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MadpilotThe DocTeam has started getting 6.06's docs up on Lulu, so people can get paper copies inexpensively. http://www.lulu.com/ubuntu-doc09:38
jak08and then what do I do with them?09:41
Madpilotum, read them? ;)09:41
jak08oh, is that anything like eating?09:42
jak08ahh, here I imagened it being free, but you trickedme you sly dog09:45
jak08but it is coo09:45
SS2Madpilot: they cost nothing?09:45
SS2$0.00 <--- looks cheep09:45
jak08click on them and find out09:45
jak08thats to download09:45
Madpilotyou can download the PDFs free; I think the actual paper copies are about $7 USD09:46
jak08yes I want the chinnese one09:46
SS2Madpilot: ok, but that price ist also good ;)09:46
Madpilotyeah. they're not huge books, only about 80pgs for the Ubuntu Desktop Guide, and at least 10 or 15 pages is the licenses at the back...09:47
jak08still it's kinda cool09:48
Madpilotas more translations get done, we'll add them, too09:49
jak08you will09:49
jak08I'm pycik thats how I know09:50
jak08yep thats the work09:51
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AndyFitznew slashdot theme is nice11:55
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AndyFitzhi lapo12:05
lapoyo andy12:05
AndyFitzhow goes it mate.  tried the inksccape pre releases ?12:06
lapoyep, using it12:08
lapowell, a 3weeks old build I believe12:08
AndyFitzgive it another whirl ;-)12:11
AndyFitzsome more polish is on   we're looking to release before friday ( may / may not happen )12:11
lapocool, downloading it12:12
lapono support yet for effects, right?12:12
AndyFitznot yet12:33
AndyFitzblending modes and filters some day tho ;-)12:33
AndyFitztwo SoC projects for filters12:33
AndyFitzscribus has blending modes now .. ( experimental )12:34
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msikmaHey everyone09:22
=== AndyFitz [n=AndyFitz@cust1772.qld01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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lapoany thunderbird/firefox skinner around?11:45
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