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pygikwwii, :)12:07
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Tonio_Riddell: ping ?12:47
goldenearRiddell: we've been working with Tonio_ to fix the smil problem I was talking about (in konqueror embedded video)12:49
Tonio_Riddell: I will send you a global debdiff including both goldenear and I changes12:50
goldeneara new patch is ready12:50
goldenearyep :)12:50
goldenearI hope it's not too late12:50
goldenearbecause now konq is not crashing anymore :D12:50
\shsomething for dapper-updates?12:51
RiddellTonio_: cool12:51
Tonio_\sh: it concerns k-d-s12:51
Tonio_Riddell: you'll have the debdiff in 2 sec12:52
goldenearRiddell: is it ok to include it for dapper ?12:53
Riddellgoldenear: no idea, we'll need to get matt to review it tomorrow12:53
kmonRiddell: are you going to include kde 3.5.3 throw dapper updates?12:55
kmonjust curious12:55
Riddellkmon: I didn't plan to although I see seb is planning on gnome point releases so maybe12:55
Tonio_Riddell: did you already email mdz concerning this patch ?12:55
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RiddellTonio_: no12:56
Tonio_Riddell: great12:56
kmonmaybe you could first add them through your personal repo and if everything seems to be fine (no regressions) include them12:56
Riddelle-mail is too slow, and he's in England this week so he'll be asleep since England closes at 23:0012:56
Riddellkmon: yep12:56
\shamu works on 3.5.3 packages for breezy i think12:57
Tonio_goldenear: ping ? I need the number for the bugs your patch closes12:58
Riddell\sh: nice of him to tell me :)12:58
Riddella URL worthy of bugzilla12:58
\shRiddell: I actually don't know, he said something, but I hope he is doing more with his familiy :)12:58
Tonio_Riddell: you should have the mail01:05
imbrandonnow THATS a url ......01:06
Tonio_Riddell: I also added kmplayer prior for audio files embedded in konq.... it causes the same issue than with videos01:06
imbrandonmorning Riddell, Tonio_, \sh , and others awake ;)01:06
Tonio_hey imbrandon01:06
=== kmon leaves
\shimbrandon: hehe :)01:09
\shimbrandon: good morning01:09
Tonio_we really need to find a better solution for edgy than using 2 players....01:10
Tonio_maybe codeine is the solution01:10
\shto be honest, I'm only using vlc and xine ... no kde frontends01:11
goldenearI think we need a plugin working both for konqueror and firefox01:12
Tonio_\sh: I'm a vlc user too, but we need a good kde frontend that "just works"01:13
Tonio_goldenear: well kaffeine is doing the job01:13
Tonio_goldenear: let's decide upstream the deel with xsessions correctly.......01:13
goldenearTonio_: does kaffeine work with firefox ?01:15
Tonio_goldenear: yes01:16
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FlosoftRiddell: are you here?01:19
Flosoftstarting from the launch of Dapper I will have 9 Mirrors ready01:20
Flosoftseveral mirrors in France and Poland is being added01:21
goldenearTonio_: what we need is a plugin that can: 1) embed/play the commonly used formats and codecs (msvideo/asf/wmv/wma quicktime/mov/mp4/m4a/aac real/rm/ra/rv ogg/vorbis and mp3). 2) can manage smil 3) can accept javascript commands 4) can emulate the original plugin (eg quicktime player) and deals with the command buttons 5) must work with both konqueror and firerox (or any browser using the same plugin format)01:24
Tonio_goldenear: sounds a bit hard to perform, but I think 3 or 4 steps can be joined :)01:26
goldenearkmplayer almost does all of this01:28
goldenearI think it's a very good starting point01:30
goldenearTonio_: only the point 5) is not yet done :)01:33
Tonio_goldenear: yes but I don't think it is ready to be the primary player....01:35
Tonio_the standalone player is a bit weird to me...01:35
goldenearimho the playlist management/display is not very good indeed01:36
goldenearI prefer kaffeine as a standalone player01:36
goldenearbut kaffeine would need a lot of work to get all the function kmplayer has in term of embedded player01:37
goldenearalso, you can use kmplayer as an engine for kaffeine :)01:37
goldenearso you have the gui of kaffeine with mplayer...01:38
goldenearkmplayer sorry01:38
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macdaticonfig: error while loading shared libraries: libfglrx_pp.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory    anyone have any idea? the forums have one reference, unanswered 08:36
macdany insight into this?08:36
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macdguess not..08:43
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nixternal`zzznite all09:05
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PtitGNU'morning (here GMT+2)...10:28
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PtitGNUThere are a little problem when we install flash or java.... these packages require dialogs... but, by default, debconf is in 'non-interactive' mode... so adept fail to install java and I must 'killall adept' + 'dpkg --configure -a' etc... It's better to select "KDE" for dialogs by default don't it ? (and install by default with kubuntu, the package "libqt-perl" .. requiered for debconf KDE dialogs)...10:35
mornfallPtitGNU: you could also click "show details" to see the question (no need to killall anything)10:36
mornfallbut yeah, i know10:36
PtitGNUmornfall: no, if I click "show details", I can see a half of the dialig screen and I cannot do anything10:36
PtitGNUbut kill10:37
mornfallthat's weird then, since i tried it and it worked for me10:37
PtitGNUAnd another problem : In konqueror, menu "Tools -> HTML Settings -> Java" is not checked, but in menu "Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Java -> Enable Java Globally" is checked by default....  So, I must uncheck it, apply, re-check, apply... after, it's ok10:40
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mornfallPtitGNU: i think it would be more helpful if you either reported the bugs the normal way (or in some cases) comment on the existing bugs10:49
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verwilstif i open firefox, and the "About Kubuntu" webpage is shown11:07
verwilsti can't click next, since /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/wonderful-linux.html doesn't exist ;)11:08
seaLnei get better :)11:12
seaLneFirefox can't find the file at /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/locales/index-en_GB.html11:12
seaLneverwilst: i think this maybe a diversion problem11:22
seaLneverwilst: i take it file:///usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/about-kubuntu/index.html works there or replacing the locale to whatever you normally have?11:25
verwilstyep, that works11:28
seaLneverwilst: Bug #4698311:29
UbugtuMalone bug 46983 in kubuntu-docs "kubuntu firefox home page" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4698311:29
=== seaLne wonders why kubuntu-team isn't subscribed to kubuntu-docs bugs, added
verwilstwell, still 1 day to get it fixed hehe ;)11:35
pygikwwii, you around?11:52
kwwiipygi: yepp, you got lucky :-)12:01
pygikwwii, why is that? :)12:01
seaLnecan https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/39444 be closed?12:01
UbugtuMalone bug 39444 in kde-guidance "Changing an user's password can change another password for a different user" [Major,Fix committed]  12:01
kwwiipygi: I am in portugal atm12:01
kwwiiwell, not atm, but this whole week12:02
RiddellseaLne: yes12:02
pygikwwii, ah, I shall no bother you then :) 12:02
pygiJust wanted to say I have someone who wants to help with Oxygen thingy :)12:02
kwwiipygi: cool! who?12:02
Riddellkwwii: did you get any launch image done?12:02
pygikwwii, hm, Josip Lisec? :p12:02
pygikwwii, I can send you his references if you want12:03
pygithen you decide if you want his help12:03
kwwiiRiddell: nope, but if we need it I can make one12:03
kwwiipygi: yes, please do12:03
seaLneRiddell: any thoughts on Bug #46983 the only way it could really be fixed would be with a diversion of the directory rather than just the index file?12:03
UbugtuMalone bug 46983 in kubuntu-docs "kubuntu firefox home page" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4698312:03
RiddellseaLne: sounds like it'll have to stay broken for the moment12:04
kwwiiRiddell: is it going on the webpage? (like the adept icon for the beta)12:04
Riddellkwwii: if you have time that would be cool, I happen not have any ideas for myself12:04
pygikwwii, sent :)12:04
kwwiipygi: cool, thanks :-)12:04
kwwiipygi: btw, I started working on a designer file for the svn thingy12:05
pygikwwii, bzr thingy you mean? :) And wow, thanks :)12:05
kwwiipygi: yeah, exactly12:05
pygikwwii, I hope you enjoy in Portugal :)12:10
Riddellkwwii: yes, and the kubuntu-mug for the release candidate12:12
kwwiipygi: I am...it is really great - we are getting lots of work done :-)12:13
pygikwwii, nice :)12:13
kwwiiRiddell: I'll see what I can come up with...is there any ideas already?12:14
Riddellkwwii: nope, that's why I was hoping you'd come up with something :)12:15
kwwiicool :-)12:16
kwwiiI will try to make something later today12:16
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pygihey \sh01:09
kwwii\sh: I will make your text now...you just want "planet.kubuntu.de" with the logo on the left?01:14
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\shkwwii: something like this yes, thx :)01:39
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OdyXDoes somebody have kipi-plugins correctly working in gwenview ?01:49
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seaLneOdyX: well gwenview won't open raw files so I don't think so?02:08
OdyXseaLne: I don't expect gwenview to open raw files... but just allow gwenview to uses kipi-plugins02:10
seaLneisn't it kipi-plugins that provides raw support?02:10
OdyX KIPI plugins (KDE Image Plugin Interface) can be used by any02:10
OdyX application that implements the KIPI host interface, like e.g., digikam,02:10
OdyX gwenview, kimdaba and showimg.02:10
OdyX supported is KIPI, the KDE Image Plugin Interface, a collection of helpful02:11
OdyX tools provided by the kipi-plugins package.02:11
OdyXThis ^^ is in gwenview description.02:11
OdyXSo they "should" work together.02:11
OdyXI have "something" to configure kipi plugns in gwenview configuration, but nothing into the tab02:12
seaLneRawConverter is listed as a kipi-plugins so therefore if gwenview was using kipi-plugins it should be able to view cr2 files?02:13
seaLnei have kipi-plugin config option in gwenview and raw ticked, weird02:14
OdyXseaLne: in Gwenview, do you have something in "External modules" submenus ?02:14
seaLnei can't see a "External modules" menu02:15
OdyX6th from left ?02:17
OdyXI don't have anything.02:29
seaLnei have the things listed in configure -> kipi plugins02:30
OdyXwhich I don't get.02:39
OdyXWell.. With new user, I do...02:40
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danimogrml, jack sensing is broken again for SigmaTel STAC 9200 in the latest kernel :(04:50
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jeroenvrpRiddell: I've found another small bug in guidance05:13
jeroenvrp_Sime: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/4731705:23
UbugtuMalone bug 47317 in kde-guidance "Can't modify users in userconfig when that user has no "real name" set " [Normal,Unconfirmed]  05:23
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jeroenvrpanother bug:05:41
UbugtuMalone bug 47318 in kdebase "Cancelled KDM-session in vt8 doesn't return to vt7" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  05:41
jeroenvrpthis one is critical05:41
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MrFaberhi all07:54
MrFaberAnyone has a PPP-Modem here, like DSL?07:54
MrFaberKPPP seems to be very bad pre configured on the Desktop-CD of Dapper which is very bad imho07:55
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MrFaberOr is there another way to go online with PPP?08:08
MrFaberKPPP on Kanotix works fine and needs only the username and password.08:08
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OculusAquilaeMrFaber: I think knet is cool 08:35
OculusAquilaeMrFaber: but never tested it in real life08:35
MrFaberOculusAquilae: knet is able to connect over ppp?08:35
Riddellknet isn't for dialup #as far as I know08:35
MrFaberOculusAquilae: but if kpp doesn't work it should be removed08:35
Riddellif kppp doesn't work it's as likely to be an issue with pppd08:36
Riddelltry running kppp with kdesu08:36
MrFaberRiddell: no, kppp gives an error on first start because a configuration file is missing08:37
MrFaberRiddell: and it shows no modem08:37
OculusAquilaeRiddell: i see multiple things there: Dial Up, DSL, Script, ISDN, Cable08:37
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OculusAquilaeso it seems to be for dialup too08:37
MrFaberRiddell: most DSL modems runs over ethernet afaik so it should work directly with username and password imho08:38
MrFaberRiddell: and afaik it works like this in Kanotix08:38
OculusAquilaeMrFaber: does KPPP support DSL?08:38
OculusAquilaeI mean pppoe08:38
RiddellMrFaber: do you use a modem?08:38
MrFaberRiddell: I have a router but not a friend of mine08:38
Riddellkppp is dial up only08:39
MrFaberRiddell: ups, sorry08:39
MrFaberRiddell: How can I connect with pppoe?08:39
OculusAquilaeRiddell: knet isn't08:39
MrFaberKanotix has an app which only needs password and username08:39
OculusAquilaeRiddell: I think somebody should prepare knet to use it in edgy perhaps08:39
RiddellMrFaber: connect to what?08:40
MrFaberRiddell: inet with pppoe08:41
RiddellMrFaber: DSL?08:41
MrFaberNot everyone has a router.08:41
MrFaberRiddell: yes08:41
RiddellMrFaber: knet and pppoe packages would seen to be the way, but I've not tested them08:41
MrFaberRiddell: so Desktop-CD can't get online with a standard DSL-Modem?08:42
Riddellif they work that would be great, we'd have them in edgy08:42
MrFaberRiddell: Kanotix works08:42
Riddellthere's no such thing as a standard DSL modem as far as I know08:42
MrFaberRiddell: but not sure what it uses08:42
Riddellthey all need different drivers08:42
MrFaberRiddell: in germany PPPoE ist standard afaik and every router supports it08:43
MrFaberRiddell: not the ethernet ones08:43
Riddellin UK we don't use pppoe08:43
MrFaberRiddell: USB-Modems?08:43
RiddellADSL uses pppoa08:43
Riddelland I've never come across a USB modem that works with linux08:44
Riddellhowever it all shows we need to do a good dialup/dsl modem testing plan for edgy08:44
MrFaberRiddell: How routers can connect with a usb modem or has every DSL Router his own modem in uk?08:45
RiddellOculusAquilae: over ATM08:47
RiddellMrFaber: I'm not sure what you mean08:47
MrFaberRiddell: not important :)08:48
MrFaberOculusAquilae: but Ubuntu hast the pppoe packages?08:48
OculusAquilaeMrFaber: but Kubuntu has no GUI for that08:49
OculusAquilaeMrFaber: why not helping to test knet in/for edgy08:49
MrFaberOculusAquilae: but I am sure that I haven't used the console on Kanotix on this pc08:50
RiddellMrFaber: more people have routers which have built in modems, the only USB modems I've seen don't have linux drivers08:50
Riddellknet looks like it could do with a UI review08:50
OculusAquilaeMrFaber: you could look at Kanotix what it uses08:50
OculusAquilaeRiddell: that was my idea, too08:50
OculusAquilaeperhaps it could replace kppp for edgy08:51
MrFaberOculusAquilae: I know, but I have to redownload it, I have tested it some time ago08:51
MrFaberOculusAquilae: hm, if I have no Inet, how can I install the pppoe-package?08:53
MrFaberOculusAquilae: ok, download it here and take it with a cd but ...08:54
MrFaberOculusAquilae: or take a router with me :)08:54
OculusAquilaeMrFaber: good question :)08:55
OculusAquilaeMrFaber: but pppoeconf should be in kubuntu, isn't it?08:55
OculusAquilaeMrFaber: you can configure the modem with it08:55
MrFaberOculusAquilae: yes, it is installed on my pc so it should be there too08:55
MrFabergood .)08:55
OculusAquilaeMrFaber: must definately be fixed for edgy08:56
MrFaberOculusAquilae: Maybe Desktop-CD has it too :)08:58
Riddell_Sime, sebas: any quick fix for bug 47317?09:11
UbugtuMalone bug 47317 in kde-guidance "Can't modify users in userconfig when that user has no "real name" set " [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4731709:11
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tvohas entire ubuntu release schedule been delayed by dapper? ie. will edgy be released only on december 1st or earlier?09:50
pygitvo, nop09:53
Riddelltvo: edgy will be four months10:11
OdyXRiddell: fear ?10:13
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RiddellI do10:13
javierhopefully you'll have more hands to help out ;)10:14
pygikmon, no worries :)10:14
kmonthe distrowatch people ignored my post about the kubuntu development newsletter :(10:15
kmonand the fridge people :(10:17
Riddellif the fridge wants to have only 1 story a month that's up to them10:18
OdyXWell.. It's cold there...10:19
kmonwe need a kfridge xD10:19
Riddellkubuntu.org almost is10:19
Riddellalthough I don't know if I want stuff like kubuntu news and links to reviews on the front page10:21
kmonI like it10:22
kmonit makes me look at the page from time to time10:22
kmonI wasa thinking about a feature for edgy... If ubuntu/kubuntu promotes python as the "visual basic" equivalent for ms, why don't kubuntu provide eric3 (or eric4) as a programming ide?10:23
Riddellwell at the moment I don't even know if eric3 works10:24
kmonI gave it a go in breezy, but I haven't done hardcore programming with it10:26
kmonso maybe it's too buggy10:26
kmonbut I think it would be nice10:26
Riddellplus have you seen the user interface on eric3?  it has 100 toolbar buttons10:27
kmonthe doc team could work on a simpley tutorial on python/qt with eric10:27
kmonit's not very clean10:27
kmonbut it has integrated debugger10:27
kmonwhich is a rocking feature10:27
_SimeRiddell: 47317, yeah prolly.10:29
Riddelleric doesn't even have qtdesigner integration, which kdevelop does10:30
_SimeRiddell: actually, I think it does. I just don't know how to use it.10:33
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pygiPython is far from VB kmon 10:34
kmonpygi: I know10:34
kmonbut it's the example the sabdfl uses10:35
kmonin the mailing lists10:35
kmonwhen people ask why are so many development libraries for python10:35
_SimeHas sudo been fixed for X11 apps?10:36
Riddell_Sime: how do you mean fixed?10:36
_Sime"sudo userconfig" now works ok.10:36
Riddellit always should have10:36
_Simebefore I had to do "kdesu userconfig".10:36
_Simeyes I know, but it was broken during development.10:36
Riddellalthough it used to overwrite your .ICEauthority file and other things which it shouldn't do now10:36
=== _ZuZuu_ [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-71-23.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_Simethat was probably it.10:38
_Simejust commited a fix for 4731710:40
_Simeyuriy: hi10:41
yuriy_Sime: hello\10:46
_Simeyuriy: I see that you've got svn worked out. ;-)10:47
_Simeyuriy: can you wait a bit before you commit anything else. I need to get a branch worked out and I'm not entirely sure where best to put it in KDE's svn.10:48
Riddellwhat's the branch for?10:49
_SimeRiddell: yuriy is going to start commiting SoC stuff to the guidance code, but I still want to do stable releases of what you now have in dapper. (maintenance)10:50
yuriy_Sime: yeah, I wasn't going to for a while10:52
yuriy_Sime: but, if you're making a seperate branch that I'll be able to put incomplete stuff into that's even better10:52
Riddellhttp://websvn.kde.org/branches/   just branches/guidance seems to be the place10:53
_SimeRiddell: ok, [ade]  was recommending /branches/work on #kde-nl10:53
_Simebranches/guidance/ suits me better I must say.10:54
Riddellbranches/work is for random things  branches/xxx is for programmes with releases10:55
Riddellso maybe branches/guidance/0.610:56
_SimeRiddell: do you have enough karma in kde's svn to make a dir for me in /branches/ ?11:06
Riddelllet me try11:06
Riddell**** Access denied: Insufficient Karma11:08
Riddelllet me ask11:08
Riddellapparantly only sysadmins can11:09
Riddellyou'll need to e-mail sysadmin@11:09
Tonio_tonio@kubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure language-support-fr11:10
Tonio_Error: 'fr' is not a supported language or locale11:10
Tonio_hurg !11:11
Tonio_hi all11:11
_SimeRiddell: ok, thanks,11:11
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : T - 3 | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings Tue 6th 21:00UTC
toma_Sime, Riddell: if you need translations for that branch, you need to put it under /branches/stable/bla/bla11:28
Riddelloh, right11:29
tomaiirc you dont need any add. karma for that11:29
Riddellooh, done11:30
Riddell_Sime: branches/stable/guidance made11:31
tomaRiddell: that has to be in the usual subdir 11:31
tomanot in the root of that11:31
tomafor example /trunk/extragear/playground/rsibreak would be /branches/stable/extragear/playground/rsibreak11:32
tomas/playground/utils/ ... ah.. wel, you understand11:33
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellhmm, there's no playground in there11:35
tomaforking a playground app is not really common ;-)11:36
Riddellyeah, it should really be in extragear if it's being released11:36
tomayes, i'll check the scripts later on. Not sure if it is ok, but we'll see11:38
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== apokryphos [i=[U2FsdGV@server2.polaristar.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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