adam_eMh3sp4wn: no i meant the standard kde extensions04:41
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GazzaKtheres a xgl live cd?04:41
Adam_eMjust as transparency, alpha blending etc04:41
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h3sp4wnGazzak: There is not a ubuntu one04:41
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DeshI downlaoded the UT2004 Demo .run file. How do I install this?04:42
shankyhi, anyone can help me with a sata hd?04:42
MasterEvilAceWhta is compiz? alternative to XGL?04:42
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MasterEvilAce!info compiz04:43
shankyI can see this in dmesg:04:43
shanky[4294673.534000]  sata_via 0000:00:0f.0: version 1.104:43
shanky[4294673.534000]  sata_via 0000:00:0f.0: routed to hard irq line 904:43
shanky[4294673.534000]  ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0xE800 ctl 0xE402 bmdma 0xD400 irq 16904:43
shanky[4294673.534000]  ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0xE000 ctl 0xD802 bmdma 0xD408 irq 16904:43
shanky[4294678.560000]  scsi0 : sata_via04:43
shanky[4294678.761000]  scsi1 : sata_via04:43
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 04:43
shankybut there is no way to mount anythin04:43
GazzaKshanky: maybe pastebin would be handy?04:43
shankysorry, I though it was only two lines04:43
Adam_eMcan i install my native localization using a livecd ?04:44
DeshHmm, whenever I click menus now, with fglrx, there is a horizontal like under my mouse cursor...anyone know how I can make it go away?04:45
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Adam_eMMasterEvilAce: talking about suse... i've got the kubuntu livecd (just livecd) and i'm sure that it will be faster when i would install it (i mean faster than suse)04:46
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MasterEvilAceShame for Suse, really04:47
Adam_eMyast is really slowing suse down04:48
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Adam_eMcould anyone tell me if the eagle-usb driver package is included on the cd ?04:49
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Hestiayou don't like Yast adam,?  I don't think that yast is a negative feature of suse04:51
MasterEvilAcei'll ask these again for anyone incase someone knows an answer:  when i go to logout, my screen goes black and white, but it does it very slowly (huge resolution/old computer).. anyway to speed this up or disable it?        and My windows shares are Writable from other computers, but not my linux computer. Windows can read/right to linux, but linux can only read from windows (despite being anonymous and writable)04:51
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Adam_eMHestia: i didn't say that... i like it, i just find it's very slow04:52
Hestiaslow? like in connecting to obtain updates?04:52
Hestiajust a matter of switching to another server (source) the default ftp.suse.com is veryyyyy slow04:53
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Adam_eMHestia: right... or during software installation04:53
MasterEvilAceI installed Suse from an FTP install.. talk about slow04:54
GazzaKMasterEvilAce: are the windows shares ntfs?04:54
coreyMasterE do a GTK login w/ no graphics04:54
MasterEvilAceGazzaK: yes..04:54
GazzaKubuntu cannot write to ntfs04:54
coreythatll be about as fast as u can get04:54
HestiaAdam_eM, I didn't notice any speed problems with installing stuff from yast04:54
MasterEvilAceGazzaK: i was under the impression that linux just sends the data over, and that windows actually does the writing04:55
GazzaKahhhh, are these shares on a different machine?04:55
Adam_eMi was using smart to do so, it's faster04:55
MasterEvilAceGazzaK: ah, yes04:55
GazzaKoh, oops04:55
Adam_eMso could anyone take a look at the cd contents please ?04:55
Adam_eMi'm looking for the eagle-usb package... i04:56
MasterEvilAceAdam: sure, what am i looking for04:56
Adam_eMi've got an usb modem (at home) which i'd like to be installed automatically...04:56
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Adam_eMso it would be nice to see the package included04:58
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MasterEvilAceAdam_eM: i did a search for "eagle" on the cd, and nothing04:58
MasterEvilAcewould it maybe be in an archive?04:59
Adam_eMmight be04:59
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MasterEvilAcethere's a 500+ MB file.. if it's on the CD.. it's in there.. heh05:01
MasterEvilAcedoubt i'll be able to check inside that05:01
martinjh99Afternoon all - Which one of the types of ISO file is the one with the standard text installer?05:01
GazzaKit is called the alternative text installer05:02
GazzaKnot the desktop cd05:02
martinjh99Thought so - Just making sure though ;)05:02
Adam_eMMasterEvilAce: ok don't bother then, i can cope it... somehow :)05:02
GazzaKgoing for the dapper one?05:02
martinjh99Thanks - Yup going for the Dapper one...05:03
MasterEvilAcemating call05:03
GazzaKhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dapper/ the "PC (Intel x86) alternate install CDPC (Intel x86) alternate install CD" is what you want05:04
martinjh99I have had Dapper installed since about Flight 6 but there seems to be a kernel or udev/hal bug thats stopping it from booting so am going to try the latest rc05:04
GazzaKit worked well fo me05:04
martinjh99Gazzak is that Kubuntu though?? ;)05:04
GazzaKyou okay MasterEvilAce :p05:05
martinjh99:) Ta!  Downloading the Gnome one at the moment...05:05
MasterEvilAceGazzaK: of course05:05
martinjh99No worries only takes half an hour for a CD to download...05:05
MasterEvilAceew gnome05:05
MasterEvilAceI hate gnomes. especially the ones that live in your yard05:06
GazzaKI got the gnome one, the kde one, both live cd's and ext mode install cd's - Have to say the install fromt he live cd works fine05:06
EvilIdlerI've had the udev/root mounting bug myself. Did anyone here have it in Dapper and get it fixed with a recent update?05:06
martinjh99Not keen on Gnome myself either - Don't like the way you can't customize it as much as KDE...05:06
GazzaKnah, gnomes are cute, and make great target practice for the air gun05:06
GazzaKbut pixys are better05:06
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MasterEvilAceIs there a way to run a windows registry file in wine? wine blah.reg will that work correctly?05:07
HobbseeMasterEvilAce: check the wine documentation for that05:07
ubotuWine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux. Get the latest .deb from http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/binary/ or see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info.05:07
Hobbseeor #winehq i think05:07
martinjh99EvilIdler> I thought I had but when I came to boot today it didn't work again...05:07
EvilIdlermartinjh99: Argh. It's the only thing stopping me from upgrading. Dapper works on the server, but not on this workstation :/05:08
goldenearHobbsee: Do you know what's the issue with Wine and AMD64 ?05:08
Hobbseegoldenear: not a clue, i dont deal in AMD6405:08
GazzaKright be right back...05:09
martinjh99Am going to try the Latest RC and see what happens...05:09
EvilIdlerI think there's a pseudo-FAQ somewhere about why WineHQ hasn't done AMD64 yet05:09
EvilIdlerI can imagine it's a nightmare :)05:09
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Adam_eMoh, another question here. Is there a possibility to install legacy nvidia gpu on ubuntu ? (i had problems with it on suse - 2.6.16 kernel)05:11
EvilIdlerYes, there are legacy driver packages05:12
EvilIdlerSearch for 'legacy' in your package manager05:12
martinjh99Laters all05:14
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XVampireXIf I'm in a middle of a game, and for some stupid reason it freezes (Doesn't do anything in game as well as it won't let me get out except ctrl-alt-backspace) how can I force exit it?05:15
coreyalt f4?05:15
EvilIdlerOr log in remotely?05:15
HobbseeXVampireX: ctrl+escape05:16
coreyor pull the power cord05:16
XVampireXalt-f4 doesn't work :P05:16
coreydoes for me05:16
HobbseeXVampireX: or alt+f2, xkill, click on offending app05:16
Hobbseectrl+escape is the shortcut for xkill, usually05:16
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NickGarveywhats the kde version of gksudo?05:17
NickGarveythank you05:17
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XVampireXI did a little oopsie :P05:18
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jpatrickXVampireX: woah05:19
XVampireXmeh, brb05:19
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stamen81 how to unmount a network place in Remote places ?05:20
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uwon1 with a thinkpad+dapper who could help with suspend/hibernate. in forums most ppl have problems with it not waking up, mine doesn't sleep at all....laptop support says it should work05:23
=== VincentMX [n=Vincent@c3eea5664.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77hi guys05:23
stamen81so nobody knows how to unmount the network place?05:23
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VincentMXanybody tried the release candidate?05:24
coreymon77vincent i have05:24
NickGarveyVincentMX: not for kubuntu05:24
VincentMXis it a bit stable?05:24
PyroMithrandirI'm on it05:24
coreymon77its great05:24
PyroMithrandiryeah, it's stable05:24
NickGarveyI'm running kde on ubuntu though05:24
VincentMXcan ok05:24
NickGarveyits running perfectly05:24
coreymon77nick, why05:24
PyroMithrandirI just got it through apt-get though05:24
coreymon77use ku05:24
coreymon77its better05:24
NickGarveywhats the difference?05:24
stamen81tell me how to enable then the Open GL for NVIDIA05:24
coreymon77ku is made especiallly for kde05:25
stamen81I have installed the glx, but direct rendering doesn't work05:25
NickGarveyso is aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ;)05:25
NickGarveyI like a little variety in my desktop environments05:25
NickGarveyI'll be trying to get e17 working and such05:25
NickGarveyapt-get with bonuses heh05:26
coreymon77is that like some cheapass ripoff of apt05:26
NickGarveyaptitude - high-level interface to the package manager05:26
NickGarveyI guess?05:26
NickGarveyit comes default05:26
coreymon77its a cheapass gnome ripoff of apt05:26
VincentMXits not gnome05:27
VincentMXSynaptic is gnome05:27
VincentMXaptiude is console05:27
coreymon77synaptic is the kpakage equiv05:27
VincentMXyou can just run it from xterm, or Konsole05:27
coreymon77i never use kpkg anyways05:28
coreymon77apt is better\05:28
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VincentMXi always use apt-cache and apt-get05:28
NickGarveyI don't really know how to use synaptic..05:28
coreymon77so it is regualr apt05:28
NickGarveyyes coreymon7705:28
NickGarveyits not a gnome rip off of anything ;)05:29
h3sp4wnaptitude is better at handling dependancies than apt-cache / apt-get05:29
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coreymon77who cares05:29
NickGarveycoreymon77: heh bad mood today?05:29
MasterEvilAceI feel so stupid now. I just spent 5 minutes trying to help someone just to realize I was in #fedora, and that what i said has no relevance05:29
NickGarveyheh it happens05:29
coreymon77all i need is just to get the programs i wnat05:29
coreymon77nick ya im in a very bad mood05:30
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coreymon77my parents are forcing me to use windows05:30
=== VincentMX wonders why there isnt any freevo package in Ubuntu's apt
coreymon77or else they'll take away my computer05:30
Hobbseecoreymon77: eww.  why?05:30
VincentMXthen you could set up a linux media center05:30
NickGarveycoreymon77: well, better get the qemu running05:30
jpatrickcoreymon77: ownage05:30
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NickGarveycoreymon77: although there was one distro that was designed to look as close to windows as possible05:31
NickGarveydon't remember the name05:31
coreymon77i need to do school work and for some reason they think that it will work better if i use oppenoffice in windows than if i use it in kubuntu05:31
PyroMithrandirwell, you can mod KDE enough that you could get it to look pretty similar05:31
VincentMXno linspire looks like kde05:31
NickGarveyno no thats not it05:31
NickGarveyit wasn't a popular distro05:32
coreymon77that defeats the whole purpose05:32
XVampireXlinspire is based on KDE05:32
VincentMXor use XPde, or icewm05:32
coreymon77i dont want it to look like windows05:32
coreymon77whats xpde05:32
coreymon77or icewrm05:32
coreyis there a disk format thats fully readable/writable by both linux and windows?05:32
coreymon77fat 3205:32
coreybesides that05:32
coreybesides that ;P05:33
coreyi have filesize issues with fat05:33
coreymon77dapper has a bit of ntfs write support05:33
coreymon77and full read05:33
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coreyyea but not too stable05:33
VincentMXcoreymon77, XPde and IceWM look like Windows05:33
NickGarveywindows can read ext2/305:33
NickGarveyread write ext2/305:33
NickGarveyit can read reiser05:33
VincentMXXPde looks a lot like WinXP05:33
NickGarveyafter you get the drivers05:33
coreyis it stable though05:34
NickGarveyis what stable?05:34
coreymon77vincent: again, that defeats the entire purpose05:34
NickGarveythe read write of ext2/3?05:34
coreywindows write to ext05:34
NickGarveyI have never had a problem with it05:34
coreymon77i dont want it to  look like windows05:34
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, NickGarvey05:34
coreyim going to have to enable ntfs support on here i guess05:34
MasterEvilAceLOL @ looking like windows side bits05:34
coreymon77it scares me when linux looks like windows05:35
coreyso i can mvoe all the contents on the disk to this one so i can format it05:35
ubotusomebody said e2fs was A driver for windows  that will allow you to read EXT2 filesystems.  check here http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html05:35
ubotusomebody said ext3 was a filesystem that Linux can be installed on and can be read/written from Windows via http://www.fs-driver.org05:35
NickGarveyyeah, so there we go05:35
coreymon77ha! i love that05:35
NickGarvey!forget ext2win05:35
ubotui forgot ext2win, NickGarvey05:35
NickGarveythat was a factoid I made but it was requested only 4 times, all by me05:36
NickGarveyextra bloat in the DB05:36
coreyill just boot to windows and copy data over05:36
NickGarveyxpde was it!05:36
coreyi dont wanna set up ntfs support on here just so i can move the files off disk and format drive to fat05:36
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coreywhen i can go to windows and just move it05:37
coreymon77you can take copy stuff from an ntfs drive to linuix05:37
NickGarveyI almost want to set it up to see what it looks like05:37
Techno_2I have installed, mkinitrd, but it is not a recognised command when I type it into a shell. What can I do to sovle this?05:37
coreyi could05:37
coreymon77just not the other way around very well05:37
coreymon77i do that all the time05:37
coreywhats file size limit on fat3205:37
coreyits around 2gb isnt it05:37
coreymon77or what i do aswell05:37
coreymon77corey, are you using 2 different drives05:38
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coreymy laptops drive and the drive in question is the USB hard drive05:38
coreyits currently NTFS and i need to make it writable by linux05:38
coreyso i gotta copy all files off and then format to ext or fat3205:38
coreymon77cut off a small partition from one of them, (1.1.5 gigs should be all you need) format it as fat32 and use it as a storage drive that you can transfer files to and from each op system05:39
nixternalTechno_2: locate the directory of mkinitrd...the goto /usr/bin and type>  sudo ln -s /dir/where/mkinitrd/bin_file/is_located05:39
coreyyea well the thing is05:39
coreytheres like05:40
corey20~GB of files on the drive05:40
Techno_2nixternal: Thanks05:40
nixternalno problem05:40
coreymon77you need all of those files?05:40
coreymon77well then05:40
coreymon77mount your ntfs drive and just start copying crap05:41
corey/dev/sda1             150G  100G   50G  67% /media/B&S Drive05:41
coreyBUT 90gb of that i dont need05:42
NickGarveygive to me05:42
coreyso i guess i only got 10GB05:42
Jack_SparrowI wish I only had so gig of files... I am transfering 400 gig to another pc as we speak05:42
corey90gb of that is shows :P05:42
NickGarvey..show offs05:42
NickGarveyI have 40 gigs05:42
NickGarveyand 3 gigs in usb drives heh05:42
coreyi got this 200gb external for like...$8005:42
coreymon77you know what linux distro really really REALLY scares me05:42
coreymon77redomend linux05:42
NickGarveyyeah I saw a 300gb external for 120 or something05:42
coreymon77during a time that i was testing out different linuxes05:43
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coreyi got 17GB free on /05:43
coreyso i casn copy it all over05:43
coreymon77i tried redmond once05:43
coreymon77or no, it was called xandros05:43
NickGarveythere we go05:43
NickGarveyredmond wasn't even on distrowatch05:43
coreymon77the first time i booted this xandros distro05:44
coreymon77i litrerally ran away from my computer screaming05:44
Jack_SparrowI fell asleep booting Kubuntu05:44
Techno_2nixternal: It doesn't appear to be installed, and I can't find it in synaptic manager. How do I get it?05:45
NickGarveyI fell asleep right after I hit yes for aptitude install kubuntu-desktop05:45
coreymon77it looked 100% *E-X-A-C-T-L-Y*  like windows05:45
NickGarveywoke up in the morning, and hurray05:45
coreymon77and i mean EXACTLY!05:45
Techno_2Coreymon77: Wake up :P05:45
coreymon77the desektop had the start menu instead of the kmenu05:45
Jack_SparrowTHe live cd dosent look like that?05:46
coreymon77the file manager looked exactly like explorer05:46
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coreymon77the login screen was exactly the same as xps welcome screen05:46
ctothejwhat graphics environment was it using?05:46
Hestiathat's the idea coreymon77 so as not to scare off the windoze users05:46
Jack_SparrowCan I get a live kubuntu to look that way05:47
ctothejor window manager rather05:47
coreymon77and i think they even went so far as to make konquerors icon look like ie's05:47
ctothejit was kde?05:47
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coreymon77more like wde though05:47
coreymon77im noit kidding05:48
Jack_SparrowWhick Kubuntu "Install" version is like that?05:48
Techno_2What si xandros like?05:48
NickGarveyJack_Sparrow: like what?05:48
Jack_SparrowLike xp05:48
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Techno_2Is it as crashy and buggy as xp :P05:48
coreymon77i ran away from my computer yelling and screaming "take it away!!! make it stop!!! please someone make is stop!!!"05:48
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coreymon77and im being 100% dead serious05:49
Jack_SparrowWould still like to see it05:49
Techno_2Corey: Are you sure you wern't dreaming?05:49
Techno_2Me too05:49
HestiaJack_Sparrow go to control center> appearence and themes and change everything to redmond05:49
coreymon77my bro was with me05:49
coreymon77he can tell you about it aswell05:49
Techno_2Corey: Did you make sure you low level formated your hard disk?05:49
coreymon77copied fro the xandros website05:50
coreymon77The Xandros Desktop OS products are built with the Windows user in mind. The look and feel is immediately familiar, which means you can use Xandros the same way you use Windows.05:50
GazzaKcoreymon77: sure it wasn't dual booting with windows?05:51
coreymon77what i just said is copied directly form the xandros site05:51
coreymon77The Xandros Desktop OS products are built with the Windows user in mind. The look and feel is immediately familiar, which means you can use Xandros the same way you use Windows.05:51
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Techno_2Actually, this might be advantageous. It could encourage windows users to use linux05:52
Techno_2(And lead them down the path of righteseouness)05:52
nico8481can you modify the icon size in konqueror, but only for a specific directory?05:52
coreymon77look at the screen05:53
coreymon77oh ya05:53
coreymon77and i think you have to pay for it aswell05:53
coreymon77look at those screens and you will see why i was scared05:53
Techno_2Nah, you can download it of bitorrent05:54
nico8481example i'd like to use medium-sized icons everywhere but in my music folder, where i'd rather have huge ones05:54
Techno_2It makes a mockery of linux, trying to sell it05:54
PyroMithrandirnico8481, I think if you change the icon size, it changes for all folders05:54
coreymon77everyone look at those screenshots05:54
PyroMithrandirI might be wrong, though05:55
PyroMithrandircoreymon77, yeah, you pasted them already05:55
PyroMithrandiryou don't have to paste them again05:55
Techno_2Defaintely not again :P05:55
nico8481PyroMithrandir: that's what i think too... but since there seems to be a way to customize folders through the use of a hidden file, maybe you can put something in it to customize its size or i don't know...05:55
coreymon77i thnk you get my point now05:56
PyroMithrandiryeah, well, google it, and see if that shows you anything like that05:56
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PyroMithrandirbut as is, I don't know a way to do it05:56
Techno_2Where do I get mkinitrd from? I can't fidn the package anywhere05:57
GazzaKcoreymon77: thats kinda cool05:57
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Techno_2It is kinda05:58
Techno_2I would like a windows like linux05:58
Techno_2So long as I still have a terminal05:58
coreymon77i think that defeats the purpose for me05:58
Techno_2I don't like the way they are selling it05:58
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coreymon77one of the reaons i use linux is to get me away from doze05:58
coreymon77next computer i get would probably be a mac laptop05:59
h3sp4wnI think you should be able to sell it if you are providing support and complying with the terms of the GPL05:59
coreymon77then i wouldnt use linux05:59
Techno_2I think linux should always remain free and that support shouldn't cost you as much as windows does06:00
coreymon77p4wm, they are only providing support for 30-60 days06:00
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coreymon77then you have to pay for it again06:00
stodgeAbout to upgrade to dapper, but adept is telling me it wants to remove HAL. Is this correct?06:00
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GazzaKcoreymon77: My Mum will not use kubuntu as she says "it is too different" the might get her away from windows...06:01
coreymon77true gazzak06:01
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coreymon77very true...06:01
coreymon77stodge: why not just use apt-get dist-upgrade06:01
GazzaKshe is useless at updating virus checkers etc, so I want to get her to move06:02
stodgeIsn't it the same as adept?06:02
coreymon77apt is console based and never gave me problems like that06:02
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stodgeapt-get dist-upgrade  tells me the same thing. It says HAL will be removed06:02
Adam_eMhey i've just browsed through some osdir's kubuntu screenshots. and found that adept looks different on it (packages are divided into sections etc.) how can i do it here ?06:03
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coreymon77gazzak: show your mom xandros06:03
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Techno_2There should be a virus that transforms windows into linux :P06:03
coreymon77i mean xandro$06:03
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GazzaKI might, but I want her to try kubuntu properly first, she last had a proper play on ubuntu06:03
NickGarveystodge: I'd back up stuff you want, hit ok, and pray ;)06:03
NickGarveyHAL = hardware abstraction layer06:04
NickGarveynot sure.. why it wants to delete it06:04
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GazzaKTechno_2: there is, it's called a live cd left in your dads laptop on purpose!06:04
Techno_2There's still windows on there, which means people could easily stray from the path of righteousness06:05
coreymon77gaz, she doesnt like ku becasue she says it looks to different right06:05
NickGarveyI could have SWORE I updated oo last nigth06:05
Adam_eManyone saw what i wrote ?06:05
tarmathI saw that last line06:06
coreymon77so show he xandro$ and dare her to say that it looks to different06:06
stodgeIt wants to remove 49 packages06:06
NickGarveyI have no idea what adept is Adam_eM ;)06:06
stodgeIncluding cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data dbus gstreamer0.8-jack hal hotplug hplip-base06:06
riri?? ?06:06
Adam_eMNickGarvey:  it's a package manager in kubuntu06:07
NickGarveystodge: mm... I'd do a fresh install...06:07
PyroMithrandirAdam_eM, what do you mean? can you show me the screenshot you're talking about?06:07
NickGarveyAdam_eM: oh okie06:07
coreymon77OH GOD106:07
ubotucoreymon77: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:07
ririhere is a problem with scim in chinese06:07
PyroMithrandirI know what adept is, i just don't know how you want it to look06:07
coreymon77i just saw something on the xandro$ website that scared me even more06:07
ririshould be 3 pictogramms and not a "point"06:07
coreymon77it has micro$oft word installed on it...06:08
coreymon77...BY DEFAULT!06:08
ctothejhow so?06:08
ririhi im :)06:08
=== coreymon77 screams and runs away
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NickGarveycan't be right...06:08
ririHi nixternal06:08
PyroMithrandirwith wine06:08
Techno_2coreymon77: *Pukes*06:09
ctothejwine can run Word?!06:09
Techno_2Just about06:09
NickGarveywhoa I need to try that06:09
NickGarveyif I can freaking get wine working06:09
coreymon77nick: dont do that06:09
coreymon77use ooo06:09
NickGarveyI know06:09
NickGarveyI want to see if it works though06:09
ririim : nixt : thanks to you  and kubuntu my son got rid of xp and install kubuntu ! lol06:09
VincentMXOpenOffice rulez06:09
coreymon77i use ooo in doze anyways06:09
VincentMXor Koffice06:09
NickGarveyI like oo over koffice06:09
PyroMithrandirI'd try, but I don't have word installed on my windows partition :)06:09
Adam_eMPyroMithrandir: there's a file called oo-presenting-kubuntu in examples directory and there's one slide connecting to adept - that's what i mean06:10
ctothejActive directory! uhh06:10
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ririwine can emulate word06:10
riribut why ?06:10
coreymon77guys, i dont think that was wine06:10
Techno_2What is ooo?06:10
ririopenoffice org06:10
coreymon77open office06:10
=== ctothej is releived
coreymon77techno, did you see that screenshot06:11
NickGarveyits crossover office06:11
coreymon77oh ya, crossover06:11
coreymon77i know that06:11
Adam_eMPyroMithrandir: can you see it ?06:11
ririican even emulate a crack keygen with wine ! lol06:11
coreymon77well then it prob has that installed by default06:11
dipnlikanyone here knows good monospaced fonts?06:12
PyroMithrandirAdam_eM, let me find it, hang on06:12
riria funy cracker made one for linux with windows ! lol06:12
Techno_2Corey: Yes06:12
coreymon77techno: is your nick registered with nickserv06:12
Techno_2Corey: Don't rub it in06:13
Techno_2Corey: Yes, as Techno, but I forgot my password06:13
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coreymon77well then reregister this one06:13
riridon't set any pw06:13
Adam_eMPyroMithrandir:  eight slide as far as i remember06:13
dipnliki really wanted Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 9 looked as nice her as it is on Windows :S06:13
Techno_2Let me try guess my password06:13
n3stormcan I install kubuntu with the former installer?06:14
ririis there any one using SCIM ?06:14
ubuntuI am trying out kubuntu... I was told you could make it look alot like xp .  I changed what I could find to redmond but can I change the K menu logo to Start ?06:14
NickGarveyTechno: john the ripper?06:14
Technojohn the ripper?06:14
onewinghello, im wondering how to change the click behavior to single click focus, next click open06:14
ririask imbrandon ! lol06:14
PyroMithrandirAdam_eM, I don't see it. is it in the shots of dapper or breezy?06:14
stodgeAnyone running dapper kubuntu?06:14
n3stormubuntu: have a look at http://kde-look.org06:14
NickGarveyTechno: password recovery tool for unix06:14
NickGarveynot sure how well it works06:15
dipnlikstodge: i am06:15
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ririhe showed me his yesterday and now i have a better look then xp itself06:15
GazzaKimbrandon: ping!!! :p06:15
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TechnoNick: I meant password for this server06:15
ririim are you around ?06:15
stodgedipnlik: can you tell me if you have a package called HAL installed? (or hal lower case)06:15
Adam_eMPyroMithrandir: it's in the examles directory of dapper (on your desktop)06:15
PyroMithrandirhttp://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=652&slide=23 <-- that?06:16
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Adam_eMPyroMithrandir: and also at osdir.com, but i can't open the gallery so as to be able to show you06:16
coreymon77did you figure out your password06:16
TechnoNot yet06:16
coreymon77just reregister techno_206:16
dipnlikstodge: lemme check on adept06:16
PyroMithrandirAdam_eM, it's the program adetp_installer06:17
coreymon77if only so thatr nobody else can take it now06:17
PyroMithrandirif you go to the k menu > add/remove programs06:17
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Techno2How do I register?06:17
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Techno2gain? :P06:17
dipnlikstodge: installed06:17
coreymon77wait a sec, let me check06:18
stodgedipnlik: Did you upgrade from breezy? Or a fresh install?06:18
dipnlikstodge: fresh install of flight 606:18
n3stormThe Alternate install Cd uses the older installer? I don't want the live installation06:18
Adam_eMPyroMithrandir:  yeah that's just what i meant06:18
n3stormIn fact I am at stage 5 of 6 for and hour or so06:19
n3stormin the live cd06:19
stodgeAh ok06:19
stodgeMaybe I'll download the CD06:19
n3stormI want the old system06:19
coreymon77techno: /msg nickserv register <your-password>06:19
PyroMithrandirAdam_eM, :) glad I could help06:19
dipnliki want better monospaced fonts!06:19
Techno2Did you get my IM corey?06:20
Adam_eMPyroMithrandir: but it can ony manage already installed packages, or can I browse the repos just like adept does ?06:20
onewinghello, im wondering how to change the click behavior to single click focus, next click open06:20
Adam_eMit could be a great way to install new software if it would work like that06:21
dipnlikonewing: lemme check06:21
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PyroMithrandirAdam_eM, looks to me like you can install things with it06:22
PyroMithrandirfrom the repos06:22
PyroMithrandirit doesn't seem to have as many packages, though06:22
nixternalriri: glad to hear you son decided to make the switch also06:23
Schlagdo someone knows if i can make a maximized window in kde unresizable and unmovable?06:23
Schlaglike in windows06:23
Adam_eMPyroMithrandir: strange, doesn't it use the same sources as adept then ?06:24
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PyroMithrandirAdam_eM, I don't know. I would think that it would use the same sources, but I'm guessing it is just simplified, and not showing everything06:24
ubuntuI didnt mean to ignore anyone I was on that site looking at themes.. Thanks.. I will be back with questions about what to do with the file in a minute or two06:24
dipnlikonewing: kcontrol, peripherals, mouse06:25
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Adam_eMah i see06:25
dipnlikonewing: maybe you can use system settings instead of kcontrol (but systemsettings is stupid)06:25
Adam_eMthanks a lot PyroMithrandir06:25
coreymon77anyone know how to get mkinitrd06:25
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ubuntuNow that I have the theme rpm what do I do with it..?06:25
Techno2rpm :S06:26
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dipnlikSchlag: yes you can. i don't remeber how but you can06:26
dusty_Hey guys Im running firefox v 1.0.8 - and when i load certain pages like documents in html format it doesn't display half the content? any ideas why and hoto fix this?06:26
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Schlagi got help already. thanks anyway :)06:27
Techno2dusty_: Downlaoded the latest firefox?06:27
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coreymon77dont you need alien for rpms in debian06:28
dusty_can I do that with apt-get?06:28
dusty_as i upgraded and dist-upgraded so i thought i got the latest stuff06:28
NickGarveyyes, to use rpms you need to use alien06:28
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion06:28
Techno2Darn I downloaded mine and had to mess around with it06:28
coreymon77dusty: apt-get install mozilla-firefox06:28
NickGarveydusty_: in like 4 days dapper is out though06:28
NickGarveyand it comes like that06:28
NickGarveycoreymon77: the one in the repos for breezy is 1.0 I believe06:28
dusty_NickGarvey, cool!! Will it be possible to dist-upgrade to dapper?06:29
PyroMithrandirdusty_, yes06:29
ubuntuI appreciate the help and I will be back soon.  Got some honey do's to take care of..06:29
coreymon77dusty: you can dist-upgrade to dapper now06:29
NickGarveydusty_: of course06:29
ririnixt :) sir I can't change my language fr with us which sticks on kde ?06:29
PyroMithrandirdusty_, that's what I've done06:29
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NickGarveydusty_: they said the most recent RC for dapper is stable for home use, so I would upgrade06:29
dusty_what you can upgrade to dapper now#/06:30
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dusty_thankyou guys!#06:30
NickGarvey!tell dusty_ about upgrade06:30
ririupgrade !!!06:30
PyroMithrandirI upgraded to dapper a long time ago :)06:30
stodgeI tried to upgrade to dapper but it told me it wanted to remove HAL.06:30
NickGarveystodge: I'd do a fresh install if things are breaking06:31
NickGarveyI usually do fresh installs for large upgrades06:31
stodgeI'm downloading06:31
NickGarveylike 10.0 > 10.106:31
NickGarveyfor suse06:31
stodge600k/s :)06:31
NickGarveyand breezy to dapper06:31
NickGarveypretty fast06:31
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coreymon77dusty: using apt-get dist-upgrade you can update to the dapper rc release06:32
NickGarveydusty_: yeah, just need to edit your source.list like the link that ubotu sent you said06:32
coreymon77get the dapper repositories06:33
coreymon77thats what i did and it worked great06:33
dergringoWhen I am running something in fullscreen for example wesnoth or warzone, how I can I switch to desktop?06:33
NickGarveydergringo: alt tab might go to another window06:33
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coreymon77derg, usually just press escape06:33
dergringoNickGarvey: doesn't work06:33
NickGarveydergringo: I have my keys set to the windows theme, so winkey d shows desktop06:33
coreymon77dergringo: try pressing escape06:34
dergringoNickGarvey: Yes I have windows keys setting, too but this doesn't work06:34
Schlaghow do i install tar.gz packages in ubuntu?06:34
dergringohmm coreymon77 let me do a try06:34
_nano_XVampireX: there?06:35
aljoshanltar -zvxf <package>06:35
aljoshanlmake install06:35
dergringocoreymon77: yes esc does the job but then I cannot switch back to game06:35
aljoshanlmake install06:35
aljoshanluse googel06:35
Schlagthanks :)06:35
coreymon77what do you mean06:35
Schlagi tried google06:35
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coreymon77it closes the game?06:36
dergringocoreymon77: when I press escape I a back on the Desktop, yes it closes the game06:36
dipnlikdergringo: try switching desktops06:39
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dergringodipnlik: hmm06:39
dipnlikdergringo: or alt enter to exit fullscreen06:39
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ubotuI heard fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto06:42
XVampireX_nano_: Yes06:42
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coreymon77what do you want06:42
coreymon77true type fonts06:42
dipnlikcoreymon77: good monospaced fonts06:43
coreymon77if so just type apt-get install msttcorefonts into konsole06:44
coreymon77do that and see if it gives you anything you want06:44
dipnlikcoreymon77: no need for ms fonts, i love antialiased dejavu sans condensed even more than tahoma cleartype06:45
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coreymon77thats just my suggestion06:46
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dipnlikcoreymon77: msttcorefonts comes with any good monospaced font?06:46
coreymon77they are the truetype fonts06:46
uwoone more question -how do you call the screen that asks you for login with username and password?06:47
NickGarveyuwo: "kdm"06:47
coreymon77uwo: login screen?06:47
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coreymon77dip, try installing them and see if they give you anything you want06:47
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Techno2g2g bye :)06:48
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dipnlikcoreymon77: k06:48
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coreymon77i always like comic sans ms but thats just me06:49
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dipnlikcoreymon77: comic sans is not monospaced06:50
coreymon77did you try installing them06:50
dipnliki know comic sans from windows :P06:51
coreymon77did you try installing msttcorefonts06:52
dipnlikknow it enough to agree with http://www.bancomicsans.com/06:52
EvilIdlerBlambot.com has a lot of free fonts06:53
dipnlikmsttcorefonts only installs Courier New and Andale Mono, don't want them06:54
dipnlikEvilIdler: how do i install them?06:54
coreymon77no, it intalls lots of fonts06:54
dipnlikcoreymon77: the other are not monospaced06:54
coreymon77dip: try apt-cache search-ing them06:54
EvilIdlerThere should be a font howto somewhere06:54
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ubotuhmm... font is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto06:54
ubotufrom memory, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto06:55
EvilIdlerThat one :)06:55
coreymon77see what apt-cache search-ing what you want will give you06:55
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ubotucoreymon77: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:55
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coreymon77doesnt wor06:56
dipnlikreading and trying things there, thanks06:56
coreymon77i just love that uBOTu thing06:56
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NickGarveyme and ubotu are good friends..06:57
NickGarveyhe doesn't love you06:58
Schlagscooby snack06:58
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Schlag06:58
ubotuNickGarvey: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:58
ubotuSchlag: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:58
NickGarveyhaha I bet you do wish you knew06:58
Schlagthe bot is pornaholic :D06:59
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ubotuthanks coreymon77 :)07:01
coreymon77whos ubugtu07:02
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uwomanaged the kdm theme - how do i change the splash screen?07:02
aljoshanldunno. hes always online07:02
NickGarveyhes a bot oo07:02
aljoshanli like him a lo ^_^07:03
aljoshanlit *07:03
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@catv54007EDC.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu
minimousehello, please i need some help with software raid on kubuntu. kubuntu installer doens't recognize the hard drive at all (partitioner doesn't show any disks or partitions). laptop is toshiba portege S100 with 80GB RAID0 hard drive. Matter is very urgent.07:03
NickGarveyminimouse: does your bios show it?07:04
NickGarveyminimouse: whats fdisk -l show07:05
minimousei have installed winxp and had to install raid driver for the winxp installer to see the disk as well07:05
ubotuhmm... raid is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaidConfigurationHowto07:05
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coreyhow can i set a partition to be fully accessible for myself?07:07
minimouseok the link is useful only if you have already installed ubuntu on the machine and want to make use of the raid07:07
minimousebut my problem is that i can't get the installer to even see the drive07:07
NickGarveyminimouse: using the live cd?07:08
minimouseplus, i found a very useful page on how to install dmraid using the Live cd but i got to another problem. when the live session begins, i only see a brown background and teh mouse cursor. nothing else. i can't even open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+F107:08
NickGarveyminimouse: are you doing a dapper or breezy install?07:09
minimousebreezy i have the original cds07:09
NickGarveyno idea then, with dapper teh live cd is also an install cd07:09
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NickGarveyso you can set everything up07:09
coreyi made an ext3 partition yet now i dont have permissions to access it07:09
minimouseif you could help me fix the live cd problem?07:09
minimousei'm also downloading the dapper dvd now :/07:09
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minimousei also tried to boot the live cd with vga=771 but didn't make any difference07:10
NickGarveythe live cd for breezy I needed to pass boot options "expert noapic nolapic vga=771"07:11
NickGarveyworked with defaults for dapper07:12
NickGarveyoh sweet, whats the difference?07:12
frank_corey: make a directory in the partition you created like   sudo mkdir /media/partitionname/username  then sudo chown username:username /media/partitionname/username07:12
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minimousei have a geforce Go 6200 and apparently it doesn't like it !07:13
Schlaggive it to me07:13
luksanhow do i get 32-bit compatibility versions of libXcursor and libXft?07:14
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coreyfrank_, that didnt do anything07:15
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frank_corey the directory should be accessible to your userr07:16
coreyit didnt even make a directory07:16
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frank_corey where is the partition mounted?07:16
coreyit says it exists but i cant see it07:17
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coreyits an external hdd: /media/NixBS07:17
coreyi want the whole drive to be freely accessible by me07:17
coreywell, the whole computer07:17
frank_corey: what does ls -l /media/NixBS give?07:18
coreypermission denied07:18
frank_corey ok...   how about ls -l /media07:19
coreyd-wx--x--x  3 root  root  4096 2006-05-27 12:19 NixBS07:20
frank_corey did you remove read access?07:20
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coreyi just formattedit07:21
coreytheres nothing on it at all07:21
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frank_corey go in system settings -> File and Disk managemetn07:21
coreyer, im on unbuntu right now07:22
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coreyi think i got it one sec07:22
frank_corey: ok. what is the corresponding line in /etc/fstab ?07:22
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coreyugh, disk manager doesnt let me change permissions07:23
coreymon77corey, open it as root07:23
coreymon77sudo diskmanager or someting like that07:24
frank_coreymon77: root doesn't have read access on it07:24
coreymon77root can do anything though07:24
coreyim not on kubuntu right now07:24
frank_corey: ok. what is the corresponding line in /etc/fstab ?07:24
coreyi dont see a place to change permissions in the g version07:24
corey/dev/sda        /media/usb0     auto    rw,user,noauto  0       007:25
coreythats the whole hdd, theres 3 partitions of different filesystems on there07:25
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notbbhello everyone07:25
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NickGarveyheh, funny how off centered fingers make you talk spanish07:26
frank_corey: don't you have one line per partition?07:26
|brad|i have one grip about kubuntu.... its not nearly as fast as slackware was. i dont what the deal is07:26
notbbi just installed the latest dapper drake on a laptop and i have a problem with my wireless card07:26
notbbit's a netgear wg511t which should work out of the box with dapper ..07:26
coreyits a USB drive07:26
NickGarvey|brad|: slack is minimalist at install I believe, that would make sense07:26
NickGarveygentoo was crazy fast, everything cept installing software ;)07:27
|brad|NickGarvey: it installs more then kubuntu does07:27
notbblspci shows it is recognized but how do i insert my wpa-psk keyword ?07:27
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frank_corey: how did you create the partition and how did you mount it?07:27
coreyit was made in windows, and it was auto mounted07:28
coreysince its usb07:28
NickGarveydoesn't run as much then?07:28
NickGarveynot sure never used slack07:28
NickGarveyI know it was very stable and good on old hardware07:28
frank_corey: how did you format ext3 in windows?07:28
coreypartition magic07:28
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NickGarveythats like 50 dollars right?07:29
coreynah ;)07:29
_nano_70 dollars :|07:29
coreymon77nick: ever heard of bittorrent07:29
_nano_69.99 :|07:29
NickGarveycoreymon77: of course07:29
coreymon77theres you answer07:29
NickGarveycoreymon77: do all downloads > 200 MBs that way if Ic an07:29
|brad|yea i loved slack but it wasnt that great with new hardware. i got a new system and wanted to take advantage of the new hardware. and package management sucks07:29
NickGarveycoreymon77: I asked a question?07:29
coreymon77you dont have to pay for partition magic07:30
NickGarveyI don't pirate07:30
coreymon77if you know what i maen07:30
coreymon77does that include getting serial number07:30
frank_corey: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda07:30
NickGarveyI don't use commercial software that I haven't paid for07:30
_nano_but partition magic is damn overpriced07:31
NickGarveyyes it is07:31
NickGarveywhich is why I don't use it07:31
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coreymon77corey, did you pay for it07:31
NickGarveygparted gets the job done07:31
coreymon77did what i would do right?07:31
coreyfrank_,  what about it?07:31
_nano_NickGarvey: there are some things that qparted can't do....like converting NTFS to FAT32 and vice versa07:31
frank_corey: do you see the ext partion?07:31
coreymon77corey, is your name registered with nickserv07:31
NickGarveyoh thats cool07:32
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coreymon77do it07:32
coreymon77i want to talk to you07:32
coreyi cant some bitch has it07:32
frank_corey: what do you get as output?07:32
coreymon77register something07:32
_nano_prolly coreymon77 needs the serial number :P07:32
coreymon77i want to talk to you in a pm07:32
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uscg_corey/dev/sda5               2       13038   104719671   83  Linux07:33
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Sweet_katehow can i "load" my printer on kubuntu now  that i have started the pc with it turned off??07:34
Prakis nixternal here?07:34
_nano_Sweet_kate: you can use the "add printer" dialog?07:34
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Sweet_kateyes my printer is already in the list07:35
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Sweet_kate07:35
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coreymon77kate: one tip, dont start you computer with your printer turned off07:35
coreymon77i always keep mine on07:35
_nano_coreymon77: i thought the HAL backend should take care that :-?07:36
frank_uscg_corey: /dev/sda5        /media/NixBS     ext    defaults  0       0       this should work but may not be the best solution for a removable drive07:37
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coreymon77i just always keep mine on07:37
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uscg_coreyif i just formatted it in linux would it work?07:38
uscg_coreysince theres no data on it right now07:38
frank_uscg_corey: it should work but maybe the automount is not working.     try sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/MixBS07:40
uscg_coreysays its already mounted07:40
Prakduring kubuntu dapper flight installation, it still can't detect my DHCP network07:41
NickGarveyPrak: ethernet?07:41
NickGarveywhat doesn't happen?07:41
Prakit doesn't automatically detect my internet connection07:42
NickGarveyPrak: run dhclient07:42
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frank_uscg_corey: try sudo umount /media/NixBS07:42
frank_uscg_corey: ithentry sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/MixBS07:42
Prakdhclient during installation or after installation?07:42
NickGarveydapper install with the live cd?07:43
Praki'm installing with the install cd07:43
coreymon77prak, what network card07:43
Prakdlink dfe-530txs07:44
uscg_coreywont let me unmount it07:44
uscg_coreysays its busy07:44
coreymon77anyone know if prak's driver is included in dapper07:44
Prakduring 5.10 installation, it detects my card07:45
Praknot the connection though07:45
coreymon77type iwconfig into konsole07:45
kkathmanI wonder if anyone has encountered issues with kubuntu's handling of multiple panels?  This seems to be something that is just kubuntu, and it is deficient07:45
NickGarveythats wireless I thought..07:45
Prakabort installation and type iwconfig?07:46
NickGarveysure its not ifconfig?07:46
coreymon77this isnt wireless07:46
Praki think it's ifconfig07:46
coreymon77well then yes is it ifconfig07:46
coreymon77nope never mind them07:46
Praki'll abort the installation and type ifconfig07:46
coreymon77ydont do tat07:46
coreymon77you can juswt open up another tab07:47
Praki'll type ifconfig in 5.1007:47
coreymon77do that07:47
Praki don't think it's the distros problem07:48
coreymon77after installation do that07:48
coreymon77just wait for installation to be done07:48
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nixternalPrak: still having issues?07:48
Prakdapper flight failed on me too07:49
Prakduring installation07:49
nixternalduring installation?07:49
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Prakit doesn't detect my internet connection07:49
frank_Prak: the installer couldn't find my network either. but now the prefered way to install is using the Live CD I think07:50
Praki don't have the live cd with me right now07:50
kkathmanlive CD install???  odd07:50
Murfynot odd07:51
uscg_coreyi think im going to go into windows and delete the ext3 and format it in linux07:51
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Prakgotta eat breakfast07:51
nixternaltype> lsmod | grep sundance07:51
dontmhello all07:51
nixternalsee if that driver is loaded07:51
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nixternalPrak: when you type> lspci     ...does the network card show in there...and if so what does it say about the card?07:56
dontmsometimes i see screenshots of linux and there is a sidebar that shows cpu usage and information of that nature.  does anyone know the name of that program?07:57
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carstenhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs is down ...07:58
carstenRiddell: I just wanted to close all my bugs ;-) All problems fixed in the rc! good work!08:00
_esbenIs it me, or does Konversation have an extremely annoying focus bug? (The text entry field has no focus when switch to Konv.)08:01
Snakeanyone here use darkbot? off hand?08:01
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uscg_coreyi just formatted the partition08:02
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uscg_coreynow only root can view it08:02
dontmchown chgrp08:02
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frank_uscg_corey: make a directory in it and do sudo chown user:user /media/NixBS/directory08:03
dontmuscg: man chown; man chgrp;08:03
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Praki still have about 20% of dapper flight to download08:05
coreymon77why dapper flight08:05
Prakso it will be a while to get the livecd working08:05
coreymon77why not dapper rc08:06
Prakdapper rc?08:06
nixternalthe new release candidate posted at http://www.kubuntu.com08:06
dontmis the function of this channel linux support or linux development?  is there a webpage specific to this channel? the links in the topic look general to kubu08:06
coreymon77the release candidate08:06
coreymon77less bugs08:07
coreymon77get that instead08:07
Prakthere's only one cd?08:08
nixternalim gonna go to this computer store by the house prak...i can buy older network cards for about $1 from him...i hope he has the same card as you...i have researched that card to find out it is a canadian distro card, and you aren't the only one having problems with it08:08
nixternalya Prak...one cd08:08
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frank_dontm: it's a support channel08:09
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uscg_coreysudo chown -R admin:admin /dev/sda708:10
uscg_corey is this not correct?08:10
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Riddellcarsten: excellent.  launchpad is having problems but should be back up before long08:10
frank_uscg_corey: no.08:11
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uscg_coreywhy not?08:11
dontmfrank thank you, the wiki on kubuntu is very helpful.  i am reading the faq now.  sorry.08:11
carstenRiddell: good :) even 16:9 ratio is working08:11
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carstenRiddell: now my only complaint in dapper is: ctrl-tab is not switching desktop08:11
frank_uscg_corey: /dev/sda7 is a device.   you have to do in in /media/mountpoint08:12
Riddellcarsten: hmm, so it isn't08:12
carstenthat is not kde's default AFAIK08:13
uscg_coreygot it frank_08:13
uscg_coreywell it says im still not owner of the disc08:14
dontmsorry to repeat myself but does anyone know the name of the sidebar program that lets u monitor network and cpu usage/activity? amongst other things08:14
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uscg_coreybut i think i have full access over the files on it08:14
uscg_coreyhow can i change the actual owner of the partition?08:14
dontmuscg: chown08:14
uscg_coreyi just did that08:14
dontmls -l <patition name>08:15
frank_uscg_corey: in /etc/fstab usually. not sure for automounts08:15
dontmdoes it read uscg_corey:uscg_corey?08:15
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uscg_coreychanged ownership of `/media/usbdisk' to admin:admin08:15
dontmafter you change owner and group u may need to change individual file permissions via chmod08:15
uscg_coreyls -l usbdisk just outputs total 008:15
dontmok well cd to it08:16
uscg_coreytheres no files on the partitions08:16
dontmthen ls -l08:16
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dontmoh ok08:16
dontmwell then cd ..08:16
uscg_coreythers no files on it08:16
dontmthen do a ls -l08:16
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dontmverfiy that the owner and group are set properly08:16
uscg_coreyit says its still root08:16
uscg_coreybut it let me delete the one file on it08:16
uscg_coreywhich it wouldnt let me before08:16
dontmdid u run the chmod and chgrp as root?08:17
uscg_coreyi didnt do chgrp08:17
uscg_corey sudo chown -cR admin:admin /media/usbdisk08:17
uscg_coreyis all i did08:17
dontmhrm that looks right08:17
uscg_coreyit only seemed to change the files on it08:17
dontmand im assuming /media/usbdisk is there you mounted it correctly?08:17
uscg_coreynot the actual partition08:17
uscg_coreyyea it shows up08:18
uscg_coreyi wish i could rename it, linux generically called it "99.9GB Volume"08:18
uscg_coreybut its there08:18
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dontmcan you read/write/exec/modify files on the partition as your user account?08:18
uscg_coreyit let me delete that folder, but cant do anything now08:19
dontmwait. what folder?08:19
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dontmim assuming that was put there by default08:20
frank_uscg_corey: lost+found is part of the filesystem08:20
dontmdo u remember the owner and group of that folder?08:20
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uscg_coreylet me see if i can restore it08:21
dontmso what happens if u try to copy a file to that partition now?08:21
frank_uscg_corey: I don't know what happens when you delete it08:21
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uscg_coreythat folder was owned by me08:21
dontmwhat exact error do u get back?08:21
rohanis there any hope of getting amarok 1.4.0 pushed into dapper final ? uvf exception was not entertained ?08:21
uscg_coreyit lets me copy files08:21
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frank_uscg_corey: well it was since you changed the ownership08:22
frank_rohan: probably not but you can get from the kubuntu.org repo I think08:22
rohanfrank_: yes, i can get from that repo08:22
rohanbut still, amarok 1.4.0 on the cd would've been "too cool"08:23
frank_rohan: heh. too late though ;)08:23
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rohanfrank_: still, 5 days to go08:23
uscg_coreywhen i copied a file over08:23
uscg_coreyit said i owned it now08:23
rohanenough to get the package in, with sufficient testing (i think)08:23
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dontmok uscg sounds fine then08:25
uscg_coreyi just need to rename the drive now08:25
dontmtry opening and modding hte file from the partitions08:25
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dontmcorey, stupid question im sure, but are you in the coast guard?08:26
uscg_coreylol yea08:26
dontmis the linux system in question being used for uscg official work?08:26
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uscg_coreynoirequus, its my personal laptop08:26
dontmvery cool08:27
uscg_coreyidk where that came from haha08:27
dontmha ha08:27
dontmwhat kind of laptop?08:27
uscg_coreyhow the hell do i rename this08:27
dontmhrm let me google a bit08:27
kkathmanhmm.. wonder why java wouldnt work in dapper kubuntu, if the sun-java5-bin and sun-java-jre are both installed?08:28
Riddellcarsten: launchpad back now08:28
frank_kkathman: you mean in konqueror?08:29
uscg_coreygateway pos08:29
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kkathmanfrank_:  konqueror or firefox either one actually08:29
rohanhm.. then its 'final' that amarok 1.4 wont be in dapper ?08:29
frank_kkathman: the plugin works for me in firefox but not konqueror08:29
frank_kkathman: try http://java.sun.com/applets/jdk/1.4/demo/applets/ArcTest/example1.html in firefox08:30
kkathmanok frank_ lemme take a look08:31
kkathmanfrank_:  it gives that "download the plugin" thing08:32
kkathmanyet I can do a dpkg - l | grep java and the bin and jre are there08:33
frank_kkathman: what version of ubuntu and firefox?08:33
kkathmanfrank_:  lets see...well I just did the updates last evening on dapper that were available08:34
kkathmanfirefox version is
frank_I have the same thing and it works fine. if you go to about:plugins in firefox do you see the java plugin?08:34
kkathmanlet me check that frank_ one moment08:35
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kkathmanaha.. no, its not there :)08:35
kkathmanguess the install doesnt put it there?08:35
rohanalso the artwork .. windeco, theme and all such .. seen in rc, is the final for dapper ? no changes ?08:35
frank_kkathman: did you restart firefox since installing java?08:36
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kkathmanhmm let me do that just in case08:36
kkathmanI did just now, but its not picking up the java08:36
_nano_kkathman: sometimes the symlinks are broken08:36
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kkathmanI wonder if the "plugin" is a separate download?08:37
_nano_kkathman: try tracing the symlink to the actual java plugin location?08:37
frank_kkathman: no it comes with sun-java5-bin08:37
klerfaytis "gam_server" bug famous already?08:38
kkathmanno its separate :)08:38
kkathmannow its in firefox08:38
frank_kkathman: what did you install?08:38
kkathmanI did a sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin08:38
kkathmanand now its there08:38
kkathmanbefore I had only installed  sun-java5-bin  and sun-java5-jre08:39
kkathmandidnt get the "plugin"08:39
rohanhmm.. easier just to make-jpkg on the bin08:39
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rohanatleast it doenst give you split stuff08:39
kkathmanworks now :)08:39
kkathmanthanks guys for the help :)08:39
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_nano_kkathman: you figured everything on your own :P08:40
frank_kkathman: does it work in konqueoror? I never could make it work08:40
dontmkkath: make sure u make a symbolic link to the so file08:40
kkathmanfrank_:  let me double check on that one08:40
kkathmanfrank_:  yes it works now08:42
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kkathmanfrank_:  you'll need to go to the Configure Konqueror and point the java location to /usr/bin/java08:42
kkathmanonce you load the plugin08:43
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kkathmanguess I will try azureus again now08:43
frank_kkathman: it works.  I just had java there which points to the same place08:44
kkathmanthat still doesnt work :)08:44
frank_kkathman: sudo update-alternatives -configure java08:44
klerfaytI'm using reiserfs an I want to enable extended user attributes for home; is it  "user_xattr"?08:44
kkathmanI get this mesage that azureus did not shutdown tidily....and that message remains on my screen and cant get it off without ctrl-alt-backspace08:44
frank_kkathman: sudo update-alternatives --config java08:45
kkathmanbrb must restart X08:45
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uscg_coreyhowwww do you rename a disk08:46
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uscg_coreyi dont want mine named "99.9 GB Volume"08:47
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ubotuhmm... samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html08:47
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kkathmanfrank_:  sorry what was that command again to get azureus working?08:50
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kkathmanthe update alternatives one?08:51
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uboturumour has it, commands is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/08:56
kkathmanhmmm thats odd, there is no such update-alternates in the repos :(08:56
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JavaGeekI just upgraded my laptop to dapper08:58
glickexcuse me does anyone know how i can play my ram files?08:58
glickreal player says the file is obsolete and is no longer supported08:59
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glickJavaGeek: yeah i was thinkin of doing that today too09:00
glickdoes anyone know how i can play my .ram files?09:00
XVampireXYo, can one make screencasts with kubuntu, somehow?09:00
klerfaytglick: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/RestrictedFormats09:01
_nano_yeah i would also like to know the answer to XVampireX's question :)09:01
JavaGeekglick: it removes kde :(09:01
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JavaGeekhow do i know what files were installed for a package?09:02
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skuttlerdoes kubuntu come with just pure KDE apps or does it install apps like firefox, gimp, etc by default09:02
apokryphosno firefox or gimp09:03
billupscan anybody say that how can i install firefox?09:03
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion09:03
skuttlerexcellent apokryphos - so just pure KDE09:03
apokryphosbillups: fire up adept and install firefox09:03
apokryphosskuttler: pretty much09:03
XVampireXSo no one knows09:03
skuttleri am thinking of moving from SuSE 10.1 to kubunutu - was very impressed with ubuntu handles package management09:04
JavaGeekdapper comes with ff :)09:04
apokryphosskuttler: yup, it's a shame about the awful package management in 10.1. Still, smart is more-or-less perfect.09:04
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JavaGeekwhat's up with the package 'tags'? the new adept has that09:05
billupsapokryphos: ok09:05
apokryphosnew debtags, which adept is the first GUI front-end to have support for09:05
_nano_apokryphos: screencast as in a video recording the screen09:05
skuttlerapokryphos: i was hoping 10.1 would fix all the problems with 10.0, but it just seems worse especially the package management which is just dreadful09:05
apokryphosskuttler: I really really liked it apart from the package management muck-up, which is indead temporary but a big blow.09:06
skuttlerthink i am going to try kubuntu 6.0609:06
apokryphoskubuntu's nice, yup :)09:06
billupsapokryphos: i just let it install and it takes time i mean is it normal or am i doing something wrong09:06
apokryphosskuttler: download the dapper RC09:06
glickdamnit i installed w32codecs but it refuses to play my damn .ram files09:06
apokryphosbillups: it'll take some time, sure; depends on your net connection.09:06
GazzaKglick: that needs realplayer09:06
skuttlerapokryphos: does dapper RC handle WPA-PSK well?09:06
apokryphosno idea09:06
glickGazzaK: realplayer says the file is obsolete and doesnt support that file type anymore09:07
JavaGeekapokryphos: where can i find more info about those tags?09:08
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JavaGeekdapper detected my laptop's sd slot, btw :D09:08
apokryphosubotu: debtags is at http://wiki.debian.org/DebTags09:09
ubotuapokryphos: okay09:09
KDEfanboyhmm are there packages to enable more encryption algorithms for gnupg (or perhaps kpgp just doesn't support them) ?09:09
apokryphosJavaGeek: that page's good :)09:09
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JavaGeekapokryphos: arigato09:10
glicki seem to have everything installed but i cant play my .ram files?09:11
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KDEfanboyglick: which app is using w32codecs?09:14
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glickKDEfanboy: i dont know i was just instructed to install it and it would work automagically09:16
KDEfanboyglick: you've only tried realplayer?09:16
glickKDEfanboy: no i tried mplayer, kaffeine, realplayer, helix09:17
KDEfanboyah, when you try mplayer what is the console output? is it finding the codecs but not playing, or not finding the codec, etc09:18
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glickwell i guess its broken :(09:27
glickwhat bums the people at realnetworks are09:30
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JavaGeekmmm... the java plugin isn't working for firefox on dapper09:33
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crimsun/which/ java plugin?09:34
Kadranhi is there is a solution yet for the 'critical temp reached' when using kernel 2.6.15-23-38609:36
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JavaGeekcrimsun: *the* java plugin. the one from sun09:38
JavaGeekI have installed sun-java5-plugin, but I don't see it under firefox09:38
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crimsunJavaGeek: the one from multiverse is most certainly /not/ the /only/ Java plugin.09:38
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crimsunJavaGeek: did you read the topic in #ubuntu+1 ?09:39
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JavaGeekcrimsun: sun-java5-plugin09:42
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crimsunJavaGeek: I know. Did you read the topic in #ubuntu+1?09:42
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JavaGeekcrimsun: yes, and I did the update-java-alternatives09:44
JavaGeekjava is working09:44
JavaGeekjust not the plugin for ff09:45
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alexito-wo canl help me09:45
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hastesaverJavaGeek, did you read the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-ef347c277a133b64af0600bd1bf24bc64e7038b8 ?09:47
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JavaGeekmmm... maybe the plugin needs to be somewhere else09:47
jesus_a todos09:47
Macxdmgdoes anyone know why my install would freeze while booting ... last thing was /etc/rc ... i think09:47
wordhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/AzureusHowTo - are these instructions any different fro dapper?09:48
alexito-i have problem with kubuntu09:48
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alexito-i cant get ehternet works09:48
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crimsunJavaGeek: you should set up an alternative for the plugin, too, then.09:48
crimsunJavaGeek: either that or manually create the symlink.09:48
alexito-when i click adminitration mode and wrote my rroot password09:48
wordMacxdmg: My isntall would always freeze while loading the enterprise volume thinger i just pressed ctrl+c to skip it and it worked fine.09:48
alexito-dont happen nothing09:48
JavaGeekcrimsun: I tried both09:49
Macxdmgword : thanks09:49
hastesaverJavaGeek, did you install it according to the RestrictedFormats wiki page? (Or try it again...)09:49
ctwHi! I have a Sony Ericsson W600i cell phone and would like to synch my contacts & calendar with Kontact. Does anybody know how? (I can see my contacts in KMobileTools, but don't know how to export or edit them.)09:49
JavaGeeki added the symlink to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins09:49
crimsunJavaGeek: what does it point to?09:49
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r0xzdoes anyone know an app that can talk over LAN with an win pc?09:51
JavaGeekI needed to add the plugin to my ~/.mozilla/ dir too09:52
JavaGeekit needs to be in both places09:52
dontmjavageek: there u go09:52
hastesaverdontm, no, don't do that09:53
dontmi just did and it works fine09:53
dontmwhy shouldnt i do that?09:53
JavaGeekdontm: because ubuntu now comes with java support (dapper)09:54
JavaGeekapt-get install sun-java5-bin09:54
hastesaverdontm, in general, it is not a good idea to follow generic instructions that are not Ubuntu-specific, IMHO09:55
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dontm:java ok09:55
dontmJava: ok09:55
uscg_coreyanyone else have a download speed issue with the Bittorrent Client that comes with ubuntu?09:55
dontmcrap i cant get stupid nick completion to work in konversation09:55
jpatrickdontm: press tab09:56
dontmjpatrick: thanks09:56
dontmjpatrick:  i was used to using colon09:56
uniquscg_corey: i have noticed that azureus is alot faster than ktorrent.09:56
JavaGeekthanks for your help. Dapper looks and feels great09:56
dontmhastesaver: so what should i do instead of using the java sun instructions?09:57
uniquscg_corey: but i guess that's because of the distributed support that lacks in ktorrent.09:57
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs09:57
uscg_coreywell im actually using the ubuntu one09:57
uscg_coreywhatever it is09:57
JavaGeekhastesaver: thx09:58
ubotuTo find out what ubuntu version you have type ''lsb_release -a'' in a terminal.09:58
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uscg_coreywonder if bittornado is any better09:58
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r0xzuscg_corey: bittornado is better, i agree09:59
uscg_coreyi can only get like 20kb on this gnome bittorrent09:59
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dontmah good stuff thank you haste:09:59
dontmcrap can u do nick completion after the start of a line?09:59
macduscg_corey: your download speed has nothing todo with the torrent program your using09:59
macdI use ktorrent btw.10:00
dontmmacd: not necessarily a true statement10:00
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uscg_coreyi dont see why id only get 20kb10:00
dontmmany torrent clients have settings to throttle dl and upload speed. moreover, dl speed is a function of upload speed throttle in most clients10:00
macddontm: ok so maybee there is a.001% variance, due to inefficient code, or bad handling of requests.10:00
dontmread hwat i just wrote10:00
wordAre the instructions to install azureus - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/AzureusHowTo any different for dapper?10:01
macddontm: that has todo with the settings in the program, not the program :/10:01
dontmsymantecs =-)10:01
dontmuscg_corey: make sure the SETTINGS in your PROGRAM are configured to allow for max uploading and dling throttle10:01
dontmalso make sure the priority is normal or below10:01
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macdconfigured the same, ktorrent and gnometorrent would perform alike.10:01
dontmthread priority10:01
dontmmacd: agreed10:02
wordSo...anyone know if there's a dfiference for azureus installlation in dappper?10:03
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crimsunword: install sun-java5-jre, update the java alternative, then install azureus10:04
macdword: sudo apt=get install azureus10:04
macdsorry, I assumed jre was already installed.10:04
dontmmacd: how do u know what command to run to get a certain program?10:04
dontmmacd: the apt commands i mean10:04
macddontm: I look at packages.ubuntu.com10:05
macdI find what I want, then I just apt-get install <namehere>10:05
dontmis there a keyword search feature?10:05
dontmsave using a pkg manager10:05
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macdyes, goto that page, then you can browse by release, the package category, or get the whole list of then at the bottom of the page and use your webbrowsers "find" option10:06
=== macd doesnt know what clooge means
dontmu know a cloogy (sic?) fix?10:07
dontmhot and fast and sloopy10:07
dontmnot pro10:07
dontmnot well thought out10:07
dontmnot robust10:07
dontmnot sure how to spell it10:07
dontmare there any rules in this channel for going away or idling?10:08
macdnot to my knowledge10:08
macdIVe been in here for about a month striaght10:08
dontmi know #linux on efnet have rules about idling or auto way functions of clients10:08
dontmok cool brb then heh10:08
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h3sp4wndontm: aptitude search keyword or apt-cache search keyword (the second is more verbose)10:10
macdthat would see alot easier ;)10:10
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Paradossohi there, how do I prevent katapult from loading at startup?10:11
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XVampireXThere's a problem with the menu updating, sometimes it updates and sometimes it doesn't...10:17
XVampireXCan it be fixed?10:17
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KDEfanboyXVampireX: when doesn't it10:22
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XVampireXSometimes it does sometimes it doesn't, mostly random10:22
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stodgeI'm trying to install dapper using the new GUI installer...10:23
wordHey..do I let azurues install some 40 installs or should java be all i need?10:23
stodgeI don't see how to specify the mount point for a partition without formatting it10:23
XVampireXjust java10:23
KDEfanboyXVampireX: you talking about the kmenu after instalilng an app or what?10:23
XVampireXYou not in msn10:23
frank_word: if you download azureus from the website, you only need java.10:24
wordXVampireX: I'm not supposed to be on I have family over :P10:24
XVampireXAh, okey10:24
XVampireXBut you're on IRC10:24
XVampireXKDEfanboy: yes, that's what I'm talking about10:24
wordOkay...are you talking about the .deb file - http://ftp.egr.msu.edu/debian/pool/contrib/a/azureus/azureus_2.4.0.2-1_all.deb or the source package on their website10:25
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KDEfanboyXVampireX: ok, then you can type kbuildsycoca in the command line to refresh it10:25
stodgeAnyone know how to not format an existing partition using hte new installer?10:26
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XVampireXI have to do it everytime an application doesn't appear when I install it? Can I automate it after everytime I install something?10:26
KDEfanboyXVampireX: probably if you script it, but as far as i'm concerned, it's a bug10:27
XVampireXYeah :-/10:27
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McNutellabootup logo is kubuntu, I want it back to ubuntu, how do I change back ?10:29
ubotufrom memory, usplash is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto10:29
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stodgeIs there a way to use the old text installer instead of the graphical live cd?10:35
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h3sp4wnstodge: alternative iso10:36
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stodgeDamn partitioner won't re-use existing partitions without formatting htem10:37
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billupsim tryin to install firefox by Adept and its been almost one hour but i hasnt finished yet .is that normal?10:38
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h3sp4wnstodge: just do a dist-upgrade or use updatemanager -d10:39
stodgeI did a dist-upgrade but it screwed my system up and wouldn't boot10:39
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h3sp4wnstodge: Packages from unofficial repos installed ?10:41
stodgeI dont remember :P10:41
h3sp4wnstodge: I take it you backed up first ?10:41
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stodgeMy home directory is fine10:41
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stodgeI just need to know how to re-use existing partitions with the new partitioner10:41
h3sp4wnstodge: As far as I know you can't10:42
stodgeWow, that's a major missing feature10:42
stodgeHow could they possibly put out the RC with this missing?10:42
h3sp4wnstodge: you are supposed to use gksudo "update-manager -d" to upgrade between distro's not install from cd10:43
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stodgeI tried but that screwed up, so..10:43
h3sp4wnstodge: the alternate cd can keep partitions10:44
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stodgeYeah but that's another 650Mb download and another CD :(10:44
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_bbeckI was wondering if anyone knew of a way to enter unicode code points into KDE apps?10:44
rasaAm I crazy to want to put /etc under subversion's control?10:46
chavorasa, no not crazy at all to want it10:46
rasaok, thanks, i'm gonna give it a try10:46
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r0xzstrange, i rip a cd with marking author rights in settings of kde, but audiocd:/ doesn't set the author right tag10:58
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r0xzand the bitrate settings of audiocd:/ in mp3 are missing a "p"11:02
r0xzit tells me 160 kbs11:02
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blue6249I mean, hi guys.11:05
blue6249Oh yeah.11:06
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blue6249checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:06
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r0xzdoes kubuntu uses the official dutch kde translation for kde?11:08
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dontm  is dapper drake stable?11:12
billups when i try to install any package by apt-get install i get an error written "couldn't find package" so why i get those error messages?11:12
Dasnipa`dontm, id hope its faily stable its slated to be released soo afaik11:12
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then11:12
sheldoncit hasnt caused me much trouble11:13
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blue6249What kind of retarded C compiler that doesn't output executables did I install and why?11:14
blue6249checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:14
chavoblue6249, did you install build-essential11:15
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=== blue6249 does that
h3sp4wnblue6249: cross compiler ?11:15
minimouse hello, anyone know of problems with GeForce 6200? I got nothing but a cursor and the background. Can't even open a terminal11:15
sheldoncgot write permissions ?11:16
diophello, i need the repository for installing multimdia codecs, mp3 etc..11:16
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dioph3sp4wn: could you please give me an exple of source list11:17
diopive got an error everytime i try my apt-get11:17
h3sp4wndapper or breezy ?11:17
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glickhmm dapper has issues11:18
glickit automounted my firewire drive once11:18
glickand not it doesnt anymore11:18
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glicka few minutes ago i had a complete system lock up11:18
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h3sp4wndiop: http://pastebin.com/741818 (you dont need the deb-src lines)11:19
glickdoes anyone know how i can get it to mount my firewire drive again?11:19
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diopthank you h3sp4wn11:20
McNutellatoo many spammers in here :(11:20
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johnny3dhow to set gtk_config path to a gimp plugin install?11:20
glickthe folders in media are still there11:20
glickeven though its not mounted11:21
glickshould i delete the folders?11:21
h3sp4wnglick: what have you tried ?11:21
glickh3sp4wn: umm plugging it in11:21
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johnny3dhow to include a path for an install?11:25
h3sp4wnglick: does it appear in the output of dmesg (unplug it and replug it in and then look at the bottom)11:25
glickh3sp4wn: yes it does11:25
glickh3sp4wn: but error messages11:26
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diopE: Couldn't find package libdivx4linux   <----- i  ve this got this error11:26
diopany idea11:26
h3sp4wnglick: look at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/36274 are the messages related ?11:26
osar_sabinraga, sa11:26
glickh3sp4wn: yes their similer11:27
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h3sp4wnglick: Dapper is still not released you should not expect it to work fully until june 1st - if you do 'ls /dev | grep sd' do you get any output11:31
dontmquestion about adept: adding the universe and multiverse repositories11:31
h3sp4wndontm: what is the question ?11:32
dontmsays to add multiverse to any component w/ universe in it11:32
glickh3sp4wn: just ptysd11:32
glickand ttysd11:32
dontmand in the pic, the component name is main-restricted universe (and then append multiverse)11:32
dontmwell my commented out line by default had nothing but universe w/ no main-restricted before it11:33
h3sp4wnglick: I can't help you I don't have any firewire stuff to test with and the kernel obviously is not detecting it11:33
dontmin short, the compenent label was universe instead of main-restricted universe11:33
glickmaybe i should go back to the i386 kernel11:33
h3sp4wndontm: just uncomment the line and add multiverse to it (universe multiverse)11:34
h3sp4wnglick: Probably I know usb is unreliable on any arch other than i386 for me so I wouldn't expect firewire to be any more reliable11:34
dontmh3sp4wn: right that's what i ahve now, however does it need to have main-restricted also in the compenent label like the screen shot?11:34
glickh3sp4wn: if on the 1st i do upgrade will it upgrade me to release version or do i have to reinstall?11:35
dontm"main-restricted universe multiverse" instead of simply "universe multiverse" ?11:35
h3sp4wnglick: it will upgrade you to the release version11:35
h3sp4wndontm: you only need to have each section in once11:35
h3sp4wndontm: If you have main restricted on one line you don't need them again11:36
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h3sp4wndontm: using dapper or breezy ?11:36
dontm5.10 breezy11:36
piotrekwho can help me in installing intel c++ compiler on ubuntu?11:36
piotreki'll be glad of your help11:36
dontmh3sp4wn: im just following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:37
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piotrekwho can help me?11:38
piotrekjoin #ubuntu11:38
dontmthe screenshot on that page has "main-restricted" "main-restricted" and "main-restricted universe multiverse" for deb and deb-src in breezy, breezy-updates, and breezy-sec see?11:38
h3sp4wndontm: use http://pastebin.com/74185911:39
h3sp4wndontm: you don't need deb-src unless you want to compile from source11:40
h3sp4wnpiotrek: ask intel11:41
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dontmh3sp4wn: thank you11:42
dontmh3sp4wn:  what is a back port exactly?11:42
macdI think intels compiler suite is a .bin11:42
piotrekh3sp4wn, thanks for help :/11:42
h3sp4wndontm: newer versions of software made to work with breezy (you don't need them if you don't want)11:43
macdpiotrek: http://www.intel.com/cd/software/products/asmo-na/eng/compilers/277618.htm   is that the product your referring to>?11:44
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piotrekmacd, yes :)11:44
macdpiotrek:   you purchased it, it comes with documentation and intel support, since its not a supported ubuntu package, unless someone uses it we have no idea.11:45
piotrekmacd, no i have download free trial version11:45
macdpiotrek: ok, hold on one sec. let me look on thier site for documentation11:45
=== glick [n=dbunch@cpe-24-193-237-24.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
glickit seems like when i did an upgrade it upgraded pmount11:46
glickand ever since then it was screwy11:46
Lynourepiotrek: If they do not provide enough help to get it installed, don't buy it.11:47
piotrekmacd, ok thank you very much !11:47
macdok piotrek the file you downloaded, what is it named?11:47
=== urashima [n=urashima@114.Red-83-50-184.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
piotrekmacd, file:///home/piotrek/Desktop/l_cc_c_9.0.030.tar.gz11:47
=== Snake [n=Snake@24-227-26-210-st.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
dontmcan backports break teh distro?11:48
macdok first youll need to untar that, 'tar zxvf l_cc_c_9.0.030.tar.gz'11:48
=== nab [n=nab@adsl-23-253-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #kubuntu
piotrekmacd, i can tell you in what part of installation it crash11:48
dontmh3sp4wn: can backports break anything?11:48
macdpiotrek: whay dont you paste everything into kubuntu.pastebin.com11:48
h3sp4wndontm: Usually not11:49
dontmh3sp4wn: thank you very much for all your help11:49
h3sp4wndontm: But they are perhaps slightly less well tested than the stuff in breezy main11:49
=== FisherP [n=david@cor9-ppp3080.syd.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
piotrekmacd, here is first error "install_cc.sh can't identify your machine type, glibc, or kernel."11:50
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macdpiotrek: thats pretty self explanitory, are you running the install script sudo ?11:51
piotrekmacd, i have login to root account11:52
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macdyeah well root has no path.11:52
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piotrekmacd, i'have the newest ubuntu beta 211:52
macdbecome your user again, then sudo ./install_cc.sh11:52
piotrekok, i'll try now11:52
billupsi cannot use 1152*768 color depth on my comp. however i have a new monitor. I tried to fix it by xorg.conf but it gave an IO error so what can i do11:53
HymnToLife!tell billups about fixres11:53
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billupsi added 1152*768 lines to xorg.conf11:55
billupson 24 bit section11:55
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billupsso what can i do?11:58
=== piotrek [n=piotrek@chello083144078013.chello.pl] has joined #kubuntu
piotrekmacd, i still have "install_cc.sh can't identify your machine type, glibc, or kernel." :(12:00
macdwell, piotrek I dont use the intell c++ compiler I use GNU, but if you care to wait till my download is finished I'll give it a shot on kubntu 6.0612:01
piotrekmacd, thanks a lot!12:01
macdnp, looks like about 31minutes12:02
piotrekmacd, because in poland is night now and i have to go sleep can you mail me later on pkochanek@gmail.com ?12:02
piotrekmacd, i'll be very glad of your help!12:02
macdumm, how about come back here this time tommarrow?12:02
=== FisherP [n=david@cor9-ppp3080.syd.dsl.connect.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
macdOR post a thread on ubuntuforums.org and give me the addy to it, and I 'll reply12:03
=== macd despises email
piotrekmacd, here http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=5275.012:04
piotreki've post already, bu i haven't got good answer12:04
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=== Jack_Sparrow [n=kvirc@adsl-67-124-202-131.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jack_SparrowYo Ho is imBrandon around12:07
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