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megabyte405 | Hi everybody - got a quick question if anyone's around. I'm trying to set up a pseudo-derived distribution of Ubuntu, and I would like to know how to set a GDM, window/gnome theme, and background as the "default" from within a package | 08:26 |
troy_s | mega | 08:26 |
troy_s | who sent a good set of posting on the theme to the mailing list | 08:27 |
troy_s | so check the archives | 08:27 |
troy_s | the splash is in /usr/share/pixmaps/splash iirc | 08:27 |
troy_s | gdm is handled via the switcher -- i think it is as simple as setting up a symbollic link | 08:27 |
megabyte405 | I already have a custom deb package that installs the artwork, I'm just trying to make it default now :) | 08:28 |
=== megabyte405 also needs to figure out how to make an authenticated apt repository | ||
troy_s | with gpg keys? | 08:30 |
megabyte405 | yeah | 08:31 |
troy_s | wouldn't it be better to simply adjust the sources so that you point to all the packages you want? | 08:33 |
troy_s | i am only thinking that security wise it is nice if there is already a well monitored repository. | 08:33 |
megabyte405 | that's waht I'm doing | 08:33 |
megabyte405 | I'm adding my repository so that I can host my own custom artwork package and a metapackage | 08:33 |
megabyte405 | I'm modifying the ubuntu desktop seed file and pushing my own desktop meta-package | 08:33 |
megabyte405 | that way the default package install comes the way I want, if I have additional modifications (or hand-picked backports) I can add them to my repository and upgrade my meta-package to push upgrades | 08:34 |
troy_s | are you part of the artwork team yet mega? | 08:35 |
troy_s | your ability would be appreciated on the team... | 08:35 |
megabyte405 | yes, I am | 08:35 |
troy_s | good. | 08:36 |
megabyte405 | Ryan Pavlik aka cezpi4y02 | 08:36 |
troy_s | keep your ear to the ground -- i am going to try and push a lot of effort post paris. | 08:36 |
megabyte405 | awesome, I'm on the list/have been for a while | 08:36 |
troy_s | i am currently waiting for paris to get a feel for exactly what mark has planned | 08:36 |
troy_s | yep, the structure stinks right now. | 08:36 |
megabyte405 | I'm a bit over-booked at the moment, but I did put together a nice theme (a blended theme with tango colors) for this mini-distro | 08:36 |
troy_s | i think we are all overbooked | 08:37 |
megabyte405 | yeah, there is a little too much of a "fly by the seat of the pants" feeling I think for such a structured set of requirements | 08:37 |
troy_s | which is why we really all need to come together in the community spirit and do little bits at a time | 08:37 |
megabyte405 | yep, that happens | 08:37 |
troy_s | yep. which is exactly what i am going to get laid out... | 08:37 |
troy_s | i have already formalized a design doc at the wiki... | 08:37 |
megabyte405 | great | 08:37 |
troy_s | it is merely a starting point... but it will give us some clear deadlines and | 08:37 |
troy_s | such... | 08:37 |
troy_s | it is in the documents section | 08:37 |
megabyte405 | alright | 08:38 |
troy_s | it will evolve after paris... | 08:38 |
troy_s | but hopefully we can get some concrete | 08:38 |
troy_s | foundation in place | 08:38 |
troy_s | so that everyone can do little bits... and see the cohesive 'whole'. | 08:38 |
megabyte405 | do you know offhand which ubuntu package is responsible for setting the defaults that I'm looking for? I looked all over in ubuntu-artwork but I'm not seeing it | 08:38 |
megabyte405 | yeah | 08:38 |
troy_s | you mean setting artwork defaults? | 08:38 |
troy_s | no i have begged the guys to look on the damn list, but everyone doesn't seem to be interested in that sort of thing. | 08:39 |
megabyte405 | yep | 08:39 |
troy_s | if you find out what package, PLEASE let me know personally via email | 08:39 |
troy_s | or post it to the list... | 08:39 |
troy_s | anything... i would like to build a database of all the different packages and what components of art are in which ... | 08:39 |
troy_s | follow me? | 08:39 |
megabyte405 | yep, OK, will do. I know where the setting is once the user is created and they manually change it (by observing the change in Pessulus ("User Profile Manager") | 08:39 |
troy_s | in fact, send me mail with what you have done thus far... i'll extract | 08:40 |
troy_s | troy.sobotka@gmail.com | 08:40 |
megabyte405 | and it looks like stuff in /etc/skel according to a reply to my reply on the list | 08:40 |
megabyte405 | what do you mean? | 08:40 |
troy_s | well what packages you have tweaked | 08:40 |
troy_s | etc. | 08:40 |
megabyte405 | OK | 08:41 |
troy_s | any info is appreciated. | 08:41 |
troy_s | thanks again mega. | 08:43 |
megabyte405 | np | 08:46 |
megabyte405 | there, sent you an email with what I know so far | 08:47 |
troy_s | thanks mega. keep me posted. | 08:51 |
troy_s | i'll wiki it rough perhaps tonite. | 08:51 |
troy_s | your feedback and participation would be helpful as you have tinkered with it now far more than i have. | 08:51 |
megabyte405 | great, glad I can help | 08:51 |
megabyte405 | The hardest part so far was making a makefile to install artwork so that I could make a debian package | 08:52 |
megabyte405 | I had never made a makefile before | 08:52 |
troy_s | yes well all that information is dead helpful! | 08:53 |
troy_s | did you search through the arhcives for who's post? | 08:53 |
troy_s | he did some theme stuff and had a link to a few sites. | 08:53 |
megabyte405 | yes, I saw those | 08:55 |
troy_s | good. | 08:56 |
megabyte405 | troy_s: sent you a tar.gz of the framework from my artwork package, if you want it | 09:06 |
megabyte405 | help and info is in the Makefile | 09:06 |
megabyte405 | It's what I use in my package to build a "ra-artwork" package | 09:07 |
megabyte405 | Oh, yes, forgot to add. When using this, first make a tar.gz of the particular artwork thatyou want to install in that directory structure without the debian directory. (and give it a version number, like ra-artwork-0.1.tar.gz)., as if it were a tarball downloaded from an upstream web site. | 09:08 |
megabyte405 | then any time you want to change/update the artwork, make a new tarball with a new version, and follow the "New upstream version, basic" instructions in the New Maintainer Guide (linked in the makefile) | 09:09 |
megabyte405 | that took me about a day or so to figure out, so it might be a good resource to have available if artists want to package their work as a deb file | 09:10 |
troy_s | no kidding! | 09:12 |
troy_s | exactly my point. | 09:12 |
megabyte405 | feel free to redistribute that or put it on the wiki - you might want to add the info I just told you to the top of the makefile with the rest of the help | 09:12 |
megabyte405 | May as well give back what I have learned to the community :) | 09:13 |
troy_s | well yah... that's part of it. the other part is the work it takes to organize it. | 09:14 |
troy_s | everyone just 'dumps' their thoughts to the mailing list without trying to do a little legwork on finding out where it should go etc... | 09:14 |
troy_s | and then it just gets lost in the ether. | 09:14 |
megabyte405 | yeah, taht too | 09:18 |
megabyte405 | Hmm, there appears to be no decent resource that says how to sign packages for a personal repository | 09:26 |
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troy_s | yep | 09:32 |
troy_s | keep sending me your progress mega. | 09:32 |
troy_s | as you get enough little bits collected | 09:32 |
megabyte405 | definitely, can do | 09:36 |
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