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GNAM@schedule Europe/Rome12:05
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 22 May 23:00: Kubuntu | 23 May 22:00: Technical Board | 24 May 15:30: Xubuntu | 24 May 22:00: Edubuntu | 25 May 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 30 May 18:00: Community Council12:05
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ferronicahi room06:56
ferronicaany one tell me how to creat shortcut of home folder on desktop???06:56
ferronicaHELP ME06:58
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raphink@schedule paris09:45
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Paris: 22 May 23:00: Kubuntu | 23 May 22:00: Technical Board | 24 May 15:30: Xubuntu | 24 May 22:00: Edubuntu | 25 May 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 30 May 18:00: Community Council09:45
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freeflying@schedule Shanghai05:00
UbugtuSchedule for Asia/Shanghai: 23 May 05:00: Kubuntu | 24 May 04:00: Technical Board | 24 May 21:30: Xubuntu | 25 May 04:00: Edubuntu | 26 May 04:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 31 May 00:00: Community Council05:00
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Lure@schedule Ljubljana08:49
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Ljubljana: 22 May 23:00: Kubuntu | 23 May 22:00: Technical Board | 24 May 15:30: Xubuntu | 24 May 22:00: Edubuntu | 25 May 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 30 May 18:00: Community Council08:49
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sivangre all08:59
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siretart@schedule Berlin09:27
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: 22 May 23:00: Kubuntu | 23 May 22:00: Technical Board | 24 May 15:30: Xubuntu | 24 May 22:00: Edubuntu | 25 May 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 30 May 18:00: Community Council09:27
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sladen@schedule Mexico09:41
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BlueT_@schedule Taipei10:44
UbugtuSchedule for Asia/Taipei: 23 May 05:00: Kubuntu | 24 May 04:00: Technical Board | 24 May 21:30: Xubuntu | 25 May 04:00: Edubuntu | 26 May 04:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 31 May 00:00: Community Council10:44
comm[A|n] der@schedule berlin10:49
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: 22 May 23:00: Kubuntu | 23 May 22:00: Technical Board | 24 May 15:30: Xubuntu | 24 May 22:00: Edubuntu | 25 May 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 30 May 18:00: Community Council10:49
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Kubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 May 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 24 May 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 24 May 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 25 May 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 30 May 16:00 UTC: Community Council
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alleekwwii: hi11:01
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Lurehi allee & kwwii11:02
`6oghi mob11:02
RiddellI think I woke hobbsee up 11:02
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kwwiia sonar ping over the internet?11:03
`6ogRiddell: <grin>11:03
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imbrandonlol @ Riddell 11:03
=== imbrandon is just barly awake too , i had to set my alarm to get up this early ;)
`6ogimbrandon: what time is it?11:04
alleeimbrandon: wher to you life?11:04
imbrandon4pm localtim BUT i work overnights11:04
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linuxmonkeywhat time is the meeting starting at?11:04
`6ogimbrandon: heh. 6.30 am here11:04
m-onkey23:05 here...11:05
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Riddelllinuxmonkey: waiting on hobbsee11:05
alleelinuxmonkey: 4 min ago ;)11:05
Riddellah hah :)11:05
`6oghey Hobbsee :)11:05
imbrandonheya Hobbsee 11:05
Hobbseeskype sucks :P11:05
Riddelllets start with who we are11:05
=== Riddell jonathan riddell
=== Lure is Luka Renko
=== allee Achim Bohnet
=== Hobbsee is Sarah Hobbs, she thinks...
=== kwwii is Kenneth Wimer
=== m-onkey Carlos Diener
=== toma is Tom Albers
=== comm[A|n] der is Robert Mueller
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== `6og Karl Goetz (usually)
=== OculusAquilae is Bastian Holst
=== imbrandon is Brandon Holtsclaw
=== nixternal is Richard Johnson
klichotaklichota is Krzysztof Lichota11:06
=== crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== kmon Javier monteagudo, just a reader
=== linuxmonkey is Terry Jacob (at least I think I am)
Riddellso this is our first meeting with a kubuntu council, who are me, toma, Hobbsee, allee 11:06
Riddelldoesn't seem like raphink or tonio are around11:06
Hobbseeoh wow, so i really did need to be here11:06
Hobbseethey'll probably come11:07
Riddellagenda at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings11:07
RiddellHobbsee: your item first11:07
Hobbseewha?  i have an item?11:07
Riddellaccording to the agenda you do11:07
Hobbseecan we switch back to me when i'm slightly mroe awake?11:07
Riddellimbrandon: seems you're first11:08
imbrandonI dont have a long into but , I help alot on irc and learing to MOTU for kde11:08
Riddellimbrandon: care to introduce yourself11:08
=== Riddell tries to find out how to work launchpad team membership
crimsunI can, of course, vouch for imbrandon taking an active role in universe-fixing for 6.0611:09
imbrandon;) bddebian has uploaded a few for me also11:10
HobbseeRiddell: with a brick :P11:10
alleebddebian: you're here?11:10
Riddellok, I've got it now11:10
bddebianAye, I can speak for imbrandon.  Though I am not directly involved in kubuntu :-)11:10
Riddellimbrandon: I don't think we've spoken much, how long have you been around #kubuntu-devel11:10
Riddellcrimsun, bddebian: what kind of stuff has he been doing?11:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: oh, so you did fix kvirc - thanks11:11
imbrandonabout 3 months now11:11
alleebddebian: no problem ;)11:11
HobbseeRiddell: he's more in -motu - i've worked with him with the dh_iconcache fixes11:11
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imbrandonmotly motu and #kubuntu irc stuff ;)11:11
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bddebianAye dh_iconcache uploads11:11
Riddellimbrandon: what have you been doing in #kubuntu?11:11
imbrandongeneral help , like install problems and setting up restricted formats for people11:12
Riddellimbrandon: you're not an op are you?11:12
imbrandongerearly helping the new people with thinga like sudo understanding and such11:12
imbrandonRiddell, not as of yet no11:12
Riddellwell, we can fix that11:12
imbrandonbut i'm in #kubuntu and #kubuntu-offtopic about 6 houtrs a day on avarage11:13
Riddellimbrandon: what did you fix for kvirc?11:13
Riddellimbrandon: what kind of stuff happens in #kubuntu-offtopic?11:13
Hobbseefortunately, there doesnt seem much op'ing in kubuntu needed - which is good - #ubuntu is enough!11:13
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
imbrandonHobbsee, was having trubble getting it to compile with the dh_iconcache11:13
Riddellhi Tonio_, we're discussing membership for imbrandon 11:13
Tonio_I'm sorry to be so late.... hello everyone11:13
Red-SoxRiddell: I'm on #kubuntu-offtopic quite often11:13
Tonio_I'm just out of work....11:13
alleeRed-Sox: anything you can say about imbrandon?11:14
Red-Soxallee: He helps out a lot for us newbies :P11:14
imbrandonas i said i'm on irc helping arround 6 hours a day , mostly overnights CDT ( 6pm to about 4am )11:14
alleeRed-Sox: cool.  this needs lot's of patience11:14
Riddellimbrandon: will you be able to help us with the RC and final release at all?11:14
=== mvo [n=egon@p54A6542B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Riddellexcellent :)11:15
imbrandoni'm here for the long haul ;)11:15
Hobbseeimbrandon tends to be one of the few people that helps around in #kubuntu - the ratio of newbies to people who know what they're talking about is very high11:15
`6ogimbrandon: CDT?11:15
Lureimbrandon: you mention forums contributions - but link does not work11:15
`6ogHobbsee: agreed11:15
Hobbseeit's getting hard to get an answer in #kubuntu actually - i'll answer if i see it, and it's not too late for me to make sense...but i see questions go unanswered a lot11:15
imbrandonlure, very few honestly ( there are only 3 post where i helped on the forums , but i couldent get the link working correct )11:16
Riddellimbrandon: is that ubuntu forums or kubuntuforums.net?11:16
alleeLure: afaiu you need an account there11:16
imbrandoni dident know about kubuntuforums.net ;)11:16
imbrandonor else i would have ( and wll from now on ) be there11:16
Riddellimbrandon: how active are the kubuntu parts of ubuntu forums?11:17
Riddellgood to know11:17
imbrandonnew post ever few minutes11:17
imbrandoneven over night11:17
kwwiihehe, night for who?11:17
imbrandonalot on xgl stuff and kde actualy ;)11:17
Riddellwell I've not heard much involvement from imbrandon before but what I'm hearing here is good and the testimonials are all positive11:17
Riddellso I think a +1 from me11:18
tomaimbrandon: fubuntu-desktop?11:18
Tonio_Riddell: yes, and he also did a quite interesting bunch of patches11:18
=== Hobbsee is debating saying yes, or asking for more contributions before membership...
Riddellany other questions/votes from council members?11:18
LureI think we need more people to help newbies in irc and forums - thsi is where Kubuntu is lacking11:18
Hobbseeimbrandon: what are your plans for edgy?11:18
HobbseeLure: +2511:19
alleemany others supported him.  +1 from me too. 11:19
Tonio_+1 for me although I wasn't here at the begening11:19
=== rikai [n=kitty@pool-72-65-107-44.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
kwwiiI know that the few questions I asked there were not properly answered11:19
Hobbseethat's quorum, but i'd like the questions answered11:19
kwwiiso good people are needed in this respect11:19
Hobbseesorry, was a bit too asleep before11:19
=== imbrandon also Hobbsee ;)
crimsunRiddell: (sorry, phone conference) mainly bugfixes ranging from .desktop to merges from upstream11:20
crimsunRiddell: plays well with others (team player), quick learner, quick to ask questions11:20
alleeHobbsee: quote the questions 11:20
Riddellimbrandon: any plans for edgy?  can I put you on my list of people to throw packaging problems at?11:20
Tonio_imbrandon: ust a little question : what are your eventual projects for future contribution ?11:20
imbrandonRiddell, definatly11:20
imbrandoni plan on being very active in edgy and kde411:21
tomalets do one question at a time11:21
imbrandonTonio_,  i plan on concentrating on kde ( qt4 patches ) but i also lkike to look on malone and help where i can11:21
imbrandonwhile ideling on irc heling new people11:22
Tonio_imbrandon: great11:22
RiddellHobbsee, toma: time to vote I think11:22
tomaimbrandon: are you active for more then two months?11:22
=== rikai [n=kitty@pool-72-65-107-44.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
imbrandontoma about 3+ now 11:22
tomaimbrandon: did you sign the code of conduct?11:22
imbrandonyes sir11:23
=== mvo_ [n=egon@p54A6542B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
tomaimbrandon: what are your plans with fubuntu-desktop ?11:23
=== xhaker [n=xhaker@a213-22-29-58.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
imbrandonit is just in VERY drafting right now but its mainly for my older systems ( 300mhx ) fluxbox desktop11:23
Riddellah, right11:24
imbrandonRiddell, its a spec i submitted a few months ago11:24
tomaimbrandon: good, that will run on my tungsten ;-)11:24
Hobbsee+1 from the stuff i see in -motu - i'd like to see you in #k-devel though :)11:24
toma+1 for me11:24
imbrandonmostly submitted the spec becouse there wasent cohesion in the ubuntu-lite area11:24
imbrandonto kinda bring those guys togather11:25
imbrandonHobbsee, will do ( #k-devel )11:25
Riddellseems like +1s all around11:25
=== allee still +1
Riddellthanks for taking the grilling imbrandon and congratulations on being the first kubuntu-member11:25
Tonio_ack for me11:25
`6oghm. 1100 instances of imbrandon in my xchat logs11:25
=== imbrandon thansk everyone ;)
Lureimbrandon: congrats!11:25
Tonio_imbrandon: welcome aboard11:25
`6ogcontrats imbrandon:)11:25
alleeimbrandon: congrats!11:26
Hobbseecongratulations imbrandon 11:26
RiddellI spot kwwii is now added to our agenda11:26
Riddellkwwii: care to introduce yourself?11:26
Hobbseelet's say no :P11:26
kwwiilove too! (/me loves to talk)11:26
Tonio_let's go kwwii11:26
Hobbseekwwii: go for it11:26
kwwiiwell, I am kenneth wimer, been around linux for a long while11:27
kwwiiworked for another major linux company for 7 years doing all the graphics11:27
kwwiikde member, kde-hci member, kde-artists ring-master or such11:27
bddebianw00t, congrats imbrandon.11:27
kwwiisince about a 6-8 months using kubuntu11:28
kwwiiin the meantime, a ubuntu-art member11:28
OdyXcongrats imbrandon11:28
kwwiidid lots of stuff for dapper11:28
kwwiilearning deb packaging recently11:28
Riddellwell I know kwwii pretty well, I don't have any questions11:29
=== Tonio_ begs kwwii's pardon for not beeing there to help him on that point...
Riddellanyone got questions about kwwii, he did all the dapper artwork for kubuntu11:29
kwwiiTonio_: it is really not *that* hard11:29
Hobbseesure, what's the edgy artwork going to look like?  :P11:29
Riddellfull disclosure: kwwii is contracted by canonical at the moment11:29
Tonio_kwwii: depends on what to package ;)11:29
kwwiiwell, packaging artwork is pretty easy11:29
kwwiiI hope that I can take over packaging all my artwork myself11:30
kmonkwwii: are you following the recent proposals for usplash in dapper?11:30
=== Riddell suspects kwwii is
kwwiikmon: yes...long story there11:30
kwwiiin fact, 3 of those pics come from me11:30
kmonany plans there or is it a too long story to tell now? ;P11:30
Riddellkmon: canonical contracted kwwii to make the ubuntu usplash, but nobody told the ubuntu-art community11:31
Hobbseeoh dear...11:31
=== Hobbsee hedges a bet that they didnt like that...
=== kwwii is glad that Riddell said that
`6ogmmm. (again?)11:31
kwwiiHobbsee: you can say that loudly11:31
kwwiiand I had no idea there was a ubuntu-art list, etc11:31
kmonso it's a tricky situation11:31
Hobbseehehe - not too loudly, i value my life :P11:32
kwwiiso in the meantime things are a bit better11:32
=== Bluekuja [n=bluekuja@ubuntu/member/bluekuja] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
kwwiiI guess the same mistakes won't be made for edgy11:32
Hobbsee+1 based on the artwork contributions - looking forward to seeing what happens in edgy11:32
linuxmonkeylol was about to say or will they! lol11:32
kmonkwwii: ok, thanks for answering11:33
kwwiikmon: no prob, thanks for asking :-)11:33
tomakwwii: do you work on kde stuff now as well, or only ?ubuntu ?11:33
Tonio_+1 based of artwork contribution, work done for the linux tag, and because I can't say no to someone that can drink more beer than I do !11:33
kwwiitoma: yepp, I am part of the oxygen team11:33
kwwiihow could I miss adding that!?11:33
Hobbseekwwii: can we sneak some of that stuff in for edgy?  :P11:33
tomakwwii: just helping you ...11:33
kwwiiHobbsee: hopefully we will have a release announcement shortly before the paris meeting11:33
HobbseeTonio_: hehe11:34
tomakwwii: did you sign the code of conduct?11:34
Hobbseekwwii: oh good :)11:34
kwwiitoma: definitely11:34
Riddell+1 from me for kubuntu artwork, top linuxtag help and oxygen goodness11:34
Hobbseekwwii: come to think of it, do you have a wiki page at all?11:34
kwwiikwwii.blogspot.com :-)11:35
Hobbseeer, according to launchpad, kwwii's not an ubuntero11:35
kwwiish put it on some webpage somewhere too11:35
Tonio_kwwii: Hobbsee's right, would be nice to have a wiki page to present and resume your work and contributions11:35
toma+1 for me, although a wiki page describing yourself is badly missing11:35
Tonio_launchpad page can do the job too11:35
Riddellkwwii: you should make a wiki page at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KennethWimer with a short description of yourself11:35
Riddellallee: vote?11:35
kwwiiI can take care fo that, no problem :-)11:36
Hobbseei'm looking at the right page?11:36
kmonkwwii: are you planning anything related to kubuntu website after dapper is released? I remember Riddell talking about something11:36
alleeRiddell: can we without signed conduct?11:36
HobbseeUbuntero:  Not yet 11:36
kwwiikmon: we made a new title graphic11:36
Riddellkmon: we have a new version of the logo to put on the site11:36
Riddellallee: yes we can vote11:36
alleekwwii: then +1 of course!!11:37
Riddellallee: he won't get into the kubuntu-members team without signing the conduct, same goes for imbrandon 11:37
imbrandoni signed already ;)11:37
Riddell+1s all round again, congatulations kwwii 11:37
Riddellthanks imbrandon 11:37
`6ogcongrats kwwii11:37
imbrandoncongrats kwwii 11:37
Riddellanyone else here for membership?11:37
alleekwwii: congrats!11:38
Lurekwwii: congrats and looking forward for edgy bling ;-)11:38
tomaRiddell: maybe i should be there?11:38
Riddellah yes, there's an issue11:38
Hobbseetoma: maybe you should - arent you supposed to be on the committee???11:38
Riddelltoma is our KDE link on the committee11:38
Hobbseesurely membership comes before kcc?11:38
=== Hobbsee wants to hear more about toma anyway - which bits do you work on?
tomawell, I'm working on RSIBreak, i was working on digiKam11:39
tomai was a dutch translator before that11:40
alleetoma: and you'll start (partially) again ;)11:40
Tonio_toma: aren't you working on codeine at the moment ?11:40
Hobbseecongrats kwwii, by the way...11:40
tomaTonio_: i worked on a media:/ library11:40
kwwiiHobbsee: thnx :-)11:40
Tonio_toma: great ;) codeine is a marvellous player, definitly11:40
Riddelltoma: what makes you interested in Kubuntu?11:40
tomaTonio_: and tried to implement that in codeine, but upstream implemented it differently11:40
tomanext to that, i did some packaging on alioth (debian). learning from allee11:41
tomaand code kde-nl member11:41
kmoncongrats kwwii11:41
Hobbseeack, coughing fit...cant vote or read for a min...11:42
tomaRiddell:  i think linux should be easier for the users and i'm seeing kubuntu making a good efford doing so11:42
=== imbrandon seconds that
tomaRiddell: so i want to help in that area and focuessed on KDE11:42
Riddelltoma: have I ever met you in real life?11:43
HobbseeRiddell: surely you should remember that?11:43
kwwiiRiddell: I think we both have11:43
RiddellHobbsee: so many of these kde-nl members I loose track11:44
alleetoma: do not forget to mention you upstream work on kipi-plugins11:44
Hobbseeoh, fair enough11:44
=== Lure likes more KDE people involved in Kubuntu which know how to get around in upstream...
Tonio_Riddell: toma was with us in the meeting with kde and mark :)11:44
tomaRiddell: no11:44
tomaallee: ah, yes, thanks11:44
Tonio_toma: uh ?11:44
tomaTonio_: ?11:44
Hobbseemmm...upstream...wish their bug tracker was faster...11:44
alleeTonio_: if he was. I'll kick him because he didn't say hello ;)11:45
Tonio_seems I missed you with someone else..... sorry11:45
Tonio_toma: so many new persons meet there ;)11:45
imbrandonisnt it mMm .... Hobbsee !?! heh11:45
kwwiitoma: which kde meetings have you attended?11:45
Tonio_shame on me11:45
tomaTonio_: launchpad knows me from template generation to my surprise11:46
tomakwwii: in the netherlands: all, no others.11:46
kwwiihrm, guess I was wrong then about us having met :-)11:47
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
Riddelltoma get a +1 from me for bringing KDE knowledge to kubuntu council, but I think we'd expect more kubuntu contribution for most members so I understand if others vote the other way11:47
=== Hobbsee would like to wait, and see more contributions, but is then happy to approve both membership and kcc status
tomayes, i can not say I have done a lot for kubuntu untill now, but I will be more active, you have to know that the council is a bit of a surprise for me.11:49
Hobbseetoma: did you sign the COC at all?  is *anyone* showing up as having signed it?11:49
Riddelltoma: I'm not asking for more kubuntu involvement, as I say we value you for the upstream involvement11:49
tomaHobbsee: yes i have11:49
Riddellallee, Tonio_?11:50
Tonio_+1 for me, based on the future and the specific case of toma (cc member before beeing a member)11:50
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== OdyX did sign the COC, but won't apply for membership.
imbrandonHobbsee, mine should show up as signed , i singed it weeks ago11:50
alleeRiddell: I trust/know toma.  +111:51
Hobbseeimbrandon: ah yes, you're shown11:51
Riddelltoma is in the positive then, congratulations and welcome to kubuntu membership11:51
apokryphosit's a good idea for anyone with a launchpad account to sign the coc11:51
Tonio_toma: welcome aboard11:51
OdyXcongrats toma11:51
`6ogwd toma11:52
Riddellany other members today?11:52
imbrandonwelcome toma 11:52
HobbseeI hope this doesnt set a precident of us approving members without decent wiki pages/launchpad pages :P11:52
Hobbseewelcome toma 11:52
LureRiddell: I got ubuntu membership inbetween, but would like kubuntu emblem ;-)11:52
=== Hobbsee finds it very hard to vote that way
imbrandoni think its was only in the case of cc first ;) 11:52
RiddellLure: yes, I'll approve yours after the meeting11:52
LureRiddell: thanks11:53
RiddellHobbsee: back to your item?11:53
alleeHobbsee: I agree.  11:53
tomaHobbsee: i'll make a nice page11:53
Hobbseeokay - we have a few days till release - what do you want us to work on until then?11:53
Hobbseewhen do the repos freeze?11:53
Hobbseetoma: oh good :)11:53
linuxmonkeywith preaty pink flowers right toma11:53
=== Hobbsee was about to say that
imbrandonlike the priority of each item, before release11:54
tomalinuxmonkey: pink flowers?11:54
Riddellmain is already frozen, all uploads should mentioned on DapperReleaseThing or approved by mdz11:54
Riddelluniverse I expect will remain open until next tuesday11:54
Hobbseeokay - so any point working on bugs?11:55
Riddellin universe I think bugfixes are fine11:55
Hobbseeokay, cool, thanks11:55
imbrandonHobbsee, yea but no upload for main unless mdz approves and its major11:55
Riddelland in main important bugfixes where it's obvious they won't break other things are fine too11:55
Riddellbut get approval first11:55
=== Hobbsee doesnt plan on bugfixing in main this late :P
Hobbseeokay, cool11:56
Riddellany volunteers for making a kubuntu version of https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Short ?11:56
LureRiddell: what about testing? Is there plan for wider RC testing?11:56
alleeHobbsee: every low risk bug fix is worth fixes11:56
imbrandonRiddell,  sure  i can sdo that this evening11:56
Riddellimbrandon: thanks11:56
OdyXRiddell: I can probably take it (adaptation)11:56
=== OdyX 's slow
Hobbseedo we have more people applying for MOTU status in edgy?  i'm always on the lookout for other uploaders :P11:57
RiddellLure: tonight's nightly build will be the first RC canidate, please start testing sfrom tomorrow (european) morning11:57
OdyXimbrandon: mark me as "re-reader"...11:57
imbrandonok OdyX 11:57
LureRiddell: ok, results should be reported to wiki?11:58
Tonio_Riddell: I will perform a bunch of tests before the end of the week11:58
alleeHobbsee: I'll will apply.  But not sure if I'm accepted11:58
Riddellimbrandon: please prepare https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/CurrentKubuntu for RC if you can11:58
RiddellLure: we'll put them on that wiki page11:58
imbrandonRiddell, ok11:58
Tonio_Riddell: I assume the big priority is to test kubuntu-express widely no ?11:58
RiddellTonio_: ubiquity, definately11:58
Tonio_Riddell: okay, is it supposed to be able to resize ntfs partition and install dual boot within grub automatically ?11:58
Tonio_this is a big test to make :)11:59
RiddellTonio_: it should be able to do anything partman can do11:59
Riddellso it's the same as the text installer11:59
imbrandonHobbsee, by the time edgy is nearing motu ready i'll be applying for edgy motu ( i need to get a bit more under my belt first )11:59
=== OdyX can't risk it's computers. :(
Tonio_Riddell: okay I will test this on wednesday11:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: allee:  cool.11:59
RiddellTonio_: good luck11:59
`6ogTonio_: colin recently fixed an ntfs issue, so make sure you get a recent cd11:59
=== Hobbsee doenst want to risk her only computer.
kmonRiddell: does ubiiquity support lvm?11:59
Riddellkmon: no, it doesn't12:00
imbrandonHobbsee, vmware ;)12:00
Tonio_Riddell: well I have machines at work with a ghostcast server, so I can crash them, that's not an issue :)12:00
Riddellyou need the old text installer for that12:00
OdyXimbrandon: vmware ? qemu too ?12:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: good point, i'd not thought of that.  might have space troubles with that though12:00
Riddellanyone have major bugs we should be aware of?12:00
Tonio_`6og: well I will use a daily image12:00
HobbseeRiddell: the one about not eating the windows partition12:00
Tonio_Riddell: I just noticed toonight a problem with adept12:00
OdyXRiddell: well.. konqueror crashing with multimedia...12:00
RiddellHobbsee: what's that?12:01
RiddellTonio_: what's that?12:01
Tonio_it has problem with "graphical" postinst scripts, like with the new java packages in multiverse of postfix12:01
RiddellOdyX: does it still use kaffeine as the plugin?12:01
HobbseeRiddell: dont worry, i was joking12:01
OdyXRiddell: nope...12:01
RiddellHobbsee: phew :)12:01
Tonio_you can see the disclaimer page, but it freezes12:01
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RiddellOdyX: so it's using kmplayer?12:01
OdyXRiddell: I can give you 1000's of Konqui crashing pages...12:01
OdyXRiddell: yep.12:01
`6ogHobbsee: sounds like what i was just talking bout ;)12:01
RiddellTonio_: what does that use?12:01
Riddellnot debconf?12:02
alleeRiddell: wiki.kubuntu.org keeps asking to accept certificate.  Hope that's fixable on the server and need no kdebase tweaks12:02
Riddellallee: I've a note here to poke sysadmin to fix that12:02
Hobbseeoh grrr...can we get that fixed?  it's annoying!12:02
Riddellallee: but it's also a konqueror bug12:02
Tonio_Riddell: I think so, but I need to test a bit widely, I just saw that at 21h at work....12:02
Hobbseei'ts in firefox too12:02
Riddellallee: please report upstream if you have a moment12:02
tomaallee: i'm seeing the same on several of my own servers. really annoying12:03
klichotaIn qemu I am seeing kdesktop crash right after logging in12:03
Riddellklichota: live CD?12:03
Riddellmaybe I should give qemu another try12:03
klichotaBut in Vmware it is OK, so it is qemu fault12:03
linuxmonkeyi know something that needs fixing, the restrictedformat wiki for kubuntu cause its mostly all about ubuntu.12:03
alleetoma: I only see it with wiki.kubuntu.org  (no shttp server here)12:03
HobbseeRiddell: having kdesktop crash when right clicking a file to move it somewhere else is kidna annoying - having to kill kdesktop, and restart it12:04
Riddelllinuxmonkey: it's a wiki, please do fix it up for kubuntu12:04
Tonio_Riddell: looks like there was an update for adept today...12:04
Hobbseeapart from various screensaver bugs, i dont recall anything else major12:04
OdyXlinuxmonkey: I can take a precise look on that if you want.12:04
alleetoma: so maybe you in better position to: [00:02]  <Riddell> allee: please report upstream if you have a moment12:04
alleetoma: I can't add much info12:04
RiddellOdyX: that would be cool if you did12:05
Tonio_can someone try to install sun-java5-bin and confirm he can accept the disclaimer with adept ?12:05
OdyXRiddell: noting that for tomorrow morning12:05
tomaallee: np12:05
imbrandonTonio_, i did last night but i will again if needed12:05
imbrandonno problems12:05
Tonio_imbrandon: did that work for you ?12:05
linuxmonkeythanx OdyX12:05
Riddellright, any other business?12:05
Tonio_imbrandon: okay, maybe that was a problem with my machine only....12:05
=== Hobbsee tries to rember any others
klichotaWhat is the requirement for memory for live CD?12:06
tomaRiddell: did you get responses to the newsletter?12:06
klichotaHelp states it is 128MB12:06
Hobbseethat newsletter was cool :)12:06
Riddelltoma: nope, but if anyone has suggestions for the next one please add to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuNewsletter12:06
`6og128 fro dapper? eek12:06
klichotaI really doubt anybody can install with 128 MB12:07
alleeRiddell: Hobbsee suggested to be more strict about membership formalities  (wiki, coc etc)12:07
imbrandonRiddell, i'm going to get off line for about 2 hours but i dont mind getting any other wiki pages ready for RC just shoot me an email ( brandon@imbrandon.com ) or catch me in 2 hous12:07
kmonRiddell: I've added a post in distrowatch pointing out the newsletter and sent a mail to the fridge devs, so it gets more widespread12:07
Riddelloh yes, jjesse added that kubuntu-docs needs translations12:07
Tonio_klichota: according to my tests, it is usable with 128, but 256 is better to be comfortable12:07
OdyXklichota: AFAIK, it whould make it.12:07
klichota128 MB + swap?12:07
klichotaOr just 128 MB12:07
Tonio_just 12812:07
Tonio_that was slow, but working12:07
Riddellallee: CoC can easily be done after meetings, just as long as they don't get in the launchpad team without signing it12:07
klichotaUbiquity also works?12:07
Tonio_although test install cd is better for low memory machines12:08
Tonio_klichota: tremendously slow, but no crash ;)12:08
Riddellas for wiki pages Hobbsee may have a point there, I know what kwwii and toma have done but not all members do12:08
klichotaGood :)12:08
=== neutrinomass [n=pandis@ppp14-60.adsl.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
klichotaI will try to test it tomorrow12:08
HobbseeRiddell: not exactly what i meant - i'd hate others to get the impression that they should go for kubuntu membership, just because we accept easier than other people.12:09
klichotaLast time it didn't work12:09
kwwiiRiddell: the truth is that a lot of that information is well hidden on the wiki page, if you do not know in advance it is hard to find12:09
Tonio_klichota: anyway, 128 MB is not adapted to kde nowadays...12:09
LureHobbsee: +112:09
Hobbseeof course, having worked with the people before is a substitute, but that's probably not what a lot of people see, not hanging around in -devel12:09
RiddellHobbsee: part of the point of us doing it is we know better who is good for membership than the ubuntu council12:09
klichotaYes, but then Requirements section in help should be changed12:09
=== Hobbsee suspect she's not making sense
HobbseeRiddell: i know, but we dont know everythign :P12:10
=== Hobbsee certainly doesnt
RiddellHobbsee: can you put a notice on Kubuntu/Meetings that people going for membership need to have a wiki page12:10
HobbseeRiddell: sure, will do12:10
LureHobbsee: and link to NewMembers (or whatever is the page)12:10
Riddellkmon: thanks for poking distrowatch and fridge12:11
HobbseeLure: link's already there - i added that a couple of days ago12:11
Tonio_Hobbsee: Riddell: and a launchpad account with code of conduct signed too12:11
Hobbseebut yeah, writing that for kubuntu specific stuff is probably a good idea12:11
LureHobbsee: sorry - did not notice it...12:11
imbrandonRiddell, thats there ( and a link to newmembers ) but it needs to be updated for kubuntu ( its ubuntu specific so far )12:11
HobbseeLure: not a problem12:11
=== kmon leaves, goodnight everyone and cogratulations to the new members
Riddellany other business?12:11
Tonio_nite kmon12:11
Riddelldate and time of next meeting?12:12
`6ogRiddell: where can i find discusion about why Kubuntu was split out re membeship?12:12
Riddell`6og: it was sabdfl's idea12:12
Hobbseei'd love to move to around 12-2pm UTC or so - not being a morning person, but i'm fine with that waiting a few months..12:12
=== allee is in holiday for 10 days starting Friday evening
Riddellme and ogra brought it up at community council a few weeks ago12:13
Tonio_Riddell: arround 6th june would be good for dapper feedback12:13
imbrandonyea 6th sounds good to me , gives time for dapper to be released12:13
ograthat move was made to take the load of the CC 12:13
imbrandonand used12:13
Riddellhow does euopean daytime suit people?12:13
imbrandonfine with me ( just so i know in advance so i can set an alarm clock ;)12:14
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imbrandonlike today ;)12:14
Riddellso 6th June at 14:00UTC?12:14
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OdyXRiddell: you mean 20, 21 UTC ?12:14
alleeRiddell: should be managable.  But I can't promised that I'm not interrupted12:14
Tonio_Riddell: daytime isn't nice for me since I don't have irc access at work12:14
HobbseeRiddell: okay, can that idea, and revisit it in a few months...12:15
Hobbseekeep it at 21UTC12:15
Tonio_Riddell: and as the network admin is a kind of sisco killer I wouldn't take the risk of ssh-tunnelling :)12:15
=== Hobbsee will just get woken up early :P
Riddell6th June at 21UTC?12:15
LureTonio_: does 8001 port work?12:15
alleeHobbsee: admireable!12:15
Tonio_Lure: of course not :) so the only solution is http or ssh tunnelling, but well.....12:16
Tonio_Riddell: fine with me12:16
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
Riddellok, agreed for now, we can change it if there's a problem12:16
Hobbseewed morning, 2 weeks...yep, okay12:16
Hobbseeallee: hush ;P12:16
Riddellthanks everyone, congratulations to the new members12:16
Tonio_congrats all :)12:17
Riddelland test test test until release!12:17
Hobbseecongratulations all12:17
kwwiithanks from me to everyone for voting me in !12:17
tomaminutes anyone?12:17
=== Hobbsee tests, blows up her system, and blames Riddell for it
imbrandonthanks, ok i'm off to get about 2 more hours of sleep , i'll be back on irc in a while 12:17
OdyXnite imbrandon12:17
=== `6og goes to bed. later all
OdyXtoma: "minutes" = ?12:17
Riddelltoma: 3 memberships and 1 general discussion, don't know if there's much to minute12:17
Tonio_` nite :)12:18
Hobbsee`6og: pitiful.  it's 7.45am there.12:18
imbrandonOdyX, logs12:18
RiddellOdyX: summary of decisions12:18
OdyXimbrandon: making summary ?12:18
Luretoma: I think log of meeting is put to wiki anyhow, not sure if minutes are needed...12:18
OdyXRiddell: I could make that tomorrow too12:18
imbrandonno i dident plan on it but i can12:18
=== OdyX tries to involve.
`6ogHobbsee: 7.48 by my clock. remember i waws up at 6.15 to get here. 12:18
=== `6og [n=kgoetz@ppp218-91.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
RiddellOdyX: see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings/Minutes12:18
OdyXRiddell: Yeah. Read those.12:19
Tonio_Riddell: no minute required ;) I don't want everyone on the wiki to discover I have a red fish like memory ;)12:19
RiddellOdyX: if you could make one for this meeting that would be cool12:19
HobbseeTonio_: that's why clients log...12:19
OdyXRiddell: If you say me "make it", I'll make it.12:19
Hobbsee*scrolls up for what she was going to do for the wiki*12:19
tomaOdyX: great! 12:19
Tonio_Hobbsee: argh !!12:19
RiddellOdyX: do it baby!12:19
OdyXRiddell: Thanks. All honour for me.12:19
RiddellOdyX: fancy e-mailing fridge-devel with the date of the next meeting too?12:20
OdyXfridge-devel ?12:21
HobbseeTonio_: what's the address of your wiki page, please?12:21
OdyXI can. I'll grab the archives to look for latest and adapt... :D12:21
OdyXRiddell: ^^ I'm not on that list, but archives are public, huh ?12:21
=== linuxmonkey [n=linuxmon@unaffiliated/LinuxMonkey] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
Tonio_Hobbsee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AnthonyMercatante12:22
Tonio_what for ?12:23
RiddellOdyX: fridge-devel doesn't need you on the list12:23
HobbseeTonio_: thanks.  wanted to use your page as an example wiki page, if that's okay with you12:23
OdyXRiddell: yeah, OK. But I can't see archives for now.12:23
Riddellthere's no public archives12:23
Riddellit's just the list you send to when you have a story or meeting time for them12:24
OdyXOK. Fine12:24
Tonio_Hobbsee: sure, although it isn't up to date12:24
OdyXI'll make custom message then. :D12:24
HobbseeTonio_: thanks :)12:24
kwwiinight all...got an early morning tomorrow12:25
alleekwwii: nite12:25
kwwiinight allee12:26
Hobbseenight kwwii 12:26
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
=== allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
=== Zerlinna [n=Zerlinna@Q75a2.q.strato-dslnet.de] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
OdyXNite all !12:26
=== OdyX [n=Didier@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
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=== h3sp4wn [n=samw@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Tomorrow]
klichotaBye everyone, I am going back to preparing translations for tomorrows KDE release :)12:30
Hobbseeklichota: yay!12:31
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=== toma [i=toma@ip83.kovoks.nl] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ooh,]
=== apokryphos [i=[U2FsdGV@server2.polaristar.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["So]
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 May 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 24 May 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 24 May 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 25 May 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 30 May 16:00 UTC: Community Council | 31 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Keybuk] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 24 May 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 24 May 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 25 May 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 30 May 16:00 UTC: Community Council | 31 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 6 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 May 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 24 May 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 24 May 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 25 May 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 30 May 16:00 UTC: Community Council | 31 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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Keybukno, you're wrong Ubugtu ;)08:22
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 24 May 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 24 May 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 30 May 16:00 UTC: Community Council | 31 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 06 Jun 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu
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Howdy125FYI .. flight7 clean install and just updated .. when setting the icon size to 75% in nautilus the icons become huge .. 08:31
neuralisHowdy125: wrong channel; file a bug08:44
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vinboyis the release candidate out yet?06:35
sfllawvinboy: Tomorrow, I think.06:36
vinboyaround wat time?06:37
sfllawNo idea.06:37
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jelknerIs there an edubuntu meeting this morning?01:14
ograjelkner, not officially01:15
ograjelkner, we wanted to do a rather nonofficial one in #edubuntu01:15
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jelknerogra: is that going on now?01:16
ogra(since we're all too busy testing CD installs anyway, nobody was after making a huge meeting)01:16
jelknerogra: thanks01:16
jelknerbtw.  i'm lovin the new version! ;-)01:16
jelknerprops to whomever did the edubuntu-homies artwork too01:17
jelknermy students like the way it looks01:17
jelknerand things are working very well01:18
jelknerok, then, if there is no meeting, i'll catch ya'll later...01:18
ograjelkner, what about the chalkboard, it was very contoversal, nobody apart from the management liked it ...01:18
jelknerogra: i think it looks fine01:19
ogra(i'd have loved to use the homies as default rather)01:19
jelknerbut i haven't seen any students choose it01:19
jelknerogra: i'm with you on that01:19
jelkneri even found out about the homies artwork because students started selecting it on their own01:19
jelknerthat's a good sign ;-)01:20
ogracbx33, hear what jelkner says !01:20
ograjelkner, cbx33's wife made it for us :)01:20
jelknershe did a great job01:20
jelknerok, i need to get back to work... what is next?01:21
jelknerwhen do we meet01:21
ograrelease :)01:21
ograwe'll have a wrap up meeting next wed. i think)01:21
cbx33Oh wow01:21
cbx33exellent thanks jelkner 01:22
ograbut no promises, its 24h before release then :)01:22
cbx33I'll let the missus know, shes ill in bed today so that'll cheer her up01:22
jelknercbx33: no, thank your wife!01:22
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jelknercbx33: sorry to hear that, hope she feels better soon01:22
jelkneri'll check back in next week01:23
cbx33she's feeling a lot better than yesterday01:23
jelknercya then...01:23
cbx33see ya jelkner 01:23
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Klaidas@schedule Vilnius01:59
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Vilnius: 24 May 16:30: Xubuntu | 24 May 23:00: Edubuntu | 30 May 19:00: Community Council | 31 May 15:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 23:00: Technical Board | 07 Jun 00:00: Kubuntu01:59
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cbx33unofficial edubuntu meeting in #edubuntu02:06
JaneW**NOTE** thiere is not edubuntu meeting here, there is an informal discussion going on in #edubuntu02:06
JaneW**NOTE** there is no edubuntu meeting here, there is an informal discussion going on in #edubuntu02:07
flintJaneW, I know that..02:07
flintJust force of habit.  The later afternoon time is not that good for me right now.  02:07
flintI am renovating a house.02:07
pips1flint, you aren't going to join us in edubuntu then?02:08
pips1come along!02:08
flintI will likely make it next week, and will try for this week.  This split thing is not good for me.02:08
flintjoin #edubuntu02:08
flintah well...02:09
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 24 May 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 30 May 16:00 UTC: Community Council | 31 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 06 Jun 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu
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thierrynanyone from xubuntu there?03:37
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DaSkreechHello is there a log of the last Kubuntu meeting?03:57
LureDaSkreech: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings/2006-05-2203:59
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 24 May 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 30 May 16:00 UTC: Community Council | 31 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 06 Jun 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 08 Jun 08:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 May 16:00 UTC: Community Council | 31 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 06 Jun 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 08 Jun 08:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 May 16:00 UTC: Community Council | 31 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 06 Jun 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 08 Jun 08:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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GNAM@schedule Italy/Rome08:55
GNAM@schedule Europe/Rome08:55
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 30 May 18:00: Community Council | 31 May 14:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 22:00: Technical Board | 06 Jun 23:00: Kubuntu | 08 Jun 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team08:55
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-165-211-163.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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sivang@schdule Israel11:39
sivang@schedule Israel11:39
UbugtuSchedule for Israel: 30 May 19:00: Community Council | 31 May 15:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 23:00: Technical Board | 07 Jun 00:00: Kubuntu | 08 Jun 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team11:39
=== Hirion [n=hirion@draugr.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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GNAM@schedule Europe/Rome10:04
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 30 May 18:00: Community Council | 31 May 14:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 22:00: Technical Board | 06 Jun 23:00: Kubuntu | 08 Jun 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team10:04
=== stgraber [i=steph@stargate-server.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== [PUPPETS] Gonzo waves at dholbach.
dholbach[PUPPETS] Gonzo: ALTER!12:02
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GNAM@schedule Europe/Rome11:23
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 30 May 18:00: Community Council | 31 May 14:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jun 22:00: Technical Board | 06 Jun 23:00: Kubuntu | 08 Jun 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team11:23
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B1FDA.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!