
vivThere is no /var/log/installer directory on the box in question. Could it be as a consequence of the crasH maybe?12:09
HedgeMagequite possibly :/12:10
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HedgeMagedid you look in /var/log/messages and/or /var/log/messages.0 ?12:11
LaserJockhi Edubuntu people!12:13
HedgeMagehi LaserJock 12:13
HedgeMagewhat's up12:13
LaserJocknot a whole lot12:14
LaserJockI'm at the uni waiting for a meeting/dinner at 6:0012:14
vivHedgeMage: Ouch. Im going to try 6.06 LTSP again to see what happens. I looked in messages and messages.0, but they are post - install. The installed version Gimps, Firefoxes, and open offices all at once while playing a CD - looks good?12:15
HedgeMageviv: Looks good12:17
vivThanks for the words of support - Its quarter past midnight here in Knysna (SA) and I am doing one last install b4 bed. Yawn!12:18
HedgeMagewow, long night :)12:18
HedgeMagegood luck!12:18
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svivianquestion to the channel: What is the minimum hardware edubuntu will run on?12:33
svivianI want to build a box for my 18mo daughter, so would also appreciate opinions on whether any of the apps will be simple enough to hold her interest12:34
LaserJockhi ogra!12:35
HedgeMagesvivian: My son has been using Linux since he was about 1yo (this was pre-edubuntu)12:35
svivianShe loves the computer, but is a bit random with her mouseclicks, so I don't want her on my regular box, plus the regular box is on my study desk (papers, bills etc) which she rummages through at random12:35
HedgeMagesvivian: a stand-alone install is recommended to have at least a 500mhz proc and 128mb ram (you can get by with a little less if you really have to since she's too young for the office suite to be of much use, same for some other heavy apps)12:36
LaserJockthe live cd's seem to also have problems if you have less then 256MB RAM12:36
HedgeMagesvivian: heh, been there, done that12:36
HedgeMageLaserJock: I think svivian was talking about an install, though, and installing with a text mode CD is fine at 128MB (since you aren't trying to run the whole darn OS from ram while installing)12:37
svivianThe memory shouldn't be that much of an issue, but I will want to run off the liveCD initially until she is more comfortable. I'll be setting up a separate box somewhere closer to her hand-level.12:38
LaserJockHedgeMage: yeah, but I was just saying that the Ubuntu Desktop CD (livecd+installer) needs more RAM, in case he was interested ;-)12:38
HedgeMageLaserJock: ahh okay12:39
LaserJockI have a 1.3GHz P4 with 256MB ram and it runs Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu no problem12:39
svivianIs it possible to set the OS up to autologin to an account I create for her, but allow me to switch users so I can do updates/install packages as needed? I want the switch to be very non-obvious so she doesn't give herself su by accident.12:40
HedgeMagesvivian: with my little one, I found that hiding the menu bars and just putting icons for his favorite apps (TuxPaint, TuxRacer, ktuberling, fishfillets, and Same Gnome) on the desktop worked best.12:40
HedgeMagesvivian: definitely12:40
HedgeMagesvivian: what I would do in that case, is create yourself a user during install (this one will have SU privileges) and then post-install create a very locked-down account for her, and set it to auto-log-in.  You can always log her out and yourself in when needed.12:41
HedgeMagesvivian: that's what I did on TT's box, anyhow12:41
LaserJockHedgeMage: how old is TT?12:43
HedgeMageLaserJock: he just turned 312:43
svivianSounds like it will do what I need then. The Kubuntu boxes I have were only set up for me, so I never bothered with multiple accounts.12:43
HedgeMage(btw, if no one noticed the pattern, each of those games, with the exception of Same Gnome, has fish, TT's favorite animal)12:44
LaserJockHedgeMage: so he has been using linux for 2/3 of his life? impressive :-)12:44
HedgeMageLaserJock: heh, yep, and by the time he was 18 months old, he knew to walk away from windows boxen and ask to play on linux ones12:44
svivianI must say I am surprised that, despite all the webpages on the subject, no one has managed to create a distro aimed specifically at a childrens' PC12:45
crimsunconditioning at its finest.12:45
crimsunwho says we aren't evolving?12:45
vivHedgeMage: I installed 6.06  full system again. Screen went black with 2 white squares just after "setting up the X-server" message on console3 (during CHROOT). On reboot it gave error 15 during grub loading...... Methinks the fact that the workstation installed despite crashing could be due to Xserver starting (or initialising) at different phases for Workstation and Full installs?12:45
LaserJocksvivian: I think probably much of the difficulty is getting linux nerds to sit down and write apps kids would like :-)12:46
HedgeMagesvivian: there was an extensive debian-edu project at one time, it fell apart due to stupid social politics :(12:46
crimsunLaserJock: yep. I hope to tackle that for my dissertation.12:46
HedgeMageviv: or to a difference in how they automagically set up X... you need ogra for this, he's the expert I think12:46
LaserJockcrimsun: dissertation? aren't you already done?12:46
svivianI've seen the wreckage of the Tux4kids project, and the enatux project, and the non-moving (apparently) Debian Jr12:47
crimsunLaserJock: I'm getting a education one, so no, far from done.12:47
crimsunan education^12:47
LaserJockvery cool12:47
vivHedgeMage: Im new to IRC. How do I get ogra's attention?12:47
crimsunviv: he's asleep right now if he's sane.12:47
svivianLaserjock: there are a bunch of apps, from what I see. The thing that is missing is a slim OS, with a default desktop that mimics the old Mac Launcher12:48
LaserJockcrimsun: how can you possibly find time for Ubuntu12:48
vivcrimsun: OK. I am insane - its 0h45 here - what time zone is he?12:48
HedgeMageviv: I think he's sleeping, but in general saying his name (if he's here) will work.  If your waking hours seem to differ from his, you might try posting to one of our mailing lists12:48
HedgeMageviv: he's pretty active on both12:48
crimsunLaserJock: easy. I don't have a S.O. besides this Canonical laptop, I don't sleep much, and I drink lots of coffee.12:49
LaserJockcrimsun: still12:49
LaserJockI think my S.O is what keeps me sane so I guess it's good. I do wish she was more into Linux/computers though :-)12:50
crimsun"my S.O. doesn't have a choice"12:51
LaserJockshe thinks me "listening" and "talking" is more important than the Dapper release, crazy :-)12:51
crimsunsheesh. ;)12:51
vivThanks for all the help guys. This is an excellent place for solving my problems - I'll be back in the morning to un-Bork my X, before my SO becomes my X.12:52
svivianAnother question: Best bittorrent client?12:52
crimsunanyhow, yeah, I'm looking at tying CMU's Alice into educational "best practices", among other things12:52
HedgeMagesvivian: depends on what you're looking for: lightweight, or tons of features, etc ?12:52
svivianfairly lightweight, I should think. I've got adept open, and need a client so I can torrent the edubuntu .iso12:53
crimsunrtorrent is pretty light, I think12:53
crimsunLaserJock: http://www.alice.org/whatIsAlice.htm  if you're piqued12:53
LaserJockcrimsun: ah, I was going to ask12:54
LaserJockcrimsun: interesting. I have somewhat of a teaching bent, as in teaching at the college/uni level12:56
crimsunteachers rarely receive the respect they{,we} deserve12:58
LaserJockoh yeah12:59
LaserJockI don't think I'm terribly great with little kids, but I do enjoy teaching science12:59
LaserJockusing computer technology in science education is an interesting subject01:01
LaserJocksome of the college chemistry textbook people are starting to do more01:02
LaserJockbut most of the time they don't know what they are doing and also use expensive proprietary software01:03
crimsunI never would have "gotten" chem if I didn't have 3D models01:03
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LaserJockexactly, and good luck trying to explain quantum mechanics in a chemistry sense01:04
LaserJockIMO from a physics standpoint it isn't to bad because you just do it mathematically01:06
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LaserJockand drown you students in derivations01:07
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LaserJockbut to do it chemically, which is much more physical/concrete in nature, takes a combination of math and graphical approaches01:07
crimsunyep, I was going to say that it's all the same from a mathematical perspective, but I have to keep reminding myself people don't necessarily "think mathematically"01:07
bddebianHeya LaserJock, crimsun01:08
LaserJockyeah, I find QM very hard to understand from a purely mathematical perspective because you really can't go beyond Hydrogen atoms without a fair amount of chemical intuition and a physical picture01:09
LaserJockhi bddebian 01:09
crimsun'lo bddebian 01:09
=== HedgeMage hello bddebian
bddebianHello HedgeMage01:11
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LaserJockcrimsun: I did see this cool java app once where you could put a virtual circuit board together01:14
LaserJockand when you turned on the power it showed the electron flow, etc.01:15
crimsunLaserJock: yeah, we have some like that in the engineering labs01:21
crimsuntoo bad they're all matlab- and java-based01:21
LaserJockI'd like to work on python based apps like that01:22
LaserJockI think it would be cool to have a "Chemistry Professor's Toolbox" with lots of cool little python apps that people can grab01:22
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mhzneurogeek: ping02:46
neurogeekmhz, hello!!02:48
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mhzneurogeek: como le baila?02:49
neurogeekmhz, lol.. muy bien.. demasiado trabajo!02:49
mhzneurogeek: en tu "independencia"?02:50
neurogeekmhz, sips.. miles de reuniones.. proyectos varios.. pero todava nadie paga.. jeje02:53
=== HedgeMage wonders what language that is, but is willing to bet it's a Romance language.
mhzneurogeek: yup, been there, tooooo maaaaany times02:55
mhzneurogeek: just like my ex wife used to say: "now, let's turn the clapping in cash to pay for food, bills and school :D02:55
neurogeekmhz, what about you? how are things going??02:55
neurogeeklol.. so true02:55
=== mhz is listening to IronMaiden-Fear of the Dark, so everything is cool ;)
mhzneurogeek: FET is coming to life the 20th and 21st of June02:56
neurogeekmhz, excellent.. Congratulations02:58
mhzneurogeek: wanna see the poster?02:58
neurogeekmhz, of course02:59
mhzneurogeek: aceptas filetes via xchat?02:59
neurogeekmhz, no creo que pase.. mail perhaps?03:00
mhzneurogeek: okis03:00
neurogeekme at neurogeek.org.ve03:00
=== mhz opening evo
mhzneurogeek: noc, noc, follow the white rabbit03:05
neurogeekmhz, not here yet03:07
mhzneurogeek: I do accept suggestions and feedback03:07
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mhzneurogeek: got it?03:18
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jsgotangcogood morning03:22
neurogeekmhz_rebooting, nope. not yet.. 03:26
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ric3125Hello I want to use edubuntu for my 4 year old, using Gcompris. I got ebubuntu 6.06 running but all I see is a Gcompris admin tab.05:11
Burgundaviaric3125: applications --> games05:11
Burgundaviaric3125: that should list gcompirs05:12
ric3125Yes but it is  Admin  When I click it there is no trees or profiles05:13
ric3125I got Gcompris open. There is Classes/users Groups Profiles and Boards. I have clicked everything and have got nothing going.05:18
Burgundaviaric3125: there are two menu entires05:18
BurgundaviaGcompris Admin and Gcompris itself05:18
jsgotangcoApplications->Games->Educational Suite Gcompris05:20
jsgotangco(with the yellow plane icon)05:21
ric3125I feel real dumb. thanks for your help.l05:21
jsgotangcono problem =)05:22
jsgotangcothanks for installing as well =)05:22
jsgotangcowe should move that admin icon somewhere05:22
jsgotangcodoesn't fit well but its more logical than creating a new folder entry just for one admin tool05:26
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Burgundavianot really an admin tool, either05:27
bimberii reckon change name to "Gcompris Educational Suite" ?05:27
bimberithen they're next to each other and the usage is evident05:28
jsgotangcoyes that will also work05:29
bimberii can't get "GCompris Administration" to do anything :|05:29
bimberibut haven't rtfm'd :P05:29
jsgotangcoits basically a profile maker05:30
jsgotangcobut we all know gcompris has a mind of its own05:30
bimberiit's becoming apparent05:30
Burgundaviagcompris is a great app, but it is also trying to be a platform05:33
jsgotangcoits actually trying to take over my computer :/05:37
Burgundaviaall it wants you to do is understand05:38
Burgundaviaand if you don't, it obiviously needs to educate you ;)05:39
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jsgotangcoogra: ping?07:13
HedgeMageanybody here have java working in firefox?07:14
jsgotangcohave you downloaded sun-java5-plugin?07:15
HedgeMagenope, didn't know there was another package... I have sun-java5-bin07:15
=== HedgeMage fires up synaptic
HedgeMagethis is so much easier on gentoo...07:15
HedgeMagehmm seems I already do have it07:17
HedgeMageI didn't change anything, but I opened firefox again to check a setting, and it works07:20
=== HedgeMage strangles java
HedgeMageat least it works07:21
HedgeMagejsgotangco: you must have frightened it into behaving for me :P07:21
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cbx33mornin all08:59
cbx33phew what a busy weekend08:59
cbx33decorating :S08:59
highvoltagehey cbx33. hope you enjoyed it :)09:02
cbx33highvoltage: hmmm09:02
cbx33I'm shattered, didn't finish painting till 4am on sat09:02
cbx33did I miss anything here?09:03
cbx33highvoltage: I wanted to ask what phone do you use that you use IRC on09:03
highvoltagecbx33: i don't use irc on the phone directly, i connect laptop to cell and then run irssi on laptop09:04
highvoltagebut it's a moto v3, btw09:04
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highvoltagei'm lying, i connect through a moto v360. the v3 is my 'voice' phone :)09:06
highvoltagethe v360 has edge, so it has lower latency09:07
jimjimovich2hello everyone09:07
jimjimovich2i had a quick question09:07
jimjimovich2we  installed a new edubuntu dapper server on Friday09:07
jimjimovich2setting up a student computer lab09:07
jimjimovich2how can i remove the option to "sleep" (or hibernate, i forget what it's called) from a "Desktop" user's options when logging out?09:08
jimjimovich2I accidentally put the server to sleep with this option (from a thin client) ... and I don't think it should be an option for students09:09
jimjimovich2i'd actually like to remove all options except for "log out"09:09
cbx33highvoltage: what phones work well with linux09:10
cbx33from that point of view09:10
highvoltagecbx33: i haven't really seen a phone that doesn't work well with linux. probably depends what you want to do09:11
cbx33how do you connect USB?09:11
highvoltageboth my moto's i can just plug in and dial up (via USB), or set up a bluetooth connection and dial09:11
cbx33I have a V22009:11
cbx33think that could work?09:11
=== highvoltage tries to figure out which phone that is
cbx33motorola V22009:12
highvoltagemy phones has a standard usb connector at the sides, which makes it very wasy09:12
cbx33is there a site that shows you which work where ?09:12
=== cbx33 too
highvoltageit has gprs: http://www.mobile-phones-uk.org.uk/motorola-v220.htm09:13
highvoltageso you should be able to just buy a cable for that phone and plug it into your pc09:13
highvoltagedoesn't seem to have bluetooth though09:14
cbx33i don;t need bluetooth 09:14
cbx33I'll use a cable09:14
jimjimovich2where can i submit Edubuntu bugs?09:14
Amaranthjimjimovich2: i think it's in gconf, hang on09:15
jimjimovich2Amaranth: thanks09:15
jjjjjjjis the option still there jimjim if power management is turned off in the bios?09:15
Amaranthjimjimovich2: /apps/gnome-power-manager/can_hibernate and /apps/gnome-power-manager/can_suspend09:16
jimjimovich2good questioni09:16
Amaranthjimjimovich2: not sure how to set those off by default though09:16
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jimjimovich2i seems very odd to me, because shutdown and restart are not options09:17
jimjimovich2but hibernate is09:17
Amaranthjimjimovich2: http://www.gnome.org/learn/admin-guide/2.14/gconf-7.html09:17
jjjjjjjwhat about this?  09:17
Amaranthjimjimovich2: very late in the dapper cycle the logout dialog was changed to use gnome-power-manager09:17
MagnusGoldsteinum... high peeps... I was wondering if anyone knew of any edubuntu graphics that one could legally use in a free edubuntu handbook09:18
MagnusGoldsteinsort of to wave the flag09:18
cbx33MagnusGoldstein: oooh a free handbook09:19
jimjimovich2Amaranth and jjjjj: thanks for the tips09:19
MagnusGoldsteinwell, it's for an education assignment, but I want to go on with it afterward and publish a more polished version on the web09:20
jsgotangcocbx33: i use a Sony Erisscson09:20
jjjjjjjmagnus... have you heard of lulu.com?09:20
cbx33MagnusGoldstein: http://www.edubuntu.org/UsingEdubuntu09:20
MagnusGoldsteinnew to me09:20
cbx33MagnusGoldstein: you can use content from there if you need it09:21
cbx33that's going to be a printed booklet soon09:21
MagnusGoldsteinthe handbook I'm writing is for teachers09:21
MagnusGoldsteinwill have references to pedagogic theory and suggestions for activities/exercises09:22
jjjjjjjjimjim... can i ask how you are booting the thin clients?09:22
MagnusGoldsteinwill also have links to some curriculum documents09:22
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: PXE09:22
jjjjjjjunrelated to your question but i am beginning a thin client project.09:22
cbx33jjjjjjj: PXE rawks :p09:22
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: we got new network cards for our old machines. about $30 each09:23
jjjjjjjwith pxe built in or did you have to chip em?09:23
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: with PXE built in09:23
cbx33we were lucky most of ours had PXE built in09:23
cbx33we run a dual boot system now09:23
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: our newer machines have pxe built in too09:23
cbx33windows and linux over PXE09:24
cbx33the windows isn't over PXE09:24
Amaranthcbx33: you couldn't use a windows server and rdesktop?09:25
Amaranthor was it just cheaper to dual boot?09:25
cbx33could do...but din't09:25
Amaranththe server would make it so you could stay in linux and just have windows in a window :)09:25
cbx33well yes09:25
cbx33but that would confuse the kids :p09:25
cbx33as I work at a school09:25
jjjjjjjmy xp box is becoming more and more like a terminal server.  :P09:26
jjjjjjjjust peek in now and then09:26
Amaranthand you'd need a monster server to run that many windows sessions09:26
cbx33we had 9 clients running off a dell D600 laptop09:26
jimjimovich2it's looking like we're going to need to get some new thin clients.09:26
jimjimovich2everything works great with newer machines.  but our old machines are being a real pain09:26
jjjjjjjthere's a hack to have multiple sessions logged into a single xp machine.09:27
Amaranthjjjjjjj: it's also probably illegal09:27
jimjimovich2is it better to just get cheap celeron machines or does anyone know of some good thin clients?09:27
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: we're just getting rid of windows all together (well, that's a long term goal)09:28
MagnusGoldsteinjjjjjjj: thanks for the link to lulu.com - looks interesting09:28
jjjjjjjto be honest, i came on the nix bandwagon when i heard of vista's sheer hardware requirements.  it will only seperate the chasm between the haves and have nots.09:29
Amaranthjimjimovich2: I would imagine some used whitebox celerons would be easier to come by (and possibly cheaper) than a real thin-client machine.09:30
AmaranthBut that's just a guess.09:30
jimjimovich2Amaranth: we're in russia. and most thin clients we've seen are expensive09:31
jimjimovich2Amaranth: but we can build new celeron machines for about $18009:31
Amaranthi guess go with that then09:33
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jjjjjjjhave you looked at the asus barebones with an onboardprocessor?09:33
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jjjjjjjthey are about 155cdn here in canada.09:37
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: a quick search doesn't find any of those models in russia09:41
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jimjimovich2we'll probably just build some basic systems, if we can get the money09:45
jjjjjjjmany macs in russia?09:46
jjjjjjji do believe there is a powerpc download for edubuntu no?09:46
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: not many macs.09:49
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: but my boss is yelling in the other room about how he can't wait for his macbook :)09:49
jjjjjjjmy wife has one from school.  i hate to see it go during summer holidays or if she leaves the school.  ibook g409:50
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: yes, i'm using a mac mini right now.  hope to get macbook this summer09:51
jimjimovich2jjjjjjj: but besides that, it's all ubuntu09:51
jjjjjjjgood luck everyone.  i have to get some sleep but I was a pig and ate a big chocolate bar not long ago and will pay dearly trying to sleep.09:52
jjjjjjji used to come here now and then but there was nobody replying.  maybe time to refocus on the thin client project.09:53
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jsgotangcoif anyone has a contribution for the next edubuntu newsletter, please start writing your tidbits we're also including it in the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter09:57
BugMaNjsgotangco:  in the wiki page?09:57
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cbx33hi all10:13
cbx33jsgotangco: how do i setup a modem for my mobile phone10:13
cbx33I have the lead10:13
cbx33and it's all plugged in10:13
cbx33got a handy how to?10:13
cbx33:( - I don;t think my mobile company support GPRS email/web10:25
cbx33only WAP10:25
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cbx33ok I get Carrier detected, waiting for prompt10:52
cbx33but nothing happens10:52
cbx33I got it working11:05
cbx33not sure how but woooooooo11:05
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cbx33hey highvoltage 11:41
cbx33I got it working11:41
cbx33I can dial out over my mobile11:41
cbx33I want to fine somewhere where I can get really cheap calls11:41
cbx33right now it's costing me .5p per K11:41
highvoltage.5p, or .05p?11:42
highvoltagewow. that's very expensive.11:42
highvoltageoh sorry, i read that as .5 pounds :) 11:43
highvoltageover here it's R2 per MB. which comes down to about 20p per MB11:43
cbx33That is cheap11:43
highvoltageyou can buy 100MB data bundles for R100. then it costs about 10p per MB11:45
cbx33I can't find anyone who has rates as good as that11:48
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highvoltagewhen you buy a 1GB package, the price goes down to R0.60 per MB :)11:51
cbx33man UK sux for GPRS/3G netaccess11:55
highvoltagelast time i were in UK gprs was cheaper there, i think11:57
jsgotangcothe cheapest ive experienced was that with korea12:01
cbx33highvoltage: do you remember what company?12:08
highvoltagecbx33: vodafone.12:10
cbx33do you know if that was conract or pay as you go12:13
cbx33Data usage (per MB)  2.3512:14
cbx33that's pretty cheap12:14
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highvoltagepay as you go. i bough a cheapie phone on cheapest package for 25 pounds :)12:15
cbx33well i think it works out at about .2p per K12:16
cbx33which is half the price of my current provider12:16
cbx33WAP over GPRS:Vodafone live! pages 0.1p per KB / Non live! pages 0.73p per KB12:17
jsgotangcoi thought most vodaphone providers worldwide now charge per 5minute usage12:17
highvoltagein south africa, we have lots of competition between mobile operators for data, since our landline bandwidth is so expensive. so more and more people are using mobile data.12:18
jsgotangcoyeah in some areas, wireless is cheaper12:18
cbx33.73p per K on PAYG12:18
cbx33.2 if you're on monthly12:19
pygihey cbx33 jsgotangco  highvoltage 12:27
highvoltagehey pygi 12:27
cbx33hi pygi 12:29
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highvoltageogra: did you reply to Robert Arkiletian about the F1 Teachertool from K12-LTSP?12:54
ograhighvoltage, the one with the awful ui ? 12:54
ogradid he mail you as well ?12:54
highvoltageogra: he included me in the mail he sent to you.12:55
ograoh, ok12:55
highvoltageogra: i was just wondering whether i need to respond to him or not12:55
ograits the 10th (or more) mail i get from him12:55
ograi answered several moths back already 12:55
highvoltagehave you responded to one of them? if so, then i'm satisfied marking this message as read and storing it in archive12:56
highvoltageok, great.12:56
kholerabb1Hello, dose anyone know if there is a language-learning app that can be used in ubuntu?12:56
ograand i dont wear my diplomatic hat today, afetr a whole weekend of being bombed with rants from this CatherineCapers woman12:56
ograkholerabb1, look at kvoctrain12:57
ograand kverbos i think12:57
highvoltagei couldn't fine a CatherineCapers page12:57
ograbut you saw the mail JaneW forwarded ?12:57
ograshe's mailing us personally since months ...12:58
ograsending random rants why ubuntu ltsp is bad12:58
=== JaneW has given up trying to respond
ograand doesnt accept any eplanation or any no12:58
highvoltageah, just got it. looking at it now...12:58
JaneWshe mails mark etc too12:58
pygicbx33, poke12:58
highvoltagei want to respond12:59
pygiJaneW, ogra , o joy :-/12:59
pygiogra, how am I supposed to add myself here when it's locked? :)12:59
highvoltagei have some kind of a evil joy in working with difficult customers12:59
highvoltage(some might even call it a talent)01:00
ograhighvoltage, apparently she now found out that we dont default to etherboot, i already pointed her to the docs etc01:00
ograbut she keeps annoying the ltsp.org people, disklessworstations.com and JaneW and me and doesnt accept that we have taken a decision for a default and wont default to the other... the mail JaneW forwarded is very calm, i have some really weird ones from this weekend from her01:01
ograso be careful if you answer, wo might never get her off your back then01:01
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pygihey Andrea ;)01:02
cbx33pygi: hey01:03
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highvoltageogra: i think i can deal with her. i've worked with worse :)01:03
pygicbx33, why is that edubuntu page locked for me? :P01:03
cbx33I don;t know01:04
cbx33lemme have a look01:04
JaneWhighvoltage: go get her!01:04
ograpygi, are you logged in ?01:04
pygio joy :-/01:05
cbx33seems fine for me pygi 01:05
pygicbx33, yes, for me as well now :)01:06
cbx33maybe me going in and out helped?01:06
pygicbx33, or maybe me loging in helped :P01:06
cbx33pygi: ogra I had an idea about S-C-P01:06
ogracbx33, tell me 01:06
cbx33I don;t know if you've got it implemented01:07
cbx33showing one screen to all pupils?01:07
cbx33is it possible?01:07
JaneWw00t - Edubuntu is at 30 now for 'last 7 days' http://distrowatch.com/index.php?dataspan=101:07
ograas long as we stay above xandros i'm happy :P01:08
pygicbx33, yes, possible, and it's in implementation plan01:08
pygijust don't know how much we'll have time to implement some things01:08
ogracbx33, i guess so, thats on the list, but i havent found a sane implementation for it ... you somehow need to hook into the users shh session to do it safely01:08
cbx33ok, damn thought I'd come up with a killer idea ther :p01:08
cbx33ogra: yeh01:08
ogramaking the thigs behaving sane is the biggest problemm for *all* things we do with s-c-p and is the initial cause for its existence 01:09
ogras/sane/sane with ssh/01:10
cbx33yeh i understand that01:10
ograall other teacher tool implementations just ignore security completely 01:10
cbx33yeh, we gotta be secure abotu it01:10
ograso i'm not after having s-c-p ready as fast as we can but as good as we can 01:10
cbx33I agree01:11
cbx33how are you anyway ogra01:11
cbx33havn't seen everyone in a few days01:11
ograi dont mind if it stays for two more release cycles in universe if that means we'll get it right01:11
pygiIs this good enough to get approved for that member stuff of yours?01:11
ograpygi, why *is* it called "How To Cook Edubuntu" ?01:13
cbx33ogra: is there an implementation to blank all screens?01:13
ogra(i found that strange from the beginning)01:13
pygiogra, I called it like that? :)01:13
ogracbx33, not yet, but that will be easy once we have a sane way to remotely execute stuff on the clients01:14
ograpygi, but you say that you find it strange on your wikipage01:14
cbx33and to lock out keyboard and mouse activity01:14
pygicbx33, we have 4 months to implement stuff :)01:14
cbx33no it's be longer01:14
pygiogra, other people find it strange, so I had to write that :)01:14
cbx33we want to get it right01:14
pygicbx33, yes, I know, no worries ;)01:14
ograpygi, i'D make it more clear then, it reads like you find it strange as well :)01:15
pygiogra, o joy, ok :) Otherwise fine?01:15
ograpygi, well, everybody in here knows you very well, i think the wiki (if you fill the TODO()01:16
ograwill only have a minor count in our decision01:16
pygioki :)01:16
cbx33you'd get my vote pygi, if I was in the council 01:16
ograits just the paperwork you have to do alongside :P01:16
pygimore paperwork? :)01:16
pygicbx33, no worries ;)01:17
cbx33I'll still advocate you though01:17
pygioki, so I have to fill this wiki stuff 01:17
pygiah, well :)01:17
cbx33you've helped me out a lot01:17
pygicbx33, yes, I know you will ;) Thanks ;)01:17
pygiNah, I haven't helped you nothing :)01:17
cbx33sure you have :p01:18
cbx33got my started in python01:18
cbx33if it weren't for you gisomount wouldn't have been started :)01:19
cbx33and it's going well now01:21
cbx33it's got functionality to calcualte md5sums01:21
pygiyup, I know01:21
=== cbx33 is excited
pygidoes that function I gave you worked?01:21
cbx33heheh, still not tried it01:21
cbx33havn't had any development time01:21
cbx33was decoratingall over the weekend01:21
pygiI saw the interface today ;)01:22
cbx33for gisomount?01:22
cbx33oh and it now reads volume labels and creats and mounts it's own mounting dirs, with the volume label as it's name01:22
cbx33as per ogra's request :p01:22
lucasvodon't we suppot etherboot as standard?01:23
lucasvoisn't this the stuff from rom-o-matic.com?01:23
pygicbx33, yes, for gisomount, on your blog or something :)01:23
ogralucasvo, yes and no01:23
ogralucasvo, rom-o-matic has PXE support nowadays01:24
ograand we dont support etherboot as standard, it was always optional ...01:24
ogra(mknbi isnt in main)01:25
cbx33bbl guys01:25
lucasvooh, ok01:26
lucasvowhy is etherboot not in main?01:26
ogranobody wants to maintain mknbi01:27
ograits perl scripts around a lot of assembler code .... really painful to maintain and debug01:27
lucasvoasm 01:28
lucasvoI tried to learn it once01:28
lucasvobut it is too "simple"01:28
ograi might pull it to main so we have it on the CD as an optional choice and you dont have to download it, but there is no way we default to it01:28
pygilucasvo, :)01:29
lucasvoI don't like the default color scheme if gnome terminal01:30
lucasvothe yellow is to yellowisch01:30
lucasvothere isn't enough contrast to white01:30
pygilucasvo, I need to write that term :P01:32
pygi"yellowisch" :)01:32
lucasvooh, there shouldn't be a C 01:33
lucasvo I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at01:36
lucasvo              funerals.01:36
ograwhere's that from ?01:36
lucasvoI don't know01:37
ograwell, you just pasted it01:37
lucasvosomeone quoted it in our #lugs channel01:37
ogramakes a nice mail signature :)01:38
lucasvolol, yes01:39
ograpygi, you dont mention SoC at all in your wikipage01:41
pygiogra, does that matter?01:42
ograwell, you did a ton of work there and dont mention it01:42
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ograsure that matters as a contribution01:42
pygihm,ok,will write it right now :)01:42
lucasvopreparing for edubuntu community council?01:44
ogralooks like :)01:44
pygilucasvo, ogra forced me :P01:44
lucasvoogra: how much does one have to do to get elected?01:45
lucasvohow many people get elected?01:45
pygihere: 01:45
pygiI was helping Jane where I can with organizing this SoC stuff, and I am mentoring 3 students.01:45
pygiJoy :)01:45
pygilucasvo, cbx33 is the only one elected for now01:45
ogralucasvo, you have to have been around for some time and need to have done some sustained contribution ...01:45
ogralucasvo, like writing docs, reporting/fixing bugs, makeing artwork etc, everything counts01:46
lucasvoI don't have enough time to do this, I really would like to but next to school I just don't have enough time01:46
ogralucasvo, btw, did you see my message about installing ltsp on ubuntu yesterday ? 01:47
lucasvoogra: what time?01:47
lucasvoin this channel?01:47
ograif people ask "how do i install ltsp on (k)ubuntu?" please dont answer "install edubuntu-server", that will still leave them with the manual setup work, i created https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall, please point them there in the future01:49
lucasvooh ok01:49
ograeverybody ^^^^^^01:49
lucasvoI didn't know such a doc exist01:49
=== pygi hopes he'll be able to maintain Diva in universe ;)
ograit didnt :)01:49
lucasvoI thought they would come back and ask in this channel01:49
ograi created that yesterday, since i see everybody answering that question like i described ;)01:50
lucasvomaybe it's worth putting it into the topic01:50
pygiogra, what's the chance of me being able to maintain stuff in universe of which I am upstream author altought I am not MOTU? :P01:50
ubotuI guess ltsp is the Linux Terminal Server Project - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  See also http://www.ltsp.org/01:51
lucasvothat needs to be updated01:51
pygithere is better ltsp stuff in cookbook :)01:51
ograpygi, you can try to find a mentor, but usually mentors get annoyed after some time if you could even do it yourself01:51
ogra(i'd go for MOTU if i were you ;) )01:51
ograat least long term01:52
pygiyes, long term :P01:52
pygiin like 5 years or so :P01:52
ograwhy ? 01:52
pygiwell, I currently have none packages contributed to ubuntu01:52
pygiactually, I have one :P01:52
pygiNetwork manager ;)01:52
pygiAnd I don't know how much I need to become a MOTU01:53
ograyou need to prove your packaging skills01:53
ogranot more, not less01:53
pygiah, ok :)01:54
pygithanks for the info ogra ;)01:54
ogralucasvo, the thin client howto is fine, i just dont like it (it once looked like the quick install doc i wrote, look at it now)01:54
pygidon't we have a newer stuff in cookbook?01:55
lucasvoogra: I mean it doesn't mention dapper01:55
ograpygi, nope01:55
coz_excuse the interuption, i was looking at the conversation, in terms of art work, if this is contributed, is it through the forums or to someone directly connected with edubuntu?01:55
lucasvoogra: maybe one could teach ubotu the UbuntuLTSP01:55
ogracoz_, i'm not aware of anybody in the edubuntu community reading the forums, so it might slip through under the radar there, the mailing list would be a safe bet01:56
ogralucasvo, yep, thats a good idea01:56
coz_ogra, ok , I have already put things ont he forums gallery, the mailing list ,mm , I will check that out,  thanks again01:57
ograjust send a mail with links to your artwork :)01:57
coz_ogra, great thanks01:57
lucasvoubotu, UbuntuLTSP is To install LTSP on (K,X)Ubuntu read  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall01:58
ubotuokay, lucasvo01:58
ubotuit has been said that ubuntultsp is To install LTSP on (K,X)Ubuntu read  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall01:58
ogralucasvo, hmm01:58
lucasvook not optimal01:58
ograi'd add dapper there somewhere01:58
ograor add it to the !ltsp output as dapper docs01:58
lucasvoubotu, UbuntuLTSP is on https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall 01:59
ubotu...but ubuntultsp is already something else...01:59
coz_ogra, sorry, on emore question,,,mailing list edubuntu-devel, or edubuneu-users for the artwork01:59
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.01:59
pygiubotu forget UbuntuLTSP01:59
ograyou need to delete it first i think01:59
ubotui forgot ubuntultsp, pygi01:59
pygilucasvo, now01:59
cbx33:D - I need to improve my packaging skills02:00
cbx33I can repackage, just need to know how to do it from scratch02:00
lucasvoubotu, UbuntuLTSP is on https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall 02:00
ubotuokay, lucasvo02:00
ubotuubuntultsp is, like, on https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall02:00
ogracoz_, they are currently not distict, all users from edubuntu-devel are subscribed to edubuntu-users (-users is very new still)02:00
ubotuI guess ltsp is the Linux Terminal Server Project - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  See also http://www.ltsp.org/02:00
coz_ogra, thaks again02:00
ogracoz_, so pick as you like ;)02:00
lucasvoubotu no, ltsp i the Linux Terminal Server Project - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  See also http://www.ltsp.org/02:01
ubotulucasvo: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about02:01
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lucasvoubotu no, ltsp is the Linux Terminal Server Project -  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall (for dapper), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  or  See also http://www.ltsp.org/02:01
ubotulucasvo: okay02:01
ubotultsp is, like, the Linux Terminal Server Project -  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall (for dapper), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  or  See also http://www.ltsp.org/02:01
pygilucasvo, joy :P02:02
ograeven just  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/ would have been better ... 02:02
ograquick install is pretty obvious there02:02
lucasvoubotu no, ltsp is the Linux Terminal Server Project -  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/ (for dapper), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  or  See also http://www.ltsp.org/02:03
ubotuokay, lucasvo02:03
lucasvoubotu no, ltsp is the Linux Terminal Server Project -  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/ (for Dapper), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  or  See also http://www.ltsp.org/02:03
ubotulucasvo: okay02:03
ogradoes this affect the database for #ubuntu as well ?=02:04
lucasvoprobably yes02:04
pygiogra, yup, I think it does02:04
lucasvofor #edubuntu we should have edubuntu girl02:04
lucasvowhere is she?02:04
ograask highvoltage 02:04
ograi think juliux wanted to arrange permanent server space for her02:05
ogragah, coz_ left already, forgot to tell him about the launchpad artteam02:06
pygiogra, we can tell him that at the list when he mails02:07
lucasvowill there ever be support for local dvd-rw drives?02:07
ogralucasvo, sure, why not ?02:07
ograif we support cdroms we can also support every other disk spinning media thats attached02:08
pygio joy, somebody just approved me as edubuntu tester :)02:08
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ograand you ddint even have to jum through hoops02:09
lucasvoogra: isn't it something different to mount cdroms in gnome than burning dvds?02:09
lucasvohi cbx333 02:09
=== cbx333 is now known as cbx33
ograyou didnt talk about burning :)02:09
lucasvoogra: well that's what I wanted to know :)02:10
cbx33did someone mention mounting and cdroms02:10
lucasvocbx33: yes I did02:10
cbx33i couldn't resist02:10
pygicbx33, hehe :)02:10
ogralucasvo, if we have localapps support at some point ...02:10
cbx33oooh, /me would love that02:10
lucasvocbx33: btw, do you want to include gisomount into gnome?02:11
cbx33I'd love to02:11
lucasvoso that every user can open the context menu and click Mount this ISO02:11
cbx33that's the plan02:11
ogradoes gnome accept python stuff nowadays ?02:11
lucasvooh, ok02:11
cbx33i doubt it02:11
ograme too02:12
lucasvoogra: what is gnome written in?02:12
cbx33my efforts are probably in vein02:12
highvoltagelucasvo: juliux has donated some of his server resources for edubuntugirl. i wanted to get that sorted out the past weekend, but had lots of other things that came up. i'll move up the priority of getting edubuntugirl back, though.02:12
pygiogra, yes, it should02:12
pygilucasvo, nop, C with Gobject stuff02:12
lucasvohighvoltage: np02:12
cbx33but i'm writing it primarily as an exercise for learning python and GUIs02:12
pygicbx33, I'll try to help you with KDE porting when I catch time02:13
pygiwhich should be in like month and a half02:13
cbx33pygi: that'd be great02:13
cbx33well it's still in devel as you know02:13
lucasvonot kde02:13
cbx33I suppose I should set a freeze date, but I'll have to talk to LaserJock first02:13
pygilucasvo, bah :)02:13
cbx33we're co authoring it, though he doesn't have a lot of time at the mo02:13
pygilucasvo, read my wiki for what I think about that kde vs gnome stuff :P02:14
cbx33he's worried that by the time he gets time to work on it, the code will be too big for him to read ;p02:14
ogracbx33, in any case make a package of it 02:14
cbx33ogra: of course I will02:14
ograto get your foot into packaging02:14
cbx33I'm trying to learn packaging so I can do just that02:14
lucasvopygi: If all the kde devs would join the gnome dev. team, gnome would be at least as good as kde02:14
lucasvosame is with gecko and khtml02:14
ogralucasvo, you mean as bad as KDE ?02:15
cbx33ogra: I'm looking into setup.py02:15
=== pygi is back later - lunch ;)
pygiogra, no argument which is better ;)02:15
cbx33as that is what is used for python packaging, so I'm told02:15
lucasvoI think one should use khtml because safari is using it as well. that would be so much easier...02:15
cbx33yuk safari02:15
ogracbx33, well, i never use it :)02:15
cbx33ogra: how do you do it?02:15
lucasvoimagine a www where there is only one rendering engine02:15
ogra.install files in the debian dir suffice02:15
lucasvoall the webdevelopers would loose their stuff02:16
cbx33yes i see02:16
cbx33ogra: would you recommend doing it that way02:16
ogralucasvo, you mean we should switch ubuntu to IE ?02:16
lucasvo*would loose their job I mean02:16
pygiogra, lol :)02:16
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ograhey mdz !02:16
lucasvoogra: I think either konqueror should use gecko or epiphany should use khtml02:16
cbx33hi mdz :D02:16
ogralucasvo, *shudder*02:17
pygihey hey mdz 02:17
mdzgood morning02:17
lucasvoogra: gecko has teh majority02:17
lucasvobut the kde fools still dont use gecko02:17
lucasvoapple is stupid as well, using khtml instead of gecko02:17
lucasvo*at least* they didn't develop a new engine02:18
ograthats not a matter of stupidity i guess02:18
lucasvoogra: why would the choose khtml?02:18
ograits a marketing decision the apple folks would be easily able to explain to you i think02:18
lucasvoogra: you mean choosing khtml they don't have to compete firefox which runs on osx as well?02:19
ograno idea, i'm not working at apple :)02:19
ograbut whats wrong with giving the people choice ? 02:19
lucasvowhat choice?02:20
lucasvowhich rendering engine one uses?02:20
ograwhich browser they like02:20
cbx33ogra: do you cater for different install paths using the .install method?02:20
lucasvoit makes my life about twice as hard when I make websites that should look the same in *every* browser02:21
lucasvoogra: rendering engine != browser02:21
lucasvoogra: I wouldn't care about khtml in firefox02:21
lucasvois there a pxe capable wifi card?02:22
ogracbx33, look at the debian dir in the ltsp source for example 02:22
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cbx33ogra: ok cool02:23
=== cbx33 has noticed some inconsistencies on the ubuntu website
ograoh, the horrible orange banner is gone, good02:24
cbx33but xubuntu isn't on the employemtn page02:24
cbx33and the partners page has a funny font for the tabs02:24
ograprobably we simply just dont hire for xubuntu :P02:24
cbx33and the planet tab that is in wiki, I think should be on the drupal pages02:25
cbx33for consistency02:25
cbx33who deals with the website currently?02:25
cbx33maybe I should send a mail?02:26
ograor ping him in -devel :)02:26
ograi'd have said file a bug, but there is still no website product in launchpad02:27
cbx33I'll ping02:27
=== pygi is back
cbx33ogra: in that package, the ltsp, where do you specify where to install to?02:34
cbx33most paths are relative02:34
cbx33like client/lp_server02:35
ograthats why its so easy ;)02:35
cbx33so where is the base dir02:35
cbx33how does it know where to put them?02:35
ograjust look from the / of your source tree02:35
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cbx33ogra: ok I think I see it now, you build the files, with the rules script02:39
cbx33then the .install moves them from there into the proper locqations?02:40
pygiwb Bluekuja 02:40
ogradh_install moves them02:40
Bluekujapygi: hello02:40
ograsimilar to dh_manpages moving the manpages02:40
Bluekujaogra, cbx33: good afternoon :)02:41
cbx33in that example02:41
cbx33it moves them into the chrrot of the ltsp server02:41
cbx33how does it know to do that02:41
cbx33seeing as usr/lib/ltsp02:41
cbx33is still relative02:41
ograits doesnt02:41
ograit moves them to /usr/lib/ltsp02:42
cbx33client/lp_server/src/lp_server usr/lib/ltsp02:42
cbx33is a line from the .install02:42
ogra(there is a tempdir during package buildtime that has the tree)02:42
cbx33the temp dir is under debian/02:42
cbx33isn't it02:43
ogra /usr/lib/ltsp is the target location of the file02:43
cbx33but there is no leading /02:43
ogradh_install will prepend builddir and tmp path to that path02:44
cbx33ah ook02:44
cbx33that's all I needed to know02:44
ograin the package and in the install it will be /usr/lib/ltsp then02:44
cbx33is where it ends up on my server02:45
cbx33 /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/ltsp/lp_server02:45
cbx33so /opt/ltsp/i386 is defined in which file?02:46
ograyou get a box of beer from me if you find out why ;)02:46
cbx33but it'll need to be altered for different archs02:46
ogra(or at least 3 of JaneW's virtual goldstars)02:46
cbx33wow 3 gold stars?02:47
=== cbx33 gets right onit
cbx33I'll hold you to that one02:47
cbx33oh btw02:47
cbx33when I upgraded my dapper install to the latest version, it overwrote my pexlinux.cfg/default file02:47
JaneWogra: I'll have to hand my box of stars over to you02:47
JaneWogra: to use at your discretion of course :)02:47
cbx33is that intended02:47
ograJaneW, they'll always carry your name :)02:48
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
ogracbx33, i'm not aware that anything runs ltsp-update-kernels automatically02:48
cbx33ah is that overwrites it?02:49
ograand i wouldnt know anything else thats aware of this file02:49
cbx33cos it shuldn't need to should it?02:49
ograltsp-update-kernels should only be run if you upgrade the kernel in the client chroot02:49
pygiJaneW, have you read How to cook edubuntu stuff? any good ? :)02:50
cbx33ok, but doesn't it use a symlink as vmlinuz02:50
cbx33so it shouldn't need to alter that file?02:50
cbx33should it?02:50
ograit deletes and recreates the vmlinuz link02:50
ograafter copying the kernel binary from the chroot to /var/lib/tftpboot02:51
cbx33i know :p02:51
ogra(and the initramfs indeed)02:51
cbx33I've studied those scripts02:51
=== paolob [n=donPaolo@pri-214-b7.codetel.net.do] has joined #edubuntu
JaneWpygi: yes I have been reading it today - very nice :)02:54
jimjimovich2wow, just spent 3 hours working on our lab.  got 5 more computers working.  just needed to set monitor and video settings in lts.conf02:54
pygiJaneW, glad you like it ;)02:54
ograjimjimovich2, :D02:55
pygijimjimovich2, congrats ;)02:55
paolobHi guys! trying edubuntu 6.06: clients booting much faster! Congratulations02:55
jimjimovich2our computers are slow, but they're working, so that's good.  going to talk to our bosses about getting a few more thin clients02:55
ograpaolob, thanks !!! :)02:55
jimjimovich2huge thanks to everyone who worked on this release!!02:56
pygijimjimovich2, just upgrade server if you can, and it should all behave better ;)02:56
cbx33ogra: is the reason for the install dir in the source of the package?02:56
ograjimjimovich2, such a feedback is the bigges loan :)02:56
paolobStill a problem with dhcp? When booting 1 client i get: Jun  5 08:53:55 server-basica dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:01:02:6e:46:97 via eth102:56
paolobJun  5 08:53:55 server-basica dhcpd: ICMP Echo reply while lease valid.02:56
paolobJun  5 08:53:55 server-basica dhcpd: Abandoning IP address pinged before offer02:56
paolobJun  5 08:53:56 server-basica dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:01:02:6e:46:97 via eth102:56
paolobJun  5 08:53:57 server-basica dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:01:02:6e:46:97 via eth102:56
jimjimovich2pygi: upgrade server?02:57
paolobi.e.: ip 246 abandoned!?! is it a bug02:57
jimjimovich2pygi: it's a brand new dapper install02:57
ogracbx33, yes, in saome way its also in the source of the package, but not the way you might think ;)02:57
pygijimjimovich2, hardware :)02:57
cbx33ogra: I'm gonna get to the root of this02:57
jimjimovich2pygi: the server is dual xeon 2.8ghz with 4GB ram02:57
pygijimjimovich2, more :)02:58
jimjimovich2pygi: but some of the clients are like 10 years old02:58
ogracbx33, aa small hint, read the description of ltsp-client02:58
pygijimjimovich2, joking :)02:58
jimjimovich2one question for you all02:58
jimjimovich2is it possible to mount local floppies or usb flash drives on the thin clients?02:59
=== Kozuch [n=jan@159.108.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #edubuntu
lucasvojimjimovich2: not yet03:00
ograjimjimovich2, not without setting it up yourself ... ltspfs and ltspfsd are packaged, but not integrated 03:01
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jimjimovich2ogra: any links or docs on those?03:01
ograthe scripts on the ltsp.org wiki and these two packages should help03:01
jimjimovich2ogra: thanks03:05
jimjimovich2anyone using a solution besides local drives for student removable storage?03:05
pygiogra, do you know what's the name of artwork team on LP so I could point that guy?03:07
ograedubuntu-art ?03:07
ograno idea03:07
pygihm,ok, will look03:08
pygithanks ogra ;)03:08
=== paolob [n=donPaolo@pri-214-b7.codetel.net.do] has joined #edubuntu
paolobGuys, after upgrading to dapper, when I login in the console it says me "configuration error - unknown item 'QUOTAS_ENAB' (notify administrator)", and also with the items: NOLOGIN_STR ENV_HZ  CLOSE_SESSIONS . What is it?03:11
ogralooks like a custom environment setting, did you set that =03:11
paolobBesides that, I can't login into the clients: apparently the user/password pair is correct, but it goes back to entering username03:12
paolobogra, explain it better03:12
ogratry running: sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys 03:12
ografor the login issue03:12
paolobogra, ok03:12
ograoh, and how did you upgrade ?03:13
ogradid you follow http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgrade ?03:14
paolobogra: I first did a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and then I followed the 2nd method in that page03:16
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #edubuntu
paolobogra, still problems with logging in the clients: only the first client logs in, the others do not!03:17
paolobi.e. the first that logs is in the only that can log in03:17
ogradid you reboot the clients after the command ? 03:17
paolobogra, let me see03:18
ograthey need to pick up the new ssh keay on boot03:18
paolobogra, no client logs in gnome03:20
ograyou get dropped back directly to the login screen ?03:20
paolobI put the username, the passoword, apparently it validates, but suddenly it restarts gdm03:20
paoloband I get the username request again03:21
ogrado you see the gnome splash ? or does it happen immediately ?03:21
paolobogra, no, I don't see the login screen03:21
ograhmm, thats an ssh problem then, strange ... did the upgrade of the server go smoothly or did you have any errors ? 03:22
paolobwait... some user can login!03:23
paolobsome other not03:23
ogralook in ~/.xsession-errors of the ones that cant log in03:24
paoloband in the console all give the error about the unknown items03:24
ograin the homedirs of the users03:24
ograevery user has a hidden ~/.xsession-errors where errors are logged if they happen after login ...03:25
=== highvoltage responds to our difficult customer
highvoltagei hope i wasn't too harsh.03:28
ograhighvoltage, i talked to jammcq03:28
highvoltageogra: what does he say?03:28
ograthat guy (its not a girl) bought 1 (one !) thin client at disklessworkstations and rants at them as much as at us since then03:29
ograhe boutght that client 3 years ago03:29
highvoltageah, so it's not just our difficult customer :)03:29
ograignore :)03:29
=== highvoltage /ignores
lucasvohighvoltage: you work at disklessworkstations.com?03:30
=== ryan_rousseau [n=rousseau@] has joined #edubuntu
=== ogra bets highvoltage would love to ... so much hardware to play with :)
paolobogra, I found the problem: I was trying logging in with a user that existed but whose homedir didn't exist03:32
ograthats indeed a small showstopper :)03:33
paolobogra, other little problem: I killed the X server on a client, and now every time I boot that client it doesn't show the gdm login, but a console login, and I must issue ctl-alt-f7 in order to have the gdm login. Is it a bug?03:34
ograand all other clients behave sane ? 03:34
lucasvoactually it should be readonly so it should be the same everytime 03:34
ograguys cbx33 just earned the 3 virtual JaneW goldstars :) 03:36
lucasvo*clap* *clap*03:36
lucasvowhat is this?03:36
paolobogra, well, yes, on the others I can kill X without problems. Let me investigate more.03:37
JaneW*clap* *clap*03:37
highvoltage*clap* *clap*03:37
JaneWcbx33: nice flaming-hoop-jumping :)03:37
highvoltagewhat did he do to deserve the gold stars?03:37
paolobogra, and what about "configuration error - unknown item 'QUOTAS_ENAB' (notify administrator)" when suing, and when addusering and delusering too?03:37
ograpaolob, thats a clean edubuntu ? no debian sources in your sources.list or something ? the error was reported in debian03:38
ograbut i never heard that it ever entered ubuntu03:38
paolobogra, in sources.list I only have binaries03:39
cbx33Thanks JaneW 03:39
paolobogra, before upgrading I had deb http://parroquia:3142/pkg-voip.buildserver.net/ubuntu breezy main03:39
paolob(do not consider the apt-cacher proxy)03:40
ograweird, i cant get to that url03:41
cbx33there's no hope of me getting there03:41
cbx33port 314203:41
ograindeed there isnt 03:41
ograunless you have parroquia in your /etc/hosts03:41
ograpaolob, did you take that out ?03:42
paolobogra, look at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=42004903:42
paolobcbx33, port 3142 is used by apt-cacher03:42
cbx33paolob: no i mean all ports are blocked here apart from like 80 44303:42
paolobogra, I commented that line out03:43
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
ograpaolob, and is the error for FAIL_DELAY gone ? 03:43
ograerr, you didnt have FAIL_DELAY in yours03:44
paolobogra, no, I commented out before dist-upgrading, and since after the dist-upgrade the error appears03:44
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-245-48.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
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ograpaolob, what does: dpokg -l login give you ?03:46
ogradpkg -l login03:46
ogra(should be 4.0.13-7something ...03:47
paolobogra: ii  login                     4.0.13-7ubuntu303:47
ografine ... seems your login.defs werent upgraded ... :/03:48
paolobogra, I reinstalled login, but nothing changed03:48
ograwell, its a conffile, you touched it ...03:49
ogra(by commenting FAIL_DELAY in breezy)03:49
jsgotangcogood evening03:50
paolobogra, should I overwrite it manually from the deb package?03:50
ograyou should have gotten a prompt during upgrade if you want to kepp the version or take the maintainers version03:51
pygihey jsgotangco ;)03:51
paolobogra, actually I didn't modify login.defs by hands03:53
ograwell, how did you comment that variable ?03:54
paolobogra, I didn't commented it. 03:56
=== blue-frog [n=bluefrog@dyn-83-152-196-27.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #edubuntu
ogra<paolob> ogra, no, I commented out before dist-upgrading, and since after the dist-upgrade the error appears03:56
paolobogra, no, I commented the other deb source in sources.list03:57
ograanyway, installing the login package by hand via dpkg with the --force-confnew switch should solve it03:57
ograthat will force the file to be overwritten03:58
=== pygi just noticed a samba graphical config. tool in gnomefiles
pygi(because I know we have one student working on that)03:59
ograthere was an awesome nautilus extension once, no idea what became of that one ... the UI was grand04:00
paolobogra, I did it now, but the error persists. Should I restart something in order to get effective the change?04:00
pygiogra, hm...04:00
ograi'm not sure when login.defs gets read04:00
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #edubuntu
pygihey bddebian ;)04:01
bddebianHi pygi04:02
jsgotangcoyay for PXE04:02
ograjsgotangco, lol04:04
jsgotangcoi mean come one04:04
pygilol :)04:04
jsgotangcoits not OUR fault that a lot of computers now ship with PXE04:05
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #edubuntu
lucasvoWhen I was wasting time on OSdir.com I found a screenshot from suse with gnome04:05
highvoltagei'd choose etherboot over pxe too, but it's not worth making so much noise about. especially since you don't need to use the proprietary PXE firmware (which this guy didn't realise)04:05
lucasvothere was a Gnome control center similar to the apple systems setting 04:05
lucasvowill this also be included into ubuntu?04:05
ograthats yast, isnt it ? 04:06
jsgotangcoyes but if we're talking about practicality, its there (PXE), why not use it04:06
lucasvoI quite like the desktop of SUSE04:08
jsgotangcoit looks like the kubuntu control center04:09
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@] has joined #edubuntu
lucasvobut it is gnome :)04:09
cbx33my IRC keeps crashing04:09
jsgotangcosuse in gnome? the horror!04:09
lucasvoit's like the System> Preferences menu but nicer arranged04:09
lucasvojsgotangco: why?04:10
lucasvocbx33: use irssi04:10
cbx33lucasvo: I can't04:10
highvoltagegnome is the default desktop on suse these days04:10
lucasvocbx33: why?04:10
cbx33those ports are blocked04:10
cbx33hence I have to do it another way04:10
lucasvocbx33: you are in school now?04:10
cbx33I'm in a school yes04:10
jsgotangcothe last suse i really tried is suse 1004:10
cbx33I work here04:10
lucasvocbx33: use ssh to a machine and then use irssi04:10
cbx33and it's not us that's blocked them04:10
cbx33lucasvo: port 22 is blocked04:11
lucasvocbx33: I don't have school today04:11
lucasvocbx33: use ssl mailport for ssh :)04:11
cbx33I'm the IT manager at the school04:11
lucasvoI mean smtp04:11
cbx33I can't04:11
cbx33port 25 and 110 are blocked04:11
highvoltagesmtp blocked?04:11
lucasvocbx33: in CH it's a holiday nobody works04:11
cbx33indeed it is04:11
cbx33it sux big time04:11
cbx33my only other option is vpn04:11
jsgotangcoisn't it the queens birthday today04:12
lucasvocbx33: and how are you supposed to work as an admin?04:12
jsgotangcoor something04:12
cbx33which I'm pretty sure is against our service agreement04:12
lucasvowithout mail, ssh...04:12
lucasvocbx33: are you sure?04:12
lucasvoask your boss to give you the permission to use vpn04:12
cbx33lucasvo: yes04:12
cbx33we would be connecting to another network which is attached to the internet04:12
cbx33== against TOC?04:13
=== sabdfl [n=mark@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has joined #edubuntu
sabdflhey everybody04:20
sabdflcongrats on dapper-edubuntu04:20
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lucasvothanks sabdfl!04:21
ograhey sabdfl, niche to see you here :)04:21
ogra*nice tpo04:22
ogra*too too04:22
pygihey mark04:22
jsgotangcosabdfl: thanks for the support too04:23
highvoltagehi sabdfl. great to see you here :)04:25
sabdflhey highvoltage04:25
highvoltageogra: sorry, didn't see your welcoming at first04:25
ograhighvoltage, and, would that forbid you from saying hello ? :P 04:26
lucasvohighvoltage: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/gallery/browseimages.php?do=member&imageuser=4439404:27
highvoltagesabdfl: btw, i meant to say thanks for making shipit edubuntu cd's available for shipit. I can't wait to receive my copy. i'm going to let ogra sign that one ;)04:27
jsgotangcowith a golden pen!04:28
lucasvo^- maybe one could use one of these splashscreens for the edubunt-plain theme, the animals look a little bit more grown up, what do you think, highvoltage?04:28
lucasvoogra: you gonna sell some signed copies on ebay?04:29
ograheh, surely not :)04:29
highvoltageogra: did you see my last mail about the testing, do you think running a test 'test-run' in advance would be a good idea?04:30
jsgotangcoif ogra visits my place, i will definitely offer to him the virgins of my village lol04:30
pygijsgotangco, lol :)04:30
bddebianWow, you have virgins in your village??  Where is this place? :)04:31
highvoltagejsgotangco: ah, but you say that to everyone ;)04:31
ogra7me takes a secret look at his GF if she heard that 04:31
=== highvoltage imagines an ogra with a very guilty face
jsgotangcono that's mhz04:31
lucasvojsgotangco: but only if they are very geek and compile their kernel on their own :)04:32
highvoltageah yes, that's right04:32
pygicbx33, you still around?04:32
ograEEK, how did the spam get through ?04:32
lucasvocbx33 is a poor boy, at school without ssh and vpn04:33
lucasvoogra: where on a list?04:33
ograedubuntu-devel, yes04:33
=== jsgotangco doesn't see spam
=== lucasvo neither
ogra"look through the message ctxe.pk you'll fancy it inside "04:33
ograis the subject04:34
lucasvoogra: you drank too much?04:34
jsgotangcoi guess gmail is very very good =)04:34
highvoltageogra: To: edubuntu-devel-owner@lists.ubuntu.com04:34
lucasvoah, that explains it04:34
highvoltageit didn't get through to the list, afaict04:34
ograVon: Glenna Kerr <Glenna.Kerr@earthlink.net>04:35
ograAn: edubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com04:35
ograBetreff: look through the message ctxe.pk you'll fancy it inside 04:35
ogralooks different in my evo04:35
lucasvonope, I don't see anything04:35
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:36
=== kozuch_ [n=jan@159.108.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #edubuntu
ograhmm, weird04:36
ograthere is no trace of -devel-owner either in the source 04:36
lucasvomaybe a faked recipient?04:37
highvoltageogra: it seems i'm looking at an older, but similar e-mail. i still didn't see it on the list though 04:37
ograthen its ok ... might be only me ...04:37
ogra(still strange though)04:38
lucasvoit's not in there04:38
highvoltagelucasvo: it says 'No Images to Display' :/04:38
ogralucasvo, the archive gets mirrored by a cronjob that has nothing to say04:39
lucasvoogra: it's not on the same host as mailman is?04:39
highvoltagelucasvo: did you mean that one with the naked woman on it? that's like... old style ubuntu :)04:39
lucasvohighvoltage: no04:40
ograno idea which host it is, but the archives are delayed04:40
ograthats normal04:40
highvoltageok, cheers #edubuntu04:40
lucasvohighvoltage: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/gallery/showimage.php?i=2472&catid=member&imageuser=4439404:40
ograelphubuntu :)04:45
lucasvodon't you like it?04:45
ogradidnt he/she write about edubuntu specific artwork ? 04:45
ograi dont see any04:45
ograi lied04:46
lucasvo16:45 < ogra> didnt he/she write about edubuntu specific artwork ?04:47
lucasvohe/she said that he would be willing to change ubuntu to edubuntu04:47
jsgotangcoubuntu zoo?04:48
=== jsgotangco wonders if there are any free software that is similar to what he has been playing lately
pygittyl later people04:53
jsgotangcociao pygi04:57
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cbx33pygi: I'm here05:06
cbx33bah too late05:08
jsgotangcoEthical Ubuntu???05:15
jsgotangcomy this goes against our PXE policy05:16
cbx33i get graphics funnies on dapper05:28
ograthere is a bug open about that anywhere ... seems to be the gtk engine05:32
ograand https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/edubuntu-artwork/+bug/4733605:35
cbx33ah ok05:41
cbx33I'll ignore it then05:41
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cbx33right I'm off05:45
cbx33should hopefully be seeing you all in awhile on my laptop from my mobile...05:46
cbx33:D very exciting for me heheheh05:46
cbx33thanks again for the help ogra05:46
=== cbx33 just closed another bug on gisomount
cbx33a Major one :)05:46
ogranice :)05:47
jsgotangcoyour own bugs?05:47
cbx33:( - yes :p05:47
cbx33for now05:47
jsgotangcothanks karma jacker05:47
cbx33it'll either be me or LaserJock who fixes them05:47
cbx33I hope more people will be up for testing it soon05:47
cbx33so I can get more bugs to fix05:48
jsgotangcogot a deb?05:48
cbx33not yet05:48
cbx33hopefully going to work on that over the next few days05:48
cbx33it's just three files at the moment05:48
cbx33just bung em in a directory and run em05:48
cbx33gotta slim down the gisomount bzr repo05:48
jsgotangcoit should be trivial for you after all you're under guidance by the father packer05:48
jsgotangcodid that sound right05:48
cbx33I know05:48
cbx33father packager05:48
jsgotangcoat least its not the mother packer05:49
=== RobinShepheard [n=robins@80-45-43-114.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
=== RobinShepheard [n=robins@80-45-43-114.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
RobinShepheardhello all05:59
=== Xymor [i=enforcer@200165115054.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #edubuntu
bddebianHello RobinShepheard06:10
RobinShepheardgreetings again bddebian06:10
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=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
RobinShepheardLaserJock: Greetings06:17
LaserJockhi RobinShepheard 06:17
RobinShepheardLaserJock you can claim some responsibility, I am now a member of the Edubuntu testing team06:18
RobinShepheardI took the plunge06:18
RobinShepheardnow all i have to do is make myself useful :)06:20
jsgotangcogo burn that CD and work!06:21
bddebianHeya LaserJock06:22
LaserJockhi bddebian 06:22
=== highvoltage [n=jono@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
RobinShepheardjsgotangco: I have the cd burnt and I have an installation running, I am using our win2k3 boxes for dhcp though06:24
RobinShepheardoh and I now have a fully working citrix client install on the server06:24
jsgotangcoRobinShepheard: i was just kidding welcome to the edubuntu family06:25
RobinShepheardjsgorangco: no problem06:25
RobinShepheardjsgotangco: doh apologies for spelling and cheers for the welcome06:26
RobinShepheardJust seen the time, speak to you all later, got to go06:27
lucasvothe topic should be changed06:45
lucasvoWiki: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki is better 06:46
lucasvoogra: can you do it?06:46
ograyou can as well06:46
jsgotangcogood night06:47
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:lucasvo] : Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu | http://www.edubuntu.org | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted | HAPPY DAPPER DAY !
LaserJockogra: hi! how's it going?06:47
lucasvocool :)06:48
ogralucasvo, thats the right url ?06:48
lucasvoogra: yes06:48
lucasvoHierher umgeleitet von Seite "Edubuntu"06:48
lucasvothere is a redirect06:48
lucasvooh, https06:48
lucasvoit also works without06:49
ograhttp works fine06:49
ograbut shouldnt we use the target instead of pushing every user through the redirect ?06:49
lucasvowell it needs less pspace06:50
ograthats true :)06:50
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:lucasvo] : Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | http://www.edubuntu.org | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted | HAPPY DAPPER DAY !
ograwell, i'll try to keep in mind i can shorten it there if the topic runs out of space :)06:51
lucasvoI don't like long topics06:51
ografreenode agrees with you it seems :)06:51
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:lucasvo] : Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted | HAPPY DAPPER DAY !
lucasvohttp:// is needed for gnome-terminal to autodetect the url?06:52
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-232-154.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
=== mjg [n=gehlm@adsl-68-254-172-55.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #edubuntu
=== EmxBA [n=chatzill@] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAdoes anyone speak here07:44
EmxBA#ubuntu has mroe than 900 users07:44
BurgworkEmxBA, no, we are all mute here ;)07:44
Burgworkhey HedgeMage 07:44
EmxBABurgwork: heh07:44
highvoltageBurgwork: sssssh!!! you're going to wake them up.07:44
EmxBAwe mustn't speak loudly07:45
HedgeMagehi there :)07:45
HedgeMageEmxBA: I occassionally stir... usually you have to highlight me, as Burgwork did, since I have a bajillion chans and windows to monitor07:46
bddebian*yawns*  "What's all this racket"? :-)07:46
EmxBAdon't joke07:46
EmxBAi want to talk seriously07:46
highvoltagebddebian: EmxBA is making noise on our precious channel07:46
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b94b30.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageEmxBA: but we'll allow you, since you seem like a decent guy07:47
EmxBAhighvoltage: are you on this channel because of Edubuntu or something else :D07:47
highvoltageEmxBA: Edubuntu. how can we help you?07:48
LaserJockEmxBA: oh occasionally he his here for Edubuntu, but I think he really wants Edubuntu cake :-)07:48
highvoltageLaserJock: don't give my game away like that!07:48
=== highvoltage just had cake, btw (father's birthday today)
highvoltageso that dependency has been satisfied.07:48
LaserJockah cool, congrats to him07:48
highvoltagenow i can focus on Edubuntu.07:48
=== pitux [n=pitux@17-187-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu
=== HedgeMage makes another Edubuntu cake and shares it with highvoltage
EmxBAhighvoltagae: i am admn on skolarci.linux.org.ba07:49
EmxBAit is educational site07:49
EmxBAand has a lot of texts about linux programs and games07:49
highvoltagewhere's .ba?07:49
EmxBAbut it is Bosnian07:49
EmxBA.ba i Bosnia07:49
EmxBAhave you visited it07:50
highvoltagei don't understand any of it, but it looks like a real nice site07:50
EmxBAit is on bosnian07:50
EmxBAi think you don't udnerstand anything07:51
EmxBAin few days i am going to translate it to english07:51
EmxBAand i have already described Edubuntu07:51
EmxBAand Knoppix4Kids07:51
highvoltagegreat :)07:51
LaserJockeven cooler (as a poor unilingual American)07:51
EmxBAthat will be translated to English07:51
=== HedgeMage needs to learn more languages... there just isn't enough classical Latin being used in the FOSS movement to make her useful
highvoltageEmxBA: after some changes to the edubuntu site, we could certainly link to your Bosnian edubuntu page.07:52
highvoltageEmxBA: can you give me a link to your edubuntu page?07:52
EmxBAthat's not ubunut link07:53
EmxBAthat's just review of Edubuntu 5.1007:53
highvoltageEmxBA: it would also be great if we could have http://www.edubuntu.org/UsingEdubuntu available in bosnian07:54
EmxBAi am going to translate it 07:54
EmxBAno problems07:54
highvoltagecool :)07:54
HedgeMageoh, speaking of which...07:54
highvoltagethanks EmxBA, and welcome to Edubuntu. we'll keep some cake for you.07:55
LaserJockHedgeMage: I agree, although my latin skills suck too07:55
HedgeMagehighvoltage: the drupal internationalization module finally (I think) made the improvements we'd need to put it live on Edubuntu.org  I'm testing it out on a sandbox site as we speak.07:55
highvoltageoooh! nice!07:56
EmxBAhere is the link (suppose that you don't understand anything :D)07:56
HedgeMagehighvoltage: can you give me an sql dump of the current edubuntu.org site and a copy of the theme so I can use them for testing?07:57
EmxBAi am interested in your thoughts about web design07:57
EmxBAis this ok07:57
EmxBAgreen colorus07:57
highvoltageHedgeMage: does it have to be a current dump, or can it be a bit older?07:58
highvoltageHedgeMage: there's a slightly outdated dump at: http://www.jonathancarter.co.za/files/edubuntu.sql07:58
highvoltageEmxBA: i think green is an acceptable colour for a website07:59
HedgeMagehighvoltage: as long as you haven't installed or upgraded any modules since the dump it will be fine07:59
highvoltageEmxBA: although, you might want to stick to tango colours07:59
HedgeMagealso, what modules is the site currently using?07:59
highvoltageEmxBA: http://tango-project.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines07:59
EmxBAyou mean mambo modules07:59
EmxBAgreen is ok07:59
EmxBAbut tango could be better, i really like it07:59
highvoltageHedgeMage: we've kept it low, for maintenance reasons. it's just block, search and upload we currently use08:00
highvoltagewe'll expand as we get the basics sorted out more.08:01
HedgeMagehighvoltage: cool08:01
EmxBAhighvoltage: so all of you like the site08:01
EmxBAit wasn't just made by me, altough i did the most08:01
EmxBAit is made by support of linux.org.ba08:02
highvoltageour biggest dependency is that the server needs to send out mail so that users can register. I talked to Znarl again today, and he said he'll look at it. I'll ask him again tomorrow to see if he got any further with sorting that out.08:02
EmxBABosnian Linux USer Group08:02
highvoltageEmxBA: great. working with other people is always a good thing.08:02
EmxBAhighvoltage: can i have some of yours IMs08:02
HedgeMagehighvoltage: which method are you trying to use?08:02
EmxBAi want to chat more :D08:02
EmxBAi use emir215@hotmail.com as account for MSN messenger, i expect you to add me08:05
HedgeMageEmxBA: best way to get ahold of me is on IRC, really08:05
EmxBAi am very serious about skolarci.linux.org.ba and edubuntu08:05
EmxBAHedgeMage, IRc is OK08:05
EmxBAbut i want to use other methods of chatting too08:05
HedgeMageEmxBA: there's always jabber.08:07
EmxBAHedgeMage, Jabber is similar to GTalk08:07
highvoltageEmxBA: I have a jabber account, jonathan@jabber.org08:07
EmxBAi have exmlug@gmail.com 08:07
EmxBAis that ok08:07
highvoltageHedgeMage: i'm not following you, 'which method'?08:08
HedgeMageEmxBA: close, GTalk is rebranded jabber :) but it works08:08
highvoltageEmxBA: it's great to have you with us08:08
EmxBAI added HedgeMage08:08
HedgeMagehighvoltage: you can send email from drupal by smtp, php mail function, or directly using sendmail08:08
EmxBAnot HedgeMage, highvoltage08:08
EmxBAadd me to Jabber08:09
highvoltageHedgeMage: aaah, where do you set that?08:09
HedgeMageEmxBA: I don't use gmail/gtalk, I have my own jabber server... add me as hedgemage@jabber.binaryredneck.net08:09
EmxBAi added you too08:09
HedgeMagehighvoltage: in  4.6 or 4.7?   brb08:09
highvoltageEmxBA: you can add yourself to https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-advocacy , if you feel ready for commitment :)08:10
highvoltageHedgeMage: 4.708:10
EmxBAeveryone: how old are you08:10
EmxBAyou mean if i feel that i am ready to join Edubuntu community08:10
EmxBAexpect me to translate that site in few days08:12
EmxBAi'll join #edubuntu again08:12
highvoltageEmxBA: great!08:13
EmxBAhighvoltage, i gotta go08:13
EmxBAsee ya soon08:13
pygiJaneW, poke08:14
pygiogra, poke08:15
HedgeMagehighvoltage: just a sec and I'll look, they moved a lot in 4.708:15
ograpygi, you just missed the bosnian edubuntu lug 08:15
pygiogra, ah, well :)08:15
=== jjjjjjj [n=jdumont@] has joined #edubuntu
pygiogra, would we like to get one laptop from that "one laptop per child" so we could see if software our students work out, works on them? :)08:16
highvoltageogra: hey, i'll never say no to another enthusiastic edubuntite wanting to contribute08:16
highvoltage(even if he's a 15-year-old-one-man-lug)08:16
ograhighvoltage, i didt say anybody should have said no ...08:16
highvoltageogra: sorry, didn't mean to imply that :)08:17
ograpygi, i bet we'll get some of these anyway directly from the project08:17
ograhighvoltage, ;)08:17
pygiogra, perhaps, but do we want 1 at least08:17
ograpygi, there is something going on behind the scene with edubuntu atm.08:17
pygiogra, oh really? so we cant know that I guess :P08:18
ogranot even i know concrete things, but there is something exciting to come through the edgy cycle08:18
=== LaserJock plays some mysterious sounding music in the background
pyginice ogra 08:19
pygihey HedgeMage ;)08:19
=== highvoltage hates surprises
LaserJockme to08:19
pygisuprises are nice ;)08:19
highvoltagei mean, i get impatient when 'something big is going to happen in x months'. it's like being 4 years old and waiting for Christmas again all over :)08:20
HedgeMagehi pygi 08:20
highvoltagelike those extra six weeks until dapper was released.08:20
pygihighvoltage, you say there is no santa? :'(08:20
LaserJockhighvoltage: except sometimes the suprises are so nice as presents08:20
ograpygi, but probably a laptop for community testing would be nice 08:21
pygiogra, ok, I shall try to get one or two08:21
highvoltagepygi: yes, virginia08:21
pygiogra, google offer :)08:21
ograyes, saw that08:21
=== mjg [n=gehlm@adsl-68-254-172-55.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has left #edubuntu []
pygioki, I'll send a message a lill' later today08:22
pygiin like hour or so08:22
pygi(who from the community wants laptop btw.?)08:24
HedgeMagehighvoltage: Hmmm... I can't find the setting I was thinking of... either I'm remembering a tidbit from a long-past version, or I'm totally nuts.08:24
=== pygi is back in like 2 hours ;)
highvoltageHedgeMage: ok, np08:25
highvoltagepygi: what's this laptop you're talking about? is it x86 based?08:25
HedgeMageI'd love to get my hands on one of those to test with, and to show a couple of school districts like my mom's (poorest school district in the least-funded state in america) what is possible.08:26
LaserJockleast-funded? really?08:26
HedgeMageLaserJock: yep08:28
HedgeMageLaserJock: No, illinois08:28
HedgeMagethat's where I grew up08:28
crimsunthere are a lot of those, though, so I'm not sure the superlative is that precise. Once you reach a point, it's all just "really poor"08:29
HedgeMagecrimsun: Actually, I have stats on the $/student for the past 10 years, my use of the superlative is correct.08:29
crimsunhaving spent a year teaching in rural NC, yeah, some portions are "really poor"08:29
crimsunHedgeMage: I'm not arguing with you.08:29
crimsunI'm saying that statistics are all and well, but really, poverty just overpowers all that08:30
HedgeMageahh okay.08:30
HedgeMagein other words... once you get X poor, poor and poorest is kind of moot?08:30
=== HedgeMage nods
HedgeMageI get where you're coming from.08:32
LaserJockHedgeMage: how does MT and NV rate?08:32
highvoltagei sometimes have a tough time explaining to people in south africa that there are poor areas in the US as well08:33
crimsunhighvoltage: yeah, perception is a huge block08:33
highvoltagecrimsun: where are you located?08:33
HedgeMageLaserJock: Nevada is way up there, but their numbers are skewed due to the Las Vagas area, so I don't know what a "typical" NV scool is funded like08:33
crimsunand vice versa, some USA citizens find it difficult to believe that there are poor areas in the US (?!)08:34
crimsunhighvoltage: NC, USA08:34
HedgeMageLaserJock: I'd have to look at MT, I don't know it off the top of my head.08:34
highvoltagecrimsun: ok, i don't know much about that area, except that it's more or less in the middle. /me wikipedias08:34
LaserJockcrimsun: I think the definition of poor is somewhat interesting too08:35
crimsunLaserJock: true08:35
highvoltagewell, i define 'poor' as being under-resourced08:35
highvoltagewhere 'rich' implies some kind of overflow08:35
highvoltage(in terms of resources)08:35
LaserJockI've lived all my life under the poverty level and I really don't have any complaints08:35
LaserJockI went to college08:36
LaserJockI'm doing ok08:36
HedgeMageLaserJock: I grew up under that level, too, but (I'm sad to say) most kids where I grew up were poorer.08:37
LaserJockhighvoltage: hmm, interesting. I would think that you could never be in an "overflow" state. you will always find things to spend resources on08:37
crimsunI think [the perception of]  freedom of mobility has something to do with "poor," too08:38
LaserJockyeah, that makes sense08:38
Burgworkif you truly want poor, take a look at any native reservation in Canada or the US08:39
Burgworkthe conditions there are almost third world08:39
highvoltagemy parents had lots of money until i was about 12. in a period of 3 months, they got divorced, lost all our money, made lots of debt, and all my pets died.08:39
HedgeMageBurgwork: Heh, that may be true in WA, MI, etc. but in IL they have money coming out of their ears.08:39
highvoltagei went from having everything to having nothing, and it took just about another 12 years to recover from that.08:39
BurgworkHedgeMage, money does not equal good quality of living08:40
highvoltagebut it made me who i am, and i knwo there's nothing to be afriad of. whatever happens, i know i can recover from it, which is probably why i don't mind taking big risks.08:40
HedgeMageBurgwork: This is America... food, shelter, education, etc. can all be had for a price.08:44
LaserJockBurgwork: yeah, honestly I wish they would get rid of the reservations in the US. They only seem to hurt the people that live on them.08:44
BurgworkLaserJock, yep, but there is a serious lack of a better solutin08:44
LaserJockBurgwork: to be honest, I think just getting rid of them would be better than what they have now08:45
HedgeMageBurgwork: LaserJock there are some good points to them... some reservations (like the one in WI where my cousin studied) aren't impoverished and do manage to preserve a culture that mainstream America has all but eliminated.08:45
LaserJockperhaps, I seriously doubt anything but eliminating the reservation system will work for the ones in MT, they are close to extinction, I beleive08:47
Burgworkanyway, this is a politically charged thing that we might want to avoid08:47
LaserJockok, sure08:47
Burgworkneedless to say, regardless of the future, these are groups that badly need Edubuntu08:48
Burgworkwe can also help the bigger ones with language revival08:48
HedgeMageBurgwork: nice swing back on topic :)08:48
LaserJockyeah, I'd love so see Edubuntu get into the tribal colleges08:49
highvoltagewha'ts a tribal college?08:49
highvoltageis that where survivors learn to backstab? :)08:49
BurgworkHedgeMage, that would be straying back into the political side of thigns08:49
LaserJockcolleges that the Native Americans set up08:49
highvoltagewhat i like about edubuntu, it seems destined to bacome the stage (read: standard) to bring in educational innovation, and content, etc. which means that it sets itself up to become an educational standard.08:50
jjjjjjjif i am on xubuntu now... can i upgrade or switch over to edubuntu?08:51
crimsunhmm, speaking of which, I wonder if I can work edubuntu into the curriculum08:51
highvoltagejjjjjjj: yes, you can.08:51
HedgeMagejjjjjjj: sure08:52
LaserJockcrimsun: yes, do it. :-)08:52
highvoltagejjjjjjj: you can type 'sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop'08:52
jjjjjjjvia the sudo apt-get.... got it.08:52
HedgeMagebrb, TT and I are going to make egg salad :)08:52
highvoltagejjjjjjj: and it will install the edubuntu meta-pakckage. that doesn't give you schooltool and ltsp, etc. but you might not want that.08:53
crimsunLaserJock: oh it would be fairly easy here at A&T in compsci, but as for the educational curricula of elementary/middle/high school ed, that would take a lot more work08:53
jjjjjjjbut if i did i can get it from the repositories?08:53
LaserJockok, I need to do some actual work.08:54
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
HedgeMagehighvoltage: is there any chance you can get me a copy of the edubuntu.org theme so I can see if anything needs to be added/tweaked to support the i18n module?08:55
highvoltageHedgeMage: sure08:55
=== highvoltage learns that NC isn't middle america at all
=== jjjjjjj [n=jdumont@] has left #edubuntu []
Burgworkhighvoltage, uhhh...08:57
highvoltageHedgeMage: http://www.jonathancarter.co.za/files/clugwiki.tar08:57
highvoltageHedgeMage: sorry, this one: http://www.jonathancarter.co.za/files/edubuntu.tar08:58
=== jjjjjjj [n=jdumont@] has joined #edubuntu
jjjjjjj~490kB/s  for getting edubuntu.  not too bad.09:00
=== Rondom_ [n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b94b2e.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagebrb again, egg salad needs my attention :)09:01
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bddebianMmm egg salad09:13
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=== LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@lambda.chem.unr.edu] has joined #edubuntu
=== LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #edubuntu
lucasvothis one is coo: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-251118281503559943109:32
=== HedgeMage enjoys a delicious egg salad sandwich
=== HedgeMage looks around for some pickles
=== LaserJock dislikes eggs immensly. pickles are ok though :-)
=== highvoltage dislike onions and greenpeppers ('dislike' is putting it mildly)
LaserJockohhh, I love onions09:55
LaserJockand garlic too09:55
highvoltageand olives, they are quite bad too09:55
LaserJockyes, +1 for the olives nastiness09:55
bddebianNO..  Pickles and olives r t3h r0XX0r! :-)09:56
lucasvodepends on what olives09:56
highvoltagegreen ones, black ones, round ones... they are all quite nasty, imho09:58
highvoltagei think it's basically anything bitter that i don't like. salt, sour and sweet. those i like intensely.09:58
=== highvoltage finds it strange that things seem to always turn to food eventually on #edubuntu :)
HedgeMageall that coding makes us hungry!10:00
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-254-202.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockI like most of those types of things except olives and mushrooms10:01
HedgeMageLaserJock: if you don't like egg salad, what do you eat your pickles with? grilled cheese?10:01
LaserJockany kind of sandwich10:01
LaserJockexcept maybe PB&J10:01
LaserJockI like pickles just by themselves too10:02
=== bddebian2 [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #edubuntu
pygiogra, not really sure we should request one of those laptops when some people might need it more then we do :-/10:02
LaserJockhow many are they giving away?10:02
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highvoltagepygi: what laptops are these you're talking about? i wouldn't request one for myself, i just want to know mor10:06
Burgworkuhh, afaik, the laptop give away is over10:06
lucasvoahh, mushrooms10:06
lucasvothey are del.icio.us10:06
lucasvoLag: 240 (??)10:06
Burgworkit happened last Aug10:06
=== lucasvo [n=lucasvo@wservices.ch] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagegrrr... we are out of pickles10:06
=== HedgeMage updates her shopping list
lucasvoHedgeMage: what pickles do you usually have?10:06
HedgeMagehighvoltage: one laptop per child laptops10:06
lucasvoindian pickles?10:06
highvoltagein that case, i would like one :)10:07
HedgeMagelucasvo: we usually have dill, bread and butter, and/or sweet pickles in the house10:07
highvoltagejust to put edubuntu on it and make sure it works properly.10:07
highvoltagebut ogra would probably be the right person for that10:07
lucasvo22:07 -!- Irssi: Join to #edubuntu was synced in 99 secs10:08
highvoltagei'm quite convinced we can do a much better job than red hat10:08
lucasvoI am really disappointed that MIT chose redhat10:08
Burgworklucasvo, for olpc?10:08
lucasvothey were probably bribed10:08
lucasvoBurgwork: yes10:08
highvoltagewined and dined.10:08
Burgworkno, RH donated money and people10:08
HedgeMagehighvoltage: supposedly ubuntu people are already talking to them, but ogra didn't have more info for us on it10:09
lucasvoBurgwork: canonical/TSF should have doen the same10:09
Burgworklucasvo, probably the talks predate Ubuntu10:09
lucasvoBurgwork: you mean ubuntu didn't exist/wasn't an option when they began with the project?10:10
HedgeMageI wonder, is there any plan to offer the olpc laptops for sale at some point?  I doubt my hometown area would see any since everyone seems to think all americans are rich, but if I get a good job soon and could afford it, I would buy 3 or so to start an education project there.10:10
BurgworkI would suspect so10:10
Burgworkthese kind of really large projects take years to get off the ground10:10
lucasvocan one also buy them in the richest country of the world? :)10:10
HedgeMagelucasvo: where I come from isn't rich, trust me.10:11
lucasvoHedgeMage: I mean where I come from10:11
HedgeMagelucasvo: ahh I thought you meant the US as a whole.10:11
lucasvoI really would like to buy one10:11
lucasvoHedgeMage: I am from switzerland10:11
HedgeMageahh, I didn't know that10:12
HedgeMageit's so hard to keep track! :)10:12
lucasvoI am american and swiss :)10:12
lucasvoyou are not 100% wrong10:12
lucasvoI would even pay more than 100$ for a laptop10:12
HedgeMagethough, my current laptop was $100 that's the only reason I could afford one10:13
Burgworkmy current laptop cost me $22 CAD10:14
LaserJockdang, mine was USD $850 :(10:14
HedgeMageBurgwork: good bargain!  that's a little less than mine.10:14
Burgworkit was a Canonical laptop. All I needed to buy was NA power plugs10:15
HedgeMageLaserJock: yeah, but mine was broken when I bought it.  I did discover, after purchasing it on the chance I could fix it, I found out it was still under warranty, the previous owner hadn't bothered to check.10:15
lucasvoI don't have one at all!!! :(10:15
HedgeMageLaserJock: Toshiba fixed it for me10:15
LaserJockdang I had to pay to ship my Toshiba back when it was overheating10:16
HedgeMagereally?  was it under warranty?10:17
lucasvothat is interesting10:17
LaserJockthey fixed it for free but I had to pay to ship it to them10:17
LaserJockI thought it was pretty odd10:17
pygihighvoltage, one laptop per child10:18
pygisorry for delay in response, I have a huge ISP problems10:18
HedgeMageLaserJock: that is odd, they gave me a case number, and I brought it to a local UPS store who packed and shipped it at Toshiba's expense10:18
highvoltagepygi: that's fine.10:18
LaserJockHedgeMage: yeah, that's what I would have thought. I think it cost me $27 to ship it10:19
HedgeMageLaserJock: ick10:19
=== bddebian2 is now known as bddebian
highvoltagebddebian: was bddebian2 also a god?10:21
bddebianNah, he's an idiot too :-)10:22
highvoltagewhat have i done! C. CatherineCapers is now mailing me with more questions! :)10:24
pygihighvoltage, ogra warned you :P10:25
crimsunsorry, that's what happens when you respond in a civil manner.10:25
bddebianWho is CatherineCapers?10:25
lucasvohighvoltage: reply with a faked server rejected email message :)10:25
lucasvowell olpc would be another architecture to support :)10:27
highvoltagelucasvo: that's quite evil, but an idea i'll keep for future use!10:28
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
lucasvoit's a geode processor, isn't it?10:37
=== nettogrof [n=nettogro@pdpc/supporter/active/nettogrof] has joined #edubuntu
Burgworklucasvo, yes11:10
=== cbx33 [n=pete@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33hey all11:12
LaserJockhi cbx33 11:13
cbx33Hi Laser_away 11:15
lucasvohi cbx33 11:15
cbx33I mean LaserJock 11:15
cbx33hi lucasvo 11:15
cbx33my laptop refused to connect to freenode over my mobile :(11:15
cbx33connected to blitzed fine11:15
lucasvocbx33: how much do you pay per MB?11:16
cbx33a lot11:16
cbx33.5p per Kb11:17
cbx33LaserJock, there's a small update to gISOMount11:17
cbx33fixed another bug11:17
cbx33a moajor one11:17
cbx33ping pygi 11:18
=== lucasvo pays 4 Pounds per MB
lucasvothat's about the same11:18
lucasvocbx33: which bug? 11:18
lucasvoshould I test something?11:18
cbx33when you had mounted multiple isos11:18
cbx33and clicked close11:18
cbx33it asks if you want to unmount them all11:18
cbx33if you say yes, it doesn;t11:18
cbx33it only unmounts the first one11:19
LaserJockdoh :-)11:19
cbx33yeh it was due to a stupid return True11:19
cbx33and another return False that wasn't properly  indented11:20
cbx33but it's all fixed now11:20
cbx33LaserJock, I talked to ogra about packaging11:20
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cbx33and he mentioned about not using setup.py for the ones he's packaged11:20
cbx33just using a .install11:20
cbx33so...i dunno:S11:21
LaserJockyeah, sounds reasonable11:21
cbx33I'll take a look at that tomorrow probably11:21
LaserJockyou would want to have something if you want more than Ubuntu to be able to use it11:21
cbx33using your excellent guide11:21
cbx33I also want to talk to you about feature freeze11:22
cbx33I'd like gisomount to be available for edgy11:22
cbx33wat do you think?11:22
Burgworkcbx33, write a spec and get it approved11:22
cbx33Burgwork, you think?11:23
LaserJocknaw, we don't need a spec, IMO11:23
Burgworkif you want to get it in, you need something11:23
cbx33even in Universe?11:24
Burgworkah, by deafult11:24
cbx33It won;t get in by default11:24
cbx33it's not a good enough package11:24
LaserJockthis isn't an Ubuntu specific program either11:24
cbx33true true11:24
Burgworkaim high11:24
cbx33What do you think LaserJock 11:24
cbx33Mr Co-Author11:24
LaserJockI think we should get it feature full and stable, then package it and then write a Main inclusion report if we want to11:25
LaserJockMr Co-Author who hasn't written a single line of code :/11:25
LaserJockI'm getting there11:25
crimsunthat's a much higher bar11:25
cbx33LaserJock, when do you think we should freeze?11:25
crimsunI would package it, NEW it into universe, then anastacia it into main11:26
LaserJockcrimsun: enlighten us, oh, wise one11:26
crimsun(just did :)11:26
LaserJockcrimsun: yeah, that's what I was thinking. Did I say it wrong?11:26
crimsunLaserJock: not wrong per se, but the phrasing seems like you guys wanted to package it directly into main11:27
cbx33anyone know why freenode timed out when i tried to connect using irssi over my mobile?11:27
cbx33crimsun, not at all :p11:27
lucasvocbx33: I had problems with it as well11:27
LaserJockcrimsun: no, I want to get it into Universe first11:27
lucasvoI had horrible lag and than a reconnect11:27
lucasvocbx33: were you able to connect to other irc servers?11:27
cbx33mine never got it11:27
cbx33I got into blitzed11:27
lucasvowhat time?11:27
cbx33that worked fine11:27
crimsunLaserJock: yep, that's the route I'd choose11:28
cbx33about 5-6 hours ago11:28
lucasvooh, in that case I don' tknow11:28
cbx33so LaserJock when do you think we should freeze development11:28
LaserJockhehe, when it's ready ;-)11:29
cbx33yeh but could keep adding features till the cows come home11:29
=== simp [n=siim@31.27-218-195.adsl.internet.lu] has joined #edubuntu
simpwhile trying to change the permissions of a folder/file/partition i get an error saying that i don't have access to these settings. it is FAT32 partition and i'm logged in as the "admin" user(the one that is created while the installtion)11:29
cbx33we need a cut off point for the release11:29
lucasvocbx33: no, I wouldn't do that11:30
lucasvoI would just do as much as possible in the next few weeks11:30
lucasvoand if there is no more time left for edgy begin to package it and fix bugs11:30
LaserJockcbx33: throw up the features we've got on a wiki, then give me the URL and I'll add the features I want, and then we can figure it out11:30
cbx33two secs11:30
cbx33I'll put it on my wiki11:30
cbx33unless you think it could go on ubuntu?11:31
cbx33 /should?11:31
LaserJockI'd rather not if we can help it since it really isn't an Ubuntu specific app11:32
cbx33ok np11:32
cbx33LaserJock, http://www.progbox.co.uk/cbx/index.php/GISOMount11:36
cbx33go crazy11:36
cbx33I gotta get some sleep, LaserJock if you could add your features, I can get started on those11:36
LaserJockyou shouldn't say that exactly11:36
cbx33see y'all tomorrow11:36
cbx33LaserJock, totally go nutes11:37
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #edubuntu

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