
LaserJockhmm, well that was something I always wondered about, but it has been on the wiki page since I used it to make my first chroot12:04
infinityLaserJock: If you're doing something silly like installing sudo in your chroots... Don't... Use sudo outside the chroot. "sudo dchroot -c dapper"12:04
LaserJockoh for goodness sakes12:04
LaserJocknow I'm all confused12:05
enricoHi.  I have just deboostrapped a base dapper.  Is there a way to kick on the installer to have it finish the installation like it had been installed from the CD?12:06
LaserJockI mean I  see what your saying (sort of) but we really need to take a look at that wiki page then12:06
infinityOr, for extra fun user-switching hilarity "sudo dchroot -c dapper su - someotheruser"12:06
sivangwhat's the current ncurses way to dpkg-reconfigure loclaes?12:06
sivang(i.e. it doesn't offer you to add loclaes anymore)12:07
infinitysivang: Install a langpack, happens automatically.12:07
sivanguh-ha! thanks!12:07
=== AlD [n=johan@dsl-165-104-34.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivanginfinity: there a commmon script all langpacks use to do that?12:09
infinityLaserJock: jbailey's been hacking on a dchroot-manager tool.  I think I'll branch his bzr archive and stuff all my years of buildd and dchroot-admin knowlege into it, and maybe people can get more use out of that than a random wiki page.12:09
infinitysivang: /usr/share/locales/install-language-pack12:09
infinitysivang: See the postinst for any language-pack-??-base package.12:10
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sivanginfinity: yep , thanks, so now if I want to just add a local without having to install all the langpack data, I need to manually use /usr/sbin/locale-gen ?12:12
LaserJockinfinity: yes, that would be good. My biggest problem isn't so much the wiki page but that I used the wiki page when I was writing the Packaging Guide12:12
infinitysivang: Yeah, though a locale with no data is mostly useless (except for the time and date formats and such, I guess)12:13
sivanginfinity: yes, that waht I wanted to achive, thanks.12:14
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skingsleyI installed the new version today and its great.  I was wondering if there is a personal financial application package for ubuntu.12:17
infinityskingsley: -> #ubuntu12:18
infinityskingsley: This is not a support channel.12:18
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=== storm is now known as M4gicSt0rm
=== sivang tries to find the KDE dependency in the hebrew lang-pack support packagine
sivangpackage, even12:32
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=== sivang finds langpack-he-bae
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sivanganyway, time to go to sleep12:39
sivangnight all12:39
sivanginfinity: don't stay up when you don't have to :)12:40
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sivangare there any DC admins around?12:58
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infinitysivang: What needs fixing?12:59
=== sivang sorry I lied about going to sleep
sivanginfinity: I need to have a public ssh key added to humboldt so some people can upload stuff for me there... does that fall under your domain?01:00
infinitySince I don't even know what purpose humboldt serves, I'll go with "no".01:01
sivanginfinity: okay, thanks anyway.01:01
infinityYou probably want elmo/Znarl.01:01
sivangyes, do you know when they should be available ?01:01
mdkesivang: not at midnight on a sunday01:03
mdkesivang: an rt request will get them tho01:03
infinitysivang: It's only barely Monday (00:03 BST) in London right now.  Give 'em time to end the weekend.01:03
infinityAnd yes, RT it.01:03
sivanghow do I RT ?01:04
mdkeyou email rt@admin.canonical.com01:05
infinity-> /msg01:05
infinityOr not. :)01:05
infinitymdke: I was trying to avoid that landing in Fabio's IRC logs for spam crawlers. :)01:05
=== mdke goes into that hole in the ground that has just opened
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=== sivang joins mdke for even trying to wake up the admins on a sunday evening at high midnight
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bddebianHowdy folks01:08
mdkesivang: this hole isn't big enough for the both of us01:08
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Kamionmirak: there is no way to run d-i from a running system. While I realise this is not intuitively obvious, it expects to basically *be* the operating system, and doesn't at all like something else really running the show.02:51
Kamionmirak: it might be possible to fix that one day, but it's a matter of fairly serious hacking (and tackling some fundamental issues like "how do you do partitioning when a root filesystem is mounted on that disk so the kernel can't re-read the partition table?"), not just configuration02:52
wasabi_Not worth it. But it'd be useful to install to another system from inside d-i.02:52
wasabi_Or another partition.02:53
wasabi_Or even a chroot.02:53
wasabi_(ie easier than debootstrap)02:53
Kamion"install to another system from inside d-i"> I don't even know what that means02:54
wasabi_err. from inside an existing system.02:56
wasabi_For instance, plug in my USB disk, run d-i, install to it.02:56
Kamionthat's what I just said to mirak was impossible and might be fixed one day, and you said "not worth it, but <apparently the same suggestion>"02:57
Kamions/impossible/currently impossible/02:57
wasabi_Thought you mentioned on the root file system.02:57
wasabi_Yeah, ya did.02:58
Kamionat the moment it's not possible to run d-i from a running system at all02:58
wasabi_Yeah. I know.02:58
wasabi_n/m I'm out. ;)02:58
Kamionyes, installing to a different disk would make partitioning easier02:58
Kamionin that case - but that's just one of the issues02:58
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infinityKamion: WTH are you doing around at this time of day, anyway?03:17
Kamioninfinity: can't sleep; you know the score03:21
infinityKamion: Oh, I do at that (I haven't slept since sometime yesterday), I just figured you weren't in the same boat as me. :/03:22
jsgotangcogood morning03:22
Kamioninfinity: not normally, just occasionally03:22
KamionI've been writing DebuggingUbiquity on the wiki in the hope that people will create less of a mess in my inbox over subsequent weekends. ;)03:24
=== jdub hugs Kamion
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blankyhey guys03:38
blankycan someone please point me in the right direction in making an ubuntu based distribution, any information I can look at?03:38
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jdubmgalvin: ping03:48
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jsgotangcohe must be sleeping already03:59
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jdubmgalvin: ahr?04:01
jduboh, reconnect04:01
mgalvinjub: howdy04:01
jdubhe's back04:01
jdubnew and improved04:01
jdubmgalvin: UWN moderated and posted to the fridge!04:01
mgalvinversion 2.004:01
mgalvincool, thanks! :)04:02
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bddebianHeya tseng, jsgotangco04:10
jsgotangcohey bddebian04:10
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tsenghi bddebian, jsgotangco, jdub, etc.04:14
Burgundaviahey tseng04:14
bddebianHi Burgundavia04:14
bddebiantseng: Back from your trip?04:14
tsengbddebian: yes04:15
tsengbddebian: got back friday night, if you recall the spot of weather we had then04:15
tsengpretty awful04:15
tsengfor flying04:15
bddebianI was out shoveling dirt in it :-)04:15
tsengyou mean mud04:16
bddebianYeah, it was at that point04:16
tseng95 was flooded04:16
tsenga bunch of people pulled off04:16
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mgalvinjdub: just so you know, i am going to try and send off those UWN issues each saturday night (my time)04:43
mgalvinthe sunday paper :)04:43
jdubrad ;)04:44
bddebianWow, I haven't heard "rad" in ages :)04:45
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infinityk-rad, it's even better than rad.  Which 80s did you miss?04:47
bddebianI try hard to forget them :-)04:47
hit1983how to install tomcat ?04:47
mgalvinnight all04:47
bddebianAsk in #ubuntu?04:47
bddebianGnight mgalvin04:47
_ionTo be accurate, K-rad really means "ghay-radiant".04:47
mgalvinnight bddebian04:48
=== _ion just woke up. I'll try to sleep one more hour.
infinitybddebian: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=k-rad04:49
bddebianLike totally dude04:49
bgertzfieldI used to be k-rad in the 80s.04:53
bgertzfieldI dialed in with my 1200 baud modem to a k-rad pir-8 BBS04:53
jdubwhere's the real install documentation?04:54
jdubhrm, maybe it's on archive04:54
infinityIt's generated from d-i, yes.04:55
infinityIf you mean the verbose and very informative docs that Debian publishes with new releases.04:55
=== bddebian whips out the sarcasm detector..
infinityAt least... I thought it was generated from d-i... Now I can't find it.04:56
jdubboh, foild04:56
infinitybddebian: No, I'm not being sarcastic, the Debian install guide is generally quite useful.04:56
jdubmaybe Kamion kills it from our archive04:56
jdubfor instance04:57
bddebianinfinity: I wasn't sure, hence the detector :-)04:57
jdubthe netboot page on the wiki04:57
infinityIt has wonderful instructions for l33t setups like bootp+tftp, plus general info on what the different installer bits do.04:57
jdubtalks about setting up tftpd with xinetd04:57
jdubwhich is like04:57
jdub... huh?04:57
jdubyeah, i'm trying to point someone to the netboot docs04:57
Burgundaviajdub: most of the installation guides on the wiki are hideously out of date04:58
infinityjdub: Just point them to the Debian docs.  They're the same.04:58
jduboh, weird04:58
jdub^ care of google (first hit)04:58
jdubno doc dir for dapper04:58
infinitySo, we distributed it in warty, but not in dapper?... Perhaps we just deemed it "unmaintained", and dropped it.  I dunno.04:58
infinityWorth poking Kamion about sometime.04:59
infinityOh, this was the more proper link:04:59
jdubi'll pass on the breezy one04:59
infinityOh, we still published it in breezy?04:59
infinityThen  Isuspect we lost it as part of the soyuz transition.04:59
infinityAnd perhaps no one noticed.04:59
Burgundaviainfinity: in there any sane reason to install PH5 from source?05:00
infinityBurgundavia: Not that I can think of.05:00
infinityBurgundavia: There may be reason to install more extensions from source than we build, but that can be done in about 5 seconds with php5-dev and phpize, much less effort than installing the whole mess.05:01
infinityBurgundavia: Why do you ask?05:01
Burgundaviamurdering useless wiki pages05:01
infinityYeah, I don't think "installing $foo from source" where $foo is a package we ship belongs on the Ubuntu wiki at all, TBH.05:02
Kamionjdub: installation-guide package05:02
Kamionjdub: doc.ubuntu.com05:02
infinityIt belongs in upstream docs, certainly.05:02
Kamionmgalvin needs to kick an update to the current package, though, to get rid of 6.04 and stuff05:03
infinityKamion: Ahh, we just stopped publishing is in installer-$arch, so I got confused.05:03
Kamionyes, it's not in the archive in the old style any more because the manual got rearranged upstream05:03
infinityMakes sense.  Just confused the bejesus out of me. :)05:03
jdubKamion: 'cos i looked at help.ubuntu.com; didn't expect it to be on doc.05:04
=== \sh [n=shermann@xdsl-81-173-249-156.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== infinity didn't know there WAS a doc.ubuntu.com until just now.
KamionI think mgalvin intended to put it on help.ubuntu.com once dapper was released, iirc05:04
bddebianHeya \sh05:04
Kamionhttp://help.ubuntu.com/5.10/ <-- 403, fun05:05
\shgood morning05:05
infinityYeah, I just noticed that. :)05:05
infinityhelp.ubuntu.com appears to need some TLC.05:05
=== jdub covers his eyes from ETOOMANYSUBDOMAIN errors
infinityjdub: I tihnk doc.u.c is meant to be unstable docs, for the docteam and contributors, while help.ubuntu.com is aimed at end users.05:05
infinityjdub: I think...05:05
Kamionthat was my understanding too05:06
Burgundaviainfinity: you are correct05:06
Burgundaviamdke_ is coordinating the switchover05:06
infinityShame that help.ubuntu.com looks nearly useless currently.05:06
Burgundaviathe wiki documentation is about to move to a new wiki there05:06
jdubyeah, but nothiing about the subdomains themselves indicates that :)05:06
infinityyeah, it should probably be s/doc/docteam/ ... Or something.05:07
infinityI'd expect doc and help to be aliases to the same vhost.05:07
=== \sh kicks dm-crypt, pam-mount and his sd card...work or die *grrr8
jsgotangcoits the same machine05:08
=== jdub thinks 'doc' is not clear enough as a subdomain anyway
jdubgoogle will index that stuff05:08
jduband people will find it anyway05:08
infinityWell, I'm not entirely sure subdomains are clear to the non-geeky at all, period.05:08
jduband the ubuntu wiki has such extreme google juice at this point, it's just going to be a massive fight05:09
infinityTell your mom to go to "doc.ubuntu.com" and watch her type "www.doc.ubuntu.com"05:09
jdubFight For The Google Juice05:09
infinityShe totally will.05:09
jdubOnly One Will...05:09
jdubBe Lucky05:09
jdubbetter remember that for next time05:09
=== jdub feels for the doc team, this is Hard Stuff
Burgundaviathe google juice issue is not that big, because the existing wiki is going to redirect05:11
infinityIn related "mom and URL" things, has anyone ever actually tried to tell someone over the age of 50 to go to "Aitch tee tee pee colon slash slash slash dot dot org" before?  Doesn't work so well.05:11
jdubi would not try to expose people over 50 to slashdot05:12
jdubyou awful person!05:12
infinityjdub: It was in the 90s, they were selling a t-shirt I liked, I've since repented.05:13
infinityjdub: To make up for it, not only have I not exposed any more aging folk to slashdot, I also stopped reading it myself somewhere around 2000.05:13
jdubthe naughties are all about repentence05:14
\shwhatever slashdot is05:14
Burgundaviatseng: is there a sane reason to install Mono from source?05:17
jsgotangcodocteam.u.c is used for svn05:18
infinitysvn doesn't have to be the root of a vhost, just host the svn at docteam.ubuntu.com/svn and have the docteam website at docteam.ubuntu.com05:25
=== infinity decides to nap for a bit until London wakes up, so he's a bit more alive when he tackles Kinnison.
\shwhy the hell it's not possible to create a i386 pbuilder on amd64 with --debootstrapopts "--arch 386"?05:28
\shwhereas a simple deboostrap works out of the bocx05:28
diemanapache died05:28
diemanon my mirror05:29
diemanno idea why05:29
infinitydieman: Nothing in the logs?05:29
infinity\sh: --arch isn't mean for cross-arch bootstraps, it's just meant for cases when "dpkg --print-installaiton-architecture" is useless (or missing completely)05:30
diemanhrm, does apache restart as part of the logrotate stuff?05:30
diemanperhaps it just didn't come back right 05:30
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ajmitchafternoon all05:30
infinitydieman: Yes, it does.  If your particular installation doesn't run any modules that break on graceful, change it to reload.05:31
\shinfinity: then the documentation of pbuilder is totally useless05:31
diemanthats probally what happened05:31
infinitydieman: I have yet to find the "right" solution to that one, and restarting is more correct for more people, due to module breakage. :/05:31
\shpbuilder create --distribution sid --debootstrapopts --arch --debootstrapopts i386 \05:31
\sh  --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/base-i386.tgz --mirror http://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian05:31
diemani have no idea why it wouldn't have come back up though 05:31
infinitydieman: /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 -> s/restart/reload/05:31
\shand then calling pbuilder with linux32 to build05:31
diemaninfinity: thanks05:32
infinitydieman: If it was under really heavy load, it can take too long to go down and still be running when it tries to come up.05:32
diemanthats what it was then is my guess05:32
infinityI *think* I can fix that problem.05:32
diemanit was under heavy load still, probally05:32
infinityAnd probably will for etch/edgy.05:32
diemaninfinity: http://x2218-1.nts.umn.edu/cgi-bin/gtr.northernlights.gigapop.net.cgi?log=gtr.northernlights.gigapop.net_so-0_0_0.005:32
infinity(We already wait 60 seconds for it to die, mind you...)05:32
diemaninfinity: see the notch at 7am? :)05:32
infinityBut I think I can kill it better.  We'll see.05:32
diemanlooks like it was doing at least 50mbps on that connection05:33
diemanso it was probally doing like 75mbps only05:33
diemansunday morning is slow05:33
diemanheh, its already doing 40mbps05:34
infinity\sh: I'm sure it's doable, but I'm not sitting in front of an amd64 machine right now, so can't experiment.05:35
\shinfinity: with a plain debootstrap it works ... but not with the pbuilder wrapper05:35
\shinfinity: works means: it fetches i386 packages and not amd64 packages05:35
infinitydieman: apache2's init script will haunt me until the day I die.  It just grows hack upon hack.  It's dangerously close to becoming sentient.05:35
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infinitydieman: I'll see if I can make make "restart" behave better in the next (with even more AI!) version I upload with 2.0.58/2.2.0 later today/tomorrow.05:37
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jdubinfinity: i am sad that the old apache uber-log-rotation stuff doesn't exist anymore - the one that found all log files referenced by the apache config. i guess that's harder to do with logrotate itself.06:10
=== \sh is using gentoos apaches splitlog and uses SetEnv VLOG /my/log/dir to have nifty split up logfiles. split up by date (month-year) and vhost
infinityjdub: I still have the scary awk that made that go, and COULD perhaps do it again, but it was a pretty ugly hack.06:21
infinityjdub: It has crossed my mind, though.  The last time we saw it was, what?  potato's apache 1.3.9?06:21
jdubyeah, probably06:22
jdubi loved it so much though06:23
jdubit was one of the 'just works' things that really turned me on about debian06:23
jdubattention to detail, etc.06:23
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infinityOkay, why do we not have libpam-keying in the archive?  (And any bets on how soon I upload it after edgy opens?)06:24
infinityNo more gnome-keyring password prompts, FTW.06:24
jdubwhat does libpam-keyring do?06:24
infinityjdub: I'll consider it for etch/edgy.06:24
infinityjdub: pam_keyring allows you to authenticate your gnome-keyring via PAM...06:25
jduboh right06:25
\shkeyring like in gpg-keyring?06:25
infinityjdub: Which, if you're uber-lazy, could just mean having the same password for login and your keyring, and doing password falthrough.06:25
jdubback to logs - how would it interact with logrotate?06:25
infinityOr, you could be more tricky.06:25
=== jdub wonders if we can kerberise edgy
infinity\sh: No, the gnome-keyring, AKA: The irritating thing that stores wifi passwords and makes networkmanager no fun on every login.06:26
\shinfinity: ah...like kwallet...same problem on KDEs site of the earth06:26
=== jdub hugs g-k, shields it from infinity
desrtkerberise?  like security?06:27
desrtinfinity; haha.  funny you should mention that06:27
desrtinfinity; i wrote a program today!06:27
desrtoh yah baby.  no more hatred for me.06:27
=== infinity laughs.
jdubi love it how people are flickring their upgrades06:28
infinitypam_keyring seems slightly more "correct", but unlocking will make me happy in the short run.06:28
jdubwith appropriate glee and hysterics about how easy it is06:28
desrtpam_keyring is dapper-incompatible06:28
=== \sh wonders, if anyone of you ever tried cryptsetup and pam-mount to create a SD card for gpg keys, which mounts automatically to $HOME/.gnupg
Burgundaviajdub: except when they break horribly06:28
infinityGiven that the only thing I store in there is my wifi passwords, and I'm perfectly happy with those being protected by filesystem permissions, I've always been annoyed at the extra security.06:28
infinitydesrt: Is it?06:28
desrt\sh; that's hilariously insecure06:28
jdubBurgundavia: why would anyone flickr that?06:28
desrtinfinity; it requires pam 0.9906:28
desrtinfinity; dapper has 0.7something06:29
infinitydesrt: No, there's a version for older PAMs as well.06:29
desrtoh.  neat.06:29
\shdesrt: the pam mount thing, yes, it was just a technological tryout 06:29
HrdwrBoByes, it shits me having to type in my password constantly06:29
HrdwrBoBalthough, having an airo card, it doesn't actually WORK anyway06:29
desrtthe real solution would be to make an SD card (or perhaps more suitably, a USB device) which does onboard RSA key operations and has a secret key which it refuses to ever give to anyone ever06:29
infinityjdub: Not sure how I'd make it integrate with logrotate, or if I'd have to scrap the logrotate config and go back to cron+savelog. :/06:30
HrdwrBoBdesrt: yes06:30
HrdwrBoBit's also more expensive06:30
infinityjdub: (Not that there's anything wrong with cron+savelog, just that people like centralised log rotation)06:30
\shdesrt: the other possibility would be to make crypto key smartcards work out of the box for edgy (usb or pcmcia devices included ;))06:30
HrdwrBoBand potentially disastrous for the user06:30
desrtHrdwrBoB; shrug.06:30
HrdwrBoBbecause all it takes is one idiot to lose their card and they lose all their data06:30
desrtHrdwrBoB; s/card/passphrase/06:30
desrtHrdwrBoB; same story, really06:31
HrdwrBoBdon't get me wrong it's a good idea, it's just that it's a bit more onerous06:31
HrdwrBoBoh, passphrase, I was thinking you weren't using a passphrase at all06:31
HrdwrBoBhave purely physical security 06:31
\shHrdwrBoB: funny thing is, gpg does support key smartcards and 2-4 devices to read them, to create gpg keys and rings directly. but it does not work on dapper out of the box..tried it last week06:32
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desrtno devices suit my needs06:32
=== desrt needs something that can handle large RSA keys
jdubwhat's hilariously insecure about keeping your private key on a usb stick? it's only slightly less secure than keeping it on your laptop (and only because the usb stick is smaller)06:33
\shdesrt: well, right now, the smartcards can handle only 1024 bit keys yes06:33
desrtjdub; security is a relative term06:33
infinityjdub: Except your laptop has a higher chance of being stolen than a random memoery stick does, so the stick becomes more secure.06:33
jdubhilarious was the relative term i was questioning06:33
desrtjdub; if you put a lot of effort into something (which it sounds like was the case) then you should expect to gain a fair deal of security06:33
jdubinfinity: yeah, now that's true too06:33
jdubdesrt: sticking your gpg key on a usb stick doesn't require a lot of effort06:34
desrtjdub; for the amount of effort to implement the scheme described it makes almost entirely no difference06:34
desrtjdub; encrypting the filesystem and hooking up pam-mount does06:34
desrtand presumably, it's on a USB stick so that you can take it places06:34
desrtmeanwhile, any computer you plug it into could just make a copy of it06:34
desrtplus, encrypted filesystem is totally redundant to having a passphrase on the key itself06:35
desrtand the instant you enter the passphrase on some other computer .... let's hope you trust their box :)06:35
desrtthis is what i mean hilariously insecure06:35
desrthaving a token that did RSA ops is more secure because the box never has a chance to copy key data from the device06:36
jduba) why encrypt it? b) why stick it in an untrusted computer?06:36
HrdwrBoBcovers it if stolen06:36
jdubrhetorical questions06:36
jdubdon't waste your effort :)06:36
desrtif you're only going to use it with your laptop anyway why not just store it on your laptop?06:36
HrdwrBoBthat said, nobody steals a USB key to get the gpg keys off it06:36
jdubbecause laptop goes walkies06:36
desrtfair, i suppose.06:36
HrdwrBoBand if they are, they're going to be good, and are likely to get it anyway06:36
desrti've never lost a laptop.  i've lost a few usb devices....06:37
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@c211-28-183-112.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== jdub has the laptop to show for laptops-go-walkies too :)
jsgotangcoa usb stick is more likely to be reformatted once taken than a laptop06:37
desrtjdub; when your laptop got stolen did it have key data on it?06:37
jsgotangco(and also depends on the location where it was stolen i guess)06:37
\shlet's have a short reminder: UBZ06:37
HrdwrBoBa laptop running linux is going to be reformatted if stolen06:37
HrdwrBoBthat's pretty much ti06:37
desrt\sh; but the noodles were SOOO good06:37
jdubdesrt: yes06:37
desrtforever in my mind those noodles will be associated with jeff's laptop being stonel06:37
desrtjdub; did you revoke?06:37
desrtgood man06:38
\shdesrt: for one day: absolutely 06:38
jdubi'm a bad person, etc.06:38
desrtya right06:38
jdubi don't bother with keysigning crap either06:38
\shdesrt: and ajmitch06:38
jdubjust makes my eyes glaze over06:38
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desrti promise you the person who stole your laptop (or the person they sold it to) booted it up, scratched their head for a moment, then reached for a windows install CD06:38
jdub"wait -- i could be FISHING!!!"06:38
HrdwrBoBdesrt: no wa06:39
jdub"wait -- i could be reupholstering the sofa!!!"06:39
HrdwrBoBthe person who stole it likely fenced it for some smack06:39
HrdwrBoBand that person sold it to some other guy 06:39
desrtHrdwrBoB; that's considered selling.  see above :p06:39
HrdwrBoBand THAT person installed windows06:39
jdub"wait -- i could be regrouting the shower!!!"06:39
infinityjdub: I just had the most perverse idea to integrate it into logrotate, using "include" in unholy ways.06:39
desrtHrdwrBoB; i use 'sold it to' under transitive closure :)06:39
jdubinfinity: elite!06:39
jdubinfinity: you can include the log definition?06:39
jdubof course you can06:39
desrtjdub; you will sign my key at guadec.06:40
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HrdwrBoBdesrt: yeah I skipped that part because it was in brackets, I would like a replacement parser please06:40
jdubyou're a sicko - good idea!06:40
infinityjdub: Have a dummy rotatio directive that rotates nothing but runs a script that generated an include dir full of logrotate snippets, then include that directory.06:40
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nomedhi all06:40
infinityjdub: It feels very, very wrong, and potentially fragile, but worth toying with before I dismiss it.06:40
Burgundaviajdub: what is the mugshot repo again?06:40
jdubdeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~jdub/edgy/ ./06:41
=== \sh will only sign keys when I see an identity card of the "Transnational Republic"
nomedi'm connected using ssh to a breezy box .. i need to run a debootstrap .. but i get a really strange error :06:41
nomedW: Failure trying to run: chroot /home/nomed/chroot mount -t proc proc /proc06:41
desrti heard edgy opened06:41
=== desrt gets excited
nomedis this a known issue ?06:41
Hobbseejdub: hehe.  of course not.06:41
desrtnomed; #ubuntu is a better place for this question06:41
nomeddesrt, do u really think they can help me on this ?06:42
nomedi've not seen even a bug on debootstrap in launchpad ..06:42
desrtheh.  you could try #debian06:42
nomedi can try anyway06:42
=== desrt asked a debootstrap question in #debian once and when i told them i was trying to install ubuntu they kickbanned me
=== infinity goes to get his nap on before Kinnison wakes up.
nomeddesrt, ehehe06:43
infinitydesrt: #debian is less than friendly, and not entirely representative of the project.06:43
infinitydesrt: When most DDs hop into #debian to help out, they end up leaving again within minutes.06:43
\sh#debian moved to oftc anyways06:43
nomedanyway it looks really strange ...06:43
jdubinfinity keeps mixing up his words06:43
jdubhe meant06:43
desrtinfinity; this was also back in the warty days when people weren't yet sure about if they hated ubuntu or what06:43
jdub"#debian is less than friendly, and entirely not representative of the project."06:44
nomedi can't even use mount as root on that "chroot chroot/" ..06:44
infinityjdub: I meant the former, actually, but the latter certainly has more spin.06:44
infinityjdub: I'm willing to admit that some DDs are nearly as hostile as #debian. :)06:44
\shnomed: sudo mount -o bind -t proc /proc /bla/chroot/proc doesn't work?06:44
infinityjdub: Just not the project as a whole.06:44
nomed\sh it works ..06:44
desrtwhat happened to mjg59?06:45
desrthe used to be so much more angry06:45
desrthe's all docile now06:45
infinityHe grew up a bit.06:45
nomedthe problem is that debootstrap uses mount within the chroot06:45
infinityNow he's only angry when drunk.06:45
desrti enjoyed his omnipresent mean-streak06:45
\shnomed: well, it worked for me in breezy times, and works well in dapper times to create even hoary chroots ;)06:45
nomed\sh, yep .. it works for me even on others breezy box ...06:46
nomedand i can't figure out what's wrong there ..06:46
\shnomed: support answer no. 1 in windows IT: Please reinstall your OS ;)06:47
nomed"googling" .. i've seen it 's an issue that exists ..06:47
nomed\sh, i'm in italy and that's in belgium ..06:47
nomedi'll ask them anyway what they did on that machine ..06:47
nomedthanks you all anyway06:47
\shnomed: check the sources.list for any debian repositories ;)06:48
nomed\sh, just breezy ...06:48
nomedchecked already ..06:48
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\shhttp://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2006/06/extra-extra-read-all-about-it-nearly.html he is so right06:50
whiprush_\sh: you were looking for me earlier?06:50
desrtthat article is extremely boring06:50
desrtwhen you make a claim like that you better have the goods to back it up06:51
desrtand he failed to deliver06:51
desrt6:             int mid = (low + high) / 2;06:51
desrt7:             int midVal = a[mid] ;06:51
desrtthat's one huge array if mid might overflow06:51
\shwhiprush_: yes06:51
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\shwhiprush_: when I remember, you gave a talk about mass deployment of ubuntu desktops via kickstart, right?06:53
\shwhiprush_: do you have the presentation online somehwere?06:54
jsgotangcothat would be neat06:55
whiprush_on my laptop, I can throw them up on the web when I get to work (about 9 hours from now)06:55
\shwhiprush_: rock :) thx :)06:55
\shdesrt: he said this06:57
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\shdesrt: but I see his article as proof of concept...it can happen anywhere in the world of binary sorts. it's the same assumption like (int)(64bit-64bit) == 32bit ;)07:00
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mdke_04:06:25 < infinity> Shame that help.ubuntu.com looks nearly useless currently.09:11
mdke_infinity: what's wrong with it?09:11
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glickis anyone here09:13
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HiddenWolfmdke: it's a bit spartan09:28
HiddenWolfglick: if there is something you'd like to discuss or ask, just do so.09:29
mdkeHiddenWolf: are you talking about the content?09:29
HiddenWolfmdke: both content and presentation.09:29
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glickyeah is it purposefully that in .bash_profile if ~/bin exists it is prepended to your current PATH, shouldnt it be appended? i thought this was a potential security hole09:30
mdkeHiddenWolf: right. Can you send your suggestions to the ubuntu-doc mailing list please?09:30
HiddenWolfmdke: I'll take a look and mail the list. :)09:30
HiddenWolfI was about to wait untill the wiki got transferred.09:30
jsgotangcohmm maybe a one page, mulitple page html tgz download would be helpful too09:31
jsgotangcoand a pdf tgz09:32
mdkeI'm just amazed that it could be described as "nearly useless"09:32
HiddenWolfmdke: You'll not hear me say that09:32
mdkepretty harsh critique of 6 months work09:32
HiddenWolfmdke: help.ubuntu has saved me literally dozens of explanations, it's very convenient to link to from irc. :)09:33
\shglick: where is the security hole? 09:33
jsgotangcomdke: its not the content actually, its more of the presentation i'd say09:33
glick\sh, in .bash_profile09:33
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glick\sh, shouldnt ~/bin be appended to the $PATH instead of prepended?09:34
\shglick: you mean prepending ~/bin ? i don't see any security risk there09:34
\shglick: because it should be just you who have access to your home09:34
glick\sh, what if root account is installed and root issues a su in my home directory and i happen to have my own version of su there09:35
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\shglick: to be honest, if you have your own su in your home, i would be wondered09:36
glickor i go to someones computer and put a .bin with a sudo version that will send me me his password09:36
glickoh yeah and a cd version that wont show the bin directory09:36
\shglick: then you had hacked his computer already09:36
glick\sh, no not really09:36
\shglick: or this someone is really stoopid09:36
jsgotangcomdke: i can hardly believe the the frontpage is 6 months work ;)09:37
glickmeans i walked up to his computer in his user account, and am waiting for the root password09:37
giftnudel\sh: well isn't the point rather, that it's easier to place something in ~/bin then in /bin?09:37
\shgiftnudel: yes, but I wonder if someone is really so careless and let others on their homedir09:38
HiddenWolf\sh: most people have a homedir for "dad" and one for "family"09:39
giftnudelactually, it's kind of pointless anyway (as I realize now) if you have access to someones homedir, you can easily change his or her path09:39
\shgiftnudel: the other way around, the first user has only sudo rights, so if he has an own version of sudo in his dir, he is responsible ;)09:39
\shHiddenWolf: yes, but mostly dad is sudo master, and family is just using the computer, so dad can do what he wants anyways09:40
mdkejsgotangco: the site is, as you know.09:40
glick\sh, here is another senario09:40
giftnudelso I don't think it's more insecure then appending it, since you just have to modify .bash_profile to PATH="~/bin:"$PATH or seomething similar09:41
glickif you have a root account installed09:41
glickadmin comes over to my terminal, does a su09:41
looksausis there a way to get strikethrough text in the wiki? probably not, I suppose?09:41
jsgotangcomdke: i think its just a matter of tinkering with the frontpage that is all09:41
glickinstead of a su -09:41
giftnudelglick: this is the admins fault09:41
HiddenWolf\sh: usually in a family the kids are in control of the computer, and can do what they want untill dad's work gets whiped out.09:41
\shglick: if admin has root account, he would use username: root as login name and does a chown <your user> afterwards09:41
\shglick: if admin has brain, he uses his useraccount and does a sudo because he can trust himself09:42
giftnudelglick: I see your point, but I don't really think it matters that much09:42
\shglick: if admin is braindead, he's at fault09:42
\shHiddenWolf: that's the reason why families have "kids computers" and "dad computer named laptop" ;)09:43
HiddenWolf\sh: chuckle09:43
giftnudelglick: if you have access to someones homedir, replace the icon to the terminal with one that logs su & passwords and you are done too09:43
giftnudelshortcut I mean09:44
\shHiddenWolf: no really...I'm dad, I'm root, that's the law ;) 09:44
\shHiddenWolf: and kids have a playstation09:45
\shHiddenWolf: and when the kids are old enough they get their own computer to destroy ;)09:45
Hobbsee\sh: that's a great way to run things :)09:45
=== Hobbsee destroyed her old laptop.
\shspeaking of brainded....09:46
giftnudelglick: the following will do in .bashrc (or _profile): export PATH="~/bin:"$PATH and you have the same result09:46
\shhow can someone destroy automake magic and remove DESTDIR support from it09:46
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rohhi there09:59
HiddenWolfhey vuntz, what is the libgnome-applet soc project going to do, is there a proposal somewhere?09:59
rohi'm searching for someone from the i386 kernelteam to discuss a bug. yeah ive read the topic, but since #ubuntu is scrolling rather fast noone there seems to has his hand in that packages10:01
HiddenWolfroh: you can try #ubuntu-kernel 10:01
rohah thanks10:01
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sivangmorning all10:09
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Hobbseehey sivang 10:11
=== sivang hugs Hobbsee
sivangHobbsee: 'sup ?10:11
=== Hobbsee hugs sivang in return
Hobbseei have to go to work soon - contemplatign dinner before or after it..10:12
Hobbseehehe.  sounds simple.10:15
Hobbseeajmitch: crackers make good pre-dinner?10:20
Hobbseetoo bad.10:22
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vuntz_HiddenWolf: libgnome-applet is about creating a library making it really easy to write applets10:57
vuntz_HiddenWolf: it will contain some widgets doing nearly all the work10:57
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iwjpitti: I was expecting those CVEs for firefox ...12:27
iwjDo you want me to dig them out myself from the mozilla.org release notes, or do you have some top secret source of your own ?12:28
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KamionKeybuk: does udevplug ever exit non-zero?12:41
KeybukI don't think so, no12:41
Keybukit used to if the timeout happened, but that caused problems12:41
Kamionok, thanks - just investigating bug 4825712:42
UbugtuMalone bug 48257 in ubiquity "hw-detect mysteriously exits 1" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4825712:42
Keybukah, no12:42
Keybukit still does exit 1 if the timeout happens12:42
Kamionthe logs pinpoint the mysterious exit rather close to the end of the script, and udevplug is one of the few things called in there12:42
Kamion(there are some others)12:42
Keybukask them whether it took ~3 minutes12:42
Kamionworth a try, asking, thanks12:43
ograhmm, is fabio on holiday already ? 12:44
iwjThings shouldn't exit nonzero without stderr output.12:45
iwj(Unless specifically requested eg diff --silent.)12:46
KamionKeybuk: btw, bazaar.launchpad.net doesn't seem to serve the same stuff from within the DC as it does from without, which is kind of problematic for seeds12:46
KamionKeybuk: try http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.edgy/ from rookery12:46
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sivangKamion: that's the new place for edgy seed stuff?12:50
Kamionsivang: will be, but isn't yet - an announcement will be sent out with details once it's all working12:50
Kamionpart of the point being to enable non-Canonical-employees who are ubuntu-core-dev members to commit to the seeds12:50
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KeybukKamion: this is a known bug, the thing that makes the http side uses an old bzr that doesn't support knits12:51
KeybukKamion: it'll be fixed in the Tuesday rollout12:51
KamionKeybuk: um, but it displays something different from outside the DC (it doesn't 404)12:52
KeybukKamion: yeah, it's a bzr repository with the knits missing ;)12:53
Keybuk/!\ Launchpad could not mirror this branch at 2006-06-04 19:20:03 BST.  The error was: [Errno 21]  Is a directory12:55
Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~>$ wget -S -O /dev/null http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.edgy/ 2>&1 | head | grep HTTP/112:55
Kamioncjwatson@chinstrap:~$ wget -S -O /dev/null http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.edgy/ 2>&1 | head | grep HTTP/112:55
Kamion  HTTP/1.0 200 OK12:56
Kamion  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found12:56
Keybukoh, I see what you maen!12:56
KeybukI thought you were on about that the HTTP published stuff is entirely devoid of revisions12:56
Kamionoh, no, I sort of expected that12:56
infinityOne of you needs to change the length of your nick...12:57
=== \sh [n=shermann@xdsl-81-173-249-156.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityWatching a conversation between two people whose 6-character nick starts with "K" is very confusing.12:57
ajmitchjust slightly12:58
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KeybukKamion: that's damned strange, isn't it01:03
Keybukit's the same machine01:03
KamionI'm assuming the apache config is a bit borked01:04
KamionI think I'll just file an RT request about it01:04
ograinfinity, just use a proper chat client, Kamion is green for me and Keybuk is blue in xchat ;)01:04
mdkeis there something strange about the dns servers in the datacentre? Apparently my blog is giving a 404 to the machine that servers planet, but the dns was changed last friday, and seems to have propagated everywhere else01:05
thomcolours are evil, kthxbye01:06
infinityogra: I can do without multicoloured coworkers.01:06
ograthom, purist !01:06
ograinfinity, well, its less confusing to have themm coloured :)01:07
infinitySure, and even less confusing to have them all associated with little cartoon characters, so we should all switch to MS Comic Chat!01:07
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InfraRedMS comica chat rocked01:08
InfraRed# APPEARS AS ANNA01:09
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\shwhatever ms comica chat is...01:12
StevenK\sh: Think IRC, but every line is a cartoon cell.01:12
ajmitcha very worrying program01:13
\shStevenK: ah ok....then I don't need it...I have a cartoon every morning when I look in the mirror, that's enough of cartoons for the day ;)01:13
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=== ogra wonders how that would look on release day in #ubuntu
\shogra: hmmm...like a manga comic? "crash bang boom" with wide open big eyes and whining japanese teenagers singing "Heidi, heidi"?01:22
ograwell, might be, i doubt you could even read it because the pcs get replaced to fast :)01:23
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k3mperhi, where can i get source package of dapper's default kernel image (i386)?01:29
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\shk3mper: apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1501:30
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\shk3mper: or you want the real source debian package which you get with apt-get source linux-image-2.6.15-23-<arch>01:31
k3mperlinux-source gets me but uname -r = 2.6.15-23-38601:31
ograand #ubuntu for such questions please01:31
\shoh yes, i forgot01:32
k3mperogra: i tried for 'few' minutes01:32
ograk3mper, still, this isnt a support channel01:32
Keybukwho knows stuff about openssl?01:33
ograKeybuk, well, fabi made our certificate package ... i be he does a bit ...01:34
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ajmitchhey zul 01:51
zulhey ajmitch 01:51
ajmitchwhat's up?01:51
zul[root@mail2 vqadmin] # vim .htaccess01:51
zul[root@mail2 vqadmin] # /etc/init.d/httpd restart01:51
zulStopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ] 01:51
zulwhat the hell01:51
Keybukyou told it to restart01:51
Keybukdid you mean "reload"? :)01:52
zulneed coffee or stronger01:52
ograhttpd ? 01:53
ubijtsa2the "restart" stanza often does '$0 stop ; $0 start'01:55
=== ubijtsa2 needs more tea vicar..
=== shackan [n=shackan@host56-97.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangnetwork is working again02:07
holycowah we don't have ubotu here?02:08
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sladenholycow: this is #ubuntu-devel, not #ubuntu02:30
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sladenmirak: hi. isn't it beautiful weather here today02:34
KaiL_..bah, the Wiki sucks02:34
mirakit's cloudy02:34
mirakin there, but it's hot02:35
miraksladen: where do you live ?02:35
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sladenmirak: London.  Occasionally.02:52
abattoirKamion: hello :) . I'm working on the Kubuntu OEM Installer. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-oem-installer02:52
abattoirKamion:do you think the spec needs any modification?02:53
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sladenmirak: you could ask kamion if there's a replacement for base-config rather than doing  passwd ; tzconfig ; echo ... > /etc/apt/sources.list02:53
Kamionno there is no replacement for base-config at present02:54
abattoirKamion: and also, Riddell pointed me towards https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-oem-installer02:54
mirakKamion: why was it dropped ?02:54
abattoirsorry, http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/oem-config/mainline/menu/02:54
Kamionabattoir: it's bizarre that stage 1 and 2 of your proposed design are that way round02:54
abattoirKamion: but that doesnt seem to have the files the 'oem-config' package in main does.02:54
Kamionabattoir: go up a level02:55
Kamionmirak: because it sucked horribly02:55
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Kamionmirak: doing it all in the d-i first stage is much, much better in the general case; yes, it does mean that it's a little harder to bootstrap a system without d-i though, but hopefully that can eventually be fixed02:55
mirakd-i ?02:56
abattoirKamion: It was suggested that i first create a KDE Dialog-based oem-config, like the current GTK one first...02:56
mirakKamion: ?02:56
Kamionmirak: debian-installer02:56
abattoirKamion: and then work on changing it to look somewhat like how i had shown in the mockup02:56
Kamionabattoir: the code needs to have a decent frontend/backend separation first (your stage 2); only then will it be sanely possible to glue a KDE interface onto it02:57
Kamionabattoir: to do that, I think it'll be necessary to totally upend oem-config and make it be laid out a bit more like ubiquity internally. I hope to do that fairly soon.02:57
Kamionbecause that will help the gtk frontend a lot02:58
Kamionat present you have to mess about with a large pile of different source packages02:58
abattoirKamion: how can i help in doing that :) ?02:58
Kamionabattoir: I don't know, can you? look at the code :)02:58
abattoirKamion: I have already looked at the code.02:58
Kamionmight be easier to just have me do that bit though02:58
KaiL_I guess, the "CommunityEdgyIdeas"-Page needs to be Split into several pages to reduce conflic#ts02:59
Kamionsince it's a major rearrangement touching bits of d-i02:59
Kamionabattoir: yes02:59
Kamionabattoir: I suppose you could be working on the UI code for the KDE frontend in the meantime02:59
abattoirKamion: so how do you see the UI going?03:00
iwjKamion, mdz: re firefox into dapper-updates: I don't really think we have much of a choice so we should just do it ?03:00
abattoirsomething like my mockups?03:00
Kamionabattoir: I'd remove e-mail and display picture from that UI markup; they don't seem to belong there03:00
iwj(Last time we reviewed the patch, discovered that it was full of junk, and decided to proceed anyway.)03:00
abattoirKamion: ok, i thought so :)03:00
Kamion(because the installer doesn't have anything to do with that stuff)03:00
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Kamionabattoir: I'd try to keep it moderately consistent with ubiquity's KDE frontend, personally03:01
abattoirKamion: also Riddell suggested that it was too 'stylised' so he asked me to send the mockup to mdy, which i did.03:01
Kamionreally mdy? you sure he didn't mean mpt?03:01
Kamionmdy is a Canonical business type; mpt is our usability person03:01
abattoirKamion: he said mdy was Canonical's usability person03:01
Kamionhe misspoke03:01
abattoirKamion: oh ok.03:01
abattoirKamion: and about Stage 3?03:02
abattoirKamion: do you think that is unnecessary?03:02
Kamionabattoir: I have no opinion on that; it's beyond the scope of oem-config at present03:02
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Kamionkinda like a project in two totally separate pieces03:03
abattoirKamion: ok. So i should start work on a KDE UI similar to ubiquity right?03:04
pygiKeybuk, poke :)03:04
Kamionabattoir: that's just how I'd approach it :)03:04
abattoirKamion: thanks a lot :)03:04
KamionI think I might try to glom all the bits of the oem-config gtk interface into one big glade file rather than the separate windows we have at present03:05
Kamionseparate windows means the UI tends to jump around a lot03:05
abattoirKamion: I'll hang around here, just tell me if you can when the backend is doen, or if i can be of any help :) 03:05
sivangKamion: or use notebooks to do layering03:05
KamionI may have a look at it this week if I finish the specifications I need to write03:05
Kamionsivang: indeed, that's what ubiquity does03:05
Kamionsivang: but that implies one big glade file03:06
abattoirKamion: ok.03:06
sivangKamion: right :)03:06
Kamiondamnit, why do the people who do the screenshots for shots.osdir.com try hard to avoid the advanced partitioner?03:06
\shKDEs advantage is that you can have notebooks (tabs) in one ui file and the widget forms in other files ;)03:06
=== sivang notes it's so nice to have the machine lock for few milliseconds every once in a while under high IO load. thanks lenovo for your super genious PATA-SATA bridge !
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\shKamion: because they don't know how to use the advanced part of the partitioner?03:07
Kamion\sh: doesn't really make a lot of difference if they're all in one package; the reason I had separate glade files was because they were in different packages, but that's turned out to be counterproductive03:07
Kamion\sh: that seems unlikely; they are just trying to present the simplest path. it's kind of unhelpful when you're trying to research partitioner UIs though03:08
\shKamion: well, the widget form itself will be an object of it's own...so you can handle it very dynamically03:08
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mdziwj: how does pitti feel about it?03:08
Kamion\sh: *shrug* no real benefit03:09
\shKamion: it has when you do it the right way...it's better then to try to fill in qt/kde code into gtk lines03:10
Kamionok, can we please stop this conversation now? it is not helpful03:11
Kamionyou don't know the code03:11
\shKamion: ubiquity? 03:11
\shKamion: no not oem-config, but ubiquity :)03:12
sivang\sh: heh, I found this to complement the link I've sent you yesterday - http://slashdot.org/articles/06/06/04/2151244.shtml03:19
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\shsivang: ah...I know that I forgot something...03:20
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sivang\sh: heh03:23
izm99if I want to use a custom program with gnome-volume-manager, how do I do that?  I checked the gnome-volume-preferences command and it passes "%h" (which turns out to be a dbus message) to gnome-volume-manager-gthumb.  I just want the directory....03:24
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izm99aha.  found it.  `less /usr/bin/gnome-volume-manager-gthumb`  :)03:36
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-104-10-217.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Riddellmdz: can I upload this to dapper-updates? http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/guidance.diff03:39
RiddellI'll s/dapper/dapper-updates/ first of course03:39
mdzRiddell: sure, let me know when it's in the queue and I'll approve it03:40
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Keybukpygi: 'sup?03:52
pygiKeybuk, just wanted to know what's going to happen with n-m this release03:52
pygiis there gonna be any new upstream release or something?03:53
Keybukpygi: I'm not the person to ask03:53
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pygiKeybuk, hm,oki, who then? :)03:53
KeybukI'm not going to suggest any further integration work for edgy03:53
Keybukbecause I don't think n-m is mature enough, or, indeed, the Linux wireless stack is mature enough03:54
Keybukso my gut is that the only n-m changes in edgy will be getting it up to date and roughly in sync with any Debian packages that materialise03:54
pygiok, thanks for the answer :)03:54
Keybukas to whether or not there's a new upstream release, you'd be best off asking upstream :)03:54
pygiindeed :P03:54
=== \sh__ [n=shermann@xdsl-81-173-254-255.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
iwjmdz: pitti seems to have been assuming that we'd do it as a matter of course, but I haven't had specifically this conversation with him.03:56
pygihm, just ran into this (considering i know we have one student working on samba configuring)03:56
iwjI just had a conversation where he said `I'll send you some CVE's for the changelog' and I said `yes please'. 03:57
mdziwj: it's a holiday for him today, I believe; let's talk about it tomorrow03:58
Riddellmdz: kde-guidance uploaded03:58
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Riddellmdz: what's the plan for gnome in dapper-updates and should I look at putting kde 3.5.3 there?03:59
mdzRiddell: depends on what's in it04:00
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mdzRiddell: seb128 and dholbach uploaded the conservative parts of 2.14.304:00
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bddebianHowdy folks04:01
Riddellmdz: kde 3.5.3 hasn't been very conservative, so I think best to leave it then04:02
iwjmdz: Ahh. OK.04:03
ploumIf I was seb128, I would have uploaded 2.14.3 with tons of bugs just before going on holliday04:03
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Kamionlet us be thankful that you are not ;)04:08
mdkeis 2.14.3 even on the horizon yet? 2.14.2 was only released last week04:09
\shploum: lol...you mean improving the flying cars to fly even to the moon? ;)04:11
ploum\sh: far beyond !04:11
ploumYou know, the kind of stories who begin with "In a galaxy far far away.."04:12
=== sabdfl [n=mark@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shploum: yes04:12
jsgotangcohey sabdfl04:12
\shhi sabdfl04:12
ajmitchhello sabdfl 04:12
ajmitchploum: but will the flying car have a pony?04:13
bddebianHello sabdfl :-)04:13
ploumajmitch: yes but not yours04:13
ajmitchhow sad04:13
zulhi sabdfl 04:14
sabdflhello all you freedom fighter04:14
sivanghey there sabdfl 04:14
ploumso for Edgy, we target the solar system. The entire galaxy for edgy+1   \sh, any idea of what will be next ?04:14
thomploum: a galaxy far, far away04:15
_ionWell, the neighbour galaxies of course.04:15
\shploum: sure, it's been the rest..04:15
ploumof course..04:15
ploumso, now that we have the plans04:15
_ionAfter the whole universe, there are all the parallel universes.04:15
ajmitch_ion: yes, multiverse04:15
pygiploum, ergh, parallel universe ? :)04:15
ograploum, ubuntu works differently, you start in the universe far far away and work your way to the center of core-dev04:15
pygi_ion, you got it before me :P04:15
ajmitchogra: where to from there?04:16
\shajmitch: linus best buddy is the next step to perfection ;)04:16
=== pygi is happy because his application if first on gf :P
ajmitch\sh: nah, I'm a GNOME user ;)04:16
pygignomefiles* :)04:16
\shajmitch: see ;)04:16
jsgotangcowe keep on looking forward to beyond our solar system yet we still don't know what lies beneath our earth and oceans maybe some organisms that need ubuntu love heh04:17
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ploumaaarh ! too frustrating ! We are talking about conquering the whole universe, I can nearly feel it in my hand...04:18
ploumbut I have to finish my thesis first04:18
pygijsgotangco, indeed ;)04:18
ploumjsgotangco: proud member of ubuntu-deep-oceans local team04:18
highvoltageit will be harder to find ploum when he gets lost in the multiverse though.04:19
=== ploum will start ubuntu-mars
jsgotangcoor ubuntu-middle-earth even!04:19
=== highvoltage will start his own planet with planetplanet :)
ajmitchjsgotangco: already got that04:19
pygiWe should really make that game that was proposed by one student for SoC04:19
=== ajmitch thinks this is getting slightly OT
jsgotangcoajmitch: no living in NZ doesn't apply :P04:19
ploumhighvoltage: I'm never hard to find. Follow the bad jokes...04:20
pygiRPG where Ubuntu devs are "monsters" and you chase them down :P04:20
ploummust be a scary game04:20
pygibddebian, was really proposed by someone :)04:20
jsgotangcoi will definitely run when i get to face boss fabbione04:20
bddebianThat's too funny04:20
ploumimagine : you are in a dark corridor.. little scary music and... suddenly !04:20
ajmitchjsgotangco: a wise choice04:21
bddebianjsgotangco: No kidding eh :-)04:21
ploumAwesome ! Awesome !04:21
ploumThe terrible jdub monster with big eyes !04:21
jsgotangcothat's easy to beat04:21
ploum(the "awesome" was the noise of the monster of course)04:21
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_ionThe boss monster has to be sabdfl, naturally. You'd fight him in space.04:22
jsgotangcoyou just need a bit spear with a shield bearing the KDE logo04:22
=== pygi wonders why he even mentioned it :P
bddebianYeah, nice going pygi :-)04:23
ajmitchpygi: because you want to drag us all away from hacking on edgy04:23
=== Hobbsee wonders if she's stepped into an alternate channel
Hobbseeajmitch: 04:23
Hobbseeajmitch: and this is a problem?04:23
pygiajmitch, lol :)04:23
bddebianIs Edgy open already?04:23
=== Hobbsee has her first upgrade, waiting to go into the repos :P
pygibddebian, nop I think :)04:23
Hobbseebddebian: silly!  you'll have to wait another two days for it to open now!04:24
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_ionNote to self: ask about Edgy tomorrow.04:24
=== bddebian whips out his MOTU Vorpal Weapon +5
Hobbseebddebian: now dont make me get out my pitchfork :P04:25
bddebianTB Meeting tomorrow at 20:00?04:25
jsgotangcobddebian: you've been playing too much Elder Scrolls lately04:25
pygibddebian, yup, If I am not mistaken04:25
pygilemme check04:25
bddebianjsgotangco: Outlander ;-)04:25
=== bddebian is still debating whether to go to meeting or not. :-(
pygibddebian, yes :)04:26
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ploumback to work04:58
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mdzKamion: I presume you'll deal with accepting this kickseed upload yourself?05:20
Kamionmdz: oh, yeah, can do - infinity said over the weekend that there was some problem with binary uploads to -updates so I was waiting to hear that that had been resolved05:25
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mdzKamion: oh, hadn't heard about that05:30
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=== Kamion frees his last remaining installer branches from the clutches of baz
Kamionthank Christ for that05:38
=== ajmitch cheers
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mdzKamion: did Keybuk tell you about relocating the seed branches?05:53
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Kamionmdz: yes05:54
Kamionwaiting for Tuesday's LP rollout and a firewall fix in the DC to make it all work right05:54
Kamionmdz: I'm very tempted to propose the no-more-devfs spec for edgy05:55
Kamionif there's any release where it might actually get cleared out of the way, it's this one05:55
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tritiumI'm installing from desktop CD behind a corporate firewall, and it appears the "Configuring apt..." step isn't going to timeout.  Is this true?06:03
mdzKamion: as you like06:04
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Kamiontritium: it will timeout *eventually* - may take a while though06:08
tritiumKamion: okay, thanks, it finally did.  Now same thing scanning the mirror.  If I set the proxy preference in the LiveCD session, will ubiquity use it?06:09
Kamionunfortunately not; there are open bugs about it06:10
bddebianHeya tritium06:10
Kamionif you preseed mirror/http/proxy, it might honour that06:10
Kamion(not 100% sure)06:10
tritiumNo problem.  Thanks :)06:10
tritiumhi there bddebian06:11
Kamionbut it's more likely than any other option06:11
KamionI'd be interested to hear about it if preseeding mirror/http/proxy does work; you can e.g. boot the desktop CD and just put 'mirror/http/proxy=http://your.proxy:8080/' on the kernel command line06:11
tritiumhmm, let me write that down so I can try it...06:12
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tritiumI'll try that Kamion, and report back to you later on.06:14
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\shjesus, one upload06:21
\shkde-guidance ;) 06:22
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bddebianAh :-)06:23
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KinnisonHi guys06:25
=== Kinnison will have to stop the buildd master in a bit for some maintenance patching which should get *-updates binaries working again
Kinnisonjust thought i'd warn you06:25
KinnisonThen I'll get something on the job of re-processing the incorrectly rejected binary uploads06:26
bddebianHello Kinnison06:26
KinnisonSorry it has taken so long to resolve this06:26
bddebianYou should be ;-P06:26
=== Kinnison inverts bddebian and pops his head into a bucket of cold custard
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bddebianOh, mmm, vanilla :-)06:30
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robertjisn't it a bad idea to send out links to non-locked wiki pages to announce?06:34
sladenrobertj: only be people trash them06:35
sfllawHmm.  I lsot e-mail and I can't get it back.06:36
sfllawThat's lousy.06:36
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tritiumKamion: I tried it as you suggested, but it does not work.06:42
jsgotangcogood night06:44
Kamiontritium: oh well06:46
Kamionthanks for trying06:46
tritiumno problem, Kamion.  Thanks for the suggestion!06:49
sivangsfllaw: don't you have a backup ? :)06:50
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sfllawsivang: The machine seems to have fallen off the Internet.06:51
sivangsfllaw: ah, I see so no access at all? :-/06:52
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=== Kinnison is reprocessing the failed binary uploads now
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pittiTreenaks: 0!07:02
pittihey ajmitch 07:02
Treenakspitti: yeah, forgot the 'alt' there :)07:02
\shfrohe pfingsten pitti07:04
pitti\sh: gleichfalls!07:04
TreenaksTip of the day: don't go to Rome on weekends like this, it's packed ;)07:05
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=== Treenaks just got back
\shTreenaks: no wonder...all those catholic people want to see a german pope ;), we are pope and we are soccer ;)07:06
=== \sh is asking for sanctuary at "Transnational Republic" for the time being ;)
Treenaks\sh: all you need now is the pope to bless the German team ;)07:08
\shTreenaks: hehe...oh well, germany won't win the championships...never 07:08
Treenaks\sh: I don't really care who wins, as long as it isn't the Dutch07:09
\shjoin #ubuntu-anti-soccer07:09
tsengTreenaks: i thought you were dutch07:10
=== tseng hides behind \sh
Treenakstseng: I am, but I hate football/soccer ;)07:10
zuli think the americans are going to win ;)07:10
=== \sh hates soccer as well
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\shwomen beach volleyball is the sport...sitting in front of the tv and watching the sexy players ;)07:11
=== ogra thiks hating is way to much attention ... he just ignores soccer
mjg59\sh: Please don't alienate community members07:13
\shogra: hey, i was born in dortmund, so I hate soccer by law..there are only 10 types of people in dortmund, soccer lover or soccer hate07:13
\shmjg59: alienate?07:13
Treenaks\sh: with sexist comments, probably07:13
\shmjg59: whom?07:14
ajmitch\sh: we've been known to have ladies around these parts..07:14
\shmy apologies to all ladies in #ubuntu-devel 07:16
mjg59\sh: Objectifying members of a group is a good way of alienating other members of that same group - I'm sure that's not what you actually meant, but it helps to perpetuate a vague atmosphere of this as a boys club, rather than an inclusive community07:16
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\shmjg59: agreed07:18
mjg59Let's keep this place welcoming :)07:19
=== bddebian "GROUP HUG" :-)
_ionAre there a lot of female developers who play beach volleyball professionally?07:19
LaserJockwow, that's a niche group if ever I've seen one :-)07:19
=== highvoltage joins in group hug
\shlooks like that I need to buy some beers 07:20
highvoltageJaneW plays volleyball well.07:20
=== \sh plays sometimes volleyball, too....so
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\shhighvoltage: btw...how is the weather down in za?07:21
highvoltage\sh: fabulous. we're having an indian summer. the last three days have been the best weather we've been having the last two years. sunny, no wind, no clouds... just right.07:23
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\shhighvoltage: jealous...but at least I found my biltong dealer ;)07:26
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Keybuksabdfl: ping?08:01
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G0SUBpitti: hello!08:23
pittihello G0SUB 08:25
G0SUBpitti: PM?08:25
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pittiG0SUB: mail perhaps? I have some RL stuff to do right now (I'm on holiday today)08:25
G0SUBpitti: that's fine. see you tomorrow then :)08:26
pittiG0SUB: great!08:26
G0SUBpitti: I have started writing down my design ideas08:26
pittiG0SUB: oh, nice; mvo and I shall look at it tomorrow08:27
G0SUBpitti: that'd be great. I have a lot of things to discuss with you guys08:27
G0SUBpitti: see you tomorrow then :)08:28
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sivangah, good wifi at last08:51
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tuhlhi all 09:26
bddebianHello tuhl09:27
tuhlis there any long term strategy for replacing the gnome system tools within ubuntu?09:27
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Burgworktuhl, what do you suggest replacing them with?09:28
bddebiankde system tools ;-P09:28
tuhlas far as I see these tools are not maintained09:29
mjg59tuhl: No09:29
Keybuktuhl: there is not09:29
mjg59tuhl: If there is effort that would go into reimplementation, it should instead go into those tools09:29
Keybukplease feel free to write a specification and register it in our spec tracker about what kind of strategies are available09:30
Keybukif you're up for doing the work, so much the better09:30
Burgworktuhl, yet another rewrite is madness09:30
bddebiantuhl: What makes you say they are unmaintained?09:30
tuhlI think the area of config tools is one of the weakest point within current distros09:31
Burgworkyes, because each distro writes their own09:31
tuhlbddebian: no news @http://www.gnome.org/projects/gst/news.html09:31
Burgworkif they polled and worked on one for each DE, we would be in a much better place09:32
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sivangtuhl: those tools are maintianed by Carlos Garnacho, if you take a peek at the code base there you you can see why it would be to reimplement them09:34
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sivangtuhl: *non trivial09:35
tuhlWhat is Marks opinion on that topic?09:36
tsengyou could ask mark09:36
tsengah, he's left09:36
Burgworktuhl, I see commits to gnome-system-tools from 4 days ago09:37
sivangBurgwork: carlos is working hard on these tools , thats no surprise09:37
sivangKeybuk: would you know what would cause my eth0 (non wifi) to stop working every 5 minutes and force me to manuall run dhclient ?09:38
sivang(I installed n-m few days ago, but then saw how it configures dead wifi access and stops my work so I purged it and everything extra it dependend on)09:38
sivangman, it just happened again09:40
=== sivang is lost
sivanghmm, at least when I leave it idle it doesn't halt09:41
giftnudel_sivang: yes, dhcp?09:45
sivanggiftnudel_: what about it?09:46
giftnudel_may that be a cause09:46
giftnudel_I have a similar problem, I get messages in syslog showing an attempt to reconfigure every 300 sec09:47
giftnudel_sivang: now I wonder why every 300 sec09:47
giftnudel_sivang: I thought it was the dhcp server, but it sounds like it could be my problem09:48
sivanggiftnudel_: interesting, that seems to be the problem here as well.09:50
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sivanggiftnudel_: yes, I can confirm now. that's interesting, I also got ipw2200: Firmware error detected. one time09:53
giftnudel_me too09:54
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giftnudel_sivang: I also have an ipw 2200 wifi09:54
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sivanggiftnudel_: I wonder how to make that recurring dhcp attempt stop09:56
giftnudel_sivang: yes09:59
sivanggiftnudel_: seems that the addresses are leased for no more then max 300secs each time, that was causes it to redhcp every time09:59
\shkillall -9 dhclient{3}?09:59
giftnudel_sivang: yes, exactly10:00
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highvoltagehi Seveas 10:00
giftnudel_sivang: but why is that overridden and not taken from the server10:00
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Seveashi highvoltage 10:01
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giftnudel_sivang: funny, I see something funny, I have a request every minute!10:03
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giftnudel_sivang:  I have n-m .6.2 installed, I think it was always there10:06
\shsend dhcp-lease-time 3600; I commented this in ... I think that helped me a lot10:06
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giftnudel_sivang: Jun  5 22:04:00 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IDHCP daemon state is now 3 (renew) for interface eth110:06
giftnudel_Jun  5 22:04:00 localhost dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 241 seconds.10:06
giftnudel_so for me it's n-m10:06
giftnudel_it really tries to do that every 5 min10:06
giftnudel_sivang: I don't think I have it at home though, so maybe that's the default, if the server doesn't specify anything?10:07
sivang\sh: crap, is this a bug  ?10:07
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\shsivang: sure it is..but it was there even without n-m10:07
giftnudel_yes, so it's dhclient?10:08
\shsivang: but I wasn't sure if it was me, my network, my router, or the installation10:08
sivang\sh: sorry for the other ping on -motu, I am just keeping crashing10:08
giftnudel_\sh: I now think it's the installation10:08
sivang\sh: also that ipw firmware error makes it restart the interface every few minutes10:08
\shsivang: I have atheros :)10:09
\shsivang: with n-m it gives me every few seconds a rescan10:09
sivangah, I see, maybe it due to the heavy dhcping10:10
\shsivang: no...because of something with atheros and wpa supplicant :(10:11
sivang\sh: man, uncommented that line and got longer lease time at least10:14
giftnudel_sivang, \sh: so where is the problem now, server problem because it doesn't specify a lease time?10:15
\shgiftnudel_: I would say so :) or sending a lease time which the server doesn't like...10:16
\shgiftnudel_: but I have a linksys with linux on board, so I wonder if it's really a dhcpd issue on the router10:16
giftnudel_\sh: hm, I have some router here, I will have a look at it on wednesday, so then I can see, if it can provide a lease time10:17
\shgiftnudel_: I would need to connect my laptop via cable to it..that's a nono right now ;)10:18
\shgiftnudel_: drinking beer listening to manowar and trying to convince people to not bring in bots10:19
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giftnudel_well, the config file helps me a lot10:21
sivang\sh: well, the dhcp problem is gone 10:22
\shgiftnudel_: so it's the lease time...now we need to find out, if it's the server or the client ;)10:22
giftnudel_I will find this out, for sure10:24
giftnudel_\sh: but earliest on wednesday, if not friday ...10:24
giftnudel_\sh: if you don't have access to the stuff, you need to wait for the passwords ;)10:25
\shgiftnudel_: next weekend for me :)10:25
giftnudel_ok, bye then10:26
\shgiftnudel_: I'll drink some more beer to sleep well ;)10:29
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sivang\sh: I htink it's the server causing the problems11:34
sivang\sh: I've done some testing now with xp, same behavior for me :-/11:34
\shsivang: hmm...what router?11:35
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sivang\sh: could also be that my network device got b0rked 11:36
sivangman, I had to ifupdown just ot be able to complete the sentence11:36
sivang\sh: it's a debian machine, my flat mate set it up11:37
\shsivang: check the config of the dhcpd of your gateway11:37
sivang\sh: could a hardware b0rk cause this as well ?11:37
\shsivang: then we have the same hardware b0rk ;)11:38
\shsivang: which can't be ;)11:38
\shsivang: but I bet, it's the wireless cable ;)11:38
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sivang\sh: you mean, wifi is causing trouble ?11:40
sivangand right about the same hardware b0rk ;-)11:40
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\shsivang: dont11:40
\shdon't think so...client or server bug, nothing else11:40
\shdespite the normal glitches in wlan chipsets and not working properly on windows^Wlinux *cough*11:41
sivangseems like a client bug, btw - I'm still getting the network halts even thouhg I uncommented the lease time override time11:42
sivangI wonder why I did not see this a day ago11:43
sivangit started only today, and there were no router changes to my understanding11:43
sivangand only with the laptop11:43
\shsivang: as I said, I have this blackouts every few minutes, and it's n-m or wpa-supplicant.if i'm connecting via interfaces it works ( i have plain mac address verification )11:44
\shsivang: this said, I don't need wpa supplicant11:45
sivangthis is what I get in the kernel log:11:45
\shoh wow...300 questions about "how can I get ubuntu with xgl to work properly" 11:46
sivang\sh: is there a way to completely disable the wlan chip ? (it's always lighed)11:46
sivang\sh: where?11:47
\shsivang: kubuntu-de channel11:47
\shsivang: should support your laptop...I have a Fn key for that which works ;) it disables my bluetooth and wlan chip11:47
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sivang\sh: I disabled it now for good, funny on other times it just stopped after I pressed the Fn key and cam eback after a couple of secs.11:49
\shwtf is ebuntu?11:51
crimsunE 0.17 snap?11:51
crimsungenerated by checkinstall for great eyestab justice iirc11:52
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\shoh wow11:52
\shI know, I'll create Fluxubuntu ;)11:53
\shderived from fedora and suse packages via alien seeded into ubuntu-server ;)11:53
_ionxbuntu  a version of Ubuntu with just plain X, no wm!11:53
_ionsh: :-D11:53
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\shthen blubunut derieved from gentoo with a debian package which installs first ebuild then emerge is doing an emerge sync and emerge world ;)11:54
mdkethat would rock11:54
\shwith blackbox as wm manager11:54
\shsure it will rock ;)11:55
_ionI would buy ten of those.11:55
sivang\sh: ah, okay, I now see that my problem was still apparent becuae I use a bridge machine (another ubuntu) which also is effected by this bug :-D11:55
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable240.218-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shsivang: fun ;)11:55
_ionw2buntu with web 2.0!11:55
sivangfunny you said that _ion 11:56
\shajubuntax 11:56
\shubuntu with ajax wm 11:56
\shsivang: btw...I read the tim o'reilly article11:56
\shit's very true what he said about the changes of the IT market and the change of companies11:57
sivangme and fsd11:57
LaserJockibuntu the ion3 derivative (alternatively the Ubuntu derivative done by Apple) :-)11:57
\shLaserJock: ah...it's already released..they just forgot the ubuntu in their release name...apple mac os x it's named ;)11:58
LaserJock\sh: they must have done any ugly hack then. I'm running OS X atm and it doesn't seem nearly as polished as Dapper ;-)11:58
_ionHow about making ${package}buntu for each package in main, restricted, universe and multiverse? In those Ubuntu derivative the package would be installed by default.11:59
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\shLaserJock: oh you need the uber application...11:59
\sh_ion: please write a spec for the paris dev summit ;)11:59
\sh_ion: but I think we can agree on that here and now ;)12:00
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LaserJockI'm sure we could add some mass checkinstall capability to soyuz ;-)12:00
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\shLaserJock: we show opensuse how to create an open build service the right way..checkinstall and alien ;)12:01
sivang\sh: true, but still, thinking that becoming web 2.0 complient could turn a company to be the super uber company is way high12:01
\shsivang: it won't there are things in our world where web 2.0 is not usable for..12:02
_ionsh: The people who actually use the term "web 2.0" wouldn't agree with you.12:03

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