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mirel | Hi, I'm switching from Fedora to Ubuntu. I need desktop functionality + Apache/PHP/MySQL. I'm wandering what release should I install - desktop or server? Do they share a common package repository? Thanks | 03:17 |
infinity | mirel: I answered your question in #-offtopic. :) | 03:22 |
mirel | do you know if LVM is well supported in Ubuntu, it worked great in Fedora | 03:27 |
infinity | Yeah, it works just fine. | 03:28 |
infinity | The installed will set it up out of the box too, if you use the "text-mode" install CD. | 03:28 |
infinity | The desktop/GUI installer doesn't do LVM yet. | 03:28 |
infinity | s/installed/installer/ | 03:29 |
mirel | thanks, starting to install right now , bye | 03:30 |
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brass | anybody home? | 03:56 |
brass | well, I have a very fresh install of ubuntu server LAMP and I am trying to install vmware server, and thier VMware Server Web-based management interface. | 04:00 |
brass | due to vmware server's dependancy on X, I also installed ubuntu-desktop | 04:01 |
brass | vmware server has installed with no problems | 04:01 |
brass | but, the management interface gives me this error: | 04:02 |
brass | From your Linux distribution CD, install this package: | 04:02 |
brass | compat-db-<#>.<#>.<##>-<#>.i386.rpm or libdb#.deb | 04:02 |
infinity | You might want libdb1-compat | 04:03 |
brass | Does anybody know what I need to apt-get to install the libdb | 04:03 |
brass | ok | 04:03 |
infinity | I'm not sure from your paste which libdb they actually want. | 04:03 |
brass | "apt-get install libdb1-compat" | 04:04 |
brass | to finish the paste | 04:04 |
brass | "where # is a version number particular to your version of the distrobution" | 04:04 |
brass | so i assume that its not to particular. | 04:04 |
infinity | Try libdb1-compat and see if it stops whining. | 04:04 |
brass | ok, thanks. | 04:05 |
infinity | There are many (many) versions of libdb, all incompatible, but if they wanted db2, db3, or db4.x, I suspect they'd specify. | 04:05 |
infinity | And from the RPM name, I'm assuming db1-compat | 04:05 |
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brass_ | well, I got kicked when i vpn'ed into my work, so can you repeat what I missed? | 04:08 |
infinity | 20:04 < infinity> Try libdb1-compat and see if it stops whining. | 04:13 |
infinity | 20:05 < brass> ok, thanks. | 04:13 |
infinity | 20:05 < infinity> There are many (many) versions of libdb, all incompatible, but if they wanted | 04:13 |
infinity | db2, db3, or db4.x, I suspect they'd specify. | 04:13 |
infinity | 20:05 < infinity> And from the RPM name, I'm assuming db1-compat | 04:13 |
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brass_ | thanks for the past | 04:14 |
brass_ | paste | 04:14 |
brass_ | found it. It's in Universe as libdb1-compat | 04:18 |
brass_ | :( | 04:21 |
brass_ | still complains about libdb.so.3 being missing. | 04:22 |
brass_ | currently running updatedb so I can 'locate' it. | 04:22 |
brass_ | ahh, libdb-4.3.so is whats installed | 04:25 |
brass_ | hmm. there's a libdb.so.2 as well. | 04:25 |
infinity | if it wants libdb.so.3, you want 'libdb3' | 04:26 |
infinity | Also in universe. | 04:27 |
brass_ | ok | 04:27 |
brass_ | :( | 04:33 |
brass_ | still throwing fits because libdb3 didn't come with a libdb.so.3 | 04:33 |
brass_ | so I'm thinking of trying a symlink from libdb.so.3 to libdb3.so.3 | 04:34 |
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brass_ | well, It might might be working now. | 04:37 |
brass_ | "/usr/lib/vmware-mui/apache/bin/httpd.vmware: /usr/lib/libdb.so.3: version `GLIBC_2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib/vmware-mui/apache/bin/httpd.vmware) Starting httpd.vmware: done" | 04:38 |
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infinity | Err, oh, wait. You wanted libdb.so.3, not libdb3.so? YAY CONFUSION. :) | 04:48 |
infinity | apt-get --purge libdb3- libdb2 | 04:49 |
infinity | (That will remove libdb3, and install libdb2, which has an SOVER of 3... Confused yet?) | 04:49 |
infinity | Berkeley DB is a mess. | 04:49 |
infinity | (Upstream's fault, not ours) | 04:49 |
brass_ | ah.. Berkeley. | 04:49 |
infinity | Err, I missed an "install" after the --purge. :) | 04:50 |
brass_ | k, I was wondering why I wasn't familiar with these packages. | 04:50 |
infinity | apt-get --purge install libdb3- libdb2 | 04:50 |
brass_ | :) yay. no errors. | 04:53 |
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brass_ | well, it seems to be working | 04:57 |
brass_ | I don't have a vm on the machine yet to test so further testing will have to wait till tomorrow. :) Thanks a lot for your help. I never would have figured out libdb2 | 04:58 |
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llamakc | during the install in text mode what's the install prompt to do a lamp install? | 04:54 |
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llamakc | in text mode what's the install prompt to do a lamp install? | 05:18 |
gpd | if it isn't blindingly obvious then you probably have the wrong disk | 05:20 |
gpd | apt-get install apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server php5-mysql php5-mysqli | 05:21 |
gpd | that will do it once you install | 05:22 |
llamakc | no, correct disk. but in text mode the 'install lamp server' option doesn't exist, which is why i am asking. i know how to install the ind. packages | 05:27 |
=== Linuturk [n=linuturk@wsip-70-168-102-136.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
Linuturk | is there an apt-get command for installing the LAMP components? | 05:46 |
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TheBigToe | how do I get apache2 to start on startup again? | 05:47 |
TheBigToe | apache 1.3 started on startuo | 05:47 |
TheBigToe | startup* | 05:47 |
TheBigToe | but now I have to sudo apache2 | 05:48 |
gpd | install sysv-rc-conf | 05:48 |
gpd | it has a simple interface | 05:48 |
gpd | or you can hand edit the links in /etc/rc2.d | 05:48 |
TheBigToe | thanks | 05:49 |
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Linuturk | should I just reinstall using the LAMP server menu? | 05:49 |
gpd | apt-get install apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server php5-mysql php5-mysqli | 05:50 |
Linuturk | thanks gpd | 05:51 |
Linuturk | will these autoload on startup? | 05:53 |
gpd | apache should start on boot yes | 05:54 |
Linuturk | where are the Docs for these ? | 05:54 |
gpd | apache2-doc | 05:55 |
gpd | and /usr/share/doc/package [same as all debian docs] | 05:57 |
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ransu | hello. question: how to change screen resolution in initial login TTY? is it a bootloader option or some config file somewhere ? aptitude is hard to use with just 25 lines per screen... | 09:34 |
ransu | sorry. I understand this is development and not support group, but since there is no ubuntu-server-support group for people who actually want to learn linux, I don't know where else to go. All I want to know is which manual to read really... | 09:44 |
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spike | ransu: look into your bootloader options, vga parameter | 09:52 |
ransu | thanks | 09:53 |
spike | if you want bigger resolution look for framebuffer support | 09:53 |
spike | ransu: thing is, such a question doesnt even belong to ubuntu-server-support | 09:53 |
spike | it really belongs to #ubuntu and #ubuntu only, as for any "group of ppl who actually want to learn linux" | 09:54 |
spike | -server edition isnt of course about that, even if it had a -support channel | 09:54 |
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ransu | well, the thing is, I read both the desktop and server version's online wiki documentations and it was obvious which one to choose if you really wanted to learn unix. the #ubuntu group has about thousend people asking how to get their ipod working with the GUI so I felt I wasn't getting anywhere there... | 10:00 |
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phpmattk_ | Installed dapper, apt-get/synaptic says unable to dowload all repo indexes tried 4 or 5 of different sources.list files. http://rafb.net/paste/results/twIZhh87.html (output of apt-get update). Any ideas? | 10:55 |
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lionelp | hi phpmattk_ | 10:58 |
phpmattk_ | lionelp.. hello | 10:58 |
lionelp | This is definitely a #ubuntu question, not a server specific one :) | 10:59 |
phpmattk_ | i figured.. its so crowded in there though.. hehe | 10:59 |
phpmattk_ | so hey.. any suggestions for me since its so quiet in here anyways | 11:00 |
lionelp | yes, my suggestions are on #ubuntu ;) | 11:00 |
phpmattk_ | lionelp: thx.. | 11:01 |
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