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xerophyteis there any program to monitor the /tmp partition for nobody uploaded files ?03:56
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FireCatHas anyone been able to get saslauthd to work with postfix in Dapper?04:21
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J_Phi all04:22
lionelpFireCat: yes04:23
J_Pin dapper have somethink special for ubuntu server ? like as some addional files to server / conf ?04:24
FireCatlionhelp: testsaslauthd works ok and returns success04:24
FireCatlionhelp: I'm getting an error in maillog  warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory04:25
infinityFireCat: postfix runs chrooted, some mangling needs to be done to make this work.04:25
infinityFireCat: Someone a few days ago was having issues, and resolved them.04:25
lionelpJ_P: everything is described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFaq (better that i will do myself)04:25
lionelpdo you need saslauthd for other things than postfix FireCat ?04:26
FireCatlionhelp: No, I don't think I do. I only have like three accounts I want to set up even04:27
FireCatThat is why I thought that saslauthd would be the easier route to go04:28
lionelpOk, so, just edit /etc/default/saslauthd configuration file04:28
lionelpand add at the end:04:28
lionelpPARAMS="-m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd/"04:29
lionelprestart saslauthd04:29
lionelpit should work04:29
FireCatOk, let me try that. Thanks04:29
lionelp(i personally use saslauthd for other purposes, so i made a simlink from /var/run/saslauthd to /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd)04:30
FireCatOk, I'll keep that in mind in case I want to do something else with it04:31
infinitylionelp: The symlink trick doesn't work in dapper, you have to bindmount /var/run/saslauthd to /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd04:33
infinitylionelp: Err, wait.  symlink the directory?  Yeah, that would work.  I'm not awake.04:34
infinity(Someone else was bindmounting rather than linking the sockets, which works too)04:34
lionelpyeah, it works, promise, it is tested on my mailserver :)04:34
infinityAlways about a dozen ways to do anything. :)04:35
lionelpinfinity: you are working too hard these days :)04:35
infinitylionelp: I thought you were symlinking the socket, not the directory, hence the "that won't work!" comment. :)04:35
FireCatStarting saslauthd is failing. It seems I don't have a /var/spool/postfix/var04:39
FireCatJust /var/spool/postfix04:40
lionelpright, it is not done by default04:41
lionelpcreate it :)04:41
FireCatOwner postfix?04:43
lionelpnever mind04:44
lionelproot is better04:45
lionelp(postfix does not have to write in this dir)04:45
FireCatOk, saslauthd started, but testsaslauthd fails now, and I still cant authenticate04:49
FireCat Oh, I see I need an -f switch I bet04:49
FireCatOk, testsaslauthd works with a -f to the mux file , but I'm still not getting authentication from postfix: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed04:58
FireCatDo I need to copy in files into the chroot?04:58
lionelpdid you configure postfix right ?04:59
FireCatWell the only thing not working is the smtp auth04:59
FireCatIt is working otherwise, why I had just mynetworks set up04:59
lionelpI do not find it on the wiki05:01
lionelpanother thing to add :)05:01
lionelpFireCat: here is my configuration part for smtp-auth: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1485605:02
lionelp(sorry, comments are in french)05:02
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FireCatlionhelp: Thanks05:09
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mockerGood morning everyone. (or everyone in my timezone :))05:14
lionelphi mocker05:16
mockerLooking to learn more about the Ubuntu server project.05:17
mockerWill the dapper server release occur when the dapper desktop release happens?05:18
mockerOr is there a different cycle?05:18
lionelpmocker: yes, it will occur on thursday05:19
infinityDifferent release cycles would be unmaintainable, since we share the same archive.05:20
FireCatmocker: As far as I know it's just a different install on the release cd, and I think a different kernel, without desktop stuff like premptive. Is that right?05:20
mockerSo for testing, I should probably start w/ dapper..05:20
mockerSince it's about to be released.05:21
lionelpFireCat: you are right05:22
lionelpmocker: yes, it is probabily a good idea to start with Dapper05:22
mockerSo there is going to be 5 years of support but it will track the same release schedule as desktop?05:23
mockerThat seems ambitious. :)05:23
FireCatmocker: I think the desktop is only going to be supported for 3 years05:23
lionelpmocker: did you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFaq05:24
lionelp(yeah, I know, i paste this link all the time :-))05:24
mockerlionelp: looking now. :)05:24
mockerOh, so it's the exact same thing as desktop but w/ a different install CD?05:26
FireCatmocker: The kernels are configured differently05:28
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J_Plionelp: (11:24:12) J_P: in dapper have somethink special for ubuntu server ? like as some addional files to server / conf ? (11:25:52) lionelp: J_P: everything is described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFaq (better that i will do myself)  . Sorry for long time. Thanks for that link!06:01
lionelpJ_P: you're welcome06:01
mockerSo universe is a community supported repository, correct?06:02
lionelpmocker: yes06:03
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lionelpHello mloman08:53
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neuralisuh, that faq is confusing at best10:24
neuralis"What's the difference between desktop and server? The first difference is in the CD contents. ... An other difference is what you will find on the CD-ROM"10:25
lionelpneuralis: oh, yes :-(10:31
neuralislionelp: i don't have time to edit the page at the moment, but you should point out the existence (and autoinstallation) of the server kernel in those first two bullet points.10:33
lionelpI dot it right now10:33
neuralislionelp: the official book will be out soon, and all of this is explained, so you'll be able to integrate it into the faq (the license is rather liberal.)10:35
lionelpneuralis: I am not the initial author of this FAQ, I just corrected few things this afternoon10:36
lionelpthe officiel book is the server guide or there is something else ?10:36
neuralisthe official ubuntu book10:37
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