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avalenteHi.. I've read that some kernel drivers won't be included in the U.Server kernel version.. But, will there be packages for a gnome environment?12:05
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tarvidanybody know what to do with .db files generated by ip-acct?12:06
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blahhow would i let users have an account and host files from their account?12:15
infinityblah: mkdir ~user/public_html && cp junk ~user/public_html && lynx http://localhost/~user/12:16
infinityThen marvel at the junk you just put there.12:16
blahyuo dont store the users in /home/user12:17
infinityCome again?12:17
blahim confused on how it works12:17
_clem~user is a like a link to the user's home folder...12:18
_clemlike if you type cd ~clem on my machine it'll go to /home/clem12:18
blahthe orginial document dir, is /var/www/ but if you have users on your box you would need to move their folders to /var/www/user12:18
infinity~user is just shorthand for "the user's home directory, as recorded in their passwd entry", which is usually /home/user12:18
infinityblah: No, with mod_userdir ("a2enmod userdir" if it's not enabled in apache2 in your setup), http://host/~user/ maps to ~user/public_html/ on the filesystem.12:19
blahnow how would i create users12:20
lionelpblah: adduser login12:21
blahroom number?12:23
lionelpblah: 567 :)12:23
blahcan it be anything?12:23
lionelpblah: joking !12:23
lionelpyes !12:23
blahk <312:23
lionelpIt is what weel appear on finger12:23
blahbut, they have access to veiw /12:25
blahanyway to restrict this12:25
lionelpyes, there are shell users of the system12:26
lionelpwhat ?12:26
blahhow can i restrict them to their home directory12:27
lionelpThere is not an answer for this question12:28
lionelpon your usage, etc.12:28
blahjust for hosting files12:28
lionelpdisable your users to remote login (check /etc/ssh/sshd_config) and setup a ftp server12:29
lionelpchroot your users in their home (most of ftp servers can do that)12:30
infinityI add all my chrooted users to a certain group (say, chrootftp, or something), then use proftpd with "DefaultRoot ~/ chrootftp" and "DefaultChdir ~/ chrootftp"12:32
infinitySo users in the "chrootftp" group will get chrdir()ed and chroot()ed into their home directory.12:32
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NobodHerehey all!  My ubuntu server box just started acting up -big- time about 4 hours ago.  It is acting like DNS is broken, but it's not.  Apache and MySQL are fine; postfix is taking forever to respond to SMTP connections, same with cyrus and sshd.  Bind(named) is fine.04:14
NobodHereglad to see the ubuntu community is so interested in helping users trying to run a server.  Serves me right- I should have installed debian.04:21
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jsgotangconice troll04:25
infinityOh my god, no one answered him in SEVEN WHOLE MINUTES.04:34
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=== kermitX_ wishes nobodhere luck with debian. ;)
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jaybguys.. anyone here run on IBM xSeries hardware ?07:28
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infinityjayb: We have some at the Canonical datacentre.. Why?07:56
jaybahh sorry .. didnt see your message.08:19
jaybwhy... Im placing an order for some next week08:20
jaybwould REALY like to use a DEB Based system (Debian / Ubuntu)08:20
jayband wanted to hear someones experience with them.08:20
jaybsince Ive had trouble with debian / ubuntu on Dell Sc1425's before..08:20
jayb(Kernel panic & driver issues)08:20
jaybIBM, are suggesting I use Redhat ... but I dont like RPM's :P08:21
jaybcan you give me some indication of your experience with your hardware..08:21
jayb(and what hardware it is your using)08:21
infinityWe have a fair number of xSeries stuff at the DC (as well as a fair chunk of HP Proliant gear, and some evil Dells)08:22
infinityThey all pretty much "just work".08:22
jaybok.. have you had similar problems to what I said on the dells ?08:22
infinityBut I only run the Ubuntu build daemons and do other random stuff on the boxes, I'm not the Canonical sysadmin.08:22
jaybah ok....08:22
infinityWe've had no end of strange problems with the Dells, though kernel panics have not been an issue with official Ubuntu kernels.08:23
jaybok... ours kernel panics with the default install..08:23
jaybwithin a few min of the system being installed and up and running08:23
jaybyea... REAL Special..08:23
jaybdoes the same with debian also...08:23
infinityIs it a module panicking that you can blacklist?08:23
jayband we have to frig arround to get a working kernel.08:23
jaybI havnt had time in the past to play with it.08:24
jaybmy Co-Sysadmin is a fedora / Centos Guy08:24
jayband was like.. oh well I know this works.08:24
infinityAnyhow, the IBMs aren't the absolute fastest machines money can buy, but they're solid and have given us no problems.08:24
jaybso we went that way...08:24
jaybyea Im not only after raw speed.08:24
jaybI want reliability...08:24
jayband the IBM's look awesome for that08:24
infinityThey're definitely that.08:24
jaybIm looking at x346...08:25
infinityFor speed AND reliability, go HP, IMO.08:25
jaybwith all the light path diagnostics, and hot swap hardware (most of it)08:25
jayband the remote management stuff..08:25
infinityThough the black IBM chassis sure does look pretty in a rack. :)08:25
jaybyea well tahts always important. :P08:25
infinityHey, it sells Dells. :)08:26
jaybit sure does.08:26
jaybI had a hands on demo with the IBM gear (at their office)08:26
jayband boy is it nice.08:26
infinitySeriously, though, we've had no complaints about the IBM kit except for I/O speed, and to be fair, the machines we have I/O issues on are a couple of years old now.08:26
jaybthe guy let me pull it appart while in the rack.08:26
jaybits just so "Industrial" it realy makes the dell stuff look like a toy08:26
jaybok... what sort of I/O ?? disk , lan ??08:27
infinityNetwork I/O is fine.08:29
jaybok cool08:29
jaybwhat sort of disks do you have ?08:29
infinityBut in places where we were using the IBM machines for really disk-intensive stuff, like building CD images and heave SQL usage, we swapped them out for HPs, and got the IBMs doing more CPU-bound stuff.08:30
jaybok... Interesting, so you think its the disk controller or something.08:30
infinityLike I said, though, those machines aren't that "new" anymore, so it's probably not relevant.08:30
infinityIBM and HP will always leapfrog each other, as they adopt new chipsets and tweak firmware, etc.08:30
infinityOh, and the HP smartarray raid controllers are just blindingly fast.08:31
jaybahh ok.08:31
jaybdisk IO isnt SUCH a biggie for me.08:31
jayband besides... our old hardware was just IDE / SATA BAsed.08:31
jaybmoving to this IBM with SCSI disks will be sooo fast for us08:31
jayb(For a while anyways)08:32
infinityProbably, yeah. :)08:32
infinityAnyhow, you can't really go wrong with IBM.  The old IBM slogan "no one gets fired for buying IBM" is still true.08:33
jsgotangcoinfinity: is the ubuntu-server image yesterday final?08:36
infinityjsgotangco: I should hope so, since we're releasing today.08:41
infinityjsgotangco: (yes)08:41
infinityjsgotangco: Why, did you find a showstopper bug that I can't do anything about now? :)08:42
infinity(Except upload a fix to dapper-updates, of course)08:42
jsgotangcoinfinity: im doing a final test run for x86/amd64 now08:44
ajmitchthen I can start testing the sparc server iso next week..08:44
infinityajmitch: sparc's not final.08:45
ajmitchI know08:45
infinityajmitch: Only i386/ppc/amd6408:45
infinityAhh, good. :)08:45
ajmitchby the time I get the server moved & get access to it, it probably will be :)08:45
infinityYou have a T1000, right?08:46
ajmitch2x T200008:46
infinityOh, then you're fine anyway.08:46
ajmitchone of them already runs dapper08:46
infinityWe're delaying specifically to fix the tg3-on-T1000 thing. :/08:46
ajmitchinstalled with the beta release, iirc08:46
ajmitchanyway, back in a couple of hours for the release fun08:47
infinityDon't miss the party.08:48
jaybhow far away is the release ?08:51
infinityA few hours..08:55
jaybany idea how many.. a few = ?08:56
jsgotangcovery soon09:02
jaybshould I be waiting arround at work.. to set it to start download ?09:06
jaybor should I do it when I Get home :P09:06
jsgotangcograb the build then just rsync your image if an update comes out09:07
jaybyea good call...09:08
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xargoqualche italiano?09:46
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brad`how is security in "universe" handled?  just left up the individual package maintaners?10:36
brad`we need to use apache1, but not happy with it being "ENTIRLY UNSUPPORTED" :\10:37
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infinitybrad`: I do apache1.3 security anyway.10:45
infinitybrad`: So don't worry too much about it.10:45
brad`your the maintainer?10:45
infinitybrad`: While I certainly don't have to, it's a personal pride thing, since I'm both the Debian and Ubuntu maintainer, and a member of the security team.10:45
brad`oh ok, not planning on dissapearing? lol10:46
brad`i've been pulling apache1 package to bits today trying to find that install error10:46
infinitybrad`: Anyhow, as a general rule, security in universe is handled by MOTU on a best-effort basis.  There just happens to be some stuff there that gets more attention than others (apache1.3 and php4 both come to mind)10:47
infinitybrad`: "That install error"?10:47
brad`first install always fails, needs to be installed a second time10:47
brad`i found the bug report so its known10:47
infinityWhich bug number?10:47
brad`i'll go find it again :)10:48
infinityOut of curiosity, what's stopping you from upgrading to apache2?10:48
brad`apache2 can't track bytes_sent properly10:48
infinitySure it can.10:49
brad`doco's say it can't10:49
brad`it just contains the full number10:49
brad`not partial10:49
infinityEven when using mod_logio?10:50
brad`i havn't looked at mod_logio,,, i noticed the behavour in my mod, them found the confession in the API :)10:50
infinityWell, are you using these directives?:10:51
infinityThose are the logio directives (and logio is built into our apache2 binaries)10:51
brad`looks like that mod made specifically for what i'm talking about :)10:52
infinityYes, pretty much. :)10:52
brad`i was quite livid about the loss of functionality :)10:53
infinityThanks for bringing the apache bug to my attention, it slipped right past my radar.10:53
infinityI'll have to try to reproduce it later.  Must sleep now.10:53
infinityWell, sleep and/or have a release party.  Undecided.10:53
brad`it only works on first install btw10:53
brad`uninstalling / purging etc won't get the bug back, so needs to be clean install10:54
infinityI'm good at building fresh chroots for debugging.  No problem there.10:54
brad`heh ok, i been taking vmware snapshots all day, amazingly handy10:54
brad`i'll go play with that mod cya, thx.10:54
infinityNP.  Have fun.10:55
ajmitchwell I see I haven't completely missed the party11:02
jsgotangcowhere's the party here?11:29
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J_Phi all01:14
J_Ppeople, I anounce of dapper have this line in server section: * Improved support for clusters and SANs. What mean that cluster ? becouse MOSIX dont't run in kernel 2.6 right and default in dapper is 2.6. Anyone can explaim me please ?01:30
fabbioneJ_P: there is not only mosix for cluster01:30
fabbionethat's one of the many01:30
fabbionewe are talking HA clusters01:30
fabbioneHPC is edgy stuff01:30
fabbionealso.. you don't need mosix to access a SAN01:31
J_Pfabbione: sorry, what is SAN ?01:34
J_PAre there in ubuntu-server one bot for do this tecnical questions ?01:35
maswanstorage area network01:36
maswana pretty standard computing term01:36
fabbioneJ_P: google will have all the answers for you. mostlikely if you don't know what it is, it's because you don't need it or you don't have it :)01:37
=== fabbione -> food
J_Pfabbione: so I like know what is that support when we are talking about cluster really! For example, I use mosix with debian 2.4. What can I have improved on ubuntu for this (what mosix alternative). I know, that's one of the many. But ubuntu has anyone "more" ready to use..  ?01:40
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neoncodeI have a computer that needs to function as both a server and a desktop computer which version should I use?04:53
trs80the standard install - server is just the ubuntu-standard metapackage only04:55
lionelpneoncode: the only differences are CD-content and kernels install by default04:57
lionelpif you also need to use your computer as a workstation, use a traditionnal install04:57
neoncodeRight, thank you.04:57
lionelpserver packages will alse be available04:57
neoncodesweet... Oh is "Zone Minder" in the repos?05:00
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lionelpneoncode: do not know zone minder05:22
lionelpapt-cache does not show me anything05:22
lionelpyou can search easily packages on packages.ubuntu.com05:22
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schimmiis there a way to get this LAMP configuration of ubuntu-server manually from a ubuntu-minimal installation? (it's a bootstrapped vserver, no installation cd used)08:39
schimmidon't find any references to that other than the dapper server webpage, but nothing technical08:40
lionelpinfinity told yesterday it was an "apt-get install apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server php5-mysql php5-mysqli"08:41
schimmiic, so the normal packages will install like that. expected some magic in the installer08:42
lionelpnon, nothing magical:)08:42
gpdinfinity also said that Edgy would have exciting metapackages - like sagi lamp08:43
lionelpthat's right08:44
gpdi would like to see antipackages - like - 'don't install X11'08:44
kermitX_the server seed file installs apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server ubuntu-standard.08:44
infinitykermitX_: But that will only work if installed with "aptitude install ..."  apt-get will get the dependency resolution wrong.08:58
infinity(Hence why I gave the longer line above, with more decisions pre-made for apt)08:58
kermitX_infinity: preference of mpm-worker over prefork is by design?09:03
infinitykermitX_: If you don't need php4/php5, -worker is usually the better choice (not always, but usually)09:04
infinityPHP isn't threadsafe, however, so REQUIRES -prefork.09:04
infinity(Because upstream is lame, la la la)09:04
schimmihmm, wondering if there is any solution for the problem to seperate virtual hosts with php nowadays... don't see anything in the standard installation09:06
lionelpschimmi: you can do that with libapache2-mod-suphp09:09
lionelphum... not sure it was the answer to your question btw...09:10
infinityschimmi: The question wasn't involved enough for an answer. :)09:12
schimmiit is, more or less. only thing that I don't like with it, is that www-data still needs read access to every directory of a virtual host. maybe 600 for php files and 755 for directories works, still complicated09:12
infinityschimmi: suEXEC + php-cgi isn't ideal, but works.09:13
infinityIdeally, someone will fix apache2-mpm-perchild to actually work right.09:14
schimmiyes, but probably we won't see that in this century09:14
schimmiwondering what happened to this mpmmux project09:15
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lionelpYou can use aloso use "php_admin_value open_basedir" in Apache configuration to limit accesses09:20
infinityYeah, which works reasonably well, but isn't as good as runninng the PHP processes as a different user.09:23
lionelpnope, but used together it give a good starting point09:27
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CasHi, just upgraded my server to dapper and now some php modules ain't working no more like curl and sqlite11:12
CasI tried reinstalling them and reloading apache but that doesn't seem to affect it, Do I need to enable them manually somewhere?11:13
lionelpCas: check if they are enabled in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled11:14
lionelp(if they are presend, they are enabled, otherwise, yes, you have to enabled them by hand)11:14
Caslionelp: isn't that only for apache modules?11:15
lionelpsure yes :)11:15
=== lionelp should go to bed
Caseg. mod_ssl, mod_rewrite and PHP itself, I'm trying to load PHP modules11:15
lionelpcheck in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini11:15
Cashehe, np thanks for trying to help anyway11:16
lionelpif you find the corresponding .so11:16
Caslionelp: yes they are there11:17
Casbut not in phpinfo()11:17
lionelpDid you reload or restart apache?11:17
Cas/etc/init.d/apache2 stop and then start11:18
CasI have fiddled enough with apache to never do reload again :)11:18
lionelpI am trying on my Apache11:18
CasI was very content with breezy as server, just needed to install those module and reload apache and it worked, I think it as something to do with the upgrade11:19
Cashence I tried to reinstall them, maybe I can try remove them "completely"11:20
lionelpOn a fresh install when I install and restart, I have "curl enabled" in phpinfo() output11:25
lionelpsame for sqllite11:26
Casyeah I had that too on breezy :/11:26
CasI will try reinstall apache and after that install the modules11:27
lionelpThat sound weird11:28
Casor php will be more logic11:28
lionelpCan you check your version of php5-sqlite and php5-curl11:29
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Caslionelp: they're 5.1.2-*11:31
lionelp* = ubuntu3 ?11:31
Casno luck with reinstalling php511:35
gpdare you purging the packages?11:35
CasI mean curl and sqlite aint working11:36
Casgpd: no, should I try?11:36
gpdyes, purge - then install11:36
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Casgpd: that did the trick11:41
Castnx alot all11:42
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