
=== Yannig [n=Kokoyaya@AToulouse-254-1-63-190.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
YannigHello everybody12:16
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looksausI'm an administrator for a team in launchpad01:41
looksaus(not the owner)01:41
looksausis it normal that I can't add an event?01:41
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lifelessspiv: reviews for you04:51
lifelessjamesh: reviews for you04:51
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lifelessjamesh: can you run pending reviews every 30 minutes now ? load seems to be quite low05:20
jameshlifeless: increasing the frequency is probably a good idea, but 30 minutes might be a bit too frequent05:22
lifelesswell, 45 perhaps ?05:23
lifelessit seems to take 12 minutes05:23
jameshthat's when it doesn't need to pull any new revisions from anywhere05:23
jameshand for a weekend run when no one else is doing anything05:24
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mpt_Goooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:33
lifelessjamesh: the amount of time we spend making knits in commit05:33
lifelessjamesh: its rather insane.05:33
jameshlifeless: I've dropped it down to once every 2 hours.  I noticed that if the script ate up too much of chinstrap's IO bandwidth, it would cause other processes to stall05:35
jameshso having time when it is not running seems important05:35
jameshlifeless: btw, I applied my bzr diff output improvement patches to the copy of bzrlib that the pending-reviews script uses -- it seems to be working quite well05:44
mpt_lifeless, can you tell me what's going wrong in https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~dsilvers/paste/filepmZ0EO.html ?06:16
=== mpt_ wonders at the usefulness of a single bug being open in multiple packages of the same distribution
jameshmpt_: if you run "ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsa", you should be able to get rid of those passphrase prompts06:24
jameshnot sure about the lock error06:24
jameshmight be easiest to manually delete the stale locks06:25
lifelessmpt_: upgrade your branch on chinstrap06:41
lifelessmpt_: we had this discussion on friday IIRC06:42
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mpt_I thought I'd already done that06:44
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=== Topic for #launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 25 May, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu May 18 14:04:39 2006
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sivangmorning all08:15
`6oghey sivang :)08:16
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sivanghey kgoetz 08:17
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stubWhere does the oops code live?09:09
stubfound it09:10
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ddaaBlue pint09:16
ddaathe Launchpad drafting system09:16
mpt__the Launchpad coping mechanism?09:16
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mptGood morning carlos09:17
ddaampt: come on, it's not _that_ horrible09:17
carlosSteveA: hi, I have a small problem with mawson, and I wonder if you know if there was any change on it recently (new packages installed/removed)09:24
stubjamesh: Is the only code that ever needs to parse an oops report all contained in errorlog.py?09:24
carlosstub: ^^^09:25
jameshstub: nope.09:25
SteveAcarlos: i'm not sure why importing apt should try to import PIL09:25
jameshstub: at the moment there is code in oops.cgi and analyse-error-reports.py09:25
SteveAcarlos: but i also know of no changes to these things09:25
stubcarlos: No idea09:25
SteveAthe only change i'd expect would be for security updates09:26
carloselmo: hi, around?09:26
spivSteveA: PIL is a red-herring: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/python-imaging/+bug/3164609:27
UbugtuMalone bug 31646 in python-imaging "python-imaging puts a "__init__" module in the top-level module namespace" [Normal,Confirmed]  09:27
SteveAspiv: eew, gross09:28
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carlosthe question is... how is that we got it installed last week? or why wasn't it failing until last week?09:32
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SteveAcarlos: if it was a security update, then that would explain ir09:37
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=spiv]  move supermirror branch-pull-list to authserver (r3581: James Henstridge)09:38
carlosSteveA: should I file a sysadmin request about it?09:39
spivcarlos: it appears installing the libapt-pkg-libc6.3-6-3.9 package would fix it.09:39
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ddaaSteveA: are we still having the bazaar meeting today?09:49
SteveAddaa: it's *your* meeting :-)09:50
SteveAi'm available09:50
ddaaSteveA: spiv: jamesh: mpool: lifeless: meeting in 10 mins in #launchpad-meeting09:50
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stubbzr: ERROR: exceptions.ImportError: No module named tests.stub_sftp09:52
stub  at /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/transport/sftp.py line 88909:52
stub  in ?09:52
spivstub: Downgrade your bzr, or wait for the new package.09:54
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cprovgood morning, hackers10:04
=== looksaus [n=mark@86-39-96-208.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #launchpad
looksaushi, I'm an administrator for https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-be/10:09
looksausbut I can't seem to add any event to its calendar10:10
looksaushttps://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-be/+calendar/+add gives me a "forbidden not allowed here sorry you don't have permission to"10:10
looksausis there anything I overlooked or that I could try to solve this problem10:11
spivjamesh: any thoughts on looksaus' problem? ^10:14
jameshlooksaus: looks like the perms only currently let the team owner add events, which is a bug10:17
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looksausok, would it be helpful if I made a bug report?10:18
jameshlooksaus: yeah.10:18
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looksausjamesh, https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/4596410:25
UbugtuMalone bug 45964 in launchpad "administrator can't add event to launchpad team calendar" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  10:25
looksausthx for your great work, all!10:25
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looksausreally appreciate it10:25
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carlosstub: hi, I have a set of potemplates that we should remove from launchpad, I know their potemplatenames and I already requested a tarball with all those translations to have a backup10:37
Keybuklifeless: ping?10:38
carlosstub: could you remove them with the potemplatename as the only input or would you need the .id values?10:38
carloscprov: hi, are you using dogfood server?10:38
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stubcarlos: My existing script uses the id as input10:40
carlosstub: ok, I will give you it10:40
lifelessKeybuk: jo10:40
Keybuklifeless: bzr dropped dependency on paramiko10:40
Keybukis that no longer needed?10:40
lifelessthats wrong10:41
lifelessits still needed for sftp10:41
Keybuksftp is "optional", no?10:41
carloskarl: Hi, I'm having a problem with mawson: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileHxz177.html10:42
lifelessKeybuk: 'optional'10:42
carloskarl: and Andrew says: <spiv> carlos: it appears installing the libapt-pkg-libc6.3-6-3.9 package would fix it.10:42
lifelessbut theres no good reason not to install it by default.10:42
cprovcarlos: yes10:42
carloscprov: and is it working?10:42
carloscprov: I had a problem there "ImportError: libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5.so.3.9: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"10:43
cprovcarlos: code is old, I'm updating it 10:43
carloswell, I don't think that's a new dependency...10:43
cprovcarlos: wow, maybe karl upgraded apt10:44
Keybuklifeless: you'll have to take that up with jbailey I guess10:44
Keybuklifeless: I've stopped paramiko going to universe though10:44
lifelessKeybuk: he merged dilingers patches from debian10:45
lifelessI think that dilinger would have been wise to discuss more with us10:45
carlosZnarl: morning, did you see my comments about mawson?10:52
lifelessddaa: so, mock objects10:52
=== spiv -> dinner
lifelessddaa: I've written a comprehensive email I hope. 10:52
lifelessKeybuk: thanks!10:53
ddaalifeless: I've looked at it yesterday10:53
ddaanot sure what to answer10:53
ddaaI find uses for mock object in my programming, so maybe you should review the code and suggest some simple ways to get the same testing quality10:53
ddaalifeless: OTOH the new code that uses mock object is very much on the non-critical path to bzr-native, so I cannot spend much time rewriting it.10:54
lifelessddaa: I've taken the relevant branch to review10:55
lifelessddaa: I will be thinking about this as I do it. I do suggest that you think through the ramifications though10:55
ddaaIME the best way to think through ramifications of a methodology so far is to try it and see how it works.10:56
lifelessmock objects significantly increase the bar for refactoring safely. I'm pretty convinced they are a net loss.10:56
ddaaI realise that mock objects are an issue for refactoring10:56
ddaabut you were the one to talk me into doing more unit testing and less functional testing10:56
lifelessAnd I stand by that10:57
lifelessone of the techniques I still use is stub objects, rather than mock objects.10:57
ddaaSo, I think that's a great idea. But if not with mock objects, it's not very clear for me how.10:57
lifelessstubs give you a single place to change when the api changes, rather than N10:57
aa_sounds interesting, I always forget to refactor my Mocks10:58
lifelessI'm going to do a simple scenario tester library I think during this qc period10:58
lifelessaa_: hi, yes.10:58
ddaalifeless: : but that does not allow you to check for proper interactions...10:58
lifelessddaa: its no less powerful than mocks for checking interactions10:59
aa_lifeless: hi10:59
aa_(hi everyone)10:59
ddaaI like the idea of "check that METHOD calls the right other methods in that and this condition, as unit test" then check that individual methods actually do the right thing as functional tests...10:59
ddaalifeless: I must be missing something. When you check interactions, you need to spread the knowledge of the behaviour in each test...11:00
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ddaathe only difference I can see between what you suggest and what I understantd of mock-object programming is that you want more explicitness and more factorisation.11:01
ddaaSteveA: is your "create mocks from interfaces" idea something related to pushing the duplicate logic for test back to the main code to help prevent skew?11:03
lifelessddaa: I think creating mocks from interfaces, for trivial mocks, is a good start as it makes the skew marginally less dangerous11:29
lifelessddaa: what I am proposing is full blown small implementations rather than mocks at all. These implementations record the actions done on the them, so you can do the 'what was called' tests 11:30
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carlosstub: I just sent you an email with the set of potemplate and pofile  ids that you should remove11:57
carlosstub: would be possible to get that done today?11:57
carlosstub: thanks12:01
carlosspiv: hi12:01
carlosspiv: do you have some time to help me with a librarian question I have?12:01
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ddaalifeless: to summarise, you advocate using simulator objects instead of mocks?12:04
ddaaon the basis that there should be _at most_ one simulator class per interface being tested12:05
ddaato make it manageable to evolve API without going into shotgun surgery on the test cases12:06
mptgah, now I *really* can't bzr push12:08
mptmpool, bug 4597312:10
UbugtuMalone bug 45973 in bzr "bzr push to SFTP crashes with "No module named tests.stub_sftp"" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4597312:10
BjornTmpt: stub sent a mail to the list about it, and lifeless said it has been fixed. not sure if a new package has been uploaded yet, though.12:14
mptserves me right for only reading the list once a day :-)12:15
mptthanks BjornT 12:15
mptno upload yet12:16
SteveAlifeless: when is the reviewers' meeting?12:19
carlosZnarl: thanks for fixing mawson's problem (I guess you did it)12:21
Znarlcarlos : I did, yes.12:22
carlosBjornT: my dapper update got a new bzr today12:22
BjornTcarlos: i think that's the one that is broken12:23
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=== carlos workraves
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lifelessSteveA: in 24 minutes12:37
lifelessBjornT: jbailey uploaded several hours ago12:38
stubBjornT: Can you please confirm https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileytcGfK.html before I apply it to production. I've already applied it to staging. It affected 83 bugtasks.12:40
cprov-afkZnarl: priv12:41
lifelessreview meeting in 512:57
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lifelessmeeting time01:00
lifelessroll call for the reviewers meeting please01:00
lifelessspiv: 01:00
lifelessjamesh: 01:00
lifelessstub: 01:00
lifelessSteveA: 01:00
lifeless * Agenda01:01
lifeless * Next meeting01:01
lifeless * Queue status.01:01
lifelesssame bat-time, same bat-channel ?01:02
spiv(WHAM!  KA-POW!)01:02
lifeless2006-05-29 at 1100 UTC.01:02
lifelessqueue status01:02
lifelesswork in progress is getting used.01:03
lifelessI like this :)01:03
=== BjornT [n=bjorn@clt-84-32-240-183.dtiltas.lt] has joined #launchpad
lifelessBjornT: review meeting time01:03
lifelessthere are 5 branches in needs-review01:03
lifeless2 for jamesh, 1 each for spiv, me, BjornT 01:04
BjornTcool, i'm here01:04
jameshlifeless: reload01:04
lifelessjamesh: heh, thanks!01:04
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spivlifeless: I reviewed mine a short while ago.01:04
lifelessok. so oldest branch is 3 days, and as todays monday, thats fine.01:05
lifelessspiv: cool01:05
lifelessso I'm happy. Do you guys have any comments, feelings about recent reviews ?01:05
jameshbtw, the pending-reviews page is now being generated once every 2 hours.  Depending on how things perform, that might get reduced further01:07
lifelessjamesh: excellent. thank you01:07
lifelessany new business ?01:07
jameshthings seem to be performing well, to the credit of the bzr guys01:07
stublifeless: Looks like my merge has hung pqm. It should have failed a few hours ago (the tests won't pass).01:08
lifelessSteveA: are you happy with our performance as a review team ?01:08
lifelessSteveA: whats your sense of the lp teams happiness with the review process these days ?01:09
lifelessstub: looking01:09
SteveAi think people are happy with the reviews and the turnaround time01:09
SteveAone ongoing challenge is to work out how to get reviews of designs, not just code01:09
lifelessstub: strace of process 25818 shows it hung01:10
lifelessstub: blocked on 'write'01:10
lifelessstub: looks like a bug in test_on_merge.py to me01:11
stubIs the blocked write to stdout or stderr?01:11
stubok. bug in test_on_merge likely culprit01:11
lifelesstest_on_merge is blocked on wait401:11
lifelesswaiting for the process to finish01:11
lifelesskilled it01:12
BjornTstub: the queries look good, didn't find anything odd on staging. i forgot one thing, though, the severity should be reset as well: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filePfHsNc.html01:12
lifelessSteveA: yes. I'm not sure how to improve that for the current reviews. It might be good to get earlier review involvement01:12
stubBjornT: Erm... did you remove the SET bugwatch=NULL deliberately?01:13
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SteveAlifeless: maybe a voip call with a reviewer to discuss designs at the start of coding01:13
BjornTstub: well, i was thinking of running two set of queries. the severity should be reset only if it's Unknown.01:14
lifelessSteveA: yes, that sort of thing.01:14
lifelessSteveA: an Item in the lp meeting for this would be good.01:14
lifelessok, meeting ends in ...01:15
lifeless.. 01:16
lifeless. .01:16
lifeless.  01:16
lifeless ..01:16
lifeless . 01:16
lifeless  .01:16
lifelessmeeting implodes01:16
lifelessthanks guys01:16
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ddaampt: ping02:09
ddaampt: unping02:09
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stubcarlos: I've done the potemplate/pofile removal on staging. Can you please give rosetta a once over to ensure that things that should have been deleted have been and things that shouldn't have been deleted are still there?02:16
carlossure, although on staging some extra potemplates were deleted due the changes I did on production to prevent those removals, I didn't apply those changes to stagin02:17
carlos(talking about the SELECT id ... query)02:17
carlosstub: I need to increase the timeout value for staging02:26
carlosto get a web page that will allow me to do that check really easy02:26
stubcarlos: I got a list of ids from production and deleted them on staging02:26
carlosoh, ok02:27
=== carlos needs to restart launchpad
carlosis that ok?02:28
carloswill be a few seconds, nothing will be updated02:28
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carlosstub: ok, seems like all was correct02:39
carlosstub: btw, I'm preparin some SQL updates for production, would you ping me 30 minutes or so before you leave to give you what I have to get those changes on production and leave the ones I'm working on for tomorrow?02:40
BjornTstub, lifeless: my merge requests to pqm are failing since /var/lock/launchpad-checkwatches.lock seems to exist. can someone take a look at it and delete it if it's there?02:51
stubBjornT: removed02:52
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lifelessnight all03:00
sivangnight lifeless 03:02
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [rs=kiko, trivial]  Remove spurious sourcepackagename creation when processing binary packages, remove unecessary checks for queue-ui view code and remove database imports from ftpmaster script library. (r3582: Celso Providelo)03:14
kikohey cprov 03:23
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cprovkiko: hi, it's still pending mark's points about queue-ui, will do it until evening03:25
kikookay, thanks.03:26
carlosstub: mail sent with the updates I need on production03:31
carlosstub: would be really good if you could execute them before leaving today, not sure if it's already too late...03:32
=== carlos -> lunch
carlosstub: If you need anything from me, just ping my nick and I will listen the ping.03:35
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Add connection instance info to OOPS report (Bug #44032) and make session cookie name configurable (Bug #44192) (r3583: Stuart Bishop)03:47
UbugtuMalone bug 44032 in launchpad "Out of order SQL queries triggering foreign key constraints" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4403203:47
Ubugtu'Malone bug 44192 in launchpad "Need to configure session cookie name to avoid staging and production\n conflicts" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/44192'03:47
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=== bradb & # holiday slax0ring
kikoah, good work stub 04:01
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mdzcprov: BenC has a kernel upload for edgy prepared if you want a nice test case04:28
cprovmdz: it'd be great, send it to me 04:30
cprovmdz: btw check for mistakes or issue you want me to fix before open real edgy04:31
mdzcprov: i wish I had the time...04:31
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cprovmdz: uhm, who do you suggest to play around ?04:32
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YannigHello everybody :)04:43
YannigAnyone could explain me how to set Occitan as default language AND French as alternative?04:43
YannigI have LANGUAGE="oc_FR:oc:fr_FR:fr:en_GB:en"04:44
YannigLANG=oc_FR.UTF-8 in /etc/environment but it seems it's not enough because I have many programs in English now :p04:44
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  add bug number to an XXX comment. (r3584: Bjorn Tillenius)04:47
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ploumoups, I just saw that there was a comment to my Google SoC04:50
ploumI replied, I hope that I'm not too late04:50
mdzcprov: I asked BenC to send it to you; follow up with him if you haven't heard from him already04:51
ploum(from Sivan Greenberg)04:51
cprovmdz: ok, thx04:51
carlosYannig: What's the content of your ~/.dmrc file?04:53
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carlosYannig: let's move this to the right channel... #ubuntu04:53
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=jamesh]  make it possible to create a new bug watch from +editstatus. add some javascript to the widgets used for creating and linking bug watches. (r3585: Bjorn Tillenius)05:25
kikogood work BjornT 05:30
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ddaacya launchpadders06:15
ddaagoing to restaurant and movies06:15
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pygido we have a xml-rpc interface in LP?06:34
mdzpygi: yes, I'm told that it does06:34
pygimdz, yes, on one application you did, on other you said we don't :)06:35
pygiwhich obviously changed in one day :P06:35
mdzpygi: I learned new information between those two points in time06:35
pygithanks :)06:35
mdzit changed quite recently06:35
pygimdz, ok06:35
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pygiwhat do you think is more important? that glaunchpad thingy or Smart Bug reporting?06:36
mdzthe latter06:36
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=spiv]  importd test cleanups (r3586: David Allouche)06:37
pygimdz, ok, I'll drop the glaunchpad and accept smart bug reporting06:37
pygiany possible mentors for that?06:38
mdzperhaps bradb or bjornt06:38
mdzkiko might have an opinion06:38
pygiok, but we should handle that fast, because mentors have to be assigned in max. like 6 hours from now06:39
jsgotangcogo pygi :)06:39
pygihey jsgotangco :)06:39
pygiwhat I did this time? :)06:40
pygimdz, can you do me a favor, talk to them, and say who of them will mentor? :)06:40
kikopygi, what's up?06:42
mdzpygi: I don't have time for it right now06:42
mdzkiko: google summer of code06:42
mdzkiko: someone wants to write our client-side bug reporting tool for malone06:42
mdzneeds a mentor06:42
pygimdz, ok, thanks anyway :)06:42
Keybukok, that's weird06:43
kikopygi, so sure, BjornT could be a mentor. you'll need some help with the XML-RPC server interface so that's why I'd recommend him.06:43
Keybuklaunchpad threw away my overrides06:43
Keybuk14:47:46 INFO    'mozilla-thunderbird-locale-el/main/web/OPTIONAL' binary overridden in dapper/amd6406:43
Keybukyet it's still in main06:43
Keybuk14:47:46 INFO    Override Component to: 'universe'06:43
pygikiko, oki, thanks :)06:43
=== Keybuk pastes the extra line
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BjornTkiko, pygi: i'm not registered as a mentor, though. not sure if that will be problem or not.06:44
kikoKeybuk, that's odd indeed. 06:44
aa_nothing to do with mentoring, but I am interested in helping with the bug report tool06:45
pygiBjornT, please apply for mentor right now06:45
kikopygi, that's a good point, because aa_ has written a basic tool that does just that.06:45
pygiBjornT, I hope you know how to do it? :)06:45
aa_(but not over XMLRPC)06:46
BjornTpygi: not really :), but i should have an email somewhere about it.06:46
pygiBjornT, oki, please hurry :)06:46
BjornTpygi: found the link, doing it now06:47
pygiBjornT, thanks :)06:47
Keybukkiko: there's no way to look up the "current" override for a package, is there?06:48
kikoKeybuk, it's the information attached to the most recent publishing entry06:49
Keybukwhy don't they show up until a publish run?06:49
Keybukis it just because that adjusts the actual ftp view?06:49
kikoKeybuk, don't whow up where?06:51
kikoshow, arch.06:51
Keybukwhen you run change-override06:51
Keybukthe log always says main/*06:52
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kiko-fudKeybuk, hmmm, I'm not sure. perhaps change-override doesn't look at the publishing history tables properly.06:59
kiko-fudKeybuk, can you file a bug and/or pester cprov to check on the SQL when he has a moment?07:00
Keybuk      version       | status | component07:01
Keybuk 1: |      1 |         307:01
Keybuk 1: |      2 |         107:01
Keybukso, I guess change-override just adds a PENDING publishing record which gets processed into a PUBLISHED each publisher run?07:02
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cprovKeybuk: yes, that's the way to override a publication07:05
Keybukcprov: so why hasn't it happened?07:05
cprovKeybuk: did the publisher run ?07:06
Keybukcprov: I assume it's run a few times since07:06
cprovKeybuk: uhm ..let me check, maybe a case of same filename and different content07:07
cprovKeybuk: sourcepackagename ?07:07
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Keybuk(though this is a binary override, the binary I'm looking at right now is mozilla-thunderbird-locale-nb)07:12
Keybukit seems to have worked this run ... any idea why it didn't earlier?07:12
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cprovKeybuk: afff, let me check the pub log 07:12
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cprovKeybuk: no clue and if you look to the source (https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-thunderbird-locale-nb/) things get more obscure.07:21
cprovKeybuk: the UI isn't even able to point to the right SP (https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird-locales)07:26
Keybukthe mozilla-thunderbird-locale-nb package WAS created by a source of the same name07:27
Keybukbut is now created by thunderbird-locales07:27
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cprovKeybuk: see https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/i386/mozilla-thunderbird-locale-nb07:28
cprovKeybuk: something sane07:28
Keybuk dapper i386 Release: PendingRemoval version 1: in component main and section web on 2006-05-22 16:10:34 BST and superseded on 2006-05-22 18:10:09 BST by i386 build of thunderbird-locales 1: in ubuntu dapper07:29
Keybuk  Requested 2006-05-22 14:37:48 BST in pocket RELEASE07:30
KeybukBuilt 2006-05-22 15:37:35 BST by rothera (i386) in two minutes  log07:30
Keybukmaybe my original override attempt got applied to the PendingRemoval package07:30
LarstiQhey Keybuk 07:30
Keybukand the one I actually intended it to apply to hadn't been built and published yet07:32
KeybukI did the override because it showed up in anastacia in the wrong place ... however germinate matches the Sources file with the Packages file, and the new source would have been published at that point07:32
KeybukLarstiQ: hey, s'up?07:37
SteveAsalgado: code review?07:37
LarstiQKeybuk: resting today and bzr-gtk later this week07:40
cprovKeybuk: it might be a very specific corner-case, a new publication [-3]  and an override at the same publisher run, it used the new publication to supersed both (the override and old version [-2] )07:45
cprovKeybuk: it stayed with the -3 version (main/web) for a while, than you applied a new override, which lasts til now07:45
KeybukI guess the fix there is that change-override should be able to change the component of a pending, rather than adding a new pending07:49
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salgadoSteveA, I just found an issue that is going to take me some time to fix. I don't think it's going to be ready for review before you leave. sorry08:04
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SteveAsalgado: i can do an initial review if you like08:05
salgadoSteveA, yeah, it might be a good idea, I think. https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileZRTkP4.html08:09
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glatzorhi, who is responsible for the language pack uploads? it would be nice to have a new package for the German translations.10:03
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kikoglatzor, not sure, but a combination of carlos and pitti knows!10:30
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=kiko]  Fix +bugcontact broken link on distro and product portlet details (r3587: Diogo Matsubara)10:49
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sivanghey lifeless , what's up? :)12:12
lifeless'stuff' ;)12:13
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=== sivang pokes around IInterface's code
sivangnight all01:01
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lifelessspiv: how are you going with the bzr update. Do you need to talk through anything in it ?03:18
spivlifeless: I have tests passing (so long as they don't run in a tty with more than 80 columns...)03:18
lifelessspiv: bzr.dev should have that fully fixed now03:19
spivOh, and there's a bzrtools test that fails, but fails upstream too.03:19
lifelessspiv: really? what one03:19
spivupstream_import's test_tar03:19
lifelessmeep. thats new from aaron03:20
mptGooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:02
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sivanghi SteveA 09:27
SteveAmorning sivan09:28
SteveAjamesh: skype call soon?09:39
SteveAjamesh, spiv, stub, mpt_: i want to queue up skype calls with each of you09:41
SteveAstub: 0800 UTC09:42
SteveAspiv: 0830 UTC09:42
spivSteveA: ok.09:43
jameshSteveA: okay09:43
SteveAjamesh: 0915 UTC09:44
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SteveAmornin malc09:58
SteveAmorning cprov 09:58
SteveAcprov: had a good trip?09:58
SteveAstub: ping10:00
=== stub kills esd and whotnot
cprovSteveA: morning, yes I had, thank you, first spring in London ;) 10:05
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spivSteveA: I'm ready for a call.10:31
SteveAspiv: okay.  restarting skype.10:33
spivRestarting?  I guess skype isn't so different from shtoom after all...10:33
spivSteveA: you seem to have dropped out?10:38
SteveAjust a sec10:38
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KinnisonHow do I add a new bugtracker type?10:40
lifeless'type' like bugzilla etc ?10:40
KinnisonI want to add an upstream bug watch into Savannah10:40
Kinnisonlifeless: aye10:40
lifelessIIRC it needs a new dbschema item10:40
Kinnisonit's not just a table?10:40
lifeless*from memory*10:41
spivKinnison: lifeless is correct.10:42
=== Kinnison sobs
=== Kinnison does it the non-structured way
jameshKinnison: depending on how much they've diverged, the SF bug tracker type may be appropriate10:43
Kinnisonjamesh: I don't think it is, unfortunately. I think the query-string parameter names have changed10:43
jameshKinnison: things like the remote bug status synchronisation need to special case each bug tracker type, so it is not trivial to add new types and have all features work10:45
KinnisonI see10:45
mdkewe're having some problems on the wiki with a user randomly renaming important pages and replacing them with unrelated things 10:45
KinnisonMakes sense10:45
mdkecan the account be disabled until it can be sorted out with the individual concerned?10:45
lifelessmdke: sure.10:45
lifelessmdke: account name?10:45
mdkewikiname is Ruwan510:46
lifelessspiv: will disabling the lp account immediately take effect ?10:46
mdkeif you can give me his email addy too, i'll mail him10:47
SteveAyou'd need to kill his session too10:48
mdkeplease do, the mayhem is already going to be hard to roll back10:49
lifelessI can't find the name !10:49
SteveAmaybe stub can help10:49
lifelessoh foo. unclosed "10:49
lifelessgot it10:50
SteveAwe probably should build an admin page for managing users/sessions10:50
lifelesshttps://launchpad.net/people/ruwan is the account afaict10:51
stubI landed a fix yesterday so you can't auth if your account is no longer valid, but it isn't live yet.10:51
lifelessoh foo10:51
lifelessthere are 5 of this guy10:51
lifelesshttps://launchpad.net/people/ruwanredhat is the one10:52
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lifelesshow do we disbable an account then ?10:52
stubI think disabling the lp account will immediately affect wiki auth though10:52
lifelessstub:  is there an admin gui, or should I port the db for that ?10:53
=== stub has a look
=== SteveA asks spiv for input
lifelessstub: I dont see a valid field in the db10:53
lifelessmdke: ruwanredhat@yahoo.com10:53
spivI *think* disabling the authserver account will kill the wiki auth immediately.10:54
stublifeless: setting the password to NULL will work10:54
mdkelifeless: thanks10:54
BjornT__cprov: ping10:55
spiv(maybe it will cause tracebacks or something for that user, but it probably will stop them being logged in)10:55
mdkelifeless: did you disactivate all of them, or just one?10:55
lifelessspiv: what does 'disabled' mean for the authserver ?10:55
spivlifeless: Hmm.10:55
lifelessmdke: I'm only sure that one is him10:56
mdkelifeless: ok. mailing now10:56
lifelessthe rest may be other people with a similar name for instance.10:56
spivI don't think password IS NULL is checked by the authserver.10:56
spivHaving no emailaddresses would do it...10:56
=== spiv looks at the query
SteveAif we get more abuse, we should have an explicit flag for "disabled by admin"10:56
lifelessspiv: bounce the authserver perhaps ?10:56
SteveAthat way, we can re-enabled wrongly disabled accounts10:56
lifelessSteveA: and have that immediately kick the session10:56
SteveAwithout losing state10:57
spivlifeless: doesn't help, the authserver is stateless.10:57
SteveAyes, have that immediately stop things10:57
spivlifeless: the state is the user's cookie + the database.10:57
SteveAi feel a spec in the works...10:57
lifelessSteveA: take a laxitive10:57
mdkei think for the new documentation wiki we might disable renaming pages, it's hard to roll them back... stupid moin10:57
SteveAif only moin had a bzrlib backend10:58
spivYeah, the authserver's opinion about users is based on having valid email addresses.10:58
lifelessmdke: if you visit the old page at ?action=edit it might let you in.10:58
lifelessmdke: is he still doing it ?10:58
mdkelifeless: nothing else yet10:58
lifelessif he is, ping stub or I and we'll delete the email address10:58
lifelessspiv: would changing it work ? or a delete ?10:59
jameshmdke: iirc you can limit features like rename to a particular group of users10:59
mdkeyes, that's what I mean10:59
spivlifeless: setting all users' emails to e.g. state = NEW rather than VALIDATED would work, I think...10:59
spivAlthough it would let them reclaim the account, still.10:59
lifelessSteveA: another thing a disabled flag does is better error feedback to the user11:00
lifelessSteveA: 'see an admin' rather than 'my account stopped working suddenly'11:00
lifelessspiv: 'all users'' can be parsed wrongly in an amusing way11:01
spivI'd be happy to update the authserver to check a disabled flag.11:01
spivlifeless: Heh "all *the* users'" :)11:01
SteveAspiv: we'd want to update moin too, to give an appropriate message11:01
spivSteveA: Right.11:01
jameshI assume this disabled flag should also affect https://launchpad.net too?11:02
jameshif a user is enough of a twit on the wiki to get their account disabled, we probably don't want them creating products on LP ...11:02
SteveAsomeone may have had their credentials stolen11:03
SteveAso we should disable the account until the issue is cleared up11:03
jameshany kind of error message should give clear directions on who to ask to get it reenabled11:03
mdkespiv: btw since you're here - did you see Karl's email about the wiki migration script?11:06
mdkelifeless: seems to have stopped it. I'll ping you if he emails me back and promises to stop :)11:06
spivmdke: Yep -- when I next see him online (probably very soon) I'll help him run that script.  It ran smoothly on my local copy, so it ought to be painless.11:08
mdkespiv: yay. thanks11:09
mdkespiv: the last thing was doing the pages which redirect to the relevant pages as well. is that already in the script?11:09
spivmdke: Yep, that's there.11:10
spivOh, pardon me.11:10
spivYou mean the pages that redirect to the moved pages...11:11
spivThat isn't done, I'm just doing a search on the live wiki to see how many there are.11:12
spivA few hundred, maybe less.11:13
mdkei would have thought not too many11:14
spivmdke: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=%23redirect&fullsearch=Text11:14
spivNot all of those are redirects to doc pages necessarily.11:15
mdkeyeah, what we need are the pages that redirect to pages tagged with CategoryDocumentation11:15
SteveAmpt: ping11:15
mdkefor example https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mdke shouldn't get moved, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java should11:15
spivmdke: It's a bit of a pain, but I'll take a stab at it.11:16
SteveAjamesh: ping11:16
mdkespiv: hang on tho11:17
mdkespiv: if Java redirects to RestrictedFormats, which then refreshes to the new wiki, it'll be ok. Does moin handle these sort of bounce refreshes?11:17
spivmdke: I would expect so.11:18
mdkespiv: in that case moving them too won't be necessary11:18
spivAh, great.11:18
jameshSteveA: pong11:18
spivThat's what I was hoping to hear ;)11:19
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mdkespiv: we'll get refresh activated on the main wiki and test it11:19
spivmdke: Sounds like a plan.11:19
jameshSteveA: I'm not getting any sound11:19
SteveAme neither11:19
SteveAlet's both try the echo123 test11:20
SteveAecho test worked for me11:20
jameshSteveA: it was a problem at my end.  I moved my headset over to a USB hub, and things seemed to break11:24
jameshshould be fine now11:24
=== SteveA restarts
SteveAjamesh: i ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt11:26
SteveAjamesh: i tried calling you, but got an error11:27
jameshI'll try calling you11:27
mptSteveA, pong11:33
SteveAhi mpt 11:34
SteveAi'd like to have a call soon11:34
SteveAddaa: ping11:39
ddaaSteveA: pong11:39
SteveAddaa: do you have anything that you want jamesh to work on?11:39
ddaahell, yes!11:40
ddaalet me check11:40
SteveAddaa, jamesh: i propose you two meet tomorrow11:40
SteveAto discuss these things11:40
ddaathat's fine11:40
SteveAwhat time?11:40
ddaaremember that I'm on leave thursday and friday11:40
SteveAi want to be involved too11:41
jameshddaa: the supermirror branch pull list stuff got merged to rocketfuel yesterday, btw.11:41
ddaa1000UTC would be fine for me11:41
SteveAkinda late11:41
ddaa0800UTC is a bit early for me11:42
ddaabut if anything later would be inconvenient, I can be there11:43
SteveA0900 is okay for me11:43
SteveAit means i can get lunch after the meeting11:43
ddaajamesh: is 0900 okay?11:43
jamesh0900 or 1000 are fine for me11:43
ddaa0900 it is then11:43
ddaabtw, I had a chat with Kinnison and celso yesterday11:44
ddaato get in sync about what we'll talk about in Paris11:45
ddaaI realised that only have fuzzy ideas about how I want to change the vcs-imports systems after bzr-native11:45
ddaait would be nice if I could have a few days to sit down and lay out plans11:45
ddaaso I would have a better idea of the environment of importd-ng11:46
ddaaI made an agenda item about it11:47
ddaaSteveA: so I would like if on the next bazaar meeting we have decided about when to set out time in my schedule for this.11:48
ddaajamesh: I noticed it got merged, I sent you an email saying "thank you" :)11:53
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jameshhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/28840 <- that's the bug that was causing the audio problems initially12:00
UbugtuMalone bug 28840 in linux-source-2.6.15 "CONFIG_USB_EHCI_SPLIT_ISO not being set causes errors when attempting to play audio through a usb sound device connected via hub" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  12:00
SteveAjamesh: did you see the meeting notes i /msg-ed to you?12:08
SteveAmpt: call now?12:14
ddaaSteveA: is any action required from lifeless and I about Europython room booking?12:21
SteveAthanks for asking12:21
SteveAi'm hassling people12:21
SteveAi have had no response yet12:21
SteveAi'll let you know if things go any more pear-shaped12:21
ddaaokay, the URGENT tag suggested we should take some action, but your message did not specify what12:21
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #launchpad
=== OdyX [n=Didier@] has joined #launchpad
ddaaone user says "hello, I'm a newbie, how do I sync Evo and Groupwise" on launchpad-users12:22
ddaathen another user says "hello, I'm a newbie, and I do not use Evolution, but look on Novell's website", on launchpad-users too12:22
ddaahelpful and friendly, but... disturbing...12:22
mptSteveA, ok12:23
mptSteveA, you just went offline12:24
OdyXHeyah. CoC 1.0.1 seems unsignable...12:25
SteveAmpt: yeah12:25
SteveAmpt: i think you need to restart skype12:25
mptOdyX, yes, that is a bug that is being fixed12:26
OdyXmpt: OK. Good. Thanks12:26
mptIn the meantime, you can sign version 1.012:26
lifelessddaa: :)12:26
ddaahey lifeless12:26
ddaahow's the sourcecode/ fixage going?12:26
ddaacan you review my launchpad/importd-cvs-tests branch soon, I'm about to start building on it12:27
lifelessddaa: had a bug with bzrtools today12:27
mptSteveA, my Skype password has expired somehow, I'll be a few minutes12:27
lifelessthats fixed, and I'm waiting with bated fingers for spiv to ask me to try merging from his branches again.12:27
OdyXmpt: I ever did... months ago... just wondering12:27
ddaalifeless: it would be real nice to get that fixed very soon, so I can merge my cscvs work before going on leave12:28
lifelessddaa: its not exactly in my hands12:28
ddaasure, but your are my volunteer proxy to spiv12:28
lifelessddaa: but I can appreciate that. I shall review that branch tomorrow, I have been stuck inside commits guts today12:29
ddaaso I nag you instead of spiv :)12:29
=== OdyX [n=Didier@] has left #launchpad ["Konversation]
=== lifeless is allergic to nagging
ddaareminds me... abentley asked me to nag him about something...12:29
lifelessis there any better way to chain iterators than12:30
lifelessyield foo12:30
lifelessfor stuff in foo.bar():12:31
lifeless    yield stuff12:31
SteveAyou can look at itertools12:31
lifelessby better I mean 'faster'12:31
SteveAfaster in what sense?12:31
SteveAfaster to write code for?12:31
ddaapython lack streams :(12:31
lifelessSteveA: wall clock time12:31
ddaaSteveA: I think lifeless is concerned that the yield loop causes function call overhead12:32
lifelessSteveA: we're yielding 10K items spread over 800 containers12:32
SteveAi don't know if any are written in C12:32
SteveAbut writing such iterator chaining in C isn't hard12:32
lifelessSteveA: so while iterators only cost a single frame to setup, there would still appear to be overhead yielding each child12:32
ddaamy measurements suggested the same12:33
lifelessI'm considering flatting the entire thing into a list or some such12:33
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #launchpad
ddaait look like it's cheaper to use lists long sequences of small objects12:33
lifelessddaa: this is iter_entries12:33
ddaawhile iterators are great for relatively short sequences of large objects12:34
lifelessddaa: which you tuned, and then lost the patch for12:34
mdkespiv: the bouncing works12:34
SteveAchanging things into lists is usually quicker in python, if you don't care about holding it all in memory12:34
SteveAconverting to tuples cheaper still12:34
lifelessSteveA: total size is only a few Mb12:34
SteveAtuples are about the cheapest thing you can get12:34
SteveAif you know the size up front12:34
SteveAand will reduce your memory requirement too12:34
lifelessSteveA: its a tree made up of dicts12:35
lifelessSteveA: (thats a lie, but a good one)12:35
SteveAwhat is a tree made up of dicts?12:35
lifelessis it likely to be better to build a list and append, or a tuple and create new tuples as we establish the value of new entries12:35
ddaathe structure he's traversing12:35
lifelessSteveA: the data structure we are working from12:35
=== mpt knows what a tuple is now
lifelessgives use foo/bar/gam/quux in the output12:36
SteveAand what kind of walk do you want to do over that structure?12:36
lifelessSteveA: transform it to the full path to every value  - so 'foo','foo/bar','foo/bar/gam','foo/bar/gam/quux' in the example above12:37
ddaalifeless: one way you could do it with iterators: first traverse the structure to get all the directories, then use itertools.chain to build the listing.12:37
SteveAdo you have a 10k long path?12:38
SteveAor many such paths?12:38
ddaaas many paths as version controlled files12:38
SteveAso, do you have a list of such dicts?12:38
lifelessSteveA: the total number of nodes in the tree is 1082612:38
lifelessSteveA: of those, 826 are dicts, 10000 are terminal12:39
SteveA {'foo':{'bar':{'gam':'quux'}}}12:39
SteveAso you could provide an example with more branches12:39
SteveAthere is just one branch there12:39
SteveAso it is all dicts12:39
SteveAand you want to get out of it every possible branch?12:39
SteveAi will also need to announce the forthcoming change to the launchpad list12:40
SteveAand coordinate the changing of various scripts, such as the "pending reviews" scripts12:40
SteveAthat pull data from pages on the wiki12:40
lifelessSteveA: heh. yes12:42
lifeless{'foo':{'bar':{'gam':'quux'}}, 'wham':'blech}12:42
SteveAyou want to get each branch out as a path12:42
SteveAso, in that example, you want to get12:43
SteveA1. 'foo/bar/gam/quux'12:43
SteveA2. 'wham/blech'12:43
lifelessfoo, foo/bar, foo/bar/gam, foo/bar/gam/quux, wham, wham/blech12:43
lifelessin that order12:43
SteveAthe order could be:12:43
SteveA wham, wham/blech, foo, foo/bar, foo/bar/gam, foo/bar/gam/quux12:44
SteveAdicts are unordered12:44
lifelesswe sort12:44
SteveAwhat do you do with the paths afterwards?12:44
lifelessafter yielding ?12:44
SteveAlets say i gave you a list of these paths12:45
SteveAwhat do you do next with that list?12:45
lifelessSteveA: callers of this function use the list to do operations like 'commit' and 'status'12:46
lifelessSteveA: the paths are typically passed to os functions like 'stat' and 'open' once, and then discarded12:46
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lifelessgive me a sec12:47
SteveAi want to think about this for a moment12:47
jameshlifeless: perhaps this is an area where a small C extension would be appropriate?12:53
lifelessjamesh: I think there are deeper changes we can make which are more useful. 12:54
lifelessjamesh: having made those, C might be a good bet to make it faster still.12:54
ddaaduh, my two pass suggestion does not work12:55
jameshfair enough12:55
lifelessbut I see no reason it should not be blindingly fast without C for this.12:56
ddaait's equivalent to building a list12:56
SteveAit's good that you have a data structure made of dicts and strings12:56
SteveAyou can do stuff in C that avoids lots of python overhead for this12:56
lifelessSteveA: its not quite that simple, which is why I said its a lie.12:56
SteveAi don't think you'd be able to approach that in python12:56
SteveAunless you find a clever way to use a builtin to do it12:56
jameshlifeless: all the functions in the itertools module are C, so if any of those functions cover what you are doing they may provide a speed boost12:57
SteveAso, D.iteritems()12:57
SteveAas a good start12:57
ddaajamesh: by any chance, is there something like C "stream" facility, similar to what C# does, in python?12:57
lifelessSteveA: there are objects which have the dicts, and the dicts hold those objects.12:58
jameshddaa: got a pointer to the c# api?12:58
ddaapython generators are nice, but they suck to traverse tree structures12:58
jameshddaa: I'm not sure what a C# stream is12:58
ddaajamesh: I can try to find it12:58
jameshddaa: it is possible that Python 2.5 generators are an equivalent12:59
jameshddaa: or do you just mean file-like objects01:00
ddaathe basic idea is to be able to "yield" an iterable, and the consumer sees the iterable items instead of the iterable itself01:00
spivjamesh: The annoying thing about recursive generators is the need to do "for x in g(...): yield x" rather than having a way to say "yield all x" or something.01:01
jameshI don't think there is an equivalent of that01:01
ddaatypically what you need when you want e.g. to serialise a dom.01:01
spivWhich isn't *that* annoying.01:01
ddaaspiv: it's annoying because it can become a performance problem in some cases01:02
spivddaa: Having all the extra layers of bytecode interpretation?01:02
ddaaonce the tree is a bit deep, yielding an item involves calling back into a bunch of generators01:02
jameshspiv: I wonder if the Python compiler could detect and optimise "for x in iterable: yield x" loops?01:02
lifelessspiv: N^201:02
jameshit sounds simple ...01:03
spivlifeless: I don't see how having a "yield all x" syntax helps the O() cost, if that's what you're saying, it's a function of the algorithm.01:03
lifelesswhat we were doing in that routine was pathjoining every item01:03
lifelessspiv: say you have a tree if iterators 10 deep01:04
ddaaspiv: it flattens the call tree01:04
lifelessspiv: with 1000 items at the bottom01:04
spivddaa: Not really, the recursion still has to happen, even if the interpreter is able to tear down the frame sooner it still has to be there to evaluate the inner generator.01:05
lifelessspiv: hmm, may be mistaken.... at the top level, you see 1000 items to yield. one down (this is a non-splitting tree to the bottom), you have to yield 1000 things, the next 1000 and so on, to the bottom which actually yields the 1000 things01:05
ddaaspiv: but it does not have to call through the intermediate generators to yield from the inner one01:05
spivjamesh: It sounds possible for the compiler to detect and optimise, though I bet the improvement would be pretty modest.01:06
lifelessspiv: in which case it is linear reduction in cost01:06
ddaajamesh: I think it would still be a very useful hint to the compiler to make it explicit that "here, I'm yielding all the elements of that iterable without touching them"01:07
jameshspiv: well, the improvement should be the same as that given by using a "yield all iterable" statement01:07
spivjamesh: Right, which is why I'm guessing it would be pretty modest.01:07
jameshddaa: sure.  And if you have a loop of the form "for x in iterable: yield x", the compiler could know that01:08
jameshthe loop couldn't be doing anything else01:08
ddaafunction call overhead is not that modest in python, and I believe that calling into a generator has the usual expensive python function call cost.01:08
spivddaa: There's precisely one python-level call involved in "for x in somegenerator(args): yield x"01:09
ddaamultiply that by the depth of each item you are yielding01:09
spivddaa: Or more exactly, the expensive part of python calls is the frame setup.01:09
ddaathat can quickly becomes several millions01:09
spivddaa: Re-entering a generator doesn't incur that cost.01:10
lifelesswhere does lsprof assign frame setup costs? to the caller ?01:10
mptSteveA, Skype still hasn't sent me my new password -- we could chat on IRC, or Skype tomorrow01:11
jameshddaa: if I have an iterator implemented in C, and am iterating it with PyIter_Next() from some other bit of C code, there are no Python stack frames created01:11
ddaamh, I might have been mistaken01:11
spivjamesh: And generators are interators implemented in C, sort of :)01:12
ddaafor one thing, this optimisation was driven by hotshot timings, which I found later to be less than entirely reliable01:12
jameshddaa: so if the compiler could optimise "for x in iterable: yield x" into a special instruction, the generator implementation could pass back values without executing Python code01:12
lifelessspiv: nice typo01:12
ddaajamesh: yes, I think there's a strict equivalence there01:12
spivlifeless: Ta :)01:12
SteveAmpt: let's do a bit of irc then01:13
ddaaanything else in the for loop would prevent the use of that optimisation, and the use of the hypothetical "yield all" syntax as well01:13
spivjamesh: Unless the interpreter could somehow cleverly chain multiple nestings of these together efficiently, I think it would be only a small improvement.01:14
lifelessdifferent question, is stringobj + '/' + stringobj slower than '/'.join((stringobj, stringobj)) ?01:14
=== spiv thinks about it.
spivlifeless: hmm, I'd guess it would be faster.01:15
spivBecause operators of builtin types are much faster than function calls.01:15
jameshyou end up creating a temporary string though01:16
SteveAwhat about '%s/%s' ?01:16
lifelessjamesh: right, thats what I was thinking01:16
lifelessSteveA: could do. I should bench them :). 01:16
SteveAcreating strings is cheap01:16
=== lifeless does so
spivjamesh: Yeah, possibly for large enough strings it's more expensive, but with recent optimisations to string addition I'm not sure that even then it's true.01:17
ddaa>>> timeit.Timer("'a' + '/' + 'b'").repeat()01:17
ddaa[0.96357202529907227, 1.05560302734375, 0.39551806449890137] 01:17
ddaa>>> timeit.Timer("'/'.join(('a', 'b'))").repeat()01:17
ddaa[1.3867409229278564, 1.3909780979156494, 0.99723100662231445] 01:17
spivjamesh: Python now tries to resize strings inplace on BINARY_ADD, if there are no other references to it.01:18
ddaain that specific case, the former is a tad bit faster01:18
spivjamesh: So the repeated-addition idiom isn't O(n**2) anymore, in most cases.  It depends on the bytecode a little, though.01:19
lifelessbzrlib.benchmarks.bench_commit.CommitBenchmark.test_slash_add                                                                                                                                  OK          51ms01:19
lifelessbzrlib.benchmarks.bench_commit.CommitBenchmark.test_slash_join                                                                                                                                 OK          15ms01:20
lifelessbzrlib.benchmarks.bench_commit.CommitBenchmark.test_slash_percent                                                                                                                              OK          16ms01:20
lifelessthese are consistent01:20
lifelessstring add is slowest01:20
lifelesspercent joining is a little slower than doing a join01:20
spivlifeless: probably the tuple allocation is the difference with percent joining.01:21
spivlifeless: learn to love timeit.01:22
spivpython -m timeit -s "a, b = 'a', 'b'" "a + '/' + b"01:22
=== lifeless cries
lifelessI have a handy hammer dagnammit01:22
ddaa>>> timeit.Timer("a + '/' + b", setup="a, b = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbbb'").repeat()01:22
ddaa[1.2092900276184082, 1.2048490047454834, 0.83875298500061035] 01:22
ddaa>>> timeit.Timer("'/'.join((a,b))", setup="a, b = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbbb'").repeat()01:22
ddaa[1.6951849460601807, 1.1019880771636963, 0.58829784393310547] 01:22
ddaait does look like addition is a bit faster01:23
jameshspiv: there is one more tuple created in '/'.join((a,b)) compared to 01:23
spivddaa: And you should learn to love the timeit command line :P01:23
jamesh'%s/%s' % (a,b)01:23
spivjamesh: Is there?  Oh, the function argument?01:23
jameshspiv: yeah args are passed to the function as a tuple01:23
spivjamesh: I would have thought the join method would use METH_O?01:23
lifelessat 100,000 calls, slash joining is still faster for me.01:24
spivjamesh: Yeah, it does... I thought that would avoid the tuple construction?01:24
jameshspiv: that just causes the C code to verify that there is one item in the args tuple and pass that to the C function01:24
lifelessI'm not sure what timeit is doing here, but I'm more confident in my real-world benchmark here than timeit.01:25
jameshspiv: I tell a lie.  there is PyCFunction special casing in ceval.c01:26
lifelessah, interesting, at 500000 calls, it has changed.01:26
spivjamesh: I was about to say :)01:26
spivlifeless: the number of calls should not be a factor.  Possibly your use of range() is causing oddness?01:27
spivi.e. the 100th evaluation of "a + '/' + b" and the millionth call of it should be just as fast or slow as each other, give or take noise.01:28
lifelessok, convinthed01:30
ddaaspiv: in previous tests, I found the python timing noise to have very weird characteristics01:32
ddaait did not seem to average out with increased numbers of iterations01:32
ddaaanother interesting datum, the string addition is optimised by psyco much much better than the '/'.join.01:34
spivddaa: "python -m timeit -v ..." is pretty consistent for me -- the first set of N iterations is always a bit slow, but the other two are always very close.01:35
ddaawith psyco, string addition is 20x faster01:35
ddaaspiv: that's not how it behaves in my experience (even looking at my new timings right here)01:36
ddaalifeless: if you are in micro-optimisation mood, I think it would be worth trying transforming the recursive algorithm into an iterative one01:37
lifelessddaa: function overhead is not much of an issue here01:38
lifelessddaa: only 800 function calls01:38
lifelessand max depth is 301:38
ddaawell, I would give it a try. That said, I'm going to back to what I'm paid for :)01:38
lifelessddaa: I've already beaten into acceptable01:40
lifeless      +10825            0    491.6700    124.3990   +bzrlib.inventory:871(iter_entries)01:40
lifeless491ms under lsprof is not an issue when the total time taken is 140072ms01:40
ddaawell, modulo profiler biases...01:41
jameshwhat was the before figure?01:41
spivddaa: If I use the -n arg to "python -m timeit" to force the number of iterations below it's default threshold, I get different results, but at its threshold or higher it's consistent.01:41
lifelessjamesh: I dont have it handy. I can generate it, be a few minutes01:41
lifelessover the whole test run is01:42
ddaabut there are likely more to be gained in other parts of the code01:42
lifeless      259309       194352   2749.8370   2645.2650   bzrlib.inventory:871(iter_entries)01:42
lifelessso its very much in the 'not a problem basket'01:42
spivddaa: (the nice thing about "python -m timeit" is it automatically picks a number of loops that takes between 0.2 and 2s, which seems to give reliable results, smaller times are more susceptible to noise)01:43
mptlifeless, "bzr diff -r branch:../rocketfuel" returns a lot of changes that were made by other people, as well as the changes I've made in this branch. But "bzr merge ../rocketfuel" returns "Nothing to do". Should I be concerned?01:44
lifelessI'm still concerned by        10832            0  31236.6910    499.2190   bzrlib.store.versioned:187(get_weave_or_empty)01:44
lifelesswhich is IMNSHO way to slow01:45
lifelessbut the open() call is probably not something we can improve much on01:45
lifelesswhat we have planned, but haven't done yet, is getting lsprof output for just a timed call area.01:46
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=== carlos -> lunch
spivSteveA: Btw, I saw eurovision, and I think Lithuania were robbed.02:06
SteveAmany people here have been talking about it02:07
SteveAi think i heard the song... it was self-referential02:07
SteveAbut for me, finnish doom metal wins anytime 02:07
spivI admit the song with the "arockalypse" was my second choice.02:08
spivAnd the "day of rockoning".02:09
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ddaampt: what you describe does not sound normal02:14
ddaampt: what does "bzr update" do?02:14
mptddaa, "Tree is up to date."02:16
ddaampt: what does merging your branch into rocketfuel do?02:16
mptddaa, merging it *in* to rocketfuel?02:18
mptOr merging from rocketfuel into it?02:18
ddaamerging into rocketfuel02:18
=== mpt moves those *s one word leftward
ddaaas opposed to merging rocketfuel into your branch02:18
lifelessjamesh: previous total ime02:18
lifeless      259309       194352   9903.7670   3989.2800   bzrlib.inventory:875(iter_entries)02:19
lifelessof which02:19
lifeless     +190848            0   5787.7500   3580.9870   +posixpath:56(join)02:19
=== ddaa fails to see why people seem to have trouble with non-commutativity of "merge"
mptddaa, I've never merged anything into rocketfuel before02:19
mpt(there would be no point, except for debugging)02:19
mptddaa, that gives me a pile of changes and pending merges02:20
ddaathat's quite useful to see what diff merging a branch would introduce02:20
ddaampt: are those changes all yours?02:20
mptdespite the fact that I just updated my rocketfuel copy02:20
mptNo, most of them are bradbs02:20
mptok, half of them are bradb's, along with some Mark and some Stuart etc02:20
ddaaare these the actual changes, or are they reversed?02:21
mptHow do I tell? They're ellipsized commit messages02:21
mptelided, even02:21
ddaaI asked you which changes, not which pending merges...02:21
mptThere are three db schema patches added, and none removed02:22
ddaaapparently your branch merged some branch which is not yet in rocketfuel02:22
mptSo I'm guessing they're actual changes02:22
mptWas there a rollback recently?02:22
ddaanone that I'm aware of02:22
ddaampt: you could tell02:23
ddaaif the pending merges you get when merging show a pqm commit02:23
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mptah! yes, there are six of those02:24
ddaathat suggest that the rocketfuel branch you are checking against is out of date02:24
ddaaand that your branch is more up to date02:24
ddaa_or_ that something amazingly bad happened that caused 6 rocketfuel commits to disappear02:25
ddaaso I'd rather lean towards the user error02:25
mptThe only way, that I can think of, that that could have happened is if chinstrap's rocketfuel has regressed02:25
ddaatry reverting your merge from your rocketfuel branch, then pull from chinstrap's rocketfuel02:26
mptor, more likely, there's an error in my update-my-rocketfuel script02:26
mptrsync -aP --delete chinstrap:/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel-built/launchpad/ ~/hacking/lp/rocketfuel02:26
mptIs that correct?02:26
ddaalooks right02:27
ddaaI guess that you merged rocketfuel from chinstrap (through sftp) into your personal branch02:27
ddaathat would explain your branch being more up to date than your local rocketfuel02:27
mptI never do that02:28
mptIs there a difference between /home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel-built/launchpad and /home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel ?02:29
ddaain principle, not02:29
ddaabut there might be some skew02:29
spivThey look to be in sync to me.02:31
mptNow, relative to rocketfuel, my branch removes a lot of recent work02:32
ddaawell, that means it's out of date02:32
ddaawhich is normal since you have just rsynced02:33
mptoh, that's branch:02:33
mptI thought I was looking at ancestor:02:33
mpthooray, all working now02:33
mptthanks ddaa02:34
ddaampt: no problem, apparently you were just confused02:34
ddaaand everything was working as it should02:34
mptI got results different from what I'd ever got before02:35
mptI had a right to be confused :-P02:35
ddaathe fact you were confused suggest that something is not as obvious as it should02:35
jordimpt: hey02:41
jordimpt: so, I'm getting somewhat annoyed and disturbed about the growing amount of junk/bogus products getting registered in LP02:42
jordido you think we can think about a strategy to alleviate this?02:42
jordiThe usual "Report this as a bogus product" button comes to mind02:42
jordiI can raise this on the list, I guess that'll be better02:43
mptThe closest related spec is probably https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/RemovingObjects02:47
mptjordi ^02:47
jordimpt: aha02:49
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=SteveA]  Tweaks wording, and reorders form elements, on bug reporting form. (r3588: Matthew Paul Thomas)03:06
stubcarlos: Can you please generate one or two oopses on staging?03:18
carlosstub: should they be timeouts? or any opps is valid?03:19
stubYou seem to know the right pages ;)03:19
stubAhh... got one03:20
carlosstub: OOPS-143S2 and OOPS-143S103:20
=== stub waits for the sync
carlosstub: https://staging.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+lang/es03:20
carlosthat page timouts always in staging03:20
carlosit's near 1MB....03:20
carlosI think we should move it to use batching....03:21
stubYup. Sending a page that size is just plain rude.03:21
stubSteveA: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/2006-05-23/S1 - the id of the connection instance is in a comment at the start of the SQL (hack, I know) and rollback and commit statements are being logged too.03:24
spivstub: wonderful03:29
stubstaging only atm - we should be able to get it on production with the next shipit update (Thu?)03:30
SteveAwhen we do more work on the oops system, defining a filesystem-level protocol, then we'll add an explicit place for the connection id03:31
SteveAcan we link this connection id to something in the postgres logs?03:32
SteveAor, is it possible to add a statement that will be logged saying "connection id in zope is this in postgres" ?03:32
stubWe could emit a message to the PostgreSQL logs03:36
stubWe can match things up anyway using the timestamp03:36
SteveAassuming the app server is synched very closely to the database03:37
stubJust a little slower and more manual03:37
stubIt is03:37
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iwjSubject: [Bug 46110]  Re: [Bug 46110]  Re: [Bug 46110]  Re: [Bug 46110]  Re: Segmentation fault while trying to install package "puredata"04:25
UbugtuMalone bug 46110 in dpkg "Segmentation fault while trying to install package "puredata"" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4611004:25
UbugtuMalone bug 46110 in dpkg "Segmentation fault while trying to install package "puredata"" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4611004:25
UbugtuMalone bug 46110 in dpkg "Segmentation fault while trying to install package "puredata"" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4611004:25
UbugtuMalone bug 46110 in dpkg "Segmentation fault while trying to install package "puredata"" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4611004:25
iwjOh, and a nice bug in Ubugtu too.04:25
sfllawSeveas isn't here to see it.04:28
sfllawIf only there were a bug tracker for Ubugtu...04:29
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kiko-zzzsalgado, which attached patch?04:46
kikosalgado, also, I was curious to see if tal:attributes="selected" would actually work.04:47
stubkiko, salgado: Do either of you know if shipit-reports should be reenabled for a run tomorrow, or should it remain off for a while longer?04:49
kikostub, let me clear that with salgado, 5m04:49
stuberm... shipit-exports I mean04:49
kikoexports definitely yes, stub 04:50
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salgadokiko, sorry, I forgot to attach it. just sent it, though04:52
SteveAsalgado: hi04:52
SteveAsalgado: i'm confused as to what i should review for you04:52
SteveAi have three emails with diffs.  one supercedes one other04:52
SteveAso i have two left04:52
salgadokiko, yes, the thing you suggested does work04:52
salgadoSteveA, one is that you did a review already?04:53
kiko> +                    selected option/is_selected">04:53
SteveAone is "shipit trivialities"04:54
SteveAone is "initial review: new shipit pages"04:54
salgadoSteveA, oh, sorry for that04:54
SteveAwhat should i review next?04:54
salgadothe shipit trivialities I should have sent to kiko04:54
SteveAso i should review the "initial review: new shipit pages"04:55
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kikoSteveA, yeppoolas04:56
kikohey BjornT 04:56
salgadoSteveA, yes!04:56
kikosalgado is telling me what appears to be a tall tale04:56
BjornThi kiko 04:56
kikoBjornT, observe this line of TAL:04:56
kiko > +                    selected option/is_selected">04:57
kikooh bummer04:57
salgadothis is inside a tal:attributes04:57
SteveAwe have a TALES namespace for doing "selected" kinda things04:57
salgadoSteveA, do you have the subject of the message where I sent the shipit-trivialities patch? (I can't seem to find it here)04:58
SteveAi don't know how useful it is in practice04:58
SteveAperhaps "Shipit trivialities"04:58
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BjornT__kiko: you'll have to show me that TAL again, my main internet connection is flaky atm, and i got disconnected.04:59
SteveAsalgado: I'd like to get the behaviour of shipit for shipit admins changed sometime05:02
SteveAsalgado: i find it very awkward that the main "ordering" pages behave differently for admins.05:02
kikoBjornT, here:05:02
kiko>          <option tal:repeat="option view/release_options"05:02
kiko>                    tal:attributes="05:02
kiko>                    value option/name;05:02
kiko>                    selected option/is_selected">05:02
kikoBjornT, is_selected is a bool (True/False05:02
salgadoSteveA, you mean, the redirect?05:04
kikoBjornT, what does the option HTML look like when is_selected is True, and what does it look like when is_selected is False?05:04
SteveAsalgado: i guess so05:04
sfllawkiko: Under https://launchpad.net/distros/, why is fedora not read-only?05:04
SteveAsalgado: the UI for ordering should behave for admins exactly as it does for requesters05:05
kikosfllaw, to be honest..  I don't know what that flag does :)05:05
sfllawNeither do I!05:05
SteveAsalgado: this allows admins to get a realistic experience, and also provides fewer special paths through the system.05:05
sfllawI just recall that you added that distro.05:05
kikosfllaw, hey, I just press the buttons, dude. :)05:05
sfllawkiko: Gotcha.  :)05:05
BjornTkiko: i'm not quite sure, but i'd guess it's selected="True" and selected="False"05:05
kikoBjornT, salgado tells me there is some sort of magic that is producing selected="selected"05:05
kikoBjornT, I find that /very/ hard to believe05:06
salgadoSteveA, that was a requirement of the new shipit, so that the admins could make requests containing CDs of all flavours in a single place05:06
kikoin fact I think he is testing in the wrong tree05:06
salgadoSteveA, it's not the main ordering page that behaves differently. the shipit admins have a separate page for that. they still can have the realistic experience by accessing the page for normal users05:07
salgadokiko, dude, you don't trust me?05:07
kikosalgado, SMTC05:07
SteveAsalgado: every time i have tried to test the normal user interface, i get redirected elsewhere.05:07
SteveAsalgado: i haven't looked into why, but i find it annoying.05:07
SteveAsalgado: the admins can have a separate page, but the standard workflow should still work normally, from going to shipit.ubuntu.com onwards05:08
salgadoSteveA, I tried to optimize the workflow for Marilize, as she doesn't want to see the user-visible page every time she logs in05:09
kikoSteveA, for the record I think salgado is right, and that's how the admins expect it works05:09
SteveAshe can have a button in her browser to log in elsewhere05:10
salgadoI can add a link to the user-visible page on the portlet, and I think that's a good idea. 05:10
BjornTkiko: could be. i didn't know about it, but a quick google search shows that it might be possible to do so.05:10
kikoBjornT, I guess I'll just have to discover myself :-)05:10
SteveAsalgado: that's a helpful compromise.  i disagree with the UI / workflow design that you and kiko are in favour of.05:11
SteveAhow often does marilize go to the shipit front page?05:11
SteveAshe can have either a button in her browser's toolbar to go to an admin page, and / or have a special link on the front page05:12
BjornTkiko: yeah :) although personally i would have used a SelectWidget instead...05:12
SteveAthe front page of shipit appears in advertising materials, and users' descriptions in support requests and bug reports05:12
SteveAif the admins don't get a genuine user experience, or as near to it as possible, then they can't well appreciate the system from the users' point of view.05:13
salgadoyes, that is true. but only when they're testing a new feature or something like that. not on they day-to-day work, I think05:14
kikosalgado, is BjornT right>05:15
salgadokiko, probably, but that's not a GFV, and I'd prefer to convert it to a GFV and do what BjornT suggested after the mirror prober changes I need to do05:19
kikosalgado, yeah.05:20
kikogive me 10m and I will come up to see this for myself05:21
BjornTsalgado: you don't have to use a GFV in order to use widgets. but it depends on if you use other widgets on the page or not.05:21
SteveAsalgado: review sent05:22
SteveAsalgado and kiko: the general principle is this: a URL (or a page) should generally not change radically in behaviour depending on who you are.  if it does, there should be a really good reason for it to do so.05:23
salgadoSteveA, agreed. I just thought that optimizing it for Marilize's work was a good reason05:24
SteveAthere's an assumption about marilize's work that i think isn't true05:25
salgadoif she goes to https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ once a day, then I think the change in the behaviour is not necessary05:25
SteveAthat she needs to repeatedly type in "shipit.ubuntu.com"05:25
SteveAif she goes 200 times a day, it is still not necessary05:25
SteveAbecause she uses the same webbrowser software to do so05:25
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salgadoBjornT, right. I was just trying to point that I'd prefer to do that change later05:26
salgadoSteveA, if she has a bookmark to https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and uses it lots of times a day, then it might be needed, I think05:26
jordiI just approved a pot file which had been submitted around 30 seconds earlier05:27
SteveAso, i'd be in favour of simplifying shipit that tiny bit, and telling marilize about how to add a bookmark-button to her browser05:27
salgadosounds like a plan05:27
SteveAsalgado: not really.  she can change the bookmark, or add one05:27
SteveAit takes zero effort to maintain a bookmark on one person's machine05:27
SteveAand noticable effort to maintain a feature in software05:27
jordicarlos: ping05:32
carlosjordi: pong05:33
jordicarlos: so I imported a good 50 tuxpaint files05:33
jordiand now I don't see where they are05:33
jordituxpaint-stamps in dapper05:34
jordithey were in the approved queue, now I don't see them anywhere05:34
carlosjordi: https://launchpad.net/rosetta/imports/+index?status=FAILED&type=all&start=400&batch=7505:36
carlosjordi: I guess they have the same problem the .pot file has05:36
carlosduplicated msgids05:37
jordioh no05:37
jordimsgfmt: tuxpaint-stamps-ca.po: manca el camp de capalera PO-Revision-Date en la capalera05:38
jordimsgfmt: tuxpaint-stamps-ca.po: manca el camp de capalera Last-Translator en la capalera05:38
jordimsgfmt: tuxpaint-stamps-ca.po: manca el camp de capalera Language-Team en la capalera05:38
jordiare these fatal?05:38
carlosjordi: did you see the announcement review I asked? could you take a look today before leaving?05:39
carlosjordi: well, a header is mandatory, if it lacks such fields, I think it's ok05:39
jordicarlos: it's not those05:39
jordiit's tuxpaint-stamps what have gone missing05:39
jordicarlos: ugh, my mail is down for some reason05:40
jordican you resend to my gva.es address?05:40
jordiwait, won't be necessary I hope05:40
jordiI'll tell you in am in05:40
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carlossee you later!06:20
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salgadoSteveA, around?07:00
SteveAyes, but going to the gym shortly07:00
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bradbmpt: Why did you remove the DesignProblems document? I thought it had lots of useful advice for LP devs to consider.08:14
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: A lot of small fixes to the new shipit. r=kiko (r3589: Guilherme Salgado)08:28
salgadoBjornT, around?08:31
BjornTsalgado: yeah08:31
salgadoBjornT, nevermind. while writing the question I realized the answer. sorry08:32
kikoBjornT, you still get paid though ;)08:33
BjornTcool :)08:33
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salgadohey kiko. up for another quick review?09:18
salgadoif you say yes: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file6MsvhJ.html09:20
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cprovgood night guys, see you tomorrow09:47
=== bradb restarts server
kikobradb, I don't quite like Direct and Indirect10:19
bradbkiko: Can you think of a better way to differentiate subscribers that have a row in BS vs. those that don't?10:20
bradb(since that is the only difference that can be guaranteed between the two lists)10:21
bradbI agree that it's not terribly descriptive, but the only other solutions I've though of involve writing some help text, linked from a (_What's this?_) or something.10:23
kikoI'm also on the phone, btw10:24
kikobradb, give me 20m10:38
kikobut mmm10:38
kikohow about removing the Direct heading10:38
kikoand using something else for Indirect10:39
kiko"Also being notified:"10:39
kikoor "Also notifying:"10:39
kikoor "Also being messaged"10:39
kikoor something like that?10:39
kikoor "Implicit subscribers"  even10:40
kikothough that's rather obscure10:40
kikobradb, does mpt have an opinion?10:40
bradb"Also notifying:" seems more human-readable10:40
bradbwell, it was either you or him who suggested direct/indirect, so it must have been him10:40
bradbfor all these suggestions, i think the only way the user will /understand/ what they're being shown is with some kind of help link in the portlet, pointing to a page that explains more about direct/indirect subs (whatever the portlet calls them)10:48
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SteveAsalgado: ping10:55
salgadoSteveA, pong10:56
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bradbSteveA: ping11:10
kikobradb, well, maybe I agree. but most users won't read anything11:15
kikoand just move ahead not really knowing the difference 11:15
kikoOther subscribers:11:15
bradbi agree that most won't read11:16
kikoOther people notified:11:16
bradbmight as well just do "Also notifying:"?11:16
SteveAbradb: i'm kinda going to sleep now11:17
kikoor Also notified:11:17
bradbSteveA: ok, no worries11:17
kikobradb, yeah, I think I like that.11:17
kikobradb, the help link can go to help.launchpad.net, eventually <wink>11:17
bradba3 n6d:11:17
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kikomorning morning11:53
lifelesshave we switched wikis yet ?12:02
mdkeyou're switching wikis too?12:03
mdkeeveryone is switching12:03
bradbWe hadn't switched last I checked about an hour ago12:04
mdkelifeless: btw that guy didn't get back to me yet12:04
jordicarlos: ping?12:11
jordiI guess he's out12:11
jordithis queue is nearly empty.12:11
jordi76   134  of 134 results12:12
jordijust 134 files in the import quue12:12
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kikohey bradb 12:31
bradbkiko: hi12:31
kikoyou know, the subscribe me as I comment feature in Malone is really nice.12:31
kikoI just missed it in Bugzilla. :)12:31
bradbit's not so bad, hey12:31
kikono, indeed it isn't12:31
kikoone day we will get rid of that ridiculous third column12:32
kikoand then the world will be shiny12:32
bradb"one day"...!12:32
kikoI should say that if you browse in 1024px wide it is not so bad12:32
kikobut for me @ 640px 12:33
kikoit is terrible12:33
bradbThere might be a chance if I do a user survey approach again, with prototypes12:33
kikoyeah, maybe12:33
=== bradb is running 1680 x 1050 on a 20" screen, btw
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matsubaraman this new bzr is beautiful12:44
matsubaraultra fast!12:44
kikoit burns jiffies12:56
lifelessmatsubara: which one ?01:06
kiko-zzzthe one the bzr team produces01:06
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kiko-zzzhigh quality piece of code if I ever saw one01:06
=== kiko-zzz winks
kiko-zzzsee how it is? when it works you're an angel. when it breaks you're the devil!01:07
matsubaralifeless: I meant the latest version with this knits thing01:09
lifelesskiko-zzz: ha!01:09
kiko-zzzwelcome to userland!01:09
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sabdflnight night all03:37
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mpt_Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:02
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spivlifeless: Could you merge /home/warthogs/archives/spiv/launchpad/importd-bzr-0.8/ /home/warthogs/archives/spiv/bzr/update-to-0.8/ /home/warthogs/archives/spiv/bzrtools/dev/ for me? :)06:30
lifelessspiv: three branches ?06:40
lifelessspiv: oh, lp, bzr and bzrtools. sure, will do tonight.06:40
spivlifeless: launchpad (to fix importd tests), bzr and bzrtools.  Right.06:40
lifelesscan the lp one merge in early or does it require all at once ?06:40
spivAll at once, unfortunately :(06:40
spivcheck_merge passes locally, but it would be worth double-checking that it also passes on balleny.06:41
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distanceisdeathanybody there?08:36
distanceisdeathits 2:39 AM at my house08:39
carlos08:39 here08:39
distanceisdeathwell you wanna help me?08:40
jsgotangcodistanceisdeath: would be nice if you just ask away08:41
distanceisdeathim trying to install linux on the same hard drive08:41
distanceisdeathis this possible?08:41
jsgotangcodistanceisdeath: #ubuntu should be able to help, but yes08:41
distanceisdeaththank you08:42
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SteveAcarlos: hello09:36
carlosSteveA: hi09:37
SteveAi spoke wiwth mark last night about the translation priorities09:37
SteveAthe priorities were set to just 0, 50 or 100 or somethingn like that09:37
SteveAwhich, while a decent start, didn't really direct people to translate the very most important things09:37
SteveAso mark has gone in and set some priorities to be different09:38
carlosSteveA: ok09:38
SteveAplease, with jordi, take a look at what mark has done09:38
carlosSteveA: jordi has in his task list to change them09:38
SteveAand see if anything else needs doing there09:38
SteveAthis was quite urgent, because of dapper being released soon09:39
SteveAso that's why mark went and changed them sooner09:39
carlosjordi: around?09:40
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carlosSteveA: did mark finish the other code changes related with priorities?09:46
SteveAit turns out that you fixed up the code in almost exactly the same way mark did09:46
SteveAso mark was left with a one line diff09:46
SteveAand so didn't do the merge, because it was really no difference09:46
SteveAso, thanks carlos for getting the priorities landed well09:47
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carlosoh, so those were bug fixes. :-P09:47
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jordicarlos, here09:57
carlosjordi: would you have time tonight to take a look to the templates priorities ?09:58
jordiI have been working mainly on the import queue09:58
jordiI didn't know the priorities was urgent for dapper09:59
jordiI for some reason understood it was a longer term plan for edgy09:59
carlosjordi: I need to leave today early in the afternoon today and will be back at home around 21:30 CEST10:01
carlosjordi: would 22:00 work for you?10:01
jordiI have dentist at 3:30, I don't know at what time I'll be finished.10:01
jordicarlos: ugh, possibly too late10:02
carlosjordi: ok, will you be available by phone? (no more than 15 minutes)10:03
jordicarlos: yup10:13
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carlosjordi: ok, then, let's do it this way. Review the priorities this afternoon and I will call you at 22:00 and we comment it. I will take a look also before calling you10:17
carlosjordi: does it work for you?10:17
cprovgood morning, hackers10:17
jordicarlos: the last few entries in the queue I have some questions about10:17
carloscprov: morning10:18
carlosjordi: I just approved amarok10:18
jordicarlos: we need to support "nso" in Rsoetta10:18
cprovcarlos: hey, dude. how is it going ?10:18
carlosjordi: do you want to talk about the others now, or tonight?10:18
jordithere's at least one translation to that languages in the queue10:18
carlosjordi: isn't it already visible?10:18
jordimaybe not now10:18
jordibut if I see I can sneak out of this task here, I can ping youi10:18
carloscprov: rocking ;-)10:19
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jordicarlos: I didn't see it last night10:19
carlosjordi: ok10:19
jordiUnless it's not called Northern Sotho10:19
carlosjordi: nso or nds ?10:19
cprovcarlos: very good ;)10:19
jordinso, iirc?10:19
carlosjordi: it's called Sotho, Northern10:19
carlosjordi: and it's already visible10:19
jordino wonder I didn't find it10:20
carlosjordi: do you think we should rename it?10:20
jordiI'll approve that one now.10:20
jordiProbably not.10:20
jordiWell, what does isocodes say?10:20
carlosfeel free to suggest any change10:20
carlosjordi: we got those names from isocodes10:20
jordiwtf, 176 entries10:20
jordiI will kill someone.10:21
carloscould be that they rename it later....10:21
carlosjordi: OO.org is being imported10:21
carlosso no new entries are being approved automatically10:21
carlosuntil that's done10:21
jordioh I see10:21
jordiwhat else10:22
jordithere are two GTK+2.0 entries10:22
jordibuild-tree/gtk+-2.8.17/po/az_IR.po in gtk+2.0 in Ubuntu Dapper10:22
jordiwhat about these?10:22
jordiis that just az?10:23
carlosjordi: yes10:23
jordiweird, why isn't it in the db already?10:23
jordiand then there's Vim6410:24
jordiwhich is really weird10:24
jordiand this help/de/de.po in gnome-app-install in Ubuntu Dapper10:24
jordiis that one BLOCK?10:24
carlosjordi: the remaining files for vim should be accepted manually10:24
jordibut they make little sense10:25
jordivim64/src/po/zh_CN.cp936.po in vim in Ubuntu Dapper10:25
jordivim64/src/po/zh_CN.UTF-8.po in vim in Ubuntu Dapper10:25
carlosjordi: if there is a help translation domain, it should be imported10:25
jordifor example.10:25
carlosjordi: import the UTF-8 and ignore the other10:25
jordiwhat about the others?10:25
jordivim64/src/po/sk.cp1250.po in vim in Ubuntu Dapper10:26
jordiI mean, how do I know there's no sk.UTF-8 already imported?10:26
carlosjordi: sk.UTF-8 is not being imported automatically10:27
carlosjust check its language status10:27
carlosjordi: just a minute I'm on the phone10:27
carlosjordi: ok, I'm back10:30
jordicarlos: ok, I did that10:30
jordiI did go to the source package page and see if there was a sk translation already10:30
carlosjordi: check tha language list and if there is already an import done for that language, block the .UTF-8 or .whatever one10:30
jordibut, how can I know it's not a sk.UTF-8 fuile that has been imported manually before?10:31
jordiI don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say10:31
jordiif I had a way to see the "path" of the imported template, that'd be good10:31
carlosjordi: well, I can tell you that I didn't do it10:32
jordifor example, in the queue we have two zh_CN10:32
carlosjordi: anyway, as a general rule10:32
jordibut there's already a zh_CN file in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/vim/+translations10:32
jordithat puzzled me last night and made me stop just in case.10:33
carlosif the encoding is the only difference (I think it's broken that they store two encodings for the same language)10:33
carlosjordi: upload both if you want10:33
carlosjordi: I'm going to add a +admin page for .po files like the one we have for .pot files10:33
carlosso you can see the header 10:33
carlosand other useful information to take that kind of decissions10:34
jordiso yes, after unpacking vim, I see there's: zh_CN.cp936.po zh_CN.po zh_CN.UTF-8.po10:34
jordiso in this case we probably can block them10:34
jordithis is maddness anyway10:35
carlosjordi: yeah, since I started with Rosetta.. I have seen a bunch of broken i18n/l10n setups ...10:35
jordithe contents seem to be exact, except for encoding10:36
carlosjordi: that's more broken then...10:36
jordithe three files are just muissing 3 strings10:36
jordiand hve the same Po-Revision-Date, etc10:36
jordiI think these are great examples of blocked pos :)10:37
mptVim, for all your blocked po needs.10:38
jordi"blocked pos" as in "blocked po files", not to confuse with a great acronym10:39
carlosSteveA: I need to update https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/CarlosPerelloMarin, should I wait for the new wiki or could I edit it there?10:39
jordicarlos: if I didn't misscount, there are 15 entries in the queue. :)10:40
carlosjordi: counting the OO.org ones?10:41
carlosthat's soooo cool ;-)10:41
jordifinally, yes :)10:42
carlosjordi: good work!10:44
=== jordi is waiting for that import run to finish
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ddaaSteveA: jamesh: meeting in 10 mins10:51
SteveAi'd better stretch and get some tea, then10:52
ploumhello : arf ! I will have to work this summer..10:54
ploumI will make the glaunchpad frontend SoC10:54
jordicarlos: to import this a pot file, how can I do it? https://launchpad.net/rosetta/imports/6903911:06
carlosjordi: select the templatename and rename it using the path field to end with .pot11:07
carlosploum: ;-)11:07
jordicarlos: no language?11:08
carlosjordi: right, no language11:09
jordiaha, cool.11:10
=== jordi taps feet.
jordiI want to see the empty queue11:11
jordiwhat do these mean?11:11
jordipo/hr.po in gdm in Ubuntu Dapper11:11
jordiUploaded by Rosetta Administrators  on 2006-03-24 16:03:04 CET11:12
jordiWill be imported into Croatian (hr) translation of gdm in Ubuntu Dapper package "gdm"11:12
jordibut it's Needs Review11:12
mptselect {border: none;}11:16
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carlosjordi: is part of the automatic approval, first we associate it, next run will approve it11:22
carlosjordi: but the import queue is a bit busy atm with oo.org11:23
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YannigHello everybody :)11:56
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YannigMay I ask another dumb question? :D12:01
malccYannig: Go crazy, ask two :)12:01
YannigDo you know how the translation memory works? Some repeated strings (translators credits, yes, no, general, etc.) are sometimes proposed as "Used elsewhere" and sometimes not12:02
YannigOne should be enough for now :D12:04
ddaaYannig: actually, I count two questions?12:09
ddaaOne dumb, and one probably quite interesting but way too advanced for me to answer :)12:09
Yannigddaa> :)12:09
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SteveAcarlos: i see a rosetta bug on the launchpad front page12:22
SteveATranslating applications:12:23
SteveARosetta is a Web-based translation system. You can easily collaborate with translators for your software through Rosetta.12:23
SteveADapper Translations:12:23
SteveAthere's a box like that12:23
SteveAand that's all it says12:23
SteveAit is odd that it says "Dapper Translations:" and nothing more12:23
carlosyou should get a statistics graph12:23
SteveAi've had problems with no graphs turning up in other parts of rosetta before12:24
carlosI will debug it to see if there is any case when we show nothing12:24
carlosI would need the language header that your browser is sending to the server12:24
carlosa pagetest would give you the exact string12:24
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carlosSteveA: and your IP address ? (to check geoip information)12:40
carloshmm, I guess is the one you are using to connect to IRC...12:40
SteveA  for debugging, set a cooke that launchpad looks at for "fake" geoip and browser language info12:41
SteveAthat would allow you to trivially pretend to be from elsewhere, and have a different browser language config12:41
carlosSteveA: where could I get info about such cookie creation? I haven't done anything with cookies before12:43
SteveAthere's an API on a response12:44
SteveAresponse.setCookie or addCookie12:44
SteveAi think you need to do encoding yourself12:44
carlosSteveA: ok, thanks12:44
carlosthat's enough to start12:44
SteveAso, i imaging a page at /rosetta/+fakeit12:45
SteveAthat has a form to either:12:45
SteveA - clear the cookie12:45
SteveA - show current details of cookie12:45
SteveA - allow editing the details12:45
SteveAthe page can be public12:46
SteveAwe'd make the cookie actually work only on staging / development setups12:46
SteveAnot in production12:46
carlosok, sounds good12:47
carlosSteveA: thanks12:48
mpt_I asked the test suite to just run the shipit tests, but it's running all of them12:57
mpt_no wonder it was taking so long12:57
mpt_What's the magic incantation for running a single story?12:58
mpt_I thought it was ./test.py -f canonical name-of-story12:58
Yannigcarlos> Would you have any idea about my question above? :)01:00
carlosYannig: sorry, I didn't see it01:00
YannigDo you know how the translation memory works? Some repeated strings (translators credits, yes, no, general, etc.) are sometimes proposed as "Used elsewhere" and sometimes not01:00
carlosYannig: it works taking the msgid01:00
carlosand looking for any translation for that msgid in other places01:01
carlosYannig: if you are sure we should show a suggestion but we aren't doing it, file a bug01:01
YannigSorry but I have no idea what a msgid is :(01:02
carlossorry, I went too deep in our technical terms01:02
YannigFair enough, I'll collect information to report a "supposed bug", thanks :)01:02
carlosYannig: the english sntring01:02
carlosYannig: thanks01:02
YannigAnd how can I look for any translation for an string?01:03
carlosYannig: take into account that 'Yes ' and 'Yes' are different, the first has an extra white space01:03
YannigYes, I understand this :)01:03
carlosYannig: we don't have such feature01:03
aa_hi guys, small usability thing. One of my developers actually read the "Launchpad could not mirror this branch at 2006-05-24 10:53:19 UTC.  The error was: [Errno 21]  Is a directory " to mean "The repo is broken".01:03
BjornT_mpt_: that should work. what command line did you use to try to run only the shipit tests?01:04
mpt_BjornT_: ./test.py -f -vv canonical shipit 2>&1 | less01:05
mpt_and it started spitting out names of non-shipit-related doctests01:05
BjornT_mpt_: what's the name of the directory you're in?01:07
mpt_BjornT_, the root directory of the branch01:09
BjornT_mpt_: i've noticed similar behaviour before, and it seems like the test runner is matching using the absolute path of the tests. so if you're in a directory which has 'shipit' in its name, all tests will be run.01:09
mpt_e.g., ~mpt/hacking/lp/2006-05-shipit :-)01:09
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BjornT_mpt_: yeah :) i can't find an existing bug about this, could you file one?01:11
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mpt_bug 4632401:27
UbugtuMalone bug 46324 in launchpad "test.py runs all tests if working directory contains name of desired story" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4632401:27
SteveAmpt_: hello01:30
SteveAthere's a problem with malone simplifications on staging01:31
SteveAif i file a bug and do not enter a summary, the error i get is just "an error occurred"01:31
SteveAalso, i'm having mixed feelings about asking for the summary second01:31
SteveAyet displaying it first01:31
ddaait's a bit like writing an email01:32
SteveAit feels wrong that the order is changed on the bug reporting page01:32
SteveAso, i think you should change it back to having the summary above the description01:32
SteveAbecause although it would be better if *everyone* changed their data input forms that way01:32
SteveAwe are harmed by doing things differently than everyone else01:32
SteveAthere may be another way around this01:34
SteveAbut the problem of the change in order of fields needs to be addressed somehow01:34
=== SteveA pings mpt_ for a response
mpt_SteveA, +filebug is a custom form and I didn't change the error-handling01:37
SteveAit is more noticeable now that the summary is underneath01:37
SteveAwith the summary field on top, it is the first thing people enter text into01:37
mpt_ok, I'll fix the error-handling01:37
SteveAwith it underneath, it is easy to ignore it01:37
SteveAparticularly as it is smaller01:38
SteveAfwiw, i just didn't *see* the instructions about01:38
SteveA1. write a description01:38
SteveA2. now summarize it01:38
SteveAi think it's a fine experiement.  i do not think it actually works.01:38
mpt_I disagree that doing things the same as everyone else is a design goal for Malone01:38
SteveAyou're disagreeing with something that i have not said01:39
mpt_"we are harmed by doing things differently than everyone else"01:39
SteveAthere is a principle of usability that you suffer if you do things differently than people expect01:39
SteveAusability is a design goal for malone01:39
SteveAcheck out jakob neilsen on where a site's menu / actions should appear01:39
SteveAalthough his results of user agility showed it should be on the right01:40
SteveAhe recommends you put it on the left, because that is where users expect to see it01:40
SteveAi think the same holds true of "subject then body" or "summary then description"01:40
carlosstub: https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/46325 <- The bug for the RSS feed feature01:40
UbugtuMalone bug 46325 in rosetta "Implement a RSS feed feature to see the updated .pot files" [Normal,Confirmed]  01:40
SteveAwe are reinforcing this through displaying the summary above the description on bug view pages01:40
SteveAand people view bugs many many times more often than they file them01:40
SteveAtherefore, the bug filing page should conform to the expectations set by the rest of malone, and also by the world at large01:41
SteveAotherwise people will make the same mistake as i did, and omit the summary01:41
mpt_SteveA, and then someone actually did empirical research on menus on the left vs. the right, to check Jakob's assertion, and found it made no difference01:41
SteveAand not see the workflow suggested01:41
mpt_So, I'd rather try it for a few weeks01:42
mpt_and see what happens01:42
mpt_Maybe we can somehow log people turning up on the form error page?01:43
mpt_to see how common it is01:43
SteveAmpt_: imagine if we had some pages in launchpad with navigation on the left, and some with navigation on the right01:44
SteveAand then decided to leave it like that for a few weeks to see whether people got confused with the exceptional pages that have navigation on the right01:44
SteveAit doesn't sound a compelling plan to me01:44
mpt_But there would be no reason to do that01:44
mpt_Whereas I gave two reasons for this change01:44
SteveAthe change has the assumption that people read the text on the bug reporting page01:45
SteveArather than just type in the boxes01:45
mpt_And a much closer analogy is that we *already do* have dozens of pages in Launchpad where the form for entering the data is laid out differently from the resulting layout.01:45
mpt_from the resulting data presentation, I mean.01:45
SteveAif the boxes had grey text in saying "detailed description goes here" and "write a summary here" that disappeared on focusing, that would improve matters01:45
mpt_There are some problems that make the field labels less noticable than they could be, but those problems apply to every page in Launchpad, not just this one01:46
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mpt_For example, less than half the page real estate being spent on the form, making it scroll more horizontally01:47
SteveAmy overall point is that i think the current filebug page on staging is a step backwards in usability01:47
SteveAi understand the reason for asking for a summary after a description01:48
SteveAand i think the great majority of launchpad users will be too accustomed to having a summary before a description to find this comfortable01:48
SteveAlet's ask kiko and brad for opinions when they arrive01:49
SteveAoh, bradb is here now01:49
mpt_Is there a way we can log the frequency of people arriving at pages in particular conditions?01:49
SteveAmpt_: depends what the conditions are02:01
SteveAif they're reflected in the URL then yes02:01
mpt_No, this would be a tal:condition02:01
SteveAyou would need to add logging code to what the tal:condition was checking02:02
carlosSteveA: I'm getting this error every time I try to run tests: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileB2oc6n.html02:02
carlosSteveA: I got latest code from rocketfuel already02:02
SteveAdo you have the latest zope tree?02:02
SteveAi mailed the launchpad list about this02:02
carlosSteveA: I execute rocketfuel-refresh and it should get latest version of everything under sourcecode02:03
SteveAi don't know02:03
carlosHmm, seems like I don't have latest version or you did the commit on 11th May02:05
carlosrevno: 3202:05
carloscommitter: Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager<pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com>02:05
carlosbranch nick: 3.202:05
carlostimestamp: Thu 2006-05-11 12:25:40 +010002:05
carlos  Add missing __init__.py's identified by spiv02:05
carlosright, I'm missing latest version02:05
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SteveAor, just do a rocketfuel-get02:08
SteveAand then branch from your launchpad working tree into launchpad in your new tree02:08
SteveAthen you'll certainly have everything up to date02:08
SteveAcarlos: that cookie-debug thing i mentioned.  are you considering that for one of your 2-hour quick fix slots?02:08
carlosthe problem is with the sourcecode directory, seems like I'm using the wrong parent02:09
carlosfor zope02:09
carlosSteveA: yes, but not for today, I have already a task for today02:09
carlosat least it sounds like a task for my 1-2 hours slot02:10
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SteveAddaa: ping02:16
salgadostub, around?02:16
stubsalgado: yes02:16
ddaaSteveA: at lunch02:16
ddaaback in 20 mins02:16
SteveAddaa: did you register for EP already?02:16
salgadostub, is the export still running?02:17
stubsalgado: yes02:17
stubsalgado: High priority was done, but I suspect that did nothing since we won't have any high priority orders at this stage (?)02:18
salgadoyes, we shouldn't02:21
salgadostub, do you know if it's actually doing something or just hung?02:22
stubIts doing something02:22
stubMaybe ;)02:24
=== stub looks closer
=== carlos -> lunch
stubsalgado: It is still doing the big select :-/02:29
salgadoouch. I guess we'll need to fix it ASAP, then02:30
ddaaSteveA: I have not taken any personal action so far.02:31
SteveAddaa: you need to register as a speaker right away02:32
SteveAddaa: it means i have arranged the room under false pretences!"02:32
SteveAddaa: also, you need to register right away to get the early bird rate02:32
SteveAdo it now02:33
salgadostub, if you have the big select, can you paste it in privmsg for me? (I only have outgoing IRC right now)02:33
SteveAddaa: for accommodation, select "hotel in the area"02:34
ddaaok, doing02:34
SteveAlifeless and i are registered for both the conference dinner and the cern tour02:34
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ddaaSteveA: done02:39
ddaathank you for reminding me02:39
ddaanice setting up the bulk payment and accomodation02:40
=== bradb wakes up
=== bradb reads scrollback
bradbSteveA, mpt_: I agree that summary is better-placed before description. I'm used to subject, then body.02:49
mpt_oh dear02:52
mpt_I was going to copy the custom error-handling code from +editstatus02:52
mpt_but the custom error-handling code from +editstatus doesn't work even on +editstatus02:53
mpt_"There are 1 problems with the information you entered. Please fix them and try again." ...02:53
mpt_... "('product', u'Product', )"02:53
SteveAmpt_: BjornT_ knows about how these things work02:54
bradbMalone's custom error handling, like LP's, is terrible.02:54
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BjornT_mpt_: i think i've fixed that already on +editstatus. on the file bug i'd think it would be better to use the widget macros to render the widgets, i'll take a look at the template.02:56
mpt_BjornT_, how recently did you fix it?02:57
mpt_It's broken for me on localhost02:59
BjornT_mpt_: the patch is in the review queue, so it's not in rf yet. the fix is far from perfect, though, i have to to fix it properly later (there's currently no connection between the error message and the widget).02:59
BjornT_that's why it'd be better to use the widget macros, to make the error appear next to the widget.03:00
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salgadoSteveA, up for a quick review?03:10
SteveAmaybe.  let me see how big the diff is03:11
BjornT_mpt_: btw, in case you didn't know, in order to use the launchpad_widget_row macro standalone, you have to use tal:define="widget nocall:view/title_widget" before calling the macro.03:12
mpt_BjornT_, thanks, I'll look at it again when I wake up03:12
salgadoSteveA, really small. it's to fix the exports03:13
SteveAshow me the diff03:13
salgadoSteveA, I sent it by email. (right now I have no outgoing HTTP)03:13
SteveAsalgado: looks okay to me, although i haven't scrutinized the SQL03:15
salgadoSteveA, stub did that. :)03:15
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klichotaI am looking for someone taking care of OpenOffice translations in Rosetta03:29
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carlosklichota: hi03:37
carlosklichota: what do you need?03:38
klichotaI have noticed there is no Polish help for OpenOffice03:38
klichotaAlthough the translation is surely done (sponsored by Polish government) :)03:38
carloslet me check03:39
klichotaWhere are the help packages imported from?03:39
carlosfrom OO.org source packages03:39
klichotaAnd where can I find these packages?03:39
carlosklichota: are you talking about guides too, or just the help?03:39
klichotaJust help03:39
klichotaI think03:40
carlosklichota: I see translations for the help03:42
carlosit's not fully translated03:42
carlossome are near full translation and others lack a lot of translations03:42
klichotaYes, the ones in Rosetta are not done03:42
=== SteveA -> walk and lunch
carlosklichota: that means we are importing what we got from the source packages03:42
klichotaSo where these source packages come from?03:43
carlosfrom upstream03:43
carlosI think it's 2.0.203:43
klichotaYes, I know :)03:43
carlosklichota: could be that the full translation was done with 2.0.3 ?03:43
klichotaNo, it was done for 2.0.003:43
carlosklichota: then you will need to talk with doko03:44
klichotaWhere should I look for these "upstream" translations?03:44
klichotaWho is "doko"?03:44
carloshe's the one that extracts the translations from the source code and feeds Rosetta with translations03:44
carlosif there is a problem with that procedure, he's the one that can fix it03:44
klichotaOK, does he appear on this IRC channel?03:44
carlosklichota: Matthias Klose <doko@ubuntu.com>03:45
klichotaOK, thanks, I will send him an e-mail03:45
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carlosklichota: sometimes he comes here, but you would  get him at #ubuntu-devel03:45
klichotaOK, I will try there03:45
carlosklichota: please, add me to the CC03:45
klichotaThanks again03:45
carlosklichota: carlos.perello@canonical.com03:45
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mpt_I shouldn't still be awake, but: What should I do when PQM gives me a "Could not acquire lock LockDir" error?03:54
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CarlFKhow do I attach a file to a bug?03:56
CarlFK"add a..."03:56
mpt_CarlFK, yes03:56
CarlFKmissed it the first 2 times03:57
mpt_you're not alone :-)03:57
CarlFKdid it move in the last month or 2?03:58
stubWhat package is py.test in again?04:02
mpt_CarlFK, no, it's just hard to find04:03
CarlFKhuh - thought it was in the center section near "add comment"04:04
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mpt_CarlFK, it's never been there yet, but it will be eventually :-)04:05
=== CarlFK sees across time and space
CarlFKwhich would explain my difficultly working in the present 04:09
=== carlos -> out
carloswill be back later tonight04:19
salgadostub, python-codespeak-lib04:20
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ddaahow do I edit PendingReviews now?04:59
ddaait's read-only on both l.c.c and w.l.c.c04:59
kikoddaa, did you log in?05:00
ddaaYes, it claims "Immutable Page"05:00
ddaawhen not logged in it, says "log in to edit page"05:00
mpt_Where's dilys?05:02
mpt_ddaa, I can edit it05:03
mpt_(Not that that's helpful, except in narrowing down the problem)05:04
kikowonder if we have what are they called? acls turned on.05:05
ddaampt_: well, you can help, in my "david/cscvs/test-cleanups" branch, in the "includes" section, add "david/cscvs/cvs-repo-lazy-protocol"05:05
ddaagot to keep track in which order I must merge all those branches05:06
=== jordi shakes fist at the distro team and demands they stop uploading new translations!
jordithere's no way we'll see an empty queue at this pace05:07
mpt_ddaa, it already does include that05:07
ddaaI mean "david/cscvs/test-deletedadapter"05:08
ddaawhen that particular pipe will be unclogged, I'll make pqm run cscvs merges for a full week 24/7 ;)05:09
mpt_"The authentication database is temporarily unavailable. Anonymous access only. You are not allowed to edit this page."05:10
ddaathis explains that05:10
mpt_cue Nelson Muntz!05:10
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jordicarlos: debian/po/sv.po in lilo-installer in Ubuntu Dapper << I blocked this05:12
kikojordi, because swedish sucks?05:13
kikothey will complain05:13
jordino, because lilo-installer sucks05:14
jordieveryone uses grub these days05:14
kikohey malcc 05:14
kikohey cprov 05:14
malccHey kiko05:14
jordino, seriously, because those should be blocked: those strings appear in a big "debian-installer" pot file05:14
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salgadois there a librarian sampledata? 05:37
kikoI'm not sure05:42
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stubsalgado: There is after you add it in your test's setup05:45
kikostub, bug 29227 is really inconveniencing the distro team. would it be possible for you to take a look at it in the short term?05:46
UbugtuMalone bug 29227 in malone "Searching for "pmu" doesn't find "/dev/pmu"" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2922705:46
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kikostu1, bug 29227 is really inconveniencing the distro team. would it be possible for you to take a look at it in the short term?05:49
UbugtuMalone bug 29227 in malone "Searching for "pmu" doesn't find "/dev/pmu"" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2922705:49
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kiko-fudstu1, syn?05:51
kiko-fudthat's an ack05:51
kiko-fudstu1, bug 29227 is really inconveniencing the distro team. would it be possible for you to take a look at it in the short term?05:51
UbugtuMalone bug 29227 in malone "Searching for "pmu" doesn't find "/dev/pmu"" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2922705:51
stu1I can't get that done for next week. Hopefully the week after.05:52
kiko-fudstub, oh. is it complicated?05:52
kiko-fudargh, okay.05:52
stubI know what to do - I just need to doit.05:52
stubIt also involves updating the full text indexing maintenance scripts as we can't afford a four hour downtime window to rebuild all the indexes, so I have to fix that so it works live.05:53
kiko-fudI thought you had optimized that already05:53
kiko-fudbut okay, thanks for the input.05:53
stubkiko-fud: I optimized it so it doesn't rebuild the indexes unless necessary. However, fixing that bug will involve it being necessary to update all of the indexes.05:57
stubWhich is doable live - just need to split fti.py into two05:57
stuband a bit of refactoring05:57
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=== bradb & # lunch
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kiko-fudthanks for the reply salgado 06:57
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kiko-fudbradb, should that be "Most recently changed"?06:57
salgadostub, do you have a dump of the production db handy so that I can apply it on mawson?07:31
bradbkiko-phone: I think "recently changed" is clear enough.07:43
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kmr could someone confirm I'm using launchpad correctly? I reported a serious bug 2 weeks along with a simple patch along with links to a test case, but launchpad still shows the bug as unconfirmed. I wonder if I should be doing something more: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/imagemagick/+bug/4430708:16
UbugtuMalone bug 44307 in imagemagick "Assertion failure processing ICC profiles with perlmagick" [Major,Unconfirmed]  08:16
salgadokmr, a bug is usually marked confirmed when one of the package/product developers review it and ack that it's a bug08:24
bradbkmr: There's nothing wrong with how you're using LP, AFAICS. I can't speak for the distro team's policy, but I know they're insanely busy preparing to release Dapper atm.08:24
salgadoin your case it could be that nobody had time to review it yet08:24
kikobradb, the problem is that it's not true. you are not displaying only recently changed bugs -- you are displaying them in order of last changed date. right?08:30
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bradbyeah. I'm also not displaying only most recently changed bugs either though :)08:31
bradbThe most confusing change to that UI, to me, was that "Sort by: " was removed.08:32
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kikoI'll have to review that!08:36
ddaaokay, guys, I'm out for a long week-end08:37
ddaasee you monday08:37
ddaaprovided I do not meet my fate on the highway or something like that08:37
kikolaters david08:38
kmrbradb, salgado: thanks very much for your confirmation of the process and your thoughts  08:40
bradbkmr: anytime08:41
salgadokiko, http://canario:8086/distros/ubuntu/+mirror/archive-mirror08:41
salgadoand http://canario:8086/distros/ubuntu/+mirror/releases-mirror08:42
kikovery nice!08:42
kikosalgado, what about the general listings?08:42
salgadothe list of mirrors?08:43
kikowhat about ordering by up-to-dateness?08:47
salgadoby default, you mean?08:47
kikowell, does that happen?08:50
salgadoI think I see what you mean08:50
salgadoordering http://canario:8086/distros/ubuntu/+archivemirrors by up-to-dateness?08:50
kikothat list only hhas two mirrors08:50
kikoand it doesn't say if they are up to date or not08:50
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salgadowell, first we need to define how to rank a mirror by up-to-dateness, as that's a status of the content and not the mirror itself08:51
Wolfhey I am wondering if there is an API for Launchpad calendar? is it possible to post/view events from a third party app?08:51
kikoWolf, not currently, but it's something we should work on.08:51
Wolfkiko ok, because I am currently working on a gnome panel applet that syncs and integrates your evolution/system calendar with google calendar08:52
kikoWolf, yeah, it'd be a cool enhancement08:52
Wolfkiko and thought it would be great if this applet also worked with launchpad08:52
Wolfkiko that way all of your events could be synced across all calendars - any way you want them to be08:53
cprovcarlos: ping ping 09:03
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kikojordi, ping?09:27
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carloscprov: pong pong09:41
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malcccarlos: He wanted to ask about a concurrency problem updating translations, but it seems to have gone now.09:42
carlosmalcc: do you have more details?09:42
salgadoSteveA, have two minutes for a trivial review?09:43
cprovcarlos: this query was locked for a while:09:46
cprovUPDATE TranslationImportQueueEntry SET content = 2881693, date_status_changed = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', is_published = 't' WHERE id = 9898909:46
cprovcarlos: different IDs each time, was something from rosetta was running last hour ?09:47
carloscprov: I guess it conflicted with the poimport process 09:47
cprovcarlos: we should think about a common lock or something like this ... do you think it's possible ?09:48
jordikiko: pong09:48
carloscprov: a common lock?09:48
carloscprov: why?09:48
carloscprov: the poimport could be running all time09:48
jordiok, so I have a few questions about priorities09:49
jordiAnd they are a bit hairy.09:49
kikojordi, are you by any chance doing anything with the translation queue?09:49
jordinot right now09:49
jordiI was waiting for it to clear a bit so we get a clean picture again09:49
cprovcarlos: someone needs to wait instead of exploding 09:49
carloscprov: but it locks the table once per entry so I guess you need to wait for that entry (atm we are importing huge .po files and it takes 3-5minutes each entry)09:49
carloscprov: oh, was it failing?09:49
=== jordi just comes from having a heated conversation with his ex-flatpate.
jordimate even09:50
carloscprov: I thought it was just being slow09:50
cprovcarlos: yes, exploding, literally, with psycopg error09:50
carloscprov: the problem is that the poimport script needs that table all time it's running09:50
jordicarlos, kiko: #l-m?09:50
carlosand for instance, latest run has been running since yesterday night09:51
cprovcarlos: I'd rather wait some minutes, instead of exploding ;)09:51
kikojordi, is now a good time? we're kinda busy busy busy09:51
carloscprov: if that's possible, is ok for me...09:51
jordiit'll be quick but anyway, it can wait09:51
carlosjordi: which subject?09:52
jordiit's about translation prioritues, which I should be working on rsn09:52
carlosoh, about that09:52
cprovcarlos: good, will find out what we can do, thanks for being available ...09:52
carloscprov: usually, you should not have problems09:52
carloscprov: the problem comes with monsters like OpenOffice or evolution09:52
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carlosthe others are fast enough to prevent you from breaking your script09:53
cprovcarlos: the world is full of monsters right now :(09:55
carloscprov: does your script retry the build? or it just fail completely and you need to do something by hand?09:56
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cprovcarlos: need to retry by hand09:57
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YannigHello :)10:00
YannigMe again for another dumb question :D10:00
YannigDo you know why nobody answers me about the creation of a mailing list for the Occitan translation team?10:01
YannigI don't even know if my mail was received or if it was asked to the good people10:01
carlosYannig: where did you send it?10:02
pvdvyvesorry me too busy bye10:03
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carlosjordi: where do you want to have the meeting about priorities? here or by phone?10:03
YannigI don't really remember, I followed https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/ instructions10:04
SteveAsalgado: yes10:06
salgadoSteveA, the last changes Jane requested: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileHBgiso.html10:08
salgado(mostly trivial changes)10:08
kiko<salgado> well, first we need to define how to rank a mirror by up-to-dateness, as that's a status of the content and not the mirror itself10:08
kikosalgado, so if any of its contents is not up-to-date, it's not up-to-date.10:09
kikothe mirror's up-to-dateness is the lowest value of up-to-dateness of all its contents10:09
salgadofair enough10:09
salgadothat should be easily doable10:10
kikoif this needs tweaking we can change it later.10:10
carlosYannig: ping jdub on irc about your mailing list, perhaps he missed the request10:11
YannigThanks :)10:11
kikosalgado, do that in a separate landing, though, please10:15
kikootherwise you sandbag my review10:15
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carlosjordi: ?10:20
carlosjordi: irc or phone?10:27
jordiirc can do10:28
jordiwill it take long?10:28
jordior phone if you prefer10:28
carlosI think it would be faster...10:28
jordi1   75  of 1487 results10:29
jordiwhat did they do to my clean queue10:29
kikoit's those crazy distro guys10:29
jordilet's strike10:29
carlosjordi: ;-)10:29
carlosjordi: phone?10:30
salgadokiko, I'm not sure displaying the overall status of a mirror is a good idea if we don't say what content is there10:33
kikosalgado, why do you say that? if the mirror is old, it's a good idea to make it clear that it's old, no?10:33
salgadoI mean, together with the status10:33
kikothat's hard because the content is.. well.. "wide".10:34
salgadoI can be saying that a mirror is up to date but it might contain only warty10:34
kikodoes that actually happen though?10:34
salgadoI hope not10:34
=== salgado asks
kikoI bet 90% of mirrors mirror everything10:35
kikoso you can order by len(content) and then freshness, what dya think?10:35
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salgadoyeah, I think it's possible. what if we start with the freshness? :)10:36
kikolen(content) should be a one-liner!10:37
salgadoyes, there is a one-line solution10:37
SteveAsalgado: reviewing now10:37
salgadokiko, but this could lead to time outs on a page that lists lots of mirrors10:38
salgadoSteveA, thanks!10:38
kikosalgado, I doubt it -- if you precache contents you will be fine10:38
kikoto precache contents you need to do something smart though10:39
salgadothe distributionmirror table has no link to the content10:39
kikothe content does though10:40
kikoyou can do a reverse precache 10:40
kikoit is a technique developed by the ancient mayans10:40
SteveAjeff healey rocks10:41
kikohe wasn't an an ancient mayan last I checked10:42
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bradbSteveA, BjornT: Is there a better way for testing xmlrpc APIs in LP right now than using http()?10:57
SteveAi don't believe you can use http() to test them10:58
bradbThe zope tests I'm reading are doing that.10:58
SteveAbjorn and i discussed a better way to test them, but it takes some work on the functional test setup10:58
SteveAwe don't do xmlrpc exactly the same way zope does10:58
SteveAso what we do right now is to use a system doctest11:00
SteveAand test the API11:00
SteveAbut not functionally test the whole xmlrpc publication thing11:00
bradbI'm confused about the difference. ISTM that it should still work ok from the outside, i.e., encoding method calls in xml and posting them to a URL.11:00
bradbEven if, underneath, we've made infrastructure changes.11:01
=== bradb read the branch xmlrpc tests though, of course, they are just standard view tests.
SteveAabout what difference exactly?11:03
SteveAthe issue is that Zope by default accepts xmlrpc POSTs and regular browser HTTP on the same port11:04
bradbSteveA: I'm confused about what changes we could have made from the way Z3 does things that would prevent an http() post to a URL with some XML not work.11:04
SteveAwe don't11:04
SteveAwe use a different server for each11:04
bradbSteveA: right, so that main issue is getting a test xmlrpc server running as part of the test suite?11:05
SteveAnot really11:06
SteveAit is about dispatching to the correct server from an http() call11:06
SteveAthe way i want to do that is by dispatching based on the host specified11:06
SteveAthis will make the pagetests clear, and is required for when we start doing more stuff with hosts like malone.launchpad.net or bugs.launchpad.net11:07
bradbSteveA: for something that works right now, should posting to http://localhost:9000/... with some xml work?11:08
bradb(in a test)11:08
SteveAit is a bug if it works11:08
=== bradb tries a minimal test
bradbSteveA: what naming standard and file layout do you suggest for xmlrpc views?11:10
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SteveAwhat do you see in launchpad/xmlrpc ?11:11
bradbright. I noticed there was a view called BranchSetAPI. I was expecting BranchSetXMLRPCView11:11
bradbor, in my case, FileBugXMLRPCView11:13
SteveAthe thing is, it represents an external API11:13
SteveAwe know it is a view11:13
SteveAwe know it is xmlrpc11:13
SteveAbecause it is in launchpad/xmlrpc/11:13
SteveAyou'll be asking for FileBugXMLRPCViewPythonClassInASCII next ;-)11:14
SteveAor hungarian style...11:14
SteveA  ACPVXFileBug11:15
bradbit seems like the same argument could be made for browser views11:15
bradbwe know it is a view11:15
bradbwe know it is browser11:15
bradbbecause it is in launchpad/browser/11:15
SteveAwe don't call them WhateverBrowser11:15
SteveAwe might consider not calling them WhateverView11:16
SteveAalthough, it is good to distinguish them from just Whatever11:16
bradbyeah. z3 doesn't seem to have many examples to look for guidance on the naming either, but I'll just go with canonical.launchpad.xmlrpc.FileBugAPI then11:18
SteveAthank you11:19
bradbnp, thanks for the guidance11:20
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sabdflkikoman... go home!12:51
kikoI have an interview report to write12:56
kikoI have THIRTY-FIVE emails from you in my inbox12:56
kikosabdfl, btw, call tomorrow post-launchpad-meeting, check?12:58
sabdflyes, i have 3pm UTC +112:59
kikooh, wonderful, that's even better.01:00
kikoI was expecting 2pm UTC+101:00
kikosabdfl, you have email from jordi, btw -- he'd appreciate your input there01:00
SteveAkiko: you need to read the mail from claire re-arranging the times01:01
kikoI just read it and had been confused.01:01
kikoI had read it before01:01
SteveAsee you tomorrow.01:05
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marcin_hi all01:14
kikohello marcin_ 01:14
marcin_kiko: hi01:15
marcin_I woud like to talk about some change/improvement in bug management in LP01:15
marcin_could you tell me what do you think about an idea to separate hardware related bugs from other usability/feature request/bad code etc. bugs?01:16
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kikomarcin_, basically classifying bugs, right?01:17
kikomarcin_, so there are some strategies you can use for this today01:17
marcin_we have a very long list of hardware related bugs that are unconfirmed for a long time simple because they are related to some hardware specific issues01:17
kikofirst, you can add to the bug summary or description a simple keyword which you can then use to search 01:17
kikofor instance01:17
kiko[!ubuntu-hardware!] 01:18
marcin_and since bug-squad don't have an access to specific hardware they cannot solve or confirm these bugs01:18
kikoand then doing a serch for that.01:18
kikothe other thing you can do is define a hardware-bug-squad team01:18
kikoand subscribe that team to the relevant bugs01:18
kikothen use that team's subscribed bugs listing01:18
kikothe third way that could be done is through a feature which malone does not yet possess -- a form of classifying bugs using a string attribute.01:19
marcin_kiko: right...01:19
marcin_another question is - how many bugs are reported with mail?01:19
marcin_and how many with Malone - launchpad web application?01:20
kikomarcin_, that is an excellent question, and I don't know the answer to it! I am humbled!01:20
kikomarcin_, I'm putting a question out and I'll try getting you an answer soon.01:21
marcin_well because the problem is that if for example 90% bug reports goes from Malone than maybe simple solution is to add additional button to form01:21
kikowhat sort of button>01:21
marcin_but if most of bug reports goes by mail than [ubuntu-hardware]  in summary could be usefull01:22
marcin_well button 'mark this bug as hardware related' or something like this01:22
kikothat proposal is controversial01:22
kikobecause it is really specific to ubuntu and to hardware-related software01:23
kikowhich is not as generic as malone would like to be01:23
marcin_well we currently got "This bug is a security issue" 01:23
marcin_why not add another?01:24
kikoall software can present security issues, though. 01:24
kikohardware-related is a lot more specific.01:24
kikoand note also that we are trying to find a way of getting rid of that option too!01:24
marcin_hmm why?01:24
kikobecause it is often misused.01:24
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marcin_ok I understand - but is there any reason why Malone doesn't have any 'wizard' that could help to report bugs and then make these reports more friendly to bug-squad ppl?01:27
marcin_if you got some buttons in single form then they really can be missed very often01:27
kikomarcin_, what do you mean by a wizard?01:28
marcin_but you always can add some js code to split form to two or more steps01:28
marcin_'wizdard' or 'druid' propably in Linux world - a kind of form that has more than 1 step01:29
kikoright, but what would the steps be?01:29
marcin_and then user can provide some information in each step - click 'next' and then provide some more info01:30
marcin_well for example: 1. select package, 2. is this hardware related bug?, 3. is this secutity issue?, 4. what version of ubuntu you use, 5. provide bug description01:31
kikothat is really a custom workflow for ubuntu01:37
kikowhich is interesting but difficult to do with our current generic UI01:38
=== carlos -> bed
marcin_kiko: is there any reason why you cannot improve this UI?01:49
marcin_kiko:  and make this more web2.0 than it currently is?01:49
kikomarcin_, we can improve the UI in many ways, including making it more dynamic "web2.0", but we need to take care to ensure that Malone remains generic and not Ubuntu-specific.01:50
kikosuch a wizard as you are suggesting violates that second constraint. but there are other ways of addressing that!01:50
marcin_hmm I can agree with you but only partially01:51
marcin_because I think that if you got a lot of informations from user in well organized way01:51
kikothere's also an implementation difficulty, because what you say would require special code inside Launchpad to handle Ubuntu (and potentially other products/distros that wanted a custom workflow)01:51
marcin_you can always parse/transform this to simple txt message that could fit 'generic' malone01:51
kikoindeed that can be done in any front-end, including a web front-end that reposts information to launchpad.01:52
marcin_if you got 'Launchpad integration' package in Ubuntu01:53
marcin_and you add links to Rosetta in 'Help' menu 01:53
marcin_then I think that this URL should be ubuntu-specific01:53
marcin_and for example - I can see very often this in Malone or in support requests01:55
marcin_I see bug report - than answer from some admin/bug triager "please provide ubuntu version you use"01:55
marcin_this question is a waste of time01:55
marcin_because I agree that Malone should be generic - but also there is no reason why it cannot have information about ubuntu version inside?01:56
kikothere is a proposal to capture that version in a text field and attach that to the description01:56
kikojust hasn't been done01:57
kikowe're considering it01:57
marcin_hmm stupid question then - is Malone/LP open source?01:58
kikonope :)01:58
marcin_(afair it is not)01:58
kikoI am listening to your concerns01:58
marcin_right :)01:58
kikoeven if we can't do exactly the solution you are proposing, I am aware of the issues you are raising and we are trying to find good ways of solving them 01:59
kikowe're working on xml-rpc interfaces to various parts of launchpad01:59
kikowhich would allow custom bug-filing apps to work easily01:59
kikowe're working on a guided bug form, which could include some of the information that you are citing01:59
kikowe are attempting to get work started on using AJAX more extensively in launchpad02:00
marcin_really nice...02:00
marcin_ajax is my hobby from few months ;)02:00
kikoand finally, we will eventually have some support for custom keywords, though the form in which that will be implemented is yet undefined02:00
kikoyeah, it is pretty cool ain't it02:00
marcin_do you work for Canonical?02:00
kikoindeed I do!02:01
marcin_I can see information on ubuntu.com that Canonical needs webmaster...02:02
kikoindeed we are looking02:03
marcin_I thought about it but unfortunately I'm just a beginner in Python development02:03
kikoare you interested in applying?02:04
kikowhy don't you give it a shot anyway?02:04
marcin_well maybe I should try02:04
marcin_I'm not sure about requirements, about time and of course about money02:05
marcin_and another thing is that I got job so... not sure if I want to change...02:06
kikothat's something to consider always. :)02:07
marcin_but I'm also do a lot of things with Ubuntu02:07
marcin_s /I'm/I02:07
marcin_so it could be nice to work directly for Canonical02:07
marcin_do you know if this is a full time job?02:08
marcin_kiko: and if you would like than take a look at my specification I added to LP: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/webuntu02:11
kikomarcin_, I believe it is, but you'll need to submit a request to find out.02:11
kikomarcin_, ah interesting. so you are suggesting a set of web apps for managing ubuntu with a common look-n-feel?02:12
marcin_kiko: it's only draft but I will add better integration with LP as something to TODO list :)02:12
kikogood point02:12
marcin_(tomorrow - it's 2:12 am here and I'm pretty tired)02:12
marcin_yes I think that linux is excellend 'server' system02:13
marcin_s/ excellend/excellent02:13
marcin_so it could be nice to use it's potential02:13
kikoyeah, managing it is really only for console ninjas today :)02:14
marcin_and with modern browsers we can do magic things with UI02:14
marcin_so ubuntu could work as something like 'Media Center' replacement etc.02:15
marcin_propably it could be easier and faster to develop web UI than wait for Gnome/KDE folks ;)02:15
marcin_maybe I will start to work on this project and then I will submit request to Canonical :-)02:17
kikookay, time for me to roll zzzwards02:17
kikogood luck with your application02:17
kikoand feel free to ask if you need any help02:17
marcin_kiko: ok thanks02:17
lifelessjamesh: ping, your reviews are getting old02:19
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jameshlifeless: yeah.  I'll sort them out today02:46
lifelessspiv: new reviews por vous03:14
spivlifeless: thanks03:15
spivlifeless: any luck with the triple-branch merge?03:15
lifelessspiv: doing it after I finish ddaa's branch.03:18
spivlifeless: Woo!03:19
jameshlifeless: is the new wiki immutable for you?03:29
lifelessjamesh: fixed now03:29
lifelessjamesh: it was.03:29
jameshso it is.03:29
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mpt__Goooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!04:30
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=== ..[topic/#launchpad:lifeless] : PQM disabled, manual merges | https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 25 May, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
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lifelessspiv: these are merges of bzr and bzrtools right ?05:49
lifelessspiv: tests running05:55
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mptstub, staging won't let me log in06:20
stubworks for me....06:21
stubmpt: Make sure you are using https://staging.launchpad.net/. Also, the cookie name changed recently for staging so if you have some sort of wierd cookie privacy thing setup you might have trouble.06:23
lifelessstub: are we using zope 3.2 in prod now ?06:23
lifelessstub: the production tree on balleny still has 3.0 in sourcecode06:23
lifelessstub: should I fix that ?06:23
stubHmm.... mpt is right.06:23
mptI cleared my cookies half an hour ago and hadn't tried it since, so that can't be the problem06:24
stublifeless: That is synced from rocketfuel built - how would that have happened?06:24
stublifeless: And I don't see how the tests would pass either... are you sure?06:24
lifelessbzr info sourcecode/zope/06:24
lifeless      parent branch: sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/zope/3.0/test06:25
lifelessstub: how are you syncing it ? rsync ?06:26
lifelessspiv: two failures06:26
stubmpt: Looks like we are setting the correct cookie on login, but not checking the correct one for authentication purposes. Thankfully this only bites us on staging.06:26
stublifeless: rsync06:26
lifelessand we are talking about ~/production/launchpad for pqm on balleny ?06:27
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lifelessmorning stub 06:27
lifelessmorning SteveA 06:27
stublifeless: Yes06:29
lifelessstub: ok, I'm checking 06:30
lifelessstub: your rsync is faulty06:31
lifelessstub: its clearly not the content of chinstrap:/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel-built/launchpad06:32
stubrevno: 3206:32
stubcommitter: Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager<pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com>06:32
stubbranch nick: 3.206:32
stubtimestamp: Thu 2006-05-11 12:25:40 +010006:32
stub  Add missing __init__.py's identified by spiv06:32
stubIt is *a* 3.2 branch06:32
stubAnd test.py is definitely the 3.2 one06:34
lifelessanyhow, I'll finish these merges and look closer06:34
stubmpt: I've found the problem and will commit it06:38
stubmpt: If you log onto production, you should find you are also logged onto staging if you don't want to wait ;)06:41
stubHmm... maybe.06:41
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lifelessstub: 07:24
lifelessFile "/home/pqm/production/bzr/lib/canonical/database/sqlbase.py", line 371, in canonical.database.sqlbase.quote07:24
lifelessFailed example: quote("'hello'")07:24
lifelessExpected: "'\\'hello\\''"07:24
lifelessGot: "'''hello'''"07:24
lifelessis that indicative of skew between sqlobject and launchpad ?07:24
jameshlifeless: sounds like it is (see stub's message about the quoting change)07:26
lifelessjamesh: yes, thats why I'm asking ;)07:26
lifelessspiv: ping07:26
jameshlifeless: btw, the pending-reviews page is working again (had to add some code to pass the appropriate http auth header when grabbing the wiki page)07:27
spivlifeless: pong07:27
stublifeless: That test should have been updated. Maybe I neglected to push?07:28
=== stub pushes again
lifelessspiv: what commit message do you want ?07:30
lifelessjamesh: grazzi07:30
spivlifeless: for the launchpad/bzr/bzrtools branches?07:30
lifelessspiv: yes07:31
spivlifeless: Something along the lines of "Update importd tests for bzr 0.8" for lp and "Update to recent upstream bzr.dev/bzrtools" for bzr/bzrtools.07:32
lifelessspiv: reviewed by ? or trivial ?07:32
spivUnreviewed, so I guess it's trivial ;)07:32
spivrs=spiv might be more accurate ;)07:33
lifelessand self referential07:33
spivThey aren't huge changes, but I really really want them in so I can stop sourcecode/* tests failing (I will do the merge to re-enable that as soon as this lands), and to unblock a bunch of other things for me and ddaa.07:34
lifelessspiv: me too07:34
lifelessspiv: its in07:37
spivlifeless: many thanks!07:37
lifelessstub: production (pqm@balleny:~/production/launchpad/sourcecode) subbranches are out of date with respect to the chinstrap rocketfuel-built. 07:40
lifelessstub: including zope07:40
lifelessstub: what command are you using when you sync them ?07:40
stubErm.... you would have been the last person to rebuild it with the 1.63 rollout07:41
lifelessstub: I didn't rebuild it, I updated it. This would explain it as 1.62 was pre-knit07:41
stubOnly cherry picks since then, and I don't update the subbranches for that unless necessary07:41
stubMan bzr push takes ages (when you have bittorrent running)07:42
lifelessbt uses all bandwidth, news at 11.07:42
lifelessstub: bpqm@balleny:~/production/sqlobjectupdate/sourcecode/sqlobject$ bzr merge sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/stub/sqlobject/quotingfix07:45
lifelessNothing to do.       07:45
stubStill pushing...07:45
lifelessstub: conflicts:07:49
lifelessbzr merge sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/stub/launchpad/trivial07:50
lifelessbzr: WARNING: Text conflict in database/sampledata/current.sql                                                                                                                                                    07:50
lifelessbzr: WARNING: Text conflict in lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/potemplate.py                                                                                                                                   07:50
lifelessbzr: WARNING: Text conflict in lib/canonical/launchpad/scripts/bugnotification.py                                                                                                                                 07:50
lifelessbzr: WARNING: Text conflict in lib/canonical/launchpad/zcml/potemplate.zcml                                                                                                                                       07:50
stubI'm still pushing07:50
lifeless4 conflicts encountered.                         07:50
lifelessstub: garh, ok07:50
stubI killed the sftp push and rspush is underway07:51
lifelessstub: well, say when you want me to do this07:51
stublifeless: done07:53
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lifelessstub: I still get07:59
lifelesspqm@balleny:~/production/sqlobjectupdate/sourcecode/sqlobject$ bzr merge sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/stub/sqlobject/quotingfix07:59
lifelessNothing to do.                                                                                                                                                                                                    07:59
lifelessstub: is it possible you merged that in already to some branch ?07:59
stubNope, because the tests won't pass without the SQLObject fix being landed. The only change on that branch should be the docstrings in sqlbase.py :-/08:00
lifelessdid you update production ?08:00
stublifeless: No - the production branch I just updated sourcecode/SQLObject08:02
stubI think08:02
lifelessstub: that will be it.08:02
lifelessok, merge test running08:03
stublifeless: If I did something like push changes to ~/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/production/1.63 on balleny, could I trigger PQM errors like mpt reported?08:10
lifelessstub: no08:13
lifelessstub: there was an sftp glitch, something killed pqm ? or something like that.08:14
lifelessthat left the branch on chinstrap locked.08:14
lifelesssomeone else came along and unlocked it08:14
lifelessstub: not though, please dont use rsync between the rocketfuel archives08:14
stubok. I was wondering if I needed to disable pqm when doing that sort of operation now things seem to be using repositories08:14
lifelessas long as you use 'bzr push', not 'bzr rspush', no, it will all just work.08:15
stublifeless: ok.08:15
lifelessstub: worst case it might fail to grab the lock, but if it does that, and you get an error, tell me - its a condition we should handle anyway08:16
lifelessjamesh: ping08:20
lifelessjamesh: what did you think of the europython abstract discussion?08:20
lifelessspiv: you too ^08:20
spivlifeless: I don't have any new insights to offer.  Pretending to be an attendee, I'm not sure if you're focusing on making plugins in python or a specific way of testing, so I'm not really sure what to expect.  It sort of sounds like two different talks put together.08:28
lifelessspiv: I just got a test failure from importd tests08:29
lifelesstest_pty_output (importd.tests.test_baz2bzr.TestBaz2bzrPublishFeature)08:29
spivlifeless: crud.  What test?08:29
lifeless'importing importd@example.com/test--branch--0 into bzrworking\r'08:29
lifeless'0/2 revisions\r'08:29
lifeless'1/2 revisions\r'08:29
lifeless'2/2 revisions\r'08:29
lifeless'Cleaning up\r'08:29
lifeless'Import complete.\r'08:29
lifeless'0/1 read knit index\r'08:29
lifeless'1/1 read knit index\r'08:29
lifeless'0/1 read knit index\r'08:29
lifeless'1/1 read knit index\r'08:29
lifeless'0/1 read knit index\r'08:29
lifeless'1/1 read knit index\r'08:29
lifeless'0/1 read knit index\r'08:29
=== spiv frowns.
lifelessrunning it again08:31
spivI've never seen that locally.  I wonder what's different...08:31
lifeless'make check_merge 2>&1 | less'08:32
jameshlifeless: the talk sounds interesting.  I agree with Steve about emphasising plugins over testing08:43
spivlifeless: I cannot reproduce that locally :/08:46
lifelessspiv: mleep08:57
lifelessspiv: fails again08:58
lifelessspiv: the expect value for the test is :08:58
lifeless'importing importd@example.com/test--branch--0 into bzrworking\r'08:58
lifeless'0/2 revisions\r'08:58
lifeless'1/2 revisions\r'08:58
lifeless'2/2 revisions\r'08:58
lifeless'Cleaning up\r'08:59
lifeless'Import complete.\r'08:59
lifelessfailing tests are:08:59
lifelesstest_pipe_output (importd.tests.test_baz2bzr.TestBaz2bzrPublishFeature08:59
lifelesstest_pty_output (importd.tests.test_baz2bzr.TestBaz2bzrPublishFeature08:59
=== spiv wonders why the tests even care what the exact progress output is, so long as the import/publishing works...
lifelesssqlobjectupdate$ bzr revno09:00
lifelesspqm@balleny:~/production/sqlobjectupdate$ bzr revno sourcecode/bzr09:00
lifelesspqm@balleny:~/production/sqlobjectupdate$ bzr revno sourcecode/bzrtools09:00
=== spiv makes sure he has the latest everything.
lifelessrf-built is up to date on chinstrap09:02
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spivlifeless: does just "make importdcheck" fail?  (I'm pretty sure it should be the same, but let's be certain)09:06
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lifelessspiv: checking09:20
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spivWell that's something at least ;)09:33
spivlifeless: all of a sudden I can reproduce, I'm not sure why.09:37
lifelessso rf is borked until this is fixed.09:38
lifelessshould I rollback, or are you on it ?09:38
spivlifeless: I'm on it.  The "fix" is just to extend the expected output; this actually lines up better with how it was before I updated it.  The way these tests work needs rethinking though, because this is a very fragile way to test whatever it's trying to test...09:39
lifelessregex matching ?09:39
lifeless(i agree)09:39
spivSomething like that, first we need to figure out precisely what we're trying to test for.09:39
lifelessdavid needs output09:40
spivTests without a clear purpose are something I'm increasingly uncomfortable with...09:40
lifelessotherwise the job is considered 'hung' and get skilled09:40
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spivI see.  I'll file a bug on the subject after I fix, push and merge.09:40
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cprovgood morning, hackers09:42
lifelessspiv: pqm is disabled09:42
lifelessspiv: fix, push, tell me :)09:42
spivlifeless: thanks (and thanks for bearing with me!)09:43
SteveAlifeless: morning09:44
lifelesshi SteveA 09:44
spiv(and I still have no idea why the another, supposedly equivalent, tree I have for this behaves differently, but first things first...)09:46
lifelessecho $PYTHONPATH09:48
spivlifeless: pushed: sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/spiv/launchpad/importd-pty-test-fix/09:55
lifelessspiv: I think it might be a race condition on stderr10:09
lifelessspiv: so I expect this will toggle and fart around. We'll want a pattern based test soon IMO.10:11
spivlifeless: Hmm, I don't think it's a stderr issue.  test_pipe_output uses stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT but fails anyway.10:13
lifelessspiv: well, its done and pushed10:13
spiv(pity, because it's a good theory!)10:13
lifelessmay the farce be with you10:13
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spivlifeless: Let's find out... :)10:14
lifelessI got my batteries today10:14
SteveAspiv, jamesh, stub: i'd like to arrange a skype call tomorrow, either individually, or we can try a conference, to talk over some issues about the ORM for launchpad, project "L" and the other project "L".10:14
lifelessI now have ~12 hours real world run-time on batter10:15
SteveAdeep fried electrons10:15
spivlifeless: whee10:15
spivSteveA: Sounds good.  I'd guess that roughly this time (i.e. 0800 UTC) is probably good for everyone.10:16
SteveAokay, that suits me well too.10:16
=== SteveA waits to hear from stub and jamesh
stubI might not be the brightest spark though - I seem to have flu or tonsillitis or other nasty.10:23
jameshSteveA: okay10:25
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spivlifeless: is pqm running again?10:45
=== BjornT heads out to do some errands
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lifelesshttps://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 25 May, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w3911:23
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carlosjordi: ping11:59
carlosjordi: could you send the Rosetta announcement?11:59
carlosI think you should do it as our public face11:59
jordiI can, yes12:00
jordishould I take it from the wiki?12:00
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sabdflBjornT: is https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneEmailInterfaceUserDoc up to date?12:14
SteveAbjorn is out running some errands12:19
SteveAalso, that page should be moved over to help.launchpad.net12:21
carlosSteveA: should we move now all Rosetta pages from wiki.ubuntu.com to help.launchpad.net ?12:24
carlosSteveA: if the answer is 'yes', do we have a standard way to name the pages there?12:24
SteveAthere's two things we're doing with help.ubuntu.com12:26
SteveAone of them is that we're going to have a mapping from types of pages in launchpad to pages on the wiki12:26
SteveAso, for example, a person's edit gpg keys page will get a page on the wiki, where help on that page can be written down12:26
SteveAthe other thing we're going to do with help.launchpad.net12:26
SteveA(argh... read help.ubuntu.com and help.launchpad.net earlier)12:27
SteveAis to have documentation explaining things users need to know about, like how to use the email UI 12:27
SteveAand how to use rosetta effectively12:27
SteveAnow, to answer your question12:27
SteveAwe need to keep in mind that right now, Rosetta is most focused on ubuntu12:28
SteveAon making ubuntu translated well12:28
SteveAso we must be careful to provide information and docs to people who want to help with ubuntu, if those docs will help in that case12:28
carloswell, the FAQ page is not ubuntu specific12:30
carlosand I think it's a general rule about how to handle translations in Ubuntu and other distros/products12:30
carlosso I guess the FAQ page could be moved12:31
SteveAbut make sure that ubuntu people aren't lost for help12:32
SteveAso, leave pointers to the new pages when those pages are moved12:32
mpt_bah, Internet Explorer is stupid12:33
BjornTsabdfl: yeah, MaloneEmailInterfaceUserDoc should be up to date.12:33
carlosSteveA: yeah, the idea was to note the movement12:34
carlosSteveA: there are links on launchpad that should be updated too12:34
SteveABjornT: is that page referred to from launchpad anywhere?12:34
BjornTSteveA: yeah, i think so. in some about box.12:35
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BjornTSteveA: https://launchpad.net/malone, on the left.12:35
SteveAokay.  i'd like you to change the link to help.launchpad.net/UsingMaloneEmail and move that doc there12:35
SteveAunless your or mpt_ can think of a better page name12:36
SteveAalso, i wonder if the email interface should have a version number 12:37
SteveAso we can note the version number in the docs12:37
SteveAand we'll know that things are kept up to date12:37
BjornTyeah, could be worth having a version number12:43
sabdflthanks BjornT12:48
SteveAhmm ?12:56
=== SteveA hears the sound of plainsong
mpt_SteveA, how might I do ++debug++source on the 404 page?12:57
mpt_ /fqhwgads/++debug++source doesn't work12:57
SteveAyou put that first12:57
SteveA /++debug++source/asdasd12:57
mpt_ah, beautiful, thanks12:58
SteveAZnarl: ping12:58
ZnarlSteveA : Pong?12:58
SteveAhi.  bjorn and i are having trouble editing pages on help.launchpad.net12:58
SteveAany idea what might be up12:58
SteveAwe're both logged in to it12:58
ZnarlSteveA : Do you have an example page that doesn't work for you?12:59
Keybukhi guys,01:00
Keybukdo we have any stats on the number of people who've used "Translate this Application" or "Get Help Online" ?01:00
ZnarlSteveA : Ok, fixed.01:01
SteveAthanks, what was wrong?01:01
SteveAKeybuk: the apache logs will tell.  no stats though.01:01
KeybukSteveA: any chance of a quick guess?01:02
mpt_Get Help Online has never been implemented01:02
SteveAmpt_: what does "implemented" mean?01:03
mpt_SteveA, I mean even roughly following Mark's idea of having and editable list of support options for each distribution or product01:04
mpt_Kiko and I put in a dummy page just before the Breezy release, and iirc it hasn't been changed since01:05
mpt_the spec is LaunchpadIntegrationHelpPage01:05
SteveAKeybuk: i think all the apache access goes via gangotri, so the steps for any kind of guess are to get access to the apache logs, and then do a grep | wc -l on them01:06
mpt_though iirc the current spec is a *bit* more complex than it should be, in that it should just be a set of (link, title, description)01:06
KeybukSteveA: do you not have anybody on your staff with access? :(01:06
SteveAsure, various people have access to gangotri, including me.  i haven't looked at apache logs on there though, i only know where the launchpad stuff is01:07
SteveAmaybe Znarl can offer advice on where apache logs live01:07
SteveAKeybuk: okay, i have the logs01:14
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salgadostub, around?01:20
stubsalgado: yes01:20
salgadostub, do you have a dump of the production db handy, for me to apply it on mawson?01:21
stubThere is one a few days old in ~stub on mawson01:21
stublifeless: Did that SQLObject/launchpad landing work?01:22
salgadostub, I think it should be fine... can you remind me how to apply it?01:24
stubsalgado: pg_restore --no-acl --no-owner --dbname=mynewlycreateddb thefile.dump01:26
salgadostub, cool. /me notes that somewhere so he won't forget anymore01:28
salgadocprov, around?01:28
salgadospiv, ping01:32
spivsalgado: pong01:32
=== Yannig [n=yannick@AToulouse-254-1-34-72.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
salgadohi spiv01:32
salgadospiv, kiko reviewed my mirror-management2 branch, and he asked me to check with you if you could review one test01:33
salgadoit's one of those twisted tests01:33
spivSure, got a link/pastebin?01:33
salgadospiv, it's the test_distributionmirror_prober.py on https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/salgado/launchpad/mirror-management2/full-diff01:34
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salgadoI added more tests on that file, to test the prober for release mirrors01:34
YannigOther dumb questions :p01:35
YannigDo I really need to be in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/debian-installer/+pots/debian-installer/oc/+translate to upload the debian-installer po file or is it detected automatically?01:35
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YannigIf not, would it be possible to rename the oc.po file into debian_installer_oc.po for example?01:35
spivsalgado: why bother with the "except Exception, e: self.fail(...)"?  Why not just let the test error?01:36
YannigPoor carlos, I take all his time with my dumb questions :p01:37
carlosYannig: where do you want to import it?01:37
YannigI just fear to make a mistake importing the file into the wrong location01:38
spivsalgado: is there any Twisted IO involved?  It doesn't look like it, but I'd like to be sure that you don't intend that.01:38
YannigI have so many oc.po files... :(01:38
carlosyou need to upload them to the right pofile01:40
spivsalgado: So, you have a problem.01:40
carlosYannig: no way to do a single tarball upload01:40
salgadospiv, about the exception, I think it's nicer to have a proper message and a failure than an error with no clear explanation01:40
mpt_SteveA, just finished the portlet trimming and the Internet Explorer layout fixes01:40
spivsalgado: if got_result in test_failure_propagation is wrongly triggered, the self.fail it calls won't have the desired effect.01:40
YannigFair enough, thanks01:40
SteveAmpt_: cool01:40
spivsalgado: I think it's nicer to get a full traceback from the source of the error, with an unmangled error message...01:41
YannigAnd would it be possible to rename the oc.po file into debian_installer_oc.po for example?01:41
salgadospiv, the TestMirrorCDImageProberCallbacks indeed doesn't have IO, it's just for testing that the callbacks do what they're expected01:41
spivsalgado: Comments in the test with those messages instead would server the same purpose.01:42
salgadoIIRC, the tests for IO are in the TestProberProtocol01:42
YannigIt would be easier to download several po files01:42
spivAnyway, back on got_result: Deferreds catch *all* errors from callbacks (to turn into errbacks).01:42
carlosYannig: yes, we don't care about the filename01:42
salgadospiv, fair enough, I'll remove the try/except and leave a comment01:42
YannigGreat :)01:43
carlosYannig: oh, you mean for downloading it with that name?01:43
carlosYannig: yes, I guess it's doable too, please file a bug01:43
lifelesswhen is the meeting ?01:43
lifeless15 minutes ?01:43
spivYour test would still fail correctly because the self.assertEqual([1] , ok).01:43
=== mpt [n=mpt@] has joined #launchpad
spivWhich basically means the got_result part is redundant.01:43
spiv(If things work, the test will pass without it, and if things don't work, the test will fail without it)01:44
spivIt's useful to have it for debugging, though...01:44
spivActually, it's definitely useless.01:45
spivTwisted already unit tests that d.errback(<a failure>) will fire the first errback.01:46
spivYou don't need to cover that in your own test.01:46
SteveAmpt: did you get to talk with kiko about the filebug page?01:47
spivSo given that you're doing d.errback(Failure(ZeroDivisionError())), adding a callback to d in the test is definitely just a distraction.01:47
mptSteveA, no, I haven't seen him awake for several days01:47
SteveAokay, we should discuss this after the lp meeting01:47
spivsalgado: Also, dl is totally unused in that test.01:47
Yannigcarlos> Ups, I think I didn't post where it was supposed to (https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/46552) :(01:48
UbugtuMalone bug 46552 in debian-installer "po files names" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  01:48
spivsalgado: and the errback added in the "d.addErrback(self.callbacks.ensureOrDeleteMirrorCDImageRelease)" line is never used.01:48
YannigSorry :(01:48
SteveAmeeting in 10 mins01:50
spivsalgado: does the first half of test_failure_propagation ("Make sure that ensureOrDeleteMirrorCDImageRelease() does not propagate ProberTimeOut or BadResponseCode failures.") actually affect the second half ("Any failure that is not a ProberTimeout or BadResponseCode should be propagated because that is probably a bug in our code.") at all?  It looks like two seperate tests.01:50
SteveAtake a workrave now if you need it01:50
salgadospiv, that's true. the first two tests already make sure that my callbacks don't propagate timeouts and badresponsecodes. I think I just need to add a third test to make sure they propagate any other exception01:50
lifelessI have a small ELYNNE01:50
SteveAme, i'm going to rest my wrists and flex my fingers on some honking blues licks in the style of jeff healey01:50
carlosYannig: don't worry, I fixed it01:50
lifelessI will be back in a few minutes, but may miss the start01:51
spivsalgado: and make them into three seperate test methods, please.01:51
spivsalgado: small tests with a clear, specific purpose are better than big rambling tests that try to do a bit of everything.01:51
lifelessspiv: this ties in with my distaste for many doctest style tests actually.01:56
spivlifeless: Yeah, I know what you mean.01:56
=== terrex [n=capitant@84-122-82-165.onocable.ono.com] has left #launchpad []
salgadoit's time!02:01
SteveAWelcome to today's launchpad meeting02:01
SteveAa thunderstorm has just started in vilnius02:01
SteveAwho's present today?02:01
mptPlease return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts02:01
SteveAkiko: his infernal majesty?  surely now02:02
SteveAkiko: his infernal majesty?  surely not02:02
kikothe royal him!02:02
SteveAddaa sends apologie02:02
SteveAhe's on public holidays / vacations, and will be back monday02:03
malccThis thunderstorm isn't doing your typing any favours Steve02:03
kikoapologies for being on holiday!02:03
SteveAmalcc: must be the nervous tension02:03
SteveAeither that or too much string-bending just prior to the meeting02:03
SteveA== Agenda ==02:03
SteveA * Roll call02:03
SteveA * Agenda02:03
SteveA * Next meeting02:03
SteveA * Activity reports02:03
SteveA * Actions from last meeting02:03
SteveA * Launchpad oops milestone report02:03
SteveA * Outstanding sysadmin requests02:03
SteveA * Production and staging (stub)02:03
SteveA * (other items)02:03
SteveA * launchpad bzr development workflow (robert/jamesh)02:03
SteveA * Design discussion with reviewer by voip (Steve)02:03
=== pschulz01 [n=paul@] has joined #launchpad
SteveA * Discuss a solution for the Retry exceptions (matsubara, kiko)02:03
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:03
SteveA * Three sentences02:03
SteveAnext meeting: i propose the same time next week02:03
kikowhy not02:04
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : PQM disabled, manual merges | https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 1 Aug, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
SteveAit is done02:04
SteveA * Activity reports02:04
malccDude next month is June02:04
SteveAafter a decent performance last week, this week i suck02:04
salgadoup to date02:04
kikoI'm there02:05
stubup to date02:05
BjornTup to date02:05
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : PQM disabled, manual merges | https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 1 Jun, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
jameshI suck, but am putting together another summary02:05
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:lifeless] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 1 Aug, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
malccUp to date after a lame summary today02:05
mptup to date02:05
SteveAthanks mpt02:05
spivup to date.02:05
matsubaraup to date02:05
SteveAthanks malcc 02:05
carlosup to date02:05
cprovi suck, will send a summary for this week, I'm in a sprint anyway02:05
mpt(but, I batched the last three)02:05
matsubaraI'm also guilty of batching.02:05
SteveAcprov: sprinters are excused from daily reports, summaries are appreciated02:05
SteveA * Actions from last meeting02:06
malccWe got a last-one-wins concurrency error on the topic, next meeting is still in August02:06
SteveAthere were none02:06
cprovSteveA: I know, I will do a descent summary this time ;)02:06
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 1 NEXT MONTH, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
SteveA * Launchpad oops milestone report02:07
SteveAmatsubara: hit it!02:07
matsubaraTop exceptions are on shipit which are all assigned to Salgado.02:07
matsubaraHe has been working on them. Bugs 45601 and 581202:07
UbugtuMalone bug 45601 in shipit "OOPS trying to Cancel the same request on two different tabs" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4560102:07
matsubaraAnother outstanding exception is the Retry one, which I added a item to the02:07
matsubaraMeetingAgenda. Do you want to discuss it now or leave it to later?02:07
mptNow we'll never have another meeting02:07
matsubaraas later I mean the Proposed items section02:07
matsubaralet's do it now then02:07
SteveAyeah, do it now02:08
matsubaraWe're seeing lots of Retry exceptions, caused by the session machinery, and02:08
matsubarastub advised that to debug it properly identify the cause we need bug 31479 fixed..02:08
matsubaraspiv is assigned to it, and said in the last meeting that he would work on it at.02:08
matsubarathe end of this week.02:08
UbugtuMalone bug 31479 in launchpad "Retry exceptions should include information about the original query" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3147902:08
stubI was also going to refactor the session machinery again to make it even friendlier02:08
SteveAi believe we also have some concurrency improvements in the session machinery landing or landed soon02:08
SteveAstub: eta ?02:08
stubI noticed, however, that the number of exceptions dropped from hundreds to two in the last error report, which is very unusual02:08
stubeta Tuesday02:09
spivmatsubara: Yeah, that's right near the top of my todo list finally.02:09
matsubaraI think we're good then. kiko, anything else?02:09
SteveAany idea why the exceptions would drop to two?02:09
SteveAis there some kind of fault in error reporting?02:09
SteveAor has some evil DOS attack stopped hitting us?02:09
kikoI'm not sure. Could be the Shipit DOS :)02:09
stubOr the condition that was triggering the number of Retrys stopped. Possibly a DOS we didn't notice.02:10
stubShipit is as busy as ever02:10
SteveAstub: would you check the other launchpad logs, just to make sure there isn't an error that somehow isn't sending oopses?02:10
matsubaraTop timeouts are the same. Most of them assigned to kiko. kiko, any news about it?02:11
kikoI've worked on a relatedjoin fix that appears to improve many of them02:11
kikoI'm also working on adding prejoins to multiple and relatedjoin02:11
kikoit's going slow because I'm overloaded02:11
kikomight get in by tomorrow02:11
kikospiv will need to review at some point02:12
matsubaraWould help a lot the QA job to solve bug 30670. It's currently assigned to stub. Is it feasible?02:12
UbugtuMalone bug 30670 in launchpad "Launchpad developers should have admin privileges on staging" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3067002:12
bradbUh, I'm on crack. I'm here and up-to-date on activity reports. /me lost track of the time while answering email.02:12
SteveAi'm not sure about that one02:13
stubmatsubara: It is feasable, but also limits the ability of developers to test stuff. 02:13
SteveAmatsubara: an issue there is that it means launchpad developers get to see private bugs02:13
SteveAand private bugs are mirrored to staging each day02:13
stubmatsubara: A better approach might be to insert superuser accounts using different names/email addresses after the database update, giving you two accounts on staging.02:13
SteveAstub: i need to implement hats...02:13
stubSteveA: yup02:13
matsubarastub: that would do02:13
lifelessSteveA: pull it off the cdrom02:13
SteveAi don't want all launchpad developers to have admin access on staging02:14
matsubarastub: i think it's even easier to do right?02:14
SteveAi'm happy with just certain people who need it to have such access02:14
stubmatsubara: Yes02:14
lifelessSteveA: I may be missing something, but dont all developers have db access to staging ?02:14
salgadolifeless, no02:14
matsubaralifeless: not the db, but to the web UI02:14
SteveAlifeless: i'd be not in favour of that either02:14
stublifeless: nope. We control it, because it is a full production mirror including security sensitive stuff.02:14
lifelessstub: yes, aware of that :). Must be mis-recalling.02:15
stubIt generally gets granted on need though02:15
SteveAmatsubara: for what qa purposes do you want admin access on staging?02:16
matsubaraSteveA: sometimes I need to reproduce some bug02:16
matsubaraand it's easier to use staging02:16
mptto reproduce bugs in things like source imports02:16
SteveAokay.  i'm fine with launchpad admins plus matsubara having admin access on staging02:17
SteveAbut not all launchpad devs02:17
SteveAif stu can rig up something to make that so, that's fine02:17
matsubaraSteveA: ok, I'll update the bug description02:18
matsubaraAnd as a final note, I'd like to ask developers to use the in-progress status and to append the bug number to your commit messages.02:18
SteveAmatsubara: please give an example of a commit message that is good in this regard02:18
matsubaraFix bug url (bug summary)02:19
mptmatsubara, perhaps many of the bugs for which you might need staging are also bugs of insufficient sampledata02:19
SteveAand, do you mean pqm merge messages, or any old commit messages?02:19
matsubaraSteveA: I mean pqm merge messages02:19
jameshso you're interested in mainline log messages02:19
SteveAi've been talking with jamesh and others about our pqm email messages02:20
matsubarampt: yes, that's it. can't think of a real life example right now, though02:20
SteveAi think developers should be able to say in a "local" commit "fixed bug URL SUMMARY"02:20
mptmatsubara, an example is that localhost doesn't have anything in the translation import queue02:20
SteveAand the email should pull these out of the sub-commits02:20
mptsampledata doesn't, rather02:20
jamesh(which makes sense when trying to match up which bugs are fixed in a given rollout)02:20
SteveAand display them prominently in the email from pqm02:20
SteveAthat way, a developer can focus on one commit at a time02:20
SteveAand not need to repeat things for pqm02:20
SteveAbut, until we have implemented that, i ask everyone to do as matsubara asks02:21
SteveAand add "fix bug URL SUMMARY" to pqm messages02:21
jameshfull URL rather than just number?02:21
stubtests can always insert more data into the database in their setup - sampledata should really only be used for data common across many tests and to get the basic app up and running.02:22
=== bradb usually does "Fix bug 42 (the bug summary)"
UbugtuMalone bug 42 in malone "Bug description listed in task is not the correct description" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4202:22
SteveAmatsubara: are you okay with just the number?02:22
matsubaraURL helps, but I'm ok with the numbers and the summary02:22
SteveAmatsubara: you can write a script that gives you URLs for "bug NNN" patterns02:22
bradbThe /bugs/... URL is good for this.02:22
SteveAokay, so number and summary, not URL02:23
matsubarathat's it, I'm done. Thanks guys.02:23
SteveAmatsubara: please send an email to the launchpad list clearly stating the requirements we've agreed02:23
SteveAthanks matsubara 02:23
lifelessSteveA: please file a bug with what you would like on launchpad-development-infrastructure.02:23
SteveA * Production and staging (stub)02:23
stubProduction and staging are both running happily. PostgreSQL security issues are under control - nothing further to add over what has already been mentioned on the mailing list and I'm not going to repeat it in a public channel.02:23
stubUntil dapper release, please let me know via the mailing list about cherry pick requests sooner rather than later, as we have to avoid disrupting the distro team during the final stage of getting Dapper out of the door. Regular rollouts may also become irregular too, or skipped entirely - if we miss anything urgent (eg. shipit updates) we can discuss it with mdz.02:23
lifelessstub: we have one update that is important, soon, which is the supermirror update for bzr 0.802:24
kikostub, we're supposed to roll out the shipit modifications, but they do not involve database changes.02:24
kiko(right salgado?)02:24
lifelessstub: spiv knows where that is at in more detail.02:24
stubStuff that doesn't involve db changes is easy02:24
spivlifeless, stub: I have a bunch of branches related to that I want to land, but I expect to land them tonight.  After that, I'm happy.02:25
SteveA * launchpad bzr development workflow (robert/jamesh)02:25
salgadoit'd be good if we could roll out the new mirror prober (which does include db changes), so we can have nice listings of mirrors when dapper is released02:25
SteveAi don't remember what this is about.  lifeless, jamesh ?02:25
lifelessyou asked for a documented best practice on setup and process for lp development02:26
kikosalgado, mirror prober for next week, I guess02:26
lifelessI spoke with jamesh about it, but did not follow up - sorry.02:26
SteveAokay.  we can defer this to the next meeting02:26
lifeless(Its in my TODO list, 3rd from the top)02:26
SteveAi do want to get everyone on the same page with this02:26
spivlifeless: just one thing -- what's the URL for the pqm-submit plugin?02:26
SteveA * Design discussion with reviewer by voip (Steve)02:26
spiv(I'm still hand-crafting my pqm messages, when I really shouldn't be...)02:27
lifelessspiv: bzr.j-a-meinel.org or some such02:27
SteveAi propose that before starting work on a feature, the person who will develop the feature arranges a voip call with a reviewer02:27
SteveAto discuss the design approach02:27
jameshspiv: there are some details on setting it up on the WorkingWithSharedRepositories page02:27
lifelessspiv: see james's repository-usage wiki page02:27
spivjamesh: thanks02:27
jameshspiv: should answer your questions even if you aren't using shared repos yet02:27
SteveAare reviewers happy to have such conversations?02:27
lifelesstalking with a reviewer about the proposed approach should give you a design review before code is done02:27
mptSteveA, does that apply only to those features that aren't covered by specs with Implementation sections?02:28
lifelessSteveA: yes we are, we talked this over last review meeting.02:28
SteveAmpt: no02:28
SteveAlifeless: thanks02:28
spivI am, although I fear I won't be available at the right times for most other developers.02:28
spiv(due to timezones)02:28
jameshsame here02:28
=== bradb isn't too keen on this, tbh
SteveAwhy not bradb ?02:29
bradbReviewers will become bottlenecks.02:29
SteveAare you criticising my choice of necktie?02:29
SteveAlike with code-reviews, i'd like us to try this out02:30
bradbIt's already hard to find their time for a review. Finding their time for a voip call will be equally challenging, I imagine, and add more process than benefit, IMHO.02:30
SteveAthanks for the naysaying, brad.  let's suck it and see.02:30
kikobradb, well, there is a lot of benefit in discussing design beforehand02:30
bradbkiko: I agree 100%. I just don't think it should be required to discuss with a code reviewer.02:30
kikoit should be more or less high-level -- i.e. this class does this part, this does this, etc.02:30
stubThis will move discussions off the mailing list02:30
jameshit can potentially reduce the time to review the code after it is done02:31
kikobradb, well, who are you going to discuss it with?02:31
bradbkiko: you, mpt, etc.02:31
jameshif it helps avoid issues that would come up during review02:31
bradbmaybe SteveA or BjornT for zopish things02:31
bradbvarious other people as appropriatae02:31
mptMaybe there's a disconnect here over what "design" means02:31
spivbradb: three out of four of those people are reviewers ;)02:31
SteveAi have had a positive experience discussing designs and implementation approaches pre-implementation for rosetta, previously02:32
SteveAi believe carlos and daf shared the positive experience02:32
SteveAand it generally cut time off the implementation02:32
bradbI'm not arguing against design discussion, of course.02:32
carlosSteveA: right, but I share the concerns bradb has02:32
bradbDesign discussion is important and informative.02:32
carlosSteveA: If we have it as a rule02:32
carlosthe overload of our reviewers will be too high02:33
SteveAi think an attempt should be made to arrange such a call02:33
SteveAif it isn't possible, that's fine02:33
cprovSteveA: I had experiences with kiko in Soyuz as well02:33
cprovgood experiences02:33
SteveAbut i want to make it the coder's responsibility to attempt to arrange such a call02:33
kikoso bradb, to help, you can always consider me for a phone call02:33
SteveAand report to the list the success or failure of having such a call02:33
lifelesstheres a lot of concern here about reviewer load02:33
kikoI am in your timezone and you can either bother me on IRC or on the phone, no problem02:33
SteveAthen we'll be able to see how practical it is02:33
mptSo, what is the relationship between these calls and the Implementation section of the relevant spec?02:33
SteveAif reviewers say "no, too busy" so be it02:34
mptWill they be more detailed? More up to date?02:34
SteveAmpt: it's a good question.  let's see how the calls pan out.02:34
lifelessI'd like to note that the review team is coping just fine with load right now, and we are short 3 reviewers - steve, kiko & salgado are all very busy02:34
bradbkiko: that would help02:34
bradbif we can move on after a "no, too busy", that's a bit better too :)02:34
SteveAokay, we've had a lot of good points raised here.02:34
lifelessa 15 minute phone call before a branch is started will (IME) save far more than 15 minutes at the end of the branch02:34
SteveAthanks everyone for that02:34
SteveAhere's what we'll do:02:35
lifelessso the reviewers will actually become *less loaded*, not more. 02:35
SteveA - before starting on a feature, the coder responsible will contact a suitable reviewer and ask for a pre-implementation call02:35
cprovlifeless: good point ;)02:35
SteveA - the reviewer may reject, or may pass to another reviewer, or accept02:35
SteveA - the coder responsible must report to the launchpad list if the call actually happens or not02:36
SteveA - the reviewer should summarize the call (in a paragraph only perhaps) to the reviewers list after the call02:36
SteveAlet's try this out for a few weeks, and see what happens02:36
SteveAplease keep up to date with sending the emails.  it's the only way we'll be able to judge how the system is working.02:37
lifelesscan I ask for the reviewer summary to include the call length.02:37
SteveAyou can02:37
carlosSteveA: should it affects bug fixing too?02:37
=== carlos is thinking on his 1-2 hours slot tasks
SteveAlifeless: would you be willing to write this up on the wiki?02:37
lifelessI want to understand the impact on the reviewers of this. So I'm also going to ask that reviewers note how long a branch review takes from now on too. 02:37
SteveAcarlos: for a small obvious bug, no.  for something tougher, or with questions, sure, do.02:37
bradbSteveA: you mean we should send emails like "I tried to arrange a call with spiv, but he was busy. kthxbye."?02:37
lifelessreviewers - does that sound ok ?02:37
SteveAbradb: "and he said he was too busy" sure.02:38
lifelessSteveA: yes, make an action for me, I'll be happy do to the writeup02:38
SteveAMeetingAction: lifeless to write up pre-implementation voip reviews policy02:38
SteveAwe gotta move it on02:38
SteveA * Discuss a solution for the Retry exceptions (matsubara, kiko)02:38
SteveAhas this already been addressed?02:38
matsubaraI think so.02:39
SteveAokay, thanks02:39
matsubaraunless kiko wants to add something else02:39
SteveA * Outstanding sysadmin requests02:39
SteveA(i forgot from earlier)02:39
SteveAspiv: i still have that issue outstanding from you02:39
malccYeah I've got one, one sec02:39
SteveAand i need to talk with elmo about it, as there are some firewalling policy issues to be solved, apparently02:39
kikonot really matsubara 02:39
spivSteveA: yep.  I presume the impending dapper release is eating the admins lives atm...02:39
SteveAit's keeping elmo busy02:40
spivSteveA: In the short term, lifeless has provided me a tarball of the logs to date.02:40
malccrt #9117, request for access to accounts on drescher cprov tells me I need02:40
SteveAah, okay02:40
SteveAspiv: so i won't push it this week02:40
spivSteveA: so it's not urgent atm.02:40
SteveAmalcc: when do you need these?02:40
malccSteveA: As soon as possible, so I can start helping to trace live issues02:40
SteveAplease always try to include an estimated due date in RT reports, by the way.  it helps me and sysadmins plan things02:41
SteveAmalcc: okay, noted.  thanks.02:41
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:41
SteveAwith a countdown02:41
mptCHANGE: Each week, make the Oops report the last agenda item. Immediately afterward, use whatever time remains to crack the whip on the oldest Critical Launchpad bugs. Crashes are not the only awful failures Launchpad can have; arguably they're less bad than bugs where people think the failure is their fault.02:41
stubKEEP: zope.testbrowser. Pagetest testing a cookie auth edge case worked first time - I didn't believe it was actually being run.02:41
mptKEEP: stub. He's doing an awesome job.02:41
malccstub++, testbrowser rocks02:41
salgadonew bzr!02:42
spivKEEP: matsubara's error report summaries/bug triaging.02:42
salgadoKEEP ^02:42
sivang(re PI)02:42
SteveAokay done02:42
SteveAthree sentences please02:42
SteveApost them now02:42
lifelessDONE: make bzr add take 1/5 the previous time, make bzr commit 10% faster, improve benchmarking facilities to allow lsprofile output of individual portions.02:42
mptDONE: MaloneSimplifications, ShipIt fixes, CSS fixes, administrivia02:42
mptTODO: DescriptionMarkup + LaunchpadLoginService specs, bugfixes02:42
mptBLOCKED: no02:42
lifelessTODO: WORM proof of concept with martin, make commit faster, study hg for meeting.02:42
malccDONE: Learnt more about Soyuz, sprinted with Celso.02:42
malccTODO: Finish sprint, fix Soyuz.02:42
malccBLOCKED: No02:42
matsubaraDONE: fixed +bugcontact broken link, distro mirror validation, oops report02:43
lifelessBLOCKED: Nada02:43
matsubaraTODO: fix oops bugs and more triage;02:43
matsubaraBLOCKED: no02:43
kikoDONE: interviews, performance patches, many reviews and design discussions02:43
carlosDONE: Merged and fixed mark's potemplate priority branch, discussion about potemplate RSS, migration to knits, POMsgSetPage UI discussion, Changes to the batching code, Fixed .pot exports, prepared Rosetta and Dapper announcement and a bunch of translation domains fixed to get full translations from Rosetta02:43
carlosTODO: Finish Karma testing, Fix all test for POMsgSetPage, add more filtering options to the translation import queue (bug #40550), Add a debug page to see how Rosetta behaves with different Browser language selections or IP address that we use to select some content statistics02:43
carlosBLOCKED: no02:43
UbugtuMalone bug 40550 in rosetta "Further filtering options for the Queue" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4055002:43
BjornTDONE: bug fixes. landed a few branches. reviews.02:43
BjornTTODO: make products have bugtrackers. huge comments -> attachments.02:43
BjornTreviews. have vacation.02:43
BjornTBLOCKED: no02:43
spivDONE: reviews, got bzr 0.8 merged into rocketfuel AT LAST, ubuntu wiki stuff02:43
spivTODO: merge various branches unblocked by bzr 0.8 merge, retry info (bug 31479), research bug 3322302:43
spivBLOCKED: no.02:43
salgadoDONE: improvements to the new shipit (including the new custom request page) and finished the mirror prober for release mirrors; 02:43
salgadoTODO: land the changes to the mirror prober and the new custom request page for shipit02:43
salgadoBLOCKED: no02:43
UbugtuMalone bug 31479 in launchpad "Retry exceptions should include information about the original query" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3147902:43
cprovDONE: soyuz sprint with malcc, fix on publisher and upload land (malcc tour)02:43
cprovTODO: reduce the publication turnaround, redesign upload land02:43
cprovBLOCKED: None02:43
jameshDONE: pending-review updates, scheduler work, code reviews02:43
UbugtuMalone bug 33223 in launchpad-bazaar "SFTP server should give human-friendly errors for name restrictions" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3322302:43
jameshTODO: get scheduler polished and ready to use, launchpad-bazaar stuff as discussed with ddaa, code reviews02:43
jameshBLOCKED: no02:43
bradbDONE: Put implicit subs in review. Long weekend. Fixed a few OOPS and other bugs. Started on release bug management and xmlrpc.02:43
bradbTODO: Release bug management and xmlrpc. Fix various high priority bugs.02:43
bradbBLOCKED: No.02:43
kikoTODO: unload patches in my tree into PQM dammit, review and assist anyone else needing that02:43
SteveADONE: various flavours of management stuff, code reviews, phone calls02:43
SteveATODO: menus menus menus02:43
SteveABLOCKED: my time and focus on code02:43
stubDONE: Odds and sods.02:43
stubTODO: Session updates, searching updates02:43
stubBLOCKED: lifeless to land SQLObject/launchpad fix to rocketfuel02:43
lifelessstub: thats done02:43
stublifeless: ta02:44
stubBLOCKED: Nope02:44
SteveAi see no further blockers to be dealt with02:44
kikoBLOCKED: jamesh still hasn't gotten us a weekly OOPS report, SteveA needs to confirm carlos' travel suggestion02:44
SteveAthanks kiko02:44
SteveAjamesh: ?02:44
kikoI had others but I lost them02:44
stubBAG: This virus I've come down with :/02:45
jameshkiko: gar.  I'll get a manual OOPS report ready for this week and make sure the cron job running for next week02:45
SteveAthanks for your attention everyone02:45
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 1 Jun, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
kikojamesh, I thought it was just a matter of running the cronjob with a set of directories instead of a single one?02:45
jordiJust in time for tthe MEETING ENDS token02:45
jordisorry  guys, hectic stuff at work02:45
jordiSteveA: want my details my msg?02:46
lifelessbradb: what sort of trouble are you ahving finding reviewers ?02:46
lifelessbradb: I see one branch of yours in needs-review, which is one day old02:46
bradblifeless: Small sample size. :)02:46
bradbThe average review response time for me is about a week.02:47
lifelessbradb: not really. you have a 15 day old branch in merge-conditional, and no branches in w-i-p02:47
SteveAoh, i didn't mention w-i-p02:47
SteveAi'll have to mention that next week02:47
jameshkiko: yeah.  Just get it to run the right date commands to work out which directories to scan02:47
lifelessbradb: We haven't reached a week for any reviews for about 2 weeks.02:47
mptCan someone explain to me the point of w-i-p?02:47
mptoh, ok, next week02:47
lifelessbradb: ever since kiko cleaned up cprovs branches in fact.02:48
kikolifeless, that's just because I suck, generally reviewers have been timely enough02:48
stubOh - I lied. Staging authentication is buggered. I'm landing a fix now. If you are logged in, don't log out until I get to update it.02:48
lifelesswe are aiming for 48 hour turnaround on all reviews at the moment02:48
lifelessand with very few exceptions we're reaching that02:49
lifeless(not counting weekends)02:49
kikobradb, and instareviews you have asked have been done, hopefully?02:49
SteveAmpt: i updated the MeetingAgenda page.  i want to move the agenda and meeting summaries to help.launchpad.net02:49
bradbkiko: yeah, instareviews have been good lately02:49
kikobradb, so STOP COMPLAINING :-P02:49
BjornTlifeless: please reassign carlos' branch, i won't have time to review it before next Thursday.02:49
lifelessBjornT: ok02:50
mptSteveA, not that I think help.launchpad.net should exist in the first place, but why would meeting agendas be on it?02:50
kikompt, it's out public wiki.02:50
kikoour, gah02:50
SteveAkiko, mpt: sometime during the next 30 mins i'd like us to discuss some usability questions about the new filebug page02:50
lifelessBjornT: you have time for brads though ?02:50
mptNext ten minutes, please, I have a breakfast appointment02:51
bradbI think reviewer response time is /improving/ at any rate. I'm guessing the average response time is coming into focus around 3-4 days now.02:51
SteveAkiko, mpt: this can wait until tomorrow, if preferred02:51
kikoSteveA, uhhh, "new filebug page"?02:51
SteveAkiko, mpt: but i *do* want us to discuss it this week.  before a rollout.02:51
kikoI strongly recommend any "new filebug page" is presented to distro users before it has a chance of affecting anybody!02:51
bradbLAND IT02:51
SteveAwell, i'm in favour of rolling it back, actually02:52
BjornTlifeless: yeah, i'll do bradb's and mpt's today.02:52
SteveAbut, that's for the discussion02:52
kiko+1 for rolling back any change that doesn't have distro team approval02:52
lifelessthanks BjornT 02:52
lifelessjamesh: I'm giving you carlos branch02:52
carlosit shouldn't be too difficult02:53
=== bradb was being sarcastic. I much prefer subject, then body, not body, then subject.
carlosit's really small02:53
lifelesscarlos: instareview for you - not enough tests02:53
lifelesscarlos: if you look here - https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/carlos/launchpad/bug-46459/full-diff02:54
lifelessyou can see there are 4 lines of test changes02:54
lifelessand 375 lines of non test changes.02:54
lifelessthis ratio suggests that you have added 375 lines of untested code :(02:55
lifelesscarlos: do you think its well tested ? [I may be missing something] 02:55
carloslifeless: 4 lines of test changes?02:56
lifelesslib/canonical/launchpad/ftests/test_system_documentation.py |    4 02:56
lifelessoh, I missed02:56
lifelesslib/canonical/launchpad/doc/po_export_queue.txt             |   43 +++02:56
bradbi think 3/4's of my implicit subs additions were tests :)02:56
lifelessbut still, 43:330 is a fairly low ratio.02:56
carloslifeless: anyway, I think I could add more tests02:57
=== SteveA privmsgs mpt
lifelesscarlos: looking at your test, it seems to soley test the pass condition02:57
carlosthe pass condition?02:58
carloslifeless: I'm not sure that rate would be a good way to see if it's well tested this branch, I'm adding a new view and thus new interfaces and many attributes02:59
carlosI agree that I can improve the tests, but I hope you don't expect that I get a 1:1 rate...03:00
lifelesscarlos: well, I'm off to bed. I expect jamesh' review will say something similar.03:00
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lifelesscarlos: there are tests that test the 'normal' behaviour of a routine03:01
carlosjamesh: let me do some changes after lunch and leave the review until tomorrow to improve the tests so your review would be more easy03:01
lifelessand there are tests that test error conditions.03:01
carloslifeless: oh, I see what you mean03:02
lifelesscode that has few or no tests of either sort, is often prone to undetected defects in that area.03:02
lifelessgnight all03:02
carloslifeless: night and thanks03:03
spivcarlos: A rough guideline can be to use the --coverage option of test.py, and see if there's any lines of code you've added that aren't executed.03:03
spivs/added/added or changed/03:03
carlosspiv: do we have such feature??03:04
carlosspiv: how does it know what was added or changed?03:04
spivcarlos: it doesn't, but you should :P03:04
carlosoh, I see03:05
carlosthat would help me also to improve our current tests, right?03:05
spiv(but if it did, that would be sweet!)03:05
spivcarlos: I haven't actually played with --coverage much, so I'm not certain it works properly with code invoked from doctests and other odd stuff.  I expect it's actually fine, but let me know if you have any questions about the results it generates.03:09
=== bradb runs to the store to get milk, back in 10
carlosspiv: sure. Thank you03:09
=== carlos -> lunch
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SteveAlifeless: your recent email about knits for SM landing shortly...03:21
SteveAlifeless: does that mean the issues with bzr test failures in sourcecode/ are fixed?03:21
spivSteveA: Yes, that landed a few hours ago.03:26
SteveAway cool03:26
SteveAhigh five to bzr-related-to-launchpad folks03:26
=== SteveA high fives spiv and lifeless and (in absentia) ddaa
spivI've done a trivial merge to gnarly, doing a trivial merge to pybaz, probably will need a trivial merge to cscvs, then I can re-enable the sourcecode/* checks!03:28
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stubcopy_to_zlog is set to false on the production systems, but the launchpad logs are full of noise03:35
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cprovcarlos: ping, have a look at bug 4655903:58
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salgadocarlos, cprov, is any of you guys dogfood at the moment?04:13
cprovsalgado: yes04:15
cprovsalgado: I'd say 'depends', what do you need ?  currently I'm publishing stuff in dogfood, I've updated the DB to a 18th May copy of production ...04:18
salgadocprov, will you be using it the whole day or can I kill it for a code/db update at some point?04:18
salgadooh, great. that's the one I'm restoring04:19
salgadoso, that means I only need a code update04:19
cprovsalgado: ehe04:19
cprovsalgado: I've kept you tree in place04:19
=== spiv eagerly awaits the results of his current merge
cprovsalgado: I mean, "your" tree, sorry 04:20
salgadowhich one is mine?04:20
salgadohmmm. actually there's a db patch that I'd need to apply04:20
cprovsalgado: shipit-for-dapper, maybe ?04:22
cprovsalgado: you can apply it in the current launchpad_dogfood, might be harmless to the soyuz stuff I'm using, right ?04:23
salgadoit's another branch, actually04:24
carloscprov: done and answered04:28
salgadocprov, yes, it should be harmless; it's just a new table04:35
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cprovcarlos: thank you 04:37
cprovsalgado: go for it then04:37
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spivAh crud pybaz fails with rocketfuel's twisted.04:47
spivfails and *hangs*!04:47
spivstub, lifeless: pqm seems to be hung :(04:47
=== spiv curses
spivlifeless/stub: please kill the current pqm merge that's hung.  The next merge in the queue fixes the problem.04:56
spivDoes anyone who's actually awake have access to balleny?04:56
spivelmo/Znarl: the current PQM job is hung, could you kill it please?04:57
YannigGreat: tomorrow, Occitan to-do translations will go under 99 % :D04:59
malccYannig: Nearly done then :)04:59
Yannig"Nearly", yes :D04:59
YannigI just have to recruit some help :p05:00
elmostub: done05:00
elmospiv even05:00
spivelmo: thanks!05:00
Yannig(for productivity and above all quality...)05:00
spivlifeless, stub: elmo sorted me out.05:00
carlosYannig: ;-)05:02
lucasvois rosetta something like a gettext gui?05:05
mdkelucasvo: it is like an online poedit/gtranslator/kbabel05:10
mdkeexcept collaborative05:10
lucasvomdke: and how can one add the pofiles?05:12
mdkelucasvo: they are there already. You add to them by editing online. It is also possible to download one, translate it offline, and upload it05:13
lucasvomdke: I don't want to translate05:15
lucasvoI want to register my project there so other peope can translate05:15
mdkelucasvo: https://wiki.launchpad.net/RosettaNewImportPolicy05:17
mdkethen you use the "Request Translation Upload" button05:18
lucasvohm, so rosetta isn't meant for non ubuntu projects?05:20
mdkelucasvo: certainly it is05:21
lucasvoit looks quite complicated 05:21
mdkelucasvo: no, it's easy. You just read that page and then if you are the upstream project maintainer, you can request to use rosetta with "Request Translation Upload"05:22
lucasvowhere is the link?05:22
=== cors [n=cors@sebas.sti.USherbrooke.ca] has joined #launchpad
mdkelucasvo: https://launchpad.net/products/yourproduct/yourrelease/+translations-upload05:23
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lucasvooh crap05:28
lucasvoso I need to register a product and not a project?05:28
lucasvowhat is the difference?05:29
mdkethat is a question that I am not able to help with05:30
mdkeI don't understand it either05:30
spivlucasvo: roughly, a project is a group of related products.05:30
lucasvocan I delete a project?05:31
spivlucasvo: that needs an admin, unfortunately :(05:31
spivlucasvo: file a support request or mail the launchpad-users list.05:31
mdkeheya spiv05:31
spivmdke: hey :)05:32
lucasvoanybody here who can do it?05:32
mdkespiv: get my email about the page cache thing? Is that trivial to include?05:32
spivmdke: I did. It's trivial to fix up after the script runs.05:32
mdkespiv: ah, that won't go in the script itself?05:33
spivSo I think we may as well leave the script alone (seeing as I managed to make one that worked first time for once ;), and get the admins to run a simple find + rm after it runs.05:34
mdkeok, whatever you prefer05:34
lucasvocan projects and products have the same nam?05:34
spiv(or however it was fixed last time)05:34
mdkespiv: last time?05:34
spivlucasvo: yeah, I think so.05:34
mdkespiv: oh, cachecleaner.py might do the trick05:35
spivoh, if it's already written, even better :)05:35
mdkejust saw it now05:35
spivOk, pybaz fix merged ok, let's see how this merge goes this time...05:39
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bradbmpool: What LP xmlrpc doc did you read to write the register-branch plugin? (Assuming you were the one that wrote it.)06:07
=== bradb & # lunch
BjornTbradb: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Specs/BranchRegistrationTool06:19
spiv"make check_merge" is back at full strength.06:33
=== spiv goes to bed happy
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mantienahi all06:50
mantienaSteveA, labas06:51
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bradbBjornT: ah, thanks07:11
mantienaSteveA, alive ?07:13
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SteveAhi mantiena.  i'm in a phone call07:33
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SteveAhi mantiena 07:58
SteveAi'm about to finish for the day07:58
SteveAwhat's up?07:58
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kikoSteveA, ping?08:15
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_chaOS_hello room09:01
_chaOS_does ubuntu base installation support rpm packages?09:02
_chaOS_Or what package management program does ubuntu use??09:02
_chaOS_any one plz?09:02
mdke_chaOS_: you need #ubuntu09:05
=== kmr-away is now known as kmr
_chaOS_thank you mdke.09:08
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bradbBjornT: I responded to your review. Do you have time to check it out?10:03
BjornTbradb: yeah, i might have time to take a look at it soon.10:09
bradbcool, thanks. /me heads out to pick up a fixed laptop.10:11
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=== bradb &
mantienaSteveA, I have few questions about [planned]  rosetta features :)10:16
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SteveAmantiena: you can try the rosetta mailing list10:25
SteveAthen if others have the same questions, everyone can read the discussion and answers10:25
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kikoyay bradb 10:42
kikogood work10:42
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mantienaSteveA, but I more like talk with you directly ?11:02
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mdkeI'd like to see more Klingon translations in Rosetta11:04
mdkejordi: so, if rosetta now prioritises, do we get to compete to get our templates promoted up the list? Do you take bribes?11:05
jordimdke: I do!11:06
jordino, I actualyl have a grand plan11:06
=== mdke nudges jordi about ubuntu-docs
jordiI plan to make a wiki page, with a table awith the full list11:06
jordiso people can input and we can fine-grain this11:06
jordiBut, when people do a change, it must be explained in the changelog11:06
jordia rationale and so11:07
jordiin the wiki page changes thingy11:07
mdkewhich changelog?11:07
mdkeoh right11:07
jordiand every now and then we can diff last apply against current and apply the changes to rosetta11:08
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mantienaguys, it's normal when my .po files aren't imported in rosetta more than 24 hours ?11:36
jordimantiena: it could be. Which po?11:37
jordimantiena: Openoffice is being imported, and that takes long11:37
mantienajordi, several *-lt.po files11:42
mantienafor example replaced-gtk-lt.po and eel-lt.po. I exported several files about 26-27 hours ago, fixed some strings and imported again into rosetta after ~2 hours, but they still aren't imported into rosetta and I didn't get email from rosetta about successful import :(11:45
jordithey are approved, but behind OpenOffice in the queue11:46
kikomeaning they will be imported AFTER XMAS!11:48
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mantienajordi, maybe you know aproximatly how much time openoffice will be imported ? I need to fix some more translations before ubuntu dapper, but langpack translation deadline is May 25 ...12:04
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zygajordi: interesting issue12:05
jordimantiena: takes 2 days or so, according to carlos12:09
jordiI'm not sure, I can't tell you about the dates, but you maybe safe, langpacks will be updated every now and then12:10
jordimonthly at least12:10
carlosmantiena: it has been running for a whole day already12:10
jordiso even if you miss the dapper debut, they'll appear in the next12:10
carlosI guess on Saturday, it will be done and all pending entries will be imported12:10
jordiI also have files around the place :)12:10
mdkemantiena: if the deadline is 25th, that means that it is passed. However, carlos said in his email today that language packs will be regenerated on sunday12:10
zygajordi: 99% vs 100%12:10
jordizyga: ah yeah12:10
carlosmdke: yeah, the deadline was moved12:10
jordicarlos: saw that bug I filed?12:10
jordizyga: I think just using a brighter colour would do12:11
carlosjordi: which one ?12:11
zygajordi: I attached a comment12:11
jordibut I'm sure there'll be some kind of problem with visually impaired people12:11
zygait's a pretty simple solution12:11
zygajordi: use stripes12:11
UbugtuMalone bug 46653 in rosetta "100% vs 99% translations done for a language team" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:11
zyga100% is trivially distinguished when it is displayed with stripes :)12:12
zyga(waves, ubuntu logos or whatever - any non solid color with high constrast pattern will do)12:12
carlosmantiena: but if you import them now, your import will be done earlier12:12
jordithat's true12:12
mantienacarlos, thanks, so, if I do some fixes in lt.po files this morning (after ~7 hours), will these fixes go in sunday's langpacks ?12:13
jordimantiena: yeah, keep them coming, they'll be in the line12:13
carlosI guess, yes12:13
jordimantiena: we hope12:13
carlosmantiena: I don't think OO.org will be still around on Sunday...12:13
mantienafine, then I can go sleep now instead of fixing ;)12:14
carlosmdke, jordi: You should talk with mpt about that bug12:14
jordishould I subscribe him?12:14
carlosmantiena: that's only true if you do it uploading .po files12:15
jordizyga :)12:15
carlosif you use the translation form, your translations will be there _now_12:15
carlosjordi: oh... right...12:15
carlosmdke: sorry ;-)12:15
carlosIt's a bit late here...12:15
jordicarlos: another feature for the future is, related to that bug I filed, is that stuff submitted by a human goes to the top of the queue by dfefault12:16
jordiso it can bypass edgy uploads etc12:16
zygacarlos: is there any plan to add ubuntu icon to templates from packages in the main archive?12:17
carloszyga: well... atm Dapper only has packages in main (for translations)12:17
carloswe didn't import universe12:18
zygaI didn't know12:18
carlosand Edgy will have a feature (or at least we will try to have it in time) to use something like language packs for universe12:18
zygahmm :)12:19
zygasouns familiar12:19
zygaI had similar ideas about a year ago12:19
carloszyga: will you go to Paris ?12:19
zygacarlos: paris?12:19
zyganext ubuntu conn is in paris?12:19
carlosthe Ubuntu sprint12:19
zygaunlikely :/12:20
zygawhen will it happen BTW?12:20
carlosnext month12:20
zygathen absolutely not :/12:20
zygamarriage, house, kid on the way :)12:20
zygano time atm12:20
carlosI guess I will write something about it there12:20
carloszyga: congratulations!12:20
zygaI look forward to that :)12:21
zygacarlos: I had an idea about per-package non-deb package12:21
carlosyeah, the main idea is not use .deb packages12:23
zygabasically a .mo file would do12:24
zygathat, coupled with a custom namespace12:24
mantienacarlos, hehe, but how I can search for some words in translations if using web translation tool ?12:26
carlosmantiena: no way.. sorry :-(12:27
mantienacarlos, I have idea - are there a way to see not 10, but for example 100 translations in page during translation ?12:28
kikoheh. 12:28
mantienathen I could use simple text search with firefox browser ;)12:28
kikocarlos, there is a way, right? :)12:29
carlosmantiena: use count=100 as an extra argument in the URL12:29
carlosmantiena: it will change soon, but should work for you at least one more week12:30
carlosmantiena: something like +translate?count=10012:30
mantienacarlos, thanks, for me one day will be enough no need for one week ;)12:30
carlosmantiena: that option will be there, but with another name, that's all12:31
mantienahehe, It's working will not sleep for at least 30 min - new fixing with web translation tool is faster, than downloading file from rosetta, fixing and uploading again ;)12:34
kikocool. :)12:34
mantienacarlos, btw, will rosetta have ability to search/replace in web translation more in future ?12:34
carlosmantiena: yes, we have a high priority functionality that includes a search feature12:35
=== mdke hopes people don't translate with find/replace
carloskiko: zyga just remembered me another spec I would need to work next month at Ubuntu submit, the one about language packs like feature for universe12:37
kikocarlos, sounds like you're going to have a busy 3 days :)12:40
carlosone spec/day12:40
carlosI need to talk with pitti to schedule sometime before the meeting to talk about the ways to implement this new spec so we have some previous discussion12:41
carlosbut I think he's not around until next Monday, I will call him on Monday12:42
kikoyeah, I'd do planning up-front definitely12:43
kikoso you don't waste time there12:43
=== carlos -> bed
carlosgood night!12:43
kikocarlos, still here?12:45
mantienamdke, hehe, sometimes find/replace is very good way for fixing translations, sometimes there are typical errors, which can be fixed automatically12:45
carloskiko: yes12:46
kikocarlos, did the rosetta announcement not hit rosetta-users?12:46
mantienagood night carlos, it was nice to meet you ;)12:46
mdkemantiena: but words often occur in different context. I agree for spelling errors it might help12:46
kikooh, just found it.12:46
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carloskiko: ;-)12:47
carlosmantiena: :-P12:47
carlossee you tomorrow!12:47
mantienamdke, I know about context, I use find/replace very rarely, but tonight most my translation fixes can be done by find/replace and then manual review ;)12:48
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lifelessspiv: ping01:25
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lifelessSteveA: ping02:04
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RouninHello, I have a question... With regards to the bounty functionality of launchpad, is it possible to change the amount pledged after a bounty is posted? And if so, how is it done?02:27
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RouninI was just wondering, because I was thinking of creating a bounty for further development of XIM (namely switching of input methods within programs and without the use of env vars + better stability), but it would require a lot more people than me to pledge money02:37
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stubRounin: Doesn't look like it. The Bounty system is still fairly primative as we have been concentrating on other areas. It currently needs an admin to change the amount for some reason (looks like it was done deliberately but I don't know the rationale)02:44
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RouninAh... That's a shame... I guess there needs to be some sort of centralised control to prevent false pledges, but one would need to be able to increase the sum02:45
lifelessI believe some work is being done on it at the moment, but not sure when that will land02:47
RouninI see... THanks, both of you02:49
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marcin_antI also would like to add that there is currently no way to control bounties and verify if they are closed or not  etc....03:07
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spivlifeless: pong03:24
mpt__Gooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!03:30
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lifelessspiv: reviewed your branch03:37
spivlifeless: thanks03:37
spivlifeless: So, I have a problem with testing other formats than just the repository.  At the moment (i.e. with the current set of formats bzr 0.8 has), if branch format or bzrdir format changes, then the repo format changes anyway, afaict.03:40
spivlifeless: which makes constructing a test to exercise the checks tricky.03:41
lifelessspiv: if/when we bump bzrdir format, I dont expect we'll bump the branch format again, for instance. Nor the repository format.03:41
spiv(I actually have an comment I forgot to commit and push stating this in the relevant spot in the code :/ )03:41
lifelessspiv: factor the test into a function identical_formats()03:41
spivRight, I'm sure the situation will change in future.03:42
lifelessthen call identical formats with any object that wont match to test the != branch03:42
lifelessand call with equal objects in each of the three spots to test the == branch of the test03:42
spivJust at the moment that testing repository is effectively enough, but clearly not future-proof.03:42
spivHmm, that's a good idea.03:42
lifelessI'd rather we had correct and untested code than incorrect and tested, but I think its easy to do correct and tested.03:43
=== spiv notices that branchtomirror.py is missing "__metaclass__ = type"
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spivlifeless: btw, did you see that check_merge is unbuggered?04:32
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spivlifeless: Hmm, bzrdir.clone looks like it would do too much with e.g. shared repositories to me.04:39
lifelessspiv: ah yes.04:46
lifelessspiv: sprout then is the right one04:46
lifelessspiv: still preserves format04:46
spivOoh, I'll take a look at that.04:46
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spivlifeless: you mean bzrdir.sprout not branch.sprout?04:48
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lifelessspiv: yes04:49
spivI guess I have to pass in the revision_id.  It takes the exact same arguments as clone...04:51
spivAnyway, I need to go to lunch.  Back in a while.04:51
mpt_stub, did you recently fix bug 43983?04:51
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stubmpt_: I think so, yes05:23
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mpt_spiv / jamesh, ping06:22
jameshmpt_: yeah?06:22
mpt__jamesh, I need to revert a series of three revisions to a branch, but they do not include the most recent revision06:24
mpt__So I've used bzr diff -r to generate the diff of the changes I made that I want to revert06:24
mpt__I tried using patch -Ru to apply it, but it looks like patch works only for one file06:24
mpt__and bzr patch doesn't appear to have an "in reverse" option06:25
jameshif you want to revert revs 42..45 for instance, "bzr merge -r 45..41 ." might do it06:25
jamesh"patch -R -p0 < patchfile" would also work if you've got a diff of the changes you want to revert06:25
mpt__ok, thanks06:26
mpt__I can't use bzr merge, because my more recent revision is up for review06:26
jameshthe first option should handle revs that add/delete/move files too06:26
mpt__whereas I have rs= for the reversion06:26
jameshmpt__: the bzr merge command I gave is a self merge06:27
mpt__I mean, I could use it, but then I wouldn't be able to submit to PQM, because that would still include the more recent revision that hasn't been reviewed yet06:27
mpt__so I need to apply the diff in reverse to a fresh branch06:27
mptjamesh, sorry to bother you again, but how do I push a new standalone knit branch to chinstrap?06:39
mpt"bzr push --remember --overwrite sftp://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/home/warthogs/archives/mpt/launchpad/2006-05-bug-reporting-form/" returns "bzr: ERROR: No repository present"06:40
mptand I'm not using a repository06:40
jameshmpt: what was in that location before you ran push?06:40
mptjamesh, a copy of /home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel (to minimize rsyncing time)06:41
jameshmpt: okay.  /home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel is actually a branch inside a repository06:41
jameshthe repo being at /home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad06:41
jameshso when you copied it, you missed the repo information06:42
mptSo is there any fast way to push a standalone branch, or do I just have to upload the whole thing?06:42
jameshyou could try copying one of your existing knit format branches06:42
jameshthat should give similar speed to taking a copy of rocketfuel06:43
mptok, ta06:43
jameshif you had a shared repo on chinstrap, you'd be getting the speed benefits for initial pushes06:46
jamesheven if you keep with standalone branches locally06:46
spivmpt: don't "cp" the branch from rocketfuel, "bzr branch" it.07:03
mptspiv, would that be why PQM just told me "Sender not authorised to commit to branch sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel/"?07:07
spivmpt: no, that's because PQM doesn't like the trailing /07:07
mptso, my new-branch script should contain07:08
mptssh chinstrap bzr branch /home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel /home/warthogs/archives/mpt/launchpad/$107:09
spivLooks sane.07:09
mptand bzr branch gets me out of repository-land07:10
mptspiv, after using the bzr branch method, and re-pushing, I got the same error from PQM07:28
spivmpt: how are you generating the PQM request?07:28
spivmpt: the request needs ask to merge to "sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel", with no trailing slash.07:29
mptI haven't changed this script in ages07:30
mptexcept for changing .bzr/parent to .bzr/branch/parent07:30
mptecho star-merge ${MYURL} $(cat .bzr/branch/parent) | gnome-gpg --clearsign | mail -s "$1" "$2"07:30
mptah, so parent has a slash in it and shouldn't07:31
spivYeah.  I guess you could replace "$(cat .bzr/branch/parent)" with "$(cat .bzr/branch/parent | sed -e s=/$==)"07:32
spivBut it'd be nice if the branches in rocketfuel had their parents set to something that PQM accepted...07:33
mptI'm using cp -a from my copy of rocketfuel to create new branches07:34
mptso I need to write in the .bzr/branch/parent manually07:34
mptand I'll put that in the script without a trailing slash07:35
mptthen it should work :-)07:36
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jameshspiv: did you manage to get the pqm-submit plugin working?09:13
spivjamesh: Haven't tried yet...09:13
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SteveAlifeless: hello09:33
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spivSteveA: you wanted a conference call at about this time?09:57
SteveAjamesh, stub: around?09:57
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SteveAstub: what's your internet connection like?09:58
SteveAis it fat?09:58
=== cprov waves, good morning
SteveAi'm thinking that as you're geographically in the middle, it might work better for you to be the conference convener on skype09:59
fabbioneSteveA: if you need i have spare bw09:59
SteveAthanks fabbione.  not sure how we'd use it though10:00
fabbioneSteveA: no problem10:00
SteveAwhat a shame you can't send bandwidth as an email attachment10:00
stubSteveA: Geographically maybe, but I suspect I'm going via Europe or the US to get to AU10:00
SteveAcan you do an mtr to see?10:01
stubSo how do I setup a skype conference call?10:01
spivI see a "Tools -> Create conference" option.10:01
SteveAeveryone must be running skype10:01
SteveAthen select all their names10:01
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SteveAthen right click or something to create hte conference10:01
SteveAor do what spiv said10:01
=== SteveA starts to run skype
stubThailands international bandwidth isn't great, but then again neither is Lithuania's I guess10:03
SteveAusing asterisk in the DC would be better10:03
jameshI take it that that's not an option yet?10:03
stubYay - workiing without killing esd10:04
stubjamesh, spiv: I don't have your skype numbers10:05
spivstub: "spivvo"10:05
jameshstub: jamesh-4210:05
SteveAeveryone should run the echo test first too10:06
SteveAcall echo12310:06
stubHave you changed your number steve? Your icon says you are offline10:06
stubOops... green now10:06
spivecho test fine here.10:07
stubEveryone here except da Steve10:09
SteveAmy wired headset is broken10:09
SteveAi need to get the BT one going...10:09
spivSteveA: we'll just talk about you behind your back then ;)10:10
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stubBored now!10:15
stubSteveA: Should I courier you a headset over?10:18
SteveAyes please10:18
SteveAyay, works10:21
SteveAhow do i join the conference now?10:21
=== stub invites the newly green steve
jameshdid you just kill the conference?10:22
SteveAnow i need to restart skype...10:22
stubNope - you dropped10:22
spivjamesh: I'm still here.10:22
SteveAcos it got confused about the sound device10:22
stubYou killed James! You bastard!10:22
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fabbionewhat's going on with LP???10:25
fabbionei keep getting 502 Proxy Error10:25
spivfabbione: stub's looking at it now...10:26
SteveAZnarl: pingping10:27
ZnarlSteveA : Pong?10:28
SteveAhi.  so, it seems that all 4 launchpad app servers have failed10:28
SteveAplan is to kick the ones on gangotri in the arse10:28
SteveAbut leave the other 2 dead for diagnosis10:28
SteveAthat requires some pound config10:28
SteveAand stu says that needs you to do it10:29
ZnarlSteveA : Understand.10:29
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Znarlsame for XMLRPC too?10:30
seb128is launchpad known to be broken? ("Proxy Error")?10:30
spivseb128: yep, fabbione reported it 5 min ago, we're looking atm10:30
seb128ok, thank you10:30
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SteveAZnarl: yes please10:31
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stubSteveA: I've diagnosed the problem. The good news is that my planned session updates should fix it. The bad news is I write crappy code in the first place.10:41
stubSteveA: And you have dropped from the conference again10:42
SteveAyeah, skype dropped10:42
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SteveAbut launchpad is still not really working10:42
=== SteveA calls stub
SteveAyay launchpad working10:43
stubSteveA: Sorry - I didn't realize that was an international number and hung up10:44
seb128A server error occurred."10:50
seb128and there is no "previous page" possible10:50
seb128ah, it applied the change anyway, good10:51
SteveAare things okay now seb128 ?10:52
seb128yep, works again, thank you10:53
seb128and my change got applied when it displayed that OperationalError10:53
SteveAstub: "blahblahblah welcome to callback service"10:53
seb128weird but nicer than having to do the change again ;)10:53
stubSteveA: I'm trying to have a conference call!10:53
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SteveAactually, let me extemporize on #c-m while i call karl10:54
Znarlgangotri : Launchpad Apps Server [1/2]  down.11:02
ZnarlOh, ignore that.  Just went clear.11:03
seb128I get OperationalError pages again11:09
mdkeno worky!11:17
lifelessSteveA: hi11:17
=== seb128 curses launchpad
seb128k, not point to try working with it, /me goes for some coffee11:19
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imbrandonsomeone working on the site atm ?11:29
imbrandonlooks like OperationsError every few page loads , and css not loading sometimes ...... etc , i have screen shots and others in #kubuntu-devel experincing same issues11:31
imbrandonjust wondering if someone was aware of the issue11:31
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mantienaHi all11:31
lucasvoimbrandon: yes they are11:33
imbrandonok cool, just wanted to make sure SOMEONE was aware of it ;)11:34
lucasvostub: are you still working on fixing LP?11:34
stublucasvo: It was fixed last we looked...11:44
lifelessstub: could it be an out of date appserver?11:44
stubNo code updates for the last few days that I'm aware of11:45
SteveAmaybe a stuck app server with broken db connections11:45
stubI only have 18 database connections from the appservers and there should be (4*4*2)11:46
stubMaybe me killing connections and Steve bouncing was done out of sync11:47
lucasvostub: atm, the toolbar isn't working11:47
lucasvook, now it's down11:49
stubIts up again - gangotri restarted cleanly for sure.11:50
SteveAlooks good from here11:50
stubZnarl, SteveA: Is gandwana being load balanced to at the moment?11:51
stubI'm going to bounce the launchpads there - nothing more to diagnose as far as I can see (?)11:51
ZnarlNo.  gandwana Apps servers are down.  They're removed from pound.11:51
stubZnarl: You can put gandwana back in the pool now. I've bounced them cleanly and the only reason to leave them out is to slow things down.11:53
Znarlstub : Done and done for XMLRPC too.11:54
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sabdfldo we measure and report on downtime for LP?12:32
Znarlsabdfl : Yes, within nagios monitoring system downtime is measured.12:32
`6oghi all. i have been looking around but haven't found any reference to launchads `xmlrpc` interface. is that open (ie in an ubuntu package) or still closed?12:33
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SteveAkgoetz: we're experimenting with some xmlrpc interfaces, but we haven't released any as a supported service in launchpad yet12:39
kgoetzSteveA: thanks, i was just curious after seeing some comment referring to it. thanks for that :)12:40
mdkecan anyone merge teams?12:40
SteveAmdke: interesting question.  stub, what do you think?12:41
mdkeSteveA: it would be nice to get bug #29177 fixed12:41
UbugtuMalone bug 29177 in launchpad "Allow merging of teams (and specifically merge ubuntu-doc and ubuntu-doc-lists)" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2917712:41
stubI'm not sure if the admin screen lets us do it. Technically, there would be nothing wrong with using the existing people merge code to merge teams.12:41
SteveAstub: would it merge team membership records too?12:42
mantienaSteveA, labas12:42
SteveAsveikas mantiena12:42
stubSteveA: That would be why it isn't enabled. It would need to be a little smarter.12:42
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SteveAmantiena: actually, i have no idea how to say that in lithuanian properly.  you have a female irc nick12:43
mantienaSteveA, ;)12:43
SteveAsveika mantiena :-p12:43
mdkeSteveA: for that particular bug team membership records don't matter, ubuntu-doc-lists was just created when bugs were imported from bugzilla, we don't need it12:44
mantienaSteveA, you also have a female nick, if looking from Lithuanian side ;)12:44
SteveAit's just a poorly spelled vocative: styvai12:44
mantienaso, styvai, could you tell me, if we (Lithuanian GNOME/KDE translation teams) could use rosetta as main translation/colaboration tool for translating upstream (not ubuntu's) KDE/GNOME ?12:46
SteveAi don't see why not.  the main issue is if you have someone who will regularly take the upstream translations from rosetta, and put them whereever gnome and kde store them.12:47
SteveAif you don't do that, then we get problems of duplicated work upstream and in rosetta12:48
SteveAso the connection has to be regularly made12:48
SteveAjordi can give you more detailed advice12:48
=== mantiena heard some bad voices, who told, that it would be hard to get/send translations from GNOME/KDE CVS/SVN to launchpad and vice versa, but I think it should be not so hard to patch rosetta to do this automatically ;)
SteveAi think KDE is more of a challenge12:49
SteveAbut i think we deal with KDE-style translations now12:49
mdkemantiena: you only need to do it in one direction: rosetta -> cvs/svn12:49
mdkeif everyone works in rosetta, and one person is in charge of doing that move, it will work, assuming rosetta has the infrastructure12:49
SteveAright now, translating ubuntu gets the translations out to the widest audience, because we're just coming up to a release12:50
mantienamdke, why ? there are no GNOME 2.16 translations in rosetta now12:50
mdkemantiena: right, as I said, "assuming rosetta has the infrastructure"12:50
mantienamdke, ;)12:50
SteveAmantiena: are you on the rosetta-users mailing list?12:50
mdkeworking at the same time in gnome cvs and in rosetta would be really difficult12:50
mdkenay, impossible12:51
SteveAthat's a good place for a discussion of these issues, as it lets jordi and carlos contribute even if the discussion happens at a time when they're not on irc12:51
mantienaSteveA, no, I didn't have free time for mailing list :(12:51
SteveAit has quite low traffic12:51
SteveAbut otherwise, try and catch up with jordi or carlos here12:51
mantienamdke, we don't want to work on translations in gnome cvs if there are the posibillity to use rosetta as main translation/colaboration tool for upstream GNOME/KDE translations12:52
mantienaSteveA, thanks12:52
mantienajordi, sorry for disturbing ;)12:52
carlosmantiena: hi12:53
mdkemantiena: yeah. that would work well, if rosetta can set up the infrastructure for translating all the gnome/kde modules on an upstream basis, and ensuring that it is done on a specific language basis12:53
jordiso, we currently have no setup to merge GNOME upstream (cvs) to rosetta and let "GNOME translation teams" do this via rosetta12:53
carlosmdke: we can do it12:53
jordibut carlos does have plans to do this in the future. I don't know how hard would that be12:53
carlosmdke: the missing bits is the sync path from GNOME to launchpad12:53
mantienahi carlos, my translations were accepted this morning, it seems launchpad is faster, than you think ;)12:53
mdkecarlos: you'd envisage teams committing to both?12:53
carlosit should be done automatically and it's 100% doable, the upload to GNOME's CVS should be done by translators12:53
carlosmantiena: ;-)12:54
jordimantiena: ther'es a number of features planned but not yet there which would help: ie, allowing to translate both on Ubuntu's GNOME and upstream's at the same time, and making the export to upstream's svn/bzr repos easy12:54
carlosmdke: to cvs and Rosetta?12:54
carlosmdke: yes, it should work too, perhaps we should do small changes to improve that use case12:55
jordimdke: per language would be easy as the GNOME Translators group exists.12:55
carlosbut it's doable12:55
jordiWe just need to have the GNOME translations imported into the relevant products.12:55
carloszyga did some work on that task12:56
mdkejordi: but you have to make sure languages that don't use rosetta are totally closed12:57
carlosbut I still need to get some time to expend on it to be integrated into launchpad12:57
mdkeotherwise people will start making suggestions12:57
carlosmdke: we have that already done12:57
mdkeoh, nice12:57
jordimdke: yes, translation permissions are closed, of course12:57
mantienajordi, carlos: I think our (Lithuanian GNOME translations) case would be easier, because we could use only launchpad/rosetta for translating, so from GNOME CVS we should get only newly appeared (untranslated) and fuzzy strings in .po files, also new .pot files, we don't need to merge translated strings :)12:57
carlosmdke: we have OPEN, CLOSE and STRUCTURED modes12:57
carlosmdke: Ubuntu uses STRUCTURED, GNOME would use CLOSE12:57
mdkei would say that working contemporaneously in gnome cvs and in rosetta, would be really difficult. Better if a team works in rosetta, then one member commits to cvs to get the translations in the tarballs12:58
mdkeand new translations aren't added to cvs unless they come from rosetta12:58
carlosmantiena: I guess you will upload your translations into GNOME's CVS from Rosetta, right?12:58
mantienacarlos, yes, I think this would be best decision12:59
carlosmdke: that's a team choice, we cannot force that12:59
carlosmantiena: yeah12:59
mdkecarlos: ah. well, you'll have fun synching from upstream then ;p12:59
jordimdke: the teams problem12:59
jordiwe would only allow GNOME teams if it's the same peopple as the official GTP teams, I hope01:00
jordicarlos can correct me, but this is my idea01:00
carlosmdke: we do it already for Ubuntu01:00
mdkewell, if you want to give them the possibility of uploading non-rosetta translations to cvs, you'll need to have robust synching from cvs01:00
mantienacarlos, but main problem with rosetta now is, that rosetta don't gets unstable GNOME .po/pot's from GNOME CVS automatically01:00
mdkecarlos: true01:00
carlosjordi: right01:00
jordiif not, it'll be a disaster for sure01:00
carlosjordi: the gnome coordinator will be the one allowed to add more people to the launchpad team01:00
jordiok, so: the Spanish team doesn't want to use rosetta? No GNOME will be translated to Spanish in rosetta, only via CVS01:01
carlosmantiena: yeah, we have some code developed for that, but nothing finished yet01:01
carlosjordi: right01:01
carloswe will have it imported anyway01:01
jordithe LT team wants to use Rosetta? They will do via rosetta, and if someone uploads a lt file to cvs outside the rosetta sutff, it'll be their problem01:01
carlosbut no one will be able to translate into it01:01
mantienacarlos, are there any plans, when this could be finished ?01:01
carlosjordi: well, we will import that file from cvs anyway01:01
mdkejordi: as long as it gets synched01:02
carlosmantiena: no dates set01:02
jordimdke: we would take it from cvs in the next pull of course01:02
carlosmantiena: but I think it starts being high priority01:02
jordibut that's a problem of messy teams01:02
=== mdke nods
mantienajordi, Now there is only one person, who can upload translations to GNOME CVS - Lithuanian GNOME translations project leader ;)01:03
carlosmantiena: I think I will get some extra help with Rosetta development soon, that will allow us to plan this feature better and give a date for it01:03
mdkespiv: do you know if there is any infrastructure for controlling moin acls by reference to a LP team?01:03
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SteveAmdke: there isn't, but i'd like to add such sometime.01:26
mdkeSteveA: the acl thing? It would be a very nice feature. We could use it on so many wikis :)01:32
mdkeSteveA: please lemme know if there is a spec I can watch01:32
SteveAnot on the radar for a while i'm afraid01:33
mdkemaybe some kind of "mass upgrade to moin 1.5" would come higher up ;)01:33
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jordimajor deadline over her at lliurex01:52
carlosjordi: congratulations01:57
jordicarlos: do you know why adept has more priority than gnome-panel or kdebase?01:58
jordidoes that make sense at all?01:59
jordicarlos: yeah, things will be easier at work now01:59
carlosjordi: mark set it that way01:59
=== beyond [n=beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
carlosjordi: I guess gnome-panel and kdebase should have higher priority01:59
jordiI'm going thrtough02:02
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sabdf1carlos: https://launchpad.net/bugs/4673002:35
UbugtuMalone bug 46730 in ubuntu-artwork "The ubuntu-artwork translation template is not installed" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  02:35
sabdf1any idea?02:35
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carlossabdf1 I think we don't support it as part of the language packs02:36
carlossabdf1:  the package needs to be rebuilt with the .po files from rosetta02:36
carlossabdf1: those translations are integrated inside an XML file on build time and are not using gettext at all02:37
carlosbug updated02:39
looksausin which channel should I bug you good ubuntu people about dapper bugs? #ubuntu+102:39
looksausI reported a showstopper bug in firefox on ppc about six weeks ago and might not have made enough noise around it02:40
looksausok, thx02:41
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salgadogreat. one more 30-mergepeople.txt failure. :-(02:57
kikoSteveA, it is still there. :-/02:59
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=== bradb wakes up. "failure"!
kikobradb, 30-mergepeople or something?03:20
bradbno. eight others.03:21
bradbit's nice they're listed at the bottom of the email though. no more ctrl-f'ing the email required.03:22
matsubarabradb: is there any failure on soyuz/26-queue-pages.txt ?03:22
bradbmatsubara: nope, it's all goot.03:23
kikobradb, they are? 03:25
bradbTests with failures:03:26
bradb   /home/pqm/arch/queue/workdir/home/---devel/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/bug.txt03:26
bradb   /home/pqm/arch/queue/workdir/home/---devel/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/bugzilla-import.txt03:26
kikosounds like they are all your fault. :)03:28
spivmdke: the team membership info gets passed to moin, but currently moin just discards that information.  It would be interesting, and probably not too hard, to hook that up to Moin's ACL stuff, but I haven't looked at the ACL code at all.03:33
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Kinnisonspiv: has thom contacted you about the brokenness of dapper's sqlobject?03:36
spivKinnison: I have a ping from him from three hours ago, but I only just got back to my keyboard to pong...03:36
mdkespiv: that would be _so_ cool03:37
Kinnisonspiv: aah03:37
spivKinnison: he says he's figured it out03:37
=== carlos -> lunch
carlossee you later03:38
Kinnisonspiv: cool03:39
sivangspiv: oh, nice, then we could have certain pages that belong to certain team, and only approved team members could edit those?03:41
spivsivang: Right.03:41
kikomatsubara, can you file an RT request for bug 42125? otherwise we can run her from async.03:43
UbugtuMalone bug 42125 in dilys "Dilys should be run from one of the Canonical servers" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4212503:43
matsubarakiko: ok, I'll do that.03:44
kikosalgado, can you pull in mpt's branch?03:46
kikoI'll be happy to review it03:46
salgadokiko, I tried to merge rocketfuel into my branch first, but got 4 spurious conflicts03:47
kikotry star-merge. :)03:47
=== sivang wonders what's wrong with irssi today
mdkesivang: well, you can do that now, just not with launchpad groups03:49
sivangmdke: you mean through moin's current ACL mechanism ?03:50
mdkesivang: quite03:53
=== Yannig [n=yannick@AToulouse-254-1-11-138.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
YannigHello :)03:53
sivanghey Yannig 03:54
YannigDo you know if there are problems with the upload queue? I uploaded about 10 po files yesterday and no news from them :(03:54
sivangcarlos: ^^03:54
kikoYannig, we were importing OOO yesterday which is known to take time to process03:56
kikoI'm not sure03:56
YannigOK :)03:56
YannigBut we are still supposed to be notified when our file is uploaded, right? Just have to wait then :)03:56
kikoYannig, you can check /rosetta/imports03:58
YannigYes but there are so many files and I don't know how to find mines :D03:59
kikothere's a search feature now but it isn't in production yet03:59
YannigDon't worry, I can wait :)04:00
YannigI'm the only one on my language, not so difficult to agree with myself not to translate the files to be uploaded :)04:01
salgadocprov, carlos, any of you guys using mawson now?04:01
cprovsalgado: yes, I am 04:01
salgadocprov, do you depend on the running launchpad or just the database? (I'm wondering if I could kill and restart it using a more recent branch)04:02
cprovsalgado: I depend on librarian04:04
salgadoI see04:04
cprovsalgado: wait some minutes until the current publisher run finish04:04
cprovsalgado:  I'll start my own librarian and you can use the UI (w/o starting librarian, tweak the lp.conf)04:05
salgadocprov, cool, thanks.04:06
salgadobut even so, I think I need to wait for carlos. he has a script running there04:06
cprovsalgado: he doens't use lp_dogfood, he uses staging or prod, don't know04:07
cprovsalgado: you only depend on me04:07
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pezahi all, i'd like to log a bug in dapper - just a typo in the example content files. Is launchpad the place to do this (very small) bug?04:16
mdkepeza: yes04:18
pezamdke, cheers04:19
=== dsas [n=dean@host86-128-13-71.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #launchpad
sivangoh, joy, my branch is already mirroed at bazaar.lp.net , last time I checked it wasn't so04:33
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carlossalgado: hi, my script uses asuka so don't worry about it04:43
carloskiko: do we?04:43
kikocarlos, guess not, but we're supposed to move it to production soon04:44
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aa_does the mirroring facility ever work?04:52
spivaa_: it doesn't yet support knit branches, but will next week if that's what you're wondering.04:53
aa_oh I see, yes, I think all my branches are knit04:54
spivYeah, sorry about that :(04:54
aa_not at all :)04:54
aa_just wondering04:54
spivBut it'll be fixed with the next rollout.04:54
aa_one of my users read it to mean "the branch is not available from the supermirror"04:54
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cprovsalgado: you can restart dogfood UI, just don't rename the 'current' neither starts a new librarian05:34
=== bradb goes on a testbrowser conversion spree
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salgadocprov, cool. thank you!06:00
kiko-fudhello hello06:16
=== bradb gets evil ProgrammingError: 'ERROR: permission denied for relation packagebugcontact... failures
salgadoso, if I send an email to nnn@bugs.launchpad.net containing only commands, should the commands show up as comments on that bug?06:46
bradbBjornT: ping06:47
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bradbsalgado: I believe so, but BjornT would have to confirm.06:52
BjornTsalgado: yeah, that's right. you can send a mail to edit@bugs in order to edit a bug without adding a comment (indicating the bug with ' bug 42').06:55
UbugtuMalone bug 42 in malone "Bug description listed in task is not the correct description" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4206:55
BjornTbradb: pong06:55
bradbBjornT: I'm getting this error from bugnotification-sending.txt:06:56
bradbProgrammingError: ERROR:  permission denied for relation packagebugcontact06:56
bradbMy guess is that something in this test is being run as a different database user, and is now tripping up on the implicit sub lookups.06:57
bradbBjornT: Does that sound like the problem?06:57
salgadoBjornT, ahh, good to know that. thanks!06:58
BjornTbradb: exactly. you need to give the 'bugnotification' user SELECT permissions on the packagebugcontact table in database/schema/security.cfg06:58
cprovsalgado: are you going to start the dogfood UI soon or not ? 07:00
salgadocprov, simply changing "launch yes" to "launch no" on dogfood's launchpad.conf should prevent a librarian to be started, right?07:03
bradbBjornT: that worked, thanks!07:06
cprovsalgado: right07:07
salgadocprov, running, and without librarian. :)07:10
cprovsalgado: good, thank you 07:20
salgadokiko, yay!! https://dogfood.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+mirror/crap/07:24
kikosalgado, I'm not going to comment that the releases are not ordered <wink>07:25
kikosalgado, why didn't we just use the strings to index into DistroRelease, btw?07:25
kikoflavors aren't in our DB, but the releases are07:25
salgadodon't worry, it's still time to fix all you want07:25
kikoyeah, true07:25
kikothat'd be ideal07:26
salgadopqm is not willing to merge this branch anyway07:26
salgadoanyway, there's another pqm failure I need to deal with first07:27
salgadokiko, I didn't understand your question about using strings to index into DistroRelease07:45
kikosalgado, okay. 07:52
kikoanswer me first:07:52
kikois it possible to order that page by the distribution release release date?07:52
salgadonot easily, but yes, it is07:53
kikowhy not easily?07:54
salgadonot so easily07:54
salgadoI was right07:55
salgadonot easily07:55
salgadoit'll either require some python: usage on templates, or a class to store the rows of the table temporarily07:58
salgadoit's easy, actually07:59
kikothat's better.08:00
kikoshow me the diff!08:00
salgadoI'd love if there was a better way of handling lists of lits using TAL08:01
salgadoand lists of lists too08:01
kikoyeah lists of lits are not so bad08:01
kikolists of lists are really annoying thoughh08:02
salgadokiko, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileAvh0Dp.html08:36
kikosalgado, what a hack. I think we should change the DB schema instead.08:37
kikoinstead of constructing on the fly08:38
kikoare you radically opposed to that?08:38
salgadoat this point, yes08:38
kikobut the DB patch hasn't even landed yet08:38
salgadothis change is going to be anything but trivial08:39
kikowell, let's think about it.08:39
kikothe /only/ differences I can see are:08:39
kiko- when adding content rows you look up the distro release by name08:39
kiko- when displaying them you display release/name08:39
kiko- the DB schema has a different column08:40
kikowhat else is complicated, salgado?08:40
salgadoI didn't understand your suggestion08:40
kikoI'll hop up.08:40
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salgadokiko, there's no datecreated on distrorelease. :/08:55
sigurdgasorry if I am not the first one to say, but is launchpad.net having problems?08:56
=== mdke kicks launchpad
Kinnisons'being a touch broken right now no?09:01
salgadosigurdga, it seems to be down09:01
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seb128is launchpad known to be broken atm? :)09:02
kikosalgado, IT SUCKS. it's a bug09:02
SteveAstu will be around in 10 mins09:03
SteveAmeanwhile, i'm going to do what i can09:03
salgadokiko, https://dogfood.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+mirror/crap/09:04
salgadokiko, warty and hoary ids are swapped. :)09:05
salgadoIOW, you just sandbagged my by asking this damn feature. we can't reliably sort distroreleases in order of release09:06
=== salgado goes for more evil hacks
SteveAlaunchpad appears to be alive again09:07
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bradbsalgado: why can't you use datereleased?09:18
salgadobradb, because it's None for non-released 09:26
bradbI'd imagine as much. :) I just wondered if a datecreated would be of much practical use for sorting anyway. More important seems to be knowing when a distrorelease was put into a certain state, but maybe not.09:29
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salgadowe have distrorelease.version, obviously. :)10:08
=== bradb sends merge request off to pqm
=== bradb & # lunch
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kikosalgado, yeah. do you know how to order them? use apt_pkg10:26
salgadoapt_pkg? they use sourcerer.deb.version.Version() in other places10:26
kikomaybe it's safe for distorelease versions10:28
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sigurdgaAnyone knowing if or how I as an administrator of a translator team can accept a suggested translation?03:33
mdkesigurdga: you copy and paste it03:35
sigurdgai will not copy and paste 1000 single string translations, if that is what you meant03:36
mdkesigurdga: I don't mind03:36
mdkeI'm just saying, that is how you can do it03:36
sigurdga... there must be another way, so that I can accept the whole translation of the package03:37
mdkefraid not.03:37
mdkebut that might have advantages: you might be tempted to approve translations without reading them03:37
mdkethis way, you don't have that problem03:37
sigurdgayes, i know03:38
sigurdgaour problem, that I am up to fight, is that until now, we are accepting all new members, and by that allowing the translation of ubuntu to be really crappy03:39
mdkesigurdga: yeah, that's a very common problem, unfortunately. Recently lots of translation teams have been tightening up in order to avoid that03:40
sigurdgaI _could_ maybe have clicked in 601 checkboxes for this particular translation, but copy paste is too much work...03:40
sigurdgaAnd I think it is useless to discard some of the newest translations03:41
mdkebut you have to read them, right? so copy/paste isn't much extra time over that03:41
=== sigurdga have recently become an administrator of the norwegian language team
mdkewell, it is, but it's not _too_ bad03:42
mdkeok... so you have stopped accepting new members now?03:43
mdkeor you have removed people?03:43
sigurdgaI have to do both03:43
sigurdgaand I do not like it03:43
mdkewhy not?03:44
sigurdgabut going over retranslating is frustrating03:44
mdkethey get upset?03:44
mdkeif you remove a team member, you shouldn't lose their translations that they did before they were removed...03:45
sigurdgaI am in the process of tidying up right now, they have not had the time to get upset yet...03:45
sigurdgaI knwo03:45
sigurdgaI wish I could comment on the users translations in general (I can by sending a mail) and get them to correct their errors themselves03:46
mdkeso you are reviewing the existing translations?03:47
sigurdgaI do not want do be a schoolteacher doing almost the same amount of work as doing it myself03:47
sigurdgayes, from the latest days03:47
mdkeI'm not quite sure what your technical problem is. Are you reviewing suggestions for translations which are empty, or existing translations from old team members? 03:48
sigurdgathe activiti kind of exploded, in contrast to the usual lazyness03:48
sigurdgaI am trying to (reactively) fight our problem of crappy translations done by helpful users...03:48
mdkeyeah, I understand the general aim03:49
sigurdga... some are old users which I have do deactivate, and clean up after03:49
mdkebut not the specific technical problem that you have03:49
sigurdga... and some new that translated some hundered strings before I woke up03:50
mdkeok. and the last bit is your technical problem with Rosetta?03:50
sigurdga... and only half of the translated packages (by the same user) are of high quality03:51
mdkeyeah, it sounds like a big job03:52
mdkewow, 70 team members03:52
sigurdgait is seems to be too much work (for something that could be done easyly) to have to cut and paste every string on 60 pages for one package03:53
sigurdgayes, and I think about 20 of the 70 needs guiding before translating too much03:53
mdkesigurdga: well, there is no better way, I'm afraid, as I explained. Even if there was a better way (like a checkbox), it sounds like you would have a massive job anyway, reading all the translations03:54
mdkebut I'm sure that you will have help03:54
sigurdgais it usual to test the members with grammar test before they get approved?03:54
sigurdgayes, I am afraid so03:55
mdkesigurdga: my personal view is that it is useful to read people's suggestions before approving them, and ensure they comply with the gnome and other upstream translation project guidelines03:55
sigurdgaI think we will get the wannabes to download the po-files and send them to a mailinglist for reviews03:55
mdkein fact, I wrote a blog post about that.03:56
sigurdgathat would be easy to fix and upload for us admins too03:56
mdkeyeah, that sounds like a very good idea03:56
mdkelooks like you have some guidelines already :) http://www.ubuntu.no/oversettelse03:56
sigurdgaI read some of your thoughts on rosetta users just now03:56
sigurdgasome sort of, yes (I was a co-writer of the old guildelines)03:57
mdkeactually, I can't see anything on the page having clicked on it03:58
sigurdgaI did connect the name to your nick, though03:58
mdkeit's moved I guess03:58
sigurdgaThe link is url is case sensitive, there should have been a uppercase O03:59
sigurdgaThe page does not say much useful about quality, I am working on a new version04:00
mdkelooks like a good start04:00
mdkesigurdga: well good luck, I'm going to sleep. Catch you on ubuntu-translators some time hopefully!04:01
sigurdgayes, and by your help, I have come a bit longer, thanks04:01
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robitailleit seems LP is totally  unresponsive right now.  Server problems?09:31
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neutrinomass_Launchpad is down... I guess you know this though. Just making sure ....09:42
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dooglusdo you know that launchpad.net isn't working at the moment?09:43
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=== Lathiat [n=lathiat@ubuntu/member/pdpc.basic.lathiat] has joined #launchpad
neutrinomass_dooglus: Probably, I said so just before you came. They're probably working on it ....09:44
Lathiati take it from that comment LP isnt broken just for me? :)09:44
robitailleLathiat:  nah, you're not special :)09:44
Lathiataww :(09:45
robitaillesorry to disapoint you09:45
Lathiati had my hopes09:45
dooglusLathiat: don't believe then.  you are very special.09:45
dooglusyou are a beautiful and unique snowflake.09:46
robitaillebut don't forget your sunscreen when you go outside09:47
=== mvo [n=egon@p54A67A7F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad
mvois it known problem that I get "Proxy Error" when connecting?09:57
neutrinomass_mvo: Yes, everybody is having it ...09:58
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infinityAre the proxy errors at https://launchpad.net/ known and being resolved?10:39
dsasinfinity: They've been mentioned by many, not saw any launchpad devs ack though.10:42
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lucasvoLP should be more redundant :)10:51
=== Yannig [n=yannick@AToulouse-254-1-52-103.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
YannigHello everybody :)10:52
YannigI guess you already know about the website being down?10:52
lucasvoone should put it into the topic10:53
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=== seaLne [n=seaLne@obelisk.wasters.com] has joined #launchpad
seaLnesorry to probably be the millionth person to ask but is there any idea when launchpad will be working again?11:07
ploumseaLne: fill a bug11:11
=== ploum hides !
=== ploum is not fun anymore...
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:infinity] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 1 Jun, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | We know about the proxy errors, honest.
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #launchpad
seb128is launchpad known to be broken (again)?11:28
ploumseb128: fill a bug11:30
=== seb128 slaps ploum
ploum(shame... twice the same joke)11:30
ploumI couldn't resist11:30
seb128ploum: oh wait, I'll get that back during the SoC, we will see who will laugh then :p11:30
Yannigploum> Why don't you script a bot for answering this? ;)11:30
ploumok ok you won...11:32
=== ploum slaps itself
YannigSnirf, I cannot see if Occitan translations ran below 99 % undone :p11:32
ploumyesterday night, I had error with launchpad, I had to refresh each page several times before having the content instead of the error11:33
seb128ploum: yeah, I complained several time yesterday11:33
seb128bradb, kiko-afk: ping11:34
=== Micksa [i=nobody@203-217-18-166.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad
Micksaheh, you know what'd be funnny11:35
Micksaif this channel turned out to be for a completely different topic with the same name11:36
aa_the supermirror is up thank-goodness11:42
lifelessMicksa: dude, not helpful11:50
lifelessMicksa: what specifically is wrong11:50
seb128"Proxy Error11:52
seb128The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.11:52
seb128The proxy server could not handle the request GET /bugs/46866.11:52
seb128Reason: Error reading from remote server"11:52
seb128lifeless: it does that on any bug I try to open11:52
seb128and it seems to do that for everybody, I got pinged about it on different chans about it already11:53
ploumeven / doesn't reply11:55
seaLneyeah proxies don't seem to be able to talk to the zope servers11:55
seaLnebut then i imagine you'd know way more about that than me11:58
lifelessseb128: huh ? proxies work fine. but the service might be down, checking.11:58
seaLnelifeless: try any page11:58
seb128lifeless: that's just the page I get, dunno about what's going on11:58
seb128lifeless: did you try to open a page?11:59
lifelessseb128: am investigating12:00
seb128thank you12:01
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lifelessseb128: I think we need a sysadmin to check pount12:02
seb128lifeless: right, could you ping one please?12:03
seb128it's saturday, I'm not sure of who we should bother about that :)12:03
seaLnethe problem seems to have been happening for about 3 hours if that helps12:03
lifelessseb128: I'm going to try an appserver bounce first12:03
Micksalifeless: sorry, I thought it was already known :)12:06
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lifelessback up 12:13
lifelessseb128: ^^ Micksa ^^ seaLne ^^12:13
seb128lifeless: works fine now, thank you12:14
seb128lifeless: what was the issue?12:14
lifelessdeadlock of some sort12:15
lifelessmaybe related to rosetta 12:15
lifelessor maybe to some session machinery issues we have12:15
ploumthanks for making it available again :-)12:16
=== hugelmopf [n=frank@p54B3B897.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #launchpad
hugelmopfany rosetta people here? scribus translations (german) are 0% in rosetta for dapper, while it is completely translated upstream (at least the versions i tried). does that mean, these translations will be missing for dapper? can you add them?12:48
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=== ..[topic/#launchpad:infinity] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 1 Jun, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
aa_nice one guys, thank-you very much12:52
aa_(we all love launchpad and appreciate everything you do)12:53
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YannigDo someone know the name of the package where I can find the day names that are shown the GNOME clock/calendar?01:37
mdkeYannig: I think it is gnome-panel01:37
mdkenot 100% sure though01:37
YannigThanks :)01:37
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YannigBack luck, it's not in gnome-panel-2.002:02
YannigBad luck :p02:02
seb128it's a GTK widget so it probably comes from GTK itself02:04
seb128hum, apparently not02:05
seb128maybe it's asked to the glib directly02:05
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YannigLet's have a look :)02:09
YannigI don't think: I haven't translated anything from glib02:10
hugelmopfcan anybody answer my question about scribus translations?02:10
Yannighugelmopf> I'm unable to, soryr ;(02:11
seb128Yannig: what is your issue with it?02:11
Yannigseb128> I mistranslated one day name and forgot the others ones and I think it could be interesting to have them all translated :)02:12
YannigMaybe gnome-applets...02:14
seb128what locale do you use?02:15
seb128are you sure you translated those labels using rosetta?02:15
YannigBut I'm the only translator on this language on Ubuntu and I don't see where else it could have been translated02:16
seb128from upstream?02:17
Yannigupstream = po imported?02:17
YannigBut don't the uploaded po also update the only translations?02:18
seb128Yannig: is your locale "oc_FR"?02:22
seb128Yannig: I think the names come from /usr/share/i18n/locales/oc_FR02:22
seb128"abday   "<U0064><U0069><U006D>";"<U006C><U0075><U006E>";/02:22
seb128        "<U006D><U0061><U0072>";"<U006D><U0065><U0063>";/02:22
seb128        "<U006A><U00F3><U0075>";"<U0076><U0065><U006E>";/02:22
seb128        "<U0073><U0061><U0062>""02:22
seb128those are the char number02:22
seb128like 64 is d02:22
seb12869 = i02:22
seb1286D = m02:22
seb1286c 75 6e = lun02:23
YannigHum, easy :)02:23
seb128those are the french abreviations and correct02:23
seb128dunno if oc is supposed to have different names for them02:23
seb128those datas are not language-packable I think02:24
kiko-afklifeless, bummer, second time this has happened02:24
seb128the best you can do is to open a bug on locales with a patch probably 02:24
seb128so it get forwarded upstream and changed with next upload02:24
YannigWhat is strange is that it seems that it was changed02:25
seb128what do you mean?02:26
Yannigdim => dimenge / lun => diluns / mar => dimars / mec => dimcres, etc.02:26
Yannigjc for dijus, sab for disabte02:26
seb128that's not changed02:27
YannigI don't know how but it's neither French nor English or Spanish abbreviations02:27
lifelesskiko-afk: yup02:27
seb128atm it uses lun mar mer jeu ven sam dim02:27
seb128ie: standard french02:27
YannigNo, it's not the same as French02:27
kiko-afklifeless, it happened yesterday evening (my time)02:28
YannigI have lun mar mec ju ven sab dim02:28
YannigI have lun mar mec ju ven sab dim02:28
kiko-afklifeless, from the amount of Retry exceptions it may very well be related to the session machinery02:28
seb128Yannig: ah, right, I just looked quickly ... may people don't agree of the abreviations for it? or maybe the guy who made the previous list did errors on it02:30
YannigI began the translation for Occitan Ubuntu, there are very very very very few other contribuations02:31
seb128Yannig: it's not likely you wrote /usr/share/i18n/locales/oc_FR if you didn't know about it02:32
seb128Yannig: that's something coming from the glibc itself and not available on launchpad02:32
seb128Yannig: that's the locale definition, not a translation02:32
YannigSo impossible to translate for people who wish to install Ubuntu in Occitan :$02:33
seb128not impossible to translate02:33
seb128you just have to get the source package patched02:34
lifelesskiko-afk: was rosetta running the last time ?02:34
kiko-afklifeless, I'm not sure, I wasn't on -- but SteveA did the restart02:34
lifelessSteveA: was rosetta-imports running during the last hang ?02:34
SteveAthe rosetta import script was running each time02:34
SteveAhowever, because of the db user involved, stub strongly suspects the session machinery02:35
Yannigseb128> Don't know how to do :p02:35
seb128Yannig: basically modify /usr/share/i18n/locales/oc_FR to use the correct lettres for your abbreviations and open a bug on locales with your changes described02:36
YannigGreat :p02:37
lifelessSteveA: we should try killing the rosetta script as a first step next time02:37
SteveAthat's a pisser02:37
SteveAbecause it is kind of critical02:38
lifelessSteveA: indeed. If killing it unwedges things, we will have isolated it. 02:38
lifelessSteveA: if it does not, then at least we've eliminated it02:38
YannigThanks for trying seb128 but I think I'll see that much later (despite the importance) :$02:39
seb128Yannig: np02:39
SteveAlifeless: i'd like an opinion from carlos before we do such a thing02:40
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lifelessSteveA: please get one then :)02:42
lifelessSteveA: I think its important we eliminate variables.02:43
SteveAcarlos says it is fine to kill it02:47
SteveAkiko-afk: 3rd time02:49
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SteveAkiko-afk: i mailed allhands.  robert and i are carrying a notional pager for the next few days02:51
kiko-afkmmmm. okay. I should request access to the server via RT so I can help as well02:52
SteveAyou need access with launchpad user to gandwana and gangotri for that02:54
=== SteveA goes to have a weekend
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dc0degotta say, easyubuntu ROCKS!03:58
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dc0degood morning...04:36
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phanatichi people04:41
dc0degood morning04:41
phanatici try to create a bzr branch on lp, but it fails04:42
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phanaticssh: connect to host launchpad.net port 22: Connection timed out04:43
phanatici use the command:04:43
phanaticbzr push --create-prefix sftp://phanatic@launchpad.net/~phanatic/olive/main04:43
phanaticwhat could be the problem?04:43
pygilol, olive :)04:43
phanatic(using latest bzr dapper package)04:43
phanaticolive: :)04:44
phanaticthe funny thing is that pygi succeeded with the same command...04:45
pygireplacing "phanatic" with "pygi" ofcourse04:46
phanaticmaybe paramiko is causing the error?04:50
phanaticafter removing paramiko, it worked04:56
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glatzorHi, some time ago we had a problem that the German translation of kde were not imported in Rosetta. The same issue happened also with koffice but hasn't been noticed until now.07:13
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glatzorSince there are no string changes by Ubuntu in koffice I would like to upload the current translations from the kde l10n de team.07:14
glatzorI have to do this as user upload, since I want to overwrite all Rosetta translations?07:15
mdkeglatzor: yeah, i think so07:22
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shenkihello. I'm getting a 502 error when trying to get to launchpad, is it down?08:01
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shenkiis anyone about?08:04
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jordishenki: yeah, I'll try to see if anyone that can fix this is around08:12
shenkijordi: thanks08:13
jordiThey are working on it, I hope it'll be fixed in the next minutes08:14
shenkicool. thankyou08:15
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glatzorhi, I have got an urgent question about the translations of kde.09:22
glatzorthe koffice files templates are in koffice, but the translations are part of the koffice-i18n package09:23
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Seveaswell, there are no 502 errors anymore, there's simply nothing 10:41
pygiSeveas, eh10:41
Seveasah, there's the 502 error 10:45
pygiwhy doing that weird  char all the time? :-/10:50
=== mdke nods at pygi
mdkelaunchpad seems to be working here10:51
pygimdke, here as well10:52
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SteveA2 out of four app servers are stuck11:24
SteveAthey're all back now11:29
pygiSteveA, nice, what happened? :-/11:30
SteveAwe're having a problem with launchpad servers getting into a deadlock situation with database connections11:30
SteveAwe're looking into what's going on, but meanwhile, launchpad is locking up occassionally11:31
SteveAand requires administrative intervention to get it unstuck11:31
pygiah :-/11:36
=== ozamosi [n=ozamosi@h100n5c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #launchpad
pygihey lifeless 11:44
lifelessSteveA: I have some social committments today that may make it hard to reboot stuff if needed.11:44
lifelesselmo: what TZ are you running on at the moment ?11:44
SteveAlifeless: i'm going to be taking a guest out to see a castle tomorrow morning.  i'm planning to bring laptop + gprs with me, just in case11:45
lifelessSteveA: yah. I'll have the laptop, but I dont have gprs11:45
lifelessI will be able to run into starbucks or something for most of the time, except for the movie11:46
SteveAwell... it's a sunday.  we'll do what we can.11:46
SteveAseeing as you're around already, i'm going to head off to sleep11:46
SteveAi just mailed some pretty useless analysis in reply to carlos' observation11:48
SteveAwe need to look at the apache / pound logs to really see what pages are producing hangs11:48
SteveAor gdb into the hung process11:48
lifelessI will do that the next hang that occurs, and also get the pg activity11:49
lifelessthe next time it hangs, please also grab the pg activity : 11:49
ozamosiOk, everyone: GO AWAY! Stop stealing launchpads bandwith!11:49
ozamosi...or CPU-time or whatever it is that's lacking..11:50
SteveAit's not lacking anything11:50
SteveAit's getting deadlocked11:50
lifelessSteveA: do you know how to grab the pg activity ?11:50
SteveAin what sense?11:50
SteveAin the database end, no idea11:51
lifelessI'll msg you, one second11:51
SteveAwe can easily stick some code into the database adapter to spool it out to a file11:51
SteveAand flush on every statement11:51
SteveAdo a per app server log file11:51
SteveAthen tail it when it is hung11:51
SteveAwhat would be more useful is to send the app server some kind of signal, and get it to dump out the OOPS log for each app thread11:52
SteveAincluding the time since the thread started11:53
lifelessI agree - automation of error stat gather would me useful11:53
lifelessmeh, missing privileges, sow we wont get full data when you grab the stats.11:54
lifelesshowever, it will give us a hint, which is better than nothing11:55
SteveAlifeless: is it a holiday on monday down under?11:55
SteveAit is in the UK, apparently11:55
SteveAanyway, i think jamesh would be able to figure out a way to send a singnal of some kind to an app server11:56
SteveAand get it to dump out the OOPS log state of each app thread11:56
lifelessas long as python isn't borked, sending a signal is really quite easy11:56
SteveAthe OOPS report stuff is stored in a thread.local11:57
SteveAso there would need to be a way of enumerating the app threads11:57
SteveAor enumerating the thread.locals used for this purpose11:57
lifelesswe could put those in a global as we create them11:57
SteveAworthwhile diagnostic hack, i reckon11:58
lifelessthen walk the dict, key is threadid, value is the report stuff11:58
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SteveAlifeless: if you see jamesh around, would you mention this to him please12:00
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lifelessSteveA: sure. I'll send a mail now as well12:04
=== SteveA -> bed
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