
=== mdke starts rolling out books
LaserJockgo Matthew go!12:07
LaserJockbooks books books!!!12:07
mdkeMadpilot: my titles are your titles vary a little bit12:09
Madpilothow so?12:09
mdkemy pt_BR is http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/desktopguide/pt_BR/index.html12:09
mdkeGuia do Desktop Ubuntu12:10
mdkeyours is Guia Desktop Ubuntu12:10
Madpilotah... any idea which is more correct?12:10
mdkethat's fine obviously, but I'm getting a bit confused between all these different types of portuguese12:10
mdkeit's going to be hard to tell them apart on the store12:10
mdkedo you know where your strings come from?12:11
Madpilotfor the UDG ones, from bookinfo.xml via robotgeek's script12:11
mdkei can't see that string in there12:12
mdkeah, it's in the omf file12:13
=== mdke shrugs
Madpilotah, sorry. Yeah, it's from the omf12:14
Madpilotshould I change that pt_BR string on the UDG cover?12:14
mdkenope, if it's in the omf it must be fine12:14
=== mdke publishes
Madpilotbunch of KDG covers going up now12:15
mdkeMadpilot: can you upload the english ones too pls?12:15
Madpilotthought they were already in the directory, but maybe not12:15
mdkecould be12:16
Madpilotno, they're not, actually12:17
MadpilotKDG it, es & pt_BR covers up12:17
Madpilotagain, I can't get anything intelligible out of the ko files :(12:18
BurgundaviaMadpilot: ping12:18
MadpilotBurgundavia, hi12:18
BurgundaviaMadpilot: did you get my quer?12:18
MadpilotBurgundavia, yeah, sorry, just overlooked it. One sec.12:19
LaserJockmdke: hmm, that gender convention question is interesting12:25
LaserJockmdke: seems like it would be a good idea to have a "Translation Notes:" section at the beginning of the doc12:26
mdkea visible one, or an invisible one for the translators?12:26
mdkesounds doable12:27
Madpilotmdke, English covers up as UDG_C.png, etc12:27
LaserJockthe point was that some things might need to be explained to the reader about the translational style12:27
mdkeMadpilot: merci12:28
mdkeshit my wifi is going cranky again12:28
LaserJockMadpilot should really get a gold star for the covers :-)12:28
mdkeyeah, they look great12:29
mdkecheck em out on the storefront12:30
LaserJockoh nice, it has the free download on there12:31
LaserJockhehe, I like the "Publisher: Matthew East" on the Kubuntu italian DG :-)12:32
mdkeoh shit12:33
mdkeyeah, tell me if you see things like that12:33
mdkeit autoinserted it and sometimes I will have forgotten to remove it12:33
crimsunI do like that lulu uses opt-in for spam^H^Hnewsletter12:33
LaserJockmdke: that's the only one12:34
mdkecool, fixed12:35
LaserJockanother disaster averted ;-)12:35
LaserJockhehe, I can't wait for the first lulu.com bug on LP ;-)12:36
LaserJockmdke: looks like italian UDG doesn't have the language listed12:38
mdkeoh, pain12:38
Madpilotmdke, Server Guide covers in en & pt_BR up12:38
mdkethanks Madpilot 12:39
LaserJockmdke: neither does the "Panduan Destop Ubuntu" whatever that is12:40
mdkeLaserJock: your indonesian is almost as bad as your korean12:41
LaserJockmdke: actually a lot of them are missing the Language: part12:42
Madpilothttp://www.warbard.ca/temp/Ubuntu_Covers/Packaging_C.png & Packaging_pt_BR.png both up12:44
mdkenice, so we're just missing the crazy font ones12:44
Madpilotnever mind, I'm an idiot. We need Packaging_sv, not pt_Br12:44
Madpilotthat's the only guide the Brazillians *haven't* gotten around to translating yet, it seems :)12:46
mdkeyeah, they are crazy those brazilians12:46
mdkekoreans aren't bad either12:47
mdketranslation machines12:47
LaserJockI'll have to go down there and crack the whip ;-)12:47
Madpilotyeah, except that I can't get intelligible strings out of the ko files, or the Chinese ones... 12:47
Madpilotanyway, Packaging_sv.png is up12:47
mdkegetting it12:47
mdkeMadpilot: is it the script that has the problem with the chinese fonts, or inkscape?12:48
Madpilotmy whole system, it looks like12:48
mdkedid you try copying the strings from help.u.c?12:48
Madpilotnot yet - I'd try that12:48
mdkeman the packaging guide is a snip at $6.2912:50
mdkeI wonder if Lulu thinks it is lower quality than the others12:50
Madpilothmm, where is the non-English stuff at help.u.c, mdke?12:50
mdkeMadpilot: substitute C in the url for the language code (zh_CN, ko)12:50
mdkeor if you want the index, index.zh_CN.html12:51
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Madpilotwtf? gnome-panel just went nuts on me...12:51
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Madpilot...and again. Hopefully it's settled down now... :|12:52
MadpilotI'm going to re-install ubuntu-desktop and that mass of non-English fonts I always delete, see if that gets me useful Chinese & Korean display12:54
mdkeah, possibly12:54
mdkeLaserJock: so which are missing languages?12:56
mdkeItalian Desktop Guide has it, at least in my control panel12:56
LaserJockUbuntus paketeringguide  12:57
LaserJockGuia para Servidores Ubuntu12:57
mdkethose both have it in my control panel12:57
mdkeare you sure?12:57
LaserJockGuia Kubuntu Desktop12:58
mdkemust be a bug12:58
mdkestupid lulu12:58
LaserJockit's blank here12:58
mdkeyeah, I see the problem12:58
=== mdke files a bug :D
Madpilotdoes Lulu actually have a bugzilla or something similar?12:59
LaserJockor a Mattzilla ;-)01:00
mdkeMadpilot: forum01:01
Madpilotclose enough01:01
MadpilotOK, reinstalling that 100Mb of non-eng fonts has given me useable ko & zh fonts01:02
mdke\o/, as LaserJock would say01:02
Madpilotand made a giant mess of my font listings again, but whatever...01:02
mdkenice one01:02
LaserJockI learned \o/ not too long ago01:03
LaserJockI think it's great01:03
mdkeme too01:03
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Madpilothttp://www.warbard.ca/temp/Ubuntu_Covers/UDG_zh_CN.png & UDG_ko.png both up01:07
mdkeoh, rock. Now to find out which guide is guide01:08
=== mdke gives up trying to find UDG_ko
Madpilotmdke, http://www.warbard.ca/temp/Ubuntu_Covers/UDG_ko.png01:13
mdkei found the image, just not the book01:13
mdkeI will go by process of elimination01:13
LaserJockmdke: so lulu.com/ubuntu-doc is ready for people to start ordering?01:14
mdkeLaserJock: hope so. You think we should order a final test book?01:14
LaserJockno, I was just wondering when I could tell my Grandpa to go pick up a copy of the PG ;-)01:15
mdkeMadpilot: something is wrong with the UDG_zh_CN.png (it has a massive Ubuntu logo coming out the right hand side01:15
Madpilotmdke, I hit the wrong button in Inkscape. Just a sec.01:16
Madpilotnew UDG_zh_CN.png up01:17
mdkeah, stupid lulu can't handle the fonts on the spine. Oh well01:18
Madpilotfor the non-Latin alphabet stuff?01:19
mdkeyeah, it just comes up blank I think01:20
mdkeno biggie01:20
mdkeman that's hot: http://www.lulu.com/content/32425601:22
LaserJockhmm, what is that?01:23
LaserJockis it the PG?01:23
mdkenot wholly sure01:23
mdkeI think it is Chinese Desktop Guide01:24
Madpilotmdke, Language string is blank there too01:24
Madpilotthat's ko01:24
Madpilotactually, no, it's Chinese. Sorry01:24
mdkeI think the ones with "UBuntu" are chinese01:24
LaserJockI was trying to figure out by page number, but it's hard to tell01:24
mdkekorean packaging guide now up01:24
Madpilotyeah, the ko ones are pure Korean script, the Chinese ones are mixed for some reason01:24
LaserJock\o/ I can't read it but it is cool :-)01:25
mdkeno wonder I can't find the korean desktop guide, it isn't there01:27
LaserJockhow many translations did the server guide get done in?01:28
mdkemust have forgotten to upload it01:28
mdkeLaserJock: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MatthewEast/CompleteBookTranslations01:28
LaserJockah great01:28
Madpilotwhich is, I think, the last of the covers for now?01:30
mdkeI think you're right01:30
mdkeMadpilot: thanks so much01:30
Madpilotno problem.01:31
Madpilotfor next time, we need to get robotgeek to finish his script, it works only for the UDG omf files right now01:31
mdkethere are likely to be more languages to come :)01:31
Madpilotduring Dapper, or for Edgy? (do we keep publishing translations during the life of the release?01:32
mdkeyeah, more for Dapper01:32
MadpilotOK. Keep me posted. I should also write up a short howto on producing the covers, and stick a bunch of the SVG files on the wiki somewhere01:33
mdkeMadpilot: will do.01:35
=== mdke just uploading last book
LaserJockthat was my "doc team rules... and will take over the world" laugh :-)01:37
mdkewe are pretty badass, it has to be said01:37
LaserJockheck yeah01:37
Madpilotyay us! ;)01:38
mdke.... and I'm spent01:39
mdkeno idea how many combinations of korean covers and book I've just uploaded01:39
mdkelet's hope the right ones01:39
=== LaserJock feels his head deflate as he looks at all the crap he wants to do during edgy
Madpilotmdke, might want to ping one of the ko translators for a sanity check :)01:40
crimsun"wants to" or "has to"?01:40
crimsunI haven't even had time to spec out what I'd like in Edgy01:40
mdkewill do01:40
LaserJockcrimsun: I could always pull an  \sh but "wants to" is starting to turn into "has to" for sure.01:41
Madpilotmdke, all the prices in Lulu seem to still be listed as "from $0.00"?01:41
mdkeMadpilot: yeah, it must be because you can download them for free01:42
LaserJockthat's so cool01:42
mdkeslightly confusing, but still01:42
Madpilotmdke, can we change the order the items are listed in? Put the English translations first, say?01:43
LaserJockyeah and group them by doc01:43
LaserJockgosh we are picky01:44
mdkethat would be very nice, but I'm not sure01:44
MadpilotOK, just a thought01:44
mdkeoh great, we can01:45
mdkemore than one column too, if we want01:45
mdkehow to order languages?01:46
mdkeand do I sort by language first, or by book?01:47
Madpilotby book, I'd say01:47
LaserJockhmm, good question01:48
mdkeso all the UDGs first, then all the KDGs, etc?01:48
MadpilotI think so01:48
LaserJockI'd say book, but then it would makes it harder for people wanting to look at all material in their language01:48
=== mdke hmms
LaserJockyeah, yeah. put me last ;p01:49
mdkefor now, I'm going to do it by language01:50
LaserJockI guess it would come down to this, do you think people will want to look for a particular doc or for what's available in their language?01:50
mdkeI can't be bothered to work out which is which of the koreans again01:50
Madpilotmdke, fair enough ;)01:50
LaserJockhehe, that's a good rationale01:50
mdkeso hot01:51
Madpilotlooks great01:51
LaserJockmdke: sabdfl needs that URL :-)01:52
mdkewe'll send him a free book or something ;)01:53
Madpilotso does The Fridge01:53
mdkeI'll send a few emails, after checking with the translators that everything is ok01:53
LaserJockmdke: we should have the doc team sign it before we send it to him ;-)01:53
LaserJockRock Stars ;-)01:54
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-doc:Madpilot] : Ubuntu Documentation Team - general discussion - backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | Website http://doc.ubuntu.com | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda | Ubuntu's docs in dead-tree format:http://www.l
LaserJockhave other distros done anything like this? I think it is quite a cool idea01:56
Madpilot...bloody character limit in /topic...01:56
LaserJockhehe, we could probably ditch the Next meeting: bit for now01:56
LaserJockor at least put a date01:57
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-doc:Madpilot] : Ubuntu Documentation Team http://doc.ubuntu.com or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam | backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu CoC @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda | Ubuntu's docs in dead-tree format: http://www.lulu.com/ubuntu-doc
LaserJockhmm, anybody know what the propsed Ubuntu Reference Manual would be about?01:59
BurgundaviaLaserJock: reference manual?01:59
mdkeno idea, it's bhuvan's idea02:00
LaserJockBurgundavia: it's on the meeting agenda02:00
LaserJockthere are a few ideas I had but since I'm doing the Developer's Reference I don't think I'll have time in Edgy :(02:01
LaserJockwhat did you guys think about the "why don't you use QA like ubuntuguide.org" bug comment?02:03
mdkeI didn't see that02:04
mdkefortunately :)02:04
LaserJockit was at the end of that fax bug02:05
LaserJock"In contrast, I find the Ubuntu documentation unfriendly, overly technical, and frustrating to find what I want."02:06
mdkesee ot02:06
=== mdke sighs
LaserJockI'm wondering if this guy is way off or if he has a point02:06
mdkebit of both, I guess02:07
LaserJockI really don't see the "overly technical" part02:07
Madpilotwell, the current UDG is closer to ubuntuguide.org in style than most of the stuff on the wiki, I think02:07
crimsunLaserJock: url? (I just now subbed)02:07
LaserJockI wonder if the comment was mostly for the wiki02:07
LaserJockcrimsun: https://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-doc/+bug/4829802:08
UbugtuMalone bug 48298 in ubuntu-doc "There is no mention of how to fax" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  02:08
LaserJocklast comment02:08
crimsunI definitely don't see the "overly technical" hint02:11
mdkeI hate qa02:11
mdkewhat is the difference between 1. How do I install a fax?, and 2. Installing a fax02:12
crimsun...unless he's arguing there's no sense in explaining the differences? [e.g., http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/music.html] 02:12
LaserJockI guess he is mainly saying putting it into more specific sections, "How do I print to Ubuntu from Windows?" as opposed to looking in a "Printing" section02:14
LaserJockbut I'm guessing that search funtions would help that02:14
crimsunbut the more specific one gets, the more drilling down occurs02:14
crimsuneven if you were to have "How do I print in Ubuntu?" and then "How do I print to Ubuntu from Windows?", it's still "How do I print?"02:16
crimsunwelcome to hierarchy hell02:16
LaserJockalthough I did find ubunguguide.org fast since I'd just use FF's find to get what I wanted02:17
LaserJockit wasn't really informative as a guide though02:17
LaserJockit was just quick and dirty02:18
LaserJockwhich I think is tempting but people really should understand why they are doing what they are doing02:18
mdkesure, it's tricky to make stuff informative AND accessible02:19
mdkeit can be done though02:19
crimsundo we need different perspectives, like "user manual" vs. "technical manual"?02:19
crimsun[imo too much work] 02:20
mdkeyou're right, i think02:20
mdkealso because we can make docs which are suitable for both, I hoep02:20
LaserJockhehe, I thought "technical manual" was call RTFM ;-)02:23
=== mdke sleeps
crimsunLaserJock: it can be02:23
Madpilotnight, mdke 02:23
crimsun'night mdke02:23
LaserJockcya mdke 02:24
LaserJockI'd like to see more advanced user docs, but I just don't know how feasible that is02:24
Burgundaviait was always my opinion that advanced users are already well served by help02:33
Burgundaviagrandma is the hard use case02:33
LaserJockyes, but to be honest I'm not much help to grandma02:34
LaserJockso it is easier for me to think about people like me02:34
LaserJockbut you're absolutely right02:34
Burgundaviathings like the packaging docs are good things02:34
LaserJockI'm still stuck on the idea of having an introductory guide to Bash and Python scripting02:35
Burgundaviapython in Ubuntu would be a great guide02:36
Burgundaviamake it a little bit marketing, by talking about how Ubuntu rocks for Python02:36
LaserJockand I've noticed AppleScript on OS X02:36
LaserJockand then new Automator thing02:36
LaserJockso people can actually use scripting to do "normal" things on their computer02:37
LaserJockI think that is pretty powerful02:38
LaserJockI was talking to our sys admin and he was saying that he helps people alot just by taking a couple minutes to write a script that automates stuff people were doing by hand02:39
LaserJockBurgundavia: people keep bringing up "WTF, why does Ubuntu ship python by default". I'd like to show them a reason. But maybe that's too ambitious for now02:42
BurgundaviaLaserJock: if it is specced well, you will not need to write everything02:44
LaserJockwell, I might try to spec it out and see what people think02:46
LaserJockit is Edgy after all, we gotta get some crack in ;-)02:46
LaserJockok, I'm off to try to convince an undergrad to work for me this summer :)02:48
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Burgundaviahey jsgotangco03:18
Burgundaviajsgotangco: have you had a chance to chat with Joel yet?03:18
jsgotangcoyeah last saturday03:19
jsgotangcohe's still in school and currently having a dilemma on pursuing development and studies, i said focus on school03:19
jsgotangcosince its about to start in a week here03:20
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mgalvinwoohoo dead tree docs :)04:00
Madpilotwith shiny covers, too ;)04:02
mgalvinyea, they look great, excellent work everybody!04:04
mgalvinso people can actually order they now?04:05
Madpilotapparently. Matt East has been taking care of the actual Lulu storefront stuff04:05
=== mgalvin adds the info to UWN Issue #2 :)
=== jsgotangco needs to add up content for next UWN
Burgundaviamgalvin: very special issue, lol04:08
Burgundaviamgalvin: not certain that humour translates out of north america04:09
mgalvinBurgundavia: haha, jdub wrote that04:09
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jsgotangcoi dont get it myself04:11
Burgundaviajsgotangco: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very_special_episode04:11
Burgundaviait is an 80s TV reference04:11
jsgotangcoheh let's make every week then special04:14
jsgotangcoim sure a distro like edubuntu can produce tons of specials04:16
mgalvinjsgotangco: will be cool when you are in paris, you could be the summit reporter while you are there ;)04:16
mgalvinare you going there for the whole thing?04:16
jsgotangco"this week, we tackle the life-changing episodes of people in sub-saharan africa who got to use edubuntu for the first time"04:17
jsgotangcoyeah when i get my visa this week04:17
jsgotangcohopefully i get to finish all my TODOs in my list before the trip04:18
jsgotangcoor else i'll see myself working in the plane lol04:19
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Burgundaviaoh joy, revert war on DVD:RIP04:52
robitailleon sounder?04:53
Burgundaviano, wiki page04:54
BurgundaviaI change the installation method away from apt-get and the "creator" reverted04:54
Burgundaviaso I reverted and added a note04:55
Burgundaviaugh, what should I do with these: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryBeagleInstallHowto?highlight=%28apt-get+install%2904:58
Burgundaviashall I create a Category504Only ?05:03
Burgundaviamdke_, jsgotangco ^05:05
BurgundaviaLaser_away: deal with this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToBuildDebianPackagesFromScratch?highlight=%28apt-get+install%2905:13
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jsgotangcorobitaille: ping?07:51
robitaillejsgotangco:  pong07:56
jsgotangcorobitaille: hey i just have one q if you're familiar with it07:58
jsgotangcorobitaille: what makes a software to be part of "restricted"?07:58
robitaillenon-free, but supported somewhat   http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components07:59
robitaillecurrently the only things in there I believes are some binary only drivers and kernel modules08:01
jsgotangcoas opposed to multiverse that is non-free and unsupported?08:01
jsgotangcoargghh i missed that page entirely, thanks!08:01
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robitailleinterestingly  both my computers don't need restricted, so I usally remove it from my sources.list, remove the packages, and that make my kernel upgrades a bit smaller  (and my computers a bit more free and open :) )08:03
robitailleI still can't believe the package vrms exists08:04
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mdkeMadpilot: I'm adding a "to be done" section to the wiki page, turns out I may have missed a few11:00
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Madpilotmdke, what's the URL of that page off your own wiki page? I've managed to loose it...11:05
mdkeMadpilot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MatthewEast/CompleteBookTranslations11:07
mdkejust uploading UDG_hr now11:08
MadpilotI can have the cover for you in a minute or two11:09
Madpilot...if Hungarian is hr, what's hu? thought that was Hungarian...11:12
mdkehr is croatian11:13
mdkethat's the one we want11:13
mdkerussian seems to be ok too, except there is a strange error with the pdf11:13
MadpilotOK, so I've got the right strings, I just thought it was a different language ;)11:13
mdkethanks dude. I'm going to work on russian and polish now11:15
MadpilotOK, ru & pl covers coming up :)11:16
mdkei'm not sure which guides are ready from them, presumably at least UDG11:16
MadpilotI'm doing ru & pl UDG covers now, let me know tomorrow if we need more/different ones11:18
mdkeok, thanks a lot11:19
MadpilotUDG_ru & UDG_pl both up11:21
mdkegreat, I'll get those sorted, thanks matey11:21
Madpilotit's almost 0230 here, I'm going to crash.11:22
mdkeyeah, good night11:22
Madpilotemail me if we need more covers done11:22
MadpilotI'm also going to stick a howto on the wiki somewhere so people can do their own :)11:23
mdkethat would be great11:23
jsgotangcowow they're big11:23
Madpilotjsgotangco, 300dpi images11:23
Madpilotor rather, once Lulu resizes them, they become 300dpi images11:23
robhi guys11:24
robmdke, well done on lulu11:24
Madpilothi rob11:25
mdkerob: thanks, and Madpilot too for the covers. Thanks for the idea11:25
robyes, Madpilot too!11:25
robdid you get the patch I emailed?11:25
mdkei saw it on the list11:26
robah ok, good11:27
jsgotangcoyeah print requires 300dpi11:28
Madpilotjsgotangco, at a minimum, yeah11:28
jsgotangcosome even require bleed11:29
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jsgotangcomdke: can't you drop by in paris even for a day?05:14
mdkewhen is it?05:17
jsgotangcoerr 19 rather05:18
jsgotangco18 is the dinner05:18
jsgotangcoi arrive on the 17th05:18
mdkehmm. I'm picking up my gf from the airport that weekend, then working that week05:18
mdkeit'll have to be another time05:18
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mdkeman there is gonna be some serious flamage on that last sounder thread05:23
jsgotangcoethical ubuntu?05:31
jsgotangcoi could only laugh at the irony of the spec05:32
jsgotangcomgalvin: hmmm these mdz emails about the newsletter seems to hint on making us do it most of the time and have little docteam work heh05:40
jsgotangcopost-release braindumping lol05:40
mgalvinjust what we need, more work ;)05:41
mgalvinits cool though, they are good ideas05:41
mgalvini think as it grows more people will probably05:41
mgalvinin which we will need to better organize it as well05:42
jeffschperhaps put it on the docteam site05:43
mgalvini was thinking of a developer of the week, something like upload stats and such... but i think it would be seb128 every week :)05:43
mgalvinjeffsch: we should link to it from there05:44
mdkejsgotangco: now's your chance to ask jeffsch about the styleguide license05:44
jeffschand if you put a docteam member of the week, it would always be mdke05:44
jsgotangcomdke: actually we talk everyday, it just didnt get into my mind05:45
jsgotangcojeffsch: do you remember putting the styleguide under Publid Domain?05:45
jeffschjsgotangco: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2006-January/004798.html05:45
mdkehow fast was that05:45
mdkejeffsch: thoughts on this gender convention question?05:45
jsgotangcolol ok thanks for reminding me05:46
jsgotangcolong time ago!05:46
=== jsgotangco plans to clean up the cobwebs this weekend
jeffschmdke: it will be difficult to come to a consensus05:47
jeffschthere are so many different ways to handle it05:47
jeffschsome are very easy, like "he" means "she" too05:48
jeffschothers require rewriting the paragraph05:48
jeffschplus each culture has its biases05:48
jeffschplus each translator....05:48
jeffschon and on05:48
jsgotangcoours for example is very maternal...05:49
mdkejeffsch: i'm used to "he" means "she" myself05:50
jsgotangcowe dont address the gender explicitly at all but its implied in some phrases05:50
mdkei meant just for English really, then we can allow translators to go their own way05:51
jsgotangcoi think the bug was more on Rosetta rather than the document as well05:51
jsgotangco(how rosetta allows for such in the system)05:51
mdkewell, more or less.05:51
jsgotangcobut then they're strings..05:51
jeffschpersonally, i think when you put a note at the beginning that says "he" means "she", then you are copping out05:52
mdkeI think we should talk about English though, rather than the bug05:52
mdkejeffsch: "copping out" being a bad thing?05:52
jeffschyou're saying "yeah, i know there's a "she", but I can't be bothered to accomodate her05:52
jeffschmdke: yeah. it means being lazy or unconcerned05:53
mdkewe could invent a new pronoun then, which means both05:53
mdkeI don't really think it does mean that though05:53
jeffschsome writing books have whole chapters on the gender thing05:53
jeffschit's an issue that is still in flux05:54
jeffscha single method has not yet been settled05:54
mdkedo you think we should set a policy for it, or not worry? Not doing so might be doubly copping out05:54
jeffschideally, there should be a policy as well as examples on the various ways of handling it05:55
jsgotangcojeffsch: not being old school but does strunk & white have anything about this? i dont remember at all05:55
jeffschit could probably take a chapter in the styleguide05:55
jeffschjsgotangco: hold on, i'll check05:55
mdkei think we should deal with it05:55
=== jsgotangco checks his copy too
jeffschon page 60 of my copy05:57
=== mdke has a look in some law books
jsgotangco"Alternatively, put all controversial nouns in the plural and avoid the choice of sex altogether"05:58
jsgotangco"although you may find your prose sounding more general and diffuse as a result"05:58
jsgotangcoits mostly geared towards the male gender though05:58
=== mdke marvels that a ship's master is uniformly referred to as "he" without any kind of apology
jsgotangco"The use of he as a pronoun for nouns embracing both genders is a simple, practical convention rooted in the beginnings fo the English language"06:00
jeffsch"Currently however, many writers find the use of generic he or his to rename indefinite antecedents limiting or offensive>"06:01
=== mdke catches one legal textbook book using "she" as generic pronoun
jsgotangcocheck the author lol06:02
mdkethis one uses he or she randomly06:02
jsgotangcoyes its also recommended to mix06:03
jsgotangcoto make it not sound repetitive and boring  too06:03
jsgotangcowe'll have to write in the 3rd person06:04
jsgotangcoor plural06:04
jsgotangcobut that is avoiding it altogether06:04
=== mdke doesn't really care, but thinks we should have a policy
jsgotangcoi cannot say really, it is quite hard to describe a lot of things in the 3rd person06:06
jsgotangcowell not so hard, but depends on the style of the writer as well06:07
jeffschare there any specific instances in our current docs where it could be and issue?06:07
jsgotangcowell instructions per se are 3rd person06:07
jeffschor was it just the bug thing?06:08
jsgotangcothe bug is more of rosetta not havign the facility for such06:08
jsgotangcorather than the document06:08
jeffschhmmm... is there a facility for a translator to add translator notes to a doc?06:10
jsgotangcohmmm come to think of it06:12
jsgotangcoi dont see it06:12
jsgotangcoonly translator-credits06:12
jsgotangcobut *only* if there is a provision for such06:12
jeffschperhaps an empty para in an appropriate place in the english docs. the translators can leave it empty or stick in some notes06:14
mdkeyes, that won't be a problem06:14
mdkeI'm more concerned about what to do for the English :)06:14
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jeffschperhaps we can cop out and ask ubuntu-women to write that section of the styleguide for us ;)06:15
mdkenot a bad idea to get their views actually06:16
jsgotangcohey that's a good idea06:17
jsgotangcothey're asking for guidance anyway06:17
jsgotangcolet's give 'em work06:17
jeffschlast ask them rather than giving them 06:18
jeffschcome up with a preliminary spec and ask for input and advice06:21
LaserJockumm, so does the doc team offically handle the newsletter?06:26
LaserJockI'm getting so confused by all the newlettery things running about06:26
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BurgworkLaserJock, you around?06:27
mdkehe's right here!06:27
jsgotangcoeven though its basically me, mgalvin and Riddell who started it, anyone can actually dive in06:27
Burgworkmdke, right, just noticed that06:27
mgalvini just figured it was best to associate it the the doc team at large since it is docs, although its not meant to force anyone to anything06:29
LaserJockI like the idea, personally06:29
Burgworkyep, and the marketing team is busy with other, useless, things06:29
LaserJockassociating with a team is a good idea, IMO06:29
mdkethis would be ideal for the marketing team06:29
mdkebut I'm starting to get the impression there isn't really one06:30
mdkecorey forwarded them the email about the newsletter, no responses06:30
mgalvinthere is one, they just don't do anything... ok i will stop being mean ;)06:31
Burgworkthey do, they just don't integrate with the rest of us06:31
LaserJockok, but the individual derivatives have there own newsletter, right? but this one is sort of the Ubntu project as a whole?06:31
mgalvini think jenda is part of that team, we started talking the other day, i've got to catch up with him again06:32
jsgotangcono the derivative newsletters are history06:32
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jsgotangcowere just merging everything06:32
jeffschwho is the intended audience?06:32
LaserJockjsgotangco: history :(06:33
mgalvinjeffsch: internal management, developers and community at large 06:33
jsgotangcoyeah like we're issue 1 and we got closed heh06:33
jsgotangcoat least kubuntu got to issue 206:33
Burgworkmgalvin, jenda is indeed part of that team06:33
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jendawhat team? sorry sooo busy... (with ubuntu now)06:34
apokryphosmdke, Burgwork: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions06:34
apokryphosfeedback greatly appreciated =)06:34
jenda(ping me if you need me)06:34
mgalvinjenda: i was just saying i need to catch up with you at some point to talk about the newletter/marking relationship06:34
mgalvini am busy too, so not right now ;)06:34
jendaOK :)06:35
jsgotangcoits also one way to jumpstart the marketing team06:36
Burgworkyep, as long it doesn't fall on the floor06:36
=== mgalvin gets lunch
mdkeapokryphos: will do. Some structure would work, dividing the page up a bit06:38
LaserJockBurgwork: btw, I'm not sure what to do with that packaging wiki page06:38
BurgworkLaserJock, can it be killed and redirected to your packaging guide?06:38
apokryphosmdke: there is a little, but it's tough to do completely as it's too large for no sections, too small for general sections.06:39
LaserJockBurgwork: well, that has been something on my mind. I'm not sure if the PG should obsolete wiki pages. I like having devs and wannabes use the wiki pages for braindumps and stuff which I can then clean up and put in the PG06:40
apokryphosover time that would probably be easier (if it grew), but at the moment it's not a s clear I'd say.06:40
LaserJockbut many of the pages right now are wrong, for the wrong release, or are really not needed anymore06:40
mdkeapokryphos: it mustn't grow, I think it's already too big tbh. If it grows, you'll just start making another duplicate guide06:41
jendaCan you folks help me get the Czech team included here? http://www.ubuntu.com/support/local?action=show&redirect=support%2Fsupportoptions%2Flocal06:41
jendawho should i contact?06:41
apokryphosmdke: what's the other appropriate guide that you think it would be a duplicate of?06:41
mdkejenda: I've been doing that recently06:42
mdkeapokryphos: like, all documentation06:42
jendaSo you could do that if I give you the necessary facts?06:42
apokryphosmdke: it's not the same at all. This guide links to other documentation; it works as a generalized faq to sections of the wiki and the ubuntu site06:42
mdkejenda: yes. msg me them, or post to loco-contacts06:43
mdkeapokryphos: the problem we have when large guides start springing up like this is that a user looks at the resources available and doesn't know where to click06:43
mdkethat's bad06:43
apokryphosit's perhaps misleading to view it as a large guide, as I said. It's a guide that tells you just where to look06:44
mdkethe size doesn't really matter06:44
jsgotangcogood night all06:44
mdkethe problem arises when the user sees 5 different resources, instead of one06:44
jeffschjsgotangco: sleep well06:45
BurgworkLaserJock, then can you do that?06:45
apokryphosthis can serve more as a guide to many pages of the wiki, even06:45
mdkeapokryphos: like UserDocumentation does, you think?06:45
LaserJockBurgwork: I can certainly try :-)06:46
apokryphosmdke: it's good, but it's not nearly the same; I'd say it was too general and certainlly couldn't act as a full FAQ to the wiki and users on IRC06:46
jsgotangcowow that's a pretty nice faq though06:46
apokryphosthe search is just about as good as a search can be on a wiki, but it's not quite as perfect, or as readable/accessible 06:47
BurgworkLaserJock, sure06:48
apokryphosI think a link to that on UserDocumentation would be decent enough, and I'd say it's a lot more patched up now (still open to particular feedback though)06:48
apokryphosah, mounting windoze partitions; gotta add that in.06:49
LaserJockboy there's a lot of old cruft and crappy wiki pages laying around :/06:50
BurgworkLaserJock, yep06:51
mdkeapokryphos: my advice is to confine it to only a few questions, like 15 max 06:52
apokryphosmdke: as long as organisation is maintained when it gets larger, I think it'd be just fine06:52
mdkebecause I think that otherwise it will simply become an attempt to replace existing documentation, and will be confusing to read06:52
apokryphosmuch better to have the information available and for it to take someone a little longer to find on the page (though I don't think this is a necessary consequence) than to not have the answer available at all06:53
apokryphosmdke: I can't imagine how you'd argue that it replaces existing documentation when it explicitly links out to it all in practically every answer06:53
mdkeok, so s/documentation/index06:53
LaserJockapokryphos: I think the problem is this, there is lots of entry points to documentation throw at users06:54
apokryphosif the index is as it is (which I don't think is wrong) it follows as necessary to have a more complete guide (or index, in the fuller sense) with these things available06:54
mdkeapokryphos: right, but right now, your page isn't an index at all, it's half way between06:55
apokryphosLaserJock: for the most quintessential questions (the page being an FAQ in itself) there isn't06:55
mdkebut the whole point we subcategorised the index was that we were going in the opposite direction to this06:55
apokryphosthe subcategories are fine and dandy, but as I said, they don't nearly provide the information as readily06:55
apokryphosand for many of those it's also the case that you simply wouldn't find them from any of the subcategories06:56
mdkeapokryphos: yes. All you are saying is you disagree with what we have discussed a million times and come to a different view06:56
apokryphoshaving simply a few subcategories cannot be the solution06:56
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apokryphosI didn't notice us discussing it a million times, and I'm not just saying I disagree (I'm providing substantiation) 06:56
mdkeapokryphos: "us" = the team, rather than you and us06:57
apokryphosif you disagree with my reasoning then that's another issue for you to pick up, but it's not the case that I'm just blindly disagreeing; I hardly want to argue for no reason :)06:57
mdkeanother thing I'm concerned about is duplication of this document - http://www.ubuntu.com/support/faq06:57
apokryphosnot quite a duplication06:58
apokryphos(at all)06:58
jjessestupdi question, but i always forget what packages i need to validate and also build the doc06:59
apokryphosthat provides the answer to a few (very few questions), whereas this is a full-blown wiki faq06:59
LaserJockapokryphos: but again, I'm seeing lots of different places to get somewhat similar info. It is confusing to me and I think it could be quite confusing to new users06:59
apokryphosLaserJock: this provides link to and into the wiki; the fact that there are multiple places to get the info is a simple fact, this merely directs into it07:00
mdkeapokryphos: actually, as far as I can see, lots of your answers are on that page07:00
apokryphosit's not as if I'm creating another wiki, I'm linking to parts into the wiki07:00
apokryphossome are, some aren't. That page is not a wiki.07:01
apokryphosI have to shoot off to dinner, I can continue discussion when I'm back :)07:01
LaserJockapokryphos: right, I understand that, but we still have multiple places to go to find that info07:01
mdkeapokryphos: well, actually, that page is a wiki07:01
mdkeit's on a wiki, at any rate07:01
mvirkkilmdke: just dropped in to say hi, and idle :)07:01
mdkejust to get rid of the magic "wiki" word07:01
apokryphoseditable by regular users; I thought that was presupposed 07:01
mdkemvirkkil: welcome back :)07:02
mvirkkilmdke: Thanks :)07:02
apokryphosanyhow, I really have to go; back later guys07:02
mdkeme too, cyall07:02
LaserJockapokryphos: it's got good info though, good work on that07:02
LaserJockcya mdke 07:03
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jjessesorry dropped my connection, what packages are needed to validate and also build the docs?07:22
apokryphosback guys07:59
mdkejjesse: apt-get build-dep kubuntu-docs08:00
apokryphosto clarify my thoughts, and to avoid spiralling to an endless pit: (i) I do not think this is a duplication of effort. I do not see ubuntuguide as appropriate (I can expand), the wiki search as appropriate, or the ubuntu.com FAQ. Each for reasons I can clarify08:01
apokryphosI think the guide should welcome other FAQ content as long as it is a FAQ, it's kept manageable and organised08:01
apokryphosI'm not sure of its role with regard to the entire wiki and its structure, and you guys are the boss, so if you really want it a particular way (hidden or not mentioned there) then I'll be fine with that08:02
apokryphosNeedless to say, I think this is the *exact* FAQ that could shape up to be i.e. in an IRC channel topic, a link to provide to friends. I think it greatly complements the wiki rather than duplicates effort anywhere, and I think that should be its aim08:03
apokryphosok, just added mounting/xgl+compiz faq08:09
LaserJockapokryphos: I guess you should probably link the the ubuntu.com FAQ first off and then don't do any Questions that are the same08:10
apokryphosLaserJock: not really because I wouldn't want the faq to be "check there for the answer first, if it's not there read this faq"08:11
LaserJockbut if ubuntu has an offical FAQ that should be the first place people should go08:11
LaserJockthe wiki is fine and dandy, but I'd rather get the answer straight from the horse's mouth if I can08:12
apokryphosI don't see the problem with having the information there too. Having to first check through one faq, and *then* check through another is annoying08:12
apokryphosthe horse's mouth is good, and we should try to link to it where that's relevant08:13
apokryphosfor additional information etc. That faq is linked to below under support options08:13
apokryphosbut I don't want to get into a whole debate on the validity of wikis as mediums for support/advice08:14
apokryphosthat FAQ is a little outdated, I'll email the relevant people later if I get round to it08:14
apokryphos......unless someone here has editing privileges?08:15
LaserJockI think there are people who do08:15
LaserJockI know that a ubuntu-website ML is in the works so people can talk about the website08:16
mdkeapokryphos: why don't you work on improving the faq on the website? We can update it for you.08:16
mdkemerge the two projects08:16
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apokryphosmdke: I think that resolves a lot of issues08:16
apokryphosstill doesn't have the easyness of it being a freely editable wiki, which I think can help08:17
apokryphosalso wouldn't it be questionable to reference practical (but things of questionable legality) on that page?08:17
LaserJocklinking to RestrictedFormats for  instance is a good thing08:18
mdkewell, don't be illegal obviously08:18
apokryphosgiving advice on how to install some of those restricted formats is of questionable legality, though08:19
LaserJocktelling people to go to RestrictedFormats has no questionable legality08:19
apokryphosthough if recommending the whole of RestrictedFormats page is fine, then there's no issue there08:20
LaserJockhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation also has some of the CommonQuestion items08:22
LaserJockI like a lot of those items apokryphos, but my thought is that I'd rather see them folded into the ubuntu.com FAQ and UserDocumentation, but that's just IMO08:26
apokryphosLaserJock: it'd be nice to get all of that information as easily accessible (regardless of its location), I believe, too. I think there are a few drawbacks to having it woven into the ubuntu.com FAQ but I'll leave that up to you guys08:27
apokryphoshaving it folded into UserDocumentation could work, but I think that page servers more as an introductory page to the entire wiki, whereas the CommonQuestions page acts simply as an FAQ to new users08:27
LaserJockwell, my thinking is this. If they really are FAQ then people shouldn't have to go to the wiki to find them.08:29
apokryphosbut having them on the wiki gives a lot of advantages08:29
apokryphosand the answers it provides are very often linking right into the wiki08:30
apokryphosthat anyone can edit it08:30
apokryphosand others (like me) can just help with organising it later08:30
LaserJockmy experience has been that once you let anyone edit it the quality starts going downhill08:31
apokryphosI really don't want to argue here at all (I do apologise); I'm seriously just trying to help, and offering an idea08:31
apokryphosLaserJock: so let's try to stop that, with this page :)08:31
LaserJockno, that's fine08:31
LaserJockyou are helping08:31
LaserJockbut sometimes we have to work through what the best way to present the info is, and how to go about things08:32
tuxmaniacsorry to interrupt. apokryphos discussions does not mean opposition.. It is just a way of getting others views and chosing the best08:32
apokryphosI don't doubt it08:33
LaserJockwe have been going over and over a bit with this though08:33
apokryphoshm, how do I make "x y" link to xy?08:37
LaserJockhmm, I'm not sure, I'm just a casual wiki user08:38
apokryphosnevermind, got it08:38
apokryphosok, added a few more parent sections and did a bit of restructuring, while adding more questions. Should be more accessible now.09:07
=== LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@lambda.chem.unr.edu] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgworkmgalvin, are you aware of the wikipedia signpost?09:20
mgalvinBurgwork: huh? nope09:21
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Burgworkmgalvin, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost09:22
Burgworkthey have been very successful in running a newsletter09:22
mgalvincool, i'll have to take a closer look in a bit, busy at work atm09:24
mgalvinBurgwork: thanks for pointing me at it09:25
Burgworkmgalvin, np09:27
Burgworkmdke, hmm, -uk contact issues?09:35
mdkeBurgwork: not that I know of. I'm just surprised he randomly emailed the loco-list without discussing it on the -uk list first09:46
mgalvinman the wiki seems slow09:47
mdkeyeah it is09:47
mdketoo many pages09:47
Burgworkmdke, that was what I meant09:48
LaserJockmdke: can we make string changes in the dapper docs for -updates09:48
mdkeLaserJock: erm.09:48
mdkeno, i'm pretty sure we can't09:48
mdkedapper uploads automatically get pushed to rosetta, so it would break translations09:49
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LaserJockhmm, bummer09:49
mdkethen again, the packaging guide isn't so widely translated, I'd say that it can be your call09:49
LaserJockwhy would it break translations?09:49
mdkewell, because new strings will come in09:50
LaserJockbut if the docs are still being translated post-release isn't that not really a problem09:50
=== LaserJock has a clear lack of understand of Rosetta
mdkeyeah, that's true09:50
mdkebut you need to make sure that the teams that have translated those strings already know to retranslate them09:51
mdkeand have time to do so09:51
LaserJockI thought they had a "this string has changed" flag or something09:51
mdkewell, they'll be untranslated, so it's obvious yeah09:51
mdkebut they might not look :)09:52
LaserJockslackers ;-)09:52
LaserJockok, well I was just going to try to address the bug in the chroot directions that was just on the ML09:53
mdkeLaserJock: I'm fine with you deciding09:57
mgalvinanyone know 'Mav' a polish translator?09:57
LaserJockmdke: hehe, thanks a lot. :p 09:57
mdkemgalvin: no, why?09:59
mgalvinMav is translating issue 1 into polish and i just wanted to try to catch up with him/her10:00
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mgalvini would like to try to organize the page a bit better10:00
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mgalvinmaybe something like UWN/Issue1/LANG10:00
mdkemgalvin: I'd suggest you invite translators to publish them on their individual sites10:01
mdkemgalvin: we'll be doing that for italian10:01
mdkeit won't be possible to get everyone to do it in the wiki10:01
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mgalvinmdke: true, i guess i'll email the translators list and just let them add a simple link to translated versions or something10:06
mdkethat works too10:06
=== DBO [n=DBO@cpe-65-185-133-122.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
roboh, have you guys seen this: http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/06/05/134025510:29
mgalvinoh nice10:31
mgalvinooo, and the finally have the new look, neat10:33
robyeah, I noticed that too, all ajax and stuff too10:33
robthis is encouraging: "Lets hope other distributions follow Ubuntu's lead on this one.."10:34
robI really have to stop quickly checking that site before going to work each morning10:35
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== enrico congratulates for the weekly newsletter!
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
robok, better go to work10:39
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-doc
DBOslashdot, the only good DDoS10:42
LaserJockI made my first /. post for that10:43
LaserJockas an Anonymous Coward of course10:43
mdkethe embedded fonts one?10:43
LaserJockI couldn't remember exactly, but I thought that was it10:44
=== lloydinho [n=andreas@rosinante.egmont-kol.dk] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mgalvinwhats the polish lang code?10:45
crimsuninteresting, I can't secondary-click in epiphany while a page is loading10:45
DBOcrimsun, seconded10:45
DBObut I can if I switch to a different tab10:45
=== mdke_ [n=matt@ubuntu/member/mdke] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdke_did I miss anything?10:49
crimsun< mgalvin> whats the polish lang code?10:50
crimsunthat's about it, I think10:50
mdke_thanks crimsun 10:51
mgalvinhmm, need a second opinion...10:53
mgalvinfor the issues lang sub-pages, should i use the lang code or the lang name?10:53
mgalvini was leaning toward the code10:54
crimsunwhy not "name (code)"?10:54
crimsunoh, for Web 10:54
mgalvinyea, on the wiki10:54
=== mdke_ doesn't think lang sub pages are a good idea
mdke_mgalvin: we discussed it already10:55
mgalvinonly for ones that are hosted on wiki.ubuntu.com10:55
mgalvinsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/SubmittingTranslations10:55
mgalvinwell, Mav created it on the wiki :-/10:55
mdke_yeah, that's my point10:56
mdke_I think translators should be encouraged to integrate with their own sites, because that's where polish speakers go10:56
mdke_english speakers will be on the wiki10:56
mgalvini'll have to try and catch up with him and see if he can do that10:57
mdke_but this is just my opinion, people should do what they think is best10:57
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdke_heya Madpilot 11:03
mdkethe lulu thing got slashdotted11:04
mdkeMadpilot: we're just missing the cover for russian server guide, afaics11:04
MadpilotOK, I can get that in a bit11:05
mdkeI'm quite disappointed that Lulu doesn't show us the sales of actual books, but just the total (downloaded and printed)11:06
mdke(I did)11:06
LaserJockhmm, I'm pretty sure they will have a Mattzilla pretty soon for you11:06
BurgworkMadpilot, are you not supposed to be working?11:09
MadpilotBurgwork, booked the day off, I'm working most of next weekend11:10
BurgworkLaserJock, are you amused that the person who is working (and is clearly not) asking somebody else if they are working?11:13
LaserJockno, "Am I my brother's keeper?" came to mind11:13
MadpilotBurgwork, I should contact your boss and tell him to block IRC's ports on your work server ;)11:13
Burgworkfirst of all, I (and Brett), control the entire IT infrastructure here11:14
Burgwork2nd, I have root on every machine in the office11:14
mdkethey must be crazy11:14
crimsunhelp help I'm being oppressed11:15
mdkebloody peasant11:15
LaserJockBurgwork: is Tim your boss?11:15
Burgworkyes, but he is in Calgary, thank the lord11:16
Burgworkmy boss is Tim's older brother, Daniel11:16
Madpilotmdke, http://www.warbard.ca/temp/Ubuntu_Covers/ServerGuide_ru.png11:19
Madpilotmdke, I've also update the UDG_ru cover, to use the same typeface as ServerGuide_ru - the Cyrillic looks way better now11:19
mvirkkilmdke: ThomasWaldmann11:25
mdkemvirkkil: context?11:25
mvirkkilmdke: Argh.. Miss-paste11:25
mvirkkilmdke: http://docbook.wikiwikiweb.de11:26
mdkeok, cool11:26
mdkemvirkkil: so do you want some examples to test with?11:27
mdkesomething hardcore like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenSSL11:28
mvirkkilmdke: Urgh.. Well, if you like :) 11:30
mvirkkilmdke: I haven't done intensive testing..11:30
mdkeI'll give it a go11:30
mvirkkilmdke: Just small testcases.11:30
mdkeshall I delete it?11:31
mvirkkilmdke: Njah.. Do as you please11:31
mvirkkilmdke: The more the merrier :)11:31
mvirkkilmdke: But if you find issues, a small testcase would be nicer :)11:31
mdkeworks in yelp11:32
mdkeIZ VALID!11:32
mdkeholy shit11:33
mvirkkilmdke: I'll take that as a compliment :D11:33
mdkethat's pretty damn cool11:33
mdkenice one dude11:34
mvirkkilmdke: Thanks :) 11:34
mvirkkilmdke: I'm going to work on generating a single book from multiple pages.11:35
mdkemvirkkil: sounds fun :)11:35
mdkeBurgwork: mvirkkil is working on the wiki->docbook SoC project, already looking good11:35
mvirkkilmdke: But I think I've solved the largest problems. Now I just need to implement it ;)11:35
=== [Utah] tristanbob [i=tristanb@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkemvirkkil: well done, that's great stuff. Is it going to work with 1.5 and above only?11:36
mvirkkilmdke: I'm working agains the 1.6 branch as are all the other SoC:s 11:37
mdkeoh right11:37
mdkewe have 1.3.4 on our servers :D11:37
mvirkkilmdke: Yeah.. I know :)11:37
mdkewe'll have to get them to upgrade sharpish11:37
mvirkkilmdke: There have been cleanups in various parts, but the largest ones went in to the 1.3 branch, so it might be backportable.11:38
mvirkkilmdke: I'm not going to try though :) 11:38
mdkefair enough11:38
=== kermitX_ [n=kermit@unaffiliated/cxg] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkerob: by the way, is that your post to /. ?11:39
mvirkkilmdke: Fedora solved it by creating a small service which takes a page url, requests the raw wiki syntax and runs it through the parser and formatter to return the docbook to the callee.11:40
mvirkkilmdke: So they have their old 1.3.x wiki, but when they want docbook, they run it throug a more up to date wiki, to re-parse and re-format the page on the fly.11:41
MadpilotAnyone else noticed that packages.ubuntu.com is still defaulting to only searching Breezy's repos?11:41
mdkeinstead of upgrading?11:41
mvirkkilmdke: At the moment yes. 11:41
mvirkkilmdke: But I got the feeling they are going to update soonish.11:41
mdkemvirkkil: I hope you don't use fedora now!11:43
mvirkkilmdke: There are some simple improvements in newer versions like strikethrough, but I suppose both ubuntu and fedora feel that the 1.3 version is/was good enough.11:43
mvirkkilmdke: Nope, and my mentor knows it :)11:43
mdkewell, the WYSIWYG editor is a massive bonus in 1.511:43
mvirkkilmdke: Coming from a debian background, I wouldn't know how to deal with day to day tasks..11:43
mvirkkilmdke: That means wysiwyg editing of docbooks ;)11:44
mdkeit does indeed11:44
mvirkkilThere's also some other seriously cool stuff brewing in moin.11:44
mdkemoin is great11:44
mdkeshame they only got a few soc projects11:44
mdkeMadpilot: uploaded, grazie11:45
=== ghee22 [n=Parag@host-24-149-162-29.patmedia.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Madpilotde nada11:45
mvirkkilmdke: The wiki sync for example. Allowing to separate wikis to transparently sync the pages they want in sync.11:45
DBOwait... de nada... italian right?11:45
MadpilotDBO, very funny ;)11:46
Madpilotno, de nada is es11:46
mvirkkilmdke: So distributions could share certain documentation, collaborativle improve them accross wikis.11:46
DBOMadpilot, I thought you should know11:46
mdkemvirkkil: nice11:46
MadpilotDBO, thank you. I think. :)11:46
mvirkkilmdke: And the [[GetText(DistributionName)] ]  could take care of branding.11:46
=== DBO gives Madpilot a tux plushie
mdkemvirkkil: that does sound exciting11:46
mvirkkilSince the dictionary could hold "branding" information.11:47
mvirkkilmdke: Yeah... Should limit the duplication of docs and difficulty of merging separate documentation in to a canonical whole.11:48
mdkelimiting duplication...11:48
=== mdke drools
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgworkmdke, very cool11:49
mvirkkilAnd all larger distros already use docbook, ubuntu, fedora and suse (though they have som suse.dtd of their own).11:50
mvirkkilAnd gnome, ubuntu and fedora use moinmoin.11:50
mdkeGnome based distros11:50
mvirkkilmdke: Yup.. So basically all using and writing documentation for the same tools.11:51
LaserJockMadpilot: I like the Ubuntu CA logo :-)11:51
=== jenda [n=jenda@unaffiliated/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-doc
MadpilotLaserJock, thanks11:51
mvirkkilmdke: Well, now I need to get some sleep. It's almost 1am and I've got to be at work at 8am11:52
mdkemvirkkil: alright, have fun and keep up the good work11:52
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== DBO wants to see the ubuntu CA logo
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable240.218-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-doc
MadpilotDBO, www.ubuntu-ca.org11:55
BurgworkDBO, planet.ubuntu as a big version11:56
=== DBO needs to start guessing...
DBOyou did that Madpilot? =)11:56
mdkeBurgwork: http://docbook.wikiwikiweb.de/OpenSSL -> Render as docbook -> Open in yelp11:56
MadpilotInkscape is wonderful :)11:56
DBOits... its beautiful11:57
=== DBO wants to move to canada so he can use the logo
DBOeh, michigan is close enough11:57
DBOCorey Burger wouldnt happen to be related to you would he Madpilot?11:58
Madpilotwe're brothers11:58
MadpilotCorey is Burgwork 11:58
Burgworkyes, he is my older brother11:58
Burgworkmdke, yelp in gnome 2.12 fails to render that11:59
mdkeBurgwork: it's valid, so it should render it. Maybe you are missing the right version of docbook11:59
Burgworklikely, this is FC crap11:59
mdkeit's truly beautiful here12:00
=== mdke sticks up a screenshot for the hell of it
Burgworkok, that is shiny12:01
mdkeman that is gonna make edgy rock12:01

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