
lifelessmorning all12:09
phanaticmorning lifeless 12:10
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infinitymdz: FWIW, the "Attempting to resume..." option may be the only one that really makes sense, since once we echo to /sys/power/resume, it's out of our hands.  The kernel takes it from there.01:02
mdzinfinity: yes, that's what I realized after the fact01:02
infinitymdz: Without us duplicating the kernel's internal heuristics to guess if the image is a resume image (ick), we're stuck.01:02
mdzinfinity: we already do that with file(1), we just don't have that capability in initramfs yet01:02
mdzit's an edgy problem now01:02
=== infinity nods.
infinityOh, and your previous question ("why is it in local instead of init?") is easily answered with "because your resume partition could require evms/lvm/md/udev to find it"01:03
infinityI must have been half asleep the last time you asked.01:03
infinitymdz: Hrm.  Can we get an Ubuntu-6.10 milestone in Malone, so we can defer targetted bugs insted of removing the target altogether?01:08
=== mdke seconds that
infinitymdz: If we don't want to commit on a version, Ubuntu-edgy would be fine by me too. :)01:09
mdzinfinity: unfortunately not; I asked about this01:09
mdzapparently we need to create edgy first01:09
infinitymdz: Oh.01:09
infinitymdz: Well, it's created in dogfood.  I wonder how wrong it would be to set it up in production, but disable uploads to it... <smirk>01:09
crimsunhah, bug #4592201:12
UbugtuMalone bug 45922 in base-files "Wrong (different) dist name after tty logout" [Normal,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4592201:12
infinityActually, I was curious about that.  I thought the name was meant to be "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS" (note the whitespace), not "Ubuntu 6.06LTS"01:12
infinityThe latter feels altogether unparsable to me.01:13
infinitymdz: ^^^01:13
infinityShipit and a variety of other random sources agree with me.01:14
mdkeyeah, how is that not a bug?01:14
infinitymdke: The complaint "OMG, the distro name changed" isn't a bug.01:14
infinityBut the whitespace might be.01:14
mdkeright, the lack of a space01:14
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mdzinfinity: you're right, please fix01:16
mdzwhy is xchat trying to convince me there are two 'infinity's to tab-complete?01:16
infinityOne in /msg?01:16
=== infinity doesn't use xchat, so is merely guessing.
mdzI do inf<tab> and get "infinity infinity"01:16
infinityOr maybe I'm multiplying.01:16
mdkeone infinity is more than enough01:17
infinityI'm cool with that.  One of me could go nap.01:17
mdzyou're in its user list only once. weird.01:17
infinitymdz: I suspect we still want DISTRIB_RELEASE to be "6.06LTS", to avoid breaking people's assumptions about what lsb_release will spit out?01:17
mdzinfinity: check LSB to confirm01:18
mdzbut I think it shouldn't contain whitespace01:18
=== infinity checks.
infinityIt doesn't actually specify, but my definition of "version number" doesn't involve spaces, so I'll leave it out there.01:21
Burgundaviamdz, nice work on the TimeBasedRelease page01:32
mdzBurgundavia: just mailed -doc asking for review01:32
Burgundaviamdz, mind if I add an intro?01:35
mdzBurgundavia: not at all01:35
Burgundaviamdz, I posted the link in the dapper forum at ubuntuforums.org01:39
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mdzBurgundavia: url?01:46
mdzI'm wondering whether to expand FeatureSpecifications or write FeatureDevelopment01:48
mdzBurgundavia: you're holding a lock on TimeBasedReleases, but it timed out01:51
mdzBurgundavia: are you still editing?01:51
mdzBurgundavia: if so, please change the FeatureDevelopment link to FeatureSpecifications, and I'll just expand that instead01:51
mdkemdz: just steal it from him if it's timed out01:51
infinitymdz: Any issues with a 6-line patch to gawk to avoid infinite loops when manipulating UTF8 strings?01:52
infinitymdz: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/20_eval.c-utf-8-strcat.dpatch01:52
infinitymdz: (elmo's applied it in Debian, seems to DTRT)01:52
mdzinfinity: how long ago in Debian?01:53
mdzhow did you notice it?  is it triggered in Ubuntu somewhere?01:53
infinitymdz: First revision of the patch in March, that revision on April 18.01:54
mdzmy gut reaction is dapper-updates01:54
infinitymdz: We have a bug open about it, cause it can cause an FTBFS (though not in our environment, since none of our buildds run in UTF8 locales)01:54
infinitySo, it's important, but not really.  Ish. :)01:54
mdzinfinity: has it been running on the Debian buildds since the 18th? or when?01:54
infinitybuildds don't typicall have gawk installed at all, unless something build-deps on it.01:55
infinity(Which some things do, admittedly)01:55
infinityAnyhow, the FTBFS bug was not a buildd-triggered bug, but joeyh doing a by-hand build.01:55
infinityHence the UTF-8 locale and the gawk instead of mawk, I assume.01:56
=== infinity is indifferent, just looking for "real bugs with obviously small and correct looking fixes".
=== _nicolas_ is now known as _nicolas
infinitymdz: If it was sometihng that actually triggered repeatedly on the buildds (and this fixed it), I probably wouldn't even bother asking about fixing it.  It's the grey area (it's a bug, but we don't trip on it directly) that led to me poking you. :)01:57
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=== infinity is miffed that he ran out of time to deliver on his last two UVF exceptions...
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mdkemdz: I did some formatting changes on that TBR page, check if you like them, feel free to revert if not02:20
jsgotangcofeh and i was just looking at it too02:22
mdkejsgotangco: the wiki tells you when someone else is editing, so you don't get conflicts02:24
jsgotangcoi just looked, that's all :P02:25
Riddellmdke: thanks, I'll look at that tomorrow02:25
mdkeRiddell: cool, i tested the package and it seems alright02:25
mdkejsgotangco: ah, misunderstood02:25
mdzmdke: much better, thanks02:26
mdzand good night02:26
Burgundaviamdke, looks good02:26
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rpedrohi, are there any known bugs with the fglrx binary drivers since the latest dapper updates? Xorg's log says it can't find the fglrx module, so I had to revert back to the ati drivers...02:28
infinityrpedro: Have you rebooted?02:29
infinityrpedro: (This isn't a support channel, but I can tell you that if you have the latest fglrx installed and all the latest kernel/lrm updates, it should work fine.. I'm using it here right now)02:30
rpedroyes, this happened preciselly after rebooting after the updates, right before that I was trying to configure Xgl and rebooted a few times. the fglrx driver was working ok...02:30
rpedroinfinity: ok then I guess I'll try to find out what's wrong with my pc02:31
rpedroinfinity: just asked here cause I thought maybe because the kernel got updated the kernel modules might have some problem,02:32
infinityrpedro: Perhaps we should take this to /msg02:32
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jdubdid something break with LANGUAGE fallbacks?02:50
jdubmine is currently en_AU:en02:50
jdubi thought we did en_AU:en_GB:en?02:50
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tsengthom: if i use lighttpd/fcgi behind the proxy it seems alot more responsive than mongrel, btw02:54
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hendryMithrandir: ping03:54
hendryaigarius: howdy03:55
aigariushendry, hey!03:55
hendryaigarius: still in mexico?03:56
aigariushendry, yep. leaving tomorrow.03:56
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hendryfreeflying|away: heh04:04
hendryaigarius: was reading planetdebian. wish there was more lowdown on that dude that was asked to leave. i want more scandal.04:05
freeflying|awayhendry: hi04:06
aigariushendry, don't. note that the debconf6 blog directs people to read additional emails in debian-private04:06
aigariushendry, you do have access to that, right?04:06
hendryaigarius: no, i don't. I am now a DD04:07
aigariushendry, you mean that you are *not* a DD04:08
hendryaigarius: no, i don't. I am noT a DD04:08
hendryaigarius: sorry :)04:08
hendryfreeflying|away: my hangul key (MS Natural keyb) doesn't work with Skim. Any ideas?04:08
freeflying|awayhendry: sorry, no clues 04:09
aigariushendry, I am still considering what I will put in my blog entry for that day. I can put in things that I know myself, but not what has been posted to debian-private. Also some people asked me not to mention the thing at all so not to stir any additional commotion.04:10
hendryfreeflying|away: I think Mithrandir was working on this, but we're in different timezones04:10
hendryaigarius: oh well. i guess they are right, that they don't want the Debian name dragged in the mud.04:11
freeflying|awayhendry: maybe in night, you can meet him04:11
mjg59Can we avoid discussing this here, please?04:12
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Chipzzhendry: several other people on planet debian commented on the incident04:25
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hendryis there some reason "libapache2-mod-fastcgi" is not in dapper?05:18
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ajmitchhi fabbione 06:20
fabbionehi aj06:20
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jcole_homeTomB| TomB_: ping06:34
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pittiGood morning06:56
ajmitchmorning pitti 06:58
pittihey ajmitch 06:58
jcole_homeanyone try this with ubuntu? i just made a debian install mini.iso and installed... pretty cool :) --> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/PartmanCrypto07:01
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=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-devel.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If your initramfs is broken in any way, please save a copy for infinity | Flight-7 released | Distro Team Holiday 19/05 -- Don't expect life
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Keybuk at Thu May 18 17:26:27 2006
(Mithrandir/#ubuntu-devel) hendry: yes?07:12
hendryMithrandir: I have Kubuntu dapper machine here. And the Hangul key doesn't work with skim.07:14
hendryMithrandir: it's a MS Natural Keyb07:14
Mithrandirdoes xev pick it up?07:15
hendryMithrandir: ah, that's it. xev.07:17
hendryMithrandir: keycode is 20907:17
hendryMithrandir: other key is 21007:17
hendryMithrandir: perhaps skim is at fault07:17
Mithrandirthat's right, iirc.07:17
Mithrandirwhat's the output of setxkbmap -print?07:17
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mantas_Hello all07:21
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mantas_I've noticed, that ubuntu gnome language-packs are 10 days old and there are lots of updated translations since then. Maybe someone could run Ubuntu automatic language pack builder today ?07:25
=== Gman is now known as GmanAFK
LaserJockack, what is the URL for seeds?07:33
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BurgundaviaLaserJock, people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/seeds07:44
LaserJockBurgundavia: ah, thanks07:44
lifelessinfinity: hi. you popped out just before I expanded. If you are interested I can clarify further. If not, thats fine too.08:00
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sivangmorning all08:15
Burgundaviasalut sivang 08:15
sivangsalut Burgundavia :)08:15
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pittiogra: ping08:35
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dholbachgood morning08:40
pittihey hey dholbach 08:40
dholbachhey pitti!08:41
sivanghey pitti , dholbach , ogra 08:42
dholbachhi sivang08:42
pittiinfinity: oh, this m-t-locale-ru bug isn't halfway as bad as I thought08:43
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pittiinfinity: we already have transitional packages for all previous main packages08:43
pittiinfinity: and the remaining ones are just for languages which were outdated and uninstallable even in breezy (and maybe earlier)08:43
infinitypitti: *nod*... Point still remains that we should add more transitional packages.08:44
pittiinfinity: we shuold kill the obsolete universe ones08:45
dholbachheya infinity!08:45
mantas_pitti, hi, could you update ubuntu gnome language-packs today ? Now they are 10 days old and there are lots of updated translations since then and I need to test lots off Lithuanian translations fixes before release candidate08:45
pittimantas_: yes, already in progress08:45
sivangyo infinity 08:45
pittiinfinity: can you please remove mozilla-thunderbird-locale-{el,es,ko,nb,pt-br,ru,sv,tr} from universe?08:46
pittiinfinity: I can add them as transitional packages anyway if you want to get them through NEW08:47
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thomtseng: yeah, i noticed that but put it down to fbsd4 uselessness; take it you're running on linux?08:51
infinitypitti: They won't be NEW if they're replacing the old binaries.  That's sort of the point. ;)08:55
pittiah, ok08:55
infinitypitti: I'll remove the old sources once the new binaries are in.08:55
pittiinfinity: alright, I'm on it now08:55
infinitypitti: Thanks, dude.08:55
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dholbachhey mvo!08:57
mvohey dholbach!08:58
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pittiinfinity: uploaded; too late for this cron.daily unfortunately :/09:03
infinitypitti: I'm not picky.  My day's winding down, so slower, more mindless tasks, like babysitting stuff through queues, are fine with me.09:04
infinity(Another sleepless night, I've been working for the last ~12 hours..)09:04
infinityNot intentionally, mind you.09:04
infinitypitti: Are there any plans in the future to have informative changelogs for the language packs, instead of "initial release" every time? :)09:05
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infinitypitti: Sometihng like "1298 new strings, 892 corrected strings" might be nice.09:05
pittiinfinity: the ones you see on d-changes are the NEW ones, thus *are* initial release :)09:05
infinitypitti: If those sort of statistics can be gathered.09:05
pittiinfinity: they can, it would just take much computation power and a way to access the old packages09:06
infinitypitti: They ALL say that, you can't fool me. :)09:06
pittiinfinity: yes, sure, but the preexisting ones aren't announced on -changes09:06
fabbioneoh craptastic09:06
infinitypitti: Well, I'd assume that eventually, if rosetta is spitting these things out, it can keep statistics and a running changelog... Maybe?09:06
fabbionei can't go in vac a week that i get 200 bugs untriaged09:07
infinitypitti: That might be kinda slick.09:07
pittiinfinity: I already have statistics for the whole tarball, but not broken out per-language and per-component (main/kde/gnome)09:07
infinitypitti: Anyhow, way offtopic for release crunch, maybe I'll be all pie-in-the-sky about pretty langpack changelogs in Paris.09:07
pittiinfinity: if that's desirable, I can certainly hack something (but post-release)09:07
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infinitymvo: Hey, dude.09:13
infinitymvo: How often do you refresh the icons and such in app-install-data?09:13
infinitymvo: Would be nice to get the prettier Tbird icon in there.09:13
pittiRiddell: will you care for the current oversizedness of kubuntu install CDs?09:15
pittiRiddell: erm, live CDs, the install ones are fine09:16
mvoinfinity: I can do another refresh run today, I did the last before the weekend, it requires (a bit of) manual work, at least looking over the changes etc09:16
=== mvo starts his archive-crawler
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infinitymvo: Well, I could just give you the .svg and you could replace that one thing. :)09:17
mvoinfinity: that would be too easy ;) yeah, lets do it this way09:18
infinitymvo: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/mozilla-thunderbird.svg09:20
infinitymvo: And /usr/share/app-install/desktop/mozilla-thunderbird.desktop needs to be mangled to drop the ".xpm" extension from the filename.09:20
infinitymvo: In theory, that should do it.  I welcome your testing, however. :)09:21
=== infinity heads out for food.
dholbachinfinity: good night09:25
Kinnisonciau adam09:27
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desrtpvanhoof; didn't know you often came here09:42
desrtit would be useful to have a service that auto-connected to efnet, gimpnet, freenode for you09:43
desrtand looked like a single server to your irc client09:43
desrtand "knew" about which server each channel was on09:43
desrt(like... even though efnet has #ubuntu, it would know that the real one is here)09:44
pvanhoofoh, that might ne useful yes. But if I really needed that already I'd probably set myself a psybnc up on my private servers09:44
desrtpsy does connection multiplexing?09:44
pvanhoofI'm sure I could hack it that way if it doesn't09:44
desrt<3 free software09:45
desrtwanna hear something awesome?09:45
desrtinspired somewhat by toshok, i installed starcraft today09:45
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desrtso i'm gonna go play it now :)09:45
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pvanhoofg'night :)09:45
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seb128pitti, carlos: do you know why gnome-panel template is outdated?09:54
seb128pitti, carlos: the new item of the help submenu are not listed :/09:55
pittiseb128: the POT you mean? doesn't it get rebuilt on package build?09:55
seb128pitti: it does, I would not ask other way but would fix it :p09:55
pittiseb128: maybe that menu item is in a new file not mentioned in POTFILES.in?09:55
seb128pitti: cf my comment on https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/31775/+index09:55
UbugtuMalone bug 31775 in Ubuntu Dapper "Ubuntu should have better links to support options" [Normal,Fix released]  09:55
carlosseb128: not yet, I need to do some checks first...09:55
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seb128pitti: the .pot from my local build list them correctly09:55
seb128carlos: could you do that now? that's sort of a dapper priority09:56
Kinnisonpitti: The language packs are still building. Unfortunately one of the two i386 builders has openoffice.org on it09:56
seb128pitti: and the build log has a "cd po; intltool-update -p" call with no sign of error for it09:56
dholbachheya seb128!09:57
seb128dholbach: hi kubuntu-er :p09:57
dholbachI knew I'd hear something like that :)09:57
fabbionemdz: 09:58
fabbionemultipath-tools (0.4.7-1ubuntu7) dapper; urgency=low09:58
fabbione  * Fix typo in init script that was executing hsg80_init unconditionally.09:58
fabbione  * Suggests: sg3-utils and Conflicts: sg-utils (obsoleted).09:58
fabbione^^ can i upload?09:58
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carlosseb128: when did you upload latest package?09:58
pittiKinnison: yeah, I just checked :/09:59
seb128carlos: latest package or the one with those changes?09:59
carloslatest package09:59
carlosI assume latest package should have those changes too, right?09:59
seb128carlos: probably 4-5 days ago, lemme check09:59
seb1282006-05-18 11:06:5109:59
seb128carlos: read?10:00
seb128carlos: but comment on bug #31775 states that:10:00
UbugtuMalone bug 31775 in Ubuntu Dapper "Ubuntu should have better links to support options" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3177510:00
seb128"FWIW: it appeared in Rosetta quickly, but since then seems to have10:00
seb128disappeared, from what people seem to have reported."10:00
carlosseb128: the .pot we have atm imported says: POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-14 12:44+010010:01
seb128not good10:01
seb128could you look why previous build didn't get its template imported? 10:01
seb128the build system didn't change10:01
seb128and the build log has the call to "cd po; intltool-update -p"10:01
carlosseb128: "Commercial Support" is one of the additions, right?10:02
seb128carlos: correct10:02
carlosseb128: I don't get such strings in my about menu...10:02
seb128carlos: did you restart your panel recently?10:02
carlosthis morning10:02
seb128carlos: dpkg -l gnome-panel10:03
carloswhere should I see it?10:03
seb128carlos: system, help submenu10:03
mdzfabbione: ok10:03
carlosoh, ok10:03
carlosI see them ;-)10:03
fabbionemdz: thanks10:04
seb128carlos: ah, better that way10:04
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Keybukone interesting thing about Dapper, I've noticed10:08
Keybukthis is the first release that I haven't had to reinstall during the development cycle10:08
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jsgotangcoi only reinstalled like twice10:10
jsgotangco(except laptop testing)10:10
mdzmvo: is the auto-dist-upgrade test still running10:10
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mvo_mdz: yes, I got some md5sum problems the weekend, looking at this now10:11
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mvo_mdz:  is this ok to upload: update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu19) dapper; urgency=low10:11
mvo_ .10:11
mvo_   * help/C/figures:10:11
mvo_     - applied "pngcrush" on the figures in the manual,10:11
mvo_       this saves 4 MB uncompressed (ubuntu: #45901)10:11
mdzmvo_: yes10:12
mvo_mdz: thanks10:14
seb128carlos: any luck on the panel?10:15
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Release preparation in progress, please behave
carlosuploading latest version atm10:15
mdzseb128: can you do the panel updates so that when we get the book, we don't need to change the panel?10:15
seb128carlos: how "uploading"? why didn't it do an import from the build?10:15
carlosseb128: I really don't understand how was that possible...10:15
mvo_mdz: I would also like to do another notification daemon upload today, there is currently a pretty ugly visual glitch for small notifications on the bottom panel (#45632)10:16
seb128mdz: yeah, I'll do that as soon as carlos has sorted why my change from previous week are not listed by rosetta10:16
mdzseb128: ok10:16
mdzmvo_: that effect looks almost intentional :-)10:16
mdzmvo_: where's the patch?10:17
seb128carlos: maybe pitti would know?10:17
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carlosseb128: no, I don't think so10:17
carlosseb128: people.ubuntu.com says that the .pot file is correct10:17
mvo_mdz: not done yet :(10:17
seb128mvo_: from what package does "Enter your password to perform administratives tasks"  come?10:17
mvo_seb128: most likely gksu, why?10:18
seb128carlos: I asked for the panel template to launchpad yesterday to rosetta and got an error mail too10:18
carlosseb128: when did you add those new strings? 10:18
carlosseb128: the .pot export is not working atm10:18
seb128mvo_: because gksu, libgksu* are translated to french and that string is still englsuh10:18
carlosseb128: it's unrelated to this problem10:18
seb128carlos: 2006-05-16 17:06:3810:19
seb128I think10:19
mvo_seb128: hrm, that sucks!10:19
imbrandonkdesu maybe ?10:19
seb128that's the date from the "publish history" page10:19
mvo_seb128: does it come when you type gksu id?10:19
seb128mvo_: yeah really, do you run a german desktop? is it translated for you?10:19
mdzmvo_: do you know what the problem is?10:19
seb128mvo_: "id"?10:19
mdzmvo_: if it's not trivial to fix, it can wait until after the release10:19
mdzseems like quite a minor bug10:19
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mvo_mdz: yes, I think I have a pretty good idea what the problem is. it is a minor bug, but it looks *so* ugly10:20
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mvo_seb128: well, anything10:21
Kamioninfinity: changing DISTRIB_RELEASE at this point is bad - various build systems rely on that being 6.0610:21
seb128mvo_: "gksu ls" is translated correctly10:21
Kamionmdz: ^--10:21
seb128mvo_: "gksu --desktop synaptic.desktop  synaptic" is not10:21
seb128neither the title10:21
seb128nor the description10:21
Kamion(changing non-machine-parseable strings is fine)10:21
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seb128and that's really visible since that's the dialog you get when using update-notifier10:22
mdzKamion: gar, really?10:22
mdzKamion: if so, go ahead and revert that bit10:22
mdzbut issue, issue.net, _DESCRIPTION, etc. should definitely say LTS10:22
mvo_seb128: ok, please nag me about it in a bit again, I'll fix it. I just want to get this notification-daemon thing done first10:23
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seb128mvo_: ok10:23
Keybukpitti: there's a bunch of language packs that are hankering to be demoted to universe10:24
mdzmvo_: could you do the pngcrush thing for hwdb-client as well?10:24
mvo_mdz: sure10:24
pittiKeybuk: uh? I thought they are all caught by germinate's wild card magic10:24
pittiKeybuk: or do you mean thunderbird-locale-XX?10:24
Keybukit could be just that germinate hasn't updated, if they're brand new10:25
Keybuklanguage-pack-gnome-fy, language-pack-gnome-fy-base10:25
Keybuklanguage-pack-kde-am, language-pack-kde-am-base10:25
Keybuklanguage-pack-kde-oc, language-pack-kde-oc-base10:25
Keybuk-- 10:25
pittiKeybuk: right, these are the new ones10:25
Keybukright-o, they'll probably vanish in ten minutes then :)10:25
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jsgotangcomvo_: nice upload, that's a big difference thanks10:26
Kamionmdz: pretty sure, I remember we had to fix some stuff when we changed from 6.04 to 6.0610:26
mvo_jsgotangco: cheers10:27
=== Keybuk can't get over how much faster "bzr push" is now
Kamionmdz: I think I've reached an understanding of the ubiquity resize problems that have been reported, and I think we need to fix those - quick fix should be to remove /var/lib/partman before every partman run, and to take a bit more care to make sure partman_commit uses the manual partitioning path; about to set up a test environment for that10:27
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KamionI still have 146 new mails in /var/mail/cjwatson though so it'll be a *little* while before I'm up to date ...10:28
mdzKamion: I just got this feeling like someone walked over my grave10:28
carlosseb128: ok, got the problem10:28
seb128carlos: ah nice, what is causing it?10:29
carlospitti: it's in your script part of the exports, but I guess I could add a workaround for it10:29
Kamionmdz: this week is not going well for me so far :-/10:29
pitticarlos: the gnome-panel problem?10:29
carlospitti: yes10:29
carlosseb128, pitti: I don't know why, but the i386 build didn't get those strings10:30
carloseven more, the .pot file seems like was not updated10:30
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carlospitti: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileBF9Uhc.html10:30
carlosthat's the start of the diff between the i386 and amd64 .pot files10:31
Kamionmdz: also the gnome-power-manager reconfiguration thing that mjg59 reported10:31
carlossame build, different .pot files10:31
ograpitti, pong10:32
carlosI'm not filtering .pot files that have the POT-Creation-Date older than the one I have already imported10:32
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ogramvo_, oh, you fixed pngcrush ?10:32
carlosbut I could do it10:32
carlosthe problem it could cause is that a package that generates the .pot file without gettext, would forget to update that field10:33
carlosand we could miss some new strings10:33
pittiogra: edubuntu ppc/live still has 43 MB free; shall I update the seeds to fill that with 38 MB langpacks, or do you need it for other purposes?10:33
carlosbut it would prevent this kind of bugs10:33
ograpitti, feel free :)10:33
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ogramdz, did you want the hwdb button re-addres to the device manager ? its only 5 lines of code and ~10 lines of glade stuff, we dropped it when i had to add a .desktop file for KDE compatibbility10:34
mdzKamion: g-p-m reconfiguration thing?10:34
mdzogra: please; that is a regression10:35
mdzogra: but get the patch reviewed before uploading10:35
ograi thought we agreed fro breezy that it wasnt needed if a .desktop file exists10:35
mdzogra: I hope the translations are still in the .po file?10:35
mdzogra: there is no .desktop file (or it is suppressed)10:35
ograi dont think so, it was never tharnslated and dropped for breezy already10:35
ograits supressed10:36
ograyou can see it in alacarte after installein10:36
Kamionmdz: bug 4565410:36
UbugtuMalone bug 45654 in ubiquity "Gnome-power-manager postinst not run" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4565410:36
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seb128would people consider "copying all the yelp .po from launchpad to the source package" as an ugly workaround?10:37
mdzKamion: urgh10:37
mdzseb128: no10:37
seb128that's to fix #4587510:38
seb128bug #4587510:38
UbugtuMalone bug 45875 in yelp "Untranslated strings from 06_toc-with-desc.patch" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4587510:38
seb128ok, I'll do that then10:38
mdzseb128: that's entirely reasonable10:38
seb128so we get a toc translated10:38
seb128mdz: thank you10:38
mdzKamion: I think #45654 should be fixed in casper10:38
seb128the toc is a .xml so the translations need to be present for the build10:38
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Kamionmdz: I don't object either way10:40
KamionMithrandir: ^-- ?10:40
mdzKamion: suspend to RAM is a valid use case on the live CD (e.g., for testing)10:40
mdzit should be enabled by default if known to work on that hardware, as for the installed system10:40
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Mithrandir: tfheen@golem ..casper-1.54/casper-bottom > grep reconfigure 32disable_hibernation casper-reconfigure /root gnome-power-manager10:41
Mithrandir: tfheen@golem ..casper-1.54/casper-bottom > grep reconfigure 32disable_hibernation10:41
Mithrandir    casper-reconfigure /root gnome-power-manager10:41
mdzKamion: do you have a bug# for the partitioning issue?10:41
Mithrandirthough, casper doesn't copy it in.  It probably should.10:41
mdzMithrandir: so it just needs to be copied as a ubiquity hook?10:42
Mithrandiror rather, gnome-power-manager should add that hook, IMO10:42
mvo_mdz: hwdb with pngcrush ready, saves ~1,9mb uncompressed. can I just upload?10:42
KinnisonMithrandir: would that involve having a file in the g-p-m package?10:42
mdzmvo_: yes10:42
MithrandirKinnison: yes.10:42
Mithrandirmdz: yeah, we just need to decide who gets the honour of doing so.  IIRC, this is all gconf stuff.10:42
ogramvo_, how did you get pngcrush working ? it segfaults on all arches for me10:42
mdzMithrandir: what are we doing for existing packages?  I thought casper supplied all the hooks still10:43
mvo_ogra: there is a uvf request approved for a sync, i rebuild it locally10:43
Mithrandirmdz: hmm, casper does actually the reconfigure for g-panel-data, so I guess it could do it for g-p-m too.10:43
ogramvo_, ah, thanks a lot10:44
mvo_ogra: hwdb is uploaded, no worries :)10:44
=== ogra hugs mvo_
Mithrandiriwj: is there any way of setting firefox prefs from the command line?10:45
Kamionmdz: bug 45597 and others10:45
UbugtuMalone bug 45597 in ubiquity "Resizing partition results in data loss" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4559710:45
Kamionalso bug 4565210:46
UbugtuMalone bug 45652 in ubiquity "Partitioner *really* confused" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4565210:46
Kamionhaven't analysed all the logs yet10:46
carlospitti: Should I file a bug about the broken .pot file generated with gnome-panel? if the answer is 'yes', where? gnome-panel?, pkgstriptranslations ?10:46
mdzKamion: added to DapperReleaseRadar10:47
pitticarlos: I'll take a look at it right now, then I'll see what needs to be done10:47
carlospitti: ok, thanks10:47
mdzworkrave just told me I should stop for the day10:47
dholbachmdz: for the complete day?10:47
Kinnisonmdz: oops10:47
carlosdo you think I should filterout any .pot file that has the POT-Creation-Date field older than the one we have in Rosetta?10:48
mdzthis version doesn't deal with hibernation very elegantly ;-)10:48
pitticarlos: it would be nice to detect these cases10:48
mdzI remember approving a freeze exception to get that fix in (dholbach I think?)10:48
pitticarlos: if you filter them out, the amd64 one would get used?10:48
dholbachmdz: yes - the changelog said it had "fixes for hibernation, etc"10:48
carlospitti: yes10:48
Mithrandirhuh, I apparently don't need to be root to run growisofs?10:48
mdzdholbach: which version was that?10:49
pitticarlos: that certainly sounds useful then, if the filtering out also generates a warning message somewhere, so that we can fix the actual bug10:49
carlospitti : the only problem is with packages that are not updating that field10:49
mdzdholbach: this is 1.8.3-1ubuntu110:49
carlospitti: hmm, but I guess I could workaround it if I allow .pot uploads with the same date10:50
Mithrandirmdz: any other casper bugs you'd want me to look at too, or should I just upload that?10:50
carlospitti: ok, I will try to do it that way10:50
dholbach1.8.3 has "fixed a bug that could cause to stop running when 'suspend timer while inactive' was disabled." and 1.8.2 has "better hibernate/standby suport on Unix." (we had 1.8.1 before)10:50
dholbachmdz: ^10:50
Kamionpitti: please undo that 6.06LTS DISTRIB_RELEASE hack you did in postgresql-common, if it failed to allow 6.06 as well10:50
Kamionpitti: I've reverted base-files10:50
pittiKamion: oh, ok; I could just allow for both to be sure10:51
pittiKamion: there is still a sane fallback for unknown ones, but that would generate a warning on installation10:51
carlospitti: btw, I'm trying to get updated language packs, there is a broken python package installed that breaks the generation, I think you should use that tarball as the final language pack10:51
pitticarlos: 'that' -> the one you are going to build right now?10:52
carlospitti: yes10:52
pitticarlos: if mdz is fine with uploading a new set, fine for me10:52
pitticarlos: I'll test them this evening when they are built10:53
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mdzMithrandir: anything targeted at 6.06?10:53
carlospitti: but not right now but later today as usual (the mirror is still being updated)10:53
carlospitti: ok10:53
mdzpitti: are there translations for the missing strings which we are missing?10:53
pittimdz: IIRC carlos said that the current tarball lacks some KDE files, and hopefully they're also fix this gnome-panel issue; carlos, right?10:54
Keybukmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/reports/confirmed_notforwarded.html10:55
carlospitti: hmm, not really, gnome-panel has been fixed after the mirror started, so it will not be there, but I could provide you with the updated gnome-panel's .po files in another tarball10:56
pitticarlos: so what else is broken in the current dapper packs? (May 18 tarball)10:56
carlosmdz, pitti: Also there are some new translation domains that I fixed last week that we would get also with this export10:56
carlospitti: the whole list of missing translation domains that I fixed last friday10:57
pittiok, that sounds worthwhile10:57
carlosthe one I had at wiki.ubuntu.com/MissingPotFiles10:57
carlospitti: you have still some translation domains that should be fixed/reviewed10:59
pitticarlos: I was just going to say that I'll remove them from my tarballs10:59
carlospitti: they are noted on that page10:59
carloswell, tuxpaint-stamps needs a .pot regeneration on build time10:59
carlosand I guess we could remove gettext, man and test11:00
carlosbut would be good if you could provide me with its sourcepackage11:00
carlosto be 100% sure11:00
Mirvseb128: apparently you did notice https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2006-May/000606.html ? or then the strings have reappeared by their own. thanks, anyway.11:04
seb128Mirv: I've pointed it to carlos who just fixed it (cf discussion on that chan some time ago), np ;)11:04
Kamionpitti: *nod*11:05
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carlosseb128: I just answered that email11:07
carlosMirv: ^^^11:08
marcin_hi guys11:08
marcin_could someone tell me what is the procedure when I translate some strings in rosetta?11:08
seb128carlos: ok, thank you11:08
marcin_when these changes are going to appear in packages?11:09
seb128before dapper11:10
carlosseb128: btw, the notification messages from gnome-xchat are using a width too small11:10
pittiKamion: fix uploaded, thanks for the notification11:10
seb128carlos: that's a bug for mvo_ ;)11:10
carlosok, so you are aware of the problem11:10
marcin_seb128: so someone should review and commit them soon?11:11
janimoRiddell: hi, ddo the kde screensavers show up in kde system menus?They do in xfce  bug 3946611:11
UbugtuMalone bug 39466 in xfdesktop4 "KDE Screensavers Show Up In XFCE Menu" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3946611:11
seb128marcin_: not sure of what you call "commit", somebody should translate them on rosetta for your locale so they are available with next language-packs update11:12
carlosmarcin_: I think we are going to generate packages today with all translations done until yesterday11:12
seb128carlos: until yesterday is without those panel ones then11:12
carlosif there is something untranslated, you should translate it in Rosetta and we will release new packages in a month with those updates11:12
marcin_seb128: I contributed some translations this is why I ask when they will be visible11:12
carlosseb128: well, the panel changes will be added by hand ;-)11:13
carlosseb128: but I'm not sure if the upload is approved already11:13
seb128I need to give mvo some good kicking too ;)11:13
marcin_another thing is that there is a lot of strings that should be updated automatically11:13
seb128german guys should run a german desktop and notice when their change breaks translations like that :p11:14
marcin_for example 'strings' like  %s %f etc....11:14
mdzMithrandir: did you do that DVD test we discussed at last week's meeting?11:14
mvo_mdz: I did one, the live session was run on my system (it wasn't with the old version)11:14
carlosmarcin_: if there are strings that are just '%s %f"11:15
Mithrandirmdz: I was planning on doing it today since I had the pleasure of dealing with tax return forms the whole of friday.11:15
carlosmarcin_: either the maintainer should not tag them to be translated11:15
Kamionmvo_: did the option to use the traditional installer work too?11:15
marcin_can you something with rosetta to make them translated automatically?11:15
marcin_s/you/you do11:15
carlosor you, as a translator would be interested on changing its order11:15
mdzmvo_: if you still have it, and can test the d-i mode, that would be handy11:15
marcin_carlos: ok11:16
mvo_Kamion, mdz: I have it and can do it in a bit, unfortunately my only system with dvd is the one I work with mostly11:16
carlosmarcin_: and thus, we cannot translate them automatically11:16
fabbionemdz: i can test ppc dvd here in a short time11:16
carloswell, we can, but we shouldn't ;-)11:16
mdzKamion: just hit an odd case in ubiquity partman during an install here11:27
pittiseb128: according to the build logs, neither the amd64 nor the i386 gnome-panel build updated the POT file, hmm11:29
seb128pitti: I don't read the build log the same way then11:30
seb128pitti: the i386 log has a "cd po; intltool-update -p" call and no error next to it11:30
pittiseb128: oh, wait, it doesn't use --verbose11:30
pittiright, sorry11:30
pittiseb128: so, the cdbs rule tries to update it and fails with 'intltool-update: POTFILES.in not found.'; then, later, there apparently is a custom rules snippet which calls it again11:31
Kamionmdz: ?11:32
seb128pitti: right, that's because it's built out of the src directory11:33
seb128pitti: to debian/build, so the cdbs snippet doesn't work11:33
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pittiah, I see11:33
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Kagousmurf, around ?11:36
seb128pitti: I'm about to make a panel upload, should I make that intltool-update call --verbose?11:37
pittiseb128: can't hurt11:37
pitticarlos, seb128: still, I'm totally lost about this g-p amd64/i386 difference11:38
seb128weird, isn't it? :)11:38
carlosI didn't see anything wrong in the buildd output11:38
carlosseb128: when the package is published, please, ping me so I remember to check that we didn't lose any string again11:39
seb128carlos: I've just uploaded, ok, I'll let you know11:39
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pitticarlos: and apart from the mo files, the amd64 and i386 tarballs differ only in the pot file11:39
carlospitti: btw, I'm asking for removal the pmount .po files that you migrated to the right locale... sorry for the delay...11:39
pitticarlos: great11:40
pittiseb128: hm, maybe --verbose will reveal something; I'll watch the next build log11:40
seb128same for me11:40
MithrandirRiddell: is it known that splashdown doesn't work correctly on the kubuntu live cd?11:41
iwjMithrandir: Not that I know of.  In any case, it wouldn't work while firefox is running.  Why do you ask ?11:45
ograpitti, i dont want to uuencode the hwdb icon in my hal patch, would you mind a dependency on hwdb-client for hal-device-manager ? 11:46
Mithrandiriwj: I want to change some default settings in my "make my desktop work the way I want, dammit" script.11:46
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pittiogra: no, of course not11:46
ograthanks :)11:46
pittiI grab some food now, bbl11:46
janimois something like mail latest uploader on FTBFS planned for soyuz?11:47
iwjMithrandir: You could edit /etc/firefox/pref/firefox.js, unless that has the wrong permissions.11:47
Mithrandiriwj: I'll run this script on machines I don't have root on too, so that's unfortunately not a solution.11:48
iwjMithrandir: It's possible that editing ~/.mozilla/firefox/<random-number>.default/prefs.js will work but probably only after the profile has been created.11:50
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Mithrandiriwj: yeah, and it's the $random_number part which, well, is random.11:51
iwjMithrandir: Well, you could run firefox -CreateProfile (which needs an X display for no readily apparent reason ...)11:55
Mithrandiriwj: vfb-run handles that, so that's fine, really.11:56
Mithrandiriwj: hmm, I could possibly do that and go to a javascript URL.11:56
iwjHmm, thinking of it, you should really edit/create user.js and not prefs.js (in the same directory as prefs.js).11:57
iwjNo, create the profile with -CreateProfile and now just grobble through ~/.mozilla to find the right directory.11:57
=== TomaszD [n=tom@xdsl-2196.elblag.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KeybukI hate people who file bugs just because they think something is wrong with code12:04
Keybuknot because they've actually found a problem with it12:05
Keybuk"foo fails to frobnicate bar!" ... "we don't have bar in dapper" ... "oh"12:05
Keybuktype thing12:05
Keybukor, in this case, udev doesn't check for /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug ... that's right, we don't USE that12:05
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fabbioneKeybuk: we don't????? HOLY COW THE WORLD WILL FALL DOWN12:06
MithrandirKamion: is it nontrivial to change "CD" to "DVD" in the "check cd for defects" menu entry on the dvd?12:07
KamionMithrandir: yes, requires translation12:08
Mithrandirwant a bug about it anyway?  (Or maybe you have one?)12:08
mdzseb128: I was just going through Testing/Short, the bit where you copy the file and check that it isn't read-only12:09
mdzseb128: that works, but only if I hold Ctrl when dragging the file, otherwise it says it can't move it12:09
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mdzseb128: if it can't move, shouldn't it fall back to copying?12:10
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seb128mdz: it should, we have a bug about that but it works fine on my box12:12
seb128(ie: dnd from /usr to my desktop copy)12:12
mdzKamion: after a default ubiquity install in vmware, I have two entries for the CD in sources.list (one commented, one uncommented) which looks a bit confusing in synaptic12:14
mdzseb128: reproduced easily here in vmware with Examples12:14
mdzdragging to the desktop12:14
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mdzseb128: also on my laptop here12:15
mdzseb128: any debugging I can do?12:15
seb128mdz: what do you dnd, from where to where?12:15
mdzseb128: about-ubuntu.odt from example-content to the desktop12:15
mdzseb128: er, about-these-files.odt12:16
mdzwhich is root/root 064412:16
=== mvo_ is away for lunch
carlospitti: are you still using the mapping.txt file from the language pack tarball?12:16
mdzKeybuk: while you're doing archive stuff, could you do that pngcrush sync mvo mentioned?12:16
pitticarlos: yes, I do; is it broken?12:16
Keybukmdz: I've just started that one :)12:17
mdzKeybuk: thanks12:17
Keybukhow did you know I was doing archive stuff?12:17
seb128mdz: do you have /usr and /home on the same partition?12:17
=== Keybuk checks for vnc running on his desktop
mdzKeybuk: malone told you12:17
mdzseb128: yes12:17
Luremdz: iegarty on #ubuntu-bugs directed me to you - bug 22985 (with many duplicates) - shouldn't this be on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar?12:17
UbugtuMalone bug 22985 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "[x700]  fails to infer lvds for primary connector on acer ferrari 4005" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2298512:17
seb128mdz: it might work on my desktop because they are different partitions, lemme try on my laptop12:17
carlosno, I'm looking into what's needed to move language pack tarballs into production and that file generation takes a lot of time, I was checking if it's needed (and thus, I should improve the code that generates it) or if I could remove it12:18
mvo_mdz: the double cdrom thing is #4502812:18
mdzLure: not unless there is a trivial/obvious/safe fix available12:18
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mdzmvo_: thanks12:19
carlospitti: seems like the problem I had to generate language packs is fixed. Today, the export should work... still using the mirror, but should work12:20
Luremdz: ok, we will check if https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1559 fix is it - if it fixes, where should we send the patch for consideration?12:20
Ubugtubugs.freedesktop.org bug 1559 in Driver/Radeon "radeon: Continuing problems with display detection" [Major,Reopened]  12:20
mdzLure: in malone, it points to fd.o bug 5473, not 155912:21
UbugtuMalone bug 5473 in pyopenal "pyopenal: merge new debian version" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/547312:21
mdzLure: there is no patch attached to either of them that I see12:22
pitticarlos: what's wrong with the 'gettext' domain? apparently it's from the gettext-kde source package12:22
carlospitti: just that I wasn't aware where it came from ;-)12:23
pitticarlos: ah, now you know ;)12:23
mdzdholbach: ping?12:23
pitticarlos: 'man' is from belocs-locales-bin12:23
dholbachmdz: pong12:23
pitticarlos: ... and can be ignored12:23
mdzdholbach: ETA for ubuntu-artwork update?12:24
dholbachmdz: 5-10 min12:24
Kamionmdz: not ubiquity-specific12:24
mdzdholbach: thanks12:24
dholbachmdz: fixing up as quick as i can12:24
Kamion(bug already filed too, on apt-setup)12:24
carlospitti: anyway, I don't think we should translate gettext-kde, it's an ugly workaround from KDE that will not be used with KDE 4.x and it's only needed to generate KDE's .pot files... so I will not import it12:24
mdzKamion: mvo pointed out the bug, thanks12:24
carlospitti: ok12:24
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pitticarlos: right, I'll ignore it as well12:24
Kamionmdz: do I need to work on it urgently for dapper?12:24
mdzKamion: nope12:24
pitticarlos: 'test' is from source 'nevow'12:24
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Luremdz: I know, sladen mentioned that fix is supposed to be commited recently in Xorg cvs - will look into this in the evening 12:25
mdzwanted to know if it was filed already, and it is12:25
carlospitti: it's inside 'examples/i18n' ...12:25
carlosI don't think we should import it either..12:25
pitticarlos: right, I marked these as to be ignored in my scripts12:26
dsilversogra: Did you want to make a change to the hal package?12:26
mdzseb128: something seems to have broken splash-down; usplash doesn't get started when shutting down12:26
mdzseb128: do you know anything about it?12:26
carlospitti: did you added too the ones noted by Riddell as obsolete?12:26
pitticarlos: will do12:26
dsilversmdz: It's bug 3518212:26
seb128mdz: yes, a sec, I find the bug12:26
UbugtuMalone bug 35182 in gnome-power-manager "Shutdown from g-p-m doesn't use uspash" [Minor,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3518212:26
dsilversmdz: I have a patch for hal which I'm just about to try and test12:27
seb128thank you dsilvers12:27
carlospitti: ok, thanks. That way we will get the list of any remaining template that we forgot to handle12:27
ogradsilvers, yep12:27
ogradsilvers, but only to the device manager and the galde file of it)12:27
mdzmvo_: did we get a .desktop file into g-a-i for sun java?12:27
=== dsilvers is now known as Kinnison
Kinnisonogra: If you can get a patch file to me, I'll add it to this upload12:28
ograKinnison, will do, but pitti has to review it12:28
=== carlos workraves
pitticarlos: what's wrong with gnome-doc-utils?12:29
carlospitti: don't know12:29
carloswhat's wrong?12:29
pitticarlos: it's mentioned in 'remove from buildd tarball'12:29
carlosoh, sorry12:29
Keybukdholbach: ping12:29
mdzKinnison: added to DapperReleaseRadar, please get that in12:29
dholbachKeybuk: pong12:29
carlospitti: it's documentation 12:30
mdzor else revert the change which caused it12:30
Kinnisonmdz: right.12:30
carlospitti: and should not be inside the language packs12:30
Keybukdholbach: no such package in Debian as festival-it12:30
dholbachKeybuk: source package?12:30
pitticarlos: are you sure? these are tools to generate documentation, and it has a proper pot and po/ directory12:30
Keybukdholbach: no such source :)12:30
Keybukoh, hmm12:31
dholbachKeybuk: http://packages.debian.org/src:festival-it says so :-)12:31
Keybukit's already in dapper12:31
dholbachoh... sorry12:31
Keybuksame version12:31
dholbachyeah - so we're good :-)12:31
dholbachKeybuk: thanks12:32
carlospitti: if you take a look at it https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/gnome-doc-utils/+pots/gnome-doc-utils/de/+translate12:32
carlospitti: you will see that the translations are used to generete XML files12:32
pitticarlos: ah, ok; ignoring then12:32
pittiRiddell: what about the obsolete domains in kdeedu, kdelibs, etc.? why are they still in the kde-i18n-* packages?12:34
pittiRiddell: I can add machinery to my scripts to ignore these domains, of course, but it seems untidy12:34
Kinnisonogra: well, modulo the test I'll be doing in a few minutes (once this is built) I imagine I'll be uploading my hal fix fairly soon, so you may just end up doing your own upload later12:34
dholbachmdz: uploading12:35
mdzdholbach: thanks12:35
mdzdholbach: update DapperReleaseRadar when it's in12:35
Riddellpitti: they're because nobody had removed them from KDE SVN, but they all seem to have been removed now so it'll sort itself out in the next kde release12:36
dholbachmdz: okay12:36
pittiRiddell: ok, so I need to manually ignore them now for the final dapper langpacks12:36
pitticarlos: should today's rosetta tarball contain all domains now (in theory)? I. e. do I still need to merge tarballs?12:37
ograpitti, Kinnison, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/20_add_hwdb_button.patch12:37
carlospitti: in theory, you should not need anything from buildd12:37
carlospitti: but let's get the diff report today to be 100% sure12:37
pittiogra: what is that huge removed part in the glade file?12:38
pitticarlos: I just ask whether I should go and implement a 'KDE domain ignore list' or not12:38
pittiogra: oh, btw, patching build-tree won't help you, you need a proper debian/patches/foo.patch12:39
carlospitti: well, if it's not trivial (done in less than 5 minutes), you could leave it if you want and we can manually remove them from the report later to detect any other missing translation domain12:39
pitticarlos: hm, just for the sake of a clean report and avoiding errors, I'll do it now (shouldn't be more than 10 minutes)12:40
Kinnisonpitti: If the patch is otherwise okay, I can deal with updating the hunk headers (I do so for my own patches)12:40
carlospitti: ok12:40
=== Kinnison will brb
pittiKinnison: hard to tell just from looking at the .glade diff; but I assume ogra tested the gui and it actually works :)12:41
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Mithrandiruh, casper-md5check seems to not work correctly, for some reason.12:41
KinnisonRight, now my irssi is in a screen session I can reboot12:41
pittiKinnison: hard to tell just from looking at the .glade diff; but I assume ogra tested the gui and it actually works :)12:41
Kinnisonback in a bit12:41
ograpitti, it does12:41
pittiogra: that should be fine then12:42
ograpitti, i admit the glade stuff is ugly, but i didnt want to hack the file by hand :)12:42
pittiit'll just be hard to adapt it to new upstream versions then12:42
pittibut let's not worry about that today12:42
ograi dont think the glade ever changed since 0.4.*12:43
pittimdz: bless you12:43
mdz^^ that is 'mount' typed on the wrong keyboard, which happens to have a dvorak layout12:43
ograhmm, looks like the pngcrush stuff for hwdb and u-m gains us a lot, even on edubuntu 12:44
mdzogra: that's why I asked you to do hwdb almost 2 months ago12:45
ogramdz, i tzried several times but couldnt get pngcrush to work, sorry12:46
mdzMithrandir: casper-mdcheck seems to work for me (i386/vmware, current daily)12:46
Mithrandirmdz: does it give you the reboot thingy at the end?12:46
mdzogra: you didn't say anything12:47
mdzMithrandir: dunno, it's still running12:47
Keybukbah, someone remind me the magic rsync cdimage incantation12:49
tsengthom: right, dapper12:49
Keybukah, s'ok, was in my history12:49
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infinityKamion: I didn't change DISTRIB_RELEASE, I just didn't UNchange it.12:53
fabbioneare tasks or meta packages gone foobar today?12:53
fabbione(12:52:11) Anders: I'm inside something called XFce now?!??!12:54
fabbione12:52:46) fabbione: what did you install?12:54
fabbione(12:53:00) Anders: i updated my Kubuntu :p12:54
=== fabbione scratches his head
pittifabbione: shhh, part of KDESabotageSpec12:55
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KinnisonWho knows the most about usplash?12:56
pitticarlos: ok, everything should be cleaned in the buildd tarball that starts in 3 minutes12:57
pitticarlos: I'll check it afterwards by comparing the previous and new buildd tarball12:57
Kinnisoninfinity: Do you have any idea why usplash_down ; usplash_write ; shutdown -h would fail as a sequence?12:57
mdzKinnison: it doesn't12:58
Kinnisoninfinity: I get usplash displayed, it shows the message, then I get the X is going away noise and it flips back to tty112:58
infinityYeah, uhm, what?12:58
infinityOh, you're doing it from a console.12:58
mdzKinnison: what happens is that gdm switches VTs, which causes usplash to shut down12:58
infinityYeah.  What he said.12:58
Kinnisonmdz: Aah, right12:58
mdzthat was mentioned in the bug report12:58
=== Kinnison admits he got a bit lost reading through the report
infinityGDM switching back to itself to kill itself is braindead, but it doesn't break our default setup much, so I've never cared.12:59
mdzeven if gdm didn't do that, X would12:59
infinity(And since if you're shutting down from a text consoles, you're not likely to mind a text shutdown,...)12:59
mdzso perhaps usplash_down should be run from init.d/gdm?12:59
Kinnisonhmm, so init.d/gdm stop would run usplash_down ?12:59
mdzseb128: any opinion on that?01:00
mdzwould cause confusing results if gdm were not in use01:00
infinitymdz: I ran it from GDM itself to avoid the noise one would get in doing it in the init script.01:00
Mithrandiruh, you might want to stop gdm without running usplash.01:00
infinityI still maintain that if you're not shutting down "graphically", you don't much care if your shut down it, well, graphical.01:00
infinitys/down it/down is/01:01
mdzinfinity: that is not the issue here01:01
mdzinfinity: it's bug #3518201:01
UbugtuMalone bug 35182 in gnome-power-manager "Shutdown from g-p-m doesn't use uspash" [Minor,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3518201:01
mdzinfinity: which is pretty much "usplash01:01
infinitymdz: There's some chatter from GDM and init before the GDM init script runs.01:01
mdz"usplash-down doesn't work at all"01:01
Kinnisoninfinity: You are shutting down "graphically" in the sense that gdm now signals hal to do the shutdown and thus we need the hal shutdown script to use usplash01:01
infinityKinnison: Oh, ahh.  I see.  Whole different ballgame.01:01
mdzseb128: thoughts on reverting to the old way of shutting down?01:02
infinityCan g-p-m not just signal gdm to do the shutdown?01:02
Kinnisonseb128: We should just not use g-p-m for shutdown for now01:02
Kinnisonseb128: but continue to call it for suspend and hibernate01:02
seb128mdz, Kinnison: fine with me, I can change it back to use gdm01:03
Kinnisonseb128: then I could get g-p-m to signal gdm01:03
seb128seems reasonable01:03
Kinnisonseb128: rather than hal01:03
KinnisonIt's a bit bodgy but it seems the least invasive method of getting it done01:03
mdzKinnison: I don't think we need to change g-p-m01:03
seb128no, just change gnome-session to use gdm01:03
Kinnisonmdz: just deal with the fact that g-p-m emergency shutdown won't be usplashed01:03
seb128that should be enough01:03
mdz#35182 is a minor bug when we don't use g-p-m as our primary method of shutting down01:03
carlospitti: ok, thanks01:03
Kinnisonmdz: okay01:03
mdzseb128: yes please01:03
Kinnisonseb128: yep, do you want me to do that, or will you dump it on your list?01:04
mdzseb128: reboot as well01:04
seb128alright, doing that then ;)01:04
KeybukKinnison: does g-p-m still save the session when it does an emergency shutdown?01:04
seb128Kinnison: I'll do it, I know what to change that will be quick01:04
Keybukbecause if it does, that's a release critical bug imo01:05
Keybukas we offer no way to undo it01:05
seb128Keybuk: no, it has been changed01:05
KinnisonKeybuk: no01:05
Keybukok, cool01:05
KinnisonKeybuk: I fixed that just before I moved01:05
KinnisonKeybuk: 96-disable-session-save-on-shutdown.patch added in 2.14.3-0ubuntu2 on 8th May01:06
mdzKamion: the gfxboot labels on the DVD are sort of unfortunate; the user will go for "Install to the hard disk" in many cases where they want "Start Ubuntu" (for ubiquity)01:06
Kinnisonseb128: You're a star01:06
dholbachany objections, if I clean up  Testing/Current ?01:08
Kamionmdz: I realised that this morning, but I have trouble working out what to doabout it now01:09
=== dholbach takes that as a 'no'
pitticarlos: I fixed tuxpaint-stamps to build a POT file; that should be the last item on the page01:09
carlospitti: ok, btw, the translations for it will come from buildd so we still need the merge today01:10
carlosnext time, we will not need it01:10
carlosanyway, next time, I guess we should export only updates from Rosetta, right?01:11
dholbachmdz: you think it'd make sense to point to the Testing wiki in the topic?01:12
carlospitti: should I do the export daily?01:12
fabbionedholbach: what's the url for current?01:12
dholbachfabbione: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Current01:12
dholbachit was nearly empty and from 11 days ago01:13
fabbionedholbach: thanks01:13
pitticarlos: hm, can you leave the current full daily export until the release, just in case/01:13
pitticarlos: ?01:13
fabbionedholbach: clean it up and let's start fresh01:13
mdzKamion: just did a brainstorming session with Jane01:13
dholbachfabbione: yeah, just did it01:13
mdzKamion: pasting our proposal01:13
carlospitti: sure01:13
carlospitti: but I need the exact tarball you used for the final build so we get the updates relative to that export01:13
carlosso please, tell me if you do a new upload01:14
Mithrandirmdz: ok, I can't reproduce the reboot problem with the i386 iso in vmware, so I think it might be a DVD-only problem.01:14
pitticarlos: is it possible to keep all of them from now on until June 1st?01:15
mdzMithrandir: reboot problem?01:15
carlospitti: all the daily exports?01:15
pitticarlos: I'll modify my scripts to keep them, too01:15
pitticarlos: yes01:15
Mithrandirmdz: yes, after casper-md5check finishes, it just continues booting on the dvd.01:15
carlosthe removal is done by hand01:15
mdzMithrandir: ok01:15
carlosuntil we move into production the script01:15
mdzMithrandir: on my CD test in vmware, it works correctly as well01:15
mdzI'll check on the DVD01:16
carlosbut anyway, I was planning to store them at people.ubuntu.com as a backup01:16
Kinnisonogra: since there's no point me doing this broken patch for hal, you may as well go ahead with your own hal package01:17
=== Kinnison toys with the idea of lunch
mdzogra: what are you doing with hal/01:19
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Kinnisonmdz: as per the patch quoted earlier, he's adding a hwdb button to hal-device-manager I think01:19
ogramdz, adding the hwdb button back01:19
mdzogra: ok01:20
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mdzKamion: what's a good test case language which is on the DVD but not the CD?01:22
=== Kinnison -> Lunch
mdzMithrandir: are you taking care of the g-p-m reconfiguration issue with ubiquity?01:25
mdzMithrandir: (I've put your name next to it on DapperReleaseRadar)01:25
Mithrandirmdz: I uploaded that two hours or so ago01:25
Mithrandirmdz: I can test it once we have images too, sure.01:25
mdzoh, missed it01:25
mdzMithrandir: should be testable by doing an upgrade on the current daily, yes?  I'll do that01:26
Mithrandirmdz: thanks01:26
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Keybukok, hopefully that makes bzr "installable" now01:28
Keybukbzr-doc was NBS01:28
RiddellMithrandir: I know splash down doesn't work in all situations yes01:30
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mdzKeybuk: I had already reminded jbailey about -v by private mail ;-)01:38
mdzMithrandir: casper binaries don't seem to be published yet01:38
mdzI'll test later on01:38
j^is fontrendering in evince still broken? i.e. http://blog.wired.com/27BStroke6/att_klein_wired.pdf does not work here with evince, works with xpdf though01:39
Kamionmdz: install CD or live CD?01:39
mdzKamion: preferably both01:40
Kamionmdz: (though of course the live filesystems are still identical on the live CD and the DVD; we never got round to fixing that)01:40
mdzKamion: we never got round to adding that feature ;-)01:40
Kamionmdz: the i386 install CD has all languages on it, as far as I can see01:40
Kamionthe i386 live CD has en zh bn de fr01:40
Keybukmdz: heh, public humiliation also serves as a reminder for others ;)01:41
mdzKamion: i386 DVD d-i English install in VMWare went fine01:42
Kamionyay for working DVDs at last01:42
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mdzj^: looks fine in evince here01:46
sladenhere do missing multimedia mime-types/file extensions og?01:46
j^mdz first page is fine here, but fails on page 201:46
mdzj^: doesn't fail here01:46
seb128what is the issue?01:47
j^seb128 http://blog.wired.com/27BStroke6/att_klein_wired.pdf01:47
seb128mdz, Kinnison: gnome-session using gdm uploaded01:47
j^fonts do not render starting on the second page here01:47
mdzj^: that is a URL; he asked for a description of the problem01:47
mdzseb128: thanks, I will update DRR01:47
j^mdz one thing at a time :)01:47
seb128j^: that PDF displays fine for me01:48
j^seb128 for some time now evince can only handle some pdfs here01:48
j^any idea what could be the problem?01:48
seb128"can only handle some pdfs here"01:49
seb128it's as clear as "doesn't work"01:49
mvoKamion, mdz: dvd-install looks good on my system 01:49
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j^seb128 the text shows up as random garbage01:49
seb128do you get an error? does you box explode? does it has weird color? does it ... ?01:49
seb128j^: could you run "pdffonts att_klein_wired.pdf" and copy that to pastebin.com ?01:50
mdzj^: try it in a pristine environment (live CD)01:50
seb128might be some font you installed which get picked by fontconfig01:51
j^seb128 oh you are right, i had some fonts in ~/.fonts removing them it works01:54
j^gnome-font-view displays the font without problems though01:54
seb128the issue is not the font I think01:55
seb128it's that the font doesn't ship the glyph required for the pdf01:55
seb128glyphs required01:55
mvolive-dvd (i386) looks good too 01:56
sladenseb128: PDF's should embed the font unless it's one of the standard 1401:57
seb128sladen: that's not an evince issue what PDFs do or not01:57
sladenseb128: is a corrupted embedded font?01:57
seb128I've no idea, ask j^01:58
seb128he had an issue due to a font he installed to ~/.fonts on his dapper01:58
j^it was Times.ttf from apple01:59
infinityKeybuk: Did you already remove bzr-doc from the seeds when cleaning up the archive mess?02:00
infinityKeybuk: (I was going to do so earlier, but the bzr bug at my homework)02:01
KeybukI did02:03
ograpitti, ping02:03
pittiogra: ?02:03
Mithrandiroh, 32 bit sucks so much02:04
ograpitti, at which point is the lpi patch added to hal ? seems my button patch isnt liked by it and the only thing i can see touching the glade file is lpi02:04
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ograbut it has no number and i dont see it while testbuildind02:04
pittiogra: debian/patches/lpi.patch ?02:06
ograi dont see it in the build process at all 02:06
pittiogra: they are applied asciibetically02:06
ograoh, k, thanks 02:06
ograthen they need to be before the numbered patches i guess02:06
pittiogra: see /msg02:07
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dholbachmvo: how ok are you with  http://daniel.holba.ch/ubuntu/lpi.patch ? launchpad-integration on the live cd is busted without it.02:17
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seb128dholbach: did we get a bug about that?02:19
dholbachseb128: the bug just occured to me02:19
dholbachseb128: and that's the quick fix I wrote02:19
dholbachseb128: I'm sure mvo can fix that more elegantly :-p02:20
MithrandirKeybuk: have you changed splashdown so initscripts no longer read from the correct tty?02:22
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dholbachpressing enter on the "remove disc from try, press enter when you're done" message didn't shut down my box - did anybody else have that issues too?02:23
mdzmvo: did you see Subject: Results: upgrade from Breezy using update-manager02:23
mdz ?02:23
Mithrandirdholbach: yes, I see it on i386 in vmware.02:23
mdzdholbach: shutdown or reboot?02:24
dholbachmdz: shutdown02:24
mdzhmm, haven't tried that02:24
Mithrandirdholbach: does Alt-F7 RET fix it for you?02:24
dholbachMithrandir: on which package should i file a bug?02:24
mdzbut reboot works fine02:24
dholbachMithrandir: lemme try02:24
dholbach*booting up again*02:24
mdzdholbach: does it print the "Will now halt" or no?02:25
dholbachmdz: will test02:25
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mdzjanimo: hi02:26
janimomdz, hi02:26
KeybukMithrandir: I haven't changed splashdown02:26
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mdzjanimo: how is xubuntu looking for the RC?02:26
dholbachmdz: no, doesn't print it02:27
janimomdz, there are a few bugs to be fixed  still02:27
dholbachmdz, Mithrandir: it write it, when I press alt-f7 and then press enter02:27
janimosome fixes I have queued for upload02:27
janimomdz, is it on Thursday or Friday?02:27
MithrandirKeybuk: this used to work; init scripts used to read from the usplash tty.02:27
KeybukMithrandir: then something has broken, no?02:27
MithrandirKeybuk: no shit. :-P02:27
MithrandirKeybuk: since you're the guy twiddling those parts of the system, I figured asking you first would be a useful start.02:28
Keybukinit scripts will read from whatever tty they're run with02:28
KeybukI haven't deliberately twiddled that stuff, to my knowledge02:28
janimopitti, did you say you were ok with evince-gtk after all?02:28
janimoas the lesser evil02:29
mdzjanimo: Thursday02:29
pittijanimo: it's less evil than introducing an entirely new codebase as pdf viewer, yes02:29
janimomdz, when must uploading freeze before Thu?02:30
pittijanimo: ask for promotion in a quick moment when I'm mentally or physically absent and sneak it in :)02:30
KeybukMithrandir: I can't see anything in either sysvinit or usplash's recent changelog that would break it02:30
Keybukthey're all minor changes02:30
janimopitti, yay!02:30
mdzjanimo: nowish02:30
Keybukare you sure this ever worked?02:30
MithrandirKeybuk: yes, I'm quite sure.02:30
mdzjanimo: I sent mail to debian-devel-announce about this last week02:30
dholbachKeybuk: I'm quite sure it used to work.02:30
janimomdz, I saw that mail but also quite some uploads this morning02:31
KeybukMithrandir: has it worked since we've had usplash running to the end of the shutdown sequence?02:31
mdzjanimo: er, ubuntu-devel-announce02:31
pittimdz: are you fine with uploading new langpacks tonight?02:31
dholbach"If you care about Ubuntu uploads."02:31
janimomdz, do all uploads need explicit permission and then are ok?02:31
pittimdz: (after thorough tests, of course)02:31
MithrandirKeybuk: with the reusplash change?  Afaik, yes.02:31
KeybukMithrandir: well, to usplash since then there's just boring artwork changes02:31
Keybukand to sysvinit, only initscripts changes02:31
MithrandirKeybuk: at least, I've seen the "please remove disc and press enter" message in usplash.02:32
mdzjanimo: we are uploading for showstoppers (DapperReleaseRadar) and some trivial and safe fixes02:32
Keybukso I can't see anything that would break it02:32
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mdzpitti: yes; are you going to flush -update as well?02:32
pittimdz: yes, they have always been empty in development release uploads02:33
pittifor the sake of minimizing space requirements on CDs02:33
mdzoh, i didn't realize02:33
dholbachOk, I let the amd64-live-cd-erase-disk-install running, while I go out with the dog and get some lunch02:33
dholbachsee you later02:33
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janimopitti, I have synced xubuntu-system-tools up to g-s-t latest, and cleaned up the diff.gz, all is in debian/patches. This also is a lesser evil than a another gui netconfig app, can this please be promoted while you are not watching?02:35
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pittijanimo: if you are content with the stability and functionality of evince-gtk, well, blimey, go ahead02:36
ogramdz, when was a preview button added to g-s-s ? (i dont have one (and i didnt add the one you found to intrusive))02:37
mdzogra: it displays in a small window02:37
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janimopitti, so I put the MIRs back in the wiki or just ask Scott or Colin to promote?02:37
MithrandirKeybuk: if you choose shutdown from gdm, what is the tty initscripts will read from if you use "read"?02:37
mdzogra: is that hal patch ready for review?02:37
ogramdz, they want fullscreen preview triggered by a button as x-s-s had02:37
KeybukMithrandir: absolutely no idea02:37
mdzogra: that will not happen for dapper02:37
Keybukat a guess, they read from /dev/console02:38
pittijanimo: I'll change them02:38
janimopitti, ok thanks a lot02:38
ogramdz, i seem to be to dumb or cdbs doesnt like me, seems i cant even add one line to the DeviceManager.py and make it apply accordingly ... :/ working on it02:38
Kamionmdz: the patch in 40692 looks reasonable; can I upload that?02:38
Kamionbug 4069202:38
UbugtuMalone bug 40692 in yaboot "No boot with 1.3.13-4.1ubuntu4" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4069202:38
ogramdz, yes, thats how i understood it :)02:38
KeybukMithrandir: otherwise, if I were to make an uninformed guess, they'd read from tty7 because that's the tty that gdm issues the shutdown request from02:39
mdzKamion: yes02:39
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mdzKeybuk: could you help ogra get his patch to apply?02:39
pittijanimo: btw, what would be so wrong about just taking evince for xfce? do the gnome libs impose so much overhead?02:40
Keybukmdz: yes02:40
Keybukogra: mail me the patch and I'll look into it after lunch02:40
janimopitti, not counting startup time (extra 30 libs) there are a few megs of RAM while running02:41
ograKeybuk, i dont even get this one working as zzz_hal_button.patch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1446402:41
janimopitti, plus esd gconf and g-vfs daemons started02:41
janimoplus as seen recenlty while abiword temporarily got gnome deps for a few days >50M on the CD02:42
janimothat means quite a lot of language packs :)02:42
pittiogra: how did you create the patch? relative to lpi.patch?02:42
ograpitti, cdbs-edit-patch zzz_add_hwdb_button.patch02:43
pittiogra: btw, you might find http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/scripts/cdbstpatch useful for editing hal patches (cdbs+tarball.mk)02:43
pittiogra: cdbs-edit-patch doesn't work with tarball.mk02:43
=== ogra looks at the script
pittiyes, it's something I wanted to improve since long ago...02:43
pittiogra: that script is just a thin wrapper around dbs-edit-patch which makes it a little more comfortable02:43
ograuuhh, shudder ...02:43
ograyep, i see it02:44
ograthanks a lot, that will help :)02:44
ograpitti, doesnt work ... 02:46
ograApplying patch desktop-POTFILES.patch ... successful.02:46
ograApplying patch hdm-python2.4.patch ... failed!02:46
Mithrandirwhy don't you just use a revision control system?  There's this quite neat system called bazaar I've heard about..02:47
mdzRiddell: opinions on bug #45004 and bug #43949?02:48
UbugtuMalone bug 45004 in kdebase "konqueror :filebrowser profile only available" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4500402:48
ograMithrandir, doesnt really help me now :)02:48
UbugtuMalone bug 43949 in kdebase "Konqueror View Mode Toolbar Icons" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4394902:48
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Riddellmdz: 45004 looks like a problem with not having kubuntu-default-settings involved, so that's a valid issue02:51
mdzRiddell: these two bugs were referenced in Subject: Konqueror profiles removed, why this? on ubuntu-devel02:51
Riddell43949 is part of SimplifyKDE and can be reverted by removing kubuntu-default-settings02:53
Riddellmdz: I'll read up on and reply to that thread02:53
Riddellmdz: do we need to get approval before uploading packages now?02:53
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mdzRiddell: if it's not on DapperReleaseRadar, yes02:54
mdzRiddell: if you have a hit list for the RC, please share it02:55
ograpitti, any idea ? 02:56
Riddellmdz: new docs upload just about to happen, I'll fix 45004 in kdebase, I want to check the KDE timezone change module to make sure it's working correctly02:57
pittiogra: ah, hdm-python.patch uses -p0, just fix it to use -p102:57
mdzRiddell: docs OK; what's required to fix 45004?02:57
seb128mdz: "Update path in gnome-panel" (for the book item) is done since this morning02:57
mdzRiddell: and what's the issue with the timezone change module?02:58
mdzseb128: thanks, will update the page02:59
Riddellmdz: 45004 add back the file apps/konqueror/profiles/filemanager03:00
mdzRiddell: why was it removed?03:00
janimomdz, FYI https://launchpad.net/people/xubuntu-team/+subscribedbugs   . I marked those I consider important for the release major and are at the top03:00
Riddellmdz: for timezone it was copying a file to /etc/localtime when it should be creating a symlink (I think)03:01
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Riddellmdz: we removed some old profiles from konqueror that KDE's usability people said were unused and unnecessary, by the looks of that bug it seems we removed one or two important ones too03:02
jonowhat is matthew east's nick?03:02
Riddelljono: mdke 03:02
jonomdke: ping!03:02
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jonothanks Riddell03:02
mdzjanimo: do you think you can fix them all today?03:03
janimomdz, may 3 of them03:04
mdzRiddell: /etc/localtime should be a copy, not a symlink03:04
janimounlikely all (although one is not confirmed)03:04
janimomdz, one is fixed locally I was going to wait upstream's opinion, but otherwise it's ready for upload03:05
tepsipakkilocaltime is a symlink on every machine that I've installed..03:06
janimopitti, did you see my question 20 min ago re xubuntu-system-tools and its not being very evil?03:06
mdkejono: I'm busy at work atm, can you email? I'll respond when I can03:06
mdzit's a copy on my laptop and a symlink on my desktop03:06
mdzRiddell: ok to fix03:07
mdzRiddell: (the profile thing)03:07
pittijanimo: oh, I misread it as evince-gtk03:07
mdzRiddell: if it's copying over a symlink and clobbering the destination, that's serious and worth fixing too03:07
RiddellI have a symlink in /etc/localtime, so maybe kde makes a symlink when it should copy03:07
mdzRiddell: <mdz> it's a copy on my laptop and a symlink on my desktop (both Ubuntu)03:08
Kamionthe installer makes it a symlink03:08
jonomdke: sure :)03:08
janimopitti, I gave it the same treatment as latest evince-gtk (based on same orig.tgz as g-s-t and debian/pactches dir, cleaned up diff.gz)03:08
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Riddellmdz: oh, strange03:08
janimopitti, so it is only the rules/control different and one extra patch vs g-s-t03:08
pittijanimo: hrmng03:09
janimopitti, and this is a lesses evil again, a while back I did not pursue MIRing gnetswitch since I found this03:09
janimoas gnetswitch was originally planned as the UI network configurator03:09
Kamionif you make /etc/localtime a copy then you need to be sure that the copy will be refreshed from the correct place when the timezone data in /usr/share is updated03:10
janimobut since it's totally new and less mature than g-s-t...03:10
KamionI don't believe any maintainer script deals with that at the moment03:10
pittijanimo: bah, I really don't like it, but if you need it, so be it03:11
janimopitti, well the users need it mostly, I have DHCP :). Thanks a lot :)03:11
janimogreat, with this xubuntu users will hopefully only need the cmdline for adding a printer.03:12
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janimomdke: hi, re xubuntu-docs upload. You said the translations are in rosetta, and I need to make a new upload of the package right?03:20
mdzKamion: one difference between my laptop and my desktop is that I have on several occasions used g-s-t to set the time zone on my laptop03:20
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Kamionmdz: sounds like that would do it03:26
mdzRiddell: the current kubuntu live ISOs seem to be oversized03:26
Riddellmdz: I've changed the seeds, I'll ask for a rebuild once new docs are in03:26
ogrameh, edubuntu live i386 exploded as well with yesterdays build ... :(03:28
ogramdz, hal uploaded03:29
mdzRiddell: i was just testing ubiquity under kubuntu, and while the installation progress bar is running, I get a dialog "A new medium has been detected" about the filesystem it just created03:29
mdzRiddell: known bug?03:30
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Riddellmdz: not known, I've not had any reports of that, I did see if myself once a number of weeks ago but never since then03:30
mdzRiddell: this is under vmware03:30
Riddellit wouldn't be hard to turn off kded mediamanager to be on the safe side03:31
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mdzogra: thanks03:34
Keybukogra: your patch applies now?03:34
ograKeybuk, yes, apparently tarball.mk doesnt work at all with cdbs-edit-patch, pitti has a special script for such packages03:35
Keybukindeed it doesn't03:35
KamionRiddell: it's known, you left a comment about it :P03:35
Keybukit's on my list of "reasons I hate cdbs"03:35
KamionI see it all the time03:35
KeybukI think it's number 18,29403:35
seb128it's on my list of why I don't like tarball.mk :p03:36
ograwith the script its fine (as long as all prevoius patches apply :) )03:36
Keybukoops, sorry, 181,29403:36
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BenCKamion: ping03:44
BenCmdz: ping03:44
KamionBenC: hi03:44
BenCKamion: when are you planning a d-i upload?03:44
mdzBenC: hi03:45
mdzsfllaw: awake?03:45
BenCmdz: hey, any word from Mark about his ipw3945 problem?03:45
KamionBenC: later today, for sparc; why?03:45
mdzBenC: last I heard it magically started working again03:45
BenCmdz: good, and weird...hopefully it was just a fluke :)03:45
mdzMithrandir: I have just seen the problem with the casper eject prompt on a Kubuntu i386 CD03:46
Mithrandirmdz: yeah, I'm just not sure what the cause is.03:46
BenCKamion: I have a new kernel upload that affects sparc (enables sound and framebuffer i2c)...it's not required for install, but does d-i affect livecd?03:46
Mithrandirmdz: that is, when it changed.03:47
mdzRiddell: have you ever seen this happen?  casper displays the prompt via usplash to press enter, but doesn't respond when you do03:47
mvomdz: can I please upload a new notification-daemon? it fixes the ugly bubbles for bottom panels (bug #45632), a explaination is in my last bug comment, the debdiff is linked there too03:47
UbugtuMalone bug 45632 in notification-daemon "Short names in notification area render incorrectly" [Minor,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4563203:47
mdzMithrandir: this never happens to me on ubuntu/i38603:47
KamionBenC: no, but it should be in sync with the newest kernel03:47
BenCKamion: here...03:47
BenC  * powerpc64: Enable HUGETLB03:47
BenC  * x86,amd64: Build-in rtc and genrtc on all but the 386 kernel.03:47
BenC  * sparc: Enable CONFIG_FB_RADEON_I2C and CONFIG_SND_ALI5451.03:47
Mithrandirmdz: I've reproduced it with ubuntu/i386 in vmware.03:47
BenCthat's the new kernel changelog03:47
mdzmvo: ok03:47
mvomdz: thanks03:47
KamionBenC: rtc> have you removed the rtc-modules udeb?03:48
BenCthe rtc is the only thing that really affects d-i, but mainly because the rtc module udeb disappears03:48
mdzMithrandir: seems to be reading from vt7 for some reason03:48
Kamion(it was in universe anyway)03:48
mdzMithrandir: is there a bug report open about this yet?03:48
KamionBenC: I don't think we use rtc any more in d-i anyway; that's why the udeb was in universe03:48
Mithrandirmdz: not that I know of, no.03:49
Luremdz: I can confirm casper problem with yesterday's Kubuntu Live CD03:49
Luremdz: it happens only after ubiquity install, but works if I just used live CD03:49
Mithrandirmdz: and since this used to just work without me having done anything, I haven't tested it properly.  Grr.03:49
dholbachmdz: are you fine with  http://daniel.holba.ch/ubuntu/launchpad-integration.debdiff ?03:49
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KamionLure: what casper problem?03:50
Riddellmdz: yes, I've seen that happen03:50
mdzKamion: the one Mithrandir and I are discussing, I hope03:50
BenCI hate my power company :/03:50
BenCmy power flicks off for all of a second atleast once a day03:50
LureKamion: ENTER after eject CD does not work after ubiquity Kubuntu istall03:51
BenCKamion: when would be the best time to do this upload?03:51
Kamionubiquity/kubuntu just does shutdown; it doesn't exit the session cleanly03:51
MithrandirBenC: UPS?03:51
Luremdz: there was a bug opened, but I though it was closed - will try to find...03:51
BenCI have one more one-liner patch that fabbione is doing/testing for PPC radeon crashes03:51
Keybukso, I'm trying to work out how ENTER would even get to the init script03:51
KamionRiddell tried to fix that a while back but it was more complex than expected03:51
mdzMithrandir: I wonder if it's related to the gnome-session/g-p-m business03:51
Kamionshutdown> well, os.reboot03:51
KamionBenC: ASAP03:51
BenCMithrandir: I don't have a UPS on the satellite modem :/03:52
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fabbioneBenC: booting now03:52
mdzKeybuk: read(2)03:52
BenCKamion: as soon as I get the patch, it's uploaded03:52
MithrandirKeybuk: apparently, something is now switching VTs.  Something used not to.03:52
Keybukmdz: yes, but why would read from an init script read from tty8? :)03:52
BenCfabbione: sweet, thanks03:52
Riddelldcop doesn't like being called from an app being run as another user :(03:52
Kamionbecause it'll be 7 hours from source accept before all the builds are finished03:52
Riddellactually that would block turning off mediamanager too03:52
mdzKamion: I got a usplash shutdown after a ubiquity kubuntu install with the current daily03:52
KamionRiddell: I'm pretty sure we just need to drop ids in a sane way, but we'll try it out early edgy03:52
mdzKeybuk: it's reading from /dev/console I believe03:53
Keybukmdz: right03:53
KeybukI'm wondering whether this has something to do with usplash getting killed and restarted by killall503:53
Kamionmdz: all I know is that it does subprocess.call(["reboot"] )03:53
mdzMithrandir: I think it's http://launchpad.net/bugs/3518203:53
UbugtuMalone bug 35182 in gnome-power-manager "Shutdown from g-p-m doesn't use uspash" [Minor,Fix committed]  03:53
mdzMithrandir: or rather, a related bug03:53
mdzso it might be fixed with new gnome-session03:53
jonocan someone take a screenshot of the logout window for me - I did have VMWare on here to take a shot of it, but I don't have it any longer03:54
mdzwhich should be published any day onw03:54
KamionRiddell: (you tried it with su or kdesu or something; os.setregid()/os.setreuid() would be better - see how gtkui calls gnome-screensaver-command)03:54
Mithrandirmdz: well, I'm doing this from gdm, not gpm, though.03:54
Luremdz: bug 4135203:55
UbugtuMalone bug 41352 in casper "LiveCD: Asks to press enter but doesn't react" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4135203:55
Luremdz: last comment might give some hint03:55
Luremdz: also bug 4293803:56
UbugtuMalone bug 42938 in casper "kubuntu live won't restart if ENTER pressed before door shut" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4293803:56
Mithrandirwhat's responsible for restarting usplash?03:57
KeybukMithrandir: /etc/init.d/sendsigs03:57
KeybukI'm wondering whether it needs a "-c" on that usplash call03:57
Keybukoh, no, it does already03:57
mdzMithrandir: what was the issue in 42938?03:57
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Mithrandirmdz: unsure.  I think I closed it as a duplicate of 4135203:58
MithrandirKeybuk: I'll try removing that -c and see if it helps.  I think that might fix it.03:58
=== ogra still pokes around to find what added 4MB to edubuntu live while he was away
KeybukMithrandir: why would that fix it?03:59
ogradholbach, do you have any idea what size the additions to your ubuntu-docs upload were ?03:59
Keybukwithout that, usplash would just draw over whatever is the active tty, no?03:59
Lureogra: Riddell is also wondering that for Kubuntu... ;-)04:00
dholbachogra: hum, I looked it up yesterday, it was only translations - I can't tell how much it was04:00
ograseems it was fine until saturday04:00
MithrandirKeybuk: yes, and which tty does the init script read from?04:00
mdzRiddell: is there a Kubuntu version of Testing/Short?04:00
ogradholbach, the translations are in the langpacks, no ?04:00
dholbachogra: downloading both versions from launchpad and doing a debdiff is what i'd do to test04:00
mdzMithrandir: what was the cause of 41352, then?04:00
dholbachogra: you better ask mdke04:00
KeybukMithrandir: it doesn't read from any tty, it reads from /dev/console04:00
jsgotangcolooks like its mostly translations04:01
Riddellmdz: there isn't, I should make one04:01
jsgotangcothe current docs don't hvae that much images 04:01
BenCmdz,Kamion: Ok, fabbione tested the one-liner for ppc/radeon and it fixes his crash04:01
fabbioneconfirmed that the fix works04:01
BenCI need this kernel in dapper, and it's non-abi bump and trivial04:01
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BenCKamion: btw, the rtc changes only affected i386/amd64, so if rtc is used somehow in d-i, it's only needed on those arch's04:03
seb128ogra: maybe example-contents dholbach uploaded?04:03
KamionBenC: yeah, as far as I know it isn't anyway, it was the old backhacked-from-base-config hwclock code that we've ditched now04:04
ograseb128, nope, thats not in edubuntu04:04
dholbachhrm, why doesn't the booting from DVD work for me ... hrm04:04
ograbut thanks for the heads up04:04
ograit must be a change that happened on saturday04:04
jonoanyone know what the ubuntu logout box program is called, and can I bring it up without selecting Log Out from the menu? I need to take a screenshot of it04:04
ograand that apparently also affects kubuntu04:05
mdzBenC: bug#?04:05
BenCmdz: The radeon problem was noticed by fabbione, no bug04:05
=== Keybuk wonders how /dev/console maps to ttys
BenCairlied provided the suggested fix04:06
mdzBenC: where did the 'need' come from?  a new kernel would delay this evening's candidate until tomorrow04:06
KinnisonKeybuk: maps to the foreground tty inside the kernel doesn't it?04:06
fabbionemdz: i noticed yesterday evening. It crashes badly on PB04:06
KeybukKinnison: in other words, it shouldn't matter a buggery what tty is actually selected04:07
fabbionemdz: i didn't open a bug.. just retested with today's images, debugged and got a fix for it04:07
BenCmdz: the need is that it crashes on his computer consistently04:07
Kinnisonkeybuk: probably not, no04:07
marcin_hi guys - where can I find changelogs for packages in dapper?04:07
marcin_(I mean - website - I know that there are changelogs in packages - but there is some list or something - I just forgot url)04:08
fabbione-       {0x1002, 0x4E50, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, CHIP_RV350|CHIP_IS_MOBILITY}, \04:08
fabbione+       {0x1002, 0x4E50, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, CHIP_RV350|CHIP_IS_MOBILITY|CHIP_NEW_MEMMAP}, \04:08
fabbionethis is the diff04:08
fabbioneit adds a flag for my card to use DRI/DRM in the correct way04:08
mjg59fabbione: It probably needs doing for all the RV350s based on what Dave was saying04:08
fabbionemjg59: yes, but he was looking into it04:08
fabbionein the meanwhile i change and fix what i can test and confirm04:09
mvoI guess fixes like http://librarian.launchpad.net/2388364/fix_changelog.patch for bug 41767 are not important enough now for a new aptitude upload?04:11
UbugtuMalone bug 41767 in aptitude "aptitude changelog <package without candidates> segfaults." [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4176704:11
neuralisKeybuk: do you still use a dualhead setup with your nc4020? have you used it in non-clone (actual dualhead) mode with dapper?04:12
Keybukneuralis: not in a while04:12
Keybukneuralis: but afaik it still works04:13
neuralisKeybuk: it does, but all video playback is broken on the external flatpanel -- cpu usage shoots to 100%, no video shown. i've been trying to chase it down for a week, still can't put my finger on it, and don't know if it's just my setup.04:13
fabbioneneuralis: is that ati?04:15
Keybukfabbione: aye04:15
mdzmvo: correct04:15
neuralisfabbione: intel 915gm04:15
neuralisfabbione: (i'm using the direct successor of keybuk's laptop, the nc4200)04:16
mdzmvo: if you are bored, run through Testing/Long ;-)04:16
fabbioneso it's not ati04:16
fabbioneneuralis: i would complain to sladen.. he knows i810 better than i do04:16
neuralisfabbione: will do, thanks.04:17
neuralissladen: ---^  when you get a chance.04:17
fabbioneneuralis: check also LP.. the i810 driver is not exactly in the top 10 for being good04:17
mvomdz: I'm not yet bored ;) I going over my bugmail right now, but testing is next once I catched up04:17
neuralisfabbione: right, though it's a regression; worked fine since either hoary or warty04:18
fabbioneneuralis: eh.. i know :/04:18
neuralisfabbione: LP didn't turn up anything related when i looked a few days ago04:18
fabbioneneuralis: xorg 7.0 has tons of regressions compared to 6.8.204:18
neuralisyeah, so i've found out when trying to figure this out04:18
fabbionethis "let's go modular" had a price04:18
fabbioneand we will pay it for a while04:19
neuralisa bunch of the regressions actually do appear to be in dualhead, though no one mentions my specific issue04:19
fabbioneneuralis: bug 4273104:19
UbugtuMalone bug 42731 in xorg "MULTIHEAD SUPPORT META BUG" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4273104:19
fabbioneand yes.. i know.. i also suffer from one of them04:19
neuralisit's not a huge deal, dualhead still works for everything except non-video playback here, but it means i have to reboot to xp to play a dvd :/04:20
fabbioneneuralis: no, you can just go for -vo x1104:20
fabbioneit's only xv that's affected afaik04:20
fabbioneit sucks some CPU but i think the machine can cope with that for you04:21
neuralisreeeally. let me take a look.04:21
fabbioneatleast afaik04:21
BenCmdz,Kamion: kernel is ready to upload04:21
mdzfabbione: when did it regress?04:21
fabbionemdz: between -22- and -23- i think04:22
mjg59The DRM update fixed various /other/ regressions04:22
fabbioneWTF is wrong with sparc today04:22
fabbionei can't get a clean install without something going horribly wrong04:22
BenCmdz: it was the result of fixing another bug basically...radeon had a bad hack for ppc that broke a lot of i386 hw04:22
BenCand the drm update removed all that, in the hopes that it wasn't needed anymore04:23
mdzBenC: no other changes in the upload, and no l-r-m update needed?04:23
BenCbut yeah, updated DRM fixed a crap load more than this one thing04:23
mdzgo ahead04:23
BenCit's just a straight kernel update04:23
fabbionemdz: the real bug is in the interaction between radeonfb and dri. way more complex to fix04:23
mdkejanimo: no, the translations are in the docteam repo. See my email04:23
mdzI'll be here all night anyway, I expect04:23
fabbioneand now silo-installer is going downhill04:24
mdkejanimo: it's all in xml, like the english04:24
fabbioneit didn't change in ages and it was working last week04:24
mdzmdke: did you get in touch with jono regarding the book chapters?04:24
mvois it known that when I click on "set time" in the current espresso the time-admin window opens behind espresso=04:24
MithrandirKeybuk: hmm, -c doesn't change anything either way.  So, something is changing tty, but I'm not sure what.04:25
=== BenC lets the new kernel fly
KeybukMithrandir: I still don't see what effect changing the tty would have04:25
mdzmvo: I've seen that04:25
KeybukMithrandir: /dev/console is always the active tty04:25
=== spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KeybukMithrandir: and the stdin of an initscript is /dev/console04:25
tritiumseb128: I don't know if it's possible at this point for you to pull in any evolution patches from 2.7.x, but evoQA tells me the exchange calendaring issues are fixed04:25
neuralisfabbione: yeah, it does appear to work, though 1.8 ghz can't keep up with fullscreen video playback :)04:25
MithrandirKeybuk: apparently not?04:26
fabbioneneuralis: it should----04:26
mdzKeybuk: switching to vt7 seems to fix it somehow04:26
fabbioneit works04:26
seb128tritium: "the exchange calendaring issues" ... all of the bugs existing are fixed?04:26
seb128tritium: or do you speak about some particular bug?04:26
BenCBTW, everyone, 2.6.17 for edgy will be uploaded as soon as edhy opens up04:26
tritiumseb128: not all, I would presume, but the ones I pointed out..04:26
=== BenC has it building everywhere right now
seb128tritium: I backported a collection of patches from CVS some days ago, is that not good enough?04:27
BenC*edgy opens04:27
seb128tritium: which ones did you point?04:27
tritiumseb128: such as, bug #4000504:27
mdkemdz, he pinged me just now, and I asked him to email me04:27
UbugtuMalone bug 40005 in evolution-data-server "No alarms or appointment list for Exchange calendar" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4000504:27
tritiumseb128: they did not fix the issues, no.04:27
Keybukactually, does /dev/console map to the current tty?04:27
seb128tritium: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=338909 is still open04:27
UbugtuGnome bug 338909 in Connector "No alarms or appointment list for Exchange calendar" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  04:27
tritiumseb128: yes, I do see that.  This is what evoQA tells me, though.04:29
seb128tritium: who do you call "evoQA"? and ask them to point the CVS changelog entries for it04:29
MithrandirKeybuk: apparently, /dev/console != stdin, since adding < /dev/console to the read call works around the problem04:29
seb128tritium: there is no way to backport a non-existant patch04:29
KeybukMithrandir: that's kinda kooky then04:30
tritiumseb128: ok, let me look into it some more04:30
Keybuk                        if ((f = console_open(O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY)) < 0) {04:30
MithrandirKeybuk: I can always just work around it for now, but we should fix this properly for eft.04:30
Keybuk                                initlog(L_VB, "open(%s): %s", console_dev,04:30
Keybuk                                        strerror(errno));04:30
Keybuk                                f = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);04:30
Keybuk                        }04:30
Keybuk                        dup(f);04:30
Keybuk                        dup(f);04:30
Keybukis how init runs /etc/init.d/rc04:30
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jonocan someone send me the wallpaper without the ubuntu dapper text on it?04:33
jonoI need to re-screenshot04:33
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Kagousmurf, around ?04:33
Mithrandirmdz: so, apparently I can work around the casper-reads-from-wrong-tty problem by giving it /dev/console as input.  This is not the "correct" fix, but it works for me.04:34
mdzMithrandir: perhaps arrange for the shells on tty2-6 to remain open for debugging?04:34
mdzMithrandir: ok, sounds reasonable04:34
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzI was about to try to hunt around and see what it actually has as stdin04:34
bddebianHowdy folks04:35
KeybukMithrandir: I'm wondering whether casper somehow changes the console04:35
bddebianKeybuk: Thanks for all the syncs, etc!!04:36
MithrandirKeybuk: it cats a bunch of files to /dev/null and calls eject + usplash_write, so I doubt it.04:36
KeybukMithrandir: I mean right at the start, before init is even called04:36
MithrandirKeybuk: oh, the exec stuff you mean?04:36
mdzKeybuk: this doesn't happen consistently; seems like some sort of race04:36
MithrandirKeybuk: that's reversed after it has mounted root and run the scripts.04:37
Keybukjust seems odd that "< /dev/console" fixes it04:37
Keybukthat implies that something has left stdin as something else04:37
mdzRiddell: the .xcf file in example-content gets opened with Krita, but Krita can't display it04:38
MithrandirKeybuk: anyway, init is called by run-init with exec run-init ${rootmnt} ${init} "$@" <${rootmnt}/dev/console >${rootmnt}/dev/console04:38
Mithrandirso what casper has or hasn't done is irrelevant.04:38
KeybukMithrandir: init closes whatever it's given as stdin and stdout anyway04:38
janimofabbione: radeon id 0x1002, 0x3150, which is RV380 does work fine without the NEW_MEMMAP flag. Mentioning to make sure it is not accidentally changed as well in the last minute04:41
Riddellmdz: kwwii looked at that but couldn't find a way to make krita like the .xcf, krita's .xcf import isn't perfect04:42
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Release preparation in progress: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar
mdzRiddell: oddly, the preview looks fine04:42
mdzin konqueror04:42
janimopitti, did you approve x-s-t? So I know when I asked for it to be promoted as I'll need to upload a new xubuntu-desktop .  thanks04:43
Mithrandirmdz: ok with uploading that fix for casper, then?04:44
pittijanimo: not yet in the wiki queue, but go ahead04:44
janimopitti, ok thanks04:44
janimoKeybuk: can you please promote evince-gtk and xubuntu-system-tools to main?04:44
mdzRiddell: on the current kubuntu daily-live, I get the "Unsupported Platform" message from the network configuration tool - I assume this will be fixed by the new base-files which changes DISTRIB_RELEASE back to 6.06?04:45
mdzMithrandir: yes04:45
mdzMithrandir: but let's do a build without waiting for it; I'd like to test the current round of fixes which were just published04:45
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-41-172.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirmdz: sure.04:45
Keybukjanimo: done04:46
ograoh, if you kick off a live build, please do edubuntu as well (hoping the savings in hwdb-client and u-m fix the size)04:46
janimoKeybuk: thanks04:46
Keybukpitti: mozilla-thunderbird-locale-* should be picked up by germinate automatically, yes?04:46
pittiKeybuk: I hope not04:46
Riddellmdz: changing DISTRIB_RELEASE will break that, so that should be fixed with the revert04:47
Keybukpitti: shall I demote them all to universe then? <g>04:47
pittiKeybuk: the packages I added this morning should be in universe04:47
pittiKeybuk: only the ones that were in main before should stay in main04:47
Keybukpitti: ah, helps if you mention that04:47
ograit eats a lot of unecessary space on edubuntu04:47
=== Keybuk moves them to universe
pittiKeybuk: the new packages from this mornign are transitional packages for universe only04:47
pittiKeybuk: sorry, and thanks04:47
=== Keybuk put them in main with the rest
Keybukeasily fixed *click*04:47
mdzRiddell: confirmed by upgrading it, thanks04:48
Keybukc0r, anastacia is going to be japanese at the next publisher run04:48
KinnisonKeybuk: pardon?04:49
mdzRiddell: please add status comments at the left, like "[done]  something to do" as the existing items are, this makes it easier to scan04:49
mdzRiddell: (on DapperReleaseRadar)04:49
jonomdke, mdz: just sent the HTML chapters now04:49
mdzjono: where?04:49
KeybukKinnison: empty04:49
=== ploum [n=ploum@ubuntu/member/ploum] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jonomdz: emailed04:50
jonomdz: to you and mdke04:50
mdzdholbach: ready for an example-content update?04:50
dholbachmdz: sure04:50
jonodamn, it bounced back, let me stick it online04:50
jonomdke, mdz: http://jonobacon.org/files/ubuntubook-ch3-html.tar.gz and http://jonobacon.org/files/ubuntubook-ch6-html.tar.gz04:52
mdzdholbach: ^^^04:52
dholbachmdz: ok04:52
mdzjono: nice uplink04:52
jonoa few notes:04:52
jonoI converted these in NVU for speed. As such, the HTML is not all that great, but I simply did not have enough time to hand hack it.04:53
jonoEach of the images is relative the current directory of the main HTML file.04:53
mdzdholbach: you can leave out *~ from the final package ;-)04:53
jonoThere is no Ubuntu stylesheet attached to the files, but I have04:53
jonoused consistant H1, H2, H3 and H4 headings and standard HTML elements.04:53
jonoAs such, I am sure Matthew can apply a consistant HTML stylesheet to04:53
=== jono kicks on some AC/DC...
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Riddelljono: are we getting the kubuntu chapter?04:54
jonoRiddell: I think Jonathan Jesse is onto that one04:54
Riddelljjesse ^^ ?04:55
jonoRiddell: last I heard he was getting the HTML sorted today04:55
jonothe news that the chapters needed to be converted to HTML came as something of a surprise to jjesse very recently :P04:55
mdkei get to do the css for this?04:55
=== mdke isn't sure he is going to have time
mdzjono: he thought someone else was doing it? or that we would ship plaintext?04:57
jonomdke: is there not a standard Ubuntu stylesheet you can just drop in ?04:57
jonomdz: I was told to convert it to HTML04:57
ogramdke, do the translations for ubuntu-docs get split out into langpacks ? i have major probs on edubuntu (where we have only *bytes* free)04:57
Riddellogra: they don't04:57
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mdkeogra: no, they are in ubuntu-docs. But there wasn't anything new on saturday from us04:58
ograthe package grew by 300k 04:58
mdkeonly today, but it wouldn't have been as much as 4 MB04:58
jonomdz: I can knock up a stylesheet if you like04:58
ogra(on sat.)04:58
jonomdz: I didnt create one as I though that one may have existed already04:58
mdzmdke: is there an existing one we can use verbatim?  or give to jono to tweak?04:58
jonooops, I meant that for mdke04:58
mdzjono: perhaps the one from the website would work?04:59
mdkemdz: yeah, looking at it it won't be too hard. I can probably do it04:59
jonoits full of standard headings, so should be OK04:59
mdzjono: there is a /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/ubuntu.css04:59
mdke(this evening)04:59
Kamionmdz: oops; can I upload installation-guide to change 6.04 to 6.06 or 6.06 LTS or something slightly more accurate? :)04:59
mdzKamion: yes04:59
jonomdke: just keep an eye onthe H4 headings for the notes, they are indented a little04:59
Kamion6.06 LTS should be fine everywhere in fact05:00
mdkejono: the html will need some slight tweaks. If you want to do it yourself, you'd save me a lot of time. You can use the stuff in /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home05:00
iwjFFS, this .co.uk cookie security problem has been known upstream since _at least 2004_.05:00
ograiwj, yes, thats an old one05:01
ograwasnt that fixed ages ago ? 05:01
iwjNo, it seems not !05:01
jonomdke: what kind of tweaks? do you just want me to use ubuntu.css ?05:01
ograi thought the mozilla guys offered a fix back then05:02
mdziwj: what are you working on at the moment?05:02
Kamionmdke: when installation-guide 20060102ubuntu6 is available (just uploaded), could you update doc.ubuntu.com to that?05:03
iwjmdz: I've got a list of 5 unpleasant firefox bugs I'm trying to either nail or decide to ignore.05:03
mdziwj: if you could review 'Georgian Font/Language Support Issue/ttf-freefont and "D" letter confusion' and see if there's a low-risk fix, that'd be appreciated05:03
iwjI think I'm going to have to punt on the cookie one.  No sane patch upstream and anyway it feels like fragility to me.05:03
mdkejono, yes, and add the three divs that you see at the top of index.html05:03
mdke(masthead, mastwrap, content)05:04
jonomdke: ok05:04
mdkeKamion: yes, i'll try05:04
mdziwj: my gut feeling is that what they really need is for these fonts to be added to ubuntu-desktop, but it's too late for that05:05
mdzthey can have whatever font preferences they want via language-support-ka though05:05
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iwjmdz: You mean Malone 45898 ?05:06
UbugtuMalone bug 45898 in ttf-freefont "2 Georgian letters are confused. You can Notice that from the screenshot." [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4589805:06
mdziwj: that sounds like the same issue, but I was referring to the ubuntu-devel thread05:07
ograKamion, is ship-live really needed ? seems thats the issue for edubuntu live05:07
Kamionogra: did you not see my comment about that to you some days ago?05:09
iwjmdz: Err.  I don't seem to have that thread here but my feed of ubuntu-devel seems up to date.05:09
ograhere ? 05:09
=== fabbione takes a break
Kamion11:42 Kamion          ogra: I'm just guessing, but I suspect you might want to05:10
Kamion                      drop some bits of ship-live on non-powerpc ;-)05:10
Kamion                      ogra: your merges from Ubuntu seeds look weird, btw -05:10
Kamion11:44 Kamion          they never seem to actually show the merged revisions in05:10
Kamion                      'bzr log', unlike merges done by other people05:10
=== iwj investigates mail.
Kamion                      ogra: anyway, I wouldn't have merged ship-live yet except05:10
Kamion11:45 Kamion          that I needed to merge seeds for the kernel ABI change,05:10
Kamion                      so sorry if that overflows stuff for you05:10
Kamion(sorry about the horrible formatting, I'm pasting from the HTML IRC logs)05:10
ograthanks !!05:10
ograi guess the same goes for Riddell then05:10
Kamionogra: ship-live is there so that people installing on systems where the installer can't manage network access can have a chance of later setting it up05:11
jonomdke: ok, moved them over to the CSS - do you want me to mail you them?05:11
Kamionogra: I can see that it might perhaps not be appropriate for Edubuntu, but I do not think the same goes for Kubuntu05:11
ograyep, i understand that05:11
KamionKubuntu is a mass-market system; Edubuntu is not05:11
Kamionand many of the things in ship-live are popular in areas where Kubuntu is also popular05:11
Kamion(e.g. ISDN)05:11
ograbut Riddell was searching for the cause of his oversizedness as well :)05:12
iwjHmm, my last mail from ubuntu-devel-bounces was at 2006-05-22 14:57:38 BST, a bit over an hour ago.05:12
iwjBut I'm getting other mail from esperanza.05:12
ograthats my prob, i dont want do drop stuff like isdn ... i think i'll hope for the hwdb-client and update-manager pngcrush fixes to hit the archive and hope that gains us enough in size05:13
iwjmdz: Doesn't seem to be at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-May/thread.html.05:13
mdkejono: well i'm not really in charge of this, but if you want me to check it, I can do so05:13
Riddelllooking at germinate ship-live is < 3MB, kubuntu CDs have jumped more than 10MB since yesterday05:13
jonoahhh ok05:13
jonois dholbach looking after them ?05:13
ograwow, i only have ~4M to sort it seems05:13
mdkejono, i guess so05:13
mdkeI've never been involved in the book05:14
mdkeexcept for the reviewing bit05:14
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mdkedholbach: the book is going in example-content, right?05:14
dholbachmdke: yes05:15
jonook, files sent05:15
jonolet me know if anything needs poking with a stick :)05:16
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-devel
iwjinfinity: mdz has just asked me to look at what appears to be 45898.  Are you happy for me to reassign it to me ?  (I know nothing about Georgian but if I can manage to see the ubuntu-devel thread about it I can probably sort it out.)05:17
mdkejono, you need to include the css file with the html, the absolute path won't work when the package that provides that path isn't installed05:18
mdkeeither that, or example-content will have to depend on ubuntu-docs05:18
jonomdke: ahhh I see, dholbach, are you ok adjusting the stylesheet path or do you want me to resend?05:19
mdziwj: looks like it was probably held for moderation; I've forwarded it to you05:19
dholbachjono: I can do that05:20
jonodholbach: thanks05:20
=== jono is quite chuffed that he has something in Dapper :)
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iwjmdz: Oh, right, thanks.05:21
mdzjono: received, thanks05:22
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iwjI'm afraid I don't know how the localisation machinery deals with font preferences.  But if the fonts our Georgian is recommending aren't in ubuntu-desktop then at the very least we should fix the wrong letter !05:25
iwjmdz: ^05:25
=== carlospc [n=carlospc@36.Red-217-125-73.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdziwj: if you can do that, great05:25
mdzKamion: speaking of the installation guide, its information about disk space requirements was wrong the last time I looked05:26
iwjmdz: I'll look into it.05:26
mdzogra: you sent your followups to -devel-announce when they should have gone to -devel05:27
mdkejono, just skimming through the chapters, i see you've used links to the wiki for extra information, rather than to the official docs :-(05:27
mdkejono: what's the reason for that?05:27
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jonowhat official docs?05:27
ogramdz, ctrl-l in evo should use the reply-to ... i resent it manually already and cancelled the post to u-d-a05:27
jonois the information from the wiki available elsewhere?05:28
jonoI didnt think it was05:28
iwjmdz: BTW, I'm going to pull out that directory unifier.  I think the cure is worse than the disease.05:28
mdkejono: for example for DVDs, http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html#dvdplayback05:28
Kamionmdz: if you can point me to the places that are wrong, they'll be easy to fix05:28
Kamionit talks about disk requirements in a few places05:28
Keybukogra: Ctrl-L is explicitly "Reply to List, ignoring From/Sender/Reply-To/etc." :)05:28
iwjmdz: In particular, I hadn't realised that packages existed which would make things fail to install later if the directories were unified.05:28
ograKeybuk, meh ... :)05:29
=== ogra just thought he found a last minute evo bug :P
iwjJOOI, any PPC users here who happen to be reading: does your firefox generally start ?  I'm assuming `yes' because you're not screaming at me to fix it.05:30
mdzKamion: http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/dists/breezy/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual/en/ch02s05.html05:31
Kamionmdz: ok, will fix that one05:31
KamionI'd missed it because the figures are hidden in an entity05:31
mdziwj: what will the fix look like?05:31
Kamionmdz: the memory requirement is correct for d-i so I'll leave that alone05:32
ograiwj, since when should that be broken ? 1.5.dfsg+  runs fine here (but most of my system is one or two weeks outdated)05:33
mdzKamion: it's sort of misleading since it's quite insufficient for the default install05:33
iwjmdz: The Georgian fix ?  A new font package, ttf-freefont AFAICT.05:33
ssamiwj, firefox is working for me on powerpc05:33
mdziwj: I mean firefox05:33
mdziwj: I'm happy for the wrong glyphs in freefont to be corrected05:33
iwjmdz: The `fix' will be just to let the plugin directory confusion continue.05:33
iwjAs in, to remove completely the new code which attempts to make /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox a link to /usr/lib/firefox.05:34
Kamionmdz: I guess; I'll figure something out05:34
mdziwj: ok, and not attempt to clean up after it? good05:34
iwjAnd not to add anything which attempts to un-unify them either.05:34
iwjRight.  I want to make it less complex and fragile at this stage.05:34
mdziwj: so long as the flash and java packages in the archive work05:34
iwjmdz: I'll check that, but they'll definitely work for upgrades from Breezy.  People like you who had the unifier run from late dapper might still have trouble.05:35
mdziwj: they need to work for fresh installs as well, of course05:35
iwjmdz: Indeed.05:36
iwjThat at least is trivial :-).05:36
=== ogra hugs Kamion
iwjmdz: Really, I'm just going to put it back the way it was before I tried to fix it, which has been quite well tested and the consequences are I think understood (some obscure plugins don't work right).05:36
iwjOh dear, this debug build is _still_ compiling.05:37
=== iwj goes to investigate fonts instead.
mvoKamion: do you want a patch for 46008? or is the textual description I added enough?05:38
mvobug  4600805:38
UbugtuMalone bug 46008 in ubiquity "clicking on "Set Time..." opens time-admin window behind ubiquity window" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4600805:38
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dholbachmdz: ubuntu-artwork is up (just now) - I update the RADAR05:40
mdzdholbach: thanks05:40
Kamionmvo: I didn't think it was necessary to fix it for dapper05:40
Kamionmvo: do you?05:41
mdzmdke: I don't know what the licensing issues are for the book content, but if you and jono can agree on something we should be able to accept an update for corrections05:41
Kamionit seems irritating but not fatal05:41
mvoKamion: it depends, the patch should be fairly trivial (one line), so if a new upload is done anyway it might be good to include it. but if not, we should probably just leave it05:41
henomdz: high visibility, sticky keys and screenreader works. the onscreen keyboard fails completely and the magnifier must be loaded manually to work on the live CD 05:41
henoeverything works on my installed system05:42
Kamionmvo: I'm hoping the upload I made earlier today is final, but if not, I think your textual description should be adequate, thanks05:42
mvoKamion: ok, thanks05:42
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jonomdz: you would need to speak to Debra about the licensing - she has dealt with it all - it is open an open content license though05:42
henoas of Thursday's daily live CD05:43
mdkemdz: it's not so much that, I submitted these ideas via my feedback questionnaire. I can only assume they were rejected05:44
mdzheno: ready for RC, then?  (i.e., nothing we can fix trivially and safely?)05:44
mdzmdke: ah05:44
Kamiondholbach: how was /rofs showing up in file names in lpi?05:45
mdznot much I can do about that, then05:45
mdzKamion: via /proc/*/exe05:45
mdzunionfs bogosity05:45
mdkemdz: quite05:45
pittimdz: is archive freeze imminent? seb128 and I are working on a glib and bonobo bug fix ATM05:45
mdzpitti: details?05:45
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pittimdz: the panel addons crash for non-UTF-8 locales05:45
pittimdz: and menu strings from gnome-panel itself are messed up in non-UTF-8 locales05:46
mdzraphink: please read the top of DapperReleaseRadar05:46
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jonomdke: I dont think your comments were rejected, just overlooked probably05:47
ograheno, while we're at it, nobody answered my question on the a11y list if it was supposed to work in edubuntu05:47
henomdz: The GOK failure has been in Malone for some time. I have no idea why it works on the desktop and not on the Live CD. I email Mithrandir suggesting we remove that option from the Live CD boot05:47
raphinkmdz: Riddell asked me to edit it to remove the entry for the bug I just uploaded a fix for05:47
ogra(i dont even have an idea what to do to test it)05:47
jonomdke: its been a pretty schedule for the book so some things got overlooked due to time constraints05:47
henobesides GOK is not great ...05:47
jonopretty tight schedule, that is05:48
raphinkmdz: I thought that was meant as a permission05:48
mdzraphink: oh, apologies; it looked like you were adding, not removing05:48
henoogra: do you use the same casper settings as ubuntu?05:48
mdzraphink: thanks05:48
raphinkmdz: no I just removed a line :)05:48
Riddellraphink: don't remove, mark with [done] 05:48
Kamionmdz: d'oh, you reverted my change too05:48
raphinkRiddell: ah right05:48
=== Kamion goes back to try again
ograheno, since i use the same casper package i'd assume so, Mithrandir could tell i think05:48
raphinkso I should do it again, marking with [done] 05:48
raphinksorry for that05:48
mdzKamion: I'm fixing05:48
henoogra: in that case that stuff should work now05:49
mdzraphink: please don't; I have several changes pending in my current edit05:49
henoogra: have you tried?05:49
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ograheno, ok, what do i do to try and what should happen ?05:49
mdzfixing dholbach's too05:49
mdkejono, right. Well, even so, a single email to the documentation team mailing list would have improved things in terms of what documentation to link to. As for the rest of my questionnaire, naturally I don't expect you to take it into account05:49
raphinkmdz: sorry I just pressed the button :(05:49
raphinkmdz: :(05:49
Kamionraphink: well you should honour edit locks then05:49
henoogra: press F5 at boot and select an option05:49
mdkejono, if you want to do an update, feel free to have a look at my questionnaire or mail me05:50
henoogra: with the first one you should get a different theme05:50
raphinkKamion: huh? there was no lock when I pressed05:50
henowith the third the desktop should speak to you, etc.05:50
ograheno, ok, even though i guess that will be overridden on install by edubuntu-artwork05:50
mdzraphink: it only warns you at the top of the page; it is easy to overlook if you aren't watching for it05:51
jonomdke: I don't have time to, its already in copyedit05:52
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mdzKamion: so it's safe to rename my .isos locally so that my next rsync works?05:53
mdkejono, yes. oh well.05:54
jonomdke: sorry05:54
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Kamionmdz: yep05:55
Kamiondue to the "keep previous not-built-this-time CDs around" change requested in cd-build-process I'm having to do some manual work to get rid of the -install- and -live- images05:56
wasabiI find it interesting that we use things like gksu.05:56
wasabiI didn't think X was any more secure against shatter-style things than windows.05:56
BenCwasabi: gksu runs as root...does that keep non-root apps from capturing the input sent to it?05:58
wasabiless capture and more subvert.05:58
wasabiMS just spent a whole lot of time trying to minimize thigs problem by running things in the user session without elevated privs. I thinkit's interesting that we're sort of going the other way.05:58
wasabiUnless X is in some way more secure than I think it is.05:58
BenCcertain things need those privs, how else would they get it?05:59
wasabiIn MS's case, they communicate with processes over sepereate mechs to do the work for them.06:00
wasabiMostly they contact services with RPCs.06:00
wasabiFor instance, the Windows Updater application, sits in the task bar, and doesn't ever run as root. Instead it contacts the Windows Update Service, which does the installs, and reports progress back.06:00
wasabiSame with all the control panels.06:01
BenCour updater applet never runs as root either06:01
wasabiDoes when you click on it.06:01
BenCit's the updater itself06:01
dholbachmdz: ready to upload example-content with those two chapters - right now there's still ~4M of padding to keep this space for the kubuntu chapter outstanding06:01
wasabiYeah... MS's doesn't.06:01
BenCthe applet doesn't ever, it starts an app that does06:01
_ionMS doesn't run the updater as root? :-)06:01
wasabiOkay. Well, I'm talking about the app then.06:01
Kamionheno: you want pointing devices removed on just the live CD, not install?06:01
Riddelldholbach: was that padding in before?06:01
Kamionheno: I'll see what I can do ...06:02
henoKamion: just the boot option. It works fine on the installed system06:02
BenCwasabi: I agree that the app itself should run as root...but we don't have the mechanisms in place for perm services to handle something like that06:02
dholbachRiddell: it was added with example-content-12 (we had some other files in there before, which were removed) -- version 12 has the space it's supposed to have on the CD06:02
dholbachRiddell: does that answer your question?06:02
mdzdholbach: great, thanks06:02
pitticarlos: btw, do I still need to run the cronjob that late? last week you asked me to run it at 1600 UTC instead of the usual 1430 UTC06:02
dholbachRiddell: we dropped things like the leaflet and introducing-ubuntu, etc06:03
BenCI don't like the idea of a constant running service to handle callbacks for something that isn't used a lot06:03
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wasabiThe services spawn as needed.06:03
henoKamion: thanks06:03
wasabiBelieve dbus can do that just fine.06:03
Kamionheno: oh, so I can remove the boot option on both the desktop (live) CD and the alternate install CD?06:03
BenCwasabi: No, on windows, the auto-updater runs _all_ the time, as system06:03
wasabiOh yeah, you're right. *it* does, because it updates on a schedule.06:03
Riddelldholbach: ah, that could be why the kubuntu CDs have jumped in size then06:03
wasabiThere are other services similar that only run when requested.06:03
carlospitti: until we move it into production.. yes06:03
RiddellI presume edubuntu doesn't carry example content?06:04
BenCwasabi: no, it has to run even if you don't do auto-updates06:04
BenCelse "Update Windows" doesn't work either06:04
ograRiddell, no space, nope :)06:04
carlospitti: in fact... today, it finished at 16:2806:04
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ograedubuntu doesnt even carry its own docs since there was no space06:04
BenCit's weird that the manual updates require the auto-update service :/06:04
mgalvinmvo, dholbach: just so you are aware, i noticed that the update-manager -d stuff displays release notes... i started adding more info to DapperReleaseNotes which might be useful06:04
carloshm, wait, I think that's UTC+106:04
wasabiIt's not weird, because they tell the service to do the work for them.06:04
henodholbach: are you taking care of editing the book-toc file to link to the right files and such?06:04
wasabiSo you can log off in the middle of an update.06:04
wasabiAnd so they don't run on the desktop as SYSTEM.06:04
dholbachheno: yes, did that already06:05
Kamionheno: do you happen to recall whether access=* does anything on the alternate install CD?06:05
BenCwasabi: but you have a service that is constantly running as system for no apparent reason06:05
KamionI can't remember whether I did anything there06:05
dholbachheno: nothing fancy though06:05
BenCwasabi: atleast in our case we have an app that runs as root only on-demand06:05
carlospitti: so yes, I think is safe to execute it after 15:45 UTC06:05
wasabiBenC: Windows Update has a reason. Let me find a better example.06:05
carlosbut not before that06:05
henoKamion: we were talking about having an option for everything, but decided against06:05
Kamionheno: alternate install CD, not live CD06:05
henoKamion: oh, sorry06:06
wasabiBITS: Background Intelligent Transfer Service. It is a service which you can submit URLs to and it downloads the files in the background. Supports resuming etc. I think it's ap oor choice for a service, but the point remains.06:06
Kamionheno: I'm asking specifically whether we ever implemented it there - I know we implemented it in casper, but that's only desktop (live) CD06:06
henoKamion: I would think not06:06
wasabiIt is set to Manual by default, and not started. When another program requests a handle to it, it is started on demand.06:06
Kamionright, so I can remove it for both and it makes no difference right now anyway06:06
wasabiOur "update manager" service could be a dbus service which operated similarily.06:06
Kamionthat's easier than inventing a conditional06:06
henoKamion: sounds good06:06
wasabiYou request a handle to it, dbus spawns it on request.06:06
carlospitti: btw,  41644 .po files today vs. 38874 .po files we got with previous export06:07
wasabiIt runs only while it's needed. Maybe it keeps running in the background applying updates.06:07
BenCsort of like esd06:07
henothe tools get installed with -desktop andcan be activated easily enough06:07
pitticarlos: crossing thumbs for today's report; I cleaned the buildd tarball, it should look really good now :)06:07
wasabiLogical Disk Manager Administrative Service: another windows serivce.06:07
wasabiIt runs only when you initialize the API to mess with LVM.06:07
carlospitti: I guess that's a good argument to do a language pack update today06:07
wasabiSo the UI can contact it and request changes to the configuration.06:07
pitticarlos: yes, I planned to do that, if it's fine for mdz06:07
wasabiAnyways, there are tons of those.06:07
KinnisonSounds similar to how dbus services activate06:08
pitticarlos: can you help me with testing today's Spanish .debs?06:08
BenCwasabi: Ok, point taken, so go implement it :)06:08
carlospitti: yes06:08
carlospitti: ETA ?06:08
=== Kinnison -> putting washing machine into kitchen, brb
pitticarlos: I'd guess 60 to 90 minutes06:08
wasabi=) some day I might. I'm just curious if it's a concious decision to not deal with it, or if people don't realize it's a vulnerbility, or maybe X has some magic which makes it not a vulnerbility.06:08
carlospitti: I need to leave in one hour or so06:09
carlospitti: is ok if I check them tonight ?06:09
pitticarlos: don't worry, I'll write a broadcast for testing 06:09
Kamionmdz: any objection to me changing over the ISO volume labels now?06:11
iwjmdz: I've just uploaded the fixed ttf-freefont, FYI.  The debdiff is about what you'd expect (although of course the mysterious numbers in the .sfd are impenetrable).06:13
Keybukok, that's weird; rather than updating the file, rsync just truncated it and started again06:14
KinnisonKeybuk: I think it does that if it thinks it stands a chance of being less bandwidth06:16
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iwjKeybuk: You're looking at strace ?  It might build it in memory.06:19
mdzKamion: none06:20
mdziwj: thanks06:20
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fabbioneBenC: silo works just fine. i think the partitioner hickup made it barfing.06:30
fabbionebut this is a weakness we need to fix for edgy06:31
BenCfabbione: excellent06:31
fabbioneBenC: tho it's quite strange.. but well06:31
BenCmaybe the partion map checksum was bad...who knows06:32
BenCor maybe it had bad values and conflicted with what silo expected06:32
pygimdz, poke?06:33
mdzpygi: yes?06:34
pygido we have a XML-RPC interface on LP?06:34
mdzpygi: #launchpad06:34
ograpygi, #launchpad ?`06:34
mdzRiddell: what's the prognosis for the kubuntu chapter?06:35
BenCdo the buildd's use ccache?06:35
BenCgood, then this kernel build should go really quickly06:35
BenCwhoa, things are failing06:35
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Riddellmdz: jjesse isn't responding06:36
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Riddellmdke: don't suppose you have a phone number for jjesse?06:39
BenCfabbione: That I2C change on sparc caused an ABI change, but since it only affects i2c (and I doubt anything besides the kernel uses it) I am going to do a forced ignore06:39
BenCit only affects sparc too06:39
janimoKamion: I'll file a bug for updating the xubuntu gfxboot image ok? the current one has the old colours06:39
fabbioneBenC: hmmmm06:39
BenCamd64 build failure was a missing config option (asked a question during build)06:39
fabbioneBenC: i suggest you prebuild the kernel, get abi and slam it in the upload06:40
fabbioneBenC: without forcing the abi ignore06:40
fabbioneotherwise the first person that builds a custom kernel with sparc.ignore file will not detect the abi change06:40
BenCI'll fixup git after the build is done06:40
BenCget the abi in06:41
Kamionjanimo: sure06:41
BenCbut I need to do this upload now06:41
Kamionjanimo: /products/ubuntu-cdimage/+filebug06:41
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janimoKamion: done06:41
bddebianHey folks, since we are getting down to the wire, anything I can do to help anyone?06:41
carlospitti: did your report script fail ?06:43
pitticarlos: it just finished06:43
fabbioneBenC: the problem is more that the sparc.ignore will exist in the final published source06:43
fabbioneBenC: that's the one that people will use (or should) to build custom kernel06:43
pitticarlos: ^ wow, that looks rad!06:43
carlospitti: ooh, right ;-)06:43
carlospitti: ;-)06:44
carlosyeah, seems like we still miss some translation domains...06:44
pitticarlos: 8 domains, that shouldn't take long to fix any more, I guess?06:44
carlosbut that's only 8 :-P06:44
pitticarlos: po4a might be a bogus one06:44
carlospitti: no, in fact there are some of them that could be removed06:44
carlospitti: yeah06:44
pitticarlos: don't worry, the first update packages for dapper will get them06:44
carlosI think kio-locate is also wrong, it should be kio_locate06:45
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bluefoxicypitti: ping06:46
pitticarlos: hm, ubiquity would be nice to have, though06:46
pittihi bluefoxicy 06:46
carlospitti: not really06:46
carlospitti: hmm well, it's for .desktop files06:46
carlospitti: should I approve it?06:46
ograbddebian, fix universe :)06:47
bddebianogra: I have been trying :-)06:47
pitticarlos: any reason to not do it?06:47
carlospitti: well, I guess we should take all .desktop translations as using native gettext now... my fault ;-)06:47
carlospitti: btw, discover is being exported06:47
Kamionpitti: I keep half-thinking that I'd prefer ubiquity not to be stripped06:47
carlospitti: are you completely sure latest tarball is missing it?06:47
pitticarlos: I think po4a is valid, it seems to be translations of the tools themselves, right?06:48
Kamionit's not exactly totally outside the domain of language packs like the rest of the installer, but we don't have all the language packs on the live CD06:48
bluefoxicymmm.  You're busy right now, I'll wait.  :)06:48
pittiKamion: I see the point of not doing it, but wouldn't that require to not strip many other domains, too?06:48
Kamionpitti: it only applies to the desktop files ...06:49
pittiKamion: since it re-uses other components?06:49
pittiKamion: ah, right06:49
Kamionall the other stuff is in debconf and not stripped06:49
pittiKamion: you'll still have the merged translations in the .desktop file06:49
KamionI guess it's a question of whether we think it's valuable to have "Install" translated on the .desktop when nothing else is06:49
KamionI think it may well be, given that we're presenting it as the installer and mailing it out ...06:50
Kamionpitti: ?06:50
pittiKamion: I think the question is rather if you plan to release dapper update CDs with updated langpacks06:50
carlospitti: ok ubiquity has been fixed06:50
Kamionpitti: oh, you don't strip out the translations from the .desktop files?06:50
pittiKamion: no, I don't06:50
Kamionand nautilus will use those?06:50
pittiKamion: yes, as a fallback if the mo file doesn't have translations06:50
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Kamionpitti: ok, then it doesn't matter and it can keep being stripped, thanks06:50
carlospitti: why are you using kio-locate instead of kio_locate ?06:50
pitticarlos: I don't, I guess it's a bug in some kde-i18n file06:51
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carlospitti: ok, could you confirm me that you don't have 'discover' translations from Rosetta?06:51
carlospitti: you should have 06:52
pittinot so fast, please06:52
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pkernHi, does http://ftp-master.debian.org/rene-daily.txt work in your Gecko browser of choice? Both Firefox and Epiphany keep crashing X here on current Dapper.06:52
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Kamionogra: so, re bug 38088, do you mind the server (minimal install) option disappearing entirely, and not being able to select it in any way?06:52
UbugtuMalone bug 38088 in ubuntu-cdimage "edubuntu install menu should either hide "server" or have this option renamed to "minimal"" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3808806:52
pitticarlos: so, kio-locate is from the kio-locate source package, and the domain is indeed kio-locate, not kio_locate06:52
ograKamion, nope06:52
carlospitti: really? the .pot file is named kio_locate.pot06:53
ograeither of the options i listed in the bug is fine 06:53
pitticarlos: the pot file is named kio_locate.pot, but the mo files are ./kio-locate/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/kio-locate.mo and so on06:53
Kamionunfortunately I left it too late to rename it06:53
carlospitti: I see... weird06:53
bluefoxicywow... looks like someone is smoking .pot o.o06:53
Kamionogra: you said "hide it from the gfxboot menu"; it's possible (but harder) to hide it from the gfxboot menu but still leave it selectable in text mode, or for other arches06:53
Riddellpitti, carlos: do you know what the status of k3b.po is?  I'm getting complains it isn't included06:53
=== ogra *sighs* but is happy this failed install was only bad media
Kamioni.e. by typing "server"06:53
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ograKamion, as long as it doesnt apper its fine ... either way06:53
carlosRiddell: it needs a rebuild with your patch to set the encoding to UTF-806:54
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carlosRiddell: I thought I already notify you... I guess next time, I should use mail... sorry06:54
ograif people want a server install they can use ubuntu-server or fiddle with expert mode06:54
Kamionogra: nobody ever tries to do a base-system-only install with an Edubuntu CD, then?06:54
ograif he does, i'll point him to the expert mode ;)06:55
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Kamionogra: you could, but that would be pointless and a misunderstanding of expert mode06:55
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pitticarlos: discover> unpacking rosetta tarball right now and checking06:55
Kamionare you aware of what expert mode does?06:55
pitticarlos: so, tuxpaint-stamps just came too late for today's tarball IIRC?06:56
carlospitti: yeah, po4a seems to be correct, I will fix it06:56
ograKamion, its a while ago that i used it in debian, but cant you select the packages for installation (iirc) ?06:56
pitticarlos: you'll fix kio-locate, too?06:56
carlospitti: yes, it came too late, it's already imported will appear tomorrow06:56
carlospitti: it's already fixed06:56
pitticarlos: confirmed, no file 'discover*' in rosetta tarball06:57
carlospitti: from where does thunar-media-tags-plugin come?06:57
Kamionogra: in Debian, yes, but it has never done that in Ubuntu06:57
ograoh, k06:57
pitticarlos: from the very same source06:57
pitticarlos: likewise for xfce4-mount-plugin and xfburn06:58
Kinnisonpitti: Can you look at 44055 and tell me if the suggestion Richard has made is likely to be safe for Ubuntu?06:58
Kamionanyway, I'll remove the option; you can add 'preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed/server.seed' to the kernel command line to get a base-system-only installation06:58
pittibug 4405506:58
UbugtuMalone bug 44055 in gnome-power-manager "brightness changes rapidly up/down" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4405506:58
ograKamion, well, then i'll live with what your time permits ... if you have time left to make it work with typing server, fine, if not, fine as well, put it on the bottom of your todo ;)06:58
carlospitti: ok. I don't understand the 'discover' issue, all things are in place...06:58
mdzpitti: I've seen that bug06:59
dholbachubiquity install on a USB drive is a bit hard. the partitioning part is not happy if the drives are mounted (which I can understand), people have to unmount them before installation, which was easy enough for me to do, but for some reason they got mounted again between the partitioning (gparted) step and the real parititioning06:59
pittiKinnison: the hal side would be to add an .fdi file? do you have a direct pointer to that file?06:59
pitticarlos: the funny thing is that mapping.txt mentions discover :)07:00
carlospitti: I need to debug that... that package has been there for a long time already...07:00
pitticarlos: hm, wait07:01
=== DFreeze [n=DFreeze@dsl-212-84-143-022.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pitticarlos: the correct domain name is 'discover1', but in your mapping.txt, the domain name is 'discover'07:01
pitticarlos: bah, scratch that, I lied07:01
Kinnisonpitti: Unfortunately not, I imagine it'll take a quick grobbling around in hal CVS would find it07:01
pkernSomebody here to try an URL on Dapper current w/ Gnome, with the ability to trace an X crash?07:01
pitticarlos: the *source* package is discover1, not the domain07:02
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pitticarlos: 'discover' is an universe package we don't use07:02
pittiKinnison: right07:02
carlospitti: oh07:02
pittiKinnison: generally, fdi files are safe if they are specific enough07:02
KeybukI thought we still used discover for X server?07:02
pittiKinnison: i. e. test properties for specific values like product names and such07:03
pittiKeybuk: discover1 maybe?07:03
=== mvo_ is about for a bit
pitti discover1 | 1.7.15ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages07:03
pitti  discover | 2.0.7-2.1ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages07:03
Keybukah, of course07:03
Keybukthat one always confuses me07:03
pittiKinnison: found it07:04
pittiKinnison: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/hal/attachments/20060514/7915a91d/hal-x31-laptop-0001.bin07:04
carlospitti: would be possible that the xfc packages were uploaded using universe and then promoted to main ?07:04
pittiKinnison: (that's a .patch, just badly renamed by mailman)07:04
carlospitti: they have the .pot file and thus, they should be imported...07:04
pittiKinnison: that looks quite safe07:04
carlospitti: anyway, I will fix them by hand07:04
pitticarlos: indeed, very likely07:05
pitticarlos: wait07:05
carlospitti: I mean, no upload directly to main07:05
pitticarlos: we need to reupload them anyway to get them stripped07:05
pittijanimo: ping07:05
janimopitti: pong07:05
janimodo I need to reupload xfburn?07:05
pittijanimo: can you please do no-change uploads for xfburn, xfce4-mount-plugin, and thunar-media-tags-plugin?07:06
pittijanimo: and possibly other packages which were recently promoted without rebuilding?07:06
carlospitti: I think those are the only ones we are missing07:06
pitticarlos: this is a nice way to catch promoted packages that need rebuilding :)07:07
janimopitti, for xubuntu-system-tools I set the GETTEXT_DOMAIN gnome-system-tools is that ok?07:07
carlospitti: that leaves po4a and discover as the only ones that need a manual fix07:07
carlospitti: ;-)07:07
pittijanimo: yes, unless you changed any string07:07
janimopitti, I did not07:07
carlospitti: the others are alredy fixed07:07
janimoditto for evince-gtk07:07
pitticarlos: anything you need me to do for the remaining issues?07:08
Kamionmdz: hmm, do we still have room to add build-essential/linux-headers to ship-live?07:08
pittiKinnison: do you want me to apply that patch?07:08
Kamionmdz: I'd only added the network access stuff to date07:08
ograARGH !!!07:09
=== ogra throws away the third new DVDRW media ...
janimopitti, so at this point adding new .po files is not ok right?07:09
carlospitti: no, thank you very much07:10
carlosI can fix those two07:10
janimopitti, if dapper translations are to continue after release will we still be able to import upstream .po files?07:10
dholbachdid anybody else have a md5sum problem (restricted-nic-something-di) with the daily powerpc install iso?07:11
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mdzKamion: we seem to; it's a tradeoff vs. langpacks though07:12
mdzhow much does it cost us again?07:12
Kamionjust noticed I still had bug 44313 open07:12
KamionIIRC it was c. 24MB07:12
jdubmdz: do we have a policy about what constitutes 'desktop' and 'server' for the LTS periods?07:12
pittilol, that question sounds familiar to me :)07:12
mdzjdub: for security purposes, it's germinate output07:12
mdzjdub: for technical support, that's a jeff bailey question07:12
jdubmdz: but supported includes server and desktop stuff07:12
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mdz_ok, that was weird07:12
jdubbtw, i thought we were going to fix the libpam-ldap/libnss-ldap in universe problem - but they're still there atm07:12
UbugtuMalone bug 44313 in ubuntu-cdimage "build-essential not on Dapper Flight7 ISO" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4431307:12
Kamion18:11 < jdub> mdz: but supported includes server and desktop stuff07:12
Keybukjdub: bug# for the problem?07:12
Riddellcarlos: in k3b changelog "Alter debian/rules to mark .po files as UTF-8" a month ago, are the files still not valid?07:12
jdubKeybuk: the 'bug' is that they're in universe07:13
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=== dholbach assumes a broken CD
jdubKeybuk: it was being discussed months ago, i hadn't thought about it07:14
carlosRiddel: hmmm, let me check...07:14
=== bddebian hugs dholbach
ograjdub, i can tell you that ltsp is not a 5year supported server since it relies on desktop stuff :) thats all i could find out yet 07:14
Keybukjdub: discussed with whom?07:14
dholbachhey bddebian07:14
jdubKeybuk: it was being discussed here and on the lists, from memory07:14
mdkeRiddell: fraid not, but he's online afaik07:14
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Riddellhe's not responding07:15
_ionSigh. /me is trying to fix bug #41148, but the source seems to be full of undocumented lists of magic numbers that mysteriously make things work.07:15
UbugtuMalone bug 41148 in xserver-xorg-driver-savage "buggy display of video in totem" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4114807:15
Keybukjdub: I see no discussion on here in over a year07:15
Keybukthe only mention, in fact, was you asking mdz and being told what the procedure was07:16
Keybukand that was January 200507:16
mdkejdub: did you see either of my emails about planet? would really appreciate you making the change for my blog07:17
jdubmdke: been travelling, will get around to it07:17
Kamioniwj: speaking of seeds, shouldn't autopkgtest be added to supported?07:17
mdkejdub: thanks.07:17
carlosRiddell: http://librarian.launchpad.net/2731657/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-i386.k3b_0.12.14-0ubuntu6_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz07:17
carlosRiddell: the .pot file is not being regenerated07:17
Keybukjdub: for main inclusion (for edgy) you need to prepare a MainInclusionReport for them, and then get a developer (usually pitti) to security review the packages and check them for general supportability07:18
Keybukonce approved, they need to be seeded somewhere appropriate (supported)07:18
carlosRiddell: and thus, we are not getting the updated .pot files07:18
jdubKeybuk: i know what the procedure is07:18
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jdubKeybuk: it's not a itch of mine, but i'm pretty gobsmacked it wasn't thought about or done for dapper07:18
Keybukjdub: it's clearly not an itch of anybody's07:19
Kamionwe apologise for the distro team being insufficiently omniscient07:19
jduboh, guys, come on07:19
jdubdon't be tools07:19
Kamiondude, lots of other stuff has got into main, and that's because the people who cared pushed for it07:19
Kamionif nobody who cares pushes for it ...07:20
Keybukhell, you don't even have to push that hard, it's more of a gentle prod07:20
jdubKamion: thus i am surprised, both because other people didn't care about it and we didn't care about it07:20
mdz_Kamion: these new isos are a new build, right, not just renamed?07:20
Kamionhow many of the distro team do you think have time to run large corporate environments that authenticate off LDAP servers? :-)07:20
Keybukmdz_: rsync thinks so, yes07:20
Kamionmdz_: yes07:20
KamionI just wanted to get the rename admin out of the way07:21
Riddellcarlos: how do you know it's not?  extract-messages is bring run in that buildlog07:21
jdubKamion: it's kind of a use case i had imagined we'd care about for dapper07:21
iwjKamion: oh, I knew there was something I'd forgotten.  Unfortunately I have to go now or I'll miss dinner.07:21
Keybukjdong: the network-authentication spec, which I imagine this falls under, was deferred to dapper+n07:21
Kamionhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportLibnss-ldap actually does exist07:21
=== iwj puts it on the todo list for tomorrow.
Kamioniwj: should I do it now?07:21
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iwjIf you're there anyway, yes, please.07:22
carlosRiddell: well, we didn't get any tarball for k3b since last year at people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/translations07:22
Keybukuh, jdub07:22
bluefoxicypitti:  still busy?07:22
Kamioniwj: doing07:22
carlosRiddell: pkgstriptranslations: processing control file: ./debian/k3b/DEBIAN/control, package k3b, directory ./debian/k3b07:22
carlospkgstriptranslations: k3b does not contain translations, skipping07:22
carlospkgstriptranslations: processing control file: ./debian/libk3b-dev/DEBIAN/control, package libk3b-dev, directory ./debian/libk3b-dev07:22
carlospkgstriptranslations: libk3b-dev does not contain translations, skipping07:22
jdubKeybuk: (sure, but they're pretty critical beyond that larger spec)07:22
Keybukjdub: if they were critical, I'm sure somebody would have noticed in the last 8 months07:22
iwjKamion: Thanks.07:22
=== Keybuk tends to assume things aren't that critical if they go unnoticed
jdubKeybuk: again, this is why i'm surprised (and not attacking the distro team, thank you very much)07:23
Kamionso the right answer would be to set the train in motion while you all remember now :)07:23
carlosRiddell: and the k3b_0.12.14-0ubuntu6_i386.changes file lacks the translations tarball07:24
Keybukjdub: except for calling us tools, you mean? :)07:24
jdubKeybuk: when you're reacting as if i'm attacking you, absolutely07:25
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Riddellcarlos: so the .pot is in rosetta?07:26
carlosRiddell: the old version faild, the new version was not even exported to be imported into Rosetta...07:26
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dholbacheither I'm imagining things (which I hope for the first time in my life), or I was too stupid to use gparted-in-ubiquity properly or my 150 GB of data just vanished like that07:26
kikidonkI'm getting a segfault with liferea+mozilla: http://en.pastebin.ca/5806007:27
Kamionjdub: I'm afraid that "how come we haven't fixed this thing we talked about ages ago" does come across a little like saying that the distro team dropped the ball07:27
Riddellcarlos: is pkgstriptranslations for .po files or .pot files?07:28
carlospitti: ^^^07:28
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carlosRiddell: I saw other packages that only had a .pot file and no .po files working07:28
carlosRiddell: for instance, kdebase07:28
carlosso it should work...07:28
carlospitti: po4a and discover are fixed now (well, waiting for the import queue that it's a bit busy atm...)07:29
jdubKamion: hardly something i can claim we-ship with07:29
pitticarlos: it puts both into the tarballs, but it just removes .mo files07:30
janimodholbach: auch07:30
pittiRiddell: ^07:30
Riddellpitti: so pkgstriptranslations isn't finding any .pot files?  07:30
carlospitti: the problem is that k3b's .pot files are not being extracted07:30
pittiRiddell: for which package?07:30
Riddellthe buildlog seems to suggest they're being generated07:30
=== pitti checks
Riddellpitti: k3b07:30
dholbachOk, I have a problem - 70 GB of data just went AWOL because of mis-partition07:31
dholbachI'm out for a cigarette07:31
pittiRiddell, carlos: hm, the k3b tarball has all POTs, and k3b-i18n tarball has all po files07:32
Riddellthat's right07:32
mdzBenC: what went wrong with the kernel build?07:32
=== pitti hugs dholbach and hopes he had a backup
mdzdholbach: when you come back, try gpart07:32
carlospitti: but the build log shows that we are not generating the translations tarball07:32
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pittiRiddell: erm, wait - we didn't get a new tarball for *ages*07:32
pittiRiddell: the last tarball we got: ./20051207/k3b_0.12.8-1ubuntu1_i386_translations.tar.gz07:33
KeybukKamion: is there a magic script that would show up sources without any binaries in the archive?07:33
dholbachmdz: does that help, if the installation happened after that?07:33
dholbachpitti: of course not07:33
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mdzdholbach: depends on the circumstances07:34
Riddellpitti: where do those tars appear from?07:34
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dholbachoh a tiny shimmer of hope then *phew*07:34
carlosRiddell: from the build07:34
dholbachthanks mdz07:34
KeybukKamion: would it show up in outdate.txt, as the binary version is newer than the source (where the binary is now built by a different source)07:34
pittiRiddell: http://librarian.launchpad.net/2731657/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-i386.k3b_0.12.14-0ubuntu6_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz07:34
Riddellcarlos, pitti: seems to me like pkgstriptranslations is broken then07:34
carlospitti, Riddell: I need to leave now, please, mail me if you need anything from me....07:34
pittiRiddell: that means that there are no files worth extracting, so pkgstriptranslations doesn't create a tarball07:35
carlosRiddell: are you 100% sure the .pot file is being generated?07:35
Keybuk^ Woohoo!07:35
Riddellcarlos: I'm 99% sure07:35
pittiRiddell: there is no sign of intltool invocation at all07:36
carlospitti: k3b is not using intltool...07:36
carlosintltool is used with GNOME packages k3b is KDE ;-)07:36
Riddellpitti: build log includes the magic line XGETTEXT=/usr/bin/kde-xgettext sh admin/cvs.sh extract-messages07:36
pittiwell, it uses intltool package at least07:36
Riddelland that would complain if it was broken07:37
pittiRiddell: aaaaah07:37
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pittiRiddell: it extracts the POT files as the very, *very* last step07:37
pittiRiddell: but it has to do that before dpkg-deb invocation07:37
yuriylooking at michael's comment in bug #41767, are bugs no longer being fixed for dapper? even a (albeit minor) segfault?07:37
UbugtuMalone bug 41767 in aptitude "aptitude changelog <package without candidates> segfaults." [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4176707:37
=== carlos -> out
carlossee you07:37
zygahey pitti, carlos :)07:37
pittihi zyga 07:37
carlospitti: Thanks for your input in language packs!07:37
carloszyga: hi07:38
pitticarlos: thanks to you too for the great progress :)07:38
Riddellpitti: oh, how confusing07:38
Riddellpitti: well, should be easy enough to fix07:38
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dholbachok, using gpart froze that box07:43
mdzKamion: hmm, at least dapper-desktop-i386 doesn't seem to have any of the new versions of stuff fixed on DRR07:43
mdzoh, no new livefs builds I suppose07:45
=== fabbione calls it a day
mdzfabbione: night07:46
fabbioneactually i mean shower -> dinner07:46
fabbionebut i might pass by later07:46
fabbionemdz: phone is on if the world falls down07:46
fabbionemdz: both mobile and land line07:46
pitti@all: can you please dist-upgrade to "deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/langpacks/daily/ ./", restart your session, and tell me about any oddities you see?07:47
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pittiRiddell: can you please update to latest daily langpacks and particularly check KDE? the desktop files, flags, etc. should be up to date now07:47
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Riddellpitti: doing07:49
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mdzKamion,Mithrandir: can someone kick off new livefs builds?07:55
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=== Riddell pokes i386 buildds into compiling kdebase
mdzRiddell: chewing on oo.o right now07:58
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Riddellwhat does "NOT OK : Manual OpenOffice Builds... Patience." mean?08:00
pittiRiddell: new packs working well for me08:00
Keybukmdz: there's a whole bunch of ubuntu-meta changes (language packs, mostly), should I upload?08:00
pittiKeybuk: argh, I forgot that live CDs need an updated metapackage, too08:02
pittiKeybuk: would be nice to get for the next CDs, to verify that my langpack stuffing was correct (and to check whether today's package changes changed the CD size significantly)08:02
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Riddellpitti: happens to us all08:03
Keybukpitti: looks like both ogra and dholbach forgot about ubuntu-meta too08:03
Riddellpitti: french and georgian kde langauge-packs looks good here08:03
ograKeybuk, ?08:03
Keybuk  * Added screensaver-default-images to desktop-i386, desktop-amd64,08:04
Keybuk    desktop-powerpc, desktop-ia64, desktop-sparc, desktop-hppa08:04
ograerr, but not in edubuntu i hope08:04
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ograelse i know whose fault it is that i seasrch for the 4M oversizedness of my live CD :P08:04
ograKeybuk, and i also thought you added them to supported ... they shouldnt end up on the CD08:05
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kagousmurf, always not around ? ;)08:05
Keybukogra: that would appear to negate the term "default"08:06
mdzKeybuk: langpack changes are expected08:06
ograKeybuk, as long as they dont show up in edubuntu i'm fine 08:07
mdzKeybuk: screensaver-default-images is something which should have landed a long time ago; I'm not entirely comfortable with that08:07
ograi'm fighting around single bits and *bytes* here08:07
ograit should have gone to supported 08:07
mdzthat's not what the spec says08:08
Keybukogra: if supported, then it should be called "screensaver-images", not "default"08:08
bluefoxicyogra:  edubuntu too big?08:08
LaserJockbluefoxicy: no, the CD is too small :-)08:08
pittimdz: new langpacks ready for upload; is now a good time, or shall I wait?08:09
mdzpitti: now is fine08:09
bluefoxicyLaserJock:  lol!08:09
bluefoxicyLaserJock:  Don't get media happy.  Nobody wants to download a DVD if a CD will do.  :)08:09
LaserJockthat's what uni lines are for :-)08:09
dholbachis there anything else important apart from /var/log/installer/ I should save from that mispartitioned installation?08:10
bluefoxicyLaserJock: they could always base on top of Xubuntu though... the CD for that is under 400 megs.  Then again, the software is a mix and match of KDE and Gnome software, which means KDE and GNOME platform libraries as well as GTK+ and Qt ne?08:11
ograKeybukogra: are you intending to seed this in main?08:11
ograograKeybuk, yep, its small, we can put it at least into supported08:11
bluefoxicyI guess it can't be helped.08:11
ograKeybuk ^^^08:11
mdzdoes anyone know the current list of hosts which do the livefs builds?  I should be able to trigger them, but for that that has changed (I think)08:11
ograthast from thursday 08:11
KamionKeybuk: it's the sort of thing you'd hope archive-cruft-check would do, but it doesn't at the moment. outdate.txt should I guess ...08:11
KamionKeybuk: anastacia> nice one!08:12
Kamionmdz: correct, I didn't do livefs rebuilds08:12
janimomdz, UVF exception. xarchiver new upstream version fixes one of the bugs I labeled major, bug 4585608:12
UbugtuMalone bug 45856 in xarchiver "xarchiver close while opening *.tar.bz2" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4585608:12
janimomdz, can either upload it myself or sync it from debian as they have it too now08:12
mdzjanimo: your call; it's your funeral if it has regressions ;-)08:12
=== janimo shudders but goes ahead
Keybukjanimo: didn't we only just sync that?!08:13
janimoKeybuk, xarchive vs xarchiver :)08:13
mdzjanimo: I'd recommend backporting the fix instead unless it's a very small delta08:13
janimonot very imaginative08:13
Keybukoh, right08:13
Kamionmdz: I have a script that does it, will kick them off now if it's a good time08:13
janimomdz, the whole change is that bug + 3 new .po files08:13
Kamionmdz: I thought I mailed you the script not that long ago08:13
janimomdz if you wish I just apply the patch08:13
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mdzKamion: I had a script of my own that I thought i sent you08:14
mdzKamion: in any case, please send08:14
mdzjanimo: if it's only that patch + translations, new upstream is fine08:14
janimomdz, ok thanks08:14
Kamionmdz: http://riva.ucam.org/svn/cjwatson/bin/ubuntu-build-livecd08:15
mdzKamion: mine is a bit fancier, but the list of servers is rusty08:16
Kamionyeah, I suspect I never got around to merging it08:16
KamionI've started an Ubuntu livefs build08:16
mdzit's python, captures the output from the script (though there is none) and times the builds08:16
mdznothing too compelling08:16
Kamionmine prints the dates, so I can work out the times easily :)08:17
Kamionthough not as cute08:17
yuriylooking at michael's comment in bug #41767, are bugs no longer being fixed for dapper? even a (albeit minor) segfault? anybody?08:17
UbugtuMalone bug 41767 in aptitude "aptitude changelog <package without candidates> segfaults." [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4176708:17
=== yuriy would find that hard to believe
mdzwe should keep that list of servers in the wiki somewhere08:17
Keybukyuriy: only showstoppers08:17
Keybukminor bugs can get on the edgy bus08:17
mdzyuriy: we are in the final stages of release preparation08:17
Kamionmdz: I'll start a list somewhere08:17
yuriyk thanks08:17
mdzyuriy: and yes, that means that we're being selective about which bugs to fix08:17
mdzyuriy: that one is quite minor08:18
yuriywhat happened to the "target to release" in launchpad? is that coming back? would be convenient for stuff like that08:19
yuriyi only see "backport fix to releases"08:19
Kamionyuriy: we use milestones for that instead now08:20
Kamiontarget to release was badly designed so it went away08:20
mdzKamion: but it's destined to come back08:20
Kamionoh, it is? bogosity ;-)08:21
Kamionpresumably it will set milestones rather than creating extra bug tasks08:21
Kamionmdz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildDaemons/LiveFilesystems08:21
mdzI wish08:21
pittiso, can we still upload bug fixes which are simple and safe (like http://librarian.launchpad.net/2765349/fix_eintr_crash.patch), but aren't really showstoppers?08:21
mdzKamion: thanks08:21
Kamioninfinity: could you make sure to update the above if it ever changes?08:21
mdzpitti: yes, that one is ok08:21
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mdzKamion: would be handy to include your script there as well08:22
Kamionmdz: done; I'll try to remember to merge it with yours at some point08:24
mdzKamion: not worth it, I'd say08:24
yuriyhow do milestones work? (I don't see it, sorry for the noise)08:25
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Kamionyuriy: click on the bug task and it's in the drop-down menu08:25
Kamionyuriy: but there is no milestone for edgy yet, if that's your intention08:25
mdzKamion: the only interesting difference is that mine allowed multiple arguments (flavours) to be passed at once08:26
Kamionit will be created along with the edgy development branch08:26
mdzit doesn't do the architecture magic that yours does, either08:26
Kamionmdz: that would be kinda handy actually08:26
Kamionthe architecture magic is very useful to avoid wasting time08:26
mdzKamion: I think there's a bug where you can only see the milestone if you have privileges to change it08:26
mdzwhich in a sort of accidental way is useful08:27
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mdzgar, I thought we disabled gimp's obnoxious first-run wizard?08:34
Keybukmdz: nobody expects the first-run wizard!08:34
mdzit's especially obnoxious for example-content08:38
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ografinally after the 7th media i have a working install CD :)08:45
mvomdz: I can have a look if you want and patch it out (again)08:46
_ionogra: Why not use CD-RWs for testing?08:46
highvoltageogra: whohoo!08:46
ograand i386 install even worked :)08:46
=== mvo has very good experience with verbatim cdrw
highvoltage_ion: or even vmware ;)08:46
ogra_ion, i use DVD+RWs with a very picky DVD ROM08:46
ogra_ion, it only takes "intenso" media apparently and not all of a 10er pack08:47
sivangKamion: just to let you know I've tested with breezy powerpc, still does not boot on the pSeires. 08:47
ograhighvoltage, i leave the easy parts (vmware) to the community ;) i like testing with real HW08:47
mdzmvo: how complex was the original patch?08:48
mdzsivang: breezy?08:48
Kamionsivang: ok, at least it's not a regression08:48
Kamionmdz: I asked him to08:48
mvomdz: IIRC it was not very big and pretty straight-forward08:48
sivangmdz: yes08:48
highvoltageogra: heh08:48
ogramvo, my acer laptop only eats intenso ... i tried verbatim08:48
mdzok, I was confused by the 'still'08:48
mdzif breezy didn't boot there when it was released, it doesn't now either ;-)08:48
Kamion'still' with respect to the dapper tests sivang was doing the other day, I think08:48
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ogra(saldy this lappie is my amd64 *and* i386 testmachine)08:48
sivangmdz: yes, withrespect to testing with the -stripped and some other 2 images08:49
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poimenjust updated my dapper08:52
poimen:) does the code have been freezed?08:52
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mdzKamion: about how long do the livefs builds take these days?08:54
poimenbecause it have been removed the beta name on the gnome splash08:54
poimenusing ubuntu with xgl and It seems stable to me :) xgl have some problems but there are minor with gnome08:54
poimenin kubuntu by the other hand xgl does not work too good as in suse 10.1 on KDE08:55
mdzpoimen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule08:55
Kamionmdz: 20min for i386, 30-35min for amd64/powerpc/sparc, 40min for hppa, ia64 dunno yet08:56
mdzoh, so irelease arches should be done now08:57
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Kamionmdz: yes08:59
mdzKamion: ok to kick off cron.daily-live?08:59
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poimenso the last rc beta or alpha will be realesed today :D09:00
mdzpitti: did you see this comment in 31775?  are those translations still missing from the latest langpack export?09:00
mdzpoimen: no09:00
pittibug 3177509:00
UbugtuMalone bug 31775 in Ubuntu Dapper "Ubuntu should have better links to support options" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3177509:00
pittimdz: ah, we discussed that this morning; we tried to find the reason why the i386 build didn't update the pot, and seb uploaded another package09:01
mdzpitti: so your pending upload will fix it?09:01
pittimdz: last time I checked the package wasn't yet build, lemme check again now...09:01
ograRiddell, why did you remove brtty-x11 ?09:02
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Riddellogra: it's a gnome application09:02
=== ogra didnt know
ograthe name doesnt really indicate its gnome *shrug*09:03
Kamionmdz: yes09:03
Riddellogra: build deps on gtk etc etc09:03
Riddellinstall deps too09:03
ograRiddell, yep09:03
ograi was hoping to get a valid reason to not do that meta upload :)09:03
Kamionurgh, we never got round to revisiting bug 3166109:04
UbugtuMalone bug 31661 in kbd-chooser "ignores preseeding" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3166109:04
=== Kamion investigates
ograsince brtty-x11 is the only addition09:04
mdz(live build in progress)09:04
mdzKamion: the 404s in the cd build log are normal?09:06
pittimdz: so, the new package's build on i386 still has an outdated pot file, althought he build log clearly says that it was regenerated; I have no idea about that ATM09:06
pittimdz: as for carlos' manual fix, I don't know whether the file made it into today's tarball, checking now...09:06
Kamionmdz: they're for old .cloop images, and we try both .cloop and .squashfs; yes, they're normal09:07
Kamionmdz: bug 31661 is still an issue; can I put it on DapperReleaseRadar and investigate?09:07
UbugtuMalone bug 31661 in kbd-chooser "ignores preseeding" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3166109:07
Kamionit is going to piss off people doing automatic deployments something rotten09:07
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mdzpitti: it is gnome-panel in question, right?09:08
pittimdz: right09:08
omegDoes anyone know when the Edubuntu and Xubuntu usplash screens will be packaged?09:08
mdzKamion: ok09:08
ograomeg, after the vote, i have your "not completely polished" version in edubuntu currently09:09
pittimdz: if there are translations for these new strings, then they didn't make it into today's tarball, so that's something we need to translate post-release (the pot file has been fixed ~ 10 hours ago only)09:11
Kamionpitti: want to mark your final langpack changes [done]  in DapperReleaseRadar, if that's true?09:11
ograbut given that i just discovered a bug in the edubuntu firefox css (which indeed only appears in such rarely used languages like english) i'll have to upload another -artwork package anyway it seems, where is your latest version ?09:11
pittiKamion: I hope these are the final ones :) Yeah, I'll do that09:11
dAndyKamion: did you see my report about ftp kickstart install not working?09:11
KamiondAndy: no09:11
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KamiondAndy: was it in the bug tracking system?09:12
dAndyKamion: i pinged you on here, havent had a chance to file a bug yet09:12
dAndyi will file one09:12
KamiondAndy: please don't do that unless I'm actively around - I'll miss it09:12
KamionI was away Friday and all weekend09:12
dAndyKamion: i see, i intended on filing a bug too, just didnt get to it09:12
ograomeg, ^^^ ?09:15
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A60358.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
omegHi ogra09:17
omegOh, didn't see your message09:17
omegThere was a vote on that?09:17
omegI didn't even realize. Well, cool. :)09:17
ograthere is a vote on that by the artteam09:17
omegI thought that was only for Ubuntu?09:17
ograi thought you're subscribed to the list09:17
omegI follow the ubuntu-art list but I guess I must have missed that message.09:17
ograas i wrote in that thread, edubuntu will follow09:18
ografor consistency reasons09:18
mdzpitti,seb128: I just did a build of gnome-panel and the .pot file doesn't have the Ubuntu Book Excerpt string in it09:18
omegAh, okay. Will Xubuntu also get packaged at around this time, or is it not following the same release date?09:18
ograomeg, tsk, i even praised you in my mail :) you shouldnt miss such mails ;)09:18
omegHaha, I'll go find that right away. I wanna read that now.09:19
ograits following the same dates afaik09:19
ograomeg, janimo can tell you09:19
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ograomeg, so is there a final version of the edubuntu one ? i have to fix a bug anyway in the artwork package and could even add that then09:20
omegStrange. I really don't seem to have that one mail.09:20
dAndyKamion: Bug #46052 sorry about that09:20
UbugtuMalone bug 46052 in debian-installer "FTP Support in Kickstart Stops working part way through the install" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4605209:21
omeghttp://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/edu_newsuggestion_0_8_TEST.png <-- this is my latest (it says "test", but I fixed the palette.)09:21
omegLet's see...09:21
janimoomeg, yes same dates for xubuntu09:21
omegYeah, I'd say that this is final.09:21
ograomeg, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2006-May/001612.html09:21
ograyep, looks ok09:21
omegAhh. Cool. :)09:21
dAndyKamion: it should be noted, this was primarily testing the ftp support, it is not critical for my deployment09:21
omegI guess I will go fix the palette of Xubuntu.09:22
ograi'll add that one (its the same as ubuntu designwise, right ? )09:22
mdzKamion: happily, the new iso filenames cause rsync's sorting to do what I want (give me desktop first)09:22
omegYeah: http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/xu_newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED.png09:22
omegI hope the color scheme is okay.09:22
_ionI did some more testing. The Xv overlay code in the savage driver is totally broken. The image gets damaged when 1) _either_ the horizontal or the vertical size of the overlay is smaller than the size of the original picture or 2) the overlay is partially outside the visible screen area.09:22
omegI don't really know much about Xubuntu.09:22
Kamionmdz: heh, nice side-effect09:23
janimoomeg, does the xubunt splash need changing?09:23
omegjanimo: just the palette that isn't in the correct order yet.09:23
janimoomeg, ok09:23
KamiondAndy: can you dump your /etc/apt/sources.list into the bug?09:24
Kamionfrom that install09:24
omegMan, after 6.06 is released, and I finish all this work that I've been putting off a little, I'll make a wikipage about user interface things from here to tokyo. I kinda like working on this. I only recently started doing it but I think it's neat to be working on a project as big and interesting as this.09:24
omegPlus, it's good portfolio material...09:24
dAndyKamion: sure09:24
Kamionthe spacing in that error message is odd and suggests badness09:25
Kamion"Unable to connect to  ftp:"09:25
KamiondAndy: oh, any funny proxy stuff going on?09:26
janimoKamion, do you know how much effort and risk would bug 41322  involve09:26
dAndyKamion: nope, no proxy09:26
omegBy the way, I should file a bug report about this, but the American English translation of Breezy says "Analysing your system" in the update program.09:26
janimooh, ubuntu timed out09:26
glatzoromeg: there was already a bug report about his09:26
Kamionjanimo: I should be able to do it tomorrow09:27
mvomdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/gimp_2.2.11-1ubuntu3.debdiff (<- remove the first-time-wizard, taken from breezy, tested with pbuilder, verified that it really works)09:27
omegAh, okay. I bet it's fixed already, then.09:27
glatzoromeg: yep.09:27
janimoKamion: great09:27
mvoglatzor: hello! 09:27
mdzKamion: I have the new live CDs booted now; is there any test case I should try for the ubiquity partitioning issues?09:27
glatzoromeg: replaced "analy(s|z)e" by "examine" 09:27
glatzorhi mvo09:27
glatzoromeg: somebody else suggested this :)09:28
sladenomeg: centre of the circle (around the mouse) looks a bit bright in the x* logo09:29
Kamionmdz: ensure that ubiquity presents you with the auto-resize option (actually I'm not certain that's necessary, but let's pretend it is) and then try your choice of permutations of manual partitioning, without deleting the partition it offered to resize09:29
glatzormvo: sorry, but I haven't found the time today to finish the docu09:29
mvoglatzor: no problem09:29
=== mvo hugs glatzor
Kamionmdz: make sure that it does not say "Resizing partition" at any point; to make certain, grep for RESIZE_PARTITION in /var/log/partman09:29
glatzormvo: it is a problem actually :)09:29
Kamionit should not appear09:30
glatzormvo: polishing the German translation consumes nearly all my open source time09:30
omegsladen: yeah, I wanted to give the mouse some emphasis.09:30
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mvoglatzor: the current translation has a bug that makes the update-manager crash in ngettext09:31
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glatzor:/ what did I say? I don't know anything about the German translation :)09:31
glatzormvo: only in the German translation?09:32
mdzKamion: it doesn't present me with the auto-resize option09:33
mdzI have 2 primary + 1 logical partition in this vm09:33
mdz1 primary and 1 logical (1 extended)09:33
siretartmdz: do you know if the TB meeting scheduled for tomorrow is going to actually happen or has it been canceled?09:34
mdzsiretart: I hadn't thought about it09:34
mvoglatzor: yes, in the translation is a "%s" that is missing and so python can't subsitute the string. but I can't find the string in rosetta easily :/09:34
mvooh well09:34
=== mvo goes for dinner
mdzsiretart: keybuk and I will definitely be busy, and probably sabdfl too09:35
glatzormvo: no it's a bug in the code09:35
siretartmdz: I have a question about backports for the tb. shall I ask/discuss that on the mailinglist instead then?09:35
mvomdz: if you are ok with the debdiff for the gimp first-time-wizard I can upload it after dinner09:35
mvoglatzor: is it?09:35
mdzmvo: url?09:35
mdzmvo: ah, I see it09:35
mdzmvo: the patch from breezy applied unmodified?09:36
glatzormvo: I am not sure. one moment09:36
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mvomdz: yes09:36
mvoglatzor: sure, I'm about to leave for dinner anyway, take your time 09:36
ograomeg, your png is indexed to 256 cols 09:37
pygivuntz, are you around ? (emergency) :)09:37
ogra)the edubuntu one)09:37
mdzmvo: ok then09:37
glatzormvo: the code is ok. I misunderstood the syntax.09:37
sladenmdz: could you time-shift the TB meeting.  At T-1week it would be really useful to have a chance for you to lay out timetable, area that need focusing on09:39
ograomeg, can i get one with 16 cols so i can include it right away ? 09:39
Kamionmdz: there are various reasons why it might not09:40
mdzKamion: does it matter for the test?09:40
Kamionmdz: try manual partitioning anyway and make sure it doesn't erase09:40
Kamionthe bug is essentially that it will go into autopartitioning without you asking it to09:40
Kamionerasing was the dholbach manifestation09:40
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=== Kamion is coming to believe that preseeding kbd-chooser/method was never actually meant to work
mdzKamion: in the cases where it did the wrong thing, was the summary display correct or incorrect?09:41
Kamionmdz: correct, IIRC; but the breakage happened before the summary was displayed09:42
j^hm, resume stopped working, i just get a yellow "inu" and a blinking curser left of it09:42
mdzKamion: it doesn't seem to have erased09:42
mdzKamion: I don't have a /var/log/installer/partman09:42
xhakeroh.. something changed in the install cd's? why is it called alternate now? pushing for ubiquity?09:43
mdzxhaker: only the filenames changed, to match the new descriptions09:43
Kamionmdz: /var/log/partman09:43
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Kamionxhaker: see ubuntu-devel-announce@09:43
Kamionwe announce major changes there09:44
xhakerKamion: maybe i have it set to digest mail, thanks09:44
Kamionthere's not very much point setting announcement lists to digest, usually :-)09:44
mdzKamion: mailed you the logs09:45
bddebianWhere are we supposed to put our names for core-dev consideration these days??09:46
omegDone. What a tedious job.09:46
omeg[21:37]  <ogra> omeg, your png is indexed to 256 cols <-- The Xubuntu one?09:46
crimsunbddebian: apply to the LP team.09:46
omegThat's strange...09:46
ograomeg, edubuntu 09:47
ograomeg, ogra == edubuntu, janimo == xubuntu, Riddell == kubuntu 09:47
sladenbddebian: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-core-dev/+join09:47
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omegLet's see.09:47
bddebianThanks crimsun and sladen :-)09:48
omegOh dear. I wonder if I can fix that. Photoshop might completely re-arrange the palette.09:48
omegIt did. Tsk.09:48
janimoare candidate CDs building tonight?09:48
ograomeg, thats why i didnt touch it with gimp now09:48
ogra(to prevent palette rearrangement)09:49
mdz32gnome_power_manager seems awfully slow09:49
sladenogra: Gimp doesn't much with the order of the palette09:50
mdzbut it does run, so confirmed that fix09:50
ograsladen, if i shrink it down from 256 to 16 cols it might09:50
omegLet's see if I can do it with gimp, too.09:50
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mdzKamion: er, never noticed all this module loading business at the end of ubiquity before09:51
mdzKamion: seems to say Installing system / Loading module[...]  while mkinitramfs is actually what's running09:52
omegI don't think I can remove colors with GIMP.09:52
omegI'd have to convert it to RGB first and that would definitely break the palette.09:52
ograomeg, switch it to rgb and back to indexed 09:53
omegSo I guess I'll have to fix it manually, then.09:53
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ogramdz, did the upload queue already get switched to manual approval mode ? 09:55
mdzogra: no, why?09:55
slomono uploads are currently ACCEPTED, even universe ones09:55
ograhmm, i'm missing my edubuntu-meta upload09:55
ografrom 1h ago09:55
=== mvo misses his gimp upload too, but it was only a couple of minutes ago
=== mvo goes and gets a ppc to do more testing
mdzogra: ok, I may have lied09:57
mdzthe cron job seems to be commented out09:57
Kamionmdz: that appears to have used the automatic erase option09:57
mdzbut I didn't do it09:57
Kamionunless I'm misreading this09:58
Kamionoh, sorry, I did it for the langpack uploads09:58
KamionI'll fix it09:58
mdzKamion: I used  manual09:58
bddebianslomo: ??09:58
slomobddebian: hi :)09:58
ograthanks :)09:58
sladenKamion: ta09:58
mdzogra,slomo: should be processed in ~1m09:58
bddebianslomo: Hi.  What do you mean no uploads are ACCEPTED?09:58
bddebianOh, NM09:58
slomothanks :)09:59
Kamionmdz: did you run ubiquity more than once there?10:00
mdzKamion: no10:00
Kamionmdz: there's probably no progress message for mkinitramfs, oh well10:00
mdzKamion: I thought there was before; wasn't it "Detecting hardware" or such?10:01
omegFinally fixed.10:01
omegIt has 16 colors now. I'd prefer it if it's tested just to make sure that it IS correct, though...10:01
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bddebianHeya ivoks10:01
ivokshey bddebian 10:01
=== ivoks lurks for free main maintainer :)
Kamionmdz: oh, you appear to have selected "erase entire disk" on the autopartitioning page, gone forward to the summary page, gone back to autopartitioning, then selected manual partitioning; is that accurate?10:03
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mdzKamion: yes10:03
Kamionand are you just testing me to see if I can work this out rather than telling me? :)10:03
KamionI was rather scared when I found the evidence that "erase entire disk" had happened10:04
Kamionbut it seems correct and not a problem10:04
=== omeg fixes edu.
mdzI thought that was what I was meant to do10:04
ograomeg, yay \o/10:04
Kamionmdz: depends whether you already had a VM with something useful installed in it10:04
Kamionanyway, all seems happy10:05
bddebianivoks: Good luck :-)10:05
omegjanimo: is it easy for you to check to see if that Xu splash screen is okay? Don't want to end up with a garbled screen...10:05
omegI think that it is, though.10:05
omegThe palette is indexed correctly from what I can see.10:05
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janimoomeg, where do I take it form?10:05
janimoalthough don;t rely on my taste for this, better post to the artwork list10:06
omeghttp://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/xu_newsuggestion_0_8_TEST.png <-- fixed version (correct palette, 16 colors)10:06
janimoI am and was fine with all usplashes so far10:06
mdzKamion: it had an older install10:06
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janimoomeg, very good looking :)10:06
KamionI have a candidate fix for bug 3166110:06
UbugtuMalone bug 31661 in kbd-chooser "ignores preseeding" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3166110:06
janimovery ubunuish10:07
omegI would post it to the artwork list, janimo, but as far as I know, no other splashes for Xu have been made yet, and a decision for the final Ubuntu splash is going to be made tomorrow; there's not really anymore time for another debate, I think.10:07
omegBut I'll check the Xubuntu wiki, too.10:07
ograshiny :)10:07
janimoomeg, a minute10:07
janimothere was a splash in breezy alreday10:08
janimobut this is the first which looks like ubuntu's10:08
omegOh, I bet v550 made that. Looks like his style.10:08
omegWell, I don't know then.10:08
mdzif someone who could reliably reproduce the problem with casper not responding to ENTER on reboot/shutdown could confirm the fix in the current daily-live, that would be much appreciated10:10
janimoomeg, actually I think it was JOzsef Mak10:10
mdzI'll need to go and forage for food soon10:11
janimoomeg, I like yours, that's why if you could post to the artwork list it'd be kind of a vote10:11
omegSure, I'll do that if you're okay with packaging it later.10:11
janimoomeg, I am not sure but the colours shoul use the palette on the page I linked too10:11
janimosteel blue it's called I think10:11
janimoall our artwork is basedon that10:12
janimothat's why consulting with jmak would be advisable10:12
omegI kind of tried to keep that color style while, like the other splashes, keeping the logo bright (since it's on a black background). It doesn't seem to perfectly adhere to the color scheme you linked to because of that.10:12
janimoto combine our palette with the nice effects you made10:12
omegLooks like it needs to be a little more greenish blue.10:13
omegMine is almost purple-ish blue.10:13
Keybukmdz: I'm going to try and find the real root cause of that tomorrow10:13
janimoomeg, it's not my decision though, it needs someone with an eye for these things10:13
KeybukI suspect there's some fundamental bug in there that probably should be fixed10:13
Keybukbddebian: oh aye @ application10:13
omegjanimo: sure, I'll put it on the art list then.10:14
bddebianKeybuk: ?10:14
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janimoomeg, thanks10:14
Keybukbddebian: ubuntu-core-dev :)10:14
bddebianKeybuk: Oh, thx10:14
Keybukwe get e-mail when people apply10:14
bddebianAck, I hate foo.desktop.in..  Escpecially with more than one binary package :-(10:15
Keybukbddebian: not sure whether there's a TB meeting tomorrow or not10:15
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omegNow I'm going to have to fix the palette again.10:16
omegjanimo: I'd say that this looks like the color scheme you mentioned: http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/xu_newsuggestion_0_8_UNFIXED.png10:18
janimoomeg, still looks blueish to me, but am not sure.10:19
janimothat's why I'd like someone else to decide :)10:19
janimoI see no difference vs the previous one that's why10:19
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janimoomeg, althoug our wallpaper is very blue10:20
janimobut our current spplash is bleak10:20
bddebianKeybuk: Oh, it might be cancelled?10:21
omeghttp://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/xu_newsuggestion_0_8_UNFIXED.png (updated)10:21
omegThe thing is, my usplash goes into almost full white.10:21
omegThat old usplash stays in mid-tone range.10:21
Keybukbddebian: it's not perfectly timed given the location and activity of the participants10:21
omegSo it will look a little different, although the hue values are similar.10:21
Keybukit would be "now" which is the latest mdz has to get food10:21
bddebianKeybuk: Aye.  No rush on my application anyway.  I was gonna wait until after release anyway10:22
omeghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntLookProposalSteel?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=login.png <--> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntLookProposalSteel?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=login.png10:22
KeybukI've sent a mail to the others to ask whether we're planning to actually do it or not10:22
janimoomeg, I like it as I said. But would like more people preferably from the art list to OK it. Not to fight over it or anything, just so I know there's at least some consensus10:22
Keybukwe've cancelled the distro team meetings until after release too, for example10:22
omegYeah, I fully agree with that. If there's no time issue, I'll do it right away.10:22
omegI'll toss it on the wikipage.10:22
janimoomeg, those were the same links?10:23
omegDid I accidentally paste the same links?10:23
omeghttp://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/xu_newsuggestion_0_8_UNFIXED.png <--> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntLookProposalSteel?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=login.png10:23
omegheh, sorry10:23
janimoomeg, yes please put them i the wiki and post to the art list10:24
janimosomeone will probably post a link to xubuntu-devel too then10:24
omegIs there a specific Xubuntu art list?10:24
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omegNote: palette has not been fixed. Will do it now.10:25
janimoomeg, no xubuntu-devel list is what I meant10:28
mgalvinhmm, why are the desktop images stored as /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-* in ubuntu-artwork?10:28
omegAh, okay. So you will post it there, and I'll post it to Ubuntu-art?10:28
janimoomeg, you post in ubuntu-art please, and there are people (not me) following both, and they will probably link to your post10:29
janimothe guy involved with xubuntu artwork is on the artlist, I assume he will10:29
omegMail sent. I linked to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntuUsplash in the post, so we'll be seeing votes appearing there shortly, I think.10:34
omegNow for the tedious and hopefully final task: fixing that damned palette (maybe I should beg my programmer friend to make a program for such things...)10:34
wasabiHmm. So how is the framebuffer resolution selected?10:34
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omegBlam. Palette fixed.10:41
omegHuh. Wait a second... now it's in 256 again.10:42
omegMan, I give up. I can't do this. Photoshop keeps messing up my palette. Maybe GIMP will work.10:43
omegUnless someone can pull a really cool C trick that will strip the image of the rest of its 240 colors.10:44
=== xhaker [n=xhaker@a213-22-29-58.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
omegSeems to be 16 colors in GIMP. How is that even possible?10:44
Chipzzomeg: xpm? :)10:45
omegPerhaps someone could double-check for me. It seems that it's correct now: http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/xu_newsuggestion_0_8_UNFIXED.png10:45
omegIf it still has 256 colors... xmp?10:45
Chipzzyou could do cool tricks with xpm in perl ;P10:46
ograChipzz, not sure usplash eats xpm 10:46
ograbut indeed you can always try feeding :)10:46
Chipzzogra: I meant for playing cool tricks ;)10:46
Chipzzxpm rocks for that kinda shit ;)10:47
omegCan xpm reduce a PNG's colors, or something?10:48
Chipzzomeg: no, but you can hand-edit xpm10:48
omegBecause I would indeed greatly appreciate it if someone could do that to my Edubuntu screen so that it doesn't have to be done manually.10:48
Chipzzomeg: have you ever seen an xpm file?10:48
omegHand-editing the palette in text would indeed be useful.10:48
Chipzzit's basically ascii-art10:48
omegBut I'm not gonna check it out right now, since I'm a little busy. I'll quickly finish this and then finish other stuff... it'll be working past midnight tonight.10:49
ograomeg, so no new edubuntu splash ?10:49
=== ogra still waits with his artwork upload
omegI'm referring to the Edubuntu splash with "this" :)10:50
ograah, yay :)10:50
omegMaybe you could check for me whether that Xubuntu screen shows up as 16 colors for you. I'm overly confused now. Photoshop shows 256 colors, GIMP shows 16.10:50
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ograDisplay Type: Indexed Color (16 colors)10:52
ograomeg, thats what gimps info window tells me10:52
omegI'm glad that it's right.10:53
ograso here it seems ok10:53
omegPhotoshop is just really incapable of editing 16-color palette files without using "Save for Web" then (which ruins the palette by reordering it per frequency, which is actually against the PNG specification).10:54
ograyeah, gimp rules for web graphics development (while it totally sucks for professional print stuff)10:55
sladenis there a nice tool for producing split patches from  cvs rdiff  anywhere?10:55
omegI think this is fixed.10:57
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ograomeg, Indexed Color (256 colors) :(10:58
omegI've tried to seriously use GIMP only twice, so I'm nobody to judge, but its interface seems a little strange to me. I work as a designer so I doubt I'd ever be making the switch, though.10:58
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
omegI don't see how it's even possible.10:58
omegYep, seems like it...10:59
jcoleare you trying to reduce the colors in gimp?11:00
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jcolethat has never worked well for me11:00
omegNo, Photoshop.11:01
sladenomeg: people are generally happy with whatever they used first.  After 8 years of using GIMP I will (and do) have a hard trouble with Photoshop.  (Indeed, I get exasparated that Photoshop can't do basic things like palette editing :)11:05
omegYeah, I guess. I really don't like the fact that Gimp's separate windows also have separate task bar entries, though.11:05
omegMy friend told me that PNGCRUSH can probably fix my palette for me.11:05
jcoleconvert $BACKGROUND.png $BACKGROUND.jpg11:05
jcoleconvert -colors 14 $BACKGROUND.jpg $BACKGROUND.png11:05
jcolepngtopnm $BACKGROUND.png | ppmtolss16 "#000000=0" "#ffffff=7" | lss16toppm | pnmtopng > $BACKGROUND.png11:05
jcoleconvert -colors 14 $BACKGROUND.png $BACKGROUND.png11:05
jcole(sorry for the flood)11:05
jcoleomeg: ^^^11:06
sladenomeg: you're lucky they even *have* menu bars.  the menu bars only came in the last year or so---before that everything was via a right-click;  which is still the mode I use it in11:06
jcoleit removes the transparent png stuff11:06
jcoleit's a hack11:06
omegBut won't that cause major artifacts?11:07
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ograjcole, and that will preserve the right order for the text printing etc ?11:07
ograremember we talk about usplash ;)11:07
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ssamomeg, you could put a "--quality 100" in the first convert command, to use the least jpg compression11:09
omegMaybe jcole could try it for me. I don't have those "convert" and "pngtopnm" programs.11:10
jcoleomeg: apt-get install imagemagick netpbm syslinux11:10
jcoleomeg: but i'll hack at it also :)11:10
omegAwesome. I'll try that if pngcrush fails.11:11
sladenssam: you don't even need the first two lines.  completely ignore them---they're for people wanted to take $some_random_jpg_photo 11:11
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jcole$ file edu_newsuggestion_0_8_FIXED.png11:12
jcoleedu_newsuggestion_0_8_FIXED.png: PNG image data, 640 x 400, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced11:12
jcoleit's 256 color palette11:12
sladenjcole: it could probably be fine to convert to straight;  the 14 colours are all in the first 16 anyway11:13
omegIt needs to be a 4-bit PNG with the 16 colors in the exact same order as the source file.11:13
sladenomeg: obviously the palette needs to be correct, but the 4-bit may not matter, so long as it is indexed11:14
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omegWell, the palette is already in correct order, it's just that there are 240 colors after them.11:15
jcoleomeg: got it -> edu_newsuggestion_0_8_FIXED.tmp.png11:16
jcoleomeg: http://jcole.org/edu_newsuggestion_0_8_FIXED.tmp.png11:17
jcoleomeg: pngtopnm edu_newsuggestion_0_8_FIXED.png | ppmtolss16 "#000000=0" "#ffffff=7" | lss16toppm | pnmtopng > edu_newsuggestion_0_8_FIXED.tmp.png11:17
omegWow, I think that this indeed did the trick.11:17
ograjcole, the palette order is still the same ? 11:18
omegBut it would appear that there are 14 colors now?11:18
jcoleomeg: 15 actually11:18
omegNo, 15.11:18
ogragimp says 1511:18
sladenjcole: except that you overwrote the existing text palette entry with white.  was that intended?11:18
omegI guess it needs an extra 16th color, then.11:18
ograi' also worried about the palette11:18
ograsince thats the whole purpose of it 11:18
omegThanks a lot, though! I'll add that extra color. I doubt the palette will be broken by that.11:19
ogra(making the usplash text readable through the right order)11:19
jcolei simple "convert -colors 16 edu_newsuggestion_0_8_FIXED.png edu_newsuggestion_0_8_FIXED.tmp.png" did that11:19
jcoledownload the file again11:20
=== Rotund [n=joe@69-179-7-237.dyn.centurytel.net] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Client]
_ionSigh. The problem with the savage driver doesn't seem to be fixed in CVS.11:20
KaiLgreat new ubuntu gnome splashscreen  (if the person, who made it, is here ;)11:21
omeghttp://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/edu_FIXED.png <-- one last check just to make sure, then? I added a 16th color (which is used on only one pixel)11:21
omegYou mean the one that shows up when X is being started (after logging in), KaiL?11:22
KaiLomeg, yes11:22
mdkeyes, very nice artwork all round11:22
KamionBenC: argh, the kernel failed to build on amd64 and powerpc11:22
omegOh, too bad ;) I made another splash screen. But yeah, that one is also very nice.11:22
=== ogra gives a thumbs up to omeg
ograomeg, looks good11:22
ograi'll do a testbuild 11:23
BenCKamion: yeah, I see...fixing it up...it's silly crap too11:23
KamionABI changes in both cases11:23
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Kamionare they real ABI breaks?11:23
KaiLeverybody makes better splashscreens, but nobody wants to make a not black usplash? ;)11:23
KamionKaiL: black is good, stops the border being visible11:24
omegWell, there are non-black usplash propositions, but apparently it's not entirely flawless on most systems. That's why it'll probably happen only for Edgy, if at all.11:24
KaiLKamion, seen suse 10.1?11:24
Kamionon many systems anything other than black is really ugly11:24
KaiLthere's not much good on their distribution, but the sclash looks great11:24
KamionKaiL: no, but if it uses a non-black splash then I bet I can show you systems where it's ugly11:24
KamionKaiL: on your system, the splash probably reaches roughly to the edge of the monitor11:24
mdzKaiL: the artist isn't here, but I'll pass on your comments11:25
mdkeKaiL: usplash has been discussed to death, let's move on now11:25
KamionKaiL: it is not at all uncommon for this not to happen, and for the splash to occupy a relatively small area in the middle of the screen11:25
Kamionwith a black background, you don't notice this, and it looks more stylish on those monitors as a result11:25
KaiLKamion, that should only happen with vga= set, or?11:25
omegogra: if you can make test builds easily, can you also test the Xubuntu splash? http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/xu_newsuggestion_0_8_FIXED.png11:25
KamionKaiL: nope11:25
omegI think that this is the fixed version of Xu splash.11:25
jcolewow, you guys have been busy, went to javaone on thursday and missed a few hundred mb of updates since then :)11:26
KaiLjcole, only? ;)11:26
KaiLhmm, my test-laptop here has the black usplash - when was that? week ago? or better "200MB ago"? ;)11:27
KamionKaiL: we used to see this effect on the CD splash screen, too; now it has a black background and it's much less noticeable11:27
mdzreboot time11:28
KaiLoops, good guess - 181MB ;)11:28
omegI guess that turning off digest mode for the mailing list will cause me to receive all mails live?11:29
omegThat's better.11:31
KaiLand brings some action to bored mail servers ;)11:31
ograubuntu-art is not that high traffic11:31
omegYeah, I'm always waiting for mailing list digests at work.11:31
omegBoring otherwise. :)11:32
KaiLabout the new logout-button: isn't that one a bit too colourful?11:33
omegI don't really like the new logout dialog, actually. I prefer a list of text.11:34
omegI also think the shadows are too heavy.11:34
KaiLthat too11:34
omegAll things I intend to extensively write about from a designer's point of view for Edgy. But definitely too late to change now.11:34
KaiLat least dapper artwork is a very bit steap ahead compared with breezy11:35
KaiLvery big step... late in europe11:35
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omegI've got some issues with the new theme.11:38
omegI think I'll like working on an alternative proposal. My main beef with it is that the color orange for the title bar is very bright, and the text is white.11:39
sladenLog out and Lock Screen really need switching11:41
sladenthe least intrusive should be on the left, and the most intrusive (Log out, Shutdown) on the right11:41
KaiLhmm.. looks like the translations need a lot more promotion for edgy - only one language above 90% :/11:42
KaiLsladen, the it would be lock, switch, logout in the first row?11:42
_ionI'd prefer "Lock screen, Switch user, Log out"11:42
crimsunsladen: no one begins on the right and works left (I'm thinking bidi)?11:42
omegIf you were to ask me what Ubuntu is, I'd say that it's a good, new-fashioned operating system with good, old-fashioned mannerisms. Which is a great thing. Some of the recent Dapper developments have steered it slightly away from the latter.11:42
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KaiLomeg, like?11:43
KaiLexcept, that I guess, everybody has at least one bug, he (or she) doesn't understand, why it didn't get fixed - as always..:)11:44
BenCKamion: ok, uploaded...note these aren't "build failures", they are unexpected variations in the ABI, like some rtc functions moving from module to vmlinux :/11:44
BenCsucks that this got so ugly for a few config changes and no real code changes11:45
omegLike, as I mentioned, the title bar that's too bright (it actually fails a color brightness treshold check suggested by the W3C). Or the new logout screen. The latter heavily relies on art but, in my opinion, seems to negatively alter the actual usability of the dialog. Or the tooltips that show up immediately over the top menu items. Or the gradient in those tooltips.11:45
KaiLhuh? Still kernel work?11:45
omegOr the border around the windows in the new Dapper theme. It's grey, but it's made to look as if it's almost not there. This causes a strange effect to appear when you actually do notice that it's there. These seem like personal preference issues, but I'll write about those things more in-depth later, after things cool down a little bit and we can begin to think about Edgy.11:46
omegI believe that if I can convey what I mean from a usability point of view, people will agree with me or at least start a dialogue about how we could make the interface even better. That's the area I want to commit myself to for Edgy.11:47
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KaiLthe problem with this border is, that you can't life without one (technically) in X, but it normally looks awefull and is useless11:47
omegWould you recon it was useless in the old Breezy theme, or is in other operating systems that it's seen in (Windows NT, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X (metallic windows))?11:48
KaiLMac OS X has no border...11:48
omegThe metallic windows do.11:49
KaiLas you can best see in Safari11:49
KaiL"metallic"? Theme?11:49
omegOpen a Finder window in Mac OS 10.4.11:49
omegOr see here: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fe/TigerDesk.png11:49
KaiLah, yes11:50
omegThe thing is, there still is a border; but it's being pretended like it isn't there. Why, I'd ask.11:50
omeg(In the Dapper theme.)11:50
KaiLsometimes it has, sometimes not.. interesting11:50
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omegIt hasn't got a border if you choose to use a small window (switched with the top-right button on the windows).11:50
omegE.g. the window at the center of the screen is in small mode.11:50
omegSafari doesn't have the border either.11:51
ograomeg, dark brown font, white porgessbar background and yellow progress indicator in edubuntu ...11:51
ograthe only readable thing was the "failed" message of my disabled dhcp server11:51
omegHmm. So I'll have to fix.11:51
omegOkay, so what exactly is wrong?11:51
ograas suspected, the palette was shuffled by convert11:52
omegBut the logo itself looked okay?11:52
ograthe default font uses a dark brown11:52
ograthe logo is fine11:52
ograand the yellow on white progeress looks cool as well11:52
ograits only the default font color11:53
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omegWell, yellow on white, that sounds scary.11:53
omegOr at least not as how I envisioned it. That would kind of spoil consistency. I'll try to fix it.11:53
ograbut majorly the font is an issue ...11:53
omegCould you test the Xubuntu splash to see if that one works? Or is it a lot of work?11:54
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ograi'm not really fond of breaking my test setup currently since i'm working on finalizing the edubuntu CD11:55
ograi could build a ppc xubuntu-artwork-usplash if you find anyone to test it11:55
ogra(no other build machione around currently)11:56
omegI'll just test it by looking at the palette.11:56
ograhmm, janimo seems gone ... :/11:56
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omegOkay. So I think that Xubuntu is correct.11:58
omegLet's check Edu.11:58
ogramdz, did you do livefs builds for the derivatives as well ? or was that only ubuntu11:58
omegHmm. 8 --> 4...11:59
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sladenKamion: is the cronjob running again?  I haven't since any emails from Ubuntu Installer for a few hours12:07
sladenKamion: oh, conincidence.  Got one in the last 15seconds12:08
omegogra: I think I've fixed it.12:12
ogralets see :)12:12
omegI'm uploading it now. It's past midnight here. How long will it take you to see if it's really okay now?12:12
ograomeg, i'm in germany i know the time ;)12:13
omegAh, okay :)12:13
omegHere it is.12:13
omegIf it will take you longer than, say, 20 minutes to test, then I'd like to go to sleep. I've got lots of stuff to do tomorrow...12:14
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@f1-pc174.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograbuilding now ...12:15
omegHmm, seems Viper550 voted for the other Xubuntu splash :P12:16
omegWell, I guess there will be more votes tomorrow.12:17
ograi didnt like his colors for the edu splash12:17
ograsomehow tan (or pastel pink or how you wanna call it) doesnt work well with yellow12:18
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omegI haven't seen it, but I doubt it does.12:18
sladenwhere is this vote?12:19
ograomeg, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Usplash/DapperPropositions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=v550_eduratio.png12:19
omegIck. Now that I see it again, actually, I do realize that I've seen it.12:20
omegSeems to be off-center.12:20
ograthats a color combo nobody forgets i guess :)12:20
=== omeg checks
omegIt's 20 pixels off-center.12:21
omegGive or take about 4 pixels because the logo should be centered using the logo's circle radius rather than the "head" to the far left, but that's still a lot. I wonder if he even tested it before saving.12:22
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ograi doubt it12:23
ograhe even sent truecolor proposals in the beginning12:23
Riddellinfinity, Kamion, anyone around who can rebuild the livefs for kubuntu?12:25
omegYou know what really bothers me?12:26
omeghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperPropositionsClean?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=d_final_v550_ubuntu.png <-- viper 550's Ubuntu splash proposal's gradient is off-center, too.12:26
omegThe gradient isn't centered at the middle of the logo.12:26
omegUpon further inspection, it seems that the image is 641x400 and 10 pixels off-center.12:27
ograinstalling the testpackage ...12:28
omegAwesome. I can't wait.12:28
KamionRiddell: I've started off a build12:28
RiddellKamion: thanks12:28
Kamionalthough the cron job would fire in four or five hours anyway12:29
ograKamion, ah, i was about to ask12:29
Kamionkeep an eye on http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/liveLogs/dapper/kubuntu/latest/ to see when it's done; I'll be in bed before that12:29
Riddellwell, I'll be asleep by then with any luck :)12:29
ograwhen is ETA for them to be switched off12:29
RiddellKamion: ok12:29
Kamionogra: "later"12:29
ogra*good* :)12:29
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Burgundaviasladen, did you still want to play with the faq on the website?12:36
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sladenBurgundavia: the shipit faq.  Yes, I was going to12:37
sladenBurgundavia: what's the raw URL again?12:37
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Burgundaviasladen, http://www.ubuntu.com/support/faq?action=raw12:38
Burgundaviasend me the diff12:38
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ograomeg, no change ...12:41
omegHow's that possible? Did you hard refresh when you obtained the new image?12:42
ograi didnt see a "failed" might be that its dark as well now12:42
omegWell then let's have a look again.12:42
omegFailed should be brighter12:42
omegOkay now let's see.12:43
omegBackground color: 000000. Correct.12:43
omegProgress bar foreground color: efb631. Correct.12:43
omegRight status text foreground color: 392008. Correct.12:44
omegProgress bar background color: 1c1004. Correct.12:44
sladenogra: update-initramfs ?12:44
omegWas the progress bar background color white?12:44
ograsladen, even dpkg-reconfigure linux-blah....12:45
ograomeg, yep12:45
omegLeft text status foreground color: 794d14. Correct.12:45
ograor a very light yellow or khaki12:45
omegAnd the last is a66d1c.12:45
omegThe image is correct. There's no doubt about it. I checked all colors in GIMP, and as you can confirm, they're right where they're supposed to be.12:46
ograi think taking the latter for the left status text would make it readable12:46
sladenogra: write  "FOOBAR" on it in big letters and see if that shows up12:46
omegThere's no white color near the background color for the progress bar.12:46
ogra#392008 seems to be the color all text has currently12:46
omegJust to be certain, this is the link you used? http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/edu_FIXED_retry.png12:47
omegHere's a mirror: http://avalanchestudios.net/uploads/edu_FIXED_retry.png12:47
omegI'm following what's said on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Usplash/DapperPropositions12:48
omegOr here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto12:49
omegI just don't get it.12:49
ograogra@edubuntu:/mnt/devel/packages/edubuntu-artwork-0.1.0$ ls -l edu_*12:49
ogra-rw-r--r-- 1 ogra ogra 5812 2006-05-23 00:13 edu_FIXED_retry.png12:49
omegI don't see what else could be wrong besides the usplash accidentally being built with an old version. Maybe you should ask infinity.12:49
ograapparently the right one12:49
omegCan you check in GIMP for me to see if the colors are correctly palettized?12:49
omegBecause it would appear so in GIMP.12:50
omegOn my end.12:50
ograit wouldnt build the package with more than 16 cols12:50
ograyep, gimp agrees here12:50
kmrjcole: if you're using imagemagick for converting an image to an icc profile with perlmagick, you'll want to use the patch I submitted on launchpad for imagemagick to fix an assertation failure12:50
omegogra: wouldn't build the package with more than 16 cols? Hmm?12:51
omegThat image does have 16 colors. 0 - 15.12:51
omegDid it give an error?12:51
kmrjcole: not sure, though, if the imagemagick maintainer will ever put the bug fix in the ubuntu package12:51
ograomeg, nope, thats what i'm saying12:51
ograso its correctly 18 colors palletized12:52
ograindeed :)12:52
omegIt would appear that way.12:52
omegI don't get it... so the image is fine on your end too?12:52
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ograbut it definately uses 392008 for all text12:53
omegWell, I doubt that I could do anything about that. I'm sure infinity could help you out. He built my other Ubuntu splash earlier and tested it. It worked fine for him. He could probably fix up the colors if they're faulty, too.12:54
ograyep, i'll talk to him... 12:56
sivangnight all01:01
omegWell, I hope you succeed, ogra. I'll come by tomorrow morning at 8 AM. Maybe if you're there, you can tell me if you got any further. Though I guess you too are going to stop working now and go to sleep. Maybe you can e-mail infinity and ask him to do it, since he lives in Australia.01:04
ograomeg, unlikely you'll see me that early 01:05
omegWell, then I just wish you good luck! It'd be a shame if such a bug were to mess things up. Well, I'll see you later.01:05
ograi usually dont go to bed before 3/4am german time 01:05
omegI don't know how you do it :P01:05
ograand thanks !01:05
dAndyKamion: I added the sources.list from the broken install to bug #4605201:11
UbugtuMalone bug 46052 in debian-installer "FTP Support in Kickstart Stops working part way through the install" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4605201:12
BenCKamion: The 2.6.15-38 build should be perfect, so consider it the final01:22
BenC2.6.15-23.38 I mean :)01:22
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ograRiddell, wow, i was already wondering how you survive with so many languages on the CD :)01:28
Riddellogra: was doing fine until last week01:28
=== ogra looks envious
ograi'm happy to have english left :)01:29
Riddelljust so long as you keep in British English, that's all I need :)01:29
sladenRiddell: there's no screenshots linked from http://www.kubuntu.org/01:31
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pianoboy3333Does anyone here use pynotify?01:32
Riddellsladen: a link to osdir good enough you think?01:34
=== Riddell adds
sladenKamion: what are the new names.  Desktop CD and Alternate Install CD ?01:35
sladenRiddell: anything, as long as searching for 'screenshot' in the page finds it01:35
RiddellI think Kamion will be snoozing01:36
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Riddellbut those are the names he announce on ubuntu-devel-announce01:36
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sladenogra: do you have a Desktop CD for Edubuntu, or only an Alternate install CD.  Or an install CD ?01:37
ograi have a live and install CD ;)01:37
ogralike breezy had01:37
ograedubuntu didnt change the scheme, since we only ship the install CD through shipit, thats our default01:38
sladenso Ubuntu, Kubuntu are only shipping Desktop CDs (not Alternate).  Edubuntu is only shipping Install CDs (not Live).  Xubuntu to download only.01:44
neuralissladen: have a second?01:47
sladenneuralis: ask away01:49
neuralissladen: don't know if you saw the discussion above where i pang you, re: dualhead. 01:49
Riddellsladen: that's right01:50
Riddellsladen: and kubuntu doesn't have shipit for ppc01:50
neuralissladen: intel 915gm, dualhead, video playback completely broken on external flat panel; 100% cpu usage, no video.01:50
neuralissladen: same config's been working fine since warty. any ideas?01:51
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sladenneuralis: repeatable?01:52
sladenneuralis: what version of  xserver-xorg-driver-i810 ?01:52
neuralissladen: yes, fully. 01:52
neuralisVersion: 1:
sladenneuralis: does it actually crash, or just use 100% CPU ?01:53
neuralisno crash, just 100% cpu usage until the video player is killed (and the video player isn't showing video in the mean time.)01:53
sladenneuralis: can you check what process is using 100% CPU?  It could be the playback software switching to a software-decode01:54
neuraliswell, it's the xv output that seems to break things; x11 works (still hogs cpu, but actually shows video)01:55
sladenneuralis: there is only one scaler, so Xv will only work on 1 head at once01:55
sladenneuralis: did you file a bug yet01:55
neuralissladen: no, i've been trying to track down what exactly is the issue for the past few days, and to verify that it's not specific to my setup01:56
neuralissladen: mind you, this has worked properly since warty, so i'm not sure where the 1 scaler business comes in01:57
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bddebianHowdy folks02:04
neuralissladen: i'll file against x-x-d-i. anything you want me to attach?02:12
sladenneuralis: even if it is specific to your laptop, it is still a bug and still needs filing!02:14
sladenneuralis: can you attach  lspci -vn   and your /var/log/Xorg.0.log  along with any output from running xine on the second head02:15
sladenneuralis: and a paste showing the CPU percentage from 'top'02:15
neuralissladen: everyone's busy. i'd rather do my legwork before screaming 'bug' in a crowded theater that's about to release a major motion picture in 8 days.02:15
sladenneuralis: oh!  and your xorg.conf!:)02:16
bddebianHeya jsgotangco02:16
neuralissladen: will do.02:16
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jcoleinfinity: can i ping you for 10 seconds? i just want you to verify something.. 4 lines02:20
jcoleinfinity: i just don't want to sit here staring at the screen for 6 hours and it not work02:21
jcole(4 line flood alert)02:22
jcoleapt-get source linux-source-2.6.15; cd linux-source-2.6.15-2.6.1502:22
jcolecp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config; echo "CONFIG_REGPARM=y" >> .config02:22
jcoledch #(bump ABI from 23 to 123)02:22
jcolefakeroot dpkg-buildpackage02:22
jcoleit's building now02:24
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jcolewow, looks like it's going to build 80+ .deb packages02:35
jcole8 hours02:37
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bluefoxicyHey does anyone know where daniels gets the source for xserver-xorg-driver-via, and how I would go about attempting to build myself a copy of the latest version?03:04
lifelessit should be in the copyright file, or a watch file, in the source package03:04
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bluefoxicyDapper's got and it's not working too great (100% CPU usage in glxgears or with xcompmgr -c, armagetron immediately chokes the X server to death), and cvs has version 0.2.1 or so so I figure I'll try building it while I wait for him to build xorg 7.1 some time mid-Edgy :P03:05
bluefoxicylifeless:  I'll look... watch file???03:05
tsengglxgears in xgl gives 100% cpu, news at 1103:06
bluefoxicyno, not in Xgl03:06
bluefoxicyin normal X, with direct rendering enabled03:06
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:~$ glxinfo |grep direct03:07
bluefoxicydirect rendering: Yes03:07
tsengme too and i only get 13%03:07
=== bluefoxicy has not tried Xgl ... no point, looks like too much work for silly eye candy and he doesn't have GLX working yet anyway.
tsengxcompmgr i meant03:08
apokryphosno direct rendering in xgl ;-)03:08
bluefoxicytseng:  nods.  It's a new driver, the version Ubuntu ships is probably incomplete.  *shrug*  Not important.03:08
bluefoxicylifeless: what's a watch file?  :)03:09
apokryphosand Xgl isn't much of a hassle to install, really, depending on your card; eyecandy is good though, and not always pointless at all03:09
tsengits a text file03:09
bluefoxicyah, thanks.03:09
bluefoxicyno README, COPYING is a stub, and there's no debian/watch03:15
sladenmhmm:  host shipit.xubuntu.org  exists03:19
sladenbluefoxicy: cvs -z9 -d :pserver:anoncvs@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/xorg co driver/xf86-video-via03:20
bluefoxicyI would rather be able to hit shipit.ubuntu.org and request a mix and match of ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/edubuntu03:20
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netdurat my firefox there no web page open... but statusbar says it transfer data from stat3.cybermonitor.com03:28
netdurshould I open bug about this? it may be spyware!!! I use updated dapper03:29
bluefoxicyATTN:  Ubuntu is now a mainstream operating system.  We have spyware infections.  Congratulations.03:29
netdurI'm serious... I got screenshot!!!03:31
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crimsunnetdur: do you have tcpdump evidence for it, too?03:41
jcolemake[1] : Leaving directory `/home/jcole/kern_source/linux-source-2.6.15-2.6.15/debian/build/build-686'03:41
jcoleABI has changed!  Refusing to continue; please update the ABINAME accordingly.03:41
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netdurcrimsun, what's tcpdump?03:44
crimsunnetdur: a tool that you should use to verify that stat3.cybermonitor.com is actually being contacted. Please migrate this issue to #ubuntu.03:45
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netdurnever mind!03:46
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sladenneuralis: that appears to be a internet cafe billing software site03:47
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neuralissladen: huh?04:04
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sladenneuralis: netdur.04:16
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sladenBurgundavia: this page looked innocent, but it's a massive hunk of text (5k words)... remind me to carry on slogging another time04:36
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tsumeanyone a grub devel here?04:50
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fabbionemorning guys06:13
bddebianHello fabbione06:15
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pittiGood morning07:25
jsgotangcohey pitti07:26
ajmitchmorning pitti07:26
pittihi guys!07:26
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Burgundaviasladen, will do07:56
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omegHey guys08:01
infinityHey dude.08:01
omegSo, any news on Edubuntu's usplash? Anybody know if ogra got it fixed?08:01
omegHi infinity08:01
infinityogra uploaded something.  No idea what.08:02
omegWell, he was working on the edu live CD, I think.08:02
infinityI mean he "uploaded a change to his splash, no idea what". :)08:02
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omegAh, looks like he didn't get it fixed, then.08:03
omeg(He says "still some font issues to resolve.")08:03
infinityI'm guessing it needed reindexing?08:03
omegStrangely enough, I had manually checked the image like twice. It seemed as though all the palette colors were in the right place.08:04
omegStill there were problems, like the progress bar background color being bright yellow.08:04
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infinityCurious.  I'll have to download it and have a look in a bit.08:05
omegI'll grab the correct link for the image.08:06
infinityCan you give me the hex RGB for the "right" colours in the right places?08:06
omegYes, I'll regrab them.08:06
infinityCool.  I'll go hunt some breakfast.  Back in 10.08:06
omegOkay :)08:07
omegI'll PM it to you.08:07
jsgotangcowell the splash for edubuntu is much better now compared yesterday08:08
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omegLooks like there are still only two Xubuntu splash votes.08:12
infinityHas anyone voted for yours?08:16
omegI left a comment there to say that I think people should consider consistency, but I guess that can't really count as vote. I just reposted the link on the art list.08:17
omegMaybe people from the art list aren't that interested in Xubuntu.08:17
omegIn response to the link for Xubuntu splash voting, someone mailed the following:08:18
omega link to the ubutnu one ?08:18
omegciao 08:18
infinityI voted on the wiki for yours.08:20
omegThanks. :)08:22
omeg40 minutes before usplash voting for Ubuntu finishes.08:22
infinityomeg: Where is that taking place?08:23
omegI guess I'm thankful that then this will finally be finished. So that fun things can be worked on.08:23
omegVia e-mail.08:23
omegLet me forward you the post.08:24
infinityOn the -art list?08:24
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ajmitchhi dholbach 08:24
dholbachhey ajmitch08:24
dholbachgood morning everybody08:24
omegadconrad AT ubuntu DOT com?08:25
omeginfinity: yeah08:25
infinityomeg: That'll do, yes.08:25
Keybukinfinity: does infinity@ubuntu.com not work?  you should get elmo to look at that :p08:25
infinityKeybuk: I've never had an urge to have infinity@, or I would have asked for it.  Do you have keybuk@?08:26
Keybukinfinity: I think I do08:27
KeybukI may not have08:27
nomedomeg: i'll post in xubuntu-devel ...08:28
omegDidn't Janimo already do that, though?08:28
nomedummm .. i may be wrong .. but i didn't see it.08:29
nomedanyway in general we'd like to have the same as ubuntu but with xubuntu colors and logo08:30
omegSeems that he didn't, indeed.08:30
omegYeah, I've tried my best to keep the same colors. They're arguably not as close to the logo's colors as the other splash screen, but to keep consistency with the other usplashes and make it stand out on the black easier, I made the logo a little brighter. The highlights almost go into white.08:31
omegThe hues are the same as the steel look, though.08:32
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infinityI just like that the mouse looks like a mouse on your splash.  I'm easy to please.08:33
dholbachhey janimo!08:34
omegHi janimo :)08:34
infinityOr whatever rodent it's meant to be. :)08:34
janimodholbach.omeg: hey08:34
nomedehehe 08:34
Gloubiboulgajanimo, hello Jani08:34
janimoGloubiboulga: hey08:34
janimois a new xubuntu splash being discussed?08:35
janimonomed, satisfied with current settings manager looks?08:35
nomedjanimo: it seems nobodies care that much08:35
infinityjanimo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntuUsplash08:35
infinityjanimo: Vote for the same one I voted for and I won't break your livefs builds...08:36
nomedjanimo: if dholbach will accept it i'd a have a little patch ...08:36
dholbachnomed: for what?08:36
nomedjanimo: anyway we got what i would :)08:36
nomedstill icon-naming ..08:36
dholbachnomed: for the xubuntu icons?08:36
dholbachnomed: I applied the patch from CVS already08:36
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janimohmm I think  liked omeg's yesterday08:36
nomedeach patch i sent to you i usually send then to upstreamer too ...08:37
dholbachmorning Matt08:37
nomeddholbach: yep .. but there is one more 08:37
janimomorning mdz08:37
dholbachnomed: send it to me, I'll have a look08:37
=== janimo goes to vote for michiels' mouse
dholbachmdz: just preparing another ubuntu-artwork update (some SVGs they sent)08:38
imbrandonmorning mdz08:38
nomedi'll do that this evening .. when i'll have the time to check it .. so hopefully it'll be the last one08:38
mdzogra: I'm not sure which livefs were built apart from Ubuntu; Kamion ran the build08:39
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infinityjanimo: Well, if you and nomed like omeg's and the art team isn't interested in Xubuntu at all, I'd call that concensus.08:39
janimoinfinity: yup, I htink I'l lupload this soon08:39
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mdzinfinity: any love from oo.o?08:40
infinitymdz: The sort of love that hits you when it comes home from the bar at 3am.08:41
mdzinfinity: exactly the same failure then?08:41
infinitymdz: I'm rerunning test builds right now AGAIN.  Clearly something went wrong last night (or I was half asleep when I started them)08:41
fabbionemorning mdz08:41
infinityI'm doing -l10n on terranova, since it's an SMP machine, and -l10n has code to take advantage of that.08:42
infinitySo, hopefully they'll both get in today.08:42
janimoomeg: did you test the splash?08:43
janimois there a link to current ubuntu/edubuntu splashes in the wiki?08:44
omegXubuntu one? No, I haven't tested it. I checked the colors which seem to be correct, though. I don't know how to build new usplash binaries.08:44
omegSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperPropositionsClean for the Dapper Propositions page.08:44
janimoomeg: but besides the color are the proprtions the same as on the other splashes?08:44
mdzinfinity: my local build (i386-on-amd64 SMP) failed, but I can't see why from the output08:46
infinitymdz: Erk, so not in the usual spot?08:46
mdzERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /home/mdz/src/openoffice.org-2.0.2/ooo-build/build/oob680-m5/ucb/source/cacher08:46
omegYeah, they're all squished to adhere to the screen stretching.08:46
mdz"gee, thanks"08:46
infinitymdz: Is it too late to drop OOo from the distribution? :)08:46
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Keybukpitti: language-pack-kde-tl-*, language-pack-gnome-{oc,dv}* to main>?08:47
infinitypitti: No more mass langpack updates for a day or two, I hope? :)08:50
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-146-167-86.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinitymdz: So, based on your above "morning", does that mean you also are pretending to be European for the release crunch?08:51
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infinitymdz: Or are you just suffering sleep issues? :)08:51
Mithrandirinfinity: I think he's in London08:52
infinityAhh, that would do it.08:52
infinitySomewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that.08:52
infinityMemory retention--08:52
Keybukinfinity: they say it's the first thing to go08:52
infinityHey now.  I'm still a good 5 years younger than lamont...08:52
ivoksMithrandir: what's with mailman? :(08:53
mdzinfinity: I am in London08:53
mdzsince Sunday and through the release08:53
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infinitymdz: How many more months of back and forth before you just sell the place in LA and move to London?08:53
RiddellKamion: kubuntu is getting both install and alternate CDs made08:53
Mithrandirivoks: ETOOLATETOFIX.08:54
omegWell, guess I gotta go now08:54
mdzinfinity: too many08:54
janimoomeg,splash looks ok08:54
janimoa bit like the breezy one but ok08:54
ivoksMithrandir: i hope it will get in updates, tough08:54
omegWill you look into usplash Edubuntu sometime, infinity?08:54
omegjanimo: I'm glad that there are no font issues, then.08:55
omegThanks for checking to make sure.08:55
infinityomeg: Yup, it'll fill the gaps when I'm waiting for longer-running processes to happen (like CD builds and such)08:55
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omegAwesome. I hope that it doesn't need reindexing. Maybe it was just some kind of build error when the colors messed up.08:55
omegWell, see you around :)08:57
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pittiKeybuk: yes, please09:02
pittiinfinity: yes, these are meant to be the final ones :)09:03
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janimonomed, so did the vote end? can I upload the new usplash or wait some more?09:04
janimodholbach: ^09:04
dholbachjanimo: i think it'll end at 9:00 utc09:05
nomedjanimo: no idea ..09:05
nomedi guess you can09:05
janimoI'll wait two more hours09:05
dholbachjanimo: heno will be up soonish and he'll know the results09:05
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pittiinfinity: wow, the langpacks built until just recently, so the current CD images don't even contain all the latest versions...09:09
infinitypitti: I can re-roll images after we've done NEWing the lot and an archive cycle has gone by.09:11
infinitypitti: Assuming you wanted to actually test images with the current langpacks. :)09:11
infinityThere are other builds that were stuck in the i386 queue while langpacks were building anyway, so I wouldn't mind re-rolling in a bit.09:12
pittiinfinity: I don't think it's necessary; I can't test *all* languages anyway :)09:12
pittiand most of them are up to date already09:12
mdzinfinity: my failure seems to have been much earlier than the buildd's, and restarting debian/rules build lets it continue09:12
mdzthis package sucks09:12
infinityYou don't test all languages!? *shock and horror* :)09:12
infinitymdz: Yes, yes it does suck.09:12
=== pitti quickly learns Georgian, Bengali, Chinese, and certain dialects of Danish
infinitymdz: vernadsky and terranova both seem to be grinding away okay right now, so we'll see.09:13
infinitymdz: I'd still prefer to find out WHY it dies, but I just don't think we have the time to be chasing heisenbugs.09:13
mdzinfinity: have you been able to get a look at this?09:13
mdzERROR: Saved logfile: /build/buildd/openoffice.org-2.0.2/ooo-build/build/oob680-m5/instsetoo_native/util/OpenOffice//logging/en-US/log_OOB680__en-US.log09:13
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=== pitti is stunned - I added a whole bunch of langpacks to the CDs yesterday, and now the i386 live one is only 636 MB; did we drop WinFOSS or anything?
infinitymdz: The builds have never died quite the same way on a manual build as they do on an automated build, so I'm not sure how useful that would be.09:16
mdzinfinity: I mean the log from the automated build, of course09:16
dholbachto everybody who enjoys big scaled folders on the desktop: you'll have real scalable folders with this ubuntu-artwork upload - YAY!09:16
infinitymdz: I can do an automated build and hack up lp-buildd to not kill the chroot afterward.  But I'd rather do that AFTER the crisis is averted with manually-built packages.09:16
mdzthe one which is redirecting its error output to that logfile09:16
infinitymdz: Yeah, see above. The automated build keeps nothing, so I'll need to hack that.09:17
carlospitti: morning09:18
pittihey carlos09:18
carlospitti: dude, I just remember that I forgot to give you the updated gnome-panel .po files....09:18
carlosdid you download it from Rosetta?09:18
pitticarlos: I noticed yesterday, too09:18
=== infinity starts making a "things we need to add to lp-buildd to make it less useless" list for him and cprov in Paris.
pitticarlos: no, too late unfortunately; we'll fix it via -updates09:19
carlosI just approved the XFCE translation domains, so we should have all fixed now09:20
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dholbachhey mvo09:24
mvohello dholbach09:24
pittiinfinity: ah, the current desktop-i386 iso contains just very few langpacks, that's why it is so small09:31
pittiinfinity: however, ubuntu-meta is correct wrt live-i386 contents. any idea?09:32
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pittiinfinity: ah, easy, ubuntu-live package is at 0.114 on the live-i386, so it's just too old09:33
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mvoiwj: hello, did you see the latest comment for bug #2643609:42
UbugtuMalone bug 26436 in firefox "gtkmozembed crashs with python" [Unknown,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2643609:42
dholbachinfinity, mdz: is it ok to upload some small changes in example-content or are you preparing CD builds atm?09:42
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mdzdholbach: go ahead09:44
dholbachmdz: ok, thanks09:45
dholbachheya seb128!09:45
mdzany sort of RCish builds are blocked on oo.o09:45
seb128hi dholbach09:45
fabbionewhat's wrong with oo.o?09:45
mdzfabbione: FTBFS09:45
mdzin weird and unreproducible ways09:45
fabbionemdz: what arch?09:46
mdzfabbione: i38609:46
mdzseems to work on powerpc and sparc, oddly enough09:46
KinnisonVery odd09:46
fabbionework -> build09:46
fabbionefrom build to work there is another sea to cross09:46
=== fabbione will test later...
fabbionemdz: i *might* have to do a silo/silo-installer upload. i am not sure yet.09:47
fabbionetrying to reproduce a problem i had yesterday09:47
Kinnisonamd64 seems to fail too09:47
fabbioneKinnison: amd64 is built from the i386 debs09:47
fabbioneit's not native09:48
infinityKinnison: amd64, ia64, and hppa are expected to fail. :)09:49
mdzKinnison: amd64 fails because i386 failed09:49
mdzor that09:49
mdzoo.o-amd64 needs uploading once i386 is sorted09:49
infinityYeah, I told doko I'd do that.09:49
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infinityUnless he gets home before I'm done.09:49
mdzhe's back around 1700 UTC today I think09:50
KinnisonOh right, still not native09:50
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infinityiwj: Alive and at work yet?09:55
infinityiwj: Your ttf-freefont patch doesn't apply: https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/19743809:55
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mdzmvo: did sun java get added to app-install-data?10:05
mdzah, yes, good10:05
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mdzseb128: do you know why my System->Lock Screen is missing now?10:14
seb128mdz: because it's a part of the session dialog10:15
pittimdz: apparently that is a last-minute feature10:15
pittiand it sucks IMHO10:16
dholbachmdz: Mark wanted to have it removed.10:16
seb128pitti: not really last minute10:16
mdzdholbach: when did he ask for it?10:16
Kinnisoneww, that's nasty10:16
seb128I think it was a part of what Mark wanted for the session dialog10:16
infinityIt's "last minute" compared to the feature freeze everyone else had to adhere to. :P10:16
dholbachmdz: he reminded me of it (seems he mentioned it before, when I was not around) in the last icon call10:16
infinityBut yeah, it was a couple/few weeks ago that it changed, I think.10:17
mdzit was 15 May, though I didn't recognize the impact of the changelog at the time10:17
=== Laurens_1 [n=Laurens@a80-127-32-187.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityWeek and a half, then.  I was close.10:17
=== infinity glares at his VMware sessions that appears to be hung..
=== Laurens_1 is now known as laurens_s
dholbachWhat did we decide for the HUG DAY? Will we have it? Anything we want to focus on?10:19
pittiogra: piung10:22
pittiping, even10:22
Kinnisonpitti: anything LPish you need from me today?10:23
pittiKinnison: not right now; I guess I tortured the buildds enough for a while :)10:23
Kinnisonapart from vernadsky being on manual, they're all idle :-)10:23
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infinity(It's manual for a reason, please don't switch it..)10:29
=== Kinnison won't
=== Kinnison wouldn't
=== infinity goes to put it in NOT OK, just to drive the point home anyway.
KamionRiddell: no it's not, it's getting them copied from previous directories. I thought I'd cleaned that up already, but I'm sorting it out now10:32
Kamionmdz: did you notice that the latest kernel FTBFS on i386?10:34
fabbioneKamion: we will need another upload anyway10:35
carlospitti: hi, vim is not generating the .pot file. Did we talked about it already?10:36
pittihm, can't remember10:36
hungerKamion: And the -23- kernel got really loud during bootup, too. Produces much more output than the -22- did.10:36
janimodholbach: HUG day tomorrow you mean?10:37
Kamionhunger: you probably forgot to boot with 'quiet'10:37
Kamionhunger: (or your bootloader did)10:37
Kamionfabbione: ...10:37
dholbachjanimo: that was the plan10:38
fabbioneKamion: we need to fix the dri/drm bits. we got input from upstream only 3 hours ago10:38
janimodholbach: for critical bugs in dapper or triaging for edgy?10:38
fabbioneKamion: i am preparing patches and stuff for Ben but i also need to do other stuff10:38
dholbachjanimo: no edgy plans for now10:38
infinityKamion: The i386 FTBFS is easy enough to sort.  I could do it now, but I was going to wait for BenC to show up and make him do it.10:41
fabbioneinfinity: what's the problem with i386?10:41
infinityKamion: Until these OOo builds all finish, RC's a pipe dream anyway. :/10:42
infinityfabbione: ABI additions when RTC was added.  Simple to fix.10:42
fabbionebut additions are not fatal10:42
fabbioneor are not supposed to be10:42
fabbionedid we become more stricy?10:42
infinityThey appear to be when the module we built in disappears.10:43
infinity-drivers/char/rtc rtc_control 0xc9b2728910:43
infinity-drivers/char/rtc rtc_register 0xfdab2b9c10:43
infinity-drivers/char/rtc rtc_unregister 0xeddfe49d10:43
infinity+vmlinux rtc_control 0xc9b2728910:44
infinity+vmlinux rtc_register 0xfdab2b9c10:44
infinity+vmlinux rtc_unregister 0xeddfe49d10:44
fabbioneoh right10:44
fabbionebecause they disappear from the module10:44
fabbionebut they maintain the same ash10:44
fabbioneit's not a real ABI change10:45
fabbionea depmod fixes that10:45
infinitySo someone should be able to mangle those ABI files by hand, and we're on our way.10:45
infinity(Which is what I was going to do)10:45
infinity(If someone said we needed the kernel RIGHT NOW)10:45
fabbioneinfinity: wait i am getting more stuff fixed atm10:46
fabbionei can fix those manually in my tree in the meanwhile10:46
fabbionedid amd64 built properly?10:46
infinityYes, it did.10:46
fabbionewho did upload 23.37 ???10:47
fabbioneit's missing changelog entry ...10:47
Kamioninfinity: yes, could you do it please?10:47
Kamionoh, not if fabbione wants other changes I guess10:48
fabbioneKamion: we need the other changes. really10:48
Kamionbut I really really need to upload final d-i to-freaking-day!10:48
infinityfabbione: 23.37 and 23.38 have the same changelog entry.  I assume he changed the changelog but forgot to make the actual changes in 37..10:48
Kamionso any more kernel crap and I'll be very very unhappy10:48
Kamion(i.e. this time round it needs to build)10:48
fabbioneinfinity: ok thanks10:48
jordimvo: ping10:49
mvojordi: pong10:49
ograpitti, pong10:50
jordimvo: for a week or so, I've had this debian unstable box that takes a long, long time to get upgraded by apt10:50
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Kamionhmm, these NTFS resizing bugs with gparted are kind of annoying, I wonder how hard a backport would be10:50
pittiogra: I just changed the edubuntu seeds to fill the ppc/live with langpacks, as discussed yesterday10:50
pittiogra: I also updated my langpacksize script to be useful for edubuntu, too :)10:50
jordiAfter the "Do you want to continue" prompt, I get the %% [Working]  prompt, which takes around 20 mins to reach 100%10:50
pittiogra: shall I update ubuntu-meta now?10:50
jordithe sources list is a local http and a file:/ repo for unstable10:51
pittiogra: s/now/whenever http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/seeds/edubuntu-dapper/live is updated/10:51
jordiAfter a long wait I managed to get to 96%10:51
jordiand I suspended it in case you want to try anything10:51
ograpitti, go aqhead if you like :)10:51
pitticarlos: so, vim needs to be fixed?10:52
mvojordi: thanks, interessting. This is definitely strange. does it print how fast it is downloading (the speed)? 10:52
infinityKamion: Hrm.  Looks like the LAMP install works fine now, despite no intervention on my part.... I wonder if the failures during the Flight-7 era were some transient bug...10:52
jordino, it doesn't download anything10:52
jordi(in Catalan)10:52
carlospitti: I think so, yes10:52
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jordi237 actualitzats, 2 nous a installar, 1 a eliminar i 0 no actualitzats.10:52
jordiEs necessita obtenir 0B/162MB d'arxius.10:52
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jordithen it says10:53
jordiDesprs de desempaquetar s'usaran 21,0MB d'espai en disc addicional.10:53
jordiVoleu continuar [S/n] ?10:53
jordi96% [Treballant] 10:53
jordiand that's the veeery long wait10:53
infinityKamion: Ergh.  Is there a way I can get grub to not have "splash" on the kernel commandline for a server install, though?10:54
jordimvo: want me to cancel so we can preserve this condition?10:54
mvojordi: very strange, can you see with strace what it is doing at 96%?10:55
=== infinito [n=infinito@VPNPOOL01-0111.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jordiI can start over10:56
jordiI fear it'll eventually start the upgrade10:56
Mithrandirjordi: did you get to test hot spanish keyboard love for me?10:56
Kamioninfinity: not without hacking grub-installer, sorry10:56
jordiMithrandir: you didn't seem y msgs?10:57
jordiThat same day I wasn't able to10:57
pittidholbach: shall I bump the test cd version on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Current? also, should the matrix be flushed? or only flush once we have dedicated canditate CDs?10:57
jordibut this laptop I have here does work10:57
infinityKamion: Crap.  Okay, then I guess -server installs are stuck with a vga16fb framebuffer by default.. :/10:57
pittidholbach: (I think the latter would make more sense)10:57
jordiit's not a normal desktop keyboard, tho10:57
jordimvo: ok10:57
dholbachpitti: yeah, just flush it10:57
Mithrandirjordi: yeah, I saw your stuff from Friday, but that was a day off for the distro team and I never got around to responding.10:57
dholbachinfinity: are you going to do the openoffice.org-amd64 upload?10:58
jordiDo you want to continue [Y/n] ?10:58
jordi17% [Working] 10:58
infinitydholbach: Only when the i386 one builds...10:58
jordiMithrandir: seems to work here10:58
Kamioninfinity: you could set debian-installer/framebuffer=false but it would slow down the installer a lot10:58
Kamionand de-support non-English installs10:58
ograhrm, the CDs look odd10:58
infinityKamion: That will will the "splash" in the target system as well?10:59
fabbioneKamion: i might be able to give you a kernel before Ben wakes up10:59
ogra(at least the logs)10:59
dholbachinfinity: can you please add   dh_iconcache  to  debian/rules  if it's not there?10:59
infinityKamion: Ahh, so it does...10:59
jordiand if that didn't work for all people, we'd really have more bug reports.10:59
dholbachinfinity: I think doko added it to openoffice.org, but not to openoffice.org-amd6410:59
jordihas anyone else said "me too"?10:59
jordiselect(11, [10] , [] , NULL, {0, 500000}) = 0 (Timeout)10:59
jordigettimeofday({1148374725, 783387}, NULL) = 010:59
jordirt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [WINCH] , [] , 8) = 010:59
jordirt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [] , NULL, 8) = 010:59
jordiwrite(1, "\r25% [Working] ", 14)         = 1410:59
jordimvo: stuck there10:59
fabbioneinfinity: can you please do me a favour? look into the amd64/ppc build logs and check if the abi changes are the same as on i38610:59
jordievery now and then, the % updates11:00
jordithe date of the box is up to date11:00
pittidholbach: ok, as you wish. flushed and bumped version11:01
dholbachpitti: super, thanks11:01
mvojordi: there is probably a "worker" process (http maybe) that it is talking to? can you see it?11:01
jordiyup, file process11:02
jordimvo: taking this to privmsg, there's more strace output when the % changes11:02
mvojordi: ok, thanks11:02
MithrandirSeveas: why did you reject 43428 without any further comment?11:02
Mithrandiroh, sorry11:03
infinityKamion: Well, if the installer's using a framebuffer, then it should work on the installed system.. And vice-versa, if people disable it in the installer, they'll get what they want.  I suppose that will do for now.11:03
MithrandirI should learn to read the full bug log.11:03
MithrandirSeveas: sorry, ignore me. :-)11:03
=== dholbach starts powerpc install
pittidholbach: I just finished that :)11:12
dholbachpitti: live cd install?11:13
pittidholbach: no, alternate CD11:13
dholbachi'll do alternate custom partitioning11:13
dholbach(so mvo can play with this box again :-))11:14
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Kamiondholbach: I sort of regret not taking the effort to go to gparted 0.2.x now11:14
sladenKamion: could you add a second hook for d-i to do whatever it does to not pass 'splash' later, but without getting it not to use splash during the install11:14
mvodholbach: is it up again?11:14
Kamiondholbach: I'm going to attempt a backport of some of the ntfs fixes, I think11:14
ogramumble mumble, why are all Cds broken currently ?11:14
Kamionsladen: not now11:14
dholbachmvo: I said "/me starts powerpc install" :-p11:15
dholbachKamion: I should have pushed that more and earlier :-/11:15
dholbachKamion: there was one cvs commit about MB<->MiB confusion too - I'll try to find it11:17
Kamionyes that's the one I'm looking at11:17
Kamionthat and the ntfsfix stuff11:17
Keybukugh, people aren't still trying to use the "MiB" term, are they?11:17
Kamionit's all tied in with the progress feedback improvements though11:17
KamionKeybuk: frankly I don't care what term they use any more as long as they agree with the tools they're using, which gparted didn't11:18
infinityfabbione: Yeah, amd64 had an ABI override, but those 3 symbols jumped to vmlinuxfrom rtc...11:18
infinityfabbione: The RTC change wasn't made on PPC.11:18
fabbioneinfinity: yes thanks i got all of it11:18
infinityfabbione: So, it should be for all amd64 kernels, and all i386 except for -38611:18
fabbioneabi files should be fixed now...11:18
simirasladen: I still don't get that cpu fan to work 11:19
infinityfabbione: And you may as well remove the amd64 ABI override then. :)11:19
fabbioneinfinity: i already removed the overrides for all of them11:19
infinityfabbione: uh?11:19
fabbioneinfinity: so -386 was not to be touched?11:19
infinityfabbione: Yeah, -386 didn't get the RTC change, since -386 is the "safe kernel for ancient hardware"... And ancient (like, 15 years or more) hardware is the only place where rtc could break something.11:20
=== mvo is impressed by the new gnome splash screen
fabbioneinfinito: craptastic.. you could have told me 10 minutes ago11:20
fabbioneinfinity: ^^^11:20
=== infinito [n=infinito@VPNPOOL01-0111.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Abandonando"]
pittiKamion: hm, I just installed the current ppc/install and l-support-en was not installed (and with it, oo.o-help-en is missing)11:20
infinityfabbione: Sorry, I was in a full-screen VMware.11:21
infinityfabbione: You didn't go an upload with the -386 ABI changed, did you? :/11:21
fabbioneinfinity: no i am still waiting for one last fix11:21
infinityfabbione: Okay, then no harm done. :)11:21
fabbioneand still quadruple checking the changes i am doing11:21
fabbioneit has been too long since i did a kernel upload...11:22
infinityfabbione: When you hand-edited the ABI files, did you make sure to run them through sort? :)11:22
fabbionei am not exactly in the mood to fry it11:22
fabbioneinfinity: did that already11:22
fabbioneand i used scripts.. no hands11:22
infinityLook ma, no hands!11:22
dholbachhrm, why doesn't gnome's bonsai have gparted11:23
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infinityRiddell: ktorrent FTBFS from an empty .po file.11:24
fabbioneinfinity: do you think we can run a test build on all arches before upload?11:25
fabbionei can have the sources on people in about 10 minutes11:26
infinityfabbione: Of the kernel?  Sure.11:26
=== Christop1 [n=christop@p54BC6C5A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneinfinity: yeah 11:26
infinityfabbione: It'll double Kamion's wait, that's all. :P/11:26
Kamionpitti: syslog etc.11:26
fabbioneinfinity: it has been too long since i did hack this stuff.. and i would feel better to know that it will go in one shot11:26
pittiKamion: the installer log complains about l-support-en being broken because of wamerican, wbritish, etc. being virtual packages11:26
infinityfabbione: If you're 99% sure it's right, one build beats two...11:26
ograpitti, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/report.html11:26
fabbioneinfinity: i am 99.9% sure11:27
infinityfabbione: But yeah, I can spin up tests on all the buildds.11:27
Kamionpitti: see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/report.html11:27
Kamionwhat ogra said :)11:27
Kamionwe're oversized11:27
fabbioneKamion: what do you want me to do? upload or testbuild -> upload?11:27
infinityThe changelog already has enough "oops, fucked up, upload again" in it.  One more won't kill anyone.11:27
Kamionfabbione: can you do a test build faster than the buildds will build it?11:27
infinityKamion: The test builds would be on the buildds, so "no".11:28
fabbioneKamion: only on sparc..11:28
infinitysparc is meaningless, it always finishes first anyway. :)11:28
infinityi386 takes the longest.11:28
Kamionfabbione: go ahead and test it, but don't wait for ia64; it's the pathetically slow one11:28
infinity(Because of all the images)11:28
Kamioninfinity: isn't ia64 slowest? it was last time11:28
infinityOh, ia64 takes forever, cause it sucks.  Right.11:28
Kamionor last time I looked11:28
fabbionei only need i386/amd64/ppc/sparc11:28
pittiKamion: hm, so http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20060523/ doesn't contain .OVERSIZED warnings any more for overflowed CDs?11:29
ograpitti, only for live11:29
infinityYou can test i386 and amd64 on the porter box that's faster than the buildds.11:29
pittiogra: ah, ok11:29
fabbioneinfinity: ok11:29
infinityThe one that replaced concordia, but I forgot its name.11:29
infinityThat one.11:29
fabbioneactually i will also need faure for sparc11:30
ograinfinity, did omeg talk to you ? i'll need your help with the font coloring for the edubuntu splash before release11:30
fabbionemy sparc was in re-install me hard mode11:30
pittiogra: any chance to get to know by how much they have overflowed?11:32
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ograpitti, http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/cd-build-logs/11:32
ograpitti, search for "CD 2 will only"11:33
infinityI can do sparc on a buildd, if faure's chroots aren't set up for kernels.11:33
infinityI just don't want to do i386 on the buildds, cause I'm using them all for OOo BS. :/11:33
infinityAnd I know ronne is kernel-ready.11:33
infinityOr, should be.11:33
=== infinity needs to put "beg Mark for faster buildds" on his TODO.
infinityOr beg HP for buildd donations, in the case of ia64 and hppa.11:33
pittiogra: thanks11:33
infinityogra: Yes, he talked to me.  I'll look at it shortly.11:33
ajmitch"more hamsters needed"11:33
ograinfinity, no hurry, just before release is fine ...11:33
simiraajmitch: you can have my gerbils11:34
ajmitchsimira: ship them off to the data centre11:34
simiraajmitch: do you pay for shipping?11:34
ajmitchsadly not11:34
pittiogra: holy crap, 26 MB?11:34
=== ajmitch is just a poor developer :)
dholbachKamion: http://daniel.holba.ch/ubuntu/gparted.patch is the MiB upstream patch11:36
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ograpitti, dholbach uploaded a new example-content packge, look for the 26M of his private conference photos ;)11:37
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pittiogra: ah, e-c might indeed be the culprit, yes11:37
dholbachogra: pffft11:37
=== mvo suspects its the hires picture of daniel on the beach
dholbachKamion: oh, it seems there were other mib changes before :-/11:38
dholbachKamion: http://daniel.holba.ch/ubuntu/gparted2.patch too *urgh*11:39
ogramvo, "the tanned face of MOTU" ?11:39
Treenakswhy are .doc files thumbnailes, but .od* files not?11:39
seb128Treenaks: .doc are?11:39
Treenaksseb128: on my system, yes11:39
seb128Treenaks: like you have the content display like for pdf?11:40
Treenaksseb128: yes11:40
seb128Treenaks: what mimetype has that .doc?11:40
Treenaksseb128: application/msword11:40
ograTreenaks, apt-get remove microsoft-office ?11:40
Keybukwoohoo!  I got my PowerBook to work! :)  http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/DSC00012.JPG11:40
seb128Treenaks: /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@msword/command11:40
seb128Treenaks: what do you have for that gconf key?11:40
ograKeybuk, "FORBIDDEN !!"11:41
Keybukogra: too quick :)11:41
Treenaksseb128: gsf-office-thumbnailer -i %i -o %o -s %s11:41
Nematode85will dapper (final) include X11R7.1?11:41
seb128Treenaks: it comes from gsf-office-thumbnailer then11:41
seb128Nematode85: no11:41
ograKeybuk, but i think iBooks look rather compact comared to this :)11:41
Treenaksseb128: ok.. but it looks weird, non-free formats are thumbnailed while free formats aren't (in example-content)11:41
seb128Treenaks: dpkg -S gsf-office-thumbnailer ?11:41
Keybukogra: the top of the CD drive was touching the CDs and preventing them from spinning11:42
Treenaksseb128: libgsf-1: /usr/bin/gsf-office-thumbnailer11:42
Keybukso I bent it back into shape11:42
seb128Treenaks: is that package a part of the standard install?11:42
ograKeybuk, broken by you or by apple ?11:42
Keybukogra: assumedly whoever owned it before me11:42
Kamiondholbach: ahead of you already on gparted2.patch :)11:43
ograah, its a used11:43
Keybukit was an ebay job, so I can do powerpc testing11:43
Nematode85seb128: but will it at least be available a little later, as an update?11:43
Kamionstripping it down a lot though11:43
seb128Nematode85: no idea11:43
=== mvo wonders if it is intentional htat the openoffice.org desktop files seems to not have a german translation for the names
Keybukok, let's see if it'll work when I put it back together11:43
dholbachKamion: historically gparted2.patch happened before gparted.patch - sorry for that11:43
Nematode85seb128: btw, will we get any further flight before dapper final?11:43
seb128Treenaks: that doesn't seem to be a part of the default installation11:43
Treenaksseb128: it's in dapper/main.. libgoffice-1 depends on it.. an abiword-plugins too11:44
Kamiondholbach: yep11:44
Treenaksseb128: (which is probably how it got installed: abiword :))11:44
Kamiondholbach: I'm working from CVS right now11:44
seb128Treenaks: right, but now is not the moment to work on stuff not-installed by default11:44
seb128Nematode85: no11:44
dholbachKamion: ok11:44
Treenaksseb128: true11:44
seb128Treenaks: https://launchpad.net/bugs/25827 on the topic11:46
UbugtuMalone bug 25827 in nautilus "Thumbnails for Openoffice.org documents" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  11:46
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pittiKamion: I'll reduce langpacks on the alternate CDs to fix the overflow11:46
pittiit would mean that we have almost no langpacks on the ppc CDs any more, but on the others there should still be some left11:47
infinityPoor PowerPC...11:48
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ograKamion, http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/cd-build-logs/edubuntu-daily-20060523.log doesnt indicate any oversizedness for me ... but amd64 and ppc have a bunch of uninstallables in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current/report.html11:59
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ograhmm, mighht be mvo's gimp upload causing this ...12:01
pitticarlos: I just fixed vim12:02
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ograahhh, it was glib whichh wasnt built when the CD builds started :)12:03
janimomdz: UVF exception for xfdesktop svn? I had a 4 fixes locally including a crasher locally, and were taken by upstream. They also have 3 more bugfixes since our last upload.12:03
janimomdz, this goes in hand with a thunar workaround which I need to revert as is properly fixed in xfdesktop now. I can either apply a reverse patch, or sync thunar which is exact same codewise, but there is a new translation upstream as well.12:05
mdzjanimo: your call12:10
infinitypitti: If you're on the po/pot fixing warpath, want to fix ktorrent for Riddell, since he doesn't seem to be around?12:10
mdzinfinity: how is oo.o looking?12:10
infinitymdz: "not failed yet"12:11
pittiinfinity: package needs to build a pot? or what is wrong?12:11
infinitymdz: I'm hoping that means "good".12:11
infinitypitti: FTBFS due to empty .po12:11
pittiinfinity: ah, I see; yes, I'll look into it12:11
infinitypitti: Much love to you.12:12
=== fabbione grabs some food
fabbioneKamion: kernels are building.. it shouldn't take too long from now12:12
mdzinfinity: has iwj acked that other ftbfs?12:12
infinitymdz: No, I'll poke it in a sec.12:13
infinitymdz: Just looks like a bad patch, but since I don't know the context of the patch, I preferred to defer to him before fixing it myself, that's all.12:13
ograis anybody needing lithium currently or can i trigger an edubuntu install build ?12:13
=== ogra sees infinity logged in
mdziwj: ping12:13
infinityogra: Go nuts.12:13
infinityogra: I'm idle.12:14
ograyay :)12:14
carlospitti: ok12:15
carlospitti: how is that your buildd script didn't detect it?12:15
pitticarlos: probably because I ignore vim translations, since vim doesn't use gettet12:15
carlospitti: are you completely sure?12:15
carlospitti: the .po file has references to .c code12:16
pitti===== Processing /home/lamont/public_html/translations/20060518/vim_6.4-006+2ubuntu5_i386_translations.tar.gz =====12:21
pittiwasabi: vim_6.4-006+2ubuntu5: no mo and pot files, but po files12:21
pittiwasabi: sorry, that was a "W:' in copy&paste12:21
mdzRiddell: any word from jjesse about the chapter?12:21
seb128pitti, carlos: is https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/46051 fixed by your changes from yesterday?12:21
UbugtuMalone bug 46051 in language-pack-gnome-es-base "Broken gnome-panel translations" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:21
pitticarlos: well, it doesn't use translations from /usr/share/locale, but it's own homebrew system12:21
carlospitti: could it be a bug in the package?12:21
pittiseb128: will check in a minute12:21
=== pitti forks three times more
carlospitti: oh, that sucks...12:21
pitticarlos: it's filed as a bug, but nothing for dapper ;)12:21
carlosseb128: it should, yes12:21
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carlosseb128: well, but it was not included in latest language packs12:21
seb128ok, let's wait for next update then12:21
seb128carlos: alright12:21
carlospitti: what's filed as a bug?12:21
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pitticarlos: bug 3007812:21
UbugtuMalone bug 30078 in Baltix "vim package has all translations (look at /usr/share/vim/vim63/lang/) instead of using langpacks" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3007812:21
carlospitti: so they use .mo files12:21
carlospitti: should I export them as part of language packs?12:21
mdzinfinity: still very confused about this oo.o failure; the file referenced in the failing command doesn't even exist after a successful build12:21
mdzERROR description: Couldn't open registry file:///home/mdz/src/openoffice.org-2.0.2/ooo-build/build/oob680-m5/instsetoo_native/util/OpenOffice/services.rdb/en-US_inprogress_1/regcomp.rdb for reading12:21
mdz.../OpenOffice doesn't even exist12:21
mdzand there is no regcomp.rdb or services.rdb anywhere in the tree12:22
Riddellmdz: got an e-mail from him "I know I'm working on getting it as quickly as possible."12:22
iwjmdz: Hi.12:22
infinitymdz: Are you hoping beyond hope that I have insight, or using me for wall debugging? :)12:22
mdzinfinity: I'm "collaborating"12:22
infinitymdz: Cause the OOo build system is just as confusing to me as it is to you (and any rational human) :/12:23
iwjWhat FTBFS ?12:23
infinityiwj: ttf-freefont12:23
ajmitchinfinity: got any universe FTBFS info for us?12:23
infinityiwj: I pinged you about it up there somewhere ^^^12:23
infinityiwj: Looks like it's failing to apply a bad patch.12:23
mdzoh, I see; that bit is run in the binary target, not build12:23
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iwjinfinity: Oh, yes, so you did.12:24
infinityajmitch: I'll dump a big mbox somewhere in a sec... Hold on, while I get my headless chickens in order.12:24
iwjinfinity: Oh, FFS, cdbs.12:24
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ajmitchinfinity: no problem, thanks for that12:25
iwjI didn't edit any patch, I just edited the damn thing and now some _other_ patch doesn't apply.12:25
iwjI'll sort it out.12:25
infinityiwj: Thanks.12:25
Kamiondholbach: is your gparted.patch strictly necessary? it seems to be primarily a UI change12:25
iwjdbs should be an expletive.12:26
pittiseb128: g-panel is fine now12:26
dholbachKamion: I hope it's not, the ChangeLog referred to a mb<->mib change12:26
pittiseb128: i386 pot file is current and has the 'Book excerpt' stuff, too12:26
seb128pitti: what I thought, but I had some language pack update this morning and they are still bugged12:27
pittimdz: ^ FYI12:27
RiddellKamion: could you do a kubuntu live fs build?12:27
pittiseb128: actual translations are missing, that's known12:27
mdzpitti: yay12:27
KamionRiddell: running12:28
iwjmvo: 26436> Seveas already pointed it out to me earlier, thanks.12:28
pittiinfinity: ktorrent fixed, tested, uploaded12:29
infinitymdz: Permissing to upload a MySQL with an init script verbosity fix (redirects more junk to syslog, instead of bouncing delayed background ops to the console)?  The current behaviour appears to royally piss off debconf on the install CD when the timing of certain postinsts is just wrong.12:30
mdzinfinity: diff?12:30
infinitymdz: Let me roll it into a package and diff it.  'sec. :)12:30
infinity(was testing on my local install)12:31
Seveasiwj, I also tried working on a real fix for it, but unfortunately my knowledge of the firefox build system is not enough12:32
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mdzpitti: the CDs don't look oversized to me; is DRR out of date?12:34
=== carlospc [n=carlospc@36.Red-217-125-73.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogramdz, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/report.html clearly something is borken 12:36
Kamionmdz: you don't always get .OVERSIZED warning files unfortunately, depending on exactly what fails12:37
infinitymdz: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/mysql-dfsg-5.0.debdiff12:37
mdzKamion: I'm also looking at the file sizes12:37
mdzKamion: do you know what's causing the issues in report.html?12:37
pittimdz: I checked the logs, and a test install showed that some packages are  missing12:37
Kamionmdz: remember that debian-cd has an inbuilt limit12:37
infinitymdz: And if that's cool, I'd also like to merge with Debian SVN, where there's one more init script fix (free space check breaks in certain locales, fixed by specifying BLOCKSIZE), and some debconf translations.  Nothing else.12:38
Kamionmdz: it overflows onto a second CD internally12:38
Kamionmdz: one day I'll stop it doing that12:38
Kamionmdz: grep for 'CD 2' in the build logs12:38
mdzinfinity: how much output can that script generate?12:38
iwjseveas: Thanks, but yes, it's all a bit nightmarish.  I haven't decided for sure and will look at the build system but I suspect I wouldn't want to make the proper -rpath fix now.  It might be that gtkmozembed apps will have to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH :-/.  Shame we didn't discover this a week or two ago.12:38
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Kamionmdz: provisionally, I'd like to apply something like http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/gparted-upstream-resize-fixes.patch to gparted; the MB->MiB stuff and the improved NTFS tool handling seems rather important unfortunately12:39
infinitymdz: Worst case?  Could be one line per DB table on a freshly-updated system.  Usually, it only produces a few lines.12:39
infinitymdz: Concerned that I should buffer it and spit it back out to avoid overflowing?12:39
Seveasiwj, how horrific is setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the (py)gtkmozembed initialization functions so you don't need to patch all (py)gtkmozembed applications?12:39
KamionI haven't tested that patch yet; it's my attempt at a reasonably minimal backport without the huge piles of rearrangements that have happened upstream12:39
infinitymdz: I was going to slam it in a logfile, but the init scripts already output to syslog in other areas, so this was the path of least confusion.12:40
mdzinfinity: maybe better to pipe it into logger rather than use backticks?12:41
infinityIf logger reads from stdin...12:41
=== infinity tries.
mdzinfinity: it does, and in fact it's used that way elsewhere in the init script12:42
infinityAhh, didn't notice that. :)12:42
infinityRight pipe it is.12:42
Kamionthe changelog summary for gparted is basically:12:43
Kamion    - Run a simulation before performing an NTFS resize.12:43
Kamion    - Pass an exact byte count to ntfsresize, rather than a decimal megabyte12:43
Kamion      count (which does the wrong thing).12:43
Kamion    - Return failure from resize if suboperations fail.12:43
infinitymdz: Silly me.12:43
mdzinfinity: does it actually break the installation of the package as it is now?12:43
infinitymdz: It broke installation of my LAMP setup on some tries, but not others.12:43
infinitymdz: Seems to really irritate debconf in other packages, when the output comes at just the wrong time.12:44
mdzKamion: gar12:44
mdzinfinity: ok, go ahead with it then12:44
infinityAhh, it's much happier with the pipe.12:45
iwjSeveas: Fairly but I'll consider it :-).12:45
infinitymdz: Okay to include the debconf translations and BLOCKSIZE fix while I'm uploading anyway?12:45
Seveasiwj, ok, fun thing for me to work on12:45
mdzinfinity: the what?12:45
infinity04:38 < infinity> mdz: And if that's cool, I'd also like to merge with Debian SVN, where there's12:46
infinity                  one more init script fix (free space check breaks in certain locales, fixed by12:46
infinity                  specifying BLOCKSIZE), and some debconf translations.  Nothing else.12:46
Kamionmdz: I can't exactly claim to be happy about it.12:46
=== Riddell starts a kubuntu live CD build
KamionRiddell: you what?12:46
KamionRiddell: weren't you waiting for the filesystem build?12:46
iwjSeveas: Cool.  Don't be too long though.  I think I've pinned down this crasher I've been hunting and now there's just a few things left on my firefox todo list.12:46
RiddellKamion: looks like it's done no?12:46
KamionRiddell: not from here12:46
sladenmdz: what was wrong with the 0.40ubuntu31 patch to add a message about resume?12:47
mdzKamion: what's "the wrong thing" in this case?12:47
KamionRiddell: only ia64 is done, and that failed12:47
ograRiddell, you need more sleep, keep the sleepless nights for end of the week :)12:47
iwjSeveas: Note that this LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting should be in the gtkmozembed init function (in firefox) and not in the py... one, since the latter would only fix Python apps.12:47
iwjIf you don't want to tackle this do say and I'll put it on the end of my list.12:47
mdzsladen: the script doesn't have any knowledge about whether there is actually a resume pending, and initramfs doesn't have the tools to check12:47
RiddellKamion: right I see, I'll be patient12:47
Seveasiwj, I'd figured that12:48
infinitymdz: ^^^12:49
Seveasiwj, and I'm already tackling it12:49
Kamionmdz: ntfsresize expects binary megabyte, gparted was passing decimal megabyte ... but then gparted would try to actually resize the physical partition and the filesystem would end up not matching the size of the partition because the units were different12:49
KinnisonKamion: Ye gods that's nasty12:50
mdzinfinity: sounds reasonable, but I still want to see the diff first12:50
infinitymdz: Kay.  'Sec.12:50
mdzKamion: partitions can't be on decimal megabyte boundaries anyway, can they?  they have to be on a cylinder boundary12:51
sladenmdz: would be happy if I add it back in along with a check for the signature "SWAPSPACE2S1SUSPEND" at offset 4076 of the device we are about to echo into /sys...12:51
Kamionmdz: yes, it rounded12:51
mdzKamion: so would it round and get it wrong only some of the time?12:51
Kamionmdz: the archaeology is a bit hard, but I believe so12:52
mdzsladen: after the release, yes12:52
pittimdz: current tetex-base has broken hyphenation (see bug 36145 a dn duplicates); I verified that debian's -16 fixes this12:52
UbugtuMalone bug 36145 in tetex-bin "hyphenation does not work after upgrade from breezy to dapper" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3614512:52
infinityOh crap, that never got merged?12:52
pittimdz: http://changelogs.debian.net/tetex-base has a reasonable changelog12:53
infinityThat one crossed my radar for all of 20 seconds several weeks back.12:53
pittiinfinity: it occured to me just now, since an user mailed me for help12:53
KamionRiddell: sorry, you should probably look at /current/ rather than /latest/12:53
KamionRiddell: /latest/ lists the builds in progress; /current/ lists the last successful build12:53
pittimdz: can we sync -16? (we shouldn't take -17, it removes some documentation)12:53
sladenmdz: if I come up with a patch that is a one-line delta from yours and which works, would you be happy allowing that?12:53
mdzpitti: except that half the archive build-depends on it12:53
mdzpitti: let's defer that one to dapper-updates12:53
iwjSeveas: Excellent, thanks very much.12:54
pittimdz: ok12:54
mdzsladen: it's a cosmetic problem (one which no one except me seemed to care about for months) and involves touching a highly criical package12:54
mdzcritical, even12:54
iwjSeveas: when you're ready, it's probably easiest if you mail me (iwj@ubuntu.com) your diff.12:54
mdzsladen: it's a candidate for dapper-updates12:55
Seveaswill do12:55
RiddellKamion: ok12:55
sladenmdz: it's only recome relevant in the fortnight, because there is no longer a console change as soon as it starts.  Formerly, the usplash disappeared immediately and was replaced with the kernel text-based progress-bar.  10 Minutes ago was the first hibernate test I did since that change and it caused me to file a bug immediately;  and itched me enough to fetch the source (which showed me your change log, reverted yesterday)12:57
mjg59sladen: Massively longer than a fortnight12:58
sladenmjg59: which kernel?  That's the first hibernate I've done where it hasn't switched to text-mode12:59
=== GmanAFK is now known as GmanZZZ
mjg59sladen: http://kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-dapper.git;a=commit;h=73879f0a8da7ec3efd0715f6df3dd7a12a53addc01:00
sladenmjg59: -pm_restore_console();  ta01:03
Kamionmdz: I'll see if I can do some vmware snapshot magic to test out NTFS resizing before-and-after that change on the exact same filesystem01:04
Kamion(which I deliberately unmounted uncleanly for good measure)01:04
=== Kinnison ponders going for lunch
=== infinito [n=infinito@VPNPOOL01-0111.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinitymdz: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/mysql-dfsg-5.0.debdiff  <--- New debdiff, piping to logger instead, and with added faff.01:05
infinitymdz: And the BLOCKSIZE thing was in the preinst, not the init script, my bad.  So it's even nastier than I originally thought.01:06
Riddellwe're still OK to upload fixes to universe yes?01:07
dholbachRiddell: yes, the motu crew is still working01:07
infinityRiddell: Yes, if MOTU is cool with it.01:08
fabbionedholbach: can i push a patch to the MOTU guys?01:08
infinityRiddell: I wouldn't just go uploading random packages without poking -motu. :)01:08
Mithrandirsivang: my power5 doesn't like me.01:08
dholbachfabbione: sure01:08
fabbioneshawarma: you have it in your inbox..01:09
fabbionedholbach: ^^01:09
dholbachfabbione: hm?01:09
fabbionei just fw it to you01:09
fabbionethe patch01:09
dholbachfabbione: why do you send it to me? and not to them?01:09
fabbionebecause i don't know their email address??01:10
dholbach ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com ? :-)01:10
fabbioneand you are still my favourite motu's face ;)01:10
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pittimdz: permission to upload http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14547 ?01:13
pittimdz: this patches a patch, so it's a bit ugly to read, sorry01:14
Kamioninfinity: any idea what's going on with the Kubuntu livefs build on terranova? seems to have hung01:15
infinityKamion: I'll go look.01:15
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Mithrandirmdz: there's a new nvidia driver out, which in addition to adding support for some minor gfx cards fixes a problem where using two LCDs on DVI hardlocks the system when X starts.  At least their changelog seems to hint in that direction; I'll test it later today.01:16
Mithrandirmdz: so, any chance of a UVF exception?01:16
infinityKamion: mksquashfs claims to still be running..01:16
infinityKamion: And indeed, it is.  I just saw more output (thanks, Mithrandir!) in the log.01:17
infinitymdz: If that diff is okay, I'd like to upload it before I run off to buy some dinner before the stores all close...01:18
Kamioninfinity: ok, thanks, I guess it was just busy01:21
Kamionhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/liveLogs/dapper/ubuntu/latest/livecd-20060523-i386.out <-- very broken though01:23
Kamionwhy doesn't it like language-pack-fi?01:23
Kamionah, that's this morning's log ...01:23
Mithrandirhmm, should we possibly turn off automatic livefs and cd builds?01:24
Kamionnot yet, but soon, I think01:24
=== infinity runs off to buy stuff before the grocery store closes and leaves him hungry.
=== Kamion rebuilds Ubuntu livefses since this morning's were obviously dodgy
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fabbioneKamion: we are almost there with the kernel.. waiting x86* to finish01:34
ografabbione, are there any known probs with mac mini G5 machines ? i have a report about a failed edubuntu install01:36
fabbioneogra: give me one and i will test it :)01:36
fabbioneogra: also. please ask these people to file bugs on lp01:37
fabbionewith all the proper info01:37
fabbioneit's not the first of the last time that a bug in foo is assigned to kernel or X01:37
fabbionebecause people just do NOT know01:37
ogra<pips1> basically, the last error is ERROR: The file 'dev/pmu' doesn't exist. 01:37
ogra<pips1>     [fail] 01:37
ogralooks very much like kernel01:38
ograit doesnt even boot01:38
fabbionelooks very much like something that is not kernel related... 01:38
fabbioneif it boots and can install and get tehre... 01:38
ograi sent him to -kernel01:38
ograah, k01:38
fabbionedev/pmu is create by udev01:38
fabbioneor should be01:38
pittioh, crap; ppc/ubiquity install failed to create file system on 'erase entire disk'01:38
ssamogra, mac minis are g4 or intel. typo?01:39
ograssam, nope01:39
Mithrandirpitti: did you have LVM on that machine already?01:39
pittiMithrandir: no, never01:39
ograthere is one g5 series01:39
pittiMithrandir: there was previously a broken apple bootstrap partition, that's why I erased the entire disk01:39
pittiMithrandir: (or, rather, asked it to do that)01:39
Kamionfabbione: that's just the test run, right?01:40
fabbioneKamion: yes01:40
fabbionebut as it is now we could just upload01:40
Kamionpitti: bug#?01:41
pittiI didn't install with verbose logging, will do it again now01:41
fabbionei only want to make sure this will hit archive 100%01:41
pittiKamion: it just happened to me now, I'll look if it's already reported01:41
Kamionpitti: /var/log/partman might be enough01:41
fabbionewell.. modulo ia64/hppa that i am not testing01:41
Kamionpitti: I'd rather have a new bug anyway, please01:41
ssamogra, there was a imac g5, but i'm pretty sure not a mini01:41
ograssam, ah, sorry, it was an imac ... i muddled that01:42
ssamogra, ok :-)01:42
carlospitti: hi, around?01:44
pittihi carlos01:44
carlospitti: the tuxpaint-stamps .pot file is completely broken01:45
carlosit has a bunch of duplicates01:45
mdzMithrandir: sounds like a dapper-updates candidate01:47
mdzinfinity: I was at lunch01:47
mdzpitti: nagios fine01:48
mdzinfinity: mysql-dfsg-5.0.debdiff OK01:48
mdzKamion: I don't know what to say about this gparted patch01:50
pittiKamion: filed 4613501:50
pittiKamion: shall I leave the system alone for now, in case you want to know anything else?01:51
Toadstoolhi everybody! what do you think about bug 45639? (mvo ? :))01:52
UbugtuMalone bug 45639 in libgksuui1.0 "When prompted to type in root password, right clicking causes carrot to permanently disappear" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4563901:52
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pittiKamion: hm, might be PEBCAK in the end, see my last comment01:53
fabbioneToadstool: Major???01:54
Toadstoolfabbione: I didn't change the status, Sebastian Heinlein did01:55
fabbionethat's at the best Normal01:55
ogracarrot ? 01:55
ajmitchfabbione: more bug inflation, prices are rising01:55
fabbioneajmitch: yeah01:55
=== ogra looks fo a carrot on his desktop
=== Mithrandir looks for a carrot in his garden
=== fabbione thinks that ogra needs a carot to walk...
simiraMithrandir: what garden?01:56
=== mvo considers lunch now that carrots are brought up
Mithrandirsimira: the beach in our backyard.01:56
KeybukMithrandir: usplash vanished on PowerPC LiveCD01:57
infinitymvo: Both carrots and lunch were brought up, actually.  It's my cure to cook what I just bought.01:57
infinitymdz: Thanks, uploaded.01:57
Keybukpretty much, fwict, before it started booting the main system01:57
MithrandirKeybuk: vanished as in?01:57
KeybukMithrandir: did "Configuring X", screen went black with flashing cursor01:57
MithrandirKeybuk: X broke your ppc, then.01:57
Keybukstayed like that for a while, then "Preparing restricted drivers..." came up on console01:57
sladenKeybuk: ogra was saying something like that yesterday;  I guess that explains why omeg was getting so perplexed01:57
MithrandirScott, meet Fabio, Fabio, meet Scott01:58
Keybukinterestingly, X doesn't seem to want to use all of the display01:58
=== Mithrandir hides
Keybukit's got a black bar down the *right* hand side01:58
MithrandirKeybuk: seriously though, I just call dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:58
mdzKamion: what's upstream's opinion of pushing it in at the last minute?01:59
Kamionmdz: I haven't talked with upstream01:59
Kamionwas mostly prompted by various rather panicky-sounding bugs I came across recently02:00
Kamionthough not with sufficient actual detail to figure out what was going on, so I started investigating myself and got worried by the obvious brokenness of the current code02:01
Kamionmdz: there's one more conservative option available I think, which is to just take the portion of the patch that does a simulation run of ntfsresize before doing resizing proper02:01
Kamionthat way we at least apply some extra insurance to resizing02:02
Keybukfabbione: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/DSC00013.JPG02:03
Keybuk(note where the screen starts and ends, horizontally)02:03
ogratake a saw02:03
fabbioneKeybuk: yes i can see.. is the config correct?02:03
fabbioneKeybuk: compared to previous run?02:03
fabbioneoh hold on02:03
Keybukfabbione: this is the first run I've done02:04
fabbionewhat chipset is that?02:04
Keybukfabbione: "PowerBook G4"02:04
fabbioneyes i can read that.. what ATI chipset is that one?02:04
fabbionecan you give me an lspci -n ?02:04
Keybuknot sure, trying to find the | key :p[02:04
Keybuk"ATI Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x (rev 02)"02:04
fabbionecan you give me an lspci -n ? <-----02:05
Keybuk1002:4c46 (rev 02)02:05
mdzKamion: it's not as bad as its hugeness made me guess02:05
Keybukxdpyinfo says it thinks the display is 1024x76802:05
mdzKamion: but it's not practical to judge whether it's correct; there could be further changes which are missing02:05
seb128mdz: could we get a milestone for dapper-update maybe? To mark bugs that would be nice to fix to -update later02:05
mdzseb128: I've been adding to DapperReleaseRadar02:05
Kamionmdz: I agree, I can't say I'm comfortable with it02:05
Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/gparted-upstream-ntfsresize.patch is just the ntfsresize handling changes02:06
seb128mdz: ah, right ... still would be handy to have a launchpad milestone ;)02:06
Keybukfabbione: xresprobe ati -- blanks the screen, and then just says "id:\nres:\nfreq:\ndisplaytype: lcd/lvds"02:06
fabbioneKeybuk: can you please try to disable UseFbDev in xorg.coinf?02:06
mdzseb128: done02:06
seb128mdz: thank you02:07
fabbioneKeybuk: you need to exit from X to run xresprobe02:07
Keybukfabbione: I did that, obviously02:07
KeybukXorg.log during xresprobe says "Video BOIS not detected in PCI space!"02:07
fabbioneexit as in kill...02:07
fabbionethat's ok02:07
fabbionecan you please change that config option?02:07
fabbionefrom true to false02:08
Keybukand just start gdm again?02:08
fabbionewell whatever makes that black border02:08
mdzKamion: I'm fine with that patch at least02:09
Keybukfabbione: no difference02:09
fabbioneKeybuk: can you please slam config and logs somewhere?02:09
fabbioneKeybuk: also.. if you have the specs for that machine to see what res it expects02:09
Keybukwhich config and logs would you like?02:10
fabbionexorg.conf and Xorg.0.log ?02:10
Keybukok, will make a fresh live session02:10
KeybukI imagine the res it expects is the same as any other PowerBook02:10
fabbioneKeybuk: well we usually detect it with xresprobe02:11
fabbionethat's why.. it might have wrote down the wrong config02:12
fabbioneKeybuk: please be as fast as you can.. i have upstream already waiting for the logs02:12
Keybukinterweb says res should be 1152x76802:12
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fabbioneKeybuk: and what's in the config?02:15
Kamionpitti: was "Creation of file system failed" (#46135) the exact error message?02:15
Keybukfabbione: 1024x76802:15
pittiKamion: it was in German, but I think so02:16
pittiKamion: btw, after unmounting /dev/hda6, it seems to work now (still in progress)02:16
fabbioneKeybuk: well that explains.. can you try to just fix the config?02:16
pittiKamion: so that should be converted to a minor bug saying that mounted file systems shuold be unmounted before repartitioning02:16
Keybukfabbione: how does it explain it/02:16
pittiKamion: I'll update the bug when the current installation finished02:16
Kamionpitti: what was the German message?02:16
fabbioneKeybuk: that if the config is wrong you get the wrong resolution. AFAIK PB doesn't scale02:17
KamionI'm trying to track down exactly where it came from02:17
fabbionescale to fit i mean02:17
Keybukfabbione: but the config shouldn't be wrong02:17
Keybukit was autogenerated02:17
fabbioneKeybuk: can we please go one step at a time?02:17
fabbioneKeybuk: i did ask you to fix the config and check02:17
mdzKamion: having stared at it for a while longer, if it builds -Wall clean then let's do it02:17
Keybukfabbione: first let me get the current set of logs and current config online02:17
Keybukit's just finishing booting again02:18
fabbioneKeybuk: i assume this is today's live cd02:18
fabbioneor is it an older one?02:18
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Kamionmdz: there are some warnings from /usr/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm/treeview.h and an old warning in Win_GParted.cc, but both are unrelated02:18
Keybukfabbione: today's02:18
Kamionmdz: I'm trying to reproduce the problem here02:18
=== infinity eats lunch.
infinitymdz: FYI, both OOo and OOo-l10n are still building... Cross your fingers.02:19
Kamionvmware snapshots are fabulous02:19
pittiKamion: darn, I don't remember exactly any more. In which package's PO file is this?02:19
mdzinfinity: how long have they been building now?02:19
Kamionpitti: that's what I'm trying to work out ;-)02:19
pittidarn, sorry02:19
Kamionpitti: it'll be somewhere in ubiquity/d-i/source/partman*, I expect02:19
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Keybukfabbione: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/mac-problems/02:23
Keybukfabbione: that's the generated log and conf file02:23
fabbioneKeybuk: checking02:23
pittiKamion: I can't find the string anywhere in ubiquity source now; I can reproduce the issue later and check again02:23
fabbioneKeybuk: can't fix 02:25
fabbione(WW) R128(0): Can't determine panel dimensions, and none specified.02:25
fabbioneDisabling programming of FP registers.02:25
fabbionenot for live at least02:25
mdzKamion: I only get the Win_GParted.cc warning02:25
fabbioneyou get asked for the resolution on alternate02:25
Keybukfabbione: I didn't ask for anything?02:25
Keybukwhat's "alternate" ?02:25
fabbioneKeybuk: new policy says that we are not allowed to ask questions on LiveCD02:26
Keybukfabbione: dude, this is a PowerBook ... they're practically standard equipment02:26
Keybukare you seriously telling me that the PowerPC live CD won't work properly?02:26
fabbioneKeybuk: if your panel doesn't return info there is nothing i can do02:26
fabbioneKeybuk: alternate -> see u-d-a about renaming CD02:27
fabbioneKeybuk: it could even be your panel that's broken02:27
fabbioneor an older modle02:27
fabbioneworks fine here02:27
fabbionemine does return the info02:27
Keybukit's a not unreasonably old model02:28
Riddellhmm, kubuntu amd64 live CD has magically grown by 40MB02:28
fabbioneKeybuk: and the concept of standard is crap like it is for x86. Apple did upgrades internal stuff across time02:28
ogra40 ?02:28
fabbioneKeybuk: like they did with mine02:28
Keybukchanging the resolution in xorg.conf didn't work02:28
KeybukX ignored it and used 1024x768 anyway02:28
fabbioneKeybuk: you will also need to fix the HorizSync and VertFresh02:29
ograKeybuk, modeline ? 02:29
ograyeah or what fabbione said02:29
Keybukdude, the LiveCD should do this!02:29
MithrandirKeybuk: does ddcprobe return useful values?02:29
MithrandirKeybuk: no, it shouldn't since that breaks installs from live cd.02:29
fabbioneMithrandir: no it doens't.. 02:29
fabbione<Keybuk> fabbione: xresprobe ati -- blanks the screen, and then just says "id:\nres:\nfreq:\ndisplaytype: lcd/lvds"02:30
Riddellogra: yes02:30
MithrandirKeybuk: casper.log svp?02:30
KeybukMithrandir: what would be "useful values" from ddcprobe?02:30
MithrandirKeybuk: the resolution you expect as well as sane frequency information02:31
ograRiddell, thats heavy ... did pitti add your langpacks back secretly ? 02:31
KeybukMithrandir: neither of those are returned by ddcprobe02:31
Riddelloh, I added de to language-support, that'll be it02:31
Keybukthere aren't even empty fields for them02:31
MithrandirKeybuk: what does casper.log look like, then?02:31
KeybukMithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/mac-problems/casper.log02:33
KamionRiddell: I recommend never adding anything but en to language-support02:34
Riddellless learnt :)02:35
infinitymdz: Just around 6.5 hours... So... They'll fail soon... Or not.02:35
infinitymdz: Oh, crap.  OOo just failed.  Karma.02:35
mdzinfinity: well at least we have a build tree where we can try to reproduce now02:35
pittiogra, Riddell: I didn't touch the kubuntu seeds02:36
infinitymdz: Oh well, at least i have a build tree to play with now.02:36
mdzinfinity: I wouldn't mind a copy of the log02:36
infinitymdz: Yeah.  I'll play after I'm done eating lunch.02:36
KaiLXorg 7.1 is raus - mit AIGLX ;)02:36
mdzinfinity: not the useless output from the build, but the log file it mentions in the error message02:36
infinitymdz: Yeah, I'll pass you the log, and tar up the tree too.02:36
KaiLoops, wrong window02:36
Kamionmdz: I may have to take this back. I can't reproduce any difference between gparted before and after.02:36
ograpitti, i was kidding :)02:36
Kamion(on the upside that means the backport works)02:36
pittiKamion: hm, the ubiquity part succeeded, but boot fails with '/pci@...,/boot/vmlinux: Unknown or corrupt file system'; not my day, I suppose02:37
ograpitti, indeed you didnt02:37
Kamionpitti: am I lucky enough that that was with debugging?02:37
infinitymdz: You don't want the log.  I'll give it to you anyway, but it's useless at first glance.02:37
Kamionpitti: and does the OF path in that error message look right?02:37
Kamionpitti: and can you mount the file system from the live CD?02:38
pittiKamion: disk@0:4 is /dev/hda4? that might be the swap partition, I thought /dev/hda3 was /02:38
pittiKamion: will check02:38
mdzinfinity: it doesn't contain the output which was redirected 2>&1 from the failing command?02:38
lifelessKamion: what are usful diagnostics when the livecd (current) fails to setup a working X?02:38
infinitymdz: http://vernadsky.buildd/~adconrad/02:38
pittiKamion: no debugging, I didn't stop and start ubiquity after unmounting the device; I just did partitioning again02:38
fabbioneKamion: missing the docs on x86, otherwise we are there :)02:38
Kamionpitti: partitions are 1-based from yaboot, yes02:38
lifelessKamion: friend of mine on his work machine, does not have IRC from his office.02:38
Kamionlifeless: /var/log/casper.log, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, I believe02:39
Kamionfabbione: what happened to the docs?02:39
=== infinity goes back to lunch/dinner.
pittiKamion: oh, I think I know what's wrong - yaboot also offers me hda7-Linux, which doesn't even exist any more, and /dev/hda4 was my old /02:39
fabbionelifeless: xorg.conf, output from xresprobe $driver and lspci -n + a bug in LP please02:39
pittiKamion: so I think it didn't install yaboot02:39
Kamionpitti: so yaboot installation failed02:39
fabbioneKamion: nothing.. it's building the docs now...02:39
fabbioneKamion: nevermind. installing now :)02:39
fabbionelifeless: + what Kamion said02:40
Kamionpitti: damn, that means it probably didn't save the logs either02:40
KamionI'm really tempted to add a last-minute fix to at least detect errors from install.py and tell the user, even if the message isn't translated and isn't very helpful02:41
Kamionmdz: ^-- ?02:41
Riddellpitti: language-pack-kde-tl-base lacks the needed entry.desktop file02:44
pittiRiddell: if you have one, I can quickly upload just this one02:45
Riddell[KCM Locale] 02:45
Riddellthere isn't one in KDE's SVN02:46
mdzKamion: I thought you did something similar already?02:46
Kamionmdz: for everything but crashes from install.py02:46
mdzKamion: I'm happy to review a patch02:47
fabbioneKamion: x86 is go02:47
Kamionpreparing one02:47
fabbioneKamion: uploading...02:47
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Kamionfabbione: thanks02:47
fabbioneKamion: no problem.. thanks Ben for the release.. i just did the builds and smoothed a couple of corners02:48
pittiRiddell: alright, I'll add it02:48
Riddellpitti: thanks02:48
Riddellcarlos: shall I post to KDE translators about rosetta?02:49
infinitymdz: I'm tarring up the failed chroot so I can mangle it and return to the point of failure... Will start investigating after that.02:50
mdzinfinity: good plan02:51
carlosRiddell: don't worry about it, I'm writting the annoucement email for the whole dapper archive02:51
=== omeg [n=Chatuser@a82-93-143-114.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
omegHi there.02:51
Riddellcarlos: oh cool02:51
omegNot a whole lot going on here.02:53
omegI'm a little bored at work.02:53
iwjKamion: Can I delete that test yaboot stuff from the other day or might we need it again ?02:53
Kamioniwj: could you keep it for a while?02:54
KamionI suppose I should have taken a copy02:54
Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-install-crash.diff02:54
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pittiRiddell: uploaded02:55
mdzKamion: fine with me02:56
=== j^_ is now known as j^
j^these subpixel font rendering patches <http://turnerdavid.neuf.fr/freetype/patches/font-patches.html> are realy nice02:56
iwjKamion: sure.  I was just having a tidy up.02:57
Kamionmdz: mistake in the kde-ui bit; updated02:57
pittiKamion: there's no /etc/yaboot.conf on the installed partition02:57
mdzKamion: ah, right. ok02:58
pittibah, and neither an installer nor partman log02:58
mdzBenC: it is time to start taking the kernel freeze seriously.02:59
Kamionpitti: yeah, logs are copied afterwards unfortunately02:59
Kamionafter yaboot installation02:59
pittiKamion: I guess the best I can do is to reattempt the installation with verbose logging and save the logs right away03:00
pittibefore rebooting03:00
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Kamionpitti: yeah, I was just about to ask for that03:00
=== pitti does that
Kamionpitti: the fix I'll upload once I've tested it will mean you won't be able to miss this sort of failure by accident again03:01
BenCmdz: Yeah, this mess from yesterday on was unfortunate03:01
pittihi BenC 03:01
BenChey pitti03:01
pittiBenC: any chance to add the missing CVE numbers to the next upload? I also added more stuff to https://wiki.canonical.com/KernelSecurity (some trivial, but important fixes)03:01
BenCpitti: I have all those updates, just checking the new ones now03:02
ograKamion, did edubuntu not get a new livefs in last nights build ? i still have the old usplash on my recent isos03:02
Kamionogra: dunno, check the logs03:02
mdzBenC: yes, this is the reason why the deadline was last week rather than this week03:02
pittiBenC: the new ones are starting from CVE-2006-1528 downwards on that page03:02
Kamionhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/liveLogs/dapper/edubuntu/current/livecd-20060523-i386.out says usplash 0.2-403:03
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Kamionogra: oh, there just hasn't been a CD build since the livefs build. the cron job timings are perhaps unfortunate03:03
Kamionogra: feel free to start one03:04
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Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-install-crash.png <-- result03:05
infinityI wonder if that tar will ever return...03:05
infinityogra: I'm going to poke at your usplash right now.  What was the complaint, exactly?03:05
Kamionand the actual reason install.py crashed shows up in /var/log/installer/syslog03:06
mdzKamion: the word wrap on the URL is unfortunate03:06
mdzKamion: maybe just leave off +filebug since there's a "Report a bug" link on /ubiquity/03:06
mdzor make the window wider03:07
infinityOr make it /+bugs, since they'll get to see all the duplicates beforehand. :)03:07
Kamionhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/ is a little overwhelming to the uninitiated03:07
ograKaiL, oki03:08
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KinnisonKamion: Hehe03:08
ograinfinity, the fontcolors are wrong03:08
KamionI'll see if I can make it wider somehow03:08
mdzKamion: don't sweat it; it's fine as-is if that's not trivial03:09
infinityogra: Kay.  Poking.03:09
ograinfinity, i have a white progressbar background with a yellow bar, dark brown font scrolling and no sight of ok or failed messages at all03:09
ograinfinity, intrestingly there is no white defined at all according to omeg03:10
infinityogra: Okay.  omeg sent me the right colours in /msg, so I may just have to reindex the palette for you.03:10
infinityogra: I'll look anyway.03:10
sladenKamion: could you get the installer-crash dialogue to copy all the files it needs onto the desktop03:11
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Kamionsladen: not for dapper03:13
ograsladen, would you make the effort to set up a mail account on a liveCD to send these files if you're annoyed already that it didnt work ?03:13
Kamionsladen: plus I want to do as little as possible in the crash handler03:13
Kamionsladen: I would generally appreciate a reduction in the density of random ideas at the moment, btw :)03:14
Kamionnow is not the best time03:14
infinityogra: Uhh, the PNG you're shipping isn't the one omeg gave you....03:18
infinityogra: That could have something to do with the problem.03:18
ograinfinity, yep, i didnt have any other, wasnt aware there were many changes03:19
infinityogra: I'm confused.  You had his latest copy in edu_FIXED_retry.png in the root of your package, but didn't actually use it in art/usplash.03:20
infinityogra: So, is it the stuff in art/usplash that's broken, or the one he sent you? :)03:20
ograi forgot to clean up, its copied into art/usplash as well03:20
infinityogra: Anyhow, I have it all sitting here now, let me test locally and I'll upload what works. :)03:20
ograit should be the same png all over03:20
infinityogra: No, it's not copied.  Those images are different (diff doesn't lie, and the palettes are different too)03:21
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ograi just didnt clean up the source package03:21
ograhmm, k03:21
ograthen i was probably to tired, sorry03:21
infinityAnyhow, let me test with his and see how it looks.  If it looks cool, I'll just upload what I have here.03:21
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infinityogra: Figured I'd fix your clean target while I was at it..03:25
ograwhats wrong with it ? 03:25
ogra(admittedly i didnt change anything in the packaging since i created the package based on the old ubuntu-artwork)03:26
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infinityogra: Doesn't delete usplash-artwork.png, so you end up with two copies of the PNG in the source.03:26
=== janimo just realizes that for some unexplained reason his clock is in UTC, and tarballs 3 hours in the future cause FTBFS on the build servers
ograinfinity, oh, i thought that was intentional *g*03:27
_ionNow that the "Ubuntu Dapper Beta" text was removed from the Ubuntu Lagoon wallpaper, it looks nice scaled to the 8:3 aspect ratio i'm using. :-)03:27
Kinnisonmdz: Is http://people.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/acpi-support_83-84.debdiff okay for me to upload?03:27
mdzKinnison: sure03:28
mdzKinnison: "Uknown" isn't a typo?03:28
KinnisonIt's what comes out of dmidecode03:28
Kinnisongotta love gash laptop manufs03:28
seb128mdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/shared-mime-info.debdiff ok to upload?03:28
_ionIt probably would be a good idea to add a comment about that string.03:28
_ion# "Uknown" is not a tpyo03:28
Kinnison_ion: true :-)03:29
seb128mdz: we didn't have the alias before and it used to work fine, dropping it seems to be fine and workaround the issue03:29
Kamionmdz: I can't manage to make the URL not wrap without making the filenames wrap in turn. I'll just leave it as-is.03:29
mdzseb128: why was the alias added; does it serve a purpose?03:30
mdzKamion: no worries03:30
Kinnison_ion: thanks for the suggestion03:30
mdzKamion: I now have an XP install in VMWare for testing purposes so I can fiddle with gparted a bit03:30
mdzick, the gnome-power-manager reconfig adds a good 10 seconds to live CD boot03:33
mdzwe should minimize that after dapper03:34
seb128mdz: I'm not sure of why upstream added the alias, the ChangeLog has no detail about it. Looks like upstream added aliases and sub-classes information where it made sense, but that particular change confuse gnomevfs. We had shared-mime-info without it previous cycle and it's not likely that dropping it would create an issue03:35
mdzseb128: ok, thanks.  fine to upload03:35
seb128thank you03:35
hungerWhat are my chances of seeing the shutdown-after-resume regression fixed in dapper?03:35
hungerWhom do I need to promise a beer to improve them? ;-)03:36
LureKinnison: can you whitelist HP nw8240 too (only minor glitch on resume on some models - see bug 33827)03:37
UbugtuMalone bug 33827 in acpi-support "suspend to RAM does not work on HP nw8240" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3382703:37
KinnisonLure: let me read that bug, one se03:38
mdzKamion: hmm, just tried an ntfs resize with that patch applied and it failed03:39
KinnisonLure: that bug doesn't look desperately positive03:39
KaiLhuh? nonworking STR is worth a model specific bug? How many bugs do you want? ;)03:40
janimoinfinity: can a build which failed but should work now w/o changes be kicked or does it need an explicit reupload for this?03:40
Kamionmdz: anything in /var/log/installer/syslog saying why?03:40
iwjDid I miss the introduction of some magic thing that edits .desktop files with data from Rosetta ?03:40
janimotarball had timestamp in the future03:40
mdzKamion: no, I'm trying it from the command line to see if I get any output from gparted03:40
seb128iwj: that magic is some months old03:41
mdzKamion: (unless you have it going somewhere else)03:41
mdzthe error dialog was unhelpful03:41
seb128iwj: it was a proper dapper spec and pitti has described changes made to the weekly meetings I think03:41
Kamioniwj: it doesn't edit them magically, but the code that reads .desktop files looks in language packs for extra translations03:41
infinityjanimo: I can smack it.  What build?03:41
janimoinfinity, thunar and xfdesktop03:41
Kamionmdz: not somewhere else, no; although gparted does act a little differently when called from the installer. hopefully not relevantly03:41
sladenLure: 32785 was fixed a while back.  Can you get the latest packages and check that it works.  If it does, then we can white-list it03:41
iwjI have a bug report (Mlaone 45447) which has a diff for a Polish translation, and it's against a .desktop file which isn't one I've ever shipped.03:42
LureKinnison: other users have no problems - I was one of the rare one's with nw8240 that had this problem, but works with workaround (lid close/open)03:42
infinityjanimo: In the future, try to avoid working in the future. :)03:42
Luresladen: it works, but only after close/open lid workaround (Kubuntu up-to-date, will text Ubuntu thsi week)03:42
seb128iwj: language packs don't ship new .desktop, the changes are just for stuff using glib03:42
janimoinfinity: yep :).  My clock only changed to UTC today, no idea why.03:43
seb128iwj: the change consist to make glib use gettext to get the translation before looking to the .desktop03:43
iwjSo (a) where did this user get the old .desktop file and (b) where shall I have them send their translation ?  Or should I just take their translation and add it to my file ?03:43
seb128iwj: what bug #?03:43
iwjMalone 45447.03:43
UbugtuMalone bug 45447 in firefox "Add Polish language to .desktop files" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4544703:43
Luresladen, Kinnison: will test Ubuntu today and report back and then we can decide if it is time left to sneak it in ;-)03:44
seb128iwj: $ grep "Firefox Web Browser" /usr/share/applications/*03:44
seb128/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop:Name=Firefox Web Browser03:44
seb128firefox: /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop03:44
iwjYes ...03:44
iwjNote that their diff has  < Name[pl_PL] =Firefox Web Browser   etc.03:45
seb128iwj: you have to edit the source package to add Name[pl] =Przegldarka WWW Firefox03:45
iwjSo obviously something odd is going on.03:45
mdzKamion: ooh, nice03:45
Kamionmdz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CodeNamesToVersionNumbers seems to imply that we want to remove "Dapper Drake" (and for that matter "Breezy Badger" etc.) from synaptic's repository names; is that true?03:45
seb128no, diff is fine03:45
mdzKamion: I get an empty dialog box with title "Error"03:45
iwjseb128: That's what I've generally been doing.  But normally the translator's diff is against a file which resembles mine.03:46
Kamionmdz: cool03:46
iwjSince this time it wasn't I thought I'd check that I'm not missing something.03:46
mdzKamion: and on the console "Error reading inode 6435" and "Error reading inode 10410"03:46
Kamionmdz: anything special about the ntfs filesystem?03:46
mdzKamion: it's a fresh XP install, booted once03:46
mdzKamion: linked clone VMware guest03:46
KamionI did a fresh XP install likewise, resized, worked for me03:46
Kamionhow odd03:46
iwjObviously their desktop file was generated by something which defaulted the [pl_PL]  to the English string.03:46
iwj(something = might be a person I suppose)03:46
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mdzKamion: let me try with the old gparted03:46
seb128iwj: dunno where the guy has found his file, that's not a part of the language pack changes afaik03:46
mvoKamion: this page (codenametoversionnumers) is news for me03:47
seb128iwj: the language pack changes are to get the translation from gettext but since firefox doesn't use gettext, it doesn't apply03:47
iwjThen there's some source for these .desktop files that we don't know about ...03:47
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seb128iwj: changing as you do usually should be just fine03:47
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iwjOK.  And I should apply the translation to [pl]  and not (as the guy asks) to [pl_PL] , I presume.03:47
Kamionmdz: also the default home page and "About Ubuntu" still say "Dapper Drake" although they also mention the version number03:47
Kamionmdz: firefox says "Ubuntu/dapper" in its version info03:48
seb128iwj: I would say that "pl" is correct yep03:48
mdziwj: as long as we're waiting on kernels and oo.o, could you fix that ^^^ ?03:49
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iwjseb128: Right.03:49
mdzKamion: ntfsresize -n succeeded fine03:49
mdzKamion: ntfsresize -s tells me the journal is unclean, which is odd03:49
iwjKamion: you mean the files in ubuntu-docs ?  I can fix that.03:49
Kamioniwj: I'm not sure yet whether we want to03:50
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Kamionmdz: the firefox build version is the only place of those listed in CodeNamesToVersionNumbers where I see dapper without 6.06; do we even want to bother changing the rest now?03:50
mdzKamion: booting windows confirms it thinks the fs was fucked03:50
iwjI don't think we should change the version info string; that appears in the user agent too and randomly messing with it is a bad idea.03:51
Kamionmvo: it was the result of an e-mail thread between me, mdz, silbs, and others03:51
seb128iwj: TomaszD on #ubuntu-bugs is the submitter03:51
Kamionmdz: fucked before gparted or after?03:51
seb128iwj: feel free to join #ubuntu-bugs if you want to speak with him03:51
Kamioniwj: happy to treat it like lsb-release DISTRIB_CODENAME03:51
Kamion(i.e. used by code, don't change)03:51
iwjseb128: Willdo.03:51
mdzKamion: urgh, they don't say LTS yet either03:52
mdzwe should fix as many as we can03:52
mdzdholbach: will you do ubuntu-artwork?03:52
Kamionmdz: so yes to removing "Dapper Drake"?03:52
mdzKamion: yes03:52
Kamionmvo: can you remove codenames from released versions and dapper in synaptic, then, and change "Ubuntu 6.06" to "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS"?03:53
mvoKamion: ok, I'll change the software properties tool and the dist-upgrader03:54
Kamioniwj: please go ahead and fix ubuntu-docs, then: "Ubuntu 6.06, Dapper Drake" -> "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS"03:54
Kamionhopefully it's possible to adapt translations too03:54
iwjKamion: wilco.03:55
mvoI can't say that I'm happy about this because it will break some translaitons (e.g. CD dist with Ubuntu 'Dapper Drake') 03:56
ogramdz, does that apply to Riddell, janimo and me as well (removing dapper everywhere) ?03:56
Kamionmvo: can "Dapper Drake" simply be removed from translations?03:57
mdzogra: yes03:57
Kamionmvo: if not, the lesser evil would be to manually unfuzzy the translations rather than breaking them03:57
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Kamionmvo: can you clarify your (e.g.)?03:57
ogramdz, oki03:57
janimoogra, you mean from the desktop guides as well?03:58
janimoI that's the only place DD is mentioned in xubuntu03:58
janimono artwork AFAIK had it03:58
ograjanimo, yep03:58
Kamionjanimo: if it is possible and reasonably straightforward to do so03:58
ograjanimo, dont you have a firefox default page 03:58
mvoKamion: well, there are strings like "CD disk with Ubuntu 6.06 'Dapper Drake' " I can try to unfuzzy them by hand 03:58
mdzRiddell: you get that?03:58
janimoKamion: well xubuntu-docs will need an upload anyway these days to get the translated guides in so I'll ask the doc writer 03:59
ograjanimo, ah, i remember, its in -docs for xubuntu03:59
Riddellmdz: yes03:59
janimoogra, oh right ff start page besides the guide03:59
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mdzKamion: resize worked this time03:59
OculusAquilaecarlos: ping04:00
mdzKamion: somewhere along the line the filesystem must have been corrupted, and ntfsresize was bailing out (and gparted not reporting anything useful)04:00
Kamionmdz: the "more useful reporting" patches in the new upstream release were one of the things I skipped, because they were huge04:01
Kamionso hopefully we'll get that fixed in edgy04:01
carlosOculusAquilae: pong04:01
Kamionmdz: you know ship-live has actually worked out fairly well04:01
mdzKamion: oh good04:01
Kamionmdz: if you leave the live CD in post-installation, you get a pop-up when you first log in asking you if you want to launch synaptic, which then does apt-cdrom and sorts it all out04:02
Kamionnot a bad UI04:02
OculusAquilaecarlos: could you check if the language-files of ktorrent get imported in the language-packs? They are firstly builded today.04:02
mdzMithrandir: have you been able to confirm the casper /dev/console fix in an official CD build?04:02
Kamionwe decided to give up langpacks for build-essential and linux-headers, didn't we?04:03
KamionI'd better do that soon04:03
mdzKamion: resize was successful, and XP booted and succeeded in its filesystem check04:03
carlosOculusAquilae: is the first time we build that package in main?04:03
OculusAquilaecarlos: no, but the first time the language-files are generated04:04
mdzinterestingly, windows claims it found new devices since the reboot04:04
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carlosOculusAquilae: then it will not be part of the dapper's language packs until the update we will do a month after release04:05
carlosOculusAquilae: the final language packs were already built04:05
Kamionpitti: is your report on langpack sizes on the web somewhere?04:05
pittiKamion: it will be in a minute :)04:05
carlosOculusAquilae: anyway, let me check to be sure that it's all ready to have it as part of the next update...04:05
OculusAquilaecarlos: also when the translation-freeze is on thursday?04:06
Keybukoh, wow, that's kinda off04:06
Keybukodd, even04:06
Keybuka filling just fell out04:06
pittiKamion: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/langpacks/langpacksize.txt04:07
Kamionpitti: thanks04:07
ograKeybuk, so head to the dentist then ...04:07
pittiKamion: 'G' for base+gnome (i. e. ubuntu), 'K' for base+KDE (kubuntu)04:07
pittiKamion: G+K for edubuntu (which has both)04:07
carlospitti: OculusAquilae did a good point... the language pack translation deadline is next Thursday... you should do an update...04:07
pittiKamion: second half of columns are cumulative sizes04:07
pittiKamion: and the ordering is the one we prefer (English first, then the top 11, then alphabetically)04:08
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Kamioncarlos: this Thursday, not next Thursday04:08
Keybukogra: it's not hurting, so I'll do it when I'm less busy :)04:08
Kamionnext Thursday is release04:08
OculusAquilaecarlos: that's also what the guys in the german translator MailingList think04:08
carlosKamion: well, sorry, I was talking about the day after tomorrow04:08
kagousmurf: around ?04:08
bddebianMorning folks04:08
kagouis smurf in vacations ?04:09
bddebianKeybuk: Is the meeting on today or no?04:10
Kamionbddebian: see ubuntu-devel-announce@04:10
Kamionmdz: with the exception of the codenames stuff and the release announcement, I believe the rest of ReleaseChecklist "Before building candidates" is done04:10
Kamionand the release announcement doesn't really have to be before building candidates04:10
mdzKamion: excellent04:10
ograbddebian, i think only the kubuntu meeting took place this week, all others are cnacelled04:11
Keybukbddebian: no.04:11
mdzKamion: traditionally it hasn't been, but we can try ;-)04:11
bddebianOK, thx04:11
mdzKamion: I'll work on the announcement04:11
=== iwj finds a 6.04 in ubuntu-docs.
mdziwj: eek04:11
Kinnisonsladen: what do you think about Lure's whitelist request?04:11
=== mvo waits for rosetta to bring him new trnalsations to unfuzzy for the codename change
carlosOculusAquilae: ktorrent is missing the .pot file04:12
carlosOculusAquilae: you should create it on build time04:12
mdzseb128: what version of GNOME should we say that we ship in final?  we seem to have 2.14.0, 2.14.1, 2.14.2, 2.14.3 and 2.14.4  packages04:13
mdzRiddell: same question for KDE04:13
Keybukmdz: "2.14" ? :)04:13
seb128mdz: we have 2.14.1 04:13
Riddellmdz: 3.5.204:14
seb128mdz: technically it's 2.14.1, 2.14.2 is due next week04:14
OculusAquilaecarlos: hm, that's right04:14
seb128(mdz: with a good part of the CVS fixes for 2.14.2)04:14
mdzseb128: ok, thanks04:14
Kamiondid the release notes get removed from ubuntu-docs?04:15
Mithrandirmdz: doing so now, had to sync down the latest image first04:15
KamionReleaseChecklist says to check them but I can't find them04:16
seb128mdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/enchant.debdiff ok to upload?04:16
mvoKamion: do we want: "Ubuntu 6.06 Security Updates" or "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Security Updates" for the repository label? i.e. LTS after every 6.06? with or without a single space? (6.06LTS vs 6.06 LTS)?04:17
Kamionmvo: LTS, with space04:17
sladenKinnison: I'm was happy with it.  Now I think about it more, we're white-listing machines with known-perfect working Suspend.  In this case there's a hardware bug (it seems) that requires the LID switch pressing to turn on the backlight04:17
mdzKamion: trivial first draft based on Beta announcement: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseCandidateAnnouncement04:18
Kinnisonsladen: Right04:18
Kinnisonsladen: I think I need to go and register at the local doctor's surgery, but once I get back from tha acpi-support (0.84) dapper; urgency=low04:18
sladenKinnison: and g-p-m allow Suspend to be enabled with a warning otherwise anyway04:18
Kinnison .04:18
Kinnison   * Whitelist another laptop (Ubuntu #44781)04:18
Kinnison     - Hewlett-Packard Pavilion ZV600004:18
Kinnison   * Add whitelist for bizarre old laptop (Closes: Ubuntu #38174)t I acpi-support (0.84) dapper; urgency=low04:18
Kinnison .04:18
Kinnison   * Whitelist another laptop (Ubuntu #44781)04:18
KinnisonMy trackpad has taken to pasting at odd times04:18
Kinnison     - Hewlett-Packard Pavilion ZV600004:18
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KinnisonI'm really sorry about that04:18
=== Kinnison apologises
Kinnisonsladen: Once I get back from the surgery I'll whitelist that laptop04:19
Mithrandirmdz: seemed to work fine for me.04:19
sladenKinnison: is it seeing three-fingers as a middle-button paste?04:19
mdzKamion: I thought you said the 0% new partition size was just a display problem, but clicking Forward without twiddling it failed for me04:19
Keybukmdz: still says "text-mode installer" under "Installation and Upgrades"04:19
MithrandirKinnison: hmm, yours too?  My desktop's mouse has begun behaving weirdly too.04:19
MithrandirKinnison: unsure if it's a hardware failure or not.04:19
Mithrandir(old mouse)04:19
Kinnisonsladen: It doesn't do multifinger04:19
Kamionmdz: oh, I *thought* it was just a display problem then. :(04:19
KinnisonMithrandir: I think mine is being sensitive. My thumb hovers near the corner which I have set as middle button04:20
MithrandirKinnison: ok, probably not a software bug, then.04:20
Mithrandiranyway, gotta go to the shop and suck, bbl.04:20
sladenKinnison: Rejected.  non-default config.  Go and see the doctor04:20
=== Kinnison ruffles mithrandir
Kinnisonsladen: *g*04:20
mdzKeybuk: please fix04:21
Keybukmdz: done04:22
jcolehonestly, what works better totem-xine or totem-gstreamer04:22
KamionMithrandir: happy sucking04:22
=== jcole suspects that there are some totem-xine'rs here
seb128jcole: depend of what you play04:23
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ogradepends on your arch :)04:24
KamionRiddell,ogra,janimo: I'd suggest being very careful about your next merge of the Ubuntu seeds; only take my addition of build-essential/fakeroot/linux-headers to the ship-live seed if you have room04:24
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ograKamion, i'm alsways careful about the  merges :)04:24
infinityKamion: So, ship-live IS happening?04:24
ograits already there :)04:24
KamionI left out bzr and cvs, those take 2MB or so04:24
Kamioninfinity: it's there, I'm just extending it04:24
=== infinity must have missed the day it actually happened.
Kamioninfinity: couple of days ago04:25
seb128mdz: did you read about http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/enchant.debdiff ? that's a trivial g_new to g_new0 change and fix a crasher; it's ready to upload :p04:25
tsengjcole: this really isnt the place and definately not the time, please try #ubuntu04:25
infinityKamion: Cool.  I vaguely recall some flamefest about it, then nothing.04:25
Kamion2006-05-18 according to my batched-up activity reports04:25
jcoletseng: ok04:25
dholbachmdz: I'll have a look - any particular occasion you spotted it in u-a?04:25
mdzseb128: no, if you mentioned it before I must have missed it04:25
mdzseb128: looks fine04:25
mdzdholbach: it's on the list04:25
seb128mdz: yeah, some minutes ago, thank you04:25
mdzdholbach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CodeNamesToVersionNumbers04:25
mdzdholbach: and the default firefox home page is rather visible ;-)04:26
dholbachmdz: that's ubuntu-docs - don't ask, why it install to ubuntu-artwork - we deferred that to edgy04:26
mdzdholbach: well, in that case shame on me for assuming that /usr/share/doc/foo belongs to foo ;-)04:26
dholbachmdz: yeah - shame on you :-p04:27
Kamions,doc/,, at least ;-)04:27
infinitymdz: How fast can you download 2 gigs from the DC? :)04:28
infinity(That's how big the tarball ended up)04:28
bddebianHeya infinity04:29
mdzinfinity: fast04:29
dholbachmdz: i see that example-content needs some love - I'll look at it04:29
mdzdholbach: thanks04:29
mdzinfinity: under an hour, I estimate04:29
mdzinfinity: any progress with it?04:30
infinitymdz: I'm dangerously close to bedtime here, but if you wanted to give OOo more love, it fails nearly instantly if you "sudo mount -t proc proc-test chroot-autobuild/proc ; sudo chroot chroot-autobuild/ su - buildd", then cd to /build/buildd/whatever and "fakeroot debian/rules binary"04:30
infinitymdz: If you've not the time, I'll have to attack it with fresh vigor and a fresh mind tomorrow morning.04:30
ogramdz, going there by tube with a dvdrw in your bag would be faster ;)04:30
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Kamionfrom Mossop Street to Angel and back? no it wouldn't :)04:31
ograoh, really ? i didt think its that far04:31
Kamiontakes five/ten minutes to get to the tube station, if nothing else04:31
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jonohey all04:31
mdzinfinity: where is it?04:31
bddebianHello jono04:32
infinitymdz: Making its way to chinstrap via scp...04:32
jonowhich package should a user install to install java?04:32
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jonohey bddebian04:32
Kamiondamn, forgot to upload ubuntu-meta so I overflowed the desktop CDs; working on it04:32
pittiKamion: sorry for the delay, I had a RL business here; I finished the install with verbosity, and put the log to http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/syslog04:32
infinityjono: #ubuntu, please04:32
jonoinfinity: sorry, this is for the book, but your right I think04:33
pittiKamion: it seems that it has trouble finding the kernel (from the exception); do you want me to file this as a bug? it might be something transient04:33
Riddelljono: do you have a phone number for jjesse?04:33
jonoRiddell: nope04:33
jonoRiddell: has he sent you the chapter?04:33
dholbachhum, seems that not even example-content needs changes04:34
Riddelljono: no, he says he's working on it but I'm not sure what the delay is04:34
Kamionpitti: bugger. please file bug04:34
Kamionit's not transient04:34
jonoRiddell: hmmm, not sure04:34
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jonoRiddell: I thought he was getting it to you yesterday04:35
dholbachmdke: seems that ubuntu-docs needs some changes according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CodeNamesToVersionNumbers - if you want me to upload, once you guys could look at it, just tell me04:35
infinitymdz: chinstrap:~adconrad/chroot-ooo-failure.tar.bz204:35
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Kamionpitti: and it affects all powerpc installs. I WISH my powerbook's CD drive worked04:35
ograRiddell, tsk, you want me to keep en_GB in edubuntu but drop de_DE from kubuntu ... pfft ...04:36
pittiKamion: done, bug 4616004:36
UbugtuMalone bug 46160 in ubiquity "yaboot not installed" [Major,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4616004:36
Kamionogra: he dropped language-support not language-pack04:36
ograKamion, :)04:36
Riddellogra: only language-support, langauge-pack de is still there04:37
henodholbach: I sent you a mail about example-content changes (I shrunk jono's book :) )04:37
dholbachheno: ah nice04:38
jonoheno: shrunk? does this mean only mice can read it ?04:38
ograits <6pt now :)04:38
henojono: all the images are now rendered in 5 shades of pink, takes less space04:38
ograto test our a11y implementation 04:38
henono, I just did some png crunching04:39
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mdzKamion: will it not boot from a USB drive?04:39
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Kamionmdz: probably, if I could find mine04:40
KamionI just haven't had time for hardware maintenance around here04:40
dholbachhum - what's the question? I did two installs on a USB drive today04:41
Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-fix-46160.diff OK once I've test-built it?04:41
Kamionwe filter out base-installer/* from the templates file because it saves a credible amount of memory on the live CD, but base-installer/kernel/linux/link_on_boot is used by scripts/install.py on powerpc04:41
infinitys/on/in/, or is that typo entrenched in the code?04:42
mdzKamion: I'm trying a test with auto-resize now, and it's taking *forever*. is that normal for ntfs/vmware?04:43
infinityOh, I see it's "in" in the diff.  Phew. :)04:43
Kamions/on/in/, correct (I cut-and-pasted it for the actual diff)04:43
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Kamionmdz: it takes a fair while without feedback, yes04:43
Kamionmight want to check that ntfsresize is actually still running04:43
mdzKamion: it isn't04:44
mdzpartman is04:44
UbugtuMalone bug 14100 in partman-partitioning "partman doesn't provide ntfsresize status details" [Normal,Confirmed]  04:44
Kamionwhat's it doing?04:44
mdzno hard disk activity either04:44
mdzgood question04:44
Kamiontail -f /var/log/partman04:44
mdzit's running 55divider_up at the moment04:44
Kamionthat's not usually good04:45
mdzseems to be looping04:45
mdzmain_loop: iteration 117404:45
pittimdz: ok to fix a bunch of exploitable format string issues in dia?04:45
Kamioncan I get the partman log?04:45
mdzKamion: sure04:45
mdzKamion: ignore the mail I just sent04:46
mdzKamion: correct log is in the second message04:47
Riddellare packages being blocked?  I don't see kubuntu-meta 0.81 in launchpad04:47
KamionRiddell: kubuntu-meta is in accepted04:48
KamionRiddell: you uploaded it just over half an hour ago; the publisher has not run since then04:48
Riddellright, thanks04:49
ograinfinity, thanks for -artwork :)04:52
Kamionmdz: you don't happen to be running with UBIQUITY_DEBUG=1?04:53
mdzKamion: no04:54
mdzKamion: shall I kill it and try to reproduce again?04:54
Kamionmdz: could you strace the ubiquity process for a few seconds (enough for a loop or two) and send me that trace?04:55
Kamionmdz: also, anything interesting in /var/log/installer/syslog?04:56
Riddellhmm, there's a lot of "Dapper"s in kubuntu-docs, this is going to break every translation there is04:56
Kamionperhaps ssh access would be easier04:56
Kamionif possible04:56
dholbachmdz: ok to upload example-content in a bit? henrik saved us 1,7 MB04:56
KamionRiddell: if it's not easy to do, then it's probably better to leave it as it is and remember to make it easy for next time04:56
iwjRiddell: I just ran a Perl script to update all the translations too.04:56
mdzdholbach: yes04:56
iwj(in ubuntu-docs)04:56
mdkein all the docs we use Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake)04:57
mdkeso we use the version number04:57
mdkewhere the code name is used it is often intentional, I don't see how we can possibly script that change04:57
mdkeand some languages won't be scriptable04:58
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mdzKamion: mailed04:58
iwjmdke: See above ^ where I was asked to change occurrences of `Ubuntu 6.06, Dapper Drake' to `Ubuntu 6.06 LTS'.  The ocurrences seem almost entirely to be in the startup page.04:59
Riddelliwj: are you going to commit to SVN?04:59
iwjRiddell: What, ubuntu-docs svn ?  No, I was going to upload.04:59
mdkeiwj: I think my concerns apply04:59
Riddelliwj: it would be nice to be able to review it before uploading05:00
mvomdz: do you want to see the debdiff for the 6.06->6.06LTS changes for the software-properties application ? 05:00
mvoor can I just upload05:00
mdzmvo: I'm happy to review it05:01
iwjmdke, Riddell: I have reviewed the diff (to source and to output).  The only files apart from *index*.html that have changed in the output is generic.ent, which had a 6.04 in it.05:02
Kamionif any change for this is hard or non-trivial, we should leave it be05:02
Kamionand change the processes for next time round so that we can switch more freely back and forward between codename and version number05:03
mdkeiwj: we don't use generic.ent. is that installed?05:03
Kamionwe want to be able to have user-facing documentation etc. refer to codenames (only) during development and version numbers (only) for release05:03
iwjYes, /usr/share/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/libs/generic.ent.05:03
iwjMy only change to that is 6.04 -> 6.06.05:04
mdkeiwj: ok, that's superfluous i think.05:04
mvomdz: thanks, its at http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/update-manager_0.42.2ubuntu20.debdiff (a bit big, I update the translation from rosetta and unfuzzied all by hand, aptsources.py is not actually two times in the source tree but only once and a symlink, but the debdiff shows it two times, just ignore it, they are identical)05:04
iwjSo are you now happy with me uploading ?05:04
mdkeiwj: are you sure none of the docs have it in? about ubuntu contains "Ubuntu 6.06 - The Dapper Drake"05:05
mdkechanging that will break translations and generally make me unhappy05:05
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mdzmdke: that's not translated on the fly, is it?05:05
iwj"Ubuntu 6.06 - The Dapper Drake" != "Ubuntu 6.06, Dapper Drake"05:05
iwjAnd, yes, I've done  diff -ruN w x 2>&1 |egrep '^\+\+\+' |sort05:06
mdkemdz: no. We can sync the translations up after release, I suppose05:06
iwj(w and x being before and after from dpkg -x)05:06
mdzmdke: if the change isn't propagated to the translations, that's not fatal05:07
mdkei personally think its nice to include the codenames as a secondary reference to identify a version with, especially in a document specifically about Ubuntu05:07
pittimdz: ok to upload dia security update (format string) with this dpatch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1455205:07
mdzchanging it shouldn't cause any problem with the translations05:07
bddebianAck, I have a dia desktop fix too.. Hmm05:07
iwjmdz, mdke: Let me know when you've decided.  I've got it here ready to go.05:07
mdkemdz: no. it will be one more string to translate after release though05:07
iwj(I do think it's a bit strange that the resulting new index.html doesn't contain the word `dapper' but I don't want to get involved in branding arguments ...)05:08
mdkei think index.html is a moot point and am happy to defer to the top level decisions05:09
mdkebut in About Ubuntu, the whole point is that it provides information about the background to Ubuntu05:09
mdkei think codenames are a part of that05:09
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mdkeanyway, you guys take the decision, and let me know so that I can sync up the changes afterwards and notify the translators of the string change05:10
iwjmdke: I promise I haven't edited anything but *index*.html's.05:10
janimoKamion , do I need to generate a new ubuntu-live to pick up the ship-live changes?05:10
janimoxubuntu-live I mean05:11
KamionI don't mind not changing About Ubuntu if that seems best05:11
Kamionjanimo: no05:11
Kamionjanimo: only if you've changed desktop or live05:11
mdkeiwj, ok. If you're doing an upload, can you include the new ubuntu/desktopguide/sk directory from our repository? some emergency fixes for that language05:11
Kamioncan anyone give me the smallest bit of shell they can think of to ensure that there is precisely one blank line at the end of a file?05:12
iwjKamion: What's this, shell golf ?05:12
Kamionmore minimal-change-to-package golf05:12
iwjmdke: Err, if it's going to be this hard I could email you the source debdiff.05:12
KamionI don't mean runes, I suppose I mean the cleanest-and-small bit of shell they can think of05:12
mdkeiwj: if it's hard, don't bother and I'll make a new package after yours05:13
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iwj(cat file && echo) | tail -1   prints a blank line iff the file had a trailing newline.05:13
KamionI suppose 'tail -n1 | grep . || echo'05:13
Kamioncontext is generating a debconf templates file from several pieces, being unsure if each piece ends with a trailing blank line, and wanting to ensure exactly one blank line between template stanzas because I can't remember if anything will break if that isn't true05:15
iwjKamion: no, that doesn't work.   tail -n1 preserves the trailing newline or lack of it05:15
Kamioniwj: expand my statement to 'tail -n1 foo | grep . || echo >> foo', not '(tail -n1 foo | grep . || echo) >> foo'05:15
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iwjcat file; test "x`(cat file; echo) | tail -n1`" = x || echo05:16
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mdkeiwj: alternatively, if it helps, there is a patch here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc-commits/2006-May/002610.html05:17
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mdkeyour call as to what is easiest05:17
iwjKamion:    printf yes >foo  ;    tail -n1 foo | grep . || echo >>foo05:18
iwjThe rune for appending to foo prints `yes' and then foo still has no newline.05:18
iwjtest "x`(cat foo; echo) | tail -n1`" = x || echo >>foo05:18
iwjOr some circumlocution if you want to worry about failing to read foo.05:19
iwjmdke: Do you have that patch not in HTML ?05:20
mdkeiwj: sure, I have the email05:20
iwjmdke: Forward it to me, iwj@ubuntu.com.  Thanks.  I'll include it.05:20
mdkeiwj: will do, thank *you*05:21
janimoKamion, is it a problem if it just add a newline regardless if there's one already at athe end?05:21
Kamioniwj: sorry, I meant '... | grep -q . && echo >>foo' then05:22
Kamionjanimo: I could use 'echo >> foo' if I wanted that :-P05:22
Kamionsed '$ { /./ { p; s/.*// } }'05:22
janimoI know, that's why I ask if it's a problem :)05:22
iwjKamion: Err, your rune is still wrong.  Try it !  Use mine.05:24
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iwjecho yes >foo  ;   tail -n1 foo | grep -q . && echo >>foo   ;   cat foo     and notice how your foo has two newlines at the end.05:24
ogra7me wonders if iwj and Kamion really stop at the 18th green :)05:24
janimois it certain the file does not already have more than one newline at the end?05:24
mdkeiwj: sent05:24
iwjmdke: Ta.05:24
ogra(or has shell golf special rules?)05:25
iwjKamion: my rune> test "x...  above.05:25
Kamionyes, thanks05:26
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bddebianHello sabdfl05:26
dholbachhey sabdfl!05:26
=== ogra just figured its "bzr upgrade" not "bzr update" .... wow, thats significanly faster
sabdflhey guys05:26
Kamioniwj: but my rune is correct, I *want* "foo\n\n"05:27
Kamiontrailing *blank* line not trailing newline05:27
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pittihi sabdfl, how are you?05:28
sabdflwell, sick puppy but at least capable of reading and typing today05:28
sabdflsome monstrous mexican microbe took me out05:28
iwjKamion: Oh.  I should read more carefully.05:28
pittisabdfl: ouch, not a plague again :/05:28
iwjtest "x`tail -1 foo`" = x || echo >>foo     if you're guaranteed that the file has a trailing newline.05:29
sabdfli don't blame anyone at debconf in particular05:29
sabdflnot that paranoid05:29
mdkeit's in the water05:30
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sivangsabdfl: err, drink some herbal tea :)05:30
sabdflsivang: which herbs, in particular?05:31
Kamioniwj: yes, I am. I think our two approaches are the same modulo style then, so thanks :)05:31
fabbionesabdfl: marjuana :P05:31
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sivangsabdfl: well, what I take is what Kinnison calls pepper mint I think, in Hebrew/Arabic it's call "Na'a Na'a"05:31
sivangsabdfl: all camomile can help :)05:32
sivangand also what fabbione said :-D05:32
mdkeiwj: also, if you can send me a debdiff, it would help for synching up the repo. No worries if you can't05:32
dholbachsabdfl: everybody expresses it differently, but they all want the best for you :-)05:32
=== bddebian posts to /. "Ubuntu Leader Poisened by Debian" ;-P
iwjmdke: Willdo.05:33
iwjKamion: Yours has a uuogrep :-).05:34
Kamioniwj: yours has a uuotest ;-)05:34
Kamion(and a usubshell)05:34
mdkeiwj: oh... and i suppose adding another translateable locale would be too much. it's in ubuntu-docs already05:35
Kamionthough I did use roughly yours in the end05:35
iwjSubshells are bad, are they ?  I would generally fork a subshell rather than execute another command.  test is a builtin.  If it isn't, use case :-).05:35
iwjmdke: Is there an XPI ?  (If `no' the answer is an easy `no'.)05:35
mdkeiwj: yeah. ka_GE05:35
mjg59sabdfl: How's the X60 behaving with the latest kernel?05:35
iwjAnd I think I want to say `no' anyway.  It's quite a faff to rebuild 4 dependent packages.  That's why I said to do them in batches !05:36
sivangguys, if someone got his sudoers file 0777 and sudo won't let him anymore, root is disabled, is there another way to undo the horror without a livecd ?05:36
Kamioniwj: fair enough05:36
Kamionsivang: boot in recovery mode05:36
pittisivang: boot in rescue mode05:36
mdkeiwj: yeah, totally understand. your call again05:36
sivangpitti, Kamion : thanks. it shouldn't require a password right?05:36
mdkeiwj: it would be the last one though *bats eyelids*05:36
sivangkool, ta05:36
iwjmdke: I mean, if you have time to prat about with null uploads of *-{docs,artwork} then I can do the ubuntu-docs change :-).05:36
_ionsivang: How the windows would someone get her sudoers file chmoded 0777 without intentionally doing that?05:37
mdkeiwj: it's the other way around, I did the ubuntu-docs change and it's in the archive. But i don't have upload rights so I can't do the rest05:37
sivang_ion: godo question...nobody knows..05:37
iwjmdke: Urgh.05:38
iwjYou MUST NOT DO THAT.05:38
iwjBecause the next time m-f-l-all is uploaded, ka_GE users' browsers will mysteriously break.05:39
sivanganyway, I Have a machine to wipe, laters and thanks again.05:39
iwjDid you read the BIG FAT WARNING next to the locale list saying NOT TO EDIT IT without following the documented procedure, with ref to the doc, and everything ?05:40
mvomdz: I'll leave for dinner now but will read scrollback, please let me know if I should upload the software-properties changes (http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/update-manager_0.42.2ubuntu20.debdiff)05:40
=== dholbach bzr rspush
mdkeiwj: sorry05:40
iwjmdke: What's the point of putting warnings like that in if you don't read them ?05:40
iwjYou say this change is in the archive (by which you mean dapper I take it) and therefore also in SVN ?05:41
ogradholbach, rspush ? 05:41
Kamionogra: bzr help rspush05:41
Keybukdholbach: isn't rspush bad?05:41
ogradholbach, the new bzr is pretty quick via sftp05:42
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KamionKeybuk: not on a non-shared archive05:42
janimobackwards compatible feature? really slow push?05:42
dholbachKeybuk: it works nicely for me05:42
ograKamion, i know05:42
KeybukKamion: it's somewhat less efficient than an ordinary knit push isn't it?05:42
pittiKamion: whoa, just read the ubuntu-meta changelog; did I overlook anything when I addded the last langpacks, or was something really big added recently?05:42
Kamionpitti: ship-live additions05:42
ograKamion, i just saw how fast the sftp implementation is now05:42
mdzmvo: sorry, am in the middle of several conversations05:42
Kamionoh, shrug, haven't compared05:42
mdkeiwj: yes. i.e. number 1 in "Adding new locales" has been done05:42
Kamionmdz: hmm, that ubiquity strace is weird; working on it05:42
ograKamion, 20min vs 30sec is quite noticeable for me :)05:43
ogra(for a seed push)05:43
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mdziwj: lots of turmoil in scrollback, what's the situation with the docs update?05:43
Kamionogra: that's weave vs. knit not rspush vs. push05:43
seb128I've to run for like half an hour, brb05:43
Keybukogra: 30s?  A seed push for me is now ~1s05:43
mdkeiwj: if necessary, roll back number 105:43
ograKamion, weave vs knit, both times with push05:43
Kamionogra: that's what I sai05:43
Kamion] d05:43
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KeybukI'm sure it'd be interesting to compare push vs. rspush with knit05:44
iwjmdke: Yes, I think we should roll it back.  I will do this in ubuntu-docs in dapper.  Are we sure that this will propagate to svn rather than unreverting ?05:44
Keybukbut I guess now is not the time ;)05:44
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mdkeiwj: i'll apply any debdiff you send me. Sorry about that05:45
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iwjmdke: OK, thanks.  I'll clarify the wiki page to make it clear you can't go halfway through this process and leave it.05:45
mdkeiwj, thanks. 05:45
mdzinfinity: that chroot tarball is taking as long to unpack as it did to download05:45
mdzI think bzip2 was a net loss over gzip in this case05:46
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infinitymdz: Yeah, I realised that about halfway through tarring it, but wasn't about to start over...05:46
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Keybukpitti: talk like a pirate day?05:48
pittimdz: sorry, I accidentally uploaded the dapper dia security update together with the stable-security ones (autofingers, sorry)05:48
mdzinfinity: some weird stuff in here05:48
mdzpitti: it's not on any CDs, is it?  if not, it's OK05:48
pittimdz: no, it's not05:48
mdzbuildd@ubuntu:/build/buildd/openoffice.org-2.0.2$ fakeroot debian/rules binary05:49
mdz-su: /usr/bin/fakeroot: Permission denied05:49
mdzbuildd@ubuntu:/build/buildd/openoffice.org-2.0.2$ ls -l /usr/bin/fakeroot05:49
mdz---------- 1 root root 0 May 23 15:49 /usr/bin/fakeroot05:49
Keybuk0 bytes?05:49
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mdzthat became a symlink when tar finally exited05:49
mdzbut meanwhile it was a 0-byte, mode 0 regular file05:49
pittiKeybuk: you should use that compression algorithm for dpkg 2.005:49
dholbachand save disk space05:50
infinitymdz: Oh, so that was just "tar being tar", then...  Is it still weird after tar's done? :)05:50
mdzinfinity: no05:50
mdzbut it's not failing either05:50
infinityYou mounted proc?05:50
mdzso I'm going to upload these binaries if it succeeds05:50
mdzproc-test on /home/mdz/src/chroot-autobuild/proc type proc (rw)05:51
infinityIf so, then the only (meaningful) difference here may be the kernel.05:51
infinityOTOH, it's both failed and succeeded in manual builds on the same machine.05:51
mdzinfinity: what kernel are you running?05:51
infinity(That was the same machine where I previously had a successful manual build, though the buildd builds always fail)05:51
mdzthis is 2.6.15-2205:51
infinityLinux vernadsky 2.6.12 #1 SMP Mon Jan 2 16:52:14 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux05:51
mdzthis happens to be an amd64 running i386 dapper05:52
Kamionmdz: upload these binaries> how? :)05:52
infinityelmo hand-roll, based on breezy sources.05:52
mdzKamion: celso is across the table from me, conveniently05:52
Kamion"hey, soyuz, look! a fire engine!"05:52
infinitymdz: Can you ask celso to make sure to upload them through the buildd queue, and to twiddle the DB so the build comes up as "successful"?05:52
infinitymdz: I can do the latter part in the morning, if he hasn't.05:53
Kamionmdz: next round of server CD images will be called *-server-*05:53
mdzKamion: thank you05:53
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mdzMithrandir: would you pull down this ooo chroot and try a build locally?  preferably on a breezy kernel05:57
Kamionmdz: I think http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-autopartition-loop.diff fixes your infinite loop, but I'm constructing a test now05:57
mdzMithrandir: our best guess right now is that the kernel is triggering it05:57
mdzinfinity: I don't suppose I can get access to the chroot where it actually fails, to debug05:57
infinitymdz: Ask elmo/Znarl for access to vernadsky.buildd with full sudo.  The chroot you have a copy of is in ~adconrad/05:58
infinitymdz: I don't hand out access to machines in the DC, so that's the best I can do. :)05:58
mdzZnarl: ?05:58
mdzZnarl: this is the only means available to me to debug this problem05:58
infinitymdz: I was going to lay into it with tracers and debuggers tomorrow, so if you have other stuff to attend to anyway (and these binaries work for us for now), you may not need to go there just yet.06:00
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infinityOkay, Double-U Tee Eff, mate.06:01
infinitymdz: The OOo-l10n build I had going on terranova succeeded.  I'll upload those binaries post-haste.06:01
mdzKamion: how did I trigger it?  by trying to click ahead without adjusting the slider first?06:03
dholbachwb seb06:03
seb128re dholbach :)06:03
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Kamionmdz: I'm honestly not sure; somehow partman/choose_partition has ended up set to the empty string06:05
bddebianHeya seb12806:05
bddebianIf one of you archive admins could take mercy on me, could you please look at the sync request for libspiffy-perl?  It's totally my fault :-(  Bug #4420706:06
UbugtuMalone bug 44207 in libspiffy-perl "UVF Exception (now sync) Request: libspiffy-perl" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4420706:06
infinitybddebian: On it.06:08
Keybukinfinity: go to bed :)06:08
bddebianinfinity: You're my hero :-)06:08
infinityKeybuk: I'm scping crap around the DC and doing Very Bad Things.06:08
infinityKeybuk: So, I'm up for a bit anyway.06:08
infinityKeybuk: If you want to do this, though, be my guest.06:08
Kamionmdz: the same code is in partman_commit.py, and this doesn't seem to break anything at least ...06:08
Keybukinfinity: I am already06:08
infinityI see that. :)06:08
Keybuk(I had a drescher window just under this one)06:08
=== infinity goes to make sweet, sweet love to the soyuz buildd queue.
mdzKamion: I have reproduced the problem again after applying your patch06:09
Keybukbddebian: done06:10
bddebianKeybuk: Rockin', thank you sir06:10
Kamionmdz: gar. debugging on this time?06:11
mdzKamion: no, but I bet I can do it again06:12
Kamionmdz: that would be great06:12
Keybuk(switching machines to do some amd64/i386 testing)06:13
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KeybukKamion: ppc alternate works nicely for me in all the tests I could think of06:15
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Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-autopartition-loop.diff updated with alternative approach, should be more foolproof06:18
mdzKamion: log emailed (this is with an unpatched ubiquity)06:20
mdzwill try fresh with that patch next06:20
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mdzinfinity: gar, the build just fails in a different way06:23
mdztrying to compress man pages which aren't there06:23
infinitymdz: Alright, I'll build it from scratch on terranova, which seems to succeed fine (uploading the -l10n build from terranova right now)06:23
mdzfor i in calc math draw writer impress base; do \06:23
mdz                find debian/openoffice.org-$i -type f -name "*.1" | xargs gzip -9; \06:23
mdz        done06:23
mdzgzip: compressed data not written to a terminal. Use -f to force compression.06:23
mdzFor help, type: gzip -h06:23
mdz[etc.] 06:24
mdzthere are no .1 files installed anywhere under debian/06:24
mdzprobably an issue with resuming the build06:24
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infinitymdz: I expect that's just some sort of breakage due to .. yeah.. that.06:24
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mdzKamion: oh, debug log mailed06:25
mdznever mind, I already told you that06:25
infinitymdz: In my pedantic mind, I think it should be an RC Policy violation when debian/rules binary can't roll back properly, but in practice, it affects almost no one (but me, and today you).. :)06:25
infinityKeybuk: OOo-l10n landed in NEW, if you're feeling ftpmasterish still.06:26
Keybukinfinity: sure06:26
infinitymdz: Shall I kick off OOo on terranova, just to get at least the binaries off our plate?06:26
mdzinfinity: yes06:26
mdzZnarl is working on getting me access to the machine so I can continue the investigation06:26
infinityOkay, cool.06:27
infinityI'm working on getting to bed, which I'll do as soon as terranova's building. :)06:27
Kamionogra: you still have language-support-es in edubuntu live; I have no sympathy with any further size complaints you have :P06:27
ograKamion, i just dropped french06:28
infinitymdz: You know the one thing I haven't tried, which I never think of on i386, since the kernels aren't generally insane like they are on hppa is "reboot the bloody buildds".06:28
ograKamion, should suffice for a working build06:28
Kamionogra: drop language-support-es please06:28
Kamionyou can keep language-pack-es obviously06:28
mdzKamion: still reproducible even with v2 of your patch06:28
Kamionbut we only have language-support-en out of language-support-* on any of our CDs, because language-support-* is *HUGE*06:28
Kamionopenoffice.org-help-es         | openoffice.org-l10n         | language-support-es       | Debian OpenOffice Team <debian-openoffice@lists.debian.org> |        11431894 |           2449606:28
Kamionfor instance06:29
Kamion  * language-pack-${Languages} [i386 amd64] 06:29
Kamion  * language-pack-gnome-${Languages} [i386 amd64] 06:29
Kamion  * language-pack-kde-${Languages} [i386 amd64] 06:29
Kamion- * language-support-${Languages} [i386 amd64] 06:29
Kamion  * Languages: zh es bn hi ar xh pt ru ja de06:29
Kamion  * language-pack-${Languages} [powerpc] 06:29
KamionI'd apply that if I were you06:29
janimoogra, do you think it would make sense asking for xubuntu/ltsp testers on the edubuntu list?06:30
mdzKamion: I click forward without touching anything, and it tells me it couldn't make enough space.  when I then adjust the slider, I find that it's set by default to an absurdly small value (the amount of slack space that Windows didn't partition).  I then increase it to a reasonable value, click Forward, and it loops. every time.06:30
infinityogra: And then re-add language-support-en somewhere.06:30
janimosince it's not quite edubuntu06:30
Kamioninfinity: no need, that's done above06:30
infinityKamion: Oh. :)06:30
ograjanimo, at least you will have the most concentrated amount of ltsp users there there 06:30
infinityKamion: Needed more context in the diff. :)06:30
janimoogra, ok06:30
ograinfinity, ?? it was never dropped06:31
Kamionogra: ignore the above06:31
Kamion(infinity's comment; it's not relevant here)06:31
infinityogra: Ignore me.06:31
desrtanyone remember those ubuntu laptop stickers that were at UBZ?06:31
desrtis there anywhere to go to order some more of those?06:31
=== desrt has a new laptop in the mail
=== vuntz|AFK is now known as vuntz
fabbionedesrt: only for people that donates G5's ;)06:32
desrti still have the G5 for you sitting on my desk :)06:32
desrtdon't suppose you'll be at guadec06:32
bddebianHey, where's mine? :-)06:32
fabbionedesrt: nope06:32
ografabbione, wasnt the inflation pushing it to dual G5s already ? 06:32
desrtbddebian; fabio is special06:32
fabbioneogra: nah..06:32
fabbionedesrt: define "special" :P06:33
=== bddebian refuses to comment
desrtuhm... the one person who gets a free g5 from me?06:33
desrtthat's pretty special, i'd say06:33
fabbionedesrt: eheh06:33
Keybukoh, sure, *he* gets a present06:33
ograKeybuk, he makes the better pasta :)06:33
Kamionmdz: any idea why gtk might fail to update the slider until a mouseover event happens?06:33
Kamionthat's why I assumed it was just a display problem06:33
mdzdholbach: did your example-content fix the typo in the book page?06:33
mdzdholbach: "destop"06:34
mdzKamion: it may be just a display problem after all; it turns out that in my case the default value is absurd06:34
dholbachmdz: no, sorry - I got that bug report later :/06:34
mdzKamion: (though nonzero)06:34
mdzdholbach: please fix06:34
KeybukKamion: surely if the slider is moving, the mouse is over it?06:34
mdzKeybuk: the default value for it isn't shown until you hover over it06:35
mdzit shows as 0 until then06:35
Keybukhow is the default value actually set?06:36
=== dholbach typed bzr vommit - hope that's not a bad sign
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=== Keybuk recalls GTK+ requiring a little dance to do that right
desrtfollowed by a short step to the right06:36
mdzKamion: where's the code?  maybe one of our pygtk gurus can help06:36
KamionKeybuk: .set_range()06:36
Kamionno, hang on06:36
ograKamion, mdz, sure thats not bug 22930 ?06:37
UbugtuMalone bug 22930 in gtk "Mouse focus doesn't return until mouse is moved off button" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2293006:37
mdzogra: no, different problem06:37
KamionI wonder if it's simply that I only set the range, not the value06:37
ogra(which we also face in the logout dialog heavily)06:37
seb128mdz: that focus issue just make the click action not working, it doesn't change the value of anything06:37
Keybukg_signal_emit_by_name (G_OBJECT (adjustment), "changed");06:37
Keybukis the C dance you have to do on it06:37
ograseb128, yep, my bad ...06:37
Kamionyou're kidding?06:37
seb128mdz: sorry ;)06:37
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KamionI think I should try just doing .set_value(), and while I'm at it I can set it to the middle of the range by default rather than the bottom06:38
infinitymdz: Building on terranova.  Will upload the resulting binaries when I wake up.06:39
RiddellKamion: could you start a kubuntu live fs build?06:39
KamionRiddell: running06:39
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dholbachmdz: uploading06:39
Kamion.set_value() is supposed to emit value-changed06:40
fabbionezakame: ping?06:40
KeybukKamion: you don't call set_value anywhere06:40
KamionKeybuk: 17:38 < Kamion> I think I should try just doing .set_value(), and while I'm at it I can set it to the middle of the range by default rather than the bottom06:41
KamionI do now ;-)06:41
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KeybukKamion: heh06:41
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Kamionogra: bug 22930 bites ubiquity as well, but no, it's not that06:42
desrtwow.  manu marked my logout dialog UI flamefest bug as "fixed released"06:43
desrtthat's an odd choice of words :)06:43
mdzKamion: confirmed06:43
mdzKamion: calling set_value fixes it06:43
Kamionself.new_size_scale.set_value(int(min_percent + 100) / 2)06:44
Kamionmdz: did you not get an error dialog telling you "Failed to create enough space for installation"?06:45
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mdzKamion: before I added the set_value, yes.  after, no.06:46
mdzMay 23 17:30:15 <mdz>   Kamion: I click forward without touching anything, and it tells me it couldn't make enough space.  when I then adjust the slider, I find that it's set by default to an absurdly small value (the amount of slack space that Windows didn't partition).  I then increase it to a reasonable value, click Forward, and it loops. every time.06:46
=== dieman tries another hoary->dapper upgrade
Kamionit's a bug that it didn't send you back to autopartitioning properly, but we don't have time to fix that right, I suspect06:46
Kamionmdz: ah, I lost that in scrollback06:46
=== AlinuxOS [n=AlinuxOS@d81-211-248-205.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittidieman: you are aware that this isn't supported?06:48
diemanit works, its not that bad06:48
pittidieman: good to hear :) one case that definitively breaks is postgresql06:49
diemanim having more issues with upgrading from the scim work that i did locally months ago based on some debian packages06:49
pittidieman: but would be interesting to hear about the results of upgrading a standard desktop install06:49
mdzKamion: fixing the set_value thing makes this much less likely to be triggered06:49
mdzKamion: this actually looks very much like the bug Chris encountered06:49
diemanpitti: only thing i notice so far is gnomemetting->ekiga doesn't work so well06:50
mdzKamion: it seems sort of odd that the minimum value is set so low, though.  it looks like it's supposed to enforce that Ubuntu will actually fit in the space created, no?06:50
diemanpitti: have to force-remove gnomemeeting before a dist-upgrade06:50
Kamionit's meant to, yes06:50
Kamionwe set the range to match whatever parted_server says the allowable resize range is06:51
AlinuxOSdieman, ekiga works great for me...06:51
Kamionwe don't enforce 2GB clearance though06:51
AlinuxOSekiga 2.0.1 works well as actual ekiga-cvs version.06:52
diemanAlinuxOS: the upgrade, rather06:52
diemanAlinuxOS: some files conflict in the hoary->dapper case06:52
dieman(its an unsupported case, but just mentioning)06:52
AlinuxOSdieman, ah...understand.06:53
diemanafter i get the in-place procedure down i'll have to get fai manhandled into working how i want it to.06:53
mdzKamion: we should06:53
=== Keybuk starts downloading a dvd image to test
Keybuknobody seems to have done that one yet06:54
Kamionit's actually a partman-auto bug, and affects the install CD too06:54
mdzKeybuk: I tested i386 and amd64 yesterday, but there seem to be new ones now06:55
Riddellmdz: can I upload this change to ktorrent?  it just adds our normal patch and line to generate a .pot file http://oculusaquilae.de/kubuntu/fixes-dapper/pot_generation.diff06:56
mdzRiddell: sure, why not06:57
Keybukheh, either wget or the http server are busted06:57
AlinuxOSmjg59, I've talked with BPG Tech font author about some imperfections of his pack...he decided to collaborate with me(and our community) he is worrking on GNOME/KDE special/suitable font collection... restructurating horizontal and vertical spaces. So I'm verry happy.06:57
Keybukone of them really doesn't like opening a 3GB file06:57
ogralikely the server06:58
ograi wget'et a 5G file in dapper already06:58
iwjmdke: See mail re ubuntu-docs (uploaded and accepted, it seems).06:58
Keybukyeah it's the server, it just disconnects :)06:59
mdzKamion: so long as we're changing ubiquity, is it trivial to fix the progress messages (for 32gnome_power_manager and mkinitramfs)?07:00
KeybukZnarl: you may want to look into that07:01
Kamionmdz: what's broken for 32gnome_power_manager?07:02
mdzKamion: it displays "Running 32gnome_power_manager..."07:02
Kamionmdz: it does the same sort of thing for all the target-config hooks07:02
mdzbut that one takes 10+ seconds to run; I don't even see the others07:02
KamionI could strip numbers from the start, but anything more would take translation changes07:02
mdznever mind, it's just ugly07:03
KamionI'll strip digits07:03
mdzanything more I can do to try to track this looping problem?  are you unable to reproduce it?07:03
ZnarlKeybuk : Sorry, what is broken?07:03
mdzstripping the digits doesn't really help; don't bother07:03
KeybukZnarl: wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/dvd/current/dapper-dvd-amd64.iso07:04
pittiMithrandir: what do I have to do again to finish oem customization and trigger the oem user setup wizard?07:04
KeybukZnarl: the server bails and disconnect07:04
KeybukZnarl: rather than serve a 3GB file07:04
Kamionmdz: I don't think fixing the looping problem any further is going to be feasible07:04
Kamionjust the set_value07:04
mdzand fixing the range to be minimum 2.x gig is non-trivial?07:05
mdzthat would make this impossible to trigger in the way I've done it07:05
ZnarlKeybuk : Ah, boron - one of the cdimage machines, is running breezy apache.  07:06
mdzKamion: seems like it should be straightforward if ubiquity already has knowledge of that value07:06
Kamionmdz: I'm in progress on that07:08
KamionI'm fixing it in the right place, though, namely partman-auto07:08
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Kamionmdz: fixing the mkinitramfs progress message should be trivial, though; I'll do that07:17
LureKamion: I know that LVM is no go for ubiquity, but is it safe to install another install on the system where there is already LVM version (using regular partitions)?07:22
KamionLure: I'm told it doesn't work right07:22
Kamionthere's a bug open - it doesn't disable the existing logical volumes so the kernel sees the partitions as busy07:23
Kamionif you already have the partitions you need to install on created by some other means, or if you disable LVM by hand, it should work07:23
LureKamion: ok, but no corruption? Then I will try it now and report back...07:23
KamionLure: use absolute current ubiquity, >= 1.0.107:24
KamionLure: and take backups07:24
LureKamion: current daily (Ubuntu) is fine?07:24
KamionLure: check with dpkg -l ubiquity, but should be07:24
LureKamion: I know - have got that lession...07:24
KamionI expect you'd want to use manual partitioning07:25
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Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/partman-auto-resize-bounds.diff07:25
LureKamion: yes, I always manually partition and this will be my first try of Ubuntu ubiquity (always tested Kubuntu only)07:25
mdzKamion: I'll give it a go07:25
Kamionmdz: the extra bit added on over 2GB is to defend against rounding errors07:25
Kamionmdz: if you're applying it on the fly, it's in /lib/partman/automatically_partition/10resize_use_free/do_option07:26
mvo_mdz: permission to upload http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/gconf2_2.14.0-1ubuntu2.debdiff ? It fixes a issue seb128 discovered during the breezy->dapper upgrade07:26
mdzKamion: the install is larger than 2GB anyway07:26
Kamionmdz: not here it's not07:26
mdzKamion: at peak, with all langpacks from the CD?07:26
Tonio_hi everyone07:26
Kamionmdz: I just did a successful install where fdisk reported 1851749 1K-blocks07:26
KamionI imagine langpacks will cause it to vary a bit, but not that much07:27
mdzdf reported 2.0G for me07:27
mdzduring the install07:27
mdzmvo_: sure07:28
Kamion1.9G here07:28
KamionI will check that it isn't just missing ENOSPC though07:28
Kamionbut the copying is all done in python, so it would raise an exception07:29
mdzKamion: I'll do a 2.0G install as part of this test to check07:30
mdzKamion: or you're saying that's what you do?07:30
Kamionjust shove the resize slider up to maximum ...07:30
Kamionthat's what I'm doing07:30
dholbachmdz: ok to upload ubuntu-artwork for another fix?07:31
mdzdholbach: what is it?07:32
dholbachbug 3452107:32
UbugtuMalone bug 34521 in ubuntu-artwork "network monitor's icon have too much unused space" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3452107:32
dholbachi can bundle that with the next upload, if you want07:33
Kamionmdz: oh, the figure I quoted was df, not fdisk; I think df was leaving out blocks reserved for root07:33
LaserJockhmm, is evince going to be replaced by evince-gtk in ubuntu-desktop?07:33
mdzdholbach: you'll have to do more icon uploads anyway, so might as well wait07:33
ograLaserJock, evince-gtk is a xubuntu mutation07:33
KamionLaserJock: no07:34
LaserJockhmm, my xubuntu-desktop dist-upgrade wants to remove evince and ubuntu-desktop07:35
Kamionubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop are not currently coinstallable then07:35
LaserJockok, :/07:35
LaserJockI just wondered if that was intentional07:36
ograhmm, thats indeed not nice07:36
sladencould evince-gtk provide evince ?07:36
mdzKamion: hmm, I applied your patch, but the minimum is still 61.0M07:36
Kamionsladen: I don't want evince-gtk to be selected by mistake07:36
ogramany ltsp users with low end machines want to use xfce on edubuntu for the clients07:36
Kamionogra: so they can uninstall {ed,}ubuntu-desktop. deal.07:36
diemanor just use the task names instead07:37
ograKamion, yes :(07:37
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diemanwith aptitude07:37
Kamionmdz: that's the minimum for the partition you're resizing, not for the free space created07:37
Kamionthe UI is not very clear, I'm afraid07:37
mdzKamion: that partition has about 2G worth of Windows XP on it07:37
ogradieman, the usual edubuntu user is a teacher and happy if he understands synaptic ;)07:37
mdzso that isn't right either07:37
diemanie: aptitude install "~t^ubuntu-desktop" "~t^xubuntu-desktop" evince-07:37
diemanogra: yah, i know ;)07:37
ogradieman, not terminals :)07:37
Kamionmdz: oh, my patch will do nothing about that; that's weird07:37
=== dieman hugs aptitude
mdzKamion: that seems extremely backwards though07:38
mdzit says "New partition size"07:38
mdznot "existing partition size"07:38
KamionI know07:38
Kamionit means new size for the partition being resized07:38
KamionI know it's unclear, but it's so late07:38
mdzthis disk has only one partition07:38
Kamionmdz: what does 'ntfsresize -f -i /dev/hda1' (or whatever) say, specifically the "You might resize at" line?07:39
Kamionresize_use_free has a devfs assumption07:39
ograinfinity, still around ?07:41
Kamionget_ntfs_resize_range that is07:41
ograKamion, can you trigger a livefs build for edubuntu ?07:41
Kamionogra: running07:42
Kamionmdz: working on it07:42
ograKamion, thanks07:42
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mdzKamion: not critical if it isn't safe07:43
Kamionit should be straightforward, PARTITION_INFO gives the path07:43
Kamionoh, there's a comment in the file saying why that won't work ... I'll special-case07:45
mdzyay, the kernel built07:48
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Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/partman-partitioning-ntfs-resize.diff07:48
Kamionmdz: can you try that? applies to /lib/partman/resize.sh07:48
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KamionI can get an NTFS partition here but it will take another Windows installation07:49
Kamionneed to go and do something about dinner now07:49
mdkeiwj: thanks07:49
lemsx1i noticed that in ntp you guys fix a bug that prevented the interface to be fully up on reboot07:50
lemsx1Ignore errors from ntpdate, otherwise the interface might not come fully up.07:50
lemsx1yet 2 of my test dapper installations do just that... and i purged ntp. same thing07:50
mdzKamion: in addition to the other patch, right?07:50
Kamionmdz: yes07:50
KamionI've uploaded the other patch now; my tests seemed fine07:51
lemsx1doing: ifconfig eth0 up and running dhclient3 by hand does the trick07:51
lemsx1but i added pre-up to interfaces and now it always works07:51
lemsx1# The primary network interface07:51
lemsx1auto eth007:51
lemsx1iface eth0 inet dhcp07:51
lemsx1        pre-up ifconfig eth0 up07:51
lemsx1these problems didn't happen on Breezy07:52
Keybuklemsx1: please file a bug07:52
lemsx1Keybuk: ok. i'll research that now. though i don't know what it should apply to07:53
Keybuklemsx1: "ntp" seems a good guess07:53
lemsx1Keybuk: or netbase?07:53
Keybuklemsx1: netbase isn't doing anything here07:53
mdzKamion: at first blush, I get the same behaviour. will check into it.07:53
Keybuklemsx1: dhcp3 perhaps07:53
lemsx1Keybuk: netbase: /etc/init.d/networking07:53
Keybuklemsx1: that script does nothing on most people's machines07:54
Kamionmdz: set -x in that function to see what we're passing to ntfsresize would be useful07:54
infinityogra: Yes, I'm back, couldn't sleep.  What's up?07:54
mdzKamion: shouldn't matter that I'm running ubiquity for the second time in this session, right?07:54
lemsx1Keybuk: are you sure? it seems to be calling ifup -a07:54
Keybuklemsx1: yes, I'm sure07:54
ograinfinity, already done, i didnt want to bother busy Kamion with livefs builds07:54
lemsx1Keybuk: so, dhcp3 should make sure the interface is fully up before running the client bound to it?07:55
Keybuklemsx1: please, just file a bug and we'll look into it when edgy opens07:55
lemsx1Keybuk: understood07:55
Kamionmdz: no07:56
mdzKamion: backupdev=/var/lib/partman/backup/07:56
mdzis that right?07:56
mdzthat's causing the entire if block to be skipped07:57
Kamionhmm, I may have been barking up the wrong tree then; if there's no backup devices directory then that block doesn't matter07:58
Kamionbut it should be there, it's created by init.d/backup07:59
mdzsomething weird is happening07:59
Kamionoh, $dev is empty07:59
mdzall of the args are07:59
tsumeis anyone else getting permission denied from anoncvs co on savannah?07:59
Keybuktsume: incredibly off topic for here08:00
tsumeKeybuk: this is a channel with tons of developers, not users which don't know how to use CVS08:00
Kamionoh, partman madness08:00
mdzKamion: I have no idea how this is supposed to work08:00
mdzshould that be $1 or something?08:01
Kamionmdz: I have to sort out dinner for the child here, but I know roughly what to do; will be back soon08:01
Keybuktsume: no, this is a channel for co-ordinating Ubuntu development... which is right now in release preperation; and we don't need savannah anoncvs to do that;  if you've having problems, taking it to their support forum08:01
tsumeKeybuk: though I should ask in ##freebsd since they(and I) hack on code casually08:01
jcoletsume: you're in the wrong room bud08:01
lemsx1bug 4619008:02
UbugtuMalone bug 46190 in ntp "network interface not fully up" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4619008:02
tsumewhile I'm here though :) What in the worls does debian/or ubuntu do to grub? :P08:02
mdztsume: that's enough08:02
ografabbione, ^^^08:03
tsumemdz: could you please include lilo with the installcd?08:03
Kamiontsume: we do, on the alternate install CD.08:03
mdztsume: it is there, and has been since the first release.  please stop making noise in this channel.08:03
Kamionmdz: it's a difference between busybox sh and bash in the handling of local variables, triggered by some slightly psychopathic partman code; easy to work around08:05
fabbioneogra: ?08:05
ografabbione, he's calmed now, all fine it seems08:05
Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/partman-partitioning-ntfs-resize.diff updated08:06
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dAndyKamion: i added the kickstart file i used for the ftp install to the bug, we are not using any proxy, very weird08:09
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mdzKamion: testing08:10
mdzKamion: works08:11
mdzI get a range of 3-6G08:11
tsumemdz: hmm08:11
tsumemdz: do you know anyone in the debian or ubuntu community who works on grub?08:11
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fabbionetsume: zul does sometimes08:12
mdztsume: like the others here, I am very busy preparing the release and do not have time to chat08:12
tsumemdz: I don't either :)08:12
tsumemdz: I'm just trying to track down a hardware problem with grub + whatever mb is in this laptop.08:12
Keybuktsume: please do so on #ubuntu08:13
fabbionetsume: i did answer you. please now move on08:13
tsumeKeybuk: they are users, not developers08:13
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o fabbione] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o Keybuk] by ChanServ
fabbionetsume: you had an answer. drive trough.08:13
tsumeKeybuk: and anyway, I've beatten the grub to death 100 million times over. I asked a simple question. And anyway, even if you kick, ban, etc. I can simply evade. so best  to just give me a simple one word answer "yes or no" and I'll be on my way. Its a grub memory loading problem. I'm just trying to find a knowledgable bootloader person.08:15
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Keybukbored, now08:15
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Kamionmdz: hooray. will upload08:15
ografabbione, Keybuk, thanks08:16
mdkeZnarl: around?08:16
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b tsume*!*@*] by fabbione
mdzKamion: alt CD overflow is fixed in the current build, yes?08:17
mdzhmm, no, needs a new build08:18
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wasabiGreat. Tor.08:18
yupihey, this is tsume. You're all dumb assholes08:18
tseng-|- 4 - #mono: ban *!*@*tsumelabs.com [by  migHome!~miguel@c-24-218-111-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net, 5570995 secs ago] 08:18
yupisstill using ubuntu on my network though :P08:19
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Seveasfabbione, tor/session/*08:19
mdzKamion: with the slider set to max, the low disk space warning just came up and said 99%08:19
fabbioneSeveas: can you report it to freenode staff please?08:19
fabbioneSeveas: and get a kline please08:20
iwjPhew.  Hopefully that'll be the last firefox before the dapper release.08:20
Seveasfabbione, they're not so generous with k-lines08:20
mdzKamion: then I got "Installation complete" prematurely, the copy didn't even finish and none of the following steps were run08:20
Kamionmdz: bug 4616008:20
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [-b *!*@*tor/session/external/x-1f9b789f3ffbbec9] by fabbione
UbugtuMalone bug 46160 in ubiquity "base-installer/kernel/linux/link_in_boot missing from templates" [Major,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4616008:20
Kamioner, no08:20
Kamion(sorry, wrong bug)08:20
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!*@*tor/session/*] by fabbione
Kamionmdz: that's the install.py crash handling fixed in ubiquity 1.0.3 surely08:20
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fabbioneSeveas: well report him as abuser or whatever08:21
mdzKamion: at any rate, it seems clear that the crash was because it ran out of disk space08:21
Kamionmdz: do you want me to add 200MB to those limits then?08:21
Kamionseems like it should do08:21
mdzKamion: I think that ought to be suffiicent, yes08:21
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riiihi this is tsume. Nice try. whatever :)08:21
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=== Keybuk wonders at which point it becomes easier just to nip round his house and take his computer away
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C0E27E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneKeybuk: he is at the best a script kiddy with 2/3 sheells around08:23
tsengmode +r might help for the time being08:23
fabbioneKeybuk: and he already burned 3 of them08:23
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Keybuktseng: what does that one do?08:23
gomenhi this is tsume. :) whatever :)08:23
infinitygomen: Please respect the fact that we're trying to release a product (one that you use, apparently) in just over a week.  I can't ask you to stop acting like a child, but please stop wasting OUR time with your games.08:23
fabbioneKeybuk: now he will remove reverse08:23
tsengonly registered users can join08:23
wasabiscriptkiddies. =(08:23
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tsengKeybuk: ^08:24
wasabiHow do I add myself to that ubuntu/member/thing?08:24
gomeninfinity: okay08:24
tsengwasabi: talk to Seveas 08:24
gomeninfinity: then unban me and I'll sit silent08:24
fabbionegomen: specially because you are so busy acting like a child that you did not even notice that i did answer your question08:24
fabbioneway before you got banned08:24
gomeninfinity: I'll even help, but I just don't expect to be treated mean. I like simple answers, yes, no, or I don't know.08:25
fabbionegomen: YOU GOT THAT ANSWER08:25
fabbionegomen: possible you can't even read your scrollback?08:26
gomenfabbione: privmsg please and I'll explain :)08:26
Kamiongomen: I doubt anyone will waste their time helping you any more anyway.08:26
_ionHe's just teasing you.08:26
fabbionegomen: no08:26
diemangrats to whoever banished ld_preload from openoffice on amd6408:26
gomenfabbione: I liked your answer, and the others. except Kamion's, who I've ran in to in the past, giving me a bad attitude answer instead of my wanted short answer.08:27
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!*@] by Keybuk
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Kamionoh I feel such pain08:27
KeybukKamion: you bad, bad man08:27
=== mdke hugs Kamion
tsengthats Keybuk.08:27
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=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [-o fabbione] by fabbione
tsengI had enough of this guy on GIMPnet08:27
tsengwe'll want to drop that in 10-15 minutes08:28
Keybukjust long enough for him to get bored08:28
fabbioneimho we could just switch to +m for release time08:28
fabbionehe might be very well registered..08:28
tsengnot 6 times08:28
fabbionetseng: you wish :)08:29
Seveastseng, even the bots are registering nowadays08:29
wasabiSeveas: How do I get added to that ubuntu/member/thingy? :)08:29
Seveaswasabi, by telling me your real launchpad ID 08:30
wasabiahh! "wasabi"08:30
ogragah, my livefs build clashed with dia08:30
Seveasok, next time I see lilo I'll have him set your cloak08:30
infinitymdz: I'm hacking on weddell right now, so if you could refrain from doing any livefs builds on ia64 (somehow, I doubt you want any anyway), that would be cool.08:35
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=== wasabi installing Ubuntu/ARM.
LaserJockiwj: ping?08:44
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janimomvo_: hi08:46
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mvo_hello janimo08:47
janimomvo_: since we now have packages in xubuntu-desktop that conflict with ones in ubuntu-desktop08:47
janimopeople can have difficulties upgrading08:48
RiddellKamion: important patch for kde ubiquity http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/ubiquity.diff08:48
janimobug 4619108:48
UbugtuMalone bug 46191 in xubuntu-system-tools "xubuntu-system-tools conflicts with gnome-system-tools" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4619108:48
janimomvo_: can you see a clean nonitrusive solution?08:48
KamionRiddell: is it in your branch?08:48
RiddellKamion: no08:48
KamionRiddell: ok; can you provide a changelog entry?08:49
KamionRiddell: er also surely you should have an else branch there08:49
Kamionlike return None or something08:49
Riddellit works fine as it is08:49
Riddell * fix crash in country selector when nothing is pre-set08:50
KamionI'd like to add else: return None08:50
Kamionjust for clarity08:50
Kamion(that's what gtkui doe)08:51
mdkedoes anyone know what setup the wikis on palmer use? mod_python/cgi/fastcgi?08:51
janimomvo_: sorry, did you write anything after me pasting the bug? I may have hit a ctrl-L too early08:52
RiddellKamion: yes, thatt is fine08:53
Riddell-win 3508:53
Riddelldoh, I knew I shouldn have tested a spanish keyboard08:53
Kamionok, uploading nowish08:53
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janimowill there be separate announcements for the derivatives for RC?09:02
mvo_janimo: no, I have not (was distracted)09:06
mvo_janimo: hm, a pretty anoying problem :/09:07
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KamionWARNING: Loop detected: /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-powerpc/volatile/new_ath_hal.ko which needs new_ath_hal.ko again!09:08
Kamionspotted while reading through the syslog attached to bug 4616009:09
UbugtuMalone bug 46160 in ubiquity "base-installer/kernel/linux/link_in_boot missing from templates" [Major,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4616009:09
Kamion(my life is so exciting)09:09
Kamionmjg59: looks like a madwifi-ng thing?09:10
KamionWARNING: Module /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-powerpc/volatile/new_ath_hal.ko ignored, due to loop09:10
KamionWARNING: Module /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-powerpc/madwifi-ng/new_ath_rate_sample.ko ignored, due to loop09:10
KamionWARNING: Module /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-powerpc/madwifi-ng/new_ath_pci.ko ignored, due to loop09:10
Kamion(rest of relevant chunk of log)09:10
BenCKamion: yeah, I show the same thing on my ppc09:11
BenCI only have new_ath_hal.ko and ath_hal.ko on my system though09:11
BenCnm, I do have the others, but depmod isn't reporting any problems with them09:12
janimomdke, I see that in docteam svn the xubuntu guide while copied in language dirs is not really translated.09:12
mdkejanimo: it has only been in rosetta for a few days09:12
janimodo I upload like this? Is it needed for rosetta?09:12
Kamionit happens while doing dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive linux-image-2.6.15-23-powerpc09:13
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janimomdke: yes, but does an upload help if it happens now than say in 3 days?09:13
mdkejanimo: I'm not adding new translations anymore. Only post-release09:13
janimoI got the impression that something may block on it09:13
janimomdke, and existing translations remain in current sate?09:14
mdkejanimo: I think you should do an upload with what we have so that the structure is in place for post-release updates09:14
janimoin that case I can upload whenever09:14
mdkebut it should be soon, because the freeze for them was a week ago09:14
mdkejanimo: I'll continue to email you when I add updated translations to our repository post-release09:15
janimook, although I assume they will go in via upadated langiage packs not by my uploading ?09:15
mdkejanimo: no, they'll need -updates of xubuntu-docs09:15
janimook then09:15
infinity21:57 <doko> and could you pester Riddell and Mithrandir about scim support for OOo on amd64?09:16
infinityMithrandir / Riddell : Do you know what that's about?09:16
Kamionmdz: I believe all my installer changes from today are in now, pending builds09:16
mdzKamion: was just reading them09:16
infinityMithrandir / Riddell : I'm about to do an OOo-amd64 upload, but doko pinged me with that after asking me to do the upload.09:16
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mdzKamion: can we cross off the preseeding fix or does that need confirmation in a real build?09:17
Kamionmdz: oh, needs confirmation after d-i has built, really09:17
Kamioneasy to test with the gfxboot menus09:18
mdzKamion: just did an alternate build; looks like the sizes are OK now09:18
Mithrandirinfinity: no idea.09:18
infinityMithrandir: Right then.  I'll just do this upload as-is, then.09:19
bddebianinfinity: When you get a chance can you please clear the dep-wait on libkwiki-perl now that libspoon-perl has hit?09:19
infinityWell, when it's done downloading all the crap...09:19
infinitybddebian: It'll auto-clear.09:19
bddebianHmm, OK, thx09:19
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Kamion   * Replace 6.04 with 60.6 in generic/libs/generic.ent.09:20
Kamioniwj: I'm assuming that typo was unique to the changelog?09:20
Keybukit's typos like that where you get a scared shiver to think there may *be* a 60.6 one day09:20
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ograKeybuk, scared ?09:21
Keybukogra: it's like that one day it'll be May 2006009:21
ograthat gives me a warm feeling :)09:21
Kamion2060 surely09:21
ryangoh please, even small animals are messy. http://img60.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p51002020xi.jpg09:21
KamionI don't think I can do this for another 54 years09:22
Keybukuh, yeah, typo :)09:22
KeybukI'll be 80 in 206009:22
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ograi'll be dead09:22
ograbut still :)09:22
ivoksnice to see you relaxed, guys :)09:22
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mdzdholbach: around?09:27
Kamioninfinity: any idea why firefox 1.5.dfsg+ doesn't seem to have started building yet?09:27
dholbachmdz: yes09:28
Kamioninfinity: oh, never mind, it took its sweet time to publish for some reason09:28
mdzdholbach: I seem to recall that when I first looked at the book, it had an ubuntu logo in the heading09:29
mdzdholbach: now it just has an empty brown band09:29
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dholbachmdz: i'll look at it09:29
wasabiSurely somebody sells plain Ubuntu logo stickers without text.09:29
Kamion... because I didn't take account of daylight savings. go me.09:29
Keybukwasabi: I'm not sure, most people have been put off by Jane's Pantone Facism09:31
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diemanpantone facism09:35
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mdzwasabi: the pussycat dolls might09:35
wasabiWow. That made pretty much no sense.09:36
Keybukwasabi: they stole our logo09:36
wasabiThat what who?09:36
wasabiHahah they totally did.09:37
ryanghow off-topic09:38
bddebianSue, sue!!! :)09:38
ograryang, right, that belongs to #ubuntu-art :)09:39
ryangOculusAquilae, exactly :)09:39
ryangwhoops :(09:39
ryangOculusAquilae, sorry. meant ogra :)09:39
OculusAquilaenp :)09:39
mdzRiddell: how are your CD sizes?09:41
omegIt's kind of funny when someone tries to tell you that Windows == Unix because they both have a kernel.09:41
mdzRiddell: and any further word on the book chapter?09:41
dholbachmdz: want me to upload now?09:41
mdzdholbach: you found the trouble?09:41
diemanKeybuk: wow, they completely stole th elogo09:41
dholbachmdz: I nicked the logo from ubuntu-docs :)09:41
ryangI thank whoever fixed ruby :)09:42
mdzdholbach: what's the purpose of the 'Other' placeholder?09:42
dholbachmdz: the missing kubuntu chapter09:42
infinityKamion: All those python tracebacks in the d-i build log are expected, right?09:43
Kamioninfinity: ...09:44
Kamionnot AS SUCH09:44
infinityKamion: help-to-gfxboot barfing on missing files...09:44
Kamionit's got a set -e in there, why isn't it failing properly damnit?09:45
Kamionoh, pipelines09:45
Kamionlalala I hate the shell some days09:46
Keybukthe thing to remember when doing any programming in shell is ...09:46
Keybukyou're using the wrong language09:46
Keybukonce you've got that in your mind, it all makes sense09:46
mdzdholbach: anyway, yes, OK to upload if you're happy09:46
infinityKamion: Well, just glad I happened to be watching the log...09:47
dholbachmdz: if you want me to strip the Other link and just keep some padding in, that's fine too09:47
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mdzdholbach: since we may need to release without it, it may be better to remove it for now. it doesn't serve any purpose; if we get the chapter we need to update the package anyway09:47
dholbachi'll keep the padding in until we either get the kubuntu chapter or decide to ship without it09:49
LureKamion: is on_back_clicked crash known (ubiquity 1.0.2) - I got it after clicking Cacnel on confirm partitioning?09:50
KamionLure: no, don't think so09:51
KamionLure: but would need to see the trace09:51
Lurewill report it09:52
omegHehe, someone is trying to convince me that Windows is "almost indistinguishable from Unix".09:52
Luregtkui.py,  line 1032, NoneType on attribute stdin09:52
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omegI see.09:54
KamionLure: oh, I need the full /var/log/installer/syslog for that09:55
Kamiongparted is probably crashing09:55
Kamionthough not certain09:55
Lurewill collect everything and report now09:55
Kamionit may just be too late to fix now though09:59
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LureKamion: bug 46211 if you need anything more, let me know10:04
UbugtuMalone bug 46211 in ubiquity "crash on Cancel + Back on partitioning" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4621110:04
KamionLure: hmm, inconclusive. if you can reproduce it by following the exact same steps except by starting the installer with 'UBIQUITY_DEBUG=1 sudo ubiquity', then the syslog might be more helpful10:06
LureKamion: will do10:06
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LureKamion: reproduced with debug10:10
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LureKamion: next try when I have selected OK also crashed - bug 4621510:34
UbugtuMalone bug 46215 in ubiquity "crash on manual parititioning on disk with existing LVM partitions" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4621510:34
mdkeZnarl: unping10:38
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dholbachgood night10:42
bddebiangnight dholbach10:42
KamionLure: ok, you'll have to use the alternate install CD on such systems for dapper, I'm afraid; but thanks for testing, I'll try to make it work early edgy10:42
LureKamion: we should just document that users should deactivate LVM VG before running ubiquity - this works (installer is just copying files)10:46
LureKamion: like know issue and workaround10:46
KamionLure: sounds like reasonable release notes fodder10:47
Kamionmdke: is the above ^-- something the doc team can incorporate? I'm not sure where release notes are being maintained at the moment, or by whom10:48
BurgworkKamion, nor do we10:48
mdkeKamion: a dual job between you guys and mgalvin 10:48
mdke(i think)10:48
=== Kamion goes to get dinner, then I'll think about it
=== mgalvin waves
mgalvinDapperReleaseNotes has some stuff on it10:49
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mgalvin(not done yet but WIP)10:50
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mgalvinKamion, Lure: please feel free to add to it, i will not have time to work on it myself again until the weekend anyway10:57
Luremgalvin: ok, I can write something and Kamion will the decide if that makes sense to include or not10:58
mgalvink cool10:58
=== bddebian kicks infinity for letting him forget about ivtools :-(
=== mgalvin heads home
BurgworkSeveas, are you around?10:59
mdkeyeah, Seveas, ping x 211:00
Burgworkyou know, we might need to plan for a "Seveas gets hit by bus"-size event11:01
Seveasplease take a number 11:01
BurgworkSeveas, can you talk with HedgeMage and give the ok for me to take ownership of #ubuntu-ca ? the current contact is awol11:02
Seveaswho is current contact?11:02
mdkeBurgwork: you can use #ubuntu-locoteams11:02
Burgworkmdke, hmm, didn't even know that channel existed11:04
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Luresladen: around?11:16
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kentSeveas: How come Sweden is not on this list? We have an active community..   http://www.ubuntu.com/support/supportoptions/local11:18
Seveaskent, e-mail henrik@ubuntu.com11:18
mdkekent: because that list is incomplete. Mail the links to loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com and I'll add them11:19
mdkeno, henrik is a busy guy11:19
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kentmdke: Seveas   loco-contacts@l.u.c then and not henrik?11:19
Seveasmdke, ah, I thought henrik was webmaster and only he could edit that :) 11:20
mdkekent: yeah. I am going to put some time aside to sync that page from the LoCoTeamList page on the wiki11:20
kentmdke: will mail the relevant information in a min then. thanks!11:21
mdkeSeveas: henrik is webmaster yeah, but it's a wiki. A few people can edit it.11:21
mdkekent: thanks11:22
KamionLure: added to a new "Known Issues" section on DapperReleaseNotes11:22
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Kamionthat page needs a good bit of love though11:22
LureKamion: great11:23
LureKamion: should we reference actual bug# from RN for easier tracking?11:24
Kamionsure, go ahead11:25
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LureKamion: I think we can mark bug 43828 as duplicate of bug 4345311:27
UbugtuMalone bug 43828 in ubiquity "Kubuntu 6.06 Flight 7 installer crashes while partitioning" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4382811:27
UbugtuMalone bug 43453 in ubiquity "live cd partitioner doesn't understand lvm properly" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4345311:27
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jdubwhen i was in .za12:42
jdubi connected my lappy to the projector12:43
jdubrestarted X12:43
jduband it automagically started in 1024x76812:43
jdubit made me happy12:43
mjg59Blind luck12:44
Burgworkjdub, you had a far different experience then I did last time12:44
jdubi tried not to believe it happened12:45
jdubso i would not be disappointed next time12:45
mjg59Now you've told us12:45
mjg59So it won't12:45
jdubi'm doing another talk this afternoon12:45
jdubso i'll give you an update on the fantasy automagic12:45
mjg59But xrandr ought to basically work12:46
jduboh yes, it works very well12:46
mjg59Plug in, display resolution it down to the right res, hit the display hotkey12:46
mjg59xrandr is a very small part of the future12:46
mjg59RH are working on bringing us the rest of it12:46
jdubajax is working on x autoconfig?12:46
HiddenWolfmjg59: that's aiglx? 12:46
mjg59jdub: Yes12:47
mjg59HiddenWolf: No12:47
Burgworkdaniel stone is working on input hotplug apparently12:47
mjg59jdub: That's his job12:47
jdubaiglx is just bringing us the past12:47
mjg59aiglx brings us to the technological level of Vista and MacOS12:47
HiddenWolfjdub: uh, ok. :)12:47
jdubmjg59: then why am i seeing him committing to metacity sex foo?12:47
jdubhe is a bad person12:47
mjg59X autoconfig stuff brings us to the technological level of Win 9812:47
mjg59jdub: Because X autoconfig with no sex foo makes people sad12:47
=== jdub trolls ajax in #xorg
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HiddenWolfmjg59: well, I installed a windows recently, and had to download a 38mb driver package to get rid of visible redrawing of the screen. I'd say that X/Linux is already ahead in some ways.12:48
jdubthat illustrates the desperate plight of 'some'12:49
HiddenWolfOh, that driver utility required the .NET stack too. :)12:49
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jdubugh, i really need to find something saner than mgp to do my talks with12:52
jdubunfortunately, impress is not saner12:52
Burgworkjdub, I used pointless last time, but it is not great12:52
Chipzzjdub: sex foo? :P12:52
jdubChipzz: metacity/libcm effects12:53
KamionLure: I think there may be multiple different bugs in LVM support (or lack thereof), so I think I'd prefer to keep them separate until I understand them all a bit better, rather than having one giant "LVM is broken" bug :-)12:53
jdubthe compositing manager innards that metacity uses (in spiftacity mode)12:54
LureKamion: makes sense - will be easier for you when it comes to fixing them12:54
jdubfabbione: ping (unlikely, payload: adaptec scsi in dapper)12:54
Chipzzoh, right :)12:54
LureKamion: should we reference all LVM bugs from RN (as it looks from my tests we solve most if not all of them with workaround)?12:55
KamionLure: may not be actually terribly helpful to users; I'd reference the clearest one or two12:57
LureKamion: ok12:57
jdubKamion: has the dapper-desktop-* name change happened?12:58
Kamionjdub: yes12:59
Kamionjdub: (see ubuntu-devel-announce@)12:59
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jdubmmm, saw that, wasn't sure it happened yet12:59
KamionI didn't send the mail until I'd made/tested the code change - although I hadn't done all the rebuilds yet then01:00
Kamioninfinity: BTW, my plan is to let this round of livefs/CD cron jobs happen, then disable the CD cron jobs and start doing stuff manually. You might want to disable the livefs cron jobs after they happen and when you're next awake.01:06
jdubKamion: oh, presence of .OVERSIZED files mean the images are oversize?01:07
Kamionjdub: yes; in the case of Ubuntu daily-live that'll go away with the next rebuild, I hope01:07
Kamionit only appeared because I did a build with the new improved ship-live but forgot to rebuild ubuntu-meta to get rid of some language packs01:08
jdubKamion: are yesterday's builds ok for testing?01:08
mdkemy "ssh text in human icons is too small to read" bug has been dramatically fixed by the presence of the new hotness "icons are now half the size of the screen" bug 01:08
Kamionjdub: (new improved ship-live> build-essential/linux-headers as extra installable packages in an archive on the live CD)01:08
Kamionjdub: no01:08
mdkethis is not the final artwork?01:08
jdubKamion: rad :-) openssh-server?01:08
Kamionjdub: not at present, because you can install that from the networ01:09
Kamionjdub: we are extremely space-constrained and I only want to include things that way that may be needed to get at the network01:09
jdubwill oversized images work on 700MB CDs?01:09
Kamionno, damn keyboard01:09
Kamionthe official size across the board is now 700MB01:10
jduboh, we're using 700-- aha01:10
Kamionif you look more closely at the apache directory index it should be pretty clear that they're >700MB ;)01:10
jdubyeah ;)01:10
jdubwasn't sure if they were outrageously oversized or *just* oversized ;)01:10
jdub"where the crap did that 70MB come from?!" ;)01:11
Kamionthe technical limit (and the one imposed by MediaMotion) is actually marginally greater than 700MB, but there's not much in it01:11
Kamionit's 736051200 bytes01:11
infinityKamion: Check. I'm still waiting on the OOo build of doom to complete, so I can unstall the world.01:11
jdubKamion: next rebuild is the nightly, or pushing another today?01:12
Kamionjdub: nightly01:13
jdubKamion: heh, explaining to a friend that they'll have to check tomorrow ('where tomorrow means this afternoon - canonical runs on something approximating UTC or London time')01:15
jdubi won't confuse him by explaining cron.hourly01:15
tsengjust tell him that hours fly by really fast when you work for the big C01:16
Kamionjdub: "in about ten hours"01:17
jdubKamion: thanks01:17
Kamionit's less than that but might as well have an insurance period01:17
jdubtseng: 'the big C'... not sure mark would appreciate that01:17
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mgalvinjdub: hey! i will certainly catch up with dholbach about the artwork... would be neat to see all the artwork in edgy01:21
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jdubmgalvin: yeah! thanks for that, it's really cool :)01:23
mgalvinjdub: eh np, i have been wanting to do that for a while too so i just went ahead and did it :)01:24
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johanbrI've managed to fiddle with the video restore options to get my machine to come back successfully from hibernation, which it didn't do before. What's the proper way of reporting these changes? There doesn't seem to be an infrastructure in place for the scripts to do the right thing on a machine-dependent basis, so I was hesitant to file a bug.01:41
jdubjohanbr: a bug would be good, then perhaps post to laptop-devel01:41
johanbrOkay, will do. Thank you.01:42
Kamionjohanbr: sounds like an acpi-support kind of thing01:44
Kamionit has a load of machine-dependent wonkiness01:45
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Riddell"debconf.DebconfError: (10, "base-installer/kernel/linux/link_in_boot doesn't exist")"  that doesn't seem good01:48
johanbrKamion: Okay. Looking at the launchpad acpi-support page right now.01:48
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sabdflare the buildd's choked?02:04
jdubsabdfl: there was some discussion earlier about OOo choking them02:04
sabdflthat seems to have landed - got a load of oo.o2 goodness a second ago02:05
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sabdflhey ajmitch02:09
jsgotangcogood morning02:09
infinitysabdfl: I had the publisher disabled for a bit.  It's alive again now, gdm should build in this cycle.02:10
sabdflinfinity: ok, thanks02:11
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=== jdub reclaims 888MB on / by removing old kernels... (!)
Chipzzjdub: yea :(02:28
zuljdub: wha?02:28
ChipzzI complained about that here a while ago too...02:28
Chipzzlittle positive response though02:28
LaserJockjdub: kernel source or images?02:29
jdubChipzz: it's not really a problem for release-using users02:29
jdubi just haven't thought about it on the laptop02:30
jdub(unfortunately, my server has a small /boot, so i'm forced to think about it there)02:30
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Chipzzjdub: true... but I have my doubts about the ever-growing size of linux-image :S02:37
Chipzzbut whatever02:37
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bddebianHeya jsgotangco02:41
sabdfljono bacon around?02:43
sabdflor anyone else from LugRadio?02:43
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bddebianinfinity: Still around?03:07
bddebianAny archive types around?03:11
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bigcx2hey all03:16
bddebianHello bigcx203:16
bigcx2with the new java license is there plans to get a sun java package for dapper?03:17
crimsunit's already in multiverse.03:17
bigcx2that was fast03:17
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bddebianIf anyone happens to catch this.  I think libluminate6 binary needs to be removed.  Is it best to ping the mailing list, file a bug, what?03:20
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robertjwill 7.1 hit edge on day 1ish?04:45
robertjerr edgy04:45
robertj(Xorg that is)04:45
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cjbSo, this has probably been asked here already, but Google desperately need to get in touch with Ubuntu SoC admins. 04:47
Burgundaviabddebian, thanks for the work on the multiseat package04:47
bddebianBurgundavia: Are you being serious? :-)04:48
robertjwhen are the SoC projects going to be announced?04:49
Burgundaviarobertj, later today or tomorrow04:50
cjbrobertj: They can't be announced until the dups are cleared up.04:50
cjbThe dups can't be cleared up unless an Ubuntu SoC admin urgently shows up.04:50
cjbThat's why I'm here, see.  :)04:50
shenkioh, excellent (soc applicat patiently waiting in the wings, thinking he was rejected)04:50
Burgundaviacjb, afaik, all the admins are in europe/za and thus asleep04:50
shenkiwern't the projects supposed to be announced on the 22nd?04:51
cjbshenki: No, it was always supposed to be today.04:51
cjbThe final deadline for *Ubuntu* telling Google which they'd chosen was yesterday.04:52
shenkicjb: oh, i see. thanks for clearing that one up.04:52
cjbSo, heads up:  if we can't get in touch with anyone, one of Ubuntu's projects is going to be replaced with the project that was just below the acceptance line.04:53
cjbIf that sounds likely to annoy anyone, perhaps it'd be worth waking someone up.  ;-)04:53
robertjw00h, that means Ubuntu has at least one project!04:53
Burgundaviajdub, you around?04:54
jsgotangcohe's in za as well i believe04:55
jdubno, he's here04:55
jdubin .au04:56
jdubbut i can't help with that04:56
jdubhold on04:56
jdubjsgotangco: that was last week :)04:56
ajmitchtravelling the world again?04:56
robertjjdub: your reponse time is pretty good, but I think we need to get you a physical terminal bell in the near future just in case for the04:56
jdubajmitch: just .za last week04:57
cjbjdub: Do you want to wake someone up, or let Google handle the conflict?04:57
jdubrobertj: actually, someone posted (somewhere) an irssi script to pop up a notify thingy when your name is mentioned (just like xchat-gnome)04:57
jdubcjb: do you know what the projects are? why is there a fall back?04:58
robertjjdub: we need something that could wake you up in case you were sleeping04:58
jduboh, dupes in the list?04:58
jdubrobertj: my mobile phone can sometimes do that04:58
cjbjdub: One of ubuntu's accepted proposals was also accepted to osdl.04:58
robertjjdub: I think we need a real clapper04:58
jdubcjb: ah, right. hmm.04:58
cjbAnd since osdl has fewer projects allocated, he'll go to them unless you argue that you really want him.04:58
jdubcjb: are you at google now?04:58
cjbjdub: No, I was helping handle GNOME and got roped in to tracking Ubuntu people down.04:59
jsgotangcomuch appreciated04:59
jdubcjb: BenC and i have put the call out05:00
jdubBenC: ;)05:00
jdub(if you use your computer in stretched mode for a while, normal mode starts to look anorexic)05:00
cjbThanks.  :)05:00
=== ajmitch is seeing plenty of stressed students in the SoC channel waiting for results :)
ajmitchit's quite humourous05:01
ajmitchI've spent too much time around here05:02
jsgotangcoincluding yourself?05:02
Burgundaviaajmitch, which networok?05:02
ajmitchBurgundavia: slashnet05:02
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robertjare there logs?05:06
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shenkiit's not intresting at all, imo...just 200+ people waiting around for something to happen05:08
cjbPoor them.  :)05:09
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robertjSomeone should prepare a humerous list of other projects to announce first ;)05:10
shenkinow the conspiracy theories are coming out: they believe google are just playing a joke by not releasing the projects :)05:10
LaserJockmaybe we should have them fix all Dapper bugs while they are waiting05:10
cjbshenki: If they don't already know, you can tell them that the problem is students accepted by more than one org need to be assigned into one, and a replacement project chosen for the other.05:11
shenkiok, thanks05:11
shenkithere's a google person in there, but he's not giving any info05:11
bddebianLaserJock: :-)05:12
BurgundaviaLaserJock, heh05:12
LaserJocknothing like a pre-SoC warm up :-)05:15
BurgundaviaLaserJock, you should suggest it05:15
bddebianGah, why can I never remember where the pre/post/foo scripts are?05:17
LaserJockbddebian: /var/lib/dpkg/info ?05:19
bddebianThx LaserJock05:20
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LaserJockbddebian: I'm just impressed that I could remember that, it must be sticking :-)05:24
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bddebianLaserJock: :-)05:28
bddebianSee, you are smarter than me :-)05:28
LaserJockbddebian: maybe I'm just younger, I doubt smarter05:29
LaserJockI've been in school waaaay too long to be smart :-)05:30
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poimensomeone was using  XGL on dapper with this two sources in the sources.list? 05:57
poimen[23:55]  <poimen> deb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main 05:57
poimen[23:55]  <poimen> deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ dapper main05:57
shenkiyes, they probably were...those two repo's contain cvs versions of the libraries you need to run xgl. but did you have a question?06:00
poimenyea give a sec let me copy my question fro am another channel06:01
poimenI followed the Xglhowtoo and got a nice working xgl/ubuntu system but today i did a apt-get update and then a apt-get upgrade and now it does not work 06:01
poimen[23:59]  <poimen> I was asking me if adding this 2 sources is really necesary 06:01
poimenI folowed the ati howtoo06:01
poimenxglati on wiki ubuntu06:01
shenkithat's not for this channel06:02
shenkigo to #ubuntu+106:02
poimenI asked there...06:02
jsgotangcothe last 2 sources are not from ubuntu the chance of breaking is pretty high06:02
poimensorry no one seems to anwser06:02
poimenjsgotangco thankx 06:03
poimenso there is another XGL in universe right?06:03
shenkithe best place for info on those sources is the forums on http://compiz.info06:03
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fabbionejdub: pong07:13
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pittiGood morning07:27
fabbionemorning pitti07:27
Burgundaviasalut fabbione , pitti 07:27
=== pitti waves to Burgundavia and fabbione
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ajmitchhi pitti, fabbione 07:37
pittihi ajmitch 07:37
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fabbioneyo yo07:37
Burgundaviapitti, is a warty to hoary upgrade still supported?07:43
pittiBurgundavia: since it didn't really change, it should still work07:43
Burgundaviapitti, ok, just wondering for doc purposes07:44
neuralisJaneW: ping07:56
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pittihi kagou 08:32
kagouhey pitti  :)08:32
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dholbachgood morning!08:45
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pittimdz, ogra: ok to upload http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14584 to make carlos and Rosetta happy again?08:50
pittimdz, ogra: (simple fix in debian/rules to clean duplicates out of the generated pot file)08:50
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9509EA1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
carlospitti: it's not that they break Rosetta import, they break any .po editor (other than a plain editor that knows nothing about the .po format)08:51
OculusAquilaehi carlos 08:51
pittiwell, true08:51
pittihi carlos08:51
carlospitti: btw, I think the .po files are also broken... but that's more difficult to fix if they uses different translations... I will try to fix that manually and talk with upstream08:52
carlosOculusAquilae: hi08:52
pitticarlos: alright, I updated the changelog to not claim that they break rosetta ;) (just break the tools, instead)08:52
carlospitti: thank you ;-)08:53
pitticarlos: I just fixed buildd import again, so that we get fewer domains which are in rosetta's, but not in my tarball08:54
OculusAquilaecarlos, pitti: Are the german .po-files exported from Rosetta. They are suddenly not in the languagepack-kde-de-base08:55
OculusAquilaeof konversation08:55
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carlosI think the language pack was generated before we imported konversation08:55
carlospitti: are you going to prepare updated langauge packs tomorrow?08:55
carlosto follow the schedule08:55
OculusAquilaeIt was translated before, but now it isn't08:56
pitticarlos: we uploaded new ones at Monday, but mdz told me we'll need another one08:56
pitticarlos: but not sure whether we'll upload at Friday or so (I'm not here anyway, but the soyuz guys can upload the daily ones whenever mdz tells them to)08:57
carlosOculusAquilae: because we were using other sources to complete Rosetta exports08:58
carlosOculusAquilae: and now we are using Rosetta as the only way to generate language packs08:58
OculusAquilaewas a bit late to change that :)08:59
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carlosOculusAquilae: we were transfering things every day, and last Monday, we were supposed to have all things migrated. I'm not sure how is that we didn't detect that the Konversation's .pot file was missing09:00
OculusAquilaecarlos: what about k3b's language-files. they seem not to be in the language-pack too09:00
carlosOculusAquilae: that's because the k3b's .pot file was broken09:01
neuralisJaneW: around?09:01
carlosit's fixed now, but after latest language pack release, so it has the same problem09:01
carlosnext update should include it09:01
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carlosOculusAquilae: please, check the daily snapshots to confirm it09:04
OculusAquilaektorrent's .pot-file should be fixed in 0ubuntu5 09:04
carlosOculusAquilae: so we have time to fix anything that is still missing09:04
carlosOculusAquilae: I approved it yesterday, yes09:04
OculusAquilaedaily snapshots of what?09:04
carlosOculusAquilae: of language packs09:05
OculusAquilaethere are daily snapshots?09:05
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carlosOculusAquilae: yes, Martin announced it a couple of weeks ago09:06
pittiOculusAquilae:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2006-May/000537.html09:06
OculusAquilaeok I'll test09:07
carlosOculusAquilae: thanks09:09
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JaneWneuralis: yep09:23
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fabbionepitti: there is a new ppc live09:28
sivangRiddell: do you know if muse wnet down yeasterday? I lost my screen sessions.09:29
pittifabbione: yes, it just finished burning here :)09:29
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lmanulneuralis: ping ?09:35
neuralislmanul: pong09:35
lmanulHi :) Just got the great news !09:35
lmanulHave 2 mn for a /query ?09:36
fabbionepitti: did you notice that usplash on ppc live doesn't go all the way to X?09:36
fabbionepitti: or is it just me?09:36
pittifabbione: sometimes it fails, in 70% of the cases it works for me09:36
pittiI can't see a pattern09:36
fabbionepitti: mine exits around swithing to init 209:36
neuralislmanul: /join #olpc09:37
lmanulneuralis: Ah, great, ok09:37
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OculusAquilaecarlos: konversation seems to be still in englisch with yesterdays german langpack, k3b is ok and for ktorrent I think we must wait for the build today09:40
=== carlos checks konversation...
carlosOculusAquilae: everything looks ok for konversation09:43
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sfllawMithrandir: Good question.09:46
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OculusAquilaecarlos: perhaps we must wait for the daily build of the langpack09:47
pittifunny, dapper-alternate-powerpc.iso is recognized as a font file in nautilus, so you can't burn it09:48
pittiseb128: ^ nice gtk bug :-P09:48
OculusAquilaecarlos: it09:49
seb128pitti: lol09:49
OculusAquilaecarlos: it's definately not in language-pack-kde-de-base09:49
carlosOculusAquilae: yeah, I'm checking it atm09:50
carlosOculusAquilae: seems like it was imported yesterday09:50
carlosso it should appear today09:50
OculusAquilaeok I'll test that again tonight09:50
carlosOculusAquilae: thanks09:51
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Mithrandirpitti: it's probably a bug in the mime database from fd.o09:51
fabbioneubiquity just crashed on me09:52
pittiseb128: oh, on second look, Ctrl+R fixed it; it had a big 'A' with a box around it, and it offered archive manager, so it was not *that* wrong at least :)09:53
seb128ctrl-R fixed it!?09:53
seb128and when you click on it it's fine now?09:54
seb128directory listing is done using the filename09:54
seb128when you select a file it does mimemagic09:54
seb128it doesn't change when you select it?09:54
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fabbionepitti: did you already run ubiquity on ppc live?09:54
pittiseb128: now it stays stable (cdrom document with 'iso'), as it should be09:54
fabbionepitti: if so go for debugging... mine crashed09:54
seb128pitti: weird09:55
pittifabbione: no, currently running alternate CD install09:55
fabbionepitti: ok09:55
pittifabbione: will do, but mine will still take a while (slow disk...)09:55
fabbionepitti: i am rebooting right now.. but at least i want to make sure i am not the only one09:55
pittifabbione: did you see an exception in /var/log/installer/syslog?09:56
fabbionepitti: no, didn't check beacuse i was running without debugging09:56
pittiexceptions should still be in it; anyway, I'll try it here, too09:56
pittiETA ~ 45 minutes09:56
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KinnisonMorning guys10:02
simiragood morning, Kinnison 10:03
=== simira has the first good morning in a week
KinnisonHi simira10:03
=== Kinnison hugs simira lots. LTNS
Treenaksmorning simira 10:03
ajmitchmorning simira, Kinnison 10:03
=== mvo [n=egon@p54A652E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KinnisonMorning mvo10:04
mvohey Kinnison10:05
Burgundaviahey Kinnison 10:05
simiramorning Treenaks, mvo 10:06
simiraajmitch :)10:06
=== mvo waves to simira
TreenaksWelcome to #greetings10:06
simiraTreenaks: it's a lovely morning ;)10:06
sivanghey all10:08
=== sivang hugs everybody
sivangsimira: it is indeed so10:08
=== morgs [n=morgan@dsl-165-233-64.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
simiramorning sivang 10:10
=== sivang wonders if anyone searched for yeserday. muse sessions were wiped out
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\shdid anybody tried to format a >5TB partition with xfs with an ubuntu-server kernel?10:14
mdzpitti: tuxpaint-stamps is fine10:14
fabbionepitti: it looks like yaboot still fails10:14
pittimdz: thanks, uploading10:15
pittimdz: good morning :)10:15
fabbioneKamion: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/installer.tar.gz <- ppc ubiquity failure from the last daily10:16
\shI have the problem, that I have a 6.3TB partition and tried to format it with mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb1 and it only formats 301G10:16
pittifabbione: darn :/10:16
fabbione\sh: probably you need to look at stuff like block size and so on10:16
fabbionewhat if you format it with another FS?10:17
\shfabbione: that I will try now, but I thought, that someone could know ;)10:17
fabbione\sh: mostlikely you will need bigger blocks or something10:17
\shfabbione: looks like...let's see10:18
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\shoh wow10:21
\shthe problem is somewhere else10:21
\shfdisk is the problem10:23
\shit detects the correct size of the partition but doesn't use it when I'm creating a new partition with max size10:23
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\shfdisk and cfdisk are creating a partition with the maximum size...I'm writing it back to the partition table, quit fdisk and cfdisk and re-execute fdisk or cfdisk and suddenly my partition table shows me max. 301G and not the correct size10:29
\shdmesg output10:30
\shsdb : very big device. try to use READ CAPACITY(16).10:30
\shSCSI device sdb: 13515615232 512-byte hdwr sectors (6919995 MB)10:30
\shSCSI device sdb: drive cache: write back10:30
\shsdb : very big device. try to use READ CAPACITY(16).10:30
\shSCSI device sdb: 13515615232 512-byte hdwr sectors (6919995 MB)10:30
\shSCSI device sdb: drive cache: write back10:30
fabbione\sh: try to dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bigfatdevice bs=1024 count=6410:30
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fabbionethat should reset the partition table10:30
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fabbioneand then do a fdisk/cfdisk10:31
fabbioneIMHO there is a flag you need to set for bigfatdevices10:31
=== fabbione checks
\shfabbione: cool thgx10:31
pittifabbione: ppc/install succeeded, starting live now10:32
fabbionepitti: ok10:33
\shfabbione: nope...same problem...cfdisk/fdisk is only allocating max. 301G (same applies for ext3)10:33
fabbione\sh:         # Use gpt instead of msdos disklabel for disks larger than 2TB10:34
fabbione\sh: try using parted10:34
ivoksthat's the only way10:34
fabbionelibparted supports that forma10:34
ivoks\sh: and make it XFS :)10:36
Amaranthand make sure you have a good UPS to go along with it :)10:36
ivoksand your own power plant10:37
pittifabbione: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Current is not the page to be used any more?10:37
Amaranthooh, screw xfs use reiser4!10:37
=== Amaranth hides
fabbionepitti: dunno.. i was waiting for sfllaw to clean it up10:37
\shfabbione: same problem10:38
\sh(parted) mkpart primary 0 6599421.50010:38
\sh(parted) p10:38
\shDisk geometry for /dev/sdb: 0.000-6599421.500 megabytes10:38
\shDisk label type: msdos10:38
\shMinor    Start       End     Type      Filesystem  Flags10:38
\sh1          0.031 307964.419  primary10:38
fabbione<\sh> Disk label type: msdos <-10:38
pittifabbione: ok, I pinged him10:38
fabbioneyou need to make that one gpt10:38
ivoksfabbione: dapper supports gpl out of the box?10:39
fabbioneivoks: it should10:39
ivoksfabbione: great... last time i needed distro for 2+TB disk, i had to compile my own kernel and force instalation to use it :/10:39
\shfabbione: thx :=10:39
ivoksfabbione: (debian was that)10:39
mdzinfinity: around?10:41
fabbione\sh: but with a 6TB volume i strongly recommend to use LVM on it10:42
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KamionRiddell: the ubiquity failure you reported was fixed in ubiquity 1.0.4 yesterday10:46
pittigood morning Kamion 10:46
Kamionfabbione: you too, same bug10:47
Kamion(bug 46160)10:47
UbugtuMalone bug 46160 in ubiquity "base-installer/kernel/linux/link_in_boot missing from templates" [Major,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4616010:47
Kamionoh, huh, you *have* ubiquity 1.0.410:47
Kamionwell, damn, let me investigate10:47
pittiKamion: I'm testing current CD (with 1.0.4) right now, with verbose debugging10:47
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mdzMithrandir: ping10:48
Mithrandirmdz: yes?10:48
mdzMithrandir: o ye of much bandwidth, I need your help to unravel this latest openoffice mess10:48
Kamionconfirmed that that template is indeed missing10:48
mdzMithrandir: the .desktop file changes written in the most recent changelog entry have not, in fact, taken effect10:48
mdzMithrandir: it looks like he changed a set of .desktop files which are not used in the build10:49
\shfabbione: well, tbh, they are using it without LVM...and they don't want...let's see what I can do here to change that10:49
mdzMithrandir: would you have a look?10:49
Mithrandirmdz: humm, I'll take a look.10:49
pittiKamion: ok, so I can as well cancel the current attempt and rather test the alternate CD some more?10:49
fabbione\sh: well it was a suggestion.. do what you are asked to10:49
Kamionpitti: yes10:49
KamionI'll fix it ASAP10:50
ivoksfabbione: why lvm, if i may ask?10:50
fabbioneKamion: let me know when you want me to test10:50
fabbioneivoks: flexibility10:50
ivoksone hardly needs one 6GB partition :)10:50
Mithrandirmvo: apt-get source is buggy, it doesn't look for a exact source package match first.10:50
Mithrandirmvo: so apt-get source openoffice.org on amd64 gives me ooo-amd6410:50
Keybukoh man10:51
Keybuk multiseat (0.9.11) dapper; urgency=low10:51
Keybuk .10:51
Keybuk   * Replace hotplug deps with udev and module-init-scripts10:51
Keybuk-- 10:51
fabbioneivoks: from experience you grow the disks as you need10:51
Keybuksum total of changes: a change to the Depends line10:51
\shfabbione: funny thing...in 2 weeks we have to do a fully automatic installation of sles9sp3 on 600 of those servers 2x dual core opeteron systems, 16GB RAM, 8TB storage raid6 hw10:51
KeybukBarry is so in for a teasing when he wakes up10:51
sfllawpitti: Computer just crashed.10:51
ivoksfabbione: i have that situation right now... two sets od 3TB partitions10:51
pittisfllaw: ouch :/10:51
fabbione\sh: nice toys.. send me one10:52
ivoksfabbione: one empy, other full... i'm planing copy/format/lvm/back/format/add_to_lvm :)10:52
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mdzmvo: that's what --only-source does10:52
fabbione600 or 599 won't make a diff :)10:52
HrdwrBoBivoks: in my experience one regularly needs large partitions10:52
mdzMithrandir: that's what --only-source does10:52
ivoks\sh: that meens... job? :)10:52
mdzMithrandir: it's weird, but unfortunately that's how it was designed to work10:52
fabbioneivoks: you can just make the empty LVM, copy the data, make the first lvm and add it to the same VG and resize the data10:52
Mithrandirmdz: ew, ok.10:53
\shivoks: yes10:53
ivoksfabbione: if i recall, there was a reason why that wasn't an option, but can't rember now why exactly...10:53
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KamionKeybuk: oh dear me10:54
Kamion  * Sing LA LA LA, they can't hear me10:54
ivoksHrdwrBoB: over 6TB?10:54
ivoksok, we are getting offtopic :)10:55
=== Keybuk pours a vat of custard over mdke
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sfllawKeybuk: Mmm.  Custard.10:55
Kamiondholbach: I'll try to do the apt-get.org import today10:56
=== dholbach hugs Kamion
dholbachKamion: you rock! thanks a lot!10:56
ivoksok, time for work :/10:58
ivoksbye, see you later10:58
infinitymdz: Am now.11:00
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mdzinfinity: guess what11:06
infinityBackscroll leads me to believe I need to do another OOo build.11:07
infinitySomething about .desktop files.11:07
infinityWell, it's either that or "guess what, chicken butt", but I'm not sure if you were an SNL fan in the 80s.11:08
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Mithrandirmdz: I'm unsure what change doko has actually done.11:12
mdzMithrandir: he seems to have changed the files in ooo-build/desktop11:13
mdzMithrandir: but in debian/rules, different files are used11:13
Mithrandirmdz: hmm.  What is the expected result?  I'm unsure what's wrong based on the changelog.11:13
mdzMithrandir: the current menu entries in the .deb are "OpenOffice.org {Base,Calc,Impress,Writer,...}"11:14
mdzMithrandir: they need to be changed to the names listed in the changelog11:14
Mithrandirmdz: ah, ok.11:14
Kamiondid doko edit a generated file by mistake or something?11:15
Mithrandir        rm -rf ooo-build/desktop/*.desktop11:15
Mithrandircomes from the clean target, so I suspect so.11:15
Kamionoh, fucking hell11:17
Mithrandirmdz: I'll have you a patch in a little while.  I think I know what's wrong and how to fix it.11:17
Kamion        grep-dctrl -XFTemplate base-installer/kernel/linux/link_in_boot \11:17
Kamion                d-i/templates | \11:17
Kamion                >> debian/ubiquity/DEBIAN/templates11:17
Kamionspot the mistake11:17
Mithrandir| \ >> ?11:17
Mithrandira bit hard on the C&P when you wrote that code?11:17
mdzKamion: no, there are just two sets of desktop files and he edited the wrong ones, it looks like11:18
mdzand didn't test his change11:18
KamionMithrandir: probably just too tired11:18
=== sabdfl [n=mark@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirmdz: you can't just edit the .desktop files, you have to patch them.  I'll do so.11:19
fabbionehey sabdfl 11:19
sabdflseb128: i still have that weird video squish effect if I fire up Totem, then open the video file11:19
sabdflwhat was that magic command that worked?11:20
sabdflhi fabbione, rock stars et al11:20
pittimoin sabdfl, does the plague get better?11:20
fabbionesabdfl: ehhe :)11:20
sabdflpitti: it doth improve mightily11:21
=== Laurens_S [n=Laurens@a80-127-32-187.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdkeKeybuk: mmmmm11:27
mdkea whole vat11:28
mdkei can handle it11:28
=== Kinnison 's laptop is whinging about wanting to reboot, back in a bit
=== Mithrandir urges bzip2 to go faster.
TreenaksMithrandir: rewrite it in asm :)11:32
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MithrandirTreenaks: I think it's quicker to wait for it to finish than do that11:33
=== simira has just finished the ooo course at work by making an impress presentation of Ubuntu Norway
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seb128sabdfl: gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=.... plays it fine, I've pinged upstream about it11:33
Mithrandirmdz: I think I have a fix, now I just need to wringe it out of the build system properly.11:34
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mdzMithrandir: thanks11:35
thomsabdfl: have you seen jonathan schwarz's blog entry today/last night? you've been promoted to "guy behind ubuntu/debian/gnu/linux" :-)11:36
sabdfloh dear11:38
simiranot a bad promotion, I'd say11:38
simiraa friend passes here on his way to work, btw: http://ilmari.org/pics/shuttleworth_road.jpg11:38
sabdflthe original reports from java-one came out quoting him as saying "SUN would really stand behind the fork that Ubuntu is doing"11:38
sabdfllater corrected to "the work that Ubuntu is doing"11:38
thomsabdfl: yeah, i saw mention of that. oops :/11:39
sabdfli suspect RMS might be a bit upset at the gnu bit11:39
sabdflthom: url for his blog?11:39
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thom(he's going to piss RHAT off with the same post, but i doubt he cares about that)11:42
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iwjKamion: Yes, the 60.6 typo was only in the changelog.11:47
Keybukinfinity: did OpenOffice build at last?11:49
mvomdz: the CJK people asked me for a sync of the ttf-arphic-uming font package, apparently they discovered that the "i" and "j" dots are missing with latest cairo (ubuntu bug #46297)11:49
mdzmvo: sure, why not11:49
infinityKeybuk: Yes, and now it's building again. :/11:50
Keybukopenoffice.org 2.0.2-2ubuntu8 openoffice.org2-evolution(amd64/all) 2.0.1oob680m5-0ubuntu2 from 2.0.1oob680m5-0ubuntu211:50
Keybukwas that NBS?11:50
Keybukor just a fuckage?11:50
iwjLaserJock: pong ?11:50
infinityKeybuk: That's "we haven't uploaded OOo-amd64 yet"11:51
Keybukinfinity: what's the amd64/all bit mean?11:51
Keybukinfinity: it's an _all package isn't it/11:51
infinityKeybuk: There's also other OOo fuckage lingering the archive, I'm not sure which that is.11:51
infinityKeybuk: That's what the britney output would lead me to believe, yes.11:52
infinityKeybuk: Anyhow, we know to go over this all with a fine-toothed comb, AFTER the new OOo and OOo-amd64 are in.  You'll note that testing_probs.html is still goofy too, and it's due to some archive buggery that needs to be sorted yesterday.11:53
Keybukfairy nuff11:53
fabbioneKeybuk: dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' faile.11:53
fabbione ???11:53
Keybukfabbione: ANCIENT DPKG BUG11:53
Keybukit's like Debian bug #4 or something11:53
fabbioneKeybuk: what can trigger it?11:54
Keybukfabbione: loops in the depedency fields11:54
fabbioneor corrupted status file11:54
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACBC9F74.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityOkay, Mithrandir's OOo-i386 test-building right now.11:55
zakamehi all11:55
fabbionehi zakame 11:56
Keybukfabbione: iirc. it's when you have a virtual package that's depended on by a package that provides a virtual package depended on by the package providing the first virtual package11:56
Keybukthere may be other triggers11:57
fabbioneKeybuk: it's a corrupted status file. i am telling you :))11:57
fabbioneit would be nice wth is corrupted tho11:57
Keybukfabbione: yes, if that status file produces the above effect11:57
fabbioneand the -old is now corrupted too11:57
Keybukcan be a corrupted available file too11:57
Keybukor just a broken package11:58
fabbionebroken package is unlikely11:58
Keybukabout once every few months, someone uploads a package that dpkg bails out on11:58
Keybuk(with that exception)11:58
pittiMithrandir: hm, ppc/oem install user still has the wrong $PATH11:59
Keybukit's just a safety slip; it means dpkg has caught itself going round the same dependency graph a few times and is clearly in an infinite loop11:59
Mithrandirpitti: I'm unable to reproduce it.  You remembered to run the oem-config-prepare before rebooting?11:59
pittiMithrandir: yes, sure (otherwise I wouldn't have gotten that user setup wizard)12:00
pittiMithrandir: oh, maybe that was confusing; the 'oem' user is fine, the new user created by that tool has just /bin and /usr/bin12:00
Mithrandirpitti: uh.  12:01
Mithrandirpitti: and /etc/environment at the first boot, when you go into the customisation thing is ok or not?12:01
pittiMithrandir: can't tell any more; right now I'm in the session of the wizard created user ('martin'), and /etc/environment does not have $PATH12:02
pittiMithrandir: does the wizard change /etc/environment?12:02
Mithrandirpitti: I didn't think so, no.12:02
pittiMithrandir: 'sudo oem-config-prepare' worked, which is in /usr/sbin, so I'm pretty sure that $PATH for 'oem' user was fine12:03
pittiMithrandir: unless there was a /home/oem/.bashrc which set it12:03
Mithrandirpitti: that's started from the init script which explicitly sets path, though.12:04
pittiMithrandir: I don't understand - I have to log in as 'oem' through gdm12:05
Mithrandirhmm, true12:05
pittiMithrandir: is there anything I can debug in the current state of the system, or can I trash it?12:06
Mithrandirpitti: just trash it.  If you can get me the state of etc/environment on first boot, that'd be useful12:06
Kamionok, that's odd, we just use user-setup to create the new user12:07
pittiMithrandir: shall I reattempt it right now (if you want to debug it now)? or does that have some time?12:07
Mithrandirpitti: if you could do it right away, that'd be useful.12:07
Kamionoh, it does fiddle with /etc/environment12:07
Kamionsee oem-config/locale12:07
Kamiondamn, that's broken12:08
Kamion        grep -v '^\(LANG\|LANGUAGE\)=' /etc/environment | (12:08
Kamion                echo "LANG=\"$LOCALE\""12:08
Kamion                echo "LANGUAGE=\"$LANGLIST\""12:08
Kamion        ) > /etc/environment.new12:08
Kamionmissing cat in there12:08
MithrandirKamion: eww.12:08
KamionI'll fix it now12:08
Mithrandirwhere's that from?  User-setup?12:08
Kamionneeds to set the new default system locale, so it's messy12:08
Mithrandiryeah. :-/12:09
KamionI'll use sed -i instead12:09
Kamion        sed -i "s/^LANG=.*/LANG=\"$LOCALE\"/" /etc/environment12:10
Kamion        sed -i "s/^LANGUAGE=.*/LANGUAGE=\"$LANGLIST\"/" /etc/environment12:10
Kamiondoes that look right?12:10
Kamionactually I'll use commas rather than slashes12:10
Kamion        sed -i "s,^LANG=.*,LANG=\"$LOCALE\"," /etc/environment12:10
Kamion        sed -i "s,^LANGUAGE=.*,LANGUAGE=\"$LANGLIST\"," /etc/environment12:10
Mithrandirlooks correct to me12:11
pittiKamion: maybe sed -i 's...' to further simplify the embedded "12:11
Kamionpitti: need variable substitution in there so it'd be messy with ''12:11
Mithrandirpitti: nope, that won't work.12:11
pittiKamion: can we guarantee that there will be no spaces before the LANG?12:11
pittiKamion: right, ignore me; sorry12:11
MithrandirKamion: $LOCALE and $LANGLIST can't ever contain ",", right?12:11
infinityThey certainly shouldn't.12:12
Kamionpitti: yes, I don't think pam_env would understand leading spaces12:12
KamionMithrandir: not that I can think of; $LANGLIST is :-separated12:12
MithrandirKamion: also, no "," in /u/s/i18n/SUPPORTED, so I think it's safe.12:12
=== infinity runs off to find a snack.
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sfllawWait a second...  jkakar doesn't work on distro, does he?12:15
Mithrandirsfllaw: re what you want me to test; I don't have netboot set up here and it'd be kinda hard for me to do.12:16
sabdflheno: there's a new plan_m.ogg which rocks12:16
sabdflcould you sync up with Jonathan on it?12:16
Riddellmdz: can I upload this security fix for koffice? http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/koffice.diff12:16
pittisfllaw: why did you revert my Testing/DapperUpgrades -> DapperUpgrades change on Testing/Current?12:16
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Keybukmvo: subscribe, not assign12:16
mdzRiddell: sure12:16
Riddelljono, mdke: do we have the text from jjesse?12:16
KamionMithrandir,pitti: right, fixed, thanks12:16
sfllawpitti: I thought I made a typo.  Because it said [DapperUpgrades] .12:16
Riddellthanks mdz 12:17
Mithrandirsfllaw: also, you might want to swap me into doing dvd tests since I have plenty of bandwidth.12:17
pittisfllaw: well, Testing/DU doesn't exist, and DU is apparently the right onw12:17
pittisfllaw: s/w$/e/12:17
henosabdfl: right12:17
jonoRiddell: just one sec, phone12:17
sfllawpitti: Ah.  I'll change it.  Thanks.12:18
pittisfllaw: I'd like to swap ubuntu-server testing with BenC's ppc/alternate CD testing, since I have very limited BW here12:18
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ploumis there a list of accepted Ubuntu SoC ?12:18
sfllawpitti: OK.12:18
pittisfllaw: I'll ask Ben, but woudl that be fine for you?12:18
Riddelljono, mdke: ah, found it in e-mail, ch07_Ubuntu.doc12:18
seb128ploum: not sure, looks like you are accepted to GLaunchpad though12:18
sfllawpitti: Of course.  I was just optimizing based on HW availability.12:19
ploumlooks likte yes12:19
sfllawAnd spreading out the work.12:19
pittisfllaw: it's ppc either way :)12:19
sfllawMithrandir: OK.  I'll shuffle that around.12:19
Kamionserver guys: you know to rsync *-server-* rather than *-install-* now, right?12:19
sfllawpitti: When you file bugs, could you put them at the bottom of the page, thanks?12:20
pittisfllaw: yes, I did so for the OEM issue12:20
pittisfllaw: if I find more, I will do that12:20
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sfllawpitti: Thanks.12:22
sfllaw!!! I've changed Testing/Current to reflect requests !!!12:23
Keybuksfllaw: I don't have a disk to erase on powerpc, I'm afraid12:24
ograpitti, ping 12:24
=== pitti hugs ogra
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ograpitti, ppc didnt like your language additions12:25
Mithrandirsfllaw: what's the DapperUpgrades thingy?12:25
pittiogra: too big? or another bug?12:25
ograpitti, how exactly do i read http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/langpacks/langpacksize.txt 12:25
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ograpitti, too big12:25
pittiogra: did you add ship-live yesterday?12:25
pittiogra: we had drastically strip down the ubuntu CDs again due to addition of ship-live yesterday12:26
ograpitti, am i rtight assuming the last column includes the language-support packages ? 12:26
pittiogra: ok, an example:12:26
pittiam     G:     127490  K:      23882  G+K:     135106  GSum:   29646734  KSum:   39510732 G+KSum:   5472871012:26
pittiogra: that means base+gnome = 127490, base+kde = 23882, base+gnome+kde = 13510612:26
Kamionogra: language-support is not included there12:27
pittiogra: all in bytes12:27
pittiogra: as Kamion says, only l-pack-*12:27
Kamionyou should never include language-support for anything other than -en, unless you have huge amounts of CD space to randomly burn12:27
pittiogra: the last three colums are the same gnome/kde/both, but cumulatively from the top12:27
ogra(i'm trying to keep as much as i can while not dropping ship-live)12:27
pittiogra: the list is sorted by our prefered priority; English, then the top 11, then alphabetically12:28
dholbachmdz: ok to upload gnome-power-manager with new icons? or better defer?12:28
Kamiondropping build-essential/fakeroot/linux-headers from Edubuntu ship-live would be fairly reasonable, I think12:28
pittiogra: so, for edubuntu you should look at G+KSum until you find the row which matches the available CD space and add packs until this12:28
Kamion(if you pulled in that change)12:28
mdzdholbach: sure, why not12:28
Kamionand even the network access stuff is probably not critical for Edubuntu, given the server focus12:28
dholbachmdz: ok, uploading.12:29
ograKamion, if i drop build-essential/fakeroot/linux-headers, what sense do the other parts of ship-live make ? 12:29
Kamionogra: plenty12:29
ograi assume a user wants to compile some modules, so he should have build essential and the linux headers package12:29
Kamionogra: if there are people setting up Edubuntu servers behind strange network hardware (e.g. a school connected by some strange USB ADSL business) then they'll need that12:29
Kamionogra: the other pieces of ship-live do not, to my knowledge, require kernel modules other than those in the base install12:30
ograhmm, k but in that case they'll use the default CD anyway, i see12:30
Kamionwith the exception of avm-fritz-firmware which provides additional precompiled modules12:30
ograi just dont want to differ too much, that will confuse in support12:31
Kamionthe network access bits come to roughly 2.7MB IIRC12:31
Kamionbut it's up to you12:31
ograyep, i know ... i always have to make the evil decisions ...12:31
Kamionand it's only really super-important for Ubuntu and Kubuntu because we're sending live CDs out in shipit12:32
Kamionfor Edubuntu it does not seem so critical12:32
=== ogra whishes for a worldwide stadarization on 800MB media
jonoRiddell: sorry, on the phone with Sun, Jonathan is having trouble submitting12:32
jonoRiddell: how much time is there before Kubuntu fully freezes12:32
ograKamion, i'll drop linux-headers and friends for now, will also make room for langs on i386 and amd6412:32
mvo_mdz: I have a icon update for update-notifier pending as well, is it ok to upload today? or better defer?12:33
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infinitymvo_: We're redoing OOo builds AGAIN, so I suspect something as harmless as an icon update would be fine.12:34
infinitymdz: ^^^12:34
mvo_infinity: cool, I'll be on it right after lunch12:34
sfllawMithrandir: That's using update-manager, which mvo (?) wrote.12:35
sfllawGah!  Internet has gone down.12:35
sfllawStealing wireless now.12:35
sfllawIt's bad when pppd says "Remote message: No valid RADIUS server found.", right?12:36
ograKamion, that was a pointless discussion :P i didnt merge the seeds yet :/12:37
Kamionwell, you know in case you do ;)12:37
=== ogra should wake up before starting such things
ogra7me goes back to langpack fiddling12:38
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pittiogra: sorry if I messed that up, I wasn't aware of the ship-live addition when I updated the ubuntu and edubuntu seeds12:39
ograpitti, ship-live is empty in edubuntu 12:40
ograand dont feel sorry :)12:40
pittiogra: ok, so it was just a little too big then? miscalculation?12:40
ogra(for some value of empty ... it still had the isdn stuff and ndiswrapper etc)12:40
ograpitti, you calculated on top of yesterdays isos i guess, the livefs wasnt up to date 12:41
pittiogra: weird then; I'm pretty sure that the calculation was correct against yesterday morning's image, but with so many changes in example-content and so on it was a moving target12:41
pittiogra: right12:41
Riddelljono: I have the .doc file here, how hard can it be to save as HTML?12:42
ograand the livefs builds failed for different reasons (packages being build etc)12:42
jonoRiddell: well, I personally dumped it to plain text, stuck it in NVU and marked it up. Take a look at the files I submitted to dholbach to see how they work12:42
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jonoRiddell: you could also try htmltidy12:43
dholbachRiddell: I'll send them to you in a sec12:43
jonoRiddell: I would do it for you, but I am up against a schedule today12:43
Riddelldholbach: I've got it12:43
dholbachah ok12:43
Riddelljono: I'll do it, should be fine12:43
henoRiddell: if you can send me the book images I can crunch the file size a bit12:46
ograKamion, i have one user in #edubuntu who did an ubiquity install, his grub menu now shows "ubuntu kernel 2.6.15" and "ubuntu 6.06 LTS", he had breezy and XP on the machine (and was not running 2.6.15 on this breezy)12:47
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dholbachdoko, infinity, Mithrandir: I took some of your tasks on Testing/Current12:50
infinitydholbach: Thanks. :)12:51
Kamionogra: well, that would be correct given that that's what he just installed ...?12:51
ograKamion, two entries ?12:51
ograi usually only have one for the new system 12:51
Kamionogra: oh, if the complaint is that breezy and XP aren't on the grub menu, perhaps he should check fdisk to make sure their partitions are in fact still there ... I hope he was using a current daily?12:51
ogranomed, the complaint is that he has two entries for the new system12:52
Riddellheno: e-mail bounced to you12:52
Kamionogra: please get the user to file a coherent bug report, attaching /boot/grub/menu.lst12:52
KamionI don't want to deal at second hand if I can deal at first hand instead :)12:52
jonoRiddell: ok :)12:53
pittimvo_: btw, is the update-manager dist-upgrade tool launched when I insert a CD?12:53
ograKamion, forwarded ... but apparently he's already doing a new install already ... :712:57
mvo_pitti: no, just the "do you want to add this cd" thingie01:03
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pittimvo_: ok, so as long as I can use the CD as an apt source for the upgrade, that's fine01:04
mvo_pitti: yes, if it is added, the packages from there will be used01:04
=== pitti does the upgrade test on ppc now
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Kamionmdz: reproduced bug 43820; I believe it's a one-line syntax error fix in lilo-installer (remove a stray ";;"). OK to upload once I've confirmed?01:08
UbugtuMalone bug 43820 in debian-installer "Missing bootloader for XFS installs " [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4382001:08
=== mvo_ hugs pitti
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Mithrandirmvo_: the auto-upgrade thingy says "CD" even though I have a DVD. :-P01:09
Mithrandiranyway, rebooting to live session and such now.01:09
mdzKamion: yep01:09
mvo_Mithrandir: hal-integration will be done for edgy :P01:09
pittimvo_: similarly to the behaviour in hoary?01:09
mvo_pitti: you mean with respect to doing cd-based upgrade? I would like to have a spec for this, yes01:10
=== mvo_ adds this to his "ThingsToDoInParis" list
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mdzKamion: what's the simplest way for someone doing CD testing to confirm that they've got the correct build?01:13
Kamionmdz: check the .disk/info file on the CD01:13
mdzKamion: that's not very simple to write instructions for :-/01:13
mdzit's not in the help screens or anything?01:13
Kamiongive me a minute01:14
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Kamionmdz: yes, the cdimage build id should be on the first help screen too01:15
mdzperfect, thanks01:15
Kamionand for powerpc it appears in the yaboot boot message01:15
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mdzupdated Testing/Current01:16
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mdzmvo: what do we need to change for the final release so that breezy update-manager starts notifying users?01:21
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mvomdz: edit the file http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release to include dapper (use http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development) 01:23
dholbachsfllaw: still editing Testing/Current?01:23
sfllawI keep on forgetting that MoinMoin is a locking wiki.  :/01:25
mvomdz: if we want a different name (no dapper but 6.06) we need another upload to breezy-updates :/ but that wouldn't be too bad, I could fix translations + a proxy issue this way01:25
mdzmvo: I've updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseChecklist , please check for accuracy and completeness01:26
mdzmvo: eek01:26
mdzmvo: yes, please do change it to "6.06 LTS"01:26
mvomdz: ok01:26
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pittimvo: I opened the 'terminal' in update-manager while dist-upgrading to dapper; is the 'cannot open display:  at .../Debcfon/Frontend/Gnome.pm' warning something to worry about?01:41
Kinnisonpitti: Does it say Debcfon or Debconf ?01:42
pittimvo: (followed by "debconf: kann Frontend nicht initialisieren: Gnome (DISPLAY problem?), falling back to Dialog)01:42
pittiKinnison: bah, Debconf of course01:42
Kamionwoo, successful boot with lilo/xfs01:45
KamionI thought lilo didn't work with initramfs at the moment, but evidently it does01:45
dholbachI have a machine with a usb disk only - it seems that installing when that disk is mounted (which is the default with the desktop CD), makes trouble (as it doesn't get automatically unmounted) - is that known already?01:46
infinityKamion: No, it doesn't work with update-initramfs.01:46
infinityKamion: ie: We don't re-run LILO, cause duplicating the 4MB of Perl from the linux-image postinst was a bit much.01:46
infinityKamion: For edgy, I hope to split that out into a helper binary or something, so the logic lives in only one place.01:47
Kamionoh, if people have to run lilo by hand, big deal01:47
KamionI can cope with that01:47
infinityMeh.  rsyncs still going.  So much for my copious bandwidth.01:50
=== infinity is going to run to the grocery store to get "all night hacking snacks".
mjg59infinity: When did you last sleep?01:50
infinitymjg59: Relatively recently, actually.01:50
KinnisonWhere relatively recently == "march"01:50
=== jdub pours fresh custard on mdke
Kamionmdz: lilo-installer fix a little more complicated than expected because apparently we haven't tested it since whatever it was that caused /dev/[hs] d[a-z]  to appear in d-i. Anyway, fix tested and confirmed working now ...01:55
Mithrandirsfllaw: there's no "current dvd" info on testing/current.01:55
mdzKamion: I'm happy to eyeball it01:56
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Kamionoops, I just tagged it in baz. oh well, I can untag if need be I suppose01:56
mdzMithrandir: he's sleeping; just add it01:56
Mithrandirsleep?  what's that?01:57
Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/lilo-installer-fixes.diff; may not make a lot of sense without context though (lilo-installer is a foetid steaming mess)01:58
Kamionghastly device name parsing all over the place01:58
Robot101mjg59: lilo and grub installers neuter themselves on i386 apples even when you boot under bootcamp :-/01:59
Robot101mjg59: we had to install lilo manually, flagrant violation of the social contract. :)01:59
mjg59Robot101: grub makes crap bios calls, lilo should work if beaten with sticks01:59
Kamionsucks to be bootcamp01:59
Robot101yeah lilo works, we got it working02:00
mjg59And fglrx?02:00
Kamionif somebody fancies telling me how to *tell* that I'm running under bootcamp, I'm happy to adjust the installers02:00
Robot101worked out of the box02:00
Kamionwell, lilo-installer anyway02:01
mjg59Kamion: dmi says you're on an apple and /sys/firmware/efi doesn't exist02:01
MithrandirKamion: is the "resizing partition" dialog supposed to give useful feedback?  It's been stuck on 0% for ten minutes now.02:01
KamionMithrandir: known bug I'm afraid02:02
MithrandirKamion: 'k.  Appears to do something though, since the disk is chewing.02:02
mjg59(I'm almost out of battery, so may vanish at any point)02:02
Robot101we tweaked lilo-installer.isinstallable, but it probably failed to work probably because we didn't do something magic at partitioning phase02:02
mjg59You did skip the partitioning, right?02:03
mjg59I've got an experimental patch for parted that ought to avoid the need to do that02:03
mjg59Robot101: So how much beer do I win?02:03
Robot101total's somewhere at 5 pints I think :)02:04
mjg59Also, summer of crack02:04
dholbachMithrandir: you're still editing the wiki? if so, can you set "ubuntu, desktop cd, erase disk, i386" to PASS02:04
Kamionmjg59: that's easy, then. fix checked in upstream02:04
dholbachMithrandir: if not, I'll just do it myself02:04
Kamionbut not for dapper now I feel02:04
mjg59Kamion: Fix for?02:04
Robot101mjg59: crack approved? :)02:04
Mithrandirdholbach: just finished.02:04
mjg59Robot101: Fully crack-compliant summer02:04
dholbachMithrandir: ok, do it myself02:05
Kamionmjg59: lilo-installer.isinstallable to make it allow lilo-installer under boot camp02:05
jdubRobot101: there's a nice telepathy one in there02:05
mjg59Ah, ok02:05
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Robot101jdub: yes :)02:05
Kamionmjg59: also elilo-installer got fixed, if you didn't see02:05
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Kamionit turned out that the bug bit ia64 as well and somebody helpfully supplied a fix02:06
mjg59Hurrah battery at 002:06
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HiddenWolfmjg59: cool SoC project! :)02:13
mdzKamion: I'm satisfied with lilo-installer-fixes.diff to the extent that I can understand it without context02:14
mdzmvo: I added update-manager in -updates to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CodeNamesToVersionNumbers02:15
mdzmvo: please get that change in soonest, to increase the chances of users having upgraded to it before they get the notification of dapper02:15
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HiddenWolfmdz: will breezy-users get the notification on june 1st directly?02:16
mdzHiddenWolf: the next time that their system checks for updates02:17
mvomdz: thanks, I work on it now (my network went down again, I had to call the internet compnay)02:17
HiddenWolfmdz: wheew, That's going to bring a few servers to it's knees, along with all the people wanting the latest and greatest asap. :)02:17
imbrandonahh so lots of upgrades today02:18
mdzHiddenWolf: no more so than usual, I expect02:18
HiddenWolfmdz: you're going to promote the upgrade-option in front of users that might not follow the community closely, I'll bet you that'll cause extra upgrades. :)02:19
HiddenWolf</end noise>02:19
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Kamionmdz: thanks - uploaded02:32
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mdkejdub: I'm still hungry02:37
RiddellKamion: I'm still getting "RuntimeError: Install failed with exit code 1" on todays kubuntu desktop CD02:37
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dholbachseb128: still editing Testing/Current?02:46
seb128dholbach: I clicked like 4 seconds ago so yes02:46
seb128a min02:46
seb128dholbach: done02:47
dholbachhum, still says you are editing02:47
dholbachah now it'S happy02:47
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dholbachi'll test the dvd i386 live session now and then go out for something to eat02:49
=== Kinnison is currently testing the i386 desktop live and install(vape drive)
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janimodholbach: hi, do you know what package provides the human cursor theme? I cannot find it anymore and I think it was just working a while ago02:54
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janimoah, so not a separate package.... thanks02:55
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Riddell_Kamion: I'm still getting "RuntimeError: Install failed with exit code 1" on todays kubuntu desktop CD02:55
jdubseb128: http://www.theage.com.au/news/world/tintin-creators-anniversary/2006/05/24/1148150265203.html03:00
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KamionRiddell: the real error will be in /var/log/installer/syslog03:03
KamionRiddell: is that with ubiquity 1.0.5?03:04
RiddellKamion: nope, still on 1.0.403:04
Kamionwell then :)03:04
Kamioncan I see the syslog?03:04
RiddellKamion: it's the same as on the bug report I made last night03:04
Riddell"The link /vmlinux is a damaged link"03:04
RiddellI'll update to 1.0.5 and try again03:06
KamionRiddell: I closed that bug :-)03:06
Kamion(with a fix in 1.0.5)03:06
Riddellright, I must have misread I though it said 1.0.403:06
KamionI'd tried to fix a similar bug in 1.0.4 but got it wrong. Should be really fixed this time.03:08
Kamions/a similar/the same/03:08
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Kamionmdz: bug 46065 - what do you think? alien's in ship03:15
UbugtuMalone bug 46065 in alien "Please sync Alien from Debian/Unstable" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4606503:15
mdzKamion: I'm indifferent03:16
UbugtuDebian bug 352810 in alien "Subject: unpacking RPM changes permissions of working directory" [Normal,Closed]  03:16
mdzso long as it builds03:16
mdzI don't think it should be in ship03:16
Kamionit's a dep of lsb03:16
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mdzyes, it is03:17
Kamionlsb-core even03:17
mdzbut for pretty silly reasons03:17
Kamionwe could kick all of lsb out of ship; but perhaps in edgy? :)03:17
mdzI don't think we can claim to be able to usefull install LSB packages that way, just by having lsb installed03:17
pittimvo: ping03:18
mdzKamion: yes, I'm saying I don't think it's important for it to be there in the long term, not that we should rip it out right this second ;-)03:18
Kamion(we don't even have all of lsb there any more; lsb-desktop pulled in qt4)03:18
mdzmdz != sabdfl03:18
jdubKamion: qt4? wow, it's not even properly LSB yet (let alone sensibly optional)03:19
Kamionsorry, qt303:19
mvopitti: hello03:20
pittimvo: u-m finished :)03:20
pittimvo: however, as last thing it gave me a dialog box 'these packages are not supported any more...'03:21
pittimvo: and said that these were going to be removed in the next step03:21
pittimvo: however, there was no 'next step'03:21
mvopitti: wasn't there something like "will be removed if you don't have universe"?03:21
pittimvo: it might have mentioned universe, yes03:22
pittimvo: what will remove it?03:22
pittii. e. what is this 'next step'?03:22
mvopitti: finding obsolete packages and removing them - this usually works03:22
pittimvo: when is that done? it wasn't done in that u-m session03:23
pittiand I don't have universe03:23
mvooh 03:23
pittimvo: btw, do you want bug reports for the issues we discussed at the phone? or are you fine without?03:23
seb128pitti: when is next language pack update due? we still have no translation for the panel help submenu :/03:23
mvopitti: can you send me the log please? and a bugreport would b nice03:23
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pittiseb128: not yet decided; whenever we have a reasonable amount of translations, I guess03:24
pittiseb128: daily packs are generated at least, for people to test03:24
ivoksum... there's one bug i todays dailybuild03:24
seb128pitti: your next daily build should have them though?03:24
seb128pitti: ok, fair enough03:24
ivoksi think it's solved now, but would like to check, anyway...03:24
pittiseb128: well, that depends on the translators :)03:24
ivoksinfinity: here?03:25
seb128pitti: I did the french translation just after the package got published monday03:25
infinityivoks: Doing installation tests, but yeah.  I'm around.03:25
infinityivoks: 'Sup?03:25
pittiseb128: ok, can you please check today's langpacks then?03:25
ivoksinfinity: i noticed one ugly bug today in today's daily build03:25
ivoksinfinity: grub not being installed in mbr03:25
ivoksinfinity: i saw new version has something about that in changelog03:26
seb128pitti: I've just tried a daily desktop CD install, I'll try with your daily build now03:26
infinityivoks: Which CD, and how did you install?03:26
ivoksinfinity: -daily03:26
pittimvo: which log?03:26
mvopitti: /var/log/dist-upgrade*.log03:26
pittiseb128: today's packs are not yet finished03:26
ivoksinfinity: normal install from -desktop03:26
ivoksinfinity: i needed to chroot and do update-grub03:26
pittimvo: you want a bug about not removing obsolete packages?03:27
infinityivoks: So, a ubiquity install?03:27
ivoksinfinity: yes03:27
infinityivoks: You want Kamion, then. :)03:27
infinityKamion: <poke>03:27
pittimvo: I'm afraid there's little more I can tell you about this initial dialog issue03:27
ivoksoh :)03:27
ivoksinfinity: i allways mix you two :)03:27
infinityI do too.03:27
=== ogra twiddles thumbs ... waiting for edubuntu-meta to finish ...
Kamionivoks: /var/log/installer/syslog03:28
ivoksKamion: i can't get it now :(03:29
RiddellKamion: 1.0.5 installs without problems03:29
Kamionivoks: how come?03:29
KamionRiddell: great, thanks03:29
ivoksKamion: but i will as soon as I get my hands on that machine (maybe later this evening)03:29
ivoksKamion: long story...03:29
mvopitti: a bugreport about the whole experience is ok too, I'll sort it out then 03:29
Kamionivoks: OK, I'll be unable to fix most problems then though03:29
pittimvo: alright03:29
Kamionivoks: the changelog in today's upload is not relevant to you03:29
ivoksKamion: ok03:30
ivoksKamion: sorry, 'm not much of a help :/03:31
Kamionit should have popped up an install crash dialog if it didn't get as far as installing grub03:32
ivoksnothing poped up03:32
Kamionor did it display some other kind of error message?03:32
ivoksno, nothing03:32
Kamionthat's very odd03:32
ivoksKamion: um...03:32
mvopitti: thanks03:33
ivoksKamion: where does grub get installed anyway?03:33
Kamionivoks: MBR of first hard disk03:33
ivoksKamion: ok, that explains it...03:33
ivoksKamion: sorry to bother you :)03:33
Kamionwell, sometimes, it depends03:33
=== seb128 slaps jdub for that tintin article :p
Kamionactually it might have installed it to the MBR of the second hard disk, if you have two and are installing on the second03:33
jdubseb128: :-)03:33
Kamionwhich would mean you'd have to teach your BIOS to boot it03:34
ivoksKamion: i had two first disks03:34
ivoksKamion: sda and hda03:34
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ivoksKamion: it installed it on hda03:34
Kamionah, that can cause confusion, yes03:34
ivoksKamion: and my system was on sda03:34
Kamionthe alternate install CD has similar badness sometimes03:34
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ivoksKamion: ok, something to think about for edgy? :)03:34
Kamionit's on the list, yes ...03:34
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pittimvo: in your dist-upgrade tests, can you please check if language-support-en (and dependencies) are still installed after it? I don'thave OO.o help aany more, and l-s-en isn't isntalled03:36
pittimvo: I'll file a bug about that as well03:36
ograinfinity, can you trigger a livefs build for edubuntu please (hoping there isnt *again* a package breaking it today)03:38
infinityogra: Sure.03:39
ograthanks 03:39
infinityCan someone explain to me how dpkg can think I have a package installed twice?03:39
=== ogra guesses iwj should be able :)
infinityOh, nevermind.  My bad.  Broken regex on my part.03:40
=== infinity goes to put a checkmark next to LAMP install.
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infinityogra: livefses building.03:41
ograthanks :)03:41
ograi hope totem wont break it 03:42
ograyesterdays was killed off by a dia build 03:42
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ogradoko !!03:43
ograalive !!!03:43
pittimvo: three bugs filed and added to Testing/Current03:43
pittihi doko 03:44
dokohi. not very alive03:44
ogramontezumas revenge ? 03:44
mvopitti: thanks03:45
ogradoko, or only jetlagged ? 03:45
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dokono, some "souvenirs" I didn't want to bring back03:46
pittidoko: the same plague as sabdfl has? :)03:46
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Riddelldholbach: kubuntu book chapter ready, where do I put it in the package?03:50
Riddellheno: did you get anywhere with reducing the image sizes?03:50
Riddellmdke, jono: FYI ^^03:50
henoyep, can I email you the files again?03:50
jonooh cool :)03:50
Riddellheno: sure03:50
henoRiddell: done. From 2.7MB to 1MB03:53
Riddellheno, dholbach: I take it the Screenshot.png files are the space taking placeholder ones that I can get rid of?03:53
Riddellheno: nifty, how did you manage that?03:53
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henoRiddell: yes you can remove those03:53
henoRiddell: used Gimp to index them to 256 colours03:54
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henosome I had to leave alone, or they would look crap03:54
Riddellso that's a space saving of about 3MB, nice03:54
henobut most are fine03:54
henoin total on the whole book, yes03:54
mdkeRiddell, heno: nice one03:55
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mdzMithrandir: any joy with oo.o?04:01
fabbionewho remember the ppc/OF sintax to boot from the net on the fly??? something like: boot net:<ip_of_the_server>,<file> ?04:03
Mithrandirmdz: I handed it off to infinity a couple of hours ago so he can build it on a buildd.  Unsure what the progress is04:04
Mithrandirinfinity: ^^?04:04
iwjWhat's the official minimum disk space for Dapper ?04:04
ograinfinity, my livefs logs look a bit weird (like they were copied while still being written)04:06
ograinfinity, http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/livefs-build-logs/dapper/edubuntu/20060524.1/04:06
=== FunnyLookinHat [n=funnyloo@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionthat can happen, yes.04:08
lemsx1is there any new kernel coming? -23 just gave me a ugly crash in an IBM R51 laptop. the system boots fine but one of the modules doesn't load04:08
lemsx1i'll copy dmesg to a remote box in a second04:08
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=== Kinnison goes to lunch before trying the next type of install test
ograok, so i'll wait until someone notifies me they are done before starting an iso04:09
ogralemsx1, kernel freeze was on 18th04:09
lemsx1ogra: ouch. well, i don't really understand this error. let me post for you guys to see it04:10
lemsx1ogra: no kernel panic though04:10
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ograand if a module doesnt get loded its more likely udev's fault04:11
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mjg59lemsx1: "One of the modules doesn't load" isn't a helpful report04:13
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Keybukogra: no, it's more likely the kernel's fault04:13
Keybukor whatever package provides that module04:13
mjg59lemsx1: Best thing to do is file a bug against linux-source-2.6.15 with the failure04:14
ograKeybuk, ok04:14
lemsx1mjg59: thanks. almost there04:15
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jdubdear mjg59, DMA works correctly on my machine, thank you, love jdub04:15
lemsx1mjg59: i'm getting the system to boot normally now. i'll do a proper report04:15
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Keybukjdub: is it SATA? :)04:18
jdubhaha, no04:19
carlospitti: I need to leave now, but I guess the language packs are completely ready, right?04:21
carlospitti: did you see the report?04:21
pitticarlos: building is still in progress, but report should be there, yes04:21
OdyXfabbione or BenC: on kubuntu-devel, we went to ask ourselves why SysRQ is enabled per default. Isn't it a security issue ?04:21
carlospitti: no missing domains from Rosetta and I think all domains you told me to remove are now removed04:22
pitticarlos: RRRRRRROCK04:22
Riddellcarlos: is konversation being exported?04:22
carlosRiddell: it should be there now, yes04:22
mjg59OdyX: If someone has physical access to the console, then in general they can own the system04:22
fabbioneOdyX: no04:22
BenCOdyX: the only reason I know of is "it's always been on"04:22
pitticarlos: kdgantt-disabled looks a bit fishy, but the hell with it...04:22
carlosoh, am I exporting it??04:23
carlospitti: it should not be there04:23
OdyXOK. Thanks04:23
BenCand SysRQ is not more of a security issue than the power button04:23
carlosthere are two kdgantt and I choose to disable the less translated04:23
fabbioneOdyX: nothing stops you to remove the power from the machine and starts it in init 1 once you are so close to the keyboard04:23
OdyXfabbione: what about "serial distant keyboards" ? (Or I miss something ? )04:23
mjg59I don't think sysrq is anything other than a (very) local DoS04:24
mjg59OdyX: If they've got access to a remote serial console, then (again) they can probably 0wn you04:24
fabbioneOdyX: the what????04:24
mjg59OdyX: What's the security risk?04:24
OdyXfabbione: nothing then04:24
mjg59OdyX: The worst sysrq can do is reboot the machine or kill the tasks on the current tty04:24
OdyXmjg59: Sure04:25
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mjg59OdyX: So, why is it potentially a security risk?04:26
OdyXThanks for convincing answers04:26
carlospitti: it should not be with next export04:26
mjg59OdyX: What was the original concern?04:26
OdyXmjg59: more wondering than real issue04:27
Keybukis there any particular reason the edubuntu CDs are still called "install" and "live" ?04:27
OdyXmjg59: some think that it's security issue, some don't04:27
ograKeybuk, yep04:27
KamionKeybuk: ogra asked for them to be04:27
mjg59OdyX: Why do they think it's a security issue?04:27
mjg59OdyX: It's possible that we're wrong - it would be nice to know what the actual concern is04:28
KamionKeybuk: desktop isn't the primary installation method for Edubuntu, so "alternate" doesn't make sense there04:28
ograKeybuk, we'll only ship i386 install and thats our default CD 04:28
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OdyXmjg59: [16:24:18]  <seaLne> unless its physically secured and the software is secured04:28
mjg59OdyX: I'm afraid I don't understand?04:29
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OdyXmjg59: well. Idea would be to have a server without access to power, just a keyboard and a monitor. Server is in secure place, but cables go out for keyboard & screen04:29
OdyXI dunno, just imagine.04:29
mjg59OdyX: You can disable sysrq at boot time04:30
OdyXmjg59: ?04:30
OdyXmjg59: on boot line ?04:30
mjg59OdyX: Put kernel/sysrq=0 in /etc/sysctl.conf04:30
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OdyXmjg59: OK. Thanks04:31
fabbioneOdyX: if a server is on the network is not secure. if a server has power is not secure. if there are cables coming out is not secure. if the disks are replaced the data are not secured. if you don't slam it in a 2x2x2mt cube of concrete is not secure (a nuclear blast might cause DoS)... if04:31
OdyXfabbione: OK OK OK. I agree.04:32
=== nomed [n=nomed@host200-58.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
nomedjanimo, around ?04:32
janimonomed: yes04:32
nomedi'm going to test now a patch i would sent for libxfcegui404:33
nomeddo u think it's a good idea ?04:33
nomedi mean ... do u know what it means ? :P04:34
nomedthere are many xfce pkges that depends on it ...04:34
janimonomed, no problem, since it does not change APIs04:35
janimoit just fixes icon names right?04:35
janimoanyway please post it to bugs.xfce.org04:35
nomedyep ..04:35
janimoso they take it and we make sure they agree with the namings04:35
nomedi'd like if you could take a look before i post it ..04:35
nomedto get something really good i'll need to patch xfdesktop4 too04:36
janimonomed, ok send it to me I'll have a look tonight04:36
janimodo you need to send a patch to tango for the mixer icon?04:36
nomedi test it and then i'll send it to by mail 04:36
janimoor just xfce?04:36
nomedto tango for some other stuff04:37
nomedready that too ..04:37
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mdzjordi: you are dead to me04:37
mdzespecially right now04:37
nomedupgrading the system .. and then i'll test it too04:37
Kinnisoniwj: Shall I take a couple of the kubuntu desktop cd tests from you?04:37
jordimdz: uh!04:37
jordiOk, I'll keep the adsl secrets to myself.04:38
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nomedbtw: xfce4-dev-tools should have better dependencies ...04:38
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iwjKinnison: Up to you.  Unfortunately my rsync seems to be taking longer than I'd hoped.04:40
iwjKinnison: if you want to take some, take the `alternate CD' ones.04:40
Kinnisonokay, I'll do alternate04:40
=== Kinnison doesn't have a spare vmware with windows in it, so I can't do the auto-resize test
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iwjI had to dig a disk out of the junkpile.04:44
iwjThis download is _too slow_.04:44
Keybuk"A new medium has been detected.  What do you want to do?"04:45
Keybukwhy is "Ask her to tell me my fortune" in the list?04:45
TreenaksKeybuk: There should be buttons with text-entry widgets in them for stuff like that04:46
Keybukholy cow04:47
Keybukhow did KDE escape launchpad integration04:47
lemsx1mjg59: perhaps this oops is related to ipw2200 ... bug 4637204:47
UbugtuMalone bug 46372 in linux-source-2.6.15 "module loading crashing" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4637204:47
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danimoBenC: ping?04:48
BenCdanimo: pong04:48
RiddellKeybuk: lack of time04:49
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danimoBenC: still having issues with recording with intel hda chipset. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/800 isn't quite it, but arecord won't record anything. any idea how to hunt that one down?04:50
UbugtuMalone bug 800 in malone "Security-related bugs should not have to always be private" [Normal,Rejected]  04:50
Gloubiboulgajanimo: hi, just finished an install with the install iso04:50
danimohuh? wrong bug04:51
BenCdanimo: likely talk to crimsun, he is the one who handles most of the sound stuff04:51
BenChe may even know about it already04:51
danimocrimsun: so hi there, any idea?04:51
mjg59lemsx1: No, it's nothing to do with ipw220004:53
mjg59That's the infra-red system exploding04:53
KeybukRiddell: how do I uncomment universe in adept?04:53
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RiddellKeybuk: right click04:54
KeybukRiddell: bzzzt04:54
KeybukRiddell: how do I uncomment universe in adept on a PowerBook :p04:54
Kinnisonright click using the bizarre chording?04:54
KeybukI've tried every bucky bit I can think of, and can't get a right-click-menu04:55
danimoBenC: away since 9 hours, bad luck :)04:55
Kinnisonit's somewhere in the top right isn't it?04:55
KeybukKinnison: that's just F11, F12, etc.04:55
KeybukF12 is Eject04:55
Keybukwhich seems a bad thing to push on a Live CD :)04:56
mdzRiddell: are you making progress on your CD tests?04:56
Riddellmdz: I am, but looking at Testing/Current I'm down for DVD testing, should I be doing that instead?04:57
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infinityogra: Yeah, looks like the log mirror did happen when the logs were still in progress.  The images built fine, though (and the logd on the buildds are fine)04:58
infinityogra: s/logd/logs/04:59
ograoh, already done :)04:59
rpedrois it a known bug that opening and closing nested 'drawers' wll hang the gnome-panel?04:59
ograi didnt have the terminal focused, thanks !04:59
rpedrocan't seem to find anything on launchpad.net04:59
lmanulsfllaw: Hi ! Do you know when the next Hug day is planned (I want to mention it in the next "Ubuntu Desktop News") ?05:01
ograWOAH, i even have space for more languages on the liveCDs05:03
=== ogra ponders which to add
mdzRiddell: Kubuntu is higher priority05:03
Kinnisonogra: You have room? On an edubuntu cd?05:03
mdzRiddell: I don't see many results on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/CurrentKubuntu yet though05:04
pittiogra: please stick to the list mentioned in langpacksize.txt05:04
ograKinnison, only live05:04
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mdzRiddell: oh, I see, Simon created a separate table down below05:04
mdzRiddell: so we should get rid of CurrentKubuntu05:04
ograpitti, my audience is a pretty different one, i'd like to use the langs the users use05:04
Kinnisonogra: aah05:04
pittiogra: hm, true; well, do as you wish05:05
mdzRiddell: you should be recording your test results in the table, for whichever cases you've tested05:05
ograpitti, but indeed i'll use your list top down 05:05
infinitydholbach: <poke>05:05
ogras/top down/top to bottom/05:05
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Riddellmdz: doing05:05
dholbachinfinity: pong05:06
=== hunt0r [n=hunt0r@dslb-088-064-050-229.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachinfinity: thanks05:07
infinitydholbach: I see you and I interspersed for desktop CD stuff on amd64, which means I get to burn two CDs instead of 1... Want to trade all of one for all of the other? :)05:07
hunt0rhi all I try to install ubuntu dapper drake for a while now but it hangs on the boot process with this message everytime: cs: IO port probe 0x100-0x3af05:07
dholbachinfinity: however you like it05:07
dholbachinfinity: which one do you like?05:08
mjg59hunt0r: The boot process of the installed system or the boot process of the installer?05:08
hunt0rI want to install ubuntu on an laptop but it hangs up wehen it tries to load the pcmcia drivers on any linux distro but i don't know to turn off pcmcia05:08
infinitydholbach: Well, I've been using d-i for the last few hours with server CD testing, so how about I switch to do some desktop stuff?05:08
hunt0rmjg59: on the boot process05:08
infinitydholbach: And you can take amd64/alternate stuff.05:08
dholbachinfinity: fine05:08
sfllawlmanul: Hug Day has sort of been dropped.  dholbach and I were too busy to "organize" anything this week.  And by next week, it will be sort of late.  :)05:08
pygidholbach, congrats on mentoring :)05:08
hunt0rmjg59: on the boot prcess of the installer sry05:09
=== sfllaw hugs dholbach.
=== dholbach hugs sfllaw back :)
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mjg59hunt0r: Ok, thanks05:09
dholbachpygi: i didn't have a chance yet to look at the result.05:09
infinitydholbach: (I also have a bug that I wanted to see if it got fixed on Zofia's machine, so this'll work well)05:09
mjg59Kamion: ^ - any ideas?05:09
pygidholbach, doesn't matter :) You are that "Safety boat" :)05:09
hunt0rmjg59: do you know what I could do?05:10
mjg59Does pcmciautils have the same io-port exclusions as pcmcia-cs did?05:10
mjg59hunt0r: Right now, probably nothing I'm afraid05:10
Keybukmjg59: should have05:10
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KamionKeybuk: we set F11 to middle-click and F12 to right-click05:10
hunt0rmjg59: is there no whay to tell linux so it does not try to probe these IO ports with a boot paramter?05:11
Kamionmjg59: we have all your exclusions; upstream took them05:11
mjg59hunt0r: Not that I know of right now05:11
KeybukKamion: I argue the F12 is a bug, because that's the Eject key on a PowerBook05:11
mjg59Kamion: Ok05:11
hunt0rmjg59: ok thy anyway :(05:11
KamionKeybuk: there was no other choice that was any better; we went through pretty much every available option05:11
KamionKeybuk: and not on every powerbook05:11
Kamionhunt0r: you could try adding the 'hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false' boot argument to the installer05:12
KeybukKamion: why not use the same that Mac OS X does?05:12
Kamionhunt0r: though it depends exactly where it's hanging05:12
KeybukApple-Click or whatever it is05:12
nomedjanimo, have u seen bug #46375 ?05:12
UbugtuMalone bug 46375 in xfce4-session "Firefox doesn't autostart in saved session" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4637505:12
mjg59Keybuk: Collides with things that use meta-left-click05:12
KamionKeybuk: IIRC the kernel doesn't give us that option05:12
nomedit does make sense ..05:12
KamionKeybuk: you can change it in /etc/sysctl.conf if you don't like it05:13
Keybukmjg59: isn't Meta Alt?05:13
KamionKeybuk: sometimes05:13
Kamiondepends on your keymap05:13
mjg59Keybuk: If it's not meta, it's alt05:13
Keybukmjg59: wouldn't Alt be Alt? :)05:13
Keybuk(nb: isn't X fun?)05:13
dholbachKamion: thanks05:13
KamionKeybuk: again, depends on your keymap05:13
mjg59nomed: I don't believe firefox has proper session support05:13
hunt0rKamion: tried that alrady well it hangs directly after "Uncompressing Linux.... Ok, booting the kernel. If I leave the quiet option in the boot loader05:14
mjg59Keybuk: On pc102, alt is meta because more unix applications use meta-foo than alt-foo (IIRC)05:14
Mithrandirmjg59: it has some if you install sessionsaver, though it's still not very good.05:14
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KeybukI must admit that I'm buying this "Apples are the most user friendly computers in the world"05:15
mjg59I'm not05:15
mjg59MacOS made me start throwing things last night05:15
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Keybukall of the menus in MacOS X use symbols in the shortcuts that don't appear on any key on the keyboard05:15
Keybukthen there's this "hold down C and turn widdershins within 2 seconds of the bong" type crap05:15
Mithrandir: tfheen@xoog ../z/usr/share/applications > grep ^Name ooo-calc.desktop05:16
MithrandirName=OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet05:16
mjg59Last night I discovered that a (non-Apple) terminal app asks me if I'm sure I want to close the terminal05:16
Mithrandirmdz: ^^05:16
Mithrandirmjg59: pterm does it, iirc.05:16
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OculusAquilaepitti: ping05:16
mjg59After I've clicked "Restart" in the system menu, then confirmed that by clicking "restart" in the popup05:16
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pittiOculusAquilae: here, but 100% busy05:17
Mithrandirmdz: in other words, my patch worked.05:17
mjg59If I didn't want to close the terminal, why would I have asked to restart the computer *twice*?05:17
mdzMithrandir: excellent, thanks05:17
mdzMithrandir: is an uploadable build in progress?05:17
OculusAquilaepitti: ok, I'll ask you later05:17
seb128Mithrandir: patch for what?05:17
infinitymdz: Is that a go-ahead for me tp upload Mithrandir's signed source?05:17
Mithrandirseb128: .desktop files in ooo05:17
seb128Mithrandir: is there a place where we can translate them?05:17
infinitymdz: And the i386 binaries will follow within ~30 mins.05:18
Mithrandirmdz: infinity has the signed source and now matching binaries.05:18
Mithrandirseb128: no idea.05:18
lmanulsfllaw: All right, no Hug day then (sob) :-p05:18
pittiKamion: hm, I created a single large vfat partition on my iBook, and I still don't get autoresize offered05:18
Mithrandirseb128: if you can get me patches, I can integrate them.05:18
mdzinfinity: yes05:18
mdzMithrandir: those binaries were built in a clean chroot?05:18
Riddelldholbach: are you uploading example-content?05:18
seb128Mithrandir: will do that now, do you have the english strings somewhere? Or are they the currently used ones?05:18
infinitymdz: They were build on terranova.05:18
mdzRiddell: he already did05:18
infinitymdz: Clean LP-buildd chroot.05:18
mdzinfinity: excellent05:19
=== infinity uploads the source now.
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dholbachRiddell: just built it locally05:20
dholbachone sec and i'll upload05:20
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Keybukholy crap, why does this thing have 10 partitions on it?05:20
mdzBenC: how are your CD tests going?05:22
dholbachRiddell: uploading05:22
KeybukKamion: ok, I'm stuck in the partitioner05:22
KeybukI've resized the existing /dev/hda9 hfs+ partition05:23
Keybukbut I can't seem to use the free space, what do I need to click?05:23
Kamionpitti,Keybuk: can I get back to you both after I've finished with this apt-get.org crap please?05:24
Keybukah, s'ok, apparently I needed to delete the odd hda1 thru hda805:24
pittiKamion: yes, I'll play with it on my own; cfdisk and fdisk tell different things, I'll sort that out first05:24
Keybukoh, wow, I crashed the installer05:25
RiddellKeybuk: which?05:26
KeybukRiddell: yours05:26
RiddellKeybuk: 1.0.4? at the end of a ppc install?05:26
Keybukno, during partitioning05:27
RiddellKeybuk: anything I can recreate?05:27
KeybukRiddell: I don't think I did anything unusual, deleted a couple of partitions, clicked "Create" and the entire partman bit vanished05:28
Keybukbug 4638705:28
UbugtuMalone bug 46387 in ubiquity "partman crashed" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4638705:28
RiddellKeybuk: partman or qtparted?05:29
Keybukwhatever ubiquity on today's kubuntu live cd uses05:29
Keybukit said something about partman in the crash dialog05:30
BenCmdz: Downloading still05:30
Keybukit also seems to say qtparted in the traceback05:30
Riddellyeah, looks like it's trying to talk to a qtparted that's not there05:31
Keybukit vanished05:31
Keybukthen I clicked "Go Back" hopefully05:31
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Riddellqtparted has issues with ppc, although I've not seen it crash05:34
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Keybukcfdisk appears to have issues too05:36
Keybukit just seems 10GB of free space05:36
Mithrandirseb128: I don't have the .diff.gz any more, ask infinity for it.05:37
Mithrandirseb128: sorry.05:37
seb128Mithrandir: np05:37
seb128infinity: around?05:37
Keybukya know, I'm going to back away from testing anything involving partitioning here I think <g>05:38
mdzBenC: are you not using rsync?05:38
KeybukI don't really want a "honey, you'll never guess what happened to your PowerBook" moment ;)05:38
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KinnisonKeybuk: you're messing with D's powerbook?05:39
infinityseb128: Yeah..05:39
KeybukKinnison: well, it's _mine_ in that I bought it ... but he's been using it05:40
=== Kinnison grins
KeybukI have a spare laptop hard drive around somewhere, I think I'll use that05:40
infinityseb128: chinstrap:~adconrad/05:40
KeybukI'd quite like some sex next month05:40
seb128infinity: you are going to do an openoffice upload? any way to push some .desktop translations to it?05:40
=== Kinnison grins keybuk again
infinityseb128: I uploaded 20 minutes ago...05:41
iwjThis test machine's slow boot process is very annoying.  I have a 30s window or so to catch the boot menu after several minutes of faff.05:41
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=== Keybuk wonders whether the working drive is in the Dell, or the ruins of the Tosh
infinityKamion: Is there any plan to either A) compile "start.exe" with an Ubuntu logo, or B) include an ubuntu.ico and point autorun.inf to that?05:43
infinityKamion: So that the CD has an Ubuntu icon when mounted in Windows...05:43
BenCmdz: no, I haven't kept things synced because of my b/w limits05:43
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BenCso much per hour and such, and keeping all 6 of these machines at latest dapper already consumes a lot of that without some sort of syncronized updateing process05:44
neuralisBenC: we might get one through SoC.05:45
infinityseb128: If we're going to try to squeeze more translations in, they might have to come after RC... I'm kinda hoping the i386 build I'm doing right now will be the last for RC.05:45
mdzinfinity: that'd be a heno question05:45
mdzinfinity: we're doing langpack uploads post-RC, I suppose we can do oo.o too...05:46
infinitymdz: Right, I'll poke heno about it.  The current icon looks pretty underwhelming, and may be most Win32 users' very first introduction to us..05:46
infinityOh, he's not idle.  Cool.05:47
infinityheno: *poke, poke, poke*05:47
mdzheno: has the WinFOSS been updated for "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS"?05:47
henoinfinity: good point. an Ubuntu logo on start.exe would be better05:47
henomdz: yes, last upload was a few days ago05:47
infinityheno: If recompiling start.exe with a new logo is too much of a pain, shipping the icon beside it and telling autorun.inf to use that is just as simple.  Your pick.05:47
henoit'sall quite fresh05:47
infinityheno: The advantage of my way is that we can use the same start.exe on all the CDs, but include a different icon for each derivative, if we want to get fancy.05:48
henoinfinity: no, I can fix start.exe05:48
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henoinfinity: that's true05:48
mdzheno: great, thanks05:48
henoI guess we don't have a win32 icon file of the logo05:48
infinityheno: And for derivatives that don't ship start.exe, they should probably still have an autorun.ico for prettiness anyway.05:49
henobut I can make one05:49
henoinfinity: yep05:49
mdzheno: could you add the relevant bits to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CodeNamesToVersionNumbers so that it's on the checklist for next time?05:49
giftnudelheno: 24x24 bitmap named .ico?05:49
giftnudeleven better ;)05:49
infinityTop left pixel is "transparent".05:49
henogiftnudel: yeah, bigger than 2405:49
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infinity(whatever colour you place there)05:50
Keybukdoesn't it also have to be in .ICO format?05:50
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infinityKeybuk: .ico is a .bmp, with certain contraints.  Most of which are meaningless to anyone not running Win3.1, IIRC.05:50
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infinityAnyhow, I can dig up a real .ico editor if someone sends me some suitable .bmps.05:51
infinityAnd I'll make sure they conform.05:51
bddebianKeybuk: Have a second for a quick question or too busy?05:51
Keybukbddebian: sure05:51
infinityheno: ^^^05:51
Mithrandirinfinity: or just use icoutils?05:51
Mithrandirwhich, hey, happens to be maintained by Colin05:52
bddebianKeybuk: Should binary libilluminate6 still be in the archive?  illuminator source now provides libilluminate7?05:52
Keybukbddebian: no05:53
nomedjanimo, ping me when available 05:53
bddebianKeybuk: Can you remove it?05:53
KeybukI think someone just did under me05:53
henomdz: sorry I don't follow about the code names page. are you talking about the icon on the winfoss CD or example content?05:53
Keybukhmm, no, I can't see it in the archive05:53
bddebianKeybuk: OK, thx.  Sorry to bother you.05:54
Keybukbddebian: apt-cache policy libilluminate605:54
mdzheno: I'm talking about any references to the version of Ubuntu in the WinFOSS05:55
infinityWoo, I broke ubiquity!  Do I get a prize?05:55
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bddebianKeybuk: Sorry, typo...05:56
ograinfinity, a tear from Kamion probably05:56
henomdz: OH, I see. pretty sure is says '6.06' everywhere but not 'LTS', I'll trawl through it05:56
bddebianbdefreese@bdubuntu1:~$ apt-cache policy libluminate605:56
bddebian  Installed: (none)05:56
bddebian  Candidate: 0.9.0-105:56
bddebian  Version table:05:56
bddebian     0.9.0-1 005:56
bddebian        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages05:56
Keybukbddebian: 05:57
Keybuk-- dapper/universe hppa deps on libluminate6:05:57
mdzheno: thanks, and as you do, add them to the wiki so we have a list for next time05:57
henook, got it05:58
bddebianKeybuk: But the source for those provides libluminate7 now?05:58
Keybukbddebian: then I'd start by investigating why those haven't built on hppa yet05:58
infinitybddebian: Which means illuminator was FTBFS on hppa. Looking now.05:58
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bddebianKeybuk: Just shut me up if this is a pointless conversation05:58
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dholbachcan somebody take the "Alternate CD, OEM" amd64 installation from me? I never did an OEM install and would prefer to look at some of the icon bugs instead of learning how to do it05:59
Keybukinfinity: "Currently building"05:59
infinityKeybuk: I know, I just kicked it back from failed.05:59
KeybukStatus:  Currently building05:59
KeybukDate requested: 2006-05-03 10:40:39 BST05:59
infinityKeybuk: You're TOO SLOW.05:59
jonodholbach: did you say you have converted Ch7 to HTML?05:59
Keybukinfinity: heh, chroot fuckage?05:59
dholbachjono: I think Riddell did that05:59
infinityKeybuk: No, transient build-dep fuckage, I think.05:59
jonoahhhh, so its done?05:59
dholbachjono: yeah06:00
infinityKeybuk: There's no such thing as chroot fuckage in the new world order.06:00
Keybukinfinity: I keep forgetting that06:00
Riddelljono: I did, and I sent it to dholbach who says he's uploaded it06:00
jonooh cool06:00
jonojust letting the publisher know :)06:01
jonothanks chaps06:01
infinityOh, the build-dep breakage wasn't so transient, though..06:02
Riddelljono: although I see an e-mail from Nancy Hendryx which says that's not the final version06:02
bddebianinfinity: Something else broken?06:03
RiddellI'm not to bothered about getting the exact final version though, especially for RC06:03
jonoRiddell: wise06:03
Keybukinfinity: if that had built, I'm assuming libluminate6 would have shown up in outdate.txt?06:03
infinityKeybuk: No, outdate.txt is from britney, and we only run britney on main. :/06:03
infinityKeybuk: universe has no such luxury.06:04
infinityKeybuk: (We really need a daily universe britney run)06:04
=== bddebian hugs poor Universe ;-)
Keybukah, we don't have any girls that check for binaries not built by any source?06:04
infinityarchive-cruft-check.py may do something interesting.06:04
elmopossibly not06:04
elmoin dak, that check isn't enabled by default06:04
elmobecause Binaries in Sources lies06:04
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ograinfinity, bddebian, we had a dholbach instead of a britney back in older releases ;)06:04
elmoso it's part of --mode=full, and not --mode=daily.  I'm not sure if I bothered porting --mode=full checks06:05
bddebianogra: :-)06:05
infinityIt's best done with a combination of tools and manual parsing anyway.06:05
infinityHence why the britney outdate.txt is helpful as a nudge.06:05
Keybukis this a bug?  I chose "Erase Entire Disk" and it decided to just make /dev/hda3 and /dev/hda4 -- not 1 or 206:06
Keybukwell "partition #3" and "partition #4"06:06
nomeddholbach, around ?06:07
dholbachnomed: yes06:07
nomedi see the mixer icon is not in Tango anymore ..06:08
nomedbut it is still on icon-naming06:08
nomedvolume-control if i'm not wrong06:08
infinitybddebian: petsc is FTBFS on hppa (for real reasons, it would appear), hence illuminator can't build.  You lose.06:08
nomeddo u think it could be included in tango-icon-common ?06:09
nomedi'll tell this to dobey too ..06:09
nomedi guess he forgot to remove it from the xml file06:09
giftnudelKeybuk: was it 1 and 2 before?06:09
infinityKeybuk: Probably best in this case to just remove illuminator (all binaries from source) on hppa, then remove the obsolete libs on the other arches.06:09
bddebianinfinity: I lose?06:09
infinityKeybuk: Having it failed and not built from current source isn't all that helpful.06:09
henoinfinity: I emailed you some logo files06:10
Keybukgiftnudel: the disk is empty06:10
infinityheno: Yay.06:10
giftnudelKeybuk: I'm indirectly asking about hidden things06:10
Keybukgiftnudel: hidden things?06:10
giftnudelhidden partitions06:10
Keybukyou can hide partitions?06:10
bddebianinfinity: It's uninstallible because of unmet deps anyway isn't it?06:10
henoinfinity: do you have an icon making program lined up, or should I look into it?06:11
giftnudelKeybuk: yes, the bios can at least on my notebook06:11
Keybukwhere do they hide?  behind the battery?06:11
giftnudelKeybuk: below the harddrive06:11
Keybukgiftnudel: well, this drive was in a Toshiba until a few minutes ago06:11
Keybuknow it's in a PowerBook06:11
infinityheno: I have a WinXP box over there <points> where I'll be testing he icons, so I could edit them there too.06:11
infinityheno: If you want to play, though, Mithrandir suggested icoutils.06:11
henoinfinity: ok, thanks06:12
iwjI still get that weirdness where some text-mode thing writes to the video memory during boot and strange pixels appear at the top of the CD boot screen.06:12
iwjI presume this is known about.06:12
infinityKamion: Do you prefer I file ubiquity bugs blind, perhaps creating dupes, or give you a 20-second summary to see if you know about it already?06:12
dholbachnomed: please talk to andreasn and lapo, I'm very busy06:12
dholbachnomed: if they update their bzr branches, I can do a release - I'm busy enough chasing other icons -- sorry06:13
infinityKamion: Essentially, deleted all the partitions on a disk, hit "next", crashed with "KeyError: 'hdc1'" (one of the partitions I'd just deleted)06:13
Kamionbddebian: we have a report for packages that aren't built any more06:14
infinityiwj: Is the system where you can reproduce this a desktop or a laptop?06:14
infinityiwj: It's somewhat known, and not a dapper target, but I'd like to fix it in edgy, if I could get my hands on hardware where it happens.06:14
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iwjinfinity: Desktop.06:14
Kamioninfinity: archive-cruft-check.py was broken in mainline lp last I checked; but in any case be careful to run it with -n06:14
iwjIf you have a bug number I'll subscribe to it and we can pick it up after dapper.06:15
infinityiwj: Don't suppose you'd want to lend me the video card?06:15
Kamioninfinity: I'd rather possibly have dupes06:15
iwjIt's onboard I'm afraid.06:15
infinityiwj: Or bring the box to Paris? :)06:15
iwjBox to Paris> not impossible.  I'm going by train.06:15
infinityKamion: Alright.  I'll just file away, then.06:15
infinityKamion: Also, I assume you're not likely to fix the "partition selector loops forever if you have removable rewriteable media installed" bug?06:16
Kamioninfinity: ooh, if that happens when deleting partitions it might need to be sorted urgently06:16
infinityKamion: I just tripped on that one, and it's already reported by someone else.06:16
Kamioninfinity: bug#/06:16
infinityKamion: #46389 is the looping thing.  I'll file the crash right now.06:17
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iwjinfinity: But if there's an easier way to do this than lugging a beige box around as part of my luggage I think I'd prefer it :-).06:17
Kamioninfinity: if the "select disk" page is broken, it would be nice to fix that06:18
Kamionbut we're rapidly running out of time06:18
=== robertj I saw that Gnome released their SOC projects, are Ubuntus out yet?
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infinityKamion: #46395 is the crasher.06:20
iwjThese tests don't seem to suggest doing installs in other languages besides English.  Can we assume that's being taken care of or should I try some tests in Dutch ?06:20
infinityiwj: yeah, I can try bouncing binaries off you to test sometime in June.06:20
infinityiwj: I just like being able to do a quicker compile/feedback loop.06:20
iwjinfinity: Sure.06:20
infinityiwj: More languages = good.06:21
infinityiwj: mvo regularly installs in Greek (despite not speaking a word of Greek)... I often do Japanese..06:21
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Kamioniwj: please do try other languages, particularly for ubiquity; tests in languages that aren't entirely ASCII are good06:21
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bddebianKamion: Sorry, I was afk.  What where you saying?06:22
infinityKamion: Also, ubiquity didn't appear to DTRT WRT the system clock on Zofia's WinXP machine, but I'm pretty sure we're too late to fiddle much with that one.06:22
mdziwj: yes, please do try a random language06:27
=== infinity is not overly fond if the new GNOME splash...
ograinfinity, use edubuntu :P06:28
bddebianinfinity: What are you fond of? ;-)06:28
infinityPillow bevels are so... So... Geocities, circa 1997.06:28
=== _ion would have prefered the previous "Ubuntu Dapper Beta" one without the Beta.
pygiogra, you again :P06:28
_ionBut the new one definitely isn't bad.06:28
infinity_ion: As would I.06:29
mdzinfinity: sab06:29
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infinitymdz: I'll let him get over me accusing him of wanting to shoot puppies before I approach him about the splash change.06:29
ograinfinity, edubuntu dapper will give you a beautifully win95 colored look and feel :)06:29
mdzinfinity: do not use the word 'change' in conversation with the sab06:29
mdznot until after the release06:30
ograhey, he promised to keep out of egdy, didnt he ... so be carefule after release as well ;)06:30
Kamionbddebian: we have a report that tells us about binaries that aren't built any more, so in general there's no need to prod about them06:30
Keybuk"RuntimeError; Install failed with exit code 1"06:31
bddebianKamion: OK, sorry.  I was just trying to clean up unmet deps. :'-(06:31
KamionKeybuk: /var/log/installer/syslog has a more detailed trace06:31
infinityKamion: Argh, okay, maybe mine's not a dupe of that one.  I literally CAN'T select a disk.  I just loop forever.  Even after having removed my CF card and rebooted.06:31
KeybukKamion: yeah, I like that you made the URL clicky06:31
_ionHere's a cool, new splash for Gnome! http://johan.kiviniemi.name/pictures/usplash/ubuntu9806:31
Kamionit's from a subprocess so I didn't have time to figure out how to get it through to the crash dialog06:31
KamionKeybuk: that was Riddell's doing06:31
KamionKeybuk: is this on powerpc, with ubiquity 1.0.4?06:31
KeybukKamion: dunno how to tell the version, but yes, powerpc today06:32
KamionKeybuk: if the traceback complains about base-installer/kernel/linux/link_on_boot being missing, it's fixed in ubiquity 1.0.506:32
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Keybukyes 1.0.506:32
Keybukuh. 1.0.406:32
KamionKeybuk: I wouldn't object if you upgraded to that and tried again, if you have time; powerpc obviously hasn't seen much testing because that bug has been around for a while06:32
KeybukKamion: yeah, it's that bug06:32
Kamioncareful to upgrade ubiquity-frontend-kde and ubiquity-ubuntu-artwork too06:32
bddebianSo give me a PPC ;-P06:32
=== bddebian shuts up now
KamionI'd like to get my own working properly first ...06:33
infinityKamion: I guess I'll report the loop now. :/06:33
Kamioninfinity: yes please, and if you can reproduce with UBIQUITY_DEBUG=1, that would be even better06:33
KeybukKamion: apparently, the problem is that the CD drive sits directly under where your right wrist rests06:33
infinityKamion: I'm sure I can, it seems to hate my system.06:33
Keybukand eventually you push down so much there that you physically bend the CD drive06:33
Keybukit's a "common problem"06:33
Kamionmdz: are there still going to be artwork updates post-RC?06:34
mdzKamion: unfortunately yes06:34
mdzit is beyond my control06:34
Keybukaren't we getting new icons on release day, or something?06:35
Kamionmdz: perhaps I should start maintaining a list of ubiquity bug fixes I would like to get in while we're rebuilding livefses anyway, then06:35
Kamionbecause I doubt I have much more time before RC06:35
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jdubKeybuk: yeah, the new green set is being delivered on the 31st06:35
mdzKamion: well, by my count, we can't even build a plausible candidate until about 8pm06:35
mdzgiven publisher delays06:35
Kamionmdz: any ubiquity bug fixes now would push that back, unless by some miracle I can get them done in the next 20 minutes06:36
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infinityKamion: installer/syslog and... Anything else for the loop?06:37
mdzKamion: I think at the end of this hour we ought to lock down uploads06:37
iwjHey!  Someone ignored my lock on Testing/Current !"06:38
mdziwj: moin rats them out06:38
mdz(when your lock is stolen it tells you who, iirc)06:38
Keybukwas probably me06:38
Kamioninfinity: /var/log/partman06:38
mdzinfinity: how did you trigger it?06:38
infinityKamion: Done.06:39
infinitymdz: "Ran ubiquity".06:39
iwjmdz: It didn't seem to tell me who.  It just said `someone'.06:39
Kamionmdz: do we have the technical ability to do that in soyuz?06:39
bddebianmdz: All uploads or main?06:39
mvomdz: would it be ok for another update-manager upload? breezy-updates and dapper?  [fixes a non-transltable string and the "codename" -> "version"] 06:39
mdzinfinity: it looped *at startup*?06:39
KeybukKamion: ah, so hda1 and hda2 are "Apple Partition Map" things?06:39
mdzbddebian: we don't have the ability to be more specific06:39
bddebianmdz: OK06:39
mdzKamion: yes06:39
infinitymdz: No, it loops over and over when I select the disk I want to install to.  Which I mentioned in the bug.06:39
infinitymdz: But I did nothing special before that.06:39
mdzKamion: Kinnison gave me some instructions a while back06:39
iwjKeybuk: It looks like it was you.  Please be more careful.06:40
KamionKeybuk: hda1 is the partition table itself06:40
Keybukiwj: I don't see the locks, I'm afraid06:40
KamionKeybuk: dunno about hda2, don't want to look now06:40
mdzmvo: before the next cron.daily, yes06:40
Kamionmdz: oh are you just shutting down the queue processor?06:40
mdzKamion: yes06:40
infinitymdz: Oh, crap, can I sync ssl-cert from Debian?  Nothing but updated translations and a dependency fix (needed to depend on adduser, since it uses it in the postinst)06:40
infinitymdz: Just realised I'd forgotten until now.06:41
mdzinfinity: debdiff06:41
iwjKeybuk: WDYM you `don't see the locks' ?06:41
mdziwj: it's easy to overlook the warning when you're in a hurry06:41
infinitymdz: Literally, "+Depends: adduser", if you don't count the debconf translations.  Let me gra a real debdiff.06:41
mdzit really should be an intermediate page, not just a note at the top06:41
Keybukiwj: the moin editor thingy doesn't actually show them06:41
mdzinfinity: I'm not inclined to trust changelogs at this point06:42
infinitymdz: It's my package. :)06:42
iwjmdz: hurry> That's true but in the case of Testing/Current I think extra care is warranted because we all should expect everyone to be editing it right now.06:42
iwjSo I did a Kubuntu test but there is no Kubuntu test plan.06:42
iwjI made it up as best I could.06:42
infinitymdz: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/ssl-cert.diff06:43
iwjIs that the right answer ?06:43
iwjShould I document what I did ?06:43
mdzinfinity: oh, I didn't realize06:43
mdzinfinity: fine06:43
infinitymdz: Danke.06:43
iwjWhat issues are known and known not to be release-critical ?  There are 3 things I know of so far where the `corresponding' thing fails a test.06:43
mdziwj: yes, please06:43
iwjmdz: Right.06:43
bddebianmdz: Will this mean uploads are shutdown for good until Release?06:44
mdziwj: send Simon a mail about it so he can review when he wakes06:44
sfllawmdz: I'm awake.06:44
mdzbddebian: well, no06:44
iwjmdz: Willdo.06:44
mdzsfllaw: good morning06:44
sfllawI've been up for a while now.06:44
Keybukinfinity: manual processing of uploads -- process-upload.py ?06:44
iwjAlso I notice that Riddell put a `Y' in the box which I assume means `pass' but I thought it was `fail'.06:44
mdziwj: Y/N was an older scheme; we switched to pass/fail to make it easier to spot failures06:45
infinityKeybuk: Yes, or just drop them in incoming and wait.06:45
Keybukiwj: riddell appears to have used different CDs.  He's PASS/Y'd something which is a guaranteed FAIL without upgrading06:45
infinityKeybuk: process-upload takes some pretty viscious arguments and underlying filesystem assumptions.06:46
Keybukinfinity: ah, so just stopping the upload queue processor, not the incoming processor?06:46
infinityKeybuk: Oh!  We're talking about for manual approval of uploads?06:46
Keybukinfinity: right06:47
infinityKeybuk: I thought you meant manually feeding something back into the queue.06:47
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Keybukno, I know how to do *that* properly now06:47
infinityKeybuk: For manual approval, I assume we have a real approval queue, like we do for -updates...06:47
infinityBut I'm not sure of that..06:47
Keybukgiven you're talking about stopping uploads, I figured I should probably know how to manually approve them given people ask :)06:47
Kamioninfinity: if you have time to test http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-delete-partitions.diff (just apply it to /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ubiquity/frontend/gtkui.py), that would be great - though it won't fix your loop06:47
infinityWhen a queue is set for manual approval, it should be manipulated with the queue tool, just like you'd do NEW...06:48
Kamionbut deleting partitions will be pretty common and I think I need to fix that06:48
infinityKamion: Kay, I guess I'll need to recreate my partitions and delete them again. :)06:48
mdziwj: please only list major issues in the table itself; otherwise it's hard to see the reason for the FAIL06:48
mdziwj: (e.g., #46397 isn't a showstopper by any means)06:48
bddebianSince it sounds like I should stop uploading.  Anything I can do to help anyone?06:49
KinnisonKamion: The kubuntu text mode install cd just asked me if my clock is in UTC or not, under what circumstances do we ask that question?06:49
Kamionmdz: could you eyeball http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-delete-partitions.diff ?06:49
mdziwj: likewise, Kubuntu has never had launchpad-integration06:49
mjg59Kinnison: If there's another OS on the drive06:49
ograbddebian, what makes you think you should stop uploading ? 06:49
Kamionmdz: I've just verified that it doesn't break normal mountpoint preselection06:50
bddebianogra: They just said they were going to stop uploads06:50
Kinnisonmjg59: then it asked wrongly because I told it to erase the entire drive06:50
Riddelliwj, Keybuk: my Y should be a "PASS with upgrade to ubiquity 1.0.5"06:50
iwjmdz: Err, so I should decide for myself whether something is release critical and pass if it isn't ?06:50
KinnisonKamion: is this a known bug, or should I file it?06:50
KamionKinnison: it'll ask in the event that you don't have Windows installed.06:50
ograbddebian, so then upload until you get "rjected" messages from LP ;)06:50
KinnisonKamion: I'll carry on then :-)06:51
iwjmdz: Perhaps it would be better to write the test plan so that expected and known behaviours, which are not RC, are not tripped by the tester.06:51
KamionKinnison: it doesn't know whether you're UTC or not; you might have had Windows on there at some point in the past06:51
mdziwj: I trust you to judge the difference between a missing feature and a release-relevant bug06:51
iwjiwj: Right, that's fine.06:51
bddebianogra: Heh06:52
=== mvo goes to do sports, bb in 2h
mdziwj: apart from the 3 bug numbers in the table, your Kubuntu installation was successful?  if so, that should be a PASS; I looked at each of the bugs and they're cosmetic or missing features06:53
mdziwj: one of  them is listed twice,though, so maybe you found another issue?06:53
Kamionmdz: verified that that diff fixes the claimed bug too06:53
iwjmdz: I'll check.06:53
mdzKamion: going as fast as I can06:53
siretarterr, did anyone else notice bug #46285? I'm seeing it as well on my machine...06:54
UbugtuMalone bug 46285 in ia32-libs "pre-installation of the package is trying overwrite '/usr/bin/ldd' with  `/usr/bin/ldd.amd64'" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4628506:54
KamionI managed to reproduce it locally06:54
mdzKamion: self.size is a hash of 'hda1' : int?06:55
Keybuksiretart: I have a later version than that installed06:55
Keybuksiretart: 2006-05-22 10:38:50 upgrade ia32-libs 1.4ubuntu17 1.4ubuntu1806:55
Keybuksiretart: and did the same upgrade06:55
siretartKeybuk: I'm seeing it with 1.4ubuntu1806:55
mdzKamion: go ahead06:55
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Kamionmdz: bug 46398 needs to be fixed pre-release, but there's no way I have time to do it now06:57
UbugtuMalone bug 46398 in ubiquity ""Select a disk" loops forever..." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4639806:57
mdzKamion: add to DRR06:57
Kamionwill do06:57
Keybukwhat does auto-resize mean?06:57
KeybukI've always wondered that06:57
mdzKeybuk: "resize partition <foo> and use freed space"06:57
Keybukisn't that custom partitioning?06:57
Kamionmdz: self.size> correct06:58
KamionKeybuk: no06:58
sfllawmdz: jbailey thought he found two RC bugs on amd64.  But I don't think he's filed them yet.06:58
Kamioncustom => "Manual partitioning"06:58
Keybukwhat's custom partitioning?06:58
Keybukyou have to do manual partitioning to resize partitions though?06:58
mdzKeybuk: "partition manually" or whatever06:58
Kamionno you don't06:58
mdzKeybuk: gparted06:58
Keybukyou don't?06:58
=== Keybuk is confused
Kamionsometimes partman offers you the opportunity to resize the biggest resizable partition on your disk and autopartition the free space created by doing that06:59
Keybukunder what conditions does it offer that?06:59
Kamionit's a bit complicated and there are several constraints so it cannot always offer it06:59
Keybukah, right06:59
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Keybukwhat should I put for that?  "Unable to test" or something?06:59
infinityKamion: That patch appears to fix my crash-on-partition-deletion bug, yes.07:00
Kamionif there is already >=2.2GB unpartitioned space it won't offer it; there needs to be a resizable partition with >=3GB free (and HFS doesn't count as resizable here, which is probably an error)07:01
Kamionon x86, there needs to be room to create a primary partition07:01
Keybukah, so it can't be offered for powerpc anyway?07:01
Kamionwhich means that there must be <4 primary partitions in existence already, and if there are no logical partitions then there must be <3 primary partitions so that it can also create an extended partition07:01
Keybukthere appears to be 9 primary partitions in existance07:02
iwjI told the installer Dutch, in London, and it offers me Belgian as the default choice for keyboard ...07:02
Kamionand if there's already an extended partition then logical partitions in the middle of it don't count07:02
Keybukdo macs have primary and extended partitions still then?07:02
KamionKeybuk: the Mac partition table does not, no07:02
Kamionit only has one partition type; much saner07:02
KeybukI assumed they'd just have some randomly different table07:03
KamionKeybuk: yeah, powerpc probably won't see it very often at present07:03
Keybukany easy way to trigger it for testing purposes?07:03
pittiI'm glad to report that with an updated ubiquity, and today's fixes, all ppc scenarios (except my untested 'expert' variant) succeed07:03
iwjUnder what circumstances is auto-resize supposed to work ?07:03
Kamioniwj: known bug; we have trouble dealing with language/country combinations that don't match up to a locale in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED07:04
Kamioniwj: I just spent several lines outlining the exact circumstances where it's offered above07:04
infinityKamion: FWIW, the loop is definitely a regression, since the last time I used espresso/ubiquity on this machine, it was able to "take over /dev/hdc" just fine.07:04
Kamionpitti: great07:04
KamionKeybuk: not really :-/07:04
pittiouch @ ubuntu-meta 0.11607:05
Kamionoh I suppose you could create a large vfat partition07:05
pittioh, that was from yesterday07:05
KeybukKamion: hmm. 1.0.6 could explain my earlier crash ... I might retry that drive with 1.0.6 in a bit07:05
Kamionmight still not quite work though; it should log why it isn't offering it07:05
iwjKamion: Oh, so you did, thanks.07:05
KamionKeybuk: I'll go through later and play hunt-the-duplicate07:06
iwjUnfortunately I don't think I can create those conditions without going and buying a disk ...07:06
pittiKamion: btw, all my attempts to create a large vfat partition on ppc failed; for some reason, gparted only sees unknwon partitions then07:06
KamionKeybuk: no, your crash is different07:06
iwjAnd now I've managed to lock up the partitioner.07:06
pittiKamion: however, this feature isn't so interesting on ppc anyway, I'll test it on amd64 again on Sunday07:06
KeybukKamion: oh, ok07:06
KamionKeybuk: there are a lot of instances of things like your crash though; I'll add an item to the radar to defend against those07:07
KeybukRiddell: how did you get auto-resize to be offered on powerpc?  You've put "Y" for that07:07
infinityKamion: I like how d-i uses the reverse DNS for my IP as my suggested hostname.  Is it too late to sneak that feature into ubiquity?07:09
infinity(or too much code)07:09
Kamioninfinity: discussed at length at UI sprint, explicitly decided not to07:09
infinityOf course, others may hate that.  I like it, cause my reverse DNS here is correct, so I get to type less.07:09
Kamion-> sabdfl07:09
infinityKamion: Ahh, damn.07:09
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Kamioninfinity: I like it too on my network, but I have to admit that for many users in ubiquity's target audience, the reverse DNS is useless07:10
iwjKamion: I've still got the system in the stuck state I report in bug 46404.  Do you want me to do any investigation right now ?07:11
UbugtuMalone bug 46404 in ubiquity "partitioner locked up" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4640407:11
infinityKamion: Quite probably true.  And I'll admit that I'd never use ubuquity except in testing, so there we go. :)07:11
iwj(Let's all pile on Kamion until he's completely squashed.)07:11
infinityubuquity?  Wow.  FINGERS, GO.07:11
mdzRiddell: please use PASS/FAIL rather than Y/N, as documented on the page07:11
Keybukinfinity: infiquity07:12
Kamioniwj: can you attach /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/partman to that bug please? I'd also like to know what processes are running as root07:12
iwjKamion: Willdo.07:12
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Release preparation in progress: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Uploads are disabled
KamionI think the large blank window is known but it's Kubuntu-specific; Riddell would know better07:13
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Release preparation in progress: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Uploads are queued while a candidate is prepared
ographew, luky me :)07:13
KamionI haven't kept track of the Kubuntu-specific bugs in all cases07:13
ogra*lucky even07:13
infinitymdz: Do we have the means to just lock off main, or did we kill the queue completely?07:13
Kamionmdz: you'll need to manually process binary uploads of stuff that got uploaded just before the cut-off07:14
Kamionor I can do that, but I need dinner now07:14
mdzKamion: I'm told that is not the case07:14
Kamioniwj: /nick ______07:14
Kamionmdz: fair enough, I stand corrected07:14
mdzinfinity: everything07:15
Kamionwe should make sure ubiquity 1.0.6 binaries definitely get in though07:15
mdzKamion: I confirmed with celso that the source was processed07:15
KeybukKamion: pass with 1.0.5, fixed the link_on_boot bug07:15
mdzand its binaries should make their way in along with everything else07:15
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ograedubuntu-{meta,artwork} would also be nice07:15
infinityWell, at least grub-install worked right.  Woo.07:15
=== infinity goes to lock the wiki.
mdzogra: you already uploaded them less than an hour ago; they had better be final07:15
ogramdz, its only language additions to amd64 and dropping the dapper from the ff homepage 07:16
mdzogra: *you already uploaded that*07:17
KamionKeybuk: hooray07:17
mdzso what do we have to talk about?07:17
iwjKamion: done.07:17
mgalvinjust a heads up... i got DapperRC all set in case anyone has time to review/proof it (its not to long, this is all i have time for ATM)07:17
Kamionhe's asking to check that they're in07:17
ogramdz, nothing then i guess, i misunderstood it seems07:17
mdzeverything accepted before I announced the change was processed, of course07:18
infinityKamion: How and when would I see "auto-resize" in ubiquity?07:18
=== Keybuk watches Kamion destroy infinity
infinityKamion: Or will that not appear for me, thanks to the infinite loop bug?07:18
iwjinfinity: Stop wittering on IRC and save Testing/Current :-).07:18
ogramdz, ok, the "binary stuff might need manual love" was confusing me07:19
Kamioninfinity: same reasons as above07:19
Kamioninfinity: it's passed straight through from partman07:19
mdzogra: I just installed Edubuntu, and it shows the CD with a DVD icon. is this normal?07:19
Kamionyou probably won't get it due to the infinite loop at select disk07:19
infinityiwj: Saving...07:19
infinityKamion: Kay.07:19
ogramdz, meh, cant tell, i only have DVDs to test the isos here 07:19
mdzogra: as I said to Kamion at the time, no special care is needed for binary uploads07:19
infinityKamion: Sorry to irritate; Bouncing between IRC and installers is making me lose coherence.07:20
=== ogra looks for a CD to test the icon stuff with
infinityAlso, WIKI, SAVE FASTER.07:20
KeybukI need to get some writable DVDs at some point07:21
KeybukI've had a DVD writer for ages, and never actually used it07:21
Kinnisoniwj: has firefox lost the ability to remember where I put it and with what toolbars I want it to appear?07:21
iwjKinnison: Err, I know of no reason why it should ...07:22
ogramdz, works fine with a windows driver CD i have lying around here, it can only be the ubuntu/edubuntu CD doesnt get recognized right i think07:22
iwjPerhaps your profile has been evaporated somehow.07:22
Kinnisoniwj: I think my profile must be way bugggered then07:22
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=== Kinnison tries moving it out of the way
crimsundanimo: pong, please tell me the output from ``tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat'' in #ubuntu+107:23
iwjThat profile system is truly one of the worst inventions ever.  Less transparent and reliable than the 'doze registry, less structured than /etc+~/.*, less well documented than IRC client settings, ...07:23
mdzogra: it's a hal problem07:23
Kinnisoniwj: aye07:23
KeybukKamion: minor bug; Kubuntu ppc alternate still calls itself "Kubuntu installation CDROM"07:23
mdzvolume.disc_type = 'dvd_rom'07:23
iwjinfinity: Yay, I got the lock.  Ta.07:23
Keybukmdz: could you do a udevinfo -ap on the device too?07:24
mdzI wonder why this doesn't happen with Ubuntu07:24
Keybukand nopaste it somewhere07:24
crimsunpitti: looks like g-s-t (and asoundconf's convenience setter) should set all those values from /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf  (cf. #43146)07:24
Kinnisoniwj: I think it was something in my profile07:24
Kinnisoniwj: Now I need to feed it bit by bit the stuff I care about (E.g. bookmarks)07:24
=== Kinnison sighs
ogramdz, ok07:24
infinitymdz: We'll want to manually push the OOo-amd64 source upload through in a bit, I think.07:24
infinitymdz: Doing the i386 upload right now.07:25
mdzinfinity: *groan*07:25
crimsunpitti: err, not g-s-t but g-c-c rather (fumblefingers)07:25
mdzinfinity: I think it may need to wait until after RC then07:25
mdzi can't stay here all night07:25
infinitymdz: Kay, well i386 will be in at least.07:25
Keybukmdz: actually, I mean can you do "udevinfo -q all -n /dev/hdX" :p07:25
mdzinfinity: depending on how long from now 'a bit' is07:25
mdzKeybuk: it's a pain to copy the data off; any particular field you're interested in?07:26
Keybukmdz: IDE_CDROM_DVD07:26
mdzKeybuk: not present07:27
Keybukmdz: does it have "S: dvd"07:27
mdzKeybuk: no, S: cdrom07:27
Keybukfair enough07:27
Keybukiz hal bug07:27
Keybuk(occasionally what look like hal bugs turn out to be ata driver bugs)07:27
infinitymdz: Well, it'll take a publisher run to get the i386 binaries in, then the -amd64 source package can be rolled and shoved in.07:27
jdubKeybuk: so long as it supports dma...07:27
=== Keybuk tips a siege tower of custard over jdub
ograwhy custard ... ?07:28
ogramustard smells more funny :)07:28
mdzinfinity: a publisher run should have started on the hour, no?07:28
infinitymdz: I'm not overly fussed if it doesn't make RC... i386 is the most tested arch anyway, so having the most recent binaries there is more useful.07:28
infinitymdz: Yeah, but I'm uploading the i386 binaries /now/.07:29
mdzinfinity: oh :-/07:29
infinitymdz: I can hand-drive another publisher run, though.07:29
mdzI thought they were already in07:29
mdzogra: happens in ubuntu, too07:30
mdzmust be something with vmware07:30
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ogramdz, ok, thats calmig fro edubuntu, but not nice ...07:30
=== ogra looks at the hal ML i think there was a patch flying around
mdzprobably vmware just doesn't report the media type correctly07:31
infinitymdz: We don't have a hope of seeing binaries on powerpc for ages anyway, so unless we want specific testing of the -amd64 stuff, it's not like they'll all be in sync anyway.07:32
ogramdz, sad, the patch i remembered was only for burn capabilities ...07:32
ograso lets blame vmware ...07:32
ogra(for now, i'll test it later tonight here)07:33
mdzinfinity: huhwhat powerpc?07:35
infinitymdz: OOo powerpc... Only been building for an hour...07:35
mdzoh, right, the new one07:36
mdzat least it has ubuntu8 though07:36
infinityYeah, true dat.07:36
RiddellKeybuk: auto-resize is offered if partman recons it can do it07:38
KeybukRiddell: what did you do to make partman offer it?07:38
Riddelldoing a erase all install then a second install will offer it07:38
Keybukcool, will try that07:38
Riddellassuming your hard disk is big enough07:39
dholbachdo I assume correctly, that I can upload ubuntu-artwork now and it will be queued and everything's fine?07:39
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mdzdholbach: yes07:40
janimonomed: ping07:40
janimoI just tested and see the firefox bug as well07:40
dholbachbecause it fixes two issues we got a bunch of duplicates for, I'd be happy if it was in.07:40
KeybukRiddell: ah, this is only a 4GB07:40
janimoGloubiboulga: did the install finish well?07:40
Gloubiboulgajanimo, yes07:41
Keybukthat would explain why it also wasn't offered by the alternate CD07:41
nomedjanimo, plese read the log of xubuntu :)07:41
janimoGloubiboulga: hmm still ltsp? I tought I took that out07:41
janimonomed, ok :)07:41
nomedi listed some issues that should be fixed07:41
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janimoGloubiboulga: did it take a lot of time again building ltsp chroot?07:41
Gloubiboulgajanimo, it's the same error than the first time I got it07:41
Gloubiboulgajanimo, yes07:42
nomedjanimo, have u seen the new xfdesktop patch ?07:42
janimonomed, not yet07:42
janimowas away the past 2 hours07:42
nomedcheck xfce-devel07:42
Keybuk"The installation CD does not contain full support for your language"07:42
Keybukare we not shipping English anymore?07:43
janimoGloubiboulga: very strange since there is no ltsp in the desktop or install seed07:43
KamionKeybuk: true - can you file that on /products/ubuntu-cdimage? May not get fixed now though.07:43
Kamion("Kubuntu installation cdrom"07:44
KamionKeybuk: language-support-en should definitely be there07:44
KamionKeybuk: what CD is that?07:44
Keybukit had to download it07:44
KeybukKubuntu PPC Alternate07:44
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Kamionit's seeded07:44
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Gloubiboulgajanimo, yes, that's strange...07:45
Keybukit's also in /cdrom/pool07:45
Keybukso why did it ask me?07:45
ograoversized ? is it missing partially or a dependency ? 07:46
KamionKeybuk: could you complete the installation and put /var/log/installer/syslog somewhere please?07:46
janimoGloubiboulga: can you do a dist-upgrade and see if today's changes are ok?07:46
Kamionogra: pkgsel wouldn't notice if it were07:46
Kamion                if ! [ "$(chroot /target apt-cache -n search "^language-support-$l\$")" ] ; then07:46
iwjKamion: do you want anything else from this wedged box or can I reboot it ?07:46
Kamionthat's the test07:46
KeybukKamion: sure, what should I file the bug on?07:46
KamionKeybuk: pkgsel07:46
janimoGloubiboulga: aboiut page linking to the desktop guide, and the cursor theme is human (strtup notification icon )07:46
KinnisonKeybuk: I just did a kubuntu-alternative install of english and it worked (i386)07:46
Gloubiboulgajanimo, ok, I need to reboot07:47
KeybukKamion: I can greb the log for something, any text I should look for?07:47
lamontremind me what the cdbs target is for applying patches?07:47
KamionRiddell: I think iwj's problem (bug 46404) is ubiquity waiting for qtparted to exit; can you have a look and see if you need any more info?07:47
UbugtuMalone bug 46404 in ubiquity "partitioner locked up" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4640407:47
janimonomed: weird the firefox bug, should it not be the same in gnome?07:48
ograKamion, Keybuk, well http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/report.html07:48
Kamioniwj: stracing the qtparted process there (7324) for a bit might not do any harm07:48
Kamionogra: certainly won't help07:48
nomedjanimo, i guess it 's the same in gnome07:48
janimonomed: apparently #xubuntu is not logged? was the discussion in u-meeting by any chance?07:48
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KinnisonRiddell: kubuntu didn't usplash_down from kdm, is this a known bug?07:48
ograKamion, looks horrible ... and if Keybuk got that one i think its likely that something is missing07:49
KamionKeybuk: actually can you do 'debconf-get localechooser/supported-locales' please?07:49
KeybukKamion: there's a message -- "pkgsel: language-support packages not available on CD"07:49
nomedjanimo mainly ..07:49
janimonomed: I wonder why we get the bug? I doubt people wouldn't not notice it so far if it happened in gnome too07:49
KamionKeybuk: does /cdrom/.disk/base_installable exist?07:49
Kamion(sanity check)07:49
Kamionogra: yes but let me debug this as well please07:49
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KeybukKamion: yes07:49
nomed1) usplash has an issue07:49
ograKamion, sorry07:49
nomedif you do not use 640x400 you'll see two lines ..07:50
KeybukKamion: en_GB.UTF-8, en_US.UTF-807:50
nomedas if the image is 2px smaller07:50
KamionKeybuk: chroot /target apt-cache -n search "^language-support-en"07:50
KamionKeybuk: chroot /target apt-cache -n search "^language-support-en$"07:50
KeybukKamion: zilch07:51
Kamion(sorry, first was wrong)07:51
RiddellKinnison: it does fail sometimes yes07:51
janimonomed, seems like I was too optimistic when I taught it would be the last usplash upload :(07:51
RiddellKinnison: how did you logout?07:51
nomedjanimo, then gdm theme should use tango style icons ..07:51
KinnisonRiddell: logout from the K menu, chose "turn off computer"07:51
KeybukKamion: not in /cdrom/pool07:51
janimonomed: I think it is too late for the gdm theme to be redone07:51
nomedthe ones used are not really nice with the wholo xubuntu-look07:51
nomedjanimo, just change the icons07:51
KamionKeybuk: I thought you said language-support-en was in /cdrom/pool07:51
Kamion18:45 < Keybuk> it's also in /cdrom/pool07:52
janimonomed: especially if it happens in the same style as before with me ping-ponging mails with the art guy07:52
KeybukKamion: sorry I confused language-support-en with language-BASE-en07:52
Kamionym pack?07:52
Keybukyes, I mean pack07:52
Keybuksee :)07:52
iwjKamion: It's looping:  select, returns immediately because 0 is readable; fstat64(0,); _llseek(0,)->ESPIPE; read(0)->EOF; ioctl(3,FIONREAD,[0] )07:52
Kamionah, then it is just the oversizing and ogra is correct. sorry ogra07:52
RiddellKamion: looking07:52
janimonomed: it would be best if there was a discussion on the list (not just PM to me) and if people pick 3-4 icons which are better I will include them in an upcoming upload07:52
=== lamont grumbles at the lack of seb128
Keybukright-o; no point filing this as a bug then?07:52
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=== fabbione points lamont to dholbach
nomedjanimo, ok07:53
ograKamion, no need to feel sorry, youre usually right, was just a matter of my belly and luck ;)07:53
Gloubiboulgajanimo: xubuntu-desktop depends on ubuntu-artwork now ?07:53
Kamioniwj: right, dumped that into the bug and reassigned to qtparted then07:53
janimonomed: thanks. indeed it does not seem much work, but only for someone who knows what he's doing. So I just upload do not decide :)07:53
Kamionoh bugger, wrong bug07:53
=== lamont pokes dholbach
dholbachlamont: how can I help you?07:53
Keybukclearly I need to step away from the computer for a little bit, I'm unable to even read the screen properly anymore07:53
janimoGloubiboulga: yes, for the Human cursos theme07:54
janimoGloubiboulga: I hope it does not break anything 07:54
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lamontdholbach: somewhere in metacity it makes a decision that if the newly created/rendered window doesn't get focus, then it should render under.  or maybe it just forces the focused window to the front, dunno...)  can you point me at where?07:54
KamionKeybuk: no, but we do need to sort out that oversizing before release07:54
Gloubiboulgajanimo: I'm dist upgrading, I'll remove my config and log in again07:54
Kamionbefore RC even07:54
nomedi think is a good idea to have ubuntu-artwork anyway ..07:54
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iwjKamion: OK.  I'll gdb it and paste in the stack trace, too, I think, and then reboot.07:55
nomedjanimo, those icons of the quit dialog are from ?07:55
dholbachlamont: I'll have to have a look. I know that we have a patch in there, just for you :)07:55
janimonomed: I took them from the Human icon theme which gnome uses for logout07:56
janimoI don';t really want to chaneg them again07:56
nomedno no ..07:56
janimoare they not pretty :) ?07:56
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lamontdholbach: further investigation shows that it's the auto-raise deciding to yank the (still-)focused window to the top07:56
nomedso we may use them too within gdm theme07:56
=== lamont wants to tweak his personal metacity patch, you see...
Keybukdholbach: now is not the time to bitch that after I patiently spent ages making sure the "Reboot Required" dialog icon and panel icon matched, someone appears to have made them different? :)07:56
janimonomed: ah yes07:56
janimonomed: I agree07:56
Gloubiboulgajanimo: I have a nice white mouse cursor :)07:57
janimoGloubiboulga: nice :)07:57
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astronutdoko: ping07:57
dholbachKeybuk: which ones?!07:57
dholbachKeybuk: which ubuntu-artwork version?07:57
Gloubiboulgajanimo: what should I look about the documentation?07:57
Keybukdholbach: the applet panel icon is supposed to be a mini version of the icon in the dialog which is supposed to be the same as the icon in the shutdown dialog07:57
Keybuknone of these three things is true anymore07:57
janimoGloubiboulga: it was there while gdm was depending on ubunut-artwork and disappeared when that went away07:58
Keybukwhatever's on the candidates we're testing07:58
janimoGloubiboulga: see if the start page links to the desktop guide in the help section07:58
nomedjanimo, so you could just do that (?)07:58
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dholbachKeybuk: reboot required should have the same as in the logout dialog07:58
dholbachKeybuk: i sent the icon to mvo to change it07:58
Gloubiboulgajanimo: yes, it's correctly linked07:58
dholbachKeybuk: there was a bug report and it's fixed07:58
dholbachKeybuk: can you show me a screenshot?07:58
janimoGloubiboulga: ok, too bad there are no translations at all for the about page07:59
Keybukyup, one moment07:59
janimoGloubiboulga: thanks I think those are the only changes made since yesterday07:59
dholbachlamont: I'm sorry, I never plunged into the depths of metacity.  :(07:59
janimonow I have to figure out what is wrong with the ltsp07:59
Keybukdholbach: ah, there appears to be a new version _TODAY_07:59
dholbachKeybuk: it's been fixed since some days07:59
lamontdholbach: no worries08:00
Keybukdholbach: I haven't updated in a few days08:00
lamontdo we expect seb128 back in the next day or 2?08:00
KeybukI just keep forgetting to mention it08:00
dholbachKeybuk: ... guy! :)08:00
=== lamont expects he just went to dinner/bed/whatever
janimonomed: if they are separate files I'll do that08:00
dholbachlamont: testing edubuntu cds08:00
lamontah, ok08:00
=== lamont tries updating his patch.
ogradholbach, oh, wow !08:01
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dholbachKeybuk: i think that's bug 4513708:03
UbugtuMalone bug 45137 in update-notifier "Three different images for restart" [Minor,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4513708:03
Keybukdholbach: yeah, when I wrote it I made damned sure all the icons matched08:04
Gloubiboulgajanimo: do you know which file I should edit to change the gdm theme?08:04
KeybukI even made a little icon to match <g>08:04
=== dholbach hugs Keybuk :)
Keybukwas ironically amusing to discover someone had broken that08:05
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nomedjanimo, /usr/share/gdm/themes/xubuntu/08:05
janimoGloubiboulga: /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf08:05
janimoheh :)08:05
lamontdholbach: looks like someone may have fixed a race condition that creates my current annoyance.08:05
janimoGloubiboulga: ah the theme itself, then nomed is right08:06
=== lamont will ponder
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tepsipakkicould the leak fix in bug #46417 still make it for dapper?08:06
UbugtuMalone bug 46417 in krb5 "a memory leak in rel_cred.c" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4641708:06
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Gloubiboulganomed, janimo, I don't want to edit the theme, I just want to use an other one, and change the gdm config for that :)08:07
Keybukmdz: do we really have cron.daily enabled on the Live CD ? :)08:07
lamontKeybuk: I don't recall ever disabling it.08:08
ograGloubiboulga, use sudo gdmsetup 08:08
nomedGloubiboulga, i guess you could do that using gdmsetup08:08
Keybukwouldn't anacron automatically assume that it's been "more than a day" since it was last booted, on the basis of the CD image creation time08:08
Keybukso always run cron.daily when ever some poor bugger boots the Live CD ?08:08
Gloubiboulgaogra: someone on #xubuntu says that gdmsetup segfaults08:08
ograGloubiboulga, not on ubuntu/edubuntu ... must be xubuntu specific08:09
Gloubiboulgait works fine here, but *he* wants to change the theme08:09
mdzKeybuk: we disabled it in Breezy08:09
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Keybukyou're the one that suggested updatedb ran in my Live session :)08:09
janimoGloubiboulga: then the file I said under /etc/gdm08:09
mdzKeybuk: you're the one who invented this crazy story about /rofs in locate's database08:10
Gloubiboulgajanimo: yep08:10
janimoGloubiboulga: can you ask him to file a bug if he can reproduce it?08:10
Keybukmdz: it's not a story, it's TRUE!08:10
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mdzKeybuk: you confirmed the db had been updated?08:10
nomedGloubiboulga, he could run gdmsetup from shell 08:10
Keybukin a few hours, once this alternate test has finished, I'll boot Live again and prove it to you08:10
janimoalthiugh gdmsetup is the exact same as in ubuntu, that we did not need to modify08:10
Keybukjanimo: gdmsetup sometimes segfaults if gdm has gone away since the session started08:11
Gloubiboulgajanimo: I asked him to file the bug already, and he's gone now...08:11
mdzKeybuk: if you confirm, get together with Mithrandir and see that it's corrected08:11
nomedit works here ..08:11
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janimoKeybuk: oh so it's known08:11
mdzKeybuk: you reckon we should just disable cron?08:11
mdzseems a bit heavy-handed08:11
janimoGloubiboulga: ok it is not such a big issue imho08:12
Keybukmdz: at least the built-in cron08:12
Gloubiboulgajanimo: nop08:12
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Keybukie. not do /etc/crontab or /etc/cron.*  (maybe unless there's a cow)08:12
ograKeybuk, how can gdm go away without killing my session ? 08:12
Keybukogra: upgrade08:12
janimoas in gdm restart?08:12
lamontmdz: or at least tell it that cron.daily ran already08:12
ograhmm, so out of sync between the running gdm and gdmsetup ...08:13
ograright ...08:13
mdzlamont: I don't think cron keeps state08:13
Keybukanacron does though08:13
infinityyeah, it's probably saner to get casper to tell anacron/cron that .daily just ran...08:13
mdzbut anacron only runs from cron08:13
Keybukmdz: and on boot08:13
mdzand we  don't want the other cron jobs to run either08:13
mdzKeybuk: it's disabled on boot08:13
infinityIf you have a livecd up for 24 hours, maybe you want .daily to run... (Say, when I decide to start rolling ubuntu-server livecds in edgy)08:13
Keybukmdz: really?  I thought I saw it in the boot sequence though I MAY HAVE BEEN HALLUCINATING ;)08:14
lamontinfinity: true08:14
mdzKeybuk: by casper08:14
kmr-awaycould someone confirm I'm using launchpad correctly? I reported a serious bug 2 weeks along with a simple patch along with links to a test case, but launchpad still shows the bug as unconfirmed. I wonder if I should be doing something more: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/imagemagick/+bug/4430708:14
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UbugtuMalone bug 44307 in imagemagick "Assertion failure processing ICC profiles with perlmagick" [Major,Unconfirmed]  08:14
mdzKeybuk: ./casper-bottom/25configure_init:rm -f /root/etc/rc?.d/S??anacron08:14
mdzkmr: see /topic08:14
Keybukmdz: well, that would certainly do it08:14
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ograkmr, please ask on #launchpad08:15
mdzkmr: we're in the middle of a release08:15
kmrokay, thanks for the tips!08:15
janimonomed, xfdesktop patch looks interesting, and would be nice but I think it's too late for it08:15
Keybukmdz: what puts that back for the real install?08:15
janimohave you tried it?08:15
mdzKeybuk: nothing; ubiquity copies /rofs08:15
nomednot yet ..08:15
Keybukmdz: cunning08:16
mdzKeybuk: hence it having to remove langpacks, etc.08:16
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Keybukoh, wow, this goes so much faster if I fiddle with hdparm in the installer08:20
ograKeybuk, what ? udev didnt set DMA right for your CDrom ? *g*08:21
Keybukheh @ "The drive appears confused"08:21
Keybukogra: udev doesn't set DMA ... the kernel does08:21
nomedjanimo, may u take a look on xfce4-mixer?08:21
nomed xfce4-mixer-
bddebianHeya LaserJock08:22
janimoKamion, any idea how ltsp can be on yestardays xubuntu CD if it's not in the desktop or installer seed?It is in ship though08:22
janimoKamion: I mean not how can it be on the CD but why does it try to get installed08:23
ograKeybuk, as there are only ltsp whishlist bugs (for edgy) :P08:23
janimonomed: what to look at? I have played with icon names yesterday08:23
nomedif we want the correct icon we need to patch that file08:24
nomedit looked really simple ..08:24
janimonomed, did it fix it?08:24
Keybukooh, wow, it's finally finished configuring stuff08:24
nomedbut i do not get the icon on xfce-settings-show08:24
nomedjust on 08:24
janimoI changed the icon name as well, but am not sure what to use to be ok across themes08:24
nomedxfce-settings-show sound header08:24
=== bddebian has no idea what to do at them moment :-(
janimoxfce4-sound does not look like what benny had in his screenshot08:25
janimodid that icon go away entirely?08:25
nomedjanimo, it the correct icon for that dialog08:26
nomedxfce4-mixer is a link to08:26
mdzKamion: I added a post-RC section to DRR; do you have anything to add?08:27
mdz(to it)08:27
nomedvolume-control that's gone in tango because of gpl .. and not cc08:27
nomedis the xfce4-mixer icon08:27
nomedbut for that dialog xfce4-sound is the best choice 08:27
nomedthat's how i patched legacy.xml08:28
nomedand what upstreamer should use08:28
KeybukRiddell: what's /etc/rcS.d/S37displayconfig-hwprobe.py ?08:28
nomedxfce4-mixer is the app icon08:28
LureKeybuk: afair, DPI setting for fonts in KDE08:29
Keybukbecause it might be useful if that's moved to *after* /usr is mounted08:29
Keybukbeing written in Python, and all08:29
Keybukjust a thought08:29
RiddellKeybuk: isn't that S35mountall.sh?08:30
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KeybukRiddell: no, /usr isn't available until ~ S5008:30
KeybukRiddell: that should be S50...  like hwclock, etc.08:31
KeybukI put /usr on a usb stick, just to make things interesting with custom partitioning08:31
Riddellok, I can change that after RC08:31
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Keybukmountall only mounts local stuff on the same bus from /etc/fstab, etc.08:32
Keybukand dude, dpkg-reconfigure in boot?!08:32
Keybuksick, sick puppy08:32
sabdflspecial kind of twisted, that08:32
ograKeybuk, casper and ltsp-client do that too ;)08:33
Keybukogra: damning praise08:33
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Keybukhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StreamlinedBoot  <--  look, I _actually_ documented what you can do at each point in rcS.d :p08:35
Riddellare there any plans to build the CDs to pick up ubiquity and other changes?08:35
ograKeybuk, isnt it written in rcS README anyway ?08:35
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ograor init.d/README, cant remeber08:35
Keybukogra: heh, amusingly, rcS README is wrong08:35
ograinfinity, BUG ! :)08:36
KeybukI'll fix that in edgy, by removing /etc/rcS.d08:36
mdzinfinity: hmm, no oo.o in the latest publisher run?08:36
Keybuk(note: lie)08:36
fabbioneogra: you do what???????? dpkg-reconfigure at boot???08:36
=== fabbione sighs
KeybukRiddell: actually, thinking about it, put that at S60 -- that's the "right" place for it08:37
ografabbione, how else should the X server autoconfig work 08:37
=== fabbione will start asking all X config question at pri critical
Keybukfabbione: DO IT!08:37
fabbioneKeybuk: that would fix your bug too :)08:37
ografabbione, both, the liveCD and ltsp rely on it08:37
mdzfabbione: dude, it's a stateless thin client08:37
Keybukmdz: actually, this is just Kubuntu install08:38
fabbionemdz -> vesa driver and a fast xresprobe to catch DDC or fall back.. no need to reconfigure08:38
fabbionecall dexconf to write the config for you08:38
fabbione3 times as fast08:39
ografabbione, what about lts.conf and all the preseeded Xorg values ? should we sed it ?08:39
fabbionebetter results08:39
mdzfabbione: it's been this way for a year08:39
ograand its the *right* way if you need to preseed08:39
fabbioneogra: you can still preseed some stuff...08:39
fabbionemdz: i didn't write it or being asked on how to do it08:39
ografabbione, like mouse device or keymap ?08:39
mdzwe shouldn't forego acceleration to gain a few seconds at boot time08:40
fabbioneogra: dexconf uses the values in debconf08:40
ografabbione, and dexconf is called by -reconfigure, no ?08:40
fabbioneogra: yes, but reconfigure has hell of a bloat of code compared to dexconf08:40
fabbionemdz: well it's quite a bunch of seconds08:40
fabbioneit's kind of late for dapper08:41
ograyes, i know, its my slowest bootstep still08:41
mdzI think it's about 3 here08:41
ografabbione, lets talk in paris ...08:41
ograyoure not in paris08:41
fabbioneogra: nope.. i won't be there08:41
Keybuk"mount: Function not implemented" ... wonder what that's about08:41
fabbionemdz: unlikely if you don't have the debconf db cached in memory08:41
ogradamned ... so lets talk it through after release08:41
infinitymdz: That's cause the last publisher run crashed.08:42
mdzinfinity: does cprov know that?08:42
infinitymdz: It's a bug we've seen before, but we can poke him to look at the log.08:42
infinitymdz: For now, I'm going to disable the cronjob and re-run by hand.08:42
mdzinfinity: ok08:42
Keybukmdz: ok, this is odd; a fresh boot doesn't have /rofs on the front08:45
Keybuksomething must have done updatedb08:45
mdzKeybuk: ->Mithrandir then08:46
Keybukwhy do we run updatedb twice in cron.daily?08:47
infinitymdz: Oh, FFS.  Now the thing's stuck.08:49
Keybukdholbach: why does gdm stop _not_ in the live cd?08:50
dholbachKeybuk: mh?08:50
dholbachKeybuk: what do you mean?08:50
Keybukdholbach: if you boot live, C-A-F1 then do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ... it doesn't08:50
=== dholbach tries
Keybukkdm does :)  except it throws up usplash08:53
KeybukRiddell: known?08:53
RiddellKeybuk: yes08:54
dholbachKeybuk: hum, dunno if the funny messages in .xsession-errors say something08:57
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dholbachKeybuk: do you have some gdkpixbuf-critical gnome-panel messages too?08:57
Keybukmeh, I've turned it off now08:58
KeybukI'll look in a bit again08:58
Keybukright now, I'm hungry and going slightly insane, so am going to leave the computer alone for an hour ;)08:58
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infinitymdz: Oh wow.  A couple days after NVIDIA decided to fix their most ugly bugs, ATI went and did the same.  New fglrx just got released, fixing the "crash when switching consoles" and "doesn't effin' work with 512MB video adapters" bugs, among others.08:58
infinitymdz: Will we be pushing new binary love in -updates?08:59
dholbachKeybuk: my /var/log/Xorg.0.log says somethin about "Ok, leaving now..."08:59
fabbionei suggest to do it now08:59
mdzinfinity: sure, why not08:59
fabbionethey are binary blobs08:59
mdzinfinity: add it to the relevant section on DRR08:59
fabbioneand they will be on CD08:59
Keybukmdz: oh, is there any particular hardware you'd like me to bring to London?08:59
mdzKeybuk: amd64 and powerpc09:00
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Keybukok, I'll see if I can bribe my boyfriend to giving me a lift to London09:00
mdzthe amd64 laptop I used for beta has been...."repurposed"09:00
Keybukthe amd64 is a *tad* heavy09:00
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Keybukwill you be in the office on monday?09:00
mdzactually this huge server might be an amd6409:00
=== bddebian may have to buy and amd64 and PPC for Dapper+1
mdzKeybuk: I may be in the office *until* monday at this rate09:00
infinitymdz: FWIW, I'm inclined to agree with fabbione that one blob is the same as the next, and we should just push 'em on the CD before release.  But the question was also "will we keep updating them?"09:01
mdzKeybuk: ah, it is an amd6409:01
Keybukmdz: I trust you know all the nearby 24hr eating places?09:01
mdzKeybuk: there are like 3 in London09:01
mdznone that I would classify as 'nearby'09:01
Keybukah, I suppose you do have dietary constraints09:01
mdzlike "I'm hungry at 3am"?09:01
garbagood evening anybody knows if and when emblems in nautilus will be fixed?09:01
Keybukgarba: July09:02
garbawith gnome 2.14.2?09:02
tsenggarba: #ubuntu09:02
mdzwith Windows Vista09:02
garba:) funny09:03
Keybukmdz: http://www.wcities.com/en/cat/121/1/category.html09:03
garbawell i was just wondering if there's some cvs patch somewhere that's why im asking here in the dev channel09:03
Kamionjanimo: dunno why it'd be trying to get installed; if you put the syslog somewhere I can figure it out09:04
mdzKeybuk: "Late/24-Hour"09:04
Kamionmdz: I had a post-rc section under bugs already; you can move stuff down from that if you like09:04
ogragarba, see topic, we prepare a release candidate atm ...09:04
Keybukmdz: several of those are 24hr09:04
mdzVingt Quatre is legitimately 24-hour, i've been htere09:04
Keybuka few down the fulham road are09:04
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KamionRiddell: yes, we'll be rebuilding once all the stuff is through the publisher09:06
Kamionmdz: we so should have had a BreezyReleaseRadar, and then we'd have been talking about BRR09:07
Kamiono/~ I got chills, they're multiplying o/~09:07
KeybukKamion: I'm looking forwards to the EdgyReleaseRadar09:08
infinityKamion: You're losing your mind again.09:08
KamionKeybuk: will be very appropriate, considering the release mandate09:08
Kamion"err, yeah, whatever"09:08
infinityKamion: There's another week of this to go, you can't go completely nuts yet.09:08
ograstop making me spill my coffe over the whie ibook09:08
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KeybukKamion: I'm still seriously considering suggesting we don't have a UVF for edgy, and just stick everything in until the last minute <g>09:09
Kamioninstead of "rigid and boring", I propose "flaccid and eyebrow-raising"09:09
bddebianKeybuk: I like it! :-)09:09
KamionRiddell: have you sorted out the Kubuntu alternate CD overflow?09:10
janimoGloubiboulga: saw what Kamion said wrt ltsp?can you get the log?thanks09:10
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RiddellKamion: I don't see an overflow09:10
mdzinfinity: I eyeballed the pending builds and I don't see anything there which goes on the CD09:11
KamionRiddell: check report.html, it's unfortunately kinda hidden09:11
KeybukRiddell: ppc kubuntu is kinda missing language-support-en :)09:11
KamionI imagine it just needs a language-pack-ectomy09:11
Kamion(in ship)09:11
infinitymdz: So, after this publisher run (which is getting us ubiquity and some -meta stuff), you want to just call it gold, and start rolling new candidates?09:11
Kamionwhich fortunately does not require a new upload09:11
infinitymdz: We'll miss OOo, due to... Whatever's going on with rosetta, but otherwise looking good.09:12
GloubiboulgaKamion, I've not seen what you wrote about ltsp, which log file do you need, all?09:12
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RiddellKamion: has the build process changed to block overflows then?09:12
KamionRiddell: I'll explain later, but it's been like this for quite a long time09:12
RiddellKamion: any way to find out how much it's overflowed?09:12
Kamioncertain types of overflows don't show up properly; I consider it a cdimage bug09:12
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KamionRiddell: yes, check the CD build log on http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/cd-build-logs/ and look for "CD 2"09:13
KamionRiddell: (ignore the "CD 2" that shows up while building source CDs; that one doesn't matter)09:13
ograbetter for "CD 2 will only"09:13
ograelse you jump through all the source stuff09:13
Kamionthanks ogra, yes09:14
=== ogra does it thrice a day currently ...
=== highvoltage just read that completely out of context
RiddellCD 2 will only be filled with 68259614 bytes  so I'm 68 megs over?09:15
ogralooks like09:15
ograRiddell, http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/langpacks/langpacksize.txt kind of helpful09:16
Kamionalthough that may be slightly off due to however far CD 1 was from the actual limit09:16
Kamion68259614 - (736051200 - size-of-CD-1)09:16
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RiddellI guess all language packs up to sv is quit optimistic09:17
Kamionyeah :)09:17
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ograheh, yes09:18
Kamionalthough it's not all up to sv, you have all up to ms (I think) and then sv09:18
Kamionmy god that's a lot of binaries to new09:18
=== Kamion will deal with the apt-get.org-induced ones
=== ogra looks for another towel to pick up all the coffee from the ibook ... i'll never buy a white laptop again
mdkeogra: coffee is generally bad for even coffee coloured laptops :)09:20
infinityDon't discourage the boy.  And excuse to not buy Apple products is a good one, no matter how flimsy the logic.09:21
ogramdke, yeah, i'll get an outdoor lappie next time ...09:21
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mdkeinfinity: good point09:21
ograinfinity, i have it only for ppc testing and its the handy small one i have 09:21
ograits easier to carry around ... if i had the choice back then i'd have bought an ibm09:22
infinityWell, I still want a quad-core G5, but I think that's just some sort of penis size thing.09:22
ograget a porsche ;) heals everything09:23
mdkei have a question about release numbers. We're making a website for documentation, and we have a tab for each release (5.10, 6.06 etc). We'd like to leave out the "LTS" from the 6.06 tab, is there some kind of official logic that means we should do one or the other?09:23
infinitymdke: mdz may override this, but from how we're using numbers elsewhere, I think "6.06" when it's JUST a number, and "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS" when it's a product name.09:23
mdkeinfinity: it's basically just a number - a test page is http://help.ubuntu.com/5.10/09:24
infinityThat seems to make sense and be consistent with how other things (like launchpad and LSB) display the info.09:24
mdkeinfinity: so scrapping the LTS from the top right tabs would be reasonable?09:24
infinityWell, it also allows for more tabs, so I can see the design argument for it. :)09:25
mdkeyeah, it will help for 60.0609:25
infinityI'm hardly the final word on it, but I like "LTS" when used as a product name for marketing purposes.09:25
mdkeok, thanks09:26
infinityFor pure versioning, "5.04, 5.10, 6.06, 6.10" is much easier to parse without throwing a random LTS in the mix.09:26
mdkeyeah, it looks rather odd09:26
=== ogra doesnt ... but thats kind of based on the fact he buiulds a product containing ltsp ... lts seems kind of incomplete
mdzinfinity: in that context, I'd keep the LTS09:27
mdzmdke: ^^09:27
infinitymdz: Kay.  Your call.09:27
mdzespecially when listing a sequence of versions, since then it's clear which are long-term releases09:27
infinityOkay, that argument makes some sense.09:27
Kamionin directory names I think bare 6.06 is OK09:27
mdkemdz: do you think the reader will get a bit confused by the random letters?09:27
mdkeprobly not, I guess it's on his install cd09:27
mdzwhen we're looking back over 10 releases it'll be handy to see at a glance which ones are still relevant;-)09:27
infinitymdke: Not if each LTS page explains what LTS means. :)09:28
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Kamionuse <abbr>09:28
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infinitymdke: Or even just the mouseover on the tab itself could say "Long Term Support"09:28
mdkeinfinity: I'm not that keen to get into mouseovers... but I'm sure we'll figure something out09:29
mdkethanks mdz09:29
Kamion<abbr title="Long-Term Support">LTS</abbr>09:29
infinitymdz: So, does that mean we're pretty convinced that we'll stick with this nomenclature for the forseeable future?  (ie: at least long enough to get one more LTS release out)09:29
Kamionif moin supports that09:29
mdzKamion: I can reproduce infinity's loop with two disks in vmware09:29
Kamionmdz: right, that'll give me something to look at09:30
mdkeKamion: it's not only moin, lots are static pages, and pages built from docbook. But I will investigate that. it should work09:30
Kamionmdz: want me to start looking at it straight away, in the event that we have to re-roll for something else?09:30
infinitymdz: Ahh, great.  Nice to know I don't have such completely insane hardware that I'd have to "just cope". :)09:30
mdzinfinity: you're asking me to predict something which is farther in the future than Ubuntu goes into the past ;-)09:30
infinityKamion: I can handle the rolling of images and such, if that'll free you up to keep attacking ubiquity.09:31
mdzKamion: worth a look to see how invasive the fix will be09:31
infinitymdz: Be a visionary, man!09:31
Kamionmdz,sfllaw: applying a dose of realism, I don't think I'm going to get my testing/current stuff done - it was only netboot and upgrades anyway09:31
ogramdz, he just wants to test your confidence :)09:31
KamionI haven't even got as far down as the "merely very urgent and extremely important" work today09:32
bddebianogra: :-)09:32
infinitymdz: Publisher's all done.  Shall we start on new livefses for everyone and all that?09:33
ograinfinity, yes (for edubuntu at least)09:34
mdzinfinity: yes please09:34
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mdzinfinity: confirmed that oo.o and ubiquity made it?09:34
infinitymdz: No OOo.  That's what was hanging the publisher.  malcc and cprov investigating.09:34
infinitymdz: Do we want to wait for it, or just leave it behind?09:35
infinitymdz: ubiquity's definitely in, though.09:35
sfllawKamion: :(09:35
sfllawKamion: Thanks for telling me.09:35
_ionIf i recorded a version of http://johan.kiviniemi.name/music/ion-schizophrenia-prev1.ogg with a band (singer, piano, drums, bass, guitar) during this week, would it be considered for inclusion to the example-content package?09:36
ploumis there a list of accepted Ubuntu SoC somewhere ? (I'm just curious)09:36
mdzinfinity: argh09:36
mdzinfinity: ok09:36
mdzinfinity: go ahead with it09:36
sfllawKamion: Could you try to find someone else with a PPC machine?09:36
RiddellKamion: is it possible to do kubuntu installs with netboot now?09:36
KamionRiddell: if you know the runes, it always has been09:36
Kamionlet me dig them up09:36
Riddell_ion: I'm afraid not09:37
infinitymdz: Hrm.  The soyuz guys claim it "might work" now...09:37
_ionriddell: Ok.09:37
ograsfllaw, i can do some ubuntu ppc testing tomorrow, but tonight i'm completely demoted to edubuntu and i have no ubuntu isos here yet 09:37
KamionRiddell: actually, just preseed/url=http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/debian-cd/ubuntu/data/dapper/preseed/kubuntu/kubuntu.seed should do it09:38
Kamion(yay bzr side-effects)09:38
RiddellKamion: I'll give it a shot09:38
Riddellrsyncing these full ISO images is going slow09:38
KamionRiddell: thanks, that would cover the netboot case pretty well09:39
sfllawogra: Thanks!09:39
Kamionif it works09:39
Kamionsfllaw: I can do some between RC and release, I just seem snowed under until RC09:39
sfllawKamion: Thanks.09:40
infinitymdz: Looks like this fresh publisher run didn't hiccup in that spot.  So, OOo will be ready for i386 in ~20 mins.09:40
mdzinfinity: sweet!09:40
infinitymdz: I started livefs builds on all other arches, we can hold off on i386 until it's ready.09:40
infinityDoes kubuntu ship openoffice?09:41
infinityIf not, I can build that one now.09:41
Kamioninfinity: it does09:41
infinityOh, dang.09:41
infinityBah.  Screw you all. :)09:41
mdzI don't think xubuntu does09:41
mdzwell, not in the livefs09:41
Kamionxubuntu has it in ship, not desktop09:41
infinityYeah, but are we building/testing xubuntu images right now?09:41
mdzonly if janimo is around ;-)09:42
infinityRight, I'll just twiddle my i386 thumbs then.09:42
Riddellinfinity: yes09:42
infinityKamion: Hrm.  Is it intentional that you haven't disabled lithium's crontab?09:43
Kamioninfinity: hadn't quite seemed necessary yet - but I've disabled it now09:44
infinityHeh.  Kay. :)09:44
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omegI made a wikipage earlier and now it's gone.09:44
infinitywiki gremlins.09:45
omegI guess it was deleted for not being structured in the way wikipages usually are. I want to restructure the art team's page.09:45
bddebianinfinity is in rare form today :-)09:45
omegHe's probably all fired up for release.09:45
omegCommitted to working non-stop until June 1st.09:46
bddebianHeya zul09:46
infinitymdz: The more I look at the release announcements for both nvidia-glx and fglrx, the more I think we should do them post-RC, not post-final... They claim to fix some of the more hideous outstanding bugs we have, and if they still work on a few machines, that's really all we can ever hope for anyway.09:49
infinitymdz: ATI even claims to now "officially support Xorg 7.0", whatever that's meant to mean.09:50
Kamioninfinity: http://librarian.launchpad.net/2906199/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-hppa.wormux_0.7-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <-- what's that segfault?09:51
zulhey bddebian 09:51
infinityKamion: hppa kernel b0rkage, probably.  <looking>09:51
infinityKamion: Yup.  Giving back.  Thanks.09:52
Kamioninfinity: want me to keep flagging those, or will you mass-process them?09:53
infinityKamion: If you have a list, sure.  Elsewise, I'll just mass-give-back on hppa as soon as RC is out the door.09:53
KamionI don't, I'm just going through NEW and checking in cases where there aren't ready-made batches of 609:53
infinityIf you have more, feel free to point 'em out.09:54
infinityI go through hppa's failed list from time to time to try to avoid mass-give-backs, but I miss some here and there.09:54
bddebianHmm, what can I throw up just to keep you guys busy? ;-P09:54
mdzinfinity: happy to consider it; let's review when the dust settles09:56
infinitymdz: Kay.  I'll prepare them tomorrow and test locally on the nvidia and ati hardware I have here, and if that looks good, tap your shoulder for consideration.09:57
RiddellKamion: I updated the ship seed for language pack size09:57
KamionRiddell: thanks09:59
Kamioninfinity: I'm good to build alternate images, right?09:59
Kamionif so, I'll kick off Kubuntu so that we can check the size fix09:59
infinityKamion: Only if we don't want OOo on them....09:59
ograKamion, ooo09:59
infinityKamion: I was waiting for the publisher to finish.10:00
Kamionright; one more publisher run then?10:00
Kamionlet me know when10:00
infinityKamion: Just built fresh -server images, since those are the only ones with OOo. :)10:00
janimomdz, I am around10:01
infinityGo, apt-ftparchive, go!10:01
janimothere's a ltsp problem with the xubuntu install iso thiugh10:01
mdzmvo: is it known that update-notifier pops up during an update-manager dist-upgrade?10:02
mdzjanimo: what's the problem?10:02
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janimomdz, ltsp packages are not in the install or deskto seed, but it tries to get installed nonetheless10:03
janimoltsp packagea are in ship though10:03
ograjanimo, i thought you mande a special seed file for it10:03
ograjanimo, if you still run ltsp-client-builder it will try to 10:03
janimoogra, nope, it is to be done (if done for dapper) by a special cd image parameter since there are only 5 packages which I understood are not worth making a new seed for10:04
janimoogra, client builder is in ship so it should not run10:04
janimoI moved it over when I got the errors last time10:04
ogradrop client builder... its only usefule in the installer 10:05
janimoso no idea what it is really.And I updated the xubuntu-desktop too since10:05
ograthere is no value for having it in ship ...10:05
ogra(its three commands to set up ltsp post install ...)10:06
janimoogra, ok did not know that.The rest of lstp packages are to be in ship or in that special seed if it existed?10:06
Loevborg(I hope you don't find this inapropriate) Does anyone know if there's a Ubuntu developer located in Munich or not far away?10:06
janimoif the latter I'll just remove them from the seeds allgether10:06
ograkeep ltsp-server, ltsp-server-standalone, ltsp-client and ldm in ship10:07
mdzonly 7 pending builds, all sparc10:07
LoevborgI'm asking because a journalist friend of mind is looking to have an interview because of the upcoming release.10:07
infinitymdz: Publisher run done, firing up i386 builds.10:08
infinityKamion: If you want to do alternate builds, go nuts.10:08
Kamionkubuntu alternate building10:08
janimoKamion, bug 4642610:08
UbugtuMalone bug 46426 in debian-installer "Xubuntu install CD install ltsp" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4642610:08
mdzinfinity: woo10:09
janimoit has the xubuntu syslog which has ltsp package mentioned in it10:09
ograjanimo, not helpful ... for ltsp debugging the messages file is needed10:09
Kamionogra: rubbish10:09
ogra(i should rename it to ltsp.log or something in eft)10:10
janimoogra, not ltsp needs to be debugged, but why it is to be installed in the first place :)10:10
mdzKamion: is there an update-manager upload waiting in the queue for breezy-updates? if so, please process it10:10
Kamionyou don't need to debug ltsp itself, only why it's being installed10:10
ograKamion, oh, right10:10
janimoinfinity: nothing is holding up xubuntu desktop CD, whenever you get around it is ok10:10
infinityjanimo: I'll sping your livefses after the others complete.10:11
infinityWhy do my fingers always add a "g" to the end of that?10:11
dholbachinfinity: because of "ping"?10:11
mdzinfinity: from typing 'ping' 80 times per day for your entire life10:12
infinitydholbach: That may be it.10:12
dholbachmdz: I'd love to see update-manager tarball download stats for the last days - your idea of writing a blog entry was a good one.10:12
mdzthe same reason I can't type the word 'launched' anymore10:12
Kamionoh, damn, ltsp-client-builder is still Priority: standard10:12
KamionI noticed that after breezy and obviously totally forgot to fix it10:12
infinitymdz: You should have seen the trouble I had typing "apt-key".. It always came out as "apt-get^H^H^Hkey"...10:12
infinityKamion: Was that "the thing that we couldn't fix in the archive without breaking somehting for someone somehow"?10:13
ograKamion, should that be optional ? 10:14
Kamioninfinity: we couldn't fix it in breezy, but it would just take a cdimage tweak to fix it in dapper10:14
Kamionogra: needs a cdimage tweak and a bit of testing10:14
infinityKamion: Right, "couldn't fix for breezy", I meant.10:14
ograKamion, ok, i thought i could change it quickly since my install isos are RC ready an additional ltsp upload wouldnt do any harm to me ...10:15
mdzKamion: how did it end up priority: standard in the first place?10:15
infinityogra: Uploads aren't required to change priorities.10:15
infinityogra: That's why the archive has overrides.10:15
Kamionmdz: it needs to be in order to work in edubuntu at preset10:15
mdzinfinity: and the .deb itself is priority: optional anyway10:15
Kamionit won't be sucked into the installer otherwise10:16
ograinfinity, oh i thought thats about the debian/control entry10:16
Kamionwhat IIRC we need to do is to use anna/choose-modules in the edubuntu preseed file10:16
Kamionbut I need to check that10:16
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Kamionmdz: update-manager/breezy accepted10:16
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mdzKamion: thanks10:17
mdzI'll confirm the version number fix shortly10:17
mdzthat is, once it's published...doh10:19
Kamionogra: which edubuntu boot options are meant to run ltsp-client-builder?10:20
Kamionogra: I suspect that at present they all do10:20
ograonly the default10:20
ograworkstation definately doesnt10:21
ograso you solved it already somehow :)10:21
Kamionoh, we preseed ltsp-client-builder/run=false for workstation10:21
Kamionyeah, kind of the wrong way round though10:21
ograbut a workaround fro xubuntu probably ...10:21
Kamionin general stuff works best if all installer packages behave in the Ubuntu-default way by default10:22
Kamionit would be, yes, but I want to fix this in dapper10:22
Kamionrather than forgetting about it for another release :)10:22
Kamionbecause it breaks Ubuntu netboot10:22
Kamioni.e. Ubuntu netboot installs of breezy and (current) dapper run ltsp-client-builder10:22
=== ogra didnt know
mdzKamion: eek10:23
Kamionwe could change the ltsp-client-builder default, but I think it's neater to drop its priority10:23
Kamionmdz: I noticed when we were doing soyuz acceptance tests10:23
Kamionit was one of my "it does WHAT? oh, hang on, it does that with katie too ..." moment10:24
Kamionhmm, preseed/file is not usable for anna preseeding. this will be a little more complicated.10:24
astronuti don't want to disable folding completely, just for changelogs10:27
astronuterr, wrong line10:28
Kamionmdz: I will need to upload ltsp-client-builder after all, so how about I upload it but let it sit until after RC?10:28
astronuthow do you disable changelog folding in the new vim?10:28
dholbachGood night fellas.10:28
KamionI'll have to change the default for ltsp-client-builder/run; it's the only sane approach I can think of10:28
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infinityKamion: Which images have you built?  Just kubuntu alternate?10:29
Kamioninfinity: yes; I'll keep going10:29
KamionUbuntu alternate building10:29
infinityKamion: Kay, cool.10:29
infinityKamion: I'll start in with livecd builds in parallel as the livefses become ready.10:30
ograKamion, bzr: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/ltsp/dapper/10:31
Kamionogra: thanks10:31
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infinityubuntu daily-live running.10:33
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mvoKamion: I just got a strange message during netinst. the partioner said it was unable to create the pations, I just created a new reiserfs parition. do you want me to copy the log? or throw it away and try again to see if I can reproduce it?10:34
Kamionmvo: please always save logs from strangeness10:34
mdzKamion: fine with me10:36
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mdzKamion: do you want debug and partman logs from the 2-disk loop?10:37
Kamionmdz: no, it's OK, I've reproduced that10:37
mdzwhat is irssi doing in desktop, and how did I not notice until now?10:40
ogramdz, was always there ? 10:40
infinitymdz: It's been there forever.10:40
mdkeit's a replacement for xchat-gnome10:40
ogramdke, what replaces gaim then on the console ? 10:41
mdkeogra: god knows10:41
infinitycentericq, but I'll be damned if I'll support that.10:41
ogratelnet ? 10:41
mdkehas anyone running a localised desktop got a few minutes to test something for me?10:41
mdke*few seconds10:41
Kamionogra: ok, if you could merge http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/ltsp/installer-fix/, I'd appreciate it, thanks; I've deployed the change to cdimage that makes Edubuntu keep on working despite that10:41
Kamionor I can upload it myself if you prefer10:42
mdzogra,infinity: that doesn't answer *either* of my questions :-P10:42
ograKamion, i'll do it, youre busy enough nowadays, thanks10:42
thomogra: bitlbee, clearly10:42
infinitymdz: It's probably cruft from back when "ubuntu-desktop" meant "install everything that the Ubuntu devs have on their machines and use every day"10:42
infinitymdz: It should probably go, since people who want it will know what it's called and how to get it.10:43
thomit went in for the same reason mutt did, iirc10:43
thomto enable console users to have a sane experience10:43
Kamionogra: cheers, appreciate it10:43
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=== thom attempts to dredge up the remaining memories of the room of death in brazil
infinitymdz: I could see an argument that it would be useful to get support on IRC if your X is broken... But OTOH, same thing.  If you don't know what it is, you'll never discover it and run it.  If yo udo know what it is, you can install it.10:44
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mdzinfinity,Mithrandir: aaarrgghh10:44
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mdzoo.o Impress and Calc are both named "Spreadsheet" now10:44
mdzso we get to do this dance again after RC10:44
Kamionogra: oh, you could close bug 46426 in that changelog too10:45
infinitySo close...10:45
UbugtuMalone bug 46426 in ltsp "Xubuntu install CD install ltsp" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4642610:45
ograKamion, will do :)10:45
infinitymdz: I'll be sure to convey your "aaarrgghh" to Mithrandir when he wakes up.10:45
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mdkeinfinity: out of curiosity, are these openoffice changes requiring fresh translation?10:46
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infinitymdke: Requiring?  No.  The old strings will suffice.  But people offering new translations for the .desktop files between now and... Uhh... 24 hours from now won't be turned down.10:47
infinity.desktop files don't fuzz, so it's not critical.10:47
mdkeinfinity: oh, I thought that was all in rosetta nowadays10:47
mdkeoh, so old strings aren't lost, np10:47
Kamionjanimo: could you move ltsp-client-builder from your ship seed to your installer seed? it doesn't make a practical difference, but it makes more sense to keep all the udebs in installer10:48
janimoKamion: will do. So it won;t install in default mode right?10:50
janimoand is it feasible to add a ltsp-specific boot menu entry to the CD after RC?10:50
Kamionjanimo: it will for the RC, but the fix that ogra has in hand now will make it not do that for release10:50
ograonly if you preseed ltsp-client-builder/run=true10:50
Kamionjanimo: yes, certainly, sorry I haven't got round to it today10:50
Kamionogra: the boot menu entry can be attached to a preseed file that does that, yes10:51
ograthats cool10:51
ograi sometimes get requests from people wanting to build derivatives ...10:51
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ogra(with ltsp setup)10:51
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janimoogra, is openssh-server helpful to have in seed to for ltsp?10:54
ogras/helpful/essential ;)10:55
janimook, then I leave it there :)10:55
ograour setup requires it (even you *could* set up our ltsp to use xdmcp, but who wants that :) )10:55
janimoI got the impression last time if was not strictly required10:55
ograits only suggested by ltsp-server 10:56
ograbut thats because you *could* use ltsp differently10:56
ograi tend to agree it should be a dependency, but mdz had some valid arguments against making it a hard dep iirc10:57
ogra(setting it up for xdmcp would at least require to drop ldm and install gdm manually as well as other manual fiddling)10:58
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infinityKamion: If you want to spin alternates for edubuntu and xubuntu too, I'm covering all the -server (done) and -desktop (half done, pending FS builds) bases.11:03
crimsunApplications> Office  lists "OpenOffice.Org Spreadsheet" twice (the second should be Impress's)11:04
infinitycrimsun: We know. :/11:05
crimsun(sorry, just updated )11:05
KeybukI think my eyes are going weird11:05
KeybukI can't tell which way up this CDR is supposed to go11:05
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infinityKamion: Actually, nevermind, I'll do all the pending alternate builds too.11:08
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ograKamion, does UNRELEASED in the debian/changelog file come from your vim ? 11:08
ograor is bzr doing such stuff now ? 11:08
infinityogra: From him.11:08
infinityogra: Unless he has some fancy changelog mode that does it for him.11:09
infinity(It's standard Debian fare for "This is a CVS version, if I accidentally upload it, katie will reject it")11:09
ograi've never seen it before11:09
Keybukinfinity: semi-standard11:09
Keybukgiven dch, vim and emacs all do it differently11:09
ograbut then i always use dch -i11:09
infinityKeybuk: Anything with more than 5 users in Debian is "standard" :)11:10
Keybukfair point11:10
Keybuk       Two different sets of heuristics can be  used,  as  controlled  by  the11:10
Keybuk       --release-heuristic  option or the DEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC configu11:10
Keybuk       ration variable. 11:10
thomis the corollary to that that anything Keybuk uses is non-standard?11:10
Keybukthom: I set the NEW standards!11:11
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thomnew standards in massacring my terminal, maybe11:11
Keybukhow did I massacre your terminal?11:12
infinityThe long dash.11:12
thomwhatever that was in "DEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC configu..."11:12
infinityCame out here as an inverted @P11:12
Keybukyou can blame Kamion for that one11:12
Keybukit came out of groff11:12
thomah, utf-8 hyphen?11:12
Keybukmust be11:12
KeybukU+2010 HYPHEN11:13
Keybukso this "new standard" to "massacre your terminal" would appear to be UTF-811:13
KeybukI keep forgetting how far behind FreeBSD is ;)11:13
thomyeah yeah11:13
thomi've not figured out what part of the unholy freebsd/screen/irssi trinity is responsible11:14
sfllawthom: It's definitely not screen or irssi.  That works fine here.  It's probably something in your terminal and lower.11:15
Keybukogra: btw, your splash screen looks the best11:15
ograKeybuk, usplash or gnome ? 11:15
Keybukthe usplash one looks like someone weed on it11:15
ograKeybuk, look at the alternate wallpaper ;) its cool11:16
thomsfllaw: mmm, it works occasionally and then with the same terminal doesn't work at others, so i'm not so sure11:16
Keybukogra: the Edubuntu Young one?11:16
ograKeybuk, yeah11:16
Keybukit is cool11:17
ograwe have a JaneW from the same artist http://www.progbox.co.uk/jane.jpg11:17
KeybukI shall recommend Edubuntu to all my paedophile friends ;)11:17
Keybukheh, did he do you too?11:17
ograonly the former version, it had the edubuntu girl11:17
ogranope, not yet, and its a she :)11:17
Keybuknow, why do we not have this icon theme on the real distro?11:17
ogragartoon ? 11:17
ograno idea11:17
Keybukand how did you manage to get an entire icon set designed, when ubuntu can't manage a single icon?11:18
ograit was already there ;)11:18
Keybukah, cheating11:18
BurgworkKeybuk, I believe gartoon is jimmacs work11:19
ograBurgwork, a guy from nl calling himself zeus did it11:21
Burgworkogra, hmm, indeed. jimmac did gorilla11:21
bddebianLater folks11:22
ograhmm, while looking at his page ... i should look at his blankon theme for edgy looks nice11:22
KeybukI have a nasty thought what may have run cron11:22
KeybukI think the first time I ran the installer, it thought the time zone was New York11:23
Keybukwhen I changed it to London, I wonder whether that instantly applied the time change11:23
Keybukno, it doesn't appear to11:23
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Kamionogra: as it happened I did it by hand, but that's only because my 'uch' alias overrides dch's defaults11:25
infinityKamion: Still around/alive?11:25
infinityOh, so you are.  TIMING.11:25
infinityKamion: I'm doing the alternate builds along with the live builds, so you're off the hook there... BUT...11:26
Mirvthom: at least you should have screen -U, irssi v. 0.8.10 and term_charset to UTF-8 (same for your terminal program).. at least in that case irssi wouldn't be the problem, old/buggy screen or old/buggy terminal could be11:26
ograKamion, i was just wondering, bever saw that anywhere11:26
infinityKamion: Something seriously odd seems to have happened to the kubuntu builds.11:26
Kamioninfinity: er - don't please?11:26
ograKamion, uploaded to the queue btw11:26
thomMirv: aye11:26
mantas_hi all, maybe someone could tell me how many hours is left for uploading fixed translations to ubuntu dapper ?11:26
Kamioninfinity: ?11:26
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Kamionmantas_: none11:26
infinityKamion: Err, don't why?11:26
Kamioninfinity: don't build xubuntu - I want to install a workaround for the ltsp thing11:27
infinityKamion: Oh.  A bit late, but it can build again. :/11:27
infinityKamion: Your kubuntu build, however, looks... Not happy.11:27
infinityKamion: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20060524.1/11:27
Riddelllooks ok to me11:28
Keybuksfllaw: I'm quite happy doing much ppc testing, though mine is probably the slowest in existance, so it takes a while11:28
sfllawKeybuk: Thanks!11:28
ograRiddell, report.html11:28
infinityRiddell: Which part of "there's nothing in that directory" looks okay to you? :)11:28
Kamionit's still oversized11:28
Kamioninfinity: you must have caught it mid-mirroring11:28
ograinfinity, its there, youre to fast11:28
mantas_Kamion, but in release roadmap deadline is 25 may, not 2411:29
=== infinity scratches his head.
infinityCtrl-R really should resolve that..11:29
infinityMaybe the mirror I'm stuck on is unhappy.11:29
ograinfinity, i get caught by it very often dont worry youre not alone :)11:29
Kamionmantas_: for language packs, yes11:29
infinityogra: Fair enough. :)11:29
Kamionmantas_: you said "upload" which I thought meant some other package11:29
Kamioni.e. non-langpack11:29
mantas_Kamion, no, I'm about uploading fixed .po files into rosseta ;)11:30
Kamionmantas_: for langpacks, I don't believe we have set a precise number of hours.11:30
Kamionmantas_: and in any event langpack changes can and will happen after release too11:30
mantas_Kamion, so, aproximatly when ubuntu team will build last langpack for ubuntu dapper final version ?11:31
KamionRiddell: looks like you're 12+, 14+, 25+ MB oversized11:31
Kamionmantas_: the person responsible for that (pitti) is not here11:31
Kamionso we cannot ask him11:32
ograand its a public holiday tomorrow here, i guess he wont be around wither11:32
mdzis anyone else getting a BADSIG on the current dapper Release?11:33
sfllawSo apparently doko is ill.  Can anyone take over his Alternative CD testing for i386?11:33
infinityKamion: Okay, my premature xubuntu-daily build is done (along with edubuntu-daily)... Sorry about that.  The floor is yours.11:33
mantas_ok, as I understand I still have at least 12 hours for uploading fixed translations and pitti will build langpacks from these translations after holiday :)11:33
infinityKamion: I'll just polish off the livecd builds.11:33
Keybukmdz: I didn't a few minutes ago11:33
mdzMark and I both did just now11:33
Kamioninfinity: oh, hmm, we want sparc on releases for RC11:33
Keybukmdz: elmo's cache of love could have burped?11:33
Kamioninfinity: so it might be helpful if I could arrange for that to land in the right daily directories11:33
Keybukmdz: seems ok here11:33
mdzthat cache has been giving me a lot of love lately11:33
mdzI've never seen it fuck up apt before11:34
infinityKamion: Yeah, I've built all of the ports stuff too.11:34
Kamioninfinity: sorry, I should have done this before this round of builds11:34
infinityKamion: We can just twiddle them by hand for now, I figures. :/11:34
Keybukmdz: could have grabbed an empty file?11:34
Kamioninfinity: yeah, but it's in the wrong directories which will make publishing inconvenient11:34
ograinfinity, oh, edubuntu install wasnt really necessary, was it ? 11:34
infinityogra: You uploaded new artwork.  I assumed you wanted it...11:35
ograthat could have gone in after RC, but well, now its there :)11:35
Kamioninfinity: oh, hang on, it's only for ubuntu-server11:35
Kamioninfinity: so I only need to rebuild that11:35
infinityKamion: Which is, conveniently, the fastest build of the bunch.11:36
Kamionmdz: could you confirm please, dapper-server-sparc on releases.u.c but not any other dapper-*-sparc?11:36
infinityKamion: That was what we discussed a day or two ago, yeah.11:36
infinityKamion: The LiveCD is broken on sparc, and Mark doesn't want to publish the alternate.11:36
KeybukI like how the GTK+ ubiquity doesn't let you click "Install" while it's installing11:36
mdzKamion: confirmed11:37
KamionKeybuk: er, that window should have gone away while it's installing11:37
KeybukKamion: it does11:37
Keybukit _doesn't_ on the KDE one11:37
Kamionunless you mean something different from what I think you mean11:37
KamionKeybuk: oh, yeah, the KDE frontend's window handling around there is very bad11:38
Keybukyeah, it lets you get ubi very confused11:38
Kamionthe main window is supposed to go away, and there's only supposed to be a single progress bar not several11:38
Keybukit amused me for 0.2s11:38
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RiddellKeybuk: disappearing windows are confusing according to KDE's usability people11:40
KeybukRiddell: windows that let you click their buttons are more confusing, no? :)11:40
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mdzKeybuk: so fix it already :-P11:41
RiddellI don't disagree there11:41
Keybukmdz: I'm trying to find out _how_11:41
Keybukit's anacron being run11:41
Keybukbut, as you say, it's not run at boot11:42
mdzKeybuk: rm -f /etc/rc?.d/S??cron11:42
KamionRiddell: surely a window that will never be used again but that sticks around anyway is more confusing11:42
Kamionwell, never used again except in error cases11:42
StevenKchmod -x /usr/sbin/cron ? :-P11:42
mdzremoving the S links is the preferred approach; that's what casper does for everything else currently11:43
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mdzthis is very trivial to fix11:43
mdzthough I have no idea why cron.daily is running for you, when it's clearly 224311:43
Keybukit's not cron.daily11:43
Keybukit's even better11:43
Keybukit's cron.monthly11:43
Kamiondoesn't that run at 0652?11:43
mdzbut but but11:44
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mdzI didn't think anacron ran from cron.monthly, but apparently it does11:44
KeybukKamion: yes, but anacron also runs these things at "about 15 minutes after you boot" if it hasn't happened for a while11:44
mdzanacron is insidious11:44
KeybukI'm trying to find what triggers _that_11:44
Keybukmdz: part of my secret edgy desires that scare Kamion is to get rid of anacron11:44
KamionKeybuk: so anacron must be started at boot, surely?11:44
KeybukKamion: yes, but casper takes care of that11:44
Kamioneven if it's just lying dormant11:44
Keybukoh, wow, anacron ran cron.daily, weekly AND monthly11:45
Keybuk(just to be on the safe side)11:45
mdzit runs from cron.daily at 0625, cron.weekly at 0647, cron.monthly at 0652 AND cron.d at 0730!11:45
mdzKeybuk: none of which are even remotely close to now11:45
Keybukmdz: indeed11:45
mdzKamion: casper disables anacron's init script, always has11:45
Keybukand it's not the system clock being screwy either11:45
Kamionmdz: right11:45
Keybukmdz: if you're logging in remotely and running anacron, you're getting a beating ;)11:46
=== mdz whistles innocently
Kamionmdz: I mean if it's running, it must have been started somehow ;-)11:46
mdzgood thing Mithrandir ported over my casper backdoor11:46
KeybukMay 24 21:14:48 ubuntu anacron[5345] : Anacron 2.3 started on 2006-05-0411:46
KeybukMay 24 21:14:48 ubuntu anacron[5345] : Will run job `cron.daily' in 5 min.11:46
=== Kamion might actually be worried if I didn't reckon I'd read all the casper code by now :)
KeybukMay 24 21:14:48 ubuntu anacron[5345] : Will run job `cron.weekly' in 10 min.11:46
KeybukMay 24 21:14:48 ubuntu anacron[5345] : Will run job `cron.monthly' in 15 min.11:46
KeybukMay 24 21:14:48 ubuntu anacron[5345] : Jobs will be executed sequentially11:47
Kamionstarted on *what* date?11:47
KeybukKamion: typo11:47
Kamionoh good11:47
KeybukI had to type that ;)11:47
KeybukI have a thought11:47
mdzKeybuk: do you have /etc/rc?.d/S*anacron or no?11:48
Keybukmdz: I do not11:48
KeybukMatthew Garrett may be about to lose his testicles11:48
sfllawHmm.  I wonder why I can't download any ISOs from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/11:48
Keybuksfllaw: because Apache sucks11:48
sfllawwget reports "Connection closed at byte 0. Retrying"11:48
mdzKeybuk: apm/event.d/anacron?11:49
Keybukmdz: this is what I'm thinking11:49
KamionKeybuk: let me guess, you put the power lead back in11:49
sfllawKeybuk: rsync isn't giving me much love either.11:49
KeybukKamion: no, but the daemon started11:49
Keybukso "noticed" the power lead11:49
mdzKeybuk: isn't invoke-rc.d smarter than that?11:49
Keybuksfllaw: rsync worked for me11:49
sfllawThere we are.11:49
Riddellsfllaw: ftp works11:49
Keybukmdz: yeah, like that stuff uses invoke-rc.d11:49
Kamionmdz: not unless you have a policy-rc.d11:49
mdzKeybuk: it does11:49
KamionKeybuk: it does11:49
mdzKamion: I thought it checked the current runlevel and futzed about with the symlinks11:50
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infinityThat IS what it does.11:50
Kamionwe should probably make casper create a policy-rc.d11:50
Kamionin edgy11:50
mdzinfinity: in which case it ought to work...11:50
mdzsfllaw: keep trying; Znarl said it was only one server in the rotation I think11:51
Kamionhmm, the invoke-rc.d code does seem to check the symlinks though11:51
Keybukexcept apmd isn't started on PowerPC, is it?11:52
infinityYes, it's meant specifically to allow for runlevel futzing...11:52
ograsfllaw, btw cat-ing together live and install iso and rsyncing that gains you a small bit lees download time11:52
infinityOh, if it's PPC...11:52
mdzogra: it gains a lot in fact11:53
infinityKeybuk: Anything fishy going on with pbbuttonsd, the increasingly poorly-named daemon?11:53
Keybukinfinity: pbbuttonsd is the daemon that starts immediately before anacron in my syslog11:53
Keybukin fact, it's within a second11:53
Keybukwhich on this machine implies a connection11:53
Keybukgiven it takes a second just to do a write()11:53
ogramdz, well there is still a lot left to download11:53
Keybukoh, and look11:54
mdzKeybuk: sounds like pbbuttonsd is eating your lunch11:54
Keybukyeah, pbbuttonsd issues a power event when it starts "because we're on AC power"11:54
infinityAnd it doesn't use invoke-rc.d, I assume?11:54
ograi thought pitti disabled all PM functions in pbbuttonsd11:54
infinityNaughty, naughty pbbuttonsd.11:54
Keybukpbbuttonsd just calls mjg59's apm stuff11:55
mdzso invoke-rc.d sucks11:55
mdzit is the only reasonable explanation11:55
Kamionyes, this does feel like an invoke-rc.d bug, reading through the code and doing sh -x11:55
infinityTesting the sucking of invoke-rc.d is easy to do.  sh -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d anacron start 11:56
infinityIt really does seem to be written to do what it claims it's meant to do.  It'd be a shame if it doesn't actually work. :)11:56
Keybukactually, invoke-rc.d is behaving correctly11:56
Keybukit's SysV that's fucked11:56
Keybukcasper _removes_ the S* script11:57
Keybukit never replaces it with a K* script11:57
mdzinvoke-rc.d can go to hell11:57
mdzthat's perfectly valid11:57
Kamionno S*, no K* => undefined state11:57
Kamionaccording to the sysvinit lot11:57
UbugtuDebian bug 156161 in sysvinit "Subject: sysvinit: invoke-rc.d starts daemon when it shouldn't" [Normal,Open]  11:57
mdzthey suck11:57
Kamionhenrique says "put a K link in there"11:57
mdzhenrique can lick my testicles11:58
infinityI'm inclined to agree with him, actually.11:58
Keybuk...it's been a long release11:58
infinityGiven hoe runlevels work, no symlink means "well, it can go either way.. HAVE FUN!"11:58
=== ogra eeeks about the last comment on bug 45536
UbugtuMalone bug 45536 in gnome-power-manager "Shutdown, but logoff" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4553611:58
mdzonly for the special case of having an S link in runlevel S and none in the current runlevel11:59
Keybukmdz: or switching run levels11:59
infinityYeah, some people actually use more than 3 runlevels. :)11:59
Keybukswitch from 2 to 3, without a K link, and it mayyyy be still running, etc.11:59
Kamionyes, if you actually USE runlevels, then it matters11:59
Keybukoddly, I still do;  I have a runlevel 3 on my laptop that starts all the launchpad crap12:00
infinityAnyhow, if you really want something to be off in 2, it should have a K.  hmh is right, though I'm sure he'll still lick your testicles.12:00
Keybukso I can do "init 3" if there's a chance Mark is going to look over my shoulder12:00
mdzKeybuk: anyway it's still easy to fix12:00
Keybukyes, let's fix casper!12:00
infinityogra: edubuntu livecds are ready.12:00
mdzapmd doesn't seem to be as stupid in this respect as pbbuttonsd12:01
ograinfinity, thanks ! rsyncing12:01
mdzor else acpid doesn't run the ampd hooks12:01
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infinitymdz: It's all the same scripts.  It's casper that should just get K links added where it removes S links. :)12:01
mdzno one noticed for the past year12:02
infinityrename 's/^S/K/' /etc/rc?.d/S??anacron12:02
mdzso clearly this is powerpc-specific :-P12:02
mdzinfinity: I suppose casper has already loaded perl...12:02
infinitySeveral times.12:02
infinityadduser is the first, I think.12:02
Keybukinfinity: pretty much12:03
ograwoah, still plenty of space on my liveCDs12:03
Keybukfor STUPID in /root/etc/rc?.d/S??anacron; do12:03
Keybuk    mv $STUPID $(dirname $STUPID)/K00anacron12:03
Keybukis what I've done12:03
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crimsun(I presume uploads are being queued presently?)12:03
mdzK${basename%S} would work too though12:03
ogracrimsun, /topic ;)12:03
crimsunogra: lovely, thanks.12:03
infinityKamion: Other than your xubuntu alternate hacking, and whatever you're futzing with WRT -server image placement, I think everything should be (re)built now.12:04
mgalvinsorry to be a pest... is this going to be the finial rc (hopefully); just wondering when to move the rc doc to the main web site12:05
=== mgalvin does not want to jump the gun
mdzI'm testing the new desktop-i386 build now12:06
mdzmgalvin: we won't know until we've tested it12:06
infinitymgalvin: We're hoping this will be the real deal, but there's no knowing until we test.12:06
infinityHrm.  I think one of the cdimage mirrors is wonky.12:07
mgalvinright, ok, of course, i was just wondering so I know not to got to far :)12:07
infinityrsync's giving me the same "some stuff just ain't there" problems that I was getting via http.12:07
mgalvinthnx guys12:08
Kamioninfinity: ubuntu-server's done, xubuntu alternate building12:08
Kamionmagellanic is being very slow to trigger12:08
Kamionso it could be overloaded12:08
KamionZnarl: ^-- ?12:09
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infinityIf I just want translations for console utilities (coreutils, gnupg, etc), what packages do I want?  language-pack-$LANG?12:15
infinityI'm thinking I should flesh out the ubuntu-server ISO before release with some of those.12:16
Kamionmm, probably a good plan12:16
infinityWe're rather popular in the eastern block, for whatever odd reason, maybe Polish, Czech, Russian, etc would be appreciated.12:16
Burgworkinfinity, as an edgy plan, maybe have cds for "Africa" or "Asia", etc.12:17
KamionBurgwork: suggestion comes up about once a month, I'm really uncomfortable with it12:17
infinityBurgwork: We've discussed localised CDs before, but it's just way too many ISOs to test with a small team.12:17
KamionBurgwork: it multiplies our testing effort unacceptably12:18
infinityIn the case of ubuntu-server, though, I can have my cake and eat it too, since it's so light.12:18
infinitySo I can probably ship a fair number of langpacks.12:18
BurgworkKamion, maybe involve a few loco teams?12:18
Burgworkanyway, this can be discussed later. Now is for release. sorry to bother you all12:19
infinityA "build your own unsupported ISO" for loco teams to generate something they can redistribute locally might be cool.12:19
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KamionBurgwork: we generally don't have time.12:19
infinityBut we can't really build and mirror dozens of extra ISOs ourselves.12:19
Kamionwe need to keep response latency very low during release times.12:19
ograthe right way is to have a second CD with all langpacks imho we could even provide regular translation update CDs12:20
ogranot additional localized install CDs12:20
ZnarlKamion : magellanic was in the middle of a pulse, it's finished and recovering now.12:21
infinityogra: Well, if you're a loco team distributing desktop CDs to a bunch of locals who aren't all that nerdy, having a localised CD would be nice.12:22
infinityogra: But, like I said, I think that's something we should perhaps provide an interface for them to generate as an unsupported image, not something we should ship.12:23
ograinfinity, sure but thats up to the loco imho12:23
=== ogra remembers amu is offering such a service ...
Kamionogra: my concern about that is different: it's that once we start doing that, we'll almost certainly get lazy and not fit any langpacks at all onto the main CD, which means that we'll effectively have to ship the langpack CD in shipit, and that will negate all the cost benefits to Canonical gained by moving to the live CD installer12:23
Kamionok, new xubuntu images up that should work around the ltsp installation problem12:24
ograKamion, indeed that shouldnt happen ... i'd also see the langpack CD as a job of the rosetta team, not of the distro team specifically12:24
ogra(oor as a joint work of both of them)12:25
infinityZnarl: FSVO of "recovering"... I assume it's still in the process? :)12:25
infinityZnarl: Cause I'm still getting a lot of "there ain't no file where you're looking, idiot" errors from rsync.12:26
mvoogra: we even have a spec for langpack cds12:26
Kamionogra: while that's a nice dream, it seems highly unlikely to happen; the Rosetta team would rightly claim that they just do the infrastructure, and it's our job to get it out to users (the way we currently do with language packs)12:26
KamionI don't think that we get to assign work to the Rosetta team that's not really in their remit12:26
ogramvo, yes, i'm hoping for it to happen some day for edubuntu ...12:27
ograKamion, well, i'm a dreamer, i know ... but sometimes things i dream actually happen :)12:28
Znarlinfinity : Do you have an example?12:28
infinityrsync: link_stat "/ubuntu-server/daily/current/dapper-server-amd64.iso" (in cdimage) failed: No such file or directory (2)12:28
infinityrsync: link_stat "/ubuntu-server/daily/current/dapper-server-i386.iso" (in cdimage) failed: No such file or directory (2)12:28
infinityrsync: link_stat "/daily/current/dapper-alternate-i386.iso" (in cdimage) failed: No such file or directory (2)12:28
infinityThe latter being much older, and I'd expect it to be synced by now...12:28
Kamionogra: I'd like to make the Launchpad team write ubiquity for me too, but it seems unlikely ;-)12:28
ograadmit, you didnt try it ;)12:29
Keybukinfinity: what are those aussie choccie biscuits called?12:30
KamionI have a queer fondness for continuing to be paid12:30
Keybuklike uk penguins, but not called that12:30
StevenKKeybuk: Montes? Tim Tams?12:30
KamionKeybuk: tim tams12:30
ogrammm tim tams12:30
Keybuktim tams was it!12:31
StevenKSpeaking of, I have some Tim Tams in the fridge.12:31
StevenKBlast, there was only one left.12:31
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mdzubiquity/i386/erase install successful12:34
mdzcomplete with two OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet menu items12:34
mdzI wonder how many times that will get duped12:34
mdzinfinity: do you still have oo.o in ccache somewhere?12:37
infinitymdz: Yeah, but it doesn't cache well.12:37
Keybukmdz: I just filed a dozen bugs abou tthat12:37
Riddellis the cd build server busy or can I make new kubuntu alternative?12:38
mdzKeybuk: thanks pal12:38
infinitymdz: A new build will still take 3 or 4 hours, I suspect.12:38
infinityRiddell: One was already spun for you.12:38
infinityRiddell: Since the archive hasn't changed since then, you should be good to go. :)12:38
mdzinfinity: I expect the correction to the patch is trivial12:39
ograinfinity, his seeds have ;) 12:39
Riddellinfinity: 20060524.1 overflowed12:39
Keybukwhy do you have to do a new build of open office?12:39
infinityRiddell: Ahh. :)12:39
Keybukcan't you just hack the debs open, fix the .desktop file, and whistle innocently12:39
Keybuk? :P12:39
ograKeybuk, to fix the .desktop file12:39
infinityKeybuk: I've done that before in the Debian archive for text-only changes...12:40
Keybukit shhhould be possible12:40
mdzlook at the moral decay which follows when you forego the requirement that things actually build from source12:40
infinityIt's simple.12:40
mdzit's abhorrent12:40
ogramdz, i have an ooo impress on edubuntu amd64 live 12:40
mdzogra: that's because its openoffice is old12:41
infinityI had a script to do "arch-indep only changes", complete with adding the new changelog from the new source package, fixing control, and repacking.12:41
Keybukmdz: you really want to restart the entire process all over again, including building openoffice, under strace, just to fix an icon? :)12:41
mdzKeybuk: not for RC, but for final, yes12:41
ogramdz, amd64 wasnt updated ? 12:41
infinityIt doesn't need to build under strace, it needs to build on terranova. :)12:41
mdzogra: no12:41
ograohoel, k 12:41
ograthanks :)12:42
Keybukhmm, I appear to need to hold down the Fn key to type my password12:42
ograjust type it here, than you can copy and paste :P12:43
mdzI've successfully tested i386 desktop and alternate erase installs12:43
mdzunfortunately the tube is calling me12:43
Keybukyou tube to the K&K?12:43
infinityI think I need to do the nap thing.12:43
mdzKeybuk: yes12:44
mvobye mdz12:44
infinityI'll be back to testing in the "morning", whatever that is.12:44
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infinitymdz: Happy tubery.12:44
BenCare there any other test targets that need to be done that I can take a crack at?12:44
ogragah, my dvdrom freaks your when ubiquity starts gparted12:44
Keybukah, I keep forgetting you're American; and don't do the "walking" thing :)12:44
mdzinfinity: if I mail tollef about the oo.o thing, does he have access to do the build somewhere it'll work?12:44
BenCI have an array of equipment that is being underutilized at the moment :)12:44
infinitymdz: No, but if you pass me the diff (or tell me what needs to be changed), I can kick it off right now.12:45
mdzKeybuk: I walk quite a lot at home actually...I just don't know my way around here12:45
mdzi have a terrible sense of direction12:45
KeybukI'm hoping the weather will be nice, I want to start skating again; London is usually a good opportunity12:45
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thommdz: if you find yourself swimming you've gone the wrong way12:45
KamionRiddell: go for it12:46
Keybukmdz: K&K is basically "walk to the tube and keep going"12:46
Kamionmdz: A-Z ++12:47
RiddellKamion: netinstall CD worked perfectly for kubuntu by the way12:47
thomKamion: when i use the A-Z i can't get a satellite view12:47
=== Keybuk has flashbacks of Tour Guide Thom
ograwhats a-z ? mobile navi ? 12:48
KamionRiddell: with that preseed/url? great12:48
Kamionogra: London pocket map12:48
mdzKamion: a-z?12:48
Kamioner, street plan really12:48
Kamionthickish book12:48
ograanalogus navigation system :)12:48
mdzgoogle maps has good map data for here but doesn't do well with addresses12:49
Kamionbut pocket-size as far as length and width go12:49
KeybukGoogle Maps famously can't cope with UK addresses12:49
ograwell, london doesnt do well with adresses :)12:49
mdzinfinity: I'd have to download a 73M diff12:49
ogra(at least if you are german)12:49
mdzok, ok, I'll try12:50
infinityErr, fair point.  Which .desktop needs to be renamed, and to what?12:50
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mdzinfinity: the one which runs ooo-impress needs its name changed from "OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet" to "OpenOffice.org Presentation"12:51
mdzas the changelog says12:51
infinitymdz: Alright.  I'll just do that, then.12:51
Keybukwhat is it with some people?  "NM CVS HEAD doesn't build with -Werror" ... "uh, we don't ship either NM CVS HEAD or are foolish enough to compile it with -Werror" and set to rejected12:51
Keybukguy sets it back to confirmed12:51
infinitymdz: Are uploads landing in an unchecked queue or something that I can easily manipulate with the queue tool?12:52
ogrameh the pertition selection in ubiquity is evil ...12:52
mdzinfinity: they're landing in the usual spot; the queue processor is just disabled12:52
mdzI don't know the incantation though12:52
infinitymdz: Ahh, kay.  I can likely work out how to process a single one without issues.12:52
Kamionls -l /srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-queue/incoming/*12:53
Kamionogra: thanks for your constructive feedback :-P12:53
ograKamion, its complaining that a partition is assigned to more than one mountpoint which isnt true 12:53
Keybukinfinity: wave process-upload.py over it12:53
Kamionogra: do you have multiple blank rows in the mountpoints table?12:53
ograi have hda4 / ands hda2 swap12:53
Kamionogra: known bug, on the list12:53
infinityKeybuk: Yeah, but very carefully. :)12:53
ograany way around it ? i dont want to touch the other partitions12:54
Kamionbug 4640212:54
UbugtuMalone bug 46402 in ubiquity "espresso mistakenly complains about partitions having multiple mount points" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4640212:54
Keybukinfinity: backup the database and archive before you do <g>12:54
Kamioner, restart ubiquity and don't cause it to create multiple blank rows this time, I think12:54
Keybukmake sure you sudo -u lp_upload -i first too12:54
mdzinfinity: I have no idea how the patching works and I have to run12:54
mdzback in the morning12:54
Keybukmdz: enjoy12:54
Kamionthe queue processor runs as lp_queue not lp_upload12:55
Keybukdoes it?12:55
ograouch and the german translation of the cancel dialog is very confusing12:55
Keybukignore me then12:55
infinityKeybuk: I will. :)12:55
Kamionogra: it should be fixable in Rosetta if you do it by the weekend12:55
ograKamion, will do i think, the dialog asks if i want to cancel the install and offers a cancel and a quit button ... indeed i clicked blindly on cancel because of the text :)12:56
Kamionoh that's not the translation12:56
Kamionit's that way in English too, there's a bug about that too12:57
ograit should ask me to quit :)12:57
ograah good12:57
Kamionyes, not a huge deal though because the obvious mistake just takes you back into ubiquity12:57
KamionI'll fix it in edgy12:57
ogra++ for keeping all the settings :)12:58
ogra(like users fullname etc)12:58
infinitydebdiff + openoffice source packages = go for breakfast.12:58
KeybukKamion: jdub would approve12:59
Keybukalways make the least destructive button the easiest to click12:59
infinityYou should just change the dialog to have two identical cancel buttons, and a single string that says "Guess."01:00
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mdke| Blue pill | Red pill |01:01
Kamionthe final screen is better - "Continue using the live CD" and "Restart now" - but I forgot about the abort dialog01:01
Keybukshouldn't that say "DESKTOP CD" ? :)01:01
ograKeybuk, shh01:02
infinityNo, cause "desktop CD" means "Live CD + Desktop Installer"01:02
Keybukmaybe we should call them Ubiquitous and Ubiquiless01:02
infinityThough I'd prefer "Continue Live Session" to the current string.01:02
infinitySince that's really what you're doing.  Carrying on the session, not "using the CD".01:02
Kamionmm, I sort of prefer having a sentence rather than the jargon "session"01:03
mvoinfinity: i did the ubuntu-server/netboot test with the "normal" netboot images as "server". is this correct? 01:03
infinityMaybe I want to shut down, pull out the CD, and use it as a frisbee, but that's not what the dialog's asking me. :)01:03
Kamionthough I take your point01:03
infinitymvo: No idea, TBH.  I've not done a server netinstall.01:03
Kamionfile a bug if you want me to remember; nothing from release fortnight is going to stay in my head :)01:03
infinityKamion: Yeah, I'll see if I care after I've mangled OOo.01:04
mvoinfinity: oh, right. I should go to bed. I thought I had read your name in the i386 column, but it was the cd column :)01:04
infinitymvo: Out of curiosity, what kernel did you end up with after that?01:05
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mvoinfinity: its already overwritten with the next install01:07
infinitymvo: Oh. :)01:08
=== mvo is suprised to see lilo as defualt for ubuntu-server
mvowhy was it selected?01:11
infinityIt's not...01:11
infinityUnless you installed on XFS...01:11
mvoI did01:11
infinityEvidently, grub doesn't *do* XFS.  Or, so I've been told.01:12
thomyeah, you can't have grub on your root partition01:12
ograhmm, still not ?01:12
Kamionthere's a rumour that grub 0.97 has that fixed, but I haven't tested and now isn't really the time for experimentation01:12
KamionI'll try it out early edgy and see if it works on the machine I have where it used to reliably fail01:13
Kamioninfinity: that ubiquity infinite loop is a one-liner ...01:13
Kamion-                    pass01:13
Kamion+                    self.succeeded = True01:13
Kamionon line 29901:13
Kamionof ubiquity/components/partman.py01:13
infinityKamion: Does it go somewhere useful after that? :)01:13
infinity(ie: take over the whole disk for me)01:14
infinityRight.  Care to upload that, then, since we seem to be holding off for me to do OOo AGAIN?01:14
infinity(Want me to test it first?)01:14
mvodo we have a testplan that goes beyond "ServerTesting" in the wiki?01:14
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infinitymvo: The testplan for -server is mostly "check if you got the right kernel installed, see if the thing reboots alright, and if you're doing a LAMP install, did it install apache2, php5, mysql5?"01:15
Kamioninfinity: if you could test it, that wouldn't hurt ...01:16
infinityIt's pretty light, since -server doesn't really DO much of anything, except dump you in a base system.01:16
Kamioninfinity: oh, we're holding off for OOo? hadn't realised that01:16
mvoinfinity: ok, that was my plan too :)01:16
infinityKamion: mdz's asking me to fix it and upload before he took off implied that.01:16
infinity(And I'm uploading now)01:16
Kamioninfinity: if I have a few minutes, I'd like to prod at the other big-deal items01:16
infinityKamion: Rebooting Zofia's machine now to test that one-liner.01:17
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infinityKamion: You have hours, if we're waiting on another OOo build.01:17
infinityKamion: You should also get some sleep sometime, though, if we're going to be testing tomorrow dring daylight.01:17
Kamionyeah, will do, don't worry01:18
infinityHere's hoping no one asks you to write another new installer next cycle.01:18
infinityI don't envy your "everything hinges on Kamion's last-minute bugfixes" position right now. :/01:19
ograKamion, whats about the PQSERVICE filesystem bug ? i still have it mounted after an ubiquity install on the new system 01:19
Kamionogra: PQSERVICE what now?01:19
ograthats the windows recovery partition on my haddisk01:20
Kamionum no idea01:20
ograits mounted by default in the newly installed system01:20
infinityShouldn't that partition be marked hidden?01:20
ograwe talked about it a while ago ...01:20
infinityogra: What's the partition type?01:20
mvoRiddell: here?01:21
ograinfinity, cfdisk doesnt have it01:21
infinityogra: fdisk -l01:21
infinityErr, it doesn't show up at all?01:21
ograonly on my desktop01:22
infinityThen that's the problem.  Your manufacturer is an idiot.01:22
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=== mvo wonders where he can find kubuntu netinst images
ograwell i know that, its acer01:22
infinityIt should be a normal partition with a hidden partition type.01:22
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ograhmm, doubleclicking it gets me to /01:22
mjg59Yes, partition types with the hidden bit set (which is bit 8, I /think/) probably shouldn't be mounted01:22
infinityThey're doing something rather evil to make it not show up at all.01:22
infinitymjg59: Yeah, but partitions with that bit set would show up in fdisk -l01:23
ograbut it only shows up in live installs, not with the install cd01:23
mjg59infinity: Sure01:23
infinitymjg59: His is hidden in some thpethial way.01:23
Keybukok, I've just managed to completely bodge up this test install01:23
KeybukTIME FOR BED01:23
infinitymjg59: Since his doesn't actually show up at all.01:23
mjg59infinity: Though last time I checked, "hidden" partitions still got mounted01:23
mjg59Uh. If it's not in fdisk, it won't be in /proc/partitions01:23
mjg59Or if it is, dmesg should give a pretty good clue how it's got there01:23
infinitymjg59: Yeah, that would qualify as a bug, then.01:23
mjg59infinity: Yes, now you mention it, I agree01:23
mjg59It just hadn't really occured to me before01:24
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mjg59That ought to be a pretty simple check...01:24
ograi even had these little popups telling me that pqservice was 99% full, but that was fixed at some point during development and disappeared01:24
Riddellmvo: hih01:24
mvoRiddell: hello! where can I find netinst image for kubuntu?01:25
Riddellmvo: same as ubuntu image but different preseed see bottom of KubuntuFiles01:25
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mvoRiddell: aha, thanks01:26
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infinityKamion: Confirmed, your fix lets me see parts of ubiquity I've never seen before. :)01:28
ogradiscovery #01:28
infinityKamion: Alright, I just practiced my leet manual queue processing skills on OOo.  If and when you have a ubiquity upload, let me know.01:35
ograhmm, why isnt the cursor theme set by the X server anymore ? 01:35
Kamionla la la I hate gparted01:36
infinitymvo: I still didn't get my sexy Tbird icon in app-install-data. :(01:43
infinitymvo: I assume you have a roll-up of changed data pending for post-rc?01:43
mvoinfinity: hm, I was sure I added it. but for post-rc i have some stuff pending, I can include it then01:46
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=== _ion wonders whether his computer is compiling gnash or actually computing the question for the answer "42".
_ionOr maybe both computations just happen to take an infinity (no pun intended).01:51
=== ogra really wonders when he'll get the first typo bugs for "Welcome to Edubuntu 6.06 LTS !" in teh ff startpage
ograthis capital LTS is so omnipresent ...01:53
Burgworkogra, not a big fan of the LTS, myself01:55
ograBurgwork, well you dont build a distro where people will expect "Edubuntu 6.06 LTSP" ;)01:57
neuralismvo: apparently apt 0.6.44 includes incremental updates. there's an accepted SoC project that you were going to mentor to implement the same thing. i was going to ask the student to take a look at the apt implementation and see how much it overlaps with his proposal; is this alright with you?01:59
infinityneuralis: I'd suspect mvo knows about apt's new features, since he uploaded them. :)02:00
mvoneuralis: the implementation in 0.6.44 only works for indexfiles (Packages/Source.gz)02:00
mvoneuralis: oh, and what infinity said :)02:00
infinitymvo: Have you spoken with the soyuz people about getting a mirror-side implementation for that, BTW, or are we just going to skip on that feature for Ubuntu?02:01
neuralisinfinity: d'oh, that occurred to me half a second after i hit enter :)02:01
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mvoinfinity: skipping seems to be the best, it is optimized for the debian case with only a single update to the Packages file per day02:02
mvoit works by keeping ed-style diffs around02:02
infinitymvo: Yeah, I know how it works.  I figured it might actually be better for us, if done right.02:02
mvofor ubuntu (and debian) I would like to explore a zsync based idea02:02
mvoinfinity: oh, interessting. can you elaborate?02:03
infinitymvo: Especially for the compulsive updaters who are downloading more in Packages.bz2 every hour than they are in actualy package data.02:03
infinitymvo: Because of our short cycles, the "Packages files are huge, ARGH" problem is magnified, IMO.02:03
mvohow often do we update the Packages file currenlty? 4 times/day? more?02:04
infinityWell, if someone uploads something at least once and hour, we update is 24 times.02:04
infinityAnd if soyuz gets the speed bumps required to bump us back to 30 minute cycles, we get 48 updates a day.02:05
infinity(Again, assuming people upload during each cron.daily)02:05
infinityOn busy days, I'd say we approach that, though.02:05
mvothat would mean 48 diffs per day, rather a lot of files. I wonder how well it would work02:05
infinityWouldn't have to mean that.02:06
infinityThe implementation could be bent a bit.02:06
mvoRiddell: do you have a special testplan for kubuntu?02:06
infinityYou could have the "daily diff", which just keeps growing throughout the day, until it's a full-day diff.02:07
mvonow that is a interessting idea!02:07
Kamioninfinity: ok, I've got a few ubiquity changes ready and tested now. Would you mind eyeballing the diff for me?02:08
infinityKamion: Have at 'er.02:08
Kamioninfinity: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-1.0.7.diff02:09
mvoinfinity: I put that as a spec for paris (and will see what my student comes up with)02:10
infinityMy yoghourt is mocking me.02:10
infinityUnder the lid, it says "you are not a winner".02:10
thominfinity: it's only telling you what we've been saying all along :-)02:10
Riddellmvo: yes, bottom of Testing/Short02:10
HrdwrBoBso what it's really saying is that you are #1 loser02:11
KamionRiddell: wouldn't mind if you eyeballed the diff above either, since it has kde-ui changes (precisely parallelling gtkui changes)02:11
mvoRiddell: *cough* now I could have spotted this :P02:11
ogramvo, if it werent 2am :P02:12
infinity+            if check is None or check == '' or check == ' ':02:13
infinityThankyou Python, for not providing an easier way to state that.02:13
KamionI think it's probably only ever ' ' or something sensible, but I was being hyper-careful02:13
KamionPython does actually, I could say "if check in (None, '', ' ')"02:14
KamionI'll change that and re-test02:14
infinityI love how I keep seeing double between kde-ui and gtk-ui.... There must be some clever way to, oh what are the kids calling it these days, "abstract" that... :)02:15
infinityKamion: Anyhow, the diff, from what I understand of the context and the changelogs, appears to be rational.02:15
Kamionyup, works fine02:16
Kamionyes, the level of frontend duplication is very annoying02:16
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RiddellKamion: looks sensible02:17
Kamionbut edgy :)02:17
KamionRiddell: thanks02:17
bddebianHeya folks02:17
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KamionRiddell: I know qtparted never says "1 Cancel" at the moment, but it was easier to keep the code in sync02:18
infinityKamion: If you want to upload that, I'll manually process the upload, then I can go have a nap while the buildds crunch on OOo...02:19
infinityKamion: (And so should you)02:19
Kamionthis was certainly the last thing I was planning on doing before bed02:19
ograKamion, the workstation selection in the install CD suddenly installs "server"02:23
ogra(edubuntu that is)02:23
infinityKamion: AWTY?02:23
ogradpkg -l|wc -l02:23
Kamioninfinity: uploaded02:24
Kamionogra: syslog etc.02:24
infinityogra: We all got together and decided to surprise you with this space-saving technique.02:24
ograyep, looking into it now ...02:24
infinityKamion: Danke.  Processing.02:25
infinityNap time for me.  See you all in the morning for more testing.02:27
bddebianGnight infinity02:28
KamionAnd I think I'll go to sleep too. Back in ~7.5 hours; please SMS me (or get somebody who knows my number to do so) if anything release-critical comes up02:28
bddebianGnight also Kamion02:29
Kamion(it's *unlikely* I'll wake up, but you never know ...)02:30
ograKamion, can you bookmark that for tomorrow http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/syslog 02:30
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Kamionogra: that syslog shows it installing the desktop.02:33
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Kamionsearch for "'pkgsel" (leading apostrophe)02:34
ograKamion, yes, but no trace for gdm and the like 02:34
ogrago to bed i'll dig ...02:34
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Kamionapt says it's going to install gdm, and then apparently doesn't02:35
ograneither edubuntu-desktop02:35
Kamionbut yeah, going02:35
ograbut there is no error at all02:35
xhakeranyone think nautilus sound preview should be gstreamer powered? or atleast aplay?02:35
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xhakeri'm trying to find the code responsible for this on nautilus cvs02:36
jsgotangcogood morning02:41
ograjsgotangco, hey02:41
jsgotangcoogra: another marathon night (or day)?02:41
ogra(night) 2:42 am here02:51
Riddell50 minutes ahead of britain?02:51
ograi'm half way sleeping already02:52
Riddellme too, finishing this last install and I'm done for the day02:53
ogradid you manage a full test cycle ? 02:54
ograwhy the heck does x-window-system install xolgo and xclock ? 02:54
bddebianHeya jsgotangco02:55
mvoogra: wasn't this always be the case? iirc x-window-system-core was the minimal one02:55
bddebianHmm, did they shutdown uploads or no?02:55
Riddellogra: all 6 CDs plus netinstall.  but I'm far from completing the whole testing grid02:55
ogramvo, i meant -core, sorry ... seems i have these packages in my ltsp clients now :)02:56
mvo-core contains xlogo? someone should talk to the X maintainer then ;)02:56
ograwhich one ? there are so many currently :P02:56
ograx-window-system-core depends on xbase-clients02:57
ograand xbase-clients depends on 50 single-binary packages or so 02:58
ogra..xload, xlogo, xlsatoms, xlsclients, xlsfonts, xmag, xman, xmessage, xmore, xrgb, xrefresh, xsetroot ...02:58
mvoogra: haha, right. lets just pick one at random02:58
ograwhy are they all in single packages ???02:58
mvodude ... "modular" :P03:00
mvohaven't you noticed the xlogo-doc package? with the manpage?03:00
ograhmm, someone should tell daniels that scattered must not mean modular :)03:00
ogramvo, does that carry the docs for the xlogo-dev package as well ? 03:01
mvoheh :) xlogo-dev-doc? but I think it is getting silly now :P03:02
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ograyeah, as silly as this packaging03:02
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bioengHi everyone03:02
bioengI just wanted to hang out here03:03
bioengI'm going back to school03:03
bioengI'm getting a degree in EE03:03
bioengso I wanted to be around some software people03:03
Riddellbioeng: the place to start helping tonight is https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current03:03
bioengBefore I do this, I have one question03:05
bioengIs it possible to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows XP?03:05
ograthats a question that better suits to #ubuntu 03:06
bioengCan you get a lot of embedded systems experience with Ubuntu?03:06
jsgotangcoRiddell: do you need a hand on amd64 test?03:06
ograbioeng, please ask non development related question in #ubuntu, this is the coordination channel for development here03:07
bddebianDo we officially support Sparc?03:08
ograbddebian, yes03:08
bioengI will ask there03:08
ograbut only -server03:08
bddebianogra: Ah03:09
jsgotangcoogra: that is news03:09
ograthere wont be a desktop CD 03:09
ogra(no official one)03:09
Riddelljsgotangco: yes please, go for one of the missing cells in the kubuntu table here if you can https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current03:09
Riddellbut all results are good to know03:09
jsgotangcoRiddell: cheers03:09
=== mvo goes to bed
Riddellbddebian: I don't think it has been announced yet03:10
ograits a public secret :)03:10
ograhmm, intresting the default install semms to finish fine 03:11
bddebianogra: :-)03:11
bioengOne question:  what level of programming skill is required to develop for this OS?03:13
bddebianbioeng: Believe me, not a great deal :-)03:13
ajmitchogra: interesting to hear, actually :)03:15
bioengJust basic programming?03:15
infinitybioeng: Everything from basic shell scripting to deep kernel hacking.  And none of this belongs in this channel.  If you're interested in helping out, please check out #ubuntu-motu03:16
ograajmitch, yes, since the workstation install failed (without errors but only half of the desktop installed)03:16
bddebianbioeng: Check out the MOTUs03:16
ograinfinity !!03:16
ograinfinity SLEEP !!03:16
infinityogra: I'm just a figment of your imagination.03:16
thominfinity: you're asleep, fool03:16
bddebianHeya LaserJock03:16
ogrameh, why doe this work and the other doesnt :'(03:18
ograwoah kde-i18n-de is 17MB now ? 03:20
ograthat was 12 or so in breezy03:20
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wftlHello everyone. Is there actually any difference between the DVD Dapper vs the CD (other than media). They appear to be the same and my publisher is asking which we should include with the book.03:33
jsgotangcograb the liveCD that would be much better IMO03:33
ogradvd contains the desktop and the alternate iso as well as all of supported03:34
wftlogra: So a user accepting a default boot won't see any difference.03:35
ograbut jsgotangco is right, i'd also go for the desktop (live) CD for publishing03:35
wftljsgotangco: thanks for that tip03:36
ograsince thats your default install media now that we have the ubiquity installer03:36
ograwhere do you publish ?03:36
wftlogra: Addison Wesley is my publisher. The new book is called "Moving to Ubuntu", due out late July.03:37
ograin a country with generally bad internet access (Africa, India) the DVD might be a better choice03:37
wftlogra: Does the DVD have additional sources though?03:37
jsgotangcothat is neat, ubiquity is actually perfect for "moving" new users03:37
wftlNothing visible from the menu.03:37
ograit has *all* packages in the supported set ... 03:38
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wftlogra: not in the menu though.03:38
wftlie: Applications03:38
ograyou dont install single packages from the menu ;)03:38
=== Riddell reminds ogra that Africa is not a country
ograright, sorry to all africans in here :)03:38
wftlogra: Granted, but you can't run the additional packages from the live menu. 03:39
wftlYou need to install it first.03:39
ograthe advantage of the DVD is that you dont need internet to install a lot of packages ... 03:40
ograthe disadvantage is that they might be outdated (missing security updates etc)03:40
ografor a book like that i'd got with the desktop CD03:40
wftlOkay, so the package repositories are on the DVD then. I just can't see them unless I install and fire up Synaptic, correct?03:40
ografor the "nairobi computer magazine" i'd go with the DVD03:41
ograwftl, yep03:41
Riddellthe other disadvantage of the DVD is that you need a DVD reader to use it03:41
wftlRiddell: Good point, and not everyone will have a DVD. 03:41
ograwhich in turn might make it not a good coice for named magazine 03:41
wftlOkay then, CD it is.03:42
wftlThanks, ogra, Riddell, jsgotangco. I appreciate it.03:43
jsgotangcogood luck on the book project too03:43
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wftlThanks. Lots of excitement around it already. Should be fun.03:44
Riddellwftl: make sure you have a good kubuntu chapter in your book03:44
ograand a good edubuntu one !03:45
bddebianHeh @ Riddell & ogra03:45
wftlRiddell: already done. There's a chapter on [ahem]  turning Ubuntu into Kubuntu (so to speak).03:45
ogrageez, now the WS install works 03:45
Riddellwftl: excellent :)03:45
wftlNo Edubuntu chapter though, sorry.03:45
ogramust have been cosmic rays or something03:45
wftlRiddell: Had to. I normally run Kubuntu so . . .03:46
ograwftl, bah, and we even ship the most revolutionary LTSP impelmentation currently available 03:46
wftlogra: LTSP? Where?03:46
ograwftl, edubuntu03:46
bddebianogra: Is there an edubuntu team on LP?03:47
wftlogra: Coolness!03:47
ograinstalls a ltsp classromm server out of the box03:47
wftlogra: That's wild! I need to check it out.03:47
ograand has a new ssh based ltsp implementation03:47
ograbddebian, sure, arent you a member ? you could even join edubuntu-members and get an edubuntu.org mailaddress ;)03:48
ograbut there are also edubuntu-bugs, edubuntu-testers and many more03:48
bddebianI was just going to check out your bug list :-)03:48
ograits trivially small :)03:48
ogra(compared to kubuntus for example ;) )03:49
bddebianWhat team name are they subscribed/assigned to?03:49
Riddellogra: do those e-mail addresses work?03:49
ograRiddell, yep03:49
bddebianYeah I've worked on kubuntu bugs.  It's a hefty list :-)03:49
ogradont yours ? 03:49
Riddelldunno, never trie03:49
jsgotangcowftl: you can actually swith ubuntu/kubuntu to edubuntu desktop even03:49
Riddellis it launchpad-id@edubuntu.org?03:49
=== Riddell hugs bddebian
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ograjsgotangco, but that wont bring you ltsp out of the box though :)03:50
bddebianRiddell: Well you never did tell me if I was doing you any good :-)03:50
jsgotangcoogra: you're saying my workstation tests are worthless heh03:50
ograjsgotangco, no, my failed one was03:50
Riddellbddebian: I still havn't read bugmail from that day you asked03:50
RiddellI'll probaly let you know by the weekend :)03:51
ograjsgotangco, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/syslog03:51
ograjsgotangco, search for gdm in there03:51
ograor edubuntu-desktop 03:51
Riddellooh, jr@kubuntu.org works03:51
ograyou wont find it more than once03:51
bddebianRiddell: Heh03:51
Riddellwonder how long before that get spam03:51
bddebianogra: Yeah, that's a pretty small list :-)03:51
ograsince we switched to source only packages the list is very small 03:52
=== Riddell beds
ograkdeedu is a good bunch of binary packages :)03:52
jsgotangcoMay 25 00:03:05 in-target:   dvd+rw-tools ed editres edubuntu-artwork edubuntu-desktop ekiga eog03:53
ograjsgotangco, yep03:53
bddebianGnight Riddell03:53
ograbut the unpackaing configuring and installing lines are missing03:53
ograand there is no error at all .. it finished fine, and rebooted to console03:53
ograno gdm and only half of the desktop installed03:54
jsgotangcoi noticed that near th end03:54
ograbut for now i blame my broken DVD reader 03:54
ograit sometimes has bad days03:54
ograbut what should you expect from a dvd reader thats not even able to play an audio CD03:55
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jsgotangcoogra: hmmm did you consider breezy->dapper upgrade for edu in the test?03:57
ogranot yet03:57
ograi'll pull a breezy i386 iso on the weekend and test that out03:58
ograi also have to write ltsp upgrade instructions to update the clients 03:58
ograjsgotangco, you didnt note down your successfull installs on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/CurrentEdubuntu 04:01
jsgotangcopfftt sorry04:01
=== jsgotangco goes there now
ograWS install amd64 is good ... finally04:04
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ograjsgotangco, wow, that was fast :) thanks 04:07
jsgotangcotesting expert now04:10
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=== ogra starts i386 WS
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SuperQhey, is 2.6.16-23 going to make it into the RC installer CD?04:32
jsgotangcoogra: amd64 autoresize, workstation, expert check04:33
ogradid you try the ltsp builder in expert ? 04:34
ogracbx33 had some probs04:34
jsgotangcoheh doing it now04:34
ograSuperQ, you mean if we upgrade from 2.6.15-23 to a 2.6.16 kernel within the next hours (one week after the kernel freeze ?)04:35
jsgotangcoi need a network connection to do that right?04:35
=== jsgotangco is running out of nodes
ograits like in the default install04:36
ograbut  i dont really expect it to work anyway04:36
jsgotangcodoesn't hurt for another failure to happen to be sure04:36
SuperQogra: no, I mean will something >= -23 be part of the installer image04:37
SuperQogra: It wasn't in the daily a couple of days ago04:37
ograSuperQ, we wont ship 2.6.1604:37
Lathiati think the .16 was a typo ?04:37
Lathiatgiven -23 is th current 2.6.15 ubuntu revision04:37
ograand the kernel freeze was supposed to be 7 days ago04:37
SuperQoh.. sorry.. 2.6.15-2304:37
SuperQogra: tyopo04:37
Lathiathas anyone else heard of -23 breaking intel hd audio?04:37
ograso we wont change anything wrt kernel for RC04:38
ograalso the RC candidate is pretty much finished ... 04:38
ograonly some hours away04:38
SuperQI just want to make sure 2.6.15-23 will be the boot kernel for the RC installer04:38
ograyep, the current one will be the RC kernel (unless someone find something really evil today)04:39
SuperQok, good04:39
SuperQsome of the hardware on my gf's T60 is missing from beta204:39
SuperQhardware support04:39
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jsgotangcoogra: hmm the install didn't do anything at all on setting up LTSP05:24
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ograthats what cbx33 reported as well05:28
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jsgotangcoogra: that happened when i didnt have a network05:34
jsgotangcowhen i plugged in, its now doing ltsp chroot05:34
jsgotangcobut it seems it only went to 50%05:34
ograits not depending on network05:36
ograbut it depends on the mounted cd, is that still mounted ? 05:36
ograalso look at console 305:37
ograit should show any output there05:37
jsgotangcothe chroot failed05:38
ograi'll test myself after some h of sleep05:39
jduboh man05:47
jdubsounder sucks these days :(05:47
ajmitchtoo much noise & heat\05:51
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vinboyis the release candidate out yet?08:20
Burgundaviavinboy, nope, you will see an announcement08:21
vinboyin 6 hours08:21
fabbionevinboy: when it's ready08:22
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sivangre all08:55
kagouGood morning08:59
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sivanghey kagou , what's up?09:08
kagousivang, coffee time :) and you ?09:09
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kagousivang, is that you working on hubackup ?09:17
sivangkagou: it is , I know it needs a lot of more work :)09:20
kagousivang, it look promising. do you have cvs or web site ?09:21
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sivangkagou: bzr branch is it http://mercury.linuxguru.net/~sivan/upbackup--main09:23
sivangkagou: also you can apt-get source it09:23
=== pygi copy bzr repo
nomedsivang, is it a launchpad proj too ?09:29
nomedi see it is 09:31
sivangnomed: yes, scanned fro revisions and everything, I'm also going to mirror it at supermirror when I find a minute.09:31
nomedsivang, would it be possible to add dev bzr branch to the proj page ? 09:31
sivangnomed: is there already? what's the link you are talking about?09:32
nomedohh yep i see09:32
nomedthere was a strange link at the proj frontpage in launchpad09:33
nomedsivang, are u using notification-daemon too at the end ?09:33
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Keybukheh @ Dilbert ... "Now, I know how much you hate the phrase 'In lieu of a raise'"09:36
pygisivang, I have good news for you09:36
jdubhrm, is there any way to figure out what PCI version a motherboard supports from within linux?09:40
sivangpygi: Mario, sorry I was away last day - you know all manhy aarrangment etc09:40
jdub"only firefox and your mobo vendor's website" is an acceptable answer if that's the case ;)09:40
sivangpygi: I saw you emailed me and I did not exactly understand about what09:40
pygisivang, no problem at all, just tell me once you are back 09:41
pygiyea, that message carried no common sense :)09:41
sivangpygi: back for some time now09:41
pygisivang, oki, you know that backup thingy....well he wasn't accepted for us (he did, but there was collision with 3 other orgs)09:41
pygihe'll work with us this summer 09:42
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pyginot for money tho, but he'll still work, so :)09:42
sivangpygi: ah, do you think he'll manage it? I mean, if he's already going to be busy - probably asking him for one more poject could be not that good for him..distractions etc. but if he's interested in helping, then why not.09:43
pygisivang, I haven't asked him to help...he offered help ;)09:43
pygisivang, and yes, he seems very talented, and he can probably manage it09:43
Keybukgrr, somebody is doing it again.  Filing bugs because "things look wrong" and not because they have an actual problem!09:44
sivangpygi: what's the other project he got accepted to?09:45
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pygisivang, he got accepted by 4 orgs(record) but resolution went to Gentoo (WYSIWYG (insert the doc format) editor)09:45
sivangpygi: nice09:46
pygisivang, anyway I'll look at what we have currently today or tommorow so we can start hackin' on it09:46
pygiokay, I gotta run now09:48
sivangpygi: very cool, I may be away on and off until I get sorted (paper work, other stuff, probably movin again) so feel free to start ahead , analyze the ode, and draw a plan how to work out towards Anat's plan.09:48
sivangpygi: btw, how is e caled on IRC?09:48
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jdubKeybuk: I WANT A DMA!09:53
jdubKeybuk: TWO! I WANT TWO!09:53
Burgundaviajdub, no, the bikeshed should be blue!09:54
Keybukjdub: hehe09:55
=== jdub posts EOT
Keybukit's sounder, it's inherently off-topic and rambling09:59
Keybukif it were u-d, I would have got the AK47 out long ago09:59
Keybukthere's a link you can put on your EOT :p09:59
jdubit's inherently off-topic-ish, but there's no excuse for pointless, argumentative, unproductive drivel on any list10:00
TreenaksJust make enable DMA randomly (or not) on each boot, that should make everyone happy :P10:02
sladenjdub: IIRC, PCI-Express, 64-bit and 66Mhz versions are all transparent to the OS.10:04
Treenakssladen: 'PCIE is transparent, but with extra magic added', afaik10:05
jdub(i ended up getting a useful answer from intel, via the clug archives)10:06
jdub(my mobo is pre i810, so doesn't support PCI 2.2)10:06
KeybukTreenaks: yeah, one day we'll fix the extra magic10:06
Keybukright now the magic is gone10:06
sivangbattery going down, laters all10:06
Keybuklook in /sys/bus/pci_express/devices, look how many different links there are, then look at how many different link _names_ there are10:07
TreenaksKeybuk: ooh nice!10:07
Keybukit's not really a major bug until we have something that _cares_ about PCI-Express10:08
Treenaks(like some X drivers?)10:08
Keybukthe X drivers will access the card through the PCI bridge10:08
Keybukusually they start talking PCI, and then switch to PCIe once they realise they can10:09
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Mithrandirmdz: (re Calc & Impress both being named spreadsheet): Sorry. :-(10:15
mdzMithrandir: sorted now; let's do this thing10:16
infinitymdz: I'm going to do OOo-amd64 right now, if that's alright.10:17
mdzinfinity: please10:17
infinityUnless someone with more bandwidth wants to...10:17
infinityMithrandir: ?10:17
mdzthat would also be sensible10:17
infinityOr I can just do it in the DC, and ship the changes home to sign.10:17
Mithrandirinfinity: it's a national holiday for me here today so I'd prefer to not work today.10:18
infinityMithrandir: Understood.  I'd prefer not to work today too. :)10:18
=== infinity gets on it.
Kamionare the other arches ready for candidate builds?10:19
infinityi386 should be, since I just published the i386 OOo binaries.10:19
Keybuketa for the candidates?10:19
infinitypowerpc JUSt finished the OOo build, so we may as well wait for that to upload and publish.10:19
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mdzI just verified the menu entries on i386 ;-)10:20
Keybukif > 1hr, I'll pop out now to get milk and essentials, rather than later; if that's ok?10:20
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mdzKeybuk: >1hr10:20
KeybukI was dreaming about usplash last night ... very bizarre10:21
infinityOh, publisher's off, BTW, so I can drive it by hand immediately after I get uploads in.10:21
infinityKeybuk: Sick.10:21
mdzznarl: I'm seeing rsync connections unexpectedly closed/reset on cdimage10:22
mdzznarl: rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] 10:22
omegKeybuk: did you get any splendid new ideas for it?10:22
Keybukomeg: I couldn't decide whether to add progress bars for running fscks, or just disable the automatic fsck anyway (except for bad unmount)10:25
lifelessmmmm progress mmmmm10:25
=== Kamion looks at bug 46521 and is impressed that the reporter managed to boot the desktop CD in the first place
UbugtuMalone bug 46521 in ubiquity "Installer crashed - Powerpc system with no yaboot bootstrap partition." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4652110:27
Kamionthe occasional automatic fsck is a good thing to keep, I think; filesystem damage isn't always accompanied by the filesystem being marked dirty10:27
mdzdoes anyone else see this rsync problem?10:27
mdzKamion: so we're rolling a new candidate for ubiquity 1.0.7?10:28
Kamionwe were rolling a new candidate for OOo anyway, I thought10:29
Kamionif we're not, then I don't mind if it waits until post-RC10:29
mdzI expected to have it waiting in the wings for post-RC, but I suppose we do have the option10:30
mdzwe could roll one and start testing, and have the existing candidate as a fallback10:30
=== j_^ is now known as j^
=== evelin [n=evelin@dslb-088-073-240-039.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionsorry, I just assumed that we were doing OOo now because we wanted it in the RC10:30
Kamioninfinity was under that impression too10:30
mdzoh, well if sleep was already lost on it, we should definitely go for it then10:31
Kamionstill, the infloop fix for systems with multiple disks is worthwhile10:31
infinitymdz: It'll take less than an hour to get OOo in for all arches now, so I think it's a win.10:32
mdzKamion: and VERY VERY SCARY that we didn't hear about it until now10:32
Kamionit was probably introduced in ubiquity 0.99.83, the resize handling changes10:32
infinitymdz: If only to avoid the huge amount of dupes for the broken string. :)10:32
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Kamionwhich was after Flight CD 7, so I'm not so surprised that I wasn't getting "mass-market" reports of it10:33
mdzwell, unless this rsync problem is fixed, I won't be able to download the new candidate very effectively10:34
mdzis it only me, or no?10:35
=== infinity tests.
mdzfirst connection works, second one blows up10:35
infinityOh, all my images are up to date, so I can't really tell...10:35
infinityThey happily download 93 bytes each, though.10:35
mdzinfinity: doesn't matter, mine are too10:35
fabbionemdz: i can connect fine10:35
mdzfabbione: how many times in sequence?10:35
mdzit's always the second connect which fails for me10:36
mdzreceiving file list ...10:36
mdz3 files to consider10:36
mdzsent 111 bytes  received 138 bytes  498.00 bytes/sec10:36
mdztotal size is 2159151104  speedup is 8671289.5710:36
mdzrsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] 10:36
mdz(that's daily-live  followed by daily)10:36
fabbionemdz: probably you are hitting the ip limit10:36
fabbioneand one of your session is still hanging there10:36
fabbionewait a little bit10:36
=== mdz tries a sleep
fabbionedid you break an rsync in the middle?10:36
mdzsleep fixes it10:37
fabbionenah sleep is pointless10:37
mdzsleep 1 between the rsyncs got it going again10:37
fabbionehmm try removing it again10:37
fabbioneprobably the hanging connection did timeout?10:37
mdzworking now too10:37
fabbionealso.. to what cdimage are you connecting?10:37
fabbionethere is more than one10:37
=== Kamion always rsyncs-over-ssh from lithium. Don't tell anyone.
fabbioneName:   cdimage.ubuntu.com10:38
fabbioneName:   cdimage.ubuntu.com10:38
Kamion(I got into the habit when rsync from cdimage was much more regularly broken, and never changed my scripts when it got more reliable ...)10:38
=== ctd [i=ctd@incubus.progsoc.uts.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzKamion: I don't keep keys on the office server, or forward an agent to it either ;-)10:38
fabbioneKamion: not everybody has access to these boxes.. you lucky B*****D10:38
Kamionmdz: heh10:38
Kamionfabbione: well, quite ...10:39
=== Fjodor [n=sune@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneinfinity: how is OO.o doing on the != x86 arches?10:40
=== carlos [n=carlos@13.Red-88-15-198.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityfabbione: PowerPC is built, -amd64 is uploaded (as of 2 minutes ago) and the publisher is running.10:41
fabbioneinfinity: sparc?10:41
infinitysparc's still grinding away... But we're not (officially) testing sparc desktop CDs anyway, so...10:41
fabbioneinfinity: right.. 10:42
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sivanghmm, nice spash10:44
sivangsplash eve10:44
infinitysivang: Which one?  The new GNOME splash?10:44
sivanginfinity: yes, quite nice10:44
=== _ion noticed shipit allows one to order just one CD now. Has something changed regarding the "shipping costs for just one CD / cost of the actual CD >= toobig" matter?
=== infinity reads off the post-it on his desk:
infinity"Yes, I think the new GNOME splash is great too, because if I didn't think it was, mdz would kill me."10:45
fabbioneinfinity: ahahahha10:45
sivanginfinity: Well, I happen to really think it's nice :) I liked the transparent upper part 10:45
mdkeyeah, good art all round10:46
=== Fjodor [n=sune@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityI'm just trying to avoid getting murdered in Paris for accidentally convincing people to bikeshed over yet another piece of artwork.10:46
mdzjust wait, there are more changes to come10:46
infinitySo, yeah.  THE NEW SPLASH IS AWESOME.10:46
mdzinfinity: friends don't let friends endure last-minute artwork changes: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-artwork/+bug/4621910:47
mdkenot the final artwork eh10:47
UbugtuMalone bug 46219 in ubuntu-artwork "Folder icons in 'Human' theme are huge" [Major,Fix committed]  10:47
fabbioneKamion: i assume the new ppc -desktop- has fixed ubiquity, right?10:47
infinityfabbione: Define "fixed"10:47
infinityfabbione: It has 1.0.5, but not 1.0.7... I think.10:48
fabbioneinfinity: for the link_kernel template thingy10:48
infinityOh, yeah, that's fixed.10:48
fabbionei assume it is unreasonable to ask for new images?10:48
infinitySince it's easier to do them all at once, I'm just gonna wait for amd64 OOo to hit the archive.10:48
infinity(Oh, and PPC OOo is still publishing..)10:49
=== infinity gets out and pushes drescher.
=== sivang wonders at the meaning of bikeshed is used in infinity's sentence.
mdzsivang: wikipedia10:49
=== sivang wikipedias
mdzinfinity: oo.o-amd64 is in this publisher run as well?10:53
infinitymdz: The source.  It'll be one more run to get the binaries in.10:53
sivangah, I see.10:54
infinitymdz: Thankfully, the binaries build in about a minute, so it'll be quick turnaround.10:54
_ionHuh, what's up with this? "10 CDs requested in 2006-05-20. 10 CDs approved and sent to the shipping company in 2006-05-24"  Dapper isn't even released yet.10:55
=== infinity completely fails to get wikipedia to tell him anything interesting about bikesheds.
infinityOh, I had to follow a See Also from Parkinson's law.  Silly me.10:57
dAndyyep :)10:57
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9508B59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdz_ion: presumably they're queueing orders for us10:58
sivanginfinity: I'm bothered by mediawiki's search capabilities. none of the returned search restuls mention the search term itself and where it was found, this can be confusing.10:59
mdzinfinity: have had a chat with celso and after dapper, we can have a go at doing builds without waiting for the publisher10:59
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_ionmdz: I.e. no CDs have actually been sent to the shipping company?10:59
infinitymdz: \o/11:00
mdz_ion: the shipping company and the company who manufactures the CDs are the same company11:00
_ionmdz: Ah, okay.11:00
infinitymdz: I've told him before that build-from-incoming is a somewhat useful thing for sane security releases anyway (so we don't have to stage interdepending releases), so yay.11:00
dAndysivang: (offtopic i know) google.com, search for "site:en.wikipedia.org bikeshed"11:00
=== janimo [n=jani@Home03207.cluj.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu-devel
OculusAquilaecarlos: ping11:03
carlosOculusAquilae: pong11:04
OculusAquilaecarlos: hi, here konversation's and k3b's translation is ok, but ktorrent still isn't translated (daily build)11:05
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carloslet me check...11:07
carlosOculusAquilae: my fault, sorry, It will appear today11:08
OculusAquilaeok, nice 11:08
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OculusAquilaeI'll check again tonight (european)11:10
janimocarlos: what's the diff between checking the 'someone should review this translation' box, if I am only making suggetsions, not part of the team?11:13
carlosjanimo: atm, nothing at all11:14
janimocarlos: vs not checking the box.11:14
janimocarlos: good, thanks11:14
janimocarlos, is what is worked on now in rosetta  too late for release?11:15
carlosjanimo: I don't understand the question, sorry...11:15
janimothere's a bug in the Spanish Xfce interface which noone fixed so far11:15
Kamionah, I won't bother then, I've occasionally tried to use that box to indicate "I maintain this package and it is obvious to me that this translation is wrong"11:15
Kamionwhich happens from time to time11:16
janimolike I did an dedit now in rosetta, will it make dapper or only updates?11:16
carlosKamion: well, you, as the maintainer should have rights to edit any translation... I should fix that bug11:16
Kamioncarlos: that would be lovely, certainly :-)11:16
Kamionthere are a few installer translations I just know to routinely ignore11:16
carlosjanimo: the final language pack will be generate on Monday11:17
janimocarlos, ah nice then it will hopefully get fixed by then11:17
carloswith translations done until Sunday11:17
infinitymdz: Second publisher run going for OOo binaries.11:17
infinitymdz: We should be building images in ~25 mins.11:17
mdzinfinity: woo11:18
carlosjanimo: you would need to talk with jordi, he's sorting the order of importance for Ubuntu packages (which ones should be translated first)11:18
carlosjanimo: and he will need some help from you for XFC11:18
janimocarlos, ok I'll drop in #rosetta today11:18
=== sivang notices he knows some of the answers to the weakest link's question in the backgorund.
carlosjanimo: #launchpad please, #rosetta is not used11:19
infinityHrm, if this is the last OOo upload of the release, LP's going to list me as the creator of OOo.  That's so not good.11:19
carlosinfinity: are we building new OO.org packages?11:19
=== matrixise [n=matrixis@host-213-213-235-42.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
carlosOO.org's translations take two days to be imported....11:19
infinitycarlos: Better start now.  They're all uploaded now. :)11:20
carlosinfinity: well, it's finishing previous build..11:20
mdzcarlos: yes, with new untranslated .desktop files!11:20
carlosmdz: how did you added those new .desktop files ?11:21
mdzcarlos: they're not new, but the strings changed11:21
infinityShoehorn and lube.11:21
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Kamioninfinity: please reduce OOo's memory usage immediately kthxbye11:23
infinityalias openoffice=vim11:24
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infinitySure, it won't help a lot, with the way VIM's been bloating in the past 5 years, but it'll help a smidge. :)11:24
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityDear drescher, If you really loved me, you'd sprout a CPU from the future and insanely fast solid state disks.  Regards, Adam.11:27
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityPS, when you get tat CPU from the future, feel free to use your new AI features to optimise soyuz on-disk.11:28
KamionI'll settle for the queue tool not making me want to get a coffee each time I run it11:30
infinityIt only makes you want coffee?  Such restraint.11:30
infinityKamion: Are you ready to log in to lithium, batch up some commands, and hover over the [enter]  key? :)11:31
=== infinity logs in to all the livefs hosts and does the same.
infinityActually, do we want to bother building new alternates for the new OOo, or should we just do -desktop- CDs?11:32
infinitymdz: ?11:32
Kamioninfinity: yes11:33
mdzinfinity: yes11:34
Kamiontell me when I can start building alternates11:34
infinityKamion: Alright, then.  Batch up some alternate builds, and I'll give the word when the  publisher exits. :)11:34
Kamiondon't need a new ubuntu-server, do I?11:34
infinityNothing changed there since the last build.11:34
infinityShould just want {u,ku,edu,xu}buntu alternates.11:35
Kamionready when you are11:35
mdzinfinity: are the new livefses building now?11:35
infinitymdz: Not until the publisher exits.  Chicken and eggs and all.11:36
mdzoh, still waiting on the publisher11:36
infinityWell, I can statr all but amd64...11:36
Kamionhardly worth it11:36
mdzamd64 is the fastest, isn't it?11:36
infinityBut since amd64 isn't appreciably faster than powerpc and i386, there's not much point.11:36
=== mvo [n=egon@p54A65ADB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityKamion: No point in re-rolling any ports images, BTW, if you were about to.11:38
infinityKamion: LiveCD is universally broken for various reasons on all of them, and the only thing that would have changed on the alternate is OOo on ia64.. Which no ones actually tested to see if it even works.11:39
Kamionok, no, hadn't queued those up11:39
infinity(It just gets it for free from the OOo-amd64 build)11:39
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=== infinity taps his foot...
mdzalmost there11:41
=== infinity wonders how many people are doing the "ps axu | grep 1004" dance on drescher right now.
Kamion'ps -u lp_publish xf' is easier to remember11:43
Kamionhm, 'ps -u lp_publish f' I mean11:43
infinitypotayto, potahto.11:43
Keybukwatch "ps f -u 1004" ? :)11:44
Kamionlet's call the whole thing off11:44
Keybukbecause then you get to say "P.S. F.U" :)11:44
Keybukinfinity: you say potato, I say vodka!11:44
infinityThere, mirrors triggering.11:44
infinityKamion: Go! :)11:45
mdzgo go gadget cdimage11:45
=== ajmitch sits back & watches the action
Kamionyou know I should've put an echo in between cd builds there, oh well11:46
Kamionnot to mention screened it ...11:46
infinityscreen is for the weak.11:46
infinityI say that because I also forgot to screen the livefs builds. :)11:46
infinityI'm sure my DSL will hold up for the next hour.... Maybe...11:46
=== infinity fidgets nervously.
Kamionwe rock11:47
infinityKamion: Are you running the alternate builds serially?11:47
Kamionyes, I'm still in habits due to a machine with crap I/O11:48
infinity(So when livefses start rolling in, I can do livecd builds in parallel..)11:48
Kamionalthough most of the alternate builds will be done by that time11:48
Kamionthe livefs builds are serial, I presume11:48
infinityShow off.11:48
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Kamionnot my fault your stuff is slow ;)11:48
infinityYeah, I need to spec (and allot myself time for) livefs build re-engineering during edgy.11:49
infinityI'm pretty sure I can cut the build time nearly in half in some cases.11:49
infinityI just don't feel the urge to do it in the last week before release.11:49
Kamionthe layered-unionfs idea would be great to have if it's at all feasible11:50
Kamionthough I guess the ubiquity code to work around the lack of that is relatively stable11:50
infinityEven if it's not, I can simulate it with a deboostrap cache.11:50
janimoKamion: for the release, you'll take care of the  xubuntu gfxboot new image too right?11:50
janimoconverting usplash->to rle, etc11:50
Kamionjanimo: how about I start on it now while waiting for stuff to build11:50
janimoKamion: cool, there's a bug filed, but you can just get xubuntu-artwork11:51
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infinityjanimo: Did up upload omeg's usplash image already?11:51
janimoinfinity: yes11:51
infinityjanimo: I might want to grab xubuntu-artwork and fix it a bit. :)11:51
janimoinfinity: ok go ahead :)11:51
Kamionyes I have the bug here11:51
janimoI knew it could not be the last...11:52
infinityYeah, I need to cut out the progress bar, since we did so for ubuntu and edubuntu.11:52
infinity(To get rid of the "glow" around it)11:52
infinityNo big deal.11:52
janimooh, I liked that glow :)11:52
ograme too :)11:52
Kamionhuh, the progress bar is part of the image now?11:52
KamionI'll cut it out for the gfxboot image11:53
ograthe backgroung11:53
janimobut the gfxbott image does not use the glow no, so should not be blcked on this?11:53
infinityjanimo: Well, you can keep it if you want.  We cut it from ubuntu after some long discussions on the matter, then omeg decided he'd rather they were consistent, so figured we should cut it from all of them.11:53
infinityKamion: Yeah, doesn't affect you, just cut it out. :)11:53
janimoinfinity: +1 for consistency11:53
janimoso whatever ubuntu uses, I just was not aware of it11:53
janimoso how does one know how much time is approximately left if there;s no progress bar?11:54
=== morgs [n=ubuntu@dsl-165-233-64.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukjanimo: progress bar consists of a backing colour and a foreground colour11:54
Keybukthe backing colour is lighter than the backgroundf11:54
infinityjanimo: Err, the progress bar is drawn by usplash.  The bar you see on your PNG is entirely covered up, except for a small glow around the edges.11:54
Keybukboth colours are drawn by usplash, over top of whatever was in the PNG there anyway11:54
morgsKamion: bug 4653411:55
UbugtuMalone bug 46534 in ubiquity "Infinite loop selecting drive to partition" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4653411:55
Keybukwhen I did the ubuntu art, I cut the artwork to just the logo to reduce size and stuff11:55
Keybukand mostly because I didn't realise there was a glow there ;)11:55
infinitymorgs: That's fixed in the images we're building right now.11:55
morgsinfinity: thx!11:55
janimoKeybuk: so now you're on the art-team too ;) ?11:55
Keybukjanimo: no, I'm on the "infinity's bitch" team11:55
=== infinity cracks a whip.
ograjanimo, Keybuk is older than the art team as launchpads emblem art directory11:56
=== Keybuk yelps with a combination of pain and pleasure
infinityThe emblem art director?11:56
ograyeah :)11:57
infinityKeybuk: I have you to blame for my lp-buildd bricks-and-spade emblem? :)11:57
Keybukogra: heh, I've been futzing with ubuntu's artwork for longer than that; I'm vaguely responsible for the ubuntu logo lettertype11:57
Keybukinfinity: no, I just did the ubuntu-code-dev hammer (by copying an icon, not exactly rocket science)11:57
=== infinity keeps meaning to change that, but after doing emblems for X, archive, and security, I got bored.
mdzmorgs: sounds like a duplicate of bug 4639811:58
UbugtuMalone bug 46398 in ubiquity ""Select a disk" loops forever..." [Major,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4639811:58
infinityKeybuk: I hope you appreciate the effort that went into the archive emblem.  You have no idea how hard it is to make a floppy disk look like a floppy disk at that size without just looking like a little blob of pixels in a box. :)11:59
sladendholbach: what's the deal with the over-sized network-manager logs;  I'm loathed to fix it and create an addition upload as it's a 10MB download for everyone11:59
sladendholbach: OTOH, it's annoying and the latest change has been to resize the *wrong* icon11:59
dholbachsladen: i have no idea what you are talking about. I never made any changes to network manager's logs - I didn't even know that network manager *writes* logs12:00
sladendholbach: s/logs/logos/ icons12:00
morgsmdz: yes it is a dupe... I did search but clearly only saw open bugs12:00
Keybukheh @ http://modernduck.com/12:00
dholbachsladen: are you talking about gnome-netstatus applet?12:01
Keybukinfinity: but we don't SHIP on floppies12:01
sladendholbach: yes, bug #34521, currently assigned to you12:01
UbugtuMalone bug 34521 in ubuntu-artwork "network monitor's icon have too much unused space" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3452112:01
infinityKeybuk: We should. :)12:01
dholbachsladen: ok, so that's not network-manager12:01
infinityKeybuk: Go back to our roots... But instead of downloading a few dozen floppies, now you get thousands!12:01
sladendholbach: yes.  s/network-manager/gnome-netstatus/g;s/logs/icons/g12:02
dholbachsladen: wait for ubuntu-artwork 2412:02
dholbachsladen: i uploaded it, but it is currently held for the RC freeze12:02
ograinfinity, what became of the masterplan to ship on punchcards ? 12:02
sladendholbach: is it already fixed in there, or does it need adding to there?12:02
sladendholbach: ah12:02
=== abelcheung [n=abelcheu@pcd730116.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionmorgs: I do read my e-mail too ... :-)12:02
dholbachsladen: you can try http://daniel.holba.ch/ubuntu/ubuntu-artwork_24_all.deb as well12:02
infinityogra: We all became dirty hippies who wanted to save the trees.12:02
ograinfinity, plastic cards ;) 12:03
=== morgs is a bit overzealous today
Kamionbut thanks for the effort12:03
morgsKamion: thx, I'll go away now and wait patiently :-)12:03
Kamionogra: trees -> compression over lots and lots of time -> oil -> plastic12:04
Keybukinfinity: no doubt Mithrandir can come up with some sick initramfs/unionfs/etc. trick that means we can do a LiveFloppy12:05
ograbah :)12:05
infinityKeybuk: Dude, ew.12:05
fabbioneKeybuk: lol12:05
Keybukboot with the first one (boot loader) that asks you to insert each subequent one until it's got all of the kernel and initramfs together, then boot those to get you to insert the rest and build up the rofs12:05
infinityKeybuk: You're SO gonna get it in Paris for that.12:05
=== sven-tek [n=sven-tek@p508E40E4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityHrm, our kernel is JUST over floppy-sized now.... I hadn't noticed that we'd crossed that barrier.12:06
ograKeybuk, with gnome and everything ? 12:07
Keybukogra: of course12:07
Keybukwe'd never have to worry about it being oversized12:07
infinityFloppyOffice could set new records for launch time.12:07
=== ogra remembers his CDrom starting even if he hovers over the gnome menu ... you'd need a lot of prompts for the right floppy
infinityEspecially if you need to keep inserting old floppies to page data in.12:07
Kamionyou'd have to find a machine that can only boot off floppies but yet has enough memory to assemble it all12:07
infinity"Please insert floppy #258 ... <grind, grind> ... Please insert floppy #134"12:08
infinityKamion: Assemble, aschmemble.  You keep a table of which floppy has which parts of the FS, and you just keep swapping back and forth.12:08
infinityRandom access floppy array.12:08
iwjIt should be a kernel block device driver with a kernel-provided graphical dialogue box to pop up and ask you to change the disk.12:09
Keybukgiven the failure rate and typical half-life of floppies these days, you'd probably have to do some kind of RAID12:09
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infinityKeybuk: Floppy RAID makes sense, yes.12:10
iwj`Floppy no #134 has gone bad.  Please remove it and throw it away.'12:10
infinity(I wondered why it wasn't built into the spec in the first place, like it is for CD audio, for instance)12:10
iwjinfinity: Because the hardware used to be reliable enough that it worked properly.12:10
iwjNowadays floppies (the disks) are cheap but dreadful.12:10
infinityiwj: True.  The drives were better, and no one assumed you'd keep a floppy for 10 years either, I suspect.12:10
KeybukI actually went out of my way to ensure I got a floppy drive in the AMD6412:11
Keybukand I've never used it12:11
infinitymorgs: You're echoing...12:11
iwj_ion, morgs: That lacks the `please insert ...' factor.12:11
infinityKeybuk: I had to scam one from another box when I build Zofia's amd64 machine, just to get the &@#$$@ SATA controller recognised by the WinXP installer.12:12
dholbachmdz: ok with uploading  http://librarian.launchpad.net/2922282/legacy-icon-mapping_xfce_step_2.diff ? that would add more icon symlinks for the XFCE guys, making them happier - what do you think? (it will cause the icon sets to have to be rebuilt, but I think I'd have uploaded them at least once anyway)12:12
Keybukinfinity: heh, which controller?12:12
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infinityKeybuk: (since floppy is still the ONLY method MS gives you for loading SCSI drivers in the installer)12:12
=== morgs reads before typing
ograhey, lets user the elastic 720k ones .... ubuntu "the first distro with wobbly media instead of wobbly windows"12:12
infinityKeybuk: Just a plain old VIA southbridge of some sort or other.  Just happened to be newer than XP.12:12
KamionUbuntu and Kubuntu alternate builds are done, BTW12:12
omegAlternate builds?12:13
Keybukomeg: the CD formerlly known as "install"12:13
ograomeg, come over to edubuntu, we'll keep the familiar old names like live and install ;)12:14
infinityI love this quote: I was able to transfer "DEVO Uncontrolable Urge.mp3" which is 3.6 MB in 32 seconds. Which is pretty good I think.12:14
Kamion"alternate install CD"12:15
_ioninfinity: :-)12:15
omegEr, I'm sure that new way of naming CDs will make sense once I get them.12:16
infinitymdz: Oh, if you're curious, amd64 was actually the slowest livefs build, not the fastest.12:18
infinity(Just barely)12:18
mdzdholbach: is that last hunk a whitespacechange?12:18
mdzinfinity: interesting, why?12:18
mdzpowerpc used to be slowest by a good margin12:18
infinitymdz: Because terranova and royal are beasts, I suspect.12:18
infinitymdz: PPC useed to be the slowest before it got a 64-bit kernel.12:19
dholbachmdz: I suppose so - it's a patch somebody from the xfce guys contributed12:19
infinitymdz: Then the PPC machines becamse the speed demons of the DC.12:19
infinitybecame, too.12:19
mdzdholbach: seems harmless enough12:19
dholbachmdz: ok cool12:19
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janimodholbach: thanks, is this from nomed directly or upstream tango?12:20
Kamionjanimo: done; I'm afraid you'll have mismatched gfxboot splash images for the RC though, as I didn't do it in time for the Xubuntu alternate install build12:20
dholbachjanimo: I applied the upstream change already12:20
ptloheya all. i've heard rumors that translation deadline has been pushed to 28th instead of today, is that true? (the -translator list doesn't mention it)12:20
janimoKamion: np, thanks12:20
dholbachjanimo: it's from nomed, yes12:20
RiddellI take it it's still OK if openoffice.org2 packages can't be installed by the CD builder12:21
janimoKamion: unless OOo needs another build :)12:21
infinityRiddell: Yeah..12:21
infinityKamion: Were we ever going to look at that archive cruft/buggery, or just blindly ignore it? :)12:21
janimoptlo: I was told this Sunday is the last day12:21
Kamioninfinity: I was certainly hoping to do something about it before release12:22
KamionRiddell: but in the meantime, yeah, ignore that12:22
KamionEdubuntu alternate install builds done12:22
ograthanks :)12:22
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ptlojanimo: thanks12:24
ograsladen, ltsp-4.2 installs should be treated like firefox or flash installs from the binary packages in malone the implementation differs to much from ours to easily support it 12:26
infinityNew ubuntu -desktop- CDs ready for testing.12:26
fabbioneinfinity: danke12:27
ograsladen, but feel free to subscribe me to all such bugs :)12:27
sladenogra: which is your prefered 'generic package' to have LTSP-related bugs assigned to?12:28
ograltsp :)12:28
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ograbut 4.2 isnt supported its a completely separate implementation that installs a comeplete chroot from a 200MB tarball ...12:29
mdzKamion: are the desktop builds all done?12:29
Kamionmdz: infinity's doing those; Ubuntu's done, don't think the others are12:29
infinitymdz: No, just Ubuntu desktop builds.12:29
ograso thats upstream ltsp.org stuff ...12:29
Kamionjanimo: Xubuntu alternate install builds done12:31
infinitySo, do we reset the table to all ??s before we get started on this batch?12:31
janimook, rsyincing12:31
_iondholbach: Re: bug 40607, generally everything seems to work very well with the patch, but there's one problem: the "close" button in tabs is very small, but the dialog-close icon isn't scaled down, instead only its center is shown. Any thoughts?12:32
UbugtuMalone bug 40607 in tango-icon-theme-common "Ok/Cancel buttons" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4060712:32
janimoKamion, I wonder if the Xubuntu text should say 128M of ram instead of 192. The alternate CD installs and somewhat runs on 64M too12:32
Kamionoh, Xubuntu's still mirroring, meh12:32
Kamionjanimo: how much memory does it take to do a desktop CD install on Xubuntu?12:33
Kamionthat's the relevant number12:33
janimoKamion, 128M w/o swap worked in qemu for me12:33
giftnudelmore then 6412:33
Kamionjanimo: ok, sure, I'll change the text for the next build then12:33
infinity"As much as python wants, muahaha"12:33
janimogiftnudel:  64M is for the alternate install12:33
dholbach_ion: somebody told me that stock icons were in 20x20 - maybe that's a problem12:33
dholbach_ion: I don't know for sure12:33
giftnudeljanimo: the desktop needs more than that12:34
janimo128 and no swap, exactly as the OLPC specs :)12:34
ograirgh, where does this awful ugly g-p-m icon come from =12:34
janimogiftnudel: yup as I said desktop 128, alternate 6412:34
giftnudeljanimo: yes, i didn't get that12:34
_iondholbach: Well, there's a 16x16 dialog-close icon in Tango. But apparently only the middle 9x9 of a close icon is shown in the tabs' close buttons.12:35
Kamionjanimo: the actual alternate *install* should work in 32MB; but it might take more to run the desktop I guess12:35
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dholbach_ion: that I don't know.12:35
_ionSeems more like a Gtk problem than an icon theme problem.12:35
ogradholbach, did the hicolor theme change wrt g-p-m ? i dont have the beautiful green battery in gartoon anymore12:35
janimoKamion: well I run it on a 64M laptop. It is slow though12:36
dholbachogra: gpm 2.14.x doesnt have icon theme lookup in its code12:36
janimoespecially firefox12:36
ograthats evil12:36
dholbachogra: I changed the 'hardcoded' icons to be the ones our designer made12:36
ograit looks awful since it doesnt match gartoon at all anymore12:36
Kamionjanimo: BTW I committed a d-i change yesterday that should make it snappier on slow machines - stopped cdebconf having to save its templates database between every installer step12:37
janimoKamion: but mentioning 128M is ok for both I gues12:37
Kamion(upstream, not dapper)12:37
janimoso edgy?12:37
ogradholbach, cant you just use them in the icon theme ? so others have a fallbach that doesnt look like a "heizdecke" ?12:37
dholbachogra: read my last sentence :)12:37
Kamionjanimo: limits changed to 128MB for Xubuntu desktop CD; I've made it quote memory requirements on the desktop CD page as well as the alternate install CD page too12:38
dholbachogra: gpm 2.14.x doesnt have icon theme lookup in its code12:38
janimoKamion: thanks.12:38
ogragrmbl ... i thought that was added with 2.12.x already12:38
ogradholbach, sorry then ...12:39
mvodholbach: that sounds like a edgy spec: bring icon-theme suppoer to the world12:39
Kamionjanimo: oh, you have some uninstallables on your CD, looks like oversizing12:39
Kamionjanimo: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/report.html12:39
janimosince yesterday?12:39
Kamionjanimo: adding language-support-* to the CD is ambitious, although I guess you might have space if anyone does12:40
Kamionjanimo: dunno, I just checked today12:40
ogramvo, the code for g-p-m theme support is there since ages... its just not committed to any released version it seems12:40
janimorigth I added 15 langpack yestreday but to desktop cd12:40
Kamionyesterday had language-support-{en,es} uninstallable on powerpc too12:40
janimoit's most;y ppc stuff12:40
janimoas yesterdays install was tested by Gloubiboulga and the only hitch was the ltsp thing12:41
=== mvo is off for lunch now
infinityYeah, PPC's CDs are a bit tighter, since it has to ship two kernels.12:41
janimooh and I added the langpacks only to 386 and amd6412:41
janimoso it may be something else12:41
Kamionjanimo: amd64 is fractionally oversized (.25MB); powerpc is 3MB over12:41
KamionI'm pulling your seeds now to have a look12:41
janimosomewhere I can see these numbers?12:41
infinityYou can see the exact numbers in the filesizes of the generated images. :)12:42
infinityYou can get pretty good guesses from running germinate against your seeds.12:42
Kamionhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/cd-build-logs/xubuntu-daily-20060525.log, search for "CD 2 will only"12:42
infinity(Which is handy if you're playing with changes to langpack shipping and such)12:42
Kamioninfinity: no you can't actually in this case, unfortunately12:43
Kamion(filesizes of generated images)12:43
infinityKamion: Oh, right, it's overflow.12:43
Kamiondebian-cd crops to 700MB internally and overflows onto another CD - it's only visible in the build log12:43
ograxubuntu oversized ?12:43
infinityKamion: Was only thinking oversize, not overflow.12:43
=== ogra cant belive that :)
infinityogra: He has WAY more languages supported than you. :P12:44
infinityHe may have just gone overboard a bit.,12:44
Keybukoops, ww (but funny anyway)12:44
ograinfinity, you mean more than one ? 12:44
janimoogra, more than 15 ;)12:44
Kamionjanimo: you have a crapload of language-support-* on all architectures; would be easy to trim that12:44
ograjanimo, make that 14 (at least on ppc and amd64) ;P12:45
janimoKamion: right. So I'll take some out of ship right?12:45
Kamionjanimo: yeah, you can make some [i386 amd64]  or [i386]  -specific if you like12:45
Kamionand yes, as infinity says, germinate is handy for judging the effects of seed changes in advance12:48
Keybukindeed, that's what germinate was originally designed for ;)12:48
Keybukrather than actually driving the archive changes12:49
_iondholbach: http://librarian.launchpad.net/2924006/close-problem.png (screenshot), http://librarian.launchpad.net/2924007/close-solution.png (mockup)12:50
mdzdholbach: I still get that problem where I can't drag files out of example-content due to it being read-only; did you or seb128 find any more info about that?12:50
dholbachmdz: hum, it works nicely for me, are /usr/ and /home/ on different partitions? I just remember something about that.12:53
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henodholbach: that's what I get too, but most people may not set it up that way12:54
dholbach_ion: I see the problem.12:54
mdzdholbach: no12:54
dholbachheno: *did* you set it up that way?12:54
mdzeverything on /12:54
henodholbach: separate partitions, yes12:54
mdzdholbach: this is on the live CD12:54
mdzjamesh: around?12:55
henomdz: so it's sort of expected behaviour, no?12:55
jameshmdz: yeah12:55
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henoexcept that it will confuse new users12:55
=== Kamion starts pre-publishing stuff to releases.u.c
dholbachmdz: oh right... well that works for me.... could you try    gnomevfs-copy /usr/share/example-content/Experience\ ubuntu.ogg ~    and see if that gives any output?12:56
infinityKubuntu -desktop- images are all ready.12:56
janimoKamion: so will the ppc and amd images need a rebuild for RC? I made the russian lang support pack i386 only (~5MB)12:57
mdzdoko_: ping12:57
dholbachmdz: he said he was bitten by the mexican bug, when we talked yesterday (briefly)12:58
Keybuksure, he's just hiding because of all the pain and suffering OO.o has caused12:59
Kamionjanimo: yeah, let me know when12:59
mdzKeybuk: and I just found another bug12:59
henodholbach, mdz: FWIW, there is a section in 'about-these-files' that explains how to copy them to your home dir12:59
mdzKeybuk: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/4654412:59
infinityKeybuk: Sometimes, conflict avoidance /is/ rational.12:59
UbugtuMalone bug 46544 in openoffice.org "Launchpad integration points to Breezy package" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:59
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Keybukmdz: do we have any clickthrough states for lpi?01:00
Keybukuh, stats?01:00
infinitymdz: Ahh, at least that doesn't feel terribly RC critical.01:00
mdzKeybuk: no idea01:00
Keybukmaybe I should ask in the right channel01:00
mdzinfinity: no, but should be fixed for final unfortunately01:00
impaquehello, i just wanted to ask with what CFLAGS is majority of packages for ubuntu built with?01:00
infinitymdz: I can deal with more uploads to fix stuff for final.  I just refuse to upload again for RC. :)01:01
Keybukimbrandon: -pipe -funroll-loops01:01
Keybukoh, wait, UBUNTU :)01:01
impaqueKeybuk: yes, ie. majority of it's packages. :)01:01
infinitymdz: If doko's down for the count, though, I don't mind fixing this particular typo after RC.  It's trivial, afterall.01:01
jamesh-pipe makes programs run faster, doesn't it?01:02
Keybukimpaque: we don't use any01:02
Keybukjust -g -O2 as you'd expect01:02
infinity(We do use -pipe, actually, not that it makes any difference anywhere but on the buildd)01:02
impaqueKeybuk: ok, no -mcpu?01:02
Keybukinfinity: oh, wow, we should so press release that! :)01:02
impaqueinfinity: :D01:02
mdzinfinity: actually the bug is that it's hardcoded at all.  I didn't realize it was01:03
infinityAnd we override -march/-mcpu on i386, yes.01:03
mdzbut I guess we need to settle for fixing the hardcoded URL for dapper01:03
impaqueinfinity: ok, thanks!01:03
infinitymdz: Would you prefer that it goes to the more generic URL?01:03
Keybuk-m*mumble* 486 -m*whisper* pentium4 isn't it?01:03
=== Keybuk can't remember
mdzinfinity: I'd prefer it used launchpad-integration like everything else01:03
mdzKeybuk: no, those are the defaults now01:04
infinity-mtune=pentium4 -march=i48601:04
KamionI'm going to have to work out how lpi works for ubiquity and oem-config in edgy, I guess01:04
infinityBut yes, those are the default now anyway, and I'd love to just scrap gcc-opt completely.01:04
impaqueinfinity: so, no i386. and, yes, there is -mtune?01:04
infinitymdz: And where would lpi send users?  The generic URL?01:05
mdzinfinity: it looks it up in lsb_release01:05
Keybukinfinity: oh, they renamed -mcpu to -mtune; wow, I may actually remember which one does what now01:05
Keybukimpaque: libstdc++ doesn't support i386 ... cf. Debian passim.01:05
mdzwhereas oo.o apparently does this: ++                                      rtl::OUString aURI( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/openoffice.org2/+gethelp" ) );01:05
infinitymdz: Ahh, kay.01:05
mdzinfinity: don't forget s/org2/org/ as well when you fix it01:06
infinitymdz: I'll test the URL before I upload. :)01:06
mdzthat renaming was a change that I VETOED btw01:06
=== infinity doesn't trust his non copy-and-paste skillz.
Keybuk<mpt_> Get Help Online has never been implemented01:06
mdzKeybuk: s/$/ yet/01:06
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ogramdz, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20060525/report.html agrees with you :)01:07
ogra(will we get rid of these for final ?)01:07
KamionI hope so, yes01:07
infinityogra: Yes.01:07
ograah, good01:07
KamionI'll look at it when we're past RC, and figure out the best answer01:07
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Keybukmdz: right, that's what I thought -- we just used the gcc defaults01:09
janimoKamion: seeds are mirrored now01:09
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infinityKeybuk: Well, GCC only recently changed to match gcc-opt..01:11
infinityKeybuk: But NOW, we really should just drop gcc-opt like a hot potato, IMO.01:11
Keybukinfinity: I still remember with a cold sweat the day that gcc enabled optimisation by default01:11
Keybukand debugging got that little bit harder01:11
mdzKamion,ogra: curiously, Fedora's installer doesn't seem to suffer from bug 2293001:12
UbugtuMalone bug 22930 in gtk "Mouse focus doesn't return until mouse is moved off button" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2293001:12
infinityI wonder if they've fixed GTK, or hacked around it in their installer...01:12
ograi know there are workarounds on C level01:12
infinityIf they've fixed GTK, *I want that fix*.01:12
ograi guess they just work around it in the app ... but i might be wrong01:13
Keybukthe cheeky thing is that the RH GTK+ maintainer is the same as the Debian one01:13
mdzif they worked around it in the app, we want that fix too01:13
janimowhat is affected now by this bug besides hwdb?01:13
mdzjanimo: ubiquity01:13
mdzvery prominently01:13
infinityYeah, and it's REALLY annoying in ubiquity.01:13
janimoI tought it was worked around01:13
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ograjanimo, the logoutr dialog we have as well01:14
janimoogra, xfce logout dialog had it but got fixed01:14
ograjanimo, HOW ?01:14
infinityLess of an issue for the logout dialog, since you're not likely to have your mouse over one of the buttons as the window comes into focus.01:14
janimoit may be more than only one bug thought01:14
ograthats what we're looking for !01:14
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infinityUbiquity, where you just hover over the "next" button is horrible.01:14
janimoogra, it messed with direct X grabs, and needed to be told to mess with them in another way01:15
Kamionmdz: they probably don't (need to) disable buttons between steps01:15
janimoso was not clean gtk anyway01:15
Kamionyes, that bug is extremely annoying01:15
ograinfinity, i know where the logout dialog appears after using it twice ... so my mouse usually is where the button appears01:15
Kamionif you never disable/enable buttons, you don't encounter the problem01:15
Kamionogra: do you happen to know the C-level workaround?01:16
ogramdz, i'll dig through it to find out what RH did before final01:16
ograKamion, nope01:16
ograKamion, see comment 18 here http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5607001:16
Kamionjanimo: thanks, rebuilding01:16
UbugtuGnome bug 56070 in gtk "Can't click button after setting it sensitive." [Normal,Reopened]  01:16
mdzKamion: hmm, I wonder if that would actually be better01:17
ograand comment 19's attachment01:17
Kamionthe hack in comment 19 definitely wouldn't be acceptable01:17
KamionI'm not hooking motion-notify-event and sitting computing pointer positions all the time01:17
janimobut the logout dialog buttons are not disabled at any point are they?01:18
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Kamionmdz: possibly. it's a useful visual clue, but the cursor change is probably sufficient for that01:18
KamionI'd have to teach the back/forward handlers to do nothing in that case01:18
ograjanimo, nope, but if your mouse is above the one you want to click if the dialog appears, it is unresponsive01:19
janimoogra: yes i know, that's wh I think it's a deeper bug or more than one bug01:19
ograjanimo, its a gtk bug 01:19
ograa very old one01:19
KeybukKamion: there's an easy hack to that01:19
Kamionthe logout dialog is only an issue due to FIST-sized buttons :)01:19
Keybukmake the button explicitly not sensitive in its click event01:20
KamionKeybuk: what do you mean?01:20
ograKeybuk, ??01:20
StevenKI think I get where Keybuk is going.01:22
ograexplain it to us 01:22
KeybukKamion: got WORKRAVE'd there :p01:23
Keybuklet me "fix" the demo to show you01:23
StevenKOkay. Keybuk can show, since I can't seem to find the words to explain it.01:23
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ograStevenK, use gestures :P01:24
StevenKThey tend not to translate into IRC.01:24
ogradepends how wordy you describe them ;)01:25
Kamionif you mean "just make the clicked event do nothing if you don't want the button to do anything", that was my plan ...01:25
StevenKThat's what I was trying to get out.01:25
ograyou mean dont fiddle with sensitivity at all01:25
Kamion(since I'm already handling clicked)01:25
StevenKKamion: With any visual clue that pressing the button will have no effect at all?01:26
mdzi386 desktop CD is good here01:26
Keybukwhat I was suggesting was explicitly generating the "mouse off" event when you pop open the dialog01:26
Keybukthat way, when the dialog is closed, gtk thinks you moved off the mouse anyway01:26
KamionStevenK: well, that's why I set them insensitive at the moment, but we do also set the mouse cursor to busy01:26
mdzbug 46544 / bug 46546 were the only issues I encountered01:26
UbugtuMalone bug 46544 in openoffice.org "Launchpad integration points to Breezy package" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4654401:26
UbugtuMalone bug 46546 in openoffice.org "Launchpad integration uses hardcoded URLs" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4654601:26
ograi'm not sure its restricted to the sensitivity handling01:26
KamionKeybuk: ... eww?01:26
KamionKeybuk: though I could see that working ...01:27
mdzRiddell: how does kubuntu look?01:27
Kamionneat idea :)01:27
mdzogra: and edubuntu?01:27
StevenKAn ugly ugly hack that we rip out during edgy?01:27
Kamionit'd be a relatively contained hack, I guess01:27
ogramdz, ppc missing all others were good in the last build ... i'm just done with rsyncing the recent iso01:28
KamionStevenK: s/during edgy/whenever it gets fixed/; it doesn't look trivial, from the upstream bug01:28
StevenKKamion: Just surround it with the commands: # Eyes closed now please01:28
ogramdz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/CurrentEdubuntu01:28
StevenKEr, s/commands/comments/01:28
KeybukKamion: it may just be button.leave() in PyGTK01:28
mdzogra: there's an edubuntu section on /Current, use that instead01:28
ograhmm ...01:28
sladendholbach: yes, -24 fixes it.  But the main netstatus icon has still be reduced almost to the point of invisibility01:29
ogramdz, so should i transfer all data from the sheet the edubuntu-testers team uses ? 01:29
infinityogra: New edubuntu -desktop- CDs are ready.01:30
ograinfinity, thanks01:30
Riddellmdz: still syncing today's images,last night was all perfect on all 6 CDs01:30
mdzogra: yes, if it applies to the same build01:30
ograyep, as i said we used the url i just posted for all tests01:31
iwjIs Testing/Current supposed to have the new version number in it ?01:31
infinityiwj: Probably.  And it should probably get all the fields reset to "?"01:31
janimowill there be separate announcements for derivatives?01:32
KamionKeybuk: looking at gtkbutton.c, I don't think that would be enough; looks like I'd need an explicit button.emit('leave-notify-event')01:32
iwjinfinity: Willdo then.01:32
Kamioner with an event parameter there too01:32
infinityiwj: Don't reset the -server stuff, we didn't build new -server images.01:33
dholbachsladen: I agree - I will pass it on.01:33
iwjAre there going to be new DVD's too ?01:33
iwjinfinity: Noted.01:33
infinityKamion: Shall we spin new DVDs?01:33
Kamionor maybe gtk.main_do_event() or something01:33
Kamionanyway, later01:33
Kamioninfinity: sure, I'll start on that01:33
Kamionafter this xubuntu build01:33
Kamionactually, I'll start it now01:34
mdzyay for parallel CD builds01:34
ograRiddell, do you plan to fix the "KDM enables usplash on logout" bug before final ? 01:35
iwjNew {,x,k,ed}ubuntu too I take it.01:36
infinityiwj: yes, they've all been re-rolled, desktop and alternate.01:36
infinityiwj: Well, Xubuntu images are still being rolled, but otherwise what I said is true.01:36
iwjI'll leave the FAILs in but annotate them with the old version number.01:36
Kamionjanimo: Xubuntu alternate re-rolled01:36
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Riddellogra: I will take another look at it, but I can't promise to have it working in all cases01:36
janimoKamion: thanks01:37
Riddellit does work in the majority of cases at the moment01:37
Kamionjanimo: you seem to be within size limits now01:37
ograRiddell, ok ... seems people using ltsp.org ltsp have that problem as well01:37
infinityjanimo: You'll have Xubuntu -desktop- stuff shortly... Just waiting on a slow buildd.01:37
janimoinfinity: oh I tought desktop was done already?01:37
janimoas it did not need rebuild01:38
infinityjanimo: No, xubuntu was last on my list...01:38
infinityjanimo: You use ubiquity, yes?01:38
janimoinfinity: yes01:38
infinityjanimo: If so, then you needed this rebuild. :)01:38
Riddellogra: what's the issue they have?  there's a couple of problems there01:39
janimoKamion: so is the ltsp fix in RC or not, I did not get that from the changelog01:39
ograRiddell, bug 4542701:39
UbugtuMalone bug 45427 in kdm "quitting kdm session on xdmcp terminal(ltsp) causes usplash to appear on server session" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4542701:39
Kamionjanimo: there's a workaround in place for RC01:39
janimoit may need ot be mentioned as a known issue if it is in RC01:39
janimoah great01:39
Kamionjanimo: (assuming it worked properly)01:39
Kamionwas basically preseeding ltsp-client-builder/run=false01:39
Riddellogra: right, fun01:39
Kamionjanimo: I'd like confirmation that that workaround has worked properly though01:40
janimoKamion: sure01:40
mdzKamion: 2-disk loop fix confirmed in the current build01:41
Kamionmdz: hooray01:42
=== Keybuk spanks rsync
Keybukit keeps hanging on me today01:45
Keybukrsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] 01:45
fabbioneKeybuk: see #c01:45
ograKeybuk, i also have reports in #edubuntu ... is it the server ? 01:45
fabbioneogra: yes01:46
Keybukit would appear to be the server, yes01:46
jsgotangcoits kind of erratic01:46
Keybukinfinity: I assumed it was just Znarl reading from a piece of paper and typing very fast01:46
iwjUrgh, wikis don't make a very good database.01:48
fabbionesfllaw: one of the bugs has a patch.01:49
fabbionesfllaw: my hang was due to a GPS serial port connected01:49
sfllawBug 41679 is fixed upstream.01:49
UbugtuMalone bug 41679 in wvdial "wvdialconf does not write conf file " [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4167901:49
sfllawBug 31272 has a patch.01:49
fabbionesfllaw: but i we just don't have time to fix it now with RC out01:49
UbugtuMalone bug 31272 in wvdial "wvdial modem detection hangs dapper installer" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3127201:49
fabbioneor almost01:49
=== shackan [n=shackan@85-18-14-13.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sfllawhttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=361040 is a simple problem with "set -e" aborting the configure script.01:49
UbugtuDebian bug 361040 in wvdial "Subject: wvdial fails to configure on testing" [Important,Open]  01:49
Kamionsladen: surely it would be better for bug 38333 to be a duplicate of bug 43114, not the other way round01:50
UbugtuMalone bug 38333 in ubiquity "No Hibernation: '/etc/mkinitramfs/conf.d/resume' is not created" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3833301:50
UbugtuMalone bug 43114 in acpi-support "GDM Choices Cause Sleep and Hibernate Failure" [Major,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4311401:50
Kamionthe latter has better status and contents01:50
fabbionesfllaw: i think if you want that stuff in, the person to talk is mdz/Kamion.01:50
sfllawfabbione: I personally don't care very much about it making it.01:51
sfllawBut mdz's comments in 31272 makes it sound like it's release critical.01:51
sfllaw"Sure, just don't forget to disable it before the release if no other solution is found"01:52
fabbionesfllaw: ok, so what do you want me to do exactly?01:52
sfllawBut then again, it's priority Normal, so meh?01:52
fabbionesfllaw: if you want to prepare the package i can upload it for you with mdz blessing01:52
Kamionif it's hanging the installer for people, then we can't fix that in updates, so it does need to land before release01:52
sfllawfabbione: Basically, it was to give advice about Ubuntu conventions.01:52
fabbionesfllaw: well if it is an RC issue, let's get it fixed and in the archive (after mdz approval)01:53
sfllawfabbione: All right.01:53
fabbionesfllaw: that's what i would do01:53
sfllawI'll prepare Ubuntu packages for WvStreams and WvDial.  And send them to you for vetting.01:54
sfllawI don't trust myself to upload directly into the archive yet.01:54
fabbionesfllaw: just slam the debdiff somewhere01:54
sfllawWill do.01:54
fabbionesfllaw: mdz will like to review it too01:54
iwjsfllaw, infinity: I think I've finished with updating Testing/Current now.  It has the new version numbers and I've generally changed uncommented PASS back to ? and added version number to other PASSes and FAILs.01:55
infinitysfllaw: You realise you can divine if you're on a serial console with "fgconsole", right?01:55
infinitysfllaw: See /etc/init.d/keymap.sh for the hint.01:56
sfllawinfinity: That would be stylish!  Thanks.01:56
Keybukiwj: you appear to have nuked my edubuntu pass's entirely01:58
ograKeybuk, wasnt that the plan ? 01:58
ograto erase *all* pass entries ? 01:59
Keybukogra: iwj left some, for some reason01:59
ograohoel_, ok01:59
infinitysfllaw: That would make you grow a dependency on console-tools, but I suspect that's not a problem.01:59
=== ogra waves to ohoel_
infinityjanimo: Okay, Xubuntu -dekstop- CDs finally done.01:59
janimoinfinity: thanks02:00
infinityEveryone: All new images, except for the DVDs should be ready now.  Go forth and test.02:00
sfllawinfinity: I could just poke the right ioctls under Linux.  But that's a good pointer.02:00
iwjKeybuk: I left (a) DVD's and (b) server installs.02:00
mdzKeybuk: rsync isn't treating me very well either just now02:00
iwjmdz: Me too.02:00
iwjAre these livecd isos supposed to rsync well ?02:01
mdz45 minutes to get edubuntu install rsynced02:01
Keybukmdz: it seems our sysadmins decided today was a good time to break the cdimage servers02:01
=== janimo just lost the whole alternate image of yesterday bc rsync
mdziwj: they are very rsync-friendly, yes02:01
mdzperhaps there's something going on with the server02:01
iwjIt currently seems to think it's going to take 3 hours.02:01
mdziwj: in fact they're friendlier than the install CD in this case02:01
janimoiwj: that's just the start of the CD02:01
mdzKeybuk: is that conjecture or are you in touch with them?02:02
iwjKeybuk: (a) new DVDs not out yet and (b) I'm told no new server CCs.02:02
Keybukmdz: see #c02:02
janimowhere it differs since last image02:02
ogra   688642048 100%    2.00MB/s    0:05:28  (1, 100.0% of 1)02:02
mdzKeybuk: NOOOOOO02:02
ograstrage, worked fine here for all isos02:02
mdzKeybuk: GRRRRRRR02:02
janimoso are these the RC images or candidates for RC?02:03
infinityjanimo: The latter, but hopefully also the former.02:03
Keybukthey're the RCCs02:03
infinityjanimo: Kamion's pre-publishing them in hopes that they'll pass. :)02:03
janimoah, ok. the pushing them to release.u.c what made me thing they're the RC02:03
Kamionthey're only pushed to .pool02:04
Kamionnot visible to general bystanders yet02:04
Keybukiwj: you've changed others from PASS to <version>-PASS though/02:04
Keybukbut deleted other PASSs02:04
Keybukbut confusing02:04
infinityKamion: Are we not publishing -server- on releases?02:05
iwjKeybuk: Only when there was a comment.  I didn't want to delete comments since I thought they might be important.02:05
ogramdz, who made that edubuntu table on Testin/Current ? 02:05
mdzogra: presumably sfllaw02:05
iwjSee `information about older versions' under Howto.02:05
iwjogra: It's possible that my attempts to remove stale passes have messed it up.02:05
ograworkstation is missing completely ... and i dont think we're intrested in OEM (i dont even know if we have that)02:06
infinityKamion: Oh, it has its own .pool... I didn't notice that.02:06
infinityKamion: Sketchy. :)02:06
ograiwj, nope, its generally missing stuff02:06
iwjogra: Talk to sfllaw but I think he'll say to edit it to be how you want.02:06
infinityKamion: In that case, it just needs sparc pre-published as well.02:06
iwjWell, I think I'll go and have lunch while this image downloads.02:07
mdzubuntu alternate i386 passed here02:07
sfllawogra: "edit it to be how you want"02:07
Kamioninfinity: oh, I'll do server in a bit, sure02:07
Kamioninfinity: I think it'll stop having its own .pool.02:08
infinityKamion: yeah, I was just about to say... Since the image names are unique...02:08
Kamionright, it'll just start living with the Ubuntu images now02:08
infinityKamion: And we want -desktop-, -alternate- and -server- all in one HTML index now, right?02:08
mdzkubuntu desktop i386 pass02:08
mdzinfinity: yes02:09
ograsfllaw, yep, thanks ... i wasnt even aware of that table since the edubuntu-testers team used https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/CurrentEdubuntu02:09
Kamioninfinity: yup, that'll happen automatically02:09
infinityKamion: Spiff.02:09
Kamionpublish-release is moderately cool like that.02:09
sfllawogra: Nobody told be about that one.02:09
infinityOkay, I'm going to go find some "lunch" before I get back to testing-land.02:09
sfllawAnd I didn't bump into it.02:09
Kamiononly moderately, mind. it *is* still a huge pile of shell.02:09
=== herzi [n=herzi@d060114.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== janimo goes away till the CD is wgetting
KeybukNOBODY BREATHE!  I've got an rsync to 98%02:11
=== Kinnison turns blue
Keybukand it appears to have stalled02:11
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@ppp100-144.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ajmitchKeybuk: I've had an rsync stuck at that for an hour or two :P02:11
Keybukmdz: are you anywhere near Znarl? :)02:11
ajmitchI suspect rsync is meant to go at more than 2K/sec02:11
Kamping_Kaiseri was hoping to get a package (smbfs) made available on the ubuntu cd, but the SeedManagement wiki page doestn answer the qustion who/how to ask (that i saw)02:13
Mithrandirthere's surely something weird here, yes.  I'm only getting ~200k/sec.02:13
fabbioneyes it's all a known problem02:13
fabbionersync is fucked. kthxbye02:13
ograsfllaw, sorry my fault (i guesS)02:14
Kamion$ publish-release daily ../ubuntu-server/daily/20060524.2 server poolonly rc02:14
Kamionwonkiness. still, it worked02:14
Keybukinfinity: 02:14
ograsfllaw, we also have no "desktop or alternate" CDs 02:14
Keybukquest scott% telnet localhost 8002:14
KeybukEscape character is '^] '.02:14
KeybukGET /~scott/dapper-dvd-amd64.iso HTTP/1.102:14
KeybukHost: localhost02:14
KeybukHTTP/1.1 200 OK02:14
KeybukAccept-Ranges: bytes02:14
KeybukContent-Length: 317250150402:14
KeybukConnection closed by foreign host.02:14
Keybuk(abbreviated, but you get the gist)02:14
sfllawogra: Good to know.  Thanks.02:14
sfllawWhat is the syntax to close bugs from inside Ubuntu's debian/changelog?02:15
Keybuksfllaw: there is no syntax02:15
Mithrandirsfllaw: nonexistent02:15
ograsfllaw, we decided it would look a bit to funny to call the default CD we ship "alternate" :)02:15
sfllawogra: Makes sense!02:16
KamionI use "closes: Malone #nnnnn", I also see "LP#nnnnn", "closes: LP#nnnnn", "closes: launchpad.net/bugs/nnnnn", "Malone #nnnnn", and a bunch of others02:16
mdzKeybuk: no, or you might not be hearing from him right now02:16
KeybukI use Ubuntu: #nnnn02:16
Keybukmdz: that's kinda what I was hoping ... some ultra-violence02:16
Keybukanyone know if there's a signal I can send rsync to say "save what you've done, and work if I run you again"?02:17
Keybukcause if I ^C it now, it'll have to start all over again :'(02:17
infinityKeybuk: --partial02:18
ograisnt that a commandline option you have to give *before* you run into this ? 02:18
Keybukinfinity: that's what I've used02:18
infinityKeybuk: Oh, a signal if you forgot --partial?  No idea.02:18
Keybukso hopefully it'll resume from the 98% and just do the last 2%02:18
Keybukonce I've waited for the "GO AWAY"02:18
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=== Kinnison always uses -P
mdz--partial screws you in one case, and saves you in another02:20
infinityKeybuk: As for the apache bug, I may know where that's happening... I'll poke it with a stick post-RC, and see if maybe we can squeeze a quick fix in.02:20
mdzyou need to decide ahead of time which way you're more likely to be fucked02:20
ograis there a reason why the names are in the tables already ? i somehow doubt seb128 will do all edubuntu i386 CD tests today02:20
Keybukwhich case does --partial screw you for?02:20
ograerr amd6402:20
infinity--partial screws you when updating images.02:20
mdzwhere is seb128 anyway?02:20
Keybukmdz: holiday02:20
Keybukogra: *shrug*  I was just going to do powerpc starting at the top02:20
Keybukinfinity: it does?02:20
ogramdz, public holiday in france germany and i guess many other countries02:20
infinityIf you get 50% into a --partial, then it dies, rsync copies the 350MB partial file over your 700MB original.02:21
mdzwe really need a proper calendar02:21
Keybukinfinity: cute02:21
ogramdz, i think there was a mail to warthogs 02:21
Keybukwhatever happened to the company hula server?02:21
=== Kinnison fires up vmware for another round
Keybukjdub: ?02:21
ograwe have a hula server ?02:21
mdzogra: that was like a week ago02:21
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogramdz, yes, but referring to ancestion day iirc02:22
ogra(which happens to be today)02:22
MithrandirAscension day.02:22
ograyes, sorry02:22
ogra(german males tend to to drink all day and walk the streets until they fall dead on this day)02:23
mdzogra: right, requiring that I keep it in my head for a week02:23
=== LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-142177201235.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograyeah, we should probably have something like the fridge calendar 02:24
ograin friendly ical format02:25
Keybukogra: aren't you supposed to be off today too?02:26
ograKeybuk, did i ever care what i'm supposed to be ? 02:27
Keybukfair point02:27
ograits the most exciting time of the release, i wouldnt want to miss the fun :)02:27
ogra(even its exhausting :) )02:28
Keybuko/~ See androids fighting ... Znarl and Elmo02:28
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KeybukI HAVE A CD IMAGE!02:30
=== Keybuk burns it, quickly, before the illusion vanishes
thomanyone would think you've never seen one before02:32
Keybukthom: today they are a rare thing02:33
ograonly the rsanced ones 02:33
=== ogra has all 6 edubuntu images :P
ograedubuntu amd64 workstation PASS ...02:40
Keybukubuntu powerpc desktop PASS02:41
Kinnisonubuntu i386 desktop live PASS02:42
=== Kinnison runs ubiquity
Keybukwhy are OpenOffice.org Presentation and Spreadsheet the wrong way round?02:42
KeybukONLY JOKING02:42
=== lemsto [n=salim@ANantes-154-1-40-57.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zulKeybuk: i think you would have people murdering you for some reason :)02:43
vinboyr u guys the testers?02:44
Keybukthat's a good point, next week I'm in the same room as mdz02:44
ogravinboy, want to be one as well ? 02:44
mdzKeybuk: I checked that02:44
vinboyogra: nah, my connection is 256k02:44
Keybukoh, wow02:45
vinboytoo hard to be a tester :P02:45
Keybukit didn't even *wait* before running cron.daily this time02:45
=== Keybuk beats Mithrandir up
mdzfabbione: if you'd prefer to close #11850 and open a separate bug for this issue, feel free02:45
mdzfabbione: but there needs to be a bug open02:45
Kamping_Kaiservinboy, sos mine02:46
fabbionemdz: leave that one.. i don't really care02:46
mdzKamion: are the DVDs on cdimage current?02:49
ograKeybuk, heh, utnubu wants to call their rpc-xml too for patch monitorint the "scottwatcher" :)02:50
=== olemke [n=olemke@p54895A04.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzKeybuk,Mithrandir: is someone working on fixing that?02:53
KeybukKamion: oh, I think I know what might have crashed qtpartman last time ... I deleted the partition map partition02:54
Keybukmdz: it's in incoming02:54
Kamionmdz: Ubuntu is; Kubuntu is building02:54
mdzKamion: thanks02:54
=== jono [n=jono@mail.openadvantage.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukhey, jono, pull up an RC and start testing! :)02:55
KamionKeybuk: oh, DDTT :)02:55
Keybukwell, an RCC02:55
KamionKeybuk: and either qtparted or partman. make up your mind. :) FWIW I think it was qtparted not partman02:55
KeybukKamion: the traceback said both qtparted and partman02:56
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Keybukwhatever you have on the Kubuntu CDs :)02:56
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jonoKeybuk: will do :)03:00
=== thierryn [n=thierry@modemcable199.142-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
vinboyare the RC images available somewhere yet/03:01
Riddell12:44 < Riddell> vinboy: no, that's why I'm asking for help testing03:02
Keybukpick the daily-live/current of your choice03:03
vinboyi prefer to use bittorent03:04
vinboybcoz it has md5 hceck03:05
vinboyi had a corrupt download using HTTP last time03:05
iwjOoh, the kubuntu test plan has been much improved.03:05
Kamionthat's fine, there are torrents there, although they may not be very well seeded at present03:05
iwjWikis are obviously just like USENET in this respect.03:05
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukso, you know how Alt+F4 under d-i gives you the log of what it's doing?03:13
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Keybukit doesn't do that on ubiquity03:14
Keybukit doesn't do that AT ALL03:14
Kamping_Kaiserlol 03:14
Kamionthat had never occurred to me03:14
iwjHrm, this disk from my junk pile doesn't seem to be wholly reliable.03:14
dholbachKeybuk: haha, did you know about "scottwatcher"? http://people.debian.org/~stratus/scottwatcher/ - I'd be terrified, if I were you :-)03:15
Keybukit hadn't occurred to me either, it was taking a while in the Installing phase, so I just pressed it to watch the log go past for something more interesting to look at03:15
Keybukthe interesting thing is that it only appears to close the progress bar window, ubiquiuty carries on happily03:16
iwjExcellent, I accidentally ran the installer twice and the second copy exploded with a strange window full of unsubstituted strings plus a stack trace.03:18
BenCpretty sure that wasn't supposed to happen03:18
BenCI just did an update through update-manager, when I had a "needs reboot" notification already present, and the notification went away after the update03:19
Keybukdholbach: this explains the sudden number of e-mails asking whether we can exclude packages from the nda output03:19
BenCnm, it popped up a minute later03:20
dholbachKeybuk: um, nda?03:20
Keybukdholbach: the program that generates ~scott/patches/03:20
dholbachah ok03:20
=== nomed [n=nomed@host32-124.pool870.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sladenKamion: one of the disadvantages of dup'ing them that way around is that the lower numbered one has been fixed (several months) ago and closed.  Marking it a dup of a bug that has 'gdm' in the title effectively reopens it and against a package that isn't related.03:20
nomedhi all03:22
nomedjanimo around ?03:22
janimonomed: yes03:22
janimoI saw your mails and the xfce commits03:23
nomedi met kelnos this morning ...03:23
nomedhe told me he was fine ..03:23
janimohe committed the OFFICE patch to libxfcegui403:23
janimowhat do you mean he was fine? fine with something?03:23
janimoand to xfdesktop403:24
nomedhope for xfce4-mixer too03:24
nomednot for that ..03:24
nomedsent even  a patch to icon-naming upstreamer ..03:25
nomedand fixed tango-icon-theme-common03:25
KeybukI can't decide whether it's a bug or not that ubiquity carrys on if you do Alt+F403:25
Keybuktoday, it's good :)03:26
nomedjanimo, i guess now it's complete03:26
janimonomed: I saw Daniel said he'd commit the tango patch03:27
dholbachjanimo: which one?03:27
nomeddholbach, icon naming03:27
nomedi guess03:27
dholbachi uploaded it already03:27
janimoas for mixer it was not applied, xfce devs do not touch each others' packages03:27
dholbachbut it's in the queue03:27
janimoso whenever mixer mainatiner has time I guess03:27
nomeddholbach, thanks for that03:27
dholbachde rien03:27
nomedjanimo, you can add that patch in the mean time03:28
janimonomed: sure03:28
janimoas I was not going to update mixer from svn anyway 03:28
ograedubuntu amd64 default install manual partitioning PASS03:28
=== jinty [n=jinty@242.Red-83-49-54.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
nomedjanimo, as soon as i have the time i'll fix the gdm theme ..03:29
nomedif nobody did that03:29
janimonomed, thanks. I saw there are 3 variants for teh icons, but they  look the same to me03:30
ografabbione, any idea why the cursor theme doesnt default to the jimmac theme anymore ? it was compiled in the X server since warty iirc03:30
nomedusplash will need the author03:30
janimoactive, prelight and one I forgot03:30
nomedjanimo, they are the same yes03:30
nomedthey should be probably different03:30
fabbioneogra: no and X didn't change that 03:30
janimoso I think it's enough if I just copy the two icons in gdm03:30
nomedand the one for langs03:30
janimonomed, ok take care of it then and let me know when they are ready for upload.03:31
ografabbione, yes, i had a very long discussion with daniels about it in hoary, it was set to be the xservers default 03:31
ograseems we now only set it through the artwork package :(03:31
iwjI've just reproduced bug 46404 and I think it's RC.03:32
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UbugtuMalone bug 46404 in qtparted "partitioner locked up" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4640403:32
iwjShould I confirm it myself ?03:32
nomedjanimo, do u know if it exists an svg version of the usplash image ?03:32
iwjI suppose it just might be my dodgy disk so perhaps I shouldn't.03:32
nomedor if the author is registered to the package in malone ?03:33
janimonomed: I don;t think it makes sense for it to be a svg but I have no idea03:33
nomedi guess if not he should03:33
Riddelliwj: I'll look at it in a bit03:33
iwjRiddell: OK.  I just want to make sure it gets some attention; things like this at this stage are rather worrying ...03:33
Keybukubuntu powerpc install from desktop PASS03:35
sladennomed: the images for the usplash-* have been hand-optimised.  If you want the shape, you can get that from the Ubuntu logo and try to do some gradients to replicate the usplash look, and you maybe able to do the 'glow' with some low-alpha copies behind the logo03:35
nomedsladen, i don't want to hack it :)03:36
nomedi just would that the author fox a small issue :)03:36
infinitynomed: What needs fixing?03:37
infinityomeg: Around?03:37
=== mantiena [n=mantas@ctv-84-55-6-215.init.lt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
nomedinfinity, when i select a res of let's say 1024x76803:37
mantienahi all03:37
nomedi see clearly two white lines03:37
sladennomed: what's the issue.03:37
iwjIs anyone doing any a11y testing ?03:38
nomedit looks like it's 2 px smaller03:38
sladennomed: where, can you take a picture.  somebody reported that being related to 640x480 which is used on some machines03:38
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-devel
iwjFor example, is ubiquity supposed to be driveable using only the keyboard ?  Because I can't seem to get `Next' to work (!)03:38
infinitynomed: This is on the Xubuntu splash?03:38
infinitynomed: Cause I was going to tweak it a bit anyway for janimo.  I can look at that at the same time.03:39
iwjKeybuk: please save Testing/Current ...03:39
mantienawhere I should ask about rosetta problems ? my translations (.po files), uploaded yesterday, still not imported into rosetta and now other users are working on outdated translations :(03:39
Keybukiwj: I don't have it open?03:39
iwjThis page was opened for editing or last previewed at 2006-05-25 13:39:58 by ScottJamesRemnant.  You should refrain from editing this page for at least another 10 minute(s), to avoid editing conflicts.03:40
Keybuk*shrug* it lies03:40
ograiwj, i even added my stuff since then03:40
ogra(and didnt get that warning)03:40
iwjKeybuk: Did you close your edit window without cancelling an edit ?  Or are you reloading the result of a save ?03:41
iwjNever reload the result of a wiki save.03:41
Keybukmoin is hallucinating03:41
iwjWell, I'll edit my thing in and see if that helps.03:42
=== Kinnison rsyncs the next image down in his set of tests
nomedinfinity, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanieleFavara?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=xubuntu_usplash_issue.png03:42
nomedi think you can see that line i mean .. 03:42
infinitynomed: Oh, on the top and bottom?  Cool.03:42
infinityThat's in the original PNG.  Oops.  Easy fix.03:43
infinitynomed: I'll fix that when I fix the other thing I'm tweaking it for. :)03:43
nomedinfinity, perfect thanks03:44
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ograedubuntu amd64 live session PASS03:45
iwjApparently Kinnison saved it in between my edit start and end.03:46
iwjKinnison: ^03:46
Keybukiwj: it will now allow you to resolve any conflicts caused by that03:46
Kinnisoniwj: oops, sorry03:47
iwjIt's strange.  It says `do not just save this page' but having double-checked that's exactly what it seems I should do.03:47
iwjKinnison: It might be moin being mad.  Did you get an edit lock warning ?03:47
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KinnisonI got a warning for keybuk03:47
iwjYou should have come here and cleared it with Keybuk then ...03:47
=== Kinnison read him saying it was hallucinating
iwjI got a warning for Keybuk too and announced here that I was proceeding anyway.03:48
=== Keybuk finds moin far easier if you just ignroe the locks entirely
iwjReally ?03:48
Keybukand treat it like CVS, resolve the conflicts if you cause any03:48
ogrameh, Kamion, the "partition selected more than once" bug is fixed over here, but the screensaver kicks in again in ubiquity during formatting03:48
Kinnisoniwj: If I managed to blat your edit, I apologise. If you blat mine I know exactly what I did so I can recover03:49
iwjKeybuk: That's all very well unless you're trying to do something like my removal of stale passes.03:49
ograi got a warning for iwj now03:49
iwjKinnison: It's OK, neither edit is blatted.03:49
iwjogra: Feh.  Just a mo.03:49
iwjogra: ???  Mad thing, it's warning me about you now !03:49
iwjSeems sane again now.03:50
iwjHey, maybe we should have a collaborative text editor.03:50
LinuxJonesYesterday's upgrade seems to have messed up some apps authenticating as root user ie. gksudo gedit <file> spews out authentication errors then hangs :(03:50
iwjOr maybe we should have a revision control system.  It would be nice if someone invented something like that, wouldn't it.03:51
iwjOr a database.03:51
=== ogra wonders what dholbach does with all these mails :)
=== Goshawk [n=vincenzo@d83-176-70-53.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograLinuxJones, gksudo gedit <file> ? that cant work ... you need gksudo "gedit <file>"03:53
Keybukogra: he uses them for bedding material03:55
LinuxJonesogra, even running stuff from root terminal won't run ie users-admin03:55
iwjsu's stupid command line parsing continues to be copied :-(.03:55
ograLinuxJones, hmm, works fine here on todays liveCD03:55
ograi just happen to have that running here03:55
LinuxJonesogra, I don't see my username in /etc/sudoers has the username (of the account that installed Ubuntu) or am I now required to add my username to the admin group ?03:59
jdubKeybuk: pong03:59
Keybukjdub: I didn't ping, I just ordered ;)03:59
jdubKeybuk: oh, maybe i missed a line before the "jdub: ?"04:00
Keybukjdub: company hula/calendar server04:00
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jdubhula totally isn't ready yet04:00
jdubbut yeah, that'd be freaking rad04:00
Keybuksomething !hula then04:00
KeybukMS Exchange?04:00
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ograLinuxJones, yes, the admin group is used since hoary iirc04:01
jdubthat's what i still have to recommend, unfortunately04:01
Kamionsladen: marking an open bug (that's apparently still active and causing a problem) as a duplicate of a closed bug on a different package that *has* been fixed is even worse. If you don't think they're related, then don't mark them as duplicates at all.04:01
Keybukjdub: could you prod the appropriate people to work on it?04:01
ograjdub, just an ical like the fridge has would already be rad04:01
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ograjust to keep evo up to date with holidays and the like04:02
ohoel_oh right04:02
Kamioniwj: ubiquity is known to be a11y-weak, I'm afraid. Although I believe it is at least *possible* to drive the GTK frontend using only the keyboard, even if not entirely easy ...04:02
jdubKeybuk: "elmo, please set up an exchange server for us!" -> ah, no thanks :)04:02
Kamionogra: yes, sorry, that screensaver bug is still open04:02
Kamioniwj: (so I'd consider it a bug if that weren't possible)04:03
LinuxJonesogra, ok thanks it's obviously been a while since I've had to look in there :)04:05
mdzsfllaw: are you tracking test results for the current candidate build?04:05
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sfllawmdz: If you mean, "am I looking at Testing/Current", then yes I've been keeping my eye on it.04:08
LinuxJonesogra, it's odd that certain ones will run like synaptic but others like users-admin won't.04:08
_ohoelKamion: tabbing between fields in places like "tell us about yourself" is  a bit complicated04:09
sfllawmdz: I've also been fixing RC bugs.  I've got two debdiffs for you to look at, in a couple of minutes.04:09
Kamion_ohoel: I fixed that ages ago04:09
Kamion_ohoel: what version are you using?04:09
mdzsfllaw: no, I meant "Testing/Current needs to be flushed because we have a new candidate"04:09
_ohoelright, beta2 I think 04:09
iwjKamion: OK, I'll file a bug but not consider it RC.  Users who want to drive only with the keyboard are to use the d-i CD, then, I take it.04:09
Keybukmdz: since when?04:09
mdzsfllaw: it still has results from 20060524, while we're now testing 2006052504:09
Keybukiwj flushed it earlier04:09
iwjThat's obviously not ideal because the d-i CD has many fewer a11y tools.04:10
Kamion_ohoel: if that's Kubuntu, this was fixed in ubiquity 0.99.6704:10
infinitymdz: iwj flushed it when we rolled new images.04:10
_ohoelKamion: I'll download an test a fresher image :)04:10
iwjmdz: I left those old results in, with image dates attached, when they had comments.04:10
Kamioniwj: if it's easy to fix, I still have one other RC bug in ubiquity, so I can squeeze minor KDE UI tweaks in04:10
mdzinfinity: actually it looks like he prepended the build number to the old results04:10
ograedubuntu amd64 ubiquity manual partitioning install PASS04:10
Kamioniwj: heno tells me that the GTK frontend is usable without the mouse04:10
mdzwhich makes it difficult to see the coverage04:10
iwjKamion: Oh, good.04:10
infinitymdz: To some results, and others he removed.  Not sure what the logic there was. :)04:10
iwjKamion: OK.  I'll report this bug.04:10
iwjHrm, this install is busted.04:11
iwjOr maybe the disk is ?04:11
infinitymdz: Just wiping the ones with the old build number should do.04:11
iwjI think I need to be using a different disk.04:11
mdzwhere did dholbach go?04:11
vinboyhow do i get involved in the development?04:11
iwjI removed the results with no comments.  I didn't want to remove the results with comments because I thought the comments might be important.04:11
mdzvinboy: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate04:11
Keybukvinboy: right now, the best help we can get is to have testing of the CD images being produced04:11
iwjIf they're not important then the old results can be removed.04:11
iwjI think though that keeping the old FAILs until the bug is believed fixed is probably sensible.04:12
Kamion46398 is confirmed fixed; those fails can be removed04:12
mdzsfllaw,iwj: what we want is to find some reasonably convenient way to preserve the old results, but also see what's been tested with the current candidate at a glance04:12
mdzthis may require something more sophisticated than a wiki page04:12
infinityMore sophisticated than a wiki?  Is there such a thing?04:12
infinityAhh, and the amd64 machine here just opened up.04:13
=== infinity goes to abuse it.
sfllawiwj: Is there really a need to keep old PASSes?04:13
sfllawOld FAILs are fine.04:13
sfllawWe can just leave bug numbers next to ?04:14
sfllawheno: Ping?04:14
henosfllaw: hi04:15
sfllawheno: I missed your e-mail in my inbox until this morning.04:15
sfllawCan you take over doko and jbailey's Testing/Current tasks?04:15
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mdzsfllaw: it's useful to record a historical PASS vs. an "untested"04:15
infinitysfllaw: I'm doing doko's i386/alternate stuff right now, but more people doing so wouldn't hurt.04:15
sfllawinfinity: Thanks.04:16
mdzI test i386/alternate/erase as part of my regular testing04:16
Keybuksfllaw: I'm doing anything powerpc/* from the top of the list down04:16
henosfllaw: sorry, not really. I'm redoing the website ...04:16
infinitymdz: But you didn't record it.04:16
sfllawheno: OK.04:16
sfllawmdz,Keybuk: If you could record the fact that you've done so...04:17
sfllawThat would be brilliant!04:17
KamionI've finally got a bit of time, so I'll see if I can do powerpc netboot now04:17
Keybuksfllaw: I have been recording it04:17
sfllawKeybuk: Ah.  I see that now.04:17
mdzsfllaw: I did04:17
mdzthat page needs a meta refresh tag ;-)04:18
=== Kamion takes the cheesy approach to netboot
jsgotangcoEdubuntu amd64 Install CD auto-resize PASS04:18
Kamion"copy files to local hard disk and make yaboot boot off that"04:18
mdzRiddell: do you have results from the current candidate yet?04:18
Keybukpowerpc alternate manual PASS04:18
Riddellmdz: alternative i386 and powerpc good, still rsyncing desktop CDs04:19
RiddellI'll update Testing/Current04:19
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mdzRiddell: thanks04:20
Keybukright, I'm gonna grab lunch while this (ppc alt erase) installs -- it'll take a while04:20
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bddebianHeya folks04:26
mgalvinhi bddebian04:29
bddebianHello mgalvin04:29
iwjWe could have a list of the test results and a script to massage it into a table.04:29
iwjsfllaw: keep old passes> If they have interesting comments, then yes.  If we want to keep the comments then attaching them to a ? or to a subsequent test result might be wrong (it would depend on the comment).04:30
sfllawmdz,fabbione: Sent patches to fix WvDial.04:31
sfllawiwj: Maybe old passes and fails could be lowercased?04:31
bddebianHi sfllaw04:32
sfllawThen you can do a case-sensitive search for PASS and FAIL and get reasonable results?04:32
sfllawbddebian: Hi.04:32
bddebiansfllaw: Where where those test pages again?04:32
iwjsfllaw: That's a good idea.04:32
sfllawiwj: Shall I do the honours?04:32
mdzKamion: I can't get i386 alternate to offer me automatic resize04:35
Kamionmdz: /var/log/syslog should say why not04:35
Kamionlog message from partman-auto04:35
Kamionoh maybe it's in /var/log/partman, can't remember04:35
Riddellmvo: you had amd64 kubuntu netinstall working last night didn't you?04:36
mvoRiddell: yes, I added it to the wiki last night04:36
Kamionmdz:yeah, /var/log/partman - first log message should be "<something> primary partitions, <something> logical partitions"04:36
mdzKamion: ok, I'm there, but I don't know how to interpret the rest04:37
mdzat the start, I had the default erase-disk layout (root primary, swap logical)04:37
mdzwhen it didn't offer the option, I used manual partitioning to create a single primary on the entire disk04:38
mdzas the simplest case for resizing04:38
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mdzthen went back to guided partitioning04:38
Kamionmdz: can you paste me a chunk of the log from there down in /msg04:39
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mdzshould be able to04:39
Kamionit requires at least 3GB free or it won't bother offering it04:44
Kamionon the heuristic basis that if it's less than that, you'll be making both the existing and the new filesystems unreasonably tight on space04:44
Kamion(conclusion from /msg)04:44
Kamionoh, damn, my running netboot install is going to set up an LTSP chroot, since that bug fix isn't in yet04:45
Kamionoh well04:45
sladenKamion: instances of that bug are going to continue to arise for as long as there are people in the wild who installed their current setup with an early Flight CD.  I can keep the instances separate if you would like, even if they are of the same class and cut and paste the same description and solution into each of them.04:46
Kamionsladen: I made my comment before I saw your followup to the newer bug which synced up its status with the older one04:47
Kamionsladen: I hadn't realised you were going to do that; it looked separate, and I'd expected you to do that *before* marking it as a duplicate ...04:47
Kamionso reverting my duplication change is fine, sorry about that04:47
Kamionwhat I normally do is add an explanation to the bug and only then mark it as a duplicate; it saves on confusion04:48
sladenKamion: groovy, I'll remember to do that in that order next time :)04:50
sladenlaunchpad could do with a 'Related' relationship aswell as a Duplicate04:51
mdzsfllaw: what's the reasoning behind http://people.ubuntu.com/~sfllaw/wvstreams.debdiff ?04:51
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mdzsfllaw: likewise for wvdial.diff; it's fairly opaque to me without knowing the code04:53
sfllawmdz: The wvstreams patch prevents wvdialconf from blocking on close(), which happens inside WvFile::close().04:56
sfllawThat tcsetattr puts something in the output buffer.04:56
sfllawAt least, for some IRDA drivers.04:56
sfllawThe wvdial patch has the line cfg.commit() and some cleanup code, which causes WvDial to actually write out the config file.04:58
sfllawThis patch is actually inside Debian, and was fixed ages ago, but never sucked into Ubuntu.04:58
sfllawI think that was because of the UVF.04:59
sfllawI cherry-picked it just for this release.04:59
infinityMithrandir: Around?04:59
mdzsfllaw: it also changes get to xget and set to xset; what does that do?05:00
sfllawThat's proper style within WvStreams programs now.  The old WvConfEmu interface is a bit broken, which is why the file didn't get written properly.05:01
mdzit seems to be using a slightly differentAPI05:01
sfllawI can generate a patch with fewer changed lines, if you'd like.05:01
mdzsfllaw: and you're comfortable with all of this as a days-before-final sort of update?05:01
sfllawIt can't make WvDial any worse.05:02
mdzsfllaw: please go ahead05:02
sfllawfabbione: Ping?05:02
vinboydoes downloading the iso using jigdo prevent corrupted download?05:13
Mithrandirinfinity: hi05:13
bddebianHeya Mithrandir05:15
Mithrandirhiya bddebian 05:15
infinityMithrandir: Can you test the mad64/desktop CD and confirm that I'm not going insane?05:15
mdzsfllaw: dholbach is off; we need someone else totest amd64/alt05:15
mdzunfortunately the amd64 laptop I used here in the office for  beta has been "repurposed"05:16
=== mdz glares at silbs
infinityMithrandir: When I hit "Adding LiveCD user", it locks up.  Booting with "splash" off, I see an infinite loop of OOPSes... Well, I think they're OOPSes... It's scrolling awfully fast to know for sure.05:16
Mithrandirinfinity: C-s should pause it05:16
Mithrandirinfinity: I can check.05:16
Mithrandirinfinity: except cdimage currently hates me.05:18
infinityYeah, squashfs explodey.  I wonder if it got corrupted somewhere in the build process (the CD itself checks out fine)05:20
KamionI'll start on amd64/alternate in a moment05:21
mdzRiddell: I got no splash-down with my kubuntu alt install05:21
mdzRiddell: not until the last bit where it gets restarted05:21
mdzRiddell: is that normal?05:21
Keybukmdz: splashdown seems temperamental on kubuntu05:21
Kamionjust need to shovel bits over to that box05:21
KeybukI've had it about 6/10 times05:21
Riddellmdz: it's not normal but it does happen not infrequently, I'm yet to spot the pattern05:22
Keybukincluding getting splashdown when I shouldn't have ;)05:22
Riddellgdm has a nice "I'm about to change to vt1" function but kdm doesn't have that05:22
mdzRiddell: probably has to do with vt switching05:22
KeybukRiddell: I thiiiiink it might be a race between X switching vts, and usplash getting started by kdm stopping05:22
OculusAquilaecarlos: ktorrent is translated now, thanks 05:23
iwjYay, I managed to finish a test.  PASS despite the bugs I found ...05:23
carlosOculusAquilae: your are welcome05:23
=== bddebian is still downloading the desktop CD :-(
infinityMithrandir: Crap.  The md5sum of the squashfs on my CD matches the md5sum of the original on king.  And the build log looks like everything was A-OK... But it just does not work for me, at all.05:24
Keybukinfinity: which is that?05:24
infinityKeybuk: amd64/desktop ... No workey here.05:24
Keybukok, I'll give that one a test in a minute05:25
Keybukjust about to finish the ubuntu powerpc tests, then I can move my workstation to the laptop and test on this05:25
infinityKeybuk: Explodes in a mess of OOPSes around "Adding LiveCD user"05:25
infinityIf it's just me, I can cope, but since the last build worked fine over here, I'm thinking something when Very Wrong.05:26
vinboyKeybuk: r u getting paid to do this?05:26
=== infinity starts a new amd64 livefs build in case we need it.
KamionUbuntu powerpc netboot PASS05:31
Keybukthis has taken a while "Cleaning up" ... it must be doing my kitchen05:32
mdkejanimo: nice work on the xubuntu-docs translations05:32
Keybukrelease week and housework are not friends05:33
janimomdke, I just uploaded them :)05:33
bddebianKeybuk: :-)05:33
Keybukubuntu powerpc alternate erase PASS05:37
bddebianSheesh, you'd think a T-1 would download a little damn faster :-(05:41
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Keybukok, let's test this amd64 desktop05:42
_ionThe last comment in bug #40607  ideas, anyone?05:43
UbugtuMalone bug 40607 in tango-icon-theme-common "Ok/Cancel buttons" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4060705:43
_ionI wish the gtkrc syntax allowed something like CSS selectors.05:44
Keybuk_ion: it does?05:44
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Mithrandirinfinity: reproduced.05:46
Mithrandirdebconf-communicate makes unionfs oops05:46
infinityMithrandir: Feh.05:46
infinityMithrandir: Okay, a new livefs is spinning right now, to see if a new build will just make it go away.,05:46
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KamionWhen was the last successful amd64 desktop test?05:47
infinityKamion: Yesterday's images were fine.05:47
KamionPlease tell me it wasn't before the last kernel change.05:47
KamionOK, so it may be cosmic rays ...05:47
sfllawmdz: Is dholbach gone for a long while?05:47
infinityKamion: Just blew up on today's build.05:47
sfllawOr just sleeping?05:47
dholbachsfllaw: I'm here.05:47
sfllawdholbach: You can't test amd64?  :(05:47
=== bddebian hugs dholbach
Kamionsfllaw: I'll test amd64/alternate just as soon as the machine in question has finished apt-get upgrading.05:48
infinityKamion: I'm hoping for cosmic rays, hence why I kicked off the new livefs a while back. :)05:48
Kamioninfinity: I'm ready to start a CD image build for just amd64 when you give the word05:48
sfllawKamion: Thanks.05:48
mdzhow is everyone doing on their test cases?05:48
mdzsfllaw: I think he's ascending05:48
KamionIs amd64/desktop working for Kubuntu?05:48
KeybukKamion: about to test that one too05:49
KeybukI rsync'd that one as well, just in case05:49
infinityKeybuk: Please do so ASAP, to see if we have this same bug there.  Though I can't imagine why we would.05:49
mdzKamion: what's up with amd64?  I haven't been able to test it05:49
KeybukI concur05:49
Kamionmdz: alternate or desktop?05:49
Keybukamd64 OOPS for me too05:49
infinitymdz: unionfs explodes early in casper.05:49
infinitymdz: Yesterday's images were fine, so I'm assuming cosmic rays and rebuilding the livefs.05:50
mdzKamion: either05:50
Kamionmdz: 16:48 < Kamion> sfllaw: I'll test amd64/alternate just as soon as the machine in question has finished apt-get upgrading.05:50
_ionkeybuk: Attribute selectors, to be accurate.05:50
mdzok, so desktop is b0rked and alternate is untested?05:50
Kamionjust rebooting into it now05:50
mdzI have a kubuntu dvd i386 ubiquity in progress05:51
mdzand an i386 alternate OEM05:51
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Keybukshall I test amd64 DVD too?05:51
mdzmjg59: you need to bail out of that thread on sounder; it's hopeless05:51
infinityKeybuk: If you've got the bandwidth.05:51
Keybukinfinity: it's one of the ones I keep in my cache05:52
KeybukI assume it's "up to date" on beryllium?05:52
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_ionIn pseudo-CSS, i'd need GtkButton[relief=NONE]  { GtkWidget::focus-padding: 0; xthickness: 0; ythickness: 0; } in gtkrc in order to fix the problem pointed out in the message.05:52
infinityKeybuk: Should be.05:52
=== infinity goes for a quick de-stressing smoke while king finishes that livefs build.
Kamionmdz: FYI I have a dinner invitation with my cousin tonight, so I have about two more hours05:54
Keybukhmm, beryllium is unhappy -- won't rsync a DVD05:54
elmoit's still trying to sync05:55
mdzKamion: acknowledged05:55
mdzrepo man has all night, every night05:55
elmoit should work, it'll just be slow till the write-fest is over05:55
infinityKamion: We'll resolve this before then, or I'll slit my wrists.05:56
Keybukelmo: it wasn't sending any data05:56
Kamionlet's resolve it then ... wouldn't want blood on the channel05:56
mdzinfinity: it'll take that long to do a test05:56
infinitymdz: I can whip through the amd64 tests pretty quickly.05:56
infinitymdz: I had lots of practice last night when filing ubiquity bugs from that machine. :)05:56
mdzinfinity: livefs build + cd build + publish + rsync05:57
mdzTHEN you can try a test ;-)05:57
infinitymdz: livefs build is about 2 minutes from done.05:57
KamionCD build for one architecture is like five minutes05:57
elmoKeybuk: it's using a scheduler that massively favours writes, so all our boxes essentially stall during the sync, an beryllium has/had a hundred Gb or something to sync05:58
mdzI'm giving up on this edubuntu DVD rsync05:58
mdzogra: do you have one?05:58
elmoit's at xubuntu/ now tho, should be done soon05:58
elmotho, I'm having to try hard to resist adding --exclude='.*-src-.*' to the sync script at this stage :-P05:58
thomelmo: s/write/read itym?05:58
infinityKamion: livefs build done, hit the switch.05:58
Kamioninfinity: switch hit05:59
Keybuknew amd64 live to test?05:59
elmothom: no, writes - deadline massively penalizes reads in favour of writes05:59
infinityKeybuk: Shortly.05:59
thomuh, oh yeah, heh05:59
Keybukinfinity: was about to say, rsync claimed no diff ;)06:00
infinityKeybuk: Assuming it boots, do you want to do the full live session test (wander through, check apps work, etc), and I'll do the two installation tests?06:00
Keybukinfinity: yup06:00
infinityOr three, whatever.06:00
Keybukit'll save me having to swap hard drives around06:00
infinityHere's hoping it boots, then. :)06:00
mdzinfinity: do we need to wait for this massive sync to complete before we can publish that amd64 image?06:01
KeybukI never like opening quest, it growls at me06:01
Kamioncjwatson@lithium:~$ md5sum cdimage/scratch/ubuntu/daily-live/live/amd64.squashfs06:01
mdzI suppose rsyncing directly from lithium would be more expedient06:01
Kamion5f56a659d2fdf9832baef5ecc109684f  cdimage/scratch/ubuntu/daily-live/live/amd64.squashfs06:01
Kamioninfinity: is that the right md5sum?06:01
KamionI'd just grab it from lithium if I were infinity ... though IIRC Keybuk cannot06:02
KeybukI cannot06:02
KeybukI am insufficiently powahful06:02
infinityKamion: md5sum matches, yes.06:02
elmoI'm happy to temporarily setup passworded rsync on lithium, if you want06:02
Kamionbuilt, it's trying to trigger beryllium at the moment and not getting very far06:02
infinityKamion: But it did on the broken one too, so I'm not holding my breath.06:02
Kamioninfinity: just checking it's not out of date or anything06:02
Keybukelmo: bah, give me an account on lithium, you _know_ you want to :)06:03
infinityI'm syncing fine from a mirror anyway.  Obviously didn't get beryllium.06:03
elmoberyllium isn't in rotation till it's uptodate06:03
Kamion(BTW, the build took under 3 minutes)06:04
elmoand I've had a chance to setup a working httpd on it06:04
elmoKeybuk: I'd rather people didn't add ssh overhead as well as rsync to lithium, tbh06:04
mdzKamion: hmm, my OEM install seems to have crashed and burned.  it boots up to gdm.06:04
KamionI've just killed the beryllium trigger06:04
Keybukit appears to have turned up on one of the cdimages06:04
elmoKamion: why?06:04
Kamionelmo: because I wanted that shell back? :P06:05
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Kamionlet me know when it's synced and I'll trigger again06:05
infinitySynced, MD5 matches, burning.06:05
Kamionmdz: crashed and burned how?06:05
mdzKamion: after d-i finished and rebooted, it came up straight into gdm.  aren't I supposed to get the firstboot stuff instead?06:06
Kamionmdz: no, you'll have got a message just before reboot that you need to run oem-config-prepare when you're finished customising the system06:06
mdzI read the title of the dialog...06:07
Kamionfeedback I got indicated that people didn't really like the "one reboot, then we throw you into oem-config, kthxbye" business in breezy06:07
Kamionthough I concede something more in-your-face at gdm time might help06:07
Kamionmdz: log in as oem with the password you set06:07
Kamionsudo oem-config-prepare06:07
Kamionthen reboot06:07
infinityA custom GDM them with "OEM FIRST BOOT" plastered all over it might be helpful.06:08
Keybukhmm, rsync appears to be in fucking stupid mode -- it's just downloading from scratch fwict06:08
mdzinfinity: what have I told you about that sort of thing within earshot of mark06:08
infinitymdz: Blindfold him.06:09
=== Kamion goes for coffee while amd64/alternate finishes installing (in pkgsel, looking OK so far)
elmois FIRST BOOT our version of FIRST POST?06:10
mdzKamion: ok, so I ran oem-config prepare and rebooted, and I still didn't get the questions06:10
mdzand the oem login still works06:10
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iwjUgh, this breezy CD seems to have been covered in some strange kind of gunge !06:11
Keybukinfinity: you kinda broke /current/ with your little rebuild :p06:12
infinityI did no such thing.06:12
Keybukinfinity: check MD5SUMS06:12
=== dholbach does amd64 alternate installs
mdziwj: unreproducible here, my breezy CDs are fine06:13
Keybukdoes anyone else REALLY not want to know what the gunge is?06:13
Kamionmdz: literally 'oem-config prepare'?06:13
mdzKamion: sudo oem-config prepare06:13
Kamionmdz: 'sudo oem-config-prepare'06:13
mdzi reed gud06:14
KamionI should make oem-config be fascist about arguments to catch that06:14
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Keybukor just dtrt06:14
infinityKeybuk: Oh, special.06:15
Keybukthe number of times I wish apt-get would just exec apt-cache when that's what I really meant06:15
infinityKamion: The single arch build didn't carry over the MD5SUMS from the old arches.06:15
mdzKeybuk: in edgy I'm going to merge them and call the result 'apt'06:15
infinityKamion: "oops"06:15
KamionI've no idea why oem-config didn't pop up when you ran that, mind06:15
Keybukmdz: call it "smarter"06:15
mdzKamion: it did, but I didn't think about what it was doing06:16
Kamioninfinity: stupid thing. fixing06:16
Keybukelmo: rsync has stalled again.  I'm upset06:16
mdzKamion: it asked me the first couple of questions and then exited apparently successfully06:16
mdzdidn't ask me the user info06:16
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mdzweird, I get a different wastebasket icon06:17
elmoKeybuk: use lithium06:17
mdzthe old blue one06:17
Keybukelmo: ha ha06:17
Kamioninfinity: fixed, thanks06:17
Kamionmdz: I have a suspicion it got very confused by you running it as oem06:17
Kamionoem-config is wonky in dapper and needs a good kicking early edgy06:18
infinityBucket.  Of.  Cocks.06:18
Keybukis there a difference between early edgy and late edgy06:18
infinitySame failure.06:19
Keybukinfinity: failing for you too, huh?06:19
mdzthe other icons are all correct, it's very curious06:19
=== Keybuk was just checking he really burned the new cd
infinityThis is double-plus ungood.06:19
infinityKamion: What's the size limit on an ISO to reliably not die?06:19
Kamionso. RC -= amd64/desktop?06:19
infinityKamion: Maybe we went a smidge over with the new OOo-amd64...06:20
mdzKamion: or we publish the previous build06:20
infinityKamion: Humour me.  Kick something out of ship-live for a second, and retry a smaller build.06:20
Kamioninfinity: it's supposed to be 73605120006:20
mdzinfinity: rm -rf some stuff and re-mkisofs06:20
Kamionit's WAY under that06:20
infinityPoint.  It is way under.06:20
infinityI'm going to re-make it anyway.06:21
mdzinfinity: where does it fail? can it even do a media check?06:21
infinityYeah, I'm doing it locally.06:21
infinitymdz: Media check worked on the last image.  Trying this one now.06:21
Kamionyou have the mkisofs rune?06:22
infinityI can't imagine what could have broken, though, since the only two things that changed were OOo and ubiquity...06:22
infinityKamion: paste it, SVP... I forget where it lives on lithium.06:22
mdzinfinity: that's worth confirming06:22
Kamionmkisofs -r -V 'Ubuntu 6.06 amd64 Bin-1' -o dapper-desktop-amd64-hacked.iso -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-ize 4 -boot-info-table build-tree06:22
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Kamionof course that's without the sorting stuff ...06:23
mdzinfinity: what's the version of the one which worked?06:23
Kamioner, s/-boot-load-ize/-boot-load-size/06:23
Keybukmdz: 2306:23
infinitymdz: 20060524 works.  20060525 and 25.1 are broken.06:23
mdzlive-ship is the only difference in the iso file list06:24
mdzbunch of changes in the livefs though06:24
mdzoh, I'll diff 24 instead then06:24
Keybuksorry, my bad06:24
mdzonly desktop stuff06:24
mdznothing that's even touched before gdm starts06:24
Burgworksomebody was looking for me?06:25
Keybukwhy do we only find squashfs/unionfs bugs _NOW_06:25
infinityKeybuk: We've been living with the fragile union all release.  It just mostly works, so we've ignored the fragility. :/06:25
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HiddenWolfdholbach: since the -artwork update yesterday the icon nautilus places on the desktop for a mounted cd is huge, known?06:26
mdzinfinity: flush the livefs and rebuild it from scratch, I say06:26
mdzthat should reshuffle the deck enough to get it working again :-P06:26
infinitymdz: We do build from scratch.06:26
KeybukI like the fact the OOPS has junk all over it06:26
mdzwell, hell06:26
infinitymdz: The rsync trick is long gone.06:26
dholbachHiddenWolf: yes, it was reported at least 15 times to me and it's fixed, but the package is held in the queue until RC is out06:26
Keybuk"attempt to access beyond end of device"06:26
infinityAnd, the integrity check passed. :/06:26
infinityKeybuk: Ah-ha.06:26
HiddenWolfdholbach: sorry. :)06:26
Keybukwant=<some number>, limit=<some lower number>06:26
Kamioninitramfs overflow?06:26
Kamionwhat are the units for that limit?06:27
mdzKeybuk: what are the numbers?06:27
Keybukmdz: I'll do that again06:27
KeybukI un-locked the scroll06:27
mdzinfinity: squashfs sorts the files then?06:27
elmorsync: send_files failed to open "/daily-live/.swp" (in cdimage): Permission denied (13)06:27
infinitymdz: Yes.06:27
Kamionelmo: that was me, gone now06:27
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Keybukmdz: I can't seem to get the first set of numbers06:28
Keybukattempt to access beyond end of device06:28
infinitymdz: mksquashfs is more or less a black box.  We just aim it at the chroot and ship.  None of the crazy stuff we had to do with ext3-on-cloop.06:28
Kamionalso, I just found that publish-daily has been screwing over MD5SUMS.gpg files in previous builds of the same type every time it runs06:28
Keybukloop0: rw=0, want=2016046, limit=123296006:28
Keybukloop0: rw=0, want=2016188, limit=123296006:28
Kamionbut I wonder how many people actually check the signatures ...06:28
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Keybuklimit could be bytes, or 512b (621,375,520)06:29
mdzKeybuk: break it in initramfs and check out loop0 a bit06:30
infinityWhat's mounted on loop0?  The squashfs?06:30
iwjKamion: You might not have seen, but that bug in the kubuntu install where the partitioner locks up is reproduceable.  All you have to to is try to back out of the partitioner with the back button.06:30
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mdzinfinity: should be, yes06:30
Keybukmdz: that's exactly what I'm doing06:30
elmowhee, beryllium is up-to-date06:30
elmo(rsync only)06:30
Kamioniwj: yeah, I saw, it's a qtparted thing, needs Riddell06:30
ogramdz, nope, not yet06:30
iwjKamion: Right.  I just want to make sure you know about it :-).06:30
mdzelmo: woo06:30
Kamionwhen you hit back there, ubiquity says "undo" to qtparted which then is supposed to not hang :-)06:30
mdzogra: mine is getting 1M/sec now06:30
mdzKamion: please add that to DRR06:31
ogramdz, lets just skip edubuntu DVDs for RC, i'll test during this week 06:31
ogra(i dont think anybody beside me will test them anyway in the community)06:32
Kamionmdz: will do06:32
mdzogra: I'll have one in 10m; I'll test it06:32
mdzi386 anyway06:32
mdzI can't test anything else06:32
mdzelmo: do you know where the power supply for this powerbook of yours went?06:32
ograthats enough, i''ll test amd64 during the week (go no dvd reader in my ibook)06:32
elmomdz: no?06:32
mdzelmo: I didn't take it06:32
elmowell, it was there when I left, hmm06:33
mdzelmo: where's there?06:33
elmothe office06:34
elmoI basically hadn't touched the powerbook (or it's adaptor) since my aborted attempts to hacksaw it open06:34
ograRiddell, are you currently editing Testing/current ? 06:35
ogra(i get a warning)06:35
bddebianHacksaw to a PowerBook?  haha06:35
Keybukthat limit=1232960 must be in 512 byte sectors06:35
Riddellogra: no, go ahead06:35
infinityKamion / Keybuk / mdz : Okay, shrinking the ISO didn't help one bit, so it's likely the squashfs itself.06:35
Keybuk1,232,960 * 512 = 621,375,52006:35
Keybukwhich happens to be the exact size of the squashfs06:35
infinityKeybuk: And something's trying to read past the end of it?  ROCK.06:36
infinityKernel bug, or mksquashfs bug, I wonder?06:36
Keybuk/dev/loop0 is the squashfs06:37
infinityAnd how big does the kernel claim /dev/loop0 is?06:38
Keybukinfinity: what rune do I need for that?06:38
infinitycat /proc/partitions06:38
Keybukah yes, it occurred to me at the same time06:38
infinityOkay, so that doesn't seem insanely wrong.06:38
infinityCause your error above looked like it was trying to read at least 2x the real size.06:39
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Keybuk* 1,024 is the same value06:39
infinityI wonder if we have some 512 versus 1024 k block confusion.06:40
infinityBut that would have bit us ages ago...06:40
Keybukyeah, that would surprise06:40
=== Keybuk is nearly at the end of the initramfs now
bddebianFinally, CD finished06:40
mdzinfinity: are you able to loop-mount the squashfs and verify it?06:40
=== Keybuk looks up casper's bottom
infinitymdz: I can loop it.  Not sure what to verify.06:41
mdzinfinity: thinking of it, it'd have to be a squashfs bug, since unionfs asks for files and not blocks06:41
infinitymdz: (ie: I have no md5sum manifest of the contents or anything)06:41
mdzinfinity: md5sum -c /wherever/the/md5sum/file/is06:41
mdzinfinity: we don't generate one of those?06:41
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mdzinfinity: you could debsums it06:42
infinityNo, that would take eons.06:42
Keybukoh, cute, there's a bad sector on this cd all of a sudden06:42
infinityI can debsums for the packages that have sums, yes.06:42
infinityWhich should be most of them.06:42
Kamionfind -type f | xargs cat >/dev/null06:42
Kamionat least see if you can read all the files06:42
Kamionuse find and xargs from the squashfs if they wor06:42
KeybukKamion: thank the gods we didn't go insane and only use klibc in the initramfs06:43
KamionKeybuk: LD_LIBRARY_PATH06:44
KeybukKamion: no, I mean seriously, thank god we didn't do that06:44
Kamionheh :)06:44
infinityI'm getting a lot of "No such file.."06:44
Kamiondamn, I keep forgetting to watch splash-down06:44
infinityThis can't be a good sign.06:44
Keybukinfinity: my /usr/lib went missing last time06:45
Kamioninfinity: compare failures on the squashfs and the unionfs?06:45
Keybukdoes the CD contain an inventory of itself?06:46
infinitydmesg is filled with:06:46
infinity[4361559.926000]  __find_get_block_slow() failed. block=319, b_blocknr=31606:46
infinity[4361559.926000]  b_state=0x00000020, b_size=102406:46
infinity[4361559.926000]  device blocksize: 102406:46
mdzsweet, I get checksum mismatches on the i386 livefs06:46
infinityKeybuk: The ISO does.  The squash only has a manifest of installed packages.06:46
KamionUbuntu amd64 alternate manual partitioning PASS06:46
janimoKamion: xubuntu installed and there was no ltsp 06:46
mdzapparently, aspell-en ships files in the .deb in /var06:46
mdzand then modifies them06:46
Kamionjanimo: great06:46
janimobut no usplash either Iwonder why06:46
Kamionoh, that might be my fault06:47
mdzinfinity: I only get one missing file on i386: debsums: can't open libgl1-mesa file /mnt/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa (No such file or directory)06:47
Kamionhmm, no, should be fine06:47
Kamionjanimo: is usplash installed? how about xubuntu-artwork-usplash?06:47
Kamionjanimo: look for those in /var/log/installer/syslog06:48
janimoKamion, yes it's installed in /etc/alternatives06:48
Kamionjanimo: dpkg -l I mean06:48
Keybukoh, wow06:48
janimocan using LVM on the whole disk have any effect on this?06:48
KeybukI got a PANIC just with find and cat06:48
janimoI used lvm the first time06:48
Kamionjanimo: no, I wouldn't think so06:48
=== janimo looks
mdzKeybuk: on plain squashfs or squashfs+unionfs?06:48
Keybukmdz: unionfs06:48
Kamionthe squash should be in /rofs06:48
Keybukgonna try the same on the squash now06:49
infinitymdz: That's special, since that file shouldn't exist in the first place...06:49
janimoKamion, cmdline is ro quiet (no splash on it)06:49
KeybukKamion: find /root/rofs -- would that "touch" the unionfs at all?06:49
Kamionjanimo: did you boot with debian-installer/framebuffer=false?06:49
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KamionKeybuk: not sure06:50
mdzKeybuk,infiinity: can one of you try loop-mounting the amd64 squashfs on i386 and see if it breaks there too?06:50
infinitymdz: That's what I've been doing.06:50
KamionKeybuk: shouldn't've thought so apart from the name lookup on /rofs on the unionfs06:50
infinitymdz: That's where I got all the missing files.06:50
mdzKeybuk: only just barely, touching the /rofs inode might go through unionfs06:50
infinitymdz: I'm now poking at the amd64 machine directly.06:50
=== Keybuk doesn't have an i386
mdzKeybuk: whatever, non-amd6406:50
janimoKamion, no plain reboot after install06:50
janimoand now a new reboot06:50
infinitysquash is endian-sensitive, so it probably won't work on powerpc at all.06:51
Kamionjanimo: I mean debian-installer/framebuffer=false as a parameter to the installer06:51
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janimoKamion: no, plain reboot as in I did not touch anything :)06:51
janimo /proc/cmdline is root=/dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root ro quiet06:52
janimothat's what it is set to by the installer06:52
infinityOkay, that was special.  On a "break=bottom", busybox throws an OOPS.06:52
Kamionjanimo: oh, maybe it does make a difference, we might not set up lilo with splash by default06:53
mdzelmo: found it; it was hiding in the server closet06:53
KamionI thought we did, but could be I forgot06:53
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janimoKamion, lilo ? hmm it looked like grub to me06:54
=== janimo reboots
elmomdz: *blink* ok06:54
mdzjanimo: grub can't boot from lvm, unless you have a separate /boot06:54
janimoit was definitely grub since the last installer screen was 'installing grub'06:55
Keybukhmm, this CD is giving me sector errors now06:55
KeybukI'm gonna toss it and burn another, won't take but a jiffy06:55
Kamionjanimo: can you just file a bug on debian-installer and attach /var/log/installer/syslog then, please?06:55
mdzKeybuk,infinity: clearly you are both just having simultaneous hardware failures06:55
tsengKeybuk: is that 100 jiffies, or 1000?06:55
mdzI'm trying to arrange an impartial test here06:55
tsengper clock06:55
janimoKamion, I'll file it. I chose use LVM on entire disk option. Whatever it set up I expected it erased the whole drive before06:56
=== infinity is wondering if the decision to not switch to squashfs 3.0 back in April is now haunting us.
Kamionit may well have set up a separate /boot06:56
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mdzhell. I just confirmed the hang on amd6407:00
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mdzKamion: what would it take to mix and match the old amd64 build for RC?07:00
Kamionmdz: straightforward07:00
Kamionjust means an extra careful publish-release invocation07:01
Keybukdoesn't the old build have ubiquity 1.0.4 though?07:01
mdzeek, I'm getting I/O errors on the CD too07:01
Kamion(publish-release honours $ARCHES)07:01
KamionKeybuk: yes, we'd lose a few bug fixes, but we can cope07:02
mdzwow, even sysrq+t hangs07:02
KeybukKamion: like the link_on_boot bug fix?07:02
KamionKeybuk: which only affects powerpc07:02
mdzKeybuk: that was powerpc-only07:02
Keybukthat's ok then07:02
carlosjanimo: hi, around?07:02
janimocarlos: hi07:03
carlosjanimo: is evince-gtk a package from xfc ?07:03
mdzthe multiple-disk fix is the only one we'd have to document07:03
janimocarlos, no but it is part of xubuntu desktop. It should use the same .po files as evince07:03
mdzin hopes of avoiding dupes07:03
Kamionwe'd lose: crash fix when deleting partitions; infloop fix for multi-disk systems; better interaction with gparted/qtparted plus one backup crash; crash fix on blank rows in mountpoints table07:03
carlosjanimo: hmm, so it shares the translation domain?07:04
janimocarlos, so langpack-gnome I think.07:04
janimocarlos: yes07:04
mdzI think we should probably revert amd64, do RC, and attack it tomorrow07:04
=== infinity concurs.
KamionI agree07:04
mdzin fact, if I'm not mistaken we have uploads queued07:04
infinityThis one looks like it'll require fresh eyes and real brainpower.07:04
Kamionis everything else good?07:04
infinityBoth of which I'm lacking right now.07:04
carlosjanimo: ok, it has a bunch of .po files and lacks a .pot file so I was wondering what should I do  with those07:04
mdzso maybe it'll magically go away :-HD07:04
carlosjanimo: if both share the same translations, I will remove the evince-gtk ones07:04
carlosjanimo: thanks07:04
mdzall of my tests have been successful, modulo the trash icon being a little bit weird in my mutilated oem install07:05
Keybukmdz: it'll affect i386 instead07:05
infinitymdz: Well, ubiquity and OOo broke it this time.  I have an OOo upload queued, so if Kamion uploads ubiquity, surely that will fix it.07:05
janimocarlos, I just set its trans;lation domain to evince so we dont; add this to the base langpack too07:05
Keybukthere's a casper upload in incoming07:05
Kamioninfinity: totem and some others too07:05
janimoand would be duplication otherwise07:05
Keybukso that'll clearly make the problem go away07:05
infinityKamion: Oh, so I can blame totem?  Awesome.07:05
mdzI'm not even sure what is in incoming at this point07:05
janimobut if it's a problem for some reason I am ok with any solution you and/or pitti come up with07:05
mdzI'd like to review them before we process the queue07:05
Kamionok, I'll start publishing now07:05
infinitymdz: It's not too deep.07:05
janimosame for xubuntu-system-tools and gnome-system-tools07:05
mdzKamion: sounds good07:06
infinityKamion: Make sure to take the 20060524 image for amd64... That's the one I put through rigorous testing yesterday.07:06
Kamioninfinity: right. you wouldn't mind repeating that test now, would you?07:07
Kamionat least see that it boots07:07
Kamionnot that I'm PARANOID or anything07:07
infinityKamion: I still have the CD from yesterday.  Where do I verify the serial number?07:07
=== Kamion blames the imps sneaking onto lithium and rearranging the bits.
Keybukmaybe it's the squashfs authors birthday or something07:07
Kamioninfinity: .disk/info07:07
mdzinfinity: F1 at gfxboot, or that07:07
janimocarlos, do you know what jordi wants to talk to me about (if still relevant)?07:07
Kamioncall me old-fashioned07:07
mdzKeybuk: or maybe the clock has rolled over to a bit pattern which breaks all amd64 CPUs07:07
KeybukNMI Watchdog detected LOCKUP on CPU 007:08
mdzKeybuk: I got one of those too!07:08
KamionBTW, nobody run sync-mirrors on lithium for a while kthxbye07:08
mdzit's so completely fucked07:08
carlosjanimo: he needs a list of core XFCE packages that should be translated first07:08
Keybukthat was just find on the squashfs07:08
Keybukit's definitely the squash, not the union07:08
=== Keybuk wonders whether it's still going
mdzKeybuk: or even lower07:08
janimohe needs 07:08
mdzKeybuk: squashfs doesn't explain the weird I/O errors07:08
carlosjanimo: only desktop and base libraries07:08
Keybukmdz: what is lower?07:08
janimocarlos, should I mail him the list?07:08
infinityOh crap... Yesterday's doesn't work now either...07:08
Keybukthere isn't anything between the filesystem layer and the ATA driver07:09
=== infinity ducks and runs for cover.
carlosjanimo: if he's not around and you need to leave, yes, please07:09
infinityKamion: 20060524 booting fine.07:09
mdzKeybuk: what makes you think the ATA driver isn't at fault? :-P07:09
=== Keybuk gets out of mdz's line-of-sight to infinity
Keybukmdz: because we all have different ATA drivers07:09
mdzyou don't know what driver I have07:09
mdzinfinity: did you get I/O errors too?07:09
Keybukwell, I know Tollef, infinity and I do ... because we've used that fact for testing before07:09
infinitymdz: Yeah, but not from libata.  They were just on the loop0 block device, afaict.07:10
mdzmaybe someone unpacked the amd64 .deb on lithium07:10
mdzinstalled a rootkit07:10
mdzand put it back07:10
mdzthe kernel deb07:10
infinityKamion: Fully booted now.  Confirmed that 20060524 is fine.07:10
Keybukinfinity: was 24.1 a rebuild of amd64 too?07:11
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infinitymdz: We don't use the kernel deb from lithium for livecd builds.  We use the kernel and initramfs that I export from the livefs build.07:11
=== mdz peers suspiciously at infinity
infinityKeybuk: There was a 24.1?07:11
Keybukinfinity: there was07:11
Kamionpublishing delayed while I recover archival copies of beta207:11
jordijanimo: hey07:11
=== Kamion glares sideways at publish-release
mdzKamion: hmmm?07:12
Keybukinfinity: and it has a different md5sum07:12
Keybuktell you what07:12
KeybukI'll check 24.1, shall I?07:12
mdzKeybuk: knock yourself out07:12
Kamionmdz: it cleans up old releases when you didn't need them any more ...07:12
jordiso, yes, I'd like to talk to you about what's the order of most important xfce products07:12
infinityOh, there was too.  That would have been a slightly newer ubiquity..07:12
janimojordi hey07:12
mdzinfinity: is the livefs build log published somewhere I can see iT?07:12
infinitymdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/livefs-build-logs/dapper/ubuntu/20060525.1/livecd-20060525.1-amd64.out07:12
Kamionor ~lamont/liveLogs/07:13
Keybukmdz: can you diff 24 and 24.1 and check what's the difference there?07:13
Kamionexample-content, gnome-power-manager, totem, ttf-arphic-uming, ubiquity, update-manager, update-notifier07:13
janimojordi, I understand you need a list of core xfce packages?07:14
mdzsquashfs automagically compresses out duplicate files? neat07:14
mdzKeybuk: that's what I did07:14
jordijanimo: any package added in main due to xubuntu I guess07:14
mdzKeybuk: oh, you mean the manifests?07:14
Keybukmdz: 24 is known good, 25 is known bad07:14
jordibut yes, the xf* packages are probably mostly it07:14
Keybuk24.1 is unknown07:14
mdzKeybuk: manifests are identical07:14
Kamionmdz: no they aren't07:14
Kamion18:13 < Keybuk> mdz: can you diff 24 and 24.1 and check what's the difference there?07:15
Kamion18:13 < Kamion> example-content, gnome-power-manager, totem, ttf-arphic-uming, ubiquity, update-manager, update-notifier07:15
mdzKamion: 24 to 24.1?07:15
janimojordi, ok I'll make a list07:15
Kamioncjwatson@lithium:~/cdimage/www/full/daily-live$ diff -u 20060524{,.1}/dapper-desktop-amd64.manifest07:15
mdzoh, I was redirecting the output07:15
jordijanimo: thanks!07:15
=== Keybuk sends mdz to stand in the corner
mdzyeah, bunch of stuff changed there07:15
KamionI'll delay publishing amd64 desktop until somebody tells me what to do07:15
mdz+example-content 1907:15
mdz+gnome-power-manager 2.14.3-0ubuntu1007:15
mdz+libtotem-plparser1 1.4.1-0ubuntu407:15
mdz+localechooser-data 0.27ubuntu2107:15
mdz+totem 1.4.1-0ubuntu407:15
mdz+totem-gstreamer 1.4.1-0ubuntu407:15
mdz+ttf-arphic-uming 0.1.20060513-107:15
mdz+ubiquity 1.0.607:15
mdz+ubiquity-frontend-gtk 1.0.607:15
mdz+ubiquity-ubuntu-artwork 1.0.607:15
mdz+update-manager 0.42.2ubuntu2107:15
KeybukKamion: will tell you whether this works in ~2 minutes07:15
mdz+update-notifier 0.42.507:15
mdztotem is mark's fix, he won't notice07:15
mdzexample-content is fairly significant though07:16
jordijanimo: basically, if a translator had to start translating xubuntu from scratch, what would you tell them is the most visible package, with the most important strings, etc?07:16
Keybukmdz: ubiq 1.0.6 would be nice07:16
Keybukthat has most of the bug fixes07:16
jordiIf I can get an ordered list of priorities, great07:16
KamionKeybuk: 1.0.7 has most of them07:16
Kamion1.0.6 only has the powerpc fix and bug 4639507:16
UbugtuMalone bug 46395 in ubiquity "Crash after comitting a delete of several partitions" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4639507:16
Keybukso what changed in 25?  just openoffice?07:16
mdzyou know, we could dpkg -i ubiquity 1.0.7 into that chroot.......07:16
Keybukmdz: try it07:17
mdzKeybuk: openoffice and ubiquity 1.0.707:17
janimojordi, ok. That would be the all deps of xubuntu-desktop which are not alreday deps of ubuntu-desktop. But I can make a more explicit list07:17
=== Keybuk blames openoffice
Keybukyou introduced a black hole into the .desktop file07:17
Keybukthe squashfs collapsed under its own mass07:17
infinityIt was more than just the .desktop file..07:17
jordijanimo: thanks07:17
infinityThat was a huge OOo change for amd64.  It hadn't been updated for a month or more.07:17
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infinityStill, I can't see why that should break the freakin' squashfs. :)07:18
janimojordi, btw in the dapper language pack updates, will only stuff translated in rosetta appear?07:18
infinityMaybe the author is punishing us for shipping the hideous hack that is OOo-i386-on-amd64.07:18
janimoif upstream works on .po files on their own can that be imported too?07:18
jordijanimo: it's the only way the language packs can collect new translations07:18
jordijanimo: not atm, no07:18
Keybukinfinity: perhaps we've opened a portal into another universe07:19
Keybukcasper is going off the end of the squashfs and into HYPERSPACEFS07:19
sfllawmdz: I uplaoded new versions of WvStreams and WvDial into the archive.  Was I supposed to get e-mail notification?  Or did I do something wrong and they got silently eaten?07:20
infinityI'd find this all rather more entertaining if it wasn't A WEEK BEFORE RELEASE.07:20
infinityThis bug better just magically go away on the next build...07:20
Keybukinfinity: that'd only be more scary07:20
Keybukbecause it means it could COME BACK07:20
infinityKeybuk: It can't come back once we ship pressed CDs.07:20
Keybukwe should keep a tally of "Last known good AMD64" on Testing/Current07:20
Kamionsfllaw: you won't get a notification until the queue processor is turned back on post-RC07:20
mdzsfllaw: uploads are queued, /topic07:21
mdzKeybuk: I don't have an amd64 where I can easily do that07:21
KamionI forgot to pre-publish server-sparc, whoops07:21
mdzKeybuk: can you try it?07:21
sfllawmdz: You mean they are looked at manually.  Thanks.07:21
Keybukmdz: try which?07:21
infinitymdz: There are only 20 uploads pending in incoming.  Not so scary.07:21
mdzsfllaw: I mean they sit in limbo until we turn the automatic queue processor back on07:21
mdzKeybuk: dpkg -i ubiquity_1.0.7*07:22
mdzKeybuk: then re-mksquashfs07:22
Keybukmdz: I don't have access to lithium07:22
mdzstir the entropy pool a bit07:22
Keybukunless there's a rune I can use on my console here to make a new cd iamge07:22
mdzKeybuk: what does lithium have to do with it?07:22
mdzKeybuk: there is07:22
Keybukcan you paste, and I shall do07:22
Keybuk24.1 breaks07:22
infinitymdz: That's not possible, actually.07:22
Keybukso it was't openoffice07:22
mdzinfinity: what?07:22
sfllawmdz: My real question, I suppose, is "did I do everything I needed to do to fix these bugs?"07:22
mdzsfllaw: yes, thanks07:22
Kamionyou'd have to copy the whole tree and then dpkg -i07:22
sfllawmdz: Cool.07:22
infinitymdz: squashfs is read-only.  Can't copy out of it to another directory to dpkg -i stuff, because it's not readable.07:22
infinitymdz: Chicken, meet egg.07:23
mdzinfinity: 24.1 is readable, isn't it?07:23
infinitymdz: Oh, duh.  Yeah.07:23
=== infinity was thinking backwards.
mdzit also happens to be b0rked also07:23
mdzKeybuk: that is VERY DISCONCERTING07:23
infinityI could just dist-upgrade the known-good 20060524 and re-squash it.07:23
mdzinfinity: worth a shot07:24
infinityMaybe something in example content is confusing the &^$#$ out of squash's compression algorithm? :)07:24
=== ogra scratches head and wonders why his amd64 edubuntu isos are all fine then
Keybukinfinity: that's what I was thinking of blaming next :)07:24
janimojordi, oh so not just a list of packages but which are the most visible (i.e most worth translating?)07:25
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mdzthat would explain ogra's results07:25
mdzhe doesn't ship example-content07:25
ograexample-content ? 07:25
Keybukinfinity: is it easy to make one with everything but that, and one with that too07:25
infinityDoes kubuntu ship it?07:25
Keybukinfinity: burning kubuntu right now07:25
mdzinfinity: yes07:25
Keybukyeah, example-content 19 on this image07:26
mdz[2]   + segmentation fault  sudo cp -a /mnt /tmp/amd64-livefs07:26
mdzthat's on i38607:26
jordijanimo: yeah, that's it07:26
Kamionso 24.1 broken, I'm publishing 24?07:26
mdztrying to make a copy of the livefs07:26
jordijanimo: what you guys would want to get translated first.07:26
mdzKamion: so far, yes07:26
mdzwho verified 24?07:26
KeybukKamion: 24.1 is broken07:26
Kamioninfinity did07:26
Keybukinfinity has verified 2407:26
infinitymdz: I verified 24.07:26
mdz[4391213.265000]   [<f917931b>]  squashfs_read_data+0x10b/0x490 [squashfs] 07:26
=== mdz cries
janimojordi: ok, so does this still mean al packages need to be mentioned in sort of descending order of importance? Like devel libarries and such too?07:26
KamionBenC: around?07:27
infinityGood thing we're not hinging our installer on this technology or anything.07:27
KamionBenC: might be good to start tracking down the kernel bug here while we still can ...07:27
Kamionin case it disappears tomorrow and then comes back on release day07:27
mdznot that that's ever happened before...07:27
jordijanimo: yeah, if possible I want to know which are the user visible, most important07:28
Kamion(has it? trying to remember)07:28
jordiand go down in importance until those that are only console or so07:28
jordiif any07:28
janimojordi: ok, got it 07:28
ograwe always had this oops during boot that dint do any harm ... probably it just got harmful 07:28
jordisorry, I thought you had a clear explanation already and I was assuming things :)07:29
BenCKamion: which kernel bug07:29
infinityBenC: The last 1000 lines of painful scrollback.07:29
KeybukBenC: the PANIC when you boot the AMD64 Desktop CD07:29
mdzBenC: apparently, though it's weird07:29
BenCis there a bug report?07:29
mdzBenC: no, this is real-time07:30
BenCok, let me read07:30
Riddellinfinity: yes07:30
Keybukeverybody hold hands and pray for kubuntu07:30
infinityARGH.   I need to reboot.  My mounted squash is hung on those cats from ages back.07:30
infinityRiddell: Context?07:31
ograinfinity, he just thinks positive :)07:31
mdzRiddell: kubuntu/amd64/desktop: busticated or no?07:31
infinityRiddell: Oh, that was "do you ship example-content"07:31
mdzKeybuk: ah, but does it install?07:32
BenCabout the only thing I can do is download the ISO and see what's up07:32
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mdzRiddell: have you tested the amd64 desktop CD?07:32
Keybukmdz: I'm just doing a find | cat07:32
mdzBenC: what version do you have currently?07:32
Keybukand I got a "Hard link count is wrong for /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-amd64-generic/kernel/net"07:33
mdzBenC: both 20060524.1 and 20060525 exhibit the problem07:33
iwjI'm going to go and buy a damned spare disk tomorrow.  This is just too flakey.07:33
mdzKeybuk: unionfs does that sometimes07:33
Kamioniwj: I suggest a blessed one instead07:33
Riddellyes we ship example content on kubuntu, no I've not had any hangs on any 6 of the CDs07:33
mdzKeybuk: find /rofs instead07:33
mdzinfinity: do you save the livefs in another form?07:33
BenCare the CD's using squashfs2 or squashfs3?07:33
iwjMalone 93183: Installation fails on cursed -3 disk.07:34
mdzinfinity: which could be used for the dpkg/mksquashfs experiment without having to get things out of the existing squashfs?07:34
mdzinfinity: or are you proceeding with the dist-upgrade+mksquashfs experiment?07:34
mdzBenC: they're using whatever you ship in the kernel07:34
mdzBenC: 3.0prerelease I think?07:34
BenCthe squashfs in the kernel supports both versions of hte fs07:35
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BenCit all depends on which mksquashfs program is being called07:35
mdz/mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 2.1, 631275173 bytes, 81923 inodes, blocksize: 65536 bytes, created: Thu May 25 16:58:35 200607:35
mdzBenC: ^^07:35
Keybukmdz: which is that?  that's not 2507:36
BenCany chance of testing a version 3 filesystem?07:36
ograKeybuk,  created: Thu May 25 ?07:36
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Keybukthe size is wrong07:36
KeybukAMD64 #25 was 621,375,52007:37
BenCdamnit...squashfs-tools only contains the v2 creator07:37
mdzKeybuk: really?07:37
Keybukmdz: yes07:37
BenCI though Mith or someone was going to shove mksquashfs3 into the package too07:37
Keybuk(Kubuntu passed find|cat ... so it's unique to Ubuntu)07:38
mdzBenC: we are so not changing that right now07:38
BenCmust be a variance in mksquashfs07:38
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-228-225.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionperhaps we should have mksquashfs3 in there as well so that at least we *can* experiment ...07:39
BenCyeah, that's what I'm saying07:39
ograbut the same mksquashfs is used for all derivatives as well07:39
ograand they work ...07:39
Kamionand it's worked for Ubuntu for quite some time as well, but now it doesn't07:39
BenCogra: and amd64 is the only one that is 64-bit userland :/07:39
mdzogra: the same one was used for all the previous amd64 images, too; htat's not the point07:40
Keybukthat's kinda interesting07:40
mdzwe changed its input07:40
jcoleif someone has time, kernel build help please -> http://pastebin.com/73750807:40
Kamionjcole: this isn't really a good time ...07:40
ograjcole, really not today, not here07:40
BenCjcole: #ubuntu-kernel07:40
jcoleBenC: whew, awesome07:40
infinitysquashfs-tools in Debian has been at 3.0 for ages, IIRC, we vetoed the version bump in dapper in April.07:41
infinityAnyhow, back from my reboot of doom.07:41
infinitymdz: Doing the experiment now.07:41
mdzinfinity: which one?07:42
BenCmaybe do "touch /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-amd64-generic/kernel/net/fixerup" to see if that varies things enough to work? :)07:42
infinitymdz: extract->distupgrade->squash07:42
mdzinfinity: extract doesn't blow up?07:42
Keybukah no, the size thing isn't interesting07:42
infinitymdz: Err, not there yet.  Just rebooted.07:42
mdzKeybuk: I'm not sure what I have; cdimage won't talk to me anymore07:42
Keybukfile always thinks that the squashfs size is smaller than the real file size07:42
KeybukI must have typo'd the 621 ... it was 63107:43
Keybukthe file is < 512b bigger than the squashfs size07:43
BenCanyone have the squashfs for the amd64 that I can simply grab real quick?07:43
lucasvoanybody know a kbabel gtk equivalent ?07:43
BenCwill be much faster then the whole cd07:44
Kamion? the squashfs is only fractionally smaller than the CD07:44
ogralucasvo, wrong channel, wrong time07:44
infinityBenC: What Kamion said.  They're nearly the same size.07:44
BenCoh, crappy07:44
mdzBenC: which version of the CD do you currently have? the rsync delta shouldn't be too large07:45
BenCin that case, anyone have a place where I can download it faster then 35k/sec?07:45
mdzyou can get the pre-oo.o update version07:45
BenCmdz: The only amd64 one I have is flight607:45
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BenCthat one worked fine for when I did the install on my k807:46
iwjI wonder why the d-i installer is so much flakier with this disk than ubiquity was earlier ?  I suppose it might actually be a bug but I dan't really tell.07:46
=== evelin [n=evelin@dslb-088-073-198-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukthe problem would appear to be in /var07:46
mdzBenC: that's almost two months old07:46
infinityKeybuk: How did you deduce this?07:46
janimojordi at ubuntu.com?07:46
BenCmdz: yeah, it's useless07:46
Keybukinfinity: the last three finds I've done have crashed there07:46
jordijanimo: yeah!07:46
BenCKeybuk: crashed the computer, or just crashed find?07:47
ograKeybuk, now diff /var of ubuntu with /var of kubuntu/edubuntu ;)07:47
KeybukBenC: PANIC Aiieeee etc.07:47
infinityKeybuk: Well, squashfs sorts before it builds, so if we're doing overlong reads, you'd expect stuff near the end to cause more problems than stuff near the beginning.07:47
infinityKeybuk: Doesn't mean much...07:47
BenCdo you have a full panic I can look at?07:47
KeybukBenC: how do I save it?07:47
BenCKeybuk: digitial photo would be perfect07:48
infinityOkay, extracted the whole 24 livefs without a whisper in dmesg.  Chrooting in to dist-upgrade.07:48
BenCand easiest07:48
KeybukBenC: hmm, I'd need to see if I can the video mode to be *really* high res :)07:48
mdzthese filesystems are so close, it's silly07:48
BenCKeybuk: vga=ask07:49
BenCsee if that gets you something07:49
KeybukBenC: it appears not07:49
Keybukinfinity: if the filesystems are odd, I'd expect it to go wrong somewhere else though, no?07:49
infinityKeybuk: vga=77107:49
infinityKeybuk: Or 79107:50
Keybukinfinity: which is higher res?07:50
infinityNot sure.07:50
Kamionall releases.u.c changes syncing out now07:50
infinityMine is vga=0x343 (1440x1050)07:50
infinityThat high enough for you?07:50
mdzKeybuk: what's your /var hypothesis based on?07:50
Keybukmdz: that's where find crashes, but as infinity says, that could just be sorting07:51
infinityKamion: Is this the part where we rejoice that SOMETHING went out, or continue crying about amd64? :)07:51
lamontmdz/kamion: it would be wonderful if we could fix 46496 post-RC07:51
BenCfind doesn't sort does it?07:51
Kamionjanimo: xubuntu is good to release, right?07:51
mdzlamont: talk to me about it tomorrow please07:51
Kamionfor RC07:51
lamontmdz: will do07:52
infinityBenC: The squashfs is sorted.07:52
lamontBenC: no07:52
bddebianNot a bug but if capslock is hit on gksudo window, it screws up the display of the OK/Cancel buttons07:52
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Kamionjanimo: (urgently - I have to go in about 8 minutes)07:52
Keybukvga=791 will do07:53
=== Kamion pushes the button anyway on the basis that it will take a while to publish ...
jordijanimo: got it!07:53
mdzKamion: just exclude it07:53
infinityWell, aren't we glad I fixed the "vesafb doesn't work without splash onthe command line" bug? :)07:53
mdzor not07:53
Kamionmdz: it's for cdimage.u.c not releases.u.c07:53
Kamion(releases doesn't have room, last I checked ...)07:54
jordijanimo: you mean xubuntu-docs is the most important?07:54
mdzKamion: so it only matters for the announcement then, yes?07:54
Keybukcat /mnt/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ07:54
Kamionmdz: yes, was hoping to get it out pre-announcement so that we didn't need a second one07:54
KeybukSQUASHFS error: zlib_fs returned unexpected result 0xfffffffd07:54
Kamionit'll be done in a few minutes07:54
KeybukSQUASHFS error: Unable to read fragment cache block [0] 07:54
KeybukSQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block 0, size 007:54
mvobddebian: thanks, its reported in lp07:55
mdzKeybuk: /mnt/spool? or /mnt/var/spool?07:55
KamionKeybuk: you're going to tell me this is a 1 in 2^32 chance, aren't you07:55
bddebianmvo: OK, thx07:55
Keybukmdz: /mnt/var/spool07:56
mdzKeybuk: that's probably Z_DATA_ERROR07:56
KeybukKamion: we wouldn't see it on three cd images if it were07:56
bddebianAre only core devs supposed to add info to the Testing/Current page?07:56
KamionKeybuk: we might do, if the relevant region of the filesystem didn't change in there07:56
mdzbddebian: test results are welcomed from everyone07:56
infinitybddebian: More testing is good, though we want core-dev coverage on each ISO.07:56
mdzbddebian: if you saw something which gave you a different impression, fix it ;-)07:56
infinitybddebian: Non-core coverage is also really cool. :)07:57
bddebianmdz: OK, thx07:57
KeybukKamion: the file that's particularly upset it (and made it crash) is 07:57
bddebianHmm, maybe I don't have a login for the wiki.kubuntu.com?07:58
giftnudelbddebian: take your launchpad login07:58
giftnudelahh missed te k07:58
bddebianIs there a Testing page on wiki.ubuntu.com also?07:59
mdzKeybuk: what's the best break= to use for fiddling with this?07:59
Keybukmdz: break=casper-bottom07:59
jcoledo rejected/closed bugs get deleted after a while? http://tinyurl.com/k7avz07:59
Keybukthen you have /root mounted07:59
KamionOK, Xubuntu going out now (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/dapper/rc/). The rest (stuff like ports) can happen after I get back.07:59
Kamionjcole: no07:59
giftnudelbddebian: probably not for kubuntu07:59
mdzKeybuk: thanks07:59
LaserJockbddebian: i thought they were the same wiki, ubuntu, kubuntu and edubuntu08:00
Kamionjcole: you might have to use advanced search though08:00
Kamionmdz: Ubuntu (including server), Kubuntu, and Edubuntu all done too, on releases.ubuntu.com. You might want to check up on mirroring status yourself when you're doing the announcement.08:01
KeybukBenC: ^^08:01
KamionSweden should be triggered08:01
Kamionus.releases seems hopelessly buggered (IIRC out of disk or something)08:01
bddebianLaserJock: Maybe they are?08:01
bddebianGah meeting :-(08:02
Kamionmdz: and I'm off, please SMS me if the sky falls down and there may be something I can do to get network access08:02
Keybuknote that weird ./lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com./lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com path08:03
BenCKeybuk: Looks like the real cause is in zlib08:04
BenCit's getting bad compressed data, or squashfs is handing it some corrupted data or similar08:04
mdzBenC: I have a trace for you08:05
BenCcause is obviously squashfs08:05
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mdza trace with no squashfs code in it though08:05
mdzreproduced by mounting the squashfs on an i386 system and doing 'ls' in /var/lib/apt/lists inside the squashfs08:05
BenCSQUASFS error: zlib_fs returned unexpected result ...08:05
BenCmdz: ok, send it over08:06
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BenC"Unable able to read page, block 0, size 0"08:06
BenCthat's interesting too08:06
mdzBenC: mailed08:06
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mdzBenC: (sent you the whole dmesg)08:08
BenCok, thanks08:08
Keybukbluetooth does work nicely now08:08
Keybukit's far easier just to send stuff from phone to computer that way than find the usb cable08:08
infinityUhh, did anyone else get mail from Joerg Bashir <brak@archive.org> in the last two hours?08:08
KeybukBenC: ^ that's another interesting one08:09
mdzKeybuk: that trace is fucked08:09
Keybukmdz: it is?08:10
KeybukI like that it wants to go four times off the end of the squashfs :)08:10
mdzit's missing the middle bit08:10
mdzthe stack08:10
mdzit has the location of the crash and then the Code: line08:10
Keybukso it is08:10
ograinfinity, no08:10
mdzinfinity: how's the experiment going?08:11
BenC"attempt to access beyond end of device"08:11
infinitymdz: Burning the experiment right now.08:11
KeybukBenC: any other prodding that would be useful to you?08:11
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BenCI'm thinking that the filesystem is just plain borked and that these crashes are just the result of the kernel module not doing enough sanity checking08:11
BenCthe real problem seems to be in the mksquashfs08:12
Keybukthree consecutive filesystems have been borked in this manner08:12
Keybukso it must be some file we added in 24.108:12
BenCanyone tried creating the filesystem on i386 instead of on amd64?08:12
BenCI wouldn't be surprised of mksquashfs wasn't 64-bit safe08:12
sven-tekHi devels, just tried to get you latest work. But gnome-btdownload says "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker.", is the server overloaded or something?08:13
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Keybukmdz: ?08:13
mdzaccessing /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ in vmware08:13
mdzcauses vmware to implode08:13
Keybukinfinity: no08:13
mdz*** Virtual machine kernel stack fault (hardware reset) ***08:13
mdz"On a real computer, this would amount to a reset of the processor"08:13
BenCsquashfs rules08:13
Keybukmdz: yeah, I had one of those earlier08:13
Keybukit reset one of the two cores08:14
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mdz[ ]  Never show this dialog again08:14
=== mdz dies laughing
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Keybukmdz: has that tickled you?08:15
BenC7 more hours to download this amd64 iso08:15
infinitymdz: What a friendly emulator! :)08:15
mdzdoes squashfs have a super duper debug mode?08:15
bgertzfieldHowdy folks.08:15
BenCthere has to be a faster way :/08:15
mdzbgertzfield: hi, you know much about squashfs?08:15
=== BenC resorts to torrent
bgertzfieldmdz: Nope!08:15
mdzdamn, was worth a try08:15
BenCbah, can't do torrent unless I want to disable uploads08:15
Keybukeven Ubugtu has fled in fear08:15
mdzsomebody get Phillip Lougher's home address08:16
ogramdz, #squashfs is also empty (while we're at trys)08:17
infinityHe'll just tell us to use 3.0.08:17
infinityWhich may have been a sane plan... Last month. :)08:17
infinity(It may still be saner than debugging this)08:17
Keybukmdz: Wales somewhere08:17
infinitymdz: I can drop the debian 3.0 packages in king's livefs-building chroot and respin that fs for kicks.08:18
mdzinfinity: is there a real RCS somewhere or just the sourceforge CVS?08:18
mdzinfinity: better to do it locally so you can test faster, no?08:18
infinitymdz: I don't know yet if I can reproduce it locally. We know that every build on king in the last 2 days has gone tits-up.08:19
infinityBut yeah, I should reproduce it locally for sanity's sake.08:19
infinitymdz: And I have no idea where upstream source lives.08:20
Keybuksquashfs.sourceforge.net ?08:20
infinityWell, other than that. :)08:20
mdzthe log message in the CVS seems to imply there's something else08:22
mdzBenC: what's the date of our squashfs prerelease?08:23
infinityOkay, extra->dist-upgrade->rebuild blew up in exactly the same way,08:23
infinityextract, even.08:23
infinitySo, I can reproduce it locally.08:23
janimoKamion, yes xubuntu is good for RC08:23
BenCmdz: quite a while back08:23
Keybukinfinity: how long does an experiment take?08:23
Keybukcan you shell script it?08:23
infinity(And sitrring in entropy didn't help)08:23
infinityKeybuk: Depends on what I'm doing with said experiment, I guess.08:23
mdzthere are no interesting bug fixes in the past 6 months or so08:23
Keybukwell, we have the list of packages that changed between 24 and 24.108:23
mdzin CVS, that is08:24
Keybukso we could make an image for each, which has 24 with just that package upgraded08:24
Keybukand see which one(s) break08:24
mdzit seems likely that it's some pattern of file contents/sizes that triggers it08:24
infinitymdz: Except that upstream's entire focus is now on 3.0, and we're still using 2.0...08:24
mdzinfinity: there's only one CVS tree with both in it08:24
mdzand there hasn't been anything interesting for a long time08:24
mdz5 days ago there was:08:25
mdzFixed 2.6 kernel code to remove rare race condition when multiply mounted08:25
mdzSquashfs filesystems are simulataneously accessed.08:25
infinitymdz: Well, yes, but if this bug doesn't exist in 3.0, he's not likely to find it or care about fixing t in 2.0, that was my point.08:25
mdzsquashfs3 was imported 6 months ago and has hardly changed since then08:25
infinityKay, he's almost certainly using another RCS,then.08:25
infinityOr he just lost interest.  Which seems unlikely with a project like this.08:26
mdzthe best part is that the bug isn't arch-specific08:26
mdzit very well could hit us again elsewhere08:26
Keybukgit probably08:26
ograaccording to murphy it would hit us on release day08:27
infinityWell, unless, as BenC surmises, it's a combination of an arch-specific bug in mksquashfs on amd64, and poor error checking in the kernel driver.08:27
infinityWhich is possible.08:27
janimojordi, I think xubuntu-docs is important but yes, maybe not the most :)08:27
jordijanimo: ok. it's the first in the list :)08:28
janimoI have no idea what users would rather like to be translated.08:28
janimojordi: well yes I put it there since I tought it was very important08:28
jordijanimo: ok08:28
mdkejanimo, jordi, what's going on with xubuntu-docs?08:28
jordimdke: it won't fit in the CD and I decided to get rid of the docs!08:28
janimomdke, making a prioritiezed list of apps to be translated in rosetta08:28
jordino, raelly, we're discussing translation priorities08:28
mdkebut isn't it in rosetta already?08:29
mdkeoh, priorities08:29
=== mdke slaps himself
infinityKeybuk: TBH, I think I'd rather sleep than build a dozen incremental squashfses... But that sounds like a fun project for tomorrow.08:29
mdzinfinity: that's easy to test08:30
mdzinfinity: mksquashfs the same data on a different arch08:30
infinityYeah.  Freeing up space on the laptop to do that right now.08:30
infinityDamned OOo.  I had 700MB of crap in cache/apt/archives08:31
mdzI would try that, but I can't manage to get the data out of the squashfs intact anywhere08:32
mdzinfinity: do you save a copy on the buildd in another form?08:32
rddpI guess you guys know amd64 is fubar'd right? Is i386 ok for d/l + testing?08:32
mdzrddp: yes, see the past hour or so of scrollback08:33
infinitymdz: No, but it mightn't be a bad plan to do that in the future...08:33
mdzrddp: the problem only affects ubuntu/amd64/desktop at the moment08:33
rddpah ok sorry :)08:33
Keybukinfinity: fair enough08:33
mdzinfinity: did you save your dist-upgraded tree by any chance?08:33
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infinitymdz: Yes.  taring that up and sending it to my laptop.08:33
ograrddp, kubuntu and edubuntu are fine (in case youre hot to test amd64 CDs)08:33
rddpjust wanted to test for grepping plain text passwords and so forth :-p08:34
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rddpogra, will do08:34
mdzinfinity: I don't suppose there's an un-mksquashfs userland utility08:34
mdzinfinity: and you don't still build cloops08:35
infinitymdz: No, we only build cloop or squasfhs, never both.  Disk usage would be horrendous, and time wasted would be even worse.08:35
infinitymdz: "unmksquashfs" is the kernel driver.  Just like "unmkisofs" :)08:36
infinity(too bad that doesn't work..)08:36
mdzis there a different version of the kernel driver, with different bugs, that we might try just for uncompressing purposes?08:37
mdzthis filesystem is our only test case and we can't manipulate it :-P08:37
infinityI haven't the foggiest.08:38
mdzI'm going to see about building a version with tracing enabled08:38
infinityBenC: Where are we getting the kernel driver from?08:38
mdzactually, that's probably easier for BenC08:38
mdzBenC: could you build a 386 squashfs module with SQUASHFS_TRACE?08:38
BenCmdz: Since you are on 386, can you rebuild the fs on there and see if it has the same problem?08:40
mdzBenC: see above08:41
mdzI can't rebuild the FS because the squashfs driver is the only way to extract it, and the driver crashes08:41
=== _jdong [n=jdong@d149-67-101-201.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukmdz: at least all versions of the filesystem that we create exhibit the bug08:41
BenCmdz: mksquashfs /mnt ?08:41
mdzBenC: find |xargs cat crashes it08:42
KeybukBenC: the bug would be tripped by mksquashfs reading /mnt08:42
BenCoh wait08:42
Keybukmdz: how does mksquashfs get run on lithium08:42
Keybukjust "mksquashfs" ?08:43
mdzinfinity has an uncompressed copy of a filesystem which exhibits the problem08:43
infinityKeybuk: It doesn't.  (but yes, on the buildds, it's invoked with no options)08:43
mdzKeybuk: it doesn't; it gets run on the buildds08:43
infinityDoes someone want to buy me a bigger and faster hard drive for my laptop for Christmas?08:45
=== infinity waits while it grinds away on a probably horribly fragmented file..
=== Keybuk was wondering whether we had any "Holey" files or anything like that
Keybuklike did someone accidentally ship a core file08:46
infinitysparse files, even?08:46
Keybukyes, those08:46
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infinityI would hope sparse files would be handled correctly anyway, but that's easy to test with dd.08:46
mdzmksqashfs would have to try hard to realize it was dealing with a sparse file08:46
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Keybukit was just a thought08:47
mdzwe could binary diff the working and non-working fses08:47
mdzthen stare really hard at a hex dump08:47
Keybukmdz: I don't especially enjoy reading diffs of gzipped stuff ;)08:47
mdzKeybuk: I'm guessing the problem isn't with the compressed data itself but with the filesystem metadata08:48
infinityKeybuk: yes, dd.  As in "dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k of=foo seek=25637204 count=0"08:48
Keybukmdz: yet it's definitely being caused by a new or changed file08:48
Keybukinfinity: ah, you mean make one08:48
infinityKeybuk: A 26252496896 length file tha ttakes 0k of real space.08:48
infinityKeybuk: Yeah, make one, mksquashfs it, mount it. see what happens.08:49
infinityBut I'd be shocked to discover that sparse files break anything..08:49
infinity(Although... If it's trusting file lengths, and there was a core from a machine with 2G of RAM, that could account for huge seeks past the end of our 650MB device...)08:50
infinityThat would be pretty painfully stupid, though.08:50
Keybukinfinity: 4*650 > 2GB08:50
BenCmdz: -386, right?08:50
Keybukwhich is where my idea came08:50
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mdzelmo: can you smack the torrent tracker around?08:51
mdzBenC: yes08:51
Riddellmdz: separate or joint announcements for kubuntu/ubuntu/edubuntu?08:51
infinityWell, the buildds have a mess of RAM, so it's not inconciveable that we're accidentally dropping a core somewhere.08:51
=== ogra votes for joint
mdzRiddell: joint announcement08:51
Riddellok, good with me08:51
=== Keybuk supplies the munchies
Znarlmdz : I'll headbutt the torrent tracker for you.08:51
mdzRiddell: can you update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseCandidateAnnouncement accordingly?08:52
mdzKeybuk: I can't even do an ls -lR on the filesystem, it crashes08:52
=== pitti [n=pitti@217-162-171-213.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzpitti: welcome to the fire08:52
Keybukmdz: I'll see if I can do a find08:53
Keybukpitti: we've blamed you for all that's happened today08:53
ograpitti, learn all about squashfs, QUICK !08:53
infinityErr, wait... The 25.1 Ubuntu livefs was the last one I build on king...08:53
pittiouch, is it that bad?08:53
infinitymdz: I do have that chroot still.  Want a tarball of it?08:53
mdzinfinity: absofuckinglutely08:53
pittimy tests from yesterday finally looked quite good after yesterday's fixes08:53
ograpitti amd64 ubuntu live only ...08:54
pittiogra: itz broken?08:54
ograall others are fine 08:54
mdzpitti: kernel panics08:54
mdzpitti: squashfs related08:54
Keybukmdz: I think I just managed to get a file listing08:54
Keybukby just doing opendir/readdir (no stat)08:54
mdzKeybuk: as root or non-root?08:55
infinitypitti: You know squashfs inside and out, right?08:55
Keybukmdz: root08:55
pittiinfinity: of course, I could rewrite it in assembler while sleeping08:55
mdzKeybuk: yep, me too08:55
infinitymdz: ^^^08:55
infinityMAKE PITTI FIX IT.08:55
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Keybukmdz: find -ls has pretty much worked08:55
=== pitti decides that it was a bad move to look into irc today
Keybukok, so we have a contents list of 20060524.108:56
infinitypitti: You should know better than to tarnish your VAC with work.08:56
infinityKeybuk: Cause one of your many cats or lses has hung.08:56
BenCmdz: sent08:56
infinityKeybuk: lsof will kindly remind you of that.08:56
Keybukinfinity: not that I can see08:57
Keybuksquashfs just won't let go08:57
Keybukor, possible, HAS let go08:57
KeybukSUB time!08:57
infinitymdz: chinstrap:~adconrad/chroot-livecd.tgz08:58
=== jdub hulk-smashes sounder.
tsenghiya jdub 09:01
jdubyo tseng 09:01
mdzBenC: what do I put in kernel.printk to get the squashfs messages on the console?09:01
Keybukjdub: are they not obeying your every command and whim?09:01
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jdubthey're being unruly children09:01
=== jdub puts bananas in sounder's exhaust pipe
mdzBenC: never mind, got it09:03
ogragot a diff as well ? 09:05
Keybukdiff it yourself! :)09:06
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Riddellmdz, ogra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseCandidateAnnouncement09:08
Riddellthe edubuntu homepage is looking very nice these days09:09
ograyep, even its still WIP09:10
ograbut i can borrow you highvoltage if you want a new css for kubuntu :)09:10
=== ogra throws kisses at Keybuk
infinityI blame ttf-arphic-uming09:13
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Keybukinfinity: with knowledge or without?09:13
infinityNone whatsoever.09:13
=== Keybuk tests your hypothesis
infinityThere's no chance that /usr/share/example-content/Experience\ ubuntu.ogg and /usr/share/example-content/Ubuntu\ Sax.ogg are the only two files in the entire filesystem with spaces in the names, is there?09:14
infinity(Cause they're both new in this diff)09:14
Keybukinfinity: they are, actually09:14
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Keybukactually, no, they're not09:14
Keybukthere's some in /usr/share/acpi-support09:14
infinityOkay, then that's probably a red herring.09:15
giftnudelis it one of the files in /var/lib/dpkg that's where the problem appeared, right?09:15
infinityStuck out like a sore thumb in the diff, though.09:15
infinitygiftnudel: No.09:16
ogradoes anybody else find it weird that several directorys changed size without having any changes in them ? 09:16
Keybukso, I'm going to upgrade ttf-arphic-uming in the chroot09:16
giftnudelogra: i did09:16
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Keybukogra: could just be a sideffect of squashfs losing the will to live09:16
ograyes, but still, its quite noticeable09:16
infinityUhm, did libapm1 really stop shipping a postrm in that window, or is this just another "the filesystem is lying" thing? :)09:18
Keybukinfinity: oh, that's quite odd, given it allegedly wasn't upgraded09:19
infinityMust be the latter.09:19
mdzBenC: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/temp/squashfs-dmesg09:19
mdzthat's a log of a crash with SQUASHFS_TRACE on09:19
Keybukprevious.svg ?09:20
mdzKeybuk: icons09:20
Keybukmdz: totem?09:20
mdzKeybuk: Tango / Tangerine09:20
Keybukmeh, that wasn't updated :-/09:20
mdzKeybuk: are you able to trigger a crash with any of that stuff?09:20
Keybukmdz: I'm trying to build a filesystem that crashes from 2006052409:21
infinityI still really want to blame example-content, and those files with the spaces in the names, but that's probably just the UNIX elitist in me talking.09:21
mdzKeybuk: I have infinity's tarball09:21
mdzKeybuk: so I can get a full file listing from that09:21
mdzKeybuk: I want to compare that to 2006052409:21
Keybukmdz: infinity's tarball crashes, yes?09:21
Keybukmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/24-ls.txt09:21
infinityKeybuk: It's a tarball of the exact chroot that 25.1 was built from.09:21
Keybukthat's the content (ish) of 2409:21
mdzKeybuk: yes, it does09:22
BenCmdz: reading through it09:22
Keybukinfinity: e-c is on kubuntu though :-/09:23
BenC                                TRACE("Filldir returned less than 0\n");09:24
BenC                                goto finish;09:24
BenCI wonder if that should error out somehow instead09:24
infinityKeybuk: And kubuntu was fine?  Poop.09:25
infinityKeybuk: I can still dream, can't I?09:25
infinityIn fact, maybe I should go do that right now.09:25
infinityHit the hay and dream that example content was to blame and we fixed it and then we all went out for ice cream, skipping hand-in-hand.09:25
ograice cream is good 09:27
yuriypoke YokoZar09:27
Keybukinfinity: it wasn't ttf-arphic-uming09:28
mdzKeybuk: your'e going package-by-package?09:28
Keybukmdz: why not?09:29
mdzKeybuk: a binary search would be quicker09:29
Keybukbinary search of what?09:29
mdzthe set of packages changed09:29
mdzdo half, then do the other half, see if it's even going to lead anywhere09:30
Keybukoh, I guess09:30
Keybukthere's only 5 of them though09:30
mdzsucks to try one by one only to find it fails on the last step, and only upgrading that package doesn't trigger the bug09:30
mdzwell, ok09:30
mdzthen later we get to do the same thing with files!09:30
BenCmdz: I sent another module09:31
BenCI want to see the value that filldir is returning09:32
fabbionewho was pinging me before??? the nick has been lost in the scrollback09:32
KeybukI like this computer09:33
Keybukit can keep entire ISO filesystems in its page cache09:33
infinity09:02 < sfllaw> fabbione: Ping?09:33
infinityfabbione: "/lastlog fabbione" is your friend.09:33
fabbioneinfinity: also on xchat?09:34
Keybukfabbione: yes09:34
fabbioneso it seems09:34
infinityYou use xchat? :)09:34
fabbionesfllaw: pong?09:34
infinityConsole users are dropping like flies...09:34
fabbioneinfinity: i still use BX for other stuff09:35
mdzKeybuk: garrr09:37
Keybukmdz: avast!09:37
mdzKeybuk: the sizes of directories in squashfs show up differently than the tarball extracted onto ext309:37
Keybukmdz: yes, I noticed that too :)09:38
Keybukso did ogra09:38
Keybukalso there's a postrm missing09:38
pittigood luck, guys! /me crosses fingers09:38
Keybukoh, interesting09:40
Keybukok, now adding just that one package crashed it09:40
Keybuklet's try making one without that package09:40
Keybukbut with all the others09:40
mdzsquashfs also doesn't do the hardlink count properly09:40
=== mdz excludes more columns
sfllawfabbione: The reason I pinged you has been addressed.09:40
sfllawfabbione: But thanks.09:40
fabbionesfllaw: no problem.09:41
infinityKeybuk: Which package?09:41
infinityKeybuk: The suspense is killing me.09:41
Keybukinfinity: I'm not going to tell you until you've slept ;)09:41
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infinityKeybuk: I'm not going to sleep until you tell me. :)09:42
Keybukbesides, I need to double-confirm that it is this package09:42
Keybukoh, alright09:42
Keybukif you must known09:42
infinityI WIN!09:42
ograinfinity, pfft, you said ttf-arphic-uming first09:43
mdzKeybuk: 17->19?09:43
Keybukmdz: yeah09:44
mdzKeybuk: does it crash even if you upgrade only that package?09:44
Keybukmdz: that's what I'm trying now09:44
KeybukI'm making a root with only that package09:44
Keybukand making a root with all the others09:44
Keybukone should crash, the other should not09:44
=== infinity can now go to bed.
KeybukI might, for kicks, also make a root with just that package unpacked and no other file s;)09:45
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BenCmdz: Did you try that new module yet?09:45
ograhmm, either someone cheats or seb128 is secretly testing edubuntu ... there are a bunch of seb128:PASS suddenly in my edubuntu table09:45
infinityogra: Nah, I said example-content when the problem FIRST came up.  Something about "maybe the compression algorithm is choking on the encoding of some file in example-content"09:45
infinityogra: I only hedged my bet on the font thing recently. :)09:46
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Keybukinfinity: that would be scary09:46
KeybukI wonder why kubuntu works09:46
infinityKeybuk: But possible.09:46
infinityKeybuk: Block ordering and bad luck could make one work and the other choke.09:46
infinityKeybuk: Compression is a very touchy science.09:46
ograinfinity, ok, ok you win :)09:46
Keybukinfinity: at least this is replicable09:46
mdzBenC: not yet09:47
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-245-77.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityKeybuk: Now, what happens if you take the contents of example-content, toss it in a directory, and mksquash that?09:47
Keybukwhy doesn't mksquashfs have a --go-faster ?09:47
mdzBenC: it was luck of the draw that it didn't hang hard that time, but I'll try it again09:47
Keybukinfinity: I'm gonna do that in a minute09:47
infinityKeybuk: I assume it's fine, and only breaks in the context of the larger filesystem?09:47
sivangguys , will we still be open for bug fixes before final release?09:48
infinitysivang: Some.  Not many.09:48
infinitysivang: And only the most dire.09:48
sivanginfinity: okay, makes sense.09:48
Keybuksivang: how are you at squashfs?09:48
sivangKeybuk: I've probably only used it while booting the live cd ;-) so no bugfixing/development experience.09:49
BenCmdz: in your last dmesg, was squashfs module reloaded between these lines:09:51
BenC[4294781.238000]  SQUASHFS: Filldir returned less than 009:51
BenC[4294790.122000]  squashfs: version 3.0prerelease (2006/1/24) Phillip Lougher09:51
BenCIOW, right before the crash09:52
mdzBenC: trying it with your new module now09:52
mdzlogging over the network09:52
mdzwe'll see what I get09:52
=== sivang reads the squashfs howto to get more familiar
Keybuksivang: Section 1.  RUN AWAY SCREAMING09:53
sivangKeybuk: heh09:53
msikmaSo guys, how are the RCs going?09:53
sivanghmm, wireless going down, bbl09:53
Keybukmsikma: mdz has quit in tears09:54
mdzhar har09:54
mdkethey seem to be published on releases.u.c09:54
Keybukwe're not going to release dapper now, and we're skipping straight to edgy09:54
msikmaGreat to hear :)09:54
Keybuk(how long until _that_ ends up on Slashdot?)09:54
sivangKeybuk: hehe09:55
ograand we'll probably baxkport 2.6.16 and call it 2.6.15-23 to fix squashfs 09:55
fabbioneogra: we already have -2309:55
ogra-23.1 then :)09:55
Keybukogra: that would rely somewhat on squashfs being in the kernel mainline09:55
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kikois what this voodoo is sounding like09:56
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-245-77.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionehmmm rsync still hangs09:56
BenCwell, 2.6.17.git is building on all arch's, so we can just shove that in dapper real quick09:56
fabbioneBenC: GO GO GO GO09:57
=== BenC uploads now
Keybukwhy does mksquashfs go faster in the final 300MB than in the first?09:58
mdzBenC: froze hard09:58
ograzul, btw we'll need grub2 alongside with 2.6.17.git indeed ;)09:58
BenCmdz: any trace?09:58
zulogra: you are evil09:58
=== giftnudel_ [n=mb@p54A90FDA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograzul, only on thursdays09:58
mdzBenC: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/temp/squashfs-trace-2.gz09:59
zuloh yeah it is thursday..09:59
mdzBenC: that's all I was able to get; not sure how close to the end it goes09:59
BenCKeybuk: first part is probably the all the metadata09:59
KeybukDoor #1, #2 or #3 ?09:59
Keybuk2 it is ... testing10:00
mdzBenC: any joy in that trace?10:00
BenCzcat: squashfs-trace-2.gz: unexpected end of file10:01
mdzKeybuk: testing what?10:01
BenCsure it's all there?10:01
Keybuk#2 WORKED10:01
=== LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-1421772203199.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukand that was 20060524.1 with everything except example-content upgraded10:01
Keybukso... next choice10:01
KeybukDoor #1 or #3 ?10:01
mdzBenC: my pipeline got killed10:01
mdzBenC: that is in fact all I have; can try again if it's no good10:01
BenCis there a file/dir called "no" in there somewhere...that's the last thing it shows10:01
Keybuk#1 also WORKED ... that was just example-content unpacked on its own10:02
Keybukso #3 is last10:02
BenCnothing really sticks out in the trace though10:02
Keybukwhich is 20060524 with only example-content upgraded10:02
BenCfilldir() returning < 0 also seems irrelvant10:02
Keybuk(you watch this one work too)10:02
Keybukoh thank the gods10:02
Keybukit CRASHED10:02
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mdzBenC: that's an xkb file10:03
mdzKeybuk: !!!10:03
Keybukmdz: so, if all else fails, we just upgrade everything except example-content and ship it :)10:03
mdzKeybuk: mark will shit himself10:03
mdzI need to step out for a moment10:04
mdzback in a few10:04
BenCsee, and people said "example content never hurt anything"10:04
=== guido [n=guido@c155214.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograbut why the heck does kubuntu work then ? 10:04
giftnudel_can you change something in example-content so that it's different?10:04
Keybukogra: it must be the block offset in the entire image it ends up at10:05
Keybukor something equally kooky10:05
_ionWhat happened today in Lost probably causes the problem.10:05
ograstrange strange10:05
Keybuk_ion: what did happen today in Lost?10:05
Keybukdid they try and release Island 2.0 and it broke?10:05
henoeh, ok so I just stepped back in. Did my example-content stuff break the RC ? :-/10:08
Keybukheno: yes, mdz is calling in the hit squad now10:08
henook, fair cop10:08
Keybukit seems that upgrading the amd64 desktop images to e-c 19 causes them to fail to boot10:08
Keybukdue to a bug somewhere in squashfs10:08
Keybuk(or, most likely, mksquashfs and insufficient changing in squashfs)10:09
Keybukbut only the amd64 ubuntu image10:09
elmojava build systems... unreliable out-of-tree filesystems...10:09
elmowe have the best infrastructure EVAR10:09
Keybukkubuntu appears fine, and i386/powerpc are fune10:09
Keybuk...sysadmins who take down cdimage servers on release candidate day...10:09
henohm perhaps the super-compressed PNGs are causing the second layer of compression to get corrupted10:09
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-245-77.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
henoperhaps it doesn't cope with really uncompressable stuff10:10
dholbachthe strange thing is that kubuntu/amd64 seems to be happy10:10
LaserJockdholbach: you are here?10:11
Keybukdholbach: I suspect we'll be testing that one CLOSELY10:11
henonot that strange if we've hit upon a rare squashfs bug10:11
Keybukheno: the strange thing is that we can replicate it every damned time10:11
infinityKeybuk: Just to test one crackpot theory, can you take the chroot that breaks, rename those two files with spaces in them, and re-compress it?10:11
henoany other random change might make it go away again10:12
dholbachLaserJock: it seems so10:12
infinityKeybuk: I'm assuming it's not that, but I'm curious.10:12
Keybukinfinity: yes, I'm building some images with bits of the new e-c and stuff atm10:12
Keybukinfinity: see which one of them breaks10:12
Keybukheno: I don't mind if it goes away10:12
ograinfinity, what are you doing here ? 10:12
dholbachinfinity: maybe just rebuilding e-c fixes it10:12
LaserJockdholbach: I have a really quick UVFe question, if you have a sec10:13
dholbachLaserJock: which one is it?10:13
infinityogra: I'm sleeping, of course.  Can't you tell?10:13
mdzinfinity: bear in mind, it had a filename with a space in it before too10:13
=== dholbach hugs infinity, gives him his teddy bear and tells him a good night story
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infinitymdz: Yeah, like I said, "crackpot theory".  Doesn't stop the curiosity.10:14
ograinfinity, oh, youre dreaming us, right ?10:14
LaserJockdholbach: it isn't one yet. that is my question. pybliographer could use a UVFe IMO, but it would need an new upstream python-bibtex.10:14
Keybukinfinity: could you dream us up a patch10:14
infinityKeybuk: I've dreamed a lot of code in my life, unfortunately, I always forget the good bits when I wake up.10:14
dholbachLaserJock: write all the stuff we need in a bug report and file it10:14
henobut e-c-18 was before I compressed the book PNGs right?10:15
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Keybukheno: e-c-17 is the "known good"10:15
LaserJockdholbach: but you would consider a UVFe for something that is just needed for another UVFe?10:15
ograheno, with pngcrush ? 10:15
elmoKeybuk: except we didn't, but otherwise good point :-P10:15
mdzRC announcement is away10:15
dholbachLaserJock: i can't say that without knowing what's going on10:15
henoogra: yes and some manual gimp-foo10:15
LaserJockdholbach: fair enough, I'll write it up10:15
LaserJockdholbach: and leave you alone for a bit ;-)10:15
Keybukif pngcrush broke it, there's going to be an archive accident, and it's going to be called releasecrush10:15
ograheno, hwdb and update-manager had that as well and didnt cause failures10:15
dholbachLaserJock: ping slomo_ and siretart - if I'm away or something10:16
henoogra: no but intermittent failures do that sort of thing by nature10:16
ograLaserJock, and put some bucks in your pocket to pay a beer for dholbach in paris10:16
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LaserJockogra: yikes, I spent all my beer money on getting an expadited passport10:17
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ulaashi what happened to f-stop?10:18
ulaasi cannot find it in the dapper repo10:18
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Release preparation in progress: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar
tsengits f-spot10:18
tsengand it's right -> there10:18
ulaasi am on medication :)10:19
ulaasok how about a beagle frontend for gnome10:20
tsenghow about beagle-search10:20
tsengcan you please take these questions to #ubuntu in the future10:20
tsengit is release crunch time10:20
Amaranthulaas: when you have beagle installed go to Places->Search10:20
ulaastseng: ok/10:21
ulaasAmaranth: done10:21
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mdzBenC: what's the next step in tracking the kernel side of this?10:29
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BenCmdz: Me getting this iso so I can do some tests myself, adding in some printk's10:31
BenCwhich should be in about 2 hours10:31
mdzok; I turn into a pumpkin in about that long10:32
mdzso please update me via email10:32
=== mdke remembers mdz using the "pumpkin" line about this time 6 months ago
Keybukmdz: to add insult to it all10:33
Keybukit's no particular file of example-content10:33
Keybukif you split the package in half, both halves work10:33
Keybukif you put both halves together, *boom*10:34
kikoit must be RC week. we never have this sort of problem on regular weeks.10:34
fabbionekiko: we didn't have LP for RC before.. that must be it10:35
Keybukmdz: if you take infinity's tarball, downgrade e-c to 17, then squash and mount -- does it work?10:35
mdzBenC: I'm doing another trace to the console in vmware in hopes of getting a screenshot10:35
mdzgah, it just gave me that hardware reset dialog10:35
mdztrashes the console10:35
=== Keybuk heads for a bath
mdzkiko: we've built over 1000 of these and this is the first one known to have a problem10:36
Keybukmdz: another option may be to not "pngcrush" e-c, and see whether it goes away10:36
mdzKeybuk: we also have a batch of new stuff coming into the archive which might ruffle its feathers enough to work again10:37
Keybukthe "MAXIMUM ZLIB" may be breaking it10:37
mdzKeybuk: if you care to upload a new example-content, now would be a good time10:37
Keybukmdz: we can hope, aye10:37
kikoso something inside example-content is making squashfs blow up?10:37
mdzkiko: yes10:37
Keybukmdz: I don't have a new example-c10:37
mdzdirectly or indirectly, it's unclear10:37
kikonew icons perhaps?10:37
Keybukontent to upload10:37
Keybukkiko: it's not a direct file, sadly10:37
kikoyeah, I picked that up10:38
Keybukor it's a specific file-appearing-at-a-specific-block problem10:38
kikoKeybuk, can you reorder the files during generation?10:38
kikoto see if it makes any difference?10:38
Keybukkiko: seems to, yes10:38
kikoenough to bandaid the problem for tonight? matt will need to sleep at some point10:39
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kikoKeybuk, or do we really want to chase down the bug at this point?10:40
elmokiko: not that I'm volunteering to help, but the alternative to not chasing it down, is trying to release with a 'desktop CD' that might explode on any change10:41
kikoelmo, yeah, I realize, but it could also be that this bug has always been in there. I guess that's wishful thinking though10:42
mdzkiko: we've already released a known-good build for RC10:42
mdzbut we still need to solve this problem for final10:43
kikomdz, it is deterministic at least, right?10:43
mdzkiko: not exactly10:43
mdzit fairly reliably breaks, but in different ways10:44
mdzit seems like it must be corrupting some state which later brings it down10:46
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kikowhich means it'll be hard to debug, garr10:47
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jordimdz, did my ubuntu-announce post go through at all this morning?10:49
BenCwow, now that I'm 85% done with the download, it speeds up to 250k/s10:50
mdkejordi: it didn't go through, afaics10:50
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BenCmdz: I should have an image shortly...I'll begin working on it to see if I can narrow this down quickly10:51
mdkejordi: you might need jdub/majo10:51
jordiI'm trying10:51
KaiLjust grabbing for last critical bugs, found this one: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/4106110:52
UbugtuMalone bug 41061 in linux-source-2.6.15 "aic7xxx fails to load" [Major,Confirmed]  10:52
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FliesLikeABrickwho is in charge of the torrents for the RC?11:00
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ogramdz, hmm, you didnt use the announcement wikipage text ? 11:02
FliesLikeABrickthe ubuntu-6.06-rc-desktop-i386.iso.torrent  appears to be broken, the tracker rejects requests for it11:03
elmoI've kicked the torrent server11:05
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elmowhich is the best software evar.  beating out even oo.o's build system and unionfs11:05
FliesLikeABrickI was attempting to mirror the latest torrents on one of my 100mbit colocated machines (like I usually do around release time) but that one torrent was giving me a hard time, I'm gonna try it again11:06
elmoyeah baby, WARTY'S torrent server.  feel the CUTTING EDGE.11:06
elmoFliesLikeABrick: give it a couple of minutes to settle11:06
thomdude, don't be dissing my 5am hack job11:06
FliesLikeABrickelmo what do you mean?11:07
FliesLikeABrickI get a specific rejected message from the tracker:  ERROR:11:07
FliesLikeABrickrejected by tracker - Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker.11:07
FliesLikeABrickonly for that one RC torrent11:07
elmoFliesLikeABrick: there are a lot of files for the tracker and seeder to work through, it takes a couple of minutes for them to settle after I restart it11:07
FliesLikeABrickalright elkbuntu 11:07
FliesLikeABrickelmo *11:07
FliesLikeABrickdidn't know for sure if you were involved in the torrents or whether you were just speculating ;)11:08
elmoI thought "I've kicked the torrent server" was pretty explicitly not speculation, but I'm slow that way11:08
ograelmo, dont say anything against warty, it still runs my old sony laptop fine :)11:08
elmoogra: dude, I don't want to know about you running distros that aren't security supported11:09
zygaelmo: LOL :)11:09
FliesLikeABrickelmo I thought so too, but it has been a long day and it slipped from my memory about 15 seconds after reading it ;)11:09
mdkeyeah, who cares about the torrents, as long as ogra's laptop has security updates11:09
ograelmo, pfft security ... 11:10
elmopfft accounts in the DC ...11:10
=== ogra better shuts up now
dholbachogra: do the upgrade! to hoary! now! :)11:11
zygawarty seems so long time ago :)11:12
zygaeven thought it's just a second away really :)11:12
zygahave you guys ever thought about that?11:12
ogradholbach, i doubt that 500MHz/128Mb/3G machine would survive that11:12
spaceywarty is less old then winxp, and everyone still uses that :p11:12
ograi keep it for historical reasons :)11:13
zygaogra: bah, I run dapper on p2 199Mhz laptop :)11:13
henomy father installed warty about two weeks ago, because he came across an old CD I had sent him. And he was very pleased :)11:13
KaiLogra, the disk should be the only problem ;)11:13
zygabut I bought 2x128 :)11:13
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=== dholbach should get some sleep
ograKaiL, yep, especially on upgrades ...11:14
KaiLCeleron 433, 128MB - currently on hoary, should get dapper after release.. my K6-2/500 was even faster with dapper11:14
dholbachI read "128" and thought "Oh, Sb's there - finally..."11:14
zyga2x128 - double the seb power :D11:15
ogradholbach, someone added some PASS tags aside his name in the edubuntu table ...11:15
dholbachwas that me?11:15
ograso either someone is cheating or he did test today11:15
ogradholbach, dunno, didnt check, just noted it when i added my PASS :)11:15
=== dholbach only tested Ubuntu today
dholbachogra: sfllaw is the Testing/Current master11:16
Keybukoh, well, that's good news11:16
Keybukmdz: so I got a little hacky userland squashfs reader going11:16
Keybukit works with everything but the broken image11:16
Keybukwhere it core dumps11:16
Keybukthis is good11:16
=== KaiL can't find any bugs - I need more Hardware ;)
dholbachKaiL: fix bugs11:17
FliesLikeABrickI've got some older boxes I'll be hooking up for bug testing 11:17
KaiLI'm to stupid for coding11:17
FliesLikeABricka couple quad 200 boxes11:17
KaiLoh, wait, there was one... good old Asus A7V133 seams to dislike the SMP code in -k7 kernel11:18
KaiLat least with the -22 version11:18
henoKeybuk: which image is broken?11:19
ograsigh ... still 1h to go for the DVD download11:19
ograheno, 20060625 amd64 desktop11:19
ogra(ubuntu indeed)11:19
henooh, you mean CD image not picture11:19
ograunless there are .squashfs pictures nowadays :)11:20
zygabah, sun's download servers are down just today as I need them!11:20
ograzyga, download something else then ... ubuntu for example ;)11:21
sfllawdholbach: Thanks for testing!11:21
=== sfllaw hugs dholbach.
FliesLikeABrickI'm gonna spend the night trying to organize my torrents and seed most or all of the RC images, I've got 1000 TB of bandwidth to burn in the next couple days11:22
zygaogra: I want java card technical spec, for 2.2.011:22
sfllawFliesLikeABrick: That would be good.11:22
thomyou have a petabyte of bandwidth? score.11:22
ograzyga, well, we *have* sun java in dapper :)11:22
dholbachde rien, sfllaw11:22
FliesLikeABricksfllaw it is what I tend to do towards the end of every month and during every release of a flight or stable release11:22
sfllawfabbione: Have you had a chance to run the Release Candidate images against your Niagara box?11:23
FliesLikeABrickonce some thing in my life calm down, I'm going to set  up a box for an official mirror11:23
crimsunzyga: it's up for me. Do you need 2.2.0 specifically, or can your app be forward-ported to 2.2.1?11:23
BenCmdz: Done downloading, I'll start checking into it now11:23
tsengFliesLikeABrick: located where?11:23
zygacrimsun: I just want the spec and enought info to code a vm emulator11:24
FliesLikeABricktseng 100mbit in the XO Communications datacenter in Chicago11:24
zygacrimsun: I digg virtual machnies :)11:24
tsengFliesLikeABrick: cool, i am in DE11:24
zygacrimsun: if you have the spec I'd love to ask you for a copy :)11:24
FliesLikeABrickthe most I can do now is seed torrents at different parts throughout the month, I can't do anything permanent just yet11:24
zygacrimsun: the download server is working for you?11:26
crimsunzyga: 403 atm11:26
henoKeybuk: I've put the original book images up here http://people.ubuntu.com/~henrik/examplecontent/book/original/11:26
zygasame here11:27
henoIt might be interesting to roll an image with those11:27
henoand then pngcrush them and try again11:27
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henoto see if that triggers it11:27
Keybukheno: at this point, I suspect it would be time better spent debugging squashfs11:27
FliesLikeABrickbecause of the fact that I can't do anything permanent [as in mirroring]  just yet, is there anything I can do to help at the time of the actual dapper release, aside from seeding torrents?11:28
henoKeybuk: true11:28
mdkeheno: did you use the latest version of pngcrush? It got a UVF a couple of days ago11:28
mdkethe old one was apparently quite broken, no idea if it could be related to your problem11:28
Keybukcan somebody explain to me why kernel people do11:28
Keybuk#define macro(...) do { ... } while (0)11:29
ogramdke, the versions before didnt run on dapper11:29
Keybukrather than just #define macro(...) ...11:29
KeybukBenC: do you know?11:29
mdkeogra: ah, "quite broken" then :D11:29
zygaKeybuk: to support if macro() else ..11:29
ogramdke, it segfaulted before doing anything11:29
zygaKeybuk: basically the only way to make macro behave like a block of code11:29
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zygaKeybuk: (when the macro is more than one statement)11:30
henomdke: v1.6.2-111:30
Keybukzyga: I don't see why that wouldn't work anyway11:30
Keybukthey do this when it _is_ only one statement11:30
Keybukwhich is what confuses me11:30
FliesLikeABrickelmo may I PM you for a minute or two?11:30
henoinstaled a few days ago11:30
Keybukthere's a patch here which explicitly adds the do/while around a single printf()11:30
zygaKeybuk: hmm, then I don't know - consistency maybe?11:30
mdkeheno: ok, looks like the latest one11:30
KeybukBenC: for you to narrow your search -- if you mksquashfs -no-duplicates ... it works11:30
Keybukand the core dump I made was in duplicate processing11:31
Keybukogra: heh, the reason the directory counts are all off is because squashfs is missing . and ..11:32
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crimsunKeybuk: probably for uniformity, but yeah, for just one statement it seems daft11:33
jcoleone of my dapper systems keep crashing on certain random screensavers, how do i disable the problem ones in dapper? with breezy, i could do that... looks like xscreesaver in breezy, gnome-screensaver in dapper... should users just install xscreensaver as workaround?11:36
ograsudo apt-get remove xscreensaver-gl11:36
KeybukBenC: your problem will be the lack of bounds checking11:37
KeybukBenC: most likely in the checksum checking code11:37
KeybukBenC: it just eats bytes, way past the end of the loop device11:37
diemanheh, wow11:37
diemannew release has the mirror humming already11:37
FliesLikeABrickI expect my seed of the alternate-i386 to be uploading quite a bit once it is done11:37
dieman| ubuntu-6.06-rc-alternate-i386.iso             688.6 MB   0    B/s   1.6 MB/s |11:38
FliesLikeABrickdieman who manages the mirrors?11:38
diemandepends on which mirror11:38
dieman<-- mirror.cs.umn.edu11:38
FliesLikeABrickI mean the overall list and such11:38
diemanthats more via the wiki11:38
diemanand then they pick out which hosts11:38
diemanso whomever writes the release information,e tc.11:38
diemani thik11:38
FliesLikeABrickI hope to be running a mirror in the near future, all I can do for now is lots of torrent seeding11:39
FliesLikeABrickI'm trying to get my school's ACM chapter to start a ubuntu mirror (rpi.edu), I'll probably donate some hardware to the cause11:39
diemanyou should try mirror.cs11:39
diemanit should be obscenely fast for you11:39
FliesLikeABrickI don't live on campus ;)11:40
diemananother argument to live in the dorms :)11:40
FliesLikeABrickI've got a couple extra 1U servers that I've retired that I'm going to hand to the ACM11:40
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FliesLikeABrickI work at RPI's computing helpdesk, so I can do my updates when I'm on shift there.  we've got a couple 100mbit hubs there that go right downstairs to our datacenter11:41
FliesLikeABrick(about 15 feet away)11:41
BurgworkFliesLikeABrick, dieman can you guys move to another channel and keep the chatter down in this one?11:41
jcoleogra: some of the non-gl ones crash the system too.. i think it has to do with 16-bit color11:41
FliesLikeABrickyes Burgwork will do11:41
BurgworkFliesLikeABrick, thanks11:41
jcoleogra: all the opengl ones actually work fine, lol11:42
FliesLikeABrickjcole if you're looking for help with using dapper, #ubuntu+1 is the right place for you11:42
ograjcole, sudo apt-get remove xscreensaver-data ;)11:43
ograand keep -gl11:44
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sivangKeybuk: okay, howto is a bit too userish in nature, but where can I help with squashfs ?11:48
FliesLikeABrickelmo the torrent for alternate-i386 is still grumpy11:49
Keybuksivang: heh, is ok :)11:49
Keybukthis is clearly a deep bug :(11:49
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Keybukmdz: 3.0 doesn't fix it11:49
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mdzKeybuk: I'm unsure as to whether that's a good thing11:53
mdzBenC: any luck?11:53
FliesLikeABricker elmo I meant desktop-i38611:54
ogramdz, was it intentional that you dropped the edubuntu ltsp upgrade link i added to the wiki from the real announcement ?11:55
Keybukmdz: if you don't mind adding ~30MB to the current images, I can "cure" it with keeping example-content :)11:56
Keybuk(assuming it doesn't go away by itself)11:56
mdzogra: I don't recall doing that11:56
mdzKeybuk: keeping how?11:56
ograwas just wondering ...11:56
Keybukmdz: mksquashfs -no-duplicates11:56
mdzogra: perhaps you added it after I copied the announcement to email11:56
mdzKeybuk: mumblemumble11:57
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Keybukmdz: that's where the bug is11:57
ogramdz, i added it after Riddell added his stuff11:57
KeybukI've been able to narrow it down that much so far11:57
ograshortly after you poked me to look at it11:57
ograanyway, its not in, nobody injured, all fine, i just wanted to know if i did something wrong or my grammar was to bad :)11:58
sivangKeybuk: could you just toss me the malone report # for refrence and reading what solution invovled once you guys fix it? :) (couldn't find it on the radar)12:00
Keybuksivang: there is no malone report12:00
Keybukmdz: the interesting thing I've noted about this image is that the number of duplicates happens to be a power of 212:00
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Seveasthe real freaky thing about that is that Keybuk realized it's a power of 2 without thinking ;)12:01
KeybukSeveas: anyone who spends much time around computers and can't to base 2 in their head is more freaky :)12:01
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Keybukthe even more interesting thing is that it allocates the table in 32,768 chunks12:04
Keybukand that the size of the structure is 4 bytes12:04
Keybukwhich co-incidentally means that 8192 entries would fall exactly on this boundary12:05
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ptlopygi: ping12:17
pygiptlo, pong12:18
ptlopygi: please drop by on #ubuntu-hr, thanks12:18
dholbachgood night fellas12:26
pyginight dholbach 12:27
kiko<jdahlin> supported_versions: WARNING: Unknown Ubuntu release: 6.06LTS12:28
kiko<jdahlin> while running apt-get upgrade12:28
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dholbachhe should use the upgrsade tool12:30
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zygawhat is LTS? long term support?12:36
Keybukzyga: Late to Ship12:37
Keybuk(yes, long term support)12:37
BenCmdz,Keybuk: what's the find command that triggers the oops12:41
KeybukBenC: find / -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat12:41
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KeybukBenC: I still think bytes is getting -1 stuffed into it somehow12:52
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Keybukhappily, the author doesn't appear to mind us using 2.2r212:57
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sivangKeybuk: this bug is an kernel oops when using the live cd basically?01:01
Keybuksivang: yup01:01
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Keybukdamn, I wish I hadn't eaten that chocolate earlier01:04
Keybukcould really do with the brainsugar now01:04
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=== ogra hands Keybuk a huge bowl with warm chocolat pidding
ogra*pudding too01:05
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KeybukBenC: I can't see anything suspicious in the inode table or the fragment table01:11
Keybukall the numbers are "sane"01:11
BenCI think I see a fix in the latest source that would possibly be related to this01:11
KeybukBenC: latest (3.0) still breaks01:11
BenCthis is in the kernel driver01:12
Keybukoh right, what's the kernel drive do?01:12
Keybukthis looks very much like mksquashfs has produced a busted filesystem01:12
Keybukall the kernel driver can do is guard against that and reject it rather than panic, no?01:12
BenC-               unsigned int fragment;01:12
BenC+               long long fragment;01:12
KeybukBenC: that's just the 3.0 change01:12
Keybukhe added support for >2GB files01:12
BenCI'm going to atleast try the latest driver and see if it does anything...you did try recreating the filesystem with the latest 3.0 final mksquashfs?01:13
KeybukBenC: yes01:13
Keybuk3.0 final unsquashfs cannot read it01:13
BenCcrazy, then that does sound like userspace01:14
Keybukand I made a 2.2r2 unsquashfs myself, which cannot read the 2.2r2-produced one either01:14
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infinityKeybuk: You're still tooling away at this?01:15
Keybukinfinity: yes01:16
BenCwhere is unsquashfs 2.2?01:16
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KeybukBenC: hang on, will paste it01:16
BenCunsquashing is a quicker way to find this than crashing my kernel over and over01:16
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Keybukhmm, why can I not copy/paste into vnc?01:18
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Keybukmksquashfs: write_fragment_table: fragment 6077, start_block 21d8e1d3, size 1681484401:21
Keybukthat's an _awfully_ large fragment01:21
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Keybukgiven they're limited to 32768 :)01:21
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=== sivang hits the sack after trying to understand where to patch to fix malone #39482. dnd is a bit more involved :-)
UbugtuMalone bug 39482 in nautilus "nautilus tries to move when dragging and dropping from read-only folders, instead of copying" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3948201:24
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KeybukBenC: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/unsquashfs.c01:24
Keybukbuild it in the squashfs-tools dir by just stealing the mksquashfs link line01:24
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BenCKeybuk: thanks01:32
HiddenWolfsivang: there have been a couple of fixes regarding DnD upstream, there are also bugs when copying to/from the burn:// uri and others.01:33
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Keybukthough I still think that fragment size is suspicious ... they exist in the working version too01:41
BenCyou got sigsegv from unsquashfs, right?01:43
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Keybukmksquashfs: Writing fragment 3456, uncompressed size 63833, compressed size 6383301:45
Keybukmksquashfs: write_fragment_table: fragment 3456, start_block 1498e6f2, size 1684104901:45
Keybuk^ what's wrong with this picture? :)01:45
zulun the size?01:46
Keybukthe size jumped a few bytes01:47
BenCcompressed and uncompressed are the same01:47
KeybukBenC: yeah01:47
Keybuknote the size in the second line too01:48
BenCyeah, odd01:48
Keybukthat's got 1 << 24 |d into it ... which appears to be SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_BIT_BLOCK01:48
Keybukwhile all these things are a bit odd, without knowing the format properly01:51
Keybukthere's nothing that yet stands out that's not also present in the same log for the working one01:51
Keybukthere's more blocks of 1 << 24 | 6553601:52
infinityRiddell: Not still around, are you?01:55
ogramorning infinity 01:55
infinityogra: Or evening..01:55
ograohoel, right :)01:56
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^ohoelogra: you're a good reminder I should checkin to see if any of my pet issues/features are discussed though :)02:00
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KeybukBenC: apparently my hunch is right02:06
Keybukthose should not be >6553502:06
BenCKeybuk: I've almost isolated exactly where it is crashing...down to 3 lines of code02:06
Keybukoh, I see what's happening here02:07
Keybukit's not handling gzip returning a larger piece of data properly02:07
KeybukI can see what he's _trying_ to do02:07
Keybuk(not compress it)02:08
BenCthat would explain the zlib_fs errors in the kernel traces02:08
BenCand yes, the crash is occuring on blocks marked uncompressed, I can confirm that02:08
BenCfragments I mean02:08
Keybukyeah, they're marked uncompressed, but still have the COMPRESSED flag in the size, so are about 16MB too big :p02:08
BenCwow, that would explain a lot :)02:08
BenCso the size field has flags encoded into it?02:09
Keybuklook at mangle() in mksquashfs.c02:09
Keybukit appears to have, yes02:09
Keybukif (uncompressed || c_byte >= size)02:09
Keybukwhat it does here is odd02:09
Keybukit undoes compress2 by memcpy()ing back over the uncompressed data02:09
Keybukthen returns the uncompressed size or'd with 1<<2402:10
KeybukI think he really means to REMOVE that flag ;)02:10
Keybukif I change | to &~ ...02:11
Keybukoh, no02:12
Keybuk"bit is set if block is uncompressed"02:12
BenCthat's counterintuitive02:12
Keybukyeah, it's kooky02:12
Keybukyou have the fragment reading code there02:13
Keybukwhat's the matching equivalent ... does it ever try and check for or remove 1<<15 or 1<<24 from the fragment size?02:13
Keybukhow does it know that the fragment is compressed or uncompressed?02:13
Keybuk(in the kernel)02:14
BenCthe kernel driver doesn't use it very intuitively either02:14
BenCit or's SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_BIT_BLOCK with a few values like...02:15
BenCsizeof(struct squashfs_super_block) | SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED_BIT_BLOCK02:15
BenCpassing that value to some other function02:15
BenCit doesn't ever seem to reference it in the code for actual data02:16
BenCwait, I forgot to check the headers...lots of macros in this code02:17
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BenCyeah, if the flag is not there SQUASHFS_COMPRESSED() is true02:18
BenCso no flag == compressed02:19
=== Keybuk wonders what he means by the fragments not being written correctly then
BenCI think that was our misunderstanding of the flag :)02:23
BenCI wonder if it's possible for a valid compressed block/fragment to have a size that has that bit set02:23
Keybukno, I don't think it's supposed to be02:23
Keybukthe max is 64K or so02:23
BenCit's crashing in duplicate() in unsquashfs02:24
BenCon an uncompressed fragment02:24
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Keybukget_checksum is called with l==0 where it crashes for me02:26
Keybukor is that gdb just being unhelpful02:26
KeybukI suspect the latter, actually02:26
Keybukfrg->index is WAYYYY to high02:28
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Keybukoh, that's odd02:31
Keybuk$7 = {inode_type = 2, mode = 493, uid = 0, guid = 255, mtime = 1145660290,02:31
Keybuk  start_block = 63, fragment = 4294967295, offset = 0, file_size = 791104,02:31
Keybuk  block_list = 0x7ffffffa37d8}02:31
Keybukplausible, until the fragment02:31
kagougreat work men on RC :) first installation OK on my pc with desktop version, and now go for installation on notebook :)02:32
Keybukor is that -1 ?02:32
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BenCah, yes, I get the same thing02:35
BenC        unsigned short fragment_checksum = get_checksum(read_from_buffer, &handle, frag_bytes);02:36
BenCfrom that call02:36
BenCin duplicate()02:36
Keybukwhere it cores, is it fragment 7168 ?02:37
Keybuk(go up to add_file)02:37
BenCif l=0, how does it even get in the loop02:37
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HrdwrBoBlaps do not fly02:38
HrdwrBoBjust so you know02:38
KeybukBenC: gdb is being annoying and showing you the value on the stack, which was decremented within the function02:38
Keybuk(gdb) p fragment_table[7150] 02:38
Keybuk$33 = {start_block = 592072330, size = 9773}02:38
Keybuk(gdb) p fragment_table[7160] 02:38
Keybuk$34 = {start_block = 592237509, size = 8786}02:38
Keybuk(gdb) p fragment_table[7165] 02:38
Keybuk$39 = {start_block = 592281075, size = 8523}02:38
Keybuk(gdb) p fragment_table[7166] 02:38
Keybuk$40 = {start_block = 592289598, size = 8523}02:38
Keybuk(gdb) p fragment_table[7167] 02:38
Keybuk$41 = {start_block = 592298121, size = 8305}02:38
Keybuk(gdb) p fragment_table[7168] 02:38
Keybuk$42 = {start_block = 252536, size = 16777216}02:38
Keybuk(gdb) p fragment_table[7169] 02:38
Keybuk$43 = {start_block = 2842967835, size = 436639668}02:38
Keybuk(gdb) p fragment_table[7170] 02:38
Keybuk$35 = {start_block = 1396757455, size = 2895456946}02:38
Keybukhello table corruption02:38
BenCbut that's the size with an "uncompressed flag"02:40
Keybukno, that's just buggered02:40
BenCuncompressed fragment, which is 1<<1502:40
Keybukthe start_block goes a bit silly02:40
BenCoh, yeah, I see that02:40
Keybukit doesn't match what mksquashfs says it wrote02:40
Keybukshould be size=854802:40
wasabi__Any awareness of some sort of guide about the steps that debootstrap goes through?02:41
BenCmine is way worse than yours02:41
wasabi__I'm needing to do them manually.02:41
wasabi__crossarch even02:41
FliesLikeALap[laps do not fly]  thanks for that tidbit HrdwrBoB, wasn't aware of that ;)02:42
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KeybukBenC: so, fragments are split amongst fragment indexes, which each hold 1024 fragments, right02:45
Keybuk7168 happens to be the start of the 8th fragment02:45
Keybukthis image happens to have 8192 fragments02:45
BenCsounds like you are going somewhere with this :)02:46
rpedroof course, if I do 'umount -f <samba_mountpoint>' the problem goes away, but still is it possible to fix it in dapper?02:46
KeybukBenC: the road to hell is paved with hardcoded array sizes02:46
Keybukor, worse, hardcoded structure sizes02:46
KeybukBenC: I have no idea, I'm just following a core dump to it's frightening conclusion02:47
rpedrohi, you didn't see my last 5 messages?02:47
rpedroI think I got disconnected...02:47
KeybukBenC: why is SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE also 819202:48
BenCKeybuk: have you tried mksquashfs -no-fragments ?02:49
BenCI wonder if that makes things worse02:49
BenCworse size wise that is02:49
KeybukBenC: I tried -no-dups and the problem went away02:50
Keybukbut I think that just adjusted the number of fragments02:50
BenCthat would make sense, since this occurs in duplicate()02:50
BenC-no-fragments probably fixes it too02:50
Keybukwow this is a complicated bit of math02:51
BenC#2  0x00000000004070d9 in add_file (start=592596341, file_bytes=0, block_listp=0x7fff077030d0,02:52
BenC    blocks=0, fragment=7168, offset=0, bytes=37730) at unsquashfs.c:103802:52
Keybuk(((8192 * sizeof (struct squashfs_fragment_entry)) + 8192 - 1) / 8192) * sizeof (unsigned int)02:52
BenCok, now that I'm on amd64 instead of ppc, I am getting the same backtrace as you :)02:52
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Keybukthat struct is 8 in size, int is 402:53
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BenCwhich == 3202:56
BenCnot sure why that whole bit is there02:56
Keybukreally?  it doesn't divide evenly for me02:57
BenCpassing it into C produces 3202:57
Keybukyou end up with "multiple of 8192 minus 1 divided by 8192"02:57
BenC(gdb) p fragment_table[7165] 02:57
BenC$1 = {start_block = 3359632458, size = 112323933}02:57
BenC(gdb) p fragment_table[7160] 02:57
BenC$2 = {start_block = 3617790435, size = 317460625}02:57
BenC(gdb) p fragment_table[7000] 02:57
BenC$3 = {start_block = 213051399, size = 668592203}02:57
BenC(gdb) p fragment_table[1] 02:57
BenC$4 = {start_block = 2197881567, size = 856138937}02:57
BenC(gdb) p fragment_table[0] 02:57
BenC$5 = {start_block = 2122878085, size = 663237347}02:58
BenCint main() { printf("%d\n", (((8192 * 8) + 8192 -1) / 8192) * 4); }02:58
BenCjust did that02:58
KeybukI think the bug is that the file format is busted if you have any multiple of 8192 fragments02:58
KeybukBenC: right, do it in Python03:00
Keybuk>>> ((float)((8192 * 8) + 8192 - 1) / 8192) * 403:00
Keybukit's supposed to be 36 I think ;)03:00
BenCwhere is that anyway?03:01
Keybukwhere's which?03:01
Keybukoh, that03:01
Keybukread_fragment_table in read_fs.c03:01
Keybukthe kernel has the same macros03:02
Keybukhmm, no, maybe it is supposed to be 3203:03
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Keybukyeah, 32 = indexes of 8 tables of 1024 8-byte structs each03:10
BenC#define SQUASHFS_FRAGMENT_BYTES(A)      (A * sizeof(struct squashfs_fragment_entry))03:10
BenC                                        SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE)03:10
BenCso does this make it rollover to a second table?03:11
BenCe.g. 0-8191 is in one table, 8192... is in a second, ...03:12
Keybuk0-1023 in one, 1024-etc.03:13
Keybuk7168 is the 0th of the 8th table03:13
Keybukand it looks like the entire 8th table is corrupted03:13
BenCnm, yeah03:14
Keybukso that's kinda interesting03:14
Keybukthe last table wasn't right03:14
Keybukit was "uncompressed and zero bytes" according to the header03:15
BenCat block 0, size 0, according to the kernel oops03:15
Keybukso, I think I'm content *why* this crashes when we try and read the filesystem now03:16
Keybukthe fragment table is divided into chunks of 1024 entries each03:16
Keybukwith the location of each of these chunks (sequential, really, but just in case, I guess) in the headers03:17
BenCI wonder if we can increase the size of the metadata03:17
Keybukeach chunk is preceeded by a 2-byte size, which also indicates whether or not it is compressed03:17
=== infinito [n=infinito@VPNPOOL01-0004.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukon tables 0 thru 6, the chunk of the table is uncompressed and the size is valid03:17
Keybukuh, compressed03:18
Keybukon table 7, the size is 32768, which we know to mean uncompressed and size of 003:18
Keybukwhich is clearly wrong03:18
Keybukso the kernel reads no bytes for table 7 (fragments 7168..8191)03:18
BenCyeah, I'm guessing that the "uncompressed" bit is not really being set, just that the size is corrupt03:18
Keybukthus there's junk in the fragment index03:19
BenC32768 happens to be FRAG_ZIE03:19
Keybukso whenever you try and read anything in the last 8th of the disk, it explodes03:19
Keybukright, I'03:19
KeybukI'm wondering whether the final table failed to compress :)03:19
Keybukso I think we'03:20
Keybukre done looking at uncompress, and now need to look at squash03:20
BenCmaybe that's why you see the last part of mksquashfs fly by :)03:20
BenCI don't have a way to do any testing with mksquashfs...no valid data to compress as a test case03:20
KeybukI have no idea what kind of data is valid03:21
Keybukat the moment I have to theories03:21
Keybuk1) mksquashfs is unable to correctly write any image with multiples of 8192 fragments03:21
Keybuk2) squashfs in general is unable to deal with a fragment table not being compressable03:21
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Keybukand gdb has just reached my break point in write_fragment_table03:22
Keybukremind me, can I dump core here so I can resume at any point/03:22
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Keybukyes, I can03:24
Keybukit's "gcore"03:24
KeybukI'll just go for more tea I think03:24
Riddellinfinity: morning03:28
Keybukright, I have reinforcements03:33
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Keybukman this does some strange things03:41
Keybukit just copied, one by one, an array into another identical array03:41
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Keybukint avail_bytes = i == meta_blocks - 1 ? frag_bytes % SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE : SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE;03:46
bddebianHeya Keybuk03:47
Keybukso the bytes available to the table is 8192, unless you're the last entry03:47
Keybukwhat's that all about03:47
Keybukin fact, frag_bytes is a multiple of metadata_size03:50
Keybukso you have ZERO BYTES AVAILABLE TO YOU03:50
Keybuk   _   _  _   _   _03:50
Keybuk  /_\ | || | /_\ | |03:50
Keybuk / _ \| __ |/ _ \|_|03:50
Keybuk/_/ \_\_||_/_/ \_(_)03:50
=== bddebian is frightened
Keybukwhich means whatever compress2 returns is automatically bigger than 0 (8 bytes)03:51
Keybukwhich means it sticks the UNCOMPRESSED tag on the front03:52
Keybukand ors it with zero bytes03:52
lifelessisn't that a little redundant ?03:52
Keybuklifeless: it leaves the files in the latter 8th of the disk somewhat redundant, yes03:52
Keybukbecause the fragment table that tells you where they all are is AWOL03:53
bddebianHi lifeless03:55
=== Keybuk waits for mksquashfs to get back to that line of code
Keybukthen I shall do evil things with it in gdb03:55
Keybukthis explains why it's "cat" that triggers it, and not just plain find03:56
lifelessgotta read the content03:56
lifelesshnn put a dir in the last 8th and find would balk too I presume03:56
ajmitchlike /var was earlier03:56
Keybuklifeless: no, dirs are stored differently in the filesystem03:57
lifelessah. 03:57
Keybukajmitch: we're still on that bug ;)03:57
ajmitchwonderful :)03:57
Keybuklifeless: dirs are stored as inodes with a list of children inodes, etc.03:58
Keybukthere's no "content"03:58
lifelessKeybuk: the child list is internal then 03:58
Keybukfiles are stored as lists of references to shared compressed fragments of files03:58
Keybukand it's that fragment table that's buggered03:58
lifelessrighto, I see03:58
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Keybukaha, at the break point04:02
Keybuknow let's wind it forwards to the last entry04:02
Keybuk(gdb) p avail_bytes04:02
Keybuk$1 = 004:02
Keybukwe change that to 819204:03
Keybukcont, and program exited normally04:03
Keybukright, so we have a filesystem image04:03
Keybuknow can unsquashfs read it?04:03
KeybukRead existing filesystem, 81918 inodes scanned04:04
Keybuklet's just gdb it and sanity check the fragment table04:04
Keybuk(gdb) p (*fragment_table)[7168] 04:06
Keybuk$10 = {start_block = 592306426, size = 8548}04:06
Keybukthat's BETTER04:06
KeybukI guess it's now time for the ultimate test04:07
Keybukcan the kernel mount it?04:07
Keybukit mounts ... can the kernel read it?04:07
KeybukIT CAN!04:08
KeybukBenC: ok, so the kernel bug here is that when loading the fragment tables, the kernel doesn't check that it loads everything -- the last fragment table index had a zero size, which meant it had a whole series of unpopulated structures04:09
Keybukit should have bailed and said "read 0 bytes, wanted 8192"04:09
Keybukand refused to mount the image04:09
LathiatI have a question - does the LTS allow you to upgrade an existing breezy system?04:09
Lathiats/LTS/desktop cd04:09
Keybukok, now to ponder the mksquashfs fix04:09
KeybukLathiat: no, the alternate does though04:10
BenCKeybuk: excellent04:10
LathiatKeybuk: righto04:10
KeybukBenC: so it's that ?: that's busted04:10
KeybukI think I can see what it's trying to do04:10
LathiatSomething to keep in mind i guess, especially as its called 'alternate'04:10
Keybukint avail_bytes = i == meta_blocks - 1 ? frag_bytes % SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE : SQUASHFS_METADATA_SIZE;04:10
Keybukit's trying to say "we have METADATA_SIZE bytes, unless we're the last one, in which case we have maybe less"04:10
Keybukexcept it doesn't account for having an exact multiple of METADATA_SIZE04:11
Keybukneeds a silly +1-1 hack04:11
bddebianBreak out the hex editor ;-P04:12
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fabbionesfllaw: i do regullarly install on Niagara.04:14
Keybukfabbione: good morning04:15
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bddebianHello Traveler104:15
Traveler1i'm using espresso from the RC, it does not have REISER as partition fs option04:15
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Traveler1i'm using espresso from the RC, it does not have REISER as partition fs option04:24
zulok quick question for bug #45976 if we get the patches that fix the CVE that should be enough shouldnt it?04:24
UbugtuMalone bug 45976 in phpmyadmin "Security fixes in phpmyadmin 2.8.1" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4597604:24
fabbionezul: you only want the patch that fixes that specific CVE04:26
ajmitchsigh, yet more holes in phpmyadmin?04:26
zulfabbione: yeah thats what i was going to do04:26
Keybukinfinity: are you around?04:27
zulfabbione, there are two though so ill get 2 patches...tomorrow at least im off to bed later04:28
fabbionezul: and coordinate with pitti 04:29
bddebianLater zul04:29
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KeybukBenC: oh, wow04:49
Keybukthere's a bug04:49
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poningrumako: :( your blog requires cookies05:08
poningruI just lost a very large posting...05:09
Keybukright, all uploaded, etc.05:17
Keybukbed time for me05:17
BurgundaviaLathiat, you see that Howl shut down development?05:17
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sfllawI am totally prepared for release.05:30
sfllawI have a big carton of blank CDs.05:30
Burgundaviasfllaw, lol05:32
sfllawNo, no.  It's true.05:33
sfllawNow I just have to find someone with a burner.05:33
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makoponingru: right, that's the captcha05:33
makoponingru: sorry about that :-( but the amount of spam i was getting was overwhelming05:34
poningrumako: do what lessig etc. do05:35
makoponingru: what does lessig, etc. do?05:35
poningruthe human turing test05:36
makoponingru: that doesn't mean anything to me05:36
poningruI'm trying to fight the comment spam bots. Type "human" here:05:37
poningruand he gives a small box to write human05:37
poningruofcourse you can do things like05:37
poningrudont put anything here:05:37
makoponingru: i just went to lessig's blog05:37
makoponingru: and clicked on the first link05:37
makoponingru: and it was full of spammed comments05:37
poningruhehe I just realized..05:37
makoso, um, the one i have works05:37
makoi actually invented a new type of catpcha05:38
makoit's text-based.. pretty cool and uses commonsense knowledge.. but i wrote it as a mediawiki plugin05:38
sfllawmako: How does it work?05:38
poningruerr link?05:38
makosfllaw: i can send you the paper if you want05:39
makoi'm waiting to see if the paper got accepted into an AI conference05:39
sfllawmako: I know that people have been considering challenge-response type catpchas.05:39
makothis isn't like that05:39
makoit's based around commonsense knowledge05:39
sfllawDoes it prevent the pr0n-site attack?05:40
makobut i've never actually seen evidence of that actually used05:40
makoand neither has the guy who invented the original captcha05:40
makoi mean, it would concievably work05:41
makobut there's no evidence its ever actually been done :)05:41
sfllawI should totally do that.05:41
poningruthe pr0n-site attack?05:41
sfllawBut where would I find the porn?05:41
makocaptchas have been broken05:41
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makobut not that way05:41
sfllawWith handwriting recognition.05:41
sfllawI've seen that.05:41
makowell, using a number of techniques to improve the computer vision technology05:41
makoapparently, the original captchas used on yahoo and stuff are considered broken by the creators05:42
makomine seems to be more robust05:42
makobut it's susceptable to poisoning05:42
makowhich can be recovered05:42
makobut only if you can notice some decent percentage of successful attacks05:43
makoso it would work for blogs and wikis where you can revert or mark comments as spam and remove them05:43
makobecause you can undo a whole lot of poisoning with a single revert05:43
makoso it should raise the bar high enough05:43
makobut i haven't done a very large scale attack on my system yet so i don't know well it would work05:44
makobut yes05:44
makoponingru: sorry about the normal captcha05:44
makoponingru: but if i replace it, it will be with a better more accessible captcha05:44
poningruok that would be better05:44
sfllawThat would be good.05:44
sfllawEspecially since shipping captcha-breaking tools for accessibility would only be funny for a short while.05:44
sfllawponingru: The pr0n-site attack is theoretically simple.05:45
sfllaw1. Set up a porn site.05:45
sfllaw2. Advertise.05:45
sfllaw3. Have desperate people want to log in.05:45
sfllaw4. In order to access the porn, they have to answer a captcha.05:45
poningruah ic05:45
sfllaw5. Cull the captchas from the things you want to spam.05:45
sfllawIt's like Mechanical Turk.  But for a smaller problem domain.05:45
poningrutrue true05:45
sfllawAnd from people with more motivation!05:46
poningrubut you know a lot of people have gotten good results off of the human turing test type...05:46
=== jsgotangco just learned from sfllaw the basics of setting up a pr0n biz online
poningruI think it was on planet free desktop that a lot of people were talking about it a while ago05:47
sfllawjsgotangco: I'm really helpful.05:47
=== poningru rings up sfllaw's sale, jsgotangco please pass $500.00 to sfllaw and a 2% commision to moi
jsgotangcoi will make sure we will have a private chat in paris05:48
sfllawjsgotangco: Will you be there?05:49
sfllawWe should have a beer or something.05:49
poningrumako: forgot to tell you about the link broken thing as well05:50
poningrumako: in my post there is a link but it hrefed itself05:50
sfllawmako: Sorry we missed you at Debconf.05:50
sfllawI heard you were busy getting married or something.05:50
makosfllaw: i'm sorry you missed me at debconf05:50
makonot yet.. monday05:50
poningrunice congrats05:50
sfllawCongratulations anyway!05:50
makothanks :)05:51
neuralismako: whoa, dude, this monday?05:51
sfllawI'll buy you a drink in Paris.  I forget, do you abstain from alcohol?05:51
sfllawIt's been a few years.05:51
sfllawAnd I was really drunk the last time I offered to buy you one.05:51
makoneuralis: yeah, you gonna be around?05:51
makosfllaw: no, i drink05:51
neuralismako: let me find out when my flight is05:52
makoneuralis: heh, cool05:52
neuralis 4  LH 421 Q 29MAY 1 BOSFRA HK1  2050 E  2150 1055+1 *1A/E* 05:52
sfllawWow.  That's like line noise.05:52
makoneuralis: yeah, you can come if you want05:52
makoneuralis: we'll be at davis sq.. 2.. i'll send you an email05:53
makoneuralis: i haven't sent out invites to anyone yet.. we had a last minute change of venue05:53
neuralismako: my dressy clothes are all packed, sadly05:53
makoneuralis: um.. you'll fit right in then :)05:53
makoneuralis: it's gonna be like 31 degrees :)05:54
makoneuralis: and JZ is marrying us :)05:54
neuralisare you serious? that's hilarious :)05:54
neuralissounds like i'll have to at least drop by for a bit05:55
LaserJockmako: congrats and good luck :-)05:55
neuralismako: although better jz than rms.05:55
=== neuralis cracks up at the thought.
sfllawWhich JZ?05:56
makoneuralis: it's gonna be very laid back.. a few kegs of beer.. bbq. we're saving the painful tradition stuff for a ceremony with the parents and stuff out in seattle in a couple months05:56
Burgundaviamako, any idea of that timetable?05:56
neuralissfllaw: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Zittrain05:56
makosfllaw: jonathan zittrain, prof of cyberlaw at harvard/oxford05:56
sfllawmako: Woah.  Wicked.05:56
fabbionehey mako!05:56
makoBurgundavia: still under negotiations, i'll let you know though05:57
makofabbione: hola05:57
Burgundaviamako, I should be able to make it, so give a bit of warning05:57
makoBurgundavia: that would be fun :)05:57
sfllawI was just sent spam asking me to someone something.05:58
sfllawApparently, I'm obviously a supplier of OEM Original HP C6578DN Genuine Tri-Color Inkjet Printhead Cartridges.05:58
=== jsgotangco used to think mako is the type of guy who is willing to get married in SecondLife
makojsgotangco: i don't think i'm the kind of guy who is willing to play secondlife05:59
fabbioneYES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!05:59
neuralismako: in other news, it's way creepy that you're getting married. you're not much older than i am.06:00
=== fabbione just got the 4 core Niagara to boot properly
sfllawmako: Isn't your first life awesome enough?06:00
makoneuralis: tell me about it06:00
sfllawfabbione: Sweet!06:00
=== sfllaw hugs fabbione.
neuralisfabbione: rock!06:00
fabbionesfllaw: now we know how to workaround the issue06:00
makoneuralis: if you had told me i would be getting married 3 years ago, i would have freaked out06:00
sfllawfabbione: Good.  I didn't even know there was a problem.06:00
fabbionehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/sparc/KnownIssues <-06:00
fabbionesfllaw: now you do :)06:00
sfllawfabbione: Excellent.06:00
fabbionethat page still needs itaglish to english translation06:01
makoneuralis: but in all fairness, i am getting married by JZ at a keggar in my friends backyard06:01
neuralismako: true, true.06:01
sfllawmako: There aren't enough good keggers in this world.06:02
makosfllaw: dude, we're getting a keg of frambois06:02
makoyes, it comes in kegs in this country (apparently)06:02
sfllawmako: Yay!06:03
sfllawmako: I'm trying to organize Debconf in Montral.06:03
sfllawI'm thinking kegs of a different microbrews each night.06:03
makosfllaw: you have my vote06:04
sfllawAlso, we can get tasty vegan food here.06:04
sfllawWhich I think will draw a large contingent of "yes"es.06:05
sfllawI just have to find a university who wants to put us up for nearly nothing.06:05
makosfllaw: are you vegan?06:05
sfllawBut I am sensitive to these issues.06:05
makoi am, if you'll forgive the self-deprecation, merely a lacto-ovo vegetarian ;)06:06
sfllawIf I play my cards right, I think I can fool most people into eating a mostly vegan diet.06:06
sfllawIt's cheaper, which is good for budgets.06:06
poningrusfllaw: you know if you come to florida US there are many uni's that will put you up for cheap06:15
sfllawponingru: But it's not Montral.06:16
sfllawI have a few years to set things up.06:17
sfllawI should try to get a dorm to put about 300 people in.06:17
sfllawAnd access to an industrial kitchen.06:17
sfllawAnd some lecture halls.06:17
sfllawAnd free Internet.06:17
sfllawIn the downtown core.06:17
sfllawHow difficult could that possibly be?06:17
poningruin gainesville florida...not very06:19
poningruin montreal 06:19
=== poningru shrugs
sfllawI have never been to Gainesville.06:20
poningruwell its a college town06:21
poningruuni of florida06:21
poningruit has a pretty big lug06:22
sfllawWow.  It _is_ a University town.06:23
sfllawLess than 100,000 people.06:23
sfllawDoes that include students?06:23
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neuralissfllaw: there was a strong bid by toronto for the 2006 wikimedia conference06:31
poningrusfllaw: no that does not include students06:31
neuralissfllaw: maybe they'd want to do debconf; http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2006/Toronto06:31
sfllawneuralis: Uhm.  Debconf 2 was held in Toronto.06:33
=== Gman_ is now known as GmanAFK
neuralissfllaw: i had no idea. (as someone who used debian for nine years, it's a bit embarrassing, but i've never been to a debconf.)06:37
sfllawneuralis: You should!06:37
sfllawYou're in Cambridge?06:38
neuralisyeah. i would've gone to mexico, but i simply didn't have any time :/06:38
sfllawNext year?06:38
neuralisvery likely.06:38
neuralisufk in the short term, and ubucon if i find time to go down to sf for lwe.06:39
poningrusfllaw: also gainesville has really good vegan food culture06:40
poningruand UF has tons of dorms06:40
poningruwhich are not used at all during summer06:40
sfllawponingru: Your biggest problem would be that your country is one that not many people would go to.06:41
sfllawDebconf is typically held in the Very Free World.06:41
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sfllawponingru: When are you guys going to elect another FDR?06:44
poningruif only06:44
poningrubaah this entire thing will blow over in couple of years06:44
poningruatleast in 200806:45
Burgundaviasfllaw, our guy is shining star either06:48
Burgundavias/is/is no06:49
sfllawOur system of government moderates him.  He either needs the Bloc's support, or the NDP's.06:49
Burgundaviasfllaw, yes, but have seen the latest polling numbers in Quebec. I am scared06:50
poningrusfllaw: its the same here in the us as well... except congress is filled with the same party members as he is06:52
sfllawponingru: Your system of government is fairly different than ours.06:53
poningruyeah... but I was refering to the balance of powre06:53
poningruas in the executive still needs the congress' support inorder to do ... anything significant06:54
sfllawponingru: Your administration seems to believe in the Unitary Executive Theory.  Which few people seem to challenge.06:55
sfllawBut I believe this is way off topic for #ubuntu-devel06:55
poningru#ubuntu-offtopic ?06:56
nomedhi all06:58
yuriyping YokoZar07:00
nomedsfllaw, bug #4650207:00
nomedi know they are just icons .. but if they are not in tango-icon-theme-common xubuntu menu will miss icons on the menu :)07:00
UbugtuMalone bug 46502 in tango-icon-theme-common "new xfce icons" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4650207:00
sfllawnomed: That doesn't seem to be a release critical bug to me.07:02
sfllawThey certainly aren't part of the human theme.07:02
sfllawYou'll have to convince mdz to put them in.07:02
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nomedsfllaw, there is not just ubuntu 07:02
nomedas i told that's critical for xubuntu ..07:03
nomedhi janimo 07:03
sfllawnomed: I don't know how xubuntu gets released.07:03
janimohi nomed07:03
sfllawBut I have no control over uploads.07:03
janimowhat is critical for xubuntu?07:03
nomedsfllaw, dholbach knows already that issue .. i just do not know how he sorts bugs :)07:04
nomedjanimo, ex xfburn icon07:04
=== janimo notices xubuntu is not mentioned in the announcement :(
janimonomed, there is no upstream icon for that, I know.07:04
nomedit's in tango-icon-theme-common07:04
janimoI would not call it critical though :)07:04
nomedjanimo,well ..07:04
nomedthere is a menu spec entry07:05
janimooh, it does have an icon it just does not fond it you mean?07:05
nomedjanimo, no07:05
nomedi added it to tango-icon-theme-common07:05
nomedas all the missing and needed xfce icons07:06
janimonomed, why does xfburn not come with it itself? it;s an app specific icon07:06
janimolike thunar's07:06
nomeddholbach will just need to  merge it as ge did the last time :)07:06
sfllawnomed: I will leave its priority to dholbach's discretion.07:06
nomedjanimo, xfburn has not an icon07:06
janimonomed, ok that's why I say we should not add it to the menu07:06
nomedbut we use the burner icon from tango-icon-theme-common07:07
janimopeople would associate it with tha ticon, and when upstteam gets an icon it will surely look different07:07
janimoif in the next few days we can convince upstream to come up with an icon that's a different story :)07:07
nomedjanimo, in tango-icon-theme-common there are apps icons07:07
janimonomed, so changing the desktop file would suffice?07:07
nomedit's the same for amarok07:07
nomedand many others07:07
nomedjanimo, you do not have to do anything07:08
nomedit'll just work once dholbach will find the time to merge my bzr branch07:08
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desrtbuilt-in elilo07:38
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fabbionedesrt: ?07:40
desrtfabbione; my new macbook arrived today07:40
desrti'm trying to install dapper07:41
desrtit looks like a lot of people have done some things that will make my life easier07:41
fabbioneisn't that the i386 junk?07:41
desrtnot junk07:41
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sfllawfabbione: I thought the new Intel chips were amd64.07:44
fabbionesfllaw: still x86* junk :)07:45
sfllawfabbione: Stop being an architecture snob.  Not everyone is privileged enough to afford Real computers.07:45
desrtwhat would you prefer?  powerpc?07:46
fabbionesfllaw: please stop dude.. you don't know that desrt and I had known each other for a while and that we used to kid about $arch07:47
fabbionesfllaw: desrt still owns me a g5 ;)07:49
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zygathere is a problem with the EU tracker mirror08:16
zygaubuntu-6.06-rc-desktop-i386.iso does not download (requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker)08:17
zygasame with -powerpc.iso08:17
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zygastrange, no one around08:26
jdubzyga: calm after the storm08:27
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zygathose torrents are still dead 08:40
zygaothers seem to pull just fine :)08:40
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jdub"Yes. With this release, madwifi-old is now officially deprecated. The old codebase is no longer supported and won't receive any updates."08:56
fabbionejdub: were they waiting for us to release?08:58
=== Lathiat laughs
=== apokryphos [i=[U2FsdGV@server2.polaristar.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== hunger still does not have working suspend in dapper:-(
desrtis there any way to prevent the install cd from switching video mode just before loading the installer screen?09:19
desrtie: just leave it in 80x25...09:19
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fabbionedesrt: yes...09:21
fabbionehow.. gimme a sec :)09:21
=== jinty [n=jinty@242.Red-83-49-54.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtit must be a -- kernel option :p09:21
fabbioneboot with that option09:21
=== mvo [n=egon@p54A6634C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtk thx.09:22
=== desrt installing flight7 onto his new macbook :)
desrtworked like a charm!09:22
desrtthis thing is speedy09:22
fabbioneno rc?09:23
fabbioneReleae Candidate09:23
desrtoh.  it's out?09:25
desrtsince when?09:25
apokryphosyesterday; see http://tinyurl.com/ehqdg09:25
desrtno worries09:25
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desrti'm sure flight7 dist-upgrades properly09:25
fabbioneassuming it will not burn your computer..09:26
fabbioneif you see some smoke coming out, it's not our fault09:26
desrtwith how warm this thing runs i would not be suprised09:26
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=== desrt has an interesting hybrid setup going on here
desrti have the bootcamp firmware (so i can boot x86 stuff) but i do not have x86 partitioning on the harddrive09:27
desrtso i have enough bios to boot linux to the point where it's able to read EFI partitions natively09:28
dholbachgood morning09:28
jsgotangcogood morning dholbach09:28
dholbachhey desrt, hey jsgotangco09:29
sivangmorning everybody09:30
desrti wonder if this install process will try to give me grub09:30
desrtthat might suck09:30
=== sivang wonders if the dreadful squashfs bug is now squashed
Burgundaviasivang, check ubuntu-changes, it is09:31
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sivangwoo hoo09:32
jsgotangcoyeah there was an upload earlier09:32
=== sivang goes to read about what was required to kill that one
dholbachyou won't find much in the changelog09:33
sivangyeah, I see Scott was at a severe state when he wrote that changlog entry09:34
fabbionethere has been worst :)09:34
sivangat least it was only in the fs creation tool, not in the kernel driver itself09:34
sivangfabbione: heh09:34
sivangfabbione: you sould have offered him your miracle drug :p09:35
=== sivang lols at what Scott wrote :-)
=== sivang notes irssi is just getting crazier by the minute
sivangHiddenWolf: do you know if this specific bug I mentioned last night was also addressed? that is, DnD from a readonly location should not trigger a move?09:37
sivanghmm, squashfs is in universe??09:39
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pboris there a channel for ubuntu soc projects?09:44
dholbachpbor: I think not.09:45
sivangpbor ! 09:46
sivangpbor: how are you?09:46
pborhey sivang, dholbach 09:46
dholbachCiao Paolo by the way. :-)09:46
pborI just found out that there is a gedit soc project :)09:46
=== sivang looks
desrtit tried to install elilo, failed.09:47
pborso I thought that I could get in touch with the student and mentor09:47
dholbachpbor: JaneW might be able to help you there.09:48
=== hunger_ [n=tobias@p54A61643.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangpbor: the mentor is Pygi09:48
sivangpbor: better co-operate with the bzr-gui SoC to integrate bzr as well :)09:48
pborsivang: well, the project is primarily about integrating bzr, yes09:49
pborwhich channel/timezone can I find Pygi in?09:49
Lurepbor: here, UTC+209:50
pborthank, I'll hang ariund09:51
JaneWpbor: lemme check...09:52
sivangpbor: try to find the bzr-gui project, could just as well turn it into one of the new plugins in the RCS plugin system09:52
JaneWpbor: Title Source Control Plugin for Gedit09:52
JaneWStudent Brian Davis09:52
JaneWMentor Mario ani09:52
JaneWpbor: you looking for e-mail addresses?09:52
pborJaneW: no, more of an irc nick :)09:52
JaneWpbor: pygi is normally in #edubuntu09:52
=== pbor joins
sivangpbor: http://code.google.com/soc/ubuntu/appinfo.html?csaid=6A6B14E2FE89690309:54
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=== moberg [n=peter@c83-248-85-194.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pborsivang: yep, I saw that... since they assigned two different soc projects I guess they should be a bit different though :)09:55
sivangpbor: hmm, probably.10:00
moberghi, i've been accepted to SoC at Ubuntu. My project is "Applications to improve Ubuntu", but I don't know who is my mentor yet. (in the summary i received yesterday is only stated TBC)10:01
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=== hunger wonders what kind of apps that might be.
lmanulmoberg: what is your full name ?10:02
mobergPeter Moberg10:02
lmanulWeird, can't find you on the SoC Ubuntu list, maybe your mentor hasn't yet been approved into the program10:03
lmanulmoberg: were there any comments on your application ?10:03
mobergyes, i should rewrote some of it. But I don't know where to send it10:04
moberg"Very optimistic, each project would take somewhat longer to develop and test fully.10:05
mobergPerhaps you should redraft your application to just focus on the one project that takes your fancy the most."10:05
G0SUBJaneW: hello!10:11
jsgotangcoG0SUB: congratulations10:12
G0SUBjsgotangco: heh, thanks!10:12
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@195-23-238-134.nr.ip.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
G0SUBjsgotangco: can I PM you?10:12
JaneWhi G0SUB 10:12
G0SUBJaneW: Can we talk in private for a moment?10:13
JaneWmoberg: it may be Vincent Untz, but I am hoping t resolve all mentor issues today10:13
jsgotangcoG0SUB: sure10:14
JaneWmoberg: we had some duplication issues just before the announcements were made, so there was some frantic shuffling, BUT the mentor assignment function is currently frozen, so I am waiting for google to give me access again10:14
JaneWG0SUB: sure10:14
mobergJaneW: ok10:15
mobergshould I conntact him now and give him my redrafted version of my proposal, or should I wait until the mentor issues are resolved?10:16
JaneWmoberg: can you wait a short while (hour or so)? I'll try to discuss with mentors and see who will be taking it officially10:18
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mobergJaneW: ok10:19
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-26-111.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachheya seb12810:20
=== dholbach hugs seb128
seb128hi dholbach10:20
=== seb128 hugs dholbach
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G0SUBah, there goes the hugging contest ...10:23
G0SUBis it a hug day today?10:23
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=== desrt (successfully) speaks some 915resolution magic into his macbook's ear
fabbioneFYI: launchpad is down10:30
fabbioneit is a known issue. kthxbye10:31
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sladendesrt: does that actually work?  There's no BIOS to *patch* on a MacBook10:32
sladendesrt: ...unless you're running in BootCamp mode10:33
desrti booted with quasi-bootcamp10:33
desrti'd like to find out how to not do this but it doesn't seem too easy10:34
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desrtfabbione; does this mean the archive is down too?10:35
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-245-26.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneonly LP web interface or so it seems10:36
sladendesrt: currently the kernel/etc on the i386 CD work, but there's no [Free]  code to generate an HFS+ image to boot from... I suspected there will be a hand-patched CD available after release built with the aid of a MacOSX box and that will/should boot natively10:36
desrti have this refit thing installed10:37
desrtit's very nice10:37
desrthum.  atheros seems to be broken with nm-applet10:42
seb128grumpf, rsync on the edubuntu CD seems to redownload the CD for every update, I'm wondering why10:46
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ptlopygi: ping10:55
pygiptlo, I am asleep :)10:56
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ptlopygi: have you translated anything? i don't want to freeze the others, i've revised everything last night. so if you want you can translate starting at offset 600, 's that ok with you?10:57
pboroh pygi joined... pygi ping too :)10:57
pbor(when you wake up obviously)10:57
pygiptlo, ok, send me url at mail?10:58
pygipbor, how may I help? :)10:58
ptlopygi: sure. sleep well :)10:58
pygiptlo, thanks :)10:58
pborpygi: I am on of the upstream devs of gedit... I discovered you are mentoring a gedit soc...10:58
pborpygi: just wanted to get in touch10:58
pygipbor, ah, nice :)10:59
pborpygi: feel free to tell your student to join #gedit on gimpnet... in fact there are other people which are/were working on a 'project management' plugin11:00
pygipbor, I ofcourse will...I'll come also so we could discuss this project in detail11:00
pygiif you remember we were already discussing about that?11:00
=== pbor has short memory
pygiyes, you said that also :-P11:01
pygipbor, can we talk later please if you don't have anymore questions now? :)11:03
pygiI gotta run, and then later on do the translation or ptlo will eat me :)11:03
pborpygi: yes, I don't have any particular question, as I said I just wanted to get in touch11:04
pygithanks for that pbor :)11:04
pygienjoy :)11:06
dholbachKamion, mdz_: ok to upload ubuntu-artwork (added some icons which didn't show up until now)11:06
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desrt k.  elilo installs fine now, but locks on startup11:16
sladendesrt: you need to use elilo in EFI, or lilo with Boot-Camp11:18
desrti am trying to use elilo in efi11:18
desrtit loads the kernel and initrd11:19
desrtbut then locks11:19
desrti get11:19
sladendesrt: remind me again how you /installed/ the machine using EFI?11:19
desrtLoading file \EFI\ubuntu\initrd.img...done[newline] 11:19
desrtthen lockup11:19
desrti didn't.  i used bootcamp for install.11:19
desrtbut i have efi-only partitioning11:20
sladendesrt: right, then you need to use lilo.  not elilo.  elilo is for EFI machines.  The Mactels are *not* EFI machines when booted from Bootcamp.11:20
desrti'm _not_ booting from bootcamp11:20
sladendesrt: "<desrt> i used bootcamp for install" ?  I'm confused11:20
desrtyou're able to have bootcamp installed without using it to boot11:20
infinitymdz_: Around?11:21
desrtfor example, macosx still starts using EFI even on a machine with bootcamp11:21
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-11-56.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtand elilo is loading quite nicely11:21
desrtit's just crashing after reading the kernel image from disk11:21
sladendesrt: how did you write to the EFI nvram to tell EFI to load elilo?11:22
desrti didn't.  i'm using rEFIt11:22
desrtwhich i blessed using a macos installer cd11:22
desrtit's a fantastic program11:22
desrtgets a big thumbs-up from me11:22
sladendesrt: oh right... okay.11:23
zyga_does dapper work with itanium efi?11:23
sladenzyga_: yes, elilo+EFI on ia6411:24
zyga_great, thanks :)11:24
desrtit sleeps!11:24
sladenzyga_: the only thing $special about the Mactels is that they don't boot FAT, or iso9660, from removalable media11:24
desrtit does not, however, wake up11:24
desrtsladen; unless you have bootcamp :)11:25
sladendesrt: in which case it's not a Mactel, but a poor imitation of a PC11:26
desrttrue story11:27
desrtapple's BIOS is actually not too bad11:27
desrtmaybe i should call it pseudobios11:27
=== shenki [n=shenki@ppp165-12.lns3.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionsfllaw: could you please leave bug 46520 on grub-installer? There's no indication that it's a ubiquity bug, and even if it were I'd probably assign it to grub-installer on the basis that that's the piece of the installer that does the relevant work.11:31
UbugtuMalone bug 46520 in grub-installer "Grub installes to wring drives MBR in defualt install. No way to change in standard installer." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4652011:31
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\shBenC: ping could you elaborate on "Areca SCSI Raid Controller in ubuntu linux kernel 2.6.15 not enabled by default"11:32
infinityKamion: If you try to fix that bug, can you ping me to test your fix?  (I'll subscribe to it right now)11:32
=== heno [n=henrik@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbione\sh: bug num?11:33
infinityKamion: I ask because grub-installer used to (in pre-breezy days) mess up with Zofia's SATA/PATA combination, but it now works correctly, so I'd prefer if it didn't regress. :)11:33
\shfabbione: no bug...just for my information...I'm thinking to propose this company here to switch from sles9 to ubuntu server with support contract :)11:33
=== Firetech [n=Jocke@amarok/rokymotion/Firetech] has left #ubuntu-devel ["So]
mdkeseb128: this page is obsolete now right? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTranslations11:34
\shfabbione: and as I told you last time...I have until the 12th july 1000 machines with areca controller, which are not working on sles9 but with ubuntu kernel (and enabled areca driver) they're running fine11:34
fabbione\sh: so it's only missing the option in the config?11:35
\shfabbione: yeah..not enabled by default11:35
=== fabbione checks
\shfabbione: but I think someone had some reasons to do so11:35
infinityMan, I'm loving all the server errors on LP right now.11:36
fabbione\sh: ok i am checking the code.. just give me a few minutes please11:36
\shfabbione: thx :)11:36
seb128mdke: yep, for 6 months or something like that11:37
seb128mdke: Desktop are translated by rosetta now11:37
mdkeseb128: right, I'll bin it... people are still contributing :)11:37
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rob67may i ask a question for the next release?11:38
Kamioninfinity: it's so far up my list of "do not touch at this stage" ...11:40
mdkerob67: you can try it11:40
infinityKamion: Right, I assumed it was a "don't touch for dapper" bug.  Still, if you poke at this stuff in edgy, I'd like to make sure it doesn't explode.  I was pleasantly surprised when it magically started working. :)11:41
rob67ok, thanks.  can i please put in a request to have xchat installed like the last version please?11:41
rob67i love Dapper, but i had to install an irc client before i could get on here11:42
mdkerob67: it's too late to change it now :) 11:42
rob67i mean for the next one after Dapper11:42
mdkeyou can use gaim to get here, for next time11:42
\shrob67: konversation is still default in kubuntu-desktop >;-)11:42
infinityrob67: It may not be all that intuitive, but irssi is installed by default still.11:43
mdkerob67: have a look at bug #3869411:43
UbugtuMalone bug 38694 in ubuntu-meta "No XChat in Dapper" [Normal,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3869411:43
mdkeinfinity: ah, a friend of mine had a problem with grub installing to the wrong disk, i'll dig out the bug number, maybe it's a dupe11:43
rob67ok.  ill let you guys decide, after all you are the genesius' :)  thanx again.11:44
=== carlospc [n=carlospc@36.Red-217-125-73.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdkewas bug #4598911:45
UbugtuMalone bug 45989 in grub-installer "Installation to second disk confuses drive numbering" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4598911:45
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fabbione\sh: i don't see anything fancy for that driver...11:56
Seveasheh, what did keybuk drink at 2:55 UTC? :012:00
\shfabbione: so it could be enabled by default as "official" supported driver by Canonical?12:04
fabbione\sh: assuming there will be another kernel upload.... and d-i12:07
fabbionei need to get some food12:07
\shfabbione: who can tell? :) would be the kick suse out of business reason12:08
infinityI doubt there's be another round of kernel and d-i uploads.12:08
infinity(That would also require an initramfs-tools upload to add the driver to the SCSI module list)12:08
fabbione\sh: our support center would tell12:14
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9509192.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtnew version of elilo is out that sounds like it fixes the bug i'm encountering12:16
=== desrt takes it for a testdrive
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\shfabbione: jbailey is the responsible person for the support center?12:27
jsgotangcowow the kubuntu splash is beautiful12:29
=== Riddell hugs jsgotangco
tepsipakkiis it intentional that if I install both gdm and kdm, both also run (two X servers)?12:33
tepsipakkibefore there was /etc/X11/default-display-manager, but not anymore12:34
apokryphosnope, there should only be one running, which one to be run is configure from sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm/gdm, and that should be run on new install of gdm/kdm12:35
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=== jsgotangco looks at the glory of wireless assistant
tepsipakkiapokryphos: yes, manually running that creates /etc/X11/default-display-manager, but it isn't created on install12:36
fabbione\sh: yes12:36
dholbachheno: did that fix bug 46713?12:36
UbugtuMalone bug 46713 in example-content "Examples in "oo-about-these-files.odt" out of date." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4671312:36
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henodholbach: yes, and the stuff in the comment too12:37
=== dholbach adds to changelog
infinity\sh: Err, wait.  Doesn't the arcmsr module work with your controller?12:39
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ modinfo arcmsr | grep description12:39
infinitydescription:    ARECA (ARC11xx/12xx) SATA RAID HOST Adapter12:39
infinity\sh: That's been in our default kernels for a while, though initramfs-tools only learned about it on May 16th (maybe that was your issue?)12:41
=== Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
MithrandirKeybuk: where's the published bzr branch of your casper upload?12:43
KeybukMithrandir: there isn't one12:44
Keybukbecause I keep forgetting that such things exist12:44
MithrandirI should make the casper source build fail unless you put "Yes, I've published the branch" into the changelog or something. :-P12:44
KeybukMithrandir: that would not be unreasonable I guess12:46
Keybukthough you don't need to publish the branch anywhere12:46
Keybukas the branch is in the source package12:46
Keybukcertainly having the binary step fail if it's uncommitted might be sweet12:47
MithrandirI want it published so I can pull from it; bzr can't do bzr merge lp://casper/latest12:47
\shinfinity: can be, I'm using still kernel 2.6.15-2212:48
\shinfinity: and no...initramfs is not the issue...the driver wasn't enabled in ubuntu .config :=)12:48
Kamionwhoa, vim 7 automatically folds debian/changelog12:48
Kamion+-- 11 lines: debian-installer-utils (1.30) UNRELEASED; urgency=low -- Colin Watson  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12:49
Kamion+--  6 lines: debian-installer-utils (1.29) unstable; urgency=low -- Frans Pop  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12:49
KamionI wonder if I'll ever get used to that or if I should just turn it off12:49
KeybukMithrandir: you can apt-get source and merge from that though12:49
MithrandirKeybuk: yes, but I'm lazy.12:49
KeybukMithrandir: so I think requiring people to explicitly publish it somewhere is unreasonable12:49
KeybukMithrandir: so are other people, like me12:49
KeybukI'd just bypass the check :)12:49
Kamionhas anyone confirmed the current amd64 desktop CD?12:49
Kamionor do the buildds still need to be upgraded for that?12:50
KeybukKamion: dunno, I've only just woken up12:50
infinity\sh: Oh, well, we've been including arcmsr in the default kernels for a long time, so... Hrm.12:52
=== Kamion would just like to say:
KamionListing ubuntu/dapper (NEW) 0/012:53
fabbionemissing from the udeb?12:53
Kamioninfinity: ^--12:53
Kamioninfinity: squashfs-tools on king?12:53
\shinfinity: ah in linux-source of 2.6.15-22 it's enabled by default...thx :)12:53
infinityKamion: I'm checking now.  The cronjob wasn't re-enabled anyway, so unless you've triggered manual builds, there's no new livefs.12:53
Mithrandir\sh: -22 is old.12:54
\shMithrandir: I was using 2.6.15-19 as FAI install kernel for these machines and in 2.6.15-19 it wasn't enabled by default12:55
\shAnyways...thx for your help...I need to write an report now, to tell my manager that it would be a good idea, to use ubuntu server 6.06 LTS as replacement to sles912:57
infinityKamion: Updating all the chroots now.  We can do a quick amd64 manual test run to make sure it's okay after that.12:58
infinityKeybuk: If we build a new amd64/desktop, can you rsync it and test?  Zofia's doing homework on her machine, so I can't appropriate it right now. :)12:58
Keybukinfinity: certainly12:58
KamionI can too12:59
Keybukwe should probably test that ALL of the LiveFSs work, on general principal12:59
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Keybukthough the upstream author confirms the fix12:59
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infinityKamion: I'll poke you when the livefs builds are all done.  (I'll do one for each of ppc/i386/amd64)01:00
infinityKeybuk: Speaking of "the fix"... I noted a very clever changelog entry, but actual mention of what the bug was or how it was fixed. :)01:00
Keybukinfinity: heh01:00
Keybukthat's because it was too complicated to explain in a ChangeLog01:01
Keybukso, right01:01
Keybuka squashfs consists of a whole bunch of inodes01:01
Keybukdirectory inodes just link to children, etc.01:01
Keybukfile inodes have a list of "fragments" that need to be joined together to make the file01:01
Keybukeach fragment is a compressed or uncompressed block of data, that may be shared amongst multiple files01:02
Keybukand at the end of the squashfs is the fragment table, that lists all of the fragments (the inodes contain indexes, rather than in-data pointers)01:02
Keybukthe fragment table isn't just <len><entries ...> though01:02
Keybukit too is compressed01:02
Keybukin fact, the fragments are compressed blocked, and then the table itself is also stored in multiple compressed blocks01:03
Keybukthe table is in 8192K chunks, each chunk holding 1024 entries (each one is 8 bytes each)01:03
Keybukuh, 8192 byte entries, sorry01:04
mdz_dholbach: ubuntu-artwork OK01:04
mdz_infinity: yes01:04
Keybukwhen writing this table out, squashfs had a calculating error for "how much space is left" ... it used %, so if there was a complete chunk remaining, it thought there was 0 bytes not 819201:04
Keybukso, this meant that it called compress2() with destLen=001:05
Keybukzlib whenever asked to compress 0 bytes returns 8 bytes of header01:05
Keybukbecause the "compressed size" was greater than the uncompressed size (8>0) it decided that the last fragment table chunk would be uncompressed, so marked it as such by ORing the size with 1<<15 01:06
Keybukthe net effect was that the last chunk of the fragment table was not read properly01:06
Keybukso accessing any file in the last 8th of the disk would have been accessing random data01:06
=== ubijtsa [n=ubijtsa@karlsson.force9.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukthe reason this affected the amd64 CD only, was that it had EXACTLY 8,192 fragments01:07
Keybuk(there was enough duplicate blocks in those shiny new oggs to give this number even if other packages were changed for a bit)01:07
Keybukit actually turns out that it would affect any squashfs image with multiples of 1,024 fragments01:08
Keybukthe last fragment would always be busted01:08
Keybukuh, last 1,024 fragments, sorry01:08
infinitymdz: Do we want to get some hideous strace-during-build hack into OOo for my pending (final) upload, or shall we just bury our heads in the sand on this one, knowing that security updates will build fine anyway, since terranova is our secrity buildd right now (and when security moves to LP, elmo can give us a new CPU or other such things to mask the bug)?01:08
mdzinfinity: I think strace was a red herring, so no01:09
Keybukobviously, the fix was to correct the "available space in the fragment table" calculation01:09
infinityKeybuk: That's so awesome it hurts.01:09
mdzKeybuk: goodness me01:11
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StevenKKeybuk: Your poor eyes are burning? :-)01:12
Keybukit would have gone away, eventually, but we'd have to stir in some SERIOUS entropy -- basically a 64KB block of data that does not exist anywhere else on the filesystem01:13
Keybukand it would have bitten us on another CD too, eventually01:13
Keybukin fact, I looked through Malone, and found a bug that sounded identical -- so we clearly did have a CD pop before01:14
mdzternary conditional operator abuse!01:14
=== mdz shields his eyes
mdzKeybuk: nice work01:14
giftnudelKeybuk: really!01:14
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=== mvo hugs Keybuk for fixing this
infinityKeybuk: Your sleeplessness on this one won't go unrewarded.  Remind me that I owe you a beer or three in Paris.01:16
Keybukyeah, right, who here could sleep once they've got their teeth into a bug like that? :p01:17
dholbachGloubiboulga: you guys will have to rebuild tango-icon-theme and tango-icon-theme-common to benefit from the icon-naming-utils changes01:17
desrti've learned a lot about the new macs tonight01:18
desrtmostly i've learned that they're absolutely insane01:18
Keybuk^ we should stuff that in the source package01:18
Keybukwell, after it's less hacky01:19
desrtrunning the upgraded firmware on them turns them into some strange sort of hybrid beast01:19
infinityKeybuk: Oh, can you be a dear and push your patch to Debian, so we don't have to worry about merging it when we bump to 3.0 in edgy?01:26
Gloubiboulgadholbach, ok, thanks01:26
sladenKeybuk: NMU it as release-critical...  (and ignore which OS it's release-critical for, fnarr).01:29
Keybukinfinity: yeah, will report it to them01:29
Keybukit'll be interesting to see how quickly upstream applies the patch01:29
infinitysladen: No need to NMU it, the Debian squashfs maintainer is quite responsive, and takes patches.01:31
infinity(He took Tollef's progress output patch, for instance)01:32
dholbachmdz: uploading example-content01:34
mdzdholbach: ok01:34
mdzKeybuk: how did you track it down in the end?01:34
infinityKamion: livefs builds ready, BTW.01:35
=== karim [n=karim@ip-7.net-82-216-143.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzZnarl: do you know anything about the transparent proxy here in the office?01:38
infinityKeybuk: Hrm.  To trip the bug, mksquashfs needs to report "Number of fragments: 8192", doesn't it?01:39
infinityKeybuk: If so, this test is worthless anyway, since archive churn appears to have given the amd64 livefs 8196 fragments now.01:39
mdzinfinity: all the better01:39
=== ploum [n=ploum@ubuntu/member/ploum] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzI assume I'm the only one seeing MD5Sum mismatches on main and universe Sources in current Dapper01:40
=== mdz points at squid and curses
fabbionemdz: the publisher is still running 01:41
infinityWhich means nothing.01:41
fabbionei get them often between XX:30 and XX:4501:41
infinityThe publisher only moves the new archive in place when it's done.01:41
fabbioneinfinity: s/publisher/rsync01:41
infinityA slow rsync could do it, yes.01:41
=== Guard] [an [n=Guardian@mar44-1-87-90-32-28.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Guard] [anhello, i just tested dapper drake RC, it's fine but isn't xgl+compiz supposed to be activated ?01:42
infinityGuard] [an: Heavens no.01:42
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infinityGuard] [an: XGL is seriously experimental tech, and pretty much guaranteed to break, just cause it feels like it.01:42
Guard] [aninfinity : so i have to follow the usual steps to have it ? or is there some simplified procedure ?01:42
Kamioninfinity: cron.daily-live running on lithium01:43
Keybukinfinity: right, if you rebuild 20060525 with it, it boots (I tried that)01:46
Keybukmdz: well, being able to produce "broken" and "working" o01:47
Keybukimages on demand kinda helped01:47
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karimcan I ask something about apt-build here ?01:47
Guard] [aninfinity : thx01:47
KeybukI noticed the mksquashfs code could actually read its own generated filesystems (so it can append to them), so I hacked up an "unsquashfs" that only read a filesystem image and would report whether it was ok or not01:47
Keybukthat worked on the "working" images and core dumped on the "broken" ones01:47
karimI was wondering why it was downloading libdevel from binary source instead of building them01:48
Keybukat that point, it was just a matter of gdb on unsquashfs until I understood why it core dumped -- which I tracked to the fragment table being boll01:48
Keybukocksed for the last 1024 entries01:48
Keybukand then tracing mksquashfs as it wrote the fragment table and realising what was broken01:48
infinitykarim: Because that's what apt-build does.  It doesn't re-bootstrap your whole system, it just builds the package you asked it to.01:48
KeybukI'd gathered lots of debug logs while making the images, and I'd noticed there that all of the broken ones had 8192 fragments -- and that the fragment chunk size also happened to be 819201:49
kariminfinity, may ask you more about that ?01:49
infinitykarim: Not really on topic here.01:50
kariminfinity, apt-build is in perl, I am looking forward how to build deps he wants to install recursively01:50
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kariminfinity, yes, but I though people experienced with  it might be here01:50
mdzinfinity: did you have a look at those oo.o LP URLs?01:51
infinitymdz: Doing that one right now.01:51
infinitymdz: Should be uploaded and building on terranova when my bandwidth says it's okay.01:51
kariminfinity, I am thinking of adding an option that would do more01:52
infinitykarim: You may want to discuss it with the Debian maintainer (acid@debian.org), then.  I suspect almost no one here has ever used apt-build.01:52
kariminfinity, by the way there was a package called apt-fu. I can't find a trace of it on the internet or debian. since it sopped in 2003 and wasn't included in debian at all01:52
kariminfinity, ok thanks01:53
mdzinfinity: is your bandwidth misbehaving?01:53
infinitymdz: No, I just live in Australia, and OOo has a 73MB diff.gz :)01:54
mdzinfinity: would be faster to apply it on chinstrap and upload from there :-)01:54
infinity(Too late now)01:54
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iwjThis kubuntu install (alternative cd) is showing me a strange black screen with two white character cells.01:56
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iwjWhile it rattles the disk gently.01:57
mdziwj: almost soothingly?01:58
mdzinfinity: are we clear to build new desktop CDs all around?01:58
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infinitymdz: We just built new Ubuntu ones.01:58
infinitymdz: We can certainly do the other 3 as well.01:59
mdzinfinity: do they have new livefses ready?01:59
infinityNope, I'll spin 'em right now. :)01:59
KamionUbuntu desktop is already rebuilt02:01
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iwjIf it wasn't spinning up the cd occasionally I'd think it had crashed.02:04
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Kamioniwj: can it switch tty?02:12
infinityWhoa, I just typed my GPG passphrase correctly, TWICE IN A ROW.02:13
infinityThis is going to be a good day.02:13
kikoinfinity, choose one which doesn't have 98 characters in it?02:14
iwjKamion: apparently not.  I'm trying it again with breezy to see if it worked then (this is the disk I bought this morning).02:14
iwjBut I think I blame the installer because I saw something similar yesterday and blamed it on the old broken disk I was using.02:14
infinitykiko: That's not fair.. It's only about 32... They're just hard to get right with shift drift.02:14
Kamioniwj: I'd blame the kernel, not the installer, if you can't switch tty. The installer is an ordinary userspace process.02:16
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KamionWell, not perhaps entirely "ordinary", but in the relevant senses ...02:16
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infinityiwj: Is this the same machine that exhibits the sketchy usplash behaviour?  If so, you may want to try booting with debian-installer/framebuffer=false02:18
iwjinfinity: Yes, it's the same machine.02:19
iwjI'll give that a go when I've seen what breezy makes of it.02:19
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Keybukhow long does it take to get a reply from bugs.debian.org now?02:24
KinnisonKeybuk: supposedly no more than 15 minutes or so02:26
Keybukhas been half an hour02:26
ograKamion, i had some complaints from testers that the new text "install in textmode" would be confusing (since they looked for a edubuntu server option) would that be hard to change for final ? (seems most translations still say "install to harddisk" anyway, could we revert that for edubuntu ) ?02:27
ogras/revert that/revert to that/02:27
infinityKeybuk: It's been slow in the last day or two.  Not sure why.02:28
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Kamionogra: mdz explicitly asked me to change that to "install in text mode"02:30
Kamionogra: oh, for Edubuntu? maybe, I guess02:31
mdzfine with me02:31
KamionI'd need to upload gfxboot-theme-ubuntu to get the translations for "install to hard disk" back, though02:31
infinityKamion: I'm running kubuntu cron.daily-live on lithium right now, BTW.02:32
Kamioninfinity: thanks02:32
ograKamion, i'm personally fine with both, so only do it if time permits02:32
KamionI think it should be changed back to "Install to the hard disk" for the server CD as well, personally02:33
ograyes, makes sense02:34
ogra  1957521269  58%   10.70kB/s   36:35:2602:35
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looksausiwj, dholbach referred me to you here for https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/4006702:44
UbugtuMalone bug 40067 in firefox "firefox freezes after a few secs on ppc" [Normal,Confirmed]  02:44
looksausI'm a bit caught between a stone and a hard place: afraid to bother you good people in such a busy period with something that might turn out of little importance02:45
looksausand on the other side, a potentially showstopper firefox problem on ppc02:45
looksausis there anything I can/should do to help you determine the seriousness of this problem?02:46
sladenlooksaus: if it recovers after a few seconds, it's not a show-stopper02:46
looksaussladen, it doesn't02:47
sladenlooksaus: if it wipes your hard-drive, it's a showstopper02:47
looksausif it makes firefox entirely unusable, is it a showstopper?02:47
sladenlooksaus: okay, I read that as 'freezes for', sorry02:47
sladenlooksaus: it's just been confirmed by mdke, hopefully iwj will get to it soon enough02:48
ograhe tried to already, but nobody in here could reproduce it yet02:49
looksausogra, this is an upgrade from breezy02:49
looksausshould I reinstall and try to see if the problem persists, or is there no value in that?02:50
ograwell, my ppc has never seen breezy, might be the cause, yes02:50
infinitylooksaus: If you move your profile out of the way, does the problem persist?02:50
looksauserr, I mean02:50
looksausI'll add that info02:51
mdkesladen: not me, I don't think02:52
HiddenWolfsivang: re nautilus dnd: I think so, but I don't know for sure, no, sorry.02:53
mdzinfinity: thanks for oo.o; is Mithrandir taking care of -amd64 or are you?02:53
infinitymdz: I'll roll it when the i386 build on terranova is done.02:53
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iwjlooksaus: Ah.  Hmm.02:58
iwjI don't think doing a fresh install is likely to be very informative.02:58
Lathiatanyone aware of a bug for the network monitor with wireless wasting lots of whitespace?02:59
KinnisonLathiat: whitespace where?03:01
iwjlooksaus: I think I'd like you to strace it.  So, strace -ttvfot /usr/bin/firefox and this will generate a file `t'.  Don't attach it to the bug report; it'll be huge.03:01
Lathiatbetween the normal network monitor03:01
Lathiatand the wireless signal part03:01
Lathiatand then on the right hand side of the signal part03:01
KinnisonSure this isn't panel-packing issues? (I.E. is the whitespace sensitive and is it part of the applet?03:02
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=== Kinnison spanks his enter key for being too close to the shift key
Lathiatyes becuase its part of the same applet03:02
iwjlooksaus: Err, do you start it from a terminal, and if so do you see the glibc message referred to in the bug report ?03:02
KinnisonLathiat: Odd. Perhaps seb128 or dholback will have an idea03:02
Lathiatbetween the "moinitors" the "signal bar" and the volume control03:03
Lathiatis all part of the network applet03:03
infinityLathiat: dholbach's latest ubuntu-artwork upload has "shuffled netstatus icons around" in the changelog.03:04
infinityLathiat: Can you try upgrading and see if that fixes it?03:04
Lathiatalso that new partition size slider seems useless03:04
infinity(version 25)03:05
Lathiateither option doesnt sensitize it03:05
Lathiatso at a guess theres another option but it should be hidden if its not displayed ?03:05
infinityLathiat: Yeah, that bug is hardly release critical, but can you file it on ubiquity?03:06
=== Lathiat nods
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=== mdz pummels flashplugin-nonfree
Kinnisonmdz: What's it doing to you now?03:08
mdzthere is no need for it to ask me that question for every trivial change03:08
Keybukinfinity: which cd images have been built with the new mksplashfs03:08
mdzit asks a debconf question on every upgrade, regardless of whether it is relevant03:08
infinityKeybuk: ubuntu and kubuntu so far, edubuntu is on the way.03:08
Keybukinfinity: 20060526 are "new" then?03:08
infinityKeybuk: Check the timestamps?03:09
Kinnisonmdz: question priority fucked?03:09
ograoh, why do i get new builds ?03:09
Keybukinfinity: good point03:09
Kinnisonogra: because we love you03:09
_ionOf course i freaking want it to download the plugin from teh Internets. :-)03:09
infinityogra: Just cause.03:09
Keybukinfinity: according to the timestamps, edubuntu is done03:10
infinityOh, so it is. :)03:10
infinitySo, just waiting on Xubuntu then, for kicks, and all the desklivetop images are re-done and ready.03:10
=== Keybuk fires up rsync
ograhrm, i'm just rsyncing the dvd ... :/03:11
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iwjHmm.  It's not offering me auto-resize.03:16
bluefoxicygotta go to a mock interview, I'll bug this on launchpad when I get back; this is kinda dumb, but I tried to print in Firefox before actually installing a printer03:16
Keybukiwj: the trick to that is to do an erase install, and then run the installer again03:16
bluefoxicyFirefox kinda... hanged... and didn't come back.03:16
mdzKinnison: I think it's intentional and the maintainer is just crack-addled03:16
Keybukif there's >3GB free after the erase install, you'll be offered auto-resize03:16
Kinnisonmdz: yeesh03:16
bluefoxicyAnyways out *runs very fast*03:16
iwjKeybuk: I did a manual partitioning install and there ought to be plenty of space.03:16
Kinnisonmdz: you want me to set it to medium and upload?03:16
mdzKinnison: one needs to try hard to get debconf to ask the question again and again on every upgrade03:16
Kinnisonmdz: Or do you have a fix done already?03:16
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Kamioniwj: send me /var/log/partman and I'll look into why03:17
Lathiathrm why does the default sources.list list multiverse for dapper-updates but not for dapper or dapper-security03:17
Lathiatit seems even if we dont want to recommend multiverse it should at least be included in security if its in updates unless the inclusion in udpates is a mistake?03:17
mdzKinnison: it should only ask the question when there is a new upstream version available for it to fetch03:18
mdzKinnison: no, I haven't touched it03:18
KamionLathiat: I think it's a bug that it's included for updates03:18
Kamionmdz: ^-- can I fix that?03:18
Lathiat(has been for a long time)03:18
Kinnisonmdz: unfortunately I think there's only install/uninstall for the script, there's no "check"03:19
Lathiatso is it a policy not to list multiverse by default?03:19
Lathiatalso - does ubiquity download the latest updates from the internet automatically?03:19
KamionLathiat: yes03:19
Lathiati seem to have no updates upon reboot03:19
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KamionLathiat: yes it's a policy not to list multiverse by default03:19
KamionLathiat: no, ubiquity doesn't download updates03:19
Kamionnor does the regular installer03:19
Lathiathrm ah i guess ftp.uwa = au.archive must be out of date a bit03:19
Kinnisonmdz: In fact, this whole package looks crack addled03:20
Kinnisonmdz: but at least it's not ruby any more03:20
infinityI'd really like to resurrect the license-scary flashplayer-mozilla (which I still have installed), but that would require us getting a distribution license from Macromedia.03:20
mdzKamion: commented or uncommented?03:21
seb128Kinnison, Lathiat: icon issues are for dholbach03:21
Kinnisonseb128: thanks03:21
Lathiatseb128: cheers03:21
mdzinfinity: I think there's a reasonable chance that they would grant one03:21
=== Kinnison ponders what to do for lunch
KinnisonThen it could just go into multiverse properly?03:21
infinitymdz: I'm fairly sure they would, but I never got around to asking them. :/03:22
infinityFell WAY off the bottom of my TODO.03:22
Kamionmdz: at present it is there uncommented for backports03:22
KamionI can't actually see what would make it be there uncommented for updates03:22
Kamionbut I'd like to fix the backports thing anyway03:23
infinityErr, we ship a backports line uncommented?03:23
Kamionoh, sorry, that one's commented03:23
mdzKamion: happy to discuss whether to fix it once we can agree what the problem is ;-)03:24
Kamionhmm, how about I go look at an actual test install rather than zenning it from the code03:24
iwjKamion: YHM.  It occurs to me that it may want to create a DOS Extended partition as well as a boot partition and I haven't left it enough primary slots for that.03:24
kikocan somebody with a kubuntu livecd reproduce iwj's bug 46404?03:24
UbugtuMalone bug 46404 in qtparted "partitioner locked up" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4640403:24
mdzKamion: I'm doing the same03:24
Lathiatok yes wireless icons are much better in the update03:24
Kamioniwj: yes it always wants to create a primary for / and a logical for swap03:24
Lathiataltho the image changes its offset when it changes to the data receiv icon03:24
Riddellkiko: that's next on my todo to look at03:24
Lathiati'll talk to dholbach 03:24
Lathiatdholbach: ping?03:24
kikoRiddell, cool03:24
iwjKamion: That'll be it then.  (Although there's no reason why it couldn't use my existing swap ...)03:25
kikoRiddell, note also bug 46387 with the installer I think03:25
UbugtuMalone bug 46387 in ubiquity "crash going back from advanced partitioner" [Major,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4638703:25
Kamioniwj: yeah, partman is not very bright03:25
kikoRiddell, is there noone else that is triaging kubuntu bugs this week with you?03:25
infinitykiko: Is that the sound of you volunteering?03:25
Kamionok, in a d-i install, I have multiverse commented-out for backport03:25
Kamionthat's probably sort of OK03:26
kikoinfinity, I have access to a wide network of volunteers! 03:26
mdzKamion: so we ship commented dapper/universe, dapper-backports/{main,restricted,universe,multiverse} and dapper-security/universe03:26
mdzKamion: so dapper and dapper-security are consistent03:26
Kamionmdz: d-i or ubiquity?03:26
Riddellmdz: I've three things to upload if it's ok, changing guidance init script to 60, adept 2.0 which removes a debugging line that was filling .xsession and removing double menu entry for avahi-utils03:26
Riddellkiko: I have my usual helpers in #kubuntu-devel03:26
infinitymdz: We don't ship a commented dapper{,-security}/multiverse at all?03:27
Kamioninfinity: we shouldn't; can't see one here03:27
mdzinfinity: correct03:27
Kamion(I asked about that yonks back, and was told don't)03:27
infinitymdz: I mean, I'm not a huge non-free software nut, but do we need to make it that much harder for people who have no clue how to get at it?03:27
Kamioninfinity: it's hardly difficult with "software properties" anyway03:27
infinitymdz: (sun-java, comes to mind, which we're even doing press releases about)03:27
mdzinfinity: yeah, the example sources.list isn't as relevant these days03:27
mdzit's a checkbox03:28
infinityKamion: I thought "software properties" only allowed you to enable/disable stuff that's already in the sources.list (ie: commented out)03:28
Lathiatalso the backports line inconcistently listed main/restircted universe/multivere on the same line03:28
KamionLathiat: well, that sources.list only has multiverse for backports03:28
Lathiathrm, guess i mis-read03:28
KamionLathiat: that's kind of intentional really, I don't want to bother with lots of commented blocks for backports03:28
Lathiatstill, is that what we want?03:28
LathiatKamion: ah, right03:28
Lathiatdo we still want multiverse in backports?03:29
KamionI think, in fact, the sources.list you show is OK03:29
KamionI can turn off multiverse there if people think that's better03:29
seb128trying edubuntu standard installation on that box, bbl03:29
Lathiatim not fussed but i think for consistency it should be removed03:29
AlinuxOSThank You Guys for making Ubuntu so Amasing!  ;)03:29
Lathiatwould make the lines less annoyingly long too.. :)03:29
Lathiataltho not quite to fit in an 8 terminal display unfortunately03:30
Kamioniwj: confirmed, you have:03:30
Kamion/lib/partman/automatically_partition/10resize_use_free/choices: 3 primary partitions, 0 logical partitions03:30
Kamioniwj: which is not enough for a primary and an extended to put the logical in03:30
iwjKamion: Yes.03:30
Kamionthere are two partman enhancements needed to make this better03:30
Kamion(1) make partman-auto able to reuse existing swap (though have to be careful, e.g. existing hibernated images)03:30
iwjSwap that might be hibernated into should have a different signature.03:31
iwjThen you'd be able to tell.03:31
Riddellmdz: can I upload those?03:31
mjg59It does03:31
mjg59Erm. Or rather, swap that /has/ a hibernated image in does03:31
Kamion(2) teach partman-auto that, while it needs to create a primary partition for / if there isn't already one, if there are already primary partitions it can just create a logical03:32
iwjmjg59: No, it has the same signature when it's not being a hibernated image.03:32
Lathiatswap that has a hibernated image does anyway03:32
mdzRiddell: those what?03:32
mjg59iwj: Indeed, but the kernel makes no distinction between these03:32
iwjAnd you can't tell whether it might become a hibernated image in the future.03:32
Riddellmdz: I've three things to upload if it's ok, changing guidance init script to 60, adept 2.0 which removes a debugging line03:32
Riddell                 that was filling .xsession and removing double menu entry for avahi-utils03:32
Kamionthe existing recipe logic is optimised for blatting an existing disk rather than inserting a new installation into an existing one03:32
Lathiatiwj: as such migth be a bad idea to use else you wont have swap if you hibernate and switch os?03:32
iwjSo if you reuse existing swap because this time the user happened to reboot, then next time when they hibernate the other OS and boot Ubuntu, it will refuse to swap it.03:32
iwjLathiat: Right.03:33
mdzRiddell: the timing is not ideal for shuffling init scripts; what's the issue there?03:33
mdzRiddell: for the other two I'm happy to review debdiffs03:33
Riddellmdz: the script is at 37 and touches /usr, Keybuk tells me it should be at 6003:33
Kamionmy feeling is that people with multiple Linux installations tend to avoid automatic partition setup programs anyway and will pick manual partitioning, so as long as it doesn't actually destroy data, that's OK03:33
Riddellmdz: http://www.ubuntu-zh.org/~freeflying/debdiff/avahi.debdiff03:33
Lathiataltho probably not somethign to do now, mimgh tbe worth considering creating swap files when no swap partition is active or something03:33
Kamionbut I'm not sure. (2) is a more important enhancement and would solve iwj's problem too.03:34
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mdzRiddell: avahi is fine to upload03:34
infinityOkay, just kicked off a Xubuntu destop image build for symmetry, and because janimo gives me warm fuzzies.03:35
Lathiathrm why does the "Movie Player" menu item not prefixed with the program name like every other item in the sound & video menu?03:36
infinityOff to have myself a longish lunch, now.03:36
Lathiatwell except sound recorder, but i dont think tha thas another name03:36
ograKamion, wow, that was fast, thanks !03:36
Lathiatand i bet often people will say "use totem" etc migh tbe less confusing if it was "Totem Movie Player"03:36
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infinityLathiat: I tend to agree on that point.03:37
Lathiatnot just the s&v menu either, most menus are prefixed with program names03:37
Lathiatalso is the Evolution Mail / Evolution an intentional distinction? 03:38
Lathiat(Internet vs Office)03:38
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infinityYeah, the one in "Office" should probably be called "Evolution Groupware" or something, though.03:39
Lathiatyeh i was thinking that03:40
infinityAnd perhaps not even visible by default.03:40
infinityBut it's likely too late to be changing these strings.  I'm not sure how our crazy .desktop gettext stuff works.03:40
Lathiathrm also ekiga seems to be complkaining it cant listen on the sip/h323 ports yet i have nothign else running, hrm03:40
Lathiatinfinity: mm true03:40
Kamionogra: just done the cdimage change too, though not deployed yet03:40
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ograthanks again :)03:41
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Nafallo#j #ubuntu-loco03:41
Lathiati dare say tho dapper is looking really polished overall, im impressed :)03:41
sivangHiddenWolf: I'll search nautilus bts upstream, maybe there is something there to just apply a patch and fix this annoying bug03:41
Nafallohmm, does the locoteam have a channel? :-)03:41
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=== mvo goes for lunch
mdzRiddell: ok to move the guidance init script if it's only a rules change, no maintainer script changes03:44
mdzRiddell: what other changes in adept 2.0?03:44
Riddellmdz: http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/adept-20.diff03:45
mdzRiddell: adept OK to upload03:45
Riddellmdz: the guidance change is in postinst03:45
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infinitymdz: You can't change an init script location without changing maintainer scripts, unless you want very strange undefined behaviour.03:47
infinityRiddell: In both postinst and debian/rules, I hope.03:47
infinityfor i in 2 3 4 5; do if [ -L /etc/rc"$i".d/SNNfoo ] ; then mv oldloc newloc; done03:48
infinityRiddell: Like that?  ^^^03:48
Riddellinfinity: rules just installs it to /etc/init.d/ postinst makes the links with "update-rc.d displayconfig-hwprobe.py start 60 S ."03:49
RiddellI just changed s/37/60/  if someone already has it installed to 37 it won't change it03:49
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infinityRiddell: You mean, you don't use dh_installinit, but do it by hand in postinst?03:50
infinityRiddell: Anyhow, if you want it moved, you should move it, not say "some people will have it at 37, some at 60, whee"03:50
bddebianHowdy Ubuntu Guru's03:51
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Riddellit doesn't use dh_installinit no03:51
RiddellI can indeed add the for loop infinity gives but it probably won't help with mdz allowing it :)03:52
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infinityRiddell: Well, not much of a for loop, if you're installing in S... :)03:53
infinityRiddell: Just "if [ -L /etc/rcS.d/S37guidance ] ; then mv /etc/rcS.d/S37guidance /etc/rcS.d/S60guidance; done03:54
infinityGo IRC shell.03:54
infinityOr whatever the name of the script is.  But you get the idea.03:54
=== infinity goes to do that lunch thing now.
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mdzRiddell: what I meant was that it shouldn't attempt to migrate the old symlink or any fancyness like that03:59
mdzRiddell: just changing update-rc.d is OK03:59
Riddellmdz: oh right, I'll just ignore infinity then03:59
=== infinity grins.
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Riddellmdz: http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/guidance.debdiff04:01
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mdzRiddell: 40404:01
Riddellmdz: sorry, http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/guidance.debdiff04:02
mdzRiddell: OK to upload04:02
Riddellthanks mdz 04:02
mdkewhat does "pn" mean when it appears by the name of a program when listing with dpkg?04:05
Keybukpurged, not installed04:06
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mdkeKeybuk: thanks. seems that when you purge sendmail it doesn't remove any of the configuration files, and still tries to start stuff on booting up04:06
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Keybukmdke: what does sudo dpkg --purge --pending do?04:07
mdkeKeybuk: nothing04:08
ograyippie, my dvd is done ...04:08
Keybukmdke: probably sendmail package bug then, hasn't cleaned up after itself04:08
mdkeKeybuk: yeah, i think it is. It's at #4375204:08
Keybukif they were dpkg conffiles, you'd see either pc or rc as the status04:08
=== mdke nods
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iwjinfinity: d-i/fb=false made the install work properly.  But it's a regression from breezy, which installed just fine without.04:09
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Lathiatinfinity: hrm, i take it its also too late to change "Totem Movie Player" ?04:12
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mdkeLathiat: for the menu? It's currently "Movie Player", isn't it?04:15
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Lathiatmdke: yes04:20
mdkeLathiat: a few months back I suggested changing it in Ubuntu and upstream and got turned down on both occasions04:21
Lathiatmdke: hrm04:21
Lathiatmdke: to me it makes senmse, because all the other items are similar04:21
Lathiatand people e.g. in supprot channels will say "use totem" when people say "what movie player do i use" etc04:22
Lathiatdid ubuntu/upstream give reasoning?04:22
mdkeupstream rely on some spurious interpretation of the HIG04:22
mdkeI'll find the bug04:22
dholbachLathiat: pong04:22
mdkehttp://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331919 <- Lathiat 04:22
UbugtuGnome bug 331919 in general "Change Totem's entry in the GNOME menu" [Normal,Resolved: notabug]  04:22
dholbachKinnison: pong04:22
Kinnisondholbach: erm I've utterly forgotten what I pinged you about04:22
=== Kinnison looks sheepish
dholbachKinnison: something about icons?04:23
Lathiatdholbach: let me find the bug i just filed04:23
Kinnisondholbach: Erm, oh yeah, the g-p-m icon in the about is apparently wrong04:23
dholbachKinnison: seb128 pointed you and Lathiat to me about icons04:23
KinnisonOh and that, yes, bug lathiat04:23
dholbachKinnison: yes it is, i'll try to make that change happen as well - got a bug about it already - thanks.04:23
Lathiathrm why does the g-p-m icon disappear when the battery is full04:23
Lathiatthat seems like a silly default04:24
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KinnisonLathiat: because you have it set to show the icon only when charging or discharging04:24
mdkeyes, I don't think that is the default04:24
UbugtuMalone bug 46752 in ubuntu-artwork "network monitor icon changes offset when activity occurs" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  04:24
Lathiati havent touched a thing04:24
Lathiatfresh install04:24
dholbachLathiat: that bug is already filed04:24
mdkeKinnison: is that still the default?04:24
Lathiatdholbach: oh? i couldnt see it04:24
Lathiati have opened the prefs dialog to gpm, but didnt change anything04:24
dholbachLathiat: duplicate of bug 4565804:24
ograKinnison, dholbach, mind fixing bug 45536 alongside (whoever fixes the icon prob of you two) ?04:24
UbugtuMalone bug 45658 in ubuntu-artwork "Human netstatus icone" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4565804:24
UbugtuMalone bug 45536 in gnome-power-manager "Shutdown, but logoff" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4553604:24
Kinnisonmdke: yes, and no I'm *NOT* talking about it04:24
Lathiateh thats a terrible title :)04:25
dholbachLathiat: i agree04:25
dholbachogra: thanks04:25
mdkeKinnison: ok. Is there a bug report which explains the reasons for that choice of default?04:25
dholbachKinnison: mind if I add that dependency?04:25
Kinnisonogra: that bug is very odd04:25
Kinnisondholbach: Go for it04:25
=== Kinnison is amazed it started up at all without hal present
dholbachKinnison: rock on04:26
ograKinnison, but the dep should be there, seb128 is right :)04:26
dholbachof course is seb128 right :-p04:26
ograhehe, yes, indeed i wouldnt doubt that04:26
=== dholbach wears the seb128 fanboy T-Shirt
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=== seb128 hugs dholbach
ogracan you bring soem to paris ? 04:26
sivangdholbach: I also want one :)04:27
seb128edubuntu CD hates me04:28
seb128everytime I do a new rsync it seems to download the whole CD again04:28
pygisivang, I need bzr repo for HUB04:28
ograsivang, there is a bug in bzrk, it doesnt show the diff window 04:28
ograsivang, if youre after fixing dapper bugs ;)04:28
sivangogra: hmm, does it crash or something? or just not show it?04:28
ograsivang, you can click on the little icon that should bring up the diff window and get a traceback test yourself :) ... its not merely critical, but youre already in that code so i tought you might be intrested to fix it ;)04:30
ograseb128, but you noted that the isos are not named alternate and desktop ?04:30
iwjI take it I'm not mistaken when I think that DapperUpgrades doesn't really apply to kubuntu.  I'll use DapperReleaseNotes/Kubuntu instead.04:30
mobergJaneW: how does it go with the mentors?04:30
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pygimoberg, hm, what do you mean?04:30
Riddelliwj: you're right, it doesn't04:31
moberg"<JaneW> moberg: we had some duplication issues just before the announcements were made, so there was some frantic shuffling, BUT the mentor assignment function is currently frozen, so I am waiting for google to give me access again"04:31
seb128ogra: I do use "rsync -azvP cdimage.ubuntu.com::cdimage/edubuntu/daily/current/dapper-install-amd64.iso dapper-install-edubuntu-amd64.iso"04:31
sivangogra: sure, I will take a look then :)04:31
sivangpygi: just a sec04:32
ograseb128, works for me 04:32
seb128ogra: I just tried an install with the image from the 24th which didn't work (kino not installable)04:32
mobergpygi: i have not been assigned any mentor yet :/04:32
iwjRiddell: Right.  I've updated Testing/Current's table.04:32
ograseb128, amd64 was oversized until 24th04:32
seb128ogra: waiting for the rsync to be done to try again ;)04:32
sivangpygi: https://launchpad.net/people/sivan/+branch/hubackup/devel-main04:32
ogra   688644096 100%    3.76MB/s    0:02:54  (1, 100.0% of 1)04:32
ograwroks fine here 04:32
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seb128ogra: BTW why do you use the ugly xorg cursor? to spare the disk space of a nice cursor theme?04:33
ograseb128, the cursor was set in Xorg since warty to jimmac/Human as default, i didnt know we'd move that into the artwork packages04:34
Riddelliwj: thanks04:34
Riddellogra: it's never been in xorg04:34
pygisimira, thanks :)04:35
pygimoberg, pm please04:35
ograRiddell, so why did it work for me without -artwork installed before ? and now i need -artwork ? 04:35
Riddellogra: dunno, but I've always had to ship a kubuntu copy of the cursor theme04:36
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seb128ogra: maybe you were using a cursor from industrial or xcursor-themes by example?04:37
ograwe never used a specific cursor in edubuntu 04:37
ograit was always there by default 04:38
ograi'll look into it 04:38
theineHi, I heard of quite a few reports about Espresso's buggy behaviour. Is there any substance to that? I haven't tried it myself04:39
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Riddelltheine: try it an find out?04:41
Riddelltheine: it's call ubiquity now04:41
fabbionetheine: not anymore.04:41
pygimoberg, you around still?04:41
pygisivang, just pulling the source04:41
mobergpygi: yepp04:41
pygimoberg, well, you reading my PM?04:41
mobergpygi: yes, and i've replied :)04:42
pygiergh, wait04:42
pygimoberg, try responding again :-/04:42
theineRiddell: well, in case it works for me, i still don't have very good statistics...04:42
theinefabbione: that's nice to know04:42
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fabbionetheine: well like any new development project it had bugs.. also bad ones. Nothing to hide. They have been addressed and fixed.04:43
fabbionetheine: but there will be always one true test.. your :)04:43
fabbionetheine: Kamion did an amazing job there to get them sorted and killed.04:44
fabbionetheine: but rumors are more difficult than bugs to kill04:44
Kamiontheine: what fabbione said. I've certainly had a lot of bug reports (very many of them duplicates, incidentally), but I only want to hear about real bugs, not rumours of bugs04:45
theineKamion: yes, of course04:45
Kamionand yes, it was being done on a very tight schedule so the version in especially the beta release was pretty ropey04:45
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pygimoberg, just join #socdiss04:47
theineAnyway, I'm glad you guys sorted out the ubiquity bugs. Great work, I really appreciate it.04:48
mobergpygi: done04:48
infinityiwj: It's a known regression on a very small subset of hardware, while we've fixed the framebuffer for a much larger subset of other hardware. :/04:49
infinityiwj: I'd like to get it perfect for everyone (and probably can for edgy), but I need access to hardware like yours, and I need to not do it 5 days before release. :)04:49
sivangpygi: I just upgraded to knits, so if you branched 30 minutes ago, you might using the old format.04:54
pygisivang, ah,ok04:55
sivangpygi: did you have trouble branching from me?04:55
iwjinfinity: Sure.  I mean, it doesn't hugely bother me but I thought you should know.04:56
pygisivang, it stopped at like 30% or something :P04:56
mobergIm in need of a mentor for my SoC project. "Applications to improve Ubuntu", the task that I has in mind is to write an application, "Desktop panel look-and-feel mode changer". But i need a mentor to get started04:56
sivangpygi: crap, sorry, this is probably because I upgraded to knits during that time04:57
sivangpygi: just rm -rf and bzr branch again04:57
pygisivang, just doing now :)04:57
=== moberg is now known as moberg_
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neuralismoberg_: vuntz said he'd be ok with mentoring you.04:58
iwjRiddell: Is it really your considered opinion that editing the sources.list with adept is easier than (say) vi, ed, or cat ?04:59
moberg_neuralis: great!05:00
vuntzmoberg_: hi :-)05:00
moberg_vuntz: hi there :)05:00
Riddelliwj: for GUI type people yes05:00
iwjYou must be joking.05:00
moberg_vuntz: have you read my application?05:00
vuntzmoberg_: in fact, I'm wondering if seb128 would have more time than me :-)05:00
vuntzmoberg_: yep05:00
iwjIt's really freaky and keeps undoing stuff and the instructions on ReleaseNotes are IMO hopeless.05:00
vuntzI guess I can help mentoring, but I might be a bit short in time. Maybe co-mentoring with seb128 would be the best solution?05:01
KaiL.torrent fie for ubuntu-6.06-rc-desktop-i386.iso broken?05:01
=== mvo points iwj to his upgrade tools and runs
seb128vuntz: I would be happy by co-mentoring, I'll have a month of June busy05:01
seb128vuntz: 1 week of VAC, 1 week of summit and GUADEC ....05:01
pygivuntz, then please do talk with JaneW about assigning you05:01
iwjRiddell: `will allow you to change the distribution from breezy to dapper'.  Ie, on each line, click and click again until you get to edit the `distribution' box, and then edit `breezy' into `dapper' and then _press return_ (or it discards your change) and go on to the next line ...05:02
vuntzpygi: I have a query opened with JaneW, but she's probably away right now :-)05:02
iwjmvo: I'm supposed to be testing what the user is going to do.  The user is going to follow the release notes.05:02
JaneWvuntz: hello, ping05:02
vuntzwell, she's here now :-)05:03
pygivuntz, see? :)05:03
vuntzpygi: it's because of your magic!05:03
iwjmvo: But, you have upgrade tools for kubuntu ?05:03
pygisivang, is your bzr archive pullable?05:03
pygiI got some errors :-/05:03
JaneWvuntz:  will you mentor http://code.google.com/soc/ubuntu/app.html?csaid=moberg.peter%40gmail.com%3Af237bdd2%3Aa4b48a6d please? The student is moberg_ , and he wants communicate with his mentor.05:04
iwjOh and don't forget to click `apply' before `close' or it just discards your changes.05:04
mvoiwj: *cough* it will work fine on kubuntu - but its not the official and blessed way there05:04
iwjmvo: Maybe it should be.05:04
vuntzJaneW: looks like seb128 and I just decided to co-mentor moberg_ :-)05:04
neuralismvo: would you be okay with mentoring the zeroconf apt proxy?05:04
vuntzJaneW: so you can put either seb128 or me as mentor in the google webapp05:05
neuralismvo: you had expressed interest in the comments.05:05
pygineuralis, he also has one higher priority project05:05
diemanhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/manpages/+bug/6416 and http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=348028 are depressing to stare at.05:05
UbugtuMalone bug 6416 in manpages "Symlink to missing manpage is installed." [Minor,Confirmed]  05:05
mvoneuralis: I'm certainly interessted, I mentor someone else though. I would still be happy to give input. AFAIK doko voiced some interesst05:05
infinityOkay, guys, I'm exhausted from the marathon session yesterday, and working a fair chunk of today.  I'm off to bed.05:05
JaneWvuntz: are you happy for me to put you are the 'official' mentor (for admin purposes) since seb128 has one already?05:05
iwjinfinity: Sleep well.05:05
sivangpygi: it is05:06
JaneWvuntz: how you actually divide the responsibility is up to you05:06
neuralisinfinity: 'night, get some sleep.05:06
sivangpygi: what errors did you get?05:06
vuntzJaneW: it's not important to me (I'm already (co-)mentoring two projects for GNOME)05:06
JaneWmoberg_: congrats, you have 2 mentors :)05:06
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moberg_JaneW: :)05:06
mvoiwj: I'm not sure if Riddell would be happy about it, it drag in some gtk packages - OTOH the source is designed to make new frontends easy, for edgy we can probably get a qt version05:06
vuntzJaneW: so you can take this for a "yes" if it makes your life easier ;-)05:06
pygineuralis, can you find someone else for that?05:06
pygiwe also need admin for "ubuntu welcome center"05:06
pygisivang, sent you in pm05:06
mvoneuralis: this is not your application, is it?05:07
JaneWvuntz: excellent thanks, not I just need google to open the interface so I can actually do the assigning05:07
neuralismvo: ha, no. :)05:07
infinityKeybuk: Did we ever confirm that all (or some) of the new desktop CDs seem happy?05:07
seb128moberg_: probably better to hang on #ubuntu-desktop than here to discuss desktop changes to do ;)05:07
pygisivang, I'll try again :)05:07
Riddella port of the upgrade tool to kubuntu is in my edgy plans05:07
sivangpygi: okay, I will try myself from scratch05:07
neuralispygi: mvo mentioned doko, could you ping him about it? if no one can be found, i'm open to the possibility of mentoring it myself, and consulting with mvo as we go along.05:08
Keybukinfinity: I'm still rsyncing them05:08
Keybukwas going to a burn-them-all-and-test-them-all run05:08
Keybukseeing as I have all three arches in front of me now05:08
pygineuralis, I can surely try05:08
mvoneuralis: I'm happy to co-mentor, I like the idea, but I think it needs some serious thought about the design05:09
Keybukabout ~1hr I guess05:09
infinityKeybuk: Ahh, fair enough.  Yell at me in backscroll if something seems goofy about them, I'm going to go catch a nap longer than 2 hours this time. :/05:09
pygianyone here interested in mentoring "ubuntu welcome center"?05:09
sivangpygi: I am , what does it invlove?05:09
=== seb128 runs :p
=== vuntz slaps seb128
pygisivang, you can see it here05:10
=== sivang pokes
pygibtw. sivang it seems that bzr is pulling OK now05:10
pygiwe'll see tho05:10
sivangpygi: cool05:10
Kamionmoberg_: BTW for your first application, grub-reboot is the tool you want05:11
neuralismvo: yes, agreed. it's very easy to come up with a completely broken design for it.05:11
Kamionmoberg_: may not quite work in dapper - I don't remember for sure - but it should definitely work once we merge from Debian early edgy05:11
Kamionmuch better than futzing with menu.lst05:12
pygisivang, if you are interested in mentoring that, just poke JaneW about it05:13
JaneWsivang: you want Ubuntu Welcome Center  ?05:13
sfllawKamion: Of course.05:14
fabbionezakame: ping?05:15
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sivangJaneW: well, if nobody else want to love it, I will, but having a co-mentor in fallback mode when I require specific things could be good.05:15
sivangJaneW: but I am interested, yes.05:15
=== Kamion scratches his head furiously at bug 46743
UbugtuMalone bug 46743 in ubiquity "Installer crashed during language pack installation" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4674305:16
sivangJaneW: also, I'm short of some t-shirts :p05:17
JaneWsivang: we may have another plan05:19
JaneWwe have an unallocated official mentor...05:20
pygisivang, I'll get three...need one? :)05:21
sivangJaneW: no prob05:22
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sivangpygi: nah, 'sokay , was joking.05:23
sivangpygi: if I don't help a SoC applicant I would not feel comfortable to wear one :p05:26
pygisivang, :)05:26
Kamionmdz: bug 46743 is because g-s-t offers an option to install NTP, which just uses synaptic to install them on the spot - but that fails because the debconf db is locked05:27
UbugtuMalone bug 46743 in ubiquity "Installer crashed during language pack installation" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4674305:27
Kamion(by ubiquity)05:27
pygisivang, you'll be "mentoring" that Annant guy anyway :)05:27
=== FelixF [n=ff@62-30-160-35.cable.ubr07.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzKamion: I don't see what we can do about it05:28
mdzthey could also open Synaptic separately and then try to run Ubiquity; I assume that'd fail too05:28
Kamionyeah, but this is an option presented (indirectly) by ubiquity05:29
Kamionactually it might be possible to make the installation work if file descriptors were connected up properly, but not really for dapper05:29
Kamionmy other thought is to somehow catch the invocation of synaptic by g-s-t (e.g. by munging its $PATH and installing a little wrapper script) and queue the packages for installation instead05:30
KamionI would ignore it for dapper if it wasn't that it fucks up ubiquity later05:30
Kamionin a highly non-intuitively-obvious way05:31
mdzsfllaw: how is the fire hose tasting today?05:31
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mdzKamion: I'd say we should invoke g-s-t in a way which causes it not to offer the option05:32
sfllawmdz: The water is foul.05:32
dokoneuralis: I did talk with JaneW about mentoring apt-proxy05:34
mvoKamion: what about adding a option to time-admin "--installer-mode" and that will hide the install-ntp button?05:34
Kamionmdz: I've been trying to figure out how to do that. It apparently chooses whether to offer the option based on whether synaptic is on $PATH.05:34
Kamionmvo: that would work, although an environment variable might be simpler05:34
Kamion(in patch volume, if nothing else)05:34
mvoKamion: yeah, even better05:34
mdzsfllaw: anything I should know about?05:34
=== nuzzy [n=nuzzy@24-54-46-53.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvoKamion: I can do that quickly if you want05:35
Kamionperhaps $NO_INSTALL_NTP?05:35
nuzzyany talk of getting CUPS 1.2.1 in?05:35
Kamionmvo: yes, please05:36
mvoKamion: GST_NO_INSTALL_NTP ?05:36
mdzKamion: are the current amd64 DVDs built with fixed squashfses?05:36
Kamionmvo: works for me05:38
\shdid anybody work with SE Linux Kernel feature and ubuntu server?05:38
Kamionmdz: No. I'll trigger a build now.05:38
mdzKamion: thanks05:38
Kamionmvo: I've assigned half of 46743 to you, then05:39
infinity\sh: We didn't concentrate on any SELinux stuff for this release, no.  I suspect it'll get looked at a bit more in edgy.05:39
mvoKamion: done, testing it now 05:39
\shinfinity: ok..then you get some testresults next week....our security guy is testing now ubuntu server kernel with se linux and the utilities :)05:39
\shour suse consultant is getting nervous right now05:40
infinity\sh: Err, we don't enable SEL in the Ubuntu kernels at all...05:41
KeybukI thought we did05:41
tsengwe did, once05:41
\sh [*]    NSA SELinux Support    05:41
mdzinfinity: we certainly do05:41
Keybukquest scott% grep SELINUX /boot/config-2.6.15-23-amd64-k805:41
mdzthat is, we build in the support but don't turn it on by default05:42
tsengit is totally passive by default.05:42
Keybukyou just have to boot with selinux=on or something, right?05:42
Keybuktseng: like infinity then ;)05:42
tsengthe kernel command line can give you various levels of enforcement05:42
infinitymdz: Oh, so we do.  I just never noticed until I grepped the config.05:42
infinity(Could have something to do with it being disabled by default)05:43
tsengthe policies for debian have never really been worked on enough05:43
\shat least we can enable it from the boot loader which is enough for us right now...05:43
tseng\sh: you should help flesh out the base policies :)05:44
iwjAh, lovely, themes turning up now, after the last moment of course.05:44
mdziwj: you have no idea how deep that particular swamp goes05:44
\shtseng: if we can push ubuntu for this company ubuntu will get more SEL love 05:45
ajmitchthe policies are being worked on for debian, and I was hoping to do something about it for edgy..05:47
ajmitchsince it just wasn't useful working on the reference policy for dapper05:48
=== bmon [n=monnahan@102.Red-81-37-239.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== hunger sees lots of "Use of uninitialized value in print at /var/lib/defome/scripts/gs.defoma line 108" when upgrading from breezy to dapper.
infinityhunger: We know.05:49
hungerIs that known? Well, it is not releasecritical anyway.05:49
infinityiwj: I guess you never dug to the bottom of that one?05:49
=== sivang got used to ignoring these.
infinityhunger: It's harmless, just ugly.05:49
infinityhunger: And has been happening for eons.05:50
iwjinfinity: No.05:50
\shok..travelling home now...cu later this night :)05:50
hungerinfinity: Strange... I have not noticed it in a long time. Must have gotten used to it:-)05:50
iwjinfinity: It's ages ago now but it was quite deep (and not always reproducible) and since it's really just cosmetic I thought I'd leave it.05:51
infinityiwj: Yeah, at this point, it's too late, but cosmetic counts for a lot, so I would like to see it solved for edgy, maybe.05:52
=== bddebian will "fix" it ;-)
hungerinfinity: The messed up shutdown graphics in kubuntu are really ugly and way more visible:-( I assume people are looking into that though.05:53
infinityiwj: Cosmetic counts for A) people wanting Ubuntu to be as shiny as possible, but also B) the 8000 people who report this bug in both Debian and Ubuntu becuase OMG, MY SYSTEM MUST BE BROKEN!05:53
infinityhunger: I've not even booted a kubuntu CD, but I've heard talk of this, yes.  I should check it out after I sleep.05:53
Riddellhunger: on which CD?05:53
hungerRiddell: I have a current dapper updated all the way from breezy.05:53
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bddebianI have a kubuntu install CD I can try if you want?05:55
iwjmdz: Oh, it turns out I was wrong.  I've just found the .upload file.  But the package isn't in the archive.05:55
hungerRiddell: I have had this problem (either messed up graphics or blue text) ever since you introduced the graphical shutdown.05:56
mdziwj: it's not in the queue either05:56
hungerRiddell: Actually I saw the proper graphics a couple of times, but mostly it is a huge mess.05:56
Kamioniwj: what was the package name? I'll check the logs05:56
hungerRiddell: It does work perfectly once the splash-thingy is restarted during the shutdown process.05:57
Kamioniwj: (and date of upload, if you can)05:57
iwjupload.ubuntu.com Thu May 18 16:15:02 200605:58
Keybuksome wise guy changed the behaviour of snprintf05:58
mdzKeybuk: eh?05:58
Keybukmdz: snprintf used to return -1 if size wasn't big enough05:59
Keybuknow it seems to return "the length of the string you need to allocate"05:59
Kamioniwj: I think you forgot to sign it, and a known LP bug meant that you didn't get told.05:59
Kamion15:15:06 DEBUG   Verifying signature on ubuntu-php-firefox-human_0.4.1_source.changes05:59
Kamion15:15:06 DEBUG   UploadError made it out of .process()05:59
Kamion -> http://librarian.launchpad.net/2732104/xNqik8vaaoIanbEQPuBHrMqWhqz.txt (GPG verification of ubuntu-php-firefox-human_0.4.1_source.changes failed: No data)05:59
mdzKeybuk: I think it's always been that way in glibc06:00
mdzthough it varies elsewhere06:00
Kamioniwj: can you sign and reupload?06:00
Keybukmdz: glibc 2.1 it changed, apparently06:00
iwjUh, so I didn't.  I blame cvs-buildpackage.06:00
mdzKeybuk: i.e. before the dawn of time06:00
desrtmjg59; i want to be elite like you06:00
desrtmjg59; how are you so cool?06:00
iwjI need to get the latest version anyway.06:00
Keybukmdz: hey, I started on Linux in the days before shadow passwords and when we still had the BSD libc ;)06:01
Keybukiwj still has the BSD libc on this laptop, iirc ;)06:01
desrtmjg59; specifically, know any good techniques for finding out what is happening in the wee moments after my macbook wakes up?06:01
mvoKamion: ok to upload g-s-t now? "export GST_NO_INSTALL_NTP=1" will work now06:02
iwjKeybuk: SuSv3 specifies the new (sane) behaviour.  http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/snprintf.html06:02
iwjUrr, actually, no.06:02
Keybukiwj: C99 does06:03
iwjThey fail to specify what happens if your buffer is too small but nonzero.06:03
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KeybukC99 has nice things actually06:04
Keybuk"If n is zero, nothing is written, and s may be a null pointer."06:04
mdzmvo: ping?06:04
mvomdz: pong06:04
Kamionmvo: yes please06:05
Kamion+        time_admin_env['GST_NO_INSTALL_NTP']  = '1'06:05
mjg59desrt: What are you running?06:05
desrtmjg59; dapper on a spiffy new white macbook06:06
sivangogra: I have a patch :)06:06
mjg59Using boot camp?06:06
sivangogra: re: bzrk06:06
desrtusing the legacy booting capability of the new firmware06:06
mjg59What currently happens?06:06
desrti've tried the usual suspects06:06
desrtie: close down X, remove drivers, echo 3 into the sleep file manually06:07
ograsivang, great06:07
desrtbasically, it sleeps just fine06:07
desrtbut when it wakes up it's dead06:07
mjg59acpi_sleep=s3_bios and removing the "quiet" boot option may result in some output on resume06:07
sivangogra: will upload shortly06:07
ograthanks :)06:07
sivangogra: you're welcome!06:07
desrtscreen fails to come back and even the capslock is screwed06:07
desrtk.  lemme try that.06:07
=== desrt needs to install grub >:|
mjg59desrt: Given that grub won't work, I wouldn't recommend it06:08
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desrtoh.  what's wrong with it?06:08
mjg59Uses unimplemented BIOS functions06:08
desrti can just toss that acpi_sleep argument at the end of the lilo line, right?06:09
desrtlike 'dapper acpi_sleep=s3_bios'06:09
mjg59But you need to remove "quiet" as well06:10
=== mjg59 goes for a meeting
desrtthx for the tip.06:10
hungermjg59: Do you know of any progress on the shutdown-after-resume issue on some thinkpads?06:10
=== mvo needs more RAM
Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-1.0.8.diff <- OK to upload?06:11
Kamionglade changes are tiny and tested, rest should be obvious06:11
mvourgh, I just uploaded without puting a debdiff up (looked at the diff beforehand of course)06:12
iwjOh, bloody hell, Frank Schoep's crazy box has vanished entirely now.06:13
highvoltagemvo: who doesn't? :)06:13
Kamionmvo: I'd have expected a one- or two-liner anyway06:13
Kamionjust add getenv("GST_NO_INSTALL_NTP") to the relevant if06:13
mvoKamion: yes, that is what I did06:14
desrtbah.  no love.06:14
=== pitti [n=pitti@217-162-174-5.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtgood morning06:16
pitticongrats to the RC! So you guys could fix the amd64 sqashfs issue?06:16
pittihi desrt 06:16
pygihello pitti, and congrats on mentoring :)06:16
seb128hey pitti06:16
mdzKamion: did we find any safe workaround for the button sensitivity/focus issue?06:16
pittiseb128: greetings from Switzerland!06:16
=== desrt wonders if the -imac kernel can sleep
sivangpitti: you in swiss ? :)06:17
thompitti: read scott's changelog for squashfs . it's pretty funny06:17
pittisivang: yes, visiting a friend of mine and Zurich06:17
seb128pitti: how is Switzerland? enjoying it? ;)06:17
=== mvo waves to pitti
sivangpitti: oh cool!06:17
=== sivang hugs pitti
mvopitti: don't forget to buy some chocolate 06:17
mvoand cheese06:17
=== mvo ponders what else switzerland is famous for
pygimvo, watches :)06:18
thommountains, but they're tricky to buy06:18
pygiclocks :-P06:18
pygithom, lol :)06:18
pittithom: lol :) not that it would tell me what the bug was, but it's nice to read06:18
pittimvo: Cheese, mountains, Victorinox Swiss Army Knifes06:18
seb128thom: if you can go to space you can probably buy a mountain too :p06:18
thomseb128: true true. although taking it home in one piece might be entertaining06:19
mdzKamion: OK to upload06:19
seb128thom: right ;)06:19
iwjWoohoo.  I upgraded kubuntu breezy -> dapper and now it's completely hosed.06:19
iwjI'll see if it's any better after a reboot.06:19
seb128mdz: did you read that mail about poppler issue?06:19
seb128opinion on it?06:19
mdzseb128: no06:19
pittiKeybuk: *hug*06:20
mdzseb128: where?06:20
seb128mdz: the mail is on ubuntu-devel06:20
seb128patch from bug #24970 is an ABI change it looks like06:21
UbugtuMalone bug 24970 in poppler "evince crashes when highlighting text at line end" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2497006:21
UbugtuMalone bug 42075 in tetex-base "includegraphics fails" [Normal,Confirmed]  06:21
seb128is due to it06:21
Riddelliwj: you'll need to restart kde06:21
=== mvo gets the impression that iwj is not a big fan of modern gui environments
pittiseb128: argh, did you see this poppler shlibs bump email?06:23
seb128pitti: cf what I'm saying on that chan06:23
pittiseb128: oh, right, you are discussing it right now06:23
mdzseb128: looks like it should probably be reverted, but this can wait until after release06:24
pittiseb128: revert patch or rebuild packages?06:24
iwjRiddell: Why do the instructions not say to do so ?06:24
seb128pitti: revert patch and then rebuild packages?06:24
pittiseb128: why both?06:24
iwjRiddell: And I quickly figured out I needed to restart it but when I tried I got a semiinfinite series of dialogue boxes telling me that various crap was hopelessed buggered.  Segfaults all round.06:25
mdzpitti: if packages were built with the changed libpoppler they might need to be rebuilt06:25
seb128pitti: because if the ABI change we probably want to revert it, no?06:25
pittiseb128: TBH, rebuilding the rdepends seems safer to me06:25
pittihm, as you wish06:25
pittimdz: right, that06:25
iwjHow can I file an RC bug against the upgrade instructions ?06:25
seb128I don't really wish anything, I'm not sure of what is the best06:25
pitti's why I favor rebuilding rdepends06:25
seb128but as pointed by mdz we need to rebuild either way06:25
zulpitti: there is a security fix for the phpmyadmin ill attach a debdiff with the patches to the bug is that ok or should i just upload it?06:25
mdzpitti: how many packages are affected in each case?06:25
seb128pitti: but we make us binary incompatible with rest of the world then?06:26
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iwjI mean, has anyone actually _tried_ these upgrade instructions ?  Because new users who get a bit queasy because of lots of warnings from defoma are going to be completely freaked by the kubuntu breezy->dapper experiences I've just had.06:26
seb128mdz: to main, probably like 4 or 506:26
mdzseb128: in both cases?06:27
seb128mdz: no, if we don't roll the patch out it looks like only tetex-bin needs a rebuild06:27
pittiseb128: is that an issue? if so, well, then we can revert the bug fix, too, but I wouldn't be so happy about reintroducing a bug06:27
pittimdz: around 606:27
ograiwj, i have some upgrade tests on my todo (at least for edubuntu) since i'm listed for them in sfllaw's table on Testing/Current06:27
seb128I would just rebuild tetex-bin then06:27
mdzseb128: everything else has already been built with the new lib?06:27
seb128<iegary> seb128: all the packages except tetex-bin (not sure about kdegraphics) have been built since the change06:27
iwjmvo: I'm not particularly a fan of the modern GUI for myself but I can see why some people would like it.  What I'm really not a fan of is broken stuff !06:28
iwjogra: Right.  Err, do you mean `I haven't tried it so it may be rough' which is fine or `I would like you to try it and rant at me about the bugs' ? :-)(06:28
pittizul: go ahead, I'll be away again soonish, and I can't do much here anyway06:28
seb128mdz: should we do a rebuild upload for tetex-bin now?06:28
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zulpitti: ok ill do an upload tonight when i get home06:28
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ograiwj, that meant "i'll try them as well and i can tell you later if it works for ubuntu or edubuntu"06:29
iwjogra: Ah, right.06:30
iwjI was trying the kubuntu thing because my name was in the box saying I should try it :-).06:30
ograyeah :)06:30
Kamionmdz: I haven't revisited the button sensitivity/focus issue since yesterday06:30
Kamionmdz: I'd like to sort it out if possible, though. sabdfl wants me to upload on Monday with updated translations ...06:31
iwjmdz: That theme package is FTBFS :-(.  Do you want me to upload it anyway so it's in the archive where we can edit it ?06:32
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iwj(I'm looking into it to try to see if there's an obvious quick fix.)06:33
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KamionRiddell: I'm also expecting a patch from you at some point to turn off the KDE media notifier while running ubiquity; given that Monday's a bank holiday, are you going to be able to get that to me before then?06:33
iwjogra: I've just been doing _k_ubuntu.  I'll probably try a few others at some point but perhaps not today.06:41
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KaiLeeks - afaik killed Partitions with graphical installer?!06:48
mjg59KaiL: In English?06:48
KaiLmjg59, on heise.de somebody writes about a destroyed NTRFS partition with the graphical installer - not beta1, RC :(06:49
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iwjmdz: No, I don't see a quick fix for this themes thing but I don't really know what's been going on.  Obviously some stuff has moved.06:52
KaiLhttp://www.heise.de/newsticker/foren/go.shtml?read=1&msg_id=10498744&forum_id=98195 - not really that much details...06:52
ograKaiL, i dont have a heise account anymore, if you have one, please ask him to file a bug06:52
desrtmjg59; no love on the commandline option06:53
mjg59desrt: No debug love for you, then06:53
desrtsucks, huh?06:53
desrti have another sad story06:53
desrtelilo loads and says 'Loading initrd.img...done'[newline]  and then locks up06:53
desrtnot insanely important since legacy booting is fine but still sort of weird06:53
desrtthis one should be easier to diagnose, though06:54
KaiLogra, got blocked for too much trolling? ;)06:54
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ograKaiL, nope, stopped posting ~2 years ago because that forum is simply pointless06:55
KaiLtoday it's better that pro-linux (where they only have anti-gnome-rant)06:55
desrtmjg59; any suggestions for next step with sleep?06:55
desrtmjg59; oh... one thing i should mention... with the s3_bios option, i have to echo 3 into the sleep file twice... the first time, it gets ignored06:55
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mdziwj: not much point in uploading it if it doesn't build07:01
mdziwj: is the failure in Frank's PHP magic or in the packaging?07:02
mdziwj: if the former, please ask him to see if he can get it building again07:02
iwjmdz: The failure is that it can't find some icons that it's trying to slurp from the input themes.  Presumably those input themes have stopped shipping those files for some reason.07:02
iwjApparently this happened once before.07:03
iwjWho is responsible for packages like ubuntu-artwork, tangerine-icon-theme, tango-icon-theme and where can I find the discussions where they decide to change things ?07:03
Burgworkmvo, you around?07:03
seb128iwj: dholbach07:03
iwjI've been trying to keep track of ubuntu-art but it's very noisy if you don't much like discussing the merits of icons :-).07:04
iwjseb128, jsgotangco: ta.07:04
iwjdholbach: ping?07:04
dholbachiwj: pong07:04
iwjHello.  We're discussing (^) the FTBFS of the new ff theme package from Frank Schoep.07:04
iwjIt seems some files have moved or been removed.  Eg, /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/actions/dialog-apply.svg (not sure if that one was the one it found before, but some file like that).07:05
dholbachiwj: do you have a buildlog somewhere?07:05
mvoBurgwork: yes07:05
dholbach/usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/actions/dialog-apply.svg has never existed to the best of my knowledge07:05
iwjdholbach: Yes, just a mo ...07:06
dholbachonly /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/{filesystems,devices}/* yes, everything else, no07:06
dholbach(that's for scalable ones)07:06
dholbachmerci, looking07:07
dholbachand 21x21 never existed as well07:08
dholbach16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 for Human, yes07:08
iwjdholbach: It tries various things for each icon and picks the first one that exists.07:08
dholbach(oh well and add scalable)07:08
iwjIf you look at the bottom of that log, you see the files it tries [0] ..[7] .  At least one of those files must have existed previously, I think.07:09
dholbachtango-icon-theme-common: /usr/share/icons/Tango/scalable/actions/dialog-apply.svg07:09
dholbachand I'll make sure there's a Human variant as well07:10
iwjOh, has tango-icon-theme been split ?07:10
dholbachin fact it's a split off of tangerine-icon-theme07:10
sfllawSo... wvdial tickles a problem in the ltmodem driver.07:10
sfllawWhich hardlocks the machine.07:10
iwjI've got  Build-Depends: ubuntu-artwork, tangerine-icon-theme, tango-icon-theme, [image processing software] 07:10
dholbachto have icons that are common to both: tango-icon-theme and tangerine-icon-theme07:10
dholbachHuman does not have an icon for that metaphor07:11
dholbachand the checks for 21x21 should be either 22x22 (tango*-icons) or 24x24 (Human)07:12
iwjIs there somewhere where this kind of thing is discussed that Frank and I should be watching ?07:12
iwjdholbach: I think he's trying to make 21x21 icons.  I don't know why.07:12
iwjIs that wrong ?07:12
dholbachthen he has to rescale them, that's fine with me - I'm just saying that he won't find any of those in the icon themes we ship07:12
iwjI know nothing about icons; I got involved via firefox and made Frank's thing into a Debian-format source package.07:12
dholbachthere are bzr branches for tangerine and tango-common07:13
dholbachbut that's the most I can offer07:13
iwjdholbach: IC.  I don't think that matters.07:13
dholbachI merely packaged them.07:13
iwjHis script is indeed set up to rescale things if it doesn't find the size it wanted.07:13
iwjThat's why it looks for .png first and then .svg for each one.07:13
iwjOK.  That seems to have built.  I'll add the build-dependency on tango-icon-theme-common and upload it.07:14
iwjThanks muchly.07:14
dholbachIf there are other breakages, please tell me.07:14
dholbachI'm happy to double check that none of the icons went AWOL.07:14
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dholbach(which wouldn't surprise me given the fluctuation)07:15
iwjdholbach: OK.  I'll have a .deb shortly and you can check it for me ?07:16
dholbachI can try.07:16
iwjdholbach: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~ian/d/firefox-themes-ubuntu_0.4.2_all.deb07:18
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iwjmdz: dholbach helpfully told me what the problem was and it's uploading now.07:19
iwjmdz: now in NEW07:20
sfllawBenC: Ping.07:20
dholbachmdz: looks good so far.07:20
dholbachiwj: looks good so far.07:20
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Kamioniwj: what a weird source stanza in debian/control. I'm not sure I've ever seen one only three lines long before.07:23
Kamion(no Section, Priority, or Standards-Version)07:23
iwjOh, I should have put in a Standards-Version.07:24
iwjDo we use Section and Priority ?07:24
Kamioniwj: and the Depends is duplicated07:24
Kamionthey provide hints to soyuz in much the same way they provide hints to dinstall/dak07:24
Kamionthey're overridden, but usually trivially; dselect users will see the results07:25
iwjKamion: IC.07:25
mvowhat bribe would it take to get someone to work on bug 45267 for me?07:25
UbugtuMalone bug 45267 in libnotify "Notification with an image half hidden" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4526707:25
Kamionthere should be an actual debian/copyright in the source, per policy07:25
Kamion(I realise it's generated, but the output should be in the source)07:26
iwjKamion: the duplicated Depends is very strange.  I think I must have been in a hurry.  Thinking about it I shouldn't be treating this as `I did this ages ago'; I should be treating it as `new thing I've just invented' like it looks from your pov ...07:26
sfllawOK.  Lunch time.07:26
iwjAnd it was pretty freaky when I started so a 2nd round of review a week or three later is probably a good idea anyway.07:26
iwjIf you reject it I'll furtle it and upload again in a bit.07:27
Kamionno, I'll not stall the work on that, as I don't see anything that should actually be harmful - please just incorporate the above into the next upload07:28
KamionI've overridden the source to Section: web07:28
iwjOK.  Thanks.07:28
BenCsfllaw: pong07:29
sivangelmo: around?07:29
dokoanybody seen this with new installations? http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/Terminal-Buttons.png -> the background of buttons has a wrong color until you move the mouse over it07:29
dholbachdoko: ati driver?07:30
dokodholbach: yes07:31
dokoRadeon 920007:31
dholbachdoko: there should be a bug about it07:31
dholbachdoko: I suppose changing the Theme makes it work again?07:32
Burgworkiwj, one comment: you might want to avoid the use of "php" in a package name that has nothing to do with PHP, so as to avoid confusion07:32
=== slomo__ is now known as slomo_
sfllawBenC: Bug 4199107:33
UbugtuMalone bug 41991 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 "ltmodem use hangs 686 kernel" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4199107:33
sfllawIt's not something we can fix, is it?07:33
dokodholbach: if I change back, I see the wrong color again07:34
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dholbachdoko: that might be another ati <-> cairo related breakage07:35
iwjBurgwork: not my choice of package name.  You are of course entirely correct.  The binary package name is more sane.07:35
seb128doko: that's an ati driver issue, there is a zillion of dups already07:36
Burgworkiwj, yep, I see that07:36
iwjGah, this package is a pile of crap still.07:37
ograwhy does it have php in its name ?07:38
iwjBecause it's named after the CVS module in Frank's repo, which he decided to call `yada-php-yada' because he was going to write it in php.07:39
dholbachwhat is the package name? i-dont-like-php or what?07:39
ogradholbach, the one you were discussing with iwj the last half hour 07:39
dholbachI downloaded a firefox-themes-ubuntu deb07:39
ograthats the binary07:39
iwjYes, the source and binary have different names.  Do catch up at the back.07:39
ograi'm just wondering what php means there07:40
iwjIt means `this is a pile of php'.  This is silly, I know.  See above.07:41
sivangphp in firefox theme??07:41
iwjOr are you asking `why don't I rename it' ?07:41
ograah, sorry i'm blind07:41
iwjObviously I don't want to go around renaming source packages; that's just makework.07:42
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iwjKamion: re debian/copyright> `A copy of the file which will be installed in /usr/share/doc/package/copyright should be in debian/copyright in the source package' (policy s12.5), you mean ?07:44
iwjI'm afraid I can't comply with that because the copyright information for the binary package is generated at build-time.07:45
Kamioniwj: you build-depend on the relevant packages, which means that you can generate debian/copyright from your package's clean rule.07:45
Kamionyou might have to *re*generate it at build time too, but it will generally be pretty close. The purpose of having debian/copyright in the source package is so that ftpmaster can extract it in a scriptable way.07:46
iwjKamion: Hmm.07:46
iwjftpmaster wants the copyright of the _source_ package, not of the binary one.07:47
iwj(And policy should say `must' if it's a technical requirement of the archive system, surely?)07:47
BenCsfllaw: ok, checking on it07:47
KamionIn that case it's reasonable enough for debian/copyright in the source to be a straight copy of debian/copyright.in, and you can regenerate it for the binary packages later.07:47
iwjI suppose the binary package copyright will include the source package one.07:47
Kamioniwj: yes, well, I don't control Debian policy ...07:47
KamionIt's not *quite* a technical requirement - katie would put up big flashing warnings for the ftpmaster operating the tools if it's missing who would generally reject on that, though07:48
iwjIs this a feature of Debian ftpmaster as well as Ubuntu ?07:48
iwjRight, so the policy is wrong.07:48
Kamionmore than of Ubuntu, I'd say, given that soyuz doesn't yet do automatic copyright extraction07:48
KamionAFAIK the reason that requirement is in policy was because Debian's ftpmasters wanted it to be.07:49
Kamionthough interestingly http://release.debian.org/etch_rc_policy.txt is a bit ambiguous on that07:49
Kamionit just talks about the binary requirement07:50
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Kamioniwj: Hmm, perhaps I need to take back my words. I've just looked through katie's source and can't find the check for debian/copyright that I could have always sworn was there. Oh well.07:52
Kamionso whatever, I guess ...07:52
=== sladen wishes people would file separate bugs and not go hunting for duplicates...
Kamionsladen: amen07:53
karimis there a way to get the list of build-deps for a package ?07:54
Kamionkarim: apt-cache showsrc, or look in debian/control if you have the source package unpacked07:54
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karimKamion, my goal is to maje apt-build build the build dependencies07:55
karimKamion, apt-cache showsrc shows the list, but I don't know how to parse it, since it also includes version numbers between braquets07:55
Kamionwell yes you'll have to learn how to parse that. :-)07:56
Kamionthe definition is in the Debian policy manual07:56
karimdefinition of what ?07:57
Kamionor e.g. /usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl (parsedep) or python-apt have functions to parse it07:58
Kamiondefinition of the field format you say you don't know how to parse07:58
karimBuild-Depends-Indep: gettext (>= 0.13), po-debconf, po4a the line looks like that07:58
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karimKamion, that's horrible man08:01
karimKamion, briefly, how do I use that ?08:02
jdubiwj: ubuntu-*php*-firefox-human ... ?08:03
Kamionjdub: see scrollback08:03
jdubbizarre :)08:04
jsgotangcojdub: good morning?08:05
Kamionkarim: I don't have time for detailed technical support I'm afraid. If you're talking about the Perl one (which I believe is probably harder to use, nowadays) then there's an example in ubiquity/d-i/update-control. If you're talking about python-apt then I believe 'import apt_pkg; help(apt_pkg.ParseSrcDepends)' should help. Next time say which you mean ...08:05
jdubjsgotangco: evening still ;)08:05
karimKamion, I am not sure how to use that in a perl programm. I have done some perl, but well ...08:06
karimkarim, perl08:06
Kamionkarim: don't use the perl one if you aren't comfortable enough with perl, then ...?08:06
karimKamion, in fact anything. I use a system cal from perl, so I just need something that can return a string with the build deps08:06
karimperl or not it's fine08:06
Kamionmdz: I just noticed an issue in gparted; it emits FORMAT instructions to stdout whether or not it managed to do the partition creation, so ubiquity can be confused into thinking that it needs to create a filesystem when it really shouldn't08:07
Kamionmdz: this might be the cause of the heise article ogra referred to earlier, not that it's very clear, and of Billy's comment near the end of bug 4554308:08
UbugtuMalone bug 45543 in ubiquity "Serious Data Loss resizing partitions" [Major,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4554308:08
Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/gparted-fix-format-instructions.diff looks promising; could you eyeball it at least in principle?08:08
KamionI haven't set up a test environment yet and I'm about to finish for the week08:08
sladenjoin #ubuntu-bugs08:10
iwjKamion: just uploaded a saner version of that package, I think.  What a mess.08:10
=== mvo is off for dinner
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iwjMe too now.  Thanks everyone for bailing me out of this themes mess.08:13
haggaidoko: what's happening with apt-proxy? Any changes should be sent to me since there is a new release on the way with lots of changes08:15
dokohaggai: please look at the spec, it's not yet clear to me, how he wants to do that08:17
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haggaidoko: do you have a link to the spec?08:22
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sfllawBenC: It looks like TIOCGSERIAL or TIOCSSERIAL to the ltmodem device makes it pretty unhappy.08:31
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sfllawOr even TCGETS.08:32
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bddebianHello zyga08:36
=== zyga_ stays late at work :/
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tsengKamion: can we throw ifolder3 back out?09:04
sladenlaunchpad is out to lunch.09:05
ogratseng, whats wrong ? 09:06
tsengKamion: it never met the normal NEW review from MOTU/Mono Team which is pretty customary before such an upload09:06
=== tseng looks for it in revu archive
tsengdon't see it at all09:07
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ajmitchand it's missing build-deps09:07
tsengit was definately not up to par the last any of us saw it09:08
tseng(ubuntu/debian mono)09:08
lukaswayne9Has anyoene else noticed some very strange GTK rendering problems in dapper?09:08
ajmitchnot to mention that the versoin accepted is a few months old09:08
ograand it seems to not fulfill the "at least two cross reviews" policy09:08
tsengit was reviewed by several people09:09
tsengbut never approved09:09
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lukaswayne9Has anyone else noticed a lot of GTK2 rendering issues in the latest dapper?09:13
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KaiLmight be a problem with the graphics driver?09:15
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ogratseng, woah, how did that ever get past NEW ? i just ran lintian on the source09:16
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tsengogra: i told you09:18
tsengogra: its bad news09:18
bddebianWhat package?09:19
ograbut i just discovered it might be a prob on my side09:20
ograi'm out of diskspace09:21
BenCsfllaw: ok, I'll check that code path09:21
Riddelljordi: hi09:21
jordiRiddell: ok, so I need some help from you. Do you think you can give me a list of kubuntu packages in order of "visibility" importance?09:22
jordiie, which need to be translated first09:23
jordiI'm upping kdelibs to max priority first09:23
jordimore than packages, I need translation domains09:24
jordibecause that's what the list is about09:24
Riddelljordi: source packages, binary packages or .po files?09:24
Riddellyeah, so .po files09:24
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Riddelljordi: I'd say all the ones in kdelibs that we ship in language packs then all the ones in kdebase that we ship in language packs09:24
jordiif we could be a bit more specific, it'd be cool09:27
jordiI guess the kdelibs template is a lot more important than... ktexteditor-kdatatool or so09:27
Riddelljordi: I don't have a list of all the .po files from kdelibs/kdebase, can you get that for me?09:28
Riddellclever :)09:29
jordiI mean, if I would say gnome-panel, gnomesession and gtk are the *most* important files for gnome,w hat does that translate in the kde world?09:29
jordiit doesn't need to be three09:29
jordijust the stuff that shows more strings in normal usage etc09:29
jordiI want to do the must have at one level, then the graphical ones at another, then console stuff09:30
jdubjordi: (is this just for translation priorities, or do you want it to impact the translation stats/tables?)09:31
jordiit's just the sorting of the templates for now, but I guess there's lots of clever ways of using this data09:31
Riddell"kdelibs" is most important, then probably kicker, ksmserver and konqueror09:32
Riddellkdesktop too09:32
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jordisorting this out is going to take a while09:35
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sladenKamion: there's a static string in d-i that reads:  "Make sure that you allocate space for a root partition ("/"), with a minimum size of 1.5 GB, and a swap partition of at least 256 MB."  Does that need to be adjusted?09:40
KaiLhmm, mostly good comments about the RC - excet quite a lot Sound-Problems and the still not really good WPA support09:40
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KaiLsladen, 1.5GB for ubuntu dapper?!? I don't think, it'll work below 2.5, maybe 3...09:41
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jordiRiddell: how about libkicker*. Are those strings visible?09:55
jordivisible as the main kicker stuff09:55
Riddelljordi: yes, that too please09:55
jordiall of them?09:56
jordiie, libkicker-kdeprint09:56
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jordidoesn't sound *so* improtant :P09:56
Riddelljordi: just libkicker is fine09:57
Riddelloh and libkickermenu-systemmenu is used by default too09:57
Riddelllibkonq would be good too09:57
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jordimdke: ping10:01
dholbachmdz: ok to upload a new ubuntu-artwork?10:01
jordiRiddell: names of templates related to the help system you can think of?10:02
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mdkejordi: y010:07
dholbachKamion: ok to upload new ubuntu-artwork?10:07
Kamiontseng: as ftpmaster for several months I'd never heard of any of the review policies you mention, sorry10:08
Kamionsladen: it says 2 GB in my source10:09
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Kamiondholbach: what changes?10:09
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dholbachKamion: new icons from the designer10:10
jordimdke: what's the most important doc template, for the 3 flavs?10:10
dholbachKamion: fixes two bugs we have10:10
mdkejordi: for each three?10:11
dholbachbug 45168 and bug 3490010:11
UbugtuMalone bug 45168 in ubuntu-artwork "Todays update: OpenOffice Draw and Math not consistent with the rest of OOo icons" [Minor,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4516810:11
UbugtuMalone bug 34900 in ubuntu-artwork "desktop icon inconsistency" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3490010:11
jordimdke: well they mostly share names right'10:11
Kamiontseng: removed, anyway10:11
Kamiondholbach: ok10:11
dholbachKamion: merci10:12
mdkejordi: the serverguide and packaging guide which are in kubuntu and ubuntu are both in rosetta under ubuntu-docs... the desktopguides have been better translated so far than the others, but yeah, they are more important, I suppose. xubuntu only has desktop ;)10:12
mdkejordi: preface.pot in ubuntu-docs is used for all of them10:12
mvoanyone here know if it is save to purge ifrename on a upgrade? keybuk?10:13
Kamiontseng: would you mind talking to Mez and finding out what's up? it was uploaded like three months ago or so, I just couldn't quite face the NEW processing since as you say it was a bit broken - then when I came to it the other day I couldn't really see a cast-iron reason to reject10:13
Kamionmvo: wanna close bug 46743?10:14
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UbugtuMalone bug 46743 in gnome-system-tools "Installer crashed during language pack installation" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4674310:14
mvoKamion: thanks10:15
Kamionsladen: (Rosetta might not have been updated, but no worries, I'll munge the strings on import if not)10:16
jordimdke: ok I upped those a bit10:16
mdkejordi: thanks10:17
jordienough sorting for today10:17
jordiI need food and go out a bit10:18
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Riddelljordi: khelpcenter10:26
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Kamioniwj: firefox-themes-ubuntu binary accepted now too10:30
Kamionwill be available in universe from ~1hr from now10:30
mvomdz: ok to upload a new dist-upgrader ?10:34
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bgertzfieldhowdy chip!10:47
ChipX86hey Ben :)10:47
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mvohey ChipX86!10:56
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skateinmarshi everybody11:14
skateinmarsI was asking myself, will there be an update for the postegresql-8.1 package? Because the version of this package is 8.311:15
pygiskateinmars, no, not for dapper11:15
skateinmarsbut the latest version is 8.4, wich fixes security issues11:16
skateinmarserr, ok pygi 11:16
skateinmarsthank you for the answer11:16
pygiskateinmars, if those security bugs are critical fixes might be backported some time in future11:16
Kamionour postgresql maintainer also runs our security team; I'm confident he'll backport any security fixes that are needed11:17
skateinmarsok, I'm waiting so11:17
ChipX86hey mvo :)11:18
tsengKamion: I'll talk to him if i see him again11:18
tsengKamion: its been some time11:18
tsengKamion: as for the policy, its a general motu rule to upload all NEW packages to revu.tauware.de and get 2 other current motu's to approve of it11:19
tsengKamion: I am sure ogra can confirm that.11:19
Kamionok but I don't honestly think it's reasonable for ftpmaster to go and check that11:19
Kamionthe volume is too high11:19
tsengno, I agree11:19
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tsengit should be the job of a MOTU to adhere to it11:19
tsenghe was definately aware of revu11:19
Kamionno problem with you guys coming round to enforce it post-facto, of course11:19
Kamionhow about libflaim?11:20
tsengits like a code of honor kind of thing11:20
Kamionthat was the other one of the set11:20
Kamionit also didn't seem so bad11:20
tsenglibflaim has no use w/o ifolder311:20
tsengbut indeed, its not as bad11:20
KamionI've got no problem with leaving it there to help with locally-packaged versions of ifolder11:21
tsengI don't see a problem, either11:21
Kamionit wouldn't be the only unused-by-other-packages library in the archive11:21
tsengifolder can come back in edgy on better terms11:21
=== Kamion nods
tsengperhaps he even meant to upload to revu and horked up his dput11:22
tsengKamion: thanks for your time.11:22
bgertzfieldanyone familiar with linux-restricted-modules around? I may have some questions later; making a source package like it at the moment11:24
tsengbgertzfield: infinity owns it at present11:25
bgertzfieldtseng: many thanks11:25
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orph-i hear this is where the action is11:26
bgertzfieldorph-: well come.11:26
tsengorph-: nothing terribly exciting, actually.11:26
orph-tseng: lets spice it up then!11:27
tsenghaha maybe in 2 weeks, after release.11:27
jdubmorning orph- 11:27
tsengI suspect most people have a pounding headache atm11:27
orph-jdub: hey man11:28
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RiddellKamion, mdz: around to review ubiquity/qtparted changes?11:41
KamionI'm here for a bit11:42
RiddellI couldn't work out a way to turn off the medianotified, kdesu and dcop just don't want to talk to each other11:42
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Kamiontrying to work out how the qtparted change fixes 4640411:43
Kamionoh, it was blocking trying to write "0 OK" to stdout or something?11:43
mdkeRiddell: do you know how to get the menu items for kubuntu docs in khelpcenter translated?11:46
zygais there any way to translate grub help menu?11:46
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RiddellKamion: actually I might be getting my bug numbers mixed up there, 46404 was blocking because qtparted wasn't being passed "exit"11:46
zygathe one seen after pressing f1 in the boot menu?11:46
Riddellmdke: translate the .desktop files11:46
Kamionew, you really need to make qtparted exit when stdin goes away11:47
Kamion(in edgy now, I guess, but still)11:47
mdkeRiddell: maybe we can do that and add them to the package for -updates?11:47
tsengmdke: -updates wont go on the release media?11:47
KamionRiddell: ubiquity change looks ok, is it in your branch?11:47
mdketseng: I don't know, I wouldn't have thought so11:48
RiddellKamion: yes11:48
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RiddellKamion: I'm yet to work out how to get QSocketNotifier to tell me stdin has gone away, it has an exception signal but that doesn't seem to be it11:49
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KamionRiddell: right, merged and uploading, thanks11:54
KamionRiddell: go ahead with the qtparted change11:54
zygacan someone besides pitty kick the automatic daily langpack builds?11:55
RiddellKamion: I am right with qtparted being (half the) fix for 46404, it was because it didn't care if it applied the changes or not out just output "0 OK" whatever, now it knows to output "1 Cancel" if it doesn't11:55
Kamionzyga: don't think so11:55
RiddellKamion: thanks11:55
KamionRiddell: right, figures11:55
mvoRiddell: is kdmtheme manager a application for gnome-app-install? 11:56
mvo(or adept_installer)11:56
Riddellmvo: kdmtheme or kcontrol-kdmtheme?11:57
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jdubdunno why you'd damage a collector's item like this12:08
Kamionmdz: I've tried out that gparted patch under normal circumstances (all gparted operations work) and it seems to behave fine and issue the right instructions to ubiquity12:08
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mdkejdub: lol12:09
Kamionmdz: I'm going to be away much of the weekend and I'm not sure I'll have another opportunity, so I'll upload it12:09
mdkeRiddell: so shall I round up some translators to do that, and get them to send the translations to me so I can upload to svn?12:11
Riddellmdke: sure12:13
mdkeRiddell: do all the translations go in the same file?12:13
mdkeoh yeah12:13
mdkei see it12:13
dholbachanybody from the croatian guys in here? :)12:15
mdkeRiddell: maybe there is even some clever scripting someone could do to get the titles out of the xml files? I bet robotgeek or someone could do that?12:15
Riddellmdke: worth a shot12:15
mdkeRiddell: cool, thanks12:15
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Riddell22:57 < Riddell> mvo: kdmtheme or kcontrol-kdmtheme?12:16
mvoRiddell: kdmtheme12:16
Riddellmvo: dunno, never used it12:17
Riddellbut I suppose it is12:17
mvoRiddell: ok, thanks12:17
Riddellah, kdmtheme is a duplicate of kcontrol-kdmtheme12:19
Riddellhow do I request for removal?12:20
KamionRiddell: file a bug on the package, subscribe ubuntu-archive12:20
dholbachRiddell: file a bug for 'ubuntu-archive'12:20
lamontmdz: ping12:20
Kamion(don't assign ubuntu-archive)12:20
KamionRiddell: if you get the chance, have a look at my gparted patch to output "- FORMAT" only on successful creation of the partition - you might want to do something similar in qtparted if you have the time12:21
KamionI just uploaded it a few minutes ago12:21
lamontKamion: or are you the right guy to get permission from for an upload?12:22
Kamionmight be marginally less of an issue since apparently qtparted creates the filesystems itself - not sure12:23
Kamionlamont: not right now, am off to bed - send mail if you can't get hold of anyone on IRC, mdz might be out enjoying Friday night in London12:23
Kamionlamont: better to get permission from mdz at the moment if at all possible12:24
lamontok.  46496 - desktop fails to install on headless hppa boxen... needs an || true in an hppa specific place in postinst12:24
lamontKamion: ok.. will email mdz cc you12:24
mvomdz: I would like to upload a new gnome-app-install (updated desktop files and two bugfixes). is that ok? 12:25
Kamionlamont: subscribe ubuntu-release to that bug12:26
Kamionthat will get our attention12:26
Kamionlamont: also preferably attach a patch for review12:27
lamontKamion: will write one12:27
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glickis there any regulation for nazi channel operators in the main #ubuntu support channel?12:33
mdkeglick: yes. You talk to them in private, then if you can't resolve the issue happily, you look at the Ubuntu dispute resolution mechanism. But usually, you always can resolve it happily12:35
glick_mdke: this guy bans people left and right just because i was talking about gnome12:35
glick_get that?12:35
glick_i was talking about gnome in #ubuntu12:35
Burgworkglick_, I would also recommend you use less inflamtory words12:35
mdkeglick_: not here. in private12:35
glick_which uses gnome12:35
=== sivang wonders about the word nazi here
Burgworkglick_, calling somebody a "nazi" is against the CoC12:36
glick_he told me to take it elsewhere and i was just like dude, im just talking about gnome to someone12:36
glick_and he banned me?12:36
glick_sup with that?12:36
glick_i think thats agains CoC12:36
mdkeglick_: this channel cannot help you, talk to them about it12:36
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o lamont] by ChanServ
mdkethis is not the channel you have been looking for12:36
lamontglick_: this channel is for discussing ongoing development of ubuntu.12:37
zygaguys do you think there is any way to make 'Examples' a desktop file + translation?12:37
zygaso that non-english users will still have a usefull name on their desktop12:37
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [-o lamont] by lamont
zygaand maybe some 'ABOUT THIS FILES' file that says it's okay to remove them by dragging them to the trash12:37
jdubzyga: unfortunately there are all kinds of problems with that - it's best for us not to use .desktop files outside systemmy locations12:38
dholbachsee you guys - i'm off12:38
zygadholbach: bye12:38
sivangnight dholbach 12:38
dholbachbye zyga, sivang12:38
zygajdub: so no .desktop files as filesystem pointers yet?12:38
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=== sivang wonders about bzrk upload to universe he had done a couple of hours ago and still don't show on all archs and not apt-gettable.
LeeJunFanyay! I figured out why kde can't mount floppies, and made it work!12:39
LeeJunFanoops, wrong chan. :p12:39
mdkesivang: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/bzrk12:39
sivangmdke: hmm, I wonder why ubuntu4 appears both on the "PendingRemoval" and on "Published"12:41
zygajdub: I really like the thing osx does to directories about localization12:42
zygaif there is some .localized.foo file inside them it can override displayable name12:42
mdkesivang: I think that means that 4 replaced 312:42
zygathat solves 99% of such issues12:42
=== mvo decides he is too tired to do anything useful and heads to bed
zygabye mvo 12:43
sivangnight mvo 12:43
mvobye zyga sivang12:43
sivangmdke: ah, silly me, it's available and published already for i38612:44
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duda_hello all, i wanna figure out if this is a bug... or a feature :) but i don't know where to look for answers :)12:48
zygaduda_: hi, go ahead12:49
duda_in dapper, when i select the switch desktop option, clique on the big red button, i can go to another user12:49
duda_but when i come back, it throw me to gdm, and at this time, i have to digit my user and pass two times12:49
zygaduda_: which 'switch desktop' option?12:50
duda_because after gdm, my sessions seems to be locked...12:50
duda_switch user, sorry12:50
zygadid this happen with rc version?12:50
zyga(release candidate)12:50
duda_hum i installed dapper a week ago and had made all updates12:50
duda_isnt the same?12:51
duda_sorry, im newbie+plus and have a bad english :)12:51
zygaduda_: after you switch user you should not login agian12:52
duda_and also translating to my language, brazilian portuguese :)12:52
zygayou should select options+quit (or similar, I don't use english version ATM)12:52
duda_in the gdm?12:52
duda_at the gdm :P12:52
zygayes, exactly12:53
duda_hummm. let me try ;)12:53
zygaI'll be back in 15 minutes12:53
duda_sorry to take your time with such a simples thing! :P12:54
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Burgworkwhat the heck is landscape-client?01:34
Kinnisong'night all01:37
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sivangBurgwork: ?01:41
Burgworksivang, a placeholder package just got uploaded and then added to ubuntu-desktop01:42
sivangBurgwork: hmm, interesting01:42
sivangBurgwork: well, the package description says it all no?01:43
Burgwork landscape-client - Placeholder for the Landscape client01:43
Burgworkmaybe it is the gtk-launchpady thing?01:43
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sivangdon't think so:01:44
sivang Landscape is a web-based tool for managing Ubuntu01:44
sivang systems. Landscape is a web-based tool for managing Ubuntu01:44
sivang systems. Landscape is a web-based tool for managing Ubuntu01:44
sivangmy network is crappy today01:44
Burgworkwonder if that is the Ubuntu Center, redubbed01:45
sivangweb interface is even better actually, more universal01:46
Burgworkyes, but attendant issues01:46
RiddellBurgwork: ssh, it's super sekret01:46
BurgworkRiddell, you post to a public mailing list and you claim it is a sekret? :)01:47
sivangRiddell: heh01:47
sivangBurgwork: which public list?01:47
sivangah :)01:47
BurgworkRiddell, seriously, you have any dirt for us?01:48
sivangyou see, now we caused mdz to vanish :)01:48
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RiddellI know nothing01:49
BurgworkRiddell, riiggght...01:49
mdkeyou mean "nussing"01:49
sivanglet's leave it, we'll all see what it is about I assume after dapper is out.01:50
=== sivang arghs at malone #39482
UbugtuMalone bug 39482 in nautilus "nautilus tries to move when dragging and dropping from read-only folders, instead of copying" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3948201:51
sivangnautlus DND code... man01:51
=== sivang notes it's mind twisting
Riddellall I know is that they decided not to call the super sekret project Cockfosters01:52
sivangha ha ha01:52
Riddellbut that's also the case for Ubuntu01:52
mdkepeople find Cockfosters funny, except people who live there01:52
sivangthere's a place like this?01:53
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mdkesure, you can't make a name like that up01:53
Burgworksivang, it is a stsop on the Underground01:53
mdkeBurgwork: they named the stop after the place01:54
mdkeas with most stops01:54
Burgworkmdke, yep, but the original joke was about the station01:54
=== mdke leaves it at that
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sivangnight all02:21
tsengbye sivang 02:25
tseng"this train is for cockfosters"02:26
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Burgundaviawhiprush, those of us in #edubuntu were discussing the other day about a "thin client mode" to display the fancy bling03:05
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zakamehi all03:27
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zakamefabbione: pong03:34
zakamefabbione: pong03:35
zulhe might have gone to bed zakame 03:36
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zakameer my irssi got stuck :/03:41
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whiprushBurgundavia: oh really?04:15
Burgundaviawhiprush, yep. I didn't realize that gnome doc existed04:18
Burgundaviawe were thinking about memory usage and I was esposing a long term plan to merge Xfce and Gnome04:18
whiprushthe problem with alot of the upstream gnome docs is tha it's not easy to contribute, vs. say, ubuntu documentation.04:19
whiprushI was a "gnome admin" for 6 months before I found that documentation.04:20
neuraliswhich is this?04:20
whiprushthe gnome system administrator guide.04:20
Burgundaviathe other side of that is that companies usually hack their own stuff up, like we have04:20
whiprushto add to the problem, RH, Novell, and Sun have redundant documentation on the same subject.04:21
Burgundaviaactually pessulus is a great thing for gnome-love to work on04:21
whiprushyou have to read all 4 to really figure it out.04:21
BurgundaviaI think that was because there was no community doc effort04:21
Burgundaviait was all lead by the teams for those companies04:22
Burgundaviathe community effort is only now starting up04:22
whiprushyes, all 4 documents are historical artifacts.04:22
whiprushideally it'd all be an upstream gnome document.04:23
Burgundaviathe other place that has suffered in the same way is the configuration tools04:23
ghee22speaking of gnome documentation, I'm working on the welcome center for ubuntu.  this documentation really helps by not "recreating the wheel".  I noticed QuickTourDraft in the ubuntu wiki.  Regarding this, I have a question:  How do I access UbuntuDocumentationTeam svn repo?  Reason I ask is because the latest tour, according to the wiki is here: "The doc is now in the ?UbuntuDocumentationTeam svn repo, in the quicktour dir in the 04:23
Burgundaviaghee22, join #ubuntu-doc04:24
ghee22thank you Burg04:24
ghee22are you Burgundavia on ubuntu forums?  (corey?)04:25
Burgundaviaghee22, yep04:25
ghee22got it  :o)04:25
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Burgundaviasalut ajmitch 05:08
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bockmanthere is a bad security problem in Breezy/Hoary for openvpn (Bug #45827). i emailed the listed maintainer, but he says he doesn't work for ubuntu. how can i get this fixed?05:33
UbugtuMalone bug 45827 in openvpn "openvpn old security problems (Breezy)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4582705:33
Burgundaviabockman, you need to ask the MOTUs to look into it. #ubuntu-motu05:35
bockmanok, thank you05:35
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ajmitchhi jsgotangco :)06:17
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janimoploum: saw the silence and was tetsing whether I got disconnected :)11:28
ploumjanimo: you are disconnected. I'm a poltergeist haunting your computer11:29
janimoKamio,: infinity, xubuntu desktop cd seems to install gnome-session and gnome libs again via gdm. IIRC there was a workaround at the servers to apt-get install xterm gdm for xubuntu, did it go away?11:30
janimoploum: I am scared. Happy :) ?11:30
seb128janimo: could you fix thunar to not claim a non-existant mimetype and breaking GNOME?11:31
janimobtw can the poltergeist confirm LP is down?11:31
seb128or should I?11:31
seb128and yeah, launchpad == proxy error11:32
janimoseb128: I wanted to link to xfce upstream bug but LP is down11:32
janimoa moment11:32
ploumindeed, LP is down..11:32
nomedseb128, does "open with gvim" work in gnome?11:33
janimoseb128: http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=185411:33
Ubugtubugzilla.xfce.org bug 1854 in general "thunar taking over from nautilus" [Normal,Assigned]  11:33
seb128nomed: why wouldn't it?11:33
nomedit doesn't in thunar11:33
janimoploum: btw poltergeists make noise, somewaht in contradiction with my noticing of silence on the channel ;)11:33
ploumjanimo: haven't you see the chair moving in your room ?  ;-)11:34
nomedjanimo, did u set orage instead of the clock plugin at the end ?11:36
seb128janimo: seems you people are not trying to read what I said on the bug11:36
janimoploum: oh, I tought it was the wind11:36
seb128janimo: I'll have to fix that package myself :/11:36
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seb128janimo: a directory is "x-directory/normal"11:37
seb128"x-directory/gnome-default-handler" is not mentionned to /usr/share/mime11:37
janimonomed: no, because I think the clock plugin is simpler and enough. orage is an extra porcess running. So did not think it was important enough to change11:37
janimonomed: are there some really compelling reasons11:37
nomedthe calendar ..11:37
nomedbut nothing really important ..11:38
nomedi just didn't know if it was a choice .. 11:38
janimoseb128: I have read what you said, I just want to make sure we fix it right if it needs a fix11:38
janimoseb128:  and I am not convinced it needs a fix yet11:38
seb128janimo: I'll not let Ubuntu broken for dapper because you don't want to fix your package11:39
janimonomed: I think the calendar is not that important for most people as to bee in the default panel. (Just noticed recentl;y we do not even build it with iCal support, since libical is not in ubuntu)11:39
seb128janimo: if you don't do that change I'm going to do it11:39
janimoseb128: please keep it techincal11:39
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seb128janimo: you have no technical argument to reply to what I explained11:40
janimoseb128: I am tired of kneejerk reactions instead of real discussion11:40
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janimoseb128: my argument is, that installed packages do not themselves set the policy11:40
seb128janimo: I explained my point on the bug you could have replied11:40
janimoit's the user that does it11:40
seb128janimo: not true11:40
janimoI found the xfce bugzilla comment convincing11:40
seb128it's just wrong11:41
seb128"x-directory/gnome-default-handler" is not a mimetype11:41
janimois that not a gnome-independent thing?11:41
seb128grep to /usr/share/mime if you are not convinced11:41
janimoregardless if it's a mimetype or not. Is it gnome specific?11:41
seb128"x-directory/normal" is the mimetype for a directory11:41
seb128"x-directory/gnome-default-handler" as the name indicated it is something used internally by GNOME11:41
janimoseb128: ok, I am not familiar with the places plugin etc. What does it call actually?11:42
seb128not a public interface to play with11:42
seb128gnome-open file:....11:42
janimoit is supposed to be opened by nautilus?11:42
nomedseb128, did u assign that bug to xubuntu-team ?11:42
seb128ok, let me explain you how mimetype associations work11:42
seb128nomed: I did11:42
seb128nomed: is that wrong? that's thunar bug11:42
nomedseb128, no no it's not worng .11:43
nomedi wanted just to see what that issue is :)11:43
seb128janimo: apps ship a .desktop to /usr/share/applications, that .desktop has a MimeType=... list with the mimetypes supported by the app11:43
nomedand launchpad is down ...11:43
seb128janimo: update-desktop-database does an index11:43
seb128ou get something like 11:44
seb128$ grep html /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache11:44
seb128ie Mimetype=<list of apps for it>11:44
seb128that's the choice suggested for nautilus right click menu by example11:44
seb128then you can set a default with /usr/share/applications/defaults.list11:45
seb128$ grep directory /usr/share/applications/defaults.list11:45
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seb128janimo: that list sets the system default for GNOME11:45
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janimoseb128: so far I am following11:45
seb128(you could make a different defaults-xfce.list if you want)11:45
seb128janimo: the mimetype are defined to /usr/share/mime11:45
janimoseb128: /etc/xdg/xubuntu/applications/defaults.list already have it for a while11:46
seb128$ gnomevfs-info Desktop11:46
seb128Name              : Desktop11:46
seb128Type              : Directory11:46
seb128MIME type         : x-directory/normal11:46
seb128Default app       : nautilus-folder-handler.desktop11:46
seb128"MIME type         : x-directory/normal"11:46
seb128now you will not find "x-directory/gnome-default-handler" to /usr/share/mime11:46
seb128that's not a public mimetype11:46
seb128and not something you should play with11:46
seb128you should just use "x-directory/normal"11:46
seb128which would do what you want, associate with a directory11:46
seb128and NOT break GNOME11:47
janimoseb128: mind you it does NOT break gnome. If users install thunar that is no longer gnome it's a mixed environment11:47
seb128janimo: so now your turn to explain why I'm wrong11:48
seb128janimo: it plays with some GNOME private time11:48
seb128k, I give up11:48
janimoseb128: first I have so far not said you were wrong, just was not convinced you were right either11:48
seb128do whatever you like, I'll fix that myself11:48
janimoseb128: I was going to continue 11:48
seb128so please do11:48
janimoseb128, please install thunar first11:49
janimosee it has not MIME types in it's desktop file11:49
janimoI also did not set the gnome-directory in defaults.list as I copied it from usr/share where it is not listed11:49
janimobugzilla comment says firefox uses that x-gnome-direcory handler11:50
janimoto call out to a file manager11:51
janimoand if thunar does not handle it it cannot be called from firefox11:51
seb128I doubt of that11:51
seb128<janimo> see it has not MIME types in it's desktop file11:51
seb128$ grep MimeType /usr/share/applications/Thunar-folder-handler.desktop11:51
janimothe rest of that comment seems very clear to me as well11:52
janimoif gnoome panel want to use nautilus it should not call it via an indirection which it would not want11:52
janimoseb128: ok I looked at Thunar.desktop only, my bad11:53
seb128let's start again11:53
seb128<seb128> janimo: apps ship a .desktop to /usr/share/applications, that .desktop has a MimeType=... list with the mimetypes supported by the app11:53
seb128<seb128> then you can set a default with /usr/share/applications/defaults.list11:53
janimoplease don't copy paste that I read it already11:53
seb128"<janimo> if gnoome panel want to use nautilu" ... that's not true11:54
nomeddoes the OnlyShowIn work just for the menu?11:54
seb128panel only calls the default mimetype for "x-directory/normal"11:54
janimoseb128: ok besides nautilus who would be an x-d-g handler?11:54
seb128which would work fine if you didn't override the mechanism by playing with "x-directory/gnome-default-handler"11:54
seb128to /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache on my box11:55
seb128konqueror probably too but I don't have it installed11:56
janimox/g-d-h I mean11:56
janimoseb128: is x-directory (w/o) gnome) enough to make thunar work as a FM called by apps?11:56
seb128it should11:56
seb128it is for most of apps11:56
seb128if firefox uses "x-directory/gnome-default-handler" it would be bugged11:57
seb128I've not checked for that11:57
seb128but I'm not sure on how it could11:57
seb128"x-directory/gnome-default-handler" is not a mimetype (in the sense it's not known by /usr/share/mime)11:57
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seb128janimo: that comments to the upstream bug makes me think the guy doesn't know how to mimesystem is working11:59
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janimoso does gnome-default-handler override the 'normal' if declared?12:00
seb128janimo: directory is no a special case, that's just a mimetype12:00
seb128janimo: looks like, since thunar is always opened to open an "x-directory/normal" whatever the default for it is set12:01
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Lathiattmpfs                1013M   19M  995M   2% /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/volatile12:03
Lathiattmpfs                1013M   19M  995M   2% /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-k7/volatile12:03
Lathiattmpfs                1013M   19M  995M   2% /lib/modules/2.6.15-22-386/volatile12:03
Lathiattmpfs                1013M   19M  995M   2% /lib/modules/2.6.15-22-k7/volatile12:03
Lathiatvolatile recreated on kernel postinst?12:03
Lathiati probably havent rebooted for a couple updates12:03
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seb128janimo: looking to gnome-vfs code they use "x-directory/gnome-default-handler" as a trick to be sure there is a directory handler even if the mimeinfo cache lists none12:04
seb128janimo: i.e: if they find no x-directory/normal handler they set x-directory/gnome-default-handler12:05
janimoseb128: ok but why does it not use nautilus directly ?12:14
janimowhat I don;t get is, that since it is aclled via an indirection it was meant to be overridable no?12:14
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seb128janimo: as said the panel used the preferred app associated to "x-directory/normal"12:15
seb128janimo: you could be wanting to set Thunar as the default under GNOME12:15
infinityLathiat: yes, postinst has to mount volatile and compile all the modules once, so you get a properly-updated modules.dep12:15
seb128janimo: that's just that playing with "x-directory/gnome-default-handler" breaks the mechanism12:16
janimoseb128: I would appreciate if you commented on what thunar upstream said (in LP since I assuem you don't have an xfce bugzilla account)12:16
Lathiatinfinity: cant unmount the old one?12:16
infinityLathiat: Err, what?  Why would it do that?12:17
janimoseb128: since I get contradictory opionions from you and thunar upstream I'd really prefer if you could agree on where the bug actually is12:17
infinityLathiat: It's not going to randomly umount filesystems just cause it believes you may not want it anymore.  Reboot if it bugs you.12:17
infinityLathiat: Which you should be doing after kernel updates ANYWAY.12:17
janimoand making sure it does not break firefox or other apps12:17
Lathiatoh hrm i thought it had doubled-mounted i see there was one of each revision/version12:18
janimoseb128: I linked the uptream bug in LP12:18
infinityLathiat: Yeah.  It won't mount it twice.  It checks for that.12:18
Lathiataltho, leaving the voltaile mounted for a non-running kernel ?12:19
janimoand I'll point upstream to LP back to your response12:19
janimoinfinity: saw my question about an hour ago regarding the xubuntu desktop CD installing gnome-session?12:19
infinityLathiat: Normally, this wouldn't be a problem.  You're the one who's upgrade *4* kernels without rebooting. :)12:20
infinityLathiat: s/upgrade/upgraded/12:20
seb128janimo: I already exprimed myself on the launchpad bug, what else do you want me to say?12:20
Lathiatinfinity: i just went through 1 update, im running -22 -23 is newest, and i just happen to have both -386 and -k7 installed :)12:20
ajmitchLathiat: don't worry, you're not the only one :)12:20
infinityLathiat: 2 updates.  You upgraded from -22.33 to -22.34 *and* installed -23.xx12:21
infinityLathiat: Otherwise, you wouldn't have both 22-386 and 22-k7 mounted.12:21
Lathiathow do you figure that12:22
infinityLathiat: Anyhow.  Other than wasting a little bit of RAM on a tmpfs you're not using, there's no real harm.  And since we expect people to reboot somewhere after that postinst runs, I'd prefer to keep the moving parts count low.12:22
Lathiat22.34 came out  7 may and i only have a 6 day uptime so i definiately only went from -22 to -2312:23
Lathiatbut anyway :)P12:23
infinityLathiat: Youre booted into -22-k7 right now, right?  And you have -22-k7, -22-386, -23-k7, and -23-386 installed.  On boot, -22-k7/volatile was mounted.  When you upgraded from -22.33 to -22.34, -22-386/volatile was mounted.  lather, rince, repeat for -23-{k7,386}/volatile12:23
Lathiatah, i see the logic there12:24
infinityLathiat: When -22.34 came out makes no difference.  When you upgraded does. :)12:24
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infinity-22.34 only left the archive a short while ago.12:24
infinityAnyhow, non-bug, IMO.  Trying to guess what filesystems to unmount to save a tiny bit of RAM is not sane, given that we expect you to reboot anyway.12:25
=== Lathiat nods
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janimoseb128: so if thunar did not set gnome-defa-handler it nautilus/thunar could be chosen as preferred fm in gnome and either be used for places//firefox etc consistently?12:28
janimoall across gnome mean?12:28
janimothat would indeed solve the original reportes problem12:28
janimobut if some apps rely on gnome-default-handler instead of directory-default it does not solve it12:28
seb128why would some app do that?12:29
seb128gnome-default-handler is not a mimetype12:29
seb128i.e: not listed by /usr/share/mime12:29
janimoseb128: what does this all have to do with mimetype or not?12:29
janimothe question is 'is it settable'?12:30
janimoyou already said 3 times it's not a mimetype and I got it12:30
seb128the opening association is how I described before12:30
seb128you open a mimetype12:30
seb128and the list of handles and make from the .desktops you have installed12:30
seb128and the default from the system default or an user default you set12:31
infinityjanimo:             LIST="$LIST ubuntu-base xterm xubuntu-desktop"12:31
infinityjanimo: That's how it's been since you first reported the issue to me.12:31
janimoif it is settable it means it can be something else than nautilus12:31
janimoif it's not settable what is it there for?12:31
janimocan you please comment in LP and point out to thunar upstream why he's wrong?12:31
seb128janimo: I don't get your issue. Opening a directory is opening an "x-directory/normal" mimetype and works according to the mechanism I explained 3 times already and you understood12:31
janimoseb128: infinity, ok, there's a lag here I just got two full pages after no activity12:32
janimoI'll have to reread and see I may have asked soem questions that were already replied to12:32
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janimoinfinity: weird then.thanks12:33
nomedjanimo, did u add any new pkge on the seeds ?12:34
nomedxubuntu-system-tools ex ..12:34
janimoseb128: re LP. Since upstream read the bug comments in LP and replied I'd assume you should reply to what he said specifically not what I said earlier12:34
janimohe cam with other arguments12:34
janimonomed: I added ubuntu-artwork most recently12:35
janimoseb128: and I did not really have arguments in LP, just a few questions and uncertainties, that's why I forwarded it upstrea12:35
janimoseb128: since you said upstream author does not know how the mime system works, you may want to set him straight12:37
janimoI'd rather he fixes the bug upstream too not just have it in ubuntu12:37
nomedjanimo, no it's not ubuntu-artwork ...12:37
nomedand it's not xubuntu-system-tools ..12:37
janimonomed: is it not gnome-session? do you have liveCD booted?12:38
nomedjanimo, no ..12:39
nomedi'm just checking deps ..12:39
=== janimo fires up qemu
seb128janimo: commented on the bug12:40
janimoseb128: thanks12:40
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nomedjanimo, i do not see gnome-session there12:41
=== seb128 is away, bbl
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janimoseb128: a moment12:42
nomedjanimo, and i do not see even on "current" ...12:42
seb128janimo: what?12:42
janimowhere is the comment I don't see it in LP?12:42
UbugtuMalone bug 46554 in thunar "thunar takes over gnome "places"+"bookmarks" menu in gnome panel" [Unknown,Unknown]  12:42
seb128janimo: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/desktop-file-utils/+bug/35997/ is the bug about that for me12:43
UbugtuMalone bug 35997 in libgnome "Gnome's Places menu starts Konqueror instead of Nautilus" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  12:43
janimoseb128: ah ok, duplicates12:43
seb128janimo: that's the one you mentioned on the xfce bug12:43
janimoah sorry, I tought it was the latest one12:44
seb128bbl now :)12:44
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janimonomed: I think I found it12:51
nomedjanimo, is gnome-session in ?12:52
infinityNo, gnome-session isn't being pulled it.12:52
janimonomed: ubiquity-frontend-gtk12:52
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infinityErr, no.  ubiquity isn't installed until later in the process.12:52
janimogotta see though what12:52
infinityYou're getting GNOME libs before that.12:52
nomedinfinity, but ...12:53
nomedshouldn't it be listed in manifest file ?12:53
janimoinfinity: is there a chronologically ordered list?12:53
infinityjanimo: The build log?12:53
janimohow do I see what (and how) it is getting installed?12:53
infinityjanimo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/livefs-build-logs/dapper/xubuntu/20060527/livecd-20060527-i386.out12:53
janimoinfinity: thanks12:53
infinityjanimo: I'm doing a test in a chroot to see what's pulling in libgnome.12:53
infinity(You're lucky I have a local mirror..)12:54
janimoinfinity: I am in a chroot too trying to install xubuntu bits too12:54
janimogot down to xubuntu-live (so it's not gdm this time)12:54
infinityErr, I just installed xterm and -desktop, and got libgnome pulled in.12:55
infinityOr is libgnome expected?12:55
infinity(which extra library or libraries are you actually complaining about?)12:55
janimoinfinity: no libgnome is not expected12:56
janimoonly libgnomeprint12:56
infinityOh, maybe I just can't read.12:56
janimoah indeed I get that too... :(12:56
janimoso not via gdm but somewhere else12:57
infinityI'll know for sure in about 2 minutes. :)12:57
janimohm I wonder why firefox-gnome-support is installed12:58
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infinityIt's not.12:58
nomedinfinity, janimo12:58
infinityapt's merely telling you that it's suggested.12:58
janimonomed: yes?12:58
nomedwhy those pkges you're checking are not in the manifest file ?12:58
janimonomed, I know too little about all this to answer that :)12:59
nomedi guess that can help ..12:59
infinitynomed: What isn't in the manifest?12:59
nomedit means it happen after the manifest file is generated12:59
infinitynomed: I see everything there...12:59
nomedinfinity, i do not see any unwanted package there01:00
janimohmm abiword-plugins?01:00
infinitylibgnome2-0 2.14.1-0ubuntu201:00
infinitylibgnome2-common 2.14.1-0ubuntu201:00
infinityAt least.01:00
nomedahh k01:01
janimonope not abiword either, just on a fresh install01:01
nomedi guess01:02
janimoinfinity: if a package is in the seed is it going to be taken into dep calculations with priority?01:02
infinityjanimo: I'm not sure I understand the question...01:03
janimoinfinity: abiword and gnumeric depend on goffice|goffice-gtk01:03
nomedjanimo, if a package is in the seed 01:03
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janimoinfinity: and I explcitietly seed goffice-gtk to make sure it is chose. Is this right?01:04
nomedmainly in xubuntu-desktop01:04
nomedand it depends on pkge1|pkge201:04
nomedeven if pkge2 is listed in as xubuntu-desktop dep01:04
infinityjanimo: Well, libgoffice-gtk-1-2 was chosen, so it seems to be working as expected.01:04
nomedpkge1 will be installed by "package"01:04
nomedi hope you got what i mean01:05
infinitynomed: No, if pkg1 and pkg2 conflict, and you ask for "install pkg2, and pk3 which depends on pkg1|pkg2", apt only has one choice.01:05
infinityIt can either do what you ask, or do nothing.01:05
nomedwhat's nice is that this issue is not present in smart-pn01:05
nomedpm even01:05
nomedinfinity, see xterm issue01:06
infinitynomed: Yes, that's different.  xterm and gnome-session don't conflict.01:06
janimonomed: lpintegration is ok01:06
infinitynomed: The goffice|goffice-gtk stuff should conflict, hence there's only one way to satisfy the dep.01:06
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nomedinfinity, yep01:07
nomedbut i'm not supposing libgnome is added by an issue like that one01:08
infinityThe following packages will be REMOVED:01:09
infinity  libbonoboui2-0* libgnome2-0* libgnome2-common* libgnomeui-0*01:09
infinityThat's odd.01:09
infinityNothing's pulling in libbonoboui2-0...01:10
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nomedinfinity, i guess it's because that "pkge2" gets installed as dep by something else ...01:12
nomedso those pkges are not needed anymore ..01:12
infinityBut nothing should have an alternate dependency on libbonoboui2-0.. That would make no sense.01:13
nomedi'm sorry for not being clearer .. 01:13
nomedtrue even ..01:13
janimolibgnome2-common is installed and depends on bonobo01:13
infinityjanimo: 01:13
infinityThe following packages will be REMOVED:01:13
infinity  libbonoboui2-0* libbonoboui2-common* libgnome2-0* libgnome2-common* libgnomeui-0*01:13
infinity  libgnomeui-common*01:13
infinity0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 6 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:13
infinityRemoving all that doesn't remove anything you've seeded.01:14
infinitySo, I'm not sure why it's getting installed.01:14
infinitymvo: Around?01:14
janimoinfinity: right...01:14
nomedtesting that on a pbuild login ...01:14
infinitynomed: Same deal.  This is a clean chroot.01:14
ograurgh, mdz your last seed change makes my edubuntu seeds explode ... 01:15
infinityI just did "apt-get install xterm xubuntu-desktop", then started trying to remove gnome libs.01:15
mdzogra: how so?01:15
ogramdz, tons of conflicts (server, ship-live etc)01:16
DiskdocHello. I have a sweet, calm saturday on my hands and I thought I'd help testing the RC. I'm not sure if this is the right channel to ask but I was wondering about the testing matrix.. Under the Testing/Current page there is a point 16 in the Matrix called "DapperUpgrades". So, is it ok for me to upgrade Breezy using the online update procedure and then test, from what step?01:16
mdzogra: that's weird; my only change was to add one package to desktop01:16
ograthe log shows a lot more for me01:16
janimodoes apt not have some logging to tell us how it decided it installs a package? 01:16
ograthere is a big tail of other chages (not from you) attached 01:17
janimodebugging rather than logging I guess01:17
ogramdz, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/mdz-merge.log01:18
infinityjanimo: It has the pkgProblemResolver, but that doesn't appear to output anything on install (hence why I pinged mvo)01:19
ogramdz, thats what i get if i do "bzr log -r649 dapper/"01:19
mdzogra: looks right; I merged my branch with mainline and then added that one commit01:20
mdzogra: you can just add landscape-client to desktop and skip the merge if there's a problem01:21
infinityjanimo: So far, I'm up to this many useless packages:01:21
infinity  libbonoboui2-0* libbonoboui2-common* libgnome2-0* libgnome2-common* libgnomeui-0*01:21
infinity  libgnomeui-common* libgnomevfs2-0* libgnomevfs2-common* libgsf-gnome-1-113*01:21
infinityjanimo: Can you spot more in the manifest?01:21
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janimoinfinity: these are what I saw too by grepping  what apt-get would install01:21
ogramdz, yep, thats what i will do, but i suspect i'll get more and more out of sync, at least with server and ship-live i am already01:22
mvoinfinity: now around (I was having lunch)01:22
infinitymvo: Is there any way to get a pkgProblemResolver-style report during "apt-get install" when the install doesn't fail? :)01:23
infinitymvo: (ie: to trace why apt is installing packages that are obviously not depdenencies of the final system state)01:23
mvoinfinity: yeah, it should be: "apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true install lala" <- this should work if the problem resolver is called at all01:23
mvoinfinity: but it may well be that it is not run because apt thinks its all good01:24
infinitymvo: Yeah, then it's not being run at all, cause that's in my config. :)01:24
mvoinfinity: what package/situtation is this about?01:24
infinitymvo: (It runs at other times, like when removing packages with deps, so I know it works)01:24
mvoinfinity: you always run with the problemResolver enabled? woah!01:25
infinitymvo: See above.  If you "install xterm xubuntu-desktop" in a clean chroot, you end up with (at least) these extra packages installed:01:25
infinity  libbonoboui2-0* libbonoboui2-common* libgnome2-0* libgnome2-common* libgnomeui-0*01:25
infinity  libgnomeui-common* libgnomevfs2-0* libgnomevfs2-common* libgsf-gnome-1-113*01:25
infinitymvo: In my chroots, I do.  Not in my base system.01:25
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mvoinfinity: ok, let me check01:27
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tsdgeosjordi: ping01:28
infinitymvo: An option to output the full (I know it will be huge) decision tree, so I can easily track back "why the hell did you install that?" would be nice.01:29
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mvoinfinity: ok, I'm adding it now to see if it brings some light into this 01:37
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mvoinfinity: it seems like abiword is draging the stuff in01:48
Lathiatseb128: are you aware of the problem with the "Removable Devices" menu randomly eating and uneating devices?01:50
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seb128Lathiat: no01:50
mvoinfinity: my bzr apt has a option: "Debug::pkgDepCache::infinity" now, but I guess "Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall" is more appropriate01:51
seb128Lathiat: "eating"? it's supposed to list partitions and mounted removable media, not to list CD drives with no CD mounted by example01:51
Lathiatseb128: i have 5 internal disks there all in the places menu01:51
Lathiatseb128: if i mount a usb disk, a "Removable Devices" sub-menu appears, bu tall the internal disks move into it01:52
Lathiatalong with the usb disk01:52
Lathiatwhen i unmount it hey all go back into the main places menu01:52
seb128looks fine01:52
janimomvo, abiword itslef or abiword-plugins?01:52
Lathiatthis is expected behavior?01:52
mvojanimo: according to my debug output abiword itself01:52
seb128Lathiat: is that the presence of the menu you call "eating"?01:52
Lathiatseb128: yes :)01:52
nomedjanimo, i'm pretty sure it's abiword-plugin ..01:52
nomedmvo, really ?01:53
seb128Lathiat: after 5 items you get a submenu, same for bookmarks, that's to avoid too long menu01:53
Lathiathrm i thought it happened even when i had less..01:53
=== Lathiat tries
mvonomed: libgnomecanvas is a direct dependency of abiword, this brings in libgnomeprint01:54
janimomvo, ah those are ok01:54
janimomvo, print and canvas01:54
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janimoonly libgnome and libgnomeui are extra01:55
_iongdk_window_shape_combine_mask (win->window, (GdkBitmap *) mask, 0, 0);01:55
Lathiatseb128: hrm, indeed01:55
janimoand bonobo01:55
_ionSorry, wrong channel.01:55
mvojanimo: libgnome itself it because libgoffice brings libbonoboui and that depends on libgnom2 . libgoffice is needed for abiword-plugins01:55
Lathiatseb128: did the number change?01:55
mvonomed: so you are right :)01:55
seb128Lathiat: not that I know of no01:55
Lathiati've sine added another disk and i used to get the same thing, but oh well01:55
mvonomed: I just misunderstood the issue it seems01:55
janimomvo, we have an alternate dep on libgoffice-gtk which is seeded explcitely01:55
infinitymvo: Debug::pkgDepCache::infinity? :)01:55
seb128Lathiat: but CD drives used to be listed01:55
janimomvo, Ithought that  would be chosen01:56
seb128Lathiat: now we list removable medias only when mounted01:56
nomedjanimo, it doesn't metter01:56
nomedas it's in xubuntu-desktop01:56
Lathiatseb128: hm ok - cheers01:56
seb128Lathiat: np ;)01:56
infinitymvo: That libgoffice isn't actually pulled in.01:56
Goshawkis it possible to add userspace-bootsplash in "Provides" field of the package usplash and change the dependece of ubuntu-desktop from usplash to userspace-bootsplash? This will allow other usermode bootsplashes to work with ubuntu-desktop...01:56
nomedsmart-pm would be able to resolve this .. apt doesn't01:56
infinitymvo: Note that when I do the install, then remove the above-mentioned packages, they don't remove anything I asked apt to install previously.01:57
seb128Lathiat: is the submenu itself an issue? I think we could have a gconf key for the number of items before displaying it, but not for that cycle anyway01:57
nomedinfinity, that's because ..01:57
nomedlibgoffice-gtk-1-2 is seeded ..01:57
Lathiatseb128: well the submenu annoys me because - and its very confusing having it appear and disappear01:57
nomedi guess01:57
Lathiatbut i can see th elogic in movign to a submenu when it starts to get a bit long01:57
infinitynomed: Yes, which conflict with the other libgoffice, which means apt will only install one, which means it shouldn't be installing the deps for the other.01:58
nomedthat's the case "pkge1"|"pkge2" ...01:58
seb128the issue is that you just moving around the limit01:58
infinitymvo: So, apt is installing deps for packages that it's not actually installing?01:58
nomedinfinity, but abiword-plugins is in xubuntu-desktop01:58
nomedinfinity, if you try ..01:58
mvoinfinity: but I get it right, libgnome2-0 is the problem? 01:58
nomedapt-get install xterm libgoffice-gtk-1.2 xubuntu-desktop01:58
infinitymvo: It's one of the problems, yes.  I gave the list above.01:58
mvoinfinity: yes, it checks abiword-plugins before it comes to libgoffice-gtk-1.201:59
nomedthat issue is gone01:59
infinitymvo: So there's no reverse checking when it drops a dep, then.01:59
mvoinfinity: exactly01:59
infinitymvo: (ie: it drops libgoffice-1.2, so it should drpo all its deps, then back up and re-resolve)01:59
nomedinfinity, same as xterm issue ..01:59
infinitynomed: Well, no.  Different from the xterm issue.02:00
infinitynomed: Honest.02:00
nomedinfinity, it looks exectly the same issue02:00
nomedsee gdm 02:00
mvoinfinity: what it should probably do is, first install all direct deps, then try to resolve that02:00
infinitynomed: No, cause the gdm/xterm/gnome-session thing doesn't include any conflicts, so no dependencies get dropped.02:00
Lathiatseb128: conceivably, you could implement some smarts to stop it going into a menu when it goes 1 higher if its usually on 5, definitely not for dapper tho i guess and a little complex02:01
infinitynomed: Anyhow, I can hack around it with the above rune.02:01
seb128Lathiat: right02:01
Lathiatand i guess, i dont knwo how many items is too high on 1024x7802:01
nomedinfinity, k i got what you mean02:01
Lathiatand a gconf key would definiately be handy02:01
infinitymvo: Would it behave better if I did "apt-get install <all the dependencies of xubuntu-desktop>" instead of "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"?02:05
infinitymvo: Because then everything would be an "install" target, instead of a depency target...02:05
infinitydependency, too.02:05
=== lemsto [n=salim@ANantes-154-1-28-234.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvoinfinity: try apt-get install libgoffice-gtk-1-2 xubuntu-desktop02:06
infinitymvo: I will, but that's only a bandaid until the same thing happens again.02:07
infinitymvo: Hence the question.02:07
=== ogra kicks evo
ograi'm cursed02:07
mvoinfinity: I could write you a python-apt based script that should get it right all the time, would that be ok?02:07
=== mvo wonders if he really had written "all the time"
ograseb128, is there any chance the evo crasher loops i have twice a week will go away before release i'd be happy if i hadnt to delete my mailboxes twice a week ...02:08
seb128ogra: no02:09
nomedmvo, wouldn't it be the same as to use the germinate output of xubuntu-desktop ?02:09
ogra(especially since its hard to search in mails you dont have)02:09
seb128ogra: we are pretty frozen now, I doubt any change will make it now02:09
seb128ogra: especially that you are the only one to get that issue so to debug it ...02:09
ograseb128, you pointed me everytime to upsteam bugs when i showed you the traceback02:10
infinitynomed: yeah, I could use the germinate output.  The reason I don't is to test that the -meta packages actually work.02:10
ograseb128, so i had some hope :)02:10
seb128ogra: right, but no move from upstream, they have some manys bug and so few people for them :/02:10
mvonomed: I'm not sure about this because I think even then the order may be important02:10
ograyep, understood ...02:11
mvonomed: let me play with my python-apt based idea02:11
infinityAnyhow, for now I'm just going to band-aid over it.02:11
ograbut i'm not really fond of changing to another mailer, i like evo ...02:11
nomedinfinity, you could test02:11
infinityFor edgy, we need to mangle how we do livefs stuff a bit, I think.02:11
nomedapt-gte install xubuntu-desktop xterm ?02:11
nomedinfinity, if for edjy smart-pm will be in main ...02:11
nomedthat issue is gone02:12
infinityYeah, the bandaid appears to do the right thing for now.02:12
infinitynomed: While your enthusiasm is appreciated, I have a hunch that for every apt bug smart fixes, it'll bring a new bug of its own instead.02:13
infinityI don't doubt that switching will be a wonderful thing at some point, but I'm in no rush to trade the bugs I know for the unknown either. :)02:13
nomedi understand :)02:14
infinityjanimo: Want me to build you new live images with the reduced package set?02:19
janimoinfinity: reduced?02:20
infinityjanimo: Without libgnome and crap. :)02:20
janimoah :) , it can wait till next cron if you think it works :)02:20
infinityI'm not positive, but I think so...02:21
janimook, please build then so we make sure it does not come up tomorrow or on Monday02:21
infinityAlright, spinning livefs builds.02:22
janimothanks for debugging it. I still wonder why this is the case since the abiword change is in for about two weeks I think, and noone reported this before02:22
janimoand IIRC when it just depended on libgoffice w/o the alternate it brought in >50Mb worth of gnome stuff not jjust these libs02:23
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nomedjanimo, would it be an idea to set the xubuntu gtk theme in gdm ?02:26
janimonomed: which theme would that be?02:26
nomedwell ..02:27
janimoI guess we should set it02:27
nomedthe one that we use 02:27
janimois the theme visible in the gdm screen?02:27
ograjanimo, btw, how did you work around the fact that ldm depends on a ton of gnome libs ? 02:27
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janimoogra, does ldm dep on gnome libs?02:28
janimoif so I guess I'll have to revert the LTSP stuff :(02:28
janimodid not know I thought it's a simple python script w/o deps02:28
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janimoI did not check before02:28
janimonomed: so replace GtkTheme=Human right?02:29
ograjanimo, Depends: openssh-client | ssh, python, python-gtk2, python-gnome2, python-glade2, gtk2-engines-clearlooks, xserver-xorg | xserver-xfree86 | xserver02:29
janimonomed, are you working on gdm icons? If so I can make the change in the same upload02:29
nomedjanimo, python-gnome202:29
nomedjanimo, i can do that 02:29
janimoogra: oh well, I guess then no LTSP/xubuntu :(02:29
janimowhat is used from python-gnome2? canvas?02:30
ograjanimo, we *might* switch to gdm on edgy, seems it has a ssh mode now02:30
mvoinfinity: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/stable_inst.py <- should give you a stable way to install02:30
ograjanimo, yep, ldm is 95% gnome-canvas and 5% magic02:30
infinitymvo: And if I want to use it in a chroot?  Can I point it at another apt root?02:31
janimoogra, I wish gnome-python did not bind the whole gnome libs in one binary package :(02:31
mvoinfinity: do you currently run with lots of "-o Dir::State=/chroot" etc options?02:31
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ograjanimo, well, nothing we can change now02:32
janimoogra, true02:32
infinitymvo: No, right now I just cheat and do "chroot target/ apt-get install ..."02:32
infinitymvo: But since I don't want your python script or python-apt in the chroot. :)02:32
mvoinfinity: run the script outside the chroot and just use the package names it spits out :)02:33
infinitymvo: Oh, it'll give me the "correct" install order?02:34
infinitymvo: Cool.02:34
infinitymvo: (Obviously, I hadn't actually run it yet)02:34
mvoinfinity: that reminds me, I should probably get rid of the ugly progress message02:34
mvoinfinity: it first goes over all dependencies and marks them for install *without* letting the autoInstaller or the fixer do anything. then it runs the fixer and let it deal with it. should be fine for the metapackages and cases like this02:35
mvoI think it should bprobably be done in apt in a similar way02:35
infinitymvo: Err, no.  Running it outside the chroot won't help, since it needs to use the available/status from the target. :)02:35
infinitymvo: So, yeah, I need a bunch of -o parsing, which I don't see it doing.02:35
mvoinfinity: ok, we can point it via apt_pkg.Config.Set("Dir::" to the right location. or you just install the very usefull python-apt in the chroot ;) 02:36
infinityI don't feel the urge to install python-apt in the livefs target and them remove it again at the end. :)02:37
infinityIdeally, this should all be done from the base system.02:37
infinitymvo: However, Dir:: is a constant, so it doesn't need to be done from the command-line.  I can just hardcode it and wrap this into the livecd-rootfs package for future use.02:38
mvojust kidding, I see the point02:38
infinity(All for edgy, of course... I'm not changing anything this drastic at this point)02:38
infinityRight now, I'm "happy" with hackish workarounds.02:38
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infinityAnd by "happy", I mean "miserable".  :)02:39
mvoinfinity: try the updated version http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/stable_inst.py02:41
infinity+# first argument is the chroot02:42
infinityThat's a complete lie.02:42
infinityYou don't parse it as an argument at all. :)02:43
infinity(Not that you need to, I'm fine with the hardcoded version)02:43
mvoinfinity: I intended to at first ,)02:43
=== mvo makes a mental note to not write comments again
=== infinity grins.
=== mvo updated the comment in his source and updated
infinityThe only thing worse than uncommented code is commented code where the code and comments don't match. :)02:44
mvoinfinity: that is totally true!02:45
lifelessinfinity: that can be usefulu actually :)02:45
infinityWell, now, that comment isn't very nice at all.02:45
lifelessbecause it can signal something needs fixing :)02:45
mvoinfinity: fixed again, now you can pick what project this one belongs to02:46
jorditsdgeos: pong02:46
nomedjanimo, ping02:47
infinityMan, the comment keeps changing, but the code never does.  ENTERTAINMENT.02:47
janimonomed: pong02:47
=== shackan [n=shackan@host35-137.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
nomedjanimo, that theme is absurd ...02:47
nomedwhat's that ?02:48
janimodifferent icons for different states of the button (mouse hovering over it, clicked, inactive)02:48
nomedwhy don't we use just one ?02:48
nomedjanimo, true if they were different icons02:48
janimowe can use one, as the 3 are exaclty the same right now02:49
janimonomed, yes feel free to use one02:49
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mvoinfinity: the code is PERFECT02:51
mvoits just the comments that need love02:51
janimoogra: what is this landscape package? do I need to add it to xubuntu :) ?02:52
ograjanimo, you should (its empty anyway) see apt-cache show landscape-client02:53
infinitymvo: Heh. :)02:53
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janimoogra, any LP links for Landscape yet?02:53
nomedjanimo, and if i use absolute paths ?02:54
ogradunno, i didnt follow the development very closely02:54
nomedso i remove all those icons :P02:54
=== lmanul [n=manu@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
janimonomed, we should not cannot depend on a theme...02:54
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janimoif it's not there the icons won't show up02:54
mdkejanimo: you know, it struck me that you could include the server and packaging guide in xubuntu-docs if you wanted. Maybe it's a bit late02:56
nomedjanimo, why doesn't xubuntu-default-settings depend on any pkge ?02:56
janimomdke, if I do another docs upload I'll try to keep this in mind02:56
janimomdke, although we have no prominent place for showing the docs, the desktop guide is linked from the about page02:57
nomedjanimo, it has to depend on02:57
mdkejanimo: yeah, you'd have to add it there, I suppose. Anyway, I'll leave it to you02:57
janimonomed: it des not need to dep on gdm02:57
nomedHuman if we use Human as gtk theme i guess02:57
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nomedor on xubuntu one if we use xubuntu one ..02:57
seb128janimo: you are really obstined on that thunar bug :/02:57
janimoseb128: no, I just do not understand your comments02:58
janimoseb128: and you are not actually saying anything about the real issues upstream brought up02:58
seb128janimo: grrrrr02:58
seb128I explained you how all that works like 5 times now02:58
janimoseb128: ok question.02:58
janimoseb128: should Places be openable by anything but nautilus?02:59
seb128by the default "x-directory/normal" handler02:59
janimoseb128: how can that be set?02:59
seb128x-directory/normal=app.desktop to defaults.list02:59
seb128I already explained that on IRC and on the bug02:59
lmanuljanimo: give seb128 a break or he'll really hate you ;-)02:59
janimothat is set by both nautilus and thunar right?02:59
janimolmanul: too late :)02:59
nomedseb128, question.02:59
nomedwhat does it happen if gdm doesn't find the gtk theme ?03:00
lmanuljanimo: Hehe, well, maybe try to print out the IRC log and read it a few times ? :)03:00
seb128janimo: nothing is "set" by them, they both can open x-directory/normal yes, the default is set by the defaults.list03:00
janimolmanul: printers do not work in xubuntu, I cannot do that03:00
janimoseb128: so if there are two handlers, why does gnome not use them?03:00
lmanuljanimo: then just read it on the screen :-p03:00
seb128janimo: because you "hijack and break" that mimetype mechanism by using a private namespace fallback03:01
janimoseb128: cannot be that prvate if firefox is using it?03:01
seb128stop with that now03:01
seb128stop claiming that firefox use it03:01
seb128or prove it03:01
janimoseb128: and again. I do not hijack or break anything. Remember this is upstream thunar behavior. I'd rather you fight it out with upstream developer rather than03:02
seb128that's a free claim without any technical backup03:02
janimoforcing me to make a change which I do not fully understand the risks of03:02
seb128I'll not force you to do anything03:02
seb128I'll fix it myself03:02
janimoseb128: well that's the same thing03:02
seb128GNOME is the default desktop and better to have xubuntu than Ubuntu broken, that you like it or not03:02
janimoseb128: are you sure you will not break firefox in xubuntu?03:03
janimoseb128: oh really? how technical is that answer?03:03
janimoand gnoome is NOT BROKEN!03:03
seb128it is03:03
janimouser installs thunar then complains it opens it's places03:03
seb128thunar hijack the directory opening03:03
janimodo notr install it then03:03
mdkethat's definitely a bug.03:04
azeemmake nautilus Conflicts: thunar03:04
seb128what about reading what I explained you like 10 times now on how mimetype association work?03:04
janimoreally , I'd rather make thunar conflict with nautilus than make a change which can affect the default xubuntu install03:04
mdkekonq was doing the same at one stage, thanksfully it was fixed03:04
seb128a directory is x-directory/normal03:04
seb128you can discuss with kubuntu guys, not with xubuntu team it looks like03:04
janimoseb128: I asked you to please answer the points upstream thunar is rainsing rather then repeating the same arguments _to me_03:04
seb128that's noted for next time they need something03:04
seb128I already wasted 1 hour explaining again and again the same thing03:05
janimoI am not thunar usptream have only a avgue idea how the mime system works 03:05
seb128janimo: I commented on the bug03:05
seb128and upstream has not point03:05
janimoso I am not comfortable doing osmething because you claim it breaks gnome, since I know you don;t care at all if it breaks xubuntu03:05
seb128it looks like they rather don't know how the freedesktop mimesystem work03:05
janimoso please answer the points brought up by thunar upstream and I am fine with whatever you two decide03:05
seb128I REPLIED03:06
janimobut do not make me do a change or threaten to do it yourslef without being sure of it's consequences03:06
seb128I don't threaten03:06
seb128I inform you I'll fix that bug if you don't03:06
janimoseb128: you did not reply. A reply is when what you say is connected to what previous comment said03:06
seb128they didn't say anything03:06
seb128they say "firefox might use it"03:07
janimoseb128: ok if firefox does not use it  or it does not break anything I am fine with any fix you make03:08
infinityWhat's the bug here?03:08
janimothing is you don;t know if that;s the case and you don;'t care. So your fix may cause other bugs03:08
janimoinfinity: bug 3599703:08
UbugtuMalone bug 35997 in libgnome "Gnome's Places menu starts Konqueror instead of Nautilus" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3599703:08
seb128infinity: thunar listing itself as an app opening "x-directory/gnome-default-handler", where "x-directory/gnome-default-handler" is not a mimetype but something internally defined by gnome-vfs as a fallback mechanism03:09
janimoinfinity: at the end, since it's an older bug that has a new duplicate03:09
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janimoseb128: 'fallback mechanism' implies there are no alternatives right?03:09
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janimoso if there are two default handlers and they are not used I would not call it fallback...03:09
seb128janimo: it implies what I explained before, if no app is defined to handle "x-directory/normal" gnome-vfs force one03:10
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seb128janimo: it should be set only if there is no x-directory/normal handler since it hijacks x-directory/normal when set03:10
janimoseb128: dont' nautilus and thunat both handel x-directory/normal03:10
seb128janimo: THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULD NOT SET IT03:10
janimoseb128: it's not a fallback then03:11
=== ogra holds his ears
=== mdke too
seb128janimo: it's a fallback in the sense it's set and used only if there is no x-directory/normal handler03:12
zulcant we all just get along?03:12
seb128zul: no, thunar breaks GNOME and janimo will not fix the bug for whatever reason03:12
=== mdke gives ogra his ears back
janimoseb128: do you have any docs about how this private thing is suppoed to work03:12
seb128janimo: no, it's private stuff, not public API documented03:12
janimoI cannot further discuss this since we are not getting anywhere03:12
seb128janimo: it's supposed to NOT be used03:13
nomedogra, what does it happen if gdm can't find the gtkTheme ?03:13
ograit falls back to the one in gdm.conf 03:13
infinityjanimo: seb128 is right here.  You shouldn't be using the GNOME handler.03:13
seb128janimo: right, you seem to have no knowledge of the mimetype mechanism nor and will not listen to what people explain03:13
ograif there is none found either it falls back to HappyGNOME or something03:13
janimoinfinity: I am not disputing that, I'd rather that instead of yelling at me he commented the exact same things in LP03:14
nomedok ...03:14
janimoseb128: I am listening but not before making sure your fix does not cause more breakage03:14
infinityjanimo: He has, as far as I can see in the bug log.03:14
nomedso it doesn't need to depend on any gtk theme true ?03:14
janimoinfinity: ok, it means I am really that clueless what can I say.03:14
seb128janimo: I tried my best to explain you that's right, what about try on your xubuntu and let me know if you face any issue?03:14
janimoseb128: I will03:15
seb128janimo: do it now and not after dapper please then03:15
seb128instead of saying again and again it might break something and that you refuse to do the change because of that03:15
infinityjanimo: In the upstream bug, upstream says" If software (like03:17
infinitygnome-panel) wants to use nautilus, it should simply run nautilus.03:17
infinityx-directory/gnome-default-handler is not garantied to be nautilus; in fact that03:17
infinitywould be really useless. Instead it's the user's preferred file manager."03:17
seb128gnome-panel doesn't want to run nautilus, it wants to run the preferred handler for x-directory/normal03:17
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ogranomed, oh, sorry, i misread ... i thought youre talking about the GDM theme03:18
infinityjanimo: Respond, and let them know that x-directory/gnome-default-handler is the default *GNOME* file manager fallback, but x-directory/normal is the *default file manager*.03:18
nomedogra, yes and not ..03:18
ograno idea how it handles a missing gtk theme 03:18
ograi guess it falls back to the default widget set03:18
infinityjanimo: He seems to not know about x-directory/normal, since he earlier states "x-directory/gnome-default-handler is, as03:18
infinitythe name suggests, the default handler for directories (should be renamed to03:18
infinitysomething w/o 'gnome' in its name to avoid confusion)"03:18
infinity(Which is wrong)03:18
nomedogra, i see edubuntu-artwork depends on gdm03:19
seb128(cf my comment on lp from "2006-05-27 10:40:15 UTC")03:19
infinityIt has gnome- in the name, specifically because it IS gnome-specific.03:19
janimooh I wish one of yoou commented on that bugzilla instead of me proxying03:19
seb128"That works for any mimetype. A directory is from "x-directory/normal" type, setting a default is only usin "x-directory/normal=app.desktop" to the defaults.list"03:19
ogranomed, yep03:19
infinityjanimo: That would involve signing up for another bugzilla. :)03:19
janimoinfinity: I know that;s why I am not asking you to :)03:19
nomedjanimo, shouldn't xubuntu-default-settings depends on gdm too ?03:20
janimobut thing is I am caught between upstream and ubuntu on a matter I know too little about03:20
janimoto be convinced by either03:20
janimobeing threatened or yelled at does not help in such cases03:20
janimoquite the opposite actually03:20
janimonomed: no it can work w/oo gdm03:21
seb128I yell because you ask again and again the same questions and I already replied to them03:21
infinityjanimo: I'm not yelling at you.  I'm not French.  :)  I'm just telling you that seb128 is right.03:21
infinityseb128: Enjoy it while it lasts, I'll decide you're wrong about something else tomorrow. ;)03:21
seb128I've enough bugs to reply to, to not explain myself 5 times on that one03:21
seb128infinity: hehe ;)03:21
seb128janimo: what you are saying is "I'll not fix the bug because I don't know how to fix it, and I'll not let you fix it because I don't trust you to not break xubuntu"03:22
seb128janimo: which is basically "I'll not fix that for dapper"03:22
infinityArgh, where's pitti?03:22
ograjust make thunar conflict with nautilus ... :P03:23
janimoseb128: no, I say I am not going to fix it before I am convinced it's an actual fix03:23
infinityseb128: Do you know anything about pitti breaking the poppler ABI?03:23
janimoseb128: it will be sorted by dapper one way or another03:23
seb128infinity: yeah, cf devel list03:23
nomedif it helps i may test it on a livecd (?)03:23
infinityseb128: Yeah, I meant "anything more than that". :)03:23
seb128infinity: we decided that tetex-bin rebuild is the way to go, all the other packages using poppler have been rebuilt since03:23
seb128infinity: but mdz didn't reply to my "ok to rebuild it now before dapper"03:23
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seb128janimo: are you aware that it might be too late for changing for dapper already?03:24
janimoseb128: no, it's not03:24
seb128janimo: if you decide you will no fix it and that we have to change gnome-vfs it's probably03:25
janimoif it were how did you want to fix it today?03:25
janimoseb128: no worries it will be fixed in thunar.03:25
infinityseb128: But we habe a different ABI from Debian now, with the same package name and same SONAME.03:26
seb128the only way you have to change that to thunar is what I said03:26
infinityseb128: That's double-plus ungood, in my books.03:26
seb128infinity: 03:26
seb128mai 26 18:25:10 <mdz>pitti: if packages were built with the changed libpoppler they might need to be rebuilt03:26
seb128mai 26 18:25:10 <seb128>pitti: because if the ABI change we probably want to revert it, no?03:26
seb128mai 26 18:25:13 <pitti>seb128: TBH, rebuilding the rdepends seems safer to me03:26
seb128mai 26 18:26:12 <seb128>pitti: but we make us binary incompatible with rest of the world then?03:27
=== ogra wonders if its orwell year this year, everybody uses double-plus recently
seb128mai 26 18:27:33 <pitti>seb128: is that an issue? if so, well, then we can revert the bug fix, too, but I wouldn't be so happy about reintroducing a bug03:27
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seb128infinity: that's from yesterday03:27
infinityseb128: Thanks.03:27
infinityseb128: Oh, we may be saved.  Our poppler SONAME is already different from Debian's.03:28
infinityAnd binary compatibility with the rest of the world is less of a concern for me.03:28
seb128I think they have a new poppler version with the same soname to NEW atm03:28
nomedjanimo, ping me when you'll have 2 min ...03:28
janimonomed: now03:29
infinityseb128: I can contact Ondrej and ask him to include our patch before it clears NEW, thus sidestepping the problem. :)03:29
nomedwe're not using the gtk theme (?)03:29
janimoanyone besided fabbione know why ubnutu and kubuntu-devel irclogs are collecting the whole past week?03:29
seb128infinity: right ;)03:29
janimonomed: where?03:29
nomedi do not see the xubuntu gtk theme based on ubuntu-looks03:30
nomeddidn't jmak send it to you ?03:30
nomedor jmack .. i don't remember the nick 03:30
janimonomed: no the deafult remains clearlook03:31
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janimothat theme he sent was incomplete03:31
janimotoo late to change that now, it remain clearlook03:31
nomedhe could just tell me 03:31
janimohe sent the themes to the list and noone else commented on them03:32
nomedi could even complete it ..03:32
janimonomed: is the current one not good enough?03:32
nomedi think to use cairo ..03:32
nomedwe could use ubuntu-looks03:32
nomedthat's much better03:32
zuljanimo: all the logs are doing that03:33
=== infinity ICQs Ondrej and bugs him about poppler in Debian.
janimozul, and is it intended?03:33
nomedjanimo, then ..03:34
seb128ok, time for some non-ubuntish activities for a change, bbl03:34
ograjanimo, that we have backlogs for 2 years form all channels ? sure, why shouldnt we log if we dont keep them03:35
nomedif it 's possible to set xubuntu-default-settings Depends: tango-icon-theme03:35
janimoogra: I mean in the same file03:35
nomedi could use abs paths within the gdm xml03:35
nomedthat's for icons ..03:35
janimoogra: there are no daily channel logs for the past week, only one beeg weekly log03:36
nomedin this case i guess we do not need to add licences for the icons used03:36
nomedas they are cc03:36
janimonomed, it's ok as it is now, the license is not problem03:36
janimoit would be too much work at this stage for little gain03:36
janimoso we either leave the theme as it is now, or replace those 2 icons03:36
nomedso i'll not change those icons03:37
janimoand set theme to Clearlooks if you think it's better tha human03:37
nomedlet's keep that pkge as it is03:37
janimonomed: ok03:37
ograJanC, no idea, you need to ask fabio03:37
ograjanimo, ^^03:37
janimoogra, yes that why I started with does anyone besided fabbione know ;) ?03:37
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bddebianHowdy folks03:48
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zulhey fabbione how is the uk?03:55
DiskdocI'm back.. Can't seem to find any other channel more suited for Ubuntu RC bugtesting..03:55
fabbionezul: exactly like i left it last time.. warm and wet03:55
ografabbione, did you ever get your dvb-t card to work ?03:56
fabbioneogra: i don't have a dvb-t card yet03:56
fabbioneonly a boring analog tv03:56
ograah, k 03:57
ograi'm still struggling here03:57
fabbioneplanning to shop for them after release03:57
fabbionei have some issues... but i am nto sure if they are nv / nvidia related.03:57
ograseems my usb adapter is recognized fine after dropping the firmware into /lib/firmware ...03:57
janimofabbione: hi, are the irc logs supposed to not have daily dumps?03:58
ograbut i always get "tuning failed" messages03:58
janimothis channel's runs back a week already03:58
fabbioneogra: mine doesn't need fw03:58
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fabbionejanimo: they are supposed to be updated hourly and the script rotate on daily03:58
ograwell, i want to use it on a leptop so i needed to buy a usb one ...03:58
fabbioneogra: no i will buy PCI, but only after i test the analog one properly03:59
fabbionei want to make sure that it is not a v4l2 issue03:59
fabbionei solved the vbi one.. it was a bug in udev03:59
ograanalog works fine for me, the prob is only that analog tv will be switched off germany wide this month03:59
ogradvb doesnt use v4l so i'm safe on that side :)04:00
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fabbionejanimo, Riddell: the logs are ok the bot.. checking the connection to the DC04:02
fabbioneat least they are not lost :)04:02
azeemW 4404:02
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fabbionejanimo, Riddell: ok fixed. It was an error in the daily rotate script. Can you please remind me after release to process the logs for the missing days?04:09
janimofabbione: will try to remember :)04:09
fabbionejanimo, Riddell: they are not lost.. they just need an upload04:10
fabbionebut i am far from the server and bw is not fast for these kind of hacks04:10
fabbione-current anyway are good04:10
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DiskdocIf I find bugs in the Dapper RC that are already noted (though not resolved) for an earlier version of Ubuntu - should I post the bug again (as concerning Dapper/RC) or just add a note at the existing bug? I'd guess at the latter..04:16
ograadd a note04:17
sladenDiskdoc: don't duplicate bugs, but do update it04:17
fabbionereopen the bug, increase severity and add tag REGRESSION04:17
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fabbionehey sabdf1 04:17
bddebianHello sabdfl04:17
sabdflhey hey fredom lovers04:17
mdkehappy saturday04:18
zakamehi all04:19
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zakamehi sabdfl 04:19
DiskdocOk, thanks. This old PC I'm trying it out on has a strange twist to it, btw. Seems DMA (and block access maybe) has to be disabled for the CD-ROM in the bios AND at kernel boot with ide=nodma04:19
DiskdocThough when the desktop-CD has booted I can turn on everything with hdparm again04:20
zakamefabbione: hi!04:21
fabbionehey zakame 04:21
bddebianHeya zakame04:21
fabbionezakame: how is your X thingy going?04:21
fabbionezakame: infinity and I are planning the work for 7.104:22
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fabbionezakame: and i would really really love to see you involved04:22
fabbionehey pitti 04:22
bddebianHello pitti04:23
zakamefabbione: It's going great! I'm still ploughing over the drivers list, but I seem to have managed =)04:24
fabbionezakame: great04:24
zakamefabbione: ooh! so do I! :D04:24
fabbionezakame: the idea is simple...04:24
fabbionezakame: as soon as edgy will open, we will merge 7.0 from debian and sync the packaging04:25
fabbionezakame: once that's done we will bump to 7.1 (if debian isn't there yet)04:25
infinityfabbione: Ahh, you're recruiting lackeys.  Good, good. :)04:25
fabbioneinfinity: zakame is learning :)04:26
zakamehmm I remember aba (or was it hmh) saying something about it on #d-devel04:26
fabbioneinfinity: so we will need to drive him a bit but i am sure he will do a great job04:26
zakameinfinity: LOL!04:26
zakamefabbione: thanks! :)04:26
infinityOh, and anything that even vaguely mentions "mesa", I suspect you two should just leave to me, since we're forked so far from Debian it hurts.04:26
fabbionelifeless: night04:26
infinityI'll try to sort it all out early on.04:26
zakamegn8 lifeless 04:27
fabbioneinfinity: we will need a new mesa from upstream anyway04:27
bddebiangnight lifeless04:27
infinityYeah, but the packaging is horibly forked, I mean.04:27
fabbioneinfinity: otherwise a lot of features in 7.1 will be null04:27
fabbioneinfinity: yeah that too04:27
infinityI'll have to mangle the packaging a bit before we bump to new upstream.04:27
infinity(And get some mangling fixes back into Debian while I'm at it)04:27
fabbioneinfinity: we can work in parallel to get all the pkging sorted and later we bump upstream04:27
=== infinity nods.
infinityThat sounds ideal ot me.04:28
infinityto, as well.04:28
bddebianAnd fix xmkmf too? :-)04:28
fabbioneinfinity: you and I can do protos, libs and drivers/server and zakame can start stretching his wings on the apps that have less disaster impact04:28
infinityfabbione / zakame: When we do this, I'll want us to keep a running list of everywhere where our packaging is forked (not patches, but hacks we need to make in debian/control for smooth transitions, that sort of thing)04:28
zakamebddebian: yeah! I remember that Xp6 dependency bug again...04:28
infinityfabbione / zakame: I can then take that list and try to get all our hacks back into Debian as well.04:29
bddebianzakame: :-)04:29
fabbioneinfinity: i think while we do the batch work we should sit in a quiet irc channel and track everything04:29
fabbioneinfinity: patches and packaging04:29
=== infinity nods.
fabbioneinfinity: get daniels to commit patches and you to push pkging04:29
bddebianI suppose asking if I could provide any help would be fruitless?04:30
infinityI'll happily invite vorlon, gravity, and daniels to idle in that same channel, so they can pipe up if something seems "not right" from their end.04:30
fabbionebddebian: how much do you know about X?04:30
infinity(Or just ignore us entirely, their choice)04:30
fabbioneinfinity: yup i agree04:30
fabbionebddebian: zakame has been learning just how to build X for the past 2 weeks to be able to help..04:30
zakamefabbione / infinity: ok!  I'll add that to the list :D04:31
fabbionebddebian: and this transition has to go very fast in.04:31
bddebianfabbione: Not as much as I would like to04:31
fabbioneinfinity: zakame is preparing a schema to track a bunch of data already04:31
fabbioneinfinity: on my input..04:31
fabbioneinfinity: i am sure he can add more since he got it written down already04:31
infinityfabbione: We have some small things to transition to get back in sync (Debian chose a more FHS-compliant font directory scheme than Daniel originally did, for instance), but most of it looks pretty smooth.04:31
zakameyeah, I remember already putting down the x11-proto libs in pastebin04:32
fabbionebddebian: i am sorry but X is a commitment that i am not going to give out to sporadic help. It's a "package" that requires dedication and constant attention04:32
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fabbionebddebian: and to several degree also a deep knowledge04:32
zakameI'll be putting the list up on tiber once they're done (which is very very soon :D)04:33
fabbionebddebian: if you are keen to learn good, but sporadic will get you nowhere04:33
ograbtw, was there a final decisio if we upgrade nvidia drivers before release ?04:33
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bddebianfabbione: No problem.  Offer stands if I can do anything.  ANd yes I would learn but I seem to irritate you for some reason. :-)04:34
mvomdz: permission to upload a update gnome-app-install? updated desktop files and two (small) fixes?04:34
zulbddebian, iritating fabbione is fun though :)04:34
fabbionebddebian: eh??? no it's nothing like that.. i need people with commitment.. if you are keen to learn I am glad for you to join the team04:34
fabbionebddebian: what i am asking you is to think about it before you offer for something that's pretty big and time consuming04:35
bddebianWell the only reservation I would have is that we seem to keep losing good people from Universe to main. :-(04:36
bddebianNot that I'm "good" per se, but I hit a lot of packages for Universe04:37
fabbionezul: shusshhh'04:37
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=== bddebian notices infinity's silene too :)
bddebianErr silence even04:40
pittimvo: ah, just reading your u-m changelog. thanks for fixing the removal of obsolete packages04:43
pittimvo: do you have any idea about the missing l-support-en?04:44
mvopitti: cheers, thanks for spotting it in the first place04:44
mvopitti: I suspect a dependency problem in OOo, but i need to investigate04:44
infinityWhat's this about OOo dependency issues?04:52
infinityThis doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I just noticed (like 10 minutes ago) that openoffice.org Conflict with openoffice.org2 (unversioned), while the latter depends on the former?04:52
infinityI wish I'd noticed that YESTERDAY, so I didn't have to upload again to fix that upgrade path... *sigh*04:53
mvoinfinity: one of the language support things, its only a theory now, not a known fact04:55
infinitymvo: Oh, so a different bug.  Great.04:55
infinitymvo: I need to upload OOo again for the above, so can you find out for me if it's also buggy in some other way, so I don't have to upload twice? :/04:56
mvoinfinity: ok, I'll invetigate now04:56
doko_infinity: please wait with the next OOo upload; have to fix an upgrade error as well04:57
infinitydoko_: You mean other than this "can't upgrade from breezy at all" error? :)05:00
doko_infinity: yes05:00
infinitydoko_: Mmkay.05:01
KamionSeveas: please do not mark ubiquity bugs as duplicates; you're getting it wrong05:02
KamionSeveas: (there are multiple reasons why the bugs you're marking as duplicates might appear)05:02
KamionSeveas: please leave ubiquity bugs to me05:02
Kamion(at least, you're potentially getting it wrong; from the evidence, there is insufficient proof)05:03
Riddellthank fabbione 05:06
ografabbione, is there any equivalent to IgnoreEDID in the nv driver ? 05:06
fabbioneman nv05:07
ograseems i cant get widescreen resolutions at all with nv ...05:07
=== fabbione -> beer
ograonly nvidia works05:07
ografabbione, enjoy ! :)05:07
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Riddellcarlos, jordi: here's a fun thread for you http://lists.kde.org/?t=114872530400008&r=1&w=205:08
SeveasKamion, sorry, I thought I only picked exact duplicate traces05:09
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infinitydoko_: Can you push your fix to me ASAP?  As soon as mdz gives me an okay on this, I want to get it up and built so the buildds and archive have settle before eveyone gets back to work on Monday.05:10
SeveasI wouldn't dare touch ubiquity bugs except exact duplicates05:10
DiskdocTesting out the RC Desktop-CD. Now partitioning in expert mode - where are the raid options?05:10
infinitymdz: Ping.05:10
doko_infinity: sure, let me do this tonight, have to go shopping now05:10
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infinitydoko_: Okay, I have to sleep soon anyway, but I'll be hoping to see it in my INBOX when I wake up. :)05:11
doko_infinity: sleep well ... and long ... ;-P05:12
mdzinfinity: pong05:12
mdzwhat's up?05:12
infinitymdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/testing/dapper_probs.html05:12
mdzmvo: diff for g-a-i update?05:12
infinitymdz: As it turns out, those uninstallables aren't an archive problem (as we suspected, and thus did nothing about), but rather broken unversioned conflicts between openoffice.org-* and openoffice.org2-*05:12
mdzinfinity: the oo.o2 thing? that's been there for ages05:13
infinitymdz: Permission to upload (yet again, yay!) to fix that, so upgrade without ubuntu-desktop installed won't explode? :)05:13
mdzinfinity: yes...whichever of you or doko makes the fix, the other should eyeball it before building05:13
mdzinfinity: going to take fabio out for a drink; please SMS at the number in the wiki and let me know how it turns out05:14
infinitymdz: I'll test it locally too, to make sure I get it right the first time.05:14
infinitymdz: The upload will be in ~10-12 hours, no need to SMS you.  (I need to sleep, and doko's sitting on another upgrade fix too)05:14
infinitymdz: Happy drinking.05:15
zakame~[6~[6~/wind 205:17
jordiRiddell: fantastic05:17
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sladenmdz: I've sent a fix to 'acpid' to the queue to stop it shutting down after displaying the logout dialogue in GNOME05:18
mvomdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/gnome-app-install_0.1.32.debdiff (is big because of the desktop file updates)05:21
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_ionBug #4693505:28
UbugtuMalone bug 46935 in linux-meta "System hangs when using ltserial, ltmodem, /dev/ttyLTM0" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4693505:28
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Riddelljordi: are there any long term plans to sync translations between rosetta and upstreams?05:32
tsdgeosRiddell: jordi is gone05:32
tsdgeosor he lied me :D05:32
mdkeRiddell: if the upstream uses rosetta, then the answer is yes05:32
mdkeRiddell: if you're talking about Ubuntu translations in rosetta, the answer is no, as far as I know.05:32
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mdke(translators need to forward their stuff)05:32
jordiok I will be killed by the gf05:33
jordiRiddell: there's a midterm plan to import KDE and GNOME SVN and only the KDE translators and GNOME translators members will be able to translate05:33
jordithat, and translation multicasting will ease the problem05:33
jordibut I *really* need to disappear now05:33
mdkehave fun jordi 05:34
Riddellthanks jordi 05:34
green-mouseHi, what is ubuntu politics about including kernel paches in to "official" kernel image... I have laptop with centario proccesor, and cpufreq dont`t work without some paches... this is possible to include this pach to official kernel?05:38
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infinitygreen-mouse: We have plenty of patches for centrino cpufreq stuff.  Which cpu specifically doesn't work with out kernel?05:39
green-mouseinfinity, model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz05:41
green-mouseinfinity, i use linux-phc-0.2.4 patch...05:41
infinitygreen-mouse: Have you actually tried our kernel (apt-get install linux-686) in dapper, with the powernowd also in dapper?  It should work fine.05:42
green-mouseinfinity, i use dapper05:42
green-mouseinfinity, i have linux-686 package installed...05:43
carlosRiddell: About the German translators... it was due the missing translations we got becuase the problem with kde-i18n-de package05:43
carlosRiddell: Ubuntu translators already asked me to revert the modifications and move them back to KDE ones05:43
carlosRiddell: but I hadn't time to do that yet05:44
green-mouseinfinity, Linux green-mouse-laptop 2.6.15-23-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 23 14:03:07 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux 05:44
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green-mouseinfinity, and cpufreq works only after patch applying...05:45
mjg59green-mouse: What patch?05:45
mvo_pitti has left the building?05:45
green-mousemjg59, linux-phc-0.2.4 patch...05:46
infinitygreen-mouse: Okay, PHC isn't the same thing as the kernel's generic cpufreq interface (thoug it hooks into it, it looks like)05:46
mjg59green-mouse: Where can we find that?05:46
mjg59And how are you trying to control the cpu frequency?05:46
infinitymjg59: ^^^^05:46
mjg59Oh. So crack.05:46
green-mousemjg59, http://linux-phc.sourceforge.net/05:46
infinityYeah, it's completely orthogonal to the cpufreq support we ship that SHOULD work on his CPU.05:46
mjg59That's not cpufreq05:46
sladengreen-mouse: do you have busted ACPI on your machine?05:47
green-mousesladen, yes05:47
infinitygreen-mouse: That's a tweaker's interface for {under,over}volting and {under,over}clocking, not the same as plain old cpufreq.05:47
Robot101mjg59: not at the fest'o'beer?05:47
sladengreen-mouse: the only reason for overriding a power/voltage scaling table is if the table supplied by the ACPI BIOS is incorrect05:47
sladengreen-mouse: right, so the actual problem is another one.05:48
sladengreen-mouse: in which case, $lots of other stuff probably doesn't work on your machine either05:48
green-mouseinfinity, ok... maybe cpufreq broken in ubuntu kernel....05:48
green-mousei appyd this path on vanilla kernel...05:48
ogragreen-mouse, sladen just explained it to you ... it has nothing at all to do with cpufreq05:49
sladengreen-mouse: so, what you're doing is adding an override for your CPU (with incorrect voltages, but which are close-enough that they might work)05:50
green-mouseok... in ubuntu kernel: modprobe speedstep-centrino05:50
green-mouseFATAL: Error inserting speedstep_centrino (/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-686/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/speedstep-centrino.ko): Invalid module format05:50
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ lsmod | grep speedstep05:50
infinityspeedstep_centrino      8752  105:50
infinityfreq_table              4928  2 speedstep_centrino,cpufreq_stats05:50
infinityprocessor              26344  2 speedstep_centrino,thermal05:50
sladengreen-mouse: yes.  Dude, it gets the voltage/scaling pairs from ACPI.  Your ACPI is busted.  There are no voltage/scaling pairs to use, so it bombs.05:50
infinityWorks here (obviously)05:50
infinity"Invalid module format" is a pretty iffy way to fail, though.05:51
sladengreen-mouse: please can you file a bug against 'acpi-support' and we'll debug a solution for you there05:51
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ograinfinity, <green-mouse> i appyd this path on vanilla kernel...05:51
ogragreen-mouse, are you currently running that patched kernel ? 05:51
sladeninfinity: valid point... that *is* an interesting error message05:51
green-mouseogra, not05:52
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green-mouseogra, now this is ubuntu kernel05:52
infinitysladen / mjg59 : Do we have a HOWTO anywhere for hacking /etc/mkinitramfs/DSDT.aml for people with ACPI issues?05:52
infinityThat's likely what this dude needs.05:52
sladeninfinity: I don't think so.  Could really do with one, rather than sending people off to the Gentoo documentation05:53
infinityI didn't say the HOWTO had to be OURS.  Just any HOWTO will do. :)05:53
infinity(Though our own would be nice)05:53
sladeninfinity: which (while fixing it admittedly) also included a respray, aerofoils, go faster strips and alloy hub caps05:54
green-mouseok, from there we start? Have centario CPU and speedstep not work for me.... what infomation you need to debug this problem?05:55
sladeninfinity: the acpi.sf.net one;  but most of that still encourages people to patch their kernel, concat onto initrd.gz ... rather than copying it into /etc/mkinitramfs/05:55
sladengreen-mouse: launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+filebug05:56
sladengreen-mouse: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+filebug05:56
green-mousesladen, ok05:56
infinitysladen: Yeah, some of our own user-contributed documentation is that bad too. :/  Have you seen the people who will post "I only had to add this [block of 30 options]  to xorg.conf to make my card work!" when all they really needed was one of those changes?05:56
green-mousesladen, thenks\05:56
mjg59Invalid module format is unlikely to be it bombing out05:56
HiddenWolfinfinity: or worse, compiling stuff when there are packages in the people. repositories05:56
mjg59What does dmesg say?05:56
mjg59sladen: Christ no. If there's a bug here, it's in the kernel, not acpi-support05:57
ograRiddell, do you list related projects on kubuntu.org like we do in edubuntu.org ? (and especially do you list xubuntu there ?)05:57
infinityIs anyone else runinng a -386 kernel (I'm booted to -686 right now) who can confirm that that module loads?05:57
mjg59green-mouse: After trying modprobe speedstep-centrino, could you please provide the output of the dmesg command?05:58
mjg59Put it on pastebin rather than pasting it here05:58
sladenmjg59: yes, it needs a generic 'powermanagement' but to assign things to before they get debugged05:58
ograinfinity, sorry running -386 on amd64 here 05:58
green-mousemjg59, ok i post this in my bugreport...05:58
mjg59sladen: If a kernel driver doesn't work, it's a kernel bug05:58
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mjg59green-mouse: Ok, give me the bug number once you've got it05:59
green-mousemjg59, ok05:59
infinityogra: modprobe that module, then.06:00
infinityogra: Doesn't need to DO anything, just want to see if it loads without "invalid module format", which is... Odd.06:00
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ograinfinity, a nice "no such device" here06:01
ograas it should be06:01
infinityogra: Okay, good.06:02
darius_I just installed Dapper RC1 fresh.  Then tried to install ntp-server but the /etc/init.d/ntp-server script is looking for an 'ntp' user that was never created on the system.  Can anyone tell me if this behavious is consistent on another system?06:03
infinitydarius_: Oh, crap.  I have a bug report about that.06:05
infinitydarius_: try "export LANG=C ; apt-get install ntp-server"06:05
darius_infinity: actually, it came up because I was trying to have it regularly check an ntp server (via the Time Setting gui interface) which trigger an install, but the install fails06:06
darius_infinity: that didn't resolve it06:07
infinitydarius_: Oh, you'll have to purge it first.06:07
darius_I just did an apt-get install ntp-simple from the command line and it fixed it on one machine06:07
infinity"apt-get --purge remove ntp-server"06:07
infinityThen "LANG=C apt-get install ntp-server"06:07
darius_inifity: nope, I still got the error using that method06:08
darius_apt-get install ntp-simple did create the ntp user06:09
darius_which resolves my problem .. but I think that leaves a problem for people trying to directly install ntp-server06:09
infinityWell, yeah, but ntp-server depends on ntp-simple.06:09
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infinityOh, feh.  I see the problem.06:11
darius_actually, seems it will be a problem for everyone using the GUI06:11
infinityNo, it's a problem for everyone, period.  And has nothing to do with LANG, that was a red herring in a confused bug.06:11
KamionSeveas: unfortunately "RuntimeError: Install failed with exit code 1" requires more information; the actual trace is buried in syslog06:12
infinitydarius_: The problem is simple that ntp-server's postinst tries to restart, when it shouldn't (because it doesn't creat the user, nor contain the daemon, ntp-simple does)06:12
SeveasKamion, ah ok06:13
SeveasSorry again, will ask reporters for logs in the future06:13
Seveasdo you want me to undo my actions?06:14
Kamion(so I added text to the crash dialog to ask people to attach syslog and partman, but about 50% of people seem to be ignoring that)06:14
KamionSeveas: yes please, otherwise I'll do it later06:14
SeveasI'm on it06:14
darius_I love being able to report an issue and *bham* someone is fixing it.  This is crazy.  I think Ubuntu will give Windows significant trouble in the near future06:15
bgertzfielddarius_: well come. :)06:15
KamionI honestly don't mind setting duplicate markings myself anyway - it helps me get an impression of which issues are most urgent06:15
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darius_I only wish hardware manufacturers were more support .. but I imagine it's coming.  I recently saw a request for quote go to a vendor and the requestor demanded that only hardware with linux open source drivers be provided06:17
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mdzmvo: +                    if it.Component != "" and it.Component == "universe": ?06:19
ogradoes that only pull from it.a.u.c then ? 06:20
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bgertzfielddarius_: coming from both the open-source and corporate worlds, hardware manufacturers will support software only when there's a lot of money to be made06:21
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bgertzfieldor they have an ulterior motive (spreading goodwill among a great community, like the linux folks)06:21
darius_bgertzfield: yeah, but if there's at least one manufacturer that has good support and competitive products then the rest start losing business.  This was a purchase for $50k, you can bet the distributor was willing to hunt for the right hardware06:23
bgertzfieldsure. it takes a long, long time for manufacturers to realize why they're losing business tho06:24
darius_bgertzfield: plus, it would be nice if manufacturers created and released drivers but the biggest problem is manufacturers just not opening up their interface so that someone else could create drivers06:24
bgertzfieldno, it's more that they never wrote down the interface in the first place ;) trust me06:25
darius_ah :)06:25
bgertzfieldusually the drivers are cobbled together at the last minute06:25
infinitymdz: Aren't you supposed to be out buying drinks?06:25
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bgertzfieldyeah! celebration time06:25
darius_half the ubuntu laptop install I make don't work out-of-the-box for the wireless networking.  This is so grueling.06:26
sladendarius_: which wireless cards?06:27
darius_broadcom, and some ipw2200 or whatever06:27
Riddellogra: not at the moment06:27
infinitymdz: Since you don't appear to actually be out at all, can you approve this one for me? http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/ntp.debdiff06:27
darius_many Dell latops, some HP - though I think HP is getting better06:27
ograRiddell, you mean you dont list any at the moment or you dont list xubuntu at the moment ?06:27
mdzinfinity: I have been out and back06:27
Riddellogra: just Ubuntu is listed06:27
ograah, k06:28
infinitymdz: darius hilighted it above, and looking at it, I'm not sure how this has ever worked for anyone.  Since we expose "apt-get install ntp-server" in the Time and Date gui, it seems pretty RC to me.06:28
infinitymdz: Note that for minimum impact, I just copied the ntp-simple postinst wholesale (except for the runinng of the init script, since dh_installinit gives ntp-server that for free)06:29
darius_I don't know if I've ever been able to install a Dell laptop w/ wireless support out of the box.  Really makes me hate their product :)06:29
mdzinfinity: was about to ask if you did that06:29
mdzinfinity: if so, fine06:29
infinitymdz: Kay, cool.  Uploading.06:30
darius_I'm sure Dell will come around eventually .. in 10 years - they finally started using AMD afterall :)06:30
darius_Does anyone know if the /sys/module/processor/parameters/max_cstate misreporting of CPU load issue will be fixed before release?06:33
KamionSeveas: also, /var/log/partman, not /var/log/installer/partman06:33
darius_The bug report was finally confirmed but we're at RC already.  It seems to affect a wide range of laptops (that worked with 5.10)06:35
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sladendarius_: what bug number?06:36
darius_I don't really understand what it is but it hit by nc6230 after upgrading to Dapper06:37
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green-mousemjg59, Bug #46952....06:38
UbugtuMalone bug 46952 in acpi-support "cpufreq don`t work on centrino CPU in  "dapper" (kernel: linux-image-2.6.15-23-686)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4695206:38
glatzorhi Riddell. do you remember the missing translations issue for kde some time ago?06:38
infinitydarius_: ntp bug confirmed, fixed, tested locally, and uploaded.  Thanks for the reminder. :/06:38
glatzorRiddell: there seems to be the same issue for koffice06:38
darius_infinity: awesome.  Thank you06:39
sladenmjg59: bug #30557 seems to be caused by a patch for ACPI C-states06:42
UbugtuMalone bug 30557 in linux-source-2.6.15 "cpu idle time in /proc/stat wrong" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3055706:42
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hunt0rhi all06:44
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hunt0rhow can I prevent the bootstrap system from the live cd to load module?06:45
sladenhunt0r: what module?06:46
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hunt0rok fcpcmcia_cs.ko ok something like this06:48
hunt0rwehen I try to boot it just says cs: io port probe and dies06:49
Riddellglatzor: carlospc was saying he'll fix it07:01
glatzorRiddell: yes for kde. but I noticed that this issue also applies to koffice07:04
glatzorI did not notice...07:04
glatzorRiddell: the leader of the German koffice translation team contacted me on IRC some minutes ago07:05
glatzorRiddell: carlospc: applying the script of carlospc also to koffice would require a fresh upload of koffice?07:06
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glatzorRiddell: are there any string changes by you in the koffice package?07:06
sladenhunt0r: how are you going to blacklist it if you don't know what module it is?07:07
glatzorotherwise I would upload the current German translations of the kde team, since they are at 100%07:07
Riddellglatzor: there's no kubuntu string changes in koffice07:07
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glatzorRiddell: to overwrite the Rosetta translation I have to do a "user upload", right?07:12
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hunt0rsladen: well I thought it the name is cs.ko becouse it says cs: blabla but maybe it has a slightly different name07:14
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Riddellglatzor: I don't know I'm afraid, but that sounds like it would do it07:15
glatzorRiddell: Ok. 32 po files :/07:15
infinitysfllaw: When you're around, can you check bug #46935?07:21
UbugtuMalone bug 46935 in wvdial "System hangs when using ltserial, ltmodem, /dev/ttyLTM0" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4693507:21
ograinfinity, he was on it  yesterday already, if i didnt read wrong here07:22
infinityogra: Ahh, I see nothing from him in the bug log (and he wasn't subscribed until I added him), so I just wanted insurance. :)07:22
ograi only saw him poking on ltserial and ltmodem, probably it was a dup or something07:23
infinityCould well be.07:23
infinityOh, yes.  Looking closely, there are several dupes of this one.07:24
=== ogra dinners
HiddenWolfhas dinner, I hope. :)07:25
ograthat too :)07:26
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infinitysfllaw: Nevermind, I see that you're all over a dupe of the same bug.07:33
glatzorRiddell: did you need to reupload kde to solve the issue last time?07:41
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Riddellglatzor: I needed to upload the kde-i8n-de package, for some reason it was out of date07:41
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dholbachmdz, Kamion: ok to upload new example-content? fixes bug 46713 (ubuntu Sax.ogg ends abruptly, heno has a new version of it)07:44
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Kamiondholbach: yes07:46
dholbachmdz, Kamion: sorry, the bug I meant is bug 4684207:46
dholbachKamion: merci beaucoup07:46
Kamionde rien07:46
=== ogra looks for Ubugtu
dholbachLP is the problem, not Ubugtu.07:46
ograah. still ?07:47
ogradholbach, nice to see youre not injured07:47
dholbachogra: injured?07:47
ograyou dont watch/read the news ?07:48
dholbachogra: you mean because of that news story about that Berlin Amok run?07:48
dholbachOh man07:48
ograyep :/07:48
HiddenWolfHeh, I'd run amok too if some loon started stabbing people at random.07:48
dholbachOf course I'm not injured - as sad as the story is: Berlin is not a place where you have to fight for survival every day - as much as the media is working on that image07:49
dholbachspiegel ahead of all of them07:49
ograheh, yes, i know07:50
dholbachbut oh well, I better stop complaining07:50
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infinitydholbach: BTW, you uploaded kooldock, which was FTBFS on all arches, due to an empty .po file.08:41
dholbachinfinity: i'll have alook, might be one of the AptGetOrg thingies, which built when I tested it (7-8 weeks ago)08:41
infinitydholbach: But I'm betting you didn't test with pkgstriptranslations installed and in nazi mode. :)08:42
dholbachinfinity: no, not really :)08:42
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glatzorRiddell: it seems to be that the koffice 1.4 po files are used in rosetta09:09
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glatzorthe number of strings (translated and untranslated) in the 1.5 po file and the rosetta po file differs by 30009:10
glatzorfor the kexi template only09:10
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mrothhmm.. should the new sun-java-jre in multiverse update /etc/alternatives/java to point to the sun version instead of gij?  doesnt seem to be doing so currently09:28
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pygihey zyga 11:12
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glickhmm dapper for some reason i no longer automounts my external firewire drive when i plug it in11:13
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ssamglick, mine mount ok, anything interesting in dmesg11:15
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glickhey is there a reason why dapper now no longer auto mounts my firewire drive?11:17
glickit did it once11:17
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Induanehey all is anyone here expirenced with zenity? it seems no one in the main ubuntu and ubuntu+1 channels is.11:45
Induanethus I come seeking the genius of this channel11:45
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glickyeah it seems like pmount is screwy in dapper rc111:47
mdkeglick: searching for and then filing a bug might be in order11:48
glickmdke: where do i do that?11:49
mdkeglick: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs11:49
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glickmdke: when registering should i allow people to see my email or will i be spammed to kingdom come if i do that?11:54
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mdkeglick: it is safe to allow it, I think11:55
glickmdke: only registered people will be able to see it right?11:55
mdkeglick: i believe so. #launchpad can tell you more11:56
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glickok sweet i submitted it12:02
glickdamn guess ill have to wait a while to access my firewire drive data :(12:03
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