
Burgworkmdke, I am going to deactivate anybody I don't know with a comment to email me12:04
mdkethat guy is just collecting teams, surely! he has almost as many as Bluekuja 12:04
mdkegood plan12:04
Burgworkhow do I change the ownership to myself?12:04
mdkeI have no idea12:04
mdkelet's bug kiko or someone12:04
LaserJockoh man, wiki LP stuff is nuts12:06
LaserJocklots of people have wiki in their LP ID12:07
LaserJockand the wiki team is just wikiteam, not ubuntu-wiki (which is "owned" by somebody else)12:07
BurgworkI should change the wiki team to ubuntu-wiki12:08
LaserJockalready taken though12:08
Burgworkthere is somebody at ubuntu-wiki12:09
LaserJockmaybe ubuntu-supa-dupa-wiki ?12:11
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Burgworkmdke, I like collecting teams. Besides, is there any real harm?12:13
mdkeBurgwork: no problem from me on wiki, I have no idea of your role in the marketing team12:13
Burgworkunless I get hit by a bus I have proven myself to be fairly relible12:13
LaserJockmdke: wrt to tagging pages for the move, what about a workflow page that is linked to from a doc?12:17
LaserJockdoes the link stay intact?12:17
LaserJockand should I move the workflow page?12:18
mdkeLaserJock: example?12:18
LaserJockhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuCookbook/Worksheet is linked to from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuCookbook12:19
mdkeup to you12:19
LaserJockI mean the Worksheet page is obviously not documentation, but it is used for WIP docs12:19
mdkemove it if you want. Yeah, links to non-docs from existing docs will break12:19
mdkeeither move it or fix the link to point at the spec12:20
Burgworkhmm, no jerome around12:23
Burgworkmdke, shall I deactivate Sean from teh doc team?12:32
=== LaserJock is worried he will be deactivated :'(
BurgworkLaserJock, I accept bribes ;)12:33
LaserJockhmm, $150 enough?12:33
BurgworkLaserJock, have you received any patches from John Patrick Davies?12:34
Laser_awaystupid meetings :/12:34
Laser_awayyes, once I believe12:34
BurgworkLaser_away, has he ever applied for svn rights?12:34
Laser_awayhe's a Kubuntu guy12:34
Laser_awayI didn't think so12:34
mdkeBurgwork: yeah.12:35
Burgworkok, will do12:35
Burgworkwhat should I say?12:35
Burgworklack of sustained contribution?12:35
Laser_away<- is really gone now12:35
=== Burgwork realizes he almost falls under that
mdkeBurgwork: no, just inactive for a long time12:36
theCoreLaser_away: when you will be back, I want to tell you some ideas about the organisation of the Packaging Guide12:36
Laser_awaytheCore: cool, I'll be done in 2 hrs12:36
theCoreLaser_away: I will try to put them into the Wiki12:36
BurgworktheCore, mailing list is a probably a better place for discussion12:37
=== theCore is a ML illettrate
Burgworkmdke, did you get my query?12:39
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Lathiatmdke: pon g?02:04
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LaserJocktheCore: still around?02:24
theCoreLaserJock: yep02:24
LaserJocktheCore: what did you have in mind?02:25
theCoreLaserJock: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPackagingGuide02:25
LaserJockhmm, yeah it would be good to start with the basica packaging stuff02:27
LaserJockand then move into different common packaging scenarios02:27
LaserJockbug fixing (i.e. how to do a debdiff)02:28
theCoreLaserJock: yeah, back again to the scenarios :)02:28
LaserJockwell, we might not call them that ;-)02:28
crimsun /join irc, bug bddebian.  Next scenario?02:28
LaserJocknew upstream versions (i.e. making sure to -sa when building the source package)02:29
LaserJocksync/merges (better this time)02:29
LaserJockI really want to hit patching and debdiffing this time as those are things that a lot of MOTU wannabes do02:30
LaserJockmaybe we can send a call for items wannabes want to see covered to -motu ML02:30
theCorewhen the freeze end, tomorrow?02:30
crimsunwider coverage would be to ubuntu-users-announce, perhaps02:31
theCoreLaserJock: also, we need to cover another aspect of packaging, personal packaging02:31
LaserJockhow to rebuild a package to get debugging symbols is a common one02:32
LaserJockthe first time I touched a source package was to add readline support to gnuplot02:32
LaserJockjust for personal use02:32
theCoreLaserJock: I'm sure there's many admin that would love having an alternative to the common /usr/local02:32
LaserJockand don't tell anybody I did that, RMS might have my hide ;-)02:32
crimsunwe really, really, really need to consider discouraging the {ab,}use of checkinstall02:33
crimsunpeople inevitably end up passing said packages around02:33
LaserJockcrimsun: right, that's  why I'd like to make an easy guide to doing it right02:33
LaserJockthe first time I did the readline tweak on gnuplot I used checkinstall02:34
LaserJockbut I didn't like it too much02:34
crimsununfortunately checkinstall in dapper is ... crippled (at least last I checked)02:34
LaserJockand then I found a little recipe that had what to change in debian/rules and then dpkg-buildpackage02:35
LaserJockit was really easy02:35
LaserJocktheCore (and crimsun too if you want): ok, so rework that outline on Ubuntu Packaging Guide to what you would like to see for Edgy02:37
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ajmitchhe jsgotangco 03:08
ajmitchwhat's up?03:08
jsgotangcoim having some .net crap at work03:08
=== ajmitch spent a month coding for .net CF
jsgotangcoim doing this in vb.net for an IVR project03:09
ajmitchat least I was doing C#03:09
jsgotangcothe mind boggles03:09
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crimsunit would have boggled more at non-dot-net vb03:12
Burgundaviajsgotangco: you nintendo linky no worky03:15
jsgotangcoi will edit it03:16
jsgotangcoive linked it elsewhere now (bbc article)03:22
Burgundaviahmm, that sucks03:27
Burgundaviamuine no longer responds to multimedia keys03:27
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MadpilotBurgundavia, ping03:52
BurgundaviaMadpilot: poing03:52
Madpilotback on LiveCD - main install still FUBAR'd03:52
Burgundaviadoes X start?03:53
Madpilotyes, but GDM wouldn't let me log in03:53
MadpilotI was able to log in to console, though03:53
Burgundaviawhat does it say?03:53
Madpilotit looks like my network connection is fubar'd03:54
Burgundaviahmm, in what way?03:54
Madpilotall of the network commands I tried (apt-get update, ping & wget) returned DNS resolving errors03:54
Burgundaviacan you mount your / in the live cd?03:54
Madpilotthe liveCD is able to get on the net as usual though, so it's not my actual connection...03:54
Madpilotgot both my regular partitions mounted - what am I looking for?03:56
Burgundaviacheck your /etc/resolv.conf03:57
BurgundaviaMadpilot: lets move to #ubuntu-ca03:57
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Bilangeis that the right channel for questions about the main ubuntu.com (updated) website?05:29
robotgeekBilange: sure05:29
BurgundaviaBilange: what is the issue?05:29
Bilangeif no one else reported it, theres a visual flaw in the new design... there is no shadow below the "tabs" div (called sisternav in the html source)05:30
Bilangethat is, on the latest FF ubuntu repos provides05:30
BurgundaviaI don't know if that is a visual flaw, but I see it05:30
Bilangewell, im not sure how I could say that, but thats just asthetics (sp?)05:31
Bilangeactually, there is no code at all to provide a shadow as far as I looked for it, so maybe that was just forgotten05:32
robotgeek21 errors in validation05:32
robotgeekhttp://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntu.com 05:33
Bilangethis gets worse when trying to load the main page under Ie6/Win98: javascript error popup :S05:34
LaserJockBurgundavia: I don't understand the root issue05:34
BurgundaviaLaserJock: what do you mean?05:34
LaserJockdon't the docs keep sudo?05:35
Bilangejavascript error: "line 30 char 5, document.getElementById(...) has a Null value or isnt an object"05:35
BurgundaviaLaserJock: yes, but these are doc provided by vmware05:35
LaserJockBurgundavia: yeah, but you say we put a lot of effort in being consistent05:36
BurgundaviaLaserJock: yes, because about once a month I have to cleanup a doc on the wiki that says "first enable your root account"05:36
LaserJockright, I thought you were saying that you wanted to keep "enable your root account"05:37
LaserJockI must have misread05:37
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ajmitchBurgundavia: that's like the selinux developers complaining about docs that start off with 'first disable selinux'05:57
ajmitchwhen it's the buggy code at fault, not selinux :)05:57
ajmitchthere are some things selinux policy disables on FC5 that apps just shouldn't do05:58
jsgotangcoperhaps they just understand the deeper intricacies of selinux and brush it off as a feature blocker :/05:59
jsgotangcos/just/just don't05:59
ajmitchright :)05:59
ajmitchit's comparable to docs telling people to make a system dir world-writable05:59
jsgotangcoive seen a few php web apps that say explicity to turn it off05:59
ajmitchselinux got a really bad reputation due to FC2's strict policy06:00
Burgundaviasomething Novell has capitalized on quite well06:01
ajmitchbut apparmor just doesn't cover things in nearly the same way06:01
BurgundaviaI think if Ubuntu jumps for SELinux and XGL, it will be interesting06:01
Burgundaviaeach Novell and RH has a technology that is useless06:01
ajmitchthere are people who want apparmour in edgy06:01
=== jsgotangco looks at ajmitch on SELinux
=== robotgeek will never run xgl on his ppc box
ajmitchrobotgeek: a little too slow?06:02
robotgeekajmitch: yeah, ati drivers , suck06:02
jsgotangcoid probably turn of wobbly windows06:03
robotgeeknever going to buy another machine with a ati in it06:03
ajmitchjsgotangco: yes, one thing selinux lacks much of is documentation :)06:04
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robotgeekwe all hate bad documentation, lol06:06
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ajmitchyeah, outdated docs are often worse than none at all06:08
robotgeekBurgundavia: you use epiphany, right?06:17
Burgundaviarobotgeek: nothing but06:17
robotgeekopening a new tab does not focus cursor in address bar06:17
Burgundaviayep, long known bug06:18
Burgundaviadifficult to fix, because of the way mozilla is built06:18
robotgeekheh, why do i run into irritating bugs in whatever "integrated" browser i use </rant>06:18
Burgundaviaff unconditionally focuses the address bar, as where as the epip people like to focus the fire text input bar if it is available06:18
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Burgundaviathis is sometimes buggy, due to mozilla code, not epip06:19
robotgeekblank tabs even. you know a nice extension/hack to fix this?06:19
robotgeekwith konqueror, i ran into bugs which were "exotic"06:20
Burgundaviafile a bug06:20
robotgeekdid that for Konq, no one else was able to confirm06:22
ajmitchhow does one properly revert a wiki page change?06:32
Burgundaviaajmitch: go to get info, click the revert link on the edit06:33
ajmitchapart from stripping out the offending text :)06:33
robotgeekajmitch: click on more info, and select revvision and go06:33
ajmitchright, I'm not seeing the revert06:33
Burgundaviaajmitch: page and edit?06:33
ajmitchit's only someone adding 'doh' to it06:34
ajmitchnothing major, just stupid :)06:34
=== ajmitch sees 'view raw print' in the actions column
Burgundaviaajmitch: do you see teh "Get Info: link?06:34
ajmitchyes, I'm on that page06:34
Burgundaviaclick the on revert link one edit back06:35
ajmitchlooks like I'm logged out06:35
ajmitchsilly small fonts :)06:35
ajmitchok, revert happens to show up when I'm using the other browser, which is logged in :)06:35
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Madpilothi all08:21
Madpilotblasted dist-upgrade... the k7 kernel currently in Dapper repos doesn't like either of my onboard net connections - I've got to use a LiveCD to get on the net...08:22
MadpilotI don't think you can use LiveCDs as CD-repos, can you?08:24
MadpilotI need a 386 kernel for a while08:25
robitailleyou can chroot into your dapper partition from your liveCD session then install that 386 kernel08:26
robitaillebut not really user friendly...08:27
MadpilotI was planning on grabbing the Install ISO tomorrow at my parents, burning that, and mounting it as a cd repo in Synaptic08:28
robitailleyou could also download the .deb manually for linux-image-...-386 and  linux-restricted...-386 from archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool in the live session, burn them to a CD, or write them to your disk, and install manually using dpkg08:33
Madpilotwhy didn't I think of that?08:33
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Madpilothi Burgundavia08:35
=== Madpilot watches #ubuntu going totally berserk...
jsgotangco"is it here" messages?08:45
Madpilot898 people in #ubuntu right now08:45
highvoltageare we placing bets again on how high it will go? :P08:53
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SeveasMadpilot, was 930-940 last night09:29
MadpilotSeveas: fun...09:30
mdkemorning all09:30
Burgundaviahey mdke09:30
bhuvanhello mdke09:31
mdkehey Madpilot, if I prepare a list of the books and languages we're going to put on lulu, will you be able to take charge of the covers?09:31
mdkebhuvan: hiya :09:31
Burgundaviabhuvan: long time, so see09:31
bhuvanBurgundavia, i use to be online and stay listening :)09:31
Madpilotmdke: sure, I've got some time this weekend, hopefully.09:32
mdkeMadpilot: perfect, I'll do that soon then and we can get that sorted too :)09:32
bhuvanmdke: new-help.u.c is a new server or it's a virtual host in h.u.c ?09:32
mdkebhuvan: it's on one of the Ubuntu servers09:33
mdkesame one as wiki.u.c. in fact09:33
bhuvani assume, we are going to migrate frozen pages from w.u.c to n-help.u.c and set edittable only by wikiteam members09:35
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mdkeno, all documentation from wiki.u is going to be moved to that server at help.ubuntu.com/community09:36
mdkeand it will be editable as before09:36
lastnodemdke, i just started translating some stuff in rosetta. how does that work for docs?09:36
mdkelastnode: you can find docs at ubuntu-docs, kubuntu-docs, and xubuntu-docs.09:37
bhuvanmdke, so what's the purpose of n-help.u.c ?09:37
lastnodemdke, mailing lists?09:37
mdkebhuvan: it will become help.u09:37
mdkelastnode: those are packages in rosetta09:38
lastnodemdke, oh, right.09:38
bhuvanmdke, ok09:38
lastnodealso, is there a standard font to be used?09:38
lastnodeim using the (yet uncertified) unicode font for my language09:38
mdkelastnode: while translating? no...09:39
lastnodemdke, im using Sinhala Unicode09:39
bhuvanmdke, can we schedule a team meeting to discuss documents for edgy and other stuff you/others may have ? 09:39
mdkegood idea09:39
mdkelastnode: listen, I have to go to work, if you have some more questions, mail ubuntu-translators and I will get back to you09:40
lastnodemdke, ok, thanks :)09:40
bhuvanso, i'll update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda with what i have ...09:41
Madpilotit's been months since we had a docteam meeting09:41
bhuvanany input on date & time ?09:42
bhuvanMadpilot, yes09:42
Burgundaviameetings, we don't have those09:42
jsgotangcobah! who needs them!09:42
bhuvanday jun 16 (fri) - will it work ?09:43
=== bhuvan is going for lunch
Madpilotnice, the frontpage of ubuntu.com has finally been updated09:50
jsgotangcoyeah with a nice asian-guy for support (jbailey)09:54
robthe updated web site rocks09:55
Burgundaviathat it does09:55
robthat menu thing makes things nice and easy to find09:55
highvoltagejsgotangco: is that jbaily? i always thought he was english :)10:00
jsgotangcoi also thought he had long hair too10:01
=== jsgotangco grins
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jjesseapparently there are/were a lot of typos in the release notes for kubuntu, didn't realize that so i apologize03:02
jjesseneed to spell check my work better03:03
jjessealso some don't like how it is worded :( wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems 03:03
mdkeyes, we've been asked to review the style03:04
jjessei wish the style was reviewed before release, the notes haven't changed "style" since at least flight3 or so03:04
jsgotangcojjesse: we should invite you to the elite blatant-and-awkward LP team03:04
jjessesorry a little frustrated this morning 03:05
jjessejust that they been "finished" for what seems a couple of months and no one complained about it03:05
jjesseThe release notes (help:/kubuntu/krelease-notes/index.html) are full of typos ("Recomendations", "regulary", "preditctably", "Ubuquity", "seperate", etc.), read unprofessionally ("Wahoo a sweet new installer is available ...!!!!", "FREE of charge!!!!", etc.), and appear to be confused in other ways (a paragraph for "a sweet new installer" that talks about features in Breezy, and then a separate paragraph for Ubiquity which is the actual new installer). C03:06
jsgotangcojjesse: it can't be helped, you were probably busy with work03:06
jsgotangcoreal life takes preference over volunteer work03:06
jjessejsgotangco: no one told me03:07
jsgotangcojjesse: that's a shame, even in kubuntu?03:07
jsgotangcowe actually wrote the edubuntu release annoucement in a 1 1/2 days03:08
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jsgotangcoyou could probably ask Riddell for access to the kubuntu website to fix it up03:09
jsgotangco(that's what we did for edubuntu using drupal)03:09
jjessewell i'll rewrite them tonight and send them to riddell and the list to get included in dapper-updates, just frustrated that they were out there for so long and no one complained03:09
jsgotangcoyeah i can relate to that03:10
mdkejjesse: don't worry about it dude, it's no problem fixing them up03:35
jjessemdke: i know sorry just a little frustrated this morning for some reason03:40
mdkeno worries03:40
highvoltagehow's the wiki move going?03:41
jsgotangcoits happening?03:42
highvoltagejsgotangco: i don't know. i thought it was going to happen today.03:47
jjessegrin on the official ubuntu release annoucnement under the book section they spelled my name wrong03:52
jjesselook for jonathan jessie  :)03:52
jsgotangcolol oh well03:52
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mgalvinjjesse: what is the correct spelling?04:06
jjesseno 'i'    jesse04:06
mgalvinoh right, duh, hang on i'll fix it04:07
jjessegrin thanks mgalvin04:08
mgalvinjjesse: np, it should be fixed now04:08
jjessei find that funny, at least my last name wasn't first which is another common mistake04:08
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mgalvinpeople always say my last name glavin instead galvin b/c there is a baseball player tom glavin and people just have that name in their heads :-/04:09
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LaserJockoh sweet, anybody seen Mark's blog07:05
mgalvinback to the installing software bit quickly, could we not use the same technique used in many books... standardize on using one command like apt or aptitude so that we can still copy paste AND also provide the link as we are doing now so that users who don't know how to use or don't want to use our standard can learn how to use something else07:06
LaserJockI suppose but we will have lots of issues with choosing apt-get vs. aptitude07:07
LaserJockor some other CLI package manager that comes around07:07
mgalvinwell, we (jeff jerome and i) have been sticking with apt if that carries any weight at all07:08
=== mgalvin is not trying to push one or the other
jjesseand on the kubuntu side we standarized on adept07:09
mgalvintime for beer indeed07:09
mgalvinwell, after work :)07:09
LaserJockyeah, but there are people (we have one on the wiki) who will refuse to accept apt-get07:09
LaserJockand really there are advantages to aptitude07:09
mgalvinhmm, providing both would be silly i guess?07:10
mgalvinthere are07:10
LaserJockyes, because the lines would be the same07:10
LaserJockit is so irritating that people can't just substitute in their desired one07:10
LaserJockapt-get install foo bar07:10
LaserJockor aptitude install foo bar07:10
mgalvinwhat drawbacks might aptitude have opposed to apt-get07:11
mgalvinug, thats a management type question, eww, i feel dirty07:11
LaserJockI don't really know of any except it does install Recommended packages by default07:11
LaserJockbut if you do aptitude -r install foo bar07:11
LaserJockit is essentiall the same07:12
mgalvinwhich isn't always correct07:12
mgalvinb/c of the diff btwn us and debian07:12
mgalvinlemme see if i can find an example, i know i have run into them07:12
LaserJockwell, if maintainers used Recommends properly it probably wouldn't be much of a problem, but ...07:12
mgalvintrue, yea a big but07:13
LaserJockanyway, aptitude is just a souped up apt-get07:13
LaserJocka lot of devs like it07:13
=== highvoltage [n=Jono@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
LaserJockanyway, it really is quite similar to the emacs vs. vim battle07:14
LaserJockpeople get all hot about it but it really comes down to whatever you prefer and feel most comfortable with07:14
highvoltageLaserJock: what's that?07:14
LaserJockthat's why I prefer that we not give a line07:14
LaserJockhighvoltage: apt-get vs. aptitude in docs07:15
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LaserJockmgalvin: I started out with apt-get lines in the Packaging Guide and that was the first thing people complained about07:15
mgalvini suggested a standardization route but anyway we go has pros and cons07:15
LaserJockI agree07:15
LaserJockI personally like being able to cut-n-paste the lines from a guide07:16
mgalvincan't please everyone07:16
=== mgalvin *shrugs*
LaserJockso basically we make *everyone* a little mad so that we don't make significant amounts of people *really* mad ;-)07:17
mgalvinso we shoot ourselves in both feet, but we can still walk :)07:17
LaserJockexactly ;-)07:18
kermitX_apt-get in docs makes sense as it's the most accessible? vs aptitude/synaptic/adept07:18
highvoltagewhat is used, generally in doc, apt-get?07:18
mgalvinhighvoltage: until recently yes07:18
LaserJockif Ubuntu did standarize around a package management it would be different07:18
jjesseit depedns on ubuntu or kubuntu07:19
jjessefor kubuntu the docs should refer to adept07:19
=== kermitX_ prefers aptitude above all others, though.
mgalvinmaybe we should present this issue to the devs or the TB/CC?07:19
mgalvinthey would be able to pick the standard07:19
LaserJockI don't think they will want to07:19
LaserJockbecause they themselves probably use different ones07:19
mgalvindon't know if it is even worth bothering them with at this point07:20
highvoltagei would think it's TB's responsibility to provide feedback07:20
LaserJockit's the TB's responsibilty to make decisions07:20
highvoltagedidn't mdz post to the doc and devel mailing list a while back saying something along the lines of docteam should work closer to the tech team to make sure that all documentation is technically sounds?07:20
LaserJockif they don't feel that a decision needs to be made they won't touch it07:20
mgalvinyea, they will likely want to not offend as well, but might have additional thoughts07:20
highvoltageah, i see.07:20
highvoltagehow boring of them :)07:21
LaserJockI think we could at least ask the TB if they think it is something that they would like to discuss07:21
LaserJockhighvoltage is right that we need to work closely with the devs07:21
mgalvincan't hurt to ask07:21
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highvoltageeven if they could just give a bit of feedback, it would be nice.07:22
Burgworkhighvoltage, yes, he did07:22
Burgworkit is mostly the wiki dcos07:22
LaserJockcurrently though, I think it is sort of nice the way we do it07:22
highvoltageapoligies for the confusion and ignorance on my part, but did the wiki move happen today? and was it scheduled for today?07:23
mgalvinyea, i only think about it because i work with, um, well, people i know prefer copy/paste07:23
mgalvinanyway, anyone object to at least presenting the issue to the TB07:24
LaserJockmy only point would be that we should discuss it within the team and then have a cohesive spec or something to bring to the TB07:25
Burgworkmgalvin, what, how we talk about installation? you want to take that to the TB?07:25
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LaserJockBurgwork: he would like to ask the TB if we should standarize around a package manager, I think07:26
mgalvinmostly yes07:26
mgalvinBurgwork: i like how in books a standard method it followed and the other option methods are discussed elsewhere...07:27
Burgworkthe problem is, what standard method? apt-get or synaptic?07:27
mgalvinand being able to copy paste commands is useful07:27
Burgworkfor those who have commandline experience, yes07:27
mgalvini was thinking a standard for the cli07:28
mgalvinnot sure about the gui aspect07:28
mgalvinthere are so many now, and g-a-i added another07:28
Burgworkthat basically leads us down the path of recommending the CLI07:28
highvoltagei would think that it's synaptic, since ubuntu should allow users to do everything the gui way. but command line is important, you don't always have the luxury of a gui. either for servers, or for troubleshooting.07:28
BurgworkI like the current method07:28
highvoltagesorry if i'm just making noise here :)07:28
Burgworkno, you are not07:28
Burgworkhence why we shouldn't mention any one method07:28
mgalvini am largely referring to processes that require the cli07:29
Burgworkwhich are those?07:29
Burgworkinstalling apache? I can do that from synaptic07:29
LaserJockif X breaks07:29
BurgworkI am saying it is bettter to have one way of talking about it, a have that consistent07:29
LaserJockor you need to ssh into the box07:30
Burgworkin that case, they should know07:30
Burgworkthere are too many cases for us to special case anything07:30
LaserJockwell, sure07:30
mgalvinbut  you can't config apache in a gui... many wiki does do... example: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto07:30
mgalvinyou can't do that in a gui07:31
Burgworkmgalvin, we should also be saying "Edit X file", not "sudo nano X.file"07:31
LaserJockI think the problem is having 2 different audiences07:31
LaserJockCLI and GUI07:32
Burgworkjust as we don't prejudice for any installation method, we don't prejudice against any text editor07:32
LaserJocksome prefer one over the other07:32
Burgworkthe former can figure it and the latter will thank us for not driving them to tehj CLI07:32
LaserJockI would say though that people who are used to CLI will be annoyed with it07:32
LaserJock"why didn't they just put the line so I can cut-n-paste"07:33
BurgworkI would rather annoy the CLI people than the GUI people07:33
Burgworkif I had to annoy somebody07:33
LaserJockI don't think you have to annoy the GUI people07:33
Burgworkapt-get install blah annoys the GUI people07:33
LaserJockonly if that is the only option07:33
Burgworkwhat else do you want to do? mention every way?07:34
mgalvinhaha, yea, i am trying to get us to think of a middle ground07:34
Burgworkeither apt-get install blah or just install blah through synaptic07:34
Burgworkuhh, no07:34
LaserJockI can see using the current method and then adding an apt-get line in a <screen> beneath it07:34
LaserJockbut maybe that would be confusing07:34
Burgworkyes, it would07:34
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mgalvinhow do others do it? take for example back in the ubuntuguide.org days... all apt-get install... and everyone loved it07:35
Burgworkuh,, no07:36
BurgworkCLI people loved it07:36
Burgworkgrandma did not07:36
mgalvinok, true07:36
mgalvini am thinking in terms of cli people...07:36
highvoltagedoes it actually say sudo nano X.file somewhere? that's nasty!07:36
BurgworkCLI people are louder int he community07:36
Burgworkyo' mamma don't do no IRC07:36
mgalvincli people loved it so why let a few peoples complaints ruin a proven liked (but seemingly the majority) method07:37
highvoltagewhat we do in edubuntu is, say press alt+f2 in gnome, then type gksudo "gedit file.txt"07:37
Burgworkhighvoltage, we are trying to get away from that as well07:37
highvoltageunderstandably so, it is a bit complicated :/07:37
highvoltageif there were a menu entry 'root gedit' (or whatever you want to call it), it would be easier, but then again, also more dangerous07:38
Burgworkif you look at most professionally written and GOOD  help, they don't prejiduce either07:38
mgalvinBurgwork: do you have any particular examples in mind?07:38
Burgworkmgalvin, not currently. All the places I have seen are books written for average users07:39
Burgworkif you write for a average users, the advanced ones will come along07:40
mgalvinsure, my main argument was that many book pick a method (that i have seen) and use it... look at madduck's debian book, or even mako deb bible (doesn't it use apt-get) iirc07:40
mgalvini know martins does07:41
Burgworkthose are written for debian07:41
mgalvinand we are not to far from that07:41
LaserJockI agree that we can't just put CLI lines07:41
Burgworkwe have picked a method, it is called "tell people what package to install""07:41
LaserJockI think the majority of users do not use CLI all the time07:42
highvoltagei have a suggestion07:42
LaserJockand to some extent you need to cater to the least common denominator07:42
Burgworkhighvoltage, we don't do suggestions here ;)07:42
highvoltageyou have a two page document, explaining how to do it with synaptic, aptitude, apt-get, kynaptic, adept, etc.07:43
Burgworkyep, that already exists07:43
Burgworkand then you link it?07:43
highvoltagethen you tell the users to install package X, how they want to do it is up to them, they can refer to that doc if they are unsire07:43
Burgworkwe just need to be more agressive about linking that07:43
LaserJockhighvoltage: that is what we are doing now07:43
highvoltagethen you never have to tell a user to apt-get, or to synaptic07:43
highvoltageok, sorry then.07:44
mgalvinmy main concern is that copy paste commands are easier07:44
LaserJockmgalvin: but only to people that would use them07:44
Burgworkmgalvin, easier for a certain class of user, not for everybody07:44
Burgworkbe careful with blanket statements07:44
mgalvini certainly agree with that07:44
LaserJockI really really think we could use an Ubuntu user survey for this kind of thing07:44
mgalvinok, i concede for now, /me shoots himself in both feet and hobbles away :)07:45
LaserJockbecause we really have no idea what our users use07:45
highvoltagewell, you can't copy and paste in the gui tools, and apt-get install isnt' exactly much to type out07:45
BurgworkLaserJock, that would just confirm that current active Ubuntu users love apt-get, because mom and pop wouldn't respond07:45
LaserJockBurgwork: well, we need a real survey07:45
Burgworksurveys are hard and expensive to do correctly07:46
LaserJockI don't know if Canoncial has done anything07:46
Burgworkplus potentially annoying to users07:46
LaserJockI haven't seen it07:46
Burgworknor have I07:46
mgalvinfridge, apt-get | aptitude | synatpic | g-a-i | adept | don't know07:46
LaserJockbut we make decisions all the time with "most users" but in reality we have no idea07:46
LaserJockno fridge won't work07:47
LaserJockagain, that would tend to oversample the devs/nerds ;-)07:47
Burgworkmgalvin, self selecting surveys at the fridge will merely reinforce that the current active set love apt-get07:47
LaserJockeven doing a forum poll would slant the outcome07:48
Burgworkthat would be worse07:48
LaserJockyou have to make sure you are trully sampling the population of Ubuntu users07:48
mgalvinshipit could send millions of postage paid postcards07:48
mgalvinhaha, kidding07:48
LaserJockit is expensive07:49
BurgworkI think we just need to be smart about it07:49
LaserJockmy uni did a survey to see if we wanted different ID cards, they spent close to $1 millon for the whole process07:50
LaserJockthat included more than just the survey07:51
LaserJockbut it was quite a bit of it07:51
mgalvinpossibly something simple on the main website somewhere, much wider exposure07:51
Burgworkthat would do07:51
LaserJockI think it would have to be a combination07:51
LaserJockwebsite, shipit, maybe even something in the install07:52
mgalvinsure, it couldn't hurt to put it in a few places07:52
jjessenot in the install07:52
mgalvinoh never mind07:52
LaserJockI think it would have to go in the install in one form or another07:53
mgalvinwell, maybe this is dumb, would popularity-contest maybe even be of some use07:53
LaserJockin a way07:53
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LaserJocknot so much in its current form I don't think07:53
mgalvinright, i figured07:53
LaserJockyou have to know about it to turn it on07:53
LaserJockwich automatically throws out a lot of users07:53
apokryphoswhich is the main URL now for users to use/access the documentation?07:53
apokryphoshelp.u.c still has instructions for kubuntu breezy07:53
LaserJockit will be switched, I believe07:54
LaserJockapokryphos: for now I think it is help.u.c/6.06 or something07:54
apokryphossame for ubuntu07:54
apokryphosnice, looks very good; I'll link to that for now =)07:55
LaserJockit should be switched very soon I would guess07:55
LaserJockmdke_ would know ;-)07:55
apokryphosevenin' =)07:55
mdke_whoosh that is long scrollback07:55
LaserJockmdke_: apt-get vs aptitude again :-)07:56
Burgworkmdke_, bugger at the Naaman thing07:56
mdke_eugh ffs07:56
mdke_Burgwork: yeah, it'll be alright though.07:56
apokryphosas I always say, they each have their uses ;-)07:56
robotgeektrue that apokryphos 07:56
apokryphoshi robotgeek :)07:57
mdke_that's not the point though, the point is that there are a million package managers, we should be neutral07:57
robotgeeksmart or whatever in edgy too07:57
apokryphosbut it's more practical to recommend/explain the 'official' ones07:57
apokryphosyeah, smart's great 8)07:57
LaserJockthere are no 'official' ones07:57
apokryphosLaserJock: sure there are; smart in breezy and dapper is unofficial07:58
apokryphosit's not shipped in main07:58
mdkeapokryphos: yes, we do that.07:58
LaserJockhmm, I guess being in Main would make it a bit more official07:58
mdkebut that doesn't mean that we should adopt one when documenting a procedure07:58
LaserJockI'm a MOTU so I tend to see Universe as offical too ;-)07:58
apokryphossure, but it's technically not "Ubuntu official"07:59
LaserJockI wouldn't say that07:59
LaserJockit isn't supported by Canonical07:59
jjessecan i ask a silly question:  is it really worth it?07:59
mdkethat's the problem with using the word official08:00
jjesseis this whole discussion worth having?08:00
LaserJockjjesse: is what worth it?08:00
apokryphosLaserJock: /msg ubotu components :)08:00
mdkeapokryphos: his point is that you are adopting a completely subjective meaning of the word "official"08:00
mdkeyou're both right08:00
LaserJockapokryphos: so08:01
mgalvinjjesse: apt vs. apituted?08:01
LaserJockit doesn't say that Universe is unoffical08:01
apokryphoswe're individually right in two different senses, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that it's completely subjective08:01
LaserJockjust that Canonical won't support it08:01
apokryphosLaserJock: it says that it comes with no gurantees, whereas main comes with "fully supported"08:01
mdkeapokryphos: that's one meaning of the word "official"08:01
LaserJockCanonical != Ubuntu08:01
mdkethere are loads of others08:01
LaserJockanyway, it is somewhat just semantics08:02
apokryphosLaserJock: Canonical is a sponsor of Ubuntu08:02
LaserJockagain, so what?08:02
mdkeok, you guys take this to -offtopic08:02
apokryphosit in itself doesn't give entire guarantee for either I'd say08:02
mdkelet's use this channel for docs08:02
LaserJocksorry mdke 08:02
apokryphossorry, yes :)08:02
=== Burgwork hands mdke a whip
=== mdke whips Burgwork
apokryphosmdke: is there going to be a switch on h.u.c to have dapper there, or should I link to /6.06?08:03
mdkeapokryphos: yes, there is08:03
=== Burgwork wimpers
apokryphoshm ok; I'll link to there for the timebeing08:03
mdkeapokryphos: both will work08:03
mdkelinks to the breezy docs will break though08:04
mdkenot a lot we can do about that08:06
apokryphosmdke: were they always at plain h.u.c, is that why?08:06
mdkeapokryphos: sorry?08:07
apokryphosmdke: as in, where will breezy docs be in the future?08:07
apokryphosok, I see; thank you08:09
Burgworkapokryphos, in general, we support docs as long as the release itself is supported08:10
mgalvinmaybe a little late but should i bother to put the release notes in svn (not that they are finally done)08:11
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mdkemgalvin: I guess not, website and wiki sound fine to me. We won't ship it in the docs at this stage, I wouldn't have thought08:11
marbleHello all, I think I found a bug in some breezy docs, but the dapper ones don't seem to be in a similar place (yet), so was wondering how to check if the same problem's there or not?08:12
mgalvinok, the devs just got to add to it the past two days so it took a while, i am fine just leaving it where it is too08:13
=== mdke nods
mdkemarble: System->Help->SystemDocumentation08:13
Burgworkmdke, here is an idea of edgy. Kill the help menu and move it into a better frontpage for yelp08:14
LaserJockmdke: kubuntu and edubuntu release notes are shipped, no?08:14
mdkeLaserJock: I think so yeah08:14
mdkeBurgwork: I would think moving the book and online documentation links would be essential, not sure about the other two08:15
Burgworkas long as it a clear there is s single place to read docs08:16
marblemdke: thanks, but that seems to be different docs to what's on http://ftp.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/dists/breezy/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual (at least on the machine I have kubuntu on)08:16
mdkemarble: yes, that's an installer guide which comes from the archive.08:18
mdkemarble: check out installation-guide for dapper08:18
marblemdke: sorry to be slow, but where is that? I tried putting 'dapper' in place of breezy in that url08:18
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marblemdke: basically part way through, it seems to switch to a debian install guide, rather than an ubuntu one (in the appendix for installing in an existing linux system with debootstrap)08:19
mdketry installing installation-guide08:20
mdkeoh yeah, here http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/08:20
jjesseany way we can get that guide written by the doc team instead?08:20
mdkejjesse: no, I can't any any way08:21
marblemdke: ah, thanks. The problem seems to be fixed in that version too. Sorry for the noise.08:21
mdkeurgh. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation?action=diff08:24
apokryphosmdke: what's the problem? :)08:25
Burgworkmdke, yay! yet another one08:25
dsasheh, they're soliciting opinion for it in #ubuntu-offtopic08:25
apokryphosdsas: those mortals!08:26
dsasapokryphos: ?08:26
dsasoh, it makes sense now.08:32
dsas(sort of)08:32
Burgworkmdke, I will clean up that wiki page later tonight if needed08:44
mdkegood man08:48
BurgworkI can be the bad cop to your good cop08:50
mdkealways ;)08:50
apokryphosmdke: FrequentlyAskedQuestions? 08:50
apokryphoscurrently redirects to UserDocumentation08:50
Burgworkapokryphos, that was an old doc we killed a while back08:50
apokryphoscan teach people what faq is in the meantime ;-)08:51
apokryphosBurgwork: right; think it's time to resurrect it? =)08:51
apokryphoswell, I guess I'll put it on CommonlyAskedQuestions for now and if it fits the bill then perhaps it could go there08:52
mgalvinjust a heads up, jsgotangco, Riddell and myself started https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter in case anyone is interested08:52
mdkeapokryphos: CommonQuestions works08:53
=== apokryphos heads off to learn wiki anchors
mdkemgalvin: cool09:00
mdkepost to a few mailing lists about it?09:00
mgalvinwas going to after we get one issue done first09:01
mgalvinjust figured i would make sure you guys all know we are working on it in case anyone else want to help out too09:02
mdke-doc mailing list? not every reads here, some might help out09:02
dsasIs this the ubuntu-traffic style thing?09:03
mgalvinmdke: true, i'll send an email in a little while09:03
apokryphoshm, I'm not sure of the syntax I should be using for declaring a macro Anchor link. It says they should be of the form [[Anchor(anchorname)] ] , but what if I don't want the anchorname and the link text to be the same? 09:03
mgalvindsas: sort of09:03
mgalvinhopefully this will last a while though :)09:03
mdkeapokryphos: can't you just use a table of contents?09:04
apokryphosmdke: I'm not sure it'd be really ideal09:04
mdkewhat are you trying to do?09:05
apokryphosespecially since the actual content is an faq list09:05
apokryphosmdke: have all the questions at the top (perhaps in sections), and for them to link out to the answers09:05
dsasapokryphos: Sounds exactly like a ToC to me.09:05
apokryphosa table of contents isn't really suitable for long questions, I think09:05
apokryphosok, I'll do it, but I think the outcome may look odd09:06
mdkeit will work if you do it right09:06
mdkeuse third level headings for the questions, and give plenty of horizontal space to your table09:06
mdkeand don't have any first or second level headings09:06
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Burgworkmdke, you had better get yourself hired by Canonical09:26
mdkeBurgwork: eh?09:31
mdkewhat's happened?09:31
Burgworkmdke, nothing, you just need to get hired09:32
LaserJockmdke: did you see Mark's blog entry about the release?09:33
mdkewas nice09:34
LaserJockyes, and well deserved, IMHO09:34
LaserJockyou guys did great and I don't think it would have been possible without you mdke09:35
Burgworkmgalvin, can you make certain to forward to the marketing team as well?09:36
Burgworkmgalvin, I already did for this email09:36
mgalvini will in the future, thanks09:36
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Burgworkwow. #ubuntu is still over 1000 people09:40
BurgworkI remember when #ubuntu used to be 200 people at the most09:40
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BurgworkLaserJock, it hit that about 2am our time this morning09:43
BurgworkLaserJock, you are NV, right?09:44
LaserJockbut of course IRC isn't useful for non-devs ;-)09:44
LaserJockBurgwork: yep09:44
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jendamgalvin: ping09:52
mgalvinjenda: pong09:53
jendaHey - just read that mailing list post about the Weekly Newsletter.09:53
jendaDo you know about the Ubuntu Magazine?09:53
mgalvinit sound familiar (from a while ago) but i have not seen any issues of it09:54
jendaIt never had any.09:54
mgalvinah, that would be why :)09:55
jendaYes, could be a factor. But there has been discussion to revive it on the Marketing Team forum.09:55
jendaAnd there is at least one individual who's seriously working on getting it under weigh09:55
jendalemme get you a link09:56
mgalvincool, sounds very interesting, whats the url of the forum?09:56
mgalvintook the words from my fingers :)09:56
=== mgalvin looks
jendamgalvin: You'll see that there are things that are old, then 5 months of total silence, then a new life.09:57
jendaWhatever is older than April is not really valid anymore.09:57
dsasthat's a whole new set of forums I didn't know of.09:57
jenda(Since it's basically a whole new team with only 4 members who stayed)09:57
jendadsas: the team's december death would be a reason for that ;)09:58
jendamgalvin: Whatever happens, the efforts behind both projects should cooperate, or better - merge. I think both projects have identical goals.09:59
Burgworknew teams tend to need to, pheonix-like, rise from the ashes at least once before they really get off the gournd09:59
jendaI've seen that happen several times (eg. easyubuntu)10:01
Burgworkthe doc, -ca, -qc, nun and marketing teams have all done that10:01
jendamgalvin: have a look at http://digitalbyond.net/~ubuntumag/?q=node/110:01
dsasthe ubuntu magazine site sounds like the fridge to me. Am I missing something?10:01
jendahmm... I'm hearing a point there.10:02
Burgworkjenda, didn't I argue the same thing. Or was that fridge and spreadubuntu?10:02
jendano, it was ubuntu.com and SU 10:02
Burgworkah, that10:02
jendaBTW, Jane let me know she's been following SU and supports the project 10:03
Burgworkjenda, I support a SU projectt as well. I just disagree on a few details10:05
jendaBurgwork: Well please then, let yourself be heard!10:05
Burgworkwe did talk a while about focus10:06
jendaEr... I mean. No. You may not disagree.10:06
mgalvinjenda: sorry had to step away for a min, looking now10:07
jendaOk... you think you could write it down and post it at the forum - or give to me to post at the forum with your name on it? (It's not just me who is busy on that - Lloyd is doing much more work than I am.)10:07
jendadsas: One difference I found is that the Mag plans to be printable.10:09
jenda-it would go by issues (not necessarily an advantage...)10:10
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mgalvinjenda: the newsletter is meant to be weekly and something sabdfl, JaneW, etc... would like to read as a management type of review10:10
dsasjenda: You could always submit articles to be on the fridge and then cherry pick ones you want to put in PDF. It seems like there's a lot of hard work being done to make a printable fridge :)10:10
mgalvini do think however that some or possibly much of what goes into the weekly letters could also make its way into a mag10:11
mgalvinjenda: sorry, a little busy at the moment, let me read the rest of what has gone on thus far and i will also talk to jsgotangco and Riddell about it10:12
jendadsas: you don't print on fridges - yo uuse fridge magnets10:12
mgalvinJaneW and mdz where actually the ones who suggested a consolidated weekly newsletter so i may talk to them about it as well10:13
mgalvinnot to say we can't work together, i am sure we can in some way, just not sure how yet :)10:13
jendaWell - in any case, it seems to me that between the Fridge, Ubunt Mag and the newsletter, there is bound to be something redundant ;)10:14
jendaOk, feel free to take your time ;)10:14
mdke_stupid fricking blog10:15
mdke_anyone use pyblosxom?10:15
mgalvinnope, wordpress here10:15
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mgalvinjenda: ok, cool, i'll get back to you on it very soon10:16
Bilangewell.... maybe the newsletter idea could be used to give a weekly summary of the posts on the fridge?10:16
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jendamgalvin: OK, sounds great10:17
mgalvinBilange: fridge posts don't happen that often :-/10:17
jendawell, actually - i like dsas' idea of a 'printable' fridge.10:17
dsasmdke: date converts timestampes10:17
Bilangemgalvin:  I dont go there much often, to tell the truth10:18
mgalvinme neither, since its not that active usually10:18
dsaswell if the magazine team is going to be writing lots of articles then there will be more stuff on the fridge :). if you're modelling after gnome journal then that's monthly anyway I think.10:18
mgalvini do however tend to check it once a week or so if i remember10:19
Bilangesince there's not much posting in the fridge, that would make a great candidate for setting up a newsletter, since the "official" fridge is more devlopers centered than, for example, ubuntu-fr fridge, which is more newbie centric (howtos, releases, etc)10:19
dsasisn't the fridge intended to be user-centric though?10:20
Burgworkdsas, fridge is developer/community centric10:20
Burgworkthe magazine, afaik, looks to be more user centric10:21
Burgworkthink, fridge is for you, magazine is for mother10:21
mgalvinand the newsletter is almost sort of for management10:21
mgalvinas per my discussion with jane10:22
dsasAh ok, that makes sense.10:22
mgalvinthink more like a company newsletter10:22
Burgworkbut also for community/developers10:22
Bilangeall in all, my idea was: a fridge going user centric with a large amount of posts, moving the current kind of fridge posts on a newsletter (since theres not too much traffic, its not gonna fill up one's mailbox), then make a meltingpot, a best of both of these into a magazine10:22
mgalvinthe magazine would almost certainly be a melting pot, i just don't know how active the fridge would be10:24
mgalvinwe'd have to talk to the maintainers of it10:24
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Burgworkhey pygi 10:24
pygihey Burgwork :)10:24
mgalvinhi pygi10:25
pygihey mgalvin 10:25
jendaback - sorry for missing out a bit... GNAA attack in #easyubuntu :(10:38
roboh, internet troll group10:43
dsasmgalvin: the mention of what that stands for will get you booted from ubuntu channels. they go round flooding people en masse and things10:44
=== mgalvin gets out his beating stick and hunts for trolls :)
Burgworkhttp://it.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=187191&cid=15444713 <-- how about this one?10:46
=== mgalvin gets a bigger stick
Burgworkyep, dealing with a troll on the VLUG discuss mailing list10:47
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jendaerr... yes, the Ubuntu Magazine is intended purely as user-centric. For the people who have _just_ come to Ubuntu and _just_ fell in love with it...10:56
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mdke_Lathiat: how about now?11:01
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mgalvinlater all11:04
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pygijenda, where is that u-m?11:14
jendanot sure what'ya mean: #ubuntu-marketing , www.ubuntupeople.com11:19
pygijenda, ubuntu magazine11:24
jendaah, sorry11:24
jendathere is none, really - it's just a project under weigh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine11:25
jendaHas been tried and fail repeatedly, as can be seen there11:25
pygijenda, you manage the ubuntupeople stuff?11:25
pygiwrong spelling:  www.spreaubuntu.org :)11:25
jendanot really, no, I just try to get it together11:25
jendathat too11:26
pygimagazine can be assembled, that is no problem11:26
jendabad page there11:26
pygiI even think I could get people for that11:26
jendabut it's the right forum11:26
jendathat would be great :)11:26
pyginot sure it's worth it tho :-/11:27
jendaI think it is, really11:27
jendacheck out that thread (last page or two)11:28
pygijenda, will do11:28
pygiyou have  any more detailed plan btw.? frequency of getting "out", bla, bla?11:29
jendateh wiki11:30
jenda2 months is planned by digitalmouse (I'd prefer shorter periods)11:31
pygiwell, it seems you started work on it?11:31
pygijenda, 20/05/20011:32
jendanot me, but yes11:33
jendawork has resumed11:33
pygiso no problem then ? :)11:34
jendanope, none :)11:36
pyginice then :)11:38
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