
bobesponjaFlosoft:  I'm writing an app that download the ubuntu iso with bittorrent and burn them automatically on windows with cdrecord.exe using a Qt4 gui, that's why I'm asking :)12:05
bobesponjaFlosoft: it looks like this http://p80.free.fr/getmydistro.png12:05
Flosoftcan I PM you ?12:06
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kwwiiRiddell: alles klar mit das Bild?02:15
kwwiiRiddell: did the pic work ok?02:15
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bobesponjakwwii: I think Riddell is sleeping :)02:44
kwwiibobesponja: yeah, he is always doing the smart thing02:44
kwwiiI think I will follow his example02:44
=== kwwii flies to geneva tomorrow
kwwiiand then onward to D-land02:45
kwwiinight all02:45
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jeroenvrpare the torrents on e.g. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ the same torrents that will be used tomorrow!?03:11
bobesponjajeroenvrp: no03:14
jeroenvrpbobesponja: ok, I thought let's put the torrents allready on my pc03:14
bobesponjabut they shouldn't be that different03:15
bobesponjatomorrow's will be like this: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/6.06/kubuntu-desktop-i386.iso.torrent 03:16
jeroenvrpbobesponja: thats not the problem, I allready have dapper03:16
bobesponjabut they are not online yet03:16
jeroenvrpit's for other users03:16
jeroenvrpto help it seed03:16
bobesponjaI see03:16
bobesponjado you have a nice server connection?03:17
jeroenvrpbobesponja: normal adsl03:17
bobesponjajeroenvrp: goe gaat :)03:18
jeroenvrphoe gaat het03:18
jeroenvrpor "gaat het goed? "03:19
bobesponjahmm not that far03:19
jeroenvrpyeah you were nearby03:19
bobesponjaand hoe gaat met yow? or something03:19
jeroenvrphoe gaat het met jou03:19
jeroenvrpor beter: hoe gaat het met je03:19
bobesponjahoe gaat he met je03:20
bobesponjak got it03:20
jeroenvrpor extra polite: hoe gaat met met u?03:20
bobesponjaisn't there something like Sup? or what's up?03:20
bobesponjaie shorter03:20
jeroenvrphoe is 't03:21
jeroenvrpor "hoe's't"03:21
bobesponjaand how do you pronoounce that in English?03:21
jeroenvrpor"alles goed?  03:21
bobesponjaoh ja03:21
jeroenvrpwhat you mean03:21
jeroenvrpit means: who are you03:23
bobesponjathanx for the lesson03:23
jeroenvrphow are you03:23
jeroenvrphave to go03:23
jeroenvrpgoing to bed03:23
bobesponjasee ya03:23
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bddebianHeya imbrandon04:09
imbrandonheya bddebian04:10
imbrandonT - "hours" ;)04:10
bddebianOh hehe :-)04:11
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imbrandonwho has ops in #ubuntu+1 , looks like ones is needed ( brainf*ck speech and such )04:39
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dickhallis this the appropriate forum for talking about things like Katapult dev?05:16
robotgeekdickhall: you can talk to Mez, but he aint here05:16
dickhallMez = martin?05:17
dickhallI started dabbling with it today, my first Qt/KDE project and my first C++ in a while. Trying to get it to act more like Quicksilver on the mac by having it keep a running list of best matches (in order) you can scroll through by hitting down05:20
dickhallgot a good part of the way through it, but it keeps segfaulting now and I can't figure out why. 'tis probably just some API I'm messing up, more Qt/KDE specific than katapult05:22
dickhallbut it'd be good to talk to someone involved with the project just to sanity check. what time zone is Mez in?05:22
robotgeekdickhall: not sure, sorry. i think there are forums now?05:23
dickhallthere's a wiki, lemme check there05:24
dickhalldo you know what times you usally see mez?05:24
robotgeekdickhall: nope, i've been erratic of late05:25
dickhallno prob, thanks anyway05:25
robotgeekhttp://forums.thekatapult.org.uk/ dickhall 05:27
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robotgeekhi Mez , dickhall was looking for you06:06
Mezknow y?06:07
robotgeekMez: katapult foo/ 06:07
Mezah - tell him http://forums.thekatapult.org.uk next time06:07
robotgeekhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/750572 06:08
robotgeekhe's here, we should ping dickhall again :)06:08
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kwwiiRiddell: ping?08:46
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kwwiiI hope that the release announcement pic worked out well08:49
=== kwwii flies home now
kwwiibe back tomorrow08:50
kwwiior late tonight08:50
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\sh_awaywhere is 6.06 ?09:25
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OdyX!seen 6.0609:26
imbrandon\sh, not quite there yet 09:27
seaLneprobably what you have :)09:27
Lure\sh: [09:15]  <Kamion> Burgundavia: at minimum we're waiting on me having breakfast and getting into the office.09:30
\shnow I need an excuse for my buddies here...they want to download09:37
Lure\sh: they can download from cdimage.u.c09:38
Lure(latest daily)09:38
\shLure: we were communicating the official release channels...well, anyways...waiting for official releases and start my mirror09:40
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verwilstso it's any hour now? ;)10:08
verwilstjaj! :)10:08
OdyXit'll be last hour in last timezone... 10:12
mornfallis it supposed to be today? :-)10:15
=== MidMark [n=MidMark@host-84-221-70-148.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : T - 0 | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings Tue 6th 21:00UTC
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RiddellseaLne: about?11:10
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seaLneRiddell: yep11:14
RiddellseaLne: want to fire up a bittorrent on your elite bandwidth?11:15
seaLnedoh i was looking on cdimage for them11:15
seaLnechecking md5s to make sure i have them first11:18
Lurecongrats to everyone!11:21
seaLneRiddell: where are the torrents for the DVDs?11:22
verwilstwoohoow, 4 meg per second :)11:23
RiddellKubuntu 6.06 LTS has been released!  http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.06-lts-release.php11:23
RiddellseaLne: not out yet, let me ask what's happening11:23
seaLneProblem connecting to tracker - (111, 'Connection refused')11:24
seaLneRiddell: ^11:24
MidMarkcontratulations! Very good work!11:25
LureRiddell: FAQ does not mention dapper in sources.list http://kubuntu.org/faq.php11:25
LureRiddell: and docu links are old: http://kubuntu.org/documentation.php11:26
seaLneverwilst: i take it the torrents are working for you?11:26
RiddellLure: give me a chance :)11:26
verwilsti used ftp :)11:26
verwilstit's in11:27
verwilstwant me to share with bittorrent too?11:27
LureRiddell: ok - though these are left-out...11:27
seaLnerejected by tracker - Requested download is not authorized for use with11:28
RiddellseaLne: working for me11:29
Riddellwell, three of them ar11:29
seaLneah, a few of them have just started working11:29
verwilsti'm downloading desktop & alternate, i386 and amd64 version11:29
verwilstjust to share it11:29
verwilstsince i ftp'ed my own copy of kubuntu-alternate already ;)11:30
verwilsti hope bittorrent will work since i'm behind the company NAT gateways :)11:31
seaLneall torrents seem happy now11:33
RiddellseaLne: great11:34
MidMarkwhere are linked in download page? I can't see them11:34
seaLnebut i guess no one is downloading yet11:34
verwilstuploading works as well :)11:35
MidMarkI mean dvd where are linked?11:35
verwilsthehe uploading @250kb/sec11:36
verwilstdownload +- 211:36
seaLneMidMark: maybe kubuntu would be a better place for your questions11:38
seaLneRiddell: on announcement in Netboot Install you link to non existant wiki page11:42
seaLnehttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Installation/Netboot maybe?11:43
=== yuriy__ [n=yuriy@209-6-87-175.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellWe probably needs a Kubuntu netboot install11:44
Riddellthat basicly just points to the preseed file11:45
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seaLneinstalling gnome-desktop sets gnome to the default in kdm11:58
seaLnei guess its using x-window-manager11:58
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=== OdyX download both alternate and desktop in torrent, it's slow...
seaLnewell i'm only uploading at 2.1MiB/s so there isn't that much demand12:05
seaLneno one seems to want ppc interestingly12:06
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OdyXseaLne: well.. i386 isn't much demanded too12:07
seaLne1.2Mib from me12:07
seaLneoh + .712:08
OdyXand bizarely, alternate is more disponible than desktop12:08
verwilsti like alternate better12:12
verwilstit's far faster to install with the textbased install12:13
OdyXverwilst: as do I, but I download both... :D12:13
verwilsti'm downloading 412:13
verwilstjust to feed the torrents :)12:13
OdyXthat's it... But I first have to download...12:14
OdyXI think I'll download them directly now...12:14
OdyXand then feed.12:14
OdyXIt'll be better, huh ?12:14
verwilstuh can you do that?12:15
OdyXwell.. With good clients it should be possible....12:15
=== verwilst uses ktorrent
=== OdyX find ktorrent bad since 1.2
imbrandon!?!! [05:23]  [473]  #ubuntu+1 You need to be invited to that channel12:24
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jeroenvrpcongratulations to all the devs!!12:35
Riddellthanks jeroenvrp 12:36
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.06-lts-release.php | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings Tue 6th 21:00UTC
RiddellseaLne: DVDs starting to appear http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/release/12:54
=== yuriy_ [n=yuriy@209-6-87-175.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seaLnei take it they are 20060531.1 ?12:54
seaLnemd5ing dvds takes too long :)12:56
RiddellI did that over NFS at my uni once, sysadmin wasn't too happy with me12:56
seaLnewhy are the dvds in that extra release dir?12:57
seaLneerr ignore me12:57
seaLnei'd misread that as beingon eleases.u.c12:59
Riddellno room on releases.u.c for DVDs12:59
seaLnehow will users know then?01:00
Riddelllinked to from kubuntu.org/download.php01:00
Riddellbut most users don't need the DVD01:01
seaLneconfusing tho01:01
seaLnebreezy dvd was downloaded way more than cd via bt01:01
OdyXtracker's bad for "alternate"....01:03
seaLneOdyX: ?01:03
OdyXseaLne: I don't know... I get errors...01:04
OdyX* Tracker: [couldn't connect to server] 01:04
seaLnei got that originally then after a bit it started working01:04
seaLneyou behind a firewall?01:04
RiddellOdyX: keep trying, the data centre it pretty busy01:04
OdyXnot as far as I now...01:04
OdyXRiddell: and that's good :D01:04
seaLneyeah it would definitly be bad if no one was downloading :)01:05
OdyXRiddell: do you have usage graphs ?01:05
Riddellsysadmins do but we don't get to see them01:06
OdyXcould be fine to see "Dapper boom"01:06
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seaLneRiddell: you didn't send the announcement mail to  01:12
Riddellapparantly we're not getting an announcement on ubuntu-announce :(01:12
seaLnegood way to restart the ubuntu dosen't really care about kde thread again :-/01:14
OdyXseaLne: ...01:14
OdyXseaLne: read sabdfl's announce: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/4501:15
OdyXseaLne: you'll see Xubuntu, SPARC, Debian....01:15
OdyXbut no "K"01:15
ajmitch_OdyX: that's because SPARC support & xubuntu are new01:16
OdyXajmitch_: sure they are... But Kubuntu 5.10 was nothing compared to this killing 6.06 LTS...01:16
ajmitch_you don't see him thanking the MOTUs either, or the art team01:16
OdyXajmitch_: sure...01:16
ajmitch_so should I kick up a fuss now because I was ignored? :)01:17
seaLneyep :)01:17
OdyXajmitch_: as don't I...01:17
=== ajmitch_ sees nothing about edubuntu
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OdyXajmitch_: . . .01:19
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verwilsthm,  i'm seeding the torrents with over 1meg per second01:32
marseillaiseaLne: kubuntu still can't be install on sparc?01:33
Riddellmarseillai: did you try?01:33
marseillaiRiddell: i'll have my sparc tomorrow normally so i'll test this week end if everything is fine!01:34
marseillaibut if it doesn't work i think i'll try debian at least to test hardware01:34
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Hobbseehey all01:38
Riddellmorning Hobbsee 01:38
Hobbseehey Riddell - release didnt exhaust you too much, i see :)01:39
RiddellI seem to be all in one piece01:40
Hobbseehehe oh good :P01:40
imbrandonHobbsee, you should have seen #ubuntu it was a mad house to say the leaste01:42
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe!  i'll bet it was.  I was at uni, actually doing the assignment that i'd been putting off...01:42
=== Hobbsee shuts her mouth
=== Hobbsee was going to ask Riddell a question, but didnt think that he'd appreciate it
=== yuriy_ [n=yuriy@209-6-87-175.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellI appreciate all questions01:43
HobbseeRiddell: even this one?  when will we see edgy repos open?01:44
=== Hobbsee ducks :P
Riddellhah, I had a timer running to see when someone would ask that :)01:46
HobbseeRiddell: glad to see that i never disappoint :D01:46
Lurewe all want some edgy fun - dapper is boring ;-)01:47
Riddellin answer, I've no idea, whenever the soyuz admins press the big green button I think01:47
HobbseeLure: very true.  who needs stability anyway :P01:48
Hobbseejust dont let it mess up my grub!01:48
HobbseeRiddell: ah okay :P01:48
HobbseeRiddell: so how far did the timer get?01:48
Riddell2 hours and 48 minutes01:48
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: June 01 2006, 11:48:5901:48
Hobbseenot bad, not bad at all...01:49
apokryphosRiddell: congratulations on a great release :)01:49
apokryphos(the announcement page looks really great, too; will be nice to hand people that)01:50
imbrandonyea all of kubuntu.org looks alot better01:50
Riddellbetter than the cheesy stock "support bloke" photo on ubuntu.com?01:52
apokryphosoh yeah ;-)01:52
apokryphosone of the first things I thought, too01:52
Hobbseehmmm...looks very nice :)01:52
Hobbseeand i'm not the model - yay!01:52
apokryphosnow, doesn't he look so understanding :D01:53
apokryphosthey changed the desktop and server picture I see01:53
apokryphosthey had some stock photos for those too01:53
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Hobbseesilly ndiswrapper, losing the connection.  or silly telstra.  whichever.02:04
Riddellscreen is your friend02:04
Riddell(so long as you have a server with a decent connection and don't mind lag)02:04
Hobbseebleck.  lag is evil02:04
Hobbseeand i cant do much if the ISP goes down for a bit.02:04
Hobbseemind you, i *do* have the wired connection here, so am not totally stranded if/when ndiswrapper borks02:05
Hobbseethat takes out the phone, and the net connection - what fun!  :P02:05
seaLnemarseillai: well i only tried what became the release image on blade100 and ultra1002:06
seaLneHobbsee: i'd thought about asking about edgy last night but thought better of it :)02:07
HobbseeseaLne: hehe.  i always run such risks :P  And have people wanting to shoot me, as a consequence :P02:08
=== yuriy__ [n=yuriy@209-6-87-175.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellseaLne: it's not been released on sparc02:09
RiddellHobbsee: don't you have an elite university connection available?02:09
seaLneRiddell: ok technically i suppose :)02:09
seaLneultra10s don't like cdrws i discovered02:10
HobbseeRiddell: sure.  but that's at uni.  and i finally came home.02:10
Hobbseeand it's kinda slow, and the tech people are really freaky, and can look at what you're doing on the screen.02:10
=== Hobbsee thinks that one is a giant.
Hobbseeoh, and lock you out of the uni system.   which would suck.02:11
Riddelldo they have vnc running or something?02:11
seaLneHobbsee: but.. but.. but suspending accounts is the fun part of the job :)02:12
HobbseeRiddell: i've got no idea...i've not been able to poke around too much - mainly because they have better security than school did, and that they have the ability to send out scary men who come and glare at you, and to lock you out02:12
HobbseeseaLne: hehe02:12
=== seaLne remebers when he was at uni and the head of the unix team coming storming into the lab shouting where is <my userid>
seaLnea applet i had written took down the server it was running on02:14
marseillaiRiddell: there is a mistake here : http://kubuntu.org/download.php02:14
marseillaia big mistake02:14
Hobbseehehe!  nice!02:14
seaLneunfortunatly this was the main shell server02:14
=== goldenear [n=user@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellmarseillai: hmm?02:15
marseillaiBittorrent point on http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/breezy/release/dvd/ instead of http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/release/dvd/02:15
Riddellwell spotted, fixed02:15
seaLneits a test to see if they deserve the dvd02:15
=== Hobbsee thinks they would be rather annoyed to download it, then find "oh dear, they've got the wrong one"
imbrandonthe dvd IS just the livecd+textinstall correct ?02:16
Riddellthe breezy torrents will be dead anyway02:16
Riddellimbrandon: plus "supported"02:16
imbrandonsupported ? 02:16
seaLneso even worse, it takes for ever to download the wrong dvd :)02:16
Riddelleverything else in main02:16
seaLnedoes it install anymore?02:17
imbrandonso kubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-dekstop etc etc etc all on there ( well the packages to make them )02:17
imbrandonbut it installs / boots kubuntu by default ?02:17
seaLneyeah seperate k/ubuntu dvds02:18
HobbseeRiddell: not if enough silly users go and download the wrong release :P02:18
Riddellimbrandon: only kubuntu on there02:18
imbrandonseaLne, yea i ment more if i pop in the kubuntu dvd and install it , then later "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" would it grab it from the dvd ( as long as the package wasent updated )02:19
imbrandonahh ok Riddell02:19
imbrandoni have a local dapper mirror on my lan anyhow so no need for the dvd ;)02:20
seaLneimbrandon: you mean to say you haven't installed dapper yet?02:20
imbrandonseaLne, yea i've been running dapper months02:20
imbrandonwas just curious02:21
imbrandonsince flight 5 or so02:21
seaLnejust checking :P02:21
imbrandonyea just curious so when they ask me in #kubuntu i know the correct awnser ;)02:22
seaLneRiddell: have you thought about making a full content RSS feed?02:23
Hobbseeack!  no more network borking!02:24
RiddellseaLne: nope, I suppose I could although the rss feed is made by hand so it would increase the chances of me messing it up somewhere02:25
RiddellI wonder if the server is set up to let me do rss with php02:25
imbrandonriddell i could whip up a php rss feed if the thing is coming from a db02:26
imbrandonwhich i hope it is02:26
Hobbseewhatever you do, dont start doing a rss feed that only has the topic, and nothing about it - that's annoying...02:26
imbrandonRiddell, http://www.imbrandon.com/rss.xml is a php scipt xml feed, very easy to make02:26
imbrandonheheh Hobbsee yea , but he said full content ;)02:27
Hobbseeimbrandon: i know :P02:27
RiddellHobbsee: worst thing about kde dot news I know02:28
Hobbseethey're not alone in doing it, unfortunately.  but yeah02:28
seaLnecan save a lot of bandwidth for stupid rss clients tho02:29
Riddellimbrandon: that's taken from a database though is'nt it?02:30
imbrandonyea a mysql db02:30
seaLneinteresting rss reader figures from bloglines fridge: 88 kubuntu: 65 and ubuntu planet: 108 subscribers02:30
=== yuriy_ [n=yuriy@209-6-87-175.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellwe're almost up there with fridge!02:31
RiddellHobbsee: if you hvae elite uni bandwidth you could bittorrent the images02:32
HobbseeRiddell: i dont, it's even worse there than at home02:33
Hobbseeand i'm not eager to get on the wrong side of big giants again...02:33
imbrandonheh i got them seeding off buntudot.org ;)02:33
Riddellimbrandon: what's intended for that domain?02:37
imbrandonRiddell, a buntu radio show / central news site 02:38
imbrandonwith a slashdot type news interface but i'm doing it by hand becouse 1) i want php and slashcode is perl and 2) slashcode is the suxors02:39
imbrandonTheMuso and me were thinking about a weekly podcast type radio thing from a buntu team member per week, like you or mdz , sabdfl etc etc etc02:40
RiddellseaLne: whatever happened to behind ubuntu?02:41
imbrandonstill in the works heheh thus the blank page , but i just reg'd the domain two days ago and just started the php code today02:41
seaLneRiddell: apparently french is so hard a language to translate stuff into a month after other translations were done it still isn't finished02:44
seaLneRiddell: honest i'm not serverly pissed off with them02:44
goldenearseaLne: what's wrong with french ?02:47
RiddellseaLne: ust set a deadline and say you're not waiting02:48
goldenearseaLne: what translation do you need ?02:49
seaLnei plan to on the next meeting on monday, first deadline for kinnison was missed with the excuse of not realising that when i sent them the interview and they agreed a publishing date that they should actually translate it, then more broken promises for the last few weeks02:49
seaLnegoldenear: got germna, danish and chinese done for this interview and apparently french is nearly done02:50
seaLnegoldenear: are you french?02:51
goldenear(but don't say it to anybody ;) )02:51
Hobbseewhat are we going to do about this?  apparently it's still happening.https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/3965802:52
UbugtuMalone bug 39658 in kubuntu-meta "[dist-upgrader]  dist-upgrade wants to delete almost kde packages while migrating from breezy to dapper" [Major,Confirmed]  02:52
LureHobbsee: would be naice to fix with -updates, but not sure if possible at all02:52
seaLnewouldn't -updates be too late?02:53
Hobbseeguess it would..02:53
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seaLnei thought about looking at it and quickly realised i wouldn't have a clue :(02:53
Hobbseeyou'd have to force kubuntu-desktop to be installed, after it'd done all of that02:54
Hobbseeremoving kdelibs would force all the kde packages to be removed - that much is obvious - but how to force kubuntu desktop ot be installed at the end?02:55
seaLnewouldn't the solution be not having it removed in the first place?02:55
LureseaLne: why? when user changes breezy->dapper it will get also new updates - it does not help for users that already did upgrade (but there is workaround to cure it)02:55
goldenearHobbsee: "My sources.list is very common : I only added [...]  the kubuntu.org updates for Amarok, kde 3.5.2 and koffice" <-- that might be the problem ?02:55
seaLnenope same with and without02:55
LureseaLne: exactly - not sure why kdelibs get removed...02:56
HobbseeLure: they wont think to try to upgrade again, when they lose x02:56
seaLneLure: it dosen't02:56
HobbseeLure: because kdelibs4c2a replaces it02:56
Hobbseei expect02:56
seaLneah it does?02:56
=== yuriy__ [n=yuriy@209-6-87-175.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lurethen the problem is that kdelibs4c2a needs to "Provides/Replaces" kdelibs and we should be fine...02:56
LureRiddell: ^^^02:57
Hobbseewhat's the breezy version of kdelibs?02:57
Hobbseewhat's it called?02:57
LureHobbsee: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/kde/kdelibs02:57
Lurebut there is also http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/libs/kdelibs4c202:58
Lureso this is probably not the case for removal...02:58
seaLnekdelibs4c2 is one of the removed things02:58
=== Lure -> meeting (bbl)
seaLnesee the top of http://librarian.launchpad.net/2923982/breezy2dapper-20050525.txt02:58
seaLneignore the error at the bottom of that hard disk was about to fail02:58
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbsee_my connection almightly sucks tonight!03:04
Hobbsee_Lure: did you find out your answer?  i did03:04
Hobbseeand that time my net connection didnt go down...well, it did - then the keyboard input stopped.03:04
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Riddelltoma_rfg: what does Gilles Caulier do in KDE?03:15
jsgotangcoRiddell: congratulations :)03:16
bobesponjaRiddell: digikam03:17
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Riddelljsgotangco: thanks :)03:21
jjessejust download LTS desktop and gettign ready to load in virtual machine, just wanted to say congrats on getting it released :)03:21
Riddelljjesse: say that again when you have it lodaed :)03:24
jjessegrin will do03:24
jsgotangcoits actually running in one of my machines03:24
jsgotangcoBIG IMPROVEMENT03:24
jsgotangcolight years ahead03:25
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-234.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seaLnebah i can't print anymore, zero sized output03:28
=== yuriy_ [n=yuriy@209-6-87-175.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeLure: pnig.03:44
imbrandon[08:44]  <[HUN] Big_T> can anyone help me with my ubuntu install? i get an error message when the system root is mounting: cdrom_pc_intr: the drive appears confused03:45
imbrandon^^ anyone got a clue ?03:45
imbrandonRiddell, ping ..... any idea or know whom to ask ?03:47
jjesseimbrandon: ar eyou using Kubuntu or Ubuntu?  did you ask on kubuntu-users or ubuntu-users ?03:49
imbrandonjjesse, kubuntu ... from the #kubuntu chan , i had him clarify03:50
imbrandonk i'm off to sleep ..... gnight all03:52
Riddellimbrandon: I've no ideas03:53
imbrandonnp someone else helped him ( something about a bios setting for his cdrom drive )03:54
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Hobbseehi bddebian (again)03:59
=== Hobbsee throws a large bottle of wine to bddebian
Hobbseebetter catch it - you dont want that to smash :P04:00
Hobbseemidn you, smashing stuff up is FUN :D04:00
seaLnebddebian: watch out its full of petrol and has a burning rag hanging out04:00
Hobbseeespecially when you have lovely yellow liquid that then ends up staining everything, including lab notes :P04:01
bddebianseaLne: lol04:01
bddebianHobbsee: You peed on your homework?04:01
=== Hobbsee thwacks bddebian
Hobbseeit was cesium or something...04:01
=== Hobbsee doesnt know what the chemicals all were..
=== Hobbsee just knows that the lab guy wasnt happy hehe :P
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjessewow kubuntu.org is ssssssssslllllllllllllllooooooooooowwwwwwww04:04
sebasHardly surprising :)04:04
Riddellthe whole datacentre will be04:05
jjessegrin i can't imagine the total size transfered/downloaded today will b04:05
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OdyXjjesse: that's probably "a lot"04:10
bobesponjahey all04:11
seaLnewell i've uploaded 30G via bt so far :)04:12
bobesponjaI wrote a little app for windows users so they can download and burn Kubuntu easily with only one click04:12
bobesponjahere is the annoucement http://getmydistro.blogspot.com/2006/06/getmydistro-01-released.html04:13
bobesponjaand the screenshot http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7632/1531/1600/getmydistro3.png04:13
seaLnecool, that looks quite simple to use04:15
OdyXbobesponja: that seems good.04:16
bobesponjait uses bittorrent04:16
bobesponjawell the basic python bittorrent client04:16
OdyXbobesponja: seems to miss an icon, huh ?04:17
bobesponjayep, I'm not an artist04:17
bobesponjaOdyX: if you can get me one that would be cool04:17
bobesponjaI tried it on my laptop and on my desktop but more testing would be welcome04:17
goldenearbobesponja: where is the button to format the harddrive (removing windows) before rebooting on the CD ? ;)04:19
bobesponjagoldenear: lol yeah that's for 0.2 ;)04:19
goldenear bobesponja: good news :D04:20
bobesponjagoldenear: actually I thought about that, but kubuntu installer can do it so04:20
goldenearbobesponja: I know, I was kidding :)04:23
bobesponjaRiddell: maybe you could post about it (http://getmydistro.blogspot.com/2006/06/getmydistro-01-released.html) on the download page of kubuntu.org :)04:26
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Riddellbobesponja: very interesting, I can't put it on kubuntu.org without testing it but I'll put it in my blog and see what people make of it04:34
bobesponjaRiddell: thanx04:34
Riddellbobesponja: is the source available?04:35
Riddellyeah, I see it04:35
seaLnethe download seems extremly slow04:35
imbrandonyea i think the servers are /.'d heh04:36
imbrandonkubuntu.org is ungodly slow right now04:36
seaLnei ment bobesponjas thing04:36
seaLneimbrandon: that must have been a very short sleep04:37
imbrandonnever went to sleep yet, went to bed and couldent sleep04:37
imbrandonso i grabed a soda and will go back to bed soon ;)04:37
bobesponjaI'm uploading it to another mirror04:38
bobesponjaseaLne: http://p80.free.fr/Setup.exe04:38
seaLne2/3 so not worth changing now i guess04:39
seaLnebobesponja: i get a download failed, does it try to access a web page?04:45
seaLne(after clicking the get kubuntu button)04:45
bobesponjaseaLne: no, it trys to download the torrent file first04:48
bobesponjaseaLne: try again04:48
seaLnei guess if it tries to download from a website it will fail if you are behind a proxy04:49
bobesponjaseaLne: aer you behind a proxy?04:49
seaLnewell i need to use a proxy for port 80 access04:49
seaLneso i guess i'm not a very good test for you04:50
bobesponjaI think I'm gonna include the torrent into the app04:51
seaLnebobesponja: it might be worth asking the sysadmins whether they ever change the torrent file04:52
bobesponjaseaLne: yes04:52
bobesponjaseaLne: do all the downloads fail for you?04:52
seaLnei think worrying about proxies is maybe beyond the need of most of the users for your program04:53
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bobesponjaseaLne: yes I guess so, plus proxy are usually used at work not at home and this kind of app is used at home04:55
bobesponjaseaLne: do you have a proxy at home? :)04:55
seaLneno, but i don't have windows at home04:55
bobesponjawell actually it's just a Qt4 app so it should compile on linux04:56
bobesponjaseaLne: I'm gonna try to make it work on linux maybe I'll get more testers04:56
seaLneyou might get more testers but probably not more users04:57
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cmvoRiddell and all the others: Congratulations and thanks for Kubuntu 6.06!05:46
nixternaldito from me...good job, and thanks for letting me test with it...thanks for the support....thanks for the community...as we say in the navy, Bravo Zulu...Congratulations on a job well done!!!05:47
Hobbseehi cmvo 05:47
Hobbseeand nixternal 05:47
nixternalhey Hobbsee05:47
cmvoHi Hobbsee!05:47
nixternalim still in the process of uncrossing my eyes this morning05:47
=== Hobbsee is sleepy.
nixternalcoffee is working very slowly this morning05:48
cmvoHobbsee: Whats you local time 23:48?05:48
=== Hobbsee is vaguely watching for miscreants in #ubuntu - fortunately, there doesnt seem to be any
Hobbseecmvo: um...05:48
Hobbsee@time sydney05:48
UbugtuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: June 02 2006, 01:49:0005:48
Hobbseethere you go05:49
Hobbseecrud, i was going to go to bed before 2am today...05:49
nixternallet me guess..gotta be at work at 7am too ey Hobbsee?05:49
Hobbseenixternal: er...no, first lecture is at 10...05:49
nixternalmy daughters godmother lives somewhere around Sidney...supposed to go out and visit soon05:49
cmvoHobbsee:  Ah, thanks. Then you got all the right to be sleepy :-)05:49
Hobbseei sure do :P05:49
nixternalso you can sleep to 9:50 then ;)05:50
bobesponjaRiddell: you can test it on linux now http://getmydistro.blogspot.com/2006/06/getmydistro-for-gnulinux.html05:50
Hobbseenot and make it on time...05:50
bobesponjahttp://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7632/1531/1600/gnulinux.png :)05:50
=== Hobbsee is rarely on time anyway - it shouldnt matter.
nixternali didn't say anything about making it on time...you can make it though ;)05:50
Hobbseelike i did todya...yes...05:51
Hobbseehmmm...what was it...about 5 hours and 15 mins late?05:51
bobesponjaseaLne: here it is http://p80.free.fr/gnulingetmydistro.tar.bz205:51
nixternal5 hours and 15 minutes late...and the lecture was still going on?  if that's true, thank god you were that late, cuz you would have probably fallin' asleep05:52
Hobbseenixternal: no, was a different lecture by that point.05:53
nixternali swear...digg and slashdot have 2 purposes...render websites useless05:53
nixternalprobably a different day too ;)05:53
Hobbseeno, just a different lecture...05:54
=== Hobbsee missed maths and physics - but made it to chem prac, then to hand in her assignment
nixternalat least you made it...thats a good start ;)05:55
=== Hobbsee sleeps
nixternalnite Hobbsee05:59
Hobbseenight nixternal 05:59
cmvoHobbsee: bye!05:59
=== Hobbsee tries NOT to fall off her chair!
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Hobbseehey Lure 06:06
nixternalhow come the kubuntuforums.net aren't up to date???  no release stuff whatsoever on the front page06:09
Hobbseenixternal: we dont run them, i expect06:09
Hobbseekubuntu.org is up to date - forums are by other people.06:09
nixternali kinda figured that06:09
nixternalcuz the look is different06:09
seaLnenixternal: i see stuff about dapper and 353 on that site06:10
nixternaldapper rc...not final06:10
nixternal3.5.3 was the last post06:10
seaLneah, so it is06:11
seaLnemaybe the forum admins aren't home from school yet06:11
=== Hobbsee really goes to sleep this time.
nixternalit is funny..people in the forums are complaining that downloading release candidate is slow today...LOL...i wonder why...06:11
Lurehi Hobbsee06:11
Hobbseenixternal: that's the advantage of testing - the repos are all pretty fast06:12
Hobbseeusually not mirrored though06:12
Hobbseeso grabbing kde 3.5.3 was pretty fast - we got it before everyone else :D06:12
nixternalno..the thing is...they are griping about RC today, when it is posted that the final is out06:12
Hobbseetrue.  weird.06:12
seaLnemaybe different time zone?06:12
nixternalhehe...i think besides Riddell i was next to install it...i was campin' out when Riddell posted it06:12
=== Hobbsee has learnt that tha'ts a bad position to be in :P
nixternalim lovin' 3.5.306:13
Hobbseeafter 3.5 beta2...ouchy...06:13
nixternalit is quicker for me at least06:13
Hobbseeright.  i'm off.06:13
nixternalya..3.5 beta2 was an ouch..but Riddell reassured me that it wasn't the same06:13
Lurenixternal: yes 3.5.3 is much faster on startup06:13
nixternalnight Hobbsee06:14
nixternalfor real this time06:14
nixternal3.5.3 is quicker all around for me...and yes definately faster on startup06:14
nixternalit doesn't seem that many people downloading are grabbing torrents...direct http/ftp downloads i guess...i haven't served that much since i went to sleep last night06:18
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OdyXnixternal: I can hardly download... But I'll seed as soon as possible...06:27
nixternalnobody realling is grabbing it...im watching both of my seeds now...and they just aren't doing much06:27
nixternalright now im a 0.0kb upload06:27
nixternalmy torrent download is flying06:28
OdyXRate:  26.2 /   3.0 KB06:28
nixternalim at 1003 / 9 kb right now06:29
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Tonio_hey ;)06:48
sethmornfall, ping?07:17
mornfallseth: semi-pong07:17
mornfallwhat's up07:17
sethmornfall, quick question... guy in #kubuntu is trying to use adept to yoink java and gets http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/9812/snapshot25do.png07:17
sethand I don't know how to tell him to hit OK07:17
sethhe says pressing Enter does nothing07:17
mornfallthat's lame :|07:18
mornfallwell, clicking into the konsole and hitting enter still doesn't help i assume?07:18
sethnope :(07:18
mornfallno idea then07:18
sethI'll just tell him to cancel and install java via cli07:18
sethsorry to bother07:18
seththanks :)07:19
mornfalli knew the hidden konsole thing would generate trouble07:19
mornfalli could probably crank out a fix07:19
mornfallnow as i think of it07:19
mornfallshame it's a bit late :p07:19
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mornfall--> pub07:26
seaLneRiddell: you seen there is a xubuntu announcement on ubuntu-announce?07:30
OdyXseaLne: could you maybe stop trolling ? XD07:42
jpatrickOdyX: lol07:42
OdyXjpatrick: yop07:42
jpatrickownage I see07:43
jpatrickseaLne: kubuntu announcement @ kubuntu-devel07:45
seaLnethats not the point07:45
jpatrickIt is now...07:46
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kmonthanks for dapper ;)07:59
jpatrickkmon: yo08:00
kmonhi jpatrick08:00
kmonRiddell: thanks for fixing kde 3.5.3 in amd6408:03
kmonif you ever come to madrid I'll buy you all the beers you can take xD08:03
jpatrickkmon: how are you?08:05
kmonbut happy for dapper08:05
kmonand excited for the paris summit08:05
jjessei wish i was able to come to paris :(08:05
jpatrickjjesse: come over to the otherside...08:06
jjessejpatrick: just started a new job and have no vacation yet :)08:07
kmonthe kubuntu website is slow.... I imagine it's the dapper efect08:07
jjessekmon: it was timing out for me earlier this morning EST08:07
kmondid everyone else noticed kubuntu was out earlier than ubunu? :P08:07
bddebianrockin'!! :-)08:10
=== apachelogger actually doesn't care about realease time of ubuntu versions
apacheloggeranyway, off for server maintenance08:10
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Flosoftjpatrick: well ... if you want the iso ;) ... http://mirrors.flosoft.biz/projects/kubuntu08:13
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kmonxmms is brought back with kde 3.5.308:13
kmonand gtk108:14
pradeeptoguys little late in the day I guess.... BUT GREAT WORK on Kubuntu Dapper Drake :)08:14
pradeeptoTeam Kubuntu Cheers!08:14
jpatrickFlosoft: groovy08:16
Flosofthehe ... alternate are on the wa ... ;)08:16
FlosoftFlosoft High-Speed Downloads as usual ...08:16
Flosoftdifferent mirrors still need to be updated ;)08:16
pradeeptofolks laters, just wanted to drop in say congratulations. :)08:17
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dickhall_anyone here use bzr-NG? I'm having trouble pulling down the katapult source08:20
tvodickhall_: what commands did you use?  I'm one of the katapult devs so I ought to know it (I doubt I do tho ;))08:29
dickhall_bzr branch http://baz.thekatapult.org.uk/dev/08:30
dickhall_as written on the wiki08:30
dickhall_(I've never used bzr, so I'm just following orders08:30
tvobzr branch seems to do something here but it takes really long somehow08:34
jpatrickI thought it was bzr get08:35
dickhall_I'm getting (sorry for the paste, but it's low traffic): 08:35
dickhall_bzr: ERROR: command: '/usr/bin/bzr' 'branch' 'http://baz.thekatapult.org.uk/stable/'08:35
dickhall_pwd: /home/chris/katapult08:36
dickhall_an integer is required at /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/builtins.py line 432, in run() see ~/.bzr.log for debug information08:36
tvodickhall_: hm that doesn't happen here08:36
tvowell, unless it happens later in the command, it isn't finished here08:37
dickhall_are you doing that over an existing branch, or in a new area?08:37
dickhall_oh, it happens quite quickly, you'd know by know08:37
tvoclean dir08:37
dickhall_er, now08:37
tvojpatrick: I think with baz it was baz get08:37
tvodickhall_: you're using standard dapper install of bzr?08:38
dickhall_I'm still on breezy08:38
dickhall_I'm at work, and I'm hesitant to do a full upgrade in case it results in downtime08:38
dickhall_but yeah, just installed bzr today08:38
tvoso maybe bzr in breezy is a bit broken08:39
tvoor did you get it from backports or bzr's own repo?08:39
dickhall_just standard adept08:39
dickhall_I'll try bzr's site08:40
dickhall_oooh, much better :)08:43
tvoit works now?08:43
dickhall_well, it's fetching, and hasn't bailed out in the first 4 seconds08:44
dickhall_so an improvement at least08:44
tvoguess it will do fine then, it took a while here too08:45
FlosoftRiddell: Are you back?08:46
=== goldenear [n=user@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
dickhall_sweet, worked, thanks tvo 08:51
dickhall_so, are you guys looking for new devs or accepting patches? I'm just dabbling currently, but if I have enough time I would love to contribute08:54
tvodickhall_: we're sort of making plans for katapult 0.408:55
OdyXdickhall_: what is your current status ?08:55
tvoredesiging the API to support multithreading (for slow catalogs which need to query the web for example)08:55
tvoand multiple actions08:55
dickhall_yeah, I read some of the braindumps08:55
dickhall_OdyX: in what sense?08:55
tvobut it's going really slow as I'm spending most of my open source software dev time on another project08:56
tvoand our leader (Mez) is without a proper internet connection08:56
OdyXdickhall_: I mean... DD, power user, brother of sabdfl ?08:56
tvoand I didn't get used to bzr yet, doesn't help either..08:56
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kmonkrita 1.5.1 is broken in amd6408:58
dickhall_I have no open source experience - went right from school to a job. what you see now is me trying to get into open source ;)08:58
kmonkrita: error while loading shared libraries: libkio.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:58
FlosoftI added the all the files to my mirrors ... can you update the page?08:58
dickhall_I'm a professional programmer, working at an threat protection company on antispam software08:58
dickhall_most of the stuff I've been doing recently has been perl, javascript, and html, which is why I want to get into OSS - I'd like to get back into C++08:59
dickhall_and contribute to the community, of course08:59
dickhall_I enjoy long walks on the beach and chocolate. anything else, OdyX ? ;)09:00
OdyXdickhall_: Well. I'm no decider nor nothing... But everybody's welcome...09:01
OdyXdickhall_: got your LP account ?09:01
=== _Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
dickhall_like I said, I'm new to the community, from a dev standpoint at least09:02
dickhall_thanks, checking it out09:02
dickhall_I'm only in the dabbling phase currently - downloaded the source and started hacking yesterday for fun09:03
OdyXdickhall_: source of what ?09:03
dickhall_katapult, that's what I was chatting about with tvo09:03
OdyXdickhall_: work on Kubuntu is mainly packaging and debugging, not a lot of programmation...09:04
dickhall_I know - when I said "are you guys looking for new devs or accepting patches" it was about katapult specifically - 'twas addressed to tvo09:05
OdyXdickhall_: welll. katapult is not a Kubuntu matter... It's included in it, maybe a little adapted to Debian (then Kubuntu). If you want to "hack" katapult, you'd better join katapult's team directly, and get involved there, upstream...09:05
dickhall_that's what I was doing - tvo is on katapult's team ;)09:05
=== OdyX doesn't want to seem agressive nor bad.
tvokatapult is a bit Kubuntu matter :)09:05
dickhall_gotta jet to a meeting, I'll return09:05
tvoas Kubuntu made sure it got continued being developed after orig author quit09:05
=== OdyX shuts down and hears.
tvodickhall_: but any dev power, esp. redesigning now would be really useful... I don't want to push bad API in, so if you got C++ experience and can comment on it :)09:07
kmonRiddell: where do we fill bugs against your unofficial packages? (kde 3.5.3 or koffice 1.5.1)09:07
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OdyXkmon: official BTS is /msg Riddell I have a bug.09:19
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kmonOdyX: My irc name isn't registered....09:19
kmonso maybe I'll send him an email09:19
OdyXkmon: I was joking, but I think LP is maybe not the best place...09:20
kmondunno, but thanks09:20
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FlosoftRiddell: Are you back?09:47
jpatrickFlosoft: he might not be back for a long time09:47
jpatricksend him an email or something09:48
Flosoftdamn ... isn't there anyone else who can update the mirror page?09:48
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OdyXFlosoft: I think he's the only one with rights.09:56
seaLneto k.o? yeah09:57
OdyXthat's perfectible though...09:57
=== kwwii passes out after the long week in portugal
kwwiinight all09:58
kwwiidownloading dapper for the two new ppc build machines09:58
kwwiiwhich works great when sleeping :-)09:58
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kmonRiddell: I've created a wiki page to track issues with kubuntu.org packages. If it's not the appropiate place, feel free to remove it and point out where to track them.10:26
seaLnekmon: maybe it would be usefull if you shared its name :)10:27
kmonthe K is not capital10:28
kmonhow do I change the initial k to K10:30
seaLnecreate a new one?10:31
kmonI'm doing so10:32
kmonI hope I can delete the other one10:32
seaLneif not i think you can do some sort of redirect, not sure how tho10:33
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kmonI've also linked in main kubuntu wiki page10:34
kmonso it's easy to track it10:34
kmonhas anyone tried the kaffeine 0.8 package from kubuntu.de?10:35
Flosofthow can I contact Ridell?10:39
kmonemail him10:39
Flosoftwhats his mail?10:40
jeroenvrpkmon: no, I compiled my own 0.8.1 and works great10:40
kmonit's at the end of the page10:40
kmonjeroenvrp:  I'm a lazy bastard10:40
jeroenvrpmaybe I have the deb somewhere around10:41
jeroenvrpkmon: I have a checkinstall-deb for you10:41
kmonI'm on amd6410:41
jeroenvrpthats a shame10:42
kmonI'll end up using kubuntu.de packages10:42
jeroenvrpI think you should try those yes10:42
jeroenvrpwhy not10:42
kmonbut I wanted to know if someone has tried them before installing them10:42
jeroenvrpProberly .de have test it :_)10:42
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kmonkde 3.5.3 has reverted the dockable tray icons10:50
kmonnow they are all in the same row10:50
kmonit's strange10:50
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Tonio_hey did someone here install kde 3.5.3 ?11:20
Tonio_I have the feeling cursor on the desktop doesn't work....11:21
Tonio_I just get a black one11:21
Tonio_Riddell: can you confirm ?11:21
nixternalTonio_: i have kde 3.5.3 installed...i installed it this morning11:22
nixternalon this system here as a matter of fact11:22
bddebianLater folks, Congrats again!11:22
nixternall8r bddebian11:22
Tonio_nixternal: is your cursor theme correct on the desktop ?11:22
Tonio_bddebian: ;)11:22
nixternallet me check on desktop real quick..it is fine here in konversation...let me confirm desktop11:22
Tonio_nixternal: tanks11:23
nixternalyes it is fine. i have the default mouse cursor showing correct on the desktop11:23
Tonio_what the hell..................... I have a clean dapper installation, and a fresh profile...........11:23
nixternalim installing a fresh setup on another machine and will upgrade to kde 3.5.3 as soon as possible...i will see if it happens there11:24
nixternaltext install is so solid..i love it...quick as all hell too11:25
Tonio_nixternal: I prefer text install too11:26
Tonio_okay so let's reinstall a clean dapper system and compare11:26
nixternalim half way there11:26
nixternalTonio_: you only get the black curson when you are on the desktop? it doesn't happen anywhere else?11:29
Tonio_it happens on all windows on the bar too11:29
nixternalthat is odd11:29
Tonio_I can see that kde also switched back the systray to one line mode11:29
Tonio_I hate this...........11:29
nixternalone line mode?11:30
nixternaloh..where the icons are all on one line11:30
Tonio_yes, the systray on 3.5.2 was on 2 lines by default11:30
Tonio_they removed this...........11:30
nixternalyes...i kind of liked that...but i do like the one line the way i have it now...so it really doesn't bother me11:30
kmonIt's not even mentioned in the changelog...11:30
kmonso I don't know why11:31
Tonio_kmon: nope...11:31
Tonio_kmon: I think that should be configurable in the sysray options11:31
nixternali think i seen Riddell and them talking about it too...and fixing it somehow...how they fixed it though i can't remember11:31
kmonTonio_: that was my first thought when I saw the feature removed11:32
kmonbut apparently it has left us....11:32
Tonio_kmon: sadly yes...........11:32
Tonio_kmon: I use to have lots of things launched at the same time, so it was very usefull for me....11:32
kmonthe tray looked better11:33
nixternali have never had an operating system from boot up to install complete in less then 15 minutes..this is wonderful11:33
Tonio_kmon: do you see the cursor issue or not ?11:33
kmonI have a custom cursor and everything is fine here11:33
kmonI'm using amd6411:34
Tonio_kmon: okay11:34
Tonio_I will reinstall a clean system to be sure........... my one is probably too much customed11:34
kmonFYI I've started a wiki page to track kubuntu.org glitches11:34
Tonio_kmon: great11:34
kmonso feel free to add your bugs until Riddell is fed up :)11:35
Tonio_kmon: yes, but I wanna track bugs on a clean system :)11:36
nixternalheh..i thought i was the only one with amarok 1.4 splash screen issue..i asked the past couple of days and everyone was said they had no problem11:36
Tonio_but concerning the tray, that's unfortunatelly not a bug, unless it is supposed to still be on two lines but doesn't work11:36
kmonhave you guys thought about how are you going to provided updated packages to dapper?11:36
Tonio_we should ask to kde people if that's vonluntary removed or not11:36
kmonofficialy or unofficialy11:37
kmonTonio_: could you ask kde and if it's a bug add it to the wiki page?11:38
Tonio_kmon: yes11:38
kmonI don't know any kde dev11:38
kmonyou could ask aseigo, since he's the kicker maintainer, and a kubuntu fan 11:39
kmonI've seen him in #kubuntu11:39
Tonio_kmon: thanks for the info11:39
kmonno problem11:40
kmonthanks for your work on dapper ;)11:40
apacheloggerkmon: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12521011:41
UbugtuKDE bug 125210 in general "amaroK doesn't apply the show splashscreen setting from a kiosk config" [Minor,New]  11:41
apacheloggerbtw ;-)11:41
kmonthanks apachelogger11:41
kmonI'm linking the bug in the page11:41
kmonapachelogger: you're from the kubuntu.de crew, aren't you?11:44
kmonI was thinking the other day it would be nice to integrate your packages with kubuntu.org ones11:44
kmonI wan't lastest kaffeine ;)11:45
kmonit would be nice for people running dapper11:45
kmonsince it's going to be long supported11:45
apacheloggerwell, one can add the repo anyway ;-)11:45
apacheloggerno need to have it at kubuntu.org11:46
apacheloggerjust a too big list of various packages in our repo11:46
kmonbut at least, provide a page with info about this repos11:46
kmonand how to include the gpg key, etc11:46
kmonnot sure...11:46
kmonjust an idea to make it easier11:46
kmonfor users11:46
kmon(me :P)11:46
apacheloggerI gonna talk to the repo master11:47
kmonI've adde the topic to the next agenda11:47
kmonlet's see what Riddell and others think about it11:47
apacheloggerkmon: http://www.czessi.net/apt.php?i18n=en11:47
kmonmaybe he has other plans to keep us in the bleeding edge11:47
apacheloggeror http://packages.kubuntu.de/apt.php?i18n=en11:48
apacheloggeractually leads to same result ;-)11:49
=== Tonio_ reinstalling, seya !
kmonare you an amarok devel?11:49
apacheloggernot dev, though nearly everything else ;-)11:50
kmonI thought so after reading your lastest blog11:50
=== apachelogger wonders that there are actually people already reading the new blog
kmonit's sindicated in planet kubuntu de11:51
kmonand you write in english.... so 11:51
kmonwhen I'm bored at work11:51
kmonI read blogs11:51
kmonspecially kde ones11:51
nixternalapachelogger: thx for the link to that bug...i followed #4 and now the disable splash works11:52
pygiapachelogger is a marketing people :)11:52
pygiat least from what I got from amarok organisation :)11:52
apacheloggerpygi: and Senior Director of Interproject Coordination Activities11:52
pygiapachelogger, and that ;)11:53
=== pygi is supposed to be working on gst engine for amarok now :(
apacheloggerah, and release dude ;-)11:53
pygiapachelogger, yes, yes, I know :)11:53
pygiapachelogger, so when is next release? ;)11:58
apachelogger1.4.1 beta1 on 18th11:58
apachelogger18th + 2weeks = 1.4.111:58
pygioki, what about 1.5?11:59
apacheloggerno 1.511:59
pygiah, yes11:59
apacheloggerhopefully same day as KDE 4.011:59
pygiwhen would that be ? :)11:59
pygi(me is asking because of gst engine has to be done by then)11:59
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apacheloggerpygi: not my genre ;-)12:00
pygiapachelogger, hehe :)12:00
pygithanks :)12:00
nixternalTonio_: downloading kde 3.5.3 and upgrading now...we should know something in about the next 5 to 10 minutes12:01
apacheloggerpygi: release month/year of 4.0 isn't set yet (official)12:01
nixternali can't wait for that12:02
nixternali just wish some of the people on kde-look would stop posting vista-like kde4 ideas12:02
apacheloggeryeah :|12:03
nixternallinux isn't windows...thats my take...if im gonna be free os hippy, then i don't want to use something that looks like it came from m$ ;)12:04
nixternali like kmenu 'K" w/ gears...no kbfx either ;)12:04
nixternalnow if only the hardware was free...then there could be a happy hippy land12:05

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