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davekempehey anyone here played with lvm-snapshots much - I have a quick question about i/o memory usage with em02:50
fabbionedavekempe: just ask...02:51
fabbionesomebody might answer02:51
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davekempehey fabbione - thanks for all your hard work btw03:20
fabbionedavekempe: ask your question? :)03:20
fabbionei did play a bit with lvm snapshotting03:20
davekempei am just having general troubles with performing lvm snapshots when a server is under heavy load. using breezy with xen 3.0.0 kernel and packages03:20
fabbioneso i migth be able to answer03:20
davekempei get memory errors and lockups on removing the lvm snapshot03:21
fabbionewe don't support xen sorry03:21
davekempelvremove hangs indefinitely03:21
davekempeyeah i know03:21
fabbionethere were a lot of bugfixes in dapper for snapshots03:21
fabbioneyou really want to try to upgrade03:21
davekempeyeah i upgraded one of my machines to dapper with the debian 2.6.16 kernel today and lvm snapshot seemed to behave better03:22
davekempeso thats basically it...03:22
davekempeI figured it was going to be upgrade to dapper - not that i mind03:22
davekempejust wanted a second opinion03:22
fabbionethere was a bug where doing a lot snapshots in sequence was giving problems03:23
fabbionethat's how i got to test it03:23
fabbionehigh load and blablabla03:23
fabbionewe had to upgrade to lvm2 2.0.somethingmorenewthanwehad03:23
davekempeyeah this machine was rsyncing off an lvm snapshot and the next snapshot hung03:24
davekempeyeah 2.0.2 i think03:24
davekempefixes it03:24
fabbioneyeah something like that03:24
fabbionebut .15 is good enough to do the job03:24
fabbioneno need of .1603:24
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davekempeyeah no xen for .15 though... but its cool. dapper it is :)03:38
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pab1With VMware, I have no DNS name resolution in my guest.  The DNS servers are valid and I entered them manually.  Using bridged ethernet.  Anyone ever run into this or have any ideas?02:38
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varshey i need a ubuuntu server02:42
varshere's the good news i'm an idiot02:42
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varsbeezly, how is this project comming?02:55
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beezlyvars: hi11:51
beezlyslowly - right now, i'm just looking at what the impacts of running /etc over bzr are11:53
beezlyi'd like to get dpkg to do a bzr commit after it makes changes, but i don't think there's a low-impact way of doing that - i suspect it needs changes to dpkg.11:53
infinitybeezly: If you always use apt, you can do it in an apt post-run hook, but there's no sane way to do it in dpkg itself, no.12:01
beezlyinfinity: yeah - i thought that might be the case :/12:01
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mgalvinfabbione: ping?03:52
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fabbionemgalvin: pong?04:32
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mgalvinfabbione: hey04:45
mgalvindid you happen to get to read that email the other day?04:46
fabbionemgalvin: yes but i am quite busy with the release now04:48
fabbionealso some of the info you are asking are kind of company only04:48
mgalvinfabbione: i understand, was just wondering about a few things since the meeting is coming up04:49
fabbione1 and 2 i can't answer04:49
fabbione3) yes, everything that is supported by a FC-HBA controller should work. I am using Emulex controllers here in my house with an old SAN system.04:49
fabbione4) The suite is tested. i do the tests personally. got bugs and fixed them from other users (positive reports from upstream too about our packaging).04:50
fabbioneGFS is part of tests of 404:51
fabbioneOCFS2 is integrated into 4) and it works04:51
fabbionealso there.. good test reports from upstream04:52
fabbionenot just us04:52
fabbionelet me slam this in the email04:52
mgalvincool, that should be good enough for now... the CIO really just wants to hear some one else (in addition to me) say this stuff works04:52
mgalvinthanks a lot fabbione04:53
fabbionewell i did the packaging..04:53
fabbioneand tested them04:53
fabbioneif that's enough....04:53
mgalvinwhen you refer to upstream, does that mean redhat?04:53
fabbionefor the cluster suite and GFS I mean some of the upstream developers of the suite (ex sistina) that now work for RH04:54
fabbionefor OCFS2 i mean a couple of developers that works on it04:55
mgalvink cool04:55
fabbionebut it's not like you will write at info@redhat.com and get these information04:55
mgalvini know :)04:55
fabbionejust that we understand eachother04:55
mgalvinhopefully jane will be able to get back to me before the meeting, the CIO is actually more interested in some success stories... but this info you are giving me certainly helps too :)04:56
fabbionejust to make it clear.. i don't know the answer to 1) and 2)04:57
fabbionesometimes there are success stories that are not our customers04:57
mgalvinyea, i know, no prob, mdz seemed to think jane might be able to help us there, no worries04:58
mgalvinthanks again... i'll let you get back to work :)04:58
fabbionei am not worried04:58
fabbioneyour CIO is welcome to contact me for more tech info if he wants them04:58
mgalvink cool, i will let him know you offered04:58
fabbionemgalvin: or show him my office: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/office/04:58
fabbionethat's where the cluster suite is packaged and tested04:59
=== mgalvin drools
mgalvini want one04:59
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Burgworkhey all10:12
infinityHey Corey.10:12
BurgworkI am about to write you all a shiny new page for the website about why the ubuntu server is great10:12
Burgworkbut I need some ideas10:12
infinityCan you ask me for great ideas tomorrow, when I've had some sleep (and am not innebriated)? :)10:13
Burgworkinfinity, sure10:13
Burgworkhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/Desktop <-- something similar to this10:13
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BlankBIs there a place that describes the differences in the linux-image.2.6.15.-23-XXX images? Like the difference between -server and -server-bigiron?04:41
mgalvinBlankB: there is a brief explanation at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/dapperbeta#head-0267ca58bb4998011f8a1749714aa566d3fd918c04:49
BlankBmgalvin: Looking at that now...04:52
BlankBmgalvin: That is probalby what I was looking for.04:54
BlankBI should look at the differences of the two kernel configs for them and see what the real differences are.04:54
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thefishanyone got any opinions on which to use between xen and vmware-server?06:22
beezlythefish: imho, xen is more elegant, if you can do it. vmware-server is easy.06:23
spikethefish: considering vmware-server is vmware playground released with the only intention to not lose too much visibility with Xen increased populatiry, Xen.06:24
beezlyi would go with Xen too, assuming you can06:24
thefishi have only used vmware, and its as easy as peeing into a well, tried xen ages ago and pulled a lot of hair, i guess it has got a bit easier though06:25
spikevmware-server is and always will be "beta". Xen is meant to be run in production06:25
thefishwhats it like to install on ubuntu?06:25
beezlyspike: is that true?06:25
spikebeezly: it is06:25
beezlymy understanding is that vmware server is to replace vmware GSX06:25
thefishthey recon on their site that Q2 will be final for vmware server, and they will start selling support and maintenance for it06:26
thefishbeezly: thats what vmware.com says06:26
beezlythefish: that's my understanding too06:26
=== beezly nods at thefish
thefishi like the idea of xen though, a lot of good hackers working on it06:26
thefishbut i dont want a server to go down and not have a clue about where to start06:26
beezlythefish: xen is architecturally much better. it has far lower overhead than vmware.06:27
thefishiirc xen vms are moveable to other hosts?06:27
spikespeaking f overhead, I like openVZ06:27
beezlythefish: yes - whilst keeping them running06:27
thefishthat is sexy06:27
spikethefish: as long as they are on the same subnet, yes06:27
beezlyi'm not familiar with openvz06:27
thefishswsoft/plesk product no?06:27
spikebeezly: well, when it comes to overhead, the point is you're not running a kernel per guest, which saves a lot06:28
spikebut architecturally it's completely different, sw Vs hw virtualization06:29
beezlyspike: ah, I see.. it's quite like Solaris Zones.06:29
spikeyes, exactly06:29
spikeabout the vmware-server, when it came out afaik it wasnt planned to replae GSX afaik, things might have changed, yet I hardly believe it will ever properly supported06:31
thefishapparently there are some nice new cpus coming out with much more support for virtualising on i38606:31
beezlythefish: that's true - both AMD and Intel have chips coming along (I think they are due this year) with instructions to support virtualisation.06:32
beezlyi'm not too sure what the impact of that is though.06:32
thefishrunning windows in xen06:32
thefishwithout modification06:32
spikeunmodified guests06:33
beezlyi'm aware of that, but i'm unsure how it achieves that. I've not looked into it that much06:34
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Hardtraccan any1 help me?01:02
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shawarmaJust did an upgrade to Dapper on a server with software RAID.. I got a mail with subject: "FW: Debconf: Configuring mdadm -- Initialise the superblock if you reuse hard disks03:20
shawarmaDoes that ring a bell to anyone?03:20
shawarmaIt says that if I'm using a RAID array from an earlier installation I should zero the superblock...03:22
shawarmaI'm not sure what to make of that.03:22
trs80shawarma: it's talking about if you move hard disks used in raid between machines04:12
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xerophyteis there anything like Fedora Directory server for Ubuntu ???10:45
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crazy_penguinhi all!09:24
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crazy_penguinsmall question if i may. is the apache package for ubuntu preconfigurated to a certain level or it is raw?09:25
lionelpcrazy_penguin: like Debian package09:39
lionelpit serve a localhost (/var/www)09:39
lionelpin most cases, it will need a little work for sysadmin :)09:39
crazy_penguinlionelp: ok. thx:)09:40
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NobodHerehey all...is this an OK place to ask about jumbo frame problems?  I have a feeling #ubuntu wouldn't be much help :-|11:57
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NobodHere_anybody home?12:28
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gpd /var/run is mounted as varrun type in dapper05:42
gpdwhich causes ln /var/run/foo /var/spool/bar to fail05:42
gpdfor a chroot postfix -> courier-authdaemon05:42
gpdno idea where to start on this one...05:42
=== gpd notes ubuntu not making quite the same impact on the server world :(
jsgotangcoits pretty new :)05:46
gpdnot yet released - some might say :)05:46
fabbionegpd: how old is your installation?05:47
fabbionetmpfs on /var/run type tmpfs (rw)05:47
fabbionedapper updated as of today05:47
fabbioneeverything has been reverted to be tmpfs05:47
jsgotangcoactually this would be the 2nd ubuntu-server release05:48
gpdlet me check05:49
gpdvarrun       tmpfs       57488        76     57412   1% /var/run05:50
gpdit's not so much the type that is the problem but the different device05:50
gpdand i am current with dapper dist-upgrade05:50
fabbionegpd: file a bug on launchpad, add infos, conffiles etc.05:51
fabbioneassign it to adconrad@ubuntu.com05:51
gpdagain - not sure if it is a bug or if i am jsut not doing it correctly05:51
fabbionegpd: ok, start filing a bug so that somebody will start looking at it05:51
gpdchroot postfix and courier-authdaemon normally talk via:05:52
gpd /var/spool/postfix/var/run/courier/authdaemon/socket05:52
fabbionetimelimit for any upload is tomorrow05:52
gpd /var/run/courier/authdaemon/socket05:52
fabbioneso you better file a bug or it will pass unseen05:52
gpdok will do05:52
gpdwhat package?05:55
gpdinitscripts or courier-foo05:56
gpdmy first bug report - probably useless :(06:03
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infinitygpd: Changing that from a hardlink to a symlink should solve the problem.07:52
infinitygpd: I can't test that locally, though.07:52
infinitygpd: If I make fixed packages, can you test them for me before I upload them?07:53
gpdsymlink won't work across a chroot :(07:53
fabbionegpd: please try what infinity asked07:55
fabbioneif the symlink was working before, it will work later07:55
fabbioneit's a matter of creating the proper one07:55
gpdno ln was working07:55
gpdnot ln -s07:55
gpdvery different07:55
fabbionei know the diff07:55
infinityNo, he's rish.07:55
infinityright, to.07:55
infinityArgh.  Just woke up.07:56
fabbioneoh well i need to get ready to fly to london07:56
fabbionebut a -f might solve07:56
fabbioneln -f07:56
infinityNo, dude.07:56
infinityA symlink can't work across chroots, and a hardlink can't be done across devices.07:56
gpdfabbione: if you are in a chroot you cannot see outside it07:56
fabbionego scott!07:56
infinityNo worries.  It's fixab;e.07:57
fabbionei am not worried07:57
fabbionegpd: right...07:57
gpdis /var/run mounted as varrun a recent idea?07:57
gpdI don't understand what it achieves?07:58
gpdis it a security thing?07:58
infinitygpd: mkdir -p /var/spool/courier/authdaemon/ ; ln /var/spool/courier/authdaemon/socket /var/spool/postfix/var/run/courier/authdaemon/socket ; ln -s ln /var/run/courier/authdaemon/socket /var/spool/courier/authdaemon/socket07:58
infinitygpd: If that makes it work, I'll just do that.07:58
fabbionewhat i don't understand is why gpd keeps having varrun fs07:58
fabbioneit was changed back to tmpfs naming, wasn't it?07:59
fabbioneoh well07:59
infinityfabbione: He doesn't.  varrun is the name of the mount.07:59
infinityvarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw)07:59
gpdvarrun       tmpfs       57488        76     57412   1% /var/run07:59
fabbionelet me tell you something08:00
infinitygpd: Can you try the above for me?08:00
gpdthat was df -T08:00
gpdinfinity: yes - one sec08:00
fabbionei am supposed to be the server project leader to drive infinity ... and given my management position, i am NOT supposed to understand shit :P08:00
infinityfabbione: *grin*08:00
fabbioneinfinity: it's all your :) have fun ;)08:00
fabbionei need to fly to london08:01
fabbionecya late08:01
infinitygpd: /var/run on tmpfs makes sense for a varienty of reasons.  It's just a bit of a pain to have to transition everything, that's all.  And this corner case is a fun one we didn't spot.  That's all.08:01
infinityvariety, too.  I really shouldn't even try typing right after I wake up.08:01
ajmitchhm, redhat decided to rewrite authconfig in python08:02
ajmitchhow useful08:02
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gpdinfinity: gpd@www:~$ sudo  mkdir -p /var/spool/courier/authdaemon/08:05
gpdgpd@www:~$ sudo ln /var/spool/courier/authdaemon/socket /var/spool/postfix/var/run/courier/authdaemon/socket08:05
gpdln: accessing `/var/spool/courier/authdaemon/socket': No such file or directory08:05
gpdthe original socket is in: /var/run/courier/authdaemon/socket08:06
infinityRight, what do I need installed to test this locally? :)08:06
infinityOh, the socket is in /var/run?08:06
infinityRight, I should have read more closely.08:06
gpdpostfix, courier-authdaemon, rest of courier08:07
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infinityWhat's responsible for doing the above linking magic?08:08
infinityOh, a HOWTO... We don't ship it like this?08:08
gpdi had to add it manually to /etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon08:08
gpdthis is to allow courier to work with chroot postfix (which you do ship as)08:09
infinityOkay, I see in the howto, lots of ln magic.08:09
gpdi would probably not worry too much for the release08:09
infinityYou'd probably get away with circumventing all of that (for courier, mysql, etc), by just bindmounting /var/run to /var/spool/postfix/var/run08:09
gpdi was just encouraged to post the bug08:09
gpdyou might be right!08:10
gpdnope - didn't work08:13
gpd/var/run               57M   76K   57M   1% /var/spool/postfix/var/run08:13
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gpdhave to go - thanks for the help08:13
infinityNevermind, as in "nevermind, it did work", or "nevermind, it didn't"?08:13
infinityCertainly looks like it should work.08:14
infinity(And if so, I'd recommend you update that wiki to reflect that)08:14
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gpdinfinity: thanks for your help - I got your suggestion to work after a minor chmod on a directory :)07:06
gpdchmod 755 /var/spool/postfix/var/run/courier/authdaemon07:06
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