
=== WiseOdd [n=WiseOdd@] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulCoag, please paste the output of the following two commands into paste.ubuntu-nl.org >>sudo fdisk -l<< >>mount <<12:00
graftsimian__: are you viewing the php file directly, or is it being served by apache or something?12:00
richardok .... i got "terminal open12:00
simian__graft: directly12:00
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richardso i type 'cat /etc/fstab12:00
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rpdjamesBrand new user, brand new install, had to do the VESA thing to get into xserver as my ati x850 isn't being recognized or something12:01
graftsimian__: yeah that ain't going to work... php has to be interpreted by your webserver in order to function12:01
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kaydeCoag, umm ok...12:01
rpdjamesthere are two different ways to install the ati drivers per the ubuntu wiki site12:01
WiseOddhi ppl. where should i look for a ... "Linux Newbie user manual"? I'm feeling pretty lost, this being the first time EVER having instaled any form of Linux, and substituting windows completely....12:02
simian__graft: ok thanks, so I should move it to /var/www and look at local host in a browser then?12:02
ompaulrpdjames, well give us the two urls please12:02
graftsimian__: yeah that'll work12:02
simian__graft: thanks12:02
graftsimian__: assuming your webserver is configured to deal with php12:02
invitadinhoWiseOdd  try www.easylinux.info12:02
ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org12:02
ompaulWiseOdd, ^^^^^^^12:02
richiefrichWiseOdd   http://ubuntuguide.org/12:02
WiseOddthx. will do :)12:02
simian__graft: lol i'll cross that bridge when i get there12:02
ubotuubuntuguide is, like, badly out of date,  reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead.12:02
=== JustinLynn [n=justin@wlbg-00-0014.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
WiseOddthx. all12:03
richiefrichompaul how are u today12:03
Coaghttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14807 << ompaul12:03
ompaulrichiefrich, having bundles of fun12:03
kaydeCoag, it says, no such directory exists...12:03
richiefrichompaul i couldnt get that FTP server to start for that dude yesterday if wasnt in ps -A  :(12:04
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kaydeCoag, i have dowloaded gimpshop, photoshop interface but i cant get it to work...12:04
CoagI don't know about that kayde12:04
rpdjamesOk, the first would be here, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI  the second is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver12:05
ubotuhmm... restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats12:05
rpdjamesthen of course, you have ati'12:05
=== corey [n=corey@cpe-66-69-186-60.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rpdjamesthen of course, you have ati's instructions for their drivers, so that's a third way12:06
coreyjust upgraded to dapper - very nice12:06
ompaulCoag, there is only one other think I could suggest, restart the machine with a plan to plug it into some other usb port it might help12:06
richardneed to install some plugins for VideoLan12:06
marzeccorey,  how can i upgrade to dapper from breezy?12:06
=== Hentai_Jeff [n=Jeffrey@ppp-70-129-153-183.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
graftrichard: you need to provide more detail, otherwise no one can help you12:07
coreymarzec: one sec12:07
Hentai_Jeffanyone know what the best PCI usb 2.0 card for linux is?12:07
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coreymarzec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades?highlight=%28dapper%2912:08
ompaulrpdjames, okay thank you12:08
kaydeCoag, :(12:08
coreyfor some reason my wireless interface is detected as "eth1"12:08
Coagompaul: with a plan to plug it into another port?12:08
rpdjamesompaul, np12:08
marzeccorey, thanks already found it. to much download volume needed for taht :) i'd just love to upgrade my 32-bit kernel to amd64 in breezy but nobody knows how :/12:08
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richardive done something12:09
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richardCannot launch entry error message12:09
richardFailed to change to director /home/richard (Permission denied12:09
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TheBigToeJava won't work in firefox 1.5 for me12:11
richardI managed to access the other drive .... but in the process messed up access to the other one12:11
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AlfredJKHi there, i have a little problem... xorg and memory..12:11
TheBigToeI've reinstalled the mozilla plugin, the blackdown installer and the normal java package12:11
=== Jazznite [n=labbefox@dpc674416136.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
TheBigToeJava won't work in firefox 1.5 for me12:11
JazzniteGood Day to All12:11
AlfredJKhere is the result opt de 'top' commando.    8849 root      15   0 1612m 699m 1352 S  3.5 69.3  29:59.43 Xorg12:11
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AlfredJKand 25742 root      15   0 1438m 620m 3828 S  3.0 61.4  38:15.68 Xorg12:12
sflashfor some reason my user doesnt have access to sudo12:12
sflashand also i noticed that all my groups i belong to are all gone12:12
AlfredJK1500 mbye of ram for xorg is a little too much..12:12
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squiddleAlfredJK  no12:12
octanhi all..12:12
octanim having some problems.12:12
JazzniteAny one to help, I have conflict whit DVD, ant Tip??12:13
octanmy disks keep falling out after a while12:13
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octani mean like dissapare12:13
=== Godfather-- [n=Godfathe@98.Red-81-37-135.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheBigToeJava won't work in firefox 1.5 for me. I've reinstalled the mozilla plugin, the blackdown installer and the normal java package but it still won't work12:13
octani need to power off.12:13
sflashanyone have any idea what happened or how i can get back into all the groups i was in?12:13
octanthen,, not even bios finds then12:13
AlfredJKto: squiddle   no ?!12:13
octanif i have my pc off for 2-3 min,, and power up again12:13
squiddleAlfredJK  those numbers are coffe-guessed and include for example all the mapped files since process start12:13
octanthey come back12:13
=== DBO [n=DBO@cpe-65-185-133-122.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
octanwhat might be wrong?12:13
Godfather--i cant install the nvidia driver, in fact, i cant set up the xserver without vesa12:13
coreyis it ok for my wireless interface to be detected as eth1?12:14
richardi cannot access drives12:14
octanim suspecting the mobo ide controller12:14
marzeccould someone try this: apt-cache search linux-amd64-k8 and send me his /etc/apt/sources.list file via pastebin if this spit out a result? pretty please with a cherry on top :)12:14
rpdjamesI'm right there with ya Godfather, but I'm on the ATI end12:14
FeestBijtjeany one knows how to mount trough FSTAB an new hard drive its an EXT3 Partition 80GB12:14
richardi go to sysem12:14
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trpr42corey: should be perfectly fine.. alot of people like having it named wlan0 but it doesn't really matter12:14
richardand it says cannot lauch entry12:14
AlfredJKto squiddle: and the command 'free' gives a swap partion of 900Mbyte: 100 of less free ! with 5.10 there was no problem12:14
JazzniteI can have the screen of the DVD any tip??12:14
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coreywell it was wlan0 til i upgraded to dapper12:14
ubotuxgl is, like, totally, "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"12:15
ompaul*** note URL CHANGE for xgl ***12:15
TheBigToeJava won't work in firefox 1.5 for me. I've reinstalled the mozilla plugin, the blackdown installer and the normal java package but it still won't work12:15
CoagI don't understand what you meant, reboot with it plugged in?12:15
ompaulCoag, no, reboot, with it plugged out (the mp3) player12:15
Chri[s] how do i run gphoto212:15
squiddleAlfredJK  hmm do you have any problems? like a lot of swapping?12:16
FeestBijtjeany one knows how to mount trough FSTAB an new hard drive its an EXT3 Partition 80GB12:16
TheBigToeJava won't work in firefox 1.5 for me. I've reinstalled the mozilla plugin, the blackdown installer and the normal java package but it still won't work, anyone know what I should do to get it working?12:16
richardive managed to lock my self out of menus12:16
ompaulChri[s] , you need to isntall it, you need universe repos for this12:16
Godfather--"Error : API mismatch: The NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-7174, but this x module has the version 1.0-7667. Please make sure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version" i get this error12:17
AlfredJKyes.. after 1.5 - 2 days xorg is freezing for 5 - 10 seconds and going on and the system is very slow12:17
=== salvos [n=family@pool-71-111-24-254.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chri[s] ompaul, i have it installed gphoto2 in console just prints out a menu12:17
Jazzniteany help on DVD's???please12:17
=== willmc_ [n=willmc@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
Godfather--hello ?12:18
squiddle!tell FeestBijtje partitions12:18
ubotuGo to System -> Administration -> Disks and enter your password. Pick the disk your partition is on from the list, then click the 'Partitions' tab. Select the partition you want to mount, set an access path (mount point) and click 'Enable'.12:18
graftJazznite: what are you trying to do?12:18
graftrichard: just reboot, man12:18
trpr42Godfather--: you need help interpreting the error? nvidia driver is composed of a kernel module and some userspace stuff... error is stelling you that the two parts are not the same version.. as if you got them from two different sources12:19
=== Davey|Laptop [n=Davey@unaffiliated/davey] has joined #ubuntu
protitohi, can someone help me with the sound on via 3285?12:19
TheBigToe Java won't work in firefox 1.5 for me. I've reinstall ed the mozilla plugin, the blackdown inst aller and the n ormal java package but it still won't work, anyone know what I should d o to get it working?12:19
Jazznitegraft i have conflict whit medeia 10 and the other program, and NO DVD12:19
ompaulChri[s] , that is what it is supposed to do, your looking for a gui front end?12:19
graftJazznite: um, that makes no sense to me at all...12:19
sflashanyway to rollback my ubuntu server? my user cant sudo anymore and my groups dissapeared12:19
TheBigToewill anyone help me?12:20
Chri[s] ompaul, yes12:20
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Jazznitewell the screen shows but in a moment  quits12:20
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sflashis there anyway i can login as root?12:20
TheBigToewill ANYone help me?12:20
LeoStewartDoes anyone know why ubuntu doesn't detect my floppy drive?12:20
RemyLaptophi guys, I'm having some issues trying to get the ubuntu updates to run at a certain time.  I'm using the "at" command to set it to run at 1am , but it doesn't seem to be working.  I run the command "at 1am -f timedupdates" where timedupdates just contains the line apt-get update12:20
LeoStewartit's the only thing ubuntu hasn't detected...12:20
KyralLeoStewart: you have the cable in upside down?12:21
graftJazznite: can you start from the very beginning? what screen? where? what DVD? are you playing it somewhere? with what? etc.12:21
Kyral<=== I have done it before :P12:21
TheBigToeWill anyone help me with this I need it really badu12:21
RemyLaptopdoes anyone have any ideas, or any suggestions for how I can troubleshoot why it's not actually updating ?12:21
LeoStewartKyral: well, windowsXP detected the floppy drive perfectly.12:21
Godfather--trpr42, what should i do ?12:21
KyralLeoStewart: dunnot hen12:21
ompaulChri[s] , back in two minutes need to check a web page12:21
LeoStewartKyral oh well, thanks.12:21
JazzniteOk the DVD media 10 dont show the screen command12:22
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TheBigToeany one help Me?12:22
Godfather--trpr42, i dl the lastest version from nvidia.com and it was installed ok (1.0-8762)12:22
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Godfather--but when i try startx the error appears12:22
TheBigToeanyone help me please?12:22
Jazzniteand the DVD are clean12:22
sybaritenhm, anybody know any video-related channels on this network ?12:22
TheBigToeANYONE help me please?12:22
RemyLaptopTheBigToe - you're much more likely to get help by waiting than by spamming...12:22
trpr42Godfather--: that is odd.. so you installed the driver.. you rebooted and you get that error?12:22
graftJazznite: are you sure you shouldn't be in another language channel? if your english is not so good12:22
TheBigToeI've waited all day12:22
Godfather--trpr42, yes12:23
RemyLaptop!tell TheBigToe about java12:23
Jazzniteupps sorry, any spanish??12:23
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RemyLaptophave you read that page ?12:23
RemyLaptop!tell Jazznite about es12:23
Godfather--trpr42, will u like to try via ssh ?12:23
ubotuIn Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse12:23
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:23
Godfather--im afraid i cant install it12:24
trpr42Godfather--: how did you install? you used a package / apt-get, or you fetched the driver and compiled it yourself?12:24
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TheBigToeRemyLaptop, I've downloaded 1.412:24
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trpr42Godfather--: no thanks. i don't even trust myself. i wouldn't trust anyone on irc with that if i were you12:24
Harold_PRapidshare sucks. :(12:24
Godfather--trpr42, i dl a .run, sh nvidia*.run and then i reboot12:24
ompaulChri[s] , I can't one for gnome but there is this: kamera it is going to install a fair bit of stuff but it should end up on your menu and be handy enough to use12:24
=== HellDragon` [i=J-D@modemcable251.249-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
JazzniteMerci to all!!12:25
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richiefrichGodfather-- u can do it really simple -->  make a user account for someone and tell them to screen then u screen -x  and watch what they do12:25
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richiefrichGodfather-- that why u see all what they do :~)12:25
Godfather--richiefrich,  :) and another option is vnc i think12:25
Godfather--but my driver nvidia doesnt work very well xD12:26
=== heiko_ [n=heiko@chello084112091031.38.11.vie.surfer.at] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
protitosound via 8235??? someone?? help pls12:26
richiefrichGodfather-- u dont want vnc, not like that12:26
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Godfather--richiefrich, if you connect via ssh to my pc, i put screen -x i'll what you're typing ?12:27
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david__join #(k)ubuntu-fr@irc.freenode.net12:28
MetaMorfoziSgood night all [kshutdown @ 20min] 12:28
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=== Harold_P dances :D-<
=== Harold_P dances :D|-<
=== Harold_P dances :D/-<
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richiefrichGodfather-- if u have screen installed then u can attach to there session12:29
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=== mumbles--out needs to install nvidia drivers
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motinhey, is it possible to ignore a broken package? It is ntp-server that cannot be uninstalled and is thus broken, and this has me not being able to install or update _any_ packages for some reason..12:29
Godfather--whats 'screen' ? a package ?12:29
=== ollo82 [n=oliver@p54853DCD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
marzechm i just downloaded the package by hand and tried to install it12:30
marzeclinux-amd64-k8 that is12:30
ollo82is there a history about the things apt do?12:30
richiefrichGodfather-- yes12:30
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marzecwith the result that dpkg told me to fuck of cause the package architecture (amd64) is different from the installed architecture ( i386 ), so... how could i upgrade from i368 to amd64?12:31
Anusienmumbles: are you on dapper or breezy?12:31
sflashanyway to give me back my sudo power?12:31
sflashi cant run sudo12:31
richiefrichGodfather--   u  can test it -->  screen -> in another term -> screen -x12:31
graftmarzec: clearly, you should get the i386 version of the package, eh12:31
richiefrichsflash what u do to sudo ?12:31
=== Marcus [n=Belial@dialup-208-98-135-123.fmtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
Marcushi can someone help me with dvd playback/12:32
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richiefrichsflash can u get root access at all?12:32
motinollo82: yeah there is, it is somewhere under /var i think12:32
Godfather--richiefrich, i see :) n1 :D12:32
sflashrichiefrich: nothing, i created a ftp-users group, added my self to it, then all my group dissapeared i was joined to12:32
=== invitadinho [n=invitado@cm37242.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
ollo82if found it, thx12:32
marzecgraft,  the problem is there does not seem to be such a package. all i want to do is upgrade my i386 kernel to a amd64 one12:32
marzecwhich seems to be impossible...12:32
sflashrichiefrich: and i cant sudo12:32
richiefrichsflash u must of did something,  can u go back to a login screen and login as root12:33
Godfather--trpr42, any idea?12:33
sflashrichiefrich: it wont let me login as root12:33
Marcusdo i need an internet connection to be able to install with sudo?12:33
sflashrichiefrich: says access denied12:33
richiefrichsflash not in X12:33
Marcuseverytime i try to install something it says cant find packages12:33
richiefrichsflash  i mean in console12:33
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LeoStewartcould someone please tell me how to make a floppy .img file?12:34
sflashrichiefrich: im usiing putty right now on my laptop. should i go on the box and logout and login as root?12:34
trpr42Godfather--: well. i would try killing X / xdm if they are going.. try starting X with startx.. i'd check to there aren't any packaged versions of the driver installed... if so i'd remove them and then attempt to compile the driver again12:34
RemyLaptophey guys, who do I suggest a feature for ubuntu to ?12:34
graftmarzec: i assume you have a 64-bit machine12:34
sflashrichiefrich: my box is text only, server installation12:34
richiefrichsflash yes but in console12:34
Marcusim not sure graft12:34
trpr42Godfather--: its a wierd error. never encountered it. i have always ended up solving my nvidia problems through painful trial and error :(12:34
Marcusits dell latitude d50512:34
sflashrichiefrich: it is in console12:35
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Godfather--trpr42, oks :(12:35
richiefrichsflash  ok then try to login as roolt12:35
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grafterr... Marcus i was talking to marzec ...12:36
Marcusyea my bad lol12:36
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trpr42Godfather--: i believe its recommended that you use the packaged version anyways.. something about nvidias official version replacing libraries. in all cases i believe using the packaged version is recommended over what you are doing12:36
kbrooksWhat will Dapper have?12:36
Marcuscan someone help me with dvd and video12:36
sidewinder_Alguien de Chile ?12:36
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Godfather--trpr42, a packaged version is nvidia-glx ?12:36
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:36
sidewinder_quien habla espaol ?12:36
marzecgraft, yes of course amd 64 :)12:36
sflashrichiefrich: also says access denied12:36
richiefrichsflash  add this line to --> USER    ALL=(ALL) ALL  <-- too --> /etc/sudoers12:36
richiefrichsflash then do it on a LiveCD12:37
trpr42Godfather--: yes. something put together by the ubuntu team from what nvidia gives you12:37
=== sidewinder_ [n=sidewind@225-222-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
marzecgraft,  i just read that i'd have to basically install any 386 related package again with it's 64-bit version12:37
sflashrichiefrich: i dont think i can edit that file, i dont have permission and sudo wont let me12:37
marzecto much of a hazzle12:37
=== Binsy [n=kevin@c-71-56-58-78.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Godfather--trpr42, doesnt work12:37
mumbles--outok question - i have just installed ubuntu 5.10 on my desktop12:37
richiefrichsflash on a live CD u do12:37
Godfather--trpr42, i think the problem is the fucking dapper drake12:37
mumbles--outand my spash screen dosent get past boot12:37
sidewinder_quien habla espaol ?12:37
=== tedloon [n=tedloon@tedloon.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Godfather--on previusly versions i have no problems12:37
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:37
mumbles--outi have installed the nvidia driver as well so i relay dot know whats up12:37
sflashrichiefrich: ok, i have to burn a ubuntu live cd?12:38
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richiefrichsflash use any liveCD12:38
Godfather--mumbles--out, on dapper ?12:38
sflashrichiefrich: I just have the installation breezy badger one12:38
mumbles--outi guess so12:38
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Godfather--from nvidia.com ?12:38
mumbles--outi had my ubuntu cds come yesterday12:38
bobbydis there some app that will draw an ER graph of an SQL schema in the repositories?12:38
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mumbles--outGodfather-- from apt-get install12:38
trpr42Godfather--: is nvidia-glx installed? if you are compiling from nvidia, that is the first thing you want to remove12:38
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richiefrichsflash i like knoppix for most of that, or the gentoo one, it doesnt have X (gentoo on)12:38
flaekcan someone help me get my wireless card working, i did iwconfig and wifi0 and wlan0 comes up but wlan0 has more information, do i use that? then i did iwlist wlan0 scan and nothing came up12:39
mumbles--outi used http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#nvidia-driver12:39
Godfather--trpr42, i tried with/without this package12:39
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Godfather--mumbles--out, let me see that link, 1 moment12:39
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sflashrichiefrich: what will the knoppix let me do? I can add user groups to my account then?12:39
richiefrichsflash same as any of them u can edit that file12:40
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sflashrichiefrich: also root account has only root as grooup12:40
Godfather--Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:12:40
Godfather--  nvidia-glx: Entra en conflicto: nvidia-settings pero 1.0-3ubuntu7 va a ser instalado12:40
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trpr42Godfather--: maybe it will be fixed in a week. optimisitc12:40
=== trpr42 displays his dyslexia.
coreycan someone help me, i upgraded to dapper and now network-manager wont show my wireless device12:40
Godfather--i dont think so12:40
mumbles--outtrpr42 same12:41
ubotumethinks gaim is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto12:41
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mumbles--outlots of nvida questions here :p12:41
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Godfather--or my nvidia 6800gs its not supported.12:41
trpr42Godfather--: you said previous installations of the driver were working.. couldn't be that12:42
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flaekcan someone help me get my wireless card working, i did iwconfig and wifi0 and wlan0 comes up but wlan0 has more information, do i use that? then i did iwlist wlan0 scan and nothing came up12:42
Godfather--trpr42, yes, but on hoary and breezy, not on dapper12:42
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ompaulcorey, please go to #ubuntu+1 the dapper channel12:43
Marcusdoes anyone know how to install a highspeed dsl modem on usb?12:43
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flaekanyone willing to help me ^^12:43
Marlunwhere is apache2 isntalled by default if you use apt-get?12:43
Marcusor ethernet12:43
richardim struggling with gaining access to slave disk12:43
richardi can find it with disk manager12:43
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richardbut i dont know what to set it as with access path12:44
richardevery time i mess with it i lock myself out of the system12:44
sflashrichiefrich: so when i pop in a livecd, i actually boot to my box as admin? that would be rad. I need to put all my groups back. anycommand that will list all the groups on the system?12:44
ompaulMarlun, this is what you asked but I think you want to actually ask another question: /usr/sbin/apache2 : maybe the answer to the other one is /etc/apache2 or /var/www/12:45
richardthats the device12:45
richiefrichsflash no just edit the file12:45
Marlunompaul: yeah thank, I just found it myself :)12:45
graftrichard: where are you mounting it?12:45
richiefrichsflash /etc/group12:45
richardwell i put in /12:45
richardin access path12:46
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sflashrichiefrich: thanks dude12:46
=== mumbles screams
richardit says accessible ..... but i cant find files12:46
richiefrichsflash np12:46
richardi can browse them12:46
mumblesi cant get my graphics card working12:46
richardbut i want an easy way to access them from desktop12:46
mutanterichard: you should not mount to / :p12:46
richardso mount to where then12:47
Marcuswhenever i run sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 it gives me "libdvdcss2 has  no installation canidate"12:47
mutanterichard: that is like if you connected a new disk in windows and told it to be C:12:47
salahany idea to a good html/php editor?12:47
Marcusdo i need to be connected to the internet?12:47
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richardok ..... so mount it as what12:47
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mutanterichard: to any directory you want in theory, usually people create a directory in /mnt/12:47
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richardall i know is that the device is /dev/hdb112:47
richardno file in mind12:48
sflashsudo useradd -g ftp-users -d /home/ftp-docs siavash12:48
richardi just want to access it like with windows12:48
sflashthats what i did12:48
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richardcreate a short cut to desktop12:48
mutanterichard: mkdir /mnt/anythingyouwant12:48
sflashit gave me an error, user exists, but my groups were gone12:48
mutanterichard: mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/anythingyouwant12:48
richardvia diskmanager?12:48
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richardaccess path12:48
richardor via terminal12:49
sflashi probably shouldve used usermod command, i didnt know what i was doing. I cant believe that would kill my groups though12:49
mutanteboth would work12:49
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mutantejust make a directory first as mountpoint12:49
mutanteand then choose that12:49
RemyLaptophey hi guys, how can I check what processes are running on the system ?12:49
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graftRemyLaptop: top, or ps12:50
coreycan someone help me figure out why my wifi interface isnt showing up in networkmanager?12:50
coreyit worked before i upgraded to dapper12:50
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odatwhats the page where i can get a default repos list12:51
graftcorey: is the interface recognized at all by the system? like is it in 'iwconfig'?12:51
Mysta_hey guys, is there a way to find out what all the available groups (for permissions) are via the terminal????12:51
=== GMullen [n=greg@c-67-188-165-240.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GMullenwhy wont vim let me edit12:52
odat whats the page where i can get a default repos list12:52
richiefrichGMullen it will12:52
Mysta_GMullen: what are you trying 2 edit?12:52
AnusienGMullen: is it a read-only file?  Are you in insert mode?12:52
mutanteMysta_: alll the groups the current user is in: type "groups"12:52
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GMullenfrom root    vim /etc/apt/sources.list12:52
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GMullenno i'm not in insert mode12:53
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mutanteMysta_: or all groups that exist ? cat /etc/group12:53
AnusienYou have to get into insert mode to add text12:53
Mysta_mutante: thx12:53
GMullenhow do i switch to insert mode12:53
AnusienGMullen: Open up vi and type :tutorial12:53
ubotuI guess vim is A great text editor, some would say the best. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VimHowto12:53
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scottdotmaccalluemacs has a nice turorial12:54
ubotuhmm... emacs is a text editor made by GNU. Some praise it as the world's best12:54
lewixhow can I know if my computer has blutooh12:54
coreygraft: it shows up as 'eth1' just not in network-manager12:54
roastsome? :P12:54
odat whats the page where i can get a default repos list12:54
Mysta_lewix: ask your manufacturer12:54
Anusienlewix: you mean bluetooth?12:54
mumblesok - my computers freazing pass boot12:54
gnomefreakubotu tell odat about sources12:54
gnomefreakodat: your pm will have them in it12:55
lewixAnusien, yep my bad12:55
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lewixMysta_, :)12:55
mumblesi have installed nvida drivers but they dont work12:55
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mutantelewix: search for the term in the output of "lspci" maybe12:56
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Anusienmumbles: What version of Ubuntu, what version of the drivers, what chip are you running, what architecture are you running?12:56
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mumbles5.10 - the drivers from apt-get update nvida-common12:56
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lewixmutante, thanks12:57
mumblesgeforce 6800 i think12:57
Anusienmumbles: I think you want: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:57
joemachi all12:57
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HiHelloI had the same problem,try the vesa in reconfigure xorg etc12:57
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mumblesi cant get into the user window to do that12:57
HiHelloYOu get the garbage display?12:58
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jorvis_just installed ubuntu for the first time (5.10 amd64), what package is 'ld' in?12:59
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mumblesi get the fuzzy pattern and thats it12:59
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ubotuor if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, or get "make: command not found, then you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.12:59
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HiHelloYou can get there mumbles12:59
Marcuswhy when i run sudo apt-get install does it give me  "couldnt find packages"12:59
HiHelloI cant remeber how though12:59
Marcusdo i need to connect to the internet to install ?01:00
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hollerithjorvis_: can you get 64bit ubuntu?01:00
mumblesi booted up in safe mode01:00
lewixi want my desktop to look awsome ..do you have suggestions?01:00
jorvis_hollerith: it's on their site, yes01:00
skippylewix: xgl/compiz01:00
lewixskippy, meaning?01:00
Marcusdo you mean like a background lewix01:00
ubotuCompiz is a compositing manager that uses OpenGL for rendering. See http://en.opensuse.org/Compiz -- Installation howto's:   http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.01:00
Dr_Willislewix,  seek professional help.01:00
skippyyou get some amazing effects lewiz01:01
hollerithI notice ubuntu is one of the first distros to offer xorg 7 too!01:01
=== LeoStewart [n=leo@24-117-22-142.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
hollerithjelly windows!01:01
lewixMarcus, yep01:01
skippyi recommend you start by searching the ubuntu forums lewix01:01
Marcuswww.deviantart.com lewix01:01
LeoStewartcould someone tell me how to make a disk image file out of my floppy?01:01
Marcusthey have alot of sweet backgrounds01:01
Dr_Willisdd if=/dev/floppy of=floppy.img01:01
lewixthank you Marcus01:02
lewixthank you skippy01:02
skippygnome-look.org is good also01:02
skippyloads of premade themes01:02
LeoStewartdr_willis: thanks. :)01:02
Marcusmy background is Devil_by_SphinxSfenks01:02
skippywhen you get more comfortable, then move onto xgl/compiz, you will need a fairly modern gfx card though01:02
jorvis_after a new install, is it best to grab vid drivers from Nvidia?01:02
Marcuscan someone help me get totem working01:03
Marcusit says i need to install plugins and codecs to get video01:03
jorvis_Harold_P: that url doesn't work01:03
skippyjorvis_, are you on dapperdrake?01:03
jorvis_skippy: 5.1001:03
Marcusbut sudo apt-get install always gives me a "cant find packages"01:03
lewixMarcus, I couldnt get it to work so I abandonned and I installed mplayer01:03
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Marcushow do you lewix01:04
LeoStewartdr_willis: it didn't seem to work.  /dev/floppy isn't a directory.  and when i tried /media/floppy and /media/floppy0, the .img file was 0 bytes.01:04
Marcuscan you help me01:04
LeoStewartany suggestions?01:04
Harold_Pjorvis: for some reason www. in front of the url makes it not load, just type art.gnome.org01:04
Marcusi want to be able to watch dvd01:04
lewixmarcus: how do I what?01:04
jorvis_Marcus: use ogle01:04
Marcusinstall mplayer01:04
Marcuswhere can i get it?01:04
hollerithLeoStewart: yuo mean an iso?01:04
Dr_WillisLeoStewart,  /media/anything is NOT what you want - you want the actual device for the floppy01:04
skippyjorvis_ try method 1 in this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074&highlight=nvidia+breezy01:04
lewixmarcus: apt-get install mplayer01:04
jorvis_though I haven't got dvd playback to work well yet (just installed today)01:05
Dr_WillisLeoStewart,  look for like /dev/fd*01:05
Marcusi cant use apt-get01:05
Marcusi already tried install it01:05
Marcusbut it gives me "cant find packages"01:05
admiral_proFTWuse adpt01:05
Marcusor couldnt stat source package01:05
LeoStewartdr_willis will do. thanks.01:05
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admiral_proFTWMarcus: open up adept or synaptic01:05
Harold_Pjorvis_, did it work?01:05
skippymarcus, have you added extra repositories yet?01:05
ryanrhow does one mount an ext3 partition as read/write for all users?01:05
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Marcusthe multiverse universe?01:06
Marcusi think so01:06
jorvis_Harold_P: did what work?01:06
skippyok good01:06
Marcusim not sure though01:06
skippysynaptic is your best place to get started01:06
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Harold_Pjorvis_ art.gnome.org01:06
jorvis_ah, yes01:06
Marcusdo i need an internet conenction to install packages?01:06
Marcuscause i dont have a modem for this laptop yet01:06
skippyyes marcus01:06
hollerith/dev/fd0 ususally to /mnt/floppy or ubuntu /media/somehting01:06
skippybut you can download them, but to do so you need to know the dependancys01:07
Marcusi have a dsl external modem that connects by ethernet or usb01:07
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hollerithI can't believe people still use 3.5 inch01:07
Marcusbut im not sure if i can get it working for ubuntu01:07
admiral_proFTWi do! how else can i transfer data?01:07
skippyok marcus http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ has all the files stored01:07
mutanteryanr: by adding "users" and "rw"into the /etc/fstab line01:07
skippyyou can transfer them on a pendrive or a cd, but its a real hassle01:07
Marcuswhich one do i get01:07
mumblesargh - nothing works01:07
ryanrmutante: thats what i thought, and tried..but I still get permission denied...01:08
skippymarcus remind me what you wanted to get working again pls01:08
LeoStewartDr_Willis: worked like a charm, thanks mate! :)01:08
ryanrI will try again tho01:08
Marcusi just want to watch dvd and video01:08
admiral_proFTWuse a pen? how does that work?01:08
skippyok are you using dapper or breezy?01:08
Marcusbreezy i think01:08
mutanteryanr: even if the user is mouting it himself?01:08
Marcusim not real sure this is my first linux distro01:08
skippymarcus, hold tight ill link the names of the files for you01:08
mutanteryanr: users allows the user to mount it himself01:08
ryanrah i see01:09
=== blah [n=rab@dynamic-acs-24-154-237-85.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
lewixMarcus, http://fsiu.uwc.ac.za/kinky/index.php?module=wiki&action=wikilink&pagename=MultimediaUbuntu#toc301:09
hollerithnot everybody is allowed to mount01:09
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blahis there anyway to run wine from a user account?01:09
admiral_proFTWi'm mature01:09
blahi need to execute it from php01:09
hollerithmee too01:09
swimhey folks, does ubuntu use /usr/local for anything?01:10
Marcusshould i just download them all lewix ?01:10
ryanrmutante: even if i mount it myself (no sudo) i still get a permission denied error when trying to create a file one it01:10
hollerithuser local is a good place to ln -s stuff you want to be shared by users01:10
Marcusdo i need to extract them to any specific folder?01:10
mutanteryanr: hmm, then you can still try to specify uid= and gid=01:10
lewixMarcus, just follow the instructions01:10
ryanrmutante: is this correct? /dev/hda7       /media/hda7     ext3    defaults,users,rw 0 001:11
hollerithubotu tell hollerith about ubotu01:11
lewixI'm looking for themes for my desktop not only wallpaper01:11
admiral_proFTWryanr: sounds about right01:11
Marcusit comes with a few01:11
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Marcusthere not really great though01:11
ryanradmiral_proFTW: hmmm ok01:11
Marcusi just have human01:11
AngryElfguys, i'm trying to build xine-lib and xine-ui......and ./configure for xine-ui is complaining about a linking problem saying it can't find xine-lib  I added /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf, but no luck, any ideas?01:11
swimCan anyone tell me if Ubuntu uses /usr/local? at all??01:11
mutanteryanr: im not sure about the "defaults", might try just "rw,user" there01:12
blahis there anyway i can run wine from php?01:12
Marcusdid you find a cool background lewix01:12
lewixMarcus, not really, I want a them actually01:12
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Marcusi think human looks the best out of all the ones it came with01:13
Codegen2Does anybody know how to get glib workng from source on Ubuntu?01:13
Marcusthats what i have as my background01:13
admiral_proFTWswim: probably01:13
d00byis anybody here good with gambas?01:13
admiral_proFTWor it wouldn't be included01:13
Marcusbut altered a little01:13
admiral_proFTWopen up the terminal01:14
=== jorvis_ [n=jorvis@c-69-140-217-90.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hollerithswim:my /usr/local is full of stuff01:14
admiral_proFTWcd into the directory where the source is01:14
ryanrmutante: removing defaults didnt help...and i just get errors trying to use uid and gid01:14
hollerithsuch as /usr/local/bin01:14
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jorvis_how do I restart and prevent X from starting?  I tried 'init 3' and nothing happened.  X just restarts when you kill it manually.01:14
hollerithmuchos importante01:14
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
blahis there anyway i can run wine from php?01:15
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admiral_proFTWso "cd /home/freddy/Desktop/glib"01:15
blahwine is owned under root , can i change that?01:15
Marcuslewix, do you have to be connected to the internet to install mplayer?01:15
lewixMarcus, I guess so01:16
hollerithswim:why do you ask - attempting some rash pruning?01:16
mutanteryanr: uhmm,i dont really know now, sry01:16
Blissexblah: sure you can, but you need to understand very carefully the UNIX security/protection model. There are a lot of papers on it.01:16
blahthats cool01:16
blahso how do i do it01:16
hollerithblah:when you say wine is owned under root what do you mean?01:16
blahi cant execute it from php01:16
Lordthundguys.. can somebody help me with downgrading mysql-server-5.0 to -4.101:17
hollerithhow did you get it?01:17
swimhollerith: I just know that a lot of other distros dont use it at all... and I had to alien an application which isnt available... and it installed itself in /usr/local...01:17
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Marcusis there anyway i can get media/dvd without an internet connection01:17
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hollerithswim:its a debian thing I'm sure lots of unices use different schemes01:18
mutanteMarcus: yes, shipit.ubuntu.com01:18
skippymarcus, sorry im going through these but theres just too many dependancys01:18
skippyit will be a nightmare if i try and link them all for you01:18
Marcusi went and downloaded a bunch of files01:18
Napoleoncan somebody give me an example scp syntax to copy from your pwd to another host01:18
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Marcusbut when i try to extract them it doesnt do anything01:18
mumblesim going to go to bed01:19
ryanrmutante: i just cheated and mounted the partition with sudo then made a 777 directory in it01:19
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mumblesill sort out dirvers tomow01:19
mutanteNapoleon: scp somefile user@otherhost:/home/user/01:19
skippymarcus, to extract deb files you can put them all in your home directory, then open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg -i *.deb01:19
hollerithscp you@ip-address:path/to/files you@target-ipaddress:path/to/target01:19
Napoleonmutante: thanks01:19
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skippybut they all have dependancys marcus, so you will be there all night01:20
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PharaohUbuntu's Ubiquity looks extremely similar to Anaconda01:20
Marcusso i have to get a modem then01:20
maccam94ugh, i've got problems getting an ethernet driver working right. the card uses tulip01:20
skippythere are only 4 meta packages needed, but each is made up of at least 6 smaller ones01:20
mutanteryanr: whatever works;)01:20
Pharaoheven the image placement is identical to latest anaconda01:20
skippyyeah marcus, im afraid linux isnt a friendly OS for people without net connections01:20
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Marcusi have a dsl external modem01:21
mutanteMarcus: look at the link, they send you free CDs01:21
skippyoh, well do you have a lan card marcus01:21
jorvis_anyone know how to kill X so that it doesn't automatically restart?01:21
Marcusbut im not sure how i would go about installing it01:21
Marcusor if it will even work on linux01:21
Marcusits a qwuest gt70101:21
maccam94i can get the interface up and everything, but i get all these tulip errors in dmesg and it can't ping or anything01:21
Marcusnope skippy01:21
Marcusim completely net connectionless01:21
hollerithjorvis_:Ctrl_Alt-Backspace should kill your session01:21
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jorvis_hollerith: yes, but it immediately restarts again01:22
Marcuscould i use this dsl modem?01:22
skippyyeah, doesnt it have rectangular ethernet connections coming out of the back?01:22
hollerithjorvis_:any ideas why?01:22
skippyif it does you can just connect to it with a lan card01:22
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skippyyou would need a DSL connection of course:D01:22
Marcusit connects to the phone line01:22
richiefrichDSL ?   get cable01:23
jorvis_hollerith: that's always true with X by default.  same thing happens on my laptop (gentoo) and other desktop (suse)01:23
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duckdownHey all..  I know VNC programs are a dime a dozen now, but ive never used it too often..  I need something very easy that someone could run on his Windows box and I could control it via my ubuntu01:23
skippyok marcus, well im looking at teh specs for your modem, it has ethernet output01:23
skippybuilt in routing01:23
skippyso you just need to get the ethernet card in your pc working and you should be sorted01:23
BioVorEduckdown: real vnc on windows work with krfb on linux (kubuntu)01:23
skippydoes your pc have a network card in it ?01:23
hollerithjorvis_:no way- I use gentoo and it just bombs to the console - how do you start x?01:24
Marcusmy notebook has an ethernet slot in the back01:24
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Dr_Willisduckdown,  that would be most of them. :P for a vnc client/server on windows - i tend to use 'ultravnc'  it has some nice features. (windows only)01:24
skippyok marcus, try typing ifconfig into a terminal windows01:24
lewixhow can I install theme01:24
Marcuscommand not found01:24
jorvis_hollerith: if I ctrl-alt-bksp on my laptop it goes to the console for about 3 seconds before restarting.01:25
duckdownDr_Willis> yeah I run ubuntu though, so how will i connect?  Also, one that is totally idiot-proof for the guy to set up on his windows would be good01:25
Dr_Willislewix,  depends on what its a theme for. :P ya can often open the theme manager program.. and just drag/drop the new theme to it.01:25
skippy"ifconfig" should definately be availiable on your version of ubuntu marcus01:25
Marcusi know01:25
skippyits a very basic command :D01:25
Marcusthats wierd01:25
skippyits strange01:25
duckdownBioVorE> I use gnome :(01:25
hollerithjorvis_:how do you start x? rc-update add xdm ?01:25
Dr_Willisduckdown,  kde and gnome voth have their own vnc 'clients' i recall. (called somthing like remote desktop) -   Ultra vnc is rathe reasy to set up on windows..   about as easy as any of them01:26
jorvis_hollerith: gdm, but yes01:26
hollerithremove the display manager for your default runlevel01:26
mutanteMarcus are you root?01:26
lewixDr_Willis, it's in *tar01:26
skippyyou could try the graphical way marcus, under system you should be able to find a networking option on the gnome menu01:26
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hollerithso you enter via console - use the startx script for now01:26
Dr_Willislewix,  i ment is it an ICON theme? a desktop theme? a gtk2 theme.. ect.. :P just try the drag/drop thing/01:27
Marcusit says my eterhent connection  is not configured01:27
hollerithX is ending and then being restarted01:27
Marcusthe interface eth0 is not configured*01:27
skippythats good , it means you have one i think01:27
skippyis that coming from the graphical menu?01:27
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lewixDr_Willis, wheres the theme manager program?. It's a theme/styles01:28
Marcusi enabled it01:28
duckdownDr_Willis> Hmm thanks,  I need to find this one for gnome01:28
skippyclick on the picture that says ethernet01:28
jorvis_hollerith: ok, what package do you have to install to get 'rc-update'?   (I've been pretty disappointed at the default ubuntu set of system packages.  'make' isn't even there??)01:28
swimhow difficult is it to create a package from an apps source code?01:28
lewixDr_Willis, im using kde01:28
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs01:28
Marcusnow i  need ip address subnet mask and gateway address01:28
Dr_Willislewix,  there in the setting smenus some where with every other configuration program.01:28
skippyand click on the general tab and tell it to use dhcp marcus01:28
Dr_Willislewix,  you would pick the ONE time i am booted to gnome. :) normally i use kde.01:28
skippythen connect it to your modem with an ehternet cable and toggle deactivate and activate01:28
Marcusdo i put in my host name or the host of my isp01:28
holleritherk - sorry rc-update is gentoo I thought you were talking about your gentoo laptop01:28
chavolewix, kde themes are different than gnome, most have to be compiled01:28
skippymarcus, dont enter any info01:29
skippyjust click on properties and select dhcp01:29
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hollerithdoes ubuntu have some tool to add startups?01:29
skippyyour modem has a built in router, it should give you an ip and gateway when you connect ot it01:29
hollerithinit scripts01:29
lewixchavo, how do I compil it then01:29
NthDegreehollerith try bum from universe01:29
skippyhollerith, yeah i recommend bum :D01:29
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hollerithjorvis_: try bum01:30
jorvis_hollerith: I finally killed it with - /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:30
Marcusis that all skippy ?01:30
chavolewix,  which theme is it?01:30
Marcusdo i need to put it in a specific location or anything?01:30
hollerithas soon as you reboot you have gdm though yeh?01:30
skippyyeah marcus, just dhcp enabled, and connected to your modem01:30
lewixchavo, http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2639201:30
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Marcusnow how can i tell if it worked?01:30
skippyit should sya "The interface eth0 is active" once the dhcp has set it up01:31
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hollerithI'll bet gdm has some die parms01:31
skippyyou may need to toggle deactivate and activate a bit01:31
skippymaybe even reboot01:31
Marcusit says its not active01:31
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skippyis it connected to the modem?01:31
Marcusbut now its configured01:31
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skippyand is the modem on?01:31
skippyok look for the green link lights, are they flashing01:32
Marcusok its activated01:32
jorvis_oh geez, can't install the nvidia drivers because the ubuntu kernel was built with gcc 3.4 but the current gcc is 4.0.01:32
skippygrats marcus01:32
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skippyyour on your way to victory lol01:32
Marcusnow how can i connected to the internet01:32
Marcuslol thanks01:32
skippygood :D01:32
skippyok now it is easy for you :D01:32
Harold_Phello eeryone01:33
skippyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats marcus, step by step guide to enabling all media formats01:33
holleritheeryone lol that 's me01:33
skippyyou will need to use synaptic or apt-get to retrieve the packages01:33
Marcusso now i should be able to use sudo apt get?01:33
skippyyep :D01:33
skippyyou will have a really fun time now your up on the net :)01:33
Marcusalright thanks for all the help01:34
skippylinux really comes into its own online01:34
Dr_Willislewix,  just uncompress the file to some dir.. and use the kde theme manager's "install new theme button" and select the theme file01:34
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skippynp mate :) glad your setup now marcus01:34
chavolewix, you don't need to compil that one, just extract it and go into the directory then double click the tab_grey.kth file01:34
bendldcan anyone help with an internet sharing problem? my ubuntu pc is connect to the internet wirelessly through an actiontec router. in addition to my wireless card i have a wired ethernet port and would like to share the internet connection with my xbox. i have tried bridgin and tried using firestarter but have not been successful.01:34
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Marcusdont i need to set up a connection with my ip01:34
Marcusi dont think i've done it yet01:34
Dr_Willisheh - that is a nice kde theme. :P01:34
swimcan anyone tell me what I should get to help me build a package from an apps source code please?01:35
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Kyraland a want to learn01:35
hollerithbenld:you should just have to plug all  into your router - no software necessary01:35
swimKyral: how about checkinstall?01:36
hollerithif you have dhcp - does xbox have a dhcp-client?01:36
Kyralswim: don't say that word near me again01:36
bendldthe reason for wanting this setup is so that i can have my xbox in my room (far away from the router) and still play live and ftp01:36
skippyyes xbox has a dhcp client01:36
KyralI am netorious for despising it01:36
swimKyral: thats what I thought but people on debian suggested I use that01:36
hollerithxbox is wireless?01:36
bendldand i dont have a wireless adapter for the xbox01:37
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Dr_WillisIve never heard of any issues with checkinstall. :P lol.01:37
Kyralswim: use it, but ONLY for packages you will use only yourself01:37
KyralDr_Willis: for personal use its fine01:37
Kyralbut for making packs for other people no way01:37
lewixDr_Willis, thans01:37
hollerithso you run cat5 to the xbox nic to your router and ...01:37
Dr_Willis($(@*@ everyone else. :P lol01:37
nickrudit's so damn dependent upon your local packages01:37
skippybendld, have your tried firestarters internet connection "wizard" thing?01:37
swimKyral: is there something else as simple as checkinstall that is better?01:38
skippywhat you want to do is possible in theory, your linux box can serve the dhcp to the xbox01:38
lewixChavo, thanks i'm going to see if it works. What will i have to do if I find theme that i have to compil01:38
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Kyralswim: if you want to just install the program, the configure make make install dance is fine01:38
chavolewix, the window decorations and the widget styles need to be compiled01:38
bendldi have tried using dhcp server as well as setting a static ip01:38
skippybendld, i just had a thought01:38
skippyyou may need a crossover cable01:38
bendldi have one01:39
skippyrather tahn a straigh01:39
skippyoh i see01:39
lewixchavo, I saw install kde them and then nothing01:39
swimKyral: I would but I've also learned not to do that on a binary distro01:39
bendldi have tried both regular cat5 and crossover01:39
blazemaby it's a very stupid question but tell me.. who of you prefer gnome, and who kde, and whY? (please :) )01:39
Harold_Poh, the things we do for eye candy.01:39
=== nickrud thinks of some poorly made source packages where uninstall never works. And remembers again why he uses ubunt
Kyralswim: why not?01:39
skippyblaze. gnome is more simple IMO01:39
blazeand what is IM0 ? :)01:39
Kyralon Debian based systems, /usr/local is a no touch place for Apt-Get01:40
skippyin my opinion01:40
Kyralluckly most apps install there by default :P01:40
hollerithbenld:xbox does have a dhcp-client running?01:40
blazeare there workspaces in kde?01:40
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Kyralblaze: you mean multiple desktops?01:40
skippyyes blaze, its very similar to gnome really01:40
Kyrallook on your kicker :P01:40
skippysince they are both x environments01:40
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blazei see skippy :)01:40
swimoh btw Kyral I forgot what I was doing the app is actually Filezilla... not igloo01:40
=== Kyral shrugs
h3sp4wnKyral: You know if arch current has xorg 7.1 yet ?01:41
skippyblaze, if you liked windows 98 then gnome is for the win :)01:41
blazeand skippy, are you using gnome?01:41
Kyralcheck it out :P01:41
hollerithon xbox you can do ipconfig01:41
skippyyes blaze01:41
lewixchavo, I guess the theme is installed but where should i go to get it01:41
skippyi prefer gnome, i find kde is a bit of an overload01:41
lewixchavo, to set it up01:41
bendldthe dashboard is unleashx01:41
nickrudh3sp4wn, maybe for eft01:41
chavolewix, it's in the Theme manager01:41
blazeand is it allright if i use both kde and gnome?01:41
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Kyralblaze: yes01:41
blazei mean to have them both01:41
lewixchavo, i cant find it01:41
blazeoh, ok :)01:42
skippyyes mate, its very easy01:42
nickrudblaze, defintly01:42
blaze10x to all01:42
hollerithbendld:you can see the interface?01:42
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KyralI think at one point I had KDE, GNOME, XFCE, Enlightenment, Openbox, FVWM, and Fluxbox installed01:42
blazeKyral, :D01:42
skippyhehe kyral yeah ive had a fair few before01:42
nickrudKyral, you missed blackbox, what's wrong with you :)01:42
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KyralThat would have been overkill01:43
skippyits like taking a little holiday from gnome :)01:43
KyralI use KDE now01:43
Kyralon my desktop01:43
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Kyrallaptop it all about the Fluxbox01:43
Lordthundguys, what does dpkg --get-selecitons really tell me?01:43
bendldmy pc is connected to the internet via ath0, i want to hook up my xbox to eth0 and use the internet from ath0. i think the problem may be that i am not sure what ip, subnet, and gateway to assign to eth001:43
h3sp4wnnickrud: I just want to test whether I will be able to use my 9800pro with the oss drivers with 7.1 (it would be worth the hassle to build my own packages) But I would just try it on another partition with a distro which already had it01:43
Lordthund--get-selections *01:43
gambitwhen i d/l and save to disk, how do i get to it in terminal01:43
bendldi can configure the xbox just fine otherwise01:43
Kyralget what01:43
nickrudLordthund, it tells you what packages you have installed, in a format you can use with --set-selections01:43
h3sp4wnnickrud: X org 7 goes upto 9600 so maybe 7.1 goes upto 980001:44
hollerithbenld:if you are using dhcp its being assigned for you01:44
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nickrudh3sp4wn, no clue, ati is not my strong point01:44
Lordthundnickrud, ah.. not really.. it seems.. installting mysql-server-4.1 still fails, but dpkg --get-selections says it's installed01:44
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Lordthundand what does "deinstalled" mean in that context?01:44
KyralLordthund: means it was once installed, but now it isn't01:45
bendldso are you saying that i should configure eth0 to be configured via dhcp?01:45
Kyralas opposed to never have been installed01:45
Lordthunddoes that mean that there are still references /deps somewhere in the system?01:45
hollerithcan't you just go straight to your router?  why do you want the pc as a gateway?01:45
h3sp4wnnickrud: I wouldn't say its mine but I sure as hell would like to get rid of fglrx01:45
LordthundKyral, how can i get that out?01:45
=== nickrud wonders if he really wants to install mysql long enough to figure that out
KyralLordthund: NFI01:45
KyralI don't use Ubuntu anymore01:45
blazeand.. i have one more question about gnome and kde.. can i make something in order not to see the kde applications when i'm in gnome's applications menu :) ?01:45
LordthundKyral, ?01:45
hollerithif your pc is a gateway then you're going to have to do some NAT01:45
KyralNo F***ing Idea :P01:45
skippyhollerith, hes basically trying to extend a wireless network using his linux box to bridge it onto ethernet01:46
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h3sp4wnHe needs to use hostapd then01:46
=== JustinLynn [n=justin@wlbg-00-0014.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
lewixwhere's theme manager?01:46
nickrudh3sp4wn, simple buy nvidia, then I'll help :)01:46
=== Lordthund heads over, annyoing the debian guys :)
richiefrichKyral ne neither :!)01:46
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h3sp4wnDoes he have a properly supported wireless card ?01:47
nickrudI'm almost interested enough to join #debian so see the fireworks01:47
hollerithbendld:you have a wireless router with some ethernet as well01:47
swimive found a package for filezilla for debian... there is one for sarge, etch, and sid... which one if any should I attempt to use?01:47
neil__anyone have exp with getting tv-out on an ati rage card?01:47
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lewixwhere's theme manager located in kde?01:48
lewixI cant find it01:48
hollerithbendld:so you can connect your xbox to the internet by running some c5 to the router?01:48
BioVorEsid should be close to what ubuntu dapper is01:48
Kyrallewix: its broken up01:48
bendldbut i dont want to hardwire the xbox to it because that would mean that i need to run cat cable through the house01:48
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bendldit works though01:48
nickrudswim, if any will work, it's most likely sid/unstable01:48
h3sp4wnnickrud: I am contenplating it but it still involves running a tainted kernel (and if I can get os ati drivers working then that would be better)01:48
lewixKyral, ?01:48
martinsanchezhi verybody, somebody here know how to install kubuntu live cd,???01:48
blazeand.. i have one more question about gnome and kde.. can i make something in order not to see the kde applications when i'm in gnome's applications menu :) ?01:48
hollerithI know you may want not to do that in the end but it is possible?01:48
martinsanchezhi verybody, somebody here know how to install kubuntu live cd,???01:48
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h3sp4wnswim: get the source package and compile it (it will work better)01:48
Kyrallewix: as in like, you have your Window Deco menu01:49
Kyraland then you color scheme01:49
nickrudh3sp4wn, I agree, open source is better by def, but by working ...01:49
swimh3sp4wn: i dont want to install via compile though Id like to make a package01:49
Kyraland then your "style" (controls)01:49
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chavono there's a theme manager in kde also, that can save combinations of all those01:49
martinsanchezhi verybody, somebody here know how to install kubuntu live cd,???01:49
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h3sp4wnswim: Make a pcckage from the deb-src of sid01:49
hollerithso you have a wireless adaptor for your xbox then01:49
[arcane] lol01:49
h3sp4wnswim: against the ubuntu libraries01:49
swimh3sp4wn: better than the full source from the site?01:49
Kyralmartinsanchez: if you are using a Breezy one, you can't01:49
bendldmy xbox is 2 feet away from my pc01:50
[arcane] kubuntu = not really a distro01:50
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skippyhey bendld http://www.sorgonet.com/network/advancedwirelesswithlinux/ this link might help a little01:50
martinsanchezthanks all!01:50
[arcane] just a DE01:50
skippyat least with the bridging part01:50
skippyit seems to be be doing what you want to do pretty closely actually01:50
bendldso i would like to hardwire the xbox to my pc and use my pcs wireless adapter to connect to the wireless router01:50
hollerithah, but pc is nearby and has a wireless adaptor to the router?01:50
hollerithsorry yes01:51
bendldthanks alot skippy, ill check it out01:51
swimh3sp4wn: better than the full source from the site?01:51
skippyi wish i had a little project like that to do lol, im bored at the moment :)01:51
h3sp4wnswim: I don't know whether it will be much different - but it would be easier to build a deb01:51
maccam94anyone willing to help me fix a strange ethernet card problem?01:52
bendldhaha, im frustrated ive been workin on this for a few hours and thats only today01:52
hollerithyout pc is going to be a gateway01:52
h3sp4wndendid: Are you using ndiswrapper ?01:52
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swimhow can I remove the need for a password for sudo? (using visudo)01:52
skippythe thing about that guide though, bendld is that the bridge is a passthrough01:52
hollerithyou need it to run a dhcp-server too01:52
Napoleonswim: :-/01:52
[arcane] sudo passwd01:52
skippybut it is relatively easy to change that01:52
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Napoleon[arcane] : no..01:52
[arcane] well ...01:53
Napoleonyou wouldn't want to not have to enter a password for sudo01:53
Noah0504Does anyone know of a Windows solution for converting DVDs and other video to Theroa?01:53
richiefrichswim a user to ?01:53
Napoleonthat sort of defeats the point01:53
crazy_penguinnight all. sleep well! :)01:53
swimNapoleon: im the only user... I know how to use linux... I dont need a password01:54
[arcane] Noah0504, uh linux01:54
lewixKyral, im stuck i dont know how to choose the theme i just downloaded01:54
lewixand installed01:54
skippyNoah0504, by Theroa do you mean ogg format?01:54
richiefrichswim are u root?01:54
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swimrichiefrich: when I want to be :)01:54
BioVorENoah0504: I think the guys at Xiph.org have a windows port somewhere01:54
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bendldi dont understand what master and managed mode are or how to change it01:54
Noah0504arcane: Well, I have Linux on my laptop and it's not really efficient to convert video and DVDs.  However, our Windows machine is much faster.01:54
skippyare you running a linux ipod by any chance? :)01:54
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richiefrichswim then explain what u mean01:54
richiefrichswim by your question01:55
[arcane] Noah0504, what01:55
swimrichiefrich: I just want to know how to edit sudoers so that sudo doesnt require a password01:55
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Noah0504arcane: My Linux box is slow, my Windows box is fast.01:55
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BioVorENoah0504: virtualdubmod.sourceforge.net I think has a pluging that handle theora encoding01:55
richiefrichswim /etc/sudoers01:55
[arcane] Noah0504, dude cause you use ubuntu01:55
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swimrichiefrich: yah I know... never mind I remmember now01:56
Noah0504arcane, No, it's slow because it's slow.01:56
neil__anyone have exp with getting tv-out on an ati rage card?01:56
richiefrichNoah0504 try archlinux01:56
helpneededhello eceryone  :001:56
Noah0504BioVorE, Thanks.01:56
[arcane] Noah0504, then leave here and use windows01:56
=== Kyral smacks [arcane]
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helpneededanyone know much about text based install for dapper01:56
KyralOne WTF are you doing in here01:56
[arcane] kyncani, who are you01:57
Kyraltwo, no, we don't scold people01:57
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[arcane] Kyral, who the fuck are you01:57
Noah0504arcane, How about you stop being a smart-ass.  I only mean my Linux box isn't fast enough to rip a DVD...unless I want to wait 12 hours...For everything else, it's a fine computer.  And Ubuntu runs just fine.01:57
crimsun[arcane] : / Kyral: cut it out. Now.01:57
[arcane] he bitches bout ubuntu then use MS01:57
Kyral[arcane] : I think we had a flamewar in #archlinux a couple days ago01:58
[arcane] Kyral, and01:58
[arcane] your point is01:58
KyralI'll leave now01:58
helpneededcan anyone help witha problem during text install of dapper01:58
hollerithsomebody kick him01:58
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[arcane] Noah0504, there are tons of apps to rip dvds01:59
trinnihi ppl01:59
nickrudhelpneeded, try #ubuntu+1 for dapper questions01:59
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helpneededcool :)01:59
Noah0504arcane, But on the Windows side, I was looking for something that would rip to Theora.01:59
crimsun[arcane] : if someone wishes to use something else, that's his/her preprogative. Under no circumstances do we antagonise him/her for doing so, understand?01:59
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[arcane] crimsun, well why dont yall use a real distro01:59
skippythe irony is that he only wants to use windows to improve his linux expierience02:00
[arcane] and stop complaining02:00
[arcane] bout stuff02:00
[arcane] skippy, agreed02:00
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trinnihave problem while installation. installation is still at "preparing amarok"...since more than 10 minutes now. anyone can help?02:00
jorvis_is there a package search page on the ubuntu site?  Right now i'm looking for the package that provides 'dh_testdir'02:00
bendldone more question, when i enable eth0 if i select dhcp it does not recieve an ip (which makes sense because it is not connected to a dhcp server) so what settings should i use? the wireless network is on the range 192.168.0.*02:00
crimsun[arcane] : this is neither the time nor the place to be harassing developers.02:00
nickrudjorvis_, http://packages.ubuntu.com02:00
Noah0504arcane, And the only reason Windows is on the other machine is because it's not my computer.  It's the family computer and I don't think they'd be too happy with me is I just installed Linux on it.02:00
[arcane] and ok srry02:00
=== GTar [n=Mat@d220-238-9-36.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
gambitim trying to install nwn, i mkdir nwn, cd nwn, but when i use unzip /mnt/cdrom/disk2.zip  it says command not found, why02:00
hollerithyour gateway shouold have a dhcp-server on it too02:01
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jorvis_i'm using 5.10 ... is that dapper?  breezy?02:01
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nickrudgambit, you need to install the the unzip package02:01
MrRiojorvis_: breezy02:01
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jorvis_crap, no results for 'dh_testdir'02:01
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crimsunjorvis_: please install debhelper.02:02
trinnihave problem while installaing dapper i386. installation is still at "preparing amarok"...since more than 10 minutes now. anyone can help? - am a first-timer02:02
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gambitnickrud, what package02:02
crimsuntrinni: you'll probably get better results in #kubuntu02:02
nickrudcrimsun, don't you have better things to do :)02:02
trinnik thx crimsun02:02
MrRiojorvis_: its Y.MM, so 2005, 10 month, dapper isn't out til june (2006 06 = 6.06)02:02
nickrudgambit, unzip02:02
skippybendld, because your eth0 is the other side of the bridge, i think it would want an ip like
gambitfrom sysnap?02:03
richiefrichgambit sudo apt-get install unzip02:03
jorvis_MrRio: ah, well, it's a good thing I just installed breezy then!02:03
jorvis_I could have waited a week02:03
lewixis it that hard to install a theme?02:03
jorvis_crimsun: thanks, that got it02:03
skippywhen i have had two routers i have always used as the second gateway02:03
lewixnobody is able to help me out02:03
hollerithskippy:subnet mask will change that02:03
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skippybut its only convention02:03
bendldso my eth0 will be the gateway for the second network?02:03
=== nickrud wonders why any dev is spending time us lower types can cover
richiefrichlewix for what wm?02:04
skippyyes for the xboc02:04
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hollerithno your ath0 will be the gateway02:04
jorvis_lewix: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/29202:04
lewixrichiefrich, Im trying to install a them but It doesnt work02:04
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richiefrichlewix for what wm?02:05
hollerithyou'll need to NAT certain traffic to your xbox's internal address (it won't have an external sne)02:05
lewixrichiefrich, whats wm? here the theme: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2639202:05
westdenecan anyone help me? or is there another chan to ask?02:05
holleritheth0 is the xbox nic02:05
richiefrichlewix i need to know what u  use...  GNOME/KDE/fluxbox/openbox/ratpoison/.wmii/ion302:05
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bendldeth0 connects to the xbox02:06
lewixrichiefrich, kde02:06
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blizzohi!  #update-rc.d spamassassin defaults   -->  System startup links for /etc/init.d/spamassassin already exist    ... But spamassassin doesnt start up automatically! only /etc/init.d/spamassassin start brings it up. What do I have to do?02:06
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blazeok, now you have to help me with Kopete. How to change the Encoding?02:07
hollerithoh and its called what on the xbox?02:07
bendldim not running linux on the xbox02:07
richiefrichlewix sorry i dont use ked02:07
lewixi abandon02:07
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skippybendld and hollerith, what do you think about this link http://martybugs.net/wireless/router.cgi02:07
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richiefrichlewix sorry ,man , if i find out ill let u kno02:08
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jhennhi. can i get some support for mpg321 here? does anyone use this?02:08
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westdenelewix cna I ask you for some help?02:09
blazewhere can i change the font's size in KDE ?02:09
nickrudjhenn, I have, what's the problem?02:09
hollerithxbox dhcp-client via whatever interface to eth0 of linux box broadcasting ARP dhcp connects02:09
lewixwestdene, Im a newbie02:09
jhennnickrud: i did mpg321 file.mp3 (remote stereaming server) and it just says "stream done decoding" and doesn't play a thing02:09
westdenetoo newbie?02:09
hollerithlinux box in turn recieves ip from another dhcp-server somewhere out there02:09
nickrudjhenn, mpg321 has issues, I'd recommend mpg123-esd from multiverse. (mpg321 uses integer only math iirc)02:10
=== linux_newbie2 [n=deus@CPE-69-23-206-213.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
blazewhere can i change the font's size in KDE ? please help me02:11
[arcane] blaze, in the control panel02:11
chavoblaze, system settings - appearance and hemes -> fonts02:11
blaze10x chavo02:11
linux_newbie2I've got an NTFS partition mounted but it says I don't have permission to read it.  I know I have to change something in /etc/fstab.  Can anyone remind me?02:11
jhennnickrud: i refuse to use multiverse I'm sorry02:12
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chavolewix, look in #kde, I answered your question02:12
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[arcane] linux_newbie2, no you have to have the kerne;l configued02:12
deameyeson ubuntu I'm trying to install SDL, but it says I cannot compile executables, any ideas?02:12
nickrudjhenn, heh. I admire you then.02:12
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linux_newbie2[arcane] : I know I just had to change something in fstab before, but I had to reload ubuntu and I don't remember the change02:12
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[arcane] linux_newbie2, it shas to do w/ the kernel having support for the FS02:13
nickrudjhenn, I'd put the mp3 file up where it can be found, and point the devs of mpg321 at it, maybe they can update the free player02:13
linux_newbie2File browser says: "The folder contents could not be displayed.  You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of hda102:13
roastlinux_newbie2: google fstab umask02:13
jhennnickrud: does mpg321 have a site, list, forums?02:14
roastlinux_newbie2: if you're the only one on it, you're probably aiming for umask=0222 in the options on the corresponding fstab line02:14
richiefrichlinux_newbie2   /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222                    0 002:14
westdeneanyone can point me to the right direction on how to get internet in my nix with ADSL eth router?02:14
richiefrichlinux_newbie2 in fstab02:14
nickrudjhenn, http://mpg321.sourceforge.net/02:14
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thenetduckI have a question about where i should be installing programs02:14
thenetduckwhere is the normal place to install a program02:14
skippywestdene you need to have  a working ehternet card02:15
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thenetducki mean where do deb packages install programs02:15
westdeneI have skippy02:15
blazechavo, but why when i enter Menu Editor, i see System settings in gray02:15
blazeand it is not add-ed to the K menu02:15
westdenethe thing is I can ping but cant web browse02:15
thenetduckdoes anyone know where deb installs packages by defalut?02:15
nickrudjhenn, seems the last release was 4 years ago02:15
thenetduckor normally where programs are installed02:15
chavoblaze, no idea02:15
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thenetducklike in what folder?02:15
westdeneskippy mind if I pm you?02:16
skippywestdene are you sure that you have set up the subscription properly02:16
skippynp westdene :)02:16
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chavoblaze, that's odd.02:16
westdenecan you pm me, Im not regged02:16
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skippyneither am i westdene :)02:17
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[arcane] lol02:18
Harold_PDoes anyone know how to find your system specs?02:18
Harold_PI forgot, already. I was told yesterday02:18
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bendldOMG it works!!!!02:18
bendldthank you for all your help skippy and hollerith02:18
Gronkhey all02:18
MENDIGOI need help: http://pastebin.com/74386302:18
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nickrudHarold_P, there are serveral ways, such as lshw, lspci, others. what are you looking for?02:19
GronkDoes anybody here have any suggested solutions for jittery/jumpy dvd playback, when DMA is definately already ON???02:19
Harold_PPretty much everything hardware-wise, nickrud. I'm trying to compare my current desktop to a notebook I might buy.02:20
skippygronk does having it at full screen make it worse?02:20
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Gronkskippy: checking now02:20
nickrudHarold_P, start with lshw. There's another that will come back to me that's also extremely useful02:21
benoydoes anyone know of a program which can download an entire website including pictures on that website?02:21
Gronkskippy: a little, i think02:21
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Gronkskippy: but its still real bad, even in a lil one inch window02:22
skippyi assume you are using the totem-xine backend?02:22
Gronkyup yup02:22
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nickrudHarold_P, sudo dmidecode02:22
skippyok the fact that it it doesnt help minimizing it would suggest that it isnt your graphics card02:22
Harold_Pnickrud: okay, lshw doesn't give everything I would need--I'll try that02:23
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skippyalthough it may be worth checking the settings, is it an integrated card you have gronk?02:23
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blazehow can i add the System-Modules menu in KDE's menu02:23
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blazebecause it's missing02:23
blazeand also Menu Editor is not working :(02:23
blazeshould i install sth?02:23
blazeoh .. at last it appeared02:23
blazepfff sry :)02:23
skippygronk, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" will let you choose an appropritate driver for your graphics card02:24
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Harold_PThanks, nickrud.02:24
skippyits best to do a "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/backupxorg.conf" before you play with it thoguh02:24
[arcane] well02:24
=== [arcane] ...
RevPeterhello i have grub error 18 and 16, after several tryouts i could boot ubuntu, but how can i fix this? (dapper with latest bugfixes)02:24
=== SteveCharles [n=steve@ppp-69-223-164-94.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gronkskippy: yeah, its an intergrated card02:25
RevPeterit happens all the time02:25
RevPeterubuntu on second hdd02:25
nickrudRevPeter, no clue, but #ubuntu+1 is the place for dapper questions02:25
skippyif when you boot up, x wont let you in, you can simply type "sudo cp /etc/X11/backupxorg,conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to let you back in, make a note of it now02:25
RevPeterah, ok thx02:25
[arcane] Gronk, what type of card ??02:26
[arcane] intel or what ?02:26
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skippyok gronk is there any chance your integrated card is made by SIS, i had real jumpy playback with my internal card before i used SIS driver02:26
Gronkits SiS alright02:26
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skippyalso gronk, scroll up and copy/paste the stuff i wrote about making the backup02:26
skippyyou will want to make sure you know how to recover if you cock it up :)(02:26
skippywhen your ready then run the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command02:27
=== [arcane] skippy is a very helpful person
skippy:) thankyou02:27
skippyi try, but alas i am a bit of a big noob deep down02:27
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Gronkso... use the SiS default driver u reckon?02:27
linux_newbie2even noobs can help occasionally02:27
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skippyjust choose default options for most things gronk, just pressing enter will keep the defaults02:28
skippyyes on driver use the arrows and go to SIS02:28
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witlessis it my imagination or is X a bit snappier on drake?02:28
=== deameyes [n=deameyes@CPE-69-76-125-146.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippyif it was set to vesa or vga before, then that would explain why you might have crappy playback02:28
troy_sX version 7 in drake.02:28
skippywitless, drake is very snappy02:29
Gronk& what about the video card's bus identifier??02:29
Gronkleave that be?02:29
=== bgood [n=bgooding@user-0c2h1sn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippyok, it should have something like 0,0,0,1 writeen in02:29
skippyif it does keep it02:29
Gronkyeah, it does02:29
skippyjust press enter02:29
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skippyin fact you could just repeatedly tap your way through with enter from now on02:29
thanr01can i install ubuntu first then tiger after on my ibook?02:30
skippyi love defaults :)02:30
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skippythanr01, it would be easier the other way round02:30
thanr01i know but it still can be done?02:30
skippybut it could be done, the think is OS tiger will probably erase the MBR and boot straight to itself02:30
=== HellDragon [i=J-D@modemcable251.249-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
skippyyou would have to use a grub boot disk to get into linux and then reinstall grub over the mbr thanr0102:31
troy_sMore than likely.02:31
[arcane] lol ubuntu on a mac ?02:31
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skippyPPC i assume02:31
nickrud[arcane] , yeah, an improvement02:31
BioVorEyup.. there going to have KDE4 apps ported to mac OS X as well I hear02:31
troy_sthanr01:  http://www.philroche.net/archives/osx-and-ubuntu-dual-boot/02:31
skippyapparantly OSX really flys on a PC02:31
deameyesif it says c compiler cannot create executables, how do I go about fixing this?02:31
[arcane] nickrud, hmm02:31
[arcane] uh theres TDL02:31
[arcane] YDL*02:31
skippyhmm gronk has gone quiet, i hope i havnt crapped his system up :)02:32
[arcane] OSX for intell bites02:32
BioVorEdeameyes: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:32
[arcane] i have it02:32
skippyits a shame im all AMD at the moment or i would try OSX02:32
=== l_r [n=NoName@adsl-ull-60-241.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sblasphemy, AMD all the way.02:32
skippyim a big fan of fast OS :)02:32
[arcane] skippy, its not all that02:32
BioVorE[arcane] : I agree.. I don't like it..  Having a filesystem that preservess case but is case insensitive makes no sense..02:32
nooby_godif I install the Drapper Drake RC and upgrate will it be the same if I waited until the 1st?02:32
=== toby [n=toby@host-87-74-119-103.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
h3sp4wnnickrud: ubuntu on a kurobox (embedded ppc) how difficult do you think it would be ? (I will find out soon I suppose)02:33
PyroMithrandirnooby_god, yeah02:33
troy_snooby_god:  Theretically yes.02:33
[arcane] BioVorE, not to metion that you have to be using at least nvidia to run it correctly02:33
l_rhello! Final Ubuntu 6.06 is out!!!!02:33
gnomefreakl_r: june 1st02:33
nickrudh3sp4wn, no freaking clue, I was being flippant :)02:33
=== [arcane] ...
skippyim just tabbing out for a sec brb02:33
BioVorE[arcane] : macbook pros have ati cards in them..02:33
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Surfnkidwhat do you upgrade to get to 6.06 if u got 5.10?02:33
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ubotuhmm... upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.02:33
[arcane] BioVorE, i couldnt get the intel for x86 to work w/oa highend card02:33
nooby_godalso, I want to move from Gentoo to Ubuntu for my personal box, can some one explain to me somethings?02:34
jhenni get this error when i try to open ogg theora video with totem The video output is in use by another application. Please close other video applications, or select another video output in the Multimedia Systems Selector.02:34
nickrudSurfnkid, wait a day or two, there are issues02:34
BioVorE[arcane] : yeah.. need a high end card.. thats for sure..02:34
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Surfnkidnm then :)02:34
troy_sGo nooby02:34
jhennno matter if nothing is running it still gives errors02:34
Gronkskippy: thanks a lot mate - i'm going through it all now02:34
troy_sjhenn is that after a fresh boot?02:34
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Surfnkidhey skippy ya from australia02:35
nooby_god1. Instead of using the binary packages for some applications can I build from source?02:35
thenetduckif i install Dapper now will it be diffrent from the one released on June 1st?02:35
troy_snooby_god:  Yes.  But be careful that you don't mix match too much and twist your system.02:35
skippyok gronk :)02:35
skippysurfnkid nah mate, im from the UK02:35
troy_snooby 2) Yes.  But it will autoupdate itself.02:35
skippyskippy is a nickname ive had for years :)02:35
jhenntroy_s: no idea02:35
ubuntui just opened a unix server is thier any program i can use on windows to setup software on the unix server02:36
jhenntroy_s: hold on02:36
skippyi used to be a bit hyperactive as a child lol02:36
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nooby_godalright, 2. When I install Ubuntu will I be given a full fledged Gnome desktop? or will it be a minimal one?02:36
jhenntroy_s: yes02:36
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l_rthenetduck, probably02:36
troy_subuntu:  Unix server?02:36
jhenntroy_s: had to check uptime02:36
Surfnkidi just knew someone similar but was a real mean person so glad u're not it02:36
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skippynooby_god, it is a pretty decent slection of sotware02:36
skippybut unless you have a net connection you will get frustrated02:37
h3sp4wnnooby_god : Pretty bloated by all accounts02:37
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skippySUSE is a better distro for people who cant get online to update02:37
nooby_godI can remove all I want right?02:37
troy_sjhenn:  try a ps -aux and look for anything you have that might be grabbing the video.  If there is, kill it.  If not, make sure your "multimedia" sinks are set properly.02:37
skippyyes mate02:37
nooby_godand does the installation come with tools to help integrate QT and GTK apps?02:38
skippyhehe Surfnkid nah i dont bite :)02:38
ubuntui leased a server to run a hosting site for a chat program but my pc is windows xp i'm now trying to logon and run install scripts using ubuntu any suggestions02:38
igorzolnikovhi... who i can install flash for firefox 1.5.03... i have ubuntu 6.0602:38
Surfnkidheh, very well, no one here has02:38
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skippynooby_god, no its a basic desktop02:38
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troy_subuntu:  for security always use ssh02:38
skippyno development software worth mentioning02:38
jhenntroy_s: how do i set them up?02:38
troy_sjhenn:  Version of Ubuntu?02:38
troy_sjhenn:  Also, does this only happen with ogg vorbis / theora?02:39
skippyyeah ubuntu just download ssh from the synaptic or apt-get02:39
Surfnkidubotu how can i get acid relief from my stomach, thank u02:39
ubotuSurfnkid: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:39
jhenntroy_s: i only use ogg02:39
jhenntroy_s: breezy02:39
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nooby_godone final question, I have a prism2 USB wireless adapter, so I need ndiswrapper or linux-wlan-ng for net access, are any one of those included in the installation cd?02:39
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troy_sjhenn:  ogg is just a wrapper. Vorbis is for audio.  Theora is video.02:39
ubuntui tried ssh and the new versions of cross platform ftp servers and cygwin02:39
jhenntroy_s: no really :P02:39
troy_subuntu:  setup a ssh server on your server and use putty from the xp machine02:40
troy_sjhenn:  sorry, trying not to assume anything.02:40
GronkBUGGER - the bastard is still jumpy *bashes head on mini tower until bloody*02:40
jhenntroy_s: its cool02:40
troy_sjhenn:  What video player you using?02:40
jhenntroy_s: just totem02:40
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nickrudjhenn, please say that's totem-xine02:40
skippynooby-god prism 2 might be doable without ndiswrapper02:40
troy_sGronk:  What is jumpy?02:40
Gronkdvd playback02:41
Gronkavi = fine02:41
troy_sgronk:  you have dma enabled?02:41
Gronkdma = on02:41
jhennnickrud: no i just use totem02:41
troy_sgronk:  on both cdrom and hard disk if ide?02:41
jhennnickrud: whatevers on breezy default02:41
Gronki'll check the hd02:41
skippygronk do a sudo hdparm /dev/cda02:41
troy_sjhenn:  theora should be fine if you have the gstreamer plugin02:41
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skippyi think thats the command anyway :)02:41
jhenntroy_s: its all default install basically02:41
nickrudjhenn, totem-xine uses xine as a backend, it makes good use of ffmpeg, gives you better support02:42
jhennnickrud: is that in multiverse?02:42
ubuntuproblem i'm having it came with a pre packaged control panel that only adds telnet mysql perl script checker frontpage ext and few other simple things but unable to setup a ssh server on it from control panel02:42
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troy_sjhenn:  i can't remember if the default 5.10 install has the gstreamer for theora.02:42
nickrudjhenn, no, universe :)02:42
skippysorry gronk its "sudo hdparm /dev/hdd" you want02:43
troy_subuntu:  open up a terminal type 'sudo apt-get install ssh' if you are in dapper.  in breezy do an 'apt-cache search ssh server' and add whatever it grabs.02:43
jhennnickrud: installed02:43
nickrudjhenn, while I was updateing restricted formats, I got an education02:43
jhennnickrud: its about freedom man02:43
troy_sTheora isn't restricted02:43
troy_sand theoretically SHOULD work out of box02:43
Gronkdma = on for the HD as well02:43
troy_sbut no guarantees.02:43
skippyok, what spec is your PC02:43
ubuntuhow do i move this to the server running unix02:43
troy_sgronk hdparm shows d1 for your dvd too?02:43
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nickrudjhenn, true, but I won't stand in the way of others02:44
CryptionAyone here familar with xplanet?02:44
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jhennnickrud: what do you mean?02:44
troy_scrypt:  is it like celestia?02:44
Gronkskippy: p4 3Ghz, 1 gig ram, gigabyte intergrated motherboard02:44
nickrudjhenn, not to get too philosphical, but I'm glad debian kept non-free around02:44
skippygronk, im thinking that if you have a PC with little ram, and the DVD drive and Hard DIsk are on the same IDE cable, swap file usage could be hurting the dvds bandwidth02:44
Gronktroy: dl?02:44
skippyhehe sorry your spec should be fine gronk02:44
troy_sgronk:  dma on == sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd etc02:45
linux_newbie2can anyone tell me, in the Removable Drives and Media Preferences window, Multimedia tab, what does the %d mean?02:45
troy_sgronk:  test with mplayer and work your way back.02:45
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jhennnickrud: im not02:45
jhennnickrud: im quite upset actually02:45
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blazehow can i update my kde?02:46
troy_sjhenn:  awsome.  another purist!02:46
ubuntuif anyone would like to try familiar with unix i'd be willing to give u ftp login and file its in if u think u can set it up02:46
CryptionYes it is like Celestia02:46
nickrudjhenn, hm, lemme install vrms, see what it says02:46
troy_subuntu:  unwise.  can you obtain a shell / terminal / command line?02:46
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jhennnickrud: i have it installed but its not perfect02:46
jhenntroy_s: do you jabber?02:46
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Surfnkidif im just trying to get mp3 decoders do i have to enable security updates  community maintained (univ) or just leave that alone02:46
h3sp4wnubuntu: I would do it for a free shell account02:47
ubotuwell, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:47
blazehow can i update my KDE version?02:47
skippyyes sufnkid you need to enable univere and multiverse02:47
=== AndyCooll [n=AndyCool@spc1-stkp2-0-0-cust137.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntuyup using a cross platform ncftp which is profptd i believe but run the install file02:47
nickrudI've got the video drivers, java, and ttf-gentium (didn't expect that)02:47
Boelckeblaze, what version are you using now?02:47
jhenntroy_s: nickrud install totem-xine made it work.  who knew?02:47
Surfnkidare the multiverse the blackports?02:47
blaze3.4.3 Boelcke02:47
Gronkthe wierd thing is that my avis play back better anc crisper than ever now - even if the sound seems slightly outta sync02:47
troy_sjhenn: xine handles things differently.02:47
Gronkanc = and02:47
h3sp4wnubuntu: proftpd != ncftp02:48
skippyhmm gronk your problem is stumping me a bit02:48
jhenntroy_s: zenlunatic@jabber.org02:48
troy_subuntu:  not ftp.  you will need to use a terminal.02:48
nickrudjhenn, I did, I've spend way too much on non-free media support02:48
skippyi hate to ask this question, but does it work in windows gronk?02:48
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ubuntui believe so program i d/l was ncftp but when command lind comes up says proftpd02:48
jhennnickrud: i value my freedom02:48
BoelckePrinter question: I figured out I had to put "Servername" in my client.conf file -- what's the format for the regular hostname?02:48
blazeBoelcke, can you help me?02:48
troy_sgronk:  did you try mplayer yet?02:48
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troy_sjhenn:  here here.02:49
blazehow can i update my KDE version?02:49
coreyi cant figure out what im doing wrong, i upgraded to dapper and now network manager doesnt list my wifi card, its listed in iwconfig but not in networkmanager02:49
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Gronk skippy: it did work with xp02:49
skippyyeah good point, try using xine as well gronk02:49
nickrudjhenn, not to toot too hard, but the first paragraph of restricted formats is mine02:49
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jhenntroy_s: just thought you might want to stay in trouch with another "purist"02:49
Boelckeblaze, I'm thinking I can.  I just did the Synaptec kubuntu-desktop package...02:49
skippyxine, totem can definately play dvd02:49
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BoelckeYou're looking to go to 3.5, blaze?02:49
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skippyi believe VLC can also, VLC is worth trying02:49
jhennnickrud: i asked mark if we could take out restricted formats02:49
blazeyes Boelcke02:49
jhennnickrud: i mean restricted copyrights02:49
=== Trashcan [n=matt@ip68-2-208-158.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazeand kubuntu is the kde ubuntu :), right?02:50
jhennnickrud: he said maybe after dapper is released02:50
jhennnickrud: its not priority02:50
Flannelblaze: right.02:50
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Gronkok - swapped my test dvd from Red Dwarf to harry potter02:50
troy_sjhenn:  can't yet.  but hopefully the opensource community can educate the rest of the point and clickers.02:50
skippyi would suggest reinstalling the codecs, but since you are able to unlock the dvd to play it it would seem that you are set up right02:50
Gronknow she's apples02:50
Boelckeblaze, argh, typo, I meant to say can't...02:50
jhennnickrud: like have an option to not use it02:50
blaze10x Flannel and Boelcke02:50
ubuntui'm just learning and starting out so can't really mess up up server most is locked and hidden from ftp02:50
blaze:) np02:50
troy_sgronk:  yah.02:50
Surfnkidthere are two ub 5.10 repositories binary and source02:50
jhenntroy_s: i would rather my family use ubuntu with non-free then windows02:50
troy_subuntu:  ftp is not a shell02:50
Surfnkiddo i enable universe and mmultiverse on both?02:50
Gronkit was just the original red dwarf footage that was crap02:50
Trashcancan someone help me out with boot procedure.. i need to run dhclient before doing the NTP sync02:50
jhenntroy_s: but i wouldn't help them install it02:50
troy_subuntu:  i would bet that they have ssh already enabled02:50
nickrudjhenn, then you're gonna lose nearly every video card. It's like having netscape back when. Suck up, and write replacecments (or encourage others to, it's all I can do)02:50
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skippyyour kidding? are you sorted then gronk?02:51
troy_subuntu:  ftp is only file transfer protocol.  you need a shell - a command line.02:51
skippyis it smooth now?02:51
jhennnickrud: we will see the promised land one day02:51
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Flanneltroy_s, ubuntu, right. the server install has ssh installed by default.  Nothing else listening though.02:51
troy_sjhenn:  hit nvidia and ati with some pleasant hatemail and encourage them to open their specs.02:51
Gronkskippy: yeah thanks man - but ur advide did help, last nite, even harry potter was jumpy02:51
Gronkadvice i mean02:51
skippylol :)02:51
=== JustinLynn [n=justin@wlbg-00-0014.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
jhenntroy_s: word02:51
skippywell gronk good to here your sorted :)02:51
ubuntusays its enabled already along with phpadmin tool box but can't login on putty phpadmin toolbox is hangin02:52
jhenntroy_s: do you jabber or just irc?02:52
troy_sjhenn:  NOT linux support.  open specs.  open source.  that way freebsd, linux, openbsd, netbsd, and EVERYONE wins.02:52
linux_newbie2what's the difference between editing hdparm.conf and keeping the changes via hdparm -k1?02:52
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troy_sjhenn:  now AND in the future.02:52
jhenntroy_s: well netbsd and freebsd are already losing02:52
Flanneltroy_s, jhenn, and additional arches.02:52
jhenntroy_s: they have binary blobs in their base02:52
troy_sjhenn:  openbsd doesnt :)02:53
skippylinux_newbie2, there isnt a big difference, its just a convienience thing really02:53
jhenntroy_s: i know but openbsd ports and packages contains wild non-free software02:53
skippypersonally i like to just edit conf files whenever possible02:53
linux_newbie2skippy: thanks02:53
jhenntroy_s: its good for a router or just running emacs :)02:53
Trashcanif I want to run dhclient before ntpdate, would I create a script that runs dhclient and place that before ntpdate in the boot sequence? and if so, which file controls the boot sequence? :)02:53
troy_sjhenn:  needless to say, binary blobs willingness isn't the end of the world -- they are doing what they can.  some choose to avoid them.  to that end, open docs help everyone.02:53
jhenntroy_s: firewall even02:53
troy_sjhenn:  bah.02:53
skippyconf files are good, because you can back em up, and you learn more that way02:53
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linux_newbie2skippy: that would be my preference too: I'd rather re-do it later possibly instead of having settings that are automagically saved somewhere02:54
=== troy_s is out for dinner. Be good brothers and sisters.
jhenntroy_s: you can so easily install non-free in openbsd02:54
jhenntroy_s: by accident02:54
jhenntroy_s: with one pkg_add02:54
jhenntroy_s: there goes your freedom02:54
skippyyeah, linux, my fave think about linux are the human readable conf files02:54
troy_sjhenn:  yah... they should at least be clear to what is going in and what the implications are.02:54
ubuntuu can reach me from passion.sharpsphere.com if anyone would like to try i'm goin reboot and try the putty again02:54
Surfnkidjesus christ my SPM has a gizillion universe and multiverse02:54
jhenntroy_s: i wish they would make debian/openbsd02:54
troy_sjhenn:  it is like a company saying that 32bit ndiswrapper drivers work so they aren't going to bother releasing an open source driver.02:54
jhenntroy_s: THAT would ROCK02:55
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troy_sjhenn:  the package system in openbsd is pretty darn great.  can't complain too much.02:55
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jhenntroy_s: yeah but its not categorized like debian is (free here, non-free here)02:55
Surfnkidhey guys now theyre enabled universe and multiverse02:55
jhenntroy_s: peace02:55
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Surfnkiddo i have to download mp3 packages02:55
blazecan somebody tell me how to update my KDE to 3.5 ?02:56
blazenow it's 3.4.302:56
skippyill get you the link surfnkid, what version are you using, dapper or breezy?02:56
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Surfnkidim looking at steps02:56
Surfnkidive enabled univ and multiv02:56
nickrudjhenn, yeah, the categorization is not as clear, and troy_s has a point. But, do we say 'ok, it's not free so you can't use your laptop on the net?' Harsh02:57
Surfnkidclicked ok, refreshed screen, downloaded a few pkgs and now i dont know what else to start enabling those package02:57
Surfnkidi just want to get my mp3 music to play02:57
skippyto get mp3 playing open a terminal02:57
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skippyalt and F2 should do it02:57
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippythen type "apt-get update"02:58
Surfnkidcan i do that on a regular terminal screen02:58
BoelckeWhat's the right format for my hostname?  (Trying to replace IP address that works in my CUPS clients.conf file)02:58
Trashcanalright lets simplify the qestion then. which file controls the order of boot scripts?02:58
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jhennnickrud: i asked rms about this if he would support banning the internet02:59
jhennnickrud: i can forward you the mail02:59
jhennnickrud: uif u liek02:59
nickrudjhenn, please :)02:59
Surfnkidhang on skip02:59
skippythen "apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg" surfnkid02:59
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jhennnickrud: is your email in nickserv info02:59
skippysorry mate my error surfnkid02:59
skippyyou need to type "sudo" before everything.02:59
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skippyhave you got a terminal open yet?03:00
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Surfnkidi did that yesterdady but didnt enable the univ multiv03:00
Surfnkidso it might work now03:00
tehubersheezyeh i need help upgrading video card drivers03:00
skippysudo apt-get update03:00
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skippysudo apt-get install  gstreamer0.8-mad gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg03:00
Surfnkidit fetched a few things03:00
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Surfnkidill just copy and paste :P03:00
skippythat should get you the major formats up03:00
skippyyeah it should work :)03:01
skippyit wont take very long03:01
SanneTrashcan, as far as I know, the scripts are in /etc/init.d, and they get controlled by symlinks in /etc/rcN.d where N is the runlevel (default 2, I believe).03:01
skippythat stuff should get you mp3 and avi/divx up03:01
Surfnkidok its downloading and copying03:01
skippygood :)03:01
=== kelvie [n=kelvie@d154-20-180-12.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippynow there is also a program called "synaptic"03:01
skippyit is a graphical frontend for apt-get03:02
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alexcamiloHow does the ubuntu live/ install CD work?03:02
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skippywhile it isnt as good for copying and pasting from IRC, it is very good fun to browse it using the search function to find new programs to try surfnkid03:02
Surfnkidright the SPM, u mean? i got it going but it was hard to find all those pkgs03:02
gnomefreakalexcamilo: its works like a live cd but has an install icon on desktop03:02
BoelckeWhat's the right format for a hostname?  (Trying to replace IP address that works in my CUPS clients.conf file)03:02
skippyyeah surfnkid, synaptic package manager is crap when you have specific files to get03:03
alexcamiloi was looking for a little more technical description.03:03
=== swim [n=joshua@ip68-105-135-225.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Surfnkidthank you!03:03
skippybut it is great if you want to seach for say.. a "html editor" or something like that03:03
Surfnkidnow i dont feel that bad03:03
skippyi love synaptic03:03
andrejkwHmm, where does the Trash Can reside?03:03
swimcan I use a blah.build to create a package for ubuntu?03:03
gnomefreakalexcamilo: to get more technical you have to give me more of what you want to know03:03
andrejkwInside what folder?03:03
skippybut if you are installing a list of packages apt-get is better03:03
Surfnkidby the way, i enabled the 3d desktop03:03
Surfnkidhow do i get that going :P03:04
skippy3d desktop? never heard of it lol03:04
Boelckeandrejkw in your home directory, but it's hidden.  .trash03:04
andrejkwBoelcke: thanks03:04
skippyi use compiz/xgl03:04
Surfnkidits ok03:04
skippyi think ive heard of 3d desktop actually, i will find you the tread to read03:04
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BoelckeI just learned that another hidden folder in there, .thumbs, should be cleaned out regularly.  It keeps EVERY thumbnail ever created for nautilus03:04
alexcamilognomefreak: i remember someone telling me it works out of a 'ramdisk'. how is it created. how is it loaded into memory. what on the cd does these tasks?03:05
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Surfnkidcheers mate03:05
=== Razumikhin [n=FMD@cpe-24-175-253-67.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Surfnkidits finished downloading/installing the packages. should i check anything else?03:05
SanneTrashcan, /etc/rcS.d/README might also help03:05
swimdoes Anyone know if I can use a blah.build file to create an ubuntu package?03:05
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skippySurfnkid, nah for now just test em out03:05
BoelckeCan someone suggest another format for putting a hostname in my clients.conf file?  When I put the IP address, that works fine, but the server machine's IP can change...03:05
Dr_Willisskippy,  i saw a live cd demo of one (that was in java) and it sucked. :P lol03:05
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Surfnkidoh ok should i open totem03:06
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skippyyeah Dr, i dont like the looks of it myself :)03:06
Dr_Willisskippy,  i dont care much for the "useablity" of it. :)03:06
gnomefreakalexcamilo: the cd is a bootable snapshot (iso) theres an underlying angine (for lack of better words) called casper that does everything to load it iirc03:06
skippyyeah or jsut click on an mp3 file Surf,and see if it plays03:06
Napoleonhow come I'm on a system with "bash 3.0" and it's so different from  bash?03:06
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skippybasically i use pretty stuff when i have mates round Dr_Willis, and then switch it off when they gone :)03:06
Napoleondelete key makes a "~" and you can't view stuff in directories you don't have read access to like you can in  bash by using the tab function03:06
tehubersheezyhow do i get back into gnome after exiting into terminal mode?03:07
gnomefreaktehubersheezy: ctrl+alt+f703:07
skippySurfnkid here is the link to the 3d desktop thread i promised you http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100167&highlight=3d+desktop03:07
Dr_Willisskippy,  :P03:07
mikedouglasHow would I go about resizing an lvm2 partition (not the logical volume)?03:07
alexcamilognomefreak: is this the same for the install and live disks? just the install is an iso of an installer and the life is an iso of a system? or is ot someting different03:07
dizyhi.. newbie here.. wondering if anyone could help me get apple shake running ... when i try to run it i get "bash: bin/shake: /bin/csh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"03:07
Seveasdizy, sudo apt-get install csh03:07
Dr_Willisskippy,  these are the windows users that ask "whats that secret key you are using to delete files instead of dragging them to the trash?" and you reply.. "The Delete Key, of course"03:07
dizythanks seveas will try03:08
gerardomtCan you help me?03:08
gerardomtI'm trying to install mi printer under ubuntu but I can't03:08
Dr_Willisskippy,  then they ask what the "insert" key does then?03:08
gnomefreakalexcamilo: not sure that deep into it03:08
jhennis there a way to switch desktops using scroll whell in breezy/gnome/metacity?03:08
dizySeveas...   E: Couldn't find package csh03:08
nikkianaso... my fiance installed a new graphics card on his computer, he downloded the drivers and that seems to work fine, but it won't recognize the Open GL drivers... any thoughts?03:08
swimdoes Anyone know if I can use a blah.build file to create an ubuntu package?03:08
Seveas!info csh03:08
ubotucsh: (Shell with C-like syntax, standard login shell on BSD systems), section universe/shells, is optional. Version: 20050313-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 233 kB, Installed size: 384 kB03:08
bbfgffdfs55Somebody know the ubuntu chanel for french users??03:08
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jhennlike hold alt and scroll wheel to switch.  if not i want that feature :)03:08
Seveasdizy, enable universe03:08
gnomefreakbbfgffdfs55: #ubuntu-fr03:08
alexcamiloah ok03:08
nickrudjhenn, yeah, put your mouse over the windows in the menubar and scroll03:08
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource03:08
blazewhere can i add differend keyboard language in KDE?03:09
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jhennnickrud: oh thats nice03:09
Boelckegerardomt, what's the problem?  What printer?03:09
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jhennnickrud: thansk03:09
dizySeveas, how do i enable universe03:09
jef__am i correct in my memory that 5.10ppc supported the apple airport (non-extreme) with no config? I almost 99% positive that when I installed it set it all up with no config at all (other than to choose dhcp).03:09
nickrudjhenn, I had about 500 messages waiting, I'm waiting for spamassassin03:09
skippyhehe ive been on IRC for ages, Ive played through 3 Joy Division albums now :)03:09
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jhennnickrud: with gmail?03:09
Surfnkidthank you skippy for those steps, the player is now playing my mp3's! :) whats a good player instead of totem03:10
nickrudjhenn, no, I'm an evo user, gmail is just a store for me03:10
blazewhere can i add differend keyboard language in KDE?03:10
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skippyxmms is really good surfnkid03:10
jhennnickrud: oh03:10
skippyyou can skin it with winamp skins, which is a real bonus03:10
jhennnickrud: forward?03:10
skippyits also fast and small :)03:10
Surfnkidi assume its not preinstalled :P03:10
skippybeep media player is very similar03:10
skippynope, just search it on synaptic03:10
Surfnkidah ok03:11
Surfnkidwhats the section for the players, multimedia03:11
skippythe best ones are: beep media player, xmms, VLC03:11
skippyyeah, but you can just do a search from the edit menu03:11
nickrudjhenn, yes, forward everything to gmail, get from gmail to impa03:11
gnomefreakSeveas: thank you for adding that topic to the agenda03:11
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Surfnkidok thanks mate, gonna give it a shot03:12
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skippyyeah get xmms03:12
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tehubersheezyeh i need help installing nvidia graphics driver03:12
jhenntehubersheezy: thats not supported03:12
^snail^tehuber, what do you need? I did that today03:12
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tehubersheezyjhenn:what do you mean it's not supported03:13
tehubersheezyi just don't know how to do it03:13
skippysurfnkid, once youve downloaded xmms you can head over to http://classic.winamp.com/skins/browse.php?category=997&ctype=S and grab a funky skin for it03:13
tehubersheezyevery time i try to follow the instructions in the wiki my computer just doesn' tstart up to gnome03:13
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skippyand if you have a big media collection, Rhythmbox is good for organising it03:13
jhenntehubersheezy: what don't you understand about "its not supported"03:14
Napoleonskippy: in theory03:14
jhenni don't know i could be wrong but I'm pretty sure03:14
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swimFOLKS, I need this package, but ubuntu package search says its only available for warty, and hoary, but Im using dapper:  libqt3c102-mt03:14
Surfnkiddo these have equalizers, my sound is flat out crappy03:14
skippyyeah it does03:14
linux_newbie2tehubersheezy: look up EasyUbuntu in google03:14
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skippyright click on xmms and enable the equiliser panel03:14
jhenntehubersheezy: if your computer starts behaving in ways in which you do not tell it how to, don't blame me03:14
Napoleontehubersheezy: using breezy or dapper?03:14
^snail^tehubersheezy : try http://ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver03:14
gnomefreakswim: libqt3-mt iirc03:14
swimgnomefreak: sorry?03:15
=== corey [n=corey@cpe-66-69-186-60.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Napoleontehubersheezy: and what's wrong with the instructions ubotu gives?03:15
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia03:15
gnomefreakswim: apt-cache search libqt303:15
skippytehubersheezy, what error message does xserver give when it refuses to boot03:15
Surfnkidis xmule the Windows eMule version to dl files?03:15
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skippysurfnkid, i think amule is more similar03:15
swimgnomefreak: ok, but that exact package name is not available?03:15
tehubersheezyhave no idea03:15
swimno question mark there03:15
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gambiti have an error saying 2 files are sharing,/usr/lib/libXxf86vm.so.1.0.003:16
gambit   /usr/lib/libXxf86vm.so.103:16
gambit  what should i do03:16
Surfnkidah mosquito in the room!!!03:16
Surfnkidchase it1!03:16
skippybut i dont like those programs, i use bittorent and usenet for "downloadz" :P03:16
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tehubersheezygtg be back afte rthis03:16
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gnomefreakswim: hold on a sec03:16
Surfnkidoh oh03:16
swimgnomefreak: ok03:16
halibutwhen is the best time for me to install ubuntu? ie: the next "major" release03:16
halibut(I don't want to try beta versions)03:16
skippyhalibut the next major realease is in about 2 days :D03:16
linux_newbie2Dapper comes out June 103:16
Surfnkidfound xmms installing now03:16
skippyDapper Drake, to be honest halibut you may as well just download it now03:17
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skippyit really wont change much in 2 days :D03:17
coreyi just upgraded to dapper03:17
linux_newbie2skippy: honestly, I am not confident in dapper03:17
thanr01i just installed dapper drive ppc server cd and i have no x? just looking at a console atm :S03:17
halibutok thanks guys03:17
thanr01*drive = drake03:17
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gnomefreakswim: if you run apt-cache search libqt3 you will have a list the one you want s libqt3-mt03:17
halibutwhich version of kernal will it have?03:17
skippyreally linux_newbie2? Im the opposite, i wasnt too impressed with breezy but dapper is great03:17
linux_newbie2skippy: I had two people on here trying to help me upgrade to it and we got stuck when x wouldn't start and I ended up reloading breezy today03:17
skippyive found it to be rock solid stability wise03:17
gnomefreak!info libqt3-mt03:18
ubotulibqt3-mt: (Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 3), section libs, is optional. Version: 3:3.3.4-8ubuntu5 (breezy), Packaged size: 3213 kB, Installed size: 9036 kB03:18
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skippylinux, upgrading does go wrong, ill accept that03:18
skippyit went wrong for me actually03:18
skippybut installing clean from a CD is normally perfect03:18
swimgnomefreak: are you saying that libqt3-mt is libqt3c102-mt?03:18
linux_newbie2skippy: XP03:18
skippythere is an issue with vwdial which needs to be sorted out though03:18
gnomefreakthe new name of the package is libqt3-mt03:19
skippywhat went wrong with your instal l then linux_newbie2? im sorry to hear it gave you grief03:19
Surfnkidxmms running skippy, thanks now ill have to work on the video card and the fans on the laptop but for now ill take a break03:19
linux_newbie2skippy: when I booted into the new kernel X wouldn't start and gave errors03:19
skippycool suft, good to know your up and runing03:19
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dizySeveas, that worked but now it sais i dont have libstdc++.so.5   when I try apt-get on that it cant find that package03:20
skippyhmm, thats wierd that breezy worked and dapper didnt linux03:20
skippya bad sign03:20
linux_newbie2skippy: Unable to find a valid framebuffer device, NV(0): failed to open framebuffer device, etc.03:20
thanr01i just did a fresh install of dapper on myibook and i have no x :(03:20
skippywhat video card do you have?03:20
thanr01startx does nothing03:20
linux_newbie2skippy: GeForce 4 Go 44003:20
skippythat is wierd, a very popular laptop card, should be supported really03:21
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skippylaptops can be difficult though, i normally have to use "noacpi and nolapic" when i install on a laptop03:21
linux_newbie2skippy: and that's after it failed to install some packages on upgrade and they walked me through a dozen apt-get and dpkg steps03:21
Clint-hello everyone, the ubuntu rc is really a nice switch, from my hard work I was doing on breezy badger, :-)03:21
=== Gronk [n=Me@c220-237-126-87.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
skippylinux_newbie, when you get a chance you should post your story on the offical forums03:22
Clint-I am going migrate from VMware Workstation 5.0 to 5.5 on this, and get the Laptop blazing, maybe altering from sysv-rc-conf to bum, and other tools for services and run levels :-)03:22
linux_newbie2skippy: ok03:22
skippyi posted the vwdial issue today03:22
skippythe forums are awesome :)03:23
Clint-hi skippy :-)03:23
skippyelo Clint :)03:23
=== Clint- is watching, Mark Shuttleworth video :P
skippyhehe Mark Shuttleworth is probably flying past Mars at the moment03:23
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skippyubuntu should really have a space theme03:23
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blazei'm having problems with the kde keyboard tool03:24
blazecan someone help me/03:24
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dizyim getting "libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file" ... i tried apt-get on that file but it can't find that package... does anyone know what the name of the package is that will install that for me03:24
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cocoxhi i want to install a gdesklet and in the readme says that i must copy a directory into my home/user/.gdesklet ... but i dont have one... i dont know if i must create it or what =???03:26
skippydizy try "sudo apt-get libstdc++5"03:26
coreyblaze:  KDE questions are better in #kubuntu03:26
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nickruddizy, sudo apt-get install libstdc++503:27
dizythank you skippy&nickrud03:27
blaze10x corey03:27
nickrudheh, I gotta remember to read back03:27
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nickrudor between, anyway03:27
skippyi do that all the time on the forums03:28
skippyone i literally posted an identical paragraph to the guy above me :P03:28
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nickrudskippy, if you only knew just what crap blew down on me once cuz I didn't03:28
Gronkhey skippy: sorry mate - u know that advice u gave me earlier - do u know how I cld revert to the Ubuntu defaults of whatever - i seem to have lost a great deal of picture quality & crispness to my avi playback...03:28
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helpneededcan someone help with a dapper ? iv been sitting for a while now in theother room and no ones answering03:29
linux_newbie2skippy: where on the forums should I post my Dapper upgrade "experience"03:29
nickrudthere's nothing like having every single ubuntu biggie swoop in on the channel on you :)03:29
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACBC4E8A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippyi recommend this page http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=11103:30
skippyhelpneeded fire away :)03:30
=== fenlow [n=toto@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-69-160.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
BoelckeWhat's the right format for my hostname?  (Trying to replace IP address that works in my CUPS clients.conf file)03:30
helpneededfinnaly  lol03:30
skippygronk yes mate we can revert03:30
skippyright i believe all we did was run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:31
Gronkskippy: oh good03:31
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skippynow did you do that backup trick i posted?03:31
helpneededlisten im having a problem during text based install for some unknown reason wont go past a certaiin point ...03:31
Gronkskippy: um...03:31
Gronknot really03:31
Gronkimpatient like03:31
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helpneedediv already tried the gui installer ( todays buld and its hanging)03:31
skippyits not the end of teh world if you didnt :D03:31
=== MrSiggler [n=kris@hlfxns01bbh-142068191182.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyok this is what we are doing to do03:31
helpneededso im trying the text based03:32
=== eugman [n=chatzill@c-71-199-127-163.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyopen up a lerminal gronk03:32
Napoleonsomebody please help, I've asked before but no help was given, this problem is such a big deal that I may need to switch away from ubuntu... I have 1 gig of memory and no matter what I do, it's always used up03:32
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Gronkskippy: done03:32
skippyby the way, are you registered? if you are you can pm me03:32
eugmanIs there a way to install a ssh server on a computer but make it so only one account is accessable?03:32
Gronkskippy: & thanks gain mate, ur a lifesaver03:32
nickrudhelpneeded, there are some issues in the latestest install releases, I'd suggest installing an older one, or waiting a day or so03:32
skippynp mate :D03:32
Gronkskippy: not yet03:32
skippyok gronk lets start03:32
skippy"cd /usr/X11/03:33
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helpneededmick this has been since flight 5 this problem ....03:33
nickrudhelpneeded, ok, that might be different then.03:33
skippysoz gronk i meant "cd /etc/X11/03:33
skippywithout the silly quote :D03:33
helpneededso its getting to a point  ... ****it03:33
Gronkthat worked better ;)03:33
dizyhow can i check what video driver i have installed ... i have the nvideo 6200 and as soon as i run shake everything gets really slow... just clicking on menu buttons lags a few secconds03:34
helpneededif you know what i mean ..lol03:34
nickrudhelpneeded, yeah. do03:34
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skippydizy, you need to install nvidia drivers03:34
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dizycan you point me somewhere that describes how03:34
skippyyep getting you link now03:34
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helpneededok the text based install readis all the files during install think its about 873 ... tehn goes to teh select and install gests so far and bang comp hangs03:35
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helpneedednot right away03:36
Surfnkidbigpond amazing broadband03:36
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helpneededsomething to do with xserver-xorg03:36
eugmanAnyone here know about ssh? I want to make just one user account accessable by it on my computer.03:36
skippydizy : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074&highlight=nvidia+drivers+install03:37
skippyok gronk03:37
dizymuch apreciated skippy03:37
skippynow you should be in the /etc/X11/ folder03:37
skippynp dizy03:37
Gronkskippy: :)03:37
skippynow gronk type "ls -l *xorg*"  :)03:38
skippywithout the speech marks :D03:38
skippyit will list all the xorg.conf files you have in your folder03:38
Gronk& done - so, does that revert to last saved or?03:38
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skippyhow many came out on the list gronk?03:39
Gronklist - my bad03:39
nickrudhelpneeded, this is really a stab in the dark, not for redistribution: have tried doing a server install, which ignores xserver?03:39
Gronkskippy: four on the list03:39
xmuxi want to ask03:39
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skippyok what are the names? do any have the work "backup" in the name, or do they all just have a ~ sign?03:39
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UKMattdoes anyone know if theres a feature in about:config of Firefox that lets you autoscroll when you click down the wheel?03:40
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Toronto-HSE-ppp3713211.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
skippyyou should be able to just copy and paste the names from the teminal into here gronk03:40
Gronkskippy: none of the above, 1 sec, i'll pastebin it03:40
skippycool :)03:40
Gronkthats the link03:41
Masqyhi guys, I'm running on a regular install, but would like my ubuntu to load only to terminal, and then, at my choice, to be able to start x server manually... any suggestions?03:41
=== eggzeck [n=exec@cpe-68-175-18-79.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
swimdamnit can anyone please help me install this application: http://f4l.sourceforge.net/03:41
s|kI can't seem to unmute my computer03:42
s|kanyone know what I can do to fix that?03:42
=== AlinuxOS [n=AlinuxOS@d83-176-102-52.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
skippyhmm gronk03:42
floydwildeShould I upgrade to dapper or wait till the official release?  Either way I got to upgrade breezy.03:43
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skippywe dont have a decent backup in there03:43
skippyso do this, type "sudo gedit xorg.conf"03:43
Gronkis there somewhere I cld find out the installed defaults?03:43
skippyto be honest mate, the only think we want to change is the name of the driver really03:43
Gronkfair enuff03:44
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skippyso just gedit it and we can change the work "sis" to "vesa"03:44
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skippyi assume "vesa" was what was selected before, it almost always is on a default setup03:44
floydwildeI tried an test upgrade a while back and xorg didn't work like instantly, so I'm kinda hesitant03:44
odati have a machine that i just put ubuntu on and it won't connect to the internet  it does in recoverymode just fine but not from the desktop03:44
floydwildewhich version?03:45
Gronkskippy: & just save?03:45
swimsomeone please?03:45
skippyok gronk have you got the file open?03:45
PORDOwhenever i come back from screensaver, i get the "shut down" dialog thing with the six choices on it.03:45
skippyyou want to change only one thing03:45
Gronki do, & updated the driver03:45
PORDOat least dapper got rid of that clearly black face icon.03:45
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skippyok, so it now says vesa instead of sis?03:45
PORDOgod...an icon for a human that literally expressed race...reprehensible.03:46
skippyok cool03:46
cocoxhow can i install a tar.bz2 ??03:46
skippynow save it03:46
UKMattdoes anyone know if theres a feature in about:config of Firefox that lets you autoscroll when you click down the wheel?03:46
odati have a machine that i just put ubuntu on and it won't connect to the internet  it does in recoverymode just fine but not from the desktop03:46
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Gronkskippy: so, ready to test with an avi now?03:46
=== Kubuntite [n=gplgeek@c-67-164-76-177.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippynope, you will have to reboot gronk03:47
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skippybut before you do03:47
AgrajagUKMatt: autoscrolling is in the advanced section of the normal configure dialog03:47
twobitspritehmm... what packages do I need to install to compile things from source? I don't see GCC in the "Add Aplications" thinger03:47
jmoncayoif i have wireless adapter can i use it for bluetooth?03:47
skippy"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" write it down gronk03:47
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skippythat way if anything goes wrong you can just go through the menus and pick new options03:47
Napoleonsomebody please help, I've asked before but no help was given, this problem is such a big deal that I may need to switch away from ubuntu... I have 1 gig of memory and no matter what I do, it's always used up03:47
UKMattagrajag, yup, there it was, ty03:48
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jmoncayoif i have wireless adapter can i use it for bluetooth???03:48
twobitspriteNapoleon, are you sure it's all actually used? where are you getting this info?03:48
Napoleontwobitsprite: top03:48
BoelckeNetworking question: Do I need to set the Domain Name?03:48
Agrajagtwobitsprite: you need, at a minimum, build-essential03:49
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intelikeyany expert help in the house ?03:49
Napoleonem:   1027760k total,  1014084k used,    13676k free,    96996k buffers03:49
Surfnkidwe're all experts03:49
bdunnCould anyone give me an idea as to the stability of running Ubuntu as a server?  It seems to be a great platform for a desktop, but how does it work out for a server when compared to very rock solid distros like Redhat or Debian?03:49
Gronkskippy: thanks again, its much appreciated03:49
Gronkrebooting now ;)03:49
twobitspriteAgrajag, I don'03:49
skippyok :D03:49
intelikeySurfnkid i like that.... :)03:49
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twobitspriteAgrajag, I don't see "build-essential" in the Add Applications thing either...03:49
Agrajagtwobitsprite: uh, Add Applications only lists desktop applications03:50
Agrajagtwobitsprite: you should be using Synaptic03:50
twobitspriteAgrajag, ahh...03:50
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AlinuxOShello can someone help me with .fonts.config file ? I need to have my personal font configuration... my language is georgian.03:50
skippynapoleon, my system is the same 1027700k total 916504k 111080k03:50
jhennare the microsoft times new roman fonts in multiverse?03:50
skippyits just the way linux manages memory03:50
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skippythe kernel grabs more memory than is needed and distrobutes it :) it is perfectly normal03:51
intelikeyi've got an unbootable system that i just booted.....  hehhe now how do i make it bootable ?03:51
skippyintelikey, i assume you mean that you have lost Grub?03:51
skippyand you want to install it?03:51
intelikeyskippy no03:51
intelikeyi don't have a usable initramfs.img skippy  and i've rebuilt it five times.03:52
twobitspriteNapoleon, are you noticing any slowdown or thrashing? how does your cache look?03:52
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Gronkskippy: worked! avis = back to nice n clear03:52
Napoleontwobitsprite: yeah it's really slow, two second delay using my brush on gimp03:53
Gronkskippy: ur a legend03:53
Napoleonwap:   933724k total,        0k used,   933724k free,   567592k cached03:53
Masqyhi guys, I'm running on a regular install, but would like my ubuntu to load only to terminal, and then, at my choice, to be able to start x server manually... any calls?03:53
skippyat some point it is worth doing a bit of research on your hardware, and seeing if there is a more suitable graphics driver03:53
linux_newbie2bdunn: I haven't run Ubuntu on a server and don't have a ton of experience with it, but I'd like to point out that Ubuntu releases are based on Debian development and then fixed up03:53
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skippygood to know its allright now gronk :)03:53
Gronkskippy: yeah, will do03:53
linux_newbie2bdunn: so if you would run debian stable on your server, Ubuntu might be a little too unstable for you03:53
Gronkwell cya, I'm off - late 4 work as it is, cheers03:54
twobitspriteconfigure says: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!03:54
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bdunnlinux_newbie2: Thanks.  Good point.03:54
twobitspriteI don't see anything for x includes in synaptic under development03:54
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Agrajagtwobitsprite: xorg-dev03:55
skippybdunn, i suggest you give dapper a couple of months to 'mature' and then try it03:55
cello_rasphi. can one get a "proper" ver of dapper before june?03:55
skippyit is pretty well supported by the community which is a bonus03:55
Surfnkiddude i can play streaming files too from the net thanks skippy03:55
skippywell cello_rasp, you can download release candidtate 103:55
linux_newbie2bdunn: I have to agree with skippy in general about the support03:55
skippyon the 1st of june just run update and you will have a final version, cello :)03:56
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skippydebian seems to have become a bit quiet lately03:56
cello_raspah very simple. mature meaning security, bugfixes etc?03:56
intelikeycello_rasp yes03:56
twobitspritearanjan, I don't see xorg-dev, and when I search for it, I see it listed on the left column, but not in the main selection panel...03:56
Agrajagtwobitsprite: just run apt-get install xorg-dev03:57
cello_raspskippy, debian is generally quite quiet. they trundle along though. that's the cost of a 100% rock solid stable distro03:57
skippywell basically, my point is that when any new OS comes out you want to wait a little while to see if it gets hacked etc03:57
Agrajagwell, sudo apt-get install xorg-dev03:57
skippybut dapper is the final product now really03:57
twobitspriteAgrajag, hmm... that would work... I'd still like to think I could find it in synaptic... one of the reasons I switched to ubuntu was because it seems more modern with it's interfaces...03:57
skippya RC very rarely changes much, the only changes to dapper will be superficial, little icons etc03:57
Agrajagtwobitsprite: did you enable the universe repository?03:57
skippyand chello_rasp i agree that debaian is a very solid distro03:58
cello_raspif dapper is the matureation of the current ubuntu "generation", then i can't wait to see how eft will work03:58
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-67-172-190-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
twobitspriteAgrajag, I thought so...03:58
skippyeft will be crazy03:58
odati have a machine that i just put ubuntu on and it won't connect to the internet  it does in recoverymode just fine but not from the desktop03:58
jrsimshey, is there an xgl install for ubuntu?03:58
AgrajagWell, I promise you that that is the package name, I'm looking at it right now03:58
skippywhat i want to know is what the hell is an eft? :D03:58
ubotuwell, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"03:58
Agrajagjrsims: there's a thread on the forums about xgl, one second...03:58
skippyjrsims what is your platform03:58
cello_raspskippy: i think its a baby newt03:58
linux_newbie2skippy: if dapper is not going to be pushed back I think I will just skip it or wait 3 months03:59
nickrudskippy, it's a baby salamander03:59
skippyhehe really?03:59
jrsimsI'm on Breezy right now/03:59
skippyhow cool03:59
linux_newbie2skippy: yeah, Mark talked about it03:59
Agrajagjrsims: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14835103:59
skippyi thought the Daper Drake was a dragon until i saw the silly little duck picture lol03:59
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linux_newbie2I assumed that too03:59
IcemanV9eft is a newt in its terrestrial stage of development03:59
nickrudthere was a vote & the dragon lost out03:59
jrsimsso is xgl on ubuntu pretty solid, or still "edgy"?03:59
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Surfnkidhey skippy, i click on a streaming file online and asks what proggy to open with, defaults with totem but i want xmms to play it, so where is the folder that has the xmms proggy03:59
Agrajagjrsims: I broke it trying to update it, so I'd say it's not stable04:00
nickrudjrsims, more than edgy, more like walking on the edge04:00
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skippyok Surfnkid, that will be a firefox option most likely04:00
jrsimsah, too bad04:00
skippyare you using "the fox"?04:00
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AgrajagSurfnkid: almost all of your binaries are in /usr/bin04:00
jrsimsso wait, is dapper supposed to have solid xgl?04:00
twobitspriteAgrajag, what line would be in the sources.list for universe?04:00
skippyjrsims, no definately not04:00
Masqyhow can I 'detach' an application from the terminal that ran it, i.e., I run xmms from a terminal, if I ever at some point close that terminal, xmms dies...04:00
skippyxgl is not officially supported on dapper04:00
jrsimswhat is dapper? just a dressed up breezy?04:01
Surfnkidoh ok04:01
IcemanV9xmms &04:01
Agrajagtwobitsprite: I have deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe main restricted multiverse04:01
skippyno Dapper is a real redistb04:01
skippyits been worked from the ground up04:01
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skippyit is very different to breezy04:01
MasqyIcemanV9: that doesn't do the job....04:01
intelikeyok let me post my question,  the kernel and initramfs.img boot to an emergency 'busybox' shell  where i have to modprobe aic7xxx & ext2   then mknod /dev/sda1  and mount the system on /root then exit and it goes ahead and boots.  well at least far enough i can fix the rest in the init scripts...  anyway, how the heck to i automate that three step process in the initramfs ?04:01
jrsimsskippy: oh, will I have to reinstall over breezy?04:01
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skippyjrsims, you can upgrade if you want to04:01
skippybut it can go wrong, i estimate in about 5% of cases04:02
skippyso you want to be backed up 1st04:02
jrsimsskippy: not bad04:02
twobitspriteskippy, then what would I see in sources.list that would include xorg-dev?04:02
Napoleontwobitsprite: any ideas?04:02
cello_raspjrsims: to include many of the software upgrades they need to be teweaked and bugfixed. you couldn't just throw on a new version of gnome you see.04:02
=== linux_newbie2 is always in that 5% ;)
twobitspriteNapoleon, nope, sorry04:02
twobitspriteNapoleon, you could try vanilla debian04:02
IcemanV9Masqy: it works find on my box.04:02
cello_raspwell, not without it probably breaking04:02
mikedouglasHow long should it take to resize a ext3 filesystem from 250G to 100G? My system is taking forever.04:02
IcemanV9Masqy: xmms still runs when i closed the terminal04:02
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MasqyIcemanv9:  in mine it gracefully dies :(04:03
twobitspriteNapoleon, I don't want to discourage you though... I'm sure there's a rational explanation, I just don't know what it is...04:03
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skippytwibitsprite xorg-dev is an officially supported package04:03
intelikeymikedouglas forever and a day.04:03
skippyit will be in the main repository of your version of ubuntu04:03
twobitspriteskippy, "E: Couldn't find package xorg-dev"04:03
IcemanV9Masqy: hm. let me see ...04:03
Agrajagtwobitsprite: have you run apt-get update?04:03
twobitspritelast night... I'll try again04:03
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nickrudcello_rasp, yeah, it is a tightly tied distro. Partially intentional, partly desperation, I think04:03
mikedouglasintelikey: good, as long as it'll finish before the Vista release.04:04
Agrajagwell, last night and today won't change much, something's wrong04:04
=== Kubuntite is now known as UbuntuSux
Agrajagyou're not still using hoary or something are you?04:04
cello_raspi'm kind of saddened about the xgl being unofficial but then using breezy gnome feels kind of broken in places anyway.04:04
skippytwobitsprite open a terminal and type "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"04:04
=== spikeb hands UbuntuSux a magic bottle of "grow up"
IcemanV9Masqy: i don't know what to say. it just simply works on mine. i cannot see how to troubleshoot. sorry. :/04:05
jhennin breezy what is the package name for X?04:05
cello_raspquestion about compiz: if it is a window manager, would it conflict with people wanting stuff like e17's apple-like launcherbar?04:05
MasqyIcemanV9: you open a new terminal, simply type 'xmms &' then quit the terminal, and the xmms still runs?04:06
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IcemanV9Masqy: yes04:06
amachui installed java in /jdk1.5.0_0704:06
amachuhow to set path04:06
MasqyIcemanV9:  but what if you press the 'X' icon of the terminal ?04:07
cello_raspis there any way to get an email notification panel applet for use with thunderbird?04:07
IcemanV9Masqy: bingo. interesting. okay. you got something. :)04:07
MasqyIcemanV9: I sometimes use  windowmaker (instead of gnome) and there I got this problem...04:08
twobitspriteskippy, k04:08
MasqyIcemanV9: (even if you type 'exit')04:08
skippymasqy why dont you just use "run" and type in the name04:08
skippyor create a launcher?04:08
Masqyskippy: guess I should 'man run' now :)04:08
skippyok twobitsprite these are the contents of my sources.list:-04:08
amachui installed java in /jdk1.5.0_07, how to set java_home04:08
AgrajagMasqy: so don't hit the X04:09
skippymasqy alt and f204:09
skippythen type in xmms04:09
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AgrajagMasqy: just run xmms&, then log out of the terminal04:09
Agrajaghit ctrl-d in the terminal04:09
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IcemanV9skippy: yes, there are a few way to run it, but he specified to the terminal issue.04:09
eggzeckMasqy, you can't 'man run04:09
Rodietzeon hp pavilion amd64, I need to install ubuntu 64 bits?04:09
funky"restricted" is the name of a repository ?04:09
hanasakigam_server  is chewing up my cpu.. i reniced ti to 16 and its still got the biggest %cpu in the top command04:09
skippytwobitsprite, line 1: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse "04:09
Masqyeggzeck: (got it). Ok, how can I emulate the action of run, using the terminal ?04:10
skippyline 2: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse04:10
bintrueif I want to run a command like (syndaemon -di .3) everytime X loads, where is the best place to put it?04:10
Masqy(in windowmaker I don't think I have the run)04:10
intelikeyfunky yep04:10
skippyline 3 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse04:10
AgrajagMasqy: run xmms&, then select the terminal window and hit ctrl-d04:10
funkyintelikey: ok04:10
eggzeckMasqy, xmms (in term runs the prog)04:10
Agrajagjust don't close the terminal with the X04:10
AngryElfguys, i'm having a hard time getting the coaxial/optical out on my on-board sound working04:10
skippythats it Twobitsprite, tick those 3 lines into the top of your file04:10
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IcemanV9Masqy: try this > nohup xmms &04:10
Agrajagwhen you do that it kills the shell running in it, logging out leaves bash and anything it's controlling running04:10
AngryElfthen green plug (standard front/L/R channels) works fine04:11
eggzeckMasqy, xmms (is the command) and type the ampersand '&' runs it in the background04:11
Napoleonsomebody please help, I've asked before but no help was given, this problem is such a big deal that I may need to switch away from ubuntu... I have 1 gig of memory and no matter what I do, it's always used up04:11
skippythen save the file and run "apt-get update" from a terminal Twobitsprite04:11
spikebRodietze: you don't need it, no.04:11
Masqyeggzeck: yeah, but after you quit the terminal , it has no output/input interfaces, and so it dies04:11
skippyNapolean, i swear your cutting and pasting that message :)04:11
AgrajagNapoleon: linux always uses almost all of your memory04:11
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Masqytrying nohup xmms &..04:11
eggzeckMasqy, so do this: xmms &04:11
NapoleonAgrajag: I get like a 2 second delay with my brush in the gimp... this is killing me04:11
Rodietzespikeb u sure? so why the 64 bits version?04:11
nickrudNapoleon, that's a feature, it caches stuff from the disk04:11
AgrajagNapoleon: so what's using it?04:12
eggzeckMasqy, then type: exit04:12
spikebRodietze: it's optional, for people who want a 64bit OS04:12
Codenutwhere can I find a good tutorial on chmod ????04:12
skippyNapolean, the kernel is sitting on it04:12
Napoleonnothing according to top is 'using' much of it04:12
skippyits not  aproblem04:12
Rodietzespikeb thank you so much!04:12
mrglasshow do i get root password from default install ?04:12
NapoleonIt certainly is.04:12
AgrajagWhat does free say?04:12
Masqyso the nohup seems to work... now I'll try it on the windowmaker04:12
NapoleonIf it's supposed to bel ike this then ubuntu has problems.04:12
intelikeyNapoleon your ram is not 'used' it's 'allocated'04:12
nickrudmrglass, recommended method is sudo -i04:12
Masqybe back soon, and thanks all.04:12
spikebNapoleon: no, it is not a problem.04:12
IcemanV9Napoleon: free -m and look at the line -/+ buffers/cache: ...  free column04:12
skippyit is supposed to be that way i promise, my memory is the same and my PC is like lightening04:12
eggzeckMasqy, you're not doing what I said, heh04:12
NapoleonIf I draw a line on the gimp it will show up 2 seconds later, literally.04:12
spikebthe problem is bad performance ;)04:13
NapoleonAnd that's with a 2.8ghz processor and 1gig ram04:13
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spikebRodietze: you're welcome04:13
mrglassnickrud: still need a password :/04:13
intelikeyNapoleon maybe turn off swap  ?04:13
AgrajagNapoleon: for example, I'm using 981 megs according to free but +- buffers/cache I'm only using 38604:13
nickrudmrglass, sudo passwd root04:13
Agrajagintelikey: that would make it worse04:13
spikebhe has a problem with something actually causing bad performance, though04:13
intelikeyno it wont Agrajag04:13
NapoleonWell regardless of how much I'm really 'using'... it's slow as heck04:13
nickrudmrglass, your user password first, then root's password twice04:13
Agrajagyeah, some process must be eating that ram04:13
AngryElfwhat sound system does Ubuntu use by default?04:14
spikebAngryElf: alsa04:14
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skippyNapolean I have 1gb of ram and 94700k free 933000k used and I am running fast04:14
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skippyYour memory readings are not related to the problem of the delayed gimpage04:14
Agrajagskippy: unless it's not just buffers/cache04:14
AgrajagNapoleon: run free04:15
intelikeyspikeb maybe sujest xtop04:15
mrglasstnx nickrud <304:15
Agrajagand tell us what the second line says04:15
skippygood idea04:15
skippyi suggest that you try opening another program (openoffice writer is pretty heavy) and see if you get noticable lag when writing etc04:16
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intelikeyi have 98m ram and no swap and run fine  but i can't gimp a very large image...04:16
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skippyi want to know if that "swapiness" kernel parameter actually does anything04:17
Rhiscis there a way to turn of window dragging by holding alt?04:17
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uboatI'm happlly running  6.06 lts release.04:18
skippysame here04:18
skippyloving it :)04:18
uboatI love the heck out of it.04:18
skippythe Dapper Drake is happily quacking away :D04:18
intelikeyi updated 6.6 today and now it won't boot   /;04:18
skippyvwdial has hung the install on me everytime04:19
RhiscI am trying to use blender right now and I cant pan the viewport, because when I hold alt and click, it moves the window... does anyone know how to turn that off?04:19
skippyim just glad its easy to kill it :)04:19
AngryElfso Ubuntu supports a ~/.asoundrc file, what service do i need to restart to reload any changes?04:19
=== Blabla [n=hagen@ACayenne-101-1-18-134.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Ubuntu
BlablaHi there04:19
Masqyeggzeck: thanks, what I tried was without counting on me typing exit...04:19
=== bronson [n=bronson@pool-71-162-100-52.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyskippy you mean durring dl ?04:20
=== Drasla [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-156-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
BlablaHow can I write in a folder ? because, I want to put a folder in another, but i've not the permission04:20
intelikeyBlabla sudo04:20
ubotu[sudo]  a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:20
AngryElfBlabla, man chown04:20
=== jmg [n=jmg@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Draslahey, I'm trying to transfer a lot of data (200 GB) from an external hard drive to a local drive.  is there a way I could do this more reliably than with 'cp'?04:21
intelikeydon't go owning the system dirs04:21
BlablaI know the "sudo"  command, but how I use it ?04:21
intelikeyyou'll break things04:21
=== jmg [n=jmg@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Blablaif I want to put a folder in another folder04:21
IcemanV9Masqy: ?? does it work the way you want it? :)04:21
skippyintelikey, it happens whenever wvidal attempts to write to its config file, so now only when it updates04:21
=== jmg__ [n=jmg@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz] has joined #ubuntu
skippybut it was during install up to flight 7 :S04:21
DraslaBlabla: "sudo mv FOLDER1 FOLDER2"04:21
nickrudRhisc, you can change the mouse_button_modifier in gconf-editor, go to apps/medacity/general04:22
DraslaBlabla: sorry "sudo mv FOLDER1 FOLDER2 -r"04:22
MasqyIcemanV9: I think/hope so... thanks alot u all anyway...04:22
intelikeyBlabla or   gksudo nautilus04:22
skippyDrasla recursive copy is the most reliable way i should think04:22
Rhiscnickrud, thanks :D04:22
intelikeyfor the pointy clicky thingy04:22
nickrudRhisc, I have it set to <Super> (the start key on the left side of the keyboard)04:22
=== odat [n=barry@ip126.180.235.64.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Draslaskippy: the problem is that the external isn't hugely reliable.  it has bombed out on me before after an hour of straight copying.04:23
DraslaI was wondering if there was a program that could ensure I could resume a transfer in case it got cut off04:23
intelikeybut Blabla if you "know the 'sudo command"  then why are you asking "how to use sudo" ?04:23
skippyoh i see04:24
Blablaintlikey> I know what "sudo" does04:24
intelikeymaybe you really should read the page.04:24
ubotuit has been said that sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:24
=== Istario [n=[tgn] cok@adsl-63-196-198-47.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
uboatalternate paln of attack open terminal and su to root.04:24
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyuboat you have a root passwd ?04:25
skippydoes "su" stand for switch user, or super user?04:25
nickrudsu = evilness :)04:25
Agrajagskippy: yes04:25
intelikeyswitch user04:25
=== pkh [n=pkh@124-168-90-4.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
skippyyeah but which hehe?04:25
skippyah kk04:25
uboatskippy It stands for switch user.04:25
intelikeysudo is super user do    iirc04:25
linux_newbie2I should learn to type my forum posts into a text editor first.  All that typing and Ubuntuforums loses my session or something and fails to submit my post :P04:26
skippysome of the linux commands have dodgy names04:26
IcemanV9excerpt from man page > su - change user ID or become super-user04:26
=== Surfnkid [n=klormexo@cpe-68-203-220-22.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippyapropos is the worst, i used to always forget it when i started learning04:26
=== Surfnkid [n=klormexo@cpe-68-203-220-22.rgv.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
skippywhen its the command you dont want to forget lol04:26
nickrudapropos never gives me what I want04:26
skippyi find it really good04:26
intelikeyman man04:26
nickrudmust be a unixy guy :)04:26
deep1i had it forgotten till now skippy :PP04:27
ZambeziWhich is the best FTP with Implicit SSL for Ubuntu? Is it vsFTPD?04:27
skippyi dont think i could have learnt anything about linux without apropos, because when i started i didnt have a net connection04:27
Varianhas anyone here installed a broadcom 43xx wlan in dapper? the documentation i have found seems to be mainly for hoary04:27
mikedouglas" propos" is french for about :)04:27
linux_newbie2goodnight all, thanks for the help04:27
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skippyhehe mikedouglas, i learn somthing new everyday :D04:27
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=== SurfnKid [n=Surfn@cpe-68-203-220-22.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidxchat is better04:28
NapoleonAgrajag: skippy: http://pastebin.ca/5949604:28
Zambezimikedouglas: And we all know what a "manage  trois" is. ;-) (Speaking about french)04:28
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== IcemanV9 uses apropos every other day to find more commands or info :)
nickrudmerriam, I lived on the howtos from tldp.org & htdig04:28
intelikeyhehhe sudoers must be a symlink.... i don't have it.04:28
nickruderm, I meant me :)04:28
nickrudintelikey, /etc/sudoers04:28
Variani think i'm in over my head on this =) I've removed the wlan driver but dont know what I'm doing to put it back hehe04:29
intelikeynickrud no the command04:29
IcemanV9Varian: reinstall04:29
AgrajagNapoleon: you have 640 megs of ram free, it's not a memory usage issue04:29
mikedouglasintelikey: don't edit /etc/sudoers directly, use visudo04:29
Agrajager, 69004:29
nickrudintelikey, that's not a command, it's a config file04:29
AngryElfcan anyone help figure out why my on-board digital sound isn't working -- everyone says it's just suppose to work, but it's not :(  i've turned everything on and up in the mixer, no dice04:29
skippyyeah your ram is better than mine04:29
VarianIceman: the OS?04:29
intelikeymikedouglas i don't even use sudo   but thanks for the thought.04:29
thoreauputicintelikey: AFAIK there's no "sudoers" command - do you mean "visudo" ?04:29
skippynapolean open up open office04:30
skippysee if the problem is confined to the gime04:30
uboatfirst of do an apt-get update then do an apt-get install Automatix.04:30
intelikeythoreauputic hmmmm it listed as a command when i apropos sudo'd04:30
SurfnKidah much better, white on black background, its always good to view irc like that04:30
uboturumour has it, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.04:30
nickruduboat, ew04:30
_antixautomatix? no04:30
deep1*sudo does not always do the trick :P (so beware sudoers)04:30
pkhcan someone recomment a graphical du-like package for gnome04:30
=== karl [n=karl@81-235-145-189-no33.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
IcemanV9Varian: no. just the wlan driver04:30
AgrajagI wonder if X is slow for him or something?04:30
nickruddeep1, yes it does, it's all a matter of making sudoers right04:31
uboatno x is fine for me.04:31
Flannelpkh: what?04:31
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Napoleonhow do you change the hostname you set at the installation phase of ubuntu?04:31
intelikeydeep1 which trick, might well be the question   :)04:32
IcemanV9SurfnKid: default is good :)04:32
pkhFlannel, I need to show someone how to navigate through their filetree looking for spase used (like du -sh *) but they're not a commandline type person (my brother...)04:32
deep1heh, not the rabbit-out-of-the-hat trick :P04:32
uboatI'm looking to build my own custom linux rig any suggestions on parts?04:32
mikedouglasintelikey: not sure about apropos, but files can also have man pages (ie. man mailcap).04:32
SurfnKiddefault what u mean the color04:32
Agrajagpkh: baobab maybe?04:32
pkhAgrajag, cheers will check it out04:32
nickrudNapoleon, boot into recovery mode, and set it in /etc/hostname & on the first line of /etc/hosts04:32
IcemanV9SurfnKid: yes. color background04:32
deep1dunno, as a starter i find lots of linux commands suspicius :P04:32
IcemanV9black on grey04:32
Flanneloh.  Um, you can use gnome... stuff. Like, properties of each disk, etc, in nautilus.04:32
skippyNapoleon have a look in /etc/hosts04:33
Masqyregarding my prev. question, can someone give an insight of how to detach the process from it's terminal, *after* it has been run regualry (i.e. xmms & )04:33
AgrajagFlannel: that's way too slow04:33
spikebpkh: click on the places menu, then select computer. from there, right click on the root volume, and select properties04:33
SurfnKidyeah this way its better for my eyes04:33
nickrudMasqy, disown <tab>04:33
Masqyor, how to emualte what the gnome's terminal is doing for the process when you type exit04:33
=== intelikey wishes that half the people trying to help him with sudo (which i don't use) would be interested in helping him with his booting issue......
Masqynickrud: thanks04:33
=== nickrud thinks sudo is *so* much easier than booting issues
mikedouglasthen tell use about your booting problem, I just saw the sudo question.04:34
pkhspikeb, that tells me how much is used on the disk (like df, he knows the disk is full) but he needs to go searching through the tree to find out where...04:34
intelikeyi've got an unbootable system that i just booted.....  hehhe now how do i make it bootable ?04:34
spikebpkh: hmm04:34
intelikeyok let me post my question,  the kernel and initramfs.img boot to an emergency 'busybox' shell  where i have to modprobe aic7xxx & ext2   then mknod /dev/sda1  and mount the system on /root then exit and it goes ahead and boots.  well at least far enough i can fix the rest in the init scripts...  anyway, how the heck to i automate that three step process in the initramfs ?04:34
pkhbaobab is perfect, thanks agrajag04:34
Agrajagpkh: np04:34
=== redir [n=robrien@oh-65-41-56-53.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Agrajagpkh: kdirstat is pretty cool too, but you need KDE crap installed to use it :(04:35
intelikeynickrud 10 4  that thought ^04:35
Masqynickrud: when I do ps after the disown, it still appears as one of the jobs running in the background. can I make it 'completly' as if I was using gnome's run?04:35
pkhyeah, I had that installed on my last kde-based machine, but wanted something gnome-specific04:35
nickrudintelikey, I am gonna walk away from that, I gave up on the kernel after 2.404:35
SurfnKidhey how can i change between the 4 desktops with my keyboard04:35
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intelikeywell this is 2.6.15-2304:35
jjibajawith k ?04:36
thoreauputicSurfnKid: have a look at the "synergy" program04:36
deep1alt+ctrl+left /right (gnome)04:36
thoreauputic!info synergy04:36
nickrudMasqy, just close the terminal, & the process will still run. That's pretty much equiv to what you want, I think04:36
ubotusynergy: (Share mouse and keyboard over the network), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.2.2-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 493 kB, Installed size: 1472 kB04:36
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uboatdono i'm using regular ubuntu.04:36
=== DJ_Danni [n=DJ____Da@adsl5-9.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidoh thats sharing thru network04:36
=== Olde [n=harold@S010600c04f73f30e.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputichah - I thought SurfnKid meant separate machines :)04:36
deep1SurfnKid, its alt+ctrl+left/right :S04:36
SurfnKidoh awesome04:36
deep1if i understood right04:36
DJ_DanniNeed to Setup a Webserver but how?04:36
SurfnKidyes deep104:36
SurfnKidgot it thanks04:36
Masqynickrud: that's the best option I got so far, thanks.04:37
SurfnKidi have another laptop i just logged into XP but ive been on ubuntu for 3 days nearly04:37
DJ_DanniCan you help me?04:37
skippyMasqy have you got your answer yet04:37
deep1lol yeah=D04:37
intelikey!tell DJ_Danni about lamp04:37
deep1its neat04:37
skippyi figured something out04:37
deep1synaptic rules!!!:D04:37
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then04:37
SurfnKidgood thing i have 2 laptops so i can just do diff work04:37
nickrudMasqy, I use it often for gui stuff I start in a terminal, & want to get rid of the terminal. I'm not totally up on what that does, but It Works For Me04:37
skippywhats that?04:37
=== shriphani [n=shriphan@] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniok guys one question04:38
Oldeanyone know the best place to get Totem Player codecs04:38
nickrudskippy, disown04:38
=== Gronk [n=Me@c220-237-126-87.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniwhy does g++ say stdio.h no such file or folder04:38
Gronkheya folks04:38
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories04:38
=== benn [n=ben@c-67-165-71-236.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyoh i have a another way04:38
intelikeyshriphani !b-e04:38
nickrudshriphani sudo apt-get install build-essential04:38
Agrajagshriphani: because stdio.h is a C header file, and g++ is a c++ compiler04:38
Masqynickrud: that's what I wanted it to work for, although I was hoping to get a more "theoretical enlightment" of how this thing works. but as for the need, it is satisfied :)04:38
Gronkhey... anybody got aby suggestions for a good package to covert mp3 to wav?04:38
bennhey all, i need help04:38
SurfnKidi just have to say one thing guys, with this channel04:39
thoreauputic!tell Olde about restricted04:39
Agrajagshriphani: if you really must use C i/o in a C++ program, you need to include <cstdio>04:39
benni just ran the breezy -> dapper upgrade with gksudo "update-manager -d", and when i restarted my X server won't load04:39
skippymasqy try "nohup gedit"04:39
SurfnKidits helping people so much get out or change their mind perspective about XP only OS's and since you are all very polite to help, that creates an even beetter encouragement to come and take a look04:39
skippythen close the terminal04:39
deep1Agrajag,  shriphani  didnt clear out if she uses g++ to compile a cpp or c program04:39
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GronkSurfnKid: too true04:40
Masqyskippy: yes, nohup also does the job for me. thanks again.04:40
Agrajagshriphani: well there's that too, if it's a C program use gcc, not g++04:40
DJ_DanniWhere can i found lamp?04:40
bennit says failed to load "/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so"04:40
ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP04:40
intelikeybenn sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   ?04:40
bennthen failed to load moudle "GLcore" (loader failed, 7)04:40
shriphanibut xemacs installation says my c compiler cant compile04:40
deep1cant we use gpp/g++ for c programs as well?04:40
bennfailed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)04:40
ubotuor if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, or get "make: command not found, then you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.04:40
Gronkhey... anybody got aby suggestions for a good package to covert mp3 to wav?04:41
thoreauputicGronk: sox04:41
intelikeybenn ah  you may need to rebuild your driver.... ati ?04:41
skippyhello again gronk04:41
Agrajagdeep1: most should compile, but g++ won't know anything about a lot of C standard libraries04:41
=== nickrud wonders if his last went thru
deep1ah okie Agrajag :>04:41
thoreauputicGronk: or audacity04:41
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:41
benni had just been using the default nvidia display driver package in breezy04:41
Agrajagshriphani: you'd be better off finding out why gcc doesn't work04:41
=== cilkay [n=cilkay@CPE00d0b743a22f-CM0011ae01fcbe.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
DJ_DanniWhere can i Get lamp?04:41
Gronkskippy: g;day man - i ended up skipping work today , called in sick ;)04:42
thoreauputicDJ_Danni: you've been told at east twice04:42
shriphanii mean the last time i did install a few packages whose names i dont remember04:42
skippyblame it on the linux :D04:42
thoreauputic!tell DJ_Danni about lamp04:42
ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP04:42
cilkayHello. I'm looking at setting up either OpenVZ or Linux VServer on Ubuntu. Any comments?04:42
AgrajagDJ_Danni: there04:42
Gronkthoreauputic: audacity?04:42
shriphaniand then part. magic killed grub04:42
nickrudbenn, and?04:42
benni don't have an internet connection in console04:42
Agrajagshriphani: have you installed build-essential?04:42
thoreauputicGronk: audacity is a sound editing program04:42
benni can't run apt-get install nvidia-glx04:42
Gronkthoreauputic: cool04:43
intelikeybenn hmmm you do have restricted in your repos ?   maybe apt-cache search nv    i think it's a module seperate from the xorg package.... xorg is modular in dapper04:43
Gronki'll try it out04:43
shriphani43% Agrajag04:43
thoreauputicGronk: sox can also convert mp3 to wav on the command line04:43
=== CokeNCode [n=john@] has joined #ubuntu
CokeNCodegoodnight everyone04:43
shriphanii am using apt-get04:43
nickrudbenn, what release do you need it for?04:43
bennthe dapper RC04:43
Agrajagshriphani: oh, then you'll have to wait till it's done to have a working C compiler04:43
skippygronk look at nautilus-script-audio-convert in synaptic, might be good for you04:43
shriphaniits 56% now04:43
=== protocol2 [n=protocol@68-35-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
benni ran the auto-update from breezy04:43
CokeNCodewhat's the correct procedure for installing software with Ubuntu. I have opera installed, but it's not working, I want to uninstall and reinstall04:43
Agrajaganyway that should be all you need unless you're building some big project that uses external libs04:44
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Gronkskippy: cheers04:44
nickrudbenn, i386?04:44
shriphaniaptitude remove opera04:44
tapio_I think I got the enviorment variables from the previous OS into my new ubuntu installation, anyway to restore the default variables?...or something :p04:44
shriphaniaptitude install opera04:44
intelikeybenn try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-nv04:44
CokeNCodeaptitude ... not apt-get ?04:45
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bennintelikey, already the newest version04:45
nickrudbenn, if you have access somewhere, get http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Frestricted%2Fl%2Flinux-restricted-modules-2.6.15%2Fnvidia-glx_1.0.8756%2B2.6.15.10-2_i386.deb&md5sum=bf755b8ff856db89aa0e05ec463fad48&arch=i386&type=main04:45
intelikeywhat tinyurl would do for that......04:45
=== moses [n=moses@] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanitry aptitude04:46
moseshello help04:46
nickruda one time thing, it includes all mirrors04:46
shriphanidebian packages do give aptitude04:46
moseswhere is the command line?04:46
CokeNCodehmmm, opera just don't owrk04:46
nickrudfor the next few hours, anyway04:46
CokeNCodehow do i do an uninstall ?04:46
shriphanimoses, accesories -------> terminal04:46
bennnickrud, i'll try copying it from my flash drive04:46
mosesi cannot understand the instruction04:46
intelikeymoshe you are using one of them....04:46
=== GaiaX11 [n=vagner@] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudbenn, exactly04:46
skippymoses hes talking about the menu bars04:47
skippy"Applications" > "accesories" at the top of your desktop04:47
nickrudbenn, that's a place you'd point firefox to on another machine, and download from that page04:47
shriphanimoses, top of yer desktop ya see accesories with the ubuntu logo beside it04:47
skippyin linux the command line is often called the terminal or a tty04:47
shriphanii mean applications04:47
skippyor the shell04:48
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=== intelikey looks at the blank top of his "desktop"
shriphaniso ya click on applications ------> accesories --------> terminal04:48
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=== Flik [n=Flik@d154-5-134-98.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
DJ_DanniHey how can i Install Lamp i am new on Linux04:48
=== nickrud tells intelikey 'it don't gotta be that way'
Varianok for WEP on my wireless, I specified a passcode on my router it generates the key, i enter that as HEX, right? the key looks hex04:48
intelikeyDJ_Danni did ya read the link ?04:49
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=== Abner [n=abner@ppp-69-217-200-224.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
bennhey, if i'm in console and i just put my flash drive in, how do i view the files again?04:49
skippyok this is driving me mad, is there a way of automatically pasting a persons name in XIRC ie i hold shif and click on their screenname?04:49
bennnever done that from console04:49
DJ_DanniYeas but i am Confuset bechuse i have newer Install on Linux befor:S04:49
intelikeynickrud you fix my boot problem and i'll install gnome  :)04:49
mikedouglasDJ_Danni: Why are you trying to install a web server?04:49
tapio_"configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" <- this occurs on my fresh install of ubunty when trying to install xmms. Whats wrong?04:49
Agrajagbenn: is it mounted in /media somewhere yet?04:49
=== nickrud walks away again, foot in mouth
Agrajagbenn: or did it fail to automount?04:50
mikedouglastapio_: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:50
bennit's not in /media04:50
DJ_DanniIts for my Radio04:50
intelikeyDJ_Danni the "synaptic package manager"  listed in your menus  is the gui pointy clicky way.04:50
stuufbenn: do you have pmount?04:50
bennit automounted04:50
tapio_mikedouglas: Thanks04:50
bennit shows up in lsusb04:50
Agrajagbenn: ok, you have to mount it. Try "sudo mkdir /mnt/usbdrive && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbdrive"04:50
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AgrajagThis is assuming it's the first SCSI disk the system sees04:51
Agrajagyou might need to use sdb1, or sdc1, etc.04:51
stuufuse pmount, you don't have to sudo or anything04:51
Agrajagoh right04:51
Agrajagyou could first try pmount /dev/sda104:51
benngot it04:51
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nickrudhm, if gnome is working right, it should simply be available under /media04:51
Agrajagnickrud: already checked04:52
bennhey nick04:52
bennit says it conflicts with nvidia-settings04:52
bennshould i remove that04:52
nickrudAgrajag, ok, I'm out of sync (again)04:52
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intelikeyDJ_Danni the cli "hard core linux" way  would be  apt-cache search blah  && apt-get install blah<as listed by the search>   being new to linux i sujest you do your self a favour and read    "man intro "    and maybe   "man man "     <--- typing either in a terminal will be self explanitory.04:53
AngryElfdo i really want speaker-test though since i'm testing the optical stuff......the man page doesn't mention anything about optical/coaxial outputs04:53
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bennok, got nvidia-glx to install04:53
benngonna reboot04:53
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nickrudbenn, yes, nvidia-settings executable comes with nvidia-glx in dapper04:53
benn*crosses fingers*04:54
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nickrudbenn, simply log out, hit clt-alt-backspace, if all is good you'll see the white nvidia screen04:54
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intelikeyso anyone want to tackle my boot issue now ?04:54
benni just did a full reboot04:54
bennwhat the hell04:54
bennhello dapper04:55
bennthanks a lot guys, really appreciate the help04:55
troy_swhats your boot issue intel?04:55
benndoes this come with xgl/compiz as the default window manager04:56
intelikeyi suppose i could refuse to power down until the next release comes out in 6.10 .....04:56
troy_snvidia glx has that annoying boot logo04:56
troy_sif you want, you can turn it off.04:56
troy_sintel, what is your issue?04:56
intelikeytroy_s hey... give me a sec and i'll repost.04:56
SurfnKidhey my xmms doesnt wanna play asx files04:56
intelikeyi don't have a usable initramfs.img skippy  and i've rebuilt it five times.04:56
troy_shold... i'll scroll04:56
troy_si have log.04:56
SurfnKidanyone know why04:56
intelikeyok let me post my question,  the kernel and initramfs.img boot to an emergency 'busybox' shell  where i have to modprobe aic7xxx & ext2   then mknod /dev/sda1  and mount the system on /root then exit and it goes ahead and boots.  well at least far enough i can fix the rest in the init scripts...  anyway, how the heck to i automate that three step process in the initramfs ?04:56
intelikeythere   ^04:56
troy_sasx is ugly proprietary ms stuff04:56
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SurfnKidtroy word04:56
Draslahey, does anyone know what package / repository I need to use to get MP3 playback for 6.06?04:57
troy_ssurF:  you can play it assuming a few things:04:57
troy_sA) IF you are on a 64 bit box, wmv will not work last time i checked (only 32 bit libs out there and it is hokey to work around not worth it)04:57
AgrajagDrasla: gstreamer-plugins-bad I think04:57
troy_sB) figure out what codec is inside the asx04:57
Agrajagthat one04:57
troy_sand just vert it.04:57
Healottroy_s: some wmv will work, but mostly not04:58
troy_sis there a driver stopping your boot effectively?04:58
SurfnKidvert it?04:58
SurfnKidconvert it ah04:58
nickrudgstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is correct for mp3s04:58
SurfnKidall this terminology rocks04:58
troy_stranscode, mencode, vlc -- start with one of those.  vlc has a handy graphical vert system04:58
SurfnKidim glad its NON MS tho04:58
Agrajagoh, I got that backwards04:58
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nickrudSurfnKid, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:58
AgrajagI thought ugly were the broken ones04:59
troy_ssurf:  spread the knowledge about the downside of proprietary closed source things...04:59
Variananyone using WEP64 and able to connect? I'm a bit unsure as to exactly what needs to be entered for the key04:59
troy_sugly means bound up with closed source, an end user licence (eula) or other things...04:59
SurfnKidnickrud yea have yet to finish that page i should do that04:59
nickrudhaven't figured out how the heck they chose those names, just checked the dependencies :)04:59
troy_sdid you know that you cannot legally play a dvd on a linux box in north america?04:59
troy_svarian: wep should be fine04:59
troy_svarian:  you using dapper or breezy?04:59
nickrudSurfnKid, it's good thru flash, can't vouch for the rest05:00
troy_svarian:  assuming your card supports it, it should be fine then.05:00
DraslaI've tried searching for those.  the packages don't exist in any of the repositories I've enabled05:00
troy_snot bad05:00
troy_si believe in dapper05:00
troy_sthey are called ugly05:00
Varianbut do I use Hex or Ascii? I have they key (generated by a passcode from the router)05:00
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troy_sintel:  you can specify kernel parameters in your grub menu.05:00
Varianit seems to misformat the key when I do an iwconfig05:00
troy_sintel:  once you track down what the exact issue is that is preventing boot, you can add them to the kernel line.05:00
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intelikeytroy_s mmmm the error message is something like can't mount root fs no such device   and  another error saying no /sbin/init on root fs05:01
troy_svarian:  ok... have you started with the network gui app in gnome?05:01
troy_sintel:  your root partition is probably not specified correctly in your grub menu05:01
Varianessid is correct, using dhcp, its pretty vanilla05:01
intelikeytroy_s lilo... and the lilo.conf is correct.05:01
troy_svarian: and you are certain it is wepped?05:01
troy_snot wpad?05:02
skippysorry i cant be much help here i dont understand the boot partition at all :(05:02
troy_sintel:  erm... did you change to lilo?05:02
troy_svarian:  ok, and you obviously double checked the key?05:02
intelikeyno i installed it at the first...05:02
intelikeyit is an option you know05:02
troy_sintel:  if i remember, every change you make to lilo05:02
troy_sintel:  requires lilo to be run after you make all of your changes to make sure the binary works.05:02
Varianre-entered a few times, but with wep64 the key is xx-xx-xx-xx-xx...in iwconfig its xxx-xxx-xxx05:02
dizyi followed instructions to install nvidia drivers... i think everything went ok... but if I go to device manager... the agp bridge showsn Unknown(ox0221)... device tab sais nVidia Corporation but Device: Unknown.. it also sais Bus type: PCI when its AGP ... does this mean that my card doesn't have the drivers installed ?05:02
intelikeyyes you have to update it with   lilo05:03
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intelikeylilo is not the issue.05:03
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troy_svarian:  the wep should always amount to a hex value.  start with hex on the router AND as your key, then migrate to plaintext once you get connected.05:03
intelikeyit is initramfs.img05:03
troy_svarian:  and you know it works.05:03
bennhey, so i got ubuntu to boot right, but now it's not liking my wireless connection, any ideas why?05:03
troy_sintel - did you run lilo though after you made the changes?05:03
bennit worked fine in breezy and i didn't change a thing05:03
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intelikeybut i don't know exactly what to do to it...05:03
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=== nickrud fears his future laptop
troy_sbenn:  is it encrypted?  is the wireless nic working?  are you in range?  does it see any routers?05:04
intelikeytroy_s i should have used your nick sorry.05:04
deameyesanyone know how to install sdl image05:04
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Varianthe key is hex, 9fa1a2ba etc...I just cant get a connection05:04
intelikeyall my posts were to you. troy_s   ^05:04
benntroy_s: it's encrypted, but i'm 100% sure i have the right key, i am 2 feet away from the router05:04
troy_sintel:  any reason you aren't using grub?  it is a little easier to manage.  lilo caused me headaches when i was running a custom linux... works, but the always running lilo after changes was a pain.05:04
benni'll check to see if i can load the router page05:04
Variani just dont know if it's user error or attributed to all the broadcom problems ive been reading about05:05
troy_sbenn:  no, does your wireless card appear to be working in linux?  or does it not show up under network gui gnome app?05:05
nickruddeameyes, install libsdl-image1.205:05
intelikeytroy_s no particular reason other than i just don't like grub.  it seems weak.05:05
troy_svarian:  yes.  don't forget to send polite mail requesting that the vendor open their documentation up to the open source community to help _everyone_, not just linux05:05
deameyesyea I got the source for that, how do I install it?05:05
SurfnKidguys what other flavor you think ubuntu will be superseeded05:05
nickrudSurfnKid, eh?05:06
troy_sintel:  ok... start with running sudo lilo and see if that fixes it :)05:06
benntroy_s: the card shows up fine, there's an icon in my tray that says eth1 is connected and has 100% signal strength, but no programs will connect05:06
SurfnKidyeah well like debian came out, knoppix, ubuntu, fedora05:06
dizycan someone help me out... read up ^05:06
intelikeytroy_s no that didn't fix it.05:06
troy_sbenn:  sounds like encryption then.05:06
SurfnKidso im just thinking what else could come out05:06
skippydo you mean super seeded as in a torrent, or supersceded as in forgotten about?05:06
nickruddeameyes, sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2 no source needed05:06
benntroy_s: 100% sure i have the right network key05:06
troy_sintel:  well then it sounds like a lower kernel level thing, you will need to localize it.05:07
deameyesok thanks05:07
nickruddeameyes, if you're compiling source that needs that, install libsdl-image1.2-dev05:07
intelikeytroy_s localized to initramfs.img  how local do you want it ?05:07
deameyesnah, I just need to install it05:07
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troy_sintel:  that is a binary output image though... if you can get it to boot, you need to figure out what the difference is.05:08
troy_sintel:  you can force that to be rebuilt.05:08
jrsimshey, how can I quit x and drop down to a terminal?05:08
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mikedouglasAnyone know roughly how many files are included in the default ubuntu install?05:08
skippydizy are you still there05:08
tapio_I cannot install applications the old fashion way in ubuntu?05:08
nickruddeameyes, nearly everything you'll need is apt-gettable; the best way to look for the right package is apt-cache search: I did apt-cache search sdl image to find the package for you05:08
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troy_sjrsims: do you want a plain terminal in x or a full command line resolution term?05:08
jrsimsno x05:08
skippyyour earlier question regarding the nvidia driver - none of the things youve listed suggest that you have a problem05:09
benntroy_s: i triple-checked the WEP key and it's right, the connection says it is active and has signal strength, still can't connect05:09
troy_sjrsims:  logout and change session05:09
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bennit was working fine in breezy, i had run the update over wireless05:09
nickrudmikedouglas, somewhere around 90,000, iirc05:09
intelikeytroy_s i have rebuilt it five times but always the same problem... that is where i kinda need some dirrections.  can i make a script and insert it into the initramfs ?05:09
dizyis there a way to check which video driver i have installed05:09
jrsimstroy_s: I tried and didn't see an option for no x05:09
skippydizy try opening a terminal and typing "nvidia-settings"05:09
troy_sjrsims:  oh you want x off?05:09
nickruddizy, look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, look for Section "Device"05:10
jrsimstroy_s: yeah05:10
jrsimstroy_s: I need to leave x to install my nvidia drivers05:10
dizynvidia-settings came up showing the right card.. so i guess im good05:10
troy_sjrsims:  boot to recovery mode.05:10
mikedouglasnickrud: thanks, I've got to clone each inode by typing "y" manually. This is going to take a while :-/05:10
troy_sjrsims:  or you can shutdown x etc.05:10
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nickrudmikedouglas, that was greek to me :)05:10
intelikeyjrsims sudo killall gdm05:10
troy_sjrsims:  probably easiest to boot to recovery.05:10
skippydizy ok as long as theres a bunch of stuff listed you are good to go05:10
skippycongratulations of your sucessful install dizy :)05:11
nickrudmikedouglas, ask about exactly what you're doing here, someone has to have a shortcut for it05:11
troy_sintel:  let me do a little looking...05:11
troy_sintel:  what procedure works for you to boot?05:11
intelikeyjrsims and run gdm to reverse tha05:11
tapio_Can one not install applicatios the old fashion way in ubuntu? is apt the only way? O_o05:11
liquidboyany cd burning software for linux (audio cd burning) that lets you choose how long the pause between each track is individually05:11
SurfnKidhey from the command prompt how can i check the right drivers for my video card?05:11
troy_sintel:  you modprobe a module and it boots?05:11
jrsimsanother problem - the nvidia driver install says it can't find "cc", what does this mean?05:11
dizythanks skippy ... youve been very helpfull :)05:11
skippyanytime mate :)05:11
deameyesdo I need to cd to the directory to install sdl_image?05:11
skippySurfnKid what sort of card do you have?05:11
troy_sliquid: if you want 2 only you can use serpentine05:12
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troy_sliquid:  there are tons of others that let you adjust that to a variable level though.05:12
nickruddeameyes, no, just sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.205:12
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skippylspci will give you a basic look at all your pci hardware, but wont get much more than that05:12
SurfnKidATI 128 M1005:12
intelikeytroy_s  modprobe aic7xxx && modprobe ext2 && mknod /dev/sda1 b 8 1 && mount /dev/sda1 -t ext2 /root ;exit05:12
SurfnKidon a Dell 8600 Inspiron Laptop05:12
skippyok i see05:12
intelikeytroy_s i do that it boots.05:12
troy_sintel:  jeebus.  laf.  ok so your root isn't getting automounted?05:13
intelikeytroy_s did you even read my post to begin with ?05:13
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intelikeyok let me post my question,  the kernel and initramfs.img boot to an emergency 'busybox' shell  where i have to modprobe aic7xxx & ext2   then mknod /dev/sda1  and mount the system on /root then exit and it goes ahead and boots.  well at least far enough i can fix the rest in the init scripts...  anyway, how the heck to i automate that three step process in the initramfs ?05:13
mikedouglasnickrud: My ext3 partition is extremely fucked. I'm using fsck to repair the drive, but there doesn't seem to be a way to automate the default option. inode = file or directory.05:13
bennso, any ideas?05:13
intelikeytroy_s that one  ^05:13
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SurfnKidi assume its installed correctly, but the screen saver does chew up the card intensifying on graphics so im not sure if its the riht driver or what05:13
skippySurfnKid type in a terminal "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver"05:13
SurfnKidwhats cat do05:14
GMullenis there a walk through for getting the mouse to work?05:14
skippycat outputs the contents of a file to the screen05:14
skippy| is the pipe command, it feeds one command into another05:14
hippie23I just  intalled OS9 and Ubuntu on my iMac, how do I configure yaboot to boot OS9?... its not in the boot options :/05:14
skippyand grep searches for a string, and then returns the entire line it belongs to05:14
nickrudmikedouglas, erg. the man page for fsck mentions the -a option, but says use with caution.05:15
SurfnKidum didnt do anything05:15
SurfnKidno such file or directory05:15
skippydid you copy and paste it?05:15
benni'll restate my question, i have dapper RC up and running fine, but my wireless connection (which was working in breezy) no longer works. it recognizes the card and says it is connected, but no programs will send/receive data, any ideas?05:15
SurfnKidwith the " no05:15
nickrudmikedouglas, balance importance of data, and your time05:15
SurfnKidjust the words05:15
skippycat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver05:15
skippyjust that05:15
SurfnKidshould i be in sudo su mode05:15
mikedouglasnickrud: Thanks, -a it is ;)05:15
skippysudo shouldnt be needed05:15
skippybut it never hurts to add it05:16
skippymaybe you copied the quote signs as well? :)05:16
nickrudmikedouglas, I think I should hide behind another nick ;)05:16
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SurfnKidi need to learn about case sensitive stuff05:16
SurfnKidworked now05:16
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SurfnKidati is there05:16
mikedouglasbenn: what does dmesg say?05:16
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ElBrujohello i have a proble compiling a module05:16
skippyok well that means that xorg is using the ati driver05:17
intelikeybenn iptables -L   may hold a clue....  also #ubuntu+1  might have some help.05:17
benna whole lot of stuff05:17
SurfnKidok so i assume its allright05:17
SurfnKidits ok then05:17
bennthis might be it05:17
tapio_Is apt the only way to install applications in ubuntu?05:17
benn"eth1: no IPv6 routers present"05:17
mikedouglasbenn: it will be near the end05:17
skippyyeah it appears you have the best driver you can without searching around for another05:17
mikedouglasbenn: that isn't it05:17
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SurfnKidoh ok05:17
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skippyto be fair, open gl probably will chew up a laptops card pretty hard05:18
SurfnKidI might ask you about lm-sensors sometime it seems i have to copy some data to a file and run it but im stuck doing that05:18
SurfnKidand Im doin somethin now05:18
bennthat's the only thing in there for eth1, mikedouglas05:18
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skippylm-sensors? whats that05:18
intelikeyhmmmmm " you have the best you can get, without looking for something better "         did any one else find that funny   ?05:18
blazeHI. im having a trouble with upgrade05:18
SurfnKidfor the laptop internal cooling fans05:18
skippyoh i see05:19
skippythats an acpi thing05:19
hippie23sensor to monitor fan speeds , cpu temp, etc.05:19
intelikeytroy_s i'm talking to you on it, hehhe it's booted.05:19
nickrudintelikey, it makes perfect sense, when apt-get is the best you can get without compiling (seems to be the cutoff for me)05:19
skippytype "lsmod" and you will see a full list of all your modules05:19
troy_sintel:  grr.  what was up?05:19
SurfnKidlets see05:19
blazeE: /var/cache/apt/archives/ntp-server_1%3a4.2.0a+stable-8.1ubuntu5_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 105:19
ElBrujoi have a problem compiling a module her you have it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1481005:19
skippyyou should have stuff like "acpi" "thermal" and "temperature" loaded05:19
intelikeynickrud :)05:19
ElBrujoplease help05:20
hippie23I just  intalled OS9 and Ubuntu on my iMac, how do I configure yaboot to boot OS9?... its not in the boot options :/05:20
nickrudblaze, there's some data on that, a sec05:20
troy_selbrujo:  spanish ack!05:20
intelikeytroy_s i'm not stuck.  just hate having to boot by hand.05:20
skippyElBrujo, no point in compiling it05:20
hippie23I know its a stupid noob questiune05:20
blazenickrud,  some data on what?05:21
skippyyou allready have that driver on your system05:21
hippie23but I NEVER use yaboot be405:21
intelikeytroy_s thanks for the time of day though.05:21
nickrudblaze, http://wiki.motin.eu/HowToFixTheBrokenNtpServerPackageInDapperBeta05:21
ElBrujono point?05:21
troy_selbrujo:  translate tructurenotieneunmiembrollamado`slot_name'05:21
blazenickrud: Thanks a lot05:21
=== jrsims_ [n=jrsims@c-67-172-190-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippywell you have the following modules allready compiled with the kernel ElBrujo:05:21
intelikeytroy_s or as my grampa used to say. 'thanks a million until you are better paid'05:21
nickrudblaze, it's a work in progress. I don't use ntp, so I'm just watching :)05:22
ElBrujoskippy i have zoran?05:22
jrsims_hey, I just did Alt+F1 and got to what appears to be a full screen terminal. X is still running, though. How do I get back?05:22
skippyzr36016, zr36050, zr36060, zr3606705:22
=== Drasl1 [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-156-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippywhat is the exact name of your card05:22
nickrudjrsims, alt-ctl-f7 most likely05:22
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intelikeyjrsims_ that's called a "console"05:23
SurfnKidthermal is on pcc_acpi too but not temperature or i cant find it05:23
skippyyou can load any of those modules with "modprobe zr36016" for example05:23
SurfnKidso then i should be able to monitor fan speed too?05:23
GMullenis there any reason why the mouse wont work?05:23
Drasl1sorry to keep bugging everyone, but the mp3 codecs listed just don't seem in the repository05:23
skippylet me check surf05:23
troy_sdrasl:  wiki restricted05:23
ElBrujotroy_s structure haven't a member called slot_name05:23
troy_sdrasl:  mp3 is patent restricted05:23
SurfnKidcheers mate05:23
tapio_I'll ask one more time, is apt the only way to install stuff in ubuntu?05:23
skippyyou should have one called "fan" SurfnKid05:23
troy_sel:  sounds like you have a library issue05:23
shriphanino tapio_05:23
skippylooks like i made "temperature" up lol05:24
troy_sel:  meaning that the version that has slot_name isn't in the version you have.  try updating your libs.05:24
tapio_shriphani: The ./configure make make install does work?05:24
skippyas long as you have the acpi one, you appear to be all set05:24
shriphanithere's synaptic, aptitude, wget as well05:24
ElBrujoskippy my card is pinnacle studio dc10 av/dv05:24
shriphaniand yes you can compile from source05:24
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troy_stapio:  compile from scratch or use a package manager.05:24
nickrudDrasl1, the mp3 stuff is in universe & multiverse05:24
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intelikeytapio_ actually there are two ways.  you can compile source   or use 'dpkg'  apt aptitude and synaptic are all frontends for dpkg.05:24
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Drasl1I've checked the wiki.  the files it references aren't appearing.  and I've tried both synaptic and apt-get05:25
fourati've started an apt-get install and cancelled it with 'ctrl-c', and since this, apt-get want to install my old-desired packages every time i want to install a new package, how to tell apt-get that i've cancelled that ?05:25
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shriphaniand yes to play mp3 please download gstreamer0.8-mad05:25
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tapio_Thanks alot guys, then there is something wrong on my side, just had to make sure :>05:25
troy_sdras:  wiki.ubuntu.com search for restricted formats05:25
nickrudDrasl1, can I suggest reading !components and !repos, to follow05:25
ubotuThe rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components05:25
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource05:25
=== troy_s is out for a while.
quicoju_got issues setting locales any suggetion? http://pastebin.com/74409205:25
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intelikeyfourat tell apt-get to remove the offending packages05:25
holycownow that xchat has hierarchial views, it seems there is no real point to xchat-gnome05:25
ElBrujoskippy ??05:26
intelikeytroy_s k05:26
skippyok ElBrujo, go to "places" and "file search" in gnome05:26
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skippysearch your ENTIRE file system for files beginging with zr36005:26
SurfnKidsorry i went to check something05:26
Drasl1I have already enabled the multiverse.  I have done everything the wiki has suggested.  can someone please check to make sure it's not just me?05:26
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nickrudquicoju_, LANG should also be en_US.UTF-805:26
SurfnKidyes fan its there05:26
shriphaniDrasl1, your problem ?05:27
ElBrujoskippy here i have it05:27
SurfnKidhaha was like temp? noooup :P05:27
skippycool, well looks like your all set SurfnKid05:27
nickrudDrasl1, could you put your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/05:27
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Drasl1just that the mp3 codecs referenced in the restricted formats wiki aren't in the repository (under universe or multiverse)05:27
SurfnKidah ok05:27
idanimrodhelllo, what partitions does the installation creates when you choose "auto partition" in the installer? ( i mean other than / and swap) does it create a partition for /home?05:27
skippyok ElBrujo, you can use "modprobe" followed by the name of the driver05:27
holycowdoes anyone know what is up with all the openoffice.org updates over the last week and a half?  what exactly is being fixed because every update has had an oo.org upgrade05:27
skippydont add the .ko to the end though05:27
quicoju_nickrud: where do i set that variable?05:27
SurfnKidyeah sounds like it but u think there's somethin i could monitor and change the speeds?05:27
fourati got soundcard working with alsaconf, now after an apt-get upgrade, sound card wont work, alsa got problems staring, it says : ALSA lib control.c:816:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:005:28
fouratalsactl: set_controls:1088: snd_ctl_open error: No such file or directory05:28
SurfnKidi mean they are on now05:28
shriphaniDrasl1, to play mp3 on ubuntu apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad05:28
skippynah its all automatic i think05:28
skippyas the temperature rises the Bios will increase the fan speed05:28
ElBrujoi have many drivers05:28
=== corey [n=corey@cpe-66-69-186-60.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidon XP i used the i8Kfangui05:29
nickrudquicoju_, it needs to be in /etc/locale.gen05:29
skippythere should be 4 drivers ElBrujo, but if you have multiple kernels installed a lot of extra ones will show up05:29
nickrudquicoju_, dapper?05:29
skippybut htere are only 4 basic types05:29
skippypick the one you think is closes and type "modprobe drivername" where drivername is the first part of the drivers name05:29
skippythat should work05:30
quicoju_nickrud: just upgraded05:30
fouratanyone ?05:30
Drasl1has anyone else recently checked if the codec is actually still in the repository?05:30
=== Abner [n=abner@adsl-69-209-198-30.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidi had to modify the fan and cpu heat sinks by adding a copper plate to the middle so now heat transfers better and im not scared of a fried GPU05:30
nickrudquicoju_, I miss the old locale dpkg-reconfigure as well05:30
skippyhmm surf maybe you can get something in synaptic which lets your tweak them05:30
ElBrujook skippy i modprobe the module05:31
intelikeyfourat what does cat /proc/asound/cards tell you ?05:31
SurfnKidand could you believe Home Depot didnt sell a small 1/16th flat copper plate?  i had to buy a round plate, cut it and hammer it till i flattened it05:31
=== RoninGurl|Away is now known as RoninGurl
ElBrujoin lsmod i have:05:31
ElBrujozr36060                 9356  005:31
skippyok good05:31
SurfnKidyeah ill have to check SPM05:31
skippynow test the hardware out ElBrujo05:31
ElBrujozr36060                 9356  005:32
ElBrujovideocodec              7572  1 zr3606005:32
ElBrujovideodev                9344  005:32
skippygod knows how lol, ive never had a card like that05:32
nickrudDrasl1, you have mixed dapper & breezy sources there: I'd suggest replacing all of that with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 then doing a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade , then trying your codecs install again05:32
hippie23hate to ask the same quetiune again, but how do I set up yaboot(ppc bootloader) to have my OS9 install as a boot option, the only ones I have are linux and CD rom, I didnt reformat the OS9 partition, just installed ubuntu in the free space o my hard drive, I need access to OS9 for firmware updates and stuff like that05:32
fouratintelikey, cat /proc/asound/cards05:32
fourat0 [SB             ] : HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB05:32
fourat                     HDA ATI SB at 0xc0000000 irq 1105:32
skippylol SurfnKid get on synaptic and search for "fan speed"05:32
skippytheres tons of programs to adjust them05:32
SurfnKidthere's gotta be something ! :)05:32
skippyloads of progs05:32
intelikeyfourat ok dirver is installed.   try sudo alsamixer    and see what happens.05:33
=== Natja [n=lionel@st-209-235.student.fundp.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu
dizyhey skippy.. one more thing.. im trying to get my wacom table to work... it works like a regular mouse now... im following the ubuntu wiki on the subject but im not getting the same results.... after I apt-get the wacom tools and backup the xorg.conf ... it sais to edit the xorg.conf and replace all /dev/wacom orrurences into /dev/input/wacom ... but theres no mention of wacom in the file05:33
shriphanihippie23, i think you press the alt key at boot time for switching between oprating systems05:33
troy_sdizy: is it usb?05:33
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troy_sdizy:  you will need to track down what input number it is05:34
skippydizy my file has tons of the silly wacom references in it05:34
fouratALSA lib control.c:816:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL default05:34
fouratalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory05:34
skippyi can post it for you if you want05:34
skippyand you can copy and paste the stuff out05:34
troy_sdizy: and change them in your xorg or do a link.05:34
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudquicoju_, um, I was looking in my breezy chroot, didn't realize that. a few minutes05:34
shriphaniguys how do i create a mount point for an external floppy drive /05:35
intelikeyfourat ok looks like the device node may be the problem.   do  ls /dev/snd05:35
dizybut theres no mention of wacom in the file... what do i link ?05:35
intelikey!tell fourat about flood05:35
hippie23brb.. gonna try that... but doubt it will work, it lists my boot options and appropreate keys for them, but mac OS isnt one of them, just linux and cd rom05:35
coreyim downloading dapper drake server install iso now05:35
coreysomething went wrong when i upgraded05:35
intelikeyfourat please don't flood the channel05:35
shriphaniintelikey, how do i create a mount point for my external floppy ?05:35
=== freeindex [i=gfl@mmds-216-19-16-249.mm.az.commspeed.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyshriphani mkdir.05:35
troy_sthat will show you a relativly easy way to figure out what input it is on05:35
troy_susually input2 or input305:36
intelikeyshriphani a dir is a mount point05:36
shriphanimkdir /mount/floppy ?05:36
freeindexHello everyone.  For some reason when I try to open programs that require admin access, they don't start at all.05:36
intelikeysure   sudo that05:36
hippie23if it was grub it would be fixed by now05:36
freeindexDoes anyone know what I need to do?  I'm using version 5.0405:36
skippydizy http://pastebin.com/74410805:37
shriphanifreeindex which programs ?05:37
intelikeyshriphani you can't mkdir in depth without switches.  it would be     sudo mkdir /mount && sudo mkdir /mount/floppy05:37
Drasl1nickrud: thanks a bunch.  looks like the problem was that I forgot the apt-get update.  thank you.05:37
shriphaniok intelikey05:37
shriphanifreeindex, which programs ???05:37
freeindexshriphani: The package manager, for one.05:37
skippythats my file, it mght be a handy reference, but whatever you do, dont just copy the whole lot in dizy05:37
shriphanican you do a thing for me freeindex05:37
dizywell its event1 for me05:38
troy_sOption    "Device"    "/dev/wacom"     # Change to                             # /dev/input/event05:38
troy_sdid you do that test?05:38
troy_si doubt it is event105:38
troy_sdo the cat test and try event3 -- it should ONLY spew on tablet information05:38
freeindextroy_s: Sorry, I can't read what you just wrote.05:38
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troy_sonce you have your event, change the device lines in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file or do a symbollic link to the event from /dev/wacom05:38
troy_swith me dizy?05:39
shriphanipaste the contents of /etc/sources pste it to www.pastebin.com05:39
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nickrudDrasl1, yeah, those breezy sources probably wouldn't give you any issues, but I like the clarity of the sources on the paste site :)05:39
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dizyhere.. but not sure if im with you05:39
=== intelikey has three lines in sources.list
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rsewardIs any one a debootstrap expert?05:40
dizythe xorg.conf  has no mention of wacom05:40
skippymaking a chroot?05:40
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nickrudI have the regular ubuntu sources in all their obscurity, just so I'm reminded of how bad they can be05:40
rsewardTrying to install dapper on a laptop with a flaky CDROM.05:40
intelikeyhehhe nickrud05:41
rsewardI get Dapper Flight7 to install to the point where I can get a shell05:41
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse05:41
skippywhat about running a live CD?05:41
intelikeyand one for updates and one for patches05:41
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rsewardand run /usr/sbin/debootstrap dapper --arch i386 /target http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu05:41
nickrudintelikey, the best way to get sources? run thru synaptics options. I did that when I installed warty because I couldn't figure them out any other way05:42
freeindexWell, can anyone tell me the command for installing emacs?  I've only used RPM systems before.05:42
rsewardLive CD does not go very far.05:42
troy_sfreeindex:  sudo apt-get install emacs05:42
rsewardThe debootstrap works well, until it tries to download libc605:42
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troy_sfreeindex:  iirc05:42
intelikeynickrud that's the full repos minus src packages...05:42
rsewardfor some reason debootstrap is trying to download libc-i68605:43
nickrudintelikey, yeah, you have some very fine, readable sources. I know them :)05:43
freeindextroy_s: Thanks.05:43
=== tuxtheslacker [n=travis@pool-71-240-218-233.alt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudquicoju_, you still about05:43
=== Drasla [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-156-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
tuxtheslackerwhat are some programs that will test to see if you webcam got registered?05:43
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Draslais there any keyboard shortcut I can use to force-quit a program running in a terminal?05:44
nickrudDrasla, ctl-c05:44
PORDOhow do i stop nautilus from auto-opening newly mounted drives, like my usb keychain drive?05:44
PORDOthat's really annoying.05:44
intelikeywell i'm going to build a script and stick it in the initramfs.img   'if i can...'  hehhe be back when.05:44
nickrudDrasla, works 90% of the time05:44
intelikeyDrasla killall app05:44
GMullenok i'm trying to use synapitc to upgrade05:44
GMullenbut i typoed the password05:44
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freeindextroy_s: Error, and I think it's because I'm not connected to the internet.  The thing is I found the emacs package on the CD but I haven't found out how to install it.05:44
GMullenand now it's locked05:44
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GMullenwith the worng password05:45
freeindextroy_s: Double clicking on it brings up the archive manager.05:45
quicoju_why dpkg-reconfigure apt does not work on dapper?05:45
Draslaah, that worked well.05:45
=== caravena [n=caravena@100-45-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
quicoju_nickrud: done thanx =)05:45
bintrueSo I05:45
nickrudquicoju_, no idea, but I do have a potential fix for your local, and nm :)05:45
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bintrueI'm currently Dual booting Vista and Ubuntu, but I want to change Vista to XP without reinstalling Ubuntu. How do I get back to a grub loader after installing Windows?05:46
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Draslaone last question I'll try asking again: does anyone know a program that syncs two folders where I can resume a transfer if it fails partway?  (i have a rather unstable external hard drive I'm trying to unload)05:46
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maswanDrasla: rsync if you only want to sync one-way (at a time)05:47
troy_sdrasla:  rsync?05:47
intelikeyDrasla bacula maybe.   you could script diff and cp to do that05:48
intelikeybackula ?05:48
troy_sfreeindex:  use synaptic and point the installation to the cd05:48
Draslalooking into rsync.  this sounds pretty good.  thanks.05:48
skippyyou could try backuppc, it probably has a lot more functionality than you need05:48
nickrudbintrue, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:48
=== harisund [n=harisund@ip24-255-87-152.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_srsync is pretty versatile.05:48
troy_sfreeindex:  did you try using synaptic with the cd install?05:49
bintrueholy poo everything isin that wiki. Thanks nickrud05:49
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nickrudbintrue, a lot, some better, some worse. I've heard good things about that one :)05:49
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freeindextroy_s: Yeah, I just went over and tried it.05:50
troy_sbintrue -- between the search on the forums and that wiki, you are probably good to go.05:50
bintruethanks so much, google was being too vague for me05:50
troy_sfreeindex:  i think you just select the cd from the combo box and it apt-gets from there.05:50
freeindextroy_s: It seems sudo is giving me an error.  It says that it can't find plato by gethostname().05:50
=== Tylerofl [n=tyler@pool-71-113-71-17.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sfreeindex:  yes... the command line will try to access the repositories... try synaptic05:51
nickrudfreeindex, you have a serious problem there05:51
freeindextroy_s: I typed "sudo synaptic" because synaptic said it needed root access.05:51
Tyleroflhey, can someone please tell me how to execute a command during the initial load screen?05:51
freeindexnickrud: Thing is this is a clean install :(05:51
troy_sfreeindex:  have you tried synaptic from the pulldown?  i think it needs the gnome sudo05:52
intelikeydpkg dood05:52
troy_sfreeindex:  or dpkg it.  :)05:52
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ElBrujohow i know if i have v4l?05:52
Tyleroflto get the internet running, every time i have to open a console and type dhclient ra005:52
nickrudfreeindex, you have a bad /etc/hosts, sudo expects to see plato on the first line there.05:52
Tyleroflis there any way to do this during startup automatically?05:52
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=== nickrud uses greek guys for hosts as well :)
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intelikeyTylerofl init scripts05:53
freeindextroy_s: Synaptic from the pull down does nothing.05:53
Tyleroflintelikey how do i use init scripts05:53
troy_sfreeindex:  eek!  is it asking for a password?05:53
paulbhow do i get bind9 configured for domains, what is the config file syntax, i am new at this05:53
freeindexnickrud: I read a lot of philosophy :)05:53
freeindexnickrud: So you think I could just edit that file?05:53
intelikeyTylerofl /etc/init.d/bootmisc*05:53
=== bruno__ [n=bruno@200-232-203-89.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudfreeindex, type cat /etc/hosts , is plato on the first line?05:54
bruno__Hi folks!05:54
intelikeyTylerofl you don't use init scripts the system does....  put your command in bootmisc just before the exit 0 at the bottom.05:54
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freeindexnickrud: No.  All it says is:   localhost05:55
intelikeyTylerofl just like you would enter it on the command line.  except for any sudo.   the scripts are ran by init.   init is higher than root.05:55
freeindextroy_s: Sorry.  No, it's not asking for a password.05:55
jrsimsok, I guess I need to have the same kernel source on my hd for my nvidia install to work. How do I get the source tree?05:56
=== MorbidHunger [n=kenny@pool-71-108-67-174.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MorbidHunger/home/kenny/.setup22317: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:56
MorbidHungerhow do i fix that05:56
nickruderg, another dapper difference. freeindex is there a line that says,       teserias where plato replaces teserias?05:56
dario_someone speak spanish???05:56
rsewardAnyone out there a debootstrap expert???05:56
Gnugetdario_,  yup05:56
bruno__algum filha da puta que fale portugus aqui nessa bagaa?05:56
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:57
MorbidHunger<dario_>: come estas?05:57
Tyleroflthat one?05:57
ubotuwell, ntp is Network Time Protocol. Install 'ntpdate' for a simple ntp client.05:57
Healotno speak portugese05:57
Gnugetdario_,  si quieres hablar espaol checa   #ubuntu-mx, #ubuntu-es05:57
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.05:57
intelikeyTylerofl yes.05:57
dario_gracias ubotu pero solo entraba a ver un poco... no a pedir ayuda..05:57
MorbidHungeris there one for german?05:57
freeindexUbuntu is an international OS :)05:57
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dario_Bien y tu Morbid?05:57
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de05:57
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MorbidHungeri dont speak much spanish05:58
dario_ahhh, okey...05:58
nickrudfreeindex, you'll need a line in /etc/hosts that reads plato    , and have a file /etc/hostname that contains the word plato05:58
Tyleroflintelikey it says it is unable to write to file05:58
MorbidHungerim german05:58
tuxtheslackerhey, is there a copy of cpia-control available on apt-get that will install?05:59
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dario_good bye..05:59
MorbidHungertuxtheslacker> no05:59
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freeindexnickrud: Okay, I'll give it a try.05:59
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tuxtheslackerMorbidHunger, is there a replacement or alternative drive that would give support?05:59
freeindexnickrud: Do I add it to the line that already exists or replace that line?05:59
nickrudfreeindex, you may need to boot into recovery mode to create/edit those two files05:59
tuxtheslackerto cpia webcams?05:59
intelikeyTylerofl gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh05:59
MorbidHungeraccualy i donnt what your takling about05:59
tuxtheslackerMorbidHunger, ^^05:59
jrsimsok, I guess I need to have the same kernel source on my hd for my nvidia install to work. How do I get the source tree?05:59
MorbidHungeri knew if i said yes, ud ask for the command05:59
jdrakeWhen as my regular user account trying to remove this dir: drwxr-xr-x  2 jdrake users  4096 2006-05-28 23:54 download    It says permission denied. I am not sure why though. It is in the root directory of an automatically mounted volume (mounted in gnome).06:00
freeindexnickrud: I guess that means I need to learn how to use vim :)06:00
tuxtheslackerMorbidHunger, I know the command, not the package :-)06:00
nickrudfreeindex, there will be two lines with 127.0.01: one will say localhost, the other will say plato06:00
MorbidHungerwell yeah06:00
MorbidHungertahts what i meant06:00
nickrudfreeindex, use nano, it's easier.06:00
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Healoti use micro :)06:00
freeindexnickrud: Okay, I'll see if it's installed.  No weird keybindings, are there?06:01
intelikeyboot into recovery mode ?????  that's like so windowish.   yuch.06:01
Tyleroflintelikey thank you :)06:01
bit_doidaoHello All! Please, what happens if i install edubuntu-desktop? i'll get a session like edubuntu in my gdm?06:01
intelikeythis is not M$ reboot.06:01
nickrudfreeindex, no, no wierd keybindings, in fact the keybindings will be shown on screen06:01
intelikeyTylerofl np06:01
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rsewardIs dapper half-baked?06:01
Tylerofli will try now06:01
troy_sbit: i think it will flip your gdm06:01
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intelikeyanyone good with key binding ?06:02
MorbidHungerwoooo hoooo unreal tournament!06:03
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Healotintelikey: he might mean "single user" boot06:03
intelikeyrseward at least half baked.06:03
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GMullenhow do i add user greg to the sudoers group??06:03
rsewardbreezy debootstrap seems to be more reliable...06:03
zcat[1] dapper is 99% baked..06:03
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rsewarddapper debootstrap can find libc6.06:04
troy_sgmullen:  man usermod06:04
=== nickrud wonders what baked means ...
rsewarddapper debootstrap can not find libc606:04
GMullenthx troy06:04
intelikeyHealot still why reboot...  just init 106:04
troy_sgmullen:  i think it is admin not wheel too.06:04
nickrudintelikey, metacity keybindings, yes06:04
tonyyarussoGMullen: The group name is admin06:04
flaekcan someone help me get my wireless workign with wlan0?06:04
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troy_sgmullen:  also check the sudoers file06:04
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fourati have scratchy sounds with xmms and amarok, how to fix this ?06:05
MorbidHungeri love monster energy drink06:05
intelikeyGMullen you sudo usermod -G adm greg    but man usermod  first and make sure that's right.06:05
troy_sgmullen:  nevermind, in sudoers it lets all admins invoke sudo06:05
cilkayBuy an mp3 player? :)06:05
Healotfourat: buy a very good speaker, heh06:05
tuxtheslackerwhat are some programs to see if the webcam was recognized?06:05
intelikeynickrud console06:05
troy_sintel:  that's it i think.06:05
paulbhow do i config bind?06:06
ubotuHealot: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:06
fouratHealot, serious, it was good before apt-upgrade06:06
intelikeynickrud i'd like to get the windows keys functioning in console06:06
nickrudintelikey, back in the day I used an app (will will come back to mind, gimme a bit) for keybindings06:06
troy_stux:  you tried ekiga?06:07
tuxtheslacker cpia-control depends on python (<< 2.4); however:06:07
tuxtheslackerwhat does that mean?06:07
tuxtheslackerI need older than 2.4??06:07
nickrudI was building X then and never got it right, so I lived on the console06:07
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troy_sintelikey:  you tried the gnome keybinder?06:08
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intelikeyi live in the console and x works flawlessly 'afaict'06:08
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intelikeytroy_s i don't have gnome... kde  and it's not in X it's in console06:09
nickrudintelikey, back then if I couldn't compile it, I didn't run it. I'm wiser now06:09
SurfnKidPink So RuleZ stupid girl06:09
SurfnKidSkippy I found a good program GKrellM for the fan06:10
=== nickrud did get X running by the way, along with gnome
intelikeydis quatro06:10
tuxtheslackerwhat is a good webcam program?06:10
IcemanV9xload is better than gkrellm :P06:10
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intelikeynickrud did you do like i did, after a successful compile save the build dir for the next reload    ?  :)06:12
GMullenintelikey if i'm not in the sudoers group i cant sudo that06:12
flaekanyone willing to help me with wireless?????????06:12
nickrudintelikey, no, I erased it all, built lfs up again, and learned mre06:12
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nickrudintelikey, it's been too long, I don't remember the console deamon I used for keybindings06:13
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intelikeyGMullen that is one of those places where a reboot to single user mode or init=/bin/bash is the only fix.06:13
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intelikeyflaek best i can do is point you to the wiki06:14
ubotuwifi is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto06:14
intelikeyflaek ^06:14
freeindextroy_s, nickrud: Thanks you guys.  Adding that line to the hosts file seems to have done the trick.  As far as I can tell, it's installing emacs as we speak.  I appreciate the help.06:14
GMullenna i can su with the root pass ad got it working06:15
flaekintelikey: yea i have tried that, ill keep on searching though... thanks06:15
nickrudew, if I knew it was for emacs, I'd have though twice :)06:15
nickrudjaime, please, no caps, it feels like shouting :)06:16
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intelikeyflaek ask again later, maybe someone will drop in...  also if you can state specific errors and details it's easier to get answers.06:16
jaimedoes any one has tls tcl libary for the amsn06:17
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troy_sflaek:  whats your issue?06:17
ubotuI guess amsn is at http://amsn.sourceforge.net06:17
jaimei am new to this06:17
nickrudhm, no help there06:17
rsewardhow to report dapper bugs?06:17
troy_srseward:  launchpad.net/malone06:17
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MorbidHungerfear the claw!06:18
nickrudubotu's being recalcitrent lately06:18
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:18
intelikeyGMullen you run ubuntu and have a root password ?   don't you know that's illegal    and the staff will take away our internet priviledges for that..... ?06:18
tonyyarussorseward: Maybe the bot's dead.  Anyway, yeah, http://launchpad.net, click on Ubuntu, click on Bugs, report a bug.  It's pretty straightforward.06:18
=== PyroticShadow is on Ubuntu and has a root password....
intelikeyyou're trying to get us all killed.06:18
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nickrudPyroticShadow, we're happy for you06:19
GMullenyes i did know that06:19
tonyyarussointelikey: Dramatic today aren't we?06:19
GMullenis that a problem06:19
freeindexI thought that lack of root thing was kind of weird too.  I just found out about that today.  Before I didn't know what was going on.06:20
PyroticShadownickrud, was stating that because apparently it's... "illegal"....06:20
rsewardtonyyarusso - do I need to search to find out if my bug is a dup.06:20
Daweiintelikey: that's until someone comes up with a hack into sudo :)06:20
intelikeyfor shame PyroticShadow,  i'm gona tell.06:20
freeindexBut it makes sense now that I think about it.06:20
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nickrudPyroticShadow, rflol06:20
IcemanV9GMullen and PyroticShadow: you're the only one with root passwd out of 700+ ppl in here :)06:20
PyroticShadowintelikey, please do.06:20
troy_srseward:  probably and launchpad.net/malone06:20
=== intelikey sniches on PyroticShadow
tonyyarussorseward: You will make the bug triaging team very happy if you do.06:20
PyroticShadowintelikey, and then tell me what happens..06:20
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intelikeytonyyarusso hehhe    just playing...  i have a root password too06:20
rsewardSearch facilities seem limited..06:20
jaimeit is true that hackers can hack linux06:21
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nickrudPyroticShadow, if we were evil and stupid and all that stuff we'd say you were a slightly easier target than us without a root password06:21
BioVorEjaime: you can hack anything..06:21
troy_sjaime:  any computer has security flaws.06:21
intelikeyjaime very true.06:21
troy_sjaime:  if you want security and connection to the net, try www.openbsd.org06:21
=== IcemanV9 hugs sudo (great command)
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troy_sjaime:  but ultimately, there is always someone smart enough to find a hole.06:22
intelikeyonly secure box is the one with no power to it...06:22
PyroticShadowIcemanV9 sudo -i...even greater06:22
troy_sno power can still be stolen :)06:22
BioVorEjaime: security is only as good as the administrator how sets i up06:22
PyroticShadownickrud, to your comment, most anyone in here, could probably hack the shit out of me.. being I am a n00b..06:22
troy_smaybe in a concrete box 600ft below the earth06:22
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troy_sskip that... just make the computer out of concrete and it is probably unhackable.06:23
BioVorEjaime: ussualy on a large unix system, dumb users are the week link.06:23
nickrudPyroticShadow, I have used linux for years, am still a noob about security. That's why I use accepted best practices06:23
jaimeyou want to know why i am asking you people this stuff06:23
troy_sjaime:  further googles -- cdc, phrack, alt2600, l0pht.06:23
Daweiintelikey: if there's no pwer to it, there may be way to do it, too :D06:23
BioVorEdebian has a nice manual for security policy and locking down a debian based system.06:23
jdrakeIs there a way to set the permissions/owner/group on an automounted disk? Specifically I would like them to be mounted as jdrake:user06:23
tonyyarusso'cause you're curious?06:23
DJ_DanniHey shut xine noat support .nsv??06:24
intelikeyand i stated eariler in #ubuntu+1  the old "sudo is safer because they have to guess your name and passwd"  is like a no brainer for those that don't change their irc-name   i.e.   if irc-name = `whoami`     like duh.06:24
jaimeand cuase i am new to this system06:24
HealotDJ, no?06:24
nickrudintelikey, doh. best practices :)06:24
freeindexPyroMithrandir: A newb who uses elite-speak.06:24
DJ_DanniI read aboat it somwhere:S06:24
troy_sjaime:  only the commercial operating systems will kid you about security (read apple and microsoft)06:24
DJ_DanniAAHH on Winamp Forum06:24
freeindexSorry for the off-topic.06:25
intelikeyDawei hehhe if you can hack an unpowered box.  you have solved the worlds energy problems...06:25
troy_sjaime:  the most proactively secure operating system is by far openbsd.  you can learn a lot from how they code.06:25
=== dizy [n=dizy@ool-18ba6f63.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sdizy sort your wacom out?06:25
rusakk0my biggest security varrant is that I dont have anything important on my computer so it is not worth hacking into :D06:25
Healotthe secure by default claim of OpenBSD creator is somewhat true06:25
rusakk0unless someone wants my school papers written in Finnish ;)06:26
troy_srusakk0:  your insecurity might not be data06:26
dizyi followed allt eh instructions but the tablet still acts like a regular mouse06:26
troy_srusakk0:  everyone's insecurity is everyone's problem.  period.  data or not.06:26
BioVorEHealot: it true because openbsd dosn;t come with anything installed :-P06:26
Daweiintelikey: well, for starters, turn the power on to it...06:26
tonyyarussotopyli: Have any use for rusakk0's papers?06:26
troy_sdizy:  regarding pressure sensitivity?06:26
jaimeis there a security for linux06:26
troy_sbiovore:  ignorant statement06:26
BioVorEjaime: yes..06:26
dizyno pressure sensitivity06:26
Healotthe word is resource... it could be data, your processing power, your printer, etc06:26
DaweiI've been thinking of gong to the Univ of Helsinki06:26
intelikeyrusakk0 ditto06:26
jaimeok what does that does06:26
rusakk0haha, i can e-mail them for ya :)06:26
troy_sbiovore:  do some research before you state such a buffonary statement such as that06:26
BioVorEtroy_s: maybe.. but its mostly true..06:26
BioVorEtroy_s: I run a openbsd box06:27
intelikeyDawei then it no longer qualifies06:27
troy_sbiovore:  not even close by a long shot06:27
troy_sbiovore:  random pids, random memory allocation, blowfish encryption by default, partitioned structure, just to name a few06:27
Daweiintelikey: shucks.06:27
troy_sbiovore:  the list is huge.  it is secure because it is well coded and proactive.  NOT because it has zero ports.06:27
BioVorEtroy_s: I am talking about services.. i think it only installs ssh06:27
BioVorEwitch is a good thing06:28
troy_sbiovore:  that is just the tip of the iceberg.  who do you think wrote ssh?06:28
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BioVorEwell hmm its call openbsd06:28
BioVorEopen ssh06:28
dizytroy_s  do you have any ideas?06:28
=== nickrud is freaking glad he's not an admin of a real installation, he gets to sleep at night
troy_sdizy:  you using gimp?06:28
topylitonyyarusso: not really. maybe we could just delete them (better just to move them around a bit to demonstrate a point :)06:28
intelikeyjaime several apps in the repos will help you harden your box if you are interested.   apt-cache search security06:28
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dizyyea.. i treid pressure in gimp.. no go06:28
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troy_sdizy:  hold on06:29
DJ_DanniHey do you know where i can get som Player Who Support .nsv Streams??06:29
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jaimei got to do that in the terminal right06:29
troy_sdizy:  you turned it on in gimp under file-prefs-> extended input?06:29
PORDO_who_ supports?  your player is a human?06:29
tonyyarussotopyli: (that would be fun)06:29
HealotDJ_Danni: try xmms.org06:29
Healotcheck out the plugin06:29
tuxtheslackerhey guys, what's a webcam program?06:29
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DJ_DanniDo you mean the xmms Player??06:29
tonyyarussoDJ_Danni: What are those?06:29
troy_sdizy:  and you configured all three?>06:29
tuxtheslackerlike where can I get one to check to see if this thing works?06:29
DJ_DanniThat are TV Stream used on Shoutcast06:30
troy_sdizy:  wow.  and you are sure you are on the right input?06:30
DJ_DanniThey are in .nsv06:30
IcemanV9tuxtheslacker: apt-cache search webcam06:30
DaweiI've been hacking for 20 years now and the only things that I've seen to be invulnerable are places I don't want to put the time into, or do the time for.06:30
troy_sdizy:  i know i had to fiddle to get mine, ultimately it was my input was input was set to the wrong one... mine was on 306:30
PyroMithrandir"<freeindex> PyroMithrandir: A newb who uses elite-speak." ??06:30
dizydo you want me to show you my xorg.conf06:30
troy_sdizy you can msg me06:31
nickrudDJ_Danni, mplayer (according to gentoo) is supposed to play nsv , do you have a stream to test?06:31
tonyyarussoDawei: What are the usually vulnerabilities?  (/msg or -offtopic if you want - wondering what mistakes I've probably made ;) )06:31
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dizymsg troy_s .06:31
jaimeok does any one know how can i play the music files06:31
dizydamnit.. how06:32
troy_sdawei:  google phrack, cdc, l0pht, alt2600 and start doing some reading06:32
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troy_ssorry... that was targetting tonyyarusso06:32
DJ_DanniDid that Woork?06:32
tonyyarussotroy_s: Thanks06:32
jaimedoes anyone know how can i play a mp file06:33
intelikeytonyyarusso if he answers that msg me06:33
troy_sjaime:  mp3?  mp4?  mp2?06:33
nickrudDJ_Danni, a sec, I have to reinstall mplayer (a side effect of the wvidal fiasco)06:33
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intelikeycurious as a cat....06:33
DJ_DanniThe application can not be found in your archive. This usually means that it is not available for your hardware plattform.06:33
deameyeswhat is used in ubuntu for "gcc_select"?06:33
DJ_DanniThis Error i get when i try to Install him:S06:33
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troy_sjaime:  wiki.ubuntu.com search for restricted formats.06:33
freeindexPyroMithrandir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet06:33
nickrudDJ_Danni, working here with mplayer06:34
tonyyarussojaime: Don't even have to search.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:34
DJ_DanniThe application can not be found in your archive. This usually means that it is not available for your hardware plattform.06:34
=== seek [n=seek@24-107-223-105.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DJ_DanniKnow this error?06:34
PyroMithrandirfreeindex, no, I figured it out, you used tab complete after someone else whose name started with "Pyro" left :P06:34
nickrudlousy music with a yellow window06:34
DJ_DanniWhere can i download MPlayer?06:34
freeindexPyroMithrandir: Oh! Crap :)06:34
troy_sdizy:  you will need to register your handle at freenode to do private msgs here.06:35
tonyyarussoDJ_Danni: What platform?06:35
DJ_DanniLinux Ubuntu06:35
troy_sdj_danni:  platform means architecture06:35
DJ_DanniWhat do you mean?:$06:35
jaimeit didn`t find anything06:35
troy_sdj_danni:  amd64, i386, macppc06:35
tonyyarussoDJ_Danni: Yeah, we need better words.06:35
DJ_Dannihang on06:35
troy_sjaime: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:35
troy_sdj_danni:  uname -r from a cli06:36
tonyyarussoDJ_Danni: and if i386 whether it's old or new (P3, etc.)06:36
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:36
nickrudDJ_Danni, I think it's using the w32codecs to play that, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for windows codecs,06:36
ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439906:36
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intelikeyanyone play with --> harden-tools - Tools to enhance or analyze the security of the local system   ?06:37
deameyeswhat is used in ubuntu for "sudo gcc_select"?06:37
troy_sdj_danni:  open up a cli and type "uname -r"06:37
dizytroy_s  http://dizy.cc/xorg.conf06:37
tonyyarussointelikey: Nope.  Might well check it out now...06:37
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DJ_DanniWhere can i found that?06:37
jaimeok i am in the page so what do i do know06:37
troy_sdizy:  i am almost certain it won't be event1 diz06:37
troy_sdizy:  did you cd into that dev dir and do a cat on it?  then wiggle the pen around.06:38
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tonyyarussointelikey: I like the disclaimer in the package description.  hehe.06:38
intelikeytroy_s or he could  /exec -o uname -r  in here even06:38
dizyill go try other events06:38
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troy_sintel:  way way way too l33t4m306:38
troy_sintel:  i'm a kludge.06:38
intelikeyhehhe tonyyarusso yeah06:38
nickrudDJ_Danni, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see alternate media players & windows codecs06:39
jaimehi lilandra06:39
ubotusomebody said mp3 was a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:39
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LilandraIs it ok to ask for help here?06:39
troy_slilandra: absolutely.  its ubuntu. read the code of conduct06:39
troy_slilandra:  anyone who installs it should abide by the code of conduct.06:39
shao_lodoes anyone know if firefox/java on dapper drake is known crash problem?06:39
troy_slilandra:  that means we are at your service.06:39
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dizytroy_s   btw... on the forum it sais to   dmesg | grep wacom ... and i should get something back... but i dont get anything back06:40
deameyesok "sudo gcc_select" doesn't work, any ideas?06:40
dizyduno if that matterns06:40
troy_sshao_lo:  32 or 64 bit?06:40
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DarkJesus# Appears as HUGH06:40
LilandraSo,  my friend has a win xp machine wirelessly connected to the net and wants to use a crossover cable and nics to share with his ubuntu machine06:40
troy_sdizy:  just try the cat on event2 or 3 for me :)06:40
Lilandrabut ubuntu'sn ot recognizing the net...06:40
troy_sdizy: pretty please.06:40
nickruddeameyes, sudo apt-get install build-essential, it's always taken care of any gcc stuff for me06:40
intelikeyinstalls it & code of conduct ?      errr i thought code of conduct applied to this channel  not the os   ?06:40
nickruddeameyes, erm, except maybe that, cuz I didin't read06:41
troy_slilandra:  not thru a crossover.  easiest solution is to buy a 10 dollar hub or router.06:41
deameyesI did the build-essential install already, should I try it again?06:41
Lilandrayeah, but if he currently has a crossover?06:41
troy_slilandra, otherwise you are going to need to do a little setup.  i THINK firestarter will deal with that.06:41
nickruddeameyes, no, but what are you expecting to do with that command?06:41
Healotdeameyes: sure you can reinstall, but is there  a need to?06:41
LilandraHm, I thought I did it once before without firestarter06:41
dizyi treid even 2 and 0 .. nothing... event1 does it06:41
troy_slilandra:  internet connection sharing thru firestarter.  but don't take my word for it.  seem to recall reading about it somewhere.06:41
shao_lotroy_s: its 64 bit06:41
deameyeschang gcc to 3.306:41
troy_slil:  possible, but i seem to remember that good old crossover needs some setup06:42
troy_sshao:  there is no java or flash for 64bit...06:42
troy_sshao:  wiki.ubuntu.com search for flash java amd64 and you will have your page.06:42
=== DarkJesus [n=priestof@cpc1-gree2-0-0-cust487.brnt.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu []
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:42
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-67-172-190-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickruddeameyes, 4.0 is normal, and 3.4  & 3.3 are available (apt-get install gcc-3.x06:42
jaimei cant get to handle it06:42
troy_sshao:  and once you finish jumping through the hoops, send some pleasant mail to sun to speed up open sourcing java and adobe to open source their flash06:42
tonyyarussointelikey: CoC applies to all activities relating to Ubuntu - channel, projects, mailing lists, LUGs, wiki, ...06:43
nickruddeameyes, do you really need 3.3?06:43
troy_shealot:  64 bit he said06:43
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Healotshao_lo: you can actually install+run a 32bit Firefox with Flash player :)06:43
deameyesyea, it's for podzilla compiling06:43
jaimedo any one of you got e-mail so i can add you so you can please help me06:43
shao_lotroy_s: is 64 bit java for firefox not going to make it into dapper drake?06:43
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intelikeytroy_s if i read Lilandra correctly the xp box will be the server/router not the linux box06:43
troy_sjaime:  irc is probably your best bet... search the forums, then the wiki or vice versa, then come here.06:43
nickruddeameyes, then sudo apt-get install gcc-3.3 , then when you compile, export CC='gcc-3.3'06:43
troy_sintel:  run with it.06:44
=== nutterpc_ [n=nutterpc@203-158-55-208.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidgive it to me baby ahh ahh good song06:44
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Lilandrathat's it cuz it's an old laptop without wireless06:44
SurfnKidIm pretty fly for a white guy06:44
troy_sok well i'm not so good at thinking or reading.06:44
HealotI am pretty fly for a non-white guy06:44
Lilandrajoe_user: can't send private messages06:44
=== jessy_ [n=jessy@4va54-1-81-56-98-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sthen setup xp for sharing.  or better yet, throw ms out the window and use open source software for a free world.06:44
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intelikeyyeah. tonyyarusso but not the os.  ie ubuntu is not responsable if i hack the pentigon and has no code of conduct that regulates that....    (not a hacker, just an example)06:45
Lilandrajoe_user: well trying to help my friend06:45
SurfnKidElinks rocks06:45
deameyesnickrud if I install 3.3 will it switch over to it?06:45
nickrudHealot, that has rhythm :) (me is just over the edge, some times)06:45
=== La_PaRCa [n=sergio@cable200-116-8-96.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
Lilandrajoe_user: we're hoping to setup ip addresses06:45
troy_slil:  i think its ics06:45
SurfnKidreminds me of back in 1992 when http was text based06:45
joe_userLilandra: are you having probs with loading the network driver?06:45
Healottroy_s: some people prefer Microsoft products, it is a matter of you much you know :)06:45
troy_slil: in xp06:45
=== WorkerJ [n=opera@gateway.tosu-tashiro-j.ed.jp] has joined #ubuntu
WorkerJI'm on windows. aside from VLC, what's a free mpeg player i can download?06:45
nickruddeameyes, not by default, that's why I mentioned the export CC= thing06:45
troy_sworker:  vlc, mplayer06:45
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HealotWorkerJ: Windows MEdia Player06:45
WorkerJHealot: but it wont' play my mpeg files06:45
Lilandrajoe_user: i'm not sure06:46
jaimewhere is the wiki network i dont see it on my irx06:46
intelikeycodes of conduct only apply where responsability and therefore authority apply.06:46
WorkerJtroy_s: but mplayer doesn't have gui06:46
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troy_sworkerj:  figure out the wrapper.  figure out the codec.  mplayer will play everything more or less.06:46
joe_userLilandra, is this temporary or permanent?06:46
HealotWorkerJ: WMP plays MPEG files fine06:46
tonyyarussointelikey: True.  (Although I'll look the other way if you do....)06:46
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troy_sworkerj:  mplayer doesn't but there are 1000000 guis written for it.06:46
Healotif you're thinking of MPEG-2/4, then it can't. WorkerJ06:46
samuel_Can You burn an iso in ubuntu if so how06:46
troy_sworkerj:  and when you migrate to open source, you get a gui as a bonus... something to look forwards to.06:46
DJ_Danniok lol i am Downloading MPlayer06:46
zcat[1] you just need codecs06:46
nickrudWorkerJ, xine will play just about anything that mplayer does, and mplayer does come with a gui: gmplayer06:46
Lilandraok, i'm trying to help my friend over IIM06:46
=== laserline [n=laserlin@68-190-216-164.dhcp.psdn.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
troy_ssamuel:  right click burn image06:47
DJ_DanniAcivare where is that?06:47
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Lilandraso i don't know all the answers06:47
=== dfgs [n=John@12-218-138-62.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lilandrai'll try to see if i can get him on an irc channel06:47
tonyyarussosamuel_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningISOHowto iirc06:47
troy_slil:  internet connection sharing methinks.06:47
WorkerJnickrud: and mplayer with gui is available for windows?06:47
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jayrod06does any one no of a way to get the quicktime encoders into ubuntu?06:47
intelikeytonyyarusso if i do.... i'll look the other way too.  at san quenton06:47
troy_slilandra:  internet connection sharing.06:47
Lilandrano irc06:47
Lilandraright, the sharing from windows is fine06:47
nickrudWorkerJ, no clue, I don't have a windows install I use06:47
Lilandrait's accessing it on ubuntu06:47
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samuel_is dapper comin out june 1st ? or could it be any time06:47
zcat[1] http://www.free-codecs.com/download/K_Lite_Codec_Pack.htm  -- codec pack that will let WMP play mpeg, divx, DVD's, etc etc...06:47
troy_sjay:  quicktime is laden.  maybe a different wrapper?  if you insist, i think ffmpeg can do it.06:48
Healotsamuel_: next week, we can be certain...06:48
jayrod06well quicktime's aac encoder has been rated best by listening tests so06:48
spikebeverything is patent laden when it comes to video06:48
joe_userLilandra, ask him if he can ping the IP address on the other side of the crossover cable06:48
zcat[1] klite will also let WMP play quicktime and Real..06:48
=== james050286 [n=james@cpe-72-228-246-210.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
james050286how do i view .wmv files with ubuntu?06:49
tonyyarussosamuel_: Yes, June 1.06:49
troy_sspikeb: there are a few options actually.  theora.06:49
zcat[1] !w32codecs06:49
ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439906:49
intelikeyjames050286 i don't know how you do but i use vlc06:49
tonyyarussojames050286: ^^06:49
laserlinejames050286: w32codecs and install VLC Media Player06:50
ubotumethinks vlc is a video/audio player that supports almost everything - See http://www.videolan.org/ for more information (VLC is in the universe repository)06:50
tonyyarussoAh, the redundance.06:50
=== kestas [n=kestas@ppp171-130.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_slilandra:  any luck?06:50
zcat[1] or gstreamer plugins..06:50
Lilandrainfo overload...:)06:50
troy_stony:  part of the game helping newer folks.06:50
kestashey, I'd like to order some ubuntu 6.06 CDs now, the front page seemed to give me the impression I could do this06:50
=== Managu [n=swalker@c-69-243-62-84.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_slilandra:  any luck?06:50
Lilandranot yet06:50
kestasbut the shipit page does't say which version it ships06:50
troy_skestas:  launchpad and signup, it will tell you there what version.06:51
nickrudtonyyarusso, tired of saying the same thing over and over ? :)06:51
kestasso Im not sure if it'll send me 5.10 or reserve me 6.0606:51
jayrod06only dapper cd's now06:51
zcat[1] kestas: Yeah, you can order them now. I ordered 10 ubuntu and 10 kubuntu yesterday06:51
troy_skestas:  i believe they are dappers now06:51
jayrod06no more 5.1006:51
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spikebi ordered mine ten days ago06:51
tonyyarussokestas: It is doing Dapper (6.06) as of recently06:51
zcat[1] they won't get shipped for a few days yet though :)06:51
kestasokay, thanks06:51
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tonyyarussonickrud: I was just laughing at the bot calls at the same time.06:51
troy_shey dizy, you get wacom done?06:51
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intelikeytonyyarusso i'm lagging 32seconds... i can type an answer to a question and then read 10 answers before mine posts06:51
zcat[1] !botsnack06:51
nickrudintelikey, that sucks, where are you?06:52
Lilandranetwork is unreachable06:52
troy_swow... this ubuntu popularity is very very promising.  i am impressed as hell.06:52
tonyyarussointelikey: I kow the feeling.  (Dialup is so much fun.)06:52
troy_slilandra:  ipconfig /all and see if the box has an ip06:52
nickruddialup is back in my future, will it be that bad ...06:52
troy_slilandra:  sorry on the ubuntu box it is ifconfig06:52
Lilandrai was wndering06:52
Lilandrawe're going to try to manually change ip addresses?06:52
troy_slilandra:  you can set one06:53
intelikeynickrud down town USA   but like tonyyarusso said dialup is such fun06:53
dizysame thing06:53
tonyyarussonickrud: I'm surviving...  Gotta let aptitude run overnight for keeping up with Dapper though.06:53
dizyyou saw my msg about event ?06:53
troy_slilandra:  pretty simple via the gnome... put it on the subnet as the windows box so they can see each other.  if windblows is put it to
dizyi tried both 0 and 206:53
dizyonly event1 does something06:53
troy_sdizy:  does it respond on three?06:53
nickrudtonyyarusso, I have some scripts I'll be dusting off for that, but I've never irc'd on dialup. ouch06:53
intelikeynickrud if you try dist-upgrade and irc at one time.  it will be that bad.06:53
troy_sdizy:  many seem to be on three06:53
dizytried it as well06:53
troy_sdizy:  1?06:53
Lilandrawindows has a mask of
jayrod06hey tony how's minneapolis doing06:54
Lilandrathanks joe_user06:54
nickrudintelikey, I'll note that06:54
zcat[1] I'm setting up a machine for a guy that just wants to buy stuff online and surf porn. His last machine got a dialler and rang up $600 in calls to some country we'd never heard of. This time he's getting dapper!06:54
troy_sdizy:  yah, try the gamut06:54
tonyyarussonickrud: It's only really bad if I'm trying to do an aptitude upgrade and play in #ubuntu-trivia at the same time06:54
joe_usersho nuff06:54
intelikeytonyyarusso 10-4 on the night-overs06:54
spikebzcat[1] : sweet lol06:54
dizyi duno what gamut is06:54
tonyyarussojayrod06: Hot.  Disgustingly so.  Third day in a row in the 90s tomorrow.06:54
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nickrud!dict gamut06:54
jayrod06ya its bad here to06:54
troy_sdizy:  well i tried 0 and it responded, but it was only on event3 that i got activity ONLY from the pad.06:54
spikebtonyyarusso: same here06:54
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nickrudheh. cafuego needs to add a dictionary to ubotu06:55
jayrod06the worst thing about graduation is so much free time and no macbook for 2 days06:55
dizyfor event3 it actually just sais no such file or dir06:55
jayrod06damn holidays and business days06:55
troy_sdizy:  so try them all... if it insists its 1, and you can config it in gimp, and it is turned, on... i'm out of guesses.  it SHOULD work.06:55
dizyevent0 responds but no activity06:55
tonyyarussonickrud: It had one at one time.  A lot of those types of features only work in /msg or -offtopic though06:55
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intelikeywe've been upper 90's06:55
troy_sdizy:  i did eventually get mine up.06:55
troy_swith pressure sensitivity06:56
nickrudtonyyarusso, right after I said that, I could just imagine about 20 lines of text scrolling by ,,,06:56
dizyi have the intuos 3.. new one.. maybe thats the problem06:56
troy_sdizy:  but the problem was all through the prefs in gimp.  not the driver issue.  all setup through extended input devices.06:56
troy_sdizy:  oh crappers!06:56
troy_sdizy:  yep... hold on... i thought it was a graphire... hold.06:56
=== Drasl1 [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-156-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Lilandratroy_s: do i need to set a gateway for the xp box? even if it's the gateway06:56
tonyyarussoOkay, it's not so bad yet, but keeping in mind that we're going to have an onslaught of people in here when Dapper releases, just a friendly reminder that we have #ubuntu-offtopic for ALL non-support discussion (so we should try to limit the fluff so we can see the questions).  :)06:56
troy_slil:  no, but the linny box will need the xp box as gate.06:57
samuel_Am looking for a download mirror for dapperdrake latest beta am in NZ06:57
samuel_can anyone help06:57
=== intelikey could do a /word gamut for nickrud but that script is non-descriminant it will get me kicked.
=== haro [n=haro@20158110136.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Hobbsee!tell samuel_ about mirrors06:57
Drasl1where can I put scripts to load on start-up?06:57
DaweiBug report time on a Breezy>Dapper update! I did 3 "sudo apt-get -f install"s to get things going, once from an "x-less" environment, because the installation screwed up "x". In the process: 1) My sound no longer works. (I have an nVidia card) 2) I had to re-install a few programs that I had running before, they just disappeared. To put it mildly... whoever said that Dapper Drake was ready to release was not looking at life the way that I l06:58
nickrudintelikey, word :unknown command :)06:58
nickrudintelikey, oh, nm I see06:58
tonyyarussoDrasl1: /etc/rc2.d/bootmisc.sh I think.06:58
troy_sdizy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WacomTabletIssue?highlight=%28intuos%2906:58
tonyyarussoDrasl1: Or just /etc/rc2.d/ in general.06:58
intelikeyDrasl1 /etc/init.d/   and link it via update-rc.d06:58
deameyesanyone know what error 2 means?06:58
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tonyyarussoDawei: Did you submit them in Launchpad yet?06:59
intelikeynickrud it's a bash script i wrote that does dict look-ups06:59
samuel_found one...what do i download I want an iso ftp://ftp.citylink.co.nz/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/06:59
=== PyroticShadow [n=PyroticS@24-72-195-37.cm-dynip.usadig.com] has joined #ubuntu
dizythanks troy.. ill give that a shot.. gotta get some food now... maybe ill catch you later06:59
nickrudintelikey, yes, I'd like to see it here ;P06:59
dizythanks for all the help06:59
Drasl1wait, is it /etc/init.d, /etc/rc2.d, or both?06:59
troy_sdawei:  the problem with sound is nvidia, NOT linux06:59
tonyyarussoDrasl1: intelikey's way is more correct I think06:59
zcat[1] Dawei: it might be better off the CD. I did an update to Breezy that way and X broke but otherwise it wasn't too bad. Dapper broke _everything_ but that was beta206:59
=== PyroticShadow needs help. figureing out how to re-add something to his panel, in which he accidently removed in the first place... the currently running programs thing.. where it shows e.g."Firestarter...aMSN"... etc..
nickrudDrasl1, the actual script resides in /etc/init.d/ , but it'll be linked into /etc/rc2.d07:00
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troy_sdawei:  if nvidia had open sourced their specs, sound would not be an issue for their chips.  let them know.07:00
Drasl1k.  thanks.07:00
nickrudDrasl1, ls -l /etc/rc2.d/* will show you how it's done07:00
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tonyyarussoPyroticShadow: right-click Add to panel, do you see it in the list?07:00
spikebPyroticShadow: that's called notification area07:00
Daweitonyyarusso: it seems that almost all of the bugs are mentioned but not confirmed.07:00
samuel_ftp://ftp.citylink.co.nz/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/ What do I download for dapper?07:00
zcat[1] major bugs three days from release? Not good :(07:01
tonyyarussoDawei: Ah.  Might want to comment that you second them at least.  (Not sure who's responsible for marking them confirmed...)07:01
Daweitroy_s: I would agree, except that nVidia ran fine with Breezy.07:01
intelikey#Gamut /Gamut/ (?), n. [F. gamme + ut the name of a musical note. F. gamme is fr. the name of the Greek letter ?, which was used by Guido d'Arezzo to represent the first note of his model scale. See Gamma, and Ut.]  (Mus.) The scale.07:01
troy_ssamuel:  http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/07:01
intelikeynickrud that ^07:01
intelikey/word gamut   <--- was that07:01
PyroticShadowspikeb...you saved my life..07:01
tonyyarussosamuel_: What exactly are you looking for?  (Live w/installer or old text-mode installer, architecture?)07:01
spikebPyroticShadow: sweet :)07:01
troy_sdawei:  still, breaking sound is ultimately due to closed source issues.  you will be able to get it back up, but i advise you to buy a card for 10 bucks with a known chipset as the oss proprietary drivers for nvidia stink to put it mildly.07:01
=== zcat[1] is still trying to fix Bug #1 .. :)
nickrudintelikey, hrm, and I thought gamut was, 'to heck and back'07:01
PyroticShadowspikeb Thanks billions and then some :D07:02
peruanohi guys, somebody can tell me if this is right,   mount -t vfat/dev/fd0/media/floppy , after that i do this : cd /media/floppy , but still, i can't see my floppy07:02
spikebPyroticShadow: no problem07:02
nickrudzcat[1] , it's a lifetime goal07:02
zcat[1] one desktop at a time...07:02
=== lakcaj [n=lakcaj@wnpgmb02dc1-58-53.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
samuel_I'm looking to install dapper drake latest beta....dont care if its live installer or just installer.....07:02
troy_sdawei:  also, proprietary drivers get all hooped if you did any sort of custom work.  just the nature of the beast and the downside of closed sources.  again, this isn't the open source community's fault -- its the vendor.  let them know that you are now educated and dislike their stance on their drivers.07:02
zcat[1] I think vista's going to help us with bug #1 though..07:02
samuel_i want a fast link...07:02
nickrudzcat[1] , there have been some doozies in the last couple of days07:02
troy_ssamuel:  did you try that link i showed you?07:03
troy_ssamuel: you can pull fast off that site generally.07:03
=== AlmtyBob [i=AImtyBob@ip68-105-68-221.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussosamuel_: Kind of computer?  (ix86, AMD64, macppc?)07:03
Lilandrahow do you restart a nic? does it automatically restart after you enter new info?07:04
tonyyarussozcat[1] : Sure seems like it.07:04
troy_ssamuel:  good luck from there.07:04
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troy_slilandra:  sudo ifdown eth007:04
intelikeynickrud according to the info on that, it hit the 1925 websters dict for that def.   other books are avalable.07:04
troy_slilandra:  sudo ifup eth007:04
troy_slilandra:  or you can issue restart to the networking script07:04
Lilandrait worked07:04
ubotuDictionary 'gamut' (2 shown): the entire scale of musical notes ;; a complete extent or range: "a face that expressed a gamut of emotions".07:04
nickrudintelikey, I'm thinking of the phrase ' run the gamut '07:04
samuel_I ditched Windows XP cuz I love gnome07:05
troy_slilandra:  if you do that through gnome, i think it automatically downs and ups.07:05
AlmtyBobok maybe someone can help me with this, I have an ASUS A8n5x with three hard drives.  The main drive in SATA1, and the other two in SATA2 and SATA4.  I got a new drive I want to add and when I plug it in to SATA3, grub claims /sda1 doesn't exist07:05
nickrudoh, ubotu finally answerd07:05
=== jayrod06 [n=jarrod@adsl-61-0-195.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lilandrait's working!07:05
tonyyarussoWhoa!  cdimage has cool icons!07:05
troy_salmty:  only when you plug into channel 3?07:05
samuel_Windows XP is for retards like my wife.07:05
AlmtyBobas if my mobo is rearranging the SATA ports, though nothing in the bios seems odd.  I also tried not adding the new drive, but rather changing the drive that was on SATA4 to SATA3 instead, same problem07:05
AlmtyBobyah troy_s07:05
Amaranthi forget, how do you get a list of everything that's connected to the internet?07:05
AlmtyBobANYTHING in SATA3 = no good07:05
nickrud!dict retard07:05
Amaranthwhat command is it?07:05
nickrudsee what comes back, and how long07:06
troy_salmty:  doesn't sound great there brother.  make sure your firmware is updated on the bios...07:06
tonyyarussosamuel_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/flight-7/dapper-install-i386.iso.torrent or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/flight-7/dapper-live-i386.iso.torrent (just remove the .torrent from the end if not enough peers)07:06
troy_samaranth:  ifconfig -a07:06
jayrod06why do you want flight 7?07:07
Amaranthwhat programs are talking on what ports07:07
Lilandraok, i am oging and thanks! nice meeting you all07:07
nickrudAmaranth, netstat -tu ?07:07
=== dracflamloc [n=dracflam@c-68-51-207-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_slil:  good luck. spread the faith.07:07
=== Madpilot [n=brian@S0106001150603f7d.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudAmaranth, ah, netstat -plantu07:07
=== troy_s is out.
drumline_anyone here running an AM2 dual core with Xen or VMWare?07:08
intelikeyhmmmm  yuch.  tty6 [root#~]  lilo07:08
intelikeyFatal: Empty map section07:08
troy_sx2 here but native dapper.07:08
Madpilotgreetings, Ubuntubers07:08
samuel_wow it's fast07:08
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intelikeybut the map file is good and the map=/boot/map is good in lilo.conf  so what gives ?07:08
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=== dust_ [n=bradley@MTL-ppp-144503.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidwhoa i got ubuntu to print thru the network to an XP box :D07:09
drumline_troy: how does it run?07:09
nickrudSurfnKid, kudos07:09
drumline_comparitively with regular core?07:09
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SurfnKidwow too much for one night07:09
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jayrod06how many updates will there be june 1st07:09
jayrod06if ive been up to date the day before07:10
DaweiTroy_s: I've got what i got, and I have no hankering to go out to buy hardware because of an update deficiency. Somehow M$ can get it right =and Ubuntu got it right last time=... I didn't change the card, Ubuntu changed the playing field. So I don't go with the "nvidia's at fault, OS community's not at fault" thing - fault is irrelevant, results are the way we determine what succeeds.07:10
intelikeytty7 [root#~]  lilo -q07:10
intelikeyLinux           *07:10
dust_hello. i feel like my cpu is running too hot, does anyone know what a safe cpu temp is?07:10
nickrudjayrod06, if you are going from breezy to dapper, hundreds of megabytes07:10
intelikeythe map file is good.....   hmmmm a bug?07:10
jayrod06nah ive got dapper now07:10
babohow do I 'put' a directory in ftp ?07:10
kestasdust_: <60ish07:10
spikebMS can get stuff right because they don't have philosophy guiding them, other than make money07:10
=== spikeb shrugs
kestasbabo: man ftp07:11
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dust_kestas: would 64-68 be acceptable?07:11
babokestas: I've read it ...07:11
Noah0504Yeah...I'm guessing the RC of Dapper will automatically upgrade to Dapper Final?07:11
nickrudspikeb, no, they can make things work, beccause they don't have philosophy guiding them, other than make money07:11
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drumline_It's going to be interesting...  running Linux Vmware with XP as a guest...   I've always done it the other way around.07:11
nickrudspikeb, work ne right often07:12
spikebnickrud: well, yes, that is what i meant, heh07:12
dust_kestas: sorry i just say the <07:12
jayrod06sorry guys but 2 days from now, ill be all about os x07:12
MadpilotNoah0504, yes07:12
DarkEDcould someone help me with a diversion problem?07:12
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Noah0504Good stuff.07:12
intelikeynickrud "they can make things work, beccause they don't have philosophy guiding them, other than make money"   <--- must be talking about M$ ?07:13
DarkEDany help would be appreciated, I dont know how to delete the old driver's diversion so i can install the new driver07:13
nickrudintelikey, right in one07:13
kestasbabo: oh a dir07:13
sr71What is Kalzuim07:13
kestasbabo: no you cant do that07:13
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drumline_jay: why is that?07:13
jayrod06macbook comes 2 days from now07:13
drumline_ahh...  nice07:14
=== spikeb runs dapper on his mac mini
Amaranthspikeb: me too07:14
drumline_joyrod06: what do you think of all those chaps pirating and hacking OSX and putting it on their own hardware?07:14
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NitroRebelapt-get is the greatest thing. Ever.07:14
jayrod06well if they have the intelligence to do so then awesome07:14
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spikebaptitude is greater07:15
GTarAnyone help mounting a Windows drive over VPN?07:15
jayrod06but i probably pay higher costs for it07:15
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drumline_GTar: windows share?07:15
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nickrudDarkED, where did you get that deb?07:15
jayrod06windows xp < ubuntu < os x07:15
drumline_joyrod: well.. yeah you do pay higher costs...  But that all gets fed into the development of OSX, which you enjoy.07:15
GTarI think so, already connected to VPN using pptp-linux/pptpconfig07:15
DarkEDstupid connection07:15
GTarJust need to mount07:15
kestasjayrod06: hahahah you own a MAC07:16
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jayrod06yea why is that funny?07:16
jayrod06mac's kick ass07:16
drumline_GTar: alright...   Open up Konquerer or your file explorer07:16
NitroRebelThe OSX is a bad ass machine07:16
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dust_does anyone know how to adjust the cpu fan settings?07:16
nickrudDarkED, because the version doesn't match anything from dapper or breezy that I can see07:17
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drumline_Gtar: smb://IPADDRESS/07:17
jayrod06my opinion is that most people that run linux do so because they hate windows but don't have a mac07:17
SurfnKiddust what kind of pc u got07:17
jayrod06get a mac and you'll never leave os x07:17
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DarkEDok sorry bout that lol07:17
GTarOk, I don't have an IP address of the drive, got something like //drive/folder07:17
=== spikeb has a mac and has left osx
DarkEDhow do i get rid of the old driver's diversion so i can install the new one?07:17
kestasthey cost way too much, theyre impossible to upgrade, steve jobs is so full of shit with his benchmarks ( Core Duo is 5x faster than PowerPC, when it was PowerPC PowerPC was 5x faster than the P4.. but Core Duo simply isn't 25x faster than P4)07:18
jayrod06well that was dumb07:18
SurfnKidim using GKrellM but i havent seen any fan boost speed07:18
dust_SurfnKid: it's a toshiba satellite 520007:18
drumline_MacOSX is a badass OS...   I know a guy with a G5 and it friggin screams07:18
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tonyyarussojayrod06: I actually wasn't a huge fan of OS X for me.  It's very very impressive, just not _me_.  Oh well.  Gnome suits me fine.07:18
drumline_kestas: that's why they moved to Intel.  duh!  :)07:18
SurfnKidgo to the SPM and search for fan, there is a toshiba package for fan settings last i checked07:18
nickrudDarkED, you need an ubuntu compatible deb. On the face of it, that is not one07:18
kestasyou have to buy all the software for them, and if you dont like to buy software you have to use so much OSS that it ends up as FreeBSD with an expensive interface07:18
kestasyou have to buy the whole OS again every 6 months07:18
intelikeyhowto test whether lba32 is used on a disk or no ?07:18
kestasits insecure07:18
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drumline_GTar: the //drive/ portion is the NetBIOS name...07:19
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kestasMac blows, OS X blows, I feel sorry for anyone who buys into the BS07:19
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jaime_now i found the audio thing i was talking about later07:19
SurfnKidnever tried OS X07:19
SurfnKidthe name scares me07:19
drumline_GTar: you might be able to go into the network browsing portion of Konqueror...   at this point though, witchout the IP address, I can't be of much help...  I haven't done it without an IP before.07:20
dust_SurfnKid: yeah i found that and i can turn the fan on or off whenever i want but i want  to just set the fan to come on automatically at a lower tempature07:20
intelikeynobody    howto test whether lba32 is used on a disk or no ?07:20
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SurfnKidand since I dont like McDonalds, Mac just reminds me of those burgers07:20
Amaranthintelikey: hdparm should tell you07:20
nickrudintelikey, sudo hdparm -I it's there07:20
GTarthat's cool cheers for the info :D07:20
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lnostdalMac / OS X? no way .. ThinkPad + Ubuntu is the shit :] 07:20
NitroRebelCan anyone tell me what this is all about?07:20
NitroRebeljoe@ubuntu:~$ sudo synaptic07:20
NitroRebelsudo: timestamp too far in the future: May 29 00:45:13 200607:20
jayrod06how does os x blow07:20
SurfnKiddust ah, well there's a few more proggys there but i saw only 1 or 2 for toshiba07:20
tonyyarussolnostdal: Agreed.  T43.07:20
jayrod06os x is actually unix, linux is just an imitation :)07:20
SurfnKidRed Hot Chilli Peppers is on Dali California, good song07:20
tonyyarussoNitroRebel: I don't know why that happens, but I do know that something involving the 'touch' command fixes it.07:21
spikebOSX is not unix07:21
Amaranthjayrod06: uh07:21
SurfnKidhttp://www.1096qw.com/asx/nova969.asx for anyone who is interested07:21
nickrudintelikey, erm, under capabilities07:21
spikebit's unix-like07:21
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jaime_does anyone where to get mpg321 vorbis-tools07:21
drumline_gtar: welcome.  :)    once you know the IP, you can login how I showed you and then access your shares.07:21
intelikeyAmaranth nickrud danke07:21
dust_os x blows because it is propreitary07:21
SurfnKidwho owns OSX07:21
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SurfnKidhey igor07:21
AmaranthLet's not randomly insult other OSes.07:21
nickrudjaime_, sudo apt-get install  mpg321 vorbis-tools07:21
NitroRebelTouch command?07:21
drumline_OSX is blood brothers with FreeBSD07:21
dust_and linux is great not because it outperforms osx but because it belongs to everyone that uses it07:21
igorzolnikovhow i can share ssh?07:21
drumline_FreeBSD = Unix07:22
nickrudnonix4, let's give specific insults, they're more fun. But, sadly offtopic07:22
igorzolnikovhow i can run sshd?07:22
SurfnKiddust thats right, everyone who cooperates not just in the US but all over the world07:22
Amaranthdust_: although linux does outperform OS X :P07:22
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nickrudnonix4, sorry07:22
jrsimsanyone here know how to point the nvidia driver installer to my kernel source tree?07:22
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mikomiko_how can i get the firefox 1.507:22
tonyyarussoNitroRebel: I don't know how to do it exactly, but 'man touch' might help you.07:22
disinterested_pehow do u extract a .tar file into an /opt folder?07:22
NoUsejrsims have you tried installing the drivers via synaptic07:22
SurfnKidanyone know what the error under the CPU state in GKrellM mean07:22
dust_yeah performance is good too!07:23
spikebosx only really has two problems- the first is that apple forgot what user interface design was, and the second is xnu07:23
jrsimsNoUse: I haven't. I don't think they're available on Synaptic for my GeForce 407:23
disinterested_pemiko miko here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion07:23
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Amaranthjrsims: they're probably already installed07:23
tonyyarussoYeah, shoot, we did it again.  Discussion of other OSs and lots of other crazy nonsense is welcome in #ubuntu-offtopic.  Support only here please.  (Maybe if I say it enough I'll stick to it myself, eh?)07:23
Amaranthjrsims: you want the nvidia-glx package07:23
jaime_its says Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied )07:23
jrsimsAmaranth: aha07:23
NoUse!tell jrsims about nvidia07:24
jaime_how can i can i get permision07:24
SurfnKidjaime what are u doin07:24
Amaranthjaime_: sudo07:24
SurfnKidsudo su07:24
tonyyarussodisinterested_pe: You'll need sudo for one thing.  And I think it should be tar -x file.tar /opt/whatever.07:24
AmaranthSurfnKid: don't tell people to do that, it's a bad idea07:24
dust_i use a geforce 4 and i was able to get nvidia working using synaptic and some great wiki pages-- i forget what they are called but just search nvidia07:24
DJ_Danniessential-20060501 Where do that go?07:24
disinterested_pety tony07:24
intelikeynickrud   /dev/sda:07:24
jaime_then what do i do07:24
intelikey HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Invalid argument07:24
intelikeythat's what -I says07:25
SurfnKidjust tried to help cuz thats how i got in :)07:25
AlmtyBobdoes anyone have an Asus A8n5x with 4 drives?07:25
nickrudintelikey, I don't think hdparm deals with scsi. I've never owned one to find out07:25
dust_so does anyone know how to set a cpu fan to come on at a lower temp? is that possible even?07:25
DJ_DanniHey where do all the Decoders go to?07:25
intelikeyanother way ?07:25
SurfnKidno clue dust maybe look it up on ubutufurums.org07:26
SurfnKidforums sorry07:26
jrsimsis there any benefit to recompiling my kernel with gcc 4 (as opposed to 3.0)?07:26
jaime_after sudo what do i do then07:26
nickrudintelikey, not a clue. I've heard of scuzzy nearly my entire computing lifetime, just never used it07:26
Amaranthjrsims: it won't compile right07:26
dust_good idea.07:26
Amaranthjrsims: that's what it uses gcc 3.407:26
DJ_DanniHey Hey nickrud are you there?07:26
tonyyarussodust_: Possible, absolutely.  Easy?  No idea.07:26
intelikeyAmaranth another way to check for lba32 ?     scsi disk.  ?07:26
nickrudDJ_Danni, sure07:26
Amaranthjrsims: but it doesn't really make things faster07:26
Amaranthintelikey: no idea07:26
SurfnKiddust i got a lot of info there for my wlan0 card, sound, and a few other things07:27
mikomiko_is there an easy way to get the firefox07:27
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Amaranthmikomiko_: you mean to get firefox 1.5 on breezy?07:27
intelikeyk thanks any way07:27
mikomiko_instead of following all of these instructions07:27
tonyyarussomikomiko_: 1.5 you mean?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVErsion07:27
DJ_DanniI was doenloading a Coders and where do they go mean where shut i Extart them?07:27
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jayrod06guys say you have an 80 gig harddrive, how much would you give linux and how much would you give windows, keeping in mind that most games are used in windows07:27
Amaranthmikomiko_: that's the only way07:27
NoUsemikomiko_ you could wait for Dapper07:27
=== Olde [n=harold@S010600c04f73f30e.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Managuintelikey: lba32 is an addressing scheme, not really an operating mode.  What is it you want to know about your drive?07:27
Amaranthmikomiko_: unless you upgrade to the dapper release candidate07:27
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nickrudDJ_Danni, the best way to get those codecs for nsv is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats#head-16ea04e7e1ecd06555912ba3f470b56563cbd85d07:28
spikebjayrod06: i'd give each ten, and then share the rest of the drive between the two as fat3207:28
igorzolnikovhow can i run sshd?07:28
intelikeyManagu yes but if it's not lba and i select lba wont that pitch a fit ?07:28
Amaranthigorzolnikov: install the openssh-server package07:28
DJ_Dannii have them07:28
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Managuintelikey:  select lba where?07:28
NoUseigorzolnikov apt-get install openssh-server07:28
tonyyarussojayrod06: Downside of that is fat32 won't do permissions.07:28
DJ_DanniBut where shut i Extart them?07:28
Amaranthigorzolnikov: it'll start the server once you've installed that then start it on every boot too07:28
intelikeyManagu lilo07:28
jrsimsok, so after I have the nvidia glx packages installed, how do I make x use the driver?07:28
intelikeylike make it not boot or something07:29
Amaranthjrsims: sudo nvidia-xconfig07:29
jayrod06ok rooting out fat 3207:29
jrsimsAmaranth: command not found07:29
nickrudDJ_Danni, they will extracted automatically to /usr/lib/win32 if you do those two steps07:29
Managuintelikey: you're using lilo?  Ugh.  That said, LBA support is something your bios supports (or not).  Unless your HD is ancient, it has nothing to do with the HD (iirc)07:29
Amaranthjrsims: install the nvidia-xconfig package07:29
NoUsejrsims it tells you what to do on the wiki page07:29
SurfnKidanyone gone to see the Da Ubuntu Code yet?07:30
NoUseAmaranth there is no such package07:30
Amaranthoh :P07:30
=== monsterism [n=userme@c-24-30-105-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jrsimsAmaranth: I can't seem to find that specific package in synaptic07:30
intelikeyManagu well scsi hdd's (the ones i've had) can be lowlevel formated with or without lba   and i don't know which this is....07:30
NoUsejrsims the wiki page tells you what to do07:31
=== hallo [n=hallo@dslb-084-058-194-144.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyManagu you don't like lilo ?07:31
jrsimsAmaranth: nm. It's "nvidia-glx-config"07:31
nickrudjrsims, the easy way for nvidia: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) nvidia-glx ; then gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and change nv to nvidia under Section "Device" ; then log out and hit clt-alt-backspace07:31
Managuintelikey: GRUB is default for Ubuntu.  So the fact you're using lilo makes me wonder what's up07:31
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intelikeyManagu you wonder what's up if anything is 'non-default' do you ?07:32
jrsimssweet. gonna restart x and see what happens. thanks for the help07:32
=== DarkED_ [n=darked@68-187-219-210.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mikomiko_I am trying to use the Quick and Dirty way to install the firefox07:32
mikomiko_but i am being told that i dont have permission to install in /home07:32
mikomiko_how do i do it07:32
Managuintelikey: Not really looking to pick a fight here.07:32
=== intelikey wonders why anyone would run a 'default' linux period
=== DarkED_ is now known as DarkED
nickrudmikomiko_, there is no quick and easy way to integrate firefox into ubuntu, use the wiki and follow it carefully07:33
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion07:33
SurfnKidIm just waiting for ubuntu to crash or something so I can do another install and do this whole wlan0 thing again07:33
spikebheh good luck with that SurfnKid07:33
jaime_hey surfinkid07:33
intelikeySurfnKid best way to crash it is dist-upgrades07:33
mikomiko_I am using it07:33
spikebSurfnKid: you could just do the install again :)07:33
mikomiko_that page has this section Installing Firefox quick and dirty07:33
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DarkEDok, let me try this again07:34
DarkEDstupid internet07:34
intelikeywell maybe not the best.  but a good way.  :)07:34
tonyyarussointelikey: 'cause lot's of things are good?  I don't use everything, but I'm pretty happy w/ Ubuntu's picks.  Notably exception being Thunderbird vs. Evolution.  (Waiting for Beagle TB support...)07:34
DarkEDim trying to install a new ati prop driver over the old one07:34
DarkEDhow do i delete diversions?07:34
SurfnKidspikeb not that i will do it but if i tpe dist-upgrades what would that do07:34
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nickrudmikomiko_, weren't there enough disclaimers there for you?07:35
spikebSurfnKid: dist-upgrade will remove and add additional packages required by upgrades, and sometimes break crap07:35
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SurfnKidi liked the last part you said07:35
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SurfnKidi wish XP had a break crap command07:35
rexykikSurfnKid: just move your mouse07:36
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nickrudDarkED, in that case, try dpkg -r xorg-driver-fglrx first07:36
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kestasrexykik: hmm Im moving my mouse, it's not breaking :)07:37
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rexykikI want to run synergy after X starts for my user. Synergy is a program that allows you to do dual monitor heads with two computers over ethernet. What is the best way to do this?07:37
rexykikkestas: move it faster07:37
spikeb"windows has detected that you have moved your mouse too fast. please reboot"07:37
intelikeytonyyarusso sure.  i have nothing against the "package selections" per'se   but one good example is the default sudo setup.   and the default irssi/xchat   the two togather make the system as weak as the user password.  you irc we all see your user name and know that sudo is root access for free and if you have used sudo in the last few minutes we don't even need your password, just an exploit.... hehhe or ssh even in some 07:37
AlmtyBobhow can I get a rough description of a hard drive from the console?07:37
tonyyarussokestas: And click.07:37
kestashmm Im moving it and clicking, still nothing's happening :)07:38
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AlmtyBoba serial number/manufcaturer/model number would be nice, any of them that is07:38
tonyyarussointelikey: What don't you like about the sudo setup?07:38
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kestasrexykik: add it to the session startup07:38
mikomiko_how do i change directory to Desktop07:38
kestasrexykik: System>Preferences>Session (or something)07:38
tonyyarussointelikey: Oh, I see.07:38
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intelikeydoes that not explain it ^ ?07:38
NoUsemikomiko_ cd Desktop07:38
nickrudmikomiko_, cd ~/Desktop07:38
tonyyarussointelikey: Sorry, read twice.  What would you suggest instead?07:39
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kholerabbiI have an NTFS partition, how do I access it on ubuntu?07:39
rexykikkestas...i don't mean just for kde/gnome, i mean for any desktop environment07:39
ubotuntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe.07:39
NoUse!tell kholerabbi about ntfs07:39
spikebturn off sudo keeping the password then07:39
DarkED_nickrud: it wont lemme do that either07:39
NoUsekholerabbi read only is supported07:39
DarkED_gives the same divert error07:39
DarkED_i need to delete the diversion i think07:39
kestasrexykik: depends how your X session is started; gdm, xinit?07:39
rexykikkdm at the moment07:39
nickrudDarkED, try sudo apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx07:39
SurfnKidi wouldnt mount ntfs at all, ill just leave it alone07:40
rexykikor whatever kubuntu comes with default07:40
kholerabbiOK, thanks, so I can copy them across though? Thats all I need.07:40
NoUseSurfnKid why?07:40
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nickrudDarkED, you got that deb from where, anyway07:40
SurfnKidunless there havent been any issues07:40
drumline_ubotu: I think there's data on that in the mount man page07:40
ubotudrumline_: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:40
rexykikintelikey: when I install I just do a sudo passwd, set a password, and then remove everyone from the sudo group07:40
kestasrexykik: then I think you'll have to add stuff for each wm, or come up with some messy hack07:40
rexykikmessy hack it is!07:40
intelikeywell,  editing sudo and setting up a special user for admin  but allowing the default user sudo rights to frequent apps like maybe  mount  for one.   you know things that you are always typing  sudo blah.  set it up so you can blah but not  bash  or things like that.07:40
nickrudDarkED, I've never had to mess with diversions in properly built packages07:40
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AlmtyBobheh the thing I don't like about sudo is I end up playing simon says all the goddamned time.  "/etc/init.d/ssh restart" err... "SIMONSAYS /etc/init.d/ssh restart"07:40
drumline_ubotu: don't give me that...  turn that off.07:41
ubotudrumline_: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:41
SurfnKidNoUse if Im dual booting would that mess up the partiton or just means it would mount it in ubuntu?07:41
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NoUsedrumline_ ubotu is a bot07:41
NoUseSurfnKid it just mounts it read-only, so it can't change anything07:41
drumline_I don't take lip from anyone... especially a bot07:41
SurfnKidah ok07:41
SurfnKidmaybe ill try that JIC07:41
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kestasrexykik: you could have a cronscript check whether it's running, and whether you're logged in, every minute, and if you're logged in and it's not running it'll run it07:41
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nickruddrumline_, you should have heard ubotu before he got cleaned up :)07:42
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drumline_nickrud: :)  lewd?07:42
peruanohi guys, i tried to mount my win partition, but i can't, maybe i doing it wrong,  mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /media/win  after that, i got this message , win does not exist, somebody could help me07:42
evi|one__Hello. Is there any ETA for Dapper Drake?07:42
rexykikkestas: i was thinking that07:42
jrsimsok, so it looks like the drivers installed, but I can't see GDM.07:42
Hobbseeevi|one__: june 107:42
nickruddrumline_, no, just totally insulting. talk about llipp...07:42
NoUseperuano sudo mkdir /media/win07:42
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kholerabbiThat ntfs wiki is for pre-ubuntu5.1 releases, but I have ubuntu 5.1 so how do I do It?07:42
jrsimsanyone know how I can edit my nvidia setup?07:42
rexykiki don't know my cron well, but I guess everyone needs to learn sometime07:42
benxbim tryin to hardwire my xbox to my pc and then use wireless from my pc to access the internet. ive tryed everything. can anyone help?07:43
evi|one__Hobbsee, thanks.07:43
NoUsekholerabbi same way07:43
nickrudkholerabbi, it's correct for 5.1007:43
rexykikbenxb: trying to cheat in Halo?07:43
AlmtyBobsure benxb, go buy an xbox wireless bridge 8)07:43
drumline_nickrud: You hear about that guy from Yuma, who told an elephant joke to a Puma?  Now his skeleton lies under hot western skies.  Cause the Puma had no sense of huma.07:43
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SurfnKidso how do I mount it NoUse07:43
kestasbenxb: bridge the connections, it's not hard07:43
AlmtyBoboh yah, you are a halo cheat huh? f-that07:43
NoUse!tell SurfnKid about ntfs07:43
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nickruddrumline_, on that one I gotta call it a night :)07:43
drumline_nickrud: :)  peace bro07:44
benxbno, i want my xbox in my room (far away from the router) and dont want to hardwire07:44
peruanothanks NoUse07:44
jrsims<-- how to edit nvidia display modes?07:44
kholerabbiBut it says it's tons easier for breezy?07:44
benxbwhen i setup a bridge i still cant access live or even ftp into my xbox07:44
NoUse!tell jrsims about xorg07:44
kholerabbi"With the release of Breezy Badger (Ubuntu 5.10), this step should be almost automatic."??07:44
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=== spikeb advises reading man sudoers
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jrsimsNoUse: it's not telling me anything07:45
ubotuNoUse: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:45
ubotuI heard xorg is To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html07:45
NoUsejrsims ^^07:45
=== lct [n=lct@ip70-174-62-77.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
SchalkenI am running Dapper Beta right now. Do I have to download the CD to upgrade to the stable release?07:46
AlmtyBobis there a boot log I can look at to see why mounting filesystems failed?07:46
benxbi have followed this guide http://www.sorgonet.com/network/advancedwirelesswithlinux/ and am not able to ping the xbox, access live, or even access the internet from my pc. i have also tried using firestarters internet connection sharing07:46
NoUseSchalken no07:46
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MadpilotSchalken, no07:46
SurfnKidgonna leave the ntfs issue for maybe tomorrow to read07:47
SurfnKidIm still having a few issues with this Gkrellm that i want to fix first07:47
SchalkenSo Synaptic's updating will upgrade to the stable for me?07:47
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SurfnKid!tell Surfnkid about Gkrellm07:47
SurfnKidsomeone smack the bot :P07:48
SurfnKidMichael Jackson style07:48
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Madpilotwas the bot impolite to you, SurfnKid? ;)07:48
SurfnKidhehe nah07:48
SurfnKidbut i got nothing back from gkrellm07:49
Madpilotcontrary to popular belief, the bot doesn't actually know *everything*. Just most things.07:49
benxbanyone have any experience setting up a bridge?07:49
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disinterested_pewhoooohooo i got firefox 1.5 installed07:49
Madpilot!info gkrellm07:49
ubotugkrellm: (multiple stacked system monitors: 1 process [client] ), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 2.2.7-2ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 388 kB, Installed size: 956 kB07:49
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Schalkenwhat is the linux-images-????-?-??-amd64-generic package do?07:50
Zenhow might I get fglrx working on AMD64 with dapper?  (#ubuntu+1 is totally dead atm)07:50
monsterismhi, does anyone know which repo zenity is in?07:50
jhennhow can i tell what is in multiverse? is there a online package database that can show me?07:50
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Ganryuhi, when i try to fresh install ubuntu 6.06rc amd64 it gets pretty much to the end and then locks up everytime (i think it's just before grub install and maybe it's "configuring en-locales-base")07:50
tonyyarussojhenn: packages.ubuntu.com07:50
Schalkenmonsterisn, just enable all of them and look for it07:51
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hyphenatedGanryu: #ubuntu+107:51
disinterested_pedid u search for it in synaptic jhenn?07:51
SurfnKidit monitors the cpu temp but i goot an error that says error missing proc file, see info tag07:51
NitroRebelI lost my right-click menu, XUbuntu Dapper. Anyone know what to do?07:51
nickrudjhenn, aptitude search ~smultiverse07:51
Ganryusorry and ty hyphen07:51
intelikeytonyyarusso dialup   i have a few special settings in there depending on location and don't want to allow anyone to mess with them  so the script is root only write access.  user exec  thus it does an automatic test for location and dilas in from there.07:51
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intelikeyoops  and some times i don't /msg  either....07:52
SurfnKidso not sure how to fix that07:52
Managubenxb: just looking at that howto you linked raises some thoughts for me07:52
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richardanyone know what they are doin with linux ...... ive having issues with access privilages07:52
jhennnickrud: nothing happened07:52
tonyyarussointelikey: Ah, cool.  (auto-testing location especially so...would like to see that script)07:52
=== SurfnKid keeps his mouth shut about privileges
Managubenxb: I remember trying to set up a wireless bridge before, and realizing that it wasn't possible with my particular brand of wireless card.07:52
jaimehey can anybody help me07:53
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nickrudjhenn, I had my multiverse apps listed, I guess you don't have multiverse enabled07:53
intelikeySurfnKid whys that ?07:53
kaydei need help with gimpshop installation07:53
Managubenxb: that article looks like it references some pretty specific drivers; most linux wireless drivers don't support master mode.  Does yours?07:53
richardIm trying to mount a hard drive NTFS windows xp install07:53
intelikeyrichard see the wiki07:53
jhennnickrud: no i don't want it enabled07:53
ubotuntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe.07:54
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Ademandoes anyone know why the shutdown and restart buttons might have magically dissapeared from the "logout" screen?07:54
SurfnKidintelikey i wont suggest to use the sudo command, it might do harm to someone's setup07:54
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jaimehow can i install the plugins for my toten movie player07:54
kaydedose anyone know which file type of the new gimp i should download?07:54
ManaguSurfnKid: you were suggesting "sudo su" before, which might be going just a bit far.07:54
SurfnKidexactly managu07:55
benxbi dont even know what master mode is, im using the d-link g520 with an atheros chipset07:55
intelikeySurfnKid that was the topic.  setting up sudo so that users can do things like that script and not be able to change things.   like sudo was designed for.07:55
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hyphenatedkayde: what's wrong with the version available via apt-get?07:55
benxbis there another way to share the internet connection other than using a bridge07:55
NitroRebelI lost my right-click menu, XUbuntu Dapper. Anyone know what to do?07:55
kaydehyphenated, what is that?07:55
nickrudjhenn, for the purposes of finding out what's in multiverse, it's easiest to enable it's repos, and then search. Otherwise, you'd have to look in each of the Packages.gz for release, release-security, release-updates07:55
hyphenatedkayde: it's the way things are usually installed on ubuntu07:56
kaydehyphenated, im a linux NEWB!07:56
SurfnKidok no more about superdooper superuser :P07:56
kaydehyphenated, um... ok,...07:56
hyphenatedok then you want synaptics instead of apt-get :-)07:56
monsterismschalken, thanks, I must have typed it wrong looking for zenity07:56
shriphaniok guys another question07:56
intelikeyhere is a sudoers line for you to think about....   not that it is really a good example.  but it is an example; ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/mount /disks/* ,/bin/umount /disks/*07:56
AlmtyBobcan I somehow mount two drives to the same directory without LVM?07:56
kaydehyphenated, umm...apt get is root ?07:57
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SurfnKidok ill be back in a bit07:57
shriphanikayde apt-get should be available to whoever is listed in /etc/sudoers07:57
Managubenxb: I think the real answer to your question is "doing things the way that howto suggest (probably) won't work for you."  What is it you want to accomplish?07:57
hyphenatedkayde: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware .. skip down to the bit where it says "Installing a package"07:57
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intelikeyAlmtyBob to a subdir   but if you mount them togather you will hide one of them  iirc07:58
AlmtyBobah ok thanks07:59
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prkchpi was wondering if someone could help me with ximian evolution.  i'm running ubuntu.  my problem is that my evolution client has smtp authorization and i've configured it and the password correctly for my web/email hosting.  however for some strange reason i cannot resolve the server when attempting a smtp mail send.  one package was removed libgpg-error0 which i was able to fix by reinstalling that and gnome and ubuntu though i07:59
AlmtyBobcan you change existing drives to LVM without losing data?07:59
prkchp'm not sure if that had any effect on evolution at all.  even thunderbird does not work for me.  can anyone lend a hand ?07:59
AlmtyBobprkchp: port 25 is blocked outbound on a lot of ISPs07:59
drumline_Almty: you have backups?07:59
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mikomiko_how do i protect a file or folder in my desktop from being deleted08:00
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prkchpAlmty, ok thanks.  Almty, however i seem to be able to use outlook on my windows box.  why would my linux box be jailed ?08:00
AlmtyBobmikomiko_: chmod a-o filename08:00
benxbmy xbox is right next to my pc (both of which are far away from the wireless router) and i want to be able to access xbox live and be able to ftp into my xbox. i would like to connect the xbox to the pc and use the pc's wireless connection to access the internet08:00
mikomiko_in terminal?08:00
kaydeshriphani, ...?08:00
kaydehyphenated, ok ty08:00
AlmtyBoberrr, chmod a-w filename08:00
AlmtyBobyes, console08:00
intelikeyAlmtyBob i think so.....   don't try it cause i said that tho...  i don't use lvm         example of stacking disks.  mount  dev/hda1 /    dev/hda5 /usr    dev/hda6 /usr/local   and so on....  or even  /var      and /boot      but you get the idea.08:01
AlmtyBobmikomiko_: if you try to delete it will prompt you if you really want to delete it08:01
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mikomiko_is it a-o or a-w08:01
Managubenxb: trivial things first: Do you have the right cable?  If you're trying to connect the xbox ethernet port to the pc ethernet port, a standard network cable won't work.  You need a "crossover" cable.08:01
AlmtyBobmikomiko_: if you REALLY don't want to delete it you can also "chown root filename"08:02
benxbi have both08:02
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mikomiko_is there a way to password protect it before it can be deleted08:02
AlmtyBobso it won't even prompt you08:02
NitroRebelI lost my right-click menu, XUbuntu Dapper. Anyone know what to do?08:02
AlmtyBobchown root filename will08:02
benxbhowever it did work like that when using windows08:02
NitroRebelI'm completely lost.08:02
AlmtyBobyou'll have to sudo to delete it08:02
AlmtyBoband even then it will prompt you08:02
AlmtyBobintelikey: I have a server with 4 hard drives, 3 hold the data I'm serving, I'd like them all in /srv.  Is LVM what I want?08:02
mikomiko_i installed my firefox in opt folder in my desktop08:02
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mikomiko_i dont want to accidentally delete it08:03
mikomiko_whats the safest way to protect it08:03
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shriphaniintelikey, tell me why xemacs ./config doesnt create a f00ken makefile08:03
intelikeyAlmtyBob kewl.      this box has 8 drives in it atm08:03
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AlmtyBobintelikey: was that chattr at me?08:03
AlmtyBobmikomiko_: is this your machine?08:03
AlmtyBobyou have root access?08:03
cilkayAlmtyBob: you'd better have excellent backups. That sort of configuration actually reduced MTBF.08:04
intelikeyAlmtyBob it's one way to make files harder to rm08:04
mikomiko_this is my computer, am new to linux08:04
Managubenxb: how do you have the computer-xbox connection setup under windows?08:04
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cilkayAlmtyBob: i.e. a filesystem spanning three drives08:04
AlmtyBobcilkay: LVM causes it to die quicker?08:04
AlmtyBobor just having 3 drives period?08:04
Managubenxb: network bridge, or internet connection sharing?  Standard or Crossover cable?08:04
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cilkayAlmtyBob: not lvm, 3 drives08:04
benxbnetwork bridge using a standard cable08:04
AlmtyBobmikomiko_: best solution is probably to uninstall and reinstall with apt-get08:05
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AlmtyBobcilkay: why is that?08:05
mikomiko_hell no08:05
richardok - i followed instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions08:05
mikomiko_it took me forever to put it where it is now08:05
cilkayAlmtyBob: think about it... lose one drive and you're toast08:05
richardhowever i cannot access the media folder08:05
AlmtyBobthe other three drives only have movies and such08:05
AlmtyBobcilkay: it's not RAID or anything08:05
AlmtyBobcilkay: it's just a drive on /srv1, /srv2, and /srv308:05
drumline_it's a JBOD?08:05
AlmtyBobnot even jbod08:05
AlmtyBobthey all have different mount points08:05
cilkayAlmtyBob: you want one filesystem to span them all?08:06
cilkayThat's what I understood.08:06
SurfnKidIinfo hysteresis08:06
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intelikeyrichard in a terminal do a   grep -ie 'ntfs' /etc/fstab     please.08:06
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AlmtyBobcilkay: err yah KINDA, I don't want them RAIDed, I was just hoping I could somehow get them to all mount in the same place08:06
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AlmtyBoband now that I type that out it makes no goddamned sense08:06
cilkayno, it doesn't :)08:06
ubotuSurfnKid: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:06
cilkayAlmtyBob: actually... there is a way08:06
intelikeyrichard and show us what it says.08:06
AlmtyBobsince the machine wouldn't know what drive to write to when I copied smth08:06
SurfnKidanyone know what that means? hysteresis08:06
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cilkayAlmtyBob: you can do an overlay filesystem08:07
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AlmtyBoband btw, NEVER EVER buy an asus a8n5x for a server or a machine with more than 1 hard drive08:07
SurfnKidAlmtyBob thats what Im getting now :P08:07
kaydei need help with: kayde@ubuntu:~$ apt-get install gimp-2.2.11.tar.gz08:07
kaydeE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied )08:07
kaydeE: Unable to lock the list directory08:07
richardit doesnt come up with anything08:07
AlmtyBobkayde: sudo apt-get install...etc08:07
Amaranthkayde: gimp is already installed08:07
AlmtyBobor that08:08
richardis grep on its own line?08:08
cilkayAlmtyBob: if you just did a conventional mount, the last mounted filesystem is the one you'd see. With an overlay fs, you could see all three.08:08
Madpilotkayde, you can't apt-get from tar.gz files08:08
intelikeyrichard hmmm then something must have went wrong went wrong went wrong.08:08
Managubenxb: well, I appear to just be muddying the water then.  I don't know anything about bridging under linux -- maybe you can get it to work for you.  I'll suggest using tcpdump to try to see where the packets start (certainly the xbox does a dhcp exchange on startup that you could try to follow).08:08
Madpilot!info gimp08:08
ubotugimp: (The GNU Image Manipulation Program), section graphics, is optional. Version: 2.2.8-2ubuntu6 (breezy), Packaged size: 2739 kB, Installed size: 7736 kB08:08
Amaranthkayde: in Applications->Graphics08:08
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kaydeMadpilot, umm... how do i then?08:08
intelikeyrichard no one line.  one commad08:08
drumline_kayde: do you have other package installers open?08:08
Madpilotkayde, GIMP is already installed...08:08
AlmtyBobcilkay: how does it decide where to write new files? like if they're all mounted to /srv, what happens when I "echo 'blah' > /srv/test"?08:08
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drumline_kayde: such as synaptic or adept?08:08
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intelikeyrichard " grep -ie 'ntfs' /etc/fstab "08:08
benxbwell thanks for your help anyhow, ill just have to keep tryin :)08:08
kaydeMadpilot, the older version...i need to instaall the new one08:09
cilkayAlmtyBob: I've only read about it, never did it. Don't know.08:09
Amaranthdrumline_: that's not it, (s)he wasn't using sudo08:09
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Amaranthkayde: what do you need that's only in the new version?08:09
Amaranth!info gimp dapper08:09
AlmtyBobthanks cilkay, I'll google08:09
Madpilotkayde, Dapper has 2.2.11 in it08:09
ubotugimp: (The GNU Image Manipulation Program), section graphics, is optional. Version: 2.2.11-1ubuntu3 (dapper), Packaged size: 2712 kB, Installed size: 7648 kB08:09
kaydedrumline_, err. ? i have synamptic...08:09
drumline_kayde: cool... it's better than adept.08:09
kaydeMadpilot, dapper is?08:09
cilkayAlmtyBob: you're welcome.08:09
MadpilotAmaranth, no, kayde was trying to apt-get a tar.gz file08:09
tonyyarussoAmaranth: (You aware you still have that @ ?)08:09
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ
Madpilotkayde, next version of Ubuntu, due out June 1st08:10
hyphenatedhow stupid would it be to download the -rc ISO today and rsync it on release day?08:10
cilkayAnyone have a preference of OpenVZ vs. LinuxVserver and why?08:10
richard/dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 008:10
drumline_Has anyone connected to a Sonicwall via VPN on Ubuntu?08:10
kaydeMadpilot, iknow YAY!!!08:10
rootok, this nvidia driver is a real hassle. all I get is blank screen now, even though I'm only saying 1280x1024 at 60hz. What are my options at this point? All I get is blank screen.08:10
Amaranthhyphenated: you can upgrade from the rc to the final version08:10
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kaydeMadpilot, ive orderd a copy08:10
Amaranthhyphenated: when synaptic, adept, apt-get, etc08:10
intelikeyrichard ok and       " mount | grep -ie 'ntfs' "08:10
Madpilotkayde, cool. You can upgrade your current Ubuntu install in place, too08:10
hyphenatedAmaranth: sure. I could do that from breezy too08:11
kaydeMadpilot, so, how do i get the new gimp/./..08:11
Amaranthhyphenated: yeah08:11
Amaranthkayde: upgrade to dapper08:11
kaydeMadpilot, i dont know what dapper is...08:11
Madpilotubotu, tell kayde about upgrade08:11
AlmtyBobanyone have any experience upgrading MySQL 4 to 5 on ubuntu? I got a mythtv setup I don't want to lose so I'm kinda paranoid08:11
theshibbolethI'm trying to get everything set to upgrade, but when I follow the instructions for upgradeing to the release candidate I get this error which I have posted at the pastebin - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1482208:11
PyroMithrandirhey guys, I'm helping someone partition his drive to put windows on it, and I've set up in fdisk for /dev/hda3 to be his fat32 partition, but when he tried to mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/hda3 it says that /dev/hda3 doesn't exist. anyone have any idea how to fix this?08:11
Madpilotkayde, Ubuntu 6.06 is codenamed Dapper; it's the one due out 1st of June...08:11
AlmtyBobbut stupid MySQL 4 is missing a lot of important featuers08:11
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=== intelikey wonders if richard hit the wrong button....
drumline_Pyro: hda3 exists, you've committed the changes with the partition editor?08:12
kaydeMadpilot, yea, but its not the first...and it takes like...2 weeks for the cd to come08:12
drumline_Pyro: hmm...  is there a graphical partitioner in Ubuntu?08:12
kaydeMadpilot, i need it now, ive downloaded it but i dont know how to install...08:13
Madpilotkayde, more than two weeks. But you can upgrade an existing Ubuntu install to the newest version08:13
PyroMithrandirdrumline_, I think so, but I've never used one08:13
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kaydeMadpilot, over the intrnet?08:13
ManaguPyroMithrandir: this may be ancient lore -- but sometimes you need to reboot after partitioning08:13
richardbash: mount | grep -ie 'ntfs': command not found08:13
Madpilotkayde, yes08:13
Madpilotkayde, see the PM from ubotu08:13
PyroMithrandirManagu, okay, I'll have him try that08:13
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richardwhat did i do wrong?08:13
theshibbolethany ideas about my upgrade problem?08:13
richardbash: mount | grep -ie 'ntfs': command not found08:13
kaydeMadpilot, yes. but my internets not very good...08:13
kaydeMadpilot, im not downloading anything bigger thaan 20meg08:14
drumline_reboot after partitioning...    BLOODY MURDER!!08:14
Managurichard: you're mangling that somehow.  does it say "mount: command not found"?08:14
Madpilotkayde, that'll be a problem, then.08:14
AlmtyBobcilkay: could I just mount my drives somewhere else and then make /srv/ nothing more than a bunch of links? and will links like that work with samba?08:14
intelikeyrichard   remove the  dubble quotes and try it.08:14
richardok how should i put the command in - i will try again08:14
kaydeMadpilot, yes08:14
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fouratsince apt-get upgrade, i have to 'alsaconf' my soundcard on each reboot to get my soundcard working, how to solve this issue ?08:15
Managudrumline_: ehh?08:15
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kaydeMadpilot, so, is there a way of installing it1?08:15
intelikeywhen he quoted it bash took it as one file name....  i.e. mount\ \|\ grep\ -ie\ 'ntfs'    <--- of course that command is not found.08:16
Madpilotkayde, it probably needs compiling, which is not the simplest procedure08:16
kaydeMadpilot, all i want to do is INSTALL it, this linux is geting annoying :(08:16
kaydeMadpilot, ive 'unzipped" it08:16
cilkayAlmtyBob: you could use symlinks. Should work with SAMBA but I haven't used SAMBA in a long time. My preferred networking tool between Windows and Linux these days is ssh/scp :) I don't use Windows very much these days.08:16
kaydeMadpilot, decompressed08:16
Managukayde: the tar.gz file you have is probably a source file.  And if you're running Ubuntu, that means you'll need to install a build environment first, and go through all the hassle of compiling gimp from source and installing.  BTW, that build environment is about 100mb.08:17
Madpilotkayde, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware08:17
Managukayde: alternately, you can just take the hit and download/install the gimp packages08:17
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drumline_Kayde: i think you can sign up for free cd-roms to be sent to you08:17
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drumline_Is that still current folks?08:17
richardwith ntfs - opening files read only - can you rename it and save it on another drive in different format?08:17
Managurichard: yup08:18
drumline_richard: sure08:18
Madpilotdrumline_, yes, and I think kayde already has08:18
kaydedrumline_, ??08:18
Amaranthit can take up to 4 months08:18
drumline_Richard: And there's experimental support for writing to the drive, but you risk screwing your FS...  :)08:18
AlmtyBobsorry for being a n00b, but is it normal to have 6 processes of apache2 running in linux (all with the same arguments "-k start -DSSL")?08:18
drumline_oh hell no... .08:18
Amaranthi didn't get my hoary cds until about 2 months before breezy came out08:18
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drumline_Just spend the 2.95 at osdisc08:18
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cilkayAlmtyBob: yes08:18
kaydeWHY CANT IT BE EASY!!!!!!!????? :(!!!!08:18
AlmtyBobah ok good 8)08:18
CoreyHi guys08:18
cilkaykayde: because you're a MORON08:19
kaydesON Of A LKJBHJLBH08:19
fouratfound it, should modprobe sound, put it in /etc/modules08:19
CoreyI would like to know how to get all the microsoft fonts on ubuntu08:19
Managukayde: it is easy.  It just requires an internet connection.08:19
kaydelinux drivees me nNUTSS08:19
Madpilotkayde, cool it.08:19
drumline_kayde: because you need to download a large CD-ROM's worth of data...   it is easy.  You just need the full disk08:19
etementso far I've had a good expeirience, however anybody care to explain why sound is handled weird?08:19
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intelikeyrichard did you get it ?08:19
etementie can't skype + music at same time08:19
richarddammit .... I still cant access my drive08:19
=== cilkay is amused by people who whine about Linux and don't read even basic instructions
richardNTFS drive08:19
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kaydeStuuff this, im geting an easier operating syst...08:19
CoreyHow do you get m$ fonts on ubuntu ?08:19
CoreyCause the linux fonts are bad :(08:20
Managukayde: best of luck.  Better OS in less than 20mb... fun!08:20
intelikeyrichard i never did see the output of  mount | grep -ie 'ntfs'08:20
Coreyfire firefox they are bad..08:20
richardsorry i got kicked a few moments ago08:20
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holycowrichard, if its a separate drive, buy a usb cradle and plug it in.  voila.08:20
cilkayCorey: I saw something about that at http://en.opensuse.org/08:20
drumline_Kayde: Wait a few days and when 6.06 is released, order a copy to be shipped to you for $2.95 on www.osdisc.com08:20
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richard/dev/hdb1 on /home/richard/Disk2 type ntfs (rw)08:20
Coreymad thanks ill check it out08:20
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richard/dev/hdb1 on /media/hdb1 type ntfs (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000)08:20
jayrod06why would you pay for one?08:20
kaydedrumline_, its free from www.shipit.ubuntu.org08:21
maikoli just finished partitioning my hard drive but it says "Invalid Partition table" when i reboot. is it lost forever? i can still access the files through knoppix though.08:21
AlmtyBoboh lord, you mounted your ntfs as RW?08:21
Coreyyou stinking hobit08:21
tapio_gcc isn't installed by default?08:21
drumline_kayde: somebody just said that it could take months going through ubuntu.org08:21
Coreythats suse not ubuntu08:21
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=== D_dog [n=bill@c-24-7-130-100.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hisakasexdo you know if the repository is working?08:21
Managurichard: errm, you have /dev/hdb1 mounted in two different places?  And you can't read either one?08:21
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intelikeyrichard  " sudo umount /media/hdb1 && sudo mount /media/hdb1 "   <--- without the dubble quotes of course.   that should fix you up.08:21
MadpilotCorey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto08:21
drumline_Kayde: a few bucks is not much to pay for a nice operating system :)08:21
kaydedrumline_, wAAA08:21
kaydedrumline_, i dont have a paypal ac08:21
=== glick [n=dbunch@cpe-24-193-237-24.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Coreyah i love you madpilot allways help me out ahha :P08:21
drumline_Kayde: I plan on paying $60 when a boxed version of SuSE arrives.08:22
HisakasexErr http://archive.ubuntulinux.org breezy/main zlib1g 1:1.2.3-3ubuntu408:22
Hisakasex  Could not connect to archive.ubuntulinux.org:80 (, connection timed out08:22
glickheh their boxing ubuntu in germany08:22
cilkayCorey: http://en.opensuse.org/Optimal_Use_of_Fonts_on_SuSE  Makes no diff that it's Suse. Adjust recipe to suit.08:22
holycowdrumline_, your paying for suse?08:22
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holycowjust out of curiosity, why?08:22
Hisakasexis the error when I run aptitude08:22
glickyou get a sweet Tshirt and a 300 page manual08:22
drumline_glick: they should box it in USA too08:22
cilkaydrumline_: they do08:22
drumline_holycow: because it's a nice OS and there's more enterprise support.08:22
cilkayWell, in Canada they do.08:22
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holycowlol riiiight08:22
drumline_holycow: Yast is nice.08:22
glickdrumline_, yeah i think ubuntu is worth at least $25008:22
MadpilotHisakasex, that's not a good repo address, as far as I know08:23
drumline_glick: basically a donation.08:23
Madpilotubotu, tell Hisakasex about repos08:23
holycowdrumline_, all cool, i shouldn't make any comments i really did want to hear why08:23
holycowi want novell to survive too, despite the fact they insist on doing everything wrong imho08:23
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Hisakasexcan you give me a good repo address?08:23
drumline_holycow: :)   I remember seeing something about an enterprise version of Ubuntu, but I never dug to find it.  Do you have any data on it?08:23
drumline_holycow: what are they doing wrong?08:24
holycowdrumline_, what do you mean 'enterprise'08:24
Hisakasexcan you give me a good repo address?08:24
intelikeyrichard ?       (no error means  no error)08:24
holycowenterprise means shit, its a code word for *pay u$$$)08:24
MadpilotHisakasex, see the PM you just got from ubotu08:24
drumline_holycow: tools to administer many computers easily...08:24
Madpilotholycow, language, thanks08:24
glickput a sticker price of only $50 less then the latest version of vista when it ships, put it next to vista on the shelves and only THEN might peole seriously consoder it08:24
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maikoli just finished partitioning my hard drive but it says "Invalid Partition table" when i reboot. is it lost forever? i can still access the files through knoppix though.08:24
cilkayholycow: No, it means "We're aligning our synergies." :)08:24
drumline_holycow: Suse has Apparmor...  I don't know if Ubuntu has an equivalent, but that's one reason I chose suse.08:24
holycowdrumline_, well the first thing they did wrong was buying suse for starters.  you can't get much worse than that08:24
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glickthe public at large that is08:25
holycowcilkay, ehe :) yes me too08:25
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spikebaside from not being able to brand anything consistently, and being unable or unwilling to make industrial work system wide, novell seems to be doing alright08:25
Madpilotdrumline_, there won't be an "Enterprise" version of Ubuntu - see Mark Shuttleworth's wiki page...08:25
SurfnKidholycow, holycow!08:25
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holycowMadpilot, the s word got through :)08:25
spikebbuying ximian was probably smart, buying suse was silly08:25
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drumline_madpi: thx08:25
kaydeI take it there is NO easy way to upgrade ginp to gimpshop or gimp 2.2.11?08:25
holycowdrumline_, tools to administer what? you mean that crappy tool called yast?08:25
richardhow do i know if it worked08:25
shinobi2anyone have a toshiba lappy? wondering how i can use restoring disc along with paritioning tools.  my lappy is just one partition, can't install linux at this point08:25
holycowyou call that enterprise class?08:25
richardits not telling me08:25
holycowhehe :) hoo boy :)08:25
drumline_holycow: Yast is nice.  I dunno what you're talking about.08:25
kaydeshinobi2, i have a toshiba...08:25
holycowthats fine, i do :)08:25
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-70-234-225-50.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Healotshinobi2: you can resize partition using the Ubuntu installer08:26
drumline_holycow: if you want to explain yourself, I'd be happy to listen to what you have to say.  :)08:26
glicki found the ubuntu installer more confusing then it was earlier08:26
spikeber, novell's linux has about twenty billion different tools, none of which work very well together yet. that's another issue they have.08:26
Healotin dapper, glick?08:26
holycowdrumline_, just to point at someting, these conversations quickly get into 'defensive/offensive' mode08:26
glickHealot, yeah08:26
Madpilotkayde, the easy way is to wait a little while for 6.06 tob e released. the harder way is to do it yourself.08:26
shinobi2kayde, does the restoring disc ask you to repartition your drive? i know some lappy's restore-disc will ask. but others restoring-disc do not ask08:26
shinobi2Healot, great08:26
holycowdrumline_, its not my intent to start stuff, i disagree with your assesment in every way, but i respect the fact that you have decided on something that suits you08:27
=== rob138 [n=rob@adsl-69-232-235-59.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
glickthe breezy installer seemed to me just more clearer and to the point, even though it was text based08:27
kaydeshinobi2, ive never had a problem...08:27
intelikeyrichard    the pointy clicky thingy   is  file manager and navigate there.   the cli way is   ls -l /media/hdb108:27
mikomiko_does Linux have feature like in windows where i can restore the computer setting from previous state08:27
holycowdrumline_, well i can explain my self but irc is very 1.5 dimensional, its not really good for any sort of argument.08:27
intelikeyif you own files there then it worked...08:27
rob138hi, i am trying to ./configure gparted, and it stops at checking for uuid_generate in -luuid... no | configure: error: *** uuid library (libuuid) not found ... but i have libuuid1 installed08:27
glickmikomiko_, you dont need it in linux08:27
holycowdrumline_, its cool your checking it all out anyway08:28
Managuholycow,drumline_: ooh, holy war!08:28
glickmikomiko_, so no, linux does not have restore points08:28
tapio_I don't really get this apt-get stuff. It doesn't seem to find anything. Does it need further configuration? (Allready did some configuring during the install).08:28
drumline_holycow: I'm not instigating anything.   I'm merely receiving a lot of "You call that a this?!" and "that crappy that."   seriously...  I don't give schit what I use as long as it's secure, will have good industry support, and doesn't piss me off with stupid stuff.   You can tell me whatever you think about any flavor.  I'm not attached.  :)08:28
holycowglick,  well thats not exactly true.  linux can have restore points08:28
shinobi2Healot, i installed ubuntuu once, never recall, it asking me to resize.  i never pay any attension to resizing. since i usually, resize it manually08:28
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kaydewhaat i the terminl code for ssearching for and downloading/installing programs?08:28
tonyyarussorob138: The real question is why are you compiling gparted?08:28
richardI still cannot access the folder when navigating via file system -> media - although there is no error message - its just blank08:28
holycowglick, it depends how you install it and configure whatever you consider restore points08:28
glickholycow, umm if you set it up to to automatic backup08:28
glickto a nfs backup server08:28
glickthen sure08:29
Madpilotkayde, apt-get08:29
holycowglick, its more true to say that linux doesn't have preinstalled software to generate 'restore poitns'08:29
rob138tonyyarusso, because for some reason, apt-get can't resolve it08:29
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glickbut the key words were "like in windows"08:29
Managurichard: when you run "sudo mount", are there any entries mentioning /dev/hdb1?08:29
holycowglick, thats a wrong statement too, key word would mostly be like 'ui works like windows'08:29
holycowthe underlying technology be default will work different no matter how you attempt to do it08:29
mikomiko_i dont know what i have i done, but when trying to open my firefox, terminal opens real quick then closes right after, no FIREFOX opens08:29
D_dogany one have a cool blueish wallpaper 1280 x 1024 or larger they wanna send me..im so tired of brown and im lazy too :)08:30
tonyyarussorob138: Very weird08:30
holycowglick, i'd like to actually set something up as a local install that takes images on a regular basis infact :)08:30
richardI still have hdb1 mounted in two locations08:30
glickmikomiko_, try opoeing up firefox from the terminal, what kina error messages does it generate08:30
richard/dev/hdb1 on /home/richard/Disk2 type ntfs (rw)08:30
richard/dev/hdb1 on /media/hdb1 type ntfs (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000)08:30
mikomiko_oh, it works in terminal08:30
holycowdrumline_, i know you don't give a shit, i was only hoping to explain that i had no intention of starting stuff ... despite the few statements i did put out there in bad taste08:31
richard/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)08:31
mikomiko_it says the following 4 lines08:31
mikomiko_plugin_get_value 108:31
mikomiko_plugin_get_value 208:31
mikomiko_*** loading the extensions datasource08:31
mikomiko_*** loading the extensions datasource08:31
intelikeyruchard that's it umount the one in your home.08:31
richardproc on /proc type proc (rw)08:31
richardsysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)08:31
richarddevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)08:31
richardtmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)08:31
richardusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)08:31
richardtmpfs on /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-k7/volatile type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)08:31
richardtmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,size=10M,mode=0755)08:31
glickholycow, thats a simple cron job08:31
Madpilotrichard, pastebin next time!08:31
glickand a 5 line bash script08:31
shinobi2do bulit-in wireless card on lappy play nice with ubuntu?08:31
holycowglick, how woul dyou do it?  file system image? dpkg reverse of some sort?08:31
kaydeMadpilot, what is the root loging code?08:32
Managushinobi2: 30% chance yes, 70% chance no08:32
Madpilotkayde, the what?08:32
richardpaste bin ..... whats that08:32
glickholycow, well where you gonna store the images?08:32
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 08:32
kaydeMadpilot, **root login**08:32
intelikey<richard> /dev/hdb1 on /home/richard/Disk2 type ntfs (rw) <---- umount that.     " sudo umount /home/richard/Disk2 "08:32
Madpilotkayde, use sudo and your own user password in Ubuntu08:32
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drumline_holycow: that's fine man.  Sall good.  :)   I'm very interested in selecting the best linux distro out there and honestly want to know the arguments for, against, and alternatives to the one I'm using.  :)08:32
holycowglick, well the thought was to have it local, most users don't have automated remote backups08:32
tonyyarussoshinobi2: Intel Pro/wireless 2915 a/b/g works like a charm.08:32
eydaimonanyone got compiz workin?08:32
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shinobi2Managu, how about for pcmcia cards (wireless)?08:32
Madpilotkayde, there is no root login or root pw by default in Ubuntu, and they're not needed08:33
Managushinobi2: slightly better odds08:33
holycowdrumline_, there are no argument for or against, they all have the same tools, its all open source08:33
kaydeMadpilot, it just said that i have 208:33
glickholycow, just right a write a little shell script that will tar up the directories yo want saved, and put it into your crontab08:33
holycowdrumline_, what really differentiatest distros is the official support you can buy08:33
tonyyarussoeydaimon: That's a questions for #ubuntu-xgl.08:33
intelikeyrichard you sould be able to access /media/hdb1   navigate there.08:33
glickto run like once every few days, or whenever08:33
holycowdrumline_, thats pretty much it, everything else is semantics in relationship to the administrator08:33
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kayde Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)08:33
kaydeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?08:33
drumline_holycow: and how much money you pay  :)08:33
Amaranthkayde: you need to use sudo08:34
kaydeMadpilot, ohh, yea sry there08:34
Healotkayde: is synaptic open?08:34
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kaydeHealot, dose it need to be?08:34
Amaranthit shouldn't be08:34
drumline_holycow: have you obliterated MS from your life?08:34
Madpilotkayde, two what?08:34
Madpilotkayde, no, it needs to be closed if you're trying to use apt-get08:34
shinobi2my card is called 'Atheros 801.11b/g wireless-LAN' , Managu , tonyyarusso08:34
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holycowglick, i don't like that at all.  it would be great to have live versioning of some sort.  i'd love to let a person browse their files and restore only the ones they want, not a whole image back08:34
kaydeMadpilot, im soooo lost08:34
=== Smeggy [n=Smeggy@220-253-135-94.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotkayde, what are you trying to do?08:35
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tonyyarussoshinobi2: I think the Atheros ones usually work well.  Thinking about installing and checking things out ahead of time I take it?08:35
maikolshinobi2, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards?highlight=%28wireless%2908:35
kaydeMadpilot, update...install packages08:35
holycowdrumline_, many years ago, i manage it for other people but i havent used it in about 3 years now08:35
Healotkayde: without sudo precedence i guess?08:35
glickholycow, you can do that too, put it into svn, and use archiver to find files08:35
richard sudo umount /home/richard/Disk208:35
kaydeHealot, ?? what?08:35
richarddid not work08:35
holycowglick, local svn?08:35
glickholycow, you could automate all of this if your bash scripting is up to par08:35
kaydeHealot, wth is sudo?08:35
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Nycteahi all, any one from Belgium here?08:36
kaydeubotu, tell kayde about sudo08:36
shinobi2tonyyarusso, yeah.08:36
holycowglick, you know mostly i was just bullshitting you as i didn't think you actually had a clue ...08:36
shinobi2maikol, thx08:36
holycowglick, but that is actually a decent idea :)08:36
Healotsudo is the thing you need to remember when using most Linux distros :)08:36
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Madpilotkayde, the easiest way to install stuff is Synaptic, not apt-get. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto08:36
holycowglick, not only is it a decent idea, it is actually a ver doable idea08:36
DylanPierceOkay, I'm about to give up. Everything on Ubuntu is exactly what I need, except one single thing, and that thing is going to force me back to Windows whether I want to or not... so I'll ask here.08:36
holycowvery nice08:36
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kaydeMadpilot, ok ty08:37
ManaguDylanPierce: sounds loaded08:37
glickgreat to know you were only bullshitting me the entire time08:37
richard sudo umount /home/richard/Disk208:37
richard didnt work ??08:37
DylanPierceI've spent the last four days trying, and I can't seem to get anything related to streaming Internet radio to work.08:37
Managurichard: "didn't work"?08:37
holycow:) we are on a noob chan, lots of hot air here, some if mine08:37
DylanPierceDoes anyone have any experience with this and could help me out?08:37
P0ldyDylanPierce, what format?08:37
richardwell i did sudo mount again .... and its still there08:37
DylanPierceI've got to broadcast to a Shoutcast server.08:38
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tonyyarussoDylanPierce: Got w32codecs and other RestrictedFormats?08:38
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ManaguDylanPierce: so, you're trying to broadcast, and not just listen?08:38
HealotDylanPierce: to stream media files with Linux... you can use "vlc"... i guess the best player for broadcast08:38
DylanPiercetonyyarusso: I installed a bunch of stuff from the restricted formats page, following some online insturctions.08:38
Healotyeah, and get those that tonyyarusso told you08:38
glickheh maybe if i have some time in a coupla weeks, ill work on something along thoe lines08:39
DylanPierceManagu: yes, broadcast.08:39
tonyyarussoGood start08:39
troy_sstream dylan?08:39
intelikeyrichard then   sudo umount /home/richard/*08:39
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richardumount: /home/richard/Desktop: not mounted08:39
richardumount: /home/richard/Disk2: not mounted08:39
=== intelikey thinks it did work...
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DylanPierceI installed MuSE on a recommendation, and not only did it not work, but whoever writes their documentation is sadistic.08:40
richardso i guess i need to mount one again08:40
intelikeyrichard so    ls -l /media/hdb108:40
mikomiko_Is this software working in ubuntu08:40
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glickDylanPierce, documentation is like sex, when its great its grand, when its not...hey at least its better then nothing.08:40
intelikeydon't flood just tell me if you see files or not08:40
troy_sDylan you still here?08:40
tapio_lets say I were to install nmap. What should I write?08:40
Managurichard,intelikey: mounttab messed up maybe?08:40
richardls: /media/hdb1: Permission denied08:40
Healotmikomiko_: it should, if properly compiled and packaged?08:40
intelikeyrichard don't flood just tell me if you see files or not08:40
troy_sDylan:  Have you tried icecast?08:41
babo/usr/local/bin vs /usr/bin ... ?  which one should I use to install my program ...08:41
DylanPiercetroy_s Yes, not going anywhere.08:41
intelikeyrichard are you uid 1000  ?08:41
richardwhats that08:41
troy_sDylan:  What's the exact issue?08:41
mikomiko_healot, have you used it before?08:41
mikomiko_it only have 4 steps instruction, dont know if that is enough08:41
richardno i still cant see files08:41
Managutapio: "sudo apt-get install nmap" from a console08:41
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richardthe only way i can see them is via drive manager browse08:42
DylanPiercetroy_s The issue is that there don't seem to be any broadcasters that let me do live broadcasts. The ones I've tried don't seem to do anything at all except sit there.08:42
intelikeyrichard do this in your irc client where you are talking to me.   /exec -o echo $UID08:42
Managubabo: /usr/local/bin08:42
cilkaybabo: you mean where should you install your program? If so, is it only going to be used by you? If yes, ~/bin. If no, and it's not part of the distro, in /usr/local - you can usually specify in the configure step where it should be installed.08:42
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kaydeMadpilot, got it08:42
Managubabo: /usr/bin is reserved for distribution-managed binaries08:42
DylanPierceI always used SAM in Windows, haven't found anything even remotely comparable for Linux.08:43
kaydeMadpilot, thanks man,08:43
Healotmikomiko_: no however, but i've packaged/compiled a lot of other source programs liek that before08:43
Madpilotkayde, cool. got what?08:43
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holycowDylanPierce, what does sam do?08:43
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babook thanks ... :-)08:43
troy_sDylan:  That's quite a common thing.  Stick with the linux, it will work.  I assure you.08:43
DylanPierceholycow It allows me to broadcast a Internet streaming radio talk show.08:44
holycowDylanPierce, your kidding?08:44
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holycowwe only have like a bajillion streaming servers08:44
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tapio_Managu: http://pastebin.com/74427308:44
holycowof any kind you want08:44
=== ajeen [i=neeja@wireless-048.wireless.cse.unsw.EDU.AU] has joined #ubuntu
farouscan we download the old 2.4 kernel on ubuntu. The matlab program i have refuse to work on the 2.6 kernel08:44
shinobi2what are i.LINK ports for?08:44
glickfarous, heh octave08:45
Healotfarous: you can... but the system may be broken08:45
glickor scilab08:45
Amaranthshinobi2: i.LINK == Firewire08:45
troy_sDylan:  Live should be irrelevant, you simply pipe to mp3 or whatever ogg on the fly and then stream it.08:45
farousglick: matlab is much more better08:45
DylanPiercetroy_s My problem is that I'm due to go on the air tomorrow, and I've spend the entire weekend trying to make this work and failed. Now, I have no doubt this is due to my own incompetence, but nonetheless, if I can't get on the air, I can't be on Linux.08:45
richardstill no joy08:45
Amaranthshinobi2: Mostly used for hooking up iPods and getting videos off of DV cameras08:45
troy_sDylan:  the unix way is to do singular things well -- don't look for an all in one package, but rather a couple of tools chained together.08:45
glickfarous, yeah i know08:45
farousHealot: id id not find the image for 2.4 so is it in warty repos08:45
troy_sdylan:  hard deadline ick.08:46
Managutapio_: why doesn't sudo work? What in the world is a zrokstation?08:46
glickhowever scilab was written by the french government08:46
glickit must have some merit08:46
richard/dev/hdb1 on /media/hdb1 type ntfs (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000)08:46
shinobi2Amaranth, ah.. this lappy does not have biger-firewire port, only i.LINK port08:46
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glickor rather funded by the french government08:46
holycowDylanPierce, i would help personally but i've not setup anything like that ... i know there are even live cds out there that let you run a streaming server just from that08:46
Healotfarous: yes, it is on the older releases, but installing those 2.4 kernels might break your breezy/dapper releases08:46
richardbut i cant access it still08:46
glickwritten at CERN08:46
Managutapio_: oh, I see zrokstation is your hostname, nm that question.08:46
Amaranthshinobi2: yeah, apple does the 6-pin ones that provide power, PC makers use the 4-pin unpowered version08:46
farousHealot: would not heart to try08:46
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DylanPiercetroy_s I believe you! I'm sure that if I had a while to learn everything I needed to know, I'd be fine, but right now, I need to just get broadcasting step by step.08:47
farousglick i will check scilab08:47
hugomagicHi!  Can I do a system restore in windows to start completely fresh after I installed ubuntu, or having ubuntu interferes with the restoration?08:47
babook, so I've unpacked my program (ncftp), moved it into /usr/local/bin/ and then I ran ./configure. It returned without any errors, put yet I still can't run the command ... ncftp08:47
tapio_Managu: Not sure why sudo won't work, but apt-get is my main concern. Don't like sudo anyways :p08:47
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Bob_4_a_daymodem reset.08:47
richardrichard@Appleby:~$ ls -l /media/hdb108:47
richardls: /media/hdb1: Permission denied08:47
DylanPiercetroy_s I don't care if it's only a voice and one music channel, no special effects, nothing, as long as it gets me on the air. I can learn how to do the sparkly stuff later.08:47
Bob_4_a_dayrichard.  did you ever show your uid ?08:47
farousglick: is scilab like maxima for i am using it now08:48
Bob_4_a_dayi missed it   care to repost08:48
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Managutapio_: Not knowing off hand if nmap is in the main repository -- do you have the universe repository selected?08:48
troy_sJust use google bro.  I can only imagine that the bulk of live streams use a unix backend, so the info should be available.08:48
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Healothugomagic: installing ubuntu has no effect on Windows system restore... except you might deleted your Windows partition by mistake :)08:48
baboanyone ?08:48
Bob_4_a_daywas it 1000  richard ?08:48
Managubabo: move it back to somewhere in your home directory.  Then run "./configure --prefix=/usr/local; make; sudo make install"08:48
troy_sI quote "This should hopefully fill you in with a basic idea of whats     required to stream your own online radio station. "08:48
glickfarous, im not sure what maxima is08:48
hugomagicthanks Healot08:49
glickfarous, check out the homepage scilab.org08:49
richarddid you get that08:49
farousglick: it is like maple but will check scilab thanx :)08:49
AlmtyBobhow can I get tightvncserver to run at boot?08:49
erikhey, I'm trying to use ubuntu on my powerbook g4; does anyone know how I can make the trackpad acceleration + 2-finger scroll behavior behave like in OS X?08:49
DylanPiercetroy_s Actually read that article, and many others like it. Nice overviews.08:49
Managutapio_: barring that, I'd try a "sudo apt-get update" and then try "sudo apt-get install nmap" again08:49
richardhow do i do it just for you?08:49
Bob_4_a_dayrichard /msg08:49
baboManagu: oops, I figured that make && make install would be in the configure file (don't ask me why) ... anyway thanks08:49
tapio_Managu: I'll try that. if i use sudo, or just su doesn't really matter, i guess?08:50
baboI don't really need to move it back to home though do I ?08:50
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farousok thanx guys :)08:50
Managutapio_: so long as you know what you're doing; if you're root, just drop all the "sudo"'s.  It's just a habit from being in #ubuntu so long08:50
Managualmtybob: system -> preferences -> session08:51
=== Bob_4_a_day wonders what is so secret about a uid ?
richardi did it again bob08:51
Managualmtybob: system -> preferences -> session -> startup programs, even08:51
richardin private chat08:51
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Bob_4_a_dayi aint seen nothing. richard just tell me if it is 1000  or not ?08:52
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tapio_Managu: ok, good to know. Found this howto on Repo...youknow;). I'll try reading that. Thanks for you'r time08:52
AlmtyBobManagu: will that run when my computer boots or when ubuntu starts?08:52
eydaimontonyyarusso: thanks08:52
richardi dont see 1000 anywhere08:52
AlmtyBobreason being is it's a headless server so I never log in from the pc, I use ssh to start tightvnc, then tightvnc in.  I'd like to skip the ssh step08:52
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Bob_4_a_dayrichard then in the terminal   do echo $UID     cause that partition is mounted with uid=1000 and if you are not uid 1000 then that's the problem.08:53
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Bob_4_a_dayrichard and if that's the problem you will need to edit /etc/fstab   and correct it.08:54
richardit kicked back 100008:54
DylanPierceIs there anywhere else I might be able to go on this issue? I'm really at my wit's end as far as fighting with it goes.08:54
Bob_4_a_dayand you can't ls the drive.... hmmm08:54
DylanPierceOn Windows, I never had to come to an IRC channel and beg for help. I just installed, and it worked. I don't see how Linux is an advantage over that.08:55
richardas i said i can access the drive via drive manager browse08:55
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Bob_4_a_daylet's see   mount | grep -ie 'ntfs'      one more time please08:55
maikolwhen installing ubuntu, during the partitioning section. what does the "bootable flag" affect.08:55
richard/dev/hdb1 on /media/hdb1 type ntfs (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000)08:55
tonyyarussoDylanPierce: We've had to get Windows help, and trust me, _having_ an irc channel is better than what's available on that end.08:56
Madpilotmaikol, for Linux, I don't think it affects anything08:56
tonyyarussoDylanPierce: Have you already looked around the wiki, forums, and Google?08:56
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DylanPiercetonyyarusso Globally, I'm sure that's correct. But my problem is specific. And yes, I've spent the last four days looking everywhere. I've installed and uninstalled at least six different programs.08:56
maikolMadpilot, should i enable it for the windows partition or will a boot loader handle the dual os's08:57
tonyyarussoDylanPierce: Also, different people are here at different times, so it's often helpful to try back another time or another day, b/c you never know when you'll find someone experienced in a particular area.08:57
Madpilotmaikol, no idea, I've never dualbooted w/ MS08:57
Bob_4_a_dayrichard according to that.  you can both read and write to that partition.   but  ls says nosir....   idk.08:57
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid08:57
FeestBijtjeDumb lnux question: how do i check for spyware08:57
tonyyarussoDylanPierce: Okay, have you tried posting on the forums then besides just reading them?08:57
richardmaybe its a user problem08:57
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richardi'll try that ls thing again08:58
holycowFeestBijtje, you can't really, no one has seen anything that can be defined as spyware on linux ... :/08:58
FeestBijtjeholycow, i know that read the line befor it was to annoy some one08:58
DylanPiercetonyyarusso No, but only because others have already posted my exact questions in the forums.08:58
ubotutonyyarusso: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:58
Bob_4_a_daythe fmask=0133   i'd set to 333   and the dmask 0022   i'd set to 222  but that should still be accessable.08:59
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Healotthe easiest with most relax readonly umask is "umask=0022"08:59
tonyyarussoDylanPierce: Ah.  Dang.  Well, like I said, I'd try back here a few times before giving up.  Sorry you're having trouble, and good luck.08:59
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RancidLMhey all08:59
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DylanPiercetonyyarusso Thanks for your help... unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to have time to go hunting. Like I said, I have to go on the air tomorrow. If there isn't a product I can install and be there, then I need to go back to what I know.09:00
Bob_4_a_daybut the ro access covers the changes i sujested anyway.09:00
RancidLMim having problems getting the latest nvidia drivers.. i have the drivers.. iv removed the ubuntu nvidia-glx  and i have compiled and installed the drivers but every time on boot its unable to load X until i re-install the drivers.. can some one give me some advice?  thanks!09:00
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tonyyarussoDylanPierce: Only for tomorrow ;)09:01
glickDylanPierce, have you checked freshmeat?09:01
Bob_4_a_dayanyone know howto generate a /boot/map  file ?09:01
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Healotmake-kpkg package...09:01
WisH[AwaY] anyone knows from totem plugins? it says i have to install a decoder to handle .pls files so i can listen to an online radio station.and to install the neccessary plugins.09:01
WisH[AwaY] any ideas09:01
odatsgurlanyone know what is the webpage to get a sources.list?09:01
ManaguDylanPierce: you say you're happy with this "sam" program for windows.  Have you tried installing under wine to see if it will work there?09:02
glickthats a disturbing quit message09:02
tonyyarussoWisH[AwaY] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:02
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ManaguRancidLM: there's probably a kernel module or two that you have to install09:03
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PORDOi can't get gstreamer to play mp3, and i've got the gstreamer ugly package installed. :(09:03
Healotugly, PORDO09:04
ManaguRancidLM: if you can determine which they are, you could add a few entries to your /etc/modules file to be sure they get loaded09:04
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RancidLMManagu: but doesn't the nvidia installer do that09:04
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odatsgurlcan anyone tell me what the webpage is to get a sources.list?09:04
ManaguRancidLM: load the kernel modules?  Yes.  Tell your system to reload them on reboot?  I thought so, but maybe not.09:05
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource09:05
Madpilotubotu, tell odatsgurl about easysource09:05
PORDOHealot ?09:05
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odatsgurlthx a lot09:06
crazy_penguinmorning everybody!09:07
=== Journich [n=journich@219-90-170-130.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
richardcan anyone help me with gaining ro access to NTFS slave drive09:08
Flannelrichard: have you read what ubotu tells you?09:09
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richardurl u mean09:09
richard*goes to read stuff*09:10
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PORDOcan someone help me get mp3 support working in rhythmbox?09:10
jrsimsGod dammitall! This fracking nvidia driver issue is driving me up the wall09:10
jhennit says rythmbox dapper can listen to podcasts.  how can that be if aac is restricted?09:10
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noiesmoubotu, tell PORDO abour Restricted09:10
jrsimsis there any way to rever to my original install video modes09:10
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PORDOnoiesmo i know well about it.  i've been using ubuntu for over a year.09:11
ubotuI heard lvm is (for the moment) http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/09:11
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robinl1how to play flash files with totem?09:11
mentor__how do you make changes in /proc/acpi and /sys/devices permanent? (between rebooting)09:11
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Healotrobinl1: install libflashplayer09:11
noiesmoPORDO, well then I can do mp3  would you like to know how ooh maybe you know all about it then ok me say nothing09:12
robinl1E: couldn't find package libflashplayer09:12
Managumentor__: you mean, like, you did an "echo blah > /proc/acpi/something_here", and you want it to stay?09:12
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Healotrobinl1: go here packages.ubuntu.com >> search for flash... I am not a walking diary09:13
mentor__Managu: yea!09:13
PORDOnoiesmo i can do mp3 in xmms, but not in rhythmbox.09:13
PORDOand i could swear it was working fine just a few days ago.09:13
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Managumentor__: add the echo line to /etc/rc.local09:13
Healotmentor__: do a simple script that run on boot?09:13
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mentor__will that run after all the startup stuff?09:14
Managumentor__: yes, after09:14
PORDOmp3 support for gstreamer..anyone?09:14
HealotPORDO: the worst you can do is isntall ALL gstreamer plugins that you can find ?09:15
robinl1Healot: doesn't work.. i mean the packages dont do anything09:15
ManaguPORDO:  I thought the ffmpeg plugins for gstreamer did mp309:15
PORDOi thought gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly did it.09:15
maikoli should install the linux-386 kernel, not the -image 's, right?09:15
mentor__Managu: thankx. Will place it there. Was a fix to cure thermal throttling problem. Startup happens with the CPU throttled back to 20% since moving to Dapper RC :\09:15
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Healotrobinl1: listen to my worst piece of advise, IT WILL WORK09:16
Managumentor__: ouch.  Need a new heatsync?09:16
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PORDOhrm...gonna reboot for the hell of it.09:16
Managupordo: dapper or breezy?09:16
robinl1Healot: But it doesn't. Installed libflash, no results.09:16
robinl1Healot: with the swfplayer nothing shows up. only text09:16
mentor__Managu: thermal zone trip points are all set below 16C by default. Can't figure out where it gets those values, looked for ages on the kernel mailing lists - can't find a thing09:17
Healotrobinl1: wtf you are talking about?09:17
glickhey what are some of the more popular email clients in that you all prefer to use?09:17
Managupordo: tsk, tsk.  !dapper and all.  I think you should try gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, though09:17
robinl1Healot: About what i asked?09:17
Healotpackages.ubuntu.com >> search for "Flash"09:17
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robinl1Yes and i did.09:17
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maikoli should install the linux-386 kernel, not the linux-image-386 or linux-image-2.6.12-9-386 's, right?09:17
robinl1Still can't play files with totem, installed the packages.09:17
robinl1flash files*09:18
Healotdo you know what you are suppose to look for?09:18
=== Managu tries to remember that there exists a temperature scale other than Farenheit...
robinl1i know09:18
robinl1installed it09:18
robinl1ran the flash09:18
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kettenschutzhey there09:18
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robinl1got only text, no window or graphic stuff or anything09:18
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Healot libflash0c2 and this too...09:18
kettenschutzsomeone could explain how to create service menus?!09:18
robinl1Healot: Like i said, i installed it all09:19
kettenschutzi wanted to create a servicemenu for BCHUNK and mount an iso file09:19
Healotrobinl1: you know what, idc09:19
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peter_i dont care09:19
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robinl1Healot: You lazy ***09:20
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Healotsometimes i get mad/angry... be patience09:20
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KillerKiwi2006I keep getting "checking for GNOME... configure: error: unable to find the GNOME libraries" anybody now which package i need?09:20
Managupordo: tsk, tsk.  !dapper and all.  I think you should try gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, though09:20
robinl1Yes, i see.09:20
AgrajagKillerKiwi2006: gnome-dev ?09:20
KillerKiwi2006Agrajag: I have that....09:20
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Agrajager, libgnome-dev09:21
Madpilotrobinl1 & Healot: cool it, OK?09:21
peter_everyone looking forward to dapper?09:21
Healotcrankiness kicks in sometimes, heh09:21
AgrajagI'm looking at it right now09:21
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kettenschutznobody ?!09:21
KillerKiwi2006Agrajag: yeah thats the one i have09:21
Managukettenschutz: what is BCHUNK?09:21
Agrajaghm, gnome-devel is listed too09:21
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kettenschutzBCHUNK is a programm to convert imagefiles to iso files09:22
Schalkeni know this is kinda of09:22
sobersabreso.. are we all dapper now ?09:23
Managukettenschutz: What you're asking will likely require some programming.  Or at least some scripting.09:23
KillerKiwi2006gnome-devel looks like tools blufish etc09:23
Agrajagwell no clue then09:23
kettenschutzmhh i think gamescripting and a littl delphi experience wont reach for this eh?09:23
sobersabrekettenschutz: what were you asking .. can you repeat ?09:23
kettenschutzsure sobersabre: someone could explain how to create service menus?!09:24
kettenschutzi wanted to create a servicemenu for BCHUNK and mount an iso file09:24
sobersabre'service menus' are... what ?09:24
KillerKiwi2006hmm maybe gnome-core-devel09:24
kettenschutzu arent a KDE user sobersabre ?!09:24
Flannelkettenschutz: #kubuntu ;) for KDE users/etc.09:24
kettenschutzmh, thanx @ Flannel09:25
sobersabrekettenschutz: even though i have used kde... i don't know09:25
SchalkenIi know this is kinda off topic from UIbuntu, but does anyone know whether IPX and TCP/IP can be used simultaneously over a LAN?09:25
sobersabreIPX is something over IP.09:25
Schalkenit is?09:25
sobersabreit is not a completely separate protocol09:25
Schalkenoh okay!09:25
peter_no it is not09:25
peter_it is completely seperate09:25
crabgrassipx is different09:25
sobersabresorry :(09:26
peter_used to be used be novell09:26
kettenschutzsobersabre, service menus are the menus @ your kontextmenus by rightclicking a file or somethin' like that09:26
SchalkenIt is separate or it isn't?09:26
ManaguSchalken: they shouldn't interfere or anything; ethernet can carry either09:26
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AgrajagKillerKiwi2006: libgnome2-dev?09:26
sobersabrethought its an extension...09:26
peter_ipx/spx, a name for a seperate stack, as oposed to tcp/ip09:26
SchalkenCool, thanks!09:26
HealotSchalken: ubuntu stock linux doesn't have IPX/SPX driver... think, recompilation required09:26
peter_ipx at layer 309:26
peter_spx at layer 409:26
sobersabreSchalken: sorry09:26
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Flannelkettenschutz: you might have better luck asking in a KDE specific channel.  If they don't know in #kubuntu09:27
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sobersabrekettenschutz: you should ask kde developers.09:27
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kettenschutzwoah, where to find a developer ?!09:28
Managummm, pass the buck!09:28
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FlannelManagu: no, just "asking in appropriate places"09:28
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jrsimswhat's the usual location of my kernel source tree?09:29
ManaguFlannel: no argument.  same thing ;-)09:29
tapio_The special characters in my country does only partly work. Does not work in terminals, but do work in browsers, etc. How do i fix that?09:29
Agrajagjrsims: somewhere under /usr/src, assuming you installed the source09:29
KillerKiwi2006well that got it....09:30
AgrajagKillerKiwi2006: oh good09:30
kettenschutzthx @ crabgrass i'll be asking there09:31
KillerKiwi2006now i can compile mail-checker 3, gmail is spitting the dummy with 2 again09:31
SchalkenHow come when I share a folder over a windows share and I try to access it from my windows computer it says I need a password?09:31
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jrsimshow do I stop x from a terminal?09:32
shriphaniguys why do i get this error while running configure09:32
shriphanii mean for amule installation from source09:32
ManaguSchalken: there's probably a security concern involved.  I haven't quite figured that out myself09:32
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scaporjrsims: /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:33
shriphanican someone tell me if they have had problems compiling amule from source too09:33
Agrajagjrsims: /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:33
richardFigured it out09:33
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richardThankyou for your help09:33
SchalkenManagu: is there somehwere where I can configure Ubuntu's SMB connection to make sure it isnt password protected?09:34
shriphanihello ???09:34
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peter_hey can anyone hear this?09:34
BlackholdI'm trying the dapper09:34
james14Yes I can hear you09:34
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peter_sweet thx09:34
AgrajagSchalken: you can set up shares yourself in /etc/samba/smb.conf09:34
FlannelBlackhold: #ubuntu+1 for dapper questions/support.  Until the 1st anyway.09:34
Blackholdand I need to know what software uses dapper to make work the wireless09:34
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peter_never used xchat before, i like it09:34
shriphanii need to know if anyone has problems compiling amule from source09:34
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richardyeah xchat is nice09:35
SchalkenAgrajag: thanks ill have a poke around in there09:35
AgrajagSchalken: I don't know how to make an unpassworded, writeable share though09:35
SchalkenAgrajag: be nice if i could atleast know what the password was09:35
Agrajagit's not your own user/pass?09:35
FlannelSchalken: I imagine it's your user's password.09:35
SchalkenFlannel: yeah i tried that, no go09:35
shriphaniAgrajag, do you have problems compiling amule from source ?09:35
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Agrajagwhat is amule?09:36
shriphania p2p client for linux09:36
peter_not sure bout amule, i had success with limewire if that helps09:36
Flannelshriphani: most people don't compile amule from source, and as such, have no experience doing so.  Or at least, no one on at the moment.09:36
AgrajagSchalken: have you tried setting your password with smbpasswd?09:36
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shriphaniFlannel, why did the xemacs guys make installing xemacs such a big issue ?09:37
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Flannelshriphani: there a reason you're compiling?09:37
SchalkenAgrajag: nope, is that just a command line tool?09:37
shriphaniFlannel, i am new to linux so thought it would be good to try my hand out at this09:37
AgrajagSchalken: yeah09:37
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ManaguSchalken: yeah, in /"etc/samba/smb.conf".  I don't know what the security consequences of this are, but adding "security = share" to that file did the trick for me09:37
shriphanii mean i did ./configure and got an error09:37
Flannelshriphani: why are you compiling that (xemacs) as well?09:37
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Flannelshriphani: which error?09:38
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peter_yeh i used security=share aswell but thats not recommended security09:38
shriphaniconfigure: error: unable to use zlib - no peer found09:38
Flannelshriphani: why are you trying to compile all these things?09:38
shriphaniFlannel, to learn09:39
peter_guest ok = yes?09:39
SchalkenAgrajag: smbpasswd asks for my 'old' smb password, you know, the one I dont know09:39
Healotshriphani: i heard Indians are good programmers, eh?09:39
osfameronis there an equivalent to Quicksilver/Katapult for Gnome ?09:39
shriphanii am 1509:39
shriphaniand i learn python09:39
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osfameronor does Katapult work OK on gnome (after installing a metric bucketload of KDE stuff I imagine)09:39
AgrajagSchalken: run it as root09:40
Agrajagsmbpasswd <username>09:40
shriphanii mean so far not one package has worked out for me09:40
Agrajagit should just let you change it09:40
FlannelSchalken: did you follow the howto?09:40
FlannelSchalken: it goes over this.  config files, and the like.09:40
Schalkentheres a howto?09:40
Flannel!tell Schalken about samba09:40
Flannelthe wiki page09:40
crazy_penguin!tell crazy_penguin about samba09:41
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shriphanithe bot may be down09:41
SchalkenFlannel: thnx09:41
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, shriphani09:41
shriphaniyeh it isnt down09:41
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b0efany way to do a network install using floppies?. I was thinking in the same fashion as a debian floppy install. I would need ubuntu to fetch packages from some ubuntu site as I can't host the iso myself09:41
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Agrajagshriphani: you wouldn't see messages from the bot to those people anywqay09:41
tapio_I'm having some trouble with the norweigan special characters and the terminals. (only the terminals, not browsers, etc) Could anyone point me in the right directino, please?09:41
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jrsimsshit. how do I uninstall nvidia-glx packages if all I have is a command line?09:42
Malloc42jrsims: dpkg -r09:42
shriphanican anyone tell name a few packages i can compile from source for my knowledge09:42
Flanneljrsims: apt-get remove [whatever] 09:42
shriphanibecause even though i know the process it never works!!!09:42
teenboyfeethey folks. i set up my xorg.conf settings to run two X desktops, one on my CRT and one on my TV, according to the instructions on the ubuntu wiki page "nvidiatvout". this was fine when i was running in GNOME. but since ive switched to KDE, i can run the two desktops fine but the mouse will not move from my first monitor to the second. any ideas? thanks09:43
b0efshriphani: lftp is a nice and clean package, f.ex09:43
Flannelshriphani: did you get build-essentials?09:43
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shriphanii got them just today09:43
Healotshriphani, the kernel source, vlc, libdvdcss2 even the latest supertux09:43
crazy_penguinDBO: hi!09:43
Flannelteenboyfeet: if no one in here can answer, you might try asking in #kubuntu, which is KDE/etc specific, they might know.09:43
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DBOcrazy_penguin, hi =)09:44
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teenboyfeetok thanks09:44
shriphanii mean every compilation from source asks for something i dont have09:44
shriphaniand this drives me mad09:44
crazy_penguinDBO: may i ask you some advice on pm?09:44
b0efshriphani: then grab what you don't have;)09:44
shriphaniapt-get doesnt give those things09:45
shriphanii mean glib09:45
shriphaniand the like09:45
Healot15 and no patience at all09:45
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shriphanii mean for starters i need to get some success09:45
Flannelshriphani: yes, apt-get build-dep09:45
DBOcrazy_penguin, yes09:45
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crazy_penguinok thx09:46
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DJ_DanniNeed Serois HEL NOW09:47
Healotshriphani: mmmkay, let's make thing easier for us and yourself09:47
DJ_DanniI need help09:47
zcat[1] <McNutella> can someone tell me why on earth I am banned from #ubuntu please ?09:47
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FlannelDJ_Danni: until you ask a question, we can't help you.09:48
Healotcan you save the output of make or ./config for us, shriphani?09:48
shriphanipastebin.com ?09:48
Healotwe can figure out what you need for the compilation09:48
Healotsure, pastebin09:48
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Managutapio_: keyboard set up properly for X?  I have no experience with any keyboards other than US 10x key, but that might be a place to start09:48
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tapio_Managu: Ok, whats strange is that the characters work fine in anything other than the terminals, but worth to check it out i guess09:49
zcat[1] no-one knows?09:50
DJ_DanniI was Updating my Ubuntu and now i get Kernel Panic - Not Syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unlnow-bloc(0,0) Whats Wrong :'(09:50
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FlannelDJ_Danni: this is dapper?09:50
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thenetduckdoes anyone know how i can print off of my Linux machine if my printer is connected to my windows machine and my windows and linux machine are networked together????09:50
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zcat[1] configure a printer, networked, SMB, point to your windows machine..09:51
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DJ__DanniWhats Wrong?09:51
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MuLLeRhello .... can someone help me with traffic prioritization?09:52
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zcat[1] DJ__Danni: can you still boot by selecting the previous kernel in grub ?09:52
maikolshould i add another source to apt other than the one configured to it during the instal09:52
thenetduckwhere can i configure a printer?09:52
Healotshriphani: kay, surf packages.ubuntu.com ... type zlib in the package search text, hit search, and check out those *dev* packages... then isntall it using your favorite installer, synaptic or apt-get09:52
DJ__DanniShe wold noat ewen Start up09:52
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HymnToLifemaikol> depends what you need to installbut mot likely you will09:53
zcat[1] if you get to a kernel panic you're way past GRUB...09:53
kmilitzerMorning everyone ...09:53
maikolHymnToLife, can i add more once the installation is complete09:53
DJ__DanniHow can i fix that?09:53
Healot"checking for zlib >= 1.1.4... no", it shows that you have isntall the zlib development files09:53
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HymnToLifemaikol> of course09:54
ubotuwell, apt is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto09:54
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DJ__DanniHow can i fix that?09:54
maikolHymnToLife, sweet thanks09:54
xgllo.nzb files crash when being opened in klibido or nzb any ideas?09:54
zcat[1] at the grub menu it should say 'press esc for more options' or list all the installed kernels.. pick an older one?09:54
xgllo.nzb files crash when being opened in klibido or nzb gnome resets and loads back at login window.09:54
DJ__DanniCan you tell me what to do??????09:55
shriphaniok thanks found it09:55
shriphaniand yeah is upgrading ubuntu a pain in the ass09:55
shriphanijust asking09:55
DJ__DanniShe give me a Error09:56
DJ__DanniCanoat start her:S09:56
shriphanishe ?09:56
shriphaniwho is she09:56
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CoreyHey brothers does anyone know when macromedia plan to release flash player 9 for linux ?09:56
CoreyNo 9.09:56
visik7Corey: not in their blog09:56
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zcat[1] Corey: sometime before Duke Nukem Forever is out, and possibly after Vista is launched..09:57
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crazy_penguinshriphani: not it is not a pain in the ass. imho it's one of the best upgrade systems that i saw until today09:57
CoreyThey said they are making flash player 9 for linux aswell.09:57
shriphanihow do you upgrade it09:57
Healothis girlfriend (his PC), shriphani09:57
shriphanibecause i saw no option during the breezy install09:57
DJ__DanniI get this messages :: Kernel panic - not  somthang:S09:57
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DJ__DanniWhats WRONG?09:57
kmilitzerI've got a stupid question. Is there a file somehwere to find out which version of ubuntu is running, like /etc/debian_release shows the debian version?09:58
CoreyI have to use wine firefox with flash 8 plugin which is partly annoying to view flash 8+ movies.09:58
zcat[1] My kids use the windows mozilla under wine so they can run the latest flash and shockwave games..09:58
HealotDJ__Danni: reboot and select the previous kernel that you used before?09:58
shriphaniHealot, can you tell me small packages that i can use to improve tarball experience ?09:58
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zcat[1] works for me..09:58
DJ__DanniI am Rboting09:58
peter_buy them an xbox360 lol09:58
maikolany preferences as to the grub or lilo boot loaders?09:58
xgllomy computer reboots when I close windows randomly now09:58
CoreyHas anyone installed flash 8 using wine ?09:58
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visik7Corey: you can't09:58
Coreyor has it had results like installing dreamweaver 809:59
Healotsmall packages? shriphani: don't get you09:59
visik7or can?09:59
zcat[1] Corey:  yes. It's pretty easy.09:59
DJ__DanniShut i let her boot from CD?09:59
shriphanii mean tarballs that are small in size09:59
xglloits on fire now...09:59
CoreyI copied all my dreamweaver files over but it says when i start it up that i need to re-install unfortunetly.09:59
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AlmtyBobhas anyone installed "nuvexport" for mythtv? Is there anything special I need to do?  I did make install and it appeared to install correctly but it won't run now, it errors out10:00
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Healotshriphani: you can make your own... tar cvf <tarball filename> <directory to tar>10:00
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kmilitzerSo is there a way to tell the vesion of the running ubuntu?10:00
DJ__DanniHey Answare me10:00
shriphanii mean to insall10:00
shriphaniinstall ^10:00
Healotcompile+install eh? shriphani?10:00
crimsunkmilitzer: lsb_release -r10:00
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shriphaniyes Healot10:01
zcat[1] DJ__Danni: just after you turn her on, do you see the message "Loading GRUB.." before it crashes?10:01
kmilitzercrimsun: Cool, thanks10:01
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Allz-i-Does someone knowz -Howto change the keyboard10:01
peter_unplug it, plug in the new one10:01
Coreyguys how do i make the fonts in mozilla firefox not fuzzy ?10:02
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zcat[1] Corey: firefox under wine?10:02
Coreyno normal firefox10:02
zcat[1] they're fuzzy?10:02
CoreyI had to make the text bigger10:02
CoreyYeah they are a bit blurry when to small10:02
kholerabbiHello, I have several files with extension .shs (these are documents created with Microsoft Office, when text is dragged to the desktop from an open file.). Openoffice doesn't seem to open them, dose anyone know any way I might be able to?10:02
zcat[1] they should be just like every other font10:02
DJ__DanniYeas soat that'10:02
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CoreyIn windows you can have them small without the blurryness10:02
peter_Corey, follow the ubuntuguide webpage for adding new fonts, ur firefox fonts will be immediately clearer10:03
Healottry "libdvdcss2" from http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/ >> no extra packages needed10:03
CoreyI've got all m$ fonts on firefox10:03
Coreyguys be right back the toilet is calling me10:03
DJ__DanniAfter that in to next step and no mor10:03
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zcat[1] DJ__Danni: just after that it will give you a list of boot options... press the down arrow twice to pick the older kernel, then press enter.10:03
AlmtyBobis there a "make UNinstall"?10:04
tapio_Any norweigan people here who have any solution to the odd behaviour of the terminals when using one of the special character?(AE OO AA)10:04
AlmtyBobto completely remove a program10:04
Healotyes... depends on packages... AlmtyBob10:04
Healotusually make clean10:04
zcat[1] AlmtyBob: that depends on the Makefile.. most packages include the option10:04
zcat[1] make clean != make uninstall10:04
khermans_Is this channel for Dapper support now?10:04
khermans_and dapper+1 for eft?10:05
AlmtyBobwhat's make clean?10:05
crimsunkhermans_: not until post-1 june10:05
zcat[1] day after tomorrow I think10:05
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zcat[1] depends on your timezone of course10:05
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Flannelkhermans_: #ubuntu+1 for dapper, at the moment, no channels for edgy yet.10:05
AlmtyBob"no rule to make target 'clean'. Stop.10:05
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khermans_I'm moving very fast relative to you, so it is already June 1st10:05
zcat[1] Hehe.. I get to ask dapper questions in here before anyone else NZST is GMT+1210:06
Healotlike 3 more days for dapper stable release10:06
crimsunkhermans_: we work according to UTC, sorry bud. :-)10:06
CoreyHey guys how can i play files that have xvid codecs ?10:06
FlannelI think we workd according to dapper being released, rather than a specific time ;)10:06
shriphaniHealot, got any packages ?10:06
=== khermans_ gets back in the space shuttle and continues the twin paradox trip
Schalkenokay I'm giving up on SAMBA10:06
Healottry "libdvdcss2" from http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/ >> no extra packages needed10:06
CoreyHow do you install XGL ?10:07
Healotyour first experiment, shriphani... compile and package it at the same time...10:07
peter_Schalken, why? SAMBA rocks, plenty of major networks use it10:07
DJ__Danniok i ge 5 Choses what shut i Chose?10:07
shriphanii did those create tars and decompress tars10:07
khermans_Corey, use the wiki10:07
shriphanii want to install now10:07
Coreywiki ?10:07
DJ__Danni10 9 or 86+?10:07
ubotu[xgl]  "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"10:07
Schalkenpeter_: cannot get it workin in Ubuntu10:07
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Coreythanks :D10:08
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peter_Schalken, I got it working fine on many installs, what problem are u having10:08
Coreyis it easy to uninstall XGL ?10:08
Schalkenpeter_: when I try to access a shared folder on a windows computer, it says I need a password10:09
FlannelCorey: Not on breezy.  On dapper, yeah. super easy.10:09
james14msg nickserv set email volkerbradley@gmail.com10:09
DJ__DanniThang you Pebole you Save my Radio And TV Servers10:09
Coreyyeah im on dapper :D10:09
peter_Schalken, have you read a good text on it? The options are wide rangin, and the concepts not easily understood if u dont understand windows networking10:09
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FlannelCorey: #ubuntu+1 then ;) or #ubuntu-xgl for xgl support/etc10:10
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peter_Schalken, short answer - security=share, guest ok = yes10:10
Schalkenpeter_: why cant it just be as easy as doing it on windows?10:10
Hit3kSo. My wireless connection activates but it isnt connecting to the router I'm putting the right key in as well10:10
Coreyuh guys terminal is not starting up ?10:10
DJ__DanniHey this is the best aboat Linux you can always be save from Tabloe and thangs to you Pebole here10:10
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peter_Schalken, If you think windows networking is easy, you are not understandin the intricacies. But that's a silly question. It works how it works, read up and do it. SAMBA would be easy if youd been doing it for 10 years10:11
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Coreyhow can I check if I have dapper running ?10:12
DJ__DanniI thang its noat Save for me to Update10:12
shriphaniHealot, got any pavkages for me to install10:12
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Schalkenpeter_: someone should make a frontend for the smb.conf file10:13
emileCorey: system, about ubuntu10:13
peter_Schalken, cool, when are you going to start?10:13
zcat[1] Schalken: there are several already10:13
Schalkenpeter_: lol10:14
peter_Schalken, try webmin10:14
zcat[1] dapper you can right-click and share like windows..10:14
peter_but it really isnt rocket science10:14
Schalkenpeter_: is that in the repos?10:14
CoagSchalken: try SWAT10:14
peter_yes i think so10:14
peter_yes try swat10:14
khermans_Hey, I keep trying to update the wiki with 's/apt-get/aptitude/g' , but people always put it back -- why are we not using aptitude over apt-get ???10:15
zcat[1] wait three days and try dapper :)10:15
crimsunkhermans_: Please do /not/ do that.10:15
khermans_crimsun, actually someone told me to update it to aptitude if I saw wikis mentioning apt-get10:15
khermans_my bad10:16
DJ__Dannihey zcat[1]  its all ok now. Thang you. You Save my Radio And TV Server's10:16
gleesondthe audio is broken in any new accounts I create, has anyone come accross this?10:16
crimsunkhermans_: the doc team is already extremely frustrated. In the future instances of $apt will be removed, and the instructions will just say to "install foo" without mention of $apt directly.10:16
khermans_crimsun, can you give a specific reason why aptitude is not being used anyways?10:16
crimsunkhermans_: there's no specific reason any of them are used10:17
khermans_crimsun, im trying to remember who told me to update the wikis, but i'd have to check the irc logs10:17
zcat[1] I always try to use/suggest synaptic .. windows migrants FEAR the command line...10:17
khermans_zcat[1] , true -- i am a cli guy myself10:18
njanzcat[1] , don't be unfair, not all of them :P10:18
khermans_but my little brother has been using Ubuntu since he was 8, and now he likes the cli too10:18
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SchalkenCoag, peter_: okay I got SWAT, i dont see it in the apps menu, can i just type swat in the terminal?10:19
Coagit's a web interface10:19
CoagI'm not rememebering what port it's on10:20
dtsHow would I record a video of what I'm doing on my X screen?10:20
zcat[1] 901 ?10:20
SchalkenCoarg: o....kay....then....10:20
zcat[1] localhost:901 iirc...10:20
Coagtry going to localhost:901 in your browser10:20
maikolyey, booting to ubuntu10:21
SchalkenCoag: no go10:21
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Coagnot sure then Schalken10:21
Managugleesond: not an answer, but something to persue:  Your primary user is, by default, part of the "audio" group.  Did you add the new accounts to that group?10:21
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Coagis the service running?10:21
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SchalkenCoag: theres a service that needs to be run?10:22
CoagI'm guessing10:22
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CoagI'm pulling stuff out of my ass that sounds right right now10:22
SchalkenCoag: lol10:22
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gleesondManagu: no10:22
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gleesondManagu: how do I do that10:23
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SchalkenCoag: guessing is no good.10:23
zcat[1] dpsyco-samba - Automate administration of access to samba10:23
zcat[1] might be a better tool..10:23
zcat[1] assuming it's not exclusive to dapper :)10:23
SchalkenCoag: i just wanna be able to share a file over to the other computer and print to its printer10:23
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CoagSystem>Administration>Shared Folders10:24
SchalkenCoag: lol10:24
SchalkenCoag: yeah i got that far, if only it worked10:24
Coreydamn xgl isnt a preety to install thing !10:24
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shriphaniHealot, did you find something10:24
Coagworks fine for me :P10:24
Coreyis there an easy way of installing ?10:25
SchalkenCoag: well, the printer might have something to do with the lack of printer drivers, but the folder sharing should at least work10:25
Coagyeah it should10:25
dtsis there something like a video screen grabber?10:25
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SchalkenCoag: but its still asking for a password from the other computer10:25
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Coagthen give it a password silleh10:25
Schalkendunno how to10:26
zbyteoh yeah..ubuntu is still up and running10:26
Coagmake a new user that is the same account as the windows box10:26
Coaguseradd account name10:26
zbyteis there a command to find out how long your ubuntu has been up and running?10:26
Coaguseradd accountname10:26
Coagzbyte: uptime10:26
CoagSchalken: then passwd accountname10:26
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Healotzbyte: "uptime"10:27
Coagthen smbpasswd -a accountname10:27
Coagthat shoudl get you going10:27
Managugleesond: "sudo usermod -G audio -a [username] "10:27
SchalkenCoag: whatdya mean 'the same account as the windows box', i didnt know the windows box has an account10:27
shriphaniHealot, did you find something for me ?10:28
Coagthen let's go with Administrator10:28
=== fenlow [n=toto@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-70-101.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Coagyou have to be logged in as some user in windows10:28
Healotshriphani: i just told you, scroll up... hum10:28
SchalkenCoag: ...okay, you reckon that goes for old windows (ME) aswel?10:28
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shriphanizbyte uptime ?10:29
=== zcat[1] suggests security = share
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=== PORDO [n=BROKEN@adsl-69-226-245-139.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU
zbytewhats the minimum of ram you guys recommend to make ubuntu run at its very best10:29
zcat[1] Anything less than 256M is not good..10:30
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Healotzbyte: for graphical UI, they recommend 128MB minimum10:30
Managuzbyte: 10 EB10:30
Coreywould anyone like to help me install XGL ?10:30
CoagPORDO: your ip says you live rather close to me10:30
shriphanican you type it again Healot10:30
Healotfor old-skewl text, 32MB is enough10:30
zcat[1] 128M is unusable!!10:30
ManaguCorey: I think there's a whole channel devoted to that10:30
zbytelol..i'm running it with 96mb of ram..and dual 300mhz processor10:30
Healottry "libdvdcss2" from http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/ >> no extra packages needed, shriphani sar10:30
CoreyWhats it called ?10:30
SchalkenCoag: 'sudo useradd Administrator'10:31
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Hit3kCorey, #ubuntu-xgl10:31
SchalkenCoag: 'sudo passwd Administrator'10:31
zcat[1] zbyte: textmode? not gnome I hope..10:31
zbyteGnome baby..gnome10:31
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zcat[1] Owww!!10:31
PORDOCoag i live at 205 chattanooga street, san francisco, ca10:31
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Hit3kzcat[1] , its probably better than running KDE10:31
=== prgrmr_ [n=NA@bzq-88-155-108-34.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Coagnot as close as I thought then10:31
zbytei had it at 64mb ram..but man..it was laggy10:31
PORDOright by 24th and dolores.10:31
PORDOyou're in the east bay?10:31
gmc18Morning Folk10:32
CoagI'm in fresn10:32
PORDOoh...sorry for you.10:32
PORDOi'm moving to portland soon actually.10:32
SchalkenGoag: 'smbpasswd -a Administrator'10:32
Coagyou should be >:|10:32
=== fred_ [n=fred@ANantes-251-1-10-240.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Coagtake me with you10:32
PORDObetter cost of living, cleaner, and hopefully better musical opportunities.10:32
PORDOhave you heard good things about portland ?10:32
CoagI've heard that it rains alot10:32
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Coagwhich is enough for me10:32
SchalkenCoag: do i need to restart the smb thingo10:33
njanPORDO, Portland is about the perfect place in the northwest10:33
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CoagI don't think so Schalken10:33
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Coagtry mounting the share with that user and the pass you set under ME10:33
zbytei tried running a ubuntu live on my main system amd 64 3000..but it would crash..well at least xvideo failed..and would leave me in a black terminal prompt10:34
nox-HandI am trying to install xgl/compiz10:34
njanPORDO, 2 hours drive in every direction and you have just about every climate the US has to offer.. desert, high desert, snowy mountains, temperate bits, the western coast around northern california..10:34
zbytemaybe cause i have dual monitors on that system?10:34
nox-Handand.. I get... E. Could not find package compiz10:34
nox-HandI am guessing I need some repo's opened?10:34
njanPORDO, Portland's a nice city, too; lots of interesting things in the area around it. :)10:34
=== glagla [n=laurent@ALille-257-1-65-121.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLife!info compiz10:35
kholerabbiCould someone help me with installing the tar.gz of Gaim beta3 on ubuntu5.1?10:35
HymnToLifenox-Hand> that package doesn't eem to exist in the Ubuntu repos10:35
SchalkenCoag: no wroky. i dont get how i can read and edit the windows computer's share but it cant read/edit mine. shouldnt it work both ways?10:35
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Coagshould could would but doesn't10:36
Coagblame windows and move one :D10:36
zbytewhats a terminal command to find out this box IP address10:36
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khermans_zbyte, ifconfig10:36
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Coagzbyte: ifconfig10:36
khermans_zbyte, but that's the local address -- you want your external IP too?10:36
PORDOfunny line from a news piece i was just reading: He served spare ribs and ethanol, and put in a few video poker machines.10:37
zbyteno..local is what i need10:37
SchalkenCoag: or i could just spend $150 AUD on windows and move on (from linux)10:37
zbytejust getting familiar with ubuntu/linux commands10:37
zbyteso i can rule the world10:37
CoagI'm thinking of replacing my server's ubuntu install with gentoo10:37
Coagbut I'm not sure if I have 4 days to spare right now10:37
khermans_Coag, lol10:37
zbytei heard of gentoo..they have live cd right?10:37
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Coagkind of?10:38
khermans_Coag, i always set up Ubuntu over Gentoo now, specifically for that reason10:38
Coagyes, i guess it is a live cd10:38
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Coagkhermans: I think ubuntu is great for desktops10:38
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khermans_zbyte, yeah but the live cd is useless -- the power of gentoo is in the customization10:38
CoagI'm skimping on learning with it though because it has to many gui utils, I just use those instead10:38
khermans_zbyte, you will learn a lot of linux internals setting it up10:38
CoagI can't set up a share without System>Admin>Shares10:39
Coagfor example10:39
khermans_zbyte, and then you can move back to Ubuntu when you are done learning10:39
khermans_i used Gentoo for many years before Ubuntu was around10:39
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zcat[1] I used redhat.10:39
zbytekermans wow, you make me want to get a 2nd hard drive and dual it in this system10:39
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kholerabbiI have downloaded gaim-2.0.0beta3.tar.gz, how do I install please?10:39
zcat[1] and before that slackware..10:39
khermans_kholerabbi, is it source code or binary?10:40
Coagslackware is silly10:40
khermans_never tried slack10:40
gmc18<- started with RH 5.0 way back when10:40
CoagI have this super old laptop, and I tried to get zipslack working on it10:40
zbytei need better horsepower on this though..ubuntu on 96mb of ram and 300mhz processor is a bit laggy. but once the program opens, it goes smooth10:40
khermans_and gentoo was a waste of my admin time10:40
gordonjcpslackware is pretty good10:40
CoagI can't unzip the archive because there isn't enough ram10:40
khermans_zbyte, i suggest Xubuntu10:40
gordonjcpBSD init scripts > SysV init scripts10:40
khermans_zbyte, sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop && sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop10:41
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zcat[1] zbyte: I suggest better hardware. I got mine (1G CPU and 256M ram) from a dumpster10:41
kholerabbidunno, it's just got files inside it like any archive.??10:41
gordonjcpzcat[1] : nice!10:41
zcat[1] yeah..10:41
zcat[1] and cheap :)10:41
zbytewell my main machine is super power..but the live cd wouldnt run on it. it would crash in video10:41
khermans_khermans, tar zxvf gaim-2.0.0beta3.tar.gz10:42
gordonjcpzcat[1] : totally10:42
zbytei think its cause i have dual monitor setup10:42
protocol1I run a 800MHZ system with 256 rdram with dapper and it flies pretty good10:42
protocol1pentium 310:42
Coagsee and I got this 100mhz with 8megs of ram laptop for 30 bucks10:42
khermans_kholerabbi, tar zxvf gaim-2.0.0beta3.tar.gz10:42
gordonjcpzcat[1] : best I've managed was a PIII-450 left out on the pavement10:42
gordonjcpzcat[1] : although I did snag a Compaq PIII-600 server that was destined for the bin from work10:42
peter_Anyone used opteron? I'm getting a new Alienware workstation and putting dapper on it. Opteron 2.4Ghz, 2gig ram, 10 000 rpm 74GB system, 2X 250GB data, nvidia quad 1300, sound good?10:42
ferosskholerabbi: hmm did you untar/unzip it?10:42
zcat[1] the ram is everything.. 300MHz and 256ram is better than 600MHz and 128M ram...10:42
cl205chieyou need friend10:42
khermans_i have to say that Gnome 2.14 is much faster!10:42
ferosspeter_: I hate you10:43
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kholerabbiYes. I just found an install.txt, so I should be able to follow that, check back if I need any help, thanks :)10:43
khermans_peter_, sounds spensive10:43
protocol1zcat[1] ,yeah....I agree.....Im thinking about ading another RDRAM chip in it10:43
gordonjcpkhermans_: not just me then?10:43
zbytethis motherboard now..is a dual pentium II 300 processor setup. i installed that linux smp package to run both processors..dont know if its helping. but I think if I add 512mb ram to this..it would sweet10:43
peter_very spesive, been saving though, have to use up some of those tax benifits working from home!10:43
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khermans_gordonjcp, nope10:43
zcat[1] That would be pretty reasonable ..10:44
peter_you guys had experience with opteron?10:44
Schalkenbe nice if windows networking in ubuntu was as easy as in windows10:44
zbytequestion..does anyone ubuntu  default setup...the totem player never plays dvd..anyone had that prob?10:44
khermans_peter_, i have an amd64 CHIP MYSELF IN MY LAPTOP10:44
gordonjcpSchalken: what's hard about it?10:44
nox-HandHymnToLife, Hm, I am following a guide though =| This guide:http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13126710:44
peter_khermans, u like it?10:45
zcat[1] I have a good 1.4GHz chip and 512M ram here too, but the only mobo I had that took them died :(10:45
khermans_peter_, you thinking of running 64-bit Ubuntu?10:45
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protocol1I am just starting to get this cold and Im starting off with with large quantaties of OJ to try kill it10:45
peter_Schalken, u still yabbing on?10:45
khermans_peter_, beware of non-64 apps :-)10:45
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Schalkenpeter_: i sure am :D10:45
peter_khermans, no, 32 bit, dont think 64 is reayd, apps as u say10:45
SchalkenSchalken is on his high horse10:45
ferosspeter_: I have a Turion.. works great10:45
kholerabbiok this gaim is a source, it basically says to use commands such 'make', 'make check' and 'make install'.. Is there anything specific I should know for ubuntu?10:46
khermans_i tried amd64 in gentoo w long time ago, and it was painful10:46
CoagI found my gentoo cd so I think I'll go for it10:46
zbyteanyone played a dvd movie with ubuntu?10:46
khermans_always getting segfaults and stuff not compiling10:46
khermans_zbyte, sure10:46
zcat[1] Schalken: wait three days for dapper. Right click a folder and share it, just like windows. Same for browsing the network.. it really is as easy (or easier!) than windows ..10:46
khermans_zbyte, I use VLC or Xine10:46
peter_sweet, thx for the info, back later10:46
zbyteahh..let me try that10:46
Coagdapper is fully released in three days?10:46
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khermans_Coag, yep10:47
Coagooh exiciting10:47
khermans_zbyte, sudo aptitude install vlc xine-ui10:47
zcat[1] I'm running it now.. but the ops tell me off for telling people to run the RC :(10:47
ferosskholerabbi: you might need to run ./configure before the make && make check && make install10:47
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liquidindianI've had to reinstall ubuntu (I did something wrong with root) and am now back to breezy.  What's the best way to upgrade?10:47
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khermans_zcat[1] , according to Ubuntu's site -- the RC is meant for everyone -- even production it appears10:48
Schalkenzcat[1] : nah cuz the windows computer asks for a password when i try to open up ubuntu's share10:48
Hisakasexhow can I define svn service in firehol?10:48
Hisakasexhow can I define svn service in firehol.conf?10:48
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Coagcan I boot from a cd in grub?10:48
protocol1Coag, I installed it early10:48
khermans_liquidindian, change all instances of "breezy" to "dapper" in /etc/apt/sources.list10:48
zcat[1] Schalken: if you had two windows computers with different login names, Windows would ask for a password too..10:49
liquidindiankhermans, cheers!10:49
khermans_Coag, that's in your bios i believe10:49
CoagI know10:49
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Coagit's enabled but not working10:49
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zbytekherman, with that command i get this:10:49
Schalkenzcat[1] : then howcome i can open the windows computer's share without a password from the Ubuntu computer?10:50
zbyteInitializing package states... Done10:50
zbyteE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.10:50
zbyteE: Unable to correct dependencies, some packages cannot be installed10:50
zbyteE: Unable to resolve some dependencies!10:50
nox-HandHymnToLife, Those XGL packages are available in the Dapper repositories not the Breezy ones. I think some people have gotten the packages from the Dapper repositories on the Breezy machines, and been able to get it working. You should try and find those posts. Although that's probably a really bad idea to try.  || I just read that 0_O10:50
HisakasexI need help with firehol10:50
khermans_liquidindian, and when that is done type: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade10:50
zcat[1] Schalken: you can? problem solved.. drop your file into the windows share from Linux then!10:50
Quintokschalken because it loads the share as read-only or it's fat32.10:50
kholerabbiA ran ./configure... It says there is no acceptable C compiler???10:50
khermans_Coag, you sure the disc is bootable and on good media?10:50
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Coagit worked before10:51
khermans_kholerabbi, sudo aptitude install build-essential10:51
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Schalkenzcat[1]  so i cannot put a file on the Ubuntu computer from the windows one then?10:52
Coagthing is I don't have any blank cds, onyl dvds10:52
zcat[1] Schalken: I think you can access the share from windows as "\\machine:user\share" and enter your user password, that should give you full read/write access.. something like that.10:52
Schalkenzcat[1] : ill try that10:52
zbyteis synaptic package manager anygood?10:52
khermans_zbyte, did you do something to your apt sources?10:52
khermans_zbyte, yeah it should work10:52
khermans_i always use the command line myself though10:52
kholerabbiwhen running configure for gaimbeta3 I get "no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH"... any help?10:52
khermans_kholerabbi, i just told you how to fix that10:53
Coaghow does a lan boot work?10:53
kholerabbiYeah :) sorry mist that thanks10:53
sigmai810 had a bug10:53
sigmadose fix it10:53
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khermans_Coag, goes off and grabs a kernel via network10:53
khermans_using bootp i believe10:54
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zcat[1] try PXE ..10:54
nox-HandAnyone got XGL working?10:54
ferossCoag: you have a bootp server with config files and setup for clinets. runs your OS off of the network. Pretty cool actually.10:54
pansonicwhat is a good FORUM SOFTWARE for ubuntu10:54
khermans_nox-Hand, yep10:54
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zcat[1] I haven't used bootp since the old dumb xterm days!!10:54
khermans_pansonic, phpbb ?10:54
nox-Handkhermans, On stable?10:54
twagerAny help with seti ?10:54
Quintokpansonic, what do you mean forum software?10:54
khermans_nox-Hand, it only works on Dapper10:54
=== nox-Hand wants xgl..
Coagdamn, not what I'm looking for then10:54
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ferossCoag: you can grab something like knoppix cluster boot cd and boot your server then the clients from network pick up that server.10:55
HisakasexI am trying to define a new service in firehol.conf like this: server_svn_ports="tcp/3690"10:55
pansonici want to set a discussion forum10:55
khermans_nox-Hand, join #ubuntu-xgl10:55
Quintokpansonic, you'll want apache, mysql, php4 and phpbb.10:55
CoagI need a way to boot the gentoo install disc without being able to burn a new copy10:55
Hisakasexbut it does not work10:55
pansonicthrough synaptic?10:55
khermans_pansonic, phpbb wil work10:55
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Schalkenzcat[1] : nah the "\\machine:user\share" format doesnt work.10:55
khermans_pansonic, sudo aptitude install phpbb210:56
nox-Handkhermans, Can one upgrade to Dapper without formatting hdd? I mean, like just a reinstall of packages, but you don't lose your configs, files etc10:56
Schalkenzcat[1] : is there a way I can find what the user is on the windows computer?10:56
pansonicthanks guys10:56
pansonicsend virtual case of beer10:56
khermans_nox-Hand, yes10:56
khermans_nox-Hand, just change all instances of "breezy" to "dapper" in the file /etc/apt/sources.list10:56
Hisakasexhelp please10:56
Coagmaybe my 2005.1 gentoo installer cd will work...10:57
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khermans_Coag, you bios is all that will help you there10:57
CoagI know10:57
liquidindiankhermans, Can I safely remove the CDRom repository?10:57
Coagsomething's gotta be wrong with that cd10:57
khermans_liquidindian, yup10:58
nox-Handkhermans, Is that safe to do?10:58
nox-HandThen do adept-update?10:58
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Blippeliquidindian, yes, that is safe10:58
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Hisakasexcould someone help with firehol.conf?10:58
liquidindianAnd then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?10:58
Quintoknox-Hand, yes it's safe.  enjoy the download though lol10:58
khermans_nox-Hand, i never used adept -- but try10:58
nox-HandQuintok, A few hundred downloads?10:58
nox-Handkhermans, Just Kubuntu version of Synaptic10:59
Quintoknox-Hand, it's not small10:59
Coagaha this cd worked!10:59
nox-HandHey, Kubuntu uses same repo's as Ubuntu?10:59
khermans_liquidindian, sudo aptitude update ... upgrade .. dist-upgrade10:59
nox-HandQuintok, I know XD10:59
Quintoknox-Hand, yes it uses the same.10:59
nox-HandRight! I shall let it rip ;)10:59
khermans_Coag, nice :-)10:59
nox-HandWhere would I find the dapper repo list?10:59
inetdwill SATAI drive work on a SATAII controller?10:59
khermans_nox-Hand, yes10:59
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khermans_nox-Hand, the major difference is the package kubuntu-desktop, rather than ubuntu-desktop11:00
nox-HandI sure hope Dapper is good then ^^11:00
khermans_nox-Hand, /etc/apt/sources.list11:00
nox-Handkhermans, I never use KDE, so meh11:00
nox-Handkhermans, Yeah, but where would I find the dapper version?11:00
khermans_nox-Hand, dapper version of what?11:00
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Blippenox-Hand, the only difference between xubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu and ubuntu is which packages as is installed on a fresh install... later on you could mesh all you like11:00
nox-HandBlippe, Right11:01
zbytekhermans_ i try adding vlc thru synaptic package manager, i get this: the following packages have unresolvable dependecies. make sure that all required repositories are added and enabled in the preferences11:01
nox-Handkhermans, I am going to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper11:01
khermans_nox-Hand, yeah i run an Ubuntu lab at UMass Amherst sponsored by IBM, and we have all the ubuntu-desktop packages installed11:01
nox-HandI need repo upgrade or something11:01
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nox-Handkhermans, Okay11:01
khermans_zbyte, i already have it installed11:02
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Blippenox-Hand, change all the instances of breezy to dapper in your /etc/apt/sources.list or simpler rund auto-update with the switch -d11:02
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Schalkendoes anyone know what the user name is on a windows computer configured without multiple users?11:02
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nox-HandBlippe, I can just write auto-update -d?11:02
khermans_Schalken, Administrator ?11:02
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Blippenox-Hand,  gksudo "update-manager -d"11:02
kholerabbiWhile running configure for gaimbeta3 I get "checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is require d for intltool"... Could anyone help with this?11:02
nox-HandSchalken, Whatever chosen in the install. Anywho, what channel do you think you are in?11:03
Blippenox-Hand, or wait two days11:03
CoreyI tried to install XGL11:03
nox-HandBlippe, Cheers =)11:03
khermans_kholerabbi, is this a perl modules?11:03
sigmawhat is the mean with -d in the " gksudo "update-manager -d""11:03
inetdnobody knows if SATAI drive works on SATAII controller?11:03
Coreycan somebody gvive me the XGL chat11:03
nox-HandBlippe, What'll the big difference be?11:03
sigmadapper ?11:03
kholerabbiYes, the last line before the error was perl11:03
khermans_kholerabbi, sudo cpan11:03
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Blippesigma, looking for beta releases (dapper) too11:03
khermans_kholerabbi, follow the instructions and msg me back11:04
SniZi found bug with netstat applet(where two monitors)11:04
Coreyxgl chat ??11:04
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nox-HandBlippe, I mean, just a few packages change, wont it?11:04
khermans_SniZ, file it!11:04
SniZand when recieving data - monitor jumps...11:04
Blippenox-Hand, tons of packages is updated... it will probably take a while11:04
nox-HandBlippe, Yes, but if I use the Dapper Beta now, and the real comes out in two days, there won't be that much more to update, will there? Since I updated all from BETA?11:05
kholerabbikhermans, it asks whether to manually configure?11:05
nox-HandI mean, can't I just as well start now?11:05
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khermans_kholerabbi, just keep hitting ENTER11:05
Blippenox-Hand, yeah, thats true11:06
nox-HandSo, no reason why not? ;)11:06
nox-HandBlippe, Yes or no? I got time to wait, I am reading for exams, so the update won't harm me much ^^11:07
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Hit3kWhere do I add a line to configure my card automatically on boot?11:08
khermans_Hit3k, what kind of card?11:08
Blippenox-Hand, that is up to you, if you wanna try to run a beta for two days.. nothing much would change these last two days, maybe another tiny change in openoffice or something of the like...11:08
khermans_Hit3k, ethernet?11:08
Coagis there any reason that my boot partition needs to be ext2 rather than ext3?11:09
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Hit3kkhermans, wireless11:09
crazy_penguinCoag: no reason11:09
void^Coag: no. however, there's no advantage to ext3 over ext2 for a boot partition. just wasting a little space.11:10
Coagthe gentoo guide seems to like to use that is why I'm asking11:10
khermans_Coag, yes but not so much any more11:10
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jendaIs there a graphical-calculator type program for Ubuntu? (I tell it to draw sin x and x and it does?)11:10
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AnusienThere's a gnu program that can do that, maybe gcalc or graph or something11:11
Hit3kjenda, you can change the type of calculator on ubuntu to Scientific11:11
jendaHit3k: that won't draw.11:11
khermans_jenda, i think maxima will work11:11
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Coreyhey guys i got this error11:11
khermans_jenda, sudo aptitude install xmaxima11:12
Corey tar -xjvf xgl-svn_100.tar.bz211:12
Coreytar: xgl-svn_100.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory11:12
Coreytar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now11:12
Coreytar: Child returned status 211:12
Coreytar: Error exit delayed from previous errors11:12
Hit3kkhermans_, Its a wireless card i set off the wrong highlights11:12
nox-HandBlippe, Fine, I shall :)11:12
jendakhermans: thanks11:12
jendaCorey: use the pastebin!11:12
khermans_jenda, but i think octave is better11:12
Coreysorry you know the problem thoe ?11:12
khermans_jenda, sudo aptitude install octave11:12
Blippejenda, you could go for the overkill: octave no nice graphical interface though11:12
jendakhermans: thx ;)11:12
jendaI don't mind lack of nice GUIs11:12
Coreyanybody know how to fix my problem ?11:13
=== MuelliSoft [n=muelli@rzdspc10.informatik.uni-hamburg.de] has joined #ubuntu
khermans_Hit3k, highlights11:13
Hit3kyou asked what kind of card it was and i did khermans instead of khermans_11:13
jendaCorey: it seems the file doesn't exist.11:13
nox-HandBlippe, The Ubuntu team is proud to announce a Release Candidate of11:13
nox-HandUbuntu 6.06 LTS. <-- That upgrade in that gui thing, yeah?11:13
BlippeCorey, seems you don't have the file xgl-svn_100.tar.bz2 (check if you typed it right and that it has all lowercase letters, linux does care about lowercase characters)11:14
khermans_do it!11:14
Coreyim trying a differerent download :)11:14
jendaI can't wait till the final release ;)11:14
MuelliSofthi. I think I broke my ubuntu :( apt-get update generates a bunch of errors :-( eg: 99% [7 Packages bzip2 0]  [6 Release gpgv 8539]  [Waiting for headers]  [Waiting fbzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.11:14
Blippenox-Hand, pretty much!11:14
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BlippeMuelliSoft, you running dapper or breezy?11:15
khermans_Hit3k, try /etc/network/interfaces11:15
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nox-HandBlippe, =D11:15
MuelliSoftBlippe: dapper. But I think it's not about that.. /var/lib/apt/lists is empty...11:15
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khermans_ill brb, gotta reboot11:16
kholerabbikermans: it asks me to select as many urls as I like (by number), but lists only.. So I type 1, and hit enter, and then it says "Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: [] "11:16
kholerabbi(lists only one url)11:16
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Coreyhow do I create a CVS password ?11:16
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khermans_kholerabbi, you should enter about 3-5 different numbers with spaces in between11:17
BlippeMuelliSoft, what about your sources.list ?11:17
kholerabbiJust random numbers?11:17
Coreyhow do I create a CVS password ?11:17
khermans_khermans, no you hit SPACE ENTER to see the list above11:17
khermans_kholerabbi, i think you already went by that step11:17
khermans_kholerabbi, you only entered one number11:17
khermans_khermans, hopefully youll be ok11:17
khermans_kholerabbi, keep going11:18
MuelliSoftBlippe: what do you mean? shall I nopaste it?11:18
kholerabbiUmmm it seem to have quit? Should I just run it again?11:18
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khermans_kholerabbi, i'll brb, rbooting11:18
CoreyHow do you create A CVS password11:18
Corey.cvpassword ?11:18
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nox-HandCool, 54 packages will be removed, 254 installed and 1046 upgraded :P11:19
nox-Hand746 mb downloads ^^11:19
nox-HandThis'll take a day :P11:19
Quintoknox-Hand, heh told you11:19
nox-HandQuintok, Meh, I have time ;)11:19
nox-HandAll I need right now is irc and nano, so I can write some exam notes :P11:20
Quintokexam notes in nano? hardcore.11:20
Flannelnox-Hand: so, don't upgrade/update?11:20
MuelliSoftBlippe: http://rafb.net/paste/results/Hfzpgf37.html11:20
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nox-HandFlannel, Why not?11:20
jendakhermans: ok, but maxima nor octave will draw a graph of a function.11:21
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jendakhermans: er... neither will, I mean.11:21
Flannelnox-Hand: well, with the "all I need" comment, you made it seem like you were pressed for time, etc.11:21
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nox-HandFlannel, I am, so this'll make me not use PC that much ;)11:21
nox-HandSo, I should be going, this being on lots of channels is cramping my exam prep :P11:22
liquidindiannox-Hand, I'm doing the same, but have my nifty Japanese connection.11:22
liquidindiannox-Hand, upgrading, that is.11:22
nox-Handliquidindian, I am guessing that's a few mbit?11:22
nox-HandI am downloading @ 106 kb/s, will take two hours till I get to the compiling11:22
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liquidindiannox-Hand, 50mbps at the most.11:23
Flannelnox-Hand: no compiling.  just installing.11:23
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nox-HandFlannel, Okay then11:23
nox-HandI am so used to Gentoo ^^11:23
liquidindianI'm going to miss it when I go home.11:23
nox-HandRight, bbl11:25
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kholerabbik, I ran cpan kept hitting enter, I type in 1, It asks me to type in another url or quit.. and then it quits after a while anyway.. So should I just re-run it?11:25
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mikomiko_how do i "bind a key"11:26
khermans_kholerabbi, yeah just dont enter an URL there11:26
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khermans_mikomiko_, Systen->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts11:26
kholerabbileave it blank?11:26
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gnubeI cannot start my MySQL server, my error message is;11:27
gnube060529 11:26:03 Fatal error: Can't open privilege tables: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)11:27
gnubedoes anyone have any idea about that?11:27
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gnubeI thought it might be permissions but that does nto seem to help11:27
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osfameronanyone know if there is an equivalent to MacOSX's QuickSilver for Gnome ?11:28
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kmilitzerCan someone shed some light on the configuration of the runlevels of 6.06 LTS? I used debian till now and always used the file-rc package and runlevel.conf to set which services start in which runlevel. In ubuntu there seems only to be the possibility to set symlinks ... not something I like to do very much ...11:29
mikomiko_khermans,  it shows the current shortcuts but how do i bind a new shortcut to /usr/bin/3ddesk11:29
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:29
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kholerabbiIf I hit enter there it just asks "(1) http://cpan.mirrors.ilisys.com.au ^p Select as many URLs as you like (by number), put them on one line, separated by blanks, e.g. '1 4 5' [] " again?11:29
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osfameronkholerabbi: you could just use the main cpan site11:30
ppcguyhey all.. Need help w/ Dapper.. what's the channel again? thx11:30
osfameronas it automatically redirects you to a reasonable mirror11:30
Schalkenuhm, is it possible to revert my smb.conf file?11:30
khermans_osfameron, sudo aptitude install katapult11:30
lilo_booteranyone running dapper and willing to test some packages and a repo I've created? it's a test case for the jahshaka project11:30
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then11:30
lilo_booterah - thanks Flannel11:31
osfameronkhermans_: ok, so is katapult pretty functional on gnome?  (Being a KDE thing)11:31
camis there a tool to burn cd/dvd +-r/+-rw with multisession support ?11:31
khermans_kholerabbi, make it 1 2 3 4 511:31
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khermans_osfameron, appears to be11:31
osfameroncool, ta11:31
khermans_osfameron, i use things like k3b in Gnome just fine11:31
khermans_osfameron, it just means you have to get the kde3libs11:31
Flannelosfameron: gnome-look.org and stuff for gnome themes (or whatever other gnome theme websites there are)11:31
mikomiko_how do i "bind a key"11:31
kholerabbiOK, now its acting as a cpan terminal "cpan> [] ".. what do I do now?11:32
osfameronkhermans_: aha, I don't have it in package list, I really need to upgrade from hoary... :-(11:32
osfameronFlannel: thanks11:32
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khermans_kholerabbi, install XML::Parser11:32
kholerabbi"install XML::Parser" type that? ok11:32
khermans_osfameron, get Dapper on yer box11:32
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khermans_mikomiko_, xmodmap11:33
Schalkenis there a way i can revert my smb.conf file?11:33
rehdonHi all!11:33
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Flannelosfameron: googling seems to say that there is something just like what you're looking for on digg the other day.  But, I'm sure there's better things out there.  google for gnome OSX.  I'm sure you'll find something.11:33
khermans_Schalken, did you back it up?11:33
rehdonIf you want to post/send the Short test results (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Short), where are you supposed to send them???11:33
Schalkenkhermans_: ....no. :(11:33
osfameronkhermans_: yeah, I tried to back up my lappie at weekend, only for some reason rsync was trying to copy everything, even files I'd already rsynced across, so I need to fix my backup strategy first11:33
kholerabbiOK run install XML::Parser, thats all?11:34
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khermans_osfameron, use SSH to backup your data11:34
Flannelrehdon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Introduction  And thanks for testing!11:34
Schalkenuhm, is that all?11:34
khermans_kholerabbi, should be11:34
khermans_kholerabbi, quit11:35
mikomiko_can you give me a sample command khermans11:35
mikomiko_i want to bind " /usr/bin/3ddesk " to a key11:35
osfameronkhermans_: to my hard drive?11:35
khermans_osfameron, i mean if you want to back something up to remote machine11:36
rehdonFlannel: so basically I fill bug entries wrt things going wrong, but there's no need to send a full narrative? Thx11:36
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Flannelkhermans_: he's going to need rsynch, not ssh.  for long term data duplication, etc.11:36
osfameronI tried rsync -avz, which as far as I can see ought to enable -t to check timestamps11:37
holycowofftopic, anyone use astaro firewall by chance?  just shooting in the dark here11:37
osfameronbut it's copying everything across, even stuff with the same timestamp (which I copied the first time I rsync'ed)11:37
khermans_Flannel, i just have tar/bz2 stuff from my hdd and store over SSH to remote11:37
Flannelrehdon: right.  If things go correctly, we don't need to know about it.  Not that we don't care, of course. ;)11:38
kholerabbiHmmmm.. I still get in the configure "configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool"...hmm11:38
Flannelkhermans_: right, but if he wants to synch stuff, not "backup" stuff, he's going to need more than just zipping and writing.11:38
rehdonFlannel: ok, thanks11:38
khermans_Flannel, i didnt know he was syncing11:39
osfameronfair enough, I wasn't very explicit11:39
mikomiko_i want to bind " /usr/bin/3ddesk " to a key11:39
mikomiko_someone help me by giving sample command11:39
khermans_kholerabbi, run cpan as your user and install it again11:39
khermans_kholerabbi, no sudo11:39
osfameronyeah, syncing, just because it seems like the right thing to do.  Though I could just zip up my svn repo, I want to sync everything across really11:39
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kholerabbiok, just cpan11:40
khermans_mikomiko_, i have used xmodmap -- but forget how to do it again11:40
Flannelosfameron: right, rsynch is the way to go.  i just don't know what your problem might be ;)11:40
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khermans_mikomiko_, man xmodmap11:40
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Flannelmikomiko_: I believe gnome has a menu item for it, if you'd rather do it a GUI way.11:40
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kholerabbiIt says (after a while) permission is denied11:40
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quixcan anyone tell me from where to download "ubuntu HP laptop version" ???11:41
Flannelquix: there isn't one.  Or rather, not a special version for HPs, nor laptops.  So, just the same download as the rest of them.11:41
gnubequix There is no laptop version11:41
Flannelquix: http://www.ubuntu.com/download11:41
osfameronI thought HP had sponsored something or other?11:42
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quixdear people , logo to http://www.ubuntu.com/download/derivatives/hp11:42
quixand you'll see it there , but the link is not working 40411:42
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quixdid anyone see it?11:43
osfameronyeah, that's the one.  Shame no dv1000 series support, though ubuntu handles that pretty well anyway11:43
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camwhat soft to use to burn iso, data cd under ubuntu ?11:43
khermans_kholerabbi, sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME/.cpan11:43
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ppcguyhey all w/ dapper what is the easiest way to write to NTFS partitions?11:43
khermans_cam, gnomebaker or k3b11:43
HymnToLifeppcguy> there in't one11:44
Flannelppcguy: there is no way to write to an NTFS partition.11:44
HymnToLifeand I don't think thre will be any time soon11:44
FlannelHymnToLife: edgy might have it, actually.11:44
freakabcdHymnToLife, sure there is.11:44
freakabcdonly thing is its experimental and will prolly break things11:44
ppcguythought there was a third party work going on that made it workable11:44
camkhermans, tx11:44
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HymnToLifewe'll see11:45
Flannelfreakabcd: usually people wants things that work ;)11:45
HymnToLifeI'm not trusting Microsoft much on this11:45
freakabcdheh :)11:45
khermans_ppcguy, captive11:45
HymnToLifethey might have added weird things to it11:45
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kholerabbiI tried ran cpan again, and install XML::Parser, and got several errors, perhaps there is another way to install it?11:45
ppcguyhmm was wonderin about that11:45
khermans_ppcguy, http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/11:45
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khermans_kholerabbi, why are you installing from source -- no binary?11:45
ppcguythanks much khermans_11:45
minimecHi. I miss the Helvetica Font in Ubuntu Dapper. I found a iso-coded version in the xfont-100 and xfont-75 packages. Unfortunally I am on UTF now. So I need Helvetica in UTF-8. Can you help me?11:46
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ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then11:46
khermans_ppcguy, no prob11:46
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quixdoes anyone have ATI Xpress 200m on laptop???11:46
kholerabbiI don't think there was a binary...11:46
quixdoes anyone have ATI Xpress 200m on laptop, and working ubuntu on it???11:46
minimecFlannel: THX11:46
khermans_kholerabbi, is this on Dapper?11:46
=== quix asking advise
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kholerabbiNo breezy 5.111:47
jrsimshey, when is dapper coming out?11:47
quixpeople! does anyone have ATI Xpress 200m on laptop, and working ubuntu on it???11:47
crimsunjrsims: 1 june.11:47
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baboSo I'm following the man page here, but my tar function won't work for some reason ...11:48
babo tar -cvvf --recursion folder.tar /var/www/folder11:48
jrsimssweet jesus.11:48
kholerabbitake a look at the downloads, perhaps theres a better file: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=235&package_id=253&release_id=40547911:48
jrsimsso, can I install gnome 2.14 on breezy?11:48
babogives me an empty folder.tar, but it seems to run fine ...11:48
Flanneljrsims: why not just wait?  and no.11:48
visik7jrsims: compiling it maybe11:48
crimsunjrsims: if you wish to do it yourself, sure.11:48
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visik7jrsims: upgrade to dapper11:48
khermans_jrsims, with Linux you can do anything you want11:48
khermans_jrsims, but some things are not so wise ;)11:48
visik7dapper is faster better and more stable of breezy11:49
jrsimshow would I upgrade to dapper?11:49
osfamerongah, Rhythm Box can't edit multiple song properties11:49
Flannel!tell jrsims about upgrade11:49
quixpeople! does anyone have ATI Xpress 200m on laptop, and working ubuntu on it??? please, need some advise11:49
Flannelquix: if no one replies, that's a negative.11:49
khermans_osfameron, sudo aptitude install cowbell11:49
visik7jrsims: replace all breezy string in the /etc/apt/sources.list with dapper save and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:49
SurfnKidgrr these lm-sensors are going to be a headache11:49
jrsimsvisik7: will this break anything?11:50
SurfnKidanyone have them installed on a dell laptop?11:50
visik7jrsims: if u haven't added any external packages or repo no11:50
osfameronkhermans_: dammit, I guess that's another one that will wait till I upgrade ;-)11:50
jrsimsvisik7: I just finished installing breezy, ran the upddates, and installed my nvidia driver.11:50
jrsimsvisik7: like 10 minutes ago11:51
SurfnKidoh well11:51
khermans_kholerabbi, http://blog.ealden.net/installing-gaim-2-beta/11:51
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visik7jrsims: so better you download the dapper rc cd and install from scratch with it11:51
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid11:51
visik7more clean11:51
Flannelvisik7: why? no.  He needn't do that.11:51
jrsimsvisik7: ah crap11:51
Flanneljrsims: nah, just upgrade.  It's fine.11:52
visik7ok upgrade11:52
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Flanneljrsims: as long as you haven't installed anything without going through apt/(whatever frontend), you're good11:52
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:52
Flanneljrsims: of course, it is still beta software.  So, you may wish to hold off until it's finalized.11:53
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jrsimsFlannel: I did install the proprietary nvidia driver11:53
khermans_kholerabbi, http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://cypherbios.org/wp/archives/11&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dgaim%2Bbeta3%2Bbreezy%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:unofficial%26sa%3DG11:53
Flanneljrsims: through the repositories?11:53
jrsimsFlannel: no, I downloaded it fron nvidia's site11:54
Flanneljrsims: oh, why not just use the one in the repositories?11:54
jrsimsFlannel: it was giving me problems11:54
Flanneljrsims: fair enough.  How did you install it?11:54
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quixmy config is amd64 4000+,2GB RAM, ATI Xpress 200m 128MB dedicated vram, X freezes on startup, can any one help me??11:54
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then11:54
jrsimsFlannel: had to also install make, gcc 3.4, the kernel source tree, and then the install compiled a kernel module from that.11:55
SurfnKidhow do you run a program on a terminal11:55
khermans_quix, i saw this before11:55
SurfnKidlike mkdev.sh11:55
HymnToLifeSurfnKid> ./mkdev.sh11:56
TerminusSurfnKid: if it's a shell script like that, "sh mkdev.sh"11:56
khermans_quix, tell me what this produces --> grep -i "vesa" /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:56
SurfnKidah thx11:56
TerminusSurfnKid: or if it's executable, go with HymnToLife's solution. "chmod +x foo" will make foo executable.11:56
=== tubbie [n=teletubb@h8441153081.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidright i just need to get over the perm. denied screen11:57
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor9-ppp2255.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidit ran.. ok thanx.. now to the next step11:57
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tubbieis there a download tool that integrate with firefox? I want to replace the download tool Firefox comes with. it sucks. whenever I donwload big files, it won't resume11:57
=== SurfnKid is installing the lm-sensors
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khermans_tubbie, you ever try wget -c ?11:58
tubbiekhermans, I want a gui tool to automaticlaly handle the download :\11:58
khermans_tubbie, i always tend to use wget or large files11:58
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tubbieI don't want to start terminal to dl a file :\11:58
kholerabbiThanks, I don't seem to be able to follow that last one11:59
tubbiemaybe one with filter. if I dl mp3, then put it in /dirmp3 etc etc11:59
khermans_tubbie, try FlashGot11:59
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khermans_kholerabbi, in any event -- dont compile from source if you are not familiar and dont have to...just use the binaries (DEB)12:00
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khermans_tubbie, http://www.flashgot.net/whats12:00
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tubbiethz khermans12:01
tubbieNo i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them.12:01
tubbiehow do I run mkdev?12:01
visik7tubbie: same for me on dapper12:01
visik7tubbie: are you using breezy ?12:01
khermans_tubbie, http://downloads.mozdev.org/dmextension/downloadmgr_071.xpi12:01
tubbiety :)12:02
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void^i doubt you need something like mkdev. just load the modules.12:02
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SurfnKidok this sensor thing didnt work12:03
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tubbieI got it owrking once12:03
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tubbiecan't remember how12:03
SurfnKidthe sensors?12:03
tubbieall of them12:03
tubbie2 fans and cpu temp12:03
SurfnKidyes exactly12:03
khermans_Key Binding to launch Apps: http://gnome-hacks.jodrell.net/hacks.html?id=1412:04
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tubbievoid^, cd /dev12:05
tubbiesudo ./MAKEDEV i2c12:05
jikbagis dapper like waay totally awsomely better than hoary?12:05
tubbiesudo modprobe i2c-dev12:05
tubbieSurfnKid, try those commands12:05
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SurfnKidim on it12:05
khermans_jikbag, oh yeah12:05
SurfnKidwhats it supposed to say12:06
tubbierun sensors-dectect with sudo12:06
tubbieshould work12:07
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khermans_jikbag, no prob12:07
tubbiejust keep pressing enter12:07
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quixim back again12:07
jikbagtubbie: there we go12:07
=== ash|ubuntu [n=ashiaka@pD9E62090.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
khermans_quix, did you get it working/12:08
musicmanhi I'm having trouble with apt-get12:08
khermans_quix, make sure you are running fglrx driver and not vesa12:08
crazy_penguinwhat command i use wit apt to download and rebuild a package?12:08
jikbagtubbie: oh, i guess that pressing enter comment wasn't directed at me12:08
ash|ubuntuhi! How can i install *.run files?12:08
quixkhermans_ can you repeat the comand12:08
ash|ubuntu<- new at linux12:08
khermans_grep -i "vesa" /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:08
tubbiejikbag, nope12:08
musicmanI've found a lot of howtos that talk about apt-get install msttcorefonts12:08
khermans_ash|ubuntu, sh *.run12:08
mutanteash|ubuntu: a file extension alone doesnt say much on Linux12:08
quixwhen i'm doing fglrx it freezes on X start12:08
musicmanbut when I do it, I get "E: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate"12:08
musicmanany ideas?12:09
mutanteash|ubuntu: use "type" or "file" to find out what it is12:09
ubotuhmm... apt is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto12:09
musicmanI'm fully using up to date dapper12:09
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khermans_quix, sudo dpkg-recoonfigure xserver-xorg12:09
thementorhello channel12:09
thementorim a newbie..it is better to start wid ubuntu12:10
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musicmanhi thementor12:10
musicmanhow can we help?12:10
quixkhermans_ can we talk in pm12:11
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quixok here is the story, i did all ati proprietary driver installation steps12:12
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thementormusicman:is it best to start with ubuntu12:12
Jimmey__Ho wcan I check what processes start at boot? I don't want the update notifier to run.12:12
quixand when i was to compile fglrx kernel compilation12:12
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thementormusicman:needed ur suggestion12:12
Jimmey__thementor, can I help?12:13
musicmanI think it's a good start12:13
musicmanI quite like ubuntu12:13
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kestasso do I! we have so much in common12:13
kestasoh wait we're in a ubuntu chan12:13
musicmanthementor: I've been using for a few years , and it's the easiest, with the best support12:13
adui wish ubuntu worked on old macs12:13
khermans_quix, you dont need to compile it12:13
adukestas: lol12:14
kestasmusicman: a few years?12:14
khermans_quix, it is already done for you12:14
thementormusicman:is it based on debian?>12:14
kestasmusicman: are you talking about linux or ubuntu specifically?12:14
musicmanI've been using _linux_ for a few years12:14
kestasjust checking ;p12:14
ubotuoldworld is, like, to install on an old world powermac, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/OldWorldMacs12:14
musicmanI've gone through suse and debian12:14
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adui've only used ubuntu liveCD, but i love it just the same :)12:14
musicmansorry kestas12:14
thementormusicman:y is it not a good idea to start wid debian12:15
Jimmey__adu, I remember a period when I was too scared to install, and I relied on the liveCD :P12:15
thementormusicman:thin its rock solid?12:15
aduubotu: thanks12:15
ubotude rien, adu12:15
kestasI use ubuntu on my radio/media/kitchen box12:15
Jimmey__thementor, Ubuntu has the best support, it's easiest for a beginner12:15
quixwhen i'm executing command "sudo module-assistant build,install fglrx-kernel" it says that : fglrx-kernel-source (source package installed):    -- Binary package(s) for kernel(s):  + (2.6.10-5-amd64-generic): not found12:15
kestasnot sure why I came in here actually12:15
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musicman:) anyone know where I can find the msttcorefonts, or the deb that has it in?12:15
quixkhermans_ do i need just to change vesa to fglrx in xorg.conf?12:16
visik7apt-get install it12:16
FatalCure!info msttcorefonts12:16
ubotumsttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 164 kB12:16
kestasmusicman: hmm I think there's some sort of a script which installs all those questionable apps which everyone needs12:16
kestasmusicman: called ubuntu bootstrap, something like that12:16
FatalCuremusicman: ^^^^^ (multiverse repository)12:16
khermans_quix, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI?highlight=%28binary%2912:16
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visik7musicman: you need to enable multiverse12:17
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khermans_i have to go now12:17
musicmanah! I'm in dapper12:17
khermans_quix, just follow that wiki guide and you lll be fine12:17
musicmanhence not finding it12:17
musicmanapt-get doesn't work :_12:17
quixkhermans_ i did bunch of them12:18
musicmannope, still no installation candidate12:18
khermans_quix, that one will work!  sorry -- dude gotta go!12:18
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Jimmey__musicman, what errors?12:18
khermans_quix, googd luck :-)12:18
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tubbieow sensor is not workig :\12:18
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khermans_quix, email me if you really get lost12:18
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AnAntshould I keep the packages thare are in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?12:18
musicmanPackage msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:18
=== prgrmr -o
musicmanThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:18
musicmanis only available from another source12:18
musicmanE: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate12:18
khermans_kristian.hermansen AT NO SPAM gmail.com12:18
exhalewhich file system should be used? reiserfs or ext3? :s12:18
adumaybe I'll put it on my old mac laptop then :)12:19
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Jimmey__exhale, ext3 sounds good...12:19
musicmanyeah, I like ext3 too12:19
exhalewhat about reiser?12:19
Jimmey__It's the default..Unless you have a reason, there's no need to switch12:19
exhalewhats the difference?12:19
AnAntshould I keep the packages thare are in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ? they are using up a lot of disk space ?12:19
pafhello, I have a question with hal-pmount (on dapper)12:19
SeveasAnAnt, apt-get clean 12:19
aduwhat about 'shred' doesn't that only work on nonjournaled fs's?12:19
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musicmanjimmy__ did that error mean anything to you, or show you any enlightenment?12:20
pafi manage to give the right name for a disk (like /dev/maxtor), but ubuntu mount the disk always as usbdisk... how can i make it recognize as Mastor???12:20
aduAnAnt: its save to remove source packages for things that aren't CURRENTLY installing :)12:20
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adusave => safe12:21
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Jimmey__musicman, there's no package with that name - try sudo apt-cache search msttcorefonts12:21
musicmancheers mate12:21
aduAnAnt: so only .src.tar.gz type stuff12:21
musicmanI'll go searching, I should be able to live with out it anyway :)12:21
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musicmangot it12:22
musicmanneeded to add the US based multiverse12:22
AnAntwhat is hal-pmount ?12:22
musicmanthe AU based one does have it :)12:22
maikolim trying to install apache but it says cannot lock file permision denied12:22
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Seveasmaikol, try via the package manager in system  administration12:22
Jimmey__maikol, are you using synaptic and apt-get at the same time?12:22
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maikoli think just apt-get12:23
hyphenatedSeveas: I thought that was a fleck of dust on my screen at the end of a dash ;-)12:23
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Jimmey__mailkol, try "sudo apt-get install apache2"12:23
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maikoltried that and it said 'not in sudoers file'12:23
adumaikol: try deleting your harddrive12:24
Jimmey__maikol, there you're not an administrative user - Are you the computer's admin?12:24
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michu90czy mozna usunac partycje z xp w ubuntu i potem dododac to wolne miejsce na dysk dla ubuntu ? troche zamotalem ale sadze ze bedzie wiadomo oco mi ohodzi12:24
Jimmey__adu, what?12:24
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Seveasmaikol, did you install with 'server' option?12:24
maikolyeah, i just finished installing ubuntu on it12:24
SurfnKidhow do i know which linux version im running?12:24
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Jimmey__SurfnKid, uname -a12:24
Seveasmaikol, what is the output of the 'id' command?12:25
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pafAnAnt: I mean Hal and pmount (hardware abstraction layer)12:25
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SurfnKidty Jimmey12:26
maikoland so on12:26
maikolcant paste cause its another computer12:26
Seveasis the group 'admin' in the output maikol ?12:26
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maikolsays groups=4(adm)12:27
FrogzooSurfnKid: lsb_release12:27
FrogzooSurfnKid: lsb_release -a12:27
maikolonly other relatively similar word to admin is 104(lpadmin)12:27
SurfnKidah thats also what i needed ty12:28
SurfnKidim writing all these commands down in a pad12:28
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SurfnKidall thanks to my msdos experience in highschool this pays off12:29
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quixhow to find out what kernel version i'm using???12:29
fLy-hi. apache 2.0.55 / ubuntu 6.06 -- loaded mod_dav using "a2enmod dav_fs && a2enmod dav && a2enmod dav_svn" but dav doesnt not appear to be loading/working12:29
Jimmey__uname -a12:29
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fLy-any ideas?12:29
SurfnKidthat worked too but doesnt give you the breezy or dapper version12:30
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Jimmey__quix, uname -a12:31
Jimmey__SurfnKid, I meant to quix12:31
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quixthanks Jimmey__12:32
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pluffsyanyone here knows how the intel mac support looks in ubuntu dapper?12:32
Jimmey__pluffsy, it looks like this12:32
Jimmey__Just kidding12:32
pluffsydoes a normal install cd boot and does sound and so on works?12:33
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pluffsyor will I need to install ehh elilo or what it's called myself?12:33
maikolso limmey__, any ideas about why i dont have permision to install apche12:33
Jimmey__maikol, are you the only user on the system?12:33
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maikollimmey__, yes12:34
Jimmey__And you've only just installed?12:34
maikollimmey__, yep, just a few mins ago12:34
gnubemaikol, Are you root?12:34
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quixhow to update kernel to 2.6.12-1 from 2.6.10-5 ?12:34
gnubemaikol, Or do you have a root password?12:35
SurfnKidwhats the difference btw .rpm and .deb12:35
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mutantequix: sounds like downgrade12:35
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quixoops :012:35
maikolgnube, i do but i dont want to install it as root cause then i cant modify it without being root12:35
jikbaghow does one even setup a root user in ubuntu?  i have to sudo everything12:35
gnubeSurfnKid, rpm is a package from Red Hat or Suse, a deb is a package from debian12:35
mutantequix: no, it doesnt, dont listen to me :p12:35
snadgehow do i change my default boot operating system to windows in grub? (i've just installed ubuntu on a work computer, and dont wish to have it default to ubuntu because its not properly set up yet)12:35
gnubemaikol, Certain things, like installing apache, can only be done as root.12:35
SurfnKidgnube deb made sense right, oh ok and what would be better for ubuntu, i hear its based more on debian's core structure12:36
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quixpeople how can i upgrade my kernel?12:36
snadgejikbag, sudo su (to get root prompt, type your own password of course) then type "passwd"12:36
maikolgnube, thanks for the info.12:36
gnubemaikol, Sure thing12:36
jikbagsnadge: sweet thanks12:36
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gnubeSurfnKid, Ubunut is debian, but the debian people do not think so.12:36
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gnubeSurfnKid, A bit of a sensitive issue.12:36
twagerAnyone answer a seti query ?12:37
Jimmey__snadge, you've to change the menu.lst, it's in /boot/grub/. Type this into a terminal: "sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.bak; gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"12:37
snadgenow i really need help with changing default boot option with grub.. you'd think it would be easy ;)12:37
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SurfnKidim from outerspace, but my people do not think so either12:37
gnubesnadge, You can edit your grub.conf file12:37
SurfnKidi know the feelingg12:37
snadgeahh okay thanks jimmey.. just move the windows entry to the top of the list? or is there a "nicer" way to do it?12:37
snadgei dont want to edit the automatically generated bits12:38
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Jimmey__Yeah, just copy and paste - if you copy and paste that command into the terminal, you'll have a backup, and it should be straight forward12:38
Jimmey__I'll be right back12:38
maikolgnube, do all programs need to be installed as root/12:38
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gnubemaikol, No. But certain programs do.12:39
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gnubemaikol, If you are going to install programs onto the computer, you will have to be root, but they do not need to be installed _as_ root.12:39
gnubea little confusing I know.12:39
gnuberoot is the superuser, root can do anything, including wiping out your entire computer.12:40
gnubeso one does have to be careful.12:40
maikolthats what i figured12:40
gnubebut sometimes you have to become root to do administration.12:40
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gnubebut that's fun!12:40
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maikoli know12:40
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SurfnKidgeez do i have to do a compililation of  my kernel to get these lmsensors going.. anyone... anyone.....12:41
germanhi, i have this problem while starting ubuntu12:41
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german[4294668.58600]  PCI: cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:06:00.012:41
maikolwell, time for bed. its 7 in the morning now. thanks for the help12:41
followmearoundif I install something with --force-depends ... how do I make it so that when I run apt-get, it's not constantly trying to uninstall the package?12:41
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germanand this [4294668.620000]  PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #0:1000.4000000012:42
rixxonsorry i know you get this every day, but i have tried what google tells me. I can't su/sudo/sudo passwd/etc12:42
germando you know what is the problem?12:42
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SurfnKidsu su sudio is starting to sound like Phil Collins12:43
Jimmey__rixxon, when you use sudo, you type your user password12:43
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FatalCurerixxon: what's the error when you try to sudo?12:43
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quixheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey , how to upgrade kernel to 2.6.12-1-amd64-generic12:44
Jimmey__quix, search for it in synaptic12:44
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rixxonim so sorry, and stupid. :) working now thanks12:44
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ompaulSurfnKid, no we just do sudo12:46
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SurfnKidno such thing as sorry and stupid, please... i ask dummer questions than that :)12:46
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kettenschutzhey there12:47
SurfnKidesp. when im trying to get these darn lm sensors going lol12:47
rixxonby the way, what stops a program from using su/sudo itself?12:47
kettenschutzsomeone of you got experience with the WineCVS script from linuxgamers?12:47
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Jimmey__rixxon, it will ask for a password12:47
Jimmey__sudo won't work without a password12:47
rixxonJimmey__: ! slap me *please*12:47
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SurfnKiddoesnt it time out after 15mins?12:47
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kettenschutzno one ?!12:48
gmmechhow would I /can I make a launcher item in gnome that is a termal command (sudo toshset -fan high)12:48
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rixxonthis does not ask for a password (maybe because of harmless command?) : sudo echo 'foo'12:48
Jimmey__kettenschutz, doesn't look like it12:48
kettenschutzdamn, cant reach a ppl @ #linuxgamers.net and #cedega12:48
germanand this [4294668.620000]  PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #0:1000.40000000, dp you know the problem?12:49
Jimmey__gmmech, try "gnome-terminal sudo toshset -fan high"12:49
rixxonsudo doesn't ask for a password at all for me, only su?12:49
Jimmey__rixxon, you shouldn't use su12:49
rixxonJimmey__: the problem was sudo, though12:50
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Jimmey__sudo has some timeout thing, where there's a few seconds after you've typed your sudo password in which sudo won't ask for the password12:50
rixxonaha, that was what you meant, sorry12:50
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rixxoninteresting note: coming from windows i almost *expect* problems to be bugs - where it is just me ofcourse :p12:52
Tallia1Kubuntucan i make you a question regarding Wireless access point and p2p client software? When i turn on Ktorrent client on my laptop connected to the net through an US-robotics access point, the web navigation became very bad... furthermore i tried to ping the wifi router and the amount of packet loss is HUGE.. like 90%. Is this normal? do you have to turn off p2p clients too for  a correct navigation? i never had this problem with 12:52
SurfnKidhey guys a question about downloaded gz and rpm files, they are stored on a folder on my desktop. how can i get synaptic to see them to install.. ?  should i use the sudo apt-get install command instead?12:53
ubotuhmm... alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/12:54
hyphenatedSurfnKid: in general, you don't want to install them, you want to get packages via apt-get or synaptics12:54
Jimmey__Tallia1Kubuntu, I think you need to change your firewall settings / port forwarding settings for Torrent clients to work12:54
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rixxonshouldn't this install ruby for me, (sudo) apt-get install ruby12:55
Tallia1KubuntuJimmey__: the fact is that the torrent client work perfectly.. it's everything else that stop working..12:55
Jimmey__rixxon, yeah, why..12:55
SurfnKidi got the latest sensors files from the net, how can i set them up tho12:55
SurfnKidusin the apt-get12:55
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Tallia1KubuntuJimmey__: do you think it is because i didn't explicitly opened the ports on the router?12:55
rixxonJimmey__: Unable to lock the download directory12:55
hyphenatedSurfnKid: you don't use apt-get to install random things you downloaded12:55
hyphenatedSurfnKid: you use it to install one of the 17000 packages it has available12:56
=== Corey [n=admin@203-206-222-238.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Jimmey__SurfnKid, apt-get gets packages from a repository and then uses a program called dpkg to install them. Try searching for the package you want with synaptic12:56
CoreyHey guys, i need to know how to let a windows computer access my ubuntu computer via a network12:56
SurfnKidmm ok it all makes sense guys12:56
ubotusomebody said samba was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html12:56
glickhey do your cron and at commands run even when your logged off?12:57
SurfnKidbut i downloaded these packages http://secure.netroedge.com/~lm78/newdrivers.html  and i want to set them up, should i still use SPM12:57
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CoreyIt works and all but when i click on my ubuntu machine from the windows machine it asks for a username and password where do I set those ?12:57
hyphenatedglick: cron - definitely. at should as well12:57
Jimmey__SurfKid, chances are, that same package is available in the respositories, via synaptic.12:57
Jimmey__Corey, maybe it's the system's user name and password?12:58
rixxonJimmey__: problem located, i think. didn't seem to work properly while the updates thingy was active12:58
Coreyno ive tried that12:58
Coreyno go12:58
SurfnKidlet me check then12:58
Coreymy systems..12:58
Coreyyou mean the account im on now ?12:58
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Jimmey__I mean the user name and password for the ubuntu computer12:58
Coreyim on my ubuntu machine now12:59
Coreydo i log in as the user I am now on the windows machine12:59
Coreybecause if thats so it doesnt work12:59
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hyphenatedCorey: no, those won't work. you want to set up your samba a little differently12:59
Coreyok how ?12:59
hyphenatedhave you read the links ubotu gave you?01:00
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CoreyI can access my windows machine from ubuntu but i can't copy files01:00
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rixxondoes ubuntu use the same repository as debian or do they run their own?01:00
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Jimmey__rixxon, they're seperate01:01
Coreyhyphenated: ???01:01
hyphenatedCorey: what error do you get when you try to copy files?01:01
Coreypreparing to copy01:01
rixxonJimmey__: ok thanks01:01
Coreyand thats all it does01:01
SurfnKidlibsensors-dev was not installed,.... that could be it.. i shall try01:01
Coreyhyphenated: preparing to copy thats all its doing...01:01
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor9-ppp2255.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
hyphenatedCorey: that's a bit weak :-)01:02
Coreyhyphenated: what do i need to do buddy ?01:02
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followmearoundif I install something with --force-depends ... how do I make it so that when I run apt-get, it's not constantly trying to uninstall the package?01:02
seekI'm trying to use a USB enclosure /w 200GB IDE hard drive, linux will only detect 137.4GB. Is there any way to get around this?01:02
hyphenatedCorey: that's trying to copy from Windows to Ubuntu, and the share is on the Windows machine?01:02
Schalkendo things start to break if you install a 32bit OS on a 64bit computer?01:03
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Coreyhyphenated: correct01:03
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Jimmey__Schalken, no01:03
hyphenatedseek: make two partitions. most versions of windows won't see it correctly either, if that's any consolation01:03
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Dry-icewhy would my system reboot in the middle of an install ?01:03
SurfnKidi cant find the i2c support, so that might be why this aint installing01:03
Schalkenjimmey__: my video driver would still work?01:04
Jimmey__Unless it was specifically for 64bit01:04
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hyphenatedCorey: not sure, I haven't had problems in that direction before01:04
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hyphenatedubotu: tell SurfnKid about sensors01:05
ubotusensors is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SensorInstallHowto01:05
SurfnKidok thanks01:05
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Schalkenubotu: give me a goddam sis 661fx video driver!01:06
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Schalken01:06
Schalkenubotu: i dont like your attitude01:07
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Schalken01:07
Jimmey__Schalken, ubotu's a bot?01:07
Schalkenyeah i know01:07
rixxonwhere does apt-get install interactive ruby? ruby works, irb doesn't. synaptic says on debian irb is a separate package, apt-get install irb says not found..01:07
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Schalkenubotu: what is ubuntu.cc.com.au01:08
ubotuSchalken: what are you talking about?01:08
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SurfnKidpoor ubotu01:09
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SurfnKidgets jacked around like Michael jacksons kids01:09
jdmpikehey everyone - anyone upgrade to the release candidate from a previous breezy install?01:09
jdmpikeI am thinking about doing it01:09
jdmpikeI just can't wait anymore!01:09
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hyphenatedjdmpike: go right ahead. find all the showstoppers so they won't affect me on thursday01:10
crazy_penguincya later everyone!:)01:10
jdmpikehyphenated - haha!01:10
Schalkenubuntu: where can i find video drivers?01:10
Schalkeni mean01:10
jdmpikehyphenated, so you still don't think it is safe01:11
Schalkenubotu: where can i find video drivers?01:11
ubotuSchalken: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:11
Coreyhyphenated: i might have fixed the copy problem01:11
Schalkenubotu: sis video driver?01:11
ubotuSchalken: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:11
hyphenatedSchalken: it's obvious he can't cope with your question. how about asking something that isn't a bot now01:11
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Coreyhyphenated: yes i did the share folder was read only now how can i access my ubuntu machine on windows01:11
Coreywhats the user and pass01:11
ubotuhmm... totem is a very nice media player that is installed with Ubuntu. It can be found in Applications -> Sound and Video.01:12
hyphenatedCorey: do you remember the screen you were in where you configured the shares?01:12
kevorhmm, where can i get codex for totem, it plays hardly any files (no qmv, no ogg)01:12
kevorwmv even01:12
Coreyi havent configured shares on ubuntu01:12
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SurfnKidi got help with that earlier01:12
Corey..i made a shared folder.. but not a shares..01:12
SurfnKidu have to go to the repositories and enable universe and multiverse01:12
Schalkenubotu: driver for lexmark printer?01:12
SurfnKidand then install a bunch of plugins i forgot01:13
Coreyi need this to work01:13
SurfnKidi think its called restricted formats01:13
Coreyrecode ucs-2..ascii yourfile.reg01:13
SurfnKid!restricted formats01:13
Coreybut that doesnt work01:13
ubotu[restricted formats]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or '!codecs'01:13
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Coreyrecode ucs-2..ascii yourfile.reg01:13
SurfnKidkevor read that about restricted formts i think thats it01:13
Coreywhat is wrong with that01:13
Schalkencan the bot search the forums or the wiki for me?01:13
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Coreyerror given: recode command not found01:14
hyphenatedyou haven't installed 'recode'01:14
SurfnKidholy s*** its daylight i need to start snoring already01:14
jdmpikegulp - here goes the upgrade...01:14
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Coreywho has got dreamweaver 8 working on linux using wine ?01:15
NinjaDuckhi, i have just deleted a load of files in nautilus, but i have no more free space on my disc and the files are gone, how can i reclaim the free space?01:16
lastnodeNinjaDuck, try emptying trash?01:17
NinjaDuckhow do i do that?01:17
lastnodeNinjaDuck, right click the trash icon and empty the trash?01:17
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NinjaDucklastnode, i dont have a trash icon01:17
wulaxi'm trying to add an ext3 usb-disk to fstab, but i keep getting some errors at boot about not being able to mount it as an ext2 filesystem (?!).01:18
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wulaxi used this: /dev/sda1     /media/usbdisk  ext3            rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev  0      101:18
wulaxwhat's the deal with that?01:18
hyphenatedwulax: most USB disks are fat3201:18
SchalkenNinjaDuck, thats wird, ti should be down the bottom right next to the workspaces (4 squares), unless you removed it01:18
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wulaxhyphenated: well, naturally i already formatted it to ext3...01:19
ahoorahey guys, what are new features in dapper? any significant improvement?01:19
kevork htanks SurfnKid01:19
kevor!restricted formats01:19
wulaxhyphenated: and added a journal01:19
ubotufrom memory, restricted formats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or '!codecs'01:19
Schalkenahoora: looks a helovalot better, for one01:19
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, kevor01:19
hyphenatedwulax: does the problem only happen at boot time?01:19
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories01:19
wulaxhyphenated: yep01:19
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:20
NinjaDuckthanks Schalken, lastnode i got it, just needed to re add the trash icon to a panel, i thought that deleting in anutilus would do the same as rm01:20
wulaxhyphenated: it seems it thinks i is an ext2, though it's an ext301:20
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hyphenatedwulax: odd. I've never attempted that, so I can't help01:21
wulaxhyphenated: ok, thanks anyway01:21
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hyphenatedI doubt many people have attempted it, compared to the number that have happily used their usb disks as fat32 drives01:22
wulaxi don't really like fat32 because of the file size restrictions01:22
ahoorais it necessary to have a firewall or antivirus running in ubuntu?01:23
wulaxwhich means i can't rip dvd's 8)01:23
spikebyou're trying to use an ext2/3 formatted usb key?01:23
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wulaxspikeb: well, it's an external 300 gb usb-disk01:24
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spikebwulax: oh, it's a disk, not a flash drive01:24
wulaxspikeb: nope01:24
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spikebwulax: that's not unusual then01:24
wulaxspikeb: it's not?01:25
spikebwulax: not for a hard drive, no01:25
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Schalkenwhats the quickest way to downgrade from 64bit Ubuntu to 32bit?01:25
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spikebSchalken: backing up your home directory and reinstalling01:26
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Schalkenspikeb: damn01:26
Schalkenspikeb: that would take a hellova while on dialup01:26
spikebSchalken: it's about the only way01:26
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Schalkenspikeb: *sigh* i wish there was more support for 64bit01:27
spikebSchalken: me too, but not even 64bit windows has decent support01:27
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Schalkenyeah, the only decent 64bit support comes from the open source community01:28
Schalkencuz everything can just be recompiled from source01:28
=== spikeb nods
spikebSchalken: that's very, very true01:28
spikebSchalken: and shows a huge benefit of open source :)01:28
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shriphaniguys i created a mount point for a USB floppy in /media01:29
shriphanihow do i get it to recognise it01:29
shriphanii mean the usb floppy01:29
Schalkenbut even then things like flash and windows media codecs cant be used. and then theres the games and other proprietary software that wont work.01:29
spikebSchalken: i know your pain - i run ubuntu on a powerpc01:30
shriphanierm can anyone answer me ?01:30
SurfnKidok good night guys, have a pleasant monday morning01:30
SurfnKidill figure this lm-sensors thing tomorrow01:30
Schalkenits monday night over here01:30
SurfnKidtypical in australia01:30
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shriphanierm people i need help01:30
reikiI just got up... Monday morning here :)01:30
shriphanihow do i get my linux to recognise my ext. floppy drive ?01:31
shriphanii created a floppy dir in /media01:31
Schalkeni haven't used a usb floppy before, so i cant say myself01:31
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reikishriphani, take a look in fstab and see how your CD is being handled. USB flash drive should be similar but obviously file system type and read-only status will be different01:31
shriphaninot flash flopy01:32
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reikishriphani, external usb removeable... look in fstab and give it a go01:33
Kasper_GHey, anybody got experience with Maple 10.0.3 and Ubuntu? ... I can't get the "^" function to work, when in math mode! ... Anybody can help me?01:33
shriphaniso do i make an entry /dev/hdf for floppy in /etc/fstab ?01:33
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SchalkenKasper_G: whats Maple do?01:33
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ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories01:34
shriphanireiki, what do i put in as type ?01:34
Aphostilewhat path does xchat install into on ubuntu?01:34
Kasper_Gwell ... nothing. I can only use the "^" when in text mode.01:34
Aphostileby default?01:34
spikebprobably /usr/bin/xchat Aphostile01:34
SchalkenKasper_G: no i mean what is the purpose of maple01:35
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:35
ubotuSchalken: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:35
Kasper_GSchalken: Oh, its a mathematic program01:35
ubotuSchalken: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:35
reikishriphani, file system type?  ... I believe I had it as msdos...01:35
Schalkenstupid bot01:35
shriphanimsdos ?01:35
SchalkenKasper_G: okay01:35
shriphanifor cdrom it is udf,iso9660 user,noauto01:36
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reikishriphani, for floppy make type as auto01:36
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shriphaniso udf,iso9660 user,auto ?01:37
reiki/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       001:37
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reikionly change the /dev/fd0 line to your dev for the usb external01:38
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Coreyim trying to access my windows machine via a network and its asking me for a username domain and password what are they ??01:44
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jikbagyou shouldnt need a domain01:44
Coreywell how do i get in01:45
jikbagjust the username and password on your windows box01:45
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Coreythey dont work :(01:45
Coreysome folders let me some dont :S01:45
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ramviCorey, are you acutally sharing someting?01:45
richardim trying to install Adobe Reader01:45
richardbut im having problems with permissions01:46
Dry-iceI need ideas for what could cause a power cycle when compiling or booting or installing a dist... I know it's not heat, the mb/cpu/psu are all new the ram and video card came from a box that was doing the same, hince the upgrade. the ram is good (passed a full day of memtest86)01:46
shriphaniok guys what do i specify as the floppy file system ?01:46
shriphanifat16 ?01:46
shriphanior fat 32?01:46
shriphanior ext2 or ext301:46
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Schalkencan anyone tell me how the hell suse 10.1 managed to get flash working on 64bit, while ubuntu cant?01:46
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Dry-icefloppies are fat12 if win/dos01:47
exhalehello, im trying to use deborphan but im not really shure how to do.. can anyone help?01:47
Coreyramvi: yes01:47
Coreyive been getting files for the last ten minutes01:47
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Coreythis is really annoying meeee !!!01:47
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SchalkenCoery: do you have a windows share working?01:48
shriphaniin linux what do i specify as the file system type ?01:48
Coreynot sure01:48
brian_anybody have any suggestions on what apps i should use on a server that scans incoming mail for viruses and filters spam01:48
Butcherlgwhere i can download Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) ?01:48
shriphaniButcherlg, www.ubuntu.com01:48
apokryphosButcherlg: /topic01:48
Butcherlgbrian_, try use avp01:48
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Schalkenubotu: show Butcherlg Ubuntu Dapper01:48
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Schalken01:48
Butcherlgshriphani, at ubuntu.com i only see 5.1001:48
apokryphosButcherlg: /topic01:49
hugh__Ahhhh. How do I change my refresh rate. GNOME only allows me to go to 60 hz but my monitor can go to 75hz01:49
hugh__it hurts it hurts01:49
exhalehugh__, refonfigure X01:49
apokryphoshugh__: /msg ubotu resolution01:49
CoreyI DID IT01:49
shriphanisomeone help me too01:49
void^shriphani: just use auto01:49
shriphanii did that01:49
Schalkencan anyone tell me how the hell suse 10.1 managed to get flash working on 64bit, while ubuntu cant?01:49
shriphaniit still asks for filesystem type when i mount it01:50
apokryphosSchalken: Ubuntu/Debian are not BiArch compatible01:50
apokryphosmainly because of APT01:50
hugh__how do I 'refonfigure' X01:50
apokryphosyeah, kind of a blow for amd64 users =)01:50
Schalkenapokryphos: oh well thats a shame. maybe i should break out my suse 10.1 cd...01:50
apokryphoshugh__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:50
shriphanivoid^, the last time i did this i put it as fat 3201:50
Butcherlgapokryphos, thx, i founded :D01:50
hugh__I have tryed that01:50
shriphaniand had enough probs for a lifetime01:50
shriphaniso i need correct info now01:51
spikebapokryphos: isn't that on the list for attempting to do for edgy? (biarch)01:51
shriphanii think when mounted the 1st time i need to specify the file system type01:51
apokryphosspikeb: one of the things, yup; that's why sabdfl is looking into smart.01:51
apokryphossmart is biarch compatible01:51
brian_anybody any experiences using spamcop/spamassasin\mailwasher?01:52
Schalkennot me01:52
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apokryphosSchalken: package management that supports many source/repository formats; see http://labix.org/smart01:52
apokryphosit's very good :)01:52
Schalkenare you saying if i use that i could get flash working?01:53
shriphaniapokryphos, what do i specify as file system type for my floppy drive in linux01:53
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spikebapokryphos: why not fix apt?01:53
jikbagshriphani: maybe try vfat01:53
apokryphosSchalken: hm, I've never tried it on ubuntu. Not sure how it would work now, might try it when I'm next on kubuntu01:53
jikbagshriphani: just a guess01:53
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apokryphosspikeb: they've been talking of doing that for absolutely ages on debian. I don't know.01:54
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spikebthey talk about everything for ages with debian01:54
apokryphosnot sure if smart would totally replace apt, anyhow (That hasn't been said)01:54
Butcherlgapokryphos, i want dvd version :\01:54
apokryphosButcherlg: ......of?01:54
shriphaninot acceptin it01:54
jikbagshriphani: srry :(01:54
shriphaniany other ideas01:55
spikebsmart seems neat though01:55
Butcherlgapokryphos, of 6.0601:55
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apokryphosspikeb: I really like it, yup. It has many things over APT01:55
Butcherlgapokryphos, i seen dvd of 5.10. now i want 6.06 :D01:55
apokryphosbut no build-dep yet :(01:55
apokryphosButcherlg: no dvds for 6.06, only desktop CD and alternate.01:55
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spikebaptitude also has many things over apt01:55
braskohi all, is now a good time to upgrade to the new ubuntu release?01:55
braskoIf so, what's the chance I'm going to break my OS install?01:56
apokryphosand visa versa. I don't always use aptitude, and there are reasons :D01:56
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apokryphossmart has things over aptitude too ;-)01:56
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spikebso basically we're looking at adding ANOTHER meta package manager here heh01:57
odie__how do i disable the firewall in ubuntu 5.10?01:57
apokryphosmultiple connections, capabilities for mirror sources... it's good 8)01:57
Schalkenuubuntu has a firewall?01:57
ubotuUbuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic.01:58
odie__well, azureus syays so01:58
spikebazureus is probably complaining about a router firewall01:58
=== kronoz [n=kronoz@ACC8D59A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
shriphani!how to mount a USB floppy01:58
ubotushriphani: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:58
odie__i have no router01:58
ubotushriphani: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:58
Schalken!smartass bot01:58
ubotuSchalken: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:58
shriphani!smartass ubotu01:58
Schalkenyeah not so smart now01:58
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, shriphani01:58
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kronozhi, can anyone else get on easysource? it seems to be down from my machine01:58
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:59
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spikebdon't make the bot sad :(01:59
shriphaniSchalken, help me with mounting a device for the 1st time01:59
ubotuthanks spikeb :)01:59
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Schalkenspikeb: that was smooth01:59
Schalkenshriphani: ive never manually mounted a device02:00
odie__tanx for everything02:00
shriphanibecause i am sure i did the manual mount only once02:00
shriphaniafter that my drive was automatically detected all the while02:00
shriphanibut i did have to mount only once02:00
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@collaredlory2.hornet.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanithat time i specified the filesystem as fat3202:00
shriphanithen i had big probs02:01
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Charles21Can someone help me out with file permissions I have figured out that i need to do umask 000    for my /var/www/ to get it how i want it the problem is you have to set this on each computer (i dont mind that) The problem is when i connect to the ssh file sharing the umask is ignored is there  a way to do umask with filesharing with ssh02:02
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SchalkenCharles21: dunon02:03
=== poopotootti [n=poopotoo@c193-229-42-65.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
SubCharles21, well in ftp you can seta default umask02:03
Schalkenhavent used ssh02:03
shriphaniSchalken, any ideas02:03
maddoxit's not something in the /etc/profile getting overwriting your setting when the SSH user logs in?02:03
SubCharles21, ill find the value for ssh02:03
shriphanimy problem02:03
Charles21Sub, I guess I will have to do ftp until I learn more about unix filesharing as a quick fix02:03
spikebsounds lit might be02:03
Subwell Charles, in /etc/proftpd.conf you can set a default umask.02:04
=== LiMpKiN [n=LiMpKiN@ALagny-151-1-101-160.w86-212.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
LiMpKiNhello everyone02:04
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LiMpKiNje voulais juste savoir la date de sortie de notre dapper drake02:04
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Subshriphani, whats your problem?02:04
Charles21Yeah I have setup proftpd (basic setup) ill focus on that now It was only in the last 10min i figured out "how umask worked" So it should be easier to do now  Thanks anyway02:04
shriphanimounting a USB floppy in linux02:04
LiMpKiNi forgot it's an english chan02:05
SubLiMpKiN, mon francais tres mal, #ubuntu-fr ??02:05
shriphanii created mount points etc02:05
=== Corey [n=admin@203-206-222-238.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Schalkencan someone tell me why opengl works in suse but not in ubuntu?02:05
LiMpKiNi just wanted to know when the dapper draker will be available :02:05
SubSchalken, it works in ubuntu02:05
shriphaninow i need to mount it once so that linux automatically detects it from the next time02:05
spikebjune first LiMpKiN02:05
SubLiMpKiN, june 1st :D02:05
CoreyI have an apache-2 server and its really strict and stuff how can I let dreamweaver 8 write files to it ?02:05
Schalkensub: not for me it doesnt02:05
LiMpKiNfurst, yeahhh02:05
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spikebLiMpKiN: the release candidate is out now if you dont want to wait02:05
SubSchalken, what card u got02:05
Subshriphani, usb SHOULD auto mount in ubuntu02:06
Corey I have an apache-2 server and its really strict and stuff how can I let dreamweaver 8 write files to it ?02:06
LiMpKiNi want to have the final version... so i can wait02:06
Schalkensis 661fx02:06
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LiMpKiNanyway, i'll have to del my windows ;)02:06
shriphaniUSB floppy sub02:06
Subahh, onboard is always picky...02:06
Subshriphani, yes, usb floppy will be detected as a usbdrive.02:06
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54009E8F.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
SchalkenSub: well why it not work in ubuntu but it works perfectly in suse02:07
shriphaniit currently is not02:07
Sublike stick a floppy into it, then plug it in, "usbdrive" should appear on the desktop.02:07
=== HellDragon|dodo is now known as HellDragon
Corey I have an apache-2 server and its really strict and stuff how can I let dreamweaver 8 write files to it ?02:07
shriphaniso i created mount points and /etc/fstab02:07
SubSchalken, push Alt-F2 and type "glxgears"02:07
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LiMpKiNthen, thanks :D02:07
Subwhat do you see?02:07
ccjamesHi, I've upgrade flight6 to current,when opening evolution I get the error "Error while storing the folder 'Inbox' Summary and folder mismatch even after a sync"  Can anyone offer any advice please?02:07
shriphanithe tutorial says mount it once02:07
Corey I have an apache-2 server and its really strict and stuff how can I let dreamweaver 8 write files to it ?02:07
spikebwhy is it that redhat is the only one who's come close to making a meta-desktop distro work decently?02:07
shriphanithen it should be detected all the while02:07
Subshriphani, fstab is only ran on boot and on mount -a02:07
spikebnovell STILL can't get it right02:07
SchalkenSub: nothing, the run box dissapeared why i hit enter02:07
shriphanii mean i did it last time02:08
shriphanibut i switched systems and the thing has gone out of my head02:08
SubCorey, stop asking questions repeatdly, if no1 knows now, come back later and try, or post at www.ubuntuforums.org, its an apache question anyway, not ubuntu02:08
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Subshriphani, sounds odd.02:08
jcs_can anyone recommend a good disk image program for Dapper ? i want to be able to make my own custom unattended bootable Dapper image02:09
Subshriphani, i have no expereince with usb floppy drives, might be worth posting on the forum?02:09
SchalkenSub: if i run glxgears in the terminal i get "Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual"02:09
Subjcs_ mot here02:09
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then02:09
shriphaniubuntuforums.org ?02:09
jcs_ahh ok sorry02:09
Subno worries02:09
Subyes shriphani02:09
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SubSchalken, and your sure you have the correct driver for your card?02:09
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Schalkeni dont even think there is a linux driver for my card. i havent found one. thats why i was wondering how the hell it worked in suse02:10
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SubSchalken, if it worked in suse, there must be a driver that works for it.02:10
igorzolnikovhow i can connect to ftp-server with windows dir-like listing...?02:11
shriphaniok what do i specify as the file system type for a floppy02:11
Submight be worth googling around for, then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to pick the correct driver02:11
=== vbgunz [n=sysadmin@uslec-66-255-127-2.cust.uslec.net] has joined #ubuntu
rixxonubuntu uses au.archive, can i tell it to use se.archive?02:11
Subshriphani, vfat is a safe bet02:11
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vbgunztwo more days until dapper becomes final :)02:11
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Subigorzolnikov, use "gftp" or nautilus can connect to ftp servers02:12
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Subill be back later02:13
Subsee you guys02:13
=== fireV [n=fireV@h39n5c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
MadMerChi guys im tryin to install some Tk thingo but when i try to do a makefile or run it im told that the file or directory doesnt exist02:13
rixxonvbgunz: i just installed rc1, will final differ alot?02:13
_Rappy_how do I delete the whe printinqueue in the terminal window?02:13
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vbgunzrixxon: not sure, I've been using it for a long time now... it's been great, looks great and runs great... just thought I remind the world about June 1st02:14
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nox-handHey guys02:14
nox-handJust thought I'd say, that upgrade doesn't tak the long :D02:14
rixxonvbgunz: will _you_ install final? :P02:14
nox-handI have about 25 mins left of my upgrade :D02:14
MadMerCim in the folder that the makefile.pl is in but when i run sudo perl Makefile.Pl im told it doesnt exist can anyone help02:15
vbgunzrixxon: of course, I am using it now and will upgrade ;)02:15
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rixxonMadMerC: sudo perl makefile.pl02:15
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rixxonMadMerC: (case sensitive)02:15
Aleks-0hello i need help02:15
shriphaniroot@ubuntu:/home/shriphani# mount /mnt/usbfd02:15
shriphanimount: you must specify the filesystem type02:15
Aleks-0i start my stsrem ubuntu now02:15
shriphanithis is what i get Sub02:15
MadMerCthe actual file is Makefile.Pl not makefile.pl02:15
Aleks-0and it not give me graphic login02:15
Aleks-0it give me login like dos02:15
nox-handIt's actually very quick 0_o I have been working with it for about 40 mins now, and before that it was just the download that took time =)02:15
Aleks-0Ubuntu 5.10 "Vreezt badger" Aleks tty102:15
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Aleks-0Aleks login:02:16
Aleks-0how i can make it with kde login graphic ..02:16
rixxonMadMerC: try tabbing, M<tab>02:16
nox-handBut, I have no Xchat right now ='( Ubuntu deleted it X)02:16
MadMerCrixxon what do you mean by tabbing ?? im a n00b to linux02:16
spikebAleks-0: install kdm02:16
Subshriphani, mount  -t vfat /dev/usbfd /mnt/usbfd02:16
Subi guess the /dev/ put in what it should be02:17
rixxonMadMerC: me too :) - i mean type 'sudo perl M' and press tab and see what it does02:17
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Subnox-hand, "sudo apt-get install xchat"02:17
nox-handMadMerC: No problem, mate, we've all been there. I started ~3/4 year ago. Now, I know quite a bit :)02:17
nox-handSub: Well, duh.02:17
MadMerCrixxon i will try that now02:17
Subwell dont complain about it :D02:17
nox-handSub: It shall install itself in a moment, it just hasn't gotten there yet. I am upgrading from Breezy to Dapper02:17
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Subnox-hand, ahh.02:18
nox-handSub: did I complain? Note the X) at the end of the post ;)02:18
MadMerCrixxon it says the Makefile.Pl is there02:18
Subi saw ( and ), thought it was btackets :D02:18
nox-handSub: Amazing so quick the upgrade is :D02:18
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MadMerCoh hang on i think i worked it out lol the .Pl is actually .PL :P02:18
Subnox-hand, i upgraded, so nice now, but if its dapper related, #ubuntu+1 is probably a abetter place, some people get shitty with dapper talk in here02:19
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rixxonMadMerC: that was why i wanted you to tab it :>02:19
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, spikeb02:19
spikebsub don't swear.02:19
shriphaniwerking Sub02:19
MadMerCahh it wont work properly anyway lol02:19
Aleks-0spikeb pls help me02:19
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shriphanii can see external floppy drive in nautilus02:20
spikebAleks-0: with what?02:20
GaiaX11I am trying to access another computer through ssh. But when i do: ssh username@ipnumber it hangs and don't ask me the password. Any help?02:20
shriphanithanx a lot02:20
Aleks-0i start my system ubuntu 5.10 now02:20
Aleks-0and it not give me graphic login02:20
Aleks-0it give me login like dos02:20
MadMerCrixxon can you decipher this ??02:20
Aleks-0Ubuntu 5.10 "bla bla" Aleks tty102:20
Aleks-0Aleks login:02:20
shriphaniAleks-0, what is going on02:20
MadMerCrixxon Problem gettimeofday()02:20
MadMerCUsing -L/usr/lib to find /usr/lib/libX11.so.6.2.002:20
MadMerCCannot find X include files via /usr/include02:20
MadMerCCannot find X include files anywhere at ./myConfig line 312.02:20
MadMerCCompilation failed in require at Makefile.PL line 17.02:20
MadMerCBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 19.02:20
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 02:20
shriphanii mean did you delete gnome02:20
Subspikeb, i didnt?02:20
Aleks-0i like to see kde login page02:21
Subshriphani, excellent :D02:21
Aleks-0now when i start ubuntu it give me02:21
Aleks-0login like a dos02:21
shriphanithank you very much02:21
spikebsomebody did02:21
Aleks-0with command02:21
Aleks-0i dont have02:21
shriphaniok carry out the login02:21
spikebah yes you did.02:21
Aleks-0graphic interface02:21
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Suboh yeah i said shitty lol, my bad.02:21
shriphanicarry out the login02:21
Aleks-0so ?02:21
MadMerCoh did i do something rong by pastein that stuff ??? sorry02:21
Subdude it's the internet, a dirty mouth is the least of anyones worries02:21
shriphaniand then we can use aptitude or apt-get to check what is going on02:21
=== spikeb shrugs
Aleks-0spikeb .. :(02:22
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aLPHa_LeaKAleks-0: type startx02:22
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Aleks-0noting ..02:22
Aleks-0i have to type it02:22
Aleks-0as root ?02:22
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sexcopter8000mthere's something i don't quite get with dapper. it's been delayed by 6 weeks in order to make it extra stable and supportable, does that mean future releases will be every 6 subsequent months? And what is this Dapper+1 business all about?02:23
Aleks-0wow it start :D02:23
GaiaX11How do i access another PC through SSH?02:23
shriphaniGaiaX11, ssh address02:24
=== NinjaDuck [n=greg@host86-131-149-188.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
regsvr32i have an idea about bittorrent.02:24
=== Herzfieber [n=isa@p548388DC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
SubGaiaX11, jus "ssh user@remotepc02:24
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SubGaiaX11, where remotepc is either an I.P or domain name02:25
GaiaX11I have done this: ssh username@ipnumber but does not work02:25
shriphaniand guys why doesnt bit torrent find its meta file on my ubuntu ?02:25
MadMerCman everytime i try to install things with the term is doesnt work properly02:25
Jimmey__MadMerC, what's the error02:25
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shriphaniGaiaX11, did you install ssh-keys ?02:25
SubGaiaX11, on the remote pc, is ther an ssh server and the ports are forwarded correctly?02:25
GaiaX11I will see.02:26
MadMerCJimmey__ well i just ran sudo perl Makefile.PL and that worked but now the readme says to run make but it says there is no file etc02:26
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Jimmey__What are you trying to install?02:26
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MadMerClol Geo*02:26
Jimmey__sexcopter8000m, the channel #ubuntu+1 is for Dapper related chat02:27
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sexcopter8000mJimmey__, ok thanks02:27
Jimmey__Just "Geo", MadMerC?02:27
regsvr32i think if i invite some friends' idle machines to join a torrent (where i am a peer), it will benefit the swarm, or specifically, myself.02:27
=== Beleys [i=sauget@tolkien.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr] has joined #ubuntu
MadMerCJimmey__ no Geo-IPfree02:27
chainlynxhey how does one boot up without starting the X server?  I tried to follow some instructions for redhat and it just ended up changing my root password02:28
Jimmey__MadMerC,  it's in the repositories. Try "sudo apt-get install libgeo-ipfree-perl"02:28
=== nox-hand [n=nox@cpe.atm2-0-1021163.0x503fcf96.hrnxx3.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
MadMerCJimmey__ what i actually want to install is ghoti but i need a few other things first :P02:28
nox-handShhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooot <swears loudly>02:28
MadMerCJimmey__ ok i'll have a look02:28
=== beyond [n=beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
nox-handMy PC crashed || Power failed02:28
CoreyI cant see the text in firefox its white02:28
Coreyhow do i change thart ?02:29
nox-handI was upgrading to Dapper from Breezy02:29
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nox-handNow X will not start02:29
nox-handWhat can I do? -_-02:29
Jimmey__nox-hand, what error are you getting02:29
=== nox-hand starts crying
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MadMerCis dapper good ???02:29
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nox-handJimmey__: A blank screen, and no ability to go to another terminal02:29
zshhi. i have a problem with synaptic. the repositories just wont load02:29
nox-handThe only way I got here, was booting recovery mode :|02:29
Jimmey__nox-hand, try CTRL + ALT + F102:30
richiefrichanyone use qemu ?02:30
Pixel1983MadMerC, yes, but you won't like gnome-screensaver.02:30
SubMadMerC, a few improvements yes, at this point may as well wait until final is released on june 1st02:30
chainlynxzsh, try editing your /etc/apt/sources.list file02:30
nox-handJimmey__: I know, didn't work02:30
another_lemurzsh, have you verified your /etc/apt/sources.list?02:30
nox-handNow I am in recovery mode.02:30
MadMerCok kewl i will wait then :P02:30
nox-handJimmey__: I think it had just come to the X libs, perhaps02:30
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Jimmey__Oh, on the install02:30
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nox-handHow can I start the package upgrade thing from cli?02:30
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nox-handShoot, I only have one terminal in recovery mode02:30
glutexoHello. I've installed Ubuntu for the first time and I would like to ask someone for help. Would be someone so kind?02:31
Jimmey__glutexo, what's the problem02:31
zshchainlynx: what should i edit it to02:31
Jimmey__nox-hand, I've no idea..02:31
nox-handI used some sudodpg(ISH)command update -d02:31
nox-handAnd I cannot remember who helped me..02:31
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GaiaX11Sub, these are the packages installed in my system. Am i missing anything? (openssh-client and ssh-askpass-gnome)02:31
another_lemurnox-hand, gksudo updatemanager -d perhaps?02:32
another_lemurnox-hand, gksudo update-manager -d perhaps?02:32
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SubGaiaX11, openssh-client should be suffcient02:32
nox-handanother_lemur: something like that, yes.02:32
nox-handNot sure about the update-manager.02:32
glutexoJimmey__, I would like to share my internet connection with two other computers.. on Windows I used something called network bridge.02:32
nox-handThought it was just update02:32
another_lemurnox-hand,  i missed the dash02:32
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nox-handanother_lemur: But isn't that from X only?02:32
SubGaiaX11, it might be a problem on the remote pc02:32
nox-handI am in CLI02:32
Jimmey__glutexo, then I can recommend Firestarter.02:32
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Jimmey__glutexo, that will make the process of sharing an internet connection simpler.02:33
zshanother_lemur: i cant see any problem with sources.list02:33
another_lemurnox-hand, yes, crom the text terminal, try sudo apt-get update02:33
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nox-handanother_lemur: from cli, sudo apt-get update. I shall try. Thanks. I shall have to exit irssi, as I only have one terminal in recovery mode. bbl to tell result02:34
MadMerCJimmey__ i couldnt find it the way u sed but i found it thru synaptic02:34
zshchainlynx: ok.02:34
GaiaX11Sub, which packages the remote pc need to have? Only client as well? Or ssh-server as well?02:34
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=== nox-hand prays, then takes the plunge
another_lemurnox-hand, can you use control-z tp background your irc client?  the use the fg command to bring it back02:35
glutexoJimmey__, Okay, thank you. I'll try to get Firestarter.02:35
SubGaiaX11, it will need openssh-server, and it will need to have port 22 open.02:35
Jimmey__glutexo, "sudo apt-get install firestarter"02:35
another_lemurzsh, which repositories are giving you trouble?02:35
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Jimmey__MadMerC, try "sudo apt-get install geoip-bin"02:36
GaiaX11Sub, how do i open that port? Through a firewall?02:36
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SubGaiaX11, your firewall will need to allow that port, and if you use a router, that will need to port forward it too.02:37
GaiaX11Sub, many thanks for now.02:37
zshanother_lemur: all of them02:38
another_lemurzsh, when you run sudo apt-get update, what happens?02:38
MadMerCJimmy__ i found the other file u mentioned thru synaptic is that the rite one or should i do the one u just sed ???02:38
MadMerCJimmey__ ^02:39
glutexoJimmey__, It looks like it is installed.. I hope I will be able to configure it wel..02:39
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zshanother_lemur i havent tried that yet02:40
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another_lemurzsh, that command checks allthe respositores for updatesed information and caches package information on your computer02:41
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glutexoJimmey__, Firestarter says that network device eth0 is not ready. Unfortunately I don't know how to get it ready.02:41
another_lemurnox-hand, can you use control-z tp background your irc client?  the use the fg command to bring it back02:41
nox-Handanother_lemur: Hey02:41
nox-Handanother_lemur: Dunno, I just turned on my serverpc, which I use irssi on now02:42
aytekinturk yok mu???????02:42
another_lemurnox-hand, to upgrade sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:42
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chainlynxturk var!02:42
nox-Handanother_lemur: I did that command, and it gave me an error, then told me to do this:02:42
nox-Handdpkg --configure -a02:42
henry54no ops but 721 user on this channel? wow...02:42
nox-HandNow it's configuring lots of packages.02:43
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nox-Handanother_lemur: So, is that good?02:43
nox-HandThe command I did02:43
Seveashenry54, is that a problem? 02:43
another_lemurnox-Hand, well, we shall see02:43
=== another_lemur studies dpkg man page
MadMerCgrrr does anyone know if ghoti is even any good ??02:44
aytekinmudur turkce yazamiyorum02:44
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another_lemurnox-Hand,  my dpkg manpage does not have either of the options you listed02:44
Seveasaytekin, english please02:44
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu.tr hizmetinizde.02:44
Seveas!tr =~ s/.tr/-tr/02:44
ubotuOK, Seveas02:44
nox-Handanother_lemur: Anywho, I shall be up in ~20 mins. That's how long I had left of the upgrade, so I shall estimate that's what time it'll take. It was apt-get update that told me to do that manually, as it couldn't for some reason.02:45
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=== nox-Hand kicks ubotu
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aytekinI m not  writing turkish char02:45
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zshanother_lemur: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:46
zshE: Unable to lock the list directory02:46
nox-HandBbl, please PM me if anything comes up02:46
another_lemurzsh,  is /var mounted?  did you use sudo?02:46
MadMerCwhats a good IRC cliet to use ??02:46
nox-HandMadMerC: irssi :P02:46
another_lemurnox-Hand, ok02:46
rixxonMadMerC: irssi, xchat02:46
nox-HandNo, xchat for you, I think02:46
MadMerCim currently on X-Char02:46
zshanother_lemur: yes i used sudo. let me try again02:46
Jimmey__glutexo, do you still need some help?02:46
rixxonMadMerC: i prefer irssi but xchat is probably more beginner friendly02:46
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another_lemurzsh, it sounds like another update program is running02:47
MadMerCim ok with IRC i used to use it on Winbloze a wile back02:47
MadMerCrixxon can i get irssi thru synaptic ??02:47
rixxonMadMerC: well, irssi is console, xchat is graphical02:47
regebroWhy does my attempts at fsck on a USB key first ask me what to change, and then, when I told it, it sais "Leaving file system unchanged."?02:47
Jimmey__MadMerC, search for it02:47
rixxonMadMerC: you have irssi02:47
glutexoJimmey__, Firestarters complains about that eth device is not ready, I think I should activate the network card somehow, but I dont know..02:47
regebroIt's some sort of FAT system.02:47
another_lemurzsh, are you running X?02:48
Jimmey__glutexo, are you chatting to me from the Ubuntu machine?02:48
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glutexoJimmey__, Yes, I am.02:48
kaiSVKI am new to ubuntu02:48
kaiSVKtrying to install02:48
zshanother_lemur: yes. should i restart it?02:48
kaiSVKbut it freeze UI think on the graphic ATI X20002:48
another_lemurzsh, no I just wanted to verify your environment02:48
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glutexoJimmey__, I think that the device connected to the Internet is the only activated eth device.02:48
kaiSVKhow can I set-up text mode installer ?02:49
Jimmey__glutexo, can you PM me the output of ifconfig02:49
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aytekinbeni anlayan var mi??????02:49
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zshanother_lemur: do you know the specific entries i should make in sources.list02:50
another_lemurzsh, can you list the lock file?  ls -l  /var/lib/apt/lists/lock02:50
kaiSVKI need to text install02:50
another_lemurzsh, can you PM me your /etc/apt/sources.list?02:50
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zshanother_lemur: ok02:51
roothi me :P02:51
MadMerChaha kewl02:51
another_lemurzsh, along with the output of uname -r and cat /etc/issue02:51
nominis it possible to install .deb packages on ubuntu?02:51
Jimmey__nomin, yes02:51
chainlynxzsh, look at this http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#Repositories02:51
roothow do i change my name in here ???02:51
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)02:51
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another_lemurroot, use /nick newname02:52
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Erickewl thanx02:52
kaiSVKthis is the UBUNTU community _02:52
kaiSVKI need to know how to do text install02:52
MadMerCits easier to see whats goin on in xchat02:52
nominI would like to install qjoypad, but it's not available for ubuntu02:52
Jimmey__nomin, hang on02:53
another_lemurnomin, you could compile it from source02:53
Ericeverything seems a bit messy in irssi02:53
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nominI've never built anything from source before.  I'm still fairly new to linux stuff.02:53
=== another_lemur takes a bio break
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nominI think qjoypad should be a part of every distro02:54
Jimmey__nomin, download the .deb, and use dpkg to install it02:54
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)02:54
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Erichow do i update  my ubuntu ??02:54
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nathansnookIs there a way to convert an RPM to a DEB file02:54
glutexoJimmey__, I PMed you the output of ifconfig, I am afraid some lines are localized to Czech, I hope this is not a big problem.02:54
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Subnathansnook, alien02:54
LogicalDashnathansnook, sudo alien (filename)02:54
ubotuhmm... rpm is the Redhat Package Management file. Very similar to Debian's DEB files, but require alien to install. ask me about !alien02:54
ubotuhmm... alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/02:55
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zshanother_lemur: for some reason apt-get is working now02:55
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nominqjoypad is for joysticks/controllers.  It emulates keypresses and the mouse.  I don't know why it's not available for ubuntu yet.  I haven't seen anything for emulating the keyboard with a joystick on ubuntu yet.02:55
LogicalDashMy sound has stopped working for some reason. First it was working fine, then it would only work with headphones and only some programs, now I'm not getting anything at all. Help?02:56
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nominI think dapper drake should have qjoypad available for it.02:56
Jimmey__nomin, download the .deb, and use dpkg to install it02:56
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)02:56
nominok Jimmey__, I'll try that.  Thanks.02:56
Erichow can i update from breezy to dapper ???02:57
nathansnookHere is another question then I am coming from a RPM based environment and what top know where to obtain deb packages.  It seems that RPMS are all over but DEB is something that I have seen little of02:57
B0FHis dapper ready for use seeing as it is so very close to release?02:57
ChousukeWait until release.02:57
Subnathansnook, if you want to download things, use apt-get02:57
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itsmorefun# $Id: pptpd-options 4255 2004-10-03 18:44:00Z rene $02:57
itsmorefun# Sample Poptop PPP options file /etc/ppp/pptpd-options02:57
itsmorefun# Options used by PPP when a connection arrives from a client.02:57
itsmorefun# This file is pointed to by /etc/pptpd.conf option keyword.02:57
itsmorefun# Changes are effective on the next connection.  See "man pppd".02:57
Subor for a new users, synaptic might be better02:57
itsmorefun# You are expected to change this file to suit your system.  As02:57
zshanother_lemur: however its getting to a point then stalling02:57
itsmorefun# packaged, it requires PPP 2.4.2 and the kernel MPPE module.02:57
ChousukeB0FH: or, actually.02:57
itsmorefunhow know if mppe is in the kernel?02:58
another_lemurzsh, I'm glad to hear that.  Perhaps another update process was already running?02:58
ChousukeB0FH: Maybe it'd be better to update now.02:58
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nathansnookdoes apt-get come it with the --help ability02:58
B0FHok will do02:58
another_lemurzsh, stalling?  or downloading?02:58
ChousukeB0FH: the servers are going to be bogged on release day .D02:58
Subnathansnook, goto System-Admin-Synaptic Package Manager and search for anything you need.02:58
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nathansnooksub >>I perfer command line if that makes any sense02:58
Erichow do i update my breezy to dapper ??02:58
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glutexoJimmey__, I think I managed to configure my other eth card.. but I am unsure how to build a network bridge.02:59
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Subnathansnook, welll "apt-cache search" to find packages, then "sudo apt-get install" to install them02:59
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Subapt is probably the most powerful package management system03:00
Subbetter than rpms03:00
Subi hated rpms in suse.03:00
nathansnookSub >> Thanks for the info.  Making it easy to migrate to Ubuntu03:00
another_lemursub, i haded suse03:00
another_lemursub, hated :)03:00
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MadMerCwhats the dapper channel ??03:01
Submy first taste of linux was suse. taught me alot, but ubuntu has been the best linux distro ive used, and ive been try alot03:01
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then03:01
=== I-CEE [n=i-cee@host81-152-244-233.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
spikebapt can't  be compared to rpm.03:01
Subbecause apt solves dependencies automaticallu03:02
I-CEEhelp<<<<<<<< linux noob03:02
Subrpms dont03:02
ubotuFor information on how to ask good questions please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The more information you can give the better we can help you. If your going to give output of commands please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:02
spikebno, not because of that.03:02
spikebbecause apt is a metapackager, and rpm is not.03:02
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spikebrpm is comparable to dpkg.03:02
Subthat was why i like it so much.03:02
spikebyum is comparable to apt.03:03
spikeb(and sucks in comparison)03:03
Subahh, suse has a thing liek apt03:03
SubYUM thats it.03:03
Subyes it does.03:03
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MistaEDis apt4rpm just as good as regular apt with deb?03:03
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spikebsuse now has like eight different ways of doing meta-package management heh03:03
Dr_WillisMistaED,  i dont think so.03:03
highvoltagewhy so many?03:03
spikebMistaED: it's unmaintained.03:03
Subsuse has 8 different ways to do ANYTHING03:03
Tezzer44any one know when dapper is going to be released?03:03
spikebhighvoltage: novell can't make up their mind03:03
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then03:03
Subthats why i didnt like it, too bloated03:04
Dr_Williswhen its done. :P03:04
MistaEDsuse is in such a mess though with package management, very much the weakest point of the distro atm03:04
spikebi actually like suse a lot more since novell took over - but still.03:04
Subwell i had suse since 9.303:04
skippyTezzer44 June 1st03:04
fLy-MistaED: an app called "Smart" now exists for suse packaging03:04
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fLy-works great03:04
SeveasTezzer44, in 2 days03:04
Tezzer441st of june where?03:04
fLy-uses apt/yum/yast2/ftp repos03:04
LinuxJonesLet's keep it on-topic guys.03:04
spikebfLy-: along with yum, yast, and rug03:05
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fLy-is anyone using fedora directory server on dapper?03:05
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ubotudownload is probably get Ubuntu LiveCD & install ISOs at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ and if you need information on burning ISOs, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto03:06
skippyhey any of you guys running xgl/compiz on gnome? Most of my programs are windoweded, but a few (VLC, bittorrent) dont have window frames. Any way of fixingit?03:06
kaiSVKwhere can I download ubuntu 6.06 ???03:06
ubotuThe release candidate for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. For more info on how to get the release candidate see http://releases.ubuntu.com/dapper/03:06
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chainlynxHey how do you manually stop the x server?  I'm trying to install some graphics drivers and Ctrl+Alt+F1ing but it says the x server is still running03:07
I-CEEhas any one got a good link to a good dvd player03:07
skippycontrol alt backspace03:07
Dr_Willischainlynx,  also try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:08
nox-Handanother_lemur: Hey03:08
igorzolnikovhow can i install mysql for ubuntu 6.06?03:08
another_lemurnox-Hand, hi03:08
Jimmey__I-CEE, Totem can play DVDs, see the "DVDs" section of the link I'm about to send03:08
nox-HandI just did apt-get update, and that completed03:08
nox-HandNow, when I did apt-get dist-upgrade, it only needed four packages upgraded =)03:08
nox-HandSo, I should have it all =D03:08
another_lemurnox-Hand, to upgrade follow it with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:08
=== nox-Hand hopes his reboot will go well
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nox-Handanother_lemur: I did it =)03:09
another_lemurnox-Hand, good luck :)03:09
I-CEEthx jimmy03:09
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irelandshopeI hate Realplayer but I really want to watch realplayer streams from the BBC web site is there an alternative to installing Realplayer for Linux?03:09
nox-Handanother_lemur: Thanks =) Argh, stupid server room... My server is in my sisters 'closet room', and she just throws stuff all over the place. I just cut open my knee on a peice of metal on the floor whilst kneeling at my server.....03:10
liquidindianIs there a way to check that ubuntu has updated properly?  To Dapper?03:10
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ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories03:10
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:10
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LinuxJonesliquidindian, if you system re-boots properly it worked03:11
liquidindianLinuxJones, okay then :)03:11
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another_lemurnox-Hand, ouch!  One must be careful when coming out of the closet.  ;)03:12
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chainlynxhey for some reason Ctrl+Alt+Backspace reset my root password and now i cant login as root... help????03:12
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ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.03:12
nominirelandshope, I have used the kaffeine plugin before to play realplayer videos.03:12
Dr_Willislogin as a user, then use sudo03:12
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another_lemurchainlynx, that key combo only exits X03:13
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nominirelandshope, I'm not sure if you already need realplayer installed in order for kaffeine to play the videos, though.03:13
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nox-Handanother_lemur: It's just a room, but she throws all her stuff in here. It seems it was a PC chassis side door, that she has moved from my stack of neatly packed stuff ;) Put that under a towel, and you have yourself a murderweapon 0_o03:13
mwejust the codecs, no?03:13
irelandshopenomin is kaffeine a firefox plugin?03:14
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nan_que mal hablais...03:14
nan_no se entiende nada...03:14
mwenan_: english only, please03:14
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another_lemurnan_, hola /join #ubuntu-es03:14
nan_algien coherente!03:15
Dr_Willisirelandshope,  gxine player plugin is Trying to play the bbc video clip for me.. :P its just not doing it yet. lol03:15
nominirelandshope, kaffeine is a media player.  You need to install kaffeine-mozilla separately to play embedded videos.03:15
another_lemurmwe, nan_ was distressed that he could not understand the channel03:15
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irelandshopenomin Coll Ill try that03:16
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:16
nominirelandshope, I personally have no problem with realplayer.  The only flaw I see in realplayer is that it does not maximinze embedded videos on linux.03:16
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nan_i go!03:16
igorzolnikovhow can i install mysql for ubuntu 6.06?03:16
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mweigorzolnikov: sudo apt-get install mysql03:17
ParadoxxSeveas: has anyone here used freenx?03:17
mweigorzolnikov: or mysql-server, rather03:17
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mweigorzolnikov: i asume you need the server?03:17
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another_lemurigorzolnikov, which version wouldyou like?03:18
nox-Handanother_lemur: I found my X problem03:18
Hajuuhey guys. having some trouble working with midi with my soundblaster live.. like using sequencers etc etc... dont even know what to look for.. anyone got any ideas?03:18
nox-Handthe upgrade deleted nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel-common03:18
irelandshopenomin the problem I have with it is on the windows side it installs so much crap and trys to associate itself with all your media files and dont even talk about the mesage centre. As I am now switching to open source I want to try and stick will all open source stuff.03:18
=== chainlynx [n=chainlyn@adsl-64-171-251-58.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nox-HandSo, I could not use my xorg.conf ^^03:18
kermitX_igorzolnikov: depends on the version you want. but installing the mysql-server will give you 5, and mysql-server-4.1 will give you well, 4.103:18
ParadoxxNeone here used freenx before?03:18
chainlynxwhere is the compiler used to compile the linux kernel located?03:19
another_lemurnox-Hand, and is it all sorted out>03:19
HealotParadoxx: not me03:19
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another_lemurchainlynx, /usr/bin/gcc if you have installed gcc03:19
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nominirelandshope, realplayer on linux is different.  It doesn't have all the B.S. it has on windows.03:20
nox-Handanother_lemur: Now it is. Wow, I just entered GNOME. I heard they made it quicker somehow, but this much?! :o03:20
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=== nox-Hand might use GNOME a while
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nominirelandshope, I use realplayer when it is opened externally on linux.  It works great in that scenario.03:20
Hajuuhey guys. having some trouble working with midi with my soundblaster live.. like using sequencers etc etc... dont even know what to look for.. anyone got any ideas?03:20
SeveasParadoxx, I use freenx myself 03:20
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=== another_lemur tummy rumbles.
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=== another_lemur looks for food.
nominirelandshope, you may need to uninstall the totem plugin for mozilla in order to play streaming windows media videos.03:22
HealotHajuu: I think, to enable midi sequencer of an SB, you need to supply some SB parameter to the kernel entry in Grub/Lilo03:22
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Hajuusounds really scary03:22
Hajuuand un-ubuntu03:22
irelandshopeThats a relief Ill give it a try. I was just about to ask what you use to play Windows Media Streams?03:23
nominirelandshope, here is a good site to test realplayer and windows media videos:  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/view/03:23
ParadoxxSeveas: I get this error 'Cannot start the local x server'03:23
Healotthere is something about SB, Hajuu03:23
Seveaswindows client?03:23
Healotapplies to most Linux distro I think03:23
ParadoxxSeveas: yep03:23
igorzolnikovwhere can i found radio channel for  Rhythmbox?03:23
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Seveascan't help with that, I use it for lin-lin only03:23
guptanIs there any difference between Drapper RC Desktop CD's Firefox and Firefox from Drapper RC installed to HDD?03:23
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ParadoxxSeveas: kk, well, how do you know if the freenx client on the win side is workin?03:24
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AnAntwhere can I get hal-pmount ?03:24
nominirelandshope, here is an example of where realplayer opens externally.  This is where realplayer works well on linux:  http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/05/26/14102403:24
XilonHey, could anyone tell me how to compile/run a ruby program?03:24
irelandshopenomin thanks for the help I have only been using ubuntu for a couple of weeks but I am loving it.03:24
nominirelandshope, you need the win32 codecs to play windows videos03:24
Xilonor more specifically, if anyone here is on Ubernet, how I can run AQScript?03:25
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irelandshopeI have the win32codecs and will give real a go.03:25
nominirelandshope, I'm still fairly new to linux but I have gotten it to do just about everything windows does so far.03:25
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livevilSomeone can help me to find drivers for my acer monitor? It can't be setted over 640 x 48003:26
another_lemurnomin, well, i hope you haven't gotten it to crash as much :)03:26
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another_lemurnomin, or cost as much :)03:26
ParadoxxSeveas: How do you know if freenx server is up and workin?03:26
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sybaritenanyone ever used a USB to PS2 converter?  in the sense that the PS2 male goes into a USB female on the computer03:26
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nominanother_lemur, even if it does freeze on me, I press ctrl+alt+F1 and terminate the process causing the freeze.  Than everything is ok.03:27
power1Just wanted some advice and recommendations. I have a remote client that has a coal mine out in the sticks. They have an ISDN line for internet connectivity. They are currently using a windows box running kerio mail server and kerio firewall. The solution is not working as they are getting very large phone bills and the mail is unreliable. i am going03:27
power1out there tomorrow and I want to put down a Linux box. I have a customised build that I want to set-up there. I normally use this for Small ADSL clients but have never set-up a solution to control ISDN dial-ups and restrict call charges. It would be an added bonus if I could control users dialing up by forcing them to use some type ofauthentication proxy. any ideas?03:27
Healotyeah sure, mostly for my keyboard/mouse, sybariten03:27
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Healotbut I no longer use it, because my USB controller support legacy devices03:27
irelandshopenomin I think it is getting very close to being full replacement. I enjoy hacking around with the terminal but I think less technically minded may still find it a little tricky but its not far from prime time.03:28
SeveasParadoxx, if your ssh server is running, nx is running03:28
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another_lemurpowerl, I deployed radius for that sort of thing03:28
Paradoxxhow do i test that?03:28
another_lemurpower1, I deployed radius for that sort of thing03:28
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power1another_lemur, how did that help?03:28
nominirelandshope, I don't consider myself too technically minded.  I'm not a programmer.  I just started playing with linux once and since then i've been hooked.03:28
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another_lemurpower1, let me see if I undterstood you.  You want a way to manage the line charges of isdn (per minute, or per byte fees, right?)?03:30
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power1another_lemur, yes exactly, and also control which user is allowed to let the modem dial...03:31
irelandshopeI agree Im not very techie I would call myself an advanced windows user but certainly not a programmer. It helps to be interested in learning it and I have found it great fun and a sweet OS. I enjoy how fast it is in comparison to Windows and the extra control you have.03:31
ParadoxxSeveas: How do I test if the ssh-server is up?03:31
Seveasnetstat -tl | grep ssh03:31
another_lemurpower1, ah, radius is not the right component for that end of it.  Are you familiar with ppp?03:32
nominyeah, I can install all kinds of stuff on ubuntu and startup doesn't seem to be affected.03:32
Healotirelandshope: Windows/Linux different userland, not really comparable imho03:32
power1another_lemur, yeah kinda....03:32
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another_lemurpower1, I've not used ppp on linux, but I have on freebsd.  It has a method to minimize connection time for toll-based links.03:33
HumanPrototypeif I have borked my list of what I have installed (for apt and dpkg) how do I regenerate it?03:33
nominirelandshope, I recommend installing several video players.  Some videos don't play in some players.  I think it has to do with codec stuff.  I have kaffeine, xine, mplayer, and totem installed.  I use amarok and xmms for audio.03:34
power1another_lemur, thanks....I will get reading.03:34
HealotHumanPrototype: apt-get -f install if you were talking about broken installation03:34
another_lemurpower1, and you can control which users are allowed to use it, therefore limiting who can connect03:34
irelandshopeHealot I Agree, do you think it will ever be for the masses or would it need to be too crippled to be viable.03:34
kettelhi. I'm on Breezy 5.10, and I was wondering how I can install Ruby 1.8.4 on it.03:34
rixxonrhytmbox doesn't find the mp3s i have in the right folder?03:35
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irelandshopenomin I also use VLC which I have found to be excellent03:35
rixxonkettel: sudo apt-get install ruby03:35
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kettelrixxon: I already did, bu it only installed 1.8.303:35
Healoti would like to see variaties of OSes, makes things interesting to learn03:35
kettel(the previous version)03:35
rixxonkettel: big diff ;)03:35
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HumanPrototypeHealot: I have tried that several times - the system just doesnt know what is installed already and so keeps claiming there are broken dependancies03:35
kettelrixxon: actually, it is :)03:35
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rixxonkettel: universe/multiverse?03:36
kettelrixxon: I need 1.8.4 to run Rails.03:36
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nominirelandshope, if you want ideas to make your desktop look a lot cooler, check out these sites:  http://www.gnome-look.org/   http://www.kde-look.org/03:36
gnomefreakkettel: you wqould have to find a deb for it and install it or upgrade to dapper (pretty sure dapper have it)03:36
rixxonkettel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:36
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gnomefreakrixxon: 1.8.4 ias not out for breezy03:36
kettelgnomefreak: how would I find such a deb?  google?03:36
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drewumm I got a question03:36
rixxonmanual install or update ubuntu then :P03:36
irelandshopenomin cool thanks03:37
another_lemurapt-cache search ruby ;)03:37
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gnomefreakhold on i think i know  aplace03:37
HealotHumanPrototype: try to cleanup your list, "apt-get clean" then run "apt-get update" once again03:37
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drewhow do I install virtual boy advance03:37
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kettelanother_lemur: it's not available for Breezy appearantly.03:37
drewhey firev03:37
kettelanother_lemur: definitely not on the default repo list.03:37
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another_lemurkettel hmm.  I'm looking at dapper atm03:37
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firevis there a way to use two screens in ubuntu03:38
drewman ubuntu is so much better on a machine without bad ram I actually learned some stuff yesterday03:38
drewfirev what do u mean 2 screens03:38
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igorzolnikov_how can i install pgp?03:38
drewfirev u mean the 4 desktop thingy03:38
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ketteligorzolnikov: apt-get install pgp?03:39
firevno i mean two physical screens03:39
firevnot program03:39
nominfirev, I have my tv hooked up to my pc03:39
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gnomefreakkettel: i would upgrade to dapper its safe atm03:39
drewyo anybody know how to get virtual boy advance on it03:39
nominfirev, I have my tv clone my screen03:39
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Xana!usb pen drives03:39
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Xana03:39
kettelgnomefreak: I think I'll use http://www.owahab.com/?q=node/1003:39
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gnomefreakigorzolnikov_: what are you trying to do?03:40
another_lemurkettel, dapper has ruby 1.8.4 in pkg ruby1.803:40
gnomefreakok kettel03:40
nominfirev, you might do you gave the driver installed for your videocard?03:40
kettelgnomefreak: thanks for your help :)03:40
firevthe thing is that i have 2 videocards03:40
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gnomefreakkettel: yw03:40
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another_lemurkettel, from  pool/main, even03:40
gnomefreakbrb coffee03:40
kettelanother_lemur: yeah, I might upgrade to it once I understand what I'm upgrading: 1. from, 2. to :)03:40
drewdam nobody knows how to install virtual boy advance03:40
Healotdrew: packages.ubuntu.com03:41
=== kettel only installed Breezy today
kesVigorzolnikov_:  pgp is commercial, so the oss alternative GnuPG is preferred instead03:41
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ubotuXana: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:41
nominfirev, I don't know what to do about 2 video cards, never been in that situation.03:41
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Healotin fact PGP is mostly for Windows03:41
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igorzolnikov_how can i install GnuPG?03:42
another_lemurkettel, i installed breezy about 10 days ago, and upgraded to daper on the same day03:42
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lastnodedoes anyone know the package i need to install opengl?03:42
kesVigorzolnikov_: with synaptic or apt-get like everything else03:42
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nominfirev, Does Linux Barf at Dual Video Cards?03:42
nominDoes linux barf at dual video cards?:  http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/12534-does-linux-barf-dual-video-cards.html03:42
nominthat may be helpful03:42
gwilmaHello everyone. Does anyone know how to stop nautilus from displaying the little icon that shows a folder/file is a link, but on a folder-by-folder basis?03:43
firevbrb dinner03:43
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matheusanyone here works with eclipse ?03:43
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another_lemurnomin, linux can handle anything withthe right drivers03:43
another_lemurnomin, my office id full of linux machines with 2 or 3 displays connected03:44
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another_lemurnomin, i have 2 displays on my machine03:45
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nominanother_lemur, that mb I linked shows someone suggesting how to set up dual video cards.  firev said he's in that situation.03:45
matheusgwilma, are you talk about list view ?03:46
another_lemurigorzolnikov_,  try using apt-cache searc gpg then choose the packages you want and sudo apt-get install pkg names03:46
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another_lemurnomin, I suppose I should read the link.  I upgraded to dapper for the kernel support for my video mb03:46
HumanPrototypeHealot: Sorry - still isnt working, I guess I may have to reinstall (totally sucks)03:46
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gwilmaHello Matheus. I've made some links on my desktop to common folders, but I  want them to show on the desktop as normal folder icons, not as linked folders03:47
pkernHow could one enable suspend-to-ram on dapper? I guess there's no hacking of /etc/default/acpi-support anymore? (I lack this file on my powerpc dapper default install, though.)03:47
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Healotigorzolnikov_: just install "gpgp" and the rest will follow03:47
Healotgpgp is the frontend for GNUpg03:47
mantizDEif i want to suport linux should i send money to the NSA ?03:47
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highvoltagemantizDE: if you want to support linux, best thing you can do is use it and make copies for your friends :)03:48
VitaminGhave the US repositories been fixed? there's no alert in the channel topic anymore.03:48
HealotHumanPrototype: could you give us the output of whatever you're doing?03:48
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matheusgwilma, I think that is possible only the folder was created in Desktop03:48
highvoltagemantizDE: and if you have the skills, develop some more software or improve current software :)03:48
ubotukronoz: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:49
mantizDEi dont have any skills03:49
nominVitaminG, I just updated a few hours ago.  I didn't know repositories were broken at all.03:49
matheusgwilma, or if you make a simbolic link to the folder... like "ln -s /your_fisical_folder Desktop_simbolic_folder"03:49
HealotmantizDE: can you do some artwork, translation, sell CD (and send donation)?03:49
girishhi all can anyone help me to set my computers resolution and refresh rate03:49
=== RicardoPerez is now known as RicardoPerezLope
VitaminGnomin: ok, because last week there was something in the topic about the US repositories not working.03:50
rixxonwhat do i need to do to play mp3s03:50
zak_Hi, I'm a long-time Debian user just giving Ubuntu a try.  Ubuntu's cryptsetup doesn't seem to work with my Debian encrypted partitions.  Any ideas?03:50
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Healotrixxon: and MP3 player of course03:50
another_lemurhi girish, are you running gnome right now?03:50
mantizDEi could try to sned ubuntu iso as email atachments03:50
girishyes another lemur03:50
nominrixxon, I think ubuntu plays mp3's from installation.03:50
Healotemail? nay bad idea03:50
girisham running gnome03:50
mantizDEpeople might fall for it03:51
another_lemurnomin, my toem did not grok mp303:51
gwilmaMatheus: I can make the link, but I want it to look like a normal folder, without the little arrow at the top of the icon. It's no biggie, but I'd prefer the look that way03:51
spikebnomin: no it doesn't heh03:51
another_lemurnomin, my totem did not grok mp3 after install03:51
gnomefreaknomin: no it doesnt03:51
kesVrixxon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:51
another_lemur^grok^understand  sorry folks :)03:51
gnomefreaknomin: mp3 is non-free03:51
nominis lame needed to play mp3s?03:51
uboturestricted is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats03:51
nominI must have installed lame a while ago than.03:51
matheusrixxon, ubuntu uses gmstream by default that not play mp3... try to remove gstream and install xine plugin for totem03:52
rixxonthank you kesV03:52
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girishCan anyone help me to set my refresh rate to 80 hz and 800*600 resolution?03:52
gnomefreaktotem-xine is the package name03:52
another_lemurgirish,  got to System -> Preferences -> Screen resolution03:52
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girishi did that03:52
rixxonmatheus: i want to use rhythmbox though03:52
spikebtotem doesn't need xine to play mp303:52
gnomefreakand it will remove totem-gstreamer for you :)03:53
spikebnor does rhythmbox03:53
pkernHow does suspend work with Dapper?03:53
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gnomefreakpkern: ask in #ubuntu+1 please03:53
matheusgwilma, can't you change the icon by right click on he folder?03:53
Healotgstreamer for ubuntu does come with MPEG1/2/3 decoder, just select the right package03:53
girishanother_lemur:it is not showing capable option ..wat do i do03:53
girishCan anyone help me to set my refresh rate to 80 hz and 800*600 resolution?03:53
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another_lemurgirish, which video driver is X using for you?03:53
nickrudgirish, have you read  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto ?03:54
spikebmp3 patents expire in 09, thank god03:54
mantizDEhow do i get gstreamer to send out mp3 bering played to irc channels ?03:54
girishi am using amd with asus a7n8xvm board03:54
nickrudgirish, there are some decent instructions there03:54
nominhas anyone backported kaffeine v0.8 to breezy?  Breezy comes with v0.7 and I want to record streaming video.  Only v0.8 has that feature working.03:54
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girishthank u03:54
gwilmaMatheus: I've tried changing the icon, but I still get the little arrow at the top right-hand corner.03:54
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zak_spikeb: That's a valuable patent.  Might well find the law changes to extend it :)03:54
nickrudgirish, if you still have probs, come back, of course :)03:54
girishok thank u03:55
gnomefreaknomin: not sure you can check on packages.ubuntu.com under breezy backports to see all backported apps03:55
kesVmantizDE: gstreamer by itself won't do that, but a proper combination of irc client plugin and media player should do it03:55
matheusgwilma, in that case, you need to make a application laucher "nautillus --browser forder_name", and you can change the icon03:55
Healotgstreamer0.8-mad >> to enable MPEG1/2/3 audio support with default totem package03:56
mantizDEis this an mp3 discussion channel ?03:56
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matheusanyone wokrs with eclipse ??? I need a help to install some plugins03:58
drewgosh why is it so hard to install stuff by urself in linux03:58
mantizDEis picasa in ubuntu ?03:58
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another_lemurhi drew, what is giving you trouble?03:58
gnomefreakno mantizDE  there is a deb for it but you still need to run iot with wine03:58
gwilmaMatheus: Thanks - I've tried that, and it does let me make the icon I want, but then drag & drop stops working03:58
sybaritendrew: _everything_ is hard in linux (except doing shell stuff), its not just installing stuff03:58
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gnomefreakdrew: its not hard to install things03:58
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sybaritengnomefreak: ofcourse it is ... from your standpoint it isnt03:59
gnomefreaksudo apt-get install <packagename>03:59
sybaritenbut judging from your nick, you've been around for a while03:59
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matheusgwilma, but the right-hand corner is cool! :)03:59
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kronozdoes alacarte edit just the gnome menu or does it now edit the kde menu as well?04:00
another_lemurdrew, ping04:00
gwilmalol - I like it most of the time, but if I want to put custom icons on different folders, it doesn't look quite so good.04:00
gnomefreakkronoz: gnome afaik04:00
nickrudinstalling isn't hard (except for the non-free support), it's figuring out what to install that can be hard04:00
gwilmaMatheus: it's probably not worth the amount of time I'd have to spend to figure out how to change it though04:00
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gnomefreakonce you have the universe and multiverse repos enabled everything you will really ever need is in the repos and its apt-get isntall04:01
VitaminGsybariten: if apt-get command line confuses you, you can always hust use Synaptic04:01
gnomefreakor add/remove programs from tha pplication menu04:01
mantizDEhey whats the difrence betwen instaling from live cd opsed has the "regular04:02
mantizDEinstall metod04:02
gnomefreakmantizDE: gui fior live cd04:02
drewlive cd might not have all the packages04:02
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drewand the live cd will prob ake longer04:03
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gnomefreakmantizDE: i found the live cd to be faster but eh that might just be me04:03
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gnomefreakdrew: live cd install has all the packagew04:03
gnomefreakthey just added a gui face to it04:03
sybaritenVitaminG: apt-get doesnt confuse me much ... i use it every day almost, and i even prefer it to windows archives or exes, (which says a lot) .... but anyone who's used *nix seriously for some years, who's been experimenting with some different hardware levels and so .... knows, that it just doesnt always work. Sometimes you have to try and fix things yourselves, and in many of those cases you can be stuck for two days asking in forums an04:03
mantizDEi knew i could be able to get a strait anser04:04
drewoh it does04:04
nominsomeone has been spamming the hell out of the backports wiki:  http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page04:04
drewhow can I make a fake .deb package04:04
drewlike u do to install java04:04
gnomefreakfake deb?04:04
gnomefreakdrew: you mean fakeroot04:04
HumanPrototypedrew: you could look at checkinstall possibly?04:04
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drewwell I want to install virtual boy advance04:05
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drewand all it comes with is a source04:05
deus_I want to maintain my hardrives and partitions, what tools do i use?04:05
zak_drew: Back in Debian you'd use the "equivs" package.04:05
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mantizDEwhats the ubuntu default file system ?04:05
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drewwell Im in ubuntu but I know if I make it a fake .deb it will more than likely install04:06
HumanPrototypemantizDE: ext3 but you can choose when you install04:06
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matheusmantizDE, ext304:06
Healotdrew: install "visualboyadvance"04:06
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nickruddrew, you mean visualboyadvance?04:06
drewyes visual boy advance04:06
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jcdentonsounds gay04:06
drewI keep calling it virtual04:06
nickruddrew, it's only an apt-get away :)04:06
jcdentoni would prefer visual girl advance04:06
mantizDEis it easy to get edonky running in ubuntu ?04:06
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gwilmaMatheus: thanks anyway.04:06
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drewreally I can get it in apt-get04:07
mantizDEi have 501 files to share04:07
drewif so how can I . I just started linux yesterday04:07
VitaminGdrew: if you've used it in windows, don't expect the same thing.04:07
VitaminGdrew: just search for it in synaptic04:07
drewas long as I can play it I dont care if its like windows or not04:08
nickruddrew, on the top menu bar: System-Admin->Synaptic. Once it's open type Ctl-F and search04:08
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drewI know where synapatic is04:08
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I-CEEhi back again04:08
mantizDEcan i get windows running on wine ?04:08
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I-CEEdoes anyone know why this is happening04:09
Healotno... some windows application may work with WINE04:09
crazy_penguinmantizDE: no you can't. but you can run windows applications04:09
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mantizDEi wanna run the hole thing04:09
drewvisual boy advance is not in synaptic04:09
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VitaminGmantiz: for edonkey, use synaptic to find amule. it's a cross-platform edonkey client. It works great. or if you want to do it in command line, I think the package is called amule.04:10
nickruddrew, have you enabled the multiverse repository?04:10
nickruddrew, and the universe?04:10
VitaminGdrew: are you using breezy04:10
drewI think so04:10
drewIm using 5.10 I think thats breezy04:10
s00tyHi guys. I'm trying to get WG311v1 up. However, it's not listed in ifconfig. In device manager, I can see it is recognised as being plugged in. How do I use it?04:10
drewhow can I check it its on multiverse04:10
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crazy_penguinzak_: may i ask you something?04:11
I-CEEerror invoking "dvdnav_get_next_block error reading NAV packet <<<<<<anyone know what problem i have04:11
mantizDEdo you have the non-free livbdccs ?04:11
kermit_i am trying to get limewire installed but its not letting me do it its saying archive not supported?>04:11
deus_I know i dont give alot to go on here, but i cant write to my ipod, with vfat04:12
nickruddrew, there are several ways, the easiest for me is to ask you to type in a terminal   grep universe /etc/apt/sources.list , does that line have a # at the beginning?04:12
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zak_crazy_penguin: Yeah...04:12
I-CEEi have  installed them but not sure linux  and command line is new to me04:12
I-CEE<<<<<<<<<<<linux noob04:12
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nickruddrew, herm, nm that's gonna be confusing :)04:12
mantizDEwhats a noob ?04:13
I-CEEnew person04:13
deus_its mounted, and i can read the partition, i mananged to delete a folder, but i cant write a folder, enven i sudo04:13
nickruddrew, if you'd put a copy of your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:13
kermit_i am a noob04:13
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kermit_and need some help04:13
mantizDEisnt that newbie ?04:13
HumanPrototypekermit_: whats the problem?04:13
kermit_i am trying to install limewire with rpm04:14
kermit_but its saying archive not supported04:14
crazy_penguinzak_: i ask this for satisfy my curiosity. why did you ask pkern that question about why he wants to run linux on shiny mac?04:14
another_lemurmantizDE, have you looked at vmware?04:14
ubotufirst you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. Consider !frostwire as an alternative.04:14
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Healotalien... kermit_, alien04:14
nickrudkermit_, see the ubotu message just above04:14
mantizDEvmware ?04:14
kermit_got it thanks04:14
mantizDEis that non-free ?04:14
drewhow do I and where do I put that link04:14
nominwow, getting backported packages is easy.  Looks like the I might be able to record streaming video now.04:14
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another_lemurmantizDE, I had to install it independantly04:15
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mantizDEsounds like trouble04:15
another_lemurmantizDE, I downloaded them from vmware.com and installed them by hand04:15
nickruddrew, open /etc/apt/sources.list with the text editor under accessories; open http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ in your browser and cut & paste. Give us the url when you're done04:15
another_lemurmantizDE, they are completely free04:15
jesper_join #ubuntu-se04:16
drewwell do I paste it atthe bottom04:16
zak_crazy_penguin: Because Macs are generally very nice machines, and if you've paid extra $$$ buying one, you're probably not the kinda person that wants to run Linux.  <end sweeping generalisation>04:16
s00tycan you help me with my wireless problem I stated above?04:16
gnomefreakdrew: yes in the open space near the bottom04:16
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mantizDEif you have a Mac you should be running FreeBSD04:17
drewjust all by itself04:17
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nickruddrew, all the text in the editor into the box04:17
kermit_ok nother quest? how do i run it though like i said i am very new04:17
drewdam it . wont let me says Im not owner04:18
gnomefreakkermit_: run what?04:18
gnomefreakdrew: gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"04:18
kermit_the runlime.sh04:18
nominsweet!  the kaffeine backport works :)04:18
nickruddrew, you don't need to be able to write to it at this point04:18
gnomefreakdrew: open that04:18
nickruddrew, see gnomefreak :)04:18
gnomefreakkermit_: sh runlime.sh04:18
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nominthanks for the link for backported packages gnomefreak04:18
crazy_penguinzak_: the from this i understand tha you consider linux somewhat second hand os or i'm wrong? don't take it personaly please. :)04:19
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gnomefreaknomin: yw but its even easier if you add the backports repo to your sources.list folder ;)04:19
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drewdamit cant find the link ethier anymore too many links04:19
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 04:19
mantizDEwere can i find the juice apps extra cdrom ?04:19
nomingnomefreak, I did that.  thanks.04:20
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drewwat is paste bi supposed to do04:20
gnomefreakdrew: it allows you to paste to it instead of flooding the room04:20
nickruddrew, if everyone pasted stuff for us to see here, no one could read anything04:20
mantizDEits suposed to store your passwords04:20
another_lemurdrew, it keeps large screen cuts from filling up the channel and disrupting conversations04:20
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zak_crazy_penguin: I've never owned a Mac, but I'm tiring so much of *having* to tinker with things on Linux to get them working that my next laptop will definitely be a MacBook.04:20
s00tyHello, guys, where I can get help on installing wireless cards in ubuntu?04:21
kermit_ok where do i get j2re update from?04:21
kermit_my java is too old04:21
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs04:21
hmpedersens00ty you too? I just joined to ask about it..04:21
gnomefreakkermit_: got update 7 from javas site04:21
hmpedersenHi all04:21
drewi just wanted to know how to get visual boy advance04:21
gnomefreakkermit_: if you folow the restricted wiki its easy install ;)04:21
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gnomefreakdrew: watch your language please04:22
another_lemurs00ty / hmpedersen  does ubuntu recognize your wi cards?04:22
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nickruddrew a couple of things to read: !components on why you need to do this, and !repos for info on how if you'd rather read04:22
hmpedersenNow i've spent an hour working with ndiswrapper.. It installs and no errors are given.. But after that, wlan is not available for config..04:22
mantizDEf***=feck in geeks lingo04:22
ubotuThe rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components04:22
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource04:22
I-CEEis this >>>>libdvdcss2<<<<<< the right codecs04:22
s00tyhmpedersen, I am trying to use WG311v1 which can be seen in Device Manager, but not in Network Connections.04:22
I-CEEfor totem04:22
crazy_penguinzak_: ah ok. good enough reason i think. i don't like either to tinker with linux but strangely enough linux is working for me without any tinkering with it from the first install. :) thx for satisfying my curiosity. :)04:23
another_lemurs00ty / hmpedersen  my first exposure to ubuntu was helping someone set up 2 diff laptops with ndiswrapper04:23
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drewsorry gnome but I just wanted to do this fast insted of doing all this other stuff04:23
KaiSVKI just installed Ubuntu :)))04:23
KaiSVKit looks nice and easy ...04:23
hmpedersenI had it working on my laptop ages ago..04:23
another_lemurit sounds like drew is looking for a game emulator and cannot be bothered with learning something04:23
metatagKaiSVK, :)04:23
drewand then I got all thes links and I hate when people link insed of guiding through04:23
KaiSVKbut my boss told me that ubuntu is for lames ...04:23
mantizDEevery one  lets have a round of aplause to KaiSVK:04:24
metatagKaiSVK, why he said that?04:24
s00tyanother_lemur, my card is not listed in network connections.04:24
hmpedersenKai, welcome to the best linux distro available :)04:24
another_lemurs00ty does lspci list your card?04:24
nickruddrew it was an offer of another method, only.  And it only needs to be done once ;)04:24
hmpedersenYes. Does that for both of us..04:24
metataghmpedersen, hmm.. why do everybody claim that their distro is the best?04:25
mantizDEits just like that rap song04:25
drewyea but I didnt understand what in world u wanted me to do04:25
chavometatag, why wouldn't you04:25
mantizDEmy distro is better then yours04:25
hmpedersenmetatag: Because if they don't use ubuntu, they don't know the best.. If they do, they are using the best :P04:25
another_lemurs00ty / hmpedersen  please follow me to #ndiswrapper04:25
chavoIt's the best for me04:25
KaiSVKmetatag: I dont know ... I think because Ubuntu is different from SuSE that we are used to in our company04:25
mantizDEi could teatch you but i would have to charge04:26
KaiSVKmetatag: I installed Ubuntu on my notebook04:26
I-CEEi like this os  if i can get my head around it i will change all my boxes form windohs04:26
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metatagchavo, dunno maybe there are better distros around i haven't tried04:26
nickruddrew what you are doing is showing where your computer is looking for software. We're going to enable it to get a lot more software.04:26
metatagKaiSVK, well that makes the beauty of ubuntu04:26
KaiSVKmetatag: still dont understant some thing ... mainly that I didnt have to type any root psw ? :/04:26
drewk thx04:27
metataghmpedersen, :)04:27
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chavoKaiSVK, no ubuntu uses sudo04:27
mantizDEin ubuntu you just use sudo04:27
metatagKaiSVK, wat root password?04:27
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mantizDEits alot saffer that way04:27
drewbut I think I might of found out how to install from source04:27
KaiSVKchavo: so everyone can install and manage my comp  ? ? ?04:27
chavono they need your password04:27
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igorzolnikovhow i can import certificate pgp to Evolution?04:28
mantizDEwith sudo its harder to skew up your install04:28
KaiSVKI wantet to try Debian - the mother of all linux distros :) but then I choose ubuntu04:28
I-CEElibdvdcss2 <<<<<<<<is this the right codecs for totem04:28
mantizDEyou can only do one comand at time04:28
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newbie2anyone point me to an idiots guide to add java to firefox?04:28
mantizDEits great to get you into scripting04:28
petiteconnehey, i want to decrease my shell text size. anybody who may help me?04:29
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bintruenewbie2: its in here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:29
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I-CEEjoin #truff04:30
I-CEEthat dont work04:30
Mic__haelhello! anyone knows how to find out the type of ram in my pc from the command line? thank you!04:30
metatagMic__hael, hey good question!04:30
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mantizDEyes ive allways wnated to do that my self04:31
newbie2thanks bintrue04:31
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aLPHa_LeaKlook in /proc/, im sure theres something about that there Mic__hael04:31
Mic__haelok, thank you, I'll have a look04:32
bintrueit's a bit of overkill but top works04:32
drewnm visual boy advance is killing me04:32
KaiSVKso now the question04:32
KaiSVKwhat about ubuntu and multimedia ;) I mean MP3, divx, w32 codecs etc.04:32
drewi tried ./configure and it gives some rror04:32
drewlike it did last time I was installing something04:32
chavoKaiSVK, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:32
bintrueKaiSVK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:32
bintruedamn beat me to it04:33
drewbrb gonna go eat breakfast04:33
mantizDEKaiSVK: that the 1000 $ question04:33
mantizDEanit it ?04:33
mantizDEaint it ?04:33
gnomefreakdrew: install build-essential also read the README or INSTALL files for other related packages you will need04:33
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aLPHa_LeaKbintrue: ps aux does the same thing04:33
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ucordeshi there! somebody here?04:33
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mantizDEucordes: no04:33
metatagucordes, hi!04:33
KaiSVKchavo: WOW I can play my mp3 files out of the box :)04:33
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KaiSVKanother point to ubuntu04:33
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ucordesi have a problem installing a pack called acer_acpi04:33
bintrueaLPHa_LeaK, ps aux dosn't show ram, but top does I believe04:34
ucordescan someone help?04:34
mantizDEubuntu ownes04:34
chavowell you have to enable some repos and install the codecs but then you're good to go04:34
metatagKaiSVK, really?? you can play mp3s straight away?04:34
gmvmrr u7nju804:34
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gnomefreakbintrue: top shows how much ram and swap04:34
aLPHa_LeaKbintrue: oh.04:34
gmvmrrhay  alguien por ah04:34
gnomefreakgmvmrr: stop spamming please04:34
bintrueMic__hael was looking for ram04:34
KaiSVKmetatag: yes I can04:34
ucordeswhat packets do i need to install, in order to use make?04:34
KaiSVKmetatag: I am surprised04:34
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gnomefreakbintrue: i thought he was looking for the type of ram installed04:35
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:35
Mic__haelgnomefreak: you're right04:35
bintrueah I read wrong then04:35
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ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, saxin04:35
metatagKaiSVK, strange.. which version of ubuntu are you using?04:35
ucordeswhat packets do i need to install, in order to use make??04:35
ucordesexcept make04:35
zak_ucordes: Why do you think you need something else?04:35
gnomefreakMic__hael: i dont know of a command line command that will give you that info turn pc off take a mem stick out it will say it on it or google you pc04:36
aLducordes, build-essential04:36
KaiSVKDapper I think04:36
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gnomefreakKaiSVK: ubuntu dapper drake is for now in #ubuntu+104:36
m_Can anyone help me with Error 15 with grub, I can only get the recovery mode working04:36
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PetrolBombIs there a default Key combo to lock PC?04:36
gnomefreakubotu tell m_ about grub04:36
KaiSVKgnomefreak: u mean users of RC are in that channel ?04:36
metatagKaiSVK, meaning dapper has mp3 support out of the box?04:36
mantizDEcan any one help how to dualboot isont the windows boot menu ?04:37
KaiSVKmetatag: I think so :)04:37
gnomefreakm_: in that link you will find what your looking for04:37
gnomefreakKaiSVK: yes04:37
drewk back04:37
KaiSVKmetatag: since suse has it too out of the box but not in xmms04:37
] GoldenDragonhmm, how do I get codecs to play AVIs?04:37
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACBC4E8A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
mantizDEcan any one help how to dualboot using the windows boot menu ?04:37
nickrudMic__hael, if you run sudo dmidecode you get a little info about your memory stick04:37
kermit_i cant get java installed i am so confused on how to intsall it04:37
ucordeswhat can be wrong when i have "make" and "build_essential" installed and still get errors on MAKE04:37
gnomefreakmantizDE: windows xp bootloader wont give you ubuntu04:37
dreweww mantiz u got to install grub bootloader to a hd04:37
mantizDEit wont ?04:37
pablo_hi there I was wondering if someone could confirm if whether or not ubuntu works with the Asus P5VDI-X motherboard04:37
spikebit will if you make it.04:37
drewand yes u can use the windows bootloader04:38
metatagKaiSVK, do you think its a good point?04:38
drewthey have done it with slax04:38
gnomefreakucordes: could be a few differnt things like a bad tar or you dont have all the libs you need04:38
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drewthey did a hd install and installed lilo to a partition and edited the boot.ini04:38
mantizDEdrew: can you give me the actual code ?04:38
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ucordeswell i installed the pacl before on another ubuntu install04:38
nutterpcis dapper actually stable enough now that its worth using? last time I tried, it completely went beserk, lol04:38
ucordeseverything is ok about it....04:38
metatagKaiSVK, wish ogg format was more ubiquitous04:38
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gnomefreaknutterpc: yes04:38
Jowi] GoldenDragon: depends on what media player you use. if you use totem you will need codecs for that, if you use mplayer or something else the w32codecs can be used ("/msg ubotu w32codecs" for more info)04:38
drewnope but I can give u the link to the people at slax who got it04:38
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gnomefreaknutterpc: its gonna be released on thursday04:39
nutterpcgnomefreak, might look at upgrading it then, hehehe04:39
drewbecuase I never tried it so I dont know04:39
mantizDEthat will do just fine thank you04:39
ucordesim really lookin forward to thursday!!04:39
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gnomefreaknutterpc: simple upgrade gksudo "update-manager -d"04:39
adamant1988I've got the Dapper live/install CD.  I liked it when I put it in, although it didn't detect my network connection, which I felt was odd.04:39
gnomefreakadamant1988: please join #ubuntu+1 for dapper related things ty04:40
gnomefreakbrb coffee04:40
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KaiSVK6.06 is fantastic04:40
adamant1988Gnome, I was commenting on it's quality, not asking for support :)04:40
Mic__haelthanks everyone04:40
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drewhttp://slax.linux-live.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7395 is how they got the hd slax istall to work on windows bootloader04:40
mantizDEtheres a new ubuntu flavour coming out04:40
adamant1988Which one is that mantiz?04:41
mantizDEentreprise edition04:41
dreweww why would we need that04:41
mantizDEits for the start trek fans04:41
adamant1988I'm starting to think that Ubuntu is the new red hat04:41
drewnaw not close04:41
adamant1988If not ubuntu, debian.04:41
nutterpcwonder what its gunna be like on me Dual Core Opty04:42
drewI heard of redhat before Iknew what linux is and ubuntu well isnt close to as popular04:42
metatagadamant1988, u like red hat?04:42
=== mantizDE is a trekky him self
drewits only pop to linux users04:42
drewnot other os users04:42
nutterpcI've gotten breezy quite fast as it is, so dapper should be interesting :)04:42
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adamant1988I started with red-hat meta... but I don't really have an opinion about them, I was like... 14.04:42
drewIm about to be 1404:42
adamant1988I can't really remember what my experience on red hat was like.04:42
kermit_i need to learn this linux thing04:42
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drewand I got to say i like linux except the install from source04:43
kermit_cause i cant even install a program04:43
adamant1988But I quit it for a number of years and now I'm getting back into it04:43
ucordessam here lol04:43
rixxonuhm, xchat gnome != xchat ?04:43
ucordestotal noob04:43
gnomefreakrixxon: no04:43
drewor not seeing ur program u installed under a folder04:43
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kermit_i am trying to get into it but its very fustrating04:43
adamant1988Kermit, if you have access to the net, you can find out anything04:43
gnomefreakrixxon: xchat-gnome is not the same as xchat04:43
rixxongnomefreak: how does it differ, it seems uglier although maybe i just don't remember how ugly xchat is. :p04:43
drewIts frustrating but so is every os04:43
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kermit_yes your right04:43
adamant1988Kermit, you need to understand.  Using linux is like learning a different language.  You have to learn a new way to say the same things04:43
mantizDEkermit_: try klick04:43
metatagkermit_, u like ubuntu?04:44
=== new_linux_usr [n=blakchee@adsl-70-238-244-116.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
kermit_but linux is bit more difficult if your not used to it04:44
gnomefreakrixxon: it is uglier IMHO04:44
drewI wish it would put tuxkart or whatever its called under games insted of not puting it in the apps menu04:44
kermit_yes i do like it very much04:44
adamant1988Yes, but anyone raised on linux would tell you that windows could be difficult04:44
drewyea windows is difficult04:44
kermit_i was using fedora but did not suit me well04:44
gnomefreakrixxon: its not much differnt but i think its really just the gui that differs04:44
newbie2aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgh I should have started linux 20 years ago04:44
adamant1988Kermit, you're on ubuntu yes?04:44
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drewu just got to go past the everyday stuff like hacking04:44
Red-Soxis there an SMP setting in ubuntu?04:44
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new_linux_usri was raised on windows and just recently switched, and imho it's way better04:44
rixxongnomefreak: ok thank you04:44
kermit_yes just installed this morning04:44
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drewI meant like trying to become a hacker04:44
gnomefreaknewbie2: before linus started linux? lol04:45
adamant1988You can install packages using Synaptic04:45
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adamant1988Go to your main menu where it says 'add remove'  and click that04:45
drewi started linux last nite04:45
new_linux_usrspeaking of packages, I can't get to my source list to add the Skype repository04:45
newbie2well when I was younger anyway its a lot for this old brain to get to grips with lol04:45
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adamant1988it should open up the synaptic package manager, and then you just select the programs you want.04:45
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adamant1988Newbie, I know hwo you feel04:46
highvoltagedrew: cool!04:46
gnomefreaknew_linux_usr: gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"04:46
drewbut i have ipod linux but thats not a distro04:46
adamant1988I remember being a lot less frustrated with linux when I was 1404:46
adamant1988now, 3 years later, it's so foreign to me.04:46
drewyea its frustrating but with help its kinda fun04:46
ucordesi have problems with make: when i try to use the make command on the pack i want to install i get about 300 error messages. anybody knows something? (make and build essentials are installed)04:46
adamant1988I'm in it for the security04:46
newbie2I have tried and tried to get java working with my browser but cant do it04:46
Chousukeit only gets better.04:46
PetrolBombHow come this universe thingy doesnt have latest firefoxy?04:46
drewI like messing with the command line except when I cant do whatr I want to like installing from source04:46
newbie2and getting my wireless card to work is near impossible04:47
drewim in for a diffrent experince04:47
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adamant1988I'm getting to that age where I'll be doing some very important things online, I don't want my credit card numbers or other important info stolen by spyware04:47
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Toma-I made my g/fs dad think about linux after i told him the trojan and worm damage to his Windows XP box was beyond repair04:47
mantizDEhttp://klik.atekon.de/ every application you might wnat at your triger finger04:47
gnomefreakPetrolBomb: breezy will not have ff1,5 in it ever unless you install it manully for the ff upgrade wiki04:47
new_linux_usrgnomefreak: I'm having trouble running programs with root under my login04:47
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gnomefreakubotu tell PetrolBomb about ff1.504:47
ChousukemantizDE: klik isn't native to Ubuntu04:47
agarciaquiwen eres04:47
new_linux_usrit asks for a pw, then it just disappears04:47
ChousukemantizDE: you should use APT. :)04:47
nox-HandI am following this guide, that tells me how to install xgl. It says I should get this package:04:47
gnomefreaknew_linux_usr: what programs and why as root?04:47
nox-HandE: Couldn't find package linux-image-2.6.15-14-k7 <-- which I cannot get?04:48
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drewthe comand used to be scary but now its like the game u still dont know how to play but want to learn04:48
adamant1988But I'm also a beta tester galore, which is one reason linux and I don't get along really great yet04:48
gnomefreaknox-Hand: are you on breezy?04:48
agarciawhatch your name04:48
nox-Handgnomefreak, Dapper04:48
nox-HandJust upgraded today04:48
new_linux_usrgnomefreak: that command you sent me, and any System Administration Settings04:48
adamant1988I am always installing and uninstalling programs and testing them, I don't like being limited04:48
gnomefreaknox-Hand: join #ubuntu+1 please04:48
skippydoes anyone know if theres a shortcut key which can paste an irc users name when i click on them (xchat irc) please?04:48
Toma-adamant1988: tell them "Game wont work. Not compatible with Linux." ;D04:48
talon_man, compiz is soo cool on dapper ;)04:48
adamant1988lol, I don't test games.04:48
drewokay so04:49
gnomefreaknew_linux_usr: did you enable su?04:49
adamant1988I (for instance) downloaded at least 5 different "multi network instant message clients"04:49
nox-Handgnomefreak, I'm there04:49
drewI want a graphical snes9x on my linux04:49
adamant1988Gaim, Trillian, and a few more obscure ones04:49
gnomefreaknox-Hand: now ask them for help they should beable to help04:49
mantizDEadamant1988: yes that makes your syytem alot safer because hackers cant understand exaclly what on in your system04:49
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adamant1988I'm using SeaMonkey browser right now in fact :) it's a new one from mozilla :)04:49
nox-Handgnomefreak, Cheers =)04:49
new_linux_usrgnomefreak: Thanks mucho, that helped04:49
Toma-drew: i use zsnes... the network play is awesome for mario kart :)04:50
gnomefreaknew_linux_usr: what helped?04:50
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tdshivi can't seem to be able to ever use ./configure. Every time i try to use this to install a tarball, it tells me the file is not in the package. However, the instructions in the package say that it is there...any suggestions?04:50
gnomefreaknew_linux_usr: you didnt enable su did you :(04:50
adamant1988Yeah, me and linux would get along a lot better if I understood the from source installations better.04:50
new_linux_usrgnomefreak: yeah.  I got the list open now, though04:50
Toma-yeee. bbl04:50
gnomefreaktdshiv: you need to unpack it first than cd into the newly made file04:51
chainlynxis dapper going to change between now and the official release date?04:51
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drewso is zsnes easy to install04:51
newbie2ok I am telling it to cd /home/desktop and keep getting no such directory but its there I have it on the file browser what gives?04:51
gnomefreaknew_linux_usr: not exactly a good idea04:51
mantizDEtheres no perenial bugs in linux because every hacker has access to the source code04:51
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gnomefreakchainlynx: no04:51
mantizDEhacker = security auditor04:51
tdshivgnomefreak: i have already used the tar xvzf command to untar it and am in the directory04:51
Jowinewbie2: /home/username/Desktop04:51
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chainlynxso why aren't they releasing it now?04:51
kermit_is there anyway to have someone remote help me on my computer?04:52
newbie2ok will try that04:52
gnomefreakchainlynx: its not done still bug fixing04:52
Jowinewbie2: and note the capital D in Desktop04:52
chainlynxaha, so it will change, in some minor sense04:52
kermit_or is that not possible04:52
tdshivgonmefreak: root@PCC3:/home/shiv/sources/xvidcore-1.1.0# ./configure04:52
tdshivbash: ./configure: No such file or directory04:52
skippykermit_ you could install ssh and make a guest account04:52
tdshivthat's the message i get04:52
new_linux_usrkermit_: yeah, it is possible04:52
gnomefreakno chainlynx it will not change at all its will be the same just updates04:52
kermit_how do i install ssh04:52
chainlynxoh i see, thanks04:52
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gnomefreakkermit_: sudo apt-get isntall openshh-server04:53
newbie2thanks that was my problem04:53
newbie2stupid capital letter04:53
gnomefreakopenssh-server kermit_04:53
Jowinewbie2: all files and directories are case sensitive in linux. you can have two files one named "Hello" and another named "hello"04:53
skippykermit_, first try the remote desktop app under "system", "preferences" it might work04:53
nutterpcgnomefreak, thank god I've got adsl2+ to update to dapper, lol, else it'd take aaaaaaages :)04:53
skippybut i personally just use ssh04:53
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mantizDEJowi: that something that allways puzzeled me back in windows04:54
newbie2thank you can you tell I have only ever used windoze yet04:54
talon_somebody know how to fix some glitches in compiz?04:54
gnomefreak;) nutterpc it does take ages04:54
rixxonwhere do i set which archive server ubuntu uses?04:54
mantizDEwhy couldnt i have 2 fales with the same nam04:54
skippytalon_ what are they?04:54
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nutterpcgnomefreak, its especially good when your ISP mirrors ubuntu as well :)04:54
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talon_some artifacts in 3d of some games04:54
CraigRodwayrixxon: /etc/apt/sources.list04:54
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skippyyour best off not using compiz when playing proper games04:55
nutterpcgnomefreak, I find the only thing which doesn't work right in ubuntu, without resorting to the 32bit emulation trick, is Flash.....on Ubuntu x6404:55
skippyits still a bit of a gfx hog04:55
gnomefreaknutterpc: 64bit is missing support for most non-free apps same with ppc04:56
=== gnomefreak brb
talon_what do you mean by super-key?04:56
nutterpcgnomefreak, I know, sux doesn't it :S04:56
skippysuper key  is usually the windows key04:56
] GoldenDragoncan someone help me with sound? it plays too soft even though I've set every option in Volume to max.04:56
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic04:56
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] GoldenDragonO_o04:57
talon_doesnt work though04:57
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adamant1988gnomefreak are you any good at doing installations 'from source' (not from package managers or repositories)?04:57
Jowi] GoldenDragon: rightclick on the volume control and check your PCM and Master settings. if your Master is high but your PCM is low it will be soft04:57
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tdshivWhenever i try to install from sourece, i get to the ./configure and it can never find the file. here is the error: bash: ./configure: No such file or directory. I am in the correct directory and the filed has been untarred, any suggestions?04:57
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yanchengmy i noe wat tools in linux tat can convert tab to space?04:58
talon_can i change it?04:58
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Jowitdshiv: is there a "configure" file in that directory?04:58
Earthenanybody know of a repo I can added so i can apt-get the latest version of dnsmasq 2.3104:58
kermit_ok installed ssh how do i open it04:58
] GoldenDragonJowi, both Master and PCM are high.04:58
tdshivJowi: no, but the installation instructions say that is whta i should put in the command line04:58
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skippykermit_ once it is up, another user can use a telnet program to connect to your PC04:58
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skippydo you have another PC in the house?04:59
skyboxwhats the quickes way to change your hostname?04:59
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Jowitdshiv: the installation instructions are wrong, or the package you downloaded are missing files.04:59
kermit_no only one04:59
skippyskybox, try sudo gedit /etc/hosts04:59
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tdshivJowi: so there are no programs or antyhing ti may need to dl for ./configure to work?04:59
nutterpcgnomefreak, I've found Ubuntu x64 tho, once you set it up, fine tune it a bit, runs quite fast04:59
skippyskybox, or sudo gedit /etc/host.conf05:00
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Jowitdshiv: nope.05:00
skyboxorder hosts,bind05:00
skyboxmulti on05:00
skyboxskippy hosts is full of IP6, and my ip number, how do I change my name? host.conf contains05:00
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nutterpcfiddling with hdparm, can get 54mb/sec........which I can't complain about :)05:00
skyboxorder,hosts, bind, multi on?05:00
BicchiI have upgraded to dapper and have a small issue. When I go to Nautilus and click on "Computer" I show to icons that point to the same location. "20GB Volume: Root Volume"  and another one called   "Filesystem". How can I get rid of one.05:00
nutterpcoff an 80Gb Seagate 7200.705:00
rixxonhow do you run a software installed through synaptic if it doesn't show up in Applications ?05:01
skippyor skybox, go to system > preferences >network on your menu bar and click the general tab05:01
kermit_would anyone like to take on helping me through ssh or remote desktop?05:01
tdshivjowi: thanks, i will try and see if i can get another version of teh package05:01
skippythere are loads of ways of doing it05:01
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drewhow do you install zsnes05:01
Jowi] GoldenDragon: all sounds are soft or just  music CD?05:01
skippyok kermit_ 1) is you linux PC connected straight to the internet?05:01
nutterpcdrew: apt-get install zsnes05:01
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Jowitdshiv: sometimes a "make" will get it working anyway05:01
skyboxSkippy, host name is c83.x.x.x.x my ip number, how do I change that to a name?05:01
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] GoldenDragonumm.. just AVI and mp3(i'm assuming other things too..)05:02
nutterpcyou may have to enable another repository tho05:02
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] GoldenDragonoh, and system sounds too.05:02
kermit_yes it is skippy05:02
=== RoninGurl [n=RoninGur@ip68-98-76-77.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyskybox , the first two lines of my hosts file are
skippyyou can change where it says "skippy-linux" to a name for your host05:03
drewokay after I put in apt-get install zsnes05:03
drewhow do I use it now05:03
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Jowi] GoldenDragon: the only other way i can see is to turn up the volume on the speakers05:03
skippyor just use the gui tool in system > prefs >networking05:03
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] GoldenDragonlol, thats also maxed out xD05:04
skippyok kermit_, open firefox and type http://checkip.dyndns.org05:04
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Jowi] GoldenDragon: you connected the speakers to the line-out or the speaker plug?05:04
drewit got it but I dont know what to do next05:04
skyboxlet's try it05:04
Rower-Hello, Can i put my old linux distribution from my old computer to a new one, and it will detect the new hardware and work anyway?05:04
gnomefreakdrew: you can try killall gnome-panel if in gnome than see if it was added to menu if not than just type the name of app in terminal it should open it05:04
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skippykermit_ that is your IP address, you need to install a telnet/ssh program on another computer and then connect to your linux box05:04
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drewsweet thx05:05
drewI got it05:05
=== ] GoldenDragon isnt sure what its called...
skippykermit_ i recommend putty if you are using a windows pc05:05
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] GoldenDragonbut I used the same one I did when I used windows.05:05
kermit_but i only have one05:05
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skippykermit_ you just use your user name and passord to connect05:05
ubotuhmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:05
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Jowidrew: type "zsnes" in a terminal :)05:05
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skyboxskippy, my new hostname is created, but my old one is still there, since I cant get sudo with the new one, here's how it looks like dragon@newname05:07
lsuactiafnerRAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3114 [SATALink/SATARaid]  Serial ATA Controller (rev 02) <-- is that hardware raid of software only?05:07
skippywas dragon your old hostname?05:07
skippyhmm hang on05:07
skippydragon is the username05:07
skippyso your user account is called dragon and your host is now called newname05:08
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another_lemurlsuactiafner, most motherboard raid support is equivalent to software raidd05:08
] GoldenDragonthank you jowi!!! it was indeed plugged into the wrong one.05:08
skyboxok, so how do I change my username/sudo rights?05:08
skippytype "whoami" and see what it days skybox05:08
Jowi] GoldenDragon: no probs :)05:08
] GoldenDragonumm, just for future reference... what is the correct plug to put it in?05:08
skyboxthat's what it says after "whoami" skippy05:08
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skippyok thats cool, you currently have a user account called dragon05:09
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Jowi] GoldenDragon: connect speakers to the speaker plug. any recording device to the line-out.05:09
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skippyyou want to make a new one : "System" > "Administration" > "Users and Groups" skybox05:09
skippymake a new user05:09
] GoldenDragonk, thanks!05:09
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skippythen you can use "su newuser" to switch to that account05:10
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skippyi dont recommend it though to be honest05:10
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Chri[s] is there a digital camera how too?05:10
Chri[s] gphoto prints out errors that my camera doesnt support generic capture05:11
mikedep333hey guys, I'm a linux user with a decent amount of experience that wants to use ubuntu with KDE primarily and gnome as a backup. Would you suggest I use dapper drake ubuntu and then install the KDE packages, or use dapper kubuntu?05:11
mikedep333I saw an article suggesting the former a while ago05:11
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skyboxskippy, can I delete my admin account, and make a new one?05:12
spikebmikedep333: doesn't really matter05:12
skyboxI just wanna change my username, I don't want to have 2 accounts, is that possible?05:12
skippyskybox, no dont delete it, just make a new admin account05:12
I-CEEomg the sense of achivment when you do something in linux is amazing forgot that feeling playing with windohs05:12
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spikebmikedep333: since you're going to be wanting both desktops05:12
skippyonce its working well delete the old, but please dont delete it today05:12
skippywait to you know your up and running with the new one skybox :D05:12
mikedep333but is one better integrated or have more components or something?05:12
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skyboxhehhehe, thanks for the advice :)05:13
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skippykermit_ i just took the liberty of portscanning you mate, your ssh is working05:13
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skippyso kermit_ all you need is to download putty onto a windows PC, and you can log yourself in to your linux box05:13
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another_lemurhello evil root05:13
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kermit_but how do i let someone else on and help me05:14
Mastastealthmike: kubuntu and ubuntu are the same core with different WMs. Right now I think Ubuntu is more "integrated" or polished because its had the most work. However, seeing as how KDE is very integrated within itseld, and you want to use that primarily, you'd probably want Kubunut :)05:14
kermit_same way?05:14
_mjolnir_i wanted to isntall ubuntu 5.105:14
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_mjolnir_i thought there would be no problems but:05:14
skippykermit_ make a new user account called "helper" or something similar05:14
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mikedep333mastastealth: I see, thanks05:14
djpateanyone could help me to fix my sound here?05:14
_mjolnir_its seems that it isnt possible to run the gui05:14
skippygive them admin rights use System > Admin > Users and groups to make the new user kermit_05:14
christopherhello i am  playing a mp4 video ousing   mplayer  the problem is the video is to dark  i tried using   4 to increase the brightness  and  Ctrl  + 4   doesnt work05:15
another_lemurkermit_ if you allow others to ssh into your box, make their home dir be on a mountpoint that is flagged noexec05:15
skippythen they can log in with ssh and do stuff for you05:15
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another_lemurkermit_, and the same thing goes for .tmp05:15
another_lemurkermit_, and the same thing goes for /tmp05:15
skippyand kermit_ pick strong passwords like "jkhjkh76786kjh" :), remember that anyone can get full access to your PC through ssh if they know your passwords05:15
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skippyso gaurd em with your life05:15
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skippyif your password is something dumb like "kermit1" then change it asap mate :)05:16
another_lemurmartin__, /join #ubuntu-es05:16
_mjolnir_how can i start the gui?i ?05:16
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_mjolnir_i think my graphic card isnt supportet05:16
another_lemur_mjolnir_, what is your vid card?05:17
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Mastastealthmjolnir "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"05:17
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_mjolnir_ati xpress 200m05:17
skippynow kermit_ if you have a friend whos good at linux, just give them the user name and password to your "helper" account, they will be able to access your computer and send messages to you through the terminal05:17
_mjolnir_not writing05:17
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_mjolnir_if it doesnt work i'll be back ^^05:18
Mastastealthyou might also want to replace "start" with stop or restart05:18
skippyskynet, hows it going? have you got your new user set up yet?05:18
kermit_ok thanks05:18
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skippysorry i meant skybox :)05:18
Don_JarmoHowdy everybody05:18
another_lemurho Don_Jarmo05:19
skippyi watched the Terminator too many times as a child :P05:19
another_lemurer, Hi!05:19
skippyhowdy Don05:19
another_lemurskippy, lol05:19
kspathskippy: You almost told them that skynet exists again.05:19
skippyi wish :)05:19
another_lemurskippy, children shouldn't watch terminator!05:19
skippyhehe i had nightmares about the nukes in T205:19
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skippynuclear war is an ugly thing :P05:20
Don_Jarmoim kinda tired of Gaim/Amsn .. are there any page on the net where i can find a bunch IM programs listed?05:20
Don_Jarmobeen googling around not to lucky atm05:20
skippyDon_Jarmo have you tried searching synaptic05:20
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mikedep333don_jarmo: I'm surprised you don't like gaim05:20
skippygaim is awesome though05:20
mikedep333but regardless, Kopete (the KDE IM client) is good05:20
skippymuch better than M$N messenger05:20
another_lemurapt-cache search messenger05:20
Don_Jarmoskippy aah synaptic ofcourse haven really thought about it:)05:20
kspathDon_Jarmo:  naim, centericq, pork05:21
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rootok doesnt work05:21
Don_Jarmothanx everybody :)05:21
skippyDon_Jarmo, synaptic is great fun05:21
another_lemurhello evil root05:21
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skippyi spent hours searching it when i started05:21
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kspath /ignore _mjolnir_05:21
another_lemurthat really made me lol05:21
_mjolnir_i hadn't done anything05:22
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kspath_mjolnir_:  you05:22
Don_Jarmoyah .. hehe well atleast XGL up and running love it btw:)  Win is out of my HD ubuntu ftw.. :p05:22
skippyreminds me of playing WOW, i used to put someone on ignore every 5 minutes :)05:22
kspath_mjolnir_: did05:22
kspath_mjolnir_: not ?05:22
mikedep333wow, I have to give ubuntu credit for hosting really fast primary mirrors of their images05:22
_mjolnir_what had i done?05:22
skippyyeah Don_Jarmo, XGL is awesome05:22
kspath_mjolnir_: Try not to hit enter so often.05:22
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mikedep333skippy: have you used it yourself (or are you using it now?)05:23
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skippymikedep333 i have XGL/compiz running now on Dapper AMD6405:23
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_mjolnir_ok... the error i get: "/usr/x11r6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a" --> no symbols found05:23
skippymikedep333, and it runs very well, my gfx card is a nvidia 620005:23
mikedep333I experienced a bunch of trouble with opengl apps on suse 10.1's Xgl05:23
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mikedep333yeah, I Know it doesn't need a monster card and works with nvidia well05:23
another_lemurskippy, what is xgl?05:24
skippywell video playback with totem is hardly perfect05:24
skippyanother_lemur, xgl is a desktop manager program, and compiz is a windows decorator05:24
jendahey, what is a good alternative for Microsoft Web Access? My school uses that and I have a weak stomach...05:24
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mikedep333a bunch of opengl apps were transparent when they shouldn't be, apps thought opengl wasn't available to them, and when they did, they thought it was only opengl 1.205:24
ShadeSI'm having trouble pinging my router and the internet but I can ping this pc05:24
mikedep333have you experienced stuff like that?05:24
kaiSVKskippy: yes ... I just installed ubuntu ... I can see picture  but no sound out of it05:24
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skyboxskippy, ok I have another accout, but... it really need to modify my exsisting one, since all my personal edits are on the main user account/also I don't want another home directory, there must be a way to "change" my user name on the primary one, if I click the the tab on "dragon" I can only change realname but not username, any ideas?05:24
liveviljoin #ubuntu05:24
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skippymikedep333, remmeber that the code is immature, it is changing all the time, it didnt work for me a month ago :)05:25
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_mjolnir_after that: Radeon[0] : [dri] DRIScreenIni failed: Disabling DRI05:25
another_lemurskippy, i have nv 6100 with nvidia-glx.  wil xgl/compiz help me any?05:25
_mjolnir_what does that all mean?05:25
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mikedep333skippy: yes05:25
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McScruffanyone haveing trouble installing the latest flash plugin?05:25
kspath_mjolnir_: Did you do a search regarding DRI ?05:26
skippyanother_lemur yes it should run fine, i will find you a good link with a guide, what version of ubuntu are you using - and is it i386 or amd6405:26
livevilSomeone can help me? I can't found drivers for my aj17 acer monitor. So my monitor resolution can't go over 640 X 48005:26
mikedep333but I want to know if these bugs/lackings of features have been resolved in the version of xgl that ubuntu is using05:26
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another_lemur_mjolnir_, it means that the driver you are using does not support dri05:26
ubotuHelp to fix the display resolution is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:26
gnomefreaklivevil: ^^^05:26
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skippymikedep333, no it is still quite buggy, it is not officially an ubuntu package yet05:26
another_lemurskippy, i am using dapper k7, eventhough I have an amd6405:26
ubotuHelp to fix the display resolution is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:26
mikedep333but have you experienced those bugs?05:26
mikedep333with opengl apps on Xgl really not being happy05:27
djpatewhere can i pay someone to help me fix my linux?05:27
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Submikedep333, take it to #ubuntu-xgl :D05:27
gnomefreakcan you guys take the xgl talk to #ubuntu-xgl or #ubuntu+1 please05:27
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skyboxskippy sorry to bugger you, but did you get my last msg?05:27
mikedep333sub: wow, there's a channel for that? thanks05:27
skippymikedep333, here are my bugs !) video playback has artifacts 2) some programs dont have menu bars 3) scrampbed graphics with some open gl progs05:27
mikedep333I see05:27
skippysorry skybox could you repeat it please05:28
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skippyif it was a private message it wont let you send unless your registered05:28
kspath!tell mikedep333 about xgl05:28
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skyboxskippy, ok I have another accout, but... it really need to modify my exsisting one, since all my personal edits are on the main user account/also I don't want another home directory, there must be a way to "change" my user name on the primary one, if I click the the tab on "dragon" I can only change realname but not username, any ideas?05:28
somedirection17can anyone point me in the direction of how to mount a usb drive via the command line?05:28
another_lemur!tell another_lemur about xgl05:28
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skippyok skybox, the best think is to just copy the contents of /home/dragon into /home/newuser05:29
DSteele!tell DSteele about xgl05:30
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dooglussomedirection17: mount /dev/whatever /mnt/whatever05:30
eshowlhi everyone, i am using a Asus Laptop running Ubuntu, the battery can holds about more than 2 hours when I run windows; however, it only runs for 1 hour on ubuntu... can anyone help?05:30
skippyyou cant just rename an account AFAIK know though skybox, you have to make a new one and migrate your home directory into it05:30
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skyboxskippy, yeah but that won't solve my problem, since my entire system is heavily customized05:30
ShadeSAnyone have any ideas?05:30
kaiSVKI have problem with evolution in Ubuntu05:30
skyboxoscar is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.05:30
skyboxthat's a joke right ?05:30
somedirection17dooglus: if I just plugged it in would it be @ /dev/usb1?05:30
skyboxoscar is my 3rd account I created, reported, to whom and where ?05:31
another_lemurto root@localhost05:31
kaiSVKError while synchronising Inbox05:31
eshowlhi everyone, i am using a Asus Laptop running Ubuntu, the battery can holds about more than 2 hours when I run windows; however, it only runs for 1 hour on ubuntu... can anyone help?05:31
kaiSVKwhats that ?05:31
dooglusskybox: it's trivial to change your username isn't it?  using "sudo usermod -l newname" ?05:31
kaiSVKhow can I fix it  ?05:31
dooglussomedirection17: /var/log/kern.log might tell you that05:31
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skippyskybox you could try dooglus's trick but if i was you i would test it on a dummy account 1st05:32
uboatCoul I posibly use ubuntu as a fire wall and file /print seaver?05:32
skippyjust incase it doesnt copy your directories over05:32
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dooglusskybox: "trick"???05:32
E0xthe RC image of dapper live cd are installable too ?05:33
dooglusskybox: usermod is part of the base install!05:33
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:33
dooglusskybox: and it's "sudo usermod -l newname oldname"05:33
gnomefreakE0x: yes05:33
E0xgnomefreak: thx05:33
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HP_Ownerhi guy, i;m having problems installing ubuntu next to windows, it always seems to happen when i try installing any linux distro05:33
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dinamizadorcual es e05:34
=== ankka [n=ankka@GYZMDCCCLXVIII.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
uboatHave you tried re installing windows and sizing down the ntfs partition?05:35
eshowlanyone has any idea on laptop battery?05:35
HP_Owneri get to the install screen and i press enter then it looks like its un zipping some file off the cd then the message "ready" apears then resarts my pc, with out linux being installed05:35
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:37
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nikiwhat do i use to extract a .rar file?05:37
dfgasheck, anyone have an idea about any battery?05:37
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VR_niki: you need to install rar first, sudo apt-get install rar05:38
lesAfter apt-get install squid am unable to start squid any fixes05:38
neoncodeI'm gonna wait untill this whole Xgl/AIGLX thing matures first then upgrade to the pretty graphics. =)05:38
somedirection17dooglus: I don't even anything in /dev such as /dev/usb*05:38
dfgasi can only set stuff for ac power and thats it05:38
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uboatHP_owner:  I saying you need to reinstall windows and resize the ntfs or fat pattion in the windows installer thane go back angd install ubuntu.05:38
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MetaMorfoziS05:38
nikithanks another_lemur, VR_05:38
capgadget6.06 RC seems to have gotten stuck in vmware.  the beta installed just fine except for some lvm-common post install script problems.05:38
dinamizadorhola alguien en espaol05:38
HP_Owneruboat: thanks i'll try that05:38
dooglussomedirection17: I don't know what the device will be called05:38
VR_does anyone have a sort of list of laptops that work out of the box with ubuntu? thinkpads maybe?05:39
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nomadsoulVR_: try linuxlaptops.org05:39
VR_nomadsoul: thanks05:40
nomadsoulo search for linux mobile on google05:40
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nikiVR_, another one to check out is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops05:40
nomadsoulif it says that works with linux it works with ubuntu, i think :P05:40
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VR_niki: ah, yeah. i forgot about that05:40
dauoalagiohey guys05:40
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nomadsoulVR_: i think thinkpads are 100%linux compliant05:40
nomadsoulif not 100& 98%05:40
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VR_nomadsoul: even wireless?05:41
nomadsoulit depends on the wireless05:41
nomadsoulif they are centrino05:41
sparkleytonethinkpads generally don't have ?bercheap parts that have little to no driver support05:41
nomadsoulintel has release opensource linux drivers for linux :P05:41
Chri[s] i'm so pissed05:41
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Chri[s] my camera worked fine in breezy badger but doesnt in dapper05:41
sparkleytonenomadsoul: they are open source?05:41
nomadsoulsparkleytone: i have a thinkpad and it works 100% under linux (excpet for the modem that i have never tested)05:42
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_mjolnir_re: ok, but i had tried to install a newer version of my graphiccard driver and i get an error05:42
nomadsoulsparkleytone: i think so. i mean the ipw220005:42
Chri[s] i install gphoto2 but it errors out and says my camera doesnt support generic capture05:42
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amphisparkleytone: yeah, but not the evil fw ;)05:42
nomadsouli've seen the source code so.. :P05:42
Cheticis there a way to become superuser other than typing su in Ubuntu?05:42
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VR_nomadsoul: what kind of modem is it05:42
Chri[s] Yet there are pictures i've already imported to my desktop05:42
nomadsouli do not remember05:42
sparkleytoneChetic: sudo bash05:42
amphisparkleytone: the latest driver has a 'regulatory daemon'...05:42
nomadsouli speak o the dialup modem05:42
sparkleytoneso simple you never think of it05:42
yggdrasil_can somone tell me how to unload and reload my atheros netowork card module ?05:42
VR_oh ok, dialupo isn't something im concerned about05:42
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nomadsoulyggdrasil_: rmmod modelu_name05:43
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dauoalagiohow to install the kde desktop from gnome and have both usable?05:43
nomadsoulyggdrasil_: rmmod module_name05:43
nomadsoulmodprobe module_name05:43
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yggdrasil_how do i know what moudlen namee itis05:43
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nomadsouldauoalagio: [troll] i've never heard of an useable gnome [/troll] 05:43
yggdrasil_i see a few things that it could bee05:43
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sparkleytonenomadsoul: everything i see on the intel site is a binary05:44
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dauoalagioi mean have both gnome and kde05:44
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PetrolBombHow can I switch to the KDE thingy05:44
PetrolBombI hear it is nice?05:44
Chri[s] dauoalagio, i have both gnome and kde05:44
SleepyDudedauoalagio: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:44
dauoalagiothats what i want05:44
dauoalagiothank you sleepy05:44
SleepyDudewelcome :)05:45
nomadsoulsparkleytone: http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/05:45
dauoalagiosleepy it says it cant find the package05:45
PetrolBombI can find it05:45
sparkleytoneoh yeah i forgot about that05:45
PetrolBombbusy downlaoding05:45
dauoalagiowhat did you do petrol?05:46
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PetrolBombI went....05:46
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SleepyDudewhat if you search for it in Synaptic?05:46
dauoalagiogive me the link05:46
PetrolBombsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:46
dauoalagioi searched for kde and kubuntu05:46
sparkleytonenomadsoul: that works for all of the latest intel wifi no?05:46
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dauoalagiowhat is the package i need to download?05:47
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PetrolBombWHy is Linux so mean to AMD64?05:47
nomadsoulsparkleytone: if you take a look at the LICENSE file it says05:47
sparkleytonenot that i would ever use linux for a wifi-connected situation, but its good to know05:47
PetrolBombOr am I wrong05:47
nomadsoul"This software program is licensed subject to the GNU General Public License05:47
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sparkleytonenomadsoul: if its at sourceforge i don't need any more proof ;)05:47
nomadsoulsparkleytone: i haven't understood your question05:47
SleepyDudehmm weird.. kubuntu-desktop should be in your repositories dauoalagio05:47
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roastSleepyDude: he might not have any external apt sources listed05:48
dauoalagiohow do i get it sleepy?05:48
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PetrolBombLinux doesnt heart A64?05:48
usuariohello somebody know how can I enter in spain channel05:48
nomadsoul<sparkleytone> nomadsoul: that works for all of the latest intel wifi no?<<< what does this mean (i'm not english)05:48
capgadgetLinux isn't mean to amd64.  Just some of it.05:49
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sparkleytonenomadsoul: don't worry about it, i was just being lazy...i can read the site and docs ;)05:49
PetrolBombYeh cap05:49
SleepyDudedauoalagio, launch Synaptic and lick settings>repositories05:49
nomadsoulbtw the firmware isn't opensource05:49
PetrolBombVery mean to me and my A6405:49
skyboxThanks delg something? and thanks skippy for helping out :)05:49
dauoalagiookay sleepy05:49
dauoalagioi did...05:49
sparkleytonePetrolBomb: my limited experience with amd64 linux has been pleasant enough...what are your problems?05:50
SleepyDudemake sure all of the boxes are checked05:50
wubrgameractualy everybody knows this, where is xserver-xorg's config file ? on ubuntu ?05:50
sparkleytonePetrolBomb: that being said, i only use linux for servers as a very strict rule05:50
PetrolBombSParkleytone,general stuff05:50
dauoalagiothere is only one05:50
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PetrolBombNothing catastrophic05:50
dauoalagiobreezy badger05:50
sparkleytonePetrolBomb: example?05:50
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linuxbombIs there a reason why a dvd player will play a dvd but not a computer dvd player , I get a lot of bad sector errors from dmesg05:51
PetrolBombInstallation stuff05:51
SleepyDudeok you probably need to add more repositories05:51
PetrolBomband programs not supporting A6405:51
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capgadgetNot up to speed on ubuntu, but fedora carries around 32 and 64 bit libraries.  It gets glitchy when programs grab the wrong one.  Especially with gcc 4.1.105:51
drewanybody know a good n64 emu05:51
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dauoalagioand i do that by...?05:51
drewthat I can get in apt-get05:51
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sparkleytonePetrolBomb: the programs shouldn't really care once they are binaries...if they are 32bit they'll run 32 bit, etc05:51
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mish4how do i make my fonts look nicer, i tried doing some ubuntu guide stuff, with apt-get install ... and the file they say to edit, did not exist for me.05:52
drewis there a way to update to the newest ubuntu without burning the cds05:52
PetrolBombSparklefactory,I'm fine though,great experience using a different OS then WIndows05:52
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PetrolBombPlus I'm from SOuth Africa,so I feel a connection to Ubuntu05:53
skippydrew, add dapper to your sources and do apt-get dist-upgrade05:53
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boscodoes anyone know the script to update E17 in ubuntu05:53
Chetichow do you uhm.. search for packages to install that include "vnc" in their name?05:53
gnomefreakdrew: gksudo "update-manager -d"05:53
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ubotuThe next generation enlightenment http://www.enlightenment.org or Install HOWTO at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingE17Howto05:54
dauoalagioahhh sleepy...it wasnt showing me the disabled binaries05:54
gnomefreakbosco: ^^^^05:54
mish4!help me with fonts05:54
drewthx gnome05:54
SleepyDudeah there you go05:54
gnomefreakmish4: what is the problem with fonts?05:54
boscognomefreak, what ^^^^:)05:54
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PetrolBombANyone got a link for dif between kde and Gnome05:54
mish4id like to figure out wha t i need to do, to make firefox look normal05:54
PetrolBombAnd can I choose either at the logon05:54
drewwell I guess if Im gonna update Is gonna have to restart so cya laterz again05:55
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gnomefreakbosco: read what ubotu said there are links to help you with e1705:55
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amee2khi all05:56
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amee2ki just downloaded the 6.06 CD ISO and booted it05:57
amee2kwhat is the root password of the live CD?05:57
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gnomefreakamee2k: there isnt one05:57
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PetrolBombI figured that one out myself,luckily05:57
gnomefreakamee2k: what are you trying to do?05:57
widemoshi all, somebody managed to run sadms (http://sadms.sourceforge.net) on dapper?05:58
gnomefreakthe livecd should boot you right into the desktop05:58
amee2kmounting a partition that wasn't recognized05:58
boscowhat does this mean   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------05:58
boscoCheckout repo 'e17' ...05:58
boscocvs [checkout aborted] : connect to cvs.sourceforge.net( failed: No route to host05:58
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amee2kthis is a bad joke is it?05:58
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dinamizadoralguien habla espaol05:59
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:59
gnomefreakbosco: please dont do that again05:59
amee2khow can i get a root shell on the live/install CD?05:59
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gnomefreakamee2k: sudo05:59
gnomefreaksudo -i05:59
CheticI want to start using Ubuntu.. do I get 6.06?05:59
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gnomefreakChetic: are you on windows now?06:00
CheticEven though it's a RC06:00
CheticYeah gnomefreak06:00
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CheticI'll be dual-booting06:00
ubotuThe release candidate for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. For more info on how to get the release candidate see http://releases.ubuntu.com/dapper/06:00
gnomefreakChetic: theres the link06:00
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CheticWell yeah but.. I don't want 5.10?06:00
gnomefreakChetic: it will be released in a few days06:00
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CheticSo should I wait or.. what?06:00
gnomefreakChetic: thats not 5.10 thats 6.0606:00
gnomefreakChetic: no go for it06:01
PetrolBombCan you auto upgrade to it gnome?06:01
CheticYeah but 6.06 is only RC, not finished :p06:01
gnomefreakits safe06:01
Cheticoh ok06:01
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gnomefreakChetic: its finished just getting some minor bug fixes06:01
irelandshopeI am using 6.06 LTS will it update to the release version on the 1st?06:01
gnomefreakPetrolBomb: on breezy you cant run gnome 2.1406:01
fantasaignome won't start, what should I do to fix this?06:01
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fantasaishould I reinstall Ubuntu?06:01
gnomefreakirelandshope: keep your updates up to date06:01
gnomefreak\fanwhat does it say instead of starting?06:02
gnomefreakfantasai: what does it say?06:02
fantasaignomefreak: it starts enough to get to  a blank background with a mouse06:02
paul_Is there a way to configure amarok to play audio cd?06:02
fantasaignomefreak: but the spash screen doesn't show up06:02
irelandshopegnomefreak ok06:02
fantasaignomefreak: splash06:02
fantasaignomefreak: and it doesn't finish booting06:03
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fantasaignomefreak: even in failsafe mode06:03
gnomefreakfantasai: do you get the usplash (where its loading the modules)?06:03
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fantasaignomefreak: no06:03
fantasaignomefreak: this wasn't a problem until yesterday or so06:03
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gnomefreakfantasai: it dies right after grub?06:03
fantasaignomefreak: when I ran system updates06:03
Leminowhy do I get "CUPS-server could not be contacted" (translated from swedish) when I try to conf. my printer?06:03
fantasaignomefreak: no, it completes the boot process06:03
fantasaignomefreak:  I can log in through the graphical screen06:03
fantasaignomefreak: but I can't get a desktop06:03
gnomefreakfantasai: so you are getting the usplash with the progress bar?06:04
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fantasaignomefreak: yes06:04
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gnomefreakok fantasai does it give an error after trying to open gnome?06:04
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fantasaignomefreak: not that I could see06:04
fantasaignomefreak: it just stopped loading anything06:05
dsl981hi, after upgrading to dapper from breeze, I can no longer get the network working06:05
gnomefreakfantasai: ok try this   sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop06:05
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fantasaignomefreak: ok06:05
gnomefreakfantasai: try running that let me know if it installs anything or wants to at all06:05
eyda|monthis this is what happens when I type ifup eth006:05
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gnomefreakfantasai: is it installing packageS?06:06
gnomefreakgood morning elkbuntu06:06
PetrolBombGnomefreak,so I apt-getted the kubuntu now I'm at the xorg thingy,must I chose GDM???06:07
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fantasaignomefreak: it's only going to reinstall about 15k06:07
PetrolBombIf I want gnome06:07
fantasaignomefreak: I don't think that's going to help06:07
eyda|monanyone know why installing dapper would cause my network not to work anymore?06:07
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=== fantasai should just reinstall the system...
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gnomefreakPetrolBomb: you can choose either one gdm is gnome diplay manager adn kde is k disply manger06:07
PetrolBombK nice thnx!06:07
r0bbywhat's the next unstable branch going to be called06:08
buvensall my internet apps are terribly slow, I disabled ipv6, but still they are slow. i disabled it manually in firefox and now firefox is fast06:08
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buvensbut the rest is still slow06:08
buvensany ides06:08
DBOr0bby, edgy eft06:08
dauoalagiookay...i have ubtuntu 5.10 when dapper is released will i be able to upgrade straight from 5.10 without any disks?06:08
r0bbyis it up there?06:08
Subdauoalagio, yes06:08
DBOup where?06:08
periclesgksudo "update manager" (dauoalagio)06:09
dauoalagioall right cool06:09
Subdauoalagio, just "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"06:09
gnomefreakfantasai: you can also try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose vesa drivers that should help im not sure why your not booting up right06:09
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dauoalagioi will do that when its really released06:09
gnomefreakpericles: gksudo "update-manager -d"06:09
fantasaignomefreak: the X server seems to be working fine, so I don't think that's the problem06:09
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fantasaignomefreak: I was having ridiculous problems with the network, but it seems to be working atm06:09
gnomefreakfantasai: i dont seeing as you dont have any gui06:09
eyda|monDBO, i upped to dapper from breeze, and now my ethernet is not brought up, but I get this msg: http://rafb.net/paste/results/KuPlKD38.html  any idea?06:09
periclesgnomefreak: don't need -d when dapper is stable06:09
fantasaignomefreak: the login screen is GUI06:09
fantasaignomefreak: I'm in X right now06:10
gnomefreakpericles: dapper isnt stable yet ;)06:10
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fantasaignomefreak: in the Failsafe Terminal mode06:10
=== DBO looks around... Im being stalked... ok lemme look
gnomefreakfantasai: ok you get the gdm but it wont load gnome after you log in06:10
fantasaignomefreak: yeah06:10
DBOeyda|mon, kernel log please =)06:10
periclesgnomefreak: but it will in 3 days!06:10
eyda|monDBO, ok, give me a mo :) I had to boot with DSL06:11
gnomefreakfantasai: is this dapper?06:11
fantasaignomefreak: yes06:11
fantasaignomefreak: so I think maybe I should just reinstall from disk06:11
gnomefreakfantasai: im not sure how to fix that off hand06:12
fantasaignomefreak: yeah06:12
gnomefreakdid you try reboot?06:12
fantasaignomefreak: multiple times :)06:12
periclesAnyone got problems with gksudo "update-manager -d" for Dapper Beta. I did it in one computer, and seems to work perfect!06:12
fantasaignomefreak: was getting some other erros too06:12
gnomefreakfantasai: what errors?06:12
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fantasaignomefreak: like the network manager flipped the wirless card off and one about once a second06:12
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gnomefreakfantasai: that shouldnt effect gnome booting06:13
eyda|monDBO, http://rafb.net/paste/results/cRqwJ013.html06:13
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fantasaignomefreak: anyway, I keep my /home on a separate partition06:13
gnomefreakim not sure really iw ish i could help more06:13
fantasaignomefreak: so I'll just burn a new disk and reinstall, maybe that'll fix things06:13
fantasaignomefreak: thanks for your help anyway :)06:13
DBOeyda|mon, what network card do you have?06:13
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dauoalagiowhy am i not able to change the time?06:14
eyda|monDBO, well, based on a lsmod, it looks like sis90006:14
dauoalagioits incorrect06:14
eyda|mondbo, can ifconfig tell me?06:14
DBOeydaimon, no, not in this case, your kernel isnt picking it up...06:15
Draslahey does anyone know how I can mount a folder in fstab?06:15
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Jowidauoalagio: "sudo time-admin"06:15
dauoalagiothank you06:15
eyda|monDBO, well, I booted with another linux now (Damn small linux) .. I'm obviously online here :)06:15
periclesI need to install a light distro for a computer of 64M of RAM in a public library. It will be for checking the library resources through a browser only. Any suggestion?06:16
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DBOeyda|mon, yeah I know, its just a module issue, for whatever reason the sis900 module isnt being loaded06:16
eyda|monDBO, and the kernel log is from my mounted ubuntu install06:16
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:16
eyda|monDBO, hm, so maybe now that I know, i can load it manually. hrm06:16
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DBOeydaimon, thats the idea06:16
Jowipericles: slackware06:16
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:16
eyda|monDBO, I'll give it a shot. I'll be back to let you know06:17
dauoalagioJowi it launches up the app which freezes and i have to do the force shut down06:17
DBOi think its called sis900 but not sure06:17
PetrolBombskins for beepplayer?06:17
DBO(so the command would be sudo modprobe sis900)06:17
eyda|monDBO, according to lsmod, there's a module by that name loaded...06:17
Jowidauoalagio: strange, i do not have that problem06:17
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eyda|monalthough DSL uses 2.4 kernel I beleive06:17
eyda|monmodprobe, right. cheers06:18
DBOeyda|mon, yeah, try that =)06:18
usuarioalguien sabe espaoo=?06:18
periclesJowi: I suppose that I should not install slackware in default mode...06:18
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:18
dauoalagiojowi, on start up it says it cannot synchronize the time with the website06:18
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periclesusuario: vete a ubuntu-es . Aqu se escribe en ingls.06:18
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Jowidauoalagio: which country are you in?06:20
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ubotustjepan: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:20
stjepananyone knows what's the name of Gedit-like text editor for GNOME, but a bit better for programming?06:20
tdnI have to reinstall three systems. Should I get the current 5.10 ISO now and then upgrade when dapper drake is released - or should I just wait for the release and install the systems from a fresh dapper iso?06:21
stjepanit's somewhere on sourceforge06:21
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Jowidauoalagio: which country are you in? i can see if there are another timeserver for you to use06:21
eyda|monDBO: that worked! :)06:21
stjepantdn, I recommend you to do a fresh install of dapper06:21
eyda|monDBO: now the question is why it's not loading during boot06:21
tdnstjepan: gvim or eclipse.06:21
stjepanRa211, no, it's more similiar to gedit06:21
DBOeyda|mon, because its stupid06:21
stjepanno, not eclipse06:21
ubotuDBO: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:21
stjepanit's simple, like gedit or kate06:21
eyda|monDBO: probably a good assessment :)06:22
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Ra211stjepan: depending on how you view it, gvim is quite similar to gedit :P --- Bluefish?06:23
stjepanRa211, no06:23
stjepanit's very Gedit-alike06:23
gnomefreakstjepan: what are you looking for?06:23
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eyda|monDBO: any suggestions where I could put this as a startup script? /etc/init.d/ ?06:23
stjepangnomefreak, for the text editor for gnome06:23
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stjepanit's similiar to gedit06:23
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stjepanbut I forgot the name :(06:24
gnomefreakgnomes text editor is gedit06:24
Jowidauoalagio: for example, if you're in france you can use "sudo ntpdate fr.pool.ntp.org"06:24
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DBOeyda|mon, you want to add a rule to udev to have it load that madule06:24
Ra211stjepan: GNU Emacs? gPHPEdit?06:24
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stjepangnomefreak, yeah, and it's quite gedit-like :))06:24
stjepanRa211, no :)06:24
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stjepansomething like kate, but for gnome06:24
eyda|monDBO: allright. I'll chekc that out. I'm not familiar with udev.06:25
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DBOeyda|mon, Im trying to find you a walkthrough...06:25
eyda|monDBO: are you sure that's the one? I seem to recall another service which loades modules06:25
gnomefreakaee stjepan ?06:26
DBOthat was dropped in dapper06:26
eyda|monDBO: no, i remember something in /etc which jsut contains a list of modules to load at boot06:26
gnomefreakstjepan: nano?06:26
eyda|monDBO: if that was dropped maybe that's why it didn't load :)06:26
stjepanI know! It's SCRIBES!06:26
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DBOeyda|mon, yes its caused a couple issues =P06:26
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mikedep333while I appreciate the attempt of ubuntu (kubuntu dapper livecd) to be user friendly, automatically connecting to my neighbor's unencrypted wireless network is technically illegal for me06:27
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stjepanscribes rocks :)06:27
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eyda|monDBO:  found it! "/etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time."06:27
felipe__When Dapper is realeased will I be able to upgrade from the dapper cd? or I can only reinstall?06:27
gnomefreakstjepan: its not in the repos atleast not in dappers06:28
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king_I'm on Gnome but I cant tell the difference?06:28
DBOeyda|mon, hmmm... for some reason I thought that was outdated... but I appear to be mistaked...06:28
king_Is it under the GUI >?06:28
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gnomefreakfelipe__: gksudo "update-manager -d" or after june 1st leave off the -d06:28
stjepangnomefreak, yeah06:28
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felipe__gnomefreak, but that will update from the internet and I have a 128Kb connection.06:29
Ra211I never heard of it either, must be very new06:29
eyda|monDBO: :) going to reboot just to see if it worked06:29
=== MrMaDSeN [n=MrMaDSeN@82-192-171-163.kjp.dsl.struer.net] has joined #Ubuntu
DBOeydaimon, you go (wo)man06:29
gnomefreakive ehard of it just never found it to try it06:29
eyda|monDBO: man :/  :P06:30
felipe__gnomefreak, I'll rather download the iso and upgrade from there...is it possible?06:30
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gnomefreakfelipe__: download iso and instal it cant really upgrade with iso that i know of06:30
spikebthat should be put on the list for edgy as well06:30
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eydaimonDBO: much better :)06:32
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felipe__gnomefreak, Ok. Do you know how many megabytes is the upgrade if I do it from the internet?06:32
DBOeydaimon, i take it that means you're working right again06:32
=== Major_Delta [n=abc@shj-mjz-bsr1157.emirates.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
eydaimon/etc/modules is definatly the way to go06:32
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periclesFelipe: It's 128kbytes/second? It took me about 3 hours. It's not so long!06:32
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Drasladoes anyone know where I can find other widgets to put on the gnome panels?06:33
periclesFelipe: 500 mbytes, roughly06:33
king_skins for beep media player,I  see it supports winamp skins,where do I extract the skin to?06:33
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felipe__pericles, No, its 128kbites per secon and thats 16kbytes :'(06:33
shulmanI'm trying to get twinview to work on my nvidia card using a new instal of dapper drake, but when I try to enable the driver it tells me that xorg.conf has been altered and the script cannot proceed automatically. Is there a usual to fix this?06:34
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periclesFelipe: Then, maybe it's better to backup all your data and make a fresh install06:34
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thatfunkymunkihey guys06:34
felipe__pericles, I have a separate home partition :o), what I want to avoid is installing all the extra stuff.06:35
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thatfunkymunkihaving a tad bit of a problem with my wifi, i've got a wmp11v27 and i've tried using the bcm43xx driver and ndiswrapper, bcm43xx for some reason won't get my firmware, and ndiswrapper doesn't work in changing mode from "ad-hoc" to "managed"06:35
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XahurIt seems attempting to install ndiswrapper killed my ubuntu install06:36
periclesFelipe: I'm afraid I can't help you then. But I never heard of the possibility of upgrading from a Dapper CD, unless you reinstall all.06:36
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moodyGit`is ubuntu supposed to shutdown completely when u click on shutdown under systems logoff ? cuz mine only stops at the brown screen saying womething about 'halt'06:37
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XahurIt's supposed to shut down, yes06:37
mathrickmoodyGit`: that depends on your mainboard, if you have ATX, then yes06:37
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felipe__pericles, Ok, thanks anyway :o)06:37
moodyGit`i believe i have atx06:38
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r0bbyi pet is eft in apt yet06:38
mathrickalso, I need someone familiar with language-selector infrastructure and the way fontconfig is supposed to work in Ubuntu06:38
mathrickI thought it'd include /usr/share/language-selector/fontconfig/$LANGUAGE, but apparently, that's not the case on my system06:38
periclesmoodyGit: Try to see if you can shutdown typing "sudo shutdown -h now" in a terminal.06:38
mathrickso, is it a problem with my install, or were I wrong about how it should work?06:39
mathrick(Dapper, btw)06:39
thatfunkymunkiDoes anyone know?06:39
hmpedersenI'm gonna attempt another install..06:39
moodyGit`so am i right in assuming that my incomplete dapper shutdown is related to my almost 5 minute wait i always have when logging on ?06:39
Don_Jarmohmm btw are there any free software that allows me to record my desktop ?06:39
mathrickDon_Jarmo: Istanbul and Byzanz06:40
moodyGit`pericles, ok i will06:40
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Don_Jarmomathrick thanx06:40
mathrickDon_Jarmo: there are also some flash tools, but dunno about those06:40
thatfunkymunkidoes anyone here have any experience with bcm43xx and firmware etc?06:40
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thatfunkymunki[that could help me out] 06:41
ubotubroadcom is, like, totally, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 for a guide to setting up Broadcom network cards06:41
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thatfunkymunkii'm pretty sure i read that06:41
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mathrickeyka: no06:41
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gnomefreakeyka: dont do that please06:42
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eykaalguien spaol06:42
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:42
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Tracubohi, who can help me installing pmount 0.9.6 on my breezy? i need it to make my floppy disk work06:43
Tracubo(if you are italian is even better ;-) )06:43
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:43
gnomefreak^^ for italian06:43
periclesTracubo: Try sudo apt-get install pmount06:43
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=== gnomefreak brb
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hmpedersenIf only someone could help me get this zonet 1601 card working on ubuntu (without killing the install)06:44
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shriphanineed help cant read floppy06:45
tubbiefor some reason I have to install win xp on a free partition. I know after the win xp install, I will not see the option to boot ubuntu? how do I fix this?06:45
shriphanimounted it courtesy the folks here06:45
shriphanitubbie load the grub boot loader06:45
shriphanior the lilo06:45
HymnToLife!tell tubbie about grub06:45
tubbieyea, but how?06:45
tubbievia the install disc?06:45
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Tracubo^me again here06:46
=== corey [n=admin@cpe-66-69-186-60.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ReMinkHello all !06:46
Tracubo^the command apt-get install pmount doesent work06:46
shriphaniexcuse me is Sub here06:47
Jowi!info pmount06:47
ReMinko_O un HymnToLife :)06:47
ubotupmount: (mount removable devices as normal user), section utils, is optional. Version: 0.9.5-0ubuntu5 (breezy), Packaged size: 35 kB, Installed size: 608 kB06:47
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coreysudo apt-get install pmount06:47
JowiTracubo^: try "sudo apt-get install pmount"06:47
shriphanianyone here ????06:47
nixuseranyone used easyubuntu on dapper in here?06:47
shriphaniJowi, i need help06:47
nixusernot getting anything installed on it06:47
shriphanii created a mount point for my USB ext. drive in ubuntu06:48
ohnoHow to install winamp skins for BMP player?06:48
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Tracubo^i already have pmount 0.9.5, but it doesn't work with my floppy, i need 0.9.6, the errore messages is: "checking for HAL... configure: error: Package requirements (hal >= 0.5.2 hal-storage >= 0.5.2) were not met.06:48
Tracubo^Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you06:48
Tracubo^installed software in a non-standard prefix.06:48
Tracubo^Alternatively you may set the HAL_CFLAGS and HAL_LIBS environment variables06:48
Tracubo^to avoid the need to call pkg-config.  See the pkg-config man page for06:48
Tracubo^more details.06:48
SurfnKid!good morning06:49
ubotuSurfnKid: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:49
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Jowishriphani: ask a specific question so someone can help. just stating "i need help" just doesn't cut it :)06:49
shriphanii asked06:49
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amee2kwhy does this installer run a filesystem check on my swap space that takes ages to complete?!06:49
shriphanii created a mount point for my USb floppy06:49
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shriphaniit is now detected but it cant detect or open the floppies06:49
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shriphaninor can it format them06:49
nutterpc<--- now running Dapper Drake :)06:50
Jowishriphani: how do you mount the floppies?06:50
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@cpe-68-174-251-13.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanii created a mount point for my drive06:50
hmpedersenIt's very strange..06:50
shriphanibut not the floppies06:50
shriphanii need help for that06:51
nutterpcI'll give my vote on the topic of Dapper, they nailed it on the head06:51
hmpedersenThe drivers for my wlan should be in breezy.. But they arent..06:51
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Jowishriphani: you only need a mountpoint for the drive. it works like if you were using a normal cd-rom. you put in a CD in the drive, then mount the drive06:51
shriphanibut it doesnt work06:51
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shriphanii mean it wont open the floppies06:52
=== distanceisdeath [n=distance@191-196.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniand i cant format them as well06:52
Jowishriphani: how do you mount your drive and what error do you get?06:52
shriphanino errors06:52
thatfunkymunkiwhen i'm installing ndiswrapper06:52
shriphaniit mounted successfully06:52
distanceisdeathwhy am i getting errors when i try to install kde?06:52
=== lucaas [n=lucas@h55n6c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniwent and made an icon06:52
thatfunkymunkii get a FATAL:inserting ndiswrapper........Invalid Argument06:52
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HymnToLife!tell ReMink about fr06:53
gambitwhats command for deleting directories06:53
Jowishriphani: if you type "mount" is the floppydrive listed?06:53
shriphaniit is listed without that06:53
ReMinkHymnToLife, He !06:54
shriphanii can see the icon there06:54
Jowithat was not what i asked06:54
coreyanyone got several mniutes to try and help me figure out why my wireless isnt working now that i upgraded to dapper?06:54
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shriphani/dev/sdb on /media/floppy type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=winnt,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)06:54
Firebird8anyone famliliar with blootbot here?06:54
shriphani/dev/sda1 on /media/SHRIPHANI type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=winnt,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)06:55
shriphaniare there multiple mount points06:55
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Jowii would assume that sda1 is your usb drive06:55
gnomefreakFirebird8: this is not a bot support channel please see either #debian-bots or #ubuntu-offtopic please06:55
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hmpedersenI'm gonna start a new breezy install06:56
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Jowishriphani: do you have a mountpoint for it in /media?06:56
Firebird8gnomefreak, ok thx06:56
PaKxserver-xorg_7.0.0ubuntu45 have broken ati fglrx drivers?!?!?!?!06:56
guptancan somebody help me with installing belkin f5d7050 USB wifi adapter in Drapper06:56
shriphanii dont think so Jowi06:56
widemossomebody managed to run sadms (http://sadms.sourceforge.net) on dapper?06:56
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gnomefreakwidemos: ask in #ubuntu+1 for dapper06:57
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Jowishriphani: "sudo mkdir /media/usbfloppy" then "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/usbfloppy"06:57
rochePeople the package compiz is inside ubuntu repositories06:58
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shriphanii created a mount point in /mnt06:58
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gambitis command to remove a dir   sudo rm -d ?06:58
Jowishriphani: it should not matter where it is located. try the one in /mnt if you wish06:58
shriphanii did that then06:58
shriphanithere is a mount point in /mnt06:59
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Jowishriphani: is the seeklight on the floppydrive doing anything when you enter "sudo -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/mymountpoint"?07:00
shriphanijust a sec07:00
Tracubo^i've solved07:00
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coreyomy package, lvm2 is returning an error code in the post-install script.  No other information is available, and dpkg -i force-all does not solve the problem.  In the meantime, I can't do anything with apt07:00
coreyowhat are my options?07:00
Tracubo^hei guys, take a look at this link http://www.ubuntux.org/node/201 (for floppy problem solving)07:01
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Tracubo^shriphani maybe it can be useful also for you07:01
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coreyanyone got several mniutes to try and help me figure out why my wireless isnt working now that i upgraded to dapper?07:02
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grogoreofirstly is there an aplet for vino that says when someone is connected to the computer? Also is there an easier or better way to shut down a clients connection to the computer other than killing vino?07:02
=== extern [n=giedrius@clt-84-32-250-29.dtiltas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
pelelehi i am new in linux. Can anyone explain me how to install the aplications?. I couldnt yet. Is stupid but i cant07:02
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Dawei07:02
gnomefreakpelele: what app are you trying to install?07:02
externcan anyone help me configure my 5.1 speakers?07:03
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coreypelele: system>administration>synaptic07:03
PaKX Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)07:03
PaK  Major opcode of failed request:  143 (GLX)07:03
PaK  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext) <-- what doas this mean ? :/07:03
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Jowipelele: the easiest way is to launch synaptic package manager (it is in the admin menu) right click on the app you want and choose install, click apply.07:03
gnomefreakpaxdont paste in here please use pastebin07:03
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externI can't find any information on 5.1 speakers in the wiki :/07:04
peleleI use Sinaptic but, isnt all aplicattions that i want07:04
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gnomefreakpelele: what app do you want to install?07:04
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peleleFor example nerolinux07:05
gnomefreakpelele: you have to install that manully07:05
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externplease someone help me configure 5.1 speakers :/07:05
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gnomefreakpelele: if you read their site the instructions are on there (think its a deb) so run sudo dpkg -i file.deb07:05
gnomefreakextern: stop repeating it please if someone knows they will answer you07:06
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pelelei followed all the indications, but allways said me that no found directories07:07
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peleleI descarged in my desktop07:07
Jowiextern: i found this. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SurroundSound07:07
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shriphani pmount: Depends: libdbus-1-2 (>= 0.60) but it is not going to be installed07:08
uboturumour has it, ssh is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdvancedOpenSSH07:08
shriphaniE: Broken packages07:08
myteam1hi aidamina07:08
GaiaX11Every time that i try to access my mail inbox kopete lauchs konqueror, but i'd like to change the kopete default browser to another one. How can i do that?07:08
gnomefreakpelele: if the deb is saved to your desktop do this cd Desktop than after you hit enter type sudo dpkg -i file.deb07:08
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gnomefreakshriphani: sudo apt-get -f install      no package name just type it as i did07:09
coreyois there a way to clear apt's list of pending packages to install so that it stops trying to install lvm2 for now?07:09
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pelelethanks i try, sorry for my spanglish07:09
gnomefreakcoreyo: you can pin it but other than that im not sure07:10
myteam1hello pelele07:10
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juanjomaquien me recives07:10
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coreyognomefreak, what do you mean by "pin it" ?07:10
gnomefreakubotu tell coreyo about pinning07:10
myteam1i'm new in ubuntu07:11
nox-HandAfter my upgrade to Dapper I have no sound?07:11
gnomefreakcoreyo: read the link ubotu sent you07:11
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peleleme too07:11
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juanjomaquiero en espaol07:11
coreyognomefreak, k, thanks07:11
myteam1before this what u use07:11
nox-Handpelele, Same as me?07:11
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gnomefreakjuanjoma: /j #ubuntu-es for spanish please07:11
juanjomasoy un buen sevillista07:11
pelelesoy barcelonista07:12
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myteam1pelele.. where r u from?07:12
raf60hola buenas tardes a todos07:12
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pelelebarcelona Espaa07:12
juanjomaque tal07:12
gnomefreakenglish in this channel only\07:12
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myteam1i',from malasyai07:13
craigchi all, hopefully a quick one.  Where do i find where to change logout/standby times?07:13
externJowi, that didn't fix it07:13
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xahurAllright.. Is there a way to install lilo instead of grub?07:13
myteam1i'm from malaysia..but i like barcelona soccer07:13
juanjomano quiero beticos07:13
peleleAlguien sabe de algun chat en espaol, para ubunteros07:13
xahur(during ubuntu install)07:13
coreyognomefreak, that doesn't really help me.  I tried to reinstall ubuntu-base and it depends on lvm2.  Now, until lvm2 is correctly installed, or cleared form whatever queue tells apt that it wasn't configured properly, apt is useless07:13
raf60no tengo ni idea07:13
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raf60esperaba que alguien me dijera lo q tu pregutas07:14
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:14
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pouetI have done a libpam_mount patch, but the author doesn't seem to react on source forge. I want to know if it's possible to have them included in ubuntu patches ?07:14
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myteam1pelele...teach me spain language07:15
fireflydoes anyone know how to install libcurl for php5 on ubuntu?07:15
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juanjomaay algun sevilliesta07:15
peleleBarcelona is the best soccer club in the world, we, oeee07:15
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fireflyi tried installing php5-curl and restarting apache2 but that didnt do it07:15
Paradossofirefox keeps giving me segmentation fault in dapper07:15
Paradossoanybody experienced the same?07:15
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thatfunkymunkiaah sory wrng ctrl07:15
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thatfunkymunkibah guys i'm havin' a problem with ndiswrapper. when i modprobe it, it give me "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-396/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument"07:16
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pelelehave you skype07:16
xahurthatfunkymunki, i'd love to help you, but perhaps you should go to #ndiswrapper07:16
myteam1no.. idon't07:16
thatfunkymunkixahur: i'm convinced this is anubuntu problem but i'll try :)07:17
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myteam1pelele...s u student or working07:17
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peleleif you can, you should install07:17
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peleley studing07:17
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exhaleubuntu-6.06-rc-desktop-i386.iso is this the latest dapper?07:17
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pelelebut i am 31 years old07:18
myteam1your age07:18
gnomefreakexhale: yes07:18
myteam1oo...same like me07:18
gnomefreakmyteam1: and pelele take the general chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please07:18
exhaleheh, gnomefreak you dont happen to read digg?07:18
hmpederseni forgot to disconnect before putting the computer tohibernation it seems..07:18
gnomefreakexhale: no i have no reason to07:18
exhaleoh okay, another gnomefreak does then07:18
craigcmy system keeps rebooting and this is left in the log. "gdm_slave_xioerror: Fatal X error - restarting :0" Anyone know why this is and how to fix it? Thanks in advance07:18
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craigci have tried to re-install GDM with no joy07:19
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pelelei want record dvdrw with k3b but ican, i have ubuntu breezy 5.107:20
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myteam1craigc..try to reinstall base system..07:20
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Jowicraigc: did you change your display device from monitor to TV by any chance?07:21
craigcok, do you mean fresh from the CD and a format or can i so it by some otherway?07:21
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craigcno i havent touched the display07:21
nox-HandAnyone at all? -_-07:21
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craigcit is as it was07:21
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Jowicraigc: i would suggest "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and chose the defaults in there. then try a reboot (or restart gdm)07:22
myteam1craigc,,maybe your system file corrupted07:22
craigcok thx jowi - ill report back in a bit :)07:22
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craigcyeah i dont think its good but ubuntu is worth saving :)07:23
coreyanyone got several mniutes to try and help me figure out why my wireless isnt working now that i upgraded to dapper?07:23
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Jowicorey: dapper is in #ubuntu+1 for a few more days :)07:23
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hmpedersenYeah btw.. When does dapper cd's start shippin?07:24
craigcJowi: "xserver-org is not installed"07:24
gnomefreakhmpedersen: after june 1st07:24
Jowicraigc: "xserver-xorg"07:24
hmpedersensite only said "early june" ;)07:24
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Jowicraigc: you forgot the X07:25
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gnomefreakhmpedersen: sometime after the release there is no (how long after) but you can order them now07:25
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hmpedersenahh.. i'll do that, then07:25
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craigcok got it now thanks jowi - a few too many beers last night and a headache this morning :s07:26
hmpedersenmy problem right now though is that I have no more breezy discs.. Have to make copies for friends who show up..07:26
thatfunkymunkido you guys know where i can get a .config file for my kernel (dapper)07:26
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Jowicraigc: wonderful solution to that ( offtopic warning message): before bed, have a youghurt.07:26
liveviljust a stupid question: It's the first time I use Linux ubuntu, where can I create a Folder in Which put my documents or media file? There is a preferenced place or aprtition?07:27
gnomefreaklivevil: home dir07:27
thatfunkymunkilivevil: generally you put it in /home/your_user_name07:27
craigcJowi: lol thx i will give it a go: ok how much memory allocation to my video card?07:27
Jowicraigc: just press enter (leave it blank)07:27
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s00tyHillTop, after installation of wine through apt-get, running winecfg gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1483407:28
s00tyCan you help please?07:28
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ubotuWine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux. Get the latest .deb from http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/binary/ or see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info.07:28
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s00tyNot just Hilltop, that was a typo.07:28
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nox-HandAnyone that might help me with my no sound problem after dapper upgrade now?07:28
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hmpedersenOnly possible to request 10 discs at a time now?07:29
s00tygnomefreak, I install wine, running winecfg gives me that error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1483407:29
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hmpedersenHey s00ty.. got the wlan working?07:30
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s00tyhmpedersen, nope. I left it till another time.07:31
craigcrebooting brb07:31
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s00tyhmpedersen,  How about you?07:31
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firedropscan someone help me out with XGL? everything is up'n'running though I can't use the shortcut keys...and there are also some other minor issues...07:31
hmpedersens00ty, I'm busy reinstalling.. ndiswrapper left my install in a non-bootable state..07:31
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distanceisdeathi installed kde and updated it, but it doesnt show when i chose sessions07:31
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distanceisdeathwhat do i do for kde to show up?07:33
s00tyhmpedersen, last time when I experimented with fc3, fc4, and mepis on my laptop with ndiswrapper, I was on it through 3 meals at least.07:33
r0xoRdistanceisdeath, show up where?07:33
r0xoRdistanceisdeath, do you mean install KDE or use KDE or both?07:33
distanceisdeathat the log on screen to pick sessions07:33
distanceisdeathi want to use both07:33
r0xoRlol... use both07:33
r0xoRboth what07:33
distanceisdeathgnome and kde07:33
distanceisdeathlike chose between07:33
r0xoRyes i understand07:33
r0xoRdistanceisdeath, you can install kde with synaptic07:34
GaiaX11How do i enable lock screen in ubuntu (gnome)?07:34
r0xoRdistanceisdeath, that's all you should have to do, it should automagically appear in the selection menu07:34
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r0xoRGaiaX11, i think that's a screensaver thing?07:34
distanceisdeathlemme try that07:34
distanceisdeathi did that the sudo way07:34
hmpedersenWhat i don't understand is.. It doesn't just show my wlan card as unknown.. it does the same with my sb live and about everything else07:34
r0xoRdistanceisdeath, there's a specific package, hold on07:34
distanceisdeathwhat do i search for at synaptic07:34
distanceisdeathoh okay07:34
r0xoRhmpedersen, laptop or desktop07:34
hmpedersenr0xor desktop07:35
gnomefreakdistanceisdeath: ^^^07:35
distanceisdeathill try that07:35
craigcjowi: thanks for the help. i have set my xserver settings back to default i will endevour to ensure i will report back and see how it went to you.  fingers crossed no more re-boots.  Thanks again07:35
gnomefreakdistanceisdeath: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop for kde07:35
GaiaX11r0xoR,  know, but when i used Breezy i had an icon for that and now (dapper) it has desappeared!07:35
r0xoRDiscipulus, kubuntu-desktop is what you want07:35
distanceisdeathi did that one gnome07:35
distanceisdeathi did the sudo07:35
distanceisdeathand it installed07:35
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gnomefreakdistanceisdeath: log out go to sessions on the login screen and choose kde or gnome whatever you want to boot into07:36
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distanceisdeathyeah kde wasnt there07:37
CassoilenHow do i make a boot script for setting the net speed to 10 mbps and duplex full with mii-diag? I've tried adding the line mii-diag -F 10baseT-FD eth0 to /etc/network/interfaces, and it does change the internal settings, but I can only get connection to the internet when i do it manually.07:37
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distanceisdeathit said "gnome, gnome something, failsafe"07:37
Bicchiwhere do i file bugs for Dapper ?07:37
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twobitspritewhat package would I need if configure is complaining about libjpeg?07:38
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ubotu[broadcom]  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 for a guide to setting up Broadcom network cards07:38
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thatfunkymunkithanks ubotu07:38
distanceisdeathany ideas gnomefreak?07:39
gnomefreakdistanceisdeath: for what?07:39
distanceisdeathits not there in the sessions07:39
gnomefreakdistanceisdeath: if you installed kubuntu-desktop it will be there07:39
distanceisdeathill try it again07:40
distanceisdeathsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:40
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twobitspritedistanceisdeath, yes07:40
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distanceisdeathyeah i did something wrong07:41
distanceisdeathits going now07:41
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cjoneshow do your run a java app thats a .jar file ?07:41
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twobitspriteso... apt-cache doesn't show anything for "libjpeg" except for libjpeg62 and libjpeg-mmx-dev07:42
trevorcould someone help me with setting up dual monitors (ATI All-In-Wonder card) on Ubuntu 6.06?07:42
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ubotufrom memory, ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI07:42
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mnkhello all - i am running the beta version of ubuntu - can someone pls tell me how to upgrade to the actual 6.06 version when it comes out pls?07:43
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donno error07:43
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s00tyCan you help me please?  I install wine, running winecfg gives me errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1483407:44
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trevorRobNyc, thanks for the ATI info...i'll give it a shot07:44
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cjoneswill some one take a look at this and see of it can run into ubuntu  http://pastebin.com/74516207:45
hmpedersenHmm.. This is weird.. lsmod | grep 2.00 shoulda shown me the ra0..07:45
ShastaMaroonIs it possible to install kde in ubuntu, or do I specifically need to use kubuntu for that?07:45
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hmpedersenit outputs pci_hotplug          28008   1  shpchp07:45
Jimmey__ShastaMaroon, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:45
regenkindhi does anybody know how to reset the akregator component? Do i just delete the akregator dir in my home dir?07:45
ShastaMaroonJimmey__ thank you07:45
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Jimmey__ShastaMaroon, you're welcome07:46
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mnkhello all - i am running the beta version of ubuntu - can someone pls tell me how to upgrade to the actual 6.06 version when it comes out pls?07:46
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riddleboxhello, what can I use to edit a pdf file?07:46
wubrgamershastamaroon: just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:46
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s00tyJimmey__,  do you know how I can get winecfg running?07:46
drewwoot ubuntu rox07:46
cjonesmnk you will see it in updat manager when it comes out07:46
Jimmey__s00ty, wait..07:46
mnkoh ok07:46
drewI updated it removed xchat but I was able to reinstall in less than 5 min07:46
mnkso even though i'm up to date in the beta version i will still see it?07:47
wubrgamershastamaroon: kubuntu-desktop is kubuntu's default install, just remove any programs or features you don't want, you'll also have the option of using KDM or GDM07:47
drewwht is ubuntu's latest version07:47
cjonesmnk yeah you will also get the buf fixes as they are released07:47
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drewk cool07:47
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drewthan Im up to date07:47
wubrgamer5.10 is official 6.06 is only RC right now07:47
mnkcjones, what is a buf fix?07:47
ShastaMaroonwubrgamer so more or less the only difference between ubuntu and kubunta is the default desktop?07:47
Jimmey__s00ty, looks like a bug, I'm not to clued up with Wine07:47
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cjonesmnk sorry bug fix lol07:48
s00tyJimmey__, where can I get help on wine and ubuntu?07:48
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Jimmey__ShastaMaroon, and the programs that come with it07:48
wubrgamershastamaroon, i'm honestly not sure, i personally hate kde's default desktop07:48
drewuse apt-get07:48
Jimmey__s00ty, try #winehq07:48
mnkcjones - i got a load of updates today and yesterday; will i still have more packages to update on june 1st?07:48
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Jimmey__wubrgamer, I have the same problem with Dapper, it wants to install packages that I already have - I just ignore it07:48
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wubrgamerwhat ?07:49
drewwhat is the package name for a gba emu07:49
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wubrgamerjimmey__ what ?07:49
drewor gbc emu07:49
mnkSORRY - i had to blast that out :D07:49
mnka wee bit excited :)07:49
wubrgameremulators......are like.........illegal.........07:49
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drewno they arent07:49
ericemulators suck =/07:49
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ericslow emulation time07:49
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drewif the games arent available commericaly07:49
drewthan the roms are legal07:50
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ericwell, not all emulators07:50
drewor if u own it its legal07:50
ericjust non-native emulators07:50
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wubrgamernot necessarily07:50
mnkhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-backports/Release.gpg: Bad header line [IP: 80] 07:50
mnkwhat does that mean?07:50
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wubrgamerforget it07:50
mnkW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_universe_binary-i386_Packages)07:50
mnkW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists07:50
mnkW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_restricted_binary-i386_Packages)07:50
ericIs it possible to change your usplash screen?07:50
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 07:50
mnkoh oops - sorry :$07:51
Seantateris it any safer to rootpw sudo and make a root passwd than the default (neither of the above?)07:51
Jimmey__Seantater, the default's sudo, and that works fine..07:51
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erici agree07:51
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ericif you need root over and over again, just sudo su07:51
ericand then logout when done07:51
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Seantaterno, that's not what I mean07:52
ericthen im ignorant =/07:52
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Seantaterwhat I mean is that if I only allow sudo to take root's password, and I give root a password also, will that keep wwwdata and other users away from root?07:52
cjonesmnk yeah07:53
Jimmey__Seantater, if you're looking to secure apache...07:53
pelelei cant record DVD RW in K3B07:53
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Jimmey__Make a new user called apache, and limit it's privileges - Then set apache to run as that user07:53
Jimmey__pelele, what's the error?07:53
tokemanI made it so mozzila player will work NSV video so in a sence you can go to shoutcast TV07:53
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spaceyJimmey__:  apache runs under its own user by default07:54
Jimmey__spacey, I know07:54
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trevorI set up the ATI drivers, and both monitors work...but they are displaying the same thing. how do i change that?07:54
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cjonesmnk do you know how to use pastebin07:55
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alferezhow do newbies get help on this channel07:56
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highvoltagealferez: they ask questions, very nicely.07:56
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[dylan] help! :D =) i've messed my /etc/X11/xorg.conf (without a backup copy, yes shame on me) how can i recreate the "Original" one ubuntu installer create? Thanks07:57
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peleleJimmey: the message is that mkisofs no acab limpiamente07:57
highvoltage[dylan] : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:58
alferezok, I would like to ask how to change the resolution on my monitor to 1440x900 if i have no option for it.07:58
pelelejimmey: A write error ocurred07:58
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[dylan] thanks alferez!!!!! Great :D07:59
hmpedersengreat.. I can't access my ubuntu shared folders from windows..07:59
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[dylan] alferez: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add that resolution, reboot x08:00
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Jimmey__pelele, are you Spanish?08:00
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:00
[dylan] thanks highvoltage really!08:00
alferezthank you very much.08:01
[dylan] u welcome08:01
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ramviHow do I resize a ntfs partition when I'm in ubuntu?08:01
[dylan] ramvi: install gparted08:02
pelelesorry for the spanish words08:02
Jimmey__ramvi, using Gparted08:02
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PetrolBombI just deleted the bottom panel by mistake,how do I get it back???08:03
Jimmey__PetrolBomb, right click on the panel at the top, and click "Add Panel", move it to where you want, and start adding things08:03
s00tyHello, I get errors on my video card. One glxinfo | grep direct, it gives output of:08:03
pelelei have a proble with K3B08:03
s00tyError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual08:03
[dylan] PetrolBomb: Settings -> Preferences -> somewhere08:03
s00tyXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:03
Jimmey__pelele, are you Spanish?08:03
Jimmey__Have you tried #ubuntu-es?08:04
pelelebut the spanish chat is a...08:04
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Jimmey__Not helpful?08:04
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pelelebecause i am new08:04
peleleand i dont know08:05
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Jimmey__pelele, what's the error you're getting, again?08:05
cjonesdoes any one know of a way to do a net send type command in term ?08:05
ubotumoo is, like, moo08:05
Jimmey__cjones, netcat, I think08:05
Dry-icemoo: os: Microsoft Windows XP Professional - Service Pack 2 (5.1.2600) uptime: 8hrs 17mins 40secs cpu: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ at 2045MHz (100% Load) gfx: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 256MB res: 1280x1024 32bit 85Hz ram: 1534/1535.48MB (99.92%) [||||||||||]  hdd: C:\ 31.77GB/48.83GB Free D:\ 22.84GB/54.57GB Free Z:\ 3.74GB/14.48GB Free net: WAN [PPP_SLIP]  Interface - 0.9216MB/s 685.08MB In, 10.53MB Out08:05
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pelelemkisosf dont finish clean08:06
cjonesjimmey__ thanks dude08:06
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pelelea write error ocurred08:06
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Jimmey__pelele, maybe try writing at a slower speed?08:06
Jimmey__pelele, what are you trying to write to the disk?08:07
Jimmey__A .iso image fle/08:07
[dylan] highvoltage: is there a way to have the original automatically created one, back? 'cause i can't reconfigure my monitor properly08:07
pelelesomethings usings tao writing  mode solves this issue08:07
[dylan] it keeps hanging08:07
PetrolBombThank you for the help,add panel is k00l08:07
PetrolBombAdded a CPU monitor and other stuff now08:07
Jimmey__[dylan] , paste the output of "ls /etc/X11/"08:07
[dylan] Jimmey__: no backup copies unlucky08:08
[dylan] (shame on me again)08:08
gambitim trying install nwn but when i tar -xzf ~/nwclientgold.tar.gz   it says  No such file or directory, what should i do08:08
Jimmey__[dylan] , although you might not have made one, there might be one already there - Check for xorg.conf~08:08
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Jimmey__gambit, are you sure it's not in the respositories?08:08
cjonesjimmey__ do you know if the -p or -n should come firsr ?08:08
[dylan] Jimmi: already checked.. no backups there08:08
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Jimmey__cjones, I don't, sorry...I know something that does! "man netcat"08:09
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Jimmey__[dylan] , did you restart X after reconfiguring?08:09
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gambitjimmey, u mean look for gunzip?08:09
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[dylan] Jimmey__: yes.. HANGS the whole laptop 'cause misconfigured monitor i guess. 'cause it hanged just the same, when i did "autodetect monitor"08:10
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Jimmey__[dylan] , that sucks...Try messing around - Don't let it autodetect08:10
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r0xoRhas anyone had a straight up system hang? my system has been just hanging, cursor stops responding even08:11
Jimmey__gambit, why do you want to install gunzip?08:11
r0xoRi turned on DMA with hdparm yesterday but it's been doing this before that08:11
allendoes ubuntu use aptget or yum?08:11
Jimmey__allen, apt-get08:11
r0xoRyum sucks :)08:11
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allenis xmmx available for ubuntu?08:11
gambitcause its a .gz file... im a noob08:11
cjonesjimmey__ thanks08:12
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Flannelallen: yes08:12
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Jimmey__gambit, you don't need to install any software. Just right click on the .gz file, then select the appropriate extraction option08:12
allenok first time with ubuntu  been using FC408:12
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SurfnKidhey guys i have a question about wlan0 and my router, it seems everytime im on XP, my router gets so overwhelmed of data that it stops working. its not the case with ubuntu, which im happy about08:12
SurfnKidany ideas why this08:12
peleleJimmey who i cant teach the message08:12
drumline_Anyone having trouble with Kontact not displaying the identity switcher when composing new mail?08:12
[dylan] Jimmey__: how the installer create xorg.conf ?08:13
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Jimmey__SurfnKid, try #windows08:13
allenit seems my repositroys are not set up08:13
Jimmey__[dylan] , It just writes all the options to it as it's going along, I think..08:13
Jimmey__allen, that's easily done with Synaptic Package Manager,08:14
Jimmey__Follow the link I showed you08:14
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[dylan] Jimmey__: ok.. let's run the installation cd, mount my linux partition and copy that xorg.conf in there then08:14
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[dylan] let's try08:14
Jimmey__[dylan] , a better idea would be the liveCD08:15
gambitjimmey, i really wanted to use terminal, but ty08:15
Jimmey__gambit, wait..08:15
Jimmey__gambit, "man gunzip"08:15
[dylan] Jimmey__: i've dapper liveccd and installer08:15
Jimmey__Try that08:15
Jimmey__[dylan] , that makes sense, then.08:15
drumline_Anyone having trouble with Kontact not displaying the identity switcher when composing new mail?08:16
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Linuturkis Ubuntu DD stable enough to run a server at this time?08:16
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LinuturkI'm floating between Ubuntu and Debian stable08:16
Hsohowdy ;P does anyone know if there are any password revealing apps for linux?08:16
Jimmey__Linuturk, that would depend on what you'd use the server for, but I'd say so08:16
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Jimmey__Hso, john08:17
SubLinuturk, for a server, Debian is better IMO08:17
Hsothat's for linux?08:17
Jimmey__Hso, sudo apt-get install john08:17
SurfnKidhey guys how can i look for a file in the entire volume?08:17
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Subjus because it's more bare, so you can configure it to spec.08:17
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rootvzlagood people of the channel of ubuntu a question me podrian to say which was the channel of ubuntu in Spanish08:17
Jimmey__SurfnKid, "locate filename"08:17
Linuturka LAMP server, for a web based POS system08:17
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:17
perlihey yo08:17
Linuturkneeds to be stable and reliable08:17
SurfnKidwhat if i its just a partial name do i use * ?08:17
highvoltage[dylan] : i'm not sure :/08:17
=== InterNut [n=internut@c-bec471d5.319-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidlike silver  silv*08:18
perliis dapper already released?08:18
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Hsonot officially08:18
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HsoI believe it gets released in June or July?08:18
Jimmey__Linuturk...*Whoosh*...Over my head. There's three days until release - All the show stoppers are pretty much gone08:18
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then08:18
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mnkis there any good sound editing software like adobe audition (cool edit) for linux? also, is there any good video editing s/w like adobe premiere / after effects for linux?08:18
Jimmey__marvin_, that's my second name :)08:18
Jimmey__mnk, search in synaptic08:19
HsoJimmey__,  - okay, it's installed.. where do i find the icon for it? *doesn't see it in Gnome..*08:19
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marvin_There ist Audicity or so...08:19
Jimmey__Hso, it's a command line program.08:19
Hsoso, "sudo john" ?08:19
LinuxJonesLinuturk, >> http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS6676477122.html08:19
Jimmey__Hso, there's a good link to information about this, let me get it.08:19
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marvin_System -> Systemmanagemet (or s.th. like this [i use german ubuntu] )08:19
hmpedersenhmm.. that wasn't my intention..08:20
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Xahur-No1not mine either..08:20
mnki did search but wasn't sure which stuff is good like adobe - besides some of the descriptions were a bit unclear08:20
marvin_Helllo... how can i become an ubuntu translator?08:20
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Xahur-No1perhaps i should close xchat before hibernating this time..08:20
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marvin_did any body know this08:21
Jimmey__Hso, http://www.openwall.com/john/doc/08:21
Hsoubuntu@x1-6-00-11-d8-49-02-26:~$ sudo john -show08:21
HsoPassword files required, but none specified08:21
Hso <-- hmmmm! I just want to de-asterix a password I can see in firefox _08:21
Jimmey__marvin_, let me find it08:21
LinuturkLinuxJones: so I got to wait until the first huh? no way to get a version to install today? would there be many differences between what I download today, and what is released 3 days from now?08:21
Jimmey__marvin_, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate08:21
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Jimmey__Linuturk, I think the difference will be small - www.ubuntu.com/testing08:22
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid08:22
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SurfnKidwhere does the system download files from the ubuntu update site to?08:22
SurfnKidgot error installing realplayer, it cant find the rp8_linux20.... file08:22
SurfnKidany idea where the path of those dowloads would be08:23
Hsoubuntu@x1-6-00-11-d8-49-02-26:~$ sudo john passwd08:23
Hsostat: passwd: No such file or directory08:23
Hsoit hates me _08:23
Jimmey__SurfnKid, PM me the error message08:23
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Jimmey__Hso, keep reading the documentation08:23
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yonatanhey there, I've got a network-manager question: How can I setup my laptop that's wired to the internet as a wireless access point for others to use. Not worried about security as there's no-one around to haxxorz us...08:23
Flannelmarvin_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslationTeam08:23
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Jimmey__Hso, http://www.openwall.com/john/doc/FAQ.shtml08:23
gambitty, jimmey08:24
FlannelLinuturk: when you download it today, you can easily upgrade it to what's released in three days, through normal updates.08:24
AlinuxOShello, can someone help me with fonts.config ?'08:24
Hsoo_X; complex..08:24
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Jimmey__yonatan, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetConnectionSharing?highlight=%28connection%29%7C%28sharing%2908:25
LinuturkFlannel: good, that's what I'll do. I'm more familiar with Ubuntu anyway08:25
dubious9Linuturk, what you can download now is probably 95%+ what you'd get on the 1st08:25
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dubious9Linuturk, and the upgrade process is painlessly easy08:25
Linuturkis the auto LAMP on that yet?08:25
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dubious9Linuturk, on the server CD, yes08:25
Linuturkthat's what I need08:25
LinuturkUbuntu all the way, thanks, and l8r08:25
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dubious9Linuturk, np have fun!08:26
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igorzolnikovhow can i install apache+php+mysql?08:26
dubious9igorzolnikov, it's an install option for the dapper server CD, but I don't know how to invoke it otherwise08:26
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reconciliationwhere can I send a feature request for gnome dictionary?08:26
Jimmey__igorzonlinkovl, sudo apt-get install apache2; sudo apt-get install php5; sudo apt-get install mysql08:27
ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP08:27
=== suleman [n=suleman@wbs-196-2-126-137.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Flanneligorzolnikov: read that page.08:27
Hsoche.. just guessed the pw :D so easy! XD08:27
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Jimmey__Hso, what're you doing?08:27
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Hsolooking at the website my sister just created :P08:27
Hsoit's one of those crappy websites that you can password, to stop unwanted people from looking at it :O08:28
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zelevwhi...how can i set a pcs network settings from dhcp to static ip from the command line? using ubuntu 5.10...thank you08:28
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Hsozelevw,  i'd love to know the same thing! :P08:29
HsoMy bro dug out a very old machine.. an Amstrad em@iler SMS computer thingy! any idea what website/cummunity I would need to go to, to see if Linux can be installed on it? :O08:29
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[dylan] ifconfig doesn't work?08:29
Jimmey__zelevw, change the /etc/network/interfaces file, so that it says "inface eth0 inet static [newline]  adress"08:29
Jimmey__Hso, that's how08:29
zelevwjimmey__ thank you.08:29
[dylan] ah sorry dhcp... should be /etc/network/something...08:29
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FlannelHso: check google ;)08:29
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[dylan] Jimmey__ is great :D08:30
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HsoFlannel, I did check _ I was on a website earlier, but firefox just decided to close itself when my sister was using the pc... I don't remember what website I was looking at _08:30
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Hsoso.. who should I ask that question to?08:30
Jimmey__zelevw, you're welcome08:30
Hsoit would be great if i could turn it into a linux pc! :P08:30
Jimmey__Hso, what question?08:31
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Jimmey__zelevw, you shouldn't take my example literally - Replace "eth0" with your default network device, and replace "" with the IP you want08:31
HsoHso Flannel, I did check _ I was on a website earlier, but firefox just decided to close itself when my sister was using the pc... I don't remember what website I was looking at _08:31
Hsothat one :P08:32
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majdk i think i know the answer to this....but is there an external hard drive that can be read under linux _AND_ windows/OSX?08:32
paolobHi guys! When is dapper release scheduled?08:32
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Jimmey__Hso, that's not a question..08:32
FlannelHso: check your history.08:32
hmpedersenIs there a way to get a wlan card to work in breezy, when the drivers for it should be included in install but arent?08:32
Flannelpaolob: June 108:32
HsoFlannel, - too many links x_X it'll take HOURS!" >_<08:32
Jimmey__majd, you'd have to format it to fat3208:32
paolobFlannel, ok08:32
HsoJimmey__, it's not? o.O08:32
FlannelHso: history, then you can "sort by last visited"08:32
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AlinuxOShello, can someone help me with personilized fonts.config ?08:32
majdJimmey__, and it'd be accessible in all three OS's?08:32
HsoFlannel,  - that will take HOURS! :P08:32
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Jimmey__majd, I'm not sure about MacOSX, but Windows and Linux definitely.08:33
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Hsoi tend to load up alot of tabs at once X_X;08:33
AlinuxOSI need right fonts.config for georgian fonts pack.08:33
majdJimmey__, good news, thanks08:33
HsoI just want to know the right placed where I can ask "hey! I have this old machine.. it's not a pc, can I run linux on it?"08:33
FlannelHso: no, since, presumably you're reading something close to the top, as it was the last you were reading.08:33
Hsowho would I ask that question, to?08:33
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Jimmey__Hso, God.08:33
Jimmey__Hso, but you can call me Jimmey :)08:33
HsoGod doesn't like me _08:33
FlannelHso: google.  But, the answer is 'yes', the question is 'how easily can I/what do I ave to do'/etc08:33
Hsoas-if :P08:33
allenok.. i set up my repositorys but got a lot of different stuff with xmms.. do i use apt-get install xmms or use this synaptic package manager somehow?08:33
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HsoFlannel,  - any further ideas for that? :P08:34
BicchiI have upgraded to dapper and I noticed that its does not have any window sounds. like on breezy i used to hear like drums when i clossed/open an application. is anyone experiencing this also.08:34
LinuxJonesLinuturk, sorry was afk, install now and upgrade, it's only a couple of days08:34
Flannelallen: right.  either way, they're both the same, synaptic is a frontend to apt.  just the "xmms" package, then whatever other plugins you want.08:34
Jimmey__allen, Synaptic is basically a graphical version of apt-get; sudo apt-get install xmms should work.08:34
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FlannelHso: yeah, google it.08:34
Hsoi'd obviously thinking it has to be something super small, like DSL.. or possibly smaller? I dunno the exact specs.. I know this, though.. http://www.amstrad.com/products/emailers/emp.html#08:34
HsoFlannel, - yes, but google what phrase? _08:34
CAN_i have ubuntu dapper and an ati 9250. X just crashes with ubuntu package and ati .run .. It says no module found ...or sometimes no screen08:34
CAN_any help?08:34
Jimmey__Hso, FreeBSD will run on 8MB.08:34
allenok..kewl im more famialiar with running with terminal so im going that way08:34
Hso8mb.. is that hdd or ram?08:35
Hsowhat about hdd?08:35
Hsoand possibly cpu? :P08:35
FlannelHso: whatever the model number is, etc.  "technical specs" with it would be good for general information, "linux" and the name will get you exactly what you need, maybe 'install linux' plus it, etc.08:35
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allenok seems to be working fine..im gonna hang out a bit just in case it goes south08:35
Hsoneedle in a haystack..08:36
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FlannelHso: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic  and no it's not.  You just are going to have to do some research.08:36
Jimmey__Hso, wait..08:36
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drewwats a name for a gba emu package so I cn just use apt-get08:36
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Flanneldrew: you can use apt-cache search [terms]  to look for package names.08:37
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Jimmey__drew, sudo apt-cache search gba08:37
Jimmey__Damn, Flannel's to quick for me08:37
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, RobNyc08:37
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, RobNyc08:37
RobNycanyone knows the pci command i gotta do to update my stuff, so when i do /video with the sysinfo script my video card name shows up ?08:38
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Jimmey__RobNyc, try lspci08:38
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yggdrasildoes anyone here know wich module to load for atheros wireless nic ?08:38
RobNycJimmey__: that just shows my hardware08:38
HsoJimmey__, what should I be waiting for?08:39
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Jimmey__Hso, oh, yeah...08:39
Jimmey__I can't remember, either08:39
Jimmey__Something to do with John?08:39
HsoI already figured out that pw08:39
Hsoprobably :P08:39
MatixsHello, i have problem.When i try to install a ubuntu, i get error installation initrd fail. i have already ubuntu., but i format that partition, try to install ubuntu and get that error.Now GRUB write Error 15 : file not found. What i havee to do now?08:39
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Jimmey__8MB RAM, about the same HDD space ?08:39
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Hsono idea, jim?08:40
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FlannelJimmey__, Hso, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please.08:40
Jimmey__Actually, Hso, you could take it to #freebsd08:40
majdcan i download an iso of dapper or is it not out yet?08:40
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Jimmey__www.ubuntu.com/testing, majd08:40
Aboany one knows a good adress book in ubuntu?08:41
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Jimmey__Abo, I'm sure Evolution has one - if not, check Synaptic08:41
mnkhello all - is there a difference between gnome ooo and just ooo?08:41
majdoh shnap....i didn't know that existed lol, i be searchin google for it08:41
mnki'm running ubuntu and i have ooo, ooo-gnome and ooo-gtk and ooo-gtk-gnome08:41
mnkooo= openoffice.org08:41
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HsoThe nickname [hso]  is already registered <-- annoying.. I'm 99% sure that I registered this username.. but it's not liking my pw >_<;;08:43
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Jimmey__Hso, that's definitely off-topic chat08:43
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Hso heh08:43
garrettis there any way to save everything i've done on a live cd to a usbkey drive?08:43
Jimmey__garrett, I'd save the /home/ubuntu directory to the drive08:44
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drewanybody here a hacker08:44
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Jimmey__drew, describe hacker08:44
garrettJimmey__, will that also remember the packages i've installed and everything?08:44
drewbeing able to search someone eles computer08:44
=== tarun713 [n=user@cpe-24-208-221-41.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jimmey__garrett, unfortunately not08:45
sindrumjust get a p2p client08:45
Jimmey__drew, grow up08:45
drewI just want to hack a friend were having a friendly compation08:45
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Jimmey__drew, I'm sure you are08:45
drewdude iM only 1408:45
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Jimmey__I guessed08:45
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garrettdrew, take some networking classes08:45
drewI guess I could08:45
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nutterpcCCNA at bare minimum08:45
farousi have a whole dir where all the files can not be accesed. looking at permission it say permission can not be determined? what might cause that and how to fix it?08:45
drewthe only thing though If I learn s that he uses aol (they dont offer high spped in the part of town he lives)08:46
garrettdrew, that's honestly the only real way to learn that stuff. theres no such subject as hacking, it's just malicious networking08:46
=== lars-ut-away is now known as lars-ut
tarun713hi, I have a quick question: does anyone know of any desktop pci wireless cards that work out of the box with dapper?08:46
drewand aol isnt a real isp08:46
garrettJimmey__, thanks08:46
=== MeSk [n=mesk@32.Red-80-24-108.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jdmpike1I just did the Dapper upgrade and hosed my xserver - does the 2.6.15-23 kernel not work with the latest nvidia-glx package for Dapper?08:46
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nutterpcjdmpike1: it does08:46
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tarun713jdmpike1, it does, rerun the x.org config script and it should work08:46
nutterpcI'm running the nvidia-glx-legacy and it works08:47
drewbut I would rather learn linux first08:47
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farousjdmpike1: the new upgrade had linux-restricted modules in them updated. if you did compile from source you need ot do it again08:47
jdmpike1tarun713, can you remind me how to re-run that script?08:47
cigawhen I run glxgears I got a lot of error messages like '[fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for GenerateMipmapEXT'. I just did an upgrade in dapper.08:47
drewdoes anybody know how to compile from source08:47
hmpedersenhere we go again.. "rt2500     driver present"08:47
nutterpcdrew: its called gcc08:47
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jdmpike1farous, I used linux restricted08:47
Flannelciga: #ubuntu+1 for dapper stuff.08:47
tarun713jdmpike1, what I did was run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:47
drewwhat does gcc do08:47
jdmpike1tarun713, thanks I will give that a shot08:48
Jimmey__It's a compiler08:48
nutterpccompiles programs08:48
=== Jimmey__ highfives nutterpc
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drewI remember while installing java I made a fake .deb package but I dont remember the site08:48
Flanneldrew: build-essential is the package you want, to get everything you need to build things08:48
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nutterpclol Jimmey__08:48
mnki am trying to install the gnome preloader app for openoffice - but it is telling me that i have to uninstall ubuntu-desktop. is that right???08:48
nutterpcgot about 30Gb of data to pull across the network............fun08:49
Jimmey__mnk, did you do a default install of Ubuntu?08:49
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mnkyes  jimmey08:49
=== fabbione [n=fabbione@george.kkhotels.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
drewI alread have build essential Just did the apt-get08:49
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e0fHi guys. In what package i found alsaconf ?08:49
mnkmy ooo is very slow so i'm wondering if i have the wrong version or something? what's this gtk / gnome version thng?08:50
nutterpcalsa-utils e0f08:50
Jimmey__mnk, you're trying to install something, and it says you've to un-install ubuntu-desktop?08:50
mnkyeah correct, jimmey08:50
e0fnutterpc, i've installed now alsa-utils but i don't find alsaconf08:50
dauoalagiowhere can i get a audio driver for my computer?08:50
Jimmey__mnk, it's just the graphics libraries for Gnome, I should think08:50
=== Kill_X [n=stempfki@p54A1F959.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
nutterpce0f: try alsa-tools08:50
mnkOpenOffice.org QuickStarter applet for GNOME 208:50
mnki'm trying to install that08:50
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mnkand for some odd reason it is trying to remove openoffice-gnone too08:51
cigaFlannel: k. sorry.08:51
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nutterpcJimmey__: getting my backup I did a week ago off our NAS here.........lol.........all 30Gb of it, gunna take at least an hour08:51
e0fnutterpc, nope, i don't found it.08:51
nutterpce0f: that's strange08:51
nutterpcwhats the problem?08:51
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nutterpcwhat are you trying to do?08:52
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e0fnutterpc, i try to install Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller08:52
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dauoalagioi need that e0f08:52
mnkjimmey - my ooo is like a million times slower than abiword. could it be that i'm using the wrong widget set or something? as i have both openoffice.org-gnome and openoffice.org-gtk installed08:52
nutterpcand whats it not doing?08:52
Jimmey__mnk, are you using Gnome?08:53
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lutramnk: ooo is just a big pig08:53
lutramnk: abiword is much faster and lighter08:53
dauoalagioe0f can you install that driver?08:53
intelikeyhmmm what's some good switches to add to  mke2fs  /dev/sda     ?  -c for checking...   what else ?08:53
nutterpce0f: have you checked to make sure the driver is not already loaded?08:53
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e0fdauoalagio, yep08:53
mnkjimmey - i'm using gnome08:53
CANi installed everything i could to support ati drivers. Nothing X keeps crashing just with "No screen found" or EE fglrx driver not loaded .. or not found... modprobe fglrx won`t ever work.. any help plz?\08:53
dauoalagiowhere is the link?08:53
e0fnutterpc, i'm sure08:53
nutterpce0f: have you run alsamixer?08:53
mnkjimmey - but i dunno - the menus don't *seem* gnome to me!08:54
mnki.e in oo08:54
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e0fnutterpc, yep08:54
Jimmey__mnk, weird :S You're not running it as root, or anything?08:54
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dauoalagioe0f: how did you get that driver?08:54
nutterpcand what does it report?08:54
Jimmey__mnk, how much RAM do you have/08:54
e0fnutterpc, yep.08:55
nutterpce0f: what does it say when you try to run alsamixer?08:55
mnkjimmey 512mb ram, and no i;m not running it as root08:55
Jimmey__mnk, very weird..08:55
mnkjimmey__ which part is weird to u?08:55
e0fnutterpc, the channel volume :)08:55
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Jimmey__mnk, has it always done this? Or just recently?08:56
nutterpcCAN: I had that earlier dude, wonder if its similar to fix like mine was08:56
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nutterpce0f: double check to make sure the volume isn't muted08:56
mnkjimmey__ it has always done that08:56
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e0fnutterpc, i check it.08:56
nutterpcIntel sound chips are all supported under the snd_ich driver08:57
CANathlon-xp x just keeps crashing08:57
walkoverhey everybody. Im trying to install nvidia drivers and the installer complains that it cant find my kernel source. I just installed dapper with a dist-upgrade. I dont know how to get the source. Can anyone help?08:57
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nutterpcCAN: what kernel version are you running08:57
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mnkjimmey__ am i sposed to have both openoffice.org-gnome and openoffice.org-gtk installed if i;m only ruinning gnome?08:57
CANa tried some of them08:57
CANthat one08:58
Jimmey__mnk, yeah08:58
CANthe k7 versinon..08:58
CANtill the dapper kernel08:58
CANwith dist-upgrade ..08:58
CANright now..08:58
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mnkjimmey__ so how do i know if it is using gnome widgets or gtk ones?08:58
Krpanocan anyone tip me about my mouse problem ?08:58
walkoverim sorry i dont understand08:58
Jimmey__gtk is the graphical API for widgets in Gnome08:58
Jimmey__I'm pretty sure08:59
mnkoh i c08:59
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intelikeywalkover may i sujest   apt-cache search linux-image  &&  apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-23-386  or something like that then  apt-get the source also.    apt-cache search is your friend.09:00
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nutterpcCAN: what I did to remedy mine was to completely drop out of the current kernel, to a backup one, modify the xorg.conf to point to the xorg nv driver (in your case would be ati), then reboot, choose the backup kernel, log back in, go to synaptic, find the nvidia drivers and completely get rid of it, then reboot, same procedure again, except reinstall the drivers for the card & update the kernel at the same time09:00
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource09:00
nutterpcworked for me :)09:00
uboturumour has it, realplayer is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:00
Krpanohelp !!!.....:)09:00
SurfnKidwhere should i install the realplayer? which path?09:00
Jimmey__Kprano, what's the problem09:01
sindrumanyone know of a flash developer kit for linux?09:01
nutterpctry that CAN, see if it works for you09:01
Krpanoi changed my 57xmodmap, and my wheel has the functions of the side mouse buttons09:01
sindrumsearched google couldnt find anything09:01
dauoalagiohow do you install something using ndiswrapper?09:01
Krpanoits like this xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"09:01
Krpanowhat would be the correct sequence ?09:01
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intelikeywalkover synaptic package manager is also an option for such things.    the kernel source is called  linux-source  iirc09:02
rixxoni have two file browsers up and want to copy some files between them, is there some easy way to have to different locations beside each other (either like total commander or like windows 'arrenge windows')?09:02
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intelikeyrixxon gentoo      or drag and drop from one file manager to the other...09:03
Krpanonobody has the side mouse buttons working ?09:04
rixxonintelikey: yea that works, but aint very efficent... oh well thanks09:04
allenany idea where apt-get downloads folders to...looking for the xmms skins folder09:04
Jimmey__Krpano, you'll have to do something special with xorg, I think09:04
gnomefreakallen: ~/.xmms09:04
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intelikeyrixxon some like gentoo   some dont09:04
CANnutterpc: hope that will work.09:04
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intelikeyrixxon i'm not refering to a distro09:05
nutterpcCAN: it should :)09:05
Krpanoi did it....it ok....but i dunno the correct buttons sequence....09:05
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intelikeyapt-cache search gentoo09:05
jdmpike1ok, after dapper upgrade - I can't load Nvidia kernel module...09:05
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then09:05
nutterpcjdmpike1: read my post to CAN09:05
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nutterpcscroll up dude09:06
green_earzallen: use the commad :  dpkg -L xmms-skins   and it show you where xmms-skins   files are09:06
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Ademan_what would cause this error (in KDevelop when i try and build) aclocal: configure.in: 8: macro `AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' not found in library09:06
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allengnomefreak...i cant seem to find it09:07
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oiuaehi there. i'm looking for ultility that allows me for fast confersion of mp3 files from stereo to mono. Could you recommend me some program (the best would be command line app). pliiiiz ;)09:07
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Abohow can I know where is the install directory of a software (say firefox or apache or anything in general)09:07
Draslahey, I've a question regarding the mount command.  I'm trying to create a link of a directory (/example/folder) in a user's home directory (/home/ftpuser) so that a user can ftp in and access these other files.  a symbolic link won't work for security reasons, and you can't create hard links of folders.  I know this is possible with the mount command, but have no idea how to do it.09:07
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gnomefreakallen: open home and than hit ctrl+h and it will show hidden files09:07
gnomefreakallen: there should be one that says .xmms open that and look gfor skins09:08
Jimmey__Drasla, maybe you could mount it on boot with fstab09:08
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DraslaJimmey__: I want to, but I don't know the syntax to do that.  what filesystem type would I indicate?09:08
intelikeyAbo in linux there is NOT an install dirrectory.   it will have files in /etc /usr/bin /usr/share/docs /lib  and other dirs09:08
yggdrasilwhere does dapper list the modules to be loaded at boot ?09:08
Jimmey__Drasla, ext3?09:08
yggdrasilused to be etc/modules09:08
allenits got 0 items in the folder09:08
gnomefreakyggdrasil: ask in #ubuntu+109:09
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gnomefreakallen: did you run xmms yet?09:09
oiuaeyggdrasil /etc/modules? i deep it is there09:09
intelikeyAbo dpkg -L package <name>09:09
drewhas anybody installed BoyCott advance09:09
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nutterpcdebfoster, such a lovely program for spring cleaning on your install :D09:09
allenyes it works fine...but there was no skins..so i apt-get skins09:09
drewI need help installing it09:09
DraslaJimmey__: /example/folder is formatted with jfs, but when I try that, I get the message "/example/folder is not a block device"09:09
yggdrasildeep? hehr09:09
Abointelikey, thanks, this one is good09:09
PetrolBombcan I apt-get themes for this gnomey?09:09
gnomefreakallen: than i would use dpkg -L xmms-skins09:10
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intelikeyAbo apt-cache search <generic-name>   will reviel the package name09:10
Jimmey__PetrolBomb, www.gnome-look.org09:10
PetrolBombAHh Jimmey to the rescue again09:10
Abook thanks09:10
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allenok...thanks guys09:11
PetrolBombJimmy,can I grab any of those or must it be a specific version?09:11
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Jimmey__GTK 2+09:11
hmpedersenI'm still having no luck getting ubuntu online09:11
intelikeyAbo may i also caution you about dirrectly manipulating files on the linux system.  things are kinda all tied to gather so to speak, it's easy to break things.09:11
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dauoalagiowhat is the sound driver for ubuntu and how do i install it09:12
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Abointelikey, thank you, but if to configure some config files in firefox, or apache, I need to know where they are09:12
PetrolBombI downloaded that one Jimmey09:13
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PetrolBombTo desktop09:13
PetrolBombNow what?09:13
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Jimmey__System>>Preferences>>Theme, drag and drop the file into that window09:13
intelikeyAbo   man intro  &&  man man        the man(ual) pages are there to help with such things.    i.e. man apache209:13
Abointelikey, I need to know the location where I should put my html file so apache can show them ,09:13
Abointelikey, ok I'll try man apache209:14
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intelikey /var/www09:14
intelikeyAbo  ^09:14
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h3h_timowhy does it say there is no installation candidate when i try to install azureus09:15
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allenhey guys just to let you know..i fixed xmms09:15
allena bug..but it works great now09:15
Jimmey__h3h_timo, do you have the right repositories enabled?09:15
allenthanks for the help09:15
h3h_timoi dunno.. i think i do09:15
h3h_timobut i dunno if java is installed right09:15
uboturumour has it, azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo09:16
green_earzdauoalagio: do you mean what is the sound drive for a card is ? if so open a terminal and then the to this link and do as it say. to find out the cards driver name >http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/09:16
ompaulh3h_timo, ^^ up a couple of lines09:16
erik_mIs Ubuntu suitable for using on a server? was wondering if anyone has done this and what they thought of it09:16
h3h_timoompaul, i see that.. i know how to install it, as ive had it installed before i had to reboot mys istem09:17
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basvghmmm, I can't seem to log into my ubuntu destkop @home anymore. After I type in username/password I only get a blank splash screen... don't get the little panel that tells me which services are being loaded09:17
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:17
alemurdoes anyone have flash plugin experience?09:17
luminaireI need a radius client for linux. any suggestions?09:17
basvgI can log in on the console..09:17
crimsunalemur: what's the issue?09:17
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alemurcrimsun, I can see the flash, but I don't hear any sound09:17
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h3h_timoompaul, how do i check to see if i have java installed? i think i  installed it but im not sure09:18
crimsunalemur: are you using breezy or dapper?09:18
alemurcrimsun, dapper.  It worked once, but now it does not, all other sound is fine.09:18
ompaulluminaire, have a look at "sudo apt-cache search radius" and find something that suits you09:18
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alemurone does not need to sudo for apt-cache09:18
alemurer, apt-cache search, that is09:18
ompaulh3h_timo, check out the instructions the bot sent ya09:19
green_earzh3h_timo: http://www.v-workshops.com/java/   and see if you see any snow09:19
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SurfnKidhey how can i create a directory in /usr/bin?09:19
dmbtmkdir /usr/bin/whatever09:19
basvgthere's not much interesting in ~/.xsession-errors... and /var/log/messages only has some stuff on gconf which I don't understand09:19
ompaulSurfnKid, put a sudo in front of that - but it should be be something you have to do - what are you trying to install ?09:20
dmbtyoull probably want to be root when doing that09:20
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alemurSurfnKid, you have to sudo for that, but it's not a good thing to do, in general.  It makes a mess :)09:20
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.09:20
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PetrolBombThanks Jimmey got the best themes now.09:20
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ompauldmbt, we don't say rot we give that factoid and let uses choose for themselves, it means that few if any use non sudo ways of doing things so we have some idea of what is the actual setup09:21
ompauldmbt, (cos people break things ;-))09:21
SurfnKidalemur thanks i got it09:21
dmbtompaul: sorry, i thought this was #linux09:21
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SurfnKidompaul the real player, and i didnt know where to install the files so I just put them in /usr/bin/RealPlayer8 folder09:21
SurfnKidthanx dmbt that worked09:21
dmbtSurfnKid: thats not a very good spot to install it into09:22
ubotumethinks realplayer is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:22
SurfnKidok, someone please tell me where should i install all default programs cuz i have no clue09:22
ompaulSurfnKid, that is how to do it ^^09:22
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SurfnKidwell i did install the realplayer from SPM but it said I had to download it from realplayer so i did. got the .bin file09:22
ompaulSurfnKid, that is not default, its a case by case basis, so just say what you actaully want and we will most likely have something for you09:22
basvgwould it be better to ask this on #gnome?09:23
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ubotu[frostwire]  a free peer-to-peer application that runs on the Gnutella network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWireHowTo09:23
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ompaul!tell h3h_timo about msgthebot09:23
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GuyzmoI was wondering09:23
topyliwhat's wrong with the realplayer packages that are available?09:23
Guyzmoas ubuntu is based on debian09:23
Guyzmois it possible to do an upgrade from debian to ubuntu ?09:23
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drewhey does anybody know why limewire wont come back with search results09:24
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sindrumit sucks...09:24
drewit says it hasnt connected to the server09:24
drewwat sux09:25
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ompaulGuyzmo, it would most likely be better not to, you could try if you were stable -1 on thursday to move to etch when we dapper crazy09:25
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drewoh well I dont know anthor p2p clinet09:25
SurfnKidoh crap it installed, it works, it even put an icon in the applications menu. however the realplayer doesnt work, only the RealPlayer10 link. so i must remove tha09:25
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ompaulGuyzmo, that was rubbish let me go again09:25
drewknow one that uses java09:25
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drewso I wont have to compile and all that crap09:26
ompaulSurfnKid, easy on the language we want a G rating09:26
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MorbidHungerhey guys09:26
drewbacuase I cant get boycott or anything from source to install09:26
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SurfnKidcrap isnt allowed now?09:26
Guyzmoompaul - didn't really understand what you said :)09:26
drewnone of them have a ./configure09:26
SurfnKidsheesh ok09:26
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Ademan_anyone here use kdevelop?09:27
drewhow do I install from source?09:27
ompaulGuyzmo, if you are using etch I would not, if you have sarge or below then I would say maybe try to get to dapper on thursday or even now and track its last couple of days09:27
void^drew: you read the readme09:27
MorbidHungerdrew: extrat the tarball first09:27
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Guyzmowell, I'm running etch :/09:27
drewyes but they dont tell u how to compile09:27
void^drew: read any other docs it comes with.09:27
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Guyzmoompaul - the thing I'm the most afraid of09:27
basvghmmm ok, it's not X that's the problem. startx "works"09:28
ompaulGuyzmo, then I would not try to, remember its based on sid frozen over the last few months09:28
MorbidHungerdrew: did u extract the tarball?09:28
drewwell I just deleted the tarball09:28
Guyzmois about breaking apt09:28
Ademan_in the console navigate to the directory you extracted to09:28
Ademan_and generally you can then ./configure09:28
Ademan_and then"make"09:28
EmxBAand make install09:28
MorbidHungerAdeman_: i had dibs this time09:28
drewwell it dosent have a ./configure09:28
Ademan_hehe sorry09:28
Guyzmoompaul - I know, and if I wanna switch that's because I'm tired of not having the last packages when coding on cvsed projects09:28
EmxBAor make install prefix= where do you want to install it09:28
Ademan_then there might be an install.sh09:28
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hmpedersenI'm never going to be able to come online like this..09:28
igorzolnikovhow can i install ruby?09:28
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MagicFabhello - I am using a 2nd keyboard mapping (us + alt-intl variant) but would like to be able to make c cedil (french), much as the Windows "US - International" keyboard setup. How can I do this ? Here's what I have in my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/74537609:29
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Silencerppl can some1 tell me I goit ubuntu 5.10 and would like to update it to 6.06 Rc will I be able to update it later to final relese ?09:29
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ompaulGuyzmo, back up the home and give it a shot with an install cd available09:29
MorbidHungerSilencer: Yes09:29
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tomas__Hey everybody. Need one short info09:29
intelikeySilencer yup09:29
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drewwell maybe I dont know the configure script09:29
drewwhat do I type09:29
richardwhat kind of firewall does ubunto have?09:30
intelikeySilencer well that's the way it is 'supposed' to work09:30
MorbidHungerdrew: ./configure09:30
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intelikeyrichard iptables09:30
wulaxrichard: iptables09:30
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drewit says no file or directory09:30
ompaulrichard, what kind do you want, all linux ones are iptables backends with some frontends09:30
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quixkhermans hey?!?!09:30
letinumHi! I need help to compile my kernel! I don't know why but it say "You need gtk+-2.0, glib-2.0 and libglade-2.0." But It's installed! I try many many thing, nothing, everytime the same message! :( Someone can help me?09:30
richardhow can i add a block list to it?09:30
Guyzmowell thanks09:30
GuyzmoI'll see what I'm gonna do09:30
Silencerok thx for answers :) I will test it on my server ;P09:30
wulaxrichard: install firestarter09:30
Silencercan I see the packages of Ubuntu 6.06 ?09:31
MorbidHungerdrew: make sure in the folder where u extracted the tarball09:31
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void^letinum: use make menuconfig09:31
tomas__does enyone have that problem that while running the system, It suddenly stops doing everything, till I pres Alt. Then its working again for some time, and then stops again. Its annoying.09:31
ompaulSilencer,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/09:31
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intelikeyrichard firestarter is a config for iptables   quicktables is a config for iptables  shorewall smothwall.....09:31
letinumvoid : menuconfig don't work, juste make config work :(09:31
hmpedersenWell... I guess Ubuntu goes then. No use to me offline09:32
drewall there is a boyca.cfg file09:32
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void^letinum: how does it not work?09:32
drewokay well thats not it09:32
green_earzrichard: have a look at shorewall for your firewall setup http://www.shorewall.net/   shorewall can be installed with apt-get09:32
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drewbut the only config type file09:32
EmxBAintelikey : firestarter is for newcomers09:32
intelikeyrichard i like quicktables.  google should know where it's located09:32
richardfirestarter .... or shorewell?09:32
tomas__it just stops, like you would press Pause09:32
EmxBArichard: shorewall09:32
intelikeyEmxBA so is quicktables09:32
letinumthis is the error : make[2] : *** [scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.o]  Erreur 109:32
letinummake[1] : *** [menuconfig]  Erreur 209:32
letinummake: *** [menuconfig]  Erreur 209:32
MorbidHungerdrew: are you in the right file?09:32
EmxBAintelikey: well, yes09:33
drewyes in the tarball's extracted folder09:33
EmxBAletinum: try automake09:33
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EmxBAit will make right Makefiles09:33
MorbidHungerand u ran ./configure?09:33
MorbidHungerwats the output?09:33
Silencer6.06 use kernel-2.4 ?09:33
amphiletinum: that is not the error09:33
drewno such file or directory09:33
void^letinum: that doesn't say anything. post it all on pastebin. perhaps you're just missing libncurses5-dev.09:33
amphiletinum: you have ncurses dev package installed?09:33
intelikeyEmxBA i like the 'quickblock' that quicktables adds.    you can 'quickblock '  and it's firewalled out.09:33
Silencero 6.15 ;)09:33
EmxBASilencer: 6.06 uses 2.6.15 kernel09:33
dreweverything seems to be like this09:34
letinumEmxBA : How can I use automake?09:34
MorbidHungerdo u see the configure file?09:34
letinumI'll check09:34
EmxBAintelikey: yes, that's why i like quickblock09:34
drewyea there is a boyca.cfg09:34
amphiletinum: the actual error is before the stuff you pasted09:34
EmxBAletinum: type automake09:34
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EmxBAit will make right Makefile for compiling09:34
MorbidHungerthere should jsut be something that says configure09:34
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void^EmxBA: he's trying to compile a kernel. no automake.09:34
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MorbidHungerit might just be a binary09:34
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letinumOk I install Libncurses5-dev ans I retry09:35
richardwhich version of shorewall should i go for?09:35
amphiEmxBA: he's configuring a kernel09:35
drewjust 3 files and a doc folder09:35
intelikeywhy does ubunt installer freek when i refuse to add a user ?09:35
EmxBAamphi: oh, sorry09:35
richardDebian one?09:35
EmxBAintelikey: espresso?09:35
amphiEmxBA: no worries ;)09:35
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void^intelikey: how is sudo supposed to work without a user?09:35
MorbidHungeryeah its a binary09:35
drewshould I check the debian tarball to09:35
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basvghmmm let me try that again then: just created a *new* user on my breezy box. Tried to log in and right after gdm it stops. Just shows me a blue splash screen. Machine doesn't hang or anything. Does anyone have a suggestion what that could be?09:35
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Centaur5What is the initrd image in /boot for and how was it created?09:35
letinumYes :) very thanks menu config work!09:35
hmpedersenNobody even noticed any of my questions at all?09:35
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amphiletinum: cool09:36
crimsunCentaur5: in breezy or dapper?09:36
intelikeyvoid^ i don't use sudo.09:36
EmxBAbasvg: maybe you don't have right .gnome files or something similar09:36
MorbidHungerhmpedersen: nope09:36
Centaur5crimsun: Dapper09:36
basvgEmxBA: older users can't log in either09:36
PetrolBombAnyone know where I can get good Beep Media PLayer skins from???09:36
crimsunCentaur5: I'll explain in #ubuntu+109:36
EmxBAbasvg: so who can login anyway09:36
void^intelikey: you'll probably have a hard time convincing the ubuntu installer to do it your way09:36
basvgEmxBA: I can put the .xsession-error online if htat's helpful09:36
drewwhy does it have to be soo hard09:36
=== basvg reboots and wonders if that helps
EmxBAbasvg: put it on pastebin09:37
EmxBAbasvg: don't reboot09:37
hmpedersenFine..  Ubuntu isn't worth much to me anymore.. With a ralink 2500 wlan card not working and nobody even trying to answer my questions for 7 hours09:37
basvgEmxBA: what is pastebin?09:37
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intelikeyvoid^ in fact i generally remove sudo.   and no the installer freeks but i know how to force it to do things my way.09:37
MorbidHungerdrew: jsut run the binary09:37
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EmxBAbasvg: go to paste.ubuntu-nl.org and post your xsession errors there09:37
ompaul!tell hmpedersen about ndiswrapper09:37
EmxBAand give me the ling09:37
void^intelikey: and the problem is..?09:37
ompaulhmpedersen, well I was here but not looking for 7 hours09:37
intelikeyjust wonder why it throws such a fit...09:37
EmxBAhmpedersen: what's the problem09:37
ompaulhmpedersen, read the message from the bot09:37
MorbidHungerif u type ls there should be a green file09:37
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hmpedersenompaul: I've spent 7 hours trying to use ndiswrapper now. It doesn't work at all and everyone has been ignoring me both here and in #ndiswrapper for the past 7 hours!09:38
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MorbidHungerrun ./greenfile09:38
hmpedersenralink 2500 drivers are even in the breezy install.. But they don't work!09:38
intelikeyvoid^ my question was "why does..."  nothing more.09:38
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void^intelikey: because it's ubuntu policy/design09:38
drewit says run command not found09:39
EmxBAhmpedersen: sorry, could you explain me what's ralink09:39
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MorbidHungerwhat did u download?09:39
basvgrats! a reboot fixed it. My splash screen is completely messed up and some settings are gone but.. it's fixed!09:39
=== basvg blinks
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beerockxsI'm having a problem recording audio with my ew microphone, using a CMI8738 card. Microphone is unmuted in the mixer, Mic as LFE/Center is disabled, and still i get no sound when trying to record.09:39
intelikeydoes debian installer freek out on things like that void^ ?09:40
drewdo I have to be in su09:40
EmxBAbasvg: great09:40
MorbidHungershould be09:40
MorbidHungerwhat did u download?09:40
ompaulhmpedersen, well if I am not looking at the screen or no one has and answer for you - then maybe it is not known, wrt ndiswrapper, I would say to you assume you have never done it before and take yourself though it one more time, you can also look a http://help.ubuntu.com/ for networking and there is a http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/ for dapper09:40
drewokay Im in su09:40
basvgwell, dunno what fixed it but thanks anyway guys09:40
drewbut it still says run command not found09:40
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MorbidHungerthats so gay09:40
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igorzolnikovHi! I am developer. I like Ubuntu 6.06. How can i help ubuntu?09:41
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MorbidHungerpaste the output09:41
intelikeydrew   run   is not a default command.09:41
drewi found out u dont put in the run09:41
ubotugay is probably the dictionary says "Excited with merriment; manifesting sportiveness or delight; inspiring delight; livery; merry."  But some people don't know what it means, I guess  Some highly ignorant folks think it's an insult of some sort.  Who can tell why?09:41
EmxBAigotzolnikov: see ubuntu.com for more information09:41
oden_i say halo09:41
MorbidHungerjust ./filename09:41
MorbidHungerigorzolnikov : buy us all beer09:41
void^intelikey: no, debian is a different distro and does things differently. (ie., not aimed at endusers)09:41
ompauligorzolnikov, join #ubuntu-motu for some ideas09:41
intelikeydrew if you want a 'run' type command, it is  exec09:42
ompauligorzolnikov, or join #ubuntu-bugs09:42
PetrolBombWHere to find skins for Beep Media Player???09:42
redguyigorzolnikov: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate09:42
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intelikeyvoid^ you make me want debian so much more.................09:42
drewi found out how to run it09:42
MorbidHungerPetrolBomb: google09:42
EmxBAigorzolnikov: you can help  us, firstly by shipping lots of ubuntu's to your country09:42
nahojhmm.. second time gnome freezes today...09:42
skippy_i might install debian09:42
hmpedersenompaul, the problem is. I have a wlan card which is perfectly linux compatible.. It pains me, as a tech. to spend 8 hours straight getting nowhere, because it refuse to work with the linux distro i untill now has seens as the best09:42
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HP_Ownerhi, what file system does linux run on?09:43
skippy_hmpedersen what type of card is it09:43
EmxBAhmpedersen: which card09:43
oden_you are dubm09:43
skippy_HP_Owner ext3 is the most common09:43
hmpedersenI've never spent more than 20 minutes getting something to work with ndiswrapper before.. 8 hours is way more than I can use09:43
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ompauloden_, be nice ...09:43
oden_i mean dumb09:43
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MorbidHungerHP_Owner: ext3 by defualy09:43
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EmxBAhmpedersen: just put it in and try iwconfig <device>, mostly eth109:43
hmpedersenZonet ZEW160109:43
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skippy_but XFS JFS EXT2 and ReiserFS are possible alternatives HP_Owner09:43
oden_soory guyz09:43
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skippy_i use XFS, but i cant honestly say ive noticed a difference09:44
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:44
oden_oh crap how many words xan i spell rong09:44
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hmpedersenEmxBA, a wireless wouldn't be eth1.. Especially when all I have on the list is eth0, lo and sit009:44
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PetrolBombAhhh figured it out,you can use WInamp skins with BMP Player!09:44
PetrolBombJust drag n drop09:44
drewhow do I set my other partition so I can write to it09:44
drewit says ur not owner so u cannot make changes09:44
skippy_yes PetrolBomb, same with xmms09:44
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skippy_a very nice touch09:44
intelikey!tell drew about ntfs09:44
PetrolBombYay skippy\!09:44
hmpedersendrew, what filesystem is the partition?09:44
skippy_hello again lol09:44
MorbidHungerPetrolBomb: thats scary09:45
EmxBAhmpedersen: but i have PCMCIA slot (notebook) and it is eth1 , usually it is eth109:45
richardIs there a program to monitor internet traffic - something like DU meter on windows?09:45
drewI made sure it was so both windows and linux can write to it09:45
EmxBAor try http://forum.nubuntu.org/index.php?showtopic=4209:45
skippy_richard, ethereal is a sniffer09:45
PetrolBombKNET load network monitor09:45
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intelikeydrew same umask dmask fmask rules apply09:45
drewhow can I make it so I can  write to it09:45
dmbtethereal is *really* good09:45
skippy_yeah i love ethereal09:45
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hmpedersendrew, you can't09:46
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skippy_raw sockets on linux kick ass09:46
drewintel I dont understand I just started yesterday09:46
EmxBAdmbt: i like ethereal too, so good09:46
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ompaulrichard, bwbar is ont thing09:46
ompaulrichard, bwbar is one thing09:46
EmxBAhmpedersen: try http://forum.linspire.com/viewtopic.php?t=422366&09:46
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ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.09:46
skippy_my little brother learnt a lot about the internet from etherape, its a good learning tool09:46
intelikeydrew mount is with  umask=0  if you like permiscues file systems.09:46
drewso how do I make it writeable09:47
green_earzintelikey: ubuntu is based on debian. ubuntu get its main packages from debian unstable. for video of ubuntu and debian relationship check out mark shuttleworth talk at debconf5 >http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2005/debconf5/mpeg/2005-07-14/02-Ubuntu_Talk-Mark_Shuttleworth.mpeg09:47
Illnorhello: i'm in ubuntu.. trying to print a website in Opera browser.. does not recognize my printer even though it is installed09:47
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drewor better yet how do I become owner09:47
EmxBAIllnor: really installed, configured and *really* works?09:47
hmpedersenEmxBA.. Yeah.. There you have the exact problem..09:47
ompauldrew, it is more than likely the way you are doing things that will cause you grief, you don't need to be root - use sudo09:47
IllnorEmxBA: obviously not :)09:48
intelikeydrew   do a  grep -ie 'vfat' /etc/fstab    and let me see the  "one" line it gives,  i'll ammend it so you have full access.09:48
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EmxBAhmpedersen: so try to solve it , you have that problem, not me09:48
g-nomehow can i change priorities of processes?09:48
intelikeygreen_earz nice.09:48
hmpedersenDoesn't install with the correct driver.. Doesn't work with the driver that recognizes it09:48
EmxBAIllnor: hm....09:48
IllnorSystem->Administration->printing with gdi driver setup is all i did09:48
EmxBAIllnot: what's your printer09:48
amphig-nome: top is an easy way09:48
IllnorSAMSUNG ML-171009:48
amphig-nome: or renice09:48
g-nomehow to change the priority there, amphi?09:48
poimenwhat file in /home/~/ is the one that tells X what windows maneger to load?09:48
tanekmy external USB hard disk wont show up, any suggestions? :P09:49
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amphipoimen: ~/.xsession09:49
Illnorclosing and opening opera didn't do anything09:49
drewi typed it in09:49
hmpedersenThe thing is, EmxBA, it just so happens, the drivers for this card according to devs are in the breezy badger.. Ralink 2500 chipset drivers..09:49
g-nomeamphi, what does it do exactly, "reniced" that is?09:49
intelikeydrew and ?09:49
poimenI just add startkde right?09:49
poimenor gnome-session?09:49
EmxBAhmpedersen: are they loaded at boot09:49
Flannelpoimen: and, it's just ~/ for your home directory.09:50
EmxBAIllnor: try this http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php/product/174609:50
skippy_hmpedersen i assume you have modprobed the driver and had no luck?09:50
intelikeyhehhe drew put /say  in front of it09:50
drewand it gave me a line that says "/dev/hda5    /media/hda5    vfat   defualts    0     0"09:50
DylanPierceCan anyone here get me broadcasting to a streaming Internet radio station on a Shoutcast server? (That is, the server is already there, somewhere else, I just need to broadcast to it.)09:50
EmxBAyou must setup your printer first09:50
drewIll so it with say09:50
amphig-nome: man renice will give you some info; do you understand how nice values work?09:50
EmxBAIllnor: or this http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Samsung-ML-171009:50
skippy_hmpedersen type "sudo modprobe rt2500" in a terminal09:50
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drewit says /sat no such file of directory09:51
skippy_then "ifconfig" and "iwconfig" and see if anything shows up09:51
dyla1hi to all09:51
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hmpedersenskippy, i'm gonna boot into ubuntu again now to do that09:51
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skippy_ok hmpedersen try it09:51
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pianoboy3333When do the edgy repositories open?09:51
skippy_the modprobe will force the driver to be inserted if its compatable09:51
EmxBAdyla1: hi!09:51
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Flannelpianoboy3333: not until dapper is released, at least.09:52
g-nomeamphi: not really09:52
dyla1anyone have had any problems with the nvidia-glx drivers ? if i enable them, my laptop freeze on loading xserver09:52
] GoldenDragonhmm.. should I get easyubuntu, or automatix?09:52
IllnorEmxBA: Is all of that necessary if I can print in other programs? Printing works fine in firefox, I just want to get Opera to print, because Opera > Firefox at printing IMHO09:52
Flannel] GoldenDragon: easyubuntu.09:52
hmpedersenIt'll take a few minutes as the 64-bit ubuntu hangs for 2 minutes at "Loading, please wait..."09:52
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] GoldenDragonwhy not automatix?09:52
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intelikeydrew change that line to this ""/dev/hda5    /media/hda5    vfat   defaults,uid=1000,dmask=022,fmask=133    0     0"09:52
ubotuwell, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.09:52
Flannelthat's why.09:52
g-nomeamphi, but how can i change priorities in terminal?09:52
amphig-nome: the higher the nice value, the lower the priority (ie. the program is 'nicer' to others)09:52
] GoldenDragonaight.09:52
EmxBAIllnor: oh, but you said that you haven't setup your printer09:52
intelikeydrew use sudo gedit /etc/fstab09:52
EmxBAif you have made it work09:52
skippy_hmpenderson, you should type "dmesg" at a terminal and see what it is thats causing the delay09:52
EmxBAthen you just have to configure it in firefox09:52
amphig-nome: -19 is highest priority, 19 is the lowest09:53
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intelikeyor gksudo gedit /etc/fstab    if you like09:53
IllnorEmxBA: Why would I configure it in Firefox? It's Opera I want to be able to print in09:53
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amphig-nome: non-root users cannot decrease the nice value (increase the priority) of a process09:53
DylanPierceNobody here knows anything about Internet streaming radio?09:53
] GoldenDragon!easyubuntu09:53
EmxBAIllnor: oh sorry, i meant *Opera*09:53
ubotuhmm... easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/.09:53
drewwoah it gave me alot of stuff09:53
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hmpedersenEmxBA: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/RalinkRT2500?highlight=%28WifiDocs%29%7C%28ManufacturerModel%29%7C%28AND%2909:54
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IllnorEmxBA: I'm sorry I'm confusing you so much :) The printer is not available in opera.. not even an option. just no printers there. I didn't know if there was some esoteric setting needed09:54
amphig-nome: top is a fullscreen textmode prog that you can renice a process with09:54
drewwhich line do u want09:54
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EmxBAIllnor: :D then just use better browser09:55
EmxBAfor example, Firefox :D09:55
DylanPierceOkay, I'm afraid it's going to be back to Windows for me. Sorry, guys. I tried, but if the apps aren't out there, they just aren't out there.09:55
drew/dev/hda5       /media/hda5     vfat    defaults09:55
skippy_what apps do you want?09:55
drewthats the line of the partition I want to write09:55
intelikeydrew use sudo gedit /etc/fstab    and  drew change that line to this ""/dev/hda5    /media/hda5    vfat    defaults,uid=1000,dmask=022,fmask=133    0     0"   <---- in that file.... save and exit.    then issue this command      sudo umount /media/hda5 && sudo mount /media/hda509:55
amphiIllnor: or w3m ;)09:55
IllnorEmxBA: Have you tried printing in Firefox vs. Opera? Opera automatically shrinks or deletes advertisements for you, and automatically formats it so it looks nice.. Firefox prints very sloppily, printing the code for ads and such09:55
DylanPierceskippy_ I need to broadcast to a shoutcast internet streaming radio station.09:55
skippy_DylanPierce open synaptic and search for keywords09:55
EmxBAEmxBA: no, i don't have printer :D09:56
pianoboy3333Flannel: I just wanna screw my system up so bad... nah, I bought a test hard drive really09:56
hmpedersenskippy: Nuffin09:56
=== amphi looks at EmxBA
DylanPierceskippy_ I have, installed several things which seemed promising, but nothing does what I need.09:56
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Illnoramphi: w3m is another browser I should try?09:56
amphiIllnor: console mode browser - no ads ever ;)09:56
skippy_whats the windows program you use Dylan?09:56
DylanPierceskippy_ SAM3 Broadcaster.09:56
tdnWill the new Ubuntu release support wireless networking with WPA?09:56
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intelikeydrew alternatively one could  just add    umask=0  to the line..... but that's sloppy.   hehhe vfat is sloppy tho09:57
igorzolnikovHow can i install Opera 9 beta 2?09:57
igorzolnikovfor Ubuntu 6.0609:57
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EmxBAIllnor: try lynx :D or  links09:57
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intelikeylinks2 -g09:57
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Illnorigorzolnikov: are you on i386 or 64 bit?09:58
Flanneligorzolnikov: #ubuntu+1 for dapper questions, until the 1st.09:58
alemurfreebsd uber alles, uber alles freebsd!09:58
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g-nomeamphi thanks09:58
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fourati have to run alsaconf to setup my soundcard on each reboot, why it doesnt save the conf and get it working at reboot09:58
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EmxBAfourat: it should, indeeed09:58
Illnoropera is easy on i386.. ok then.. well.. you want to upgrade to the beta above and beyond the 'sudo apt-get install opera' ?09:58
amphig-nome: yw09:58
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Illnoror is that the command you were looking for?09:59
drewk just mounted it back09:59
g-nomeamphi: how can i concretely change the priority with "sudo top" for a process, let's say id 33333 ?09:59
BlippeNCTCP Blippe VERSION09:59
Morrowynwhen is dapperdrake exactly going to be released?09:59
FlannelMorrowyn: june 1st.09:59
amphig-nome: hit r, type the PID, and the new nice value09:59
EmxBAMorrowyn: on 1 june09:59
drewsweet it worked09:59
Morrowynjune 1st, sweet :D09:59
intelikeyof course09:59
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Morrowyni was hoping for it10:00
amphig-nome: type the pid & hit enter that is10:00
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EmxBAMorrowyn: order free ubuntu from shipit.ubuntu.com, it is shipping10:00
g-nomeampih: how can i scroll?10:00
Krpanoquick question.......what is the command line for DELETE and RENAME on the terminal.....sry for the dumb question10:00
Illnorwhat visual adjustments to gnome do you guys think makes ubuntu look more beautiful?10:00
DktIf I am supposed to move something from my home-folder ( /home/frantic) to "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Warcraft3/" , how should I write? I have tried following: "mv "/home/frantic/war3.exe" "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Warcraft3/" but it doesnt work.10:01
skippy_DylanPierce from what I can see you are out of luck, linux supports icecast broadcasting, but because shoutcast is proprietary i doubt linux will be of use for it10:01
DylanPierceskippy_ Yes, that's more or less the conclusion I was arriving at.10:01
EmxBADkt: mv -r10:01
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loco_grKrpano, rm for delete and mv for rename10:01
Morrowynoh nice :D10:01
tmbg37hello, ever since I apt-get upgraded this morning, emacs's fonts have shrunk for some reason10:01
Morrowynthanks EmxBA10:01
tmbg37does anyone know why this would happen?10:01
Krpanoloco_gr , thx10:01
whiteranyone know how to make a panel without the two side controls10:01
whiteri want it to be a mac osx like panel without the two arrow things on the end10:02
EmxBAtmbg37. not your flok10:02
JIVhi, is here anybody from CZE, SVK? i need help..10:02
LoCusFwhiter: in gnome?10:02
DylanPierceskippy_ Unfortunately, I don't have a choice on Shoutcast broadcasting, it's what I do for a living. If I can't get on the air, I don't get paid.10:02
whiterLoCusF yea10:02
LoCusFwhiter: you gotta modify the sources10:02
skippy_yeah I think you will be stuck with windows then Dylan10:02
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LoCusFwhiter: and then compile your own panel10:02
EmxBAJIV: i think there's CZE IRC channel10:02
tmbg37oh yeah, I'm running dapper10:03
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LoCusFwhiter: I have done that btw :)10:03
g-nomeamphi: it worked, however i don't know how to scoll the processes and is there a function to sort them?10:03
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intelikeywhiter configure the panel  remove them10:03
loco_grwhiter, right click on panel and uncheck the selection "Show hide buttons"10:03
loco_grwhiter, right click on panel and uncheck the selection "Show hide buttons"10:03
whiterthat doesnt work loco_gr10:03
whitertheres still two side things10:03
DylanPierceskippy_ It's too bad, really, because Ubuntu has really impressed me in most other areas. But, I like to get paid because I enjoy occasional meals.10:03
g-nomewhat's the difference between "top" and "ps aux"10:03
DktEmxBA, didnt help tought =/10:03
intelikeywhiter it works in kde....10:03
FlannelDylanPierce: icecast clients are shoutcast compatable.  So you can broadcast to shoutcast servers.10:03
EmxBADkt: sorry10:03
skippy_well you can always use linux recreationally, and just do your shoutcasting from windows10:03
drewhow come when I tried to run an file it says permission denied10:04
DktEmxBA, the flag doesnt exists it says =/10:04
Flanneltmbg37: #ubuntu+1 for dapper10:04
drewand Im super use10:04
tmbg37thanks flannel10:04
skippy_or you could buy VMware and run a windows 2k virtual machine for shoutcasting10:04
DylanPierceflannel Yes, that's what I keep seeing written in the documentation, but I've yet to hear from anyone who claims to have actually done it.10:04
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EmxBADkt: i though it exists10:04
IllnorWhat is the command to uninstall automatix?10:04
intelikeydrew because the fmask=13310:04
intelikeyfiles are non executable10:04
drewwell I want to be able to run stuff10:04
DktEmxBA, It maybie exists, but it wasnt a guilty flag it says.10:04
intelikeywould you like to change that ?10:04
drewyes plz10:04
loco_grIllnor, sudo apt-get remove automatix10:05
FlannelDylanPierce: I don't understand what the problem is?  You just broadcast to the server.  Nothing to it.10:05
EmxBADkt: then sorry, i just *thought*10:05
LoCusFwhiter: first: sudo apt-get build-deps gnome-panel10:05
intelikeychange the fmask=133 to fmask=03310:05
DktEmxBA, No problems.10:05
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EmxBADkt: ok10:05
intelikeydrew and remount as before10:05
LoCusFwhiter: then sudo apt-get source gnome-panel10:05
Morrowynweee, i ordered some, gonna feed them to some friends whomight wanna try linux but are still hesitant and scared by it10:05
DylanPierceflannel In theory, perhaps, but in actual practice, it doesn't work. I've used Ices, MuSE and a couple of others, and they install fine... and then do nothing.10:05
FlannelDylanPierce: "do nothing"?10:05
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=== intelikey wonders why drew has linux executables on an vfat partition anyway....
IllnorWill we be able to easily upgrade from breezy to drake?10:06
DylanPierceflannel With Ices, literally nothing. It sits there. With MuSE, it gives me a half-error message.10:06
FlannelLoCusF: why on earth does he need to do that? (modify source) there's a configuration opton.10:06
FlannelIllnor: yeah, single command, and a few clicks.10:06
EmxBAintelikey: vfat sucks, anyway, why anyone should use it10:06
LoCusFFlannel: it doesn't remove all of the sides10:06
intelikeydrew you do know that you have to use something like wine or cedega to exec win32 files.  no ?10:06
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drewits not a win32 files10:07
tbenitahi, I have an issue with gnome and the auto mount process : with the ubuntu kernel it mounts fine and I can click on the gnome icon in order to access the volume ;10:07
IllnorFlannel: What will the command be when it is released?10:07
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gambithow do i move a folder to trash if permission denied?10:07
drewits a linux excutable10:07
intelikeyEmxBA for a transfer location accessable to xp and *nix10:07
Flannelwhiter: If you want to make it look like OSX, I believe most people remove those panels entirely, and use some other things, gdesklets, etc to do that.10:07
tbenitawith my custom kernel it also mounts fine, but if I click on the volume icon it tries to re-mount it10:07
Flannel!tell Illnor about upgrade10:07
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intelikeydrew ok.  <shrugs/>10:08
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FlannelIllnor: that page (dapper upgrades one) will give you all the details10:08
tbenitais there any patch or option needed for the auto mount process ?10:08
EmxBAintelikey: yes, but ext2 or ext3 or reiser, they are better with *nix, though they don't work on winblows10:08
neoncodeHow do I open a password-protected(at least I think it is) .rar file?10:08
intelikeyEmxBA i agree.10:08
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drewlet me see if I can open it now10:08
EmxBAintelikey: whichone do you use10:08
Thlayli_neoncode: unrar e yourfile.rar10:08
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Thlayli_it should prompt for a password10:08
neoncodeThlayli_: right...10:09
intelikeyEmxBA although there is a e2fsexplorer or something one can use in M$ env10:09
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Illnorshould I upgrade to this 6.06 LTS ?10:09
intelikeyEmxBA ext210:09
EmxBAintelikey: yes, but it can only read10:09
EmxBAyou cant write10:09
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tbenitaI have a 'mount error' '/dev/sda1 is already mounted on /media/usbdisk' 'Error : cannot execute pmount' Any idea ?10:09
grogoreohow can I change the current language?10:09
intelikeyEmxBA but *nix can read ntfs  so  copy from....   not to....10:09
grogoreoI've installed two langauges10:10
FlannelIllnor: once it's released, I actually think you won't need to do any commands, you'll be asked if you want to upgrade during your normal updates.10:10
skippy_intelikey, sad as it is M$ Fat32 is still the best way to share data between linux and windows10:10
SurfnKidhey gus how do i list only directories with the ls command i cant find it in the --help10:10
EmxBAintelikey: but Winblows can't read anything than fat and ntfs10:10
EmxBAshippy_: i really agree10:10
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skippy_NTFS can be written in linux, but it has issues10:10
jeff_How can I change my "Computer Name"10:10
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intelikeyEmxBA read my eariler post  about e2fsexplorer10:10
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drewokay so how do I see the programs gui10:11
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EmxBAjeff_ ;:you mean hostname10:11
intelikeyEmxBA M$ can read ext# fs10:11
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EmxBAintelikey: not by default10:11
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EmxBAsome drivers are needed, IMHo best is e2fsexplorer (ext*)10:11
hmpedersenI have to give up. There is nuffin else left to try.10:11
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intelikeydrew file manager   navagate to /media/hda510:11
EmxBAhmpedersen: have you solved network problems with wireless10:12
hmpedersenPLenty of times before10:12
hmpedersenBut I need a linux system.. I have no choice but to install the only other distro I have..10:12
g-nomewhat's the difference between "top" and "ps aux"10:12
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skippy_hmpendersen, what other distro do you have?#10:13
IllnorHas anyone installed ximian on ubuntu?10:13
jeff_HELLO Mates - Question, please "HOW CAN I CHANGE MY COMPUTER NAME"10:13
hmpedersenI swore i would never touch that piece of.... again.. :(10:13
intelikeyg-nome top is a running app ps prints and exits10:13
Flannelg-nome: ps aux gives you a list of what's running, top orders them in their usage, and is real time.10:13
intelikeyg-nome i like pstree10:13
EmxBAjeff_: hostname <computer name>10:13
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EmxBAin console10:13
eshowlhey guys, i am woundring how to get my wacom tablet working on my dapper 6.06?10:13
jeff_EmxBA  - cheers!10:13
Flanneleshowl: #ubuntu+1 for dapper support, until the 1st.10:13
IrelandshopeI am running dapper 6.06 on a pretty fast machine 2.26Ghz Pentium M 2GB ram but even in an idle state the system monitor is shown CPU at 50-70% any ideas?10:13
FlannelIrelandshope: you too.10:14
g-nomeintelikey: yes it's nice indeed, however is there a way of showing the pid?10:14
intelikeyg-nome yes.  man pstree10:14
EmxBAIrelanshope: ....no10:14
eshowlFlannel: you mean go the #ubuntu+1 chanel?10:14
Flanneleshowl: yeah, that's dapper support for the moment.10:14
s00tyHow can I make my ubuntu use less resources. It seems to be bloated, even though I have just installed it10:14
gnomefreakps aux will ouput pid's10:14
skippy_s00ty download "BUM" from synaptic10:14
intelikeyg-nome also  pidof   is handy for killing things, or renicing them.10:15
amphis00ty: how did you discover this 'bloat'? memory usage?10:15
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=== hmpedersen mumbles obscenities about Xa....s
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g-nomeintelikey: how does that work, pidof. ? and how to show pid of pstree? can you please give me the option?10:16
skippy_also s00ty, take a look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491&highlight=feel+boot+process10:16
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gr3yj4y          ocess10:16
gr3yj4y          ocess10:16
skippy_g-nome, every running process has a thread id called a "pid"10:16
g-nomei know10:16
puffso I'm here in winxp because ubuntu for some reason doesn't see the wireless here.10:16
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EmxBAgr3yj4y: don't spam us10:16
puffI suspect that it may be that it's latching onto one of the secured wireless etworks in the area and not onto the public network.10:17
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jeff_I cannot believe how great this distro is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:17
puffWhat can I do to control this?10:17
puffjeff_: It does indeed rock.10:17
g-nomebut how to know the pid of some processes with pidof or pstree?10:17
rixxonjeff_: oh, you noticed. :>10:17
jeff_puff: blows me away....10:17
hmpedersenjeff, yeah. you won't find anything better10:17
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rixxonhmpedersen: have you tried every single alternative? :)10:18
skippy_g-nome if you see for example syslogd on your pstree then type "pidof syslogd" to get the pid10:18
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EmxBAjeff_: ubuntu is really perfect distro for human beings10:18
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jeff_I have tried EVERYTHING....from fc3 to suse,,,UBUNTU is AM_AZING !10:18
[dylan] back10:18
hmpedersenrixxon yes10:18
skippy_g-gome you can then type for example "kill 3324" to kill that process10:18
EmxBAjeff_: ubuntu really rocks10:18
puffSo speaking of human beings, any advice on my wireless question?10:18
hmpedersenAll i have left is the best and the worst10:18
rixxonhmpedersen: "ok" :P10:18
[dylan] jeff_: yes.. apart that i've nvidia problems :D10:18
hmpedersenAnd I can tell you.. Xandros is -THE- worst os ever!10:18
g-nomeskippy_ and what's "killall" for?10:18
[dylan] can anyone help me with nvidia drivers.. even with easyubuntu they keeps hanging hard my laptop once switched on10:18
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skippy_g-nome i believe it kills all processes with a matching name rather than a pid, but im not too sure10:19
amphipuff: does iwlist scan show several networks?10:19
skippy_g-nome it would be good if one process spawned loads of pids and you wanted to kill em all quickly10:19
puffg-nome it's effectively ps | fgrep targetname | xargs kill10:19
hmpedersenBut atleast Xandros works with all the hardware i have :(10:19
puffamphi:  Yes.10:19
drewhow do I run this app10:20
amphipuff: so configure the essid channel etc with iwconfig10:20
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EmxBAhmpedersen: have you tried arch linux10:20
EmxBAgreat distro10:20
skippy_hey g-nome give "top" a try, i find that i only ever want to kill stuff which makes it onto the top list10:20
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skippy_so its a quick way of doing it10:20
puffamphi hm, Okay, I'll give that a shot.10:20
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amphig-nome: top is quite handy for renicing progs10:20
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skippy_yeah i love "top"10:21
hmpedersenEmxBA, sounds like something from Airwolf10:21
puffg-nome: Generally you don't *want* to kill any process, but sometimes you have to.10:21
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EmxBAhmpedersen: so you haven't, right10:21
amphipuff: once associated, dhclient <iface> or ifconfig <iface> to configure the interface10:21
puffSomtimes software is coded such that there is no UI optionf or killing it.10:21
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egkamp I'm having trouble changing system variables.  It seems that changes that I make to ~/.bash_profile will show up in a linux console, but not in an xterm.10:21
drewcan somebody help me with visual boy advance10:21
skippy_ok guys, i have a question - does anyone know how the initial modules are chosen to match your hardware? is there some sort of autodetect process run at bootup?10:21
EmxBAskippy_: make a great swap partition and it will be much faster10:21
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EmxBAdrew: me10:22
puffA normal kill without any paramters (e.g. "kill 34322"), aka a "soft kill" is actually a standard way of asking the process to shut down.10:22
Pokerhello...how solve this problem? debsig: Origin Signature check failed. This deb might not be signed10:22
hmpedersenCouldn't possibly be as bad as this piece of .... i'm installing right now!10:22
drewI unextracted the folder10:22
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EmxBAdrew: i had visual-boy-advance for linux10:22
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amphi"Gentoo Linux causes global warming!", heh10:22
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EmxBAhmpedersen: what10:22
EmxBAdrew: it is available in source10:22
puffA kill -9, aka a "hard kill" yanks the rug out from underneath the process.10:22
hmpedersenarch linux10:22
JIVhi, im noob, how to delete files in terminal?10:22
drewI know10:22
EmxBAhmpedersen: great10:22
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drewhow do I run it10:22
amphiJIV: rm10:22
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EmxBAJIV: rm <file>10:23
hmpedersenIt couldn't possibly be as bad as Xan...s10:23
skippy_JIV use rm but be very careful10:23
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puffJIV:  Rule number one:  never, ever, ever enter "rm -rf *"10:23
skippy_JIV especially beware of -r flag10:23
puffJIV:  That command will basically delete anything and everything witout asking you.10:23
amphiJIV: rm -i is a PITA but safer ;)10:23
jeff_what chat clients are u guys using ?10:23
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T-CANis there anyway i can view the files on a windows partition that i have on my slave hdd?10:23
amphijeff_: irssi10:23
Pokerhello...how solve this problem? debsig: Origin Signature check failed. This deb might not be signed10:23
Flannel!tell T-CAN about NTFS10:23
hmpedersenjeff: xchat10:23
skippy_hehe i lost a root partition from a misplaced slash at the end of a recursive delete10:23
drewI ran ./visualboyadvance10:23
FlannelT-CAN: read your message from ubotu10:23
drewand it made  this long list of options10:23
puffJIV:  Rule #2, whenever using wildcards  always do "ls pattern" first, then do "rm pattern"10:23
EmxBAJIV: when you delete files in console they wont be sent to "trash"10:23
EmxBAdrew: if you have wine10:24
jeff_how can you get that "user: " when you speak to someone directly..that's brilliant10:24
Noah0504Does anyone know how I can run BitTorrent in the terminal?10:24
EmxBAtry visual boy advance for windows :D10:24
drewI hve tried it10:24
brandonis there an apt command for deleting all of the downloaded debs int he cache?10:24
puffEmxBA: Hm, funny that, maybe ubuntu should have a trashcan-oriented delete command?10:24
skippy_JIV a good trick is "gksudo nautilus" will let you delete anything using the gui10:24
amphipuff: you could write a shell func10:24
drewbut I want to run this one10:24
EmxBApuff: you should suggest that to ubuntu  edgy etch :D10:24
Flannelbrandon: apt-get clean or apt-get autoclean10:24
puffamphi:  Yeah, would probably be a good idea.10:24
EmxBAdrew; just wait me to find a link10:25
g-nomethanks for explanations, puff10:25
EmxBAtrust me, i have set it up10:25
aLdnoah0504: btdownloadcurses10:25
puffJust have it move it to /tmp/trash/path-encoded-in-filename.10:25
pouethow to read dvd with totem gstreamer ?10:25
puffAs for irc clients, I use emacs :-).10:25
amphipuff: or ~/shell_trash or whatever, perhaps - /tmp gets cleaned up at boot time IIRC10:25
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amphipuff: er, ~/.shell_trash10:26
firezip_Does anybody know where I can download the winamp Presents from XMMS?10:26
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Noah0504aLd: Yay!  Thanks a million.  I've been trying forever to figure out what to call up in the terminal!10:26
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skippy_pouet i think you need to use totem xine. Have you followed the wiki guide to get the codecs and unlocks?10:26
Cooner750Hello. I installed KDE and am using it now, applications like this, XChat, Firefox, etc.. are all really ugly. What to do?10:26
firezip_!XMMS Presents10:27
ubotufirezip_: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:27
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EmxBACooner750: how do you mean10:27
aLdNoah: Cool glad you got that sorted10:27
pouetskippy_: I have what is needed for totem xine, I was wondering for totem gstreamer10:27
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pouetskippy_: that's bad to have it as default10:27
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hmpedersenEmxBA, they look not as pretty as in gnome..10:27
hmpedersenI tried it 4 months ago..10:28
firezip_does anybody know where I can get winamp presents for XMMS?!10:28
Cooner750All of the apps like Firefox and XChat look like Windows 9x10:28
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EmxBAhmpedersen: well, i know that from before, gnome was always better than KDE :D10:28
skippy_pouet, i dont think gstreamer is capable of it yet im afraid10:28
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pouetskippy_: ah10:28
EmxBACooner750: try #kubuntu, maybe you have set redmond KDE theme10:28
hmpedersenEmxBA, you will get no arguement from me there ;)10:28
JIVi going to use   aptitude install <kernel>   , but what i must set to <kernel> ?10:28
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skippy_i think you could keep totem with gstreamer, and just install the xine program on its own to watch dvds though10:28
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EmxBAJIV: version10:28
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brandonCooner750: the gnome apps can be kde-ized using system settings==>appearance==>GTK styles and fonts. set it to use my kde style in gtk applications10:28
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EmxBAhmpedersen: so, dou you like gnome10:29
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=== deep1 combichrist. blut roayale
hmpedersenNo. I don't like Gnome.. I hate KDE..10:29
JIVEmxBA: ok but which..10:29
Cooner750brandon: That option is not there10:29
_jasonis it possible for me to download linux-headers-2.6.15-22-686.deb from some location?10:29
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Cooner750I remember installing something on my other computer to get that option10:29
brandonyeah, i'm not sure what it is10:30
hmpedersentoo bad xan is kde only :(10:30
brandontry installing the metapackages like "kde" and "kubuntu-desktop"10:30
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g-nomeCooner: you probably don't like gnome interface10:30
JIVi going to use   aptitude install <kernel>   , can me tell anybody which number of kernel?10:31
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g-nomeit's normal, i was too like that but one day *bang* i begin to like it more and more... strange isn't it?10:31
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aLPHa_LeaKJIV: what do you want to install, kernel header or source or what?10:32
JIVEmxBA: ok but which number of kernel?..10:32
EmxBAdrew: you need http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/vba/VisualBoyAdvance-1.7.1-SDL-linux-glibc22.tar.gz?download10:32
EmxBAand glibc10:32
EmxBAwith SDL10:32
EmxBAJIV: ubuntu default is 2.6.1510:32
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g-nomebtw, i have the same "problem" as Cooner750, when opening some programs in root, they become grey and not themed10:32
JIVCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "2.6.15"10:33
JIV    :((10:33
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JIVaLPHa_LeaK: kernel..new10:33
Storkis there any way to scp un-securely?10:33
EmxBAyou may want to upgrade kernel to
_jasonJIV: aptitude search linux-image   will show you the kernels you can install10:33
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EmxBAJIV: try _jason's advice10:34
ollo82my gnome splash screen doesnt disappear when is start xgl10:34
crazy_penguingood night everybody. pleasent dreams! :)10:34
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skippy_ollo82 i had the same problem10:34
whiteris there similar applications to gdesklet?10:34
ollo82is there a hint?10:34
aLPHa_LeaKJIV: linux-`uname -r` works fine10:34
skippy_i just disabled the splash creen10:34
EmxBAollo82:try #ubuntu-xgl10:34
EmxBAi think10:34
Stork_jason, you can get that kernel on breezy?10:35
DktHow do I remove a folder? rm or something?10:35
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skippy_the other option for you ollo82 is to actually run XGL first instead of loading it once x is up10:35
EmxBArm -r <folder>10:35
_jasonStork: no, I just remembered this channel was for breezy, I asked in ubuntu+110:35
Stork_jason, ah, you confused me there :p10:35
marcipanois this channel made for  help ? could anyone help me with Crossover Office and cirrylic support?10:36
EmxBAmarcipano: offtopic, where do you live10:36
Storkis there any way to scp un-securely?10:36
marcipanoEmxBA, near to it :)10:36
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marcipanodamn Latvia10:36
EmxBAi live in Bosnia10:36
EmxBAwe sometimes need cyrillic10:36
uscg_coreycan anyone recommend a good full featured gui ftp client?10:37
marcipanooh yeah :)10:37
JIVaptitude search linux-image10:37
JIVv   linux-image                     -10:37
JIVv   linux-image-2.6                 -10:37
JIVc   linux-image-2.6.12-10-386       - Linux kernel image for version 2.6.12 on10:37
JIVc   linux-image-2.6.12-9-386        - Linux kernel image for version 2.6.12 on10:37
JIVv   linux-image-386       which??10:37
marcipanoEmxBA, could i private you ?10:37
ollo82skippy_: i start it with an xsession skricpt10:37
EmxBAthe best10:37
Storkis there any way to transfer files from an ubuntu box to a deb box un-securely over the LAN ?10:37
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EmxBAmarcipano: of course10:37
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amphiStork: scp ?10:37
skippy_yeah i used to do it that way olloB2, now though i dont have a session, i load xgl instead of xorg, and then boot compiz from a script - its not advised though10:37
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Storkamphi, it encrypts the data, iirc10:38
petiteconneskippy_: y insecure transfer?10:38
skippy_but it does fix the spash problem10:38
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amphiStork: what's the problem with that?10:38
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amphiStork: you could just use netcat10:38
petiteconnesry aeh Stork10:38
sindrumi use filerunner ftp10:38
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Storkwhat's netcat?10:38
aLPHa_LeaKJIV: are you using breezy repos?10:38
ollo82skippy_: is there a guide to do it your way?10:38
EmxBAsindrum: gFTP is one of the best10:39
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Storkamphi, recieving machine is slow as hell10:39
amphiStork: netcat10:39
BrianHHHi, everyone.  When I try to use apt-get to install anything, I get the message "10:39
BrianHHThe package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."  Can anyone help me nuke jre so I can get on with business?10:39
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JIVaLPHa_LeaK:  ehm dunno10:39
EmxBABrianHH: first, configure sources.list10:39
NinjaDuckhi, just using the 5.10 install cd and i keep getting an error suring install :"Unable to install initrd-tools"10:39
skippy_there is somewher on the forums, but i cant remember where, i had to steal bits from several guides, ill post you a copy of my files ollob210:39
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NinjaDuckcan anyone help?10:40
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EmxBAthen you will be able to reinstall jre over network (need to download some files)10:40
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thenetduckhey how do i rename my external hard drive?10:41
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skippy_olloB2 this is my /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom file http://pastebin.com/74555310:41
T-CANhow do I mount a floppy drive?10:41
EmxBAjust click once on it's icon on desktop, press F2 (rename) and set another name10:41
EmxBAT-CAN: sudo mount /dev/fd0 <somewhere>10:42
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BrianHHEmxBA:  Okay, I've got sources.list open in vi.  What do I have to change?10:42
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EmxBAi assume that they are already configured10:43
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:43
EmxBAnow, update list of available packages10:43
skippy_then i run compiz with this script http://pastebin.com/745562 ollo8210:43
EmxBAyeah, ubotu said everything10:43
EmxBAadd universe and multiverse rep.10:43
DraconicusDoes anyone here know if there's a video game channel on freenode?10:43
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic10:43
thedevilsjester Ok, I just followed the upgrade procedure from 5.10 to the release candidate, and besides a few hickups, everything went well, except that my 1680x1050 widescreen format that I had before the upgrade, isnt working now.  Any ideas?  I tried the sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg , it didnt work either.10:43
EmxBAand then sudo apt-get install jre....10:43
skippy_ollo82 this is my /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom file http://pastebin.com/745553 linked again because i spelt your name wrong before10:43
puffamphi Well, that didn't work.10:44
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amphipuff: what didn't work?10:44
amphipuff: essid channel/freq mode etc are correct?10:45
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puffiwconfig essid essidname10:45
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puffit's not getting a response from dhcp requests.10:45
amphipuff: channel? mode?10:45
puffAFAIK they're correct.10:45
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puffI guess I can go back and go through each detail and check it.10:46
puffWhat bugs me is that it used to work just fine... not sure wht changed.10:46
BrianHHOkay, I found a line in the sources.list with multiverse in it, so I uncommented that.10:46
puffIt's annoying doing this with one dual-boot machine.10:46
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puffI need to borrow somebody's machine and then just run them simultaneously.10:46
amphipuff: perhaps you have something like waproamd running that's trying to associate to the wrong network?10:47
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EmxBABrianHH: anyway, after editing sources.list just type sudo apt-get update to update list of available packages10:47
puffPossibly, I don't recall installing waproamd, are there packages that depend on it?10:47
HillTopIs xubuntu set to release on June 1??  I rtried the livecd and it didn't look like it was very close to release. I think it wouild be ideal for an old P450 I have .10:47
will-cim having a problem upgrading to dapper, with a dpkg error processing lvm210:48
will-cany ideas?10:48
amphipuff: the gui network config prog may be interfering?10:48
BrianHHEmxBA:  Okay, I did that.10:48
NinjaDuckhi, just using the 5.10 install cd and i keep getting an error suring install :"Unable to install initrd-tools" can anyone help?10:48
EmxBAhave you updated list of packages, BrianHH10:48
ollo82skippy_: do you start the script manually or automatic?10:48
will-cNinjaDuck: sounds bad, are you sure the disk is ok?10:49
BrianHHEmxBA:  Yes, right after I edited the sources.list file, I ran apt-get update10:49
EmxBAnow, search kernel or something similar10:49
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EmxBAin synaptic10:49
BockBilbois it possible to install rockbox on any archos mp3 player?10:49
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puffI should just upgrade ubuntu and try after that.10:49
skippy_ollo82 i start it manually for more control, but you could just add it to your gnome startup using the gui : "system > prefs > session"10:49
NinjaDuckwill-c: this is the second disc i've tried, same problem :(10:49
=== puff is overdue t upgrade.
ollo82ok, thx10:49
skippy_ollo82 remember the script only starts compiz, doing it my way XGL is Xwindows10:50
will-cNinjaDuck: did you try checking the checksum?10:50
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ollo82skippy_: is that a problem?10:50
skippy_ollo82, so only do it my way if you dont have issues with XGL10:50
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skippy_because you wont easily be able to choose between an XGL session and a normal session10:50
ollo82i dont see any issues10:50
skippy_IMO XGL is rock solid though, its only compiz that can crash10:50
ollo82but i think i try it with dont starting the splash10:51
skippy_ollo82 please mate, make backups though, and make sure you know how to restore the old file10:51
Bazziskippy_: and ati drivers10:51
thedevilsjesterXLG is...horrid...btw...I develop OGL apps and most of them dont work in XGL :(10:51
ollo82jo, thx10:51
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BrianHHEmxBA:  I'm still getting the same error after updating.10:51
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IBEGONEis there anything similar to knewsticker for gnome-panel?10:51
skippy_good luck :) i recommend checking out the forums as well ollo82, theres tons of XGL threads - too many imo :P10:52
amphithedevilsjester: great :(10:52
kyoushuCan I get support here?10:52
BrianHHEmxBA:  "The package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.10:52
NinjaDuckwill-c: k3b says the checksum is ok10:52
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Fire-NRtrying to install the ati drivers and i get a error, trying to install a precompiled kernel module - precompiled kernel moudle version mismatched - no kernel module build envrioment10:52
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Fire-NRany ideas what that means10:53
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ollo82skippy_: thats the problem and the reason why i ask here :)10:53
BrianHHFire-NR:  That sounds like it means you're trying to install the wrong version for your kernel.10:54
Fire-NRah :) thanks10:54
Fire-NRwhy didn't it just say that10:54
BrianHHFire-NR: It kinda did, but it said it in geekspeak. ;)10:54
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Fire-NRyer well we ain't all geeks, we don't all understand geeks :|10:55
Fire-NRhmm ok i'm confused :| there is only one linux driver on ati's site :Z|10:55
BrianHHFire-NR:  Yeah, I hear ya.  That's why I'm here getting help, too. :)10:55
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skippy_brb reboot10:56
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BrianHHFire-NR:  Do you have a file called ati-config?  That's what I needed to get my video card running.10:56
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RoninGurlBrianHH, You know how you can get a job at geeksquad? Tell every user they need to pay you to format the computer so that you can get paid hourly for reinstalling Windowds XP.10:56
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PetrolBombWHats a windows?10:57
EmxBAPetrolBomb: LOL10:57
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RoninGurlPetrolBomb, its this wonderful operating system that gets an undeserved bad rep.10:57
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Andersonhow do I get a list of installed packages?10:58
EmxBAPetrolBomb: it's better, for you, to don't know anything about windows10:58
BrianHHCome to think of it, aticonfig isn't running for me right now, either.  Hmm...10:58
EmxBAi like to call it winblows10:58
gnomefreakAnderson: synaptic10:58
MyNameIsNotBobDid anyone else in here have problems with users when installing Dapper Drake?10:58
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LasseL(it's the one that has games folks)10:58
amphiAnderson: dpkg -l | grep '^ii'10:58
Andersongnomefreak, I'm looking for CLI outputs10:58
gnomefreakMyNameIsNotBob: try #ubuntu+1 might get better responce10:59
EmxBAMyNameIsNotBob: i haven't10:59
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gnomefreakme neither btw10:59
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amphiAnderson: COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | less is perhaps better10:59
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jmedinahi there10:59
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BrianHHFire-NR:  The file is called aticonfig, not ati-config.  It might work for you.11:00
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Storkwhat's the command for seeing how much HDD space you have11:00
jmedinaI want to change my network configs in the console11:00
amphiStork: df [-h] 11:00
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jmedinaI edited my file /etc/network/interfaces11:00
EmxBAjmedina: what exactly11:00
NinjaDuckthis sounds like an silly question, but how do i install with the dapper cd, it just goes to a command line when i click the Install button11:00
chaos_of_apocalycould anyone tell me wich proxy can i use in MSN and IRC?11:00
jmedinachanged the IP but when I run /etc/init.d/networking restart11:00
jmedinadoesnt works11:00
EmxBANinjaDuck: which version11:01
EmxBAflight or first beta versions11:01
jumliHi, i have two domains... say i have "abc1.com" and "abc2.com" - on "abc2.com" i use ns1.afraid.org as an name-server... is it possible to use for example ns1.abc2.com as an CNAME to "ns1.afraid.org" and then use "ns1.abc2.com" as name-server for "abc.com"? Do anyone understands me?11:01
NinjaDuckthe most recent beta one11:01
jmedinaEmxBA, what is the correct command to change the ip?11:01
jmedinaI know I can use ifconfig, and route11:01
jmedinabut I want to use it in the ubuntu way11:01
EmxBAyeah, ifconfig and route11:01
EmxBAwhat exactly11:02
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jmedinaEmxBA, I want to change the IP address11:02
[dylan] none have ever had complete pc freeze when trying to load nvidia drivers?11:02
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ubotump3 is, like, totally, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:02
jmedinaIm moving from one net to other11:02
majdwhat should i use to burn iso files?11:02
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mirakI am a bit tired by the nvidia driver from restricted modules that breaks after some upgrades. how is that possible ? isn't the restricted package bound to the appropriate kernel ?11:02
EmxBAmajd: cdrecord, or Ubuntu CD creator11:02
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LasseLjmedina, did you try System > Administration > Networking ?11:03
wulaxmajd: or gnomebaker or graveman11:03
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glickhehe i think i just found a big bug in either X or the firefox or the kernel itself11:03
NinjaDuckEmxBA: i am trying to install the LTS11:03
Storkhow do i find and mount a 2nd hard drive from the command line?11:04
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EmxBANinjaDuck: live or install CD11:04
jmedinaLasseL, I dont have X11:04
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gepatino_anyone here with experience in LTSP 4.2 ?11:04
LasseLjmedina, all the more reason to get it :p11:04
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LasseLjmedina, edit /etc/network/interfaces11:05
Storkhow do i find and mount a 2nd hard drive from the command line?11:05
NinjaDuckEmxBA: i;ve found where i went wrong, i was running a live cd, i thought Desktop would be the install11:05
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BrianHHOkay, JRE completely ****ed my system.  Is there any way to nuke it without using apt-get?  Apt seems to be DOA.11:05
EmxBANinjaDuck: I had several problems with espresso (Ubuntu installer, it opens when you click on "install")11:06
jumliHi, i have two domains... say i have "abc1.com" and "abc2.com" - on "abc2.com" i use ns1.afraid.org as an name-server... is it possible to use for example ns1.abc2.com as an CNAME to "ns1.afraid.org" and then use "ns1.abc2.com" as name-server for "abc.com"? Do anyone understands me?11:06
Dawei! JRE11:06
ubotuDawei: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:06
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ubotu[ltsp]  the Linux Terminal Server Project - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  See also http://www.ltsp.org/11:06
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Jowijumli: doesn't a cname need to point to an a-record?11:06
Storkhow do i find and mount a 2nd hard drive from the command line?11:07
jmedinaLasseL, I edited that file11:07
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SurfnKidok this isnt making any sense... im on a directory with executables and they arent responding to my commands, any suggestions11:07
jmedinaand ran /etc/init.d/networking restart11:07
jmedinabut nothing11:07
jmedinaI have tried stop, start11:07
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jmedinaand nothing11:07
BrianHHSurfnKid:  What do you mean by not responding?  What error did you get?11:07
jumliJowi: ns1.abc2.se (CNAME) => ns1.afraid.org (A) => ip-addr11:07
LasseLjmedina, well that is all there is to it11:08
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wulaxSurfnKid: do you have permissions to execute them?11:09
Storkhow do i find and mount a 2nd hard drive from the command line?11:09
SurfnKidBrian I have this issue with RealPlayer, when I installed the package in the SMP, it installs the shortcut in the Applications menu as 'RealPlayer' however the link doesnt work. So then I downloaded the RealPlayer10 from the real website and I installed it.... and created another link 'Real Player 10.. that one does work. I've tested it with a live file, I just want to remove the 'RealPlayer' out of the menu, but when I do so, the "RP1011:09
SurfnKid" shortcut doesnt work11:09
SurfnKidand the files are all still in the directory where I put them. so maybe its a path thing11:10
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LasseLStork, ls /dev/hd*11:10
westyvwis easybuntu still favored over automatix?11:10
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LasseLStork, sudo mkdir /mnt/newhd11:11
LasseLStork, sudo mount /dev/hdb /mnt/newhd11:11
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gnomefreakwestyvw: always will be11:11
SurfnKidit says cannot launch entry Failed to execute no such file or directory11:11
StorkLasseL, ls /dev/hd* goes from hda to hdh11:11
westyvwgnomefreak: thanks11:11
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SurfnKidbut the directory is there /usr/bin/RealPlayer10/Player/ and all the files are here11:12
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BrianHHSurfnKid:  Have you tried running realplay from the commandline?11:12
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gnomefreakSurfnKid: are you cd'ed to where the file is?11:12
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DktHow do I create a folder?11:12
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Dktwhat command.11:13
LasseLStork, try inspecting them with sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdX11:13
gnomefreakDkt: mkdir11:13
Dktgnomefreak, thanks11:13
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SurfnKidi think so.. brian i ran realplay and it didnt do anything let me check again11:13
Jowijumli: ns1.abc2.se (cname) can point to superserver.abc2.se (a-record)11:14
xKintaroHey, I have this problem11:14
SurfnKidgnomefreak let me check ive been idling so i think the dir changed11:14
xKintaroUbuntu really sucks11:14
StorkLasseL, hdb seems to work.. it says the system is 'Linux' and it appears to be the correct size.. how can i mount it?11:14
si9ohi all. having some trouble getting audio from mpg videos playing in Xfmedia11:14
xKintaroand you should all give up11:14
xKintaroIt's like, horrible11:14
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xKintaroits a crime against humanity11:14
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LasseLStork, mount /dev/hdb1 /somewhere11:14
si9othe videos themselves play fine, just dont have any audio, and can't seem to figure out why11:14
SurfnKidok here's something weird11:15
UbuntuUserhola alguien habla espaol?11:15
roastI installed epiphany but want firefox to be default. I've set it as the default, every possible conceivable application loads firefox, _except for thunderbird_11:15
PORDOwhat program do i use to change the face on gdmlogin?11:15
roastwhere else can I check?11:15
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:15
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PORDOi know i've done it before.11:15
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Dktgnomefreak, You dont know how to rename a folder?11:16
StorkLasseL, is there any way to make it auto-mount at boot?11:16
SurfnKidI ran ls Re* and it gave me RealPlayer10 and again RealPlayer10 with a Player folder within it11:16
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si9oStork, you have to edit /etc/fstab for that11:16
gnomefreakDkt: mkdir folder newname    make sure you use the paths11:16
LasseLStork, have you tried System > Administration > Disks11:16
StorkLasseL, no x-server11:16
Dktgnomefreak, thanks11:16
LasseLStork, get one11:16
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StorkLasseL, no monitor...11:16
Storksi9o, what do i add?11:17
LasseLStork, VLC11:17
LasseLStork, VNC too11:17
si9oStork, you want a hard drive to be auto-mounted when linux boots, right?11:17
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions. See also !partitions11:17
Storkyeah i think i got it11:18
si9osudo vim /etc/fstab11:18
Storknano f.t.w11:18
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Kasper_Ganybody with experience in Maple 10? ... I have a problem when in math mode the "^" doesn't work. Can anybody help me?11:18
deus_Wait! when on the first is it going to be released?11:18
Tomcat_deus_: GOOD question ;D11:18
Jowijumli: if you want anything else than redirecting traffic from web.server.se > main.server.se, then cname is not what you want. see if you can do a web-forward or a web-alias instead.11:19
deus_Kasper_G: i have the same problem11:19
Tomcat_deus_: Just from experience I'd say rather late.11:19
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si9oyou add the /dev/hdX# (X is drive letter, # is partition number) and set some options for how the drive is to be mounted11:19
will-c\leave #ubuntu11:19
deus_Kasper_G: i belive you just have to use the function menu on the left.11:19
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Kasper_Gdeus_: ok, I have contacted some Danish support and they just tell me it isn't a supported distro. There must be a workaround??11:19
Storksi9o, what options do i need?11:19
BrianHHIf I completely nuke the java directory, then reboot, will that let me use apt-get again?11:20
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Kasper_Gdeus_: okay, I have seen it working on several other distrol ... Annoying since this is my favourite! :)11:20
Jowijumli: so if you want to redirect web.server.se to another domain such as cool.php.com then you can not use a cname11:20
si9oStork, it depends on what kind of drive it is: ide, scsi, or SATA?11:20
Dktgnomefreak, and at last, how do I remove a folder?11:20
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deus_Kasper_G: i managed to live with it11:20
blazehow can i remove all the KDE stuff i have?11:20
Storksi9o, ide, ext3, used for storage11:20
blazeand leave only the gnome ones11:21
deus_oh and, RC?11:21
SurfnKidgnomefreak im on the dir where the files are and what should i type, name of the file ?11:21
drewman I never knew linux was this easy11:21
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blazehow can i remove KDE ?11:21
SurfnKidBin     common  install.log  LICENSE  plugins   README    realplay.bak  share11:21
SurfnKidcodecs  doc     lib          mozilla  postinst  realplay  realplay.bin11:21
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Kasper_Gdeus_: well... I will continue to find a workaround. Will post if I have some succes!11:22
SurfnKidrealplay doesnt seem to do much11:22
BrianHHSurfnKid:  Type "./realplay" and see if it runs.11:22
si9oStork, in that case, you'd add /dev/hdX# ext3 noatime,user 0 111:22
BrianHHYou need the ./ in front of it.11:23
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SurfnKidagrr.. agrr i forgot thats how you do it.. ok works11:23
si9oStork where X and # are specific to your hard drive11:23
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SurfnKidnow how should i change that on the app menu?11:23
Storksi9o, what's noatime and user? i just used the same settings as my default hd11:23
richardany decent open source html / php programming editors like dreamweaver?11:23
BrianHHSurfnKid:  Just make sure that the shortcut on the menu points to the realplay file.11:24
LasseLrichard, jedit perhaps11:24
si9oStork, noatime speeds things up a bit, and user allows users other than root to unmount it11:24
si9oyou can set the options to whatever you want11:25
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SurfnKidBrian Im trying :) but I cant seem to get to the run properties11:25
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BrianHHIf I completely remove the java directory from my system, will anything bad happen?11:25
VR_does hp have good linux support?11:25
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BrianHHSurfnKid:  Okay, let me check my system.  brb. :)11:26
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morpheusplease help me ubuntu lite formated my hda :(11:26
BrianHHVR_:  My laptop and printer are both HP, and they seem to work.11:27
si9oBrianHH, the worst that can happen is having to recover the system =)11:27
SurfnKidmis nalgas11:27
VR_BrianHH: how about wireless?11:27
BrianHHsi9o:  That's not exactly encouraging. ;)11:27
rootvzlaepale sufnkid11:27
=== JustinLynn [n=justin@wlbg-00-0014.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
BrianHHVR_:  I haven't tried wireless yet.  Just got the system working well today.11:27
VR_which lappy is it?11:28
BrianHHmorpheus:  What are you trying to do?11:28
rootvzlaalguien sabe el canal de ubuntu es?11:28
BrianHHvr_:  I've got a Pavillion ze2000.11:28
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:28
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:28
=== redir [n=robrien@oh-65-41-57-69.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
morpheusi'd like to see installer of ubuntu lite11:29
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morpheusbut he formated my hda1 and hda5 - ntfs :/11:29
VR_BrianHH: cool, thanks11:29
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BrianHHmorpheus:  If you're online now, can I assume that your system wasn't completely nuked?11:29
BrianHHmorpheus:  Did you lose your Windows partitions?11:30
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morpheusi'm writing from hdb111:30
marcipanocan anybody tell me , where are the cyrillic fonts are placed in linux ? (directory)11:30
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deus_what does RC means?11:31
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skippy81hi im having problems installing dvd::rip on dapper, it says it needs dependancys which are allready installed and when started from term says it cant find  libdl.so.2 despite the fact that the library is on my filesystem11:31
BrianHHmorpheus:  I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but once you format a drive, it's pretty much gonzo.  Unfortunately, that data is gone.   :(11:31
morpheusany chance ??11:31
morpheusi've canceled until he finished11:31
Pokerhello...how solve this problem? debsig: Origin Signature check failed. This deb might not be signed11:31
LasseLmarcipano, I think you can find them in nautilus by entering fonts:/// in the location bar (ctrl+l)11:31
LuKe-LuKehave anybody tried to use Qemu with Kqemu accelerator on Ubuntu .... ???11:32
=== deep1 feindflug. blutorgel
ollo82_morpheus: there is a chance with a professional program11:32
skippy81morpheus it will be easy to recover NTFS or Fat11:32
skippy81very easy11:32
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amphiext2 is possible11:32
morpheusso only by program for reovering files ??11:32
=== InterNut is now known as InterNut`gone
drewwhy wont limewire connect11:32
pakirriare there problems with the orinoco drivers and network manager11:32
skippy81Easy Recovery Pro is the best, but PC inspector on M$ is not bad and its free11:32
SurfnKidBrianHH how do I execute ./realplay doing a directory like /usr/bin/etc... etc..11:33
skippy81if you have only deleted the partiton then testdisk in linux could help11:33
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PORDOlimewire works great for me...shrug11:33
BrianHHskippy81:  That's good information.11:33
BrianHHskippy81:  Thanks. :)11:33
skippy81just dont under any circumstances write any data to the area of the disk where you data was, and NEVER defragment it11:33
ericzi tried to use some program on windows to read the linux ext2 partiton last week partiton on the same computer (i dual booted) and the program pretty much screwed the partiton11:33
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marcipanoLasseL, Im configuring Crossover Office , and trying to add cyrrilic support to one apliccation. There was an option , to set the dir. where fonts are located ;)11:34
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_JECKEL_so who has any experience in getting things like games to run in wine?11:34
alexito-who have brain to get ubuntu looks like this http://jimmyjazz.homeip.net:808/Screenshot124.png11:34
alexito-? lol11:34
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alexito-i dont have imagination11:34
_JECKEL_like..diablo 2 maybe11:34
BrianHHSurfnKid:  You need to know what directory it's in (e.g., /usr/local/realplay) and then run the file with the full path by typing "/usr/local/RealPlayer10/realplay" (for example).11:34
morpheusskippy: what i must do with testdisk11:34
_JECKEL_or rather..how can I get wine to recognize I have a CD..or should I just get a CD crack?11:34
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=== BrianHH nukes the java directory and crosses his fingers.
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skippy81morpheus, testdisk can recover a deleted PARTITION, but it sounds to me like you actually formatted an existing partiton11:36
BrianHHbrb.  Gonna reboot and hope I still have a system to come back to. :)11:36
blazehow to update gnome?11:36
skippy81you really are best off taking the disk out and putting it in a windows box with PC inspector or easy recovery in it11:36
morpheusi use testdisk and it find my ntfs partition :D11:36
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skippy81did it?11:37
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SurfnKidthats what i thought brian I got it. I need to work on my syntax  / at beginning11:37
skippy81if it did then restore the partition with test disk11:37
SurfnKidthanx for the help,11:37
=== InterNut [n=internut@c-0dc471d5.319-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
morpheusi hop it will work ...11:37
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amphi_JECKEL_: 'cd crackz' are offtopic11:38
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skippy81_JECKEL_ wine only runs a small fraction of programs, you need to google to find out if you have a chance of getting a given game working11:38
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canard_Hello, my unbuntu install keeps getting stuck at 45% Configuring makdev. emm... is there a reason enybody would know for this?11:39
roostishawanyone know of a free program like dreamwever for linux?11:39
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skippy81oh and someone, please tell me how i automatically put a name of a user into IRC to save me typing it?11:39
igorzolnikovhow can i disable/enable passive mode ftp... for Connect to Server...?11:39
skippy81there must be a key-click combo to do it, im using xirc11:39
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_JECKEL_well...I do..the only problem is that it's being bitchy and saying that there is no CD in the drive11:40
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Xapperoostishaw: the closest one I know of is NVU11:40
=== BrianHH [n=brian@c-69-142-235-70.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pakirrimy orinoco silver card doesn't work with network manager in dapper? please help11:40
amphiskippy81: type a few letters and hit [tab] 11:40
_JECKEL_so i'm wondering if I should take the CD off onto an ISO...or get a CD crack and run the game from that.11:40
_JECKEL_what would be easier to do...11:41
=== westyvw [n=westyvw@216-210-216-118.atgi.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippy81amphi:- thankyou mate, i really should have thought of that :)11:41
LuKe-LuKehas anybody tried to use Qemu with Kqemu accelerator on Ubuntu .... ???11:41
=== Gronk [n=Me@c211-30-18-242.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
amphimaking an iso image from a cdrom is trivial; you can use dd11:41
BrianHHWell, my system survived, but I still can't use apt-get.  Same error message:  "The package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.11:41
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amphiskippy81: ;)11:41
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canard_Hello, my unbuntu install keeps getting stuck at 45% Configuring makdev. emm... is there a reason enybody would know for this?11:42
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westyvwi asked about automatix a bit ago, you guys using it or easybuntu? mstlyevil says i am full of fud....11:42
Antipodeanhey folks, I was just wondering if there was any way I could backup my installed packages to cd?11:43
BrianHHIs there a "force" option with apt-get where I could force it to remove jre?11:43
BockBilbome piro11:43
Jaakand good night11:44
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drewwhy dosent my mp3 work11:44
=== ecormier [n=ecormier@hlfxns0149w-142177088239.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
Antipodeanhey folks, I was just wondering if there was any way I could backup my installed packages to cd?11:44
ubotump3 is, like, totally, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:44
si9odrew, i had some trouble with that too. i have to install xmms11:44
SanneAntipodean, don't know about installed, but you can back up the downloaded debs from /var/cache/apt/archives11:44
blazeHi there! :) How can i mount this device: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 11f5:0003 Siemens AG (?) Mobile phone USB cable11:45
drewI just downloaded a mp3 and it wont load11:45
AntipodeanSanne: cheers11:45
rsewardAny kernel experts out there?11:45
[dylan] !nvidia11:45
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:45
=== phyre [n=phyre@i-83-67-3-236.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasondrew: see what ubotu said11:45
canard_Hello, my unbuntu install keeps getting stuck at 45% Configuring makdev. emm... is there a reason enybody would know for this?11:45
ecormieranybody have any trouble with the fglrx upgrade today...I upgraded and now no opengl at all11:45
blazecan anyone help me?11:45
=== phyre is now known as phyre-x
Jowidrew: read that restrictedformats page. it works11:45
rsewardHow do I install the correct .deb kernel-source package for my kernel 2.6.12-1011:46
drewbut I thought mp3 was a free format11:46
AntipodeanSanne: & would that include all the updates & whatnot?11:46
crimsunrseward: apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1211:46
SanneAntipodean, you may have to check the apt cache purge time in Synaptic, though.11:46
rsewardapt-get install kernel-source-2.6.12 does not work.11:46
rsewardpackage not found :-(11:46
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crimsunrseward: we use linux-, not kernel-11:46
crimsundrew: it's very much not so.11:46
SanneAntipodean, yes, it should, this folder is the place where all deb packages get downloaded to.11:46
rsewardLet me try it.11:46
AntipodeanSanne: cool, thank you11:46
drewwell what is a good mp3 player I can get with apt-get11:46
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SanneAntipodean, you're welcome11:47
_jasondrew: have you installed gstreamer0.8-mad?11:47
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rsewardHmm... linux-source worked...11:47
blazeHi there! :) How can i mount this device: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 11f5:0003 Siemens AG (?) Mobile phone USB cable11:47
rsewardBut so did kernel-source-2.6.1111:47
rsewardconfusing for an ubuntu newbie.11:47
=== steel [n=erik@c-67-187-206-90.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LuKe-LuKehas anybody tried to use Qemu with Kqemu accelerator on Ubuntu .... ???11:48
_jasondrew: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats that page explains that you need that to play mp3's11:48
crimsunrseward: we don't use kernel-11:48
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ecormierI'm using qemu/kqemu11:48
drewi went to that page11:48
steelhow do i open a .7z archive in ubuntu?11:48
rsewardcrimsun: message received11:48
canard_Hello, my unbuntu install keeps getting stuck at 45% Configuring makdev. emm... is there a reason enybody would know for this?11:48
crimsunsteel: install p7zip11:48
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steelapt-get it?11:49
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crimsunsure, for whatever value of $install11:49
_jasonIs there any place that I can download an older version of a package? for example linux-headers-2.6.15-22-686 instead of linux-headers-2.6.15-23-68611:49
pakirrihas anybody tried to use Orinoco Wireless Silver Card with Network Manager on Ubuntu Dapper11:49
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coreyowhich package/daemon creates the nodes such as /dev/input/* and the pty device nodes?11:50
Jowicoreyo: udev11:51
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steelnow... how do i use.... p7zip on an archive...11:51
coreyoJowi: I uninstalled it and reinstalled it, now I'm not getting some needed /dev nodes11:51
coreyoJowi, any ideas?11:51
SurfnKidanyone can give me an easy way to mount my NT partition from the command line in an easy 1..2..3.. step11:51
Jowicoreyo: no ideas at all. i never had udev problems so my knowledge of how it works are a bit lacking11:52
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@dslb-084-056-116-245.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
canard_Hello, my unbuntu install keeps getting stuck at 45% Configuring makdev. emm... is there a reason enybody would know for this?11:52
_jasonubotu: tell SurfnKid about ntfs11:52
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SurfnKidand ubotu speaks!11:53
Jowicoreyo: as far as i can tell, the settings read for creating symlinks are at /etc/udev/rules.d11:53
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PORDOSurfnKid the mount command11:53
PORDOmount -t <fs_type> /dev/blah /mount/blah11:54
Fire-NRis it really this hard to install the ati drivers :| nothing but trouble11:54
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Intunehello. i installed ubuntu under vmware, and it was supposed to share the host's internet connection. it worked until the first reboot, now i can ping domains, but not open them in a browser. where could the problem be?11:54
cosehi @all11:54
_jasonFire-NR: are you following the wiki?11:54
Jowicoreyo: you should have a link in /etc/rcS.d/S10udev -> ../init.d/udev . see if it exist11:54
cosecan anyone help me with my xorg.conf ?11:54
Fire-NRnever saw anything on the wiki for it :|11:54
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Okaymy subtitle in divx11:55
Pokerhello...how solve this problem? debsig: Origin Signature check failed. This deb might not be signed11:55
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ecormieranybody have any trouble with the fglrx upgrade today...I upgraded and now no opengl at all11:55
_jasonubotu: tell Fire-NR about ati11:55
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Fire-NRwhat they are a load of crap?11:55
SurfnKid_jason got it thanks,11:55
gambitanybody know what dir downloads are put in when save to disk11:56
SurfnKidPORDO that im gonna have to learn to do too.11:56
roostishawcan anyone point me in the direction of a gide(or tell me if its that simple) to setting up samba to "see" (read/write) to/from my windows comps on the network?11:56
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_jasongambit: try ~/Desktop, or ~, or ~/MyDownloads11:56
SurfnKidwill these be permanently mounted at each bootup? or am i gonna have to mount NTFS every time11:56
=== Blue89 [n=michael@c-67-165-61-68.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fire-NRah thanks jason :)11:56
Jowiuboat: tell roostishaw about samba11:57
Jowiubotu: : tell roostishaw about samba11:57
_jasonSurfnKid: put it in your fstab to mount it everytime11:57
rsewardanyone familar with using ndiswrapper on breezy?11:57
Jaakif i install ubuntu on my laptop, will it automaticly configure my FN keys?11:57
Jowiah, autocomplete madness11:57
torpedo|dogroostishaw, you can just go to "Places > Connect to Server" or even "Places > Network servers" and choose Windows Network.11:57
Sanneroostishaw, the ubuntu starter guide on the help menu has helpful hints for samba11:57
SurfnKidright.. good idea11:57
SurfnKidman im learning so much already11:57
gambitty jason11:57
SurfnKidty jason for the help11:57
PORDOSurfnKid put the mounting applet on your panel.11:57
Blue89I have a linksys wireless g usb adapter. how do I get that to work in ubuntu?11:57
PORDOSurfnKid it should see the drive and give you the option to mount it.11:58
Intunehow can it by that i can ping www.google.com, but opening it in firefox fails?11:58
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rseward anyone familar with using ndiswrapper on breezy?11:58
phyre-xbecause firefox is setup to use a proxy that isnt there ?11:58
Intuneno, proxy is disabled11:58
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phyre-xumm, firewall ?11:58
Intunei'm using vmware with NAT though, but it worked until i rebooted for the first time11:58
Intunesince then i can ping and resolve, but not open or whois and such11:59
ecormierdid you try opening a web page in elinks (or a command line web browser)??11:59
Blue89Intune, can you try another browser, like dillo for example? I don't know about your situation, but that sounds useful?11:59
Jaakis Ubuntu 6.06 Desktop CD the LIVE CD?11:59
roostishawtorpedo|dog, there are 0 items under the Windows Network thing11:59
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Intunecouldn't get anything else to install because i use net install11:59
torpedo|dogroostishaw, hm. I'm in a bit deep then.12:00

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