
\shbmonty: builds here on amd64 just fine12:03
bmonty\sh: ok, thanks12:03
\shrscheme right?12:03
\shi can try as well on i38612:04
bmonty\sh: version is correct, and if you could try a i386 build that would be great12:05
\shbmonty: on i386 I can reproduce your segfault12:05
\shbasic top level includes: mathlib12:06
\shmake[2] : *** [system.img]  Segmentation fault12:06
\shmake[2] : Leaving directory `/home/shermann/packages/dapper/rscheme/rscheme-'12:06
bmonty\sh: yup, ok at least it isn't just me :)12:06
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bmonty\sh: can you please add a note to Malone #47107 with what you just tested?12:07
UbugtuMalone bug 47107 in rscheme "[UNMETDEPS]  rscheme links against old libmysqlclient" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4710712:07
\shhmm...my karma will just increase again today12:08
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hubis it me or no info has been put up about the ubuntu conference un Paris?12:17
LaserJockDapper isn't even out the door yet :-)12:18
LaserJockbut yeah, I'd like to see info too12:18
\shhub: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperSummitParis?highlight=%28Paris%2912:20
hubah ok12:21
hubfridge has nothing12:21
hubnor the calendar12:21
bmonty\sh: php4-yaz is uploaded12:22
\shbmonty: thx :)12:23
hub\sh: will you be there?12:23
LaserJockwell, I was looking for more info, but whatever12:23
\shhub: dunno...I'm busy with my FAI project...actually I could only join for a weekend or so, if I find the time and money to come to paris, and a sleeping place in paris would be nice ;)12:28
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
neutrinomassIs it part of policy that the "Depends" line of a package does not contain newlines ?12:31
\shneutrinomass: it needs to be one line12:32
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neutrinomass\sh: I'm writing a program that parses /var/lib/dpkg/status and I'm having problems. Now that I look at it closely, it's not a newline problem. The status file lists different deps than what 'aptitude show evince-gtk' does (although I have no clue as to why ... )12:35
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\shneutrinomass: which package do you parse? source or binary?12:36
LaserJockanybody know of a way to test debconf stuff12:36
neutrinomass\sh: 'evince-gtk'.  In the status file, I only see "Package","priority","architecture" and "section", while aptitude show evince-gtk lists a bunch of dependencies.12:37
\shLaserJock: man debconf ;)12:37
neutrinomass\sh: I might be doing something wrong, I'm not intimately acquainted with dpkg and friends....12:38
\shneutrinomass: wait :)12:38
neutrinomass\sh: Thanks a lot ! :)12:38
bmontyLaserJock: make sure you make a local debconf config file12:39
\shLaserJock: under examples in this manpage there is a way how to test debconf things12:39
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LaserJock\sh: oh, ok. thanks12:40
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\shneutrinomass: hmm...when I install evince-gtk /var/lib/dpkg/status shows me the same dependencies as apt-cache show evince-gtk12:40
neutrinomass\sh: After installing only ? Shouldn't that stuff be available before installing ?12:40
\shneutrinomass: no not status12:41
neutrinomass\sh: I've been parsing the wrong file. In C :( Grrr, where is that information then ?12:41
hub\sh: just asking. won't  be there12:42
\shneutrinomass: in /var/lib/apt/12:43
\shneutrinomass: in /var/lib/dpkg/ only all installed stuff is mentioned there...what you want is Packages12:43
\shhub: tell me when you are the next time in germany :) I owe you some beer ;)12:44
neutrinomass\sh: Great! Thanks! I'm pretty lucky the file format is the same :D Btw, since I've already distracted you from your work, is there a way to know a files content's without installing them? (besides packages.ubuntu.com )12:44
\shneutrinomass: check apt-file :)12:45
neutrinomass\sh: Thanks.12:46
\shneutrinomass: or http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/ there are Content-$arch.gz files..that's what you want12:46
\shand no one is distracting me...I should be in bed, because I have to get up at 3am UTC+212:48
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neutrinomass\sh: I'll just hook apt-file with a bash script afterwards (I could do the entire thing in bash, but I totally suck at it so I had to resort to C). Last question: How come some packages don't have "Depends" ?12:49
\shneutrinomass: e.g.?12:50
neutrinomass\sh: I don't know. But cat us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_main_source_Sources | grep Package | wc -l gives 2384, but grepping for "Packages" gives 242912:51
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neutrinomassHm.. grepping for "Package:" gives 2384, but "Depends:" gives 1369 ...12:53
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\shneutrinomass: because you have Build-Depends and Build-Depends-Indep ;)12:54
\shwhich is 2 lines12:54
neutrinomass\sh: (last, I promise!) Yes, yes. If a package uses gtk/qt/... for example though, it will be in Depends, not in the other categories?12:56
\shcategories and dependencies are different12:56
\shneutrinomass: but you have to make a difference between source packages and binary packages12:57
neutrinomass\sh: Yes yes. I'm trying to figure out what programs have a GUI (to write a program that will semi-automatically create the .desktops for them). I've got a comprehensive list of widget toolkits, so I'm looking at "Depends" ...12:57
\shneutrinomass: you can't tell, there are some packages which only have build-dependencies but no UI attached12:58
neutrinomass\sh: Well, yes. I'm surely going to miss a few,.. But I take it for granted that everything that includes gtk libs has a GUI to go with it :) Anyway, thanks a lot. I'll be skipping the packages without "Depends" in them ...01:00
\shneutrinomass: hmm..what about styles?01:01
hub\sh: I was in Mainz the other day. I don't know next time01:01
hubI'm not even sure I'll have a job tomorrow evening01:01
\shneutrinomass: e.g. kde styles do have a libqt build-dep, but it's not actually a GUI, but it's UI and doesn't need a .desktop file as in "put it into a menu" ;)01:02
\shhub: hu? what's up?01:02
hub\sh: management conflict, we'll see01:02
hubbut if that end up that way, they are just moron01:03
zulheh...they always are01:03
neutrinomass\sh: I'll be creating useless .desktops for a few, yes. But if I can get 100 semi-ready (I'll have to fill in the .desktop "Category" manually in any case) , I don't mind rejecting a couple of useless files on the way :)01:03
\shhub: I know a company who needs good people ;) sysadmins and coders ;)01:03
zuler..would that be canonical01:04
hub\sh: as long as I can stay were I an01:04
azeemhub: why didn't they send you to LinuxTag as well (you're at Xandros, right?).  They only had 1-man booth there IIRC01:04
hubazeem: that was actually a personal schedule conflict01:04
\shneutrinomass: so you try to create .desktop files, and depending on libqt or libgtk dependencies you file them into the right category, like GNOME or QT?01:04
hubazeem: I was signing for my new house and moving01:04
hubazeem: I return the van at 12:00 flying out at 15:0001:04
hubazeem: so it was not possible. otherwise I would have01:05
\shazeem: xandros in .de is just a  one man show ;)01:05
hubazeem: yeah, I'm a devleoper, not a sales person01:05
hubazeem: my boss offered me to change the tickets to leave sooner01:06
neutrinomass\sh: Hopefully yes. What I want to do is basically: Look through the deps of all the packages and pick out those with widget deps. List the conents of those packages and if they have a .desktop, I drop them. I find the icon using locate, I grab the first line of the package description and put it as a tooltip (it's good 70% of the times). Depending on the libs yeah, I could do the QT/GTK thing. Otherwise I'm left with many many .deskto01:07
azeemI think there were more developers than sales persons at the booths, but I didn't check :)01:07
hubazeem: well, it depends what you try to sell01:07
hubazeem: :-)01:07
hubazeem: but it does not matter01:07
neutrinomass\sh: Say 5 min fixing it up, another 3 min to file a report it in LP and another 2 min to link to the report you opened on the debian bugtracker :)01:07
neutrinomassBah, I'll try to do it with pipes instead. Screw C.01:12
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bmontyhey ajmitch02:27
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imbrandonheya ajmitch03:00
ajmitchhello zul, imbrandon03:00
zakamehi all03:01
zakameyo zul ajmitch imbrandon03:01
imbrandonsup ...03:01
zulhey zakame03:01
imbrandonlots of oo.o updated as of late ;)03:02
=== ajmitch shoudl get to work on edgy specs :)
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bddebianHeya gang03:05
ajmitchhello bddebian03:06
ajmitchready to fix more bugs?03:06
zakameheya bddebian03:06
bddebianHeya ajmitch03:06
bddebianand zakame03:06
bddebianajmitch: Sure.  But I thought uploads were cut off?03:06
ajmitchnot that I've heard03:07
=== zul is trying to get kernel to build...build dam you
ajmitchI'll find out in a few minutes if my uploads don't get accepted :)03:07
=== zakame gets ready to finalize the x-swat list
ajmitchzakame: sounds like you're getting heavily involved now :)03:08
bddebianYeah, zakame is Da Man now :-)03:09
zakameajmitch: yeah, which is why I've been quiet at LP lately :D03:09
zakamebddebian: lol!03:09
zulhehe....i think the term is fabbione's bitch03:10
ajmitchzakame enjoys it03:10
bddebianWell I offered to be their bitch but they don't want me :'-(03:10
zulhe does like i did...too much info03:10
zuluh huh03:11
ajmitchbddebian: ok, uploads are still accepted03:12
ajmitchI just got 3 in03:12
zulwhoo...big man..03:12
zulill be doing two hopefully this week..03:12
bddebianajmitch: Well I'm useless/nobody anyway so...03:14
=== bddebian crawls to his corner
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=== imbrandon just crawls away becouse he dont even have a corner to call his own ;)
ajmitchright, lunchtime03:36
Lathiathaha imbrandon03:38
truz_`24what is a good hex editing tool for kde or gnome?03:39
imbrandonghex or khexedit03:39
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julianhi, i originally asked this question in #ubuntu+1 with no help. question regarding 'switch user' option in the Exit menu.  which product is this filed under for Launchpad?  i want to look up the current bugs.04:54
juliani want to check if a bug i have is a duplicate/already reported.04:54
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crimsunbddebian: yes?05:17
bddebianJust saying Hi.  Sorry05:18
crimsunbddebian: ah, usually people want to wring my neck when they use exclamation marks05:22
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LaserJockoh, for goodness sakes. I'm starting to hate debconf :/05:41
bddebianHeya LaserJock05:44
bddebian's the problem?05:44
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LaserJockI'm trying to use debconf so ripped off suns, but with virtually the same thing I get errors05:48
LaserJockbut I can't figure out how to test it other than building the .deb and doing dpkg -i05:49
crimsunbe careful with the debconf keys05:50
crimsunyou need to cover several cases when you test with debconf: clean install, upgrade, and downgrade05:50
crimsunit's the same issue that has been biting us with flashplugin-nonfree05:51
LaserJockwell, I can't even get install to work05:52
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crimsun'afternoon, Hobbsee06:43
LaserJockhi Hobbsee06:43
Hobbseehi crimsun and LaserJock06:44
bddebianHi Hobbsee, bye Hobbsee :-)06:44
bddebianGnight folks06:44
ajmitchhi Hobbsee06:44
ajmitchnight bddebian06:44
Hobbseehi ajmitch & night bddebian06:45
Hobbseenight time already?06:45
LaserJockcya bddebian06:45
ajmitchHobbsee: kids wear him out06:45
Hobbseehehe.  if in doubt, blame the kids.06:45
=== Hobbsee blames assignments for making her tired.
Hobbseehmmm...i really did get the cheapest petrol today.06:48
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=== Hobbsee really wishes that people would search before writing bug reports.
crimsunI'll whip up some duplicate Kubuntu issues just for yuo!07:06
crimsunaww c'mon07:09
crimsunyou have all the great sound reports for me :-)07:10
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Hobbseei had a look at the alsa documentation a while ago - looks like you have plenty of sound documentation at your disposal...07:12
crimsunoh I do. What's lovely about it is its scattered and obsolete nature. :-)07:14
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Gloubiboulgamorning MOTU world08:41
LaserJockhi Gloubiboulga08:42
Gloubiboulgahi LaserJock :)08:43
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dholbachgood morning motu world09:05
Gloubiboulgahello dholbach!09:05
dholbachhey Gloubiboulga09:05
Hobbseehi dholbach and Gloubiboulga09:06
Gloubiboulgahi Hobbsee09:06
dholbachheya Hobbsee, LaserJock09:08
dholbachhow's the universe fixing going?09:08
LaserJockunfortunately, I think there are more MOTUScience bugs than I can get done in time :(09:10
LaserJockbut I suppose Universe in general is doing worse09:10
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LaserJockdholbach: how are things going for you? are you getting any sleep?09:29
dholbachyeah, a bit :)09:29
Hobbseedholbach: did the extra unmet deps stuff make it onto that list?09:29
=== Hobbsee was being fat and lazy, and doing nothing.
dholbachHobbsee: yeah09:30
Hobbseedholbach: cool09:31
LaserJockuggh, I can't wait for Dapper to be done with but I feel like we should have another year to finish it09:33
crimsunwelcome to software "engineering" :-)09:33
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Hobbseedholbach: i just checked libadabindx - it seems to build fine here - what should i do with the bug?  says it was linked to the old libmysqlclient, but i cant see that in the control file anyway...09:40
dholbachHobbsee: yeah, that was my problem with the bug title *blush*09:40
Hobbseehehe right09:40
dholbachHobbsee: one of its binary packages seems to be not installable09:40
Hobbseedholbach: and the fact that it seems to build fine here?09:40
Hobbseeah, depends on xlibs-static-pic09:41
Hobbseewonder why the pbuilder didnt pick it up - i thought it was supposed to...09:42
ajmitchbecause it's not in the build-deps09:44
Hobbseehmm...okay, i'm an idiot.  seems to need xlibs-static-pic to install, not to build.09:44
LaserJockok, so is the general rule to not have versioned deps unless it is neccesary?09:49
HobbseeLaserJock: i believe that's the case.09:50
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Toadstoolheya motus10:21
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=== ajmitch checks to see what else he can do in universe
crimsun-devel is getting a bit tense.11:40
Gloubiboulgaindeed, I don't like that :(11:40
Toadstoolrelease in 2~3 days, annoying bugs, everybody's stressed :/11:41
crimsunheh. I'm stressed already by the anticipated deluge of sound bugs.11:45
crimsunAnd Ubuntu is the /least/ of my worries.11:45
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siretartany mldonkey fans here?01:16
siretartif yes, could someone please retest this patch? it made problems for me, but I think this update is more or less urgent.. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi/debdiff?bug=354701;msg=10;att=101:17
ajmitchsorry, I'm not :)01:17
ajmitchhow are you siretart ?01:17
siretartajmitch: was a great weekend, but quite rainy01:17
ajmitchhm, patch looks like it's needed01:18
siretartajmitch: how are you?01:18
ajmitchI'm good01:18
ajmitchpreparing for edgy, finishing off whatever little I can do for dapper01:18
siretartlast time, the package didn't install for me properly, and I wasn't sure why01:18
siretartbut I don't think it is because of this patch, I rather think that I triggered some other bug in the package, but I'm not sure what it actually is, so I forwarded it to debian and hoped that someone else could look at the issue01:19
ajmitchthe debdiff looks sane, at least01:20
siretartthe current ubuntu package has a lot more invasive approach to this issue, and I'd like to see it dropped01:21
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bmontyMalone #40505, any reason why this hasn't been uploaded?03:09
UbugtuMalone bug 40505 in wine "UVF exception for Wine 0.9.12" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4050503:09
=== ryu [n=chris@p5487F096.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchbmonty: because the UVF exception for that version wasn't approved?03:13
bmontyajmitch: the bug report has a link to an email that says it was03:13
bmontyat least for the latest at the time of the email03:13
ajmitchthe bug report has a link to a former approval03:14
ajmitchnote that siretart uploaded 0.9.9 on march 10th03:14
ajmitchjust because it was approved once in the past doesn't mean all future upstream versions get approval :)03:14
ajmitchif there's to be any chance, it'd have to pass by the uvf team03:15
bmontyajmitch: agreed, is there any point in doing a UVF request for it now?03:15
ajmitchit'd be a fair bit to approve03:15
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bmontyhow will this work with dapper-updates?03:15
ajmitchthe UVF team have all been on irc in the last few hours03:15
bmontyhi zul03:16
ajmitchI don't know, you'd have to check with mdz03:16
ajmitchgood day zul03:16
siretartbmonty: I think wine is rather a -backports candidate than a -updates one03:16
bmontysiretart: ok, I'll just leave it alone then :)03:16
zulhey ajmitch03:16
siretartbmonty: you can still file a bug and create a bugtask for adding it to dapper-backports, so it doesn't get lost03:17
ajmitchgetting UVF exceptions for big packages like wine at this late stage is hopeful at best :)03:17
siretartajmitch: yes. let's better tell ppl to get it into dapper-backports instead03:17
ajmitchnight all03:20
siretartgn8 ajmitch03:20
bmontyhmm, you can't mark a bug for backport to dapper yet :)03:21
siretartbmonty: this is indeed a problem and needs to be solved03:23
bmontysiretart: opening a bug now :)03:24
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siretartbmonty: bugno? (I'd like to subscribe)03:32
bmontysiretart: Malone #4729103:33
UbugtuMalone bug 47291 in malone "need to add dapper to backport menu" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4729103:33
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neutrinomassshould dfontmgr (an interface to defoma) go under Applications->System, System->Preferences or System->Administration ?03:36
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thierrynSeveas : can I disturb you from your important work?03:55
Seveasmy important work currently is a game of neverputt 03:55
Seveasso no, maybe in 10 minutes ;)03:56
thierrynSevas : no problem :)03:56
Seveasthierryn, 'sup?04:06
thierrynSeveas : hi, I'd just like to know if I am ready enough for the community council tomorrow... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThierryMoisan04:07
thierrynSeveas : I'd also want to know if you've seen seb128 on irc recently, I want to talk to him since about a week and I never find him04:08
thierrynk thanks04:09
Seveasyour wikipage looks ok, you should at least get a motu and one of the admins of the french team to do some cheerleading for you04:09
Seveasand if you get seb128 to cheerlead for you, that'd be really good04:10
thierrynI was thinking about seb12804:10
thierrynsiretart :  ping04:16
siretartthierryn: pong04:16
thierrynsiretart : you advocated my package (libfxscintilla), so I was wondering if you could help me tomorrow at the community council04:17
siretartthierryn: this was some time ago, no?04:18
siretartthierryn: I'm not sure if I can make it tomorrow.. :/04:19
thierrynwell it's at 16h00 UTC04:19
thierrynsiretart : anyway if you sudenly discover you can make it, I would be happy that you come, othwerwise that's not the end of the world04:26
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bmontyanyone see why the packages user-es and user-de should remain in the archive?04:32
WhoopieHi, who could fix mail-notification bug #43058 and #44086? There are only small adjustments needed which are stated in the bug report. Thanks a lot.04:32
UbugtuMalone bug 43058 in mail-notification "mail-notification doesn't autostart anymore" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4305804:33
UbugtuMalone bug 44086 in mail-notification "mail-notification's icon in the notification area has got a solid grey background." [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4408604:33
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neutrinomassWould it be silly to file bugs for .desktops that don't validate because of a missing semi-column in Categories ?08:48
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bluefoxicyneutrinomass:  no, go ahead and file.09:06
neutrinomassbluefoxicy: Ok. I'm feeling a little like wasting peoples' times though :)09:09
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igorzolnikovHi, i like ubuntu. How can i help it?09:45
crimsunigorzolnikov: scroll to the bottom of http://www.ubuntu.com/community09:50
crimsunigorzolnikov: one place we sorely need assistance is in bug triaging/work ; please /join #ubuntu-bugs and read its topic09:50
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Sp4rKyi've some issue with a bug "patching"10:44
Sp4rKyi'd "apt-get source" the bugged package10:44
Sp4rKyand  i've modify the source10:45
Sp4rKybut when i want regenerate the source (dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S)10:45
Sp4rKyi've an error because the email doesn't have secret key10:45
Sp4rKybecause is the mail of the first packager10:46
Sp4rKyso how could i change this please ?10:46
azeemadd -us -uc  to the command line to prevent signing10:58
azeemyou can sign with the debsign tool if you decide you need it signed later on10:58
Sp4rKyit works10:59
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neutrinomassUm... I created a .desktop with "Math;Science;" in Categories and it doesn't show up in the menu (it's supposed to be under Other, righ? ). changing it to e.g. "system" fixes this ...11:08
LaserJockcrimsun: ping?11:09
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crimsunLaserJock: pong11:16
LaserJockcrimsun: I was wondering about (w)(x)maxima11:19
crimsunif uploads are still permitted, using non-gcl per reports is preferable11:20
LaserJockdo you have any time to try it?11:21
crimsunbuilding or testing? I have a presentation tomorrow.11:21
LaserJockbuilding, but I can try to do it if you are busy11:22
crimsunplease do, ping me if you run into something11:22
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LaserJockcrimsun: is there a preference for cmucl or clisp, they both reportedly work11:33
crimsunLaserJock: whichever is easier (slimmer) in terms of dependencies and most compatible11:34
LaserJockhehe, well I had hoped you would know the answer to that, I don't know anything about LISP11:38
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crimsunI'd go with the former looking at the bug list for both11:41
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