[12:06] c [12:06] /c/ === TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _human_blip_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-095-071.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:43] <[g2] > mjg59 I'm seeing > 500Mbs throughput via ttcp on a single core from memory with dapper's i386 kernel [02:43] <[g2] > however, the sata notebook drive performance appears absymal 1.5MBs === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _mike_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === [g2-lap] [n=g2@cpe-066-057-008-035.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === desrt [n=desrt@ubuntu/member/desrt] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:56] BenC; hi === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _mike_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === desrt [n=desrt@ubuntu/member/desrt] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-165-123-111.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _mike_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _mike_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-103-218.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@wall2.grad.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _mike_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione [n=fabbione@george.kkhotels.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _mike_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:06] heyloo [02:31] BenC: hoary is a pain in the ass, i wish i didnt have so many typos === morgs [n=morganc@dsl-165-230-26.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:26] Any chance we can get bug 43961 looked at? [03:27] Malone bug 43961 in linux-source-2.6.15 "Power down after shutdown does not work..." [Major,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/43961 === fabbione [n=fabbione@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:32] morgs: In 3 days? It seems unlikely. [03:32] morgs: I think all the kernel bugs we have now are the ones we're shipping dapper with. === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:35] infinity: Thanks. Oh well... breezy was worse... [03:35] on my laptop that is... === morgs [n=morganc@dsl-165-230-26.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [05:32] zul: hehe [05:43] *sigh* i need a faster computer === fabbione [n=fabbione@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === tapox [n=ted@c-24-91-212-80.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione [n=fabbione@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:08] zul: do you have ccache setup? [06:11] BenC: yep [06:11] first thing i did i only have a p4 2.4 GHZ [06:12] ah, yeah, i386 build can be paintful there [06:12] exactly... [06:57] BenC: have you given any thought to merging xen for eft? === fabbione [n=fabbione@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:21] everything is so much better with a 20 inch wide screen monitor [07:21] heh [07:21] zul: You have to monitors? [07:23] no just one === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === archis [n=archis@unaffiliated/archis] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:42] Mithrandir: it's probably going to be something discussed at the distro sprint in june [08:42] Good thing is, the edgy kernel is all ready for upload, just need to get lrm building with it [08:42] BenC: 'k. It'd be really shiny to have, but I guess you know that already. :-) [08:43] Mithrandir: it's one of those things I hear about atleast every other week :) [08:43] BenC: well, my turn this week, then. [08:46] BenC: Give me a full set of i386 header packages for the new kernel (and maybe a -686 binary to test against), and I'll deliver you LRM on a silver platter on June 2nd. === fabbione [n=fabbione@george.kkhotels.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:53] Mithrandir: i was thinking about it but then i got side tracked [08:54] zul: that has never happened to me. ;-) [08:56] hehe.. [08:57] I blame mr collins [08:58] i blame mr Short [08:58] sssh.. === cjb [n=cjb@pool-151-203-230-171.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["ERC] === JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-165-216-95.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:15] infinity: actually, I've built l-r-m against it on amd64 [09:15] infinity: the only thing bad right now is nvidia-legacy and ati drivers are using some functions that are non-existent in the new kernel, so I'm trying to hack them up myself [09:19] BenC: I can fix the nvidia-legacy thing. I already know where it needs fixing. [09:19] BenC: But if you're having fun, carry on. === Keybuk [n=scott@george.kkhotels.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === cjb [n=cjb@pool-141-154-219-177.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [11:19] heylo === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [11:38] infinity: If you define fun as messing with crappy code to support a driver that....who am I kidding, I am having fun :)