
=== crimsun smirks
czambranSeveas so now it wont be released at 2006-06-01 00:00 GMT?12:00
cachedseveas: finish it today and have cron script edit the page linking to it12:00
livevilairblue, I've tryed to follow the instrunction written in the web page you have indicated, but the file sources.list is different12:00
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Seveasczambran, no12:00
todayisagiftkeherman: i d/l audacious the winamp-like media player, i extracted it to the tmp folder and now i forgot what to do12:00
Mewshiit says it couldn't find "libxine-extracodecs" is there something i need to add to the repositories?12:00
pitti_kermitX_: aptitude automatically removes dependencies it installed automatically12:00
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kehermantodayisagift, go into the directoy12:00
czambranSeveas, will new updates come out once it gets released?12:01
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SpecMewshi: enable the multiverse12:01
cachedi can answer that one :)12:01
Mewshihow do i do that?12:01
todayisagiftkeherman: ok12:01
cachededit the file12:01
pitti_kermitX_, if you aptitude install foo, this pulls in bar, then aptitude remove foo will also remove bar, since you didn't explicitly want it12:01
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource12:01
sybaritentodayisagift: you sure you couldnt install it via apt-get ?12:01
SpecMewshi: ^^12:01
kehermantodayisagift, whats in there?12:01
pitti_kermitX_, that's a great feature to keep your system clean12:01
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cachedwhy is my screen suddenly ultraviolet or some shit12:01
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cached*some poop12:01
kermitX_pitti_ this is an XUBUNTU install (!)12:01
=== crimsun abuses pitti_
Speccached: your monitor hates you12:02
cachedit wants me to get cancer12:02
SeveaskermitX_, the installer uses aptitude 12:02
Specyou can fix it, you know12:02
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HymnToLifelmao Spec12:02
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zelevwhi...im trying to use an ssh tunnel for vnc and I type:  ssh -L 5901:remotehost:5901 remotehost , once connected I try to vncviewer localhost:1 and I get this error: ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::EndOfStream What am I doing wrong? Thanks.12:02
pitti_kermitX_, usually, the installer manually installs all *-desktop dependencies to prevent that; if xubuntu doesn't do that, then you should indeed file a bug12:02
crimsunpitti_: a friendly hug.12:03
zeluxhello...i am braziliam...........good for all12:03
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=== pitti_ hugs crimsun back
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zeluxhello for all12:03
thementorhello channel12:03
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kermitX_pitti_ will test final and see what it does.12:03
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thementorim currently using 5.1012:03
twobitspritesomething happened to my system and now I GDM won't load... the x server complains about "kbd (module does not exist, 0)"12:03
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thementorwhat is the default mp3 player in ubuntu 5.1012:04
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twobitspriteI installed "kbd" package, but nothing changes...12:04
ucordeshey all12:04
ucordeswhen will it be out to download :-) ?12:04
cachedim using 6.0712:04
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todayisagiftsybariten: it says on the site to type in  # apt-get install audacious i did that and it gives me an error of the following12:05
thementorucordes:it says pls check gstream installation12:05
zelevwIts June 1st here already...when can I download dapper?12:05
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cachedzeleww: thepiratebay.com12:05
kehermanzelevw, where are you?!!12:05
zelevwkeherman: spain12:05
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todayisagiftsybariten: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)12:05
todayisagiftE: Unable to lock the list directory12:05
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cachedtodayisagift you have something using it12:05
mirakin the install cd , when can we install on disk ?12:05
novato56785hi ervy112:05
Seveastodayisagift, sudo ...12:05
=== Tzy [n=Tzy@218.181-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
kehermantodayisagift, use sudo12:06
zelevwhi...im trying to use an ssh tunnel for vnc and I type:  ssh -L 5901:remotehost:5901 remotehost , once connected I try to vncviewer localhost:1 and I get this error: ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::EndOfStream What am I doing wrong? Thanks.12:06
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twobitspriteso yeah... anyone have any idea about my problem with my x server? It complains that it can't find a module called "kbd"...?12:06
thementorwhat is the default mp3 plauer12:06
Polibiocrimsun, but they say "10 CD sent to the shiping company" not "the order sent..."12:06
ucordeshey thementor12:06
thementortotem isnt playing it12:06
ucordesinstall the packet gstreamer0.8-mad12:06
ucordesyou know hot to do this?12:06
todayisagiftso it will be sudo-get ...12:07
PolibioI'm worried they send the Breezy12:07
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thementorucordes:where is it available12:07
novato56785im trying to get 3e accel with a radeon9200 in an amd64 motherboard12:07
kehermanzelevw, dont you want localhost instead of remotehost there?12:07
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zelevwkeherman: ill try that12:07
crimsunPolibio: the wording is odd, but rest assured they haven't yet shipped 10 dapper cds.12:07
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Polibiook, thanks12:07
kehermanzelevw, :localhost:12:07
zelevwkeherman: Couldn't convert 'remotehost' to host address12:07
novato56785dmesg: [drm:radeon_cp_init]  *ERROR* radeon_cp_init called without lock held12:07
Mewshithey're still not showing up12:08
NightfloppHello! Does anybody know how many hours are left before dapper release?12:08
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twobitspritecan someone please help me, I don't want to have to reinstall... :(12:08
Polibiobye for now12:08
zelevwkeherman: vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused12:08
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ucordesno im wondrin too nightflop12:08
kehermanzelevw, you physically need to type the ip or hostname12:08
pjwWill the free DVDs be with the new ubuntu?12:08
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thementoris there any way of knowing bout the status of my cd request12:08
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todayisagiftkeherman: how do i rearrange it to use sudo, i apologize for sounding like a dumbass but i am fairly new at using ubuntu12:08
zelevwkeherman: do you have experience with ssh tunneling?12:08
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your_momi broke x, how can i fix this?not even dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg works12:08
kehermantodayisagift, rearrange it?12:08
erus`hu guys -> i followed the wiki about installing drivers for my radeon 9800pro and i get this http://pastebin.com/750028 *line 652*12:09
kehermanzelevw, yea12:09
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kehermanzelevw, what is your goal?12:09
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sybaritentodayisagift: "sudo apt-get install packagename"12:09
todayisagiftkeherman: lol not rearrange it but what would be the command using sudo?12:09
zelevwkeherman: .im trying to use an ssh tunnel for vnc and I type:  ssh -L 5901:remotehost:5901 remotehost , once connected I try to vncviewer localhost:1 and I get this error: ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::EndOfStream What am I doing wrong? Thanks.12:09
livevilplease someone could help me to installa vlc, I can't do it from synaptic12:09
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ucordeswhy livevil?12:09
Mewshii still can't find any xine packages...12:09
kehermantodayisagift, what are you trying to do?12:09
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kehermanzelevw, who is "remotehost" ?12:10
erus`nvr mind12:10
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livevilbecause, like someone was explaining me before, it isn't updated12:10
kehermanzelevw, you need an actual IP address there!12:10
thementoris gstream package only 50kb???12:10
your_momany help on my question?12:10
livevilIt doesn't appear on the list12:10
zelevwkeherman: thanks, Im using remotehost here but Im using a FQDN12:10
=== kilotango [n=chatzill@kemt2-2.clare.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
fuffalois the ubuntu site running drupal12:11
yctwondering why ubuntu doesn't provide some easy pointer (like a notification bubble) to easyubuntu or some sort of automatix script right after install.. would make it much easier for many and still be legal12:11
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, avalente12:11
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avalente!! easyubuntu12:11
ubotuavalente: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:11
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ubotufrom memory, easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/.12:11
=== eric [n=eric@CPE-58-164-203-147.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
sybaritentodayisagift: did that work ?12:12
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[zero] Hi im having some problems installing ubuntu on a pc, would there be any problems if i installed it to the HDD on this computer then put the HDD into the other computer?12:12
todayisagiftkeherman: ok i am trying to install audacious, the sudo command is not working because it says it can't locate the file "audacious" but i have it d/l i extracted to my tmp folder and i just needed to figure out how to install it12:12
ericcan anyone tell me how to uninstall doom3 i used the loki installer to install it ??????12:12
todayisagiftsybariten: keherman: ok i am trying to install audacious, the sudo command is not working because it says it can't locate the file "audacious" but i have it d/l i extracted to my tmp folder and i just needed to figure out how to install it12:12
kehermantodayisagift, is it a source package or a DEB file?12:13
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your_momi broke x, how can i fix this?not even dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg works?12:13
livevilvlc, please help me to install it!!!!!12:13
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sybaritentodayisagift: if you use apt-get,  you shouldnt manually download stuff first. Apt-get till do that for you (hence the name ;)12:13
gnomefreaklivevil: sudo apt-get install vlc12:13
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lsuactiafnerhow many hours from now will dapper be out?12:13
gnomefreak!info vlc12:13
Seveaslsuactiafner, ~1212:13
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.4-svn20050920-3+hal0ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 5817 kB, Installed size: 13740 kB12:13
gnomefreaklsuactiafner: 2412:14
odjayhello everybody12:14
livevilOk gnome, i'll try12:14
todayisagiftsybariten: i know, but when i did the apt-get it gave me and error, along with sudo apt-get it says it couldn't find the file12:14
gnomefreaklivevil: enable universe repo than sudo apt-get update12:14
Rddehi, im trying to install kismet (www.kismetwireless.net) i have downloaded the gz file and unpacked it.. now wnat?12:14
odjaysomeone did try the persistent flag at boot with livecd12:14
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blahwhats ubuntu's server channel12:14
todayisagiftkeherman: all of the files says "source code" after them as the description12:14
ucordesdarn mates i cant wait12:14
kehermantodayisagift, apt-get will only install packages in the official repositories -- not things you downloaded outside of this12:15
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livevilit answer that it's impossible to find vnc12:15
gnomefreaklivevil: vnc or vlc?12:15
ucordeslet's all have a dapper pre release party12:15
kehermantodayisagift, do you see a Makefile ?12:15
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kehermanucordes, i want to party!!12:15
livevilvlc, sorry12:15
gnomefreaklivevil: they are not the same12:15
ucordes^^ hehe12:15
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gnomefreaklivevil: enable universe repo12:15
kehermanare there any Dapper release parties!!?12:15
odjayhow can I avoid scan of disk at boot time12:15
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ucordessure in my house12:15
ubotuSeveas: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:16
gnomefreakubotu tell livevil -about universe12:16
kehermanodjay, what kind of scan?12:16
livevilI know12:16
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Seveas!parties is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties12:16
ubotuSeveas: okay12:16
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mysyfyhi..how can i mount sata drive.... mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 then cd /media/sda1 gives permission denied12:16
kilotangois ubuntu 6.06 being released at 00:00 UTC or just sometime on the 1st?12:16
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livevilhow can be enabled?12:16
gnomefreaklivevil: if you enable it than run apt-get update than install it12:16
nbx909kilotango, 00:00 utc12:16
S0me1hi guys12:16
gnomefreaklivevil: look in your pm for instruction12:16
odjaywell basically when I boot my livecd I use the persistent flag and the boot faile with an error at /dev/sde drive or something12:16
czambrankilotango, seveas told us that it will probably be released in 10 hours.12:16
kehermanok now for a cooler ubotu question!!!12:16
ubotukeherman: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:16
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kilotangonbx909: thanks12:16
Seveaskilotango, it will be released in 12-18 hours most likely12:17
gnomefreakkeherman: please dont play with thte bot12:17
Seveasdefinitely NOT on 0:00 UTC12:17
ice-tomg, i am utc -1, i have to wait an other hour12:17
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czambranSeveas, no it is 18 hours12:17
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ucordesoh i think i'm takin a trip to stuttgart tomorrow12:17
ekelundjust a question does 6.06 contain xgl?12:17
nbx909Seveas, really?12:17
mysyfymodules libata and sata_sis are already loaded12:17
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Seveasnbx909, yes12:17
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kehermanekelund, not by default12:17
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=== gnomefreak thinks all this time talk is useless because it depends ont he server
Seveasjust asked the people who push the magic button 12:17
eXistenZIt is 1/6 here12:17
ekelundkeherman: so apt-get to get it?12:18
nbx909Seveas, why?12:18
kilotangothere's a magic button? ;)12:18
czambranSeveas, how come the delay? Will new updated come out?12:18
mysyfyfdisk -l /dev/sda1 also gives cannot open /dev/sda12:18
Seveasczambran, which delay?12:18
kspath_what delay?12:18
Seveasno one ever said it would be on 0:0012:18
kehermanekelund, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/Xgl12:18
gnomefreakSeveas: they are getting that from fridge12:18
ruskie_Howto fix this.12:18
nbx909Seveas, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/18212:18
=== blank_ is now known as blanky
lukaswayne9Will dapper boxes that apt-get update tomorrow be notified about the upgrade?12:18
yctSeveas, how many people worked on Dapper?12:18
blankydappers out tomorrow!12:18
Seveasfridge sucks, if you say "it's on that date" it automagically says "0:00"12:18
czambranSeveas, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/18212:18
kspath_if it is released 23:59 on June 1st it will still be released June 1st.12:19
mysyfycat /proc/scsi/scsi outputs the device12:19
Seveasyct, indirectly: thousands12:19
blankyhey guys dapper is out tomorrow right?12:19
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Rddecan anyone help me plz? im trying to install a program called kismet.. there is a install-sh file but I get "no input file selected" when i try to launch it12:19
kehermanekelund, follow the instructions12:19
sybaritentodayisagift: what happens if you do sudo apt-cache search audacuiousasfcukingspelling12:19
yctSeveas, i mean, the paid ones12:19
gnomefreakit will be released when it gets released!12:19
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ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.12:19
czambrangnomefreak, that is not the best attitude12:19
czambrangnomefreak, if you don't want to respond, DON'T12:20
gnomefreakczambran: its true noone in here has any control over when it is released12:20
mysyfysomeone can help mount a sata hd...12:20
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nbx909Seveas, so when is it going to be released?12:20
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kspath_nbx909: before June 2nd12:20
=== valdemir [n=valdemir@201-41-89-59.gnace703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasnbx909, sometime june 1st UTC12:20
ucordeswhat time zone????12:20
Rddeanyone wanna help me install a program ? =S12:20
ekelundkeherman: thanx maybe will try it someday. what time is the release says less than 24h12:20
ucordesthat's the big question12:20
czambranucordes, UTC!12:20
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Spec12:20
ucordesok, i see12:20
=== nowlin [n=nowlin@3e6b5915.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
PolypterusGMT 00:00 is what I've heard12:21
kehermanwould people pay like $10 for up to 15 minutes of Uubuntu support?12:21
sybariteni just cant understand why people want to know if its released in 14 or 18 hours? Do they have clients that are terrible dependent on this specific release or "what-the-fuss?"12:21
odjaykeherman - well basically when I boot my livecd I use the persistent flag and the boot faile with an error at /dev/sde drive or something12:21
Specdamn, maybe i was hit by a windmill12:21
=== cbudden__ [n=chrisbud@host-87-74-26-107.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
nbx909Seveas, will it be a sane hour? edt12:21
Spec10$ for 15 minutes?12:21
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Specthat's pretty steep12:21
Rddenoone? =(12:21
ucordessybariten my client really depends on12:21
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kehermanSpec, $5 ?12:21
czambransybariten, that we are all looking forward to see how the final release behaves12:21
Dososybariten: Well basicly I got nothing else to do and i want to use daper drake to do my final Windows -> Linux switch ~~12:21
odjaykeherman - otherwise without peristent flag (to save session on usb pen) my dapper work very well12:21
ucordesim my own client12:21
=== sleepe1 [n=sleeper@vipnet5-166.mobile.CARNet.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasok people, cut the dapper release talk. It will NOT be released in 40 minutes so please stop the speculation12:21
PolypterusThought this channel had to be packed and active now :)12:21
kehermanRdde, what program?12:21
gnomefreakif your that hard up for dapper get the daily image and do the 1 update that it has poof your than on stable12:21
ucordeskk sry seveas12:22
ajmitch_Seveas: itchy trigger finger yet?12:22
odjayI love Ubuntu :-)12:22
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ericSeveas when WILL it be released??12:22
Rddekeherman, trying to install a program called kismet.. unpacked it and there is a install-sh but I dont know what to do now12:22
sybaritenok so appearently people rely on this release to be some sort of messias of the operating systems12:22
Seveasajmitch_, that and a handful of quick-fire aliases12:22
gnomefreakeric: dont12:22
kspath_eric: Before June 2nd.12:22
sleepe1hi ppl! i need help!   how can i downgrade nvidia-glx ?12:22
czambraneric,  he already said sometime June 1st.12:22
ajmitch_eric: don't bother asking, please12:22
kehermanRdde, why dont you install it from APT instead?12:22
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kehermanRdde, $ aptitude install kismet12:23
ericOK OK12:23
ucordesgnomefreak, so it's no big difference to the last image?12:23
ericgnomefreak don't what ???12:23
Rddekeherman,  omg.. thanks mate =)12:23
kehermanRdde, or go into Synaptic Package Manager12:23
odjaysomeone have a full list of the boot command available for Ubuntu livecd12:23
sybaritenuhm, what is /etc/login.defs ??12:23
Sharjeelis there any difrence betwen the livecd and the install?12:23
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Sharjeelwhich should i DL?12:23
czambranSeveas, could you put that the release is not going to happen a 00:00:00 June 1st on the title?12:23
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gnomefreakucordes: the final iso isnt gonna have final stamped on it and they stopped devel yesterday iirc12:23
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abeckhow do I install tight vnc on my system to avoid the hacks in real vnc?12:23
kehermansybariten, part of LSB ?12:23
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not a 0:00 UTC! | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | Help pages: wiki.ubuntu.com help.ubuntu.com
sybaritenkeherman: *swoosh*12:24
czambranSeveas,  thank u12:24
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kspath_at ?12:24
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | Help pages: wiki.ubuntu.com help.ubuntu.com
sybaritenkeherman: (a gesture to illustrate that its above my head)12:24
=== gnomefreak doesnt think thats gonna help :(
=== freddo [n=freddo@AAmiens-151-1-103-203.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
visik7Seveas: have you removed java from your dapper repo ?12:24
=== Seveas neither
kspath_gnomefreak: I agree but it is something perhaps.12:24
Seveasvisik7, no12:24
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czambrangnomefreak, if somebody asks, then u can quickly tell them12:24
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czambranread the title12:24
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sleepe1hi ppl! i need help!   how can i downgrade nvidia-glx ?12:25
kehermansybariten, Linux Standards Base12:25
Seveasvisik7, it's replaced with dummy packages depending on the ones in the Ubuntu archives12:25
nbx909seveas it's only 22:24 zulu lol12:25
visik7Seveas: is there some reason or what ?12:25
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visik7Seveas: oh ok12:25
s|kwhat's the irc channel for the forums?12:25
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sybaritenkeherman: hmm12:25
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kehermansybariten, meant to make the platforms similar in defined ways so that software can be compatible across multiple distrivutions12:25
Seveasnbx909, yes 90 minutes more of "is it going to be at 0:00" crap12:25
gnomefreaks|k: #ubuntu-forums i think   maybe without the -12:25
kspath_!tell s|k about forum12:25
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kehermanare we there yet?12:25
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tarvidwhich package displays the contents of gnu dbm files12:25
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HellDragon1337 is the language of the future12:26
s|kkspath_: it doesn't have the channel name12:26
kspath_HellDragon: of unemployement?12:26
yctam I the only one waiting for Drake here?:)12:26
livevilthank', it seems to work, I'm installing fire starter too12:26
Polypterusl337 is f*cking stupid12:26
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czambranyct, we all are12:26
jorgpis it musicbrainz or tunepimp that has the mp3 disabled12:26
nbx909Seveas, then you get the where is it?!?!?!?12:26
kspath_yct: Dapper will be released before June 2nd.12:26
ucordeswtf is 1317?12:26
s|kkspath_: they deleted all my dapper posts today, and I think everyone elses12:26
Sharjeelis the language of future;)12:26
ucordes1337 ^^12:26
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Seveass|k, wtf12:27
livevilDO you need something more for internet security over firestarter12:27
kspath_s|k: "they" a conspiracy?12:27
gnomefreakucordes: crap is what it is IMHO12:27
Seveasforums really are ruled by crappy idiots I guess12:27
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livevildo you think I need something else for internet security, over firestarter?12:27
sybaritenkeherman: ok ... i have appearently changed mine since installing ubuntu, and now when upgrading versions, there is a "newer" version or something and apt asks me if i want to upgrade the file or not12:27
czambranSeveas, why do you say that?12:27
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kspath_livevil: clue is good for security,12:27
gnomefreakif you write code to have a number/name and not do it for yourself or to help others its not worth a crap12:27
Seveasczambran, deleting posts is SO not done12:27
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[zero] Anyone know why when I boot up ubuntu it just restarts?12:28
czambranSeveas, ohh that, my bad12:28
ucordesnikomedia was captured by sultan orhan in 1st in 133712:28
livevilwht's clue kspath_?12:28
odjaysorry to ask but dapper 6.06 that I current run is what ? what is going to be released very soon the final ... the one I got is a rc212:28
BSDinuxhow can i temporarily deactivate gnome? i want to start X11 without gnome, but i can't find the /etc/rc.conf on my ubuntu box...12:28
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gnomefreakodjay: june 1st12:28
yctkspath_, I know there's hours to release, but this is the place to be at:)12:28
ucordesUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC!12:28
kspath_livevil: I think there will be some information on securing ubuntu at ubuntu sites. General linux security howtos are everywhere.12:28
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RandolphCartergah, 0.00 BST? :D12:28
hollywoodbodjay: if you stay current with apt-get or synaptic you'll basically be running the same thing as dapper stable12:28
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Mysta_i think i've tried to run apt-get / aptitude too many times. now it says theres a lock. how do i remove this LOCK???12:29
SeveasMysta_, the safest way is to reboot12:29
Sharjeel1111-0000-1100    0001-0011-0011-011112:29
yctkspath_, I could install RC and update, but this is the event; i'm happy12:29
gnomefreakMysta_: i didnt they there was a number of times12:29
SeveasSharjeel, stop it12:29
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kspath_livevil: firestarter is only a firewall and only the tip of basic security. a firewall can not prevent problems by itself.12:29
czambranI didn't even know, you could get lock out12:29
aleksand1ranyone knows the difference between 'sudo update-manager -d' from the console and 'gksudo update-manager -d'? the latter doesn't show the option to upgrade to dapper - strange12:29
livevilok, sorry for the stupid question12:29
darichthe Dapper update broke my networking...and borked my fglrx driver12:29
Mysta_gnomefreak: im not sure i understand your last comment12:29
Sharjeeldint mean to be rude seveas but i doent likel337 lingo:D12:29
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darichbut I fixed it12:29
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Seveasaleksand1r, gksudo "update-manager -d12:29
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darichso it's all good12:30
Seveaswith the ""12:30
erus`i cant get radeon 9800 pro 3d to work on ubuntu12:30
erus`please help12:30
kspath_livevil: Not really a stupid question. It is something you can answer for yourself by doing research.12:30
gnomefreakMysta_: i didnt know there was a lock when you used apt-get or aptitude too many times12:30
ucordesdarich: i also broke my system with the update12:30
_clemhey !! Dapper was released. There's a leak on one of the Czech mirrors !!12:30
aleksand1rthanks @seveas12:30
Rddekeherman, have you ever used the program ? kismet?12:30
Sharjeelhey does ubuntu come with the nvidia driver or will i have to install it?12:30
Mysta_gnomefreak: sorry, i assumed that.12:30
_clemahh.. na.. I was only kidding :)12:30
ucordesclem? lol12:30
blahhow do i remove a user in terminal12:30
kehermanerus`, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI12:30
czambran_clem, I wouldn't trust it12:30
hollywoodbMysta_: gnomefreak: there's a lock when either synaptic, aptitude, or apt-get processes are currently running12:30
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erus`followed that but still no worky12:30
Seveasblah, sudo deluser $USERNAME12:30
kehermanRdde, i was at H2K2 when it was released!12:30
BSDinuxcan someone enlightenme on where the X11 autostart happens in ubuntu? i want to deactivate gnome temporarily and automatically run a program when X11 starts12:31
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Mysta_hollywoodb: what is the name of the process?12:31
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gnomefreakhollywoodb: yes but we werent talking about that12:31
gnomefreakMysta_: apt12:31
Rddekeherman, what dose that mean? =P12:31
aleksand1rchecked it - works with brackets12:31
gnomefreakMysta_: if synaptic is open apt wont run because it uses apt12:31
kehermanRdde, it means I've used it for a very long time :-)12:31
kehermanRdde, H2K2 is a 'hacker' conference12:31
darichreally ucordes12:31
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hollywoodbgnomefreak: I'm aware, but if it could be a hanging process from one of the many times it was run, causing the lock to remain in place12:31
your_momwhats the apt-get to install xorg again12:31
gnomefreakhollywoodb: true12:31
your_momi messed up x12:31
mutanteRdde: if you | the output of kismet to "festival" ,you can put on headphones and close the laptop while walking around and be notified of new networks12:32
your_momand cant load to gnome12:32
Mysta_gnomefreak: im using no X, straight console12:32
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aleksand1ris 1,8 GB free space on my / enough to upgrade to dapper?12:32
kehermanmutante, i love festival!12:32
gnomefreakMysta_: ok than check on ps aux12:32
kehermanaleksand1r, yep12:32
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kehermanaleksand1r, many files will be overwritten12:32
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_clemit happened for FC5 though, and as I remember there were leaks on SUSE10.1 as well. People became to go crazy just before the release. Fedora had given a precise time 2pm GMT it was crazy on some forums :)12:32
gnomefreakMysta_: do you have gui running on another tty?12:32
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lmhhi all, have trouble getting my wlan adapter to work (centrino)12:32
BSDinuxcan someone enlightenme on where the X11 autostart happens in ubuntu? i want to deactivate gnome temporarily and automatically run a program when X11 starts12:32
aleksand1rthanks keherman ;)12:32
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SurfnKidhey how can i create a FN+KEY for a specific command12:33
luis_will dapper REALLY be released in an hour? (according to 'the fridge')12:33
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p_mashis there an utility wiht ububtu to monitor network traffic ? ie the bandwidth etc ...12:33
gnomefreakluis_: no12:33
Seveasluis_, /topic12:33
Filladodammit i can't decided between KDE of Gnome for Dapper :(12:33
czambranluis_, read the title of the forum12:33
ycti dont like FC for not supporting ReiserFS12:33
Mysta_gnomefreak: haven't figured out how to do that yet. i ran ps aux, whats the diff between that and top?12:33
BeginerI have some problems with Live CD booting so I have one stupid question to ask.When I download Ubuntu should I unpack rar archive and than burn it on a CD or not?12:33
Rddekeherman, heavy! well it wont start.. can i post the message to you in private?12:33
kspath_luis_: Dapper will be released before June 2nd.12:33
hollywoodbFillado: xubuntu !12:33
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid12:33
Fastlyi added the apt source: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main so that i can upgrade amarok to 1.4... now it doesn't autodetect my ipod..:12:33
lmhcan't send a ping over wlan although it tells me i'm connected12:33
FastlyNo new media devices were found. If you feel this is an error, ensure that the DBUS and HAL daemons are running and KDE was built with support for them. You can test this by running "dcop kded mediamanager fullList" in a Konsole window.12:33
ruskie_Beginer: burn it as a iso12:33
aleksand1rluis_ , even less12:33
Mysta_Beginer: download the ISO, and then burn it12:33
kehermanRdde, k12:33
gnomefreakMysta_: top gives you more info and it changes alot more12:33
_clemyct: yeah.. they kind of officially chose ext3...12:33
lmhanyone an idea?12:33
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Mysta_gnomefreak: ok12:33
bkanukamy usb cdrom will ot work12:33
luis_ok, thanks everyone12:33
Filladohollywoodb: xubuntu? :D12:34
hollywoodbMysta_: if you like top you'll love htop12:34
_clemlmh: then it's lying !!! :(12:34
=== gnomefreak brb gonna leave Seveas to fend off the time keepers ;)
bkanukaive been trying ffor days12:34
Fastlywhat's the best way of adding dbus and hal from the dapper kubuntu sources?12:34
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aleksand1r26 min. to dapper release ;)12:34
hollywoodbFilbert: Xfce instead of KDE or Gnome12:34
weierstrasshi there. i have a problem. when i installed ubuntu i forgot to make a swap partition. the system boots and everything, but what's the easiest way to repartition and fix this?12:34
yct_clem, I've seen benchmarks and stuff, but in my own experience i can't stand anything else than reiser.. didn't tried xfs though12:34
MTecknologyInstalled Dapper and restored my firefox profile. I restored it from a Windows profile and it actually worked. Only problem is that when I try to play a flash game, it gets stuck in a loop and eventually closes ff, when I try to use a java applet, it just closes ff while loading. - i doubt this is dapper specific12:34
Seveasaleksand1r, last warning.12:34
SurfnKiddoes anyone knowh ow to create a FN KEY for a specific command12:34
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czambranaleksand1r, read the title12:34
kspath_aleksand1r: Dapper will be released before June 2nd.12:34
lmhifconfig tells me it's up and connected, already has an address, but still i can't ping /surf12:34
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czambran* See how easy it is12:34
Mysta_hollywoodb: htop - "command not found" ?12:34
Seveasnext one to ask when dapper will be released gets larted12:34
lmhdestination host unreachable12:34
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kspath_Mysta_: apt-get install htop12:35
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hollywoodbMysta_: yeah, you'll have to install it once apt is working12:35
_clemyct: I like reiserfs myself, even though I don't really know why :) I used to be a slackware fan, and Patrick loved Reiserfs... I guess I got that from him.. I don't know much about FS though.12:35
Mysta_lol ok12:35
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BeginerI have downoladed it and its archive that can be opend with winrar.12:35
czambranSeveas, thanks for letting us know12:35
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Seveaskspath_, thanks for mentioning htop 12:35
fapema1kl] 12:35
sybaritenlarted, thats a new one12:35
DosoSeveas: Do you happen to know when Daper will be re... ah nm :] 12:35
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_clemlmh : are you using DHCP ?12:35
yct_clem, I'm on Fedora now, and hitting the "Start" button first time after start is just too much like Windows, the HDD goes wrrrrrrrrrr12:35
czambranDoso, :-D12:35
Mysta_hollywoodb: ok, so i found the process. is it just kill PID, replacing PID w/ the commands PID12:35
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bkanukacan anyone help with this? "device descriptor read/64, error -110"12:35
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lmh_clem: yes12:36
_clemyct: I'm on SUSE 10.1 myself :)12:36
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suturin germany ist already june 1st ;)12:36
_clemlmh: do you need DHCP ?12:36
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hollywoodbMysta_: yep12:36
kspath_sutur: Dapper will be released before June 2nd.12:36
lmhno, already tried without, same prob12:36
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RandolphCarterlmh: could you paste 'ifconfig -a' and 'netstat -r'12:36
yct_clem, but my Fedora knows these are the last hours of it :p12:36
lmhbut dhcp gives me an ip12:36
Avenwho runs evolution?12:36
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Seveasah, the peace and quietness 12:37
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Seveasbtw: blame ajmitch_, he suggested it 12:37
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SurfnKidSeveas whoa nice smiley dude12:37
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RandolphCarterlmh: to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ;)12:37
crazybobanyone know if the forums will open a dapper section?12:37
bkanukadevice descriptor read/64, error -110.........???12:37
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_clemyct: well.. I need to write a "month with Suse 10.1" article... so unfortunately my good laptop is taken... I'm gonna have to install Ubuntu on another machine in the meantime :((12:37
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BSDinuxdoes noone know how to temporarily remove gnome from startx?12:38
_clemI'm a Kubuntu user myself... but it happens sometimes, I need to make space to test other stuff.. :)12:38
Avenwho runs evolution?12:38
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SurfnKidAven me12:38
Rddekeherman, did you get it?12:38
Avenhow do I export outlook settings into evolution? :\12:38
Aventhe file has all the settings12:38
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SurfnKidconnection settings12:38
Mysta_hollywoodb: thanks it worked, now i'm gonna run sudo apt-get install htop12:38
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sybaritenhm, this process that apt does after downloading the very dist-upgrade ... i mean, after downloading the hundreds of megabytes....  does it take a long time? should i be prepared for an hour of HD-chewing, or is it like ten minutes ?12:39
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Seveassybariten, closer to an hour than to ten minutes12:39
BeginerWhen I download Ubuntu shoul I only burn that one file or should I extract it and than burn it?12:39
bkanukaAven: what version outlook?12:39
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Seveasdepending on how many packages you installed12:39
Avenbkanuka: newest :P12:39
kehermanRdde,my user name is not registered here12:39
=== M3t4ll1k0 [n=lokoloko@cm142097.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mysta_Beginer: just burn the ISO to disk12:39
sybaritenSeveas: holy crap ....12:39
_clemBeginer: burn it directly.12:39
AvenSurfnKid: where's connection settings? :P12:39
kehermanRdde, guess i see your msgs but you cant see mine12:39
kehermanhodl on12:39
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H080J03how do i configure keyboard short cuts, so when i press crtl+alt+p it will print the screen12:39
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bkanukaAven: sorry12:40
lmhRandolphCarter: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1493412:40
BeginerThanks Mysta_12:40
RandolphCarterthanks lmh12:40
Avenbkanuka: sorry what? :P12:40
SurfnKidAven Edit/Preferences12:40
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Mysta_hello RandolphCarter!12:40
kehermanRdde, cant -- just read the kismet README12:40
aleksand1rH080J03: why not use one key PrtSc?12:40
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bkanukaAven: oh lol didnt know if u got those...i dont think u can12:40
RandolphCarterlmh: could you do 'netstat -r' too?12:40
H080J03beacuse it doesn't work12:40
AvenSurfnKid: I meant where I can put the outlook file12:40
SurfnKidThat'll get you to Mail Accounts.  Not sure if you can import mail settings, maybe you can12:40
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RandolphCarterhey Mysta_ :)12:40
H080J03i am looking thur the config edtior for it, but i can't find a keyboard schort cut12:40
kermitX_screenshot: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1493512:41
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lmhRandolphCarter: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1493612:41
RandolphCarterlmh: which of those two NICs do you want to access the net through btw?12:41
livevilI've installe dfirestarted,do i nedd to reeboot my machine to use it, or is it avaiable in other way?12:41
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bkanukaAven: what do u want in evolution the most?12:41
aleksand1rH080J03: might need some more advanced hacking12:41
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@p5497EAF8.dip.t-dialin.net *!*gepe*@*t-dialin.net *!*geppe*@*t-dialin.net %*!*@pool-72-66-86-230.washdc.fios.verizon.net] by Seveas
Avenbkanuka: email :P12:41
bkanukaAven: like addresses?12:41
Mysta_RandolphCarter: I dont know if you remember my problem w/ the Radeon 7000, but I had to end up changing the driver again to vesa :(, but the server is for vmware so thats cool12:41
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb royy!*@* Miscz!*@*] by Seveas
Avengetting my email configured12:41
H080J03hmm so how would i go about it12:41
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lmhRandolphCarter: at the moment to be able to ssh and paste the text in the box, i use the lan-nic.12:42
tarzeauit's out already?12:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@c-68-45-146-191.hsd1.pa.comcast.net *!*@ *!*@ unfo!*@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@ %xzise!*@* %sh3l1!*@*] by Seveas
Rastas800 people12:42
bkanukaoh well to configue it just wrie down the settings12:42
lmhRandolphCarter: but i want to be able to use both12:42
Mysta_846 people12:42
aleksand1rH080J03: can't help - beginner myself12:42
ompaulSeveas, if I have anything in there kill it :-12:42
bkanukathere cant be that many12:42
BSDinuxdoes noone know how to temporarily remove gnome from startx?12:42
rob_pBSDinux: 'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove' should do it.12:42
=== charle97 [n=charle97@udp007586uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
draGuess I ought to sleep instead of waiting for the release. Thanks alot in advance everybody involved!12:42
Seveasompaul, I'm tempted to /cs clear bans12:42
sybaritencrappers, i want progress bars gdammit! everything in life should have progress bars!!12:42
kehermanRdde, i forget my password with this id -- i usually use khermans12:42
ompaulSeveas, let me check them12:42
H080J03i know the command line for takeing a screen shot, but i just need to set the configure the keyboard short cuts to do that command12:42
kehermanRdde, this is my default id at school12:43
tarzeausybariten: i disagree12:43
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yct_clem, what would be the overall opinion on suse? i tried it in past (3-4 yrs back), was pretty impressive12:43
kehermanRdde, so i cant priv msg you sorry12:43
gnomefreakSeveas: in #ubuntu+1?12:43
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aleksand1rBSDinux: you mean remove gdm?12:43
djibI'm trying to update to dapper but when I do a dist-upgrade apt want to get rid of loads of packages like eclipse, amarok, ...12:43
Seveasgnomefreak, just did it there 12:43
sybaritentarzeau: yeah but you arent dist-upgrading12:43
RandolphCarterlmh: they're both connected to the same network though? you'll need to setup the routing table12:43
djibwhy, and how can I avoid that ?12:43
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tarzeausybariten: yes i do sometimes12:43
BSDinuxi only want to stop gdm/gnome from starting when x starts.. and i want to add another programm instead (no daemon)12:43
sybaritenSeveas: what the kufc was with that smiley???!12:43
Rddekeherman,  did you get my msg? someghing about package source? is that the network card? =S12:43
BSDinuxi'll try the rc-remove thing12:43
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BSDinuxand add the prog in xsessions.d12:44
tarzeausybariten: why does it matter if you do it in a gnu screen?12:44
bkanukahas anyone seen this with usb device!? " device descriptor read/64, error -110"12:44
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kehermanRdde, i sent you many message in here12:44
ompaulSeveas, that might not be tje best idea12:44
SurfnKid!tell Aven about Outlook12:44
iverylmHello room.  Has 6.06 been released?12:44
tarzeauiverylm: see /topic12:44
gnomefreakompaul: it looks like sagan stays12:44
lmhRandolphCarter: yes, they're both connected to the same net. what i'd like to do is being able to use the "places"-function under gnome-network - settings: switch between home-lan / home-wlan12:44
Seveasiverylm, /topic12:44
kehermanRdde, http://kerneltrap.org/node/541412:44
sybaritentarzeau: huh ?12:44
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gnomefreakompaul: if you check +1 they are still there12:44
kspath_iverylm: Dapper will be released before June 2nd.12:44
aleksand1rBSDinux: i'd try to remove gdm or hash it in one of the /etc/rc.d catalogues12:45
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kehermanRdde, http://www.wi-fiplanet.com/tutorials/article.php/359553112:45
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djibcan someone tell me why dist-upgrade wants to get rid of all those packages and how I can avoid that ?12:45
Mysta_wow, htop ROX!12:45
ompaulfor +1 I think it safe to  kill them that will be closed ..12:45
gnomefreakdjib: all what packages?12:45
Mysta_lol, im a noob12:45
aleksand1rbut i guess you can't be a newbie to attempt it12:45
kspath_Mysta_: apt-cache search rox12:45
RandolphCarterlmh: that should be relatively easy, just don't have both interfaces up at the same time12:45
BSDinuxi'll try that now, thanks12:45
_clemyct: I loved it myself, I reviewed it here : http://www.linuxforums.org/reviews/review_of_suse_10.1.html It's more like an overview though... I didn't go in the innards of things. I got criticized a lot for that, and a lot of people seem enclined to say that SUSE and Fedora are shit because they see it as the new "linux standards".. the whole anti-windows crap and all..12:45
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RandolphCarterlmh: for home-lan disable eth1, and from home-wan disable eth012:45
Mysta_kspath_: what was that?12:46
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kehermanRandolphCarter, is that you Doug?12:46
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kspath_Mysta_:  something interesting12:46
gnomefreakubotu tell _clem -about language12:46
RandolphCarterkeherman: nope :/12:46
kehermannm, lol12:46
Rddekeherman, thanks mate12:46
=== keherman slaps forehead
djibgnomefreak: I want to dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper. I updated my source.list and when I do a dist upgrade, it tells me that 253 packages will be removes, including some like Eclipse that I use all the time12:46
bkanukaplease i have no cd rom and need it tonight12:46
_clemah come on....12:46
_clemok sorry..12:46
kehermanRdde, no problem12:46
SurfnKidslapping around rules12:46
h3h_timodoes anyone know why my ram wouldnt be compatible... it is the same type of ram that i have now.. it just wont boot with my computer12:47
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lmhRandolphCarter: thanks, tried that b4, didn't work, now it miracolusly works. Great, Thanks!12:47
kehermanh3h_timo, bad slot?12:47
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g0dchildhid3, all, I have a lotta stuff downloaded and as expectd, the /var partition is now full12:47
bkanukamy dmesg says " device descriptor read/64, error -110" I dont know what else is wrong12:47
kehermanh3h_timo, you busted it jamming it in!??!12:47
RandolphCarterlmh: np's :)12:47
g0dchildis it possible to have apt-get to look up from a local server/aka a folder on another partition of the same PC?12:47
h3h_timono... its the same exact kind... i didnt bust it either12:47
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_clemyct: rug is great as well (the package manager). It's still very slow compared to APT though.12:47
h3h_timoi tried both sticks in both scots12:48
_clemyct: I think Fedora and Suse should really look at Ubuntu and learn from the APT advantages.12:48
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eXistenZ_we need ubuntu 6 =|12:48
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_clemyct: also, it wouldn't harm Ubuntu to look at what's done in FC and SUSE as regards to integration and look and feel.12:48
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LinuxJonesg0dchild, apt-get clean12:49
djibgnomefreak: any idea ?12:49
charle97what would be the best way to download 6.06 when released?12:49
kspath_eXistenZ_: dapper will be released before June 2nd.12:49
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_clemyct: and finally... enough of these customized kernels ... they annoy so many people who don't care about the features they offer...12:49
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gnomefreakdjib: if you look in the installing new packages you should see them12:49
g0dchildLinuxJones, no- thats not it, i dont want to lose any one of those downloaded packages- short of bandwidth...but i'd like apt-get to look up from a local repo- if thats posible12:50
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gnomefreakdjib: alot of name changes have happened in dapper12:50
djibgnomefreak: ok, I'll have a look12:50
_clemcharle97: I suppose there'll be a torrent link. Otherwise you can rely on the FTP mirrors.12:50
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hyphenatedcharle97: bittorrent, would be the nicest way for everyone, but it'll use more bandwidth overall. alternatively, downloading from a mirror that is within your country or close to it12:50
SurfnKidsomeone pleaaase help me set up FN keys12:50
charle97_clem and hyphenated, ty12:50
LinuxJonesg0dchild, you mean like one closer to where you live ?12:50
h3h_timotell me about dapper12:51
h3h_timotell h3h_timo about dapper12:51
jhennhow can i use my palm pilot with ubuntu?12:51
nbx909kspath_, what? june 2nd?12:51
g0dchildLinuxJones, no...i really dont know how to explain it- ok, have it this way- i need to know how i can serve packages off http- on localhost12:51
sugyithe best way to download dapper is to use torrents, cos this way u leave the servers space for living, cos many people is going to download dapper12:51
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kspath_jhenn: apt-cache search palm12:51
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amphiSurfnKid: what do you mean?12:51
hollerithhow do you upgrade from breezy  to dapper12:51
ubotuwell, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.12:51
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LinuxJonesg0dchild, ohh hit google for apt-proxy howto12:52
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jhennkspath_: says gnome-pilot is installed but i don't know how to invoke it12:52
gnomefreakhollerith: gksudo "update-manager -d"12:52
g0dchildLinuxJones, thx12:52
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LinuxJonesg0dchild, GL12:52
SurfnKidamphi yea like I want to run a program with a special FN key, a quick shortcut to get there12:52
gnomefreaksugyi: please drop the caps12:52
Flannelhollerith: once it's released, it update manager will prompt you for a dist upgrade, if I understand correctly.12:52
amphiSurfnKid: depends on the wm12:52
LinuxJonesg0dchild, Dapper .torrent is up somewhere ?12:52
livevilsomeone can explain me how to use firestarter?12:52
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then12:52
sugyignomefreak oh sorry12:52
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SurfnKidtell me how to check which wm im on12:52
bkanukaplease help me with my cd drive12:52
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ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then12:53
amphiSurfnKid: I use openbox, but I expect you are using gnome12:53
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bkanukai've really lookied everywhere12:53
jhennhow can i use my palm pilot with ubuntu?12:53
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SurfnKidyes, now how can i switch to sawfish or openbox12:53
rubsowhere is my ubuntu 6 ?12:53
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gnomefreakSurfnKid: look in the menu for about "something" or help12:53
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Flannel!tell jhenn about palm12:53
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djibjhenn: -> add pilot applet in your taskbar12:53
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pEtErZHow do i launch a shell on ubuntu?12:53
Seveas#ubuntu now has more users than #debian 12:53
gnomefreakSeveas: ?12:53
SurfnKidmm im looking12:53
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djibgnomefreak: ok, sounds good12:53
RandolphCarterSeveas: :D12:53
FlannelSeveas: crazy.12:53
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djibgnomefreak: thanks12:54
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rubsopEtErZ: from Accessories12:54
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Seveasand only 70 less than #gentoo12:54
sybaritenok i get lots and lots and lots of perl-errors when doing this dist-upgrade12:54
Seveasit used to be 70 less than debian and 300 below gentoo 12:54
sybariteni suspect it has to do with apt, or some other script, being based on perl12:54
djibAnyone knows when will PLF be available for dapper ?12:54
pycsis dapper final out yet?12:54
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ucordesperl terros12:54
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nbx909see topic12:54
sam__bkanuka:  what's the problem12:54
[H5N1] Ubuntu == Gentoo now?12:54
sybaritenthe error has to do with locale settings anyhow ... anyone think its fatal ?12:54
[H5N1] :)12:54
pEtErZrubso: terminal?12:54
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gnomefreakSeveas: cant go by that ubuntu has alot of users with 2-3 names in channels at all times :(12:54
rubsopEtErZ: yes !?12:54
=== Mark1412 [n=Marvus@adsl-69-231-58-80.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakpycs: no12:55
Mark1412hi guys12:55
sybaritenperl - warning: setting locale failed12:55
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rubsognomefreak: then, when?12:55
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pycsoh :(12:55
pEtErZrubso: how do i login as root?12:55
Mewshiit still can't find libxinelc212:55
ucordeshi mark12:55
gnomefreakrubso: when it hits the server12:55
Flannel!tell pEtErZ about root12:55
Mark1412where do i download plugins for videos from?12:55
aleksand1rsudo su -12:55
rubsopEtErZ: sudo12:55
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bur[n] er!tell mark about restrictedformats12:55
_oscaranyone built kvirc from cvs?12:55
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rubsognomefreak: ><" i need accurate time ! "WHEN"12:55
gnomefreakrubso: there isnt one12:56
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ucordesoh my gosh they let us hang12:56
SurfnKidhow can i change the WM?12:56
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Seveasgnomefreak, debian too 12:56
SurfnKidIve got sawfish installed12:56
SurfnKidwhere's the xsession file at12:56
gnomefreakahhh than we are doing good ;)12:56
Mark1412where do i download plugins for videos from?12:56
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FlannelSurfnKid: at the login thing (GDM) change your session.12:56
Mark1412where do i download plugins for videos from?12:56
aleksand1rpEtErZ: i always use this command "sudo su -"12:56
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kspath_gnomefreak, Seveas by what definition of good?12:57
=== kspath_ runs and hides
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SurfnKidFlannel I only see KDE and GNOME but nothing else12:57
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== rubso want to sleep, wake him up when Dapper Drake is out !
gnomefreakkspath_: amount of users12:57
Mark1412where do i download plugins for videos from?12:57
Mark1412where do i download plugins for videos from?12:57
Mark1412where do i download plugins for videos from?12:57
SurfnKidstop that12:57
kspath_Mark1412: bye12:57
=== Mark1412 [n=Marvus@adsl-69-231-58-80.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [requested]
GrumpyPianoAm I correct in saying that Dapper is out in 5?12:57
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FlannelGrumpyPiano: no.12:57
gnomefreakGrumpyPiano: no12:57
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC!
GrumpyPianoAnother hour?12:58
=== Mark1412 [n=Marvus@adsl-69-231-58-80.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
livevilsomeone can help me with firestarter?12:58
kspath_Seveas: good idea12:58
exhaleonly god knowns12:58
nbx909GrumpyPiano, midnight utc is another hour12:58
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gnomefreakeveryone that wants to know when dappers final will be released type /topic   in this channe;l12:58
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LiamCrevancan someone tell me how to disable the tap-to-click thingy of my touchpad? I tried using ksynaptics but the settings are completely ignored...12:58
Seveasexhale, s/god/sabdfl/12:58
Mysta_thx guys for ya help. see ya later!12:58
rubsognomefreak: i believe dapper drake is going to be in torrents and direct links?12:58
kspath_Dapper will be released before June 2nd.12:58
jhennis dapper going to have any updates when its released if you're already on dapper with all updates?12:58
Seveasjhenn, no12:58
_clemLiamCrevan: try synclient12:58
gnomefreakrubso: it is not released yet adn there is no time stated12:58
rubsolivevil: try ubuntu official forums.12:58
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rubsognomefreak: lol i'm asking about torrents ubuntu !12:59
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ShadowNovaI installed the ATI driver and the fglrx driver to get my 3d apps working, but now, whenever I run them, I get [fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for <Insert Random Word Here> and none of my 3d apps work. What's going on?12:59
Mark1412where do u get video plugins from!!!!12:59
gnomefreakrubso: there have always been torrents of ubuntu12:59
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kspath_ /ignore Mark141212:59
KlaynosMark1412: the vidio plugins store?12:59
rubsoMark1412: Synaptic12:59
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Seveasgnomefreak, /cycle01:00
aleksand1rMark1412: you need win32codecs or sth like that01:00
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Mewshiit still can't find libxinelc201:00
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=== rubso Seveas WIN !
gnomefreakholy crap01:00
Seveasgnomefreak, how'bout that? 01:00
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LiamCrevanhow do I get synclient?01:00
Flannel855 people! and none of them ops! amazing!01:00
_clemMark1412: astalavista.box.sk ...tsss.. :(01:00
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DShepherdeveryone say hi!01:00
gnomefreakwe havent merged +1 yet either01:00
_clemLiamCrevan: sudo aptitude search synclient01:00
SeveasDShepherd, no need to count, we can all see it...01:00
via_strasshi there. i installed ubuntu but forgot to set up a swap partition. the system boots and works but i would like to know the easiest way to fix this.01:01
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joelitoanyone knows when dapper isos will appear?01:01
Flanneljoelito: when it's released.01:01
Seveasjoelito, /topic01:01
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kspath_Dapper will be released before June 2nd.01:01
aleksand1rvia_strass: yes, there is01:01
Mewshihello?  Why won't xine show up?01:01
Seveaskspath_, no need to repeat that 01:01
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via_strassaleksand1r can you tell me what it is?01:01
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joelitolol thanks01:01
LiamCrevansudo aptitude search synclient <-- doesn't give any output01:01
aleksand1rvia_strass: do you hava any free partitions on the hd01:01
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_clemkspath_ : you mean before July 2nd ... 00:00:01 am ? (only kidding..) :)01:02
via_strassno aleksand1r01:02
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GrumpyPianoSo in exactly how long will Dapper be released? :-/01:02
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SeveasGrumpyPiano, /topic01:02
gnomefreakGrumpyPiano: read the topic01:02
aleksand1rvia_strass: so you'll need a livecd01:02
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_clem LiamCrevan: then you probably have to change your repositories.01:02
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aleksand1rvia_strass: do you have one?01:02
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ShadowNovaI installed the ATI driver and the fglrx driver to get my 3d apps working, but now, whenever I run them, I get [fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for <Insert Random Word Here> and none of my 3d apps work. What's going on?01:02
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)
via_strassi have a hoary livecd aleksand1r01:02
tanekis there any program for burning .img images under linux? cant seem to find one, or a way to convert them into .iso01:02
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rubsognomefreak: they won't stop asking :p less than 24 hours doesn't deliever !01:02
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nbx909tanek, gnomebaker01:02
GrumpyPianognomefreak: ok thanks01:03
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cello_rasphow do i make a backup iso of a dvd i have01:03
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rubsotanek: have you tried the CD/DVD Creator or k3b?01:03
gnomefreakrubso: there is no time on it please read the /topic01:03
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=== SurfnKid is about to shoot himself over the FUNCTION KEYS
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rubsocello_rasp: mkiso i believe01:03
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_clemkspatjh_ :what's the !username++ thing ? is it just a way of showing your approbation, or does it actually do something ?01:03
HisakasexI need help with postfix01:03
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Jowijust to clarify, when dapper is current release will #ubuntu+1 be for eft what it is now for dapper?01:03
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aleksand1rif you have a partitioning tool then resize your paartition to make some space for swap01:04
SurfnKidoh I need help with postfix too01:04
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periclesIn http://fridge.ubuntu.com/ they say that Dapper will be released in 57 minutes!!!01:04
gnomefreakJowi: not for a few weeks01:04
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gnomefreakpericles: its wrong01:04
aleksand1raround 512mb will be enough01:05
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HisakasexI need to find a tutorial to understand main.cnf01:05
Jowignomefreak: ah ok.01:05
periclesgnomefreak: why wrong?01:05
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aleksand1rthan you'll need to edit the /etc/fstab and add the swap line01:05
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gnomefreakpericles: because it wont be released in 57 minutes01:05
KnorrieHisakasex: www.postfix.org has very good documentation01:05
exhalegnomefreak, how come?01:05
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periclesgnomefreak: but they say so...01:05
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FlannelSurfnKid: this help? : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaKeys01:05
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gnomefreakSeveas: you care to explain this?01:05
via_strassthanx aleksand1r am i right in thinking that a swap partition doesn't need formatting?01:05
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roostishawhow do I get my menu to look like this: http://tinyurl.com/e7h6e01:06
=== SurfnKid puts down the .45 in one last effort
roostishawI mean the little 'dock' at the bottom01:06
SurfnKidok let me check that Flannel thx01:06
gnomefreakpeople if you believe everything you see on the web that is your choice but most of it is not true01:06
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aleksand1ri guess it needs01:06
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_clemvia_strass : yes.01:06
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aleksand1rthere will be an option in the partitioning tool01:06
atzardoes dapper work with ibook airport extreme if i install dapper on my brother's computer ?01:06
gnomefreakdapper will be released when it hits the servers noone knows when that will be because there is no telling how long it takes to upload or when it is being uploaded01:06
aleksand1r1 resize 2 create partition01:07
_clemvia_strass : well it needs formatting the first time I guess...01:07
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_clemvia_strass : actually... I don't have a clue :) !!01:07
tanekrubso: nope, i havent... care to explain? :P01:07
aleksand1rvia_strass: creating partition will need choosing a type of it01:07
aleksand1rvia_strass: choose swap01:07
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Flannelatzar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOnMac01:08
via_strasshmm i have a copy of paragon partition manager. iirc my livecd of hoary doesn't boot, it just hangs when starting X..01:08
rubsotanek: go to the Home Folder, i believe in Tools you will find CD/DVD Creator01:08
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ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install,  or other conversation, dapper will be in #ubuntu starting 1st of june :-) But not until then01:09
aleksand1rvia_strass: if the paragon partition can create swap partition you'll be able to do it01:09
Seveas!no dapper is <reply> Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)01:09
ubotuSeveas: okay01:09
DShepherdSeveas: hehehe01:10
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Seveas!karma Seveas01:10
ubotuseveas has karma of 601:10
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KnorriealkalineX: /quit01:10
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tanekrubso: no..01:10
KnorriealkalineX: ow sorry01:10
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ubotu_clem has neutral karma01:10
Seveaskspath_, as ou can see we don't use the karma feature a lot01:10
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roostishawcan GTK 2.0 themes slow down gnome?01:11
L^sse50 minutes to Dapper!01:11
Seveasand I'd appreciate it if it staus that way01:11
SeveasL^sse, no01:11
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ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)01:11
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SeveasalkalineX, that was a <tab> error 01:11
KnorriealkalineX: i meant aleksand1r01:11
CasSeveas: can you pipe to a user? like "!no > Seveas"01:11
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KnorrieCas: pipe == |01:11
Fastlyi just installed amarok 1.4 on ubuntu and now get the following error: No new media devices were found. If you feel this is an error, ensure that the DBUS and HAL daemons are running and KDE was built with support for them. You can test this by running "dcop kded mediamanager fullList" in a Konsole window.01:11
roostishawcan GTK 2.0 themes slow down gnome?01:11
L^sseSeveas: ok, i'll to bed then :/01:11
crywolf_3can someone help me01:12
SeveasCas, !tell $user about $factoid01:12
tanekoh, less than 24hrs01:12
_clemkspath_ : what's the karma thing ? is it related to the !nick++ ?01:12
Fastlydoes anyone here know exacty what kubuntu packages are needed?01:12
Yoricroostishaw, I'm pretty sure they can01:12
Jowiroostishaw: yes01:12
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FlannelFastly: you might get more luck in #kubuntu01:12
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Shaezschehow do i install the latest ubuntu on an external usb HD?01:12
crywolf_3 i tried to play a dvd and get this message, Failed to play Audio/Video Disc01:12
BioVorEFastly: is you sound device setup right?01:12
Fastlysound is fine01:12
cachedwhens dapper up?01:12
Fastlyand amarok works fine01:12
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kspath_cached: /topic01:12
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Fastlyjust the ipod isn't autodetected01:13
BioVorEFastly: what back end is aramok using? xine?01:13
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CasShaezsche: you could if you can make the disk bootable in your BIOS01:13
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Shaezscheand then it will install without any further tinkering?01:13
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Fastlythink so... will check..01:14
_clemShaezsche : there is a new release tomorrow, you should wait till then...01:14
Shaezschealso, will this affect my battery life? switching from windows xp to ubuntu.01:14
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Shaezschei just dled the lts kubuntu01:14
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roostishawJowi or Yoric, then what is the 'fastest' theme? the default one from the ubuntu install?01:14
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crywolf_3i get an error when i tried to play a dvd, Failed to play Audio/Video Disc01:14
_clemShaezsche : well... will the usb be seen as /dev/sda1 always.... would it not break grub if it moved to /dev/sda2 ?01:14
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)01:14
TTT_TravisI thought dapper was supposed to be coming out in 45 minutes01:14
Mic__haelShaezsche: battery life could be less with ubuntu, it depends01:15
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kspath_TTT_Travis: /topic01:15
TTT_TravisI know01:15
davecrywolf_3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-49d7b89e22f864732e033a68a77cfe144f23af8c01:15
Shaezschemichael, how much less? and depends on what01:15
TTT_Travisbut someone told me 8 EST01:15
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kspath_TTT_Travis: /shoot someone01:15
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)01:15
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crywolf_3thanke dave01:15
dmbtits possible01:15
uboturestricted is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats01:15
Shaezschewhya re the kubuntu and xubuntu LTS releases out before the ubuntu?01:15
atzarwhat is the equivalent of cubase on Linux ?01:16
Mic__haelShaezsche: by default, it's usually less, but people who pay attention to it manage to get more out of their batteries with ubuntu... I don't know how, and I don't remember how long my batteries lasted with xp01:16
aleksandervia_strass: and you'll finally need to ad this line to your /etc/fstab: /dev/hdax none swap sw 0 001:16
TTT_Travisif I install the daily build for yesterday will it be about the same?01:16
Seveasatzar, I wish there was one...01:16
kspath_atzar: apt-cache search keyword01:16
TTT_Traviswait nevermind, I actually want the server version01:16
aleksandervia_strass: and an x stands for the number of your swap partition01:16
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Shaezschewhya re the kubuntu and xubuntu LTS releases out before the ubuntu?01:16
_clemShaezsche: what makes you say that ?01:16
aleksandervia_strass: you'll be able to check it with fdisk -l01:16
Jowiroostishaw: "simple" is very quick. Wonderlooks or Bluecurve are also pretty good (those are gtk (or button/widget themes))01:16
atzarSeveas: you mean, there's no ?01:16
mawaI run ubuntu on an older powermac g4 and i cant seem to access the capture controls or get the microphone to record any sound. any suggestions?01:16
dmbtewmmmm, bacon.......01:16
Shaezschei just downled the kubuntu lts off the website01:17
Shaezschego to its homepage01:17
crywolf_3dave , ,,,, it saiys, Failed to find mountpoint for device /dev/hdc in /etc/fstab01:17
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_clemShaezsche: you mean the RC ?01:17
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Shaezschei dont know it SAID lts01:17
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Shaezscheahhh, the dled file says RC01:17
Shaezschethats bs01:17
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SeveasShaezsche, kubuntu/edubuntu/xubuntu will be released at the same time or later01:18
Jowiroostishaw: the absolute slowest i've seen is CleanestBrushedGnome01:18
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=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
dmbtwow, a lot of people in this room today01:18
_clemwell even the kubuntu.org page states "Release Candidate".01:18
Stormx2I missed you ubuntu <301:18
Shaezschedoes this version boot faster than 5.10? that took nearly twice as long as winxp to load to the desktop01:18
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SeveasStormx2, !01:18
roostishawJowi, where can I find simple?01:18
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Seveaswhere the f* have you been?01:18
Stormx2How are you man?01:18
dmbtwill hte user count get up to 1000?01:18
Stormx2my friend01:18
_clemShaezsche: Gnome 2.14 is much faster than the previous Gnome to start.01:18
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Stormx2Yeah well01:18
Seveasdid you go through decon already?01:18
Jowiroostishaw: umm. don't remember. try art.gnome.org01:19
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!01:19
Shaezscheclem, excellent01:19
aLdcould i just install kde rather than geting kabuntu01:19
Stormx2graphic design : linux doesn't cut it with that01:19
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Stormx2haha Seveas ^_^ that made me laugh01:19
Stormx2Oh im in a good mood01:19
Stormx2its good to be back with my geeks <301:19
byenaLd, yes you can01:19
Seveasompaul, do you seriously see any chance to get #ubuntu on-topic tonight?01:19
_clemaLd : yes, from Ubuntu, install the kubuntu-desktop package.01:19
Stormx2plus i like the more rounded fonts on ubuntu01:19
ompaulSeveas, no01:19
Shaezschedoes this one feature modem support?01:19
Mewshihow do i get xine 1.1.1?01:19
byensudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop aLd01:20
Stormx2Its had modem support for a while, eh?01:20
Seveasompaul, for tonight I've given up on it, let's just have fun01:20
=== richiefrich [n=dethwish@unaffiliated/richiefrich] has joined #ubuntu
ompaul!karma ompaul01:20
ubotuompaul has karma of 501:20
dmbtarrr, to many people, to many messages to fast!01:20
SurfnKidhow do i set up a *.deb file?01:20
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)01:20
SurfnKidthank u01:20
Stormx2Oh man01:20
dmbtSurfnKid: install one or make one?01:20
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kspath_dmbt: /ignore nick helps with all so much though.01:20
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Abois it time to upgrade to Dapper, or I should wait yet another day?01:20
Stormx2That bot is stealing all our glory!01:20
ubotuStormx2: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:20
tdshivwill the LTS, dapper drake update itself through the update function or will i have to go back and isntall the new kernel myself .... is it a new kernal?01:20
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)01:20
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SurfnKiddownloaded one, need to install it. keytouch manager01:21
lixHi. Where can I order Dapper Drake CD's for our University? (We need around 200pcs. ix86 & PPC).01:21
=== ptr__ [n=ptr@h13n2fls34o847.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Castdshiv: it will update01:21
aLdthanks beyn01:21
tdshivthanks cas01:21
ubotuFor free ubuntu CDs visit https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ . For kubuntu CDs visit http://shipit.kubuntu.org . For edubuntu CDs - http://shipit.edubuntu.org01:21
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dmbtlix: you should email shipit01:21
Seveaslix, for that number of cd's: contact info@shipit.ubuntu.com01:21
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lixk :) thanks!01:21
Stormx2i was gone for 5 days... lets see how many updates01:21
Stormx2not bad.01:21
AboI've been using breezer since little more than a week now, I really liked it !01:21
Stormx2>.< I bet libc is in there though01:21
Stormx2Ah man01:21
Abobest distro I ever tried01:21
ompaullix, you can get 10 cds and use them - you can get one and use it on all - its legal01:21
=== widemos_ [n=widemos@139.Red-83-42-139.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
hyphenateddo you really need 200 discs, instead of using the same ones a bunch of times?01:21
Stormx2I get to install dapper on my friend's pc01:21
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Stormx2Abo:  :D YAY!01:22
=== IcemanV9 [n=n0b0dy@c-67-184-83-136.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
petrikNFS folder sharing help please. I rightclicked of the folder to share it and gave it the IP of other computer. How do I now view it on the other computer?01:22
=== frenk [n=frenk@cmb65-253.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu
aleksanderAbo: so go for dapper, you'll be even more impressed ;)01:22
=== WildTangent [n=justin_@d141-169-31.home.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu ["www.w1ldt4ng3nt.net"]
ompaulokay its a 3 hour download01:22
=== Cobain [n=cobain@ip72-192-65-155.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== ompaul does some math
Mewshican i update to the dapper repositories?01:22
=== Sharcho [i=sharcho@62-15-210-86.inversas.jazztel.es] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ompaulMewshi, yes01:22
crywolf_3i download realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb but i cant install it01:22
aleksanderMewshi: yes01:22
crywolf_3 how do i do it01:22
ubotu[upgrade]  Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.01:23
Stormx2Apart from looking nicer and gedit now highlighting php for me (YES!) dapper isn't much different for me  But its still yummeh!01:23
ubotuhmm... realplayer is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:23
=== Psico_Indie [n=rafael@200164213086.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["http:\\www.tuxresources.org"]
ubotuforum is, like, the ubuntu web forums at http://www.ubuntuforums.org01:23
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CasMewshi: update and run 'sudo update-manager -d"01:23
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ompaul!tell crywolf_3 about realplayer01:23
crywolf_3i download , realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb, how do i install it01:23
Aboaleksander, how to upgrade (smoothly) ?  sudo apt-get upgrade?01:23
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Stormx2Abo: Nope. Look at what ubotu said01:23
aleksanderMewshi: alt+f2 and gksudo "update-manager -d"01:23
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ompaulcrywolf_3, don't repeat please it has been in the channel once and messaged to you by the bot01:23
ubotuwell, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.01:23
joelitoDo you think using the torrent will be a good Idea?01:23
=== kingroach [n=emel@pool-162-84-205-56.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Abocrywolf_3, sudo chmod +x realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb01:24
ompaul_clem, message the bot please01:24
Stormx2crywolf_3: Read the howtoo foo'01:24
aleksanderAbo: alt+f2 and gksudo "update-manager -d"01:24
FlannelSeveas, once dapper is released, it will ask to update without any invervention (update manager) right?01:24
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_clemompaul : It was for Abo, not for me.01:24
dmbti here on breezy, there is a nice graphical upgrader gui for dapper01:24
Stormx2I don't think so.01:24
SeveasFlannel, sudo update-manager -d already works...01:24
Jowijoelito: last time i tried the torrent was really quick01:24
=== hyperactivecrond [n=chatzill@adsl-70-238-98-213.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrondwhat time did we officialy release (GMT Time?) Dapper?01:24
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Flannelhyperactivecrond: see topic01:24
hyperactivecrondah whoops didnt' read the /topic01:24
Seveashyperactivecrond, /topic01:24
rackerz1AM apprently.01:24
Stormx2It isn't released yet, foo;01:25
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Seveasrackerz, no01:25
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulthat would be UTC01:25
rackerzYeah i didn't think so.01:25
joelitoGood, 'cause i'll need the ISOs as soon as I can get them01:25
Newbify2anyone know if there is a bittorrent for it?01:25
=== pEtErZ [i=Ryan@blk-224-252-2.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ArchvilleSeveas:  Do you know what version of Gedit is bundled in the Dapper release ?01:25
hyperactivecrondbecuase the announces are in the wiki01:25
ArchvilleI think i've found a bug on the latest one.01:25
rackerzIs this the official Ubuntu channel?01:25
Seveasjoe_user, then download the latest daily now and rsync after release 01:25
FlannelSeveas: ah, I didn't know if that was wise for general public, or if it were just for beta upgrades.  Thanks for the clarification.01:25
crazybobi thought it was released in 30+ minutes according to the fridge01:25
dmbtrackerz: yes01:25
Seveasrackerz, yes01:25
suturin 5minutes and 30seconds...01:25
Stormx2Is our cosmonaut overlord gonna join IRC and be like "Now, creatures, feast on our duck!!"01:25
Seveascrazybob, fridge is incorrect01:25
hyperactivecrondsutur: lol01:25
crywolf_3i type the code in the terminal but its not installed01:25
dmbtrackerz: although iright now its a bit hectic in here01:25
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SeveasStormx2, no01:26
ompaulNewbify2, there needs to be downloads of the binaryies to seed for the torrents01:26
Stormx2oh :(01:26
Jowirackerz: yeah, but atm everyone is a bit frantic01:26
Flannelcrazybob: no, fridge just defaulted to 00:00 for the time, and is counting down from that.01:26
crywolf_3i typed realplayer code in the terminal01:26
Stormx2oh man01:26
Stormx2I wanted it to be like the y2k stuff01:26
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rackerzYeah I'm guessing it is. Dapper release today.01:26
crywolf_3 dut it wont install01:26
Stormx2like everyone counting down01:26
hyperactivecrondsutur: you aren't serious, are you:01:26
hyperactivecrondrackerz: affirmative01:26
dmbtanyone guess if its going to be available in the next couple of hoursa?01:26
mcmahonsso... whens dapper coming out? :)01:26
=== zerby [n=phoranix@84-104-97-17.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
utUtuDapper Dev forum is now closed and the new look  Ubuntu website is now ready for business?01:27
Stormx2 /topic01:27
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TiG4--- Is there a program that allows me to keep a window ontop of all other windows? ---01:27
hyperactivecrondmcmahons: /topic01:27
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mcmahonsStormx2: i was joking i read it :)01:27
Versedprobably I would think sometime around or after 8am gmt.  could be wrong.01:27
Felyduwupgrading now... wee :D01:27
Stormx2Ah I see01:27
mcmahonssame to you hyper :)01:27
Newbify2ompaul, ok yea I was just wondering, because it seems like this will be a very popular release and a bittorrent would be nice to save bandwidth from the mirrors01:27
=== aleksander [n=aleksand@dsg234.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
dmbtso, its going to be released in a couple minutes ;)01:27
mcmahonsNewwbify2: haha who cares shuttleworth's paying for it :)01:27
SeveasVersed, keep this a secret, but I heard from some of the lead developers that morning or midday isn't unlikely01:27
=== nahoj [n=johan@goth-gbg-183-129-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulNewbify2, well no doubt some people will have it on torrent as soon as they upload for it01:27
Stormx2How come our cosmonaut overlord is so rich?01:28
=== trainstroker [n=phillip@adsl-072-148-237-202.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2does he have shares in google?01:28
VersedI'm thinking more from what makes sense then from speculation.01:28
SeveasStormx2, bankrobbery01:28
dmbtStormx2: becauase he is smart01:28
Stormx2Oh ok01:28
Versedor any rumors.01:28
=== givre [n=flo@APuteaux-152-1-64-33.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelStormx2: usually rich people have lots of money, so, I imagine that's why.01:28
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ompaulmcmahons, we all should, better to get it to an extra 5 people who can't afford it on CDs than waste it on bandwidth tarriffs01:28
SeveasFlannel, ROFLQ01:28
=== nonne [n=mike@ppp-69-218-254-158.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Stormx2Flannel: XD01:28
GazzaKVersed, keep this a secret, - lol, like yeah, thats gonna not be spread about every ubuntu channel01:28
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Seveasogra, welcome to hell 01:29
dmbtlinux releases by ubuntu hurt the US economy01:29
Stormx2Ah this isn't hell01:29
=== GeorgeAScott [n=george@24-119-163-220.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2this is just temporerily efnet01:29
dmbtthey make all the isps bandwidth bills go up01:29
Stormx2oh right, hell01:29
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SeveasStormx2, hahahahah 01:29
=== exhale [n=exhale@c80-216-8-42.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulthat shoud be on bash.org01:29
ograSeveas, hell ?01:29
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Seveasogra, 856 people screaming for dapper01:29
hyperactivecrondmake a new channel: #waitforreleaseofdapper?01:29
ograah, i see01:29
Versedlook, in anycase, when 30 million people hits canonical's servers all at once, don't think anybody's gonna get anything fast.01:30
=== Kyral pants
Jeeves_Seveas: WHEN IS DAPPER!?01:30
=== Jeeves_ hides :)
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== Jeeves_ [i=mark@tor/session/external/x-6821684f7d156319] has left #ubuntu [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by ChanServ
joelitoel conteo esta en http://fridge.ubuntu.com/01:30
KyralI am sick of this, I need an advil01:30
petrikHow do you crash out of a frozen program?01:30
=== babysnakes [n=haim@line22-41.adsl.actcom.co.il] has joined #ubuntu
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ograSeveas, tell them the more "PASS" entries we have on the testing wikipage the faster it is to happen01:30
Noah0504hehe, I wonder if I'll be able to download the Dapper updates tonight when I'm up at two in the mornin'!01:30
=== martian67 [i=1000@edtntnt2-port-58.dial.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Shadyman [n=Matthew@bas1-ottawa23-1128766322.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
_clempetrik: xkill01:30
pEtErZis it possible to give users full access to the opt folder, if yes can someone msg me and please tell me how, right now i am logged into shell as root01:30
=== tekNerd [n=chatzill@host74-43.pool871.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== Shaezsche prays that dapper will recognize his software modem
VersedI'm having a beer and cigar and toasting to those developers who did this for us, if I can't get it tommorow, I will get it in a few days.  anyone want a beer?01:31
Jeeves_I know that a certain someone isn't going to be able to use nl.archive! :)01:31
SeveasJeeves_, bugger01:31
Stormx2I want a beer 01:31
=== Aggro69 [n=mini@nl112-173-61.student.uu.se] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrondi have a lovely message for anyone who decides to ask when dapper's gona be released next <eg>01:31
hyperactivecrond!beer Stormx201:31
ubotuhyperactivecrond: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:31
SeveasI'll send Mendel to ddos you ;)01:31
trainstrokerhow do i make linux reaad batch files or INF files. i need for a thumb drive to be able to auto run something off of linux.01:31
aleksanderpEtErZ: why would you like to do it?01:31
AboI have this redundant problem where all gaim and xchat are well connected to the internet but all the rest (firefox, apt-get ...) fail to connect01:31
CaspEtErZ: man chmod01:31
KyralJeez, these people are actiing like the HURD went stable :P01:31
Flannelwow, this is like windows95....01:31
=== raven301_ [n=raven301@bas3-kitchener06-1128734334.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
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=== Versed dcc's a heineken Premium Light to Stromx2
SeveasKyral, HAHAHAHAHAHAH01:31
petrikNot from a command line. I don't have acess to it. Can't go anywhere. mouse moves but other than that no responce01:31
KyralThank you! Finally someone got it :P01:32
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulcrywolf_3, thats not much use - say more01:32
=== Jeeves_ walks to the fridge and grabs a beeer
aleksanderpEtErZ: i'm not a hacker but i think this kind of ingeration in the system is a bad idea01:32
joelitoFlannel, I read something like that in #ubuntu-es01:32
=== hyperactivecrond was a bit slow there
joelitothe spanish channel01:32
crywolf_3i 'm tring to install real player01:32
Stormx2Stromx? THOUTH BLASPHEME!!01:32
_clemAbo : could be a proxy or DNS problem.01:32
Versedbtw, whats the dapper ubuntu channel again is it #ubuntu-1?01:32
_clemAbo : check both.01:32
hyperactivecrond!tell crywolf_3 about restrictedformats01:32
Stormx2crywolf_3: are you setting out to annoy us or something?01:32
SeveasVersed, #ubuntu+101:32
Stormx2crywolf_3: Read the howto01:32
Stormx2!tell crywolf_3 about realplayer01:32
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Cascrywolf_3: or tell us where exactly you are stuck01:33
=== bosco [n=bosco___@static-71-114-204-71.trrhin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Roger_The_Bum [n=Roger@] has joined #ubuntu
ray__hello all01:33
Stormx2Hi ray__!!01:33
Roger_The_Bumok never mind then01:33
Roger_The_Bumwhen WILL it be released?01:33
Stormx2!dictionary cho01:33
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Stormx201:33
FlannelRoger_The_Bum: see topic01:33
kspath_Roger_The_Bum: /topic01:34
boscocant dont no01:34
ray__grrr... I hate that default __ that gets added to the name01:34
Stormx2its cause its been taken01:34
boscojoin # topic01:34
hyperactivecrondRoger_The_Bum: hold your breath.  it'll speed up the release. we'll tell you wne it's released01:34
Roger_The_Bum/nick ray01:34
=== Roger_The_Bum turns purple
hyperactivecrondkeep on holdin01:35
GeorgeAScottisn't there a dapper #01:35
boscoso i will just check back tommorow after work and get dapper01:35
=== pseudodeadkitty [n=chatzill@68-116-0-38.dhcp.knwk.wa.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelGeorgeAScott: we've given up.01:35
GeorgeAScottand why can't i find it01:35
boscothere is dapper101:35
Roger_The_Bum#dapper ?01:35
FlannelGeorgeAScott: #ubuntu+1 was dapper01:35
=== Hglcobra [n=c@cD9089959.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu
boscoRoger_The_Bum, the room for dapper questions01:35
=== Hglcobra is now known as chriswk
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ray__well, i have a quick question about changing from ati to nvidia01:36
ray__video cards that is01:36
trainstrokerhow do i make linux reaad batch files or INF files. i need for a thumb drive to be able to auto run something off of linux.\01:36
mcmahonsits sad how excited i am for this release01:36
KyralYES IT IS!!01:36
petrikIs there a key combination to quit a frozen PC where only the mouse moves but no other responce?01:36
_clemtrainstroker: that's a weird question....01:36
=== Antipodean [n=admin@c220-237-126-87.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrondpetrik: ctrl-shift-backspace01:36
=== czambran [n=czambran@63-162-81-38.lisco.net] has joined #ubuntu
ray__will someone look at this url and tell me if it looks correct? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152159&highlight=nvidia+s-video01:36
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Seveasray__, that looks like a perfectly good url01:37
_clempetrik: try CTRL+ALT+BACLSPACE01:37
Roger_The_Bumeverybody IS waiting...01:37
Stormx2Seems valid enough01:37
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:37
ray__seveas is soooo funny01:37
hyperactivecrond!tell ompaul about msgthebot01:37
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petrikI think it's the power button. No responce from key combinations01:38
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Seveasompaul, how about /cs clear bans in here?01:38
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ray__seriously though, will someone read that thread and tell me if the advice on how to change from ati to nvidia is correct?01:38
mcmahonsRoger_The_Bum: what did you expect, ubuntu is the most pop. linux disstro01:38
trainstroker_clem: i wrote a prog for my psp that is an autorun. if a set variable in the PC memory idetifies you as the owner. then it acts like it usually does. if u arent the owner it emails the owner an email with IP. this is does from an autorun (INF) which executes an HTM which exectues an PHP on my server and emails the IP01:38
connhi, when I run a certain app, DRI won't work, displaying this error: libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/i915_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/i915_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_Dispatch). Usually LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libGL.so.1 will fix the issue, but I can't get it working with a particular app (vmware-player). Every other gl app works fine, direct rendering is enabled and working fine. Any ideas?01:38
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ompaulSeveas, no there are some we should not touch - have a lclose look01:38
mcmahonsray__: ok01:38
Roger_The_Bumthis is more hyper than #wikipedia when it was down 0_o01:38
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:38
SeveasRoger_The_Bum, heh01:39
Roger_The_Bumit wasn't this hyper01:39
Stormx2i hope shufflesmurf does come in here personally and go "hay guis ges wat?"01:39
hyperactivecrond!tell gnomefreak about msgthebot01:39
SeveasRoger_The_Bum, wikipedia 1000000 countdown was worse 01:39
Stormx2Oh yeah01:39
gnomefreakhyperactivecrond: i didnt do that for me01:39
Stormx2So much fuss about a train station01:39
Roger_The_Bumit was +m and consisted of me shouting <<<><>>>800<<<><>>>01:39
Roger_The_Bumuntil I was devoiced01:39
Stormx2What did that do?01:39
Seveas"shufflesmurf" LOL01:40
=== DarkTower [n=peter@60-241-118-130.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Roger_The_Bumalso 90% of the messages were people entering and leaving01:40
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apokryphosSeveas: looking at them, all ones set by me could be removed I guess01:40
Capn_RefsmmatStormx2: you're a cat?01:40
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Stormx2>.< but hair gets lodged in my throut01:40
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gnomefreakSeveas: its really just a few that the server caught by the looks of it01:40
Seveaskalel, fly away ;)01:40
_clemtrainstroker: so ? Linux will read any readable file and execute any executable file. http://www.linuxforums.org/security/file_permissions.html Now, if you're writing DOS commands in a batch file don't expect BASH to run them properly.01:40
kalelSeveas: rofl01:40
mcmahonsray__: that seems fine whats the problem01:41
ray__the link from the wiki only deals with installing drivers. what about when to replace the actual card and stuff01:41
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Seveas/nick jorel01:41
ray__mcmahons, no problem yet01:41
DarkTowerthe graphical installer will only let me assign mount points to two partition in dapper. Anyone else have that? I can only do / and home, not swap even though i made 4 partitions01:41
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=== titan [n=titan@68-118-14-026.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mcmahonsray__: stick the card in, boot ubuntu, follow the instructions.01:41
MTecknologyInstalled Ubuntu and restored my firefox profile. I restored it from a Windows profile and it actually worked. Only problem is that when I try to play a flash game, it gets stuck in a loop and eventually closes ff, when I try to use a java applet, it just closes ff while loading.01:41
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@collaredlory2.hornet.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ray__i'm trying to make sure i don't run into any problems :)01:41
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gnomefreakray__: you wont know til it happens01:41
Stormx2MTecknology: Ekk01:41
mcmahonsray__: very thorough of you :)01:41
Stormx2MTecknology: Meh try reinstalling java/flash?01:42
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-24-8-48-16.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2Hi ubuntu01:42
MTecknologyStormx2, i have01:42
mcmahonsray__: if you run into any problems (ie. x isn't working) just come in here and we'll help01:42
gnomefreakray__: you can read all the docs int he world they might not list a problem you run into01:42
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JowiDarkTower: swap has no mountpoint01:42
ray__here goes nothing... i'll come back and let you know :P01:42
Stormx2Clearly judgement day has come, ubuntu has become self aware. it is only a matter of time.01:42
RTB|0_osomebody took ubuntu01:42
=== RTB|0_o is now known as o_0
mcmahonsray__: no worries :)01:42
=== Stormx2 is now known as skynet
ray__thanks, guys01:42
=== skynet launches nukes at russia
DarkTowerJowi: Except that it says on that scree you must assign a prtition for swao01:43
=== skynet is now known as Stormx2
MTecknologyno help?? :'(01:43
=== leonardoo [n=Leo@adsl196-102-98-206-196.adsl196-4.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2MTecknology: Get rid of firefox? ;)01:43
JowiDarkTower: yes, swap use a partition, but no mountpoint01:43
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hyperactivecronduse it as type SWAP01:43
DarkTowerJowi: And then half way through warns you you havent assigned a swap01:43
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Stormx2Is it actually possible to run more than one linux distro on the same drive/machine?01:43
MTecknologyStormx2, i love ff01:43
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ubotuit has been said that x is a portable, network-transparent window system.01:43
ahmeniAnyone know what the scheme is when it comes to package names for libraries, and the trailing bits?  I'm doing up a temporary package for libode, but the current version in apt is libode0c2..01:43
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Stormx2MTecknology: Yeah, well reinstall it after :01:44
hyperactivecrondStormx2: yes.01:44
hyperactivecrond!tell Nullified about msgthebot01:44
leonardoodapper is coming :)01:44
JowiDarkTower: ouch. that's worse. i haven't tried the gui installer for awhile so i'm not sure why that would be.01:44
Flannelo_0: 'ubuntu' is the default login for people from the liveCD, we get them all the time01:44
Stormx2Last time i tried to install fedora core 3 and ubuntu. And *everything* screwed up01:44
MTecknologyStormx2, i tried reinstalling it all01:44
DarkTowerJowi: Sorry but thats not how its behaving. I have created a swap partition, but you also have to select it in the next screen and thats not possible01:44
leonardoohello everybody01:44
Stormx2Eended up with an ubuntu-fedora hybrid01:44
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hyperactivecrondcan we not change that to an autologin01:44
Stormx2which was pretty cool01:44
Stormx2but it didn't work01:44
=== o_0
avalentewhere's Mark S.? He should be the one to announce Dapper01:44
NullifiedHeya guys anyone where the config files for the X window manager are01:44
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moHello all01:44
Stormx2Hi mo!01:44
Stormx2I have a friend who's surname is mo01:44
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aleksanderNullified: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:45
mothat's one crazy surname01:45
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ahmeniIs there a channel for package maintinence questions?01:45
Stormx2Uh oh01:45
apokryphosavalente: it won't be announced for some time still01:45
DarkTowerAlso there is no way to graphically do softyware raid in the installer. I really dislike the new graphical installer, it doesnt even give you the option of doing things the old way01:45
TeddStormx2, I beat up a mo once01:45
Capn_Refsmmatthat was a lot of removed bans01:45
TeddTrue story01:45
Stormx2* ChanServ removes ban on LOLLIE!*@*01:45
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=== Raven301 [n=raven301@bas3-kitchener06-1128734334.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
moI'm a mo that's not yet been beaten up01:45
dmbtumm, was that suppose3d to happen?01:45
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=== Tedd kicks mo's ass
apokryphosStormx2: yeah, he/she was an annoying one 8)01:45
=== o_0
avalenteapokryphos: but with mark be here? ;)01:45
gnomefreakdmbt: yes01:45
mobut I'll steer clear of Tedd, cos I don't want to tempt fate01:45
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MTecknologywhat's with removing bans?01:45
motoo late01:45
dmbtok, good01:45
avalenteI want to /whois him01:45
apokryphosavalente: very doubtful.01:45
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hyperactivecrond!tell Tedd about coc01:45
gnomefreakTedd: watch your language01:45
apokryphosMTecknology: fresh for dapper :)01:45
hyperactivecrondplease follow that ted01:45
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %*!*@ %*!*@ %*!*@ %*!*@] by Seveas
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=== o_0
Stormx2what is snuffleturf's username on IRC?01:46
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TeddHow many times have I heard that XD01:46
_clemtrainstroker: and anyway... as much as I don't like theft... as a computer enthousiast I don't like the idea of an autorun which would connect to the internet on my behalf and broadcast information. Plus, as a developer, I find your solution pretty unstable, you're relying on : DOS, autorun, internet connection, firewall... I don't know, I don't like it.01:46
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MTecknologySo, Dapper is moving to here in how long?01:46
o_0now it makes sense01:46
hyperactivecrondis o_0 popping up randmoly with no text in anyone's irc clients besides mine?01:46
apokryphosMTecknology: as soon as it's released01:46
avalentesabdfl Stormx201:46
Stormx2T minus 6 seconds.01:46
o_0I just type /me then a double space01:46
MTecknologywhat time?01:46
Stormx2avalente: Is than an acronym01:46
=== GeorgeAScott [n=george@24-119-163-220.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu []
o_06 seconds?01:46
Stormx2Lets figure out what it means!01:46
=== o_0 !
JowiMTecknology: see /topic01:46
Stormx2It will be a recursive one... he's in with linux01:47
DarkTowerAnyone else had trouble with the dapper graphical partitioner, using 4 partitions??01:47
moI'm a complete and utter ubuntu newbie, and I'm having difficulty with enabling the universe and multiverse01:47
SeveasBREAKING NEWS: Dapper Drake canceled, the Drake was killed by avian flu01:47
hyperactivecrondself appointed b dictator for life01:47
MTecknologyJowi, idk what time that is in CST01:47
=== aleksander
=== rnod [n=arnaud@lns-bzn-39-82-255-20-19.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== o_0
avalenteself apointed benevolent dictator for life or somtheing like that01:47
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ompaulo_0, not funny01:47
ubotusabdfl is probably Mark Shuttleworth, cosmonaut and founder of Canonical and Ubuntu01:47
via_strass_clem trainstoker is long gone01:47
=== utUtu [n=utUtu@adsl-68-21-168-172.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaki thought about adding to the topic something along those lines01:47
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dmbthey guess what, ubuntu dapper has just been released *yay*!01:47
_clemoh.. :)01:47
o_0this nick explains everything01:47
=== hyperactivecrond gives Seveas a cigar and major props
Stormx2sabdfl: a bloody different flu leeches01:47
Stormx2There we go01:47
Linuturk_NByo, ive got a modified cuecat barcode scanner. It spits out a UPS in plain ASCII. It connects via a PS/2 interupt on the keyboard. It works fine on a windows machine, but in Ubuntu, it spits out different numbers everytime I scan the same barcode. Anyone help?01:47
dmbtmade you look!01:47
Ploujdamn it, Ubuntu is soo fooking slow01:48
=== bsdfox [n=h36sa@adsl-71-146-44-133.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
JowiMTecknology: i only know of GMT+1 :)01:48
hyperactivecrond /nick Dapperishere01:48
Stormx2dmbt: WTFWHERE?!01:48
gnomefreakMTecknology: youve been sitting here asking when how long if everyone stops asking we might tell everyone when we know ;)01:48
dmbtmade you look01:48
SeveasStormx2, he's messing with you :01:48
hyperactivecrond!tell Plouj about COC01:48
Ploujon Athlon 3500+ with 1GB of ram :/01:48
=== o_0
Stormx2I know ;)01:48
via_strass!tell mo about universe01:48
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apokryphosquite an atmosphere ;-)01:48
suturBREAKING NEWS: dapper drake realease posponed due to trademark conflicts with the mandrake foundation.01:48
kspath_ /ignore Plouj01:48
o_0!tell o_0 about the !tell command01:48
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by ompaul
_clem!tell _clem about COC01:48
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=== ThE-LiGhT [i=light@bzq-88-155-225-162.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowisutur: you misspelled "mandriva"01:49
=== Sarisar [n=x@82-32-144-197.cable.ubr01.nail.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveassutur, hehe01:49
MTecknologygnomefreak, i'm actually more conserned with getting java and flash working, that's what i keep asking01:49
hyperactivecrondmandriva is spelled "H-E-L-L"01:49
apokryphosGuys -- #ubuntu-offtopic is open for general chatter :)01:49
bsdfoxcan anyone tell me where to change my hostname?01:49
Linuturk_NB yo, ive got a modified cuecat barcode scanner. It spits out a UPS in plain ASCII. It connects via a PS/2 interupt on the keyboard. It works fine on a windows machine, but in Ubuntu, it spits out different numbers everytime I scan the same barcode. Anyone help?01:49
hyperactivecrond!tell MTecknology about flash01:49
czambranMTecknology: if it is not working now, I wouldn't think they will magically start working after the final release01:49
_clemspelt ?01:49
ThE-LiGhTwhat is the UTC time now?01:49
hyperactivecrond!tell MTecknology about java01:49
Seveasapokryphos, there is no way in mandriva^Whell that this channel will be on topic anytime soon01:49
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hyperactivecrondThE-LiGhT: Eastern time + 501:49
gnomefreakThE-LiGhT: type in terminal date -u01:49
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hyperactivecrondaka 12:49 AM01:49
Seveas@now UTC01:49
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: May 31 2006, 23:49:4701:49
gnomefreakhyperactivecrond: its 4 from est01:49
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Stormx2battery taste bad!01:49
apokryphosSeveas: still 9 hours or so to go01:49
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hyperactivecrondgnomefreak: uh... iirc it's gmt -501:50
Seveasapokryphos, maybe more01:50
Sammi84straight from fridge.ubuntu.vom: Upcoming events Ubuntu 6.06 Release(event)(10 minutes)01:50
Ploujbut seriously, why is ubuntu so slow on my machine that I can see how each terminal is redrawing itself when I have two terms and firefox open?01:50
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Sammi8401:50
ompaulapokryphos, where did 8am come from01:50
gnomefreakhyperactivecrond: im on est time i know its -401:50
rackerz9 hours till what?01:50
utUtuis that joke about the Mandrake trademark?01:50
MTecknologyczamran, no shit - i'm on dapper01:50
ompaulapokryphos, where did 8am come us time01:50
ThE-LiGhTso few more hours ah?01:50
Ploujand when I compile wine, my system becomes unusable01:50
hyperactivecrondgnomefreak: i'm on EDT01:50
bsdfoxcan anyone tell me where to change my hostname?01:50
Stormx2Sammi84: They've introduced a .vom domain?01:50
czambranMTecknology: so am I01:50
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Rubinwhy does the kde-core in dapper say its version 5?01:50
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=== hazart [n=johan@port203.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
crywolf_3 wad up01:50
crywolf_3 bro01:50
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Flannel!tell bsdfox about hostname01:50
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gnomefreak;) we cleaning house?01:51
Roger_The_Bumn0_othing much01:51
Ploujwhoa, I just noticed that I have direct rendering disabled with my nvidia 6600GT01:51
Linuturk_NBhttp://www.cafepress.com/ubuntushop.14580695 << these so rock01:51
=== Alexiel [n=Alexiel@82-39-120-181.cable.ubr04.newy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bsdfoxPlouj so do I01:51
=== mehdi [n=mehdi@adsl196-139-4-206-196.adsl196-1.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
_clemPlouj: depends on your hardware, configuration... I say troubleshoot... but it certainly wrong to say that Ubuntu is slow, it sure isn't for a lot of people (and I also mean a lot of old computers).01:51
Ploujwhat can I do to try to enable direct rendering?01:51
bsdfoxPlouj I use glx01:51
crywolf_3can u help me with instalin realplayer?01:51
Roger_The_Bumhow is the server not DDoS'ed01:51
apokryphoscrywolf_3: /msg ubotu realplayer01:51
bsdfoxPlouj DRI is more important for ati cards01:51
Roger_The_Bumubuntu IS the best!01:51
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Ploujbsdfox: what are you talking about?01:51
=== andbelo [n=andbelo@c-68-82-49-163.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ploujglxinfo |grep direct01:52
Ploujdirect rendering: No01:52
=== hyperactivecrond steals Roger_The_Bum 's teeth
PloujI think that is causing my system slowness01:52
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2We have to organise a mexican wave01:52
=== Roger_The_Bum oo ahhe eh wa wa meh
ompaulcrywolf_3, read the message the bot sent you, there is a URL inthere it will get you sorted01:52
gnomefreakwelcome HedgeMage ;)01:52
Stormx2For when it comes out01:52
Stormx2where we all say something very deep.01:52
bsdfoxPlouj what do you score in `glxgears -printfps`01:52
Stormx2Like names of fuit01:52
=== chuck [n=chuck@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2or something...01:52
=== Roger_The_Bum wah ish eef back
HedgeMagehi gnomefreak01:52
=== leon [n=monkeyym@] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrondhold your breath. it is scientifically proven that holding one's breath speeds up the process01:52
JowiPlouj: dri is only useful for accellerated 3d afaik01:53
Ploujbsdfox: about 866.317 FPS01:53
=== hyperactivecrond gives Roger_The_Bum his teeth back
Ophiocuswill there be much of a change for dapper beta users in a few hours or we just get to watch the rest of the comunity go heels over head for code we already have?01:53
=== HellDragon [n=JD@modemcable251.249-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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bsdfoxPlouj damn, I am getting 6800 with my 6600gt01:53
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hyperactivecrondWe'll tell you when it's relased. just keep holding your breath. that's right...01:53
Slappy4000 here01:53
Ploujcuz direct rendering is on for you, no?01:53
KnorrieOphiocus: you can watch it in here ;-)01:53
_clemOphiocus : you just get to watch people go crazy I guess :)01:53
crimsunOphiocus: if you're current, you already have it.01:53
czambranOphiocus: I wonder the same01:53
=== Roger_The_Bum can't hold it for any longer
=== Capn_Refsmmat looks at sapote1
Stormx2Ophiocus: Hi01:54
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@ACBCAC27.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Capn_Refsmmat notices that those seem to be real releases
=== lukketto [n=luca@host245-153.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Ploujanyways, isn't there a way to enable direct rendering?01:54
hyperactivecrondCapn_Refsmmat: as opposed to what, Debian01:54
=== nahoj needs some kaffeine
=== multiluke [n=luke@] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasCapn_Refsmmat, they are *NOT*01:54
DarkTowerI hope you can use the old installer in dapper, the graphical has got problems01:54
hyperactivecrondoops did i say that aloud?01:54
teckfattyeah..... another 6 min01:54
_clemOphiocus : In these moments you understand Debian users better..01:54
s|kI tried kde for the fun of it, god it is ugly :<01:54
Seveasthey are *TEST* images01:54
crimsunDarkTower: yes, that's the alternate.01:54
apokryphosDarkTower: no, it should be fine.01:54
petrikWhen it is released no one will be able to get it as the servers will be jammed01:54
Capn_RefsmmatSeveas: I know... hence "seem"01:54
gnomefreakits not the final01:54
=== Fastly [n=soph@81-179-194-253.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89alternate Cd is the old installer01:54
Roger_The_Bum8 EST?01:54
=== HedgeMage peeks in
suturhyperactivecrond: im beginning to see black spots...01:54
Seveasteckfatt, +several hours01:54
apokryphosbruce89: nope. Alternative CD is live+install01:54
hyperactivecrondsutur: just keep holding... and don't have your next of kin sue me01:54
apokryphosbruce89: argh, I mean it is the old installer, sorry.01:54
=== ThE-LiGhT [i=light@bzq-88-155-225-162.red.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Stormx2They're just doing what all the good bands do at concerts; make the fans wait!01:55
apokryphosdesktop is live+install01:55
Linuturk_NB yo, ive got a modified cuecat barcode scanner. It spits out a UPS in plain ASCII. It connects via a PS/2 interupt on the keyboard. It works fine on a windows machine, but in Ubuntu, it spits out different numbers everytime I scan the same barcode. Anyone help?01:55
Roger_The_Bumapokryphos, yeah01:55
gnomefreakbruce89: alternatate is the install cd not the live01:55
bruce89no, i'm sure its the old one01:55
apokryphosand DVD is alternative+desktop01:55
dmbthave a question01:55
=== HellDragon is now known as HellDragon|CSS
r0xoRcan anyone tell me roughly how much didfference there is between brezzy and dapper... i.e. after a fresh "default install" is there much different?01:55
suturdapper..... its.... here ... i can.....toucht IT01:55
Roger_The_Bumis there a DVD01:55
DarkTowerapokryphos: No its not. I create 4 partitions but it only lets me assign two, thus not giving any swap, which it says you need to do. Then half way through it warns i havent set any swap, which is true because it was impossible01:55
dmbtdoes the gui installer stil linstall all the debs sepereately01:55
=== HellDragon|CSS is now known as HellDragon|ET
gnomefreakapokryphos: its desktop also?01:55
hyperactivecrondr0xoR: yes01:55
leonits orange01:55
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Fastlyguys, for some reason my NetworkManager applet is reporting that "no networking devices have been found" ... i have tried reinstalling it and even rebooting and no joy... any ideas?01:55
teckfatt4 min......01:55
Roger_The_Bumr0xoR, yeah01:55
czambranr0xoR: Oh yes!01:55
sapote1e2e5e0bfb2edffd2ce02dd77bda4558e  ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso    MD5 sum01:55
apokryphosDarkTower: well, you don't have final, do you?01:55
Roger_The_Bumit can do woreless01:55
apokryphosgnomefreak: yup01:55
Seveasdmbt, no, the gui installer copies the live filesystem01:55
sskroederhi .. this may sound as a silly request - but is there some way that i can de-install all packages that aren't part of the default Ubuntu install -- I've installed a lot of packages to try them out - and now i can't tell the ones that came with the system from those that i've subsequently installed ...-- how can i get back to a "clean install" - without having to actually re-install01:55
=== Rambo3 [n=chatzill@c-92f871d5.027-6-6b73641.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrondas opposed to feces brown (no offense to anyone with artwork)01:55
r0xoRaight, so it's worth waiting until tomorow?01:55
=== aleksander [n=aleksand@dsg234.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89I do't think it really is 4mins01:56
apokryphosr0xoR: at the least, yes.01:56
Fastlythe Network Monitor 2.12.0 built into gnome is working...01:56
crywolf_3i cant seems to get help here01:56
hyperactivecrondcrywolf_3: what is your question?01:56
Stormx2crywolf_3: What is the problem?01:56
teckfattwe will see after 3 min01:56
DarkTowerapokryphos: thats true. I hope since 3 days ago theyve also put back the ability to do software RAID, because thats no longer possible01:56
dmbtcrywolf_3: its a bit hectic in here01:56
crazybobcrywolf_3 try the forums?01:56
Stormx2crywolf_3: How hard is it to follow a howto?01:56
_clemsskroeder: you should read about APT... you're going to love it.01:56
czambranFastly:  for me it's not01:56
petrikOh well I'm of to work so will not be able to get my grubby hands on it ofr at least another 9 hours01:56
=== pschulz01 looks a spiffy looking new website layout.
hyperactivecrondcrywolf_3: /msg me01:56
gnomefreaksapote1: why are you just posting things?01:56
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Fastlyczambran, what's not?01:56
=== kelp [n=kelp@149.Red-81-37-142.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrondbye bruce01:56
Roger_The_Bumhola rey01:56
bruce89not me01:56
sskroeder_clem, i've been browsing throug the man pages - but haven't found an suitable answer01:56
bruce89i was saying bye to someone else01:57
reydeluniversoHOLA REY01:57
czambranFastly: the network manager01:57
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Stormx2sskroeder: I dunno man01:57
_clemsskroeder: sudo aptitude remove thepackagename01:57
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bruce89the new website layot is interesting...01:57
Fastlyhmm.... czambran, did you upgrade to dapper recently too?01:57
Stormx2_clem: Thats what he need01:57
=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=chatzill@219-89-80-175.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2bruce89: For which website01:57
nahojthis channel is getting to big for it's own good....01:57
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
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_clemsskroeder: but I really insist on the fact that you should read the doc about APT from the Debian website. It's a must-read.01:57
=== GaiaX11 [n=vagner@] has joined #ubuntu
your_momi broke x, how can i fix it? dpkg-configure xserver-xorg dosent work01:58
Roger_The_Bumdon't release without me01:58
teckfattis anyone sure the dapper going to release in next 1 min?01:58
sskroeder_clem, I know how to remove a package - but i wouldn't want to remove some component, that may have to be used later...01:58
Stormx2Oh we to make a mark shuttleworth website! like! a fansite! with ponies and animated gifs!01:58
czambranFastly: I mean it kind of is, but it doesn;t work with my wireless only with the wired one01:58
czambranteckfatt: read the title01:58
hyperactivecrondSeveas: maybe we should have people talking about the release in another channel?01:58
Flannelsskroeder: well, one way would be to mark everything for uninstallation, then reinstall ubuntu-desktop.  That'll unmark everything requires.  Of course, I don't know if there's a problem wth that or not.01:58
Fastlydoesn't work with either for me01:58
SeveasStormx2, NO YOU CAN'T HAVE A PONY!01:58
Stormx2teckfatt: you'll be lucky if its the next hour01:58
bruce89sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:58
czambranhyperactivecrond: what for?01:58
Stormx2:( But daadddyyyy01:58
apokryphoshyperactivecrond: nah, it's ok to have a little hype :)01:58
=== Henry_Bean [i=diego@OL184-152.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashyperactivecrond, good luck with that ;)01:58
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GaiaX11How do i recover my grub? apt-get install grub-install hd0?01:58
ZambeziIs somebody waiting here for Ubuntu? Acctually waiting until it comes?01:58
=== Godfather [n=Godfathe@140.Red-83-39-39.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sammi84Dapper Drake is out in 1 min!!!!01:58
apokryphosGaiaX11: /msg ubotu grub01:58
sskroederFlannel, well it sounds like an idea to me ;-))01:58
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=== widemos [n=widemos@139.Red-83-42-139.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasSammi84, +several hours01:58
_clemsskroeder: it won't remove things that are used. If you'll need them "later" they'll get reinstalled when needed. APT is great at that.01:58
bruce89especially iif you look at the testinbg data for the latest cd build...01:58
apokryphosRoger_The_Bum: ?01:58
DarkTowerSammi84: really?01:58
Agrajagno it's not.01:58
Capn_RefsmmatSammi84: omgwtfbbq01:59
kspath_DarkTower: no01:59
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Sammi84heheh according to fridge.ubuntu.com :)01:59
Roger_The_Bumdo you read slashdot?01:59
bruce89yikes, it's hectic in here01:59
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gnomefreakSammi84: its not gonna be released in the next hr or 2 give it time01:59
your_momi uninstalled xorg, so x is broken anyway to fix01:59
sskroederFlannel, i'll try it out - see if it does the trick...01:59
leondont really like the decayed font01:59
Stormx2Roger_The_Bum: You're asking someone on freenode. of course he reads slashdot01:59
apokryphosSammi84: nope, that's nto really an announcement.01:59
bruce89fridge is just saying 00:00, as it the beginning of the day01:59
=== h3h_timo [n=brad@nphloh-terayon1-69-165-48-69.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
rackerzgnomefreak, are you talking about dapper?01:59
Roger_The_Bumbut he didn't get OMG PONIES01:59
bruce891 would say about 11:00 Ut01:59
gnomefreakrackerz: yes01:59
GaiaX11apokryphos, ???!!!!01:59
Flannelyour_mom: reinstall xorg.01:59
rackerzThankyou :)01:59
gnomefreakrackerz: give it a few more hours01:59
_clemI don't read slashdot.... :01:59
Stormx2Roger_The_Bum: Oh that one was so funny!01:59
Stormx2Roger_The_Bum: Penis unicorns! XD~~~01:59
hyperactivecrondi say that we shoud celebrate the working on Edgy that starts tomorrow?01:59
=== TTT_Travis [n=Travis@bal-bb-cable-2-172.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
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apokryphosRoger_The_Bum: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for totally unrelated talk :)01:59
=== HellDragon|ET is now known as HellDragon
apokryphosGaiaX11: type /msg ubotu grub02:00
hyperactivecrond!tell Stormx2 about COC02:00
Roger_The_Bum11 UTC?02:00
TTT_Travistoo bad, ubuntu was supposed to be coming out right now02:00
FlannelTTT_Travis: no it wasnt.02:00
leonwhere is it?02:00
Roger_The_Bumearlier or later?02:00
GaiaX11apokryphos, right!02:00
TTT_Travisyes it was02:00
MTecknologyalright, to my previously stated question. can anybody direct me to a helpful channel?02:00
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, kspath_02:00
czambranTTT_Travis: it will02:00
TTT_Travisthats what I heard02:00
apokryphosGuys: regarding the release time, please read the TOPIC :)02:00
Ophiocushyperactivecrond: the efort to enforce that idea conterveins the fact that sometimes hapiness is expressed in havoc and that sometimes celebration overules orderly fashion02:00
=== [A] ndy80 [n=wettreyw@host167-17.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
sapote1# Ubuntu 6.06 Release(event)(NOW)02:00
czambranTTT_Travis:  but in a while02:00
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TTT_Travisa while as in hours02:00
Seveassapote1, NOW as in TODAY02:00
thenetduckhey is there going to be a Dapper countdown???02:00
Seveasthenetduck, no02:00
crazybobthe fridge lied to us.. down with the fridge..02:00
hyperactivecrondOphiocus: good point.02:00
apokryphosthenetduck: no02:00
thenetduckdang it02:00
gnomefreakthenetduck: no02:00
czambranTTT_Travis: yes, several02:01
thenetduckwhy bloody well not02:01
boscothe dapper release is soppesed to be min away02:01
czambranthey are getting it all dapper02:01
apokryphoscrazybob: nope, just the way it handles notes.02:01
Stormx2" ThePirateBay.org Raided and Shut Down" WTF!02:01
NullifiedI changed my graphics card from a (AGP) 9800PRO to a (PCIE) X700PRO , X doesnt like this and refuses to run GDM, Is there anyway to make it boot as if it were the first time and let it configure itself02:01
TTT_Travisthats too bad02:01
your_momi uninstalled xorg, so x is broken anyway to fix? please02:01
crazybobi know just messing02:01
kspath_bosco: no02:01
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MTecknology02:01
hyperactivecrondthenetduck: hold your breath. we'll tell u when its ready. hlding your breath speeds up the process. seriously.02:01
=== bifodus [n=eric@roy-tuc-univ-148-229.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosStormx2: Swedish police ;-)02:01
=== gnomefreak wonders if dapper is so important for people to have why not wait for it
thenetduckim gasping02:01
HedgeMageyour_mom: install xorg again :P02:01
Flannelthe FRIDGE uses 00:00 as the default time for something that happens "on a day".02:01
hyperactivecrondMTecknology: that only works in #debian with !topicbanter02:01
=== apokryphos chuckles
czambranhyperactivecrond: ;)02:01
boscokspath_, that is what they said in the dapper room02:01
thenetduck*holding breath now*02:01
=== Abo [n=charbel@88-111-8-200.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2Oh man02:01
Ploujoh, I really don't know why, but Ubuntu 32bit is super slow compared to my Gentoo installed on the second system - right now, I'm compiling wine in ubuntu, and typing is awful due to the huge lag02:01
HedgeMageyour_mom: apt-get install xorg02:01
bruce89I think that it would be a good idea if people needing support go to the forums02:01
=== jimster [n=chatzill@nom11587poe.nomadic.ncsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
=== kspath_ runs screaming from the intarweb
bruce89mind you we are a bit preoccupied02:01
_clemyou must hate fridge..... :))))02:01
=== LinuxMonkey [n=LinuxMon@unaffiliated/LinuxMonkey] has joined #ubuntu
MTecknologyhyperactivecrond, what only works?02:02
apokryphosbruce89: nope, support is still fine here02:02
hyperactivecrond_clem: lay off the excess punctuatoin02:02
Roger_The_Bummmm fridger\02:02
eXistenZwe need dapper02:02
thenetduck* nots not coming soon enough i need to take a breath*02:02
=== eXistenZ protests
=== Chris_Tucker [n=ChrisTuc@stjhnf01-23-142163031199.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
InvisiblePinkUniare we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?02:02
halibuthow many hours left? :D02:02
hyperactivecrondMTecknology: could you /msg me with what you mean02:02
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Flanneltopic people, read the topic.02:02
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Roger_The_Bumwhy 11:00 UTC?02:02
MTecknologyhyperactivecrond, what i mean for what?02:02
apokryphosInvisiblePinkUni, halibut: /topic02:02
your_momi uninstalled xorg, so x is broken anyway to fix? please02:02
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, hyperactivecrond02:02
Roger_The_Bumcan't it be 1002:02
=== BrianHH [n=brian@c-69-142-235-70.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Roger_The_Bumor 10:3002:02
Ploujafter installing dapper 6.06 all I did was install the nvidia drivers, so  my ubuntu isn't very much customized02:02
leondecayed font gone again02:02
=== Roger_The_Bum was kicked off #ubuntu by apokryphos (annoying)
rackerzalot of unhappy people in the forum :P02:02
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InvisiblePinkUniso it will be out in less than 12 hours?02:02
apokryphosRoger_The_Bum: please stop it :)02:03
halibutPlouj, 107+ ?02:03
teckfatti think so02:03
apokryphosInvisiblePinkUni: /topic02:03
_clemif asked so nicely, avec plaisir.02:03
bruce89but mabye not02:03
Ploujhalibut: yes02:03
eyequeueI would guess business hours in .uk02:03
hyperactivecrondInvisiblePinkUni: coat yourself in peanut butter and go play with pitbulls. we'll tell you tomorrow when it's out02:03
bruce89that is in 8 hours02:03
LinuxMonkeyI wish ubuntu would release it to us on mirc early...lol02:03
bruce89that is02:03
teckfatttime now at UK is 1:03am02:03
keithgWhat do you need to tell apt-get to install gnome?  I did a server install on my other hard drive by mistake.02:03
apokryphosLinuxMonkey: yuck, no mirc users here.02:03
hyperactivecrondLinuxMonkey: how canyou be on mIRC on linux?02:03
=== porjo [n=porjo@web1.netoptions.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mcscruffteckfatt, 1:04 :P02:03
Seveaskeithg, ubuntu-desktop02:03
eyequeueLinuxMonkey, what is mirc?02:03
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leonapt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:03
apokryphoseyequeue: IRC client for Windoze02:03
bruce898 hours from now til 16 hours from now02:03
mcscruffeyequeue, mirc = a windows irc02:03
Seveaseyequeue, some crappy windows-only irc client02:03
keithgSeveas thanks.02:03
LinuxMonkeymy bad i just woke up02:03
=== Goetzc [n=Goetz@] has joined #ubuntu
BrianHHHi Everyone.  Can anyone help me getting my Palm to sync?  I've been trying to get it to attach to my docking station for my laptop.  When I run dmesg, it shows the Palm attaching to port ttyUSB1 *and* port ttyUSB2, and then disconnecting.  Can anyone help me unravel this?02:03
=== gnomefreak decides not to tease everyone and goes for smoke
DarkTowerban Mirc lol02:04
=== espalinuxWEB [n=espalinu@] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoswhich actually works in wine02:04
dmbti don't like mirc02:04
=== tyler_ [n=tyler@adsl-153-181-40.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphos(but yes, don't use it)02:04
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DrewMarinok how do I get vba to run in a gui02:04
DrewMaringvba wont work02:04
dmbtits just not as good as xchat or chatzilla02:04
tyler_waz up02:04
=== BadriNarayan [n=badri@adsl-70-226-183-46.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
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InvisiblePinkUni898 users... is this a record?02:04
=== P0ldy [n=P0ldy@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
leonis this a joke? http://fridge.ubuntu.com/files/no-pony-for-you.jpg02:04
apokryphosInvisiblePinkUni: I think so, yes.02:04
SeveasInvisiblePinkUni, yes02:04
firestormxchat for windows isnt free02:04
Stormx2oww bloody battery acid. i need a drink.02:05
hyperactivecrondpeople who wish to ask about when dapper is released... direct your output to /dev/null.02:05
teckfattneed to ask seveas02:05
Capn_Refsmmatfirestorm: silverex.org02:05
InvisiblePinkUni900 woo hooo02:05
apokryphosI'm sure we'll get way into the 900s at actual release time :)02:05
Seveas26 users short of being the biggest channel on freenode02:05
=== Quest-Master [n=Quest-Ma@c-24-99-40-24.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiI've not seen #ubuntu with more uses than #debian before02:05
Klaynosfirestorm: there are good free builds02:05
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=== porjo [n=porjo@web1.netoptions.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosSeveas: #gentoo still bigger?02:05
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Stormx2Ill advertise02:05
Seveasapokryphos, slightly02:05
crimsunSeveas: won't hold for long :-)02:05
Seveascrimsun, yeah02:05
apokryphosbimberi: it has in the last few weeks or so02:05
bruce89900s now02:05
apokryphosA lot of /. publicity02:05
DrewMarinhow do I get the command gvba to work02:05
Ophiocuswill we be graced with a few words from Shuttleworth in here? would be neat02:05
=== myleftfoot is ready to start the release party...
bruce89899 now02:05
Klaynosand I see I've beating silverx.org into Capn_Refsmmat enough for him to link it...02:05
=== v0taguz [n=v0taguz@] has joined #ubuntu
_clemDrewMarin: what is gvba ?02:05
hyperactivecrond#ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic banter. please. it's too loud in here02:05
=== Tresnar [n=Tresnar@dsl254-022-032.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ploujhow do I disable shift+backspace zapping?02:05
=== CarNagE__ [n=CarNi@dslb-084-056-229-177.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoshow many times have you heard there being /. entry that "Distro X WILL be released in the next week"?02:06
bimberiapokryphos: it will change a lot on June 4 (when they point to OFTC)02:06
Capn_RefsmmatKlaynos: :D02:06
hyperactivecrondPlouj: don't use XGL02:06
bruce89not yest shuttleworth i dont think02:06
Ploujhyperactivecrond: ah, must be!02:06
apokryphosbimberi: OFTC?02:06
tyler_waz up02:06
DrewMarinwell I have vba but last time I had visual boy advance gvba was a way to get a graphic interface with it02:06
Ploujdarn thing02:06
porjoIs there an alternative panel Clock to the default? I prefer the look of KDE's Clock with the LCD look. Is there something similar for gnome?02:06
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=== Plouj tries to remember how to un-install xgl
bruce89not that i know of02:06
tyler_waz up im new to linux02:06
DrewMarinme to tyler02:06
Stormx2hi tyler_02:06
DrewMarin4 days02:06
hyperactivecrond /. should do a story: "chaos in #ubuntu"02:06
Stormx26 months heh02:06
LinuxMonkeyapokryphos i heard it on digg about 49 times...lol just for 6.06...lol02:06
Stormx2loving it ;-)02:06
Slappyn99b here too02:06
hyperactivecrondbefore the release02:06
bruce894.5 months02:06
Slappyerr n00b02:06
=== shinichi [n=eric@cpe-72-226-127-47.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_clemDrewMarin: oh ok. I remember using vba.. I don't know about gvba though.02:07
teckfatt901 now02:07
Stormx2Oww drink02:07
Stormx2Must... get... water02:07
Seveasyou really are a n00b if you write n00b as n99b 02:07
=== _ZuZuu_ [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-28-155.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
DrewMarinsome guy told me try gvba and i was like ok and it didnt work02:07
bruce89I (kinda) used waty02:07
DrewMarinthen he said do this02:07
DrewMarinand I did and hey it worked02:07
rackerzeveryone seen the forums? No pony xD02:07
=== Ghetto_Smurf [i=aaobc@bl7-133-90.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
=== Hitchhiker [n=bkh@ool-44c5826f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2Ghetto_Smurf rofl02:07
DrewMarinclem: ever tried using gnomeboyadvance it never installs for me02:07
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-10-102.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2That has to be the best name ever02:07
kingroachis 6.06 release on may,31 or june,1?02:07
hyperactivecrond /. has changed it's css02:07
Seveaskingroach, in less than 24 hours02:08
nbx909june 1st edt02:08
=== h3h_timo [n=brad@nphloh-terayon1-69-165-48-69.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
DrewMarinkingroach u can get it now02:08
=== xhaker [n=xhaker@] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuekingroach, today, june02:08
Ghetto_SmurfStormx2 ?02:08
DarkTowerhow do ytou get that cool graphical stuff hapnin in dapper. you know xgl or watever02:08
DrewMarinI have it02:08
DrewMarinjust upgrade02:08
hyperactivecrondkingroach: never. bird flue came and infected the drake.02:08
nbx909june 1st zulu02:08
teckfattstormx2: depend where you are02:08
kingroachis there any link to the final iso02:08
eyequeuehyperactivecrond, cute02:08
bruce89whats the pony thing all about02:08
=== gumpish [i=aefa@natsci-mac32.ns.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiubotu tell DrewMarin about xgl02:08
hyperactivecrondkkingroach: when it's ready there will be02:08
kingroachI have been waiting for few week sof r the final build..lol02:08
=== dark-messias [n=luis@201-69-57-123.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
_clemDrewMarin: no.. I messed a bit with emulators, but in the end of the day, I only sticked to scummvm and my Atari ST emulator (to play Colonial Conquest.. which I'll port to PC one of these days)02:08
ompaulnbx909, its been there 8 minutes ago02:08
Rambo3class A professional forum02:08
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=== tested2 [n=tested1@c-24-63-77-183.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DrewMarinatari is fun02:08
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@r200-40-248-208-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
Newbify2lol is that picture of the girl crying on the forums "No you can't have a pony" new?02:09
DarkTowerDo i need to install it?02:09
_clemDrewMarin: although I really like Tennis on the game boy :)02:09
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=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-237-119.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rambo3c64 emulator is good too02:09
DrewMarinI have my parents atari 2600 but I need to get one of the cords replaced02:09
nbx909ompaul, no it's not on02:09
=== tyler_ is now known as coolguy
HitchhikerWill Dapper Drake come with xgl?02:09
=== krazykit [n=kkit@] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelalright, guys, take the game talk to #ubuntu-offtopic.02:09
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FlannelHitchhiker: no.  Edgy will.02:09
=== porjo [n=porjo@web1.netoptions.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
LinuxMonkeyare the servers that will distribute the dapper on dapper them self or atleast running ubuntu?02:09
dmbt Hitchhiker :no02:09
Roger_The_Bumyo lo hablo02:09
DrewMarinof I have seen the movie of xgl its awsome02:09
coolguyhola amigo02:09
czambranDoes anybody know why would my mic stop working all of the sudden?02:09
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!02:09
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:09
=== andrejkw [n=andrejkw@c-71-57-129-57.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasRambo3, ?02:09
=== xhaker [n=xhaker@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
crimsunLinuxMonkey: no.02:09
bruce89and even in edgy XGL will have to be optional02:09
bruce89sort of02:09
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andrejkwThey're preparing for Dapper Drake now!!02:09
_clemubuntu : si, pero la gente habla ingles aqui. Por favor, va a #ubuntu-es02:10
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)02:10
hyperactivecrond!tell SurfnKid about msgthebot02:10
ubuntuLo que pasa es que es la primera vez que uso ubuntu para chatear02:10
DrewMarinwhat does it do exactly I saw the trailer but didnt understand it02:10
bruce898-16 hours i say02:10
Rambo3sry , thougt i would list ops to see if i had to listen to flannel02:10
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ubuntu02:10
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-119.216-254-248.iw.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Roger_The_Bum!tell Roger_The_Bum about msgthebot02:10
HitchhikerOf course, at this point, XGL really needs to be optional... I just tried it with SuSE 10.1, and XGL is very beta...02:10
Flannelbruce89: it'll always be optional.  But it will be supported on edgy, you can get it to work on dapper, but it's not supported.02:10
SurfnKidwhats that command dpkg to unzip and setup *.deb files02:10
apokryphosRambo3: you should use /chanserv access #channel list02:10
nbx909ubuntu, no hablamos espanol02:10
eyequeuei've got a question on the dapper cdimage ... is there a way to d/l the parts that won't change, only grabbing the "this is the final release" parts later? (to get ready to seed a torrent in a few hours)?02:10
DarkToweri thought dapper supported xgl02:10
DrewMarinwhat is xgl for just fun02:10
[zero] :( I broke my pc02:10
=== givre [n=flo@APuteaux-152-1-64-33.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:10
Ademanis it a bad idea to install a package from a *.deb file (not from the repository) ? will it be easy to remove? will i theoretically be able to install the next version without installing the old? do ineed to keep the old package around?02:11
FlannelDrewMarin: google it, there's a video, you really have to see it.  It's eyecandy, basically.02:11
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bimberieyequeue: yes, using rsync02:11
DrewMarinyea I have seen the video02:11
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=== mking [n=mking@c-71-200-93-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DrewMarinlooked awsome02:11
hyperactivecrondPor favor, no abusar ud. el bot.02:11
=== KLG|Marduk [i=sag@p54992F91.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunjust rysnc from the daily02:11
DarkToweryes but how do u inswtall xgl on dapper?02:11
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=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0246-afm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
DrewMarinIll look for it now02:11
bruce89over 900 again02:11
FlannelDarkTower: #ubuntu-xgl02:11
hyperactivecrondgod i suck @ spanish02:11
krazykitAdeman: only bad if the deb installs libraries or something.  if it's a program, it's /usually/ ok.02:11
=== rubyat [n=railz@12-216-16-248.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
dmbtwow, 900 people in this room02:11
apokryphosDarkTower: /msg ubotu xgl02:11
=== caldo [n=caldo@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89let's see if we can get over 1000002:11
DrewMarinsince I upgraded to 6.06 lts today02:11
eyequeuebimberi, ah yes, makes sense, thanks for reminding me of what i should have already known :)02:11
HitchhikerXGL renders your entire X session through OpenGL, so you can do all kinds of crazy stuff like wobbly windows, switching desktops on a 3d cube, transparencies, etc.02:11
crimsun10k would be a bit much.02:11
HitchhikerIt's pretty fast, too02:11
ubotuhmm... xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"02:11
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dark-messiasalguem do brasil?02:11
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, hyperactivecrond02:11
dmbtwill we hit 1000 users in this room?02:11
ubuntuYO SOY URUGUAYA02:11
ubotuhyperactivecrond: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:12
=== AlinuxOS [n=AlinuxOS@d83-176-89-195.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotueyequeue: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:12
caldonot at 0:00 whats the fun in that then? i was going to have a dapper drake countdown party!02:12
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@r200-40-248-208-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] by Seveas
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.02:12
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.02:12
bimberieyequeue: that's what i'm here for - now don't forget the milk :P02:12
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)02:12
DrewMarinok why isnt xgl in synapatic I have 6.06 lts02:12
Jeeves_caldo: I agree02:12
=== eyequeue gives bimberi a pony :)
crimsunDrewMarin: enable universe02:12
=== IYY [n=x@CPE000f3d501017-CM001225701432.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrond!tell DrewMarin about XGL02:12
Jeeves_There should have been a countdown party02:12
LinuxJonesGod there are 900 people in here02:12
hyperactivecrondno ponies for you02:12
Ademankrazykit: ok, what would the case be that it wouldnt be?02:12
caldostill, i'm getting rip roaringly drunk in anticipation :-)02:12
DrewMarini know about xgl02:12
FlannelJeeves_: that would require us to know when it'll be released.02:12
dmbtwe should play that song 'Final Contdown' in the party02:12
caldothat and half life episode one should come out tomorrow02:12
apokryphosDrewMarin: go to #ubuntu-xgl02:12
Seveas"The suspense is killing us"02:12
DShepherdLinuxJones: yes God knows. no need to remind him :-)02:13
caldojune 1 is good to geeks02:13
hyperactivecrondthat should be a #ubuntu inside joke like "Ramone" on opie and anthony.02:13
chuckpreist rocks02:13
hyperactivecrondthe whole pony thing02:13
krazykitAdeman: some programs depend on different library versions and will simply die.02:13
Jeeves_Flannel: They've had 8 months to figure that out :)02:13
dmbtwill we beat #gentoo in users?02:13
rackerzTheir all wanting Dapper, but their not getting!02:13
caldobarbie horse adventure?02:13
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=== IYY [n=x@CPE000f3d501017-CM001225701432.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["So]
crimsunSeveas: but I want dapper /now/!02:13
Stormx2!tell hyperactivecrond about coc02:13
crimsunand a pony02:13
BadriNarayanWhat is the typical number of people on this channel?02:13
=== Bagnaj97 [n=adam@ACD5B962.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
caldo!lart all02:13
dark-messiasthank you02:13
=== Seveas drops a pony on crimsuns head
=== malcolm [n=malcolm@CPE000d88f7097a-CM00122500768a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiyeah, c'mon Seveas!02:13
krazykitdmbt: gentoo only has 883 users02:13
hyperactivecrondStormx2: can i /msg you02:13
dmbtBadriNarayan: i think its usually less than 70002:13
apokryphosBadriNarayan: under 800 or so02:13
SeveasBadriNarayan, 700-80002:13
Jeeves_Seveas: Still not sleeping?02:13
_clemI want my Dapper now !!! If you're not giving it to me, I'm going to bed ! End of story !02:13
caldopitiful gentoo02:13
Ademankrazykit: but as far as a program... do i need to keep the *.deb around to uninstall?02:13
SeveasJeeves_, no02:13
apokryphoskrazykit: no, it has 92202:13
Stormx2hyperactivecrond: You can try02:13
_clemok I'm going to bed...02:13
Jeeves_Seveas: You were awfully quiet :)02:13
DShepherdkrazykit: its 900 plus.. i just checked02:13
LinuxMonkeyim just waiting for someone to blurt out... Its up its up. and be a joke and have all of ya rush to the website...lol02:14
rackerzCan I have a pony :D02:14
Stormx2ok, night nigh _clem!02:14
HitchhikerAmusingly, I'm looking to try Ubuntu for the first time today, since I've gotten rather disgusted with SuSE 10.1... synchornicity for dapper :)02:14
=== adamb1000 [n=adam@CPE-24-160-249-170.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BadriNarayanThank you. Then 900 isn't extraordinarily high?02:14
SeveasJeeves_, heh 02:14
nbx909902 people lol02:14
DrewMarin_clem: u can update to it I got 6.06 lts02:14
krazykitDShepherd and apokryphos i just checked too :-P02:14
_clemgnight guys :)02:14
rixxonwhat do i need to extract a rar split to multiple archives (.rar .r00 .r01 ...)?02:14
=== adriano [n=adriano@host-84-222-25-95.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
caldojust put opera on a 5 second refresh02:14
DShepherdkrazykit: :-)02:14
=== Nosgoth [n=Nos@bto-08-108.bto.ras.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu
tested2Slightly off topic but anyone know how I can have xchat only highlight a channel when my nick is mentioned?02:14
crimsunrixxon: unrar-nonfree in breezy.02:14
rixxoncrimsun: nonfree?02:14
_clemI know I know... but I want to review the graphical installer.. :)02:14
apokryphoscaldo: it'll still be quite a few hours02:14
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paradonFrom memory, Breezy was released at 0700 UTC, so there'll probably still be a big wait for Dapper :-(02:14
=== dashinho [n=dashinho@WLL-27-pppoe087.t-net.net.ve] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunrixxon: the name of breezy's package is 'unrar-nonfree', in multiverse02:14
=== eric [n=eric@CPE-58-164-203-147.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Flanneltested2: it does that by default.  the red highlight.02:14
_clemsee you tomorrow. Patience is a vertue (or something like that..). :)02:14
krazykitAdeman: no, you don't.  the uninstall stuff sticks around.  you just need to remove it with your favorite method, be that synaptic or dpkg02:14
=== guano [n=guido@24-183-197-75.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunrixxon: the dapper one is 'unrar', also in multiverse02:15
rixxoncrimsun: does it mean it is not free? :P02:15
tested2Flannel, yeah but I only want it to highlight then02:15
Flannelrixxon: Free as in speech, not free as in beer, in that case.02:15
caldoi need dapper, i have a memory leak on this machine with 382 days of uptime02:15
bruce89you can watch with this eye02:15
DShepherd_clem: virtue.. that's better :-)02:15
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise) | Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties
=== kspath_ jabs caldo in the eye with a sharp stick labelled /topic
hyperactivecrondapt-get install pacman02:15
=== dashinho [n=dashinho@WLL-27-pppoe087.t-net.net.ve] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
bruce89or with this eye02:15
crimsunrixxon: no, the packager was angry he didn't get a pony and randomly appended the "-nonfree" part.02:15
caldoit's going down fast!02:15
=== zerdith [n=zerdith@71-10-25-163.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
tested2Im talking about the channel name in the tabs not the text box02:15
guanowell ... i guess i found out everything  need to know.. it won't be a midnight release :(02:15
Ademankrazykit: i'm not entirely comfortable with dpkg so, is there a way in synaptic i can view all of my installed packages?02:15
=== ollo82 [n=oliver@p3EE2B876.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ericcan anyone tell me if its possible to instal shockwave player on ubuntu ????02:16
hyperactivecrondpacman -Sy apt-get02:16
DShepherdAdeman: yes..02:16
Seveaseric, it's not02:16
bruce89nope 8-16 hours away i would predixt02:16
Stormx2No release parties in England. What a suprise02:16
bruce89any bets?02:16
hyperactivecrondpacman -R apt-get *02:16
=== Engome [n=jerry@c83-248-25-28.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [-oo Seveas gnomefreak] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [-oo ompaul apokryphos] by ChanServ
hollywoodbtested2: it'll highlight in red for activity, blue if your name has been mentioned02:16
Flanneltested2: right, doesn't the text of the tab go red (as opposed to black) when you've been mentioned? (sorry, It's been a while since Ive used xchat)02:16
ollo82pacman is from arch linux, right?02:16
caldoapt-get install dapper damnit!02:16
LinuxMonkeyc'mon the suspence killed me allready, im am now a ghost...im sure the iso's are all ready on the server and been locked for the past day02:16
crimsunbruce89: yeah, that's pretty close.02:16
dark-messiascomo escrever em fat32 a partir do ubuntu?02:16
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-119.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== nathan_ [n=nathan@c-71-231-152-198.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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DarkTowercan ekiga be used to call phones by having a paid for account with a provider?02:16
bruce89I say we should have a wiki page which guesses whenreleases happen02:16
MTecknologywhere is ubuntus bug database02:16
DarkTowerlike skyupe02:16
=== patwack [n=paddy@cpc2-blfs2-0-0-cust120.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89like the million pool in WP02:16
BadriNarayanhyperactivecrond: I think the pacman in ubuntu is not what you think it is :p02:16
FlannelMTecknology: launchpad02:16
=== BlackWind [n=rickc@rickc.org] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasMTecknology, bugs.ubuntu.com02:16
crimsunLinuxMonkey: yes, they're being rsynced around the world02:17
myleftfootcaldo: you need dapper or I diaper for the leak?02:17
mcmahonsLinuxMonkey: the devs are all just sitting in this channel laughing at us02:17
=== capgadget [n=elifino@ppp-70-243-216-72.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdAdeman:  just click the status button02:17
hyperactivecrondbtw what does LTS mean?02:17
krazykitAdeman: i'm unfamiliar with synaptic, sorry.  don't recall where it'll show, but it will02:17
ericso there is no way at all that i can view shockwave files then ????02:17
krazykithyperactivecrond: long term support02:17
Flannelhyperactivecrond: Long Term Support02:17
mcmahonslong term support02:17
tested2Flannel yes it work what im trying to do is disable all other highlighting essentially02:17
=== magic [n=ubuntu@adsl-70-234-247-68.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuehyperactivecrond, long term support02:17
hyperactivecrondthat works02:17
DShepherdAdeman: you got that?02:17
bruce89Long Term Support!02:17
=== Bung [n=andy@d198-166-55-243.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
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magicHi guys!02:17
Stormx2Hi magic!02:17
=== hastesaver [n=hastesav@unaffiliated/hastesaver] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxMonkeyI wonder how long before we overload the servers with download requests when it gets released02:17
AdemanDShepherd: yeah, thanks, i was installing the package02:17
=== gilianima [n=gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
BrianHHCan anyone help me figure out where my Palm is installed on my system?  I went through the Palm HOWTO and aside from reminding me to install pilot-xfer, it didn't really illuminate anything for me.02:17
=== alex_ [n=alex@ip72-199-143-225.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89wel not that long02:17
HitchhikerWith SuSE, you have to use outside repositories (which may be flaky) for stuff like video and audio codecs.  Does the Ubuntu team manage this multiverse thing?02:17
Stormx2Its magic... you know02:17
DShepherdAdeman: ok02:17
Stormx2Never beleive its not so...02:18
Bungi just installed conky with synaptic, but i dont see a .conky or .conkyrc in my ~/ ... so uh, where do i configure the one i see when i run it?02:18
Stormx2I should sleep02:18
rixxoncrimsun: im on dapper rc, E: Package unrar has no installation candidat02:18
apokryphosHitchhiker: for some things which are illegal to have in the repositories, yes.02:18
bruce89me too02:18
=== HellDragon` [n=JD@modemcable251.249-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosrixxon: install unrar-nonfree02:18
crimsun!info unrar dapper02:18
DrewMarinyou know Im bored of linux gonna go into linux cya guys tommorow02:18
Seveas!info unrar dapper02:18
ubotuunrar: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), Packaged size: 84 kB, Installed size: 216 kB02:18
crimsunrixxon: ^^ note the multiverse.02:18
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=== HellDragon` is now known as HellDragon
rixxoncrimsun: multiverse enabled02:18
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Stormx2rixxon: have you sudo apt-get update since?02:19
apokryphosrixxon: my mistake; you just have to enable multiverse.02:19
crimsunrixxon: dapper or dapper-updates or dapper-backports? :-)02:19
rixxonE: Package unrar-nonfree has no installation candidate02:19
tested2Would some one be so kind as to say my nick in 30 seconds want to see if the change I mae worked02:19
=== T-CAN [n=porkins4@pool-70-105-235-167.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Limen [n=LimeVisi@81-234-46-107-o290.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosrixxon: /msg ubotu repositories02:19
hollywoodbBung: I don't remember if its in /usr/share/conky, or /etc/conky*, but there's a file somewhere you can copy to ~/.conkyrc to edit02:19
kspath_my nick02:19
kehermanIs Ubuntu Live Chat Support in Dapper?02:19
crimsunrixxon: it's "unrar" in dapper.02:19
rackerzhow come http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org is gone?02:19
Seveaskeherman, no02:19
carthiktested2, testing02:19
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
hazarttested2: :P02:19
Seveasrackerz, cdimage.ubuntu.com02:19
tested2Thanks, Everyone it worked02:19
NosgothI wish I could wait quietly02:19
Hitchhikerapokryphos: What do you mean?  Looking on the wiki, multiverse is the "repo of last resort" for Ubuntu, if I'm understanding this right, so w32codec and stuff would probably be there... but who manages Multiverse, is what I'm asking...02:19
=== jcz` [n=onel@adsl-72-50-114-174.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu
rackerzYeah that's what I thought.02:19
bruce89enough timesfor you?02:19
rixxoncrimsun: apokryphos told me to install nonfree :P02:19
=== pekay [n=pekay@host86-137-249-132.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
magicHey I downloaded the iso file from ubunto doenloads, the thing is that the file size is 839.1 MB, so I am unable to burn it on a CD because the CDs are capable of 700MB, did I downloaded a wrong iso?02:19
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DShepherdtested2: hehehe02:19
BadriNarayanhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ exists02:20
moonmanhows everyone tonight?02:20
Stormx2Ubugtu said it?02:20
bruce89i'm sure that's often enouugh02:20
DShepherdtested2: should we stop now?02:20
tested2I just set all other highlights to black cause im a genius or an idiot depending on the way you look at it02:20
carthikHitchhiker, multiverse is managed by ubuntu, and no it doesn't have w32codecs and other legally unsound stuff02:20
sexcopter8000mwow, 911 people in here... more than i've ever seen! 02:20
apokryphosHitchhiker: no, things like libdvdcss and w32codecs (which are illegal in many places) are not there, since they're not legal to have.02:20
hyperactivecrondyour mom's box02:20
rixxonStormx2: did that now, same error02:20
Stormx2HE SAID MY NAME!! <3<3<302:20
=== Ubugtu hugs Stormx2
hazartWe're waiting for the dapper to fly off!02:20
apokryphossexcopter8000m: more than there's ever been :)02:20
=== joj [n=joj@213-204-52-61.bredband.aland.net] has joined #ubuntu
dmbtdude, whats with the no you can't have a pony thing02:20
Stormx2That is unnecessy sexual contact!02:20
hyperactivecrondhey the iso is online. shouldn't it be released then?02:20
Stormx2Bad bot!02:20
dmbton ubuntuforums?02:20
Stormx2very bad bot!02:20
Hitchhikerapokryphos: Then how would you play movies or mp3s on Ubuntu?02:20
=== paul_ [n=paul@245-91.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Ubugtu humps Stormx2
hyperactivecrondStormx2: chill02:21
gilianimaI have recoded some text files that contains french and chinese with 'recode euc-cn..utf8 -f *', it worked well for chinese but not for french, does someone understand that ?02:21
bruce89blooming heck, soon it wioll be02:21
apokryphoshyperactivecrond: where?02:21
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Stormx2Ubugtu: Go to my room!02:21
AgrajagHitchhiker: by breaking the law, of course02:21
hazartAnyone who noted the "No you can't have a pony" on the forums? It's gone now :P02:21
apokryphosHitchhiker: mp3 codecs are not illegal, and in fact there are free mp3 codecs02:21
=== YoManWazap [n=Eric@bas6-montreal28-1177926492.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Ubugtuwith pleasure!02:21
bruce89sorry - test02:21
=== cge [n=cge@DHCP-6-217.caltech.edu] has joined #ubuntu
paul_How do you enable dvd playback in ubuntu using totem movie player?02:21
hyperactivecronddop'h nvm02:21
dmbtwhat was the ubuntofroums pony thing?02:21
bruce89i dont know02:21
hyperactivecrondand also, who'se abusing Ubugtu?02:21
Stormx2last.fm gives away ponies02:21
crimsunUbugtu's owner is.02:22
kspath_!tell dmbt about pony02:22
=== crimsun chuckles
UbugtuStormx2 is abusing me02:22
apokryphospaul_: /msg ubotu restricted02:22
T-CANubotu tell Hitchhiker about restrictedformats02:22
suturi want one (pony)02:22
Stormx2Its not abuse02:22
hazartThis picture was on the front page of the forums : http://www.hadess.net/blog/images/cant-have-a-pony.png02:22
bruce89i what way02:22
Stormx2Now lets get out the sun before I melt02:22
rackerzdmbt, it's a joke from the Fridge :D02:22
Hitchhikerapokryphos: Of course... and frankly I'm not concerned about the FBI raiding me over libdvdcss, but I'm just waiting on Dapper to try my hand at Ubuntu, and I'm wondering what Ubuntu's procedure for that stuff is02:22
guanohyperactivecrond where did you see the iso?02:22
bruce89out the moon more like02:22
rackerzI don't think he really saw the iso02:22
ompaulcrimsun, that is not funny but it is true :-) well done, you did some really good stuff there02:22
hyperactivecrondguano: false alarm.02:22
Stormx2You see, Ubugtu, I never had a childhood02:22
HitchhikerAh, here we are, thanks for the URL :)02:22
hyperactivecrondTO Clarify:02:22
hazartWhat exactly is the fridge? Some core community og COOL developers?02:22
YoManWazapdmbt I guess cause time is over and the release in not yet out!!02:22
ompaulcrimsun, that was two statements :-)02:22
apokryphosHitchhiker: all you should ever need, really, is the normal repositories (with multiverse etc), and Seveas' repository. See /msg ubotu seveas02:22
T-CANits a pretty simple process02:22
bruce89i doubtthe FBI will raid you02:23
BadriNarayanthanks for the link, hyperactivecrond02:23
=== hyperactivecrond accidentally over-reacted over the release announcement
crimsunompaul: no idea what you're referring to :-)02:23
paul_./msg unbuntu restricted02:23
guanohyperactivecrond :( i've been searching for a "misplaced" final iso ;)02:23
BadriNarayanwhy do you not want it to be public though?02:23
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ompaulpaul_, without the .02:23
hyperactivecrondthere is NO iso yet!02:23
T-CANso whats the next release gunna be? Crappy Camel?02:23
rixxonon dapper, multiverse enabled, apt-get updated, unrar not found. suggestions? :)02:23
hyperactivecrondT-CAN: don't hate.02:23
bruce89We're all just tiny multiple bleeps of laser traveling to/from any two energy sources, think about it, I did and I thought, shouldn't that be travelling?02:23
gnomefreakubotu tell paul_ -about restricted02:23
hyperactivecrondT-CAN: edgy eft02:23
apokryphosT-CAN: Edgy Eft02:23
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paul_Yea please do02:23
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Stormx2I wanted Perky Penguin :(02:24
Hitchhikerrixxon: Try looking for just 'rar', perhaps?02:24
=== moonman [n=moonunit@dynamic-acs-24-154-239-228.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrond!tell paul_ about restricted02:24
BelathorAfter that they should do Prancing Pony, so we can have are ponies!02:24
=== endwin [n=endwin@24-207-198-159.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89oh welll edgy+1 might be perky02:24
gnomefreakpaul_: i already did02:24
kspath_Stormx2: that will take several years02:24
Stormx2I hope so02:24
hyperactivecrondwho is getting ubugtu to be creepy?02:24
Seveasedgy+1 will be furry02:24
rixxonHitchhiker: nothing found02:24
gumpishprancing pony, rofl02:24
Lathiatlol gumpish02:24
hyperactivecrondno pony for us02:24
hyperactivecrondfor we02:24
=== utUtu [n=utUtu@adsl-68-21-168-172.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
OphiocusStormx2: you should have realised by now that they follow an alphabetic order?02:24
=== Dimitris [i=Absolut@acr-as2-18.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #Ubuntu
hazartDo somebody have a patch to make the taskbar fully transparent? Right now mine has some non translucent corners around the window list.02:24
NosgothMy wine's not gonna last forever (please Cannonical, It's just a click away)02:24
crimsunthat silly Ubugtu bot.02:24
crimsun=] 02:24
=== SLippin1 [i=SLippin@c-69-243-67-207.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2Ophiocus: w h b d?02:24
HitchhikerWhat the heck is an Eft, anyway?02:24
=== Bagnaj97 want happy human :-)
hyperactivecrondcrimsun: how?02:25
=== Tomek [i=tomek@pD954651B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
YoManWazapi want my pony NOW!!!! grrrrrr02:25
Ubugtu!lart crimsun02:25
bruce89or a newt02:25
T-CANso what was between breezy badger and dapper drake?02:25
hyperactivecrondYoManWazap: no pony for you02:25
bruce89a young one02:25
UbugtuI'm not silly02:25
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gnomefreakHitchhiker: a small newt02:25
suturme i guess02:25
Stormx2Ophiocus: Are you using dvorak or something?02:25
FlannelNosgoth: it's more than just them 'releasing' it.   They have to finish it and upload, and stuff.02:25
HitchhikerAh, thanks02:25
=== mjg [n=gehlm@] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakvery small02:25
crimsunhyperactivecrond: how what?02:25
bruce89lots of difference02:25
gumpishwhat about hoary hedgehog? NOT ALPHABETIC02:25
Stormx2Ubugtu come closer <302:25
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hyperactivecrondcrimsun: sorry i thought you did that nvm02:25
bruce89smoketesting and all02:25
FlannelT-CAN: ubuntu.com/testing/dapperbeta for a bunch of changes02:25
=== Ubugtu snuggles up to Stormx2
OphiocusStormx2: exactly ! its a md5 encrypted pass phrase for the string "bug#1"02:25
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=== jaodernein [n=jaoderne@gw-098.selfnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
NosgothFlannel, u'r right.02:25
apokryphosmirrors have to sync etc02:25
apokryphos(quite a lot of ISOs this time round)02:25
Ophiocus<-urban legend maker :P02:26
Flannelgumpish: they started the alphabetical stuff after Hoary.02:26
l_ris dapper drake ready02:26
Stormx2Ophiocus: abuh?02:26
=== jrasith [n=makai_wi@71-214-157-156.dlth.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
gnomefreakgumpish: its not gonna be nor ever was alphabetical02:26
LinuxMonkeyFlannel you know they allready have it uploaded for a day or so, they just got to sync it first02:26
rixxondon't tell me unability to extract a rar archive will be the reason i switch back to windows :(02:26
=== fiendskull9 [n=clayton@12-201-47-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
jrasithhello all02:26
bruce89914 now02:26
Harold_Prixxon, get unrar02:26
rixxonHarold_P: that's the problem02:26
dmbtrixxon: unrar02:26
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=== fortgate [n=fith@S0106004063d60bc4.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
HitchhikerSo it's Gory Gabon after Edgy Eft? :)02:26
gnomefreakl_r: its ready just not final release02:26
=== Nosgoth Waitin' for MY PRECIOUS!
bruce89could be02:26
DShepherdrixxon: heheh02:26
r0xzl_r: no, read toppic02:26
guano?? there are dapper iso's on isohunt.com ... 11 hours old...02:26
Harold_Pyou can't apt-get install unrar, rixxon?02:26
megabyte405rixxon: unrar-free , or unrar-nonfree if you need support for the latest rar version02:26
crimsunHitchhiker: no, hanged hitchhiker02:26
Stormx2Amazing Antalope02:26
hyperactivecrondguano: warez. haxx.02:26
=== e398 [n=e398@201-13-16-100.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Fui]
bruce89daily disk i think02:27
rixxonmegabyte405: unrar-free can't extract splitted archive, no?02:27
rackerzwarez rulezzz02:27
ubotuI guess mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:27
gnomefreakgumpish: theres dapper isos on ubuntu.com sites too02:27
YoManWazapl_r no the they keep the pony hiding02:27
hyperactivecrondCreepy Channelusers02:27
=== s-king [n=s-king@kotnet-145.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
megabyte405rixxon: no clue, I don't really use rar02:27
apokryphosrackerz: no warez talk in here please :)02:27
guanothey're hosted from torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce02:27
=== lucaas [n=lucas@h2n3c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrond!tell fiendskull9 about msgthebot02:27
apokryphosrixxon: what's the problem?02:27
gumpishsomeone told me gullible isn't in the dictionary02:27
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89yikes whats all the warez all about now, I thought ubuntu negates the "need" for i02:27
DShepherdrixxon: do you have the multiverse repository in your source list?02:27
jrasithany idea on what time the bit torrents will be up?02:27
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HitchhikerCould one of the gui archive managers read rar, perhaps?02:27
FliesLikeABrickrixxon whatever rar utility is in apt can do split archives, I've done it many times02:27
apokryphosjrasith: at release time.02:27
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ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)02:27
=== pomalley_ is now known as pomalley
rixxonunrar-free is the only thing apt-get/synaptic finds, i'll try it02:27
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jrasithohh!, thanks ubotu02:28
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T-CANdownload of drake will be availible via bit torrent??02:28
apokryphosrixxon: are you on dapper?02:28
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rixxonapokryphos: yes02:28
T-CANthere is a god!02:28
apokryphosrixxon: install "unrar"02:28
=== Bladesonfire [n=boffy@ip68-109-196-212.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
_kadaj_3hei hei02:28
apokryphosT-CAN: indeed, as all Ubuntu releases are :)02:28
=== me [n=me@dslb-082-083-055-036.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakT-CAN: yes it will ber02:28
_kadaj_3ubuntu will be release02:28
rixxonapokryphos: apt-get doesn't find 'unrar'02:28
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cdubyaheh, think I'll wait till after the weekend perhaps to try dapper....maybe the flood gates will have subsided......besides, it'll give me time to make sure it's not breaking you all's stuff first...... :D02:28
DShepherdrixxon you need to have the multiverse repo enabled before you will see unrar in synaptic02:28
apokryphosrixxon: then you don't have multiverse enabled02:28
FliesLikeABrickyes T-CAN and the bittorrent release will be quite quick, many people seed releases on fast servers for it02:28
fiendskull9rixxon, apt-get install rar02:28
rixxonDShepherd: i have, i think? :P02:28
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource02:28
ubotuDShepherd: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:28
fiendskull9it installs unrar too02:28
slackernunrar is in multiverse02:29
rixxonDShepherd: in synaptic, repositories settings, i checked all repositories02:29
=== jain [n=jain@scr-14.IEOR.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89921 people now02:29
carthikrixxon, can you paste the sources.list to the pastebin and post a link here?02:29
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=== Sgeo [n=Sgeo@ool-18bf61f7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
crywolf_3i installed windows media codec using the ristricted format and the file is in the file browser how do i now installit the file is called, w32codecs_20050412-0.4_i386.deb02:29
hyperactivecrondSeveas: Ping02:29
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=== matallo [n=matallo@210.Red-83-49-47.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasHEAR HEAR: #ubuntu is now the BIGGEST channel on freenode!!!02:29
SeveasHEAR HEAR: #ubuntu is now the BIGGEST channel on freenode!!!02:29
bimberi#ubuntu > #gentoo02:29
DShepherdrixxon: do what carthik siad02:29
apokryphos#ubuntu is officially02:29
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic02:29
moonmanhow would i go about executing a .run?02:29
YoManWazaplol people the pony is gone!!!02:29
bruce89sudo dpkg -i *deb02:29
Ploujhah, stupid Xgl is gone, and I'm happy again02:29
=== hyperactivecrond pops a bottle of champagne
DShepherdSeveas: yeah!02:29
crimsunzomg ponies02:29
jrasithw00t biggest channel02:29
SeveasWE HAVE OUR PONY!02:29
Knorrie!tell Seveas about repeat02:29
=== grigpi [n=adrian@] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakSeveas: they are like a bunch of wolves after a cat02:29
matallowhen is ubuntu released????02:29
Harold_Pafter a dapper drake02:30
=== hyperactivecrond is now known as ubuntuspony
FliesLikeABrickmatallo within 24h02:30
slackernmoonman: "chmod +x filename.run" to make it executable, then "./filename.run" to run it.02:30
matalloi want it now02:30
apokryphosmatallo: /topic02:30
DShepherd!ltell matallo about dapper02:30
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DShepherd02:30
ubuntusponyKnorrie: don't tell seveas what to do02:30
crywolf_3how do i install this file so i can watch  dvd, w32codecs_20050412-0.4_i386.deb02:30
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=== andrejkw [n=andrejkw@c-71-57-129-57.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rixxonwhere is sources.list now again :$02:30
odiehey, i have installed dvdshrink, but how i start it on gui?02:30
=== Namo [n=Namo@ppp-70-247-229-237.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Knorrieubuntuspony: heh02:30
bruce89you can always settle for springwatch for bird footage02:30
FliesLikeABrickcrywolf_3 sudo dpkg -i <that filename>02:30
=== Knorrie gives Seveas a liburgs beer
=== ubuntuspony is now known as hyperactivecrond
DarkTowerdapper still recognises my wireless card and says it uses it but wont. Been like that since flight one02:30
rixxonfound it02:30
=== Plouj [n=Plouj@dsl-207-112-41-93.tor.primus.ca] has left #ubuntu ["thanks"]
DShepherd!tell matallo about dapper02:30
=== givre [n=flo@APuteaux-152-1-64-33.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasKnorrie, hah, if only that was true IRL02:30
hyperactivecrondSeveas: who maintains ubotu? ive found a problem with it02:30
=== medgno [n=medgno@] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdrixxon: you found multiverse?02:31
Seveashyperactivecrond, there are more problems with it, i'm working on a replacement02:31
=== arun [n=arun@c-67-167-210-144.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crywolf_3what do i do with the file?02:31
rixxonDShepherd: hm?02:31
FliesLikeABrickcrywolf_3  read what I said to you02:31
rixxoni found sources.list :P02:31
hyperactivecrondSeveas: can i /msg you?02:31
DShepherdrixxon: or unrar?02:31
gnomefreakSeveas: hes not ready to replace ubotu yet?02:31
apokryphoshyperactivecrond: cafuego does02:31
suturi found our pony: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ohpatty/118097388/02:31
matalloi'm just like a star wars nerd sitting in front of the theatre02:31
crywolf_3i read it02:31
apokryphosSeveas: really? A blootbot?02:31
crywolf_3 but i'm a newbiie02:31
Seveasapokryphos, no02:31
apokryphosSeveas: perl is evil, indeed.02:31
YoManWazapwhy they tooked the pony out, where is?!!02:31
Stormx2Did I miss anything?02:31
dmbtarrr, so many messages so fast here02:31
gnomefreakyayyyy no more bloodbots ;)02:31
arunhi..  i am having problems with getting my speaker work in ubuntu.. can someone help me with this02:32
rixxonDShepherd, carthik: http://rafb.net/paste/results/hMokBS52.txt02:32
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apokryphosblootbots aren't that bad :P02:32
=== aLd [n=johan@dsl-165-104-34.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
=== gnomefreak still kind of attached to ubotu
Seveassutur, LOL02:32
moonmani have a .run that i need to execute02:32
malegriais the stable version of dapper drake released? in the german ubuntu site they announced it but link refers to the release02:32
moonmanany ideas on how to go about this?02:32
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=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=chatzill@219-89-80-175.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
FliesLikeABrick!tell malegria about dapper02:32
rackerzI'ts not released02:32
gnomefreakmalegria: type .topic02:32
FliesLikeABrickmoonlite1 just chmod it +x and do ./filename02:32
gnomefreakopps /topic02:32
BadriNarayanmoonman: ./<filename>.run did not work?02:32
hazartNice of sun to loosen their licence: apt-get install sun-java5-jdk totally nice :D02:32
=== SleepyDude [n=sleepy@] has joined #ubuntu
Belathorcrywolf_3: Have you tried EasyUbuntu?02:32
InvisiblePinkUni925 users....02:32
bruce89http://www.wwt.org.uk/Supergoose/Maps.asp may satifiey some curiosity for flying drakes02:32
rackerzgo to /topic02:32
fortgate"sh somfile.run"02:33
InvisiblePinkUniwhats the record?02:33
dmbtoh yeh, and btw, whoever said it was released on bittorrent it wrong02:33
Stormx2What does LTS mean?02:33
dmbtit isn't02:33
DShepherdrixxon: you dont have multiverse set up properly yet02:33
BadriNarayanmoonman: try chmod+x<filename>.run?02:33
apokryphosInvisiblePinkUni: this02:33
FliesLikeABrickdmbt nobody said it was on bittorrent yet02:33
ubotumethinks lts is Long Term Support. LTS versions will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.02:33
moonmanBadriNarayan, that was the command i needed02:33
=== eigenlambda [n=eigenlam@216-15-119-166.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
crywolf_3how do i go there02:33
odiehow do i run dvdshrink on gui?02:33
=== boo [n=brian@93-60-222-209.mycybernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
T-CANno released on bit torrent?02:33
rixxonDShepherd: ok, i just checked all repositories in synaptics repositories settings...02:33
nosklocan I download final release dapper already??02:33
FliesLikeABrickT-CAN not yet02:33
gnomefreakLong Term Support02:33
hazartnosklo: nope02:33
Seveasnosklo, no02:33
FliesLikeABrick!tell nosklo  about dapper02:33
=== gilianima [n=gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
MTecknologycan somebody give me some freakin help!! http://pastebin.com/75029702:33
rixxon!tell rixxon about multiverse02:33
kspath_!tell nosklo about dapper02:33
matallonot the final02:33
=== Hawk|- [n=Hawk@p549C95DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
hazart!tell hazart about dapper02:33
=== jrasith waits for the final
hazartNice :D02:34
nosklook i will wait02:34
matallobut you'll update & upgrade later and it's the same02:34
eigenlambdaMTecknology: remember, java is non-free02:34
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-43-91.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
FliesLikeABrickwait 24 hours and look at ubuntu.com for the release info02:34
ubotuDShepherd: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:34
MTecknologypoint being??02:34
odiehow do i run dvdshrink on gui? on dapper? i lied idon have dapper but can you reply ?02:34
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource02:34
bruce89928 people02:34
=== myleftfoot is drooling in anticipation.
=== utUtu [n=utUtu@adsl-68-21-168-172.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
hyperactivecrond!tell FliesLikeABrick about msgthebot02:34
FliesLikeABrickbruce89 we can see, we don't need you telling us02:34
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=== h3h_timo [n=brad@nphloh-terayon1-69-165-48-69.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
carthikrixxon, multiverse is enabled only for the backports, you see, so add "multiverse" after "universe" wherever there is universe in that file02:34
=== eugman [n=eugene@c-71-199-127-163.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89alright, ill shut it02:34
FliesLikeABrickhyperactivecrond I only did it because DShepherd had the wrong one.  Tell him not me02:34
=== jrasith is not quite drooling... watching PBS show on the plage
rixxoncarthik: ah, ok, thanks02:35
eugman+p What the command to recofigure xorg?02:35
hyperactivecrondah ok02:35
DShepherdrixxon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14938 <-- i think you can replace your sourcelist with this.. should be safe.. make a back up first though02:35
DarkTowerthey should hold the release until we get 1000 people in here lol02:35
=== alexitos- [i=a@tkd-557b348a933.cpe.cableonda.net] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrond!tell DShepherd about msgthebot02:35
FliesLikeABrickeugman dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg02:35
eigenlambdaMTecknology: that said, it looks like it crashed in libfontmanager.so?02:35
FliesLikeABrickeugman dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:35
=== Plouj [n=Plouj@dsl-207-112-41-93.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bruce89sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:35
hyperactivecrond!tell BadriNarayan about msgthebot02:35
matalloLol DarkTower02:35
DShepherdhyperactivecrond: thanks02:35
YoManWazapLOL people the pony is traveling...fron the forums he went to main Ubuntu page02:35
Ploujhow do I enable alt/ctrl+drag resizing/moving of windows in GNOME?02:35
MTecknologyeigenlambda, that means?02:35
hyperactivecrondnp DShepherd02:35
moonmanBadriNarayan, no dice02:35
eigenlambdano idea02:35
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eigenlambda::shrug:: dunno much about java02:35
DShepherdhyperactivecrond:  :-P02:35
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odiefirst, fuck a pig02:36
eigenlambdagive your crash report to Sun?02:36
r4zzBad news, I just got off the horn with Shuttleworth, apparently there's going to be another delay.02:36
eigenlambdajava is non-free02:36
=== jdkycdoc [n=jdkycdoc@hwdhcp12.merton.ox.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunodie: um...02:36
gnomefreakodie: watch your langauage02:36
eigenlambdaum, multiverse02:36
=== nekostar [n=nekostar@unaffiliated/starscalling] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreak- one of those a's02:36
eigenlambdamultiverse?  is java in multiverse or restricted?02:36
bruce89where's the pony?02:36
jrasithhow long of a delay?02:36
hyperactivecrondbruce89: dead.02:36
odiecan i say scrub?02:36
DShepherdr4zz: we believe you not!02:36
nekostarhow hard is it to make a lil proggie to gui something?02:36
bruce89oh well02:36
FliesLikeABrickodie stop spamming02:36
=== Pijo [n=pio@sub195-201.elpos.net] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrondthe people asking about when it's released killed it.02:36
FliesLikeABrickSeveas can you do something about odie?02:36
odieok ill stop now02:36
eigenlambdayou can tell, i'm from debian02:36
gnomefreaki can02:37
eigenlambdafrom how unhelpful i am02:37
gnomefreakno need yet02:37
nekostari wanna make a gksu mount thing to automattically mount isos to my cdrom/dvdrom drive folders02:37
matallothey've rdesigned the site I think02:37
FliesLikeABrickeigenlambda java is in multiverse02:37
eigenlambdaand saying non-free02:37
=== widemos [n=widemos@139.Red-83-42-139.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
YoManWazapnow is at www.ubuntu.com..just arrived fron the forums02:37
odieim just newbee in search for help02:37
hyperactivecrondbruce89: not really.02:37
nekostarand would just like a popup box to select the iso so i can browse for it02:37
=== poningru_ [n=poningru@ip24-250-215-175.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrondodie: then don't troll/spam02:37
hyperactivecrondi speak from experience02:37
hastesaverodie, then stick to the topic.02:37
matallohodie: help is not here look up in lost+found02:37
bruce89but what is the problem anyway02:37
=== Davey_ [i=foobar@77-231.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
odiei tried to install but it stock in 3 stap02:37
crywolf_3what must i do to get some help around here?02:38
=== Davey_ is now known as Davey|MbP
Flannelcrywolf_3: ask a question02:38
FliesLikeABrickcrywolf_3 just ask your question and read what people answer.  I've answered your question 3 times02:38
DShepherdcrywolf_3: ask your question02:38
gnomefreakcrywolf_3: start by stating your problem?02:38
FliesLikeABrickcrywolf_3  if my answer wasn't good enough, ask a different question that is better02:38
=== landan [n=landan@222-154-133-52.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
odiethats easy, when people anwser02:38
FliesLikeABrickodie stop trolling02:38
Davey|MbPanybody know if rsync uses something *like* diff to make updates to existing files? I want to know if it'll re-transer my mailboxes, or just diff and add the new stuff02:38
crywolf_3i said i am new to ubuntu02:38
gnomefreakodie: saying stuck on step 3 doesnt help much02:38
bruce89people are a bit overexcited about the Dapper thing02:38
[zero] ubuntu.com has changed02:39
gnomefreakFliesLikeABrick: hes ok02:39
odietrolling? whats trolling?02:39
FliesLikeABrickyes it does Davey|MbP, it uses a "rolling-hash" algorithm02:39
odieok, bye02:39
bruce89what you do02:39
matalloyes [zero] 02:39
Kr0ntabtrolling = being retarded02:39
apokryphos[zero] : yup, new feel for dapper.02:39
caldoIT'S UP! IT'S UP! IT'S UP!02:39
caldoIT'S UP! IT'S UP! IT'S UP!02:39
caldoIT'S UP! IT'S UP! IT'S UP!02:39
odiemaybe other day...02:39
FliesLikeABrickcaldo don't spam02:39
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
bruce89is it02:39
=== caldo [n=caldo@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [requested]
ubotuI guess ponie is whinny, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/files/no-pony-for-you.jpg02:39
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=== JoeyB2 [n=bob@cpe-70-113-5-164.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== caldo [n=caldo@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Davey|MbPFliesLikeABrick: OK :)02:39
caldocouldn't help myself02:39
YoManWazapmy god!!...the pony moves again....hes no more on www.ubuntu.com02:39
matalloyou fucking bastard caldo02:39
=== hazart slaps caldo
arunhow do i setup sound in ubunu?02:39
hyperactivecrondfor all of you with a ponie fetish02:39
crywolf_3 and i followed all the steps to install realplayer but i dont see where it was installed, its in a file browser02:39
apokryphosmatallo: language please02:39
gumpishcaldo: then someone else can help yourself for you =p02:39
odiehyperactiverond: don be a dark ruler!!!02:39
crywolf_3  how do i install it02:40
[zero] only problem is... my pc broke HAHAHA02:40
gnomefreakcaldo: no worries i can help you for you now stop spamming02:40
=== kingroach [n=emel@pool-162-84-205-56.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MTecknologyI want help, i wanna play games02:40
hyperactivecrond!tell matallo about COC02:40
apokryphoscrywolf_3: ubuntu?02:40
[zero] so i wont be using it :(02:40
bruce89also going whhahhwha once certainly doesn't call for swearing02:40
DShepherdcaldo: up where?02:40
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matallosorry apokryphos i'm so excited02:40
caldonot, just a little joke02:40
=== Erlang [i=neumann@Toronto-HSE-ppp3875482.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
crywolf_3 i download it 3 days ago02:40
Limenwere can I download the release when it arrives?02:40
andrejkwI am so impatient for Dapper.02:40
ekelundI will leave this channel to much join and part for me this client sounds all the time02:40
matalloi can't control02:40
ubotu[coc]  the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:40
hastesaverarun, it should be setup by itself, if you're having problems, look at the link given by "/msg ubotu sound"02:40
FliesLikeABrickLimen look at the ubuntu website after it is released and click on download, just like you normally would02:40
rixxoncarthik: i did 'sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list', :%s/universe$/universe multiverse/g, and :wq02:40
rixxoncarthik: E: Package unrar has no installation candidate02:40
=== ekelund [n=ekelund@c-ea4170d5.02-159-6c736b1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu []
gnomefreakrixxon: enable multiverse02:41
=== Erlang [i=neumann@Toronto-HSE-ppp3875482.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu []
rixxongnomefreak: read the message before :P02:41
gnomefreakrixxon: no the ones with the word backport in them02:41
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blurtblurtIs there a page describing the -server kernels?02:41
medgnorixxon, did you do a sudo apt-get update?02:41
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suturin austria its 02:41 how much longer shall i wait?02:41
crywolf_3i did everything to install the wm codec to playback dvd02:41
matalloimagine they who have to ftp the files to the servers02:42
megabyte405rixxon: there is no package named unrar.  Pick either unrar-free or unrar-nonfree02:42
crywolf_3 dut still not working02:42
=== thomag [n=thomag@c022h247.dorm.reed.edu] has joined #ubuntu
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gnomefreakblurtblurt: server kernels are same as non server kernels02:42
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matallothey must feel like GOD02:42
megabyte405rixxon: search synaptic for info02:42
DShepherdrixxon: did you check my sourcelist at pastebin? your sourcelist should look like that02:42
=== kspath_ jabs sutur in the eye with a sharp stick labelled /topic
rixxonmedgno: thank you, forgot that *doh*02:42
megabyte405rixxon: search for "rar"02:42
=== rixxon has unrar now, thank you everyone
DShepherdrixxon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14938 <-- here it is again02:42
FliesLikeABrickmatallo the channel is busy enough right now, please stick to the topic02:42
Jeeves_gnomefreak: In dapper they aren't. AFAIS02:42
carthikrixxon, after you change sources.list it is neccessary to do an $sudo apt-get update02:42
crimsungnomefreak: (not precisely. different elevator algorithm, preempt is disabled, memory support is larger, etc.)02:42
caldowhere would the torrent normally be?02:42
medgnoblurtblurt, except that server kernels are tuned better for servers and don't have the non-free drivers02:42
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T-CANin fstab, what should i set umask to to give me read/write/execute permissions on a partion ??02:42
caldoon /download ?02:42
FlannelJeeves_: I believe they are.02:42
rixxoncarthik: yea i did, and it works now. thank you!02:42
YoManWazapfrom the ubuntu forums: they decided to open the dapper drake section a little early02:42
=== TheKal [n=kal@c-69-251-78-238.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FliesLikeABrickT-CAN a normal ext3 filesystem on that partition?02:42
rackerzdoes anyone think Dapper will be out in 30 mins? If not I'm going to go to bed.02:42
blurtblurtmedgno: I just want a list of differences, including a summary of how they are tuned02:42
carthikrixxon, my pleasure02:42
=== hyperactivecrond plays the Opie and Anthony "car crash" sound in #ubuntu's speakers.
FliesLikeABrickrackerz go to bed02:42
bruce89edgy dont you mean02:42
=== JoeyB2 [n=bob@cpe-70-113-5-164.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hyperactivecrondthat was for you Rackerz02:43
Jeeves_Flannel: I read somewhere that Dapper has seperate server kernels02:43
caldoYoManWazap i already did that joke heh02:43
DShepherdT-CAN: 022202:43
=== JoeyB2 [n=bob@cpe-70-113-5-164.austin.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
rackerzlol :D02:43
nbx909rackerz expect it in 8 hours02:43
T-CANalright, thanks02:43
Godfatherrackerz, hahaha me too02:43
=== richiefrich [n=dethwish@unaffiliated/richiefrich] has joined #ubuntu
rackerzi'll get up in 8 hours02:43
BadriNarayanor 12 hours, whichever is later02:43
bruce89or 8-1602:43
=== errpast-wl1 [n=errpast-@host81.155.212.198.conversent.net] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdT-CAN: its is ntfs? or vfat?02:43
caldoi'm already up02:43
nbx909yeah 8-1602:43
tommydoes someone know if the multimedia streams in broswers are correctly played by default in dapper ?02:43
caldoit IS exciting02:43
FliesLikeABrickDShepherd he said vfat02:43
bruce89it's anyones gues02:43
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=== hyperactivecrond is sleeping
DShepherdFliesLikeABrick: ok02:43
rackerzRight see you guys in 8 hours!02:43
tommyI had a lot of problems in breezy02:43
gnomefreakah ok ty crimsun02:43
cdubyaany php/mysql folks in here.....I know it's a bit off-topic, but I can't get anyone to even answer me on #php......and I've tried #mysql before as well with little luck.....02:43
Flanneltommy: they won't be played by default, since you have to install the codecs, etc.02:43
=== rackerz [n=rackerz@cpc3-cosh6-0-0-cust86.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has left #Ubuntu []
Flannelcdubya: #ubuntu-offtopic for it ;)02:44
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FliesLikeABrickcdubya you do not want to ask here, especially because it is this busy right now.02:44
matallohow will the command be to install lamp?02:44
hyperactivecronddon't let the doorknob hit ya where the good lord split ya...02:44
Jeeves_cdubya: Kinda busy here for non-topic questions02:44
matallosudo aptitude install lamp?02:44
Flannel!tell matallo about lamp02:44
DimitrisAny particular torrent site that will host dapper?02:44
caldoi think its an option when you stuff the cd in02:44
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caldoat least that was the screenshot i saw02:44
tommyFlannel, I have installed the codecs in breezy but even with this I still had a lot of problems02:44
muszekDimitris: thepiratebay.org :)02:44
apokryphossutur: /topic02:44
fortgate!tell fortgate about lamp02:44
hyperactivecrondDimitris: microsoft.com02:44
cdubyathanks, all.02:45
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caldoi'll host it off my 200mhz p102:45
Jeeves_Dimitris: I will. :)02:45
FliesLikeABrickDimitris I will be hosting a seed for the torrent on 4 of my 100mbit servers across the USA02:45
Dimitrishyperactivecrond :-D Nice!!!02:45
hyperactivecrondDimitris: heh02:45
hyperactivecrondDimitris, can i /msg you02:45
hou5tonI have changed the repositories to dapper and upgraded ... and now gnome won't come up and the sound doesn't work .... any suggestions?02:45
matallotorrent will be faster than ftp or http won't it?02:45
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FliesLikeABrickhou5ton #ubuntu+1 for dapper help02:45
medgnohou5ton, did you 'upgrade' or 'dist-upgrade'?02:46
jrasithI would assume so02:46
apokryphosmatallo: definitely, yes.02:46
FliesLikeABrickyes matallo  it will be a lot faster02:46
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=== Efnian [n=efnian@addr-82-128-216-191.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
caldoi just hope there won't be vmware problems, i need that thing to work02:46
[zero] is this new version out yet?02:46
hou5tonmedgno:  don't really know02:46
FliesLikeABrickcaldo vmware works fine on dapper02:46
FliesLikeABrick[zero]  /topic02:46
apokryphos[zero] : /topic02:46
medgnohou5ton, or if you used synaptic, did you select the 'smart upgrade'?02:46
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[zero] oh yeh hehe02:46
[zero] sozz02:46
=== gimmulf [n=gimmulf@unaffiliated/gimmulf] has joined #ubuntu
crimsuncaldo: it's included in multiverse.02:46
caldooh really02:46
muszekmatallo: I got breezy with full speed (2mbps) right after it came out... it got slower at the very end, though.02:46
=== TrendKi|| [n=TrendKil@modemcable013.137-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SmirnoffHello all.  I would like to know the proper way to make a hardware change (Video card) after Ubuntu is installed02:46
caldothats awesome02:46
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caldosave me alot of trouble02:46
bruce89wow, a lot of stroppy people here02:46
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=== Firetech [n=Jocke@h85n2fls303o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
HitchhikerHow about dapper and Xen?02:46
muszekmatallo: I was getting it via http02:46
grimboyI want a pony!02:47
hou5tonmedgno:  well ... I just changed all the repo's where it said "breezy" to "dapper" ... was that a bad thing?02:47
caldohow about dapper and IIS?02:47
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hyperactivecrond!tell grimboy about ponie02:47
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crimsun!info vmware-player dapper02:47
crimsunbah, it hasn't been updated yet02:47
caldo!info vmware-server dapper02:47
medgnohou5ton, that's how you're supposed to do it. But what did you do after changing the repos?02:47
=== jrasith waits....
bruce89no its not02:47
r4zzFliesLikeABrick, when do you expect to be starting the torrent?02:47
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FliesLikeABrickr4zz as soon as it is released02:47
[zero] I got a question, If i duel boot ubuntu on this pc and have a seperate harddrive for music and that will i be able to read and write to the seperate harddrive from both ubuntu and xp??02:47
matalloafaik the more people the faster -->btorrent the more people the slower --> http02:47
bruce89gksu "update-manager -d"02:47
FliesLikeABrickr4zz I will be leaving my 100mbit seeds online for the next week or two02:47
hou5tonmedgno:  well .. I don't recall doing a "smart" upgrade02:47
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Flannelbruce89: gksudo not gksu02:48
bruce89if it's Fat, yes02:48
=== gnomefreak doesnt understand why everyone is waiting you can upgrade to stable
DShepherd[zero] : if it vfat.. yes02:48
Jack_Smirnoffonly if is running fat32 partition02:48
nosklocan I downoad dapper? please please please please please02:48
grimboyIs this some kind of discrimination against anyone not in america?02:48
bruce89is it gksudo02:48
FliesLikeABricknosklo  /topic02:48
medgnohou5ton, maybe try running the command 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' in a terminal and see what it says02:48
rixxonwhat do i need to play xvid in totem?02:48
r4zzFliesLikeABrick, will you be getting it at the same time as the mirrors or will you have to get it off one of them?02:48
caldodamn, the torrent is only going to be dvd?02:48
FliesLikeABrickr4zz I will be getting it from the torrent initially02:48
caldoi knew i should have bought that burner02:48
[zero] ok thankx everyone that answered it shall be done :D02:48
FliesLikeABrickno caldo the torrent will be all of the release images02:48
grimboyIt is. First random wars, now small delays.02:49
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bruce89but the topic is Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise) | Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties02:49
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hou5tonmedgno:  that's what I did before ... and I just did it again and it indicates I'm good02:49
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r4zzFliesLikeABrick,  oh I get it now, I thought you were in charge of the official torrent :P02:49
DimitrisNews: Pirate Bay torrent site down after Swedish National Criminal Police search warrant02:49
crywolf_3not getting any where02:49
bruce89we now02:49
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FliesLikeABrickno r4zz I just put up a bunch of fast mirrors on servers I own to help speed the torrent up a lot02:49
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bruce89or i know02:49
matallolol Dimitris02:49
medgnohou5ton, okay, then I'm not sure. You did everything right as far as I know.02:49
FliesLikeABrickDimitris  bruce89  pasting please02:49
r4zzthat's pretty cool :)02:50
FliesLikeABrickstop pasting*02:50
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medgnoif you haven't rebooted, you could try that02:50
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bruce89am i02:50
ubotuponie is, like, totally, whinny, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/files/no-pony-for-you.jpg02:50
bruce89am i?02:50
FliesLikeABrickbruce89 we know what the topic says, we don't need you to paste it for us ;)02:50
ubotuhave a look at all these packages "joystick" - Testing and calibration tools "jscalibrator" - GTK Joystick Calibrator "jslaunch" - Joystick button shell command execution/shutdown tool02:50
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bruce89but then when people say stuff about dapper you tell them to keep on topic, but the topic is dapper02:51
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Flannelbruce89: only by resignation.02:51
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JohnP789"time sudo hdparm /dev/hdc" takes over a minute to complete.  I don't see anything in the logs to suggest what's wrong.  Any ideas?02:51
FliesLikeABrickbruce89 when people ask "when will dapper be out?!?" we point them to the topic rather than telling them over and over02:51
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JohnP789/dev/hdc is an NEC DVD burner.02:52
bruce89i see02:52
matallothere's no rss for teh fridge?02:52
bruce89it is very annoying i supose02:52
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bruce89yes there is02:52
matallooh ye02:52
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JohnP789It's instantaneous with no media in the drive.02:52
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FliesLikeABrickJohnP789 then it is likely reading data from the drive02:53
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xumbianyone know what server(s) will have dapper first?02:53
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gnomefreakxumbi: no but you will be informed02:53
noskloxumbi, people are suggesting microsoft.com02:54
gnomefreakif im still up ;)02:54
jrasithlol, microsoft.com02:54
AngryElfhow can i get the version of a package installed using apt-get?02:54
tommyi d like to know if there will be a version that fits on a cd, or is it gonna be available only on dvd ?02:54
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medgnothere will be cd images02:54
fortgateAngryElf, apt-cache policy <packagename>02:54
troy_sangry:  have you tried apt-cache?02:54
AngryElfor ,whatever program......just not synaptic02:54
FlannelAngryElf: apt-cache show [package]  or showpkg02:54
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gnomefreakAngryElf: what package?02:54
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FliesLikeABrickxumbi your best bet (if you're looking for a CD image) is to get it from the torrents02:54
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ggilberttommy, it will fit on a cd02:54
xumbinolsko: awesome, I'll watch that ;)02:54
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ablyssi need to report a bug.. tail -c in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper doesn't work02:55
tommyggilbert, thanks02:55
OphiocusAngryElf: in synaptic search in your installed tab for a description02:55
bruce89tired, bye02:55
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FliesLikeABrickablyss  if you need help with dapper between now and tomorrow, go to #ubuntu+102:55
gnomefreakubotu tell ablyss about bug02:55
hou5tonI've downloaded the Dapper RC and burned the ISO, twice ... but it won't install02:55
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HitchhikerHow well does Ubuntu upgrade between versions?  With SuSE, it's been hit or miss, and mostly miss...02:55
FliesLikeABrickHitchhiker flawlessly02:55
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ubotuupgrade is probably Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.02:55
FliesLikeABrickHitchhiker it is somethign tested very carefully02:55
ggilbertHitchhiker: It does a dandy job upgrading02:55
xumbianyone know what the title will be?  e.g. ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso  I'm trying to write a script to download it as soon as it's released :)02:55
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AngryElfi could imagine that more than one version gets cached, with that in mind, apt-cache will show the version of the package that's installed, yes?02:55
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FliesLikeABrickhou5ton you may want to wait and re-download the actual stable release tomorrow02:56
BadriNarayanCan I ask a question about NetworkManager in ubuntu here?02:56
FlannelHitchhiker: it upgrades fine, there are some leftover packages you sometimes have to remove afterwards, but they're not anything that's going to explode.02:56
gnomefreakxumbi: 5.10 was released in oct 200502:56
FliesLikeABrickgnomefreak he was using that as an example02:56
FliesLikeABrickxumbi just check it by hand, scripts will just load the servers un-necessarily02:56
hou5tonFliesLikeABrick::  ya .. at this point ... good idea02:56
xumbignomefreak: yes I know, I was just using that as an example02:56
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thenetduckhey i thought they said 0:00 GMT for Dapper release is that correct?02:56
FliesLikeABrickthenetduck read the topic /topic02:56
fortgateAngryElf, apt-cache policy <pkg>       will show you the currently installed version, and the available versions02:56
Kyrallook at the topic...02:56
Bilfordit's 00:5602:56
xumbiFliesLikeABrick: good point02:56
guanoxumbi i think it would look something like dapper-dvd-i386.iso02:56
HitchhikerFlannel: Sweet... SuSE has often caused things like network to stop working at boot when doing upgrades...02:56
gnomefreakxumbi: ubuntu-6.06-alternative-1386.iso  afaik02:57
AngryElffortgate, thanx02:57
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FliesLikeABrickI highly reccomend downloading the images via torrent rather than loading the webservers once dapper is released02:57
FliesLikeABrickit will be much faster02:57
gnomefreakthenetduck: no it was not correct02:57
fortgateOMG irc channels come with topics now?  :)02:57
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thenetduckgosh darn it02:57
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_chuckanyone here ever tryed to intstall these drivers:   Intel Graphics driver for Linux* (includes AGP GART and DRM kernel modules)02:57
BilfordIm using Dapper RC.  is the final version going to be any different compared to me simply downloading the latest daily update?02:58
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FliesLikeABrickno Bilange02:58
FlannelBilford: nope.02:58
FliesLikeABrickBilford no02:58
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gnomefreakBilford: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:58
ggilbertBarring any last minute packages, which would just be happily upgraded anyways :)02:58
caldoapt-get install cluehammer02:58
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=== jrasith yawns
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gnomefreakggilbert: no last min packages the last one was uploaded this am02:58
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gnomefreak12 or so hours ago02:59
eugmanI just upgraded to dapper but got no response to my question in ubuntu+1. Do I need gdk-imlib1?02:59
Kr0ntabthis channel is gonna get a little larger soon, eh?02:59
FliesLikeABrickeugman for what?02:59
DimitrisAny step by step guide for installing ati drivers for ati mobility radeon x300?02:59
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FliesLikeABrickKr0ntab it has been growing fast over the past couple hours02:59
FliesLikeABrick!tell Dimitris about ati02:59
=== caldo is now known as cluehammer
pepinitocould you please help me to put a trash can on my desktop02:59
Bugsquestion - How do I make a shortcut (link) on the desktop ?02:59
Kr0ntabFliesLikeABrick, yeah.02:59
SgeoWhat time is the release?02:59
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gnomefreakKr0ntab: maybe not sure how many we will lose once the release is out02:59
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FliesLikeABrickSgeo /topic02:59
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FliesLikeABrickBugs right click on the desktop and create a new shortcut02:59
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ggilbertDimitris: In my experience, step one is get a very large glass of beer. :)02:59
hou5ton#join ubuntu+103:00
Kr0ntabhey gnomefreak ... how ya been?03:00
SgeoCan you give an upper bound on the time03:00
SgeoAnd I don't mean 23:5903:00
FliesLikeABrickSgeo 23.5 hours from now03:00
gnomefreakKr0ntab: ok03:00
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BadriNarayanHow do I make NetworkManager coexist with ubuntu's network-admin scripts? It used to show Wireless Networks. Now it show only wired. Can somebody point to a good site for debugging this?03:00
gnomefreakFliesLikeABrick: you cant create a shortcut03:00
FliesLikeABrickSgeo the topic says that.03:00
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BugsFliesLikeABrick: that isn't an option in the context menu....03:00
lufisHi. Can someone help me play MP3 files in amaroK?03:00
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eugmanI dunno. It apprently thinks it maybe should be upgraded. When I do try that it wants to remove a different lib. I want to know if I really need this package.03:00
gnomefreakBugs: create launcher03:00
OkitaCan anyone tell me why my Dapper might be listening on TCP port 1720?03:00
FliesLikeABrickgnomefreak you can create an application launcher or something to that effect... can't you?  I'm sure I've done it before03:00
DShepherdlufis: install the xine package for amarok03:00
Bilfordlufis, Dapper or Breezy03:00
FliesLikeABrickyeah I mean create launcher gnomefreak  sorry03:00
gnomefreakFliesLikeABrick: not shortcut03:00
cluehammerOkita sudo netstat -pan | grep 172003:00
lufisBilford: dapper03:00
pepinitohi, can some explain to me how can i put a trash can on my desktop?03:00
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Bilfordlufis, then what DShepherd said03:01
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Bilfordsudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs03:01
BugsFliesLikeABrick:  I need a shortcut / link to a folder, not an app03:01
cluehammerugh still with the gstreamer03:01
YCIRCmake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.03:01
AngryElfguys, i'm having an issue with xine......."xine dvd:/" and "xine /dev/hdc" or dvd don't work......."mplayer /dev/dvd" doesn't work but "mplayer /dev/hdc" does work........../dev/dvd -> /dev/hdc.....xine says "no input plugin available to handle dvd:/....any ideas?03:01
medgnopepinito, go into gconf-editor, and then /apps/nautilus/desktop  and set trash_icon_visible to true03:01
cluehammerpleeeeease tell me they at least ripped out esd?03:01
lufisDShepherd: I have the xine package, don't i? Otherwise, nothing would play. I can play Vorbis files but no go for mp3, and I have the gstreamer-ugly package installed03:01
rixxonhow to play xvid in totem?03:01
FliesLikeABrickYCIRC do ./configure first03:01
Bilfordlufis, sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs03:01
cluehammer!info esd03:01
FliesLikeABrick!tell YCIRC about source03:01
fortgatebugs:  "cd ~/Desktop ; ln -s ~/SomeDirectory"    as a guess :)03:02
Bugspepinito: I am trying to do something similar too... let me know if someone answers you, k ?03:02
DShepherdcluehammer: not to my knowledge03:02
lufisBilford: great, thanks03:02
medgnoBugs, I did03:02
Bilfordgstreamer is for Breezy03:02
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cluehammerwhy must they torment me so!03:02
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kbrooksHmmm :-)03:02
lufisBilford: you mean, Dapper doesn't use gstreamer?03:02
DShepherdcluehammer: you and me alike03:02
cluehammerwhen lord! when's it gonna be esd's time!03:02
Efnian_Is someone using XChat?03:02
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gnomefreaklufis: yes it does03:02
ggilbertcluehammer: hopefully soon :)03:02
llorTGuten tag.03:02
moonmanEfnian, i am03:02
FliesLikeABrickEfnian I'd imagine a lot of people are03:02
kbrooksEfnian: i am03:02
cluehammerso terrible03:02
Okitacluehammer: Nothing03:02
cluehammerso very very terrible03:02
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bsdfoxgstreamer rocks03:02
Bilfordlufis, to play mp3 in Breezy, you need gstream, for Dapper you need libxine03:03
SgeoIs there a reason for withholding the release time?03:03
BadriNarayanDoes anybody use network-manager? Does it work all the time?03:03
lufisBilford, oh... okay03:03
FliesLikeABrickSgeo this is normal03:03
=== cluehammer goes off to play Baldur's Gate 2 in wine.
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kbrooksEfnian: apt-get remove xchat-gnome && apt-get install xchat03:03
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bsdfoxBadriNarayan I've seen bugs03:03
jrasithwhy the switch to zine?03:03
moonmani need a hand with a .run file03:03
SgeoIs there a reason for it in general?03:03
kbrooksxchat-gnome: gone!03:03
bsdfoxdevice names showing up weird03:03
Healotyay! they remove gstreamer for totem03:03
ggilbertSgeo: It probably boils down to they don't know when it'll be read to go.03:03
BadriNarayanbsdfox: thanks03:03
gnomefreakSgeo: ther eis no time03:03
kbrooksxchat: IN!03:03
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Efnian_moonman, do the highlighted messages attributed to you behave correctly?03:03
cluehammeroh yeah and is there a reason the dcc configuration options are gone from xchat?03:03
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leboffis there a problem with running kde and gnome at the same time?03:03
exhalewhats the difference between xchat-gnome and xchat?03:03
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cluehammerjust wondering, that's been bugging the hell outta me03:03
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gnomefreakSgeo: cant tell how long its gonna be to upload it and make sure everything works03:03
DShepherdexhale: ones newer03:03
BadriNarayanexhale: no03:03
moonmanEfnian_, what do you mean, like when you tab my nick in?03:03
grimboyBadriNarayan: It broke my network03:03
Efnian_moonman, yes03:04
ggilbertexhale: Xchat-gnome has a bit of a nicer ui, but it doesn't have every feature of xchat03:04
kbrooksexhale: no "difference"03:04
BadriNarayangrimboy: at least I am not alone03:04
cluehammeri broke the interweb :-(03:04
moonmanEfnian_, yes03:04
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Bilfordthis channel is scrolling too fast03:04
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exhaleggilbert is xchat-gnome default in dapper?03:04
FliesLikeABrickyes xch03:04
eggzeckxchat-gnome does not have a nicer ui at all03:04
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FliesLikeABrickyes exhale03:04
ghosthi all. I have two questions, how can i set the defauilt view of folders to display hidden files/folders and is there a way to automatically add a certain emblem to all these hidden files/folders?03:04
Efnian_moonman, long highlighted messages won't wrap to the window on my client.03:04
SurfnKid!ATI How To03:04
DShepherdBilford: close your eyes, that should fix it03:04
ubotuSurfnKid: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:04
ggilberteggzeck: In my opinion it does :p03:04
moonmanEfnian_, no clue03:04
ggilbertit's debatable03:04
grimboyBilford: There's a certian amount of irony to that statement.03:04
exhalexchat-gnome sucks compared to xchat, thats what i know.03:04
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eggzeckggilbert: not in mine, hehe =)03:04
kbrooksSurfnKid: !ati03:05
FliesLikeABrick!tell SurfnKid about ati03:05
ubotuwell, ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI03:05
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FliesLikeABrick!tell kbrooks about msgthebot03:05
Efnian_xchat-gnome is awful.03:05
bur[n] erghost: edit preferences, to show hidden files03:05
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DShepherdghost: nautius, edit preferences03:05
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Efnian_funny, i still support gnome-screensaver.03:05
gnomefreakFliesLikeABrick: stop that please03:05
moonmani need a hand getting a .run file to work, any suggestions?03:05
=== baseman_ [n=base@adsl-70-233-128-99.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ghostcool any idea about the emblems?03:05
exhalexchat-gnome is garbage.03:05
semqhi there03:05
leboffis there a disadvantage to running kde and gnome at the same time?03:05
kbrooksgnomefreak: what is he doing?03:05
baseman_this is just bizarre03:05
DShepherdghost: what about them?03:05
BilfordI use Konversation03:05
bur[n] ermoonman: probably need to chmod +x it03:05
FliesLikeABrickno leboff aside from hard drive space usage03:05
moonmanill try it.03:05
DShepherdleboff: more memory?03:05
moonmanbur[n] er, ill try it03:05
bur[n] erghost: none03:05
leboffFliestLikeABrick: thats what i like to hear03:05
=== Bladesonfie [n=boffy@ip68-109-196-212.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
llorTIs this a Ubuntu support channel?03:06
ghosti want ubuntu to automaticaly assign an emblem to show that all hidden files folders are hidden03:06
semqive gnome, kde and xfce lebof03:06
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gnomefreakkbrooks: everyone that does !bot he sends the msg the bot trigger to but hes not reading the full thing03:06
FliesLikeABrickyes llorT03:06
DShepherdllorT: yes03:06
ggilbertexhale: happily both are in the repository, so we can use what we each like :)03:06
ghostcoz otherwise it will be hard to tell at a glance which folders are which03:06
gnomefreakllorT: most of the time whats up?03:06
HealotMark is going evil :0-03:06
BilfordThis is a speed-reading improvement channel03:06
ZambeziAnybody how knows something why Dapper isn't released yet? I've been waiting for three hours! :-P03:06
moonmanbur[n] er, should i sudo that?03:06
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kbrooksHealot: who?03:06
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DShepherdZambezi: its not ready yet03:06
BladesonfireEfnian_, Xchat-gnome is pretty bad =P03:06
=== kspath_ jabs Zambezi in the eye with a sharp stick labelled /topic
bsdfoxZambezi just download the RC and update :D03:06
kbrooksZambezi: jne 103:06
=== paul_ [n=paul@245-91.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
llorTI just installed Ubuntu. I noticed that KDE is not installed by default. Therefore, Ubuntu sucks.03:06
ray__well alrighty... i'm back with a new video card03:07
HitchhikerZambezi: The drake is getting dressed so he can be dapper03:07
kbrooksllorT: kubuntu03:07
ray__all's well03:07
DShepherdllorT: get out!03:07
BilfordllorT, Kubuntu uses KDE03:07
gnomefreakZambezi: type /topic03:07
kspath_ /ignore llorT03:07
FliesLikeABrickllorT there is a separate version of ubuntu for KDE named kubuntu03:07
ZambeziDShepherd: So you know when?03:07
bsdfoxkde is bunk03:07
kbrooksDShepherd: DONT BE RUDE03:07
kbrooksDShepherd: FFS03:07
llorTI am just upset.03:07
DShepherdZambezi: yes.. june 1st :-)03:07
Jeeves_Zambezi: (NO, we cannot be more precise)03:07
kbrooksllorT: dont be03:07
bur[n] erllorT: kubuntu.org03:07
FlannelllorT: you need kubuntu, not ubuntu.03:07
hyphenatedllorT: it's very little work to install KDE after installing ubuntu03:07
DShepherdkbrooks: sorry :-(.. i take it back llorT03:07
FliesLikeABrickllorT you can install kubuntu if you already have ubuntu installed by doing sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:07
moonmanbur[n] er, it returned nothing03:07
HealotllorT: because you don't read about the releases03:07
grimboyJust unistall ubuntu-desktop and install kbuntu-desktop03:07
phreekbirdquestion? ... is there a source file out that that works? i mean i uncomment the universe sections and im getting errors03:07
bsdfoxyou're upset because ubuntu doesn't have KDE?03:07
baseman_or he could just "sudo apt-get install kubuntu"03:07
DShepherdllorT: it was a serious joke03:07
phreekbirdfor breezy btw03:07
paul_I just want to say thanks for the help I asked for previously. Up and running like a champ. lol :)03:07
ZambeziDShepherd: I just a little bit Impatient. :-)03:07
hyphenatedbaseman_: kubuntu-desktop03:07
bur[n] ermoonman: it shouldn't return anything... "man chmod" to find out what you did03:07
bsdfoxyou should be sentenced to using windows03:07
kbrooksbaseman_: kubuntu-desktop03:07
Efnian_Bladesonfire, first I tried XChat, I couldn't figure it out. The I Tried XCG, it was so awful I just decided to figure XCHat out then :)03:07
baseman_yeah that one03:08
ray__i've tried getting the svideo out to work following the following url, but it doesn't seem to be working http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/NvidiaTvOut03:08
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llorTWhy is there no KDE in apt-cache?03:08
DShepherdZambezi: somewhat03:08
gnomefreakgrimboy: that doesnt work03:08
baseman_allright can somebody please explain to me how to not have ubuntu discard my ip address randomly03:08
OkitaI'm having trouble figuring out why port 1720 is open on my network, is there a computer security channel?03:08
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baseman_because i'd like to hang onto it03:08
medgnollorT, , you want to install kubuntu-desktop03:08
ZambeziI just have to wait and that's something I hate!03:08
DShepherdllorT: sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop03:08
FliesLikeABrickllorT kubuntu-desktop is what you want from apt03:08
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BladesonfireEfnian_, Xchat is nice... I use it in KDE03:08
bur[n] erllorT: there is... but get kubuntu-desktop like everyone is saying03:08
=== cluehammer [n=caldo@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
grimboygnomefreak: shh...03:08
guanohe's a bot. man i'm slow. so slow. i have a burning question and i asked a bot. a bot. i'm slow and a newbie. so who's a real ubuntu authority here that i can ask my secret burning question?03:08
semqi'm trying to work only on xfce but I have stuff on gnome and kde - any tips?03:08
llorTDShepherd: Why can't I do apt-get install kde?03:08
cluehammeri have a burning question, what is this burning03:08
ggilbertllorT: because the packages weren't named kde03:08
llorTIn Debian, I could do that.03:08
FliesLikeABrickllorT because it isn't named that ;)03:09
bur[n] ersemq: use the gnome and kde apps within xfce?03:09
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FliesLikeABrickllorT kubuntu-desktop is kde but with small changes for ubuntu so you can use it more normally03:09
gnomefreakllorT: you can but you would have to install everything else to go along with it03:09
Jeeves_cluehammer: Hmmm?03:09
bur[n] erllorT: ubuntu != debian :P03:09
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DShepherdllorT: listen to everyone03:09
llorTI want to do appt-get install kde :|03:09
edvinasMD5Is there anything similar to gdesklets?03:09
semqyes and delete useless stuff03:09
baseman_i want my dhcp to work *cry*03:09
BadriNarayanllorT = Troll03:09
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gnomefreakllorT: than do it but you wont find it usable really03:09
OphiocusllorT: Linux is all about flexibility, i think its time you follow that lead03:09
bsdfoxllorT go read the website noob03:09
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h3h_timobaseman_, are you using dapper?03:09
FliesLikeABrickbsdfox be nice03:09
llorTbsdfox: I'm not a noob.03:09
bsdfoxI wish I had ovary punched your mother years ago03:09
_chuckI am having problems, linux does not have drivers of my grapics, and when I try to install the crappy intel grapics, it gets programming errors, that not only I am getting... anyone know a possable solution to my problem?03:09
kbrooksbsdfox: dont say that03:09
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FliesLikeABrickbtw gnomefreak, my apologies for the bot spam03:10
=== bur[n] er reminds hte sane people of /ignore ;)
semqfor exemple : id like to delete kde but i want to save what i downloaded b03:10
_chuckcrappy intel drivers*03:10
kbrooksbsdfox: may i slap you with a blog page?03:10
ray__will someone help me with getting the svideo working with an nvidia card?03:10
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gnomefreakllorT: you can install it as you want we suggest kubuntu-desktop for a reason03:10
Roger_The_Bumrelease parties?03:10
bsdfoxkbrooks uh, ok03:10
FliesLikeABrickRoger_The_Bum read the link in the topic03:10
Roger_The_BumITS OUT?!?!?!?!?03:10
llorTBadriNarayan: Please don't call me a troll.03:10
gnomefreakno Roger_The_Bum03:10
Bladesonfireray__, read the official Nvidia README... it's very good03:10
kspath_bur[n] er: It is hard to keep up with all the /ignore nickname additions today03:10
ray__that howto isn't working for me03:10
kbrooksRoger_The_Bum: NO, IT ISNT03:10
bur[n] erkspath_: so true... I love release time ;)03:11
semqi see you can delete or 'fully' delete but this mess me up03:11
kbrooksRoger_The_Bum: READ THE TOPIC. TYPE "/topic'.03:11
xhakerhey.. is there any disk managment utility that shows some disk files location?03:11
baseman_ugh this is soooo frustrating03:11
semqscuse my english03:11
Roger_The_BumI can read the topic03:11
BadriNarayanllorT: I just pointed out that your name is an anagram for Troll :) Sorry if you are offended03:11
gnomefreakbaseman_: you have breezy installed?03:11
bsdfoxsemq one sends it to the trash can, the other delets it03:11
baseman_dapper RC03:11
llorTBadriNarayan: Ruined my attempt to troll in #ubuntu :\03:11
grimboyIt's Troll backward03:11
gnomefreakbaseman_: than what are you waiting for?03:11
cluehammereh i dunno, at least gnome-xchat has actual dcc settings03:11
llorTOh well.03:11
baseman_i am trying to get my wifi working03:11
semqhow could I save before deletion?03:11
rixxontotem + xvid, how?03:11
ray__Bladesonfire, this link? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074&highlight=official+nvidia+readme03:11
=== Bilford [n=bilford@71-32-126-171.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
cluehammermissing a bunch of other stuff though03:12
llorTSorry about trolling in here.03:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
baseman_DHCP throws me an IP address, and Dapper drops it03:12
bur[n] er!tell rixxon about restrictedformats03:12
FliesLikeABrickthanks gnomefreak03:12
=== Roger_The_Bum is now known as RTB|Dapper
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DShepherdllorT: we still love you03:12
rixxonthank you bur[n] er03:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
phreekbirdok so anyone able to help me with breezy sources? <ducks as stuff is thrown at him> ya so i uncommented all the universe ones and im getting errors... anyone able to help?03:12
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Bladesonfireray__, http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/appendix-g.html03:12
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hyphenatedubotu: source-o-matic ?03:12
semqcopy the stuff i downloaded (i wouldnt like to download it again)03:12
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:12
SgeoWhy is kubuntu-usplash-artwork only Recomment usplash?03:13
Bladesonfireray__, I set up my s-video out on my laptop with twinview and it works great03:13
=== RTB|Waiting4Dapp is now known as RTB|Waiting4Dapr
RTB|Waiting4Daprok that should do the trick03:13
ray__thank you very much, Bladesonfire03:13
semq(i a linux noob)03:13
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edvinasMD5Is there anything similar to gdesklets?03:13
baseman_so nobody in here has a clue about DHCP issues?03:13
kbrooksSgeo: because it is ARTWORK. artwork does not depend, it recommends03:13
medgnoedvinasMD5, in kde, there's superkaramba03:13
DShepherdedvinasMD5: on gnome. no03:13
gnomefreakedvinasMD5: yeah gdesklets03:13
grimboygdesklets looks terrible on my machine03:13
FliesLikeABrickbaseman_ can you give me more information about what isn't working, rather than just saying it is broken?03:14
=== chapium poops on gdesklets
baseman_absolutely.  I am trying to use my orinoco gold wifi card.03:14
bur[n] erDShepherd: that's only half true.. .you can run opera widgets in gnome03:14
=== bur[n] er likes opera widgets
baseman_It connects to the accesspoint, as evidenced by the lights on the card, iwconfig, and network manager03:14
DShepherdbur[n] er: ok kool03:14
cluehammerthere will always be women in rubber flirting with me03:14
baseman_It also requests an IP address via DHCP according to my DHCP server03:14
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cluehammerguess the quote!03:15
baseman_'s logs03:15
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kbrooksSgeo: people want to see artwork03:15
pepinitonow i have a trash on my desktop03:15
baseman_and the DHCP server throws one back03:15
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gnomefreakubotu tell cluehammer about offtopic03:15
h3h_timobaseman_, ive had probems with dhcp and dapper too.. i get addresses and everything... it just wont connect03:15
cluehammerlol i gotcha03:15
baseman_ubuntu sets the interface's IP to the one it is given, according to ifconfig and "Connection Properties"03:15
baseman_...for about half a second03:15
baseman_then back to no ip address and the default ipv6 one.03:15
semqdoes anyone know how to fully uninstall cedega?03:16
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phreekbirdthanks for the help hyphen03:16
Bugsfortgate: it worked perfectly...thanks mate!03:16
baseman_based on that expanded information, anyone have a clue?03:16
edvinasMD5is there any difficulty to change from gnome to kde? And what do you think which one is better?03:16
SurfnKidFliesLikeABrick, thanks for the ATI link earlier03:16
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DShepherdedvinasMD5: offtopic please03:16
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h3h_timodoes anyone know of a program used for downloading files with irc... like an easy way to get files from ircspy????03:17
BladesonfireKDE > Gnome ;)03:17
SurfnKidgotta patch this stuff up03:17
gnomefreakedvinasMD5: no install the one you dont have than log out click sessions and choose03:17
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semqedvina : kde not bad   but if u like light interface, pick xfce03:17
cluehammermm xfce03:17
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BladesonfireedvinasMD5, I also like XFCE03:17
cluehammercholesterol free03:17
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=== baseman_ bangs head against the wall
grimboyI found xfce to not have enough stuff.03:17
Efnian_grimboy, like?03:17
edvinasMD5What's bad in KDE?03:17
=== Efnian_ is now known as Efnian
gnomefreakguys take the likes nad dislikes to #ubuntu-offtopic please03:18
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grimboyEfnian: Stuff03:18
=== DShepherd rushes baseman_ wall to the hospital
SgeoedvinasMD5, no update-manager03:18
semqtoo many icons, slower03:18
gnomefreakSgeo: there is in dappers xfce03:18
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edvinasMD5Can i order free dappers cd already?03:18
semqSgeo : is this any update manager in xfce?03:18
DShepherdis there going to be a cd released with Xubuntu?03:18
FlannelBladesonfire: there's Xubuntu (xfce)03:18
gnomefreakedvinasMD5: yes03:18
gnomefreaksemq: there is in the new xfce03:19
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gnomefreakDShepherd: no03:19
semqxfce4 ?03:19
DShepherdgnomefreak: ok03:19
gnomefreaksemq: yes03:19
FliesLikeABricksorry that you're frustrated baseman_, its just really busy tonight and probably for the next couple nights because of the release03:19
semqok i do have xfce403:19
semqdidnt found it yet03:19
=== Guyzmo is now known as iGuyzmo
gnomefreaksemq: does it have a panel on top? like gnome?03:19
baseman_i know, but stuff like this _should_ work03:19
baseman_i mean it's not like i'm trying to recompile the kernel03:20
suturedvinasMD5: you can order them already. go to: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/03:20
BladesonfireFlannel, I have Xubuntu installed on one of my computers =D03:20
semq;o 4.4            synaptic doesnt have xfce 4.4 i think03:20
FliesLikeABrickbaseman_ did you set up the dhcpd on another computer, or is it dhcp from a router/etc?03:20
semqyes panel on top and bottm03:20
edvinasMD5oh, i already did it :)03:20
gnomefreaksemq: your on breezy03:20
InvisiblePinkUni24 hours from when?03:20
baseman_it's on my server03:20
FliesLikeABrickInvisiblePinkUni see /topic03:20
kspath_squid: try /join #ubuntu-es03:20
FliesLikeABrickInvisiblePinkUni within 24h from 00:00 GMT03:20
semqyes gnome03:20
rixxoninstalled totem-xine, where the heck is it?03:20
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gnomefreaksemq: the update notifier is there on xfce 4.403:20
InvisiblePinkUniFliesLikeABrick: :)03:20
baseman_everything works fine on the breezy laptop not three feet away03:20
gnomefreak!info totem-xine03:21
ubotutotem-xine: (A simple media player for the Gnome desktop based on xine), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 1.2.0-0ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 776 kB, Installed size: 4492 kB03:21
gnomefreakrixxon: universe03:21
semqi have to install manually without synaptic?03:21
FliesLikeABrickbaseman_ what do you have your lease time set to?03:21
rixxongnomefreak: i mean where is it on my computer, how do i star tit03:21
InvisiblePinkUnican the topic be set to "countdown" the time....03:21
baseman_on the server?03:21
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baseman_like 24 hours or so I believe03:21
gnomefreakrixxon: under totem in the menu03:21
FliesLikeABrickyes baseman_ on the server03:21
FliesLikeABrickInvisiblePinkUni there is not an exact time set03:21
rixxongnomefreak: what menu? :/03:21
edvinasMD5how can I be root on my desktop, not in terminal?03:21
gnomefreakrixxon: if you didnt already type killall gnome-panel03:21
dmbt*people*: dapper will be ready when its *ready* be patient03:21
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.03:21
=== ryno [i=ryno@CPE-24-208-63-28.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
grimboyrixxon: now you can't use the gstreamer backend03:22
gnomefreakrixxon: its under multimedia03:22
chapiumsemq, you can get a .deb of the latest xfce right from the xfce website i think03:22
semqhow can i update my xfce version gnomefreak?03:22
=== Semboy--- [n=WC3alFyj@dsl-225-59.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu
BladesonfireedvinasMD5, that link was for you ;)03:22
FlanneledvinasMD5: gksudo nautilus will make a nautilus window with root privledges03:22
InvisiblePinkUniloosing users ... down from 925 to 898...03:22
rixxongnomefreak: i don't have a multimedia menu03:22
=== Tweek888 [n=tweek@c-68-47-156-204.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chapiumsemq, there is also an installer that will compile it for you03:22
gnomefreaksemq: upgrade to dapper03:22
semqty chapium03:22
FliesLikeABrickInvisiblePinkUni we can see ;)03:22
gnomefreakrixxon: sound03:22
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semqis dapper a beta version?03:22
rixxongnomefreak: only normal totem is there03:22
Tweek888Hello, I'm having some trouble setting up nvidia-glx on dapper03:22
edvinasMD5well i want to edit gdesklets source03:22
gnomefreakrixxon: no its not03:22
grimboyIt is normal totem03:22
FliesLikeABricksemq only for the next 24h or less.  it will be available as stable tomorrow03:22
InvisiblePinkUniFliesLikeABrick: we must stop users from leaving.... get 1000 users.... ;)03:22
semqgreat ;)03:23
gnomefreakrixxon: totem-xine and totem can not live on same system with apt03:23
rixxongrimboy: but normal totem can't play xvid for me?03:23
FlanneledvinasMD5: you'll need to download the source then, from the repositories03:23
rynoI have a usb device that works fine when it's coldplugged but when I turn it off and then turn it back on the module doesn't come up anymore. Any idea how I can figure out why and how to fix it?03:23
baseman_ugh why is this03:23
FliesLikeABrickgnomefreak is dapper technically considered beta right now or something more since it is past RC?03:23
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chapiumdapper was a horrible upgrade for me, it enticed me to mess with things i shouldn't.  Like xgl.  Now my gdm is screwed :(03:23
grimboyrixxon: Use gxine then03:23
gnomefreakrixxon: if you install totem-xine than the totem you see is it03:23
gnomefreakFliesLikeABrick: rc03:23
FliesLikeABrickthanks gnomefreak, just a technicality03:23
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DShepherdchapium: heheeh03:23
edvinasMD5there is an option, view source, but only read only, i think i could edit it, if i would be root03:23
kspath_ /ignore chapium03:23
gnomefreakFliesLikeABrick: depends for people that have it?03:23
chapiumbut thats really my own fault, not dappers directly03:23
rixxongnomefreak: yea but totem fails to play xvid :p03:24
FliesLikeABrickyeah gnomefreak I was referring to the status of the available version03:24
gnomefreakFliesLikeABrick: ive been on dapper stable for over 12 hours03:24
FliesLikeABrickas have I gnomefreak03:24
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FlanneledvinasMD5: so, close it, then gksudo gdesklets03:24
gnomefreakFliesLikeABrick: rc03:24
gnomefreakrixxon: did you install the xine codecs?03:24
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DShepherdrixxon: i think you need one of the gstreamer packages,, bad or the ugly.. i think, i;m not sure03:24
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rixxongnomefreak: 'sudo apt-get install totem-xine' - gonna try gxine now anyway03:25
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noskloryno, which usb device is that?03:25
edvinasMD5md5@vodka:~$ gksudo gdesklets03:25
edvinasMD5You must NOT run gDesklets as super user (root).03:25
grimboyrixxon: That's not a codec that's a backend03:25
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gnomefreakedvinasMD5: right click gnome panel you should beable to add them there03:25
rixxonso what do i apt-get :)03:26
gnomefreakrixxon: there are xine codecs to play certain files03:26
edvinasMD5i can add them, but i can't edit them :)03:26
jmworxI want to install Dapper now. What should I use (rc/beta/whatever)?03:26
rixxonit did install some libxine or something03:26
glanzI got the codecs frol PLF then use only xine... I'm on Xubuntu-- already up2date03:26
rynonosklo: It's m audio quattro sound card. I know I was able to get the modules to come back online after power down in debian.03:26
gnomefreakubotu tell rixxon about restricted03:26
kbrooksjmworx: rc, then upgrade03:26
gnomefreakrixxon: your pm has the site you need03:26
semqsee you all03:26
jmworxkbrooks: where can I grab the latest rc?03:26
DShepherdrixxon: try gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and totem should play your files..03:26
ubotuThe release candidate for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. For more info on how to get the release candidate see http://releases.ubuntu.com/dapper/03:26
kbrooksjmworx: iirc, there is only one03:27
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rixxonDShepherd: one ugly, one bad? which is good!03:27
gnomefreakmost u0pto date iso http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/03:27
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JoeyB2when I install dapper I want to put my home directory on a separate drive, how do I do that?03:27
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DShepherdrixxon: they should all be :-)03:27
gnomefreakJoeyB2: create it when you mannully partitions it03:27
SakkathHow can I RAID two firewire extrenal HDDs?03:28
grimboyrixxon: If you do that you'll have to reinstall totem-gstreamer as those are gstreamer codecs03:28
rixxonDShepherd: why are they called ugly and bad03:28
FliesLikeABrickSakkath at install time or afterwards?03:28
edvinasMD5is it possible to get in the Ubuntu team?03:28
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SakkathFliesLikeABrick: after03:28
grimboyedvinasMD5: Yes, just contribute.03:28
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NullifiedWhats the time UTC atm03:28
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gnomefreakNullified: date -u03:28
FliesLikeABrickSakkath take a look at the program called "mdadm"03:28
Nullifieddate -u03:28
edvinasMD5contribute ? what does it mean?03:28
gnomefreakNullified: in terminal03:29
DShepherdrixxon: the stuff they have.. in themm they are bad and ugly :-)03:29
telacheAnyone ever use Easyubuntu?03:29
DShepherdtelache: yes03:29
SakkathFliesLikeABrick: same if im on PPC version of ubuntu?03:29
rixxonDShepherd: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is already the newest version.03:29
NullifiedIm not on linux atm gnomefreak mines fecked03:29
FliesLikeABrickyes Sakkath03:29
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DShepherdrixxon: u have bad?03:29
openbackwhat's the easiest way for me to check if samba is starting on my machine? I don't think it is even when I execute "sudo /etc/init.d/samba start"03:29
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gnomefreakNullified: Thu Jun  1 01:30:24 UTC 200603:29
SakkathFliesLikeABrick: thanks, i'll check it out...03:29
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Knorrieopenback: ps axu | grep smbd03:29
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rixxonDShepherd: no, i thought i needed only either of them :P03:29
FliesLikeABrickglad I could help Sakkath03:29
jmworxkbrooks: thanks, found it03:29
poimenI can Install kde and gnome in same installation witout conflicts?03:29
FliesLikeABrickyes poimen03:30
openbackKnorrie: my brain froze, thanks03:30
SakkathFliesLikeABrick: another question, the main FS is ext3, if i make these drives raided, should I use ext3, or can I use reiserfs?03:30
HealotSakkath: good guide for RAID/LVM >> http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/manual/html_node/parted_toc.html03:30
suspektRELEASE PARTY UP T03:30
Knorrieopenback: np03:30
telacheDSheperd: I downloaded the tarball and when I open it, it extracts nothing.  Is there an easier way to do this?03:30
gnomefreaksuspekt: stop spamming please03:30
FliesLikeABrickSakkath you can use whatever filesystem you want on it, like a normal partition03:30
Nullifiedthx gnomefreak03:30
gnomefreakNullified: yw03:30
rixxonDShepherd: ok, installed bad, totem still doesn't play xvid03:30
DShepherdtelache: not that i know if03:30
poimenI just do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?03:30
SakkathFliesLikeABrick: but it won't make a difference if it's different than the root?03:30
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DShepherdrixxon: oh :-(03:30
grimboyrixxon: Make sure when you play it the player is using the gstreamer backend03:30
openbackKnorrie: would smb be the same? I have that, but not smbd03:30
gnomefreakrixxon: please get the xine codecs off the site ubotu gave you03:30
grimboyrixxon: You installed the xine backend03:30
FliesLikeABrickcorrect Sakkath03:31
telacheWhy isn't easyubuntu available on Apt-get?  How can we get it there for noobs like me?03:31
thomagIf I download the RC, can I update to 6.06 when it's released?03:31
SakkathFliesLikeABrick: thanks03:31
rixxongrimboy: so, what should i do?03:31
FliesLikeABrickUberriffic tell telache about easyubuntu03:31
gnomefreakthomag: yes03:31
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SakkathFliesLikeABrick: would that be just mkreiserfs?03:31
FliesLikeABrickubotu: tell telache about easyubuntu03:31
thomagWhat's the magic?03:31
FliesLikeABrickyes Sakkath  ;)03:31
SakkathFliesLikeABrick: ok thanks very much :D03:31
grimboyrixxon: Do what ubotu tells you03:31
gnomefreakthomag: there is none lol03:31
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kbrookstelache: http://kbrooks.ath.cx/index.php/2006/05/03/inclusion-of-easyubuntu-in-ubuntu/03:31
Knorrieopenback: no, you should see smbd and nmdb03:32
thomagWell... terminal commands are magic until I know them.03:32
gnomefreakthomag: the updates stopped comming so if you get rc you might have 60 or so than poof your on stable03:32
DShepherdrixxon: i think thats your package gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg03:32
telacheThanks guys.03:32
rixxongrimboy: it doesn't tell me about 'backends'03:32
kbrookstelache: read this. you may not understand it, so ask03:32
gnomefreakubotu tell rixxon about restricted03:32
jmworxkbrooks: when's the release date for the final version BTW?03:32
kbrookstelache: do you understand what a copyright is?03:32
DShepherdrixxon: yeah,, i think that your plugin.. gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg03:32
suspektwait what whas that? you can't upgrade from RC to full?03:32
thomagI might have heard it was sudo apt-get something.03:33
FliesLikeABrickjmworx read /topic03:33
gnomefreakrixxon: go to that websiote and follow the directions for xine codecs03:33
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kbrookssuspekt: you can03:33
FliesLikeABricksuspekt you can once it is released03:33
FliesLikeABricksuspekt er, rather.  you can now03:33
kbrookssuspekt: its dsesigned like that03:33
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kbrookstelache: There?03:33
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grimboyrixxon: Ignore me, listen to gnomefreak03:33
mcmahonsFliesLikeABrick: are the apt repositories now stable or still an rc03:33
gnomefreakanyone on ubuntu breezy/dapper no need to wait for release03:33
suspektits just an apt-get distrobution upgrade03:33
Flannelmcmahons: RC still currently03:33
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FliesLikeABrickmcmahons they should now be stable03:33
telachekbrooks: I don't know what you mean by "copyright"03:34
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mcmahonsFliesLikeABrick: how can I tell03:34
openbackI'm having a problem where samba does not start on my machine. How can I start to debug it, as i don't know where errormessages would be displayed?03:34
kbrookstelache: the right to copy03:34
mcmahonsFlannel: ne way of telling03:34
bkhSo is there a picture of the Dapper Drake? :)03:34
mcmahonsopenback: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart03:34
FliesLikeABrickopenback if there are errors check in /var/log for samba errors and /var/log/syslog03:34
DShepherdbkh:  lost03:34
kbrooksbkh: LOL. no03:34
WarboDoes anyone know why totem might lose sound? (would "/dev/dsp in use" be the problem? I've stopped any process that might be using it)03:34
telachekbrooks: seems simple enough03:34
DShepherdbkh:  lots03:34
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poimensuspekt : u using rc?03:35
bkhhehe... within seconds, I get yes, no, and no idea, it seems :)03:35
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gnomefreaksuspekt: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:35
openbackmcmahons: I've done that, I get no messages and nothing starts03:35
poimensuspekt : the just do   sudo apt-get update03:35
SgeoWarbo, you using GNOME or KDE?03:35
kbrookstelache: you apparently don't understand ;)03:35
poimensuspekt : and then sudo apt-get upgrade03:35
kbrookstelache: "seems"03:35
openbackFliesLikeABrick: I've looked in there and I see no recent messages for smbd or nmbd in there03:35
SakkathFliesLikeABrick: permission to query you?03:35
mcmahonsopenback: hmm ok, can you make it start with verbose out put like with a -v switch03:35
FliesLikeABricksure Sakkath03:35
WarboSgeo: GNOME and Xine03:36
edvinasMD5md5@vodka:~$ gpg --clearsign ~/md5.txt03:36
edvinasMD5gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available03:36
edvinasMD5gpg: /home/md5/md5.txt: clearsign failed: secret key not available03:36
SgeoI remember having problems with Totem on KDE03:36
edvinasMD5What's wrong?03:36
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phreekbirdok still getting errors with the sourceOmatic thingy ... here is the source list --> http://pastebin.com/750397   and here is the error(s) im getting  --->http://pastebin.com/75039103:36
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openbackmcmahons: through the init.d script? I just tried and I didn't get any message at all03:36
suspekt29 packaged upgraded03:36
telachekbrooks: easy ubuntu is not GPL?03:36
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ubotuThe release candidate for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. For more info on how to get the release candidate see http://releases.ubuntu.com/dapper/03:36
suspektnot much diffrent then rc?03:36
mcmahonsopenback: try find the binary itself03:36
kbrookstelache: pm me03:36
WarboSgeo: Nevermind, I think it was Moho hogging the soundcard03:36
poimensuspekt : and that will get you to the latest 6.06   if you do that by tomorow again I think u will have the final version03:37
edvinasMD5no1 knows? o_0?03:37
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WarboSgeo: commercial software (therefore can't be rewritten to use better soundserver)03:37
todayisagiftis there a linux program that allows for remote desktop to a windows machine??03:37
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Warbotodayisagift: VNC is widely supported03:37
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rixxongot xvid working, thanks everyone who helped me!03:38
T-CANis there anyway I can play .wmv or .avi movies?03:38
openbackmcmahons: well good point, I see quite a few smb* programs, but no smbd or nmbd. Which package am I missing then?03:38
rixxon!tell T-CAN about restricted03:38
T-CANi havent found any packages in synaptec03:38
DShepherdrixxon: what was the solution?03:38
jrsimshey, looks like I deleted my home directory and all my settings files for gnome.03:38
jmworxFliesLikeABrick: Oops, thanks03:38
poimensuspekt : dist-upgrade is when u are using another number of relese like if yopuwere using breezy (5.10 ) and want to go to dapper (6.06)03:38
jrsimsHow do I create a new gnome profile03:38
rixxonDShepherd: i don't quite know, installed _all_ packages mentioned for ubuntu dapper :D03:38
shane_t-can - mplayer03:38
Warbo!tell T-CAN about universe03:38
DShepherdrixxon: ok kool03:38
poimensuspekt : got it?03:38
DShepherdrixxon: as long as your happy man.03:39
rixxonDShepherd: hehe ;)03:39
T-CANya, i have universe and multiverse enabled03:39
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T-CANi just need to know which packages to get03:39
T-CANif there are any03:39
jrsimsCan anyone tell me how to create a new Gnome profile after I accidentally killed my home directory?03:39
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pianoboy3333What command will give me all the packages that I can update, but just a list, not apt-get update03:39
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WarboT-CAN: Just get anything beginning with "gstreamer" and you should be OK03:40
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rixxonT-CAN: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-16ea04e7e1ecd06555912ba3f470b56563cbd85d03:40
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todayisagiftcan you think of anything else other than VNC?03:40
bkhVNC is the standard way of getting remote desktops03:40
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grimboyT-CAN: sudo apt-get install gstreamer*03:40
bkhBoth in the windows world and linux03:41
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HealotOS independent i would say03:41
todayisagiftok then ubuntu is what version of linux (x...)03:41
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jrsimsHello!! Can anyone tell me how to create a new Gnome profile after I accidentally killed my home directory?03:41
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mcmahonspianoboy3333: there'll be a switch for apt-get update, do a man apt03:41
DShepherdT-CAN: use synpatic and install gstreamer0.10 stuff03:41
Warbopianoboy3333: Dunno. If you use the clean option then --download-only you would know that everything in /var/cache/apt/archives was upgradable03:41
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Warbojrsims: Usually just logging in again will do it (after copying anything from /etc/skel to your new home)03:42
_tmx_dt2hey can any1 help me mount my ntfs primary hard drive that i can't find ever since I BSOD safe mode or not.  thanks03:42
delire888 nicks. nize03:42
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Tweek888Has anyone not been able to get nvidia drivers working properly on dapper?03:43
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jrsimsWarbo: well, I will enter gnome from the login screen, but then all I get is a screen with my mouse pointer on it03:43
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matthewhow do i install apps and programs on gnome?03:43
todayisagiftwhat version of linux is ubuntu?03:43
jrsimsWarbo: no menu bars or anything03:43
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Harold_Pthere is no version of linux..03:43
Harold_Pjust kernel version, really03:43
jrsimsWarbo: so I was thinking I probably killed all my gnome settings in the home directory.03:43
NoUseHarold_P linux is the kernel :-)03:43
grimboyAnd versions of gnu tools03:44
DShepherdmatthew: synaptic03:44
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jpatotatodayisagift, ubuntu is a verion of linux03:44
grimboyLinux is nothing without gnu tools03:44
Warbojrsims: Did you lose your actual home directory?03:44
bkhThere should be something like /etc/skel/ with a base gnome home dir stuff in it03:44
mcmahonstodayisagift: it uses linux version 2.6 (that is linux kernel 2.6)03:44
matthewwhat is synaptic?03:44
jpatotathat too03:44
earthen_matthew,  simantic or comand line atp-get install "name of package"03:44
suspekti was about to say i always condisdured 'linux' in the way a person would talk about it is made of up of lots of diffrent core programs03:44
_tmx_dt2hey can any1 help me mount my ntfs primary hard drive that i can't find ever since I BSOD safe mode or not.  thanks03:44
NoUsetodayisagift Linux is the the piece that talks to the hardware, if you want to know what version of Linux you are running run 'uname -a'03:44
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jrsimsWarbo: well, no. but everything in it is gone.03:44
Tweek888Can some one help me with configuring my nvidia drivers?03:44
shane_matthew - front end to apt03:44
Tweek888they're just not working..03:44
Warbobkh: I think /etc/skel just has base stuff to log in, and once in GNOME makes it's own configs if they are not there03:44
NoUsetodayisagift if you want to know what version of ubuntu you are running run 'lsb_release -a'03:44
Warbojrsims: including hidden stuff?03:45
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earthen_matthew, it the gui program for install software, it will download what you want and install it for you03:45
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shane_nouse - good info03:45
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grimboy_tmx_dt2: http://ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountntfs03:45
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jrsimsWarbo: yeah. I just did an "ls -a" though, and it looks like I have some of my settings files back. Still, gnome won't fully load.03:45
bkhwarbo: That's what I thought, but the guy said that didn't work...03:45
jpatota_tmx_dt2, does it show up in your bios or /etc/fstab?03:45
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theCorehow do I lock a package version in command line?03:46
matthewi cant find gui03:46
earthen_matthew, it in System-->Administration -->Synaptic package manager03:46
_tmx_dt2it shows up in bios lemme check etc/fstab03:46
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todayisagiftNoUse: the reason i ask is when i go to d/l VNC it asks linux (x86, x64, ia64) and i just dont know03:46
void^theCore: apt-cache policy03:47
_tmx_dt2i don't have a fstab folder :-x03:47
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deliretodayisagift: ia64 is Itanium. x64 is AMD64, x86 is generic intel03:47
cowbudw00t w00t dapper03:47
grimboy_tmx_dt2: It's not a folder03:47
delirecowbud: countdown to rockinpops03:47
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matthewearthen ok i found it i download an app from a site now how do i install03:47
Warbojrsims: Hmmm. Are you really concerned with your settings (ie. customised to the extreme like me) because maybe deleting them and letting them be remade might work. However, it may not be a settings problem, it may be a  network/authentication one03:47
cowbuddelire: is there actually a countdown? :)03:47
earthen_matthew, GUI stands for Graphical User Interface03:47
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delirecowbud: there should be!03:47
_tmx_dt2what is it?03:47
jdubtodayisagift: you're looking for a vnc client?03:47
cowbudindeed there should be :)03:47
theCorevoid^: how do I lock one?03:47
earthen_matthew, if you can see your desktop you have gui03:47
kspath /topic03:47
deliretheCore: what do you mean by 'lock'?03:48
cowbudI got loads of systems waiting to get the official I know a snapshot would probably work but meh :)03:48
grimboy_tmx_dt2: sudo gedit /etc/fstab from the terminal03:48
_tmx_dt2lol even i knew that ;)03:48
jrsimsWarbo: well, I'm not too worried about my settings, and it does look like many of the settings files were recreated when I attempted to log in again.03:48
jpatota_tmx_dt2:, http://www.linuxforum.com/linux_tutorials/1/1.php03:48
todayisagiftjdub: yea do you have any suggestions, i need to vnc, (with full control) from my unix machine to a windows machine03:48
delirecowbud: my bt client is chomping at the bit.. foaming even.03:48
earthen_matthew, if you downloaded it with the Synaptic package manager then it is allready installed03:48
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Warbojrsims: I have encountered this before, but I forgot how I solved it. I think it was a permission thing03:48
jrsimsWarbo: so maybe it's not the fact that I killed my files, it's something else. I'm not sure what to do. Would an apt-get of gnome be an idea?03:48
jdubtodayisagift: there's one installed by default, the frontend for it is called 'terminal server client' (under internet in your menu)03:48
_tmx_dt2how do you access the root in ubuntu?03:48
Flannel!tell _tmx_dt2 about root03:48
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theCoredelire: I have custom packages, and I don't want APT overwrite them03:48
grimboydelire: Speaking of that, how come all of ubuntu's bittorrent clients suck03:48
jpatota_tmx_dt2, sudo -s03:48
TTT_Travisis Ubuntu Server Dapper Drake going to be released in the next 24 hours too?03:49
deliretheCore: right, are you talking about 'pinning'?03:49
matthewi downloaded it to my desktop03:49
_tmx_dt2whats sudo -s ?03:49
jdubtodayisagift: always look for packages in ubuntu before going to random websites :)03:49
jpatota_tmx_dt2, from the command line03:49
Warbojrsims: I think removing your user and adding it again might work better as I think there are important files in your home for logging you into X03:49
FlannelTTT_Travis: all Dapper versions will be released at the same time03:49
theCoredelire: yea03:49
bimberitheCore: you can do it in Synaptic via the Package menu (Lock Version)03:49
grimboydelire: like su03:49
deliregrimboy: i only use btdownloadcurses. i did try azureus for a few months.03:49
earthen_matthew, what did you download03:49
=== bkh goes duck hunting for well dressed ducks....
jpatota_tmx_dt2, type it then 'vi /etc/fstab'03:49
cowbuddelire: :)03:49
_tmx_dt2oh nvm i ran terminal; i think thats the command line prompt you guys are tryn to mention lol03:49
cowbudjdub: you shit us not eh?03:49
theCorebimberi: I know but I want to do it in command line03:49
alin00b question: i am trying to install mplayer but i am getting this error mplayer-386: Depends: libjack0.80.0-0 (>= 0.99.0) but it is not installable03:49
ali               Depends: libpolyp0 but it is not installable03:49
aliE: Broken packages03:49
jrsimsWarbo: ok. do you know the command? is it just a 'useradd'?03:49
grimboydelire: Oops not you, and thanks03:50
matthewnero linux03:50
earthen_matthew, or what are you trying to install03:50
Warbojrsims: either that or adduser :)03:50
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bimberitheCore: ah, missed that bit ...03:50
bimberiubotu tell theCore about pinning03:50
bkhI think useradd is System V way and adduser is BSD style...03:50
theCorebimberi: thanks03:50
jrsimsWarbo: yeah, isn't there a difference - like you can add a user but it won't create a home dir, or something like that? Various adduser options?03:50
jdubjrsims: what is the problem?03:51
earthen_matthew, ok then you'll have to read the doc's for that as it is a custom install03:51
deliretheCore: you'll need to specify your pinning in /etc/apt/preferences.03:51
bimberitheCore: yw :)03:51
matthewoh ok03:51
Warbomatthew: That isn't really needed as most funtionality is built into the file manager (it won't corrupt your discs like Explorer will) and then there is GnomeBaker and K3b which are very good and already in Ubuntu03:51
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jrsimsjdub: login from gdm is fine, but Gnome comes up with just a mouse pointer and background color03:51
shane_ali - installing via synaptic?03:51
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earthen_matthew,  sorry I can't help with that maybe someone else here installed it03:51
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Warbojrsims: I honestly don't know (adduser seems fine whenever I use it)03:51
todayisagiftjdub: what do i have to do to the windows machine to allow my unix box to connect03:51
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jrsimsWarbo: cool. I'll look at the man page and try that.03:52
Flanneljrsims: does gnome safe mode work?03:52
jdubtodayisagift: either enable terminal services, or install a vnc server03:52
jrsimsFlannel: hmm. have not tried!03:52
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earthen_matthew,  you can serch in the  Synaptic package manager for another cd burner program though03:52
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jdubjrsims: type ifconfig at the command line -> is there a 'lo' interface listed?03:52
jrsimsjdub: checking...03:52
sg47_I read about this single command thing to setup a server03:52
felipe__In which timezone are the guys who update the ubuntu download page. I'm waiting for the dapper link03:52
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Warboflannel: Doesn't gnome safe mode just turn off any custom startup programs? He can't even log in so I don't think it would help03:53
sg47_does it work with RC1 too?03:53
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jdubsg47_: there's a server CD which you can use to install; one of the installation choices is 'LAMP server'03:53
FlannelWarbo: he can't get to GDM? or can't get into gnome?03:53
jrsimsjdub: yes there is a lo03:53
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jpatota_tmx_dt2, paste the contents of your /etc/fstab into a pastebot on the channel03:53
earthen_matthew, I think gnomebaker is sopost to be good03:53
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deliretheCore: there is a manpage on it somewhere. i can't remember right now. you can just use: 'Package: <PackageName>' on one line and then 'Pin: version <version number>' on the line below.03:53
WarboFlannel: GNOME (just a pointer on a blank screen)03:53
=== Rdde [n=Rdde_@c-11aae455.53-0004-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
dmbtk3b is the best burning software03:53
grimboyI think the whole, lamp out of the box thing is horribly biased.03:53
WarboFlannel: I think it is permission problem03:53
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jrsimsFlannel: I get GDM, and login works, then it tries to open gnome and I get just a mouse pointer and the background color. I can move the mouse, but nothing else loads.03:53
dmbtwhether you use gnome or not03:53
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Flannelright, try safe mode.  see if that works.03:54
deliretheCore: i like to use a wildcard for the version number: eg. 'Pin: version 0.6.7.*'03:54
shane_matthew - K3b is a great app for burning CD/DVDx03:54
sg47_can you give me the link to Dapper RC1?03:54
jrsimsFlannel: k. back in a bit!03:54
theCoredelire:  I already got it, thanks for the help03:54
deliretheCore: np03:54
phreekbirdok is anyone able to help me? problems with source.list - here is the source list --> http://pastebin.com/750397 and here is the error(s) im getting --->http://pastebin.com/750391    really like ubuntu but dang its a pain to get a sourcelist setup right03:54
bur[n] ersg47_: google and you'll find it no doubt03:54
grimboyYeah, it's a share k3b is the only decent cd/dvd burner03:54
sg47_what crap?03:54
jdubjrsims: log in again, then put the output of 'ps afx' somewhere03:54
=== bimberi waves to jdub
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Antipodeanhey all ;)03:55
Warbogrimboy: xcdroast was quite godd (haven't used it in a while) and it used a different interface to the "Nero stlye" that k3b and gnome-baker use03:55
aliplease help me install mplayer, i am getting some errors03:55
delirephreekbird: you shouldn't need to edit the sources.list directly..03:55
bimberiubotu tell ali about mplayer03:55
bur[n] erxfburn is neat these days03:55
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=== jdub just uses the CD burning functionality in GNOME
DShepherdphreekbird: you upgrading from breezy to dapper?03:56
sg47_is Dapper going to be released tomorrow?03:56
shane_dapper release candidate - http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/dapperrc03:56
FliesLikeABricksg47_ read /topic03:56
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WarboWell, my CD writer isn't working at the moment anyway03:56
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brad`fridge says its released already03:56
bkhThe well dressed duck will be released today03:56
Flannelphreekbird: try removing us. from all those mirrors, sometimes the us mirror goes down.03:56
kspathbrad`: /topic03:56
jdubbrad`: it certainly does not03:56
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sg47_FliesLikeABrick, can I download RC1 now and upgrade to the stable version?03:56
Xaero_VincentCOOL!! less than 24 hours to kick butt OS :D03:56
Flannelsg47_: yes.03:57
jdubsg47_: yes03:57
FliesLikeABrickyes sg47_03:57
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brad`# Ubuntu 6.06 Release(event)(NOW)03:57
Harold_Plol lies03:57
Madpilotbrad`, the Fridge's calendar is a bit simple-minded03:57
kspath!tell brad` about dapper03:57
jdubbrad`: that's a calendar entry for today, not an announcement03:57
Flannelbrad`: it defaults to 00:00 for the time, (since only a date was entered).03:57
Xaero_Vincentum... the servers are going to be packed though03:57
Xaero_Vincenti'll probably wait until next week to get it03:57
FliesLikeABrickuse the torrents Xaero_Vincent03:57
=== bur[n] er is ready to host a torrent on a cable modem :)
sg47_I just have one question. Can I add a second hard disk after I have installed Ubuntu? How does it get recognized?03:58
brad`i watched it could the hours down from 15 hours, hopeing the release was automated at 0 :)03:58
FliesLikeABrickthe torrents will be very fast03:58
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FliesLikeABrickyes sg47_ you can03:58
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sg47_I have had problems with adding a second hard to Linux after I've installed it03:58
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NoUsephreekbird that first line that says Failed to fetch..., put that URL into your browser and see what it displays03:58
rob138how do i set up a user/password for a samba share?03:58
Flannel!tell rob138 about samba03:58
delirephreekbird: i don't know what's up there. i just downloaded http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz and gunzipped it ok.03:58
FliesLikeABrickrob138  sudo smbpasswd <username>03:58
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bimberirob138: sudo smbpasswd -a username03:58
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Flannelrob138, at the bottom half of that, talks about it.03:58
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bur[n] ersg47_: you can, and it doesn't till you format it and mount it... try to use gparted to partition it and then browse it in nautilus03:58
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rob138does it have to be my username?03:58
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)03:59
grimboysg47: just did that the other day.03:59
bimberirob138: yes03:59
delirephreekbird: i don't use the US mirrors however so cannot see if the same problem is replicated here.03:59
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NullifiedAnyone here running a X700 PRO Graphics Card? As X Throws up errors on mine even after a full wipe and re-insta03:59
sg47_bur[n] er, what if it's an already formatted disk?03:59
bur[n] ersg47_: just mount it03:59
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bur[n] ersg47_: it doesn't show up in nautilus?03:59
bimberirob138: well it needs to be the name of an account on the computer03:59
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rob138bimberi, does the password need to be the same?03:59
sg47_where can I learn about the differences between the server install and the desktop install?03:59
bur[n] ersg47_: sure you have the jumpers right?  it show up in the bios?03:59
bimberirob138: nope03:59
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NoUse!tell sg47_ about server03:59
Antipodeananybody here have any suggestions with enabling an extr2 HD that shows in the disk manager & just wont enable... using the automatic diskmounter script just gives this message : "Ignoring /dev/hdd1 - already in /etc/fstab"03:59
DShepherdsga7 check ubuntu.com03:59
phreekbirdthanks so much for the feedback ... any advice on an non us mirror near the east coast US ? something that stays up?04:00
Antipodeananybody here have any suggestions with enabling an extr2 HD that shows in the disk manager & just wont enable... using the automatic diskmounter script just gives this message : "Ignoring /dev/hdd1 - already in /etc/fstab" ???04:00
PrimoTurboDoes someone have a list of updates on what the final 6.06 will improve on comapred to Breezy. Thanks04:00
bur[n] erserver doesn't have X, desktop has a full GUI04:00
rob138bimberi, any reason why windows isn't loggin in?04:00
kspath /ignore Antipodean04:00
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rob138bimberi, heh or wouldn't04:00
shane_what is !tell?04:00
DShepherdsg47_: check ubuntu.com04:00
NoUse!tell shane_ about ubotu04:00
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WarboPrimoTurbo: Too many details to list, but I would guess every package has been rebuilt due to core libraries and gcc and things04:00
Antipodeansorry about putting that q in twice... that was a typo04:00
NoUseAntipodean edit /etc/fstab and remove the line with the hard drive you are trying to add04:00
bimberirob138: no, samba might have logs in /var/log04:01
NoUseAntipodean then you can re-run that script04:01
shane_cool, thanks04:01
AntipodeanNoUse: Thanks mate04:01
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kspath!tell twysted about CAPS04:01
Sajhow do i install from te live CD?04:01
jdubSaj: double click on the install icon on the desktop04:02
threatso the Ubuntu live CD runs off the CD, can it also install Ubuntu onto a hard disk drive?04:02
_tmx_dt2hey guys.  i finally mounted my c:\ but i don't know how to get write access to my external HD that i just plugged in.. lil help?04:02
bimberiSaj: which liveCD? you can't with Breezy04:02
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WarboSaj: If you are in Dapper live cd there is an icon04:02
bur[n] erjdub: nice to see yer nick on irc again :)04:02
shane_threat - yes04:02
jdubthreat: in dapper, yes04:02
threatshane_, nice04:02
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jdubbur[n] er: i'm always on irc, but rarely here (too much to handle)04:02
Sajim using the new one04:02
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Sajjust cdrom on desktop04:02
_tmx_dt2hey guys.  i finally mounted my c:\ but i don't know how to get write access to my external HD that i just plugged in.. lil help?04:03
shane_threat - newest release04:03
threat_tmx_dt2, c:\? you mean /dev/hda1?04:03
jdubSaj: that's not dapper04:03
_tmx_dt2sda1.. thats where my primary HD Is04:03
bur[n] erjdub: of course, dapper's great!04:03
windexgenuine question, amazing: can the bootloader that ships with amd64 editions of ubuntu boot 32 bit windows?04:03
Warbosaj: Then you are using Breezy (latest stable) not Dapper (latest, but "unstable" until later today)04:03
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threatshane_, oh, so the worty hog isn't the latest?04:03
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threatoh, so a knew Ubuntu is due out soon?04:03
Sajthen how to i install this one guys?04:03
jdubthreat: warty was released in october 2004 :)04:03
threatjdub, lol04:03
bimberithreat: well W is further down the alphabet04:03
mianoslittle question about suspend in ubuntu04:03
Warbowindex: Yes, it doesn't do it itself, it just hands over to windows' own bootloader (chainloading)04:04
jdubthreat: there are > 890 people here because 6.06 LTS is about to be released04:04
threatjdub, well what is the name of the latest one?04:04
OmniDistortionI didn't even know a new version was coming out, I was just about to download myself breezy!04:04
threatjdub, oh nice04:04
jdubthreat: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (codename Dapper Drake)04:04
beerboybeerboy890 people???????04:04
NoUseSaj download the install CD04:04
bimberijdub: peaked at ~925 a couple of hours ago :)04:04
beerboybeerboyIn Oct 2004, there were about 50 to 10004:04
codergeek42_886 to be more precise... ;)04:04
windexWarbo: i know that, but i couldn't remember if grub was 32/64 bit native or 16bit.04:04
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threatjdub, how long? I was just about to download 5.10 :P04:04
jdubbimberi: slackers!04:04
OmniDistortion887 people WRONG04:04
jdubthreat: see the topic04:04
shane_breezy is soooo yesterday04:04
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NoUseSaj just wait 24 hours and get dapper04:04
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shane_er, today still04:04
mianosthe button on logout? does it just echo disk > /sys/power/state, or are there other scripts (dapper)04:04
Warbo16bit? It supports large drives I know04:04
threatjdub, woot04:04
threatjdub, thank you :)04:05
uncreativemy pop mail got corrupt, but i have a month old backup, i still have all my mail on gmail - but it won't re-download into Mail - does anyone know of some way i can reset some flag on the last month of emails within gmail so that it will redownload into my pop3 Mail?04:05
beerboybeerboyI take pride in the fact that I started using Ubuntu from the Warty days though I still ask some dumb questions even now04:05
jrsimsFlannel: ok, I tried logging in in safe mode, still no go. Doesn't work for root either.04:05
threatjdub, I will wait then04:05
Sajmight aswell wait:)04:05
Sajbut which will be more stable breezy or dabber?04:05
OmniDistortionI WONDER04:05
threat6.06?  doesn't that mean it will be released on the 6th of june?04:05
Warbobeerboybeerboy: Like many people switched to unstable Ubuntu to get XGL, I switched to unstable breezy to get kde3.5 and xcompmgr04:05
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windexSaj: they dont make a release until its reasonably stable.. thats why they make us wait.04:05
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mianosah, there is a gconf key04:05
CronoDekarmeans '06 june04:05
codergeek42_threat: IIRC it's year.month  for the release numbers04:06
shane_june 0604:06
[arcane] how would i add a unstable brach to debian ??04:06
[zero] Hey04:06
threatok thank you :)04:06
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Sajubuntu rock solid04:06
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OmniDistortionSaj It's a completely new version, it's most likely going to be better in every way imaginable especially in stability04:06
beerboybeerboyI'm not yet ready to use it as my desktop machine now though I dual boot in my laptop04:06
windexcodergeek42_: uh.. you mean month.year? :)04:06
DShepherdSaj:  getting there04:06
Sajinstalled PClinuxOS a 2 days ago, damn04:06
[zero] im on ubuntu at last :D04:06
CronoDekarno, year.month04:06
Sajevery thing crashed in that lol04:06
beerboybeerboyafter I changed jobs, I had to work on Windows entirely04:06
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threathow long does it normally take for the Mirrors to get the latest version?04:06
Warbo[arcane] : look in /etc/apt/sources.list for stable or sarge and replace with unstable or sid04:06
windexCronoDekar: oh, right. silly 6/604:06
threator should I hammer the official site?04:06
[zero] Not on the PC I wanted to run it on but oh well04:06
[arcane] Warbo: thx04:06
Madpilotthreat, releases they usually get out to the mirrors fairly quickly04:07
Sajso i basicly downloaded this on the 27th day of the 5 months04:07
threator etch :)04:07
shane_PCLinuxOS is ok - it's the community support for Ubuntu that won me over04:07
pallyit feels like Xmas eve04:07
OmniDistortionWhen I dual boot for some reason windows fucks with the boot sector and the entire drive dies04:07
mister_robotoanyone try mepis?04:07
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Flannelpally: nah, it feels like the night before Win95 was released ;)04:07
pallyanyone kiss me when dapper is released?04:07
WarboOmniDistortion: Always install Linux second04:07
bkhFlannel: You mean like 'The Omen'?04:07
=== Buckaroo [n=calvin@c-24-6-155-91.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
threatFlannel, except we won't be disapointed :)04:07
shane_mepis seemed to have fizzled lately04:07
NullifiedGuys, I dont think i've set a root password yet04:07
mister_robotoshane: fizzled how?04:08
Flannel!tell Nullified about root04:08
shane_sure you have04:08
MadpilotNullified, there isn't one04:08
tritiumNullified: you don't need to04:08
FlannelNullified: you havent, and that's ok ;)04:08
threatNullified, ubuntu doesnt have a root as such04:08
earthen_anyone know how to get blutooth stuff working?04:08
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WarboNullified: Neither have I. Ubuntu doesn't use it04:08
Madpilotubotu, tell Nullified about sudo04:08
OmniDistortionWarbo: Oh I did believe me, but I didn't use windows until much later. It was installed first.04:08
=== delire is now known as delire_nacht
Sajis dabber going to have KDE on it?04:08
beerboybeerboyNullified, what was the password that you set when you installed Ubuntu?04:08
mianoswhy does glxgears in ubuntu doesn't display frames?04:08
Flannel!tell earthen_ about bluetooth04:08
OmniDistortionWhen I used it that's when it happened04:08
shane_they were growing fast, but Ubuntu has simply skyrocketed in outperforming all other distro installations04:08
NullifiedOk, Whats the command to start Gnome, is it /etc/init.d/gdm start ?04:08
=== nhaines [n=nhaines@adsl-69-231-128-98.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
AntipodeanNoUse: bugger - that still didn't work...04:08
OmniDistortionHello nhaines (namedropping)04:09
WarboOmniDistortion: The only way I could think of messing with MBR would be to do a "restore" or something in windows (which would be quite obviously the culprit)04:09
Flannel!tell mianos about glxgears04:09
mister_robotoshane: I simply could NOT get ubuntu to boot on an old P2-300 so I tried mepis for fun (never saw it before). so far it's running great and is using some dapper repositories too.04:09
NoUseAntipodean what are you trying to do?04:09
nhainesHaha, hiya, Omni.  :)04:09
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=== RopeHead [n=RopeHead@] has joined #ubuntu
Antipodeanmount & format a HD04:09
earthen_Flannel, I have the bluetooth device working and it can see my mouse but the mouse will not move the pointer04:09
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shane_Mr_roboto - i ran mepis for a while and out of the box it was great, but just seemed a bit cluttered04:09
NoUseAntipodean well you can't format a HD while its mounted04:09
=== BobC2 [n=bobuser@cpe-066-057-030-087.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
OmniDistortionWarbo: I really just don't want to mess with it anymore. I'm not going to dualboot with XP unless I know for sure nothing like that would happen again04:09
NoUseAntipodean so why don't you just format it04:10
=== FlyingSquirrel32 [n=jared@ool-18b9930c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
mianosis ubotu a bot?04:10
Antipodeanwith the disk manager? done that about 3 times now04:10
rixxonwhat means 'software 3.0'? it is mentioned on the fridge04:10
nhainesI highly recommend backing up your MBR first.  WinXP had managed to screw mine up, and WinXP recovery console couldn't fix it.  Only a Knoppix CD and a friend who's insane enough to be able to hack the NTFS header by hand could do it.04:10
shane_and you're right about th eP2 300 support - tried ubuntu on something similar the other day and it didn't work04:10
=== RossH [n=littldev@24-107-60-127.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelmianos: yes04:10
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.04:10
=== NobodHere [n=nobodyhe@c-24-91-173-75.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AntipodeanNoUse: with the disk manager? done that about 3 times now04:10
WarboDoes anyone know of some simple sound editor like Audacity, but not Audacity (I can't get my head around it). I am forced to use gnoise, but I don't like how that writes the changes directly to the file04:10
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Sajhi ubotu04:10
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mister_robotoSaj: ask it things by using an exclamation before the search term04:11
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Flannelrixxon: it's a buzzword, who cares.04:11
OmniDistortion!ubotu are you white04:11
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, OmniDistortion04:11
phreekbirdquestion about dapper ... are the us repositorys going to work for that? or is it going to be like it is with breezy?04:11
OmniDistortionI don't think it worked04:11
rixxonFlannel: just wondering. is it like web 2.0 but for software? :S04:11
Flannelrixxon: right, or.. something like that04:11
=== OmniDistortion is now known as OmniD
jdubrixxon: it's a joke about that, yes04:12
=== bkh gives ubotu a botsnack.
=== crazybob [n=no@24-247-233-171.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Client]
NobodHerehey all!  My ubuntu server box just started acting up -big- time about 4 hours ago.  It is acting like DNS is broken, but it's not.  Apache and MySQL are fine; postfix is taking forever to respond to SMTP connections, same with cyrus and sshd.  Bind(named) is fine.04:12
=== WimS [n=wims@] has joined #ubuntu
rixxonFlannel: whatever that would mean, since web 2.0 means websites like software :p04:12
Warborixxon: It doesn't really mean anything (anyway, Ubuntu is almost at 6!)04:12
WimSi can ask dapper questions here right?04:12
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_tmx_dt2noob question: can winrar or winace decompress .tar.gz files?04:12
=== whitesuit [n=angelus@201-1-132-125.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuhmm... hi is Hello, saj!04:12
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.04:12
=== sparkx [n=doc@c-24-19-190-35.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_tmx_dt2noob question: can winrar or winace decompress .tar.gz files? it can right?04:13
FlyingSquirrel32I'm looking for a scheduling sort of program that will allow my to plan and count hours and jobs done. Any suggestions?04:13
=== bkh plays with ubotu in #ubuntu.
lukaswayne9_tmx_dt2: i think winzip can04:13
rixxon_tmx_dt2: correct on winrar anyway04:13
=== Hellafax [i=matte@blk-7-129-50.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
edvinasMD5_tmx_dt2, yes04:13
Sajwinrar definatly can04:13
=== neoshin [n=asd@cpe-069-134-230-019.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bkhtar.gz is pretty commonly usable in windows compression programs04:13
threatso, is 'Dapper Drake' Pig related?04:13
_tmx_dt2thx so much i'm compressing all these files on my hd to save i'm uploadin them on my webspace.  thx guys04:13
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tritiumthreat: no, duck04:14
Warbothreat: Drake is a duck04:14
exhalelmao pig04:14
bkhA well dressed duck04:14
=== deeel [n=dan@adsl-69-107-38-84.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
threattritium, yes I relised that, but I thought Ubuntu had a thing with pigs04:14
Warbothreat: At least it's dapper, and not hoary04:14
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.04:14
cachedbadger != pig04:14
bkhWarty Warthog was one of the releases04:14
tritiumthreat: nope04:14
Warbobadger > pig04:14
=== Krhis [n=Krhis@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu
NobodHereanyone see my message?04:14
cached1 item does not create a pattern04:15
lukaswayne9eft > drake :)04:15
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cachednobodhere: only the first half04:15
nhainesSorry, NobodHere, it's not readble to us.04:15
bkhNobodHere: No04:15
threatWho the hell comes up with these names?04:15
=== Hellafax is now known as EmuMatte
OmniDeveryone be quiet04:15
lukaswayne9threat: sadbfl04:15
NobodHereNobodHere: hey all!  My ubuntu server box just started acting up -big- time about 4 hours ago.  It is acting like DNS is broken, but it's not.  Apache and MySQL are fine; postfix is taking forever to respond to SMTP connections, same with cyrus and sshd.  Bind(named) is fine.04:15
Warbothreat: infinite monkeys with typewriters04:15
WimSok, i dist-upgraded to dapper from breezy and everything seemed like it worked, except my WiFi. It's broadcom. It used to work in breezy but it doesn't now. I couldn't get the new broadcom built in driver to work, so i rmmod it, but when i tried to install ndiswrapper and do it the way i did in breezy, but my network card doesn't wshow up in the network config dialog box, and not under ifconfig either04:15
threatNobodHere, didn't you just say that?04:15
=== mking [n=mking@c-71-200-93-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NobodHereNobodHere: anyone see my message?04:16
NobodHerecached: nobodhere: only the first half04:16
NobodHere[10:15pm]  nhaines: Sorry, NobodHere, it's not readble to us.04:16
NobodHere[10:15pm]  bkh: NobodHere: No04:16
NobodHere[10:15pm] 04:16
lukaswayne9cached: Tu hablas espanol?04:16
threatWarbo, you do relise that one monkey with infinite time is the same thing?04:16
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:16
cachedlukaswayne: does taking spanish 1 count? :P04:16
OmniDNobodHere: The solution is Dabber Drake04:16
Warbothreat: No, because he cannot use ideas that he would never think of.04:16
lukaswayne9cached: that's what i'm taking :)04:16
cachedi only know present and progressive tense04:16
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threatWarbo, infinite monkey's would cause massive gravititaional shifts04:16
lukaswayne9cached: i just know present... i've got finals next week04:16
WimSso does anybody know how i get the built in broadcom driver to work ?04:17
Antipodeansorry - can anybody help - I have a HD, showing in the diskmanager that STILL shows as NTFS despite multiple formating  done with the diskmanager & which I still can't seem to get mounted? Suggestions anybody?04:17
Efniani dread what an infinite monkey'd be like04:17
NobodHereI really fail to see how upgrading to the next version will solve this problem.  That's kind of the shotgun approach.04:17
cachedbuena suerte04:17
OmniDI know04:17
mcmahonsdapper out yet?04:17
OmniDBut we can always hope!!!04:17
Warbothreat: The centre ones would compress to a singularity, but there would always be more to replace them04:17
cachedmcmahons: /topic04:17
EmuMatteWimS -- is it the NIC that isn't recognized, or WPA?04:17
kspath mcmahons /topic04:17
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mister_robotoWimS: I had a similar problem with my TrueMobile 1150 wifi after dist-upgrade. lost the wifi. oddly, it worked fine with the live cd so i ended up reinstalling from scratch and that fixed it. i found that to be very disappointing04:17
cachedkspath: beat you to it :P04:17
WimSEmuMatte NIC04:17
=== thomag [n=thomag@c022h247.dorm.reed.edu] has joined #ubuntu
OmniDAlso eat more meat so you have lots of protein in your diet so you can become big and strong that might help too04:17
kspathcached: I am old and slow04:17
lukaswayne9i hope it's released before 3:30 PM EST tomorrow04:17
cachedkspath: i'm not as old as you04:17
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cachedkspath: wait, that proves your point04:18
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Antipodeansorry - can anybody help - I have a HD, showing in the diskmanager that STILL shows as NTFS despite multiple formating  done with the diskmanager & which I still can't seem to get mounted? Suggestions anybody?04:18
=== cjkrav [n=ckravetz@24-116-172-65.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboAnyone know simple sound editors other than gnoise and audacity (Universe has too much stuff in to test it all)04:18
NobodHereguys, I have email down.  This is a big problem.  Nobody's home in #ubuntu-server, I could really use some help.  If there's a better place to ask, please point me in the right direction.04:18
lukaswayne9Warbo: I use audacity... That's pretty much it for me04:18
shane_Warbo - give audacity another try04:19
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phreekbird!info sources04:19
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EmuMatteNobodHere - have you tried repairing your windows installation?04:19
Warbolukaswayne9: I can't seem to do anything in it other than crazy effects, all I want is to cut and paste and fade04:19
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Sajhey, will dabber have the ability to start from the cd?04:19
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lukaswayne9Warbo there's a fade plugin for audacity.. just select an area, and use the plugin04:19
NobodHereEmuMatte: What?04:19
shane_cut, paste and fade are the only things I can do in Audacity04:19
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nhainesSaj, what do you mean?04:19
ZambeziSaj: You probably talking about a Live-CD?04:20
lukaswayne9Warbo: for cut/paste, just make sure playback is stopped.. and then just zoom out, select and area, and then edit..cut..paste etc04:20
eugmanCan someone tell me what sudo apt-get clean does? Please refrain from giving the most obvious and simple answer which can be gleaned just by looking at it.04:20
=== Rope_Head [n=RopeHead@] has joined #ubuntu
earthen_how do I rescan for my usb devices,04:20
tritiumeugman: deletes .debs from /var/cache/apt/archives04:20
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Warbolukaswayne9: Whenever I try to select an area I end up changing it's volume. I suppose I'll have ANOTHER go04:20
eugmanAh, ok thanks.04:20
kspathearthen_: lsusb04:20
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Sajso is live cd gonna have install thing then?04:21
shane_clean clears out  the  local  repository  of  retrieved  package04:21
shane_              files.04:21
ZambeziSaj: So if you want to try, use the Live-CD.04:21
FlannelSaj: yes, espresso is on the liveCD.04:21
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Antipodeanall i wanna do is use my hard disk... *bashes head against wall*04:21
WarboHmmm. Error initialising audio layer when I start Audacity04:21
kspathearthen_: trying to force recognition of a device ? was it powered off?04:21
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bimberiSaj: yes the dapper (6.06 LTS) one will04:21
earthen_kspath, no that lists my connected devices, I want to rescan for connected devices I removed a device that works but when i plug it back in I have ti reboot to get it to work again04:21
ZambeziSaj: Ye. In the memory. Not the Harddrive.04:21
=== RTB|W8ing4Godot [i=Olipro@] has left #ubuntu ["Toodle]
Sajok il dl install cd instead then:)04:22
Antipodean*bleeding profusely from head injury*04:22
Ophiocusi ll be afk, wish you all a happy dapper upgrade, seeyas!!04:22
earthen_kspath, yes how do I do that04:22
=== lnxG5 [n=lnxG5@] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelZambezi: the Dapper LiveCD can install.04:22
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ZambeziSaj: But a Live-CD is just a temporary thing.04:22
FlannelZambezi: the Dapper LiveCD can install.04:22
NobodHerewell, thanks for the smart-ass replies to a serious problem, guys.  Glad to see the ubuntu "community" is knowledgeable and interested in helping others.04:22
WarboSaj: I would get a breezy install disc because I have heard bad things about installing with dapper CDs (should be fixed now though, but you never know)04:22
=== WhatTheDeuce [n=j@S010600134606305f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
shane_can the live cd install without booting into ubuntu/04:22
=== NobodHere [n=nobodyhe@c-24-91-173-75.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
ZambeziFlannel: I just tried the Breezy.04:22
=== KarlsBerg [n=karlsber@84-122-192-73.onocable.ono.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Flannelshane_: no.04:23
bur[n] ershane_: from windows?  no04:23
Antipodeansorry - can anybody help - I have a HD, showing in the diskmanager that STILL shows as NTFS despite multiple formating  done with the diskmanager & which I still can't seem to get mounted? Suggestions anybody?04:23
KarlsBerghelp we !04:23
=== Shooksterleet [i=Shookste@S0106000fb55ad5a9.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
shane_no, without booting into the live CD04:23
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Sajwarbo: hmmm, so will breezy be updatable to dapper via the synaptic thing?04:23
=== |Sivik| [n=sivik@66-169-180-184.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
|Sivik|hi all04:23
=== dradul [n=dradul@unaffiliated/dradul] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelshane_: no, the liveCD has to do it's liveCD thing.04:23
FlannelSaj: yes04:23
EmuMattesaj - yes04:23
bur[n] erAntipodean: run gparted not through the installer, make sure to hit apply04:23
earthen_kspath, how do I do a force recognition04:23
jdubSaj: there will be a very sexy upgrade process04:23
=== seife [n=seife@] has joined #ubuntu
Sajoh, thats kool then, il just DL breezt now:D04:23
EmuMattejdub -- if sexy mean "rapish"04:23
Saj:P i cant wait lol04:24
=== deeel [n=dan@adsl-69-107-38-84.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcmahonsSaj: sudo update-manager -d04:24
Antipodeanbur[n] er: thanks man04:24
mcmahonsSaj: why not wait for dapper, you'll save yourself hours04:24
bur[n] erSaj: gksudo "update-manager -d"04:24
WarboSaj: Yes, I am in dapper that way04:24
jdubSaj: don't download breezy, download the dapper release candidate04:24
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumEmuMatte: not even close04:24
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bur[n] er!releasecandidate04:24
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, bur[n] er04:24
bur[n] eraww... worth a shot ;)04:24
OmniDjdub: but isn't the official release coming out soon?04:24
Zambezijdub: Or hold for half a day and download Dapper final release.04:24
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, EmuMatte04:25
WarboI had a cat called mittens04:25
bur[n] erOmniD: trivial to upgrade04:25
=== bkh pets Mittens.
=== lakcaj_ [n=lakcaj@wnpgmb02dc1-150-32.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcmahonsjdub: are you jefff waugh?04:25
Sajbah, imight aswsell go dapper then,04:25
T-CANso no one has any idea when dapper is going to be released?04:25
Sajcuz ur right guys, itl take hours:( + the system will be jam acked with breezy users upgrading lol04:25
FlannelT-CAN: sometime on june 1.04:25
tritiumT-CAN: within 24 hrs04:25
mcmahonsT-CAN: today04:25
WarboT-CAN: today04:25
EfnianT-CAN, today04:25
shane_t-can - tomorrow for me04:25
ZambeziOmniD: I should come out 2006-06-01 during the day London-time.04:25
lukaswayne9Saj pretty much.. just wait for the torrents to be released tomorrow04:25
eugmanSo why the delay?04:25
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jdubmcmahons: yeah04:25
cgeeugman: there is no delay04:25
WarboT-CAN: What time is it for you now?04:25
Efnianeugman, there's no delay04:25
mcmahonsjdub: cool :)04:25
jdubmcmahons: though usually i only use two Fs04:25
Sajwhere will they be available? via the ubuntu website?04:25
=== Viaken [n=david@host-67-32-228-14.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
AngryElfguys, for some reason xine can't see /dev/dvd......it keeps saying "Could not open /dev/dvd with libdvdcss" -- not an encryption error (besides this is an unencrypted disc) any ideas?04:26
FlannelSaj: and the mirrors, and bittorrent.04:26
bur[n] erSaj: naturally04:26
lukaswayne9Saj yes04:26
WarboT-CAN: probably tomorrow then04:26
=== Deserir [n=greeny@226gis182.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu
ZambeziSaj: Yes. Check www.ubuntu.com04:26
eugmanEfinian, Why is it being released later than greenwich time?04:26
T-CANya, thats what I was thinkin04:26
EmuMatteAnyone have Ubuntu Dapper Drake WAREZ?! I NEED THE FINALZ!04:26
T-CANoh well, it will be worth the wait04:26
bkhAngryElf: check the permissions on /dev/dvd04:26
Efnianeugman, it will be released 1.6.. What's wrong?04:26
ZambeziT-CAN: Where are you from if the time is 10.30?04:26
WarboT-CAN: No point delaying for 6 weeks and getting picky on the exact hour04:26
T-CANMaine, USA04:26
lukaswayne9Zambezi: east coast04:26
shane_EST rocks!04:26
mcmahonsjdub: haha fair enough. so when's dapper ccoming out ;)04:27
bur[n] erEmuMatte: workin on gettig hte 0-day of dapper here ;)04:27
EmuMatteAST is BETTAR!04:27
lukaswayne9shane_: amen!04:27
T-CANim with ya Warbo04:27
=== golpira [n=golpira@c-69-137-166-192.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
EmuMattebur[n] er -- kekeke :)04:27
ViakenWell awesome. The topic has all I need to know. :)04:27
=== mumanddad [n=mumandda@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust813.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
WarboT-CAN: figuratively you mean, as I am at 3:30am here :)04:27
KarlsBerghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1074863#post1074863 Help we with a simple reply please!04:27
eugmanEfinian, Nothing.  I've already upgraded. I was just under the impression it be released already and was wondering if there was a reason for having to do it a bit later in the day?04:27
=== guano [n=guido@24-183-197-75.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
HealotWarez doesn't exist in Linux-land04:27
T-CANhahaha, exactly04:27
EmuMatteHealot -- ...04:27
mumanddadwhat package do i need to install to compile sources?04:27
tritiumwarez are also offtopic04:27
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EmuMattemumanddad -- headers / gcc04:28
bimberimumanddad: build-essential04:28
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nhaineseugman, it takes time to build 4 releases times three projects.04:28
WarboWill there be a big upgrade at the release or not, as it is all stabilised now?04:28
tritiummumanddad: you'll want to start with build-esential04:28
mumanddadthats the one :-)04:28
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WarboI mean from current Dapper04:28
lukaswayne9Is there a server upgrade guide available?04:28
Antipodeanso folks, whats the better filesystem to use ext2, or ext3?04:28
jdubWarbo: dude, we're like, hours away04:28
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jdubAntipodean: ext304:29
Antipodeanjdub: thnx04:29
WarboAntipodean: ext3, it is the same as ext2 so it is compatible (but has a journal)04:29
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Warbojdub: British summer time (take that standardised time!)04:29
KarlsBerghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1074863#post1074863 Help we with a simple reply please!04:29
=== bur[n] er suggests fs-driver.org for the ext3 user to be able to read it in windows
brandon_has anybody got azureus working?04:30
T-CANubotu, tell T-CAN about CLI04:30
Efnianbrandon_, yes04:30
OmniDwhat will happen when it's released04:30
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lukaswayne9i think i'll upgrade my server before the rush :)04:30
tritiumOmniD: people will rush to download it04:30
OmniDAw ubuntu come back04:30
nhaineswarbo: it's pretty much all stable.04:30
bimberiwe all get a pony04:30
brandon_Efnian, was there some special process involved with installing it?04:30
paradonOmniD: The internet will break.04:30
OmniDI won't be rushing to download it if I don't know if it's released04:31
WarboDoes anyone know why epiphany would crash every time it tries to load? I've purged and reinstalled and stuff (I almost built from source, but couldn't be bothered to tell it that I have the dependencies)04:31
capgadgetMovie downloads will slow 3% when Dapper is released.04:31
Warbonhaines: thx04:31
Efnianbrandon_, I'd imo recommend not to use the repos04:31
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neoshini want a pony04:31
brandon_Efnian, the one in the repos doesn't work, the one from the website doesn't work04:31
Warboneoshin: apt-get install pony04:32
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bur[n] eranyone know what to use in gconf-editor under the metacity global keybindings to get a binding on Page Up and Page Down?04:32
guano./configure pony04:32
jdubWarbo: sudo rm /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/compreg.dat04:32
Efnianbrandon_, do you have java installed?04:32
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SkipWhen I installed dapper 3d acceleration stopped. Using fglrx. Any ideas why?04:32
FoX_44470When dapper is released ?04:32
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EfnianFoX_44470, today.04:32
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siccnessWithin 24 hours04:32
brandon_Efnian, it is installed, yes04:32
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|Sivik|how anyone had any issues with a pci-e card and the x-session going back to the login screen?04:32
cgeFoX_44470: sometime in the next 22 hours or so.04:32
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lukaswayne9Upgrading my server to dapper now :)04:33
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|Sivik|lukaswayne9, thats cool04:33
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chapiumi noticed apt-get update slowed down a bit04:33
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threatis it released yet?04:33
henriquemaiaJust an advice: would be these daily builds good enough? I have to install Dapper on a friend's computer for her to complete a work for school.04:33
chapiumplus ubuntu.com changed their front page04:33
bur[n] erhenriquemaia: yes04:34
Efnianbrandon_, the one on the website should work by just uncompressing it somewhere within your home directory and running it.04:34
henriquemaiaI don't mind of dist-upgrading later.04:34
nhainesjdub, is there any way to observe the release process?  Such as the progress of the CD images being built?  Or whatever else they're doing right now?04:34
FoX_44470yes, because the download page is the same04:34
brandon_Efnian, so it's just a java issue then?04:34
Efnianbrandon_, how exactly it doesn't work?04:34
bkhYeah, there are now 5 people dancing instead of 3...04:34
henriquemaiaThanks bur[n] er.04:34
guanohenriquemaia skip the daily builds.. install 5.10 and upgrade it, it will install fresh dapper04:34
=== NinjaJosh [n=student@cpe-024-074-032-127.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ViakenI wish I could dist-upgrade. Dialup isn't dist-upgrade friendly.04:34
jdubnhaines: not really (mostly because nothing much is happening right now)04:34
henriquemaiaI have done that with... no luck04:34
henriquemaiaThe system broke.04:34
cgehenriquemaia: I would use the dailies instead.04:35
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cgehenriquemaia: If you can get them... The servers seem rather slow right now.04:35
brandon_Efnian, it starts and then a popup message thatw e all know and love happens and won't go away, but the application window isn't there, and the tray icon isn't there04:35
henriquemaiathe breezy-dapper dist-upgrade didn't go well.04:35
guanoi just dist-upgraded a ppc and i'm running true dapper... it's pretty :)04:35
nhainesjdub: aww, too bad.  I don't want to pester for ETA, but waiting is easier if you can watch things.  :)04:35
cluehammerphh real men dist-upgrade over null modem cables04:35
Efnianbrandon_, it think the website one works best with sun's java. do you have it configured?04:35
nhaineshenriquemaia, you shouldn't dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper.04:35
chapiumthe progression of ubuntu is like evolution04:35
chapiumfirst people are naked04:36
chapiumthen they where shirts04:36
bkhWould that be Breezer Drake or Dapper Badger?04:36
chapiumnow they wear long sleeves04:36
ViakenI dist-upgrades from breezy to dapper beta. >.>04:36
henriquemaiaist this the link for the daylies? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/04:36
WarboViaken: It would be good to only have security-updates (but still have access to repos) for dialup users04:36
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chapiumpretty soon they will be wearing eskimo hats04:36
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ViakenWarbo: It's a laptop with wireless, so it's not a huge issue. :)04:36
brandon_Efnian, well obviously it's not properly configured, but i grabbed it from sun's site and replaced the one from the repos by renaming the newer one to the same name as the old version's directory04:36
KarlsBerghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1074863#post1074863 Help we with a simple reply please!04:36
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ray__hello, i'm still having trouble getting svideo out to work with my nvidia card. i used the following url: http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/appendix-g.html04:36
FoX_44470Where are you read that the Dapper come 1st June, i have just read june ! The day is not write ! Sorry for english, i'm french04:37
nhainesFoX_44470, it has been discussed in many announcements made by Cannonical and Ubuntu.04:37
lukaswayne9FoX_44470: Bonjour :)04:37
|Sivik|how anyone had any issues with a pci-e card and the x-session going back to the login screen?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:37
FlannelFoX_44470: it will be released june 1.04:37
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ray__would someone be willing to look at my xorg.conf to see if i've done it right?04:37
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chapiumray__: pastebin it and someone might volunteer04:37
slavikray__: pastebin it and hope04:37
FoX_44470lukaswayne9 > Au, je suis pas tout seul !04:38
ray__would you give me the url to pastebin?04:38
chapium!info pastebin04:38
Warbo"Epiphany has quit unexpectedly" every time I load it :(04:38
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beerboybeerboyI have a PII-300 with 192 MB RAM. Do you think it'll be worthwhile to install GUI and VNC Server on that machine?04:38
ray__!info pastebin04:38
|Sivik|beerboybeerboy, no04:38
chapiumpastebin is no longer in the topic >:-[04:38
lukaswayne9FoX_44470: My French 1 class didn't take me that far!  I can say "J'adore la glace", though! ;-)04:38
Efnianbrandon_, try running ' update-alternatives --config java '04:38
=== Troy [n=troypigg@CPE-147-10-90-118.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
T-CANif i want to change permissions of a whole partition could i do    sudo chmod 755 /dev/media/windows  ?04:38
Warbo|Sivik|: I don't see why it would be your graphics card unless you use xgl04:38
EfnianPerpetual Penguin04:38
henriquemaiawhats the link for the current daily builds?04:39
SurfnKidGot the ATI thing inttstalled, but now i have a CHOPPY Rendering Mode04:39
|Sivik|Warbo: then what else could it be04:39
slavik!tell ray__ about pastebin04:39
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chapiumT-CAN: is that ntfs?04:39
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Warbo|Sivik|: No idea04:39
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SurfnKidRenders for 3 seconds chops 1 renders 3 chops 1 non stop04:39
|Sivik|Warbo, do you understand what i'm trying to say04:39
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nhainesT-CAN, vfat doesn't support permissions other than read-only.04:39
ray__!tell ray__ about pastebin04:39
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SurfnKidcould it be my Centrino chip lacking cpu power04:39
intelikeyQ.  is there a way to get mount/fstab to use sf-specific settings on different types of removable media ?04:39
intelikeyray__ pastebin it and we'll have a look.04:39
T-CANwell that sucks04:39
|Sivik|Warbo, it begins by closing ff or terminal once or twice and then if i'm still using the computer, it goes back to the login screen, if i'm not using the computer, it just freezes completely and i have to restart04:39
ray__commands are not workng04:39
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mkingray__ use google04:40
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FoX_44470lukaswayne9> me, my english is very bad, but I love ice-cream04:40
lukaswayne9FoX_44470: Ah, good! :)04:40
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Warbo|Sivik|: No idea sorry, just don't think it is a problem with pci-e04:40
lukaswayne9FoX_44470: english is tough language04:40
|Sivik|Warbo: ok04:40
brandon_Efnian, that gives me a list of 4 possibilities04:40
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slavikray__: in terminal "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/Desktop/xorg.conf"04:40
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 04:40
|Sivik|Warbo: i have been trying to figure this out for over a week04:40
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Efnianbrandon_, there should be  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java04:41
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Warbo|Sivik|: I am just thinking that problems with pci-e would probably not start GDM at all04:41
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henriquemaiaThe live CD can be installed?04:41
brandon_Efnian, i have selected that option, so i'll give azureus a shot again04:41
slavikhenriquemaia: yes04:41
intelikeyooooh temp desync from server....04:42
henriquemaiaThanks, slavik04:42
=== Davey|MbP [i=foobar@77-231.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FoX_44470<lukaswayne9> yes, very difficult for me, but it's life !04:42
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intelikeyhehhe i was wondering why no one was talking.... then it resynced.04:42
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|Sivik|Warbo: k04:42
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Booosorry just signed in ..so is Ubuntu 6.06 out yet?04:43
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nhainesbooo: no.04:43
slavikBooo: not yet04:43
lukaswayne9Boo /topic04:43
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bkhBooo: The duck is still getting dressed.04:43
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Boooslavik: any idea when?04:43
OmniDUTC? What time is it UTC04:43
hassanwee, soooo excited.  tick tock04:43
ray__i'm just trying to get the TV to show exactly what's on my LCD at the moment04:43
lukaswayne9Oh great!  Just what I always wanted!  A new version of eject!04:43
WarboAnyone tried Gnash?04:43
bimberiBooo: /topic !!04:43
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davidmccabethough that patch is from 2004, I'm still having that problem in Breezy.04:44
brandon_Efnian, that seems to have worked, except that i can't get that damned message to go away04:44
nhainesIt is 03:44 UTC04:44
Booobimberi: thanks04:44
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bimberiBooo: np :)04:44
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FoX_44470No, 2h44 UTC04:44
jaimehello everybody04:44
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nhainesHi, jai  :)04:44
intelikeyray__ mmmm no v4l in the modules ?04:45
Boooi feel like a kid on the night before x-mas :)04:45
ubuntucan some one help m einstall ubuntu?04:45
jaimehow you doing04:45
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nhainesI mean jaime, sorry.  :)04:45
ray__intelikey, v4l?04:45
nhainesWhat is the problem, ubuntu?04:45
jaimeits ok04:45
chapiumHmm, I screwed up my x-session permissions or something.  How do I update ubuntu's time by the terminal?04:45
intelikeyvidio for linux04:45
ubuntucan u install ubuntu onto harddrive from a live cd?04:45
Warboubuntu: Have you tried yet? If you have a problem what is it?04:45
Efnianbrandon_, i'm not sure what message you mean, but open the  Help ->  About, and try to close the message again, while the about box open.04:45
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WarboUbuntu: From Dapper you can, not Breezy (latest stable)04:45
ubuntui just want to know how i install from a live cd?04:45
nhainesubuntu, yes, with Ubuntu 6.06 you can do so.04:46
BilfordIs anyone planning on not upgrading to Dapper?04:46
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bimberiubuntu: the 6.06 LTS LiveCD has an Install icon on the desktop04:46
nhainesubuntu, there will be an "install" icon on the desktop of the Desktop CD (live CD)04:46
intelikeyBilford i04:46
your_momwhats the sudo apt to install xorg. it seems i uninstalled, and messed up my whole system04:46
brandon_Efnian, i started using the newest version from the site, and it works. thanks!04:46
Warboubuntu: If you see a HD install icon in the CD then you can. If not then you have the "old" version04:46
=== [Dave] Dave [n=david@pool-141-152-145-247.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bilfordintelikey, why not04:46
intelikeyalready there04:46
nhainesBilford, I've been running dapper for three months with no problems.04:46
ubuntuok cool04:46
brandon_Efnian, as a matter of fact, this should be in the wiki04:46
Efnianbrandon_, what?04:46
ray__intelikey, what is v4l? i've never heard of that04:46
lukaswayne9nhaines: same here, i've been running it pretty since the repos were available.. i was dapper tried and true, even through all the X breakages04:47
Bilfordnhaines, is that when the first release was?04:47
ubuntuand i heard u can do a dual boot, like windows and ubuntu? can hard drive install ubuntu and not erase windows?04:47
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=== Viaken has been running dapper for a couple months with small problems that get resolved (or, at least, traded out) every upgrade.
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brandon_Efnian, how to get azureus to work, because a lot of people are having java related trouble with it04:47
nictukuubuntu, indeed you can04:47
chapiumubuntu: if the partitions are already setup you probably can04:47
pike__ubuntu: yes the installer can resize your windows partition and create a new one for ubuntu04:47
ubuntuhow do i do that?04:47
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chapiumpike__: oooo04:47
lukaswayne9Does the Ubuntu Desktop CD resize NTFS?04:47
Warboubuntu: Ubuntu will see windows and ask if you want to shrink it to make room for Ubuntu (you need free space in Wndows in order to shrink it) then you get a choice when you boot for windows or ubuntu04:47
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nhainesBilford, no, it started in November, I think, but I usually wait until about four or five months in before trying.04:48
mawacool with the chrink feature, does it work well?04:48
Efnianbrandon_, noprob, i think the repo one, which is optimized for blackdown java, is fairly easy to install.04:48
=== bifodus [n=eric@roy-tuc-univ-148-229.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
jaimenhaines do you got msn so we can chat04:48
ubuntuok when i clikc on the "cd" on the desktop i see a folder that says install, is that what folder i go in?04:48
Efnianbrandon_, although i prefer the official one, it's cleaner.04:48
nhainesmawa, yes, it works extremely well.04:48
Warboubuntu: It is much easier to set up with Dapper though, as it has graphics (Breezy install CD is text-based)04:48
nhainesjaime I do have msn, yes.04:48
jaimecan you add me04:48
ubuntuoo ok04:48
intelikeyray__ i'm not 'sure' you need v4l to get that to work.   but  apt-cache search v4l04:48
ubuntucan i download drapper while i am on the live cd?04:49
ubuntuthen install?04:49
slavikubuntu, why?04:49
Warboubuntu: You cannot install from breezy livecd (like you have), it is not hidden away, it is not there04:49
=== Efnian [n=efnian@addr-85-23-12-166.suomi.net] has left #ubuntu []
ubuntunever mind04:49
ubuntuso i have to download drapper, then burn it to a cd and the ninstall it?04:49
intelikeyray__ was v4l not an option in the modules section of your config ?04:49
jaimei have some problems with my ubuntu and i think you can help me fix them04:49
slavikubuntu, just wait for the release livecd04:49
T-CANhas anyone in here tried building a Linux from scratch system?04:49
ubuntuwhen is that?04:49
mawais there any "known" reason to why would not be able to access the capture controls in alsamixer?04:49
=== todd [n=todd@ool-4575bed9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warboubuntu: If you download the Dapper cd you will not be able to save it if you use windows xp (linux cannot write to ntfs partitions) unless you save it to a usb drive or something04:50
lukaswayne9T-CAN: Does Archlinux count? :)04:50
paradonT-CAN: I did, a long time ago.04:50
=== ollo82 [n=oliver@p3EE2B876.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
T-CANhow did it turn out?04:50
Warboubuntu: I mean from within the LiveCD04:50
paradonT-CAN: Initial setup isn't _too_ bad... updates are a b****04:50
hassanlinux from scratch was too hard for me and i've done stage 1 from stage 3 tarball gentoo with no problems04:50
T-CANya, i can imagine04:50
=== Bilford [n=bilford@71-32-126-171.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubuntuso if i get out of the live cd and use windows and download drapper then burn it to a cd then install it?04:50
ray__intelikey, that doesn't seem to be what i need. nvidia drivers should work just fine04:50
slavikhassan: is that your first name?04:50
Flannelubuntu: right.04:51
nhainesjaime, sure, what's your MSN Messenger username?04:51
paradonAs in, I never updated stuff at all unless I really needed to...04:51
T-CANhassan, really?04:51
hassanlast name04:51
Bilfordnhaines, when do you think the first Edgy releasse will be04:51
ray__especially with all the howtos i've seen04:51
ubuntuwhats the big difference between drapper and breazy badger?04:51
FlannelBilford: edgy will release in octover04:51
slaviknvm then04:51
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your_momwhats the sudo apt to install xorg. it seems i uninstalled, and messed up my whole system, any help pleae04:51
intelikeyray__ other than the missing v4l  i don't see any thing that looks  amiss04:51
BilfordFlannel, not official04:51
BilfordFlannel, testing releases04:51
h3h_timohas anyone ever tried xubuntu on an xbox?04:51
nhainesBilford, probably in a month or so.  But the actual release will be in mid-October.04:51
Flannelubuntu: ubuntu.com/testing/dapperbeta04:51
Warboyour_mom: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg04:51
paradonT-CAN: I went from LinuxFromScratch to SourceMage, which was a huge, huge improvement :-)04:51
ubuntuok cool04:51
slavik"sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" to whoever messed up their install04:51
ubuntuis it easy to install for a newbie?04:52
ray__intelikey, say i dl'ed v4l-conf, would i specify something in xorg.conf myself?04:52
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lukaswayne9T-CAN: arch linux is pretty cool if you want to learn the ins and outs of the system... it's kinda like a binary gentoo04:52
Warboubuntu: Yes, just read what it tells you carefully (it is a big step, installing an OS)04:52
T-CANparadon, did you try LFS relatively early in your Linux career? did it help you learn a lot?04:52
nhainesubuntu: it couldn't be easier.  Get the Desktop CD and then you can boot into it and install it from there.04:52
ubuntuyea i did damns small linux on my laptop04:52
hassant-can yeah. lfs can be done but stick to a guide from the forums04:52
ubuntuthis seems easier04:52
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ubuntuanywho drapper is graphical u said, so that shoudl be easy04:53
=== Viaken ought to try LFS.
intelikeyray__ and like i said.  i don't know that you need it,  but you can try adding    section "Module"   load  v4l04:53
intelikeyin section modules that is04:53
Warboubuntu: Yep, it uses gparted I think (to shrink windows/create Linux partitions)04:53
nhainesYes, it has a wizard with 7 pages, it asks just a couple questions, and then it goes to work.  :)04:53
ubuntuand in the graphical interface will it allow me to keep windows?04:53
SurfnKidI figured out why I was chopping04:53
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nhainesubuntu: yes.04:53
lukaswayne9T-CAN: i would reccommend Arch, I learned a lot from Arch04:53
paradonT-CAN: Well, I'd been using Redhat 6 as my primary OS for about 2 years, and working as a sysadmin with Mandrake7 servers for about a year, when I installed LFS.  But yeah, I learned a fair bit.04:53
ubuntucool thanks for the help04:53
ubuntuu guys are the best04:53
jaimedoes any know where i can get linux manuals04:53
SurfnKid3Ddesk creates a burden on the CPU and chops the screensaver so no more 3D desk04:54
davidmccabeSamsung's support website is 404.04:54
ray__intelikey, one more question: everytime i save the xorg.conf file, do i have to restart?04:54
WoodwardAverepos are getting slammed04:54
ray__in order for changes to show up?04:54
intelikeyonly restart X  not a reboot04:54
WarboHas anyone tried Gnash? Did they have problems with Macromedia/Adobe Flash since?04:54
SurfnKidhey intelikey I got my ATI card going =D now I can do cool graphics04:54
intelikeyray__ issue  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:55
ray__i tried hitting ctrl+alt+backspace and i don't know how to get x to start up again04:55
cowbudwhen I do something like xterm -bg black it says color name "black" undefined and yet I have a /etc/X11/rgb.txt wtih black in it..any ideas?04:55
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Warboray__: in a console (ctrl-alt-f1) type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to restart the graphics without rebooting04:55
nhainesjaime, I'm sorry, I didn't see your message with your username.  I just added you.04:55
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T-CANlukaswayne9, so how do I get started with arch?04:56
SurfnKidWarbo is that how you start the gdm lets say if you dont go directly to the logon screen?04:56
intelikeySurfnKid good on ya there04:56
=== PrimoTurbo [n=primo@209-161-240-177.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidyep mate04:56
WarboSurfnKid: Yes, it makes any temporary files it needs to (better than typing "sudo gdm")04:56
jaimespeak to me04:56
lukaswayne9T-CAN: http://archlinux.org   They have an excellent guide from installing, setting up the system, and using the core tools04:56
jaimeon msn04:56
intelikeySurfnKid just venella sudo gdm04:56
PrimoTurboAnyone have any clue on when Ubuntu will be out I want to download it as soon as possible :p04:56
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pike__cowbud: if you designate a foreground too xterm -fg green -bg black does it work?04:56
nhainesPrimoTurbo, today.04:56
=== cached is now known as DapperDrake
lukaswayne9T-CAN: they also have a helpful community at #archlinux04:57
=== nhaines will be a good Netizen and use BitTorrent to grab Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.
SurfnKidso If I disable the option to have the logon screen then I'll just have a prompt correct?04:57
WarboSurfnKid: You cannot do that in a GUI though, as it will stop but not start again because the GUI telling it what to do is gone (use stop and start for that)04:57
nhainesEven though it messes with my connection lately!  :p04:57
=== PrimoTurbo will leach it from a ftp
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intelikeySurfnKid yep04:57
SurfnKidok cool04:57
paradonT-CAN: Archlinux is a fairly nice, fairly light, binary distro, with a very nice package build system that's very reminiscent of BSD Ports04:57
SurfnKidin case anyone wants to mess with this pc and I know how to get into the gdm =D04:57
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WarboSurfnKid: Use start instead of restart if it is not already running04:58
cluehammeronly an hour to go!04:58
cowbudpike__: it comes up black fine but it complains about not having black defined..04:58
SurfnKidWarbo I gotcha04:58
lukaswayne9paradon: i used to be a hardcore archer.. really showed me the ropes of linux04:58
lukaswayne9paradon: i've made so many arch packages in my day04:58
SurfnKidso its always better to do it in one of the terminal screens04:58
intelikeySurfnKid also of note you might want to start x via the startx command.   that bypasses gdm and puts you right into the wm of your choice (gnome default)04:59
DapperDrakecluehammer: /topic04:59
BeforewisdomIf I wait until tomorrow will the update manager take care of upgrading Ubuntu for me?04:59
sailorptahhello :)  I have an Acer TravelMate 8200 running Breezy Badger here, and it can't seem to find the network card, or the battery.  (It thinks it's running on AC power even when unplugged.  The problem is that I can't see how much power the battery has left.)  Help, please?04:59
DapperDrakeplease dont ask that04:59
paradonlukaswayne9: I haven't used it heavily, just on a couple of old machines where I wanted a lightweight distro with XFCE... but I'll almost certainly use it next time I want to make a "customised" server distro.  In the past I've used SourceMage... but compiling everything on every machine is annoying.04:59
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intelikeySurfnKid most console users  use   startx  for X sessions04:59
SurfnKidhow do i chose the WM of my choice with startx04:59
WarboBeforewisdom: I doubt it. You will need to change breezy to dapper in your sources.list then it will do it04:59
cowbudSurfnKid: edit your .xinitrc05:00
leoneldapper  !!  come out come out wherever you are !05:00
SurfnKidi see05:00
lukaswayne9paradon: yeah.. arch has pretty nice optimizations as well05:00
SurfnKidthatll be homework for later05:00
=== bkh goes looking for a duck whistle.
BeforewisdomWarbo, I saw a post on slashdot that said the update manager should take care of it, was that post bullshit?05:00
intelikeySurfnKid you have to have other wm's installed to choose them.05:00
lukaswayne9paradon: i just installed ubuntu on my server, that's working out pretty nicely05:00
SurfnKidIm just getting the hang of this OS05:00
nhainesBeforewisdom, that's not true.  Your Upgrade Manager will let you upgrade automatically.05:00
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MTecknologyanybody know off hand what dependencies cvswine needs?05:00
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SurfnKidintelikey, right I have a few already but dont come up on the session options05:00
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WarboBeforewisdom: If you redirect your update manager from breezy to dapper then it will be fine, you have to redirect it manually though05:00
=== hassan is eating duck, yummy duck from china town.
Shaezschedapper is dumb if it cannot recognize software modems05:01
nhainesWarbo, that's nto true.  If he redirects it he will break it.05:01
leonelHEY  dapper  !!  come out come out wherever you are !05:01
HealotShaezsche: no, you are :-05:01
=== uncreative [n=uncreati@c-69-251-181-29.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboBeforewisdom: There is a file /etc/apt/sources.list which you should open (as super user) and replace any "breezy" with "dapper" then reload synaptic05:01
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Shaezscheseriously, how hard is it to program a linux distro to recognize modems?05:01
intelikeySurfnKid one can for instance issue a command like    startx /usr/bin/xfce4    to open an xfce session    iirc05:01
FlannelShaezsche: how hard is it for the modem manufacturers to release the specifications of the modem?05:02
ViakenShaezsche: http://linmodem.org05:02
Beforewisdomthanks warbo.  I might wait a few days, I can hear servers creaking now05:02
nhainesBeforewisdom, do not change your sources.list file.  You will break your install.05:02
WarboShaezsche: Seriously, how hard is it to make a modem that is a modem? :)05:02
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Shaezscheviaken that prog doesnt recognize my modem05:02
HealotShaezsche: Real modem, easy, soft modem lacks of driver and even a nit of support from manufacture05:02
Shaezscheand viaken why isnt that built into ubuntu?05:02
nhainesBeforewisdom, as soon as 6.06 is released, your update manager will offer to let you upgrade.05:02
intelikeySurfnKid be sure to tab complete commands like that.05:02
SurfnKidiirc as in chat?05:02
Warbonhaines: My install is fine???05:02
SurfnKidright full path05:02
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knanandwhat is de cmd to install rpm packages05:02
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intelikeyiirc=if i recall correctly05:02
Healotalien <rpm file>05:02
Warboknanand: Use alien on them first, and that is a bit dodgy05:02
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SurfnKidoh lol05:02
lukaswayne9well it's bedtime for me, night all05:02
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nhainesWarbo, there is a special upgrade tool that handles the update and tranistional and obsoleted packages.05:03
Warbonhaines: Does it? Cool05:03
SurfnKidhey is there a command line based IRC that i can get to in case i have trouble thru the terminal05:03
Shaezscheubuntu also doesnt recognize laptop card readers05:03
Shaezscheat least rarely05:03
lwarimavCan anyone here tell me how to restore my firefox in ubuntu???05:03
spikebSurfnKid, irssi05:03
henriquemaiaWhat's this? ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/05:03
SurfnKidmight need that when all else fails05:03
spikebSurfnKid, i think it is installed by default05:03
SurfnKidcuz im definitely not bootin to WXP05:03
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intelikeySurfnKid several in fact.  even xchat has a text mode05:04
knanandWarbo: is it alien <pkg_name> ??05:04
WhatTheDeuceHey.  I'm having some trouble getting cl-curl working.  I've installed libcurl3-dev, cl-uffi, and cl-asdf, but when I try (asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op :curl) (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :curl) I get errors05:04
SurfnKidyeah something so i can crank up and ask for help05:04
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HealotIs anyone here who dumb enough to ask question about proprietary hardware?05:04
ViakenShaezsche: These things are not so simple as you seem to think. Manufacturers worldwide are making their own, custom interfaces and hardware and not providing any documentation or help for people wanting to interface it. It's like trying to learn an alien language with no training programs, no books, just a native speaker that can't understand you, either.05:04
intelikeySurfnKid i'm using bx as we speak05:04
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lwarimavHow can I restore firefox???05:04
chronwhat is the gnome browser called?05:04
Warboknanand: You need the rpm file in the directory your terminal is in (default is home) then "sudo alien packagefile.rpm"05:04
chronthe command05:04
=== sizzymia [n=maria@cpe-24-195-134-192.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pike__lwarimav: what mean you restore? an easy workaround would be just download the updated firefox to your home directory and run it from there05:04
chronon ubuntu05:05
nhaineschron, epiphany05:05
=== klormexor [n=klormexo@cpe-68-203-220-22.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeylwarimav restore ?05:05
K|NgGh0sTHow can I stop Kubuntu from displaying LCD ON,  every 4 mins05:05
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nhaineschron,  Or maybe nautilus --browser05:05
klormexor< SurfnKid on irssi05:05
=== mrproper [n=kbreit@c-71-201-124-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeychron nautilus ?05:05
Warbochron: epiphany (not to be confused with the boulderdash clone)05:05
klormexorok im outs05:05
lwarimavFirefox doesn't work....05:05
mrproperWhen I try to install vmware-player from multiverse, it says it cannot display the license.05:05
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lwarimavShould I reinstalle it???05:05
chronok thanks05:05
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chronmy friend not too good at linux05:05
chronneeds a root browser05:05
chronto drag and drop fles05:05
chroni guess thats the friendliest way?  even though it's not secure05:06
=== kaled looks for pony
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pike__lwarimav: if you type 'killall firefox-bin' does that fix it?05:06
nbx909dapper is out05:06
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Shaezschewill ubuntu even recognize the intel 900 graphics chipset?05:06
sailorptahCan anyone tell me how to get my laptop to detect the network card?  Or the battery?05:07
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=== bkh hides the pony.
Warbolwarimav: Has it been installed through Synapic/apt? Then I would try a complete removel (--purge) and reinstall if the problem persists05:07
=== KurtKraut [n=ktk@200217087051.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
nhainesnbx909, that is probably the release candidate.05:07
nbx909no it's not05:07
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nbx909look at it05:07
nbx909the release clients have rc05:07
chron"epiphany: command not found"05:07
chronyou sure thats the browser?05:07
Shaezscheits an alternate install iso05:07
Healotread the release document yet?05:07
lwarimavthank Warbo... I'll try that05:07
Shaezscheits rc05:07
chronor is it nautilus?05:07
WarboShaezsche: It's got 3D acceleration built into the kernel for intel I think05:07
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sailorptahOkay, how about this: Can anyone HEAR me?  Are these messages coming through?05:07
knanandWarbo: alien cmd not found.05:07
nbx909sailorptah, ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso05:07
sailorptahAh, thank you.05:08
nbx909Shaezsche, ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso05:08
intelikeylwarimav i'm not sure what you are wanting to restore though ?    if you mean reinstall it.  then apt-get purge it and then install ubuntu-desktop  but if you have broken it locally that wont help you.    test this.  do sudo useradd something && sudo passwd something     logout and login as something with the passwd you set.  then start ff and see if the break is local or system.05:08
Warbochron: Epiphany is GNOME's favourite browser, but Ubuntu uses firefox (type it)05:08
chroni'm trying to drag and drop files as root, how would i do this?05:08
nbx909it has the rc along with all of them05:08
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Warboknanand: You need to install it (sudo apt-get install alien)05:08
sizzymiai'm trying to print to my photo tray with a HP photosmart 7760 and it won't work.  I can print with the normal tray, but not the photo tray.  any ideas?05:08
lwarimavok intelikey05:08
SurfnKidI just thougght of this today, maybe you all have, but the fact that running an OS where you have no clue whats on the background, except maybe limited to only killing processes and viewing CPU time and load has made me think of linux now, it gets you involved, you actually know what is the pc loading to, module wise and processes wise, and if something fails even then you can code your way out of a crash05:09
kaledhmm, where are the .torrents?05:09
chronif you run nautilus as root05:09
=== kIOsk [i=hans@p54A806B2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
argpirateanyone know where to get a newer version of kxdocker?05:09
chronare you looking at screw ups?05:09
intelikeylwarimav if it works for something  you have files in your normal users $HOME  that are causing the issue.  else it's a system break05:09
Warbochron: Yes, especially for a newbie05:09
chroni'm trying to drag and drop files as root05:09
SurfnKidjust a thought =D05:09
chronhow can i do this?05:09
Flannelchron: gksudo nautilus05:09
Warbochron: What files?05:09
chronok thanks05:10
chronjust alot of files05:10
chronfrom one hd to another05:10
Warbochron: i mean, why do you need root?05:10
Flannelchron: just be careful ;)05:10
bkhSurfnKid: Yeah, having a system that isn't designed to hide things from you is a definite plus when you're learning this stuff...05:10
Warbochron: Set the permissions properly and you have solved the underlying issue05:10
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chronthats what i'm trying to get him to do05:10
bkhI certainly learned alot my first time using linux... but then, that was with slackware back around kernel 0.83 or so :)05:11
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Shaezschehow can i edit the kernal?05:11
RTB|Waiting4Daprok nevermind\05:11
=== intelikey realies that SurfnKid is hooked. he'll never be worth a dime now......
=== MrSiggler [n=kris@hlfxns01bbh-142068191182.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
RTB|Waiting4DaprI thought you were someone else05:11
bkhShaezsche: Go to /usr/src/linux05:11
intelikeywelcome to the club SurfnKid05:11
ViakenShaezsche: That's probably in the wiki, too, if you want more details.05:11
=== Efnian [n=efnian@addr-85-23-12-166.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
Harold_PSo far all the links I've gotten, even the .pool one seem to be RC's05:12
WarboShaezsche: Install the source and go to it, then configure it and make it and use the bzImage it makes as your kernel05:12
Shaezschenavigating that wiki is daunting05:12
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Shaezschewhat do you mean install the source? shouldnt it automatically be installed if i am running the operating system05:12
WarboShaezsche: I think it is in /lib/modules/<kernelversion>/build as well (linked)05:12
intelikeyShaezsche lol05:12
nhainesNo, Shaezsche, only the binaries are installed when you run the OS.05:13
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chapiumhelp, the X just switched to 640x480 and i forgot the key combination that changes it.  Everything is huge now!05:13
Shaezschewell, how do i install the source? must it be dled?05:13
ViakenShaezsche: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto?highlight=%28kernel%2905:13
WarboShaezsche: No, the source is about 40MB+ which is not really needed. For building programs the linux-headers package suffices05:13
Shaezschethanks via lol05:13
nosklohmm seems like final version is here ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ ?05:13
ShaezscheNO nosklo stfu05:13
=== offby1 [n=user@pdpc/supporter/bronze/offby1] has joined #ubuntu
ViakenThe search has always worked for me. :P05:13
nbx909that's it05:13
Shaezschethat was an alternate install version05:13
offby1is it straightforward to upgrade Debian Sarge to Dapper?05:13
Shaezschei know nothing about linux but i KNOW thats  a RC05:13
intelikeyShaezsche you could install the full linux source tree including the source for all apps........  got a few tara to waste.05:13
Warbooffby1: no05:14
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noskloit doesnt have the "rc' tag in the filename05:14
nbx909Shaezsche, the alternate verson means just a text install05:14
offby1Warbo: is there anything written about it, or should I not even try?05:14
noskloand the modify date is today05:14
=== whitesuit [n=angelus@201-1-132-125.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Mixxlook at the upload dates of them05:14
SurfnKidlol intelikey05:14
Krhis722b8b4a75f977a76a722d4a2b071b19  ubuntu-6.06-desktop-amd64.iso <<<< Not a RC?05:14
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SurfnKidthe Molecule screen saver has got me so hooked, im lovin it05:14
Warbooffby1: Well, I would recommend starting from scratch with Dapper, but if you don't mind wasting a bit of time you could have a go and learn a bit05:14
Viakenintelikey: I run Gentoo on my desktop. All the source is on it, and it only takes up 6G.05:14
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Healotjust let Mark announce the release...05:15
ViakenIt's compressed, true, but it's there.05:15
RTB|Waiting4Daprwell the servers are up05:15
Healotgreedy Ubuntu freaks05:15
offby1Warbo: what might you expect to be the problem?05:15
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whitesuitis it out?05:15
Flannelwhitesuit: stop it.  no.05:15
SurfnKidbkh yeah just be able to code something even if you're not a programmer, im a network engineer i hate coding, im terrible with syntax, and look at me ive done a few things here and there05:15
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spikebuntil it's been announced, it's not out.05:15
PrimoTurbowhitesuit: thanks downloading now05:15
intelikeyViaken your All   and my  All   !=05:15
mumanddadwhat's the best way to allow remote logins to dapper?05:15
BilfordMark Shuttleworth is going to announce it in here?05:15
Warbooffby1: PAckages are given different names and are built with different versions of glibc and stuff, meaning that they all conflict and the ones which do install may not work right05:15
GreedyUbuntuFreassh I think05:16
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pike__mumanddad: im partial to freenx05:16
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GreedyUbuntuFreabut i'm not a greedy ubuntu freak or anything05:16
ablyssmumanddad: the ablyss-a-fied way ;-)05:16
intelikeyViaken your all = all that you have installed.   my all = all there is.05:16
bzakscould anyone help me out? I tried installing php, but the phpmodule for apache didn't install05:16
whitesuitFlannel, what is that file then?05:16
offby1Warbo: ah.  You have properly frightened me :-)  Thanks05:16
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Flannelwhitesuit: not necessarily the final one.05:16
PrimoTurbowait is that the release or no?05:16
DShepherdis ubuntu out now?05:16
lysishow's it going everybody?05:16
Efnianit is not out05:16
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GreedyUbuntuFreaDShepherd, NO05:16
PrimoTurbogood downloading it now05:16
DShepherdlysis: ok so far05:16
mumanddadare you all drunk? :-)05:16
DShepherdGreedyUbuntuFrea: ok05:16
lysisDShepherd: ubuntu's been out for a while. =)05:16
Hisakasexhelp with postfix05:17
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DShepherdlysis: :-P05:17
lysisDShepherd: =)   did you mean dapper?  lol  ;)05:17
intelikeymumanddad no i'm a troll....05:17
=== GreedyUbuntuFrea is now known as Roger_The_Bum
DShepherdso who's been raising the false alarm05:17
ViakenHm...speaking of that, I probably don't need the source for the past 4 versions of OOo...05:17
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PrimoTurbohold on is dapper drake out yet or no? what am I downloading atm?05:17
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DShepherdlysis: no i didnt i meant edgy :-)05:17
Roger_The_Bumthe RC05:17
Hisakasexif I set $mynetwork to do I need to set smptd_restriction_parameters also to something?05:17
pike__mumanddad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX05:17
mumanddadif your downloading from the website probably Breezy05:17
mumanddadthanks pike05:17
Hisakasexonly localhost05:17
Roger_The_BumI'm So Hakcing you!!11!05:17
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lysisRoger_The_Bum: is the standard loopback address.05:18
PrimoTurboHow will the file be named? ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso05:18
Roger_The_Bumno duh05:18
mumanddadlol... I'm behind a firewall05:18
lysisRoger_The_Bum: you seemed confused05:18
nhainesPrimoTurbo, you 're probably downloading a daily CD.05:18
Roger_The_BumI was going to do a connection reset by peer thing05:18
eXcentralysis: it's just a joke ;P05:18
PrimoTurbok I'll wait for offical word then05:18
nhainesPrimoTurbo, the website will be updated as soon as 6.06 is out.05:18
WarboRoger_The_Bum: NO!! Whois says that's me!05:18
ablyssmumanddad: get sshd, set up /etc/hosts.allow, run a cron job to check for remote access via http that recognizing a "secret" pass to remote in, which the cron job will read and edit /etc/hosts.allow.. u then can safely remotely log into an encrypted system05:18
HisakasexI don't want any machine in my network to send emails05:18
=== lysis sighs
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lysiswell i wasn't here for the beginning of the joke!!! =)05:18
intelikeyhehhe dl all your warez at
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lysishahaha intelikey05:19
bzakshow do I go about removing something I put in by using "make install"? is there a "unmake" or "uninstall" ?05:19
=== Roger_The_Bum hacks
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Warbobzaks: Usually "make uninstall"05:19
eXcentralysis: :| heh, for a sec i thought that you might've been acting sarcastic as well.05:19
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lysisRoger_The_Bum: i bet you'll never figure out the password . . .05:19
Brennancan someone help me with installing limewire?05:19
Belutzso, the dapper haven't out yet05:19
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seifewhere can i download dapper drake final release?05:19
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Brennanim new to ubuntu and dont know how to do t his05:19
Viakenseife: /topic05:19
bzaksthanks Warbo05:19
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Flannelseife: you can't yet.05:19
WimSexactly where does the packages i download with a-get gets storedo nmy harddisk ?05:19
lysiseXcentra: nope. haha  i thought he was going "" and then my brain was adding "wtf is that?" so i immediately answered for him of course. haha05:20
seifeFlannel: why not05:20
WarboBrennan: Do you have: Java and Universe05:20
Flannelseife: it's not out yet.05:20
Shaezschesudo eat bill gates05:20
Brennani do not05:20
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Flannel!tell Brennan about limewire05:20
WimSexactly where does the packages i download with apt-get gets storedo nmy harddisk ?05:20
eXcentralysis: haha, i see05:20
Brennancan you give me ae link?05:20
Shaezschewhy doesnt that command work?05:20
Warbo!tell Brennan about universe05:20
FlannelBrennan: check your pm from ubotu05:20
bzaksWarbo: if I want to uninstall with make, what folder to I go to?05:20
lysisWimS: i believe /usr/local/bin ?05:20
Warbo!tell Brennan about java05:20
AngryElf897 ppl in the chan, that's a lot yea?05:20
nhainesWimS: /var/cache/apt/cache/archives05:20
WimSlysis thanks05:20
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lastnode    05:20
SurfnKidnow that ive got the Video card, the restrictedDRM thing now i need to get my fan sensors running05:20
lysislastnode: what? lol05:20
cluehammermore in gentoo05:20
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SurfnKidlastnode whoaaaaaaoooaoaoaaaa05:20
lastnodesorry, font05:20
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cluehammerthough thats probably cause they all need to beg for help to get it to work05:21
lastnodei was typing in sinhala05:21
seifeFlannel: when its going to be released05:21
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Warbobzaks: The folder that contains the program (all instructions for make are in a Makefile in each source directory)05:21
Shaezscheam i retarded if i am installing ubuntu for gaming?05:21
Flannelseife: check the topic.05:21
lastnodeguys, is there a good character map for gnome?05:21
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bzaksoh!!! so if I deleted it, I'm fucked?05:21
Flannellastnode: gnome has a character map. yes.05:21
EfnianShaezsche, no, you're not.05:21
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Flannelbzaks: language.05:21
seifei want it at 0:0005:21
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lysisShaezsche: depends, how much you like chess?05:21
seifehehhe jk05:21
Roger_The_Bumthat looked bangladesh-ish05:21
lastnodeFlannel, where is it?05:21
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Flannellastnode: sigh, going to make me fire up gnome? ;)  probably in accessories.  let me look.05:21
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crimsunlastnode: Applications> Accessories> Character Map05:21
Flannelthanks crimsun05:22
Healotplayed a lot of 3D on ubuntu/other gnu/linux distro05:22
Warbobzaks: Redownload it, configure it then make uninstall05:22
Strokeracehi, I need some help with a live cd05:22
ViakenI play lots of games on Ubuntu.05:22
Healotegoboo is one of my favorite05:22
bzaksthanks Warbo!05:22
Shaezschethe only game i play is warcraft 305:22
Shaezscheand starcraft05:22
Healotwho need windows games05:22
nefelimi'm using ubuntu, would there be a problem if i install the kde desktop or do i need to reinstall using the kubuntu instead? thanks...05:22
=== jain [n=jain@c-24-5-197-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cluehammermmmm starcraft05:22
lysisi could never get cedega, cxo, or wine to work properly for me05:22
ablyssnefelim: no problem05:22
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Warbonefelim: You can use both fine05:22
nhainesStrokerace, what's the problem?05:22
your_momis there a way to get around "overwriting now allowed05:22
Strokeracelive cd doesn't work on my HP laptop05:22
Flannelnefelim: nope, just install kubuntu-desktop05:22
Roger_The_BumOh ReaLlY?05:23
nhainesnefelim, install kubuntu-desktop05:23
nefelimah okay thanks05:23
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ViakenNo, actually, Chromium, Planet Penguin Racer, Battle for Wesnoth, Blob Wars, Globulation, Fish Fillets, ScummVM with the free games in the depos, etc.05:23
Roger_The_BumI should remember that05:23
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Hisakasexneed help with postfix05:23
Roger_The_Bumthat's awesom05:23
ablyssnefelim: just take note if you use QT theme engine with KDE, gtk apps will break often05:23
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Roger_The_Bumok never mind then05:23
nefelimwhat is qt?05:23
Warbonefelim: The buttons and stuff KDE uses. GNOME uses GTK, they use different themes and stuff05:23
cluehammerenemy territory!05:24
lysisnefelim: sometimes girls call me a QT05:24
ubotusensors is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SensorInstallHowto05:24
CheeseBurgerMannefelim: KDEs graphic toolkit...like GTK for gnome.05:24
ablyssqt theme engine is a theme engine that makes gtk apps look like kde apps05:24
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Strokeraceit get an error when it goes to the desktop and gnome05:24
nefelima okey05:24
nefelimso which is better gnome or kde?05:24
lysisi prefer gnome05:24
Viakenah ok05:24
Warbonefelim: Don't start a flame war!05:24
nhainesnefelim, they are both very good, but act a little different.05:24
Shaezscheif i disable my internal HD, and set my laptop to boot to an USB HD with the install CD in the drive, will it automatically intall on the external drive? or will i need to use a special command?05:24
nefelimhahahhaa sorry05:24
_nano_nefelim: personal preference05:24
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!05:24
=== felly [n=felly@c-68-42-29-136.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BilfordUbuntu is on the ABC News:  http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=202657205:24
Flannelnefelim: go to offtopic for WM wars ;)05:24
chronare file system checks done automatically on ubuntu?05:25
cluehammeryou know, i bet ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso really IS the file seeing as how it's timestamped for this morning, still i'm waiting for the torrent05:25
=== carlosqueso [n=will@68-191-68-123.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Warbonefelim: Try both and see which you prefer. I like features of both, but GNOME has more I like and less I dislike05:25
_nano_chron: you can set that on fstab05:25
=== Funkmon [i=Funkmon@c-69-241-255-213.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nhainesI'm actually very impressed, there's like zero fighting between GNOME and KDE users on Ubuntu.05:25
lwarimavhow can i install the real Player10GOLD.bin???? a simple installation05:25
chronoh yea the dump/pass right?05:25
_nano_chron: yea05:25
bimberichron: by default the root filesystem is checked every 30 mounts05:25
Roger_The_Bumlol edubuntu pwns all05:25
nefelimwell i tried to install mandrake on one of my pc i find kde cool but revert back to ubuntu since i find ubuntu more user-friendly so i decided to try kde for ubuntu :)05:25
lysisFlannel: i think we should finish this dispute right now, once and for all, CLI is best.  bah on WM  =P05:25
Warbochron: After a certain time or number of mounts or if you don't shutdown they should check on boot05:25
Roger_The_Bumbut I am trying to get my brother on it05:25
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intelikeynefelim better is subjective.   which ever you like, is always "better" than the one you don't like.....05:25
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ViakenMy philosophy is use whatever works for you, as long as it doesn't prevent us from worknig together.05:26
Roger_The_Bumit all depends05:26
FunkmonHey, you guys, can you help me with a problem I'm having with the 5.10 LiveCD?05:26
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Eroicki installed dapper. it comes with ndiswrapper module, but not the tool. where can I get the tool?05:26
lysisFunkmon: what's wrong buddy?05:26
chronso what would 1 2 mean for dump pass05:26
FlannelBilford: it's a pity they got half of it wrong.05:26
Shaezscheif i disable my internal HD, and set my laptop to boot to an USB HD with the install CD in the drive, will it automatically intall on the external drive? or will i need to use a special command?05:26
nefelimwell okay maybe i will try kde but if im not satisfied is it easy to uninstall it?05:26
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BilfordFlannel, whats wrong05:26
Roger_The_BumFunkmon, did you burn the ISO correctly?05:26
pike__nefelim: take a look at xubuntu too..05:26
=== supertanker [n=supertan@66-81-170-137.nocal.dialup.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelBilford: Canonical isn't SELLING support for X years.05:26
lwarimavintelikey, how can i install in a simple form RealPlayer10GOLD.bin????05:26
DShepherdi smell dapper nearing05:26
nhainesEroick, install ndiswrapper-utils05:26
_nano_chron: the last column05:27
nefelimwhat is xubuntu? what's new with it?05:27
Eroicknhaines: is it on the CD? if not, where can i get it when im on windowsS?05:27
DShepherdnefelim: its kooler05:27
Eroicknefelim: it is ubuntu running xfce05:27
_nano_chron: the sixth column...it's the fsck column05:27
pike__nefelim: its xfce more lighweight05:27
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nhainesEroick, it is on the CD, yes.05:27
FlannelBilford: well, they are selling optionally, but it's still poorly worded.05:27
Shaezschexubu is supposed to be fast05:27
_nano_chron: if you set it to 1..it will check file system before mounting it05:27
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Roger_The_Bumnote: fsck!=F*ck05:27
nefelimah okey05:27
supertankerhello. I have an Nvidia card with OpenGL support. In my other linux distro, I have the opengl driver installed and working, But in Ubuntu, when I install the driver and try to play a game it says it cannot find libGL05:27
=== Josh43 [n=Sammi@S0106000c419e9f0d.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
_nano_chron: it's normally set to zero for faster boot05:27
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Viakenxfce is nifty.05:27
nhainesEroick, but pretending it isn't, you could go to packages.ubuntu.com and search for it under dapper, if you had to.  :)05:27
chronok thanks05:28
DShepherdShaezsche: fast-er05:28
intelikeylwarimav .bin files can usally be executed.   "sh file.bin "     if it needs root clearance use "sudo sh file.bin "05:28
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pike__xubuntu under dapper is very nifty05:28
Shaezschexubu has even worse hardware recognition05:28
supertankerdo I have to enable OpenGL or something?05:28
Warbolwarimav: I find the debian package of realplayer from nerim.net works fine in Ubuntu (I would prefer using debian packages than prorpietary vendors idea of an installer)05:28
Efniancluehammer, it's timestamped yesterday05:28
Roger_The_Bumintelikey, would it be sudo -i sh file.bin?05:28
DaSkreechDShepherd: I knew I'd find you here05:28
DShepherdDaSkreech: Stalker!05:28
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K|NgGh0sTHow can I stop Kubuntu from displaying LCD ON,  every 4 mins05:28
_nano_Shaezsche: hardware recognition is not done by window managers is it?05:28
DaSkreechDShepherd: Roger_The_Bum is not me :-)05:28
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cluehammerclose enough, it's not like they would put an rc out the day before05:28
lwarimavok warbo05:28
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intelikeyRoger_The_Bum not if i did it....    i don't use sudo.05:29
Shaezschewho cares05:29
DShepherdDaSkreech: i didnt think so either05:29
lwarimavok intelikey05:29
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cluehammer31 minutes left!05:29
Strokeraceanyone here that works on the live cd05:29
Viakencluehammer: /topic05:29
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Roger_The_Bumdo you use su05:29
nhainesRoger_The_Bum, use sudo for everything.05:29
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Josh43"Ok, pending Dapper release: Can anyone tell me if there is a way to test the mirror speeds and find out which I should be using?05:29
FunkmonPsst. Lysis05:29
intelikeyRoger_The_Bum no su and sudo don't work on a system mounted nosuid05:29
supertankerI need to figure out how to get OpenGL working, I know my card is supported05:29
supertankerI installed the Nvidia driver05:29
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Roger_The_BumI dunno05:29
cluehammeroh i saw the topic, let me dream darn you heh!05:30
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supertanker(that came iwth ubuntu). Do I need to enable it or anythuing?05:30
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dr_willisJosh43:  thers some apt-get tool that can do that.. but i havent messed with it in ages.   but i imagine the best downloads will be with torrents (perhaps)05:30
Roger_The_BumI actually don't use ubuntu that often05:30
Flannel!tell supertanker about nvidia05:30
muszekcluehammer: is it going to be out in 31 minutes?05:30
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cluehammeri'm just being a doof05:30
Roger_The_BumI just use it now because of it's l33tn3ss05:30
muszekoh :)05:30
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cluehammeri'm good at that, practice makes perfect05:30
Roger_The_Bumand it's wireless support05:30
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nbx909muszek, it's out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18557005:30
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BlackWind              /topic05:31
intelikeywhat i use can hardly be called ubuntu.   it is dapper drake  but nothing is default.05:31
argpiratehow can one install an actuall package  from debain? is this possible?05:31
Josh43dr_willis; I'm looking to permanently change mirrors to something close; like the university05:31
Eroickhow do i set the CDrom as a repo?05:31
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=== dailyglen [n=hertz@CPE000d540a434f-CM00159a034966.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willisJosh43:  ive found that  never works. :P05:31
keithgHow is the grub bootloader reinstalled?05:31
nbx909sudo dpkg -i package .deb05:31
Viaken\o/ Hooray being a doof!05:31
Warboargpirate: gdebi/dpkg for a package, but I wouldn't add debian sources to apt05:31
carlosquesoit'll be out in 8:2505:31
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@d154-20-9-65.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
K|NgGh0sTHow can I stop Kubuntu from displaying DISPLAY: LCD ON,  every 4 mins05:31
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argpirateoh i just want to install 1 package05:31
dr_willisJosh43:  in the past ive gotten better downloads from places 1000+ miles away , it all depends on the servers loads and stuff.05:31
intelikeyargpirate it is possable.  but not recommended.  why not use the package from ubuntu ?05:31
Roger_The_Bumwhat's that in UTC05:31
carlosqueso8 hrs, 25 mins05:31
nhainesargpirate, just install gdebi and then double-click the deb packages.05:31
Josh43dr_wllis; lol; yeah, you are probly right.. just hoping :)05:31
Roger_The_BumDAMN IT!05:32
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argpirateintelikey, beceasue the one i want does not exist for ubuntu05:32
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intelikeyargpirate name ?05:32
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argpiratekxdocker 1.1.x05:32
Roger_The_BumI wanted to be there for the release05:32
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=== rredd4 [n=jmb@66-191-17-237.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bilfordne1 have activation crack for Dapper , pls msg05:32
_nano_Roger_The_Bum: don't sleep :D05:32
intelikeykxdocker - innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker05:32
intelikeykxdocker-data - resource files for kxdocker05:32
Roger_The_Bumno I have schol05:32
Roger_The_BumI leave at 7 EST05:33
argpirateversion .39 is what is in the repos05:33
WarboRoger_The_Bum: Yay for half term! :)05:33
intelikeykxdocker-data - resource files for kxdocker05:33
_nano_Roger_The_Bum: aww...05:33
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_nano_Bilford: activation crack?05:33
SoirBilford: just write the contents of /dev/zero onto every file, that'll nullify the control management05:33
nhainesBilford, Ubuntu doesn use activation.05:33
Roger_The_Bumsoir: this is a HELP channel05:33
=== procrastinator [n=darryl@toronto-hs-216-138-221-251.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
supertankerI just forgot, what is the name of ubuntu 5.1?05:33
crimsunsupertanker: 5.10 == breezy05:34
_nano_supertanker: 5.10? breezy05:34
WarboSoir: If you said that about windows then taht would be help, but...05:34
FlannelSoir: that sort of thing will get you banned05:34
BilfordSoir, THANKS!05:34
Josh43dr_willis; thus the hope of an automated tool that will spit out what I'm getting from a list of mirrors05:34
Roger_The_Bumnot a stupid "ooh let's fool him with an rm -rf /"05:34
Eroicki got some 1337 h4x to get u d4pp3r for fr33 d00ds.05:34
nhainessupertanker, it's 5.1005:34
SoirRoger_The_Bum: The question's nonsense! ;) I'm allowed a little (poor) humour.05:34
=== heanol_ [i=heanol@ua-83-227-168-197.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
earthen_can someone tell me how do I do a force recognition on usb devices05:34
SoirI didn't even say how to do it.05:34
Roger_The_Bumbecome a jedi05:34
nhainessupertanker, that's "five point ten" ;)05:34
dr_willisJosh43:  theres some apt-get tool that can scan  the apt repos and print out a list of the lowest pinged ones and stuff.. but thats about it.05:34
Soir(since, someone probably would)05:34
supertankerah okay05:34
=== nestriafg [n=chrisoei@209-204-144-136.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyargpirate id wate until dapper flys then if you still need to use the debian deb   use at your own risk.05:34
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Roger_The_Bummnde yur speellig05:35
FlannelSoir: heh, right.  I see his question now.  deftly handled05:35
imbrandoncat /dev/zero / ? heheh05:35
Warbointelikey: Dapper's flying away? It never even landed!05:35
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SoirNote to the unwary: trying to commandify my suggestion probably -will- get you banned 8)05:35
Roger_The_Bumit's almost as edgy as tose rebellious efts!05:35
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Mixxeft slithers05:35
EfnianEroick, System -> Software Properties -> Add CD05:35
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pike__earthen_: what sort of device does it show up when you issue the lsusb command?05:35
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Mixxefts appear to be utterly unedgy creatures05:36
WarboAnyone in here have problems with Epiphany crashing when it loads?05:36
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Roger_The_Bumhey everybody type emacs -batch -l dunnet!05:36
FoX_44470A link for download Dapper ? the final release05:36
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earthen_pike__, it a brodcom bluetooth device but i unpluged it and when I plug it back in it doesnot show up05:36
nhainesFoX_44470, 6.06 is not released yet.05:36
FoX_44470ok, thank's05:37
Roger_The_Bumnhaines: like in 8 hrs05:37
MTecknologywhat's probably the best rss reader for ff, and a good newsfeed?05:37
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K|NgGh0sTHow can I stop Kubuntu from displaying DISPLAY CHANGED: LCD ON,  every 4 mins05:37
nhainesFoX_44470, when it is released, you can find it at http://www.ubuntu.com/download05:37
earthen_pike__, if I reboot it will show up but I'd like to know how to do it with out rebooting05:37
DaSkreechAnyone use frostwire?05:37
=== T313C0mun1s7 [n=john@71-209-0-187.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
SoirFoX_44470: it'll be released as the rest of the world enters June 1, so not long to go :)05:37
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WarboMTecknology: I would not use one within firefox, I would use an external one05:37
wordWhen I start up Linux the Enterprise Volume manager fails to start so the booting stops...i have to skip it. I get this error repeatedly if I don't skip it - [####.####] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0 Logical block #####05:37
keithgDoes anyone know how to reinstall grub?05:37
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Roger_The_Bumoh my05:37
Warboword: Sounds like a broken disk05:38
a2xmhi all... pls help.. how to resume the paused printer?05:38
Roger_The_Bumthis sounds serious05:38
MTecknologyWarbo, suggestion?05:38
nhaineskeithg, run grub-install.  Might want to check the man page.  :)05:38
earthen_pike__, can you help me?05:38
WarboMTecknology: Er... Hang on05:38
=== cef [n=cef@c211-28-9-44.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
keithgnhaines:  Thanks.  :)05:38
Efniancluehammer, they wouldn't be stacking rc's in the same folder as the official release.05:38
=== DevilsAdvocate [n=tony@CPE-65-30-43-1.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MixxEfnian - why not?05:38
intelikey!tell keithg about boot05:38
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intelikey!tell keithg about dualboot05:38
Roger_The_Bumgod, I'm so impatient05:38
pike__earthen_: probably wont be much help there but.. if you sudo /etc/init.d/hotplug restart might work05:38
a2xmI did click resume printer but nothing happen05:38
Soirword: buffer i/o error? Was this device working before?05:38
intelikey!tell keithg about grub05:38
wordWarbo: I tried to run gparted and it told me i had a bad sector but then after running partition magic on my windows partition it checked nad said everything was fine when i gave my linux part more space so...05:38
=== Shooksterleet [i=Shookste@S0106000fb55ad5a9.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
cefEfnian: pfft05:38
WarboMTecknology: liferea seems to be popular (I don't use RSS though)05:38
=== mibo-cz [n=mibo@plz-81-27-204-28.karneval.cz] has joined #ubuntu
Roger_The_BumI want ubuntu so bad, it's spreading to other distros05:39
wordIt was working just prior to me running gparted and it finding a bad sector Soir05:39
keithgintelikey:  Thank you.05:39
intelikeykeithg more than you ever wanted to know05:39
wordBut apparently now the bad sector is fixed :-/ Soir05:39
intelikeyi can't use grub05:39
DevilsAdvocatehey, i just installed azureus 1.5 on ubuntu but for some reason it won't download anything properly. any ideas on why this might be? i'm pretty sure its set up properly. port are opened etc.05:39
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wordClick on Plugins - > IRC support05:40
earthen_pike__, ok I will try that05:40
EfnianMixx, it's an rc.05:40
Soirword: That's little consolation ^^ What'd you do immediately before the problem, resize a partition?05:40
paradonDevilsAdvocate: Make sure you have Sun Java 1.505:40
wordDevilsAdvocate: Azureus has it's own irc support channel built in to the program05:40
intelikeyit(grub) doesn't like my setup.05:40
=== ViAFKen [n=david@host-67-32-228-14.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
T313C0mun1s7Any Crossover Office experts?05:40
earthen_pike__, that did it thanks05:40
pike__earthen_: np05:40
a2xmhi all... pls help.. how to resume the paused printer?05:40
a2xmI did click resume printer but nothing happen05:40
=== nrbelex_linux [n=chatzill@ool-457688c5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
wordSoir: Attempted to resize the partition it did a sector error check prior to doing anything ( I assume ) and then told me i had something wrong and then when i booted into linux i was confronted with this error05:41
=== ViAFKen is now known as Viaken
intelikeya2xm open the printer control as root and click the resume05:41
DevilsAdvocateparadon: i tried installing 1.5 but for some reason when i do java --version it says it's 1.405:41
Soirword: so nothing was written to the disk? or did PM attempt to 'fix' an error?05:41
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Harold_PWhere'd all the dapper wanters go/05:42
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K|NgGh0sTHow can I stop Kubuntu from displaying DISPLAY CHANGED: LCD ON,  every 5 mins?05:42
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alex_if i use debian mirrors to install software into ubuntu, do you think that something might break?05:42
wordSoir: PM 'might' have attempted to fix the error...I'm not sure if I went into windows and ran chkdsk prior to going into linux which tried to correct something..gparted just refused to partition anything because of the error.05:42
TwyloI think we're all dapper wanters here.05:42
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=== beniamino [n=ben@c-67-188-97-50.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nbx909Harold_P, download ing it05:42
pike__K|NgGh0sT: might have better luck in the kubuntu channel05:42
challahci just switched to compiz on dapper, it's awesome05:43
a2xmintelikey, ah.. as root.. i'll try.. thanks05:43
=== jamesstansell [n=stansell@adsl-38-15-127.tulsaconnect.com] has joined #ubuntu
K|NgGh0sT.j $kubuntu05:43
Harold_Psame here, nbx90905:43
intelikeyK|NgGh0sT have you asked in #kubuntu05:43
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pike__K|NgGh0sT: example: /j #kubuntu05:43
K|NgGh0sTya ya ya05:43
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Hisakasexhow can I check if I have mail in queue05:43
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intelikeytype mail05:44
earthen_pike__, you would know how to configure a blutooth mouse would ya? :)05:44
Efniancluehammer, regarding the link you gave... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ it's the same iso's.05:44
DShepherdhow will we know when dapper will be be officiallly released. ops going to make the announcement?05:44
pike__earthen_: not a clue sorry05:44
MTecknologyAny suggestions for news feeds?05:44
=== cjkrav [n=ckravetz@24-116-172-65.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
beniaminocan anyone advise how to connect to a 802..11b network with WPA2 under dapper?05:44
FlannelDShepherd: there will be announcements, and fanfare, and sacrifices of virgins, and...05:44
earthen_pike__, :( O well05:44
FlannelDShepherd: you'll know ;)05:44
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=== DrSpin [n=cole@ip70-162-6-4.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
beniaminoiwconfig used to work for wep, but seems unaware of wpa205:44
DShepherdFlannel: no.. not the virgins05:44
bkhGrr... I wish they'd put up the torrent, even without seeding it, so I could start it up and go to bed :)05:44
=== Manderson [n=Anderson@24-171-55-148.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
earthen_pike__, thanks anyway I'm one step further so it's a start05:45
=== cjkrav [n=ckravetz@24-116-172-65.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
nhainesbkh, they need the images to be ready before they can create a torrent.  ;)05:45
DrSpinCan anyone tell my why the cookie that gets set for the PHP Session does not display in Firefox??05:45
Soirword: this error sounds like it's more upstream, if it's a bug doing something - what's your disk setup? raid?05:45
=== ali [n=ali@CPE-65-25-160-64.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cefbkr: heh05:45
challahcbeniamino: have you used NetworkManager?05:45
ViakenSacrifices of virgins? >.> Wouldn't that halve the population of the room? (ba-dum bum)05:45
_Groutthink there putting it up at midnight?05:45
DarkTowerbeniamino: have a look in the packages, you need a package add on to handle wpa i believe05:45
pike__earthen_: well.. it might work by sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and going back through and setting up everything..05:45
intelikeybeniamino i can advise, that; there are some really good network adm's that hange in ##linux05:45
wordNo, regular one HD 80 gig 2 partitions.05:45
bkhYeah, I know... grr...05:45
beniaminook, will try ##linux, thanks05:46
disinterested_pevirgins take to long to train05:46
[1] Troyhi.  i'm sure this hasn't been asked b4 - when is dapper coming out?05:46
=== Bung [n=andy@d198-166-55-243.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)05:46
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[1] Troyheheh05:46
Viaken[1] Troy: Real Soon Now(TM)05:46
Flannelnbx909: stop it.05:46
[1] Troyi was kidding.05:46
nbx909it;s out05:46
carlosquesothat means in 8 hours, 12 minutes :-P05:46
kaledit's not05:46
earthen_pike__, that could be a option05:46
Flannelnbx909: no, thats not it.05:47
KurtKrautnbx909, we garantee you it is not.05:47
Bunganyone know any decent gui torrent apps lighter then azureus? and not something like ktorrent that needs the whole kdebase.05:47
carlosquesowait, meant 18 hours, 12 minutes05:47
alihello guys, i accidently removed the top gnome panel :-(( how do i get it back??05:47
=== PyroMithrandir [n=pyro@user-10bj7tj.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
mcmahonsBung: the gnome bittorent one is pretty light05:47
nbx909Flannel, really? it's seems to be on most of the servers and then it's appearing on others gradually so it seems to be syncing05:47
carlosquesoright-click on the other I believe, and click add panel05:47
Flannelali: right click, add panel, then drag it up top, right click, add to panel.05:47
wordSoir: No, regular one HD 80 gig 2 partitions.05:47
ViakenBung: freeloader is...servicable.05:47
=== mecca [n=mecca@69-168-217-139.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
yappaare they going to put the torrent on piratebay ;)05:48
DarkTowernbx909: thats probably rc05:48
Flannelali: then add the stuff back (the menu bar, clock, etc)05:48
Flannelnbx909: thats a daily05:48
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kagyappa: piratebay was raided today05:48
wormsarmhi !05:48
nbx909DarkTower, no the rc is labeled as an rc05:48
Bilfordyappa, yeah, its there now05:48
yappakag:  I know lol05:48
Hisakasexwich is the parameter that indicates the directory where the errors and warnings of resources/software are going to logged in05:48
meccahey guys... how does one install a PCF font in Ubuntu?  theres no /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/lib/fonts dir :F05:48
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DarkTowernbx909: then its the daily, marked daily05:48
=== glick [n=dbunch@cpe-24-193-237-24.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wormsarmwhere can I donwload wine? but I dont want .14 i want .13 and I only can download .1405:48
Soirword: anything else come up in error about it? or just the buffer problem05:48
nbx909DarkTower, it's not marked daily05:48
intelikeyBung try apt-cache search torrent05:48
yappaI'm just being a smart ass as usual!05:48
Efniannbx909, the non-rc is the latest daily, check the MD5 checksums.05:48
Bungmcmahons: ill check it out, i was hoping for one that still let you select files within the torrent05:48
glickscuse me, i really dig the ubuntu icon set, for dapper, but are they avaiable in any other color other then puke orange?05:49
argpirateif you are already running dapper beta yoou should just be able to upgrade like normal aye?05:49
BungViaken: freeloader? ok ill look at that too05:49
DarkTowernbx909: if it was out would there be 900 people here talking bout when its coming05:49
=== majd [n=majd@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
intelikey apt-cache search    is your friend05:49
ViakenIt won't do what you want, though.05:49
Flannelargpirate: yep05:49
=== arikato [n=arikato@dsl-kpobrasgw1-fed2fa00-105.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
nhainesglick, what are you eating if your vomit is orange?  :)05:49
cefEfnian: and you expect it to change from the last daily?05:49
nbx909Efnian, where are the daily md5s?05:49
wordJust that if I skip it with ctrl+c there are no problems but otherwise i get those errors when it starts up the volume manager..is there anyway to try and reinstall just the vol manager to see if that would fix it?05:49
nhainesargpirate, correct.05:49
=== lib8264q [i=helpneed@88-110-242-184.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hisakasexwich is the parameter that indicates the directory where the errors and warnings of resources/software are going to be logged in05:49
glicknhaines, captain morgan and oranges05:49
jamesstansellwormsarm: sourceforge.net supposedly has archives of the older wine versions05:49
nhainesglick, thatl do it!05:49
ViakenBung: I use rtorrent, myself. It's semi-GUI (ncurses based), and has always worked very well for me.05:49
majdHi, i've already installed LAMP before but it was very messy and i want you'r guys' input, what's the best, easiest way to install apache2/mysql/php? (I don't want to use a prepackage like LAMPP cause that just complicates things later on)05:49
=== NickGarvey [n=NickGarv@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wormsarmand how I compile them?05:50
Roger_The_Bumso... let me get this straight before I go to bed...05:50
Flannel!tell majd about lamp05:50
Hisakasexwich is the parameter that indicates the directory where the errors and warnings of resources/software are going to be logged in?05:50
BungViaken, does that have file selection? ... ah its ok, ill just google it, thanks again05:50
wormsarmis a tar.bz205:50
Soirword: You could try that, quick scans of the web seem to think that it can sometimes become touchy about the size of devices05:50
=== sloof3 [i=andy@pdpc/supporter/student/sloof3] has joined #ubuntu
BilfordIs Microsoft afraid of Ubuntu05:50
DarkTowerthe orange colour is awesome05:50
wormsarmI use breezy05:50
=== DrColossus [n=blah@220-245-203-22-wa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
DarkTowerBilford: Yes definitely05:50
ViakenBung: freeloader doesn't. rtorrent does, I think.05:50
majdFlannel, is it any different under dapper?05:50
glicki dont like it05:50
nhainesDapper's Human theme is so much nicer.  I got used to it.05:50
Hisakasexwich is the main.cf (postfix) parameter that indicates the directory where the errors and warnings of resources/software are going to be logged in?05:50
Flannelpeople complaining about orange?  heh, first brown, now orange.  What color would you be satisfied with? ;)05:50
NickGarveyI'm dieing here05:50
glickwould be nice in blue05:50
NickGarveyI can't wait for dapper05:50
intelikeyHisakasex isn't that controled by sysklogd and klogd    set in /etc/something......05:50
jamesstansellwormsarm: I think they should have debs that work in breezy05:50
yappaBilford:  I doubt it.  There's a lot of people out there that are Windows Addicts.05:50
nhainesglick, then use Clearlooks.05:50
BungViaken: good to know, thanks !05:50
Flannelmajd: not that I'm aware of.  Might be small filename differences, but essentially the same.05:51
BugsNickGarvey: don't wait then, get it now...05:51
Roger_The_BumOMG PONIES pink05:51
nbx909DarkTower, it's not the daily look how the daily one is labled05:51
Efniannbx909, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/MD5SUMS05:51
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TwyloI've been running the RC, and it's been rock solid.  Very nice.05:51
Hisakasexthe postfix config file is in /etc/postfix/05:51
NickGarveyno the full thing bugs05:51
DarkTowernbx909: convince everyone else talking bout when its coming that ots here05:51
kaledtried man postfix?05:51
Roger_The_Bumwhen is it coming out05:51
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)05:51
Roger_The_Bumgive me a utc time05:51
jbroomesnakes on a MF'ing plane!05:51
Hisakasexyes I did05:51
ubotufrom memory, ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:51
=== steveneddy [n=steve@adsl-68-95-132-170.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Roger_The_BumI heard 8 hours ago05:52
Hisakasexbut I'm confused05:52
NickGarveythank you DarkTower05:52
_Groutwhat about 0:01 UTC05:52
BugsNickGarvey:  not sure what you are referring to...i have been running it for awhile and it's brilliant - have you tried it ?05:52
meccadoes Ubuntu not support PCF fonts?05:52
=== slicslak [n=slicslak@S010600e029839c72.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
FLeiXiuSDapper is out tomorrow eh?  Or...is it a specific time EST?05:52
DarkTowerNickGarvey: wc05:52
crimsunrelease will be within the next 4-12 hours.05:52
Bilfordit's already tomorrow05:52
=== Phuzion [i=Phuzion8@69-168-170-76.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bilfordit's 03:5205:52
nbx909DarkTower, the md5 sums match but it's named differently05:52
T313C0mun1s7So nobody that is good with Crossover Office isssues?05:52
paradonMy wild-ass guess is 0700 UTC, since IIRC that's when Breezy came out.05:52
jaimenhaines sorry i closed the conversation i tried to fine you but  i cant so if you can talk to me on msn open the conversation again please05:52
kaledthen try man postfix | grep -C 2 log05:52
steveneddyrelease of Dapper? is this MY time or system time?05:52
Roger_The_Bumall I know is, I'm going to leave at 7 AM ETC and I want a TORRENT05:52
Healotwait until Mark announce the release05:52
crimsunsteveneddy: as of now.05:53
NickGarveyyeah.. so I think...05:53
NickGarveyI need to get my charger so I can keep my laptop on05:53
Efniannbx909, i didn't notice the filename, interesting.05:53
DarkTowernbx909: THEN THEY ARE THE SAME05:53
rredd4Bilford, not here05:53
PhuzionCan someone tell me how to upgrade my distro easily with apt-get?05:53
ggilbertIt probably is going to correspond to whenever the PR person gets up this morning :p05:53
steveneddyI just don't see it on the DL pages yet...05:53
DarkToweroops sorry for shouting all05:53
ViakenRoger_The_Bum: That'd be 12:00 UTC, so hopefully they'd have it out by then.05:53
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nbx909DarkTower, that just means the daily build was the final build lol05:53
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BilfordIt doesnt really amtter if it's the final or not05:53
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RTB|Sleepest? bien05:53
=== dr_willis wonders if the ubuntu servers are getting hammered with people constantly reloading the pages..
Bilfordit will just download a few minor updates05:53
nbx909Efnian, yes i noted earlier when people were talking about it that the names don't match05:53
RTB|Sleepbuenas noches05:53
T313C0mun1s7-Dapper will be released prior to midnight June 2nd in a timezone other than yours.05:53
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DarkTowernbx909: sure05:54
rredd4Phuzion  apt-get distro-update05:54
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kaledfor finer grained logging, see ulogd05:54
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nbx909DarkTower, what ever we will see then05:54
cluehammerhmmm i'm hungry05:54
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BilfordI think the only difference between today's daily build and Final Release is about a few megs of extra updates to download05:54
Phuzionrredd4:  invalid operation05:54
cluehammerapt-get hamburger05:54
majdI marked the xorg-driver-fglrx package to be removed earlier and i can't seem to unmark it..any idea why?05:54
Bugscluehammer:  lol05:54
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rredd4Phuzion sudo apt-get distro-update05:55
jamesstansellwormsarm: the archive has .12 for breezy, but not .1305:55
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cefnbx909: no, it means htat the daily build and the final build produce the same binary.05:55
=== sloof3 larts cluehammer
steveneddywould it be easier to apt-get dist-upgrade or wait for the DL...nevermind..I'm installin it on another partition05:55
Viaken# emerge dapper05:55
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ViakenOh, sorry...wrong distro. XD05:55
intelikeyPhuzion sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list (change all breezy to dapper) && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && echo success || echo failed.05:55
JabberWokkyapt-get install June 1st, 200605:55
DrSpinViaken: LOL05:55
nbx909cef, is that suposed to be possible?05:55
sloof3Viaken: The only true package management05:55
wormsarmi'll try .1205:55
cluehammer!lart sloof305:55
intelikeyhmm could have used sed and done an enline edit.05:55
cefnbx909: create 2 .iso files at different times of exactly the same data05:55
=== cluehammer crushes sloof3
nbx909cef, well then that means the daily build was the same exact thing as the final build lol05:56
nbx909i don't see your point05:56
kaledif Ubuntu there's pacakge named 'moo' in apt repositories, how do you install it with apt-get?05:56
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cluehammerapt-get install moo05:56
nbx909kaled, sudo apt-get install moo05:56
exclipysudo apt-get install moo05:56
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steveneddysudo apt-get moo05:56
cefnbx909: yeah, but that doesn't mean the build process wasn't performed twice - once for the daily, once for the final.05:56
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DarkTowercef: i wouldnt bother. he's in on a big secret, the only person who knows its out05:56
Flannelnbx909: no, stop telling people that's out.  It's not.05:56
steveneddynite all05:56
nbx909cef, yes05:57
chapiumsteveneddy: gnite05:57
ViakenPhuzion: You could also do sudo sed -i.bak -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:57
ChangerO1Seahey... how long until dapper comes out?05:57
kaledhmm, it won't work05:57
cefDarkTower: meh. I grabbed that about 4 hrs ago05:57
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nbx909Flannel, what am i ttelling people i having told anyone else after you told me not to05:57
ViakenThat keeps you from having to edit it by hand. :P05:57
pike__ChangerO1Sea: 14 days05:57
cluehammeri bet mark shuttleworth just dumps his cvs every couple of months and that's the new release :-), the artwork is probably whatever his kids have got on the fridge05:57
nhaines! tell ChangerO1Sea about dapper05:57
nbx909they can look at digg05:57
ubotunhaines: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:57
ChangerO1Seapike__: what?05:57
nhaines!tell ChangerO1Sea about dapper05:57
ChangerO1Seai thought it was coming out tonight05:57
pike__ChangerO1Sea: just kidding couple hours05:57
cluehammernope, still in the closet05:57
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glickso the ubuntu icons arnt available in any other color?05:57
intelikeyPhuzion the fully automatic way.                                                                                      sed 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list > sources.list && sudo cp sources.list /etc/apt/ && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && echo success || echo failed.05:57
Flannelnbx909: shrug sorry, I haven't really been paying attention.  no use, with this crowd.05:57
rredd4Phuzion -->  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:57
Bugshey, anyone use GIMPSHOP ?05:58
JabberWokkyChangerO1Sea: Your "tonight" isn't everybody elses.05:58
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
MTecknologyWhat makes EMACS different from gedit?05:58
nbx909Flannel, that's why i was spaming it, i'm acually a very good irc user in smaller crowds lol05:58
ChangerO1Seaok.. well its 1158 here now05:58
FlannelMTecknology: emacs is an OS.  gedit is a text editor05:58
cluehammergedit isn't an operating system05:58
BugsMTecknology:  asprin :)05:58
ggilbertMTecknology: Well, both can edit text. That's about where the similarities end05:58
Viakenintelikey: Was mine wrong? :P05:58
Healotemacs is old, cli-orirented...05:58
ChangerO1Seaso i have to wait how long?05:58
JabberWokkyMTecknology: weevils.  And lots of extra keypresses.  Too much to answer in a line on IRC.05:58
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Chobo-Moghey, could someone explain what the differences are between 6.06 Flight-7 and LTS, please?05:58
OmniDgedit isn't an operating system?!?!?!05:58
ViakenChangerO1Sea: However long it may take?05:59
intelikeyViaken no i just updated mine from the first time i answered.05:59
cluehammeremacs causes cancer, sterility, and carpal tunnel, gedit just does eyestrain05:59
Bugscluehammer:  LOL05:59
dr_willisOmniD:  its not.. but emacs is. :P05:59
yappaI wonder if Dapper is already just waiting to go but they're holding off to build suspense.05:59
Viakenheh :) Just checking. I'm not a sed wizard yet, but I'm aspiring.05:59
DarkToweremacs is cooler05:59
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sloof3It be 00:0005:59
FlannelChobo-Mog: no differences, well, flight7 isn't the final release, still a beta.05:59
MTecknologyJabberWokky, is emacs more of a programming tool?05:59
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BugsGimpShop ?  Anyone, anyone ???05:59
cluehammeri bet dapper is just a VERY belated april fools joke05:59
T313C0mun1s7but gedit is hotter05:59
DShepherdyappa: mmmm maybe05:59
crimsunyappa: no, we're waiting for the majority of mirrors to finish rsyncing.05:59
DarkTowerMTecknology: yes more programming05:59
cluehammernein, gvim05:59
Healotcluehammer: yeah a joke05:59
pike__MTecknology: the only thing they really have in common is sucking when compared to vi :)06:00
FlannelMTecknology: no, they're both.  emacs has a lot of scriptability built in, which has caused people to go crazy and code everything in emacs script (games, browsers, etc).06:00
DarkTowerpike__: lol06:00
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JabberWokkyMTecknology: emacs is a total environment, a la KDE or Gnome, but text oriented.  It has web browsers, games, pim software, quantuum mechanics tools, etc. (And I'm serious about the last -- that's what my fiance uses it for)06:00
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cluehammeradmittedly, i bet it wasn't just the scripting part of emacs that drove them batty06:00
FlannelJabberWokky: nah, it's an editor, just with scripting hooks.06:00
DarkTowerJabberWokky: emacs is not like KDE or gnome, thats silly06:00
PhuzionYeah umm, every time I try to do something among the lines of apt-get update or upgrade-dist, it fails saying couldn't stat source package list06:00
Bugspike__:  incorrect, "vi" suck, "emacs" blows06:00
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ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!06:00
rredd4cimsun, you said "we're"  are you part of the resyncing?06:00
brettAnyone know a good tool to convert AVI to MP4 (ipod)06:00
Ademananyone know why i can only play one sound source at a time? like if i have rhythmbox up, nothing in firefox will play, and vice versa06:00
ggilbertSomeone did implement tetris in vim :p06:01
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MTecknologyis there any need for me to really learn to use emacs?06:01
bkhThe icon for emacs is a kitchen sink for a very good reason06:01
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nhaineschobo: lots of live CD installer fixes.06:01
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cluehammerAdeman because of the horror known as esd06:01
DarkTowerMTecknology: if you want to program in it06:01
bur[n] erbrett: if you find it, yell with some excitement, i've been curious ;)06:01
esc_apedoes anyone know if rufus is allowed on oink?06:01
intelikeyPhuzion pastebin your sources.list06:01
crimsunrredd4: as part of the development team.06:01
ggilbertMTecknology: not really. It's a nice program that you could learn, but there is no necessary reason06:01
Ademancluehammer: whats wrong with it? should i use oss?06:01
ViakenAnyone in here played with bastet? XD That's some mean Tetris.06:01
eigenlambdalol... rly, a kitchensink?06:01
Phuzionintelikey:  how do I copy from PuTTY?06:01
rredd4crimsun cool!!06:01
JabberWokkyDarkTower: It's an environment, complete with an application base.06:01
cluehammerAdeman nah, you want to google dmix thouhg if you have breezy it should already be there06:01
crimsundmix has been enabled as of breezy.06:02
mister_robotoPhuzion: you use sftp, included with the putty programs06:02
crimsun(except for usb)06:02
intelikeyPhuzion mouse ?06:02
cefcrimsun: .torrents would be nice for those already with the image *grin*06:02
Ademani've got dapper... so...06:02
brettburner, plenty in windows... but linux converters seem hard to find06:02
cluehammerAdeman they stuffed esd on one channel and left another open, but some programs like to hog the sound device all to themselves06:02
crimsuncef: wouldn't they?06:02
Phuzionintelikey:  Yeah06:02
=== zOap_std [n=zOap_std@217-153-134.0101.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
ggilbertWhat I'd personally love is a gvim with gnome-vfs support :p06:02
T313C0mun1s7gedit and emacs are the same: emacs was made because Stalman is a programmer, gedit was made because Stalman is a programmer - see, the same06:02
Ademancluehammer: seems like just about everything06:02
Chobo-MogI was just asking because I saw the flight-7 version online and I thought dapper had finally been released...i guess it was just the beta06:02
cluehammerAdeman dunno in dapper, isn't out yet06:02
rredd4does any one use a laptop with nvidia geforce 2?06:02
bur[n] erbrett: you could try using wine06:02
Phuzionfigured it out06:02
FlannelChobo-Mog: flight7 has ... been out for a few weeks now.06:03
knanandhow to enable DMA for my IDE Device06:03
khermansknanand, hdparm06:03
eigenlambdaemacs is the same as gedit?06:03
Hmmmmguys, how many hours till the dapper release?06:03
khermanseigenlambda, no!06:03
windexHmmmm: 24.06:03
brettI could... rather not... I have XP in VMware too...06:03
khermanseigenlambda, Thomas!06:03
windexHmmmm: it'll be 24 until its released. :)06:03
eigenlambdakhermans: kris!!06:03
Hmmmmwindex, thanks, man thats a lnog time to have to wait06:03
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windexHmmmm: i know the feeling. :P06:03
khermanseigenlambda, how could you even comapre geidt and emacs!?!?06:03
crimsunbe patient, the announcement's not that far off06:03
eigenlambdakhermans: wow, counting down to the release here?06:03
cluehammeri can't wait that long /me hyperventilates06:03
eigenlambdano, that's what they were doing06:03
khermanseigenlambda, yup. its a party06:03
knanandkhermans: syntax for that??06:03
Hmmmmwindex, out here in india its already 1st of june. 10 AM in fact06:03
brettI'm ripping young frankenstein at the moment  :)06:04
bkhWhen Jack Bauer manages to rescue the duck?06:04
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Viakenbrett: I'm sure there's a way to convert it in Linux, but I don't know how. It would probably amount to piping a decoder to an encoder, tho.06:04
khermansknanand, /etc/hdparm.conf06:04
Bungi installed the bittorrent and bittorrent-gui in synaptic. but when i try to run either from term, command not found... any ideas??06:04
eigenlambdamaybe i should go out to amherst06:04
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T313C0mun1s7eigenlambda: in may expample I forgot to point out that linux exists only because of Stalman06:04
Vaske_CarPlease somebody post link to tutorial of how to install web server?06:04
eigenlambdawith a 6pack06:04
windexHmmmm: its 2pm in austraillia, where ubuntu's parent company is. it'll get here eventually. :)06:04
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eigenlambdaT313C0mun1s7: pretty much06:04
cluehammerbtdownloadcurses file.torrent06:04
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intelikeyi'm gonna wait another week so you guys can report all the bugs and maybe they will have the first fix's by then.06:04
khermanseigenlambda, heh we're not really that nerdy06:04
rredd4crimsun do developers get an early release of final dapper?06:04
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lightstarVaske_Car, apt-get install apache2?06:04
pike__Vaske_Car: you mean like sudo apt-get install apache2 ?06:04
cluehammerdpkg -L bittorrent | most gives all ofthe files06:04
Ademanshould dmix be in synaptic?06:04
eigenlambdai have all my stuff in a tarball06:04
Hmmmmwindex, ya i guess i can wait. even tough im already running some beta of dapper i want the real thing06:05
Vaske_Carthere is tutorial on WIKI06:05
jobezonerredd4: but they have to sign a NDA first!06:05
khermansCan i get an SMS notify when it is realeased so I dont have to sit in this channel?06:05
Vaske_Carbut can not find it06:05
disinterested_peim waiting for dapper till it hits my mail box06:05
eigenlambdaand when dapper gets released, im wiping my drive and installing it06:05
Hmmmmanyone know what's the best way to backup mails in evolution?06:05
cluehammerAdeman no it's a setup for alsa, google it I don't remeber the file to edit offhand06:05
ggilbertHmmmm: If you're using the beta of dapper, just upgrade. it'll be the same06:05
Phuzionhttp://pastebin.com/750566 there is my sources.list06:05
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intelikeymost ?06:05
rredd4jobezone they are paying $$06:05
khermanseigenlambda, yeah, i have a separate /home -- gonna just write over all other partitions06:05
Hmmmmggilbert, i want to do a clean nstal lthis time over. too many tweaks and upgrades06:05
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ggilbertHmmmm: you don't need to do a hull reinstall :)06:05
Bungi installed the bittorrent and bittorrent-gui in synaptic. but when i try to run either from term, command not found... any ideas??06:05
T313C0mun1s7So if I am already running a fully updated flight 7, will it automagically update to final?06:05
intelikeycluehammer | most ?06:05
Chobo-Mogargh...this suspense is killing me.   I'm still using Windows, since the previous version of Ubuntu wouldn't install properly, but I'm hoping that Dapper will work fine06:05
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tateheh, I came to see if it was going to be a midnight release:-)06:06
crimsunAdeman: no, it's part of src:alsa-lib (binary:libasound2)06:06
grvsame here06:06
Vaske_Carit goes something like Ubutu! tell me about apache ...06:06
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grvim disappointed:(06:06
HmmmmBung, try instaling azureus06:06
z4k4ri4Could someone /msg me when dapper is *really* out?06:06
Bunghmmm, no thanks06:06
sherlock-holmeswher is it gonna release? any ideas? just joined06:06
Hmmmmsudo apt-get install azureus06:06
JabberWokkytate: It is for somebody's value of midnight.  :)06:06
Bunggoing for lightweight06:06
jobezoneBung: See in synaptic, the files installed by those packages.06:06
ggilbertT313C0mun1s7: Yes, if you were to update right nw You'd have more or less the final version06:06
grvyes true06:06
knanandkhermans: what shud i do here??06:06
pike__Bung: there is always utorrent under wine06:06
eigenlambdakhermans: i was gonna do that when i installed debian, but i figured, i was never going to reinstall06:06
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Bungjobezone: ok ill doublecheck06:06
DaSkreechDShepherd: Cool :)06:06
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Warbotate: That would be novel, a midnight release at 5:0006:06
Ademancrimsun: so if i have those libs i should be alright?06:06
tateI can't be too dissappointed, I can't install it yet06:06
K|NgGh0sTWhats the command to change owner of a file?06:06
eigenlambdakhermans: i keep thinking, im never going to reinstall...06:06
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Phuzionintelikey:  http://pastebin.com/750566 is my sources.list06:06
sherlock-holmesthere is nothing in the update...just a pcmcia-cs06:06
WarboK|NgGh0sT: chown06:06
crysThe debootstrap program exited with an error (return value 1) <- during an install; anybody here familiar with what causes that?06:07
Bungpike: not interested in running an app for emulation when there are plenty of linux torrent apps, thanks though06:07
FunnyLookinHatman how much longer!!!06:07
Vaske_CarUbutu! tell Vaske_Car about web server06:07
Hmmmmguys, anyone know what's the best way to backup mails in evolution?06:07
Vaske_Carsomething like that06:07
supyohow do you make java work with firefox using Ubuntu live?06:07
knanandkhermans: i think all lines here are commented by #06:07
WarboK|NgGh0sT: chown user file06:07
khermansknanand, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA?highlight=%28dma%2906:07
ViakenWHere does Evolution store the mails?06:07
khermansknanand, always search the wiki first06:07
jobezoneBung: see the ones in /bin or /usr/bin .06:07
T313C0mun1s7I am up to date now - I assumed that because of the code freeze I would see many updates, but the last week I have seen several a day.06:07
sherlock-holmesnot anymore06:07
JabberWokkyFunnyLookinHat: Stop asking, or Mark will trun this distro around and drive you $HOME!06:07
jobezoneBung: Also see ktorrent, it's excellent!06:07
khermansViaken, .evolution06:07
HmmmmViaken, it stores them in /home/user/.volution iirc06:07
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jobezoneBung: has built-in search of torrents. Fast. Excelent.06:07
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ViakenThen couldn't you cp ~/.evolution somewhere safe?06:08
=== DrSpin [n=cole@ip70-162-6-4.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
HmmmmViaken, k thanks06:08
ViakenAdd it as a cron job if you want periodic backups?06:08
brettWhen you install a program  with wine, where do you find the program files?06:08
nhainesT313C0mun1s7, there was no code freeze.  :)06:08
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khermansi always recommend separate /home !!!06:08
ggilbertT313C0mun1s7: If you're up to date, then you have basically the release.06:08
intelikeyPhuzion no sources there.... hehhe     add a line like this "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse"06:08
pike__brett: like /home/brett/.wine/drive_c/06:08
nhainesbrett, it'll be in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files06:08
sherlock-holmesany change in the ubuntu artwork?06:08
bkhJabberWokky: If he does, we'll sick Brazen Bandersnatch on him06:08
Hmmmmfound a good evolution backup link:- http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/03/how-to-backup-evolution/06:09
nhainessherlock-holmes, not in the last day.06:09
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kambeiI'm trying to use the wine packages (0.9.14) and I'm having trouble with openGL.06:09
T313C0mun1s7Why has the art kept changing - like serveral times a day?06:09
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khermanskambei, cedega06:09
supyojava, ubuntu live, firefox - possible?06:09
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nhainesT313C0mun1s7, they had an external professional artist doing icons.06:09
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Bungjobezone: not interested in installing all the kde deps for that, going for lightweight, thanks though06:09
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rredd4sherlock-holmes there was an update yesterday06:09
PhuzionSame problem06:09
jobezonegaim should highlight messages with our nickname. It's hard to see if anyone is talking to mee.06:09
intelikeyPhuzion then update and dist-upgrade.....  but i'd wait the 6 or so hours till the release is out.06:09
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Hmmmmwhen does xubuntu a la dapper get released? wanted to see how much faster it runs than gnome06:09
mnvldid dapper come out yet?06:09
kambeiI'm not interested in using cedega.  I would just like openGL to work with wine.06:09
sherlock-holmesreally?.... i did that...didint notice any significant change06:09
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ViakenNot yet, mnvl06:09
jobezoneBung: ok, but you're missing out, trust me.06:10
rredd4mnvl read the topic06:10
JabberWokkymnvl: Yes, but you missed it.06:10
Bungjobezone: this laptop will overheat, ive tried it before06:10
sherlock-holmesi heard the release is gonna be late today....06:10
Ademancrimsun: so, is "alsa-base" the package i want? because i've already got that...06:10
T313C0mun1s7Oh, and I went and changed them ;-(   [and the background, and the usplach, and the log-in, and the wallpaper, and the cursors, etc . . .] 06:10
Bungthanks again06:10
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mnvlwhen it does will the same servers that apt-get update uses get hammered?06:10
jobezoneBung: managed to use bittorrent?06:10
intelikeyPhuzion any change to /etc/apt/sources.list   MUST be followed by an apt-get update or equlevent06:10
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sherlock-holmesdonno who decides the precise timings...06:10
crimsunAdeman: no, you already have alsa; it's installed & configured by default.06:10
crimsunAdeman: what's the issue?06:10
EfnianAlsa-base are belong to us.06:11
Bungjobezone: no, there are all these btdownloadgui and stuff, but they give errors, i cant find one in /usr/bin that will run06:11
Vaske_CarWhat does mean command aptitude ?06:11
=== JabberWokky ponders how many IRC clients don't display the topic of the current channel.
intelikeylol equlevent06:11
khermansThere's not handicapped people in the Ubuntu logo -- guess they aren't really people06:11
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intelikeyi'm on tonight,,,, aint i06:11
Ademancrimsun: only one program can play sound at a time06:11
rredd4Vaske_Car  man aptitude06:11
crimsunAdeman: cat /proc/asound/cards06:11
ViakenJabberWokky: That's what I was wondering. :P06:11
T313C0mun1s7There are no Albinos either, would you say the same?06:11
grvcolor schemes can actually make the topic not visible:/06:11
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khermansT313C0mun1s7, at leats one leper or something c'mon!!!06:12
crimsunAdeman: use pastebin.06:12
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Ademancrimsun: sudo cat?06:12
crimsunAdeman: no, as your user.06:12
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BungZambezi: you around?06:12
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lufisHi. How would I go about filing a feature request for Ubunu?06:12
T313C0mun1s7How about a pigmy06:12
jobezoneBung: that's weird... did you install from the repositories? If so, you could report that as a bug in launchpad.net .06:12
nhainesPhuzion, don't change your sources.list file.  If you want to upgrade to Dapper early, then just run gksudo update-manager -r06:12
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sherlock-holmesthere is no new information....i waited for nothing...man i am tired...06:12
Bungjobezone: i dunno, it was in synaptic, so i presume it was from repositories?06:13
khermansT313C0mun1s7, nahh06:13
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Phuzionnhaines:  Server, running Bash06:13
Ademancrimsun: http://hstuart.dk/paste/view.aspx?id=4692a175-ee06-487e-b8d3-a8aebd6cef1806:13
nhainesPhuzion, oh, in that case it should be safe enough to change the sources.list.06:13
T313C0mun1s7I want to see a logo with three white males, there getting rare you know.06:13
AdemanT313C0mun1s7: HAHAHA06:14
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crimsunAdeman: you didn't create /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc* by hand, did you?06:14
jobezoneBung, yes, synaptic, apt-get, install from your configured repositories.06:14
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Ademandebian is enough of an elitist platform to have a white pride logo lol06:14
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matthew_wHey folks, what is a program I could use to clean up the audio track in a video file I have?06:14
khermansT313C0mun1s7, yeah theres only one -- but seriously if its for everyone, there should be a homeless guy in the logo or something06:14
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Ademancrimsun: nope, all autoconfigured06:14
Phuzionnhaines:  Do you know anything about sources.list?06:14
lufisIs there any way I could file a feature request for Ubuntu?06:14
sherlock-holmesdont think so06:14
nhainesPhuzion, yes, I do.06:14
jobezonelufis: register at launchpad.net06:14
JabberWokkyT313C0mun1s7: Google "Pep Boys"06:14
crimsunAdeman: and which apps are you testin?06:14
T313C0mun1s7Maybe the homeless gut can run it on one of those $100 laptops.06:14
intelikeyPhuzion did you see my post ?06:15
lufisjobezone: done and done. What then?06:15
Phuzionhttp://pastebin.com/750566 did I do anything wrong?06:15
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Phuzionintelikey:  I must have missed it06:15
Ademancrimsun: rhythmbox + firefox (flash plugin and otherwise)06:15
cluehammeri bet you could run it on the $100 dollar laptop with windowmaker06:15
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intelikeyPhuzion add a line like this "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse"06:15
jobezonelufis: and file a bug report on the specific package you have a wish for (or first search if someone else has done it before, and comment on it, if you want).06:15
dr_williscluehammer:  ran ubuntu on my P100 laptop with windowmaker. :P06:15
khermansCan we get a cell phone text message when the torrent is up?!?!?!?06:15
PhuzionDid that06:15
PhuzionDidn't work06:15
crimsunAdeman: flash is an awful test, since it's oss-only and hogs the sound device.06:15
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intelikeyPhuzion any change to /etc/apt/sources.list   MUST be followed by an apt-get update06:15
khermansAny SMS notification of Ubuntu release methods?06:15
nbx909khermans, you can use the daily build torrent06:15
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cluehammerahh windowmaker, the best 1993 had to offer06:15
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crimsunAdeman: use multiple simultaneous instances of aplay06:16
khermansnbx909, link?06:16
nbx909it's the same thing as the final build06:16
lufisjobezone: what if it's not a package, but a inclusion of a certain software?06:16
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cluehammeras much fun as this is, i must sleep. night06:16
Phuzionintelikey:  Added the line, apt-get update and still fails06:16
nbx909khermans, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18557006:16
nhaineskhermans, use a favor from a friend?  :)06:16
Vaske_Car""With the latest release, 6.06 LTS, the Ubuntu Server Edition..."" Where can I download that new version 6.06?06:16
intelikeyPhuzion did you what error message ?06:16
rredd4Phuzion did you then type apt-get update06:16
khermansnhaines, favor??!06:16
T313C0mun1s7fluxbox - I have a 486 W/ 32Mb Ram running it (Under Ubantu server)06:16
nbx909Khisanth, scroll down to edit 206:16
MTecknologyIf the release of Dapper is 00:00GMT, and I am +6CST, does that mean it will be 06:00CST when I see it released?06:16
nhaineskhermans, get him to check ubuntu.com and SMS you when it updates.06:16
Ademancrimsun: oh, ok06:16
Khisanthwhat am I editing?06:16
khermansnhaines, oh thats lame!!06:16
nbx909MTecknology, it's out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18557006:16
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KurtKrautVaske_Car, at www.ubuntu.com after a few hours when this version will be released06:17
Bilfordthe release isnt 000006:17
jobezonelufis: ahh.. good point, I don't know that. You mean a package not available in Main, Universe, or Restricted?06:17
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nhaineskhermans, it's guaranteed, though, if you have a good friend.  :)06:17
FunnyLookinHatMTecknology: CST is -6 GMT06:17
KurtKrautnbx909, it is not. These files are not the final version06:17
MTecknologyo, so Dapper is supported in this channel now?06:17
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MTecknologyLOL, I stupid06:17
nhaineskhermans, if you're in the US, I'll SMS you.06:17
nbx909KurtKraut, yes they are....06:17
crimsunAdeman: yes, from the terminal. ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav''06:17
T313C0mun1s7JabberWokky: http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~rvm/pics/pepboys.jpg06:17
Vaske_CarKurtKraus, oh so its still in developement...06:17
FunnyLookinHator wait06:17
FunnyLookinHatI am thinking GMT06:17
jobezonelufis: well, first see if it's in debian. If it's already in, it means it will be part of the next release (Not dapper).06:17
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IcemanV9MTecknology: CST? we're 6 hrs behind GMT06:17
PhuzionThere ya go06:17
Vaske_CarHow long is Server version supported?06:17
Viakenjobezone: lufis is gone.06:17
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crimsunVaske_Car: 5 years.06:17
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jobezoneViaken: Thanks!06:17
ViakenNo worries! :)06:18
khermansIs Dapper officially out now?!?!06:18
IcemanV9actually CDT :P06:18
KurtKrautVaske_Car, 5 years. Stop asking questions that you already know the answer :P06:18
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crimsunkhermans: does the topic say as much?06:18
onkarshindekhermans: Read the channel topic06:18
matthew_wAlso, what the heck is up with sound in Ubuntu.  Every application is crashing like crazy whenever it needs the sound device, or, it can't find the sound device, so I have so start/kill ESD a million times before anything works.  What am I doing wrong?06:18
Ademancrimsun: aplay does work that way06:18
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FunnyLookinHatmatthew_w: are you using dapper or breezy?06:18
crimsunAdeman: then alsa & dmix are fine for your chipset.06:18
Vaske_Carcrimsun, im a bit confused now... it say that Ubuntu is suported 18months..., is there separate server version that is suported 5 years?06:18
nhainesmatthew_w, you should configure dmix correctly.06:19
khermanscrimsun, no it doesnt -- ok so i'll change it06:19
zcat[1] Bah, it's been 1/6 here for over 16 hours already!!!06:19
FunnyLookinHatmatthew_w: never had any issues liek that for dapper beta06:19
onkarshindematthew_w: Instead of killing ESD everytime, prevent it from starting06:19
T313C0mun1s7Is that what my problem with Listen is tonight - I have to kill it every 5 minutes06:19
nhainesmatthew_w, 6.06 fixes this problem in most cases.06:19
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crimsunVaske_Car: -desktop is 3 years. -server is 5 years.06:19
intelikeyPhuzion drop the us.  maybe and try again06:19
MTecknologyCould not download all repository indexes - http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/snapshot/bzr/./Release: No MD5Sum entry in Release file /var/lib/apt/lists/people.ubuntu.com_%7ejbailey_snapshot_bzr_._Release06:19
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MTecknologywhat's wrong?06:19
Ademancrimsun: then what do i do about flash? grin and bear it? or can i install oss and make it play nice with esd? or what?06:19
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crimsunAdeman: install alsa-oss from universe, and use ``aoss firefox''06:19
intelikeyPhuzion or add a nl.  or something06:19
crimsunand go write a nasty e-mail to macromedia/adobe06:19
DBOI write two every week =)06:20
PhuzionSame problem06:20
intelikeyPhuzion that is not a sources.list error.  that is a network error.06:20
Ademancrimsun: what did you mean by the second part? is that... the command to start up firefox?06:20
Vaske_Carcrimsun, how do I download server version??? I tried here http://www.ubuntu.com/download but it offer standard 5.10 version, it does not say that it is server version...  ?????06:20
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khermanscrimsun, it seems to be in that .pool directory!06:20
FunnyLookinHatVaske_Car: try going to the links from ubuntu.com concerning the server..06:20
KurtKrautVaske_Car, server version is for Ubuntu Dapper (codenome of 6.06)06:20
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FunnyLookinHatif those don't work it's becaues it's not relased06:21
PhuzionI forgot to set my network settings totally06:21
KurtKrautVaske_Car, codename I mean06:21
rredd4intelikey maybe Phuzion can use apt spy06:21
matthew_wAh good, Dapper's out soon.  I'll just sudo apt-get dist-upgrade soon06:21
intelikeyrredd4 yeah06:21
ViakenPhuzion: Then that might be your problem. ;)06:21
FunnyLookinHatbut I want my ISOs now before i go to bed06:21
matthew_wAlso - hey, will that give me ALL of the new stuff in Dapper, because, when I upgraded to Breezy, I missed some stuff that would have been installed had I used the CD's/06:21
crimsunAdeman: yes06:21
nhainesmatthew_w, use Upgrade Manager.  :)06:21
pjwWill the new version of Ubuntu include a flash plugin for AMD64?06:22
crimsunVaske_Car: it hasn't been released yet.06:22
matthew_wnhaines; where's that located?06:22
crimsunpjw: no06:22
Vaske_CarSo 5.10 is still stadard version and new version will be called  Ubuntu Dapper06:22
Vaske_Carnow i understand06:22
PhuzionHow do I tell ifconfig what my router address is?06:22
crimsunVaske_Car: correct06:22
onkarshindepjw: No06:22
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nhainesmatthew_w, System>Administration06:22
Meshezabeelall you have to do is: apt-get dist-upgrade ?06:22
crimsunkhermans: To what are you referring?06:22
nhainesVaske_Car, the new version will be called 6.06 LTS06:22
Vaske_Carcrimsun, any idea when it will be released?06:22
zcat[1] what's LTS stand for?06:22
rredd4Meshezabeel  to hard for you?!06:22
onkarshindeVaske_Car: Wrong. Once dapper is released latest stable version will be 6.0606:22
crimsunzcat[1] : long term support06:22
JabberWokkyzcat[1] : Long Term Support06:22
zcat[1] Ahhhhh..06:23
czambranSeveas: any development on the release?06:23
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crimsunVaske_Car: sometime in the next 8-12 hours, most likely06:23
nhaines!tell Vaske_Car about dapper06:23
MTecknologyThere going to be a shit load of updates the first few weeks for dapper?06:23
Meshezabeelrredd4, yeah, it is a bit hard, I'm just glad I don't have to type sudo or something silly like that!06:23
pjwonkarshinde: when will it be?06:23
zcat[1] In another 8 hours is will be 2/6 here !!06:23
nbx909for those who don't think that http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185570 is the latest stable verson here is a screen shot of it running in vmware http://kimages.be/share/87459560.png i06:23
intelikeyi just was using hoary, and so i uninstalled ubuntu-base and did a dist-upgrade to dapper skipping breezy  and i don't reccomend that anyone else try that... but it worked well.06:23
onkarshindepjw: Sometime today06:23
crimsunpjw: it's difficult to release something that doesn't exist!06:23
Bilfordbest guess for release time is in 2 hours 37 minutes06:23
Viaken!tell Viaken about dapper06:23
meddlepalHey, when Dapper is released, just wondering what command I should execute to download and install? Is it going to be the same update-manager -d switch as with the RC?06:23
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rredd4Meshezabeel  are you root, if not type sudo06:23
Viakenwell that wasn't helpful. lol06:23
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)06:23
z4k4ri4Dapper will be released on 6:06, the question is in what timezone :)06:23
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czambranmeddlepal: you shouldn';t need the 'd' switch06:24
crimsunBilford: that's pretty optimistic, considering our core-devs will still be asleep.06:24
nhainesnbx909, the betas have looked like that for the last two weeks.06:24
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onkarshindez4k4ri4: Read ubotu reply06:24
khermanscrimsun, guess i am wrong -- maybe Dapper will be out at 3:53 accroding to the .pool directories on the releases.ubuntu.com site06:24
ajax4Its 6/6 on the East Coast :)06:24
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PrimoTurboCan anyone confirm that .pool is the same as the final?06:24
Bilfordcrimsun, they should still be up partying06:24
ajax4Err, 6/1 that is.06:24
intelikeyPhuzion why do you have breezy cd in that list ?06:24
FlannelPrimoTurbo: it's not.06:24
khermanscrimsun, since it seems to be uploaded very frequently around that time06:24
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JabberWokkyajax4: I was wondering "East coast of *what* is 6/6?!??!"06:24
FlannelPrimoTurbo: its todays daily build06:24
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PrimoTurboI see06:25
rredd4intelikey Phuzion (i=Phuzion8@69-168-170-76.clvdoh.adelphia.net) has left #ubuntu06:25
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nbx909nhaines, they said thank you for your interest in ubuntu released in june 2006?06:25
PrimoTurboman this is annoying I see a thread about the final06:25
ajax4Jabber: hehe, typo!06:25
=== ajax4 is anxiously awaiting the final version of Dapper!
Vaske_CarHere is why i ask about server version: If i run server with 5.10 after 3 years I will not be able to update it no more, right?06:25
intelikeyrredd4 see the oooops ?06:25
T313C0mun1s7I Know EXACTLY when it will be released!! I am just not telling (other wise what fun is being omnipotent)06:25
crimsunkhermans: the timestamps from publisher mean nothing until the released is announced.06:25
nhainesnbx909, yes.06:25
zcat[1] JabberWokky: east coast are a little lagged at the moment I guess :)06:25
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TiG4http://ubuntu.youaremighty.com   <--- This Is Great!06:25
BilfordMark Shuttleworth went to the INternational Space Station06:25
nbx909nhaines, okay then my bad06:25
FlannelVaske_Car: security updates, right.  You can still use it, and still upgrade it to a later version.06:25
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rredd4intelikey oops...06:26
nbx909nhaines, i guess we will see when the stable verson is released if i was right06:26
=== IcemanV9 sits in the corner and enjoy those silly question, "is it out yet??". muhahaha (eating snacks & drinking a bottle of beer)
khermanscrimsun, is there a HOWTO on the release process?  Do they say what special testing is done to the final ISOs and things like this?06:26
=== conufsed [n=conufsed@dsl-58-6-118-49.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
MeshezabeelDapper will be released on at 06:06:06am06:26
nhainesnbx909, the release candidate one week ago was an attempt to make a gold copy of 6.06, so, we have to wait until the announcemtn.  :)06:26
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khermansto ensure like not major flaws in the release, like a bad image06:26
Bilfordwhy is everyone waiting?  the final release wont be much different than the latest build06:26
=== grndslm [n=grndslm@24-116-87-108.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
KurtKrautTiG4, fantastic :P06:27
grvbecause it will be *official*06:27
Bilfordyou might have to download 2 mb of updates06:27
khermansMeshezabeel, that would be sweet 66606:27
=== IcemanV9 agreed with Bilford :)
ajax4Bilford: This will be my first time running Ubuntu, so I figured I'd wait for the final release.06:27
T313C0mun1s7Ok, Ok - it will be sometime after the thousands of hungry mirrors are done syncing, or just after you give up and go to bed (which ever comes last)06:27
Meshezabeelkhermans, oh no, the end has come!!!06:27
jtdhi, guys!06:27
intelikeyrredd4 you may catch me doing that a lot.  i generally lag several seconds do to using all my band-narrowness06:27
FlannelBilford: most of us want to start serving up torrents, to share the wealth.  I know I'm not downloading to install, just to mirrow.06:27
SoirBilford: ISOs, maybe?06:27
zcat[1] khermans: I think they should have delayed five more days, just for the coolness factor of releasing at 06:06:06 06/06/0606:27
=== sholin [i=sholin@unaffiliated/sholin] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiBilford: shhhh, you're spoiling their fun :P06:27
jtdcan someone give me a brief rundown on how well the x86-64 version of Ubuntu works at the moment?06:27
nhainesBilford, for example, the kids' computer is not connected to the Internet, so I am waiting for a final CD to burn to take over and do updates.06:27
Bilfordok sorry06:27
jtd(if the answer is "poorly," say no more ;)06:27
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rredd4intelikey i see, i have a .1s lag06:28
paradonjtd: Not very, if you want stuff like Java, Flash, and windows media codecs.06:28
windexBilford: this hardware has never run linux nativley.. i'd rather use something as polished as possible/06:28
=== no0ke [n=Steady@ip70-160-27-40.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
khermanszcat[1] , anything is still possible!06:28
jtdparadon: good to know.  Thanks.06:28
=== omnipath [n=stefsmur@dsl092-149-206.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== orbin [n=orbin@unaffiliated/orbin] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] nah, no more unexpected delays.. it's not vista!!06:28
rredd4intelikey would a different server help...06:28
Bilfordwindex, you like things clean and shiny06:28
=== wulax [n=johannes@c-09a271d5.09-83-6c756c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyrredd4 i can't speek of 'band-width' on a 28k modem.06:28
Viakenjtd: But you can run those things in a chroot, with varying degrees of success.06:28
khermansVista looks pretty cool -- too bad it sucks06:28
=== cec1 [n=charles@optussatelliteservices.22bjipb002.optus.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
intelikeyrredd4 it's band narrowness06:28
T313C0mun1s7JTD unless you need TONS of memory access - stick with 32 bit, there are too many things still not supported06:28
=== wulax [n=johannes@c-09a271d5.09-83-6c756c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
rredd4intelikey  ok, 28k eye eye...06:29
bkhFrom what I've seen, Vista has nothing over XGL.06:29
FoX_44470Microsoft powwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ! ;)06:29
DShepherdwhat; keep the dapper duck so long?06:29
Viaken\o/ XGL rox!06:29
jtdI just sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'd when the last time I did it was a few days ago, and only 4 packages were updated.  they must be doing well.06:29
khermansbkh, yeah XGL rocks man, i love it06:29
jtdViaken: what do you mean by running things in a chroot?06:29
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Bilfordwhats XGL06:29
intelikeyrredd4 only upside, i'm DoS immune06:29
Vaske_Carok i am downlaoding 6.06 :)06:29
bkhXGL seems to work great for me, but Compbiz doesn't like me06:29
=== nbx909 [n=nbx909@71-80-82-71.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
jtdT313C0mun1s7: You get no speed advantage from running 64-bit binaries?06:29
crimsunkhermans: there is a testing page, yes. Some of the issues encountered are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar06:29
Bilforddoes Kubuntu use XGL06:30
grvxgl, the 3d desktop06:30
=== xMetaRidley [n=xridleyn@c-67-190-15-129.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ViakenBilford: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XGL06:30
zcat[1] DShepherd: it's tied up in duck tape..06:30
Hisakasexhow can I check sent mail by postfix?06:30
=== foldingstock [n=foldings@24-181-95-109.dhcp.dctr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bkhXGL is a new system that renders your whole desktop through OpenGL, so you can do all sorts of crazy things06:30
rredd4intelikey  how do you upgrade to dapper then, friends?  cd?06:30
T313C0mun1s7JTD only if the binary is native 64bit and VERY FEW are. Even then it is minimal06:30
grvlike watch porn upsidedown06:30
=== rendo [n=rendo@cable-24-139-11-220.listowel.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu
grvon a cube06:30
Hisakasexwhat's the command to check sent mail by postfix?06:30
bkhLike wobbly windows, desktop switching on a 3d cube, all good stuff06:30
no0kewhat's LTS?06:30
Hisakasexsorry for my english06:30
intelikeyrredd4 that's what eat all the band-narrowness  :)06:30
ubotults is, like, totally, Long Term Support. LTS versions will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.06:31
Viakenjtd: Trying to find you a link.06:31
rredd4intelikey  must take hours06:31
Bunghas anyone here got opera to work with an application for opening files?06:31
Meshezabeelah, thought it was Linux Terminal Server ;)06:31
jtdT313C0mun1s7: so on my Athlon64 I am much, much better-off running normal 32-bit Ubuntu.06:31
zcat[1] 'late to servers' -- they delayed it 6 weeks...06:31
=== P0ldy [n=P0ldy@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_CarCentOS 4 is suported till 201806:31
rendoWhen 6.06 is released for download, does anyone recall from 5.10's release if the servers will be slow?06:31
=== haloe [n=opera@204-212-123-249.setardsl.aw] has joined #ubuntu
Bungi set opera to use qtorrent for torrents, but it loads qtorrent, and no torrents display06:31
P0ldyIt's best to use a torrent to download06:31
intelikeyyeah i let it run while i code or chat or what ever. rredd406:31
zcat[1] I'll torrent it...06:31
haloehave you ever tried azureus or bitcomet06:32
jtdrendo: BT is your friend :)  and I don't mean British Telecom.06:32
=== omnipath [n=stefsmur@dsl092-149-206.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu []
Meshezabeelazureus is pretty good06:32
Vaske_CarHow does torrent work?06:32
pjwDoes the alternate version include a ncurses installer?06:32
IcemanV9torrent will go fast as everyone will torrent iso's06:32
rendoI know what BT is, I assume that means yes to my question. :P06:32
onkarshindehaloe: azureusis really good06:32
jtdBitComet is crap.06:32
T313C0mun1s7JTD: Here is my thread on my headaches with 64bit and why I changed: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18060006:32
jtdAvoid it.06:32
haloeyeah :)06:32
MeshezabeelVaske_Car, don't worry about torrent, you are already downloading 6.0606:32
P0ldyYes, please don't use BitComet06:32
haloeBitComet is crap?06:32
=== SaadN [n=Saad@adsl-75-16-152-78.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] how many bits could a bit torrent torrent if a bit torrent could torrent bits?06:32
=== KillerKiwi2006 [n=chatzill@219-89-202-222.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
no0kewhen's it coming out???????????????????????06:32
rredd4gee, I love my cable internet!!06:32
Vaske_CarI do, it need 50 minutes06:32
cefzcat[1] : heh06:32
=== foldingstock [n=foldings@24-181-95-109.dhcp.dctr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
onkarshindeno0ke: sometime today06:33
jtdBitComet, last I checked, breaks private torrent protection, which causes some trackers to reject you when you use it.06:33
intelikeyzcat[1]  forty five!06:33
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-195-148.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bimberino0ke: /topic06:33
haloezacat[1] : how many bits could a bit torrent torrent if a bit torrent could torrent bits?06:33
jtdT313C0mun1s7: Molto grazie.06:33
z4k4ri4If you already running dapper beta it's better to use jigdo06:33
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=== kashms [n=kashms@c83-248-32-122.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
haloecopypaste lol06:33
=== blanky [n=blank@pool-71-104-117-215.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Meshezabeelif a bit torrent could torrent bits, the bits that a bit torrent could torrent bit if a torrent bit torrent torrents bits06:33
onkarshindeI am using jigdo. I had beta and then RC06:33
intelikeyzcat[1]  ever hear the expression "ask a stupid question, get a ....."    :)06:33
blankyMeshezabeel, where'd you copy that from06:33
pjwThe alternate version == the old install version?06:33
Toma-what does LTS stand for?06:34
rendoSo is it released yet or no?06:34
z4k4ri4pjw: yes06:34
ubotuI guess lts is Long Term Support. LTS versions will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.06:34
haloeBung: hello06:34
P0ldyBitComet also favors peers using the same client, and sends so many junk packets that you could upload 1.5 of a torrent and not get the full copy out06:34
T313C0mun1s7By the way for anyone wanting to know why NOT to run 64 bit this is a excellent thread: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18060006:34
Meshezabeelblanky, my twisted mind06:34
ubotublanky: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:34
onkarshindepjw: right06:34
=== blanky [n=blank@pool-71-104-117-215.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ubotuI guess lts is Long Term Support. LTS versions will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.06:34
Vaske_Carwill 6.06 beta bupdate itself to final version when released?06:34
Toma-i c06:34
nhainesVaske_Car, yes.06:34
OmniDI refuse to use Ubuntu unless I have mouse trails06:34
zcat[1] !botsnack06:34
ubotuthanks zcat[1]  :)06:34
eigenlambdaOmniD: lol!06:34
pjwz4k4ri4: so, Does it include an installer with ncurses?06:34
khermansOmniD, you can enable them06:34
=== sally__ [n=chatzill@c-68-33-57-92.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdalol @ mouse trails06:34
haloehey zcat[1] 06:34
OmniDoh sweet. I was joking but hey might as well do it.06:35
haloeI want to show you something funny06:35
khermansOmniD, yea yer dum06:35
zcat[1] the new live-cd GUI installer is sweet...06:35
z4k4ri4pjw: yes06:35
=== Viaken wants to try out esspresso.
Bilfordmouse trails are the reason why I switched to Ubuntu06:35
jtdP0ldy: I actually didn't know that about BitComet with the whole "favoring peers with same client" thing.06:35
Meshezabeelyes, that's why most people don't want to switch to linux, because they lose the important things like mouse trails06:35
eigenlambdaViaken: it's not all its cracked up to be06:35
zcat[1] mouse trails? important?06:35
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Bilfordactually, I use Kubuntu06:35
sally__if the live cd has an installer, why should I not download the live cd?  what advantages does the non-live cd have06:35
jtdwhat's esspresso?06:35
JabberWokkyzcat[1] : If you're visually impaired, they are.06:35
eigenlambdajust get a coolatta-type drink.  those are good.06:36
zcat[1] perhaps on a crap old 386 laptop, but who the hell needs mousetrails these days?06:36
Vaske_Cardoes anybody running Invision Power Board from home?06:36
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rendoSo is it released yet or no?06:36
intelikeyeigenlambda we shoul code something called "mouse droppings"   that will leave mouse pills in the corner of the screen if the mouse is idle for very long....  :)06:36
eigenlambdaespresso is a smal cup of coffee06:36
=== haloe goes crazy
crimsunMeshezabeel: dude, ponies are way more important than mouse trails, and vista has ponies, so I'm going with vista.06:36
orbinsally__: only the dapper live cd has an installer.  previous version did not06:36
grndslmsally)), the only reason you'd need to use the live cd is for an older computer...in which case you should try xubuntu instead of ubuntu06:36
jtdeigenlambda: I know that :)  I thought "esspresso" was a program.  Heh.06:36
=== whitesuit [n=angelus@201-1-132-125.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Viakeneigenlambda: Well, I haven't heard any of the cracking up, so I can't be let down. ;)06:36
eigenlambdaintelikey: eww!!06:36
bimberisally__: specialised install methods (oem, expert, server)06:36
zcat[1] OMFG!!! Ponies!!!06:36
=== haloe sees robots taking over ubuntu
sally__bimberi: thanks06:36
grndslmsally__, scuze me, i meant install cd06:36
eigenlambdayou mean, like phosphor burn-in?06:36
bimberisally__: yw :)06:36
=== z4k4ri4 [n=zakaria@] has joined #ubuntu
nhainesjtd, the installer is called Ubiquity, not expresso any longer.  ;)06:37
=== haloe sees cd catch fire :P
Viakencrimsun: Ponies??06:37
=== Daniel_GPL [n=jordiabl@4-174-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
Meshezabeelcrimsun, they used to think no one would ever need more than 64k of mouse trails, but no, we need more of them!!!06:37
XorePonies are so 2 months ago06:37
Toma-anyone tried the kubuntu RC? is it rock solid?06:37
jtdI have a question about xfce on Ubuntu (xubuntu).  When you install packages, will apt-get install icons in xfce's menus the way it does for KDE and Gnome?06:37
=== haloe sees the butterfly on fire :)
=== thenetduck_ [n=thenetdu@c-67-186-218-157.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] Ubuntu 6.06 .. now with PONIES!!06:37
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz
eigenlambdaubuntu- the canonical desktop linux06:37
=== Sibman [i=squid@mail.mm-k.ru] has joined #ubuntu
jtdOMG!!!!!  PONIES!!!!@!21206:38
=== jtd coughs
DShepherdToma-: as in #kubuntu06:38
=== shrewd [i=535428@bud.cc.swin.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_CarWhere can I read new stuff implemented in 6.06?06:38
zcat[1] sudo apt-get install xteddy06:38
=== DaSkreech laughs
=== haloe starts burning all ubuntu cds
Bunghaloe: yes?06:38
T313C0mun1s7I HAVE mounse trails - they go from the corner to under the couch06:38
eigenlambdai liked the pink slashdot theme06:38
=== haloe sees a big bonfire :P
eigenlambdaT313C0mun1s7: lol06:38
onkarshindeVaske_Car: what do you mean by this?06:38
DaSkreechToma-: It's been stable since Flight 606:38
zcat[1] I wonder if I can put a pony image into xteddy.. hafta look into that06:38
eigenlambdathese kids in my suite this semester...06:38
shrewdguys for pentium D (EM64) do i grab the amd64 dapper release or no?06:38
P0ldyNew slashdot redesign is an improvement06:38
eigenlambda...they had a mouse in their room06:38
rredd4hello from Alicia06:38
eigenlambdait was eating their cheese balls06:38
wulaxwow, 2 mb/s when downloading dapper iso. great.06:38
Bilfordshrewd, it's not out yet06:38
eigenlambdathat weren't covered06:38
=== haloe sees robots multiplying
DShepherdP0ldy: very much so06:38
Vaske_Caronkarshinde, what will be new in 6.06 comparing to 5.1006:38
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DShepherdP0ldy: i like it06:38
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shrewdBilford: thanks for that, i'll wait :(06:39
jtdshrewd: general agreement seems to be "no."  not worth the marginal speed boost for almost all applications.06:39
nhainesVaske_Car, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/dapperrc06:39
eigenlambdadumb kids... having uncovered food in their room...06:39
=== p62 [n=p62@] has left #ubuntu ["goodluck"]
onkarshindeVaske_Car: search for release notes on wiki.ubuntu.com06:39
Toma-shrewd: id say stick with x86. youll be able to use flash, w32codecs and so on06:39
jtdshrewd: I actually just asked a similar question :)06:39
P0ldyDShepherd, I prefer the runner up, but anything short of ponies is better than what it is now06:39
crimsunwell obviously edgy will have ponies...06:39
Vaske_CarWith Ubuntu 6.06 LTS RC comes many bug fixes, improved artwork, and general fixes all around.06:39
=== haloe makes gives everyone an idiots guide to ubuntu
=== spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #ubuntu
=== haloe gives*
DShepherdP0ldy: the runner up is good but i like the winner06:39
nhainesVaske_Car, keep reading.06:39
=== eigenlambda gives everyone a link to the ubuntu wiki
FoX_44470Dapper is now released ! :D For the link, sent me 1000$06:39
jtdso why is there all this bitching from the Debian project about the Ubuntu project?  What's the real story there?06:40
Bilfordsudo apt-get install ponylib06:40
intelikeywhy is fortune-mod part of the default server ?06:40
=== Ponies [n=xore@S010600023fd5ff4d.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
wulaxcrazy crapper06:40
Vaske_CarNote: This is still a development release. Do not install it on production machines. The final stable version will be released in June of 2006.06:40
DShepherdcrimsun: jamaican ponies too:-)06:40
=== haloe says if you are reading this you are a DUMBASS
DaSkreechhaloe: You forgot to .configure06:40
jtdBilford: heh06:40
P0ldyFoX_44470, expect a payment from my nigerian friend soon06:40
Vaske_CarIs this the one that we downloading06:40
T313C0mun1s7http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180600  Why I chose not to run x63 on a Athlon 64 X2 4200+06:40
cluehammerany news? or should i just say screw it and go to bed?06:40
eigenlambdadebian purists wish debian could be ubuntu06:40
=== Ponies is now known as Ponies1111one111
MeshezabeelI hear that they are going to beef up ship-it to ship a hard copy of the Internet to the first 6006 people that order Ubuntu CDs.06:40
DShepherdFoX_44470: can i write u a check06:40
eigenlambda...i wish ubuntu had been debian06:40
jtd63-bit processors?06:40
haloeanyone want to make things easier06:40
onkarshindecluehammer: better go to bed06:40
=== mjb [n=mjb@CPE-2032086866.bal.ncable.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
cluehammerdebian: would you like some fries with that 1337ism06:40
cluehammernight all06:40
=== zcat[1] is now known as OMG111Ponies111
haloe63 is obsolete06:40
eigenlambdamy dad used to work on 36-bit processors...06:40
=== voraistos [n=benjamin@cpc3-staf4-0-0-cust364.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Meshezabeeleigenlambda, ubuntu was debian ;)06:40
nhainesVaske_Car, eitehr that or a less stable version, because 6.06 is not  out yet.06:41
T313C0mun1s7I save a bit for rainy days06:41
FoX_44470I accept all sort of money !06:41
=== duckdown [n=duckdown@unaffiliated/duckdown] has joined #ubuntu
=== OMG111Ponies111 is now known as zcat[1]
=== SciOly [n=david@c-24-147-119-200.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdai think one of those architectures is still in debian/stable06:41
haloeis it that hard?06:41
Vaske_Carnhaines, this is June, is this 6.06 final version or beta?06:41
rendoWhere are the prime numbers?06:41
jtd4 8 15 16 23 4206:41
=== zcat[1] starts compiling everything for the yet-to-be-released 128bit chips...
P0ldyDebian is supposed to be getting their release cycles out faster06:41
MeshezabeelVaske_Car, final version06:42
T313C0mun1s7No it is not hard, just put a bit in your pocket06:42
Xorerendo: 2^p - 106:42
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intelikeyhaloe you know binarry ?      i heard there are 10 kinds of people in the world,   those that know binarry and those that dont.06:42
T313C0mun1s7Id you need extra bits shake a floppy over a bowl06:42
mjbHey is 'Always on visible Workspace' determined by metacity?06:42
haloezcat[1]  need to steal bill gates pc!06:42
nhainesVaske_Car, there is no final version yet.  It will happen later on today.  Watch http://www.ubuntu.com/download for the release.06:42
Efnianmjb, I wish I could customize a shortcut for that06:42
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zcat[1] intelikey: no, there are 10 kinds.. those that know binary, those that don't, and those that mistake it for trinary..06:42
haloeintelikey: yes06:42
Viaken2 3 5 7 11 13 1706:42
=== JoseStefan [i=Stealth@76sdl30m49.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
ViakenPrimes for you, rendo.06:43
haloeintelikey: want to be member06:43
shrewdso the regular ubuntu install disk is what i want for a pentium D and SMP will work nicely?06:43
mjbI was looking to see if I drag a window to a second monitor that property automatically gets set06:43
haloeI am hunting for members06:43
=== majd [n=majd@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
T313C0mun1s7If you really want to throw your computer for a loop, give it a 206:43
Xorezcat[1] : ternary, i think06:43
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mjb.. like a pallette06:43
ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP06:43
zcat[1] yeah, whatever :)06:43
Hisakasexwhat's the command to check sent mail by postfix?06:43
nhainesshrewd, that's right.06:43
T313C0mun1s7and that would be 11 kinds06:43
eigenlambdalol php06:43
mjbI was thinking some hack script might do the trick...06:43
=== halibut [n=foo@cpc3-lewi1-0-0-cust649.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] 11 kinds in binary, 10 kinds in ternary..06:43
=== deus [n=deus@dsl237-121.adsl.no] has joined #ubuntu
JoseStefanshrewd, you might need to install a 686 package06:44
bkhSo when Edgy Eft is ready, will Dapper Drake be considered a lame duck?06:44
=== jtd troutslaps bkh
intelikeyno just 206:44
Vaske_Carmajd, im not sure that this tutorial work well... i come to the point where i have to edit php.ini and it open empty file..06:44
rendoMediocre Mallard. :/06:44
=== tigfour [n=tigfour@cpe-24-162-123-187.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jtdOH GOD06:44
shrewdthanks :)06:44
majdVaske_Car, that's not good06:44
T313C0mun1s7Dont make me explain binary please06:44
=== SciOly [n=david@c-24-147-119-200.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdaya, i can't wait to see what's in edgy06:44
Vaske_Carmajd, you try anyway06:44
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eigenlambdai wonder if there's going to be some *actual* pr0n on the cd06:45
bkhWould you say that it's making you edgy, eigenlambda?06:45
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Hobartbkh -> no, when Eft is out, they'll call Drake "Etch".06:45
Hmmmmguys, i want to resinatll my machine and install dapper. how do i backup azureus so I cna continue the downloads?will backing up the .azureus do?06:45
haloeI have a game06:45
Flannelbkh: not really.  Edgy is going to be unstable, well, unstable compared to dapper.06:45
mjbAre there any metacity hackers in the audience?06:45
haloestop typing for 1 min.06:45
zcat[1] Hmmmm: yes06:45
eigenlambdainstead of just, lookind down on some chick's blouse06:45
Meshezabeelzcat[1]  what about those that make the mistake of quaternary?06:45
Hmmmmzcat[1] , cool thatnks06:45
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P0ldyHmmmm, why reinstall?  you could upgrade.06:45
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T313C0mun1s7haloe: use the scroll bar06:45
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zcat[1] eigenlambda: you never installed calendar did you?06:45
HmmmmP0ldy, i know. but iv been upgrading for a while. and I'd like to clean a few things up06:45
eigenlambdai don't use a calendar, no06:46
P0ldyHmmmm, ah06:46
=== h3h_timo [n=brad@nphloh-terayon1-69-165-48-69.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
haloeanyone want to join me in opera irc06:46
eigenlambdaactually, i don't use ubuntu yet.  going to install tomorrow06:46
nhainesOkay, I've got some stuff to take care of.  Take care, everyone.  :)06:46
zcat[1] eigenlambda: it was a series of wallpapers of actual naked people...06:46
JoseStefandoes this channel always have this much activity? (900 users)06:46
haloethis is so funny06:46
=== Das|Sleeping [n=Daskies@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Meshezabeelwhy would someone want to download the install disc rather than the live disc?06:46
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GeorgeClooneyim here for the release party!!!!!06:46
eigenlambdazcat[1] : sweet!06:46
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haloeI cam here for ubuntu and noone can help06:46
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ubotuwell, lts is Long Term Support. LTS versions will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.06:46
EfnianMeshezabeel, I do the Expert instal.06:46
Vaske_Caris there any REPAIR feature in Ubuntu in case that it crash?06:46
rendoA hammer.06:46
T313C0mun1s7haloe - but you were wanting to leave and play a game06:46
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jtdyou know what I want to see in Edgy?06:47
P0ldyyeah... init 106:47
Das|SleepingWhat's the command to see all proccess running again?06:47
eigenlambdaVaske_Car: like what?06:47
bkhI'm in the same position, I've been using SuSE for the last few years, but 10.1 is just f'd up, so I'm looking to switch to Ubuntu or CentOS...06:47
nhainesVaske_Car, yes, there is a recovery option in grub at startup.06:47
jtdA replacement for INIT, for the love of God.06:47
MeshezabeelEfnian, you can't do this under live cd?06:47
XoreIf Neo was the One of the matrix. Eigenlambda is it's zero. (laugh dammit, it's funny) (no offense, eigenlambda)06:47
zcat[1] ubuntu-calendar - The Ubuntu Calendar features monthly updated artwork and themes06:47
eigenlambdaDas|Sleeping: try ps -ax06:47
eigenlambdaor top06:47
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h3h_timocan i update yet???????????????06:47
jtdLinux STILL does serial boot-up06:47
EfnianMeshezabeel, actually, I have no idea, I'm playing it safe.06:47
GeorgeClooneyi told the internet people that i had to have the net today so that i could upgrade to dapper, how sad is that.  they were very confused on the phone and told me that their internet service required windows 98 or higher and were utterly confused by the name dapper06:47
haloeEfnian P0ldy want to join you can get a much better conversation06:47
h3h_timowhat is serial boot up06:47
Viaken!tell h3h_timo about dapper06:47
Vaske_Carwell i just compare to Windows... im still in process to migrate to Ubuntu completly so i just want to know..06:47
bkhBut isn't the matrix written in hex?06:47
jtdand if one thing is blocking, the entire boot sequence stops.06:47
bkhOn those screens with the green letters...06:48
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eigenlambdakinda funny...06:48
eigenlambdai guess the Matrix isn't invertible, then06:48
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jtdh3h_timo: it means that, for example, if the boot sequence is waiting on an IP address from DHCP, nothing else happens while it's waiting.  the system just sits there and waits.06:48
eigenlambdaif one of the eigenvalues is 006:48
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P0ldyGeorgeClooney, lol.  'What version of Windows is a Dapper?'06:48
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rredd4will Canonical offer help if I email them a question?06:48
rendoI used to work for an ISP06:48
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rendoWe didn't support linux.06:48
h3h_timojtd, it does that for anything it tries to do?06:48
rendoPeople got pissed when they called.06:48
Vaske_CarNext release should be named Ubuntu Mega, it sound nice :)06:49
zcat[1] jtd: you can esily background that, but if something else needs an IP address and dhcp hasn't finished yet, things can get unpredictable06:49
T313C0mun1s7I have a copy of Windows 1 (for really and for true - I keep it next to my copy of OS/2)06:49
crimsunhaloe: ok, that's enough spam kthx06:49
haloeFLOODING wont I get banned>06:49
eigenlambdahaloe: nice flood06:49
jtdzcat: the system should still start, though.  this is especially important for laptops.06:49
Xore/quit and /part were in a channel. /part left. who was still there?06:49
haloethis is crazy06:49
jtdwow.  someone uses direcpc.06:49
JoseStefanwhat version of linux would be good for an old 486/25 with 32mb of ram?06:49
jtdh3h_timo: yup.06:50
haloeI use ubuntu and I wanted to ask what is difference06:50
Xorei suck06:50
grv/part ?06:50
zcat[1] yeah.. there's a package I think for laptops that checks if anything is actually plugged IN to the netweork port and skips dhcp if not..06:50
haloeubuntu kubunu06:50
KyralJoseStefan: Damn Small Linux06:50
h3h_timojtd, is it ever gonna change06:50
P0ldyJoseStefan, what are you going to do with it06:50
GeorgeClooneyP0ldy then they insult me with having a windows only setup... i am glad that my gfs computer has windows or i would have been very upset.  last time the guy came to set it up he was like "is this a mac?"  i said no, this is linux and he said oh that line x thing that i always hear about... ok06:50
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T313C0mun1s7I use ubantu server with fluxbox on a 486 w/ 32meg - but there is a lot of work setting it up06:50
JoseStefanwell actually it's has an overdrive = 586/13306:50
rredd4JoseStefan  Damn small linux is great06:50
eigenlambdahaloe: try "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Gthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" for your next flood06:50
jtdh3h_timo: I dunno.  people make noises about replacing INIT with a parallel boot-up system of some kind all the time, but so far I don't know of any distribution that uses one.06:50
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wimsthat's nice06:50
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GeorgeClooneyi am syco54645 normally by the way, i just didnt want to identify06:50
jtdeigenlambda: heh06:50
JoseStefanNostalgia, it was my first PC06:50
orbinwims: he deserved it06:50
h3h_timojtd, well... thats new info thanks for explaining06:51
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GeorgeClooneybut this is getting too chatty for a help chat, so i am out of here, back to my other apartment where my ac works.06:51
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Flanneleigenlambda: is that klingon?06:51
jtdzcat[1] : doesn't help if you have wireless.06:51
jtdIA!  IA!06:51
Xore<noise type="random" source="camel" />06:51
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T313C0mun1s7The processor is not going to be the problem - memory is the killer06:51
JoseStefanso I might have a chance with ubuntu-server ?06:51
zcat[1] I tell people I'm running a preview that hasn't been released yet. They go "oh, vista" and I tell them something like that.... they're going to be so dissapointed when they actually see Vista compared to my sweet compiz setup!!06:51
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Meshezabeelbkh, get your batleth ready06:52
DShepherdzcat[1] : :-)06:52
intelikeyklingoneese  don't you know?06:52
jtdzcat[1] : "compiz?"06:52
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P0ldyGeorgeClooney, you shouldn't even have to tell them what OS you're using.  If you know the issue, just have them elevate you to tier2 tech support so you don't have to get the "do this reboot do this" shit06:52
rendoAnyone know if Cedega will support DX10?06:52
T313C0mun1s7I started with the base install, then custom, and started stripping out un-needed stuff06:52
=== bkh sings "Dread Cthulhu, elder god from the stars, if you see him and live, you'll hang out more in bars..."
IcemanV9JoseStefan: yea. try to install server06:52
DShepherdzcat[1] : i cant wait for edgy too06:52
hkl8324I checked shipit and it said the CD have been shipped to the shipping company on 31/5, what does that mean? The CD is the not final LTS or?06:52
bkhMeshezabeel: That isn't Klingon06:52
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Xoreoh no!06:52
orbinrendo: ask in #cedega06:52
Xorewe're back below 900 people in here06:52
grvcedega probably doesnt even know if theyll support it:P06:52
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rendoI'm lazy, can't you do it for me? :p06:52
DShepherdXore: yeah06:53
zcat[1] I think I can wait for edgy.. dapper is pretty sweet already. Everything I need for a while anyhow..06:53
nbx909yeah i found the link early06:53
Hmmmmwhen does xubuntu a la dapper get released? wanted to see how much faster it runs than gnome06:53
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DShepherdzcat[1] : same here.. been running dapper from Feb06:53
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-67-172-190-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nbx909well not me a friend of mine06:53
ubotuxubuntu is probably Ubuntu using Xfce instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://www.xubuntu.org06:53
zcat[1] Hey, I just found a torrent link on ubuntu.com for 6.06-LTS06:53
jbroomeomg omg omg06:53
jrsimsHello! Anyone know how I can have drop-shadows in gnome?06:53
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GianLuigiBuffonhi m8s!!!!06:53
DShepherdHmmmm: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:53
zcat[1] ummm no sorry, just kidding :)06:53
HmmmmDShepherd, cool thanks06:54
troy_sjrsims:  Do a search for compiz / xgl06:54
DShepherdHmmmm: np06:54
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=== bkh shakes his fist. "Damn you zcat!"
GianLuigiBuffonI'm running Ubuntu 5.05 Breezy and I want to upgrate to Dapper.... the question is... how? xD06:54
jrsimstroy_s: yeah, is that anywhere near stable yet?06:54
jtdwill sudo apt-get remove --recursive ubuntu-desktop eliminate GNOME for you?06:54
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Xaero_Vincent900 people here? wtf06:54
majdwhere does php.ini install into?06:54
eigenlambdaFlannel: no, it's what the Cthulhu cultists chant06:54
Meshezabeelbkh: well then go get me a shrubbery06:54
troy_sjrsims:  pretty stable for most.06:54
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JoseStefanthe are some unconfirmed links on the ubuntu forums06:54
bkhMeshezabeel: No, you'll just want another one.06:54
=== rob138 [n=rob@adsl-69-232-232-181.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
majdXaero_Vincent, dapper release06:54
jrsimstroy_s: I think I've already installed the packages. How do I enable?06:54
GianLuigiBuffonCthulhu rules!!!!06:54
intelikeyjtd no  remove gconf06:54
troy_sjrsims:  if gl accellerated cards were open spec, probably more stable.  send mail to nvidia and ati.06:55
Fracture /m06:55
SoirGianLuigiBuffon: With magical powers! And selective editing of /etc/apt/sources.list. Read the wiki for more info06:55
XoreXaero_Vincent: 900 people in here is nothing. you should see how many people are going to be in #vista when it releases. (0)06:55
jtdGianLuigiBuffon: change all the lines that say "breezy" in your /etc/apt/sources.list to say "dapper."06:55
eigenlambdai think the GNAA is a kind of secular Cthulhu cult06:55
troy_sjrsims: let me find a link.06:55
Meshezabeelni ni ni ni06:55
jtdintelikey: ah.  that makes sense.  all depends on gconf :)06:55
Sajdapper will be runing gnome?06:55
jessy_where is dapper drake ? :s06:55
GianLuigiBuffonso better downloading dapper drake?06:55
troy_sjrsims:  try the wiki too.  here is the forums link http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12709006:55
rendoIt's not a question of how many will be in #vista, but more so how many people call in Microsoft because the OS fails to install properly. :P06:55
ubotufrom memory, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"06:55
ubotuCompiz is a compositing manager that uses OpenGL for rendering. See http://en.opensuse.org/Compiz -- Installation howto's:   http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.06:56
rredd4zcat   made me look, lol06:56
Merturk_NB|hwwill there be a seperate iso for xubuntu?06:56
ViakenGianLuigiBuffon: sed -i.bak -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade06:56
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XoreOne of the big questions: What if Microsoft made an operating system, and Nobody Came?06:56
jtdI wonder if you can have KDE running on one facet of an XGL cube and Gnome running on another.06:56
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troy_sjrsims:  enough?06:56
Xores/Came/Cared/;      ?06:56
jrsimstroy_s: yeah, thanks!06:56
SoirViaken: mmmm, one line dapper.06:56
GianLuigiBuffonjust that viaken?06:56
P0ldyXGL's exxxcellent06:56
Hisakasexhow can I check sent mail by postfix?06:56
Efnianjtd, yeah, and XFCE on third and fluxbox on fourth.06:56
Hisakasexsorry for asking the same again.. I went to eat06:57
grvi dont think anyone knows hisakasex:(06:57
GianLuigiBuffonsed: couldn't open temporary file /etc/apt//sedGrD8Zz: Permission denied06:57
jtdEfnian: ... I may weep.  :D06:57
intelikeyjtd yeah. you will need to renistall x-window-system-core   assuming you are keeping X    and  deborphan is your friend06:57
GianLuigiBuffonI'll put sude first06:57
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Soirsudo would be good, yes06:57
jtdintelikey: "deborphan?"06:57
Merturk_NB|hwwill there be a different ISO for xubuntu?06:57
rredd4will Canonical offer help if I email them a question?06:57
intelikeyjtd yes06:57
ViakenOh yeah...forgot my sudos. lol06:57
jrsimstroy_s: wait, is this a memory hog, or mostly handled by my vid card?06:57
troy_smerturk: one would think so.06:57
EfnianMerturk_NB|hw, yes.06:57
DaSkreechDShepherd: 1000+?06:57
SoirMerturk_NB|hw: eventually, yeah.06:57
rob_pHisakasex:  Probably by viewing Postfix's logfile.06:57
troy_sjrsims:  hard to say ultimately.  test and watch your resources.06:57
JoseStefanin theory, dapper should be released before the 2nd so we have 19h left (tops)06:57
DShepherdDaSkreech: its falling06:57
Merturk_NB|hwSoir, eventually?06:57
grvlol josestefan06:58
jtdintelikey: why do you need that?06:58
=== zcat[1] has 8 hrs left...!
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zcat[1] sorry, only 7 now...06:58
Xorethe 24h topic was up at LEAST 10 hours ago, to my knowledge, so it's down to under 1406:58
GianLuigiBuffonViaken that command doesn't work... access denied06:58
intelikeyjtd i do a looping deborphan to clean out all unnessary libs06:58
troy_sjrsims:  with novell developing it, i suspect it will get refined quite rapidly.06:58
Merturk_NB|hwSoir, easier to just install a server and run sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ?06:58
=== jsestri2 [n=jj@c-24-63-6-0.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jrsimstroy_s: yeah, I'm looking forward to it06:58
ViakenGianLuigiBuffon: You'll have to sudo everything: sudo sed -i.bak -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:58
JoseStefanwell it's almost 05:00 GMT06:58
shrewdanybody used suse10.1?06:58
nbx909i tried that Merturk_NB|hw it takes for ever lol06:58
jtdintelikey: ... oooohhh.  You know, I have always wanted to know how to do that :D06:58
Merturk_NB|hwwell, i've got a cable modem06:59
troy_sjrsims:   your computer will still work without wobbly windows ;)06:59
bkhshrewd: I am right now... which is why I'm looking at Ubuntu06:59
Merturk_NB|hw600 kb/s plus06:59
shrewdre:suse10.1: what did you think?06:59
Saj1 thing that will make ubuntu great is a cedega type thing built in:D06:59
SoirMerturk_NB|hw: That's what I did. I dunno if they're putting out a new iso immediately, I'd have -supposed- they would ;)06:59
jtdintelikey: That should be made part of some kind of "clean up your system" package.06:59
GianLuigiBuffoni pushed enter06:59
jsestri2what file would i edit to pass parameters to mysqld when it starts up with a new session?06:59
rob138are there any torrents of 6.06 iso?06:59
GianLuigiBuffonand nothing happened06:59
jrsimstroy_s: yeah, I think I can do without wobbly windows, but drop shadows would be nice.06:59
GianLuigiBuffonis normal ?06:59
Soirnbx909: try upgrading from 4.10 in stages and then installing xubuntu-desktop ;)06:59
Sajbut thats a dream for now:(06:59
GianLuigiBuffonor I must do something more06:59
troy_sjesetri2:  what are you trying to do exactly?06:59
jrsimstroy_s: btw, know how I can check my version of xorg?06:59
nbx909Soir, lol06:59
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troy_srob:  yes.06:59
JoseStefanthe ubuntuforums has "unconfirmed" links06:59
bkhSuSE has completely lost it.  The Developers treat releases like betas and Novell execs are forcing things like ZenWorks onto SuSE in a misguided attempt to boost sales07:00
troy_sjrsims:  what version of ubuntu you running?07:00
ViakenGianLuigiBuffon: Give it a little time.07:00
rob138troy_s where can i find them?07:00
intelikeyjtd install deborphan and do this       [ $UID -gt 1 ]  && SU=sudo ;while deborphan | grep [A-z]  >/dev/null 2>&1 ;do $SU apt-get --purge remove `deborphan` ;done07:00
GianLuigiBuffonyeah but it finished at the moment07:00
DarkTowerhow stable will doing an upgrade from breezy be when dapper is released?07:00
troy_srob138:  i THINK there are torrent listings at cdimage.ubuntu.com07:00
jrsimstroy_s: most current dapper07:00
DShepherdDaSkreech: what?07:00
rob_ptroy_s:  Yup!07:00
intelikeyyou can script that.  i wrote it.  it's GNU07:00
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GianLuigiBuffonnow is working07:00
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JoseStefanthere is a rumor that the current dailys = final07:00
GianLuigiBuffonbefore it didn't request me the password and nothing07:00
rob138troy_s thanks07:01
jrsimstroy_s: nm, looked at synaptic. I have 707:01
rob_ptroy_s:  Oops!  Wrong rob :-)07:01
GianLuigiBuffonso... when It finish, I'll have dapper then?07:01
grndslmdoes anybody know how to use flash memory as part of system memory, like vista does?  i gotta admit, that's pretty amazing that microsoft came up with a measly one new feature to the software industry07:01
troy_sguys, ubuntu is where it is at.  i believe mark has a few tricks up his sleeve regarding sun... we shall need to wait and see.07:01
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bimberiJoseStefan: that's pretty likely07:01
GianLuigiBuffonE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.07:01
GianLuigiBuffon is this ok?07:01
troy_sthe open sourcing of java soon and mark's response from the sun crowd was enough to suggest some back room chitters.07:01
=== spartas [n=spartas@ip68-111-49-171.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdaNo.  Using flash as system memory is stupid.07:01
jrsimsso whats the news with Sun and ubuntu? Sun going to support it or what?07:01
eigenlambdait *will* destroy your flash07:02
grndslmeigenlambda, why?07:02
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eigenlambdaflash can only be rewritten a certain number of times.07:02
DarkTowergrndslm: how much would that gain you? where does it say vista is doing that?07:02
ViakenGianLuigiBuffon: It should be. I get that error sometimes, too.07:02
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troy_sjrsims:  depends on how you read it.  if sun wants to jettison the whole os aspect and focus on pure corp, it is an interesting situation... :)07:02
DarkTowerwsouldnt make sense to use flash memory like that07:02
JoseStefani rather have a ramdrive composed of DDR, but that's expensive07:02
grndslmDarkTower, i don't recall the site, but look it up if you'd like07:02
bkhIt's an awful lot of writes, but swap gets re-written constantly07:02
ViakenGianLuigiBuffon: That said, proceed at your own risk. Ctrl-C if you want to stop it.07:02
eigenlambdausing it like it's disk space is commonplace, because that's what it is like07:02
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GianLuigiBuffonviaken  now appeared for update... with a large list of stuff that wont be installed07:02
GianLuigiBuffonno, it's done07:02
=== Deserir_ [n=greeny@226gis182.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdausing it as main memory is stupid beyond belief07:02
chuckHow do I setup Xserver to use system RAM as video RAM?07:02
Merturk_NB|hwwell, this weekend I'm opening up a Tattoo Parlor running almost pure Ubuntu 6.0607:03
jrsimstroy_s: think that's what they want to do? Make ubuntu their flagship OS?07:03
OmniDgrndslm: for some reason that sounds like a really stupid idea considering the amount of writes are limited before the flash memory is useless07:03
JoetheoddHappy Dapper day! It's now 12:03AM CST!07:03
grndslmeigenlambda, there is no flash that can be written to like ram?07:03
Merturk_NB|hwminus one manager (my father) that is staying on Windows07:03
vinboyhappy dapper day07:03
DarkTowergrndslm: sorry but as you can see from peoples responses that doesnt make sense, may have read wrong or the site was bs07:03
troy_sjrsims:  I don't know.  But one would think that having Mark on stage has something to do with something.07:03
eigenlambdagrndslm: it can be written to like ram...07:03
Merturk_NB|hwhe just hard a heart attack, so I don't want to stress him out07:03
eigenlambda...but that's a dumb idea07:03
grvidk why they gotta be secretive on the release:/07:03
jet87Joetheodd: CDT, you mean?07:03
Xaero_Vincentwhy would u need Ubuntu in a Tatto Parlor?07:03
grndslmi'll take your guys' word for it....07:03
eigenlambdaof course it's random access07:03
chuckHow do I setup Xserver to use system RAM as video RAM?07:03
zcat[1] Thu Jun  1 17:03:36 NZST 200607:03
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jrsimstroy_s: what presentation is this, and where can I get the video?07:03
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grndslmi just can't believe they'd implement such a dumb idea then07:03
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jsestri2grv: so they don't get bombed at a specific time07:03
=== Tomek- [i=tomek@pD95460C7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
DarkTowervinboy: happy dapper07:04
eigenlambdaneither can i07:04
grvthey'll get bombed anyway~___~07:04
zcat[1] dammit, we're running out of day over here!!!07:04
Joetheoddjet87: Central Standard Time07:04
eigenlambdai think you read something wrong, or read something wrong07:04
leboffcan someone link me that forum post?07:04
jsestri2grv: theres a diff between a huge load, and a huge load instantly07:04
troy_sjrsims:  try that for a few quotes.07:04
GianLuigiBuffonNow i'm on synaptics upgrading07:04
GianLuigiBuffonI hope to do it well07:04
troy_sjrsims:  google will yield many more.07:04
vinboyshould I get a p4 or amd64?07:04
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vinboyi don't do much gaming07:04
troy_svinboy: amd07:04
spartasjoetheodd: Central Daylight Time07:04
DarkTowerhow stable is doing an upgrade from breezy when dapper is out??07:04
Efnianvinboy, amd07:04
jet87CST would be an hour back from what it is right now, i'm from around chicago and its just after 1207:04
grndslmget a core duo07:04
troy_svinboy:  check how they support open source07:04
GianLuigiBuffonis going to download 1600 files... is that ok?????07:04
IcemanV9Joetheodd: Central Daylight Time (CDT)07:04
troy_svinboy:  and intel is closed closed closed.07:04
DarkTowervinboy: amd07:05
vinboytroy_s: oh ic07:05
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Sajvinboy: amd64 is better....get x2 though07:05
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troy_svinboy:  and now in bed with the worst of all closed companies:  apple.07:05
vinboysounds good to me07:05
vinboySaj: x2 is expensive :(07:05
troy_svinboy:  you WONT be dissapointed.  get an x207:05
leboffcan some one give me that forum with the links to the distros?07:05
JoseStefanvinboy: wait for Conroe "Core Duo 2" to be released, compare to AMD's AM2 socket, then decide07:05
jsestri2anyone here interested in fixing a problem and not just blabbing about the release?07:05
DarkTowertroy_s: i like amd much better, but how is intel closed?? I find whenever i want something to work with ubuntu i use original intel and all is fine07:05
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grvcore duo is very good too07:05
troy_svinboy:  naw... don't even try to compare the x2 to the cheapo "core Duo(tm)(c)(blah)"07:05
=== [1] Troy [n=troypigg@CPE-147-10-90-118.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunjsestri2: shoot.07:05
grndslmcore duo!07:05
paradonRe: Windows Vista and Flash : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SuperFetch07:05
Joetheoddspartas, IcemanV9, I may be wrong but at least I'm not politically correct. ^_^07:05
troy_sdarktower:  do some research.07:05
grndslmthat's it07:05
grvu can compare them07:05
=== exclipy [n=exclipy@emc-c22-110.resnet.uq.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu
Merturk_NB|hwto bad I won't get all these cool features on my 500 mhz machine :-/07:06
troy_sdarktower:  amd actively supports the open source movement.07:06
vinboyok i prolly go check out the x2 then, thanks guys07:06
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Sajvinboy: i know but 1 3200 x2 is wquivilant of 2 3200 64s...07:06
jsestri2crimsun: ah, great, i'm trying to pass some parameters to mysqld when it starts up...point me in the direction of where those go?07:06
GianLuigiBuffonviaken all that stuff is ok? The 1160 files from synaptics and all of that?07:06
zcat[1] Merturk_NB|hw: I ran compiz on a 500 with an earlyish nvidia cark.. not great but surprisingly geed..07:06
vinboyby the way, do u guys run 64bit ubuntu? if not, what is the gain of getting an amd64 cpu?07:06
zcat[1] *good07:06
DShepherdMerturk_NB|hw: nope.. not a chance :-)07:06
crimsunjsestri2: /etc/init.d/mysql07:06
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GianLuigiBuffonI've marken all upgrades (it requested it for updating)=07:06
DShepherdMerturk_NB|hw: and if you do.. it wont be worth it07:06
DarkTowertroy_s: sorry thats not much of an argument, And saying amd supports open source doesnt mean intel is closed, one doesnt follow from the other. As i said i like amd better, but unless you can give an example of how closed intel is that doesnt make sense07:06
vinboySaj: wow, tat sound amazing!07:07
Saj64bit cpu is a difrent asepct of the thing07:07
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jet87i'm trying to figure out if i want to do a ubuntu install on the core duo laptop i'm getting, or just run it with vmware as a hypervisor in xp07:07
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ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting07:07
jsestri2crimsun: thanks a bunch.07:07
JoseStefan64bit is the future07:07
troy_sdarktower:  do your homework07:07
spartasjoetheodd, not trying to be politically correct; there is a difference (CDT is UTC-5, CST is UTC-6)07:07
Efnianvinboy, all amd's are 64-bit nowadays.07:07
troy_sdarktower:  that's all i will say.07:07
intelikeyhmmmm i may hook two mother boards togather via the ide cable.....07:07
=== Hentai_Jeff [i=Jeffrey@ppp-70-250-150-46.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoseStefanintelikey, no07:07
maruchanman i have a question that still cant get answered i'm trying to get my system back up, i uninstalled xorg, and now the x is broken, and when i try to install xorg-driver-fglrx07:07
intelikeyJoseStefan yeah07:07
bkhI fried a scsi cable that way once...07:07
=== Eris [n=eris@sorceress.blackevil.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkTowertroy_s: lol sorry. if you actual knew something you'd give a reason. Its like if i yelled out the sky is red, do your research thats why. You would have an example07:07
jet87i hear enough about time zones living in indiana, they're a touchy subject for me07:07
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maruchanbut i cant cuase it says it wants to change  diffrent file and its not allowed07:08
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jbroomepurple is better than brown07:08
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EfnianI keep a safe distance to all time zones.07:08
grndslmjet87, i don't have a core duo, but intel is extremely open and smp support has worked with linux forever....apparently linux runs quicker than os x on the macbooks07:08
crimsunjbroome: omg ponies.07:08
paradizelos1CST is -6 hours, so 12 midnight is 0600 UTC07:08
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bkhIt was the coolest cable fry... the one of the fifty wires fried, right in the center, cutting the cable in half lengthwise...07:08
troy_sdarktower:  theo and all have more than talked enough about intel...07:08
axion`ive heard xp runs games better than osx on certain macs07:09
JoseStefanEdgy should default to hot pink colors07:09
maruchanany help on my problem07:09
nbx909JoseStefan, lol07:09
jbroomecrimsun: ponies made from puppies07:09
bkhIt was a misguided attempt at making a scsi drive visible by two different computers at the same time back in college...07:09
jet87the core duos support VT, and googling around vmware can run as a hypervisor (like xen).  i would flat out install ubuntu if i didn't have to worry about dell hell and not fubaring the rest of the special partitions07:09
nbx909JoseStefan, anything but this stupid brown-orange color07:09
Sajvinboy: you see the the chip actualy works 32bit, every single part of it, but every bufer has 32 bits extra and if there is something above 32 bits that particuler buffer thingi switches to 64bit....so its basicly two things in one..the amd core is clocked slower, this is better because it makes less heat and thus is more overclockable, the other advantage is the memory controller which is on the chip, this optimises the ram and thus makes the system mroe e07:09
Sajfficient and faster.07:09
DarkTowertroy_s: ok do your homework07:09
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nbx909i have to install bluecurve every time07:10
varsendaggrhey when will dapper be officially relaesed07:10
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axion`orange brown is the ubuntu colors tho07:10
intelikeybkh heh07:10
nbx909varsendaggr, we don't know07:10
varsendaggrnow now now07:10
rendovarsendahhr soon!07:10
varsendaggri heard tomarrow07:10
rendoEf off keyboard.07:10
varsendaggrit looks cool07:10
axion`less that 24hrs, a little bird told me07:10
bkhReal Soon Now(tm)07:10
=== zanth [n=zanth@CPE000103ce037e-CM000f9fa6bbbc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
grvrumor is that the daily builds arent going to differ from the official:/07:10
jbroomevarsendaggr: it's tomorrow now07:10
nbx909varsendaggr, but you can download what we think is the final verson http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18557007:10
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axion`grv, how far back?07:10
=== zcat[1] predicts they're going to release at 23:59 on the 1st, and perhaps somewhere in a -12 timezone...
axion`just todays?07:10
JoseStefanless than 16:50:0007:10
grvi guess07:11
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axion`well, im not good enough yet to tell whether or not, so no use trying07:11
Sajeta = 7hrs aprox then:D07:11
vinboythanks Saj07:11
=== Shotgun [n=Nick@c210-49-222-216.eburwd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
grvhey anyone use WUSB54G on ubuntu?07:11
Sajvinboy: pleasure07:11
reXinanybody know if dapper will have an option for an EFI supported boot loader instead of grub?07:11
ubotuhmm... automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.07:12
rendoOh well, I'll head to bed and hopefully she's "officially" out in the morning for the awesome installage and the orgasmic bliss of DD.07:12
paradizelos1reXin: if it doesn't have it now, it won't be in the final release07:12
paradizelos1possibly an update07:12
=== BuzzBlaster [n=chatzill@adsl-149-188-127.btr.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hentai_Jeffwhy am I tempted to send ubuntu disks to everyone I know an address for? :D07:12
=== axion` stares in awe of what jtd just did
rendoSubliminal messages with the name Dapper Drake.07:12
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Hentai_Jeffand yes new dapper CDs of coarse07:12
rendoYou want a handful of awesome OS.  Get DD, they're just like big titties!07:12
troy_sgrv:  what's your question specifically?07:13
jbroomewhoah, we're all anxiously awaiting our double D's07:13
reXinlast i tried was flight 5... got my fingers crossed though07:13
grvno just wondering, did u get it working easily?07:13
Sajme gots a suspicion the dapper is ready, being uploaded as we speak:D........may be the deadline is a co ordination thing? ie make all the mirors, update all the sites, everything on same time?07:13
axion`i pine for DD's07:13
grvhavent tried it yet07:13
JoseStefani started with dapper Flight507:13
troy_sgrv:  multiple release versions i think with different chips... let me find a link.07:13
=== ray__ [n=ray@ip24-252-194-133.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shotgunhey, I need to find out how much ram there is on a machine running ubuntu, i have sshed to it using putty, so it will have to be through cmdlines, thx in advance07:13
rendoWell, until I get the official DD, I'll go molest my wife's DD wihle she sleeps. :P07:13
=== jet87 learns from last time and refuses to think about installing xen on this computer
grvya i got links and stuff troy_s07:13
jbroomei'm going to bed to dream of DD's.  night all07:13
axion`well from a collaborative standpoint, everything had to have been compiled when the 24 deadline came up07:13
nbx909Shotgun, free -m will tell you how much07:13
reXindito. later07:14
nbx909Shotgun, that's in mb07:14
maruchanman i have a question that still cant get answered i'm trying to get my system back up, i uninstalled xorg, and now the x is broken, and when i try to install xorg-driver-fglrx, any help?07:14
troy_sgrv:  i think it ultimately depends on what chip is driving it.07:14
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wimsdo you think ndiswrapper will work after a dist upgrade?07:14
troy_sgrv:  and if the idiots would just open there specs, we wouldn't be having this discussion.07:14
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paradizelos1maruchan: i'm sorry to sound like an ass, but xorg IS the X system07:14
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rendoMaybe I shouldn't have mentoned the correlation with Dapper Drake and Double D. :P07:14
=== VR^_ [i=vr@159-50.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wimsi'm guessing..... no07:14
orbinmaruchan: how did you uninstall xorg?07:14
jet87my "little" BB install got seriously fubared by xen after an update07:14
rendoAll you uber nerds with no girlfriends will probably go and download porn now. :/07:14
=== BuzzBlaster [n=chatzill@adsl-149-188-127.btr.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu []
troy_smaruchan:  you will need some form of Xwindows to run a gui07:15
axion`my gf is sitting behind me for the record07:15
maruchani know07:15
Unenvarjogood morning07:15
Hentai_Jeffrendo:what about us uber geeks with a wife and kids?07:15
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troy_smaruchan:  which means removing xorg was not so good07:15
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ray__hello all, will someone please help me with twinview? i've tried seemingly all howtos, tutorials, etc. with no success07:15
rendoSame boat as me Jeff?07:15
maruchan but but when i try to reinstall xorg again, i get errors07:15
troy_smaruchan:  but not the end of the world.07:15
wimswho needs a gf when you got a hand :D07:15
rendoGo molest the wife while she sleeps :P07:15
maruchansomething about replacing a file, and not being allowed07:15
rendoIt's always a surprise what she says.07:15
troy_sray:  issue?07:15
=== oomph [n=oomph@69-175-194-51.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
grvdid u do it as root?07:15
Hentai_Jeffgot 2 boys07:15
troy_smaruchan:  boot to recovery mode, and try from there.07:15
jaybhey guys... anyone here got ununtu-server running on IBM XSeries hardware ?07:16
Hentai_Jeffone's nearly 4 months07:16
maruchandid that already too no go07:16
rendoOldest is how old?07:16
spartaswho needs a hand, i'm sure not volunteering mine07:16
rendoI have 2 boys too.07:16
ray__troy_s, yes, i cannot get the TV to display anything07:16
Hentai_Jeffthe other's nearly 4 years07:16
rendo15 months and 3 months.07:16
Hentai_Jeffhe's a stepson though07:16
troy_smaruchan:  well you will need to give us a little more information.. .like exact errors etc using pastebin.07:16
=== mking [n=mking@c-71-200-93-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
axion`is it possible to liveboot and copy the live xorg to your install?07:16
rendoThey're fun. :D07:16
Hentai_Jeffand I'm planing to start him on the road to geekdom soon07:16
troy_sray:  have you tried the wiki?07:16
rendoPeople always tell me "You got your hands full"07:16
JoseStefanT minus 3284 minutes07:16
rendoI don't think they know what they're talking about.07:17
rendoIT's pretty easy actually.07:17
maruchani get this error "dpkg rename invlolves overwriting '/usr/lib/libGL.so.1' with07:17
maruchandiffrent file 'usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa',07:17
maruchannot allowed"07:17
rendoMione already is a nerd.07:17
Hentai_Jeffyeah I was scared as hell before my wife had our lil man07:17
axion`rendo, those kids are timebombs, you get them firgured out, then they turn 207:17
rendoOldest anyways.  He plays the PS2 and knows how to turn on the PC and the monitor.07:17
=== VR^_ [i=vr@159-50.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
Sajmaruchan: of your looking to salvage files? then get a livecd which has ability to access the HDDs, as per my very limited linux knowledge i only know of PClinuxOS (my first full linux conversion...bin abt 3 days lol), but there are more such live CDs. once your booted salvage what you can;), in windows there is a emergency recovery disk, basicly has all the essentials and if something brakes, you boot via the erd and it patches he broken bits....there must07:17
Sajbe something like this on linux? if not i think if you know what ned to be mended then grab a live cd which has a: can access to the drives and b: able to access internet and fix the files manualy;)07:17
troy_smaruchan: what is the command that you did that fubard your x?07:17
jaybViaken - what do you mean ?? what is dr18 ?07:17
rendoWEll he doesn't play the PS2, he button mashes. :P07:17
K|NgGh0sTwhat does ubuntu make the rootpass to be?07:17
Hentai_Jeffbut I'm about to start my oldest on linux :D07:17
Flannel!tell K|NgGh0sT about root07:18
grvbutton mashing is a skill07:18
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rendoAwesome. :)07:18
troy_smaruchan:  dun broken it.07:18
intelikeyfree needs work.....07:18
DShepherdwhere is dapper :-(?07:18
rendoMy wife REFUSES to even try Ubuntu.07:18
intelikeyecho "`free -m | grep -e '-/+' | cut -b31- | tr -d ' '`m free"07:18
maruchani did this on synamptic i uninstalled xorg, then it when broke07:18
Hentai_Jeffit's how he's gonna learn to read sort of07:18
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:18
=== RandomPrecision [n=chatzill@12-214-181-121.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
maruchani reboted and got this error07:18
rendoShe's one of those "It ain't broke, don't fix it.  I know it, it works" kinda people.07:18
Viakenjayb, sorry. lol Wasn't paying attention and was cleaning my keys.07:18
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Flannelrendo: install kubuntu, and install the windowsXP theme, she'll never know the difference.07:18
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axion`(F*ed Up Beyond Recognition)eD07:18
=== rob138 [n=rob@adsl-69-232-232-181.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_smaruchan:  yes, then you boot to recovery and did a 'sudo apt-get install xorg' or something akin to that?07:18
Hentai_JeffI gotta wonder if edubuntu would be right for my sons07:18
jaybHAHA ... ok.. great .:P07:18
rob138what command show's what process is using my sound?07:19
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grvlol flannel07:19
=== LeoStewart [n=leo@24-117-22-142.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
rendoHentai_Jeff going to have him use Windows at all?07:19
=== ke [i=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Shotguna program i made has a memory leak, with not dealocating a hash table, as a result a large section of my memory is taken up by it, anyway to get it back, other then a reset?07:19
troy_srendo:  it is broke.07:19
Hentai_Jefflater on07:19
maruchanumm i havent trie dthat troy, let me give that try as well07:19
SoirI'm intentionally giving Ubuntu to a non-computer-literate so they don't learn any other way07:19
jaybso guys.. Im getting some IBM xSeries servers in the next week.. and I want to use Ubuntu on them... but im concerned that Ill have to go redhat simply for driver support07:19
Hentai_Jeffhe's gotta know some about it07:19
intelikeyhehhe i had this system up and running an half setup befor i added a user account....07:19
=== bimberi_ is now known as bimberi
troy_smaruchan:  it is easy enough to fix07:19
rendotroy_s: She's a woman, what else do you expect? :P07:19
jaybhas anyone used ubuntu on this ahrdware ?07:19
LeoStewartisn't Dapper Drake going to be released in a few hours?07:19
troy_smaruchan:  which is why learning your way around a cli is important.07:19
JoseStefaninstall IE7 that should break things07:19
Soirif they want to learn windows after they know ubuntu, they're welcome to think about it07:19
grvnah your kid will become a windows fanboy, GAMES07:19
axion`Soir - he will be The One07:19
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troy_srendo:  just explain what using ms and apple does to the future for your kids.07:19
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axion`yeah rendo, give them the M$ propaganda speech07:20
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maruchanlol i learned more fixing x, these past day, then using ubuntu this past year07:20
Hentai_Jeffcall it an experement to see if someone who started with linux going over to windows has the same hurdles07:20
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grvim running on m$ right now:O07:20
LeoStewartdoes anyone know when Dapper Drake will be released?07:20
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rendo"They'll take our first born and turn him into a slave and harvest his organs for their programmers who REALLY need it"07:20
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OmniDWell if I have the hardware support this version that I didn't before I'll be supporting Ubuntu a lot more than Apple.07:20
troy_sleo:  give it a day or so.07:20
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simeLeoStewart: In 24hrs my guess07:20
nbx909LeoStewart, it is out unoffically07:20
JoseStefanLeoStewart: less than 17h07:20
OmniDI mean OSX07:20
LeoStewarttroy_s alright, thanks.07:20
spartasgrv, that's nothing, i'm running on os x now07:20
Soiraxion`: I have had concern that she's spontaneously going to develop Lain-like tendencies and I'll come back after university one year to a house filled with cabling and pieces of hardware, yes. I'll watch for it. :)07:20
Hentai_Jeffsame here while my ubuntu machine is down07:21
LeoStewartheh, alright, thanks.07:21
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:21
troy_somnid:  that isn't the open source peoples fault.  vote with your money.07:21
LeoStewartgood night.07:21
Noah0504JoseStefan: No you're talking!07:21
=== DerekN [n=dad@pool-71-244-134-8.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sajive tried linux many times, i keep switching for games:D (also cuz i doent know jack all abt linux, not even how file system wrks...untill recently lol)07:21
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Sajother things are macromedia suite07:21
nbx909LeoStewart, http://digg.com/linux_unix/DAPPER_IS_OUT_07:21
Sajand photoshop07:21
JoseStefanNoah0504: ??07:21
nominanyone in here play games on linux or interested in emulating a keystrokes with a joystick/gamepad?07:21
ubuntubesis ubuntu 5.10 support hp proliant ML350 G2 ?07:21
La_PaRCaWow. That was weird. Apparently my /home partition just went to read-only for no apparent reason. Anyone?07:21
ray__troy_s, are you still around?07:21
jsestri2Saj: fight the power, use linux as much as possible07:21
troy_subuntubes:  check the wiki...07:21
troy_sray: go07:21
Hentai_Jeffubuntubes:just give it a try07:21
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Hentai_Jeffno harm in using a live CD07:22
rendoSaj: Dual-boot, just for games.07:22
ray__i apologize, i hit a wrong key combination and i don't know what happened. i had to restart07:22
troy_sjsestri2:  fight both powers ms and apple.  amen.07:22
GianLuigiBuffonviaken I guess that i'm doing ok07:22
intelikey<Saj> ive tried linux many times, <<< i think 'tried' means  saw it some place.....   :)07:22
troy_sray:  its ok.07:22
Hentai_Jeffseperate machines for me07:22
rob138what command show's what process is using my sound?07:22
ray__what does ctrl+alt+f1 do?07:22
jsestri2troy_s: at least apple is bsd based :-D07:22
Sajnomin: yeh me, tried CS already with some problem on wine...wanna get falcon 4:AF and LOMAC on here though...and working with me joystick:D07:22
rendoI tried linux like 5 times before I stuck with it.07:22
GianLuigiBuffonbecause is now doing several stuff on the konsole07:22
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La_PaRCaCan anyone check launchpad for this bug? I cannot open firefox and I dont want to reboot so I can diagnose it.07:22
Hentai_Jeffthough I'm on the ubuntu most of the time07:22
troy_sray:  shifts to a virtual terminal07:22
ViakenI can't access www.ubuntu.com/download Has it gone live?07:22
JoseStefanray__: switches to tty 1 (first console)07:22
ray__how do i escape from that in the future07:22
grvi can access it07:22
ubuntubesHentai_Jeff I'm afraid it spoil my school server because that server have RAID07:22
axion`Dapper should be a very easy version to "stick to" imo07:22
grvstill says 5.1007:22
ViakenGianLuigiBuffon: That would be installing the files it just downloaded. Good luck, and enjoy the new shinies.07:22
nominSaj, have you ever used qjoypad?07:22
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troy_sray:  to get back to graphics, flip to f707:22
phiqtionhow do i install a source program?07:23
ViakenNevermind. False alarm. :P07:23
phiqtionfrom a .tar.gz file07:23
Sajrendo: thnx, tried that before...windows kept recking linux... lol07:23
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ViakenJust my crappy connection I guess. lol07:23
ubuntubestroy_s : how to check wiki?07:23
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bimberiLa_PaRCa: that's a sign that it got errors - probably mounted with the errors=remount-ro option - backed up?07:23
Sajrendo: now i got 2hdds:D he he he07:23
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troy_sray:  you can flip from consoles to gui (on f7)07:23
Hentai_Jeffwait a bit and try the live CD thing ubuntubes07:23
JoseStefanray__: you have cnsoles on F1 thru F6, and X on F7,    ctrl+alt+f707:23
jet87i installed a few different distros, but ubuntu was the first one i was able to stick with for a while.  i don't remember why i had to go back to windows though07:23
rendoSaj: Install Windows first, then Linux.  I'm sure there's a way to edit the boot tables but I don't know that fancy crap.07:23
intelikeyray__ yeah tty7 is the default location for X07:23
Sajnomin: whats that ?07:23
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bimberiubotu tell phiqtion about compiling07:23
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La_PaRCabimberi, um, the thing is, it mounted correctly. It was working until a minute ago.07:23
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ray__ah, now i know07:23
GianLuigiBuffonviaken... yeah, after running your command, the updates appeared...and appeared a error wich told me to click "all upgrades" on synaptics... and thats what I done.07:23
Hentai_Jeffpersonaly I can't wait for Cedega to get better07:23
rendoMe too.07:24
ray__back to twinview problem07:24
GianLuigiBuffonI guess that after all i'll reboot and I'll have dapper07:24
Sajrendo: hmmm, yeh but you forget you have to keep installing windows every week or so lol07:24
bimberiLa_PaRCa: as i said ...07:24
ubuntubesHentai_Jeff : is live cd dont do damage on the systems?07:24
troy_swiki [string]  says ubotu07:24
rendoSoon as I get my new PC, I'm getting cedega.07:24
rob138anybody, what command show's what process is using my sound?07:24
grvi dont think cedega will ever become as good as native dx though:/07:24
La_PaRCabimberi, ok, how can I know what caused the errors?07:24
ray__mind if i post contents of xorg.conf to pastebin really quick?07:24
Hentai_Jeffyes ubuntubes07:24
nominSaj, it emulates keystrokes and the mouse on linux:  http://qjoypad.sourceforge.net/07:24
rendoSaj: Only if you screw it up all the time.07:24
ViakenGianLuigiBuffon: That's the idea.07:24
troy_sray:  google virtual terminals in linux... should be good learning.07:24
Hentai_Jeffgrv:that goes without saying07:24
nominSaj, it's a great program, but it doesn't run on ubuntu yet07:24
bimberiLa_PaRCa: i'm not sure - poke around dmesg and in /var/log07:24
troy_sray: are you having issues with x?07:24
JoseStefan80% Complete :P07:24
ubuntubesUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! <-- is this true?07:24
Hentai_Jeffthe developers are about to have the vista hurdle07:24
intelikeyray__ alt+left-arrow  is a surefire way to find a running X from the console.... it switches one tty left each press.07:24
troy_sray:  the kind of 'golden rule' is to set your driver to vesa07:24
Flannelubuntubes: yes.07:24
GianLuigiBuffonthks a lot viaken. I hope to leave the noob stat and could help new users :)07:24
ViakenVirtual terminals are WONDERFUL.07:24
grvit will be a LONG time before there are some hardcore games on linux07:25
troy_sray:  and start from there07:25
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Sajrendo: i got it sorted now:D 2 hdds is theway. to boot linux or windows i simply switch the hdd for it to look in first...and keep it single boot:) woks like a charm;)07:25
ViakenGianLuigiBuffon: Just be willing to give it a go and you'll get there.07:25
JoseStefanubuntubes: less than 17h now07:25
ray__i cannot get TV to display07:25
Viakengrv: You mean like Enemy Territory? UT2k4?07:25
troy_sray:  oh yes... the twinview...07:25
rendoSaj: That's so complicated and un-lazy, what's wrong with you!07:25
troy_swiki twinview07:25
paradongrv: Quake 3?07:25
ray__i've got the monitor working obviously07:25
troy_sdid you check the wiki?07:25
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Merturk_NB|hwi'm having a problem getting a barcode scanner to work properly07:25
La_PaRCabimberi, care to help me figure it out? I got the error on dmesg but I have no idea what it means.07:25
grvthose are a FEW titles07:25
ViakenDoom 3?07:25
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ray__troy_s, yes07:25
GianLuigiBuffonyeah, after i'll go nback to updates and install all that the system request me07:25
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ViakenQuake 4, too, I think.07:25
JoseStefangrv, id Software's entire product line is available for linux07:25
ubuntubesI'm going to wait for this....07:25
nominSaj, do you think you would ever use qjoypad if you could?07:26
Sajrendo: doent know:D i got the linux virus:D no more lazy:D:D:D07:26
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ray__i've read plenty of howtos, tutorials, you name it07:26
grvok, thats only several games:/07:26
paradizelos1so will there be an automatic upgrade from breezy?07:26
grvyou know what im talking about07:26
lwarimavI have a problem with firefox. After installing some extensions, I couldn't restart firefox. What should I do?????07:26
troy_sray:  hrm... iirc isn't twinview in juxtaposition to dual headed mode?  its an nvidia thing no?07:26
Sajnomin: let me get more info on it...see what it allows etc.07:26
Unenvarjo Unreal Tournament works, if I recall correctly07:26
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troy_sray:  did you check into more pure dual head modes?07:26
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rendolwarimav: run it in the terminal and see where the errors come up.07:26
axion`does CS:Source work?07:26
grvon cedega07:26
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ViakenUnenvarjo: I run Unreal Tourney 2004 on mine.07:26
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troy_sray:  pastebin your conf07:26
kbrosnanlwarimav, what version of firefox07:26
Viakenaxion`: I don't think so, yet.07:26
intelikeylwarimav did you test if the issue is local or system wide ?07:26
glickdapper not released yet :/07:26
Hentai_JeffAmerica's army has a linux version07:26
grvim not sure what the frames are though07:26
bimberiLa_PaRCa: put it on the pastebin, but don't just ask me.  It's not an area of expertise for me (touches wood)07:26
Sajnomin: hell yes:D07:26
ViakenCedega/wine's working on it.07:26
Hentai_Jeffthough they're canceling it07:27
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grvi play cs:s competitively, so i pretty much stick with windows07:27
La_PaRCabimberi, gonna try and remount it somehow and will come back07:27
Unenvarjoviaken, I've got 2003 on mine, the 2004 was too expensive for my student budget back then :D07:27
ViakenHentai_Jeff: They are? I was wondering why the latest version didn't get released on Linux. :(07:27
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Noah0504Is there a reason the stream I'm listening to stops after everysong?  I have to restart Rhythmbox and start it again for it to play.07:27
kbrosnanlwarimav, try firefox's safe mode07:27
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lwarimavintelikey: version 1.507:27
=== myleftfoot is ready to burn some ubuntu dvd's for my friends.
DShepherdits finally June 1st here07:27
rob138what command show's what process is using my sound?07:27
nominSaj, the reasons I'm interested are:  1) I would like to see qjoypad made for ubuntu and 2) there are minor things that need to be fixed on it.  I emailed the developer and he says he has no time to develop it and needs help.07:27
intelikeylwarimav did you test if the issue is local or system wide ?07:27
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ray__troy_s, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1494307:27
axion`i think it's funny the servers run linux but they wont make the game to support it...07:27
kbrosnanlwarimav, Firefox's safe mode is a good way to find out if an extension/theme or user set preferences are causing your problem. See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Safe_mode07:27
ubuntubesif ubuntu 6.06 out.. then server will going slow.. alot of people will download this latest ubuntu.. haha07:27
Hentai_Jeffyep Viaken but start sending in protests07:27
troy_snoah: that shouldn't happen.  have you tried it with other streams?07:27
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Hentai_Jeffthey'll probubaly listen07:27
intelikeylwarimav i'm the one that sujested you add a user "something"07:27
sklavhi guys im having an issue07:27
axion`im hopping on the torrent when it goes live =)07:28
Hentai_Jeffthe main guy wanted to keep it going07:28
sklavmy networking is all screwed up after a dist-upgrade07:28
troy_sray:  are you getting any errors in your xlog or ???07:28
sklaveth0 and eth1 have been replaced by eth2 and eth307:28
Noah0504troy_s: Yes.07:28
Linuturkgot a link to the offical torrent?07:28
JoseStefandoes anyone like the ed2k network?07:28
rob138whats the diff between the release canidate and what's coming out in hours?07:28
Xaero_Vincentyep 3 million people use Ubuntu... the servers will be packed07:28
nominSaj, I can use it on mandriva2005 and it works great except for a few small things.  I also use it to control multimedia that I watch on my tv.  I have an usb extension for my controller so I can control the mouse and browser.07:28
Sajnomin: does it work with home made bottuns and switches which would be plugged into game port?07:28
lwarimavintelikey : my firefox is in Ubuntu07:28
myleftfootif everyone jumps on the torrent when it goes live it should make for sweet download speeds07:28
sklavand for the life of me i cannot find where ubuntu is getting this info07:28
rendoOnly 3 million?07:28
rendoOr is that a lot?07:28
ray__troy_s, xlog?07:28
JoseStefanrob138: Release Candidate is 1 week old :o07:28
troy_snoah:  strange weird.  can't say that it would be rhythm's fault because i am pretty sure there are a 1000 folks running it fine.07:28
Hentai_Jeffrendo:for a linux distro it's alot07:28
ray__i'm obviously new to this07:28
troy_sray:  in your var/log, look to your x*.log files.07:29
Hentai_Jeffcompaired to windows it's chicken feed07:29
rob138JoseStefan, not a terrible difference then07:29
rob138what command show's what process is using my sound?07:29
intelikeylwarimav are you not in ubuntu ?07:29
nominSaj, it works as long as linux recongnizes it.07:29
ubuntubesdoes anybody know how to set the initial bootup into shell prompt?07:29
sklavhow dow one call a module with an alias07:29
=== axion` raises his noob hand so noobs don't feel so intimidated by the helpful smart people
Noah0504troy_s: Hmm, I'll keep messing with it.07:29
lwarimavintelikey: yes I am07:29
K|NgGh0sTwhat is the best .rar handler?07:29
troy_sray:  that's totally fine.  learning is the key to helping out others.07:29
Sajrendo: i got it.:D he he he. ill figure out how to get a external switch to change settings in the bios. ie hae a 2 way switch (button) which chooses the drive order..:D:D:D what you think?07:29
sklaveth0 is not found but its found under the name eth307:29
nominSaj, I don't know too many of the technical aspects of it, but it says on the website that it is based on linux's ability to recognize a joystick.07:29
rendoI'll do my part in the next few years, I plan to startup a computer shop in my area and I plan to expand to the entire northern region of the province, will offer PC's either barebone or with Ubuntu. ;)  No windows. :b07:29
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JoseStefanubuntube: you might need to mess with your init scripts, the wiki may have something on that07:30
Viakenaxion`: Meanwhile your other hand is rewriting the kernel and writing shell scripts that feed your cat?07:30
rendoSaj: Master and Slave. :b07:30
troy_skingghost:  if you add the rar support, the default archiver should handle rar.07:30
rpaulsklav: have you rebooted since the dist upgrade?07:30
axion`pfft hell no07:30
sklavyes rpaul07:30
sklavmany times07:30
intelikeylwarimav i'm sorry. i fail to see the relevance of "<lwarimav> intelikey : my firefox is in Ubuntu"  <--- i don't do windows....07:30
sklavno change07:30
ray__what should i be looking for in the Xorg.0.log?07:30
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K|NgGh0sTtroy_s: apt-get install rar?07:30
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grvjack up ur prices a few bucks and tell them they get a discount for coming preinstalled with ubuntu:P07:30
troy_ssklav:  are 0 and 1 still there?07:30
Hentai_Jeffrendo good luck actully running that store07:30
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troy_sking:  apt-cache search rar07:30
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nominSaj, I would like to get more people interested in it so that it's made for more distros and so that the minor things can be fixed.  I think it's the only program necessary for using the joystick or gamepad on linux.07:30
sklavtroy_s, no they are not07:30
lwarimavintelikey: I use Ubuntu07:30
ubuntubesJoseStefan : ok than i'm going to do something on it07:30
Sajrendo: already that order....:D windows is the slave ofcourse he eh eh07:30
rendoSaj: :P07:31
JoseStefanray__: there is a way to "reset" your xorg config, if it makes you feel better07:31
sklavthey are now seen as eth2 and eth307:31
bkhClint Eastwood pilots my Firefox.07:31
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Hentai_Jeffthough I'd get a laptop from you :D07:31
intelikeylwarimav yes.   and did you add a user and try to start ff as that user ?07:31
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Sajnomin: i would help if i could but im a total noob my self:D atleast on linux lol07:31
nbx909Bob Dole powers mine07:31
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troy_ssklav:  erm... and this was dist-upgrade?07:31
ray__josestefan, how's that? and what will that accomplish?07:31
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sklavyes troy_s07:31
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rendoHentai_Jeff: Thanks, I really have a huge dislike for Windows and there's no need paying $100 to make a machine for people.07:31
rpaulIs there anywork being done to make the upgrade done through ubuntu torrent based.  That would surely reduce the server load for those dist-upgrading07:31
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troy_ssklav:  well i will say that it is fixable for certain.  sounds like a skript borked you a bit.07:31
JoseStefanray__: in case "something" messed it up, it should be good as new again07:31
sklavany idea which 1?07:32
grvclint eastwood._____.07:32
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lwarimavintelikey: I am connected to a server. And My profile is registered in the server...07:32
axion`rpaul, thats an awesome idea. to expand upon that... why doesn't Steam do that as well?07:32
Hentai_Jeffsomething I've been thinking about doing it making a net and local based uber PC shop07:32
grv5.5/10, poor firefox07:32
ray__troy_s, what should i be looking for in the Xorg.0.log?07:32
kbrosnanlwarimav, before going through the add a user step there are a number of firefox trouble shooting steps, the first being to start firefox's safe mode07:32
troy_ssklav:  are they active etc?07:32
ray__josestefan, how do you reset it?07:32
sklavsomething todo with how the kernel loaded the module and associated alias07:32
maruchanthank you troy07:32
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rpaulaxion`: yeah, blizzard does it with there updated for WoW07:32
maruchan i have it running again07:32
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sklavyes im on the system now07:32
troy_sray:  look for errors related to the nvidia end of things07:32
ray__i know about creating backups and such07:32
nominSaj, well if you see more people that want to play games or have mouse and keyboard emulation with the joystick, just tell them about qjoypad.  Do you agree that it's a very useful program?07:32
DarkTowerHentai_Jeff: with ubuntu preinstalled :)07:32
troy_smaruchan:  yay07:32
intelikeylwarimav remote desktop ?07:33
axion`that's because blizzard is king of flawless execution07:33
Hentai_Jeffso ppl that want that kick ass looking and running PC but haven't the time to do it can still get it07:33
sklavwhat is the equivalent of modprobe.conf on ubuntu?07:33
ViakenYou know...I was thinking. Couldn't someone make a package manager that used torrents instead of fetching the files normally? Or, at least, the larger files?07:33
troy_smaruchan:  now spread the ubuntu.07:33
Hentai_Jeffand ubuntu would be an option yes07:33
JoseStefanray__: remember, to make a copy first. let me look for it07:33
SurfnKidhas anyone installed the lm_sensors yet?07:33
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lwarimavintelikey: I do not see any safe mode*07:33
JoetheoddHow do I create a shared folder on my Linux box that I can put files in from another Linux box (Warty live CD)?07:33
ubuntubesis apt-get update process will changing my edited script?07:33
rendoHentai_Jeff: Mine will start out most likely as a hardware/repair place and once I get the business, start making preset machines while still offering custom built and basic hardware options.07:33
majdcan you create restore points in ubuntu?07:33
troy_sjoetheodd:  use ssh07:33
SurfnKidI downloaded the i2c and lm_sensors from the site but when i unzip them, whats next?07:33
intelikeylwarimav i didn't say safe mode07:33
RopeHeadrob138, fuser -v /dev/dsp07:33
JoseStefanray__: try this --> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:33
rpaulViaken: it just makes sense aye.  doesn't seem to be done any any distros i can think of07:33
intelikeylwarimav that was someone else07:33
troy_sjoetheodd:  everything else is ugly insecure.07:33
axion`yeah it's about time the torrent technology get's widely adopted07:33
DarkTowerHentai_Jeff: its a good idea07:34
Hentai_JeffI'd give it 2 years of me being an actual success before Dell buys me07:34
ubotu[ssh]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdvancedOpenSSH07:34
nbx909Joetheodd, http://krazypenguin.net/Ubuntu_Dapper_Drake_6.06_Guide#How_to_share_folders_the_easy_way07:34
kbrosnanlwarimav, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Safe_mode07:34
rob138ropehead, thanks ill try that07:34
lwarimavintelikey: oups07:34
ViakenHave, in the repositories, .torrents for the larger files..and have some code in the package manager that says "if $downloaded_file.name ~= .torrent { btdownload $downloaded_file }; install(); }"?07:34
Hentai_Jeffor tries07:34
rendoHentai_Jeff: Don't succumb. :P07:34
[1] TroyAt my request, would all you guys mind NOT downloading DAPPER right away?  I dont want to wait for slow download... kk thx.07:34
ampersandwhy is Dapper not being released at 0:00 I have been waiting two days for this07:34
axion`torrent it, troy =)07:34
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bkhampersand: Just to mess with you07:34
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thughi all07:34
[1] Troyaxion - from where???07:34
Sajnomin: are there any more like qpad?07:34
Hentai_Jeffhey I could make it where they can but only if they start offering ubuntu on their PCs07:34
grvthey are waiting for 0:00 gmt -1207:34
thugits dapper available yet ?07:34
ubuntubesdoes anybody know that is apt-get update process will changing my edited script?07:34
jtdmajd just asked a good question: can you create restore points in Ubuntu?  Or something like them?07:35
nbx909thug, not offically but we believe we've found it07:35
Joetheoddtroy_s: It's all behind a hardware firewall - I'm just transfering over my LAN.07:35
ray__troy_s, please look at this07:35
troy_swow how leet.07:35
ray__(--) PCI:*(2:0:0) nVidia Corporation unknown chipset (0x0185) rev 193, Mem @ 0xfd000000/24, 0xe8000000/27, BIOS @ 0xfeae0000/1707:35
nbx909thug, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18557007:35
Viaken[1] Troy: You don't have to worry about me. I'm not gonna attempt it on my dialup. :P07:35
DarkTowerHentai_Jeff: They almost did have it preinstalled on a laptop instead of XP07:35
Noah0504troy_s: I lied.  I just found a stream that doesn't do that.  But I still wonder why some of the others are.07:35
troy_sjoe:  that's fine.  just make sure 22 is open.07:35
[1] Troylol viaken07:35
DarkTowerHentai_Jeff: OOps that was HP07:35
nominSaj, not that I know of.  I've looked and found nothing like it.  I think something like this should be a standard program that comes with every distro.07:35
Hentai_JeffDell thought about it07:35
Viakenjtd: You could probably just backup /etc/, or everything except /home/ and use that as a restore point.07:35
thugnbx909 what do you mean you belive you`ll find it ?07:35
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JoseStefanin true fairness, they are waiting for all countries to pass to 1st of June (just a guess)07:35
rendoDarkTower: I can't see them doing it though, they can't bloat Ubuntu as easily as they can XP with crap. :)07:35
Hentai_Jefftheir servers use fedora core too07:35
DShepherdwhat are they waiting for?07:36
[1] Troyaxion?? - you know torrent site for it?07:36
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)07:36
troy_suh ray:  you will need nvidia drivers07:36
nbx909thug, we believe we have found07:36
nominSaj, I think qjoypad just needs to be promoted more.07:36
nbx909thug, it07:36
troy_sray:  you aren't using them are you?07:36
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:36
rendoLTS is the final version of DApper?07:36
ViakenThey'll be releasing whenever they ---- well please.07:36
ampersandscrew the other countries I want it now!07:36
sklavanybody know where i can specify for example alias 8139too eth107:36
jtdViaken: that procedure sounds sketchy to me :)07:36
rpaulit's been the 1st here for 17 and a 1/2 hours.   why are we wating for the slow people :)07:36
Hentai_Jeffbut M$ told Dell no07:36
ray__troy_s, yes i am07:36
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ubotuwell, lts is Long Term Support. LTS versions will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.07:36
Viakenjtd: I'm all about sketchy. :D07:36
JoseStefanray__: try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:36
troy_sray:  and gl is working all well and good?07:36
thugnbx909 well give me the link then :)07:36
ray__refer to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1494307:36
troy_sray:  listen to jose for a few...07:36
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axion`This is today's daily build torrent - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/dapper-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent NOT THE FINAL AFAIK07:36
DarkTowerrendo: haha. but i think HP really will, they actual made a version of ubuntu with supprt for all parts of that laptop available on their website in case you wanted to get rid of XP. Bet m$ put the pinch on em at the last moment07:36
nbx909thug http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18557007:37
[1] Troythx man.07:37
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rendoDarkTower: *shakes fist* Those bastards.07:37
Joetheoddnbx909: thanks, looks mega-easy07:37
Sajnomin: true, i bet you can use it for remotely controling model aircraft:D via your linux box07:37
ray__geez... what's gl?07:37
Hentai_JeffBTW is there anything different offered on the ubuntu server version then the text only install?07:37
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ubuntubesdoes anybody know where to put the web folder ? i have installed apache07:37
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axion`Hentai_Jeff... u mean "other" than?07:37
DarkTowerrendo: how amazing would it be for a major vendor like that to be preinstalling ubuntu07:37
lwarimavintelikey: my computer is connected to a network centralised to a server that registered all profile usine this computer... So my firefox doen't work.... Now my question is should i solve it localy on the PC, or I have to edit my profile on the server?????07:37
sklavwhere can i add alias 8139too eth007:37
rendoDarkTower: It would be a dream come true to the community.07:38
axion`yes, the link i posted is the daily build liveCD07:38
rpaulaxion`: the desktop live CD has a graphical installer07:38
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DarkTowerrendo: bill gates would cry lol07:38
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JoseStefanray__: did you get that?07:38
troy_sjoetheodd:  it doesn't matter if it is secure or not.  learn ssh - it is an amazingly useful too.07:38
nominSaj, there's probably quite a few uses people can get out of mouse and keyboard emulation.07:38
troy_sjoetheodd: tool.07:38
ubotumikedep333: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:38
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spikebbe nice if HP contributed patches07:38
ubotumikedep333: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:38
rendoDarkTower: And it would all be caught on tape, and it would be the most downloaded torrent in history. :P07:38
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Unenvarjoubuntubes, after installing apache you should create public_html/ in your home directory for a web folder07:38
blurtblurtwow. Dapper still doesn't autoload kernel drivers for PCMCIA cards07:38
thugnbx909 thanks you ... its that the official release ?07:38
CHodappWhy does Ubuntu seem to be a massive target for hatred?07:38
Hentai_Jeffhmm I just remembered a cosplay skit from a few years back07:38
ray__yes, josestefan. i've run that earlier today actually when i installed this nvidia card07:38
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Hentai_Jeffhas anyone seen chobits?07:38
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Sajdapper out yet?07:38
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ampersandi am working on clearing out my computer to do a fresh install right now07:39
spikebread the topic07:39
ViakenNot yet, Saj.07:39
ray__troy_s, what is gl?07:39
axion`CHodapp, because of its potential for greatness, and the normal troll hatred of things that are popular07:39
Sajviaken: :(07:39
spikebgl = opengl, a graphics system07:39
guest_69_@ yahoo.com07:39
troy_sray:  opengl.  do you get the nvidia boot logo when it loads?07:39
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ZambiniHey, someone wanna help me with vnc and an ubuntu>XP connection? pm me07:39
eigenlambdaCHodapp: because it's more successful than others07:39
ubuntubesUnenvarjo : is that all so anybody can access to my web?07:39
thugnbx909 hope you didnt give me the beta release ;)07:39
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JoseStefanray__: alternativly, you could do it without the -phigh paramter, and it will ask you a lot of questions, i suggest using the "nv" driver instead of "nvidia" for the time being07:39
ray__troy_s, yes i did until i turned it off07:39
CHodappIt's certainly been getting a lot of publicity for being apparently a lot more easier than Windows to install and set up07:39
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eigenlambdatrolls like to go wherever the people are07:39
ViakenCHodapp: No matter what it is, you'll always find someone who hates it.07:39
fiendskull9doesnt dapper come out today? (tommorow, whatever you wanna say)07:39
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eigenlambdaof course07:39
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Hentai_JeffChodapp:it has?07:40
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)07:40
eigenlambdato remind them that cthulhu is coming07:40
Unenvarjoubuntubes, yes. It shows as http://yourhost.yourdomain/~youraccount/ when using a browser07:40
jtdfiendskull9: should do, yes.07:40
paradonthug: nbx909 gave you the latest daily build, which some people here think will be identical to the same release.07:40
fiendskull9i cant wait07:40
troy_sray:  ok well then you are def on the driver...07:40
Hentai_Jeffmost ppl don't even see windows geting installed07:40
CHodappHentai_Jeff, relative to other distros, at least.07:40
mikedep333can anyone tell me how to check what runs on what runlevels in dapper?07:40
majdi've seen that message 15 times in the last 2 minutes lol07:40
ray__josestefan, i'm currently having no problems on my desktop, i just can't get svideo out to work on TV07:40
CHodappHentai_Jeff, nope, they don't.07:40
jtdI should have had a Dapper release party :)07:40
troy_sray:  do a little hunting under dual head mode.  twinview is some driver mod by nvidia.07:40
Hentai_Jeffso they don't really know07:40
fiendskull9probably around 8-9 am CST?07:40
lwarimavkbrosnan:my computer is connected to a network centralised to a server that registered all profile usine this computer... So my firefox doen't work.... Now my question is should i solve it localy on the PC, or I have to edit my profile on the server?????07:40
troy_sray:  dual head mode is the more x-windows pure way of doing that sort of thing.07:40
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rendoI wonder how pissed my wife would be if she woke up to Ubuntu as her OS.....07:40
DarkTowerwill the official ubuntu book be coming out in print??07:40
ubuntubesUnenvarjo : no I dont want ~ , I just want it to be on root07:40
JoseStefanray__: oh, i thought you had X starting problems :S07:40
grvrendo, how good is she with comps?07:41
ZambiniHey, someone wanna help me with vnc and an ubuntu>XP connection? pm me07:41
jtdrendo: back it up first, then upgrade her to Ubuntu :)07:41
spikebmy wife thought it was cool when she'd wake up without windows on her pc07:41
spikeblong as it booted07:41
ray__sorry, josestefan. i should have specified07:41
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grvis there anything she does that she cant possibly do on nix07:41
rendogrv: She's an idiot. :P07:41
Unenvarjoubuntubese, oh. The root apache directory is /var/www something07:41
fiendskull9rendo, ive considered installing slackware 2.3 without a gui on one of my enemys computers07:41
Sajrendo: lol hahaha, what she using atm?07:41
nominSaj: have you tried cedega yet?07:41
rendosaj: XP. :/07:41
JoseStefanray__: maybe i missed something, it is pretty cluttered in here :o07:41
CHodappfiendskull9, is this person a PC lover?07:41
DarkTowerrendo: my gf loves it. hates windows now. AFter she saw how much more quickly devices like camera and ipod worked, out with windows07:41
fiendskull9CHodapp, no, one of those, IE and AIM on the desktop type of people07:41
jtdfiendskull9: doesn't Slack have a reasonably easy to use package manager that would let them install a gui pretty fast?07:41
ubuntubesUnenvarjo : oo so meaning that I have to paste it into www right?07:41
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ray__troy_s, so do you know much about dual head mode?07:41
rendoDarkTower: Well she bugs me all the time about the stupidest things.07:41
VR_i wish wireless would work better.07:42
intelikeylwarimav looks like you are going to need some advanced help there.  myself being network illiterate, i'm not sure if you are talking about a remote desktop from a terminal server or just a lan config.  so i will have to defer you to more qualified help.    crimson maybe ?07:42
fiendskull9jtd, we are talking 2.3, like 1996 here :P07:42
Sajnomin: no, just been on wine for the last few days...is cedega easier to operate then wine, i mean is it reali as simple as rag and drop?07:42
zcat[1] http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso  -- is this it? :-)07:42
jtdfiendskull9: hahahahaha :D07:42
ray__josestefan, it's very cluttered in here!07:42
DarkTowerrendo: lol shes your wife, thats her job07:42
troy_sray:  done a couple times.  it should seem easy compared to twinview :)07:42
Unenvarjoubuntubes: umm, no. The /var/www/ is visible by default. Just put content in there :)07:42
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CHodappfiendskull9, I have a floppy disk that makes a ramdisk and runs MacOS 6 or something on it in 512x384... all monochrome07:42
rendoDarkTower: Like "I downloaded this torrent for <TYCOON GAME HERE> and it's a .dmg file, how do I make it so it works on windows"07:42
fiendskull9jtd, but i beleive they even used slapt back then, but the repositories would be weird07:42
Unenvarjoit shows as http://yourhost.yourdomain/07:42
kbrosnanlwarimav, none of that should matter just "firefox -safe-mode" in a console window07:42
Sajrendo: install a theme that looks like xp lol hahaha confuse her;)07:42
rendoSo I come here, and ask since I'm tired as shit and I don't know macs at all.07:42
fiendskull9CHodapp, lmao07:42
DarkTowerrendo: heheh07:42
jtdfiendskull9: and by "weird" we mean "not there" :)07:42
fiendskull9Saj, they have those, they are pretty nice07:42
rendoLearn it's for macs and won't work on windows. :P07:42
eigenlambdayou mean system 607:42
fiendskull9jtd, lol07:42
PPower_nano_: Hello again! I have finally fixed it!!!07:42
ray__troy_s, any good places to learn how to accomplish dual head?07:42
ViakenI'd love to get my g/f running Linux of any type, but she's so attached to MSN's piddly lil features that the open source IM clients haven't caught up with (or avoid for good reason)...07:42
rendoSo I beat her.07:42
threatis it released yet?07:42
CHodappeigenlambda, yes, I probably do.07:42
Unenvarjoubuntubes, and any directory under /var/www/ shows as http://yourhost.blahblah/mydir/07:42
eigenlambdait wasn't called "mac os" until 7.607:42
JoseStefanrendo: try daemon tools for windows07:43
troy_sray:  start with the wiki, then the forums.  i am pretty sure you will hit success shortly.07:43
ubuntubesUnenvarjo : oo i got it... thanks07:43
jtdit was "System 7.5"07:43
CHodappeigenlambda, uses VMac... pretty handy because it's light.07:43
fiendskull9Viaken, kopete has some nice little piddley features07:43
rendoJoseStefan: Doesn't work with .dmg files, unless there's a newer version that supports it.07:43
lwarimavintelikey: Its a lan config07:43
_nano_PPower: congrats! \o./07:43
Hentai_Jeffrendo:your wife prefers macs?07:43
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axion`maybe PowerISO?07:43
Unenvarjoubuntubes, check if I'm right though, I have a terrible memory and I almost never use the apache root directory07:43
troy_sray:  off to beddy.  good luck.  and if you don't hit it, just come back.  this place has plenty of knowledgable folks07:43
Viakenfiendskull9: I'll look into it. :P07:43
=== jtd likes Mac OS X
rendoHentai_Jeff: No, she downloaded a .dmg file and tried to get it to work on a PC machine.07:43
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jtdespecially 10.407:43
fiendskull9My schools computers run OSX tiger, and i primarily use the terminal for everything07:43
ray__thanks for the help, troy_s07:44
fiendskull9dont need no fancy aqua gui :P07:44
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rendoPowerISO converted it, but wouldn't emulate it.07:44
CHodappMy school computers are mostly Windows07:44
_nano_PPower: so how did you solve it? i'm really curious :D07:44
nominSaj:  wine is a pain in the ass.  Cedega is much easier than wine.  Cedega is built on wine.  I tried the cedega demo and it works beautifully.  It even installs the updates.  It's awesome.  Only problem I found is that you can't play on punkbuster enabled servers because it doesn't like non-windows computers.07:44
PPower_nano_: There is still one issue to iron out though. Every time I reboot I have to run iwconfig eth1 ap any and then disable and then reenable the adapter to get any signal07:44
jtdAqua *is* pretty, though07:44
intelikeylwarimav then ignore all other computers and work on the one firefox is on.    all my questions will be addressing that particular box.07:44
Hentai_Jeffthe logic of that escapes me07:44
PPower_nano_: Wired it up and installed the fwcutter package, then run the ubuntu script07:44
ubuntubesUnenvarjo : hehe...07:44
CHodappnomin, that's weird, Enemy Territory uses punkbuster and I'm on Linux07:44
fiendskull9jtd, yes very, the apple GD's hit a big note when osx came out. a BIG note07:44
nomincedega is very easy to use07:44
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_nano_PPower: aah nice..so now you are using the bcm43xx driver then07:44
Hentai_Jeffit's like that damn boot camp07:44
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intelikeylwarimav do you have more than one user account on that box ?07:44
CHodappThe interface on OS X is nice but it's not anything particularly special to me07:44
RancidLMany rumors on what time 6.06 is being released?07:44
grvdoes cedega really not work on pb:(?07:44
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PPower_nano_: yes, did you get that thing about the reboot though?07:44
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)07:45
_nano_PPower: pm?07:45
lwarimavintelikey: yes07:45
fiendskull9jtd, it would be a godsend if they released all the gui source, and graphics for it. it would be very portable07:45
ubuntubesDoes anybody know how to limit the bandwidth for individual workstation??07:45
Sajnomin: yeh it was called wine x before....how do you get the demo mate?07:45
PPower_nano_: ??? i dont get you07:45
gambitin dpkg-reconfigure locales how do i select en_us, it wont check the box07:45
lwarimavintelikey: I have more than 100 users07:45
intelikeylwarimav does firefox work for other users ?07:45
nominChodapp, maybe punkbuster allows linux now.  I tried it a few months ago, guess I'll have to try it again.  it was an issue in the cedega forums, cedega said they were'nt able to play on punkbuster at that time.07:45
Hentai_Jeffwhat is the point of booting winblows on a mac?07:45
sklavhow can one grep inside a bunch of files for a particular word?07:45
jtdfiendskull9: I'm waiting for the day they reimplement Cocoa, Aqua, Carbon, and the rest of the OS on top of L4 instead of something Mach-y.  ::drool::07:45
sklavexample /etc07:45
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nominSaj, it's on cedegas site.07:45
fiendskull9CHodapp, well, its just like using linux (unless your a PandC type of guy)07:45
Unenvarjoubuntubes, a program called wondershaper can do that07:45
lwarimavintelikey: yes but exept me07:45
eigenlambdawhat't the point of getting a mac in thefirst place?07:45
CHodappnomin, eh... it's been in ET for at least a year now, that's when I got it - could be longer, even07:45
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Sajbtw guys of the community, gals of the community, dev team, eery one....ubuntu rox:D07:45
grvhentai_jeff, i know someone whos parents bought him a mac for college so he wouldnt game07:46
CHodappfiendskull9, uh.... how?07:46
Sajthnx for ubuntu07:46
rendogrv: LOL07:46
rendogrv: That's awesome. :B07:46
fiendskull9CHodapp, darwin was written from unix source07:46
Hentai_Jeffok there's the only good point I've seen for that07:46
=== Bilford [n=bilford@71-32-126-171.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
grvbut he kept his grades up and he eventually took his comp with him after the first semister07:46
=== msikma [n=omega@s55933ad4.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sklavhow can one grep inside a bunch of files for a particular word? example eth3 in /etc/*07:46
intelikeylwarimav ok then it is a local issue.  i.e. the probolem exists within your /home/<your_name>/ dir07:46
ubuntubesUnenvarjo : ok i give a try07:46
eigenlambdaWhat's the deal with you mac fanatics? ...I don't see why anybody would choose a Mac over other faster, cheaper, more stable systems.07:46
fiendskull9CHodapp, i think 95% of OSX commands are unix commands07:46
ViakenUnenvarjo: Should I be bothered that it hasn't been updated in 4 years?07:46
msikmaWhen will the site's /download page be updated?07:46
troy_ssklav:  man grep07:46
CHodappfiendskull9, that's great, but people usually only see the GUI.07:46
Sajnomin: thnx, ii thought its one of them tight one:D:D:D....he he he07:46
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rendoWindows is garbage, MAC's are like pre-garbage moldy cabbage, and Ubuntu is my wife's canoloni's07:46
fiendskull9CHodapp, yeah07:46
Viakenmsikma: When Dapper is officially released.07:46
msikmaeigenlambda: tsk. Starting zealous discussions again?07:46
spartassklav: grep -i <search_text> <directory>07:46
Sajnomin rox:D07:47
nominCHodapp, maybe some games can play on PB and some can't.  I don't know.07:47
msikmaThis is why I hate this channel.07:47
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jtdeigenlambda: are you talking about hardware?  other than the thermal paste debacle, Macs are very, very well-designed machines.07:47
noskloi want final dapper, where is it, where is it, where is it07:47
CHodappfiendskull9, if you go to the prompt, then maybe it's like using Linux.07:47
sklavthanks spartas07:47
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fiendskull9CHodapp, i do enjoy chatting with _real_ mac geeks though, because they appreciate the core07:47
Unenvarjoviaken, I haven't been. That just means it sta(b)le :P07:47
axion`they should make Ubuntu commercials featuring the 'Mac Guy' and the 'PC Guy'07:47
Flannelpeople! .*wars are for #ubuntu-offtopic!07:47
lastnode+1 to that07:47
Hentai_Jeffaxion:yes, god yes07:47
lastnodelet's keep this open for support07:47
lwarimavintelikey: Can you specify the directory in my home that i should edit????07:47
ubuntubesUnenvarjo : do you know how to get this wondershaper ?07:47
fiendskull9axion`, those commercials piss me off, because PCguy potrays a windows  user07:47
=== eigenlambda is still mad about his apple usb mouse breaking due to a design flaw, and causing kernel panics
Hentai_JeffI hate those comercials though07:47
=== neoxan [n=neoxan@i577BDAD7.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Viakenaxion`: That would be funny... "Hi! I'm a Mac" "I'm a PC!" ..."We run Ubuntu." *hugs all around*07:47
=== jtd loves them
rendoHere's how the commericial would go.07:48
=== eigenlambda actually considers apple hardware fairly unstable
lastnodeguys >> #ubuntu-offtopic07:48
axion`the guys that plays 'PC Guy' is a hilarious anchor on the Daily Show07:48
jtdeigenlambda: why?07:48
eigenlambdalastnode: ya rly.  mac discussion >> elsewhere07:48
Unenvarjoubuntubes, I recall that it was in universe, but that was somewhere in the time of warty or hoary07:48
=== saeko [n=chris@82-43-160-213.cable.ubr04.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
nominChoddapp: do you use a joystick with games on linux?07:48
axion`Ubuntu would have to be a very tall african07:48
grvi had one of the first versions of the ipod, will never buy apple crap again07:48
JoseStefannah, they should hire the "Subway's" guy07:48
CHodappnomin, yes, sometimes07:48
intelikeylwarimav that is good.   try this in a terminal   cd /home && sudo tar -czf backup.tgz `whoami` && cd07:48
axion`whose head is probably not even in frame07:48
grvterrible support system07:48
rendo"*cough sneeze cough* I got a virus again" "If you're a MAC you don't get viruses PC" *stealth ninja walks in and murders both* "Ubuntu knows kung-fu"07:48
nominChodapp, have you ever heard of qjoypad?07:48
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intelikeylwarimav that will make a backup of your home07:48
doogluswhat's the program called that lets me set the preferred applications in gnome?07:48
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CHodapprendo, put him in a hospital on life support with no one allowed to visit him... "I'll never get viruses again!"07:49
axion`ubuntu accuses mac guy of being in the closet and kicks dirt on PC guy07:49
Hentai_Jefflol rendo07:49
nominCHodapp, I think it's a very useful program that ought to be a part of every distro:  http://qjoypad.sourceforge.net/07:49
eigenlambdaCHodapp: alright, i dane no idea what your name is supposed to mean07:49
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nominCHodapp:  it emulates keystroks and mouse with a joystick/gamepad07:49
Hentai_Jeffit'd be like that ctrl+alt+del comic07:49
lastnodedooglus, System ->Preferences ->Preferred Applications ?07:49
CHodappnomin, hmmm....07:49
rendoWho argues with Kung-fu?07:49
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intelikeylwarimav next you can do an rm .mozilla-f* -rf      and then start firefox07:49
rendoLike come on.07:49
CHodappeigenlambda, Chris Hodapp07:50
nominCHodapp:  it's not packaged for ubuntu yet.  I can only use it on mandriva now.07:50
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eigenlambdaCHodapp: oh, ok07:50
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doogluslastnode: yes, that one.  what's the program name?  like the name of the binary?07:50
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nominCHodapp:  other than a few small things, it's an awesome program.  I use it for games and for viewing multimedia on my tv.07:50
CHodappI've got a nice Logitech joystick that I got used for $5, but I don't know where I'd want to use it with this...07:50
eigenlambdai was trying to parse it like 'CHod.app'07:50
doogluslastnode: I'm running XFCE, so I don't see the menu, but some apps still use the GNOME settings.07:50
lastnodedooglus, gnome-default-applications-properties07:51
poningrukbrosnan: need help?07:51
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JoseStefanETA 16 hours 10 minutes07:51
amacso what are the ubuntu people doing right now?07:51
nominCHodapp: I emailed the develper for qjoypad and he says he doesn't have time to develop it, he would like help from more people.07:51
CHodappamac,  I dunno,  I'm a Slackware user07:51
lastnodeamac, they're hanging in #ubuntu-offtopic07:51
amacdevelopers I mean07:51
rendoOr maybe the commericial could have 3 generations of men.07:51
CHodappthough I may try Ubuntu - I've got some extra space on this box07:51
SurfnKidhas anyone had big problems with the i2c and lm-sensor install?07:51
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doogluslastnode: thanks.  that's a good long name :)07:52
rendoA 50 year old Grandpa, His 20 year old son and his 1 year old grandson.07:52
lastnodedooglus, typical gnome devs ;-)07:52
intelikeyamac watching folks like you, to see if the work was worth it.07:52
doogluslastnode: I discovered that I can run it from "gnome-control-center" too07:52
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baboSo is dapper out then or what ?07:52
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rendobabo or what07:52
lastnodebabo, it will be, today :)07:52
=== Krank [n=Krank@h110.105.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoseStefanETA 16 hours 8 minutes07:52
rahonavisi just updated my RC of Dapper and there wasn't much to download07:52
lastnodeyeah, it's pretty much gold07:52
rahonavisyeh, so ya'll dont lose sleep over it :)07:52
thugsomeone said it is out07:52
DShepherdJoseStefan: how do you know?07:53
amacwill there be another update?07:53
HisakasexA hour ago I was asking how to check sent mails by postfix. The answer is in /var/log/mail.log07:53
rendoYou know what a nasty practical joke would be?07:53
camdapper out soon ... damn what if I've installed 5.1 ? can I upgrade easily ?07:53
JoseStefanDShepherd, cause by then it will be the 2nd of June07:53
=== deeel [n=dan@adsl-69-107-34-240.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Viakenthug: That's just someone poking around in places they shouldn't be. ;)07:53
rendoIf someone renamed an XP install iso to an ubuntu install iso and someone went to install it and installed windows :(07:53
stjepanthug, but is it true?07:53
baboIsn't it today already ?07:53
CHodappWhat's the normal installation method? CDs? How many? Netinstall?07:53
ompaulcam yes07:53
lastnodecam, yes you can, apt-get dist upgrade07:53
=== james_xx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stjepanbabo, see the topic07:53
lastnodeCHodapp, one CD07:53
rahonavisisn't it dist-upgrade, lastnode ?07:54
KrankAnyone here have a ASRock 939Dual-Sata2 mb?07:54
thugstjepan looks like they also have the md5sums07:54
amacawesome, downloading right now =)07:54
CHodappAre there normally torrents?07:54
camok, that's what i thought ;) dist-upgrade07:54
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lastnoderahonavis, yes, sorry, my bad07:54
JoseStefanCHodap, yep07:54
lastnodecam, what rahonavis said07:54
=== Kuyaedz [n=Kuyaedz@kuyaedz.fttp.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu
CHodappI'm on an evil network that won't allow torrents. Maybe I'll wait a week until I'm home to get the torrents.07:54
Hisakasexyou can use egrep '(reject|warning|error|fatal|panic):' /var/log/mail.log07:55
JoseStefanCHodap, there are torrents, http and ftp07:55
lwarimavintelikey: ok07:55
lastnodeCHodapp, you can deebootstrap too07:55
=== Bardamu [n=Bardamu@jem75-3-82-236-91-104.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nominCHodapp, i think you can order it for free via the mail.07:55
intelikeylwarimav last thing you did was ?07:55
lastnodeCHodapp, google is your friend. you're a slackware man, i doubt i need to explain much07:55
=== CHodapp shakes fist
lastnodehi Bardamu , how may we help you today?:)07:56
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CHodappDon't ask them questions, they'll just send you to GOOGLE!07:56
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)07:56
=== CHodapp spits at lastnode's feet
lwarimavintelikey: well I try to enter the first command you gave but they tell me "lwarimav is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.07:56
Bardamulastnode,  i don't need help today :)07:56
Hentai_Jeffbut google owns07:56
lastnodeCHodapp, er?07:56
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, rpedro07:56
neoxancheck that thread07:56
CHodappAh, that's why I couldn't find it . . . only one 'e' in debootstrap07:56
intelikeylwarimav ah   are you not the admin of that box ?07:57
=== freakabcd [n=freakabc@gn01.quakes.uq.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu
grvarent the md5s different from the dailys compared to: ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/MD5SUMS ?07:57
lwarimavintelikey: yes07:57
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:57
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JoseStefan"Contact the system administrator" that sure brings memories07:57
CHodappI'll just wait till I'm home to grab the torrents . . . this network is smoking crack anyway, I have to jump through some hoops to make anything get online.07:57
=== spikeb [n=spikeb@207-118-202-121.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeylwarimav and you can't sudo ?    can you su -  ?07:57
MTecknologyis there any program that will speak text the I type and hopefully feed it back into my computer?07:57
nominCHodapp, do you think you would find qjoypad useful?07:58
rahonavisCHodapp, why not use a download manager and fetch direct http ?07:58
lwarimavintelikey: no07:58
lastnodeMTecknology, apt-cache search festival07:58
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=== JoseStefan has 99% complete
lastnodeCHodapp, wget ftw!07:58
intelikeylwarimav how do you admin the box without root access ?07:58
CHodapprahonavis, eh, just don't feel like doing it now.07:58
CHodappwanna conserve bandwidth... or something.07:58
lwarimavintelikey: well you see I have a user account like all others07:58
BlackWind      /quit07:59
Krankquestion from a bit of a noob... when attempting to use the live cd I get this: "hdc: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit07:59
KrankBuffer I/O error on device hdb, logical block <varies>" Any ideas?07:59
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JoseStefanyou can always seed it later07:59
lastnodelwarimav, then you're not a box admin, right?07:59
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Hentai_Jeffwonder how many ppl are on ubuntu.com/download refreshing every 2 seconds07:59
lwarimavintelikey: no07:59
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lwarimavintelikey: i mean yes07:59
lastnodeKrank, did you check your md5sums before you burned the iso?07:59
KrankIt's actually hdc there07:59
grvppl are going to be fuming if this comes out on the 2nd08:00
lastnodeHentai_Jeff, arent you already runnning breezy? just dist-upgrade08:00
intelikeylwarimav ok so as the admin user or root or whoever is able,  if you want to be safe make a backup of your home.  else we can proceed without backups08:00
=== r4zz [n=r4zz@S010600c049d9e5e3.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
KrankNo, Think the burn was a bit off?08:00
Hentai_Jeffactully my ubuntu machine's down08:00
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lastnode@now Colombo08:00
UbugtuCurrent time in Asia/Colombo: June 01 2006, 12:00:2608:00
Hentai_Jeffand I was on flight 5 before then08:00
rahonavisgrv its already out a link has already been posted with isos from the ubuntuforums.org08:00
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grvive seen the link08:00
Hentai_Jeffgetting the new motherboard tommorow08:00
lastnodeHentai_Jeff, just install flight5 and dist-uprade :)08:00
spikebIT IS NOT OUT08:00
Hentai_Jeffor really today08:00
grvthe md5s are different08:00
lwarimavintelekey: oko08:01
rahonavisi appologize to channel08:01
rahonavissomeone should close that thread08:01
rahonaviswasting our bandwidth08:01
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MTecknologylastnode, I have festival, but when I try to make it say text, it doesn't say anything. I used >SayText "Hello"08:01
=== carrot [n=carrot@cpe-24-90-223-26.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeylwarimav tell me when you are read for the next step.08:01
=== gmhikin03 [n=greg@pool-141-158-212-67.alt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
lwarimavintelikey: ok08:01
Linuturkgrrr, release 6.0608:01
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dunnixhello everyone08:01
lastnodeMTecknology, you'll need to google08:01
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animatohello, syanptic keeps connecting to repos in Australia, how can i change it?08:02
Hentai_Jeffif I had my ubuntu machine already up I'd be on 6.06 already08:02
rahonavisso many people are upset it isn't released.  if ya want it that bad you could get the RC and update / upgrade :)08:02
=== Mysta [n=Mysta@c-24-98-118-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MTecknologyI have it08:02
Hentai_Jeffgotta love power surges08:02
MTecknologyI love it08:02
lwarimavintelikey: I am ready08:02
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intelikeylwarimav next you can remove the firefox dir.   do an rm .mozilla-f* -rf      and then start firefox08:02
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=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
neoxanubuntu dapper final (not offical yet) : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18557008:03
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rahonavisMTecknology, yes i have it too and am happy with it.  i'm not an advanced user though but i know my way around and can figure out things.08:03
Seveasnext one posting crap links gets a ban08:03
dunnixin communist russia you dont apt-get     apt-gets you   :P08:03
=== aylov [n=gentoo@gb-nvu.nvu.bg] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_Cardid anybody install 6.06 yet?08:03
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=== Rocco [n=rocco@ti112220a080-1694.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
jiping6.06 is good08:04
Mystayea, on a server ;)08:04
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nomindunix:  have you been talking to arrummzen lately?08:04
Vaske_Carsay something guys heehe08:04
grv6.06 does not exist08:04
myleftfootive been running dapper since flight 5... it rocks. waiting for official release to burn dvd's for friends and family08:04
dunnixnomin: no dont know him08:04
spikebditto myleftfoot08:04
rahonavisgrv is right there was a leaked beta iso with a md5sum that was wrong from ubuntuforums.org08:05
Vaske_Caris there a way to use eMule on Ubuntu?08:05
KLineDI've been running it from flight 3.. kinda washes off the excitement factor but I'm waiting for final to burn some dvds08:05
Hentai_Jeffgreat now I'm thinking about stewie doing my left foot08:05
rahonavisVaske_Car, i think its called aMule08:05
z_diverdoes anyone know if the LAMP install can be run from espresso?08:05
intelikeylwarimav results ?08:05
Seveasz_diver, it can't08:05
jipingyes, u can use emule08:05
jameswangeMule under Linux is aMule.08:05
jipingbut it's called amule08:05
Vaske_Carwhat is MD5 for this "final" version 6.06?08:05
jipingwhat about xMule?08:06
SeveasVaske_Car, the final iso is not released yet08:06
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z_diverSeveas: Then it's only from the alternate installer?08:06
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Seveasz_diver, no, only from the server cd08:06
DShepherdSeveas: why??? :-(08:06
lwarimavintelikey: It works.... waooo!!!!!!!!!!!!08:06
SeveasDShepherd, because sabdfl is not awake yet08:06
spikebsomebody call and wake him up08:06
JoseStefani just downloaded the daily for the 31st, now i just hope the files didnt change08:06
Astinus-charle97: http://mirror.trivini.no/ubuntu-iso/6.06/08:06
DShepherdSeveas: hehe. really?08:07
=== Nigel [n=nigel182@209-124-142-056.broadband.arctic.net] has joined #ubuntu
jipingdo we need to change to the formal dapper, or the beta version can be updated08:07
intelikeylwarimav if you made a backup and you don't see any reason to keep it.  you can rm it now.08:07
DShepherdSeveas: what time is he getting up?08:07
intelikeylwarimav your welcome.08:07
Flanneljiping: beta can be updated,no problem.08:07
SeveasDShepherd, when he wakes up.08:07
lwarimavintelikey: thanks bro08:07
DShepherdSeveas: that works08:07
myleftfootJoseStefan: you can just update that once the final is out. you can install it and upgrade later08:07
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rahonavisget RC not beta :)08:07
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jipingF thanks08:08
JoseStefanmyleftfoot: i need the "final" on disc08:08
dooglushow do I revert back to the version of a package which is in the repos, if I have since built and installed a newer version from CVS?08:08
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@c211-28-183-112.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_Carso for amule: sudo apt-get install amule      <<< is this right command?08:08
FlannelJoseStefan: you'll have to wait then.08:08
jipinghi fujitsu, how are u08:08
=== herbheart [n=marcdm@port0043-aar-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
JoseStefani just need to verify the MD5's once the final is released officially08:08
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JoseStefanand cross my fingers so i dont have to re-download :S08:09
FujitsuHi jiping.08:09
myleftfootJoseStefan: yup you have to wait and torrent up like the rest of us.08:09
rahonavisVaske i often perform multiple admin tasks under sudo so what i do is "sudo su" and the apt-get install amule you might want to enable your universe and multiverse08:09
intelikeyVaske_Car yes08:09
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herbheartrahonavis you might want to try sudo -i08:09
z4k4ri4still not released, 6:09 UTC08:09
Sajis there a page with all the features of dapper drake on it ?08:09
rahonavisthank you08:09
Fujitsurahonavis, sudo -i08:09
Vaske_Cardoes 6.06 uninstall all required libraries if we uninstall some software or it leave libraries?08:09
rahonavisi was looking foor the proper way to do it08:09
dooglusmyleftfoot: why would you use the torrent if you already have breezy?  you can just update breezy to dapper08:09
rob138so it's released now?08:10
grvsome ppl like a fresh install08:10
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MTecknologylastnode, I can make festival speak text, how to I make that audio input from my microphone08:10
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rahonavisperson i helped, see the responses :)08:10
intelikeyVaske_Car leaves libs08:10
grvor want to burn for others08:10
myleftfootdooglus: i have dapper. final RC. I just need the iso to burn some for my friends and family08:10
dooglusVaske_Car: it depends how you uninstall.  apt-get will leave libraries, debfoster won't.  aptitude can delete dependencies too.08:10
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dooglusmyleftfoot: I see.08:10
intelikeyVaske_Car install deborphan and run that.08:10
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JoseStefanSeveas: what was that? if you dont mind me asking?08:11
swarmzso it's not been released yet?08:11
rahonavismyleftfoot, are they having surgery that requires the final iso immediately ?  ;)  :)08:11
SeveasJoseStefan, an idiot08:11
swarmzhow annoying!08:11
FujitsuSeveas, always good to get rid of them.08:11
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freakabcdrahonavis, hisrightfoot might know :p08:11
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Vaske_Carintelikey, is there any tutorial of how to uninstall everything that we do not need for server in order to make computer a bit faster, or it is not neccesary?08:11
myleftfootrohonavis, no but when they get them windows gets to go to heaven08:11
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intelikeyVaske_Car not that i am aware of.08:12
JoseStefanVaske_Car: you only have to worry about active processes, and those you can check with "top"08:12
Tomcat_Vaske_Car: Install "debfoster" package and run "sudo debfoster"08:12
Kranklastnode, you still there?08:12
JoseStefanVaske_Car: but be careful what you decide to remove08:12
Tomcat_Vaske_Car: debfoster will make sure only packages that are needed are installed, and the rest will be uninstalled.08:12
swarmzrob138: I can't respond to PMs because of "spam issues"08:12
Vaske_Cari will do it tomorrow, i must go sleep now ;(08:13
Tomcat_Vaske_Car: But as JoseStefan said... be careful what to remove.08:13
intelikeyTomcat_ yeah that's handy to trim ship with.08:13
rob138swarmz, on my side?08:13
swarmzrob138: when will apt be able to deliver the update?08:13
khermansThis is a Dapper SMS notifier on release within one miinute of being out...08:13
rahonavisfreakabcd, yes i understand.. and even i fall victim to this when i get excited.  but i did the right thing and tried the RC which is fine by me.  i can download the iso of proper release later.08:13
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Vaske_Carthanks guys and good night all!08:13
Bilford47 minutes maybe08:13
Vaske_Carcya tomorrow08:13
swarmzrob138: nah, my side because i'm not registered08:13
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rob138swarmz, oh08:13
intelikeyVaske_Car c ay08:13
rob138swarmz, i dont know the answer to that08:13
swarmzso, when will apt be able to deliver the update?08:14
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)08:14
=== alleyoopster [n=alleyoop@d213-103-5-170.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
swarmzdamn it! i have halflife2 episode1 to play tonight at 6pm!08:14
JoseStefanwhat's the last country to cross the "day" barrier?08:14
rob138i got an hour08:14
rahonavishehe you all are like counting the minutes in your heads.  i freak out because i have to wait a week to get a top cigarette roller :)08:15
glickalleyoopster, whenever i see your name i read it as alley-poopster08:15
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeydeborphan is good.  i like it.   using it in a loop will clean all un-needed libs.08:15
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rahonavisno offense intended08:15
myleftfootJoseStefan: Midway  i think... acording to my KDE World Map08:15
amacwoot woot, http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Dapper_Drake_Released08:15
sirkleoquien anda ahi?08:15
herbhearthate to sound stupid but what does the LTS in "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS" mean?08:15
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khermansRun my script like this -> wget http://www.kristianhermansen.com/tmp/DapperOut.pl && perl DapperOut.pl08:16
JoseStefanis there a "Google Earth" equivalent for linux?08:16
ubotufrom memory, lts is Long Term Support. LTS versions will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.08:16
chavoJoseStefan, not yet08:16
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myleftfootJoseStefan: not yet.... google is working on it08:16
chavoit's being worked on though08:16
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swarmzso why is there this delay for releasing on apt?08:16
JoseStefanguess i have to settle with google maps, for now08:16
Fujitsuswarmz, what delay!?>08:17
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henriquemaiaTry this, JoseStefan: http://www.flashearth.com/08:17
joshhendoJoseStefan: It is -possible- to run google earth in Wine, though it is a tad dogy08:17
Coreyisnt dapper drake fully released today ?08:17
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)08:17
FujitsuHi Corey, sometime today.08:17
glickkhermans, what does your script do08:17
Coreynice nice08:17
JoseStefanback to midway, can't seem the find it08:17
maruchansynaptic should i install both compiz, and compiz-gnome?08:17
maruchanor just 108:17
CoreyI have it already running will the official release be any changes ?08:17
khermansglick, checks for Dapper release and notifies you by SMS cell phone text message as soon as it comes out08:17
swarmzsudo apt-get upgrade08:18
swarmzReading package lists... Done08:18
swarmzBuilding dependency tree... Done08:18
swarmz0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:18
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JoseStefanmaruchan: i think dependencies will require both08:18
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maruchanahh okay thx08:18
swarmzwhy is it not released on apt yet?08:18
glickkhermans, dear god people, get away from your computers for a minute, go outside, enjoy the sunshine and breathe the fresh air!08:18
Fujitsuswarmz, there is no delay! It just hasn't been released yet!08:18
Seveasswarmz, it is...08:18
=== encompass [n=jason@dsl-hkigw7-fe0df900-146.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
dholbachhey Seveas08:18
CoreyI don't wish to download another 600MB will the official release just be an upgrade for us already using the dapper drake ?08:18
zcat[1] e2e5e0bfb2edffd2ce02dd77bda4558e  ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso08:18
zcat[1] Y08:18
khermansglick, it is dark where I am!!!08:18
Seveashi daniel08:18
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zcat[1] hmmm..08:18
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FujitsuCorey, just upgrade.08:18
CoreyAwseome :)08:18
swarmzwell the release date was 00:00 GMT and it's passed that, so that counts as a delay i think08:18
CoreyI love the dapper drake skin08:18
FujitsuIt was no 0:00Z08:19
Coreyits so neat and easy on the eyes !08:19
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)08:19
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Seveasswarmz, no one ver saizd 0:0008:19
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neutrinomassswarmz: It was never on the 0:00 ... it was 1st june08:19
Fujitsu`but not at 0:00 UTC!'08:19
Rambo3Corey: for the 1 bilionth time no , you just have to change sources and update and upgrade08:19
rob138can someone explain why BT uses my sound device?08:19
Bilfordmaybe at 07:0008:19
intelikeyswarmz the release date was 6/4  two month delay....08:19
swarmzi'm sure it said the actual time and timezone somewhere08:19
dholbachCorey: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=1408:19
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Coreyharhahr I will get it downloaded before all of youz !!08:19
Fujitsuswarmz, that was wrong.08:19
dholbachCorey: ah ok, you're using dapper already08:20
nomasteryodaCorey, LOL08:20
zcat[1] Corey: too late.08:20
=== JoeyB2 [n=bob@cpe-70-113-5-164.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dunnixi had to mess around alot to get my resolution right on my widescreen    is dapper going to mess that up?08:20
Fujitsudunnix, possibly.08:20
swarmzoh well08:20
=== zcat[1] has been running dapper for about a month already
KmirnoMybe we should close this channel until release ?08:20
nomasteryodadunnix, save your xorg.conf08:20
Coreyyouz guys already got the official realse !?08:20
swarmzi'll just ssh into work and get the iso there :P08:20
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FujitsuI've been running Dapper for three months.08:20
nomasteryodaFujitsu, me too08:20
Rambo3i was born with dapper08:20
myleftfootdunnix, the widescreen worked out of the box on my lappy08:20
nomasteryodavery nice08:20
=== paul_ [n=paul@245-91.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dunnixcause im running 1366x76808:20
FujitsuBut it'll only be stable in a few hours...08:20
nomasteryodaRambo3, cool08:20
CoreyYeah, ive been using dapper for about 3 days now.08:20
fiendskull9i stopped because i got tired of updating the artwork every 5 minutes08:20
rob138is there a command to restart sound? i don't wanna kill my BT download but want to use sound08:21
nomasteryodadunnix, do back up the file first08:21
CoreyIts fully stable o my machine :)08:21
KmirnoI eat an apple08:21
pettman_anyone know how to get another tab when using the server command in XChat?08:21
Fujitsurob138, try killing esd.08:21
nomasteryodato your home or even a usb stick08:21
KmirnoIt's tasty08:21
zcat[1] I have an ISO already.. md5 doesn't match rc or any of the last few daylies...08:21
Seveaspettman_, /newserver08:21
dunnixnomasteryoda: good idea08:21
Rambo3sudo /etc/init.d/alsa- (perss tab ) restart08:21
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pettman_Seveas, thanks08:21
zcat[1] Was in a hidden directory..08:21
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KmirnoApples are good08:21
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CoreyHey does anyone know how to use divs ?08:21
Coreyis there a html channel08:22
SeveasKmirno, cut the offtopicness08:22
jameswangzcat[1] , Maybe your ISO got something wrong?08:22
dunnixnomasteryoda: but dapper should be able to read my custom modlines fine then?08:22
SeveasCorey, #html perhaps08:22
nomasteryodadunnix,  i had same problems with my dualscreens on suse 9.3, 10.0 ... backed up the 5th time i overwrote it08:22
HealotCorey: you can use mozilla-chat instead08:22
nomasteryodadunnix, just to make sure, back up08:22
rob138Fujitsu, that didn't do anything, sound is still being used up... dsp?08:22
Coreymozilla chat ?08:22
CoreyIm using xchat :D08:22
KmirnoSeveas: sorry just trying to divert from the "when dapper is released" huhu but ok I ****08:22
JoseStefanzcat[1] : you should verify your iso with the corresponding MD5SUMS file08:22
zcat[1] ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso - sounds fairly final to me.. :-)08:22
Fujitsurob138, work out what's using it.08:22
Fujitsuzcat[1] , not really.08:22
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dunnixnomasteryoda: ok08:22
jameswangI'm using gaim.08:22
nomasteryodazcat[1] , LOL08:22
rob138Fujitsu, Gnome-btdownload is08:23
Seveaszcat[1] , the final ISO is NOT RELEASED YET08:23
pettman_zcat[1] , where is that to be found?08:23
zcat[1] The md5sums says it's right..08:23
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rob138http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ ?08:23
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crimsunSeveas: the md5sum from ponyland says it's released!!!08:23
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Seveascrimsun, screw ponyland 08:23
HealotWait until Mark says so08:23
spikebomg ponies08:23
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trygvebwwhen it's released it will be here won't it? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/08:24
Seveascrimsun, NO YOU CAN'T HAVE A PONY08:24
SapoteLinux ubuntu 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 13:49:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux08:24
zcat[1] OMG!!! Dapper!!!08:24
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Bilfordyou can make cool smilies with Kubuntu08:24
JoseStefanuntil the official announcment at ubuntu.com, no download can be validated08:24
crimsunSeveas: :((08:24
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SeveasI'm going to wave the kickban wand over any other stupid user from now on08:24
Sapotei download 6.06 from ubuntu.com08:24
Seveaslet's keep it normal in here08:25
lastnodenobody mention dapper08:25
MadpilotSeveas: what's normal?08:25
=== lastnode looks at Seveas
spikebSeveas, hard to do that when everyone is going absolutely ballistic heh08:25
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=== myleftfoot cheers at Seveas
SeveasMadpilot, not freaking out over bogus isos08:25
imbrandonheya Madpilot Seveas and crew08:25
Bilfordthat was normal for IRC08:25
=== intelikey wonders what "normal" is....
JoseStefanyou can download them, just dont freak out ;)08:25
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JoseStefanand let it be known they wont be valid until they match the "offical" announcment08:26
VonGuardDapper ho!08:26
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=== CHodapp glares at Seveas
jrsimshey, so can I run XGL and get drop shadows without installing compiz too?08:26
VonGuardis it time yet?08:26
CHodappNo. Go back to bed.08:26
SeveasVonGuard, no.08:26
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JoseStefanCalifornia is still on the 31st, right?08:27
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FlannelJoseStefan: for 30 minutes.08:27
ggilbertfor a half an hour08:27
VonGuardyeah, for another 30 minutes08:27
BilfordIs Mark Shuttleworth going to parachute onto the Today show set or something today08:27
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)08:27
jrsimsGod. I just love ubuntu so much.08:27
ajmitch_Seveas: just give everyone a pony & a kick :)08:27
Bilfordwhat kind of advertising is planned08:27
SeveasBilford, yes08:27
spikebBilange, that would rule lol08:27
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Seveas/kick ajmitch_ ZOMG PONIES!08:27
VonGuardi'm posatively giddy with excitement08:27
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JoseStefanubuntu should get at least 10 seconds on CNN08:28
spikebhaha Seveas08:28
BilfordMark Shuttleworth will ride onto the Today Show set on a pony08:28
jrsimsubuntu is the greatest thing to happen to the world in a long time08:28
lastnodehe should ride in on ponIES08:28
herbheartgreatest thing to happen since ponies08:28
lastnodepluralism everyone08:28
jrsimsSO anyway, can I run XGL and get drop shadows without installing compiz too?08:28
pettman_I hope that the fglrx freez has been amended...08:28
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=== imbrandon rides his ponie arround the channell
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trygvebwoh my08:28
lastnodeanother one bites the dust08:28
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lastnodeFreddie Mercury was prophetic08:29
JoseStefanjrsims: you can install compiz and not use "the rest" of the features08:29
cefthis is getting a bit draconian, no?08:29
herbheartyes you can use your dildo with ubuntu... but first, you have start up totem08:29
Madpilotlastnode: well, bites something, anyway. ;)08:29
Healoteveryone's mad for Dapper Release eh?08:29
VonGuardfreddie mercury was prosthetic08:29
FujitsuThanks for keeping the channel sane, Seveas.08:29
swarmzis the iso officially released?08:29
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jrsimsJoseStefan: huh? I don't need xgl?08:29
lastnodeMadpilot, xD08:29
cefherbheart: haha08:29
Seveasswarmz, no08:29
lastnodeswarmz, no!08:29
swarmzif not, what is this: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/dapper-desktop-i386.iso08:29
Sajhe should ride the e-pony which is a robot pony, with a intel inside and a ubuntu as the grey matter:D08:29
Bilfordthe daily build?08:29
JoseStefanjrsims: xgl + compiz, but you can turn off the features you dont want08:29
imbrandondaily build08:29
lastnodeswarmz, daily-live, it's a daily build08:29
Sajit shall start dancing at the sound of action08:29
Fujitsuswarmz, you've been told a thousand times.08:29
swarmzoh jesus08:29
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jrsimsJoseStefan: have you installed it?08:30
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Bilfordit doesnt amtter though08:30
swarmzi haven't been told at all...08:30
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Rambo3last fglrx driver for dapper was broke or what . i got mesa back on my system08:30
l_ris ubuntu out?08:30
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-0352.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Graigi cant wait for dapper, and that new nintendo system with that funny controller :)08:30
lastnodel_r, no08:30
herbheartswarmz it's a daily build from yesterday morning.08:30
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)08:30
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khermansSorry server was acting weird...updated08:30
khermanswget http://kristianhermansen.com/tmp/DapperOut && perl DapperOut08:30
=== utrsds [n=gfh@BSN-77-107-61.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
l_rhow much do we have to wait?08:30
robinl1Dapper is already...08:30
JoseStefanjrsims, a friend of mine has it08:30
HodappOh calm down...08:30
lastnodel_r, read the topic!08:30
robinl1but not officialy08:30
jameswangHow can shield the "join/quit" message?08:30
TouruIt's possible to update via normal updater, isn't it? But, is it better to do a fresh install?08:30
cefswarmz: might end up as the final release, but there is no official word on wether it will be. till there's official word, it can't technically be the release08:30
l_rlastnode,  i read it 24.01 hours ago08:30
herbheartl_r til June 1, midday08:30
robinl1I have the  new dapper right here now.08:30
l_rit's obsolete08:30
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jrsimsJoseStefan: well, maybe you can answer this. I've installed xgl and compiz (and supporting packages). But how do I start it?08:30
lastnodeTouru, apt-get dist-upgrade works fine08:30
robinl1it's from yesterday08:31
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swarmzi wanted an excuse to not do anything at work today!08:31
lastnodel_r, well, it still stands08:31
swarmzdamn it!08:31
HodappSeveas, sheesh, it was a joke...08:31
=== maikol [n=maikol@c-66-56-71-8.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Graigi have a problem with the screensaver applet, i think it's a bug..  it will start up during a game like tremulous.08:31
Hodappswarmz, would that excuse really work?08:31
Tourulastnode: Excellent, thanks. =)08:31
lastnodeHobart, #ubuntu-offtopic is fine for stuff like that08:31
JoseStefanjrsims: there is a way to load compiz using a .xsession file in your home dir08:31
lastnodeHodapp, that was for you08:31
swarmzwill 6.06 include support for gnome, kde and others?08:31
eobanbswarmz, ....????08:31
Seveasswarmz, no, just blackbox08:31
swarmzor will they be separate isos?08:31
=== paniq [n=braniq@port-212-202-184-193.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
jameswangHow can shield the "join/quit" message?08:31
jameswangHow can shield the "join/quit" message?08:31
jameswangHow can shield the "join/quit" message?08:32
l_rswarmz, no, they have removed everything ..08:32
robinl1Is it forbidden to grab the final iso (which is there) from the ubuntu server, meant for the mirrors?08:32
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.08:32
Madpilotswarmz: they've always been seperate ISOs08:32
HodappWait, ask one more time, jameswang08:32
JoseStefanjameswang: depends on your client08:32
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas
robinl1The people in #ubuntu+1 did08:32
eobanbjameswang, it's a client-side setting08:32
robinl1now we got the final dapper08:32
herbheartswarmz, U6.06 will not come with Gnome. Only FVWM and Console08:32
HodappA little trigger-happy on the kickbans, I see.08:32
paniqwhat is LTS?08:32
=== pkh [n=pkh@124-168-90-4.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
eobanblong-term support.08:32
lastnodepaniq, Long Term Support08:32
swarmzi see08:33
khermanspaniq, Long Testicle Slacks08:33
paniqwhat does it mean?08:33
lastnodeHodapp, trigger happy or not, if you act like a jackass, you will get kicked08:33
jrsimsshoot. do I need to repoint my repositories to get dapper?08:33
JoseStefanjrsims: take a look at this: http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=91608:33
spikebHodapp, it's being going nuts here all night.08:33
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-119.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasHodapp, yes, as long as people are going crazy I'll be quick on the trigger08:33
khermanspaniq, you only need these pants if you have bug balls08:33
eobanbpaniq, it indicates that 6.06 will be supported by canonical ltd for a long time.08:33
lastnodeHodapp, it's called natural selection. join #ubuntu-offtopic for everything offtopic, like i kept telling you08:33
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ubotuit has been said that drake is a duck08:33
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z4k4ri4man drake08:33
eobanbSaj, do you have a question?08:33
GianLuigiBuffonI'm with Dapper Viaken !!!! thks man!!!!!!!!08:33
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ajmitch_] by ChanServ
HodappSHUT UP08:33
makelelehas Dapper not been released yet ,what is the delay ?08:33
khermansdrake is also a bug08:33
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@cpe-71-74-209-247.woh.res.rr.com] by Seveas
GianLuigiBuffonits cool08:33
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ViakenNo problem, GianLuigiBuffon! Hope you like it!08:33
eobanbmakelele, read the topic please.08:33
z4k4ri4the mirorr08:34
lastnodethis is nuts08:34
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)08:34
=== jon_ [n=__jon__@ip70-190-214-24.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaslastnode, the channel is going nuts 08:34
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Sajeoband: nop, apart from when dappy is coming:D08:34
paniqlastnode, dont try to bring order into the biggest party on earth ;)08:34
GianLuigiBuffonnow I must reconfigure flash and that so tomorrow I guess that I must come again ahahahha :P08:34
Fujitsumakelele, what delay!?08:34
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GianLuigiBuffonbut all ok08:34
lastnodeSeveas, apparently, yes :)08:34
jrsimsDo I need to repoint my repositories to get the freshest dapper?08:34
GianLuigiBuffonjust that08:34
=== lastnode checks the ban list
GianLuigiBuffonthks buddie08:34
Fujitsujrsims, no.08:34
khermansI've never seen so many people geek out over a release08:34
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rahonavisthis channel almost has 900 people in it.  about the size of a small town.08:34
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eobanbjrsims, if you're already running dapper, then no.08:34
Seveaslastnode, I cleared out all bans yesterday 08:34
lastnodejrsims, dapper is coming at its freshest :) there are no separate repos08:34
billhey bill08:34
=== Beleys [i=sauget@tolkien.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr] has joined #ubuntu
billits me08:34
JoseStefanjrsims: did you get my link?08:34
Fujitsujrsims, the update tool will handle it for you08:34
jrsimsJoseStefan: I did. Looking at it now.08:35
Graigwow that's alot of people.08:35
lastnodeSeveas, to make room, eh? :)08:35
Seveaslastnode, hehe08:35
intelikeyrahonavis very very very small town.08:35
dholbachkhermans: me neither08:35
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paniqlastnode, and dont forget, whenever you kick people, you have an influence on the stats. its better to say "on the day of release, #ubuntu had 1288239293 individuals" instead of just... 900 ;)08:35
jrsimsI wonder of the latest Suse got this much fanfare...08:35
=== Nigel [n=nigel182@209-124-142-056.broadband.arctic.net] has joined #ubuntu
lastnodeSeveas, when you got a moment for a /query, let me know08:35
JoseStefanjrsims: i suggest creating a new user for compiz/xgl08:35
khermansdholbach, says something about our community :-)08:35
jon_Ah, that's weird.  Dapper doesn't come with X-chat.  Had to install it.  but that's offtopic: my real point: Are you guys doing dapper support right now? or do I have to wait for the official release? :)08:35
Seveaslastnode, no need to ask for that 08:35
rahonavisintelikey, yes you are correct :)  perhaps with a goat that is mayor and drinks beer for lunch somewhere down in the rural areas of texas :)08:35
lastnodepaniq, does anybody really care how many people were in #ubuntu? :)08:35
jrsimsJoseStefan: good call08:35
eobanbwacky.  we're about to pass #gentoo as the most populous channel; at least temporarily.08:35
=== baijum [n=baijum@hornet.berlios.de] has joined #ubuntu
rynoThis channel reminds me of the credits for a t.v. program. You can't keep up with all the text scrolling down the screen.08:35
lastnodeSeveas, as in?08:35
Seveaskhermans: that they're insane?08:36
paniqlastnode: independent blogs :D08:36
JoseStefanjrsims: that user will use the sample .xsession file08:36
Seveaslastnode, as in: you can always pm08:36
khermansSeveas, hey i didnt say it08:36
Seveaskhermans, no, but you know it 08:36
intelikeyrahonavis oh you've been here ?08:36
herbheartryno - that's true and funny08:36
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myleftfooteoband, we did that already earlier. we went up to around 93008:36
paniqlastnode: when there are no stories to tell, there will be no hero to remember.08:36
rahonavisno intelikey though there exists such a town with a goat as a mayor.08:36
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lastnodepaniq, ooh, profound. :)08:36
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khermansSeveas, i did write a script to SMS me in case I fall asleep and Dapper comes out ... cuz I'm gonna torrent it on my University gigabit08:37
Watsonrahonavis: #ubuntu-offtopic08:37
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scheurihi all08:37
paniqlastnode: ;)08:37
Watsonscheuri: greetings are not permitted. Ubuntu talk only.08:37
Seveaskhermans, what does the script do, measure the activity in here? 08:37
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khermansSeveas, lol -- nah greps the releases page08:37
khermansSeveas, there's no RSS right?08:37
Jeeves_Seveas: Watch de traffic peaks on the main ix'es :)08:37
rahonavisi'm leaving until tomorrow when the final is out08:37
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scheuriWatson: if that is the case...I greet you with my biggest smile I can produce...08:38
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SeveasJeeves_, lol, do you really think it'll show up?08:38
eobanbWatson, i don't think that's even been a rule before, or at least not enforced08:38
FujitsuSeveas, I've been wondering why you often have that character on the end of your messages... Is it meant to be a smile?08:38
Jeeves_Seveas: No.08:38
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jrsimsAm I the only one who is thinking of ditching work so I can play with dapper?08:38
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SeveasFujitsu, yes08:38
Watsonjrsims: if I had a job, I'm sure I'd ditch it.08:38
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lastnodejrsims, work? what is work?08:38
eobanbjrsims, glad to hear you're so enthusiastic08:38
JoseStefanyou could use an http HEAD request on the release directory08:38
SeveasJeeves_, ahhhh, not even a single pixel in the RRD graphs? ;)08:38
Watsonlastnode: this thing where you do stuff and get paid...legally08:38
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KLineDI'll go to work so I can download there08:38
lastnodeWatson, oh, that.08:38
l_ri think ubuntu actually wins the competition between all the other linux-based distros as italy will win the world cup..people will only talk about ubuntu and italy before july08:39
jrsimseobanb: yeah, it's weird. I just love ubuntu. It touches me in weird ways in weird places.08:39
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khermansJoseStefan, ahh probably a better idea!08:39
=== lastnode hands around bootleg dapper cds
Watsonl_r: kinda depends on the market, I think, but who knows...08:39
Rambo3l_r: italy haha08:39
lastnodeget em while it's hot, children08:39
khermansJoseStefan, suggest imporvement to this ? http://kristianhermansen.com/tmp/DapperOut08:39
JoseStefankhermans: looking...08:39
=== AJA- [n=AJA@a85-156-183-233.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbkhermans, hahaha08:40
jrsimsI wonder how many people are running "sudo apt-get upgrade" right now...08:40
scheuriam I in ubuntu-offtopic or in the support channel? *I can be nagging as well, ;)*08:40
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JoseStefankhermans: don't know perl :(08:40
Watsonjrsims: I dunno, I'm on Slackware...08:40
=== Phlosten [n=Phlosten@CPE-139-168-86-90.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotscheuri: you're in #ubuntu08:40
khermansJoetheodd, doh!08:40
jrsimsWatson: why are you in here then?08:40
lastnodejrsims, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:40
neutrinomassF-Spot is in mono ?08:40
Watsonjrsims: curiosity08:40
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18! (NO, we cannot be more precise) | Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties
jrsimslastnode: yeah, I just ran it too. :)08:40
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours! (NO, we cannot be more precise) | Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties
herbheartF-Spot sucks08:40
Watsonjrsims: will likely try Ubuntu soon08:41
scheuriMadpilot: thanks, I perfectly know...;)..I was just joking08:41
=== dhjohnson3 [n=david@c-69-241-56-130.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FujitsuBetter, Seveas.08:41
lastnodejrsims, i think we're running dapper!! woot xD08:41
neutrinomassherbheart: Likely, but that's not the point ...08:41
=== dholbach hugs Seveas - ReleaseParties :)
ajmitch_neutrinomass: yes, it uses mono08:41
JoseStefankhermans: that part doesn't do the checking, does it?08:41
jrsimsWatson: it really is good. I also used slackware for a while.08:41
Watsonherbheart: I like digiKam, even with all of KDE's KraKK KoKaine apps08:41
khermansJoseStefan, yeah, in wget08:41
neutrinomassajmitch_: Is obtaining a backtrace for a mono app any different? I think debug symbols don't show, right ?08:41
khermansJoseStefan, i grep the output of wget -- very hacky08:41
Sajt-18 minutes08:41
herbheartF-Spot runs on top of mono yes it does08:41
lastnodeso wants to hit up a tropical DRP? - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SriLankanTeam/DapperReleaseParty :)08:41
intelikeyWatson it's just a linux distro.08:41
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Watsonintelikey: I am aware...08:41
Phlostenaww no party near me :(08:42
=== digerati [n=digerati@port0116-abc-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
FujitsuSaj, I could have sworn it was 18 hours, not 18 minutes.08:42
lastnodePhlosten, organize one08:42
khermansJoseStefan, what is the syntax of a HEAD request?08:42
WatsonWhat's with all the apps on Mono? I'm just curious why they use Mono.08:42
JoseStefankhermans: head should be more efficient, but you'd have to program it08:42
ajmitch_neutrinomass: you'll generally want the exception traceback that f-spot spits out - what problem are you having?08:42
FujitsuPhlosten, just Adelaide and Sydney.08:42
=== Josh43 [n=Sammi@S0106000c419e9f0d.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Phlostenlastnode, will be a large party with 1 attendee :)08:42
Seveaskhermans, lynx -dump -head08:42
khermansJoseStefan, I can use netcat08:42
lastnodePhlosten, get people!08:42
JoseStefankhermans: you'd have to send HTTP headers, with an if-modified-since flag08:42
neutrinomassajmitch_: Just ran across bug #4780708:42
herbheartWatson, c# and the mono platform are pretty cool and powerful08:42
=== wulax [n=johannes@c-09a271d5.09-83-6c756c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Watsonexcept when they fail to work :\08:42
Sajfujitso: releasing @ 1st jun....18 minutes till 1st jun in california :)08:42
pschulz01apt-get install dapper-party08:42
PhlostenFujitsu, not organising a partee in Melbourne?08:42
herbheartWatson, I suspect they were buiilt as proof of concepts08:43
Josh4318 hours? damn08:43
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dhjohnson3i'm allergic to chunder08:43
JoseStefankhermans: you're method seems to work, you only need it for 1 day08:43
ajmitch_neutrinomass: wonderful08:43
FujitsuPhlosten, no. YukiCuss and I have exams on Monday, so not much time.08:43
herbhearttomboy (built on mono) rocks08:43
SeveasJosh43, less than 18, maybe 7;)08:43
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Josh43well, one bonus: the torrent is going to FLY08:43
khermansJoseStefan, don't wanna bog down the server08:43
=== BuzzBlaster [n=chatzill@adsl-149-188-127.btr.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
vinboyis it possible to delete file from NTFS partition?08:43
WatsonI only use one Mono app right now and it's text-based08:43
Seveasvinboy, no08:43
EpicWangweeoo weeoo weeoo!08:43
freakabcdFujitsu, think of use in brissie dude!08:43
khermansSeveas, thanks for the tip -- ill use less bandwidth now :-)08:43
[1] Jess18 hours is their way of saying "go to bed"!  lol08:43
Josh43It's already 06/01 here (MST)08:43
vinboythx Seveas08:43
digeratithis tomboy is cool :)08:43
WatsonI think a lot of the GUI ones just had a lot of libs I never installed08:43
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rpaulbanshee is a good mono program08:44
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lastnodepschulz01, Package dapper-party is a virtual package provided by: dapper-party-asia, dapper-party-us, dapper-party-africa08:44
FujitsuIt's 16:44 here :)08:44
WatsonI read about Banshee, supposedly it supported iTunes & DAAP?08:44
=== ajmitch_ will be back in a couple of hours - hopefully it's a little bit saner around here
Seveasajmitch_, don't count on it08:44
WatsonLinuturk: 89/h/ukraine08:44
gollumWhere is it? Where is it!08:44
=== Mithrandir wonders where lastnode forgot europe.
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lastnodeajmitch_, i doubt it. then we'll have the "oh lookie, dapper does this"08:44
JoseStefankhermans: you just need some sort of "link checker", one should exist out there08:44
rpaulWatson: is certainly does08:44
=== kapputu [n=sg47@c-24-6-48-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
freakabcdWatson, h == ?08:44
lastnodeMithrandir, i was in a hurry :p08:44
khermansJoseStefan, wait HEAD doesnt help here08:44
Mithrandirajmitch_: hahahah.  More sane?  It'll take off completely!08:44
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digeratiwhat does dapper party do?08:44
gollumThey promised it to us today, they did...08:44
lastnodedigerati, man joke08:44
Watsonrpaul: cool, I will have to figure out this Mono business... all these Java apps for iTunes are crappy08:45
sam__Josh43 It's 23:44 MST08:45
Linuturkyou meet chicks at a dapper release party08:45
freakabcdlastnode, man joke: No manual entry for joke08:45
lastnodefreakabcd, :)08:45
pschulz01has a dependency on beer08:45
lastnodebash is so humourless sometimes08:45
JoseStefankhermans: head can monitor a change on the directory listing08:45
khermansLinuturk, i think at the Dapper release party everyone had their dongles out08:45
Josh43sam__; uhm... mst = -7 gmt08:45
scheuriwhy on earth are all like "tear them apart if they dont release today" and whatever...it is done when its done, isn't it?08:45
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khermansJoseStefan, syntax?08:45
lastnodepschulz01, and your env variable SELF_ATTRACTIVENESS has to be set to "10"08:45
freakabcdlastnode, no. thats not bash. its man that complaining08:45
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Watsonbecause if I have it installed before you, that means I win.08:45
lastnodefreakabcd, yes, semantics, man, bash whatever08:45
Mithrandirscheuri: we will release today, so that's ok.08:45
rixxonhow can i disable the minimize animation?08:45
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Josh43scheuri: Yeah, no kidding.. it's a couple months overdue in the first place08:46
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herbheartWatson, I'd be wary of banshee only because of experience with F-Spot08:46
pschulz01renice 1008:46
freakabcdmaybe you'll be happier if you did: alias woman='man'; woman joke08:46
gollumCurse the Shuttleworth! He promised us...08:46
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JoseStefankhermans: you need to send raw HTTP headers, i don't remember the syntax08:46
Linuturkkhermans, a real dongle fest huh?08:46
scheuriMithrandir: well, anyway...:)...I am sure you have enough pressure anyway08:46
Watsonherbheart: any other nice interfaces for iTunes/DAAP access?08:46
WatsonI use amaroK/Kaffeine for all else08:46
sam__Josh43: yup.08:46
JoseStefankhermans: "lynx" can show you, i think08:46
khermansLinuturk, i hope there were some dongle ports too08:46
Graigmy computer is acting wierd.08:46
Josh43sam__: So; 00:46MST08:46
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Linuturkyou know your a nerd when you get that08:46
Rambo3yeah, just install popup blocker in lynx and java too08:47
JoseStefankhermans: "lynx" can make HEAD requests08:47
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scheuriJosh43: yes, that might be true...on the other hand...its free...and you haven't paid for it and...I personally prefer polished LTS.capable distro over punctual release...but that is only me08:47
digeratilol dongle ports08:47
sam__Josh43: nope08:47
khermansapparantly ubuntu-women.org supports women using Ubuntu, so there must only be like 1.5% dognle ports available at the release parties, compared to 98.5% dongles08:47
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Watsonlol dumb innuendo08:47
sam__MDT is.08:47
herbheartWatson, I use mpd (musidpd.org) but I don't have an ipod08:47
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Watsonherbheart: I don't have an iPod either. But I am in a college dorm with a lot of people sharing music over iTunes.08:47
Madpilotkhermans: mind the CoC, please...08:47
VR_herbheart: do you know of any equalizer plugins for mpd?08:47
khermansMadpilot, ok ill won08:48
WatsonI used to use MusicPD on my very slow server - it was great08:48
khermansMadpilot, ill keep my CoC away from the dongle parties08:48
Josh43scheuri: Oh, of course - I'm not arguing, I'm just going over what I'm going to do with dapper final :) Been testing and loving it, now format08:48
intelikeyscheuri no.  it's not "only you"  :)08:48
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scheuriintelikey: thanks...;)08:48
herbheartVR_ no eq for mpd. I use an external hardware mixer with an eq08:48
EpicWanggonna go try my xgl sweetness!08:48
khermansipod support in Dapper is awesome08:48
VR_herbheart: ah, ok.08:48
herbheartI've been searching for an eq for mpd since I met mpd08:48
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scheuriJosh43: okay, no worries..:)...I am using it now for a couple of weeks myself...looks very good...still, loads of people complain and I thing that is unfair08:49
VR_herbheart: if it had one, i wouldn't use anything else08:49
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La_PaRCaGotta reformat for dapper. Been running the same testing rig since hoary and now its being eaten alive by bitrot.08:49
Watsonherbheart: there are EQs for ALSA and OSS, most likely.08:49
scheuriJosh43: and I mean complain in a bad manner...not the constructive critics08:49
_kadaj_3hi all08:49
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JoseStefankhermans: you might have to run that HEAD request on a specific file, i suggest the MD5SUMS file08:49
_kadaj_3is that ubuntu 6.06 released?08:49
WatsonWhat backends does mpd have again? I know it has esd, OSS, ALSA... what about JACK?08:49
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VR_Watson: i searched for that stuff too, but never foiund anything08:49
herbheartyes Eq for Alsa, OSS and Jack, I think are why mpd doesn't do eq08:49
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eobanb_kadaj_3, no.  read the topic please08:49
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ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)08:50
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Josh43scheuri: Yeah, there are alot of ppl who don't understand that it takes real work, not "omgz0rz; finsish it beotch'08:50
Sajt-10 minutes08:50
_kadaj_3but it say today release08:50
scheuriJosh43: heh, couldn't point it out better...:)08:50
=== Watson hears Saj and starts a stampede
JoseStefanCan the output of lynx be done to stdout ?08:50
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eobanb_kadaj_3, your point?08:50
Seveas_kadaj_3, today still has 17 hours and 10 minutes left08:50
herbheartJune 1 means anytime before June 208:50
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Madpilotactually, it's not even June 1st yet, not for 11 more minutes08:50
khermansJoseStefan, i still dont see how to check the links in a HEAD request08:51
IsItOutYetit is on my time zone08:51
eobanbMadpilot, depends on where you are.08:51
JoseStefankhermans: working on something for you...08:51
herbheartit's almost 2 hours in june you liar08:51
khermansJoseStefan, im trying ti with nc, but only get the real header -- no content08:51
_kadaj_3are you all waiting it release08:51
Saj mins08:51
[1] Jessso  what was all this talk of Ubuntu having to many bugs for 5 year LTS?  did that get somewhat resolved?08:51
Josh43Anyone: Is there an rss feed to the torrent when it drops?08:51
Unenvarjohere it's soon 10 am08:51
JoseStefankhermans: try this: lynx -head http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/MD5SUMS08:51
Sajif not i coming to kill ubuntu team :D :P08:51
Seveaseobanb, ubuntu counts in UTC 08:51
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JoseStefankhermans: that will give you an idea08:51
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas
eobanb[1] Jess, it's nothing to be worried about anymore.08:51
myleftfootJoseStefan: i don't know about lynx but w3m has the  -dump_head       dump response of HEAD request into stdout08:51
khermansJosh43, i wish -- dont think so -- see my script08:51
neutrinomass[1] Jess: Dapper has tens of thousands of bugs. Like all distros, like all versions of Windows. The problem is the critical bugs, which AFAIK have been mostly resolved....08:52
scheuri[1] Jess: Ubuntu has over 10'000 pakets of software available...I guess we agree that it is impossible to have a perfect release...but still, most of the troubles are resolved I guess...08:52
Josh43khermans: Where at? SOmeone should get on that - all the torrent apps take rss feeds these days, and the more the merrier08:52
IsItOutYetkhermans, can you link that there script so it uploads the corresponding rss feed?08:52
khermansJoseStefan, still not a head request there...but good call!08:52
JoseStefanmyleftfoot: i think i found it for lynx, it's -dump08:52
intelikeylynx | tee file.name     works too08:52
khermansIsItOutYet, which RSS feed?08:52
scheuri[1] Jess: hoewever, if you encounter one...plesae let the devs know it with as many information possible08:52
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JoseStefankhermans: this is the final statement:08:52
JoseStefankhermans: this is the final statement:08:52
Graigcept there's bugs in the gnome-screensaver package.08:52
encompassgoodness the channel is nuts today08:52
JoseStefankhermans: lynx -dump -head http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/MD5SUMS08:53
Josh43JoseStefan: lol08:53
tdnWhen will it be released?!08:53
camhi; is there a pkg to run a "no-ip" like server ?08:53
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eobanbtdn, PLEASE read the topic.08:53
herbhearttdn, before June 208:53
dholbachcan't you guys just read ubuntu-announce@lists.ubuntu.com and be done with it?08:53
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intelikeyencompass in yellow08:53
tdneobanb: hehe. Yeah. I know :)08:53
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mjbHey can 'Always on visible Workspace' be set via command line?08:53
eobanbtdn, if you know, then why did you ask?08:53
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BilfordI think in 7 minutes08:53
tdneobanb: just for fun.08:54
khermansJoseStefan, what, should I go by the E-Tag?08:54
JoseStefankhermans: you'd want to monitor the last-modified field08:54
Seveasdholbach, i wish they could....08:54
eobanbtdn, we get someone like you asking every 10 minutes, all right?08:54
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JoseStefankhermans: etag is another way08:54
encompassintelikey: yellow?08:54
tdneobanb: heh. Ok. Sorry :)08:54
Fujitsueobanb, more like every two or three.08:54
IsItOutYetdholbach, let us have our fun with our geeky script and red-headed schoolgirl giddyness08:54
khermansJoseStefan, what is someone modifies, but not putting Dapper up?08:54
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scheuriSeveas, dholbach...if they did, we'd miss all the fun here, righ? ;)08:54
JoseStefankhermans: at least you'll have a reason to take a look at the website08:54
dholbachIsItOutYet: I won't stop you guys.08:54
JoseStefankhermans: you'll know something has changed08:55
intelikeyencompass the channel is nuts today... in yellow....  as in just before red.08:55
khermansIsItOutYet, if you think of a way to auto download the torrent, i don't know what the final name of the torrent will be08:55
dholbachscheuri: oh well - I guess there's enough of fun out there for eveyrone. :-)08:55
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scheuridholbach: ;)08:55
mjbHey can 'Always on visible Workspace' be set via command line?08:55
IsItOutYetkhermans, you could always use curl to get those headers as well08:55
[1] Jessdoes anyone know if the RC was taken as the "final" version?08:55
Fujitsumjb, I don't think so.08:55
JoseStefankhermans: remember that currently holds the RC from the 25th, so any change should be for the "final"08:55
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Fujitsu[1] Jess, there have been a number of changes.08:55
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.08:55
herbheartok, that's enough channel watching for now...08:55
khermansIsItOutYet, ahh libraries!! who needs libs?? lol -- good ole backticks for phun08:56
herbheartgonna prepare my machines to seed the torrent08:56
scheuriuh...may we flood the channel with that patience-answer?? ;)08:56
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z4k4ri4mjb: I think there's some utility that could do that but I forget the name08:56
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 24 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)08:56
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herbheartI think the bot is cool :) . Later guys08:56
Seveas!dapper =~ s/24/18/08:56
ubotuSeveas: OK08:56
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FujitsuYou know what we need?08:57
JoseStefankhermans: with a HEAD statement, stress on the server is reduced to a minimum08:57
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khermansJoseStefan, yeah i know08:57
IsItOutYetkhermans, use curl -I  http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/MD5SUMS then watch for modifications on the "last-modified" line08:57
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FujitsuA bot that automatically says `!dapper' whenever somebody joins the channel.08:57
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=== Xore passes free e-beer to everyone in the channel
MithrandirSeveas: actually, s/18/17/ now, I think.08:57
Xorelets turn this into a drunken party!08:57
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herbheartSeveas, what did that command just do?08:57
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SeveasMithrandir, true, but I'm not changing it every hour 08:57
JoseStefanIsItOutYet, i was doing the same with lynx :S08:57
Fujitsuherbheart, replaced 24 with 18.08:57
digeratiwhat's next an o.r.g.?08:58
MithrandirSeveas: chicken. :-P08:58
IsItOutYetJoseStefan, but curl is so much geekier!08:58
herbheartahhhh... a perl bot08:58
intelikeyherbheart updated the bots output for !dapper08:58
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SeveasMithrandir, hmm, eggs... 08:58
JoseStefanIsItOutYet, don't have it installed at the time08:58
IsItOutYetJoseStefan, of course, brownie points for using perl_curl or whatever the lib is called08:58
Bilford2 minutes08:58
ofer0I just love ubuntu... :)08:58
ofer0Need to get 829MB of archives.08:58
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ofer0Wow, what a hit for the servers... damn08:58
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JoseStefanIsItOutYet, i have a PHP link checker :P08:58
encompassI like the smily, never seen that... 08:58
encompasswhat char is that?08:58
scheuri[1] Jess: you may install RC right now and update it as soon as final hits the "shelfes"....08:59
FujitsuI think.08:59
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ofer0encompass, newline08:59
Josh43Fujitsu: Yeah08:59
Xorei was just about to comment... that is the most awesome abuse of characters as a smiley ever08:59
encompasshow do I do that?08:59
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khermansIsItOutYet, curl is better!  ill whip up another version to get all the torrents and seed them as soon as they are available...08:59
FujitsuKatakana `tsu'?08:59
encompassumm but how?08:59
khermansIsItOutYet, even if you fall asleep08:59
myleftfootPST 2006-06-01. still waiting with a big grin and a few beers08:59
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Josh43Fujitsu: No, not sure what it is, but not that08:59
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intelikeyencompass hehhe iv'e never seen it.   it's a and teo small squars08:59
Mithrandirencompass: U+30C4 KATAKANA LETTER TU08:59
encompasshow do you type it?08:59
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[1] Jessscheuri:  that's what I was thinking....  but I'm waiting for ubuntu so that xubuntu can get their first release out :)09:00
JoseStefankhermans: oh well, glad to help anywyas, at least i came up with the basis09:00
IsItOutYetkhermans, yay! I guess I woulda done it, but mine would have been messy shell script.09:00
philipacamaniachappy new years! oh wait...09:00
encompassso, tell me, is Mark from england or africa or what09:00
FujitsuMithrandir, wow... I was right! I haven't done much Japanese lately...09:00
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encompassthe guys seems everywhere09:00
scheuri[1] Jess: you can always install other desktops on whatever (k|x)ubuntu you have installed09:00
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intelikey a09:00
Madpilotencompass: he's from South Africa; Canonical is based in London09:00
MithrandirMadpilot: no, it's not.09:01
Bilfordit;s 07:00, but still not out09:01
Shotgunhey, does unbuntu have systems in place to prevent particular programs from using lots of memory? i ask as i have a c program with a hash table and the program seg faults unless i have a frustratingly small table size09:01
intelikeyhmm i can't cp and paste it either.09:01
MithrandirMadpilot: Canonical it's based in the Isle of Man.09:01
tapio_When I change root password, Sudo doesn't seem to update to the new root password, must i specify a 'sudo password' or something?09:01
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[1] Jesstrue.  but I was reading and apparently there's bugs if you use kubuntu before hand09:01
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mjbHas anyone used (wmctrl) for setting up windows as always on?09:01
VR_i hate that dapper splashscreen on bootup :(09:01
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MadpilotMithrandir: only the lawyer's office. The actual office is in London, I'm pretty sure09:01
Mithrandirtapio_: your sudo password is your user password, not your root password.09:01
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eobanbtapio_, sudo uses the password for the user logged in09:01
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eobanb!tell tapio_ about sudo09:01
DarkToweroo man its only changed to 18 hours. looking like 2nd09:01
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Josh43    09:02
tapio_Oh, that sounds pretty unsecure. I'll read about it before complaining though. Thanks :)09:02
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robitailleMadpilot:  officially Canonical is based at the Isle of Man...end of the official story  :)09:02
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guillem101Bilford, 9:00 right here :-P09:02
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JoseStefana lot of people seem to be grabbing the daily09:02
robitailleMadpilot: unofficially, I think it is a bank office09:02
intelikey!tell tapio about sudo09:02
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eobanbalready did that, intelikey09:02
eobanbtapio_, using sudo is arguably only less secure if you unnecessarily enable the root user itself, as you have.09:02
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encompassJosh43: haha09:03
mjbdoes anyone here use wmcntrl ?09:03
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intelikeyeobanb arguably09:03
protocol1dapper eta?09:03
DarkTowerJosh43: How come you typeing hiragana?09:03
digeratiits 2am in jamaica. going to bed09:03
mjbsorry thats wmcrtl09:03
ubotumethinks upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.09:03
encompassmjb: is that the control pannel for Windowmaker?09:03
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eobanbprotocol1, read the topic please.09:03
tapio_eobanb: Ok, so only the main user I set up when installing will have the ability to use sudo?09:04
JoseStefanit's the 1st on PST09:04
Josh43DarkTower: Enjoying the freedom of ubuntu smilies09:04
encompassmjb: yeah I use it alot09:04
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eobanbtapio_, that's the default configuration for sudo, yes.09:04
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DarkTowerJosh43: oops katakana09:04
mjbcan you set always on proerty on a window?09:04
mejobloggsis ubuntu 64-bit very good? Or is it best to stick to 32 ?09:04
DarkTowerJosh43: hehe sweet09:04
eobanbtapio_, it'd be pretty damn silly if every user on the machine was in sudoers09:04
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Josh43DarkTower: THe last one was hebrew ;)09:04
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mjbI want to be able to drag a window to a second screen and have it automatically set09:04
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eobanbmejobloggs, it's fine except when trying to run certain 32-bit software.09:04
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Madpilottapio_: you can add other uses to the sudo list, if you want to09:05
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eobanbmejobloggs, if you're running only free software, then you should have no problem at all.09:05
DarkTowerJosh43: ubuntu rocks09:05
Madpilotother users, rather09:05
Josh43DarkTower: Hai!09:05
intelikeyeobanb so if i try to hack your box and i use user name eoban  and you have used sudo in the last 15 minutes i have full root access ?09:05
voraistosJosh43, DarkTower: is there any good support on ubuntu for asian languages like on windows ?09:05
mejobloggseobanb: sweet, thanks for that. Does 64 give any advantage?09:05
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encompassmjb no idea09:05
mjbencompass any ideas?09:05
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DarkTowerJosh43: bonsai!!!!!!!!!!09:05
Josh43voraistos: MUCH better than windows09:05
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mjboahh no worries09:05
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Shotgunis there any cmd that allows programs to use more RAM?09:06
Fujitsuvoraistos, Japanese support is great!09:06
Shotgunor a particular program09:06
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Josh43Seveas: ROXZORZ09:06
mjbcool program though...09:06
Healot64bit application has the memory space advantage, maybe processing speed too09:06
MadpilotSeveas: is this another op's cue to ban you now? ;)09:06
protocol1I am using the beta version....whats the command to upgrade to the official once its released?09:06
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FujitsuSeveas, that deserves a kick :P09:06
voraistosJosh43: can u explain? what about kanji support, spelling etc ?09:06
eobanbintelikey, first of all the box i'm running on right now is a powerbook with mac os x.  second of all, you'd have to know my user's password.  third of all, i'm not running ssh on here.  fourth i've changed sudo's config to be five minutes instead of 1509:06
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eobanbintelikey, but you're welcome to try anyway...09:06
SeveasFujitsu, true09:07
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Healotvoraistos: all even the interface could be in Japanese09:07
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protocol1I am using the beta version....whats the command to upgrade to the official once its released?09:07
Josh43voraistos: I'm not the best person to ask, but I have never had a problem reading, browsing, using different applications with Kanji (I don't understand it, but by default I can see it all works)09:07
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eobanbprotocol1, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:07
=== Fujitsu lures Seveas into #ubuntu-au.
JoseStefanSeveas, i could have slapped you with a large trout instead...09:07
SeveasJoseStefan, I prefer salmon09:07
intelikeyeobanb i'm no hacker.   but you pointed out that, you do not use the 'default' sudo setup.    that's all i was about.  the default is not more secure.09:07
JoseStefanSeveas: don't have salmon :(09:08
rixxonif i do ctrl+alt+backspace, will all programs end?09:08
Madpilotrixxon: yes09:08
Mithrandirintelikey: the default also requires you to control the same tty.09:08
dhjohnson3yes, forever09:08
rixxonMadpilot: ok thank you09:08
eobanbintelikey, then again, ubuntu doesnt run sshd by default, so i think the point is fairly moot.  if you care to discuss it more i'm in #ubuntu-offtopic09:08
voraistosJosh43: the thing is windows has got a very complete support for japanese, and i wouldnt expectGNU/linux to ave such a thing.09:08
Mithrandirrixxon: you're not guaranteed that, but yes, usually.09:08
Josh43yikes cute: 09:08
myleftfootrixxon: the ones running in X yes09:08
KLineDlater guys, happy dapper day and happy downloading :)09:08
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rixxoni see09:08
guillem101rixxon, not the srervices09:08
lightstaris dapper officially out?09:09
eobanbvoraistos, ubuntu has fairly good support for many languages, in fact09:09
eobanblightstar, no09:09
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eobanblightstar, read the topic please09:09
mejobloggsi guess the download servers are going to be pretty maxed out when it is ou09:09
raphawill you use the torrent network for download?09:09
Jeeves_lightstar: See topic :)09:09
Josh43voraistos: I always had a problem with even trying to get the characters to show up properly.. If in doubt: try a livecd09:09
lightstareobanb, oops..sorry09:09
eobanbrapha, you can if you like09:09
DarkTowervoraistos: : Ubuntu rips XO support09:09
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stjepanis dapper out?09:09
lightstarJeeves_, missed the topic...oops09:09
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mejobloggsmy IP blocks torrents !! :(09:09
Healotvoraistos: you can add Japanese or other language support in ubuntu09:09
raphayea, I'm just curious who's going to use it09:09
eobanbstjepan, NO, please read the topic09:09
DarkTowerstjepan: not yet09:10
eobanbrapha, for people already running ubuntu it's probably better just to use apt09:10
JoseStefan17 hours to go09:10
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:10
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intelikeyMithrandir not really.  it only requires a tty takeover for the timed method  but the user password is the point.   not just the timed method.    but i know and don't dispute that a properly setup sudo is a more secure approach.09:10
Josh43voraistos: Case and point:  means system :)09:10
DarkTowereobanb: is the upgrade from breezy stable??09:10
eobanbDarkTower, what do you mean, exactly09:11
redrasloDarkTower: do you mean the current RC?09:11
FujitsuCase in point, you mean, Josh43?09:11
eobanbDarkTower, using dist-upgrade i've had basically no real problems, and i even upgraded to dapper about a month ago.09:11
voraistosi already am using ubuntu folks;) ,and i am not talking about the interface language :p. (and yea i have a JP keyboard.) however ill take a look into that. try to use (just for a test) a JP keyboard with language bar and all that shit in windows, thats just awesome. I respect MS for hat.09:11
DarkTowereobanb: you were saying i thought that people already running ubuntu should use apt-get to upgrade instead of new install, but maybe i misread soz09:11
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Josh43Fujitsu: Nope09:11
eobanbDarkTower, that's right.09:11
DarkTowereobanb: oo, k. this is my work machine though. would be a bit scared lol.09:12
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Healotvoraistos: nihongo wo shaberu?09:12
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eobanbDarkTower, well you should be backing up your data regardless.09:12
rixthRIP The Pirate Bay. http://piratebay.org/09:12
OmniDvoraistos: I'm sure there is a good enough IME equivelent09:12
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eobanbrixth, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please09:12
voraistosHealot: yep, more for my girl than myself ;)09:12
DarkTowerHealot: nihongo go hanashimas09:12
DarkTowereobanb: thanks for the help. What would be best, just back up my home directory?09:13
eobanbDarkTower, probably.09:13
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Nigelhow is everyone going to know when it is released?  hitting refresh on the http://www.ubuntu.com/download page?09:13
scheuriDarkTower: you should do that everytime...09:13
OmniDMines on auto-refresh Nigel09:13
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voraistosOmniD: yea i have to take a look into that, so i can convert my girlfriend to ubuntu ;)09:13
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FujitsuNigel, looking for the news on Ubuntu.com... Reading ubuntu-announce... Reading here...09:13
Healotvoraistos: you can either change the keyboardto Japanese and isntall iimf/anthy/scim for Japanese input/dictionary09:13
DarkTowereobanb: cheers. will it change the theme and look all new and everything. Dont mean to sound like a kid about a new toy lol09:14
eobanbDarkTower, i don't expect you to encounter any major problems when doing dist-upgrade, but you should hope for the best, prepare for the worst.09:14
paniqwhere in my user profile are the application menus stored?09:14
ubuntubesany alternative program that can utilize bandwidth?09:14
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aztunis the release avaiable anywhere???????''''09:14
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scheuriubuntubes: may you be more specific?09:14
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:14
dizz1NO! NOT YET09:14
DapperLadDapper just got released!!!!09:14
joshhendoaztun: yes09:14
eobanbDarkTower, doing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will prompt you to either use your existing gnome config or replace it with the package maintainer's version09:14
occhiso when the new release is out, can you just do a apt-get distupgrade?09:14
DapperLadJust kidding...09:14
voraistosHealot: yea that sounds good. scim is pretty old, i heard about it long time ago09:14
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ubotupaniq: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:15
=== Xore resists the urge to chuckle
aztunjoshhendo: which server09:15
DarkTowereobanb:  sweeet thanks again09:15
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intelikeywell  i haven't seen anyone for tech help in a while.   sorry if i missed you.     i'm outa here.  dapper can release without me just fine.09:15
joshhendoaztun: I will get you a link09:15
occhiso when the new release is out, can you just do a apt-get distupgrade?09:15
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eobanbocchi, yes.  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.09:15
IsItOutYetocchi, yes09:15
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scheuriocchi: actually you can do it right away already...09:15
protocol1occhi, yep09:15
occhiim running dapper, but i downloaded it a few days ago09:16
joshhendoaztun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18557009:16
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protocol1I know I am anxious09:16
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dholbachocchi: use http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=14 :)09:16
occhijust wondering what to do when the official one comes out09:16
aztunthx joshhendo09:16
scheuriocchi: just keep it updated...09:16
eobanbocchi, please read the topic...09:16
ubuntubesscheuri : Actually I want to allocate bandwidth to a specific pc, and how do I do that?09:16
voraistosintelikey: but the nu ubuntu version release is more important than changing the millenium !09:16
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dholbachocchi: you can upgrade now already09:16
scheuriubuntubes: ah, okay...well...no idea..never done that with my computer (only router stuff)09:16
raphathey should release the next version at 0:00 next time  - they would save a lot of bandwidth from all the people reloading all the time or using scripts :))09:16
occhieoband, im confused as to what i missed in the topic?09:17
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gambitin dpkg-reconfigure locales, how do i select the box09:17
eobanbocchi, how about the part where it says 'Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours!'09:17
scheurigambit: spacebar doenst work?09:17
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occhieobanb, my question was regarding how to upgrade my current install when it is released09:17
=== protocol1 is patient
Healotmy personal favorite of Japanese Input > IIMF+Anthy engine09:17
dhjohnson3so what exactly are the developers or whomever doing right now?09:18
gambitspacebar nor x or #09:18
Flannelocchi: you don't need to do anything.  update-notifier will ask you if you want to update09:18
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hyphenateddhjohnson3: hiding ;-)09:18
Xoredhjohnson3: enjoying a beer and watching us all panic09:18
scheuridhjohnson3: probably they are at work? (its about 0800 in London, isnt it?)09:18
dhjohnson3double do'h!09:18
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ubuntubesscheuri : so only router can do that? how about the ubuntu server? can it be?09:18
ubotuwell, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.09:18
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occhithanks Flannel, ive never used this distro till, about 5 minutes ago. just getting the feel for it and all :)09:18
protocol1dhjohnson3, doing finishing touch-ups09:18
dhjohnson3but wouldn't they have been at work since way before midnight london time?09:19
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gambitscheuri: nvm,  ty vmuch09:19
Flannelocchi: you'll have an icon on the top right of your screen, should be pretty apparent.09:19
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scheuriubuntubes: if you configure your ubuntu server to be a router (having at least 2 NICs) then you may...yes.09:19
scheurigambit: easy...:)09:19
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dhjohnson3protocoll, so how do they decide when to cut things off?09:19
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eobanbdhjohnson3, they just decide09:19
scheuriubuntubes: but I never had a linux system configured as router...so I am no help here, sorry09:19
protocol1when all of thier objectives been completed09:19
NigelI wonder what the differences will be between the latest RC and the final release.  I'm going to feel like I wasted my time waiting for the final if it's not something significant.09:19
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paniqnigel, no big difference09:20
protocol1there is a doc about the dapper goals somewhere I forget09:20
ubuntubesscheuri : :)09:20
scheuriNigel it is quite unlikely a big diff...09:20
paniqnigel, i think some random icon touchups a few small updates, nothing fancy.09:20
eobanbNigel, it's not anything significant, really.09:20
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IsItOutYetNigel, probably wont be a big difference. That why its called a "Release Candidate"09:20
Burgundaviaprotocol1: what sort of goals?09:20
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eobanbpaniq, not even that.09:20
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paniqeobanb: from what i saw on my update manager list, yes.09:20
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protocol1well....theres a doc on it somewhere in wiki09:20
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JoseStefani just want the ISOs09:20
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:20
paniqeobanb: between rc1 and today there were a few package updates, one was related to icon artwork09:21
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paniqeobanb: but i wasnt able to spot the difference.09:21
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ubuntubeswhat is the command to upgrade ubuntu 5.10 to 6.06? sudo apt-get upgrade ??09:21
ubotuvoraistos: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:21
ubotuI guess upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.09:21
myleftfoothehe, is anyone keeping a counter on how many times we typed !dapper today?09:21
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ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:21
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ubotuEdgy Eft is the next codename for Ubuntu dapper+1. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html09:22
ubotuUse gksudo to run gtk applications with root privileges. Using sudo to start gtk apps can scramble your user account permissions.09:22
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Fujitsu.ICEAuthority permissions-corruption FTW!09:22
paniqand then?09:22
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paniqi ran gtk apps with sudo several times09:22
Madpilotmyleftfoot: I think the bot logs # of requests, and it's visible somewhere09:22
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ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.09:23
Seveas!gksudo =~ s/gtk/qt/09:23
ubotuOK, Seveas09:23
Seveasit's qt f*ing up, not gtk09:23
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Viaken09:23
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mcmahonsso what's the news on dapper, how come it's gone from 24 to 18?09:23
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ViakenWhat's the "-d" do for update manager?09:23
JoseStefanthis should be funny:09:23
ubotuFor help with microsoft windows, please visit ##windows - see also https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/109:24
Madpilotmyleftfoot: check http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ - number of requests is listed right there09:24
scheurimcmahons: time passes??09:24
Viakenmcmahons: Because time has passed? :P09:24
FujitsuYes, sudo amor stuffs things up :P09:24
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ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, paniq09:24
myleftfootMadpilot: thanks09:24
mcmahonsso when's it coming out, in 18 hours?09:24
ubotudhjohnson3: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:24
Burgundaviamcmahons: soonish09:24
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JoseStefanless than 17h now09:24
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Madpilotmcmahons: when it's ready09:24
koasddapper is cool09:24
ubotuz4k4ri4: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:24
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mcmahonsMadpilot: no joke :)09:24
eobanbmcmahons, no, a year from now.  read the topic for chrissake09:24
paniqi wrote a poem on WGA by the way09:24
Prof_Frinkmyleftfoot: 43 times since Wed May 31 08:47:23 200609:25
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.09:25
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ubotuHey paniq, creative commons is at http://creativecommons.org09:25
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myleftfootProf_Frink: thanks09:25
ubuntubesmy windows xp logon cannot identify aunthenticate ubuntu samba logon?? any suggestion??09:25
FujitsuThankyou Seveas!09:25
scheurithank you09:25
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ec1ip5eanybody would help me about kernel panic ?09:25
myleftfootthat seems low09:25
mcmahonseonbanb: don't get angry about it mate.09:25
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scheuriubuntubes: users are in sambapasswd? are they real users on your ubuntu?09:25
eobanbmcmahons, people like you ask when dapper will be out every five minutes.  all right?09:25
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koasdec1ip5e: in which situation you got this problem?09:26
zelevw18 HRS"!"!!09:26
HealotDapper mad society09:26
scheurimcmahons: this is a support channel...people ask, people answer...but pleeeeease dont play around09:26
scheuriat least not too much09:26
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ubuntubesscheuri : yes real users but cannot go into samba windows xp logon09:26
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HisakasexI have a problem with postfix again09:26
zelevwits 9,30 am June 1st...no dapper yet09:26
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ec1ip5ekoasd : i've just upgrade my SDRAM from 128MB to 256MB09:27
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encompasswhen the files are redy for the common user, it is recommended we user the bittorrent right?09:27
scheuriubuntubes: so, your win XP cant get access to share on samba?09:27
shadow_milOK, is there a channel for xorg?09:27
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eobanbencompass, you can use whatever method is most convenient for you.09:27
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koasdzelevw:where are you from?09:27
shadow_milah, yes09:27
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DarkTowerthe developers of ubuntu are doing an amazing job. i just wanna say that. and im not looking for a job lol09:27
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:27
zelevwkoasd: boston but I live in spain now09:27
Fujitsu+1 DarkTower.09:27
ubuntubesscheuri : win XP can get access into share samba09:27
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evi|one How many seconds left? :D09:27
lastnodeFujitsu, is it out yet?09:28
HisakasexI need to check if the email sent by a program that I have running, using postfix as mta is mal formed or something09:28
=== lastnode runs and hides
scheuriubuntubes: okay....so win XP can't log in the user because it is authenticatin on a samba server?09:28
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HisakasexHow can I do that?09:28
Fujitsulastnode, I'll pummel you :P09:28
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HisakasexMy gmail account receives emails from that program as spam09:29
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DarkTowereobanb: will my apps like apache survive the change09:29
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JoseStefan59400 seconds left!09:29
eobanbDarkTower, sure.  i'd back up your apache config, etc., anyway09:29
scheuriHisakasex: it may be considered spam because there is no reverse-DNS?09:29
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DarkTowereobanb: thx09:30
eobanbDarkTower, on a similar note, why are you running a webserver on your work station09:30
ubuntubesscheuri : yes win XP cannot log in the users to my server1, just during the first win XP logon screen09:30
scheuriubuntubes: sorry, cant help then...you might be more lucky at samba-channel09:30
DarkTowereobanb: even worse its a laptop lol! relax, i do some web application programming, need it for testing09:30
IsItOutYetWell, to stop the Dapper insanity. I wanna help out byt my LoCo is quite thin and I cannot get started. Who is in Montreal that would be willing to lead me into being more active in the community?09:30
ubuntubesscheuri : but when the users access from "my network places" then the popup window asking for username n password is ok.. they can access easily09:31
eobanbDarkTower, makes sense.09:31
raphacommoncommmoncommon I have to do something. I just sitting here hitting reload and staring :D09:31
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scheuriHisakasex: sorry...I meant reverse-lookup09:31
MithrandirIsItOutYet: there's a bunch of ubuntu people in Montreal, afaik.  Most of our support staff is located there.09:31
DarkTowereobanb: i cant imagine programming on windows. so many tools i end up needing in linux when your programming09:31
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BurgundaviaIsItOutYet: join #ubuntu-ca09:31
myleftfootIsItOutYet: yeah Tabarnac09:31
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JoseStefanDapper Countdown: http://www.timeanddate.com/counters/customcounter.html?month=6&day=2&year=2006&hour=0&min=0&sec=0&p0=009:32
FujitsuOr not...09:32
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FujitsuIt will not be released at 0:00Z June 2 either!09:32
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ubuntubesscheuri : so when I log off windows xp then type in the users username n password, then it cannot.. :(09:33
=== Skiddles^ turns Fujitsu off :D
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scheuriubuntubes: sorry...can't help you there...09:33
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ubuntubesany expertise in samba here??09:33
eobanbubuntubes, have you tried connecting from another windows machine09:33
DarkTowerim watching the seconds, the go nice and quick09:33
MithrandirFujitsu: there's an infinite amount of points in time where it will not be released.09:34
eobanbMithrandir, not according to quantum theory, actually.09:34
FujitsuHey, Singaporekid!09:34
jamiei thought it was gonna be out this morning :-(, oh well09:34
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DarkTowerMithrandir: thanks archilles lol09:34
ubuntubeseobanb yes I did.. but still cant get into server109:34
FujitsuMithrandir, but they countdown was to June 2, 0:00Z.09:34
Flanneleobanb: there are though, because of the uncountability of irrational numbers.09:34
tritiumeobanb: time is not an energy level09:34
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FujitsuThus, my point was valid.09:34
koasdless than 16 hours from now09:34
axion`1,000,000th time today, is it out yet?09:34
eobanbubuntubes, then it's not an ubuntu problem, but in fact, a windows problem09:35
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koasdstill not09:35
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eobanbtritium, doesnt matter.09:35
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ubuntubeseobanb : I guess it is because the configuration in smb.conf09:35
jameygimagine how busy and overloaded this channel will be when it *is* actually out :-)09:35
FlannelSeveas: boxes!09:35
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SeveasFlannel, PONIES09:35
axion`i was gone for a few hours! i didnt get the latest09:35
shadow_mildoes (k)ubuntu have agpgart support?09:35
tarzeauit's out already?09:35
eobanbtritium and flannel, it's called planck time09:35
tritiumeobanb: yes, it does, actually.  Time is uncountably infinite09:35
DarkTowerFlannel: real numbers, not necessarily irrational09:35
amacits the early morning hours in the US09:36
ubotuZOMG! PONIES!09:36
Skiddles^omg ponies09:36
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:36
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eobanbstop please.09:36
Seveas!forget pony09:36
ubotuSeveas: i forgot pony09:36
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Flanneleobanb: I'll gladly continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic ;)09:36
Skiddles^>:3 OMG LIONS GET IN THE CAR09:36
rapha9:37 o' clock here09:36
SoirI have a feeling it'll just get released as close as possible to the start of the working day today o.o09:36
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nomindapper drake will be released today?09:36
shadow_mildoes (k)ubuntu have agpgart support?09:37
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amaconce it hits afternoon you'll have lots of "my computer caught fire cause of ubuntu" statements09:37
scheurinote to myself: avoid this channel 48h before a release09:37
tritiumyes, shadow_mil09:37
shadow_miltritium: how can I install it?09:37
Seveasscheuri, 24 is enough 09:37
Flannelnoob-saibot: do try and stop that.09:37
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ubuntubeswhat is the actual time for ubuntu 6.06 out?09:37
BeNihow to get dapper?? just to type apt-get dist-upgrade ?09:37
Skiddles^Oh yeah, Dapper is going to be released, holy crap I forgot.09:37
nominI heard there are quite a few bugs still in dapper09:37
scheuriSeveas: ;)09:37
DarkTowerFlannel: why would you be counting all the irrational number. pi 1 pi 2 lol09:37
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:37
tritiumshadow_mil: it's a kernel module, so you can make sure it's loaded, if it's not already09:37
ompaulnote to scheuri explain your presence09:37
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FujitsuGood point, ompaul.09:38
scheuriompaul: explanation: the naive thought, that there MIGHT be a question I may be able to answer and help09:38
shadow_miltritium: Thanks, what does that mean exactly?09:38
eobanbnomin, there are surely remaining bugs, but the number is quite manageable now, to the point where dapper is ready for production use.09:38
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BeNihow to get dapper?? just to type apt-get dist-upgrade ?09:38
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DarkTowerFlannel: sorry, am i pushing my luck09:38
ubotu[upgrade]  Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.09:38
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tritiumshadow_mil: if you "lsmod | grep agpgart", and it's listed in the output, you already have the module loaded09:38
=== ompaul goes for breakfast
scheuriompaul: enjoy09:39
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ompaulit is my intention to do so09:39
raphahave a look at ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/09:39
tritiumompaul: duck, by chance?  :)09:39
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ompaultritium, burnt dragon09:39
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shadow_milagpgart                34888  1 intel_agp09:39
BadriNarayanwhy is rapha ejected?09:39
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Fujitsurapha mentioned the forbidden URL!09:39
BadriNarayanoh i c09:40
FlannelDarkTower: well, the innumerability of real numbers comes from the innumerability of irrational numbers.  Or at least, while we're talking about "infinite points" between now and dapper release.  since it's not infinite integers.  hmm, I've forgotten rational numbers.  oh well, it's been a long day.09:40
Seveasfor spreading crap09:40
dholbachhey mvo09:40
tritiumshadow_mil: then, you've got it loaded.09:40
shadow_milok cool :)09:40
=== mvo waves to dh
=== mvo waves to dho
=== mvo waves to dholbach
Seveasmvo, lol 09:40
ubuntubeswhere I can get help ubuntu samba ??09:40
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Fujitsumvo, l09:40
Fujitsumvo, lo09:40
SoirIt's a forbidden URL? o.o09:40
Fujitsumvo, lol09:40
tritiumhi dholbach :)09:40
=== mvo giggles
dholbachhey tritium09:40
eobanbmvo, enough please09:40
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Flannelholy cow.09:41
FujitsuGI'IM A KICK.09:41
Soirwell, if you can't get to the nearest ubuntu party, might as well be at the big one online ;p09:41
scheuriubuntubes: your problem seems not specific UBUNTU samba...just samba...there is a channel here that deals with samba09:41
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montbazinhi guys ! Can somebody tell me if there is something like "Band in a Box" for Ubuntu09:41
Flannelmontbazin: what is "band in a box"?09:41
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DarkTowerFlannel: sorry, uncountability has nothing to with irrational number, they are special number that can't be expressed as a/b  for integers ab where b !=0. real numbers are all the numbers on the number line, they are the uncountables, not trnsendentals and the like of i, e and pi09:42
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FujitsuDarkTower, this is off-topic :)09:42
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DarkTowerFujitsu: ok sorry09:43
montbazinFlannel: it's a music software which generates an accompagniment to play with.09:43
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BadriNarayanabout ubuntu's samba: isn't there anybody else who thinks "security=share" should be default?09:43
dooglusJosh43: no, less than 18 hours09:43
FlannelDarkTower: I'm fully aware of what irrational numbers are.  It's just been a long day.09:43
DarkTowerBadriNarayan: no security=share is not secure. Linux doesnt put unsafe things as defualt09:43
tritiumFlannel: the irrationals are countably infinite, actually.  See Cantor's diagonilization proof for details09:43
Josh43dooglus: ?09:43
joshhendohttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ ?09:43
BadriNarayanI see thanks darktower09:43
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tritiumdiagonalization, even09:44
Fujitsujoshhendo, your point?09:44
nominin what ways is dapper better than breezy?09:44
DarkTowerFlannel: sorry about that, same here, was being argumentative.09:44
Flanneltritium: right, that's the point.09:44
myleftfootjoshhendo: that's just the daily build09:44
joshhendoI just wanted to know if that was the final or what :S09:44
scheurinomin: newer software, more implementations, new software09:44
BadriNarayanbad question09:44
BadriNarayanvery risky09:45
tritiumFlannel: your point is what?09:45
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scheurinomin: where newer software means that software from breezy is in it in a newer version and more software was added09:45
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halibutmontbazin, nothing that I know of09:45
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rpedro_montbazin: take a look at  http://ubuntustudio.com/09:45
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nominI hope qjoypad is in dapper09:45
halibutmontbazin, you might be able to run BIAB under linux though09:46
nominqjoypad should be available in every distro09:46
dooglusJosh43: I had my buffer scrolled up.  I saw "08:43 < Josh43> 18 hours? damn" and replied...  about an hour too late.09:46
Seveas!info qjoypad dapper09:46
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scheurinomin: I am sure the homepage will have information about the difference09:46
Flanneltritium: nothing, it's dead.  at a micro scale, irrational numbers are infinite.09:46
halibutmontbazin, do you have the 2006 version?09:46
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dooglusFlannel: no numbers are infinite09:46
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scheurinomin: gimme a sec I will check09:46
DarkTowerdooglus: yes they are09:46
nominqjoypad is a keystroke and mouse emulator for a joystick or gamepad.  It's very useful but no available on ubuntu yet.09:46
dooglusDarkTower: which ones?09:46
Flanneldooglus: how many integers are there then?09:46
JoseStefanisn't Pi infinite?09:47
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Josh43dooglus: Lol - yeah, only a little late. Hey, it's 2am here; where's my Dapper? ;P09:47
tritiumFlannel: scale is irrelevant.  They are countably infinite, Flannel, dooglus.09:47
dooglusFlannel: all the integers are finite09:47
DarkTowerdooglus: tell me all the decimal places of pi09:47
dooglusDarkTower: pi is irrational09:47
tritiumno, dooglus.  Okay, let's take this to #ubuntu-offtopic09:47
DarkTowertritium: he knows that i misunderstood him, its finished09:47
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dooglusDarkTower: but it's not infinite09:47
dooglusDarkTower: in fact it's less than 709:47
FlannelI agree. offtopic for math stuffs.09:47
tritiumdooglus: the _set_ is infinite09:47
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dooglustritium: yes, that's true.  but the numbers aren't infinite09:48
DarkTowerdooglus: thats the very definition of irational09:48
scheurinomin: I am afraid, I cant find anything09:48
SeveasDarkTower, #ubuntu-offtopic09:48
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BadriNarayanSuppose I wish to write a wishlist for shares-admin to allow adding samba users through GUI. Which package in launchpad should I look at?09:48
JoseStefanit's a matter of interpretation09:48
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SeveasBadriNarayan, gnome-system-tools09:48
nominscheuri:  I'm not too surprised.  I think it's the only program for emulating keystrokes and a mouse with a joystick on linux.09:48
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BadriNarayanThank you Seveas09:48
DarkTowerSeveas: sorry. i said id stop and kept doing it. I wont continue.09:48
MadMerCcan anyone tell me how to make thunderbird my default mail prog ??09:49
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McNutellait STILL Not released then ?09:49
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scheuriMcNutella: CET is not the only timezone09:49
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:49
JoseStefanMcNutella, view topic09:49
Almenforshave they released dapper yet?09:49
Almenforsoh nm09:49
McNutellai read topic, obviously.. feeling a little dissapointed09:49
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dholbachMcNutella: disappointed? why that?09:50
Almenforsu answerd it as i asked hehe and ill check the topic now. sorry =)09:50
JoseStefani call a vote re-update the hours on the topic09:50
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McNutellahow do you work that out JoseStefan09:50
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montbazinhalibut: no I dont have BB , what is BIAB and where can I get it200609:50
Almenforsis there a version of utorrent for linux? or something similar?09:51
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JoseStefanMcNutella, i dont know, but it's been like an hour since the last topic update09:51
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scheuriAlmenfors: yes there are09:51
Kr0ntabmaintainers are at their own little pre-release function gettin drunk off their butts... laughin at us.  :-)09:51
BurgundaviaAlmenfors: ubuntu already has a bittorrent client built in09:51
scheuriAlmenfors: do a "aptitude search torrent" in your CLI09:51
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AlmenforsBurgundavia, that one built in sux.09:51
McNutellaJoseStefan,  I guess a lttle mathematics is in order then.. 17 or so hours then I take it LOL09:51
Ocultwhat time will release the new version ????09:51
Ocultwhat time ?09:51
McNutellaOcult, shhh09:52
JoseStefanMcNutella, indeed09:52
montbazinrpedro_: thanks I'll check that09:52
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:52
Ocult[McNutella] : ?09:52
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halibutmontbazin, biab = band in a box09:52
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McNutellaOcult, do what I did, look at the topic after asking09:52
eobanbOcult, read the topic next time first09:52
Ocult|eobanb|: but i wanna more details09:52
montbazinhalibut: OK09:52
Ocult[eobanb] : it can be more precise09:52
McNutellaOcult, tough :)09:52
eobanbperhaps you missed the part, Ocult, where it says '(NO, we cannot be more precise)'09:52
BadriNarayanIt is rather simple:ocult keep wanting09:53
mcmahonsi don't understand why you are getting angry about people asking about when dappers coming out. obviously people are excited, why rain on their parade?09:53
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eobanbmcmahons, because someone asks every five minutes.09:53
JoseStefanOcult, if you find anything, you tell us, and we will update everyone09:53
Ocult[[eobanb] ] : OH.. my anxious made me blank09:53
g_c_cim probably the only person that doesn't know this, but does kde 3.5 have better accessability support?09:53
Fujitsumcmahons, people ask excruciatingly regularly.09:53
scheurimcmahons: it is not the asking itself, but probably the numbers of people asking it...and it is written ALL over09:53
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OcultJoseStefan: in bittorrente have the final version09:53
scheurimcmahons: people tend to be lazy when it comes to reading...:)09:53
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EmxBAwhen is dapper going to be released09:53
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philipacamaniacIt will be released at exactly^F^F^F^F^F^F^F^F (transmission terminated)09:54
eobanbEmxBA, please stfu.09:54
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tritiumeobanb: be nice09:54
Seveastritium, he said please 09:54
McNutellaeobanb, dont be like that09:54
JoseStefanOcult: it's not "final" until the "offical" announcment09:54
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mcmahonsscheuri: i read it, but for example jeff waugh was in here before. surely he knows when it's being released. i was just hoping someone knew09:54
g_c_ci dunno, be like that eobanb09:54
scheuritritium: actually...he was...he said please...sorry...couldnt resist09:54
EmxBAeobanb: in next 18 hours09:54
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:54
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tritiumSeveas: lol, okay...09:54
halibutmontbazin, there is hydrogen, which is just a drum machine09:54
OcultALL KNOW TODAY UBUNTU WILL BE REALESE.. THEN PUT IN TOPIC  ..  Drapper drak will be realesed less than 24hours09:54
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ubotushout is probably WE CAN READ LOWER CASE!09:55
HealotMark will announce that, have patience09:55
KenSentMe!tell me about upgrade09:55
dholbach!tell me about upgrade too09:55
Seveas!shout =~ s/WE/<reply> WE/09:55
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ubotuSkiddles^: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:55
ubotuOK, Seveas09:55
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bliss_ompaul; morning09:55
Skiddles^Ooh, a link :D09:55
RancidLMhey all09:55
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mcmahonshow hot is the chick on the server picture on the ubuntu site :)09:55
ompauldholbach, it is when a server hugs your computer :-)09:55
moon456I guess every five minutes or so someone could type "!dapper" for the new comers that forget to read the topic09:55
=== samuel [n=samuel@222-153-49-244.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulbliss_, morning09:56
Healotthe asian chick? mcmahons?09:56
dholbachompaul: ahhhh now I understand09:56
x3onwhere is some info on ubuntu server?09:56
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:56
scheurimoon456: they do not forget...they just dont09:56
eobanbmcmahons, that stock photo is all over the place09:56
mcmahonsHealot: haha shes hot too, but I meant the server one.09:56
BadriNarayanSeveas, what is that substitution?09:56
scheurix3on: on their homepage09:56
OffHandless then 18 hrs from when?09:56
ompauldholbach, I knew you would09:56
mcmahonseobanb: doesn't reduce the hotness09:56
philipacamaniacmcmahons: wow, we're proving that we really are a large crowd of geeks09:56
JoseStefandoes ubotu work for peanuts?09:56
jdubmcmahons: *soon*09:56
Healotmcmahons: sure, hot looking09:56
samuelcan u download the final 6.06 yet ? cliche woo09:56
bliss_the ofical time i read was 12 noon GMT09:56
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ompauljdub, not soon enough :-)09:56
McNutellabliss_, from ?09:56
jdubhint -> the UK is only just getting in to work09:57
g-nomeso where can i download this dapper?09:57
ubotuphilipacamaniac: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:57
mcmahonsjdub: as a fellow aussie, is it before bed or tomorroww morning?09:57
RancidLMgmt? they canadian?09:57
highvoltagedapper dapper dapper!!!09:57
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scheurijdub: at 0900am? lazy people...;)09:57
samuelcan u download it yet?09:57
HealotGMT, Britain time09:57
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ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:57
BadriNarayanCan someone tell me what the regexp by Seveas meant? I don't get it09:57
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jdubmcmahons: dunno, i assume it will be very soon, but it depends on what your bedtime is.09:57
bliss_McMutella:; Madpilot09:57
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JoseStefansamuel: in 18 hours you can09:57
=== ompaul has a hundred megabit pipe on standby
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mcmahonsphilipacmaniac: haha well i am waiting for a new linux distro09:57
=== jdub goes to the sydney release party
jdubyo seb12809:58
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mcmahonsjdub: ok cool09:58
McNutellaid just like a long pipe full of good stuff to smoke while I wait09:58
scheuriompaul: which, at server end, you need to share with 1000000 people...;)09:58
philipacamaniacmcmahons: so are 928 other nerds09:58
g-nomeso 18 loooong hours09:58
=== Skiddles^ daaaaaaaaances
jdubeveryone cheer seb128 and dholbach, our awesomely-awesome gnome maintainers!09:58
mcmahonsphilipacmaniac: haha hilarious09:58
zaphod_when is it happening? 18 hours is too much09:58
=== dholbach high-fives seb128
JoseStefanit's still May-31 in Hawaii, right?09:58
ompaulscheuri, no its a hundred back direct to one of the mirrors09:58
mcmahonshaha woot go seb and dholbach09:58
seb128hey jdub :)09:58
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)09:58
=== g-nome cheers
=== seb128 hugs dholbach
RancidLMGMT its 07:58:0009:59
scheuriompaul: oh okay...lucky...;)09:59
BadriNarayan3 cheers for seb and dholbach09:59
McNutellalets all do some magic, it might JUST Happen LOL09:59
g_c_cso what will actually be changing between releases?09:59
ompaul3 cheers for all09:59
=== myleftfoot cheers seb128 and dholbach
zaphod_is it available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/09:59
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zaphod_thats the final version, right?09:59
Skiddles^Boo, antigravity/upside-down/inverse tetris. my eyes hurt.09:59
=== lmanul [n=manu@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
McNutellahee hee09:59
bliss_ompaul: might as well go back to bed09:59
myleftfootzaphod_: nope that's the daily build09:59
BadriNarayang_c_c see the changelog on the wiki09:59
g-nomezaphod: is it?09:59
zaphod_on the forums, it says that it is09:59
mcmahonsjdub: if i just do a dist-upgrade, will that be dapper final or still be an rc?09:59
montbazinhalibut : thanx09:59
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g-nomehow was the first dapper beta been released?10:00
=== lsuactiafner [n=noirrac@dsl-145-224-88.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
g-nomei mean when has the first dapper beta been released10:00
JoseStefanzaphod_: is that "official" ?10:00
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jdubmcmahons: that10:00
zaphod_look at the forum link10:00
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas
SeveasJoseStefan, no10:00
jdubmcmahons: there's not much in the way of package uploading going on now...10:00
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lsuactiafner<lsuactiafner> Seveas : i got a disk which is 52G full on a running system, another disk which is 60G full, i want to rsync10:01
lsuactiafner               the 52G to the 60G, but when i try it the 60G of free space fills up, why would that be?        rsync --exclude10:01
lsuactiafner               /mnt/ --links -aH --partial --progress --exclude=/tmp* --exclude=/proc* --exclude=/sys* / /mnt/01/PC10:01
Flannelg-nome: dapper beta was released a week or two ago.10:01
=== leio [n=leio@84-50-54-224-dsl.est.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
JoseStefani was using reverse psicology so he could answer his own question :/10:01
g-nomeno, but i mean the *first* dapper thing10:01
mcmahonsjdub: ok cool10:01
scheuriwerent flights betas too=10:01
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jdubscheuri: flights were regarded as 'alpha'10:01
=== kakalto [n=kakalto@wired-210-54-56-184.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
g-nomei just want to know how LONG the period of testing was10:01
scheurijdub: ah, okay10:01
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Flannelhaha, nice Seveas.10:01
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-226-242.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
kakaltowhen's the countdown? xD10:02
neutrinomassg-nome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule10:02
eobanbbest reason ever10:02
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JoseStefandevelopment took 9 months, didn't it?10:02
Auckland_Pigwhats the free node record for no. of users on IRC channel?10:02
dholbachJoseStefan: 6 months + 6 weeks10:02
eobanbAuckland_Pig, if i had to guess, it's probably around 2000 users10:02
g-nomeneutrinomass: that resumes it quite well - ty10:02
Auckland_Pig2000... hmmm thats a lot10:02
OmniDSo is this one of the bigger updates?10:02
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Auckland_Pighope it will reach 1000 users :)10:03
eobanbOmniD, uhhh yeah.10:03
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OmniDTo say the least or what10:03
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OmniDI wouldn't know eobanb sorry10:03
JoseStefan1000 on the first 3 days10:03
g-nomewill dapper always have the new updates for software?10:03
g-nomeand for the kernel??10:03
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philipacamaniacg-nome: only security updates10:03
tritiumg-nome: security updates, yes10:03
McNutellag-nome, one would assume so10:04
bliss_most folks have in some form or other already just getting ready to pop the cork10:04
jdubg-nome: no, focus post-release is security and major bugfixes10:04
JoseStefang-nome: there will be different repositories for different need10:04
Auckland_Pigi did "update-manager -d" and am getting too many updates... how do i disable it?10:04
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scheuriMcNutella: this assumption is quite shortsighted in business and stability manner10:04
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)10:04
zjimboI feel iv been lied to 1st June 4:00PM and still no Dapper10:04
eobanbzjimbo, it's not 2 june yet10:04
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Auckland_Pigwoo hooo 18 hours :)10:04
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jdubzjimbo: there's a lot of 1st June to go around teh world (hint: people doing the release are on UK time)10:04
scheurizjimbo: there are mor than just one timezone in this world...10:05
JoseStefansome countries are still @ May-31, we have to be fair :D10:05
moon456for those anxious to use dapper, you can always upgrade to (or install) the rc version and then when the official version is release do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:05
lightstarjdub, 15 hours 54 minutes10:05
Seveasjsgotangco, yo homeboy 10:05
bliss_zjimbo: you could always go to bed and wake to a new day in say 18 hours10:05
joshhendois that how much longer to go?10:05
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philipacamaniacit is 8:05 am UK time10:05
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Auckland_Pigits 8pm in auckland :D10:05
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kakaltoit's kinda sad to be in New Zealand..... we are highly likely to get the release on the 2nd... :'(10:05
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g-nome = cool character10:05
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zjimboahww why can't the world just work on "zjimbo time"10:05
Prof_Frinkphilipacamaniac: It's 8:05 GMT, it's 9:05 UK time10:05
McNutellaits 9:05 in scotland philipacamaniac10:06
philipacamaniacah damn10:06
Seveas@now London10:06
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/London: June 01 2006, 09:06:1310:06
bliss_no its 9:05 in London10:06
joshhendo COOL!10:06
Healottsu huhuhu10:06
Seveas@now UTC10:06
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: June 01 2006, 08:06:2010:06
Auckland_Pigkakalto: where you from?10:06
JoseStefanwe should use binary time10:06
dholbach@now Sydney10:06
=== dunnix [n=ryan@ip68-230-19-19.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
UbugtuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: June 01 2006, 18:06:2510:06
reon10:06 in South Africa10:06
philipacamaniacwell, its 1:06 am tucson time, so why am I not asleep?10:06
dholbachkakalto: I shouldn't think so :)10:06
Xore@now vancouver10:06
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Vancouver: June 01 2006, 01:06:3710:06
kakaltoAuckland_Pig: might as well be auckland :)10:06
McNutellayoud think people dont know what time it is in their own room10:06
La_PaRCa@now de10:06
Belutz@now Jakarta10:06
Xore@now hawaii10:06
UbugtuCurrent time in Asia/Jakarta: June 01 2006, 15:06:4910:06
UbugtuCurrent time in US/Hawaii: May 31 2006, 22:06:5010:06
eobanbenough about time zones10:06
=== Typical [n=typical@dsl-olugw6-fe7ddc00-82.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
RancidLMDamn see today is almost tomorrow for the australians!10:06
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neutrinomassWhat determines what network interfaces show up in network-admin ?10:06
ktogias@now Athens10:07
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Athens: June 01 2006, 11:07:0410:07
guillem101Hey! this is lasting much more I can stand for!10:07
ThE-LiGhT@now utc10:07
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: June 01 2006, 08:07:1410:07
eobanbneutrinomass, perhaps what network cards you have in your computer10:07
guillem101@now Barcelona10:07
McNutella@now moon10:07
dunnixok i just installed dapper   how do i find out if it work alright?10:07
scheuriSTOP THAT10:07
La_PaRCa@now berlin10:07
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Berlin: June 01 2006, 10:07:2510:07
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dunnixseems to be doing fine10:07
guillem101@now BaMadrid10:07
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guillem101@now Madrid10:07
Seveasstop playin with bots10:07
McNutellalol shilters10:07
JoseStefanleave the poor bot alone10:07
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Madrid: June 01 2006, 10:07:3510:07
MadpilotEnough bot-poking...10:07
bliss_whats this chatting clock!!!!!!!!10:07
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neutrinomasseobanb: As well as my modems. But  one of my modems doesn't show.10:07
apikoroscan gparted resize reiserfs partitions?10:07
La_PaRCaJust wanted to see how many hours to the world cup games10:07
lsuactiafnerenough stop bot-poking pokings :)10:07
eobanbneutrinomass, well it's probably a winmodem.10:08
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Xore@now caprica10:08
McNutellasomeone shouldnt have mentioned the time command then :)10:08
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neutrinomasseobanb: It's not a winmodem, it's a USB adsl modem. It works fine, but it doesn't show there.10:08
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mcquaidjoin #tapioca-voip10:08
guillem101Seveas, we need a channel for our impaciency10:08
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eobanbneutrinomass, well, it's not perfect.10:08
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scheuriMcNutella: one should think that here are adults...:)10:08
Xorethis is irc10:08
eobanbneutrinomass, wait, adsl?10:08
Xorenobody ever accused us of being adult10:08
philipacamaniacI'm hitting F5 on Ubuntu's website more than I ever did for a ThinkGeek fortune10:08
HealotPCI/USB modems are mostly winmodems/software modem, no real modem chipset, emulated and requires CPU power10:08
neutrinomasseobanb: Yes, ATM.10:09
McNutellascheuri, just like christmas I guessl... tee hee *giggles* yey, wooo!10:09
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scheuriXore: sorry...how impolite of me...10:09
neutrinomassHealot: It's a DSL modem. It works fine !10:09
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eobanbneutrinomass, when you say 'modem' we take that to mean '56k modem'10:09
scheuriMcNutella: obvisouly10:09
Healotwell... if you were talking about modem...10:09
g-nomewill the torrent or the mirror be faster10:09
Auckland_Pigi did "update-manager -d" and am getting too many updates... how do i disable it?10:09
scheurig-nome: depends when you download it10:09
OffHandtorrent probably10:10
Healotthat DSL modem is not really a modem, it;s like a bridge with NAT/DHCP/firewall feature in it10:10
=== McNutella wonders what on earth some people are using 56k for.. i mean, he is from scotland, land of cave dwellers
eobanbAuckland_Pig, newsflash, computers are complicated10:10
neutrinomassAnyway. Does anybody know where network-admin looks for network interfaces ?10:10
Astinus-what's the connection between CLOOP and SquashFS?10:10
Healoti don't recall what they call that DSL device10:10
scheurig-nome: torrent might be much faster today and next few days10:10
g-nomecan i downlaod it on mirror and seed it on torrent10:10
neutrinomassHealot: Probably. I'm not exactly sure ...10:10
Auckland_Pigeobanb: please tell how do i disable it?10:10
scheurig-nome: you are invited to do so10:10
Kr0ntabthis is almost as exciting as waiting for the 1-2-3-4-5-6 phenomenon:  $ date "+%T %D"10:10
Kr0ntab01:02:03 04/05/0610:10
eobanbAuckland_Pig, don't run it?10:10
neutrinomassHealot: At least on the manufacturers website (and everywhere I've seen it) it's referred to as an "adsl modem"10:10
g-nomescheuri: well the problem is how to seed it on the dapper tracker?10:11
montbazinI'v 3 machines connected to a Cisco ethernet rooter, is there a command to se the IP adresses of the other machines ?10:11
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Healotneutrinomass: they just want to make the term to be easy10:11
Kr0ntabI actually saved the output.  wutta lamer.10:11
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Healotmarketing purposes10:11
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Auckland_Pigeobanb: there's this icon in the system tray asking me to update... can i just ignore it/10:11
scheurig-nome: I have no idea...never done it myself...:)10:11
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neutrinomassHealot: Probably. I guess it doesn't modulate anything at all. Anyway, thanks :)10:11
eobanbAuckland_Pig, if you want...i recommend you update, of course10:11
disinterested_pewell i upgraded and 6.06 is different10:11
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OffHandmontbazin, what if you do: ifconfig -a10:11
scheuridisinterested_pe: I hope it is10:11
McNutellagood for you10:11
eobanbdisinterested_pe, if it was the same, then why would you have upgraded10:11
dunnixbeautiful beautiful   dapper10:11
Auckland_Pigeobanb: i only have limited bandwidth... and it downloads lots of packages daily10:11
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Healotneutrinomass: it does modulates, but it doesn't require "dialing" >> this what modems suppose to do10:12
eobanbAuckland_Pig, well get a CD from shipit then10:12
philipacamaniacAuckland_Pig:  it will do that until the final release10:12
scheuriAuckland_Pig: that will stop as of today...:)10:12
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Auckland_Pigphilipacamaniac: so i need not worry after today :)10:12
khermansAuto-Dapper-Torrentify on release: http://kristianhermansen.com/tmp/DapperTorrent10:12
Auckland_Pigscheuri: great10:12
philipacamaniacwell, in less than 18 hours...10:12
=== jeremy23 [n=jeremy@203-206-245-238.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
neutrinomassHealot: Ahh, ok, thanks :) I'm not exactly sure how Adsl works, I have to read up on the subject .10:12
scheuriAuckland_Pig: I mean....you need to download ALL of them today and after today mostly only security updates occur10:12
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JoseStefanwhat can i expect from the dapper-updates repository ?10:13
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montbazinOffHand: ifconfig -a only shows the IPs on the machine I'm working at10:13
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khermansJoseStefan, updates10:14
=== highvoltage notices that planet is quite
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OffHandmontbazin: netstat -a10:14
khermansJoetheodd, btw--its here -> http://kristianhermansen.com/tmp/DapperTorrent10:14
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JoseStefani mean, how big updates?10:14
highvoltagei think people are waiting for release to blog about it :)10:14
Seveashighvoltage, heh10:14
khermansJoseStefan, i mean it uses HEAD now10:14
La_PaRCakhermans, nice use of sed10:14
liquidindianHello, I'm having a problem, and I don't know where to start trying to fix it.  I can't access the terminal, certain things in firefox don't work, synaptic and the update manager don't open...10:14
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khermansLa_PaRCa, you being facetious!!!10:14
FujitsuA support request!10:14
Auckland_Pigi am pretty frustrated with Gaim release cycles... they should learn from ubuntu10:14
=== Fujitsu rushes in to help.
mcmahonsliquidindian: are you running dapper10:14
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FujitsuWhat errors does it give, if any?10:14
eobanbAuckland_Pig, agreed10:15
liquidindianmcmahons, yep10:15
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mcmahonsAuckland_Pig: gaim needs serious work10:15
JoseStefankhermans: you sure it's gonna page you10:15
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)10:15
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khermansJoetheodd, lol why?10:15
Viakenliquidindian: I had that problem with the dapper beta a little earlier. It happened when I would resume from hibernate. Rebooting fixed it, and updating everything fixed it for good.10:15
khermansJoseStefan, yes it should10:15
disinterested_peyeah it does mcmahons10:15
blue25hhi ya10:15
eobanbAuckland_Pig and mcmahons, hopefully adium will do for gaim what ubuntu has done for debian10:15
mindhello, i need some help regarding screen resolution in ubuntu. Who can i privmsg ?10:15
highvoltage10:15 < highvoltage> !dapper10:15
mcmahonsliquidindian: try updating later today see if that fixes everything10:15
highvoltage10:15 < ubotu> Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)10:15
highvoltageoops, sorry10:15
eobanbmind, you can just ask here.10:16
Auckland_Piggaim can still keep releasing while working on it..... dont understand why it needs to be kept in beta sooo long10:16
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khermansJoseStefan, I bet you $100 i'm say "TOLD YOU SO" within one minutes of the release -- and I'll probably be asleep!10:16
Auckland_Pigjust like google10:16
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montbazinOffHand: netstat doesnt work either, it show everything on my machine, thas all10:16
liquidindianmcmahons, I can't open the terminal, though, or synaptic.  Is there any other way of doing that?10:16
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JoseStefankhermans: no worries, i believe you10:16
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blue25hboth my printers worked ok in suse but refuse to work on ubuntu lol10:16
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OffHandmontbazin, I'm sorry. Maybe someone else knows10:17
ubotuAuckland_Pig: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:17
onkarshindeliquidindian: why can't you open terminal?10:17
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khermansJoseStefan, im just messing around -- i should make the script post in here automatically with a notice though10:17
linavheard google got its own version of ubuntu with all google pkgs preinstalled10:17
Viakenliquidindian: ctrl-alt-F1 to switch to a virtual terminal, do what you need to, then restart gdm (/etc/init.d/gdm restart)10:17
ubotuit has been said that gaim is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto10:17
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours! (NO, we cannot be more precise) Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties NO YOU CAN'T HAVE A PONY
linavis it true10:17
philipacamaniacblue25h: what types of printers?10:17
Viakenliquidindian: Or ctrl-alt-f7 to switch back to X before restarting gdm.10:17
montbazinOffHand: thanx , have a nice day10:17
mindok, so i've just installed ubuntu, everything seems to be working fine, except screen resolution. I can't set it higher than 1024 x 768, 60 hz. I qouldn't mind the low resolution per-say, but the 60 hz refresh rate is killing my eyes :>. My monitor can do 1600 x 1200 @ 85 hz, it's an LG f900B (19') flatron. Thanks10:17
xukunif I want to make a new folder on my usb stick then I get the message: "Error Read only File System"10:17
FujitsuSeveas, < 16 hours!10:17
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)10:17
linavbut thatz for just google employees, not for everyone10:17
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khermansLa_PaRCa, how would you clean uup my sed?10:17
JoseStefankhermans: that notice wont be necesary, i'm sure we will get 1000s10:17
eobanbmind, what graphics card do you have10:17
Fujitsu!dapper s/18/16/10:17
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Fujitsu10:17
ompaulFujitsu, so he is right10:17
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blue25hhp desk jet 5550 and samsung 161010:17
shriphanigus i got a q10:17
mindLeadtek 6800GT10:17
Fujitsuompaul, true.10:17
ompaulFujitsu, ;-)10:18
La_PaRCakhermans, I wasnt making fun of it. I was commending you. sed is overlooked much these days.10:18
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eobanb!tell mind about nvidia10:18
FujitsuI haven't use ubotu in a while.10:18
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shriphanihow do i get ubuntu to ask me if i want to boot in gnome or console10:18
dizz1Again 18 Hours?10:18
La_PaRCaSeveas, Um, no. I will have a pony if I want a damn pony.10:18
khermansLa_PaRCa, it's actually very hacky -- there must be a better way10:18
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SeveasLa_PaRCa, NO YOU CAN'T HAV A PONY!10:18
matt_Hi all, I am having problems with .rar files.  I have a rar file that i created on a windows machine which i want to extract on ubuntu.  I think i will need the nonfree version of unrar as the archive is probably version 3.  i have tried adding the multiverse source and running an apt-get update.  I have then tried apt-get install unrar-nonfree but i keep getting an error10:18
=== Fujitsu damns La_PaRCa's pony.
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Auckland_Pigshriphani: cant you do that on the login screen menu?10:18
ompauldizz1, no less than10:18
kevorWow, what happened to rhythmbox!!! it's actually perfect now :)10:18
eobanbshriphani, in gdm you can select text mode10:18
JoseStefanshriphani: search the wiki10:18
khermansmatt_, aptitude install rar unrar10:18
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philipacamaniacblue25h: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters10:18
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OffHandmy little pony10:19
La_PaRCaSeveas, Well, if I cant have a pony, can I at least have some dapper final ISOs?10:19
blue25hevery thing else works fine but the prnters sighs10:19
neutrinomassmatt_: The package name is 'unrar' IIRC10:19
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shriphanii mean if i want to boot into console once and once in gnome how ?10:19
SeveasLa_PaRCa, in a few hours 10:19
onkarshindeI believe todays daily build ISO is not going to be changed anyway. So it is final. Am I wrong?10:19
xukuncan I change the owner of my usb stick?10:19
philipacamaniacblue25h: notice HP desktjet 5550 uses the hpijs driver and is known to work10:19
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Xoreapt-get vs. aptitude. Comments, anyone? Alot of people i know say "use aptitude" but tutorials everywhere use apt-get10:19
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philipacamaniacblue25h: sighs?10:19
JoseStefanshriphani: you can switch from console to x, with ctrl+alt+f1 and ctrl+alt+f7 respectivly10:19
neutrinomass(sorry, hit enter accidentally )10:19
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matt_E: Package unrar has no installation candidate10:19
kevorkhermans matt_ : also aptitude install unrar-nonfree10:20
eobanbXore, i'd just try both and see what you like10:20
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scheuriXore: aptitude has a better "memory" of what has been installed and can uninstall unneeded and abandonned libs easier10:20
blue25hokies is looking ty10:20
FujitsuXore, aptitude is newer, and generally preferred.10:20
matt_what does aptitude do compared to apt-get?10:20
matt_oh okay10:20
shriphanihmm i mean cant it be done at boot time10:20
neutrinomassmatt_ Are you sure you enabled multiverse/universe correctly ?10:20
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apikorosdoes either the ubuntu livecd or install cd have reiserfs tools?10:20
zjimbone one tried Smart pkg man10:20
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Auckland_Pigwhat version of gaim does dapper have?10:20
matt_well i think i did all line with multiverse at the end i uncommented in the sources.list10:21
Fujitsuzjimbo, syntax error.10:21
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Auckland_Pig1.5 or 2.0.0b310:21
Seveaszjimbo, we speak english in here, not breezah/sms10:21
onkarshindeAuckland_Pig: 1.5.010:21
scheurimatt: try a "aptitude search rar"10:21
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ompaul!info gaim dapper10:21
ubotugaim: (multi-protocol instant messaging client), section net, is optional. Version: 1:1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015-1ubuntu10 (dapper), Packaged size: 816 kB, Installed size: 2148 kB10:21
ViakenSo how do we check for unneeded/abandoned libs?10:21
P0ldyAuckland_Pig, 1.5.1cvs10:21
philipacamaniacblue25h: per another comment on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters , try using the ML-1710 driver with your Samsung ML-161010:21
OffHand<Auckland_Pig> if you want 2b install it yourself  :)10:21
=== B0FH is now known as cute_bettong
khermansAuckland_Pig, just get the 2.0 DEB10:21
RancidLMwhat version of gnome is 6.06 coming with?10:21
eobanbAuckland_Pig, like it or not, gaim 2.x is not ready for prime time.10:21
BurgundaviaRancidLM: 2.1410:21
SeveasRancidLM, 2.14.110:21
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Seveas(.2 will be in the updates)10:21
Hit3kHow do i enter a second wep key?10:22
ompaulthe answer got better as it went along10:22
shriphanihello i need help10:22
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eobanbshriphani, don't ask to ask, just ask10:22
onkarshindeViaken: If you are using Synaptic then install deborphan package and after that you have to set a custom filter10:22
=== Auckland_Pig is using gaim2b3, just wanted to distribute ubuntu to friends.... they'll probably be more impressed with gaim 2 than gaim 1.5
cute_bettonghi ompaul ^_^10:22
ompaulcute_bettong, 'lo10:22
mindeobanb, may i msg you please ?10:22
ViakenI'll look into it. Thanks, onkarshinde.10:22
scheuriSeveas: updates as in security updates?10:22
shriphaniyeh i want to make ubuntu show me a choice of booting in console or gnome10:22
eobanbmind, if you like.10:22
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Seveasscheuri, no, updates as in updates\10:23
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=== La_PaRCa rides by on his pony, tipping his hat to Seveas.
=== [Yatta] [n=enigma@port0065-acu-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
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onkarshindeAuckland_Pig: I am personally using Gaim2b3. My advice is don't give beta to friends who are new to linux.10:23
scheuriSeveas: ah okay...a special repository I presume10:23
mcmahonsonkarshinde: what has changed in the beta10:23
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zjimboAh, ok please accept my apologies im just so exited about this Smart Package Manager it, how do you say... shits on Suse's package manager, aka Yast210:23
=== ompaul takes La_PaRCa to one side and explains that a brush handle with a wollen pony head is not a pony, and you can't have one cos Bill said so
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eobanbwelcome, Polibio10:24
onkarshindemcmahons: Lot of things. Accounts management, plugin management, preferences10:24
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matt_scheuri: i have run the search and it foudn the unrar-nonfree now what i tried aptitude install unrar-nonfree and it says no candidate version found10:24
RancidLMwill ubuntu have a yast console type utility?10:24
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mcmahonsonkarshinde: do you like it?10:24
Fujitsuzjimbo, apt-get is significantly better than anything RPM-based anyway!10:24
eobanb'yast console type utility'??10:24
La_PaRCaompaul, if they say dapper will "release june 1st" I can say this brush is a pony.10:24
shriphaniguys please make it clear on how to boot in console or gnome at will10:24
ViakenRancidLM: Like apt?10:25
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scheurimatt_: after doing the search...what letter is in front of unrar-nofree?10:25
=== montbazin [n=cweb@dyn-83-156-254-173.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
reonHmm, see the 6.06 iso's are available10:25
zjimbocan't you apt - at comand?10:25
matt_scheuri: v10:25
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)10:25
ompaulLa_PaRCa, but somebody is wrong ;-)10:25
=== flowolf [n=flowolf@host197-234.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsureon, read the topic please.10:25
flowolfhi all10:25
onkarshindemcmahons: Yes I do. But I was basically disappointed that no VV functionality is there.10:25
Hit3kHow do i enter a second wep key?10:25
mcmahonsonkarshinde: vv?10:25
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onkarshinde@now utc10:25
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: June 01 2006, 08:25:3710:25
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La_PaRCaompaul, well, June 1st is almost over in auusiland, so there you go.10:25
blue25hwhen the next vertion of ubunto comes live will it up date or do you need to down load the cd ?10:25
Polibiohas any of you the message: "10 CDs approved and sent to the shipping company in 2006-05-24" in the shipit pages?10:25
reonFujitsu, What about it ?10:25
flowolfdapper installer crashes on my pc10:25
RancidLMViaken: na, u see yast basicly was a console based text gui control panel10:25
flowolfthat's odd10:25
scheurimatt_: that means it is a virtual package, not really existing...this used if you may install severel packages which belong togehter in once or if the package actually does not exist...10:25
ompaul@now nz10:25
ViakenAh ok10:25
[Yatta] excuse me... is it /etc/profile that i use to edit the system wide path???10:25
UbugtuCurrent time in NZ: June 01 2006, 20:25:5910:25
BadriNarayanPolibio: I got that10:26
ompaulLa_PaRCa, 4 hours in your neighbour10:26
mcmahonsLa_PaRCa: well theres still 5 1/2 hours to go. jeff said itll be there before bed.10:26
Fujitsureon, Dapper has /not/ been released yet.10:26
SeveasPolibio, the *order* was sent to the shipping company10:26
scheurimatt_: sorry, cant spell anymore...10:26
shriphanipeople how do i make ubuntu give me a choice of booting in console or in gnome at startup10:26
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Mithrandir[Yatta] : no, /etc/environment10:26
FujitsuSeveas, it is ambiguous.10:26
flowolfcan it be a problem with xfs as / partition?10:26
SeveasFujitsu, indeed10:26
onkarshindemcmahons: Voice And Video. There was a seperate fork of Gaim that had implemented it. Plans are to integrate in Gaim. I thought it would be Gaim2. Also I expected at least GTalk VoIP in Gaim210:26
[Yatta] ohhhhhh thanks.. that explain why my stuff wasn't working10:26
Fujitsu`# CDs approved and sent to shipping company' implies the CDs have been sent.10:26
matt_scheuri: so there is no way to extract my rar file on my ubuntu box?10:26
reonFujitsu, Well it seems to be on the servers regardless what the topic says. Unless I've got the cat by the tail.10:26
Auckland_Pigshriphani: you should be able to do that from the GDM login screen10:26
eobanbreon, if you read the topic, you would see that dapper is not out yet.  and since it's not out yet, ISOs are not yet available.  understand?10:26
Seveasflowolf, xfs as / is always probelematic if you don't have a separate /boot10:26
PolibioSeveas, "10 CDs approved and sent to the shipping company in 2006-05-24"  the CDs, not the order", have you a similar phrase?10:26
shriphaniok so i type startx ?10:27
Viakenshriphani: Would involve changing the default runlevel by editing your /etc/grub.conf (or would it be /boot/grub.conf?). I don't know beyond that.10:27
Auckland_Pigshriphani: you can try "alt + F1"10:27
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mcmahonsonkarshinde: ok, doess that stuff work in ekiga?10:27
highvoltageshriphani: you cna edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file10:27
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scheurimatt_: I actually wonder why this package is not available...gimme a sec...I will check10:27
La_PaRCaWhats the name of the package on dapper to install the whole LAMP stack?10:27
highvoltageshriphani: and make it boot to a runlevel that doesn't start gdm10:27
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mind in the tutorial it says that "If you are running Hoary Hedgehog or Breezy Badger, then install nvidia-settings. DO NOT install nvidia-settings in Dapper Drake because it will remove nvidia-glx". how i know what i'm running ? :)10:27
onkarshindemcmahons: Haven't tried Ekiga. I am still on Breezy10:27
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reoneobanb, I CAN read. All I said is that the iso's are available, you don't have to believe me.10:27
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mcmahonsonkarshinde: oh ok cool :)10:27
[Yatta] Mithrandir,  i only see 2 lines in that thing?10:27
PolibioBadriNarayan, but you are sure you asked for the Dapper, not Breeze?10:27
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Seveasmind, lsb_release -a10:27
highvoltagemind: click on system -> about ubuntu10:27
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xukunWhat  ever I do I get the error that I can write on my usb stick becouse I dont have permission to write and its read only10:28
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khermansLa_PaRCa, good question!10:28
BadriNarayanPolibio: Yes. And Seveas' answer pertains to Dapper10:28
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scheurimatt_: are you using dapper??10:28
onkarshindexukun: Did you manually mount it? Or did it get automatically mounted?10:28
reonFujitsu, the iso's are available though. ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso10:28
[Yatta] i wan tto add /usr/local/src/mythtv to my path .. I put it in /etc/profile but that doens't seem to work??10:28
matt_scheuri: no breezy10:28
scheurimatt_: okay...just another sec...10:29
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Auckland_Pigwill my hard disk life reduce if i keep my ubuntu switched on 24/7?10:29
Fujitsureon, nobody said they were the final, official ones.10:29
Polibiook, BadriNarayan, I was afraid they had sent the Dapper CD's10:29
onkarshindeAuckland_Pig: That depends on hard disk and not on OS10:29
mindsorry for the copy/paste, this is what i get "mind@dyn-85:~$ lsb_release -a10:29
mindLSB Version:    n/a10:29
mindDistributor ID: Ubuntu10:29
mindDescription:    Ubuntu (The Breezy Badger Release)10:29
mindRelease:        5.1010:29
khermansAuckland_Pig, of course -- but who cares?10:29
mindCodename:       breezy10:29
blue25hhow do you quit this thing ? giggles10:29
[Yatta] can i just dit-upgrade to upgrade my Dapper FLight 7 to the final?10:29
scheurimatt_: try "aptitude install unrar-free unrar-nonfree"10:29
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khermansAuckland_Pig, i've run Ubuntu since Warty -- kept my comp up all the time10:29
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Prof_Frink[Yatta] : Yep10:29
croppaI am running Ubuntu Dapper and have a divco hdtv-t card. I have installed v4l-dvb-7bb558ec2684 and the picture is perfect however there is no sound. The sound works when a dvd is played.I am using xine.Where should I look to rectify my problem.10:29
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dyn-] by Seveas
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[Yatta] no other clue on the path thing?10:30
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MonsieurBondoes anyone know more about the release hour of dapper?10:30
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)10:30
MonsieurBonI can't wait any longer! :)10:30
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=== MonsieurBon drums with fingers on the table
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Linuturkthey are toying with us10:31
scheuriMonsieurBon: then we apologize for your pain10:31
reonFujitsu, true but it does not look like they are changing either.10:31
=== Fujitsu drums with something tougher on MonsieurBon.
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matt_scheuri: same error, i have managed to install a version of unrar, i think it was the free one, but it wont work with my rar file i think from what i read because the file is version 310:31
onkarshindeMonsieurBon: Download latest CD image. I think It won't change.10:31
Auckland_Pigkhermans: i'm just a bit anxious that something might happen to my hard disk. because i've kept mine on for nearly 2 months... with just 3 reboots.....10:31
FujitsuIt may not change.10:31
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Auckland_Pig10:31
FujitsuBut it may.10:31
philipacamaniacMonsieurBon: and it comes with a free pony10:31
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lsuactiafnererm, chances are they are just setting up many mirrors, otherwise if one mirror releases it and everyone tries to download it the mirror alone wont cope10:31
pseudodeadkittyMonsieurBon: how do you think I feel? I was up at 9AM PST waiting for it, and it's now 1:31AM PST now.10:31
onkarshindeFujitsu: Then there is always jigdo10:31
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khermansAuckland_Pig, well i routinely keep mine up for months too10:31
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ubotuThE-LiGhT: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:31
ThE-LiGhTwhat is "!PONY" ?10:32
Fujitsuonkarshinde, that's what I use anyway... But what has that got to do with the price of fish?10:32
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FujitsuThE-LiGhT, something that'll get you kicked.10:32
FujitsuIt was deleted a while ago.10:32
onkarshindeFujitsu: I was talking about CD.10:32
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Fujitsuonkarshinde, people should use jigdo anyway!10:32
SoirFujitsu: that's not very informative ^^10:32
vdaronHi all ! I need some help installing Dapper on RAID 5. INstaller hang while installing grub ...10:32
rpaulanyone know how many kW hours a computer uses while idle if left on 24 hours a day 7 days a week?10:32
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ThE-LiGhTFujitsu, thx10:33
Soirrpaul: less than a TV10:33
ompaulSoir, its playing with the bot - that gets people kicked ( ThE-LiGhT )10:33
La_PaRCarpaul, well, your average pc without a monitor can use up about 200w10:33
La_PaRCarpaul, 300w depending on the load10:33
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dooglusAuckland_Pig: I would think that using a hard disk is more likely to wear it out than not using it.10:33
onkarshindeI want to print Ubuntu logo on coffee mug. Does any one know if there is any legal problem?10:33
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ThE-LiGhTompaul, 10q too10:34
dooglusAuckland_Pig: for maximum lifetime, never use it, ever.10:34
rpaul200w an hour ... 300*24*7/1000 = 50.4 KW per week10:34
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JoseStefani think the mug must be GNU10:34
scheurimatt_: well,...try it first with free-version...it works with free and nonfree here with my breezy...seems you have not all repositories open (have you made a aptitude update lately?)10:34
scheuriits calm.-....toooo calm10:34
rpaulopps, that is for 300 kW10:34
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onkarshindeJoseStefan: What does that mean?10:34
Auckland_Pigdooglus: i've got 2 harddisks.... and the 2nd one is mounted... but used like 1hour a day..... so was worrying if it might wear out sooner10:34
dooglusrpaul: "w an hour"?  watt's that mean?10:34
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dhonnrpaul depends on your system10:34
lsuactiafneror.. try putting an iso together with jigit :)10:34
ubotu[gnu]  Not Unix. See http://www.gnu.org10:34
imbrandononkarshinde, http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy/10:34
Auckland_Pigdooglus: i'm not worried about the primary disk.... only the second one10:34
zjimbois there a viable alternative to mains energy?10:35
Fractureonkarshinde: I think he means that if you want to distribute your mug, after printing ubuntu on it, you need to make it GPL10:35
philipacamaniachey, we're getting closer to that 1000 user mark10:35
rpaulmy total energy for the entire house is about 110kW per week10:35
McNutellaits been done, in the official ubuntu shop :)10:35
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JoseStefanyeah that10:35
onkarshindeFracture: I am not distributing it. It will be for personal use.10:35
dhonnamd x2 4200+ system/2gb of ram uses 51 watts draw lol10:35
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onkarshindeimbrandon: Checking10:35
JoseStefani must be getting sleepy10:35
rpaulso if i left my computer on 24/7 i would use abou t 150kw a week10:35
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redloffh, how to disable flash in firefox
rpaulbig change10:35
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ompaulonkarshinde, you can get them from cafepress afik10:35
matt_scheuri: i have always just used the apt-get but have just done a aptitude update now, still not working doesn't find the package again10:35
Fractureonkarshinde: I bought one from Cafe press10:36
dooglusrpaul: you can't measure energy use in kW per week - that's a rate of acceleration of energy use10:36
MonsieurBonphilipacamaniac, yeah cool, a pony!!!10:36
matt_scheuri: i must have the sources setup wrong i guess10:36
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McNutellamy box has been on for over two years, ive yet to run into emergancy power because of it10:36
rpaul150kWh per week then10:36
g-nomedoes anyone know: which os has MORE USERS: linux or mac ? (with and without server?)10:36
RancidLMkinda off topic.. any one know how to disable auto read on thunderbird?10:36
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rpauldooglus: is that right now?10:36
McNutellag-nome, ill bet google knows that one ;)10:36
philipacamaniacg-nome: with server most certainly Linux10:36
FujitsuHi YukiCuss.10:36
_nano_onkarshinde: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy?highlight=%28logo%2910:36
onkarshindeompaul: Fracture: I am in India. I guess getting from cafepress will be very costly for me.10:37
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[Yatta] Mithrandir,  Thanks for the help :D it worked.. i could use the profile but then i would have to use export10:37
Auckland_Pig957 users.... wooo hoo10:37
dooglusrpaul: I don't know if it's right, but at least the units mean something now.  (I'm 6 feet per second tall, by the way)10:37
=== Auckland_Pig waiting for the 1000
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JanJoostsilly question: is there anyone who's managed to get xv installed on breezy?10:37
rpauldooglus: you are growing fast10:37
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YukiCussFujitsu, yup.10:37
JanJoost(xv as in the image viewer)10:37
zjimbo961 now10:37
dooglusrpaul: so are your electricity bills10:37
Fractureonkarshinde: the idea of the trademark policy is to protect the ubuntu and canonical image.  so if you are should be fine10:37
La_PaRCadooglus, w per hour means using a watt for an hour10:37
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rpauldooglus: they would be if i left my computer on all the time10:37
K|NgGh0sTI'm trying to follow, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623 and I'm getting an error10:38
scheurimatt_: I guess there is something wrong with your sources.list10:38
JoseStefanETA 22 minutes, for my bed time10:38
Auckland_Pigwill i get a pony with my dapper cd's?10:38
ubotuFracture: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:38
dooglusLa_PaRCa: no, it doesn't.  "1 watt hour" is using a watt for an hour.  watt per hour doesn't mean much.10:38
rpaulLa_PaRCa: i write just 150Kw per week before, so he is write10:38
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pseudodeadkittyEveryone should get a pony for this.10:38
g-nomeMcNutella: tried google, but did not found anything10:38
philipacamaniacAuckland_Pig: no, see topic. heh.10:38
La_PaRCadooglus, you are strictly right10:38
_nano_onkarshinde: i think printing ubuntu logo on a personal coffee mug comes within "fair use"10:38
rpaulLa_PaRCa: wow that was a bad sentence by me :P10:38
McNutellag-nome, guess you will just have to guess.. my gueses are both would be linux10:38
SeveasJanJoost, I *think* I had it installed on Breey10:39
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matt_scheuri: if you are on breezy would you be able to paste your sources.list in a message window and i can compare please10:39
JanJoostseveas: ooh!10:39
Burgundavia_nano_: provided your country has a concept of fair use10:39
scheurimatt_: aye...10:39
g-nomeyou think linux has MORE dekstop users than mac?10:39
disinterested_peubuntu says my ferrari is in the mail10:39
McNutellaonkarshinde, besides, for personal use im sure you could get away without even having to bother abotu asking or worrying10:39
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K|NgGh0sTI'm trying to follow, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623 basically trying to get WPA to work... and I'm getting an error... http://pastebin.ca/6054610:39
rpaulmac would bemore than linux for desktop use i reckon10:39
Xorematt_: how about you use pastebin?10:39
JanJoostseveas: I managed to find a debian package, but that won't install since it has a dependency on xlib6g (which is not to be found)10:39
g-nomeif so that would be great and force all the industry to finally create software for linux too10:39
Fracturepony !!10:39
matt_Xore pastebin?10:39
scheurimatt_: do you see my messages?10:40
dooglusg-nome: I think OS-X is more widely used than Linux10:40
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dreamlessCan i have a pony?10:40
apokryphosdreamless: /topic10:40
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ompauldreamless, bill says not10:40
dooglusdreamless: we'll just have to see10:40
matt_scheuri: i have replied in the message window, can you not see it?10:40
Xorehttp://welcome_to_teh_intarweb.pastebin.com/   =)10:40
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=== Flannel is getting really sick of this pony stuff.
cham3leonHi to all10:40
dreamlessompaul: damn ;)10:40
g-nomeit would be interesting to have recent inofmation about that, doogluas10:40
dhonnrpaul: my bill states i used  291 kWh in 31 days: 9.4 kWh per day, i have two computers on 24/710:40
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dreamlessapokryphos: hehe i know just fooling around10:40
cham3leoni'm having some problems trying to install the flash plugin for Opera browser10:40
cham3leoncan someone help me?10:41
shriphaniok guys if i press alt-f1 at boot time i shall be in the console ?10:41
l_ris there anyone who already has a dapper drake iso image?10:41
Seveashi mdz10:41
dreamlessdooglus: guess so :P10:41
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philipacamaniacmdz: released?????10:41
bvanaerdesomebody said lovers?10:41
K|NgGh0sTI'm trying to follow, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623 basically trying to get WPA to work... and I'm getting an error... http://pastebin.ca/6054610:41
McNutellayes lovers :D10:41
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Auckland_Pigwhere's the picture of the pony?10:41
JoseStefanshriphani: ctrl+alt+f1, at the ubuntu logon screen10:41
McNutellawe all love our ubuntu more than our girlfriends10:41
matt_scheuri: pastebin is a website for pasting i think10:41
Xoreaw damn. my script is broken10:41
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scheurimatt_: pasting my stuff just disconnected me...;)...so...10:41
bvanaerdethat's because you geeks don't have a girlfriend... easy :p10:41
shriphanihow do i boot back in gnome ?10:41
rpauldhonn: Hmm, so 0.2kWh is not a good approximation of power usage for a computer.  that is a releif10:41
guillem101McNutella, at least we try to love as much as we can10:42
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cham3leonit works for firefox but not for opera10:42
JoseStefanshriphani: ctrl+alt+f710:42
zjimbohow would you define of a server?10:42
shriphanioh thankx10:42
McNutellaguillem101, and it loves us too!10:42
JoseStefanshriphani: and 2 tru 6 gives you more consoles10:42
philipacamaniacbvanaerde: yeah, some of us geeks have a wife10:42
bvanaerdebut then again, Ubuntu has never gotten on my nerves...10:42
shriphanithat is f2 ?10:42
McNutelladid you notice that mdz didnt jump in and ask when ;)10:42
K|NgGh0sTI'm trying to follow, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623 basically trying to get WPA to work... and I'm getting an error... http://pastebin.ca/6054610:42
bvanaerdeinclude me too ;)10:42
JoseStefanshriphani: yes10:42
Kholerabb1Is dapper out?10:42
Auckland_Pighow fast are all mirrors on ubuntu download page going to update to dapper once its released?10:43
SeveasKholerabb1, /topic10:43
shriphaniok so ctrl-alt-f2 ?10:43
scheurimatt_: you received my massage?10:43
vinboyanyone here use tetex? i need big help10:43
McNutellaI reckon Kholerabb1 doesnt read the MOTD either10:43
JoseStefanshriphani: yep, "+f1" thru "+f7"10:43
philipacamaniacAuckland_Pig: slow10:43
XoreI wonder how many people would die if this channel decided to stampede for the exits10:43
shriphaniok so that is all consoles ?10:43
McNutellaAuckland_Pig, 6k10:43
dhonnrpaul, is your system intel or amd, intel total system power uses at least 2x of amd10:43
shriphaniand f7 is gnome10:43
JoseStefanshriphani: F7 is gui10:43
shriphanirest are all consoles10:43
shriphanihow do i switch between them ?10:44
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rpauldhonn: depends on the CPU, but mine is a pretty old amd, i'd say it would eat the power.10:44
bvanaerdefor those people asking for a pony...10:44
Kholerabb1Right :) sorry10:44
bvanaerdethere still are some for sale here: http://last.fm10:44
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dhonnrpaul, i used kill-a-watt to measure all the systems in frys10:44
alsaany one know how to copy a file from an ssh session to localhost10:44
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ubotuwell, ssh is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdvancedOpenSSH10:44
bvanaerdecheck the list on the right10:44
tiagoboldtfirst time I switched screens, i did ctrl+alt+f1 accidently and had to reboot because i didn't know how to get back :X10:44
Fracture!pony http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/4710:45
ubotuFracture: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:45
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Auckland_Pigtiagoboldt: agrees10:45
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SeveasJanJoost, hmm, I think it was xview (from xloadimage I had installed...)10:45
JoseStefanctrl+alt+f7 gets you back10:45
tiagoboldtyes, i know.. now.. :P10:45
disinterested_pemy pc uses more power than the refridgerator lol10:45
externwhat IDE should I use for C++ development?10:45
shriphanii mean JoseStefan how do i switch between consoles10:45
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Fracturefor those who are deaf : http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/aslweb/P/W2960.htm10:45
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Xorei wonder if next year's /. april fools joke will last as long as this one10:45
JoseStefanshriphani: same way10:45
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ubuntubesdoes anybody know how to access mysql after installed it?10:46
shriphaniok wow10:46
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Edward_TLSjust type mysql10:46
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guillem101Fracture, http://www.slashdot.org10:46
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H080J03hello how do you get a h264 movie to play?10:46
McNutellaXore, hahahaha dont be so mean LOL10:46
Xoremaybe it's just that there a little girl inside all of us that's using the meme as a means to express ourselves10:46
rpauldhonn: i need to get one of them, what is frys?10:46
zjimbohow do you exit the manual pages from a terminal?10:46
guillem101Fracture, ho, sorry today is June 1st, not April 1st10:46
McNutellazjimbo, man10:46
H080J03q will exit the man pages10:46
scheurizjimbo: by pressing Q10:47
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alsaany one know how to copy a file from an ssh session to localhost?10:47
BadriNarayanzjimbo: press q10:47
McNutellaoh I should wake up10:47
JoseStefanzjimbo, shift+q10:47
Seveasalsa, scp10:47
alsau there ?10:47
Kr0ntabwelp... up to 965...10:47
disinterested_pewell gnight10:47
externwhat IDE are you using for C++ development?10:47
dhonnrpaul, big electronics superstore10:47
=== lesenscommun [n=lesensco@ARennes-352-1-87-215.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntubesjust type mysql??10:47
ompaulalsa, yes10:47
ESPOiGwen is the offical release of dapper10:47
H080J03if Q don't work try crtl c10:47
rpauldhonn: in the US im guessing10:47
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SeveasESPOiG, soon10:47
dhonnrpaul, kill-a-watt measures the powerdraw from the wall of devices10:47
ESPOiGSeveas: any idea how soon?10:48
SeveasESPOiG, very soon 10:48
ompaulESPOiG, that would spoil the fun10:48
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zjimboBrilliant scheuri! iv had root logged in all day just stuck on the manual10:48
ESPOiGSeveas: lol... :|10:48
rpauldhonn: yeah i found it on google, i want to get one of them so i can find out where all my power goes10:48
=== Mojo3 awaits leak of dapper onto IRC server, just like when Fedora 5 came out.
guillem101Hmm, 6.06 is at ubuntuforums marked as release. Is it save to upgrade right now or is it advisable to wait until "official release"?10:48
La_PaRCaSeveas, you are my new hero. You deserve a medal or something, you ver very very patient man.10:48
dhonnrpaul, in sandiego/ca our energy cost is about 13 cents per kW.  My bill is $3910:48
ubuntubesafter install mysql, then how to access it??10:48
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H080J03hmm so how do you get an h264 movie to play?10:48
BadriNarayanubuntubes: Did you install *mysql-server* ?10:49
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ompaulzjimbo, you don't need that you could have used sudo but it would be better not to do it at all ;-)10:49
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ubuntubesBadriNarayan yes I did10:49
philipacamaniacguillem101: You can upgrade. the "official" release is for the iso's and torrents.10:49
ubuntubesBadriNarayan but how to access it10:49
Auckland_Pigjust 34 more users for 1000 :)10:49
eobanbdhonn, i think you mean kWh10:49
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BadriNarayanubuntubes: try mysql -u root -p10:49
dhonneobanb, yea10:49
kevorWow, cewl that Java is now available via aptitude :)10:49
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Auckland_Pigubotu get some of your bot friends in here10:49
ubotuAuckland_Pig: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:49
onkarshinde/msh chanserv list #ubuntu*10:50
ubuntubesBadriNarayan : what -u n -p for?10:50
apokryphosAuckland_Pig: he's already with Ubugtu and ubuntulog10:50
guillem101philipacamaniac, so... via synaptic (changing everything from breezy to dapper) I will get the actual "official" release?10:50
Seveasand EdgyEft10:50
Edward_TLSubuntubes, username and password10:50
BadriNarayanubuntubes -u for username10:50
zjimboIm using Suse 10.1 so no sudo!... I think. = |10:50
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BadriNarayanubuntube: -p for prompting for password, see man page10:50
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Auckland_Pigwhat is Ubugtu ?10:51
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ubuntubesBadriNarayan Edward_TLS so do I have to type: mysql userxxx root passxxx10:51
ubotuubugtu is shown here with his brothers http://www.allscifi.com/aridor/index.asp?Autonumber=46510:51
UbugtuAuckland_Pig me 10:51
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BadriNarayanubuntubes: what happens when you just say "mysql"?10:51
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rpauldhonn: I pay NZD $0.21 per kWh .... not sure how that compares.10:52
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Xorethere needs to be a ubuntunes player10:52
Xoreto compete with itunes, or something10:52
SeveasI just heard: Ubuntu will be released when we hit 1000 users10:52
cute_bettongholy crap theres almost a thousand people in here O_O10:52
=== mcquaid [i=mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cute_bettong968 users10:52
=== mandie_^ [n=markitox@130.Red-83-41-145.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntubesBadriNarayan : ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)10:52
Xore(enter 30 clones)10:52
cute_bettongsweet XD10:52
=== Cetras [n=n0va@anj75-1-81-57-1-215.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoseStefancan i bring clones?10:52
philipacamaniacXore: I believe it is called rhythmbox...10:53
=== Gervystar [n=gervysta@217-133-96-194.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulSeveas, that would be a poor target10:53
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu
Filladoxore: banshee/amarok10:53
BadriNarayanubuntubes: Now, just try "mysql -u root -p"10:53
NgSeveas: no ponies?! how mean! ;)10:53
K|NgGh0sTPlease someone... I'm trying to follow, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623 basically trying to get WPA to work... and I'm getting an error... http://pastebin.ca/6054610:53
guillem101zjimbo, AFAIK, there is sudo at SuSE10:53
ivoksso, everyone is excited? :)10:53
=== Ng specs up a free pony with every download ;)
SeveasNg, ponies when we hit 1500 10:53
apokryphosguillem101: almost every distro has suse, just not every one has it used by default10:53
FilladoHalf-Life 2: Episode 1 also comes out today = good day10:53
kevorhey, i want a Pony10:53
apokryphos*has sudo10:53
Celestardoes ubuntu run on Sparc?10:53
PrxCreating chroot tree in /var/www/chroot10:53
flowolfthat's really bad10:53
=== kevor hugs Seveas
BurgundaviaCelestar: yes10:53
Prxmknod: `dev/null': Operation not permitted10:53
guillem101apokryphos, s/suse/sudo10:54
=== philipacamaniac will pay to ship free ponies to whomever requests it
=== asdx [n=asdx@] has joined #ubuntu
Prxdpkg: error processing dtc (--configure):10:54
flowolf2 bugs found on the new ubuntu dapper when installing10:54
apokryphosguillem101: yes10:54
Prxsubprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 110:54
FlannelSeveas: so, I should fire up irssi on tons of screened terminals? ;)10:54
EricNeonhow many chinese at here  now ?10:54
ivoksCelestar: new version, yes10:54
PrxErrors were encountered while processing:10:54
ubuntubesBadriNarayan : I forget about my password10:54
asdxwhat this error means - No video BIOS modes to choose from10:54
flowolfshould I report them?10:54
=== WillyTP [n=WillyTP@host7-32.pool870.interbusiness.it] has joined #Ubuntu
Xoreif we buy Seveas hookers and blow, will he release dapper earlier?10:54
apokryphosflowolf: wat were they?10:54
PrxE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:54
Celestarwhich new version?10:54
=== kenguest [i=cad9eb70@morrigan.tuatha.org] has joined #ubuntu
guillem101apokryphos, but visudo will do the trick10:54
alsaompaul do u know how to copy a file from an ssh session to localhost?10:54
Prxwhat is problem?10:54
kevor$ mv /usr/feelings/hangover /dev/null10:54
Xoreanyone want to contribute to my "get Seveas hookers and blow" fund?10:54
apokryphosguillem101: it will, yes.10:54
=== venkatachar [n=venkatac@] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasXore, I don't release dapper 10:54
H080J03how do you play a .mov file in ubuntu??10:54
=== rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #ubuntu
BadriNarayanubuntubes: If you did not set a password, just press return10:54
Seveas(nor do I need hookers)10:54
orbinflowolf: report the chinese? :-/10:54
=== eXistenZ [i=eXistenZ@bzq-88-152-113-46.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Celestarivoks: what version would that be?10:54
flowolfapokryphos: 1) resolution setted at 640x480, unchangable10:54
=== Big_T [n=hypertev@p5088BF4E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu
eXistenZwhat's going on with ubuntu, we need dapper!10:54
=== ProfFrink [n=proffrin@cpc1-shep3-0-0-cust920.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ivoksSeveas: lots of traffice in here :)10:54
FilladoH080J03:VLC ?10:54
Big_Thello ubuntu users! :)10:55
=== morgs [n=morgan@dsl-165-228-06.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
kevorlet's all call Seveas10:55
Seveasivoks, yeah, it's crazy10:55
onkarshindeH080J03: Try VLC or mplayer10:55
apokryphosflowolf: /msg ubotu resolution10:55
flowolfapokryphos: 2) ubuntu installer crashes at the end10:55
H080J03Filldao it is h26410:55
ivoksCelestar: the one that is going to be released today - 6.0610:55
Celestarivoks: 5.10 or later?10:55
PHiSQuaREahlo folks10:55
BadriNarayanubuntubes: The default password is empty, not your login password10:55
ubuntubesBadriNarayan : I did set, but forgotten10:55
=== waltman_ [n=waltman@a88-112-70-63.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Celestarivoks: cool, released when? ;)10:55
ivoksSeveas: and people just coming in :)10:55
apokryphosflowolf: you should report 2), and possibly 1), though there is an easy workaround10:55
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ivoksCelestar: will be today10:55
H080J03fillado it is h26410:55
Celestarivoks: so I'll wait till then, :)10:55
=== samu [n=sam@svamppi.sby.abo.fi] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasCelestar, it'll be released when the channel hits 1000 users10:55
Big_T i'm waiting for dapper since midnight.. :D10:55
=== shadow_mil [n=chuck@h171.98.213.151.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
matt_scheuri: I got your message and it worked, do you know a way to recover a file that i have just deleted?10:56
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CelestarSeveas: :P10:56
=== flx [n=felix@F3481.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== Celestar [n=Jadzia_D@galadriel.td.mw.tum.de] has left #ubuntu []
kevorofficial release is today? :D:D:D:D10:56
JoseStefan22 people to go10:56
=== Celestar [n=Jadzia_D@galadriel.td.mw.tum.de] has joined #ubuntu
philipacamaniacSeveas: that's in about 10 minutes10:56
waltman_i'm waiting dapper already :DD10:56
H080J03fillado i have installed the multimedia codecs in automax and easyubuntu10:56
khermansmatt_, immediatle shut down your pc10:56
Celestarwrong window10:56
bvanaerdedapper was cancelled10:56
flowolfapokryphos: I'm a gentoo user so I know how to fix the resolution10:56
OmniD22? 21.10:56
=== waltman_ is now known as CactusWiZaRd
SeveasH080J03, automatix is a virus10:56
=== DarkTower [n=peter@60-241-118-130.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
H080J03and it still won't play10:56
VirtualDarKnessif we get 2000 users can we have a pony?10:56
=== leagris [n=leagris_@meumeu.noiraude.net] has joined #ubuntu
flowolfbut that's bad as I was going to give ubuntu to some friends10:56
Filladoyeah VLC can play a 1080p .mov10:56
=== b1uedrake [n=bluedrak@cmu-24-35-14-141.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosflowolf: but gentoo users wouldn't know there's a dpkg-reconfigure for it :)10:56
SeveasVirtualDarKness, 150010:56
=== fjellrev1 [n=fjellrev@] has joined #ubuntu
scheurimatt_: I am afraid that is not possible...linux does not know that kind of recovery...KDE/Gnome has a bin...but console is mercyless10:56
Filladoin Windows at least10:56
Celestarivoks: is it recommended to be used on a production system?10:56
=== BeNi [n=beni@bzq-84-108-230-164.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
VirtualDarKnessSeveas, ;)10:56
OffHandautomatix is a virus  =  LMAO10:57
khermansmatt_, and then hex dump your drive contents if it is that important10:57
morgsVirtualDarKness: Ponies will be provided at a later date through dapper-updates10:57
ivoksCelestar: it's based on debian and has commercial support, even sun likes it... i don't see how much better support you can get :)10:57
khermansSeveas, Automatix users should try EasyUbuntu instead10:57
JoseStefanhe just haves to set +l to 1499 :(10:57
Filladoyou get that H080J03?10:57
Seveasmorgs, dapper-ponies10:57
ompaulalsa, there are two ways to do that sftp which works like ftp and scp which is secure copy http://www.openssh.com/faq.html is fairly useful10:57
H080J03yea but the file i have is a Advanced Video Coding (H264)10:57
Celestarivoks: good, because I still can't set up any friendship with solaris 1010:57
Filladoyeah so's this one10:57
K|NgGh0sTle sigh10:57
Ed_LI would so love to see a netsplit in this channel10:57
K|NgGh0sTthis channel used to be used for support10:57
Filladolike i said it's a 1080p .mov10:57
matt_khermans:  sounds longwinded, guess i will have to get the backups out, arse10:57
=== Celeste [i=user@] has joined #ubuntu
OmniDMaybe they are waiting for there to be 1000 people in here guys10:57
ompaulkhermans, there is no try there is only do10:57
=== luis [n=luis@84-122-87-163.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
BurgundaviaK|NgGh0sT: it will be tomorrow again10:58
OmniDdid you think of that didja10:58
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ivoksCelestar: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/sunfire10:58
JoseStefan16 to go10:58
XoreEd_L: that's a scary thought10:58
K|NgGh0sTBurgundavia: doesnt help when I'm having issues now :(10:58
H080J03so is there anyway to play it?10:58
BurgundaviaK|NgGh0sT: we are moments away from release of 6.0610:58
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FilladoVLC Media player10:58
khermansSolaris 10 has jails, which are pretty cool10:58
=== H080J03 installs VLC
khermansBurgundavia, moments?10:58
foobar54khermans: you mean zones? jails is more BDSish10:58
khermansfoobar54, yeah zones10:59
Burgundaviakhermans: yes, moments. Sometimes those are long moments10:59
PrxCreating chroot tree in /var/www/chroot  ----mknod: `dev/null': Operation not permitted------dpkg: error processing dtc (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1: Errors were encountered while processing:dtc E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:59
Prxwhat is problem?10:59
Ed_Lso how long?10:59
=== Polis [n=Doctor@kengarags.kenga.net] has joined #ubuntu
khermansits out baby!10:59
DarkToweryeh zones are slightly different than jails10:59
apokryphosEd_L: how long is a piece of string? :)10:59
khermansi have confirmed10:59
H080J03i love how easy it is to install stuff in ubuntu10:59
khermansGot my SMS message!!!10:59
philipacamaniacIt's released - http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/10:59
khermans MY SMS SCRIPT WORKED!!!11:00
JoseStefanit is!11:00
ubotuEd_L: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:00
khermansits leeching now!11:00
robumm you don't have to wait until Ubuntu is released to use it :)11:00
VirtualDarKnessbut we are not at 1000 :'(11:00
Ed_Lheh, too late :P11:00
JoseStefanhaha, i have it11:00
=== Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu
JoseStefansame as daily11:00
=== Freduardo [n=Freduard@109.84-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
K|NgGh0sTCouldnt you just apt-get dist-upgrade? once drapper is in sources.list?11:00
PHiSQuaREdon't hammer11:00
DarkTowernobody dowenload until we have 1000 lol11:00
khermansJoseStefan, got my gigabit downloading already on torrent11:00
Xorerob: everyone wants to jump on the official torrent11:00
fabbioneno it's not released!11:00
JoseStefani can seed ed2k if you like11:00
fabbionewe are still upgrading the mirrors11:00
EricNeonI think the core team just writing news now11:00
robXore, nice11:00
khermansfabbione, YES IT IS11:00
DarkTowerfabbione: what?11:00
apokryphosK|NgGh0sT: yes of course11:00
fabbionekhermans: no it's not11:00
fabbioneDarkTower: dapper11:00
VirtualDarKnesshappy dapper guys and thanks to everybody who works on it!11:00
Seveaskhermans, NO IT IS NOT11:01
K|NgGh0sTthen what the hell11:01
fabbionewe are still updating the mirrors11:01
apokryphoskhermans: where do you see the announcement?11:01
DarkTowerfabbione: yes it is11:01
samuso how will the upgrade work this time?11:01
DarkTowerhappy dapper11:01
Lukkettofabbione: dinitto?11:01
fabbioneDarkTower: i am sitting in the frigging room with the release guys11:01
SeveasDarkTower, fabbione knows much better thab you11:01
fabbioneDarkTower: i know much better than you.. it's not11:01
khermansSeveas, torrent is there!11:01
ompaulSeveas, mute the channel -11:01
fabbioneLukketto: yes11:01
H080J03yea vlc worked!!11:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+m] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o fabbione] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by Seveas
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Seveasnow relax everyone11:01
=== shadow_mil [n=chuck@h171.98.213.151.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== neoXite [n=neoxite@xdsl-81-173-186-33.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasrelease will be SOON11:01
=== cluehammer [n=administ@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasbut NOT NOW11:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
Seveasand you can NOT HAVE A PONY11:02
fabbionethe mirrors are still updating11:02
=== Oswyn [n=none@adsl-67-118-45-96.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
fabbioneif you start downloading now there are big chances that torrents will not be working with the correct image11:02
fabbioneplease wait for the official announcment11:02
=== Jurgeni [i=jurgeni@kapsi.fi] has joined #ubuntu
fabbioneit's just a matter of few minutes11:02
=== Karpor [n=K4rp0r@pc.armas.fi] has joined #ubuntu
=== shadow_mil [n=chuck@h171.98.213.151.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosand you will know in here before others11:02
=== cluehammer [n=administ@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ajmitch_Seveas: aw, let us have a pony, please11:03
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=== neoXite [n=neoxite@xdsl-81-173-186-33.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
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SeveasNow behave11:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by Seveas
=== RomanK [n=roman@p54A27233.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulajmitch_, there are no ponies Bill said so! just like he said there would be no spam in 2006 so you can have one soon ;-)11:04
tarzeauwhere's the pony?11:04
K|NgGh0sTI doubt there is any differnce between RC and this11:04
apokryphosK|NgGh0sT: well, there is.11:04
ivoksK|NgGh0sT: there is11:04
bvanaerdepony? http://last.fm11:04
SeveasK|NgGh0sT, there is11:04
=== Blue-Omega [i=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulthere is no this11:04
khermanswe need 18 more people in here11:04
apokryphosbut yes, bugfixes11:04
Linuturkthere is?11:05
La_PaRCaWhy are you all goiing nuts over the ponies?11:05
=== rorippa [i=foobar@dyn225-038.dsl.ligado.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== shadow_mil [n=chuck@h171.98.213.151.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Linuturkrelease notes?11:05
=== Fillado waits
JoseStefanthe daily's of the 31st and the final match, please chech your MD5SUMS if you had the daily iso11:05
philipacamaniacdoes my cat count? I'll put her on my laptop.11:05
K|NgGh0sTLa_PaRCa: they are obsessed with beastiality?11:05
GazzaKLa_PaRCa: 'cos they are cute11:05
CactusWiZaRdwhere do we need more ppl?11:05
Kr0ntab985 people11:05
ompaulLa_PaRCa, it is all your fault11:05
=== rob watches
=== fermi [n=fermi@] has joined #ubuntu
tiagoboldti'm already downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso11:05
snowblinkDoes the 1000th person win the pony?11:05
tarzeautiagoboldt: it's released now?11:05
fermiEricNeon: Huh, are you serious...?11:05
Linuturkyou shouldn't download yet11:05
Burgundaviatarzeau: no, not quite yet11:05
Linuturkthe IRC gods say so11:06
La_PaRCaompaul, can you please cite your sources as to bill saying there are no ponies?11:06
bvanaerdeplease make it stop...11:06
=== herzi [n=herzi@] has joined #ubuntu
tarzeauBurgundavia: but he is downloading it!11:06
EricNeonfermi: ?11:06
=== bvanaerde covers his ears
=== philipacamaniac advises people to not talk about the release and just be patient for a few minutes
tarzeautiagoboldt: it's broken!11:06
tiagoboldtit is?11:06
khermanstiagoboldt, thats the old one dude11:06
fermiEricNeon: It seems that it's ok to talk anything you want here...11:06
tarzeautiagoboldt: you download goatse11:06
Josh43La_PaRCa: I dunno if anyone said /no/ ponies; justy you cant have one11:06
tiagoboldtit's already @80MB11:06
flowolfcan I install grub on a xfs partition?11:06
tiagoboldtand climbing11:06
=== alan^ [n=ubuntu@pa144.kobylin.sdi.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
fermiEricNeon: right in this channel11:06
ompaulLa_PaRCa, check out the 100 dollar laptop thing can't remember where I might have seen it on the fridge11:06
=== rubso is looking for his ubuntu dapper drake!
=== alan^ [n=ubuntu@pa144.kobylin.sdi.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
tarzeautiagoboldt: waste of bandwith and time!11:06
pholiedualhead people, be prepared for broken X, the bug is not fixed :-D11:06
tarzeautiagoboldt: can you read the /topic ?11:06
LinuturkI'll give you a pony . . . after you pay for it11:06
flowolfshould I create a /boot partition for that?11:06
tiagoboldtno it's not the old one, it hasn't the RC11:07
=== godzirra [n=na@c-24-125-55-42.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Auckland_Pig986..... just 14 more users to make it 100011:07
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ivoksrelax... few more minutes... grab a coffe :)11:07
tarzeautiagoboldt: checked the md5 sums?11:07
CactusWiZaRdhow can i install the dapper when it's released?11:07
=== richie [n=richx@i577BC297.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
tiagoboldtif it is the old one, it has been renamed:P11:07
PPower985 nicks11:07
=== babysnakes [n=haim@line22-41.adsl.actcom.co.il] has joined #ubuntu
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LukkettoCactus: download the iso ;)11:07
tarzeauPPower: do you remember the billenniumparty?11:07
Linuturkyeah, 985 nicks, but scan for duplicates11:07
VirtualDarKnessI hope the release after edgy would be called "pony"11:07
EricNeongo girls and boys11:07
tarzeauVirtualDarKness: haha :)11:07
=== Mmike_ [i=majk@fly.srk.fer.hr] has joined #ubuntu
VirtualDarKness(would -> will :p)11:07
philipacamaniacI really need to go to bed (2:07am local time), but I just can't miss the 1000 mark, that's almost more cool than the release, LOL11:07
FlannelVirtualDarKness: nope, it'd have to be quite a few after, theyre alphabetical now.11:08
dhonnread the dates http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ they're yesterdays release heh11:08
OffHandsomeone call their irc bots11:08
=== mode/#ubuntu [+m] by fabbione
fabbionetorrents are still down11:08
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fabbionewe are working on the issue11:08
=== akaihola [n=akaihola@buffy.sorcerers.fi] has joined #ubuntu
fabbioneso please don't flood with requestes11:08
=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by fabbione
JoseStefani will have ED2K's in a few minutes11:08
=== frenkel [n=frank@j210092.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
CactusWiZaRdLukketto: not interested, because i don't want to clean my computer... again11:08
JoseStefani'm running checksums on the files making sure they are right11:09
VirtualDarKnessFlannel, enchanted pony should fit alphabetical order ;)11:09
=== the_hoser [n=chatzill@66-98-241-213.dc2.ev1servers.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Celestarivoks: nevertheless, it seems I have to get used to ubuntu :)11:09
FlannelVirtualDarKness: only if  pony starts with an e.11:09
BadriNarayan12 more to go for 100011:09
=== printk [n=jayson@c-67-162-243-119.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ivoksCelestar: it's the best OS there is :)11:09
=== guzu [n=guzu@] has joined #ubuntu
=== fermi [n=fermi@] has joined #ubuntu
guzuhello all11:09
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=== HellDragon [n=JD@modemcable251.249-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== Aegir_ [n=richard@d58-104-68-136.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== Linuturk waves
BadriNarayan6 more!!11:10
=== printk [n=jayson@c-67-162-243-119.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
sizza6 more11:10
khermansUbuntu Pretty Pony (7.04)11:10
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tarzeau6 OMG11:10
fermiBadriNarayan: LOL11:10
Auckland_Pigwoo hooo11:10
EricNeonwow, 994!11:10
Celestarivoks: dunno I'm not using it yet. All SuSE and FreeBSD here11:10
Auckland_Pigcome on 6 more11:10
=== e1ko [n=31k0@a02-0432c.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #ubuntu
Auckland_Pig5 more11:10
ProfFrinkAegir_: Welcome to the nuthouse11:10
La_PaRCaUbuntu Prancing Pony (7.04)11:10
tarzeaukhermans: you mean 04.11 ?11:10
Linuturkcall your friends11:10
Auckland_Pig4 more11:10
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luistoo many people!!111:10
Auckland_Pig3 more :D11:10
Krpanoalmost there11:10
Aegir_ProfFrink: Aye, noticed madness11:10
tarzeaukhermans: because now they don't need to release for 5 years11:10
rixxonPimped Pony11:10
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Linuturkomg, i'm going to cream my pants11:10
Ed_L5 :(11:10
Aegir_Party time?11:10
=== morgs [n=morgan@dsl-165-228-06.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
VirtualDarKnessthere will be a *pony* release, 4 sure ;)11:10
ProfFrinkNah, 7.04 is the Funky Ferret11:10
=== mode/#ubuntu [+m] by Seveas
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Seveasok, so I lied11:11
Seveasit won't be released when we hit 100011:12
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Seveasit will be released once mdz hits the big button11:12
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Seveaswhich should be soon11:12
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Linuturkevil Seveas11:13
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=== PONY_UP !
PPowerSeveas: Why are all my posts getting 404ed11:14
cute_bettongthat was odd11:14
mikeycan anyone tell my why there will be Long Term Support on 6.06?11:14
=== Prx is now known as Kurtz
rixxoni wonder is this the biggest channel on freenode, currently?11:14
cute_bettongit woulden't let me send to the channel11:14
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ProfFrinkSeveas: Thanks for bringing a moment of sanity to the channel :D11:14
tarzeaurixxon: try /list -yes11:14
Auckland_Pigwoo hooo.....11:14
apokryphosmikey: because ubuntu does long-term releases11:14
robrixxon, I think so11:14
cute_bettongsomething in here glitched11:14
tiagoboldtit doens't says nothing about RC11:14
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frenkelSeveas: soon as in minutes, or soon as in hours?11:14
tiagoboldtisn't it really the final?11:14
cute_bettongi think it's becasue ubuntu pwns XD11:14
Seveasfrenkel, minutes11:14
frenkelnice :)11:14
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Aegir_ohmahgoshohmagoshohmagosh *head explodes*11:14
Linuturkwho is mzk or such?11:14
Aegir_*composes self*11:14
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cute_bettongmake something extrodanary and people will use it ^_^11:15
mikeyapokryphos, on my shipped it cd, it says there is a new release every 6 months with updates and support for a year11:15
VirtualDarKnesssoon means as fast as a pony is ;)11:15
cfraz89wow it's like new-years eve here11:15
=== Fiscal [n=pscabral@20151099126.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Xoreanyone remember #1111111111 ?11:15
philipacamaniacthe question is, who will update the Wikipedia article first? And who will get the approved submission to Slashdot?11:15
fermiwhy I am banned to talk?11:15
Lukkettomikey: the dapper is a LTS11:15
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apokryphosmikey: support is normally for 18 months actually11:15
tarzeauXore: sure11:15
tarzeauXore: i got the logs!11:15
khermansFruity Fly (7.04) ?11:15
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lmanulLinuturk: mdz is Matt Zimmerman11:15
neoXitethe server cd and alternate install cd both use the debian installer and the desktop one uses its own?11:15
BilfordFriendly Ferret11:15
seliniumSeveas. can you send out a /msg to everyone when it is out there? :)11:15
Josh43philipacamaniac: and ding/boingboing11:15
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LukkettoLTS = Long Term Support11:15
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ProfFrinkBilford: *Funky* Ferret!11:15
Lukketto3 years11:15
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Seveasselinium, it is out there, the announcement just has to be sent11:15
sladenselinium: there's  /topic  for that11:16
mikeystill odd.11:16
BilfordProfFrink, maybe, but Ubuntu's goal is to become even more user friendly11:16
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=== fermi is now known as fermi-CN
LinuturkUbuntu 1004  Gentoo 93811:16
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philipacamaniacJosh43: by ding, you mean digg?11:16
Linuturktwo highest user counts on freenode11:16
khermansFlagrant Foul (7.04)11:16
LukkettoLinuturk :  YESSSSSSSSSSS11:16
Josh43philipacamaniac: indeed :)11:16
morgsLinuturk: invite them over ;-)11:16
K|NgGh0sTUserfriendly is overrated IMHO11:16
mikeyoh another thing!  will the stock kernel version be compiled with the same one available in the repository?11:16
Ed_LPretty Pony11:16
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mikeycause that annoys me11:16
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Josh43K|NgGh0sT: Install rock linux, then11:16
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zjimbotiagoboldt - is that the real, official release? I don't see RC anywhere. Could it be?11:16
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Linuturki tried to list the channels eariler and I got this:11:17
LinuturkListing channels11:17
LinuturkServer load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.11:17
LinuturkEnd of /List11:17
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Linuturkthe power of Ubuntu11:17
La_PaRCaAre we ok to download the torrent now then?11:17
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=== Magilla suggests "flatulant flamingo" for an upcoming release
tiagoboldtzjimbo think so...11:17
Auckland_Pigthe best way to get Windoze users is to first hook them to Firefox, Gaim, VLC and then present them with dapper cd....11:17
BurgundaviaLinuturk: don't paste in here11:17
Josh43Ed_L: That's too girly.. something like Prancing Pony11:17
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stylusThat's common Linuturk. Just give it a minute.11:17
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K|NgGh0sTJosh43: linuxfromscratch ftw :D11:17
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties
=== Linuturk grumbles
BadriNarayanHappy Dapper Drake everyone! The release is official now, at last...11:17
bvanaerdeit is?11:17
FlannelAuckland_Pig: so, give them one of those google CDs? then a Dapper one?11:17
Linuturkno link in topic?11:17
OmniDOh really?11:17
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paradonIs torrent up?11:18
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PPowerAukland_Pig: You should see the anti ie section at toastytech.com11:18
pseudodeadkittyShow me the link!!11:18
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=== K|NgGh0sT gets no differences with apt-get update
=== K|NgGh0sT le sighs
ivoksit's out!!!!!11:18
Josh43K|NgGh0sT: That's for newbies :P11:18
=== Fiscal [n=pscabral@20151099126.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
BadriNarayanA big hug to all the devs11:18
stylusHappy release all. :-)11:18
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SeveasK|NgGh0sT, you're not supposed to 11:18
=== Auckland_Pig wonders how the distrowatch HPD will be for ubuntu
=== jdub hits the u-a
dbgltdoes this change anything for me (who is already running dapper)? :P11:18
tiagoboldthttp://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso <- i'm 75%11:18
seliniumWOO HOO   \o/ \0/ \o/   WOO HOO !!!!11:18
mikeyi love you all!11:18
tarzeauhttp://www.brigid.clickryder.com/photo2.html POOOOONIES11:18
Filladonothing on http://www.ubuntu.com/ yet :|11:18
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KrpanoHooray for the Devs !!!11:18
khermansFarty Flamingo?11:18
Skiddles^I hate you all :P11:18
Linuturkneed a url11:18
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K|NgGh0sTSeveas: why not?11:18
CN_EricNeonlet me see how many pepole from China, please all of  Chinese add "CN" before your name11:18
tarzeauLinuturk: there! there! http://www.prettypony.com/11:18
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Auckland_PigSeveas: is it out?11:19
BadriNarayanNow, see the numbers in the channel drop.. ;)11:19
Linuturkhe's toying with our emotions11:19
Kr0ntabawesome.  well time for bed11:19
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-63-46.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== ReMink [n=ReMink@i01v-62-34-233-48.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ReMinkHello all !11:19
=== kerb [i=espesan@ritchie.ping.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosdapper is out!!11:19
La_PaRCaMad props for the devs, and the docs, and the trans and the bugs and so on and so forth11:19
Auckland_Pigis dapper out?11:19
PPowerstill not out here.11:19
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ReMinkI search a Dapper's changelog, someone has it ?11:19
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html
Soirmad props to the bugs? aren't we meant to be hunting those down?11:19
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ubotuI guess lts is Long Term Support. LTS versions will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.11:20
PPowerall isos here are 31st11:20
tarzeauwhat is the name of the next release?11:20
=== Balachmar [n=balachma@dyn058139.nbw.tue.nl] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphostarzeau: Edgy Eft11:20
PPoweredgy eft11:20
ubuntubeshelp! how to remove directory and it contents11:20
dooglustarzeau: The Edgy eft11:20
ompaulmdz, dvds?11:20
JoseStefanthey are the same as the daily's from the 31st11:20
K|NgGh0sTSeveas: why not?11:20
ubotueft is, like, totally, a newt in its terrestrial stage of development - the release after Dapper will be called Edgy Eft.  For information and pictures of efts/newts, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt11:20
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dooglusubuntubes: rm -r <dir>11:20
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FlannelSeveas, er, think the listing on the archives could be made so one can read the full name of the file? ;)11:20
pseudodeadkittyWooot! Looks like it's officially party time. :)11:20
tarzeauwhat's a dapper? and edgy?11:20
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS 'Dapper Drake' will be released in less than 18 hours, but not at 0:00 UTC! (NO, we cannot be more precise)11:20
chrisbudden14is anyone having a problem with the dapper i386 desktop CD torrent11:20
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-63-46.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ubotuEdgy Eft is the next codename for Ubuntu dapper+1. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html11:21
BadriNarayanpoor ubotu11:21
akaiholachrisbudden14: yes, connection refused11:21
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ubuntubesdooglus thanks11:21
chrisbudden14thanks akaihola11:21
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PPowertarzeau: i hope that answers your question11:21
Spaceravergah... so The LST beta cd is about the same disc or what??11:21
JoseStefani will have ed2k links in a few seconds, for those interested11:21
tarzeauPPower: dict answered11:21
chrisbudden14shame, i wanted to do my bit11:21
Seveas!no dapper is <reply> DAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html11:21
ubotuSeveas: okay11:21
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ubotudapper is released and called 6.0611:21
Lynoureubuntubes: But be very careful... deleting from console does not put things in trash bin11:21
=== ompaul pokes Seveas
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Linuturkummmm, no seeds on the torrent11:22
Linuturko bother11:22
PPowerstill not here at the server11:22
PPowerstill got dalies11:22
ubuntubesLynoure : then how to completely remove ?11:22
ompaulLinuturk, they have to hit the servers first11:22
mdzSpaceraver: about the same, but with about a month's fewer bug fixes ;-)11:22
Astinus-was the forum dapper announcement the same isos as the final?11:22
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=== Delta2073 [n=frandias@d207-81-137-88.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotudapper is released and called 6.0611:22
BalachmarI have a question about the alacarte menu editor. The programming menu doesn't show up (and in the ditor it is in Italic) How do I make it show up?11:22
tgbis there a problem with the BT tracker? I keep getting rejected...11:22
tiagoboldti've told u that that was the final version..11:22
frenkelLinuturk: i'm willing to seed, but my client can't connect tot he tracker11:22
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khermansThere is no MD5SUM for the Sparch build !!?!?!11:22
guzuok, what's the different contetn of server cd and desktop cd?11:22
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Lynoureubuntubes: That command _does_ completely remove.11:22
guzuon 60611:22
Spaceraverso that means i dont do a dist upgrade then... just upgrade as normal...11:22
khermansoh no SPARC build at all11:22
Seveaskhermans, sparc build will be released later11:22
akaiholargp: yes, torrent says connection refused11:22
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=== LivingTarget [n=livingta@host81-7-43-16.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Linuturkheh, and the internet crashes11:23
Filladosame here for torrent too11:23
PPowergetting out adept updater11:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [-oo rob mdz] by ChanServ
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chrisbudden14[dugg] 11:23
LinuturkConnection Error here as well11:23
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netgrabberhi ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.jigdo is missing :(11:23
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lightstarsame here for torrent11:23
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JoseStefandalies and final match, re-check your MD5SUMS11:23
khermanscan't connect11:23
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Filladostill connected to a load of azureus randomers through DHT at 0% :D11:23
stylusIs the server cd just the basic install cd?11:23
=== RogueJediX [n=roguejed@BSN-77-186-162.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelstylus: no, the alternate CD is.11:23
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Linuturkazureus for the win11:23
chrisbudden14yes stylus11:23
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ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html11:23
Spaceravereasy... like  a million people are trying to get that file... patience young padawan...11:24
derfbugziomgz its still not here noes11:24
Lynoureubuntubes: But not in a way that could could pass your harddisk to feds and be sure that they cannot dig stuff out, that kind of complete removing is more work intensive/takes tools11:24
Flannelchrisbudden14: no, now server is tuned for server installs.11:24
=== squid0 [n=chatzill@dsl-165-168-151.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
CN_EricNeonSeveas: then if Dapper will release when we hit 1100 ?11:24
chrisbudden14oh i see thanks Flannel11:24
Aegir_=] :D\-<11:24
khermansTracker must be swamped or something11:24
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mindhello, sorry for the huge copy paste earlier Seveas, it won't happen again11:24
Astinus-hmmm, what exactly is the root password for server?11:24
robCN_EricNeon, sure!11:24
MonsieurBonare there any mirrors where I can get Dapper a bit faster then with 30kb/s?11:24
ompaulCN_EricNeon, its out11:24
Flannelso, we've gotta have a torrent for the .torrent file, right?11:24
pseudodeadkittyTracker is probably freaking at the # of connections it just got hit with.11:24
PPowerNOOO! Apt crashed!11:24
OmniDouch 2 hour download11:24
Celestarrelease release release11:24
Godfather-Offompaul, announce?11:24
lmanulAstinus-: sudo passwd to set it11:24
linuxboywhat mirror has dapper? i want to upgrade to stable11:24
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ompaulGodfather-Off, reat the topic11:24
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cfraz89wow this is crazy hahaha11:25
=== fix-- [n=Bjorn@cable-213-132-146-249.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
LynoureWhy is it this minute urgent to get dapper? =)11:25
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ompaulGodfather-Off, :-)11:25
=== seppuku [n=seppuku@p549A4AF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
cfraz89its so peaceful at #kubuntu11:25
Celestarok where is that download?11:25
neoXiteis the repo now final?11:25
La_PaRCanot seeing any seeds yet. I guess its nice to be on the seeder team!11:25
chrisbudden14im getting ~300kb/s from http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso11:25
tiagoboldthttp://fridge.ubuntu.com/ <- official anounce :)11:25
JoseStefancan i post ed2k links here?11:25
maswanchrisbudden14: I got 10.40 MB/s from se.releases.ubuntu.com11:25
=== Doat [n=tatu@addr-82-128-232-137.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
kane77how long does it take to upgrade to dapper??11:25
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mindso i've followed the instructions i've received from the link about installing the nvidia drivers, everything went ok, i logged off and rebooted the PC (just to make sure).11:25
=== orbin [n=chatzill@CPE-155-143-145-180.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Krpanoi already finished... :D11:25
ubuntubesLynoure : so when ever I deleted files it still there? then it can junk my harddisk right ?11:25
=== merhojt [n=Jimmy@194-16-251-44.customer.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
PPowerreboot time! try and unlock apt11:25
apokryphostiagoboldt: technically the official announce is the one one news ubuntu page or the mailing list11:25
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neoXiteweeee!! release?11:26
Linuturkfor those that finished the downloads, can you seed the iso?11:26
BalachmarHow can I help spreading the iso's?11:26
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frenkelLinuturk: the tracker doesn't work11:26
Celestarthere's no Sparc Release yet?11:26
Filladoget onto the torrent with azureus11:26
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Linuturkuse azureus11:26
JoseStefani'm starting the ed2k seeds11:26
FilladoDHT will do the rest11:26
frenkelno, azureus sucks11:26
pschulz01Are there any torrents?11:26
apokryphosBalachmar: by leaving your torrent client on after the download11:26
mikeyBalachmar, put the iso anywhere you can :P11:26
philipacamaniacLooks like http://www.ubuntu.com/download still needs updating11:26
mindjust before the login screen the nvidia logo splash screen appeared, and everything went a-ok. but now, i cannot find the nvidia settings and i still can't modify the refresh rates. can anyone help ? thanks11:26
=== siofwolves_ [n=siofwolv@unaffiliated/siofwolves] has joined #ubuntu
frenkeli already have downloaded it, but i'm going to seed the torrent11:26
apokryphospschulz01: yes, check the announcements11:26
kane77Balachmar, try seeding it through bittorrent11:26
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mikeyBalachmar, give it to your neighbors so they can help seed11:27
=== Omahn [n=elliotp@omahn.vm.bytemark.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
khermans"Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker" ???11:27
=== ReMink [n=ReMink@i01v-62-34-233-48.d4.club-internet.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Actus]
CactusWiZaRdcan i upgrade ubuntu through apt-get?11:27
apokryphosCactusWiZaRd: yes11:27
tgbkhermans: I get the same error. no idea why.11:27
La_PaRCaWe need some seeders to get in the torrent11:27
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chrisbudden14im getting that as well khermans11:27
Lynoureubuntubes: Yes and no. Can you start over and tell me what is it that you want to achieve: free disk space, make files 'disappear' or make damn sure no one can ever never get to those files?11:27
Linuturkstart mass producing cd's and overnight them to everyone11:27
kane77apokryphos, how long does the upgrade take??11:27
chrisbudden14lol Linuturk11:27
Auckland_Pigwhat is LTS?11:27
CactusWiZaRdapokryphos: with what upload?11:27
khermansLa_PaRCa, I have a gigabit network -- but torrents not working11:27
Filladolong term support11:27
CactusWiZaRdi mean command11:27
kane77Auckland_Pig long time support11:27
Krpanoill log into my windows and start helping seed...brb11:27
orbinmind: refresh rates ususally depend on the monitor freq. values in your xorg config11:27
derfbugziany one got a link to the dvd?11:28
Auckland_Pigoh ok11:28
cefkhermans: what client?11:28
derfbugzitorrent file11:28
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La_PaRCakhermans, you probably have the wrong file11:28
khermansLa_PaRCa, I'm sitting on gigabit upload11:28
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apokryphoskane77: well, bandwidth might not be at its fastest now, but normally it just depends on your connection11:28
Tomekis there a dvd-iso-torrent yet?11:28
apokryphosnot too long11:28
mindwho can i msg for help regarding nvidia driver install ? thanks11:28
calythI've got the torrent from the us server, but somehow there aren't any seeds there....11:28
La_PaRCakhermans, check the md511:28
khermanscef, blaunchmanycurses11:28
ubuntubesLynoure : I just want to free disk space11:28
apokryphosTomek:there should be, yes.11:28
tgbcef: I'm using btdownloadcurses and get that11:28
kane77apokryphos, but how much data is it?11:28
dooglusif you use azureus to connect to the torrent, you can start downloading using dht11:28
khermansLa_PaRCa, I downloaded the torrents here http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/11:28
apokryphoskane77: depends on how many things you have installed11:28
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La_PaRCakhermans, check the md6 there with the one from the iso you downloaded11:28
Lynoureubuntubes: then careful use of rm -r <directory> will do that for you11:28
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apokryphoskane77: from a default ubuntu probably around 400/500 megs it needs to grab11:28
squid01031 users is a LOT for a channel!!11:29
chrisbudden14sure is11:29
pseudodeadkittynice isn't it?11:29
CactusWiZaRdhow can i upgrade through apt-get?11:29
chrisbudden14coz' Ubuntu iz kool!!11:29
kane77apokryphos, oh ok... so I will start later as i have some work to do first...11:29
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: June 01 2006, 09:29:2611:29
=== Fracture is getting edgy for dapper
Linuturk:) desktop i386 started on the torrent for me :)11:29
mikeywill it take a while for all the repositories to update?11:29
khermansLa_PaRCa, do you have the correct torrent files?11:29
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mikeyor has it already been pre-done11:29
ubuntubesLynoure : ooo ok thanks btw how to check for my disk space left?11:29
Lynoureubuntubes: But be sure you don't target it to a wrong directory as recovering from accidental delete can be hard (no trash bin for the command line)11:29
mikeyready for the release11:29
=== Omahn [n=elliotp@omahn.vm.bytemark.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
dooglusFillado: do you see peers on the torrent with data now11:30
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html11:30
Lynoureubuntubes: I tend to do    df -h11:30
cefhrm, same here regards the tracker. hrm11:30
kbrookshey all.11:30
CactusWiZaRdCurrent time in GMT+2: June 1, 12:30 PM11:30
Godfather-OffFracture, the repositories of edgy are down11:30
chrisbudden14CactusWiZaRd, change breezy to dapper in /etc/apt/sources.list (use find and replace) and then to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:30
Filladogooglus: yeah11:30
=== vnoss [n=FC5-VNOS@169.199-78-194.adsl-fix.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
La_PaRCakhermans, its downloading for me11:30
Linuturki got peers with data11:30
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Astinus-goody, ubuntu today - knoppix 5 tomorrow11:30
khermansLa_PaRCa, i must not have the right torrents -- can you send to me?11:30
khermansLa_PaRCa, or link me to them?11:30
Filladoi just download a bit of the file with Opera and shoved into into azureus to help get some initial minor sharing going :D11:30
BalachmarHow can I help spreading the iso's?11:30
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BalachmarWhere can I get the torrent so I can help seeding it?11:31
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Linuturkseed them on a torrent11:31
z4k4ri4The release is the same as yesterday daily build11:31
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FlannelSeveas: you might wnt to link about how to upgrade with apt- in the topic.  save a lot of questions over the next few hours.11:31
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leleobhzisos is via torrent?11:31
JoseStefananyone want an ed2k link, pm me11:31
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leleobhzplz send the links, someone ;] 11:31
ubotumethinks upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.11:31
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TomekI can't find the torrentdownload for the dvd iso11:31
nomis_let's digg it to the frontpage -> http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Dapper_Drake_Officially_Released11:31
La_PaRCakhermans, http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/11:31
ubuntubesLynoure : ok thanks alot man11:31
changlinnis this the right torrent http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso.torrent11:31
khermansLa_PaRCa, I'm using those11:31
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
Oddiehow long does it say 'Uncompressing Linux... OK, booting the kernel'?? does anyone have time frames? is it long?11:31
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)11:31
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html Upgrading? /msg ubotu upgrade
khermansLa_PaRCa, oh not us.11:31
changlinnI'll be seeding it at full speed as soon as I get home11:31
Filladoyou want the desktop probably11:31
Seveasompaul, !11:31
Lynoureubuntubes: your welcome (though I'm a woman) :)11:31
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html11:31
Josh43changlinn: desktop, not alternate11:32
ompaulSeveas, can you ake out the the escapes11:32
z4k4ri4there is DVD iso for dapper?11:32
=== amac-laptop [n=adriano@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bvanaerdeok this is not nice... I thought I'd download the iso here at work, but forgot the power cable of my laptop11:32
mindlcan someone please help me with the nvidia driver installation ? i'm getting desperate11:32
DarkTowereven with libdvdcss i never got dvd player working in breezy11:32
MithrandirOddie: a few seconds max.11:32
=== neoxan [n=neoxan@i577BDAD7.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulI was asked to they are playing havoc with some terminals11:32
=== nightw0lf [n=nightw0l@unaffiliated/nightw0lf] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasompaul, why? Ubuntu is unicode by default 11:32
La_PaRCaBalachmar, download the .torrent of whatever iso you have from here http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/ and when your client asks where to save, point it to the iso you have11:32
apokryphosz4k4ri4: mirrors haven't synced yet, looks like it.11:32
PPowermind: dont try it. i broke ubuntu.11:32
neoxanthx Seveas and sorry!11:32
=== Celestar cries
amac-laptopYou guys are fast: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Dapper_Drake_Officially_Released11:32
LordElphserver iso seems to have no seeds, can I do a server install from the desktop iso just as easily?11:32
ompaulSeveas, some people are not as lucky as us :)11:32
CelestarI can't download :P11:32
Seveaseven my irssi-in-screen-on-gentoo works fine 11:32
ompaulshhh dont say g11:32
chrisbudden14torent still not working for me11:32
jcz`can anyone tell me why #ubuntu-1 is now invite-only ??11:33
panoslHmmmm, it seems that the torrent: ubuntu-dapper-desktop-i386.iso.torrent is not downloading. I grabbed dapper-desktop-i386.iso.torrent from the tracker page, and now its downloading fine.11:33
=== baijum [n=baijum@hornet.berlios.de] has joined #ubuntu
pseudodeadkittyKnow what's funny about all the hype related to it? My wife became curious as to what all the hype was about, and why I was so excited. I think we have another linux user in the house (finally)11:33
kbrooksSeveas: ping11:33
doogluschrisbudden14: use azureus, it'll work then11:33
LinuturkLordElph, give the seeds a little bit11:33
=== Martolod [n=jeremy@ARennes-257-1-163-9.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelSeveas: yeah, irssi - screen - putty works, but have to have all three set to unicode.11:33
kbrooksSeveas: pm me11:33
mindppower : priv pls. thanks11:33
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! ## Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties ## https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html ## Upgrading? /msg ubotu upgrade
LinuturkAlternate just started up for me :)11:33
lsuactiafneram in console and the topic looks bad to me..11:33
chrisbudden14meh, i dont like azureus dooglus11:33
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Seveaskbrooks, no.11:33
rubsoi'm downloading my ubuntu !!!!!!! yeah yeah yeah11:33
SeveasI'm off for a sec, shower11:33
OddieMithrandir: Its just locked... dame looks like I need to look at other options then..... 3rd time lucky maybe leaving it 5min now...11:33
doogluschrisbudden14: anything compatible with az's dht will work - bitcomet for instance or utorrent11:33
jcz`#ubuntu+1 unable to join channel (invite only)11:33
rubsotyt Seveas11:33
ompaul;-) thanks11:33
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #ubuntu
MithrandirOddie: try booting with noapic and acpi=off, maybe?11:33
Flanneljcz`: this IS #ubuntu+1 now.11:33
jcz`ohh okie11:34
lsuactiafnermy irc client /home/gw/usr/bin/BitchX: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.0.011:34
=== hartym [n=hartym@AAnnecy-103-1-11-135.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ompauljcz`, there is no +1 until eft hits the repos11:34
Linuturkno, this is #ubuntu11:34
dooglusFlannel: wouldn't #ubuntu+1 be eft?11:34
lsuactiafnerusing it on my amd64 hehe11:34
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ompauldooglus, in a couple of weeks11:34
Linuturk#ubuntu+1 is for the specials11:34
=== chrisbudden14_ [n=chrisbud@host-87-74-27-182.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelsigh, pedantics, the lot of you.11:34
khermansOK GIGABIT torrenting is on!!!11:34
neoxan# Ubuntu 6.06 LTS released 2005-06-0111:34
LoPMXso... ubuntu 6 is officially released?11:34
=== khermans claps
z4k4ri4Yes, but it thesame as yesterdays daily11:34
dhonnthe funny thing is that when people start installing dapper they will have to logoff the channel11:34
mikeynow everyone... go get a drink!11:34
=== mikey raises his glass
PPowerexpect the nicks to go down fast.11:35
Linuturkgot a seed on the i386 alternate11:35
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=== beerboybeerboy [i=sg47@c-24-6-48-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rixxonhow do you upgrade rc to final? 'DapperUpgrades' doesn't mention this11:35
baijumPlease give me torrent link for i38611:35
jcz`can someone tell me how i log onto 'failsafe terminal' ??11:35
JoseStefanhave ed2k links for the desktop releases11:35
=== khermans buys a Guiness for everyone
apokryphosrixxon: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:35
chrisbudden14_im just getting rejected by tracker on bittornado11:35
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rixxonapokryphos: ah ok thanks11:35
tgbkhermans: which tracker URL did you use that worked?11:35
=== freddo [n=freddo@AAmiens-151-1-103-203.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
lmanuljcz`: Use options on the greet screen11:35
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doogluschrisbudden14_: bittornado doesn't do DHT do it?11:35
Godfather-Offwich kernel has dapper drake?11:35
agwibowoDapper is released?11:35
alanhsMithrandir, when you said "noapi apci=off...."  How do I specify that during a boot ? F6 ?11:35
mikeyhip hip HOORAY!11:35
rixxonapokryphos: will i have to reboot / things like that?11:35
pseudodeadkittykhermans: 1025 Guiness....now that's a tab. :)11:35
chrisbudden14_whats DHT dooglus11:35
Sonderbladewhy does ubuntu use utf-8 default instead of iso-8859?11:35
khermanstgb, well im having same problem still on some torrent files -- but some from us.releases... are working okay11:35
asdx_whats so cool about dapper?11:35
dooglusGodfather-Off: 2.6.15-23-68611:36
FilladoDHT means you can do torrents without a tracker11:36
tgbkhermans: ok, I'll try that one, thanks.11:36
apokryphosrixxon: it's probably a good idea, yes.11:36
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khermanspseudodeadkitty, i bought 5 Irish Car Bombs last night...heh11:36
Mithrandiralanhs: yes.11:36
lmanulalanhs: If you're using grub, type "e" to edit one of the menu entries11:36
Kr0ntabasdx_, it starts with a d!11:36
apokryphosubotu: no rc is <reply> To Upgrade from RC to final, just: sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:36
ubotuokay, apokryphos11:36
chrisbudden14_thanks Fillado11:36
=== leleobhz have XGL on dapper
Godfather-Offdooglus, in the web says
Mithrandiralanhs: just append it to the end of the line.11:36
agwibowojust about time!11:36
rixxonapokryphos: will i loose any data on the disk?! :P11:36
agwibowoi'm sick of this opensuse11:36
bliss_Dapper Drake has been released http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18572111:36
apokryphosrixxon: nope11:36
alanhsMithrandir, thanks :-)11:36
=== charle97 [n=charle97@udp007586uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
rixxonapokryphos: cool thank you11:36
Seveasbliss_, we need no forum crap to know it has been released...11:36
CactusWiZaRdapokryphos: for me this doesn't update anything :E11:36
=== nikusan [n=dan@d211-31-74-119.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
leleobhzasdx_: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html11:36
ChousukeI wonder how many people will come here telling it's released. :D11:37
OddieMithrandir: thx i will try that....11:37
apokryphosCactusWiZaRd: were you on dapper RC?11:37
dhonnhttp://distrowatch.com/ kubuntu shows up11:37
bbrazilChousuke: based on #debian with the sarge release, a lot11:37
jcz`options on the greet screen? all i see is 'applications'  'places' and 'system' at the top of my desktop, im using dapper11:37
CelestarSeveas: will there be any Sparc release anytime soon?11:37
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3726253.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksSeveas: mdz announce it11:37
Chousukebbrazil: hahah :D11:37
philipacamaniacChousuke: It's released!11:37
dooglusGodfather-Off: that's what uname -r tells me.11:37
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ChousukeI saw that.11:37
agwibowowhats the server version?11:37
CactusWiZaRdapokryphos, Breezy Badger11:37
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SoirYou'd think we'd be the first to know 8)11:37
SeveasCelestar, might take a few days11:37
Godfather-Offdooglus, me too, but in the official release says
apokryphosCactusWiZaRd: then check the /topic11:37
Soir<random> hey, ubuntu 6.06 is out!11:37
bbrazilagwibowo: has a more servery packages on the cd, more minimal install11:37
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Soir<me> yeah, the guy who told everyone else is idle over there11:37
l_rhmm isn't there a dvd version?11:37
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Godfather-Offdooglus, see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html11:38
mdzCheers, everyone11:38
thoreauputicheh - pretty crowded in here today ;-) Wonder why ...11:38
mdzcrowded in here11:38
=== tristan [n=tristan@bronzite.ens-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosSoir: about the kubuntu release? Well, those in #kubuntu knew first yeah :)11:38
agwibowobbrazil: more minimal install???11:38
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thoreauputicmdz: :)11:38
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bliss_RELESE ISSUED BY  Matt Zimmerman11:38
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bbrazilagwibowo: installs as little as possible, doesn't install X etc.11:38
apokryphosmdz: indeed :). Largest channel by quite a bit.11:38
=== leleobhz torrenting desktop i386 and ppc
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agwibowobbrazil: ah.. ok .. thx11:38
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agwibowono dvd version?11:38
LaterixSo is there this normal install CD available or is it just Desktop install nowadays?11:38
sduffyWhen is Dapper Drake going to be released?11:38
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
bbrazilagwibowo: waiting on it myself, should be11:38
thoreauputichi ompaul :)11:38
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lsuactiafnerdamnit i just finished my breezy download on a dialup..11:38
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apokryphosagwibowo: not yet; looks like the mirrors still need to sync.11:38
Lukkettoaduffy: it's out!11:38
thoreauputicSeveas: meanie ;-)11:38
BalachmarI get Requested download is not authorized with this tracker...11:38
Linuturklol lsuactiafner11:38
Soirsduffy: a few minutes ago.11:38
khermansSeems like only the ALTERNATE torrents are working for me11:39
orbinlsuactiafner: ouch11:39
BalachmarHow do I fix that?11:39
Ngis the dapper server kernel just recommended for big iron machines or regular PC hardware running as a server too?11:39
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bbrazilNg: 8+ cpu11:39
ChousukeI'd torrent Dapper, but I have a 7GB upload limit :/11:39
Filladodammit i'm just going to get the file with Opera and then move it onto the torrent when it's working11:39
sduffySoir: hmm i must check our mirror or force an update of it11:39
lsuactiafnerheh not really... but takes 2 weeks to get it11:39
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by ChanServ
bliss_Seveas: sorry i though it was official as  Matt Zimmerman works for ubuntu11:39
kbrooksChousuke: umm.11:39
Ngbbrazil: fair enough, thanks :)11:39
sduffySoir: where is the release?11:39
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Linuturki386-desktop is going fast for me, and I'm not connected to any seeds11:39
apokryphossduffy: /topic11:39
ompaulhi thoreauputic11:39
BalachmarI get Requested download is not authorized with this tracker... How do I fix that?11:39
GazzaK Ubuntu can now be installed to USB devices, such as removable11:39
GazzaK hard drives and flash memory, using the text-mode installer11:39
leleobhza superseed for ubuntu now11:39
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kbrooksChousuke: bittorent does not use up that11:39
Flannelwoooohooo.  Now, all we need is seeders for desktop and server...11:39
bbrazilNg: results may vary etc.11:39
cefyup the alternate torrents are the only ones working - http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/11:39
mdzbliss_: the sparc CDs will be released somewhat later; see the announcement11:40
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thoreauputicompaul: heheh - bit of excitement in the air :)11:40
khermansBalachmar, a lot of us are getting that error11:40
Seveasbliss_, and why do you think he'd tell the forums without telling us? 11:40
mdzthe torrents are being worked on11:40
Chousukekbrooks: well, it will if I forget it on for that long :P11:40
kbrooksChousuke: it uses up WHAT you set foor uploading11:40
mdzthey're coming up one at a time11:40
leleobhza moment11:40
ompaulthoreauputic, so it appears11:40
mdzthe alternates happen to be first alphabetically11:40
kbrooksChousuke: no, it won't.11:40
leleobhztorrent rejected me! :[11:40
rixthSo supposedly it has been released, but on ISOs are available?11:40
Godfather-OffSeveas, how is possible that official release has kenerl and other releases has ?11:40
Chousukebesides I'm not sure how much bw I have left before the limit.11:40
charle97my alternate torrent download is kicking ass11:40
mindCand anyone help me configure X to allow refresh rates higher than 60 hz ?11:40
ompaulmdz, question, dvds are they anywhere yet?11:40
Polibioin this page: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html  they say that the definitive Kernel is, but I already have kernel, how can it be?11:40
Soirand people wonder why I like apt ;)11:40
kbrooksChousuke: fine.11:40
SeveasGodfather-Off, 2.5.15-23 ==
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Seveasa - is not a .11:40
Linuturkmdz, why is the desktop working for me then?11:40
jcz`ompaul, 'options on the greet screen'?   all i see is 'applications'  'places' and 'system' at the top of my desktop, im using dapper11:40
mdzompaul: more or less11:40
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Big_Tdapper released alerady? ^^11:41
ompaulmdz, se. good to go?11:41
Chousukekbrooks: I suppose You have enough seeds as it is though.11:41
mdzLinuturk: amd64 desktop just started working for me11:41
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protocol1how can I tell whether im running beta or official?11:41
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ompaulmdz, sorry I am pushing this one I have to get 100 burnt for tonight11:41
Moofcongratulations, guys11:41
KenSentMe!tell Big_T about dapper11:41
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cefdesktop i386 should now be available as torrent11:41
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chrisbudden14torrent working11:41
Big_Tthanx :)11:41
ubuntubeshttp://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ <--- dapper11:41
Tomekwhy there 3 different i386-dvd trackers?11:41
kestas!tell kestas about dapper11:41
Linuturkmdz had i386-desktop and i386 alternative going for a few minutes11:41
Chousukekbrooks: I just happen to have ~1MB/s upload... the limits just suck :(11:41
DarkTowergtg, enjoy dapper all. thx to the developers11:41
PolibioGodfather-Off, :) no te le11:41
luiscongratulations for ubuntu devs!!!11:41
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thoreauputicprotocol1: if you have been dist-upgrading dapper you already have it :)11:41
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Prof_FrinkYep, i386-desktop is go11:41
mdzLinuturk: i386 desktop working now, too11:42
kestasguys if dapper is out how come I can't download the ISO?11:42
snowblinkWill Dapper be okay with a dual-core machine?11:42
Linuturki386 server still dead11:42
Godfather-OffPolibio, :P11:42
kestasthe download page just says 5.1011:42
mdzLinuturk: as I say, they're coming up one at a time, in alphabetical order11:42
lightstari386 torrent a ok11:42
mdzLinuturk: the server is VERY BUSY11:42
elkbuntukestas, because everyone else is trying to do the same11:42
PPowerAnyone, is there a way I can make a command run in the same script that starts the networking on bootup before it gets a dhcp lease11:42
bliss_Seveas: no idea why not ask him?11:42
ajmitch_snowblink: yes, perfectly fine with dualcore11:42
kbrookskestas: typo?11:42
CelestarSeveas: pity :(11:42
Flannelsnowblink: yep11:42
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xiceguys: digg this: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_6.06_LTS_Released_(Torrent_Link)11:42
Linuturk:) just trying to help11:42
Tonushttp://www.ubuntu.com/news/606released points to a download link that still has 5.10 only. someone wanna fix that?11:42
xiceice> guys: digg this: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_6.06_LTS_Released_(Torrent_Link)11:42
kestaselkbuntu: is there a torrent?11:42
dbgltcan anyone point me to a HOWTO on how to setup XGL under dapper with an ati graphics card?11:42
jcz`ompaul ?11:42
ubuntubesis dapper support my server proliant ML 350 G2 ??11:42
protocol1thoreauputic, but is there a way to check between beta or the official?11:42
snowblinkFlannel, ajmitch_, cheers. Will install soon. :)11:42
thoreauputicguys, use the torrent to spare the servers :)11:42
Seveasbliss_, that was not a question...11:42
ompauljcz`, sorry?11:42
apokryphosdbglt: /msg ubotu xgl11:42
CactusWiZaRddoes every change that o11:42
elkbuntukestas, if you're getting it from a mirror, it may not have synched yet11:42
jcz`ompaul, 'options on the greet screen'?   all i see is 'applications'  'places' and 'system' at the top of my desktop, im using dapper11:42
CactusWiZaRdi've* made, disappear?11:43
khermansthoreauputic, we are trying but they are faulty11:43
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thoreauputicprotocol1: I think I already answered you - if you are up to date, you have official11:43
protocol1ok thanks11:43
thoreauputickhermans: ah, OK11:43
elkbuntuSeveas, care to put the releases wiki page (ie the ones with the torrents) in the topic?11:43
BalachmarI'm super seeding the desktop torrent atm11:43
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sduffyhmm, dapper has been on our mirror for a week now11:43
BalachmarIt still complains about the tracker, but it does work...11:43
apokryphossduffy: not official11:43
elkbuntusduffy, that would have been RC11:43
ompauljcz`, sorry I don't have a context for the question what are these options you are referring to11:43
OddieMithrandir: thx it loaded.... now to install it ;)11:44
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locksyIs there a problem with the the torrents?11:44
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kbrooksif i want to help distribute the torrent, what can i do?11:44
Flannelthoreauputic: we're waiting on seeds for desktop and server.  but, I'm torrenting all three! (just discovered btmany, very nice!)11:44
thoreauputiclocksy: apparently11:44
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apokryphoskbrooks: leave it seeding in your torrent client11:44
thoreauputicFlannel: :)11:44
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kbrooksapokryphos: well, i dont need the iso ;)11:44
bbrazilkbrooks: start downloading, and leave it connected after you're finished11:44
rixthkbrooks, download it and leave your client open11:44
Big_Twhat is the difference by alternate and desktop releases? :S11:44
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kbrooksBig_T: alternate = text mode11:44
l_ri wonder whether it takes more to install from cd and download/install the rest or wait for the dvd iso...any idea?11:44
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thoreauputicBig_T: alternte is th e"install only" CD11:45
Flannelthoreauputic: heh.  this channel is so laggy.  bursts of like 20 lines.11:45
kbrooksBig_T: desktop = gui11:45
Big_Tthanx kbrooks11:45
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jcz`ompaul, im trying to log onto failsafe terminal11:45
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thoreauputicFlannel: oh - I'm not seeing that here11:45
Nookieis ubuntu+1 channel down?11:45
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bbraziljcz`: try crtl-alt-f111:45
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NgNookie: since there is no ubuntu+1 yet, yes11:45
pseudodeadkittyNookie: This IS #ubuntu+1 now.11:45
thoreauputicNookie: until Edgy satarts11:45
speedsixHi does anyone have any experience with transcode?11:45
asdx_heck. more people here than in #debian lmao11:46
LynoureFlannel: The channel is not laggy, your connection is...11:46
Big_TDownstream: 263.26kb/s  Upstream: 4.98kb/s11:46
KenSentMecan i download torrents using the command line?11:46
agwibowohas anyone tried compiz + xgl in ubuntu? the one in suse is a bit dodgy11:46
LivingTargetubuntu ftw11:46
rubsoguys, could you please give me a torrnet link?11:46
Linuturkheh, so when is Edgy out? (just kidding) :-P11:46
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apokryphosagwibowo: 10.1? Doubt it. Though: /msg ubotu xgl11:46
bbrazilKenSentMe: yes, forget the name of the program - apt-cache search bittorrent11:46
thoreauputicLinuturk: when it's ready ;P11:46
=== Big_T is downloading via http, and then seeding.
Linuturkrubso it's in the topic11:46
ompauljcz`, did that sort you out?11:46
rubsook ;)11:46
mindCand anyone help me configure X to allow refresh rates higher than 60 hz ?11:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! ## Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties ## https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html ## Upgrading? /msg ubotu upgrade ## Seed the torrents http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/
locksyThe tracker http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ seems to have different names for the torrents than is on http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/11:47
Linuturkfor heavens sake11:47
khermanshttp://www.ubuntu.com/download still points to Breezy11:47
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bliss_Seveas: without being rude why was ompail kicked out?11:47
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kbrooksdo i have to keep the iso AFTER i d/l it?11:47
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thoreauputickhermans: correct11:47
evadkhermans: just click a mirror and change 5.10 in the url to 6.0611:47
Seveasbliss_, for being irish ;)11:47
Lukkettoabout kubuntu-dapper?11:47
thoreauputickhermans: I noticed that too11:47
luis_where is the download link??11:47
khermansthoreauputic, intentional?11:47
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kbrooksbliss_: you think that's rude to ask?11:47
kestashttp://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/ubuntu-releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-rc-desktop-i386.iso is this the right one? it has RC in it :P11:47
thoreauputickhermans: don't know11:47
speedsixanyone use transcode?11:47
COSM0Shello, anyone can help me with vmware?11:48
cefno. not the -rc- release11:48
evadkestas: then......no11:48
BadriNarayankestas: no11:48
jcz`ompaul, well now i see a command line screen, wat do i do next to logon to failsafe terminal ? my problem is dapper is taking almost 5 minutes to logon after typing in my username and pw11:48
khermansspeedsix, try gtranscode if you are unfamiliar11:48
khermansCOSM0S, yea11:48
kestasevad: all of the mirrors seem to have rc only11:48
agwibowowhats gtranscode for?11:48
COSM0Sty kermans11:48
bliss_Seveas: yes i kinow he is Irish but lets no joke about it11:48
BadriNarayanjcz; type xinit11:48
orbinkbrooks: er, if you're seeding it, i think you need the complete file   ... not 100% sure though11:48
khermansagwibowo, a frontend11:48
evadkestas: I found one with 6.0611:48
doogluskbrooks: you should keep the iso if you want to help seed it, yes11:48
COSM0Si'm using vmware's image with a NAT connection11:48
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COSM0Ssimple i wanna know11:48
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=== Belutz is downloading dapper
evadcough http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/11:48
agwibowoonly 6 seeds at the moment... :(11:48
speedsixkhermans I'm getting errors with the command line transcode so I think a frontend would fail still :(11:48
derfbugziany one got DVD torrent links?11:48
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ompauljcz`, what spec is the hardware you have?11:49
COSM0Shave i to use a firewall on the image?11:49
VerithraxHm, it's possible to update to dapper automatically already, right?11:49
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thoreauputicI think yesterday's daily is the same ISO - anyone confirm that?11:49
KenSentMebbrazil i've just installed the package bittorrent, but can't seem to run it. Or do i need an other package too?11:49
Healotyou guys prefer bt?11:49
LukkettoVerithax: ues11:49
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bbrazilKenSentMe: I think rtorrent is what you're looking for11:49
Healotbt network is like worm speed nowadays11:49
Grunthey is it finally out now?11:49
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LukkettoVerythax: yes11:49
kbrooksthoreauputic: it isnt11:49
VerithraxRunning upgrade-manager normally doesn't tell me about dapper.11:49
agwibowoGrunt: yes11:49
amac-laptopYep. Show your love: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Dapper_Drake_Officially_Released11:49
rubsoLinuturk: dapper-desktop-i386.iso am i right?11:49
jcz`ompaul, sempron 3000 cpu with 1 gig ram11:49
thoreauputicHealot: bittorrent is better for these ISO s and should be fast11:49
GruntExcellent, thanks11:49
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bbrazilKenSentMe: haven't used bt myself11:49
thoreauputickbrooks: OK - thanks11:50
evadthere is no "bt network" so if your torrents are slow it's just those torrents that are slow :P11:50
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VerithraxRunning upgrade-manager -d does, but it dies when I try to upgrade.11:50
evadwell unless you mean British Telecom network :P11:50
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seliniumVerithrax: Have you changed your sources.list to point to dapper?11:50
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LukkettoVerythax: system->administration-> update11:50
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trygvebwhas it been officially released yet?11:50
Ngevad: or that your ISP isn't friendly to BT11:50
ompauljcz`, that is *not right* there is something very wrong with that11:50
HairyDudehow do you get aptitude to forget all holds?11:50
trygvebwor only kubuntu?11:50
cefhrm. 4535kB/s total.. hrmmmm not high enough11:50
Polibioin this page: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html  they say that the definitive Kernel is, but I already have kernel 2.6.15-23, how can it be?11:50
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packman_ehello all11:50
Lukkettoverythax: without -d11:50
jcz`ompaul, when i type xinit + pw it just gives me 'login incorrect'11:50
evadNg: possibly....11:50
Grunt3 hrs to download :-(11:50
Healotthe upgrade from breezy to dapper is like 200MB or something. huge11:50
=== TheMadman [i=redrum@220-253-4-32.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
mnkhello all - how do i do a distribution upgrade from dapper beta  to  final release?11:50
bliss_ompaul: good to have you back11:51
VerithraxDoesn't work. I have to change the source list? I thought it did that by itself.11:51
LukkettoHealot: it takes 1 hour for me11:51
agwibowoGrunt: 1 day and 13 hours11:51
Patrick1mnk: apt-get dist-upgrade11:51
ompauljcz`, no to do that you log in with your usual username and password11:51
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backzwhat's ubuntu 'alternate'?11:51
bbrazilPolibio: one is the ubuntu version, the other the linux versioning11:51
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Seveasbackz, text-mode install11:51
Auckland_Pigcan anyone tell me how fast torrents are?11:51
Auckland_Pigplease :)11:51
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OmniDTOO fast11:51
PeanutHorstAuckland_Pig: um11:51
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Gruntits killing me and I have a 2mb connection speed...are there any mirrors ready yet?11:52
dooglusAuckland_Pig: not fast at the moment - about 120Kb/s down11:52
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mnkdon't i have to 'update' the package files thingy?11:52
Lukkettoverythax: did you change your souce-list?11:52
=== Linuturk just opened up his torrent upload all the way
OmniD120 down is pretty fast11:52
SeveasGrunt, nl.releases.ubuntu.com11:52
PeanutHorstAuckland_Pig: depends on the strength of connection, speed of seed host, other leeches, etc.11:52
jcz`ompaul, how do i login to failsafe terminal ?11:52
=== kestas does the new distro dance
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mnkcos my system is saying nothing to upgrade11:52
Big_TAuckland_Pig at the beginning slow but after a few hours it will be ultra fast :)11:52
backzdapper servers comes with Xorg?11:52
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dooglusOmniD: it'll get faster - there are 9 seeds and 127 peers at the moment...11:52
Polibiobbrazil, thanks, do you know what is the definitive Ubuntu version in Dapper?   I say that because 2.6.15-23 give me some problems with the wifi card11:52
dmb062082woohoo just installd ubuntu6411:52
kestasbackz: nope11:52
thoreauputicAuckland_Pig: it will speed up as more seeds come in11:52
Healotbackz: yes xorg as the previous release11:52
phatmonkeydoes anyone have any logs of #ubuntu+1 from yesterday? i need an error message i got for a bug report11:52
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dmb062082amazing guys, pain in the ass setting xserver-xorg with my monitor and vid card though heh11:53
dmb062082but im all set11:53
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ThE-LiGhT /msg ubotu upgrade11:53
bbrazilPolibio: there's no real difference between the 2.6.15.x kernels, mostly security fixes11:53
ThE-LiGhT /msg ubotu upgrade11:53
COSM0Ssomeone can help me with vmware please?11:53
backzdapper server uses another package repo? because it will be supported for five years.11:53
apokryphosThE-LiGhT: no space before /11:53
khermansCOSM0S, i offered to help11:53
ompauljcz`, okay, bottom left of the gui screen - options - failsafe terminal   -- then log in11:53
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Big_Tnow i will lose windows forever :D11:53
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Kr0ntabadios #ubuntu+1  hehe...11:53
VerithraxI didn't change my sourse list before... I did now...11:53
COSM0Si'm using vmware's image with a NAT connection11:53
VerithraxLet me try again.11:53
dmb062082now for apt-get install kde, its just not working, so my question is, is there a command to get the entire kde package, and whats the 1st thing i should be doing as a new user update wise?11:53
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jcz`ompaul, each time i quit dapper i only get 'system halting' or sumthing like that, it never actually shuts off, i have to push my external power off button to do that11:53
LynoureBig_T: congrats for that :)11:53
dmb062082thanks in advance11:53
COSM0Shave i to use a firewall on the image?11:53
GruntThanks Seveas11:54
khermansKr0ntab, oh its still here -- no its edgy11:54
apokryphosdmb062082: install kubuntu-desktop11:54
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ThE-LiGhTapokryphos, yeah, i fixed it :)11:54
kestasIll be the first to grep all the text files for my admin pass :P11:54
TheMadmanwhy are there 3 seperate .iso images on torrent.ubuntu.com for the dapper-desktop-amd64 iso?11:54
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khermansCOSM0S, if you want11:54
Polibiobbrazil, but mi wifi card works perfectly in 2.6.15-19 and not in 2.6.15-2311:54
Kr0ntabphatmonkey, I thinks I have the logs11:54
siccness3 years is mad11:54
jcz`ompaul, how do i get out of this failsafe terminal now ?11:54
kestasTheMadman: 2 of them wipe your system11:54
COSM0Sbut is it necessary?11:54
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ompauljcz`, is it a black screen?11:54
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bbrazilPolibio: odd, wifi is out of my experiance though11:54
leleobhzbbrazil: ubuntu-br?11:54
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COSM0Sor is it enought to use on the host?11:54
jcz`black command line screen yes11:54
Polibiobbrazil, ok, thanks vm11:54
ompauljcz`, type exit11:54
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.11:54
VerithraxYeah, it finds the source.11:55
khermansCOSM0S, it depends how your setup the networking part11:55
leleobhzbbrazil: im there! :] 11:55
jcz`ompaul, i did that already11:55
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leleobhzim asking about you11:55
khermansif it is NAT, then your host firewall i think is fine11:55
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mindCand anyone help me configure X to allow refresh rates higher than 60 hz ? thanks11:55
bbrazilleleobhz: /whois11:55
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se11:55
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COSM0Sit is simple a nat11:55
khermansCOSM0S, however, what do you lose if you have a friewall in the image too11:55
jcz`ompaul, it just says 'localhost login'11:55
mnkhow do i update the sources.list? my system says there is nothing to upgrade11:55
VerithraxWell thar she blows.11:55
dmb062082install kubuntu-desktop, will this just add the  kde gui to my boot up display manager with the option to boot into kde? Or totally replace ubuntu11:55
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apokryphosmnk: /msg ubotu upgrade11:55
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dmb062082sorry I dont know much11:55
VerithraxThrough apt, but GUIs inherently suck anyway.11:55
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TheMadmanso uh is there any official releases other than bittorrents11:55
leleobhzbbrazil: :P11:56
ompauljcz`, so your out of it that is a standard terminal, the one you want to go to is Ctrl+Alt+F711:56
trygvebwdmb062082, add the option11:56
apokryphosdmb062082: it will add the option11:56
TheMadmaner are there11:56
COSM0Si think that the image can be more slow11:56
dmb062082woohoo awesome!!11:56
dmb062082I love you guys11:56
VerithraxAt least shub-internet is being nice today, 200kbps. :D11:56
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cefyay! over 5000kB/s served out of the torrent11:56
FlannelTheMadman: yes, but they've all slowed to a crawl.11:56
dmb062082bye bye windows, now I just need to give vmware and crossover office a wack, thanks apok and try11:56
Big_TDownstream: 252.96kb/s  Upstream: 4.43kb/s11:56
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dmb062082still cant live with out dreamweaver heh, but gimp is nice11:56
khermanscef, your torrent?11:56
backzhave ubuntu server automated LAMP?11:57
khermansdmb062082, try Nvu11:57
OddieIf you dont have alot of ram like myself.... How would I install it straght from the boot menu?11:57
bliss_final build http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ MD5 checksums confirmed it11:57
agwibowoi still think nothing can beat dreamweaver, khermans11:57
cefkhermans: that's the current total down speed of all the people fetching the i386 desktop torrent. *grin*11:57
kbrooksbackz: no.11:57
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kbrooksbackz: get LAMP11:57
thoreauputic!info nvu11:57
TheMadmanahs o http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/ all slow?11:57
cefwell. out of the 22 that are talking to my client11:57
ubotunvu: (Complete Web Authoring System), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 1.0-0ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 8349 kB, Installed size: 26468 kB11:57
ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP11:57
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khermanscef, from your torrent or official Ubuntu servers?11:57
phatmonkeyhow can i update from the RC? are the repositories updated yet?11:58
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thoreauputicdmb062082: you picked a bad day for asking w=questions ;)11:58
leleobhzproblems with torrent seeds?11:58
KenSentMebbrazil rtorrent is the right package, thanx11:58
khermans2^10 users in here11:58
Gruntinstalling LAMP on ubuntu 10 mins, setting it up on windows 1 hour!!11:58
kbrooks"Also in 6.06 (Dapper Drake) you have the option of choosing to install a LAMP setup at the inital Ubuntu installation screen."11:58
jcz`ompaul, ok someone told me to use alt-cntrl-f1 to get failsafe, then type xinit , yes ?11:58
doogluscef: I see "Swarm speed: 6.31MB/s (77.1 kB/s average)11:58
evi|oneThat "Desktop CD" stuff is a combination of live CD and installation CD?11:58
kbrooks!lamp is also in 6.06 (Dapper Drake) you have the option of choosing to install a LAMP setup at the inital Ubuntu installation screen.11:59
ubotuokay, kbrooks11:59
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KenSentMelol, my torrents are uploading more than they are downloading11:59
Lukkettowhat are the differences between "dapper-desktop-i386.iso"  AND  "ubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso" ???11:59
khermansGrunt, installing LAMP on Windows is, by definition, impossible :-)11:59
dmb062082later guys11:59
leleobhzmy torrent i386 is not downloading11:59
cefdooglus: woo!11:59
evadLukketto: read http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/11:59
Astinus-kbrooks: haven't seen that option ..11:59
kbrookskhermans: WAMP exists11:59
jcz`ompaul, how do i troubleshoot my 5 minute logon delay ?11:59
Linuturknvu isn't all that great11:59
Grunttrue what i should have said was WAMP ;-)11:59
agwibowoKenSentMe: mine too!!! 70 KB/s upload, 3KB/s download11:59
chrisbudden14__what the speed like on the torrents for you guys?11:59
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Linuturknvu isn't all that great11:59
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ompauljcz`, if you want a terminal that is where you go, if you want failsafe then you do what I suggested, bottom left of the gui - then log in11:59
khermanskbrooks, of cource -- my point11:59
dooglusLukketto: alternate is text-only; desktop is live+ graphical install11:59
phatmonkey how can i update from the RC? are the repositories updated yet? - anybody?11:59
ompauljcz`, then check what your loading at the start11:59
khermansLinuturk, alright use emacs then11:59
Linuturkheh, my irc client is lagging12:00
dooglusphatmonkey: just update as usual.  apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade12:00
cefphatmonkey: use rsync12:00
agwibowophatmonkey: you should just need to run apt-get12:00
kbrooksphatmonkey: just update12:00
phatmonkeyok, nothing there yet12:00
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! ## Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties ## https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html ## Upgrading? /msg ubotu upgrade ## Seed the torrents http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ (USE THE ubuntu-6.06 torrents DO NOT!! USE the dapper-* torrents)
leleobhzsomeone with problems with torrent?12:00
zcat[1] I've just started torrenting all the desktop iso's .. good speed into the NZ backbone so hopefully this will help everyone a little :)12:00
mnkwhich file tells me which release i'm using pls?12:00
jcz`ompaul, ok i dont see options on my bottom left gui12:00
dooglusphatmonkey: nothing changed since the pcmcia update a few hours ago12:00
cefphatmonkey: rsync will update the .iso, or if you've installed, just use apt-get12:00
mnkis there something like /etc/ubuntu-release ?12:00
kbrookswhy is live AND desktop good? what does it bring to the user?12:00
bbrazilLinuturk: you can use traffic control to gaurentee irc etc. bandwidth12:01
khermansLeast popular torrent:12:01
Terminus-mnk: type 'lsb_release -a' in a console. :)12:01
phatmonkeyhaha, now it gets fixed. my upgrade died from a pcmcia problem12:01
kbrookswhy is live AND desktop good? what does it bring to the user?12:01
=== Afief [n=afief@85-250-53-90.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ompauljcz`, how did you get dapper?12:01
doogluskbrooks: it means I can try ubuntu without affecting windows, and then install it if I like it, all from the same CD12:01
zcat[1] kbrooks: test your hardware before you install, prettyier installer, do other stuff while you wait..12:01
cefkbrooks: you can play with it, and install from it using a graphical interface12:02
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doogluskbrooks: previously I had to download 2 huge iso files - one to try, and one to install.12:02
thoreauputickbrooks: more like what it brings to the shipit distribution method ( lower costs)12:02
AfiefCan someone tell me where to get dapper from? the homepage still links to breezy12:02
jcz`i downloaded it off torrents if i recall correctly about 10 days ago12:02
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kbrooksdooglus: now you have to get 1 iso file?12:02
Oddiedooglus: is there a way of installing the ubuntu from boot without having to load the live? I dont have much ram?12:02
owlmanatthappy dapper day12:02
khermansLest popular: ubuntu-6.06-server-amd64.iso12:02
lightstarAfief, http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso.torrent12:02
ajmitch_zcat[1] : 100Mbps+ ?12:02
dooglusOddie: I don't know12:02
ompauljcz`, I read that, okay, and you installed then, when did it start going that slow?12:02
doogluskbrooks: right.12:02
thoreauputickbrooks: built-in installer on the desktop/live CD12:02
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Terminus-Oddie: alternate cd i think. :)12:02
doogluskbrooks: the 'desktop' one is both live cd and install cd12:02
kbrookskhermans: if course it is, amd64 sux after all12:02
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jcz`ompaul, the first time i rebooted after installing it12:03
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derfbugziDoes anyone know if there will be a dvd release?12:03
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zcat[1] ajmitch_: 100Mbps minus whatever the webserver sucks up..12:03
K|NgGh0sTI installed nvidia drivers, and now it seems that my DPI is messed up, anyone know how to fix this?12:03
bbrazilderfbugzi: yes, we're still wating on it12:03
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ajmitch_zcat[1] : a shame I'm not downloading then :)12:03
kestashow come the server and desktop cds are seperate? server is just desktop minus some packages right?12:03
ompauljcz`,  that is an indication that something is very wrong even my slowest machine is nothing like that12:03
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derfbugzibbrazil, cheers12:03
bbrazilkestas: kinda12:03
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Linuturkserver has a completely different kernel12:04
Linuturkit's optimized to run on a server12:04
ompauljcz`, okay do this: Ctrl+Alt+F112:04
khermanskestas, i think you can type "server" from a desktop CD12:04
ompauljcz`, log in and tell me when your in12:04
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siccnessdooglus, so the 'desktop' is both desktop/live cd?12:04
kestasLinuturk: you'd think they'd just put a different deb on a single cd12:04
siccnessand alternative is just desktop/install?12:04
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kestasLinuturk: a different deb for the optimised kernel12:04
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ukhno, least popular is server-sparc, since it isn't there yet...12:04
seliniumderfbugzi: There is one, look in the torrents http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/12:04
bbrazilsiccness: alternate is text install12:04
kestaskhermans: k12:04
malte`happy dapper day :D12:04
jcz`ompaul, ok im in12:04
siccnessOhhhh shi.....12:05
dooglussiccness: desktop is live+install; alternate is a text based install12:05
siccnessI'm glad I haven't downloaded anything12:05
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khermansLinuturk, can you still use "server" from a desktop CD?12:05
siccnessThanks guys12:05
K|NgGh0sTI installed nvidia drivers, and now it seems that my DPI is messed up, anyone know how to fix this?12:05
siccnessHeh :|12:05
kestasthis day is like a million christmases in one12:05
Linuturknot anymore12:05
mnkUbuntu 6.06 LTS12:05
bbrazilsiccness: as long as you have the right arch, one can be changed to the other12:05
twagerCan anyone tell me if it is ok to install a 32 bit linux  distro on a 64 bit system ?12:05
mnkwhat does LTS mean?12:05
siccnessbbrazil, oh ok.12:05
siccnessLong Term Support12:05
dooglusLong Term support12:05
kestaslong term service12:05
mnk[sorry about all the qs] 12:05
mnkaah cool12:06
bbraziltwager: on amd64 or sparc64, yes12:06
Filladowhat should you use to run a graphical app as root from a terminal?12:06
kestasservice I say!12:06
siccnessSupport I say!12:06
mnkso it is upgraded then? :)12:06
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ompauljcz`, type this: sudo apt-get update12:06
khermansFillado, gksudo12:06
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Celestarwhere can I find the difference between the "desktop" and "server" versions?12:06
Filladoas i'm told sudo isn't a good idea12:06
lmanulkestas: Support :)12:06
Filladoah thanks12:06
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.12:06
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khermanssudo su root12:06
isoTopwow this channel is bigger than #gentoo12:06
freddolts: Long Time for the Success:p12:06
twagerthanks..I need a new mobo and 32 bit are quite rare12:06
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ompaulFillado, wrong :-) it is the best thing since sliced bread please read that link ;-)12:06
flodinecant find the mirror site for alternate iso12:07
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dxdemetriouFrom http://releases.ubuntu.com/dapper/ is the final release? I haven't see the Dapper in the website and Update Manager.12:07
jcz`ompaul, im by dapper isnt online currently, does that matter ?12:07
zcat[1] I don12:07
dooglusompaul: he means wrt running gui apps.12:07
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ompauljcz`, yeap12:07
jcz`ompaul, my dapper isnt online currently, does that matter ?12:07
ompauljcz`, it needs to be12:07
dooglusompaul: there are some here who claim that using sudo to run gui apps can mess things upo12:07
zcat[1] I don't think I've had anything through dist-upgrade for most of the day so I'm probably running what's on the CD now anyhow :)12:07
Filladoompaul: ya what?12:07
ompauldooglus, I am one of them :-) so noted Fillado your talking gui12:08
Flanneldooglus: that's correct.  use gksudo.12:08
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ompaulFillado your talking gui gksudo12:08
evaddooglus: how? sudo runs it as the root user - it works just fine and there cannot be (due to the way unix works) any bad side affects12:08
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dooglusFlannel: do you have any example of how sudo can mess anything up?  like a repeatable case?12:08
jcz`ok, i have to switch cables, so i'll rejoin the channel using my linux box after i swap ethernet cables, be right back12:08
ompauljcz`, let me give you instructions first12:08
Flannelevad: it's bugs in the qt library12:08
AfiefIsn't there a liveCD/Install CD of ubuntu anymore?12:09
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dooglusevad: I'm with you on this, yet people (like ompaul just did) continue to claim that sudo is a bad idea12:09
thoreauputicsudo can mess up ~/.ICEauthority on KDE, and .Xauthority12:09
FilladoAfief: Yes, that's the desktop one :)12:09
khermansdooglus, if there is a bad bug -- it could possibly hose your system12:09
apokryphosAfief: no, the setup has changed. There's an install+live CD (the desktop CD), and there's an old fashioned text install CD: the alternate CD12:09
slackernargh, so annoying that when you connect through places to a server that is down that it locks up almost everything till it times out.12:09
doogluskhermans: that's true of sudo and gksudo both12:09
jcz`ompaul, ok12:09
khermansdooglus, of course12:09
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zcat[1] you can run gui stuff from the terminal as 'sudo foo', i don't think there's any major difference... if you already have a terminal open. For alt-F2 you'd use gksudo because it can ask for password through a window..12:09
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thoreauputicdooglus: I've only seen sudo cause problems with KDE apps, personally12:09
evadI enable root on Ubuntu anyway, sudo passwd root really isn't difficult.12:09
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ompauljcz`, sudo apt-get update <then > sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <then reboot> to enable the ethernet connection the cheap dirty way is > sudo dhclient12:09
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khermansthoreauputic, kdelibs try to make sure you dont have setuid or setguid12:10
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keironi see 6.06 has been released. when can i expect apt to get updated so i can do the update through there?12:10
Afiefapokryphos: so.... if i want to install, i have to boot into ubuntu live first?12:10
dooglusthoreauputic: does it still?  I think that was fixed some time ago12:10
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apokryphosAfief: correct12:10
ubotuUse gksudo to run qt applications with root privileges. Using sudo to start gtk apps can scramble your user account permissions.12:10
Linuturk5 hours until I'm only seeding server i38612:10
thoreauputicdooglus: you may be right - this was last year IIRC12:10
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ryanakcawhat packages should I install for a lamp server?12:10
Rambo31020 users12:10
thoreauputicdooglus: k3b was one offender I remember12:10
ompauldooglus, I wish you had acked the fact that I agreed with you the statement I saw was without reference to gui - and I did concur that gk was the way with gnome12:10
zcat[1] thanks Flannel I didn't know that :)12:10
dooglusthoreauputic: k3b used to cause problems12:10
Afiefapokryphos: is everything alright with that? i mean, i have some bad experience with some of those live-installers12:10
thoreauputicdooglus: right12:11
ubotuI heard libdvdcss is (DVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)) for i386. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for PPC and amd6412:11
bbrazilryanakca: apache2, mysql-server, libapache-php412:11
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apokryphosAfief: it's the paciest/smoothest install I've ever done, probably12:11
ubotuhmm... amarok is a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/ - To install Amarok 1.4 on Ubuntu, see http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.php12:11
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dooglusompaul: I'm still not convinced that there's any need to use gksudo as opposed to sudo though12:11
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html12:11
Flannel!tell ryanakca about lamp12:11
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ubotuFillado: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:11
CrippsFXdoes anybody know how to fix sound problems in ET? the output from ET says that "/dev/dsp" is busy, or in use ... although, I don't have any programs using sound open ...12:11
GruntHey I just wondered if there are any release parties happening in Birmingham, UK at all?12:11
Afiefapokryphos: have the changed the partitioning scheme? that was about the only thing that bugged me in breezy12:11
apokryphosdooglus: there is; plain sudo doesn't set up the environment approprtiately for GUI applications12:11
zcat[1] twice the traffic up as down. cool... must be helping someone :)12:11
keironwhen will the apt sources be updated to allow installation of dapper??!12:11
bbrazilGrunt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties12:12
thoreauputicGrunt: you have parties in Birmingham ? /me runs12:12
dooglusapokryphos: in what sense?12:12
thoreauputicGrunt: ;P12:12
BeginerCan I use dial-up for internet on Ubuntu 6.06 Live CD?12:12
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ajmitch_zcat[1] : yeah, I can upload at a whole 50K/sec.. not really worth it :)12:12
bbrazilGrunt: there's one in Dublin if you want to fly over :)12:12
thoreauputicBeginer: yes12:12
apokryphosdooglus: many (particularly GTK, often I've seen) will be fine with the transition, but others you might have serious problems with. I've seen many cases where dcop sockets get mucked up, config files get incorrect permissions etc12:12
GruntI just wondered the only party on the list was in London12:12
jcz`ompaul, doesnt dapper automatically detect my ethernet connections within 30 seconds after i physically  insert my ethernet connector into back of the mobo ?12:12
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html12:12
siccnessHammer time!12:12
dooglusapokryphos: do you know of any case where it still happens?12:12
=== Verithrax gives ubotu a cookie.
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dxdemetriouThe gksudo "update-manager -d" is not for beta?12:13
apokryphosdooglus: I'm pretty sure it can still happen, yes of course.12:13
zcat[1] !botsnack12:13
ubotuthanks zcat[1]  :)12:13
tubbieI have amarok 1.3.9 and I just added a new repo to get amarok 1.4. how do I update amarok?12:13
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dooglusapokryphos: I'm looking for a specific example.12:13
apokryphosdxdemetriou: eh?12:13
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ubotubvanaerde: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:13
CrippsFXtubbie, apt-get upgrade amarok12:13
Filladosudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:13
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apokryphosdooglus: well, fire up kate with sudo, play with things, change some settings, and then see, perhaps.12:13
apokryphosCrippsFX: no12:13
ubotuthanks verithrax :)12:13
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VerithraxThat's cute.12:13
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CrippsFXapokryphos, why not?12:14
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dxdemetriouapokryphos: I readed for this command is for beta packages. The Update Manager will not ask for upgrade to Dapper normally?12:14
apokryphosCrippsFX: to upgrade to latest amaroK you have to /msg ubotu amarok12:14
cefhrm, 6.8gb downloaded from the torrent12:14
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thoreauputicdxdemetriou: it should now12:14
dooglusapokryphos: are you saying it only happens with KDE apps?  I don't have any of those12:14
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apokryphosdxdemetriou: follow the same method for upgrading from rc. /msg ubotu rc12:14
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cef8.85 now.. moving fast!12:14
apokryphosdooglus: well I'm a KDE user, so I only have experience with KDE :)12:14
Favorithi there guys12:14
BeginerHow to set modem on a Live CD?12:14
grimboy!tell bvanaerde about ponie12:14
thoreauputicapokryphos: boo - hiss ;-)12:14
=== alexey__ [i=User@bzq-88-152-86-230.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Favoriti got a well known maybe problem which i'm pondering how to solve.12:15
alexey__hi all !12:15
CrippsFXapokryphos, once the repo is added to /etc/apt/sources.list doing an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade amarok should do it.12:15
=== CrippsFX is speaking from experience
apokryphosCrippsFX: the main repositories do not have the latest version of amarok12:15
Rambo3lucky i got my copies  of official dapper from chinese blackmarket , before it was  released12:15
apokryphosbut if you /msg ubotu amarok you can ge tit12:15
apokryphosget it12:15
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Favoriti compiled 2.6.16 on ubuntu 5.10, amd64, and device mapper complains about dm-linear Device lookup failed12:15
khermansRambo3, yeah me too12:15
tubbiethanks  :)12:15
CrippsFXapokryphos, I know that. He said that he's already added the repo for it.12:15
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thoreauputicBeginer: System - Admin - Networking12:15
alexey__I am a SUSE Linux user and want to evaluate Ubuntu/Kubuntu. One question - is there a complete GNOME/KDE Ubuntu DVD?12:15
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Favoritfurther on it just hangs on i/o12:15
bvanaerdegrimboy: the bot is scared of me ;)12:15
dooglusapokryphos: yet you use gksudo?12:15
apokryphosCrippsFX: oh right; then you can just sudo apt-get install amarok, yes12:15
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apokryphosdooglus: no, I use kdesu. gksudo is the GTK-equivalent12:16
CrippsFXapokryphos, yep. Ya just missed that part of the message in the lines above :)12:16
khermansalexey__, not sure -- but you can easily install the kubuntu-desktop on top of Ubuntu12:16
BeginerBut its not recognizeing it12:16
kaydeHow do i get gksudo "update-manager -d to update to dapper?12:16
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apokryphoskayde: /msg ubotu rc12:16
thoreauputicBeginer: do you have a software modem?12:16
uccoffee_loves_Bhi every one12:16
uccoffee_loves_BI m new to ubuntu12:16
grimboyClick the button at the top12:16
uccoffee_loves_Bcan anyone help me about setting up network?12:17
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thoreauputicBeginer: you need a hardware modem or a supported soft modem like a lucent12:17
CrippsFXuccoffee_loves_B, depends. what information do you have to give us about what you already have?12:17
cmugIs 6.06 available for download yet?12:17
zcat[1] is lucent still supported?12:17
BeginerWhats software modem?12:17
derfbugzihttp://www.ubuntu.com/download is finally updated12:17
apokryphoscmug: yes; /topic12:17
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doogluskayde: you don't need the -d any more...  all you need to do is make sure you're up to date - click 'update' and 'install' and it should offer you dapper12:17
cmugapokryphos, oh yeah, thanks12:17
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HealotBeginer: http://linmodem.org12:17
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : i m using netgear WG121, and i m using ubuntu 6.0612:17
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twagerYesterday I could get to the dapper channel ubuntu+1 Today it tells me invitation only.anyone know why ?12:18
thoreauputicBeginer: one usually designed for windows only ( braindead) see linmodems.org12:18
derfbugziits gone12:18
derfbugzithis is drapper channel12:18
bionicubuntu-6.06-dvd-amd64.iso, is this the final dapper release for amd64?12:18
g-nomestill breezy12:18
apokryphostwager: this is dapper support :)12:18
Roger_The_Bumis it up ye-- W00TSICLE!12:18
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : the light infront of the WG121 are on12:18
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zcat[1] twager: cos there's no edgy yet...12:18
thoreauputicBeginer: those modems require software drivers - real modems don't need drivers in Linux12:18
BeginerI got SoftV92 modem12:18
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twagerSorry...Meant Breezy :-(12:18
kaydedooglus, click update? where?12:18
Healothttp://linmodems.org/ even12:18
jcz`ompaul, also maybe im not shutting down dapper corectly, each time i click on system-quit-shutdown, the screen only gets to the point where it says something about halt12:18
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CrippsFXuccoffee_loves_B, in the gnome system menu, choose administration>networking12:19
HealotBeginer: is it a PCI modem. or a serial modem?12:19
thoreauputicBeginer: time for a trip to linmodems.org then to see if it is supported or not12:19
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uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : and I tried the system > admin > networking > pick the WG121 > add SSID etc12:19
flodineis there a dapper channel12:19
BeginerOk I'll try linmodems12:19
derfbugziDVD Torrent File: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/release/dvd/ubuntu-6.06-dvd-i386.iso.torrent12:19
uccoffee_loves_Band other happen12:19
apokryphosflodine: here12:19
CrippsFXuccoffee_loves_B, what happened?12:19
zcat[1] this is the dapper channel now!12:19
kaydedooglus, click update? where? i dont understans, ....12:19
aLdwhy can't i update with update maneger12:19
derfbugzizcat[1] , yes12:19
thoreauputicHealot: Softv92 suggest a software modem12:19
twagerDapper channel was ubuntu+112:19
CrippsFXzcat[1]  is the dapper channel now!12:19
Roger_The_Bumwhy the dvd instead of the CD12:19
tubbiedapper is out now?12:19
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : and nothing happen12:20
apokryphostubbie: /topic12:20
zcat[1] I am?12:20
thoreauputictubbie: /topic, and yes :))12:20
kaydetubbie, yes :)12:20
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : doesnt feel like it, do i need a reboot like windows?12:20
hyphenatedis there a link that describes the files a bit better? (eg: desktop, server, alternative) ?12:20
=== cute_bettong does the happy littlw ubuntu dance XD
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thoreauputicapokryphos: heh'12:20
CrippsFXuccoffee_loves_B, open up a terminal and type "ping -b www.google.ca"12:20
flodinei been running dapper from beta do i need to reinstall the final or just dist-upgrade12:20
crimsunIn the Twenty-frist Century, we dislike reading the topic before we ask questions. We'd much rather have PONIES.12:20
negsoulow many megs wll it take to upgrade to new dapper?12:20
gnuyensince I don't want the "bleeding edge" version12:20
negsoulim using the rc12:20
gnuyenas much as the stable release12:20
kaydehow do i upgrade to dapper in root?12:20
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Roger_The_BumOMG PONIES12:20
ajmitch_crimsun: surely not?12:20
aLdhow do i update with update manager12:20
GazzaKPonies - woo12:20
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apokryphoskayde: /topic12:20
derfbugzihyphenated, if you dont know what you want, chances are you want the desktop version12:20
tubbie I don't have to reinstall. right? I have the flight 7 installed and updated everything12:20
GazzaKbut I want a donkey12:21
GazzaKdonkey donkey donkey12:21
hyphenatedderfbugzi: the description makes it sound like a live cd with an installer on it12:21
Tomcat__tubbie: Correct.12:21
Roger_The_Bumis there a reason that you would want the DVD?12:21
GazzaKdonkeys my friend12:21
ompauljcz`, try logging out and doing ctrl-alt-f1 and log in and do this: sudo shutdown -h now<< if that fails try >-r <in place of >-h< when the machine starts to show signs of booting up hit and hold the power switch you should be safe enough - it would be better than your current situation anyway12:21
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gnuyenis the only way to use update manager to upgrade to dapper by running it -d?12:21
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : unknow host12:21
grimboynegsoul: It says it's taking me 36 hours.12:21
negsoulgrimboy,  xi12:21
negsoulso better download a new cd?12:22
kaydekayde@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop12:22
kaydeReading package lists... Done12:22
kaydeBuilding dependency tree... Done12:22
kaydeE: Couldn't find package ubuntu-base12:22
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : terminal = application > accesories > terminal , right?12:22
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kaydehelp me...12:22
Almenforscan i update from breezy to dapper somehow?12:22
CrippsFXuccoffee_loves_B, okay. when you do "iwconfig" is there an "eth1" or a "wlan0" ?12:22
apokryphoskayde: (i) do not flood the channel (ii) you do not need ubuntu-base specified there12:22
rixxonhow do i make files hidden?12:22
Tomcat__gnuyen: I read the update manager will tell you automatically... might not work yet though... maybe tomorrow.12:22
rixxonor folder12:22
apokryphosAlmenfors: /topic12:22
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grimboy!tell Almenfors about upgrade12:22
ryanakcaFlannel: or in 6.06 (Dapper Drake) you have the option of choosing to install a LAMP setup at the inital Ubuntu installation screen.             I never got one of those... and I take it the howto is for breezy?12:22
thoreauputickayde: ubunt-desktop will pull in what you need12:22
gnuyenalright I'll wait12:22
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uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : eth112:22
gnuyenit's probably slow as hell now anyway12:22
apokryphosAlmenfors: oh way, it was taken out :)12:22
Rambo310 answers in one : rtfm (or wiki)12:22
hyphenatedah, here's the one that explains desktop,server,alternate https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-May/000140.html12:22
holdenwrong link: http://releases.ubutnu.com/releases/6.06/ on http://www.ubuntu.com/download12:22
dooglusrixxon: in Linux files are hidden if their name begins with a dot12:22
thoreauputickayde: * ubuntu-desktop12:22
kaydeapokryphos, ...?12:22
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threathas it been released yet?12:22
CrippsFXuccoffee_loves_B, okay. try "iwlist eth1 scan"12:22
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Almenforsapokryphos, hehe12:23
=== holden wrong link: http://releases.ubutnu.com/releases/6.06/ on http://www.ubuntu.com/download
ryanakcaFlannel: its php4 :S12:23
ajmitch_ryanakca: LAMP option is for the server install cd12:23
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : sorry, wth212:23
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : sorry, eth212:23
onkarshindeCongratulations everyone.12:23
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : sorry, eth212:23
kaydethoreauputic, the whole code is?12:23
jcz`ompaul, ok12:23
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! ## Upgrading? /msg ubotu upgrade ## https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html ## Upgrading? /msg ubotu upgrade ## Seed the torrents http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ (USE THE ubuntu-6.06 torrents DO NOT!! USE the dapper-* torrents) ## Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties
Rambo3!tell Almenfors about upgrade12:23
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CrippsFXuccoffee_loves_B, then replace "eth1" with "eth2"12:23
thoreauputickayde:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:23
aLdrunning gksudo update-manager -d doesnt work for me12:23
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K|NgGh0sTI installed nvidia drivers, and now it seems that my DPI is messed up, anyone know how to fix this?12:23
apokryphosuccoffee_loves_B: no flooding please12:23
uboturumour has it, easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/.12:23
rixxondooglus: what if i don't want to break the path12:23
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cute_bettongok um how do i order more than 8 cd;s of ubuntu at a time?12:23
apokryphosAlmenfors: there :)12:23
thoreauputickayde: that will pull in all the depenndencies for you12:23
=== holden wrong link: http://releases.ubutnu.com/releases/6.06/ on http://www.ubuntu.com/download
bbrazilapokryphos: you've got upgarding twice12:23
cute_bettongi have a need for about 100 of the disks12:23
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : where to type?12:23
kaydethoreauputic, sweet thanks mate12:24
CrippsFXuccoffee_loves_B, in the terminal12:24
cute_bettongmust upgrade my clients XD12:24
apokryphosbbrazil: heh, dang, it was there12:24
nicoHI ..Does the new dapper include xgl and compiz yet ??12:24
thoreauputickayde: no worries :)12:24
linuxboyI just upgaded to dapper last night. I tried again, butthere are no updates...12:24
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : app > acc > terminal , right?12:24
ompauljcz`, you would be better asking the channel - I am doing other things and if I see it I can answer but I may not and you could be left sitting there12:24
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CrippsFXuccoffee_loves_B, and leave the terminal open ;)12:24
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uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : no scan results12:24
pekayhow can I update my KDE to 3.5.3?12:24
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ajmitch_CrippsFX: yo12:24
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! http://tinyurl.com/qdbl7 ## Upgrading? /msg ubotu upgrade ## Seed the torrents http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ (USE THE ubuntu-6.06 torrents DO NOT!! USE the dapper-* torrents) ## Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties
Almenforsapokryphos, got it as pm =)12:24
CrippsFXajmitch_, word12:25
Roger_The_Bumpekay: #kubuntu (if it exists)12:25
pekayaha sorry12:25
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ajmitch_CrippsFX: upgraded to dapper now?12:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [-oo apokryphos Seveas] by apokryphos
CrippsFXajmitch_, do you know lots about wireless ?12:25
CrippsFXajmitch_, I've been using dapper for a week and a half.12:25
kaydethoreauputic, it wont work...12:25
ajmitch_CrippsFX: using it in my laptop now12:25
kbrookstakedown_: easyubuntu works on Dapper12:25
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : any other thoughts?12:25
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nicoCrippsFX was that yes fot my question re xgl and compiz ??12:25
thoreauputickayde: be specific12:25
dooglusapokryphos: that topic is unclear.  "USE THE ubuntu torrents DO NOT!!" is kind of a condradictory sentence12:25
CrippsFXajmitch_, would you care to give uccoffee_loves_B a hand then?12:25
kaydethoreauputic, i would post what it says, but its to long..12:25
thoreauputickayde: did you update first12:25
kaydethoreauputic, i pmd u12:26
kaydethoreauputic, how?12:26
CrippsFXnico, no, it wasn't, although it does apply.12:26
pianoboy3333Are there any parental control programs for ubuntu?12:26
flodineis the repositories from the rc the same as the final release repos?12:26
ajmitch_uccoffee_loves_B: what wireless card/chipset are you using?12:26
zeRpianoboy3333: what do you mean by that?12:26
takedown_kbrooks: i know, i just need a link to easyubuntu12:26
uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : wg12112:26
Peciskcongrats everyone with Ubuntu 6.06 release!12:26
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thoreauputickayde: type this:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:26
apokryphosdooglus: well yes, it's not fully syntactically correct English; /me didn't put that, but hey.12:26
=== apokryphos sighs
ChousukeI don't even have a CD to burn Ubuntu on. :/12:26
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uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : i m reading http://www.ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=5669296 . but dun understand what to do12:26
nicoso i should add those one manually .. to get xgl and compiz working .. any plans for the future12:26
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thoreauputickayde: the channel is kind of busy right now :)12:27
ajmitch_uccoffee_loves_B: before trying iwlist, run sudo ifconfig eth2 up12:27
pianoboy3333zeR: like, programs that would block pr0n on a site...12:27
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ajmitch_thoreauputic: just a little ;)12:27
kbrookstakedown_: #EasyUbuntu is the room for EU12:27
negsoulgrimboy, still 36hrs?12:27
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! http://tinyurl.com/qdbl7 ## Upgrading? /msg ubotu upgrade ## Seed the torrents http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ (USE THE ubuntu-6.06 torrents DO NOT USE the dapper-* torrents) ## Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties
ompaulpianoboy3333, dans guardian and squid12:27
=== mode/#ubuntu [-oo apokryphos Seveas] by apokryphos
xukunist save to upgrade to dapper?12:27
martin__Hello, does anybody else experience problem with OOo icons dissapearing?12:27
livevildo you know a program for filesharing for linux ubuntu?12:27
pianoboy3333xukun: yes12:27
ThE-LiGhTcan i remove old kernels? how12:27
OffHand<pianoboy3333> you can use wildcards12:27
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dooglusapokryphos: that's better12:27
kaydethoreauputic, woa!12:27
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thoreauputickayde: working?12:28
xukunWhat is the easy way to upgrade?12:28
kaydethoreauputic, its working....I think :)12:28
apokryphosok, now time to revise for the exam ;-)12:28
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uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : then?12:28
ryanakcawhy is it that "Listen 80" in httpd.conf makes apache run on ipv6 instead of ipv4?12:28
thoreauputickayde: should be...12:28
Flannelryanakca: the differences are trivial, setup is basically the same.12:28
protocol1hahah sick 1017 users in room12:28
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bcc|graflivevil, frostwire12:28
K|NgGh0sTI installed nvidia drivers, and now it seems that my DPI is messed up, anyone know how to fix this?12:28
aLdi wan't to updat using update manager could someone point me in the right direction atleast12:28
kaydeubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.12:28
kayde0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:28
uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : it asks for password12:28
apokryphosaLd: /topic12:28
ThE-LiGhTcan i remove old kernels? how?12:28
uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : is that my password?12:28
nicowhat should be the best version ..desktop or alternate ??12:28
uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : i typed my password in12:29
martin__Hey, does anybody else experience problem with OOo icons in teh program dissapearing?12:29
cefhrm, 28 GB down, 2TB to go *grin*12:29
onkarshindeThE-LiGhT: use synaptic to remove old kernels12:29
uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : and back to flashing curser12:29
apokryphosnico: desktop is the standard one12:29
xukunhow can I upgrade to dapper?12:29
apokryphosxukun: /topic12:29
uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : what's next?12:29
nicowhat is in alternate then ??12:29
apokryphosnico: the old classical text installer12:29
ThE-LiGhTonkarshinde, how can i find them there?12:29
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nicookay .. will download desktop then .. from our internal mirrors ..12:29
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onkarshindenico: Desktop is basically live CD which can be installed also. If yoiu want to upgrade then use alternate CD12:30
mydecayhi all12:30
uccoffee_loves_Bwhat to do next....12:30
ajmitch_uccoffee_loves_B: now, sudo iwlist eth2 scan12:30
apokryphosubotu: alternate is <reply> The Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer, with now Live session available.12:30
ubotuokay, apokryphos12:30
ThE-LiGhTonkarshinde, linux image?12:30
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onkarshindeThE-LiGhT: Search for linux-image12:30
uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : no scan result :(12:30
apokryphosnico: are you upgrading or installing?12:30
nicoi have 5.10 at  home . . no net connection ...12:30
flodinei do i know if my dapper is up to date12:30
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nickm__howcome ubuntu is only on a DVD now?12:30
tubbieis it posible to use multiple lyriyc source if a lyric is not found ?12:30
ThE-LiGhTonkarshinde, thx, is it safe?12:30
Roger_The_Bum!tell me about DVD12:31
ajmitch_uccoffee_loves_B: ok, I can't help terribly much since I don't know that driver too well, nor your network12:31
rixxoncan i hide a file/folder from nautilus without braking the path (ie dotfile it)?12:31
apokryphosnickm__: it's not only on dvd12:31
onkarshindeflodine: If you are not getting any notification then it is uptodate12:31
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nickm__apokryphos: the rest is just not up yet?12:31
derfbugziRoger_The_Bum, what about dvd?12:31
Bols!tell me about DVD12:31
Roger_The_Bumwhy the DVD12:31
apokryphosnickm__: the DVDs are still synching, yes.12:31
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derfbugzi!tell me about DVD12:31
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Roger_The_Bumrather than the normal Cd;s12:31
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onkarshindeThE-LiGhT: Yes it is. You don't need old kernel. Remember the old version is 2.6.12 while new one is 2.6.1512:31
apokryphosYou can /msg the bot guys :)12:31
flodineonkarshin how do i tell in a terminal12:31
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petrikdownload talks about 6.06 but when you click on the links it gives you the badger12:31
uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : what is ndiswrapper12:31
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derfbugziits 3 gig, gotta be good12:31
joshhendowhen is the date on this article going to be fixed? http://www.ubuntu.com/news/606released12:31
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)12:32
uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : it said it work with ndiswrapper12:32
ajmitch_uccoffee_loves_B: a way of using windows drivers for wireless12:32
onkarshindeflodine: Can you please ask again?12:32
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uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : do i need it to run?12:32
ThE-LiGhTonkarshinde, cool.. i just want to free up some space for the upgrade12:32
ajmitch_and I've never needed to use ndiswrapper12:32
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uccoffee_loves_B[ajmitch_] : or how do i try?12:32
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ajmitch_uccoffee_loves_B: I don't know12:32
rackerzWas dapper released an hour ago?12:32
nickm__when is the official release time when everything will be ready?12:32
onkarshindeThE-LiGhT: Wait12:32
Roger_The_Bumuccoffee_loves_B: no12:32
nicoapokryphos .. it would be upgrading as i have 5.10 installed on Home pc .. it does not have net access ..12:32
apokryphosrackerz: or so12:32
derfbugziajmitch_, yes12:32
onkarshindeThE-LiGhT: I though you already upgraded12:32
Roger_The_Bumnickm__, it's been released12:32
flodineonkarshin i deen on the beta for a long time do just do a dist-upgrade12:32
uccoffee_loves_Banyone know how to use ndiswrapper?12:32
apokryphosnico: ok, then you'll want to upgrade from the CD, yup. You'll want the alternate12:32
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)12:32
ajmitch_derfbugzi: excuse me?12:32
nicobut i don't mind re-installing at all ..12:32
Roger_The_Bumnickm__, type /topic12:32
martin__Hey, does anybody else experience problem with OOo icons inside the program dissapearing?12:32
apokryphosuccoffee_loves_B: /msg ubotu ndiswrapper12:33
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Roger_The_Bum!install dvd12:33
ubotuRoger_The_Bum: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:33
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nickm__just not all of the ISO's Roger_The_Bum12:33
derfbugziajmitch_, i meant rackerz12:33
onkarshindeflodine: Yes. 'Sudo apt-get update' and then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'12:33
jessy_somebody tried the DVD ? is this the version which can be used as an install cd or a live cd ??12:33
nicowhat would i need for xgl and compiz on Dapper ??12:33
apokryphosnico: if you want to reinstall then you can use desktop, sure.12:33
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apokryphosjessy_: the DVD is desktop+alternate CD12:33
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Spaceraverman... we need o split this chan to the release and general tech... too much is being said at one time...12:33
jcz`ompaul, by the way, i've already updated twice last week ... but it didnt seem to effect or solve my delayed login issue12:33
jessy_ok thanks12:33
onkarshindejessy_: both I guess12:33
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Roger_The_Bumthen it's just superfluous12:33
flodineonkarshin thxs very busy here i love it12:33
nickm__yeah, Roger_The_Bum, it may be available for download, just one DVD image or something, no use to most people :/12:33
ubotuThe Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer, with now Live session available.12:33
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rackerz1008 people :O12:34
jessy_ubuntu-6.06-dvd-i386.iso this one is the right ?12:34
apokryphosRoger_The_Bum: or it isn't, since it gives the option of both.12:34
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rackerzjessy, yes.12:34
derfbugzijessy_, yes12:34
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onkarshindejessy_: yes12:34
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jessy_kk let's download it12:34
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ThE-LiGhTonkarshinde, nah..12:34
ROBOdhello guys12:34
dooglusso the alternate CD is a bootable live CD as well as the desktop one?12:34
onkarshindeThE-LiGhT: How much space do you have left in /  ?12:34
rackerzdooglus, yes :)12:34
thoreauputicdooglus: no12:35
ompauljcz`, I am by no means a gnome expert, however if your telling me (as you have done already) that you don't have the word "options" on the bottom of the screen then I wonder if you are running dapper, it should be visible fromwhere you log in12:35
derfbugzithe seeds for the dvd just vanished :noes:12:35
apokryphosdooglus: no, re: alternate: /msg ubotu alternate12:35
dooglusdooglus: maybe12:35
Spaceraverlooks like the first couple of users have the cd downloaded by now... more parts...12:35
zjimbowhy are all the link on the Ubu download page 404-ing?12:35
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thoreauputicrackerz: no the alternate istext mode12:35
onkarshindedooglus: No. Desktop is Live CD. Alternate is install CD12:35
johan__whats up with the dvd12:35
ThE-LiGhTonkarshinde, 629 mb or so.. no /home12:35
dooglusthoreauputic: did you seen ubotu's factoid:12:35
ubotuThe Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer, with now Live session available.12:35
ompauljcz`, in a terminal type: lsb_release -d : what does that tell you12:35
thoreauputicdooglus: yes, it has a typo12:35
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apokryphoserr, live cd available?12:35
thoreauputicdooglus: now should be "no"12:35
ubotuAlternate = Old text-style installer, Desktop = LiveCD and graphical installer in one, Server = Server-class install (minimal)12:36
derfbugzilive cd is on all the cds as far as i understand12:36
Krpanoanyone know what font is this ?... http://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/39316-1.png ...12:36
onkarshindeThE-LiGhT: 629 should be sufficient don't you think? Did you try to update? Did it give error about insufficient space?12:36
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derfbugzisorry, not the alternate12:36
Spaceraverzjimbo... because every man/woman and their cat wants ubuntu right now...12:36
derfbugzibut the oters12:36
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ubotualternate is, like, totally, The Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer, with no live session available.12:36
ThE-LiGhTonkarshinde, i'll check it... my friend needed 829 mb12:36
scheuriSpaceraver: well, and my dog and my grandma and...12:36
rackerzthe text mode cd is bootable, i thought that was what he asked.12:37
ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware12:37
thoreauputicdooglus: I think thats right now12:37
SpaceraverROFL scheuri12:37
ROBOdhow to update to ubuntu 6.06 ?12:37
apokryphosthoreauputic: yup12:37
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apokryphosROBOd: /topic12:37
ROBOdwithout using the command line12:37
rixthROBOd, best bet is to do a total reinstall.12:37
thoreauputicapokryphos: OK - just changed it :)12:37
apokryphosrixth: no it's not12:37
scheuri...and each and everyone of them needs to download it themself...;)12:37
ROBOdrixth: why? :)12:37
onkarshindeThE-LiGhT: That depend on what all packages you have already installed. May be your friend installed mroe packages form repos.12:37
SpaceraverROBOd... use apt-get dist-upgrade or dl the cd...12:37
apokryphosROBOd: it isn't; a proper upgrade from stable -> stable is fully supported12:37
jcz`ompaul, well, it says 'welcome to Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - Dapper Drake june 2006'12:38
zjimboit's odd - I started downloading a while ago from releases.ubuntu.com and the speed hasn't dropped.12:38
dooglusthoreauputic: can you get him to miss out the "alternate is", like it did before?12:38
ROBOdSpaceraver: shall i download the livecd or the "normal" cd?12:38
rixthapokryphos, yeah, it kinda it for me anyway. All these updates have left orphaned files all over my filesystem, some functions such as auto-mounting of my camera don't work any more etc.12:38
ROBOddoes the livecd allow me to upgrade?12:38
apokryphosdooglus: yes, use x is <reply> somemessage   syntax12:38
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ROBOdi suppose you guys have new repositories and such, for dapper12:38
Roger_The_Bumthere is no live cd anymore12:38
thoreauputicapokryphos: of course if you want to be pedantic, it should be called "alternative" but whatever,12:38
apokryphosrixth: well, time to report bugs :)12:38
thoreauputicdooglus: I'll have another go12:38
dooglusROBOd: the choice is desktop or alternate.  you want desktop12:38
Roger_The_Bumjust the "desktop" cd12:38
apokryphosthoreauputic: that's soo altnerative oh my gosh12:38
siccnessapokryphos, like what bugs?12:38
onkarshindeRoger_The_Bum: Yes there is. Only it has been renamed to Desktop CD12:38
rixth" The Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer" does that mean 6.06 has a graphical installer?12:39
Roger_The_Bumand it has an installer12:39
apokryphossiccness: there aren't really many. Dapper is technically stable12:39
Roger_The_Bumrixth, yep12:39
ROBOddooglus: so, i'll download desktop and it will nicely upgrade my stable ubuntu?12:39
apokryphosof course some bugs still slip through12:39
thoreauputicapokryphos: :)12:39
Cas!tell ROBOd about upgrade12:39
rixthSweet! I can't wait 14 more minutes.12:39
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siccnessapokryphos, as expected though.12:39
dooglusapokryphos: there are over 10,000 open bugs against dapper aren't there?12:39
siccnessI was just curious to know if there were any major flaws12:39
ROBOdCas: i already so that, and i ain't liking that12:39
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Spaceraverwoot... now we might get a better rating at the sistro beginners shootout...12:39
jcz`ompaul, when i click on system- about ubuntu12:39
apokryphosdooglus: don't know12:39
rixthI'm getting 90kb/sec from releases.ubuntu.com. (I can max at 255kb/sec)12:40
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ubotuThe Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer, with no Live session available on it.12:40
CasROBOd: you mean the updatemanager -d ? what is the problem?12:40
bionicubuntu-6.06-dvd-amd64.iso, is this the final dapper release for amd64?12:40
zjimboFlaws? like yast in Suse?12:40
apokryphosrixth: torrents might be better now12:40
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apokryphoszjimbo: yast is a flaw in suse?12:40
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ascrixth: try the torrent, I'm getting 206 of 25612:40
rixthapecat, only 15 minutes left, may as well just let it finish12:40
dooglusapokryphos: did you see this?  http://launchpad.net/bugs/47195 :)12:40
rixthEeeeee! Now it is 33.12:40
apokryphoszjimbo: flaws of Ubuntu? Not BiArch compatible, not really as much polish IMO as some other distros.12:40
ROBOdCas: i also want to have ubuntu 6.06 on my local disk, so i'll be able to do clean installs myself, if needed, without redownloading12:41
bigfoot11 month ago i upgraded from breezy to dapper beta .should i do anytthing today to go to non-beta dapper, or is it already on my system (via the daily software-updates)?12:41
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rixthCan I start the correct against the semi downloaded ISO?12:41
rixththe torrent, rather12:41
halibut6.06 LTS,  LTS = ?  is this the release I want?12:41
rixthhalibut, yep12:41
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rskhalibut: yes12:41
rixthhalibut, LTS = long ter spport12:41
rackerzLTS = Long Term Support rite?12:41
rackerzguess so.12:41
FilladoRixth: yeah12:41
apokryphosdooglus: nope, I don't think that means much at all.12:41
=== eXistenZ [i=eXistenZ@bzq-88-152-113-46.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
morten__is the alternate iso additional packages? from dapper 6.06?12:41
negsoulis wpa working ok now?12:42
apokryphosmorten__: /msg ubotu alternate12:42
ROBOdthanks guys12:42
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ROBOdgotta go, bye12:42
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halibutI have a 64bit amd processor, should I get the 64bit ubuntu, I have heard a lot of comments like "64 bit is not ready for prime time yet" etc12:42
berrumhey! does anyone have experience with digital cameras and linux? need help12:42
stephanehow can i get dapper drake?12:42
stephanea command in a terminal?12:42
Spaceraver!tell me about release12:42
FilladoBerrum: Plug it in :D12:42
apokryphosstephane: /topic12:42
Peciskhalibut: I think you should give it a shot :)12:42
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kaydethoreauputic, none of the options work...it wont let me downlod ANY of tthe way for daapper12:42
CasROBOd: i really don't understand you, if you now run breezy and want to update do it with the update-manager -d, if you want to install it on on a new pc download the cd,12:43
eXistenZIs there a DVD version?12:43
berrumFillado, hehe, already done that!12:43
Lukkettostephane: apt-get12:43
petrikI heard that if you have a second drive even if you don't ask it to touch it it will ruin it anyhow. Is there any thruth to that?12:43
apokryphoseXistenZ: yes, but I believe it's still synching on the mirrors12:43
thoreauputickayde: be specific - what errors are you getting ?12:43
rackerzwow my download speed on torrents is kicking butt.12:43
petrik6.06 that is12:43
FilladoBerrum: isn't it a Mass Storage Device?12:43
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Caspetrik: no12:43
halibutpetrik, nonsense12:43
PeanutHorstberrum: yup12:43
derfbugzithere are no seeders for the dvd at the moment :(12:43
petrikthank goodness for that12:43
kaydethoreauputic, update manager, nothing, says my pc is up to daate...12:43
stephaneyeah, apt get dapper drake?? doesnt work12:43
PeanutHorstmount it like  a USB disk12:43
morten__can anyone tell what the alternate iso is for?12:44
PeanutHorstadios, ubuntu users!12:44
thoreauputickayde: did you read and follow the URL I gave you?12:44
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Cas!tell stephane about upgrade12:44
kaydethoreauputic, and root says same thing12:44
apokryphosmorten__: /msg ubotu alternate12:44
kaydethoreauputic, yes12:44
Filladomorten: if you have less RAM12:44
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protocol1ahahha office space is funnier than crap12:44
Filladothan 192MB12:44
kaydethoreauputic, tried all the options12:44
petrikIt's the 120GB drive I still need to tidy up and that I have not been able to get my two machines talking to each other for.12:44
thoreauputickayde: you are doing something wrong :)12:44
kaydethoreauputic, yes :S12:44
raquelq pasa?12:44
petrikHope networking is easier with 6.0612:44
thoreauputickayde: it works fine if you do all the steps12:44
FilladoMorten: Read http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/12:44
hyphenatedprotocol1: I'm gonna go right ahead and ask you to come in on Sunday12:44
Lukkettostephane: apt-get dist-upgrade12:44
halibutwill I be able to get nvidia drivers under 64 bit? will I be able to run 32 bit software as normal without running as root or something??12:44
dooglusmorten__: the alternate install CD is for special cases (OEM, automation, LVM, RAID, etc.)12:45
[zero] How do I update?12:45
CasLukketto: update-manager -d is much more easier ;)12:45
protocol1hyphenated, looks like your having a bad case of the monday's12:45
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apokryphoshalibut: nvidia: yes; 32-bit software: as a general: no, ubuntu/debian is not biarch12:45
halibutIs Gnome faster under 64bit?12:45
Cas!tell [zero]  about upgrade12:45
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thoreauputicdooglus: also low memory machines12:45
apokryphoshalibut: yes12:45
[zero] thankx cas12:45
raquel no me entero de naaa12:45
thoreauputicdooglus: < 192 MB12:45
halibutapokryphos, will I have significantly faster boot times?12:45
Cashalibut: here is is a little but also uses more memory12:45
apokryphoshalibut: faster ish12:45
LukkettoCas: much more ;) You can use system->admin->update ;)12:45
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:46
dooglusthoreauputic: I was just quoting from https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-May/000140.html12:46
kerbwhats up with the tracker?12:46
Spaceravercant handle the traffic12:46
Peciskseems so12:46
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Lukkettostephane: did you copy it?12:46
hyphenatedprotocol1: Well, I generally come in about 15 minutes late, I use the side door.. (can't remember the rest)12:46
kerblol, just when I got a 25mbit server up to seed :)12:46
thoreauputicdooglus: fair enough ;) But the alternate CD should work better on low-memory machines for standard installs too :)12:46
reikiubuntu+1 is invite only? (I just woke up)12:46
kerbreiki: closed until edgy opens12:47
Frogzoois Dapper in da house?12:47
ThE-LiGhTonkarshinde, ok12:47
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reikikerb: ahh12:47
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ThE-LiGhTFrogzoo, yeah!!12:47
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protocol1hyphenated, and I sit at my desk and stare at nothing for about an hour!12:47
SpaceraverFrogzoo... look at the topic12:47
thoreauputicdooglus: I seem to recall seeing a discussion on ubuntu-devel list about problems with the desktop CD on low memory systems12:47
FrogzooThE-LiGhT: SHWEET!!12:47
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petrikJust realised last CD I burned was on windoze. Now I have no more windoze this will be a test to see if breezy has CD writing set up correctly on this machine12:47
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hyphenatedprotocol1: last time I watched it, I laughed extra hard seeing Dr Cox (from Scrubs) as one of the Bob's12:48
Coreyits really released !?12:48
=== Spaceraver points at topic
ska-fanWhich disk do I need when I want to upgrade from breezy and do have network access but want to take as much packages as possible from the disk?12:48
thoreauputicCorey: indeed12:48
zjimbohm cancel at 12% to dump cd for dvd or keep going...12:48
CoreyHow can I upgrade from my current dapper installastion12:48
ska-fantraffic costs here12:48
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thoreauputicska-fan: alternate12:48
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ubotuThe Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer, with no Live session available on it.12:48
berrumFillado, i dont know it is a mass storage device12:48
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thoreauputicska-fan: it has more packages on  it12:48
r4zzis the dvd worth waiting for?12:49
thoreauputicska-fan: add it to synaptic or use apt-cdrom add12:49
ska-fanthoreauputic: ok. the old install cd is the new alternate cd?12:49
Spaceraverzjimbo... what would you need the dvd ver for... packages will become old fast12:49
dooglusr4zz: no12:49
ubotuThE-LiGhT: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:49
=== Ahmad is now known as AhmadH
thoreauputicska-fan: yup12:49
ska-fanthoreauputic: thanks a lot12:49
CoreyGuys how do I update to dapper from my current dapper which I downlaoded 4 days ago12:49
berrumFillado, its a digital ixus 70012:49
Healotthe Desktop CD is like the LiveCD with installer option :-)12:49
thoreauputicska-fan: no problem :)12:49
r4zzk... so http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso.torrent is the one I want right?12:49
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FrogzooCorey: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade12:50
kaydethoreauputic, the one that involves pastebin, might work, how do i do it? what do i doo with that weird stuff?12:50
protocol1hyphenated, hahah peter gets promoted for blowing off12:50
Healotif you need LVM/RAID support, low RAM, customization, take the alternate-CD12:50
FrogzooCorey: you may need to change your repos - not sure12:50
thoreauputickayde: huh? I don't follow you ...12:50
Coreyguys nothing updated12:50
thoreauputickayde: I suggest you caome back when the channel is a bit less busy in a day or so :)12:51
FrogzooCorey: check that you're using the release repos, not the beta ones - I think this would change12:51
SpaceraverCorey... then you dont need to..12:51
kaydethoreauputic, the stuff about pastebin: Upgrading by changing sources and the command line...12:51
kaydethoreauputic, ok12:51
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CoreyFrogzoo how do i change them12:51
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thoreauputickayde: you'll get more help when the release fever has calmed down a bit ;)12:52
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kaydethoreauputic, :(12:52
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kaydethoreauputic, ho well, se ya then12:52
negsoulyou ppl are too excited with the new release12:52
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negsoulgo have sex12:52
ubotukayde: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:52
thoreauputicnegsoul: or both at once?12:52
VerithraxWe're Linux geeks. Come on.12:53
r4zzi second that no12:53
negsoulthoreauputic, it can be12:53
dennis_i just got my ubuntu disks am i obsolete already?12:53
rixthI have a girlfriend.12:53
jcz`haha so true ==>> <negsoul> you ppl are too excited with the new release12:53
Frogzoonegsoul: the gf says not until her lappie gets dapper :-(12:53
rixthdennis_, yes =(12:53
FilladoBerrum: Yeah looks like it should be as it works with Mac OS X12:53
negsoulFrogzoo, ill take care of her12:53
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jcz`Frogzoo, dapper lapper ??12:53
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CoreyFrogzoo: how do I check if i have the right repos ?12:53
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negsoulFrogzoo,  im joking!12:53
SampizcatHello all12:54
=== jcz` *huggies* poor negsoul a bit..
FrogzooCorey: dunno - someone will know where the prodn repos are - or you could take a look with your web browser12:54
rixthI need to move 13gb of data between two partitions before I can upgrade =( It's gonna be a while.12:54
Coreyit says they are 6.06 official12:54
FrogzooCorey: well there u r - you're up 2 date12:54
SampizcatIs this the place to ask a question about 6.06 and RAID?12:54
rixthToday has been a good and bad day.12:54
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rixthGood = Dapper is released.12:55
Coreyhaha up to date 3 days ago :P12:55
rixthBad = The Pirate Bay was shutdow.12:55
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Coreystuff the riaa12:55
Frogzoorixth: NOoooo.....12:55
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KrhisCorey, they are Swedish.12:55
rixthFrogzoo, yah =( Swedish Police raided the datacenter.12:55
=== Frogzoo screams in pain & anguish
zjimborix_: who? how?12:55
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negsouljcz`, you're a programmer?12:55
jcz`can anyone tell me how i access my adjacent ntfs partition from dapper ?? i want to play a movie using that movie player thingee12:55
ThE-LiGhTonkarshinde, i need more 379 mb :(12:55
Coreywell who ever got them12:55
KrhisThe Swedish Police?12:56
jcz`negsoul, no haha me noob12:56
negsouljcz`, did you update daper?12:56
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jcz`last week tho12:56
Frogzoorixth: after all those uber cool email replies to legal threats12:56
rixthOh wow, they changed the index page at TPB. Now it says they will be back up soon.12:56
thoreauputicThings are slowing down - we are below 1000 people now *grin*12:56
SampizcatI'm having trouble with 6.06 and setting up RAID - I've managed to configure the software raid (raid is disabled in BIOS) and it's formatted the partitions (by the looks of things), but now it's just gone to a blue screen, and noing else is happening12:56
jcz`not in the last day or two12:56
negsouljcz`, to the new release today?12:56
exhalewhats the difference between the dapper and the 6.06 torrents?12:56
negsoulah ok12:56
jcz`last week12:56
negsoulme neither12:56
rixthFrogzoo, my personal fave was "We've all heard the saying a few bad apples but come on" in response to an Apple suit.12:57
leksr there any edgy ift repos yet?12:57
dennis_i was a windows user and was pointed to ubuntu should i come back tomorrow for advice on this seems its busy?12:57
zjimborix_: thanks but I meant who shut them down?12:57
Frogzoorixth: lol12:57
negsouljcz`, check forums and mount12:57
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thoreauputicleks: you're kidding , right?12:57
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jcz`im so noob i stink12:57
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y2d2anyone else having problems with update manager saying "system is up to date" even though they are obviously not updated to dapper drake?12:57
leksthoreauputic: no im not12:57
GazzaKdennis_: it might be wise!!!12:57
dennis_ok see ya tomorrow have fun12:57
jcz`negsoul, im hoping to just do an update12:57
SampizcatHas anyone managed to install 6.06 with RAID using the LAMP option?12:57
thoreauputicleks: for heaven's sake - dapper only went official tody12:57
jcz`maybe tomorrow12:57
leksthoreauputic: whatever?12:58
Filladojcz`: http://ubuntuguide.org/#automountntfs12:58
jcz`will updating give me the lastest stable dapper ?12:58
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thoreauputicleks: let the developers have a party at least ;)12:58
ubotu[ubuntuguide]  badly out of date,  reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead.12:58
lekstheres always an actual Sid in debian, even when theres a release12:58
thoreauputicleks: that's debian, this is ubuntu :)12:58
jcz`Fillado, ohh good thx ! *huggie*12:58
Filladooh well12:58
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ThE-LiGhTi need to free up 379 mb.. any suggestions? old kernels or somthing?12:59
Filladothat bit works anyway :D12:59
leksthoreauputic: theyre much of the same12:59
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thoreauputicleks: *sigh* the release model is different12:59
zjimbohey guys what's better RPM or deb?12:59
leksi just want that CVS gnome hell12:59
SampizcatThE-LiGhT: /tmp maybe? downloaded and installed packages from up2date12:59
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blckfxmay i ask something?12:59
y2d2"gksudo update-manager -d" seems to think im fully upgraded, but im still running breazy badger... any one have advice01:00
Sampizcatgo for it blckfx01:00
ThE-LiGhTSampizcat, /tmp - 1.9mb01:00
zjimbohey guys what's better, vi or emacs?01:00
blckfxhow can upgrading from hoary to breezy take 50 gb space?01:00
venkatacharwhat is the procedure to do dist-upgrade to 6.0601:00
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rixthEdgy Eft is such a daft name.... why not call it Dodgy Dog?01:00
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=== jcz` *huggies* lil blckfx a bit
thoreauputiczjimbo: watch your step....01:00
leksis there a repo with gnome 2.15.2 for ubuntu?01:00
Sampizcatlol ThE-LiGhT. What about /var, are there packages in there from up2date?01:00
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rixthOr Shify-Eyes Emu01:00
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negsoulthere should be girls here01:00
=== IB- [n=hello@l85-130-147-50.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Sampizcatrixth:  or Horace the Horse?01:00
venkatacharwhat is the procedure to do dist-upgrade to 6.06?01:00
rixthnegsoul, hold that though.01:00
IB-no more #ubuntu+1 ? :)01:00
negsoulrixth, you're a girl?01:01
IB-how much GB should i clear for ubuntu ?01:01
assasukassehow to install XGL on ubuntu with ati driver?01:01
AhmadHHoly Horse01:01
Bilfordsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get update  ?01:01
ThE-LiGhTSampizcat, /var 289 mb... how can i check about up2date?01:01
Zap42any hints where i can find any dapper sparc (T1) server images?01:01
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Sampizcatrixth ROFMAO01:01
zjimbohow can you tell there arnt any girls?01:01
Bilfordsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  ?01:01
bigfoot1one month ago, i upgraded to dapper beta via apt-get. I've been getting almost-daily Software Updates. Do i have to do anything today, or do i already have the Non-beta dapper on my pc?01:01
SampizcatThE-LiGhT:  just do a search for deb's and rpm's that you don't need01:01
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rixthEdgy Eft should be the name of the unstable. 'Edgy' is not a good adjective01:01
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zjimbodo you have a girl-dar01:01
cefZap42: they're being held back01:01
rukuarticassasukasse: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto I think01:01
FrogzooIB-: I'd recommend 20gig as comfortable01:01
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ThE-LiGhTSampizcat, cool.. thx01:01
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jcz`girls dont have time for command line01:01
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GazzaKI have a good Gaydar, and it is whooping here :p01:02
Zap42cef: quality issues?01:02
bigfoot1jcz`: you're a girl+01:02
IB-now i just need the 2gb memory for vmware01:02
y2d2iv tryed sudo apt-get update & upgrade... obth are saying everything is fine01:02
rixthWe're outnumbering #gentoo =D01:02
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negsoulthe easier way to encourage women to use linux is to have sex with a condom (a tux shape)01:02
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venkatacharcan anyone tell me what is the procedure to do dist-upgrade to 6.0601:02
Bilfordsudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:02
zjimbojcz: so their too busy doing...?01:02
thoreauputicguys, #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter please01:02
jcz`zjimbo, wat u think ??01:02
apokryphosnegsoul: geez; language, please.01:02
rukuarticQuestion: I just ran update/dist-upgrade and it only added one package. Was I just extremely up to date?01:02
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jcz`sex + shopping01:03
venkatacharshould i modify the sources.list?01:03
ubotufrom memory, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.01:03
assasukasseThis page does not exist yet.This page does not exist yet.01:03
apokryphosjcz`: stop01:03
negsoulapokryphos, i was just going directly to my way of thinking :X01:03
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y2d2the sudo apt0get dist-upgrade just says im upgraded01:03
leksI WANT EDGY01:03
=== Frogzoo hmmss.... methinks !upgrade needs an upgrade
IB-will ubuntu 6.06 run normally on a 500mhz computer ?01:03
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apokryphosnegsoul: that doesn't make it okay :)01:03
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rskIB-: what do you mean normally?01:03
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ChousukeDo they yet have Apple powerbook suspend support on Dapper?01:03
IB-rsk: fast enough..01:03
IB-responsive enough01:03
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Cas!tell assasukasse about xgl01:03
Chousukeit didn't work on breezy.01:03
rskIB-: probably not01:03
negsoulthoreauputic, -> an op?01:03
fr3drikIs the torrent.ubuntu.com-tracker down?01:04
thoreauputicChousuke: don't know -suspend works on iBook01:04
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venkatacharshould i modify the sources.list to upgrade to 6.06?01:04
dabaRChousuke: yes.01:04
negsoulChousuke, it doesnt for a tsunami neither01:04
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Zap42IB-: if you dont have enough ram performance will depend on the speed of your disks01:04
apokryphosvenkatachar: /topic01:04
thoreauputicnegsoul: looks like it, doesn't it ?01:04
ChousukedabaR: Are you sure?01:04
IB-http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ doesnt work01:04
LinuxJonesEven the Torrents are down01:04
dabaRChousuke: you mean to make it go to sleep/01:04
rixthWhat version of PHP does the LAMP have?01:04
IB-Zap42: 128mb is prolyl not enough...01:04
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VerithraxIB-, if you don't try to run Gnome, and instead run a lightweight WM, or tone down Gnome's eye-candy a lot, it might.01:04
bionicIm sorry to ask again, but ubuntu-6.06-dvd-amd64.iso, is this the final FULL dapper release for amd64? Thanks01:04
ChousukedabaR: yeah.01:04
negsoulthoreauputic, just saw you removing it now01:04
shriphaniguys where do i find the bittorrent meta file ?01:04
apokryphosbionic: yes01:04
Zap42IB-: yupp01:04
rukuarticIB-: you might like xubuntu, it runs xfce which is a lighter interface01:05
IB-i've got a 64bit cpu, should i go on ubuntu 64 or 32 ?01:05
venkatachar /msg ubotu upgrade01:05
ChousukedabaR: I have a 1.33GHz powerbook.01:05
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LinuxJonesshriphani, they don't seem to work atm01:05
apokryphosDoes anyone have the torrent files available? I could host them temporarily01:05
robgee the au mirror is a bit slow atm :)01:05
bionicapokryphos: appreciate it, thanks..01:05
dabaRChousuke: yep, has been working for a while. Dunno whether they still have the right option in the shutdown menu, though. I have one right here too, talking to you from it. the newest powerbook.01:05
thoreauputicrob: use the torrents01:05
ubotuI heard xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"01:05
rixthI will be seeding overnight.01:05
IB-what are the drawbacks to using ubuntu 64 ?01:05
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IB-flash ? java ?01:05
zjimbo:-p I didn't know sexist stereotyping was allowed here...01:05
ChousukedabaR: My powerbook isn't the newest one.01:05
robthoreauputic, nah, I already have dapper installed, just updating01:05
ajmitch_IB-: pretty much just those two01:05
rixthIB- and w32codecs01:05
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thoreauputicrob: then seed the torrent :)01:06
ChousukedabaR: did your suspend work on breezy too?01:06
IB-and there isnt 32 emulation libs for them ?01:06
rixthOh thats right, sorry.01:06
lekshttp://joelbryanonsoftware.blogspot.com/2006/05/5-ubuntu-common-hooker.html dat shit is brilliant01:06
=== negsoul is now known as biberao
dabaRChousuke: heard of a live CD? aka desktop CD? you could use it to test. No it did not work in breezy01:06
apokryphosIB-: no, but you can make a chroot01:06
thoreauputicrob: if you  have an ISO of course01:06
robI will probably soon01:06
ChousukedabaR: hmmh.01:06
apokryphosunfortunately Ubuntu is not BiArch compatible [yet] 01:06
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IB-so i guess for now i'll stick with 32 bit ver01:06
ChousukeI don't have any empty CDs to test :/01:06
protocol1hyphenated, peter's boss is funnier than s^%^01:06
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!01:06
apokryphosrukuartic: ?01:06
Seveasrukuartic, ?01:06
thoreauputicrukuartic: ?01:06
dabaRChousuke: ya, really, not much I can tell you..01:06
=== rukuartic is a tattletale.
thoreauputicrukuartic: that's for emergencies...01:07
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ChousukedabaR: how about airport extreme?01:07
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rukuarticmy bad. I'll watch out i nthe future.01:07
casanova_the 64 -bit vrsion is n.i.c.e. but, it wosn't support most 32 -bit software, such as the Flash player, unless you do a few hax01:07
ROBOdhello guys01:07
=== amac [n=amac@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicrukuartic: don't use that factoid unless something is wrong01:07
ROBOdi have used the following tutorial: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion01:07
IB-yeah, got that, i'll stick with 32 for now01:07
ROBOdto get the new FF 1.501:07
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ROBOdhow to undo the dpkg-divert?01:07
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thoreauputicROBOd: it tells you on the wiki page01:08
y2d2can any one tell me why gksudo "update-manager -d" isent upgrading me to dapper drake?01:08
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion01:08
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apokryphosy2d2: are you on breezy?01:08
Chousukeso hmm01:08
Casy2d2: is yor breezy up2date?01:08
eXistenZthoreauputic, what mail client do you use01:08
apokryphosy2d2: well, what's the error?01:08
McNutellacan I update using "software updates" GUI ?01:08
y2d2it says im up to date01:08
thoreauputiceXistenZ: sylpheed mostly01:08
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apokryphosMcNutella: for options see /msg ubotu upgrade01:08
ChousukeDapper features combined livecd and installation?01:08
IB-will mark be here today maybe ?01:09
apokryphosy2d2: up to date? Are you sure dapper's not install?01:09
souljasChousuke: yes01:09
McNutellahttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. does not exist LOL01:09
y2d2i used sudo apt-get update and upgrade01:09
Chousukesouljas: excellent01:09
McNutellaneeds the . taken outta that message01:09
y2d2my teminals say brezy badger01:09
dabaRChousuke: works, however, still buggy, and I have come to a point where I will only use the drivers on a separate partition than my production one.01:09
rskMcNutella: it does01:09
souljasChousuke:  also has a alternative cd for low memory machines and the such01:09
ChousukedabaR: alright.01:09
Bilfordy2d2, just replace all breezy with dapper in your source list01:10
McNutellaubotu has the . on the url link, that will take one to a page not in existance01:10
apokryphosy2d2: /msg ubotu upgrade for other methods01:10
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, McNutella01:10
dabaRChousuke: however, my card is slightly diff from yours, afaik, so you may have better luck.01:10
stylusErr, how do I get all that graphical interface happening? It has nothing but a command prompt.01:10
Chousukesouljas: my machine has plenty of memory. 1.25GB ;)01:10
apokryphosBilford, y2d2: there's a bit more to it than that. See /msg ubotu upgrade01:10
y2d2k, thanks guys, ill try that01:10
eXistenZthoreauputic, I need to use a good email client01:10
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dooglushow does one burn a .iso to a CD in xubuntu?01:10
IB-will mark be here today maybe ?01:10
ChousukedabaR: it's unlikely I'll transfer completely to Ubuntu, but I'll have to check it out :)01:10
dabaRdooglus: right click burn to disc01:10
dooglusdabaR: right click where?01:11
IB-is he here now ? :)01:11
dabaRChousuke: ya, very slick OS.01:11
thoreauputiceXistenZ: matter of taste - some use thunderbird, some evolution, some like mutt for CLI use01:11
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dabaRdooglus: on the file01:11
Mewshiso... i'm liking this ubuntu thing... ^_^01:11
stylusHow come it's just a stylus@place instead of a nice graphical login.01:11
thoreauputiceXistenZ: I like sylpheed :)01:11
dooglusdabaR: how do you mean?01:11
eXistenZthoreauputic, I see :] 01:11
ChousukedabaR: on x86 machines I'd have Ubuntu, but since I can run OS X on my powerbook, I don't have a real need for Ubuntu :)01:11
TheMadmananyone had success running k8v 64 bit motherboard with ATI graphics?01:11
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dabaRdooglus: right click on the .iso file, and the menu will appear. then click the burn to disc option, and watch it work its magic.01:11
rukuarticapokryphos: I just ran both update/dist-upgrade and update-manager -d from dapper beta. If it doesn't upgrade much, am I using 6.06 final release?01:11
no0keso dapper drake is now 'stable' ?01:12
IB-welp laters01:12
dabaRChousuke: you must be either good with OSX, or just not use computers that much01:12
apokryphosrukuartic: which beta specifically? As in, when was the last time you upgraded?01:12
apokryphosno0ke: yes01:12
GNAMthere are 3 dapper-dvd-i386.iso... what's kubuntu one?01:12
thoreauputicrukuartic: probably01:12
chmod775Is te gnome power manager working now01:12
fr3drikWoho, I'm uploading dapper with a total of 20 MB/s01:12
apokryphosGNAM: check /topic in #kubuntu01:12
dooglusdabaR: I downloaded the file in azureus, and now it's on my disk.  I can 'ls' in the directory.  if I right-click on it, it gives a menu "open terminal; open tab; copy; paste; menubar; and a few others.  nothing about burning01:12
biberaoGNAM, KUBUNTU = KDE01:12
chmod775I have had problems with it ever since I upgraded it from breezy01:12
ChousukedabaR: I'm the former then I guess, because I don't really fit into the latter category.01:12
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dabaRdooglus: do you use gnome?01:12
dooglusdabaR: no, xubuntu01:13
braskowhat's the command to update :)01:13
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chmod775Is gnome power manager working properly01:13
dabaRdooglus: do you use nautilus?01:13
dooglusdabaR: no01:13
dooglusdabaR: I think that's part of GNOME01:13
Cas!tell brasko about upgrade01:13
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dabaRdooglus: it is.01:13
rukuarticapokryphos: thoreauputic, err I can't quite remember which beta exactly. I installed it about a month ago01:13
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thoreauputicdooglus: the right-click to burn is a nautilus thing01:13
Fastlyis the LTS version the final release?01:13
Frogzooso I tried "gksudo "update-manager -d" - but I get "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/apt/__init__.py:17: FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet"01:13
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dabaRdooglus: I am not sure of another method.01:13
cy_hello :)01:13
rixthreleases.ubuntu.com appears to have died01:13
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apokryphosrukuartic: well if you're on dapper then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will get you up to official, yes.01:14
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dabaRdooglus: but, ask: How do I burn isos to a CD without nautilus?01:14
dooglusthoreauputic: yes, that's how I burned the breezy cd I think01:14
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TidusdabaR: install cdrecord01:14
cefrixth: it's not dead, but it's terribly slow01:14
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rukuarticapokryphos: Ok, I was just makin sure. All that updated was pcmcia-cd or something :P01:14
rixthCan I start the correct against the semi downloaded ISO?01:14
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rixthtorrent, rather01:14
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Fastlyis Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) the final release?01:14
thoreauputiccef, rixth not surprisingly...01:14
apokryphosFastly: yes01:15
dabaRFastly: ?01:15
cy_apokryphos; can i easyli migrate my debian(unstable) system by changing the source.list and do a dist-upgrade ? or is there any guide howto move from debian to ubuntu ?01:15
rskFastly: no there will be more final releases :)01:15
dabaRthere will be other releases01:15
crazy_penguinhi all!01:15
mnkhi all - i am thinking of buying wireless cards / routers for my desk top and laptop - which ones would u recommend that are known to 'just work' with ubuntu pls? i have heard the wireless isn't that good on linus01:15
mdzrixth: releases is a bit overloaded, but not dead yet ;-)01:15
Bilfordhow do you see what version /release you have01:15
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rukuarticI was just hoping for a shiny "Welcome to 6.06" screen :P01:15
Fastlywhat does LTS stand for?01:15
dabaRBilford: cat /etc/issue01:15
rsklong term support01:15
rukuarticFastly: Long Term Support01:15
braskoCas: thanks01:15
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uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : what does it mean by "Copy the appropriate files over to a directory on your Ubuntu computer (e.g. your Home directory) and install them in this order:"01:15
BilforddabaR, ty01:15
ubotuwell, lts is Long Term Support. LTS versions will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.01:15
apokryphoscy_: no, you'll likely encounter many problems. Upgrade from debian -> ubuntu is not supported at all; you'll need to do a full reinstall.01:15
dabaRBilford: $2001:15
uccoffee_loves_B[CrippsFX] : what is my home dir?01:15
Chousukethis torrent is speedy01:15
cy_apokryphos; thank you :)01:15
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uccoffee_loves_Banyone can help01:15
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uccoffee_loves_Bwhat does it mean by " my Home dir " ?01:16
rukuarticuccoffee_loves_B: that'd be /home/(yourusername)01:16
thoreauputicuccoffee_loves_B: /home/yourusername01:16
dabaRI love when they put those three words in that order01:16
BilforddabaR, lol01:16
mnkhi all - i am thinking of buying wireless cards / routers for my desk top and laptop - which ones would u recommend that are known to 'just work' with ubuntu pls? i have heard the wireless isn't that good on linus01:16
Tidusuccoffee_loves_B: /home/<username>01:16
cefChousuke: lots of people seeding01:16
uccoffee_loves_B[thoreauputic] : thx01:16
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Chousukecef: yeah.01:16
ChousukeI'm getting 1MBps01:16
rukuarticmnk: Linksys :P Works great.01:16
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rixthI am getting 2 kn/sec.01:16
rixthkb, rather01:16
ubotudabaR: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:16
BilfordI have  Ubuntu 6.06 LTS \n \l01:16
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mnkrukuartic - any linksys?01:17
ubotuwell, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers01:17
OmniDWhere is that torrent located01:17
apokryphosrsk: that's really not going to get you much help at all01:17
biberaohow to make ubuntu work ok with WPA?01:17
rukuarticmnk: Hold up, lemme get the model number01:17
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thoreauputicOmniD: /topic01:17
dabaROmniD: ubuntu.com/download01:17
apokryphosrsk: if there's a question, ask in here; if you need to provide further details, then link it in your post.01:17
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ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, chmod77501:17
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rukuarticmnk: wmp54g works great. As for the router, I like the wrt56g handles very nicely01:17
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chmod775Any boyd facing problems with the gnome power manager01:18
Cas!tell biberao about wpa01:18
mnkexclelent - thanks for that.01:18
rukuarticmnk: As for notebooks, what I did was take a LiveCD into the store and test them out to see if their internal wireless card worked01:18
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mnkhmm ok01:18
Cas!tell chmod775 about anyone01:18
rukuarticmnk: And with the wireless card in the computer, make sure you learn how to use ndiswrapper. (I was using he PCI card, not the USB one)01:18
biberaodoesnt work Cas01:18
rskbut im sure that wont help either01:18
rskcause thats what i did first01:19
dabaRdooglus: did you read that?01:19
crazy_penguini have some problems with the kernel/udev. at boot the system hangs for about 5 to 10 minutes and gives me the interrupt lost error. i tracked down that the error is comming from the second ide controller, but i'm pretty sure that's not hardware problem. any ideea anyone?01:19
Casbiberao: what part you have problems with?01:19
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mnkexclelent - thanks for that.01:19
rukuarticchmod775: I was having a bit of problems. It has trouble changing the icon if I boot with the powercable unplugged. It still shows the icon for plugged in although it says batteries draining.01:19
biberaowpasupplicant tells me to remove keys01:19
chmod775hey Cas, I am facing problems with the gnome power manager it's acting funny, it does display how much charge I have in my batt properly, I did not face these problems with breezy01:19
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biberaoCas,  wpasupplicant tells me to remove keys01:19
=== Celestar still waits for the Sparc release ;)
McNutellawhen I upgrade, do I have to reinstall all the codecs and programs I have already been using ?01:20
biberaoCas,  and many other things but i need to fix this later01:20
rukuarticMcNutella: nope :P01:20
biberaoi dont have my lappy here01:20
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McNutellabiberao, fabulous :)01:20
rukuarticMcNutella: You might with windows though :P the beauty of linux01:20
chmod775rukuartic, and also it doesnt display the proper status of the batt charge. It also does'nt warn when there is too less batt power01:20
McNutellawhats windows? rukuartic01:20
rataHi, i am configuring a server with dapper, and i want to change locales, but dpkg-reconfigure locales does not do anything, and i checked that dpkg-reconfigure debconf says dialog. What am i doing wrong ?01:20
biberaoMcNutella, fabulous what?01:20
vinboyNicolas Boccard wrote:01:20
vinboy> I use Texshop 1.35c on MACOSX 10.3.5 with a TeTEX installation from01:21
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McNutellabiberao, just a good thing, thats all01:21
Caschmod775: take a look in malone for bugs, post a report if there is nothing about it01:21
vinboy> i-Installer. My tex file is01:21
vinboy> \documentclass[a5paper,10pt,oneside,notitlepage] {article}01:21
rukuarticchmod775: mine also doesn't soft shutdown when battery is low01:21
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 01:21
vinboy> \usepackage{fourier}01:21
Frogzooupgrade to Dapper fails: http://pastebin.com/751031 ?01:21
biberaoMcNutella, but why did you tell me?01:21
vinboy> \begin{document}01:21
vinboy> some stuff with maths01:21
vinboy> \end{document}01:21
vinboy> Package: fourier 2004/03/02 1.2 fourier-GUTenberg package01:21
vinboy> (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty01:21
vinboy> Package: fontenc 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX package01:21
rukuarticvinboy: just give us a link01:21
Frogzoovinboy: pastebin pls01:21
vinboy> (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/base/t1enc.def01:21
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chmod775Cas, do u have the link to report bugs01:21
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vinboy> File: t1enc.def 2001/06/05 v1.94 Standard LaTeX file01:21
souljasneed more ftp's01:21
vinboy> LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring font encoding T1 on input line 38.)01:21
vinboy> ! Font T1/cmr/m/n/10=ecrm1000 at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM)01:21
dabaRrata, did you try installing some other packages?01:21
Mulderwhat's the "alternative" isos i see?01:21
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!01:21
vinboy> Can anyone help ?01:22
chmod775rukuartic, I am just wondering if I get the isos and reinstall will that be fixed01:22
vinboyfourier.sty uses T1 font encoding by default, i.e. the fonts contain all01:22
rukuartichoboy. poor ops =\01:22
[ex] hungry-hobowow i guess we killed #ubuntu+1 since its invite only01:22
vinboythose accented letters and some more to support proper hyphenation.01:22
apokryphosFrogzoo: ?01:22
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] by Seveas
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Cas!tell chmod775 about bugs01:22
robvinboy, don;t paste01:22
souljasMulder: for low memory systems and such01:22
Frogzooapokryphos: thought vinboy was spamming01:22
Seveasrob, well, he can't anymore01:22
neutrinomassWhat is dapper-alternate ?01:22
Muldersouljas, oh. what optimisations do they have on them?01:22
Celestarsparc release for me :)01:22
Cas!tell chmod775 about bug01:22
=== Celestar goes downloading ...
rukuarticchmod775: No clue :p01:22
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ratadabaR, like whats ? i check language-pack-<what i want> it is installed01:22
robSeveas, yeah ;)01:22
Tiduschmod775: that's ok... the battery meter on my laptop dont work anyway.  as soon as you unplug it, it'll show 80% until it triggers the low battery alarm, at which time it'll jump down to 15%01:22
rixthTorrent is slow :(01:22
marmiteis dapper available on any AU mirrors yet?01:22
Tiduschmod775: and it wont autoshutdown01:22
jdubMulder: alternative is old-style installer; desktop is new live-cd installer01:23
Xorerob: netsplit 1000 users in #ubuntu for fun and profit! =)01:23
jdubmarmite: doesn't look like it01:23
Celestarrixth: I download at 2.5MB/sec (http)01:23
dabaRmarmite: do you guys have torrents there?01:23
chmod775Tidus, yes that's right01:23
no0kelol, #ubuntu, #1 channel01:23
watson540im gonna miss tnhat channel, if only i hadnt killed irssi i would still be special and be in there01:23
robXore, fun and profit? :(01:23
Tiduschmod775: the hardware sensor in mine's busted... it does that in windows as well01:23
Xoreok, maybe not01:23
OmniDSweet 3kb/s01:23
rixthCelestar, I am getting 7,8kb/sec =(01:23
thoreauputicdabaR: yes, there are torrents in .au :)01:23
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apokryphoswatson540: nope, there was a ChanServ clear01:23
Xorebut, that would be one heckuva netsplit to witness01:23
Mulderjdub, ah ok. so after install stage, they're identical?01:23
rukuarticdabaR: If there's not you could be the first one :P01:23
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jdubMulder: yeah01:23
chmod775I did'nt have these problems in breezy01:23
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Mulderjdub, cheers01:24
Celestarrixth: because may I'm the only one who downloads that :P01:24
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jdubMulder: desktop CD is more fun :)01:24
cefheya jdub01:24
jdubmorning cef01:24
watson540oh so i got kicked and didnt knoow it.haha01:24
thoreauputicjdub: congrats on release :)01:24
rukuarticYeah, whats the difference between the desktopcd and the livcd?01:24
=== Bilford [n=bilford@71-32-126-171.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Mulderjdub, yeah i think i'll get desktop heh. i have 1.5gb ram, so not too fussy about it :)01:24
=== jake [n=jake@h236n1c1o986.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasrukuartic, the desktop cd IS the live cd01:24
biberaoare the dapper mirrors updated?01:24
rukuarticSeveas: Aha! <smart>01:24
sarekdoes anyone of you have a source for an ubuntu package of NetworkManager? My laptop crashed and I lost my sources.list :-(01:24
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capitanplanetaviva ubuntu!01:25
capitanplanetara, ra, ra! :)01:25
rukuartichttp://paste.ubuntu-nl/6666 I think sarek01:25
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:25
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Cassarek: ^01:25
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rukuarticOho! Thats cool.01:25
=== Dimitris [i=Absolut@acr-as1-11.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #Ubuntu
cachedw00t downloading dapper at an amazing .15 KB/sec!01:25
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=== biberao punches jcz`
chmod775I am totally pissed coz of power manager01:26
sarekrukuartic: ???01:26
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C_REATIVEhow can i share cable-net under ubuntu ?01:26
sas171hi, whats on dapper DVD new in compare to CD distrubution?01:26
cachedis there a torrent01:26
SeveasI have 100k down in the torrent 01:26
Mulderus mirror is getting hammered right now i'm guessing01:26
apokryphossas171: dvd is desktop+alternate01:26
cefso many people who grabbed the image then buggered off01:26
Frogzooboo - upgrade needs execute on /tmp :p01:26
Tiduscached: use a torrent instead.01:26
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sduffySeveas: got 800kb down on torrent, and 600 up01:26
cachedfound one :)01:26
apokryphoscef: they might be installing 8)01:26
sybaritenmmmmkay i just wanted to say, i just installed XFCE (via apt-get xubuntu-desktop) and i just cant believe how much better this sucky mac runs in that, compared to gnome ......01:26
rukuarticsarek: Follow the sourceomatic linkk. I'm totally wrong.01:26
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sas171apokryphos: what alternate? for example?01:26
apokryphossas171: /msg ubotu alternate01:27
neutrinomassIs Xubuntu not officially supported :-/ ?01:27
rukuarticsybariten: I actually ran xfce for a while, when I switched back to gnome--it was faster for things like firefox etc.01:27
cachedjust downloading the torrent takes forever01:27
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rukuarticneutrinomass: #xubuntu I think01:27
apokryphosneutrinomass: it is now01:27
sas171apokryphos: thank you01:27
dabaRsybariten: heh, i am glad to hear that, but, use this channel for questions.01:27
Seveasif I have the complete iso I'll have some more up too01:27
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sarekbut these are the "official" packages, right? The version in Ubuntu 5.10 is quite outdated :-(01:27
neutrinomassapokryphos: Yeah n/m, the page I was reading was outdated ...01:27
sduffySeveas: also mirroring it out from here, but havent seen to crazy a ramp up in traffic yet, def not pushing up near 2gb01:27
TidusSeveas: now all you gotta do is get freenx working on dapper lol01:27
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Xoremmmmm. freenx01:28
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rixth"The reference implementation of the Java programming language from Sun Microsystems (Although this will be available in Ubuntu Dapper due to license changes.)" from Wikipedia. Will Dapper have Sun's Java by default?01:28
marmiteso dapper-desktop-i386.iso is the livecd and installer in one?01:28
rukuarticSo dapper server comes with a lamp install? That PHP or Perl?01:28
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rukuarticmarmite: yep ^^01:28
apokryphosmarmite: yes01:28
SeveasTidus, done that weeks ago...01:28
LinuxJonessduffy, if that't the x86 live cd could you post the .torrent so I can seed it ?01:28
dholbachrixth: no, not by default.01:28
thoreauputicrixth: not by default - but it's available in multiverse01:28
zjimbohow is xgl/compiz01:28
capitanplanetais there an estimate on the number of ubuntu users, worldwide?01:28
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rukuarticzjimbo: cool, and memory/processor hogging01:29
apokryphoszjimbo: /msg ubotu xgl01:29
rixthAh okay. Also, in reference to rukuartic, is the LAMP PHP or Python or Perl? What versions?01:29
rixth!package malp01:29
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, rixth01:29
cefnot too bad.. according to the tracker, there's been 155 GiB downloaded01:29
rixth!package lamp01:29
uboturixth: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:29
sybaritenone question though, i screwed up my locale settings - or whatever i should call the keyboard settings in this case, seems global for gnome and xfce anyhow - to the point where i cant use my swedish special characters. On the DamnSmall liveCD for instance, i start up with US keyboard each time and i exit X and do 'loadkeys se-latin1' and reenter X ....  on this box i couldnt do that now, from a terminal. Any ideas where i should change t01:29
=== passbe [n=passbe@ppp184-119.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsu!info lamp01:29
lilocongrats, all :)01:29
Seveasthanks lilo01:29
neutrinomasscapitanplaneta: None that I know of...according to distrowatch it's the most popular distro....01:29
zjimbo;-p fattening... the way I like it01:29
apokryphosthanks =)01:29
Seveaslilo, look at the number of users01:29
thoreauputiclilo: :)01:29
liloSeveas: yep :)01:29
liloSeveas: knew it had to happen :)01:30
FujitsuA record, I believe?01:30
Seveaswe beat #debian and in the same sweep took over the lead from #gentoo 01:30
rixthlilo, we're bigger than #gentoo =D01:30
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sybaritenrukuartic: ok, i doubt i will switch back though... we'll see01:30
apokryphoslilo: is there an all-time record?01:30
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thoreauputicit was up to 1024 a while ago :)01:30
dynhi all :)01:30
ukhwell, #debian is leaving for OFTC anyway01:30
Reg|sterhow can i update from 5.10 to 6.06??01:30
liloFujitsu: I believe this is the first time that you guys have been #1.... it's not unexpected, but it's pretty cool :)01:30
liloI'm actually not sure what the record is01:30
apokryphosReg|ster: /topic01:30
lilobut this is a record :)01:30
=== lilo nods at ukh
apokryphosyeah :)01:30
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liloukh: I don't think they've been #1 for a while01:30
rukuarticlilo: are the logs mirrored somewhere? maybe someone could write a tidy perl script >>;01:31
ratadabaR, sorry, if you answer me i dont read you. Could you repeat which packages do you refer to ?01:31
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apokryphosrukuartic: logs for this channel?01:31
rukuarticapokryphos: yep01:31
dyni'm doing a clean install of 6.06.. approximately how long should it take to resize a 80Gb NTFS to 60Gb? it's been working for half an hour now and I'm slightly worried..01:31
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ubotulogs are at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/01:31
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apokryphosrukuartic: /msg ubotu logs01:31
tubbieany one here have win xp installing using qemu?01:31
sybariteni believe in gnome you have a special setting for keyboard layouts and such ?  does xfce have something similar?01:31
rixthdyn, NTFS?01:31
dabaRrata: I forgot what we were talking about01:31
dynrixth: yeah to make some space on the hard dirve01:31
Filladodyn: takes qtparted like a minute01:31
rixthdyn, I don't think Ubuntu has write support for NTFS.01:31
rukuarticapokryphos: Logs are rolling down the hill :P01:31
Fujitsudyn, it could take a while if there are a lot of files.01:31
Fujitsurixth, it can resize.01:32
liloanyway, very neat :)01:32
Filladounless your partiton is fragmented01:32
ratadabaR, :). I am triying to change locales for a server in dapper01:32
rixthResizing is freaking scary.01:32
jadaz87does anyone know of a linux program that can modify fla or flash files?01:32
_nano_dyn: i think if the drive is fragmented it might take a while01:32
dynFujitsu: there's over 40G data on the ntfs01:32
dyn_nano_: so over 30 mins can be ok?01:32
dabaRrata: Oh. I am not sure, that is why I did not send any msgs01:32
capitanplanetaand the number of gnu/linux users worldwide?01:32
rukuarticI tried to resize my ntfs. It broke on the 6th try... Oh no...01:32
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Filladodyn: when did you last defrag it?01:32
livingdaylightis Dapper Official yet?01:32
Frogzootubbie: aye01:32
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Seveaslivingdaylight, yes01:32
Filladoyes livingdaylight01:32
rukuarticcapitanplaneta: too many to count :P Lots of sysadmins/servers use linux01:32
siccnessYes livingdaylight01:32
dynFillado: it's the collegue's machine.. I think never is the right answer :)01:33
cachedim connected to 3 seeds and 31 peers but im getting 435B/sec01:33
tubbieFrogzoo, do you have sound working?01:33
dynFillado: still, partman can do its job fine, nah?01:33
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ratadabaR, ohh, dont care about it, lie me that i like it ;)01:33
Filladoyeah, just take quite a bit moving all the files forwad on the disc :)01:33
Frogzootubbie: haven't bothered to be honest01:33
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jadaz87why does ubuntu+1 not exist??01:33
capitanplanetai'm getting 230 Kbps on gnome bittorrent01:33
dynFillado: and also, at 'ps aux' I can see only 2 partman processes running, no ntfsresize..01:33
livingdaylightok, GUYS!, how do i upgrade from Breezy then?01:34
Frogzootubbie: you _might_ do better with 0.801:34
Fujitsujadaz87, there is no Ubuntu+1 at the moment.01:34
=== beyond [n=beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsulivingdaylight, see /topic.01:34
=== IB- [n=hello@l85-130-147-50.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
IB-where is a list that says the diff ebtween all the stuff at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ ?01:34
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SunTzuTechlivingdaylight: it's in the wiki01:34
Filladopersonally i use system rescue cd + qt parted01:34
grimboyHey, has anyone every tried to implement apt-get on top of bittorrent?01:34
=== dinda [n=dinda@cpe-72-181-85-40.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rukuarticAny tutorials around on networkmanager?01:34
cachedfinally, down speed increasing01:34
dooglusit will be interesting to see whether that bug which resulted in ntfs partitions getting trashed really got fixed or not01:34
cached<3 ubuntu01:34
rukuarticdooglus: I ran into that01:34
IB-ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso is what i need ?01:35
=== dodgyvile [n=dodgyvil@cor9-ppp1169.bur.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Filladoyes IB-01:35
dodgyvilehello again01:35
jadaz87does anyone know of a linux program that can modify fla or flash files?01:35
dodgyvileI just upgraded to dapper and there a few problems! 1. The internet connection keeps dropping out. It runs fine for maybe 5 mins and then just drops out. After a little while it reconnects again. Even now I think it may have dropped out. D'Oh01:35
dynFillado: so you do not recommend the 6.06 livecd's built in resize solution?01:35
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livingdaylightOk, GUYS, THX. Today is a very important day!01:35
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QPAD|warlockHow do I run a application trough shell_exec and save the PID?01:35
pedrocrupdate-manager should have the dapper upgrade availabe as soon as my mirror updates, right?01:35
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Frogzoo6 hours - 16 hours - 10 hours - it's like watching dials on a slot machine01:35
dooglusrukuartic: not with the final release though?01:35
rukuarticdooglus: no it was a beta.01:35
thoreauputicdodgyvile: yup, I didn't see your post saying that you had dropped out ;)01:35
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Filladowell, i've never actually used it, i just use system rescue cd to resize the disk, then all i need to select is use the largest bit of free space01:35
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dodgyvileAll my connections (http, irc, bittorrent) just drop to zero01:35
livingdaylightThis day will go down in the anals of history as one of the most important days in the evolution of mankind  :)01:36
Filladoless chance of screwing something up ;)01:36
dooglusFrogzoo: what are you doing?01:36
babywhen i try to configure any file it gives an error like "C Compiler cannot create executables" how can i fix it?01:36
amacthe servers are dead01:36
dodgyvilethoreauputic: I had to reconnect to irc.freenode.org :(01:36
Frogzoodooglus: -> dapper01:36
dynFillado: i see your point :)01:36
rukuarticFrogzoo: If i had an actual 6.06 iso I'd put it up just for you. But I don't cuz I'm scared to tip the fragile ballance of bandwidth01:36
grimboyI've just ran out of disk space when upgrading01:36
QPAD|warlockAnyone know how to run a application trough shell_exec and save the PID? <- ?01:36
dooglusFrogzoo: updating?  or downloading a .iso?01:36
scheurilivingdaylight: mark, is it you?01:36
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Casjadaz87: there is f4l(flash4linux) but i wouldn't recommend that01:36
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thoreauputiclivingdaylight: erm, slight exaggeration perhaps ;)01:36
livingdaylightscheuri: no, conrad01:36
Frogzoodooglus: yep - updating - now I see my mistake, *sigh*01:36
LinuxJonesWTF there are over 1000 people in here :D01:36
rukuarticQPAD|warlock: Eeh... if you run the app and then ps aux | grep (ap name)01:36
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DktDo Ubuntu have an inbuilt FTP-Program? (A client) In that case, which?01:36
FrogzooLinuxJones: dapper's released today01:36
jadaz87Cas: why whould you not recommend it? lol01:36
!lilo:*! Congratulations to Ubuntu on Dapper Day!01:36
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html01:36
dynLinuxJones: it's a great day today, no wonder :)01:37
livingdaylightthoreauputic: nah...common!!!  ;)01:37
scheuriDkt: gFTP01:37
LinuxJonesI am loving it01:37
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thoreauputiclivingdaylight: heheh01:37
grimboyjadaz87: Try running the real thing but with wine or crossover office01:37
dooglusFrogzoo: you'll probably find it's quicker to download the .iso, mount the image, and add the mountpoint as a repository, then update...01:37
jadaz87Dapper add 300 proplr01:37
dodgyvileWhen I first upgraded to dapper, the network icon in the top tray appeared to be a broken wireless connection (this comp's never had wireless) as opposed to a normal ADSL connection that was there before...01:37
dodgyvilecongrats btw01:37
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CasDkt: places->connect to server01:37
kbrooksdooglus: cool, eh?01:37
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dooglusFrogzoo: the torrent was blazing - I was getting 450Kb/s for the last 20 minutes01:37
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SanneDkt, if you use Kubuntu, you can use the konqueror filemanager as ftp client.01:37
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_nano_how does dapper final treat broadcom wireless cards?01:37
tubbie -01:37
livingdaylightubuntu have changed their homepage01:37
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Mulder_nano_, probably still out of luck01:38
livingdaylightwww.ubuntu.com looks different now01:38
rukuarticYeah I thought dapper was out in like, two/three months. Why'd it get released so early?01:38
Frogzoodooglus: I know I know - but didn't realise the update would be so slow b4 I kicked it off :P01:38
kbrookslivingdaylight: WE KNOW01:38
jadaz87livingdaylight: it is REALLY nice01:38
dodgyvileI hate to be a party-pooper but this is really frustrating to me01:38
kbrookslivingdaylight: WE KNOW01:38
thoreauputic_nano_: you'll need the firmware01:38
livingdaylightGUYS, i only just realized! wow!01:38
rukuarticdodgyvile: whats gettin ya down?01:38
thoreauputic_nano_: see the wiki pages on wifi01:38
QPAD|warlockrukuartic, I have to save the PID when i start it, since there might be many with the same name01:38
Mulder_nano_, there's a project to reverse engineer broadcom wifi, but it's still in experimental development (driver that is)01:38
kbrooksrukuartic: that's 6.10.01:38
livingdaylightwas that off today?01:38
dooglusFrogzoo: but even now, it's worth switching to the torrent01:38
thoreauputicMulder: no, it's out01:38
rukuartickbrooks: Ooooh.01:38
livingdaylightsince when?01:38
scheurikbrooks: you noticed that ubuntu.com looks diff...*bang*...;)01:38
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Mulderthoreauputic, wow. when?01:38
dodgyvilerukuartic: I upgraded to dapper from (5.10) and now the network "resets" every few minutes or so01:38
kbrooksrukuartic: not 6.0601:38
thoreauputicMulder: I have it on my iBook01:38
hypnox_nano_: worked fine for me with ndiswrapper01:38
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thoreauputicMulder: a few months now I believe01:39
Frogzoodooglus: I can kill the upgrade without encouraging gremlins?01:39
livevilI've installed a program from synaptic, but I don't know from where I can execute it! Can You say me if there is a way to see the recent installed program?01:39
rukuarticdodgyvile: wireless? ...odd01:39
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hypnoxFrogzoo yes01:39
Mulderthoreauputic, ah heh. looks like i'm out of date then01:39
QPAD|warlockAny clues rukuartic ?01:39
thoreauputicMulder: cafuego has debs for the firmware01:39
dooglusFrogzoo: yes.  you can even run the update again, and it will carry on from where it had got to in the download.01:39
dodgyvilerukuartic: No, ADSL modem, but when I first upgraded it stuck a broken wireless icon in the top bar.01:39
Frogzoohypnox: cool, thx both u & dooglus01:39
Aarinhey i've got a little problem01:39
grimboyWhat does apt-get do if you run out of space?01:39
dooglusFrogzoo: (so long as you don't apt-get clean in the mean time)01:39
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hypnoxgrimboy: stops01:39
dodgyvilerukuartic: Could it be polling a non-existant wireless card?01:39
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rukuarticQPAD|warlock: No, sorry... I'm just a newb-geek.... Oh, um... try right clicking and seeing if there's like a default connection setting01:40
shriphaniman when are ubuntu shipping dapper drake!!!!!01:40
dooglusgrimboy: apt-get checks available space before starting to download01:40
DeanStlapt-get new drive01:40
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dooglusshriphani: about 2 hours ago01:40
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QPAD|warlockAnyone know how to run a application trough shell_exec and save the PID, I have to save the PID when i start it, since there might be many with the same name? ANYONE?01:40
rukuarticQPAD|warlock: No I'm sorry, wish I had info for you01:40
Aarinmy livecd detects my monitor badly, putting the worg refresh rate01:40
QPAD|warlockrukuartic np01:40
shriphanishiping ?01:40
thoreauputicMulder: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/dapper-cafuego/bcm43xx/01:40
grimboyErr... well I'm out of space and it seems to be carrying on.01:40
dooglusshriphani: they're shipping it - um - electronically01:40
Aarinwhen is instaled is easy to resolve this, modifing the xorg.conf01:40
Mulderthoreauputic, cheers01:40
tz273Hey, pls help me! I want to configure my ethernet card to work with a fix ip ( ) but I want it to get the NS servers from the DHCP service. NOW it's using full dhcp.01:40
dooglusshriphani: yeah, that's it01:40
thoreauputicMulder: :)01:40
DimitrisIs there a dvd version available or just the cd image?01:41
souljasis the torrent naming ubuntu 6.06 dapper-desktop?01:41
BeginerCan I browse my Windows partitions with Ubuntu Live CD?01:41
marmitetz273: I don't think you can have it both ways01:41
kbrooksdooglus: no. theyre doing CDS too01:41
thoreauputicMulder: the driver itself is in the default dapper kernel01:41
dodgyvileI think the regulars are too busy with the release01:41
QPAD|warlockAnyone know how to run a application trough shell_exec and save the PID, I have to save the PID when i start it, since there might be many with the same name?01:41
marmitetz273: unless you configure your dhcp server to give you that ip always01:41
kbrooksBeginer: bet ya can.01:41
Seantater_grimboy: so have you df'd?01:41
Mulderthoreauputic, 3rd party patch i'm guessing?01:41
thoreauputicMulder: don't know, sorry01:41
dooglusQPAD|warlock: what's shell_exec?01:41
BeginerI got some erorr01:41
grimboySentater: Sorry, what?01:41
cefsouljas: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/file?info_hash=%E2%96%B5h%7Fc%15%0F%CA%DB%8F%20%F5%92%5B%94%BA%1B%EC%BF01:41
DeanStlanyone got the latest madwifi to install?01:41
jdmpikepoor ubuntuforums.org... it is just getting hammered!01:42
Seantater_grimboy: type df into a terminal -- see what happens01:42
souljascef: ty01:42
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shriphaniso they aint shipping yet ?01:42
thoreauputicMulder: I think it is probably in the restricted modules, but I'm not sure01:42
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tz273marmite: I have to use a router. The only thing, i'v got is a web interface :D01:42
QPAD|warlockdooglus, runs an application ?01:42
Mulderthoreauputic, ah would make sense01:42
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rukuarticAlright guys I need to head out. Mega congrats for gettin 6.06 out, hope I can help you guys beta the laptops in the future :)01:42
dooglusQPAD|warlock: it's a shell command?  or what?  where/how are you running it?01:42
hypnoxshriphani they have to make a few cd's first..01:42
sybaritenno ideas on locale/kbd problems in xfce?  or are you all wanking over your dapper installs ......01:42
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shriphanithey are shipping now !!!!!01:42
mathieuwhen i do /msg ubotu upgrade, i get a link to an out-of-date wiki page. how do i properly upgrade to dapper?01:43
jadaz87thoreauputic: what do they normally do? when they have a release? what do they change the channel to?01:43
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tz273marmite: a program would be enough that gets the NS from the DhcP, all outhers are ok.01:43
Gruntis there a simple of upgrading from breezy to dapper I have downloaded the iso01:43
QPAD|warlockdooglus, a command to run shell commands through php01:43
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aLdwhere in the wiki is the update info01:43
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jadaz87mathieu:  gksudo "update-manager -d"01:43
thoreauputicjadaz87: they? We didn't change this channel - but there's no #ubuntu+1 until the next development branch is under way01:43
jadaz87aLd:  gksudo "update-manager -d"01:44
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hypnoxmathieu read the message more carefully01:44
mathieujadaz87: that upgrade to the _development_ version of ubuntu... i thought dapper was released now?01:44
QPAD|warlockAny clues dooglus ?01:44
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jadaz87mathieu: you do the same thing01:44
thoreauputicjadaz87: or did I misunderstand you ?01:44
aLdjadaz87: that doesnt work01:44
Submathieu, no it will upgrade to dapper currently01:44
jadaz87math the -d is for distrobution upgrade01:44
dooglusQPAD|warlock: oh, PHP - that'll be why I didn't recognise it.  I suggest you ask in a PHP channel...01:44
jadaz87thoreauputic: yes thank you for clarifying01:45
mathieuhypnox: i read it carefully. the wiki doesn't know it's released yet.01:45
tz273could you tell me, how to upgrade my ip address with ifconfig leaving all other records (gw, dns, mask) unchanged?01:45
thoreauputicmathieu: no it updates to the latest ( now 6.06)01:45
dooglusQPAD|warlock: or the PHP manual maybe?  I don't know PHP, it looks kind of ugly to me01:45
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mathieuSub, thoreauputic: ok01:45
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neutrinomassIs the LiveCD installer much less reliable than the install cd ?01:45
rohanhi all01:45
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aLdi know but it doesnt work01:45
grimboydooglus: It is.01:45
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rohancongrats on release :)01:45
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thoreauputic!doesn't work01:45
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Is it on IRC all the time?  Please be specific!  Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:45
aLdit just says im upo to date01:45
ajaycdoes the latest release have XGL on the disc?01:45
ajaycdoes the latest release have XGL on the disc?01:45
tz273QPAD|warlock: I'm advanced PHP programmer, but i don't find your question01:45
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rohanLOL, thoreauputic01:45
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QPAD|warlockdooglus, well, this is more ubuntu i guess. I need to know how to save a special pid.01:45
rohanajayc: ask away01:46
QPAD|warlocktz273, can we talk for a second then ?01:46
laughlinhow does one make changes to the kernel configuration in ubuntu?01:46
neutrinomassajayc: No.01:46
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zangacan someone please help me and tell me how to munt all my partitions01:46
QPAD|warlockregarding something else, Just to check if you have a solution or ont01:46
ajaycneutrinomass, do i have to download it?01:46
Dreamglidergood day everyone :)01:46
thoreauputiczanga:  sudo mount -a  ;-)01:46
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scheuriajayc: there is a topic in the official forums at www.ubuntuforums.com01:46
scheurior org01:46
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zangathoreauputin thats all ??01:46
livingdaylightno parties in London???!!!01:46
laughlinhow does one make changes to the kernel configuration in ubuntu?01:46
neutrinomassajayc: AFAIK yes.... don't take my word for it though (you might want ask in #ubuntu-xgl )01:47
tz273QPAD|warlock: sure, i try to go private01:47
QPAD|warlocktz273, got a second? #php.blabla01:47
thoreauputiczanga: your question needs refining I think :)01:47
uccoffee_loves_Bubotu:do i need to login as root to install ndiswrapper?01:47
scheuriajayc: there is a topic in the official forums at www.ubuntuforums.org01:47
ubotuuccoffee_loves_B: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:47
dooglusQPAD|warlock: is there a 'fork()' call?  that's how you would usually run a child process and get its PID01:47
livingdaylightwhere is the Dapper party in London?01:47
ajaycneutrinomass, do i have to download it?01:47
uccoffee_loves_Bdo i need to login as root to install ndiswrapper?01:47
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mathieugksudo "upda... -d" says: your system is up-to-date01:47
scheuriuccoffee_loves_B: you need to have root rights to install software01:47
neutrinomassuccoffee_loves_B: ubotu is a bot, not a real person :) 'root' is not enabled on Ubuntu so I guess you will have to use 'sudo'01:47
Fujitsuuccoffee_loves_B, use sudo01:47
tz273QPAD|warlock: you read me in private?01:47
aLdsorry, so i tried what you said gksudo update-manager -d and bang nothing just says im up to date regardless01:47
ubotuhmm... ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper01:47
cefhrm, running out of disk to hold .iso's for seeding torrents. time to burn files to disk to make room. *grin*01:47
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Gruntsorry for asking the same question that has been asked a million times but to upgrade from breezy to dapper.  Do you just need to type gksudo "update-manager -d"?01:47
mathieuaLd: same here01:48
neutrinomassajayc: As I said, I am not absolutely sure but I think yes.01:48
Dreamglideris there much diffrence in installing ubuntu 6.06 on a clean partion or doing a dist upgrade ?01:48
QPAD|warlocktz273, cant you gotta register, and i dont feel like registering atm, can you join #php.blabal ?01:48
x3ondoes anyone recommend using ReiserFS for / ?01:48
QPAD|warlock#php.blabla * - sorry for spam people.01:48
neutrinomass!upgrade @ Grunt01:48
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, neutrinomass01:48
thoreauputicGrunt: that's about it, yes01:48
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, neutrinomass01:48
dooglusmathieu: what if you don't use '-d'?01:48
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scheuriajayc: yes, you do need to download it...there is help at the forums! www.ubuntuforums.org01:48
marmitetz273: your router would be your dhcp server then I guess01:48
Fujitsux3on, I always use it.01:48
mathieudooglus: the same ..01:48
neutrinomass(who removed the update thing from ubotu ? )01:48
QPAD|warlockdooglus: What's 'fork()'01:48
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MulderDreamglider, there might be orphaned packages that arent removed (at least that was the case in debian - they might've fixed that now)01:49
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ubotuI guess upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.01:49
tz273i'm there: but you're not :) php.blabal01:49
GruntI have actually downloaded the live cd, is there an upgrade from that I can run?01:49
dooglusQPAD|warlock: it's a unix system call.  I expect there's something in PHP with a similar name01:49
marmitetz273: the there should be an option within that to configure a static ip address for your mac address01:49
thoreauputicthat factoid is too long...01:49
x3onFujitsu, cool. Swap doesn't require a special FS does it?01:49
mathieui guess i'll just hack my source.list01:49
morten__downloaded and installed ati fglrx driver how do i change to this driver?01:49
uccoffee_loves_Binvalid driver.... what the01:49
makelelewould it be better to upgrade or reinstall01:49
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zangacan someone give me a link to the mounting partition`s page ??01:49
marmitetz273: within the dhcp settings01:49
tz273marmite: I will search for, thx01:49
Fujitsux3on, just set the partition type as swap.01:49
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Fujitsu!tell zanga about mount01:49
uccoffee_loves_Bwhy invalid driver.....01:49
ubotuwell, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.01:49
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rizohi does anyone know how to upgrade breezy badger to 6.0601:50
marmitetz273: ifconfig at a command prompt will tell you your mac address01:50
Subyeag theine easyubuntu is better01:50
Fujitsu!tell rizo about upgrade01:50
kbrookstheine: ^01:50
ubotuhmm... easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/.01:50
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neutrinomassIs the classical install CD more reliable than the LiveCD installer ?01:50
thoreauputic!tell rizo about upgrade01:50
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Subneutrinomass, not really.01:50
tz273marmite, ok, that's no problem, thanks!01:50
pmis desktop cd another name for live cd? which iso i should choose for an ordinary installation?01:50
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uccoffee_loves_Bthx for teaching me the " sudo "01:50
marmitetz273: np01:50
dooglusQPAD|warlock: in PHP it's got the lovely, easy-to-remember name of "pcntl_fork"01:50
ubotuI heard easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/.01:50
Subneutrinomass, the live cd installer lets you irc/browse the web while you install basicallu.01:50
Ajay_neutrinomass, do i have to download it?01:50
grimboyneutrinomass: only if you have less than 192MB of ram.01:51
FujitsuSHould I update the upgrade page?01:51
Frogzooany recommendations for a fast dapper desktop 386 torrent?01:51
makelelewould it be better to upgrade or reinstall to Dapper01:51
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Submakelele, upgrade.01:51
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dooglusQPAD|warlock: http://phpbuilder.com/manual/en/function.pcntl-fork.php01:51
Fujitsumakelele, it's fine to upgrade.01:51
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Gruntsorry to be a pain but using the -d switch will upgrade it to the final version of Dapper, and not a rc?01:51
neutrinomassSub : I've been hearing of lots of bugs related to it (there are tons of "ubiquity crashes" on LP) and I want to roll Cds for friends. Haven't used it myself though ...01:51
SubGrunt, yes it will.01:51
dooglusFrogzoo: http://snurl.com/dapper01:51
MulderFujitsu, what about orphaned packages?01:51
thoreauputicGrunt: correct01:51
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Frogzoodooglus: cheers, thx01:51
neutrinomassAjay_ : As I've already told you twice, I am not positive but I believe that yes, you will have to download it.01:51
FujitsuMulder, the upgrade tool handles it.01:51
MulderFujitsu, cool. that's a nice change from how debian was01:52
Ajay_sorry i got disconnected01:52
Subneutrinomass, well I think for friends, the live cd will probably be more comfortable because the classic install is your typical debian text based install.01:52
grimboyneutrinomass: If you've been hearing them then surely the bugfixing team will of by now.01:52
Gruntthanks for the help and paticence guys01:52
neutrinomassAjay_ : OK, no hard feelings. You might want to ask in #ubuntu-xgl though01:52
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scheuriAjay_: there are information of how to install XGL at the forums at www.ubuntuforums.org01:52
makelelehas Dapper been released as yet and can i begin the upgrade ?01:52
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Jeeves_makelele: Yes01:52
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thoreauputicmakelele: yes and yes01:52
rohanmakelele: it might be slow, but yes it has been released01:52
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neutrinomassgrimboy: That would imply that all ubiquity bugs that I've seen have been closed. Anyway, I'll try grabbing the LiveCD and hope there will be no problems :)01:53
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thoreauputicmakelele: use a torrent if possible and leave it up after you finish01:53
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thoreauputicmakelele: URLs in the /topic01:53
Ekushey6.06 released?01:53
netgrabberdo i need proposed?01:53
ubotuSee http://www.snurl.com/dapper01:53
thoreauputicEkushey: yes01:53
kimoguys, how do I save iptables rules, so they're restored automatically ?01:54
FujitsuEkushey, yes.01:54
zanga!tell zanga about mounting hdd01:54
pedrocrto upgrade a server installation I should just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and s/breezy/dapper/g?01:54
Ekusheycool :)01:54
Fujitsukimo, you need to write a script to do it.01:54
zanga!tell zanga about mounting01:54
pmwhat;s the difference between desktop and alternate? which one is closer to breezy's installation version01:54
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Fujitsukimo, look at the manpage, there is a way to make it export the rules.01:54
kimopedrocr: no01:54
uccoffee_loves_Bstill invalid driver .....01:54
HelmutGshipit.ubuntu.com offers me (among other things) 1 Ubuntu CD for PC. Can you give me some information on what is on that CD? (As a Debian-user I am used to software does _not_ fit on 5 CDs, but I'd like to give my relatives a chance to switch from Windows. :-)01:54
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thoreauputicpm: alternae01:54
pedrocrkimo: what then?01:54
Fujitsupm, alrernate is the same as Breezy's.01:54
ubotuThe Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer, with no Live session available on it.01:54
apokryphospm: /msg ubotu desktop ; /msg ubotu alternate01:54
ubotuI guess xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"01:54
ubotumethinks upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.01:54
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ubotunetgrabber: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:54
kimopedrocr: got that ?01:54
livingdaylightwhere is the London Dapper Party?01:55
morten__anyone know where graphics drivers are configured?01:55
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rohanare xgl and compiz included on the official ubuntu cd ?01:55
Fujitsumorten__, what about them.01:55
Fujitsurohan, no.01:55
hypnoxpedrocr: doing what you suggested works fine for me01:55
kimopedrocr: got that ?01:55
Fujitsu!tell rohan about xgl01:55
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Seveasrohan, they most likely never will be01:55
pedrocrkimo: yes, but it suggests I should do just that01:55
HelmutGIs there some site listing what is on the ubuntu cd?01:55
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apokryphosthey might be fore Edgy01:55
pmdid breezy's live cd have an installation option as well?01:55
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zjimboThe white guy standing next to the two kids on ubuntu.com looks kinda scary...01:55
dyn!tell dyn about xgl01:55
morten__I want to use ati fglrx , ive downloaded and installed drivers i think01:55
Fujitsupm, no.01:55
rohanFujitsu: i know that, thanks01:56
kimopedrocr: no, it's update-manager -d01:56
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pedrocrkimo: no, that's for the graphical update01:56
ubotufrom memory, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.01:56
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mikeycan anyone tell me, if i run xserver-xorg-xgl or whatever it is, will that slow down my gpu if i want to run another opengl game?01:56
zjimboit's probably Mark Shuttleworth.01:56
sybaritenwhats the adress to a swedish ubunbtu forum01:56
pedrocrkimo: I'm on a server, there's no graphical environment01:56
kimopedrocr: not really01:56
hypnoxpedrocr just change your sources.list and go ahead and apt-get dist-upgrade01:56
ubotuThe 'official' Dapper torrent can be found at http://www.snurl.com/dapper01:56
pedrocrkimo: it has some text mode instructions01:56
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pedrocrkimo: although they state you should install ubuntu-desktop which seems odd01:56
rohansomeone needs to update - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades01:56
violahi. does anyone know if the 6.06 desktop cd can be used to update breezy? or should i get the server one?01:56
tarzeauanyone got an idea how to tell update-grub to put lock entries to all menu entries but the first or the default?01:56
rohantarzeau: did you do !popcon :)01:57
Fujitsupedrocr, so you get any new packages.01:57
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uboturumour has it, popcon is popularity contest, a package which is installed by default on all ubuntu machines, but aint configured, and therefore not "running". Type this in a terminal to contribute: sudo dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest01:57
dooglusFrogzoo: that's the official 386 desktop torrent only.01:57
pedrocrFujitsu: but I don't want a desktop, it's a server01:57
Seveasviola, you need the alternate for that01:57
makeleleis this the correct link to go to in order to upgrade to Dapper01:57
tarzeaurohan: wrong channel, man!01:57
rohantarzeau: i know, i just wanted to poke you nevertheless ;)01:57
Fujitsupedrocr, install the appropriate virtual package for that, then.01:57
noodlewhat's the difference between emacs and emacs21?01:57
Fujitsuubuntu-server, or something.01:58
tuxtheslackerwow, snurl must be getting hammered....01:58
pedrocrFujitsu: it should be installed, it's a standard "server" ubuntu install01:58
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dooglusnoodle: emacs is a metapackage which depends on emacs2101:58
thoreauputicnoodle: the number 21 is on the end of one of them ? *g*01:58
pedrocrFujitsu: my question was how to upgrade those01:58
tuxtheslackerdoes anyone have a non-official download they can verify iit works?01:58
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violaSeveas, thanks. i'm having trouble with update-manager, it gives me a "could not calculate the upgrade" error. doi you think i might have the same error with the alternate version?01:58
Chobo-Moghmm...I go to sleep and there's ~850 people in here.  I guess being at 1020+ is a good sign ^___^01:58
=== ArthurDentN770 [n=jep@24.Red-80-26-22.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsupedrocr, your best bet is to probably modify sources.list and dist-upgrade...01:58
noodledooglus: ok i can install emacs-nox or emacs21-nox which 1 do i want?01:58
FujitsuChobo-Mog, certainly :)01:59
dooglusnoodle: you want it without X?01:59
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noodledooglus: yea01:59
pmone more quetsion, i'm using dapper beta, should i upgrade via apt-get upgrade or is it advisiable to install the final release anew?01:59
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dooglusnoodle: what you really want is my home-made package of the latest emacs21 from CVS :)01:59
Fujitsupm, apt-get dist-upgrade.01:59
jdmpikeafter upgrade, is anyone having freenx problems?01:59
pedrocrFujitsu: yes, and I've done this with debian and knew how to do it. I just find it strange that there's no process for upgrading server installations01:59
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rixthWhat is the md5 of the desktop iso?01:59
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dooglusnoodle: there hasn't been an emacs release for a few years01:59
Fujitsupedrocr, a number of people have noted this.01:59
grimboyWow, I had a useless temp file that was taking up 5GB of space and filling up the hard disk01:59
noodledooglus: lol just answer me pls -_- what's the difference between the two02:00
tuxtheslackeris there a way to upgrade with the CDs?02:00
thoreauputicjdmpike: sound issues after using freenx here, yes02:00
Fujitsutuxtheslacker, only with the alternate or server CD.02:00
makelelehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades - this link still says that this is beta software - could this be that this page has just not ben updated as yet ?02:00
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dooglusnoodle: there is no difference.  emacs is an empty package which pulls in emacs21.02:00
kestastuxtheslacker: set the CD as the source02:00
Fujitsumakelele, it just hasn't been updated.02:00
thoreauputicjdmpike: I assume the package from breezy doesn't quite fit dapper :)02:00
rohanmakelele: yes, the page is not updated02:00
pmFujitsu: are you sure there won't be any problems if i upgrade this way?02:00
kestastuxtheslacker: them distupgrade02:00
jdmpikethoreauputic, I can't log in remotely - any ideas?02:00
dooglusnoodle: some day it will pull in emacs22 instead02:00
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thoreauputicjdmpike: ah, that I haven't struck02:00
kestastuxtheslacker: Ill be doing this myself once the download finishes02:00
scheurinoodle: aptitude show emacs-nox AND aptitude show emacs21-nox02:00
Fastlyanyone else here experience problems with NetworkManager after internet upgrade from breezy to dapper?02:01
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tuxtheslackerkestas, where's the sources disk?02:01
makelelerohan: so it is safe to perform those steps on that page to upgrade to the released version of Dapper ?02:01
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livingdaylightis there an easy one click upgrade from breezy to dapper?02:01
dooglusnoodle: if you want to see this, run: "apt-cache show emacs-nox"02:01
makeleleFujitsu: so it is safe to perform those steps on that page to upgrade to the released version of Dapper ?02:01
grimboyjdmpike: So ssh 127.1 doesn't work?02:01
jdmpikethoreauputic, ssh works fine - I am logged into it right now remotely02:01
FrogzooFujitsu: if you set the desktop cd in the repos, will apt-get upgrade work?02:01
kestastuxtheslacker: the desktop install CD'll have the packages on it02:01
FastlyNetworkManager has stopped showing live wireless signals02:01
=== Sampizcat [n=Sampizca@203-206-79-52.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
SampizcatHello all02:01
FujitsuFrogzoo, the desktop CD doesn't have the packages!02:01
SampizcatI have a question02:01
livingdaylightGuys, i cannot hold my breath any longer i need to upgrade to Dapper right now!02:01
tuxtheslackerwhat's the command to upgrade with apt?02:01
ubotuFor information on how to ask good questions please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The more information you can give the better we can help you. If your going to give output of commands please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:01
rohanmakelele: easiest way is to Press alt-f2 type gksudo "update-manager"02:01
rohanmakelele: NOT the -d02:01
FrogzooFujitsu: great, thx02:01
noodledooglus: ah ic02:01
Fujitsutuxtheslacker, apt-get dist-upgrade02:02
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 02:02
tuxtheslackerkestas, so if I use it, it'll work?02:02
pseudodeadkittyHehehe....the .iso is burning. :)02:02
thoreauputicjdmpike: sorry - I don't know enough about freenx to help I fear: i just used Seveas 's packages02:02
shriphanihey how do i upgrade to dapper from breezy02:02
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SampizcatHas the Dapper install "frozen" at "Installing GRUB boot loader" for anyone else?02:02
hypnoxmakelele, page just updated.02:02
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shriphanicuz i ordered the cd02:02
exhaleSampizcat, nope... maybe its a bad disc?02:02
tuxtheslackerFujitsu, it tells me it doesn't have to....02:02
Fujitsu!tell shriphani about upgrade02:02
bimberiubotu tell shriphani about upgrade02:02
livingdaylightrohan; what does that do?02:02
zangahow do i mount windows partitions02:02
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sybaritenis the forum fkuced up _02:02
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jdmpikeSeveas, do you have any idea why I can't use freenx after upgrade?02:02
noodlescheuri: thx as well it does the same thing ^^02:02
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>02:02
uboturixth: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:02
kestastuxtheslacker: I dont see why not, it'll have the debs on the CD somewhere, you just have to point to it in your sources.list. plus the sources.list points to the CD anyway in freshly installed ubuntu02:02
Sampizcatexhale:  crumbs, I can test the disk though right?02:02
Fujitsutuxtheslacker, did you update your sources.list to dapper entries?02:02
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Seveasjdmpike, did you upgrade freenx to the dapper version too?02:02
pmi think i'd better install official release anew02:02
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ubotuin fstab it should look **like** this:: /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       002:03
livingdaylightGuys, i cannot hold my breath any longer. Is my name David Blaine?! NO!, i need Dapper right NOW!02:03
Rambo3use !tell instead02:03
Fujitsukestas, the Desktop CD doesn't have any packages on it!02:03
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Fujitsulivingdaylight, get it then!02:03
livingdaylightrohan, help me man!02:03
kbrookslivingdaylight: GET IT02:03
zangaFujitsu can u help me install my windows partitions in linux ??02:03
kestasreally? how does it install things then?02:03
tuxtheslackerFujitsu, no i didn't, how would I do that?02:03
rohanlivingdaylight: what is the problem ?02:03
stekoHello everybody02:03
kestasit must have the debs on there02:03
rohanlivingdaylight: and, who are you ? :)02:03
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>02:03
Fujitsuubotu, tell zanga about mount.02:03
Seveaslivingdaylight, read the fricken link in the topic...02:03
Fujitsukestas, IT DOES NOT.02:03
stekoI'm in trouble, I can't start OpenOffice02:03
livingdaylighti am someone who need Dapper right NOW02:03
Sampizcatexhale:  I might just let this wait overnight02:03
Fujitsulivingdaylight, THEN GET IT!02:03
stekoIt doesn't go beyond the splash screen02:03
Sampizcatsee what it does02:03
rohanlivingdaylight: yes, so download the iso, or upgrade from breezy02:04
Seveaskestas, the live cd installer copies the filesystem, no debs involved02:04
livingdaylightrohan: i want to upgrade from Breezy02:04
livingdaylightrohan, no not iso way02:04
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hypnoxlivingdaylight https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades02:04
Seveaslivingdaylight, again: READ THE FRICKEN LINK02:04
kestasSeveas: hmm I see, less elegant but faster02:04
stekoI'm on dapper02:04
Fujitsulivingdaylight, see the link in the topic?02:04
rohanlivingdaylight: so press alt-f2 type gksudo "update-manager"02:04
violais anyone getting a "could not calculate the upgrade" error while trying to update from breezy through dapper via gksudo "update-manager"?02:04
thoreauputic!tell livingdaylight about upgrade02:04
livingdaylightseveas: i saw no link that tells how to upgrade from Breezy in the topic02:04
rohanlivingdaylight: thats the most direct way02:04
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grimboylivingdaylight, sudo "upgrade-manager -d"02:04
livingdaylightGUYS, thank you!02:04
shriphanihey guys will the update manager download the entire dapper package which is 718 MB ?02:04
DosoOh happy day.. 6.06 dvd torrent is here ;] 02:04
rohanreally, dont point to that wiki page ! -d might kill :P02:04
Fujitsushriphani, the stuff it needs.02:05
tuxtheslackersynaptic will auto add a cdrom to the updates?02:05
hypnoxrohan, that is now fixed02:05
rixthOkie, time to reboot and install Dapper final! (instead of upgrading). Wish me luck!02:05
Fujitsutuxtheslacker, yes.02:05
rohanhypnox: ah, ok :)02:05
FujitsuSee you, rixth.02:05
Patrick1is kubuntu & ubuntu included in the dvd or are there 2 dvd images?02:05
livingdaylightwhich one upgrade-manager -d or gksudo '"update-manager"02:05
shriphanioh cool !!!02:05
grimboyrixth, Good luck02:05
rixthBack soon hopefully!02:05
livingdaylightI am consused again02:05
Fujitsulivingdaylight, the latter.02:05
livingdaylighti need to have the best way02:05
SeveasPatrick1, both are on the same dvd02:05
Patrick1ah nice, thx02:05
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sybaritencan anybody here search on the ubuntu forums ?02:05
Seveaslivingdaylight, gksudo "update-manager -c"02:05
tuxtheslacker2 hours left on the download.... it needs to hewwy!02:05
kestasso just to clarify; can you update from a CD?02:06
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galotzasthe ubuntu forums is down ?02:06
tuxtheslackerI ahve a question... can someone hlep me to completely remove picasa?02:06
livingdaylightseveas: huh? c?02:06
rohanubuntu has got nice servers and bandwidth .. for example, the day suse 10.1 was out, opensuse site was absolutely b0rked02:06
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bimberikestas: yes, the "alternate" cd02:06
tuxtheslackerI need to reinstall... it broke it.02:06
capitanplanetaif I run gksudo "update-manager" without the -d, no upgrade is available02:06
livingdaylightI need the Truth on this02:06
sybaritenif i remove the locales package and reinstall it, do i run the risk of getting for instance Firefox in swedish?? i only want the swedish keyboard, i DONT want to run "swedish programs"02:06
Fujitsukestas, yes, but not the Desktop one!02:06
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kestastuxtheslacker: depends how you installed it02:06
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kestasFujitsu: k02:06
tuxtheslackerkestas, a .deb package.02:06
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SampizcatWhat's the difference between the server and alternate versions?02:06
grimboycapitanplaneta, run it with it then.02:06
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rohanSampizcat: server wont give x and gnome like alternate02:07
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grimboySampizcat, The server has demons useful for serbing02:07
tuxtheslackersudo dpkg -r picasa still leaves remnants because apt-get install picasa breaks.02:07
ubotuTorrent ubuntu-6.06-desktop-386.iso found at http://www.snurl.com/dapper, for other architectures see: http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/6.06 Note: to upgrade, you need the 'alternate' .iso - the desktop iso is install only02:07
capitanplanetaI guess I should remove the extra repositories automatix introduced on my list before upgrading02:07
grimboySampizcat, Like lamp straight out of the box, (even thought php sucks and mysql isn't ACID complient)02:07
Sampizcatapparently, "alternate" is used if you want to do RAID partitioning (which I do), but then I was able to setup sw RAID with the server version - wth?02:07
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Frogzooany complaints to !torrent ^^^ ?02:07
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rohanalternate is ROCKING, cos it has gcc, unlike the desktop cd :P02:07
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monk_hi, i have a problem with hotkeys for my acer travelmate laptop, on FN+F5 it crashes (using ubuntu 6.06 LTS)02:07
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tuxtheslackerPackage picasa is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:08
kestastuxtheslacker: how does it break? did you get rid of config files too?02:08
tuxtheslackerwhat does that mean?02:08
tuxtheslackerkestas, I did a purge.02:08
tuxtheslackera remove and then a purge.02:08
SampizcatAh smeg. Stupid program, I think it's broken.02:08
Fujitsucapitanplaneta, automatix may cause issues with an upgrade.02:08
rackerzAnybody know why the Ubuntu forums are so slow?02:08
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kestasrackerz: think about it02:08
wheelswitchrackerz, because they are getting hammerd02:08
surfacerohan: i tot alternate is used for upgrade02:08
Frogzoorackerz: I'm guessing same servers as the repos probly02:08
capitanplanetaFujitsu: thx, I'll remove automatix first, then02:08
Fujitsusurface, it can be.02:09
rohansurface: yes, it is02:09
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tuxtheslackerkestas, if you want, I can send you the strace?02:09
rackerzyeah they are being hammered i just noticed this, Total Users Online: 155402:09
rackerzTotal Members: 37202:09
rackerzTotal Guests: 118202:09
Fujitsucapitanplaneta, it will likely cause issues even after removal.02:09
rohanbecause the desktop cd doesnt have .deb's unlike the alternate one02:09
kestastuxtheslacker: I wouldnt know what to do with it, Im not sure what the prob is02:09
tiCo89thank you for the new release :-)02:09
capitanplanetaFujitsu: omg! :)02:09
surfaceFujitsu, rohan : can alternate cd install on fresh partition too?02:09
rackerzWhat are the main differences between the dkestop cd and alternate?02:09
tuxtheslackerkestas, which is why strace would help ;-)02:09
Exter-CI have some questions regarding future plans for Dapper as a commercial distribution, Is this the right place?02:09
Fujitsusurface, of course!02:09
robinl1is downloading from ftp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/ illigal? I did.02:09
livingdaylightmy sytem is upgrading as we speak - 35 mins to go!02:09
rohanExter-C: yes02:09
capitanplanetaI will clean up my repositories list02:09
surfaceFujitsu: cool02:09
Sampizcatrackerz:  The desktop CD is like a live cd02:09
ubotuThe Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer, with no Live session available on it.02:09
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Fujitsurobinl1, it's not recommended.02:10
livingdaylightseveas: i'm so excited man!02:10
robinl1why isn't it recommended?02:10
rohanlivingdaylight: did you start the update ?02:10
robinl1I did, is there any difference?02:10
FujitsuAs it's generally old/really new (pre-stable).02:10
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livingdaylightrohan: YeS! i'm so excited!02:10
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robinl1it's not..02:10
robinl1the real one?02:10
FujitsuAlthough, if you get the right one, it's OK.02:10
surfacethx ubotu02:10
pseudodeadkittyIt's ready. It's off to install Dapper on a clean partition- wish me luck. :)02:10
robinl1DAMN, then i have to reinstall AGAIN02:10
rohanrobinl1: why ?02:10
robinl1well, i installed ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso02:10
rackerzYep, see you in abit guys. I'm off to install ;)02:10
robinl1from the pol02:10
Fujitsurobinl1, when did you get the image?02:10
scheurirobinl1: NO, you dont!!02:10
FujitsuThere have been a couple of versions.02:11
tuxtheslackermmap2(0xfa5f0000, 131072, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0) = 0x7bee000002:11
tuxtheslackermunmap(0x7bee0000, 131072)              = 002:11
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Seveasrobinl1, so? then you simply upgrade...02:11
SampizcatDoes Alternative have extra RAID features of server?02:11
grimboylivingdaylight, just wait till you run out of disk space and half of the install fails.02:11
tuxtheslackeranyone know how i would go about fixing that?02:11
Chobo-Moglol so many files on the BT tracker02:11
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surfaceemmm that means desktop version have GUI installation02:11
pettmanit is 4 hours before I even can start installing :(02:11
sybaritenis there a package called locales ?02:11
Sampizcatsybariten:  most likely yes02:11
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thoreauputic!info locales02:11
robinl1Seveas: How to upgrade with the old version of Ubuntu dapper drake running and without going to Edgy?02:11
Exter-CI noticed some time ago that Ubuntu has been 'certified' for DB2. We currently use Redhat for anything that requires commercial software, however we much prefer debian, With dapper now being out and having a longer support cycles for the server distrib I am interested to know if a) there are any intensions for Ubuntu to become certified for Oracl, and B) if there is any roadmap paln to have support or certification for commercial backup products like Verit02:11
ubotulocales: (GNU C Library: National Language (locale) data [support] ), section base, is important. Version: 2.3.5-1ubuntu12.5.10.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 3963 kB, Installed size: 10584 kB02:11
livingdaylightgrimboy: hey, don't say that!  :D02:11
surfacedid anyone here tried desktop installer? do it have package selection options?02:11
Fujitsurobinl1, just sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.02:11
Chobo-Mogregular desktop users without 64 bit procs should use the ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso torrent right"?02:11
Fujitsusurface, no.02:11
Fujitsusurface, no package options.02:12
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FujitsuChobo-Mog, yes.02:12
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Frogzooseems there are no DVD torrents?02:12
Chobo-Mogexcellent, ty02:12
DimitrisWell this is confusing! :-D I just repartition my hd for a fresh install. What do i download Desktop or Alternate? I don't want ending up with a live cd!02:12
violadoes anyone know how to "uninstall" changes made by automatix?02:12
SunTzuTechFrogzoo: noticed the same02:12
FujitsuDimitris, Desktop will do.02:12
robinl1It says there are no updates.02:12
Chobo-Mogdvd torrents were there I think02:12
wheelswitchFrogzoo, there are dvd torrents02:12
ChousukeDimitris: desktop02:12
Fujitsuviola, it's very difficult.02:12
surfaceFujitsu: i think server version might be have...02:12
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robinl1Dimitris: ALTERNATE02:12
robinl1Desktop is the live CD02:12
Fujitsusurface, the expert thing does.02:12
grimboyExter-C, get in contact with a support sales representative if your a suit.02:12
Chousukerobinl1: um02:12
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violafujitsu, will it ruin the upgrade process even if i get the alternate cd?02:12
livingdaylightgrimboy; be an optimist  :D02:13
thoreauputicDimitris: desktop has an installer and live CD in one02:13
Fujitsurobinl1, the Desktop thing caxn install!02:13
Seveasrobinl1, so?02:13
Chousukerobinl1: the live CD and the installer have been unified.02:13
Fujitsuviola, it /may/.02:13
Frogzoowheelswitch: url?02:13
monk_anyone can help me with hotkeys?02:13
wheelswitchFrogzoo, http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/release/dvd/02:13
Seveasinstalled system is installed system....02:13
livingdaylightgrimboy; love your Ubuntu02:13
Fujitsumonk_, explain your problem.02:13
Frogzoowheelswitch: thx mate02:13
Exter-Cgrimboy: i am not a suit, but I would love to remove redhat from our internal servers.02:13
grimboylivingdaylight, yeh, sorry that's just what happend to me, cause I only had like 500mb left02:13
livingdaylightgrimboy; hehe02:13
surfacewheelswitch: dvd have all alternate ,desktop and server ?02:13
kevorwow, ubuntu.com is totally loaded02:13
robinl1Seveas, is there any difference between downloading Dapper today at 06:00 at the Netherlandish timezone, on the pool?02:13
wheelswitchFrogzoo, only 2 seeds at the moment, but give it an hour or 10 and that should be change02:13
KrankIs the DVD release a Live install one?02:13
wheelswitchsurface, yes, as far as i know02:13
Sampizcatmmm. I don't think this installer is going anywhere...02:13
=== Chousuke soon will boot to the new Dapper!
livingdaylightgrimboy; how big is your harddrive?02:13
Chobo-MogDVD Torrents --->  http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/  The torrent's name is ubuntu-6.06-dvd-i386.iso   and it's 3.13gb for i386 users02:14
monk_Fujitsu, i'm usind ubuntu 6.06 on acer travelmate 2354 and when i try FN+F5 (vga output) it freezes02:14
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Exter-Cgrimboy: however to do so its one of those chicken and egg situations, to remove redhat we need to know the distribution is certified by the vendors otherwise management will most likely laugh at the proposals02:14
scheurirobinl1: if you update it there isnt...dont worry02:14
livingdaylightgrimboy; what do you mean you only had 500mb left?02:14
monk_same problem with ubuntu 5.1002:14
Fujitsumonk_, that's not a hotkey issue.02:14
threat50Kb from the xubuntu site :(02:14
fiendskull9so is this now a drake channel too?02:14
grimboylivingdaylight, 10GB but I have an external 250GB one.02:14
FujitsuThat'll be a graphics driver issue.02:14
Seveasrobinl1, the .pool were testing cd's02:14
threatwhere can I find some more mirrors?02:14
Fujitsufiendskull9, Dapper has been released, so yes.02:14
Sampizcatthreat:  mirrors are you friend :)02:14
Seveasthey may have been broken02:14
robinl1yes and #ubuntu+1 is about edgy02:14
monk_Fujitsu, what can I do?02:14
Frogzoowheelswitch: I'm assuming these have all the packages so are good to upgrade from?02:14
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robinl1Seveas: so this is not the right one?02:14
fiendskull9grimboy, why dont you make the 250 internal, and 10 ext.?02:14
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Fujitsumonk_, I have no experience with Acer laptops.02:14
livingdaylightgrimboy; 250!  '<  should be enough?02:14
grimboyExter-C, Just put together a slideshow, they love those.02:14
pmwhat time did the isos appear on the servers? (it's 14.15 right now for me)02:15
Seveasrobinl1, if it installed then it's ok02:15
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surfacelook forward to fubuntu haha02:15
Fujitsurobinl1, just apt-get dist-upgrade.02:15
Sampizcatmonk_:  I have an acer laptop, and I find that most linux distros don't work with the hotkeys02:15
fiendskull9will dist-upgrade give me a stable dapper system then?02:15
sybaritenbut is locales something related specifically to ubuntu?  oh why o why cant there just be a single simple keyboard setting that would affect X as well as the console???!02:15
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grimboylivingdaylight, That's mounted at /music02:15
robinl1Seveas: it DID install.. but is there any difference?02:15
Fujitsu3 hours ago, pm.02:15
hypnoxDapperUpgrades much improved hopefully02:15
sybaritenand for all linuxes02:15
surfaceanyway i turn my ubuntu to fluxbox version02:15
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waymwhen did it come out? a few hours ago?02:15
monk_Sampizcat, other hotkeys work fine, just this one does not02:15
grimboyfiendskull9, Cause I'm stupid02:15
Fujitsurobinl1, not if you dist-upgrade.02:15
capitanplanetawhat's different on the dapper DVD from the CD? what else does it contain?02:15
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rixthHaha, I am on IRC while installing woo!02:15
wheelswitchwaym, yeah, about 3 hours now i think02:15
Seveasrobinl1, yes there is difference, but that's why you do apt-get upgrade02:15
pmFujitsu: thanks for reply :)02:15
waymthank you!02:15
robinl1Fujitsu: after i installed this thing, i updated, no updates.02:15
Sampizcatmonk_:  maybe issues with the video out?02:15
Fujitsurobinl1 it's OK then.02:15
robinl1And now i tried updating too, now updates02:16
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fiendskull9ill dist-upgrade while im at band practice later02:16
scheurirobinl1: that means that you have the same ubuntu as we all have02:16
Fujitsurobinl1, did you apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade?02:16
SampizcatGrr, my installer is stuck on "Installing GRUB boot loader", 50%, been there for about 20 mins02:16
fiendskull9i had a test flight running a few days ago, but got tired of 15 updates every 5 minutes :P02:16
FujitsuOK, that's fine then.02:16
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rixthI am suprised that the install CD does not come with xChat.... I freuently booted into my 5.04 live disc and used xChat when dapper wouldn't start.02:16
FujitsuSampizcat, what hardware?02:16
robinl1rixth: i think Gaim replaces it.02:16
Fujitsurixth, Gaim is an IRC client.02:16
wheelswitchSampizcat, check md502:16
spikebrixth, yeah, the earlier releases came with it02:16
MistaEDi'm not sure if i should list this as a bug: i tried the expresso installer with dapper RC and used the partitioner (56gb NTFS + 4gb FAT32) and removed the fat32, shrunk the 56gb to 12gb (sda1), added 8gb ext3 (sda2 for /), 512mb swap (sda3), the rest ext3 (sda4), it took awhile to shrink but it worked, but then the next window to set mount points didn't show sda2 at all02:16
monk_Sampizcat, i don't know. everything runs very well, just when i press FN+F5...02:16
bimberirixth: gaim can handle irc and cd space is at a premium02:16
grimboyrobinl1, Have you tried -d02:16
robinl1grimboy: no! i don't want edgy!02:17
waymubuntu-6.06-dvd-i386.iso              <<< 3.3 gigs, what's in this?02:17
rixthrobin, Fujitsu that is what I am using right now.02:17
tahorgwaym: dvd image02:17
robinl1me too.02:17
FujitsuMistaED, if it's being silly it is probably a bug.02:17
MistaEDthe fix i did was just formatting sda2-4 manually, then expresso was all good02:17
scheuriwaym: everything...:)02:17
SampizcatFujitsu:  MB-Asus P5WD2-E Premium, Intel D940, 4x512MB Corsair DDR2 667Mhz, 4x300GB Seagate SATA2, DVD Burner02:17
robinl1the gaim IRC client kind of owns02:17
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Sampizcatmonk_:  what happens exactly?02:17
FujitsuSATA2 may be a bit of an issue.02:17
robinl1Seveas, are there any speed optimizers in the official release?02:17
tahorgwaym: it looks like full repository02:17
rixthrobin1, you being sarcastic?02:17
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MistaEDi can't test it now with full dapper =/02:17
robinl1cuz this Dapper is a bit slow.02:17
grimboyrobinl1: But you can update from edgy to official in a couple of hours or so.02:17
waym yummy02:17
robinl1No, rixth, i aren't.02:17
Seveas"speed optimizers"?02:18
SampizcatFujitsu:  Jeez, are you serious?02:18
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wheelswitchwaym, the dvd is the bling02:18
monk_Sampizcat, when i try to enable vga output, to use a video projector, the system freezes02:18
robinl1yes, the beta Dapper was fast, but this thing is a bit slower02:18
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FujitsuSampizcat, it may have some issues.02:18
rixthI think it is rather simplistic, then again, eac to his own =)02:18
Fujitsurobinl1, I doubt it.02:18
rambo3so there where no updates since yesterday on default u-dapper since yesterday02:18
Seveasrobinl1, then you may need to reinstal with the official cd02:18
robinl1i think it's the videocard..02:18
=== eXistenZ [i=eXistenZ@bzq-88-152-113-46.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosrambo3: that's correct02:18
robinl1Is that really needed? luckily, i back-upped EVERYTHING02:18
SampizcatFujitsu:  damnit. I wanted ubuntu because I thought it was going to work with Sata2, be up to date enough.02:18
robinl1So.. There i go again. Wish me luck, then02:18
eXistenZthe only way to install ubuntu is through the live cd?02:18
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robinl1I'll just do it to be sure02:18
FujitsuSampizcat, it probably will.02:18
SampizcatFujitsu:  I'll check the MD5 like wheelswitch suggested.02:18
FujitsueXistenZ, no!02:18
grimboyrobinl1, Good luck.02:18
rixthGood luck robin1!02:19
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FujitsuSampizcat, that's your best bet.02:19
robinl1Thanks, grimvoy02:19
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apokryphoseXistenZ: no, there is alternate cd too02:19
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KrankUsing the Flight 5 LiveCD I was never able to get to the desktop. I always got a series of these: hdc: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit02:19
KrankBuffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 314976. Any idea what this means?02:19
FujitsuKrank, a dud CD.02:19
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eXistenZapokryphos, I downloaded http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso02:19
rixthI want to take the install CD to school and boot it. My idjit IT teacher will throw a tantrum.02:19
Sampizcatmonk_:  were you able to use it with previous ubuntu versions?02:19
shriphaniguys the upgrade is 579 Mb02:19
apokryphoseXistenZ: that's the live+install02:19
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Fujitsurixth, take a Desktop CD :)02:19
grimboyKrank, Download another then check the checksum02:19
Fujitsushriphani, not necessarily.02:19
shriphanibut it is too big a download for me02:19
Sampizcatmonk_:  what laptop do you have? model?02:20
KrankAh. Just make sure the MD5's match on the burn02:20
Fujitsushriphani, wait for CDs, then.02:20
rixthFujitsu: that's what I have =) I wouldn't actually install it of course.02:20
monk_Sampizcat, it had the same problem on 5.10 too02:20
rambo3Krank, use latest cd. i hade same problems on reboot and shutdown02:20
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Fujitsurixth, why not?02:20
shriphaniso can i upgrade from the cd ?02:20
monk_Sampizcat, it is a Acer TravelMate 2354LCi02:20
Sampizcatwheelswitch:    "Check CD for defects"?02:20
capitanplanetaubuntu dvd is just the install cd + live cd on one disk?02:20
livingdaylightif Dapper was a football team it would win the World Cup02:20
FujitsuI wouldn't mind if students at the school where I am an admin installed it :P02:20
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Fujitsulivingdaylight, you don't say...02:20
capitanplanetaor does it contain extra stuff?02:20
spikebcapitanplaneta, and it has both amd64 and x86 i think02:20
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rixthFujitsu: I'd probably get suspended. They have this weird domain system going on too so I woukdn't be able to get online02:20
wheelswitchSampizcat, Sorry?02:20
livingdaylightif Dapper was a rock band it would ROCK02:20
shriphaniFujitsu, can i upgrade from the dapper cd02:20
eXistenZapokryphos, are they the same?02:20
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alleyoopsterCan anyone tell me if there has been updates between RC and final? I am was running RC and have not seen updates yet?02:20
capitanplanetaok then the cd is enough for me02:21
Fujitsushriphani, hmm.02:21
Sampizcatwheelswitch:  Is that the option I should use ?02:21
KrankCool. Bit of a noob, but is dual-booting handled well?02:21
FujitsuThis is a significant issue...02:21
livingdaylightFujitsu; man where is the poetry in ode to Dapper?02:21
Sampizcatwheelswitch:  to check md5? or something else?02:21
grimboyKrank, Yes.02:21
apokryphoseXistenZ: /msg ubotu desktop ; /msg ubotu alternate02:21
wheelswitchSampizcat, yeah, that will do the same as an md502:21
robinl1Seveas: What was wrong with the test CD's, then?02:21
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Seveasrobinl1, various issues02:21
livingdaylightGUYS! is there a poetry corner in ode to Dapper?02:21
shriphanibecause update manager says 518 MB but i have a download limit02:21
FujitsuHow are people going to upgrade if they haven't got the capacity to download things?02:21
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robinl1For example?02:21
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FujitsuAs you can't upgrade from the Desktop CD, and that's all that's being shipped...02:21
=== defunkt updagraded @ 6am EST :)
Dreamglider44minutes to go02:22
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KrankAny reason to go with the amd64 release over the i386?02:22
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thoreauputicFujitsu: I agree, it's an issue02:22
rixthKrank: if you have an amd64 platform?02:22
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Fujitsuthoreauputic, I'd say that it was a huge issue!02:22
rixthKrank: no Flash or Java though02:22
shriphaniso an upgrade is not possible from the cd ?02:22
scheuriKrank: if you want 64bit sofware on a 64bit processor02:22
defunktkrank: if you don't have the correct platform, it won't work.02:22
FujitsuSeveas, what do you think>?02:22
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apokryphosshriphani: from the altnernate CD it is, yes.02:22
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thoreauputicFujitsu: especially forpeople in countries without much broadband access02:22
shriphanialternate cd ?02:22
Frogzooomgawd - 70k with only 2 seeds on the DVD torrent :D02:22
defunktthe dapper install is so sexy <302:22
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shriphanitell me apokryphos02:22
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Fujitsuthoreauputic, this is certainly going to be a large issue.02:23
robinl1Seveas: what issues?02:23
apokryphosshriphani: tell you what?02:23
KrankI've got it, presuming it works with ULI 1695 board02:23
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shriphaniabout the alternate cd apokryphos02:23
apokryphosshriphani: /msg ubotu alternate02:23
ukhrixth: no flash, but java is there02:23
FujitsuIf it's an AMD Athlon 64, it'll work, Krank.02:23
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Adam-Alex takes big cock up his ass!02:23
apokryphosshriphani: you can get it from /topic02:23
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grimboyThe new rhythmbox is teh suck02:23
Tinned_Tunaoops, sorry02:23
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gotekianyone knows how I can enable widescreen support in ubuntu?02:23
thoreauputicFujitsu: Personally I think shipit should have a choice of CDs02:23
Sampizcatwheelswitch:  crumbs, the CD is valid :P02:23
shriphaniso i can do it with the text installer ?02:23
Fujitsuthoreauputic, it'd need to...02:23
Tinned_Tunahow do I perform an upgrade through apt?02:23
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Fujitsushriphani, that's how you /have/ to do it.02:24
thoreauputicFujitsu: i.e. you can order alternate instead of desktop...02:24
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rixthOh! New Rhythmbox, awesome. The best feature they ever added was built in Last.fm support. And the Queued Songs sidebar was cool too.02:24
apokryphosack, wrong person02:24
wheelswitchSampizcat, weird.02:24
shriphaniok Fujitsu is it being shipped ?02:24
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@h-141-153-101-153.ckb.meer.net] by apokryphos
FujitsuTinned_Tuna, modify your sources.list, then apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade.02:24
apokryphoshm, left02:24
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Fujitsushriphani, not at the moment.02:24
Tinned_Tunahmm ok02:24
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thoreauputicFujitsu: I have a feeling this will come up on the mailing lists in the next few days02:24
FujitsuHowever, this issue needs to be brought up with somebody important.02:24
Fujitsuthoreauputic, it'd better.02:24
rixth!info rhythmbox02:24
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uboturhythmbox: (music player and organizer for GNOME), section gnome, is optional. Version: 0.9.0-0ubuntu6 (breezy), Packaged size: 1565 kB, Installed size: 4724 kB02:24
alleyoopstergoteki: check system, preferences, screen resolution. See if the resolution you want is listed there first02:24
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wheelswitchSampizcat, im out of ideas, im pretty new to this too, but i had a similar problem with 5.10 and that was the issue.02:25
rixthHmm, it needs to default to dapper now.02:25
rixth!info rhythmbox dapper02:25
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uboturhythmbox: (music player and organizer for GNOME), section gnome, is optional. Version: (dapper), Packaged size: 1759 kB, Installed size: 6332 kB02:25
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Sampizcatah crumbs. Thanks anyway wheelswitch , Fujitsu , will go to bed an d try tomorrow02:25
Tinned_TunaI just change all instances of the the word breezy to dapper?02:25
SampizcatLater all!02:25
fredrich1wow..the ubuntuforums.org is really slowing to a crawl02:25
rixthInstall complete! See you guys soon.02:25
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scheuriTinned_Tuna: yes02:25
FujitsuBye, rixth.02:25
gotekialleyopster it's not, highest resolution is 1024x768... I need 1680x1050... using amd64 release, nvidia 6600 gt, nforce 402:25
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robinl1i'm downloading the final iso02:25
Fujitsufredrich1, is that a surprise?02:25
Gruntonly another 48 mins to go02:25
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wheelswitchwhy use forums when there is IRC02:26
Fujitsugoteki, what graphics card?02:26
robinl1go Bit-CORU!02:26
robinl1you're the best xD02:26
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scheuriwheelswitch: exactly....*rolleseyes"02:26
shriphanicant i terminate the download02:26
wheelswitchrobinl1,  thanks for the update02:26
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gotekifujitsu: 6600gt02:26
robinl1whaddaya mean?02:26
Fujitsugoteki, aha...02:26
fredrich1Fujitsu, yes and no...ive seen game forum servers go down from releases, but it's the first time i've seen a linux distro forum almost go down from the load02:26
FujitsuI don't have Nvidia experience.02:26
shriphanior carry out the download after a few boots ?02:26
Fujitsufredrich1, Ubuntu forums are very good...02:26
shriphaniman this has left me depressed02:27
Fujitsu*not very good.02:27
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livingdaylighti can feel the Ubuntu-mexian wave coming on!02:27
fredrich1Fujitsu, what i mean is, that the rush and the pressure is more than a linux distro upgrade usually garners02:27
sybaritencan someone make an educated guess on when the forums will be back to a normal state?02:27
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Fujitsufredrich1, yes. This /is/ Dapper.02:27
sybaritenor is this all due to overpopulation only02:27
Fujitsusybariten, once everybody gives up...02:27
Spaceravera fujitus siemens amilo model m52174 should run ubuntu good right??02:27
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VerithraxToo many 'omg lols dapper is the roxx0r posts'?02:27
Fujitsusybariten, probably just overpopulation.02:27
thoreauputicsybariten: the latter I think02:27
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noodlehow do i reclaim my firefox icon.. was about to read the forum post before it died :(02:28
WhoopieHi, I have a question regarding package patches: what are these relibtoolize patches for?02:28
FujitsuSpaceraver, thanks for not pinging me :) Typos can be useful some times...02:28
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wheelswitchnoodle, just use easyubuntu02:28
FujitsuAnd yes, Spaceraver, it should run fine.02:28
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shriphaniok guys any ideas when the alternate cd is coming out02:28
fiendskull9whats the command to update from breezy to dap.?02:28
alleyoopstergoteki: most likely you will need to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, this will reconfigure the screen. Be sure to back up xorg.conf first02:28
grimboy!tell noodle about easyubuntu02:28
Fujitsushriphani, it was released over 3 hours ago.02:28
Fujitsufiendskull9, read the topic.02:28
=== RossWrk [n=littldev@24-107-60-127.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoo!tell shriphani about torrent02:28
noodleok thx02:28
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, monk_02:28
thoreauputic!tell fiendskull9 about upgrade02:29
robinl1        vBulletin Message               We'll be right back.02:29
bliss_whats the command line to upgrade from 5-10 server with fluxbox to 6.06 server with fluxbox?02:29
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thoreauputicbliss_: erm, your fluxbox will be upgraded automatically02:29
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thoreauputicbliss_: unless you compiled it or something02:29
wheelswitchi rekon xirc tab completion should be related to who posted last.02:30
=== csko [n=csko@szerver4.7hatar-martely.koznet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
SunTzuTechbliss_: fix /etc/apt/sources.list to get the dapper upgrade, then do an apt-get update and a apt-get dist-upgrade02:30
wheelswitch*xchat even02:30
Gruntwell seeing as there's no parties in birmingham I think i will have to go down to the pub and drunk with my friends under the guise of ubuntu launch party ;-)02:30
Fujitsuwheelswitch, file a wishlist bug :)02:30
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=== Tinned_Tuna does the monkey-boy dance
VerithraxI... LOVE... THIS... COMMUNITY.02:30
thoreauputic*sigh* the feeding frenzy is getting to me...02:30
wycatsIs there a way to get boot-admin back into ubuntu?02:30
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Tinned_Tunahehe :)02:30
=== thoreauputic takes a break
=== fourmi [n=fourmi@vau75-6-82-230-165-134.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsuwycats, install it?02:31
Fujitsuthoreauputic, you deserve it :)02:31
wycatsIt's part of Gnome System Tools02:31
wycatswas taken out by Ubuntu02:31
=== fourmi [n=fourmi@vau75-6-82-230-165-134.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoofeed me - sooooo hungry02:31
wycatseven though they provide GST02:31
Fujitsuwycats, what did it do?02:31
=== dbglt [n=dbglt@220-245-145-123-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
wycatsallowed visual editing of Grub02:31
livingdaylightTinned_Tuna; is your real name Tina Dapper Turner?02:31
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wycatsGrub bootloaders that is02:31
bliss_SunTzuTech: thanks what fix do i need in etc/aptsources list please?02:31
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dbgltcan anyone assist me in install the ati binary driver? I've followed the instructions and it will not work... I'm currently using dapper02:31
Tinned_Tunanot quite :)02:31
siccnessdbglt, kind of.02:32
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Fujitsu!doesn't work02:32
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Is it on IRC all the time?  Please be specific!  Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:32
bliss_thoreauputic; thanks for support02:32
dbgltfglrxinfo still shows that I am using Mesa, even though I have followed all the steps prescribed02:32
dooglusSunTzuTech: sudo sed -i s/breezy/dapper/ /etc/apt/sources.list02:32
siccnessOh, maybe not then.02:32
thoreauputicbliss_: you're welcome :)02:32
Reg|stersome one have the wiki link how to install alott of programs to ubuntu?  java xmms etc02:32
Hmmmmhooraah! azureus is ripping dapper02:32
Frogzoo!tell Hmmmm about torrent02:32
Fujitsuubotu, tell Reg|ster about java02:33
cefanyone else grabbing the i386 dvd iso via torrent? can you see an actual seed?02:33
kevorTinned_Tuna: it's RIPPING away flesh :P02:33
FrogzooHmmmm: 90kB/s :D02:33
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grimboyHmmmm, azureus is a bit heavy for a background application.02:33
=== Prestidigita [n=prestidi@] has joined #ubuntu
dbgltI followed the instructiosn under the heading: Install instructions for Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake)02:33
HmmmmFrogzoo, well im on a 512K connection, so i'll be happy with the 45K that im getting02:33
dbglt(on the wiki)02:33
=== twev [n=twev@203-214-88-146.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bliss_Tinned_Tuna: how's it going?02:33
dbgltthen tried removing it as is specified in the troubleshooting section02:33
=== KaiL [n=KaiL@p548F5E7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
FrogzooHmmmm: yup, sounds good02:33
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dooglusFrogzoo: why do you need the alternate iso to upgrade?  there are packages on the desktop iso too...02:34
sybaritendamn i know there are some pedagogical threads on the forum on how to set up the best locales system for sweden02:34
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dbgltthere don't seem to be any errors in my Xorg.log either02:34
Fujitsudooglus, no there are not!02:34
robinl1Can somebody tell me what the issues of the .pool test CD's were?02:34
dxdemetriouthe update-manager will have later the upgrate to Dapper, or for each stable release upgrade must be used the -d?02:34
ChousukeDapper looks pretty sleek02:34
Hmmmmwell i'll leave for the day. will have dapper waiting to be deployed on 15 machines toimorrow morning...02:34
Fujitsurobinl1, no. General pre-release issues!02:34
Chousukehaving a weird problem though.02:34
sybaritenChousuke: dapper? never heard of it.02:34
Tinned_Tunago go big-pipe server!02:35
grimboyChousuke, it looks slightly less like diarrah, yes.02:35
Fujitsusybariten, Ubuntu 6.06.02:35
Frogzoo!tell cef about torrent02:35
SunTzuTechbliss_: grr.  I can't find the sources.list you need now  (it used to be on the wiki)02:35
sybaritenFujitsu: oh, i must have missed that02:35
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-104-68-136.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Chousukewhen I enable Finnish keyboard layout, keys from A to Z stop working02:35
PrestidigitaHi, im a newbie. can anyone tell me how to install opera on ubuntu ?02:35
wycatsIs there a clean upgrade from Dapper Beta to Dapper full?02:35
grimboy!tell sybariten to be quiet02:35
flodineanyone use the alternate install cd i need help02:35
wheelswitchcef, yeah, 2 seeds02:35
dooglusSunTzuTech: just run the command I gave you just now02:35
Frogzoocef: I got 2 seeds & 230 peers :D02:35
dooglusSunTzuTech: sudo sed -i s/breezy/dapper/ /etc/apt/sources.list02:35
wheelswitchcef, dont worry, it will come02:35
Fujitsuwycats, just apt-get dist-upgrade.02:36
grimboy!tell sybariten to be quiet02:36
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Fujitsugrimboy, that was uncalled for.02:36
SunTzuTechdooglus: I'm already on 6.06.  I was telling bliss what he needed to change to get dapper upgraded.02:36
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robinl1Prestidigita: sudo apt-get install opera, but first enable the universe and multiverse, there's instructions on that in the wiki and in the bot.02:36
grimboyFujitsu, hehe02:36
=== sybariten slaps grimboy with something
cefwheelswitch: hehe yeah, just checking02:36
muszekPrestidigita: download the package from opera.com and then sudo dpkg -i name_of_the_package.deb02:36
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igorzolnikovhow can i read ntfs?02:36
fredrich1does gl games work even if youre running xgl?02:36
bliss_SunTzuTech: yep thanks maybe its changed?02:37
grimboysybariten, A wet chocolate fish is traditional02:37
flodineif you use the alternate cd why dont it ask for a user name and pasword when installing02:37
wheelswitchcef, tomorrow it should be more like 1000 seeds, 2 peers02:37
Kronozfredrich1, i've heard not but i'm not sure02:37
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Fujitsuigorzolnikov, the installer should automagically mount them.02:37
sshrdpanybody tried new ati driver on dapper? i get "[fglrx]  ... could not register entrypoint for ..." error02:37
Fujitsuflodine, it should...02:37
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livingdaylightWoaH! another Ubuntu-Mexican Wave makes its way around the World. Yea!02:37
Kronozsshrdp, i don't think ati have made xorg 7 drivers yet02:37
wheelswitchwas the 5.10 launch as big of an event as this?02:37
Fujitsuwheelswitch, not quite.02:38
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wycatsIt says I have 0 upgrades; does that mean the updates already happened automatically?02:38
robinl1I love Dapper's default look.02:38
wycatsThere were a bunch of updates last night that I accepted02:38
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Fujitsuwycats, probably.02:38
bliss_dooglus: do you have the line i need to but in my sources to update to 6.06 server please?02:38
Fujitsuwycats, that's it, then.02:38
tubbieinstalling win xp pro. hope it  install correctly :)02:38
igorzolnikovhow can i write ntfs?02:38
aLPHa_LeaK g'day02:38
tubbieI mean in Qemu02:38
Fujitsuigorzolnikov, you can't.02:38
Fujitsutubbie, phew.02:38
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dbgltok, just went through the xorg log, and I get: (II) fglrx(0): DRIScreenInit done (EE) fglrx(0): Hardware already been locked. - it then reverts to only 2d and not 3d acceleration, as it can't initialise DRI02:38
robinl1.. holy shit02:38
wycatsWill it continue providing the updates automatically as they are released?02:38
dbgltany ideas what I could do to fix this up?02:38
rambo3!tell igorzolnikov about ntfs02:38
robinl1i look into the theme dialog, and HOLY MOTHER those are MUCH themes!02:38
Kronozigorzolnikov, it can be done but it isn't really safe02:39
Fujitsuwycats, yes.02:39
kspathrobinl1: Please keep your religion out of the channel02:39
sybaritenigorzolnikov: you can write to FAT but NTFS support is more kinda experimental, i believe02:39
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livingdaylightGuys! once i've upgraded to Dapper from Breezy (10minutes away) will i have Dapper default looks?02:39
wycatsso I won't need to do apt-get ...02:39
Fujitsurobinl1, is this surprising?02:39
VerithraxApt died on me.02:39
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>02:39
VerithraxPreparing to replace xserver-xorg-core 6.8.2-77.1 (using .../xserver-xorg-core_1%3a1.0.2-0ubuntu10_i386.deb) ...02:39
VerithraxUnpacking replacement xserver-xorg-core ...02:39
Verithraxdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg-core_1%3a1.0.2-0ubuntu10_i386.deb (--unpack):02:39
Verithrax trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/scanpci', which is also in package gatos02:39
Verithraxdpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)02:39
Fujitsulivingdaylight, you should. If not, just select the `Human' theme in System->Preferences->Theme.02:39
VerithraxErrors were encountered while processing:02:39
Verithrax /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg-core_1%3a1.0.2-0ubuntu10_i386.deb02:39
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
VerithraxE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:39
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robinl1And they're all beautiful! ^_^02:39
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 02:39
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Verithrax!*@*] by thoreauputic
gnomefreakVerithrax: stop pasteing02:39
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Kholerabb1Dappers's released!!!02:39
livingdaylightFujitsu, Thx man  :)02:39
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic
rskno kidding02:39
Kholerabb1Anybody go to a party?02:39
KronozKholerabb1, you don't say!02:40
lib8264qhmm stupid ? just checked "download sites" lts is released  .... sites that are supposed to have iso  the dates of are showing same dates as sits that "my not have yet"02:40
=== rixth [n=rixth@203-109-245-204.static.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
FujitsuKholerabb1, we noticed.02:40
bliss_ompaul: busy day02:40
wheelswitchanyone from canberra, australia want to party?02:40
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Frogzoo!tell lib8264q about torrent02:40
Prestidigitamuszek, i did it and im having some dependancy problem02:40
livingdaylightFujitsu; is the sound on boot-up still the same?02:40
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grimboyKholerabb1, I held my own party.02:40
Fujitsulivingdaylight, on login, yes.02:40
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Prestidigitamuszek, libqt3-mt and libqt3c10202:40
Kholerabb1grimboy: Good02:40
rixthNooo, my fave. package is gone.02:40
sybaritenwheelswitch: you cant seriously mean you are gonna have a party because a new distro version is released02:41
robinl1all those themes..02:41
grimboyKholerabb1, It just involved me drinking lots.02:41
robinl1they're so BEAUTIFUL!02:41
Fujitsurixth, what?02:41
=== mayfield [n=mayfield@carbon.redbrick.dcu.ie] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightFujitsu; kewl. That was such a winner, it would have b een hard to improve on, no?!  :p02:41
lib8264q!tell lib8246q about torrent02:41
flodineFujitsu i do a oem install and only ask for password02:41
Fujitsulivingdaylight, it's not bad!02:41
wheelswitchsybariten, no, id be scared of who would turn up, linux party would be a little weird02:41
rixthFujitsu: it was an alternative Gnome network applet, showed the current speed in and out02:41
Fujitsuflodine, why OEM?02:41
=== snoops [n=blah@203-97-119-118.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu
sybaritenwheelswitch: no shit02:41
livingdaylightFujitsu; common it rocks!  ;)02:41
ompaul**** Notice **** do not paste in the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org thank you02:42
bliss_anyone got the sources ist line to update from 5-10 server to 6.06 please02:42
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.02:42
grimboywheelswitch, honestly you'd get a bit mix.02:42
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Fujitsubliss_, running a desktop installation?02:42
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wheelswitchsybariten, but rumor has it there are a fair few parties going on around the world, i was more curious if any one from canberra was on02:42
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=== nigno [n=nigno@ip-73-23-dyn.adsl.intratec.it] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ubotufrom memory, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.02:42
=== melodie [n=melodie@dyn-213-36-8-81.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsHiya.. Just installed 6.06 amd64 desktop edition.. I went through the graphical install, chose my boot drive (which also has an xp install on it first)02:42
=== DevGet [n=gustav@h54n5fls32o1096.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
robinl1even new cursors?! oh man, dapper rules! the look is SO customizable!02:42
snoopsI set the ext3 partition size, as well as a swap partition02:42
ompaulkspath, your like a one person fan club ;-) thanks02:42
Frogzoo!tell h3h_timo about torrent02:42
FujitsuAnd, snoops?02:43
Prestidigitaim having some dependancy problem while installing opera. can any one help me out ?02:43
flodineFujitsu i want regular desktop install what should i do02:43
Kronozlol, i've only ever seen 1000+ channel members in #gentoo before02:43
bliss_Fujitsu; no its a 5-10 server with fluxbox I want to update to 6.606 server02:43
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FujitsuPrestidigita, what's missing?02:43
snoopsit installed..quickly mentioned it was installing grub boot manager02:43
grimboyI keep getting the error unable to initiallize frontend: gnome02:43
Fujitsuflodine, clean, or upgrade?02:43
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snoopsthen, I reboot and take out disk..then xp loads!02:43
Frogzoo!tell bliss_ about torrent02:43
grimboy(when upgrading)02:43
kspathKronoz: metoo is popular?02:43
sybaritenwheelswitch: GL, HF02:43
h3h_timoFrogzoo, im not gonna use the iso.. im gonna just update my computer...02:43
=== panzer [n=panzer@187-126-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsso..umm what happened to the boot manager02:43
Fujitsusnoops, did you install GRUB to the MBR?02:43
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PrestidigitaFujitsu, libqt3-mt and libqt3c102-mt02:43
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Frogzooh3h_timo: torrents way faster dude02:43
snoopsI just went through the graphical installer Fujitsu02:43
Kronozkspath, unfortunatly02:43
noodlegrimboy, wheelswitch: the replace firefox icon option in easyubuntu is not supported for ppc it seems :S02:44
FujitsuPrestidigita, install the two packages using Synaptic.02:44
flodineFujitsu when i put the cd in theres oem and text install02:44
snoopsit never gave me options to set the boot partition or choose which boot manager to use02:44
petrik2 seconds into it..... looks nice02:44
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Fujitsuflodine, you should have used text install!02:44
h3h_timoFrogzoo, i know.. but im gonna be gone all day and im just gonna let it install02:44
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bliss_Frogzoo:i want to use apt-get nottorrent02:44
jpatotasnoops, did you fall asleep and did grub load windows for you?02:44
rskgah the software updater just died02:44
Fujitsursk, how?02:44
ompaulVerithrax, do this, >> sudo apt-get update&& sudo apt-get upgrade  <<02:44
rskit just did. :)02:44
Frogzoobah - people apt-get updating will just crash the repos :p02:44
wheelswitchis it posible to change the default os that grub loads up?02:44
jpatotasnoops, or did grub just not show up at all02:44
PrestidigitaFujitsu, im a newbie don't knw what is synaptic. cud u give me a reference02:44
holycowdapper iso doesn't work!02:45
Fujitsuwheelswitch, of course.02:45
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snoopsgrub install never showed up02:45
ubotusynaptic is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto02:45
FujitsuPrestidigita, System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager.02:45
grimboy!doesn't work02:45
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ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Is it on IRC all the time?  Please be specific!  Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:45
holycowsnoops, same here02:45
holycowhung up the laptop02:45
Fujitsuholycow, you sure it's valid?02:45
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ompaulholycow, check the md5 sum of that you downloaded02:45
snoopsI mean, when it said it was installing..in the messages it mentioned grub..02:45
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fredrich1um...does aiglx work better with games ans whatnot? or does it hog gpu functionality like xgl?02:45
snoopsbut there's no sign of it02:45
jpatotasnoops, can you modify your boot.ini in windows?02:45
flodineFujitsu text is command line right02:45
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rambo3guess forums are overloaded02:45
jpatotasnoops, or did you want to use the grub loader02:45
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Fujitsuflodine, not really.02:46
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snoopsI would have liked to use the grub boot loader02:46
jpatotasnoops, actually its probably better to use grub02:46
ompaulholycow, if the imag e  has a different md5sum then it is broken in some way regrab02:46
Fujitsuflodine, OEM is just a modified text installation.02:46
=== YogSothoth [n=john@lns-bzn-56-82-255-249-125.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #Ubuntu
snoopsbut I would have also liked to have set a boot partition02:46
DrNickRivieraanyone here got experience with noflushd and journaling filesystems?02:46
holycowompaul, *hmm*k02:46
n00tzwhat's the quickest way to get GDM set back to my Login Manager? I installed KDM no hitch, but I think I like GDM better02:46
snoopssince I had a free 700meg space just for it02:46
Fujitsujpatota, you can't use the Windows bootloader to boot Linux.02:46
ompaulholycow, :-)02:46
Fujitsun00tz, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm, and select gdm.02:46
aftertafn00tz, apt-get remove kdm && apt-get install gdm02:46
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Frogzoobliss_: at this rate, all the apt-get upgrades will fail when the repos finally fall over...02:46
rambo3dpkg-reconfigure gdm02:46
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ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html02:46
n00tzFujitsu: thanks02:46
DrNickRivierajust wondering whether it will make any difference on a drive that is mainly used for reading02:47
snoopsBy the way, I'm very impressed with the installer02:47
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livingdaylightWhere is the LONDON party?02:47
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tubbieinstalling xp in qemu is so slow :(02:47
TobiasFarhod can i check which ubuntu version i have?02:47
FrogzooTobiasFar: lsb_release -a02:47
dooglusholycow: try seeding the image on bittorrent.  if it is corrupted, your torrent client will fix the corruption very quickly02:47
snoopsit's a bit annoying how my monitors res isn't supported..but I'll fix that in my x11 conf file02:47
rambo3TobiasFar, Systemm->help02:47
YogSothothompaul: Hi! I forgot to say thanx yesterday: the fstab file works perfect! I can now access my Windows disk without being root!02:47
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jpatotasnoops, http://users.encs.concordia.ca/~yu_luo/fc3_grub.html02:47
FujitsuI'd better be off to bed... See you all!02:47
bliss_Frogzoo: ok but i still need thesources line for 6.06 server I will risk the fail02:47
grimboylivingdaylight, London02:47
baconbacondooglus: system, about ubuntu02:47
x3onwhat is the most up to date guide on using WPA in dapper?02:47
Frogzoo!tell holycow about torrent02:47
ompaulTobiasFar, >>lsb_release -d << run that in a terminal02:47
holycowdooglus, chan title says not to use torrent02:48
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jpatotasnoops, i dont know how much that will help02:48
rambo3TobiasFar, Systemm-> about ubuntu02:48
ompaulYogSothoth, no problem, glad it worked for you02:48
dooglusholycow: no, it doesn't.  read it again02:48
Fujitsux3on, get Network Manager02:48
lib8264qam i asume the download servers busy ??????02:48
jpatotasnoops, but the general idea still applies02:48
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livingdaylightgrimboy: hahaha, you naughty devil. I see no party scheduled for London. Is it over at your place?02:48
ompaullib8264q, you assume correctly02:48
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snoopsI don't see how any of that would work jpatota02:48
TobiasFarrambo3, about ubuntu shows a webpage in firefox which doesn't mention any version number02:48
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Fujitsulib8264q, they will be slow for a while.02:48
snoopssince..like I can't get to my ubuntu install02:48
x3onIs that included in the default repositories, Fujitsu?02:48
Fujitsux3on, yes.02:48
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lib8264qlol yea i guess so  cant get onto  lol02:48
Fujitsunetwork-manager-gnome, or something like that.02:49
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n00tzDapper on my Thinkpad JustWorked (tm)02:49
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n00tzthanks for the help everyone02:49
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FujitsuNo problem, n00tz.02:49
snoopsthanks for the help so far jpatota02:49
grimboylivingdaylight, Nah, I maybe details are being clarified.02:49
FujitsuWhat model ThinkPad?02:49
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Frogzoo!tell lib8264q about torrent02:49
snoopsso umm.. should I go over the details again?02:49
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snoopssince it was quite segmented02:49
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rambo3TobiasFar, thats weard02:50
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grimboylivingdaylight, If it's on the wiki look at previous versions, it might have had a place.02:50
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livingdaylightgrimboy; are you in London?02:50
FujitsuGoodnight all!02:50
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livingdaylightgrimboy; i looked there is nothing scheduled yet02:50
scheuriFujitsu: he doenst seem to want to know us his type of thinkpad...02:50
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gego2its not night..02:50
Hamurabbion the ubuntu.com website, i see two versions02:50
baconbaconubuntuforums asploded?02:50
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grimboylivingdaylight, No, I'm in sleepy, redneck York02:50
bliss_Frogzoo:i cannot use torrent02:50
lexhiderIs it possible to use the ubuntu desktop installer (dapper) in non-graphics mode (console) ???02:50
Fujitsuscheuri, apparently not :P02:50
wheelswitchFujitsu, night02:50
jivhi, how set screen resolution on login scree?02:50
Hamurabbion the ubuntu.com website, i see two versions, desktop and server, can I install the "server" version if i Download the "Desktop" version ?02:50
FujitsuNo, lexhider.02:50
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FujitsuYou need the alternate or server CD.02:51
FujitsuHamurabbi, no.02:51
livingdaylightgrimboy; hahaha, you're lucky, or'd come and crash your pad  :p02:51
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Hamurabbiwhat's th edifference between the two02:51
Frogzoobliss_: why not? to upgrade, either use the 'alternate' CD iso - or get the DVD02:51
Hamurabbithere isn't much details on the site02:51
grimboylivingdaylight, heh02:51
[A] ndy80a simple question: I've replaced "breezy" with "dapper" in my sources.list since 3 months ago. Every day I do dist-upgrade.... do I have the latest stable now that 6.06 is out?02:51
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Hamurabbi(where i'm looking)02:51
Frogzoo!tell lexhider about torrent02:51
jbroome[A] ndy80: yeah02:51
[A] ndy80thanks02:51
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bliss_Frogzoo; i am on a server with mimimal packages02:52
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Frogzoobliss_: well, there is that...02:52
livingdaylightok, about to have LIFTOFF. Counting down to reboot now, wish me Luck02:52
grimboyCould someone help me, when upgrading I keep getting errors like: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured.02:52
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aftertafgrimboy, paste the messages to pastebin02:52
changerOfSeais a desktop cd like a live cd and an install cd combined into one?02:52
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snoopsI'm gonna try reboot again to see if I somehow missed the grub boot loader opening02:52
baconbacongrimboy: dist-upgrae or upgrade?02:52
bliss_Frogzoo: thankyou02:52
snoopsbut I totally doubt it02:52
aftertafchangerOfSea, seems so yeah :)02:52
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changerOfSeaaftertaf: thanks02:52
Frogzoobliss_: cheers bliss_ yw02:52
grimboybaconbacon, -d when it was RC02:52
aledieHi, if the dist-upgrade worked, why cat /etc/debian_version gives testing/unstable02:52
aftertafsnoops, you press ESC?02:52
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grimboyaftertaf, I can't paste because control-c will stop it.02:53
Fee^Linux afsw 2.6.13 #1 Tue Sep 6 17:56:37 PDT 2005 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux02:53
McNutellathe servers must be going at some pace, im at a constant 650k a second here :D02:53
bliss_Frogzoo; ye thanks02:53
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 02:53
livingdaylightgrimboy; maybe you should install Warty? hehe02:53
RandolphCarteraledie: lsb_release -a ?02:53
aftertafgrimboy, not ctl+C, select the text in console.02:53
Hamurabbidoes anyone have a list of details of differences between server and desktop ?02:53
McNutellaHamurabbi, its on the web somewhere02:53
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McNutellaone of the ubuntu sites02:54
bliss_anybody have the sources line to for apt-get to upgrade from 5-10 server to 6.06 server please?02:54
aledieDistributor ID: Ubuntu02:54
aledieDescription:    Ubuntu 6.06 LTS02:54
aledieRelease:        6.0602:54
aledieCodename:       dapper02:54
wheelswitchgrimboy, select the text in the console, then ctl+v or middle click to paste02:54
holycowwas the optional installer available for testing before? weird i don't remember that02:54
troy_anyone else here having a release party?02:54
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RandolphCarteraledie: there you go then :) I just installed from scratch, and my debian_version's testing/unstable also02:54
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rsktroy_: im gonna have one tonight :)02:54
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TobiasFarrambo3, the lsb_release -d command just returns the name, is there a way to get the version number? Or just: Is  Ubuntu (The Breezy Badger Release) == Ubuntu 6.06 LTS?02:54
McNutellatroy_, having one myself with couple friends in my street, since I provide netaccess to them all via wifi :)02:54
holycowheh look made it on slashdot02:54
holycowoh man are the servers ever gonna burn02:54
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alediei actually used dapper for monthes, just today tried dist-upgrade, nothing happened02:55
livingdaylightaledie; haha, ready to join the Ubuntu-Mexican Wave?02:55
troy_just got home and drinking beer byu myself, is that a party?02:55
YogSothothI see here http://tinyurl.com/jrnol that there is a X-Chat GNOME Message Notification: well I don't have it enabled it seems. How can I enable it?02:55
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RandolphCarterTobiasFar: lsb_release -r02:55
holycowwell congratulations to all the devs an dparticapants and community02:55
grimboywheelswitch, Doesn't work02:55
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aLdthanx everyone now at 12%02:55
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Fee^6.06 LTS is not the new full version... is it?02:55
holycowi had dapper whatever installed 3 days ago for a client and it is working great02:55
troy_i'm at 29%02:55
tuxtheslacker:-( this thing is giving me crap about picasa breaking randomly :-/.02:55
aledietried to check and saw testing/unstable, so just was currios about if i am really on stable now02:55
Fee^i've got that from 5/2302:55
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TIIPOSI need help, I need an ideal source list, I have used "source o matic" but the list that it constructed for me was incredibly unreliable, I am constantly getting stalled downloads when I use synaptic, could someone please link me to an ideal dapper srouce list?02:55
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alediei actually used unstable since february02:55
=== TobiasFar downloads the new one...
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TobiasFarRandolphCarter, thx02:56
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wheelswitchgrimboy, so you are selecting, as in highlighting, in ubuntu, then middle clicking wher eyou want the txt and it isnt working?02:56
holycowtuxmaniac, well its a shitty windows app .. send some hatemail to google and get them to actually develop it using a real toolkit like qt or gtk02:56
gnomefreakubotu tell TIIPOS about sources02:56
livingdaylightubotu tell grimboy about Warty, hehe02:56
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource02:56
tuxtheslackeris there a way I can do a slocate with excluding a directory?02:56
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sybaritenubotu tell me about fcuking kbd layouts02:56
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gnomefreaksybariten: watch your language02:57
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troy_ubotu is a bot?02:57
aledielivingdaylight, I am in Hong Kong ;)02:57
ubotutroy_: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:57
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sybaritentroy_: yeah ... and he didnt know that one02:57
sybaritengnomefreak: hey, ubotu used the same bad language when replying!02:57
Castuxtheslacker: you can pipe the output to grep and include/exclude more keywords02:57
gnomefreakubotu tell troy_ about you02:57
livingdaylightaledie; haha, London, i see the wave coming  '<02:57
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aledielivingdaylight, if still can get a ticket to mexico, what i doubt02:57
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tuxtheslackerCas, how would I exclude a keyword?02:58
melodiehello, are there many on the torrrents to dl Dapper ?02:58
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Castuxtheslacker: locate foo | grep bar, see man grep for more02:58
grimboywheelswitch, I've tried it several times, and yes, that's exacly what happens02:58
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tubbienetstream[eth1: Receiving 275 KB/s, Sending 47 KB/s] 02:58
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snoopsokay..no definitely no grub02:58
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livingdaylightgnomefreak; i'm 24 minutes away from launching operation dapper Dapper, hehe, i'm so excited!02:59
nealmcbJune 1st @ 18h00 - The Colorado LoCo Team's Release Party, June 1st. 18:00 - Location - Ziggy's Cafe, 4th & Main, Longmont.02:59
bliss_anybody got the sources line to upgrade fron 5-10 server to 6.06 server?02:59
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gnomefreakubotu tell bliss_ about sources02:59
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Hamurabbiif i download the "server" release, i386, can i switch from gnome to kde ?02:59
scheuribliss_: just exchange the word breezy with the word dapper02:59
holycowno, it doesn't come with a desktop02:59
livingdaylightGUYS, any of you from London. Where's the Party?!02:59
gnomefreakHamurabbi: server install does use either of them but you can install whatever one you like03:00
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bliss_gnomefreak: thanks i looked in wiki already03:00
tuxtheslackerwhat does unhandled page fualt on read access to 0x003c002f at address 0x7bebe9a mean?03:00
grimboywheelswitch, I would just type it out, but it keeps scrolling off the terminal and then reoccuring03:00
smoAny opinions as to which torrent could most benefit a seeder? I've put about 12GiB into desktop-i386, but with multiple disks, unsure which is most in demand03:00
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bliss_scheuri: interesting thought03:00
gnomefreakbliss_: whats wrong with that sources.list in the pastebin?03:00
grimboywheelswitch, the basic message is unable to initialize frontend: Gnome03:01
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snoopsokay..here's the issue I installed 6.06 amd64 with graphical installer. It asked for which partition to install to. I chose my windows hdd, which had 100gb unpartitioned space. I setup a / partition and a swap partition. Then it said it would install.. It said it installed..then asked me to restart and take the cd out03:01
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snoopsI do that.. then it loads xp03:01
snoopsso..what happened to grub?03:01
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snoopsand choosing a boot partition03:01
bliss_gnomefreak: ok sorry that might help looked else where03:02
MacSlowAm I imagining things or is www.ubuntuforums.com currently hammered a lot? Responses feel sluggish atm.03:02
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livingdaylightHey, lets all go over to Mark's place, i hear he's throwing a party!03:02
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tuxtheslackerwhat does unhandled page fualt on read access to 0x003c002f at address 0x7bebe9a mean?03:02
tuxtheslackerdoes that mean I have bad ram???03:02
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MacSlowrsk, ah might be03:02
ocultalways in drapper drake  beta or final.. i have problem with resolution screen03:02
kspathMacSlow: release day? What do you think?03:02
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holycowsnoops, at the end of that there should of been a line asking you 'install grub to /boot or boot sector'03:02
ocultsomebody know how solve this ?03:02
Grout58is the sudo apt-get dist upgrade working yet?03:02
DosoMacSlow: I cant reach it either :] 03:02
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rambo3tuxtheslacker, more like vm03:02
grimboyMacSlow, DAPPER IS TEH ROCKER topics x 100003:02
holycowsnoops, i think there is some funkyness going on ... not sure yet i can't download anything, too slow03:02
livingdaylightgrimboy, you got the beers in the cooler?03:02
GnarusLeohey, I have kubuntu now, how would I approach to upgarde to the new system?03:02
heanolis the dapper release the same as the rc?03:02
tuxtheslackerrambo3, vm?03:02
snoopsholycow never saw that option03:02
sybaritenok i dont wanna be a grumpy bitch... well more than i already am... but couldnt we just keep the "OMG Dapper is so fresh :) :) :) WTF where is the ghayest release partay???!!!" discussions in the ubuntu-offtopic chan?03:02
pimkiei can a good boy for sex03:03
holycowsnoops, neither did i with my first cd03:03
rambo3virtual memory , (paging)03:03
pradeepguys, can someone point me to the link which has the changes/improvements in dapper compared to breezy?03:03
heanolsnoops, exact same thing happened to me03:03
rskheanol: yeah if you update03:03
snoopsit did say however that it was installing grub03:03
grimboylivingdaylight, No, cheap beer doesn't need to be cooled.03:03
tuxtheslackervirtual memory rambo3 ??03:03
MacSlowkspath, well it feels so strange to see/read all the fuss... I mean.. it feels everybody "around me" tried and installed Dapper druing it dev-phase already :)03:03
snoopsheanol worked out the fix?03:03
livingdaylightgrimboy, kekeke03:03
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thoreauputicpimkie: no more of that thanks03:03
gnomefreaksybariten: i will not warn you again about your language03:03
heanolnope, i tried to manually install lilo but it borked03:03
TIIPOSyeah I have done that03:03
holycowsnoops, if its an issue you will haveto wait for an updated release03:03
heanoli've never had much luck with grub so i blamed it on grub03:03
livingdaylightsybariten, what's up sister, you seem uptight?03:03
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snoopswell that's really frustrating03:03
tanekanyone using dapper on a laptop with synaptics touchpad?03:03
Grout58sudo apt-get dist upgrade isnt working for me03:04
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snoopsI was really looking forward to using it..03:04
chimaitanek : yup.03:04
holycowsnoops, its actually common with ubuntu03:04
tuxtheslackertanek, I'm on breezy witha  synaptics touchpad.03:04
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holycowsnoops, last ubuntu release was a disaster03:04
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snoopsI skipped breezy :)03:04
sybaritengnomefreak: uh ... what? are there christian rules to what you can say and not here? please tell me what part of my sentence that upset you03:04
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snoopslast one I used was warty03:04
tanekdo u have probs with it beeing hypersensitive?03:04
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thoreauputicholycow: it was? I didn't think so...03:04
grimboysnoops, the difference wasn't that significant03:04
snoopsdapper feels nice03:04
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gnomefreakubotu tell sybariten -about language03:05
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=== Most_Wanted [n=Death@c3eea1ddd.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
holycowthoreauputic, totally, i had loads of machines that couldn't automount cds or mount floppies03:05
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Tenshidid something happen to the "sharpmusique" package?03:05
GnarusLeohey, I have kubuntu now, how would I approach to upgarde to the new system?03:05
=== alonz [n=alon@CBL217-132-84-180.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
heanolcan i boot up my installed system from the install/live cd? like using it as a rescue disc? :P03:05
snoopsand wow..detected by sata drives first go..03:05
holycowor usb disks03:05
GnarusLeo? upgrade03:05
GnarusLeo! upgrade03:05
ubotuhmm... upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.03:05
bliss_gnomefreak: from the list at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 which is appliable to upgrade from 5-10 server to 6.06 server there are two src sections?03:05
dooglussnoops: did you try using lilo instead of grub?  I've never managed to get grub to work.03:05
LinuxJonessybariten, there are rules in the channel please try to obey them.03:05
sybaritenlivingdaylight: nothing, its just that there are 1000 people here and if a lot of them just wanna say that they wanna throw a party or something, it may be a good idea to split people between the ubuntu chan and the ubuntu-offtopic chan .. just an idea03:05
taneki hardly touch it and it considers that a double tap, plus the acceleration is so god damn annoying03:05
snoopsI don't want to screw with this hdd too much dooglus03:05
thoreauputicholycow: hmm - OK, I didn't see that here, but then I have only a small home network03:05
livingdaylightsybariten, this is a christian ubuntu channel, hehehe...Re:offtopic? thhis is happy Dapper day, everyone is allowed to let it hang out a bit03:05
gnomefreakbliss_: those are extra repos they aide in building stuff03:05
tuxtheslackerare there any known problems with the linux usb drivers, and linux? because this thing struggles with reading/using SUB devices.03:05
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snoopsbecause I would bloody HATE to have to reinstall applications on my xp install03:06
thoreauputicholycow: oh, yes, floppies were a problem - that I remember03:06
sybaritenlivingdaylight: yeah yeah, i guess youre right03:06
heanoldooglus, how the heck do you use lilo with the graphical installer?03:06
Paradoxxhmm, will there be a party here?03:06
=== Madeye [n=jad@] has joined #Ubuntu
Kholerabb1Whats this about Desktop and Server cds, is desktop a combination of LiveCD and installation CD??03:06
kahuna_Hi.Can I upgrade by soing s/breezy/dapper, then apt-get update && apt-get dift-upgrade?03:06
tanekcant find any programs for configuring it... any ideas tuxtheslacker, chimai ?03:06
=== ThiefOfBaghdad is now known as tuxmaniac
kahuna_err, that without the typos that is :)03:06
=== Hattori [n=ciccio@ENCRYPTED-FISH.WS] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusheanol: I don't know.  I installed it when I installed warty03:06
Paradoxxlol, the mirrors are gettin trashed03:06
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tuxtheslackertanek, mine was picked up on install.03:06
chimaitanek : no idea. It works perfectly by default03:06
dooglusheanol: or was he called hoary.  I forget.03:06
Mirvanyone has a quick ling to the official ubuntu logo image? small size?03:06
thoreauputickahuna_: except for the typo, yes :)03:06
=== selinium_ [n=selinium@82-69-69-151.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Davey|MbP [n=davey@static-72-77-217-26.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsdooglus..right well the graphical installer does not ask you to install grub, or ask you to specify the boot partition03:06
=== Kejk_PL [n=konrad@staticline23715.toya.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
tanekwierd... mine does not work good at all :(03:07
snoopsso.. major frustration for me03:07
holycowthoreauputic, if i dist upgraded the entire 200 machines ... i would of been seriously *effed* ... i can't complain about free really it simply could of been terrible03:07
livingdaylightsybariten: well i went to ubuntu+1 but it was dead. Hey, you're ok, you know? where is your party at? i might come and crash, hehe  ;)03:07
grimboyWow, the new ubuntu.com is sexy03:07
=== ivano [n=ivano@host-84-222-254-66.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== Monmouth [n=Sodomize@dsl-217-155-203-159.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kahuna_Any issues with breezy->dapper or will I be all set after the dist-upgrade?03:07
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dooglussnoops: so the installation has been streamlined?  :)03:07
livingdaylightgrimboy; yea! you just noticed? Its smoooooooth03:07
h3sp4wntuxtheslacker: Linux usb2 code is not very good (generally) especially on flaky hardware does it work using 1.1 in the bios ?03:07
bliss_gnomefreak: so its just the deb http  sections for 6.06 server?03:07
thoreauputicholycow: I imagine so - were the bugs squashed fairly fast after release?03:07
snoopsdooglus most definitely has03:07
heanolsnoops, please tell me if you solve it somehow.03:07
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sybaritenlivingdaylight: hehe, no party here, i just want a global keyboard layout that works in X aswell as console, then i might take a shot of Baileys or something03:07
bimberi!tell kahuna_ about upgrade03:07
Most_Wantedthose mirrors are too slow :(03:07
Frogzoo!tell Paradoxx about torrent03:07
snoopsheanol I doubt I'll be the one to solve it03:07
=== linchriss [n=linchris@h103n3c1o1041.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
MonmouthHow much free space does one need in order to do an upgrade?03:08
dooglusgrimboy: you think that's sexy?  do you fancy the 'support' guy?03:08
heanolcan i boot up my installed system from the install/live cd? like using it as a rescue disc? :P03:08
snoopsconsider I'm not willing to mess about with this hdd03:08
Frogzoo!tell Most_Wanted about torrent03:08
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=== Erlang [i=neumann@Toronto-HSE-ppp3875482.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Most_Wanted!tell everybody to stop telling !03:08
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livingdaylightsybariten; hahaha, doesn't seem to much to ask for03:08
=== chainlynx [n=chainlyn@adsl-64-171-251-58.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowthoreauputic, they werent squashed at all actually.  the bugs were moved to dapper for fixing ...03:08
tuxtheslackerh3sp4wn, what do you mean using 1.1 in the bios?03:08
heanolsnoops, well i did and made my windows unbootable, it sucked :) hehe03:08
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu
tuxtheslackerh3sp4wn, can I turn 2.0 off, and use 2.0 devices?03:08
Most_Wantedi have one Frogzoo03:08
=== _mason [n=mason@dsl-58-6-3-28.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicholycow: hmm :-(03:08
snoopsheanol - that's exactly the kind of thing I couldn't afford to do right now03:08
Most_Wantedhmm as soon as i downloaded it i will throw a mirror up myself :)03:08
ubotu_mason: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:09
gnomefreakbliss_: the src repos are fine you dont _need_ them but handy to have03:09
kahuna_Update-manager doesn't tell me there's an upgrade available. odd.03:09
Hattorihttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 this one is good to upgrade to 6.06 too?03:09
sybaritenLinuxJones: sure there are rules... i've just never seen anyone being offended on irc by the word "bitch" before. It means female dog or something and its even turned into a verb these days ("hes always the first to bitch").03:09
ubotu_mason: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:09
ParadoxxFrogzoo: thx much, thats what i was actually looking for03:09
kahuna_But I do it the "old way" anyway03:09
holycowthoreauputic, in other words, i am expecticng similar this time around ... teams tend to develop quirks like that03:09
kimokahuna_: update it first03:09
FrogzooParadoxx: cool, yw03:09
grimboydooglus, I meant it looked maccy with the widescreens everywhere, but you obviouly consider the support guy to be something03:09
kspath_mason: /msg ubotu opengl03:09
Fee^is the 6.06 LTS == the release? i've noticed system update doesn't pick anything up03:09
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=== Lukketto [n=Lukketto@host245-153.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Most_Wantedwhere's the torrent link ?03:09
ivanociao ao ao03:09
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-235-226.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
_masonok kspath03:09
kimoFee^: update the update-manager first03:09
LinuxJonessybariten, dude it's considered cursing here.03:09
Most_Wanted!torrent ?03:09
thoreauputicMost_Wanted: in the /topic03:09
chainlynxthe main page has dapper up now as the main download03:09
Fee^kimo: how?03:09
Most_Wantedaha oke ty thoreauputic03:09
Frogzoo!tell Most_Wanted about torrent03:10
h3sp4wntuxtheslacker: You can (they are backwards compatible) kmod-usb2 is pretty buggy but usb-uhci and usb-ohci seem to be more reliable03:10
bliss_gnomefreak: all i need is to upgrade from 5-10 server to 6.06 sever03:10
dooglusgrimboy: I was kind of getting aroused by the new design until his image loaded, and then I was back with my old friend Mr. Floppy.03:10
snoopsoh yeah, 6.06 totally doesn't support 1920x1200 res..I'm gonna have to add that myself03:10
kimoFee^: apt-get update && apt-get install update-manager03:10
livingdaylightgnomefreak; after i've upgraded to Dapper, will i have to take care of repos, or is that handled during the upgrade/update section automatically?03:10
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-240-087.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fee^kimo: thankee :)03:10
tuxtheslackerh3sp4wn, I have usb-uhci installed.03:10
Hattorihttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 this one is good to upgrade to 6.06 too?03:10
gnomefreakbliss_: than keep your sources.list file and change the words breezy to dapper03:10
MistaEDsnoops: 1920x1200 works here03:10
=== zhllg [n=zhangle@cm222-167-208-129.hkcable.com.hk] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsMistaED this is with the live cd?03:11
tuxtheslackeranyone know if a restart will fix this unhandeled page fault on read access to  0x003c002f at address 0x7bebe9fa03:11
tuxtheslacker^^ is this a ram error?03:11
=== poopotootti [n=poopotoo@c193-229-35-8.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
h3sp4wntuxtheslacker: Have you ehci_hcd loaded also ?03:11
=== kimo laughs, Ubuntu servers are heading for starvation ;)
=== Kholerabb1 [n=Me@dsl-220-235-233-183.qld.westnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu []
snoopsbecause I haven't been able to get into the installed machine - because of the lack of grub in the install03:11
sybaritenLinuxJones: ok, well, didnt know that. There should be a blacklist or something somewhere. For non-americans (or non-brits, etc) its sometimes hard to estimate if the word "blabla" will be offensive or not (and ofcourse one always tries to use it anyhow)03:11
Frogzoo!tell kimo about torrent03:11
=== rackerz [n=darren@cpc3-cosh6-0-0-cust86.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Ubuntu
grimboydooglus, It's kind of disturbing that you'd rather be a technophile than a admit that the support guy is sexy.03:11
livingdaylightgnomefreak; man, i'm counting on you?  :o03:11
MistaEDsnoops: nah an install, got nvidia video?03:11
Most_Wantedmy download is going with 6.6 KB/sec lol03:11
RandolphCartersnoops: do you have a Ubuntu live-cd lying around?03:11
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: for what?03:11
snoopsyep MistaED03:11
FrogzooMost_Wanted: 90kB/s here :D03:11
dooglusgrimboy: what does technophile mean again?03:12
=== antoine-lug [n=antoine@rob76-3-82-228-211-75.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuxtheslackerh3sp4wn, yup.03:12
snoopsRandolphCarter I've got the 6.06 desktop cd - which has a live cd03:12
Most_Wantedwill take 30 days before i have ubuntu 6.06 ROFLMAOPIMP03:12
snoopswell, I mean which is a live cd/graphical installer03:12
sybaritenare there any other packages related to "locale" that will affect how my terminal behaves? uh, i mean, what kbd layout it uses03:12
kimotuxtheslacker: try to enable ECC in BIOS03:12
livingdaylightgnomefreak; oh, you missed my post to you. After my dapper upgrade/ update do i need to take care of repos?03:12
FrogzooMost_Wanted: if the repos don't actually fall over03:12
RandolphCartersnoops: okay, you can use that to boot, mount the partitions you installed Ubuntu to in a terminal and then 'chroot' into it03:12
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MistaEDsnoops: the nv driver only supports up to 1280x1024 for me, i needed the prop driver to get 1920x120003:12
Jowih3sp4wn: yeah, i'm trying to update and install some stuff and the main fr.archive servers are damn slow. then I remembered the date :)03:12
fatalbluso how is it?03:12
Most_Wantedlol Frogzoo03:12
livingdaylightgnomefreak; or is that handled automatically?03:12
tuxtheslackerkillefiz, what would that do?03:12
Paradoxxwow, who are ubuntu teams hosts03:12
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: no you shouldnt have to03:12
=== ThE-LiGhT [n=light@bzq-88-152-53-83.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightgnomefreak; Cooool03:12
RandolphCartersnoops: then you can run grub-install and grub-update03:12
=== rixth [n=rixth@httpcraft/advocacy/rixth] has joined #ubuntu
sybaritenor maybe i should restart X before i complain ...  is a ctrl-bckspace enough on ubuntu? to really exit X ?03:13
GNAMCDs of Shipit program are RW? :P03:13
rackerzWhen automatix closes, it asks me if I want to save the sources.list that is uses, should i let it save?03:13
kimosybariten: ctrl + alt + <-03:13
=== Russell- [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu
grimboydooglus, Recently, the idea of technophilia is also used in connection with a behavior which realizes forms of sexual deviance with the help of the computer and the Internet.03:13
kahuna_Congrats on keeping up w/ the demand guys.03:13
=== mikl [n=mikl@pdpc/supporter/active/mikl] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightgnomefreak; by the way you Rock. Did anyone ever tell you that? All the help you've given to me personally and hundreds others like me here ... solid gold man...03:13
dooglusgrimboy: either way, my point is that he isn't.  he's all lumpy and funny looking.  I can see they're trying to show they've got geeks who can help out, but is he the best they could find for the photoshoot?03:13
h3sp4wntuxtheslacker: Just try forcing it to usb 1.1 (see motherboard manual) test it then03:13
Most_Wantedhmm, when are the shipping cd's coming ?03:13
snoopsuhh.. I really don't know my linux terminal commands..so mounting a few drives I can do..03:13
=== dr_willis [n=willis@] has joined #ubuntu
Fee^update-manager is already the newest version.03:13
rackerzWhen automatix closes, it asks me if I want to save the sources.list that is uses, should i let it save?03:13
snoopsbut the whole chrooting stuff I haven't done03:13
RandolphCartersnoops: that's about it, to chroot just type "chroot /path/you/mounted/drives"03:14
gnomefreakMost_Wanted: you can order them they will be shipped soona nd you will get them 4-6 weeks03:14
ubotuh3sp4wn: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:14
Russell-list.ubuntu.com mailing list down?03:14
neoXitewould the de.archive.ubuntu.com mirror already have the current final repo?03:14
kimoFee^: updating from Breezy ?03:14
snoopsso I don't feel confident - and the risk of screwing up this hdd's boot partition isn't an option03:14
=== Frogzoo is now known as Frogzoo_away
ubotukimo: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:14
ubotukimo: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:14
Fee^kimo: no, 6.06 LTS03:14
Frogzoo_awayRussell-: all the servers are getting belted03:14
RandolphCartersnoops: you can always fix it with a windows boot disk (fdisk /mbr)03:14
livingdaylightgnomefreak; like i said - you rock - let the love in man.. hehe03:14
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu
ivoksso, 1045 people :)03:14
kimoFee^: from dapper to dapper ?03:14
antibiosrazerz did automatix work well on 6.0603:14
ivokseverybody busy installing? :)03:14
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snoopsumm..the windows floppy boot disk?03:15
ubotumethinks automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.03:15
Frogzoo_away!tell ivoks about torrent03:15
rackerzautomatix works great on 6.0603:15
snoopsor you mean the xp install disc?03:15
=== vader [n=vader@dsl-72-1-219.191.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu
Russell-<Frogzoo_away>: unrouteable mail domain "lists.ubuntu.com"03:15
dr_willisivoks:   just doing an apt-get dist-upgrade here. :P03:15
igorzolnikovhow can i set gateway? I want use ifconfig and route...03:15
snoopsI haven't had a floppy drive in any of my machines for years03:15
kimoFee^: if so, u just need to dist-upgrade03:15
Fee^kimo: yeah.. wondering if it is actually an upgrade.. the 5/23(5) LTS to what came out today03:15
grimboydooglus, Why are you intent on being mean about that guy?03:15
rackerzcan somebody tell me if it's wise to save the sources.list automatix uses?03:15
Paradoxxanyone know of some good imaging software? I want to backup a windows installation and install ubuntu03:15
RandolphCartersnoops: :P then get a bootcd, Sysrescuecd has FreeDOS on it, the fdisk from there can repair it03:15
ivoksdr_willis: ah, update-manager -d is much nicer :)03:15
Fee^ok, so that answers my question, i've been dist-upgrading every night03:15
GnarusLeoHi, can anyone please descrive how I update my kubuntu breezy to newest dapper? I still want my kde and all :) Anyone?03:15
dr_willisrackerz:  its not wise to use automatix at ALL.03:16
kimoFee^: just "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y'03:16
theinerackerz: it's wise to not use automatix at all03:16
dooglusgrimboy: I'm not.  Just someone said the page was sexy.  I'm terribly sorry if that's you.03:16
=== aftertaf [n=david@d213-103-9-19.cust.tele2.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ompaulantibios, it may work well on your machine we have seen it break often on many machines - we see on an on going basis, and the only solution for some people is to reinstall that is not a stable application03:16
rackerzhow come? it's works well on Dapper apprently.03:16
Most_Wanteduh update manager ?03:16
theinedr_willis: :)03:16
Frogzoo_awayParadoxx: acronis true image is the best imo - then nortong ghost next03:16
snoopsRandolphCarter.. thanks I think I'll just wait for a fix to come out - like a different cd03:16
dr_willisrackerz:  100's of reasons. Just say no.03:16
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rackerzso i shouldn't save the sources.list automatix uses?03:16
antibiosrazerz if you save the source list then the programs that you donwloaded will be able to be updated... bt then you will have to update them each time you do apt-get update03:16
snoopsI need to be able to use my xp install when I wake up, and the last thing I need is a screwed mbr03:16
antibiosthanks ompaul03:17
dr_willisrackerz:  i would be doing a reinstall if you used automatix.03:17
ParadoxxFrogzoo_away: was hoping for somthing free, but i'll guess i can do with that03:17
livingdaylightrackerz; some say autocatix is problematic03:17
kimoParadoxx: for a FOSS, try mondorescue03:17
RandolphCartersnoops: hmm, okay :/ it's really only five minutes work if you fancy trying it though, it comes in handy to know how to repair systems too :)03:17
=== xice [n=ben@60-240-163-52.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
GnarusLeoHi, can anyone please descrive how I update my kubuntu breezy to newest dapper? I still want my kde and all :) Anyone?03:17
JowiGnarusLeo: /msg ubotu upgrade03:17
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rackerzhmmm. what would you suggest i used instead?03:17
babyi cannot copy and past anything to /usr/share/icons dir. How can i do it?03:17
Most_Wanteduh update manager GnarlyBob ?03:17
dr_willisautomatix is very very poorly done in manmy ways03:17
antibiosdr_willis what has been breaking in automatrix03:17
grimboydooglus, Not me, but being a support guy for ubuntu would be alright compared to other support.03:17
snoopsyep..but not at 1:14am on a work night RandolphCarter :)03:17
dr_willisrackerz:  learn how to install teh stuff yourself is the  best way03:17
Paradoxxkimo: how good is it? have you used it before?03:17
tuxtheslackercan someone tell me what an unhandeled page eeror at (add random sector here) means?03:17
ubotuI heard automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.03:17
tuxtheslackerwell, it's the same sector every time...03:17
=== chapium [n=chap@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuhmm... easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/.03:17
tuxtheslackerbut it just started breaking.03:17
h3sp4wnGnarusLeo: ask in #kubuntu03:17
rackerzi know how to install stuff myself, just takes me ages :(03:17
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RandolphCartersnoops: ahh :P fair enough ^_^03:17
=== chimai [n=chimai@cev75-3-82-232-62-80.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu []
rixthWooop! I updated the main screenshot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28Linux_distribution%2903:18
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kimoParadoxx: yep used it to bare metal restore Linux Fedora 5, (easy, works, havent used it on Windows though (but it say it's sup[ported))03:18
dr_willisrackerz:  do it once.. save your history  from the shell.. and then ya got your own script/notes :P03:18
=== Jack-Ho [n=nimrod@] has joined #ubuntu
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rackerzah, thanks dr_willis.03:18
=== mxpxpod [n=bryan@unaffiliated/mxpxpod] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsthanks though RandolphCarter... I appreciate it :)03:18
theineGnarusLeo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades03:18
grimboyYay for rixth for making ubuntu look less like shit, literally.03:18
dooglusrackerz: or, type "script" before doing anything, and "exit" after, and you'll have a movie of you doing it in ./typescript03:18
=== YHCIR [n=yhcir@82-68-17-94.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
rackerzDoes easyubuntu do what automatix does? i mean does it install similar things without changing settings?03:19
dr_willisive notiuced that installing suns java from the shell dont work. since it wants to pop up some eula agreement.03:19
RandolphCarterdr_willis: sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf03:19
grimboyrackerz, Yes, pretty much03:19
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RandolphCarterdr_willis: select 'Dialog' and 'High', then try reinstalling sun-java03:19
Jack-Hohey dose any one have the 8.24.8 version of the ati pkg?03:19
tuxtheslackerhey, would unhandeled page error be a bad stick or ram or ???03:19
rackerzyeah i got a stupid popup for flash and java.03:19
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theinedr_willis: did you try to install sun-java5-jre?03:19
rackerzthanks grimboy03:19
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dr_willisRandolphCarter:  ok. :P i just notoced that last night.  that i had to fire up synaptic to install that java package.03:19
=== Celestar is booting ubuntu on Sparc
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Xymorhey, anyonw got a ed2k link for the i386 dvd?03:20
rackerzso dr_willis would you suggest a re-install if i've used automatix?03:20
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Celestarinstaller is slow as hell03:20
pettmanis there a changelogg for dapper?03:20
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ubotuautomatix is, like, totally, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.03:20
dr_willisrackerz:  i think most of in here would suggest that.03:20
AJ004question:  I installed RC1, do i need to reinstall the final release?03:20
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spikebno AJ00403:20
gnomefreakAJ004: no just update03:20
AJ004or can i just use updater to get the final version03:20
rackerzthis is different from the forums, alot of them there suggest automatix.03:20
tuxtheslackercan someone please tell me?03:20
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dr_willisupdate-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge03:20
feisarhow's the driver support between amd64 and i386?03:21
theineAJ004: you can just upgrade03:21
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AJ004theine how?03:21
grimboyFor some reason the update is displaying all the upgrades via dialog. I think it's not upgraded my gnome03:21
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:21
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AJ004update-manager -d?03:21
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AJ004in terminal?03:21
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gnomefreakAJ004: gksudo "update-manager -d"03:21
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dr_willisAJ004:  can ya think of anywhere else to tyope that? :P yes.. in a terminal..03:21
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phos-phorosis anyone aware of any issues when upgrading from breezy to the latest dapper release while making use of update manager, and in having modified any mention of "breezy" to "dapper" within sources.list03:21
Celestaris there a non-ncurses based version of the installer?03:21
Celestarthat one is slow as well...03:21
phos-phorosI mean, it is that simple, correct?03:21
livingdaylightwill i have to reconfigure my linksys wireless pci card after dist-ypgrade?03:22
chapiumAJ004: in the terminal, yes or thru gksudo.  Its similar to apt-get dist-upgrade03:22
grimboydr_willis, alt-f203:22
gnomefreakphos-phoros: yes03:22
RandolphCarterCelestar: you can use the LiveCD and install from there03:22
theineAJ004: you can also just update like you would normally do using synaptic03:22
spikebCelestar, yes, the desktop cd03:22
phos-phorosgnomefreak, thanks.03:22
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gnomefreakbrb gotta test something03:22
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Celestarspikeb: I mean just text based nothing GUI03:22
Hattoridelnetwork u03:22
AJ004warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)03:22
Celestarspikeb: I have a 9600 baud serial connection .... I need something thin03:22
javiolois there flash por ppc ?03:22
theineAJ004: you only need update-manager if you upgrade to a new major releae03:22
AJ004should i ignore the warnings.warn?03:22
rackerzIf I don't use the sources.list from automatix will the programs it install not be able to be updated?03:22
theineAJ004: don't worry about it03:22
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tuxtheslackerwhat happens if I cancel an upgrade with dist-upgrade?03:23
spikebCelestar, then you're stuck with the ncurses installer03:23
travellerhm...can anyone tell me how i can enable YUY2 overlay using fglrx driver? tvtime works with the ati driver but not fglrx03:23
tuxtheslackerer I mean update-manager?03:23
AJ004theine i was at rc103:23
RandolphCartertuxtheslacker: there be dragons03:23
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rackerzIf I don't use the sources.list from automatix will the programs it install not be able to be updated?03:23
LinuxJonestuxmaniac, unless it started installing packages...nothing03:23
javiolois there flash por ppc ?03:23
thoreauputictuxtheslacker: don't go there03:23
AJ004theine doesnt look like any updates for final03:23
javiolois there flash for ppc ?03:23
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grimboyIf I'm upgrading and it goes all weird will sudo apt-get upgrade save me?03:23
ompaulrackerz, well we see the fall out and are willing in particular to point to log files of irc that show the problems people have had with it - as it overwrites config files if it can't restore the originals it breaks badly and that can be a real problem for a new user.03:23
AJ004unless they came out yesterday03:23
tuxtheslackerRandolphCarter, I'm unfortunately being serious.... I am getting 14 k/s :-(03:23
Fee^kimo: apparently i'm current...it doesn't want to upgrade anything else :)03:23
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AJ004and i didnt notice03:23
theineAJ004: then you can just do "sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" or use synaptic03:23
Xymordvd == server + desktop, right?03:23
grimboyjaviolo, try crossover office or wine.03:23
RandolphCartertuxtheslacker: ahh, if it's only downloading, you should be okay03:23
Celestarspikeb: guess I gotta be patient then :)03:24
rackerzompual, thanks :)03:24
Jowituxtheslacker: depends on how far it has gone. if it has not installed anything yet it should be safe to cancel it.03:24
fatalbluubuntu came out! how fabulous!03:24
LinuxJonesXymor, yes03:24
Xymorok thanks03:24
rackerzlooks like i'll be back later in 10 minutes then. install time!03:24
tuxtheslackerhow can I cancel it? hahahahaha!03:24
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dr_willisrackerz:  now you see one of the issues with automatix.  its not by the actual ubuntu guys.. and now you are asking support questions for a script that they dident make. and  they suggest to not use. :P Gets on their nerves after a while.03:24
theineAJ004: there were very few updates in the last couple of days03:24
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javiologrimboy I though that wine dont run over ppc, is that right ?03:24
tuxtheslackershould I just let it go?03:24
LinuxJonesXymor, type live at options for the live cd03:24
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thoreauputictuxtheslacker: interrupting an upgradeis kind of dangerous unless you know the install phase hasn't started yet03:24
tuxtheslackeror is this form of an upgrade unsafe?03:24
kimoFee^: yeah ... updates stopped I think 1.5 days ago03:24
ompaulrackerz, when the software should just work - but its tackled badly, have a look at /msg ubotu easyubuntu but your much better off with the docs from help.ubuntu.com or the wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:24
grimboyjaviolo, sorry I'm completely ignorant of other arcs03:24
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michaelsI just upgraded to Dapper and my mouse scrollwheel stopped working.03:24
tuxtheslackerthoreauputic, it hasn't.03:24
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javiologrimboy ok thanks03:24
tubbieguys, I'm runnign qemu with XGl here. and the qemu window is all transparent03:24
Celestar[   12.691250]  rtc_init: no PC rtc found03:24
threatwhere can I find the xubuntu or ubuntu PGP / GPG public key?03:24
tubbieI can hardly read the texts, any fix?03:25
amd-64hi all03:25
rackerzok thanks guys :)03:25
tuxtheslackerI'll just let it go :-)03:25
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kimois this one big busy channel :)03:25
ParadoxxIs it possible in a SAFE way to resize a windows partition after install?...... I neeed to free p space for ubuntu03:25
kspathtubbie: quit screwing with xgl?03:25
Fee^kimo: its a big day :)03:25
thoreauputictuxtheslacker: well, if you were using apt-get it would be safe to interrupt the download - not sure about the new method03:25
michaelshelp me. the upgrade killed my mouse scrollwheel. what do I do?03:25
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CelestarI don't get the "Choose a language" screen03:25
ubotufor wintel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo :for the Mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:25
joelbryananyone, does the install CD would be removed with only the installable Live CD?03:25
NgParadoxx: you could boot into a live CD and run parted, but no resizing is ever 100% safe, you should always take a backup first03:25
jsestri2Paradoxx: partion magic will do it03:25
drayeni've managed to funk up my apache2.conf and wanted to know where i could find a clean copy (nb, doing a --purge re-install isnt an option)03:25
kimoParadoxx: ntfsresize03:25
Xymori'll grab the dvd, my connection isn't fast enough for live installs :/03:25
CelestarI have 2 options: "English" and "C"03:25
pio_can you help my?03:25
pio_on my ubuntu03:25
amd-64Why ubuntu 6.06 doesn't have an option to install boot loader (Grub) ?03:26
theineParadoxx: the safest way would probably be to use partition magic under windoes03:26
Ngdrayen: download the .deb and extract it with dpkg-deb03:26
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LinuxJonesmichaels, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg only change mouse options.03:26
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thoreauputicmichaels:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose your mous options03:26
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tuxtheslackerhow do i cancel this update-magnager?03:26
pio_my openoffice menu widget and toolbart hide03:26
theineamd-64: it'll do that anyway03:26
thoreauputicLinuxJones: too fast :)03:26
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Tinned_Tunabah, I think I'll just reinstall from a CD when it's downloaded03:26
amd-64theine: too bad !03:26
LinuxJonesXymor, live will boot into the livecd not a network install03:26
fatalbluwhere do I get bonzai buddy?03:26
vadersee you peoples later when the text slows down to where I can read it lol03:26
michaelsLinuxJones, thoreauputic, my xorg.conf is set right, should I still run that?03:27
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adolsonfatalblu: lol03:27
tubbiekspath, I odn't even know if it is Xgl at all03:27
tuxtheslackerfatalblu, I hope that was a joke....03:27
thoreauputicvader: heh03:27
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drayenNg. ahhh cheers03:27
theineamd-64: why? would you like to use lilo?03:27
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LinuxJonesthoreauputic, I am tweeked out with nictine withdrawls and caffine :)03:27
Casfatalblu: you'll need wine for that03:27
jsestri2what do you have to do to get to the latest release if you were already running dapper? apt-get update/apt-get upgrade?03:27
CelestarI'm stuck at the keyboard selection03:27
BilfordUbuntu on Slashdot03:27
thoreauputicmichaels: yes , just change the mouse03:27
fatalbluwhat? he's my friend, i need to get weatherbug for weather reports too!03:27
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Bilfordpostitive posts03:27
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RandolphCarterjsestri2: exactly, although dist-upgrade03:27
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CelestarI have no keyboard installed :S03:27
thoreauputicmichaels: leave everything else as is03:27
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michaelsokay thoreauputic thx03:27
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:27
jsestri2RandolphCarter: apt-get update/apt-get dist-upgrade?03:27
RandolphCarterjsestri2: bingo :)03:28
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theineamd-64: i'm sure there's a way to not install grub, but i haven't tried the new installer yet03:28
linchrissis there some program like deamontools for linux?03:28
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RandolphCarterlinchriss: it's built-in03:28
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bobesponjais the torrent tracker dead?03:28
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia03:28
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tuxtheslackerdoes an unhandled page error mean that I have bad ram?03:28
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kspathlinchriss: apt-cache search keyword03:28
amd-64theine: I can find that option03:28
Celestarwill ubuntu discover other OSes that are installed during the boot process and insert them in the grub menu?03:28
phos-phorosman, how I wish line6 would provide support for linux regarding their guitarport software/hardware.03:28
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jbroomeCelestar: yes03:29
theineamd-64: maybe try the server install03:29
Celestarjbroome: any OS? ;)03:29
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amd-64theine: :-P03:29
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theineamd-64: no, really03:29
jbroomeCelestar: it found win2k on my dual boot laptop03:29
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dr_willislinchriss:  you may want to state what that program does.03:29
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leonciowhen is availabel dropper03:29
amd-64theine: rite03:29
jbroomeleoncio: now03:29
RandolphCarterdr_willis: it's for mounting ISOs03:29
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kestasCelestar: any OS which is bootable03:29
leonciojbroome, where?03:29
Madeyeubotu !logo03:29
ubotuMadeye: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:29
linchrissit mounts a cdimage :)03:30
theineamd-64: i believe that will give you a minimal Ubuntu system, and one that is installed, just do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"03:30
jbroomeleoncio: check the /topic03:30
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leonciojbroome, ok thanks03:30
livingdaylightleoncio: you mean Didier Dropper. He play for Chelsea you know?03:30
RandolphCarterlinchriss: there should be an option to mount if you right click on the .iso file, failing that, http://www.linuxhelp.net/isos/03:30
michaelsdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process03:30
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Madeyeubotu ubuntu logo03:30
amd-64theine: Okie03:30
ubotuMadeye: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:30
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psb154ubuntu does not seem to install mount.cifs. This causes some mysterious samba read-only problems.03:30
theineamd-64: the text based installer that is used when you install Ubuntu server gives you more options I believe03:31
linchrissok thanks RandolphCarter ;)03:31
ubotuThe Desktop CD is the live CD with an install option03:31
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Celestarkestas: good03:31
tuxtheslackerhow do i get my repos back to stock?03:31
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leonciolivingdaylight, yea03:31
=== Celestar proceeds with the installation
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chapiumHey everyone!  Want to help ubuntu out?  Start seeding some of those torrents03:31
MacSlowgee... you can see the forum-member count grow constantly atm03:31
tuxtheslackerI used update-manager -d and I cancelled when it was getting the repo lists.03:31
sshrdpubotu fglrx03:31
ubotufglrx is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:31
AJ004what is the next ubuntu after 6.06?03:31
psb154MacSlow I noticed that :-)03:31
livingdaylightleonicio; Ubuntu Dapper is going to win teh Wolrd Cup!03:31
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Jowilinchriss: additional site in case you need. it is quite simple: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#id252417203:31
AJ004there is no mention of anything past dapper03:31
tubbieany howto to run 2 X server?03:31
babyhow can i add new icons to kubuntu. i downloaded a new icon pack and there r folders like 128x128 48x48 also there is a index.desktop so i created a folder in /usr/share/icon and coppied them in it but i cant see those icons on KDE customize?03:32
kimotuxtheslacker: reboot and see for urself, probably nothing though :)03:32
michaelswhat do I do about that debconf error?03:32
kestasedgy eft03:32
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kimotubbie: simple (X :1)03:32
h3sp4wntubbie: xserver-xephr03:32
tuxtheslackerkimo, what?03:32
NgAJ004: there is a conference soon to discuss it, there's little point talking about it until that has happened03:32
Celestarhm .. I could seed a torrent03:32
meddlepalIs Daps out?03:32
MacSlowAJ004, "Edgy Eft"03:32
kspathmeddlepal: /topic03:32
tuxtheslackerkimo, what was that an answer to?03:32
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linchrissthanks again RandolphCarter03:32
AJ004ill google on edgy eft03:32
livingdaylightmeddlepal; Dapper is Dope!03:32
kimotubbie: or startx -- :103:32
MacSlowAJ004, that the new codename for the new unstable branch03:32
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RandolphCarterlinchriss: np's :) good luck03:32
grimboylivingdaylight, OH NOES, we don't have a chance without warty, he has a broken wrist.03:33
SVhow do i upgrade from 5 to 6 ?03:33
thoreauputicmichaels: close any other instances of apt or aptitude or synaptic etc03:33
theinetuxtheslacker: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesCliHowto and substitute "dapper" for "breezy"03:33
fatalbluthey should name the one after etch 'Frisky Ferret'03:33
meddlepalah schweet03:33
ubotuhmm... upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.03:33
kimotuxtheslacker: u cancelled while getting list, so probably nothing is wrong03:33
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michaelsthoreauputic: don't think I have any open. I did before but I closed it.03:33
meddlepalhopefully my 5.10 upgrade goes smoother than the 6.06 RC one I did03:33
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tuxtheslackerkimo, the little button in the corner is flipping out that it has 1011 upgrades that it can't install....03:33
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grimboytuxtheslacker, just click yes.03:34
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kimotuxtheslacker: why don't u want to continue ?03:34
thoreauputicmichaels: is your update completely configured and finished?03:34
Celestarok guys I'm seeing03:34
theinetuxtheslacker: why can't you install them?03:34
thoreauputicmichaels: I suspect it wasn't03:34
tuxtheslackerkimo, I'm getting  5 kb/s03:34
theinetuxtheslacker: oh...03:34
Madeyeweird, I'm trying to find high resolution copy of ubuntu logo but cant find any!03:34
grimboytuxtheslacker, go make a cup of tea.03:34
tuxtheslackerI have the cd at 66%03:34
michaelsthoreauputic: I think it wasn't... it gave me some error and shut down near the end...03:34
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thoreauputicmichaels: the config process can take quite a while03:35
grimboyhey mauti03:35
phos-phorosand I thought 124k/s was a pain03:35
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Celestarinstallation seems stuck at a blue screeen ...03:35
MacSlowMadeye, there are vector-based version of it on the live/install CDs/ISOs03:35
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thoreauputicmichaels: hmm - try  sudo apt-get -f install03:35
spikeb!lart phos-phoros03:35
mautiHello any first impressions of dapper drake yet ? I have just started downloading the iso image03:35
RandolphCarterCelestar: alt+f4 should take you to a log I think (alt+f1 to get back)03:35
thoreauputicmichaels: or run  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:35
grimboyphos-phoros, why do I get a sudden urge to stab you with a fork?03:35
MadeyeMacSlow, ohh thank you I didnt know that03:35
tuxtheslackerI should just blow the system away and see if that isn't the better thing to do :-P03:35
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tuxtheslackercan someone send me a screenshot of the stock desktop?03:36
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michaelsthoreauputic: did -f install: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.03:36
dr_willismauti:  its the same as the earlier releases.. :P works good.03:36
gumpishoh, so they decided to release it after all?03:36
phos-phorosgrimboy, I have no idea...why do you get a sudden urge to stab me with a fork?03:36
Astinus-tuxtheslacker: looks same as 5.1003:36
grimboytuxtheslacker, look at wikipedia03:36
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pio_Openoffice icons are vanishing in gnome03:36
Celestarlets hope I'm not getting in to trouble for torrenting ...03:36
Mark_i simply cannot start the installation program, because during boot there is a problems with the cdrom. i get error like bad block. anyone?? had rpoblems with booting the cd (desktop 6.06)?03:36
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MacSlowtuxtheslacker, http://www.ubuntu.com/include/img/desktop.png03:36
grimboyphos-phoros, I'm getting 2.8kb/s03:36
gnomefreakmichaels: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:36
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thoreauputicmichaels: did you try  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   as well? Sometimes that fixes things...03:36
lucasvoCelestar: why should you?03:36
tuxtheslackerwhat version of firefox ships with dapper?03:36
kestasMark_: check MD5, burn again03:36
scheuriMark_: problems during download? bad burning program?03:36
Oculthello.. i cant change my screen resolution.. just in breezy03:37
JowiMark_: check the md503:37
Ocultwhy ?03:37
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Celestarlucasvo: just because I'm eating up bandwidth @ work :P03:37
lucasvoCelestar: ah03:37
Mark_Jowi, kestas, scheuri: MD5 was correct, i burned with nero03:37
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michaelsthoreauputic: just did, it only told me what packages were held back (and I'm uninstalling them now since they're not important)03:37
Celestarlucasvo: but ok, since our mirror down03:37
JowiMark_: try with another media03:37
RandolphCarterOcult: the Gnome resolution config will only offer resolutions that are in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:37
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mautiUBUNTU Rocks!! Why don't they give the directions in the main page itselves?03:37
theineOcult: how do you try to change the screen resolution?03:37
scheuriMark_: try burning it with a slower rate03:37
kestasMark_: try burning slower03:37
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Mark_Jowi, kestas, scheuri: and i had the same problem with RC03:37
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grimboyYay, a firefox that isn't crappy and old.03:37
Ocult>thefish<: system. preferences. screenresoltion03:37
MacSlowtuxtheslacker, but not 100% sure if that's before or after updates once you did a fresh install.03:37
thoreauputicmichaels: so you still can't use dpkg-reconfigure?03:37
lucasvoCelestar: atm I have 65kbit upload03:38
kestasMark_: could it be an HDD problem?03:38
michaelsthoreauputic: will try again in a sec03:38
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Ocult((theine)): system. preferences. screenresoltion03:38
mautitheine: try ctrl+alt+(plus on your keypad)03:38
thoreauputicmichaels: sounds like a lock file that needs removing03:38
scheuriMark_: try burning it with 8x or max 16x03:38
Celestarlucasvo: somewhere near 250kbyte here03:38
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thefishOcult: ??? mistype?03:38
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=== charlotte enjoys 4mb broadband cos she's on linux and her landlord is still frustrated with his windows crap
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michaelsthoreauputic: still the same problem there03:38
tuxtheslackerMacSlow, Just so long as there's a 1.5 series I'm happy :-) and once it updates :-P03:38
Ocult[theine] : all be strange..03:38
cefhrm.. the torrents are going well. over 683 GiB downloaded according to the tracker.. though the tracker seems to have stopped answering web requests for me03:38
lucasvoCelestar: well I am at home03:38
Mark_Jowi, kestas, scheuri: i cannot imagine, im doing it with a kubuntu cd though, but i think it doesnt matter03:38
Ocult[theine] : in breezy that work good03:38
jordanSeveas, sorry - I got dropped for a while... what were you saying about updating freenx for the dapper libs?03:38
[HUN] Big_Thi ubuntu users! :)03:38
Celestarlucasvo: 10 GBps pipe :)03:38
theineOcult: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and hit enter until you reach the screen where you can change the screen resolution03:38
MacSlowtuxtheslacker, I constantly updated my system form badger to dapper starting some months ago03:38
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lucasvoCelestar: cool03:38
scheuricharlotte: time to convert your landlord...:)03:38
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Celestarlucasvo: pity the workstation is stuck with 100MBps :P03:38
charlottehaha i doubt he will03:38
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=== mauti trying to download ubuntu on a slow connection and pulling out the hair with frustration!!!
korkthe ubuntu-6.06-dvd-i386.iso torrent isn't in good shape...03:39
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JowiMark_: if you're using cdrw media, i would even test at x4. my cdburner act up sometimes03:39
thoreauputicmichaels: OK - I'm not sure which file is the lock file for that but I think that is likely the problem03:39
cefahh. 695GiB now03:39
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jordanSeveas, I added the dapper repo, then did an update03:39
charlottei only use windows for photoshop now03:39
Mark_Jowi, kestas, scheuri: i will try a ubuntu cd and burn it slower... should i try another burning program?03:39
=== grimboy likes the word is
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theineOcult: try the dpkg-reconfigure thing and i'm fairly sure the gnome tool will then work as expected too03:39
CelestarI'm downloading at 2.5MB/sec :o03:39
michaelsthoreauputic: what is a lock file?03:39
Ocult[theine] : it work in livecd ?03:39
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cefkork: same here.. there isn't enough seeds currently.. but it's getting better03:39
scheuriMark_: try burning it slower first before changing programm03:39
tuxtheslackercharlotte, now I only use windows for my webcam I just bought :-(. that thing ticks me off like no other!03:39
SVi don't see the dapper upgrade in my update manger03:39
leonciothe torrent is bad03:39
theineOcult: oh, you're using the live CD?03:39
Mark_scheuri, okay03:39
scheuriMark_: and use CD-R instaed of CD-RW03:39
Fabricioola....alguem pode me ajudar03:39
leonciohola Fabricio03:40
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.03:40
thoreauputicmichaels: it's a file that stops a process interfering - in this case with dpkg03:40
grimboyCelestar, That's actually 1000 times faster than me.03:40
JoeyB2I'm getting 110kB/s down with the torrent.. 2.5 more hours  :P03:40
mautiCelestar: good for you. Here it is like 64kpbs03:40
Mark_scheuri, yes i use imation CD-R03:40
scheuriMark_: ah, okay03:40
thoreauputicmichaels: a safety lock if you like03:40
Celestarmauti: what version? i386 ?03:40
SVsomeone ?03:40
tuxtheslackerleoncio, what torrent is bad?03:40
[HUN] Big_Tcan anyone help me with my ubuntu install? i get an error message when the system root is mounting: cdrom_pc_intr: the drive appears confused03:40
michaelsthoreauputic: got it03:40
scheurikspath: that was spanish, wasnt it?03:40
Ocult((theine)): if i install the same problem happen03:40
MadeyeMacSlow, Do you know where in the CD these images live ? the only images I found the splash .pcx and debian logo03:40
OcultHey, theine: i just cant understand why in breezy i dont have this problem03:40
Mark_scheuri, isnt there a way to check the cd from windows?03:40
charlottehey i had a problem with installing ubuntu to this machine with the iso and installed it as data and was ok but my other machine had a problem with both and i want to put kubuntu on the other one and i've chosen the one for for lower ram to see if it'll work ok. i was just wondering if anyone had tried to install kubuntu on a slow machine and suceeded?03:40
javioloscheuri no03:40
korkcef: you can actually watch how the data gets from the 2 seeds to the faster peers :)03:40
leonciotuxmaniac, the torrent that is in www.ubuntu.com03:40
MalithMi ubuntu es bueno. Gracias amigo.03:40
Mark_scheuri, like doing a md5 on iso03:41
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MacSlowMadeye, in the "Examples" directory on the desktop once you booted into the live-cd03:41
cefkork: hehe03:41
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rixxoni broke ubuntu :(03:41
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tuxtheslackerleoncio, I got mine from somewhere else :-(03:41
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theineOcult: i'm sure it'll work one you install Ubuntu to hard disk03:41
kork34,5% now03:41
grimboyrixxon, me too.03:41
michaelsthoreauputic: well, after the upgrade crashed, I restarted and it seemed pretty much stuck on shutting down. all I had was my wallpaper and mouse cursor and no computer activity indicated on the lights. so I pressed the power button. may have interfered with something there.03:41
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tuxtheslackerleoncio, I'm still downloading it though.03:41
SVi don't see the new upgrade in my update manger,what to do ?03:41
mautiCelestar: it is Pentium 4 356 MB RAM03:41
rixxon'Software index is broken'03:41
scheuriMark_: there might be...but bruning it slower very likely will solve the problem...as long as md5 of your iso you download is fine, it should be okay03:41
Ocult[theine] : but u know this problem i said ?03:41
cefleoncio: there's a lot of torrents there. which image?03:41
scheurijaviolo...sorry then03:41
thoreauputicmichaels: oops03:41
mautiCelestar: how about yours?03:41
grimboyrixxon, hey, you were on last night.03:41
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rixxoni can't apt-get or install automatic updates03:41
theineOcult: no, but i have a feeling03:41
MadeyeMacSlow, ah I don't have the live03:41
Celestarmauti: ok I've started seeding i386 as well.03:41
Mark_scheuri, ah okay thx, so did this problem already occur before?03:41
rixxongrimboy: probably? im always here. i have no life. :(03:41
MadeyeMacSlow, if you got the live can you send em to me ?03:41
leonciocef, i386, ubuntu desktop03:41
[HUN] Big_Tcan anyone help me with my ubuntu install? i get an error message when the system root is mounting: cdrom_pc_intr: the drive appears confused03:41
thoreauputicmichaels: I fear you may have some corrupted file system problems therer03:42
MacSlowMadeye, take a look in some of the OpenOffice documents... there are several... somewhere there is a a non-bitmap-based ubuntu-logo with the typical catch-phrase afaik03:42
Celestarmauti: UltraSparc T1 here03:42
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scheuriMark_: yes...sort of...it is always an issue with CD-Rs and burning them with high speed (and then using them on different CD-devs)03:42
MacSlowMadeye, hm... got to mount it one sec03:42
mautiCelestar: thanks but i am downloading ISOs. Bittorrents are taking twice the time :(03:42
cefleoncio: what was wrong with it? refused connections or ?03:42
michaelsthoreauputic: so what do I do?03:42
grimboyWhat do I do when I start up and there's no gnome03:42
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
Frogzoo_away!tell mauti about torrent03:42
theineOcult: really, don't worry about, if it still doesn't work after you installed Ubuntu, and I'm sure there are many people who'll be able to help you resolving the problem03:42
grimboyMalin``,  I agree03:42
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!03:42
leonciocef, yes03:42
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Celestarmauti: they shouldn't03:42
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KrankI am still can't boot from the desktop cd, getting that "hdc: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit03:43
Mark_scheuri, ah great, i burned it with 48x so maybe that is it03:43
KrankBuffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 156349" MD5's match03:43
Oculttheine: thanks03:43
scheuriMalith: thanks for your input...now watch your language03:43
Celestarcan't I tell the installer that do NOT want to create a user?03:43
Frogzoo_awaymauti: 100kB/s here :D03:43
thoreauputicmichaels: try  sudo shutdown -R -H now ( should fsck the disk on reboot)03:43
MadeyeMacSlow, Thank you dude03:43
scheuriMark_: I guess it was...quite likely...03:43
leonciocef, ok sorry now is ok03:43
cefleoncio: just try again.. it's damn busy.. over 1500 downloaders03:43
ompaulscheuri, hes is gone - lonnnng gone03:43
scheuriompaul....arrr...I am too slow....03:43
Frogzoo_away!tell leoncio about torrent03:43
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michaelsthoreauputic: what exactly does that do?03:43
Frogzoo_away!tell scheuri about torrent03:43
thoreauputicmichaels: aargh - wrong sorry03:43
charlottehas anyone installed kubuntu successfully on 128mb ram and pentium 2?03:43
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Casstalking about fsck, how do you stop ubuntu fscking the drive on boot every 30 reboots ..  that just annoys me03:44
ompaulthoreauputic, -F03:44
tuxtheslackerhow cna I go back on my repo listings?03:44
jdmpikecharlotte, it will run great!03:44
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CrippsFXhow do I change the login screen?03:44
krazykitcharlotte: it'd work, but it would be kinda slow.  you'd really want 256 for a happy time, at least03:44
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thoreauputicmichaels:  shutdown -r -F now03:44
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tuxtheslackerI need to go back to breezy....03:44
Corey_hey guys03:44
cefleoncio: no probs.. it happens.. quite a load on the torrent tracker03:44
ompaulCass, you don't want to do that03:44
Corey_some of my games arent working when i try to load them03:44
charlotteits for an old machine03:44
grimboycharlotte, try #kbuntu03:44
Cassompaul, yes i do03:44
thoreauputicompaul: thanks - just checked it in the man :)03:44
rixthHow can I recover rm'd stuff from ext3?03:44
=== PreZWork [n=prez@21.sub-70-193-208.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
Intangiromg, its dapper day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:44
charlotteim running ubuntu on this one but it's a powerful pc03:44
jdmpikecharlotte, turn off the flashy stuff03:44
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ak7charlotte, xubuntu might work better...03:44
Corey_like.. tuxracer normally worked but now its not..03:44
michaelsthoreauputic: is "now" part of that command?03:44
grimboycharlotte, you'll need the traditional install cd03:44
PreZWorkdapper day? heh03:44
krazykitrixth: you don't, really.03:44
rixxonwould a dist-upgrade take down if on RC?03:44
Celestar*slowly* I do not want to create a user account :S03:44
Intangir#ubuntu+1 is gone ;)03:44
erezhi, if i were using dapper beta, all i need to do now in order to upgrade is update && upgrade && dist-upgrade , right?03:44
thoreauputicmichaels: yes03:44
scheuriCass: I secnd that...you DONT want to avoid that03:45
michaelsthoreauputic: and what does it do?03:45
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charlotteim downloading the kubuntu for 192mb ram or lower03:45
Intangirdoes anyone know of a good CVS integration for nautilus?03:45
TraeIntangir, yeah, I was wondering the same thing, I was like, where is my #ubuntu+1 tab... heh.03:45
Frogzoo_away!tell erez about torrent03:45
ompaulIntangir, that is because dapper is release03:45
grimboycharlotte, You'd be better off with icewm or xfce03:45
=== cef shoots nautalis
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thoreauputicmichaels: it tells the system to do it right now, and reboot (r ) and fsck ( F)03:45
Frogzoo_away!tell charlotte about torrent03:45
Cassscheuri, and again, yes i do ..  is there someting i am missing apart from the fsck just annoying me03:45
rixthkrazykit, they were not overwritten. I heard somone earlier ask the same question and they were told about a program.03:45
IntangirTrae: ya i was like.. i dont remember leaving the channel ;)03:45
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thoreauputicmichaels: checks your filesystem03:45
harobed_where is "mc" in dapper ?03:45
claeserez, Yes03:45
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gumpishIs there any sort of big picture emerging from this chaos? Are clean installs good but upgrades broken? Vice versa?03:45
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, gnomefreak03:45
Intangirdoes #ubuntu forward to #ubuntu-1 ;)03:45
scheuriCass: for clarification...are you aware what fsck is doing?03:45
wheelswitchwhy is Frogzoo_away telling everyone about torrent?03:45
=== cef shoots nautilus even
ubuntuany body?03:45
kspathharobed_: apt-cache search mc03:45
michaelsthoreauputic: cool. will do. thanks.03:45
grimboyubuntu,  hey03:45
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erezclaes: thanks03:46
gnomefreakIntangir: other way around03:46
ubuntuubuntu is perfect!03:46
Intangirno i say minus 1 hehe03:46
Frogzoo_awaywheelswitch: cos the repos are gonna die, that's why03:46
Celestarktorrent is acting up with seeding :S03:46
Cassscheuri, yes i know exccatly wehat fsck is doing .. i just dont need it every 30 boots03:46
charlotteim loving the new ubuntu03:46
harobed_kspath, no found03:46
thoreauputicubuntu: modest too, evidently ;)03:46
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grimboyubuntu, a bit full of yourself today.03:46
Intangirubuntu rules ;)03:46
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rixxonhokey i fixed my broken ubuntu... by reading the error description! :D - coming from windows used to ignoring tose03:46
Intangirive been waiting for this day for quite a while hehe03:46
gnomefreakIntangir: #ubuntu+1 is closed dapper support is in here now03:46
Corey_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)03:46
Corey_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?03:46
charlottei just wanted to play about with kubuntu without using live cd haha03:46
Intangirits like a holiday03:46
grimboyubuntu, /help03:46
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scheuriCass: okay...there is a way to manipulate that...but I must admit that I forgot...it is in the settings for your filesystem...03:46
gnomefreakCorey_: use sudo03:46
krazykitCorey_: sudo03:46
Corey_i did03:46
thoreauputic!tell Corey_ about root03:46
Corey_ sudo apt-get  update && apt-get  upgrade && apt-get  dist-upgrade03:46
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rixxonCorey_: sudo apt-get ...03:47
scheuriCass: I am sure that google will help you there...03:47
grimboyubuntu, or !topic03:47
kspathharobed_: mc - midnight commander - a powerful file manager03:47
hypnoxCass, if every 30 boots is a problem, you reboot too much. Edit your /etc/fstab to change the frequency03:47
rixxonCorey_: sudo before each command03:47
thoreauputicCorey_: you missed the second sudo03:47
gnomefreakCorey_: you have to use sudo in each command03:47
scheurihypnox: is it in fstab? not really AFAIK03:47
cefgetting quite sick of the few bugs I find in nautilus. hopefully they'll be gone from the version in dapper (upgrading on the weekend as I need this pc to work tomorrow)03:47
rixxonthoreauputic: and the third03:47
rixthIt was just a few 200mb videos anyywa03:47
thoreauputicrixxon: indeed :)03:47
grimboyCorey_, or sudo -sH03:47
gnomefreakCorey_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is all you need03:47
RandolphCarterCorey_: sudo bash -c 'apt-get  update && apt-get  upgrade && apt-get  dist-upgrade', or put a sudo before each command03:47
ompaulCass, you do, however I will tell you that I really resist your request, so all I am willing to show you is that the information you want is in "man fstab"03:47
Some_PersonHey, I'm still using Breezy, and I can't get usplash to display. Is there a script file on ubuntu that runs on startup that I can add "usplash" to/03:47
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Corey_alright thanks03:47
rixxongrimboy: sudo -i03:47
Casshypnox, its a laptop i use, it reboot at least twice a day03:47
charlottemy galeon browser kept crashing03:47
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Corey_some of my games arent working now03:47
Corey_why is that03:47
kspathharobed_: mc is part of universe03:47
grimboyrixxon, oops.03:47
charlotteseems fine with this beta version of the new one03:48
Corey_they wont start up03:48
charlottei dunno03:48
charlottemaybe its my pc03:48
Celestarktorrent seems kinda crappy03:48
Some_PersonBy the way, I use LILO (and don't try to make me switch)03:48
sladenSome_Person: sudo apt-get update -u $(uname -r)03:48
cefCorey_: which games? can you give examples?03:48
Corey_scorched 3D03:48
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Corey_blender 3D03:48
grimboySome_Person, but lilo doesn't begin with a g.03:48
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.03:49
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Some_Personsamuel@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update -u $(uname -r)03:49
Cassompaul, dont worry about me .. i will find the answer, i am a experianced solaris Sysadmin and i know whats what, i dont need a fsck on boot when i quickly want to get on line .. thanks for the clue about fstab, i just dodnt see the setting for this inside03:49
sladenRandolphCarter: the correct way is to put sudo before each.  Please use that method if you're showing other peple03:49
tuxtheslackercan someone PLEASE tell me how exactly I would go about setting my repos back to breezy repos?03:49
thoreauputicCorey_: stop it with the enter key, please03:49
Some_PersonE: The update command takes no arguments03:49
cefCorey_: all use OpenGL. Most likely you haven't got OpenGL working or your video card doesn't support it. what video card do you have?03:49
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jbroometuxtheslacker: replace the word dapper with breezy03:49
kspath /ignore Corey_03:49
RandolphCartersladen: I think your definition of 'correct' is a bit absolute, but okay03:49
hypnoxCass my bad, have a look at man tune2fs03:49
sladentuxtheslacker: edit /etc/apt/sources.list   change all the 'dapper' into 'breezy'03:49
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ompaulCass, its in the man page about "column 6 afik"03:49
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jbroometuxtheslacker: in /etc/apt/sources.list03:49
sladenRandolphCarter: thanks03:49
Celestar25 leechers on i386-desktop :P03:49
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AJ004i just installed easyubuntu03:49
samuWhat's the difference between sudo and gksudo?03:49
AJ004now which features should i enable?03:49
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jbroomei just took a shower03:49
hypnoxtuxtheslacker where it says dapper, replace with breezy03:49
WAHa_06x36all right, what's the deal with upgrading to Dapper through the Update Manager?03:50
kspathsamu: two letters?03:50
sladensamu: one puts up a graphical password box03:50
gnomefreaksamu: gksudo is used for running gui apps03:50
mautiCelestar: I am not one of them. ;)03:50
grimboysamu: gksudo is pretty03:50
WAHa_06x36I can't get this to work at all.03:50
Casshypnox, ompaul .. thanks03:50
AJ004what is PLF repository?03:50
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sladenWAHa_06x36: what can't you get to work?03:50
Corey_some of my applications arent working why is that ?03:50
samuAh, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.03:50
kspathsamu: man sudo;man gksudo03:50
sladenCorey_: what applications?03:50
CassAJ004, penguin liberation front file stores03:50
Some_Personsamuel@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update -u $(uname -r)03:50
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WAHa_06x36sladen: I click "Check", it says my system is up to date.03:50
Corey_mostly 3D games03:50
Corey_and blender 3D03:50
ubotuwell, plf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf , mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc03:50
AJ004cass should i enable all repositories?03:50
WAHa_06x36sladen: and I do have the newest Update Manager.03:50
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Some_PersonE: The update command takes no arguments03:50
grimboyCorey_, Drivers?03:50
CassAJ004, i do03:50
Corey_im not sure possibly03:50
sladenWAHa_06x36: where do you click check?  what applications aren't working?03:50
czambran81fDoes anybody know how come there are no updatesm and the final version already came out?03:50
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CassAJ004,  well for what i need03:50
Corey_I need one for an ati card where do i get ?03:51
Corey_its an old ati card03:51
bliss_ after apt-get update whats the next line to upgrade to 6.06?03:51
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krazykitCorey_: what model?03:51
grimboy!tell Corey_ about ati03:51
Some_Personis there a script file in Breezy that runs on startup that I can add "usplash" to?03:51
WAHa_06x36sladen: in the Update Manager, as explained on the wiki.03:51
charlotteoooh i need one for my ati too03:51
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hypnoxbliss_ apt-get dist-upgrade03:51
Celestarmauti: you should be :P03:51
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sladenSome_Person: it's run from initramfs.  add 'usplash' to the kernel command line03:51
grimboy!tell charlotte about ati03:51
sladenSome_Person: or just  sudo apt-get install usplash03:51
bliss_hypnox: thanks03:51
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AJ004ok downloading em now :)03:51
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tuxtheslackerthanks all!03:51
viS_hi,  i just installed ubuntu 6.06 and i'm getting these weird notification sounds sometimes.03:52
krazykitCorey_ and charlotte, in general, you use the open source "ati" driver for a 9200 and below, and the fglrx driver for the cards newer than that03:52
claesCass, Is it the 30 reboot fsck you want to change? Then look at: man tune2fs03:52
Some_Personwhat is initramfs?03:52
viS_anyone know why?03:52
sladenWAHa_06x36: I'm still missing the big picture.  what is happening that shouldn't happen?03:52
Corey_ok well its a 320M03:52
Some_Personusplash is installed03:52
charlottenice one!03:52
krazykit!tell krazykit about ati03:52
WAHa_06x36sladen: that should upgrade my system, or so the wiki claims.03:52
Cassclaes, cheers, im reading that just now03:52
WAHa_06x36sladen: in reality, nothing happens.03:52
Some_Personsamuel@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install usplash03:52
kspathviS_: It wants more attention.03:52
SVwhy i don't see dapper drake in the update manager ?03:52
grimboyWhat do I do when ubuntu is broken and I'm stuck in the shell?03:52
Some_PersonE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:52
Some_PersonE: Unable to lock the list directory03:52
melodiehello, do someone know if jigdo for alternate i386 is ok to upgrade an iso of desktop i386 ?03:52
viS_kspath: what wants attention?03:52
WAHa_06x36sladen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades <-- "Upgrading with the Update Manager"03:52
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 03:53
spafbnerfi'm having trouble getting my wireless working via networking scripts03:53
claesSV, run sudo update-manager -d03:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Some_Person!*@*] by thoreauputic
MacSlowMadeye, ok think I found it03:53
AJ004ubuntu still has some bugs from before03:53
thoreauputicSome_Person: no pasting , please03:53
AJ004which havent been fixed03:53
Celestarshare ratio exceeds 1.00 :P03:53
tuxtheslackerthanks all!?03:53
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spafbnerfi can iwconfig key restricted mykey + ifconfig essid myap and get an ip via dhcp fine03:53
tuxtheslackerAJ004, such as?*03:53
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sladenWAHa_06x36:   gksudo update-manager -d03:53
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spafbnerfhowever, doens't work w init scripts03:53
grimboythoreauputic, that was a bit strong.03:53
WAHa_06x36sladen: what's that do?03:53
spafbnerfi hav specified:03:53
Casswow there is some amount of traffic on this chan ..  busy busy busy !!03:53
spafbnerfwireless-essid myap03:53
Some_Personsorry, but its only 6 lines03:53
thoreauputicgrimboy: I removed it03:53
AJ004tuxtheslacker:  When you click on next or finish in a dialog box sometimes you have to click it twice03:53
nekromaanhello, is there a kernel-headers for 2.6.15-23-386, cause i cant find it with apt-get?03:53
hypnoxhmm, update-manager should be updated so it offers dapper03:53
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spafbnerfand wireless-key restricted s:mykey03:54
thoreauputicgrimboy: the chan is very busy atm too03:54
spafbnerf??? wtf ? :(03:54
viS_kspath: it doesn't show anything graphical03:54
AJ004tuxtheslacker:  And www.blogger.com crashes the system03:54
Reinhartis it just me or is ubuntuforums.org very flaky today?03:54
claesRunning update-manager -d remote over an ssh tunnel. Hope this will work. :-)03:54
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tuxtheslackerAJ004, it does?03:54
tuxtheslackerahahahhaha! I have to check that out!03:54
Some_Personnow, what file do i add "usplash" to?03:54
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krazykitthoreauputic: as an op, do you have some control over ubotu?  because there should really be a note that the 9200 cards and below can use the open source driver03:54
AJ004tuxtheslacker yep03:54
sladenSome_Person: /boot/grub/menu.lst03:54
AJ004tuxtheslacker ill try it after easyubuntu, could be the fonts03:54
sladenSome_Person: really, it should be installed by default03:54
Corey_guys I have an old ati card that is shared memory03:54
thoreauputickrazykit: you cn change ubotu factoids03:54
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Corey_I need a driver for it..03:54
nclifewoot, ubuntu dapper drake is already out?03:55
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WAHa_06x36sladen: "Your system is up-to-date"03:55
h3sp4wnkrazykit: upto 9600 can be used with the experimental support in xorg 703:55
sladenCorey_: driver "ati"03:55
thoreauputickrazykit: e.g. " no, blah is ..... corected version03:55
kspathkrazykit: /msg ubotu help03:55
grimboynclife, you don't say03:55
ak7nclife: snuck up on me too :)03:55
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thoreauputickrazykit: do it in /msg though03:55
sladenWAHa_06x36: grep dapper /etc/apt/sources.list03:55
Corey_where do i put that thoe ?03:55
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krazykitright, thoreauputic kspath and h3sp4wn, i'll put that in the notes :-)03:55
WAHa_06x36sladen: nothing.03:55
Some_PersonBut I use LILO03:55
MadeyeMacSlow, jad@syntux.net please :D03:55
czambran81fWith the finally release did any additional updated came out???03:56
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sladenWAHa_06x36: edit that file.  change all the  'breezy'  into  'dapper'    then  sudo apt-get update03:56
Celestarinstallation is SLOW :(03:56
Some_PersonHow do you add usplash to LILO?03:56
highvoltageisn't there a better way to do it these days?03:56
WAHa_06x36sladen: great, I installed Ubuntu so I wouldn't have to edit files in /etc/.03:56
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=== SeMBoY [n=Allz@dsl-225-59.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu
SeMBoYwhy cant i join ubuntu+1 ?03:57
LynoureWAHa_06x36: It's not that scary or dangerous.03:57
LynoureSeMBoY: it no longer exists, new one will be at some point03:57
runesis there a way to modify the adduser so that it creates subfolders under the user folder?03:57
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void^gah. each and every time i use gnome i find myself disabling the gnome-terminal keybindings that collide with irssi.03:57
HobbseeSeMBoY: because it doesnt exit yet.03:57
Celestarhow would the world work without torrents?03:57
WAHa_06x36Lynoure: it's annoying. I'm a programmer, I can do this shit, I just don't WANT to.03:57
Some_PersonIt redirects here03:57
rixxonSeMBoY: because dapper is now officially released03:57
kspathrunes: write a script that uses adduser?03:57
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hypnoxrunes yes, see /etc/adduser.conf03:58
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.03:58
Some_PersonHOW DO I ADD USPLASH TO lilo?03:58
sladenWAHa_06x36: the instructions in that document, *should* install a new breezy version of update-manager;  which then should allow you to upgrade the distribution to dapper.  did you restart the application after install the new version of update-manager?03:58
thoreauputicvoid^: yeah, it's annoying03:58
kspathrunes: write your own version of adduser?03:58
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SeMBoYbut i have ubuntu dapper ;( so no one will help here?03:58
WAHa_06x36sladen: several times.03:58
sladenSome_Person: put  'usplash'  on the end of the arguments03:58
chapiumX is showing a wave pattern on my screen, causing sections every other inch to appear slightly blurred.  Anyone know how to fix this?03:58
tuxtheslackercan someone please tell me if unhandled page fault is a bad ram error? or what it is?03:58
MacSlowMadeye, do you want the whole "Example"-directory? About 19 MBytes uncompressed.03:58
CassSeMBoY, dapper is in final now, this is the chan for hep03:58
sladenWAHa_06x36: what version of update-manager do you have installed?   Can you find out the version?03:58
thoreauputicvoid^: I use rxvt or urxvt with irssi03:58
ompaulSeMBoY, dapper is now released, therefore this channel is now for dapper03:58
LynoureWAHa_06x36: :) I guess it's a matter of opinion. One thing I loved aout debian was that I could edit all the configuration files03:58
Some_Personsladen: where?03:58
runeshypnox and kspath I don't know what to put in the adduser.conf so that it grabs the user $ and creates the folder03:58
WAHa_06x36sladen: I also checked with synaptic that I've got the newest version.03:58
Some_Personsladen: what file?03:59
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MadeyeMacSlow,  if you can upload it somewhere it would be cool dude03:59
hypnoxrunes then you'll have to read the documentation, wotn you03:59
WAHa_06x36Lynoure: isn't the point of Ubuntu that you don't need to do that?03:59
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MadeyeMacSlow,  but my email wont handle such big attachment03:59
void^thoreauputic: yes, i use urxvt usually :)03:59
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thoreauputicvoid^: great minds ;-)03:59
Yorgoshow can i use my logitech quickcam camera with my ubuntu?03:59
SeMBoYhello i have tvout problem -i have setup in xorg.conf -but does not show on tv03:59
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runeshypnox I did it only shows the default names it creates based on what adduser looks for03:59
Dosohttp://krunch.servebeer.com/~krunch/vrac/pics/ubuntu-logo.jpg (:03:59
kspathpeople do not seem to want to read manual pages, it is so hard...03:59
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LynoureWAHa_06x36: I'm newish to ubuntu (less than 3 months), so I'm not sure what the point is, yet.03:59
Some_Personsladen: what file do I add "usplash" to?03:59
Corey_how do i configure what driver i have for my video card ?04:00
sudomania4in firestarter, what is the difference between allowing connections and allowing services?04:00
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Yorgosanyone knows?04:00
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LynoureWAHa_06x36: I think e.g. Suse is was more gui happy than Ubuntu but that is based on the situation with Suse years ago04:00
hypnoxWAHa_06x36 try later, update-manager may work by then.04:00
ubotuwebcam is probably now easy to install, per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam - webcam support soon to be available in  gaim-vv. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:00
Some_PersonWhat is xubuntu?04:00
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ubotuI heard xubuntu is Ubuntu using Xfce instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://www.xubuntu.org04:01
bruce89ubuntu + xfce04:01
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sudomania4in firestarter, what is the difference between allowing connections and allowing services?04:01
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bruce89- gnome!04:01
sladenSome_Person: /etc/lilo/lilo.conf   or something?04:01
gilhow do i set up ubunto to use my built in 6-in-1 card reader04:01
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kspathsudomania4: research firestarter and basic networking.04:01
bruce89which version?04:01
fatalblusacrifice your ssh keys to the Linux gods!04:01
SeMBoYi was setting up tvout from ubuntu wiki website -and all worked well - and i did not see any error in x server -and i can see on tv -and than the stuff happins when i login to my user oi can see on tv its like black screen what is the problem someone so kind help me out04:01
Lynouregil: in my case it was as simple as sticking a card in...04:01
snoopshey I tried again04:02
ompaulgil, pop a card in it and type >sudo fdisk -l<< and see if it reads it04:02
snoopsstill absolutely no go04:02
MacSlowMadeye, takes a few moments to upload... stand-by.04:02
Lynouregil: then the card got mounted automatically.04:02
bruce89gil : in Dapper anyway04:02
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ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 04:02
snoopsI mean it feels like an absolute major problem to me04:02
gilyes...i want it to mount authomatically04:02
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snoopswhich is so surprising that it wasn't found out before the cds04:02
MadeyeMacSlow, few moment for 19mb ? you must be lucky dude, I live with 512 only :(04:02
jlmri have a simple question04:03
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runeshypnox all the documents refer to are DHOME Grouphomes04:03
spafbnerfok, fuckit, i make my own script for wireless cz i don't understand wots rong w the standard one.... ;)04:03
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eXistenZhello, what's the difference between text and OEM mode04:03
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jlmri would like to install dapper, but first i want to know how to make the installer leave my MBR alone..04:03
kspathsudomania4: hint: most services have specific port numbers and some people run "servers"/"daemons"04:03
ompaulmauti, so it was said a couple of seconds ago in the channel please msg the bot /msg ubotu paste << that will help a lot04:03
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hypnoxrunes if you want to do sometihng that isnt supported in adduser then you will have to figure it out some other way i guess04:03
mautijlmr: what do you mean, it overwrites the MBR?04:03
snoopsjlmr, it doesn't even seem to touch my MBR.04:04
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snoopswhich is the problem.04:04
jlmrim not sure it does, but i dont want it too04:04
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michaelsthoreauputic: well, I did that restart and then I could do the reconfigure thingy for x. but I still can't use the scroller to scroll. it works, it can set zoom together with control and all the nice stuff it's supposed to do, except it can't scroll up and down.04:04
=== buzzed [n=james@adsl-63-205-197-215.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jlmrso if i install, i can use ntldr to load ubuntu?04:04
runeshypnox can you suggest a good link to documentation on this aside from the man pages? I tried google but all the links refer to are default config.04:04
jlmrinstead of using GRUB to load windows04:04
hypnoxjlmr if you do not have a boot manager installed then it shouldnt touch your mbr04:04
kspathrunes: write a script that uses adduser and mkdir and chown and chmod and anything else you want04:04
Some_Personhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14955 - My lilo.conf - where do i add usplash?04:04
speedieany recommended utilities for converting flash .swf files into avi files (pref. DivX)04:04
chapiumjlmr: it is possibl04:04
eXistenZthoreauputic, what's the difference between text-mode and OEM mode?04:05
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hypnoxrunes not sure what you're trying to achieve really, so nope04:05
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snoopsI didn't think you could use the windows boot manager to boot linux?04:05
thoreauputicmichaels: the option is something like zaxis mapping 4 5 in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:05
bruce89oem asks for the users details after install04:05
jlmri know, i just wasnt sure what ubunut installer was going to do to MBR04:05
jlmrsnoops, yes you can04:05
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runeshypnox I am trying to get adduser to create a folder /public_html and /graphics for each user created04:05
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thoreauputiceXistenZ: OEM= Original Equipment MAnufacturer ( custom settings etc)04:05
michaelsthoreauputic: I know, I had to mess around with these options a ton when I first started using ubuntu cause I was used to the way I used to use the mouse's side-buttons04:05
gnomefreakjlmr: it will just install itslef to the mbr04:05
hypnoxrunes, ah, put the folders you want created in /etc/skel/04:05
Casssnoops, yeah you need to dd the first 512bytes of the /boot disk and dump to a file, copy that to windows fs then update boot.ini04:06
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tollesnoops, I've never heard of it. you can point it to a grub loader i guess, but ntldr cant even read most filesystems04:06
michaelsthoreauputic: I have it configured now like I used to04:06
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jlmrgnomefreak, thats not what in want, how do i prevent it :P04:06
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thoreauputicmichaels: it's working then?04:06
runeshypnox that easy???04:06
jlmrin = i04:06
Some_Personhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14955 - my lilo.conf - where do i add usplash?04:06
claesrunes, Do you want thoose directories in the users home directories?04:06
hypnoxrunes yep04:06
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.04:06
WAHa_06x36sladen: getting any messages back yet?04:06
gillynoure: i cant get it to pick it up at all////04:06
michaelsthoreauputic: it won't scroll up and down. everything else works.04:06
gilany ideas?04:06
runeshypnox exactly!!!04:06
Some_Personsladen: u here?04:06
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claesrunes, Sorry hypnox allready answered.04:06
gnomefreakjlmr: you can install grub on the ubuntu partition (the very beginning of it) iirc04:06
stekoold question: anyone has problems with openoffice? I can't go past splash screen04:06
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dfgaswhy doesn't my update show final is out yet?04:07
runeshypnox Thank you it's been two days trying to figure that out..I thought skel was for simple configuration files for the desktop not for folders04:07
michaelsthoreauputic: oh, the side buttons don't work any more but I don't use them anymore really so it doesn't matter04:07
jlmrgnomefreak: how?04:07
thoreauputicmichaels: as far as I know the scrolling is the zaxis mappingthing - but someone else might help you04:07
spikebdfgas, probably because the servers are overloaded04:07
chapiumsteko, loads fine for me04:07
hypnoxrunes it's not smart, it just dumps everything in there into the homedir :)04:07
claesdfgas, Use update-manager -d04:07
thoreauputicmichaels: I 've never needed to use that04:07
=== BodhiBaum [n=Andreas@p508676D0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
RandolphCartermichaels: do you have 'Option "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"' in the mouse section in xorg.conf? (add 'Option "Buttons" "7" too)04:07
gnomefreakjlmr: whne the choice of where would you like to put grub choose no to the mbr04:07
buzzedso would the easiest way to update from Breezy, be burning to a CD and then install?04:07
Some_Personhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14955 - my lilo.conf - where do i add usplash?04:07
thoreauputicmichaels: I have a ps2 scroll mouse that Just Works (tm)04:07
stekochapium, glad to hear that, it worked for me too previously04:07
runeshypnox Thank you that's exactly what I needed!  Have a great day!04:07
gnomefreakubotu tell buzzed about upgrade04:07
buzzedor is the a net install04:08
hypnoxrunes no problem04:08
Tallia1Kubuntuhi there! somebody here uses IRC to download divx movies?04:08
claesbuzzed, sudo update-manager -d04:08
RandolphCartermichaels: depending on your mouse, you may need ZAxisMapping "6 7" etc.04:08
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gili cant get it to pick up the card reader at all04:08
spikeb-d is for bleeding edge04:08
gilanyone have any ideas...04:08
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RandolphCartermichaels: you can run 'xev' from a terminal and use the mouse-wheel over the window to see which buttons you need to map04:08
jazzidohi everyone i'm getting this "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz MD5Sum mismatch" in update-manager -d when trying to upgrade to dapper04:08
jazzidoany clues?04:08
Tallia1Kubuntuhi there! somebody here uses IRC to download divx movies?04:08
jlmrgnomefreak: thnx, i will install it now :D04:08
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thoreauputicTallia1Kubuntu: I think you are in the wrong channel04:08
snoopsOkay..I grabbed the 6.06 amd64 desktop iso..booted in it..went through the install..chose the partitions to install to..with xp in the primary master boot partition(the gui installer didn't give me the option to change it). It installed.. never asked for what boot loader I wanted - but it said it installed grub and then said grub was scanning hdd's. Then it asked me to reboot..04:08
michaelsthoreauputic and RandolphCarter, look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132384&page=204:09
CassTallia1Kubuntu, yeah we heard the first time04:09
snoopsI rebooted, and bam..no boot loader04:09
melodiebye bye04:09
=== Rondom_ [n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b95398.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
dfgasclaes, alls i had an update for was for pcmcia-cs and that it04:09
brainlessbobFinally! Dapper Drake :D04:09
thoreauputicTallia1Kubuntu: if you persist you will be out of here04:09
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dfgasclaes, i am running rc04:09
Some_Personhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14955 - my lilo.conf - where do i add usplash?04:09
tubbieomg. 9 min to finish installing xp in qemu04:09
claesdfgas, Then you now have released dapper. Have fun!04:09
MacSlowMadeye, hm... may take a bit longer... currently the upload-speed fluctuates like wild :/04:10
CelestarSTILL installating :S04:10
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=== rackerz [n=darren@cpc3-cosh6-0-0-cust86.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Ubuntu
gnomefreakdfgas: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:10
michaelsthoreauputic RandolphCarter: funny, it treats the side buttons as 8 and 9 now.04:10
buzzedupdate-manager says i'm upto date04:10
snoopsI'm not that clued up on how the grub boot loader works04:10
=== Major_Delta [n=abc@shj-mjz-bsr1157.emirates.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
kspathCelestar: You forgot to pay for premium service ?04:10
thoreauputicSome_Person: presumably on the kernel line ( don't use lilo any more here)04:10
snoopsdoes it install itself to the /boot partition?04:10
LinuxJonesMacSlow, LowFat is awesome :)04:10
thoreauputicmichaels: your mouse has a mind of its own ;)04:10
=== Frog_Racer [n=ad@82-45-18-128.cable.ubr05.stav.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
claesbuzzed, update-manager -d also says you are up to date?04:10
snoopsand then change the mbr to boot from that first?04:11
MadeyeMacSlow, ah I can understand, maybe I should stop nagging so it gets better lol04:11
[HUN] Big_Tcan anyone help me with my ubuntu install? i get an error message when the system root is mounting: cdrom_pc_intr: the drive appears confused04:11
Lynouregil: no ideas today, there are some outomount instructions but those are for debian and things should be easier in ubuntu, I assume04:11
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dfgasgnomefreak, heh, intresting shows no updates  :D04:11
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Celestarkspath: lol :P04:11
Some_Personthoreauputic:where is that?04:11
michaelsthoreauputic: I guess it really is just time to, sniff sniff, get a new mouse.04:11
gnomefreakdfgas: it shouldnt04:11
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Frog_Raceram i able to upgrade 5.10 > 6.06 with out downloading/burmimg the iso04:11
buzzedclaes: oh i see... upgrade button04:11
MacSlowLinuxJones, thx04:11
gnomefreakdfgas: there hasnt been updates for a few days04:11
=== dunnix [n=ryan@ip68-230-19-19.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
claesbuzzed, Cool, right?04:12
gnomefreak1 yesterday04:12
hypnoxFrog_Racer yes, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades04:12
thoreauputicSome_Person: *cough* in lilo.conf look for the line that identifies the kernel you want to boot04:12
Medisolhay alguien q habla en espaol04:12
[zero] Hey anyone know any good websites which like tell you how to customise ubunut?04:12
MacSlowMadeye, at 43% atm04:12
ubotuI guess easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/.04:12
snowblinkrunning on Dapper, but not having much luck with the xgl stuff04:12
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:12
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Some_Personthoreauputic: which line?04:12
Celestarkspath: installation complete04:12
dfgasgnomefreak, it didn't do a distro upgrade though, as i said i was running rc04:12
buzzedupgrading now04:12
ubotuxgl is, like, "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"04:12
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gnomefreakdfgas: you are running final release04:12
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snowblinkthanks Cas04:12
=== rocky [n=rocky@204-101-236-228.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu
[HUN] Big_Tcan anyone help me with my ubuntu install? i get an error message when the system root is mounting: cdrom_pc_intr: the drive appears confused04:13
gnomefreakdfgas: dist-upgrade doesnt upgrade you to newest release04:13
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jazzidoanyone else getting this? Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch04:13
gnomefreakdist-upgrade (not changing sources.list) will get you newest kernel as where upgrade wont04:13
fatalblujazzido debmirror?04:13
fatalblureading helps04:13
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EgillCan someone give me imba help how to install gcc?04:13
jazzidofatalblu: no04:13
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kspathfatalblu: please do not hit enter so much04:14
hypnoxEgill sudo apt-get install build-essential04:14
thoreauputicEgill: install build-essential04:14
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gnomefreakEgill: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:14
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rackerzhey, can somebody confirm for me that it is better to use EasyUbuntu rather than automatix?04:14
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Egillok, thanks04:14
=== Manifold [n=Manifold@88-104-154-246.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
grimboy!tell fatalblu about enter04:14
ubotuI heard automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.04:14
javiolohow do I know if my webserv accepts secure ftp ?04:14
thoreauputicrackerz: yes04:14
gnomefreakrackerz: yes its safer04:14
SurfnKidhow do i get the installing sensor limits off the boot screen, do i uninstall lm-sensors?04:14
rackerzcheers guys :)04:14
chapiumubotu tell frog_racer about upgrade04:14
tristanmikeif ubotu says it, it's the truth04:14
Tenshihas dapper been released officially now?04:14
thoreauputicTenshi: yes04:14
tristanmikeTenshi, yes04:14
=== gnomefreak thought thoreauputic said that a while ago :(
sladenSome_Person: add  append="usplash"04:14
NthDegreeso the +1 is over i take it04:15
firedropsi have the rc1 installed...if i install all the upgrades my version will be just like the official release?04:15
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gnomefreakNthDegree: yes04:15
jazzidoany good, up to date mirrors?04:15
tristanmikeNthDegree, for just a bit, till edgy is up and running04:15
NthDegreei guess i need to do a dist-upgrade then04:15
claesfiredrops, Yes04:15
dunnixany one else having sound card issues after installing dapper?04:15
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Celestarjazzido: torrent :)04:15
Some_PersonDoes shipit send dapper yet?04:15
tristanmikeSome_Person, yes04:15
jazzidoCelestar: i need packages04:15
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gnomefreakSome_Person: they are taking orders04:15
Celestaroh :)04:15
jacquesmerdeDAPPER DAPPER DOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!04:15
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gnomefreakjacquesmerde: please lose the caps04:15
ManifoldHey, is there a way to copy the information from cat /proc/cpuinfo onto a floppy?04:15
grimboyjacquesmerde, indeed04:15
Frogzoo_away!tell jazzido about torrent04:15
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jacquesmerdegnomefreak: sorry, didnt mean to raise my case04:16
cute_bettongi cannot beleve there are so many people in here for the first time ever 1072 people in this room ^_^04:16
claesManifold, cat /proc/cpuinfo >> /media/floppy/somefile04:16
jazzidoFrogzoo_away: tnx04:16
rackerzi know crazy isn't it.04:16
hypnoxManifold /proc/cpuinfo can be treated as a normal file, copy it04:16
rackerzthe forums are really unresponsive as well :S04:16
cute_bettongyes and wonderfull too04:16
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Some_PersonWhat line do i add usplash to in lilo.conf?04:16
tubbiewhat is going on?04:16
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@dslb-084-056-083-047.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
voraistoshello people! 1069 users... was dapper released? (i didnt even disconnect waiting for this moment... hope i am not too late for the champagne ;)04:16
tristanmikevoraistos, yes04:16
tubbieops. wrong channel04:16
sladenSome_Person: add  append="usplash"04:16
gnomefreakubotu tell Some_Person about grub04:17
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sladenSome_Person: add  append="usplash"04:17
sladenSome_Person: add  append="usplash"04:17
cute_bettongtubbie ubuntu dapper 6.04 has just been released04:17
sk4jvokercan linux run without swap04:17
fabide donde eres afrodita como te llamas04:17
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:17
gnomefreakubotu tell Some_Person about usplash04:17
cute_bettongjoin the chaos XD04:17
kspathsladen: please do not do that04:17
thoreauputicvoraistos: yes, you are too late for the champagne ;)04:17
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snoopsvoraistos I believe there is a dual booting issue with it :/04:17
grimboyslash topic04:17
Celestarsk4jvoker: I run linux without swap04:17
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jacquesmerdecan i do a sudo rm -rf /home/username && mkdir /home/username to reset my user settigns and files to ground zero? or does ubuntu put stuff there at user setup that it needs?04:17
kspath!tell fabi about es04:17
rackerzsame. i've got enough RAM.04:17
snoopslot of ram Celestar?04:17
Celestar2GB on lappie04:17
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grimboysk4jvoker, not very well04:17
sladenCelestar: it's always worth having some spam04:17
Celestar4-8GB on the workstations04:17
sladenCelestar: swap04:17
=== brovold [n=brovold@ti112210a080-4822.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicfabi: stop, please04:18
NgCelestar: swap is still useful04:18
Frogzoosk4jvoker: look under /proc for 'swappability' - set it to zero04:18
Celestarsladen: not on a laptop it just eats battery ...04:18
chapiumjacquesmerde: that would be overkill probably04:18
=== voraistos prefers this moment than having sex with his girlfriend
spikebswap does not eat battery04:18
claesjacquesmerde, You also need to copy the files in /etc/skel to the new users homedir.04:18
hypnoxjacquesmerde yes, but you may want to copy the files out of /etc/skel into your new empty homedir04:18
=== voraistos thinks he should go out with his computer
snoopsvoraistos time for a new girl friend!04:18
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Celestarswap accesses the HDD which eats battery :)04:18
SurfnKidguys how can i disable the sensor limits on boot up?04:18
Frogzoobest soln for swap eating battery is to set swappability = 004:18
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rackerzdo i need to restart after using easyubuntu for my movie plugin to work in firefox?>04:19
snoopsman the forums are so slow04:19
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Celestarwhere did the installer install grub to?04:19
jacquesmerdeclaes: hypnox, thanks. i want a fresh 6.06, i've made too many stupid changes. is this the ubuntu(TM) way?04:19
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sk4jvoker i have a problem with my disk04:19
fabiola esta conectaovoraistos de donde eres04:19
sk4jvoker and i need to delete the swap partition04:19
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FrogzooCelestar: mbr is usually /dev/hda - 1st block04:19
chapiumjacquesmerde: per-program settings are in .folders.  Deleting those would reset some settings on things04:19
defunkten ingles por favor04:19
=== herk_ [n=herk@212-104-123-90.cable.evrocom.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicfabi: english here04:19
kspath!tell fabi about es04:19
hypnoxjacquesmerde yeah if you want to start your user from a blank setup, sure (or create another user)04:19
rackerzdo i need to restart after using easyubuntu for my movie plugin to work in firefox?>04:19
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
crazy_penguina beatifull dapper day for everyone! :)04:19
claesjacquesmerde, It's the linux way. When you create a user all linux distros copy what's in /etc/skel to that users homedir.04:19
hypnoxrackerz no, restart firefox though04:19
CelestarFrogzoo: I'm talking Ultrasparc :)04:19
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kspathfabi: solamente ingles #ubuntu04:20
CelestarBooting the kernel ... wheee04:20
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fabino me mandeis mensajes en inglesh04:20
=== tony_ [n=tony@bb219-74-16-172.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
FrogzooCelestar: don't you boot using the prom anyhow?04:20
kspathfabi: /join #ubuntu-es04:20
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naibehola alguien que hable espaol?04:20
CelestarFrogzoo: yes I do04:20
rackerzThe Totem Plugin Could Not Startup : Could not establish connection to sound server04:20
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:20
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-024-237.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
FrogzooCelestar: so no grub04:20
fabikien es gil ablas espaol04:20
voraistosfabi: tienes que ir en la canal #ubuntu-es04:20
tony_hi i have installed and ran winesetup, but how can i start wine ?04:20
CelestarFrogzoo: hm .. it even seems to work :)04:20
=== RDNIGAA [n=RDNIGAA@] has joined #ubuntu
jacquesmerdeclaes: all i need to copy are those three bash conf files? Why doesnt ubuntu just change the global bash settings?04:20
=== Mary [n=fundacit@] has joined #ubuntu
kspathfabi: adios04:20
=== angel_against_re [n=fundacit@] has joined #ubuntu
FrogzooCelestar: cool :)04:21
rackerztony_ have you run 'winecfg' yet?04:21
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=== Zoohouse [n=Joel@adsl-225-35-180.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
tony_rackerz, i cant find that command. where is it located?04:21
netgrabberwhere is the jigdo file for the desktop version?04:21
FrogzooCelestar: dapper will eventually support the T1000 & T2000 btw04:21
YenniHola a todos!04:21
=== MrKeuner [n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner] has joined #ubuntu
angel_against_rehola yenny04:21
iNikuugh, this is just too damned busy04:21
rackerzhave you typed it in the terminal?04:21
MacSlowMadeye, at 83% atm04:21
=== Yo [n=fundacit@] has joined #ubuntu
sk4jvokercan i delete the swap partition04:21
CelestarFrogzoo: I'm having kind of a problem .. the installer didn't ask for a root pw?04:21
kspath!tell Yenni about es04:21
angel_against_rehola winmar04:21
claesjacquesmerde, Yes. They are for userspecific config so user can fiddle with there own settings.04:21
Yohola como estas04:21
=== hypnox [n=dan@cornelyn.force9.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ZoohouseHello everyone04:21
RDNIGAAhello men04:21
FrogzooCelestar: use sudo - the root a/c is disabled04:21
winmarhola comandante superior04:21
Yosoy anderson winmar y yenny son locas04:21
gilsi hablo espanol, porque?04:21
kspath!tell Yo about es04:21
fabikies yo ola04:22
YenniQ ubo comandante superior de curso!04:22
=== voraistos wonders que pasa ?
CelestarFrogzoo: ah04:22
rackerzThe Totem Plugin Could Not Startup : Could not establish connection to sound server - can someone help me here? :(04:22
RDNIGAAhow you doing04:22
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:22
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Yenni!*@*] by thoreauputic
=== sweetnjguy29 [n=P@c-68-36-218-145.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tony_rackerz, sorry wrong message. I cant get it started. its stuck with this message : starting debugger.04:22
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=== cluehammer [n=administ@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
CelestarFrogzoo: the sshd seems to be disabled as well?04:22
ZoohouseCool, I didn't know there was a spanish channel04:22
angel_against_retankyou ubotu!04:22
rackerzhmmmm strange, how did you instal wine04:22
=== Das|Sleeping [n=Daskies@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FrogzooCelestar: might need to install sshd04:22
=== haligan [n=michael@mail.fmsm.com] has joined #ubuntu
RDNIGAAi need help over04:22
Yonecesito conectar mi modem sm56 a ubuntu04:22
kspath!tell Yo about es04:22
CelestarFrogzoo: apt-get install sshd?04:22
RDNIGAAlinux and vista04:23
winmarhabla espaol si vos sois cabimero04:23
FunnyLookinHatGuys, please make sure you download via the torrent to ease server load.  And please keep it open for a while after to allow others to pull from you.04:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Yo!*@*] by thoreauputic
fabiami no me mandeis mensajes en inglesh04:23
kspath!tell winmar about es04:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %fabi!*@*] by thoreauputic
FrogzooCelestar: well, 'sudo apt-get install sshd'04:23
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:23
grimboysshd runs by default04:23
rackerzbrb going to restart.04:23
czambrano!tell Yo about es04:23
Frogzoogrimboy: shows what I know04:23
jacquesmerdeclaes: what happens if i use nautilus to send my ~ to the "garbage bin", would my computer explode from self-reference?04:23
=== ghost [n=ghost@i-83-67-217-154.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
czambrano!tell fabi about es04:23
grimboyjacquesmerde, no, but don't do it anyway04:23
sweetnjguy29I am re-downloading the iso image now - burned it to CD, but it wouldn't boot for some reason - the cursor bounced all over the screen - figured it was a bad burn or a bad CD -- anyone have similar problems?04:24
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=== tanek [n=tanek@h22n1fls34o1104.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
voraistoswow i gat sme strange lag here04:24
thoreauputicczambran: he's been told about 3 times, and he is now gaged04:24
MrKeunerwhy does't update manager already warn me that there is a release?04:24
Frogzoosweetnjguy29: probly wrong mouse driver04:24
ZoohouseQuick question, I remember read a article somewhere that there was a application made by the ubuntu team so that users of ubuntu 5.10 can upgrade to 6.06 without a CD. Did i dream this up?04:24
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=== daki0267_ is now known as daki0267
claesjacquesmerde, Nope but all your user config and files you saved would be gone. And the garbage bin is in ~. Hmmm wonder what that would do...04:24
jacquesmerdegrimboy: why not do it? if you dont tell me i'll HAVE to do it. just to see what would happen. the curiousity is toos trong04:24
Lukkettosweetnjguy29: use the "alternate" iso04:24
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic
CelestarMedia change: please insert the disc labeled04:24
Celestar 'Ubuntu-Server 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Release Candidate sparc (20060524.2)04:24
=== ghost_ [n=ghost@i-83-67-217-154.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuxtheslackerhas anyone here dealt with open x-change?04:24
=== lefty_2nd [n=lefty2nd@85-210-49-224.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Celestarit IS in :S04:24
=== ghost_ [n=ghost@i-83-67-217-154.freedom2surf.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
=== voraistos knows dreams are reality with ubuntu
jacquesmerdeclaes: yeah, the garbage is in ~. thats exactly what i meant. tehehe04:25
grimboyjacquesmerde, No, create a new user.04:25
=== zouyuhan [n=user@] has left #ubuntu ["ERC]
Mark_hey i still have problems with the cdrom after burning at 12x.. here is a screen: http://eljefe.hopto.org/ubuntu.jpg04:25
=== suicida [n=Henner@] has joined #ubuntu
claesjacquesmerde, Try it. And tell us what happens. :-)04:25
grimboyjacquesmerde, I have a user just for messing about with stuff.04:25
=== M` [i=M`@] has joined #ubuntu
=== Reinhart [n=Reinhart@brimstone.student.utwente.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Celestarbash :S04:25
=== Kyral_FreeBSD [n=petermcv@] has joined #ubuntu
tristanmike!tell Zoohouse about upgrade04:25
LinuxJonesMark_, that's a bad disk04:25
Mark_LinuxJones, cdrom?04:26
MacSlowMadeye, ok it's complete... sha1sum: 66510c1e66e0227cf6cac1899317361788c82a7e04:26
sk4jvokeri need to delete the swap partition is it safe04:26
voraistosMark_, burn @ 4x ;)04:26
=== MINK9Y [n=123@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl205-192.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Frogzoosk4jvoker: sudo swapoff04:26
MacSlowMadeye, tell me when you're done with downloading it.04:26
grimboyjacquesmerde, It would probebly remove everything in ~ except the rubbish bin.04:26
Hamurabbidoes the kubuntu dvd contain both the Desktop and the "Server"/"alternate" versions ?04:26
LinuxJonesMark_, how many hard drives do you have ?04:26
=== xice [n=ben@60-240-163-52.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
andrejkwHey guys04:26
=== windex [n=windex@office.fdcsvc.com] has left #ubuntu []
andrejkwIs the ubuntuforum down for everyone?04:26
andrejkwOr is it just me?04:26
Casssk4jvoker, safe until the apps you run need to page to disk ....04:26
=== oKtosiTe [n=oKtosiTe@ip5450f737.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
snoopswhat's the alternate version04:26
grimboyandrejkw, yes.04:27
snoopsyes down for me too andrejkw04:27
FrogzooHamurabbi: the DVDs 3gig, so I'm guessing yes04:27
=== racoon97 [n=racoon97@APointe-a-Pitre-102-1-2-97.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== rackerz [n=darren@cpc3-cosh6-0-0-cust86.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Ubuntu
grimboyandrejkw, but irc is better anyway.04:27
Frogzoo!tell Hamurabbi about torrent04:27
ZoohouseThank you tristanmike04:27
MadeyeMacSlow, you forgot to give me the URL dude :D04:27
=== voraistos thinks the forums are just as dead as if they were slashdoted
=== MagicFab [n=magicfab@modemcable205.84-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jazzidowtf? update-manager now doesn't shows the "a new distribution is available" button04:27
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=== Katu [n=katu@cpe-70-113-1-64.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Celestarstep 1) re-enable root04:27
=== yggdrasi1 [n=yggdrasi@h-66-167-44-165.phndaz91.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
jazzidoand i'm pretty use i didn't upgrade to dapper :)04:27
=== grimboy thinks the forums /were/ slashdoted.
jacquesmerdealternative install would still be more reliable than the livecd one, yeah?04:27
=== tux019 [n=lxmarque@] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoo!tell Madeye about torrent04:27
claesjazzido, update-manager -d04:27
MacSlowMadeye, I priv.-messaged you it04:27
=== spikeb grits teeth
Mark_LinuxJones, 104:28
jazzidoclaes: no good. button's not there04:28
sweetnjguy29zoo:  http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html  -- check out the end of the document to upgrade w.o a cd04:28
=== saeko [n=chris@82-43-160-213.cable.ubr04.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
spikebclaes, you realise the -d bit is only for updating to bleeding edge, and that in a couple weeks, that will send people to edgy, right?04:28
Mark_LinuxJones, with some partitions04:28
MrKeunerwhy does't update manager already warn me that there is a release?04:28
sweetnjguy29no -d bit to upgrade04:28
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-172-222-62.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jacquesmerdei take it when using synaptic to remove an app, there's no way to find out what dependencies i instaleld with it? no log? should i have used aptitude instead?04:28
crazy_penguini change the nic in my computer and now i can't make it to be configureted automaticly at boot. why is that? also i modified iftab.04:28
=== zOap_wrk [n=Lydhoden@c5100A26E.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu
jazzidoperhaps breezy thinks that i already updated? how can i fix that?04:29
=== EasilyOdd [n=EO@] has joined #ubuntu
claesjazzido, check /etc/issue04:29
KatuI really like ubuntu OS and i am new to linux linux but unfortunately, my wireless notebook adapter WPC54G ver 4 not working out with UBUNTU, can anyone please help04:29
grimboyIf I started upgrading yesterday will I get half RC and half official?04:29
snoopsso the alternate install is the text based installer?04:29
claesspikeb, Yes but not today.04:29
concept10over a thousand people in the channel? unreal04:29
spikebjust a warning04:29
jazzidoclaes, Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" \n \l04:29
Celestardoes the installer eject the CD?04:29
=== viS_ [n=christia@] has joined #ubuntu
lefty_2ndHi, is it easier to try upgrade a version of Warty on dual boot (thats bit messed up - too much playing not enuff organising) or should I install Dapper from sratch?04:29
Celestar(during the installation process?)04:29
=== voraistos thinks people have been dling ubuntu in a few days than Windows has been since the W95 pre-release from DOD :P
Casskatu, i use v5 of that card, you will need to use ndiswrapper04:29
=== Blattlaus [n=laus@p5485DC0A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== piratepenguin [n=piratepe@A-32-34.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu
zOap_wrkTo upgrade from breezy to dapper, is the best way to alter 'breezy' to 'dapper' in sources.list and apt-get update / dist-upgrade?04:29
=== Katu dammn
=== Dethread [n=Dethread@24-205-238-53.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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rackerzcan someone tell me why totem can't establish connection to the sound server?04:29
Katucass can you please PM me04:29
spikebzOap_wrk, the best way is to use the update manager04:30
Mark_LinuxJones, but would it be necessary to burn the cd again (at 4x)?04:30
snoopslefty_2nd - I've been finding an issue with dual booting - the boot loader isn't working04:30
=== voraistos forgot to say "more"
claesjazzido, Strange. Do what zOap_wrk just said then.04:30
tristanmikelefty_2nd, reinstall, you would have to upgrade to Hoary, then Breezy, then Dapper, you can't do a straight upgrade, it's best to install from scratch04:30
h3sp4wnzOap_wrk: You might want to try a faster mirror04:30
grimboyrackerz, bacause sound is broken on dapper.04:30
viS_how do I install the java sdk 5.0 on ubuntu 6.06 ?04:30
Greg2hello all04:30
Greg2wow... i've never been on a channel with over 1000 users04:30
zOap_wrkspikeb, ok, I'll do that.04:30
Mark_LinuxJones, cuz i have the feeling that it has to do with something else...04:30
viS_Is there a package?04:30
tristanmikegell viS_ about java04:30
=== seank_ [n=seank@] has joined #ubuntu
=== fabi [n=fabi@] has joined #ubuntu
=== Corey [n=admin@203-206-222-238.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
rackerzgrimboy, how do i fix it?04:30
tristanmike!tell viS_ about java04:30
Celestarok step 0) get rid of bash04:30
=== DevGet [n=gustav@h54n5fls32o1096.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== FallenHitokiri [n=blitz@p54ACD272.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
jazzidoclaes: already tried that. but for some reason Packages.gz from dapper-updates doesn't gets downloaded04:30
Celestarthe default user may do ANYTHING?04:30
grimboyrackerz, downgrade?04:30
zOap_wrkh3sp4wn, I'm using the swedish mirror. works fast04:30
Coreyhey guys all the games I play now are really laggy since i played around wiht the driver settings :(04:30
jazzidoclaes: MD5Sum mismatch, actually04:30
=== zenlinuxNH [n=zenlinux@] has joined #ubuntu
=== Krank1 [n=ubuntu@h110.105.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
concept10what package(s) do I remove to get rid of my old kernels?04:30
ubotuIn Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse04:31
Krank1Got the live CD to work finally04:31
concept10is it the linux-images?04:31
rackerzgrimboy, im confused, in dapper RC totem worked fine if i used automatix :S04:31
=== buzzed [n=james@adsl-63-205-197-215.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
claesjazzido, Could be your mirror that aren't updated fully yet.04:31
=== Hexidigital_ [n=gbarber@] has joined #ubuntu
h3sp4wnz0ap_wrk: It will be fine04:31
zenlinuxNHAre Ubuntu release celebrations getting out of hand? http://xumbi.eponym.com/_photos/dapper.jpg04:31
=== lietuvis [n=lietuvis@76-88.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
MrKeunerwhy does't update manager already warn me that there is a release?04:31
LinuxJonesMark_, how many hard drives do you have ?04:31
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=== aLd [n=johan@dsl-165-104-34.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
jazzidoclaes: i'm using archive.ubuntu.com04:31
=== kermitX_ [n=kermit@unaffiliated/cxg] has joined #ubuntu
buzzedso can we talk about Dapper here now?04:31
=== Sysop [n=fundacit@] has joined #ubuntu
lefty_2ndty guys, thought so.  Btw what how so you make a live cd version to use a usb drive - sorry for noob questions, now that got dapper im wanting to do more than just play with it when fed up of M$04:31
Mark_LinuxJones, I told you, one, with some partitions04:31
chavoconcept10, yes04:31
spikebyup buzzed :)04:31
kspathbuzzed: yes04:31
tristanmikeviS_, you can "/msg ubotu <factoid>" for a personal one on one encounter with ubotu, just to let you know :)04:31
concept10zenlinuxNH, what a geek04:31
Mark_LinuxJones, why would that matter?04:31
buzzedupgrading now...04:32
Hexidigital_Happy Dapper Day everyone! i assume channel Ubuntu+1 no longer exists??04:32
MarcNwhois zenlinuxNH04:32
Celestarok how would I start the ssh daemon?04:32
andrejkwThe Dapper installer is so unreliable, it's insane.04:32
claesjazzido, Then perhaps it's to hammered by all the release champange. Or perhaps by all the downloads. :-)04:32
buzzedubuntu+1 is still there04:32
zenlinuxNHThat's actually a co-worder of mine, my photo is much tamer.04:32
Katucass u there? why you not responding04:32
Hexidigital_Celestar:: have you installed openssh?04:32
=== dr_willis [n=willis@] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoobuzzed: yep04:32
viS_tristanmike: i get the following error: E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-bin04:32
=== dunnix [n=ryan@ip68-230-19-19.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
grimboyCelestar, try ssh 127.1 because it runs automatically from install of ubuntu for me.04:32
CelestarHexidigital_: lets see.04:32
shenkijdub, noticed your blog post and tried out 'apt-get install vmware-player'04:32
snoopswhat kind of installer does 'alternate' have?04:32
dunnixhello everyone04:32
LinuxJonesMark_, becauwse I don't know if you have another hard drive on /dev/hdc. Your cdrom has bad sectors on it.04:32
buzzedi have 1 hour 22 minutes04:32
=== Reg|ster [n=register@ti541110a080-12242.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsbecause the desktop release uses the live cd to install, doesn't it?04:33
tristanmikeviS_, have you enabled the repos ?04:33
CassKatu, i pm'd you, did you not get a screen with me ?04:33
=== T5 [n=jan@dslb-088-072-245-210.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== banksw [n=banksw@ip68-107-152-139.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tristanmike!tell viS_ about repos04:33
kspathbuzzed:  ?04:33
Hexidigital_Celestar:: you installing server or client?>04:33
CelestarHexidigital_: server04:33
=== lietuvis [n=lietuvis@76-88.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
shenkia question, does the system require a reboot before you can run vmware-player?04:33
CelestarHexidigital_: problems with finding the CD.04:33
CassKatu, i did it again04:33
buzzedmy upgrade via upgrade-manager04:33
Hexidigital_Celestar:: ok... in terminal -> sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:33
fatalbluis vmware-server in multiverse?04:33
Katucass: i only got hi frmo you and then i explained you my situation, look like i have to register my nick first04:33
CelestarHexidigital_: yeah, but it can't read the CD for some reason ...04:33
Cassahh ok, i didnt see your reply04:33
=== Shaki| [i=blackMOR@] has joined #ubuntu
Mark_LinuxJones, but what should i try now? burn at 4x?04:34
=== horetore [n=horetore@175-163-97-62.cust.smrtcall.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_Celestar:: you should disable the cdrom repos04:34
claesfatalblu, Only vmware-player I think.04:34
jazzidoclaes: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch04:34
Katucass: let me register my nick first hold on ok04:34
fatalbluclaes :-(04:34
kspathKatu: /msg nickserv help04:34
=== Blattlaus [n=laus@p5485DC0A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== anstei [n=anstei@84-73-58-171.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
rackerzcan anybody help me fix my sound?04:34
CelestarHexidigital_: I'd do that how?04:34
fatalbluserver is the one i want to keep updated, i don't care about player04:34
claesjazzido, Check another mirror.04:34
=== horetore [n=horetore@175-163-97-62.cust.smrtcall.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
dunnixrackerz: whats wrong with your sound?04:34
=== izmaelis [n=izmaelis@] has joined #ubuntu
voraistos is the UK mirror OK ?04:34
Hexidigital_Celestar:: system -> administration -> synaptic package manager :: click Settings-> repositories04:34
rackerztotem says it cannot establish connection to the sound server04:34
=== dracflamloc [n=dracflam@c-68-51-207-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_Celestar:: lemme know when you get there04:35
claesfatalblu, perhaps the server will come when it's released. Depends on vmware license.04:35
CelestarHexidigital_: I have no GUI, telnet only :)04:35
dunnixrackerz: does your other sound work?04:35
Greg2i'm a bit confused about which 6.06 iso i need to d/l... it's for a permanent dual boot setup04:35
Greg2do i want the desktop, server, or alternate install iso?04:35
Hexidigital_Celestar:: :( sorry, dont know how to do it by command line04:35
NgGreg2: desktop04:35
=== pinky [n=pinky@adsl-70-143-69-41.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
FrogzooGreg2: alternate if ur upgrading?04:35
buzzedso what are you all looking forward to in Dapper?04:35
CelestarHexidigital_: I'll find out04:35
Hexidigital_Celestar:: can you read graphical websites?04:35
NgCelestar: edit /etc/apt/sources.list04:35
=== Fabricio [n=root@nat.farolbr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Storkdapper isn't cool :(04:36
Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell Celestar about easysource04:36
LinuxJonesMark_, check the md5 sum of the .iso file you downloaded (I dunno how to do that in windows)04:36
Frogzoobuzzed: instant lamp install's nice04:36
grimboyCelestar, telnet is evil04:36
=== flithm [n=tim@chtwpe01bba-142177187143.pei.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
voraistosdapper has a nice name ;)04:36
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu
=== xice [n=ben@60-240-163-52.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Celestargrimboy: make a suggestion ..04:36
grimboyCelestar, ssh04:36
Hexidigital_Celestar:: ubotu sent you a private message with how to configure the repos04:36
snoopslinuxboy there's a program called md5sum people can grab.. there's another called md5summer04:36
MINK9Yscrew fopp, I'm a dapper dan man!04:36
Mark_LinuxJones, i already did04:36
Celestargrimboy: if you followed the discussion, that's what I'm trying to install ...04:36
=== MINK9Y hides in the corner...
fatalblunien, use nc connected to sh!04:36
grimboyCelestar, oh, oops04:36
rackerzdunnix: No i don't think my sound is working :(04:37
Hexidigital_grimboy:: we're trying to install ssh, can't get the repos correct04:37
snoopsI love how my dual booting with dapper doesn't even work!04:37
Celestargrimboy: I'm actually on a serial console, 9600bps04:37
=== Onizuka [n=onizuka@40.167-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
grimboyCelestar, eek04:37
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=== UserName14 [n=Administ@124-168-244-17.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
voraistosCelestar: that is a challenge04:37
fatalblureal men run apt-get dist-upgrade across a null modem cable!04:37
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=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0246-afm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesMark_, if they are ok change to another brand of cdrom and burn at like 4x liek you said04:37
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Celestargrimboy: the computer has no VGA or DVI port, or any graphics card for that matter04:37
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dunnixrackers : mine either04:37
=== Hexidigital_ is so excited.... 1085 people... 1085 ubuntu users... 1085 OTHER geeks :-D
MrKeunerwhy does't update manager already warn me that there is a release?04:37
=== trygvebw [n=trygvebw@54.85-200-30.bkkb.no] has joined #ubuntu
fatalbluwho you calling a geek?04:38
=== MINK9Y waves at hexidigital with a wet trout
Hexidigital_fatalblu:: well, myself, actually... but i'm not alone04:38
Hexidigital_MINK9Y:: :-P04:38
voraistoseverybody is ;)04:38
ubotufrom memory, sensors is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SensorInstallHowto04:38
iNikuhow would you guys install dapper on an existing system that has /home (which needs to be preserved) on LVM?04:38
=== snoops bursts Hexidigital_'s bubble..some are bots
=== grimboy slaps Hexidigital_ with a wet chocolate fish
=== Afrodita [n=Afrodita@] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesMrKeuner, because it's looking at different sources if you were on Ubuntu Breezy04:38
CelestarI have ssh :)04:38
=== sci [n=sci@c-615272d5.09-2011-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_Celestar:: excellent :)04:39
grimboyCelestar, YAY!04:39
[zero] How come I cant see my other HDD which has win XP on?04:39
Hexidigital_Celestar:: now ditch the TELNET04:39
MrKeunerLinuxJones/ What do you mean by sources? repositories?04:39
=== Bebop [n=bebop@ven14-2-82-235-192-193.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesiNiku, jsut do a normal install but custom partitioning04:39
snoopsI so wish the forums were up so I could, post my problem04:39
LinuxJonesMrKeuner, yes04:39
Hexidigital_snoops:: what's the problem?04:39
=== samitheberber [n=stb@dsl-083-102-067-142.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu
CelestarHexidigital_: nope, it's the ALOM04:39
MrKeunerWhich reposotry should be there? in order to upgrade?04:39
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iNikuLinuxJones: it will recognize LVM?04:39
=== Bebop is now known as Bebop_
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grimboy!tell tarzeau about ponie04:39
iNikuLinuxJones: a pre-existing LVM setup, that is04:39
=== Agrajag_ is now known as agrajag
CelestarHexidigital_: telnet works even if the machine is powered off :)04:39
=== agrajag is now known as Agrajag
Hexidigital_Celestar:: ah, i see :)04:40
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=== Bebop_ is now known as OlivierBebop
Celestarvici@niagara:[/home/vici] > grep ncpu /proc/cpuinfo04:40
Celestarncpus probed    : 3204:40
Celestarncpus active    : 3204:40
=== PreZWork [i=prez@173.sub-70-220-110.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
h3sp4wniNiku: you need alternative cd to do lvm04:40
sweetnjguy29hands agrajag a bandaid04:40
Celestar32 CPU found \o/04:40
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Storkje n'aime pas dapper04:40
=== Klaynos [n=MEEP@82-32-198-174.cable.ubr05.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Don't]
LinuxJonesMrKeuner, you can upgrade to dapper using update-notifier but the servers are overloaded. Download using bittorrent, burn the cd and insert it into your drive it will ask if you want to upgrade to dapper.04:40
Celestarwhats next?04:40
grimboyCelestar, that's a pretty serious piece of kit.04:40
voraistosdapper, c' est que du bon04:40
kspathStork: english?04:40
Celestargrimboy: yeah :)04:40
ubuntugeekany canonical system admin in here? please msg me if so04:40
Celestargrimboy: gotta try samba next :)04:40
Storki don't like dapper.04:40
=== Zoohouse [n=joel@adsl-225-35-180.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
kspathvoraistos: english?04:40
Hexidigital_voraistos:: /join #ubuntu-fr04:40
spikebah well04:40
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=== aeho [n=aeho@cable-vlk-fe74de00-69.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
iNikuh3sp4wn: okay, can that install on pre-existing logical volumes, preserving /home?04:40
MrKeunerLinuxJones/ OK I see04:41
kimoStork: what's ur problem?04:41
StorkCelestar, what cpu's are they?04:41
LinuxJonesiNiku, ohh I don't use lvm I can't say for sure sorry.04:41
Celestargrimboy: any way to enable a full root access?04:41
neoncodeWhat's the diffrence bettween Desktop dapper ubuntu and Server dapper?04:41
DShepherdStork: why?04:41
=== voraistos was just answerring to the french guy ;)
neoncodeExecpt the lack of GUI04:41
flithmhey everyone... I followed the method on the wiki for upgrading to 6.06 using "update-manager" and it doesn't give me any choice to upgrade the distro... it just says I'm up to date with my packages?04:41
Hexidigital_voraistos:: sorry04:41
viS_How do I get the notification area plugin in xchat to work? (Ubuntu 6.06)04:41
DShepherdneoncode: one has more server like stuff04:41
CelestarStork: a Single Ultrasparc T1 (8 Core CPU. 4 threads / core)04:41
=== nomis_ [n=simon@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
jsgotangconeoncode: server can install LAMP by default04:41
snoopsHexidigital_: desktop 6.06 install.. it doesn't work with dual booting.. tells me it's installing grub (with an hdd which has a primary windows install first, then 2 ext3 partitions(/ and /boot) and swap) then says it's scanning for hdd's to add to grub.. then tells me to reboot.. then no grub and straight boot to xp.04:41
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=== OlivierBebop [n=bebop@ven14-2-82-235-192-193.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu []
grimboyCelestar: sudo ps root or something simelar.04:41
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h3sp4wniNiku: Yep04:41
StorkCelestar, score!04:41
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Storkwell, i don't like dapper for a number of reasons04:41
ZoohouseHas ubuntu 6.06 been released yet? My upgrade manager doesn't seem to pick it up and I am using the ver. that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades explains to use. (0.42.2ubuntu12~breezy1 or newer)04:41
grimboyCelestar: or just shove sudo -i in your bootup script.04:41
LinuxJonesflithm, you were running Dapper previously ?04:41
Hexidigital_snoops:: does your xp install have dynamic discs?04:41
h3sp4wniNiku: Go on expert mode (to make sure)04:42
neoncodeI need to put a server on a machene but I need a GUI and verious other tools to set it up...04:42
[zero] Anyone know why I cant see my other "slave" HDD which has windows on it?04:42
brainlessbobHow do I eject the cd drive?04:42
Storkfor one the workspace switcher doesn't show the icon of the window that's on that workspace04:42
iNikuh3sp4wn: does it also handle /root on lvm?04:42
snoopsHexidigital_ nope04:42
flithmLinuxJones, No I'm using 5.10!04:42
jalsi have the correct version of update manager in breezy badger but it's not showing 6.06 when i check for updates, any ideas why?04:42
tuxtheslackerhey, can someone do me a favor, and send me the update link agian?04:42
Celestarsudo -i ...04:42
Storkalso, the new gaim version doesn't tell me when someone's closed the convo on msn.04:42
=== skon [n=skon@24-151-130-199.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
iNikuh3sp4wn: lvm on top of md, even04:42
tuxtheslackerI'm triyn gto update via the CD.04:42
Hexidigital_snoops:: did you install grub to the MBR (master boot record)?04:42
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DShepherdStork: it should04:42
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Storkdapper.. ce n'est pas cool.04:42
=== Captain-Fungi [n=ngiCapta@host81-155-149-155.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
grimboybrainlessbob, right click on the icon, eject.04:42
fatalblui'm no chump, i'm super secure with windows nt!04:42
flithmZoohouse, I have the same problem04:42
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:42
Celestarssh daemon running \o/04:42
UserName14In ubuntu RC I could not dock things like azureus to the system tray can soemone tell me if they had the same problem in the RC and if its fixed now the final is out04:42
LinuxJonesflithm, download the cd using bittorrent, the servers are overloaded04:42
brainlessbobgrimboy thanks :D04:42
DShepherdStork: that's not dappers fault. that feature was taken out of gaim.04:42
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Celestarsamab daemon running \o/04:42
snoopsHexidigital_ it never asked me to....after I chose the install for boot, / and swap..it begin the install04:42
tuxtheslackersomeone, please?04:43
voraistosStork: si t aimes pas dapper; reste a breezy ;)04:43
snoopsthen during the install it said it was installing grub04:43
Greg2Frogzoo: thanks... d/l ing now04:43
snoopsso it never asked me where04:43
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:43
iNikuh3sp4wn: erm, / on lvm+md, obviously, not /root04:43
Zoohousetuxtheslacker, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades04:43
nathansnookdoes ubuntu support GPS devices04:43
=== eXistenZ [n=ex3mr@bzq-88-152-113-46.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:43
Hexidigital_snoops:: it should be after the install... it should ask if you want GRUB installed on the MBR... something else is the problem if that didn't happen04:43
Krank1Now to get the DVD iso04:43
StorkDShepherd, yeah, and that was like the best feature of gaim04:43
DShepherdnathansnook: i hope so04:43
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tubbieany one knows how to disable usb for qemu??04:43
flithmLinuxJones, weak I'm not downloading the freakin CD... I'll just wait :)04:43
h3sp4wniNiku: I have never tried it but i think it does (tried lvm of /home though)04:43
Frogzoo!tell Greg2 about torrent04:43
[zero] How come I cant see my other HDD which has win XP on?04:43
SHUTTLEWRTHISLE OF MAN - June 1, 2006 - At a press conference today, Canonical CEO and Free Software spokesnigger Mark Shuttleworth announced the immediate availability of version 6.06 of the Ubuntu Linux distribution. The latest version, known by its code name, "The Diaper Drake," includes special features designed to make Linux easier and more comfortable for niggers the world over.04:43
SHUTTLEWRTH"Niggers have always had trouble understanding new technology," Shuttleworth began. "Computers are no exception. Some people have said this is because niggers are dumb, but I believe the real problem is that technology has traditionally been designed for white people. Ubuntu changes all that. It was developed from the ground up with niggers in mind. It will usher in a whole new era of Afro-ergonomic computing."04:43
DShepherdStork: if you go to #gaim and ask, they'll tell you why04:43
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
SHUTTLEWRTHShuttleworth presented an overview of some of the features users could expect in the latest version of Ubuntu, including an Ebonics-to-English converter, African "tribal beats" sound and desktop theme, and a collection of rap music and gay pornography, "which of course will be encoded using patent and royalty-free formats," Shuttleworth added, smiling. He proceeded to elaborate, but OpenOffice.org Impress crashed at that point.04:43
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by gnomefreak
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Celestarhm ...04:44
Hexidigital_thank you gnomefreak04:44
snoopsHexidigital_, after the install is complete it says to reboot, and make sure the cd it taken out :)04:44
LinuxJonesflithm, the demand is insane :)04:44
=== Celestar needs tcsh
NthDegree[zero] : in ubuntu or on GRUB?04:44
KenSentMeHi, this afternoon i've installed rtorrent on my machine to manage torrent downloads using putty. Now when i start rtorrent it doesn't continue downloading. How do i check if my downloaded files are complete or how do i continue the downloads?04:44
Celestarapt kind of rocks04:44
FrogzooiNiku: xactly04:44
CelestarI never noticed04:44
snoopshave you tried the new 6.06 gui installer Hexidigital_?04:44
Celestaris there any central administration tool in ubuntu?04:44
MrKeunerdoes dapper-dvd include desktop server and alternate(whatever it means)?04:44
kspathapparently a worthless moron resides @
ToranHey guys, I'm having some SERIOUS problems with my upgrade, can anyone help?04:44
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Hexidigital_snoops:: i dont know... yes, i use 6.06 now, and am very familiar with the installer for my config04:44
DShepherdStork: and the workspace does show you the icon. so what else is your problem? what else dont you like04:44
neoncodeBah. I'll get ubuntu server and I'll SHH to it or something with my Laptop....04:44
ToranI'm getting the following message on apt-get operations: gconftool-2: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgconf-2.so.4: undefined symbol: g_slice_alloc004:44
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LinuxJonesCelestar, not a centralized one, System >> Administration04:45
ToranAnd it errors out on stuff and I am stuck.04:45
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CelestarLinuxJones: ok lets see if I have an X server installed :)04:45
StorkDShepherd, it doesn't for me04:45
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Hexidigital_snoops:: i dont know... something is wrong there, if grub didnt ask where to install04:45
ToranSomeone PLEASE help me04:45
NthDegreekspath, thought you were gonna say useless morons are in the ip range 88.107.*.* :P04:45
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=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
sweetnjguy29Has anyone had a trouble free upgrade?04:45
grimboyinstallArchives() failed :(04:45
=== AngryElf_ [n=dont@wsip-70-168-129-254.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdStork: ok. i think it should04:45
ubotuI guess plf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf , mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc04:45
buzzedis there any concern about this " warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)"04:45
=== voraistos wonders what is that "linux for niggers" shit ? isnt it a bit racist ?
=== saeko [n=chris@82-43-160-213.cable.ubr04.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
[zero] NthDegree, in ubuntu04:45
NthDegreeToran, what is the problem04:45
grimboysweetnjguy29, not me04:45
CelestarLinuxJones: no X server. any ncurses / CLI thingy?04:45
LinuxJonessweetnjguy29, most peopel yeah04:45
AngryElf_is there a wiki page on the difference between alternative/server/desktop versions??04:45
Zoohouseflithm, are you using 0.42.2ubuntu12~br ?04:45
claessweetnjguy29, So far trouble free.04:45
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=== Captain-Fungi [n=ngiCapta@host81-155-149-155.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
NthDegree[zero] : you don't see it because it probably isn't mounted04:46
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ToranWhere can I paste? the upgrade broke firefox.04:46
=== siimz [i=siimz@modemcable014.202-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsHexidigital_, doesn't make sense.. it said it was installing grub, then it told me grub was scanning for bootable hdd's.04:46
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 04:46
LinuxJonesCelestar, what are you trying to fix /04:46
snoopsthen it said it was complete, and that I should reboot04:46
[zero] Oh right thankx04:46
kspathNthDegree: Why would I say that?04:46
Frogzoovoraistos: in the US there's been some extrem right wing agitation against linux - it's a terrorist threat & supported by democrats blah blah04:46
siimzis there an i586 iso of ubuntu dapper? or just a 386?04:46
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=== sweetnjguy29 is waiting for the .iso to download and then re-burn and try to install again
dfgasman this ca0106 sound card sux arse, i need to turn the volume of my mike up04:46
=== keithg [n=keith@c-71-236-167-208.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zoohouseflithm, i mean update manager ver.  0.42.2ubuntu12~br04:46
ToranI just said my firefox broke.04:46
NoUsesiimz just 38604:46
LinuxJonessiimz, i38604:46
NthDegreekspath, my IP is in that range :)04:46
CelestarLinuxJones: I'm trying to get used to ubuntu. All that on a headless server (ultrasparc-based)04:46
Frogzoosiimz: get the 386 iso & upgrade to 686 kernel04:46
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flithmZoohouse, yeah I think it doesn't automatically upgrade like everyone says it says... I am following the manual method, and it works fine04:47
threatFrogzoo, heh, yeah, using linux means your a commy04:47
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ToranEverything is broken04:47
ToranI can't visit webpages04:47
NthDegreeToran:  Just use synaptic to reinstall firefox04:47
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SurfnKidany reason why my XMMS sound is so crappy?04:47
shriphaniguys my update manager doesnt detect drapper04:47
=== arikato [n=arikato@dsl-kpobrasgw1-fed2fa00-105.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
keithgflithm, What is the manual method?04:47
ToranSynaptic won't start04:47
jazzidook, now this is stupid. updated my sources.list, did apt-get update, and this is what i get from apt-get dist-upgrade:04:47
Zoohouseflithm, sounds good04:47
jazzidoThe following packages will be upgraded:04:47
jazzido  pcmcia-cs04:47
Hexidigital_snoops:: i dont know, sorry :( but dont quit on us, there are lots of brilliant people that answer questions very quickly04:47
siimzNoUse, LinuxJones, Frogzoo, ok thanks ;)04:47
The_Machinesame here shriphani04:47
Toransynaptic: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_intern_static_string04:47
sweetnjguy29Frogzoo:  have u been reading shelleytherepublican?04:47
qsrva more gnome and evolution related question : is there an easy way to make evolution automatically delete old messages (spread across several folders) ?04:47
NthDegreeToran, then aptitude04:47
grimboySurfnKid, you're not using the eq?04:47
=== Krpano [n=opera@] has joined #ubuntu
The_Machinehaving problems with the repositories04:47
The_Machinei think04:47
voraistosFrogzoo: ??????? in the US the have ill people. And they have Bill Gates too. They cant be normal.04:47
Celestarhow do I install some X server?04:47
=== eXistenZ [n=ex3mr@bzq-88-152-113-46.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniguys how to update using apt-get ?04:47
Frogzoosweetnjguy29: that's the one!!! what a winner04:47
dfgasjazzido, did you upgrade to the rc?04:47
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snoopsHexidigital_..it feels like a forum question to me!..but the forums are down04:47
jazzidodfgas: rc?04:47
snoopsof course04:47
SurfnKidgrimboy, yeah but the bass sounds distorted and in Windows it sounds just fine04:47
sweetnjguy29frogzoo:  i think its a flame/troll site04:48
jazzidodfgas: ah, no04:48
NthDegreeshriphani: apt-get update then apt-get upgrade04:48
jazzidodfgas: i didn't upgrade at all! I can't!04:48
flithmkeithg, check the wiki, it's right below the update-manager way04:48
tubbiehow do I install kernel dev files??04:48
=== register_ [n=register@ti541110a080-11813.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
grimboySurfnKid, your speakers arn't properly plugged in?04:48
keithgflithm,  Thanks for the information.04:48
shriphaniso that will install drapper ?04:48
Zoohouseflithm, it might work later in the day maybe. I noticed that the xubuntu link on the ubuntu site is also dead04:48
Frogzoosweetnjguy29: I think our recent friend may have been fired up by just that article04:48
=== miasmaX [n=juergen@p50811839.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
The_Machineapt-get update is giving me an error, NthDegree04:48
jazzidodfgas: update-manager thinks i'm up to date. but i'm *not*04:48
shriphanidapper ^04:48
=== xice [n=ben@60-240-163-52.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Celestarinstalling kdm takes a shitload of packages04:48
ZoohouseWell i gata run, later flithm04:48
Hexidigital_NthDegree:: shouldn't that be sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?04:48
neoncodeI have a computer that needs to function as a server and a Desktop Computer. Witch version do I get?04:48
NthDegreeshriphani: apt-get dist-upgrade to get dapper04:48
=== Kokey [n=jramirez@] has joined #ubuntu
The_Machineanyone know what repositories i should be suing?04:48
The_Machineusing, even04:48
SurfnKidgrimboy, theyre built in, sounds like the song is ok but with a gargle distortion on it and makes the bass sound weird, what do u use?04:48
shriphaniso that will upgrade my system without f00king my data up ?04:48
iNikuThe_Machine: I wouldn't sue just yet :)04:48
The_Machinei think mine are jacked up.04:48
=== crys [n=cjohnson@ip68-97-28-103.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoosweetnjguy29: oh, you mean it's a spoof site!? sad it's so hard to tell these days *sigh*04:49
The_Machinehaha iNiku :)04:49
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grimboy"The upgrade aborts now, your system could be unstable"... crap.04:49
sweetnjguy29frogzoo:  just the stuff that dude says is so off the wall, its gotta be a troll -- http://shelleytherepublican.com/04:49
NthDegreeHexidigital:  I don't use sudo, I use su for security so I never tell anyone else to do anything I don't do myself04:49
sweetnjguy29I think it makes fun of http://shelleytherepublican.blogspot.com/04:49
Celestar72 packages to install04:49
snoopswhat's the alternate install for?04:49
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Hexidigital_NthDegree:: i actually meant the dist-upgrade part04:49
Celestarapt rocks :)04:49
=== ubuntuNewbee [n=chatzill@forestier.bn.cj.edu.ro] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_NthDegree:: but you said it later on04:49
jazzidoCelestar: apt sucks.04:50
Deep1anyone know why I am getting bzip errors with the ca archive?04:50
grimboysnoops, people with less than 192MB of ram.04:50
snoopsbecause maybe it's just the desktop install which has this inane problem04:50
ubuntuNewbeehi there to all04:50
shriphaniman even apt-get says i am up to date04:50
claessnoops, Text based install. The "old" install cd.04:50
snoopsah right, thanks grimboy04:50
shriphaniwhat is going on04:50
grimboyhey ubuntuNewbee04:50
Celestarjazzido: why? :P04:50
=== printk [n=jayson@c-67-162-243-119.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
The_Machinelittle help for a list of where i can find good repositories to upgrade with?04:50
The_Machinei think my list is jacked up :)04:50
NthDegreeshriphani: apt-get dist-upgrade04:50
shriphanii did that04:50
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ubuntuNewbeeI have a tough question, please04:50
claesjazzido, use aptitude then. same syntax as apt-get but better.04:50
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gnomefreakubotu tell The_Machine about sources04:50
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shriphanisays 0 to upgrade 0 to install and 0 to remove04:50
NthDegreeshriphani: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade#04:51
jazzidoCelestar: this is so frustrating. really. i think there's a file somewhere that makes upgrade-manager think that i already updated04:51
NthDegreewithout the # tho04:51
The_Machinethanks gnomefreak04:51
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SurfnKidgrimboy, i think i got it, XMMS volume was maxxed and MAIN VOL was too low so that did it04:51
=== Captain-Fungi [n=petebpet@host81-155-149-155.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntuNewbeeI've just tried to install Dapper on a system with 256MB of RAM04:51
Fracturewhere can I find out what's on the DVD iso ?04:51
mathieushriphani: you need to alter sources.list first probably04:51
Frogzoo!tell The_Machine about torrent04:51
guillem101wow! what a traumatic upgrade! Seems that everything is working right now bug I have had problems with openoffice's lib32 stuff in my AMD64...04:51
grimboyWow, gksudo has completely changed04:51
SurfnKidgotta shower i got an appointment and im running late04:51
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eXistenZwhy isn't there a shortcut for nautilus in the accessories menu?04:51
shriphaniand what do i put in there ?04:51
ubuntuNewbeeis there a way to install it without going through Live?04:51
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jazzidoand now, it seems that the whole dapper deal it's just about a SINGLE package04:51
snoopswell I guess I'll try an install of alternate, because I bet it's the graphical installer stuffing up04:51
grimboyIt now blanks out the screen.04:51
mathieushriphani: replace breezy by dapper04:51
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shriphaniall repos ?04:52
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krazykitubuntuNewbee: the alternative install cd will do it04:52
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claesjazzido, What have you been using before?04:52
shriphaniall repositories ?04:52
ubuntuNewbeethat's text based install, right?04:52
kane77can anyone help repartition my harddrive??04:52
krazykitshriphani: comment/remove the backports repo, if you have.  there are no edgy backports yet04:52
concept10which kernel is the smp kernel ?04:52
gnomefreakshriphani: yes04:52
void^ubuntuNewbee: the alternate cd perhaps. i just had no problems installing from live on a 256mb ram system, though04:52
jazzidoclaes: what what? distro? upgrade method?04:52
krazykitubuntuNewbee: yeah, it is04:52
gnomefreakall of them is fine04:52
ubotuI guess plf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf , mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc04:52
NthDegreeshriphani:  Download the alternate install CD and install dapper04:52
h3sp4wnhttp://www.mirror.ac.uk/mirror/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ (is still working very quickly) if you want to dist-upgrade04:52
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shriphanii have a download limit04:52
claesjazzido, What version of ubuntu?04:52
gnomefreakNthDegree: hes upgrading04:52
Frogzoo!tell shriphani about torrent04:52
jazzidoclaes: breezy04:52
shriphaniok i am gonna download that04:52
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ubuntuNewbeewell that's a big step aside from FC5 style of installing04:53
lefty_2ndAnyone have a link to a guide for running a live cd of ubuntu - wanting to show to work that can run and save documents, update OS and programs, off of just 2 or 3 cds (1386, ppcand possbily amd64) and a USB drive.  Not tried to do this b4 (only got usb drive last week :) ), and want to learn the basics b4 Monday if I can.  Forums a little slow atm or id do a full crawl there :)04:53
PuffballI installed a couple of packages from the debian repository, remove the sources, but later a few packages are then broken. So, when I remove the broken package it prompts me showing that a gazillion packages need to be removed along with it, even though it is a duplicate version of a package I already have, but from the debian server. So, in result, none of the packages will install and the update manager prompts "software index04:53
Puffball broken" and closes, so would anybody have an idea on how to fix this?04:53
_pmim using the ubuntu flight 6, how can i upgrade it to the final version?04:53
=== lord_rob [n=robert@251.111-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
grimboyWhat do I do if I got half way throught the upgrade then it said I was on my own?04:53
claesjazzido, No fiddling with dapper at all. Release candidates and so on?04:53
ubuntuNewbeeUbuntu wants to be a Linux fro humans04:53
gnomefreakPuffball: dont use debian repos on ubuntu04:53
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moonlite1i need to concatenate two pdf-documents. any ideas?04:53
NoUse_pm sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:53
gnomefreakPuffball: the repos are not binary compatable with ubuntu04:53
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ubuntuNewbeeit should be a way to install it directly graphical04:53
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concept10None of the new kernels have the -smp tag.  Anyone know which kernel in the repo supports HT?04:54
ubuntuNewbeedon't you think?04:54
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jazzidoclaes: no, i tried to upgrade to a RC but got bitten by a bug involving ubuntu-desktop (it's on launchpad, i reported it a gazillion times, other people too, never got a response)04:54
Frogzoomoonlite1: pdf2ps ?04:54
gnomefreakubuntuNewbee: the desktop cd has a gui installer04:54
Puffballgnomefreak, well yes, I know that now04:54
buzzed"Downloading and installing the upgrades"04:54
tubbiehow do I set which gcc version to work?04:54
NthDegreegnomefreak:  i've seen debian stuff in universe and debian say they are supposed to be04:54
ubuntuNewbeebut it goes through Live04:54
void^ubuntuNewbee: i just installed, it's a matter of 5 to 10 clicks now, easiest setup ever04:54
claesjazzido, Did you then downgrade again?04:54
jitucass i am katu04:54
Celestarnow windowmaker?04:54
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JowiPuffball, gnomefreak: would a apt-get autoclean solve that maybe?04:54
Frogzootubbie: makefiles usually accept CC as an env04:54
gnomefreakPuffball: you can try to take them out of list and run sudo apt-get -f install04:54
h3sp4wnPuffball: If you need something from sid just get the source packages and build against the dapper libs04:54
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ubuntuNewbeevoid^ Trust me04:54
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ubuntuNewbeeI tried04:55
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jazzidoclaes: never upgraded. update-manager never got the the point of actually downloading the dapper packages04:55
gnomefreakNthDegree: they are not compatible04:55
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KenSentMeubuntuNewbee: what do you mean by goes through live?04:55
ubuntuNewbeeit is painfully slow04:55
jazzidoclaes: "restoring the system ot its original state" and so on04:55
ubuntuNewbeeLIVE CD04:55
Celestar125 leechers :o04:55
Frogzoo!tell ubuntuNewbee about torrent04:55
Celestarpeople suck me off :P04:55
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moonlite1Frogzoo: hm, that will just get me two postscript-files. How do i concatenate them?04:55
gnomefreaksasa: stop that04:55
KenSentMeubuntuNewbee: no, you don't have to use a live cd, just download the iso of the install cd04:55
claesjazzido, Aha. didn't know it could do that.04:55
robinl1What to do with VIA DXS switches in alsamixer?04:55
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kspathsasa: Please do not do that.04:55
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lord_robubuntuNewbee: maybe remove the cd from your drive ? :)04:55
robinl1because the sound volume is low.04:55
robinl1Can anyone help me?04:55
lenny__hi I just installed ubuntu and now I'm feeling the urge to steal a bike. is this normal?04:55
Frogzoomoonlite1: ummm....04:55
Coreymy games are acting very very lagy like 1fps laggy what can I do ?04:55
NthDegreegnomefreak: sources should be compatible in theory though04:55
gnomefreakCelestar: watch your language04:55
MINK9YI just installed an old xbox 8Gb HDD in my machine, wanting to format it and install ubuntu. running the livecd, but gparted doesn't seem to want to format the drive. any suggestions?04:56
snoopslenny__ very.04:56
robinl1lenny_: Nice joke.04:56
sweetnjguy29robin: have you tried the alsamixer package?04:56
gnomefreakNthDegree: they are not differnt packages with different names/versions04:56
void^ubuntuNewbee: check your cd media and drive combo. it did take nearly 1 hour to install because the dvd drive in this laptop reads cdrws at single speed. other that, no issues.04:56
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PuffballJowi, not really, it just deleted all the obsolete packages left over from the dapper upgrade04:56
robinl1sweetnjguy29, care to read my question again?04:56
tubbieERROR: "gcc" looks like gcc 4.x04:56
tubbieQEMU is known to have problems when compiled with gcc 4.x04:56
tubbieIt is recommended that you use gcc 3.x to build QEMU04:56
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Lukkettolenny: it's normal! :)04:56
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claesjazzido, Have you changed every instance of breezy to dapper in you /etc/apt/sources.list04:56
Celestargnomefreak: sworry04:56
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=== spikeb grits his teeth
robinl1(14:55:06) robinl1: What to do with VIA DXS switches in alsamixer?04:56
Frogzootubbie: 'export CC=gcc-3.4' & try again04:56
h3sp4wntubbie: export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.404:56
Puffballgnomefreak, what list are you talking about?04:56
lefty_2ndAnyone time to answer a few basic questions about live cd and using usb drive - wanting to show work dapper on pc and mac with live cd04:57
Frogzoospikeb: stop - you'll grind your teeth down04:57
MrKeunerdoes dapper-dvd include desktop server and alternate(whatever it means)?04:57
CoreyI have ultra laggy games04:57
jazzidoclaes: yes, did it twice. and when i try to dist-upgrade, apt just wants to download A SINGLE PACKAGE (pcmcia something)04:57
Coreyand before it wasnt04:57
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Coreyis there something i can install to fix ?04:57
kspathsasa: bye04:57
snoopsMrKeuner where can you get dapper-dvd?04:57
=== MINK9Y gives sasa some ritalin
izmaelisdies anyone have any problems with automounting samba share in /etc/fstab?04:57
tubbiesame error!04:57
jazzidoclaes: i think there's some stale reference to dapper somewhere. know a safe way to clean that?04:57
grimboyHow do I everythin to reinstall?04:57
krazykitjazzido: were you using the dapper rc's?04:57
grimboyAs in all packages?04:57
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MrKeunersnoops/ torrent.ubuntu.com:696904:57
claesjazzido, Edit /etc/apt/sources.list04:57
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sasaI'm sad04:57
snoopsah torrent04:57
jazzidokrazykit: no04:58
KenSentMeI'm using rtorrent to download files to my server. How do i make sure that rtorrent keeps running while i close the ssh connection. Now it seems to stop.04:58
Frogzoo!tell snoops about torrent04:58
fatalblu42k down04:58
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tubbieFrogzoo, h3sp4wn , same error04:58
NthDegreegnomefreak:  ipopd is a debian binary, a debian version04:58
void^KenSentMe: screen04:58
Frogzoo!tell MrKeuner about torrent04:58
wickersI hope everyone who used the torrent method of downloading 6.06 is letting it upload a bit to other users.04:58
fatalbluKenSentMe screen04:58
snoopsFrogzoo I'm very familar with torrents mate :)04:58
jazzidoclaes: already did that. i can try again, but it won't work04:58
Fracturewhere can I find out what's on the DVD iso ?04:58
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=== wickers is uploading 6.06 at 80Kib/s
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Krpanohow can i replace the ubuntu startmenu icon ?04:58
KenSentMevoid^: sorry, what do you mean by that?04:58
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=== jimaagic hi
Coreyhow do I enable opengl on my graphics card ?04:58
Frogzoosnoops: that's the location m8 - useful for peeps who know what torrents are04:58
fatalblubah i don't have that much upload, on dsl mate04:58
NthDegreegnomefreak: so to a degree they are compatible or that wouldn't be in universe right?04:58
=== MrObvious [n=not@adsl-65-66-84-208.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
MINK9Y!tell mink9y about birds&bees04:58
h3sp4wntubbie: look in the Makefile and see if it makes any direct reference to gcc04:58
=== jimaagic hi
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CoreyFrogzoo:  how do I enable opengl on my graphics card ?04:59
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void^KenSentMe: 'screen' is an application. you can let things run and disconnect/reconnect.04:59
Celestarhow can I install windowmaker04:59
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snoopsmy apologies Frogzoo04:59
fatalblusudo apt-get install wmaker04:59
lefty_2ndi'd repeat the question robin 1 - the screens going by so quick easy to miss questions04:59
Greg2Frogzoo: tell bot thanks04:59
grimboyrobinl1,  what?04:59
MrObviousHi. I heard about a new version of Ubuntu called Dapper Drake I believe. I was wondering, when will it be out and when will I be able to install it and try it out?04:59
spikebwindowmaker rules :)04:59
robinl1the VIA DXS things04:59
fatalbluit's not going that fast, i'm on 800x600 and doing fine04:59
robinl1what to do with em?04:59
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spikebMrObvious, it's out, and now :)04:59
keithg#Ubuntu is in an uproar today.04:59
Celestarspikeb: yes, but "apt-get install windowmaker" fails04:59
robinl1the sound is very low volume.05:00
baboSo is dapper out then or what ?  ... :-)05:00
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CoreyHow do I enable 3D acceleration and OpenGl on my graphics card ?05:00
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robinl1.sure is, keithg05:00
FrogzooCorey: should be by default? - in /etc/X11/xorg.conf you should see Load "GLcore"05:00
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robinl1this is not normal anymore.05:00
spikebCelestar, wmaker, not windowmaker05:00
nalioth_zZzwelcome to the next level05:00
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MrObviousspikeb: Sweet.05:00
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fatalbluMrObvious it's already out, there's a torrent available at ubuntu.com/download (dont pull the isos the servers are thrashed)05:00
Deep1anyone else having problems with bzip2 exiting when trying to do an apt-get update?05:00
Coreyno i dont :O05:00
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FrogzooGreg2: yw, enjoy05:00
MrObviousI might try it :)05:00
tubbieh3sp4wn, can't find anything related to gcc05:00
grimboyI'm half breezy half dapper05:00
Celestarspikeb: E: Package wmaker has no installation candidate <= guess I have to compile meself05:00
fatalblulol at least my debmirror of dapper is going at 1.5 meg05:00
snoopsFrogzoo got time to see if you can help me with an issue regarding the installer and grub and dual booting?05:00
jazzidoclaes: so, which file would be confusing update-manager, making it think that there are no upgrades?05:00
grimboyI need help becoming completely dapper.05:00
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spikebi just installed it a couple days ago myself05:01
fatalbluCelestar apt-cache search windowmaker05:01
jazzidoclaes: i'm *sure* that's the problem. a file that never got deleted after a failed upgrade05:01
fatalbluit's definetly in there05:01
Frogzoosnoops: this is my 1st time dapper upgrade - but if I can help, I'll shout out05:01
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Celestarfatalblu: no05:01
=== FB1 [n=lol@adsl-69-236-67-170.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
robinl1the VIA DXS things, what to do with em? i pasted my amixer output because my sound volume was really weird, and then they said something about VIA DXS, and gave me a command, and suddenly it worked, but i lost the command.. please, help me!05:01
claesjazzido, Could you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list05:01
Frogzoo!tell grimboy about torrent05:01
CoreyFrogzoo: it didnt have that where should I put it ?05:01
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Celestarfatalblu: spikeb: vici@niagara:[/home/vici] > uname -a05:01
CelestarLinux niagara 2.6.15-23-sparc64-smp #1 SMP Tue May 23 14:15:47 UTC 2006 sparc64 GNU/Linux05:01
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NthDegreegrimboy:  clean installs are much better than upgrades - much cleaner :)05:01
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Greg2Frogzoo: will do... see ya later05:01
MINK9Ysparkly clean05:01
h3sp4wntubbie: Why are you not running the version of qemu in the repos ?05:01
Deep1NthDegree: that sounds way to close to a windows statement05:01
CelestarI need some window manager ...05:02
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Greg2bye all05:02
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FrogzooCorey: try this 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'05:02
spikebCelestar, ah, mgiht not be a package made for sparc6405:02
MrObviousI'll even help seed the torrent :)05:02
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snoopsFrogzoo, okay.. may I pm you - I've asked this question a few times in this chan before, and I like to give big explanations and as such since it's so busy, you're likely to miss something05:02
jazzidoclaes: sure, sec05:02
Celestarspikeb: seems not so ...05:02
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grimboyNthDegree, argh, but if I wanted to reinstall every 6 months I'd use windows.05:02
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Celestarspikeb: what'S ubuntus WM of choice?05:02
Coreysays its not insalled frogzoo05:02
MINK9Yanyone know if I can get ubuntu to format an xbox HDD? running from liveCD...05:02
Frogzoosnoops: sure, np05:02
spikebCelestar, gnome and metacity05:02
keithgI'm planning on helping seed the torrent for a long time after I get dapper installed.05:02
Coreyfrogzoo: says its not installed.05:02
fatalbluCelestar fwm05:02
NthDegreegrimboy: you don't have to you reinstall once every 18 months :P05:02
lefty_2nd2 quick questions about live cd - run as persistant  ok, what partitions would I have to set up on usb drive to get it to work as persistant, and could I use those settings on pc AND mac, or would I need different partitions to run persistant on mac and pc05:02
NthDegreegrimboy: each version is supported for around 18 months i think05:03
dr_willisMINK9Y:  i though ya had to have your x box modded to even work with non-xbox cd's05:03
mjmacanyone had any problems upgrading an amd64 box from Breezy -> Dapper?05:03
Celestarfatalblu: spikeb: conflicting inputs05:03
jazzidoclaes: http://rafb.net/paste/results/JvG9HR87.html (ubuntu pastebin seems to be down)05:03
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synd`Does Ubuntu 6.06 LTS support iMac Core Duo's wireless chip OOTB?05:03
fatalbluCelestar ignore me, i'm just messing with you05:03
KenSentMevoid^: i've done screen rtorrent now and by ps aux i see it is still running while i closed the ssh connection. How do i open the screen of rtorrent now?05:03
Celestarfatalblu: fvwm2 can'T be found anyway, neither can twm05:03
spikebCelestar, you cant even find twm?!05:03
robinl1please, someone, don't ignore me! someone pm me! this is crazy!05:03
fatalbluCelestar what are you trying to do?05:03
=== ketsugi [n=ketsugi@cm158.gamma230.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
grimboyI shouldn't have even upgraded.05:03
eXistenZwhat is the package name for totem-xine engine05:03
mjmacmy amd64 machine hangs after loading the new Dapper kernel.  :/05:03
=== Boglizk [n=Boglizk@c-4fe471d5.024-80-6f72653.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Fracturedoes the desktop iso not contain LVM or RAID support ?05:04
dr_willisKenSentMe:  time to read some screen tutorials. :P  'screen -r' then ctrl-a #   (0 through 9) for the diff screen sessions05:04
register_some one know how i can use my back and forth buttons on the mouse in Firefox?05:04
=== WarOfAttrition [n=host@] has joined #ubuntu
Boglizkhelpz0r pl0x05:04
=== Deep1 is now known as Deep6
void^KenSentMe: attach with screen -r. detach with ctrl-a,d05:04
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ketsugiNo more hanging out in #ubuntu+105:04
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h3sp4wnMINK9Y: You have to unlock it but I don't remember how05:04
KenSentMedr_willis: void^: thanx05:04
Katuwhat the command to open new server in xirc05:04
Boglizkaw... i copied it, why isn't there anything in paste now? :/05:04
DShepherdeXistenZ: sudo apt-cache search totem.  it should come up in that list05:04
claesjazzido, With that sources.list all you have to do is sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude upgrade ; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade and to be at the safe side sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop05:04
the_mr_bong_showhow do i install the drivers for my lexmark z611 printer05:04
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fatalblui bet if i logged off irc i'd free up half a meg of bandwidth, jebus05:04
DShepherdketsugi: yup05:04
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Boglizkanyway, i cant download the new update-manager, its say "404"05:05
Celestarspikeb: nope, but I can find metacity05:05
Celestarfatalblu: getting into some kind of administration tool05:05
spikebCelestar, i'm glad my arch is more supported:)05:05
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h3sp4wnMINK9Y: I think I connected it to the xbox and then swapped the cable over to the pc (but it was ages ago when I last did it)05:05
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Katuwhat the commad to open new server in xirc05:05
Deep6claes: which sources.list?05:05
synd`Does Ubuntu 6.06 LTS support iMac Core Duo's wireless chip OOTB?05:05
jazzidoclaes: dist-upgrade AFTER upgrade?05:05
the_mr_bong_showhow do i install the drivers for my lexmark z611 printer05:05
claesDeep6, The one his pasted.05:06
Coreyfrogzoo: none of my games are running properly and I open cedega and do a system test and it says opengl direct rendering failed and 3D acceleration failed05:06
Hobbsee!tell synd` about wireless05:06
claesjazzido, I always do that.05:06
Celestarspikeb: fatalblu: so some kind of System=>Administration :P05:06
kimocan I do 'rpm2cpio' on dapper ?05:06
ubuntuNewbeeKenSentMe, lord_rob: these are the facts: I downloaded Desktop CD and booted from it. The menu showed and there it was the Start/Install Ubuntu. I clicked on it hopping that the installer would ask me what on earth I want: Start for trying, or Install Complete, all in graphical. But nothing of what I would have liked happened. It just started to load and load... It loaded the tryout version...05:06
ubuntuNewbee...of Ubuntu (LiveCD). I launched the install from there, but it took like 5 minutes just to show the first Installer Window. That's unacceptable. Fedora Core 5 installed in 20 minutes and Ubuntu could take forever to install that way. I tried to install it on 2 machines with 256MB of RAM. Text based install is not an option if we want to show Ubuntu to the others. SEE? I hope I was clear now05:06
fatalbluoh god!05:06
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ketsugiSo sad.05:06
Deep6claes: can you send it to me, I'm having difficulties with bzip2 dying with my sources.list05:06
dr_willisthe_mr_bong_show:  you may want to check the cups.org site to see if that printer is even supported first.05:06
DShepherd!tell Deep6 about sources05:06
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kspathkimo: apt-cache search keyword05:06
Corey frogzoo: none of my games are running properly and I open cedega and do a system test and it says opengl direct rendering failed and 3D acceleration failed05:06
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NgubuntuNewbee: there's an alternative install image that does a text mode install05:06
michaelsto make xorg.conf go into effect all I have to do is log off and then on, right?05:06
Deep6DShepherd: hrmm... I have that one and I'm still getting failures....05:06
Celestarspikeb: fatalblu for example to set up NIS, the 4 NICs and stuff like that05:06
claesDeep6, Ask jazzido about it it was he who posted it.05:07
ubuntuNewbeeNg> read my text05:07
Corey frogzoo: none of my games are running properly and I open cedega and do a system test and it says opengl direct rendering failed and 3D acceleration failed05:07
fatalbluCorey there should be a list of modules in your xorg.conf file, add one for 'glx'05:07
NgubuntuNewbee: the new default one is aimed at more modern desktop machines really and lets people try it out before they install05:07
NgubuntuNewbee: I just did05:07
KenSentMeubuntuNewbee: no, you don't have to use a live cd, just download the iso of the install cd05:07
Fracturedoes the desktop iso not contain LVM or RAID support ?05:07
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DShepherdDeep6: past your error in the pastebin05:07
claesjazzido, J hope you will get it to work for you. I have to leave.05:07
DShepherdDeep6: paste*05:07
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=== mjmac boots into a rescue cd
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WarOfAttritionso there will not be Ubuntu 6.10 ??05:07
KenSentMeNg: he only needs to download the install cd and not the live cd05:07
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jazzidoclaes: hangon a sec. aptitude upgrade is going to upgrade JUST ONE package05:07
gnomefreakWarOfAttrition: in oct there will be05:07
DShepherdubuntuNewbee: its called alternative05:07
jazzidoclaes,: is that normal?05:07
nathansnookIs there a place that explains what need to be installed to compile packages05:07
shriphaniguys if i use the terminal for dist upgrade will gnome etc. not load ?05:07
Coreythats already in there but it aint working05:07
dunnixany one else having sound issues on they're laptop after ugrading?05:07
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fatalbluWarOfAttrition should be etch05:07
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ubuntuNewbeeKenSentMe: text based is not an option to show it to others05:08
jonahhi guys, i have wastebasket items i can't delete! can anyone help me please?05:08
DShepherdshriphani: it should05:08
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michaelswhat do I do to make xorg.conf take effect?05:08
CoreyI have an older version ati card do i use the ati driver or the flgrx one05:08
gnomefreakfatalblu: edgy eft05:08
adam`i just installed ubuntu and felt a sudden urge to fellate my brother, is this normal?05:08
shriphaniok thanks upgrading now05:08
KenSentMeubuntuNewbee: it's not text based05:08
fatalblueh same diff -v05:08
ResatTrk VArm05:08
claesjazzido, Sometimes. Just go on. Say yes and move on.05:08
NgKenSentMe: that's not really how dapper CDs are arranged - there is no separate live cd anymore, there's a desktop installer CD, which is a live cd that can also install. there's also an alternative CD that offers more advanced install modes and is text based05:08
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Deep6DShepherd: http://pastebin.ca/6065105:08
KenSentMeNg: ah ok05:08
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jazzidoclaes: ok, thanks for the help, man. much appreciated!05:08
register_some one know how i can use my back and forth buttons on the mouse in Firefox?05:08
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jdkycdochi all, i would be very grateful if someone could help me with this: ia m ready to upgrade from breezy to dapper, just changed 'breezy' to 'dapper' everywhere in my sources list, but I have a last minute doubt: i have the british repositories and i wonder if they certainly have the final version, do you know?05:08
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kspathadam`: It will be normal for you to get banned from irc channels with your trolling issues.05:08
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KenSentMeNg: sorry, i didn't know that05:08
chapiumregister_: that is one battle I have yet to win05:09
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shriphanido i log in as root to update from terminal ?05:09
gnomefreakjdkycdoc: yes they do05:09
krazykitjdkycdoc: by now they should.05:09
h3sp4wnjdkycdoc: They do05:09
FractureNg: does the desktop ISO have LVM support ?05:09
akaiholaAny update on the status of the dapper desktop .jigdo file?05:09
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krazykitshriphani: no, use sudo05:09
KenSentMeubuntuNewbee: sorry, i misunderstood05:09
FractureNg: or just the alternative one ?05:09
michaelswhat do I do to make xorg.conf take effect?05:09
Celestarnice stuff05:09
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ubuntuNewbeeNg: Have you read what I've said about FC 505:09
shriphaniok thanks05:09
jdkycdocgnomefreak, krazykit h3sp4wn: thanks a lot you all05:09
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Celestarnow I needa set up XDMCP05:09
register_chapium, ok :) dont know of any howtos or any thing?05:09
NgFracture: I believe it does, yes05:09
grimboyHow do I reinstall all the packages I have?05:09
krazykitmichaels: save the file and restart the xserver05:09
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Kronozmichaels, restart the xserver. ctrl+alt+backspace05:09
jacquesmerdewho's the varment who got me to rm -rf my home directory?05:09
Resathelpme pls my linux console not internet conn.05:09
ubuntuNewbeeIt installs right away05:09
FractureNg: is there a page anywhere that explains what's in the different images ?05:09
KenSentMeNg: it's indeed strange that it takes much longer to install than it used to be05:09
michaelsthanks Kronoz krazykit05:09
jdkycdochas any of you done the same upgrade?05:09
=== sweetnjguy29 thinks that if this live cd installer doesn't work, he will be really pissed
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NgubuntuNewbee: yes, did you read what I replied with? Grab the alternate install image and you will be able to do an install in under half an hour on a reasonably capable machine05:09
Resathelpme pls my linux console not internet conn.05:10
Resathelpme pls my linux console not internet conn.05:10
Resathelpme pls my linux console not internet conn.05:10
Resathelpme pls my linux console not internet conn.05:10
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kspathResat: bye05:10
krazykitResat: don't spam the channel like that.05:10
gnomefreakResat: stop spamming05:10
fatalbluResat: chill and use all the letters in the words05:10
NgKenSentMe: it doesn't really take much longer, but one issue is the fonts packages I believe - they regenerate things after each of them is installed05:10
adam`kspath stop trolling05:10
Frogzoo!tell snoops about fixgrub05:10
Celestarspikeb: but you can'T show off having 32 CPUs, can you :P05:10
KronozResat, explain ...05:10
grimboy!doesn't work05:10
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Is it on IRC all the time?  Please be specific!  Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:10
MrObvious32 CPUs?05:10
adam`you're scaring away the new comers05:10
spikebCelestar, nope05:10
Deep6DShepherd: what do you make of that?05:10
krazykitResat: plus, if you want help, you need to ask a question that we can actually undertand.05:10
Resatprivite pls help05:10
MrObviousHoly crap lol spike.05:10
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grimboy!tell Resat about doesn't work05:11
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Frogzoo!tell snoops about reinstallgrub05:11
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KenSentMeNg: i haven't tried the new installer yet. Downloaded dapper in beta05:11
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ubuntuNewbeeNg: thanks for your reply, but as I said, I can't do that with people who want an easy install05:11
BoglizkI cant download the new update-manager05:11
=== fatalblu died in the dreaded lolocaust
ubotuwireless is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers05:11
Frogzoo!tell snoops about recovergrub05:11
NgubuntuNewbee: the text installer is easy05:11
DShepherdDeep6: i am not sure why that is happening. Do you mind pasting your sourcelist too?05:11
christo_if I install the kernel-source package, where will the sources be installed?05:11
Celestarspikeb: see? :P05:11
the_mr_bong_showhow do i install my drivers for my printer05:11
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ubotufonts is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto05:11
Celestarubotu: XDMCP05:11
ubotuCelestar: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:11
kbrosnanubotu, tell register_ about mouse05:11
h3sp4wnchristo: /usr/src/linux-source-x.tar.b2z05:11
Deep6DShepherd: it's the one I just swiped from that thing you ubotu'd to me05:11
=== sweetnjguy29 screams in frustration....my download on firefox just cancelled out
ubuntuNewbeeNg: What is so hard to understand?05:11
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adam`how do i installed grub05:11
CoreyCAN SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!05:11
Kronoz!tell the_mr_bong_show about cups05:11
grimboyCorey, I know the feeling.05:11
gnomefreakBoglizk: maybe because you rither need to run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade or you already have it installed05:12
krazykitsweetnjguy29: don't use firefox as a download manager.  open a terminal and use wget05:12
ubotufrom memory, cups is The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS) is a printing system and general replacement for lpd and the like.  See also http://linuxprinting.org/05:12
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gnomefreakCorey: drop the caps please05:12
=== Borney [n=benny@p5486E35D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Borneyhi :)05:12
Coreygnomefreak: help me then !05:12
Boglizkgnomefreak, no, its says 40405:12
BoglizkW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/update-manager/update-manager_0.42.2ubuntu12~breezy1_all.deb05:12
Boglizk  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 05:12
DShepherdDeep6: oh.. i am clueless then. are you on dapper or breezy?05:12
register_kbrosnan,  thx :)05:12
ubuntuNewbeeFC5 install Graphical -> 20 minutes, Ubuntu graphical install forever on the same machine05:12
ramza3__so I have ubuntu beta.  Does that mean my system is up to date?05:12
=== Cetras [n=n0va@anj75-1-81-57-1-215.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
KronozCorey, whats you problem?05:12
gnomefreakBoglizk: what does uname -r say?05:12
DShepherdramza3__: no05:12
KenSentMeubuntuNewbee: it's a text install, but that doesn't mean it's hard. You don't have to do things manually, it just doesn;t look that fancy etc.05:12
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WarOfAttrition6.10 will be called etch??05:12
Deep6DShepherd: dapper beta...05:12
NgubuntuNewbee: I'm just telling you how it is, if you don't like it there's really not much I can do about it. Either give them the desktop installer and they can try ubuntu out and use the graphical installer, or give them the alternate one if they have a low RAM/CPU machine05:12
=== Aiwiz [n=aiwiz@ezerelis.lt] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakWarOfAttrition: no edgy eft05:12
NgubuntuNewbee: what's so difficult to install about that to understand?05:12
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ramza3__DShepherd, with all of the updates05:12
CoreyKronoz: I dont know last week i was playing my games perfectly fine and then i use it now and they are getting 1fps05:12
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adam`ubotu: forget cups05:12
ubotui forgot cups, adam`05:12
Boglizkgnomefreak, 2.6.12-10-38605:13
jazzidoubuntuNewbee,: prolly a DMA issue. I had it05:13
KronozWarOfAttrition, no, edgy eft05:13
jrasweetnjguy29: you are not really dl'ing an iso with firefox, right?05:13
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
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krazykitCorey: check to see if direct rendering is working.05:13
NgubuntuNewbee: I installed a p4 with 512mb of ram in way under an hour with the graphical ubuntu installer this morning05:13
KronozCorey, reinstall nvidia/ati drivers05:13
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@fetus.eater.org] by gnomefreak
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DShepherdramza3__: cat /etc/issue. it should tell you your current version05:13
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CoreyKronoz: how do i do that05:13
Coreykrazykit: how do i do that05:13
WarOfAttritionedgy eh? that sounds like unstable05:13
Borneysorry, but how does XGL work at the moment ?05:13
FrogzooCorey: which game? do you have trilinear enabled?05:13
SS2WarOfAttrition: it is unstable05:13
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KronozCorey, terminal -> glxgears -printfps what does that say?05:13
ubuntuNewbeeNg: OR give them Desktop CD and the option to install it without a try05:13
SS2the next release05:13
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ubuntuNewbeeis that so hard to do?05:13
siimzhi im trying to install ubuntu on my pc and television using my radeon 8500 svideo output, and the refresh rate of the default install is over 60hz which wont display on my television, does anyone know a way around this?05:13
DShepherdDeep6: sorry.. i dont know how to fix your problem05:13
=== The^nike [n=Hag3akoH@85-50-73-205.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
KronozCorey, what card do you have?05:13
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Cas!tell Borney about xgl05:14
=== ankka [n=ankka@GYZMDCCCLXVIII.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
krazykitCorey: depends on the card.  check the wiki for a howto for your card05:14
scorpion007Hi all, I just installed ubuntu dapper, and I seem to have a problem booting it. The LILO boot loader was installed and I don't have a menu for dual boot or a prompt to pass in some options to be able to boot into ubuntu successfully...what should I do?05:14
ramza3__DShepherd: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS05:14
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=== Pelo [i=Diogenes@mtl-pppoe-adsl649.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Pelomorning folks05:14
CelestarE: Package gnome has no installation candidate05:14
Frogzooscorpion007: boot a live cd & reinstall lilo/grub05:14
CelestarE: Package kde has no installation candidate05:14
Coreyguys look05:14
CoreyXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".05:14
Corey631 frames in 5.3 seconds = 119.822 FPS05:14
Corey682 frames in 5.3 seconds = 128.902 FPS05:14
Corey684 frames in 5.3 seconds = 130.023 FP05:14
DShepherdramza3__: your update todate then05:14
NgubuntuNewbee: I'm not familiar with the internals of how the disc works, so i can't answer that, but even if I could it's irrelevant because it was released today and won't be updated until the next release. If you would like to participate in that, please go to launchpad.net and write a spec/wishlist about it05:14
jonahhello can anyone help. i can't remove some items from my wastebin!05:14
CelestarI need some window manager ...05:14
Kronoz!tell Corey about nvidia05:14
FrogzooCorey: spam!!05:14
DShepherdramza3__: up to date*05:14
gnomefreakCorey: stop pasting05:14
=== philip [n=philip@71-87-212-46.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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fatalbluPelo: morning, hope you like and insane amount of scrolling with your irssi, coffee, and biscuits05:14
NgubuntuNewbee: this is a support channel, not a place to rant about things you don't like. sorry.05:14
CoreyFrogzoo: its sayings its missing something05:14
Pelocan anyone direct me to the hardware requirement url for ubuntu 6.06 ?05:15
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Kronoz!tell Corey about paste05:15
DShepherdCelestar: sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop05:15
tubbiehow do I untar soemthing in /?05:15
CoreyI know i was lazy sorry i have an ati card !05:15
visik7Pelo: tell me your hardware05:15
DShepherdCelestar: that will install kde for you05:15
KronozCorey, what card do you have, pastebin lspci05:15
Cas!tell Ng about offtopic05:15
Coreyits onboard05:15
FrogzooCorey: yep - dri - & without dri enabled, fps will suk05:15
fatalblutubbie: untar -xvvf filename.tar05:15
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Frogzoo05:15
Pelofatalblu  I use to do support in #azureus-support , I'm use to it05:15
jacquesmerdeok, i just deleted my home directory, recreated it, copied /etc/skel there, and chowned it to myself...anything else i've forgotten?05:15
CoreyFrogzoo: how do i change ?05:15
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jdkycdocgnomefreak, krazykit h3sp4wn: sorry to bother but does 683 packages and just 239MB for download (including kde stuff) seem right?05:15
fatalblujacquesmerde: nope sounds good05:15
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gnomefreakjdkycdoc: yes05:16
krazykitjdkycdoc: yeah, sounds about right05:16
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Boglizkgnomefreak, uname -r says: 2.6.12-10-38605:16
DShepherdCelestar: yes?05:16
Pelovisik7 , I'm considering buying a used box to try my hand at linux,   45$   p2 ,  128 mB ram , 4gig hdd05:16
scorpion007Frogzoo: what do you mean reinstall? I tried reinstalling the whole ubuntu distro with boot loader twice and same result. It just tries to load (and fails) ubuntu after a few seconds... :( I also tried using the install CD in recovery mode but wasn't sure what to do...05:16
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roggani cannot update my 5.10 ubuntu with my update manager (my system seems to be up-to-date),  is ti beacause there's to many connections mayby ?05:16
MrKeunerdoes dapper-dvd include dapper-alternate?05:16
krazykitPelo: xubuntu :-D05:16
CelestarDShepherd: that's a crapload of packages :)05:16
FrogzooCorey: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf in Modules you need Load "dri"05:16
michaelslogging out and then in also restarts the xserver, right?05:16
=== Celestar commences the installation
jacquesmerdefatalblu: i asked the question before here. i got the /etc/skel tip, but noone told me about the chown. took me a while to figure out what was wrong05:16
eXistenZI Installed totem-xine and w32codecs, but totem still doesn't play mp3 files, what do I have to do as well?05:16
Frogzooscorpion007: I mean reinstall lilo or grub05:16
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CoreyFrogzoo: it already has it !05:16
=== sweetnjguy29 is getting download speeds of 130kbs on bittorrent
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tanekroggan: did u do sudo update-manager -d?05:16
krazykitPelo: should run better on the smaller amount of RAM, since the desktop is lighter than gnome and kde05:16
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DShepherdCelestar: i wouldnt use those words to describe it.. but yeah.. something like that05:17
jdkycdocgnomefreak, krazykit: thanks --here we go05:17
jacquesmerdefatalblu: i was freaking out for half an hour, unable to log in anywhere but at a vc05:17
MrObviousYay 50 hours to download the ISO for 6.0605:17
fatalblujacquesmerde: just make sure you chowned it with the -R tag05:17
the_mr_bong_showi cant find my printer on http://linuxprinting.org/ is there a way i can get it to work even tho05:17
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DShepherdCelestar: that's the way to get kde on ubuntu though05:17
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CoreyFrogzoo: This is part of the error. Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".05:17
lefty_2ndCOud someone who has used live cds on more than one platform (pc, mac) tell me what partitions I might need to use same usb drive on both, and swap files05:17
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FrogzooCorey: glxinfo |grep direct05:17
ubuntuNewbeeNg: sorry for not understanding what I say. I want all the best to Ubuntu. And I will install it on MY PC which has 1GB RAM. But as far as the major distributions have the ability to install directly AND grap05:17
ubuntuNewbeehical, Ubuntu will be hampered.05:17
CoreyFrogzoo: what do i do with that ?05:17
void^ubuntuNewbee: i just booted the desktop install cd on another pc with a less crappy dvd drive; no performance issues there. i think it's fine on anything 500mhz or more and 256mb ram or more.05:17
sweetnjguy29Bog:  Now at 150kbs05:17
CelestarDShepherd: lets see what happens :)05:17
BeforewisdomHi.  I am trying to upgrade to dapper from breezy.  I replaced "breezy" with "dapper" in my sources.list, ran the update manager, and got all sorts of 404s.  Is there anywhere I can get a clean sources.list for upgrading to dapper?05:17
Hobbseewow!  we've got more people than #gentoo do!05:17
DShepherdCelestar: ok05:17
roggantanek : yes05:17
scorpion007Frogzoo: as part of the system reinstall, the boot loader (LILO) was also reinstalled. It did not improve my situation. Breezy install went a lot smoother with GRUB...I don't have a choice of boot loader here.. :(05:17
dunnixi did an ugrade    do you think a clean install is that much better?05:17
CelestarI wish I had a faster system HDD :)05:17
MrObvious76 hours for the ISO now :|05:18
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jazzido!tell Beforewisdom about sources05:18
CelestarMrObvious: using torrent?05:18
fatalbluHobbsee: that's cause gentoo users need support!05:18
CoreyFrogzoo: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".05:18
Coreydirect rendering: No05:18
CoreyOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect05:18
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MrObviousCelestar: Yes.05:18
Hobbseefatalblu: hehe05:18
carthikPelo, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/i386/ch02.html05:18
Pelokrazykit  thanks but back to my original question,  is there a system requirement page for ubuntu 6.06 &05:18
DShepherdfatalblu: hehehe05:18
MrObviousOh I know. I need to forward some ports05:18
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FunnyLookinHatMrObvious, use torrents05:18
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jacquesmerdefatalblu: a what tag? i just did "sudo chown username /home/username"05:18
CelestarMrObvious: ok let me restart seeding ...05:18
FunnyLookinHatthat's weird05:18
Pelothanks carthik05:18
tanekroggan: then change all instances of "breezy" to "dapper" in /etc/apt/sources.list and do sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:18
MrObviousCelestar: I think I need to forward a few ports.05:18
FunnyLookinHatI've got mine set to seed for the next week05:18
kilotangoare there hashes available for cd/dvd isos to check downloads with?05:18
Frogzooscorpion007: will grub do just as well?05:18
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fatalblujacquesmerde: sudo chown username:username /home/username -R05:18
the_mr_bong_showi cant find my printer on http://linuxprinting.org/ is there a way i can get it to work even th05:18
bbrazilkilotango: yes, they're in the same directory05:18
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Pelothanks guys,  have a good one05:19
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ubuntuNewbeevoid^: maybe I have to crappy CD-ROMs05:19
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kilotangoeven for torrents?05:19
sweetnjguy29question:  is lilo the default boot manager now on the live install cd?  I am doing a dual boot and need grub05:19
carthikkilotango, look at the message for the channel, that page has the isos and urls05:19
Mahmoud85Hello, can someone help fix this error: http://pastebin.com/75148005:19
scorpion007Frogzoo, I don't have an option to install GRUB at all...only LILO is there. Maybe because I am installing to LVM?05:19
Frogzoosweetnjguy29: nope -grub05:19
bbrazilkilotango: torrents are just another way of getting ISOs05:19
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fatalblujacquesmerde: makes sure the group is set correctly as well and more importantly it recurses through the directories and gets ALL the files not just /home/username05:19
ubuntuNewbeevoid^: 2 crappy CD-ROMs05:19
cavediverWhat do I need to do in order for my firewall-script to run at boot ? I have created the script in /etc/init.d with start and stop stuff05:19
kilotangocarthik, bbrazil, cheers05:19
Grout58what command in apt-get will upgrad me to dapper?05:19
Frogzooscorpion007: yup, that would do it05:19
MrKeunerdoes dapper-dvd include dapper-alternate?05:19
jacquesmerdefatalblu: isnt the group part reundant? and i've forgotten the -R, but still created subsubsubdirectories, etc...05:19
sweetnjguy29frog: thanks, scorpion had me going there for a second05:20
HobbseeMahmoud85: not enough info - add the stuff before it to your pastebin05:20
BeforewisdomI tried apt-get update and got about as many unfound urls05:20
carthikMrKeuner, what is alternate?05:20
jonahi've tried mplayer, totem, xine, gxine, and also i wanted to make dvds with qdvdauthor. but most players and dvd maker don't seem to play or edit much. i've got the open source avi of elephants dream which i want to burn to dvd and it doesn't even recognise it05:20
MrObviousCelestar: There it's better.05:20
FrogzooGrout58: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:20
ramza3__Grout58, apt-get uprade distro or someting05:20
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Beforewisdomis there a place to get a clean sources.list?05:20
scorpion007Frogzoo: so is there any way for me to enable a menu or prompt? I tried to edit the lilo.conf file but it didn't do anything05:20
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mwesudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:20
MrKeunercarthik/ what you need in order to upgrade from breezy to dapper05:20
MrObviousAbout 60 KB/s now :). Using the torrent as suggested, and I'm uploading about 50KB/s05:20
fatalblujacquesmerde: probably, if you aren't using group permissions anywhere then it shouldn't matter05:20
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CelestarMrObvious: :)05:20
void^ubuntuNewbee: i don't know what your particular problem is (if there is one). i just made the experience that sometimes certain cd readers don't like certain brands of cdrs or cdrws. this drive in particular doesn't like any cdrws (constant spinups/downs).05:20
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krazykitscorpion007: if you edit lilo.conf, you need to rerun lilo05:20
bbrazilscorpion007: aftering altering lilo.conf, you need to run 'lilo'05:20
jacquesmerdefatalblu: but i'll do your chown instead. do i have to unchown my original chown first?05:20
carthikMrKeuner, oh. In that case, no, the dvds cant have the entire repo on them.05:20
scorpion007krazykit: I did that but it just spits out errors about /proc/devices not being present... :(05:21
fatalblujacquesmerde: nah you can just run mine as it05:21
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Frogzooscorpion007: lilo can be a pain - I'd try tldp.org for a lilo faq05:21
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krazykitscorpion007: as root/sudo?05:21
lefty_2ndlol way things are going, even with lag on forums, might find answer quicker.  4 those who missed it, any one with exp of using a live cd and usb drive to store settings, what partitions might I need to use same drive on mac and pc to show Ubuntu to work.05:21
The_Machinequestion:  after doing an apt-get dist-upgrade, will it give all the new gnome desktop wallpapers and everything, as if i did a CD installation?05:21
jacquesmerdefatalblu: done! thanks alot!05:21
fatalbluubuntuNewbee: you should get the 100000 5.25 floppy edition ;-)05:21
fatalblujacquesmerder: np :-p05:21
ubuntuNewbeevoid^: thanks05:21
scorpion007krazykit: I booted using the install CD and entered recovery mode which mounted my root partition05:21
=== JacksonBrown [n=JacksonB@c-67-176-213-244.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeforewisdomIsn't it wrong to run apt-get dist upgrade if apt-get update isn't successful?05:21
carthikBeforewisdom, yeah, sort of.05:22
krazykitBeforewisdom: yes, it's wrong.05:22
bbrazilBeforewisdom: debatable05:22
ubuntuNewbeefatalblu: I wish it would be funny05:22
HobbseeBeforewisdom: yes...if hte update didnt finish, there's no point trying to upgrade05:22
fatalbluBeforewisdom: it probably just won't do anything except complain a whole heck of alot05:22
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ramza3__Frogzoo: hmm, I did the dist-upgrade and it downloaded something then quit.  Still looks like breezy05:22
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FrogzooBeforewisdom: doesn't sound really a good idea, no05:22
Mahmoud85Hobbsee: Done http://pastebin.com/75149005:22
BeforewisdomOkay, how can I get a clean sources.list to upgrade from breezy to dapper?05:22
krazykitscorpion007: well, i'm not familiar with lilo... i perfer grub, myself.  sorry :-/05:22
Frogzooramza3__: you need to swap breezy/dapper in /etc/apt/sources.list05:22
yatsuralo all, anybody available to answer a WiFi setup question on 5.10?05:22
fatalblufor a fashionable user experience, try slackware!05:22
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Hobbsee!tell Beforewisdom about repos05:22
ZoroasterI am about tobuild a little lowend server for a small remote location, all I need is samba to run on it, does intel or amd work better with Ubuntu05:22
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DShepherdramza3__: try gksudo update-manager -d05:22
dewittnewbee with/? do you have to remove ubuntu to install kubuntu05:23
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BeforewisdomHobbsee the robot isn't telling me anything05:23
Beforewisdomoh wait05:23
scorpion007krazykit: I loved GRUB when I had breezy, but it seems since I installed dapper on lvm I didn't get the choice of using it..05:23
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FrogzooZoroaster: for samba - will make little difference05:23
eXistenZI Installed totem-xine and w32codecs, but totem still doesn't play mp3 files, what do I have to do as well?05:23
JacksonBrownI just couldn't wait last night and installed the release canidate of 6.06, will running the Ubuntu update get me to the same point as the final?05:23
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ZoroasterFrogzoo, I mean for Ubuntu05:23
WarOfAttritionis not lilo better than grub?05:23
BitNinja707where can i find the new instructions on installing the Flash player for Dapper?05:23
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gnomefreakubotu tell eXistenZ -about mp305:23
HobbseeBeforewisdom: it should be05:23
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FrogzooZoroaster: I have an amd bias05:23
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krazykiteXistenZ: xine-extracodecs i think is the package you want.05:24
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jacquesmerdeooh, i have a major newbie question. for some stupid reason i change the background colour to the login window. how do i set back to default? i mean, where is the conf file?05:24
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christo_I'm installing the cisco vpn client - it seems to need a correctly configured source tree for my build - If I just install the kernel-source package, it'll be a different kernel version to what I have and configured differently.. how can I resolve this?05:24
FunnyLookinHatubotu, tell BitNinja707 about RestrictedFormats05:24
JacksonBrownthis is chaos05:24
ubotufrom memory, ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers05:24
scorpion007I wouldn't have a problem with lilo, but I really need to put the acpi=off option, otherwise my pc just restarts when trying to boot05:24
gnomefreakHobbsee: we are now the largest channel on freenode from what i heard05:24
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mweJacksonBrown: gksudo gdmsetup05:24
xet7Hi, why in Ubuntu Dapper final autologin stops working after nvidia-glx-legacy and other updates? How to get autologin working again?05:24
HobbseeMahmoud85: you should not use unoffcial repos.  you'll have to remove gstreamer0.8-misc, then sudo apt-get upgrade05:24
Hobbseegnomefreak: yeah, wow :P05:24
FrogzooJacksonBrown: enjoy :D05:24
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Seantater_for upgrading from flight6 to release -- is dist-upgrade or upgrade better?05:24
Celestarwhy does the X installer prompt me for resolutions :P05:24
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Hobbsee!tell Mahmoud85 about repos05:24
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Celestarthere is no graphics cartd05:24
bbrazilSeantater_: dist05:25
fatalbluchrist_: sudo apt-get install kernel-source-`uname -a`05:25
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Seantater_bbrazil: okay -- thanks05:25
saxinBitNinja707, take a look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:25
Beforewisdomthanks fatalblu!05:25
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Celestarfatalblu: not -r?05:25
mweCelestar: because it needs to know which resolutions to configure05:25
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WarOfAttritionyou can see a screen and there is no graphics card???05:25
bbrazilSeantater_: for any major upgrade, use dist05:25
Celestarmwe: seems so05:25
eXistenZkrazykit, I couldn't find that package in plf05:25
Seantater_bbrazil: okay -- I'll keep that in mind05:25
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HobbseeeXistenZ: you should not use plf.05:26
toranhey guys, my dapper upgrade went awry- gconf2 seems to be broken, and without it I can't do anything. I've tried removing and reinstalling it to no avail.05:26
eXistenZHobbsee, why?05:26
CelestarWarOfAttrition: I have 4 Gigabit NICs, 1 100 MBps management NIC, 1 RS-232 port with 9600bps. why do I need a graphics card?05:26
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toranCan someone PLEASE help?05:26
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tristanmikeeXistenZ, they are unnoffical, and thus unsupported and thus can break your system05:26
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HobbseeeXistenZ: because they break your system.  see Mahmoud85's problem.05:26
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NoUsetoran try running 'sudo apt-get -f install'05:26
toranIt won't work.05:26
Hobbseetristanmike: not can.  do.05:26
DShepherdxet7: try system, administatrion - Login Window - Security05:26
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WarOfAttritionCelestar|  without a graphics card you wouldn't see any display05:26
NoUsetoran specifics?05:26
CelestarWarOfAttrition: there is no display ..05:26
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tristanmikeHobbsee, I didn't want to seem too bleak :P05:26
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CelestarWarOfAttrition: there are network cables.05:27
UltraMagnusis this the correct place to talk about the live cd?05:27
tristanmikeHobbsee, not automatix bleak :P05:27
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jdkycdocgnomefreak, krazykit: hi again, just tried dist-upgrade and it says it will upgrade 1211 packages and need to get 739MB of archives, contrary to the 186 that the update manager preciously stated. any comment --please!05:27
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Hobbseetristanmike: both do, really :P05:27
krazykiteXistenZ: libxine-extracodecs is in multiverse05:27
WarOfAttritionCelestar|  then just let it do what it wants at setup, I dont think it matters05:27
TheMadmanpeople had a lot of success running ATI drivers?05:27
h3sp4wnCelestar: you don't need a graphics card use netboot/mini.iso and a serial console05:27
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gnomefreakjdkycdoc: nope just runt hem ;)05:27
tristanmikeHobbsee, bleak it is :)05:27
jdkycdocgnomefreak, krazykit: not 186MB but 23905:27
DShepherdwas shuttleworth here earlier for the release?05:27
Celestarh3sp4wn: I'm already in, trying to install kubuntu-desktop05:27
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HobbseeDShepherd: in #ubuntu ?  i doubt it05:28
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rredd4i have rc before final was out, now that final is out, no updates for rc?  update manager says up to date... thought there would be downloads05:28
DShepherdHobbsee: ok05:28
xet7DShepherd: autologin is selected, but still it doesn't login automatically.05:28
fatalblujdkycdoc: apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade are different, dist-upgrade will install new packages if needed. you want the dist-upgrade05:28
dunnixany one having sound problems    i think i figured it out05:28
brainlessbobShall I install gnome on my 233mhz 82mb PC?05:28
Hobbseerredd4: that would be righ thten05:28
gnomefreakDShepherd: no he wasnt05:28
fatalblubrainlessbob: nein, windowmaker05:28
DShepherdrredd4: cat /etc/issue. it should tell you want version you have05:28
h3sp4wnCelestar: Why ?05:28
Lukkettobrainlessbob: xubuntu05:28
bbrazilbrainlessbob: not the best of ideas, try xubuntu maybe05:28
mwerredd4: It's the same here. I think it's ok05:28
torangconftool-2: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgconf-2.so.4: undefined symbol: g_slice_alloc4 dpkg: error processing gnomemeeting (--remove):05:28
NoUsebrainlessbob or xfce05:28
rredd4Hobbsee  hi!!05:28
brainlessbobHow about fluxbox?05:28
linchrissokay.. whats the next release of ubuntu :)05:28
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Celestarh3sp4wn: just for trying it. actually I'm looking for some administration tools.05:28
gnomefreaklinchriss: edgy eft 6.1005:29
torangconf2 is broken, and without it you can't do anything. ANYTHING.05:29
spikeblinchriss, edgy eft05:29
Hobbseerredd4: hey05:29
=== Hawk|- [n=Hawk@p549C95DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdgnomefreak: ok. i asked because Seveas said something about Mark not being awake yet and ubuntu not being released05:29
=== CavalierBob [n=bob@c-24-4-128-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
The_Machinequestion:  after doing an apt-get dist-upgrade, will it give all the new gnome desktop wallpapers and everything, as if i did a CD installation?05:29
Celestarh3sp4wn: like to set up all those NICs, NIS client, samba server, ldap server + client ...05:29
=== andy101 [n=andy@82-46-13-56.stb.ubr07.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jdkycdocgnomefreak, krazykit fatalblu : tanks i will go for the dist-upgrade (later) then, thanks again and bye05:29
h3sp4wnCelestar: Just use a serial console and configure everything manually05:29
The_Machine(i'm so excited to get this finished!!!)05:29
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linchrissnice.. :)05:29
naliothThe_Machine: you will be fully up to date (newer than the CD, perhaps)05:29
tubbieguys, vmware is free. right?05:29
fatalblui'm waiting for Ubuntu Noxious Nibbler or how about Stinky Spammer05:29
Coreyi have big problems05:29
Celestarh3sp4wn: where would I configure it manually?05:29
bbraziltubbie: it's costless, not free05:29
torangconftool-2: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgconf-2.so.4: undefined symbol: g_slice_alloc4 dpkg: error processing gnomemeeting (--remove):05:29
WarOfAttritionthose aren't animals05:29
The_Machine:D  yay05:30
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bbraziltubbie: the player anyway05:30
fatalblua Nibbler is05:30
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WarOfAttritionwell maybe Spammer is an animal, but in a different sense05:30
The_Machinethanks for the help guys05:30
Mahmoud85Hobbsee: should I install the updated /etc/hdparm.conf?05:30
=== JacksonBrown [n=JacksonB@c-67-176-213-244.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Linux]
The_Machineupdating now!05:30
ubotuPlease check this out, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare adjusting kernel versions to your own, to get the number replace the numbers with " `uname -r" The ` is a Backtic05:30
=== frank_ [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
fatalbluhaven't you seen futurama?05:30
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HobbseeMahmoud85: i've got no clue - have you modified yours?05:30
frank_hehe 1000 people here: sounds like a release! ;)05:30
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tubbieI have win xp running in qemu. it is too slow to work on05:30
fatalbluooooh i just remembered, Half Life Episode One comes out today05:30
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=== fatalblu runs off to buy
OrWhat is on the dapper DVD?05:30
Celestartubbie: winXP is too slow to work on even if run natively05:30
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fatalbluJune 1 is a good day for the Solarly disinclined05:30
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rredd4DSheperd  here is my cat   Ubuntu 6.06 LTS \n \l     what is the \n  \l?05:31
WarOfAttritionso I imagine #ubuntu+1 is now the 6.10 nervous newt channel?05:31
eXistenZHobbsee, Can you paste your sources.list?05:31
Hobbseefrank_: that it does05:31
Firetechhmm... dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper wants to remove an awfull lot of packages, not just all of KDE, but also gnome stuff like gedit etc, mozilla-broswer and nvidia-settings (and a lot more)... is this normal?05:31
FrogzooOr: it's 3gigs, so I'm guessing everything05:31
Hobbsee!tell eXistenZ about repos05:31
Firetech1618 upgraded, 231 newly installed, 529 to remove and 12 not upgraded.05:31
bbrazilamadors: do you have a question?05:31
jason^if i have a pentium d dual core whatever the hell, should i be using the x86_64 version of ubuntu?05:31
gnomefreakok guys since there is so many people in here lets keep the offtopic talk in #ubuntu-offtopic05:31
h3sp4wnCelestar: nics /etc/network/interfaces samba /etc/samba/smb.conf nis is insecure05:31
noskloWAHa_06x36, edgy eft05:31
DShepherdgnomefreak: ok05:31
noskloWarOfAttrition, edgy eft05:31
Celestarh3sp4wn: that's why I'll be migrating to ldap05:31
fatalbluUbuntu 10.05 Purple Pacaderm05:31
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html05:32
spikebis there anywhere on the wiki to propose stuff for edgy?>05:32
=== fatalblu dances
andy101help, update manager told me dapper was available earlier but I cancelled it because it said it would take hours, now I want to install it but update manager won't show the upgrade, any ideas?05:32
h3sp4wnCelestar: Read the docs for slapd then05:32
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=== VodkaLemon [n=VL@43-212.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu
GeheimnisI have a Compaq Presario (laptop) R4000 with a built-in wireless card. I try to install it using ndiswrapper, it says the driver and hardware are present, but wlan0 doesn't appear when typing iwconfig. Does anybody have an idea what the problem is?05:32
GeheimnisI'm running Ubuntu 6.0605:32
amadorsalvaro amador santiago05:32
=== cute_bettong does the happy little ubuntu dance
Frogzoo!tell andy101 about torrent05:32
=== render [n=render@213-140-21-234.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
majdi can just update from RC1 right?05:32
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gnomefreakfatalblu: stop that05:32
ompaulfatalblu, stop thanks05:32
fatalbluheh sorry05:32
tristanmikefatalblu, please stop that05:32
spikebyeah majd05:32
=== batu [n=katu@cpe-70-113-1-64.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jazzidoandy101: same here, nobody seems to know the solution05:32
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DShepherdmajd: yes05:32
=== Nailor [n=nailor@dsl-aur-fe97dd00-1.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
revmouseGeheimnis, what kind of wireless card?05:32
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Frogzooandy101: the upgrade's probly not showing cos the repos are struggling05:32
Mahmoud85Hobbsee: I did not modify it myself but it seem a script modified it: http://pastebin.com/751505 (shows the differences)05:32
Celestarh3sp4wn: I know how to configure smb.conf and slapd.conf, I was just wondering about whether there are any administration tools, since I'm wondering whether to move to ubuntu on workstations as well.05:32
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bbrazilamadors: #ubuntu-es05:33
blehetorrent seems slow05:33
void^Geheimnis: lsmod | grep ndis05:33
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cavediverinstalled 6.06 on my IBM Xseries 305 and all is well.Liked the new LAMP option.05:33
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:33
cavediverWay to go.05:33
Geheimnisrevmouse: lspci says it's a Broadcom BCM4306 802.11b/g05:33
rredd4mwe  so we had final already...05:33
=== trainer [n=dave@65-117-135-105.dia.static.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzooblehe: it will ramp up - I'm getting 100kB/s05:33
HobbseeMahmoud85: i dont know05:33
NailorHello. Is Dapper using LILO as default boot loader?05:33
blehethere we go =)05:33
=== bundzoot [n=bundzoot@82-35-190-107.cable.ubr05.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
eXistenZHobbsee, That link doesn't work http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666605:33
tubbiecan u create a virtual machine with the vmware player?05:33
defryskNailor, grub05:33
BitNinja707I've added the multiverse...and i'm still getting an error for not finding the flashplugin-nonfree05:33
bbrazilBitNinja707: sudo apt-get update05:33
sweetnjguy29use the torrents guys -- http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696905:33
fatalblutubbie: nah gotta grab vmware server for that from vmwares website05:34
mwerredd4: it seems05:34
federico_what is the best way to upgrade from breezy to drapper without broadband? there's the alternative intall CD and the regulat CD05:34
Nailordefrysk: Well, tell it to my dapper installation.05:34
h3sp4wnCelestar: Not really its easy enough to script stuff like that though05:34
tubbieok :)05:34
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Nailordefrysk: I'm atm installing dapper on my laptop and all it offers (the alternative-image) is LILO05:34
=== Dream-Zone what a nice day, it is to day.
=== Yvonne [n=01101110@pdpc/supporter/active/Yvonne] has joined #ubuntu
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tristanmikefederico_, you'll want the "Desktop CD" for a basic user install05:34
=== jacquesmerde [n=michael@220-253-15-82.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
CoreyFrogzoo: you said to do this05:34
krazykitNailor: then you're using lvm.  you probably don't need it05:34
CoreyFrogzoo: glxinfo |grep direct05:34
bleheanyone else dual booting from windows for first time?05:34
nosklotristanmike, even to upgrade without broadband?05:34
defryskNailor, installing reiser4 ?05:34
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Nailorkrazykit: Aa, Grub can't handle LVM?05:35
CoreyFrogzoo: I did that and it says direct rendering no, OpenGl render string: mesa glx indirect05:35
jacquesmerdefricking hell. i was wondering why ubuntu was running so slow....i'd gotten rid of my swap partition! it still wasnt that slow though!!05:35
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Nailorkrazykit: And I "need" LVM, I like te flexibility of it05:35
CoreyFrogzoo: what do i dooo05:35
krazykitNailor: oh, i'd just go with lilo for now, and see if grub can do it later.05:35
revmouseGeheimnis, the built in bcm43xx doesn't work with all cards. Check out the Wireless section for my laptop, it worked for me. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HPPavilionZV6233NR05:35
federico_tristanmike: i want to upgrade from 5.1005:35
tristanmikenosklo, I don't understand the question05:35
=== Diiba [n=perhe@cs181240129.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu
blehehow much space should i give the main ubuntu partition?05:35
Coreyall how do I solve this problem Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".05:35
tristanmike!tell federico_ about upgrade05:35
Nailorkrazykit: Well I'm just fine with lilo, but I just wondered has the default boot loader changed :)05:35
jraoh, ubuntu has a hppa port... wow05:36
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FrogzooCorey: looks like you're running the vga driver05:36
OrWhat is on the dapper DVD? Is it desktop, alternate and server in one?05:36
FrogzooCorey: what's your vid card?05:36
krazykitNailor: the vast majority of users don't even know what lvm is/does, so i just figured... y'know :-P05:36
bbrazilOr: as far as I know05:36
CoreyAti 340M05:36
Frogzoo!tell Or about torrent05:36
CoreyFrogzoo: its intergrated graphics.05:36
DiibaSo the ubuntu isn't out yet?05:36
krazykitDiiba: it is.05:36
nosklotristanmike, i already have a machine without broadband running breezy, which cd should I use to upgrade it to dapper05:36
FrogzooCorey: do you know ati/nvidia/ibm?05:36
bbrazilDiiba: it's been out a good while now05:36
DShepherdDiiba: topic05:36
=== mheath [n=mheath@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CoreyFrogzoo: yes05:36
DiibaWell, whats the upgrade command?05:36
sweetnjguy29Diiba:  It came out today -- grab it at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696905:36
bundzoothow do you install anything on ubuntu?i am trying to install nero and java05:36
h3sp4wnNailor: You could have /boot not using lvm and have grub installed there05:36
OrThank you05:36
DShepherdDiiba: from breezy?05:36
ubotuupgrade is probably Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.05:37
FrogzooCorey: well install the appropriate driver then05:37
CoreyFrogzoo: Its an AGP card..its shared memory notebook graphics ..?05:37
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=== Blattlaus [n=laus@p5485DC0A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nailorkrazykit: Yeah, that's my normal answer to lvm-related stuff too :)05:37
tristanmikenosklo, you don't use the cd to "upgrade", you use the cd to reinstall05:37
FrogzooCorey: what does 'sudo lspci' say it is?05:37
=== shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@69-172-102-74.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
krazykitCorey: give me a second and i think i can resolve your problem05:37
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jacquesmerdemy swap partition is currently a fat32 partition, how do i temporarily unmount the swap partition so i can change it to an ACTUAL swap partition?05:37
Nailorh3sp4wn: I'm just fine with lilo :)05:37
tristanmikenosklo, and it's the "Desktop CD" for most people05:37
mp3guyI'm having a problem with amarok 1.4 in a fresh install of dapper05:37
Intangirhas anyone used nautilus-vcs?05:37
rredd4Ubuntu 6.06 LTS \n \l    what is the /n /l  for?05:37
nosklooh, i cant upgrade using the CD?05:37
Geheimnisrevmouse: thanks, all I have to do is to install their driver ?05:37
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Coreykrazykit: thanks man05:37
krazykitCorey: but it'll require playing with your xorg.conf :-P05:37
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sweetnjguy29nosklo:  you can, if you have all your files in a seperately partitioned home directory05:38
nosklothat means I have to reinstall? is it impossible to upgrade using the CD?05:38
void^jacquesmerde: swapoff05:38
revmouseGeheimnis, blacklist the current driver and use ndiswrapper, I made instructions at the bottom of the URL I formerly posted05:38
CoreyFrogzoo: IGP 340M05:38
Coreykrazykit: no problems05:38
=== pally [n=Pally@mars.ccbb.pitt.edu] has joined #ubuntu
andy101for some odd reason "update-manager -d" shows 6.06, but without it doesn't, is it safe to use it with -d?05:38
DShepherdnosklo: you should be able to05:38
noskloI remember putting a breezy CD on a hoary install, and it asked if I wanted to upgrade05:38
jacquesmerdevoid^: waxon? waxoff?05:38
CoreyFrogzoo: RS200/RS200M AGP Bridge [IGP 340M] 05:38
noskloso this doesn't work anymore?05:38
DShepherdandy101: yeah05:38
=== Almenfors [n=johan@c83-248-235-71.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
Geheimnisrevmouse: thanks, I'll try it out. good job by the way05:39
DShepherdnosklo: it should05:39
revmouseGeheimnis, thanks! :D05:39
Deep6DShepherd: I figured out my problem, it was my proxy server with a content filter (dansguardian) not allowing the bz2 files to be downloaded05:39
=== christo_ [i=1009@adsl-237-196.minx.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuenosklo, there is no reason to need a cd to upgrade, it's just a couple of commands05:39
=== TMT[fi] [n=toni@a193-229-222-124.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
NoUseandy101 have you clicked the 'check' button and see if it shows up without the -d05:39
DShepherdDeep6: kool, happier now?05:39
noskloeyequeue, but I dont have broadband on the machine to upgrade05:39
TheMadmanany advantage of getting the server install over the desktop?05:39
andy101noUse: yes, several times05:39
christo_can anybody help with this?  http://tinyurl.com/qdgwn05:40
noskloDShepherd, and which CD should I use to it? desktop or alternate?05:40
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eyequeueTheMadman, tweaked kernels05:40
FrogzooCorey: does it mention ATI anywhere?05:40
NoUseandy101 it should be safe to you use -d05:40
CoreyFrogzoo: yes05:40
krazykitCorey: mind if i pm you real fast?05:40
andy101NUse: Thanks05:40
CoreyATI Technologies05:40
=== maomao [n=chatzill@] has left #ubuntu ["."]
Coreykrazykit: no problems05:40
DShepherdnosklo: i would say go for the alternate.05:40
FrogzooCorey: need a model number05:40
noskloTheMadman, yes, there are server packages on the CD like apache so you dont have to download them05:40
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BitNinja707thanks everyone05:40
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TheMadmanrubs going server thanks05:41
CoreyFrogzoo: RS200/RS200M AGP Bridge [IGP 340M] 05:41
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jacquesmerdevoid^: swapoff -a skeips my actual swap partition. i cant work out the correct command05:41
samuNothing happens when I press the "check" button05:41
=== jimaagic is now known as Katu
FrogzooCorey: pretty sure that's not the vid card model no05:41
CoreyFrogzoo: its radeon...05:42
=== Nailor [n=nailor@dsl-aur-fe97dd00-1.dhcp.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu []
Frogzoosamu: maybe the repos are out to lunch...05:42
=== xet7 [n=xet7@a88-113-211-89.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
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Coreyradeon igp 340m05:42
FrogzooCorey: radeon which?05:42
samuFrogzoo, think so?05:42
void^jacquesmerde: `cat /proc/swaps` lists active swap partitions/files. swapoff /dev/whatever to deactivate.05:42
=== Xylene [n=nonono@c-68-45-116-162.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lefty_2ndCould someone who has experiance with running ubuntu as a "live cd" with usb drive to store settings please pm me - having little luck  with forums atm, laggggy...05:42
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
CoreyFrogzoo: Device"ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 330M/340M/350M (RS200 IGP)05:42
bundzootcan anyone help me i used to have windows2000 and had problems with it so i changed to ubuntu but i am finding it hard to use how do you install anything it is just showing everything in folders05:42
samuA dialogue says it's checking the repos.05:42
rredd4repos are probably getting hit hard today05:42
=== TobiasFar [n=tfar@ACB587CA.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
jacquesmerdevoid^: aaahhh! thanks man!05:42
=== Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xyleneis there anyway to make Xorg on the desktop live cd run in 16bit mode? 24bit is SUPER SLOW on this neomagic chip05:42
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nmsaHappy Birthday Dapper!05:43
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TheMadmanknow if ati 9550 and evil 9200 cards are successful too corey?05:43
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Katuis there anyway to make my linksys network card run with ubuntu?05:43
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CoreyTheMadman: this is a really old graphics card on board shared memory..05:43
ubotusomebody said ati was http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers05:43
bur[n] er!tell Katu about hardware05:43
jacquesmerdevoid^: cat /proc/swaps gave me NOTHING!05:43
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource05:43
Frogzoo!tell Corey about fglrx05:44
TheMadmannice thank you ubotu05:44
ubotuPlease message the bot (me) in private, more info about the bot: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:44
FrogzooCorey: follow the instructions ubotu sent you to install the fglrx driver05:44
Hobbsee!tell eXistenZ about msgthebot05:44
TheMadmani had trouble with hoary is all05:44
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void^jacquesmerde: what makes you think you have active swap?05:44
=== Diiba [n=Diibadaa@cs181240129.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu
=== _Crane is now known as Crane
ubotuWine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux. Get the latest .deb from http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/binary/ or see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info.05:44
Xyleneis there anyway to make Xorg on the desktop live cd run in 16bit mode? 24bit is SUPER SLOW on this neomagic chip05:44
saifazureus says that i am behind a firewall, how do i open a port on ubuntu for azurues to work?05:44
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sweetnjguy29saif:  are you sure its ubuntu and not your router?05:45
=== dapper [n=mom@adsl-68-94-14-110.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
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CraneIt's Dapper Day05:45
xet7How can I get Ubuntu Dapper to automatically get all updates (even unsigned) and install allways automatically on background, without clicking anything?05:45
krazykitsaif: you do it on your router.  google for port forwarding05:45
jacquesmerdevoid^: i dont think its active. its currently a fat32 partition. but when i try to use gparted to format it to swap, it says its already mounted. it used to be a swap partition on this 'buntu system before i accidently reformatted05:45
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CraneSo do we answer Dapper quaetsion in her today05:45
dapperI am trying to upgrade from Breezy, and according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades I can use update-manager.05:45
mweCrane: yes05:45
Craneyes you can05:45
HobbseeCrane: yep05:45
=== bartmaniac [n=bart@082-146-105-106.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
siimzhi im trying to install ubuntu on my pc and television using my radeon 8500 svideo output, and the refresh rate of the default install is over 60hz which wont display on my television, does anyone know a way around this?05:46
NoUsexet7 look into the apt-get man page and look into how to use cron05:46
sybaritenon Damnsmalllinux, when booting, i get US keyboard. I get my swedish characters by exiting X and doing loadkeys se-latin1. This seems to affect the whole system. Isnt there something similar i can do on Ubuntu??05:46
Frogzoo!tell dapper about torrent05:46
dapperBut when I run update-manager it doesn't seem to find any updates for me the way this webpage says it will.05:46
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sybaritenCoz i dont really like the philosophy of having a specific gnome or xfce keyboard layout ... i want something global05:46
Frogzoodapper: you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list & swap breezy/dapper05:46
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saifkrazykit, i did it on my router i am forwording to the right port and ip, azurues configured for the port, but still says that, could it be because i installed azurues manually? not using dpkg?05:46
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Afroditayo voy a ahecer impress05:46
mwesybariten: you need to configure xorg.conf05:46
sybaritenif i do loadkeys se-latin1 on my ubuntu system, i just get errors in a long loop05:47
fatalblusybariten: the folder with the keymaps might not be in the path, try locate se-latin and give loadkeys an absolute path05:47
krazykitsaif: that has nothing to do with it.05:47
dapperFrogzoo, Oh okay.  That page doesn't make that clear at all.05:47
CelestarI wish apt-get was SMP-aware05:47
sybaritenfatalblu: got that sir05:47
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fatalblusybariten: erm you are going a sudo loadkeys, just to be clear of course05:47
SpecWhere's the breezy channel?05:47
mweCelestar: what do you mean?05:47
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)05:47
dapperIs there another URL besides paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 that gives the sources.list changes?  That site won't respond for me.05:47
Celestarmwe: running things parallel :P05:47
FrogzooSpec: right here but shared with dapper now05:47
mweCelestar: oh yes05:47
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Specbreezy should be in ubuntu-1 :p05:48
saifkrazykit, so what coult it be? the only thing i c is this, in the past i used to use firestarter to open the port and it worked, some1 told me not to use firestarter, to leave as is better!05:48
sybaritenmwe: yeah, i've read about that, but it just feels so weird to alter the keyboard settings in a file related to the window manager, instead of the whole system05:48
bundzoothow do i? install java05:48
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sybaritenfatalblu: hm, good question05:48
GrimtharrHow do I move to the "etc" location in Terminal when I'm in my home folder?05:48
jacquesmerdevoid^: ?05:48
Katucan anyone please help me make my network wireless card  WPC54G (Ver.4) work05:48
gilalright....i have been trying with no sucess....05:48
mweCelestar: I don't think apt will allow more than one process to lock for safety reasons, so it probably rather difficult to implement safely05:48
bbrazilGrimtharr: cd /etc05:48
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Xyleneis there anyway to make Xorg on the desktop live cd run in 16bit mode? 24bit is SUPER SLOW on this neomagic chip05:48
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gili have a toshiba m40x....i cant for the life of me get the Card reader to pick up an inserted card05:48
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saifKatu, i got mine to work05:49
jdmpikeman, I totally hosed freenx when I installed dapper....05:49
bbrazilbundzoot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=Java05:49
saifKatu, not sure if i can help u if u face real difficulties!05:49
Celestarmwe: yes I kind of agree :)05:49
h3sp4wndapper: sudo sed -ie "s/breezy/dapper/" sources.list && grep -v '^#' /etc/apt/sources.list (should all say dapper)05:49
sybaritenfatalblu: euhm, as embarassing as it is, that was probably the reason loadkeys gave me an error ... i forgot sudo. However, i get a positive response now, but nothing seems affected!  still a US layout in the terminal05:49
krazykitgil: i hear those integrated card readers always give trouble.05:49
bundzootthanks bbrazil05:49
void^jacquesmerde: look at `mount` and `cat /proc/mounts`05:49
Yorgoscan i ask05:49
Yorgossth about xchat?05:49
dapperh3sp4wn, Thank you!05:49
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armedkingIs there a way to look for unused installed packages and remove them. ie. when installing something it installes deps but when removing the main package the dependancys remain05:50
fatalblusybariten: there might be a keymap config somewhere in gnome that'll fix it05:50
nahticalI'm downloading dapper right now, and wish to install it alongside windows. I know I will need to create a main and swap partion, but what would I need to name them? (Or is it explained during install?)05:50
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h3sp4wndapper: If you have any unofficial repositories you should remove them05:50
fatalblusybariten: can't check myself, i'm on a crummy fedora 5 box at work05:50
fatalblu800x600 you are not a pleasure05:50
dapperh3sp4wn, I don't but thanks.05:50
mwesybariten: I think ubuntu uses consolechars in place of loadkeys05:50
Yorgoscan i use a TCL i am using in my eggdrop in my XChat?05:50
CelestarI wish my gnome displayed more than just a grey background05:50
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jacquesmerdevoid^: i already tried that. no mention of the partition05:50
fatalblunahtical: if you mean a letter name, you don't. it does it another way05:51
Frogzoo!tell Celestar about themes05:51
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Yorgoscan i use a TCL i am using in my eggdrop in my XChat?05:51
orangehawHelp wanted: my toshiba M60-171 with resolution 1440x900 (wxga) produces startup sounds but no screen05:51
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FrogzooYorgos: ask the channel05:51
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Yorgosi did lol05:51
Yorgosnobody answered:P05:51
void^jacquesmerde: use fdisk05:51
krazykitYorgos: irc is not instant reply chat.05:51
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dapperh3sp4wn, What is the grep part of that command supposed to do?05:52
Geheimnisrevmouse: thanks, it works !05:52
spikebit's also not snarky retort chat, either.05:52
jacquesmerdevoid^: fdisk is a bit hardcore for me. can i stick with cfdisk?05:52
fatalbluirc is multiplayer notepad!05:52
nahticalfatalblu: so basically the installer will do most of the dirty work for me, more or less all i have to do is make sure it isnt asking me something crazy and click yes/next05:52
GrimtharrHmm, apparently I do not have the permission to edit a file in my etc folder. How do I get permission?05:52
dapperI get "sed: -e expression #1, char 15: unterminated `s' command"05:52
h3sp4wndapper: strip out comments05:52
kspathYorgos: among those in #ubuntu what percentage do you think uses Xchat or eggdrop or TCL?05:52
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DiibaDo the dapper dance :))05:52
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DShepherdkspath: we dont know05:52
Yorgosthat's why i asked in case someone knows05:52
fatalblunahtical: yeah it should even have an option to resize the windows partition if you need it, if not then just chose the use free space option05:52
bbrazilGrimtharr: sudo the-edit-command05:52
void^jacquesmerde: don't know, i've always used fdisk05:52
Grimtharrthanks bbrazil05:52
nahticalfatalblu: ok thanks05:52
jacquesmerdevoid^: Wrote partition table, but re-read table failed.  Reboot to update table.05:53
jacquesmerde                 Toggle bootable flag of the current partition05:53
fatalbluDiiba: i did the dapper dance, i almost got banned for it heh05:53
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dapperh3sp4wn, But I just want to change all references of "breezy" to "dapper" in that file?05:53
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void^jacquesmerde: that's normal if the disk is in use at all (any partition on the disk)05:53
h3sp4wndapper: Thats to check whether it has been done05:53
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dapperh3sp4wn, None of it changed.  But I can edit it with nano or something.05:53
jacquesmerdevoid^: sweet. i think its working sudo cat /proc/swaps05:53
jacquesmerdeFilename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority/dev/hda5                               partition       1132540 0       -105:53
void^jacquesmerde: you can try `blockdev --rereadpt` or just reboot05:54
ocultwhere i report something ?05:54
fatalbluthere is no nano, there is only... vim05:54
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void^jacquesmerde: yes, type of partition doesn't matter anyway for using it05:54
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jrano spoon, just fork()05:54
h3sp4wndapper: sudo sed -ie "s/breezy/dapper/" /etc/apt/sources.list (unless you are already in /etc/apt/05:54
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sybaritenfatalblu: mwe : ok05:54
runesis /usr/share the default directory where all local users have read/write access?05:54
jacquesmerdevoid^: well, it wasnt using the swap partition before. is that the appropriate output from /proc/swaps?05:55
jrarunes: no05:55
bbrazilh3sp4wn: I don't think that'll do what you think it'll do. -i can take an argument05:55
nmmi name is dis noelia05:55
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Frogzoo_awayrunes: nope - /tmp05:55
Noah0504Okay, Dapper has been released, but why aren't there any upgrades for us that are using the betas or RC?05:55
void^jacquesmerde: yes05:55
CelestarFrogzoo_away: I mean I ONLY see a grey screen05:55
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dapperh3sp4wn, Thank you!05:55
nmwat you name05:55
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jacquesmerdevoid^: sweet05:55
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krazykitNoah0504: if you updated about 24 hours ago, there shouldn't be any updates, as it was frozen about that time05:55
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runesok where would I look in the ubuntu manuals to find the default folders created and what they are for?05:56
jacquesmerdewaxon, waxoff. swapon, swapoff05:56
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jrarunes: man hier05:56
fatalblurunes: default folders? where?05:56
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Noah0504krazykit: haha, I got excited about nothing!05:56
bbrazilrunes: try the File Hierarchy Standard05:56
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Frogzoo_awayrunes: you want to google 'linux standard base'05:56
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azurehuesofbluewhat is the bash command to show hidden files?05:57
Weasel-Ubuntu rocks05:57
bbrazilazurehuesofblue: ls -a05:57
Hobbseeazurehuesofblue: ls -la05:57
h3sp4wndapper: sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper' -i /etc/apt/sources.list (that is definately correct because I have just tested it)05:57
dr_willisazurehuesofblue:'  ls -a' you mean?05:57
fatalbluazurehuesofblue: ls -la hidden files begin with a .05:57
azurehuesofbluecool thanks.05:57
kspathazurehuesofblue: hidden?  man ls ?05:57
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trainerhi, I just upgraded to Dapper but all my repositories in synaptic still say 5.10 - shouldn't they be 6.06?05:57
dapperh3sp4wn, I did the previous command and I think it worked.05:57
tRSShi all. congrats on the release of drapper drake!05:58
tuxtheslackerhey, can someone send me the ATi driver link?05:58
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ubotuI heard ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers05:58
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dappertrainer, Do what h3sp4wn just told me to do.05:58
tRSSi would like to know how I can apt-get to drapper drake without reinstalling?05:58
kane77how can I merge two partitions together?? when I tried PartitionMagic (in win) i got some error message about something not being on the right place and two options fix or fix later I chose fix later as I wasnt sure what it is... but now it doesnt show my disk at all... (it shows just my first disk...) so how can i merge them (both are ext3)05:58
dappertrainer, in a terminal do: sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper' -i /etc/apt/sources.list05:58
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Coreyim back05:58
Coreyand it had a blue screen of death05:58
tRSShey Corey!05:58
CoreytRSS: hi..05:59
=== Tinned_Tuna [n=danny@host86-133-67-22.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xyleneis there anyway to make Xorg on the desktop live cd run in 16bit mode? 24bit is SUPER SLOW on this neomagic chip05:59
tRSSso how can I update to dapper drake without reinstalling?05:59
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JoeyB3Hwy Corey!!05:59
ubotumethinks upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.05:59
dapperDo I have to use synaptic or can I use the update-manager?05:59
MetaMorfoziSanybody know anything about google earth for linux?05:59
Hobbsee!tell tRSS about update05:59
Celestarubotu: NIS05:59
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Celestar05:59
bbraziltRSS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades05:59
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ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MetaMorfoziS05:59
dr_willisMetaMorfoziS:  i hear the cedega people are working on it.05:59
fatalblutRSS: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list and change all the references of breezy to dapper05:59
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ElopsIf I download the source CDs of ubuntu is it faster to add stuff using apt-cdrom ?05:59
dapperBecause update-manager seems to tell me I should use synaptic or apt-get dist-upgrade.  But the webpage says I can use update-manager.05:59
tuxtheslackerwho shit!06:00
tuxtheslackersomehow this is saying I'm using 95% of my diskspace...06:00
ohzieHow many people updated last night and broke their systems other than me?06:00
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bbrazilElops: the source CDs contain source code, so I don't think you want those06:00
ohzieI'm trying to see if updating broke it, or if something else broke it.06:00
tRSSthanks alot ! :)06:00
tuxtheslacker/dev/hda7             2.1G  1.9G  102M  95% /06:00
carrascoalgum brasileiro??06:00
tuxtheslackerit apparenlty partitioned wrong....06:00
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.06:00
fatalblutuxtheslacker: lol06:00
Celestarhow do I enable a NIS client ?06:00
kspath!tell carrasco about br06:00
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tuxtheslackernot a nice realization.06:00
andrejkwHey Guys06:00
MetaMorfoziSdr_willis: and when it comes out?06:00
bbrazilElops: as for whether cds are better, that's a matter of your net connection06:00
tuxtheslackermaybe partition magic will fix it?06:01
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andrejkwI installed XGL and Compiz, and now nobody can connect to my Remote Desktop. How can I fix this?06:01
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northcolI would like to try the latest version of amaroK on Ubuntu. I saw there is a .deb package for Kubuntu. Is it safe to try to install it on normal Ubuntu (Dapper Drake)?06:01
fatalblutuxtheslacker: i saw that earlier when i was partway through a debmirror of dapper06:01
Elopsisnt there a ubuntu+1 channel?06:01
trainerdapper, sed: -e expression #1, char 15: unterminated `s' command06:01
bbrazilnorthcol: yes06:01
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bbrazilElops: not at the moment06:01
fatalblutuxtheslacker: logcheck started SCREAMING at me06:01
kane77how can I merge two partitions together?? when I tried PartitionMagic (in win) i got some error message about something not being on the right place and two options fix or fix later I chose fix later as I wasnt sure what it is... but now it doesnt show my disk at all... (it shows just my first disk...) so how can i merge them (both are ext3)06:01
Coreykrazykit: ???06:01
ohzieWhen my xserver is disabled, how do I re enable it?06:01
revmouseElops, I think its shut down until edgy eft repositories open up06:01
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northcolbbrazil: Thanks for the fast reply!06:01
Elopsoh ok06:01
CoreyXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:01
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bbrazilkane77: copy data from B to A, delete B, expand A to take up B's space. This is a non-trivial task, backup your data first06:02
revmouseElops, which will be sometime mid-june06:02
saifany ideas how i change the port for gnomebittorrent?06:02
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=== spikeb bows at the altar of Led_Zeppelin
fatalbluanyone here use rTorrent?06:02
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Led_Zeppelinhello, I am currently running Debian, and would like to try Ubuntu. Is it possible to install it without a CD?06:02
dmb062082Ubunto wont let me select a res higher than 800x600, not sure where this came from, as I have higher options selected in xserver-xorg configuration files, and frankly am going on a 2nd install onto a bigger partition, same pc and I was fine before.. any0ne? =(06:02
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Led_Zeppelinspikeb: :-)06:02
h3sp4wntrainer: sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list (he missed out the final slash) then check with grep -v '^#' /etc/apt/sources.list06:03
spikebLed_Zeppelin, i dont think so06:03
spikebLed_Zeppelin, love your nick btw :)06:03
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lastnodeLed_Zeppelin, you can06:03
Led_Zeppelinsimilar to bootstrapping it.06:03
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Xyleneso creative :/06:03
lastnodeLed_Zeppelin, ever used debootstrap?06:03
andrejkwI installed XGL and Compiz, and now nobody can connect to my Remote Desktop. How can I fix this?06:03
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ocultwhere i get skype?06:03
fatalbluLed_Zeppelin: you can try pointing apt at the ubuntu sources, good luck with that though i'd probably backup first06:03
alanhsI have a problem booting from the installation CD. agpgart seems to hang - I know this has been a problem, has anyone had similar experence ???06:03
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ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html06:03
kane77bbrazil, but i thought of something without the backup... the one i'd like to merge is / (root about 6GB)... the second one is empty about 1.406:03
Led_Zeppelinlastnode: yes, heard of it, but got the image for it?06:03
ubotuhmm... skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/06:03
krazykitCorey: still?  sheesh.  best i can tell you know is to use dpkg to reconfigure your xserver, but i honestly don't know the command.06:03
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ubotuhmm... xcfg is to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"06:03
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lastnodeLed_Zeppelin, debootstrap has a breezy script. so use that, and then dist-upgrade to dapper06:03
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saifocult, from the skype website, i got it, it doesn't work though :S06:03
ompaulcheers Hobbsee06:03
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Led_Zeppelinlastnode: ha! simple as that?06:03
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lastnodeLed_Zeppelin, debootstrap 0.3.3 has a breezy script06:03
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lastnodeLed_Zeppelin, i think so :)06:04
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dmb062082Other than this i AM DOING FINE.... but I cant select a higher rez and this problem came out of no wher06:04
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bbrazilkane77: then you're going to have to slowly move and expand I'm guessing06:04
dmb062082led zeppelin rocks! Nice handle06:04
fatalbluso I says NO WAY! that'll cost you 20 dollars...06:04
Led_Zeppelinhmmm, I kinda don't want to reiun m debian06:04
CoreyXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:04
Led_Zeppelindmb062082: :-)06:04
chmod775I am having problems with the power manager06:04
kane77bbrazil i guess i'll do it.. thanx06:04
Led_Zeppelinman, I want to try Ubuntu just because of this channel, everyone is friendly as hell here....proally hippies :-)06:04
lastnodeLed_Zeppelin, install it on a new partition06:04
fatalblupeace and love man06:04
Led_Zeppelinlastnode: looks like, thats what I am doing06:04
chmod775doesnt work06:04
=== TerryD is now known as dapper_drake_ins
lastnodemore love than a bus full of hippies06:04
jraflowers, anyone?06:05
lastnodedapper_drake_ins, morning06:05
fatalbluLed_Zepplin Ubuntu Dapper: Now it's Elitism-Free!06:05
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dapper_drake_insI have an install issue06:05
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h3sp4wnLed_Zeppelin: You can debootstrap dapper straight off06:05
ElopsI have Ubuntu and no Internet connection. (now doesn't count ;) I wonder if I would solve my dependencies problems (I always need lib this and that...) if I would just get all the Debian CDs and add them into Synaptic. Is this software compatible with Ubuntu? Should be, ah?06:05
Led_Zeppelini hate that word 'elite'06:05
lastnodespread the drake06:05
lastnodedapper_drake_ins, hit us with it!06:05
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fatalbluElops oh god no06:05
trainerdapper, I got it, thanks!06:05
fatalbluElops: no no no06:05
Celestarkonsole now crashed 3 times in 60 seconds06:05
dapper_drake_insI'v dl'ed the ISO, burned it and I get corrupted liblang*.deb package06:05
fatalbluElops: BAD idea06:05
dapper_drake_ins....I have burned it twice06:05
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dapper_drake_insduring install06:06
fatalbludapper_drake_ins probably a bad iso then, check the md5s06:06
paulproteusdapper_drake_ins, I have a corrupted vim on my DVD burn.06:06
dmb062082Ubuntu wont let me select a rez higher than 800x600, not sure where this came from, as I have higher rez options selected in xserver-xorg configuration files, and frankly am going on a 2nd install onto a bigger partition, same pc, and I was fine before.. anyone? =(06:06
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paulproteusdapper_drake_ins, If you're crafty, you can get the text installer to a network install like I did.06:06
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h3sp4wnLed_Zeppelin: get http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_0.3.3.0ubuntu2_all.deb (install it with dpkg -i) then you can debootstrap dapper direct06:06
dapper_drake_insI did the CD check thing and they are corrupted06:06
Elopsfatalblu, why not?06:06
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dapper_drake_inswhats the probability the image I DL'ed is corrupt?06:06
glxbltIs the old installer still available on the desktop image?06:06
fatalbluElops: because it'll probably break everything, i found that out the hard way06:07
jraElops: debian is not ubuntu, it just won't work06:07
snowblinkdapper_drake_ins, did you md5 it?06:07
=== sweetnjguy29 slaps bego with a trout. one hello is enough
begowat'n  your name06:07
muszekdapper_drake_ins: check md506:07
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bur[n] erglxblt: no, that's what "alternative" is06:07
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dapper_drake_insyes, I assume its going to fail06:07
=== fatalblu bops Elops with a +5 Cluehammer
paulproteusdapper_drake_ins, It could be corrupt.06:07
chmod775I am facing problems with gnome power manager anyone has a fix for this. The icon does'nt change when I switch from AC to battery and vice versa. So, if I am on battery and still it shows the charging icon and then when the battery power is almost zero it shuts off without warning. Any help on this would be appreciated06:07
Hobbseebego: this is a suppor channel.06:07
=== Blattlaus [n=laus@p5485DC0A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
paulproteusYou should try running bittorrent on your image.06:07
Hobbseebego: this is a support channel.  It is not a social channel06:07
paulproteusBittorrent will fix any broken chunks without having to redownload the whole thing.06:07
ElopsUbuntu and Debian are NOT binary-compatible?06:08
bbrazilElops: no06:08
dapper_drake_ins...interesting idea06:08
spikebelate, indeed06:08
paulproteusElops, They're not dependency-compatible.06:08
jraElops: their packages are not06:08
Celestarbinary compatible?06:08
bbrazilElops: i.e. not compatible06:08
chmod775I am facing problems with gnome power manager anyone has a fix for this. The icon does'nt change when I switch from AC to battery and vice versa. So, if I am on battery and still it shows the charging icon and then when the battery power is almost zero it shuts off without warning. Any help on this would be appreciated06:08
visik7but  they are source compatible06:08
Celestarthat's not really the corrent term06:08
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paulproteusAt least, there's no guarantee of dependency compatibility.06:08
=== Delta [n=frandias@S01060014bf8968ac.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
chmod775Any one facing problems with power manager06:08
ohzieHello! My x-server broke! :) The error is..."Fatal server error: No screens found."06:08
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glxbltI can't change the resolution to anything else than 640x480 on the live-cd. xorg.conf shows that my monitor and display driver is being detected correctly, however ctrl+alt+numpad+/- don't do nothing.06:09
Celestarthe yp server timeout is loooooooooooong06:09
tubbiewhere is ld.so.conf??06:09
glxbltalso, the screen resolution -menu shows only 640x480 and refresh rate "-19579 Hz" :p06:09
Celestar(Waiting for 120 seconds now)06:09
salmanbego: equals baka??06:09
xikoIs paste.ubuntu-nl.org||:80 offline?06:10
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tubbiehow do I add a lib dir to ld?06:10
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, tubbie06:10
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neoncodeWill ubuntu work with a SpeedTouch 330 ADSL Modem out of the box?06:10
ubotutubbie: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:10
paulproteusCelestar, Yeah, it's a really really long time.06:10
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bbraziltubbie: /etc/ld.so.conf06:10
bbraziltubbie: then run ldconfig06:10
paulproteusCelestar, You can probably ^C it.06:10
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, chmod77506:11
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Elopsubuntu drives me mad, u have to d/l even the basic package for compiling for source. i mean, what's the point of linux if u can't even compile?06:11
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=== Shaezsche [i=Shaezsch@eg148.ips.PaulBunyan.net] has joined #ubuntu
Celestarpaulproteus: I just wish too tell it to get NIS information via DHCP06:12
bbrazilElops: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:12
xikoHmm how can I be sure what version of Ubuntu am I using?06:12
eigenlambdathere is no torrent for the dapper cd?06:12
Shaezscheubuntu is dead to me if it cannot recognize my modem06:12
stasislovehow do i do to load a module when ubuntu starts up? it loads wrong module and i have to write modprobe -r nvidia, and then load right module, how can i make int load right module rightaway?06:12
fatalbluElops: browsing the web, writing documents, image editing, etc etc06:12
dmb062082Ubuntu. will not let me select a higher res then 800x600! added higher options in xserver-xorg06:12
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Shaezschelinmodem.com doesnt even recognize it. is there any way?06:12
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tubbiethe file is not there06:12
WarOfAttritionyou often need more than just build-essential, get the -dev packages that you need06:12
bbrazilShaezsche: add it to /etc/modules06:12
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ubotuPlease check this out, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare adjusting kernel versions to your own, to get the number replace the numbers with " `uname -r" The ` is a Backtic06:12
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, alanhs06:12
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fatalblustatislove: add the module name to /etc/modules06:12
Shaezschebbrazil, but how do i know what to add?06:12
ubotuTo find out what ubuntu version you have type ''lsb_release -a'' in a terminal.06:12
Shaezscheit isnt even recognized06:12
bbrazilstasislove: ^06:13
xikogotta love this bot ;D06:13
ubotuFunnyLookinHat: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:13
bbrazilShaezsche: oops, bad tab completion06:13
DktIs there any player that can play Winamp-Streams (Now I mean Video-streams, not audio). I have tried winamp itself (it hang itself up) and VLC doesnt view any picture, but do play sound. Any other program?06:13
cskoi downloaded, booted ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso, how can i start expert mode?06:13
=== Kiko0123 [i=Kiko0123@modemcable237.199-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumethinks upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.06:13
bbraziltubbie: then create it06:13
Kiko0123hello what is the difference btween desktop and alternate .iso ?06:13
fatalblureal men don't need a computer or irc client, they just chew on network cable06:13
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bbrazilKiko0123: alternate is a text-only installer06:13
Kiko0123altername = installation cd and desktop = live ?06:13
salmanDkt: maybe you have no codec available?06:13
bbrazilKiko0123: all of them are live+install aiui06:14
salmanlook at properties06:14
stasislovefatalblu, there is a module there calld nvidia but its wrong, and i tried to write whole path there to the right module but it didt work, i suspect nvidia module is a link linked to wrong module, but where do  i find nvidia ?06:14
MrKeunercsko/ experts do not ask much questions :)06:14
Dktsalman, Probably.06:14
Kiko0123humk...why did they changed the names :P06:14
xikohmm update manager says I have the latest version, but it is not Dapper for sure06:14
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tubbiehow do I install libcairo compiled with gcc4?06:14
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fatalblustatislove: if you are daring you could rip it out of /lib/modules and put the right one in it's place06:14
salmanDkt, what is the format/video codec?06:15
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=== Grunt [n=jamie@88-106-79-139.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
cskohow can i install with expert mode if i downloaded the Desktop iso?06:15
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Shaezschethe video player that comes in ubuntu sucks06:15
Dktsalman, its .m3u06:15
damo21how do i go from breezy to dapper06:15
anotheris there a way to use "global" keyboard shortcuts in rhythmbox? things that would work even if rhythmbox is not in focus?06:15
Grunthi, does anyone know if xgl is available for Dapper06:15
stasislovefatalblu, so nvidia link is in /lib/modules? i can just make a link calld nvidia poiting to right module there cant i ?06:16
MrKeunerGrunt/ no it is not06:16
krazykitGrunt: it is.06:16
hypnoxShaezsche there is more than one06:16
salmanawww. it's a playlist format06:16
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kspath!tell damo21 about upgrade06:16
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nosilver4ui'm dist-upgrading to dapper, and it fails on lvm2 with this message: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/lvm2_2.02.02-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (--install):06:16
nosilver4u subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1006:16
=== BanskuZ [n=BanskuZ@b-176-176.dsl.ipy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Gruntis there a link for it or can i use apt-get06:16
=== Giftzwerg [n=Giftzwer@p50820DBB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
nosilver4uany ideas?06:16
EvilGrinI've upgraded to dapper but my soundcard hasn't been setup correctly. Its a Soundblaster Live. What do I need to do to fix it?06:16
jorgpdamo21: in /etc/apt/sources.list, change everything that says breezy to dapper, then do a apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade06:16
salmanlook at properties. what is video-codec?06:16
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Ademanif I have dapper beta on this machine, and i've been keeping up with the automatic updates, do i now have dapper full?06:17
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Elopswhat's the diffrance between edubunto and xubuntu and keubuntu06:17
h3sp4wnstasislove: You don't want to mess with /lib/modules - install nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules06:17
hypnoxAdeman yes06:17
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joachim-nwhat is 'breezy-updates repository' called in Synaptic's list?06:17
nevchenElops,  kubuntu is with kde06:17
frank_Elops: kubuntu is with kde, xubuntu with xfce and edu is for schools06:17
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krazykitElops: ubuntu is gnome, kubuntu is kde, xubuntu is xfce, and edubuntu is indended for schools/education06:17
Dktsalman, It cant find any info about that.06:17
GruntIs Ruby on the Rails avaliable for Dapper (a version which is actually compatible)06:17
Ademanunfortunately pcma isnt working, haha06:17
Howdy125New partitioner is a nightmare :-o06:17
=== to0om [n=thomas@dsl-64-45.utaonline.at] has joined #ubuntu
PPowerjorgp: replace everything to its original and then run something that i will look up for you06:18
Shaezschethis is no where near as user friendly as windows xp, im sorry but ubuntu is at least 10 years behind winxp06:18
fatalblustatislove: locate nvidia, look for the object file in /lib/modules replace reboot06:18
tubbiedamnit. I need a kernel compiled with gcc-3.4 :(06:18
nevchenHowdy125,  espresso?06:18
=== issaker [n=chatzill@adsl-223-123-123.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
stasislovefatalblu, allright in /lib/modules in a folder there is the right module, but it is not the one loading, there must be another file somewhere else...06:18
pc22krazykit, whats cool with xubuntu?06:18
Elopswhat makes edubuntu unique?06:18
PPowertubbie: why?06:18
=== user1 [n=user1@30.Red-80-34-45.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
kneskadeAnyone here who can tell my why my 6.06 desktop install cd fails after the first boot menu on my powermac G4 (agp graphics) (the screen show's nothing, and the cd spins down, and yes i have tryed "live video=ofonly")06:18
jrais that the same partitioner as with debian testing?06:18
kspathpc22: try it06:18
Elopsapart that its edu?06:18
fatalbluShaezsche: since when is a blue screen of death user friendly06:18
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ben42which ldap-server you would recommend in a small environment? package slapd oder package ultrapossum-server?06:18
issakerhey all06:18
AdemanShaezsche: care to back up your criticism?06:18
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tubbievmware need cairo2. and cairo2 is compiled with gcc-3.406:18
Shaezschei never see those06:18
fatalblustatislove: dunno, all modules should be in there06:18
issakerhow do i install a package with .run?06:18
=== rendo [n=rendo@cable-24-139-11-220.listowel.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu
stasisloveh3sp4wn, tried that did't work, now i compiled from nvidia.com and it works, but i have to load right module manually06:18
joachim-nwhat's the text file for repositories?06:18
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Shaezscheademan ubuntu doesnt recognize 1/3 of my hardware06:18
PPowertubbie: dunno06:18
Elopswhat makes edubuntu unique?06:18
MrObviousissaker: Which package?06:18
Shaezschei shouldnt have to learn how to compile kernals just to use ubuntu06:19
Howdy125nevchen, I don't know what it's called .. lol06:19
issakerthis game called tremulous06:19
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user1hello alll06:19
=== Fast [n=fafsa@85-210-156-182.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
nevchenHowdy125,  desktop-cd or alternative-cd?06:19
MrObviousProbably the sh command06:19
NoUse!tell Elops about edubuntu06:19
AdemanShaezsche: i havent compiled a kernel ONCE, and what hardware isnt it detecting?06:19
fatalbluShaezsche you don't have to, why am I arguing? la la la laa laa laa , laaa lalalala06:19
Shaezschewell my modem for one06:19
fatalblu^smurfs song06:19
Howdy125nevchen, desktop-cd06:19
issakermrobvious the sh command?06:19
rendoIs Dapper totally pwnt?06:19
=== AlienX [n=theanswr@unaffiliated/alienx] has joined #ubuntu
Shaezscheimproperly detects graphics, none of the buttons on my laptop work06:19
rendoI'm burning the iso right now. :b06:19
nevchenok it's espresso06:19
Shaezschebuilt in webcam doesnt work06:19
user1192.168.1.128 enter06:19
Shaezschesd card reader doesnt work06:19
Shaezscheamong others06:19
salmandkt: my suggestion is just using mplayer or xine instead of VLC06:20
axisysi have 5.10.. isee so many procedures for upgrade.. what is the recommnded way to upgrade to dapper06:20
hypnoxShaezsche contact your laptop manufacturer06:20
PPowernevchen: no longer. i think its ubuntu express06:20
Dktsalman, I will try :) Thanks.06:20
fatalbluhttp:// is the best06:20
Shaezschewhy? linux is NEVER officially supported06:20
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AdemanShaezsche: OH, its a laptop, you know the only reason laptops work under windows is because laptop distrubutors create SPECIALIZED distributions of windows preinstalled on their machines...06:20
PPoweraxisys: update your update manager and then choose check06:20
EvilGrinI've upgraded to dapper but my soundcard hasn't been setup correctly. Its a Soundblaster Live. What do I need to do to fix it?06:20
Shaezscheits an asus w5a06:20
krazykitShaezsche: exotic/brand new hardware?  no surprise there.06:20
salmanmplayer is good about error massage thing06:20
abeck_ which version of VNC do you guys think is best?06:20
frank_Shaezsche: two things still are lacking with Linux support: hardware support in cases the manufacturers don't release linux drivers or specs and proprietary software the publisher doesn't port to linux.06:20
PPoweraxisys: for updates in the update checker06:20
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hypnoxShaezsche it will be once it starts hurting their sales06:20
fatalbluabeck_ probably freenx06:20
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jraand that's not even vnc, haha06:21
axisysPPower: how do i go by update my update manager.. soryy newbie06:21
frank_Shaezsche: If you buy hardware with linux support in mind. Ubuntu is a dream06:21
fatalblujra: i know lol06:21
Shaezscheit will never hurt their sales06:21
hypnoxShaezsche not with that attitude!06:21
PPoweraxisys: open synaptic and choose the refresh button. then choose mark all upgrades06:21
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Shaezschewell where can i find directions specifically for the w5a to work?06:21
Shaezschethey dont exist06:21
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ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:22
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Madiany1 from NL here or better rotterdam?06:22
=== dontm [n=dontm@cpe-24-24-239-21.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotufrom memory, irc is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage or have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat06:22
AdemanShaezsche: the "w5a" oh yes... of course...06:22
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hypnoxShaezsche yeah probably not, whatever that is06:22
h3sp4wnstasislove: what version of nvidia drivers are you trying to install ?06:22
Shaezscheits an asus laptop06:22
Shaezscheeveryone knows that!06:22
fatalblunot helping....06:22
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avalostdoes anyone use a nextel phone / data cable with linuc here?06:22
dontmhello all, anyone know of a more up to date ubuntu on a laptop resource than tuxmobil?  it's a lil outdated.  any good reviews/info etc would be appreciated.  thanks in advance06:22
gourdinwhat is the dapper drake + 1 ?06:22
Coyctecmhow i can remove usplash?06:22
stasisloveh3sp4wn, 876206:23
fatalbluGood news! It's a suppository...06:23
brandon_happy dapper day!06:23
ompaulShaezsche, no they don't, have you got a live CD?06:23
PPowereveryone> to upgrade to dapper type https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades into your browser06:23
yukonhoI've been following that with no success :(06:23
hypnoxlol type into browser, welcome to internets06:23
h3sp4wnstasislove: Thats the exact same one that is in the repos06:23
visik7Coyctecm: in /boot/grub/menu.lst remove splash from the commandline06:23
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WarOfAttritionyou are much better off doing a fresh install06:23
jorgpgourdin: edgy06:23
Shaezscheubuntu is useless without modem support, to me anyway06:23
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stasisloveh3sp4wn, repos?06:23
jraI'm gonna install -server on hppa, just to be unique. :)06:23
Coyctecmvisik7: doesn't work :(06:23
ompaulShaezsche, and when you put your CD in does the screen actually come up?06:24
dontmyukonho: use http://www.dirtytechno.org/linux/sources.list instead of the source list url in the wiki06:24
=== FreshPrince [n=gfunk@84-73-200-137.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
gourdinjorgp: do edgy repo exists ?06:24
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:24
jorgpgourdin: no06:24
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visik7Coyctecm: you need to remove for all06:24
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Shaezscheyes ompaul06:24
gourdinjorgp: 'k, thx06:24
PPowerh3sp4wn: i had trouble with those nvidia drivers. i would run nvidias script06:24
visik7or at least for the one you use06:24
dontmyukonho: just change gb to us if ur in the states06:24
damo21any advantage in a clean install instead of breezy -> dapper?06:24
ubuntu_vishalhi there06:24
wobedraggAnyone care to help me with an issue?06:24
bbrazilwobedragg: just ask the question06:24
ubotuFor information on how to ask good questions please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The more information you can give the better we can help you. If your going to give output of commands please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:24
fatalbluonly if it's an issue of playboy06:24
Chobo-MogHey.  Could someone please help me with the Ubuntu installation?06:24
kspathdamo21: You get to try the installer?06:25
Chobo-MogWhenever I try and install Ubuntu it will always boot, and lead me through most of the installation process without a problem.  It does say that its setting up what seems like an endless list of components, and says [OK]  beside each.  However, after that the screen seems to refresh, and then just freezes on a blank, black screen.06:25
=== gambi [n=albsen@port-195-158-173-55.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
zjohnsonsilly question (but I did look at the ubuntu wiki for ans).. Can you just update the ubuntu 6.06beta to the full production dapper drake release?06:25
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sladenCoyctecm: remote 'splash' from the kernel commandline06:25
Chobo-MogIt might be a compatibility issue with my hardware, since I had the same problem when I tried a friend's old Hoary Hedgehog CD last week, but it could be something completely different.  Any help would be appreciated ^___^06:25
xiko!disk space06:25
ubotuxiko: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:25
hypnoxzjohnson yeah06:25
AdemanSchaezche: you only have 56k?...06:25
=== stjepan [n=stjepan@83-131-72-135.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
PPowerwobedragg: whats the prob?06:25
h3sp4wnPPower: I never would the binary blobs will be identical - if you need to possibly use module-assistant to rebuild the kernel module06:25
Shaezschei live in the woods06:25
Shaezschei NEED modem support06:25
wobedraggk, I was updating from breezy to dapper this morning, and my laptop was unplugged accidentally, I recovered but now I'm stuck here  dpkg --configure -a Setting up samba (3.0.22-1ubuntu3) ...06:25
wobedraggupdate-rc.d: warning: /etc/rc2.d/S91samba is not a link to ../init.d/samba or /etc/init.d/samba06:25
wobedraggupdate-rc.d: warning: /etc/rc3.d/S91samba is not a link to ../init.d/samba or /etc/init.d/samba06:25
wobedragginvoke-rc.d: dangling symlink: /etc/rc2.d/S91samba06:25
wobedraggdpkg: error processing samba (--configure):06:25
Chobo-MogMy PC's parts are:  Pentium 3 866mHz, 384mb pc-100 ram, 290gb spread over two hard drives, Audigy 2 ZS, ATI Radeon 7500 64mb and an LG DVD+/-RW drive06:25
wobedragg subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10206:25
zjohnsonhyp: Just do updates as usual, no repo changes or anything?06:25
ompaulShaezsche, I just saw your modem comment I point you at getting the actual windows driver for that modem - find out what modem it is by scouring the output of "sudo lshw" and stick the values for the modem into google, when you get it vack06:25
wobedraggErrors were encountered while processing:06:25
AdemanShaezsche: ouch...06:25
wobedragg samba06:25
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 06:25
kspath!tell wobedragg about paste06:25
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fatalblu!tell wobedragg NEVER to do that again06:26
tubbie 18:26:14 up  6:53,  9 users,  load average: 8.93, 3.32, 1.7906:26
Shaezschei cannot ompaul, sudo commands? how would that work on a device not even detected by linux06:26
Ademanwobedragg: don't paste in the channel06:26
PPowerh3sp4wn: the nvidia-glx one killed X permanently. the nvidia ones worked like a dream06:26
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PPowerwobedragg: yeah. i got booted off one day06:26
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EvilGrinI've upgraded to dapper but my soundcard hasn't been setup correctly. Its a Soundblaster Live. What do I need to do to fix it?06:26
ompaulShaezsche,  so your saying it does not start with the CD?06:26
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h3sp4wnPPower: They are identical look at the version numbers06:26
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anto9usChobo-Mog, detatch unnessary hardware and try disabling some features in the bios such as peripheral ports etc and try again, it may help you isolate the problem.06:26
=== batu [n=katu@cpe-70-113-1-64.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Shaezschei can install ubuntu, it just doestn recognize my modem06:26
PPowerh3sp4wn: I dunno why. but as long as it works ;-D06:27
Shaezscheat all06:27
dontmgood up to date ubuntu on laptop resource = ?06:27
=== cara [i=cara@ip70-178-95-45.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
caraHi all06:27
MrObviousShaezsche: Is it a winmodem?06:27
AdemanShaezsche: what do you mean? download the windows driver on a windows machine, transfer it to your linux computer, find out the info as he said, then google for it and see if theres linux support06:27
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:27
=== siofwolves [n=siofwolv@unaffiliated/siofwolves] has joined #ubuntu
ubotufrom memory, laptop is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops or http://www.linux-laptop.net/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam, or tuxmobil.org06:27
soundrayShaezsche: Winmodems are the devil's. Get a decent external one.06:27
Chobo-MogOk, I'll give that a shot.  Thank you06:27
OmniDquick somebody make a trillian clone06:27
jraShaezsche: quit it. either get supported hardware or bug the manufacturer to release free specs but don't go blame linux or any distibution for that matter06:27
ubotu[winmodem]  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto for instructions on setting up your modem (including winmodems). Additional info can be found at http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/06:27
damo21does the dapper installer have an option for xfce instead of gnome?06:27
Shaezschei dont know if its a winmodem!, the linuxant thingy doesnt even recognize it06:27
=== eXIstenZ [n=existenz@bzq-88-152-113-46.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
h3sp4wndamo21: Use xubuntu06:27
rendoIs it dialup?06:27
Ademanjra: he's not really criticizing anymore, its fine, we might as well help06:28
rendoIf so, quit being cheap and get DSL or Cable.06:28
caraHmm does anyone use a touchpad?06:28
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soundrayShaezsche: it is a winmodem. Get an external one, or a PCMCIA one if you have to.06:28
nollidjany advice for an old machine (300 mhz pentium ii) and getting it to be more responsive?06:28
WarOfAttritionShaezsche|  you are much better off just replacing it with an external serial modem06:28
yukonhodontm: thanks, that's all I needed!06:28
MrObviousrendo: He's only got dialup because he lives too far out in the woods.06:28
=== PHiSQuaRE [n=phisquar@ppp-71-136-42-114.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
damo21is there a separate iso for xubuntu 6.06? is there such a thing?06:28
rendoGet Satellite. :P06:28
Gruntare there instructions for install Xgl on dapper06:28
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jranollidj: yeah, get rid of gnome.06:28
stjepanis dapper released?06:28
ompaulShaezsche, ask the manfacturer -- fpr the info and I concur with WarOfAttrition06:28
rendostjepan Yes06:28
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soundrayyes, Grunt06:28
ompaulstjepan, /topic ;-)06:28
soundray!tell Grunt about xgl06:28
MrObviousdamo21: What do you mean a seperate ISO?06:28
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xikojesus i LOVE apt, it is the most amazing thing ever. Thats it, im keeping my old hd for games only. Im ubuntu for work forever now06:28
Shaezschewell my modem isnt the only issue, it also doesnt properly support the intel 915 integrated graphics06:28
nollidjjra: hmm, the xfce desktop just isn't put together as well, and this is supposed to be a desktop for people who aren't very computer-literate.  any other suggestions?06:29
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rendoAFK installing Dapper :b06:29
eXIstenZCan anyone send me his repos, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 doesn't work.06:29
pike__damo21: well you can type server at bootup that will just install base and then apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:29
=== macusersondope [n=brotherJ@p5483CD9E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shaezschedetects it as 815 and gives me all kidns of issues06:29
revmousenollidj, try using xubuntu, its an ubuntu system geared to be more lightweight06:29
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damo21thanks pike06:29
=== hazart [n=johan@port203.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
nollidjrevmouse: is this a separate distro?06:29
issakercan someone tell me how to execute a .run package?06:29
AdemanShaezsche: like what sort of issues?06:29
=== MrObvious [n=not@adsl-65-66-84-208.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
PPowerxubuntu found at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/dapper/release/06:29
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dontmeXIstenZ: : use http://www.dirtytechno.org/linux/sources.list instead of the source list url in the wiki06:29
nollidjissaker: it is probably a self-extracting shell script.  try '/bin/sh blah.run'06:29
caraWas wondering if I could isntall ubuntu from the live cd06:29
kspathnollidj: generic advice, max RAM and min what is running on it  perhaps no X06:29
Shaezschelike it says LCD ON every 5 minutes06:29
voraistossh xxx.run06:29
damo21i thought dapper was going to release an xubuntu06:29
=== cara is looking in the wiki
hazartissaker: chmod +x the file and ./<filename> it06:29
ompaulShaezsche, the importance of getting supported hardware, however that being said work on one issue at a time, now go find out about your modem06:29
=== cluehammer [n=administ@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
GruntSoundray: sorry whats does the !tell mean06:29
revmousenollidj, well you can type server at bootup that will just install base and then apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:29
Ademancara: the dapper live yes06:29
PPowerissaker: just run it like a normal sh. ./(script)06:30
eXIstenZdontm, that is for dapper?06:30
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dontmeXIstenZ: : just change gb to us if ur in the states06:30
nollidji guess i'll flatten and reinstall, then06:30
Shaezscheompaul what is the sudo command?06:30
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ubotuI heard sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:30
dontmeXIstenZ: yes look at the url, see the word "dapper" in the comments? =-)06:30
soundrayGrunt: it means that I asked the bot to send you a private message. Look around your IRC client, you should see it.06:30
caraguess I could go ahead an bunr the regular disk to a disk06:30
ompaulShaezsche, look I am going to get the bot to message you all the info you want is there06:30
eXIstenZdontm, oh yeah :)06:30
damo21YAYYY Xubuntu 6.06!!!!06:30
issakerppower thanks that did the trick what does sh do?06:30
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TheMadmanyou can cheat on the live cd and type sudo setuser root06:30
MrObviousdamo21: What do you mean a seperate ISO?06:30
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=== Shaezsche does a retard dance
orangehawHelp wanted: my toshiba M60-171 with resolution 1440x900 (wxga) produces startup sounds but no screen06:31
GruntSoundray: brilliant thanks for the link06:31
anto9usnollidj, you can disable some gnome features such as animations and draw windows while draggin by using configuration editor06:31
eigenlambdalol... i love torrence...06:31
damo21MrObvious: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/dapper/release/06:31
PPowerissaker: sh is a shell that linux uses. a sh is a type of script06:31
nollidjugh... is there a non-https access to wiki.ubuntu.com?06:31
=== indro [n=indro@80-218-247-93.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
tbenitahi, can upgrade to lts by chaging breezy to lts in the sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade ?06:31
eigenlambdanow, to hope that ubuntu deals with my usb mouse properly06:31
Ademanthe dapper install cd is limping along at 8kb/s (its a torrent too)06:31
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DBOorangehaw, does CTRL + ALT + F1 get you a console?06:31
dontmtbenita: yes06:31
ompaulShaezsche, please don't use that word it is derogatory06:31
orangehawDBO: yes06:31
=== semq [n=semq@ALamentin-104-1-50-136.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
nollidjanto9us: already done... this is just dog-slow, more or less, and the idea is to change it from fat lazy dog-slow to middle-aged suffering from arthritis dog-slow06:31
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axisysi get this error when running gksudo update-manager but it did not upgrade to dapper .. http://pastebin.com/75159606:31
tbenitaok thanks dontm06:31
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=== revmouse does the debilitated dance
hazartWill, the dapper repository stay "stable" and not upgrade package versions? In other words, should i add any edgy sources to my list?06:31
nztsorry bad request06:32
DBOorangehaw, can you put your gdm and xorg logs on patebin from me?06:32
issakerppower, now when i install i get no write permission06:32
anto9usnollidj, if you can lay your hands on more memory that will make a big difference06:32
KhZilluwhats this SMP PREEMPT kernel?06:32
wastrelwell howdy everybody06:32
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stasisloveso if i have a module in a directory, there is no way to start it when ubuntu starts?06:32
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nollidjanto9us: i've already hit this machine's maximum memory capacity06:32
damo21MrObvious: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/dapper/release/06:32
=== jimbo [n=jimbo@octane.uss.ca.caldera.com] has joined #ubuntu
DBOorangehaw, can you put your gdm and xorg logs on patebin for me?  (fixed dumb typo)06:32
KhZilluits the plain i686 but it hast the SMP PREEMPT tag on it.06:32
nollidjit's the cpu that's killing it, and it's an old laptop06:32
PPowerissaker: what package is it06:32
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deus_is is out?06:32
orangehawDBO: there's no way to paste it on pastebin since i have no inet & screen yet ;(06:32
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issakerppower what do you mean?06:32
Shaezschehttp://www.linmodems.org/ the scan modem tool here is broken06:32
=== ice_1963 [n=gary@c-68-40-240-15.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundraystasislove: there is -- you could add an insmod command to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh06:32
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anto9usnollidj, if you have another HD kicking around you could configure a raid 0, that will speed things up06:32
deus_is dapper released?06:32
hazartWill the dapper repos. still contain new packages, or will there be a new one for edgy?06:32
nollidjanto9us: laptop06:32
issakerppower its a game called tremulous06:32
PPowerissaker: is it for java or a nvidia package.06:32
nollidjthanks, though06:33
krazykithazart: it'll be fairly stable.  bug fixes and security fixes will be added, and there will be backports eventually.  for right now, there are no edgy repos06:33
nevchendeus_,  yeah06:33
NoUsedeus_ read the topic06:33
h3sp4wnstasislove: just add it to the bottom of /etc/modules is the easiest way06:33
dontmjust a fyi to the ops: dapperupgrade wiki page = typos on command lines and the url w/ the source list is down06:33
DBOorangehaw, ok, do a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and when you select the driver, select VESA06:33
PPowerissaker: right. try sudo ./blah.run. enter your password. you need to be in the folder where the run is06:33
stasislovesoundray, i use insmod to start it, but when i reboot i have to do insmod again06:33
MrObviousGot it damo06:33
orangehawDBO: I ran the xserver-xorg for the correct resolution, but nothings happens. Not even errors for as far as I can see06:33
MrObviousI keep d/cing06:33
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krazykithazart: edgy won't be started on for a couple weeks yet, i hear.06:33
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MrObviousdamo21: I think it's just one ISO for your architecture06:33
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soundraystasislove: read my line carefully06:33
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AdemanShaezsche: what makes you say that?06:33
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antimoofas http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 is being utterly thrashed, are there any mirrors of that file around?06:33
hazartkrazykit: okay, but if i don't change my sources i will be stuck with gnome 2.14 and the current version apps that i have now?06:33
=== davidhouse [n=david@host86-143-53-67.range86-143.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
stasislovesoundray, sorry06:34
wastreloh i forgot dapper's out06:34
PPowerissaker: did it work06:34
Shaezschesay what?06:34
fatalbluout like a boner in sweatpants06:34
davidhousehi guys. how can i get apt to give me a list of the currently installed packages?06:34
dontmantimoof:  use http://www.dirtytechno.org/linux/sources.list instead of the source list url in the wiki06:34
AdemanShaezsche: that the modem detector is broken06:34
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DShepherdwastrel: forget no more! :-)06:34
damo21MrObvious: im just really excited because its the first ubuntu release with xfce as a separate release!!! Xubuntu 6.06!!!!06:34
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pike__orangehaw: when you type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it should take you through a whole setup asking questions and stuff06:34
to0omhi folks, a question: why does the battery-panel in dapper always notify me that there are only 3 minutes left although the battery is almost full?06:34
xikohmm how many packages to update dapper? right now m in number 19506:34
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soundrayShaezsche: don't say lol when you should be saying thankyou06:34
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AlienXdavidhouse, dpkg -l06:34
Shaezscheoh, because when i dl it, it says the file is corrupt06:34
wastreli just want my palm sync to work06:34
DShepherddamo21: :-)06:34
Shaezschewinrar wont open it06:34
krazykithazart: um, yes... gnome 2.14 is the latest, you know.  you're not really "stuck" with it.06:34
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NoUsedavidhouse dpkg -l | grep ii06:34
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orangehawpike_: I know, did that06:34
Jowiorangehaw, DBO : if you get sound the xorg.conf should be configured somewhat right. i think it is the framebuffer that is not supported.  if you can, try to disable framebuffer in BIOS or in grub06:34
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AdemanShaezche: oh... lol06:34
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simpemm... hello06:35
issakerppower it says command not found06:35
bluefoxicyThis channel is now about dapper  o.o06:35
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xcomputermanok, can someone give me a fast mirror? :)06:35
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davidhouseNoUse, AlienX: brilliant, thanks.06:35
krazykithazart: if you really want to be on the edge, wait for edgy eft to get it's repos started and migrate to that.06:35
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xcomputermanall of them seem to be crawling.06:35
simpi have a little question06:35
orangehawJowi: i'll try that06:35
hazartkrazykit: yes, it know, but i would like to have the 2.15.1 whenever it's released, if you know what i mean...06:35
DBOJowi, you can also disable it in xserver reconfigure =P06:35
issakersudo: ./tremulous-1.1.0-installer.x86.run: command not found06:35
AlienXdavidhouse, np06:35
bbrazilxcomputerman: use bittorrent06:35
simpif i try to boot it says error loading OS... :S06:35
PPowerissaker: can we do private msg as it is getting a bit to crouded06:35
xcomputermanbbrazil: can't, i'm at work.06:35
dontmxcomputerman:  use http://www.dirtytechno.org/linux/sources.list instead of the source list url in the wiki06:35
krazykithazart: hah, than wait for edgy.  you'll last a few weeks til' it's up :-P06:35
jra"a bit".. how cute06:35
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xcomputermandontm: i need an iso.06:35
simph3sp4wn are you here anyway?06:35
hazartkrazykit: okay, that's nice! I really love the simplicity og the ubuntu/debian package system :)06:36
issakerppower sure06:36
dontmxcomputerman: bit torrent buddy heh06:36
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AdemanShaezsche: frankly, ubuntu is an absolute dream on desktops, but on laptops its a nightmare, i'm on a laptop now, it took me about 2 months to get it up (well, really i was butting my head up against a wall, it only worked because i switched from breezy to dapper)06:36
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xcomputermandontm: bittorrent not allowed here at work06:36
=== MrObvious [n=not@adsl-65-66-84-208.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulxcomputerman, waith until the weekend is over and it should be easier to get one06:36
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dontmxcomputerman: u hard set on fresh install? why not just upgrade?06:36
krazykithazart: just remember, edgy will by syncing with debian sid, and it'll be rather unstable at first.06:36
jracalling dpkg simplistic is funny06:36
xcomputermandontm: because it is a fresh install :)06:36
h3sp4wnsimp: What do you need ?06:36
dontmxcomputerman: oh work bummer06:36
antimoofmuchas gracia, dontm.06:36
Shaezscheanyone know if cedega works with oblivion yet?06:36
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roAdeman: Set it up on two laptops no problem, I think it's pot luck really : )06:36
Thib_GSomeone could give me linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-22-686 and the older version of nvidia-glx, please ?06:36
simpjoin #something can you?06:36
dontmantimoof: de nada06:36
DBOShaezsche, no it does not06:36
JowiDBO: yeah, but it should not be neccessary to set the server to vesa. most likely the correct driver is in use for xorg.06:36
soundraysimp: have you got grub installed?06:36
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hazartkrazykit: it's just that i just switched my amd64 from gentoo to ubunty, and i am used to run breakmygentoo overlays, so i miss the edge :P06:36
simpyes i do soundray06:36
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AdemanShaezsche: I saw someone in a forum claimed to have been doing it06:36
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rendoQuestion to the smart peoples!06:37
RodrigoXwhy "dont use dapper, use torrent"?06:37
soundraysimp: is grub giving you the error?06:37
joachim-nthe upgrade wiki page is wrong06:37
anto9usThib_G, packages.ubuntu.com has all packages for all releases available06:37
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RodrigoXmy download in torrent is too suckz =X06:37
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indrokrazykit: edgy will by syncing with debian sid <- why do you know that?06:37
dontmxcomputerman: im assuming u tried all the mirrors on the wiki page?06:37
rendoWith Nero Burning rom, burning the 6.06.iso to a DVD what format should I use so it's bootable so I can install the damn thing on boot frm disc?06:37
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xcomputermanone by one, man. one by one.06:37
krazykitindro: because that's what they do.06:37
DBOJowi, you are corect on that, I set it to VESA just to knock things as far down as I can then re-enable things one at a time06:37
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damo21xubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso !!!!!!!!06:37
olivier /msg ubotu upgrade06:37
OhzieI have a question: How many people's update killed their system's x-server?06:37
Thib_Ganto9us: No, there is only the last versions and kernels06:37
tristanmikerendo, did you download the cd or dvd image ?06:37
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JowiDBO: vesa always work :)06:37
xcomputermanbest i've gotten is releases.ubuntu.com, actually06:37
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KhZilluOhzie I'll find out soon enough06:38
ubotuupgrade is probably Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.06:38
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jrarendo: what format options you got?06:38
rendoThere's a DVD image?06:38
DBOOhzie, did you have manually installed ATI or Nvidia drivers?06:38
krazykitindro: that's how all the releases start, by syncing with sid, then going from there.06:38
semqupdate manager not working (1 file missing)06:38
fieteHi! The graphical installer hangs on "configuring apt...". Any ideas?06:38
xcomputermanchugging at 170KB/sec06:38
rendoGod dmanit :P06:38
DBOJowi, thats the idea =)06:38
xikoI just edited /etc/apt/sources.list substituting breezy with dapper06:38
hazartkrazykit: But maybe it's time to settle down for some stability after all :D - ubuntu really offers a bit of everything. The only thing i miss is the ability to select which features packages should come with. Like gentoo's USE flags.06:38
tristanmikerendo, yup06:38
xikoit is updating right now06:38
tigerI want a program to run when system starts up, how do I do that?06:38
rendoThere was ISO, UDF and something else, guess I need the DVD image. :P06:38
OhzieDBO: I did, but changing the driver back to vga doesn't help at all. Same error.06:38
indrokrazykit: okay, thanks krazykit06:38
rixxonthe movie preview in nautilus shows the middle of the movie?06:38
DBOOhzie, what error?06:38
Ace2005i just updated to dapper and nvidia drivers won't work, i'm using nv at the moment06:38
tristanmikerendo, well, you can't burn a cd iso to a dvd if that's what your asking06:38
AlienXare there dapper dvd isos out?06:38
ompaulOhzie, if you have ati or nividia you have to do that make ati work >>sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg<<06:38
jlmri have a small problem06:38
rendoI sure can. :P06:38
frank_Ademan: well I you choose your laptop with linux support in mind, it must be easier setting it up. If you have graphics, sound, network and mouse working out of the box (I'm it's doable) it would be easier06:38
rendoIt doesn't work though. :P06:38
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tristanmikerendo, touche :P06:38
hazartwould it be possible to switch a debian machine to ubuntu with dist-upgrade?06:38
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OhzieDBO: "No screens found"06:39
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Ace2005Anyone else have any problems with nvidia after updating?06:39
jlmrwhen installing ubuntu, grub was installed to my MBR, and i dont want it there06:39
rendoI was fiddling in the bios wondering why it wasn't picking up.06:39
AlienXhazart, no you'll break stuff06:39
rendoOH well, download download download!06:39
frank_Ademan: although I must say I only tried Ubuntu on my desktop06:39
krazykithazart: hrm, it used to be a supported migration path, but it might be easier to just reinstall06:39
hazartFrom 2.4 debian sarge to dapper drake LTS06:39
DBOOhzie, do what ompaul said "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"06:39
NoUseAlienX http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/release/06:39
roanyone know how to open an app in 8bit depth with regards to x?06:39
krazykithazart: no, there's no supported path for that.06:39
soundrayhazart: not with recent versions of Debian and Ubuntu06:39
hazartBugger, it's a very hard machine to reinstall.06:39
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AlienXNoUse, thanks06:39
Soirhmm, does ubuntu have XGL anywhere yet?06:39
jlmrnow, my question is, if i backup my MBR using dd (446 bytes etc), can ntldr use it to boot ubuntu?06:39
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=== ompaul hands DBO a box of sudo
wastrel!tell jlmr about fixmbr06:39
NoUse!tell Soir about xgl06:39
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NgSoir: it's in universe. see #ubuntu-xgl06:39
xcomputermanoh, there are dvd images?06:39
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hazartBut ubuntu seems worth it.06:39
DBOthanks ompaul =P06:39
xcomputermanwish i'd known06:39
DBOSoir, #ubuntu-xgl06:40
DBOoops, Ng beat me06:40
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krazykitjlmr: there IS a way to make ntldr do it, but afaik, it's a pain in the butt.  i'm sure it's around on google though06:40
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Soirmm, just that it does; that's what I was asking ^^06:40
hazartthe others laughed at me when i installed the first ubuntu server, but look whos laughing now :) LTS is great!06:40
madaheh, i figured it would a be a "break out the booze" attitude in here all day06:40
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madaDapper dominates06:40
Soircertainly not production ready06:40
ompaulxcomputerman, can you auto replace any swear words your likley to utter in irc with something more friendly please06:40
krazykithazart: if you try to do that, i'll guarantee breakage.  but go ahead and try!  it'll be fun.06:40
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troytroyhi need pkg to create virtual cdrom06:40
DBOmada, try mad tech support rush06:40
hazartkrazykit: Hehe, no, it's an important production system.06:40
xcomputermanompaul: err, what?06:40
troytroylike daemon tools in windows06:41
DBOtroytroy, you mean an ISO?06:41
madaDBO: fair enough06:41
=== MrObvious [n=not@adsl-65-66-84-208.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jdmpikebummer - no nxserver support06:41
hazartkrazykit: to bad we don't have a spare machine for seamless migration. We really need SATA support in it soon, and that reguires 2.6 kernel.06:41
neutrinomassI'm going to buy some PCI ethernet cards... any advice as to Linux compatability ?06:41
soundrayxcomputerman: don't play dumb, I saw it too.06:41
troytroyyes and make images06:41
frank_troytroy: you can mount iso directly. Or you can google for cdemu for a virtual drive06:41
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madaDBO: i'll hang for a little bit and see if there is anything i can lend a hand at :)06:41
xcomputermansoundray: what did i say?06:41
=== cluehammer [n=administ@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rendoIs it quicker to go find a blank CD?06:41
rendoOr is it quicker to download the DVD iso :/06:41
h3sp4wnjdmpike: sevas has repos for dapper of freenx06:41
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hazartkrazykit: and debian unstable is just not the same as dapper LTS.06:41
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=== rendo struggles with the concepts
soundrayxcomputerman: I'm too posh and too lazy to repeat it to you. ;)06:42
madarendo: find a blank cd06:42
krazykithazart: i know.06:42
com4I have had trac on my server running fine for the past few months. I just dist-upgraded and now apache segfaults everytime someone hits a trac page.06:42
jdmpikeh3sp4n, I have included a mirror to it, it just doesn't work for me....06:42
h3sp4wnjdmpike: Only difference from the breezy one is ssh has to be bound to localhost also06:42
rendoI probably don't have any left. :/06:42
xcomputerman"crap" is a swear word? or is someone seeing things?06:42
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Ngneutrinomass: Intel ones seem to be pretty well supported06:42
com4[Thu Jun 01 10:41:03 2006]  [notice]  child pid 2521 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)06:42
mjmacgrr....  how do i get the Dapper boot CD to do rescue mode?06:42
com4That's the error06:42
Ngxcomputerman: it is06:42
soundrayxcomputerman: yes, it is.06:42
ompaulxcomputerman, your one word comment in -- minute 3906:42
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jdmpikeh3sp4wn, what do you mean?06:42
hazartkrazykit: got to go grab some coffe and start reading math, thanks for your support.06:42
Ace2005troytro; Try http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=11577 but its a kde app06:42
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stasislovei dont remember who helpt me but i adden insmod /.... and it works perfect now, thanks!06:42
davidhousewhat do the first two characters of each line mean in dpkg -l? i can't find the information in the manpage for some reason06:42
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roxcomputerman: no it isn't. Or maybe it's a cultur thing : )06:43
mjmacanyone, anyone?  bueller?06:43
soundraystasislove: you're welcome06:43
neutrinomassNg: I suppose that they do not require propertiary stuff to work, then ?06:43
xcomputermani'm like ...geez, are you guys uptight or what06:43
orangehawJowi: no frame buffer options in my toshiba laptop. I'm trying with the no stretch function now (since it's 1440x900) on wxga06:43
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madamjmac: wait ... who do you need a rescue mode?06:43
lefty_2ndmjmac - http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch08.html for info on rescue06:43
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TheMadmannever buying ati agains06:43
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madamjmac: why*06:43
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h3sp4wnjdmpike: try telnet 22 (if it is listening then you don't have the problem I did)06:43
pike__TheMadman: good plan06:43
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madaTheMadman: good idea06:43
jdmpikeh3sp4wn, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1076870#post107687006:43
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hypnoxxcomputerman are you uptight about some people here being uptight?06:43
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Stormx2I missed the dapper release!06:43
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xcomputermanhypnox: nah, i'm just astonished.06:44
Frogzoo_awayTheMadman: agreed - ATI have lost the plot06:44
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madaStormx2: no you didn't ... its still in the same day :)06:44
krazykitStormx2: it's not like you still can't download it though :-P06:44
hypnoxxcomputerman well different strokes and all that06:44
=== bosco [n=bosco___@static-71-114-204-71.trrhin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayStormx2: why, no, it's today, let's celebrate!06:44
mjmacmada: because when i upgraded my AMD64 box from breezy->dapper, it refuses to boot.  i suspect a lilo problem.  it loads the kernel, but then locks solid when it should be uncompressing/mounting the initrd06:44
=== sweetnjguy29 is burning the dapper cd now
Stormx2Did shuttlesmurf come on IRC to tell us all?06:44
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boscoso dapper official came out now06:44
madamjmac: not a bad reason to need a rescue disk ... :/06:44
Jowiorangehaw: in /boot/grub/menu.lst you can add "vga=normal" as a kernel option (for example put it after the root=/dev/blah entry)06:44
krazykitbosco: yes, yes it did.06:44
=== fabbione [n=fabbione@george.kkhotels.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulxcomputerman, I am not uptight, I just want a G rated channel06:45
boscowhat time did it come out ??? :) i had to work06:45
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roI have a program which will only run in 8bit depth, naturally I don't want to run everything in 8bit. Any ideas?06:45
Jowiorangehaw: "no stretch" sound good :)06:45
orangehawJowi: okay, i'll do that06:45
apokryphosStormx2: yes, but not in here06:45
sweetnjguy29I thiought Linux was X windows rated06:45
DShepherdStormx2: :-) never mind.. good thing dapper is still here06:45
DShepherdStormx2: they told me no06:45
DShepherdbosco: yup06:45
krazykitbosco: dunno, several hours ago, i think.  it released when i was asleep06:45
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ompaulbosco, now - 7 hours there abouts06:45
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jdmpikeh3sp4wn, if I try to ssh to it just hangs... doesn't allow me to connect06:45
h3sp4wnjdmpike: Do you use ssh keys ? have you tried running sudo nxsetup ?06:45
=== kermitX_ wishes everyone a happy dapper day ! ;)
kspathxcomputerman: funny part is I have seen people with their nickname being or containing the french or spanish words for excrement/feces.06:45
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Jowiorangehaw: or vga=ask, that will give you some choices at boot06:45
ompaulkspath, tell me :-)06:45
anto9usro, you can have another login and switch its resolution to 8 bit depth06:46
jdmpikeh3sp4wn, I have tried running nxsetup, it fails though06:46
Stormx2Well shiver my timbers 06:46
boscokrazykit, you cant download it from ubuntu.com right now they are down for mantiance06:46
orangehawJowi: no stretch didn't do the trick, trying the vga options now06:46
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Ace2005how do you scroll up in a terminal, i'm trying to go up in Ctrl+Alt+F606:46
tRSSi am unable to access this site http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 so that I can update my sources.list06:46
DBOjdmpike, if you ssh -vv you might get a better idea where its failing out06:46
BeginerWhen I try to access my Windows partitions while I am using Ubuntu 6.06 Live CD I got error message that I can't access because it is not removeable drive.Why is that?06:46
mjmacok, perhaps i am being a dolt, but i do not see a boot: prompt with this new dapper install cd.  i know how to use a rescue disk, normally.06:46
soundrayAce2005: shift-pgup06:46
krazykitbosco: orly.  well, lemme see if i have a mirror link handy, and then you can get a torrent06:46
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rendoIs there any way to upgrade to Dapper without using the .iso file?06:46
boscokrazykit, ok thanks06:46
Frogzoo_away!tell bosco about torrent06:46
soundrayAce2005: doesn't work once you switched away from it06:46
tRSSis there any other place or way I can get the updated sources.list06:46
voraistosrendo yea06:47
apokryphosheh, channel keeps growing 8)06:47
rendoOmg, how :P06:47
Frogzoo_away!tell krazykit  about torrent06:47
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DBOrendo, yes, you can modify your sources.list06:47
apokryphosmust be that /. influence in too06:47
boscorendo,  just update your souces file06:47
Ace2005thanks for the info06:47
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xcomputermani can understand complaing about s*** or f*** (since i personally never use such words on irc myself), but man ... this one's pushing it06:47
jdmpikeh3sp4wn, what do I need to do in my sshd_config to make it accept connections on
Ace2005i'll be back06:47
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neutrinomasshello tuxmaniac :)06:47
soundrayxcomputerman: you're offtopic now06:47
boscoFrogzoo_away, i know abourt torrents i use them on a daily bases06:47
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roanto9us: Actually it's an api, so I'll be spending most of the next few days logged into whichever session while I code, so I need something that won't cripple other apps.06:47
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apokryphosrendo: yes, /topic06:47
Frogzoo_awaybosco: did you read the pm?06:47
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=== Yorgos Mp3 : Timo Maas - First Day
jdmpikeDBO, it just says connecting to port 22... sits there...06:47
to0omhi folks, a question: why does the battery-panel in dapper always notify me that there are only 3 minutes left although the battery is almost full?06:47
lastnodeYorgos, please turn off mp3 scripts in #ubuntu channels06:48
=== sweetnjguy29 [n=P@c-68-36-218-145.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
DBOjdmpike, are you sure your SSH server is running?06:48
boscoFrogzoo_away, yes and i got it06:48
AskHLHello, is it possible to install Xubuntu with a regular Dapper ISO or should I download the separate Xubuntu ISO? The point is that want a non-Xubuntu install and a Xubuntu one, so if one ISO is sufficient then that'll probably save some time.06:48
Yorgosi am still here?06:48
anto9usro, will be easy to switch between them, just a combined keypress06:48
Frogzoo_awaybosco: cool06:48
BeginerWhen I try to access my Windows partitions while I am using Ubuntu 6.06 Live CD I got error message that I can't access because it is not removeable drive.Why is that?06:48
soundrayto0om: it'll be a buggy ACPI implementation in your computer.06:48
tuxmaniacneutrinomass: Hi06:48
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revmouseHow do I get flash working in firefox?06:48
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jituanyone here help me please with wireless network card06:48
jdmpikeDBO, yes - I am logged into it now from work...06:48
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:48
mjmacanyone?  how do i get a boot: prompt with the new Dapper install CD?  all i get is a menu "Start or install Ubuntu... etc."06:48
SpecAskHL: install as server06:48
apokryphosAskHL: you can go from ubuntu dapper -> xubuntu by installing xubuntu-desktop06:48
xcomputermansoundray: well, it went offtopic when I was making a comment about dvd images being available and my language came into question. :)06:48
Yorgosrevmouse, i had the same prob06:48
SpecAskHL: and then do apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:48
=== olivier is now known as Xdeus
Yorgosit says u need flash player?06:48
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neutrinomassAskHL: It is possible, you don't need an Ubuntu cd06:48
AskHLSpec, apokryphos , thank you.06:48
revmouseYorgos, yep06:48
h3sp4wnjdmpike: add ListenAddress (underneath the current ListenAddress line)06:48
gr0hi im a linux nub and im trying to setup a prism54 usb device using softmac, and i don't know how to open an .arm -___-;;06:48
Yorgosi have the same prob06:48
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soundrayxcomputerman: exactly, so let's stop that conversation here and now and get back on your DVD issue/06:49
Yorgosif u get a solution tell me06:49
lefty_2ndbeginer try this link http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch05.html06:49
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AskHLneutrinomass, I can do entirely without an ubuntu cd ?06:49
roanto9us: Yeah, you're right, thanks. I guess I was hoping for a better solution though : )06:49
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leonelDAPPER  ROCKS !!!!06:49
=== j_ack [n=nico@p508D8F56.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
to0omhi folks, a question: why does the battery-panel in dapper always notify me that there are only 3 minutes left although the battery is almost full?06:49
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ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware06:49
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soundrayto0om: it'll be a buggy ACPI implementation in your computer.06:49
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foodcomanh3sp4wn: is a sharp one.  =)06:49
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to0omi use dapper soundray06:49
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tRSShow can I change my sources.list for dapper drake?06:50
pike__AskHL: when it first boots up type 'server' and hit enter. once the install is done it will drop you at a login prompt; login and type sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:50
madathis is a tad on the chaotic side ...06:50
=== Big_T [n=hypertev@p5088BF4E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayto0om: was it working before?06:50
madai'm out06:50
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MariusDCwhich program sould i use to open files with .chm extension?06:50
anto9usro, you can have a nested login if that would be prettier06:50
to0omyes, with hoary and breezy soundray06:50
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to0omand warty too ^^06:50
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SpecMariusDC: run "file *.chm", what's it say?06:50
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AskHLpike__, thanks to you too. Seems straightforward.06:50
=== Annagul [n=luis@84-122-87-163.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jugany way to use the old _good_ installer in Desktop CD ?06:50
brotherJohn1234MariusDC: xchm06:50
neutrinomassto0om: Please report a bug at http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs . Make sure you state exactly the model name of your laptop.06:50
roanto9us: a nested login? How do I do that?06:50
=== johnm1019 [n=jm@renegade.rescomp.housing.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayto0om: oh, that's strange. Have you done a cold reboot since you upgraded?06:50
Big_Tgot an installation problem, please read my post: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1076892#post107689206:51
apokryphosJug: get the alternate cd06:51
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anto9usro, in fact, vnc may be a solution come to think of it06:51
jitui can only send the packet thru my wireless card but i cannot receive it what must be the problem????06:51
gr0how can i open a .arm file?06:51
to0omok neutrinomass06:51
revmousewhen I run update-flashplugin, it says automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes06:51
apokryphosJug: download links in /topic ; information about alternate: /msg ubotu alternate06:51
to0omyes soundray, a few times06:51
jdmpikeh3sp4wn, added ListenAddress to ssd_conf and cycled sshd - no joy06:51
Jugapokryphos: well I already have the desktop cd...no way to use other installer than that default?06:51
=== sylwester [n=sylweste@apv162.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
ketsugiIs there an Edgy Eft channel yet? ;D06:51
apokryphosJug: that's right06:51
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Specro: what problem are you looking for a solution?06:51
apokryphosketsugi: no06:51
krazykitketsugi: not for awhile yet06:51
Stormx2Is the method for upgrading to dapper from 5.10 still replacing breezy with dapper in sources.list and dist-upgrading06:51
=== peter [n=peter@pasta.med.yale.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Jugthat new installer sucks06:51
jdmpikeh3sp4wn, it is also listening to port 2206:51
apokryphosStormx2: yup; /msg ubotu upgrade for more info06:52
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krazykitStormx2: yes, that's a supported method06:52
Jugold was much better06:52
jlmrdoes anyone knows how to move grub from MBR to root????06:52
krazykitJug: than use the alternative installer06:52
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Jugwell yes I have to download and burn it..06:52
apokryphosJug: why?06:52
peterhey gurus: question about webmin06:52
neutrinomassto0om: Thanks a lot :) Please though do watch your e-mail. Developers will almost certainly have to ask various questions without which they can't really beat the problem ...06:52
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DBOjdmpike, are you running iptables?06:52
Marsmenschi found a device mit lsusb, how can i get more information about the chip and manufacturer06:52
Jugapokryphos: what why?06:52
roSpec: I need to run something which will only run in X in 8bit depth.06:52
apokryphosJug: why does it suck?06:52
jdmpikeDBO, no I don't think I am...06:52
mjmacso do i need the alternate cd to boot into rescue mode?  that seems stupid.06:53
to0omok neutrinomass06:53
=== JoeyB2 [n=bales@cpe-70-113-5-164.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DBOjdmpike, erm, firestarter perhaps? =)06:53
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felipe_k tal06:53
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:53
Jugapokryphos: because it segfaults when it starts installing files...06:53
gr0how do i open a .arm file?06:53
peteri installed it via synaptic, but have no idea how to start it or use it if it is started06:53
gourdinany german ubuntu kde3.5.3 mirror ?06:53
anto9usro, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xnest06:53
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jdmpikeDBO, no - no firewall either...06:53
jtdwhat is "wrong" with the new installer?06:53
apokryphosJug: please compile a bug report, then.06:53
DBOjdmpike, ok... hrm, perhaps ssh just doesnt allow loopback?06:53
soundrayMarsmensch: one way is to search the web. Note there's a device specific code in the lsusb output.06:53
mjmacjtd: no rescue mode that i can figure out, for one06:53
DBOjdmpike, try sshing to your external IP06:53
felipe_kien abla espaol06:53
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:53
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roanto9us: Thanks, that's probably what I'm looking for : )06:54
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jtdwow.  people on the internets can't spell even in Spanish.06:54
peterwebmin doc says i should specify port to run it when installing, but synaptic did not asked me06:54
anto9usro, xnest is in the repositories06:54
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AfterDeathDCC SEND "string" 0 0 006:54
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mjmacwhee splitzville06:54
soundrayjtd: was there a mistake in ubotu's line?06:54
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ArthurDentN770hi ppl06:54
jtdsoundray: no, he said "kien abla espan~ol"06:55
=== Mixx [i=mixx@d60-65-201-134.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
distanceisdeathwho here uses playstation emulators?06:55
anto9usafterdeath sent an exploit06:55
indrorofl DBO06:55
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!06:55
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jtd"kien" and "abla" not being words in Spanish :)06:55
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apokryphosanto9us: ?06:55
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soundrayjtd: ah okay.06:55
ArthurDentN770could u explain me how disable touchpad in a laptop ?06:55
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znhi everybody,I installed nvidia-glx,but when I enable it.it display that the md5sum of xorg.conf has been modified .Does that normal??06:55
ompaulanto9us, he was klined06:55
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soundrayArthurDentN770: use tpconfig (it's packaged)06:55
=== Das|School [n=Daskies@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willisArthurDentN770:  mine has a button next to the touchpad. :P06:55
gr0how do i open a .arm file?06:55
Marsmenschsoundray: thanks for help, good idea :)06:55
Specro: Yeap, a nested X is the best solution06:55
anto9usompaul, ok, missed that06:55
ompaulapokryphos, the party was klined06:55
soundrayMarsmensch: gern06:56
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:56
=== mjmac downloads the server ISO... maybe that will let me get into rescue mode
damo21Need more mirrors for Xubuntu!!06:56
=== sindrum [n=sindrum@cpe-24-59-56-226.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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com4I've got Apache2 installed with Trac and mod_python. My Django sites still work fine after a dist-upgrade, but the trac sites give me this error: [Thu Jun 01 10:55:22 2006]  [notice]  child pid 3170 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)06:56
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jtdis xubuntu officially supported now?06:56
Marsmenschsoundray: oh :-P muss dann brauch nen anderen dongle06:56
apokryphosjtd: yes06:56
=== cluehammer [n=administ@pool-71-240-150-253.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
neutrinomassjtd: Yes.06:56
NoUsejtd it was officially supported in Breezy too06:56
orangehawJowi: tried vga option, no stretch option. Any good ideas left?06:56
Stormx2Woo 06:56
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damo21There is an Official Xubuntu 6.06!!!!06:57
jtdI didn't realize that.  thought it was still one of those "nifty side projects"06:57
soundrayorangehaw: what graphics chipset?06:57
apokryphosNoUse: nope, it wasn't.06:57
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neutrinomassNoUse: Are you sure? I don't think so ....06:57
apokryphosneutrinomass: it wasn't06:57
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=== Ace2005 [n=opera@194-247-233-244.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
bionicjust started with ubuntu, so what is Xubuntu?06:57
=== neutrinomass notes how apokryphos is consistently quicker than him
apokryphosbionic: /msg ubotu xubuntu06:57
NoUseneutrinomass so what does supported mean?06:57
jtdbionic: Ubuntu using xfce instead of GNOME06:57
fatalblubionic: xfce ubuntu06:57
=== sweetnjguy29 [n=P@c-68-36-218-145.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jituwhat is Xubuntu?06:57
apokryphosNoUse: supported means being in main06:57
neutrinomassbionic: It's Ubuntu with Xfce as a desktop environment06:57
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apokryphosjitu: /msg ubotu xubuntu06:58
NoUseapokryphos ah06:58
bionicok thanks guys06:58
ubotuxubuntu is, like, Ubuntu using Xfce instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://www.xubuntu.org06:58
krazykitto0om: we have the same laptop, same problem :-/06:58
sindrumanyone know why gdesklets doesnt start after a reboot?06:58
fatalblucholesterol free for your health06:58
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spikebthe xubuntu torrent is going nicely, use that06:58
=== jitu dd
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kspathsindrum: You did not tell it to?06:58
neutrinomassNoUse: Supported as in endorsed by Canonical. As in you-will-file-bugs-against-this-in-launchpad-and-might-get-them-fixed .06:58
Ace2005I have this error: Version mismatch between the NVIDIA X driver and the NVIDIA GLX module. X driver version: 1.0-8756; GLX module version: 1.0-876206:58
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ubotuaudigy is probably muted by default in Ubuntu. To unmute, type alsamixer and find Audigy Analog/Digital Out. Select it and press M to unmute. Then type sudo alsactl store to save your settings.06:58
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sindrumok thanks i will look intoi this06:59
soundraysindrum: you have to add it via System-Preferences-Sessions06:59
damo21i like it better personally, less memory hogging, just as easy and nice on the eye06:59
Ace2005And X cannot start06:59
Katuwhat is xubuntu?06:59
DBOAce2005, did you install Xgl at some point?06:59
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krazykitKatu: uses xfce06:59
apokryphosneutrinomass: not the exact distinction, since butgtracker for universe/multiverse is launchpad too06:59
Jowiorangehaw: ok, so the framebuffer is not at fault at least. good. last thing is to follow the fixresolution wiki that is really good ( "/msg ubotu resolution" for the link)06:59
apokryphosKatu: /msg ubotu xubuntu06:59
wastrelok why won't my palmsync work?  using gnome-pilot/evolution/usb06:59
fatalbluKatu: ubuntu using xfce as opposed to gnome06:59
Ace2005DBO: yea i did but i never used it06:59
=== piphi [n=piphi@bny92-3-81-56-45-123.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== jtd contemplates xfce's menus
anto9usAce2005, not ideal but getting the earlier driver will fix it06:59
AlienXheh, all the download servers are getting nailed06:59
neutrinomassapokryphos: Yeah, you're right. I couldn't think of something better ghough06:59
jdmpikeDB0, connection refused...06:59
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu
SpecI have a favour to ask for the greaterment of Ubuntu - Is anyone located in and/or around San Diego that would be willing to participate in Ubuntu Advocacy at a convention? Admission is free.06:59
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apokryphosneutrinomass: things in MAIN are supported officially07:00
neutrinomassHm.. what about "supported" as in "you can pay Canonical to help you out with it" ?07:00
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DBOAce2005, "dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx_1.0.8756+"07:00
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DBOAce2005, "sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx_1.0.8756+"07:00
=== changerO1Sea [n=smergler@hebrew.ccs.neu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
jtdI would try it, but it's kind of a pain in the ass that when you install packages it doesn't make icons for programs in xfce07:00
BigMonkeyA sysadmin friend is trying to get some fiber channel storage to work.  Does dapper (or ubuntu) support fiber channel?07:00
damo21does xgl work with xubuntu?07:00
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ompaulSpec, better to put that to the sounder mailing list07:00
bionichmm.. https://www.xubuntu.org gets me to fridge.ubuntu.org?07:00
jtdubotu, tell felipe_ about es07:00
soundraydamo21, yes07:00
apokryphosdamo21: #xubuntu07:00
Specompaul: i've been :p07:00
fatalblui support fibre channel07:00
=== AlienX loves fibre channel
Specompaul: I'm going to hit up san diego linux user groups now, dont' know why i haven't already07:01
fatalblui support the box as i walk out with it under my shirt07:01
ubotuJoeyB2: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:01
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soundraydamo21, apokryphos means #ubuntu-xgl I think07:01
Speci tried colleges, and the san fran LoCo team, but no luck07:01
ompaulSpec, your working on your network ;-)07:01
apokryphossoundray: not necessarily; either is fine, really.07:01
sindrumgreat thanks for the help going to test now07:01
Speci'm from the other side of the country, it's hard to get volunteers :p07:01
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ketsugiHi, is anyone here familiar with getting Bluetooth working on Ubuntu?07:01
kspathSpec: which country? which side?07:02
dontmhaha openoffice almost takes as long as ms office to dl/install lol07:02
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ubotu[bluetooth]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothSetup and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothRemote07:02
jayrod06wow, this place really filled up07:02
soundrayketsugi ^^07:02
ketsugisoundray: I've been using those guides07:02
ketsugiNo help07:02
fuffalo-I used the free CD feature on the ubuntu site yesterday, will i receive v6, or will i receive v5?07:02
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to0omkrazykit: have you already reportet that bug?07:02
ketsugiI've got a problem with pairing my phone to my Ubuntu laptop07:02
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fatalbluJesus saves! All others take 2D20 fire damage...07:02
DBOfuffalo, you get 6.0607:02
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soundrayketsugi: I found some helpful stuff about Bluetooth GPS elsewhere on the web.07:03
fuffalo-DBO ok, i just wanted to make sure I'd get 6.06 since i ordered it before the release ;p07:03
salmandontm: koffice is faster07:03
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mjmacok...  so i've determined that if you escape out of the graphical boot menu it takes you to the plain old text boot: prompt07:03
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sorush20hi is there a ubuntu party going on in uk?07:03
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mjmachowever, entering "rescue" or "linux rescue" gives me a 'Could not find kernel image $foo"07:03
BigMonkeyDoes dapper (or ubuntu) support fiber channel?07:03
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soundraysorush20: apparently not, unfortunately :(07:04
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mjmacBigMonkey: you're unlikely to get that kind of answer here07:04
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sorush20where can I  get a couple of penguin costumes?07:04
BigMonkeymjmac: Where should I ask?07:04
kspathfelipe_: please do not do that07:04
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!07:04
=== Viaken [n=david@] has joined #Ubuntu
soundraymjmac: you should be able to see your kernel options if you hit Tab at boot:07:04
mjmacBigMonkey: it depends on the hardware, and whether or not mainstream linux supports that hardware.07:04
sorush20DBO: sorry, wrong tab07:04
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altprsonaim trying to find why i cant run nvidia-config as per a tut iv been reading, and googles not helping, where do i start?07:04
fatalblusudo apt-get install penguin costume07:05
mjmacsoundray: yeah, you would think so07:05
mjmacbut no07:05
mjmaci'm downloading the server ISO07:05
BigMonkeymjmac: True.  That's beyond this forum?07:05
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mikedep333hey guys, if I add the universe components (to dapper), will it update official ubuntu packages with newer versions from universe?07:05
mjmacBigMonkey: if 2.6.15 supports the hardware, then Dapper probably does too.  yes, probably outside of here.  mostly newbs here.07:05
ompaulsorush20, ask in -offtopic or look on the website07:05
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mikedep333I'm worried that it will replace stable packages with less stable ones07:06
soundraymikedep333: no07:06
gotekiWhere can I disable this darn away message after 10 mins or so?07:06
nollidjwhat version of ndiswrapper is bundled with dapper?07:06
soundray!tell mikedep333 about components07:06
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BigMonkeymjmac: Pardon my ignorance.  How can I see if 2.6.15 supports the hardware?07:06
mjmacBigMonkey: you can always just grab the kernel source and look at the docs/config options07:06
DBOmikedep333, universe is relatively stable and does not afaik replace any normal core packages07:06
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avarabWhat will I notice once apt-get dist-upgrade -y finishes? I.e. what's new besides newer packages?;)07:06
soundray!info ndiswrapper dapper07:06
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JowiBigMonkey: check the hardware support page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:06
mjmacBigMonkey: or ask google.  :)07:06
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chrisbudden14what is the name of the lamp package in dapper?07:06
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soundray!info ndiswrapper-utils dapper07:06
mikedep333DBO: I have experienced a few crashes from universe packages07:06
ubotundiswrapper-utils: (Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper), section misc, is optional. Version: 1.8-0ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 27 kB, Installed size: 136 kB07:06
soundraynollidj: ^^07:07
=== Ra211 [n=wwicher@ip91358485.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
anto9usmikedep333, that only happens if you add repositories not belongning to the release which universe and multiverse do, you can pin versions if you add other repositories though07:07
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nollidjsoundray: thanks07:07
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mikedep333but anyway, thanks for answering my question on the replacements itself07:07
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mikedep333anto9us: I see, thanks07:07
visik7what's the difference between cd and dvd ?07:07
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mjmacvisik7: one's a CD, and the other's a DVD.  the DVD has more packages on it.07:07
Beginer_Thanks lefty_2nd07:08
gotekiHow can I disable this pop up window with the inactivity/away message?07:08
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wasabiLooking for a resource for CPU governing. I'd like to set a specific process to always preempt all other processes, and reserve 5% of the CPU at all times.  So a rogue process can be killed... etc07:08
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visik7mjmac: which packages ?07:08
gotekiwatching a movie and it pops up after 10 minutes07:08
eXIstenZI wonder why ff is kinda slow here, I heard there is some IPv6 fix to that07:08
Beginer_I got one more question.Can a Live CD store data on a HDD so I can get the same desktop look when I boot it again?07:08
PHiSQuaREwooo, burning dapper, off to the ubuntu world07:08
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lefty_2ndnp beginer - had that page open trying to work it out myelf :)07:08
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Viakenwasabi, you could renice it?07:09
mjmacvisik7: i dunno.  "a bunch"?  i can't see any reason to get a DVD ISO unless the machine(s) you're installing to are on a really bad (or nonexistent) net connection07:09
TheMadmanyes beginer07:09
anto9uswasabi, renice will do that07:09
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gotekianyone knows?07:09
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Beginer_How Madman?07:09
wasabiI'd actually like to somehow reserve 5% CPU for root somehow, globally.07:09
wasabiSo I can always SSH in, regardless of load.07:10
DbD-just sudo apt-dist upgrade for upgrade to drake ?07:10
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ViakenIsn't there a way to set the default nice for programs a user starts?07:10
DBOwasabi, just renice your sshd to a lower value07:10
anto9uswasabi, I'm sure giving sshd a -20 will acheive the same thing07:10
gotekiwhat's this annoying away message that pops up after 10 minutes07:10
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paul__What is a good stable antivirus for ubuntu?07:11
ompaulgoteki, in what the movie irc or something else?07:11
gotekiim watching a movie and it pops up after 10 minutes07:11
DBOpaul__, you dont really need an antivirus in linux07:11
kspathpaul__: apt-cache search keyword07:11
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diemananyone want to try downloading from here and tell me if its working ok for them?07:11
gotekilooks like it belongs to ubuntu07:11
ompaulpaul__, you don't need one for desktop operations,  clamav if your serving files and mails to people07:11
dieman(hold on for url)07:11
gotekiah fuck this, this os gotta go...07:11
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diemanjust trying to verify that ive not completely turned the screws down too far07:12
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anto9uspaul__, clamav is good, I only use it on samba servers though07:12
StRhi all07:12
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gnomefreakGodfather-Off:  nm07:12
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dieman(if your already downloading from mirror.cs.umn.edu, it will deny you, however)07:12
StRanyone else having problem with firefox + flash?  my firefox crashes everytime i want to see a flash07:12
Beginer_I got one more question.Can a Live CD store data on a HDD so I can get the same desktop look when I boot it again?07:12
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lefty_2ndbeginer have to run the live cd as -persistant i think, someone correct me if im wrong - not had chance to try myself07:12
=== sweetnjguy29 is pissed -- the desktop .iso doesn't work on his AMD 64 3200+ / Asus K8N Mobo / 512 RAM
Unenvarjohey, has any one had this problem: when installing dapper with alternate cd without network connection, the installation does not ask for username, only password?07:13
Jeeves_sweetnjguy29: Why not?07:13
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NoUsesweetnjguy29 did you verify the download?07:13
kspathUnenvarjo: /ignore07:13
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Godfather-Offgnomefreak ?07:13
sweetnjguy29How do you verify the download?  I downloaded it off of Bittorrent07:13
kspathUnenvarjo: sorry   typos07:14
gnomefreakGodfather-Off: nm i was gonna warn someone but ompaul got him07:14
Unenvarjokspath :)07:14
diemansweetnjguy29: bittorrent will automatically do so07:14
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sweetnjguy29die: thats what i thought07:14
Bluesmani have a user in my system and he can't access updates...... i need help...!!!!!07:14
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diemansweetnjguy29: since it takes a hash of every part of the file and compares it to the torrent you have07:14
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DBOsweetnjguy29, ok, what is going wrong with the cd?07:14
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buzzedso i am upgraded now.07:14
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tuxta2_was going to put - export JAVA_HOME=/pathtoJre in rc.local , is that okay? or is there a better place for it? n00b using Dapper07:14
anto9usBluesman, only those in admin group can install updates07:14
DBOBluesman, what do you mean he cant access updates?  only root or someone with sudo powers can update the system07:15
buzzedstill takes a long time to load metacity07:15
NoUseBluesman you mean they can't run update-manager?07:15
Guest971hi, does the install cd will contain both, the desktop and server installations ?07:15
sweetnjguy29I burnt the CD using the ISO option on Nero Express (I also burnt two previous CDs using a different ISO burning program)07:15
sorush20where do I get the repositories again since source-o-matic is not working07:15
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highvoltageroot has landed!07:15
Unenvarjobut very nice, apparently the installation detects my integrated wireless card :)07:15
Jeeves_sorush20: archive.ubuntu.com07:15
sweetnjguy29Then, on reboot, it recognizes that there is a boot iso in the disk drive...hangs for about 2 minutes...then proceeds to Grub boot menu07:15
gnomefreaksorush20: http://gnomefreak.pastebin.com/75166507:15
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Bluesmanyeah.. he can't run update-manager....07:15
sweetnjguy29then into XP07:15
gnomefreakthats dappers repo list07:15
jjroperI have a possibly simple question.  It seems that my computer keeps getting slower with time.  Any simple tests or tweaks to figure out why?07:15
DBOBluesman, he would have to be a member of the admin group to do that07:15
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buzzedwhat is this Ekiga?07:16
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anto9usjjroper, gnome-system-monitor will indicate what processes are taking up a lot of resources07:16
gnomefreakbuzzed: its gnome-meeting with a new name07:16
highvoltageVoIP application.07:16
DBObuzzed, VOIP07:16
WakoKnighthi, does the install cd will contain both, the desktop and server installations ?07:16
highvoltagebuzzed: used to be known as gnome-phone07:16
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Jeeves_WakoKnight: No, they are seperate07:16
Unenvarjonevermind my recent problem: the problem apparently existed between keyboard and chair :)07:16
GianLuigiBuffonhi there07:17
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buzzedis it worth installing... i never used gnome-meeting?07:17
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BluesmanOK.. but i tried to place her in the ROOT group...07:17
buzzedi mean configuring07:17
DBObuzzed, i think its installed by default07:17
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Jowijjroper: at least you can see if the swap is used alot by issuing the command "free -m" (list in megabytes)07:17
DBObuzzed, if you have a voip provider its fantastic07:17
WakoKnightJeeves_: So the CD I'll get from shipit won't contain the server install cd ?07:17
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Jeeves_WakoKnight: Ehm, i believe not07:17
GianLuigiBuffonI've upgraded from Breezy to Dapper, but not flash and more stuff is not working.. i've tried to re-install flash from synaptics but stills bad... you know why?07:18
gnomefreakWakoKnight: i think they are only shipping the desktop cd07:18
Jeeves_WakoKnight: But i'm not sure07:18
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buzzedwhat is a good voip provider to use with it?07:18
WakoKnightOhhh ok, thank you for the information :)07:18
JohnStaxhelp! how can I edit my xorg.conf ?? cant do it via su chmod :(07:18
jjroperThanks.  If swap is used too little (possible), can I allocate more?07:18
WakoKnightHave a good day !!07:18
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fatalbluJohnStax use sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:18
anto9usubotu tell johnstax about sudo07:18
Jeeves_JohnStax: You should try editing with an editor :)07:18
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JohnStaxJeeves_ gee thx ;)07:19
SurfnKidta hell, my browser isnt working but my chat is07:19
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JohnStaxfatalblu : thx will try!!07:19
SurfnKiddith ith weird maanth07:19
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LinuxJonesbuzzed, if your in US/Canada you can us use Skype for free till December for outbound calls.07:19
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ubotuHelp to fix issues with sound can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary07:20
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GianLuigiBuffonI've upgraded from Breezy to Dapper, but not flash and more stuff is not working.. i've tried to re-install flash from synaptics but stills bad... you know why?07:20
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buzzedwould ekiga work with skype? skype has been a little flakey07:20
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jjroperJowi, Thanks.  If swap is used too little or too much (possible), can I allocate more or less?07:21
=== Lorvija [n=lorvija@dsl-lprgw5-fecaf900-207.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Jowibuzzed: skype is commercial and closed system07:21
encompassbuzzed: no it won't but learn it... it is better07:21
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SurfnKidskype is gay, and its gonna get gayer07:21
Orion_1which one of Cds i should download.. desktop or alternate ?07:21
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frenkelOrion_1: desktop07:21
altprsonafrom shell i su or sudo and try to launch a text editor, but it says it cant determine a display of cant communicate with display07:22
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Orion_1but is desktop the livecd or the text mode installation07:22
frenkelOrion_1: it's livecd+install cd07:22
buzzedencompass: skype is better?07:22
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kermitX_Orion_1: desktop is livecd and gui installer - alternate is like the old text installer.07:22
frenkelOrion_1: and it installs a lot faster then the text-based version07:22
gnomefreakdesktop is livecd/installer  alternative is text based installer07:22
gnomefreakbrb gotta change pcs07:22
anto9usaltprsona, try gksudo07:22
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Orion_1do they differ in content ?07:22
SurfnKidhey tanek which part of Europe u from07:23
frenkelOrion_1: no07:23
Jowijjroper: absolutely. but if you see that the swap is not used at all then you don't need to add more. that "free -m" should give you enough info to go on. "/msg ubotu memory" for a nice link on memory management07:23
kermitX_Orion_1: installed system should be the same.07:23
tanekSurfnKid: sweden, why?07:23
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SurfnKidah i thought so07:23
C_REATIVE_Does anyone know how can i fix it ?  mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:23
dixiehi guys07:23
jimcooncatI'd like to know if the livecd gui install does LVM, please07:23
SurfnKidcuz Telia is swedish :P thats why07:23
altprsonagksudo kate = cannot open display07:23
JohnStaxit works!! I totally rocked my VI skillzz .. after more then 10 years ;)07:23
kermitX_Orion_1: if you're comfortable with the text installer from breezy, then it really doesn't matter too much. get the one with the fastest download speed ;)07:23
JohnStaxthx all!!07:23
taneki just rebooted second time using dapper... and i got kernel panic 6 times in a row07:23
frenkeljimcooncat: search next time, it doesn't support LVM07:23
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tanekduring hardware driver step07:23
jimcooncatfrenkel, thank you07:24
dixieis possible to upgrade from previous release of ubuntu by apt-get dist-upgrade ?07:24
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tanekvery wiernd and annoying07:24
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Krpanoi cant find the msttcorefonts with synaptic....i have all the sources enabled tho.... :(07:24
lastnodedixie, of course07:24
GianLuigiBuffondixie yes07:24
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GianLuigiBuffondixie I did07:24
SurfnKidKrpano :S07:24
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=== MHobbit is booting his other computer into Ubuntu and lots of error messages are displaying @_@
dixiesuper, i will try it :)07:24
=== Major_Delta [n=abc@shj-mjz-bsr1157.emirates.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
kermitX_krpano: did you update the package list after enabling the extra repos?07:24
zjohnsonif you are already using ubuntu 6.06 beta will you just automatically update to ubuntu 6.06 non-beta or are they any special commands to run besides apt-get update && apt-get upgrade??07:24
=== CHodapp [n=hodapp@dynamic-154-061.dorm.natpool.uc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Sweet_katehey guys can i gently suggest me a shoutcast radio winamp-like player?07:24
lastnodeKrpano, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ is a good place to searc07:24
lastnodezjohnson, apt-get dist-upgrade is good07:24
GianLuigiBuffonlastnode... you know why flash and other stuff is working wrong when I've upgraded to dapper from breezy?07:25
SurfnKidIm not messing with my 5.10 setup07:25
AmaranthSweet_kate: winamp-like? that'd be xmms07:25
SurfnKidtook me long enough to get here I'll just leave it alone07:25
Orion_1i want the best way07:25
lastnodeGianLuigiBuffon, there can be a few problems. try reinstalling?07:25
KrpanokermitX_ , yep ...07:25
=== PHiSQuaRE [i=PHiSQuaR@ppp-71-136-42-114.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Orion_1i am hesitating all day.. livecd or test installer ..07:25
Krpanolastnode , ill check it07:25
r0xoRSweet_kate, xmms is a trusty one for me07:25
GianLuigiBuffonlastnode, you mean to download the whole dapper, and formatting?07:25
r0xoRSweet_kate, i've tried others but so far nothing has beat xmms yet07:25
Orion_1they said livecd had a problem07:25
r0xoRSweet_kate, at least for me07:25
lastnodeGianLuigiBuffon, er?07:25
kermitX_krpano: can you just use terminal? sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts07:25
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SurfnKidxmms is nice Sweet_kate07:25
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AmaranthOrion_1: livecd is the new installer (could have bugs, mostly works right)07:26
ketsugiThis is weird07:26
ketsugiCan anyone try to ping this address: http://dirt-.blogspot.com/07:26
GianLuigiBuffonlastnote yeah... now I have dapper because i've upgraded from breezy... but just with apt... so how a "reinstall"07:26
AmaranthOrion_1: or did you mean tested?07:26
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PHiSQuaREthe livecd is really really nice07:26
ketsugiI know there's a site there, but for some reason Firefox keeps giving me a 40407:26
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MrKeunerhi, I have inserted alternate cd and, package manager has opened and I did an mark all upgrades && apply. is this all I have to do for an breezy2dapper upgrade?07:26
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Amaranthketsugi: remove the -07:26
ketsugiyes, but then I get the wrong site.07:27
kermitX_ketsugi try http://dirt.blogspot.com/07:27
zeelothello guys, i encountered a problem setting up my wireless, and here is the situation: i was a breezy user and my d-link DWL-650+ wireless card worked just fine, after i reinstall Dapper, somehow it doesn't connect to AP anymore, i can see clearly the driver's been loaded from lshw and lspci but it just can't work, i setup iwconfig also, is there anyone have any idea what might cause this to happend? thanks07:27
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zjohnsonok, I am performing apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade07:27
=== Avian00 [n=Avian00@wsip-70-184-230-71.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bugsketsugi: unknown host07:27
Amaranthketsugi: and please don't post sites like that in this channel07:27
lastnodezjohnson, good man :)07:27
Orion_1i will try the text mode07:27
KrpanokermitX_ ....it wont work neither.07:27
jrk29Did multimedia codecs by mplayer, installed in /usr/lib/win32, stop working in xine with dapper? :-?07:27
Orion_1seems easier07:27
ketsugiUbuntu doesn't seem to like the dash in the URL07:27
ketsugibut it's a valid URL07:27
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Amaranthzeelot: any obvious error messages in dmesg?07:27
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ketsugiand there's a site there which I can't get to :/07:27
NoUsezjohnson you only need to use dist-upgrade, upgrade and dist-upgrade is redundant07:27
Avian00can somebody tell me if the dapper repositories are down?07:27
Bugsketsugi:  yes, remove the hypen and it works07:27
r0xoRhahahah, powered by blogger07:27
anto9uszeelot, does 'sudo iwlist scanning' show the ap?07:27
ketsugiBugs: but it's the wrong site07:27
dmesghow can i become a ubuntu certificade?07:27
SurfnKidcan ubuntu defrag?07:27
ketsugithat's someone else's blog07:28
kermitX_krpano: double check /etc/apt/sources.list and ensure the extra repos are enabled.07:28
r0xoRSurfnKid, ext2 and 3 don't need defragging07:28
lastnodeSurfnKid, fsck?07:28
ketsugidirt. and dirt-. are different sites07:28
CHodappOk, here's a common question. How are desktop, server, and alternate different?07:28
r0xoRSurfnKid, the need for defrag is a sign of a badly written filesystem07:28
Bugsketsugi:  try this:::: ping dirt.blogspot.com07:28
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r0xoRi.e. fat32 or hfs07:28
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CHodappr0xoR, that's what I tell people, but they keep on using those FSes...07:28
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zeelotAmaranth: no error msg07:28
ketsugiYeah, if I do that I just get the blogspot IP07:28
SurfnKidr0xoR,  does ubuntu have a heartbeat like NT? I just want my hard drive to last07:28
ketsugiif I try to ping dirt-. I get unknown host07:28
AmaranthBugs: that site works but he is saying the site with a - really exists07:28
zeelotanto9us: no, no ap scanned07:28
lastnodeCHodapp, point them to the download page, it's clearly defined07:28
Avian00keep getting "403 Forbidden [IP 80] " error when using apt or synaptic07:28
jrk29SurfnKid: heartbeat?07:29
r0xoRSurfnKid, stop thinking about NT my friend :)07:29
dmesgi want to be a ubuntu ceetificate07:29
Avian00are repositories down?07:29
r0xoRSurfnKid, i don't think you even know what you're talkin about :)07:29
r0xoRSurfnKid, ubuntu is NOT going to "wear out your hard drive" faster than windows07:29
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:29
=== Tajruu [n=Vanilj@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
KrpanokermitX_ , done, now it works......thx.. :D07:29
SurfnKidr0xoR,  the hard drive has a heartbeat on NT, just wondering if ubuntu runs on that principle,07:29
=== ikaros [n=ikaros@p54A7C4F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
whiterdoesnt ubuntu access the hard drive less than windows?07:29
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whiterbecause of the way it uses memory07:30
SurfnKidr0xoR,  I am no more NT on this box at least07:30
Bugsketsugi:  no, it does not seem to exist.  Only the dirt.blogspot comes up in my browser07:30
r0xoRSurfnKid, yeah so stop thinking about it :)07:30
defunktwhiter: it access it differently07:30
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whiteryes i know that07:30
whiterbut less right07:30
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r0xoRSurfnKid, i've been using linux for 7 years and programming for 12 and I ain't never come across a "heartbeat" for a harddrive07:30
ubotufud is, like, [FUD]  Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. A marketing technique employed by those who do not trust in the merits of their own product. Also Fair Use Day.07:30
SurfnKidjust hate to defrag and ugh its nasty07:30
ketsugiBugs: that's the problem... Windows can handle that URL07:30
r0xoRSurfnKid, sucker ain't alive ya know07:30
ketsugiI'm trying to figure out why Ubuntu doesn't want to (or Debian, I guess)07:30
CHodappI have 2.4 GB drives that have been taking a daily beating for 8 years and not died07:30
r0xoRSurfnKid, hello! i already toldya... you don't need to defrag in ubuntu... that alone should save your hard drive some wear and tear07:31
Bugsketsugi: Oh...well maybe windows resolves that URL into a proper URL ?07:31
CHodappUsually if drives are about to die, you can hear the bearings going out07:31
sorush20I'm unable to upgrade since I keep getting the message that there was an error downloading the packages.. I'm using adept and kde and using safe upgrade..07:31
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defunktwhiter: in terms of system processes?07:31
r0xoRCHodapp, scsi?07:31
ketsugiCan't be07:31
jjroperJowi, my swap is unused, but my memory is maxed out...and unfortunately, I am not sure what "/msg ubotu memory" means....07:31
ketsugiall the *.blogspot.com URLs map to the same IP address07:31
CHodappr0xoR, IDE drives on the way to the dumpster if I didn't take them07:31
zeeloti followed every steps listed on the ubuntu wiki, troubleshooting,but every information shows that my wireless card is configured and driver's been loaded, just can't scan my AP....07:31
jrk29jjroper: just type "/msg ubotu memory"07:31
lmortizhola estais vivos alguien07:31
ketsugiUbuntu just chokes on the dash and thinks it's invalid07:31
ketsugioh well07:31
AmaranthSurfnKid: no defrag needed, the ext3 filesystem is smarter about positioning files on the drive07:31
ketsugiI'll post in the forums07:31
SurfnKidr0xoR,  sweet, so can I turn off my hard drive after like 5 minutes...07:31
thoreauputicQuick visit... swarm speed on torrent currently 5.7MB/s - I'm uploading at 90KB/sec and now I'm going to bed :)07:31
Avian00Anybody at all, I am the only one having trouble with the repositories?07:32
CHodappHas there been any Linux filesystem that needed defragging? Even ext1?07:32
Amaranththoreauputic: whoa07:32
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kspathlmortiz: #ubuntu is english07:32
r0xoRSurfnKid, uhhh, yeah you can use power saver mode just like any other computer :)07:32
thoreauputicAmaranth: :))07:32
anto9uszeelot, iwconfig lists your device but without an inet address?07:32
SurfnKidAmaranth, right r0xoR  keeps saying that so thats cool07:32
tRSSi would like to apt-get dapper, but I just can't find what changes I need to make in my sources.list to achieve this. wiki tells me that i need to access this site: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666, but this site is not working. I would appreciate some help here.07:32
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zeelotanto9us:yes you got it07:32
SurfnKidr0xoR,  thats what i was wondering, in NT that was impossible cuz of the stupid HB07:32
AskHLjjroper, /msg sends a message. ubotu is the channel bot, which has a number of standard help commands. It'll probably send you a link where you can read the desired information07:32
anto9uszeelot, ifconfig I mean07:32
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:32
wastreldon't be sad07:32
r0xoRtRSS, please read the channel topic07:32
GianLuigiBuffonI have dapper installed.... upgraded from breezy.... downloading the desktop CD will fix the problems? or will better to re-install all?07:32
Bugsifconfig /all07:32
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zeelotanto9us: yes if config07:32
GreyscaleSome one point me to a guide to using ndiswrapper on 6.06 please?07:32
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h3h_timoi just updated!!! yes... but last time when i upgraded to the rc... after i restarted my ethernet was all messed up.. im afraid to reboot now lol07:33
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AmaranthtRSS: basically everywhere your current sources.list says breezy you change that to say dapper instead07:33
SurfnKidtacowrapperNDIS my friends07:33
thoreauputicOh that swarm figure is for the desktop CD by the way07:33
willmcahhh what a lovely release of Ubuntu everyone! lets say thank you in this chat room to show our appreciation to all the hard work that has gone in to making this wonderful release :)07:33
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tRSSthanks alot Amarnath! much appreicated!07:33
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SurfnKidCHodapp, I had one of those this morning, it was good07:33
GreyscaleI like taco's07:33
MrObviousDoes 6.06 support writing to NTFS safely?07:33
spikehgood evening; Xserver is giving me an error because my graphics card is not supported07:33
lastnodewillmc, totally!07:33
AmaranthMrObvious: not without captiventfs07:33
MrObviousOr is it read only?07:33
SurfnKidMrObvious, no idea07:33
=== funman [n=fun@AToulouse-257-1-45-81.w90-5.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
r0xoRspikeh, what kind of graphics card07:33
CHodappI have a DWL-G510 that I use with Atheros . . . guess I'll find out if Ubuntu likes to read it07:33
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zeelotauto9us: people from my country's community told me that sort hardware will encounter this kind of problem, that after upgraded from breezy to Dapper some hardware will malfunctioned07:34
CHodappI'm used to setting up by hand anyhow07:34
spikehATI X85007:34
MrObviousAmaranth: Is that safe and can I apt-get it?07:34
rob_Hello there, I downloaded the linux package from the nvidia website. And i'm told to "Type "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8762-pkg1.run" to install the driver. " http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-8762.html07:34
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=== sweetnjguy29 is downloading the alternate installer. This is turning out to be a PAIN!
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spikehr0xoR: last time with kubuntu, it would give me prompt07:34
r0xoRMrObvious, that's a kernel issue and i doubt it07:34
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anto9uszeelot, sorry to go through the obvious buy you've checked the wireless isn't disabled on your system?07:34
spikehbut this time, it doesn't07:34
AmaranthMrObvious: It's mostly safe and no, you can't apt-get it.07:34
r0xoRMrObvious, you'll probably either have to install a module or compile the kernel yourself with NTFS write support07:34
=== reoffendr [n=user@pool-70-18-227-141.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrObviousOk just asking :)07:34
KhZilluanyone have troubles with ndiswrapper and broadcom wifi? because I am.07:34
MrObviousI'll create a FAT partition then07:34
spikehso I am not sure how I can configure my network adapter and download the ati xorgconf07:34
r0xoRspikeh, please answer the question... what kind of graphics card07:34
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KhZilluwith dapper that is07:34
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spikehATI X85007:34
SurfnKidKhZillu, what kind of problem07:34
spikehI have answered the question :)07:34
ubotuupgrade is, like, Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.07:34
Amaranthr0xoR: Captive uses FUSE, no kernel recompile needed. Just a download and install script.07:35
GreyscaleSome one point me to a guide to using ndiswrapper on 6.06 please?07:35
zeelotanto9us: it's not disabled, lshw show it's on, i can ifupdown it and i can iwconfig it just nothing happend after configuring07:35
=== mcphail [n=mcphail@dyn-62-56-103-234.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
h3sp4wnKhZillu: Either install the correct firmware or blacklist brm43xx07:35
mwewhat package provides gnome-window-decorator? apt-file can't find it :|07:35
KhZilluah yes07:35
reoffendranyone else having the installer hang while partitioning?07:35
h3sp4wnKhZillu: You want to use the native driver if you can07:35
KhZillublacklist bcm43xx07:35
ViakenDapper in one line: sudo sed -i.bak -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:35
GreyscaleSome one point me to a guide to using ndiswrapper on 6.06 please?07:35
Amaranthmwe: please join #ubuntu-xgl for xgl/compiz problems07:35
anto9uszeelot, ok, the AP may have it's essid hidden and may not be issuing more leases, check its config07:35
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rob_So my question is, where do I type this? Do I bring up a console? And how do I bring one up?07:35
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KhZilluare they running native now without ndiswrapper?07:36
GreyscaleSome one point me to a guide to using ndiswrapper on 6.06 please?07:36
iNikuis it just me or are the ubuntu sites totally swamped?07:36
wastrelrob_:  alt-f2 then type xterm07:36
GreyscaleWhat are running native?07:36
ubotundiswrapper is probably a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper07:36
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spikehcan someone please tell me how to get terminal up after xserver crashes07:36
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SurfnKidGreyscale, not sure if that'll help or if its for the 6.06 but its worth a look07:36
h3sp4wnKhZillu: Yes but you need to install the firmware (using fwcutter) see the brc43xx page on the wiki07:36
=== JyZky [n=PELLESEE@a80-186-210-82.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthspikeh: ctrl-alt-f107:36
zeelotanto9us: it's kinda impossible cuz my AP's Essid is at all time broadcasting....07:36
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Avian00I guess I figured in a channel full of Ubuntu users that I might be able to find out if I was the only one experiencing trouble getting Dapper updates via the apt repositories07:36
iNikuanybody have pointers to the kubuntu desktop and alternative cd torrents?07:36
JPatchanyone dealing with isolinux Disk error 05? (it's a start...)07:37
r0xoRspikeh, oh wow sorry, i totally missed that :)07:37
spikebiNiku, sure, give me a sec07:37
ViakenDapper in one line: sudo sed -i.bak -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:37
JyZkyCan someone help me with installing ubuntu?07:37
mjmacaaaugh.  stupid busybox mount doesn't handle bind mounts07:37
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reoffendrnobody has any thoughts on installer hanging during partitioning? SATA, ext307:37
DBOViaken, "gksudo update-manager -d" does the same thing07:37
r0xoRspikeh, Amaranth i've never heard of Captive or FUSE07:37
NoUseJyZky what kind of problem are you having?07:37
Bugs!POLL - What is your favorite CHAT client ?07:37
ubotuBugs: okay07:37
anto9uszeelot, does AP show any wireless activity?07:37
r0xoRJyZky, uhhh, please just ask us a specific question07:37
NoUse!tell Bugs about offtopic07:37
spikebBugs, xchat07:37
JyZkyits getting a error hdxc07:37
AmaranthBugs: xchat-gnome07:38
h3sp4wnmjmac: just use chroot then mount them normally07:38
JyZkywhen its installing it07:38
jrk29Bugs: telnet07:38
mjmachas anyone else successfully upgraded Breezy->Dapper using root-on-LVM?07:38
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gnomefreakBugs: not in here move it to #ubuntu-offtopic07:38
ubotuYou can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here (It still is not safe) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse07:38
mjmach3sp4wn: i need /proc in the chroot07:38
spikehthank you; can someone please tell me how to configure a network in terminal? (setting the IP address, default gateway, subnet mask, and DNS server)07:38
JPatchBugs, trilly when on Win. Gaim on linux07:38
GazzaKBugs: xchat, but I kinda like Konversation07:38
spikebiNiku, http://kubuntu.org/download.php07:38
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Amaranthubotu knows all07:38
ubotuAmaranth: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:38
r0xoRJyZky, ok you'll (probably) need to go write down the exact error it's giving you and then tell us07:38
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NoUseJyZky how did you download the ISO?07:38
zeelotanto9us: no activity from this wireless..it's not even connected....iwconfig shows that it's AP not-accociated07:38
Bugsgnomefreak:  Not OT...ubuntu related question - need to find a GOOD one...07:38
JyZkyubuntu site07:38
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JyZkyNoUse ubuntu site07:38
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SurfnKidr0xoR, SMART supports heartbeat, I thought it was the NTFS microsoft system.07:38
gnomefreakBugs: its off topic07:38
JPatchBugs: use gaim07:38
SurfnKidI just looked that up07:38
NoUseBugs ubuntu *support* related questions07:38
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[zero] Can anyone help me, Im trying to create a partiton on my 80GB HDD which has winXP installed on.. I want the partition to be just for storage (music, pictures blabla) so how would I make it??07:39
ketsugiOkay, next question!07:39
JyZkyNoUse with firefox07:39
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NoUseJyZky did you verify the download?07:39
dmesgi waana be ubuntu certificate07:39
h3sp4wnmjmac:  mount -t proc none /proc07:39
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r0xoR[zero] , with fdisk or cfdisk07:39
SurfnKiddmesg, hey I want one too07:39
JyZkynouse what you mean verify?07:39
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h3sp4wnmjmac:  after chroot /mnt/whatever /bin/bash07:39
luis_which video driver is recommended for XGL? the ATI one, or the fglrx one?07:39
h3h_timodoes anyone know how to quickly remove all this extra software that is still here after i upgraded to dapper?07:39
anto9uszeelot, try unloading and reloading the driver module07:39
ketsugiI used to be able to use Audacity, but now I get an error on startup: cannot initialize host audio I/O.07:39
ubotufrom memory, verify is to check the integrity of your installation media, one way is to visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto07:39
NoUseJyZky ^^^07:39
dmesgSurfnKid :P07:39
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spikehwill a network adapter auto configure itself if DHCP is turned on?07:39
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mjmacahhh...  /target/bin/mount --bind works too07:39
Amaranth[zero] : if you already have ubuntu installed use gparted07:39
ketsugiI've tried reinstalling Audacity, but no luck. Any ideas?07:39
lotvguys i need some help 1) installed ubuntu oem mode by mistake, how do i create new account with root priviledges?07:39
SurfnKidspikeh, should07:39
CHodappyay for 352 MB/sec torrent downloading07:39
JyZkynouse what :D?07:39
r0xoRketsugi, is your sound card working?07:39
Amaranth[zero] : you'll have to install it in synaptic07:39
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SurfnKidCHodapp, you suck07:39
ketsugiEverywhere else sound is working07:39
r0xoRChobo-Mog, mega BYTE/s ??!!!!07:40
spikehSurfnKid: how would I configure it manually? setting the IP, default gateway, subnet, and DNS server07:40
JPatchanyone have problems with loading the live cd portion?07:40
MrObviousCHodapp: Because I'm seeding the torrent :ED07:40
ubotuwell, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers07:40
cowbudchodapp 352 MB/sec?07:40
MrObviousCHodapp: Because I'm seeding the torrent :D07:40
SurfnKidspikeh, is it wlan0 or eth007:40
r0xoRCHodapp, that was for you07:40
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gnomefreakSurfnKid: please chang eyour tone07:40
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JPatch*rather how to avoid such problems07:40
lotv2)i get kernel panic when i use k7 kernel, it sais smth about apic, i have athlon64 cpu07:40
spikehSurfnKid eth007:40
madalotv: i think that capability is disabled for OEM because companies don't want employees having root07:40
SurfnKidgnomefreak, dude im joking07:40
[zero] Amaranth: how would I make it so I can read and write off it from both ubuntu and xp tho?07:40
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JyZkyNoUse http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ from there with firefox07:40
Amaranth[zero] : make a fat32 partition07:40
DBOlotv, disable ACPI and try again07:40
NoUseJyZky did you read the verify link ubotu posted?07:40
Amaranth[zero] : it might be called 'vfat' in gparted07:40
zeelotanto9us: okey i try this first07:40
luis_which video driver is recommended for XGL? the ATI one, or the fglrx one?07:40
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DBOluis_, fglrx07:41
h3h_timognomefreak, youre a genious... can you tell me... my internet is working fine now... and i just upgraded to dapper.. like 5 seconds ago.. will it be messed up if i reboot?07:41
spikehluis_ only the fglrx seems to work07:41
=== syntaxerr [n=syntaxer@24-176-69-016.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
buzzedanything i can do about the slowness loading the window manager?07:41
JyZkyhalf of it07:41
gnomefreakh3h_timo: shouldnt07:41
luis_DBO, right, thansk!07:41
JyZkynouse half of it07:41
[zero] I made a FAT32 partition in windows xp but It says it cant be mounted on ubuntu?? Amaranth07:41
SurfnKidspikeh, are you wired or wireless07:41
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h3h_timognomefreak, is there anything i can do if it does screw up?07:41
spikehSurfnKid: wired07:41
ifxxhey @all ... has anyone set up the sgi performer under ubuntu??07:41
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Amaranth[zero] : how are you trying to mount it?07:41
spikehSurfnKid: but DHCP is turned up07:41
jayrod06hey guys07:41
JyZkynouse i dont get so far07:41
gnomefreakh3h_timo: make sure its enabled in the networking menu07:41
SurfnKidmmm let me see07:41
mjmacapparently the dapper kernel setup didn't run lilo after installing the new kernel07:41
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spikehSurfnKid it is a wireless router but my PC is connected via wire to it07:41
JyZkynouse i get to the splash screen then press install or start ubuntu07:41
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JyZkynouse then it loads kernel 100%07:42
gnomefreakh3h_timo: what makes you think its not gonna work?07:42
madamjmac: that'll do it07:42
h3h_timognomefreak, it should be07:42
mjmacthat was more work than it should have been.  :/07:42
[zero] Amaranth:  when I click to open it it comes up with "Unable to mount the selected volume."07:42
SurfnKidspikeh, let me look up a command really quick07:42
JPatchmy desktop will not "mount root drive"07:42
JyZkynouse then its some root files and system they go OK07:42
=== jannemat [n=janne@a80-186-10-32.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
NoUseJyZky back up, you need to verify that the ISO you download was downloaded properly07:42
Anusienoh man, dapper is [O] fficial now, right?07:42
spikehthank you SurfnKid07:42
Amaranth[zero] : ok, let me get a link to the wiki page for this07:42
apokryphosAnusien: yes07:42
spikehone last question: can someone quickly tell me the command to get the fglrx driver07:42
madaJPatch: like, just flat out won't mount the root volume?07:42
spikehthe website is very slow07:42
SurfnKidgnomefreak, see im helping people out, i just meant he sucked cuz he was hauling butt =D and im not :P07:42
[zero] Amaranth: thankx :D07:42
JyZkynouse https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse?07:42
=== h4ch3r [n=admin@20150114230.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
NoUseJyZky no07:43
NoUse!tell JyZky about verify07:43
JPatchmada: nada. when I try to Boot first hard drive, I get an isolinux error07:43
h4ch3redgy elf  gnome 2.16.1?07:43
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gnomefreakh4ch3r: most likely07:43
DBOedgy eft07:43
h3h_timognomefreak, it is.. should i reboot right this instant?07:43
Amaranthh4ch3r: neither one exists yet, but yeah07:43
JyZkynouse not yet i need a md5 ^^07:43
MrKeunerhi, I have inserted alternate cd and, package manager has opened and I did an mark all upgrades && apply. is this all I have to do for an breezy2dapper upgrade?07:44
gnomefreakh3h_timo: when your ready to reboot reboot make sure everything your working on is saved07:44
NoUseJyZky there is also a boot option when you boot off the CD to check the CD integrity07:44
Amaranth[zero] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions07:44
apokryphosMrKeuner: no, you have to mark the CD as a source07:44
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[zero] thankx :)07:44
jaarsanyone know about how to fix so that fglrx works in dapper? it worked fine in breezy but after upgrading it stopped working...only some mesa thingy whatnot07:44
h4ch3rdownload edgy elf?07:44
h3h_timognomefreak, and it should all be fine?07:44
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gnomefreakh3h_timo: should07:44
JPatchmada: it seems to not recognize my hard drive at all...07:44
NoUseJyZky that link tells you where to get md5 sums07:44
MrKeunerapokryphos/ do i also have to switch breezy in the sources.list to dapper?07:44
JyZkynouse check the cd for efect something like that07:44
h3h_timognomefreak, aight.. i guess we will find out.. thanks07:45
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NoUseJyZky yes07:45
madaJPatch: is it a new install or upgraded?07:45
h4ch3rubuntu edgy elf download?07:45
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apokryphosMrKeuner: you should, yes.07:45
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spikehwhat is the command to configure X server?07:45
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apokryphosMrKeuner: and also make sure that you have ubuntu-desktop installed before changing any sources07:45
DBOspikeb, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"07:45
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DShepherddoes anyone have problems starting Muine?07:45
Fee^jaars: mine stopped working too, i fixed it last night by basically repeating the steps for the install on the Guide pages07:45
DBOspikeh, ^^^07:45
spikehty DBO07:45
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DBOsorry spikeb you have a super clone07:45
jayrod06if anyone puts it on a macbook let me know hoqw it goes07:45
andrejkwHey guys.07:45
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KhZillublacklisting the broadcom drivers worked. ndiswrapper works again07:46
madaJPatch: did you download the desktop iso with the live cd?07:46
h4ch3rI'm take download ubuntu edgy elf?07:46
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SurfnKidspikeh, try "ifconfig eth0 down" then "ifconfig eth0 up"  to see if itll wake up07:46
spikebDbD-, i saw that earlier, it's freaking me out07:46
KhZillunow installing the fwcutter...07:46
jaarsFee^, which guide pages? in the dapper forum general section?07:46
r0xoRjayrod06, i'm gonna put it on an iBook :)07:46
spikehDBO, is that the command to run after I install the fglrx drivers07:46
madaJPatch: that is a live cd*07:46
andrejkwAfter Installing Xgl, Remote Desktop stopped working. How can I fix this?07:46
r0xoRjayrod06, but not a macbook :(07:46
tristanmikeh4ch3r, edgy eft, not elf07:46
Fee^jaars: the page where the 'quick start guide' and such are..07:46
jayrod06roxor: :)07:46
JPatchmada: yes I did. I tried it on a second computer and the disk works fine07:46
spikehty SurfnKid07:46
Fee^there's a section there on installing hardware 3d drivers07:46
DBOspikeh, the fglrx drivers will configure the xorg.conf on their own07:46
GianLuigiBuffonhow can I re-install flash for working on Dapper???'07:46
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andrejkwAfter Installing Xgl, Remote Desktop stopped working. How can I fix this?07:46
spikehDBO last time I had to do it manually07:46
tristanmikeh4ch3r, don't need to be sorry for being mistaken, I was just letting you know, that's all07:46
SurfnKidspikeh, not sure if this command would work too "ifconfig eth0 -dynamic"  as in dynamic ip but its worth a try07:46
DBOspikeh, then yes, that is the command07:46
h4ch3rtristanmike: download edgy efl?07:46
iNikuspikeh: ah, got through to the torrents finally :)07:47
JyZkynouse gimme som md5 checking tool07:47
Ademanwhat repository are the w32 codecs in?07:47
madaJPatch: boot with the ubuntu live and try to mount the hdd and see what happens07:47
Amaranthandrejkw: By turning off Xgl.07:47
apokryphosAdeman: /msg ubotu seveas07:47
spikehSurfnKid last time, there was a command to edit a file where I put in the DNS servers07:47
tristanmikeh4ch3r, download Dapper for newest release07:47
NoUseJyZky its already installed on ubuntu07:47
andrejkwAmarath: is there any way to get VNC Server working with Xgl?07:47
=== hodak [n=hodak@poczta.milicz.jarsat.pl] has joined #ubuntu
madaJPatch: i'm just curious if there might be a controller issue or if something happened when you installed07:47
JPatchmada: how exactly do I go about mounting the hard drive?07:47
Amaranthandrejkw: not that i know of07:47
DBOandrejkw, check compiz.net but I doubt it07:47
h4ch3rI'll edgy efl!!07:47
NoUseJyZky for windows: http://www.md5summer.org/07:47
hodakjoin #ubuntu.pl07:47
JPatchmada: it hasn't installed yet07:47
hodakups sory07:47
SurfnKidspikeh right, that one i dont know where it is07:47
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JyZkynouse thats right windows :()07:47
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid07:47
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madaJPatch: i thought you just said it was a new install07:48
tristanmikeh4ch3r, eft e f t07:48
pallyanyone use opera in dapper?07:48
madaJPatch: rgr, nvm ...07:48
DBOtristanmike, thank you =)07:48
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JPatchmada: sorry bout the confusion07:48
madaJPatch: ok, so you have the livecd booted?07:48
madaJPatch: no worries :)07:48
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DBOh4ch3r, it hasnt even been made yet07:48
spikehright, time to see if it works07:48
tristanmikeh4ch3r, no, no download yet07:48
Ademanapokryphos: thanks, by the way, ubotu said "semi popular" is there an alternative? (when it comes to playing w32 files like wmv and wma?)07:48
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h4ch3rohh man07:48
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apokryphosAdeman: it's the most popular 3rd-party repository used here07:49
SurfnKidspikeh, maybe the configuration editor will point you to that, Im looking to see if the ethernet settings are there07:49
ubotuati is probably http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers07:49
Amaranthh4ch3r: edgy eft won't be out until october. also, gnome 2.16.x doesn't even exist yet07:49
apokryphosAdeman: and nope, there's no alternative for that.07:49
JPatchmada: it is not booted right now... it's running from THIS computer... only connection to the internet I have right now07:49
r0xoRAdeman, easyubuntu?07:49
h4ch3r!edgy elf07:49
madar0xoR: i installed Dapper on my iBook G4, works like a dream and with the tutorial on the forums, my airport extreme works too :)07:49
ubotuh4ch3r: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:49
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SurfnKidbrb gonna eat07:49
PHiSQuaREI'm moving from FC5 to ubuntu, what's a good resource for getting me started with the basics of a debian distro?  suggestions?07:49
spikebedgy EFT07:49
JyZkynouse The File is empty???07:49
r0xoRmada, nice07:49
JPatchmada: rather, I'm installing TO this computer07:49
h4ch3r!edgy eft07:49
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, h4ch3r07:49
JyZkynouse file to check is empty07:49
apokryphosPHiSQuaRE: the wiki is pretty good, but unfortunately it's down at the moment because of the high traffic it's received07:49
ubotuit has been said that fishing is randomly throwing !commands in the channel instead of using /msg ubotu command. Please dont fish for help. either !ask in the channel or msg ubotu < Knows Everything!> :)07:49
Fee^PHiSQuaRE: www.ubuntu.com :)07:49
r0xoRmada, can you give me the link to the forums?07:49
Ademanr0xoR: huh?07:50
ketsugir0xoR: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18595507:50
Ademanoh wait thats that little program huh?07:50
zaphod_PHiSQuaRE: the official or unoffical ubuntu guides07:50
madar0xoR: i noticed your mention of an iBook and had to say something07:50
NoUseJyZky are you sure you are checking the right file?07:50
madar0xoR: yeah, just a minute07:50
h4ch3r!download edgy eft07:50
ubotuh4ch3r: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:50
r0xoRmada, yeah, much thanks...07:50
JyZkynouse Yes07:50
DBOh4ch3r, stop fishing at the bot07:50
madaJPatch: uhmm... lemme think07:50
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hazartWhen do i need dist-upgrade? I have a dapper alpha release that i would like to bring to dapper final.07:50
r0xoRmada, i joined ppc and it was just you and airo and i was kinda bummed :)07:50
gnomefreakh4ch3r: stop playing with the bot07:50
apokryphosh4ch3r: please investigate in /msg07:50
AmaranthPHiSQuaRE: If you have specific questions we might be able to answer them.07:50
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, h4ch3r07:50
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r0xoRmada, so it'll be nice to know that someone else on here has done it already :)07:50
JyZkynouse found07:50
mcphailPHiSQuaRE: www.debian-administration.org is useful for server stuff07:50
JyZkynouse my md5 is07:50
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=== Grufle [n=grue@0x503ea468.kd4nxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
GianLuigiBuffonhow can I re-install flash for working on Dapper???'07:51
gnomefreakh4ch3r: you want to use the bot type /msg ubotu <factoid>07:51
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ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:51
ubotuEdgy Eft is the next codename for Ubuntu dapper+1. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html07:51
NoUseJyZky what?07:51
apokryphosh4ch3r: please stop, it spams the channel and is distratcing :)07:51
Amaranthh4ch3r: Please stop playing with the bot in the channel.07:51
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h4ch3rok guys07:51
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=== gnomefreak the lone op :(
ViakenSorry >.>07:51
JyZkynouse this e2e5e0bfb2edffd2ce02dd77bda4558e07:51
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r0xoRh4ch3r, you *can* msg the bot ya know :)07:51
hazartWill i need dist-upgrade to go from dapper alpha to dapper LTS release?07:52
DBOhazart, no07:52
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iNikuif you need to play with ubotu, you can /msg it07:52
PHiSQuaREAmaranth, I'm just mainly looking for package management help and what not07:52
hazartDBO: Ok, thanks. :)07:52
madar0xoR: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142727 (the svn repository mentioned in the tutorial has been down for a couple months, so on page 5 of the topic someone posted the file you need and it works (its the one i used))07:52
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iNikuoh :)07:52
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h4ch3ri see guys07:52
gnomefreakhazart: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:52
Viakenhazart: There's no harm in doing so anyway.07:52
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r0xoRmada, ok grea thanks a lot :) ... cheers07:52
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gnomefreakor upgrade07:52
=== r0xoR slides mada a beer
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NoUseJyZky compare that to the md5sum file from the mirror07:52
AmaranthPHiSQuaRE: synaptic usually handles that07:52
madar0xoR: very welcome ... enjoy07:52
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Jimmey__"Since Ubuntu doesn't run any daemons that listen to the outside world by default (the postfix install only listens on localhost) there's no need for a default firewall.". Is there one anyway?07:52
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JyZkynouse it was right07:52
thugdid anyone installed dapper yet ?07:52
nnachtHello, how can I get totem to play divx-movies?07:52
h4ch3rupgrade gnome 2.14.1 in dapper for gnome 2.15.2?07:52
hazartgnomefreak: Viaken: Okay, i'll go with dist-upgrade then.07:52
thugthe official release ...07:53
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madar0xoR: i will warn that the driver is still in beta, so your wifi range isn't incredible but it does work07:53
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tristanmike!tell nnacht about w32codecs07:53
gnomefreakhazart: just leave the sources.list file alone and you will be fine07:53
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r0xoRmada, hmmm... by not incredible... will it reach the next room at least?07:53
madathug: neg, RC a few days ago07:53
gnomefreakthug: yes they have07:53
tristanmikennacht, you also probably need to install the totem-xine backend as well07:53
pally!tell pally about w32codecs07:53
nnachttristanmike: I have already installed w32codes07:53
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AngryElf1guys, I'm trying to setup ivtv which uses the hotplug system......none of the directories where the firmware is suppose ot be exists.......also, /etc/firmware.agent doesn't exist -- is there a packaeg i'm missing?07:53
thuggnomefreak and how is it like ? a lot faster then the previous one ?07:53
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hazartgnomefreak: yes, it's almost too easy :D - gotta' love it07:53
tristanmikepally, use "/msg ubotu <factiod>" for privite encounters07:53
nnachttotem-xine is also installed07:53
h4ch3rupgrade gnome 2.14.1 for gnome 2.15.2 in the dapper draker?07:54
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JyZkynouse HEY WTF07:54
samuI still can't update by pressing check07:54
gnomefreakthug: its the same as dapper has been07:54
thuggnomefreak or most same just packages upgraded ?07:54
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JPatchmada: seems you have your hands full... any ideas on your end at least?07:54
pally<tristanmike> ok07:54
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nnachtlibdivx4linux is also installed07:54
Adullixslm arkada015flar07:54
JyZkynouse some mirrors got diffrent md5 than others07:54
JyZkynouse whats the right one07:54
thuggnomefreak yeah very funny07:54
Amaranthnnacht: What errors are you getting?07:54
gnomefreakthug: dapper stable is the same as dapper rc07:54
nanotubennacht, try installing mplayer to play things. totem ain't that great at playing various codecs :)07:54
madar0xoR: oh yeah, i am just talking about on the outter limits of the wifi range it won't reach (i lost connection on campus where OS X would give me a very slow one) ... not too big of a deal and i think in the 2.6.17 kernel that issue is being fixed07:54
hazartHow do i configure automatic updates on a server not running the update-daemon?07:54
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gnomefreakthug: im not kiddin07:54
Adullixtrke bilen kimse yokmu07:54
Amaranthnnacht: Can gxine play the files?07:54
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hazartautomatic security updates that is.07:54
tristanmikennacht, what nanotube said, also you might want to try VLC as well07:54
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thuggnomefreak is it better then the previous one ? breezy ?07:55
h4ch3rupgrade gnome 2.14.2 for gnome 2.15.2 in dapper???07:55
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r0xoRmada, huh... yeah i always upgrade straight my own custom compiled kernel 90% of the time07:55
neighborleedoes anyone know approximately when ubuntu will have fulll LSB compliance ? ;-))07:55
nnachtvlc plays well, but I need totem to load subtiles07:55
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gnomefreakthug: i think it is but thats for you to decide07:55
Adullixslm arkada015flar07:55
r0xoRmada, i don't like being stuck with the distro kernel :)07:55
madaJPatch: i did a little looking into isolinux errors and most of them come from cd-rom drives and BIOS having issues with linux .... not so much with hdds, but i am still trying to find something07:55
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nanotubennacht, hmm, mplayer does well with subtitles, generally07:55
Adullixtrke konu015fan kimse yokmu07:55
mcphailhazart: run a cron job07:55
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JyZkyNouse some mirrors got diffrent md5 than others? what is right07:55
h4ch3r!upgrade gnome 2.14.2 for gnome 2.15.2 in dapper?07:55
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ubotuh4ch3r: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:55
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r0xoRAdullix, english please07:55
thuggnomefreak ok i will freak out too with it on gnome desktop ... i might gonna be a gnomefreak like you after :)07:56
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JPatchmada: so it would be a good idea to swap a new cd-drive into this thign?07:56
gnomefreakh4ch3r: gnome 2.14 is in dapper07:56
PHiSQuaREThe ubuntu startup screen is way too cool07:56
buzzedso what's the verdict on Dapper? Yeah or Neah07:56
hazartmcphail: with what command, how can i specyfy that i only want updates from a specific repos? apt-get update && apt-get upgrade dapper-security or something like that?07:56
ubotuapache is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP07:56
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madar0xoR: yeah, the 2.6.17-RC2 has built in Airport Extreme support and it is getting better as the days go on, but with the standard dapper kernel, the thing on the forum makes it work like a godsend07:56
h4ch3ri upgrade 2.14 for 2.15 in dapper07:56
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lucasvoI have problem with a tetex package, I can't download it (http://pastebin.com/751756)07:56
JyZkyNoUse some got diffrent md5 than others07:56
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KhZilluupgradding to dapper from breezy uninstalled open office07:56
madaJPatch: if you have it at your disposal, it might be worth a shot07:56
gnomefreakh4ch3r: no07:56
hazarth4ch3r: you can't 2.15 will first come in edgy.07:56
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r0xoRmada, ok well then i'll probably just go the easy route to start off07:56
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h4ch3rhazart: no07:57
h4ch3ris 2.1607:57
Amaranthh4ch3r: why would you want to use 2.15? there isn't really anything new in it yet and it's the development version07:57
JyZkyubotu ur bot?07:57
gnomefreakh4ch3r: thats what he said07:57
madar0xoR: i agree, i don't know how stable 2.6.17 is at the moment07:57
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, JyZky07:57
DavidJaqI'm having a horrible time getting Ubuntu to work on my computer... no matter what I tried I couldn't get my old computer to boot from CD, so I had to take out the hard drive and put it into my other computer, install Dapper Drake, and then put the drive back in my old computer07:57
Amaranthh4ch3r: while edgy is in development it will have 2.1507:57
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gnomefreakAmaranth: thats if it is build with the dapper libs07:57
Amaranthh4ch3r: because 2.15 becomes 2.16 when it's stable07:57
mcphailhazart: the finer point of apt-get are lost on me. You could script a hack to replace /etc/apt/sources.list temporarily with the repos you want to use07:57
jlmrgrub, and the find /boot/grub/stage1 tells me it is installed in hd0,4 but i think it is in MBR, or am not getting anything?07:57
PHiSQuaREjesus, the ubuntu installer is FAR better than the FC5 installer, I have to say I'm quite impressed so far....07:57
hazarth4ch3r: yes, but you can select the edgy sources before it's stable, and get it that way.07:57
JPatchmada: alright, I'm gonna try that.  thanks for your help sir/madam!07:57
h4ch3ri use07:57
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MetaMorfoziSanybody can tellme a stopper program?07:57
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DavidJaqbut now ubuntu won't load up, it says 'mounting root' or something like that, then 'waiting on root' or something similar, then hangs and eventually drops to busybox07:58
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paulproteusMetaMorfoziS, I usually use kteatimer.07:58
paulproteuskteatime, rather.07:58
gnomefreakh4ch3r: you cant not get gnome 2.15 on dapper07:58
KhZilluanyone know what this means? #1 SMP PREEMPT07:58
mcphailhazart: _but_ aren't all the updates on the stable branch from security???07:58
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sally_is there a version of automatix that works with dapper?07:58
Amaranthh4ch3r: ok then, wait a couple weeks and if you still want 2.15 switch to the edgy development versions07:58
[zero] Amaranth: Im a bit confused by the wiki link :/07:58
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Amaranthsally_: probably not, but easyubuntu works with dapper07:58
madaJPatch: it's a sir ... name's Adam ... just reversed it ;) and you are very welcome, anytime :)07:58
=== boxemall [n=boxemall@p548881C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
KhZilluLinux cow 2.6.15-23-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT07:58
bbrazilKhZillu: first build from that tree, multi-processor, preemptive scheduling07:58
gnomefreaksally_: dont use it07:58
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ubotu[automatix]  unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.07:58
h4ch3rgnomefreak: ?07:58
sally_gnomefreak: why not07:58
hazartmcphail: I suppose, i guess i will just disable backports, multiverse and universe then.07:58
h4ch3ryes man07:58
r0xoRmada, how fast is your ibook?07:58
KhZillueven though it's not a SMP kernel?07:58
h4ch3rhelp me07:58
gnomefreaksally_: read above07:59
r0xoRmada, and how fast does ubuntu run on it?07:59
madar0xoR: 1GHz G407:59
JyZkynice help......07:59
jeroen__does anyone know what to do with this error (happens when i try to run glxinfo or compiz with Xgl (nvidia drivers)):07:59
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scifihaha over a 1000 in here, anyone wud think something big happening today :D07:59
paulproteusmada, mine too! (-:07:59
madar0xoR: faster than OS X07:59
JPatchmada: !niaga sknaht07:59
boxemallhi folks07:59
gnomefreakh4ch3r: with what? gnome 2.15 will not run on dapper07:59
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bbrazilKhZillu: that is an SMP kernel07:59
boxemallgot a strange problem07:59
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r0xoRmada, sweet, i figured07:59
Amaranthh4ch3r: If you want help on getting gnome 2.15 running on dapper you don't know enough to be using 2.1507:59
jeroen__X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)07:59
jeroen__  Major opcode of failed request:  148 (GLX)07:59
jeroen__  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)07:59
jeroen__  Serial number of failed request:  2007:59
jeroen__  Current serial number in output stream:  2207:59
madapaulproteus: w00t!07:59
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mcphailhazart: you could try braving ##debian....07:59
r0xoRmada, lol... honestly OS X really didn't do it for me...07:59
KhZillurunning just the regular 2.6.15-23-68607:59
gnomefreakh4ch3r: it wasnt build for dapper07:59
scifiso here goes guys, what the sudo apt-get command to install dapper ?07:59
gnomefreakjeroen__: dont paste please07:59
saifthe sound i am getting from skype is all fuzzy and not understandable, did any1 here get it to work?07:59
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hazartmcphail: yes, thank's for your help.07:59
boxemalli already searched the whole weg including the ubuntu forums and every wii page i could find07:59
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madar0xoR: yeah, Ubuntu runs noticably faster on it07:59
r0xoRmada, i like linux cuz of the variety of window managers... i can always set something up the way i like it perfectly07:59
DavidJaqanyone know what I can do to get my computer to run Dapper Drake if it won't boot from CD and crashes me to BusyBox when trying to boot Dapper that I installed by transplanting my hard drive in a better computer temporarily?08:00
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gnomefreakAmaranth: i think im starting to look at h4ch3r as a troll08:00
r0xoRmada, sweet08:00
boxemalli got no sound at all08:00
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KhZillueven the plain 686 has smp?08:00
r0xoRmada, well that's good news then :)08:00
Amaranthgnomefreak: me too08:00
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %h4ch3r!*@*] by Amaranth
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boxemallfinally i manged it to get sound under ubuntu08:00
gnomefreakyou got it?08:00
madmikedapper is release, the # is boiling :D08:00
madar0xoR: agreed, i also like linux because i am a computer science major and its so nice for developing software on08:00
boxemallbut now it is like a looped sound08:00
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Amaranthgnomefreak: already handled :)08:00
[zero] what does this mean?08:00
[zero] sudo bash diskmounter08:00
jlmrcan anyone help mewith a GRUB problem?08:00
boxemallonly right channel08:00
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[zero] woops08:00
boxemallnothing on the left08:00
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r0xoRbye bye leet clutter08:00
dxdemetriouIs it better to make an upgrade from Breezy to Dapper from CD or with the Update Manager?08:00
gnomefreaki saw ;)08:00
gnomefreaki got lag08:00
JyZkyAmaranth what is the right md5 for the ubuntu x86 desktop? cause some mirrors got other md5s than others08:00
boxemallthis starts right away at login screen08:00
paulproteusdxdemetriou, Update Manager.08:00
scifiis it sudo apt-get update build ?08:00
JyZkygnomefreak what is the right md5 for the ubuntu x86 desktop? cause some mirrors got other md5s than others08:00
DavidJaqis there any way to load from the CD if it's in the drive and I'm crashed to BusyBox in the process of loading an aparently damaged install of Dapper?08:01
boxemalli did  not change anything hardware related08:01
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bbrazilJyZky: some might have the release candidate rather than the release08:01
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madmikejlmr, don't ask to ask... just ask ;)08:01
midnawhen i boot up the new install cd the screen goes black after the brown ubuntu startup sequence, the sound plays but no video08:01
madai'm out! ... lunch time08:01
jlmrgrub, and the find /boot/grub/stage1 tells me it is installed in hd0,4 but i think it is in MBR, or am not getting anything?08:01
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AmaranthDavidJaq: i think it's mounted in the /mnt dir08:01
[zero] Amaranth: When I do the wget it times out :/08:01
gnomefreakJyZky: off hand i dont know look where you downloaded it from08:01
fatbrainHow do I set the root pw in ubuntu?08:01
boxemallwhat i don't understand is that i just reinstalled. since then i have this problem08:01
NoUseJyZky http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/6.06/MD5SUMS08:01
paulproteusDavidJaq, Try using the memory test program that's on the CD.08:01
JyZkynouse its right with sweden08:01
nekromaanhello, is there  a good xgl tutorial for dapper drake 6.06 lts and nvidia cards?08:01
midnato set root do "sudo passwd"08:01
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Amaranth[zero] : you'll have to do it manually, that wiki page tells you how08:01
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gnomefreakbrb smoke08:01
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nanotube!tell fatbrain about rootsudo08:01
scifiis it sudo apt-get update build  to update to dapper ?08:01
DavidJaqPaul, what'll that do for me?08:01
JyZkynouse its same md508:01
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[zero] alright thankx again08:01
paulproteusDavidJaq, It'll tell you if your computer's RAM is broken.08:02
JyZkynouse the e2blalablb08:02
midnasudo apt-get update than sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:02
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madmikejlmr, does it boot with the current configuration?08:02
paulproteusBroken RAM can lead to all sorts of weird problems.08:02
boxemalli got an ice1712 (dmx6fire) soundcard which worked flawless before08:02
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midnawhen i boot up the new install cd the screen goes black after the brown ubuntu startup sequence, the sound plays but no video08:02
midnaany ideas?08:02
vermoosHi there, can anyone help sort this problem: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:02
h3sp4wnboxemall: What is the problem ?08:02
Sweet_katehow do i list my processes??08:02
jlmrmadmike, yes, but i want it to boot with ntldr, the windows bootloader08:02
boxemalli already tryed to install dapper or any other linux ditro08:02
r0xoRSweet_kate, ps ax08:02
paulproteusSweet_kate, ps ax08:02
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boxemallsame problem08:02
paulproteusSweet_kate, Try using the GNOME process lister.08:02
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r0xoRSweet_kate, or gtop08:02
h3sp4wnboxemall: What problem ?08:02
deus_is dapper released?08:02
midnavermoos: what is the problem?08:02
boxemallcould anyone help me out08:02
nanotubedeus_, yes08:02
DavidJaqI am actually using the computer right now. Using windows XP on the first partition... so if the RAM was bad, wouldn't windows be having problems as well?08:02
tristanmikedeus_, yes08:02
midnaboxemall: same problem with the black screen?08:02
vermoosmidna: i get 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded, and i want to upgrade breezy -> dapper08:03
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madmikejlmr, hmm i've got no experience with the ntldr...08:03
AnAntI have a problem with Ubuntu Dapper, a friend of mine tried his MMC and it worked, so I decided to buy one, I found an MMC+, the buyer said they are the same, so I bought one, and I discovered that it doesn't work08:03
Ensiferumhi, someone know how to get the framebuffer working. i've added an alias for atyfb in /etc/modules.conf and then listed the alias in /etc/modules so the module gets loaded. also added a line for kernel parameters in grub.lst but all i still get is the default console08:03
r0xoRboxemall, which card may i ask?08:03
AnAntanyone knows a reason for this?08:03
deus_TO THE APT-MOBILE!!!!08:03
boxemallwhat is it that makes my sound not work?08:03
r0xoRboxemall, i've got an Envy24HT chipset myself08:03
midnavermoos: that was dist-upgrade right?08:03
r0xoRboxemall, what card?08:03
Andy101help, I tried to upgrade to dapper and now X won't start. Fails to load modules GLCore and nvidia (I had to switch to Windows, I haven't got commandline IRC)08:03
boxemalli have a terratec DMX6Fire (ICE1712 soundchip) same chipset as envy cards have08:03
madmikejlmr, so grub says stage is on hd0,4 ?08:03
vermoosmidna: yup. wrong command?08:03
Hoxzerwhere does apt-get save its .deb?08:03
jlmrmadmike, perhaps you can tell me this, if i dd the first 446 bytes of MBR, the grub stage1 part, will it be enough to direct it to grub stage 2 on my ubuntu root partitiion?08:04
madmikestage1 even08:04
r0xoRAndy101, you will have to re-download or re-build your nvidia modules08:04
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nanotubeHoxzer, /var/apt/cache08:04
NoUseJyZky ok, so verify that the CD has been burned properly by running that option from the boot cd08:04
paulproteusHoxzer, /var/cache/apt/archives/08:04
jlmrmadmike, yep08:04
sally_does anyone else have a laptop that gets less battery time in linux than windows?  what could be the problem?08:04
r0xoRAndy101, how did you get your nvidia modules before?08:04
h3sp4wnboxemail: Whats wrong with it (I use ice1712 (M-audio Delta 44))08:04
midnavermoos: no, that should work, i just did that on my server in my basement... ummm check your sources.list08:04
runesanyone know of a good PIM for calendar and appointment scheduling...I tried  Evolution but the smtp cannot connect to my ssl at sympatico08:04
midnavermoos: make sure they say dapper instead of breezy now08:04
paulproteusrunes, You could try korganizer.08:04
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nanotubesally_, could be not as efficient in throttling down cpu, or spinning down the disks...08:04
JyZkynouse ok ill try08:04
boxemalli don#t get sound working08:04
r0xoRboxemall, erm... actually i don't beleive it's the ICE chip... i beleive it's the Envy chip and the ice driver... but anyway08:04
r0xoRboxemall, i had to get my driver from opensound.com08:04
boxemallsince i reinstalled ubuntu my sound does not work at all08:04
scifimidna: i just did the same and got same response ^^08:04
runespaulproteus will that work on Gnome desktop?08:04
Avian00anybody else having problems with dapper update repositories?08:04
vermoosmidna: i've got universe and multiverse uncommented in my sources.list08:04
nnachtHello again: about the totem for the divx-movies: mplayer and vlc plays the divx-files well. only totem does not. I had no problem in breezy08:04
paulproteusrunes, Yes.08:05
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paulproteusIt'll look a bit funny, though.08:05
r0xoRboxemall, i have an m-audio card... and it happens to be the ONLY card out of all of theirs that doesn't have a working driver in the default kernel08:05
AnAntI have a problem with Ubuntu Dapper, a friend of mine tried his MMC and it worked, so I decided to buy one, I found an MMC+, the buyer said they are the same, so I bought one, and I discovered that it doesn't work. Anyone has info on this ?08:05
runeswoohoo thanx going to install it and try08:05
paulproteusrunes, I'd really think Evolution should be able to do SSL'd SMTP, anyway.08:05
boxemallso what could i do about that08:05
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r0xoRboxemall, but 4front technologies has working drivers... they're not OSS but they're free08:05
Andy101r0xoR, followed instructions in Ubuntu docs about accelerating graphics, can't open yelp wthout X though08:05
JyZkynouse working well08:05
madmikejlmr, sorry don't know about MBR and stage1 grub (and stage1.5 for that matter)08:05
Sshes here08:05
boxemallthis problem makes my system inconsistent08:05
=== Ajeeb71 [n=root@ipn36372-b71458.cidr.lightship.net] has joined #ubuntu
DavidJaqI could get a fresh install of ubuntu on this computer if I could boot from the cd from within the busybox console Dapper drops me into when it fails to boot, if someone could help me figure out how to do that08:05
midnascifi & vermoos: its beyond me, sorry, i'm pretty new at the whole linux thing, try the forums?08:05
=== zalaam [n=zalaam@ti500710a080-9252.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Sbohohohha ha ha ha08:05
r0xoRboxemall, go to http://www.opensound.com/08:05
madmikejlmr, what is the reason to want to use ntld?08:05
iNikugrr, hilight isn't working right on my irssi08:05
boxemallit seems that it is totally unstable08:05
Scongrats to every one:D08:05
r0xoRboxemall, download the driver for your card08:05
madmikentldr even08:05
r0xoRboxemall, read the instructions08:05
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hazartIs there some mean of ensuring that ALL modules installed with module-helper gets re-compiled if a kernel update gets released?08:06
r0xoRAndy101, try reconfiguring x08:06
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AngryElf1guys, I'm trying to setup ivtv which uses the hotplug system......none of the directories where the firmware is suppose ot be exists.......also, /etc/firmware.agent doesn't exist -- is there a packaeg i'm missing?08:06
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midnawhen i boot up the new install cd the screen goes black after the brown ubuntu startup sequence, the sound plays but no video08:06
OverandIs there a list of changes between Dapper RC and Dapper release?08:06
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r0xoRAndy101, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:06
midnaany ideas?08:06
JyZkynouse i got the browser open no errors08:06
=== dust_ [n=bradley@MTL-ppp-146295.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kalypsobonjour a tous08:06
JyZkynouse disctree08:06
dxdemetriouIf I have error like "E: clvm: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 3", or unconfigured what can I do?08:06
AmaranthangryElf: firmware goes in /lib/firmware08:06
jlmrmadmike, ubuntu is pure experimental for me, windows remains my primary OS, i like to keep windows in front of everything else, i need for study/work etc..08:06
madmikejlmr, (well don't know enough to give certain advice when it comes to dd anyway ;)08:06
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h3sp4wnboxemail: run alsa mixer are you using spdif ?08:06
sajwhats the process to ked KDE on??08:06
boxemallok thanks for this first hint08:06
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boxemalli'll give it a try08:06
paulproteuskalypso, Salut!  On parle anglais ici; les francophones vont a #ubuntu-fr, generalement.08:06
NoUseJyZky the program that ran from the boot CD ran with no problem?08:06
KhZilluooh new ubuntu wallpaper is purdy08:07
AmaranthOverand: probably close to no changes08:07
h3sp4wnboxemail: alsamixer sorry08:07
r0xoRjlmr, you'll probably get over that one of these days :P08:07
paulproteuskalypso, But if you'll speak English you'll find help here.08:07
AngryElf1Amaranth, /lib/firmware or /lib/firmware/`uname -r` ?08:07
sublime#join ubuntu-es08:07
madmikejlmr, if i'd be you i'd just copy the MBR to a floppy or another save place... liek this you can allway copy it back, when something goes wrong08:07
jlmrmadmike, np thnx anyway, i will ask again, perhaps someone else knows :D08:07
boxemallcurrently i am not able to start firefox or any other app08:07
scifivermoos: please let me know if u find out the solution08:07
Ajeeb71does ubunto installer have console-less modes? text install via SSH or Telnet? and also does it have hands free install, kickstart/jumpstart/ whatever others call it? any howtos ?08:07
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ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia08:07
Andy101r0xoR:  thanks, will try as soon as I print something from ubuntu.com08:07
DavidJaqI could get a fresh install of ubuntu on this computer if I could boot from the cd from within the busybox console Dapper drops me into when it fails to boot, if someone could help me figure out how to do that08:07
JyZkynouse yes the browser08:07
AmaranthOverand: you can use synaptic to upgrade to the final version if you were using the rc08:07
boxemalleven the panel is not responding08:07
NoUseJyZky browser?08:07
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jlmrmadmike, ok thnx08:07
AmaranthangryElf: it seems to work with either one08:07
dust_so i knew this once but... how do i add apps to my start up?08:07
boxemalli have to restart but i will be back in a few minutes (hope so,...)08:07
NoUseJyZky this program should run with booting off the CD, it shouldn't involve a browser08:07
madmikejlmr, Grub generally does a good job on booting windows i've got it working succesfully with windows 98 and XP08:07
vermoosscifi: ok.08:07
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AngryElf1Amaranth, well i've actually got it in both, and several other places and dmesg keeps complaining it can't find it08:07
AmaranthangryElf: odd08:08
NoUseJyZky you shouldn't be in widows while this runs08:08
JyZkynouse yeye ive tried it but it comes the error...?08:08
AmaranthangryElf: this is for a kernel module?08:08
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aedwards232using apt, how do you upgrade to dapper?08:08
jlmrmadmike,  so far, it doesnt boot windows, otherwise it wouldnt be much of a problem, it just hangs when choosing windows08:08
AngryElf1Amaranth, yes08:08
JyZkynouse i can get the whole error msg if u want?08:08
anto9usAjeeb71, see wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/08:08
madmikejlmr, there is also a win32 grub if you really want to boot windows before starting into ubuntu08:08
NoUseJyZky the verify program returned an error?08:08
midnais there a way to use the old text install on the new cd instead of going to a live cd install?08:08
Ajeeb71anto9us: thanks08:08
DavidJaqI could get a fresh install of ubuntu on this computer if I could boot from the cd from within the busybox console Dapper drops me into when it fails to boot, if someone could help me figure out how to do that08:08
Auckland_PigJyZky: put the cd in the drive and reboot....08:08
JyZkynouse no... the install08:08
Amaranth!tell aedwards232 about upgrade08:08
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N3o21Can someone help me? I need download gcc and kernel sources for dapper drake to compile modem drivers.08:08
madmikejlmr, so you allready got ubuntu installed but you can't boot windows anymore?08:08
runespaulproteus: they claim it does but I tried it ..it will connect to the pop server ssl but the smpt server times out..so to troubleshoot I tried thunderbird and it worked08:08
JyZkyAuckland_Pig ive tried... it works well the splashscreen08:09
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NoUseJyZky you need to run a verify program from the boot menu, put the disc in your drive and reboot08:09
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JyZkyAuckland_Pig but the install get some error08:09
NoUseJyZky you aren't listening08:09
jlmrmadmike, yes thats part of the problem :D08:09
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JyZkynouse it is the... very the cd from any efects08:09
JyZkynouse something like that08:09
NoUseJyZky yes08:09
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JyZkynouse ok ill try08:09
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wycatswhere are the Kernel headers by default?08:09
JyZkynouse BRB08:09
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madmikejlmr, ... hmm other problems that are booting related?08:09
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACCA062F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
midnais there a way to use the old text install on the new cd instead of going to a live cd install?08:09
ketsugiHow do I configure the default bittorrent program? To use other ports, for example.08:09
AmaranthN3o21: you probably need to run sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`08:09
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jlmrmadmike, i could just use fixmbr or fdisk /mbr to get back to windows, bu then i would be unable to get into ubuntu08:10
Amaranthketsugi: i don't think it offers that08:10
DavidJaqI could get a fresh install of ubuntu on this computer if I could boot from the cd from within the busybox console Dapper drops me into when it fails to boot, if someone could help me figure out how to do that08:10
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KhZillu... testing if hibernate finally works....08:10
xanavimyeehaw! partypartypartyparty!!!08:10
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neoncodeHi, How do I chnage the driver for a Video Capture card?08:10
ketsugiHuh, really? That sucks... I don't want to have to open up 688108:10
N3o21Amaranth: I can't. I don't have a internet connection in ubuntu, I need to compile drivers for my ADSL modem08:10
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ubuntu_I have a terrible problem :(08:10
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AmaranthDavidJaq: ah, i don't think you can start the installer like that08:10
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dust_?anyone know how to add applications to the start up?08:10
AmaranthN3o21: oh08:11
jlmrmadmike, im trying to verify if the dd thing would work to get me back in ubuntu, otherwise it will be problem to get there :P08:11
elyxiwhat do i have to do if i want to update a breezy badger system to dapper drake?08:11
madmikejlmr, this should be unneccessary grub is able to provide a (working) boot-menu08:11
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wycatsdust_ -- sessions in the  settings08:11
N3o21Amaranth: I must dowload it from the net in windows. Reboot to ubuntu, and install it.08:11
midnais there a way to use the old text install on the new cd instead of going to a live cd install?08:11
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Andre4sany swedish users here? has anyone got any keyboard problems with 6.06?08:11
wycatsWhere's the linux headers?08:11
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wycatsI see they're installed08:11
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dust_wycats: cheers!08:11
KhZilluhibernate works08:11
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Auckland_Pigelyxi: tyype alt+f2, then "gksudo update-manager -d"08:11
flask-help! my dist-upgrade is failing with "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"08:11
zerby_dapper drake looks cool08:11
jlmrmadmike, but it doesnt, windows doesnt boot... :(08:11
h3h_timognomefreak, i tried it... and it doesnt work anymore lol08:11
scifii can never remember where sources.lst is stored, can someone remind me pls08:11
madmikejlmr, what windows do you run?08:11
AmaranthN3o21: i guess look at http://packages.ubuntu.com and download all of the packages you need and their dependencies08:12
iNikuhas anyone installed dapper on an existing system with root, /usr and /home on LVM over MD, preserving /home?08:12
zerby_scarn: /apt08:12
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jlmrmadmike, xp08:12
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zerby_oops scifi /apt08:12
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jlmrmadmike, sp2 etc08:12
DavidJaqis there a way to start the install process from within Windows XP? I can't boot from CD on this computer and I don't have a floppy disk08:12
ubuntu_stupid windows :(, it doesn't work in my ntfs partition due to a resize partition08:12
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madmikejlmr, on which hd, partition is it installed?08:12
Auckland_Pigelyxi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades08:12
midnais there a way to use the old text install on the new cd instead of going to a live cd install?08:12
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AmaranthDavidJaq: actually i think that is possible, let me look08:12
kermitX_scifi: /etc/apt/sources.list08:12
zerby_DavidJaq: no i dont think so08:12
iNikumidna: use the alternate cd08:12
apokryphosmidna: yes, use the alternate CD08:12
highvoltageubuntu_: it's best to defrag your windows disk before resizing it08:12
midnaok thank you08:12
N3o21btw, what apckage I need for MP3 support in ubuntu?08:13
scifikermitX: got it hx08:13
noob31i have a shuttle XPC with Nvidia network08:13
zerby_kermitX_: yes sorrry08:13
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NoUseDavidJaq search the wiki for 'installation' they have some options08:13
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noob31does ubuntu support it ?08:13
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AmaranthDavidJaq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows08:13
vermoosscifi: Fix /etc/apt/sources.list by replacing all occurances of breezy with dapper.  http://blog.jillesvangurp.com/2006/05/29/ubuntu-breezy-to-dapper-upgrade/08:13
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neoncodeActualy Nevermind. I have a Tv Capture card connected to 4 cameras. I have no idea what chanell they broadcast on. How do I scan every possible chanell?08:13
jlmrmadmike, windows xp is on the first partition on my only harddisk (it is ntfs formatted)08:13
DavidJaqthanks Amaranth08:13
h3h_timohas anyone else had a problem with dapper screwing up your ethernet??08:13
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Amaranthh3h_timo: nope08:13
vermoosscifi: though i havn't tried this yet. you first?08:13
gymsmokei'm looking for a product similar to phprunner that will run under ubuntu... anyone have any ideas?08:13
noob31i can't get my ethernet to work08:13
jlmrmadmike, so that would be hd0,0 or dev/hda108:13
stfif i was running dapper "testing" until today, and i do apt-get update/upgrade, am i running stable ? (can i check ?)08:13
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Amaranthgymsmoke: what does phprunner do?08:13
scifivermoos: hmm, is this something everyone has had to do then ?08:13
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madmikejlmr, hmm... let me check my notes (bookmarks)08:14
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h3h_timoAmaranth, do you have any suggestions of waht i could do to fix it.. the driver is tulip i think... and its a broadcom ethernet device08:14
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Happy Dapper Day Everyone! http://tinyurl.com/qdbl7 ## Upgrading? /msg ubotu upgrade ## Documentation and FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation (check here first!) ## Seed the torrents http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ (USE THE ubuntu-6.06 torrents DO NOT USE the dapper-* torrents) ## Release Parties! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties
Avian00Are the breezy repositories down?08:14
highvoltageAmaranth: it chases away all php code08:14
ubuntu_highvoltage I did it08:14
gymsmokeAmaranth: it's an ide for php/mysql...08:14
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ubuntu_but.....I don't know what happen08:14
Amaranthh3h_timo: nope, sorry08:14
Amaranthgymsmoke: oh08:14
uscg_corey /join #ubuntu+108:14
uscg_corey /join #ubuntu+108:14
Khamaelis there a webpage that explains the diff between breezy and dapper?08:14
Amaranthgymsmoke: well, gedit does syntax highlighting08:14
KhZilluok hibernate ALMOST works08:14
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pettmansomething is wrong with gparted, it won't see the partitions that is already on the drive :S08:14
vermoosscifi: it sounds kinda logical, since /etc/apt/sources.list must be distro specific...08:14
neoncodeCan anyone help me?08:14
disinterested_pei just got home from cataract surgery08:14
Amaranthuscg_corey: #ubuntu+1 is closed08:15
OhzieIs there a power moniter in the console?08:15
KhZillucoming back from hibernate and the network cards don't work08:15
OhzieFor like a laptop?08:15
uscg_coreyi see that ;P08:15
gymsmokeAmaranth: it has the ability to build forms from tables in mysql08:15
ubuntu_now, in GParted is ntfs partition, but I can't mount this highvoltage08:15
wycatsI really need to find the C headers for my kernel...08:15
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AnAntI have a problem with Ubuntu Dapper, a friend of mine tried his MMC and it worked, so I decided to buy one, I found an MMC+, the buyer said they are the same, so I bought one, and I discovered that it doesn't work. Anyone has info on this ?08:15
uscg_coreyis totem-xine now the recommended plugin for ff1.5 streaming video?08:15
Amaranthgymsmoke: oh, i don't know of anything like that08:15
Ohziewycats: Hey08:15
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Amaranthgymsmoke: you could try running it with WINE08:15
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rukuarticAnAnt: tried mounting it by yourself?08:15
Avian00apt-get update spits out a bunch of 403 Forbidden errors.  Are the Dapper repositories down (sorry, I said breezy a moment ago)?08:15
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rekrutacjaanyone familiar with NetworkManager? my card seems to be supported, i installed version from official ubuntu repo, but it is not working...08:15
scifivermoos: ok im gonna try it, backup up original already in there anyway08:15
gymsmokeAmaranth: that's true... (i have crossover 5)08:15
h3h_timoAmaranth, is it possible to boot an older kernel????08:15
Amaranthh3h_timo: it might be08:16
AnAntrukuartic: I got this in /var/log/messages: mmc2: card has unknown MMCA version 408:16
h3h_timoAmaranth, how???08:16
stSorry to trouble you! Is this the right place for help with installation of xampp on ubuntu?08:16
rukuarticrekrutacja: I seem to remember that some service needed to be restarted... I think it was dbus "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart" maybe08:16
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rukuarticcan anyone confirm that?08:16
Amaranthh3h_timo: as long as you didn't uninstall it it should show up in the grub boot list08:16
h3h_timoalright.. im gonna try that..08:16
onkarshindeI am getting too many MD5mismatch errors when using CD to upgrade. Anyone else faced this?08:16
KhamaelI can`t Shut Down the comp as a user... only log out, switch user, lock screen and hibernate08:16
vermoosscifi: ditto, apparantly it takes as hour, though i suspect less on broadband. its 7.16 pm in the uk08:16
rekrutacjarukuartic: i restarted whole system just minutes ago08:16
soundrayKhamael: try 'sudo shutdown -h now'08:17
ubuntu_could I recover my data highvoltage?08:17
rukuarticAnAnt, rekrutacja: Just throwing out obvious answers. I really don't know much...08:17
madmikejlmr, you still there?08:17
DShepherdKhamael: it supposed to be like that08:17
rukuarticsoundray: any way you can set reboot to be a non superuser command?08:17
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sinbad444Khamael, i have similar problem08:17
highvoltageubuntu_: i don't know :/08:17
jlmrmadmike, yes08:17
anto9usst, yes, this is the place to ask about any support issues with ubuntu, I don't know anything about xampp though, try again after waiting a while, someone else might :)08:17
sinbad444i dont know why08:17
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highvoltageit's been ages since i've used ntfs08:17
KhamaelDShepherd: how do I change it?08:17
madmikejlmr, i'm still on it ;)08:17
Avian00apt-get update spits out a bunch of 403 Forbidden errors.  Are the Dapper repositories down?08:17
Avian00apt-get update spits out a bunch of 403 Forbidden errors.  Are the Dapper repositories down?08:17
soundrayrukuartic: I don't know... tried suid?08:17
Avian00if nobody can answer my question here, can somebody please direct me to where I CAN get a response?08:17
stok. Thanks!08:17
midnais there a way to do a fresh install from a cd while inside breezy, or at least start it inside breezy08:17
jlmrmadmike, ok, cool, im searching also08:17
midnaavian: ubuntuforums.com08:17
sinbad444DShepherd: how do I change it?08:18
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rukuarticsoundray: I'm unfamiliar with that...08:18
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Raskallhmm.. My last apt-get upgrade was yesterday. been running dapper for a couple of months. apt-get dist-upgrade says there's nothing to do. Do I have a final dapper on my laptop then?08:18
onkarshindeAnybody getting MD4 mismatch errors while upgrading with CD?08:18
midnais there a way to do a fresh install from a cd while inside breezy, or at least start it inside breezy08:18
sinbad444i want to be ABLE to shutdown Dapper !08:18
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onkarshindeRaskall: Yes08:18
rukuarticRaskall: I had that happen to me as well. As far as I've been told, yes you are.08:18
Avian00ubuntuforms won't give me up-to-date info08:18
Avian00I have a vanilla CD instsasll of Dapper08:18
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anto9usst, another tip, just ask your support question, you didn't really ask one :)08:18
DShepherdsinbad444: checking on it now08:18
Avian00I know my internet works08:18
sinbad444WHY doesnt Dapper allow me to Shutdown anyways ?08:19
AmaranthRaskall: yep, you're running the final version08:19
DShepherdKhamael:  checking on it now08:19
midnaAvian: i didn't see your question i was afk what did you ask?08:19
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Avian00the only logical explination is that the repositories are down, can somebody confirm this?08:19
Lynourerekrutacja: I might remember wrong, but I read that one needs to remove mention of the network interfaces (apart from loopback) from /etc/network/interfaces. Did that, after runnung the interfaces down. And it worked.08:19
dxdemetriouThe gksudo "update-manager -d" is making correct upgrade? I have read that the update-manager will force to Dapper without the -d.08:19
rukuarticsinbad444: Eh.... linux was built to be server sized. So if someuser logged on and decided to reboot, it could cause a lot of problems.08:19
scifican i just get some confirmation from someone that i need to replace all "breezy" references with "dapper" in my sources.list for sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to work ?08:19
midnaAvian: ppl have been asking that on here recently... no real answer08:19
mjrscifi, ack08:19
rukuarticsinbad444: Just imagine working on your computer, and all of a sudden it shuts off.08:19
dsasscifi: yes08:19
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midnascifi: yes08:19
soundrayrukuartic: 'sudo chmod g+s binary' lets group members execute binary as root.08:19
SurfnKidwhere'd spikeh go08:20
dsasdxdemetriou: You don't need the '-d' now that Dapper has been released.08:20
Lynourerekrutacja: But I'm using it with kubuntu, so there might be some differences if you need further help08:20
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midnais there a way to do a fresh install from a cd while inside breezy, or at least start it inside breezy08:20
PHiSQuaREmmmm, I can't sudo, I think my hostname got fffed, how can I fix this little problem...08:20
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r0xoRi've installed a lot of custom stuff in my breezy install: custom kernel compile, out of kernel-tree modules and FF1.508:20
mjrsoundray, incorrect. It will change the effective gid to the gid of the owner group08:20
r0xoRwill an upgrade to dapper overwrite all that?08:20
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rukuarticsoundray: Ooof you kinda lost me on the syntax...08:20
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Avian00I guess I can take that as I'm not the only having this problem08:20
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dxdemetrioudsas: I know, but the update-manager don't give me the choice yet08:20
midnaAvian: you are not08:20
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soundrayrukuartic: it was wrong anyway, as mjr pointed out08:20
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dsasdxdemetriou: Does it work with the '-d' ?08:21
midnaAvian: try using synaptic?08:21
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Avian00ok.  thanks midna08:21
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dxdemetrioudsas: yes08:21
ak7ok, I'm checking the md5sum of an iso in a terminal, and i'm getting different values for the same file, each time I run it08:21
flask-wow, that upgrade didn't even REMOTELY work.08:21
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eigenlambdawooo 1k ppls in #ubuntu wooo08:21
sorush20just testing the ubuntu to show off to my friend .. .some one say hi to geroge please..08:21
dsasdxdemetriou: Then use that then I guess.08:21
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scifiwhat about the 1st line #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted ?08:21
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midnaak7: do a memtest08:21
eigenlambdawe're more popular than debian08:21
AmaranthAvian00: the repos are working fine for me08:21
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rukuarticmjr: Would you happen to know how I could allow one user to run "reboot" without using sudo?08:21
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AmaranthAvian00: your mirror might be overloaded08:21
WildChildI just installed Dapper Drake but now I have a framebuffer problem with a 3dfx Voodoo 3 3000, does anyone has the same problem? I doesn't see anything until X.org start08:21
sinbad444wow the Dapper upgrade today is  SLOW  slow  sLoW08:21
r0xoRflask-, uh oh, heheheh, what's wrong?08:21
vermoosscifi: geez i've got 547 upgrades to do, which popped up in the synaptics gui * after * doing apt-get update08:21
dcravenHi geroge08:21
=== shachaf [n=Shachaf@c66-235-46-149.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
zkl-laptophmm, can't start gnome-session from gdm08:21
PHiSQuaREmmmm, I can't sudo, I think my hostname got fffed, how can I fix this little problem?08:21
midnais there a way to do a fresh install from a cd while inside breezy, or at least start it inside breezy08:21
rukuarticsinbad444: Its hot stuff :)08:21
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Avian00Amaranth: how can I specify a different mirror?  I've been searching google and ubuntuforms for that without any luck08:22
onkarshindescifi: You can comment that. And if you have dapper CD then do 'susdo apt-cdrom add'08:22
flask-r0xor: ran update-manager -d, it did its thing and said it had to reboot. rebooted and no upgrade had taken place.08:22
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ak7midna: bad memory can do that? :/08:22
SimthumbHi I had a few questions about Ubuntu08:22
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Amaranthmidna: no, but you can use the CD to do a dist-upgrade08:22
dxdemetrioudsas: I have the cy.archive.ubuntu... It will be this the reason?08:22
sinbad444haha yeah but im only getting like 3-5Kbps !!08:22
rukuarticmidna: If you shut down and put the CD in, you might be able to boot from CD and install that way :)08:22
mjrrukuartic, I would recommend sudo anyway08:22
r0xoRflask-, you have to use dist-upgrade08:22
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flask-r0xor: then I tried to manually run dist-upgrade and it complained about all my xorg-* packages needing to be removed... so I let it08:22
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xikohmm just upgraded it to dapper, everything working right08:22
AmaranthAvian00: you have to manually edit your sources.list08:22
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dsasdxdemetriou: Possibly, not all mirrors will update as quick as others.08:22
midnarukuartic: cd kills my display.. as soon as it finishes booting the stupid screen goes black08:22
rekrutacjaLynoure: hmmm, i use pcmcia atheros card (madwifi driver) and remember that i have to edit sth in this file to get it running08:22
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mjrrukuartic, but you could make it 4750 and owned by a group that can execute it as root08:22
rukuarticmjr: Hmm. Lemme look on editing sudoers file...08:22
r0xoRflask-, did you read and or follow any instructions? and if so which ones?08:22
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midnaak7: had the same problem, bad memory was my problem.. don't really know08:23
JyZkynouse 3 check summar failed08:23
flask-r0xoR: i followed the instructions in the Wiki article in the topic.08:23
rukuarticmjr: Ooooh... Make a group called "shutdown" or something, add users to that group?08:23
Avian00Amaranth: where can I find a list of mirrors?08:23
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eXistenZWhat might cause my ff to browse slowly? It downloads files fast though08:23
JyZkyNoUse 3 check summars failed08:23
Lynourerekrutacja: where   this = ?08:23
AmaranthAvian00: i dunno08:23
flask-r0xoR: and now when i try to run dist-upgrade it doesn't indicate that there's any upgrade to perform08:23
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midnaAmaranth: thank you.. i might resort to that, but i would really like to just get a vanilla install08:23
madmikejlmr, what does the /boot/grub/menu.lst look like (for the windows part anyway) ?08:23
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ak7midna: well, thanks... not sure about the status of my warranty, that's all :(08:23
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AmaranthAvian00: i just use archive.ubuntu.com08:23
r0xoRflask-, and i just have to ask... yo'ure sure that you followed them correctly and in the right order and what not?08:23
shachafIs anyone else here having trouble with the ATi drivers?08:23
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pike__eXistenZ: ipv6? or regular dns problem?08:23
shachafThey stopped working suddenly.08:23
Raskallwell, then it just remains to upgrade wifey's laptop and the server.08:23
iNikurekrutacja: I use an atheros card and madwifi too, what's your problem?08:23
flask-r0xoR: yep, I'm not new at this by any means08:23
shachafAnd won't compile now.08:23
midnaak7: sorry, a memtest would tell you if its bad at least.. could be good/bad news08:23
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spikehATI drivers aren't working?08:23
rukuarticmjr Its odd... I just looked at reboot in /sbin, its got rwxrwxrwx08:24
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jlmrmadmike, ok, trying to find that :p08:24
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eXistenZpike__, How can I fix either?08:24
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midnaak7: could also be normal discrepencies in large files08:24
JyZkynouse 3 check summar errors08:24
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Avian00Amaranth: that's the same one I'm using. some of them work, others do not08:24
shachafspikeh: Not for me.08:24
zambbaI dist-upgraded my Dapper system today08:24
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scifivermoos: i dont think i have to install all those tho, just updates the list08:24
shachafspikeh: This is a Radeon Xpress 200M.08:24
madmikejlmr, just open a terminal ans write 'gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst' (without the ')08:24
jlmrmadmike, titleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional08:24
KhZilluwhere are the ubuntu wallpapers stored for gnome?08:24
zambbaNow when I try to log in, I only get error "Xsession: warning: unable to write to /tmp"08:25
madmikejlmr, sounds good08:25
sinbad444zambba, WelCome to the the CLUB08:25
spikehshachaf: I have a X800GTO2, and it's giving me an error so I'm downloading the fglrx drivers08:25
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scifivermoos: i just did "sudo apt-get update" in cli08:25
jlmrmadmike, yeah, it thought so :D08:25
Xappeis there a way to start gnome-terminal with a non-default charmap? (so I don't have to use the menu to change)08:25
[zero] Amaranth: could you help me with this mount business?08:25
DShepherdKhamael, sinbad444.. i can seem to find anything.. maybe i was mistaken08:25
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SimthumbDoes Ubuntu replace Windows (XP) or...?08:25
Raskallbut on my server I have only installed software from the ubuntu repos. I _should_ be ok dist-upgrading, right?08:25
[zero] please08:25
scifivermoos: hmmm NOW its saying 577 updates in pop-menu too lol08:25
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rukuarticSimthumb: Depends on how you install it. You can have it completely take over the hard drive, or share it.08:25
shachafspikeh: I'm trying to compile the latest fglrx drivers.08:25
=== RandolphCarter [n=brett@82-42-145-141.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
aedwards232I tryed gksudo "update-manager -d" and got this "After your package information was updated the essential package 'ubuntu-base' can not be found anymore." is this a known issue?08:25
zkl-laptop.xsession-errors isn't telling me anything insightful either08:25
sinbad444DShep,  thx anyways !!  :)08:25
shachafspikeh: Though I tried the old ones too.08:26
vermoosscifi: yeah ditto08:26
midnawhen i boot up the new install cd the screen goes black after the brown ubuntu startup sequence, the sound plays but no video any ideas?08:26
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DShepherdKhamael, sinbad444 that was cant not can08:26
spikehshachaf: oh? I'm just using apt-get xorg-drivers-fglrx08:26
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DShepherdsinbad444: sure,, no prob08:26
rekrutacjaiNiku: NetworkManager is not working08:26
spikehshachaf: not sure if it will work yet :D08:26
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shachafspikeh: I'll try that, I guess.08:26
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ifxxhey @all ... has anyone set up the sgi performer with ubuntu??08:26
scifivermoos: said it cant install all of them, says i need to do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in console, so im gonna do that now08:26
Avian00Amaranth: Thanks for your help08:26
iNikurekrutacja: at all? what does it do?08:26
sinbad444hey guys how do i disable quits/join messages in xchat-gnome ?? i looked everywhere08:26
soundraymidna: do you get a console login when you hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 ?08:26
madmikewhat does 'sudo fdisk -l' say?08:26
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Simthumb@rukuartic Can it partition my hard drive?08:26
scifivermoos: hmmm or shud i install these updates first ?08:27
madmikejlmr, what does 'sudo fdisk -l' say?08:27
midnasoundray: yes i do08:27
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flask-r0xoR: nevermind, i think it was a sources.list problem08:27
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OhzieHey, I was here earlier and someone told me that to fix my problem I had to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that isn't helping.08:27
rukuarticsinbad444: /part (channel) (message)08:27
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r0xoRflask-, ahh i see08:27
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DavidJaqin the wiki I see a confusing instruction... 'Extract grldr from the archive to c:\grldr. The rest of the files in the archive are unnecessary. (If your default compression/archive program doesn't like *.gz files, try 7-Zip from www.7-zip.org.)'08:27
vermoosscifi: i think the updates which come through the gui *are* the ugrade to dapper08:27
[zero] Someone help Im at the point on > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions < where its Preparing the system, but I dont understand the command because I want to mount /dev/hdb5  :????08:27
rekrutacjaiNiku: displays in panel "no network connection" which is obviously not true08:27
flask-r0xoR: copied one off the forums, reran apt-get update, re-ran dist-upgrade and now it's flyin08:27
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aedwards232I tryed gksudo "update-manager -d" and got this "After your package information was updated the essential package 'ubuntu-base' can not be found anymore." is this a known issue?08:27
DavidJaqdoes that mean that I should extract grldr to the C drive or into a folder called grldr on the c drive?08:27
scifivermoos: ok ive pressed "install updates" now08:27
r0xoRflask-, hehehe, i fought with my computer a bunch last time... then realized i was just a little bit sped and took a notch of my ego :)08:27
madmikejlmr, (i.e. is windows xp really on this first partition?!)08:28
rukuartic[zero] : what type of filesystem is it?08:28
rekrutacjaiNiku: i had to start dhclient manually in order to connect08:28
soundraymidna: log in there, run 'sudo dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and set the video driver to vesa (leave everything else as is, say no to autodetection).08:28
r0xoRflask-, lemme know how it works :)08:28
jldWorkso is it safe to use "update-manager -d" to upgrade to dapper, or will that go to "edgey eft"?08:28
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iNikurekrutacja: does it show any networks available in the menu?08:28
SimthumbDo I have to manually partition my disk?08:28
rekrutacjaiNiku: NO08:28
scifivermoos: and i will also do a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade when they have completed installing08:28
[zero] rukuartic: W95 FAT3208:28
SimthumbOr will it automatically partition?08:28
midnasoundray: ok i'll try that.. thank you greatly08:28
SimthumbOr no partition at all?08:28
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KhamaelDShepherd: I looked at some screenshots of dapper, and the shutdown function is there08:28
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rekrutacjaiNiku: and i am connected to internet via wifi right now, no cables at all08:28
soundraymidna: afterwards, restart gdm with 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'08:28
JyZkyNOUSE 3 fucking summars failed answer08:28
spikehshachaf: it's not working08:28
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iNikurekrutacja: weird, it worked for me a couple of weeks ago... I ended up tossing it in favor of /etc/network/interfaces, though08:28
rukuartic[zero] : Ah I have a fat32 mount as well. You say that its hdb5?08:28
[zero] yeh08:29
DavidJaqin the wiki I see a confusing instruction... 'Extract grldr from the archive to c:\grldr. The rest of the files in the archive are unnecessary. (If your default compression/archive program doesn't like *.gz files, try 7-Zip from www.7-zip.org.)'... does that mean that I should extract grldr to the C drive or into a folder called grldr on the c drive?08:29
rukuartic[zero] : try this08:29
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iNikurekrutacja: so it works after the manual dhclient?08:29
jlmrmadmike,   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System08:29
jlmr/dev/hda1   *           1        1411    11333826    7  HPFS/NTFS08:29
jlmr/dev/hda2            1412        4099    21591360    7  HPFS/NTFS08:29
jlmr/dev/hda3            4100        4864     6144862+   5  Extended08:29
jlmr/dev/hda5            4100        4609     4096543+  83  Linux08:29
jlmr/dev/hda6            4610        4673      514048+  82  Linux swap / Solaris08:29
jlmr/dev/hda7            4674        4864     1534176   83  Linux08:29
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scifivermoos: apparently mine will only take 20mins to update ( well to download anyway )08:29
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Simthumbrukuartic: do I have to partition my drive? Is it possible to run Ubuntu and WinXP side-by-side?08:29
rekrutacjaiNiku: network connection works, not netwrokmanager08:29
dsas!tell jlmr about pastebin08:29
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SimthumbI don't see anything in the FAQ about that08:29
rukuartic[zero] : sudo mkdir /media/fat32; sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hdb5 /media/fat3208:29
zkl-laptoplooks like i'm bit by bug 4074808:30
midnasoundray: will do.. thanks for your help08:30
vermoosscifi: i'm almost done08:30
rukuarticSimthumb: Yes you do have to partition your hard drive, and yes its possible. I'm doing it myself.08:30
rukuarticSimthumb: Thats called dual boting.08:30
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stjepanrukuartic, it is much better to put it in fstab08:30
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scifivermoos: kewl08:30
SimthumbSimthumb: So does Ubuntu LiveCD do that for me?08:30
rukuarticstjepan: Yep, I'm just explaining mount08:30
jlmrdsas, ok08:30
madmikejlmr, well... it is08:30
iNikurekrutacja: okay, no really good ideas there... as I said, I don't use NM08:30
soundrayDavidJaq: extract to a folder.08:30
rekrutacjathis is my /etc/network/interfaces file http://pastebin.com/75181908:30
Simthumbrukuartic: so does Ubuntu do that for me?08:30
iNikurekrutacja: ohh08:30
vermoosscifi: 14 minutes :)08:30
Simthumbrukuartic: or do I have to do it?08:30
rukuarticSimthumb: yes it does, but its a tad risky. I lost my ntfs partition once--fortunately there was nothing on it08:30
rekrutacjaiNiku: this is my /etc/network/interfaces file http://pastebin.com/75181908:30
SimthumbWith a 3rd party software?08:30
Getwild2I get the error, "Can't resolve host name "unix"!", whenever I execute a command in the shell.  Any ideas?08:30
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Simthumbrukuartic: Wow...so then how do I partition?08:31
jlmrmadmike, it looks alright doesnt it, but it doesnt work08:31
[zero] rukuartic: now when I click on it nothing happens?08:31
jabPerformancevise how does a debian x86 (userland) with an 64-bits kernel perform vs. ubuntu amd64 on a AMD64 CPU system?08:31
rukuarticSimthumb: The live CD does it for you. How much data do you have on your drive?08:31
iNikurekrutacja: did you comment out the ath0 lines before trying network manager?08:31
stjepananyone here runs the stable dapper?08:31
Simthumbrukuartic: Should I dare try using command-line?08:31
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jlmrmamike, thats why i wanted to switch back to ntldr08:31
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iNikurekrutacja: NM won't touch interfaces that have configs in /etc/network/interfaces08:31
Simthumbrukuartic: lol about 35gigs08:31
stjepanany thoughs of the new dapper? any experiences?08:31
rekrutacjaiNiku: no. ath0 is my pcmcia wifi card08:31
Auckland_PigJyZky: did you get ubuntu working?08:31
Booois there a problem with iso for ppc?08:31
jlmrmadmike, thats why i wanted to switch back to ntldr08:31
rukuartic[zero] : You probably have to be the super user to open the folder... try this... open a terminal and do "sudo -i;cd /media/fat32"08:31
gili have a toshiba m40x....i cant for the life of me get the Card reader to pick up an inserted card08:31
rukuarticSimthumb: Out of how much space?08:31
scifivermoos: maxing out my measly 1mbit, package servers must be getting hammered, but still managing to max me out :D08:31
stjepanI'm just running dapper now 8-)08:31
iNikurekrutacja: yes, you have to comment it out in /etc/network/interfaces if you want to use NM08:31
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rekrutacjaiNiku: ok, will try hashing it08:31
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Simthumbrukuartic: out of 37gig08:31
soundrayjab, it makes little difference for desktop type applications.08:32
rekrutacjathanks all08:32
GreatBritoni get an error message when trying to activate the nvidia graphics driver on dapper, help please?08:32
iNikurekrutacja: eth0 too08:32
xetasstjepen: its awesome, how r u liking it08:32
iNikurekrutacja: if you want NM to manage that08:32
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jbrouhardAnyone have trouble running sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre ?08:32
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madmikejlmr, it really could be that grub is installed on the MBR and that XP doesn't want to boot because of this08:32
Simthumbrukuartic: do I have to free more space?08:32
rukuarticSimthumb: Oooooh. That'd be bad. What I reccommend is this, get a second hard drive, plug the blank hard drive in as the primary and the full hard drive (windows) as the second. When you install from the CD, tell it to install to the blank hard drive.08:32
h3h_timois there a way to change the ethernet adapter that you are using?08:32
rukuarticSimthumb: Yea, you kinda need about 2 gigs for Linux and 512 for swap.08:32
iNikudamnit... why isn't my irssi hilight working08:32
dxdemetriouIt didn't work the update-manager for upgrade yet. If I use the cd it will be ok with the update manager?08:32
Simthumbrukuartic: Oy-vey08:32
rukuarticSimthumb: You PROBABLY could do it, but it'd be really tight and kinda risky08:33
Simthumbrukuartic: So how big a hard drive do I need?08:33
buzzedany good website capture utilities for offline viewing of a site08:33
ak7midna: found the problem... was running the md5sum on the torrent I'm still downloading :)08:33
jlmrmadmike, but it is strange my windows partition is marked as active, and grub find tells me that grub is installed on hd0,408:33
dsasbuzzed: wget if you fancy the command line.08:33
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soundrayh3h_timo: what exactly are you trying to do?08:33
jabsoundray: were does the difference appear?08:33
Simthumbrukuartic: Wow...08:33
rukuarticSimthumb: 3 gigs minimum. I'm sitting comfortably on a 80 right now. Four partitions. Windows, Linux, Swap, and a drive to share between the twol08:33
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dsasbuzzed: There may be some graphical applications for it, I don't know any offhand though.08:33
Boooseem to a problem iso for ppc08:33
GreatBritoni get an error message when trying to activate the nvidia graphics driver on dapper, help please?08:33
Simthumbrukuartic: Wow!08:33
rukuarticSimthumb: No, don't get me wrong. You can install linux on your 37 gb hard drive. I really don't reccommend it though08:33
soundrayjab, in numbercrunching/memory I/O intensive applications.08:33
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buzzedwget may work08:34
jabsoundray: ok, thanks :)08:34
Simthumbrukuartic: If I do install it on my 37gig,08:34
h3h_timosoundray, my etherent doesnt work.. i have a davicom etherent device.. and the driver is tulip compatible i think.. but it never connects.. it worked before i upgraded.. but not now08:34
Simthumbrukuartic: What are the risks?08:34
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avarabheh, my ubuntu dist-upgrade failed08:34
Simthumbrukuartic: Losing my data?08:34
avarab'python2.4-twisted: Depends: python2.4-twisted-conch (>= 1:0.6) but it is not installed'08:34
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rukuarticSimthumb: Losing data, possibly messing up your hard drive08:34
psycosehi i'm using Dapper up to date, and i'm trying to install the nvidia-glx driver ... sounds like the procedure may as changed. any good doc ?08:34
soundrayh3h_timo: is the tulip driver loaded?08:34
Simthumbrukuartic: Oy08:34
rukuarticSimthumb: Well, not permanantly messing it up08:34
[zero] rukuartic:  it worked THANKX!!! :D:D:D08:34
rukuartic[zero] : No problem08:34
Simthumbrukuartic: So if I get 2 disk drives,08:34
jaekSimthumb, 37 gigs is plenty... just keep the porn down to managable levels08:34
[zero] rukuartic:  you are A LEGEND!!08:34
rukuartic[zero] : Its not permanant though. as soon as you reboot it will unmount. And no thats Seveas08:35
Simthumbjaek: the what?????08:35
midnasoundray: YOU ARE MY HERO! my display works now! woohoo!08:35
rukuartic[zero] : To make it permanant you need to put this in fstab08:35
jaekSimthumb, you know what i'm talking about ;)08:35
spikehI'm in Ubuntu, but where's the installation screen?08:35
Simthumbjaek: no I don't jaek08:35
T-CANi have linux installed on a 7gig hard :)08:35
rukuarticjaek: he's got a 37 gig drive with 35 gig of data08:35
spikehI did not download the LiveCD?08:35
[zero] rukuartic: fstab?08:35
Simthumbrukuartic: so will an 8gig be enough?08:35
JyZkyAuckland_Pig no08:35
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madmikejlmr, I'm out know-how here sorry... If I were you, i'd really install ntldr again (as you said) and try to install grub from the ubuntu live-cd again later (or with a knoppix-cd)08:35
rukuarticSim plenty08:35
soundraymidna: it's only a work-around. Read the wiki on ATI or NVidia-specific drivers.08:35
JyZkyAuckland_Pig 3 checking summary errors08:35
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Simthumbrukuartic: if I have 2 HDDs, can I choose to log on into Windows or Linux?08:35
rukuartic[zero] : yes, fstab is basically a file that tells Linux what to mount at the boot08:35
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dsasspikeh: There should be an icon in the top corner saying "install"08:35
GreatBritonpsycose: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia has worked for me, up until it comes to activating the driver, which fails for me and i need help with08:35
soundraymidna: if that's what you have08:35
jaekSimthumb, rukuartic: oooh, i see....08:36
rukuarticSimthumb: You can have two or 1 hd and boot into linux or windows08:36
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dsasspikeh: Top corner of the desktop that is.08:36
rukuarticSimthumb: If you have two, the first (primary/master) hard drive needs to have linux on it08:36
Auckland_PigJyZky: did you burn the cd image onto a cd?08:36
spikehdsas I have clicked it but nothing is happening08:36
[zero] rukuartic: ah k, any chance you could tell me how to do that?08:36
midnasoundray: yes i have nvidia.. thank you very much for the starting point.. i'll start lookin08:36
Simthumbrukuartic: Oh I see08:36
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h3h_timosoundray, i have no idea08:36
rukuartic[zero] : Sure thing. Here, i'll give you a line08:36
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JyZkyAuckland_Pig yes with Nero08:36
soundray!tell midna about nvidia08:36
livevildoes someone know a valid italian server for dictionary?08:36
jlmrmadmike,  any idea how to reinstall grub from livecd?08:36
Simthumbrukuartic: I have a used 8gig HDD from my old comp which I can plug into this one08:36
Auckland_PigJyZky: now leave the cd in the cd drive and reboot your computerr08:37
soundrayh3h_timo: do a 'lsmod | grep tulip' and see if it generates any output.08:37
Simthumbrukuartic: but will the live CD modify my current HDD?08:37
ubunolhei desculpei mas no queria entrar neste canal.08:37
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dsasspikeh: Odd, you did double click it right? It should launch a new window.08:37
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Simthumbrukuartic: If I install it on this 37gig one08:37
JyZkyAuckland_Pig i just did it08:37
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JyZkyAuckland_Pig it said 3 fails08:37
rukuartic[zero] : /dev/sda4       /media/share    vfat    rw,dev,exec,auto,user,sync,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       108:37
JyZkyAuckland_Pig 3 checking summary fails08:37
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gili have a toshiba m40x....i cant for the life of me get the Card reader to pick up an inserted card08:37
madmikejlmr, it's almost the same as when you run it from a 'real' one. You just need to run grub with some more options08:37
Auckland_Pighmmmm... how did you download the .iso file?08:37
rukuartic[zero] : put that line in /etc/fstab, and change /dev/sda4 to /dev/hdb508:37
spikehdsas yes I have double clicked it; and it says starting administrative application at the bottom but then it disappears08:37
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taanhi, where did the X configuration utility go? (used to be xf86config, XFconfig, system-..., etc)08:37
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spikehdsas it was a bit hit and miss getting Xserver working; could this be the issue?08:37
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[zero] ok08:37
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rukuarticSimthumb: No, the live CD won't modify your current unless you tell it to install08:38
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T-CANrukuartic, vfat is read-only though right?08:38
madmikejlmr, 'grub-install /dev/hd...'08:38
C_REATiVE_what does dapper writes after install oem, how can i setup the users ?08:38
rukuarticSimthumb: What it does is use your RAM like a hard drive and puts itself on there08:38
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jlmrmadmike, ok, ill figure it out, thnx for your help08:38
rukuarticT-CAN: No, thats NTFS08:38
Simthumbrukuartic: that's what I mean...08:38
dsasspikeh: Possibly, I'm not to hot on the live cd install personally. It may be better if someone else tries to help you.08:38
Simthumbrukuartic: Oh...08:38
h3h_timosoundray... just like you typed it?08:38
rukuarticSimthumb: Nope. Until you double click "Install to HD" then it doesn't touch your hard drive.08:38
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kbrooksluna_: DONT POST YOUR EMAIL08:38
madmikejlmr, your welcome ... good luck08:38
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kane777so... the most common question today, i think... how do I upgrade to dapper??08:38
Simthumbrukuartic: So there is a pretty big risk I could lose some files?08:38
JyZkyAuckland_Pig 3 checking summary fails08:38
rukuarticSimthumb: No, if you do it very carefully you should be fine.08:39
T-CANrukuartic, so in fstab i can set umask to 0755 and be able to r/w/execute?08:39
spikehcould someone else please explain to me why the install script isn't working?08:39
iNikukane777: read the topic08:39
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Auckland_PigJyZky: you might probably need to download again...08:39
rukuarticSimthumb: But you'd have to be VERY careful. And I wouldn't risk it.08:39
evi|oneI don't want ubuntu to place icons for the drives mounted in /media on the desktop. How do I stop it from doing that?08:39
JyZkyAuckland_Pig ok... from where :) ?08:39
soundrayh3h_timo: without the quotes.08:39
rukuarticT-CAN: ...I think. I'm not a fstab whiz.08:39
Booohas anyone here install the ppc version ?08:39
Simthumbrukuartic: LOL.08:39
h3h_timoalright.. ill try it08:39
JyZkyAuckland_Pig from where have you downloaded it08:39
Simthumbrukuartic: What if I backup most of my stuff?08:39
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kbrooksevi|one: you don't.08:39
JyZkyAuckland_Pig what mirror08:39
Simthumbrukuartic: Mostly all the junk is games and my web designs08:39
rukuarticSimthumb: If you do decide to do it, first defragment your hard drive and put all your files together08:39
pike__evi|one: edit the /etc/fstab file08:39
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rukuarticSimthumb: Yea, definately clear up space if you can.08:40
Simthumbrukuartic: Yeah...08:40
iNikurekrutacja: did you get it working?08:40
kbrooksSinistrad: games?08:40
Auckland_PigJyZky: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso08:40
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evi|onekbrooks: you're positive there's no way to prevent that?08:40
Simthumbrukuartic: I'll try08:40
kbrooksSimthumb: what games?08:40
Simthumbrukuartic: I think I can clear up at least a few gigs08:40
DavidJaqHow do I uninstall grub?08:40
rukuarticSimthumb: But yeah. Back up all your data, delete anything you don't need, move files from HD to CD's etc08:40
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rekrutacjaiNiku: not yet i have to take my sone to bathroom right now :-)08:40
Auckland_PigJyZky: hope it works08:40
JyZkyAuckland_Pig burn to cd and test again?08:40
Raskallthere. started dist-upgrade on my server too... *saying a small prayer*08:40
=== blue-frog [n=admin@dyn-83-152-169-111.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Simthumbrukuartic: I have  a download folder that's holding a ton of junk08:40
shachafWhen I try to load the fglrx module, I get "*ERROR* firegl_stub_register failed". I can't find any information about that -- has anyone else had this problem?08:40
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kbrooksevi|one: pretty sure, but less than positive08:40
iNikurekrutacja: haha, okay, first things first :)08:40
rukuarticSimthumb: Also try clearing Temporary Files08:40
JyZkyAuckland_Pig ill change cd08:40
Simthumbrukuartic: Lol, The Sims, The Sims 2, Sim stuff08:40
phatmonkeyi am running dapper RC using http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu repositories. have these not been updated yet? I see no upgrades in apt08:40
evi|onekbrooks: alright, thanks08:40
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rukuarticSimthumb: Thats C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Temporary I think08:41
JyZkyAuckland_Pig maybie its a scratch on the cd ^^08:41
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Simthumbrukuartic: And can Windows programs run in Linux?08:41
Auckland_PigJyZky: or you can do a md5 checksum before you burn08:41
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kbrooksSimthumb: depends.08:41
rukuarticSimthumb: Most of them can with a program called "Wine"08:41
Auckland_PigJyZky: probably...08:41
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Simthumbrukuartic: Oy08:41
ubotuWine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux. Get the latest .deb from http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/binary/ or see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info.08:41
T-CANubotu tell T-CAN about cli08:41
=== Niomi [n=Niomi@cpe-65-185-39-209.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rukuarticSimthumb: But not all of them do, or at least very well.08:41
JyZkyAuckland_Pig its downloading08:41
ubotuI guess md5 is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto08:41
Simthumbrukuartic: Oh boy....08:41
rukuarticSimthumb: There, read what ubotu just said about wine.08:41
dsasphatmonkey: I'm using the same one, they are updated.08:41
[zero] rukuartic: do I put that line in a file for fstab? :S08:41
JyZkyAuckland_Pig msn?08:41
DavidJaqHow do I uninstall grub?08:41
uscg_coreyanyone know when i try to run a steaming video hru firefox with the totem xine player it shows a blue screen where ideo should be then screen goes black08:41
iNikuso boring... no updates in over 24 hours, I think :)08:41
kbrooks!tell me about wine08:41
phatmonkeydsas, are there many packages? I got two earlier today, but that's it08:41
vermoosscifi: it says "run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a terminal to update your system completely."08:42
rukuartic[zero] : Yep. Make sure you're editing the file as root (gksudo gedit /etc/fstab)08:42
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Simthumbrukuartic: ah ok08:42
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[zero] kk08:42
scifivermoos: yep sounds right08:42
Simthumbrukuartic: But,08:42
psycoseGreatBriton Can Geforce fx 5200 be considered as geforce1 or geforce2 ?08:42
Simthumbrukuartic: If I wanna run my games or stuff,08:42
Auckland_PigJyZky: verify the iso before you burn08:42
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OhzieAnybody having issues with getting their xserver running, install the new version of your nvidia or ati modules by installing the package linux-restricted-modules-(uname -r)08:42
dsasphatmonkey: You're probably updated to the final release08:42
Simthumbrukuartic: I can just log onto Windows and run them right?08:42
scifivermoos: mines installing installing remaining updates08:42
bionicany descent video editing prog for linux?08:42
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gilwill someone please help me with a toshiba built in card reader....08:42
soundraySimthumb: you'd have to reboot.08:42
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dsasphatmonkey: Have you ran "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?08:42
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Simthumbrukuartic: I just wanna keep Ubuntu for my office-stuff08:42
rukuarticSimthumb: Yeah. Games are best run from windows.08:42
Fastis the a non-live cd installer for breezy?08:43
rukuarticSimthumb: Thats what I do :P08:43
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Simthumbsoundray: That's not a big deal for me :P08:43
soundraybionic: cinelerra seems to make waves08:43
Simthumbrukuartic: heheheh :P08:43
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phatmonkeydsas, yes. is there any sneaky way to tell what i am running?08:43
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soundraySimthumb: read the wiki on dual booting08:43
JyZkyAuckland_Pig ugotmsn?08:43
soundray!tell Simthumb about dualboot08:43
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phatmonkeyi'm guessing the rc is the same, so suppose not08:43
Simthumbrukuartic: There's wiki on that?08:43
vermoosscifi: ... which is taking a while....08:43
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Simthumbrukuartic: I've been looking all night for it!08:43
Auckland_PigJyZky: no...08:43
rukuarticSimthumb: Its also difficult to share files between Windows and Linux... NTFS and EXT3 (linux) don't talk with each other.08:43
Simthumbrukuartic: ROFL08:43
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madmike!tell madmike about dualboot08:43
rukuarticSimthumb: Oh yeah, its called dual booting.08:43
JyZkyAuckland_Pig kk08:43
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JyZkyAuckland_Pig brb08:43
T-CANubotu tell T-CAN about permissions08:43
rukuarticmadmike: /msg ubotu dual booting08:43
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Simthumbrukuartic: /me goes to look08:44
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morten__you can share files easily if you get a nfs server for windows08:44
Raskallwhat the heck? Is there a 10 CD maximum on shipit now? Who do I call to get/buy more cd's? I'm starting up my ubuntu company now and need more than 10 cd's.08:44
rukuarticmorten__: I just made a fat32 share08:44
soundraymorten__: only if you have at least two computers, though ;)08:44
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dsasphatmonkey: What does dpkg -l pcmicia-cs give you?08:44
BWDwhat package do i need to install to play mp3s?08:44
rukuarticRaskall: Its not like windows where you can only use the CD once and it self destruscts :P08:45
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dsas!tell bwd about mp308:45
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BWDdsas: thank you08:45
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FunnyLookinHatRaskall, yea....  1 CD is still enough for a whole company...  : )08:45
Raskallrukuartic: I know, but I plan to get more than 10 customers for my company. :)08:45
Simthumbrukuartic: is it a good idea to have all my stuff backed up by a comp tech?08:45
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Simthumbrukuartic: b/c I have a broken cd burner08:45
jason^i'm having problems with the installer, it just keeps blinking and my monitors say it's in power save mode08:45
rukuarticSimthumb: Nooo you can do al that yourself08:45
sally_how do I get the network manager applet to show?  I installed gnome-network-manager08:45
soundrayRaskall: you're allowed to make your own copies08:45
RandolphCarterhmm, beagle-build-in seems to have got itself stuck in an infinite loop (posting output of ltrace)08:45
Simthumbrukuartic: Ha-ha, thought so08:45
Ohziegil: nevermind08:45
mjmacanyone gotten Xgl/Compiz working on AMD64/nvidia?08:46
rukuarticSimthumb: Ooooh. Then yea it might be nice to do that08:46
FunnyLookinHatRaskall, if you want more give me your address and 1$ per CD and I'll create as many as you would like   : )08:46
Simthumbrukuartic: oh lol08:46
RaskallFunnyLookinHat: I am going to sell server installations of ubuntu and SLA's to small and medium size companies. The customers will probably like to get "original" cd's instead of a home-burned one08:46
morten__soundray, yes08:46
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mjmaccompiz segfaults when i run it08:46
rukuarticSimthumb: Just purchase a cheap hard drive08:46
rukuarticSimthumb: They're not too expensive08:46
gilohzie: i am sorry i am not regsitered08:46
nexus10Can anyone advise what's the best way to share a server directory with Linux laptops? Tried NFS (which is s_l_o_w), smbfs(cannot control perms), sshfs(cannot get it to automount) -- recommendations?08:46
Simthumbrukuartic: yeah...08:46
gilcan you please tell me what info you have08:46
Simthumbrukuartic: I have an old one that's 8gigs08:46
FunnyLookinHatRaskall, ooh, well if that's the case....  you should pay shipit rather than just make a profit off of what they are giving you for free.08:46
rukuarticSimthumb: That works08:46
BoooI am newbie at this what iso should i be d/l if i want to have dapper install permantely?08:46
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Simthumbrukuartic: Problem is, I'm afraid to install it myself - I'm not much of a hardware person08:46
rukuarticRaskall: Yeah.08:46
Simthumbrukuartic: lol08:46
shachafsally_: Run "nm-applet".08:46
FunnyLookinHatRaskall, you may run into some issues selling those CDs....  legal issues.08:46
shachafsally_: Or log out and back in.08:47
krazykitBooo: either the alternative install or the livecd08:47
nomis__my mouse cursor flickers when I load a programm, since I use the nvidia-glx. Anybody an idea what I can do?08:47
RaskallFunnyLookinHat: hence "who do I call to get/buy more cd's"08:47
rukuarticSimthumb: Its not too hard. Get help from a friend08:47
Simthumbrukuartic: yeah08:47
Ohziegil: Oh.08:47
RaskallFunnyLookinHat: not selling cd's. selling a server install.08:47
BWDnomis__: i experience the same thing08:47
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Sithikhey all08:47
soundraynexus10: how slow is NFS for you? Works fine for me.08:47
Sithikquick question08:47
Simthumbrukuartic: ok by deleting some old files, I cleared up about another gig08:47
rukuarticSimthumb: That works08:48
Simthumbrukuartic: I have about 4 gigs free08:48
jayrod06hey guys08:48
Boookrazykit: I dont see liveCD08:48
Simthumbrukuartic is that enough?08:48
Sithikwhere exactly can i download the LiveCD?08:48
rukuarticSimthumb: Well, the more the better.08:48
Fastthe installer keeps locking up on the dapper live install cd... is there a dapper installer that isn't combined with a live cd?08:48
Simthumbrukuartic: cool :D08:48
rukuarticBooo: Desktop = livecd08:48
dsasBooo: It's called the desktop cd08:48
RaskallFunnyLookinHat: for companies that need/want to save money buying expensive firewalls, windows servers and mail servers08:48
michaels(gedit:12894): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib - what does this mean?08:48
ben42a friend of mine updated to dapper today and lost all his network - devices besides the loopback-device08:48
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dsasFast: Get the 'alternative' cd08:48
jayrod06anyone run it on a mac yet? preferably a macbook or macbook pro08:48
FunnyLookinHatRaskall, wait...  so you're just installing a server for them?  then use burned CDs.   : )08:48
Simthumbrukuartic: Yep08:48
hazartIs there a way to rebuild all modules that was made with module-assistant when a new kernel gets installed? If not, automatic updates could make the system boot a new kernel, without AFS modules installed.08:48
ben42is it a known problem?08:48
kenniDoes new ubuntu support nvidia geforce 7900gt graphics card?  (The doc at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia doesn't do the trick - the driver fails to recognice the card apparently - even claiming the card is of ATI brand in the xorg.conf!).08:48
Booodsas which is better?08:48
dsasjayrod06: People have.08:48
nexus10soundray: about 3+ minutes to connect :-(08:48
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FunnyLookinHatSounds like you should custom build an OEM type CD anyways08:48
Simthumbrukuartic: And did you order the LiveCD by mail?08:48
sally_shachaf: I've used network-manager applet before and I thought it showed a list of available access points when you click on it.  when I click on this icon it doesnt show a list of access points, it just lets me configure the interface through the ubuntu network-admin, am I missing something?08:48
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rendoHow do you do that 3d moving of the desktop in Dapper?08:48
soundraynexus10: that can be helped...08:48
FunnyLookinHatkenni, Yes, I use it and works great08:48
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ubotuTo Upgrade from RC to final, just: sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:48
rukuarticRaskall: They have the images to stamp ont he CD, just print them out and put them on yourself08:48
Simthumbrukuartic: Any idea how long it really takes? (they say 4-6 weeks,I just ordered it yesterday)08:48
RaskallFunnyLookinHat: Customers often like a physical product they can touch and that looks good in their shelf.08:49
FunnyLookinHatkenni, the 8756 driver (newest) is the only one that supports it08:49
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dsasBooo: It depends, alternative is better for OEMs, server installs, RAID. Desktop is better if you want to try first, or want to install using a graphical installer.08:49
ubotuBreezy was the current stable version of Ubuntu. If you would like to upgrade to it, the guide to upgrading to Breezy is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade08:49
kenniFunnyLookinHat, what are we doing wrong here?08:49
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shachafsally_: Yes, that's a different applet.08:49
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connhi, is it possible to rename partition numbers? e.g., rename hda7 to hda2 (providing hda2 doesn't already exist)?08:49
nexus10soundray: great!08:49
shachafsally_: Did you run nm-applet?08:49
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html08:49
FunnyLookinHatRaskall, this is true.  Well email shipit and see if they'll sell you a bulk/discount08:49
rukuarticRaskall: Asides. Linux is free, you can't put a price on it. I think the only thing you could put on the price was hardware. Um... Anyone in here a GPL wizard?08:49
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soundraynexus10: do you have DHCP?08:49
pianoboy3333What's the difference between Native and Autohinter in fontconfig?08:49
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Booodsas: how to i install from liveCD to make it permantly is this an option08:49
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FunnyLookinHatkenni, not sure.  Follow the directions as carefully as possible.  I can help troubleshoot you in about 6 hours when I am home from work08:49
rukuarticSimthumb: No clue =\08:49
dxdemetriouIn Breezy my ethernet is eth0. In Dapper is eth1 after upgrade. Can I change this?08:49
zkl-laptopwtf, i'm missing practically all of gnome after a fresh install08:49
Simthumbrukuartic: Lol.08:49
nexus10soundray: nope, fixed IPs08:49
djm62Where is the Nelson Mandela (NRM?) footage on an upgraded install?08:49
rukuarticSimthumb: I downloaded the beta, and I've been running that for a while08:49
FunnyLookinHatBooo, there should be a desktop shortcut labeled "Install" or omething on the liveCD08:49
dsasBooo: There should be an icon on the desktop saying "install"08:50
rukuarticdjm62: thats in Examples08:50
Simthumbrukuartic: Oh I see08:50
Booook thanks08:50
rekrutacjaiNiku: bad bad bad08:50
FunnyLookinHatBooo, only works on the newest live CDs08:50
PHiSQuaREgrrr, I hate switching distros, I'm so damned lost now....08:50
soundraynexus10: have you got all your laptops listed in /etc/hosts on the server?08:50
shachafrukuartic: You could sell it for as much as you like.08:50
crazy_penguindxdemetriou: change it in the iftab file08:50
sally_shachaf: yeah but it just gives one grey-ed out choice that says wired network08:50
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Simthumbrukuartic: I would've d/led it, but 1) I don't have a working CD burner, 2) I have dialup  '<08:50
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nexus10soundray: yes08:50
FunnyHat_WorkSorry guys, i have to work...  I can help you in about 6 hours when I am home08:50
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shachafrukuartic: But you have to let the person you sell it to give it away.08:50
rukuarticSimthumb: Ooooooh. burn. Is your modem a software modem or a hardware modem?08:50
C_REATiVE_who installed 6.06 in oem ? plz msg me08:50
kenniFunnyLookinHat, where do you get the 8756 driver?  Are you downloading from nvidias site or something?08:50
shachafsally_: Right click-> Enable wireless, if it's disabled?08:51
rukuarticshachaf: You sure about that? I thought it was illegal to put a price on redistributed GPL software08:51
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Subrukuartic, no itz not.08:51
rekrutacjaiNiku: after restarting my computer with changed network/interfaces nothing happened: i had to start dhclient manually and networkmanager doesn't work08:51
serjsomeone with the lates ubuntu 6.06 please paste me a line of /etc/apt/sources.list so i can upgrade from breezy to the current08:51
nexus10soundray: fom server -- 'ssh laptop' (for example) works fine08:51
serjsomeone with the lates ubuntu 6.06 please paste me a line of /etc/apt/sources.list so i can upgrade from breezy to the current08:51
dsasrukuartic: Nope, you can sell it for as much as you like (go checkout redhat.com)08:51
Simthumbrukuartic: hardware modem methinks08:51
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sally_shachaf: I only have "enable networking" and it's checked08:51
Simthumbrukuartic: My computer was custom made by a friend08:51
connserj: don't do that, use update-manager08:51
Simthumbrukuartic: I hardly know anything about it Lol08:51
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Subserj, you just do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"08:51
shachafsally_: Is the wireless card working otherwise?08:51
dxdemetrioucrazy_penguin: its eth0 in this file08:51
rukuarticdsas: Hahaha08:51
serjconn, which ine08:51
Subor "gksudo "update-manager -d"08:51
rukuarticSimthumb: eh... I've never had luck with linux and modems08:51
Simthumbrukuartic: It took me a whole day once to d/l a 100mb file (PSP trial)08:52
sally_shachaf: yeah it's connected now08:52
Raskallrukuartic: I am not putting a prize on the os. I will charge about $400 for an initial install and setup of ubuntu. I will also sell SLA's including 5 hours remote maintenance pr. month for $400.08:52
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Simthumbrukuartic: UH-oh08:52
soundraynexus10: I'm trying to remember... I had a similar problem ages ago... Something to do with /etc/hosts.allow... Have you read the wiki hints on NFS?08:52
connserj: what sub said, heh08:52
shachafsally_: Hmm.08:52
serjsomeone with the lates ubuntu 6.06 please paste me a line of /etc/apt/sources.list so i can upgrade from breezy to the current08:52
Simthumbrukuartic: B/c I have software to go with my dialup08:52
shachafsally_: Oh, I know.08:52
skippyhrm.   my DVD image download doesn't match the checksums.  That sucks.08:52
Simthumbrukuartic: a 3rd party dialer08:52
rukuarticserj: source-o-matic08:52
Simthumbrukuartic it uses proxies08:52
FunnyHat_Workkenni, you can get it from Synaptic.08:52
eggzeckDapper, yay08:52
Simthumbrukuartic: O.O08:52
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soundray!tell nexus10 about nfs08:52
shachafsally_: Edit /etc/network/interfaces and comment out any lines that say anything about the interfaces.08:52
nexus10soundray: hosts.allow! great idea, will go check. And I'll go through the NFS wiki stuff again. Ta08:53
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rukuarticSimthumb: Ooof. Um... No clue how you'd do that in linux. I know you can do it if you havfe the right hardware, but not sure how to do it =\08:53
skippycan someone post here their checksum for the i386 Dapper dvd, please?08:53
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia08:53
shachafsally_: Then restart dbus (/etc/init.d/dbus restart).08:53
shachafsally_: It should work.08:53
soundraynexus10: cheers m8 ;)08:53
kenniFunnyHat_Work, multiverse repository or something?  (Just failed a search for it).08:53
dxdemetriouMy ethernet is eth0 in iftab, but the Dapper find it as eth1. Can I change this?08:53
Simthumbrukuartic: Ouch08:53
Raskallhey... dapper isn't available for any of you guys until approximately *checking remaining download time* 35 minutes.08:53
rukuarticWhat is dbus shachaf?08:53
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Simthumbrukuartic: What about that thingamajig that Ubotu talked about?08:53
Simthumbrukuartic: that lets me run Win progarms on Linux?08:53
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eugmanHey, is there a torrent I can use to help things?08:54
dsasdxdemetriou: It is possible, I can't remember how to do it.08:54
rukuarticSimthumb: Wine? Yeah... I know. I've never tried that before.08:54
Booohow to boot liveCD to install?08:54
rukuarticeugman: Eh, I think there's something in the channel message08:54
dsasrukuartic: dbus is a inter process communication process.08:54
Simthumbrukuartic: ouch08:54
Simthumbrukuartic: Oh well, I'll just dive08:54
midnasoundray: i'm in dapper now thanks very much...08:54
rukuarticSimthumb: Heh, good for you08:54
Simthumbrukuartic: If it doesn't work I'll boot in Windows and use that08:54
serjsynaptic wont do it yo'all lamers08:54
Simthumbrukuartic: Is Ubuntu easy to uninstall?08:54
serjjust paste me that damn line08:54
soundraymidna: :)08:54
rukuarticserj: Language.08:54
sally_shachaf, yes!  thanks a lot, that worked08:54
rendoHow do you do that 3d moving of the desktop in Dapper?08:54
shachafrukuartic: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus08:54
spikehX is giving me an error, saying restart GDM and throwing me back to terminal but I can't type any commands08:55
rukuarticserj: Sourceomatic would be the nice to work with. juse that08:55
Simthumbrukuartic: Oh I know - My dad has a USB stick I could prolly borrow to back up my stuff08:55
eugmanWell, yeah rukuartic. But then I'd have to have some common sense to look up and take the initiative. That's never any fun. :)08:55
T-CANif i am running breezy 5.10, whats the easiest way to upgrade to dapper?08:55
rukuarticrendo: thats XGL http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto08:55
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[Surge] !repos08:55
Simthumbrukuartic: Only holds about 200 mb but I can store all my **reall** important stuff08:55
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource08:55
serji'll try soureceomatica08:55
shachafsally_: I had the same problem when I tried to enable network-manager, a while ago.08:55
ubotufrom memory, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"08:55
=== aedwards323 [n=aedwards@cpe-24-174-147-69.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippycan someone post here their checksum for the i386 Dapper dvd, please?08:55
eugmanT-CAN, I think the update manager. It should give you the option to upgrade some time today. It's simple, easy to follow and gui based.08:56
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia08:56
[Surge] Where can I find a list of the packages in Dapper Drake?08:56
soundrayskippy: is it not on the download site anymore?08:56
Subskippy, when you put the DVD in you can test the disk.08:56
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spikehwhat does Ctrl + Alt + F2 do?08:56
spikehbecause it starts Xserver08:56
Simthumbrukuartic: do you know if Wine comes with Ubuntu?08:56
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spikehwhen I type startx08:56
Simthumbrukuartic: or do I have to manually d/l it?08:56
pipp0who was lookig telly last day ?08:56
ubotuaedwards323: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:56
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pipp0there was veronica mars08:57
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rukuarticSimthumb: I actualy don't know that08:57
FunnyHat_Workkenni, yes, multiverse08:57
pipp0lokk this http://channels.lockergnome.com/linux/archives/20050414_ubuntu_meets_veronica_mars.phtml08:57
soundrayspikeh, it switches to a text console. F1-F6 should all do the same (switching to different consoles)08:57
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Simthumbrukuartic: ok :)08:57
FunnyHat_Workubotu, tell kenni about sources08:57
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dsasSimthumb: Yes, you have to enable universe in "add/remove programs" then search for it08:57
Simthumbrukuartic: thanks for all your help. You cleared a lotta stuff up :D08:57
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eugmanspikeh, Ctrl + Alt +F2 take you to the secondary terminal I believe.08:57
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psycosewell i got a brand new Dapper with Asus K8N (integrated sound device) but i can't get sound any help ?08:57
Simthumbdsas: universe?08:57
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource08:57
buzzedflying toasters?08:57
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soundray!tell psycose about sound08:58
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rukuarticSimthumb: Np man08:58
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soundraypsycose: ubotu sent you some sound troubleshooting links08:58
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ubotusomebody said xgl was "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"08:58
rukuarticSimthumb: Come back if you got questions, I only know a little bit. There are geniuses here.08:58
shachafI'm going to try to use an older kernel and see if the ATI drivers work.08:58
dsasSimthumb: the "show unsupported applications" button in add/remove applications08:59
spikehsoundray: how comes when I do "startx" on the 2nd terminal, the installer script won't work?08:59
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soundrayrukuartic: always the modest one ;)08:59
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sally_everytime dapper boots on my laptop it checks my windows partition which takes forever, how do I stop that?08:59
spikehsoundray: because the 1st terminal goes weird and won't accept any commands08:59
Simthumbrukuartic: sure will :d08:59
rukuarticsoundray: no really. half my solutions are "Have you tried rebooting?" i'm still in the windows era.08:59
soundrayspikeh: what installer script?08:59
Simthumbrukuartic: *:D08:59
spikehsoundray the dapper installer08:59
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Simthumbdsas: oh after I install Ubuntu?08:59
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rukuarticSimthumb: I didn't know if it was in the repositories09:00
dsasSimthumb: Probably. I'm not sure if you can install applications while using the live cd.09:00
rukuarticSimthumb: One nice thing about Ubuntu is its really easy to install stuff. Find a linux program you like? "sudo apt-get install <program name"09:00
soundrayrukuartic: rebooting is not as bad as some make it out to be.09:00
Simthumbrukuartic: cool! :D09:00
rukuarticSimthumb: It doesn't have EVERYTHING but it does have a LOT of stuff09:00
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scifivermoos: almost done , hows it going ?09:01
SimthumbDsas: do you know if Ubuntu comes with a usermanual?09:01
dsasSimthumb: yep09:01
rukuarticSimthumb: #ubuntu and wiki.ubuntu.com09:01
Simthumbdsas: the LiveCD09:01
lefty_2ndyes you can simthumb -need to  boot as persistent and setup a partition to store it thou09:01
skippythe published MD5 sums are different for the i386-desktop at these two locations:   http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/   and   http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/6.06/MD5SUMS09:01
aedwards323does anyone know how to get around the ubuntu-base issue?09:01
Simthumbdsas: COOL!! :D09:01
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skippywhich is the correct MD5?09:01
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dsasSimthumb: it should be under system->help->system documentation09:01
PHiSQuaREI would like to remove the evolution suite from my ubuntu install, when I do an apt-get remove evolution it lists ubuntu-desktop as one of the packages it is going to remove.  What is this package?  Do I need it?09:01
dsas!tell PHiSQuaRE about ubuntu-desktop09:01
wastrelubuntu-desktop is a wrapper you don't need09:01
pipp0attention on every devices for pc is possible to find the chipset for tpm09:01
FunnyHat_WorkPHiSQuaRE, you will be ok.09:01
FunnyHat_Workit's like an imaginary package...09:02
N3o21hi again... I already have linux-source, but the ./configure returns: No acceptible C compiler found in $PATH. But I have installed  gcc (4:4.0.3-1)09:02
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JyZkyAuckland_Pig ubuntu should have Internet install09:02
Simthumbdsas: ok thanks :D09:02
dsasN3o21: Try installing build-essential09:02
DBOPHiSQuaRE, it may however effect future upgrades if new packages get added to the default install09:02
rukuarticN3o21: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:02
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javiolois safe to uninstall evolution ?09:02
soundray!tell N3o21 about b-e09:02
dsasjaviolo: yeah09:02
JyZkyAuckland_Pig that it downloads all files straight from internet straight to install09:02
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JyZkyAuckland_Pig if error file it download it again09:02
soundrayspikeh, have you looked at the boot help screens?09:02
kane777errr. does i mess something if i changet the repositories to dapper and decided to uninstall some things before atp-get dist-upgrade??? now it's downloading quite a few packages...09:02
N3o21i can't09:02
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revmousehow do I get buttons 4 and 5 on my mouse to work?09:02
aedwards323does anyone know how to get around the ubuntu-base issue?09:03
N3o21I haven't iinternet connection in ubuntu09:03
ubotumouse is, like, Enabling extra buttons  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471&highlight=evdev Installing extra cursor themes can be done easily with gcursor09:03
soundrayspikeh: you may have to use the vga= option09:03
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siofwolvesAnonymous :09:03
siofwolves5/5 . Hurry up download I want to burn this to CD and start playing with it!  Much better than windows.< one happy torrenter :)09:03
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JyZkyAuckland_Pig iam burning now09:03
revmouseDBO, thx09:03
wastrelhmm i suppose i should upgrade before i try to get my junk working.09:03
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standoes "Turn-key LAMP installation for this common deployment scenario" from the dapper releases notes refer to anything specific?09:03
kane777errr. does i mess something if i changet the repositories to dapper and decided to uninstall some things before atp-get dist-upgrade??? now it's downloading quite a few packages... should I stop it??09:04
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ucordeshey all can anybody tell me what the "alternate" 6.06 packages are??09:04
soundraykane777: while it's still downloading you can safely interrupt.09:04
kenniFunnyHat_Work, we got new nvidia-glx package ...09:04
eugmanstan, I THINK it MAY mean you can have a lamp server install mode from the cd. I MAY be wrong.09:04
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DBOucordes, the alternate 6.06 install CD is a traditional text based installer for ubuntu09:05
eugmanucordes, Alternate == Text installer.09:05
soundrayucordes: they are for text mode installs in case of graphics difficulties.09:05
vermoosscifi: does it look any different? do you have to restart?09:05
kane777soundray, well that's my question... should I??09:05
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ucordesthanks a lot09:05
basvghi all... just succesfully installed ubuntu dapper drake... but it seems I can't play mp3's. Which... codec / package should I install ?09:05
lefty_2ndFor anyone like me who is trying to get ubuntu to run from live cd and save settings on usb drive or hdd, read this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDPersistence It worked well :)09:05
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ubotu[mp3]  a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:05
eugmanbasvg, lame I think but I may be wrong.09:05
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soundraykane777: if you want to save on download time, you could. I personally would just let it work overnight.09:05
basvgaja, the restricted formats page09:05
basvgthanks frank_09:06
Fee^basvg: lame and gstreamer plugins that refer to them09:06
eugmanMan I'm so glad I upgraded a day early.09:06
scifivermoos: i wud suspect u wud need to restart, but im going to do a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" first09:06
aedwards323Does anyone know how to get around the ubuntu-base issue?09:06
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Subaedwards232, what do u mean?09:06
eugmanaedwards323, which is?09:06
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SnakeHappy dapper day all!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:06
emark2kOn a ppc/Mac:  have 2 ATA and 1 SATA discs.  one of ATA drives has partition I'd like to try ubuntu on as first linux, will I be able to install the multiple linux partions on that one Mac partition, or do I have to re-partition the whole drive?09:06
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Shutdownmy ati graphics card is running at 640x480. I have tried installing the drivers, but I can't do it through the shell. If anyone could tell me what to do that would just make my day.09:06
nnz128 mb of ram too small for dapper live cd? coz its been booting for 5++ mins09:06
FunnyHat_WorkShutdown, don't use the shell ever!!!09:06
ucordesdoes anyone have experience with 6.06 and ati x700 mobility graphics?09:07
FunnyHat_Workubotu, tell Shutdown about ati09:07
aedwards323Sub, I did a sudo update-manager -d and it said it could not locate the ubuntu-base package09:07
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DBOnnz, thats a little bit tight yeah...09:07
FunnyHat_WorkShutdown, sorry, using shell w/ ubuntu is not good   ; )09:07
=== BleedingThrough [n=drop__in@bas5-toronto63-1128749817.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SnakeFunnyHat_Work: why not use the shell?? (Just out of curiosity)09:07
FunnyHat_WorkShutdown, check the msg from ubuto09:07
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=== Snake loves bash..
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nnzbut it will work ?09:07
soundraynnz: yes, that's tight. It will probably boot eventually, though.09:07
shachafHardware acceleration works again! I had to boot the -386 kernel, rather than the -k7.09:07
aedwards323it said to report it as a bug, which I just might do09:07
scifivermoos: wow it wants to download a further 372MB ^^09:07
dsasaedwards323: Is it currently installed?09:07
C_REATiVE_who installed 6.06 in oem ? plz msg me09:07
sally_everytime dapper boots on my laptop it checks my windows partition which takes forever, how do I stop that?09:07
BleedingThroughanyone used xubuntu yet?... any good?09:07
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aedwards323ubuntu-base? lemmie see09:07
jhennBleedingThrough: yes09:07
FunnyHat_WorkSnake, Ubuntu is designed to not sure terminal/console to make it more user friendly.  Everything can/should be done through synaptic using .deb packages from repositories09:07
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kenniI run default ubuntu ... I followed wiki .. why does not X detect the nvidia 7900gt_09:07
jhennBleedingThrough: its fast09:08
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FunnyHat_WorkSnake, ever used Debian?09:08
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aedwards323its not installed09:08
dsasFunnyHat_Work: Synaptic is "advanced" ;) gnome-app-install!09:08
soundraysally_: what exactly does it do in the way of "checking"?09:08
SnakeFunnyHat_Work: No, but I see no problems with apt-get.09:08
johnm1019I hear some jive that supposedly it was going to be really easy to install XGL in dapper -- is this the case?09:08
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FunnyHat_Workdsas, hah!09:08
BleedingThrougheven on a crappy computer?09:08
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dsasaedwards323:Try installing it first then upgrading.09:08
FunnyHat_WorkSnake, ahh, well apt-get is just as good09:08
SnakeFunnyHat_Work: or aptitude for that matter. since synaptic is a overlay of that09:08
jhennjohnm1019: yes apt-get install xgl09:08
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kenni0000:03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 0291 (rev a1)  ... kernel is : 2.6.15-23-amd64-k809:08
jhennjohnm1019: its a trap though09:08
eugmanKenni, Have you tried doing an xserver reconfigure to see if it can detect it properly now?09:08
FunnyHat_WorkSnake, what I meant was don't use binary installers whenever possible, use the apt-get ot get from official repos09:08
emark2kanyone familiar w/ PPC boot and partitioning?09:09
FunnyHat_WorkSnake, right right.09:09
SnakeFunnyHat_Work: ah, of course09:09
Fee^anyone else notice a bunch of apps gone from the program menus from Badger > Dapper?  gconf-edit, etc?09:09
kennieugman, no, thanx for the idea man!09:09
jhennemark2k: ppc doesn't need a /boot partition09:09
johnm1019jhenn, what do you mean a trap :-\09:09
aedwards323it cant find it09:09
dsasFee^: yeah, it was done purposefully09:09
jhennjohnm1019: non-free drivers09:09
SnakeFunnyHat_Work: I thought you ment that as "Never use shell" as in, never at all :)09:09
scifivermoos: another 55mins :P09:09
dsasaedwards323: Hmm, sorry, not sure then.09:09
johnm1019jhenn, as in they cost money or they aren't open source09:09
Fee^dsas: i figured...removing more bullets from the monkey's loaded guns09:09
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soundrayemark2k: what you want to do will probably work. Just give it permission to subdivide that one partition.09:09
Fee^i'm a power-user, so it was no biggie09:09
jhennjohnm1019: free as in freedom09:09
Fee^i flex command line yo :)09:09
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johnm1019jhenn, gotcha -- but they work?09:09
jhenn!tell johnm1019 about xgl09:10
kirkunitwhoa.. busy in here... i wonder why :)09:10
emark2kJhenn and soundray, thank you very much09:10
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vermoosscifi: i'd say about 40 -09:10
kennieugman, how do you reconfigure in ubuntu?  (I tried dpkg-reconfigure)09:10
sally_soundray, it runs dosfsck, I can't find any console or file that shows exactly what it prints out09:10
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johnm1019jhenn, thanks for the info! :)09:10
=== Andre4s [n=andreas@hd5e252c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu
basvgright, that worked. only problem now is that double-clicking on mp3's will fire up the wrong app (the movie player instead of the rhythm box thingy)09:10
=== charle97 is installing dapper drake right now
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scifivermoos: terminal says 54mins for me09:10
Fee^yeah, i haven't figured out how to change the file associates for mp3 yet09:10
Fee^i want xmms to be the default09:10
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fatalblui want a pony09:11
basvgFee^: shouldn't be too hard... I'll fidle with it, hang on09:11
ZeromusMogHello, is this the place to ask? I am not understanding how I'm supposed to setup wifi in Dapper09:11
basvgfatalblu: my little pony ;) ?09:11
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eugmankenni I'm pretty sure it's dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg . May want to try dpkg-configure if that doesn't work. It's something like that.09:11
dsasFee^: right click on an mp309:11
Fee^since the default file types thingie seems to have been trimmed in dapper as well09:11
jhennjohnm1019: please don't give up your freedom for little effects09:11
ZeromusMogI can see it in my network configuration but i can't figure out how to scan for networks or connect to anything09:11
fatalblubasvg: more like Barbie Horse Adventure!09:11
SnakeHow to mount ISO?09:11
dsasFee^: then go to properties - > openwith09:11
ZeromusMogI tried putting the SSID and key in by hand and still no go :(09:11
basvgafk, fiddling with mp3-settings09:11
jhennjohnm1019: xgl is not essential but its nice i admit09:11
kennieugman, got it!09:11
jhennjohnm1019: write hate mail to ati/nvidious09:11
wastrelZeromusMog:  if you find out, let me know09:11
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eugmankenni, glad to help.09:11
PHiSQuaREI'm trying to remove sound-juicer and my apt-get just seems to be chillin' not doing anything at all.....09:12
Penguindoes ubuntu go on a CD or DVD?09:12
SnakePenguin: CD09:12
ZeromusMogPenguin: CD09:12
dsasPenguin: cd09:12
Jeeves_Penguin: Both09:12
charle97 both09:12
jhennPHiSQuaRE: give it time man09:12
ubuntui get this error when installing ubuntu:     Asertion ((C * Heads + H) * sectors + S ==A) at ../../libparted/disk_dos.C:586 in function probe_partion_for_geom() failed09:12
fatalbluhow to mount iso? buy it dinner, flowers... ask nicely09:12
wastrelZeromusMog:  i manually configure /etc/network/interfaces currently.  don't know of an easy way to scan & connect09:12
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ubuntuhelp me plz09:12
Snakefatalblu: har har.. :P09:12
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JyZkyAuckland_Pig reboot now09:12
jhennubuntu: what09:12
ZeromusMogwastrel: I can't even figure out the hard way, heh09:12
dsasZeromusMog: It may depend on your card.09:12
Fee^Dsas: yeah, i have xmms there...but i'm talking double-click action09:12
BleedingThrough6.06 much better than 5.10?09:12
SnakeBleedingThrough: yes09:12
fatalbluSnake: either that or invest in Chloroform09:12
revmouseBleedingThrough, yes09:12
ZeromusMogI even installed kwifi manager but it's acting very strangely09:12
PHiSQuaREjhenn, and how much time is enough time?09:12
jhennBleedingThrough: try it geeze there is a livecd or if your on dial up shipit09:12
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jhennBleedingThrough: or wait for reviews09:13
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soundraysally_: that's definitely not the planned behavior. Do you mount the partition routinely in Ubuntu?09:13
=== charle97 wonders what fs he shall use
iapx8088time for dapper09:13
PHiSQuaREI can't say I'm very patient :)09:13
iapx8088let's go.09:13
jhennPHiSQuaRE: a couple days you know09:13
dsasFee^: if you right click-> properties -> open with then you should be able to select xmms. That'll change the default mime type handler for all files of that mime type09:13
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kirkunitanyone installed the avahi zeroconf daemon yet? works great for streaming music over a network to rhythmbox.09:13
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sally_soundray, it gets mounted by default09:13
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BleedingThroughyea, im downloading it and xubuntu for my old comp now09:13
agorfhello. i go to adjust date + time and when i check the box to sync the clock i am asked to install ntp support. i choose ok and nothing happens. is this a bug?09:13
=== Frem [n=james@adsl-219-91-25.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fee^dsas: and if it doesn't? :)09:13
jhennPHiSQuaRE: why remove sound-juicer anyway do you need disk space?09:13
sally_soundray, I mean, it gets mounted at boot09:13
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yaramazhi friends   i have a toshiba satellite l10 laptop but ubuntu isn't showing my battery how  i fix it?09:13
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dsasFee^: http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/bugs09:13
=== coco_ [n=coco@168.Red-88-5-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundraysally_: did you notice any errors at umount time when you shut down?09:13
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kirkunityaramaz: are you running dapper?09:14
=== MrObvious [n=not@adsl-65-66-84-208.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZeromusMogI'm a little dissapointed. I'm excited that the new Ubuntu can find my wireless card out of the box, and I heard it was delayed mostly for wireless support... so why isn't there a wifi manager :(09:14
Fremyaramaz, have you added the battery applet to the panel?09:14
charle97should i go for rieserfs?09:14
nnzjust went blank after booting nautils :/ guess wont work on 128 ram09:14
=== Double_D [n=ghedden@its-corp-10-0181.iowatelecom.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tommy i get this error when installing ubuntu:     Asertion ((C * Heads + H) * sectors + S ==A) at ../../libparted/disk_dos.C:586 in function probe_partion_for_geom() failed        what should i do??   its 5.1009:14
sally_soundray, no09:14
dsasZeromusMog: That is _not_ why it was delayed.09:14
MrObvious!tell MrObvious about ndiswrapper09:14
jhennnnz: xubuntuy09:14
yaramazno i m using 5.10 ubuntu09:14
PHiSQuaREjhenn, I don't need it so why keep it?09:14
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dsasZeromusMog: Try install network-manager and nm-applet09:14
Shutdowni cannot get the package to open in the package manager09:14
jhennPHiSQuaRE: because its not bothering you09:14
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iapx8088mmh it's going09:14
=== Kronoz [n=Kronoz@ACC8D59A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
iapx8088let's hope, I have too much of work in this installation09:15
ZeromusMogthough to be fair, the liveCD/installer is impressive and sexy as all hell :)09:15
yaramazno i havent added the battery applet to the panel09:15
yaramazhow  i do?09:15
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelZeromusMog:  sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces  :] 09:15
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scifiim thinking of getting a cheap laptop, wud ubuntu run ok on one? (detect onboard graphics, battery power, wifi card etc)09:15
kirkunityaramaz: well I'm not sure about the nature of your problem, but I know that Dapper has vastly in improved power management.09:15
agorfscifi, i have artifacts on my laptop09:15
soundraysally_: fsck is run on boot if the filesystem has the dirty flag. Perhaps you can reset the dirty flag by running dosfsck -a on the filesystem from within Ubuntu.09:15
PHiSQuaREZeromusMog, I agree, it's quite impressive and sexilicious09:15
sally_soundray, my /etc/fstab had 0 1 for the last two fields for the vfat partitions, I changed them to 0 009:15
Kronozuse vim over vi09:15
sally_soundray, ok I will try that09:15
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jhennnnz gnome will not run well on 128 mb09:15
scifiagorf: really? hmmm09:15
jhennnnz: possibly at all09:16
Fremyaramaz, right click on a blank spot on the top panel, select add to panel. drag the battery charge monitor onto it.09:16
agorfscifi, yeap having mobility radeon09:16
wastrelKronoz:  vi is vim by default iirc09:16
dsasKronoz: They're the same program in ubuntu09:16
jhennnnz: you should have 192 minimally09:16
Kronozah, i see, sorry09:16
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yaramazok frem  i m trying09:16
soundraysally_: I'm not sure what your fstab change will do. I'll read man fstab...09:16
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kenniWish us luck, bye for now!09:16
ZeromusMogwastrel: my wifi is in there with SSID and password I set :(09:16
PHiSQuaREI just installed dapper and I want to play but I must resist until uni is on break....09:17
ubotuI heard xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"09:17
wastrelZeromusMog:  ok sudo ifup <wifi interface>09:17
=== neutrinomass [n=pandis@ppp198-42.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
ZeromusMogalso dsas, I can't find nm-applet or networkmanager-applet or anything of the sort except for a load monitor09:17
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iapx8088ok, let's hope for the best09:17
zjohnsoneasy way to XGL on ATI video?09:17
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iapx8088breezy is dead, long live dapper09:17
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jah_raztahi have a bit of a problem. when ubuntu RC released a few days ago i got the server install cd and i used it to install the base system then xubuntu... now i've just downloaded the ubuntu cd and i would like to use it to to install the package ubuntu-desktop but for some reason it only will use the repositories. i disabled the repositores and added the cd to sources.list and still it doesn't recognize the cd a09:18
jah_raztahs a source to get the packages...09:18
yaramazfrem ok but battery isn't exist09:18
neutrinomassI just bought a router and an ethernet card but I can't really get them to work, can anybody offer help ?09:18
jtdI wouldn't say Breezy is "dead," exactly.09:18
soundraysally_: you're right about making that change - not sure if it'll fix the fscking, though.09:18
ZeromusMogwastrel: tries to send things but says network is down09:18
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dsasZeromusMog: try netapplet ?09:18
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kane777im so exciteeeed!!09:18
jah_raztahthe reason i want to use the cd rather then repository is so that it doesn't use unnessasary bandwidth09:18
kane777anybody else is??09:18
ZeromusMogthere we go dsas09:18
jtdkane777: clearly you just can't hide it.09:18
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neutrinomassIt's probably a dhcp issue, but I'm not sure, never done this before.09:18
Fremyaramaz, battery dosen't exist? Are you plugged into the wall right now?09:19
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dsasZeromusMog: Looks like nm-applet was dropped somewhere along the way. Never realised :)09:19
FunnyHat_Work#ubuntu is the biggest channel on freenode   : )09:19
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dmbtdude, i can't believe how many people are in here09:19
mikeyyyycan i get some help?09:19
dmbti'v never seen over 1000 in a room09:19
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, dmbt09:20
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kane777jtd: upgrading right now... I thought I'd be awake till it will be available but I just fell asleep and during today I couldnt find time.... so....09:20
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eugmanHey, I have nvidia-settings installed but not nvidia-glx. Should I flip those two?09:20
yaramazthe battery showing menu says "battery isn't exist and using on ac power "09:20
soundraymikeyyyy: only if you ask a sensible question09:20
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=== DavyO [n=davy@nw4all.speedxs.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ktogiasI see that qemu at dapper's repositories is version 0.8.0, while at qemu site vesions qemu 0.8.1 and kqemu-1.3.0pre7 are the most recent. Is the version in the repos accelerated? Should I use the dapper version, or download, compile and install the newest version from the site?09:20
sylvanhey, anyway to give myself permissions to view some of the volumes shown on the desktop? It just says I don't have permission to view it, but I can't find away to enter my password to give me permission09:20
=== Serenity`` [n=yajirou@AMontpellier-157-1-70-177.w86-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #Ubuntu []
mikeyyyyi download ubuntu and when i went to install i ti got to the first screen then, when it when i clicked install it said it couldnt read the boot disc?09:20
DavyOhello ppl09:20
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dsasktogias: Its completly up to you, though compiling it yourself may cause problems when you update ubuntu.09:20
FremZeromusMog, if you want network manager, you'll need to install it & the gnome applet via apt-get, then comment out everything having to do with our wifi card in /etc/network/interfaces and reboot09:21
dsasktogias: If you do install it from source use checkinstall09:21
=== TrendKi|| [n=fghdfth@modemcable013.137-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mikeyyyyi download ubuntu and when i went to install i ti got to the first screen then, when it when i clicked install it said it couldnt read the boot disc?09:21
soundraymikeyyyy: maybe your burn went wrong. Run the check CD option from the boot menu.09:21
eugmansylvan, I'm assuming these are automatically mounted?09:21
mikeyyyyyea it also couldnt read it09:21
mikeyyyyso i have to re-burn it?09:21
Steve123Hi.  I upgraded from breezy to dapper ( I know, get in line).  During the upgrade process my x server configuration got messed up.  I don't know anything about x servers :).   When I rebooted I got a message telling the xserver could not be started, probably due to a configuration problem.  I would be grateful if somebody could walk me through fixing my x server config files.09:21
soundraymikeyyyy: yes.09:21
sylvaneugman, yes09:21
ZeromusMogFrem: but I want it to manage my wifi? I'm confused :)09:21
mikeyyyyhow can i make it burn it right?09:21
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kane777Details: Error reading file 'file:///usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop': File not found    What is this??? (I get this when I'm trying to run home or any of my harddisks from places menu...)09:22
agorfanyone has artifacts in OK/Cancel buttons that are gone on mouseover?09:22
=== Vilmoskorte [n=attila@catv-50627459.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu
dsasagorf: it's a known bug09:22
eugmansylvan, Search around for editing fstab file. There should be soemthing in the eiki.09:22
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wastreli can't see, gonna go take out my contacts09:22
yaramazfrem : did you see my last sentence?09:22
agorfdsas, so i w8 for a fix?09:22
charle97mikeyyy, do you have antivirus running while you burn?09:22
neutrinomassSteve123: I'm not sure what you have to do, I'm not familiar with X, but try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'09:22
FremZeromusMog, Don't ask me why it works like that, but I had to comment out everything having to do with my wifi card in that file before it would kick in.09:22
mikeyyyyhow can i burn it right?09:22
soundraymikeyyyy: don't repeat09:22
ktogiasthanks dsas !09:22
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Steve123thanks neutrinomass I will give it a try!09:22
mikeyyyysorry i didnt thikn anyoen got it?09:22
gargamelsquid fails to install in new version09:22
mikeyyyyi am new to irc09:22
gargamelsquid crashes09:22
soundraymikeyyyy: it's hard to tell without knowing what went wrong. Just try again.09:22
=== Silent_al [n=Debian@bzq-84-108-148-183.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZeromusMogAh I think I see now. Otherwise it just tries to use what's there.09:23
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Silent_alhello , where can i find a torrent for xubuntu?09:23
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mikeyyyyi will get back to u guys later09:23
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sylvaneugman, ugh... I guess linux isn't ready for prime time then..09:23
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soundraymikeyyyy: I can tell. Seasoned IRC users don't say lol09:23
mikeyyyyhow can u do a dual install with windows?09:23
=== Delta2073 [n=frandias@S01060014bf8968ac.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dsasagorf: you may want to subscribe to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/3819809:23
ketsugisoundray: wtf?09:23
harrisonhas anyone who was running aiglx and compiz under dapper beta noticed a slowdown in performance with the latest updates?09:23
ketsugiI've been using IRC for 10 years09:23
ketsugiand I still say lol09:23
=== Hanna_ [n=Hanna@ip72.cab24.trt.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayketsugi: wtf is another giveaway09:23
charle97mikeyy, do you know how to install windows on your own?09:23
ketsugiTEN YEARS!09:23
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dsasketsugi: You're not seasoned enough. *adds more salt*09:23
jah_raztahhow do i use the dapper cd to install dapper instead of repository?09:23
soundrayketsugi: I'm only semi-serious09:23
agorfdsas, thanks!09:23
eugmanSylvan, Well I only know what I know I'm afraid. There may be an easy way but all I know is editing the fstab file which controls how the volumes are mounted.09:23
=== Vilmoskorte [n=attila@catv-50627459.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu
mikeyyyydid anyone see my last question?09:24
Silent_almikeyyyy, the instasller will ask you for it, if not doin' it automatically09:24
jah_raztahi don't wish to do a fresh install09:24
yaramazfrem (: ? can you help me ? :)09:24
mikeyyyyok cool09:24
ZeromusMogcharle97: installing Ubuntu is easier than windows, imo.09:24
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mikeyyyyso whil i am installing it, i twill ask me if i want to do a dual install?09:24
sylvaneugman, I just figured that if they show my volumes on the desktop (without asking) there should be an easy way to access them, seems like every single volume will always have this problem for all users...09:24
charle97zeromusmog, i disagree09:24
eugmanSilent_al, The link in the title should have a torrent for xubuntu I think.09:24
sylvanexcept cdroms maybe09:24
MINK9Yhey guys, just got ubunto installed on an old xboxHDD i had left over, but now I can't get my bluetooth mouse running (logitech mx900). when I was running liveCD, I got it working by typing [sudo hidd --search]  and then pressing the mouse's connect button, but now unbutu is running from HDD it doesn't work. Any suggestions? =)09:25
eugmansylvan, ARe these ntfs volumes?09:25
kane777Details: Error reading file 'file:///usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop': File not found    What is this??? (I get this when I'm trying to run home or any of my harddisks from places menu...)09:25
sylvaneugman, yes09:25
Raskallanyone got any suggestions on how to get looking glass 3d working on an ATI card? It requires both composite and DRI, but the ati drivers disable DRI when enabling composite.09:25
=== simonpca [i=simonpca@c207.134.124-4.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fee^dsas: i didn't find a bug there :)09:25
Fremyaramaz, I'm sorry, I don't know exactly why it says that. Does it change when you unplug it?09:25
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Silent_almikeyyyy, dual boot . yes09:25
ZeromusMogcharle97: Just installing. Not confuring. In my experience more stuff works out of the box and with less hassle on Ubuntu than Windows09:25
jah_raztahi'm already on dapper but i have the beta version of xubuntu now i wish to switch to ubuntu so i downloaded the dapper cd and would now like to use that cd to install ubuntu-desktop but it will only allow me to use the repositories... how can i set it to use the cd-rom?09:26
mikeyyyyalso is it easy to install a game like the linux version of americas army?09:26
ZeromusMogProblem is the few things that don't work aren't just a matter of downloading a driver installer :(09:26
dsasFee^: It it doesn't work and it should and there's no duplicates then file one :)09:26
Silent_aleugman, got it, thankx09:26
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kane777ooops... I lost synaptic... how come/??? anybody can help.... its not in the menu.... how do I get it back??? what packages should i install????09:26
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=== JesusCenteno [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu
Fremmikeyyyy, I've got enemy teritory installed. I didn't find it too hard. just follow the instructions on the forums.09:26
neutrinomassI just bought a router and I'm having trouble connecting to it, probably a dhcp issue. Can anybody help me ?09:26
=== zOap [n=zOap@217-153-134.0101.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
harrisonkane777 try running synaptic from the command line09:26
dsaskane777: Use alacarte menu editor09:26
eugmanSylvan, well that's the problem. Support for ntfs is rather weak. You could easily mess up something if you tried to write to such a volume. Reading them is safe but I'm guessing this might be like giving someone safety scissors so they don't cut themselves.09:26
=== beyond_ [n=beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ZeromusMogmikeyyyy: Windows is sadly king as far as games are concerned. Linux isn't really a good gaming platform unless all you play is tuxracer and quake, heh. There are some good efforts to emulate DirectX so you can play on Windows but they're not super easy to use or stable yet.09:27
mikeyyyyfollow the ubuntu forums or the game forums?09:27
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kane777harrison, synaptic not found... seems that i uninstalled it...09:27
=== Sturek [n=jens@dialin-leer-80-228-3-170.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pilgrim-I have a AMD Turion 64-Bit processor..should i get Ubuntu 32bit or 64bit version? Is there a big performance diference?09:27
dsasZeromusMog: There's tremulous, and wolfenstein09:27
harrisonkane777 try this09:27
charle97zeromusmog: will you help me share an internet connection with windows xp if it's so easy?09:27
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soundrayjah_raztah: add this line add the beginning of /etc/apt/sources.list: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Alpha i386 (20060329.1)] / dapper main restricted09:27
harrisonkane777 > sudo apt-get update09:27
yaramazno doesnt change i read something about it i think i should compile the kernel09:27
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ZeromusMogcharle97: I said easier to install not configure ;-*09:27
harrisonkane777 > sudo apt-get install synaptic09:27
=== WJames|lappy [n=wizardja@unaffiliated/wizardjames] has joined #ubuntu
Fremneutrinomass, are you trying to install and it keeps timing out waiting for the dhcp?09:27
soundrayjah_raztah: you'll have to adapt the CD name in there.09:27
neutrinomassPilgrim-: The performance difference is small, but amd64 comes with problems :) Flash issues etc. .09:28
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javiolocharle97  I you find out how to do that please let me know09:28
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sylvaneugman, yeah I know I just wanted read permission.. anyway I went into fstab and changed it.. I just dislike the linux mentality where everything has to be difficult and involved09:28
ZeromusMog"internet connection sharing" is in the "configure" department ;)09:28
JesusCentenohi, does anyone has problem installing dapper in a dual processor athlon machine? (with module amd76xrom)09:28
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charle97javiolo: i've done it before by configuring samba, but i forgot the settings09:28
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mikeyyyydo u need a special kind of computer or multiple hard drive to dual boot?09:28
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soundraymikeyyyy: no09:28
mikeyyyyso i could do it on an average hop09:29
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jah_raztahsoundray, finally some one responds and yes i've done that already... i'm not a newbie... but this makes no sens ei added the cd to the repositories already using synaptic and the method u stated earlier and neither worked... when i goto look for packages ubuntu-desktop it says not found09:29
Fremmikeyyyy, have you seen the wiki yet?09:29
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neutrinomassFrem: I think I've connected everything correctly because the router's leds go on as described in the manual. I tried network-admin and activated the interface, but I get assigned an 169.xxx. address, I can't ping which is supposed to be the router and according to the manual 169.x addresses "are assigned by windows when dhcp caznnot be used"09:29
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mikeyyyyits confuses me09:29
javiolocharle97 I tried to share internet between a xp and ubuntu, the one that has internet connection is the xp09:29
soundraymikeyyyy: yes. Do backup your important stuff though.09:29
eugmanDoes anyone have nvidia working on dapper with acceleration? Do I need nvidia-glx installed?09:29
mikeyyyyyea i know09:29
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mikeyyyyi already saved a bunch of things to boe.net09:29
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ZeromusMogaugh stupid quesiton: what is the comment charachter for a conf file? Is it #? I forget D:09:29
soundrayjah_raztah: did you run 'sudo apt-get update' after the change?09:29
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JesusCentenohi, does anyone has problem installing dapper in a dual processor athlon machine? (with module amd76xrom)09:29
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neutrinomassZeromusMog: Usually '#', but it could depend ...09:29
ZeromusMogthis is for /etc/network/interfaces09:30
eugmanZeromusMog, That's the case for the repo config so I think so.09:30
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charle97javiolo: i used the same setup, but i wanted the ubuntu machine to share with xp instead.... never could get that working09:30
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kane777harrison, thanx pal... i accidentaly uninstalled it... and knew not what to do... and few other problems occured... eg when i sellect home or any of my disks in places menu i get error... do you know what it might be??09:30
eugmanBut don't trust me.09:30
Fremneutrinomass, can you ping that's where my rounter is configured.09:30
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T-CANif i am running breezy 5.10, whats the easiest way to upgrade to dapper?09:30
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FremT-CAN, run the update manager09:30
jah_raztahsoundray, it's very weird i'm not new to ubuntu either... i could use the repositories but i don't want to waste the bandwidth09:30
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ZeromusMoggonna reboot and try this network manager business brb all and thanks for your help so far :)09:30
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FremZeromusMog, good luck09:31
T-CANFrem, I have and nothing was found09:31
JesusCentenohi, does anyone has problem installing dapper in a dual processor athlon machine? (with module amd76xrom)09:31
neutrinomassFrem: Let me try ... (bringing eth0 up ... )09:31
mikeyyyyi am going to make the full swicth to linux today, hope it works09:31
eugmanT-CAN, At some point a button should appear today on the manager offering to upgrade to 6.0609:31
mikeyyyythen my house will be rid of microsoft!! yay!!!09:31
harrisonkane777 > i am not sure, but it sounds like you may have boogered it up pretty bad, if you have just installed, i would suggest installing again09:31
profoX`Is the live cd really really slow or is it my cd drive, and if it is my cd drive, multitasking seems to be bad under heavy disk load, can some HD resources be saved for multitasking ?09:31
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Ratzillaim almost done upgrading :)09:32
eugmanT-CAN, You can do it early by typing sudo update-manager -d into the terminal.09:32
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wastrelprofoX`:  how much RAM do you have?09:32
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soundrayjah_raztah: is your CD mounted?09:32
jah_raztahyes offcourse09:32
profoX`wasabi: 256 on the laptop i am trying to install it on09:32
mikeyyyyok i downloaded it again, and em now burning dapper09:32
profoX`wastrel: sorry*09:32
wastrelprofoX`:  that would be the problem :] 09:32
soundrayjah_raztah: unmount it and run apt-get update again, see if that helps.09:32
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profoX`wastrel: recommended minimal was 25609:33
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eugmanDapper, nvidia, working, anyone?09:33
wastrelprofoX`:  minimal is slow :]   the livecd is loading the filesystem into RAM, so you won't have as much left over for running processes.09:33
profoX`wastrel: anyway... i think its mainly due to the disc load time...09:33
ScreaminIkewhere is the live cd?09:33
maddlereugman: me... but using drivers downloaded from nvidia...09:33
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soundrayScreaminIke: it is now called Desktop CD09:33
profoX`ScreaminIke: the live cd got merged with the install cd in 6.06 I think09:33
FunnyHat_Workeugman, it worked for me in beta, testing tonight when I get home09:34
neutrinomas1Frem: Didn't work . Bringing up eth0 also clobbers up my ppp0 interface.09:34
ScreaminIkeomg for realz? that is so cool09:34
btarantohy. i have a dell xeon 64bits with 2 scsi ultra4 with raid1(megaraid). does anybody knows if cd-iso of ubuntu amd64 server detect this hardware(raid1(megarid)) on boot?09:34
ktogiasWhere can I find a how-to/wiki with instructions about installing and using xgl on dapper with ATI?09:34
dsas!tel ktogias about xgl09:34
ubotudsas: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:34
jah_raztahsoundray, no it doesn't09:34
eugmanFunnyHat_Work, Do you have nvidia-glx installed?09:34
dsas!tell ktogias about xgl09:34
mikeyyyyyea i was confused by them calling it desktop cd too, they might want to add a note on the website or something09:34
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FunnyHat_Workbtaranto, it should... but no guaruntees09:34
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=== dsas shakes fist at ubotu
FunnyHat_Workeugman, yea.  and all of it's dependencies of course09:34
stjepananyone tried dapper?09:34
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indro!tell indro about xgl09:35
ltR20did drapper come out yet09:35
mikeyyyyabout to09:35
ltR20final version09:35
dsasstjepan: Just most the people in the room.09:35
rendoIs there anyone to have a script execute on startup?09:35
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stjepandsas, "most" ???09:35
profoX`wastrel: I have been waiting for more than 10 minutes now to get "set time" to open.. still not opened.. cpu usage itself isnt high, but the disk load is just 100% .. its just way too slow09:35
ScreaminIkealso... what is this ubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso09:35
yaramazhow  do  i compile the kernel on ubuntu 5.10?09:35
neutrinomas1Frem: When I bring ppp0 up though, I can ping and 0.1, although this is probably irrelevant.09:35
eugmanFunnyHat_Work, And I'm guessing I'm not supposed to have nvidia-settings anymore?09:35
shachafrendo: Yes, there is. Do you mean on boot or on login?09:35
soundrayjah_raztah: when you mount the CD, can you find the package? 'find /media/cdrom0 -name ubuntu-desktop\*.deb'09:35
FunnyHat_Workeugman, yea, I don't think you need that one09:35
profoX`ltR20: yes it did 6.06 got released today09:35
btarantoFunnyHat_Work_ hum... the cd-iso of debian-31r0a amd64 dont detect my raid1.09:35
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wastrelprofoX`:  yeah i dunno - get more ram :]   i don't really use the livecd09:35
eXistenZWould anyone recommend me a practical md5 hash generator?09:35
FunnyHat_Workubotu, tell eugman about nvidia09:35
dsasrendo: Yep you need to put the script in /etc/rc3.d and call it S99yourscriptname09:35
ScreaminIkewhat's the difference between that and the desktop?09:35
TocanoWhere are the network configuration files in Ubuntu?  We had a DHCP failure during install, so figured we'd set that up after install ... but don't know where those files are in this one (6.06 LTS)09:35
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FunnyHat_Workeugman, just follow that wiki for dapper instructions09:35
Fremneutrinomas1, I'm sorry, then. I don't know.09:35
mikeyyyyok 20 minutes to download now 20 to burn lol grrrrrrr09:35
rendoThank you.09:35
profoX`wastrel: im going to install it on a 512 machine, its for a friend of me :)09:36
FunnyHat_Workbtaranto, try the i386 cd.09:36
kane777harrison, ok found the source of this messup... i uninstalled gnome... LOL...09:36
soundrayScreaminIke: it has a text-based installer09:36
shachafrendo: No, wait.09:36
foodcomanAnyone know why I get this error on my laptop CDROM.  Trying to enable DMA. http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/75196509:36
FunnyHat_Workbtaranto, all x64 software is fairly buggy still in the GNU/Linux world09:36
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dsaseXistenZ: md5sum09:36
neutrinomas1Frem: Ok, thanks. But normally it should be a matter of just activating eth0 and connecting to, right?09:36
dsaseXistenZ: It's there by default.09:36
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shachafrendo: What dsas said will run the script on boot.09:36
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btarantoFunnyHat_Work_ i386 work. i have installed debian i386 with kernel 2.6.09:36
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Fremneutrinomas1, yes, it should be. that or
rendoOkay, then how do I do it on login? :)09:36
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mikeyyyyi thikn ubuntu has the best customer support09:36
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profoX`wastrel: i use archlinux right now myself, but i must admit that ubuntu is coming along pretty well lately, im already looking forward to 6.1009:37
soundrayjah_raztah: have you done an md5sum on the CD btw?09:37
ZeromusDesktopWell, damn. Network Manager doesn't like to connect either. And still nothing that just scans =\09:37
shachafrendo: To run in on login, either put it in your .Xsession or (if you're running GNOME) go to System->Preferences->Sessions->Startup Programs and add it there.09:37
FunnyHat_Workbtaranto, then it's the 64bit packages that are failing on you, rather than the total support for RAID.09:37
Fremneutrinomas1, oh, just remembered. have you tried setting that ip address as your gateway?09:37
T-CANprofoX` how do you like archlinux?09:37
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rendoI did that shachaf, and the script didn't run. :(09:37
FunnyHat_Work<<AFK AGAIN>>09:37
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rendoIn the session startup thing.09:37
redmonkeyhi. i cannot play dvd movies. what libraries do i need for it except libdvdc**?09:37
shachafrendo: You're sure?09:37
Trashcanmy video card burned out, and i need to get my dapper box to a state where i can run sshd09:37
jah_raztahsoundray, no i have not i download the the official torrent file from ubuntu website and once it finished downloading i burnt it09:37
skeltoacjust installed update from breezy badger to dapper... gotta reboot! :)09:37
Trashcanis there a quick keystroke to get it to boot to console09:37
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shachafrendo: You might have to type the full path in, rather than just the name of the script.09:38
dsasredmonkey: Have you saw http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ?09:38
ltR20did drapper come out yet - final version.09:38
rendoI did that.09:38
dsasltR20: yes09:38
Trashcanim driving with my eyes closed so no X09:38
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ltR20Can i order the cds?09:38
jah_raztahsoundray you are right there is no package named ubuntu-desktop on the cdrom as well09:38
dsasltR20: yes, they won't arrive for 4-6 weeks though09:38
iNikuTrashcan: sshd can run even if X is running09:38
dsasltR20: Maybe even longer09:38
eXistenZdsas, Say I want to generate a md5 hash from a text, is it possible to do that with md5sum?09:38
redmonkeydsas: no, thank you for the link!09:38
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iNikuTrashcan: you might not have sshd installed, though09:38
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Trashcani do09:38
Trashcanit's not set up to run at boot09:38
Trashcanhence the problem09:38
Trashcanso i need to jump to a console and run it09:38
dsaseXistenZ: just do "md5sum filename"09:39
Trashcanbut have to do so without being able to see09:39
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neutrinomas1Frem: or the 169.xxx addy? how do I set it as a gateway with dhcp ?09:39
btarantoFunnyHat_Work_ hum... what do you recommend? leave with i386 2.6?09:39
harrisonanyone running compiz + aiglx with dapper release?09:39
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T-CANim off to upgrade to dapper09:39
T-CANwish me luck09:39
profoX`T-CAN: best distribution i ever had... its abit harder to setup/configure, but once its running it works flawlessly, and you have so many options. pacman package manager look salot like apt-get and ABS is like gentoo's build system.09:39
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eXistenZdsas, the text is not in a file09:39
dsasharrison: see #ubuntu-xgl09:39
aedwards323how do you upgrade to dapper from command line09:39
dsaseXistenZ: Where is it?09:39
CHodappOk. Before someone else uses it offensively, I'll just scream it: JEWBUNTU09:39
bingoHi, I try dapper today, it's very nice... do you know the name of the gtk theme of dapper? cause I want the same in my debian !09:39
shachafrendo: Hmm.09:39
CHodappThere. Now it's dead.09:39
iNikuTrashcan: oh... ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a console, then log in and run sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start09:39
nnzdapper wont boot on 128 megs of ram , after nautils done loading it just goes to blank screen n nothing.do server dapper have gui?09:39
HoxzerHow well does ubuntu support NTFS writing?09:39
dsasbingo: Human09:39
eXistenZdsas, I just want to feed it a text, and it will convert it into md5 hash09:39
dsasHoxzer: It doesn't09:39
T-CANprofoX` I really want to try archlinux out but I dont know if i can handle it09:39
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iNikuTrashcan: sudo will probably ask for your password09:39
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shachafrendo: Does the script work when you run it normally?09:40
btarantoFunnyHat_Work_ is the first time i play with 64bits arch.09:40
profoX`T-CAN: do you have experience with linux ?09:40
FunnyHat_Workbtaranto, well if it isn't broken, don't fix it  ; )09:40
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Trashcaniniku: can i ctl-alt-f1 from x login screen?09:40
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Hoxzeris there any way to enable it?09:40
neutrinomas1nnz: No, but the desktop should boot at least I think. It would be slow as hell, but bootable ...09:40
jah_raztahsoundray, should i just forget about using the cd-rom and just use the repositories to install the packages?09:40
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bingodsas, do you know wher I can download it09:40
T-CANa little but not much09:40
FunnyHat_Workbtaranto, I'd stay away from the 64bit kernels , etc. for now09:40
shachafrendo: Try adding some other program to the list and see if it starts on login.09:40
dsaseXistenZ: just type md5sum, then start writing, press ctrl+D when you've finished09:40
iNikuTrashcan: yes09:40
Fremneutrinomas1, the address. I don't remeber exactly how to set something as a gateway, but I had to do it many moons ago with slackware. it's something like ifconfig -gateway, but don't quote me on that.09:40
rendoI have to run it in the terminal though.09:40
Trashcanawesome thanks09:40
MagusGis there any word on when a DVD release will be up?09:40
nnznope its not , just tried that09:40
dsasbingo: http://ubuntu.com/download09:40
T-CANprofoX` I just started with it acouple weeks ago09:40
rendoGaim does already, so it works. I dunno why the script won't :/09:40
ZeromusDesktopYou know guys, I DO live in pretty close to Broadcom's offices, maybe I should go there and raise hell :)09:40
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eugmanhttp://ubuntu.wordpress.com/ . Check it out.  It's a useful sorce of information.09:40
profoX`T-CAN: the #archlinux channel is friendly; but for beginners i wouldnt advise arch. why do you want to try out arch ?09:40
ubotufrom memory, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.09:40
btarantoFunnyHat_Work_ hum...09:41
ZeromusDesktopFor all of you out there cursing out your wifi cards ;D09:41
soundrayjah_raztah: depends... if you're paying per MB, I would check the md5sums first (on the image file AND on the CD)09:41
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T-CANprofoX` I really just want to learn what makes it tick and Ive heard that building the system yourself helps you understand a lot about it09:41
bingodsas, thank you but I just want the gtk theme :-D09:41
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ZeromusDesktopThere are lots of nerds down here maybe we should gather together with giant signs saying "RELEASE LINUX DRIVERS FOR YOUR HARDWARE"09:41
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jah_raztahthat is what i downloaded09:41
bingodsas, I have already download dapper09:41
asdxdoes dapper has wifi enhancements?09:41
jhollonHey, when I try upgrade from breezy to dapper i get an error while downloading the files:  Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/latest/.........../Packages.gz and Sources.gz.  404 Not Found.  Why cant i see those files?09:41
jah_raztahhow do i do a md5sum check09:41
sloof3|ubuntuWhat's the harm in removing the ubuntu-desktop package?09:41
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asdxdoes dapper has wifi enhancements?09:42
dsasbingo: you want the files ?09:42
ZeromusDesktopasdx, not as many as I hoped there would be :(09:42
sloof3|ubuntujah_raztah: md5sum09:42
mgalvinwow, 1000+ people... hello world!09:42
soundrayjah_raztah: if you're only concerned about your impact on the web, I think you can safely assume it's okay to download a gig or so.09:42
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profoX`T-CAN: then maybe gentoo would be good for you, but it is too time consuming and even harder to setup. you have to compile everything from source, and frankly, it isnt that much faster than archlinux (the same kinda) plus in the end you just use portage to compile packages.. that wont teach you anything either09:42
neutrinomas1Frem: No luck with that :( Thanks anyway, I'll just lurk in here until somebody helps me :)09:42
dsas!tell sloof3|ubuntu about ubuntu-desktop09:42
ZeromusDesktopIt seems to have better card support but no sort of wifi manager :(09:42
rackerzDo you guys recommend I install all the things automatix's installs manually?09:42
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vermoosscifi: ok! it needed a restart, and gives a good first impression. its a nicer look and feel for defo, and matplotlib is in the package manager by default.09:42
soundrayrackerz: don't use automatix!09:42
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iNikuTrashcan: how did your video card "burn out", though?09:42
dsasrackerz: Don't do automatix09:42
ubotuwell, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.09:42
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RandolphCarterrackerz: you can do it yourself then save your history as a script09:42
ZeromusDesktopprofoX`, you DO learn a lot from Gentoo. Not how to compile packages though, heh09:42
jah_raztahno it's only around 303 mb that i need to download since i have all the xorg and other gtk2 libs and things from xubuntu already09:42
eugmanRackerz, yes mainly because it'll be easily revertable and because you'll be smarter for it.09:42
Fremneutrinomas1, ok. good luck with that. :-)09:42
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dsas!tell rackerz about easyubuntu09:42
bingodsas, yes I want the gtk theme to add it on debian gnome09:42
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profoX`T-CAN: if you are serious about learning linux i would START with a distro like ubuntu, and later you can try Archlinux. you will learn alot with arch.09:43
scifivermoos: kewl, still got 20mins or os of downloading left09:43
ZeromusDesktop!tell ZeromusDesktop about easyubuntu09:43
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rackerzdsas: easyubuntu breaks totem for me :(09:43
shammyhow's the wireless compatability on drake?09:43
T-CANprofoX` I figure the only way to really figure everything out is by jumping in head first. Plus I am on a computer that I just threw together and dont really care about so it would be that big of a deal if anything got messed up.09:43
btarantoFunnyHat_Work_ if ubuntu detect all of my hardwares? is better i leave with i386 2.6?09:43
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soundrayrackerz: just tell easyubuntu to leave your totem alone.09:43
Mellarafter upgradeing to dapper. apt-get update gives me theese messages: http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  407 Proxy Authentication Required09:43
vermoosscifi: it'll be worth it if matplotlib installs alove - its broken under breezy09:44
sloof3|ubuntudsas: When ubuto says upgrade does it mean between releases?09:44
MellarI also have no longer sound09:44
mikeyyyywhy i subuntu a lot better then windows?09:44
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profoX`T-CAN: sure, but beginners will enjoy ubuntu better i think :) although my first real distribution was debian too, when it still had the bad/uneasy installer09:44
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Andy101is there anyway of removing an applet from a panel without actually starting gnome, the gxmms applet keeps causing gnome to crash when starting so I want to remove it09:44
profoX`T-CAN: and i liked it09:44
soundraymikeyyyy: who said that?09:44
scifivermoos: whats matplotlib ?09:44
T-CANprofoX` ya, I am on ubuntu right now and I have learned a lot but I feel I could learn so much more by using arch09:44
brandon_did that bug with the volume controls in gnome being reversed get fixed yet? i updated today and it's still there09:44
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profoX`T-CAN: well, what do you want to learn. you want to learn how your system works ?09:44
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T-CANprofoX` pretty much09:44
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vermoosscifi: its a great python-based plotting package, just about the best for producing great looking graphs and stuff09:45
dsasbingo: it's in /usr/share/themes/Human/09:45
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arcadeHeh, Ubuntu is one of the better distros I've used.. only a few flaws.. (defaults to UTF-8 (blrhg!), not a proper build environment by default, and Ubuntu is Yet Another Distro that hasn't figured out a good way to distribute Good Updates for old releases :)09:45
tekNerdI installed ubuntu on Virtual PC but I can-t make the metwork to work! Heeeeeeeelp!09:45
dsas! tell rackerz about mp309:45
ubotudsas: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:45
profoX`btw! enough! i am going to reboot that fcking laptop. it is just crashing the live cd !! slow as hell and ive been waiting for 30 minutes for the "configure time" to open and it just keeps loading the disc. enough ;) is there  a text install included in the Desktop CD ?09:45
neutrinomas1Can anybody help me with a networking issue? (1 router, 1 computer, probably a dhcp issue ...) Netgear router ..09:45
dsas!tell rackerz about mp309:45
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Anon3878hey hey hey.  quick question about upgrading to dapper from breezy.  what is the best method and do i need to backup my home directory using the said method09:45
zcat[1] is there much point removing bluez and pcmcia from this machine (it's a desktop, no pcmcia or bluetooth)09:45
dsasrackerz: That should cover most of what easyubuntu does the 'manual' way09:45
arcadeneutrinomas1: shoot.09:45
scifivermoos: im only into 3D graphics, looking forward to using latest version of Blender that comes with dapper09:45
soundrayarcade: it's so easy to upgrade to a new release -- why bother with old ones.09:45
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bingodsas, it's true ! I my debian will look like ubuntu ! thank you09:46
mikeyyyywill ubuntu work on a lan with windows xp macines?09:46
rackerzthanks dsas :)09:46
malvanyone having usb printer problems?09:46
dsassloof3|ubuntu: yeah09:46
soundraymikeyyyy: sharing files and printers? Yes.09:46
dsasmikeyyyyy: yes09:46
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charle97mikeyyy: you're messing with us09:46
vermoosscifi: do you know how to draw a Penrose tile? its tricky.09:46
Ratzilladoes distro upgrading and clean installing a new distro have any differences?09:46
mikeyyyywell i just meant will the normal internet work09:46
Anon3878mikeyyyy yes09:46
zcat[1] mikeyyyy: transparently... you can browse the windows network, right-click to share folders, etc...09:46
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malvclean install is best09:46
eugmanprofofx, alternate cd has text install. May want to check cd for integrity.09:46
scifivermoos: no idea lol09:46
tekNerdI installed ubuntu on Virtual PC but I can-t make the metwork to work! Heeeeeeeelp!09:46
malvupdates tend to break things09:46
profoX`T-CAN: well arch will learn you about how linux works better than most distros, because you have to edit alot of files by hand, configuration files that tell your system what to do and where to look09:46
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dsasmalv: It's fine as long as you have the ubuntu-* metapackages installed09:47
arcadesoundray: New releases doesn't come every week ;)  I'm thinking in the way of.. an _official_ way to upgrade - without any conflicts - the kernel to the newest release, KDE to the newest release, and so forth.  Those things should be made readily available for the pervious 'stable' releases.09:47
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pandamoniumis there a way to set a global http proxy? i keep getting "can't resolve http" errors and nothing will update/download. my isp insists on using transparent proxies but the default one i go through is broken :(09:47
profoX`T-CAN: i havent tried gentoo MYSELF but thats because i hate the compiling-compiling-compiling :) and arch has speed optimizations by default in the packages for i68609:47
malvmy wireless card was broken until I reinstalled dapper09:47
neutrinomas1arcade: Thanks. I will share a dsl line in a while, so I bought a router and one ethernet card to try things out first. I installed the ethernet card, connected it to the router; this part is probably OK since all leds on the router light up as expected. When bringing up eth0 ('ifup eth0') I get errors(?) like DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 15.I then try to connect to the web interface at, and I can't 09:47
michaelsmy mouse's scrollwheel makes firefox go back and forewards.09:47
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profoX`michaels: known bug09:47
neutrinomas1michaels: Known bug, check Malone09:47
Marticusno expert mode in dapper install?09:47
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profoX`michaels: think you have to remap your buttons09:48
davmor2tekNerd: What virtual pc software did you use09:48
arcadeneutrinomas1: Uhm, DHCPDISCOVER is not an error message :D09:48
dsasMarticus: There is if you use the alternative cd09:48
T-CANprofoX` ya, maybe I will just stick around with ubuntu for awhile and see if I feel I know enough about linux in general to switch to arch09:48
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Andy101anyone know how to remove an applet from a panel in gnome from the command line, is there a file I can edit?09:48
wastrelisn't that a preference in firefox?09:48
shadow_milWhere is the startup script?09:48
mikeyyyysorry for all the weird questions, i am new to ubuntu09:48
soundrayarcade: but... they *are*. I never had much trouble upgrading, either within-release or release-to-release.09:48
Blake7984anyone in here happen to have experience with sata raid in ubuntu?09:48
tekNerdMicrosoft's 200409:48
pandamoniummichaels, there's a way to configure that in firefox09:48
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ZeromusDesktopBlake7984, it just works09:48
Marticusdsas: much appreciated09:48
michaelshow pandamonium?09:48
ZeromusDesktopunlike other certain OSes09:48
profoX`Is there a way to do a text install with the Desktop CD ?09:48
arcadesoundray: I had to compile my 2.6.14 kernel myself. :)09:48
Blake7984ZeromusDesktop its not for me...its detecting my mirrored array as 2 seperate drives09:48
mikeyyyydo all firefox exstensions work and install normaly ?09:48
h3sp4wnneutrinomas1: What router ? I take it you enabled the dhcp server09:48
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pandamoniumyou type something into the address bar to get a whole load of settings. let me look it up09:48
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davmor2tekNerd: Sorry then no idea on how you force the issue with windows.09:49
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neutrinomas1arcade: Quite possibly, I'm not sure (first time doing this). Any idea on what might be going wrong? eth0 gets assigned an 169.xx address, which according to the manual "is assigned by windows when an address cannot be obtained by dhcp'09:49
soundrayarcade: I never needed one.09:49
arcadesoundray: Wasn't any released for breezy when I needed it, if I remember correctly.09:49
ZeromusDesktopAh, I haven't used anything but Raid 0 so unfortunately I can't help you :(09:49
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arcadesoundray: And I needed it to get my SATA controlled supported.09:49
osotogariHey all, if i upgrade to Dapper, all my settings with remain the same per user?09:49
neutrinomas1h3sp4wn: Netgear router. I need a server on my box? (I thought the dhcp server part was handled by the router)09:49
siofwolves_has 6.06 got WPA-PSK in the network manager ?09:49
arcadesoundray: Wasn't that big an issue .. but it shouldn't b an issue at all.09:49
MINK9Yjust HDD installed ubuntu, neither network/internet nor BT mouse work now (both worked fine from LiveCD). Is there some sort of setup util I've missed/skipped??09:49
zcat[1] osotogari: shjould do09:49
arcadesoundray: The biggest issue was figuring out what things I needed to get a build environment set up09:49
jendaI need help with gnome-panel. It always jumps to the top part of the screen from the bottom when in use. It's set to autohide and semi-transparent. No special action seems to be necessary (perhaps mouse-over)09:49
vermoosscifi: the windows have a xp feel, but overall i'm impressed.09:49
soundrayarcade: now I'm starting to see what you mean.09:49
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osotogariexcellent! Im off to upgrade so \o/09:49
Blake7984ZeromusDesktop its hardware raid though....why would it detect it as 2 seperate 250gb drives rather than just a single one?09:49
h3sp4wnneutrinomas1: No I meant on the router09:49
michaelspandamonium: about:config?09:49
profoX`i am so pissed at the desktop installer :/09:49
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neutrinomas1h3sp4wn: No, I can't even connect to it.09:50
soundrayarcade: I guess being bleeding edge is just not in the mission statement.09:50
McNutellaupgradede to dapper and all my settings were banished, including my firefox which has been reset.. how lame is that!09:50
h3sp4wnneutrinomas1: Netgears default to (in my experience until configured)09:50
arcadeneutrinomas1: True.  That means the router isn't giving you a dhcp address, and then you of course cannot connect to
wastrelpandamonium:  about:config and then scroll down to the mousewheel section...  i forget which exactly they are tho09:50
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defunktthe power manager on dapper doesn't work apparently :(09:50
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ubotuaedwards323: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:50
zcat[1] I did a clean install to dapper, then copied over just the dotfiles I really wanted to keep, firefox and tbird settings, etc... worked very well for me.09:50
nnzwhat does lvm stand for?09:50
h3sp4wnneutrinomas1: Try setting a static ip just until it is configured09:50
ZeromusDesktopBlake7984, I wish I knew D:09:50
scifivermoos: yeh i heard how much slicker the lastest gnome is,, all ur apps work ok? firefox etc09:50
defunktnnz large volume management09:50
neutrinomassh3sp4wn: How do I do that ? :(09:50
jorgpis there a package diff list for ubuntu desktop vs ubuntu server iso?09:50
Blake7984ZeromusDesktop what raid controller do you use?09:50
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arcadeneutrinomas1: How does the manual tell you to connect to the router?  You might try to do an "ifconfig eth0 netmask" and then try to connect.09:50
=== neutrinomass terribly clueless of networking
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html09:50
soundraynnz: logical volume management. Stay away from it if you can.09:50
zcat[1] If you just upgrade all your settings should migrate to the newer versions fairly cleanly.09:50
nnzk thnx09:51
defunkterr yeah, logical, not large09:51
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Mellarafter upgradeing to dapper. apt-get update gives me theese messages: http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  407 Proxy Authentication Required09:51
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h3sp4wnneutrinomass: ifconfig eth0
vermoosscifi: everythings sweet, and i have stuff i didn't have previously :)09:51
h3sp4wnneutrinomass: then try ping
neutrinomassarcade: Um.. just connect cables and do (it's just windows instructions )09:51
arcadesoundray: I know being bleeding edge is not in the mission statement, but it's a hassle when you need support for your new raid controller.09:51
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soundraydefunkt: I forgive you :)09:51
profoX`I see Ubuntu getting big :)09:51
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arcadeneutrinomass: Okay.  Then try the ifconfig statement.09:51
nigelhey guys, how do I get ubuntu to update itself to dapper?  the update manager isn't finding anything.09:51
neutrinomassh3sp4wn: Ok. Btw, why does ppp0 become inactive when I bring up eth0 ?09:51
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scifivermoos:  sweet :)09:51
mikeyyyyare there anythign for ubuntu like yahoo wigets?09:51
michaelspandamonium, profoX`, is this an ubuntu bug or a firefox one?09:51
FunnyHat_Workmikeyyyy, yea it's called gDesklets09:52
arcadeneutrinomass: Probably because some default route thing. :)09:52
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arcadeneutrinomass: Depends on the dhcp-client, I guess.09:52
MagusGwhat all is included on the ubuntu dvd?09:52
zcat[1] arcade: seriously, hardware raid sucks; it ties your array to a single controller. Software raid has minimal overhead and huge advantages.09:52
Pilgrim-thank you neutrinomass :)09:52
soundrayarcade: yes it is... But then, you're supposed to buy a computer for your OS, not vice versa.09:52
arcadezcat[1] : Uhm, Why are you telling me this?09:52
MINK9Yanyone know of a Dapper Release Party in Copenhagen? =)09:52
neutrinomassOk, brb to try the ifconfig thing ...09:52
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h3sp4wnneutrinomass: That would only usually happen if you have two default routes (the dhcp will provide a default route which will replece the one which is thru ppp009:52
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pandamoniummichaels, yes, about:config09:52
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arcadesoundray: Heh, sometimes you need a certain piece of hardware.09:52
pandamoniumbut don't know about the bug09:52
trappistzcat[1] : software raid has administrative overhead09:53
spikehcan someone please explain why when I change the screen resolution, it kicks me back to the login screen?09:53
pianoboy3333Can I swear somewhat/09:53
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michaelspandamonium: any idea what to do in about:config?09:53
MINK9Yanyone got ideas on how I can get my internet working in Dapper? Worked fine from LiveCD but now I installed it's gone...09:53
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dmbtspikeh: thats bad09:53
georgegayhi, i was introduced to linex about an hour ago, and i wanna connect to the net (this is windows), how the hell do i do it, its too hard09:53
Fee^dsas: i figured it out, i was using the context-menu open-with earlier...not the right-click/open with to change the setting..  fixed :)09:53
steve123I just upgraded from breezy -> dapper.09:53
steve123All went well until I rebooted. The system told me that the xserver wouldn't start and this was most likely due to a poor configuration. I know nothing about xservers .09:53
steve123I tried09:53
steve123dpkg --configure xserver-org09:53
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steve123but it told me that it was already configured and did nothing. There was no "--reconfigure" option.09:53
steve123Any help getting through this would be appreciated.09:53
h3sp4wnneutrinomass: If it is on then set the address to
pianoboy3333Like f**k s**t09:53
dmbtspikeh: that probably means x.org crashed09:53
pianoboy3333I need major serious help09:53
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FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, whats up09:53
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arcadezcat[1] : I needed to get my SATA controller supported, so that I could connect my disks, and run software raid over it.  I'm not using hardware raid. ;)09:53
soundrayarcade: I'd continue to talk back, but we're getting offtopic...09:53
FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, i have a few minutes09:53
spikehdmbt yes I've been having trouble with xserver09:53
profoX`going to try ubuntu on this pc now.. it has 512 MB and is a desktop pc instead of laptop09:53
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zcat[1] spikeh: you know most 'hardware' raid controllers just do software raid using their own propriatory driver anyhow, right?09:54
erUSUL!tell pianoboy3333 about ask09:54
pianoboy3333FunnyHat_Work: ok... well, I tried to install fedora on an external drive...09:54
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arcadesoundray: Well, I'm just saying what I find to be the flaws of ubuntu, and almost every linux distro except gentoo which is a pain ;)09:54
FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, there's your problem  ; )09:54
pianoboy3333erUSUL: I don't really care for ubotu right now09:54
pianoboy3333FunnyHat_Work: no...09:54
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georgegayhi, i was introduced to linex about an hour ago, and i wanna connect to the net (this is windows), how the hell do i do it, its too hard09:54
AnAntif I am going to get a new version of linux kernel as a tarball, is there a special way to compile it under Ubuntu ? sort of helping packages or so ?09:54
Krpanowhat is the command to config the xorg.conf from the terminal ?09:54
spikehdmbt: thing is, somehow Xserver has started but in the highest resolution09:54
pianoboy3333FunnyHat_Work: and now ubuntu won't boot, I'm on a xubuntu desktop cd right now... normally I use ubuntu though09:54
MikeWIs there a hardware compatability list for XGL on Dapper?09:54
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zcat[1] arcade: fair enough. Yes, I have a fair amount of unsupported hardware here too. It sucks.09:54
nigelcan someone tell me how to upgrade to dapper?  the update manager doesn't seem to find anything new.09:54
FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, more than likely your bootload was fscked.09:54
franzphi.........anyone with the ppc version ?09:55
trappist!tell nigel about upgrade09:55
arcadezcat[1] : It does.  Thing is, I usually only check whether it's supported by linux in general.09:55
pianoboy3333FunnyHat_Work: how can i fix this?09:55
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FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, best way to fix...  hmm.   Google for grub tutorials.09:55
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darqul est le canal franais ?09:55
soundraygeorgegay: do you have a modem or router?09:55
arcadezcat[1] : I go through the pain of getting it to work, but when support is out there, I think the distributors should do more to try'n support it out of the box.  Especially when it's just a newer kernel.09:55
zcat[1] Can't complain too much though, I get most of my hardware free trade-for-work or throwouts...09:55
FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, you're going to have to do some console work in /boot/ and type something like ./grub i think09:55
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:55
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pandamoniummichaels, sorry no :( but google might be able to help if you search on about:config+firefox09:55
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting09:55
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FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, check out the !grub help from ubotu09:55
FunnyHat_WorkAHHH THERE IT IS09:55
jorgpwhats the difference between desktop and alternate?09:56
dsasFee^: ok cool.09:56
nigelthanks trappist09:56
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pianoboy3333FunnyHat_Work: how can I use fsck? I unmounted all of my drives09:56
FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, the second link, "RECOVINGUBUNTO"etc.etc.09:56
pandamoniumi know oyu double click on the properties and you can change the values09:56
FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, fscked = f*cked.   i was messin09:56
zcat[1] arcade: true, if there are opensource drivers ubuntu should definately work torwards including them. Wait a while and they probably will in a kernel update anyhow :)09:56
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pianoboy3333FunnyHat_Work: oh, but I was seriously asking ;) lol09:56
nnzdoes it check for bad blocks when makin partitions?09:56
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neutrinomas1It didn't work :( Host unreachable ...09:56
ubotuThe Alternate CD is the classical Ubuntu text-installer, with no Live session available on it.09:56
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FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, follow the instructions from this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:56
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davmor2jorgp desktop is live/install alternative is install/oem/etc09:56
arcadezcat[1] : Heh, I rather just go through the "lesser pain" which is "do it yourself" - and compile stuff. :)09:56
FunnyHat_Workthat is your best bet09:56
neutrinomas1I also get "No DHCPOFFERS received."09:57
Xappehmm, is there a way to direct gdesklets to different screens? when i'm restarting my session all desklets go to screen 009:57
arcadezcat[1] : But Ubuntu doesn't come with a proper build environment int he default install (uggh! ;)09:57
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wastreli am backing up my home directory09:57
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arcadezcat[1] : But hey, I cope.  My gripes are light ones. :D09:57
trappistarcade: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:57
shadow_milWhere is the startup script?09:57
aedwards323Can someone who has successfully upgraded send me there sources.list file?09:57
FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, private message me if you still have problems, hopefully I will see it (I'm at work, busy for a long while)09:57
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arcadetrappist: Well, I've figured that out ;)09:57
franzpi just installer on my powerbook and the trackpad doesn`t respond as it should09:57
pandamoniumcan someone help me with my web proxy issue please? i can't install anything it seems09:57
yoyoyohow do i get wmv playback in firefox with vlc?09:57
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dsas!tell yoyoyo about wma09:57
franzpwhat should i do ?09:57
neutrinomas1h3sp4wn: ... ? Any idea (sorry for bugging you but I can't get this sorted out :( )09:58
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zcat[1] Anyhow, I have a fun day ahead of me; I had a total newb drop his computer off last week, with a long list of things that he wanted working. Found the usual quantity of viruses and spyware (ie lots!) and gave up trying to clean it. new.net kills all the network stuff and needs a reinstall anyhow....  SO...09:58
yoyoyodsas: i already got the win32 extensions for vlc but there is no playback09:58
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zcat[1] .. now he's getting dapper.09:58
nnztell me too about wm* coz i couldnt get it to work with vlc n firefox09:58
steve123I just upgraded from breezy -> dapper.09:58
steve123All went well until I rebooted. The system told me that the xserver wouldn't start and this was most likely due to a poor configuration. I know nothing about xservers .09:58
steve123I tried09:58
steve123dpkg --configure xserver-org09:58
steve123but it told me that it was already configured and did nothing. There was no "--reconfigure" option.09:58
michaelspandamonium: okay, thanks, it worked, except now the scrollwheel does nothing... bleh.09:58
steve123Any help getting through this would be appreciated.09:58
zcat[1] done a wheet install, it does everything on his list. I'm dropping it off today.09:58
zcat[1] *sweet09:58
neutrinomas1steve123: It was dpkg-reconfigure, one word :)09:59
RadiantFiresteve123: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:59
jorgpdavmor2, thanks09:59
pandamoniummichaels, it's like a monkey's bloody paw trying to fix things with pcs isn't it?09:59
steve123okay, I will try again!09:59
h3sp4wnneutrinomas1: join #123networking (I missed what you said before)09:59
RadiantFirethey really should put the xorgcfg back...09:59
RadiantFireit would be so much easier09:59
neutrinomas1h3sp4wn: Ooops, yes. Thanks.09:59
michaelspandamonium: yeps.09:59
pianoboy3333FunnyHat_Work: so what should I read on that page/09:59
pandamoniumyou find a solution for one thing, only to find it busts another 2709:59
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michaelspandamonium: been wrestling with this problem and its family even since I started using Ubuntu a few months ago really...10:00
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profoXPubuntu works alot faster on the desktop machine and I am 100% sure that it is because of the bad dvd player in my laptop!10:00
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Andy101gnome is crashing when it logs in, I get an error with the gxmms applet, is there any way to remove it without loging into gnome (i.e. from the command line?)10:00
FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, no idea, i haven't looked at it... I'll be at home and able to help you more in depth in about 4 hours.  I can look for you then i fyou owuld like10:00
michaelspandamonium: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18581910:00
FunnyHat_Workpianoboy3333, sorry, I'm at work and don't have much spare time10:00
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paulproteusAndy101, You could try removing the package of gxmms via apt-get remove gxmms.10:00
AnAntadd yahoo ahmed.sharaf_sds10:00
AnAntif I am going to get a new version of linux kernel as a tarball, is there a special way to compile it under Ubuntu ? sort of helping packages or so ?10:00
chapiumcan anyone help me?  My display is all distorted.  Its like there's a diffraction pattern that blurs every other inch on my screen10:01
paulproteusAnAnt, There is.10:01
ubotuYou will probably find info about this at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto10:01
zcat[1] better do winetools too and clean up the wine fonts before I send this home..10:01
paulproteusAnAnt, See ubotu's latest remark.10:01
pandamoniumi can't update/upgrade/install anything. it just gives me one of a load of excuses10:01
AnAntpaulproteus: thanks10:01
rackerzWell I certainly feel like I'm doing something worth while installing these things manually ;)10:01
paulproteuspandamonium, Eh?  Name one such excuse.10:01
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pandamoniumcrappy hardware, can't resolve http10:01
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wastrelAndy101:  check ~/.gnome2/session-manual10:02
paulproteuspandamonium, Is the Ubuntu machine connected to the Internet?10:02
pandamoniumi think it's telling me i'm rubbish and can't be trusted with software :(10:02
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franzpdoes someone has dapper drake on a powerbook ?10:02
pandamoniumpaulproteus, it is, yes10:02
paulproteuscan you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?10:02
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paulproteusfranzp, I'm running it on an iBook G4.10:02
petrikOk bet this has been asked before while I was sleeping but what's the difference between text mode and oem mode for the install10:02
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MagusGcan anyone tell me what all is included on the dvd release?10:02
paulproteusI installed the release candidate, and the graphical installer had some partioining glitchces, so I used the "alternate" installer.10:02
pandamoniumpaulproteus, i believe it's a web proxy issue... i need to find a way to explicitly set http proxies10:02
paulproteuspandamonium, Oh, okay!  We can handle that.10:02
piphiI tried running dapper from live cd and all I get is 640x480 (nvidia geforce4)10:03
paulproteushttp://www.debian-administration.org/articles/177 mentions how to make it use a proxy.10:03
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mikeyyyyi just burned drapper to an rw cd and tried to install it but when i click start on it it says cant read boot cd10:04
MINK9Ynetwork worked fine on LiveCD, now after install it's dead. Help? =)10:04
paulproteusmikeyyyy, My iBook at least had problems until I used a regular CD-R.10:04
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mikeyyyyso use a cd r?10:04
BleedingThroughmite need to make sure you burned it as an image10:04
mikeyyyyi did10:04
paulproteusmikeyyyy, That's what I'd suggest.10:04
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mikeyyyyu suggest cd r ok10:04
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mikeyyyywhat do rw do that make it not work?10:05
pandamoniumpaulproteus, i'm going to give my isp some grief over it though. i told them about the broken cache ages ago and they told me to explicitly set a working one... but they haven't fixed the broken one10:05
pandamoniumi've taken some advice from trading standards over it10:05
paulproteuspandamonium, Well, good, ISPs should be given grief if they don't provide good internet service. (-:10:05
BleedingThroughoh yea, might have problems with the cd rw... sometimes they dont read in the drive properly and dont finalize10:05
paulproteusmikeyyyy, It's probably something about the drive that reads the CD-RW.10:05
paulproteusThe one you're trying to boot on.10:05
paulproteusIn my case, the iBook.10:05
eugmanAnyone know why my font for chatzilla and slasldot looks crappy? No anti-aliasing? Default changed? Dapper is jealous of his older brother Breezy?10:05
franzppaulproteus, did you have problems with the trackpad ??10:05
paulproteusfranzp, No....10:06
paulproteuseugman, I don't know, but I explicitly told Firefox to use Bitstream fonts and then it looked better.10:06
eXistenZdsas, Are a vim or an emacs guy?10:06
paulproteusEdit -> Preferences -> something10:06
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franzppaulproteus, i guess you had luck.......i can't it to work as it sould10:06
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dsaseXistenZ: I spend most of my day in vim at work10:06
piphiany way to load nvidia driver in live cd?10:06
disasmdsas: good choice ;-)10:06
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paulproteusfranzp, Well, powerbooks are different from ibooks.10:07
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eXistenZdsas, What do you program?10:07
eugmanAh, that helps a bit, paulproteus.10:07
your_momi want to remove xgl, can someone tell me the name so i can remove10:07
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pandamoniumpaulproteus, their telephone support is a joke... it sends you round and round a menu system before it finally tells you "this number is unavailable" and then cuts you off... honestly, it's like something out of the twilight zone10:07
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paulproteusxserver-xgl , your_mom10:07
franzppaulproteus, well thanks anyway10:07
damnedhi all10:07
your_momthank you10:07
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pandamoniumanyway, thanks for the link... i'm going to try that now10:07
paulproteusfranzp, Sure.  You should probably email Ben Collins or file a bug (or support request) against the kernel you're using.10:07
damnedanybody got vmware-player working in dapper?10:08
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franzppaulproteus, thanks for the tip. i'll send one right away10:08
AnAntpaulproteus: but that is for linux kernels that are in Ubuntu's repos10:08
dsaseXistenZ: editing config files, ksh scripts, php/html/css/sql10:08
WimShey, when i do modprobe ndiswrapper i get this error : "module ndiswrapper not found". When i do ndiswrapper -l it lists my card as detecded and river installed. Anybody know how i can get it to work ?10:08
jadaz87damned no i think vmware does not like dappers kernel10:08
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paulproteusAnAnt, eh?10:08
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AnAntpaulproteus: would those instructions work for kernel source that are not in the repos ?10:09
paulproteusfranzp, Oh, let me see.10:09
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mdke_is there a simple command I can do to convert a Unix style date stamp into a normal date?10:09
eXistenZdsas, you do even php on vim?10:09
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paulproteusAnAnt, Have you compiled a kernel before?10:09
damnedjadaz87: yup... looks like that.10:09
paulproteusAnAnt, If so, I can bring you up to speed much faster.10:09
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QMarioWhat happens if I remove the Linux-image package?10:10
disasmeXistenZ: i do php in vim as well, it's not that odd is it?10:10
Hentai_JeffI'm booting to the new dapper live CD to install and I keep getting a I/O buffer error10:10
AnAntpaulproteus: yup I did10:10
scifijust got: Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mozilla-firefox.............10:10
Hentai_Jeffon hdc10:10
pianoboy3333How can one use fsck?10:10
scifiwhen updating to dapper10:10
eXistenZdisasm, not much10:10
Hentai_Jeffanyone else having that probulm?10:10
paulproteusAnAnt, Okay, great.  Then instead of make bzimage (or whatever you kids do these days), do:10:10
disasmeXistenZ: what do you use?10:10
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eXistenZdisasm, I use vim as well =)10:11
paulproteussudo make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers10:11
QMarioWill it break my system?10:11
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scifisays use -fix-missing, how do i use that command ?10:11
paulproteusmake-kpkg will make a kernel package.  --initrd is easy to understand, I hope; --append-to-version can be whatever you want, like your name.10:11
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paulproteusscifi, On a command line, try: sudo apt-get --fix-missing install10:11
dsaseXistenZ: yeah, everything.10:12
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pandamoniumFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/shadow/login_4.0.3-37ubuntu8_i386.deb10:12
pandamonium  Could not resolve http10:12
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paulproteuspandamonium, That's pretty weird.10:12
paulproteusAre you sure you specified the proxy right?10:12
AnAntpaulproteus: what I mean is, do I have to get the kernel source from Ubuntu's repos, or I can get the original tarballs from kernel.org for example10:12
paulproteusAnAnt, kernel_image and kernel_headers are the names of the packages you'll build.10:12
KNY[linux] just ran a dist-upgrade and Dapper is awesome so far10:12
paulproteusAnAnt, You can get the kernel tarballs from anywhere.10:12
KNY[linux] one question though; where's the XGL?10:12
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:12
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disasmpaulproteus: speaking of kernels, whats the best way to not have ubuntu install a new stock kernel every time one comes out (I compile all mine from vanilla sources with any patches I want to add)10:12
AnAntpaulproteus: ok, thanks10:12
cyphaseah, #ubuntu+1 points here10:12
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paulproteusdisasm, apt-get remove linux-686 or whatever other linux-* metapackages you have.10:13
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paulproteusdisasm, Note that from now on, they'll only do that for security updates.10:13
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disasmok, thanks10:13
pandamoniumAcquire::http::Proxy "http://cdif-cache-1.server.ntli.net:8080";10:13
gum5h03hi, i'm looking for a LEAP client for Breezy - anybody know of a good place to get one ?10:13
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic10:13
scifipaulproteus: said 0 was installed or upgraded10:13
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pandamoniumin /etc/apt/apt.conf.d10:13
duckdownIs thare another VNC Viewing program that is reccomended besides the "vncviewer" that comes with Ubuntu?  I've got a couple of irritating glitches in it and I'm sure there are others..10:13
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pandamonium /proxy10:14
paulproteuspandamonium, that seems right.10:14
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paulproteusTry configuring from Synaptic instead.10:14
paulproteusGUIs rock.10:14
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philstarwhat is this ubuntu wallpaper - it's not the default, right? http://lunapark6.com/?p=123510:14
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master_of_masterHi, how can I configure the X-Server on dapper?10:15
hyperactivecronddid we ever break 1k lst night10:15
deadcatif i have requested for cds in the pass. do i have to request again or they will send it to me automatically?10:15
Subyes it is philstar10:15
shaitandI recently reported a missing driver for a SATA2 controller chip on my board. The bug report now shows that the patch will be in the next Dapper kernel update. Do those updates get merged into the cd image? If not, can the updates be downloaded during the installation before the installer needs to access the drive that is on that controller?10:15
hyperactivecrondmaster_of_master: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:15
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Submaster_of_master, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:15
hyperactivecrond1k on this channel*10:15
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Suboh beat me too it :D10:15
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disasmanyone else have problems with massive package dependency problems with upgrading kubuntu breezy (As soon as I get it upgraded I'm planning on getting rid of all the KDE packages and installing gdm and gnome, but it's what I put on my sisters comp last year...)10:16
matthew_wHey guys -10:16
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pandamoniumsame thing :(10:16
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zcat[1] Why does wine use such ugly fonts instead of the prefectly good ones everything else comes up in ?10:16
matthew_wWill sudo apt-get dist-upgrade work to put me to dapper after replacing all instances of breezy in my /etc/apt/sources.list?10:16
philstarSub: thanks, seems wikipedia got it wrong, they've got same wallpaper as beta10:16
linavhyperactivecrond: yes there were more than 1k in this channel10:16
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uccoffee_loves_B[Fserve Active]  - Triggers:[/ctcp uccoffee_loves_B 881903 golden kids & /ctcp uccoffee_loves_B MORE GUNBUSTER]  - Users:[0/5]  - Sends:[0/2]  - Queues:[0/3]  - SysReset 2.5310:16
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crimsunuccoffee_loves_B: cut that crap out10:16
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jorgpmatthew_w, yes10:16
pandamoniumbut if i apt-get update in a terminal window it goes through the lot10:16
deadcatif i have requested for cds in the pass. do i have to request again or they will send it to me automatically?10:16
JDahldisasm: why don't you remove kde first, and dist-upgrade from a console?10:16
disasmit's no big deal, just everytime dpkg dies, have to dpkg -r some packages, and then dist-upgrade again till the next break10:16
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matthew_wjorgp; When I did that for breezy, it missed some things10:17
matthew_wjorgp; Are you sure this won't?10:17
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disasmJDahl: might not be a bad idea10:17
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matthew_w(particularly, the boot screen did not show.)10:17
scifik updated in synaptic, then ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade again and it downloaded mozilla fine :)10:17
jorgpmatthew_w, it should not10:17
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AeudianI am trying to ./configure a application (gbindadmin) and im getting an error with gcc, checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables any ideas?10:17
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deadcatif i have requested for cds in the pass. do i have to request again or they will send it to me automatically?10:18
SubAeudian, have you got the "build-essential" package?10:18
SubAeudian, if not type "sudo apt-get install build-essential"10:18
disasmJDahl: next question, any easier way to get rid of all kde packages other than getting a list of them from dpkg -l and apt-get remove <list of packages>10:18
eggzeckdeadcat: you have to request again.10:18
deadcateggzeck: doh10:18
zcat[1] deadcat: in theory it's automatic. In practise I waited three months, got nothing, and re-ordered..10:18
Aeudiansub: not sure let me see10:18
scifio dear i think its re-replacing everything else as well :O10:18
kevorHi, question: is Hoary still being maintained? Got a Hoary computer that needs one program installed, no time to update the whole box to Dapper.10:19
gumpishdurrr... how do I boot without X Windows? I tried typing "Linux 3" at the boot: prompt, to no avail.10:19
SubAeudian, its not there by default10:19
disasmJDahl: or for that matter, all of X, and I could start installing from scratch?10:19
BrianGi can't get any sound out of rhythmbox and i get no sound when my session starts or ends10:19
deadcatzcat[1] : thats what happened to me last time. and i had a presentation so i requested 20. )=10:19
franzpi can't get my trackpad to work on dapper drake....anyone can help me ?10:19
zcat[1] eggzeck: yeah, I understood you didn't need to reorder, but firsthand I know you do!10:19
Aeudiansub: nope i dont thanks10:19
crimsunkevor: yes, it's supported until October10:19
pandamoniumi can cope with "Not enough beer error: You're not drunk enough to attempt this installation. Drain a few cans then try again"10:19
eggzeckzcat[1] : "In theory it's automatic"? You need to reorder :)10:19
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kevorcrimsun: thank you10:19
pandamoniumi've had that a number of times10:19
zcat[1] wlug has an installfest in a month, we probably want at least 50, perhaps 100...10:19
JDahldisasm: I think removing kubuntu-desktop will get you far.  You could remove xserver-xorg also, but I would keep it10:20
pandamoniumbut this http thingy has me baffled10:20
disasmgumpish: go into rescue kernel, and remove gdm from startup10:20
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pandamoniumperhaps... and this is a long shot... perhaps i should try switching it off and back on again10:20
zcat[1] eggzeck: there was something in the website back then about not needing to reorder. Serves me right for actually reading the instructions? :)10:20
silkehallo an alle10:20
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disasmJDahl: kubuntu-desktop is a meta package, it just removes that, not all the dependencies it has10:20
silkewie gehts10:20
nnzwhats the name of sshd package ? cant find one , tried opensshd openssh sshd...10:20
paulproteuspandamonium, Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and ALL files in /etc/apt ?10:21
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pianoboy3333What would be a command to get a list of all installed packages?10:21
gnomefreaksilke: english please10:21
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Madeyeguys I want to fresh install dapper, so I need to backup messed up dapper beta, any good way to backup evolution mail ?10:21
paulproteusnnz, apt-file search sshd10:21
franzpnicht so gut10:21
JDahldisasm: doesn't iti give you a pretty clean slate, if you remove it with aptitude?10:21
eggzeckzcat[1] : hehe, I've never seen that before, and so no one has ever gotten anything automatically. Incuding myself.10:21
paulproteuspianoboy3333, dpkg -l10:21
shaitandI recently reported a missing driver for a SATA2 controller chip on my board. The bug report now shows that the patch will be in the next Dapper kernel update. Do those updates get merged into the cd image? If not, can the updates be downloaded during the installation?10:21
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nnzpaulproteus tnx10:21
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] 10:21
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gnomefreakpandamonium: ^^^10:21
scifihey guys i ran sudo-apt get dist-upgrade, it said it only needed to fetch 133kb of 372MB, but it now seems to be replacing all the packages ive already downloaded as well, please advise ! :O10:21
eXistenZdsas, Do you use gnome?10:21
zcat[1] I think we'll have to burn them, shipit probably won't deliver them in time. Besides we can change the default webpages and do custom labels that way :)10:21
franzpund dir ?10:21
paulproteuspandamonium, Right, or you could just let me log in and try. (-;10:21
silkemir auch nicht10:21
nnzsays apt-file command not found10:21
Okayim looking for free ntp server qomebody have a good url?10:21
dsaseXistenZ: Yep10:22
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de10:22
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eXistenZdsas, isn't kde faster than gnome?10:22
gnomefreaksilke: ^^^10:22
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shaitandexistenz, are you trying to start a holy war? ;)10:22
paulproteusnnz, apt-get install apt-file ; it's a great utility. (-:10:22
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paulproteusnnz, But the package you're looking for is openssh-server.10:22
disasmJDahl: all it says it'll remove is openoffice, go figure10:22
nnzokay thnx10:22
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ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!10:22
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dsaseXistenZ: Uhm, I have no idea I have used kde for about 15 minutes in the last 3 years10:23
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Booocan someone please tell me how to install kde on ubuntu?10:23
scifipaulproteus: pls advise!10:23
dsasBooo: install kubuntu-desktop10:23
runeswhat would you recommend as the best email client on the gnome desktop?10:23
paulproteusscifi, Eh, what's the question?10:23
eXistenZshaitand, it seems you are the one who is trying to start it =)10:23
gnomefreakBooo: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop10:23
dsasrunes: Thunderbird10:23
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Oncerunes: Evolution or Thunderbird.10:23
TaTonkaubuntu 5.10 isnt detecting my soundcard for some odd reason, any help?10:23
nnzis there any way to shut off this dapper wants a cd ? and make it dload ?what's it needs10:23
scifipaulproteus: i;ll scroll up and re-paste it10:23
scifihey guys i ran sudo-apt get dist-upgrade, it said it only needed to fetch 133kb of 372MB, but it now seems to be replacing all the packages ive already downloaded as well, please advise ! :O10:23
zcat[1] xfci is faster, gnome and kde are approx the same in my experience..10:23
paulproteusscifi, That's because you were downloading out-of-date stuff.10:23
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runesdsas:thanks  almost standardized users desktops (application wise)10:24
paulproteusThat explains why you couldn't find a lot of the packages.10:24
zcat[1] xfce rather10:24
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gnomefreakscifi: different names for dapper scifi if your upgrading to dapper10:24
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eXistenZI installed java and everything, how can I add it to firefox10:24
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paulproteusscifi, Unless you ran apt-get clean, it will use already-downloaded packages.10:24
kane777is it possible to combine yes command and df -h to automaticaly update??? if yes how? and if not what can I use instead...?10:24
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gnomefreakeXistenZ: restart ff10:24
TaTonkaubuntu 5.10 isnt detecting my soundcard for some odd reason, any help?10:24
eXistenZgnomefreak, doesn't work =/10:24
paulproteusTaTonka, Try Ubuntu 6.06, released today.10:24
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eXistenZgnomefreak, I Installed it from the multiverse10:25
scifipaulproteus: i only did this upgrade like 5 minutes ago, ur saying these have updated again since then? it was only ff that it failed to download first time around10:25
nnzis there any way to turn off dapper asking for a cd ? and make it dload what's it needs?10:25
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gnomefreakeXistenZ: to check type about:plugins in the address bar10:25
hollerithI 'upgraded' to Dapper last night - what a disaster!10:25
TaTonkahow would i get 6.0610:25
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zcat[1] TaTonka: lspci or lshw might show it.. not much we can do until we know what sound card you have.10:25
hollerithmy ess soundcard doesn't work antmore10:25
wastrelnnz:  edit /etc/apt/sources-list  comment out the CD lines and uncomment the http lines10:25
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gnomefreakTaTonka: are you on breezy now?10:25
paulproteusnnz, Yes.  The GUI way is to go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager10:25
kane777hollerith, what's wrong??10:25
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Seantaterubotu tell TaTonka about upgrade10:25
wastrelnnz:  er sources.list10:25
paulproteusubotu, tell paulproteus  about upgrade10:25
scifipaulproteus: its removing and replacing packages i already downloaded10:25
eXistenZgnomefreak,  It doesn't show that it is installed10:25
nnzwastrel tnx10:25
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TaTonkaim on win xp, but untutu is right beside mme10:25
hollerithanymore,  half my apps have been removed10:26
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shaitandI recently reported a missing driver for a SATA2 controller chip on my board. The bug report now shows that the patch will be in the next Dapper kernel update. Do those updates get merged into the stable cd image? If not, can the updates be downloaded during the installation?10:26
hollerithits tries to load pcmcia now at startup10:26
gnomefreakeXistenZ: sudo update-alternatives --config java10:26
gnomefreakeXistenZ: pickt he one you just installed10:26
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Seveashollerith, that's what you get for not paying attention when the upgrader asks questions....10:26
eXistenZgnomefreak, I did that also10:26
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eXistenZgnomefreak, Do I have to do a symbolic link?10:26
gnomefreakeXistenZ: what does jav -version say?10:27
hollerithsuch as?10:27
gnomefreakeXistenZ: you should not need one no10:27
hollerithwhat questions?10:27
Seveassuch as "is it ok to remove this truckload of packages"10:27
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hollerithskip this step yes please10:27
=== gnomefreak never needed a symlink for java
eXistenZgnomefreak,  existenz@amerdakka:~$ java -version10:27
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eXistenZjava version "1.5.0_06"10:27
eXistenZJava(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05)10:27
eXistenZJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode, sharing)10:27
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gnomefreakeXistenZ: dont paste in here10:27
andrewguyHey guys i'm considering installing Ubuntu on one of my winboxs just had a quick question does "Software Updates" update just the system or does it update gaim, firefox etc..10:27
TaTonkamy soundcard is onboard a sis 559810:27
TaTonkaits controller is Crystal Audio Chipset10:28
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eggzeckandrewguy: it updates whatever needs to be updated.10:28
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pianoboy3333Anyone here know the name/where I can find the xubuntu print setter-upper?10:28
eXistenZgnomefreak, what now? :(10:28
rackerzWill this command install Adobe Reader with firefox plugin properly? - sudo apt-get install acroread mozilla-acroread10:28
AeudianSub: you still here?10:28
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gnomefreakeXistenZ: im thinking give me a sec10:28
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andrewguyeggzeck:  hmm interesting maybe I'll have to dual boot my mac mini as well10:29
carthikandrewguy, everything, all packages installed on the system10:29
schmityomg ubuntu is awsome10:29
thugwtf is this i downloaded ubuntu 2 times which is 672 mb and when the download its finish its shows the iso file only 27.mb any ideea ?10:29
_thumper_anyone know of some good cifs samples, my mount has all ownership set to 35000:root, trying to mount a maxtor NAS10:29
WimSwhere can i download the kernel headers for dapper ?10:29
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SubYeah Aeudian :D10:29
=== Ademan [n=dan@ip-al-academic.acalanes.k12.ca.us] has joined #ubuntu
rackerzWill this command install Adobe Reader with firefox plugin properly? - sudo apt-get install acroread mozilla-acroread10:29
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philstarwhat do I get on the DVD that I don't on the cd? more gui programs?10:29
andrewguyubuntu has come along way.10:29
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goonzooi have a question "how to mount hard disk for full access for copy read & write?" sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022210:29
hollerithquestion is; can I use the breezy install disk to get back to where I was?10:29
kane777a question... could this "Details: Error reading file 'file:///usr/share/applications/nautilus-home.desktop': File not found" when trying to run home from places menu be anyhow connected to fact that i accidentally uninstalled gnome??10:29
gnomefreakubotu tell WimS about headers10:29
TaTonkamy soundcard is onboard a sis 5598.......... its controller is Crystal Audio Chipset10:29
_thumper_from fstab: //maxtor200/general /media/maxtor200/general cifs rw,username=tim,domain=flatcats,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=075  0  010:29
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paulproteusgoonzoo, That's more than a qestion - it's part of an answer.10:29
goonzooi have a question "how to mount hard disk for full access for copy read & write?" sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022210:29
paulproteusI'm confused.10:29
philstargoonzoo: -o rw10:29
thugany ideea guys ?10:29
gnomefreakeXistenZ: im not real sure why its not using it are you on dapper?10:30
AeudianSub: seems like im missing another file now, go figure =P...anyway "checking for PACKAGE... configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 1.3.13) were not met:"10:30
scifipaulproteus: any advise? i just assume replacing/reinstalling these packages/apps wont hurt my installation?10:30
Seveasgoonzoo, not possible for ntfs10:30
eXistenZgnomefreak, yeah10:30
Subyou should have that package.10:30
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goonzooposible i had that10:30
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Submay i ask what your trying to compile?10:30
shaitandI recently reported a missing driver for a SATA2 controller chip on my board. The bug report now shows that the patch will be in the next Dapper kernel update. Do those updates get merged into the stable cd image? If not, can the updates be downloaded during the installation?10:30
Subis it gimpshop?10:30
paulproteusgoonzoo, You want read-write NTFS?10:30
gnomefreakeXistenZ: try installing java from the sun-java site and follow the instructions on the restricted site10:30
paulproteusHere's how:10:30
philstarSeveas: I believe this is experimental in the kernel, has been for a while?10:30
WimSgnomefreak, yeah i know that, but ndiswrapper doesn't work on my linux bot after upgrading so i'm going to install it by source. But i need the kernel headers and without network on the linux box i need to download them manually with windows10:30
zerokarmalefti'm running into this bug in dapper, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg/+bug/40748, any ideas on where i can get more info to report?10:30
ciaronhmm after checking disk integrity on the server disk it goes into some wierd error loop10:30
paulproteusgoonzoo, Install the package called fuse-utils.10:30
AeudianSub: im trying to install gbindadmin gui for bind910:30
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paulproteusThen use the program "ntfsmount" to mount your NTFS.10:30
Seveasphilstar, experimental for a good reason10:30
Aeudiansub: also says "No package 'gtk+-2.0' found"10:30
gnomefreaki remember i had to do that last time i installe dit10:30
WimSlinux box*10:31
paulproteusRead its man page if you need more, goonzoo.10:31
TaTonkacan any1 help me with my soundcard problem :(10:31
philstarSeveas: what happened to captive?10:31
gnomefreakWimS: if you read the pm it tells you how to install them10:31
binadoes anyone know of a prog in Linux that will play mp3 with DRM?10:31
goonzoowhat page ?10:31
thugdoes anyone know why it only save 27.mb from the iso image ?10:31
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Subwell Auedian, im not sure, i need to go grab something to eat, so maybe worth asking someone else10:31
Boooanyone here using ubuntu on powerbook g410:31
hollerithis it possible to get use my original breezy disk to fresh install Breezy again10:31
Seveasphilstar, never ported to fuse10:31
AeudianSub: okay later10:31
paulproteusgoonzoo, "man ntfsmount" is how to read the man page of ntfsmount.10:31
andrewguyBooo: I'm downloading it for my mini..10:32
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andrewguyBooo:  if that counts hah.10:32
WimSgnomefreak it doesn't say where i can download it from. Since internet dont work on my linux box i need to get it manually with windows10:32
gnomefreakhollerith: yes10:32
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gnomefreakWimS: they are in main repo iirc10:32
kane777a question... could this "Details: Error reading file 'file:///usr/share/applications/nautilus-home.desktop': File not found" when trying to run home from places menu be anyhow connected to fact that i accidentally uninstalled gnome?? Also many options in system administration are gone... does that have to do with the fact that i uninstalled gnome???10:32
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
goonzoook thanx i'll try10:32
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gnomefreakWimS: all you should have to do is type the command in terminal and they should install10:32
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thugtake`s 30 min to download the 697mb iso file and when is finish the iso file its only 27mb any ideea ?10:32
TaTonkacan any1 help me with my soundcard problem? ubuntu isnt detecting it10:32
holleriththanks gnomefreak!10:33
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philstarso what do I get on the dvd that's more than on the cd?10:33
yoyoyoi having a problem with streaming wmv playback in firefox.10:33
zerokarmaleftbina: mp3 doesn't support drm10:33
gnomefreakhollerith: yw10:33
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nnzsays failed to fetch http://us.archive.../ubuntu/dists/dapper../packages.g sources.gz is this normal?10:33
WimSgnomefreak it tells me that i can't connect to the main repository (obviously since ndiswrapper doesn't work)10:33
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shaitandDoes anyone know the answer to my question?10:33
zerokarmaleftbina: you sure you're talking about the right format?10:33
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gnomefreakphilstar: if your gonna use the http repos go with the cd its smaller ;)10:33
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binazerokarmaleft: doesnt it? oh right :)  How come xmms wont play it?10:33
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scifiits reached Setting up gdm (2.14.6-0ubuntu2)...default is keep current version, Y to install package maintainers version, what should i do ?10:33
IRCim having problems with streaming wmv playback in firefox.10:33
=== BockBilbo [n=BockBilb@eu85-84-43-70.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakWimS: comment all but the cdrom repo out and try than10:34
connis anyone here using apt-cacher? When I try to install it from a fresh install of dapper, it's not connecting to the proxy when updating apt.. can someone confirm? This never happened to me before with all other dapper flights10:34
thugcan someone please help me ?10:34
binazerokarmaleft: well, its definitely mp3, i just thought it had some kind of DRM because xmms wasnt playing it, got amarok on it now though :) yay10:34
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philstargnomefreak: I'm on bt but it's 1h to get the DVD10:34
gnomefreakscifi: y10:34
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IRCthug: just ask the question10:34
thugi did10:34
IRCthug: repeat it10:34
gnomefreakphilstar: if your not using the cd/dvd repo its not gonna make a difference10:34
TaTonkacan any1 help me with my soundcard problem? ubuntu isnt detecting it10:34
thugIRC aint that stupid to ask for help without telling you my problem10:34
zerokarmaleftbina: apt-get install xmms-mad, probably10:34
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thugIRC i did twice10:34
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
SgeoWas it released?10:35
binazerokarmaleft: thanks ill try it10:35
IRCthug: ok. your loss10:35
scifignomefreak: k, its carried on , and setting up more packages now10:35
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Fasthow do i install NetworkManager in dapper?10:35
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
thugIRC yeah cheers10:35
shaitandI recently reported a missing driver for a SATA2 controller chip on my board. The bug report now shows that the patch will be in the next Dapper kernel update. Do those updates get merged into the stable cd image? If not, can the updates be downloaded during the installation?10:35
ktogiasI use fglrx driver for X at my laptop. I installed linux-686 and I noticed that when booting the 686 kernel xorg use much more cpu than when running 386 kernel. Is it a bug? Whould reconfiguring xorg or fglrx package while in 686 fix it?10:35
ciaronwhat does use LVM mean in the first partition menu?10:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by gnomefreak
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@fetus.eater.org] by gnomefreak
zcat[1] It's funny installing stuff in wine .. double click, next, next, OK, next, 'reboot' .. for every program. Windows users think linux is hard? In synaptic I'd just click a few boxes and go..!!10:36
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
rukuarticAre there any good cli iptable config programs?10:36
shaitandciaron Large Volume Manager, if you use it properly it will allow you to have a single volume that spans multiple disks.10:36
Subrukuartic, iptables???10:36
scifignomefreak: i get the feeling its installing all 72,000 packages, i hope thats not the case ?10:36
kane777thug, well have you tried downloading it from BT (bit torrent)... obviously your connection was reset/failed during download... try bittorrent... this way you can resume broken downloads...10:36
disasmrukuartic: bash?10:36
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jazzidoIs the upgrade still inactive? i saw a post on launchpad about that b/c of problems with nvidia packages10:36
gnomefreakscifi: no10:36
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pandamoniumpaulproteus, i've uploaded the info you asked for to some webspace10:36
frying_fishzcat[1] : yeah, I know the feeling10:36
WizardlingCould someone please help me find out what Macs are supported by the new release of Ubuntu?10:36
rukuarticSub, disasm: I'm too lazy to print out a 50 page manual and read it, already did it with Rsync?10:36
pandamoniumi can message you the url10:36
gnomefreakshouldnt be and where did you get 72000 packages?10:36
jimcooncatLVM = Logical Volume Manager10:36
frying_fishI'm currently trying to install pro evolution soccer 5, unsucessfully, no matter what I try.10:37
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paulproteuspandamonium, Well, fine, URL?10:37
thugkane777 no the connection didnt failed10:37
Wizardlingand WTF is it so hard to find a list of supported computers?10:37
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pianoboy3333Where is the firefox xml file for bookmarks?10:37
SgeoI was under the impression that the upgrade-mananger would do something10:37
ciaronah i see, k next question :) this LAMP install thing, is just the same as the basic server install with the 4 packages on top? or is there anything else different about it?10:37
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disasmrukuartic: what are you trying to do with iptables? nat? block everything?10:37
scifignomefreak: i remember it being a figure like that in the summary at the bottom of synaptic10:37
LinuxJonesWizardling, what computers ?10:37
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thugkane777 never seen this before ...10:37
gnomefreak19,000 if your lucky10:37
kane777thug, well did it go all the way to 100%??10:37
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gnomefreak!info dapper10:37
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rukuarticdisasm: Eh... You ever heard of guarddog?10:37
thugkane777 yes10:37
WizardlingI've several older CRT iMacs that I'd like to know about.10:38
kbrosnanpianoboy3333, there is no xml file there is bookmarks.html in ~/.mozilla/firefox10:38
rackerzwhat should i install for rar, ace, 7zip support?10:38
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scifignomefreak: oh sorry i think i meant 17000 :P10:38
disasmrukuartic: heard of it, never used it10:38
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thugkane777 downloaded complete10:38
gnomefreakbreezy had around 13-15,00010:38
kane777thug, hmmm... that's strange...10:38
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thugkane777 yes it is10:38
rukuarticdisasm: Its basically a kde gui iptables configurer10:38
lekshell i want an edgy repo :(10:38
Wizardlingeverything from a bondi blue iMac rev a to newer CRT iMacs.10:38
revmouseleks: don't we all10:38
rukuarticdisasm: Front end :P I'm just looking for a command line version of that.10:38
gnomefreakleks: it will be a while10:38
=== charle97 is starting dapper drake for the first time
scifignomefreak: yeh temporary brain glitch there :c10:38
WesI need help with Dapper's Partioner if anyone can help, I'd apppreciate it10:38
rackerzwhat should i install for rar, ace, 7zip support?10:38
leksgnomefreak: why?10:38
revmouseleks: last I heard it will be mid june10:38
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gnomefreakleks: they _just_ released dapper10:38
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rukuarticIs the LVM Server required, or is it kinda like RAID suport, you don't need it10:38
zcat[1] rackerz: easyubuntu .. :)10:39
gnomefreaknot but like 12 hours ago10:39
IRCcan someone help me with streaming wmv playback in forefox?10:39
leksgnomefreak: whatever?10:39
=== JacksonBrown [n=JacksonB@c-67-176-213-244.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rukuarticWes: You're question's kinda vague. Describe your problem :P10:39
shaitandI recently reported a missing driver for a SATA2 controller chip on my board. The bug report now shows that the patch will be in the next Dapper kernel update. Do those updates get merged into the stable cd image? If not, can the updates be downloaded during the installation?10:39
leksim sure they played already with new packages10:39
pianoboy3333Wait, dpkg -l gives me all of my installed packages?10:39
rackerzIRC: w32codecs10:39
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rukuarticpianoboy3333: Yep10:39
aLPHa_LeaK n810:39
eXistenZgnomefreak, haha, I fixed it :)10:39
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charle97rukuartic, lvm isn't required10:39
scifignomefreak: its finished!!! :D10:39
gnomefreakscifi: ok10:39
rukuarticcharle97: What exactly does it do?10:39
pandamoniumi have to nip out for a few moments... will be back in about 5 or 1010:39
wundaboycan i downloiad a net-install cd?10:39
dsasshaitand: things most likely will not get merged to the cd10:39
revmouseIs there a way to get kubuntu running along side ubuntu without dual booting, so I can see what the KDE environment is like?10:39
gnomefreakubotu tell wundaboy -about netinstall10:39
WizardlingSo is there a list of supported Macs somewhere?10:39
dsasrevmouse: install kubuntu-desktop10:39
kane777thug, but did you see it being close to 100%... because it happend few times to me that I was downloading something and when I came back it said download complete but the connection was reset during this and my download program thought its finished...10:40
TaTonkacan any1 help me with my soundcard problem? ubuntu isnt detecting it10:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
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revmousedsas: k thx10:40
eXistenZgnomefreak, I installed the package sun-java5-plugin , everything works wonder now.10:40
dsasWizardling: Nope. You may find something in the wiki10:40
Wesrukuartic: I am trying to install dapper (long time ubu user) and the partioner shows my whole drive as "unallocated" when I have several partitions10:40
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JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
IRCrackerz: i installed those packages already. when vlc tries to play streaming wmv, it says no picture. whtn totem tries them in firefox, it doesnt do anything10:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
LoRezWarning: `JacksonBrown' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kills/klines will be issued.10:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
JacksonBrownWhat changed between the RC and the final... my GeForce4 MX 4000 is only booting up into 640x48010:40
rukuarticrevmouse: Download the kubuntu desktop cd, pop it in yoru computer and boot. It'll run as a livecd10:40
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b JacksonBrown!*@*] by gnomefreak
rackerzIRC: did you restart firefox?10:40
scifignomefreak: do i need to do a full system restart or just log-out and in again ?10:40
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!10:40
binazerokarmaleft: sweet its working :) thanks10:40
nnzJacksonBrown go f yourself10:40
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shaitanddsas, is there any way to install to that drive short of making a new cd image myself?10:40
gnomefreaki got it sebest10:40
IRCrackerz: yeah. didnt do anythign10:40
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Seveasgnomefreak, lol, you just beat me ;)10:40
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
WizardlingHmm, anyone here tried the new version of Ubuntu on the older CRT iMacs yet?10:41
rackerzIRC: Ok, i'll just check something out10:41
Seveasnnz, behave10:41
gnomefreaknnz: care to try it again?10:41
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disasmwow, K-Lined, someone has power in this channel :-D10:41
Wizardling5.10 worked ok on all of mine10:41
gnomefreaknnz: your language was uncalled for10:41
naliothWizardling: it should work just fine on them.10:41
rukuarticyea was going to say10:41
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dsasshaitand: I don't know.10:41
nnzcare to explain10:41
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Wizardlingso if 5.10 worked, so will the newer version?10:41
nnzlike theres someone under 13 here10:41
thugkane777 kane777 well i didnt  but i tryed 2 times and happend same thing every time ;)10:41
scifignomefreak: do i need to do a full system restart or just log-out and in again ?10:41
WizardlingNo major changes?10:41
gnomefreaknnz: yes  there may be10:41
=== HedgeMage peeks in
Booocan someone help me with mouse pad on a powerbook g4?10:41
WesRukuartic: I am trying to install dapper (long time ubu user) and the partioner shows my whole drive as "unallocated" when I have several partitions10:41
Seveasnnz even if there isn't10:41
gnomefreakubotu tell nnz about rules10:41
rackerzIRC: Are your running Ubuntu or Kubuntu?10:41
disasmWizardling: i've run it on a number of macs, not necessarily the ones your talking about though10:41
zcat[1] nnz there could be, you don't know...10:41
revmousennz: We can still be gentlemen :)10:41
=== runes_ [n=runes@Toronto-HSE-ppp3888438.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasyou still behave in here or leave10:41
shaitanddsas, fair enough. :)10:42
=== Wes is dumbfounded by the chatter
IRCrackerz: ubuntu 5.1010:42
=== richard [i=richard@a80-186-223-174.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyQ.  thought i'd go ahead and update the the official release.  ran apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.  it fetched the update but said nothing to upgrade   does the sources list change from dapper to dappre-lst  or something ?10:42
rackerzhmmm ok. sec.10:42
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
nnzhavent said the whole word...10:42
Wizardlingcool, thanks disasm10:42
dsasintelikey: Nope.10:42
tkrinanyone running Dapper on an Apple PowerBook G4?10:42
ubotuati is probably http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:42
Wizardlingruns off to ShipIt...10:42
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tkrinSound is horrible.  any advice?10:42
disasmWizardling: you shouldn't have any problems though, only problem I've seen is wireless on laptops (stupid broadcom)10:42
rackerzIRC: sudo apt-get install totem-xine xine-ui10:42
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intelikeydsas so there is no change from nonday ?10:42
eXistenZgnomefreak, I have ATI 9250, is it considered with the 9200 family?10:42
=== rob pokes out
pinkyomg it's like, new version TODAY!10:42
Wes6 can someone help me?10:42
pinkyhappy day everyone!10:42
WizardlingWell, that won't be an issue for me.10:42
maikolhow does one configure a usb wireless device10:42
gnomefreakeXistenZ: not sure i dont play with ati10:42
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad-l@82-35-245-189.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] I ordered on shipit a week ago... ten u's and ten k's ...10:43
rukuarticWes: Thats very odd. There might be a problem with hard drives with more than 7 partitions or smoething. I'm really not all that managable. Were you going to just format the hard drive or were you trying to keep your partitions?10:43
andrewguytkrin:  I'm going to install it on my mini g4 are you running into problems with it or anything?10:43
TaTonkaubuntu doesnt detect my soundcard10:43
WizardlingI use 100Mbps baseT on all my desktops10:43
=== kalasmannen [n=kalasman@c83-253-84-183.bredband.comhem.se] has left #Ubuntu ["Lmnar"]
thugIRC looks like you`re the one who needs help :)10:43
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
IRCthug: yeah... i suck at linux10:43
tkrinandrewguy: Airport is a bit flaky, but I got it working.  need to use CLI to control it.10:43
livingdaylightok,what happened? upgraded to Dapper and my sytem wouldn't detect eth0?10:43
Wesrukuartic: I want to keep my partitions, it's never been a problem before with any other version with the text install10:43
=== gnomefreak brb something isnt right here
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=== Soggoth [n=sogg@BSN-61-68-211.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
r0xoRwait, wtf is up with this "server install" version?10:43
thugIRC ubuntu rocks man10:43
tkrinandrewguy: sound works but quality is quite bad.10:43
rukuarticIRC, its a learning experience :P takes a while to learn10:43
zcat[1] TaTonka: and your soundcard / chipset is ??10:43
=== willdev [i=willdev@host81-156-177-15.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbr0xoR, if you don't know what it is, you don't need it10:43
TaTonkamy soundcard is onboard a sis 5598.......... its controller is Crystal Audio Chipset10:43
WizardlingWow - I've not seen #ubuntu this busy for a while :-) It's great!10:44
tkrinandrewguy: other than those two things, works quite nicely, IMO.10:44
shaitandAnybody know of a good howto on putting custom packages into the Ubutunu live cd install?10:44
xanavimr0xoR: nothing special, it's a server install10:44
sala2038anybody help me to upgrade of Brezzy to Dapper ?????10:44
kane777thug, so there are two possibilities... try downloading via jigsaw or bittorrent... or there is one more wget... this can resume downloads as well... or there is just one more... ship it cds... but I think you don't want to wait two months... :)10:44
andrewguytkrin:  thanks for the heads up.10:44
thuglinux aint no click click finish thing10:44
SoggothHello everybody! Can someone help me, i need some info10:44
eobanb!tell TaTonka about sound10:44
intelikeydsas so there is no change from monday until now ?10:44
r0xoRi don't get it... if you want to install it on a computer... you have to use the "server install" version?10:44
rukuarticr0xoR: It basically means things are streamlined for performance. It also means its kinda hard to use :P Basically, no nice pretty gui10:44
IRCyeah, ubuntu is great it just has a learning curve10:44
dsasintelikey: not that I remember10:44
kane777a question... could this "Details: Error reading file 'file:///usr/share/applications/nautilus-home.desktop': File not found" when trying to run home from places menu be anyhow connected to fact that i accidentally uninstalled gnome?? Also many options in system administration are gone... does that have to do with the fact that i uninstalled gnome???10:44
rackerzIRC: if you've installed w32codecs then streaming wmv should work. and if you've instaleld totem.10:44
rukuarticr0xoR: No you don't. Chose the first option, and then doubleclick on the "Install to Hard Drive"10:44
r0xoRwait, so how do install a normal desktop then?10:44
Wes@Rukuartic:  I want to keep my partitions, it's never been a problem before with any other version with the text install, is there a way to access the text install with Dapper?10:44
dsasintelikey: what's the output of dpkg-l pcmcia -cs ?10:44
xanavimr0xoR: no, you don't *have* to use the server install version10:44
tkrinandrewguy: no problem.  GL10:44
willdevhey people10:44
sala2038anybody help me to upgrade of Brezzy to Dapper ?????10:44
revmouseI have a Dell Latitude 100L, and my LCD screen doesn't turn off when I close the lid, but it shuts off after 10 minutes of inactivity. any ideas?10:44
dsasintelikey: sorry that should be dpkg -l pcmcia-cs10:45
SoggothI have a Compaq nc6220 and i cannot get the wireless adapter that is integrated to work10:45
r0xoRwow, this is totally non-human friendly lol10:45
zcat[1] r0xoR: no, there's just ONE disk now that does live CD and install. the alternative one is an 'alternative'10:45
willdevanyone got a torrent for ubuntu 6?10:45
xanavimr0xoR: should be the top option for installation10:45
IRCrackerz: theres nothing. the playback box is black and if i click on play it goes automatically to pause.10:45
eobanb!tell sala2038 about upgrade10:45
dsas!tell sala2038 about upgrade10:45
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thugkane777 :)) i wanna get it done tonight so i can fire up dapper. thanks for you`r help10:45
intelikeyNo packages found matching pcmcia-cs.10:45
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rackerzIRC: try restarting, i had too.10:45
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intelikeydsas ^10:45
delire_nachtr0xoR: you put in a live CD, boot-up and click install.10:45
r0xoRuhhh... i see "desktop" and "server install" and "alternate install" those are the only three i see10:45
sala2038dsas, Thanks10:45
IRCrackerz: my pc or firefox?10:45
r0xoRok then :)10:45
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delire_nachtr0xoR: choose 'desktop' if you're installing on a desktop.10:45
Hentai_Jeffr0x0r:could be worse, could be winblows10:45
eobanbwilldev, look on ubuntu.com10:45
rackerzIRC: Your PC, my music or video playback didn't work until i did10:45
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zcat[1] r0xoR: when you boot the live CD, there are two icons on the desktop. The second one is 'install to disk' and starts the realy nice GUI isntaller10:45
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IRCrackerz: ok thanks man10:46
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Wes@all: is there a way to text install with Dapper Drake?10:46
r0xoRzcat[1] , huh, that's an interesting approach then :)10:46
rukuarticWes: I'm sorry... I'm not all that knowledgable with that stuff =\ I'm sorry I can't help you. You could try looking at /dev, (ls /dev/hd*) to see if its recognizing your partitions10:46
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dsasintelikey: two ticks,10:46
eobanbWes, yes, download the install CD rather than the desktop CD10:46
gnomefreakWes: get the alternative iso10:46
Boooi just installed ubuntu 6 on my g4 powerbook but so far the mouse pad, and wireless is not working10:46
intelikeydsas why would i have pc-card support on a box with no pc cards ?10:46
xanavimr0xoR: it's a try-before-you-install technique  (:10:46
dodekwhere should i report bugs in translation?10:46
zcat[1] hopefully this means zhipit can now send out disks to twice as many people since they'll only be sending one disk..10:46
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dsasintelikey: Yeah i just realised my mistake :)10:46
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs10:47
Wes@rukuartic: It recognizes my partitions (ie hda1 exists and mounts) I don't understand10:47
eobanbBooo, do you have airport or airport extreme10:47
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Boooeobanb: airport extreme10:47
r0xoRxanavim, yeah, but i usually enjoy having a separate "all i want to do is install" variety :)10:47
WizardlingSo if I want maximum performance without flashy pretty GUI overheads, what's the best version of Ubuntu?10:47
dsasintelikey: if dpkg -l ubuntu-minimal is at version 0.119 you're fully up to date10:47
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GaiaX11Whys is that when i try to install base-config synaptic warn me that will uninstall the whole kde and gnome base system?10:47
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xanavimr0xoR: it takes the same amount of time to load10:47
r0xoRcan i just type "install" at the boot prompt instead then?10:47
kane777OK... solved... now only one more question: I lost some shortcuts in system->Administration menu. What packages are "responsible" for those icons??10:47
revmouseI have a Dell Latitude 100L running dapper, and my LCD screen doesn't turn off when I close the lid, but it shuts off after 10 minutes of inactivity. any ideas?10:47
livingdaylightupgrading to Dapper broke my system?10:47
dsasWizardling: the server install, or xubuntu if you want a gui.10:47
livingdaylightwhere did K3B go?10:47
xanavimr0xoR: plus you can rescue and/or install with it, so one less cd to burn10:47
dodekwhere should i report bugs in translation?10:48
rukuarticrevmouse: Try http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ Make a page for them, help them bugtest!10:48
r0xoRhmmm, i guess so10:48
jorgpsn't https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CDRipping a little bit dated, talking about gstreamer-0.8 instead of 0.1010:48
=== SillyRabbit [n=jeff@ip72-194-75-246.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
TzyHi, how can you see if you have the latest version of ubuntu installed (6.06) I have dapper beta running, didn't do an update for the past 2 day's and if I want to dist upgrade now there is nothing to upgrade ... :s10:48
eobanbBooo, try this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14272710:48
GaiaX11Why is that when i try to install base-config synaptic warn me that will uninstall the whole kde and gnome base system?10:48
livingdaylightGUYS! common, where did K3B go?10:48
intelikeydsas hehhe tty2 [root#~]  dpkg -l ubuntu-minimal10:48
intelikeyNo packages found matching ubuntu-minimal.10:48
rukuarticlivingdaylight: sudo apt-get install k3b10:48
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dsasintelikey: Stop foiling me :p10:48
willdevcan we go slower?10:48
yoyoyorackerz: same thing. nothing.10:48
livingdaylightupgraded to Dapper and suddenly lost eth010:48
rukuarticTzy: If there's no upgrades, then you're running 6.06 ^^10:48
intelikeydsas anyother way to tell ?10:48
delireTzy: dist-upgrade is for upgrading to a whole other disitribution version. you just want apt-get upgrade10:48
zcat[1] livingdaylight: upgrading to dapper broke my system too. Backup home (mine was a different partition) and do a clean install.. it's a hassle but I don't expect the path from XP to Vista is going to be better :)10:48
eobanbTzy, 6.06 IS the latest version10:48
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xanavimwilldev: there's 1,000 people here  (:10:49
livingdaylightrukuartic; yea, but had k3b in breezy, why did upgrading loose it?10:49
rackerzyoyoyo: what problems are you having?10:49
dsasintelikey: I'm just reading out the last packages that were updated10:49
Tzystrange becouse I dindn't do an update for the past 2 day's :s10:49
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TzyI was running dapper beta10:49
yoyoyorackerz: sry im IRC10:49
delirelivingdaylight: is that the only thing that's 'broken'? if so just reinstall it.10:49
yoyoyorackerz: i logged in rron10:49
lcan someone tell me why instead of regular system sounds i am getting a simpe computer beep?10:49
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SgeoWhy is the thing telling me that my system is up-to-date?10:49
livingdaylightzcat[1]  *sigh10:49
Boooeobanb: thanks10:49
nnzne1 else getting connection failed to us.archives.ubuntu.com?10:49
gnomefreakSgeo: maybe because it is?10:49
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intelikeydsas they probably didn't update anything i have installed sense last sunday10:49
rackerzyoyoyo: Ah ok. have you tried another website for streaming?10:49
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Wizardlinghow much faster will xubuntu be? That is - what are the GUI CPU overheads in each?10:49
xanavimSgeo: possibly because it doesn't see any more upgrades10:49
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ubotu**NB** The US Archives are having frequent issues, remove the "us" out of your  sources.list by typing >> sudo sed -i 's/us\.//g' /etc/apt/sources.list <<in a terminal (Menu applications accessories terminal)10:49
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gnomefreaknnz: ^^^ run that command10:50
livingdaylightdelire: K3B? yea, i did, but still why?10:50
nnzkk thnx10:50
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delirelivingdaylight: it may have caused a collision of interest with another essential package. just install it again.10:50
zcat[1] I had a lot of crap on my install, gnome, kde, edubuntu, etc. It neaded a reinstall anyhow :)10:50
TaTonkathat didnt really help,..10:50
dsasintelikey: there were a few things10:50
eobanbWizardling, it's a combination of using less RAM and less CPU, mostly10:50
livingdaylighthaving upgraded to Dapper what is it i should do now, that is essential. When i upgraded 39 packages were lost. Should i run automatix?10:50
kane777OK... solved... now only one more question: I lost some shortcuts in system->Administration menu. What packages are "responsible" for those icons?? I only have device manager, disks, networking, printing, services,shared folder, synaptic, time and date, user groups... I know that there were more of them... can anybody help, please???10:50
GaiaX11How do i see modules in ubuntu? Since i cannot install base-config?10:50
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: no10:50
ubotusomebody said automatix was unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.10:50
eobanbWizardling, you're welcome to just try installing xubuntu-desktop alongside gnome and seeing which you like better.10:50
dsasintelikey: pcmcia-cs, ubuntu-* metapackages, scim10:50
Newbify2Is Seveas here? I can't seem to get his freenx package to work. Do I need to gpg authenticate for it to go or is it down?10:50
rukuarticGaiaX11: Kernel modules?10:51
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lcan someone tell me why instead of regular system sounds i am getting a simpe computer beep?10:51
eobanblivingdaylight, do NOT use automatix.10:51
intelikeygnomefreak you don't know an easy way to tell if i am up to officail dapper or still using bata do you ?10:51
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nnzstill says failed to download ...10:51
WizardlingWell, anything's got to run lighter than OSX's Aqua, and even more so Winblows Vista (yuck).10:51
erus`(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so <- help me :(10:51
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gnomefreakintelikey: yes i do ;)10:51
GaiaX11rukuartic, yah!10:51
gnomefreakintelikey: uname -r?10:51
rukuarticGaiaX11: open up a terminal, "lsmod"10:51
Wizardling(though I do like Aqua - but not on very old Macs)10:51
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grasshoppergnomefreak; what should i do?   '<10:51
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gnomefreakintelikey: if that is -23 sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade10:51
lcan someone tell me why instead of regular system sounds i am getting a simpe computer beep?10:51
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zcat[1] Well I think this machine is done, guess I should halt and pack it in the van.10:52
Ademanhey does anyone know why I might not be able to shut down my laptop? (dapper)10:52
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eobanbWizardling, as i said, you're welcome to try xubuntu-desktop and see if you like it10:52
GaiaX11rukuartic, I use to do that using base-config in debian.10:52
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gnomefreakgrasshopper: first state your problem10:52
grasshoppereobanb; NO? Dapper has put it LOUD and clear in Applications/Systems Tools10:52
intelikeygnomefreak i did the update and distupgrade returns 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:52
TaTonkahow can i get alsa10:52
Wizardling*cracks up @ zcat's signoff*10:52
rukuarticAdeman: Check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/10:52
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mplonsalut a tous, vous les dvellopeurs !!!    trop-bien  UBUNTU bonne continuation10:52
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gnomefreakintelikey: welcome to stable10:52
delireWizardling: OSX is incredibly slow isn't it.. a shame.10:52
ubotudapperbetaupgrade is, like, If you used the upgrade commands, you're up to date :) Sorry, there's no geewhiz "WELCOME TO 6.06!" Screen. =\10:52
moyogoanybody knows which qt4 packages has the demo textedit app?10:52
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scifiheeelp, just rebooted after upgrading to dapper and x server failed to start :'(10:52
eobanbgrasshopper, i'm sorry, what is your question?10:52
intelikeygnomefreak been there for a weak10:52
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xanavimdelire: no kidding, esp. with python10:53
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nnzif i have and external cdrom which file should i mount from /dev/ ?10:53
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gnomefreakintelikey: there were a few updates i thin 2 in 3 days10:53
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grasshoppergnomefreak; just trying to get my system polished, clean and ready to go. Just upgraded to Dapper. Would anything be missing that got lost in the upgrade i should take care of. i.e codec etc10:53
h3h_timohas anyone figured out how to fix the problem with davicom etherent adapters???10:53
gnuyenhey guys, if i'm upgrades a few systems at once10:53
GaiaX11But when i try to install base-config in ubuntu it says that will uninstall nearly my whole system!10:53
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shadow_milWhere can I add a command that will run before Xserver starts10:53
mapleis it fine to run the x86 cd on my amd64box10:53
GaiaX11rukuartic, But when i try to install base-config in ubuntu it says that will uninstall nearly my whole system!10:53
rukuarticscifi: I'm no good at configuring X... But I can help you with a terminal until you get your computer set.10:53
=== MoDaX [i=vtmsrl@lan-84-240-22-131.vln.skynet.lt] has joined #ubuntu
gnuyenand don't want to waste your bandwidth downloading multiple times10:53
Rennenso, where is the docs, or wiki to upgrade to full dapper LTS10:53
Ademanrukuartic: thanks, i'll check it out, i think i checked there before, I ended up trying the pcmcia=force option, but that was to no avail10:53
dmbtjust curios, anyone know when and if the automatic update mechanism is going to be activated?10:53
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gnomefreakgrasshopper: i dont think you should have lost anything that runs on dapper10:53
rukuarticGaiaX11: Eh... I just know how to tell you your modules. =\10:53
gnuyenis there a way to point apt at another system?10:53
xanavimintelikey: is the final release version of the kernel10:53
intelikeygnomefreak i last did the update sunday night  so nothing i have installed has changed sense then.10:53
yoyoyorackerz: ok i think i got some progress. i went to another site and it says 'fd://0' totem cannot play this file10:53
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grasshoppereobnab; i should not use automatix? Dapper puts it right in our face10:53
runeswhat do you suggest as the best gnome multimedia player?  I am using totem but is there a "better" one?10:53
pandamoniumok, mozart10:54
gnomefreakgrasshopper: no dont use it10:54
glxbltcould someone help, I can't mount my windows drives through the file browser. "error: device /dev/hdb5 is not removable"10:54
eobanbgrasshopper, i'm not really sure what you're talking about.  automatix is not an official piece of software10:54
simpamorak runes ;)10:54
rukuarticrunes: oooh don't start a war... :P10:54
pandamoniumi mean bach :p10:54
=== Bizzeh [i=Bizzeh@80-192-243-106.cable.ubr01.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
nnz runes vlc10:54
grasshoppergnomfreak; gstreamer got lost along the way10:54
intelikeyxanavim i had that over a weak ago10:54
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Rennenso, where is the docs, or wiki to upgrade to full dapper LTS10:54
xanavimintelikey: yes10:54
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xanavimintelikey: that's correct10:54
rackerzyoyoyo: have you tried using easyubuntu10:54
grasshoppereobanb; isn't it? ji see it in Applications/ SystemTools10:54
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gnomefreakgrasshopper: has _nothing_ to do with automatix hell _ubuntu_ has nothing to do with it10:54
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Bizzehwhat is the actual iso i need to INSTALL 6.0610:54
scifirukuartic: i have had to boot into xp, i tried booting into an older ubuntu build from grub menu but it just tried to go into dapper again10:54
runesdoes amorak and vlc support multiple audio and video codecs?10:54
eobanbgrasshopper, then it's there because you installed it there yourself10:54
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Bizzehand not just run the stupid live cd10:54
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xanavimintelikey: final release doesn't mean *everything* changes from a few days ago10:54
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delireBizzeh: the LiveCD is the install CD10:54
gnomefreakBizzeh: alternative or desktop your choice10:54
glxbltBizzeh: run the installer from the livecd10:54
rukuarticscifi: Nooo You're in dapper now. No going back to older ubuntus.10:54
sibblegpwhen I use a terminal in KDE now that I've upgraded to dapper, my backspace key when held won't go back more than a single space!10:54
grasshopperman, seems like automatix is some kind of virus10:55
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intelikeyok.   i guess if i'd install lsb now it will set a lsb_release to say dapper lts  ?10:55
gnomefreakintelikey: if your not showing updates your up to date10:55
kane777OK... solved... now only one more question: I lost some shortcuts in system->Administration menu. What packages are "responsible" for those icons?? I only have device manager, disks, networking, printing, services,shared folder, synaptic, time and date, user groups... I know that there were more of them... can anybody help, please???10:55
eobanbgrasshopper, please do not ask about automatix anymore; if you choose to use it you're completely on your own; i recommend reading the forum instead and using synaptic, or if you really have to, easyubuntu10:55
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gnomefreakgrasshopper: it is a very fast/sure way to mess up your pb10:55
yoyoyorackerz: no i havent but ill give it a try10:55
eobanbgrasshopper, automatix is not a virus10:55
Bizzehi got http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-amd64.iso and it is just a live cd10:55
rukuarticscifi: Um... Ok well do you know how to use a terminal? I can't help you reconfigure xorg, but I can help you on your way10:55
NoUsekane777 is the ubuntu-desktop package installed?10:55
eobanbgrasshopper, it's just a crappy tool to use10:55
h3h_timognomefreak, do you know of a way that i can fix the problem dapper is having with davicom ethernet adapter?10:55
Firebird8if dapper is realsing as 6.06 what would be the next version?10:55
Bizzehwhy have the live cd, not marked as such10:55
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rukuarticBizzeh: Didja click the "Install to HD" script on the desktopo?10:55
pandamoniumpaulproteus, did you get a chance to see the info yet?10:55
rackerzyoyoyo: it's probably the best option. it configures everything for you :)10:55
eobanbFirebird8, the Edgy Eft10:55
manolisis there any good download manager for ubuntu?10:55
xanavimBizzeh: click on the "install" and install it to your hard drive10:55
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gnomefreakFirebird8: 6.1010:56
kane777NoUse, hmm.. let me see...10:56
paulproteuspandamonium, No, did you give me a URI to it?10:56
gnomefreakh3h_timo: no i dont10:56
Bizzehrukuartic: what desktop?10:56
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ciaronwow sshd isn't installed by default, thats harsh :)10:56
sibblegpcan someone tell me why the keyboard repeat is no longer functioning in Dapper?10:56
scifirukuartic: can i startup a cli x-chat if i boot into dapper and use the cli ?10:56
pandamoniumi think i /msg one to you10:56
revmousegnomefreak: what determines ubuntu's version numbers?10:56
rukuarticBizzeh: Let the livecd boot.10:56
Firebird8GNAM, i thought it went *.04 *.10 *.04 etc10:56
Bizzehi did10:56
eobanbciaron, so install it.  not running ssh by default is much more secure.10:56
xanavimBizzeh: the desktop, i.e. the pretty picture with file icons on it10:56
Bizzehi got to where it wanted to boot10:56
rukuarticscifi: no, just type "Irssi" into the command prompt10:56
grasshoppereobanb; i say virus, because it seems to linger like a disease. I don't recall ever using it. The forums were raving about it so i had a look, but i want to be rid of the pest10:56
FunnyHat_Workrevmouse, mmyy10:56
gnomefreakrevmouse: 6 = 2006 06= june10:56
delirerevmouse: month/year10:56
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Bizzehwhen it tried to load x10:56
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Bizzehit didnt10:56
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Bizzehand died10:56
Bizzehtried 4 times10:56
delirerevmouse: actually year:month ;)10:56
paulproteuspandamonium, I don't think you did.10:56
Bizzehit cannot load x10:56
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gnomefreakits year first month 2nd10:56
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willdev101is drapper friendly to ATI cards?10:57
tbenitaI changes  breezy to hoary in my sources.list and tried to dist-upgrade, now when I try to install gnome it says that it's not going to install10:57
h3h_timognomefreak, is there a way to find drivers for the adapter and install them over the ones currently installed?10:57
eobanbciaron, you have to understand that most users of ubuntu don't need ssh, and those that do use it should know enough about it to know how to install and set it up themselves.  it's a self-solving problem10:57
rukuarticBizzeh: Ouch. Um... Need to go somewhere else for that. But all we send out is LiveCD's. Takes the same ammount of time10:57
Bizzehbecause the "ati" driver doesnt work10:57
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xanavimwilldev101: yes, most of them10:57
scifirukuartic: what does that do ?10:57
paulproteuspandamonium, You have to be registered with NickServ for private messages to work.10:57
ivoksjesus... 1055 people :)10:57
Bizzehits the "fglrx" driver i need10:57
deliretbenita: why are you downgrading?10:57
revmousewilldev101: I have an ATI with the fglrx driver, it works great10:57
tbenitaups : changes sources.list to drapper10:57
xanavimubotu: ati10:57
pandamoniumah, that would explain it10:57
ubotuI guess ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:57
ciaroneobanb: true, was just a bit suprised thats all :) it is the server edition after all, but it is more secure yes10:57
JinkgunsI have a question, I just installed Network Manager but I can't find any type of menu entry to access it.10:57
eobanbivoks, what can i say, it's the day of dapper's release.  i'm sure it'll climb even higher in a few hours10:57
rukuarticscifi: irssi = irc chat ^_^ "/connect irc.freenode.net" and then "/join #ubuntu"10:57
gnomefreakh3h_timo: check the hardware site see if your network adapter is supported it should give drivers/instructions from there10:57
ivokseobanb: :)10:58
nnzis there any disk checking util for bad blocks?10:58
xanavimJinkguns: try man NetworkManager10:58
eobanbciaron, just sudo apt-get install ssh10:58
Bizzehok, so, run the live cd10:58
deliretbenita: there's no need to do that. that's the wrong way to do it. do this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades10:58
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ciaroneobanb: thats the client isn't it?10:58
rukuarticciaron: or if you want the daemon, use sshd.10:58
gnomefreakrukuartic: chat.freenode.net10:58
pandamoniumthat would be it10:58
Bizzehhow do i make it load fglrx?10:58
rukuarticgnomefreak: I use IRC ;p10:58
ciaronah yes10:58
ivoksso, how do you like dapper?10:58
eobanbciaron, as far as i know the ssh metapackage includes both the client and sshd.10:58
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lcan someone help me? i just installed proftpd but i cannot get my machine to accept an ftp connection10:58
willdev101would drapper work on a x300 card?10:58
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tbenitaI take a look thx delire10:58
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ubotuhmm... ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:58
=== Olathe [n=Olathe@] has joined #ubuntu
h3h_timognomefreak, alright thanks10:58
eobanbwilldev, sure, just make sure to install ati's drivers10:58
=== oknewbie [n=eric@ip68-97-216-225.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
rukuarticl: You might be behind a firewall, or your ISP may not let you accept connections, or you may have it configured properly. But I have to go now, just throwing out some ideas.10:59
scifirukuartic: ok sweet, i'll brb after reboot :)10:59
dmbtjust curios, anyone know when and if the automatic update mechanism is going to be activated?10:59
pandamoniumhold on... scrub that10:59
willdev101how do i do that?10:59
=== nsomniac [n=nsomniac@adsl-71-159-182-254.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
pandamoniumjust realisd it's a mess10:59
Bizzehok, all i have, is a blank hard drive, and a live cd10:59
paulproteuspandamonium, Hah, okay.10:59
rukuarticscifi: No problem ^^ Good luck getting the problem solved10:59
Bizzehhow do i get fglrx10:59
Bizzehso i can get X to run10:59
eobanbdmbt, if you don't feel like waiting for the automatic update, just invoke it yourself10:59
bleheHey will ubuntu resize my windows partition for me?10:59
ciaroneobanb: yeah its changed in dapper from what i can see, ssh is now a transitional package for openss-{client|server}10:59
eobanb!tell dmbt about update10:59
Bizzehso i can install it to my hdd10:59
willdev101eobamb@ How do i install them?10:59
lfirestarter&can someon help me? i am getting this error when i try to open an ftp connection to my computer10:59
dmbteobanb: no, i'm fine for myself10:59
deliretbenita: in short, change the sources.list back to breezy, apt-get update and then: gksudo "update-manager -d"10:59
rukuarticBizzeh: Try putting your question all in one line, it helps people see your question better10:59
xanavimBizzeh: the ati instructions ubotu mentioned show you how10:59
dmbtits others im woried about10:59
hilltopI put "/dev/hda4 /media/hda4 vfat rw,users,iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0" in fstab and "sudo mount-a" but the vfat partition won't mount as w/r. Ideas?? Thanks10:59
JinkgunsSo network manager has no graphical front end?11:00
=== gnomefreak bbiab
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Bizzehxanavim: they show me how to do it, in an installed ubuntu11:00
nnzwhy does it say err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main sources and etc connection failed [ip:*.*.] 11:00
eobanbJinkguns, of course it does11:00
=== rukuartic [n=rukuarti@pool-72-66-27-186.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Never]
Bizzehnot on a read only livecd11:00
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Booolooks like my airport extreme drivers works but when it scans for network it return nothing and it comes back to quick11:00
=== Raskall [n=rolfas@topof.ronningveien.net] has joined #ubuntu
kane777NoUse, now i'm running into severe dependencies problems libglib2.0-data:11:00
kane777  Depends: libglib2.0-0 (=2.8.3-0ubuntu1) but 2.8.3-1 is to be installed11:00
tbenitaok delire ; apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't do it ?11:00
=== ZeromusMog [n=ZeromusM@ip68-101-124-120.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
WesCan someone help me with the Dapper Drake Partitioner?11:00
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eobanbWes, what is your specific question?11:00
=== MagusG [i=MagusG@68-186-217-111.dhcp.cdtw.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ademank when you edit # defoptions=quiet splash       line from /boot/grub/menu.lst  what do you have to do to for it to take effect?11:00
oknewbieDoes anyone here know how to block an ip with apache2 perferable with a custom message11:00
Jinkgunseobanb, well there is no menu entry and the man page dosen't mention it11:01
xanavimBizzeh: there's a good chance using fglrx will only give you fast 3d11:01
deliretbenita: best to use the above command.11:01
=== Isot [n=Isot@cmung3708.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Booohas anyone here gotten airport extreme working?11:01
ipfwhow long will it be before #ubuntu+1 is opened back up ?11:01
xanavimBizzeh: it probably won't solve your problem11:01
eobanboknewbie, yes, you can do that by adding a directive to your httpd.conf file.  you may want to ask in #apache about that, however11:01
Weseobanb: The partitioner is not recognizing my partitions already on the HDD11:01
NoUsekane777 how did you upgrade?11:01
tbenitaok delire11:01
Bizzehxanavim: there is a better chance that it will give me a gui11:01
=== neoxan_ [n=neoxan@i577BD447.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Bizzehbecause it always has in the past11:01
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grasshoppereobanb; what happened to my internet connexion11:01
=== ingo [n=ryan@cpe-68-201-249-27.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bizzehi have always removed "ati" and replaced with "fglrx" and allowed me a gui11:01
eobanbgrasshopper, ??11:01
ingoanyone get MOL working properly?11:01
nnzare repositories working ? could someone tell me pls ??11:01
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbingo, i assume you're on powerpc?11:01
DBOnnz, yes, they are working11:02
ingoeobanb: yes11:02
ciaronafter installation i take it its ok to comment out the cd line in sources.list?11:02
Booohow bout getting mouse trackpad on powerbook g4 working?11:02
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revmouseciaron: yes, if you want to grab sources from the internet11:02
revmouseciaron: or somewhere else11:02
nnzDBO archives.ubuntu.com?11:02
eobanbingo, just wanted to make sure.  trust me, there are some people out that there that have thought it works on i386 somehow11:02
lcan someone help me? i just installed proftpd and i am getting a connection refused when i try to connect11:02
Bizzehwhy is there no, simple, install cd... to install, not a install from internet livecd11:02
eobanbingo, if you have a specific problem or error, i can probably help you.11:02
ryanakcais paste.ubuntu-nl.org down?11:02
=== scifi [n=andyt@bb-87-81-200-187.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ingoeobanb: yes, a specific problem.11:02
DBOnnz, just did an update...11:02
xanavimBizzeh: to cut down on cds11:02
eobanbBizzeh, there is11:02
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eobanbingo, well let me know what it is and i can help you11:02
scifihi rukuartic, i made it :D11:03
Rennenso, where is the docs, or wiki to upgrade to full dapper LTS11:03
nnzmine say failed to fetch..11:03
Rennenso, where is the docs, or wiki to upgrade to full dapper LTS, form breezy11:03
nnzwhat could be the prob11:03
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xanavimBizzeh: there's no command-line tool there to start the install?11:03
NoUseRennen see the /topic11:03
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DBOnnz, actually, nope, thats an old one, those appear down11:03
eobanb!tell Rennen about upgrade11:03
Bizzehxanavim: thats why im in here11:03
ingoeobanb: when i use startmol -x it shows a white screen, no graphics. but i think it's configured correctly because startmol boots OS 9 fine11:03
delireRennen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades11:03
Bizzehi know nothing about ubuntu11:03
eXistenZAny ATI expert here?11:03
pandamoniumok, here we are... ready?11:03
Raskallhmm... why wont postfix start with the initscript after upgrade to dapper? "/usr/sbin/postfix start" works, but "/etc/init.d/postfix start" fails11:03
nnzDBO r there any new ones ? that work?11:03
eobanbBizzeh, do you have a specific question?11:03
=== mike__ [n=mike@ool-4350dd8e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOnnz, where are you located?11:03
Booohow do i enable root on ubuntu11:03
Bizzehwhy is there no, simple, console based installer11:03
scifican neone help me get my x server back up ?11:04
Renneneobanb: thanks11:04
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu
xanavimeobanb: he wants to know how to start install when video detection has failed11:04
mike__hey i got dapper working11:04
Bizzehlike always11:04
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eobanbBooo, that's not recommended11:04
Bizzehsomething that just works11:04
mike__on a dual install!!!11:04
NoUse!tell Booo about root11:04
DBOnnz, try the gb repos11:04
eobanb!tell Booo about sudo11:04
Rennendelire: thanks11:04
Booook how to su11:04
delireRennen: anytime11:04
RennenNoUse: thanks11:04
WesHow can I text install Dapper Drake?11:04
Booook how do i su11:04
mike__its mikeyyyy from befreo thanks for all your help11:04
DBOnnz, yes, the second one11:04
=== Malin` [n=Malin@dvz165.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
h3h_timoif i download a driver for an etherent adapter... how do i install it?11:04
nnzk thnx11:04
NoUseWes download the alternate instlal CD11:04
eobanbBooo, please read the links ubotu sent you11:04
kane777NoUse, well sudo apt-get update11:04
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=== Snake007uk [n=snake@mail.linuxcraft.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
WesNoUse: Where is this elusive CD?11:04
mike__do firefox exstensions install normaly on ubuntu?11:04
eXistenZCan anyone give me the guide for installing the drivers of ATI 920011:04
eobanbh3h_timo, you should probably be installing drivers through apt.11:04
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deliremike__: yes11:05
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WesNoUse: literally the "Alternate"?11:05
Snake007ukhey guys, can someone help me please,  a m having difficulty forcing my refresh rate to 60hz11:05
eobanb!tell eXistenZ about ati11:05
scifiive just rebooted after upgrading to dapper and my xserver failed, can anyone help ?11:05
WesDamn it, why can't the text-install be on the Desktop CD as well?11:05
nnzstill says failed to fetch11:05
eobanbSnake007uk, what are your current settings, and what graphics card are you using?11:05
eXistenZeobanb, That link works for ATI >920011:05
nnzwtf damnit11:05
grasshoppereobanb; i upgraded to Dapper and then it did not detect my eth0. Now i need to open command line everytime i boot up and type ifconfig eth0 up and dhclient to get online11:05
yoyoyorackerz:thanks. it works now. as a plus, that easy ubuntu cleaned up firefox's buttons. lloks nice. thanks.11:05
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3A7D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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xanavimBizzeh: did you see that?11:05
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Snake007ukeobanb i am using nvidia, and its seto 75hz, its iiyama lcd,11:05
=== Cerveza [n=Cerveza@idea-32-100.idea.northwestern.edu] has joined #ubuntu
rackerzyoyoyo: no problem ;)11:05
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=== hackel [n=hackel@CPE-24-26-173-22.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
erus`anyone know on ATI (EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (loader failed, 7) is happening?11:05
deliregrasshopper: add the settings to the network manager. that will write to /etc/network/interfaces11:05
Snake007uki have tried values for horiz sync and vertrefresh11:05
eobanbSnake007uk, LCDs dont have refresh rates11:06
=== pizux [n=ubuntu@vel78-2-82-243-104-169.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
erus`im trying to use fglrx11:06
ingoeobanb: when i use startmol -x it shows a white screen, no graphics. but i think it's configured correctly because startmol boots OS 9 fine11:06
Snake007ukhowever, it still wont let it be 60hz in screen resolution.11:06
ProN00bhow do i stop cupsd and hpiod from opening ports, or alternatively, how do i disable them ?11:06
Cervezahey, I've got an annying problem, I use a touch pad mouse and every time I touch it, it acts like a click, I can't figure out how to disable this, anyone have any idea?11:06
grasshopperdelire; [great!] tell me how please?11:06
=== [zero] [n=zero@82-37-198-2.cable.ubr05.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Snake007ukeobanb yeah i know... but without forcing a setting... it wont let XGL run normal speed :(11:06
eobanbingo, i'm not sure what the fix for that would be.  have you tried searching the ubuntu forums?11:06
Bizzehright.. ill say it... all i have is. the live cd, a blank hard drive, and a pci-e x700, which doesnt work with the xorg "ati" driver. X doesnt load at all..11:06
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xanavimCerveza: disable it in your BIOS settings11:06
pandamoniumSnake007uk, do you mean it doesn't allow 1280x1024?11:06
Bizzehi NEED fglrx, or a text based installer11:06
grasshopperwhere is network manager?11:06
eobanbSnake007uk, ask in #ubuntu-xgl please11:06
fieteAnyone know how to handle "[fglrx:firegl_init_module]  *ERROR* firegl_stub_register failed" on modprobe of fglrx?11:06
xanavimBizzeh: you're not reading11:06
Symmetriaany south africans here?11:06
scifiplleeeasse help :'(11:07
deliregrasshopper: Settings-->Preferences-->Network from memory (sorry in a console here on a server)11:07
xanavimBizzeh: download the alternate cd installer11:07
=== redguy_ is now known as redguy
maplecan you run the x86 version on an amd64 box without problems?11:07
deliremaple: yes11:07
lhi can someone please help me? i just installed proftpd to run from inetd but when i try to connect to my machine i get a connection refused error11:07
SymmetriaI need someone in south africa to run some speed tests to my new ftp server before I start putting loads of stuff on it11:07
h3h_timocan someone explain how to install drivers?11:07
RandolphCarterBizzeh: change the driver to 'radeon'11:07
spikebyes maple11:07
grasshopperdelire; ok, and then add those commands?11:07
RandolphCarterBizzeh: I know they share code, but that one stands a much better chance of working11:07
BizzehRandolphCarter: on a read only live cd?11:07
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mapledelire: ok. so if a x86 version wont boot then a amd64 version probly wont boot either?11:07
sebesthello, i'm using network-manager but it doesn't set my dns11:07
xanavimBizzeh: download the alternate cd installer11:07
pike__l: check the config file in /etc directory11:07
mapledelire: well it boots, but it wont actually start up11:07
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RandolphCarterBizzeh: sure, it should be loaded into RAM afaik, check /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:07
eobanbSymmetria, that's not an ubuntu-specific question.  i think you'll have better luck asking somewhere else11:07
deliremaple: how far does it get?11:08
Snake007ukeobanb thanks :)11:08
[zero] does xchat log things?11:08
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:08
ubotufrom memory, drivers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowto11:08
sebestin the log it says "DHCP returned name servers but system has disabled dynamic modification"11:08
lpike__: what should i be looking for?11:08
ProN00bhow can i stop all that printing stuff from opening ports ?11:08
eobanb[zero] , it can if you set it to11:08
grasshopperdelire; Network Proxy?11:08
=== ollo82 [n=oliver@p3EE2A06F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:08
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RandolphCarterBizzeh: failing that, you could put it somewhere on the RAM disk, and force X to use that config (I know this is a lot of effort, but ATI detection kinda sucks)11:08
Bizzehxanavim: so, wasting more money, because ubuntu doesnt lable their iso's properly, and doesnt cater to their users needs11:08
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deliregrasshopper: just enter whether you want an automatically generated IP wtih DHCP or whatever. as you would in windows of macintosh OS's.11:08
[zero] eobanb: so it doesnt auto?11:08
=== Tom__ [n=chatzill@dslb-084-056-005-043.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
xanavimBizzeh: are you trolling in here or what?!?!11:08
scifiive just rebooted after upgrading to dapper and my xserver failed, can anyone help ?11:08
nnzwhat filesystem cdrom's use? iso9660?11:08
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RandolphCarteryes nnz11:08
deliregrasshopper: not if you don't have one.11:09
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pandamoniumSnake007uk, i had some problems with getting 1280x1024 resolution and i found that by opting for 'medium' rather than advanced in the config setup it worked11:09
mapledelire: the progress bar gets all the way accross then i guess it tries to start x but nothing happens. no errors. but i can type into the screen. kinda wierd.11:09
xanavimBizzeh: how is a cd a waste of money?  they're what, $0.2011:09
Bizzehxanavim: no, im trying to figure out why people wont take on that the livecd is read only and you cannot write to it11:09
uboturichard: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:09
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uboturichard: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:09
grasshopperdelire; i open Network Proxy and i see that automatic is ticked11:09
ubotuI heard wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers11:09
mapledelire: i tried the safe video mode too11:09
deliregrasshopper: good, leave it.11:09
ingoeobanb, yes11:09
pandamoniumdunno if it's any help to you though. my system just does what it wants to anyway11:09
eobanbBizzeh, let us know what we can do about that and we'll do it, until then, please stop11:09
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cc2c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
xanavimBizzeh: you can't write to a burned cd11:09
Hentai_Jeffxana:some of us are poor :P11:09
deliremaple: can you CTRL-ALT-F2 for me?11:09
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=== meads [n=meads@host-83-146-39-55.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== pandamonium suspects the wife's personality has brushed off on it
[zero] Anyone know the line to mount a fat32 hdd?11:09
grasshopperdelire; ok but it doesn't work, that what i'm trying to say11:09
eobanbwelcome, meads.11:09
RandolphCarterBizzeh: did you try 'sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf' ?11:09
[zero] someone pasted it to me before11:09
=== sboo [n=sbu@wbs-196-2-122-246.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, you were good help before.. how do you install drivers?11:10
meadsCan someone tell me how i can take a screenshot in XFCE, so used to ksnapshot hehe11:10
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RandolphCarterit can't all be read only, that Just Wouldn't Work (TM)11:10
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eobanb[zero] , you can do that through System > Administration > Disks11:10
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pandamoniumpaulproteus, did you get the link ok?11:10
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: what's up?11:10
mapledelire: im on f8 when i can type. f2-7 dont do anything. but i can go back to f1 and it shows Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.11:10
kermitX_meads: there's a panel applet that takes screenies.11:10
nnzhow to make apt-get update to work ?11:10
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blazehow to remove something i've compiled make and make installed myslef?11:10
Bizzeheobanb: 1. lable livecd's, as livecd's, and keep installer cd's, and lable them as installer cd's. also, keep the text installer as a fallback, for people who have cards that need a driver you dont supply11:10
eobanbblaze, with rm ..?11:10
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grasshopperdelire; actually, "direct internet connection" was ticked11:10
meadsHow do i access it KermitX_? it is installed as ynaptic says so :)11:10
=== Phoul [n=Phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
NoUsekane777 did you change your /etc/apt/sources.list and then run apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade?11:10
pizuxis it normal the time to wait during install = looking at the mirors?11:10
blazeno, from source eobanb11:10
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DBOblaze, did you remember to install it to /opt/ ?11:10
dsasblaze: if you still have the source directory/makefile do "sudo make uninstall"11:10
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, im going to install a driver for my davicom ethernet adapter... and i know how to get the drivers.. i just need to know which one to download and which one to install11:11
deliregrasshopper: just play around, you'll get there.11:11
blazeok :)11:11
penguinwhoflewquick question, when booting off the dapper release CD and installing, do i have the option then of formatting a drive?11:11
blazedsas, i'll try11:11
Ademank when you edit # defoptions=quiet splash       line from /boot/grub/menu.lst  what do you have to do to for it to take effect?11:11
grasshopperdelire; it should be ticked for 'automatic'?11:11
scifiive just rebooted after upgrading to dapper and my xserver failed, can anyone help ?11:11
eobanbBizzeh, there is in fact a text-mode install disc11:11
deliremaple: hmm..11:11
xanavimpenguinwhoflew: yes11:11
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penguinwhoflewthank you!11:11
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, http://www.davicom.com.tw/eng/download/Driver/driver_9102a.htm    which one would i use for dapper?11:11
Snake007ukpandamonium cheers dude. ill check that up11:11
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grasshopperdelire; i'm not getting there! are  you delirious?11:11
penguinwhoflewnow i'm off to install linux for the first time11:11
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deliregrasshopper: try automatic everything if you have a standard connection to a router where the router gives you an IP11:11
NoUseWes the "desktop" CD is a live CD installer,if you want to do a text mode install you need the Alternate install CD11:11
Bizzeheobanb: is the text based installer on the cd i have, as a fallback for the gui one, not working11:11
MyNameIsNotBobanyone here use skype with linux?11:11
eobanbBizzeh, the liveCD has a graphical installer, which makes it the preferred way to install ubuntu.  just get try to get used to the paradigm of having a single CD instead of two CDs11:11
scifican neone read this ? lol11:11
mapledelire: thats what i was thinking. like i said this is the x86 disc, im contemplating getting the amd64 one but i assume ill have the same issue after having to dload the huge iso11:11
eobanbMyNameIsNotBob, yes, i have.11:11
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ubotuhmm... skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/11:12
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RandolphCarterh3h_timo: while I figure this out, do 'sudo aptitude install linux-source'11:12
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kermitX_meads: right click a panel and add. look for the screen shooter. it's in the package xfce4-screenshooter-plugin11:12
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gfxstyleri need some help with fglrx (ati radeon) again :/11:12
eobanbMyNameIsNotBob, skype is very easy to install on dapper11:12
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h3h_timoRandolphCarter, im not connected to the internet right now.. can i still do it???11:12
grasshopperdelire; what is the autoconfiguration URL it asks for when i have it ticked to 'automatic' please  :D11:12
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: and the driver you'll need to download is http://www.davicom.com.tw/big5/download/Driver/dm9102a/dmfe_1.43.tar.gz11:12
gfxstyler(EE) Failed to load module "GLcore"     < in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, what could cause this ?11:12
kermitX_meads: if you also have gnome desktop installed. you can also look under accessories in the menu for the gnome one, and that works too.11:12
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MyNameIsNotBobeobanb, i have it installed, just a problem is occuring with my sound11:12
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eobanb!tell MyNameIsNotBob about sound11:12
blazedsas, 10x, i think it's working.. i'll see in a second for sure :)11:13
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sorush20hi guys11:13
meadsI got it KermitX_, thank you so  much :) i now have a camera icon in my panel :) ill test it now11:13
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: nope :/ you'll need the source/headers on the machine to build that driver (kernel  module)11:13
blazedsas, yes :)11:13
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scifignomefreak: can u help ?11:13
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nnzwhats wrong with repositories ? can soumeone help .. trying to apt-get update says failed :/11:13
sorush20so its sudo apt-get upgrade then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:13
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ubotuHelp to fix issues with sound can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary11:13
spireHow do I make subsection numbering appear as 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, etc. instead of just 1, 2 and 3 in openoffice? (Selecting "header 2" just results in the 1, 2, 3 numbering...)11:13
NoUsennz what repos are you trying to use?11:13
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jorgphas the dapper cd artwork been released?11:14
pandamoniumnnz, are you getting any can't resolve http errors?11:14
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h3h_timoRandolphCarter, can i do 'sudo aptitude install linux-source' without having an internet connection11:14
scifiive just rebooted after upgrading to dapper and my xserver failed, can anyone help ?11:14
grasshopperGUYS! in NEtwork Proxy, when yyou have 'automatic' ticked it asks for an URL. What Url do i put in there and where do i get it?11:14
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eobanbh3h_timo, if you have an ubuntu CD around, i believe so11:14
munckfishscifi: when you say it failed what are the symptoms?11:14
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: no :/ you can download the package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/ (click on Dapper) and transfer it via cd-rw/floppy though11:14
nnzNoUse: im getting connetion failed11:14
nnzto ip11:14
Jowinnz: they are very busy, at least the ones that I use (fr.archive). can take over a minute for me to get a connection when it is usually instantanious.11:15
NoUsennz yes but I asked which repo you are pointing to11:15
eobanbgrasshopper, i assume you put in the URL for your proxy.  if you don't use a proxy, then don't put anything there11:15
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: you'll need a lot more packages from the internet too though, things like build-essential, debhelper and gcc11:15
grasshopperanyone know what autoconfiguration URL means?11:15
nnzand archive.ubuntu.com11:15
scifimunckfish: i cant remember the whole log, is there a way to retreive it ?11:15
grasshoppereobanb; dhcp?11:15
NoUsespire Format -> Bullets and Numbering11:15
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eobanbgrasshopper, ..??11:15
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, what categroy can i find it in11:15
NoUsennz it fails on both of those?11:15
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RandolphCarterh3h_timo: Base11:15
grasshoppereobanb; how do i know if i use proxy? DHCP used to just do it automatically11:16
Junior_holy crap11:16
wrtpeepshow do i set the resolution to 1280x1024. It isnt on the list of available ones11:16
eobanbgrasshopper, i doubt you're using a proxy11:16
eobanbgrasshopper, just forget about that11:16
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Junior_somebody help out a windows wheeny?11:16
eobanbwrtpeeps, what graphics card do you have11:16
eobanbJunior_, ...??11:16
NoUsennz can you reach those URLS from your web browser?11:16
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, i only found it in "devel"11:16
Jowiubotu: tell wrtpeeps about resolution11:16
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munckfishwhere did it fail in the startup process? If you want the xlog you can find it under /var/log I'm not on Linux at the mo as I think it's Xorg0.log or similar name11:16
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wrtpeepseobanb: nvidia geforce 6800gs11:16
eobanbwelcome, majd.11:16
grasshoppereobanb; how do i save configuration so i don't have to use commandlinde to get online everytime i do a fresh bootup11:16
eobanb!tell wrtpeeps about nvidia11:16
majdi installed the sun-java5-bin package, yet when i run java -version in the terminal i get: gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.0 (Ubuntu 4.1.0-1ubuntu8)11:17
wrtpeeps1280x1024 is my monitors native res11:17
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spireNoUse: I don't understand. I need the "header 2" style to format its numbering as <section>.<subsection>. How do I do that in Bullets&Numbering?11:17
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: oops, sorry :/ I don't tend to install this from the site11:17
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majdand when i run java -jar LimeWire.jar i get an AWT error11:17
nnzNoUse yes , from a windows box11:17
grasshoppereobanb; what do you recommend i have ticked in Network Proxy so my computer picks up on eth0?11:17
nnzcant form ubuntu coz its server install11:17
Cranewrtpeeps, you should also verify the monitor will handle it. Then set the resolutions to match your monitors in the xorg11:17
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h3h_timoRandolphCarter, its alright.. umm do i have to download each package??11:17
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eobanbgrasshopper, do you have two network cards or something?11:17
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RandolphCarterh3h_timo: and each packages dependencies :/11:17
nnzbut they do ping from ubuntu11:17
scifimunckfish: it seemed ubuntu had finished booting, all the drivers loaded etc, then just at the point where the splash screen wud appear thats when it failed11:18
eobanbgrasshopper, all you should have to do is enable eth0, with dhcp, don't enable anything else, and it should work11:18
grasshoppereobanb; no, why?11:18
Junior_can one of you guys tell me how to install a program in ubuntu?11:18
munckfishscifi: I recognise that then - that happens to me on my laptop11:18
eobanb!tell Junior_ about apt11:18
grasshoppereobanb; how do i enable eth0 with dhcp?11:18
gnomefreakJunior_: what program11:18
NoUsennz no from your ubuntu box11:18
eobanb!tell Junior_ about synaptic11:18
hopsinghello, does the Dapper server edition install phpMyAdmin as part of LAMP?11:18
scificd /var11:18
sorush20Junior_: what program?11:18
CraneJunior_, what program11:18
Junior_folding at home and wine11:18
munckfishscifi: what graphics card do you have?11:18
wrtpeepsCrane: yea, its my monitors native res11:18
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, alright i downloaded this http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=all&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fl%2Flinux-meta%2Flinux-source_2.6.15.22_all.deb&md5sum=553b714a01d103daa3ce8ee4bff6c748&arch=all&type=main11:18
Junior_sorry I'm a total noob to linux11:18
Gruntare there any instructions for installing ruby on the rails in dapper?11:18
grasshoppereobanb; dhcp used to do it for me autojmatically in breezy, but since upgrading to dapper it doesnt11:18
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eobanbJunior_, folding is on the folding website, just download it and run the script to install it, just follow the instructions on folding's site.  wine is in the repository as usual11:19
gnomefreakubotu tell Junior_ -about wine11:19
nnzNoUse how can i check from command line ? they do ping .. should i wget ?11:19
pandamoniumis knode available in any of the repositories?11:19
azurehuesofbluehow do you run a pl file?11:19
scifimunckfish: Geforece 4 ti4400, bare in mind that the nv option i used in previous xserver config worked fine for breezy11:19
gnomefreakJunior_: your pm will tell you about wine as for the other one never heard of it11:19
popeyazurehuesofblue: perl file.pl11:19
grasshoppereobanb; i have to go to commandline and ifconfig eth0 up and then dhclient to get online11:19
NoUsennz you don't have gnome running?11:19
eobanbazurehuesofblue, that's a perl script.  # perl /path/to/file.pl11:19
revmouseIs there any way to remove all the software that was installed with kubuntu-desktop? I really prefer ubuntu-desktop11:19
Junior_ok cool, I'll read thru the PM and if I have any more questions I'll get back to you, thanks guys11:19
azurehuesofblueok so just type perl first?11:19
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eobanbyes, azurehuesofblue11:20
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: I've just looked at the code for that module, and it seems you'll only need the linux kernel-headers (they're in a much smaller package)11:20
pgquilesdoes Dapper include XGL?11:20
eobanbpgquiles, not by default11:20
Tom__hi all, need make and g++ in DapperDrake, what packages do I neet, i'm new to ubuntu11:20
scifimunckfish: ive never used this irssi before, so dont know how to "minimize" it and search for log in cli11:20
nnzi just wgeted archive.ubuntu.com/.../source/Sources.gz , but apt cant get jack..11:20
ProN00bcan i somehow disable cupsys and hplip, or do i have to resort to /etc/init.d/ haxxoring ?11:20
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grasshoppereobanb; please help me11:20
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, so what exactly do i download then?11:20
nnzwhat wrong11:20
eobanbpgquiles, for questions about xgl, ask in #ubuntu-xgl11:20
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revmouseTom__: try installing build-essentials11:20
eobanbgrasshopper, i'm not sure how to fix your problem.11:20
luis_will truetype fonts work if I put them inside a '.fonts' folder inside the home directory?11:20
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, this ?? http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/devel/linux-kernel-headers11:20
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Tom__thanks revmouse11:20
dunnixhello everyone11:20
=== leggy [n=leggy@74-17.vpn.rz.uni-potsdam.de] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbgrasshopper, you might try asking tomorrow when it will (hopefully) be less crazy here.11:20
grasshoppereobanb;   :|11:20
nickm__are there any ubuntu podcasts?11:20
crimsunlinux-kernel-headers is for glibc, which is /not/ what you want.11:20
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munckfishscifi: ok in that case I'm not sure how to help cause I have an ATI card had to do this, http://munckfish.net/blog/archive/2006/02/07/ubuntu-on-acer-aspire-9500/, to fix it for breezy seems I have to do the same for dapper. Need someone with your card to relate their experiences.11:21
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: yes, that, for i386.  you'll need gcc and 'make' too11:21
ryanakcais paste.ubuntu-nl.org down?11:21
popeygrasshopper: have you looked at the settings in System --> Admin --> Networking ?11:21
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grasshoppereobanb; hahaha...you think it'll have cooled down by then?11:21
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nickm__ryanakca: i think so11:21
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, alright let me find them11:21
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Cranewrtpeeps, check and compare you vert and horz freg settings in xorg.conf11:21
pgquileseobanb thanks11:21
munckfishscifi: have you checked your X log?11:21
=== MagusG [i=MagusG@68-186-217-111.dhcp.cdtw.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cranemake sure they match your monitors soecs11:21
NoUsennz just run 'wget <URL>'11:21
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neutrinomassryanakca: Yeah, so it seems.11:21
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nnzwhy apt-get says cant connect to archive.ubuntu.com ? even if i can ping and wget from it?11:21
scifimunckfish: i dont know how to get out of this irssi to check it11:21
lazzarellowould it be possible to use debootstrap from dapper to install debian on a CF card?11:21
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, and i need each of their dependencies too??11:21
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nnzNoUse just did and i could get sources.gz11:22
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popeynnz: might be better to use a geographically closer source?11:22
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NoUsennz do you run through a proxy?11:22
grasshopperpopey; nice! no i hadn't. I was told to look in Network Proxy11:22
nnzNoUse nope11:22
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: yes, gcc only depends on cpp and gcc-4.011:22
scifimunckfish: im using this cli chat because obviously i have no xserver :P11:22
nickm__no one knows any ubuntu podcasts?11:22
munckfishscifi: when the screen goes blank Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get into the first pseudo terminal, then you can login and find the log from the command line11:22
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screamzhow can I reconfigure my sound ? it s not working anymore after the upgrade11:22
grasshopperpopey; but this is different. Do you know how to configure this? IP address etc11:22
nnzpopey what would u recomend for europe?11:22
luis_will truetype fonts work if I put them inside a '.fonts' folder inside the home directory?11:22
scifimunckfish: ty will try11:22
rataI am triying to change locales to a server using dapper, but dpkg-reconfigure doesn't do the trick, what could be happening ?11:22
Jimmey__How can I put files into a smb:// directory through the command line?11:22
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h3h_timodo cpp and gcc-4.0 depend on anything?11:23
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eobanbh3h_timo, basically everything you'll need is going to be in ubuntu's repositories.11:23
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: hmm, and they depend on a lot of other stuff :/ I think this would be a compelling argument for including at least build-essential on the install cd11:23
belkinhi all11:23
popeygrasshopper: set it to dhcp, and make sure the interface is "active"11:23
belkinfrom here do i get the net install cd ?11:23
ratasorry, dpkg-reconfigure locales :)11:23
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belkini couldnt find it anywhere11:23
popeybelkin: there isn't a net install cd11:23
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revmousenickm__: http://ubuntuos.com/podcast/11:23
screamzaplay: device_list:221: no soundcards found...11:23
RandolphCartereobanb: the problem is we're downloading these to build a kernel module for his network card ;)11:23
eobanbh3h_timo, with apt you don't have to worry about manually resolving dependencies, just sudo apt-get build-essential and that will install gcc and everything else you need for you11:23
nickm__thanks revmouse11:23
Blissexluis_: depends on which font system you want to make them available under. For FontConfig that is good if you run 'fc-cache' after11:23
RandolphCartereobanb: and in this case, unfortunately, we do11:23
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pandamoniumrata, is it locales or locale?11:23
XenguyHi - I have successfully upgraded from Breezy->Dapper.  The only glitch is that whereas before a Gnome desktop was loaded, now an XFCE4 desktop is loaded.  Can any one tell me why this may have happened, and is there a simple fix?11:23
scifimunckfish: ctrl+alt+f1 dont seem to be doing nething for me :P11:24
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ratapandamonium, tha package is locales11:24
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gnomefreakXenguy: did you have xfce to begin with?11:24
eobanbXenguy, did you install xubuntu-desktop?11:24
luis_Blissex, well I want them to be available to my current user, they are windows xp's truetype11:24
xanavimXenguy: yes, there's a simple fix11:24
Jimmey__Xenguy, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop; sudo apt-get --purge remove xubuntu-desktop11:24
ryanakcaSeveas: You're in charge of ubuntu-nl.org ?11:24
belkinpopey really ? so there is no way i can download only 100 mb to boot and install ubuntu from there ?11:24
popeyXenguy: at the logon screen click "options --> session" and choose gnome11:24
gnomefreakXenguy: just change defaul in sessions on the login screen11:24
_libra_Hi, do u know about any wireless presenter ubuntu-compatible? pls11:24
h3h_timoRandolphCarter, so what should i do?11:24
Xenguygnomefreak: Yes, but I had GNOME configured as default desktop.11:24
Tom__@revmouse: do u know how the build-essential-Package named in a german installation?11:24
popeybelkin: correct11:24
pandamoniumrata, ok... it's just that i tried both and i can't remember which one worked for me11:24
Seveasryanakca, yes and I know it's doen11:24
screamzalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device <= can someone direct me to some troubleshooting?11:24
munckfishscifi: hmmm maybe it's something more serious then. Usually I can get into pseudo term if X isn't conf'd quite right11:24
xanavimXenguy: it's easy to switch it back11:24
ratapandamonium, with dapper ?11:25
eobanbbelkin, if you have limited bandwidth, you can get a CD shipped to you for free11:25
grasshopperpopey; ok, set it to dhcp. HOw do i make sure the interface is active?11:25
=== Xenguy says thanks to all...
eobanb!tell belkin about shipit11:25
=== Murrlin [n=murrlin@dsl093-026-225.hou1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
revmouseTom__: I would assume it would still be build-essentials11:25
RandolphCarterh3h_timo: pm11:25
pandamoniumrata, in general11:25
popeygrasshopper: on the previous screen there is an "activate" button :)11:25
gnomefreakhold on Seveas i got one for use until your is up11:25
nnzam i alone getting this strange apt problems?11:25
ryanakcaSeveas: kk.... who was it again who is in charge of web board? I want to change pastebin servers... I just don't know how to in kde11:25
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ratapandamonium, in general work, but no with dapper :)11:25
eobanbrevmouse, the package name is build-essential, not build-essentials11:25
belkineobanb no thanks  ;)11:25
Murrlingood afternoon all11:25
munckfishscifi: only time I've not been able to get into a term was when I had the vert/horiz refresh rate wrong11:25
SurfnKidgday Murrlin11:25
revmouseeobanb: oops11:25
pandamoniumrata, sorry mate, don't know about dapper11:25
=== reds [n=tony@CPE0080c8725c62-CM0012c9a0992c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
HeartsbaneWhat no more #ubuntu+1 with the 6.06 release? http://www.ubuntu.com/news/606released?11:25
=== Murrlin checks out gossip
curupturagood day commander11:25
grampajoeIs installing the nvidia drivers in dapper different from breezy?11:25
xanavimnnz: no, there are lots of apt problems which can be resolved easily11:25
gnomefreakryanakca: right click the panel icon11:25
ratapandamonium, lot of thanks anyway :)11:25
popeyHeartsbane: it will come when edgy opens11:26
=== SurfnKid opens Murrlin a beer up
Tom__didn't find it, maybe I should use aptitude?11:26
eobanbHeartsbane, 6.06 is the current version as of today.  ubuntu+1 is now for edgy eft11:26
scifimunckfish: i just tried ctrl+alt+f2 and get into terminal :)11:26
nnzxanavim easily ? please say how11:26
Murrlinhehe no thanks, water'll do11:26
munckfishscifi: ah great! well done11:26
ryanakcagnomefreak: I'm in kde... of course... I should be asking in #kubuntu, but nobody there uses it...11:26
gnomefreakSeveas: http://gnomefreak.pastebin.com/11:26
=== testcees2 [n=testcees@dsl103-5-101.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
grasshopperpopey; yea, saw that, but it doesn't highlight and doesn't respond  to clickin on ?11:26
Tom__@revmouse: didn't find it, maybe I should use aptitude?11:26
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xanavimnnz: what kind of problem is it?11:26
popeygrasshopper: is the interface already active? did you highlight the interface on the left first?11:26
=== intelikey [n=root@0-2pool242-218.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakryanakca: last i tried webboard didnt work from menu you had to make icon for it11:26
=== SurfnKid spills beer all over the chatters and hands Murrlin a glass of water to watch
azurehuesofblueI'm trying to install vmware player on my machine and it wont find the make program on my machine, where would that be?11:26
pandamoniumi need another beer. can i configure ubuntu to go to the fridge for me? :p11:26
ryanakcagnomefreak: webboard-applet doesnt work in kde.... you run it threw alt-f2, webboard...11:27
eobanbpandamonium, serious questions only please.11:27
=== chicken_Fire [n=chickenf@vrdn-d9b8fe1d.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
nnzxanavim cant update to archive. or gs.archive  says connection failed11:27
SurfnKidpandamonium, thats in the works i think11:27
dsasazurehuesofblue: you need to install build-essential11:27
=== xanavim does the dapper dance! :D->-<
=== Administrator [n=chatzill@adsl-68-252-105-118.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Jimmey__azurehuesofblue, sudo apt-get install build-essential11:27
popeyazurehuesofblue: i think you need the build-essential and make packages11:27
eobanbazurehuesofblue, sudo apt-get install build-essential11:27
intelikeyquick Q  how to "un-register" from launchpad ?11:27
nnzeven if i can wget form that location11:27
gnomefreakryanakca: that i would check ~/.webboard11:27
xanavimnnz: can you ping the servers that you put in your repos?11:27
dsasazurehuesofblue: You should be able to install it from within ubuntu rather than compiling yourself.11:27
pandamoniumeobanb, sorry, was just having a lighthearted banter11:27
dhonnanyone know what server kernel is optimzed for K8 arch?11:27
nnzxanavim yes , i can wget files from them11:27
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grampajoeIs there anything different about installing Nvidia drivers in dapper?11:27
scifimunckfish: what command line program can i use to open the log file ?11:28
nnzbut apt-get update doesnt work11:28
grasshopperpopey: dunno, gonna go and try it.  :o11:28
eobanbgrampajoe, 'different'?11:28
azurehuesofblueThanks all.11:28
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xanavimnnz: try removing some of the repos one by one until it works, then put them back in again one by one until you find the problem one11:28
intelikey<nnz sudo11:28
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ratapandamonium, btw, i found it. In dapper there is an other package called localeconf fot doing that :)11:28
popeydhonn: linux-image-2.6.15-23-k711:28
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dhonnthats k711:28
pandamoniumrata, :)11:28
revmouseTom__: try build-essential    sorry for the misinformation11:28
eobanb!info linux-image11:28
xanavimnnz: you can also try different mirrors11:28
munckfishscifi: easiest is 'less'. so type 'less <logfilename>'11:28
popeydhonn: and above11:28
nnzintelikey im under root so no need for sudo11:28
grampajoeeobanb, I tried installing nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings like the ubuntu website says, but it won't let me install them both, just one or the other11:28
=== Tzy [n=Tzy@204-179.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
dhonnbut k8 exists in apt11:29
scifimunckfish: ty11:29
=== SurfnKid is now known as Sudo
=== C_REATiVE_ [n=creative@82-77-103-34.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeynnz   apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade11:29
eobanbgrampajoe, what error message are you getting11:29
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popeydhonn: where?11:29
VonGuardso then11:29
=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-7036.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
popeydhonn: I don't see it here11:29
crimsundhonn: for server specifically, linux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server11:29
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grampajoeeobanb, It's not an error message, it just tells me I have to remove nvidia-glx if I want to install nvidia-settings11:29
popeydhonn: ahh, you have amd64?11:29
pandamoniumat least my printer works11:29
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dhonnlinux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server-k8 though doesnt exist11:29
munckfishscifi: np. sorry I have to quit now. hope you get on alright. bye!11:29
=== stephan__ [n=stephan@pD9ECA93F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
xanavimdhonn: I thought it as k6 or k711:30
nnzapt always says connection failed11:30
Sudopandamonium, what kind HP?11:30
nnzwtf damn it11:30
crimsundhonn: use the package I just named.11:30
gnomefreakok i have pastebin up untel pastebin.nl is back11:30
pandamoniumSudo, epson rx42011:30
dhonnthe server kernel?11:30
=== grasshopper [n=conrad-l@82-35-245-189.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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Sudoeww how was the setup11:30
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xanavimnnz: try changing your mirrors11:30
crimsundhonn: you asked for a server specifically, so yes11:30
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nnzxanavim to which?11:30
pandamoniumubuntu is the first distro that didn't require extensive tweaking11:30
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xanavimubotu: tell nnz about mirrors11:30
dhonnbut amd64 optimized for xeons or amds11:30
ryanakcagnomefreak: http://pastebin.ca/6078211:30
Sudothats right, it rocks11:30
popeydhonn: what do you think given the name!? :)11:31
grasshopperpopey: its worked! you rock! Thx mate11:31
gnomefreakohg crap11:31
sajhow difrent is the RC from the final release? i accidently downloaded from the UK server and its the RC that i got?11:31
popeygrasshopper: \o/11:31
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .Pastebin.nl is down right now please use http://gnomefreak.pastebin.com/ until pastebin.nl is back up11:31
screamzhttp://pastebin.com/752228 <= alsadebugscript need some directions on how to solve this11:31
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crimsundhonn: which one do you want, linux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server or linux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-xeon?11:31
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dhonnapt-cache show linux-image shows lots of kernels, k8 and even xeons specifillcally but server is simply standalone11:31
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Tom__@revmouse: I found it, must use die more settings dialogue, thx for your help11:31
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ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html11:31
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=== Sudo takes the 24pack away from ubotu, (youre nuts buddy I dont see flooding around here)
dhonnlinux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-xeon is a desktop kernel though11:31
revmouseTom__: glad I could help11:31
ryanakcagnomefreak: .... and... what do I do?11:31
jhennhow do i enable aiglx in X/metacity?11:32
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eobanbsaj, just sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it will upgrade to the final version11:32
=== pandamonium googles dapper
crimsundhonn: no it's not.11:32
=== Sudo is now known as SurfnKid
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=== xanavim wonders why Sudo is talking to ubotu, and Does the Dapper Dance!
dhonnlinux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-k8 is also a desktop kernel11:32
ratapandamonium, but i think i found it a bug11:32
scifimunckfish: "couldnt open module "nvidia" and direory font/cyrillis does not exist are some of several errors11:32
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nnzthis "dapper main restricted" should always be after url ?11:32
SurfnKidI got off that name its someone else, dont want them to be POd11:32
crimsundhonn: err, yes, both are11:33
nnzstill says connection failed11:33
crimsundhonn: are you looking for server kernels specifically?11:33
gnomefreakryanakca: thats  agood question look for it in nautilus11:33
xanavimnnz: did you sudo apt-get update?11:33
scifimunckfish: its currently set to "generic" driver, so maybe try changing that to "nv" ?11:33
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crimsundhonn: then use linux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server11:33
dhonnserver kernel optimized for k811:33
nnzyes im doing it right now11:33
pandamoniumi see, dapper is a nuance of the ubuntu flavour of linux?11:33
nnzcant even connect to my local servers11:33
eobanbpandamonium, dapper is the latest, and current, version of ubuntu.11:33
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
scifimunckfish: is there someway i can paste the log to pastebin via irssi ?11:33
Dgurionhow do can I make ubuntu show cyrillic fonts?11:34
MiniJamesreleased today11:34
SurfnKidGood evening Griver11:34
HymnToLifeAnd Ubuntu is a distribution of GNU/linux11:34
dhonni guess ill use that then11:34
=== MENDIGO [n=mendigo@virtua-cwb212-61.ctb.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
crimsuneobanb: n/, and current, //11:34
=== logan_ [n=ubuntu@kemt2-2.clare.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
MiniJamesanyone able to help me with a 1940 pda11:34
eobanbcrimsun, ..?11:34
MiniJamesgetting an interesting error message11:34
eobanbMiniJames, what's a 194011:34
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crimsuneobanb: we have multiple "current" flavours: Hoary, Breezy, and Dapper are all curren.11:34
ubotuanthony: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:34
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dhonnlinux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server-k8  or linux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server-xeon doesnt exists  yet hehe11:34
pandamoniumah, thanks for that eobanb - i kept seeing it mentioned so i googled and just thought it was a flavour11:34
ryanakcagnomefreak: nothing comes up in konqueror11:34
=== antoninus [n=anthony@cpc1-ptal1-0-0-cust555.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439911:34
sajeoband: thnx mate, downloading final now...might need it for future...11:34
ryanakcagnomefreak: can you pastebin your copy?11:35
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gnomefreakryanakca: under show hidden files no .webboard?11:35
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xanavimnnz: are you able to curl the files you need?11:35
crimsundhonn: I'm pretty darned sure it exists. http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/base/linux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server11:35
logan_hi, i'm having some trouble installing dapper onto a sata drive: after installation it doesn't boot (not even grub comes up) -can anyone help?11:35
anthonyQuestion: Which video player have a better support for embedded Windows Media files and QuickTime files?11:35
eobanbcrimsun, i dont think i would say that hoary is a 'current' version of ubuntu.11:35
nnzxanavim is there any difference between curl n wget?11:35
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xanavimanthony: xine is a good one11:35
SurfnKidgood question anthony im looking for that too11:35
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VonGuardoooook, here we goooooooooooo!11:35
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xanavimnnz: not sure11:35
VonGuardsuck suck suck11:36
crimsuneobanb: as part of the development team that looks after its support, I would say it is.11:36
nnzi dont have curl11:36
gnomefreakryanakca: no file named that11:36
nnzbut i can wget11:36
nnzfrom those location11:36
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
SurfnKidno curl here either11:36
JonnyBoyx-server is messed up and i can't load up gnome after i upgraded11:36
gnomefreakVonGuard: stop spamming11:36
Fastwhat's the best way of getting amarok 1.4 with apt-get?11:36
eobanbcrimsun, i thought hoary support was discontinued in march11:36
MiniJameshey freak ;)11:36
dsaseobanb: that was warty11:36
xanavimnnz: hmmm... sounds like you still have some configuration of the repos to do11:36
VonGuardspamming what?11:36
=== delire [n=delire@p54BCD397.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbdsas, oh, sorry, that's right.11:36
NoUse!tell Fast about amarok11:36
scifiJonnyBoy: i have the same problem11:36
nnzit has 2 line11:36
dhonnlinux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server-k8 and linux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server-xeon doesnt exists11:36
VonGuardtwo posts in chan do not a spam make11:36
JonnyBoyCan someone help me out with this thread?11:36
=== Lukketto [n=Lukketto@host245-153.pool876.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu []
cluehammeri don't like spam!11:36
gnomefreakVonGuard: it does when they say what you said11:37
=== asylohm [n=asylohm@ANantes-251-1-28-118.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
dhonnbut the desktop optimized version do11:37
nnzdeb http://pathtorepository dapper main restricted n the same for deb-src11:37
crimsundhonn: did you read the url I just posted?11:37
VonGuardjust narating my sucking down of dapper11:37
=== Raozine [n=MALY@c-24-10-14-206.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
scifimunckfish: i hope u havent replied, cus i probly missed it11:37
xanavimVonGuard: there's no sucking allowed at this release *party*!!11:37
JonnyBoyI have tried "sudo dpkg -reconfigure x-server-xorg"11:37
gnomefreakVonGuard: we dont need naration11:37
JonnyBoybut that doesnt work11:37
VonGuardwhat about sucking down bits11:37
cluehammerparty is over11:37
ryanakcagnomefreak: no, none :S11:37
MENDIGOi need help, when I run a VCD on Mplayer, the screen is too small, and when i click on "double size" or "full screen" it doesn't change at all, the only thing that happens is that the windows gets bigger, a black space around the litlle screen11:37
=== basbryan [n=bryan@c-68-53-226-195.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JonnyBoy-votekick VonGuard11:37
delirecluehammer: what's wrong with spam!? kids these days i don't know..11:37
gnomefreakryanakca: i dont either11:37
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
VonGuardjesus christ11:37
gnomefreakJonnyBoy: stop11:37
=== SurfnKid watches gnomefreak and VonGuard go at it
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eobanbJonnyBoy, the command is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:37
=== VonGuard [n=WQperk@gateway.retro.com] has left #ubuntu [requested]
JonnyBoyok, let me try that - brb11:38
dhonnactually linux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-server is for both "intel and amd"11:38
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
Raozineumm.. how do I enable russian(cyrillic) characters to show fine in rhythmbox and in the file manager?11:38
crimsundhonn: by design, yes11:38
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ubotuati is probably http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers11:38
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting11:38
SurfnKidsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg got my ATI card going really fast tubbie11:38
gnomefreakcrimsun: the files for md5s on a cd are in the md5sum.txt?11:38
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SurfnKidtubbie having ATI probs? what card?11:38
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cluehammerspam is terrible,i lived off it for four years11:38
dhonnbut on the desktop side its differenet?11:39
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cluehammerate the emails right out of mutt!11:39
SurfnKidtubbie sorry11:39
=== nbx909 [n=nbx909@71-80-82-71.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbcluehammer, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please11:39
crimsungnomefreak: yes11:39
SurfnKidanthony what model ATI is it11:39
leboffanyone have suggestions for dvd authoring?11:39
delirecluehammer: that poor dog..11:39
nbx909how do i get a mouse to work11:39
gnomefreakshould they be same as iso?11:39
nbx909this is on a friends computer11:39
delireleboff: DVDauthor11:39
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meadsWhats the best app to record the output of my soundcard. I want to record from Line In and Wave11:39
eobanbnbx909, what sort of mouse11:39
nbx909it's a usb mouse and for some reason he can't get it to work11:39
JonnyBoyeobanb: i tried that, but it said that x-server-xorg is not installed11:39
nbx909eobanb, seems like something that should work11:39
deliremeads: use audacity11:40
Blissexluis_: you can use your XP fonts more or less on that way but to do it properly is hard work.11:40
leboffdelire: i'm lookin for something gui11:40
nbx909usb logitec11:40
=== glxblt [n=glxblt@dsl-vrkgw1-ff0bc000-241.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
meadsThank Delire11:40
nnzcould someone please give me an url to openssh-server.deb or whatever to install an sshd coz i'we been doin it for 2 hours now or so , and done nothing , and apt scks11:40
eobanbJonnyBoy, that's because the package is xserver-xorg, not x-server-xorg11:40
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gnomefreakiso and server md5s match the cd md5.txt doesnt show mine11:40
Raozineumm.. how do I enable russian(cyrillic) characters to show up in rhythmbox and in the file manager?11:40
eobanbJonnyBoy, you must type the EXACT command for it to work11:40
crimsundhonn: yes, they are different, ala ia32's 386 vs 68611:40
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glxbltum.. my windows drives' owner is root, so I can't touch them with my user11:40
octanhowdy all11:40
nbx909nnz, sudo apt-get install ssh11:40
octanhow do i renice and app?11:40
eobanbnbx909, have you tried any other mice?11:40
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grampajoeHow do I install the nvidia drivers in dapper?11:40
nnzAPT doesnt f work11:40
scifieobanb: i tried ur command but also says xserver not installed11:40
=== Fiscal [n=pscabral@20151099126.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
leboffis there anything that will work like nero-vision?11:40
penguinwhoflewummm... what if after installing ubuntu the only thing that comes up is 'error loading operating system'?11:40
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pandamoniumi've noticed some of the docs in the wiki could do with a bit of cleaning up re: grammar etc. i reckon i could do a job there. how would i get started?11:41
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nbx909eobanb, no i guess that would be a good idea lol11:41
gnomefreakubotu tell grampajoe about nvidia11:41
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dsaspandamonium: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam11:41
nbx909eobanb, but he will want to use this mouse evetually11:41
davmor2has anyone got bonfire to install on x86-64 bit yet?  If so how please.11:41
delireleboff: right, i'm not too up-to-date with that area. you could try kmediafactory11:41
ryanakcagnomefreak: you need to edit it in gconf-editor11:41
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gnomefreakbrb gonna test11:41
dsaspandamonium: The Doc Team look after the wiki and the system help11:41
leboffdelire: thanks.. ill look into it11:41
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gnomefreakryanakca: oh ok11:41
eobanbnbx909, that's fine, but just see if other USB or PS/2 mice work first11:41
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octando anyone know how i do renice a app?11:41
JonnyBoyhow do i know which video card driver i supposed to select?11:41
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ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:41
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eobanbnbx909, do other USB peripherals work?11:41
scifiive just rebooted after upgrading to dapper and my xserver failed, can anyone help ?11:42
nbx909eobanb, no idea let me see11:42
ubotuhmm... easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/.11:42
=== Oldak [n=ubuntu@82-40-167-62.cable.ubr01.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
penguinwhoflewanybody...? i bought a 200gb drive today just to install linux and all i get is 'error loading operating system'. a more vague error i could not wish for...11:42
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mlomanhow do i set the dnsdomainname in ubuntu?11:42
OldakI'm using the Ubuntu LiveCD but don't know the su password... Can anyone help?11:42
eobanbpenguinwhoflew, that's probably a BIOS message, not an ubuntu one11:42
RaozineHow do I enable russian(cyrillic) characters to show up in rhythmbox and in the file manager?11:42
popeypenguinwhoflew: is this the only drive in the pc?11:42
MENDIGOi need help, when I run a VCD on Mplayer, the screen is too small, and when i click on "double size" or "full screen" it doesn't change at all, the only thing that happens is that the windows gets bigger, a black space around the litlle screen11:42
dhonnno, thats not what i mean theres linux-image-*-amd64-generic that covers both, then there is linux-image-*-amd64-k8 and linux-image-*-amd64-xeon that are for specific desktop archs, but on the server side there is just a generic amd64 kernel for both amd and intel11:42
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scifiwould it be safe to replace current xserver.conf with my saved conf from breezy install ?11:42
=== SurfnKid ducks for all the question throwers
crimsunOldak: there is no su passwd.11:42
popeypenguinwhoflew: have you gone through the ubuntu installation?11:42
penguinwhoflewpopey: yes11:42
nnzplease someone give a full url to openssh-server.deb11:43
crimsundhonn: yes, that's intentional11:43
xanavimOldak: try using sudo instead11:43
OddieI have just installed ubuntu server and im unable to connect through ssh from windows. Ubuntu is 5.10... is there any firewall on default with the server addition?11:43
anthonywhat's the difference between the package totem and totem-xine11:43
penguinwhoflewpopey:  and with it i told it the right drive to format, and to use full space11:43
eobanbscifi, probably.  if it doesnt end up working you can always just switch it back.11:43
nnzwhy ubuntu server cd would install without opensshd?11:43
wastrelpenguinwhoflew:  when do you get that error?11:43
popeypenguinwhoflew: did it ask you where to put the MBR?11:43
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crimsunanthony: totem is a metapackage that depends on either totem-gstreamer or totem-xine.11:43
SurfnKidand i thought I had issues11:43
eobanbOddie, is sshd running on it?11:43
NoUsennz dapper or breezy?11:43
penguinwhoflewwastrel: when booting off the installed drive, and popey: no11:43
dsasnnz: No ports open by default.11:43
xanavimnnz: to leave a potential security hole closed11:43
delirescifi: it should be. why not backup your existing one first and give it a go?11:43
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Oddiesshd is running... should be11:43
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ellidokuz207bu ne yaw11:43
scifieobanb: nechance of remind me of the replace command line ?11:43
eobanbOddie, please double-check anyway.11:44
nnzyeah and to make me waste lots of time by makin apt to work11:44
davmor2nnz: what is wrong with the ones in dapper?11:44
nnznice job11:44
penguinwhoflewwhere do i fix the MBR at?11:44
octanHello.. can anyine telll me howi  renice an running app?11:44
eobanbscifi, mv to move, cp to copy, rm to delete.11:44
nnzthere rnt any11:44
nbx909penguinwhoflew, /boot/grub11:44
SurfnKidpenguinwhoflew, are you dualbooting11:44
JonnyBoyeobanb: ok. i started the reconfiguration of xserver-xorg11:44
penguinwhoflewSurfnKid: yes11:44
jacob_pm me if you know how to fix Details: Failed to execute child process "gksudo" (No such file or directory)11:44
JonnyBoyeobanb: how do i know which video card driver i supposed to select?11:44
scifidelire: if i do that the backup might replace the backup that i want to use lol11:44
NoUsennz http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/openssh-server_4.2p1-7ubuntu3_i386.deb11:44
eobanbJonnyBoy, well what video card do you have?11:44
Oddieeobanb: i'll check11:44
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JonnyBoyi dont know11:44
anthonyis totem-xine just a command-line media player? or does that include the GUI too? do i have to install xine-ui on top of totem-xine and totem-xine-firefox-plugin?11:44
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SurfnKidpenguinwhoflew,  NT installed then Ubuntu?11:44
JonnyBoywhat cmd do i use to check?11:44
nnzNoUse THANX!!!11:44
eobanbanthony, no, totem is in gtk11:44
crimsunanthony: it's a gui one11:44
eXistenZeobanb, Did you find the details for installing ATI drivers for 9200?11:44
leboffdelire: looks like kmediafactory is what i was lookin for, thanks!11:45
dhonnok but shouldnt there be a two amd64 server kernels specifically targeted for amd or intel?11:45
jacob_does anyone know how to fix this error Details: Failed to execute child process "gksudo" (No such file or directory)11:45
penguinwhoflewSurfnKid: yes, but i installed ubuntu on a whole new fresh-outta-the-box drive11:45
anthonyeobanb and crimsun: thanks11:45
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eobanbeXistenZ, the 9200 needs only the included open source driver, called ati.11:45
xanavimnnz: compare your sources.list to this: http://pastebin.com/75226311:45
grampajoeWhen I try to run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" to enable the nvidia drivers, I get an error message: "Error: your X configuration has been altered."11:45
SurfnKidoh I see11:45
penguinwhoflewi can't even mount the installed upon drive in ubuntu-live11:45
JonnyBoyeobanb: what cmd do i use to check?11:45
eXistenZeobanb, great, thanks ;)11:45
SurfnKidit doesnt see it :S11:45
wastreli'm downloading the dapper torrent11:45
=== MehAdult [n=binaryme@adsl-65-66-84-208.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidthat i need to research11:45
nbx909eobanb, he figured it out, he didn't have power going to the hub that he uses ><11:45
delireoctan:  renice <num> <processID> -u <users> should do it11:46
=== Andrea12365 [n=andrea@blixer007-blixer-mnt.blixernetservices.it] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbnbx909, it's never a good idea to plug a usb mouse into a usb hub11:46
MehAdult!tell MehAdult about ndiswrapper11:46
nbx909eobanb, why not?11:46
xanavimeobanb: why is that?11:46
penguinwhoflewSurfnKid: it sees the drive but when i double click it it says:11:46
davmor2nnz: yes there are install universe/multiverse and lo they are there to install11:46
penguinwhoflewerror: device /dev/hdb1 is not removable11:46
penguinwhoflewerror: could not execute pmount11:46
jacob_how do i fix gksudo11:46
=== flossgeek [n=flossgee@62-30-117-58.cable.ubr03.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
JonnyBoyeobanb: Is there a command that I can type so I can find out what video card I have?11:46
jacob_it says its not there11:46
glxbltpenguinwhoflew: I got the same problem11:46
jacob_JonnyBoy eobanb: what cmd do i use to check?11:46
jacob_eXistenZ eobanb, great, thanks ;)11:46
octan<delire> is 20 the lowest?11:46
SurfnKideobanb, or any device to any hub its a mess11:46
glxbltit seems that it mounts the drives for root11:46
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glxbltso your user can't access them11:46
eobanbhollld up everyone11:46
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xanavimeobanb: that's what a usb hub is *for*, and that's what the 2-6 ports on the back of a machine are11:46
penguinwhoflewglxblt: hooray! i'm not the only one... xD11:46
penguinwhoflewso what do i do to access it11:47
scifieobanb: cant remember location of xserver.conf11:47
livevilsomeone can help me to install frostwire? I've the deb file11:47
davmor2has anyone got bonfire to install on x86-64 bit yet?  If so how please.11:47
eobanbscifi, it's called xorg.conf11:47
SurfnKidpenguinwhoflew, keep asking someone will know :D11:47
glxbltpenguinwhoflew: no idea, that's what I'm trying to find out11:47
MehAdultCan I install ndiswrapper for 6.0.4 if I just installed 6.0.6?11:47
eobanbscifi, it's in etc/X11/xorg.conf11:47
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xanavimscifi: do you mean /etc/X11/xorg.conf?11:47
penguinwhoflewglxblt: awesome... haha, linux is fun...11:47
scifieobanb: ty11:47
wastrelJonnyBoy:  lspci11:47
MehAdultI have a wireless connection that needs it.11:47
dabaR!info frostwire11:47
SurfnKidpenguinwhoflew, glxblt  have ya looked in the forum?11:47
livevil!info frostwire11:47
penguinwhoflewSurfnKid: no chance yet...11:47
crimsunJonnyBoy: lspci -v |egrep '(VGA|Display)'11:48
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delirelivevil: it's not in the repositories? if not 'sudo dpkg -i <package.deb>'11:48
crimsunMehAdult: recompile it11:48
=== DShepherd [n=DShepher@port0246-afm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidI get a few tips from ppl here but the forum is packed with solutions, its just finding the right thread thats the hardest part11:48
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livevildelire it doesn't work11:48
penguinwhoflewok why does 'su' have a password on a live cd...?11:48
MehAdultcrimsun: How do I do that?11:48
livevilare different way to install it?11:48
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dabaRSurfnKid: well, that is why we have the user guide, I think.11:49
delirelivevil: more info required.11:49
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eobanb!tell penguinwhoflew about sudo11:49
eobanb!tell penguinwhoflew about root11:49
Oddieeobanb: Thx for the ssh, all working now11:49
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eobanbOddie, glad to hear it./11:49
DShepherddoes gparted resize ntfs non-destructively?11:49
=== Xyloc [n=chatzill@vaglin.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKiddabar where is it at again?11:49
flossgeekHi all, I have an issue with refresh rate, I can'y change it from the GUI, I have tried the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg configuration and manually slected my resolution and then rebooted but still I have the same resolution. I should add that I am stuck at 75Hz and I want to reduce to 60Hz. Anyone know how can resolve this, I'd be grateful for your help?11:49
xanavimpenguinwhoflew: su isn't turned on, that's just a secure way of keeping the wrong people out of your system11:49
dabaRSurfnKid: in your help menu11:49
crimsunMehAdult: the same way you did for the previous version, I presume11:49
xanavimpenguinwhoflew: use sudo11:49
NrbelexHi, if my computer meets the min. specs but can't make it through the graphical install through the live CD, how do I go through the old style install?11:49
SurfnKidoh duh11:49
iNikuthis howto claims grub cannot be used to boot an lvm/raid system, wonder if that's still true? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LVMOnRaid?highlight=%28lvm%29%7C%28install%2911:49
livevilwhen I write the command in the terminal, it answer that was impossible to find the deb file11:49
MehAdultcrimsun: This is a brand new install.11:49
SurfnKiddabaR, and thru terminal11:49
crimsunDShepherd: yes, with the usual caveat to back up your data, etc.11:49
eobanbflossgeek, you could try editing your xorg.conf and setting the refresh rate to 60Hz manually.11:49
nbx909flossgeek, did you go into advanced to change the hz to 60?11:49
nnzgod damn i make sshd to work , thank you all11:49
xanavimiNiku: check the latest grub docs11:50
nnzapt doesnt work still ehh11:50
flossgeekno medium11:50
DShepherdcrimsun: hmmm ok11:50
dabaRSurfnKid: it is also online11:50
flossgeeknbx909: medium11:50
iNikuanyone know how seriously out of date that wiki page is?11:50
eobanbflossgeek, do advanced11:50
SurfnKidah cool11:50
xanavimnnz: language11:50
crimsunMehAdult: why not just use the included ndiswrapper?11:50
MehAdultcrimsun: But the .debs are for 6.0.4 and I'm wondering if it's safe.11:50
XylocHello everyone11:50
MehAdultcrimsun: I'm not sure it's installed.11:50
nbx909flossgeek, advanced allows you to select the exact one11:50
SurfnKidiNiku, no idea I thought it was updated11:50
Hentai_Jeffhmm looks like ACX111 still got jibed in dapper11:50
crimsunMehAdult: yes, it is11:50
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xanavimMehAdult: 6.0.4 is 6.0.6 now11:50
flossgeekeobanb: I did do this and addded Horizontal and Vertical settings11:50
eobanbMehAdult, 6.04 is the same thing as 6.0611:50
crimsunMehAdult: you can find myriad instructions on the wiki/forum/...11:50
xanavimMehAdult: they're the same thing generally11:50
delirelivevil: did you type the full path to the debian package and use the full name of that debian package? eg if i have a package called stuff.deb on the desktop i'd 'sudo dpkg -i /home/me/Desktop/stuff.deb'11:50
XylocWhen I upgraded to Dapper form Breezy, my Xorg didn't work anymore11:50
MehAdultI'm om winblows right now dual booting. So keep that in mind.11:50
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eobanbMehAdult, it was just delayed for two months so the version number changed11:50
dhonnwhat is one line command to install lamp11:50
nbx909dhonn, there isn't11:51
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MehAdultOk. I got the debs on my harddrive.11:51
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iNikuSurfnKid: it only mentions breezy but I'm not sure how different things are on dapper in that respect11:51
nbx909dhonn, that's only for the server edition11:51
eobanbnbx909, actually i think for some reason there is a metapackage11:51
XylocDoes anyone know what command to use to reconfigure it Ubuntu-style?11:51
dhonni thought it was mentioned on the website11:51
livevilI'll try again being careful on the adress wait...11:51
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MehAdultIt's on the link on the ubotu bot11:51
ucordeswhat can i do when i install dapper and forgot the password on first login ??11:51
nbx909eobanb, really? i could not find it for the wor;d11:51
penguinwhoflewhey i did it11:51
flossgeekeobanb: I added "HorizSync" "VertRefresh" settings11:51
xanavimdhonn: you install them separately, apache or apache 2, mysql, perl or php or python11:51
MehAdultucordes: Reinstall?11:51
SurfnKidiNiku,  thatll work, Im on Breezy11:51
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nbx909ucordes, reinstall or boot up in recovery mode11:52
JinkgunsI have a question11:52
ucordesmeadult: No way?11:52
dhonnarg lol, it differs greatly from the lamp installation of the server disk11:52
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RaozineHow do I enable russian(cyrillic) characters to show up in rhythmbox and in the file manager?11:52
ucordesrecovery and then?11:52
penguinwhoflewglxblt: do "sudo mount /dev/hdXX /home/ubuntu/Desktop/<folder you've made>"11:52
iNikuSurfnKid: sorry, what will? grub booting off an lvm/raid root?11:52
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SurfnKidiNiku, not changing to anything at this point, Ive been on ubuntu for nearly a week and Im not about to do a typical 'reinstall' it took me very long to configure certain things and Im just learning so I'lll read that darn manual :P11:52
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Ngucordes: run "passwd yourusername"11:52
SurfnKidiNiku, reading the online manual11:52
nbx909jesus this support option is crazy11:52
penguinwhoflewSurfnKid: i've got access to the installed upon drives MBR, now how do i fix it...?11:52
glxbltpenguinwhoflew: yeah, that's one solution.. but i'd like to fix the links at the computer browser11:53
NrbelexIf my computer meets the min. specs but can't make it through the graphical install through the live CD, how do I go through the old style install?11:53
nbx909they need support ticket like system11:53
crazy_penguinh3sp4wn: around?11:53
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pandamoniumJinkguns, i've found it's probably better to ask the question rather than announcing that you have one11:53
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xanavimNrbelex: try the alternate install cd from the downloads section of ubuntu pages11:53
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eobanbnbx909, support tickets are organised, but not very fast.11:53
iNikuSurfnKid: hehe... well I've been running dapper on my laptop for a while now but I want to migrate my debian desktop to dapper too11:53
SurfnKidpenguinwhoflew,  mmm not saavy in that part sorry :(11:53
ucordesNg: does this create a new account?11:53
Nrbelexxanavim, just the one alternate, not the server CD?11:53
scifiwooohoooooo, xorg backup works!!! altho i need to do the refresh rate fix again :D11:53
Ngucordes: no, it just changes the password for yourusername (ie whatever username you put in)11:53
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flossgeekeobanb, should i try advance instead of medium11:53
iNikuSurfnKid: but the thing is, I've got an LVM installation there and I want to preserve the /home filesystem11:53
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exhalehow do i get the address bar in Nautilus PERMANENT?11:54
eobanbnbx909, it's only truly crazy on rare days like this when there are 1000+ users in the channel.11:54
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[zero] Whats the thing called (on the panel) that shows amsn and that envolope? and that kind of stuff..?11:54
titanium_platypudang, it's taking me forever to download Dapper11:54
SurfnKidiNiku, awesome, how has it been running? my laptop works awesome on it11:54
titanium_platypuheavy traffic?11:54
eobanbflossgeek, yes, that's what i already said11:54
nbx909eobanb, true but there is an ircd that has a bot that will only voice a few people at a time so that it doesn't get crazy11:54
JinkgunsPanda, sorry.11:54
=== kbrooks impatient
xanavimNrbelex: I don't know about the server cd, just the desktop and alternate ones11:54
delirelivevil: you should just be able to double-click it anyway..11:54
dabaRexhale: gconf11:54
visik7dapper rulez really !!!11:54
visik7I've put the livecd on an new asus V6J11:54
=== petiteconne [n=toby@p5085EBCF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
visik7and all JUST works11:54
kbrooksi want ubuntu cds now!11:54
eobanbnbx909, then users wouldn't be able to ask/answer questions when they needed to.11:54
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu
ucordesk ill try that ng11:54
SurfnKidiNiku, oh asi in booting to debian an ubuntu?11:54
penguinwhoflewanyone know how to fix a MBR so i don't get crazy operating system errors in BIOS?11:54
=== kbrooks impatient
kbrooksi want ubuntu cds now!11:54
Nrbelexxanavim, that's fine - thanks11:54
JinkgunsCan anyone tell me why network manager can't even handle logging onto a wireless network?11:54
exhaledabaR, command not found11:54
eobanbkbrooks, so download them11:54
scifieobanb: the xorg.backup worked, just need to do the refresh rate fix again :D11:54
nbx909eobanb, once one person's problem is "solved" they are devoiced11:54
kbrooksCanonical, SHIP THEM TO ME NOW!11:54
heanolsnoops, Did you solve the booting issues?11:54
=== yipe [n=yipely@12-218-169-50.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbkbrooks, unless you have a question, please stop11:55
=== HymnToLife agrees with kbrooks
=== RandolphCarter [n=brett@82-42-145-141.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidJinkguns, make sure there is no encryption11:55
crimsunJinkguns: because n-m is ... young.11:55
pandamoniumJinkguns, no need to apologise to me ;-) i'm just some clueless nitwit who's trying to learn something ;-)11:55
scifieobanb:  thx for the reminders11:55
petiteconnehey is somebody here who can tell me how i can start the bash before gnome/x11:55
XylocHowto reconfigure Xorg?11:55
yipeYAY! 1000+ people!11:55
nbx909eobanb, they message chanserv with a flag to be put in line11:55
kbrooksHymnToLife: why?11:55
xanavimJinkguns: I got the impression it worked best with eth011:55
HymnToLifebecause I want them too :p11:55
dabaRexhale: the gconf editor has that as an option. You will need to search for a while, since you are not even familiar with the program11:55
=== yuky [i=sam@shell.rucus.ru.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu
nbx909Xylene, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:55
iNikuSurfnKid: no, I want to upgrade the desktop to dapper by doing a clean install but I want to preserve /home, which is on lvm+raid11:55
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crimsunpetiteconne: please clarify your question11:55
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nbx90911:55
=== Andrea12365 [n=andrea@blixer007-blixer-mnt.blixernetservices.it] has left #ubuntu []
davmor2please tell me someone here is on 64bit and has installed bonfire, please11:56
wastrelis there a diary or journal entry type in evolution?11:56
=== Antiliis is now known as RicardoPerez
nbx909ubotu, reconfigurex is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:56
ubotunbx909: okay11:56
livevildelire: it answer:" an error has occured processing FrostWire-4.10.9-1-i586.deb access denied (translated from italian)11:56
[zero] Whats the thing called (on the panel) that shows amsn and that envolope? and that kind of stuff..?11:56
ubotureconfigurex is, like, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:56
=== gnomefreak is now known as xfcefreak
Ng[zero] : the systray maybe?11:56
eobanblivevil, you need to use sudo11:56
=== ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksnbx909: dont test in channel11:56
[zero] ng yeh thankx11:56
kbrooksnbx909: dont test in /msg11:56
pappanwhy ndiswrapper-utils is asking for breezy badger cd while installation ??11:56
exhaledabaR, what command to run the program?11:56
penguinwhoflewubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/hdb   Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.11:56
XylocNice bot Ubotu! thx11:56
petiteconnecrimsun: on booting my xserver starts and if i want to change view into tty1 for example its not ready ... it dures about 15 seconds longer11:56
Tom__is there a central configuration tool in dapper drake server? or should I do all configuration (network etc. by hand)?11:56
nbx909kbrooks, okay sorry11:56
dabaRexhale: gconf-editor11:56
exhalepappan, because you have the cd in sources.list11:57
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xfcefreaknbx909: i think he meant test in /msg not channel11:57
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kbrooksnbx909: /msg ubotu <fill in>11:57
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JinkgunsNetwork manager worked11:57
livevilI write sudo11:57
SurfnKidiNiku, ohh i see, that might be possible i assume doin some tweakin11:57
Jinkgunsall on its own11:57
JinkgunsI'm so proud. :D11:57
kbrooksxfcefreak: ty11:57
nbx909kbrooks, yeah i'm not an irc n00b i know what you ment11:57
=== laxdragon [n=laxdrago@jnewman.codeweavers.com] has joined #ubuntu
livevilI write the complete command11:57
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, run the command         sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:57
K|NgGh0sTHow do I get ubuntu from showing "Display CHanged: LCD On" randomly all the time?11:57
keleuswhats a good utility for taking MP3s and making audio CDs? (I can't use SCSI burners, i have ATAPI)11:57
crimsunpetiteconne: yes, that delay is due to our init sequence11:57
anthonyokay, i have installed totem-xine (all of its dependencies) and totem-xine-firefox-plugin, and the w32codecs, but i still cannot play embedded medias11:57
livevilsudo dpkg -i /home/FrostWire-4.10.9-1-i586.deb11:57
dizyhi guys... i was thinking of installing ubuntu as a server... i was wondering if someone can point me to some reading material on firewall settings port forwarding etc11:57
=== Sanne [n=Sanne@p548DA0F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Goodbye"]
=== xfcefreak sometimes forgets to ask how good is <someone> with irc/ubuntu :(
=== jbroome711 [i=jbroome@silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu
pandamoniumif i add the debian ftp package servers into my sources.list will i be able to use those?11:58
crimsunpetiteconne: it's intentional11:58
pandamoniumand if so is there a major caveat?11:58
xanavimanthony: try libxine-extracodecs11:58
eobanbpandamonium, don't do that.11:58
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crimsunpandamonium: it's very likely you'll hose your system.11:58
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laxdragonmy upgrade died on lvm2 dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/lvm2_2.02.02-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack): subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1011:58
nbx909paddygman, yes but it will break your system11:58
kbrooksxfcefreak: are you a gnome freak or a xfce freak?11:58
eobanbpandamonium, it can sometimes work, but it's risky11:58
dabaRdizy: it depends on what you will be using as the firewall11:58
xfcefreakkbrooks: a lil of both ;011:58
pappanexhale, ty i deselected i will try again11:58
nbx909laxdragon, reinstall11:58
SurfnKidJinkguns, Congratulations,  Feels good to be able to do this on your own doesnt it :D11:58
exhalepappan, np11:58
pandamoniumeobanb, it will cause conflicts?11:58
crimsunlaxdragon: did you read the release notes reading lvm?11:58
kbrooksxfcefreak: so why not gxfreak?11:58
dabaRdizy: man iptables is a fair place to start. That is the default firewall program.11:59
petiteconnecrimsun: but if i want to change it? is there no way? :)11:59
eobanbpandamonium, ubuntu's own repository is pretty huge.  it basically has everything debian's has.  so just stick with ubuntu's okay?11:59
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laxdragoncrimsun: no, got a link to it?11:59
xfcefreakright now im customizing xfce ;)11:59
JonnyBoyeobanb: i went through the configuration of xserver-xorg, but that didn't help11:59
heanolhow do i use lilo with dapper?11:59
delirelivevil: is synaptic open elsewhere? did you use sudo?11:59
crimsunpetiteconne: sure, you can bump (increment) the gdm startup11:59
pandamoniumeobanb, ok... just i'm having massive problems getting stuff from there11:59
eobanbheanol, i'd stick with grub.11:59
anthonyxanavim: i can download them to my hard drive and play them fine, but when it's embedded in the browser, it doesn't work11:59
crimsunlaxdragon: wiki/DapperReleaseNotes11:59
K|NgGh0sTHow do I get ubuntu from showing "Display Changed: LCD On" randomly?11:59
=== emrys64 [n=emrys64@rrcs-70-62-110-165.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRgnomefreak, xfcefreak...11:59
JonnyBoyeobanb: rebooted, and went into normal mode - Said that the xserver failed to load11:59
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crimsunlaxdragon: see also the release announcement11:59
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xanavimanthony: dunno11:59
=== unknowme [n=speyer@host-84-9-15-252.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu

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