dickhall_ | hrm.. I have a work social in an hour, I should co-opt into a Dapper release party | 12:07 |
robotgeek | there is nothign near me, sigh | 12:07 |
Riddell | dickhall_: at activestate? | 12:08 |
dickhall_ | Riddell: technically, no. My company (Sophos) recently sold activestate and they moved into a different building | 12:11 |
dickhall_ | but our networks are still linked, so that's what my host shows up as | 12:11 |
dickhall_ | and I can still receive activestate mail and such | 12:11 |
=== apachelogger [n=me@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== dickhall_ is going to miss his 1337 @activestate.com email | ||
dickhall_ | I think I liked it more than my @ea.com email, though at EA it was cool to have Wil Wright show up as a potential autocomplete when I typed 'W' in outlook | 12:14 |
=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0246-afm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has left #kubuntu-devel [] | ||
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip24-250-225-41.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
kwwii_inkscape | apachelogger: ping? | 12:30 |
apachelogger | kwwii_inkscape: pong | 12:30 |
marseillai | i would like to know if avahi can set my /etc/fstab if a new folder is share with nfs on the network ? or it can only announce that there is a new share folder ? | 12:30 |
kwwii_inkscape | apachelogger: we had to change parts of the sript back because we are scaling the smaller sizes with different options than the big ones | 12:31 |
apachelogger | oh | 12:31 |
kwwii_inkscape | but your changes make it look much nicer than mine :-) | 12:32 |
apachelogger | gonna look into it :) | 12:32 |
kwwii_inkscape | 32 and down are scaled with a sharpen filter | 12:32 |
kwwii_inkscape | oh, and we changed the filter for scaling on all of them to Sinc | 12:32 |
kwwii_inkscape | although I think we will use the Lanczos filter for the bigger ones and the Sinc for the smaller ones in the end | 12:34 |
kwwii_inkscape | in addition we might need to add a way to render the really small ones from different svgs :-( | 12:35 |
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Flosoft | nite @ all | 12:48 |
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=== halcyonCorsair [n=Lord-Pho@203-97-213-216.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
halcyonCorsair | hi, i was wondering if someone could help me build knetworkmanager on amd53 | 12:53 |
halcyonCorsair | err, amd64 | 12:53 |
kwwii_inkscape | where did svn go? | 12:54 |
kwwii_inkscape | why can't I install svn anymore? ie no package called svn? | 12:54 |
apachelogger | kwwii_inkscape: was never called svn I think | 12:56 |
apachelogger | apt-get install subversion | 12:56 |
kwwii_inkscape | aha. | 12:56 |
kwwii_inkscape | kdesvn works, but there is no "svn | 12:56 |
kwwii_inkscape | " command | 12:56 |
pygi | apachelogger, yup, it was never called svn | 12:57 |
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
kwwii_inkscape | hehe | 12:58 |
kwwii_inkscape | that shows you what happens when you rely on a gui to install packages | 12:58 |
pygi | kwwii_inkscape, hehe :) | 12:58 |
apachelogger | hm | 12:58 |
apachelogger | I think adept shows up subversion when searching for svn :P | 12:58 |
kwwii_inkscape | so how in the hell did kdesvn do it without installing subversion? | 12:58 |
apachelogger | kwwii_inkscape: probably only needs the library | 12:59 |
apachelogger | in earlier versions kdesvn was just a gui wrapper for svn - but now it's a full featured gui client for libsvn I think | 12:59 |
kwwii_inkscape | ahaa | 12:59 |
kwwii_inkscape | i c | 12:59 |
kwwii_inkscape | that explains why it worked now and before it always crashed on me | 01:00 |
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kwwii_inkscape | ok, going to sleep | 01:12 |
kwwii_inkscape | night all | 01:12 |
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bddebian | Hello | 01:28 |
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Tonio_ | http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/xorg/app/compiz/kde/window-decorator/ | 10:18 |
Tonio_ | sounds like we'll not get compiz running on kde before kde4.... | 10:18 |
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=== mornfall wibbles | ||
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-243-27.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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Lure | Tonio_: who needs compiz - I would much rather get some X polish than XGl and similar... | 10:59 |
Tonio_ | Lure: compiz can work with aiglx or anything | 11:01 |
Tonio_ | no need of xgl for this | 11:01 |
Tonio_ | xgl only provides opengl support | 11:01 |
Tonio_ | what to use with it ? compiz ;) | 11:01 |
Lure | Tonio_: what I am saying is we need more improvements in X in direction of config/autodetect/multihead support | 11:01 |
Lure | then fancy 3d/comiz stuff ;-) | 11:02 |
Tonio_ | Lure: don't forget gnome supports it, vista will be d3d based, osx supports opengl.... | 11:02 |
Tonio_ | only kde doesn't at the moment give the possibility of 3D effects on the desktop | 11:02 |
Lure | Tonio_: I agree, but until my notebook will boot with blank screen it does not help me... :-( | 11:03 |
Tonio_ | I know | 11:03 |
Tonio_ | ;) | 11:03 |
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Hobbsee | hi room | 11:42 |
Hobbsee | hi people in the room | 11:42 |
Riddell | eh oh | 11:45 |
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Hobbsee | oh hi Riddell! | 11:52 |
=== Hobbsee misread that, and thought she said "hi room in the people" | ||
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Tonio_ | Riddell: hey !! did you see the opendocument foundation announcement ? | 11:55 |
Riddell | nope | 11:55 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: they will soon release an msoffice plugin to fully support opendocument in it ;) | 11:55 |
Tonio_ | it is currently tested in the massachussets | 11:56 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that could help for a koffice integration in kubuntu ! | 11:56 |
Riddell | how? | 11:58 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: http://www.groklaw.net/articlebasic.php?story=20060504015438308 | 11:59 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: since it would be easy to explain to an ms office user how to convert to od format without installing a new office suite.... | 11:59 |
Tonio_ | as long as there is an easy way to help people to use a standard, there will be less issues in implementing koffice don't you think ? | 12:00 |
Tonio_ | if you talk about native support in kubuntu, don't forget that we don't support wmv, wma, mp3 etc... | 12:00 |
Tonio_ | so the user that want doc support could install OOo the same way he instals libxine-extracodecs for example... | 12:00 |
Tonio_ | btw this is my opinion | 12:01 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: what do you think about this ? | 12:01 |
Riddell | the lack of mp3 and wmv is because we can't ship support, not because we happen to think one solution is technically better | 12:03 |
Tonio_ | indeed | 12:03 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: so if I understand correctly, we will not see koffice in kubuntu soon... :( | 12:06 |
marseillai_ | Riddell: isn't it possible to propose during installation to enable multiverse/restricted then if user say yes then propose to install libxine and restricted-formats ? | 12:09 |
Lure | Tonio_: how do you get @ubuntu.com mail account as member? | 12:09 |
Lure | marseillai_: I think the problem is that you would need to pus some nasty legal disclaimers there... | 12:10 |
Riddell | Tonio_: it has less features and less stability than openoffice | 12:11 |
Riddell | marseillai_: restricted is in there | 12:12 |
Riddell | you could question why libxine-extracodecs isn't in restricted, but that's up to Mark | 12:12 |
Lure | Riddell: I would agree - I use both interchangabily and they both have they +/- | 12:12 |
Lure | s/they/their/ | 12:12 |
Hobbsee | Lure: it seems to get automatically set up, and points to your default mail in launchpad | 12:12 |
Lure | it is probably more more safe choise to stay with OOo | 12:13 |
Lure | Hobbsee: really? so it is just mail forwarder? will try it... | 12:13 |
Hobbsee | Lure: you can send from it | 12:13 |
=== Hobbsee doesnt, though | ||
=== Hobbsee thinks of what she actually uses that account for | ||
Hobbsee | come to think of it, i probably could. | 12:14 |
Lure | Hobbsee: yes, it works... | 12:17 |
Lure | thanks | 12:17 |
Hobbsee | Lure: yay :) | 12:17 |
=== freeflying|away try building kde4 on osx | ||
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Tonio_ | Riddell: I must say I don't agree concerning stability.... OOo has always crashed quite often here (and more than koffice concerning my experience) | 12:27 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: concerning functionnalities.... I agree, but at least koffice integrates correctly with kde ;) | 12:28 |
=== hunger would favour a move to koffice. | ||
Riddell | I already have complaints from Mark and others that we don't ship with firefox | 12:31 |
hunger | I was wondering why OOo got so "strange" after a upgrade, only to discover 3 days later that I had been using kword all the time;-) | 12:31 |
=== hunger mumbles that kubuntu is about kde not kde-and-some-strange-gtk-apps:-) | ||
=== Hobbsee mumbles about how firefox is a better internet browser than konqueror :P | ||
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | yo jpatrick | 12:33 |
hunger | Hobbsee: You are free to install it:-) | 12:33 |
Hobbsee | :P oh i do | 12:34 |
Hobbsee | hey jpatrick | 12:34 |
jpatrick | hi Riddell, Hobbsee | 12:34 |
=== Hobbsee contemplates the wednesday morning meeting. | ||
hunger | Hobbsee: And it is not. You must be a deluded gtk-junkie;-) | 12:34 |
Hobbsee | hunger: hehe | 12:34 |
hunger | Hobbsee: I admit that I have FF installed, too... but then I have ubuntu-desktop installed on kubuntu to be able to crosscheck what the gnome crowd is doing. | 12:35 |
jpatrick | when can we start packaging again? | 12:35 |
Hobbsee | hehe....sure sure.. | 12:36 |
Riddell | jpatrick: now! make us a package of oxygen icons | 12:36 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 12:36 |
hunger | The kubuntu part of dapper is really cool by the way. Great work! Thanks Riddell and thanks to all the other devs here. | 12:37 |
jpatrick | if I could get them somewher | 12:37 |
Riddell | jpatrick: kde svn trunk/playground/artwork | 12:37 |
hunger | Are those done yet? | 12:38 |
Riddell | build script is in Ken directory | 12:38 |
Riddell | build-dep on inkscape | 12:38 |
hunger | How about adding some more bonjour configs for the next version? (like fish and sftp) | 12:40 |
Riddell | hunger: we need an option to have zeroconf easy to turn on | 12:40 |
hunger | Riddell: It is turned on, it is just missing the necessary config files for that to work:-( | 12:41 |
Riddell | we don't have avahi-daemon on the CD | 12:41 |
Riddell | hunger: add this to KubuntuFutureIdeas | 12:41 |
Riddell | we'll be needing an avahi spec | 12:42 |
hunger | Riddell: Yes, the daemon is missing, but the "clientside" is there, working and emensly usefull. | 12:42 |
Riddell | well it's only useful if the other machines on the network have avahi turned on :) | 12:43 |
hunger | Riddell: Please consider adding the config files of lp #33034. | 12:43 |
hunger | Riddell: There are, at least on those networks I hang out frequently. The upside of working with mac junkies:-) | 12:44 |
Lathiat | .. avahi doesnt work evenin client without the daemon | 12:44 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: complains we don't use firefox ?? ! | 12:45 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that's a chance ;) | 12:45 |
jpatrick | Riddell: I did "svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/artwork/Oxygen/" I don't have a Ken dir tho... | 12:45 |
=== Tonio_ compains that kubuntu doesn't use gnome ! that's a shame.... | ||
hunger | Lathiat: avahi advertizes services. The client(s) work with those advertisements. Without avahi you can not publish your own stuff, but you can very well use those provided by others. | 12:45 |
Lathiat | hunger: no, you can't | 12:46 |
=== Hobbsee defenestrates Tonio_ for suggesting that. | ||
Lathiat | without the daemon neither browsing nor publishing operates | 12:46 |
Hobbsee | jpatrick: it's there...might be in the parent directory...search a bit :P | 12:46 |
Lathiat | not with avahi (it may well use some other library, e.g. howl) | 12:46 |
jpatrick | I did | 12:46 |
=== Hobbsee found it a while ago | ||
Hobbsee | mmm okay | 12:46 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: that was irony of course ;) kubuntu shiped with firefox would go against the kubuntu purpose.... | 12:46 |
jpatrick | but it's there, but not here | 12:47 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: hehe true | 12:47 |
Tonio_ | but I wouldn't see any problem using gecko in konqueror it the port had been finished... | 12:47 |
Riddell | jpatrick: it's there http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/artwork/Oxygen/ | 12:47 |
Tonio_ | but nobody finished it | 12:47 |
jpatrick | oh I do have it... | 12:47 |
Riddell | hunger: Lathiat does know his stuff with avahi :) | 12:48 |
=== Lathiat points at http://www.avahi.org/wiki/AvahiCommunity#People | ||
Lathiat | i think the no port policy shouldnt apply to avahi, because dns resolvers open a dns port too.. :) | 12:48 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: would be nice to have a systemsettings module to control avahi ;) | 12:48 |
hunger | Lathiat: Well, then I had some misunderstandings on how that stuff works. | 12:48 |
Lathiat | nps :) | 12:49 |
=== Tonio_ really needs to learn python this year.... | ||
Riddell | Tonio_: the trouble is it would be all of one tickbox | 12:49 |
Riddell | Tonio_: ah, the perfect learning opportunity :) | 12:49 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: tickbox ? | 12:49 |
Riddell | "checkbox" | 12:49 |
Lathiat | perhaps you could put avahi in the nexisting network stuff | 12:49 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yes ;) I already bought a book, but I have to start.... | 12:49 |
hunger | Ahhhh... kde 3.5.3 stops kmix from popping up after each startup! | 12:49 |
Lathiat | haha | 12:50 |
Tonio_ | Lathiat: in knetworkconf ? | 12:50 |
Lathiat | Tonio_: i guess? | 12:50 |
hunger | and my display suddenly became brighter, too. How did that happen? | 12:50 |
Lathiat | (im not familiar with what part that is) | 12:50 |
jpatrick | Riddell: ok, "bash generate_oxg_icons.sh" does nothing apart from output a lot of text | 12:50 |
Riddell | uh huh, any paticular text? | 12:51 |
jpatrick | ls: actions/*.svg: No such file or directory | 12:51 |
Riddell | you need to run it from Oxygen/theme | 12:52 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: just done that and it works | 12:54 |
Tonio_ | jpatrick: let's work together on the package maybe ? | 12:54 |
jpatrick | Tonio_: It's working | 12:54 |
Tonio_ | jpatrick: cool : | 12:54 |
Tonio_ | ;) | 12:54 |
jpatrick | just need inkscape | 12:55 |
jpatrick | Tonio_: when shall we work on gnash? | 12:55 |
Tonio_ | jpatrick: when stable version is out maybe ^^ | 12:55 |
jpatrick | :) | 12:56 |
Tonio_ | but that's on my plans for edgy | 12:56 |
Tonio_ | it should be there before edgy is out | 12:56 |
Riddell | gnash has 101 gnome dependencies :( | 12:56 |
pygi | Riddell, wth? 101? :-/ | 12:56 |
Riddell | well, almost that many | 12:57 |
jpatrick | and i thought Kerry was bad | 12:57 |
pygi | Riddell, do you need me for any development stuff for edgy except the KDE version of BZR UI? | 12:57 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: damn.... | 12:59 |
Riddell | pygi: whatever you want of course. a bzr UI would be cool, although I don't know what form that would take | 12:59 |
Hobbsee | hunger: that's probably from your session settings | 12:59 |
pygi | Riddell, yup, bzr UI will be there and ready for edgy | 01:00 |
pygi | what do you mean by "form"? | 01:00 |
jpatrick | Riddell: can I use the script geneterated tarball for the pack? | 01:01 |
pygi | Riddell, the reason why I am asking you is that I don't want to develop something, and then we don't need it :) | 01:01 |
Riddell | yuriy: ping | 01:01 |
Riddell | jpatrick: I'd use the script as the build for the package | 01:02 |
Riddell | pygi: what features would the bzr UI have? | 01:02 |
Riddell | pygi: and have you looked at keybuk's gnome one? | 01:02 |
Riddell | yuriy: did you write a spec? | 01:03 |
pygi | Riddell, init, branch, add, remove, mv, ignore, diff, merge, commit, uncommit, log, check, push, pull, export, conflicts, info, mkdir, nick, revno, version, whoami | 01:03 |
pygi | for start ... we'll have cherrypicking patches, and such things also | 01:03 |
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Flosoft | hey | 01:03 |
pygi | Riddell, if you mean bzrk, we'll have a new UI | 01:03 |
pygi | Riddell, basicly this, but KDE: | 01:06 |
pygi | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BzrUI | 01:06 |
=== pygi will be back ASAP | ||
Flosoft | wow .. the average of transfer rate for the last 24 hours: 89,3Mbyte/s | 01:08 |
kmon | hi | 01:09 |
Riddell | nice | 01:10 |
kmon | Riddell: The ooo patch didn't work | 01:10 |
Riddell | kmon: hmm, ok, thanks | 01:10 |
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-70-148.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
MidMark | hi to all! | 01:11 |
MidMark | I have make this new wiki page, can be interesting: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDapperWhatStillNeedsAConsole | 01:11 |
kmon | and as far as the conversation of ooo & firefox, I'll give my 2. The problem here is the "vision" kubuntu has. Is kubuntu a desktop operating system with kde as a base or is kubuntu the best Desktop operating system the kde world offers? | 01:12 |
pygi | Riddell, back :) | 01:13 |
kmon | if it is the latter, then kubuntu should keep konqui as the webbrowser & ship with koffice | 01:13 |
jpatrick | Riddell: this might not work, running generate_oxy_theme.sh makes a tarball, which we'll have to unpack and cp a debian dir to during build process | 01:13 |
Hobbsee | kmon: in one way it doesnt matter - seeing as we have all of gnome at our disposal in the same repos too - but i see your point | 01:14 |
Riddell | jpatrick: ignore the tar? it also makes the .pngs ready for use. or you could just use the tar as the .orig | 01:15 |
Riddell | hmm no, the tar doesn't have the .svg files in it | 01:15 |
kmon | Hobbsee: yes, it's really a social thing, since the average joe coming to kubuntu doesn't know what's kde/gnome and really just want an OS that works | 01:15 |
MidMark | Riddell: I need only an information-> the kubuntu cd contains italian language? I have only the dvd... | 01:15 |
jpatrick | I'll see what I can do | 01:15 |
Riddell | MidMark: which CD? | 01:16 |
Hobbsee | kmon: true | 01:16 |
MidMark | Riddell: kubuntu alternate/desktop cd (dapper) | 01:16 |
kmon | Hobbsee: but then again, that average joe will probably want flash, mp3 & other things out of the box | 01:16 |
Riddell | architecture? | 01:16 |
Tonio_ | MidMark: on adept's top priorities I think ability to set an http proxy would go before everything... | 01:16 |
Hobbsee | MidMark: kdesu kate. not sudo kate. | 01:16 |
kmon | but that's another thing | 01:17 |
MidMark | Tonio_: ok, is there a bug for that? | 01:17 |
MidMark | Hobbsee: why? | 01:17 |
Tonio_ | MidMark: I already did a kde bug and told mornfall about this, but he didn't seems interested at the moment :( | 01:17 |
MidMark | Hobbsee: ok | 01:18 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: afaik oxygen isn't supposed to be complete is it ? | 01:18 |
MidMark | Tonio_: what a pitty :( | 01:18 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: not yet, no | 01:18 |
Hobbsee | but some are there, and really pretty :) | 01:18 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: okay, cause I was seeing a few missing stuff testing it | 01:18 |
MidMark | Riddell: all, I want to know where ita is present or not... all type of cds | 01:18 |
Riddell | MidMark: see the seeds http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/seeds/kubuntu-dapper/ | 01:20 |
Riddell | ship is the alternate CD, live is the desktop CD | 01:20 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I'm looking at the debian/control provided with cvs gnash repo and I don't see gnome dependancies.... except mozilla-dev maybe | 01:21 |
Tonio_ | that probably just to build the mozilla plugin | 01:22 |
Riddell | Tonio_: URL? | 01:22 |
kmon | I was thinking the other day about a nice feature kubuntu in amd64 could have. If multiarch is not ready for edgy, kubuntu could provide a script/python app to install a couple of 32bit apps in a separate directory (webbrowser & media player mainly) and have easy access to flash & other things that don't work in amd64 | 01:22 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: export CVS_RSH="ssh" && cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sv.gnu.org:/sources/gnash co gnash | 01:23 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: you will get a "packaging" folder containing debian | 01:23 |
mornfall | Tonio_: patches, patches... | 01:23 |
mornfall | Tonio_: proxy setup is not interesting for me since i never use it :p | 01:24 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: that wasn't a critisize !!!! you did so much for dapper version ! | 01:24 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: just plz keep that upo in the head for some day ;) | 01:24 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: the problem is that setting apt for prooxy usage is quite complicated | 01:25 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: don't min, that didn't made me go back to synaptic ;) | 01:25 |
mornfall | Tonio_: that's fine and i didn't take offence or anything :) | 01:25 |
mornfall | Tonio_: just being realistic | 01:26 |
mornfall | Tonio_: in that it's not going to happen by itself and it's very low priority for me | 01:26 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: sure :) | 01:26 |
mornfall | Tonio_: even if you are a nice guy and all, but i'm sooo lazy and usually loaded enough to keep me away from things like this | 01:26 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: the big problem for me is that I think it should be possible to set a global proxy settings for all linux environnment | 01:27 |
Tonio_ | but that's nor a standard in lsb.... | 01:27 |
Riddell | is that part of portland? | 01:27 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: don't now, but should ;) | 01:28 |
=== Riddell asks | ||
Tonio_ | Riddell: we could eventually discuss that in paris with kde guys | 01:28 |
=== apokryphos [i=[U2FsdGV@server2.polaristar.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Hobbsee looks around for the nasty person smashing a brick into her head | ||
Tonio_ | actually every application is using it's own internal process for proxy | 01:28 |
Tonio_ | except kde apps that sometimes use konqueror settings on that point | 01:29 |
mornfall | noone really uses http proxying because it's just too daft :p | 01:29 |
=== goldenear [n=user@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
mornfall | do they? | 01:29 |
mornfall | i could imagine corporations would tend to do that | 01:29 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: in companies, everyone uses a proxy | 01:29 |
Tonio_ | nat is simply incompatible with companies needs | 01:29 |
Lure | Tonio_: really? we use NAT... | 01:29 |
Hobbsee | mornfall: i'm seeing trouble with the adept not opening again... | 01:29 |
Hobbsee | no, wait, here it is. | 01:29 |
Tonio_ | Lure: nat only gives a very low level of control, no caching etc.... | 01:30 |
mornfall | companies need to learn to use transparent proxying | 01:30 |
Lure | Tonio_: true, but who needs caching this days... ;-) | 01:30 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: well companies don't want to since they don't want to open all network and web, and I can understand this ;) | 01:30 |
Tonio_ | do they want people to use emule, P2P, porn websites etc??? no ;) | 01:30 |
mornfall | Tonio_: transparent proxy can do everything a non-transparent one can | 01:31 |
Tonio_ | Lure: 40 000 computers companies need caching ;) | 01:31 |
mornfall | Tonio_: you just need to forward the packets the right way | 01:31 |
jpatrick | Riddell: oh I see, working on it now | 01:31 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: are you talking about socks5 proxies ? | 01:31 |
mornfall | Tonio_: nono | 01:31 |
mornfall | Tonio_: about gateway doing smart things with packets | 01:32 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: exemples of what is a transparent proxy ? | 01:32 |
mornfall | like looking inside them and if they are http passing to a proxy instead of forwarding | 01:32 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: well, nat + advanced firewalls like chekpoint can do the job, but that's a pain to manage ;) | 01:32 |
Tonio_ | and uses hudge ressources to analyse tcp/ip packets...... | 01:33 |
mornfall | it's less pain to manage than going around 40k computers and setting up proxy on each ;-) | 01:33 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: well in a windows environnement, you don't have to go over the 40 000 computers ;) | 01:34 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: ever eared about what gpo are ? | 01:34 |
mornfall | and if you do managed rollout (like everyone does), you can easily set up the proxy for apt centrally | 01:34 |
Tonio_ | you can reconfigure all your computers in a centralized way with a very few clicks :) | 01:34 |
mornfall | your argument is MOOT | 01:34 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: I'm just saying that's possible ;) | 01:34 |
mornfall | no, you say that adept needs proxy setup gui to be useful inside companies | 01:35 |
Tonio_ | yup | 01:35 |
mornfall | and it turns out noone is using gui click-click on every computer inside a company anyway | 01:35 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: no, I think adept should frontend apt to set proxy in it :) | 01:35 |
mornfall | so it's for the marginal cases of people abusing company network to update their laptops | 01:35 |
Tonio_ | hum.... that makes sense indeed | 01:36 |
mornfall | in which case they should know what they are doing anyway :p | 01:36 |
Tonio_ | but concerning my usage, when I go in several companies with my laptop, it is quite a pain to set the proxy manually every morning, and remove it by night at home.... | 01:36 |
Tonio_ | I would like to click for this ;) | 01:36 |
kmon | anyone: how do I unsinstall build-deps? | 01:36 |
mornfall | Tonio_: it's not *that* hard to implement :P | 01:37 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: yes, but I can't learn C++ to do it myself ^_^ | 01:37 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: sure you can :P | 01:37 |
Tonio_ | if I could have done it, I would already have done it ;) | 01:37 |
mornfall | that's weak | 01:37 |
mornfall | what Hobbsee says | 01:38 |
mornfall | if it's important enough, you will do it | 01:38 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: I don't want to learn coding since I already have so much to learn on the sysadmin part.... | 01:38 |
mornfall | if it's not, it's not :-) | 01:38 |
mornfall | if it's not important enough for you to do it, it's not important enough for me to do it either :-) | 01:38 |
mornfall | now that's a good argument | 01:38 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: ah okay. i thought i was the only non-coder on the kcc... | 01:38 |
Hobbsee | heh @ mornfall | 01:38 |
mornfall | i should use it to close annoying wishlist items | 01:39 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: well, if you want to do everything, you will do everything badly ;) | 01:39 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: well...true | 01:39 |
mornfall | you could still learn being a really good sysadmin, earn loads of money and pay me to do it for you :] | 01:39 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: hehe, good point ;) | 01:40 |
Hobbsee | hehe @ mornfall | 01:40 |
Lure | mornfall: that is even better one...;-) | 01:40 |
kmon | Riddell: how do I unisnstall build-deps of a package? | 01:40 |
kmon | I would like to Undo yesterday ooo try | 01:41 |
mornfall | i sort of hate planet | 01:41 |
Hobbsee | mornfall: why so? what's it done now? | 01:42 |
Hobbsee | kmon: apart from removing them one by one, manually? i dont know | 01:42 |
kmon | where's apt log? | 01:42 |
mornfall | Hobbsee: it shows my posts twice :p | 01:42 |
Hobbsee | kmon: besides, why are you not building in a pbuilder, if you want to avoid a lot of dev stuff on your computer | 01:42 |
kmon | I only see aptitude's | 01:42 |
mornfall | ohwell | 01:42 |
Hobbsee | mornfall: ah, great | 01:42 |
kmon | Hobbsee: because I'm really new to all this | 01:43 |
kmon | :) | 01:43 |
=== Hobbsee didnt think kmon was new | ||
kmon | hehe | 01:43 |
Hobbsee | kmon: see your private link from ubotu | 01:43 |
kmon | thanks | 01:43 |
kmon | and the apt log? | 01:44 |
kmon | can't find it in /var/log | 01:44 |
jpatrick | /var/log/dpg | 01:45 |
jpatrick | dpkg | 01:45 |
kmon | thanks jpatrick | 01:46 |
=== kmon goes to eat | ||
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jpatrick | imbrandon_: maybe you should get an ubuntu cloak | 01:52 |
imbrandon_ | jpatrick: yes i'm just waiting on seveas or lilo to do it | 01:55 |
Hobbsee | imbrandon_: poke seveas to do it, when you see him around | 01:56 |
imbrandon_ | seveas said a few weeks ago that he was going to take care of it but nothing yet, he was probbly busy with dapper release | 01:56 |
imbrandon_ | yea i will again , was just giving him some breathing room ;) | 01:56 |
Hobbsee | :) | 01:56 |
imbrandon_ | btw heya Hobbsee jpatrick | 01:56 |
=== Hobbsee waves to imbrandon_ | ||
jpatrick | hey | 01:57 |
=== imbrandon_ kicks javascript | ||
=== jpatrick loves bootlegs | ||
imbrandon_ | heh , bootleg what ? | 02:05 |
jpatrick | [[Bootleg] ] | 02:05 |
imbrandon_ | oh | 02:05 |
imbrandon_ | ;) | 02:05 |
=== Tonio_ packages gnash to give a shot ;) | ||
MidMark | Tonio_: system services is part of kde-guidance? | 02:06 |
imbrandon_ | yea i threw apt-mirror up on REVU yesterday if anyone wants to give it a look ;) * not like theres not plenty of time for edgy hehe * | 02:06 |
Tonio_ | MidMark: yup, developped by _Sime | 02:07 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: looks like you're right.... libgtk2.0-dev is now required as a build dep... | 02:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: debian folder is outdated... | 02:11 |
Riddell | Tonio_: is cairo needed? | 02:12 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I didn't finished the build-dep new list, but I will tell you | 02:12 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: ./macros/cairo.m4 looks like yes but I don't know if that's an option... | 02:14 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I thought gnash was opengl based... | 02:14 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: looks like it can be compiled with cairo, but that's an option.... I have to perform the full packaging to be sure | 02:17 |
=== \sh [n=shermann@xdsl-81-173-235-52.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | moins | 02:21 |
Hobbsee | hey \sh :) | 02:21 |
\sh | I'm tired :( | 02:23 |
Tonio_ | hey \sh ;) | 02:23 |
\sh | Riddell: I updated to 3.5.3 and suddenly the kdm login input fields are missing a frame... | 02:23 |
Tonio_ | \sh: confirmed | 02:24 |
=== Hobbsee didnt notice it | ||
Riddell | \sh: I saw that too | 02:25 |
Riddell | I wonder if you have to explicity turn them on now | 02:26 |
\sh | Riddell: another thing in kubiquity ;) I added 4 partitions and when you are at the stage where you define the mountpoints, it's going out of the frame | 02:28 |
\sh | I wonder if we can change the UI to kdevdesigner widgets and find a better way for this UI | 02:29 |
jpatrick | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/755371 | 02:29 |
jpatrick | that's just annoying | 02:29 |
Riddell | \sh: got a screenshot? | 02:31 |
\sh | Riddell: I provide one on tuesday when I install the next t43 | 02:32 |
Riddell | jpatrick: put generate_oxy_theme.sh in theme/ | 02:32 |
Riddell | cd theme/ && ./generate_oxy_theme.sh | 02:33 |
jpatrick | Riddell: it just won't run it | 02:33 |
MidMark | \sh: also for me, but the gui add the fifth elemnt at the point you set the mount point for the forth | 02:33 |
MidMark | \sh: of course it is not so user friendly | 02:33 |
Riddell | jpatrick: using cd in a makefile doesn't work, you need to have it on the same line as the command | 02:34 |
Riddell | cd theme/ && ./generate_oxy_theme.sh | 02:34 |
\sh | MidMark: well, it's a problem with the frame widget around this... | 02:34 |
MidMark | \sh: out of frame you mean out of the window? Ah no it is another problem peraphs | 02:34 |
\sh | no... | 02:34 |
\sh | out of a frame... | 02:34 |
MidMark | \sh: that means? | 02:34 |
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\sh__ | grmpf | 02:36 |
=== \sh__ is now known as \sh | ||
\sh | MidMark: there is a frame widget around the list of partitions and mountpoints | 02:36 |
\sh | MidMark: this frame is not resized properly | 02:36 |
MidMark | \sh: I had no problems with 5 partitions, probably the resolution can be the trick? Mine was 1024x768 | 02:37 |
\sh | MidMark: 1400xsomething | 02:37 |
MidMark | something less or more than 768? I think more... | 02:38 |
\sh | MidMark: ati graphicscard in an ibm t43 | 02:38 |
\sh | MidMark: window was maximized | 02:38 |
MidMark | that is strange, I have also a screenshot... | 02:38 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: confirmed, it is possible (according to the readme) to build gnash without gtk/cairo if we use opengl | 02:40 |
MidMark | \sh: http://img204.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot224ml.png | 02:44 |
\sh | MidMark: and the frame wasn't resized during my install | 02:45 |
Riddell | Tonio_: interesting | 02:45 |
\sh | but it could also be a glitch with native xorg ati drivers | 02:45 |
MidMark | \sh: understood now, I used nv native xorg | 02:46 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: well, the readme claims this, but I have a few issues disabling the gtk features ;) maybe the readme is outdated too :( | 02:46 |
Tonio_ | \sh: agree yes.. | 02:46 |
\sh | IMHO a better ui approach would be to have a klistview with listviewitems | 02:47 |
\sh | and one cell shows the partition, the other cell shows a dropdown with the mountpoints, needs to be editable, and the next cell shows a checkbox for "format" | 02:47 |
\sh | the list is scrollable, and we don't have problems with resizing frames anymore | 02:48 |
MidMark | \sh: yep, also adding rows can be more easy, just adding an "add" and "remove" buttons for ex | 02:49 |
MidMark | guys I have left 3 problems: 1) why my network at boot doesn't ask for an ip from the router's dhcp? I need to disable and enable in order to have one... | 02:51 |
\sh | MidMark: networkmanager installed? | 02:51 |
MidMark | \sh: if not by default then not... I'll see | 02:52 |
\sh | MidMark: if not, it should ask by default...or the nic is not initialized when dhcp is starting..... | 02:53 |
MidMark | \sh: not installed, I have to install it in order to have a simply dhcp? | 02:53 |
\sh | MidMark: no...check /etc/network/interfaces.. | 02:54 |
\sh | MidMark: auth eth0 and iface eth0 inet dhcp should be there somehow | 02:54 |
\sh | auto eth0 sorry not auth | 02:54 |
\sh | MidMark: and it's working normally, checked it yesterday during my installs | 02:55 |
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marco_ | \sh: I'm Midmark, nope with settings you said ip is not released for me | 03:02 |
Hobbsee | marco_: why dont you ghost midmark? | 03:03 |
marco_ | Hobbsee: waiting for timeout | 03:03 |
Hobbsee | marco_: if it's registered, you can ghost it | 03:03 |
Hobbsee | freenode doesnt often time out nicks :( | 03:03 |
marco_ | it's not registered | 03:03 |
Hobbsee | ah | 03:04 |
\sh | marco_: hmm...can you check the syslog etc. to see if he tries to do a dhcprequest? | 03:04 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: you'll love this ;) there is several gui configurable, gtk, sdl or kde ;) | 03:05 |
Tonio_ | hehe | 03:05 |
Tonio_ | but the documentation is almost incomplete...... | 03:05 |
marco_ | \sh: 03/06/2006 15:00:52localhostdhclientDHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 | 03:05 |
marco_ | \sh: yes it does, but no ip, I have to disable and enable via gui, then I have an ip | 03:06 |
\sh | marco_: hmmm..try it from the commandline with sudo dhclient3 eth0 | 03:07 |
\sh | but it should work, or your dhcp is not fast enough to answer the request :) | 03:07 |
marco_ | now I have an ip bacause i have disable/enabled eth0... I have to reboot? | 03:07 |
marco_ | \sh: works with breezy before... timeout is changed? | 03:08 |
\sh | marco_: i thought so | 03:11 |
marco_ | \sh: there is in order: dhcprelease on eth0, dhcpack from, dhcpdiscover on eth0 to, a dhcpoffer from and a dhcprequest on eth0 to port 67 that is strange | 03:11 |
marco_ | \sh: see this http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/755457 there is a "network unreachable" | 03:13 |
\sh | marco_: strange network ;) | 03:14 |
marco_ | anyway here dhcp doesn't work, only static ips | 03:15 |
marco_ | of course I cannot enabled/disabled all the times I boot | 03:15 |
\sh | marco_: i think it's a timeout problem or something which has to do with initialization of the card... | 03:16 |
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MidMark | \sh: should I bug report? | 03:16 |
\sh | MidMark: pls file a bug with this pastebin output and what router you have, and the NIC hardware etc. | 03:16 |
MidMark | \sh: ok :) | 03:16 |
MidMark | 2) during installation hw-detect I think fails to recognize the native resolution of my lcd, I have changed the monitor from generic monitor and putted 1280x1024, all is ok except this change is only for my user, when I back to the login screen is 1024x768 that is frustrating | 03:18 |
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imbrandon_ | did you change the default in xorg.conf or just in the kde control pannel | 03:22 |
imbrandon_ | kdm uses whats in xorg | 03:22 |
imbrandon_ | correct ? | 03:22 |
MidMark | imbrandon_: I have changed in control panel with admin password, yes changed also xorg.conf but the login is still in 1024x768 I think | 03:24 |
MidMark | yes, kdm take which resolution? xorg.conf? | 03:28 |
\sh | laters | 03:28 |
kmon | jpatrick: how are you doing with the oxygen package? :) | 03:42 |
jpatrick | kmon: it takes ages to build | 03:43 |
kmon | are those icons in svg or pixmaps? (or both) | 03:43 |
jpatrick | and keeps saying: inkscape:7366): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_display_list_devices: assertion `GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display)' failed | 03:44 |
jpatrick | SVG | 03:44 |
kmon | how does kde3 handle svg icons? AFAIk wallpapers aren't well supported | 03:44 |
kmon | or at least that's my experience | 03:44 |
apokryphos | wallpaper is very well supported | 03:44 |
apokryphos | but svg for iconsets isn't very well supported yet | 03:45 |
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip24-250-225-41.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | KDE uses libart for both SVG wallpapers and icon sets | 03:45 |
Riddell | it's not great | 03:45 |
kmon | I've tried to change a kdm theme with svg and it didn't look correctly | 03:45 |
apokryphos | wasn't it you that added svg support for wallpapers to kde? ;-) | 03:45 |
Riddell | yes | 03:46 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: fyi, gnash give the possibility to build a kpart (klash), sounds very very cool ;) | 03:46 |
apokryphos | good stuff 8) | 03:46 |
Riddell | Tonio_: I'll believe it when I see it :) | 03:46 |
jpatrick | Tonio_: that is old | 03:47 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: I'm reading the complete doc actually ;) but opengl + dsl + klash would make it independant from gtk or even mozilla plugin ;) | 03:47 |
Tonio_ | jpatrick: yes but it wasn't working before, when the doc actually says it works ;) | 03:47 |
jpatrick | cool | 03:47 |
bddebian | Hello | 03:48 |
jpatrick | hi bddebian | 03:49 |
kmon | Hobbsee: I've added some package recommendations to your "anything else?" in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings | 03:49 |
bddebian | Hello jpatrick | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | kmon: cool :) i just saw the email notification for it | 03:49 |
=== Hobbsee tries to remember what she wrote while looking at that. | ||
kmon | basically I think it would be cool to have updated packages or most used apps | 03:50 |
bddebian | Hi Hobbsee | 03:50 |
kmon | multimedia | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | heya bddebian | 03:50 |
kmon | office | 03:50 |
kmon | and kde | 03:50 |
=== jpatrick slightly edits page | ||
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kmon | as long as they work in amd64 ;) (which is my arch and it's giving problems lately) | 03:51 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 03:51 |
kubuntutaotao | my desktop cd is not installed,why | 03:52 |
Riddell | kubuntutaotao: ? | 03:52 |
jpatrick | this thing takes ages to build | 03:55 |
freeflying|away | Riddell: kubuntutaotao can not use livecd | 03:55 |
freeflying|away | Riddell: seems something not good with ati's driver | 03:56 |
kubuntutaotao | Ridde11:the drivers of ati is not fit my ATI video card,in installing,black screen | 03:56 |
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jpatrick | i see freeflying|away's psyhic | 03:56 |
kubuntutaotao | Ridde11:i did not see anything,then i could not install system | 03:57 |
kubuntutaotao | Riddell, "kubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso" is livecd? | 03:58 |
apokryphos | kubuntutaotao: desktop CD, which is a Live CD with an installer | 03:58 |
Riddell | try the alternate CD then and fiddle with your xorg.conf later | 04:00 |
kubuntutaotao | apokryphos, faint... | 04:01 |
freeflying|away | kubuntutaotao: are you ok? | 04:01 |
apokryphos | kubuntutaotao: #kubuntu is more suited for support, too :) | 04:01 |
kubuntutaotao | Riddell, ok.i try it out | 04:01 |
kubuntutaotao | freeflying|away, ok.i try it agian.but alternate,maybe installed ever. | 04:03 |
kubuntutaotao | apokryphos, :) thx.i try "alternate" agian | 04:03 |
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kmon | Riddell: I've started filing bugs about your unofficial packages in here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuUnofficialPackages I don't know if you're aware | 04:21 |
=== Hobbsee frowns. seems that throwing people off cliffs is against the CoC. | ||
kmon | Hobbsee: wrong channel ;) | 04:22 |
=== Hobbsee shrugs | ||
Hobbsee | yes, but it's more okay to be crazy and offtopic in here than it is in u-devel | 04:23 |
kmon | Hobbsee: isn't that a conversation in u-devel? | 04:23 |
kmon | ohh | 04:23 |
kmon | ok | 04:23 |
Hobbsee | it was, yeah :P | 04:23 |
kmon | you were just pointing it out for k-devel | 04:23 |
kmon | ok | 04:23 |
kmon | hehe | 04:23 |
Hobbsee | yes. mind you, that does exclude some painful users. | 04:24 |
kmon | ? | 04:24 |
Hobbsee | who if they come to the next meeting and disrupt yet again....well... | 04:24 |
jpatrick | these icons are still building after one hour | 04:24 |
imbrandon_ | jez jpatrick | 04:24 |
Hobbsee | ouch jpatrick! | 04:25 |
kmon | english is not my native language... | 04:25 |
Hobbsee | kmon: there are various annoying users - one in particular...who a lot of people would like to mute. he might get thrown off a cliff :P | 04:25 |
imbrandon_ | kmon: dont feel bad , it is mine and i have a hard time with it at times ;) | 04:25 |
jpatrick | kmon: y castellano no es la mia :P | 04:25 |
kmon | Hobbsee: I'm sorry to hear that | 04:26 |
jpatrick | Hobbsee: lol | 04:26 |
Riddell | kmon: I am now | 04:26 |
kmon | imbrandon_: I'm supposed to speak english fluently... or at least 4 years ago... my university studies have left it as a low priority | 04:27 |
imbrandon_ | ;) | 04:27 |
kmon | jpatrick: :P | 04:27 |
kmon | Riddell: great | 04:27 |
jpatrick | Riddell: do you know how I could remove these errors? They're slowing down the build process http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/755571 | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | kmon: that amarok bug is already listed on launchpad | 04:29 |
Riddell | jpatrick: no idea | 04:29 |
jpatrick | running ./gener*.sh takes a minute but in pbuilder an hour | 04:30 |
Riddell | probably the lack of X confuses inkscape | 04:30 |
Riddell | explicity unsettings DISPLAY might help | 04:31 |
jpatrick | oh great | 04:31 |
jpatrick | it finished building | 04:31 |
jpatrick | then... | 04:31 |
jpatrick | cd theme/oxygen && cp -r * debian/kde-icons-oxygen/usr/share/icons/oxygen | 04:31 |
jpatrick | cp: target `debian/kde-icons-oxygen/usr/share/icons/oxygen' is not a directory | 04:31 |
kmon | Hobbsee: ok, thanks | 04:31 |
kmon | I'm polishing the page a bit | 04:31 |
Riddell | you'll be wanting to mkdir -p that directory first | 04:32 |
Riddell | you probably also want to touch a build-stamp so that you don't have to make it all again if you run debuild -nc | 04:32 |
jpatrick | I put "kde-icons-oxygen/usr/share/icons/oxygen" into debian/dirs | 04:32 |
jpatrick | maybe without kde-icons-oxygen... | 04:33 |
Riddell | sounds like a good idea | 04:34 |
jpatrick | how do I unset DISPLAY? | 04:34 |
apachelogger | unset DISPLAY ;-) | 04:34 |
jpatrick | woah | 04:35 |
imbrandon_ | ssh | 04:36 |
imbrandon_ | grr whoops | 04:36 |
jpatrick | apachelogger: hmm, command not found | 04:40 |
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apachelogger | jpatrick: btw, why would you unset the display? | 04:41 |
jpatrick | stop inkscape from being confused | 04:41 |
apachelogger | Oo | 04:42 |
apachelogger | jpatrick: unsetting the display will probably confuse it anymore | 04:42 |
apachelogger | just set it wherever inkscape is running on | 04:42 |
jpatrick | as in http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/755571 | 04:42 |
apachelogger | env | grep DISPLAY | 04:43 |
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jpatrick | DISPLAY=:0.0 | 04:43 |
apachelogger | omg | 04:43 |
apachelogger | why is inkspace confused then?! | 04:44 |
jpatrick | in pbuilder :P | 04:44 |
apachelogger | ah! | 04:44 |
apachelogger | well | 04:44 |
apachelogger | unsetting will probably not help | 04:44 |
apachelogger | ...as in same errors will happen | 04:44 |
jpatrick | any suggestions? | 04:44 |
apachelogger | jpatrick: start crying ;-) | 04:44 |
apachelogger | jpatrick: does it influence the exporting? | 04:45 |
jpatrick | apachelogger: there is no exporting | 04:45 |
apachelogger | uhm, not god | 04:45 |
apachelogger | good probably ;-) | 04:46 |
jpatrick | apachelogger: anyhoo we're all made of stars :P | 04:46 |
apachelogger | so true that is :P | 04:46 |
apachelogger | jpatrick: export without display set works for me | 04:49 |
apachelogger | but the no gui option for inkscape doesn't ;-) | 04:50 |
jpatrick | I don't know what pbuilder sets it as | 04:50 |
=== jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
apachelogger | wtf | 04:51 |
apachelogger | bah, script broken | 04:52 |
apachelogger | jpatrick: inkscape --without-gui --export-png="../oxygen/128x128/"$( echo $icon | cut -d . -f -1 ).png --export-dpi=72 --export-background-opacity=0 --export-width=128 --export-height=128 $icon > /dev/null | 04:53 |
apachelogger | note the --without-gui | 04:53 |
apachelogger | maybe it works for you | 04:53 |
jeroenvrp | is it a known issue in kubuntu's kde 3.5.3 that /media/hdc are not automatically mounted (by HAL I presume) ? | 04:54 |
jpatrick | apachelogger: hey, grrovy | 04:54 |
abattoir | Riddell: I have modified the wiki( i think you have had a look at it), i posted the link at #ubuntu-devel, but Kamion doesnt seem to be around. | 04:54 |
imbrandon | jeroenvrp, my /media/hdc mounts auto ( its my cdrom ) also my dev burner mounts /media/hdd | 04:54 |
imbrandon | ^^ kde 3.5.3 | 04:55 |
abattoir | i have a question before starting the porting process. ;) | 04:55 |
jeroenvrp | imbrandon: that is strange, I have myself and another user havinf the same exact problmes | 04:55 |
jeroenvrp | imbrandon: what is your dvd /etc/fstab line? | 04:55 |
jeroenvrp | 3 users allready | 04:56 |
imbrandon | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:56 |
imbrandon | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:56 |
imbrandon | both automount when i put a cd/dvd in | 04:56 |
imbrandon | ones is a cd/r and ones is a dvd+r | 04:56 |
jeroenvrp | odd | 04:56 |
jeroenvrp | I have the same line | 04:57 |
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jeroenvrp | the first one | 04:57 |
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imbrandon | tried remmoveing the noauto ? | 04:58 |
=== \sh [n=shermann@xdsl-84-44-156-168.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | re | 05:00 |
jeroenvrp | imbrandon: no, but you have it and was always there | 05:00 |
jeroenvrp | but I will try | 05:00 |
jeroenvrp | imbrandon: that works | 05:01 |
jeroenvrp | well that is strange | 05:01 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD950A6E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jeroenvrp | why doesnt work with some and the way around | 05:01 |
imbrandon | jeroenvrp, no clue ... | 05:02 |
jeroenvrp | Riddell: are you there | 05:02 |
Riddell | anyone have news for UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter? | 05:02 |
Riddell | jeroenvrp: hi | 05:02 |
jeroenvrp | we have an automount bug in 3.5.3 | 05:02 |
jeroenvrp | some people have it, some don | 05:03 |
jeroenvrp | t | 05:03 |
imbrandon | thats more of ubuntu not kde 3.5.3 specific | 05:03 |
jeroenvrp | it has to do with , automount | 05:03 |
jeroenvrp | I mean ,noauto in /etc/fstab | 05:03 |
imbrandon | Riddell, not i ( news that is ) | 05:03 |
jeroenvrp | imbrandon: has this, me to | 05:03 |
jeroenvrp | his works, ny won't | 05:03 |
jeroenvrp | I remove it and know mine works | 05:04 |
jeroenvrp | imbrandon: can you try to also remove it | 05:04 |
imbrandon | jeroenvrp, i did thats why i sugested it to you | 05:04 |
jeroenvrp | imbrandon: ooooh | 05:04 |
jeroenvrp | so somehow before 3.5.3 nboauto was ignored | 05:05 |
kmon | Riddell: edgy is about to start. How about a call for specs? | 05:05 |
imbrandon | but as i said thats more base ubuntu not kde 3.5.3 specific , as kde dosent touch the /etc/fstab as far as i know ( other than to reaad it ) | 05:05 |
imbrandon | Riddell, yea call for specs ;) | 05:05 |
imbrandon | hehe | 05:05 |
jeroenvrp | imbrandon: in 3.5.2 it worked | 05:06 |
kmon | and maybe leak the kde devs that are invited to attend the paris summit | 05:06 |
jeroenvrp | oh wait | 05:06 |
jeroenvrp | I recreated my homedir | 05:06 |
Riddell | kmon: good idea | 05:06 |
apachelogger | jpatrick: works now? | 05:07 |
abattoir | Riddell: busy? ;) | 05:07 |
abattoir | i have a question about the initial porting proces... | 05:08 |
kmon | Riddell: write something about google SoC proyects relateed to kubuntu if it hasn't been included in other newsletters | 05:08 |
jpatrick | apachelogger: trying to remember how to patch... | 05:08 |
abattoir | Riddell: should i use qwidgetfactory to load widgets from the .ui files dynamically(like being done w/ glade) or should i use pyuic? | 05:09 |
abattoir | *QWidgetFactory :) | 05:10 |
Riddell | abattoir: in python you can also include kdesigner | 05:10 |
Riddell | "import kdedesigner" | 05:11 |
Riddell | "from myuifile import MyUIClass" | 05:11 |
Riddell | but it only works if the file is in the same directory | 05:11 |
abattoir | Riddell: oh... ok, i'll have a look at it :) | 05:12 |
abattoir | I can start work right? | 05:12 |
Riddell | please do! | 05:12 |
abattoir | or should i wait till the spec is approved? | 05:12 |
Riddell | nah, just mind and poke kamion on monday | 05:13 |
Riddell | how are you planning to start? | 05:13 |
Riddell | and where will your code be? | 05:13 |
abattoir | Riddell: i've looked at the oem-config code | 05:13 |
abattoir | i'll create a paralell directory and work on it | 05:13 |
abattoir | modify glade widgets to Qt ones. | 05:14 |
Riddell | does colin have an archive for oem-config? | 05:14 |
abattoir | there is a package called oem-config | 05:14 |
abattoir | i think main | 05:14 |
Riddell | http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/oem-config/mainline/ | 05:14 |
abattoir | one sec | 05:14 |
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Riddell | so you should install bzr | 05:15 |
Riddell | and bzr branch http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/oem-config/mainline/ | 05:15 |
abattoir | Riddell: ok... | 05:15 |
\sh | Riddell: import kdedesigner is not a good approach..it slows down the startup, just kdepyuic the widgets in a makefile | 05:16 |
Riddell | then bzr add, bzr commit are your friends | 05:16 |
Riddell | bzr log to see the revision history | 05:16 |
Riddell | bzr merge to pick up new changes from colin | 05:16 |
jpatrick | Riddell: what were the commands to patch? for something... | 05:16 |
Riddell | and rsync it to a web server somewhere | 05:17 |
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Riddell | jpatrick: patch -p0 < foo.diff | 05:17 |
Riddell | \sh: tell it to abattoir :) | 05:17 |
abattoir | Riddell: ok thanks :) and about what \sh said? | 05:17 |
abattoir | aah ok :) | 05:17 |
Riddell | you could also look up how to do a bzr push instead of rsync | 05:18 |
\sh | abattoir: if you create a pykde app don't use pyuic, but the pykde tool :) | 05:18 |
abattoir | \sh: then it is better to use pyuic? | 05:18 |
Riddell | export BZREMAIL="Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>" before any commit | 05:18 |
Riddell | with your name and e-mail of course | 05:18 |
\sh | abattoir: yes | 05:18 |
Riddell | \sh: use kdepyuic not pyuic | 05:18 |
Riddell | abattoir: ^^ | 05:19 |
\sh | abattoir: but use kdepyuic for pyqt+pykde widgets | 05:19 |
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-70-148.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
imbrandon | \sh, can you use qt4 designer *.ui files with pykde ? ( curious for myself ) | 05:19 |
abattoir | \sh and Riddell: ok, thanks | 05:19 |
\sh | imbrandon: I think with pyqt4 | 05:19 |
imbrandon | k | 05:19 |
Riddell | oh that's a point, you might want to do this in qt 4 | 05:19 |
Riddell | if you're feeling adventurous | 05:19 |
imbrandon | ;) | 05:19 |
jpatrick | Riddell: for debian/rules ? | 05:19 |
Riddell | but we don't have python packages for pyqt 4 yet | 05:19 |
abattoir | Riddell: i have no problem, anyways i'll be learning a lot :) | 05:20 |
\sh | oh fun...I should start and have a look at pyqt4 packages ;) | 05:20 |
imbrandon | Riddell, i noticed ;) | 05:20 |
Riddell | jpatrick: cdbs or debhelper? | 05:20 |
=== kmon leaves | ||
kmon | bye everyone | 05:20 |
jpatrick | debhelper | 05:20 |
imbrandon | l8tr kmon | 05:20 |
jpatrick | bye kmon | 05:20 |
\sh | Riddell: when will hurd^Wkde4 be released? ;) | 05:21 |
abattoir | Riddell: so a kde vesion of oem-config would be called separately(like Ubiquity)? | 05:21 |
Riddell | jpatrick: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/755677 | 05:21 |
abattoir | Riddell: I mean something like 'oem-config kde-ui' ? | 05:21 |
imbrandon | koem-config possibly ;) | 05:21 |
Riddell | \sh: preview release in october | 05:22 |
\sh | ubiquity for kubuntu is named kubiquity ;) | 05:22 |
Riddell | abattoir: yeah, something like that | 05:22 |
Riddell | abattoir: look at how ubiquity does it | 05:22 |
\sh | Riddell: so for edgy it's still qt3 and kde3 | 05:22 |
jpatrick | Riddell: that's what I needed! thanks. | 05:22 |
abattoir | Riddell: i'll do that too... | 05:22 |
Riddell | \sh: ubiquity for kubuntu is NOT NOT NOT kubiquity :) | 05:22 |
\sh | Riddell: hehehe | 05:22 |
imbrandon | hehehe | 05:22 |
Riddell | \sh: qt 4 will be in, kde 4 probably not | 05:22 |
\sh | Riddell: hmm...so I need to test kde3 compiled with qt4 ... | 05:23 |
Riddell | silly Ubugtu wants too look up kde bug 4 each time I say kde 4 | 05:23 |
imbrandon | lol | 05:23 |
Riddell | \sh: err, that won't work | 05:23 |
Riddell | qt 3 will still be in | 05:23 |
\sh | Riddell: that's what i meant, if we want a kde application for oem installer, we need to play still with pyqt3/pykde3 | 05:24 |
imbrandon | Riddell, arent qt4 libs already in dapper ? ( wellif you install them from the repos ? ) | 05:24 |
Riddell | imbrandon: not main | 05:24 |
imbrandon | ahh | 05:24 |
\sh | because pyqt4 is still alpha/beta and pykde4 is a long road | 05:24 |
Riddell | \sh: well he could do it in qt 4 and pyqt 4, but he's have to wait for pyqt 4 to be packaged, he wouldn't have KDE integration and there would be no example code to copy | 05:25 |
imbrandon | \sh, both the qt3 and qt4 libs will be in edgy, but the wm will be kde3 | 05:25 |
Riddell | \sh: if it's still beta you're quite right, he should stick to pykde 3 | 05:25 |
\sh | Riddell: torsten is working on pyqt4 packaging afaik, but I still have to read pykde ml | 05:26 |
imbrandon | py apps shouldent be hard to port to qt4 later anyhow since theres a qt3 compatibility widgets | 05:26 |
Riddell | freeflying-g4: ping | 05:26 |
Riddell | freeflying-g4: "who's responsible for the www.ubuntu.org.cn site? there's a broken link there pointing to shipit" | 05:26 |
\sh | imbrandon: the problem is not the python app, the problem is the pyqt4 lib ;) | 05:27 |
imbrandon | true ;) | 05:27 |
_Sime | IIRC, PyQt4 doesn't have the compat stuff. | 05:27 |
imbrandon | ouch | 05:27 |
_Sime | well, Qt4 has a C++ tool for converting qt3 code to qt4 code+compat widgets. | 05:28 |
_Sime | python doesn't have that. | 05:28 |
_Sime | the Qt3 compat widgets have different names. | 05:28 |
imbrandon | \sh, so whats the diff between pyuic ( what i use right now with qt3 designer files ) and pykde ? | 05:28 |
imbrandon | _Sime, yea i knew there was diff names just knew they was also there | 05:29 |
Riddell | imbrandon: kdepyuic works with KDE widgets | 05:29 |
imbrandon | like qttest is qt3test etc | 05:29 |
\sh | imbrandon: pyuic just imports import qt; and kdepyuic is added import kdecore to the resulting python files generated from the .ui files | 05:29 |
\sh | oh wow | 05:29 |
_Sime | imbrandon: I think it also does the i18n() in a KDE way and not in a Qt way (with tr() ) | 05:29 |
\sh | let me rephrase | 05:29 |
\sh | imbrandon: pyuic imports qt, and kdepyuic is adding kdecore and kdeui (i think) to the generated python code | 05:30 |
imbrandon | _Sime, ahh | 05:30 |
\sh | _Sime: that you can change with pyuic | 05:30 |
\sh | -tr func Use func() rather than QApplication.translate() for i18n | 05:31 |
yuriy | Riddell: I started: wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEGuidanceWineSpec | 05:31 |
imbrandon | \sh, ahh ok , i see now, was just wondering as i'm just now learning py/qt stuff ( i've been stuck in mono c# for ages ) | 05:31 |
Riddell | yuriy: rocking! | 05:31 |
_Sime | \sh: I believe you. :) | 05:31 |
\sh | _Sime: but I don't believe me sometimes ;) | 05:32 |
imbrandon | and mono gui apps are hard to make kdeish as the kde bindings are young and mostly windows.forms uses gtk# or wine | 05:32 |
imbrandon | so onto py/qt it was for me ;) | 05:33 |
\sh | imbrandon: i thought qt# was abandoned | 05:33 |
imbrandon | \sh, yea abandond in a young state | 05:33 |
imbrandon | ie not useable | 05:33 |
_Sime | the .net + Qt/KDE bindings have been getting a little bit of attention lately. | 05:33 |
_Sime | but it is far from stable | 05:33 |
imbrandon | which realy sucks for guys like me that use kde totaly and use c# | 05:34 |
_Sime | I don't know if Richard is going to spend more time on it for KDE4. | 05:34 |
imbrandon | i either have to learn something else for my gui apps like py or use gtk ;) | 05:34 |
\sh | imbrandon: then don't use c# ;) | 05:34 |
=== _Sime would like to try Boo with KDE/Qt. | ||
imbrandon | hehe i've been using c# for quite a few years \sh old habbits are hard to break ;) | 05:35 |
imbrandon | but yea , thats why mainly i've been learning pyqt | 05:35 |
_Sime | cool | 05:35 |
imbrandon | and i guess pykde would be a better choice ;) | 05:35 |
Riddell | yuriy: what revision control are you using and where is it available? | 05:36 |
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\sh | imbrandon: the same phrase I used when some guys wanted to force me to switch to python...I said "No, I've been using perl for more then 9 years now, and I don't change my language to python" | 05:36 |
imbrandon | heheh ;) | 05:37 |
\sh | well, I'm using both now ;) | 05:37 |
imbrandon | well i never pay'ed python much attn till now becosue scripting ( like for my websites ) has always been php so no need for me to leanr it till now | 05:37 |
imbrandon | yea looks like i'll be a php/python/c# guy ;) | 05:38 |
imbrandon | instead of php/c# ;) | 05:38 |
imbrandon | btw the php gtk rocks but again phpqt sucks ;) | 05:38 |
imbrandon | heheh seems like a catch 22 most times | 05:38 |
\sh | please remind me: If I will ever write a UI app in php with whatever toolkit, please shoot me on sight | 05:39 |
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\sh | well, remind me first, then shoot me | 05:39 |
imbrandon | \sh, hahaha i've had to a few times, makes a GREAT rad tool for windows/linux cross dev , then later to be converted when time permits | 05:39 |
imbrandon | php impot the glade files and be done, works on windows/linux with no code changes etc etc , but thats a diff story altogather ;) | 05:40 |
yuriy | Riddell: KDE SVN, but I haven't made any commits yet | 05:40 |
imbrandon | and i'm sure the same can be said for python, but as i said i already knew php at the time so there was no need | 05:41 |
imbrandon | \sh, no pykde package, it it called something else ? | 05:43 |
\sh | imbrandon: python2.4-kde3 | 05:43 |
imbrandon | k | 05:43 |
imbrandon | heh was gonna try it out ;) | 05:43 |
\sh | imbrandon: better to install python-kde3 and python-kde3-dev | 05:44 |
imbrandon | k yea i think i have those for pyuic but i'll make sure | 05:44 |
\sh | imbrandon: in python-kde3-dev there is the kdepyuic... | 05:44 |
imbrandon | kk brb someone at the front door | 05:45 |
abattoir | Riddell: is there any specific place where i am expected to put the code? | 05:52 |
abattoir | i mean online.... | 05:52 |
Riddell | abattoir: any web server | 05:52 |
Riddell | abattoir: have you branched colin's code? | 05:53 |
abattoir | Riddell: nope just installed bzr, and d'loaded ubiquity.... | 05:53 |
abattoir | i'll do that now | 05:53 |
abattoir | Riddell: then give me a week's time till i get myself a hosting service ;) | 05:53 |
abattoir | or would that e late? | 05:54 |
abattoir | *be | 05:54 |
Riddell | abattoir: I can give you an account somewhere if you need it | 05:54 |
abattoir | Riddell: that'd be great :) | 05:54 |
abattoir | but forget it, if it'd be too much of a pain.... | 05:55 |
abattoir | need to get a site hosted soon anyways. | 05:55 |
MidMark | guys none know in the kubuntu channel -> is it possible to activate surround in amarok? I've tried variuos surround40 ecc. but no sound from rear speakers... | 05:55 |
Riddell | abattoir: /msg | 05:56 |
abattoir | Riddell: got it thanks | 05:56 |
abattoir | Riddell: i'll use it temporarily till i get a domain and a host. | 05:57 |
Riddell | cool | 05:57 |
Riddell | yuriy: thanks | 05:57 |
MidMark | is it normal? | 06:10 |
MidMark | Jun 3 16:25:33 localhost kdm_greet[5716] : Can't open default user face | 06:10 |
MidMark | Jun 3 16:25:37 localhost kdm_greet[5716] : Internal error: memory corruption detected | 06:10 |
Riddell | MidMark: it's been reported before | 06:11 |
Riddell | MidMark: do you have a .face-something file? | 06:11 |
Riddell | .face.icon | 06:11 |
MidMark | Riddell: in home? | 06:11 |
Riddell | yes | 06:11 |
MidMark | nope | 06:12 |
Riddell | hmm, maybe it breaks when you don't have one | 06:13 |
Riddell | try copying a random .png file there | 06:13 |
MidMark | there where? | 06:14 |
Riddell | ~/.face.icon | 06:14 |
MidMark | is it a dir? I have to create it? | 06:14 |
Riddell | no, a file | 06:15 |
Riddell | a PNG file | 06:15 |
MidMark | is it the user icon? | 06:16 |
Riddell | I believe so | 06:17 |
\sh | Riddell: are you already reading kurts article about kubuntu and printing? | 06:17 |
Riddell | \sh: yes | 06:17 |
Riddell | he seems to blame us for problems in CUPS | 06:17 |
\sh | Riddell: We had at the last day of linuxtag a nice chat with kurt and till | 06:18 |
\sh | Riddell: if you can manage, please invite Till to the ubuntu conf...he is working at mandriva hq in paris I think... | 06:19 |
\sh | Riddell: he was complaining about the cups stuff in ubuntu, too :) | 06:19 |
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\sh | Riddell: but the best way to solve this problem: Don't use printers, use PDF and a good document management :) | 06:21 |
Riddell | too late to get him an official invite, but I can e-mail him and suggest he drop by | 06:21 |
Riddell | that's how I solve it :) | 06:21 |
Riddell | well, I have a printer from the nice MEPIS people, it works well | 06:21 |
crimsun | a lot of people seem aggravated by that issue, but afaik it was a Debian decision to go that route; *buntu simply integrated it | 06:22 |
\sh | Riddell: yeah, just a mail to say: "Hey come over here" ;) | 06:22 |
Riddell | crimsun: which route? | 06:22 |
crimsun | Riddell: the management frontend | 06:22 |
crimsun | (are we referring to the same cups/kubuntu rant?) | 06:23 |
\sh | crimsun: yes | 06:23 |
Riddell | crimsun: Ubuntu/Kubuntu is the first distro to use CUPS 1.2, Debian hasn't changed yet | 06:24 |
\sh | crimsun: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2064 and http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2072 | 06:24 |
crimsun | ah, I haven't read 2072 | 06:24 |
\sh | crimsun: it's "printing and kubuntu live cd" | 06:24 |
crimsun | yeah, just finished reading it | 06:26 |
Riddell | I like zander's comment at the bottom :) | 06:29 |
imbrandon | hehe yea , i just finished reading it and zanders comment was the best thing about the whole page | 06:30 |
toma | Riddell: well, if you are the first that is great, but at least be responsive to bug reports and fix them quickly. | 06:31 |
crimsun | well, let's not put too much pressure on Riddell. Or if we do, we have to send lots of ponies. | 06:32 |
Riddell | toma: pitti be packaging CUPS 1.2.1 soon | 06:32 |
=== \sh can't test printing...I thrown away my last printer 4 years ago | ||
\sh | I threw away | 06:33 |
toma | crimsun: no, i'm not ranting, i need a solution, thats all. | 06:33 |
imbrandon | \sh, i have a printer ( hp psc 500 ) but i seem to never have the problems described there or other places, guess i'm just lucky | 06:34 |
toma | Riddell: the packages at http://www.grad.hr/~ivoks/ubuntu/cups don't fix anything for me, but i think 1.2.1 will solve some other problems. | 06:35 |
\sh | toma: that's ivoks cups...not pittis | 06:35 |
toma | right | 06:35 |
\sh | the right way would be: 1. pitti and Till are working together on cups stuff ;) and 2. don't use printers at all ;) | 06:37 |
pygi | \sh: first one is better :P | 06:37 |
toma | \sh: well, 2 is needed to print invoices, so I stay alive. | 06:37 |
\sh | toma: no...I need just a pdf for an invoice and gpg | 06:38 |
toma | \sh: lucky you | 06:38 |
\sh | toma: the printing is done via windows from those people paying my bill ;) | 06:39 |
jpatrick | Riddell: it lives... | 06:40 |
Riddell | jpatrick: ooh? | 06:40 |
jpatrick | kde-icons-oxygen | 06:40 |
Riddell | jpatrick: slap it on revu | 06:41 |
jpatrick | I think I should really remove the .svn dirs | 06:41 |
jpatrick | cos the .deb's full of them | 06:42 |
apachelogger | jpatrick: absolutely | 06:42 |
\sh | jpatrick: svn export instead of svn checkout? | 06:42 |
Riddell | find . -name .svn | xargs rm -rf | 06:42 |
\sh | or use riddels approach ;) | 06:42 |
MidMark | guys printing is impossible, I have added a printer and then it is disappeared | 06:43 |
toma | *sigh* | 06:43 |
MidMark | nope sorry it is present but only for amminstrator? I have to add it via non admin? | 06:43 |
jpatrick | that in debian/rules? | 06:43 |
=== nixternal prints w/o issue | ||
\sh | MidMark: the printer? how comes? aliens? scotty beamed the printer to the enterprise? ;) | 06:44 |
Riddell | jpatrick: before making the .orig | 06:44 |
MidMark | it's a canon pixma ip4200 usb | 06:44 |
imbrandon | \sh, hehe not funny my printserver is named enterprise ;) ( eg all my computers are named after federation starships ;P ) | 06:44 |
imbrandon | MidMark, #kubuntu would be a better place for support questions | 06:45 |
apachelogger | Riddell: will there be a package of kopete 0.12? | 06:45 |
Riddell | apachelogger: has it been released? | 06:46 |
imbrandon | Riddell, yes | 06:46 |
apachelogger | yup | 06:46 |
apachelogger | at least akregator told me ;-) | 06:46 |
\sh | s/kopete/psi/ much better ;) | 06:46 |
\sh | and no icq or msn | 06:46 |
imbrandon | kmess ;) | 06:46 |
Riddell | hmm, I don't konw what the best w;ay to package kopete is, if it should be a separate source package or a big patch to kdenetwork | 06:46 |
\sh | Riddell: backport patches to kdenetwork? | 06:47 |
apachelogger | well, seperate package would lead to the question how to versionize | 06:47 |
Riddell | apachelogger: so would big patch to kdenetwork | 06:48 |
apachelogger | yeah | 06:48 |
Riddell | using patches to package separate branches seems ugly | 06:48 |
\sh | Riddell: then we need to provide new releases to akregator, too | 06:48 |
Riddell | I'm minded to just have a separate source, I don't /think/ that should cause any problems | 06:49 |
Riddell | have they had a separate release too? | 06:49 |
\sh | Riddell: they had, and afaik they have | 06:49 |
imbrandon | why dosent kopete split its self from kdenetwork ? | 06:49 |
\sh | kopete is just a hell of an app | 06:49 |
\sh | imbrandon: it was separate before, then included into kdenetwork | 06:49 |
Riddell | Not here they havn't http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=15621 | 06:50 |
Riddell | imbrandon: KDE is frozen just now | 06:50 |
\sh | Riddell: then they changed their behaviour | 06:50 |
apachelogger | http://akregator.pwsp.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=13&Itemid=26 | 06:50 |
crimsun | personally I would split off kopete and rebuild kdenetwork | 06:50 |
=== imbrandon agrees with crimsun | ||
Riddell | kopete would need to be versioned 4:3.5.3-kopete0.12.0-0ubuntu1 | 06:51 |
Riddell | lovely | 06:51 |
Riddell | apachelogger: "October 2005" that's old | 06:51 |
apachelogger | so no realease | 06:51 |
apachelogger | blog also doesn't say anything about new release | 06:51 |
\sh | or don't build the kopete source in kdenetwork and attach kopetes new sources to kdenetwork source somehow..repackage it completly | 06:52 |
apachelogger | \sh: maybe you're talking about the new feature in 3.5.3? | 06:52 |
jpatrick | \sh: aka big patch | 06:52 |
\sh | apachelogger: no when akregator was included in kdenetwork/kdepim it released sometimes bugfixes | 06:52 |
\sh | apachelogger: separate from kde release | 06:52 |
apachelogger | hm | 06:52 |
\sh | apachelogger: just like kopete... | 06:52 |
apachelogger | kopete's configure possabilities are just a shame | 06:53 |
\sh | and to be honest, kopete is the worst app (next to gaim) for a kde/gnome release | 06:53 |
\sh | the plugins are most likely to fail one or two weeks after release, when aol changes their protocol again | 06:54 |
\sh | and then, they release a single kopete version which is not in the kde release tree | 06:54 |
=== apachelogger wonders | ||
crimsun | Riddell: if you're going to split out kopete's source package, why not just bump the epoch and start with 5:0.12.0-0ubuntu1? Is there any real tie to maintain compatibility? | 06:55 |
Riddell | KDE already has one of the highest epochs in use | 06:55 |
\sh | If I remeber right, the last time, for breezy, there was the same situation, breezy released, kde released as well, and icq changed their protocol, and kopete was crashing | 06:55 |
Riddell | I expect kopete to release as part of KDE again in the future | 06:55 |
apachelogger | Riddell: I think jingle support should be possible for kopete - at least Tm_T told me that it compiles without problems with dapper libortp | 06:55 |
Riddell | anyone know how tm_t versioned his packages? | 06:56 |
apachelogger | hm, there is a beta1 package | 06:57 |
\sh | Riddell: why not a separate kopete package with -0kubuntu1 ? | 06:57 |
apachelogger | Version: 5:0.12-beta1-debug-1 | 06:57 |
\sh | Riddell: for the next release we can conflict/replaces kdenetwork with kopete-0.12-0kubuntu1 ;) | 06:57 |
Riddell | there's nothing to conflict, the binary package will always be kopete | 06:58 |
\sh | it's won't even go into the official ubuntu repositories | 06:58 |
\sh | Riddell: not if we change it to "kopete_hell" ;) | 06:58 |
apachelogger | lol | 06:59 |
\sh | or just forget about kopete | 06:59 |
\sh | edgy is just 4 months away | 06:59 |
apachelogger | well | 06:59 |
apachelogger | far too much used application | 06:59 |
jpatrick | apachelogger: dude, how many amaroK's do you have running? | 07:00 |
apachelogger | huh? | 07:00 |
apachelogger | jpatrick: why? | 07:00 |
\sh | apachelogger: sad enough, we should castrate kopete to use jabber plugin only | 07:00 |
apachelogger | oohhh | 07:00 |
apachelogger | jpatrick: nice bug ;-) | 07:01 |
jpatrick | apachelogger: ;) | 07:01 |
apachelogger | \sh: oh yeah | 07:01 |
crimsun | \sh: oh I can imagine yet more angry dot posts about that one... | 07:01 |
apachelogger | that's why I hate the configure options | 07:01 |
apachelogger | I don't use msn, icq, aim, icq or anything else - just jabber | 07:01 |
\sh | crimsun: printing or kopete? ;) | 07:01 |
apachelogger | so why the hell do I have to do 45min compile just to get my jabber client up to date? | 07:01 |
crimsun | \sh: castrating kopete :) | 07:02 |
\sh | crimsun: honestly, we want to provide opensource to the world, so why should we deliver an app which is using non open sourced protocols? | 07:02 |
\sh | crimsun: but for this I can live with the rants... | 07:02 |
\sh | crimsun: the tricky part is to provide a jabber server which runs the transports and give the user the possibility to use those transports | 07:03 |
\sh | to not forget their icq buddies | 07:03 |
pygi | \sh: we had this discussion already...it's is not somewhat l | 07:05 |
pygi | clear for admin to run a server with transports enabled | 07:05 |
\sh | pygi: check jabber.org server, they don't have transports enabled, but other servers have, so jabber.org users are using public jabber icq transports e.g. on other servers (like mine) | 07:06 |
pygi | yes, indeed | 07:06 |
\sh | so problem solved, no more point releases to update for kopete, everybody happy. ;) | 07:07 |
pygi | hehe ;) | 07:07 |
pygi | If only transports would work perfectly ;) | 07:07 |
\sh | pygi: they don't have to: gmail jabber user invites msn user to gmail | 07:08 |
pygi | ah :) | 07:08 |
jpatrick | ok kde-icons-oxygen on revu | 07:08 |
pygi | jpatrick, nice ;) | 07:08 |
\sh | msn user is clicking on the invitation link, google has a new customer, and they are neighbours again ;) | 07:09 |
pygi | yes, yes, joy ;) | 07:09 |
Riddell | jpatrick: did you get the pbuilder compile time down? | 07:09 |
jpatrick | Riddell: no | 07:09 |
jpatrick | apachelogger's thing didn't work | 07:10 |
jpatrick | oh wait | 07:10 |
jpatrick | someone needs to update pbuilder on revu | 07:11 |
jpatrick | crimsun: ^ | 07:11 |
crimsun | jpatrick: not an admin, ping siretart/ajmitch/sistpoty | 07:12 |
jpatrick | oh ok | 07:12 |
\sh | i think we need to update revu to dapper ;) | 07:13 |
\sh | shermann@tiber:~$ w | 07:14 |
\sh | 13:09:35 up 175 days, 20:16, 7 users, load average: 0.03, 0.22, 0.38 | 07:14 |
\sh | jpatrick: oxygene package will be arch indep? | 07:17 |
jpatrick | \sh: yeah I forgot that | 07:17 |
apachelogger | \sh: -e ;-) | 07:17 |
\sh | jpatrick: I'm just asking, because I want it to compile on my amd64 and install it on my laptop ;) | 07:18 |
\sh | apachelogger: oxygn? | 07:18 |
\sh | ;) | 07:18 |
apachelogger | oxygen | 07:18 |
apachelogger | :P | 07:18 |
\sh | jpatrick: so archtictecture must be all, not any, right? | 07:19 |
jpatrick | \sh: fix uploaded | 07:20 |
apachelogger | oh | 07:20 |
apachelogger | 18:46:22 (108.49 KB/s) - kubuntu-6.06-dvd-i386.iso saved [3657142272/3657142272] | 07:20 |
apachelogger | :D | 07:20 |
\sh | we need a nice app for svgs..inkscape are too many gtk deps | 07:22 |
apachelogger | split inkscape | 07:22 |
apachelogger | library and frontends | 07:23 |
crimsun | multibuild hell! | 07:23 |
apachelogger | ;-) | 07:23 |
\sh | remove inkscape introduce: kink-scape | 07:23 |
apachelogger | one could also find 30 devs for karbon13 | 07:23 |
\sh | or we need something like "Knome" a KDE gnome emulator... | 07:24 |
apachelogger | hm | 07:24 |
apachelogger | isn't portland aiming to make such a thingy unneeded? | 07:25 |
\sh | apachelogger: when? after oregon is released? | 07:26 |
apachelogger | probably ;-) | 07:26 |
=== apachelogger actually thinks portland is unneeded :P | ||
apachelogger | everyone to use KDE | 07:27 |
apachelogger | http://www.linux-discount.de/merchandising/index_html/merchandising/novellfanartikel | 07:27 |
apachelogger | wtf!!!!!! | 07:27 |
apachelogger | Riddell: how's the Kubuntu merchandise machine running? | 07:27 |
\sh | kwwii: wow...great icons, but if the panel is in tiny mode, as I have it on this little piece of 12" laptop display, the crystal icons are better | 07:30 |
pygi | you could always go. assemble devs, and make QT port of Inkscape | 07:31 |
Riddell | apachelogger: it's not | 07:31 |
apachelogger | :S | 07:31 |
cmvo | Riddell: Is the kubuntu mug available somewhere? | 07:31 |
Riddell | kubuntu.de | 07:31 |
apachelogger | we need to get that stuff running - merchandise is always a good point of promotion | 07:32 |
jpatrick | ok revu deb's work | 07:32 |
\sh | cmvo: http://www.linuxshop.de/shop/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=30&products_id=241 | 07:32 |
\sh | cmvo: it's amus shop | 07:32 |
cmvo | Riddell, \sh: Ah, thanks. Just what the doctor ordered :-) | 07:33 |
\sh | apachelogger: speak with amu | 07:33 |
apachelogger | aye aye | 07:33 |
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goldenear | Tonio_: ping | 07:42 |
jpatrick | Tonio_: ping | 07:47 |
goldenear | jpatrick: Tonio_ seems to be busy :( | 08:01 |
jpatrick | goldenear: yep | 08:01 |
\sh | Riddell: I'll subscribe to the kubuntu teams again | 08:03 |
\sh | Riddell: argl..I can't subscribe, I'm deactivated | 08:04 |
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\sh | kwwii: answered your question via mail :) | 10:11 |
kwwii | cool :-) | 10:18 |
kwwii | I could reall get to like using excrytped mail | 10:18 |
kwwii | erm, spelling | 10:18 |
\sh | kwwii: we can share pr0n now ;) | 10:18 |
kwwii | lol | 10:19 |
kwwii | my friend at novell just got fired for that | 10:19 |
\sh | kwwii: that's why i don't have my gpg keys installed on my company notebook ;) | 10:19 |
\sh | I need to fix gpg to use gpg cryptosmartcards | 10:20 |
\sh | so i can carry around a pcmcia or usb device with a nice smartcard where my gpg is sleeping in piece ;) | 10:20 |
kwwii | between having pr0n on your harddrive and not giving up the key to you encrypted partition, you loose your job at suse these days | 10:21 |
kwwii | yeah, having a usbstick with it would be nice | 10:21 |
\sh | kwwii: btw..you got my message about oxygen icons and a tiny panel size? | 10:22 |
jpatrick | I just packaged Oxygen | 10:23 |
kwwii | jpatrick: where do you intend to put that? | 10:25 |
kwwii | jpatrick: would you be unhappy if I asked you to wait to put it anywhere important? | 10:26 |
jpatrick | No | 10:26 |
kwwii | it is still kinda early | 10:26 |
jpatrick | I was told to work on a package | 10:26 |
kwwii | we are working like crazy on it, so it'll be done enough to really test in a few weeks | 10:26 |
kwwii | hehe, cool | 10:26 |
kwwii | I mean, I am happy that you did it | 10:26 |
kwwii | but I would hate to start getting 100 emails telling me what is still bad about it when we are not even ready to announce a first release | 10:27 |
jpatrick | It's quite cool | 10:27 |
kwwii | thanks :-) | 10:27 |
kwwii | we will probably change the color of the default folder icon | 10:28 |
kwwii | to brown I guess | 10:28 |
kwwii | or perhaps a lighter version of brown | 10:28 |
jpatrick | <pro-kde>I like the blue</pro-kde> | 10:29 |
\sh | kwwii: but the new konqui icon is fantastic | 10:30 |
kwwii | but it looks horrible at small sizes, we have to fix that | 10:30 |
kwwii | I always use a small panel | 10:31 |
kwwii | and I just fixed the system icon for the panel as well :-) | 10:31 |
kwwii | jpatrick: you should be sure to check the script in my (Ken) dir to know how the rendering is being done | 10:32 |
\sh | oh i'm so sad, that I suck in arts, really | 10:32 |
jpatrick | kwwii: I did have an awful error | 10:33 |
jpatrick | kwwii: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/755571 | 10:33 |
=== marseillai [n=marseill@AMarseille-256-1-43-79.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
kwwii | jpatrick: well the small sizes will look half so nasty as normal without the imagemagick options | 10:33 |
jpatrick | kwwii: it slowed build time from 2 minutes to an hour | 10:34 |
kwwii | yeah, I know, but that is life | 10:34 |
kwwii | it is really cup intensive | 10:34 |
kwwii | cpu | 10:34 |
jpatrick | yeah | 10:34 |
jpatrick | Maybe I shouldn't have had amaroK running at the time... | 10:35 |
\sh | I wonder how long it takes on 2 dual core 2.2GHz Opterons with 16gb ram | 10:35 |
kwwii | we are using a different scaling filter and doing sharpening and contrast adjustment | 10:35 |
kwwii | the ram is unimportant | 10:35 |
\sh | kernel compile with make -j 4 took less then 2 minutes | 10:35 |
kwwii | the cpus make it rock | 10:35 |
\sh | I'm trying to get one from the company who is producing our servers... | 10:36 |
kwwii | when I run the script on my mac I cannot open a konqi window for 20-30 seconds | 10:36 |
\sh | with the same hardware actually, so 8 TB sata raid 6 comes with it ;) | 10:36 |
kwwii | luckily the file size is also unimportant :-) | 10:37 |
\sh | kwwii: believe me, these machines are quite cool.... | 10:37 |
pygi | hey kwwii ;) | 10:37 |
kwwii | oh, I do believe you :-) | 10:37 |
kwwii | howdy pygi | 10:37 |
=== kwwii has found like 7 RCS guis | ||
\sh | kwwii: right now, 400 of these machines are build in our datacenter...at the end we should have (1. stage) 1k of those computers | 10:38 |
\sh | and I'm responsible for installing suse on those machines | 10:39 |
\sh | life sometimes sucks | 10:39 |
kwwii | hehe | 10:40 |
kwwii | I had to keep the usability lab up and running and that was too much for me | 10:40 |
\sh | kwwii: but the kernel was until thursday an ubuntu kernel ;) | 10:40 |
kwwii | ouch | 10:40 |
\sh | kwwii: because sles9 kernel doesn't support areca raid controllers | 10:41 |
\sh | kwwii: ubuntu does, but has problems too. now a plain vanilla 2.6.16 is doing a great job | 10:41 |
kwwii | hehe | 10:41 |
kwwii | cool | 10:41 |
kwwii | trust in the source, luke | 10:42 |
kwwii | one of my first answers from a developer when discussing a certain unamed program was "read the source, luke" | 10:42 |
kwwii | I don't think I have hated anyone so much since | 10:43 |
\sh | kwwii: well, in 2.6.15 there is (as I understood it, from the manufacture kernel guy) a glitch in the scsi driver, and combined with the areca patch it makes "peng" | 10:43 |
\sh | 2.6.16 fixes this and areaca is running like a charm...on of the first 16 channel raid 6 sata controller these days | 10:44 |
\sh | s/on/one/ | 10:44 |
kwwii | lucky you | 10:44 |
kwwii | saves a lot of sweat | 10:45 |
\sh | oh no...it costs me 4 days | 10:45 |
\sh | of limited time...next week we want to deploy 200 servers...just boot the machines and install...200 hundred of them, let's what is burning first, ubuntu server or our network | 10:46 |
\sh | let's see even | 10:46 |
kwwii | hehe | 10:48 |
\sh | ok enough from work... | 10:49 |
imbrandon_ | \sh: what are you doing with so many servers ? cluster ? hosting ? | 10:51 |
\sh | imbrandon_: that's a secret...I signed an NDA to not tell anybody what we are doing...but we could do something like finding aliens for the seti project ;) actually even right now, we are the datacenter with the fastest internet connection in germany, and we are no. 1 in things like storage per squaremeter | 10:53 |
imbrandon_ | ahh cool, was just curious ;) | 10:53 |
imbrandon_ | yea seti@ would be cool on that many ;) | 10:54 |
imbrandon_ | heh | 10:54 |
\sh | imbrandon_: customer product launch is on 12th July | 10:54 |
imbrandon_ | nice | 10:54 |
=== imbrandon_ is happy to be incharge of 4 dual amd64 servers ;) | ||
\sh | imbrandon_: well, to be honest, I'm just responsible to setup FAI, but our datacenter guys, they need to install them into the racks...and that's not a nice job...19" full length machines, 16 500GB sata hds, the machines weight is at least 10-15 KGs | 10:56 |
\sh | and they won't do anything then be storage for customers...nothing else...the logic behind all this is running on hp blade centers...as well dual core opterons | 10:57 |
imbrandon_ | nice | 10:58 |
imbrandon_ | yea those 4 servers are all mysql db servers with only one of them a logic server with dual opterons and 4 x 400gb sata raid 0 drives ( 2 mysql servers live 2 as backup mirros ) | 10:59 |
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imbrandon_ | like i said modest by most people but i'm happy with it ;) | 11:01 |
Flosoft | hey @ all | 11:01 |
Flosoft | still alot of people getting Kubuntu | 11:02 |
imbrandon_ | thats a good thing ;0 | 11:02 |
Flosoft | I got an average of 5 new people clicking download a minute | 11:02 |
\sh | Flosoft: do you have mrtg stats or rrd graphics for the mirror? | 11:02 |
Flosoft | yes | 11:02 |
Flosoft | not public ones but yes | 11:02 |
Flosoft | the last 48hours: 20 Terra Byte of Kubuntu Downloads ;) | 11:03 |
Flosoft | which is aloooot! | 11:03 |
imbrandon_ | Flosoft: which mirror ( sorry if i sounds ignorant still new to kubuntu-devel by a few months ) | 11:03 |
Flosoft | Flosoft Mirror Network ;) | 11:03 |
Flosoft | I had 9 | 11:03 |
imbrandon_ | heheh ;) | 11:03 |
imbrandon_ | nice | 11:03 |
Flosoft | now only 3 are still up | 11:03 |
\sh | Flosoft: bandwidth? (the traffic itself is nothing to worry about) | 11:03 |
Flosoft | my main ones | 11:03 |
Flosoft | well the 3 primary ones that I run have Dual 20Gbit/s Fibre Optic | 11:04 |
Flosoft | and they had 20TB Traffic | 11:04 |
imbrandon_ | Flosoft: and thats just kubuntu or *buntu ? | 11:04 |
Flosoft | only Kubuntu | 11:04 |
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imbrandon_ | NICE | 11:04 |
Flosoft | I don't like ubuntu ;) | 11:04 |
\sh | Flosoft: to the internet? (20Gbit/s)? | 11:04 |
Flosoft | yes | 11:04 |
Flosoft | my 3 main mirrors | 11:05 |
=== imbrandon_ is with you on that one , i dont like gnome much but to each their own ;) | ||
Flosoft | the other ones are from companies or private people with between 10 and 100 Mbp/s | 11:05 |
\sh | Flosoft: that means, you occupied 20Gbit/s the last 48hours continously? | 11:05 |
Flosoft | yes | 11:05 |
Flosoft | 3 Mirrors with 20Gbit/s | 11:05 |
Flosoft | in total 20 TerraBytes Traffic | 11:05 |
Flosoft | a bit more now | 11:06 |
Flosoft | and still heavy downloading going on now | 11:06 |
\sh | Flosoft: how do you get more then 2gb/s to the servers? | 11:06 |
imbrandon_ | you should let Riddell have a copy of those mrtg graphs for kubuntu.org or the kubuntu news letter to show off ;) | 11:06 |
\sh | Flosoft: you don't do bonding, do you? | 11:06 |
Flosoft | they're in a German DataCenter | 11:06 |
Flosoft | bonding? | 11:06 |
Flosoft | I am doing hosting ;) | 11:07 |
imbrandon_ | heh maybe \sh 's datacenter ;) | 11:07 |
\sh | that can't be, no one else has 20gbit/s | 11:07 |
\sh | we are the only one, that's why i'm shocked :) | 11:07 |
jpatrick | you got competetion | 11:07 |
Flosoft | Europe? | 11:07 |
\sh | Flosoft: germany | 11:07 |
Flosoft | hehe | 11:07 |
Flosoft | exactly | 11:07 |
\sh | Flosoft: level3 connection in ffm... | 11:07 |
Flosoft | I don't know too much bout the specs | 11:08 |
Flosoft | We are in Berlin | 11:08 |
imbrandon_ | Flosoft: you should let Riddell have a copy of those mrtg graphs for kubuntu.org or the kubuntu news letter to show off ;) | 11:08 |
\sh | Flosoft: karlsruhe...you know web.de or formlery web.de? | 11:08 |
\sh | formerly ;) | 11:08 |
Flosoft | yes | 11:08 |
Flosoft | web.de ... what is it now? | 11:08 |
\sh | Flosoft: 1&1 but we are not 1&1 :) we are combots :) | 11:09 |
Flosoft | ah .. 1&1 is nice ,) | 11:09 |
Flosoft | ;) | 11:09 |
Flosoft | but I am with the biggest Competition of 1&1 in germany ;) | 11:09 |
=== imbrandon_ has a 1and1 account , infact thats where my blog is hosted imbrandon.com ;) is that you \sh ? | ||
\sh | Flosoft: as I said, we are not 1&1 :) we sold web.de to 1&1 :) | 11:09 |
\sh | imbrandon_: we don't do business | 11:09 |
\sh | hosting business | 11:10 |
Flosoft | well ok ;) | 11:10 |
Flosoft | I'll upload an image of the Graphs | 11:10 |
Flosoft | last 6 hours | 11:10 |
Flosoft | of one of the mirrors | 11:10 |
\sh | Flosoft: what's the biggest competior of 1&1? schlund? | 11:10 |
\sh | (teles) | 11:10 |
Flosoft | Strato AG? | 11:10 |
Flosoft | yes | 11:11 |
Flosoft | Teles | 11:11 |
Flosoft | well Strato = Teles = Freenet = .... | 11:11 |
Flosoft | :p | 11:11 |
\sh | ah then ok :) | 11:11 |
imbrandon_ | ahh my two domains are hosted at diffrent data centers , i need to get them both on one server though, still trying to find the best one for my money .... imbrandon.com is with one and one but i dont like them much, and buntudot.org is with dreamhost.com ;) will probbly move both to dreamhost unless i find something better | 11:11 |
\sh | but you are not alone on your line ;) | 11:11 |
Flosoft | afaik they have the fastest DataCentre in EU no? | 11:11 |
\sh | Flosoft: no. | 11:11 |
\sh | Flosoft: combots has :) | 11:11 |
\sh | Flosoft: as a single, not sharing any bandwidth with others, datacenter | 11:12 |
Flosoft | ah ok | 11:12 |
Flosoft | well yes, we share the bandwidth | 11:12 |
Flosoft | but we get a high speed ;) | 11:12 |
\sh | Flosoft: but my question was: how do you get 20Gbit/s to the servers? you can do 2gbit/s with 2 fibre lines, or bonding (2 fibre lines, one for incoming traffic, one for outgoing traffic) | 11:13 |
Flosoft | don't ask me ... I just check my server in the rack ;) via Serial Console ... it gives me these limits | 11:14 |
Flosoft | and I had transfer rates as fast as these | 11:15 |
\sh | imbrandon_: what is good for the money? what do you need? | 11:15 |
\sh | oh wow...I just see, that my root server upstream lost his connection to decis | 11:19 |
\sh | oh wow...I just see, that my root server upstream lost his connection to decix | 11:19 |
imbrandon_ | one sec phone thene 'll tell ya | 11:20 |
Flosoft | \sh: that is bad ;) | 11:23 |
\sh | Flosoft: well, as I can see in the ticket history, they are working on fixing this... | 11:24 |
\sh | Flosoft: doesn't matter...netcologne has a direct connection to hosteurope :0 | 11:24 |
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Flosoft | http://www.flosoft.biz/tmp/mrtg1.jpg | 11:33 |
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imbrandon_ | \sh: sorry, had a phone call, but basicly all i need is ssh access , php5, mysql , and tons of storage ( 40+ gig ) | 11:35 |
imbrandon_ | i get all that with dreamhost right now for about 200$ usd a year | 11:36 |
\sh | imbrandon_: that's cheap | 11:36 |
imbrandon_ | yea it is but i have no idea what connection i'm on IE speed | 11:37 |
imbrandon_ | ;) | 11:37 |
\sh | imbrandon_: vserver or real root server? | 11:37 |
imbrandon_ | vserver | 11:37 |
Flosoft | \sh: Here you have your MRTG Graph: http://www.flosoft.biz/tmp/mrtg1.jpg | 11:37 |
imbrandon_ | \sh: would be nice to have a real root server then i could run all my neat apt-mirror stuff easier and such ;) | 11:38 |
\sh | that mbits, not gbits :) | 11:38 |
imbrandon_ | but real vs virtual is usaly more $$ | 11:38 |
\sh | imbrandon_: sometimes yes :) | 11:41 |
=== apacheLAGger [n=me@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@unaffiliated/imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger |
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