
nightwwhy can't i see 2.6 kernel sources and images?12:00
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mwegimmulf: oh it was wrong as well12:00
mwegimmulf: it's /etc/X11/rgb.txt12:00
mwegimmulf: or /etc/X11/rgb rather12:00
gimmulf_mwe:  mmm and i dont even think i need to specify that12:01
mwegimmulf: I guess it's the default so12:01
gimmulf_mwe:  it should be done automatically in newer xorg versions12:01
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aileanI wondered if someone could help me set up the eye-candy . . . i've tried to follow the instructions, but i keep getting the error that there is no composite extension. can someone help?12:01
mwegimmulf: yeah. how did that line get in there?12:01
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skippy81Anusien:  from the live CD you should be able to run "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda"12:01
gimmulf_mwe:  good question :>12:01
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mwegimmulf: hmm. whatever it's fixed now12:02
Anusienskippy81: you mean /dev/hda1 ?12:02
gimmulf_yep :)12:02
LinuxPosewhats the default root password on ubuntu?12:02
ubotuit has been said that fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto12:02
tristanmike!tell LinuxPose about root12:02
mweLinuxPose: it's not set12:02
LinuxPosei try to log in12:02
LinuxPoseand it denies me12:02
skippy81Anusien:  nope just /dev/hda, because you are aiming to write grub onto the master boot record of hda12:02
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LinuxPosei only put in 1 password12:02
mweLinuxPose: huh, as user?12:02
Anusienokay, gonna put windows on /dev/hda1 then12:02
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CynoxHello! Does anyone here have problems with mplayerplug-in in mozilla? It works in firefox but not mozilla and I can't find any way to debug it12:02
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MadpilotLinuxPose, use your user ID & password when you login, and sudo when you need admin privs12:03
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TinyIRCI have a quick question about WOL12:03
MadpilotLinuxPose, there is no root pw by default in Ubuntu, and there's no need for one.12:03
skippy81Anusien:  im thinking , do you have a floppy disk drive?12:03
LinuxPoseahhh ok12:03
xglloI installed kubuntu after using gnome and ubuntu have i just hosed my system? new to linux its acting funny ever since i tried kubuntu kde desktop12:03
Morrowyncynox, i always had troubles with mplayer12:03
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CynoxMorrowyn, it used to work before the dapper upgrade12:04
conman23456LinuxPose: Madpilot is right, but I do setup the root account for a password anyway. Run sudo passwd to set a root password if you really want to.12:04
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Anusienskippy81: nope12:04
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brosioanyone known a programs with stream radio similar to stramtuner ?12:04
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johnnyrussoBot_Builder: so u think il have better luck with the x700 and the 32bit version ?12:05
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Anusienskippy81: this is a second PC though12:05
TinyIRCin order to enable the WOL on my NIC card I did (like I did on my previous Debian SID box)12:05
Cynoxand, all plugins in the firefox directory are symlinks to the ones in mozillas plugin dir12:05
Otacon22LOL, all, try to search in google "a" or if you have firefox write a in address bar, anyone can imagine what is tha fist page that appear...12:05
mweconman23456: please keep that a secret to force people to read the wiki page12:05
TinyIRCcreated a new script in /etc/init.d/rc.d/WOL12:05
Thumannhey guys.. any decent guide to get alsa working? ich5 chipset..12:05
skippy81well does your ubuntu PC have a floppy drive Anusien?12:05
kimbarothAnyone know how to delete some items that refuse to be deleted from the "Wastebasket"???12:05
Anusienskippy81: that's what i meant.  no12:06
skippy81basically if you can make a boot floppy it will be the safest way of doing it12:06
skippy81ok np12:06
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Bot_Builderjohnnyruso - well, doesnt have to be an X700, but yes, 32 bit helps12:06
skippy81Anusien:  can you surf the internet from your Live CD?12:06
johnnyrussoOtacon22: agilent tech inc???12:06
TinyIRCthat contained run ethtool -s eth0 wol g12:06
johnnyrussoBot_Builder:  why?12:06
skippy81basically i want to make sure that if it goes wrong you can get help from us12:06
Anusienskippy81: yeah.  I have an ethernet connection on it, when I go to liveCD12:06
Hexidigital_Otacon22:: i'm guessing apple.com?12:06
TinyIRCthen ln -s /etc/init.d/WOL S25customWOL12:06
CynoxI'll file a bug against mozilla or mozilla-mplayer, then12:06
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conman23456kimbaroth: have you tried deleting it from the terminal?12:07
TinyIRCin /etc/rc0.d12:07
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AnusienI can install windows on an external hard drive?12:07
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kimbarothconman23456: Nope, how do I do that??12:07
Bot_Builderjohnnyrusso: The 64 bit ati drivers don't really work in my experience, especially if you throw in something new like PCIE (X700, X800)12:07
Hexidigital_Anusien:: that's a question for ##windows12:07
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skippy81ok Anusien, in that case i suggest 1) install windows to partition1 2) boot up live CD and install grub to the MBA12:07
johnnyrussoi see12:07
AnusienHexidigital: No I'm just confused that I can12:07
kimbarothconman23456: I dont know the path to the Wastebasket12:07
fabioFxhi.. any know as to change the locale to ISO-8859-1 in dapper?12:07
ltibor65Hi guys! Please help me! I want to install a program from source, but it says: bash: make: command not found.  What to do?12:08
Anusienskippy81: how is "install grub to the MBA" different than what you told me before?12:08
Hexidigital_Anusien:: sorry, misread it12:08
mwefabioFx: yeah. why would you though?12:08
conman23456kimbaroth: put it on your desktop, and run rm /home/(your user)/desktop/(file)12:08
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Anusienltibor65: sudo apt-get install build-essentials12:08
johnnyrussoalrite well in 1.5 hrs ill know; now heres another questinon; ill definelty have to install ubuntu; will i be able to do it in safe mode from the cd?12:08
mwefabioFx: everything is tuned for utf-812:08
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skippy81its the same thing Anusien, that command i gave you should do it12:08
Bot_Builderjonnyrusso - I know its dissapointing not to be able to use the extra 32 bits on your cpu, but it really isnt that big of a speed difference12:08
redrum_johnnyrusso: yes12:08
wubrgamerhey guys, will firefox update to anytime soon ?12:08
wubrgamerhow do i force it ?12:08
spikebnou, it won't12:08
Burgundaviawubrgamer: yes, at some point12:08
mwewubrgamer: it wont12:09
spikeberik, no.12:09
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skippy81install-grub /dev/hda will write grub onto the master boot record, but you also need to point grub to the /boot/ driectory on your linux partition12:09
johnnyrussoBot_Builder: yea i dont mind 2 much considering i use windows xp now and its only 32 bit12:09
spikebnou, it wont update the actual version12:09
spikebstupid autocomplete12:09
nousorry :)12:09
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johnnyrussoaltho certain apps use the 6412:09
Bot_Builderjohnnyrusso: Yes, the live cd is very cool - the installer is just a program in the live cd version of ubuntu12:09
mwewubrgamer: programs stay at the released versions12:09
wubrgamerwhy not ?12:09
spikebsorry nou :)12:09
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Morrowynim off all, cya12:09
mwe!tell wubrgamer about ff1.512:09
spikebwubrgamer, because once a release is made, the version number is final. only backported fixes will be made.12:09
Burgundaviawubrgamer: ubuntu disables the autoupdater and rolls their own sucurityupdates12:09
mwewubrgamer: I think I told you how to install the new version12:09
Bot_Builderjonnyrusso - yeah, i tried windows 64-bit and it didn't work very well either.  Driver problems galore12:09
WebMaven /msg NickServ IDENTIFY greyhame12:09
kbrooks_Burgundavia: it doesnt "disable" it12:10
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kbrooks_Burgundavia: i updated already in dapper12:10
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Burgundaviakbrooks_: the autoupdater from Mozilla? yes, it is disabled by default12:10
johnnyrussolol @ webmaven12:10
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fabioFxbut i would like to use iso-8859-1 :(12:10
kbrooks_Burgundavia: oh sorry12:10
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Hexidigital_webben:: perhaps you should change your password12:10
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Hexidigital_webben:: sorry12:10
mweWebMaven: : oops. I'll hax0r your box :)12:10
wubrgamerhow do i enable it ?12:10
SeveasWebMaven, /msg nickserv set password new_password12:10
fran22431I have a Mac G4, when I boot from the CD, After giving the boot command the screen turns blank and the CD continues to spin and the stops. Any ideas?12:10
kbrooks_Burgundavia: i thought you were talking about update-manager12:11
wubrgameri just want it to work......12:11
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Hexidigital_WebMaven:: :: perhaps you should change your password12:11
redrum_botbuilder win x64 is almost useless12:11
fabioFxmwe: but i would like to use iso-8859-1 :(12:11
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mwefabioFx: why would you like that?12:11
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jrattner1Is there a newsticker for gnome similar to knewsticker for KDE?12:11
Bot_Builderredrum_: yeah, i went back to 32 bit the same day12:11
WebMavenok, ok, I've reset the nickserv pass.12:11
wubrgamerhow do i install it again ?12:11
Bot_Builderthough now my 32 bit instalation has died12:11
wubrgamerwithout compiling ?12:11
Clapauciushi guys, would you know why my ubuntu gets slower and slower as uptime increases? how often should I reboot?12:11
SeveasClapaucius, breezy?12:12
fabioFxmy server use that12:12
BlissexClapaucius: too little detail, but odds are ever growing web browsers etc.12:12
Bot_BuilderClapaucius - system monitor might help in diagnosing the problem12:12
ltibor65Anusien, thank you very much, make works well now.12:12
SeveasClapaucius, may be gam_server eating your memory12:12
kimbarothconman23456: rm: cannot remove `easyubuntu (copy)/': Is a directory12:12
fabioFxmwe: my server use that.. to ftp12:12
johnnyrussoredrum_: win64 is useless except if u have software that takes advantage12:12
crysif I am hanging at boot due to a rogue wireless card - how do I boot single user mode to fix the startup script?12:12
mwefabioFx: well12:12
BlissexClapaucius: try fully restarting Nautilus/Firefox every now and then.12:12
johnnyrussoand it also has a lot better driver support than linux imo12:12
kbrooks_kimbaroth: rm -rf. "rm d" doesnt work.12:12
crys...Networking script in particular12:12
Clapauciuswell I just use it for bittorrent, virtually nothing else. it's an old PC, but it starts out pretty fast and responsive, then it gets gradually slower.12:13
stringblingare there any parental block packages for ubuntu or linux?12:13
Roadrunner_does dpgk overwrite my xorg.conf file, when i try to update kernel or x related packages?12:13
BioVorEnoticing a intressting possible glitch with EMU10k1 and dapper..  master volume seems to be on the WaveSurrond Slider and not on Master.. weird..12:13
redrum_im waiting patiently for the day my hardware will be supported fully by any OS12:13
conman23456I recently upgraded to Dapper, and I can't connect to the internet past the first 2-3 minutes i login. It will work if I unplug the ethernet cable, and plug it back it for another 2-3 minutes, but then stops. I also had this problem in OpenSUSE. Everything is fine in Windows though. Can anyone help12:13
redrum_johnnyrusso: that's all very good if your hardware has drivers12:13
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johnnyrussoredrum_: all major vendors do now12:13
johnnyrussoati included :)12:13
mwefabioFx: edit /etc/environment and change LANG and make sure the locale is mentioned in a file in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/ and run sudo locale-gen and reboot12:13
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kbrooks_johnnyrusso: bundled, i mean12:14
r0xoRwhat's the command line way to update the synaptic repos?12:14
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kimbarothkbrooks_: Thanks, It Worked =D12:14
fabioFxmwe: thanks :D12:14
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mwer0bby: sudo aptitude update12:14
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hypelut :)12:14
johnnyrussokbrooks_: its not bundled but it will function until u can update12:14
mwefabioFx: skip locale-gen if it already exists12:14
Hexidigital_r0xoR:: sudo aptitude update12:14
hypedites, qq1 sais comment fair  a sous dapper?12:14
hypesudo gedit /etc/init.d/local12:14
skippy81Anusien: are you still here?12:15
XyMoX_18hay alguien ahi12:15
basvghi all... I'm running dapper and I have sun-java5-jre installed. Any ideas how I can ff that I actually have java?12:15
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:15
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hypeoops, seems like i ve accidently joined the wrong channel =)12:15
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ciaronhype: whats that a screeny of?12:15
mwebasvg: yeah. link to the plugin12:15
hypeit makes you "ply" the window to see whats behind12:16
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mwebasvg: using the ubuntu release of firefox?12:16
hypebut when i try to drag a maximized window, it just unmaximise it :(12:16
basvgmwe: yep12:16
XyMoX_18join #ubuntu-es12:16
Hexidigital_hype:: is that XGL?12:17
hypeHexidigital_: yep12:17
conman23456I recently upgraded to Dapper, and I can't connect to the internet past the first 2-3 minutes i login. It will work if I unplug the ethernet cable, and plug it back it for another 2-3 minutes, but then stops. I also had this problem in OpenSUSE. Everything is fine in Windows though. Can anyone help12:17
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shrump_jimbowhat kind of network card conman12:18
conman23456let me check...12:18
nbx909sounds like a problem with the card12:18
nbx909or network12:18
basvgmwe: ah, I think there's something about it in the restrictedformat wiki page12:18
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aileanany experts on xgl & compiz who can help me??12:19
MidMarkguys is it possible to hear from rear speakers for all audio apps? Like totem ecc.12:19
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conman23456nbx909: but nothing happened with any other distros. just the two.12:19
mwebasvg: locate libjavaplugin_oji.so in /usr/lib/jre or whereever the jre is installed and sudo ln -fns /path/to/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/12:19
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mwebasvg: use the ns7 version12:19
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mwebasvg: not the gcc29 one12:19
shodanjr_grhey guys12:19
Hexidigital_well... have to go to work... have a great day everyone@12:19
ubotuHexidigital_: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:19
shodanjr_granyone available for some support with the latest Ubuntu release?12:19
mweshodanjr_gr: well that's the channel topic so shoot12:20
basvgmwe: uhuh, thanks.. I also found out that t here is a sun-java5-plugin package that works :) rats, should've read the RestrictedFormats wiki more carefully12:20
shodanjr_grfirst of all12:20
patbamif i have a cups server running on my desktop, the laptop should see it without me adding a ipp:// thing, shoudl't it?12:20
shodanjr_gri got a laptop from hell12:20
mwebasvg: yw12:20
shodanjr_grthe Fujitsu Amilo A1400 or something, also known as the Compal CY-2612:20
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shodanjr_grAthlon Mobile 1400+ 256 megs of ram, radeon 320IGP12:21
mweshodanjr_gr: yes12:21
shodanjr_grUbuntun wont start in normal graphics mode, but i can get it to start in safe mode12:21
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conman23456shrump_jimbo: CNet PRO200WL PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter12:21
shodanjr_grdo i loose any sort of functionality if i have it start in safemode?12:21
mweshodanjr_gr: well that's a good start12:21
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mweshodanjr_gr: yes you should fix it12:21
jonxis there an easy way to update my current version of firefox12:22
shodanjr_grany suggestions as to how i can fix it?12:22
mweshodanjr_gr: can you start X windows at all?12:22
edvinasMD5<md5> [*]  Creating Menu, please wait.12:22
edvinasMD5<md5> This needs the ncurses library. If it is not available, menuconf wont work. If you are using curses, use make menuconfig-curses instead.12:22
edvinasMD5<md5> *** Signal 1112:22
edvinasMD5whats that?12:22
shodanjr_grin safe mode it gets into Gnome perfectly12:22
shodanjr_grand graphics dont seem corrupted or anything12:22
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wingoi want to test my drives for errors like scandisk under windows.. how can i do this under ubuntu?12:22
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shodanjr_grin normal mode, X doest even start12:22
mweshodanjr_gr: what happens in normal mode, did you say?12:22
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shodanjr_gri get to the point where the cursor blinks at the top left of the screen12:22
shodanjr_grthen it freezes TOTALY12:22
shodanjr_grin a black screen12:23
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:23
mweshodanjr_gr: you need to paste.ubuntu-nl.org the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log after a crash of X12:23
edvinasMD5<md5> *** Signal 1112:23
jonxhow would i go about setting certain MIME types?12:23
johnnyrussoshodanjr_gr: do you have ati video card?12:23
shodanjr_grmwe im running it off a live CD atm12:23
shodanjr_grjohnnyrusso yes, radeon 320M IGP12:23
johnnyrussou need the ati drivers12:24
kbrosnanjonx, in help -> about firefox if it does not say anything about ubuntu in the box then try sudo firefox then  help -> check for updates12:24
eSa|fdMenuSyncI'm a Debian user running amd64 and I want to keep in sync the menu entries related to applications installed inside the 32bit chroot. How ubuntu manages that?12:24
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eSa|fdMenuSyncis there a specific package?12:24
ubotuI guess fglrx is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:24
mwejohnnyrusso: will that work with that card?12:24
shodanjr_grjohnnyrusso can you elaborate on that? Im not really Linux-savy....12:24
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ubotuwingo: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:25
johnnyrussoim not positive about that specific card but it does with all the newer xseries12:25
brosioanyone known a programs with stream radio similar to stramtuner ?12:25
mwejohnnyrusso: doesn't it fit the catogory < radeon 9200 ?12:25
johnnyrussoshodanjr_gr: click the link and read about it12:25
shodanjr_grmwe yes its quite old12:25
kimbarothIts possible to run Wine on ubuntu 64???12:25
mweshodanjr_gr: so fglrx wont work12:25
johnnyrussomwe: i thought the 320 was post 9200 series12:26
mweshodanjr_gr: you should use the open source driver12:26
shrump_jimboconman: here's a forum thread on your card http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5488612:26
krazykitwingo: fsck instead of scandisc12:26
johnnyrussooh my bad12:26
mwejohnnyrusso: I don't know12:26
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shodanjr_grjohnnyrusso its an IGP for a year 2000 laptop or so12:26
mweshodanjr_gr: yeah dont try fgrlx12:26
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jonxthanks kbrosnan12:26
shodanjr_gri wont12:26
jonxis there a way to get the latest repositories?12:27
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mweshodanjr_gr: anyway I think the installer should default to that. you didn't actually install ubuntu yet?12:27
wingokrazykit, thx.. is there some kind uf gui for fsck?12:27
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shodanjr_grso any other way of getting it to launch in normal video mode?12:27
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mwewingo: nah. just type it it's not that hard :)12:27
El_DonkeyWhich channel should I aks about Windows email servers / networking?12:27
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msidi installed ubuntu on different hardware and i moved it to new and hardware set. now it says that the X server cannot start cause it is misconfigured. how can i solve this. plz help me asap.!!!!12:27
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Seveasmsid, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:28
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steffhi all12:29
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wingomwe it warns me that its dangerous to use it on a mounted drive...12:29
shodanjr_granyway im doing a hard drive install at the moment12:29
shodanjr_grso ill be able to get any log files caused by a crash and give em to you guys12:29
phrowzenam i able to apt-get install k3b on ubuntu (running gnome)12:29
phrowzenwill it mess my desktop up?12:29
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truzakhello, is there a simple way to change Gnome to XFce desktop? (i.e. by selecting relevant packages)12:30
El_DonkeyWhen will ubuntu have a easy (GUI) tool too mount HD's like beos had like what in the stone age!?12:30
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kimbarothIts possible to run Wine on ubuntu 64???, nobody??? =(12:31
MacinManhey guys does ubuntu have a libdvdcss package? i'm looking at the package manager in kubuntu and it's not showing up12:31
Morrowynhi, does anyone here has   hsf+ support on their ubuntu, if so, how?12:31
kbrooks_kimbaroth: dont run ubuntu 64, ever12:31
Kovecseskimbaroth, is there a package for it?12:31
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions. See also !partitions12:31
mwewingo: yes12:31
kimbarothkbrooks_: dunno, thats why im asking >_<12:31
ubotuGo to System -> Administration -> Disks and enter your password. Pick the disk your partition is on from the list, then click the 'Partitions' tab. Select the partition you want to mount, set an access path (mount point) and click 'Enable'.12:31
El_DonkeyMacinMan, try automatix12:31
mwewingo: don't12:31
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mwewingo: run it from a live cd12:31
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shodanjr_grquestion numnber 212:32
El_Donkeykbrooks_, cli is no gui12:32
MacinManel_donkey where do i get it?12:32
shodanjr_granyone ever tried using a netgear WG511 card on Dapper?12:32
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mweshodanjr_gr: you probably need to use ndiswrapper.12:33
r0xoRhow do i get the flash plugin to work in dapper? in FF 1.512:33
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shodanjr_grive read so here and there12:33
shodanjr_grafter the installation im gona try it out12:33
mwer0xoR: install it12:33
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Kr0ntabshodanjr_gr, if yer trying to get wireless to work.. ya need to find out what chipset the card uses.12:33
WildTangentr0xoR, automatix12:33
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MacinManthanks guys12:33
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r0xoRmwe, and how should i do that12:33
El_DonkeyMacinMan, you find it here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138405 READ the thread for warnings and other stuff else you can use: EASY Ubuntu http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/12:34
r0xoRsomeone said easyubuntu... but easy ubuntu doesn't have it12:34
mwer0xoR: personally I just downloaded the install from macromedia.com and ran it12:34
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mwer0xoR: but I think there is a package as well12:34
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r0xoRi am wondering what the "ubuntu" way to do it is?12:34
WildTangentr0xoR, automatix will install it with no effort at all12:34
ubotuKovecses: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:34
AlwaysIceyHas anyone else had a case where if they start up normally, GMD fails to start.  But, if they start up in Recovery mode, they can use "startx" and get into their desktop (as root)?  If so, any suggestions on how to fix it?12:34
kbrooks_WildTangent: i had to bring you here just in case12:34
r0xoRKovecses, i read that already12:34
r0xoRKovecses, i have universe and multiverse both enabled12:34
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AlwaysIceyGDM* I meant.12:34
Kovecsesr0xoR, that tells you12:35
mwer0xoR: chmod +x dowloaded_file && ./downloaded_file12:35
r0xoRKovecses, still no flashplugin-nonfree in my list12:35
DBOAlwaysIcey, if you startx without recovery mode does it work?12:35
Morrowynweeeee, nice12:35
Morrowynmy macced ipod works nicely under rhythmbox12:35
jamunahIs it normal for Ekiga to give an error sound error if you try to make a second call after having hung up from the first?12:35
r0xoRall that the restricted formats file said was "enable multiverse" which i have done12:35
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r0xoRand still no flashplugin-nonfree in apt12:36
AlwaysIceyI can only start it in recovery mode.  If I try in an alternate desktop on the regular boot, I get the error that X is already running.12:36
bungleythe synaptics mouse driver in dapper is rank12:36
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mwer0xoR: not succesfully it seems12:36
dtorresso why does apt make this so hard?12:36
dtorreshow do i install flashplugin-nonfree?12:36
r0xoRmwe, ok well then how *should* i do it?12:36
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FunnyLookinHatubotu, tell dtorres about restricted12:36
AlwaysIceyI ended up killing the process for GDM, so I could reconfigure xserver with my proper settings (again)12:36
r0xoRmwe, seriously, i follwed the instructtions on the wiki12:36
void^!info flashplugin-nonfree12:36
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ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: (Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer), section multiverse/web, is optional. Version: 7.0.25-5 (breezy), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 156 kB12:36
mwer0xoR: did you sudo apt-get update?12:37
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bungley!info mol-module-macosx12:37
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r0xoRi hit reload in synaptic... is that equivalent?12:37
DBOAlwaysIcey, are you in recovery mode right now?12:37
mwer0xoR: paste.ubuntu-nl.org your /etc/apt/sources.lis12:37
Kovecsespffft synaptic12:37
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:37
dtorresFunnyLookinHat: Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:37
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r0xoRmwe, that one :)12:37
mwer0xoR: paste.ubuntu-nl.org your /etc/apt/sources.lis12:37
hypenice bot ^^12:37
mwer0xoR: paste.ubuntu-nl.org your /etc/apt/sources.list12:37
r0xoRmwe, i copied and pasted it from there12:37
ubotu[xorg]  To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html12:37
AlwaysIceyNo, right now I'm in regular mode.  In my normal user account.  I restarted X, and am at the grey screen with the X for a mouse cursor.12:37
r0xoRmwe, omg... you don't get it do you12:37
hypeyeah !12:38
Kovecsesdpes dapper have xorg 7?12:38
mwer0xoR: i do now12:38
r0xoRmwe, ok good :)12:38
DBOAlwaysIcey, do you think you can get your gdm log into pastebin for me?12:38
andi5Kovecses: yes12:38
mwer0xoR: that one hasn't got multiverse in it12:38
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ransuwhy are the GUIs in Ubuntu painfully slow - they're unsable12:38
AlwaysIceyNot very easily. I'm on a Windows computer right now.12:38
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madaransu: install a different one12:38
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r0xoRmwe, uhhh, did you even read it?12:38
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DBOAlwaysIcey, ssh into the box from the windows machine and then just cat the logs out copy and paste style12:39
r0xoRransu? what, gnome and kde?12:39
dtorreswhy does apt tell me: Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:39
madaany PowerPC users in the chan?12:39
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r0xoRransu, what kind of computer do you have?12:39
r0xoRmada, yeah12:39
ransumada: I've tried KDE and Gnome12:39
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r0xoRransu, try XFCE12:39
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r0xoRransu, that's fastER12:39
jadaz87dbo is there a ubuntu-server live cd12:39
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mwer0xoR: well I take that back. sorry it used to refer to the default12:39
ransuAMD Turion 1.8Ghz / 1Gb Ram12:39
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r0xoRransu, OpenBox and FluxBox are *really* rast12:39
Kovecseshow do they make xfce look like that in xubuntu?12:39
madar0xoR: thats right, i talked to you bout it the other day ... do you know how to set the hardware clock on an iBook?12:39
r0xoRer, fast12:39
DBOjadaz87, I wouldnt hold my breath... servers dont normal run xserver...12:39
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AlwaysIceywhere is the log located?12:40
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r0xoRransu, uhhh, ubuntu is not slow man... app launching takes time, but once things are cached everything runs quite well12:40
dtorresplease, can anybody spend a few minutes with me to tell me why i am unable to install flashplugin-nonfree?12:40
jadaz87DBO:  i know but still, i had wanted to know if they had one12:40
andi5AlwaysIcey: there are differentl log files in /var/log12:40
mwer0xoR: can you nano /etc/apt/sources.list and confirm multeverse is in there?12:40
RandolphCarterdtorres: are you running amd64?12:40
mwer0xoR: multiverse *12:40
r0xoRmwe, that's exactly what i just did12:40
skippy81dtorres have you added universe and multiverse12:40
dtorresRandolphCarter: no12:40
DBOAlwaysIcey, /var/log/gdm/:0.log12:40
r0xoRmwe, i'm looking at it right now, in vim12:40
dtorresskippy81: yes12:40
madaransu: wow ... its slow on a system like that? ... Ubuntu is crazy fast on my 1GHz G4 while running gnome12:40
RandolphCarterdtorres: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:40
mwer0xoR: close synaptic and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-cache search -n flash12:41
dtorresRandolphCarter: it doens't work12:41
DBOransu, what is your cpu usage at?12:41
r0xoRmada, crazy fast? lol12:41
CarlFK!tell wpa12:41
RandolphCarterdtorres: don't just skip to flash, read from the top and it'll make sense12:41
dtorresRandolphCarter: Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:41
r0xoRmada, i don't know about that :P12:41
mwer0xoR: if that is not working I'm lost12:41
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dtorresRandolphCarter: ok12:41
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r0xoRmada, i'm on a 1.4GHz AMD64 system and i wouldn't call it crazy fast12:41
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madar0xoR: well ... its fast compared to OS X12:41
r0xoRmwe, yeah well so am I... cuz it's not working12:41
r0xoRmada, true dat though :)12:41
HobartI just added a new video card, so Ubuntu is predictably sad with me.  Is there a command line program I can run to ask it to re-do its detection mojo?12:42
r0xoRmada, this iBook sitting next to me is only 400MHz !!12:42
r0xoRbut GNOME is actually not to horrible on it12:42
jamunahWhere do I find the controls for full duplex on sound?12:42
Hobartr0xoR -> you say you've had your PC for over a week?  Throw that junk away man, it's an antique!  [/WierdAl] 12:42
madar0xoR: and i think it has something to do with PowerPC, because my iBook is faster than my friends Centrino Dothan and we are both running brand new installs of Dapper12:42
skippy81Hobard "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:42
DBOHobart, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:42
r0xoRjamunah, remind me what full duplex is again? you mean input output at the same time?12:42
jadaz87r0xoR: or better yet mail the ibook to me :-)12:42
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mwer0xoR: apt-cache search flash doesn't even list it?12:43
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RandolphCarterHobart: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p6 xserver-xorg12:43
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KaMI can't install ubuntu because it dosn't recognize my hd12:43
=== livevil [n=maurizio@host140-234.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
r0xoRmada, well RISC is a superior architechture, always has been12:43
HobartDBO -> Sweet!  You rock!12:43
KaMI've 4 hd12:43
KaM2 sata12:43
skippy81RandolphCarter:  what does the -p6 flag do?12:43
FunnyLookinHatubotu, tell dtorres about sources12:43
KaMand 2 ide12:43
jamunahr0xoR, Yes I understand it is not enabled by default but can't find where to do so12:43
RandolphCarterskippy81: skips the questions, does it automagically12:43
Kovecsesyou guys are dumb12:43
xpcftelefonbeszlgets: <kat> Olyan nehz nnek lenni. Menstruci, gyerek kihords, meg ezek a mellek. <xpc> *** Meg sem tud szolalni a nevetsetol.12:43
livevilhi guys, can you say me if there is a program like winrar for linux?12:43
madar0xoR: something freaked out with my system clock, so bonobo died and nautilus won't load and my panel won't enable ... so i am running WindowMaker until i can figure out how to fix my damned hardware clock12:44
skippy81RandolphCarter:  ahhh :)12:44
r0xoRjamunah, what sound card do you have12:44
RandolphCarterskippy81: it may not be the best config, but it's like the 'automatic' detection :)12:44
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KaMI want to install ubuntu on 1 hd ide12:44
jadaz87livevil: unrar12:44
andi5livevil: maybe fileroller?12:44
mwer0xoR: is you computer not a pc?12:44
madar0xoR: oh yeah, hands down ... and it's easier to write assembly for :)12:44
ubotujadaz87: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:44
skippy81RandolphCarter: yeah its good, ill remember that one12:44
r0xoRmada, uhhh, that sounds like a hardware problem12:44
Kovecsesflashplayer-nonfree Most CERTAINLY is there12:44
r0xoRmwe, no my computer is an Athlon 6412:44
KaMdoes anybody can help me?12:44
skippy81anyone who cannot see the flash plug in synaptic clearly hasnt added universe and multiverse12:44
mwer0xoR: I don't think there's a plugin in the repos for that12:44
ZeZuthat sentance doesn't make much sense12:44
dtorresFunnyLookinHat: i have added all sources12:44
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madar0xoR: it is, i have been all over the net and the fix is to reset/set my hardware clock, i just don't know how12:44
skippy81i can see it right now12:44
r0xoRmwe, my grilfriends iBook is a 750FX 400MHz12:45
DBOKaM, if you ask your question in one sentence so its easier for us to read you will have better luck =)12:45
=== RandomChu [n=randomch@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)12:45
r0xoRmwe, oh i'm not using the 64 bit distro12:45
Kovecsesuncomment them too12:45
livevilA program that can create self extractor12:45
KaMDBO: ok12:45
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jamunahr0xoR, Some inbuilt one SiS12:45
livevilA program that can create self extractor too, unrar can't do this12:45
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r0xoRjamunah, hmmm, and why do you want full duplex?12:45
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jadaz87how do you uninstall gnome?12:45
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dtorresdamn this is ultra annoying12:46
r0xoRjadaz87, with synaptic?12:46
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jamunahr0xoR, Hoping it will fix my sound troubles12:46
jadaz87r0xoR: as in completely12:46
r0xoRjamunah, what are your sound troubles?12:46
madajadaz87: i don't recommend it ... never tried it on ubuntu, it might die ... but just do "sudo apt-get remove gnome-common" ... should work12:46
Kovecsesjadaz87, use add remove programs12:46
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r0xoRjadaz87, yes i understand... but why not just install kubuntu instead?12:46
KaMI can't install ubuntu because it dosn't recognize my hd. I've 4 hd. 2 Sata and 2 ide. I want to install ubuntu on hd ide. Only Sata are recognize. How can I do?12:46
[Seawolf] hi hall12:46
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madahiiya [Seawolf] 12:47
mwer0xoR: so apt-cache search -n flash doesn't list it. you did sudo apt-get update after making sure multiverse is enabled. that's a freaking mystery12:47
r0xoRmwe, lemme do the cache one12:47
jadaz87r0xoR: nope i am not going to use that12:47
livevilPlease help me to find a program (Except unrar, that can't create archives) tha can create self extracting archives12:47
=== Seattle_Mike [n=hermesof@c-24-18-129-56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOKaM, what motherboard do you have?  (and is english your native language?)12:47
r0xoRjadaz87, k whatever12:47
madamwe: you should try it on an rpm based distro .... its hell12:47
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KaMDBO: I've a Asus P5AD2-Deluxe12:47
madamwe: we are spoiled by apt :)12:47
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Kovecsesmada, yum and urmpi work just as well12:47
r0xoRthe closest thing i can find is libflash-mozplugin12:48
jamunahr0xoR, I tried to install skype and had problems with it so I threw that out and now trying Ekiga but get errors there if I don't wait for some time in between calls12:48
r0xoRwhich, namewise doesn't resemble flashplugin-nonfree at *all*12:48
mwer0xoR: yeah12:48
r0xoRso it's wonderful of them to have those instructions on the wiki12:48
madaKovecses: don't get me started .... yum and urmppi are just as worthless as the old up2date system was12:48
mwer0xoR: that's the free12:48
DBOKaM, if the installer isnt picking up the drivers I dont think there is really much that can be done...  =/  maybe someone else knows how to get stubborn IDE drives detected...12:48
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Kovecsesr0xoR, where did you paste your sources.list?12:48
mwer0xoR: it's not picking up multverse12:48
madai'm out12:48
DBOKaM, are you using the LiveCD installer?12:49
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r0xoRKovecses, i took it from the official one, the one you get when you say !repositories and ubotu spits out info12:49
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AlwaysIceyI'm not able to ssh into my box from here.  The only way I know of to do it is with Telnet, and I don't have that on here.  So, I'm going to try and get in as root on the other computer and copy the log.12:49
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Kovecsesr0xoR, paste YOUR sources.list  somewhere12:49
KaMDBO: I've tried to use Live CD, Normal and alternate installation12:49
r0xoRmwe, actually it says it is, because synaptic claims to be seeing multiverse packages12:49
KaMDBO: I've tried to use Breezy and dapper12:49
Kovecsespaste it12:49
r0xoRKovecses, wow... i'm not stupid jeez12:49
ubotuwell, mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106112:49
skippy81anyone who is having problems with apt-get just try this http://pastebin.com/75862812:50
mwer0xoR: It's really really really weird12:50
DBOKaM, with the live CD your IDE drives dont even show up in /dev?12:50
Kovecsesr0xoR, just paste it nobody says your stupid12:50
Kovecsesr0xoR, synaptic sucks... use the cli12:50
KaMDBO: It dosn't start12:50
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DBOKaM, the live CD wont start at all?  what error do you get?12:51
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RandolphCarterWhyvas: you're better off with the SVN ffmpeg, x264 and mplayer right now12:51
KaMDBO: Live CD dosn't start because seems that It dosn't find hd12:51
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r0xoRKovecses, there ya go12:51
KaMDBO: Other this I've the problem of video card Ati12:52
pixelCan you install Ubuntu on an existing HFS+ partition?12:52
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RandolphCarterWhyvas: the x264 ffmpeg/mplayer were built against struggles a bit12:52
DBOKaM, are you sure its not having issues finding your CD drive?  that is a known issue with no resolution as of yet...  (the error looks like cant find hdc or somesuch)12:52
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Seattle_MikeUsing apt-get dist-upgrade, on a home server (no gui) stopped upgrade with Symbol lookup error or Perl warning about Locales ... any one have a suggestion?12:52
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RandolphCarterWhyvas: but if you won't be playing h264 stuff, don't worry so much12:52
mwer0xoR: and that file is /etc/apt/sources.list, all lower case in the file name?12:52
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Whyvaswhat is h264?12:52
r0xoRmwe, omg man, yes12:52
KaMDBO: I don't remember exactly12:52
RandolphCartera newish codec, iPods/PSPs use it12:52
DBOWhyvas, isnt that the format of HD-TV or somesuch?12:53
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mwer0xoR: I'm asking because it is so weird12:53
DBOKaM, and the breezy install CD doesnt work either?12:53
Gerbilsanyone willing to test my webserver?12:53
r0xoRmwe, look man, i've been programming for 12 years and using my own linux boxen for 6, so you can ask some more important questions :)12:53
KaMDBO: Yes, the same12:53
mwer0xoR: trying hard to figure what's going on12:53
green_earzDBO: did you download the live cd ? if so there may be a error on it ?12:53
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mwer0xoR: ok I didn't mean to insult you12:53
KaMDBO: Suse finds all hd without problems12:53
r0xoRmwe, no worries12:53
DBOgreen_earz, you are talking to the wrong guy =P  we are helping KaM...12:53
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Kovecsesdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse12:54
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DBOKaM, all I can suggest is what green_earz suggested, make sure your CD is good, otherwise you probably fell victim to the hdc not found bug  (wish I had that bug report handy)12:54
Kovecsestry that one12:54
BioVorEhmm amarok.kde.org dosn't seem to be working today :-/12:54
fh|killyI'm trying to install Dapper via CD, but its getting stuck at "mounting root file system".  I have unplugged all peripherals, and am currently running Breezy with no problems12:54
fh|killyany ideas?12:55
KaMDBO: I'm sure that Cd it's ok12:55
skippy81r0xoR: open up synaptic and browse the catagories, can you see everything from multiverse except flash?12:55
Kovecsesi hate the new installer12:55
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bob_I'm fairly new to Linux, and completely new to Ubuntu. I'd like to install Ubuntu to my primary system which currently dual boots to winXP and Fedora Core 4. Is there any easy way to have Ubuntu overwrite the existing Fedora partitions and have my stem dual boot as before exceptt with Ubuntu instead of Fedora? I'd appreciate any help.12:55
KaMDBO: There isn't solution for me?12:55
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r0xoRskippy81, yeah basically12:56
sentinelhi everyone12:56
Gerbilshi sentinel12:56
KaMDBO: is there a command to type before start installation that I can put?12:56
DBOKaM, none I know of...12:56
mwer0xoR: I'm confused. maybe it's temporarely broken. can you find acidrip for example? that one is in multiverse as well12:56
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skippy81bob_:  yes thats the easiest type of intall your going to get - just make sure you know which partitions fedora occupies12:56
r0xoRskippy81, i already reloaded in synaptic and it gave me a giant list of stuff that wasnt there before and now i have multiverse categories on the left12:56
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r0xoRi'm trying to do this on PPC12:56
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KaMDBO: ok tnks to all12:56
r0xoRand neither gplflash2 nor swfdec are found either12:56
AlwaysIceyDBO: It's saying in the log that I need at least 7680kb of video memory to run at the resolution and depth that I have chosen.  And it can't open /dev/wacom at all.12:57
skippy81r0xoR:  thats because those packages arnt availiable for PPC12:57
RandolphCarterr0xoR: there's the problem right there12:57
Raystonuh, this might be kinda a wierd question, but ...how do you install something thats not in the synaptic manager12:57
Kovecsesr0xoR, did you try the sources i gave you?12:57
skippy81flash doesnt work on PPC architecture12:57
r0xoRKovecses, you gave me sources?12:57
Seattle_Mikebob_ you should be able to install right over fedora (make sure you select that disk) and then grub will be installed to give you access to both WinXP and Ubuntu12:57
skippy81its in the restricted guide12:57
uboturestricted is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats12:57
green_earzbob_: have you got a spare machine to install ubuntu on, reason so you can get formiluarl with the partioning section of the ubuntu install12:57
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_jasonRayston: depends on what it is.  What are you trying to install?12:57
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats12:57
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blosterquien chucha es de chile?????12:58
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sentineli'm trying to install the new i Ubuntu version (6.06) on my AMD64 the live system starts well without any problems then i start the installer, everything works fine till 84% (Configuring APT) the installer stops and does nothing... after a while the installer crashes12:58
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:58
r0xoRnope, i want the actual flash plugin12:58
blosterquen chucha es de chile12:58
=== bootlick [n=bootlick@S010600095b357149.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kovecsesthat new installer sucks12:58
mohasrhi all, I've a small problem , after hibernate/resume usb devices no longer work , I tested both usb wirless mouse and usb memory card reader, they simply don't work , any help ?12:58
AlwaysIceyI'm going to try and remove some of the higher resolutions and the bits (I set it to 16, so I'll try either 8 or 12).  it's an ancient video card.12:58
shodanjr_grguys i am wondering12:59
LinuxJonessentinel, there are lots of problems with the live installer12:59
DShepherdsentinel: use the alternative installer12:59
fh|killyRayston - you can download the .deb and do 'dpkg -i blah.deb', or if it has a respository you can add that to /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get it, or you can get the source and compile it12:59
AlwaysIceyhola bloster.  hablas ingles?12:59
systestIs there command line tool to show/set what init scritps get run in various runlevels? e.g. like chkconfig?12:59
bootlickHi all, trying to use the make command to install ndiswrapper-1.17, comes up with an error right of the bat, "Cant find kernel build files in /lib/modules/  Should I be updating these lib modules?12:59
Raystonthis program to learn kana, http://lrnj.com/ , the install instructions that come with it say I just need to download and extract it and Ishould be able to run the executable12:59
KovecsesDShepherd, whats trhe alternative?12:59
r0xoRsentinel, are you using the 64 bit version? or the 32 bit version?12:59
shodanjr_grif i install fglrx drivers, and something goes wrong, is there an easy way to unisntall them?12:59
DShepherdsentinel: download the alternate cd iso12:59
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ransu..so about Gnome/KDE being slow: top shows CPU usage at around 10% but trying to do anything with opening new terminals or preferences loads the processor and takes dozens of seconds...12:59
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DShepherdKovecses: the new installer seems to be giving problems. download the alternater cd iso and install ubuntu with that01:00
mwer0xoR: so you see other packages in multiverse?01:00
r0xoRransu, programs may open slowly, but they should respond quickly in normal usage01:00
RandolphCarterransu: do you have dma enabled?01:00
skippy81bootlick "sudo apt-get sysv-rc-conf" then run it with "sudo sysv-rc-conf"01:00
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bootlickThanks Skippy8101:00
FunnyLookinHatdtorres, then do sudo apt-get update01:00
skippy81np, bootlick you could also try "BUM" as well, its a simplified version01:00
sentinelwell 1- the 32 bit and the 64 bit version do the same thing :-) 2- the alternate install doesnt want to know the "username" so i cant login when the installation is complete01:00
bootlickWhat exactly does that do, change the kernal to a different version?01:00
r0xoRmwe, what do you mean by that?01:00
RandolphCarterransu: sudo hdparm -tT /dev/*yourdrivehere*01:01
ransuRandolphCarter dma enabling ... er, is it a kernel option01:01
Raystonfh|killy :so, does that mean I have to compile it myself? on slackware, Iwas able to just download and run it, there really wasnt any "install" at all01:01
mwer0xoR: I mean can you find any other packages in the multiverse section like acidrip for example01:01
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skippy81r0xoR:  i think the problem is solved, the packages you cant see are the ones that arnt availiable for PPC architecture01:01
RandolphCarterransu: if you're on SATA, that should be 1500+ MB/sec, IDE, probably 8000/12000+01:01
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fh|killyRayston - compiling it yourself is an option, but you can probably get the .deb file and install it with dpkg -i01:01
troytroyhi how different is dapper from Lindows?01:01
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RandolphCarterransu: gah, 800/1200+01:01
Shadyman_troytroy: You dont have to PAY for dapper apps :p01:01
skippy81r0xoR:  last time i checked flash and PPC were not an item01:02
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Kovecsestroytroy, lindows?01:02
Rayston_jasondid you catch what said it was?01:02
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mwer0xoR: heh? you're not on a pc?01:02
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de01:02
mwer0xoR: that explains it01:02
DShepherdsentinel: ok01:02
Kovecsestroytroy, they dont even make that anymore01:02
RandolphCarterransu: do you have a swap file too?01:02
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mwer0xoR: there is no flash for linux ppc01:02
sentinelDShepherd, so what now ?01:02
skippy81Kovecses: its changed its name to linspire01:02
Kovecsesyeah i know01:02
Raystonkay, where do I get the .deb file?01:02
r0xoRno flash for linux ppc01:02
skippy81Kovecses:  legal action by M$ :)01:02
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mwer0bby: no. complain to macromedia01:02
Kovecsesevil empire01:03
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fh|killyRayston - depends what you're looking for, probably from the web page of the application, e.g. on sourceforge01:03
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mwer0xoR: ^^01:03
troytroyyes cos its was a dumb ides01:03
troytroyyes cos its was a dumb idea01:03
Raystonahh, kay, thanx01:03
r0xoRyeah i just googled it01:03
r0xoRso, that sucks01:03
Seattle_Mikeapt-get, aptitude failing with symbol lookup error during dapper install ?01:03
skippy81M$ will eat you alive if you use teh word "dows" in your product name01:03
_tacoman_i'm having a boot of a bit problem...01:03
DShepherdsentinel: i am not sure01:03
mwer0xoR: well at least my head ache is gone, but yours is staying01:03
fh|killyCan someone help me with this?  I'm trying to install Dapper via CD, but its getting stuck at "mounting root file system".  I am currently running Breezy with no problems01:03
r0xoRmwe, i never had a headache01:03
DShepherdsentinel: you have breezy? or is it a fresh install?01:04
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mwer0xoR: I'm talking about not finding flash01:04
Kovecsesfh|killy, do you dual boot?01:04
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skippy81yeah i wish we had asked "is your PC an i386" rather than "is your PC an AMD64" r0xoR lol01:04
kakaltoif I currently have a breezy xubuntu install, but only use it in the command line (I don't use X), can I use the kubuntu alternate cd to upgrade, or do I have to use the xubuntu alternate cd ?01:04
bootlickskippy81, the command does not work01:04
fh|killyKovecses - yes01:04
sentinelits the 6.06 version from the ubuntu website01:04
r0xoRmwe, yeah and i never had a headache about it01:04
skippy81bootlick one sec i will check for you :)01:04
bootlickInvalid operation sysv-rc-conf01:04
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MaKkYhey guys01:04
Shadyman_MaKkY: Hey01:05
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r0xoRwow, i told you guys right off that i was doing this to an iBook01:05
r0xoRoh well01:05
MaKkYi need to make a partition i installed GParted yet cannot find it...01:05
=== jonesssss [n=rab@dynamic-acs-24-154-232-113.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwer0xoR: but I did. I totally didn't understand what was going on01:05
Kovecsesfh|killy, yeah i had that problem too ..... you must partition first.... then select the use free space option.... new installer sucks01:05
skippy81bootlick:  "sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf" i mght have left out the word install to begin with01:05
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Bot_Buildercan ubuntu read ntfs?01:05
sentinelDShepherd, i waited so long for the new version because of the cpu clocking problems with the 5.10 version01:05
fh|killyok - thanks Kovecses01:05
mweBot_Builder: yes01:05
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>01:05
Bot_Builderok, i wonder why my windows partition is blank...01:05
bootlickheh, thanks skippy81, will try01:05
DShepherdsentinel: i know.. if you have breezy installer you could try an upgrade.. with the cdrom added to the sourcelist01:05
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skippy81bootlick, if that doesnt work, then you need to enable multiverse and universe in your sources list - see the post from ubotu01:05
jonessssshow do i resize my windows partition from ubuntu01:05
DShepherdsentinel: other than that I am fresh out of ideas01:05
mweBot_Builder: are they mounted?01:06
skippy81ubotu tell bootlick about repositories01:06
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Bot_Buildermwe - yeah, sda1 should be my old windows partition01:06
_tacoman_boot (kernal init) is getting stuck at "[4294668.257000]   ..TIMER: vector=0x31 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1"01:06
DShepherdjonesssss: apt-get install gparted and use that01:06
Bot_BuilderI figured moving data from it would be faster than moving it from samba01:06
RandolphCarter_tacoman_: tried adding "noapic nolapic" to other options at the boot menu?01:06
sir_spelunkeranyone have an idea why 6.06 desktop version hangs during installation within win32 vmware @ the time screen (2 of 6)01:06
mweBot_Builder: does the mount command confirm its mounted?01:06
jonessssswill it resize it safely?01:06
ransuRandolphCarter the command you gave doesnt work - it claims no such file or directory ... i did ls /dev and it printed out dha -hdx among many so the path is there01:06
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sentinelok i see i am installing fresh :-) but i could indeed try that01:06
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ransuRandolphCarter yes I have swap - 3Gb01:07
mwejonesssss: usually. there is always a small risk though01:07
RandolphCarterransu: if it doesn't work you're getting the wrong drive, try looking in /etc/fstab01:07
mwejonesssss: in windows as well01:07
RandolphCarterransu: if hdparm isn't installed, 'sudo aptitude install hdparm'01:07
yojimbo-sanIn xorg.conf, it says I'm using the 'nv' driver, I guess that's the opensource 2d driver; how do I get a 3d driver *on my iMac* ?01:07
DShepherdsentinel: trying is a good thing :-)01:07
Bot_Buildermwe - uh, no its not on the mount list01:07
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jonesssssmwe, will i be able to access that partition01:07
spikebyojimbo-san, powerpc imac or intel imac01:07
_tacoman_help w/boot?01:07
mweBot_Builder: so it's not mounted. read the wiki please01:07
magicHi! I was trying to install Kubuntu buy using point and click. In step 5 it was about to give me the kinds of partitions but the window is blanc, I can not go any further, it's been like that for the last 20 minutes. What should I do? Unplug the machine?01:07
spikebyojimbo-san, you don't.01:07
redguyyojimbo-san: I doubt that nvidia provides a linux driver for mac01:07
sentinelDShepherd, today is completely gone :-S i'll try that tomorrow01:07
mwe!tell Bot_Builder about ntfs01:07
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RandolphCarteryojimbo-san: if it's a PPC mac, you email nvidia until they release one01:07
sir_spelunkeranyone have an idea why 6.06 desktop version hangs during installation within win32 vmware @ the time screen (2 of 6)?  it wont let me click next or back and the cd-rom is still reading (1 hour later)01:08
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yojimbo-san:-( ok Thanks guys ...01:08
SANTTAI need to know how to install firefox01:08
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El_Donkeyany ideas on windows problems, what channel?01:08
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mwesir_spelunker: what is it doing at that point?01:08
redguySANTTA: apt-get install mozilla-firefox ?01:08
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bootlickSkippy81, i get this error now" Package sysv-rc-conf is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean its only available from source"01:08
_tacoman_i can give more info on my boot woes if necessary01:08
SANTTAor im sorry i don;t mean firefox, i mean opera01:08
sir_spelunkerit brings up the world map in order to select time zone, but the next/back buttons are disabled and it wont let me select any time zone options.  cd-rom continues to read01:09
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SANTTAi need help with opera not firefox01:09
ubotudownload the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ (breezy) or http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/Weekly-284/intel-linux/ (dapper) to install see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser01:09
mwesir_spelunker: hmm01:09
ZeZuwhat options do i need to make my ntfs partition writeable ?01:09
neoxan_*love you all*01:09
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mweZeZu: you can't safely01:09
ZeZuunsafely then01:09
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ZeZui hear its pretty stable these days01:10
mweZeZu: don't01:10
sentinelok thx for the help good night :-)01:10
mweZeZu: it will break01:10
jonesssssIm confused, I want more space for my linux drive. Do i have to resize my widnows drive and make a partition for it in et3 so i can use that partition in linux?01:10
MaKkYcan i use GParted to make a partition? if yes, how?01:10
SANTTAi downloaded opera but what do i click to install, im used to exe files to install, bu ti donno what file to click in linux01:10
ZeZuwell that sucks01:10
mweMaKkY: why not use cfdisk?01:10
=== redrumz [i=redrum@220-253-4-32.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
skippy81bootlick you need to enable your repositories01:10
SANTTAyeah it does01:10
bootlickDoing that right now Skippy8101:10
MaKkYmwe: what is cfdisk?01:10
skippy81ubotu tell bootlick about repositories01:10
richiefrichMaKkY yes, just make them... theres a graph01:10
bootlickwas reading the page you sent me,01:11
skippy81ok cool bootlick, it should work then :)01:11
redguySANTTA: read the wiki link ubotu gave01:11
skippy81you only have to enable them once, and then things are a lot easier01:11
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_tacoman_people don't seem to be responding to my boot question.  Is there a better place to ask it?01:11
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richiefrichMaKkY u can use many things...  i perfer fdisk01:11
mweZeZu: yes. complain to ms for not publishing info about ntfs. writing drivers via reverse engeneering is kinda hard01:11
redguy_tacoman_: what is your problem?01:11
SkollI need help, I can't install mplayer01:11
_tacoman_boot (kernal init) is getting stuck at "[4294668.257000]   ..TIMER: vector=0x31 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1"01:11
jonesssssmwe, can i resize and make a partition on my windows drive for linux to access01:11
MaKkYrichiefrich: where can i obtain fdisk?01:12
SkollI have uncomment the repositories but, mplayer doesn't appears un sinaptyc01:12
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_tacoman_i took off the "silent" option01:12
skippy81_tacoman_:  cant you boot with "noapic nolapic acpi=off" and see if that helps01:12
richiefrichMaKkY u should have it01:12
RandolphCarter_tacoman_: I already said - have you tried adding 'noapic nolapic acpi=off' to the end of your kernel params?01:12
mwejonesssss: the installer will take care of that01:12
RandolphCarterskippy81: grr :P01:12
jonessssswhat installer01:12
MaKkYrichiefrich: where?01:12
skippy81RandolphCarter:  hehe :)01:12
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jonesssssmwe, i just want more space formy rainbow tables01:12
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richiefrichMaKkY but if u like GUI use gparted..  -->   sudo fdisk /dev/hd(a/b)01:12
redguy_tacoman_: what kind of box do you have?01:13
JDahlSkoll: unfortunately, there are many problems with timers and interrupts AMD64 for some chipsets01:13
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mwejonesssss: oh01:13
=== Gilly [n=Gilly@adsl-69-225-33-129.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Skollno no01:13
richiefrichMaKkY  but it's all cmd line01:13
Gillyhello all01:13
ransuRandolphCarter checked /etc/fstab , my / is hda8 - also hdparm was already installed - any ideas ?01:13
skippy81g'day Gilly01:13
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mwejonesssss: I think gparted should be able to do that. I havent tried it myself though01:13
JDahlSkoll: sorry... just looked like an AMD64 output01:13
Gillyskippy: hey skippy01:13
kameronefff, time for a reinstall then. i can't figure out why my sata drive isn't detected.01:13
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shrump_jimboSkoll: packages.ubuntu.com ?01:13
Gillyskippy: i am trying to get my net connection up and running in dapper drake01:13
UKMattif i'm supposed to go to a folder called "~/.gnome2", how do i find it?01:14
skippy81Gilly:  what sort of network card do you have?01:14
RandolphCarterransu: hdparm -tT /dev/hda01:14
skippy81if its a wireless then that explains it :P01:14
redrumzits sda cos its sata01:14
RandolphCarterransu: sorry, you need the actual drive, not a partition :)01:14
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frank_UKMatt: you have to show the hidden file/folders01:14
RandolphCarterransu: sudo hdparm -tT /dev/hda01:14
Gillyskippy: well, I have an intel 2200b/g wireless which is supposed to be supported out of the box01:14
ransuRandolphCarter already tried that and all variations i could think of :P01:14
frank_UKMatt: or  ls -a   in a terminal01:14
Gillyskippy: but right now I am just trying my broadcom NIC01:14
UKMattfrank_, how do i do that?01:14
RandolphCarterransu: well, that's correct, if it isn't working you're making a typo01:15
Gillyskippy: i can get onliny but only if I specify a DNS name01:15
frank_UKMatt: not sure. I don't use GNOME01:15
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ubotuMaKkY: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:15
redrumzsudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda01:15
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skippy81thats wierd Gilly, cant you use DHCP?01:15
redrumzor sda101:15
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MaKkYrichiefrich: what do i have to do?01:15
jadaz87what is an app to build packages  from config make?01:15
ransuRandolphCarter my clipboard is making a typo... :P01:15
MaKkYrichiefrich: i would like something that is VERY simple01:15
RandolphCarterransu: :P01:15
=== DShepher1 [n=dwight@port0151-afr-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
SANTTAone more questions, so would any debian app work with ubuntu since ubuntu is bases on debian01:15
richiefrichMaKkY  then gparted01:16
pat_jhgghjfnbshsbilhfnhjkghxmdnffhgjtnhjtbnh hgsduihgdfhbjdg01:16
jadaz87SANTTA: no01:16
crimsunpat_: roit01:16
jadaz87pat stop01:16
Gillyskippy: i have it set to use DHCP, my router is doing DHCP, but it doesn't seem to get any connecftion unless I add a DNS01:16
=== AlwaysIcey thinks he fixed the problem at least temporarily, but it's ugly
skippy81pat_ go away please01:16
redguyjadaz87: dhelper or checkinstall01:16
jonessssshow do i get java runtime enviroment in dapper01:16
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frank_SANTTA: the ubuntu repositories contain the same apps as the debian repositories01:16
magicstill in step 5 of installation of Kubuntu, can not go any further.01:16
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!01:16
brmillerman, busy in here...      which CD do you use for a server install on a machine with a hw SCSI RAID controller?01:17
shodanjr_grguys i just completed my full install of dapper01:17
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skippy81I cant understand that at all Gilly, is that with your wired card or your wireless?01:17
naliothredguy: ?01:17
DShepher1!tell jonesssss about java01:17
shodanjr_grim wondering how i can check wether its running in graphics safe mode or not...01:17
jadaz87nalioth: pat_01:17
Seveasredguy, ?01:17
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Gillyskippy: i am still running the live CD, trying to make everything work. would that matter?01:17
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MaKkYrichiefrich: i installed gparted using synaptic; yet i cannot find GParted01:17
_tacoman_checking now....01:17
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NullifiedHey guys where is the trash directory?01:17
Gillyskippy: wired01:17
naliothNullified: ~/.Trash01:17
wastreli'm hungry01:17
redguynalioth, Seveas: _pat01:17
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richiefrichMaKkY sudo gparted01:17
redrumzmakky or restart gnome01:17
redguyerm, pat_ that is01:17
ransuRandolphCarter 96MB/s, 5.2MB/s01:17
Nullifiednalioth: so "cd ~./Trash01:17
Madpilotredguy, dealt with01:18
naliothNullified: that will work nicely01:18
UKMattwhats the bash command for copy?  cp?01:18
redguyMadpilot: thanks01:18
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wastrelUKMatt:  yes -- cp.01:18
UKMattor actually, what is it for cut?01:18
bootlickSkippy81, i followed the page, one problem, it asks me to click on a "settings" button at the bottom of the repositories page, and there is none?01:18
redguyUKMatt: correct01:18
UKMattwastrel, new to command line01:18
RandolphCarterransu: that's the second line, "buffered disk read" right - what's the first?01:18
naliothNullified: then again, what trash are you looking for? kde keeps it's trash in a different place01:18
richiefrichwastrel what u making?  cookies ?01:18
redguy!tell UKMatt about cli01:18
RandolphCarterransu: "Timing cached reads"01:18
wastrelUKMatt:  there's a good wiki page command line intro... lemmie find it01:18
Nullifiedthanks nalioth (Gnome here)01:18
UKMattis cut ct?01:18
skippy81UKMatt:  cut is mv , but its not used much01:18
naliothNullified: then you'll be fine01:18
skippy81mv=  mv01:18
skippy81mv = move sorry01:18
ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org01:18
redguyUKMatt: you might want to read the BasicCommands page at the wiki01:19
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richiefrichskippy81 im like u i type mv for move and cp for copy all the time01:19
wastrelkeep in mind that mv and cp will silently overwrite existing files.01:19
ransuRandolphCarter Timing cached reads is 192MB in 2 sec = 96MB/s01:19
green_earzGilly: have you a copy at hand of the ubuntu live cd or knoppix to see if a live cd well get the dns info from your router. if a live cd done not set it self you ok, then i would say have a look at your router dns config setup01:19
_tacoman_disabling acpi worked, but i want to use acpi, so what do i do?01:19
richiefrichwastrel not if u use the -i01:19
RandolphCarterransu: holy **** :/ you need to turn DMA on then :)01:19
RandolphCarterransu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA01:19
Gillyskippy: if I don't enter a DNS, I can access my router still01:19
MaKkYrichiefrich: gparted will not let me make a new one..... the 'new partiton' button is not clickable...01:20
skippy81richiefrich:  yeah habits die hard lol01:20
richiefrichskippy81 i know01:20
=== pixel [n=ubuntu@host-223-198-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
kakaltodoes the ubuntu live dvd have ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, and edubuntu all on one disc?01:20
Gillyskippy: i just can't access the web......obviously since there's no DNS01:20
msidis there any command for ubuntu to reconfigure automatically my xorg.conf ?01:20
ransuRandolphCarter is that bad? why is DMA than not enable by default in Ubuntu - is it only for slow laptop HDs like mine ?01:20
RandolphCarterransu: it's important you follow the step where you edit /etc/hdparm.conf01:20
RandolphCarterransu: mostly it is, sometimes it isn't, I'm not sure how it decides01:20
skippy81Gilly:  are you having to enter the DNS every time you boot up?01:20
redguymsid: automatically as in "with no user interaction" ?01:20
richiefrichMaKkY  are they all full ? u must select a drive in the upper right hand cornor01:20
jonesssssis sun-java5-bin only for certin arch types01:20
msidredguy: yes01:21
UKMattgrrr, its not letting me copy a file...01:21
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pixelwhen I boot into the breezy badger live cd, I cannot read the OS X partitions on my HDD01:21
naliothkakalto: not the official dvd, no01:21
Gillyskippy: well, I don't know because I am using the live CD, and I haven't rebooted yet01:21
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pixelIs there a way to read those HFS+ drives?01:21
richiefrichMaKkY  there says  'hda'  it's a pull down menu01:21
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kakaltonalioth: no? then what does take up all that extra 2.8GB01:21
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Gillyskippy: but the problem is that this is my laptop, so I will have different DNS addresses all of the time01:21
richiefrichpixel yes01:21
UKMattits saying its not a directory, but i'm trying to move a file, do i have to specify that?01:21
skippy81bootlick: right mate, http://pastebin.com/758628 here is my /etc/apt/sources.list file.  "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and make sure yours matches mine - this assumes you are on dapper01:21
naliothpixel: yes, ubuntu can read hfs+, just mount with the filesystem type "hfsplus"01:21
redguymsid: hmm, not really, but dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg might do the trick for you01:21
Gillyskippy: and sometimes I won't know them, so I can't rely on manual entry01:21
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=== ] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[ [n=kamzata@host4-247.pool8714.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichpixel u must put support in the kernel01:22
naliothkakalto: i have no clue01:22
redguymsid: it will ask some questions though01:22
msidredguy: any ideas how can i get sshd up and running ?01:22
skippy81Gilly: are you running from a live CD, or have you installed?01:22
shodanjr_grguys any help with getting my netgear wg511 to work?01:22
RandolphCarterHFS is built by default on the x86 kernels at least01:22
Gillyskippy: live CD, want to get everything working before I install01:22
RandolphCarterit's a module though01:22
Gillyskippy: or rather, make sure that my internet connection and display work properly01:22
ubotukakalto: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:22
redguymsid: do you have it installed?01:22
r0xoRwell is there flash 64 yet?01:22
skippy81tbh Gilly, i think that you wont have this problem on a full install01:23
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msidredguy: is it the ssh package ?01:23
richiefrichpixel  cat /proc/filesystems01:23
redguymsid: not sure01:23
richiefrichpixel that will tell u if u have support01:23
Gillyskippy: I thought that might be the case.  it makes sense.  i am willing to try that01:23
Gillyskippy: thanks01:23
redguyubotu info openssh01:23
skippy81when i boot off a live CD i have to manually configure DHCP and my network interfaces Gilly, but once I install its all done for me01:23
aof32Can someone please help me figure out how I can become a Super User in Ubuntu?01:23
UKMattsudo cp  /Desktop/GoogleSearch.wsdl /.gnome2/deskbar-applet/             does anyone see anything wrong with that syntax?01:23
RandolphCarter!tell aof32 about root01:23
Gillyskippy: one more question.  i have a 1280x800 display. i head the 915resolution was done easier in dapper01:23
Gerbilsanyone willing to test my new webserver?01:23
Gillyskippy: do you know how it's done?01:23
richiefrichaof32  sudo -Hs01:24
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richiefrichaof32  or sudo -i    i think01:24
void^!info openssh-server01:24
ubotuopenssh-server: (Secure shell server, an rshd replacement), section net, is optional. Version: 1:4.1p1-7ubuntu4.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 190 kB, Installed size: 516 kB01:24
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sir_spelunker!info root01:24
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Gillyskippy: is there like an apt-get install 915resolution?01:24
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.01:24
skippy81Gilly im not sure what you mean by "915resolution"01:24
redguymsid: it would be openssh-server01:24
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skippy81Gilly:  do you mean widescreen aspect ratio?01:24
Gillyskippy: that was the name of the fix for the widescreen display01:25
pixelrichiefrich: the whole reason to access this partition is to install ubuntu along side my other files (non-system)01:25
ransuRandolphCarter hdparm tried to enable it but it said hda was busy - should I reboot and see if it works...01:25
redguymsid: use apt-cache search to find packages01:25
Gillyskippy: for the 915 intel chipset, and also for the 85501:25
pixelI can't find any documentation on it01:25
msidredguy: thanks01:25
RandolphCarterransu: you need to add the info to /etc/hdparm.conf01:25
pixeland as of right now, there is no support for hfsplus01:25
richiefrichpixel ok, but do u have support, if not u must recompile the kerenl01:25
RandolphCarterransu: otherwise you'll have the same problem when you reboot :)01:25
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skippy81oh i see Gilly just googled it now, id be suprised if you had to do it - but if you do it looks easy enough01:25
=== givre [n=flo@APuteaux-152-1-83-123.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Bier_und_Korncan someone help me with passwordgen in .htpasswd ? apache2 refuses to let me in , dunno how to "exactly" encrypt it, all generator things in web didn#t work 4 me :( its apache2 from dapper01:26
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skippy81it has to be installed to run at bootup, so again its not something you can test with the livecd gilly01:26
RandolphCarterransu: but after you've done that (make sure you change /dev/hdc to /dev/hda) you can reboot to turn on DMA01:26
Bot_Builderhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions looks rather old, its pre-breezy.  Is there a modern way to do the same thing?01:26
=== `Chip` [n=mack@iqltvu127-159.northwestel.net] has joined #UBUNTU
bobbydis there anything I can do to improve the Audo sync when playing flash movies?01:26
redguyBier_und_Korn: tried using htpasswd ?01:26
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mitchelochey guys, kudos on ubuntu (just installed it) ;), any plans on including mono in the distro?01:26
wastrelbobbyd:  there's some info about that on the restrictedformats wiki page01:26
bobbyd...in firefox01:26
richiefrichpixel  grep HFS /usr/src/linux/.config   <- - if u have the kernel-sources installed01:26
Gillyskippy: okay, thanks.  i'm gonna go ahead and install now.  looks like I'll have to to test my issues.  thanks for you help.  i greatly appreciate it01:26
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RandolphCartermitcheloc: it is01:26
frank_mitcheloc: mono is in universe01:27
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Bier_und_Korneven a password encrypted with that fails01:27
crimsunfrank_: no, it's in main.01:27
skippy81Gilly:  no problem and good luck :)01:27
frank_crimsun: I stand corrected ;)01:27
AlwaysIceyWOOOHOOO.  I fixed my display issue.  I set my bits to 8, and removed all of the upper resolutions from it.  It's opening up now :-D  Although it's ugly at times.01:27
skippy81Bier_und_Korn:  try an online generator script http://cooletips.de/htaccess/01:27
bobbydwastrel, thanks01:27
Bier_und_Kornthx skippy81, tried already lots01:27
Gillyskippy: thanks. is the best way to install just to use the icon in the live CD.  sounds like a silly question, but I'm a complete noob01:27
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ransuRandolphCarter : hmm.. what about mult_sec_io and write_cache - what do those do ?01:28
pixelokay richiefrich, thanks for the start, I'll get my hands dirty here01:28
skippy81Gilly:  the live installer is the recommended way - personally i dont like it, but if its your first ever install its probably recommended01:28
Bier_und_Kornis there a switch to turn htpasswd cencryption off ?01:28
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skippy81just use the install icon and it should be easy01:28
RandolphCarterransu: i'm sorry, I haven't a clue01:28
ransuRandolphCarter : what's the pico shortcut key for save and exit01:28
Gillyskippy: thanks. you've been very helpful01:28
livevilHi guys, I'm setting samba configuration, but on th wiki, I read that I don't need it to share folder, but only of smbfs. following the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently, I can't understand what insert instead servername, my router ip? and instead of sharename? My user id? Doing this the shating doesn't work... please help me01:28
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RandolphCarterransu: erk, I use vim, maybe Ctl+O?01:28
redguyransu: ^W ^X01:28
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richiefrichpixel np01:29
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mitchelocfrank_: what is "universe"?01:29
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redguyransu: or ^O ^X, not sure right now01:29
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frank_mitcheloc: universe a section of the software repositories01:29
slvmchnopinions: kubuntu vs. ubuntu? pros/cons of either?01:29
skippy81ubotu, tell mitcheloc about restricted formats old chap01:29
frank_!tell mitcheloc about repos01:29
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crazy_penguingood night to all! sleep well!01:29
skippy81lol my attempt was just to fancy :)01:30
_jasonslvmchn: kubuntu uses kde, ubuntu uses gnome as default.  You can use both gnome and kde if you wish01:30
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nbx909slvmchn, the difference is the desktop, kubuntu has kde while ubuntu has gnome01:30
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`Chip`Anyone having thier 6.06 freeze during the install01:30
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nbx909slvmchn, i perfer gnome01:30
mitcheloccool, thank you guys!01:30
nbx909`Chip`, which install verson?01:30
nbx909`Chip`, desktop or alternative?01:30
Unitg1|EoL|hi i have a problem with my broadcom wireless on my laptop i detect my secure wireless router but when i try to connect it doesnt work ( yes i put in the correct encryption info) im currently using 64bit hex psk01:30
Tallia1Kubuntu ciao01:30
Bier_und_Kornis there a switch to turn htpasswd encryption off ?01:31
`Chip`it installed fine on my laptop01:31
nbx909`Chip`, yeah some people have problems with it, try installing using alternative01:31
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slvmchnis there any performance difference between kubuntu and ubuntu? i'm familiar with what they are, i'm just wondering if there's any pros/cons to either01:31
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slvmchnor is it entirely aesthetics01:31
czrdoes anyone know how to start multiple xmms:ses?01:31
richiefrichslvmchn just KDE vs. GNOME01:31
D-sidedamn. thats a pile of people.01:32
nbx909slvmchn, i think kde is slower then gnome01:32
Gillyslvmchn: mostly entirely aesthetics01:32
Bier_und_Kornhello ?01:32
skippy81Bier_und_Korn:  you will have much more luck in an Apache chatroom i think - probably only 5% of the people in here know apache well01:32
slvmchnok thanks01:32
Eleafczr, can you just type "xmms" in a different terminal?01:32
Gillyslvmchn: like richie said, kde vs. gnome01:32
czrEleaf, I can type, however nothing happens01:32
nbx909Bier_und_Korn, yes?01:32
shodanjr_grlets all pray that ATI drivers work for my laptop of doom01:32
shodanjr_grcmon people01:32
Eleafczr, what??01:32
czrEleaf, I think it assumes I want to control the existing instance01:32
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redrumzyou can run most kde applications in gnome with kde libraries anyway01:32
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Bier_und_Kornthx skippy81, will try that01:32
_tacoman_if i upgrade my kernal to i686, will that help w/acpi and performance?01:32
=== [arcane] uses xfce
nbx909shodanjr_gr, sacrifice your 1st born or 3 goats to the gods of linux01:32
Gillyshodan: my hands are folded in prayer01:32
=== redguy prays
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shodanjr_gri got neither of the 2 :P01:32
skippy81lol nbx90901:32
Eleafczr, hmm.  what about xmms &01:32
redrumzshodanjr_gr,  i have my ati drivers vaguely running finally!01:33
nbx909skippy81, it works for me01:33
czrEleaf, shell job control isn't the problem01:33
richiefrich_tacoman_ what is your box ?01:33
shodanjr_grconsidering im 20 years old and live in a Greek metropolis :P01:33
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richiefrich_tacoman_  it might and it might not01:33
Gillyarcane: what are the disadvantages of xfce01:33
jadaz87nbx909: :-)01:33
skippy81nbx909:  hehe well just dont go to jail for it :P01:33
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[arcane] Gilly, light and has neat modularness01:33
Gillyarcane: given that speed and lack of bloat is the advantage01:33
richiefrichGilly it suckx.. i like e01:33
nbx909skippy81, you can't it's not illegal to sacrifice things01:33
richiefrich[arcane]  lol01:33
Gillyrichie: enlightenment?01:33
skippy81yeah right :)01:33
shodanjr_grX failed to strat01:33
jadaz87nbx909: how are you doing?01:33
richiefrichGilly yes01:34
[arcane] richiefrich, see thats fucked up01:34
_tacoman_intel pentium 4 northwood w/hypertreading on an asus p4p 800e pro01:34
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shodanjr_grwho is up for a troubleshooting question?01:34
shodanjr_grwho is up for a troubleshooting session?01:34
richiefrich[arcane]  i know01:34
[arcane] richiefrich, dont force ppl views remember lol01:34
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redrumzshodanjr are you installing?01:34
nbx909jadaz87, you are from townsquare arn't you?01:34
richiefrich[arcane]  i know01:34
D-sidequick question per dapper and xgl. on the final release, is xgl installed by default?01:34
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shodanjr_grand got that wonderful blue screen01:34
D-sidegoogling didnt immediately answer that question for me.01:34
kakaltoD-side: no01:34
skippy81D-side: no01:34
UKMattcan someone help me copy this gay file01:34
[arcane] Gilly, but it has good FM01:34
redrumzshodanjr_gr,  seen that a lot lately01:34
D-sidegood, thanks.01:34
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aviswhat is xgl ?01:34
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[arcane] thunar or pcmanfm01:34
D-sidethat was a fast answer, thanks. :)01:34
nbx909UKMatt, i'm sorry there are no gay files on linux :P01:34
] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[notte01:34
guissany known issues between via-velocity and DHCP?01:34
[arcane] avis, google it01:34
shodanjr_grredrumz any clue as to what to do?01:34
richiefrich_tacoman_ then why not use the P4 setting in the kernel01:34
kakaltoavis: GL-accelerated X, I believe01:34
naliothArcanoxer: can we watch our language please?01:34
troy_subotu, tell avis about xgl01:35
skippy81D-side:  quick questions get quick answers :P01:35
shodanjr_grredrumz or as to how to revert to the old drivers?01:35
guissi can't get dhcp from my cablemodem via DHCP01:35
kakaltoubotu, tell me about xgl01:35
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.01:35
D-sideskippy81: lucky for me. :) how about xorg 7, standard in dapper?01:35
[arcane] guiss,01:35
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UKMatti have to paste it into a file that needs root, so i'm trying to use terminal and i keep getting is not a directory: No such file or directory01:35
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[arcane] guiss, have you tried dhcpd eth#01:35
_tacoman_p4 setting in kernel... how do i access that?01:35
bootlickOkay Skippy81, I have changed my packages, now what package do i install?01:35
Unitg1|EoL|does anyone have any suggestions what to do with my broadcom wireless problem? i tryed mutltiple encryption methods it doesnt want to let me connect01:35
ReziarfgI've recently instaled 64bit Ubuntu "Breezy Badger" on my other machine and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to get the internet working. If someone could help me out through a private message I'd greatly appreciate it01:35
ubotuwell, prayer is try sacrificing 3 goats or a small donkey to the gods of linux01:35
D-sidehaha ubotu. nice.01:35
richiefrichavis http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_XGL01:35
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redrumzshodanjr_gr,  you can attempt to reinstall the vesa drivers or mess around with your /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:36
troy_sunitg: buy a open source friendly card.  send mail to broadcom.01:36
Gillyubotu: hail marys won't due?01:36
kakaltoD-side: yeah, xorg7 standard in dapper01:36
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Gilly01:36
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guiss[arcane] , yes, i've tried that and dhcp goes to sleep without receiving response. That machine dual boots windows and works under windows xp01:36
skippy81bootlick:  ok lets do it the graphical way, it will be a better learning expierience for you01:36
nbx909!tell Unitg1|EoL| about forums01:36
UKMatti have to paste it into a file that needs root, so i'm trying to use terminal and i keep getting is not a directory: No such file or directory01:36
D-sidekakalto: excellent.01:36
richiefrichavis great example of what it is01:36
troy_sunitg:  broadcom is a pain in the bottom.01:36
D-sidei'll figure out the rest myself. thanks.01:36
kapputudo I need to have X running on the server machine if I want to tunnel connections?01:36
skippy81bootlick:  go to your System menu and click on synaptic01:36
kakaltoD-side: have fun :)01:36
Unitg1|EoL|yes ive heard :(01:36
[arcane] kapputu, no01:36
troy_skapputu:  you mean like "ssh -X"?01:36
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D-sideundoubtedly i shall. :)01:36
Unitg1|EoL|well ill go try the forums then01:36
ReziarfgI've recently instaled 64bit Ubuntu "Breezy Badger" on my other machine and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to get the internet working. If someone could help me out through a private message I'd greatly appreciate it01:36
nbx909!tell kapputu about xfowarding01:36
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kappututroy_s: can I do that from putty?01:36
UKMattwelll... if anyones reading this and knows pm me01:36
kapputuI'm on Windows01:37
richiefrich_tacoman_  u know what i mean ?01:37
troy_sunit: send mail to broadcom and tell them to support the open source movement by opening up their drivers.  public pressure will win.01:37
nbx909!tell kapputu about fowardingx01:37
skippy81bootlick:  then i want you to press the "reload" icon, that updates your database with all the availiable packages01:37
[arcane] kapputu, hmm01:37
nbx909!tell kapputu about fowardx01:37
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bootlickokay, done01:37
nbx909i know i set one of these01:37
troy_skapputu:  you can't remote x from a non x based computer eg Apple or Ms.01:37
pojekapputu: putty is text only ssh, no X forwarding; you'll be fine without X if it's a server01:37
kapputudoes that other machine need to be running X?01:37
skippy81bootlick:  now click on search01:37
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richiefrichkapputu what ssh?  or xforwarding ?01:37
pojetroy_s: not totally correct, you can do it through cygwin ;)01:37
[arcane] kapputu, no01:37
DarkRavenMixagehelp me plz... i'm triyng to install an ati card i followed guides but when i "fglrxinfo" the console retirns this error Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:37
troy_spoje:  smarty.01:37
[arcane] ssh doesnt need X just ssh01:37
skippy81bootlick: type in "runlevel" in the seach box and hit enter01:37
pojetroy_s: sometimes ;d01:37
Unitg1|EoL|troy_s:  any mail i ususally send winds up with me getting a letter from the feds afterwards01:37
kakaltoon the alternate cd, do you boot into it to upgrade from it, or simply add it as an extra source?01:38
troy_subotu, tell richiefrich about ssh01:38
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naliothtroy_s: osx has an xserver available for it01:38
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bootlickfound it01:38
bkudriai have a hoary install that gives me "Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)" when i try to run "apt-get update"...why?01:38
ReziarfgCan anyone help me? For some reason my internet won't work on my ubuntu machine (fresh install)01:38
skippy81bootlick:- you should get a few results, notice one of them is "sysv-rc"01:38
richiefrichkapputu  i dont think so.. but  u can use cygwin01:38
troy_sunit:  move to canada.01:38
kapputulike if I open emacs on the ssh console, I get the emacs window instead of text-mode01:38
nbx909!tell kapputu about forwardx01:38
=== dagi3d [n=dagi3d@80-103-103-108.mad1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
obviouslytomhow exactly do I access sudo on Ubuntu 601:38
DarkRavenMixagehelp me plz... i'm triyng to install an ati card i followed guides but when i "fglrxinfo" the console retirns this error Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". GLX seems not to be loaded :(01:38
Unitg1|EoL|im not welcome in canada, dont ask why01:38
richiefrichtroy_s what do i need to know ?01:38
nbx909obviouslytom, sudo <command>01:38
DarkRavenMixageobviouslytom typing sudo command01:38
bootlickyes,i found that one , says i can mark for reinstalation01:38
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troy_sSSH is a remarkable "does everything" sort of tool.01:38
skippy81bootlick:- also notice sysv-rc has a little ubuntu icon next to it, that means "officially supported" ie the packages that are known to work best01:38
troy_sstart with that :)01:39
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obviouslytomso in terminal type "sudo" then whatever file i need to run?01:39
DarkRavenMixagesomebody help me plz :(01:39
dagi3ddoes anyone know if there is any plan of including some xgl & integration into ubuntu like in opensuse?01:39
skippy81ok bootlick, mark it for reinstallation and press apply01:39
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nbx909!tell DarkRavenMixage about forum01:39
richiefrichtroy_s i was helpin kapputu01:39
Madpilotobviouslytom, sudo then the command you want to run01:39
r0xoRanyone here know anything about getting Airports to work on iBooks?01:39
troy_syou can remote x apps from one computer to the next via ssh, you can share files, you can rsync, you can cvs, you can...01:39
naliothdagi3d: in the next version, xgl will come standard01:39
skippy81bootlick, also select "bum"01:39
jadaz87nbx909: ? :-(01:39
kapputuI need to setup a development server01:39
mo0secan ubuntu read ntfs?01:39
DarkRavenMixagenbx900 i looked in 200 wikis01:39
skippy81bootlick: bum is an easier to use version01:39
ransuRandolphCarter : Timing cached reads is 180MB in 2sec = 89MB/s ... using DMA = 1 (on) ... ???01:39
troy_smo0se:  yes.01:39
nbx909jadaz87, where do i know you from?01:39
buzzedanyone switch from OSX?01:39
naliothmo0se: it can. yes, writing is tricky atm01:39
jadaz87nbx909: knet01:39
troy_sbuzzed:  MANY01:39
naliothbuzzed: i dual boot with osx01:39
BlueSwirlbuzzed: thinking about it01:39
kappututhe development tools need to be on the server01:39
skippy81once you have done it bootlick apply changes, close synaptic and open a terminal01:40
=== Gilly [n=Gilly@adsl-69-225-33-129.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kakaltoI guess that Edgy Eft is going to be a very experimental ubuntu :)01:40
obviouslytomMadpilot, thank you01:40
obviouslytomthat worked01:40
Gillyhello all01:40
DarkRavenMixagenbx900 I SAID that i done all things taht a guide is asking.... so plz shut01:40
troy_sbuzzed:  Many many many many folks.01:40
bootlickin progress01:40
DarkRavenMixagehelp me plz... i'm triyng to install an ati card i followed guides but when i "fglrxinfo" the console retirns this error Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". GLX seems not to be loaded :(01:40
nbx909jadaz87, why aren't you on there?01:40
kapputuand I need to be able to test on the other machine01:40
Gillyanyone have problems with the install stick at 64%?01:40
jadaz87nbx909: i have not been there so long my account has been deleted01:40
mo0secan it read a windows xp ntfs partition because i can't seem to find it.01:40
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bkudriai have a hoary install that gives me "Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)" when i try to run "apt-get update"...why?01:40
nbx909DarkRavenMixage, i told you to ask your question at the forums because they are more suited for it01:40
kakaltohave they fixed the ati bug that showed up 2 days before release yet?01:40
naliothubotu: tell Gilly about verify01:40
nbx909jadaz87, ahh okay01:40
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skippy81bootlick in the terminal type "sudo sysv-rc-conf" to launch the more powerful program01:40
naliothGilly: did you burn your disc at 4x or less?01:40
jadaz87nbx909: :-)01:40
=== bbitz [n=bradleyb@h142.130.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sgilly:  could be low level optical drive problem or bad media.01:41
ransuRandolphCarter turning DMA on made it slightly slower :P01:41
DarkRavenMixagenbx909 there are 900 forums with the same question but nt a solution :(01:41
troy_sgilly:  md5sum check your disk before you try install.01:41
skippy81bootlick, or you can launch "bum" either from the system menu or by typing "gksudo bum"01:41
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troy_sgilly:  always always always validate your media /files with md5 or gpg keys.01:41
nbx909DarkRavenMixage, well then why do you think we have the answer if 900 other people don't?01:41
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mo0secan ubuntu read windows ntfs partitions?01:41
redrumznbx909 actually this place has so far been the most helpful for the ati issues01:41
Pepinosomebody can help me to install LILO on Ubuntu?01:41
richiefrichmo0se yes01:41
troy_sDarkRavenMixage:  send mail to ATI and tell them to support open source.01:41
bootlicki dont see bum in the system menu, but will laucnh via terminal01:41
redrumznbx909 and issues aplenty there are01:42
DarkRavenMixagenbx909 someone in here could have fixed this didn't you think so?01:42
skippy81Gilly:  open up a terminal if you can and type "top" see if a vwdialconf is at the top of the list,01:42
bbitzI installed the server, what package would I install to pull in the Xubuntu packages?01:42
leftthere is a way to boot the dapper Desktop cd directly in the text-mode install? I mean, like boot=install or something like that..01:42
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Bot_Builderubotu, tell mo0se about ntfs01:42
troy_sDarkRavenMixage:  If everyone who posted did that, ATI might try listening to public pressure.01:42
redrumzDarkRavenMixage,  its ATi not ubuntu thats the problem01:42
cy_i have a question, i'm a former debian unstable user but i am not satisfied with the release circle of debian, i'm looking for something more bleeding edge.... where the community is more alive and where packages are even more up to date.... is ubuntu the right thing for me ?01:42
DarkRavenMixagetroy_s i'm installing synaptic drivers not ati one01:42
skippy81bootlick, is the program working now?01:42
dagi3dcy_, sure01:42
pojecy_: gentoo? ;d01:42
nbx909redrumz, really? i perfer asking complex question at the forums because the developers and linux experts tend to hang out there01:42
shodanjr_grguys anyone available to guide me in getting X to work again after a failed ATI Driver installation????01:42
void^cy_: arch :P01:42
troy_sDark:  read what I said and redrumz said.01:42
DarkRavenMixageredrumz the problem is that the glx server is not starting....01:42
[arcane] arch lol01:42
redrumzdarkravenmage yep keep well away from ati.com's atis drivers01:42
=== Tzy [n=Tzy@81-37.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
skippy81bootlick, sysv-rc-conf is very powerful, be very careful about what you change in it :)01:42
klubbercan anyone pls tell me what's on the ubuntu dvd? up until dapper i've seen that the dvd contained all 3 architectures.... but now there's a dvd for each. so what's that 2.5GB woth of data?01:42
nbx909!tell shodanjr_gr about reconfigurex01:42
[arcane] arch doesnt  have the latest01:42
richiefrichPepino e need to edit the /etc/lilo.conf01:42
cy_poje; gentoo is also boring, it takes too long to compile things...01:42
pojeshodanjr_gr: good luck with ATI drivers ;o/01:43
troy_sDark:  just because you CAN do something (like mp3 or ati / nvidia drivers / flash ) doesn't mean that it doesn't have harsh restrictions.01:43
cy_thanks void^01:43
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void^[arcane] : they usually have the stuff that breaks :P01:43
skippy81klubber:  i would also like to know how they bloated ubuntu to use up a DVD :D01:43
richiefrichcy_ gentoo01:43
shodanjr_grpoje i doubt i can get em to work actually...my IGP is quite old (IGP320M)01:43
bkudriai have a hoary install that gives me "Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)" when i try to run "apt-get update"...how do i fix it?01:43
redrumzdarkravenmage there are some helpful guides https://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI01:43
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troy_sDark:  Proprietary Closed Source Items Do No One Any Good.  This is supposed to be a free and democratic society.01:43
r0xoRgentoo is for ricers :)01:43
kakaltocy_: you want to stick with a debian derivative?01:43
Pepinorichiefrich: actually i have GRUB01:43
kakaltor0xoR: xD01:43
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Pepinobut it doesn't boot01:43
[arcane] void^, well they dont have that much as gentoo01:43
pojecy_: Yeah, hence my face - really I have been very happy with Ubuntu and would pick it as my favorite distro atm01:43
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skippy81i hate gentoo, i cant believe the time it takes to compile stuff01:43
amac-laptopanyone know how to automatically have you HW addr set at boot?01:43
shodanjr_grguys now Ubuntu freezes when srating X, how can i get a terminal screen before starting X?01:43
cy_kakalto; yes, because gentoo is taking too long compiling things....01:43
richiefrichPepino u said lilo01:44
Pepinosend me the error 17: cannot mount selected partition01:44
KazancewHi all01:44
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r0xoRpoje, http://funroll-loops.org/01:44
[arcane] shodanjr_gr,01:44
skippy81it made me phusically sick, althoguh it was kinda cool i guess :)01:44
[arcane] shodanjr_gr, well01:44
bootlickokay, the screen just came up, boot up manager01:44
troy_sshodanr:  Recovery mode boot from grub!01:44
cy_ok poje . thanks for your opinion :)01:44
pojeskippy81: indeed, I have enough issues just waiting for apps to build on my uni share01:44
[arcane] shodanjr_gr, crtl alt BS01:44
kakaltocy_: you're just not a ricer :P yeah, ubuntu sounds good for ya.01:44
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riphello is there anyone to assist me during the installation of xgl?01:44
shodanjr_grthanks :D01:44
KazancewAny body speak russian?01:44
Pepinorichiefrich: yes, then i want to get rid of grub and have lilo as my loader01:44
nbx909!tell rip about xgl01:44
skippy81ok bootlick, just be carefull about what you turn off01:44
troy_sshodanr:  change to vesa drivers in xorg.conf01:44
void^[arcane] : well gentoo does have the advantage that you can chose easily which parts of your system should be stable and which parts should be more bleeding edge :] 01:44
bootlicknow to run ndiswrapper, what do i need to turn off?01:44
[arcane] void^, so true01:44
shodanjr_grdamn i gota get a new laptop.....01:44
DarkRavenMixageshodanjr_gr write sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf  search for device section and but "ati" instead of "fglrx"01:44
[arcane] cant do that w/ debian01:44
kakaltogentoo also has the best documentation around...01:44
troy_soff topic folks.01:44
skippy81poje:  i installed gnome desktop last night, went to bed and it still wasnt done in the morning lol01:45
troy_sof course you can do that with debian01:45
DarkRavenMixageshodanjr_gr write "sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (without "")  search for device section and but "ati" instead of "fglrx"01:45
riphello is there anyone to assist me during the installation of xgl?01:45
Kazancewhelp please!!!!!!01:45
troy_slinux is linux.01:45
riphello is there anyone to assist me during the installation of xgl?01:45
shodanjr_grDarkRavenMixage i did that (i used Vi though) and now it totaly crashed :P01:45
pojer0xoR: hahahha yes, a classic!01:45
richiefrichPepino so u have now ?01:45
BlueSwirlgentoo is crazy hardcore though, i spent 13 hours installing it and then it couldn't load the kernel01:45
kakalto!tell Kazancew about ru01:45
riphello is there anyone to assist me during the installation of xgl?01:45
DarkRavenMixageubotu, tell darkravenmixage about glx01:45
troy_sshodanjr:  change to vesa.01:45
Jayjay2i'm sorry but does anybody know how to make ubuntu lighter so it will run smoothly on a celeron 466 with 128 mo01:45
gnomefreakKazancew: how may we help you? helpme doesnt define a problem01:45
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troy_ssodanjr:  work from there.01:45
DarkRavenMixagei can't configure this ati radeon 960001:46
troy_sjayjay2:  try xubuntu01:46
skippy81bootlick:  you dont need to turn anything off to use ndiswrapper, just use "modprobe ndiswrapper" to load it01:46
DarkRavenMixageglx server doesn't seem to start01:46
pojeJayjay2: I'm running Dapper on my 500mhz laptop01:46
BlueSwirlJayjay2, have you tried xubuntu?01:46
BlueSwirloops, beaten to it01:46
pojeNo problems other than with a lot of tabs open in FF it kills my RAM01:46
bbitzWhy did they split up ubuntu into all those different CDs?01:46
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bootlickhmm, that was my starting question.. hehe01:46
redrumzDarkRavenMixage,  it only took me 4 days to get a 9600 going01:46
pojeI also ran Breezy on here01:46
kakaltoubotu, tell rip about xubuntu01:46
[arcane] poje, well use opera01:46
troy_swww.ubuntu.com -- xubuntu is there.01:46
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Jayjay2poje are you running gnome ?01:46
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poje[arcane] : I am not unhappy with FF :)01:46
pojeJayjay2: yes01:46
DarkRavenMixageredrumz how to start the **** glx server?01:46
gnomefreakxubuntu.com >>is xubuntu home page01:46
=== [arcane] oprea is good
disinterested_pewhats the wiki site for firefox 1.5?01:46
DarkRavenMixagehe is loaded in etc/modules01:46
DarkRavenMixageand under xorg.conf01:46
DarkRavenMixagewhat else?01:47
troy_sdarkravenmage:  send mail to ati.  if they were open source, it would be supported out of box.01:47
ripwhat is the adress of xubuntu on irc?01:47
kakalto[arcane] : xD01:47
poje[arcane] : Really I only use the laptop for work and when I'm crashing with the gf01:47
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gnomefreakubotu tell disinterested_pe about ff1.501:47
nbx909redrumz, i have a a radeon 9600 and it works best with the defult r300 drivers01:47
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pojeMy desktop is a monster01:47
kakaltorip: #xubuntu01:47
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ripok tx =)01:47
Pepinorichiefrich: i have grub and want to get rid of it an have lilo01:47
Jayjay2Is it possible to thinker ubuntu so it will be lighter I mean less services running in background01:47
BlueSwirlDarkRavenMixage, troy_s is right, send em a mail01:47
czreleaf, stupid me. it was a setting in xmms preferences (graphical side)01:47
kakaltorip, no problem.01:47
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troy_spepino:  lilo is a little more high maintenance.01:47
r0xoRwhat's the deal with epiphany and galeon... is one an official part of gnome and the other isn't?01:47
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bkudriai have a hoary install that gives me "Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)" when i try to run "apt-get update"...how do i fix it?01:47
skippy81Jayjay2:  yeah install "sysv-rc-conf" and disable everything :P01:47
troy_sr0xor yep.01:47
richiefrichPepino good man..  sudo install lilo01:47
czreleaf, need to enable 'allow multiple instances'. then xmms from cmdline will start another one. thanks for help though01:47
richiefrichPepino good man..  sudo apt-get install lilo01:47
r0xoRtroy_s, so which one is which01:47
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troy_sr0xor:  Epiphany is official gnome.01:48
skippy81Jayjay2: half of the services are useless anyway01:48
richiefrichtroy_s but it works... i cant say that for grub.. :)01:48
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troy_sr0xor:  Although I like both.  I currently use epiphany.01:48
bootlickSkippy81 modprobe ndiswrapper does not work, giave me the same error, cannot open lib/modules/2.6.15-23-38601:48
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troy_srichiefrich:  That's right.  Grub is broken.  That's why it boots millions of machines.01:48
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Eleafczr, alright, cool.  Sure, glad you figured it out =p01:48
troy_srichiefrich:  Wouldn't be user error would it?01:48
skippy81bootlick sorry you need to use sudo "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"01:48
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richiefrichtroy_s well it doesnt work on may of my systems01:48
KazancewHelp please, I can not find archive of files for Ubuntu. Download very much it would be desirable for the necessary packages!!01:48
richiefrichtroy_s  no01:49
shodanjr_gri reconfigured X and choose ATI as my graphics card drive01:49
troy_srichiefrich:  Trust me.  Grub works.01:49
shodanjr_grstill no dice...01:49
shodanjr_grit crashed01:49
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skippy81bootlick, you know you need a copy of the windows drivers for your network card to run ndiswrapper?01:49
shodanjr_grany other ideas?01:49
BlueSwirldoes anyone know how to make the mouse pointer disappear after a few moments of inactivity?01:49
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troy_sshodanjr:  CHANGE TO VESA01:49
richiefrichtroy_s  on some yes01:49
r0xoRtroy_s, what engine is ephiphany based off of?01:49
noulol, {,#}{,x,g,k,ed}ubuntu that's funny. what's the opposite of factorisation ? :)01:49
bootlickyes, i have the windows driver01:49
gnomefreaktroy_s: grub doesnt work on all pcs01:49
pojeKazancew: was that a complete thought?01:49
bootlickthat last command gave me the same error message01:49
gnomefreakr0xoR: gecko01:49
skippy81r0xoR:  netscape gheko i belive01:49
richiefrichgnomefreak thank you01:49
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troy_sbeaten to the punch01:49
Pepinorichiefrich:  ok, then it by itself will uninstall grub?01:49
skippy81people are very sharp in here today01:49
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Kazancewpoje MC01:49
r0xoRis gecko the same as mozilla? or no...01:49
gnomefreakrichiefrich: it does just some you have alot more fdiddling to do01:50
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jisatsucan anyone recommend a program to view the input from a tv tuner card?01:50
Pepinorichiefrich: and replace it?01:50
troy_svesa == video and electronics standards association == means STANDARD :)01:50
Kazancewpoje MC, for begin01:50
pojeKazancew: ?01:50
troy_sjisatsu:  mythtv?01:50
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r0xoRjisatsu, totem ?01:50
skippy81r0xoR:  yes its mozillas rendering engine, used in moz, ff, ephihany and the ubuntu gnome help system01:50
devin_Is there any ATI friendlys around?01:50
Kazancewpoje Midnight Comm, for begin01:50
richiefrichPepino u can remove grub01:50
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troy_sdevin: no such creature.  but we can help.01:50
jisatsuI'll try totem, then myth :) I thought myth was just for recording though01:50
richiefrichPepino u dont have to01:50
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`Chip`Is there a way to install Dapper 6.06 LTS from the boot menu rather than load the live CD and select install from there?01:50
bkudriai have a hoary install that gives me "Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)" when i try to run "apt-get update"...how do i fix it?01:50
skippy81Kazancew:  im afaird im a confirmed ATI hater :)01:50
troy_sdevin:  ati and nvidia should both be spanked.01:50
Pepinorichiefrich: first remove grub and then install lilo?01:51
TuzloI removed teapop cleared any scripts out of /etc/rc2.d but syslog is still logging that it is trying to load teapop and failing, anyone know why?01:51
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r0xoRjisatsu, try myth then totem01:51
gnomefreakChakRa: download the alternative cd01:51
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klubber`Chip` get the alternate cd01:51
richiefrichPepino u can u dont have to... u can just install lilo01:51
troy_sjisatsu:  not all tv tuner cards are open source friendly... hauppage i know work.01:51
bootlickCould nor open /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-38801:51
jisatsur0xoR: ok :)01:51
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wtfm8does anyone have a problem when booting the new dapper release, a couple seconds after it says "booting the kernel" i get a "soft lockup on cpu#0" error, then about a minute later (no message) i have to hit a key to continure01:51
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skippy81bootlick, even with sudo?01:51
`Chip`LOL I am doing that now.... this sucks I've downlaoded all 3 versions Ubuntu Kubuntu and now Alternate01:51
shodanjr_gri think that actually worked!!!01:51
Kazancewpoje where i can get Midnight Commander, for begin?01:51
gnomefreak`Chip`: download the alternative cd01:51
troy_swtfm8:  check malone.01:51
shodanjr_grim back in Ubuntu baby!01:51
jisatsutroy_s: if it doesn't work, no worries, just wanna try it01:51
bootlickSkippy81, yes01:51
=== BrianHH [n=bhartman@c-69-142-235-70.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
troy_sshodanjr:  what worked?01:51
skippy81thats wierd01:51
shodanjr_grchaning it back to vesa :p01:52
bootlicksudo modprobe ndiswrappper01:52
pojebkudria: try running update again and check/change your sources list01:52
klokykubunto is sistem?01:52
troy_sjisatsu:  yep... mythtv home has hardware listings.01:52
skippy81ubotu tell bootlick about ndiswrapper01:52
obviouslytomanyone know where i can get ATI drivers that will actually work on my laptop?  its an ATI 9000 video card01:52
Pepinorichiefrich: ok, let me try01:52
redguy!info mc01:52
gnomefreak`Chip`: to install ubuntu with the desktop cd you have to boot it first01:52
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ubotumc: (midnight commander - a powerful file manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre4-2 (breezy), Packaged size: 2048 kB, Installed size: 5712 kB01:52
troy_sjisatsu:  make sure you support the companies that have an open source agenda.01:52
Pepinoi'll be back01:52
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troy_sobviouslytom:  send mail to ati.01:52
BrianHHHi, Everyone.  I'm having a RealPlayer problem.  When I try to play a video clip, the sound goes in and out and is garbled.  Has anyone experienced this?  (Ubuntu 6.06, btw)01:52
troy_subotu, tell obviouslytom about ati01:52
redguyhuh? ubotu still has the breezy package list?01:52
shodanjr_grsince ATI driver installation failed im gona try to get my network card working :p01:52
skippy81does anyone here who knows a lot about ndiswrapper advise bootlick please?01:52
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bkudriapoje: i tried many times...and my sources.list is a recommended one from the forums01:53
_jason!info mc dapper01:53
gnomefreakredguy: people still use breezy01:53
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troy_sbrianhh:  realplayer is proprietary software.01:53
ubotumc: (midnight commander - a powerful file manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 1:4.6.1-1ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 2073 kB, Installed size: 5952 kB01:53
jisatsutroy_s: that's all good and well if I were buying a new card, but I have one already ;)01:53
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troy_sbrianhh:  you might want to try an open source alternative.01:53
Kazancewme need direct link to file01:53
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`Chip`thanks...I will know for next time01:53
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redguygnomefreak: sure, but shouldnt bdapper be the default now?01:53
troy_sjisatsu:  in the future then... :)01:53
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BrianHHtroy_s:  I've got Helix installed to, with the same problem.  Can mplayer play RealPlayer streams?01:53
gnomefreakredguy: how do you decide default?01:53
[arcane] BrianG, no01:54
richiefrichBrianHH mplayer01:54
redguygnomefreak: current stable of course :-)01:54
[arcane] BrianHH,01:54
[arcane] BrianHH, no01:54
pojebkudria: I'd say watch the ubuntu wiki, when I googled it seems there were a couple other people with the problem01:54
troy_sbrianhh:  helix isn't entirely open source -- the real codecs are still closed :(01:54
[arcane] only realplayer can01:54
devin_Need help .. I have a R-40 thinkpad laptop, It has a Radeon Mobility 7500 but I can't seem to get the right drivers to work for it01:54
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bkudriapoje: i googled it anf got nothing, but i'll try again, thanks01:54
richiefrichBrianHH xine  vlc mplayer01:54
pojeBrianHH: Real has a linux player they release that does work, even though Real is a dirty hobag01:54
troy_sbrianhh:  which means you should not use realplayer streams...01:54
BlueSwirlrealplayer, along with windows media player, fill me with pain01:55
skippy81devon_ set xorg to "radeon" maybe01:55
troy_sbrianhh:  as the codec is very limited -- don't try with a 64 bit box for example (without hoop jumping) etc.01:55
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Pepinorichiefrich: sorry, is there a wa of install LILO on the setup of ubuntu?01:55
troy_sblueswirl:  amen.01:55
=== [arcane] uses VLC
KazancewHelp please, I can not adjust VPN !!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!01:55
troy_svlc is VERY good.01:55
troy_sand has a streaming end.01:55
BrianHHOkay, I just installed mplayer.01:55
gnomefreakPepino: sudo apt-get install lilo01:55
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pojemplayer ftw!01:55
BlueSwirltroy_s, vlc is the shiznit, as it were01:55
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pojeEven though it has it's limitations.01:55
[arcane] troy_s, yeah i use it instead of mplayer plugin01:55
troy_sbut Real's codec (i don't know if i can even type it here legally) and MS's and Apple's and the list goes on STINK01:55
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skippy81troy_s have you found a way to stop vlc from opening a new instance everytime you click on a new file in linux?01:55
troy_sdon't support those companies.01:55
bootlickskippy81, how do i tell what install i have, ie hedgehog, breezy, etc etc01:55
=== stylez [n=doubleOs@ip30-68-172-82.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
stylezalloha peepz01:56
richiefrichPepino on the install yes01:56
troy_sskippy: i seem to remember getting that yes.01:56
stylezi got a question about rythmbox01:56
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bkudriapoje: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Sub-process+bzip2+returned+an+error+code+(2)%22&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8  zero results01:56
gnomefreakbootlick: lsb_release -a01:56
troy_sgo stylez01:56
richiefrichPepino  u must select it over grub.. grub is the default01:56
Pepinorichiefrich: i guess at the partition time01:56
stylezi can't play mp3 files with rythmbox, but i can play them with xmms01:56
pojetroy_s: unfortunately, I care more about getting content (to a point) than the lofty goals of open codecs01:56
[arcane] grub is good01:56
Pepinorichiefrich: right?01:56
richiefrichPepino yes01:56
stylezwhy isn't RB working?01:56
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pojebkudria: that's with quotes, right?01:56
pojeRemove the quotes01:56
KazancewHelp please, I can not adjust VPN !!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!01:56
_jasonubotu: tell stylez about mp301:56
[arcane] poje, well vlc is universial01:56
Pepinorichiefrich: let me try01:56
Pepinorichiefrich:  I'll be back01:56
richiefrichPepino ooh ok01:57
troy_sbootlick:  system:  about ubuntu01:57
[arcane] can play most if not all media types01:57
gnomefreakKazancew: stop that and tell us what is wrong01:57
bkudriapoje: right01:57
redguyKazancew: istead of repeating yourself, ask a question01:57
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poje[arcane] : Yes, I need to try it on linux - I actually thought it was win32 only01:57
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redguy!tell Kazancew about ask01:57
troy_spoje: almost EVERY player in open source land will play EVERY codec it can -- meaning if the source is available.01:57
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[arcane] Kazancew, see that why ppl dont like helping01:57
stylezwith ubuntu 5 i can play the files with rythm but ubuntu 6 it wont work, first i thought i came by the codecs01:57
[arcane] poje, i did too01:57
skippy81bootlick:  look in /etc/apt/sources.list and see if it says "dapper" or "breezy" in it01:57
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bkudriapoje: aha, i removed the quotes, and now there is a bunch of stuff...thanks01:57
gnomefreakskippy81: lsb_release -a01:57
shodanjr_grin dapper01:58
pojetroy_s: yes, but most of my files are wmv or mp301:58
symetricdoes anyone know how to change windows driveletters from linux? my windows stopped working after installing ubuntu, and i just found out that ubuntu stole c:. i can't get windows working atm :P01:58
troy_spoje:  if the source code isn't available for ENCODING __and__ DECODING, avoid it like the plague.  also avoid patent / end user licences etc.01:58
shodanjr_grhow can i install ndiswrapper?01:58
PjottHi all! =) Downloading Ubuntu Linux now. Windows = Dead to me (-: So freakin' sick and tired of viruses/trojans/spyware etc. :) So. Does there exist viruses for Linux? I've heard it do, but you have to run a command to be able to run it. And in that case, you ask for it, you desirve it. :) Is that true?01:58
skippy81thanks gnomefreak :)01:58
gnomefreakskippy81: yw01:58
troy_spoje:  you can have a script that fixes that in a very limited time span01:58
shodanjr_grhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?action=show&redirect=SetupNdiswrapperHowto im following the instructions from this site01:58
[arcane] symetric, umm01:58
troy_spoje:  simply batch vert them.01:58
shodanjr_grbut the link aseems to be down01:58
gnomefreakubotu tell shodanjr_gr about ndiswrapper01:58
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stylezi am also a gnomejunk01:58
pojetroy_s: But I want content I WANT, not just content that is FREE (as in freedom)01:58
[arcane] symetric, dude linux doesnt use "C:\"01:58
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symetric[arcane] :  i know.01:58
troy_spoje:  and do _not_ look back.01:58
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stylezkde is nive for showing, but not for working01:58
richiefrich  shodanjr_gr    apt-get install ndiswrapper01:58
styleznive = nice01:58
[arcane] well just use a MS resuce disk01:58
BlueSwirlPjott, just get yourself a nice virus scanner like clamx, and be careful what you download!01:58
troy_spoje:  that is not possible.  freedom implies choice.01:58
pojetroy_s: actually, you make a good point when we're not talking about watching wimp.com vids or browsing teh pr0n ;d01:58
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skippy81bootlick:  as gnomefreak pointed out you can do "lsb_release -a" from a teminal01:58
asdxI was downloading a ubuntu iso of one of the http servers and I can't connect to the server now WTF!01:58
PjottBlueSwirl: Will do, sir! =)01:59
troy_spoje:  and tell your pr0n vendors the problems with patent laden garbage.01:59
[arcane] there are only ew viruses for linux mainly fedora01:59
symetric[arcane] :  i did. that's how i found out that windows is currently settled in d: :P01:59
pojetroy_s: I have the choice to illegally use the nonfree codecs ;)01:59
BrianHHI'm trying to play a video clip that a friend sent me a link to.  Unfortunately, the link is in this form:  http://www.philadelphiaeagles.com/cheerleaders/avRPPlayer.jsp?dr=43559&kj=13&f2=Video%20Profile:%20Jennifer%20K.&s5=   Mplayer laughs at it.01:59
Pjott... ma'm? :s01:59
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gnomefreakasdx: thats why people use bittorrents01:59
adamhow do i get xmms volume control to work?01:59
void^asdx: use bittorrent :] 01:59
[arcane] symetric, well if you really need MS get rid of ubuntu01:59
troy_spoje:  true, but you need to help the rest of us.01:59
[arcane] and reinstall01:59
BlueSwirlPjott, but yeah, you'll be safer than windows (sir ;-) )01:59
troy_spoje:  well you don't but you could.01:59
symetricdo you think that'll work?01:59
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troytroyhi i need a pkg to copy protected content01:59
troy_spjott:  NO computer is safe.  period.01:59
greg_how does one upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06? I've tried looking in the forums... but now I'm here- any comments01:59
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)02:00
gnomefreakubotu tell greg_ about upgrade02:00
kakaltogreg_: launch the update manager02:00
Pjotttroy_s: Accepted. Well, then I'm off (-: See you all after I've re-installed (-:02:00
pojetroy_s: I do my best to promote Free *, but at a certain point I just give in and deal02:00
skippy81troytroy:  what sort of 'content' are you talking about here lol02:00
greg_oh duh02:00
=== jpederzolli [n=jpederzo@209-250-20-98.convergentaz.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueSwirlPjott, good luck.02:00
richiefrichsymetric just put it in grb02:00
[arcane] troytroy, well that depends02:00
troy_sskippy:  he said pr0n, not I.  hell i guess we need open source everywhere don't we?02:00
PjottAnd one last thing: Is it possible to run Counter-Strike 1.6 (AKA Steam) on Ubuntu? Mandriva has "Wine"-Emulator. But it took me about 2-3 days to make it run...02:00
shodanjr_grrichiefrich that didnt work.... package not found02:00
troytroyskippy81, movie on cd02:00
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richiefrichsymetric or lilo what ever u use02:00
[arcane] richiefrich, no ubuntu messed up his layput02:01
troy_stroytroy:  what's the codec?02:01
skippy81M$ and apple proprietary codecs are best off in the dustbin IMO, convert your existing stuff and then uninstall em02:01
adamyou can run Counter-Strike on ubuntu02:01
symetricrichiefrich: lilo?02:01
redguyPjott: wine does not belong to mandriva02:01
troy_sskippy:  AMEN!02:01
adamits possible02:01
BlueSwirlPjott, you'll have difficulty02:01
Pjottadam: With an emulator?02:01
richiefrichshodanjr_gr then look in synaptic02:01
symetrici'm really new to this o_O02:01
redguyPjott: you can install wine on ubuntu as well02:01
adami did it with breezy last week02:01
richiefrichsymetric  the 1st boot loader02:01
Pjottadam: Sure :)02:01
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PjottWell, See you all then! ;)02:01
adambut the fps was really bad02:01
pojeadam: unfortunately, I haven't been able to get it going02:01
troy_ssymetric:  don't worry, there are a lot of green folks here.  and you never stop learning.02:01
pojeI can get Steam to run02:01
PjottThanks for all advices/help :)02:01
[arcane] richiefrich, dude his letters changed02:01
pojeBut launching CS kills everything02:01
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Jeeves_Mossall:  has any one here install aircrack-ng on their Ubuntu system?02:01
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gnomefreakubotu tell poje about steam02:02
[arcane] Jeeves_Moss, lol02:02
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troy_spjott:  you can escape the prison.02:02
BlueSwirlPjott, get clam, not clamx, that's the mac version02:02
stylezi am very very very happy by ubuntu02:02
adamdo u have all the fonts, gl plugins, updates etc02:02
[arcane] Jeeves_Moss, id use a live cd like PHLAK02:02
Pjottclam. Noted :)02:02
symetricrichiefrich: ok. i don't know which one i use, but windows shows up as the last alternative.02:02
troy_sstylez:  spread the word.02:02
richiefrich[arcane]  if he doesnt have it in the grub.conf it will never boot to windfows02:02
pojeskippy81: and what do you say to new content coming out? say, for instance, the videos on wimp.com02:02
skippy81to be fair to ubuntu, we have a pretty awesome chat room hehe - im sure most of the other distros dont have this level of volunteer support02:02
[arcane] richiefrich, ok02:02
troy_sstylez:  open source needs supporters.  read stallman's essays and understand why it is deadly important.02:02
BlueSwirlPjott, woopsy ;-)02:02
beerockxsI'm experiencing strange flickering in the 3d screensavers.02:02
=== ne0h [n=ne0h@adsl-070-145-048-052.sip.bix.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichsymetric okand does it try to boot ?02:02
[arcane] skippy81, actually yes they do02:02
Jeeves_Moss<[arcane] >  what are you laughing @?  I had 2.23 installed and working fine till I reinstalled Ubuntu02:02
beerockxsAnyone have an idea what might cause that?02:02
stylezi am a opensource promoter02:02
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symetricrichiefrich:  so i should check grub.conf ?02:02
ne0hcan someone help me , i dont know how to install the prgram02:03
troy_sbeerockxs:  nvidia driver issue02:03
adamwhich 102:03
[arcane] Jeeves_Moss, well i can lol at what i want02:03
ne0hi burnt the ubuntu, iso file02:03
gnomefreakne0h: what program?02:03
stylezi was programming for 5 years on windows, but last november i found linux by a coinsidence02:03
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ne0hhow do i run it02:03
stylezi love the shell02:03
beerockxstroy_s: I have an ATI card, and use the open source drivers.02:03
Jeeves_Moss<[arcane] >  are you able to help me install it or not?02:03
troy_sstylez:  it is purely about knowledge and EDUCATION of others.02:03
gnomefreakstylez: please join #ubuntu-offtopic for that02:03
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[arcane] ne0h, reboot w/ it in the cd dive02:03
ne0hi tryed that02:03
troy_sbeerockxs:  yah the cards do sometimes do 'weird' things because of the closed nature ofthe cards.02:03
gnomefreakne0h: you havent said what program02:03
ne0hit did work02:03
[arcane] Jeeves_, look for a arepository02:03
ne0hyea i did02:03
adamne0h config ur bios02:03
[arcane] Jeeves_Moss, hell install a app come on02:03
pojestylez: I'm sorry, I've done about 2hrs of win32 programming and it made me sad in the pants02:03
ne0hto do what02:04
dothanonlinei need help to mount ntfs partition02:04
PetrolBombboot from cd in bios02:04
Dementialquick question, ive got dvd video and audio, shoutcast audio, but i cant play an mp3, is there a library i have to install with an mp3 decoder?02:04
gnomefreakne0h: did you install it?02:04
redguy!tell ne0h about iso02:04
ne0hill try that02:04
jpederzolliwhats the best itunes alternative?02:04
BlueSwirlpoje, lol02:04
r0xoRevery time i select a package to install in synaptic i get a warning dialog saying "NOT AUTHENTICATED"02:04
skippy81poje:  to be honest i dont use that media much myself, but i guess if you do use proprietary codecs to listen to it, then it doesnt make you a bad person :) but then again things would be better if users in genral rejected such codecs so we could all listen freely and easily02:04
bkudriapoje: i looked, but there really isn't a solution that helps02:04
troy_sjpederzolli:  there are HUNDREDS02:04
redguyne0h: read the second link about burning the iso02:04
[arcane] jpederzolli, if you use gnome banshee02:04
pojeDemential: mplayer or VLC ;)02:04
gnomefreakubotu tell jpederzolli about ipod02:04
troy_sjpederzolli:  try rhytmbox default until you don't like it02:04
naliothi have been hit with the dns name resolution bug, anyone got the fix right off the top of their heads?02:04
r0xoRi looked under the authentication tab in the repo setup for synaptic02:04
r0xoRand it's blank02:04
troy_subotu, tell me about ipod02:04
pojebkudria: yeah, hence keep an eye on the wiki/forums :)02:04
adamhow do u get the xmms volume control to work?02:04
naliothubotu: tell troy_s about msg the bot02:05
[arcane] adam, alsamixer02:05
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gnomefreakshoot bbl bad storm rolling in02:05
Dementialpoje:  vlc is a sl*t hehe...  but mplayer short for movieplayer?02:05
troy_svlc is very good02:05
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troy_smplayer is mplayer02:05
Dementialk thanks troy02:05
troy_smplayer is a VERY powerful tool.02:05
Dementialill dig it up02:05
BlueSwirlconsider vlc seconded02:05
bullrageWhat's the best newsgroup NZB reader?02:05
troy_smplayer make no mistake.  as is vlc02:05
skippy81ok we need to establish a fix for this DNS bug people are talking about, ive heard it mentioned several times today - does anyone know anything about it?02:05
pojeskippy81: yes, I would be a lot happier with free/open *; however, I try to pick my fights - support free options whenever possible, crumble before the man when I'm being a little biatch ;o/02:06
pojeand with that, it's dinner time02:06
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Dementialya...  i've been in love with videolan for years now02:06
troy_smplayer they both have their upsides -- vlc for streaming and mplayer for video adjusting.02:06
naliothskippy81: i can ping IPs fine, just no name resolution02:06
Dementialmakes me horny like no women can02:06
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BlueSwirlDemential, o_002:06
Dementialwait...  ignore that02:06
troy_sskippy:  is it at malone?02:06
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skippy81nalioth, yeah i spoke to others with same problem - are you a) behind a router, and b) on a live CD?02:06
MaKkYi made a partition.. & i want to install XP on that partition....02:06
troy_smalone #02:06
=== bobstro [n=bob@68-116-164-61.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
MaKkYhow do i go about doing that?02:07
obviouslytomanyone know why Ubuntu doesnt support Intels HyperThreading?02:07
troy_subotu malone 819002:07
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[arcane] MaKkY, should install MS first02:07
skippy81troy_s:  excuse my ignorance, what is malone?02:07
naliothskippy81: i've got more computers than i know what to do with, behind a router02:07
ubotuMalone: Bug #8190 in debian-installer (Ubuntu): No keymap selection.02:07
beerockxstroy_s: It worked just fine about a month ago, before I updated to Dapper. DRI is workig, too, and glxgears does not show the flickering02:07
troy_sskippy:  launchpad malone, you know.02:07
troytroyhi i need a bittorrent with a gui02:07
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skippy81oh i will check02:07
[arcane] troytroy, man02:07
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troytroydont like azerus02:07
troy_stroytroy:  apt-cache search torrent02:07
[arcane] troytroy, there are tons use synaprics02:07
troy_stroytroy:  try bittornado02:07
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-67-172-190-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
[arcane] rtorrent is the best02:07
bullrageWhat's the best newsgroup NZB reader?02:07
jrsimsok, how come my function keys aren't recognized in Gnome terminal?>02:07
troy_stroytroy:  it gets religious02:08
redguynalioth, skippy81 : isn't it related to this fancy resolvconf thing which is supposed to generate /etc/resolv.conf ?02:08
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theBenoGuys, I've got a question...Why do you guys prefer ubuntu over other distros like Gentoo?02:08
naliothredguy: it is related to resolv.conf, i just don't know what to do about it02:08
[arcane] theBeno, i dont02:08
wubrgamerhey guys, i can't find my networking interface list, could someone give me the file path ? i'm a n00b and forgot02:08
BlueSwirlis there limewire for linux? i'm rather fond of that for my mac02:08
=== [arcane] uses gentoo
troy_sthebeno:  off topic.  it has a chance to actually make open source mainstream.02:08
wubrgamerubuntu is easier, and better developed02:08
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[arcane] BlueSwirl, yes02:08
r0xoRBlueSwirl, limewire is java02:08
redguynalioth: is your resolv.conf empty now?02:08
bobstrotheBeno:  because it's a debian underneath.02:08
skippy81redguy, well tahts what i thought at first02:08
[arcane] wubrgamer, better developed02:08
r0xoRBlueSwirl, and there is java for linux02:08
_jasonBlueSwirl: there is, but I would reocmmend frostwire which is a limewire clone instead02:08
[arcane] no02:08
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wubrgamerhey guys, i can't find my networking interface list, could someone give me the file path ? i'm a n00b and forgot02:08
wubrgamerhey guys, i can't find my networking interface list, could someone give me the file path ? i'm a n00b and forgot02:08
wubrgamerhey guys, i can't find my networking interface list, could someone give me the file path ? i'm a n00b and forgot02:08
r0xoRBlueSwirl, so yes02:08
BlueSwirlah, shiny02:08
wubrgamersorry didn 't mean to spam02:08
BlueSwirlduly noted ;-)02:09
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_jasonubotu: tell BlueSwirl about frostwire02:09
naliothredguy: haven't even looked yet02:09
theBenobobstro, and you prefer the debian distro?02:09
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BigBluehi, how do i start apache when i used apt-get to install it?02:09
[arcane] wubrgamer, and you say ubuntu is better wtf lol02:09
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redguywubrgamer: /etc/network/interfaces02:09
_jasonBigBlue: it should start automatically02:09
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troy_subotu, bugs are at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs02:09
jrsimsSeriously - is anyone else having trouble getting F1-F12 keys to work in Gnome terminal?02:09
bobstrotheBeno:  i prefer distributions *based* on debian, yes.02:09
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maikolBigBlue: /etc/init.d/apache2 start02:09
wubrgameronce more "n00b"02:09
=== WoodwardAve [n=kevinjsm@adsl-65-42-241-108.dsl.lgnnmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
wubrgamerdon't listen to me02:09
theBenobobstro, Why?02:09
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Tuzlohow do you stop inetutils from trying to runsomething?02:10
[arcane] theBeno, gentoo is good for hardcore ppl02:10
bobstrotheBeno:  because i suffered through rpm hell for long enough until i found debian some years ago.02:10
troy_swhat is the dns issue skippy?02:10
MaKkYarcane, how...02:10
bobstrotheBeno:  and don't have time for gentoo. :)02:10
=== michael117 [n=michael@adsl-68-94-40-203.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
theBenobobstro, Why not use Slackware or other distros?02:10
[arcane] MaKkY, cause you can run unstable and stable02:10
troy_subotu, malone 3573202:10
naliothtroy_s: ubotu knows bugs02:10
obviouslytomanyone know if Ubuntu supports Intels HyperThreading02:10
bobstrotheBeno:  but linux is linux. it's a question of install and maintenance.02:10
[arcane] MaKkY, cant do that in debian02:10
ubotuMalone: Bug #35732 in dhcp3 (Ubuntu): Weird dhcp errors02:10
naliothtroy_s: /msg ubotu bugs02:10
troytroyseems bittorrent-gui is no more in the repos02:10
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bobstrotheBeno:  i have.02:11
naliothtroy_s: woops, /msg ubotu bug02:11
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MaKkY[arcane]  but how do i install MS first?02:11
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ubotuTuzlo: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:11
ne0hi cant get ubuntu to work02:11
[arcane] MaKkY, install it then install ubuntu02:11
PhuzionWhere are the error logs for Apache in Ubuntu?02:11
theBenoI use Gentoo because I have the choice to do anything, built it how I want.  apt-get is on ubuntu?02:11
[arcane] ne0h, what did you use to burn it02:11
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ne0ha dvd02:11
MaKkY[arcane]  im on ubuntu right now....02:11
maikolPhuzion: /var/log/apache202:11
[arcane] ne0h, no02:11
redguyPhuzion: /var/log/apache2/02:11
[arcane] ne0h, im mean what app02:11
bobstrotheBeno:  you can do the same with *any* distribution. it's a question of how much time you want to spend doing it (if at all).02:12
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ne0hburnt the iso on the cd02:12
[arcane] ne0h, did you burn it as a iso or just as data02:12
ne0has a iso02:12
redguyne0h: did you read the burniso link ubotu sent you?02:12
=== Rob3rth [n=roberth@ti541110a080-6542.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
ne0hi didnt get it02:12
bobstrotheBeno:  most distros seem to be moving towards each other in many ways.02:12
beerockxsI'm experiencing strange flickering in the 3d screensavers, using a Radeon 8500 and the open source drivers. Anyone have an idea?02:12
theBenoYeah, emerge is a sweet system though.  bobstro, you prefer apt-get over emerge?02:12
redguyne0h: what are the contenst of the dvd right now?02:12
jrsimsOK PLEASE HELP - I need to get X to recognize my function keys. How do I do that.02:12
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ne0hin my cd driver02:12
[arcane] jrsims, google it dude02:13
troy_sjrsims:  does your keyboard have a F-lock on it?02:13
molineroHi to all02:13
ne0hoh i mean just the iso02:13
[arcane] ne0h, cds cant read dvds02:13
Rob3rthanyone got an alternative to #cedega? I am banned there without any reasons, ive never been on that channel:(02:13
jrsimstroy_s: no02:13
bobstrotheBeno:  you'll notice they're changing how gentoo installs, right?02:13
ne0hits a dvd cd02:13
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theBenobobstro, Yes, they have a GUI for x8602:13
redguyne0h: ok, what's on the dvd?02:13
jrsimstroy_s: it's a standard dell keyboard02:13
ne0hi have a dvd wrighter02:13
ne0hjust the iso02:13
ne0hthats it02:13
redguyne0h: a single .iso file?02:13
[arcane] bobstro, its not a standard gi installer02:13
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redguy!tell ne0h about iso02:13
shinuhow do i get xmms to play audio cds?02:13
redguyne0h: read the second link02:14
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naliothah ha, my resolve.conf has my nameserver on my own system.  no wonder02:14
troy_sshinu:  iirc you need your audio cable from your board to your drive to hear them.02:14
troy_sshinu:  other than that it should just play02:14
=== Xenguy [n=gnu@206-248-151-3.dsl.ncf.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bobstrotheBeno:  when someone can tell me one thing i can do with one distro over another, i'll worry more about it. meanwhile, ubuntu is mostly debian, and easy to show others, and quick to install and reconfigure on my stuff.02:14
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gil_could someone tell me how to install bootsplash screens02:14
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shinutroy_s: something worng with the cd then :/ thx02:14
distanceisdeathhow can i play m4a files on XMMS, i can play them on amarok and other things though.02:14
=== Shooksterleet [n=none@S0106000fb55ad5a9.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sbobstro:  well said.  AND it is going to get sun official head nod02:15
theBenobobstro, But there are problems if you try and update the entire system using apt-get.02:15
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gretylanyone want to help me with mac-on-linux?02:15
troy_sshinu:  yah it should just work.  make sure you have your audio cable though!02:15
troy_sgretyl:  what is mac on linux?  you want to emulate mac?02:15
TuzloDo I need Inetutils installed?02:15
[zero] is there a way to get rpm to work in ubuntu?02:15
zexr0is there a way to see if a device is detected on my usb port02:15
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nbx909Gretyl, you mean linux on mac?02:15
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BlueSwirlnbx909, no, mac-on-linux lets you run osx inside linux.02:16
troy_szero:  alien02:16
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Krhis2Ok, my question is simple: Ext3 or ReiserFS? I've spent the last few hours looking at statistics, numbers, and articals where one user reports one thing and the next user states something completely contridictive but what do you guys think?02:16
Krhis2ReiserFS might seem faster (at least for /home) but is it worth the risk of corruption/recovery even though it's still journalized?02:16
nbx909BlueSwirl, oh cool02:16
beerockxsI'm experiencing strange flickering in the 3d screensavers, using a Radeon 8500 and the open source drivers. Anyone have an idea?02:16
ne0hscrew this02:16
BlueSwirlnbx909, it's most sexy, but not used it myself02:16
bobstrotheBeno:  there *can* be problems, but trivial compared to others i've had with non-debian systems. *and* (again) i can show others how to do it.02:16
jrsimstroy_s: do you know how I can change my keyboard settings for xorg?02:16
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nbx909BlueSwirl, why not run it natively lol02:16
Gretylnbx909: I could, but I specifically refer to the ability to boot OS X inside of linux02:16
troy_sbeerrockxs:  you could try syncing to vert02:16
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[zero] troy_s: alien?02:16
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ne0hi cant get this to work at all02:16
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bobstrotheBeno:  my server has been upgraded via apt-get for oh... 5+ years now.02:17
troy_szero:  alien02:17
redguyKrhis2: ext3 isn't immune to corruptions as well02:17
BlueSwirlnbx909, that's what my other machine is for. ;-)02:17
beerockxstroy_s: how do i set that?02:17
bobstrone0h:  what?02:17
ne0hi cant get the iso to work02:17
nbx909i need a mac02:17
[zero] troy_s:  what do you mean?02:17
ne0hi did everything i was supposed to02:17
Krhis2Apprently it's easier to recover.02:17
troy_sbeer:  should be able to do it via xorg.02:17
ne0hit still dosent work02:17
GretylI'm dual-booting now02:17
troy_szero:  wiki alien02:17
ne0him going to try to make a different cd02:17
BlueSwirlnbx909, once you go mac, you never go back ;-)02:17
ShooksterleetI've got a emachines m5310 notebook with the broadcom bcm4401 network card. It's my understanding that it should have detected/install it on it's own but it didn't.. Any suggestions for how to procede?02:17
Gretyljust thought this might help with the whole "no flash plugin" issue02:17
green_earzKrhis2: from what i read Ext3  is best for large file and ReiserFS for lots of small files02:17
bobstrotheBeno:  quick question. how long did your last major upgrade take?02:17
troytroyhi my irssi cant start02:17
shodanjr_gri get my wlan card installed02:18
nbx909BlueSwirl, once you go mac you go broke :P02:18
shodanjr_gri get it to detect my access point02:18
seifeSomeone help me02:18
[zero] troy_s: kk02:18
zexr0Someone can help me with a SmartJoy problem ?02:18
shodanjr_gri give it my WEP key02:18
seifeHow do i mount my windows partition?02:18
shodanjr_grand it doesnt connect...02:18
bobstronbx909:  and steve jobs owns your soul.02:18
=== troy_s shoves apple and ms off to the dustbin of yesterday.
BlueSwirlnbx909, tell me about it. anyone want a kidney? ;-)02:18
shinutroy_s: its a laptop so it should all be hooked up already02:18
amac-laptopdoes the default ubuntu kernel support smp?02:18
Krhis2green_earz, Ext3 is kinda more of a jack-of-all-trades.02:18
redguy!tell seife about ntfs02:18
nbx909BlueSwirl, rofl02:18
Krhis2But you're right.02:18
=== haich [n=haich@121.Red-83-36-170.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sshinu:  right you are.  could be any number of issues.  see if you can get A cd to play.02:18
theBenobobstro, lol, a while, but I can just do it when I go to bed, never wasted any time that I needed to use the computer.02:18
bobstrotheBeno:  and if you had to upgrade several?02:19
shinuToba: okay02:19
Krhis2Anyone ever have ReiserFS go 'sour' on them?02:19
troytroyhi my irssi cant start "Unable to connect server ... "02:19
bobstrotheBeno:  my family uses four, plus server.02:19
Gretylin theory, the kernel modules needed for mac-on-linux should be built into dapper...02:19
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shodanjr_grand i am stupid02:19
Gretylbut when I try to startmol, it complains about missing modules02:19
shodanjr_gri was giving it the WEP key in plaintext while the type was set to HEX02:19
troy_sgretyl:  try a sep drive and boot clean.02:19
theBenobobstro, hmm02:20
troy_sgretyl:  they are all of about 40 bucks these days and they save a ton of hassle.02:20
jrsimsoh my god - does ANYONE in here know how I can get back to my keyboard setup for xorg?02:20
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sjrsims:  you can reconfigure x02:20
nbx909!tell jrsims about reconfigurex02:20
troy_sjrsims:  dpkg-rconfigure xorg-server (can't remember)02:20
bobstrotheBeno:  this sums it up for me (with a bit of humor) http://funroll-loops.org/02:20
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Krhis2!tell Krhis2 about reiserfs02:21
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theBenolol, ok02:21
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, run the command         sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:21
Gretyltroy_s: I just installed dapper yesterday, shouldn't need a fresh install already...02:21
Krhis2!tell Krhis2 about ext302:21
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troy_sgretyl:  then i misunderstand your question02:21
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josepenabuenas tardes02:21
troy_sgretyl:  try me again maybe02:21
naliothskippy81: for some reason, dapper decided to point my nameservers in resolv.conf to 10.0.*02:21
josepenaalguien en espaol02:21
troy_sgretyl:  grey matter might work better this time.02:21
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Gretyltroy_s: I'm having trouble starting up mac-on-linux02:22
redguy!tell Krhis2 about msg the bot02:22
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:22
troy_sgretyl:  what is that?  you mean you are having trouble booting your machine running linux that happens to be motorola / ppc powerd?02:22
Krhis2But has anyone ever have ReiserFS go 'sour' on them?02:22
ubotudou213: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:22
Krhis2Apperintly it's messey to recover?02:22
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skippy81nalioth ive been searching the bugs about it - thres definately something fishy up with resolv.conf.  I think dapper holds on to the configuration despite the DHCP lease it recieved them from expiring02:23
troy_sgretyl:  last time a checked a 'mac' was nothing more than a motorola / ibm chip with a bunch of other garbage components.02:23
Gretyltroy_s: no, mac-on-linux is an environment where a PPC machine booted into Linux should be able to load Mac OS X inside a window02:23
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troy_sgretyl:  ahhhhh....02:23
=== iratsu [n=iratsu@modemcable157.255-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
skippy81nalioth, for now you will just have to update the file yourself i gues02:23
troy_sgretyl:  probably not the _defacto_ forum for mac questions.02:23
naliothskippy81: well, personally, i may just set my resolv.conf readonly02:23
troy_sgretyl:  linux yes.02:23
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troy_sgretyl:  but when you get back into mac, you are begging for pain.02:24
Gretylwell, it's the linux pkg that's failing me02:24
Gretylnot the mac part02:24
troy_sgretyl:  um does linux boot?02:24
troy_sgretyl:  then it is the mac part.02:24
skippy81nalioth, let me know if that works02:24
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naliothskippy81: most of my fixes are not for the faint-hearted <EG>02:24
troy_sgretyl:  but as i said, you might not get specific help here.02:24
skippy81i will recommend it to others if does02:24
redguynalioth, skippy81 , also you can edit /etc/resolvconf.d/base and put the nameservers in there02:24
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Jeeves_Mossall:  well, its been fun guys, but I'm outta here.02:24
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naliothredguy: ah, a much better suggestion, thank you02:24
robochiefWill Ubuntu 6.06 work on a Celeron 500MHz with 128MB of RAM?02:25
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bobstrotheBeno:  ok, which is you? :)02:25
troy_sgretyl:  not too many free software users are interested in running macos on an opensource platform.  there are some people out there who want to do that, but most NOT here.02:25
zexr0anyone can help my with a usb device problem ?02:25
Gretylhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacOnLinuxHowto is what I'm working from02:25
Ron_oupdating to dapper and had some problems on the install CD.02:25
Ron_othis is the error message: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Release i386 (20060531)] /poo l/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-2 3-386_2.6.15.11-1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch02:25
Ron_oE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-mis sing?02:25
Ron_owhat to do. :-/02:25
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redguynalioth: not sure about the exact location though, but the filename is 'base' that's for sure02:26
troy_sron_o:  did you check your media before you tried to install stuff?02:26
naliothredguy: noted02:26
troy_sron_o:  if you didnt' you are begging for pain.02:26
Ron_owell, not exactly..02:26
Ron_oI'm begging for pain.02:26
skippy81Ron_o:  you should download the ISO again and run an md5 check on it02:26
bimberirobochief: it will work, but be a bit slow, you could try xubuntu if it's annoyingly so02:26
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Ron_oI did check it but thought something else was wrong, and not my CD.02:26
troy_sron_o:  then it could be anything.  always validate your media before you think you have a problem :)02:26
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Ron_owhat to do now?02:26
robochief*Will Dapper Drake work on a Celeron 500MHz with 128MB of RAM?*02:26
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troy_sron_o:  media is cheap.  md5sum test everything.02:26
naliothrobochief: yes, it will02:26
robochiefOh ok, ty.02:27
troy_srobochief:  try it.02:27
bimberirobochief: yes02:27
naliothrobochief: you may wish to run xubuntu on it02:27
skippy81rabocheif yes, but XFCE is recommended IMO02:27
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troy_scan ubotu search for keywords in bugs?02:27
Ron_orobochief, I'm running pII 350 and 195MB RAM.02:27
Gretyltroy_s: thank you, I've found what might be a better forum for my question02:27
troy_svia malone?02:27
troy_sgretyl:  good.02:27
_tacoman_i am installing the 686 smp kernal.  should i remove 386 ones?02:27
robochiefWill try xubuntu than. :)02:27
troy_sgretyl:  there are very specific forums to help with that sort of thing.02:27
cocoxhi is there a way to import my iptables.rules.file and make them take effect without rebooting???02:28
spikebrobochief, sweet02:28
Ron_oskippy, I have the ISO with the correct MD5sum check.02:28
Ron_oit's the burned CD.02:28
crimsun_tacoman_: only after you've booted into 686 and verified it works02:28
obviouslytom ubotu, tell obviouslytom about hyperthreading02:28
MooUK[01:27:15]  <nalioth> robochief: you may wish to run xubuntu on it <-- Seconded; Xubuntu is lightning fast on a machine that's about half that.02:28
troy_sron_o:  then check the BURNED cd md5 test.02:28
Ron_obtw, can I run the iso after mounting it?02:28
crimsun_tacoman_: there's no sense in rendering your system unbootable02:28
_tacoman_do i need to change init files or boot scripts?02:28
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crimsun_tacoman_: no need, just reboot.02:28
Ron_othe problem is I'm out of CDs at the moment. :(02:28
troy_sron_o:  understand?  Download test -- burn -- test burned files.02:28
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Ron_othat was my last one.02:29
skippy81Ron_o you can mount a dapper ISO and use it as a source to upgrade from breezy to dapper02:29
troy_sron_o:  you might be sool02:29
Ron_oskippy, yes.02:29
=== bright [n=simon@M394P010.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
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troy_sron_o:  upgrade via the net an option?02:29
Ron_othat's what I have to do. That's what I should have done but misunderstood the process exactly.02:29
_tacoman_and my system already was unbootable before i disabled acpi02:29
Ron_otroy_s, no. Not enough space on HD.02:29
robochiefTo install (no use of LiveCD) of xubuntu, which version would you recommend? Alternate?02:29
brighthello! does anyone know how I can configure my firewall on ubuntu 5.10?02:29
=== michael117 [n=michael@adsl-68-94-40-203.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiubotu tell bright about firewall02:30
ubotuUbuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic.02:30
Ron_oskippy, what might be the command for that?02:30
shodanjr_grsome driver seems to be loading by default for my wireless card and not letting ndiswrapper take over, any way i can get around this????02:30
troy_sron_o: sounds like you have more problems than simple md5summing :)02:30
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Ron_oI believe it was sudo apt-get cd ...02:30
brightok. thanks!!!02:30
Ron_ojust point to the iso?02:30
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Ron_otroy_s, I do. :)02:30
skippy81http://krazypenguin.net/Ubuntu_Dapper_Drake_6.06_Guide#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Image_.28ISO.29_files_without_burning Ron_o excellent dapper install guide here02:30
cocoxhi is there a way to import my iptables.rules.file and make them take effect without rebooting???02:30
Ron_othe big thing is I have a complete backup image. :)02:30
Ron_onot too worried. hehe.02:31
michael117How can I force Ubuntu to emulate 5.1 sound to my 5.1 sound card and speaker setup?02:31
Ron_othanks skippy81. I'll check it out.02:31
troy_scocox:  everything in opensource land aside from jumping kernels can be done without rebooting02:31
skippy81i love the way linux can mount stuff so easily :)02:31
naliothbright: <whisper> you really don't need a firewall, this isn't windows02:31
_tacoman_smp is useful if you have ht, right?02:31
=== harfooz [n=clint@adsl-070-157-150-219.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippy81i just wish it would 'mount' me :)02:31
troytroyhi my irssi client cant connect to any server02:31
troy_snalioth:  you should always know what ports are open on your box at any given moment.02:31
Ron_oskippy81, the thing is I knew it could be mounted, but I thought I needed to reboot.02:31
Ron_otisk tisk..02:31
troy_snalioth:  the best firewall is your brain.02:31
mitchelocare there plans to include xgl support in ubuntu?02:31
Ron_oso much for my knowledge.02:31
robochief*To install (no use of LiveCD) of xubuntu, which version would you recommend? Alternate?*02:31
naliothtroy_s: it's not the ports that are open, it's whats listening02:31
troy_smitcheloc:  search for edgy02:31
=== bill_ [n=bill@cpe-66-67-234-239.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
troy_smitch:  it is already in dapper with a few keystrokes.02:32
Ron_orobochief, no..the desktop.02:32
seiferedguy: i cant access to the partition02:32
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redguy!tell mitcheloc about xgl02:32
troy_snalioth:  pretty hard to have an open port without something listening :)02:32
Ron_obtw, robochief the Live CD *is* the Desktop CD.02:32
skippy81Ron_o:  are you currently sitting in a working breezy installation at the moment?02:32
mitcheloctroy_s: you guys rock! my first time today installing ubuntu ;)02:32
seifesombody help me please02:32
Ron_oskippy81, yes.02:32
redguyseife: could you elaborate on that?02:32
Burgundaviamitcheloc: possibly for edgy02:32
bimberirobochief: the livecd will be handy when you're blown away by it and want to let others try it out :)02:32
troy_smitcheloc:  everyone rocks.  its the community that drives freedom.02:32
skippy81i think you can just mount, add to sources and dist upgrade02:32
robochiefoh ok :)02:33
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kbrooks_mitcheloc: was it easy?02:33
Ron_oskippy, I'll give it a try and tell you how it goes.02:33
cocoxtroy_s, ohh i didnt know... so is there a way to make my rules take effect in iptables ????02:33
Ron_olet me get to the page. One more question, skippy8102:33
mitchelockbrooks_: i'm still working on it02:33
seiferedguy: what u mean elaborate?02:33
troy_smitcheloc:  when we start sucking like apple and microsoft, the whole thing starts sucking.02:33
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redguyseife: give more detail02:33
seifei dont understand why i cant access to windows partition02:33
seiferedguy: i just cant access02:33
troy_scocox:  google iptables... more than 1000000000000000 howtos out there.02:34
Ron_oseife, you have to mount your partition.02:34
mitcheloctroy_s: =)02:34
obviouslytom ubotu, tell obviouslytom about smp02:34
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[zero] Im having a problem installing alien, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1510102:34
troy_smitcheloc:  seriously -- everyone who donates time or writes things contributes.02:34
=== beerockxs [n=beerockx@xdsl-87-78-76-156.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
troy_szero:  hold reading.02:34
uboturumour has it, search is System>Administration>Synaptic, has a search function. Command line are apt-cache search "packagename", or aptitude search "packagename", or you can also do a package search via http://packages.ubuntu.com/<package>02:34
redguyseife: telling us what error message you are getting might help02:34
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kbrooks_Ron_o:  mount -o loop [/path/to/...] /NAME.iso /path/to/directory02:34
troy_sBAD zero02:34
troy_sbad bad bad02:34
redguyseife: did you follow the wiki link ubotu sent you ?02:35
troy_szero:  sudo apt-get install alien02:35
mitcheloctroy_s: right, same way with most other distros/projects too, but they aren't as people friendly02:35
BlueSwirlmitcheloc, troy_s is right, submitting bug reports or helping out on this very channel is all helping out02:35
=== grapegil [n=gilbert@ip70-178-169-173.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cocoxtroy_s, i have been looking on.... if you are not able to help please stay quiet in silence02:35
[zero] troy_s: haha I was doing what it told me on the wiki site :(02:35
Ron_okbrooks_, yah, that's the question I waiting to get answered.02:35
grapegilhow easy is it to update ubuntu?02:35
nalioth[zero] : why do you need alien?02:35
Ron_ograpegil, very easy.02:35
kbrooks_grapegil: very easy02:35
grapegilalright thanks.02:35
troy_smitcheloc:  which is why i choose to support ubuntu.  it is important that the entire world shuns corporate driven computing.02:35
spartasron_o: you will need to update before performing the dist-upgrade02:35
Auckland_Pighow do i search for files in dapper? i'm unable to make nautilus find files02:35
zexr0grapegil,  about 3 click02:35
troy_smitcheloc:  for better or for worse.02:35
skippy81i want to get into the bug reporting scene but im scared :)02:35
[zero] nalioth: duno really :/02:35
troy_smitcheloc: in the shortterm -- meaning despite the little hurdles.02:36
Ron_ospartas, I have updated before, but I should do so again?02:36
grapegilskippy81, make a buggy bug report to begin with ;)02:36
kbrooks_skippy81: therer ARE trivial bugs you can duplicate02:36
Ron_oit says I should in update manager.02:36
troy_sskippy:  just dive into malone bro.02:36
BlueSwirltroy_s, just to play devils advocate, what about the support ubuntu gets from canonical?02:36
Ron_ograpegil, make a backup if you can before upgrading.02:36
seifeRon_o: i cant mount02:36
seifei click enable and nothing happens02:36
seiferedguy: yes02:36
Ron_othere are still problems.02:36
michael117Does Ubuntu use ALSA or OSS by default?02:36
spartasron_o: you will need to update after you change your sources file02:36
skippy81yeah i might have to get involved in malone reports02:36
grapegilback up is for wimps!02:36
kbrooks_skippy81: look in the nautilus package02:36
redguyseife: could you paste the output of mount to the pastebin?02:36
troy_sblueswirl:  mark puts his money where his mouth is.  he is stallman all the way.02:36
nalioth[zero] : you should use what is in the official ubuntu repos, for the health of your machine, (there is over 18,000 pkgs in the repos)02:36
brightok. I started synaptic now. How can I install a package which is not available there... like this firestarter firewall tool?02:36
seiferedguy: its seems to be mounted but i dont see any folder02:36
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seifeits just blank i dont see my folders02:37
Ron_obright, in repositories..02:37
troy_sblueswirl:  i consider him the most important factor.  he put the money up and believes in free software (in the stallman sense of the word)02:37
[zero] nalioth: alright02:37
Ron_oI think it's in Synaptic Package Manager under preferences.02:37
Ron_oit's in the menu.02:37
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MCSE_Noobanyone know why fwcutter cannot be found?????02:37
Ron_osorry for being so vague.02:37
troy_szero:  ALWAYS try to start with the repos, they will save you all sorts of hassels.02:37
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Auckland_Pighow can i search for files?02:37
Auckland_Pighow can i search for files on dapper?02:37
redguyseife: to be more precise, open a terminal, type mount and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/02:37
troy_sauckland:  find / -name "*keyword*"02:37
mitchelocmy favorite part about ubuntu has to be the lack of the letter K or G prefixing everything ;)02:37
brightRon_o: what should I do there?02:37
skippy81MCSE_Noob:  are you trying to install an airport?02:37
shodanjr_grhow can i access my blacklist file to prevent a driver from loading on startup???02:37
bimberiAuckland_Pig: Find -> Search for Files ?02:37
BlueSwirltroy_s, true enough, both mark and rms are total dudes, but would ubuntu be as big and as good as it is without corporate support? (again, just arguing for aruings sake ;-) )02:37
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Ron_oin Synaptic?02:37
troytroyhi is limewire in the repos02:37
MCSE_NoobI am trying to use a broadcom wireless card02:38
troy_smitcheloc:  that's KDE and gnome... its still there... will always be there.02:38
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bimberiAuckland_Pig: sorry, that's Places -> Search for Files...02:38
zexr0anyone got an idea how to make usb device work on Ubuntu ?02:38
brightyes. in the repositories dialog02:38
troy_smcse:  GOOD LUCK02:38
spikebBlueSwirl, yes it would, because of one man's money :P02:38
MCSE_Noobthis blows02:38
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mitcheloctroy_s: i know, i'm just glad it's not the prefix02:38
skippy81BlueSwirl: linux and corporations are compatable - you can make money ethically02:38
MCSE_Noobno distro will use broadcom cards02:38
troy_smcse:  It might as well be an apple specific pinout mouse.02:38
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naliothBlueSwirl: take troy_s into #ubuntu-offtopic and argue til you pass out02:38
lurgeezexr0: what kind of a usb device?02:38
Ron_obright, check out the wiki.ubuntu under repositories and it will help you out.02:38
gonz1hello ubuntu people!02:38
Ron_obut it's easier in Synaptic.02:38
troy_smcse:  It isn't the community's fault.02:38
BlueSwirlskippy81, good point :)02:38
troy_smcse:  ITS BROADCOM.  send them hatemail.02:38
naliothMCSE_Noob: the broadcom driver is in dapper02:38
MCSE_Noobwhat kinda card do you use, troy?02:38
zexr0joypad device, it used to work like an hour ago, and then now it dosen't work anymore02:38
brightok, thanks!02:39
Ron_oI don't have Synaptic open and I can't or I'd tell you exactly.02:39
MCSE_Noobso how do I get it working nalioth/02:39
Auckland_Pigbimberi: i got Desktop search... and it says "search services" not started02:39
Ron_ojust check in the menu when Syn* is open.02:39
fh|killyI'm stuck at "mounting root file system" on dapper CD - can't even get to the live Dapper.  Disconnected all hard drives and peripherals and get the same thing... any ideas?02:39
naliothMCSE_Noob: alt-f2 > gksudo network-admin      see what you can see02:39
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kbrooks_Auckland_Pig: click on the revelant button02:39
gonz1i just u/g to dapper and love the release ... but mouse copy-paste doesn't look to work. ideas?02:39
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skippy81BlueSwirl:  theres a really good quote about ideas by George Bernard Shaw which could have been about open source:- If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.02:39
naliothfh|killy: press f1 through f4 at the boot prompt and see if you can see any settings02:39
zexr0lurgee,  joypad device, it used to work like an hour ago, and then now it dosen't work anymore02:39
MCSE_Noobyeh it sees my card but when I activate it it just hangs there and then it finally says active but it won't connect to $hit02:39
bimberiAuckland_Pig: "Desktop search"?  I'm not familiar with that.02:39
MCSE_Noobthe driver blows or whatever02:40
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fh|killynalioth - what should i be looking for exactly?02:40
BlueSwirlskippy81, familiar with that one. use it alot myself.02:40
redguyseife: I'm sure someone else will help you out with this, got to go right now. It's pretty late in here right now02:40
troy_sMCSE:  openbsd has a good listing of open specced cards.  http://kerneltrap.org/node/4118 for a good article.02:40
MCSE_Noobmight just have to go get an orinoco02:40
naliothfh|killy: your wireless hardware listed02:40
skippy81BlueSwirl: yeah its a good one :)02:40
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shodanjr_grcross your fingers people!!!02:40
Auckland_Pigbimberi: i cant see "search for files" in my menu..... only search and that desktop search comes up02:40
lurgeezexr0: what were you doing when it stopped working? did you just unplug it? have you tried rebooting?02:40
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troy_smcse:  when you decide on a card, tell the vendor you chose it because of their open source / specifications.02:40
kbrooks_Auckland_Pig: you dont need to search for files02:40
seiferedguy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1510202:40
zexr0lurgee,  I just stop playing, well I'll try a reboot brb02:41
BlueSwirlskippy81, along with "capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men, for the nastiest of reasons, will some how work for the benefit of us all" - john maynard keynes02:41
seifesomeone help me i cant mount my windows partition rightly or i cant access to it, this is what i got on mount => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1510202:41
MCSE_Noobwho carries orinoco cards that work for sure troy?02:41
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lurgeewhen in doubt, reboot02:41
bimberiAuckland_Pig: this is gnome? Places menu?02:41
AlwaysIceyThere's a utility in the symatic package manager about Broadcom modems.  But, I'm not sure if it will help you in your situation MCSE.  You'll want to enable the different repositories (universe and Multiverse) to see it.02:41
Auckland_Pigkbrooks_: i want to search for files.... but cant find where it is in dapper02:41
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skippy81BlueSwirl:  yeah thats an excellent one - i dropped that in an essay at uni once :)02:41
kbrooks_Auckland_Pig: where are these files? in your home directory?02:41
troy_sblueswirl:  good quotes.02:41
Auckland_Pigbimberi: yes gnome,02:41
PeregrinoCan anyone help me with a live-expert ubuntu?02:42
BlueSwirlskippy81, nice :-) the best use of a quote in academia i know of is a friend of mine using HP Lovecraft in his physics dissertation02:42
troy_sblueswirl:  capitalism is fine as long as it doesn't start regulating things like literature, music, art, science, knoweldge, etc.02:42
BlueSwirltroy_s, cheeres02:42
grasshopperCan someone tell me aout screensavers?02:42
kbrooks_Auckland_Pig: use beagle to search for them. start the search service02:42
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RandolphCarterBlueSwirl: (spot the interest), but what did h quote?02:42
aaron_i need help installing my wireless network card02:42
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kbrooks_Auckland_Pig: in theBeno  GUI02:42
AlwaysIceywhat do you want to know about screensavers?02:42
spikebin other wrods, capitalism is fine as long as it's not touching anything important.02:42
BlueSwirltroy_s, but isn't that what it buys and sells?02:42
grapegilBlueSwirl, what'd he have to say ?02:42
troy_saaron:  you aren't alone.02:42
skippy81grasshopper, the good ones in linux use opengl - so you need an accelerated card to have them looking good02:42
kbrooks_Auckland_Pig: in the GUI, i mean02:42
Auckland_Pigkbrooks_: whats Beno?02:42
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aaron_can anyone help?02:42
BlueSwirlRandolphCarter, grapegil, can't remember exactly, it was the one about going mad if we investigate the universe too hard ;-)02:43
kbrooks_Auckland_Pig: i accidentally tabcompleted02:43
gonz1i just u/g to dapper and love the release ... but mouse copy-paste doesn't look to work. ideas?02:43
shodanjr_grOH YESSSS02:43
shodanjr_grIM WIRELESS BABY02:43
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grasshopperskippy81: but there are so few good ones in Dapper02:43
aaron_its a Dell Wireless 1350 WLAN PC card02:43
MCSE_Noobwhat card you using sho?02:43
mnkhello all. can someone tell me how to mount a vmware windows partition so i can see it under ubuntu?02:43
shodanjr_grNetgear WG51102:43
grapegili like the one about the only people who drink sober being the insane :)02:43
skippy81grasshopper, its the matrix one for the win i still think, i saw a guy who had the matrix opengl screenie as his wallpaper with XGL lol02:43
grapegilalso by lovecraft.02:43
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shodanjr_grversion 3, the one made in china02:43
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grapegili think he had a lot to say about the subject.02:43
MCSE_Noobhow'd you get it working?02:43
RandolphCarterBlueSwirl: ahh, most humans would go mad if they could correlate all of their data?02:43
troy_sblueswirl:  well knowledge must be free, and more and more computers perform knowledge tasks -- like books.  it gets very very ugly when you have MS telling how to run the 'web' or other protocols.  Apple too, as they have conquered the damn music end for the now.02:43
grapegil*dance sober, not drink.02:43
RandolphCarterBlueSwirl: or something along those lines02:43
laervian1good evening02:43
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BlueSwirltroy_s, definitely.02:44
PeregrinoMay someone tellme about live-expert on Ubuntu?02:44
seifesomone help02:44
BlueSwirlRandolphCarter, yeah, that one :-)02:44
troy_saaron:  you need to find the chipset to start02:44
ubotumethinks restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats02:44
MCSE_Noobhaha "someone help."02:44
grasshopperskippy81: i had a couple in Breezy that are missing in Dapper and i'm really missing them. Wondered if one can install more?02:44
troy_saaron:  lspci helps find that sort of stuff :)02:44
searaymani logged off then logged back into ubuntu and now my gdesklets wont start up? any ideas?02:44
AlwaysIceymnk, if it's the host, you'll need to use samba.  If it's a separate partition on the same vm, you should just need to use mount /dev/hd* where the * is the letter of the partition (like hda1).02:44
troy_saaron:  if it comes up with a vendor who likes secrets, you are hooped.02:44
Teddsearayman, don't use gdesklets02:44
aaron_troy: is that a channel?02:44
troy_ssamba stinks, use ssh02:44
laervian1does anybody know how to copy openoffice_math formulas into the writer?02:44
Caspiansearayman: put "gdesklets" in your startup sessions02:44
searaymanTedd:  i need the dock because i have my computer set up to look like a mac02:45
gimmulfHmmm i dont get any syntax highlightning in vim after upgrading to dapper02:45
troy_saaron:  open up a terminal and type lspci02:45
grasshopperskippy81: also in breezy i could tick as many as i wanted to and have them alter. In Dapper i see no option for this and one can only choose one at a time, am i right?02:45
aaron_lol, how do i open up a terminal02:45
aaron_im a neewb with the OS02:45
searaymanCaspian:  i did and it wont even start up if i try it manualy02:45
troy_saaron:  applications, accessories, terminal02:45
Caspiansearayman: System > Preferences > Sessions > Startup02:45
shodanjr_grcan anyone suggest a good C++ and a good JAva IDE?02:45
troy_saaron:  you asked.  you know now.  no problem.02:45
mnkAlwaysIcey: i am running windows within my ubuntu [ie ubuntu is the host] 02:45
pojeaaron_: f2 + gnome-terminal02:45
searaymancasi know02:45
troy_sshodanjr:  vi/emacs ?02:45
fh|killydoes anyone have link to the alternative installer?02:45
searaymanCaspian: i know i tried that it dosent work02:45
AlwaysIceyThen you'll probably want to use either samba or ssh.02:45
pojeshodanjr_gr: Eclipse is by far the best Java IDE02:45
pojeI think it has a C++ plugin, not sure though02:46
CaspianWhat do you get when you run pgrep gdesklets?02:46
AlwaysIceyYep, Eclipse does.  It has all sorts of plugins.02:46
skippy81grasshopper, dapper certainly has less options availiable, but i expect a replacement screensaver manager could be used02:46
shodanjr_grpoje can i get it through Synaptic?02:46
gonz1for dapper, ideas as to where he "lock screen" applet is? and mouse copy-paste isn't working for me, but worked on breezy fine. ideas?02:46
skippy81i will have a look through synaptic for you grasshopper02:46
aaron_troy: now wat do i do after i type that in?02:46
seifesomeone help me i cant mount my windows partition rightly or i cant access to it, this is what i got on mount => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1510202:46
troy_sgonz:  dapper is four days old.  might be growing pains.02:46
pojeshodanjr_gr: I am not sure - try it with apt-get, otherwise get it off the web02:46
troy_saaron: look for wireless card info.02:46
PeregrinoIs there a way to mount a HD running a Live ver. of Ubunut???02:47
grasshopperskippy81: what's up with that?! how can the next higher release have less options and less screensavers then a previous relaese?02:47
troy_saaron:  i am off... skippy might be able to help you.  he and others are quite knowledgable.02:47
gonz1thx troy_s. it worked really well for me re monitor resolution and video card support. breezey didn't fair as well.02:47
pojePeregrino: I think the live CD automounts the harddisk02:47
lurgeei know i'm asking a dangerous question but: how does one login as root?02:47
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troy_sgrasshopper:  streamlining.  keeping with the ubuntu goals.02:47
Ron_ohere's the question. How do I add the iso cd repository so the upgrade will occur there. If and when I did the CD the command was 'sudo apt-cdrom add'02:47
gonz1most things in dapper look quite good. i'm impressed.02:47
grasshopperskippy81: i tuped screensaver in synaptic but nothing came back02:47
aaron_thanks troy02:47
bimberilurgee: 'sudo -i' will get you a root login shell02:47
aaron_skippy: i found the wireless card troy was talkin about02:48
lurgeealso, what is the difference between dapper and breeze02:48
zexr0lurgee, reboot dosen't make it02:48
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ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.02:48
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Peregrinopoje, no, it doesn't let you mount them :/02:48
troy_sdon't use root02:48
zexr0but it seems to be undetected02:48
troy_sdamn dumb02:48
Ron_olurgee, Dapper is more stable, or should be. It's an update from Breezy.02:48
lurgeei need to change the admin's password02:48
troy_slurgee:  use sudo, avoid root.  if you want more info, read the openbsd mailing list archives :)02:48
bimberiRon_o: iirc it should offer to upgrade when you insert the cd02:48
pojePeregrino: For serious? I suggest probing the wiki then (or getting a knoppix live cd - that's what I use for recovery work)02:48
lurgeei cant login though, that's the problem02:48
grasshoppertroy_s: nah.nah.nah...sure i don't get an os for screensavers, but it is such a small thing no need to cut corners there or options. Wanna keep some customability02:48
skippy81grasshopper, how many do you have - i have at least 40 open gl screensavers accesable, but none with any 'advanced options'02:48
Ron_obimberi, you missed the point. hehe.02:49
laervian1zexr0: you can activate the root user anyway, I did it02:49
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Ron_oI have some very complex problems here.02:49
troy_sgrasshopper:  you can.  but the default install is trying to be streamlined for ease of use.02:49
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shodanjr_grdamn i really gota get my ATI drivers working....02:49
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Ron_oand it won't work your way anway.02:49
Caspianlurgee: Reboot, when you get to grub, select "Failsafe"02:49
shodanjr_grvesa is kinda slugish...02:49
troy_sgrasshopper:  you still have the option to go 'big' after the fact.02:49
pojegrasshopper: unfortunately Gnome is _still_ cutting options down in order for it to be "easier" on users02:49
zexr0laervian1,  it's not me that want to enable root user02:49
nbx909how do i know if i upgraded to dapper successfully?02:49
troy_sshodan:  yes.  it is standards based --  no accelleration.02:49
bimberiRon_o: yes, sorry i haven't been following - i just went on that post by itself :)02:49
pojeAnd yes, I heart Gnome and use it over KDE02:49
grasshopperskippy81: mostly crap all of them. the ones that were great in Breezy are gone, replaced with lots of crappy ones in Dapper without the options02:49
searaymanwhat is the software channel?02:49
laervian1zexr0: uh sorry02:49
Caspianlurgee: That will take you directly to a root terminal02:49
seifesomeone help me i cant mount my windows partition rightly or i cant access to it, this is what i got on mount => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1510202:49
Ron_ono problem. bimberi it's tough in here.02:49
zexr0laervian1, I want to make a usb device that was working an hour ago to work again02:49
=== Weirdbro [n=Weirdbro@pool-151-197-60-72.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippy81grasshopper, i think a lot of it is to do with the new gnome desktop02:50
bob_I I just wanted to pop in and thank everyone for the help they supplied earlier with installing Ubuntu over  Fedora. I'm now IRCing direct from my new install, Thanks!02:50
searaymanwhat is the software channel?02:50
skippy81the new gnome is definately cut back in places02:50
troy_sbob_:  spread the faith.02:50
spikebbob_, i didn't help, but you're more than welcome02:50
pojebob_: congrats :)02:50
laervian1zexr0: I am no expert sorry....i formatted my flashpen and it worked again after a similar problem though02:50
searaymandose anyone know what the software channel is?02:50
skippy81thankyou bob_ thats really nice of you to pop in and make us feel warm and happy :)02:50
troy_ssearayman:  no one responded. so no.02:50
Ron_osearayman, for software?02:50
troy_ssearayman:  try rephrasing.02:50
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laervian1zexr0: btw, do you know how to copy oo_math formulas into the writer?02:51
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Peregrinopoje: Now I'm on Ubuntu, and was wondering if I could mount one of my HD. What about running ubuntu live-expert?02:51
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spikebyeah you can02:51
zexr0laervian1, no sorry02:51
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grasshopperpoje: it has made it harder now for me to get what i want. There was never anything hard about having options and having more choice of screensavers. Thats hardly streamlining02:51
skippy81Peregrino, what filesystem are the harddisks?02:51
laervian1Peregrino: yeah you can, check the guide02:51
aaron_skippy: i need help installing my wireless Dell network card. Troy told me to  do lspci and look for wireless card, so i found that. now wat do i do?02:51
BlueSwirlnbx909, start firefox, the homepage should have stuff about this being dapper 6.06 etc etc02:51
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searaymantroy_s:  i tried installing somethign i downloaded and it said there was an older version in the software channel and it recomends i install that one02:51
gonz1ubuntu totally rocks! cut over to it from suse like 1.5 yrs ago. best dist out there, imnsho.02:51
bimberiPeregrino: Here's an example: "sudo mkdir /media/hda1 && sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/hda1"  (hda1 might have to change)02:51
Peregrinoskippt81: NTFS02:52
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grasshopperI can think of other areas where ease of use and streamlining could add functionality and ease to newbies like myself02:52
skippy81aaron_:  first you need to know the chipset of the wireless card - for that its exact model number and/or revision is needed02:52
nbx909BlueSwirl, is there some command line command?02:52
troy_sgrasshopper:  you can always get involved in dev with a little dedication02:52
grasshopperso, Guys, is there a way of adding more screensavers and/or adding options? or is that it?02:52
searaymanany ideas?02:52
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BlueSwirlnbx909, there is, but i can't remember it. gah02:52
schloobanyone know how i can change my window manager from metacity to ion3?02:52
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troy_sgrasshopper:  yes there is.  this probably isn't the best forum for it though.02:52
skippy81Peregrino, you should be able to get read access to it using gnomes built in discs utility in System - ADmin02:52
schloob(without losing any gnome features like printing)02:52
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PjottHi all!02:53
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Pjottagain ;p02:53
aaron_skippy: its a Dell wireless 1350 WLAN PC Card Model: WL-611GD02:53
Peregrinobimberi: you have to create a folder in /media to mount an HD :|02:53
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searaymananyone know what this means? "A later version is available in a software channel"02:53
BlueSwirlnbx909, try uname02:53
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grasshoppertroy-s: common...it was fine no need to have dumbed down the screensaver section or take away teh best screensavers. Sure i might have to email Mark about this02:53
laervian1hey, 3rd time...anyone here who can use openoffice math?02:53
skippy81Peregrino:  make a folder on your desktop, called NTFS and use the disk utiilty to mount the ntfs at that location02:53
nbx909BlueSwirl, not uname it's something else02:53
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bimberiPeregrino: you need to create a mountpoint somewhere - you can choose somewhere else if you like02:53
PjottJust wondered: Are there any MIDI Editing apps. for Ubuntu? Such as Cubase or Fruity Loops etc.? I know Mandriva had "RoseGarden".02:53
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AlienXlaervian1, i can use it but have no idea what i'm doing :)02:53
rixthHahaha banned from offtopic. Usually the other way around. God damn power tripping op.02:53
skippy81aaron_:  ok im going to look into it for you brb02:53
grasshoppertroy_s: what is the best forum for me to take this question?02:54
laervian1i need to copy a math formula into the writer02:54
laervian1no way02:54
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cometanyone recommend a good Xgl/Compiz howto for the newly released 6.06 LTS? the ones on the forums worked for me in the beta version, but now I'm not getting the same results02:54
aaron_skippy: thanks!02:54
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bimberiubotu tell comet about xgl02:54
ramza3anybody recommend a solid laser printer that is ubuntu friendly (dapper)02:54
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Madpilotrixth, grow up02:54
BlueSwirlnbx909, uname will atleast show what version of the kernel you have, and if it's the new version, then bingo :)02:54
AlienXramza3, anything by hp will work02:54
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SillyRabbitNvidia or ATI for Ubuntu ?02:54
Ron_oramza3, I can't exactly answer that but hp works well with linux.02:54
Peregrinobimberi: I think /edia is the best place then ^^, but i didn't kew I had to make a "mountpoint". I've been using linux for 2 days ;)02:54
nbx909BlueSwirl, true02:54
Eleafrixth, ;p02:54
kbrooks_Madpilot: i started it02:54
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pojegrasshopper: basically Gnome is oversimplifying and irritating power users while KDE has every option under the sun and irritates normal users who don't need to customize every little detail of their config and have to wade through all these obscure settings to do stuff02:54
bimberiPeregrino: :)02:55
icaroa pakage for so subtitle .srt  ,,,the xine not runnig02:55
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pojeSo...maybe XFCE or Enlightenment will step up, but who knows02:55
kbrooks_poje: don't flame02:55
SillyRabbitNvidia or ATI for Ubuntu ?02:55
ramza3why do hp printers look like fisher price toys02:55
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spikebpoje, xfce seems to be trying to02:55
pojekbrooks_: that was not a flame02:55
BlueSwirlnbx909, 6.06 has kernel 2.6.12-23, iirc02:55
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PjottSorry, don't mean to be rude. Did you miss my Question? :s02:56
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lurgeemy problem is that my admin username was somehow change; or for some reason the password that i've always used is no longer correct. so I can't actually log in02:56
pojespikeb: hopefully, I like several aspects of it02:56
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pojePjott: unfortunately I don't know about MIDI editing ;d02:56
grasshopperskippy81: i also have the default 40 or so. Most of them are diabolical in my opinion. The great ones always stand out and must have been recognised as such. Why they left them out, dunno? and the only options are either random, which means there is no control of what is chosen or one specifies only 1, hmmm....synaptics was no help here, huh?02:56
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pojelurgee: I think you can boot into recovery mode and that gives you root02:57
poje(or so I've heard)02:57
Pjottpoje: Hmmm :/ I'll Google... Best that way ;D02:57
pojePjott: someone else in here might know, just hand around :)02:57
bimberilurgee: choose "Recovery Mode" from the grub boot menu and use 'passwd lurgee" to change it02:57
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fh|killynalioth - how does this error sound: "cannot allocate resource region 3 of device 0000:05:00.0"02:57
hugh__Why is NetworkManager not picking up that I have network connections?02:57
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naliothfh|killy: you got me02:57
bimberilurgee: (or whatever your username is) :)02:57
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hugh__it just sits there saying 'no network connection'02:58
fh|killynalioth - is there a text only installer I can get somewhere?02:58
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josys36What is the best PPP dialer to use?02:58
pojeHahahaha EA is releasing their next Battlefield 2 booster pack on 6.6.0602:58
naliothfh|killy: there is, go get the 'alternate' install image02:58
fh|killyjosys i use ipppd with ISDN02:58
giindI cant shut ubuntu dapper drake down .... I can only hibernate.. what shall i do_02:58
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pojeTerrible amusing, considering EA is a servant of Satan02:58
fh|killyta nalioth02:58
grasshopperpoje: well i might have to go over to kde then. While i accept the distinction in principle, screensaver is a small thing and was not too complex as it was in breezy . Therefore to have simplified it even further, is strange. The time it took them to do that could have been spent elsewhere making real worhwile changes. Just my thoughts02:58
poje*terrible -> terribly02:58
naliothgiind: open a terminal and type "sudo shutdown -h now"02:58
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ubotu[ndiswrapper]  a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper02:59
pojegrasshopper: nooooo! Not the dark side!02:59
giindyes but does that solve the proplem permanently02:59
phuzdoes ubuntu have any builtin clustering apps? or is that being worked on02:59
seifeCan Someone help me mounting my windows partition02:59
satanEA brings in the lost souls regularly, and that keeps me happy02:59
lurgeethanks bimberi02:59
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bimberilurgee: yw :)02:59
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grasshopperpoje: dark side? what are you talking about?02:59
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pojeHahahaahahah satan, for the win02:59
aaron_skippy81: is that wat i should get?02:59
lurgeeis there a way to play partypoker using wine?02:59
giindtheres no sence in shutting it down if the problem wont get fixed02:59
ceuis there a dvd version of ubuntu 6.06?02:59
bimberiubotu tell seife about mountwindows02:59
josys36ok will try ipppd02:59
kevin_i want the desktop background images (wallpaper) to alternate every couple of minutes02:59
distanceisdeathWhy cant i play m4a in XMMS?03:00
pojegrasshopper: I have unfounded prejudices against KDE, don't ask03:00
kevin_anyone got a link for something like that03:00
josys36wine drives me nuts03:00
skippy81aaron_:  i think your going to have a really hard time here, your card is not a common one03:00
josys36try vmware03:00
pojedistanceisdeath: you need the correct codecs03:00
dxdemetriouIs there a command to make a backup for entire system? I want to move my installed Ubuntu in smaller disk on other pc03:00
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pojedistanceisdeath: check out mplayer03:00
distanceisdeathhow do i get those?03:00
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distanceisdeathi have mplayer03:00
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skippy81you will have to extract the *.inf drivers from the windows driver file and load them up with ndiswrapper aaron_03:00
giindhow do i install banshee03:00
distanceisdeathis banshee a music player?03:00
hugh__Why is NetworkManager not picking up that I have network connections? It just sits there saying 'no network connection'. Yet I am connected and I have all my interfaces in the /etc/network/interfaces.03:00
crimsungiind: use Applications> Add ...03:01
pHluidDoes anybody have any experience setting up accelerated graphics on an ATI 345M IGP or similiar?03:01
Peregrinobimberi: I've done what you said to me, but now i get an error telling me that I don't have permission to view the contents of the HD :S03:01
giindI know that.. but it wont show up03:01
BlueSwirldxdemetriou, have you investigated the dump command? that does something like what you are looking for, iirc.03:01
giindI really need it for my mp3 player03:01
hugh__when I say NEtworkManager I mean the applet03:01
aaron_skipp81: ok, i have the Dell CD, how do i do ndiswrapper?03:01
pojedistanceisdeath: did you follow the instructions on the mplayer site for installing the codec pack?03:01
satanpoje: haha :)03:01
obviouslytomIn the Synaptic Package Manager in Ubuntu, Do I want to install the linux-686-smp and the linux-headers-
obviouslytomIn the Synaptic Package Manager in Ubuntu, Do I want to install the linux-686-smp and the linux-headers-
giindcreative zen sleek..03:01
grasshopperpoje: dont take me wrong- i like gnome but it is small things like having a favourite screensaver in breezy not showing up in Dapper and then seeing that customization has been stripped to basically nil that annoys Common Mark Shuttleworth! youll be hearing from me03:01
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spikebenable universe to install banshee03:01
distanceisdeathi think so, i mean i can play the files on amarok and other things but not XMMS03:01
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grasshopper :o03:01
cluehammerobviouslytom probably the linux-headers one, that's why i'm doing anyway03:01
sjhwith the ubuntu 6.06 release, does anyone know what the three different cd imageas are? There is a desktop and server image (both obvious) what is the alternate image?03:02
mlalkakawhat's the ':' built-in command used for in bash?03:02
pojedistanceisdeath: I don't know about XMMS, so perhaps check the settings - that's all I can offer, sorry03:02
distanceisdeathits okay03:02
obviouslytomits for the P4 thats in my laptop thats why i am asking03:02
skippy81aaron_:  you need the windows driver named "bcmwl5a.inf", you then follow the ndiswrapper guide I linked, it should work OK if your lucky03:02
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distanceisdeathi just like using one player.03:02
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bimberiPeregrino: hmmk, try 'mount -o uid=1000 ...'03:02
seifebimberi: i did that and i cant access to my partition..03:02
grasshopperGuys?! can one downoad or add screensavers in KDE?03:02
Peregrinobimberi: thats....?03:02
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pojegrasshopper: yes03:03
pauliukasHello everybody03:03
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dxdemetriouBlueSwirl: the tar is not work? like: tar  cpf backup.tar --directory /mnt/hda1 ?03:03
hugh__Why is NetworkManager Applet not picking up that I have network connections? It just sits there saying 'no network connection'. Yet I am connected and I have all my interfaces in the /etc/network/interfaces.03:03
=== eric is now known as Crescendo
pauliukasCan anyone give me a little bit of help over getting 3D acceleration on my Radeon IGP-320?03:03
grasshopperpoje: if you see Mark before i do, you tell him, ok?03:03
gonz1aaaahhhh ....03:03
aaron_skippy81: thanks for your help03:03
bimberiPeregrino: In full "sudo mkdir /media/hda1 && sudo mount -o uid=1000 /dev/hda1 /media/hda1"03:03
BlueSwirldxdemetriou, not an expert on that sort of thing myself, sorry :(03:03
pojegrasshopper: however, if you are happy with Gnome I would spend the few minutes crawling the web/wiki to figure out doing it in Gnome and save the effort of installing KDE03:03
gonz1my copy-paste mouse is set to a different button ... under the scroll wheel.03:03
pojegrasshopper: which one is Mark?03:03
kevin_noone got any ideas about the alternating desktop background03:04
distanceisdeathis banshee a music player?03:04
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dxdemetriouBlueSwirl: thanks for help03:04
BlueSwirldxdemetriou, no problem03:04
grasshopperpoje: Mr Shuttleworth03:04
BlueSwirldxdemetriou, sorry i wasn't more useful! ;-)03:04
pHluidDoes anybody have any experience setting up accelerated graphics on an ATI 345M IGP or similiar?03:04
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bimberiseife: which bit did you try?03:04
pauliukaspHluid: I was just asking the same question...03:04
hugh__distanceisdeath, yes. an itunes clone03:04
Aletheswhat more do I need to do so that firefox will see the JRE that I have installed via the package manager?03:04
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dxdemetriouSomeone knows if I can use the command like: tar  cpfz backup.tar --directory /mnt/hda1 from livecd to backup my whole system?03:04
wastrelit's raining03:04
pojepHluid: good luck, ATI drivers are notoriously bitchy03:05
seifebimberi: what u mean wich bit?03:05
grasshopperpoje: are  you saying then that it is possible in gnome too? I thought you were sayuing gnome is for simpletons and is therefore stripped down and streamlined for simpicity?03:05
distanceisdeathis banshee worth it03:05
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spikebworth what?03:05
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distanceisdeathworth getting?03:05
pHluidpoje: I've noticed. And the 345M seems to be the bitchiest of them all... but it IS apparently possible, somehow. :\03:05
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spikebdistanceisdeath, probably03:05
hugh__distanceisdeath, I like rythembox but some like banshee03:05
grasshopperubotu tell poje who mark shuttleworth is, hehe03:05
westyanyone else with a net511t?03:05
pojegrasshopper: I was saying that the most visible ways of configuring Gnome are stripped down03:05
dxdemetriouBlueSwirl: I will try the dump at least :)03:05
siriushey does anyone else notice that in Ubuntu a wireless connection will periodically disconnect and reconnect?03:05
bimberiseife: diskmounter or the wikipage (in that mountwindows factoid)03:05
BlueSwirldxdemetriou, read the mna page first!03:05
siriusthrough network manager?03:06
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pojeYou can still do pretty much whatever, but it could be down to hacks/obscure witchcraft to do it03:06
BlueSwirldxdemetriou, man page i mean03:06
hugh__distanceisdeath, rhythmbox*03:06
sjhI found out anyway http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily/current/ tells me what the alternate image is for03:06
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wastrelsirius: that happens to me03:06
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pojeGnome is not for simpletons, the maintainers are just on a binge of removing complex configuration options03:06
siriusnovawastrel - how do you fix it?03:06
CrescendoUpgrade to dapper broke the system, it appeared to not initialize the display beyond the loading screen, as pressing the power button appeared to shut the system down safely... would this have to do with have two graphic cards?03:06
grasshopperpoje: oh, so it is actually more difficult then kde, i see03:06
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wastrelsiriusnova:  if you find out, let me know03:06
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pHluidpauliukas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1094437#post1094437 <-- similiar to your experience?03:06
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DarkTowersirius: YEs!! i thought it was just me03:06
siriusnovaits really really annoying to have my wifi connection drop in the middle of an install03:06
BlueSwirlCrescendo, something similar happened to my system, i had to force it to use the old kernel to get it to work03:06
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pojegrasshopper: depends on the situation ;)03:06
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Pepinitocan i uninstalled grub from the live-cd?03:06
gimmulfHmmm i dont get any syntax highlightning in vim after upgrading to dapper03:07
pojeI actually quite like Gnome03:07
pauliukaspHluid: Not really. I'm on the 320. I believe 2D acceleration is working, but I wanted 3D03:07
Pepinitoand install LILO?03:07
wastreli like gnome pretty good.03:07
grasshopperpoje: so things are easier to do in kde, hmmm... i see  :(03:07
pojegimmulf: check your .vimrc03:07
siriusnovaDarkTower - i think its a bug, it may have to do with low signal strength, maybe tho because in Windows at the same location my connection is low but it doesn't drop03:07
skippy81grasshopper, you could try "gconf-edior" and fiddle with the screensaver stuff in there03:07
DarkTowerAlot of people in here experience the disconnection with wireless. Do the dev team know why this happens?03:07
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grasshopperpoje: well, this situation!03:07
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pHluidpauliukas: Right, but you've tried the fglrx and radeon drivers already?03:07
siriusnovaDarkTower - i dont think the dev team cares :(03:07
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pauliukasRadeon yes, fglrlx nope.03:07
grasshopperskippy: and fiddle? great...03:07
CrescendoBlueSwirl, so would it upgrade properly, or is it still breezy when using the old kernel?03:07
BlueSwirlright, that's Objects in Space watched, time for bed i think03:07
DarkTowersiriusnova: the dev team usually cares bout bugs03:07
gimmulfpoje:  hmm dont have any03:07
hugh__Why is NetworkManager not picking up that I have network connections? It just sits there saying 'no network connection'. Yet I am connected and I have all my interfaces in the /etc/network/interfaces.03:08
pauliukasI've read a few blog entries and forum threads about it.03:08
skippy81grasshopper:  /apps/gnome-screensaver has soem options, and im sure you could search the net for some screensavers to add to knome03:08
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BlueSwirli have dapper with a different kernel on mine03:08
Peregrinobimberi: that worked out! could you tellme what I've done, please?? I' learning T__T03:08
Pepinitocan I uninstalled GRUB from the live-cd and install LILO?03:08
pauliukasIt involves changing the x config, which I've done. But it still doesn't "accelerate"03:08
BlueSwirlCrescendo, you just caught me before i left ;-)03:08
pojegimmulf: do a quick google for a vimrc tutorial :)03:08
copyofjohandoes anyone knows a good howto for using xen 3 under dapper drake?03:08
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DarkToweri have quite a high signla strength and it still cute out my wireless alot03:08
Seougeis it possible to update to dapper from breezy?03:08
skippy81hugh__: the network gui is useless, i just ignore it myslef03:08
MadpilotSeouge, yes03:08
CrescendoBlueSwirl, don't worry about it.03:09
SeougeMadpilot, how does one do it?03:09
CrescendoEnjoy the night.03:09
pojeSeouge: sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:09
Madpilotubotu, tell Seouge about upgrade03:09
grasshopperskippy81, where is apps?03:09
siriusnovahmm anyone else have wireless connection problems where your connection will just drop and then reconnect?03:09
siriusnovait could be a buggy Network Manager applet03:09
Seougethank you Madpilot03:09
grasshopperskippy81: /apps where?03:09
pHluidpauliukas: The "radeon" driver seems to work for me, but still show DRI as disabled, Mesa as the GL renderer, etc. fglrx just errors out with a "no device found" after install. :\03:09
skippy81grasshopper:  "gconf-editor" has folders inside it03:09
siriusnovaDarkTower - what kind of wifi card do you have?03:09
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BlueSwirlCrescendo, i type "old" at boot up screen, when it asks you what you want to boot (and you usually leave it blank and let it boot linux)03:09
bimberiPeregrino: sure :) - it mounts it so that that user has access to the partition (on the livecd the "ubuntu" user has uid 1000)03:09
r0xoRdoes anyone know what chipset to select for DMA when compiling a kernel for an iBook?03:09
grasshopperskippy81: which is where?03:09
pauliukasWell, pHluid, are you sure flrgx is compatible with our cards?03:10
DarkTowersiriusnova: a standard intel in a laptop, well supported, but ive experienced it on other cards aswell03:10
pvd2006Does easyubuntu work well?03:10
pauliukasI heard that it's for 8500+03:10
hugh__skippy81, I am trying the use WPA with my wireless network and the WPAHowto in the wiki says to use the applet. ANd I keep have DHCP problems when I use the other configuartion metoed03:10
pauliukasBut IGP is based on the 7000 series03:10
BlueSwirlpvd2006, it didn't work for me, but i've heard good things in general03:10
kbrooks_pvd2006: yes03:10
skippy81grasshopper; open a terminal and type "gconf-editor"03:10
Seougei'm getting this error message: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://koti.mbnet.fi breezy/ Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/koti.mbnet.fi_%7eots_ubuntu_breezy_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)03:10
PepinitoI want to replace GRUB with LILO, can someone help me?03:10
CrescendoBlueSwirl, is this the same thing as when using GRUB, it lists all the old Kernels?03:10
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siriusnovaDarkTower - i have an atheros based pc-card, i thought it was something to do with signal strength as it usually happened for me when i was far from the signal source, but i guess its a bug03:10
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pHluidpauliukas: No, I'm not sure at all. But I know it IS possible to accelerate it - I see forum posts about it, but I can't find any explanation of HOW it was done03:11
BlueSwirlCrescendo, i don't know, sorry :(03:11
Peregrinobimberi: thanks for teaching me ^^!! I really appreciate your kindness =D03:11
avisxgl is so neat !03:11
BlueSwirlCrescendo, good luck with your problem, i gotta run.03:11
BlueSwirlbye all03:11
CrescendoBlueSwirl, thanks anyways... you've been a great help.  Get some sleep!03:11
skippy81yeah xgl is good03:11
copyofjohanhow do I get a real Trash-Symbol onto my Desktop?03:11
pauliukaspHluid: Check. lemme get that link to that blog03:11
BlueSwirlCrescendo, toodles03:11
Seougeanyone know how i can fix that?03:11
giin1I cant shutdown ubuntu.. in the meny I can only hibernate, log out, lock screen or switch user..03:11
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avishehe now i will unwindowsize me and use multiple desktops :)03:11
Pepinitohow do i replace GRUB with LILO?03:11
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pauliukaspHluid: Come into #ubuntu-ca less traffic in the channel03:11
DarkTowersiriusnova: yeh it happens to me all the time, and my signal reads 97%, and theres no sources of interference here03:12
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wastrelgiin1:  sudo shutdown -h now doesn't work?03:12
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skippy81Seouge:  "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and take the offending line out03:12
giin1no it doesnt work03:12
DarkTowersiriusnova: i have a hotswitch for my card, i toggle it and it reconnects. it just happened then03:12
siriusnovaDarkTower - that sucks, with a show stopping wifi bug like that they shouldn't have released Dapper03:12
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DarkTowersiriusnova: i get it in breezy03:12
bimberiPeregrino: np whatsoever, glad to help.  Note that the "man" command gives access to documentation.  In this case 'man mount'03:12
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edvinasMD5how can i watch .avi format movies?03:12
siriusnovaDarkTower - i get it in dapper :(03:12
giin1it says this> Usage:    shutdown [-akrhHPfnc]  [-t secs]  time [warning message] 03:12
giin1                  -a:      use /etc/shutdown.allow03:12
giin1                  -k:      don't really shutdown, only warn.03:12
giin1                  -r:      reboot after shutdown.03:12
giin1                  -h:      halt after shutdown.03:12
giin1                  -P:      halt action is to turn off power.03:12
bimberiubotu tell edvinasMD5 about restricted03:12
giin1                  -H:      halt action is to just halt.03:13
giin1                  -f:      do a 'fast' reboot (skip fsck).03:13
giin1                  -F:      Force fsck on reboot.03:13
giin1                  -n:      do not go through "init" but go down real fast.03:13
giin1                  -c:      cancel a running shutdown.03:13
giin1                  -t secs: delay between warning and kill signal.03:13
skippy81quit the spam and use pastebin pretty please03:13
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giin1                  ** the "time" argument is mandatory! (try "now") **03:13
MTecknologygiin1, watch the pasting03:13
crimsungiin1: that paste is a bit much; please use pastebin.03:13
avispastebin.com only please03:13
Peregrinobimberi: thanks again ;)03:13
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avisthat is not allowed03:13
pojeYay for pasting man pages ;d03:13
tjsanyone have ubuntu running successfully on parallels?03:13
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MTecknology!tell giin1 about pastebin03:13
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@0x503e5bb4.ronxx5.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] by Madpilot
siriusnovawifi in ubuntu is buggy - maybe i should try the latest madwifi drivers from source?03:13
giin1tell me about pastebin03:13
skippy81just imagine if everyone pasted a man page, the whole freenode would go down :D03:13
tjs!tell tjs about parallels03:14
=== jighead [n=soccio@69-162-25-95.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpleenfeederHas anyone got a remote control to work on a Leadtek Winfast 2000XP tv card in Dapper?03:14
wastrelgiin1:  first, you should be careful about using commands that people give you on IRC03:14
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pojeI am going to play some Battlefield 2, so...yeah03:14
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giin1well it is already down i think03:14
pojeI'm sorta watching03:14
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .03:14
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=== MCSE_Noob[A] is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes
wastrelgiin1:  second,  sudo shutdown -h now    is the command - i think you probably forgot to use the "now" at the end.03:14
mnkpoor giin103:14
hugh__How do I get WPA and dhcp to work together? I can't get them to co-exist03:14
Madpilotgiin1, I muted you to stop that giant paste...03:14
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wastrelgiin1:  third:  welcome to the wonderful world of Usage:  messages!  enjoy :] 03:14
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oomphanyone have much experience setting up winbind with ubunto?03:15
oomphor can refer me to a good faq03:15
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giin1I wont paste anymore.. but the weird boy muted me..03:15
roaethello, anyone have the files: lilo and lilo.live ?03:16
Madpilotgiin1, you're un-muted now...03:16
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roaetI mean: lilo and lilo.real03:16
fh|killycan anyone give me an idea why i cannot boot Live CD's?  My dapper installer won't boot, so I tried my old Warty live cd, which used to work, but that doesn't work anymore either03:16
jigheadI'm trying to get a Lucent ISA modem working, I see PnP detects the card on boot, but it does not show up in lspci, should devices on the ISA bus show up when you do lspci?03:16
giin1btw it woudnt shutdown..03:16
oomphgiin1: are you familiar with setting up winbind?03:16
DarkTowerfh|killy: you probably need to set boot options in bios03:17
giin1no im not..03:17
kimbarothIs there a way to increase the desktop resolution to 1280x1024??? I have an nvidia card (6600GT) with the latests drivers.03:17
grasshopperskippy81: waste of time, lol03:17
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Spleenfeederkimbaroth: edit your xorg.conf file03:17
fh|killyDarkTower - what kind of options specifically?  I used to be able to boot into Warty live cd on this PC i think03:17
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: can you tell me how??? please^^03:17
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DarkTowerfh|killy: set the boot order to cd first03:17
fh|killymy boot order is fine03:18
=== legion [n=biteone@70-57-194-74.farg.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
fh|killyits just that its failing to actually get past the 'loading' stage03:18
DarkTowerfh|killy: then tell exactly what happens when you put the cd in and boot03:18
fh|killyin Dapper, the Ubuntu install menu comes up03:18
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fh|killyi select install -> it hangs at 'mounting root file system'03:18
fh|killyin Warty Live CD, it gets right up to the splash screen and the progress bar loaded to 99%, and hangs there03:18
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf .in that file inspect your monitor settings and see whether you can add 1280x1024 in front of the available resolutions in the screen settings03:19
NoUsefh|killy how did you download the ISO?03:19
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skippyfh|killy,  try "noapic nolapic acpi=off" etc03:19
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DarkTowerfh|killy: anything wrong with your hardware?03:19
fh|killynouse, i got my friend to download it, because i'm on ISDN, i checked md5 and its good03:19
fh|killyDarkTower not that i know of, thats what i'm trying to figure out03:19
NoUsefh|killy way ahead of me :-)03:19
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp15-128.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
fh|killyskippy - ok i'll try that, thanks, but what do you mean by "etc"?03:19
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kimbarothSpleenfeeder: ok, lemme try03:19
kevin_seems to be the answer to my question03:19
legioncan someone tell me how to mount a windows partition real quick?  I can't remember (Xubuntu dapper)03:19
kevin_now all i have to do is learn phyton03:20
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fh|killymount -t vfat /dev/blah /mountdir03:20
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: gnomes screen res app will only allow you what your xorg.conf has allowed.03:20
nbx909hrm for some reason linux isn't reading this cd any reason why it would do that?03:20
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: so you have to edit xorg.conf03:20
skippyfh|killy, only that you dont have to use them all together, just try adding the "noapic nolapic" first and see if it helps, if not try the acpi=off - there are lots of others as well, a few are listed on the CD03:20
nbx909all i get is a bunch of ???????03:20
=== slavik [n=Slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu
fh|killyok, thanks03:20
SpleenfeederSo, noone has a Leadtek Winfast card under dapper? ;/03:20
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kimbarothSpleenfeeder: whats "Depth" inside the conf file?03:21
Spleenfeedertv card that is03:21
=== ZeZu [n=NULL@c-69-245-160-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sspleenfeeder:  check mythtv for compat listings.03:21
ZeZuwhat is a good gui app for burning cds ?  i recall using one that was fairly nice but i dont remember the name03:21
skippySpleenfeeder, i think those are known to work well actually - check the myth tv site out i think they list compatible hardware with linux03:21
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skippyhehe troy_s got in there 1sr03:21
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: the bit depth, like 24 bit, 32 bit colour etc03:21
troy_sskip:  laf.03:22
troy_sskip:  just dropped in too.03:22
_darksoulFor the new dapper drake release, whats the better desktop on it, ubuntu or kubuntu03:22
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: just put 1280x1024 in front of the one listed as the default depth to begin with03:22
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: ohhhhh, the default depth is 24, can I increase it to 32???03:22
troy_sdarksoul:  stop or you will start a religious war.03:22
digikomZeZu: k3b is a good one03:22
troy_sdarksoul:  let's just leave it at the belief that free software is about choice ;)03:22
_darksoulWell im just curious, im running kubuntu and whats diffrent with ubuntu03:22
ZeZuyes thats it thanks03:23
skippy_darksoul,  i see gnome as the lesser of two evils to be honest :)03:23
AlienX_darksoul, fluxbox03:23
=== LinuxPoser [n=ted@24-52-29-63.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpleenfeederI was hoping to not use mythtv, just something simpler like kdetv, or will looking at the mythtv site help me regardless03:23
=== nuzzy [n=nuzzy@24-54-46-53.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_szezu:  just use the default burner creator and go from there.03:23
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ubotuBetter for what? Better for whom? Why don't you try them all, then decide for yourself?03:23
troy_sspleen:  the latter.03:23
=== valehru [n=valehru@c-24-98-143-4.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: yep, and then change the 32 bit depth resolution03:23
LinuxPoser!tell LinuxPoser wine03:23
skippylol i love the bot its so ... versitile :D03:23
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: oooooook03:23
troy_slaf ubotu knows better03:23
NoUse_darksoul I think Ubuntu is a bit more user friendly, but I find KDE more powerful but its all a matter of prefernce03:23
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, troy_s03:23
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, LinuxPoser03:23
=== newb [n=hey@s55908d48.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Pepinitoif you boot from a live-cd, how can you access your linux install?03:23
newbhi guyz03:23
gnomefreakplease dont play with the bot03:23
=== valehru_ [n=valehru@c-24-98-143-4.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_darksoulugh, whats that new xubuntu like03:24
SpleenfeederOk will inspect mythtv site :)03:24
gnomefreak_darksoul: xfce03:24
troy_sdarksoul:  you can try everything -- just flip through window managers.03:24
ZeZuanyone have problems with installing nvidia drivers on dapper ?03:24
newbis ubntu a good linux?03:24
MadpilotPepinito, you can mount your hard drive partitions on the live CD03:24
_darksoulgnomefreak: other then that.. just like before right03:24
skippyok heres the question, which is fastest out of kde and gnome? ive always been told gnome is more efficient - but its bloat makes up for it03:24
NoUsenewb yes03:24
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: I need to restart I assume, rite?03:24
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ZeZuskippy, gnome by far03:24
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: ctrl-alt-esc03:24
legionskippy: both are bloated.  Go Xubuntu03:24
=== chales [n=Owner@adsl-70-234-234-54.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: to restart xserver03:24
gnomefreak_tacoman_: dappers xfce is a little different than breezys03:25
newbhow can i register ?03:25
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: ok, sec03:25
Madpilotskippy, Dapper's Gnome (2.14) is smoking fast, it's amazing03:25
Madpilotubotu, tell newb about register03:25
=== Thumann [n=Thumann@0x535c1f0d.vjnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: I hope you backed up your old xorg.conf03:25
newbi want to be able to send private msgs03:25
=== AlienX likes fluxbox. No bloat, all action :)
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: yep03:25
PepinitoMadpilot: yeah, i want to do it to install LILO03:25
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ZeZucould be a biased opinion though, i hate kde with a passion03:25
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:25
Madpilotnewb, see the PM you just got from ubotu03:25
legionAlienX: your hardcore bro03:25
PepinitoMadpilot: can you help me?03:25
skippyMadpilot, yeah i have to agree there, Ubuntu Dapper is very fast by default - i set up gentoo yesterday and it only boots 4 seconds quicker :)03:25
Thumannhi, any one got this file? libvc1-1.0.tar.gz (it's for VLC (mediaplayer))03:25
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: so if for any reason it all stuffs up, just copythe old one back  and try again :)03:25
AlienXlegion, nah03:25
skippyand that was gentoo with no fancy modules etc03:26
Thumanntrying to enable VC-1 support en videolan03:26
roaetCan someone please link me to the files: lilo and lilo.real03:26
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: Ok, But, Nuffin Happens03:26
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MadpilotPepinito, ATA or SATA harddrive?03:26
PepinitoMadpilot: SCSI03:26
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: Nothing happens when you do ctrl-alt-esc?03:26
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: Ill change the res from system>preferences>screen res??? aite?03:26
=== robzilla1983 [n=rmf@fctnnbsc16w-156034223050.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: yep, it makes a refresh, but nothing more03:27
skippyThumann, have you tried installing VLCs extra plugin packs with synaptic?03:27
Thumannskippy: aye03:27
Thumannskippy:  it's not in it03:27
Spleenfeederkimbaroth: log out and then do it, also make sure you changed the resolution line for the bot depth that you defaulted03:27
MadpilotPepinito, OK. Do you know what the designation is of the partition you want to mount? (sda1, sda2, etc?)03:27
Thumannskippy: this is for WMV9 you know.. the hack DVD JON made..03:27
kimbarothSpleenfeeder: ok, brb03:27
=== linxeh finds it quite amusing that the ubuntu 6.06 ppc iso is larger than most 80min CDRs :/
=== newb [n=hey@s55908d48.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has left #ubuntu []
PepinitoMadpilot: sda103:27
=== giind [n=giind@0x503e5bb4.ronxx5.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotPepinito, then type "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /home/ubuntu/"03:28
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Ownermy friend has a really old gateway computer...i mean really old...like 600MHZ old, and he wants to install ubuntu on it. I went to the BIOS and i changed to boot prioroty to make it boot from the CD drive but it just doesn't do that03:28
OwnerAny idea why?03:28
=== eduardo [n=eduardos@200-148-45-216.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
legionYou know, Xubuntu install never asked me for a root pw.  How do I mnt a windows part if I can't login as root?03:28
mlalkaka2 keys on my keyboard are reporting the same scancode. however, the keys are meant to do different things. is it possible to change the scancode of one of the keys?03:28
Madpilotthat should get all of sda1 accessible from ~03:28
spikeb!tell legion about root03:28
giindwhat do you like most.. Kubuntu or Ubuntu03:28
=== eduardo [n=eduardos@200-148-45-216.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Fui]
skippyim having a little look around for you now Thumann :)03:28
robzilla1983i just installed ubuntu. i've got a second hard drive. when i try to view it through Places -> Computer I get an error message saying "Unable to mount selected volume." "error: device /dev/hdb1 is not removable" "error: could not execute pmount"03:29
robzilla1983any idea on how to mount that?03:29
Madpilotlegion, use sudo03:29
Ownerwhen it loads into windows and i autoplay the cd drive, it works fine, so the problem isn't from the cd-rom drive03:29
=== ckasprzak [n=ckasprza@69-162-199-115.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
giindI think Gnome is more simple than kde03:29
troy_sowner:  your boot priority isn't set correctly in bios.03:29
tonyyarussogiind: That's a converstion for -offtopic03:29
=== gigabyte_noteboo [n=kranian@] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sowner:  2nd check it... cd/dvd should be first in boot order.03:29
slavikgiind: as gnome grows keeping it simple will be a problem03:29
linxehhow do I burn the Dapper PPC iso from Dapper itself ?03:29
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mlalkakarobzilla1983: are you running dapper?03:29
Ownertroy_s, i changed the order, it's the cd drive, then the floppy, then the network, and finally the hard drive03:30
Peregrino|AwayIs there a way to write in an NTFS HD?03:30
troy_slinxeh:  complicated!  right click burn.03:30
PepinitoMadpilot, i did03:30
MadpilotPeregrino|Away, not safely03:30
linxehtroy_s: sure, except the ISO wont fit on a CD03:30
troy_slinxeh:  :)03:30
regeyaagree on gnome vs. kde being offtopic03:30
gnomefreakslavik: #ubuntu+1 is closed03:30
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MadpilotPepinito, did that work?03:30
troy_slinxeh:  try a dvd then03:30
robzilla1983what is dapper?03:30
gnomefreakthere is no +103:30
PepinitoMadpilot, yes03:30
=== steve_ [n=steve@S01060013461e8223.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
regeyawhoa...ubuntu+1 is  open already?03:30
MadpilotPepinito, cool03:30
gnomefreakdapper was released03:30
regeyaoh heh03:30
linxehtroy_s: if I had a dvd writer I would03:30
PeregrinoMadpilot: What do you mean?03:30
robzilla1983(i'm new to linux so please bear with)03:30
michael117robzilla1983: the newest release of ubuntu03:30
regeyaI was just thinking...dapper is the current release now!03:30
slavikgnomefreak: and edgy eft?03:31
chalesare you able to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06 without having to burn another cd with the new version?03:31
slavik#join #dapper+103:31
gnomefreakslavik: not out yet03:31
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MadpilotPeregrino, there are ways to write to NTFS, apparently, but sometimes they eat your data...03:31
bullragePeregrino, captive-ntfs03:31
SpleenfeederFair dinkum it's not straight forward setting up this remote is it?03:31
regeyawhat the devil is an eft03:31
=== iceaxe18 [n=iceaxe18@c-67-183-186-107.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
PepinitoMadpilot, what's next?03:31
Madpilotregeya, a young salamander03:31
slavikregeya: a young newt :)03:31
regeyameh even03:31
grapegilfair dinkum thinkum :)03:31
ubotuit has been said that eft is a newt in its terrestrial stage of development - the release after Dapper will be called Edgy Eft.  For information and pictures of efts/newts, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt, or try !edgy03:31
=== penny [n=penny@d205-250-96-201.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
cluehammeri'm a grumpy groundhog03:31
grapegili should read that book again sometime.03:31
rockzi try compile a programa that include Xlib.h ... how i install this lib ?03:31
giindthis is a bit to crowded dont you think)03:31
slavikgnomefreak: what if edgy eft had the devicescape kernel? what ya think?03:31
bimberilinxeh: you're using a 700MB CD?03:31
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lastnodeim a zany zebra03:32
PeregrinoMadpilot: Eat your data? O_o03:32
MadpilotPepinito, you should have all the stuff from sda1 mounted in /home/ubuntu now on your LiveCD session03:32
robzilla1983 on the main ubuntu website i click on "download" under desktop. and it's the 6.06 version that i'm running03:32
gnomefreakslavik: that is for #ubuntu-offtopic not inhere03:32
Madpilotneed food, will be back later03:32
michael117robzilla1983: Ubuntu likes to release new versions of the distribution every 6 months to keep up to date and this one is version 6.06 after the year and the month03:32
robzilla1983i dont' know if that's dapper or not03:32
PepinitoMadpilot, there s a mistake03:32
giindyou dont have to tell us madpilot03:32
rockzi try compile a program that include Xlib.h ... how i install this lib ?03:32
skippyThumann, its almost impossible to find that package anywhere, all the links to it have gone dead :(03:32
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PepinitoMadpilot, it mounted another disk03:32
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PepinitoMadpilot,  i have four disks03:32
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troy_slinxeh:  then remove files from the iso03:33
ubotuthanks basbryan :)03:33
MadpilotPepinito, you sure it was sda1 you wanted to mount?03:33
troy_slinxeh:  your options are pretty limited :)03:33
lukaswayne9I'm having troubling compiling the application gaim-rhythmbox on ubuntu.  It complains that I don't have gtk-dev installed, but I do.   What might be the problem?03:33
mshadeubotu, xgl03:33
uboturumour has it, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"03:33
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Ownertroy_s, any idea what might cause it?03:33
robzilla1983so do you know if there's anything I can do to try and mount that hard drive?03:33
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troy_slukas:  you need -dev and if you have it, you might not have the correct version or you might need to tell the make where it is at.03:33
robzilla1983there's also half of my main drive that i can't get on, same error message, but i'm not too concerned about that. all my stuff is backed up on the 2nd drive though03:34
troy_sowner:  upgrade the bios?03:34
Ownertroy_s, how would i do that?03:34
chalesSo, r u able to upgrade from an old version of ubuntu without having to burn a new cd?03:34
troy_sowner:  you are 100% certain that the boot is set to cd for first?03:34
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troy_sowner:  then reboot from scratch with the disk in before post03:34
skippyrobzilla1983,  what format is the parition you want to access?03:34
bimberichales: yes03:34
Thumannhey.. can anyone check if they have this file; libvc1-1.0.tar.gz ?03:34
bimberiubotu tell chales about upgrade03:34
Ron_ohey guys, skippy and all.03:34
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crimsunThumann: no, no one would by default03:34
troy_sowner:  if that fails, you might have a firmware bios issue... you will need to locate the make / model and find the motherboard, then track down the bios firmware03:34
skippyhello Ron_o03:34
Ron_oI got my iso mounted and I'm updating from it.03:34
troy_syay Ron_o03:35
Ron_oI mounted it in /media/cdrom.03:35
robzilla1983i would guess ntfs. i haven't checked the format of it since i bought it two and a half years ago, but as a rule i tend to use ntfs so that's mostly likely it03:35
=== delire [n=delire@p54BCE54D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sron_o: congrats... hopefully that will help you out.03:35
Ron_othe only problem there was is I had to keep remounting it.03:35
Ron_owe'll see.03:35
Ron_oif it doesn't I know how to do it now.03:35
Ownertroy_s, can i load the cd from ms-dos?03:35
Thumanncrimsun: it's for VLC WMV9 support.. link on mainpage is down though.. and i can see it mentioned a few times in the ubuntu forums.. so it could be somebody had it..03:35
Ron_oand I'm going to have to get some books on Linux.03:35
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a340-3269.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
jimeowner: i have had to replace the cdrom on the older gateways... the cdrom will work fine except it wont read a cd from boot03:35
skippywell you can mount it easily, robzilla1983 - try just doing it with the graphical tool first03:35
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Ron_oI really am lacking fundamentals.03:35
=== Matthew [n=chatzill@ip70-181-181-12.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuxgl is probably "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"03:35
Ron_othanks for the help!03:35
troy_sron_o:  how linux works is a great book if you want one to hold onto... and everything from oreilly.03:35
=== blanky [n=jorge@pool-71-104-117-215.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flory_Sorry if anyone responded to my question I was disconnected and I didn't see the response03:36
blankywhat's the ubuntu development channel03:36
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eduardocompartilhamento de pasta no funciona03:36
troy_sron_o: no starch press -- how linux works03:36
Ron_oI'll look, troy_s .I know about Oreilly.03:36
crimsunThumann: you can download it from dvdjon's Web site.03:36
robzilla1983what's the graphical tool ?03:36
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blankyGuys, where's the ubuntu development channel03:36
eduardoalguem fala portugues?03:36
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.03:36
Seougeproblem: Couldn't stat source package list http://koti.mbnet.fi breezy/ Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/koti.mbnet.fi_%7eots_ubuntu_breezy_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)03:36
Thumanncrimsun: like i said.. link is down03:36
skippyrobzilla1983,  make a new folder on your desktop called "ntfs" and use the discs tool under "system", find the partition and mount it under the folder you made - should give you read only access to it03:36
=== Peregrino is now known as Peregrino|Away
Seougei'm getting that message when i try to apt-get something, what do i do?03:36
delirei'm currently in Debian assisting a friend of mine whose just upgraded to Dapper but is now offline. while she can log-in she is dumped straight back to the login screen. any ideas there? ~/.xsession-errors says Nautilus can't connect to the display, so we've been deleting ~/.ICEAuthority each time to get in..03:37
eduardo que l ninguem responde03:37
NoUseSeouge run 'sudo apt-get update'03:37
gnomefreakSeouge: open the /etc/apt/sources.list and add a 3 to the fronnt of that repo03:37
Ron_oI was talking to others in offtopic but they thought I had to boot to upgrade.03:37
gnomefreakubotu tell eduardo -about pt03:37
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blankygnomefreak, he said no one listens/responds I think03:37
Ron_oit's a bit confusing to tell you the truth.03:37
ic56robzilla1983: there is a standard script to do all this.  It so happens I recently updated it.  Wanna be my guiney pig?03:37
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troy_seduardo:  google translate!03:37
bimberiblanky: #ubuntu-devel03:37
blankythanks bimberi03:37
bimberiblanky: np03:38
Thumanncrimsun: http://nanocrew.net/sw/ is deleted aparantly03:38
troy_sron_o:  it's just because you are a bit new to the whole open source way... don't worry... it will grow on you and you will wonder why the hell you started off in the other zone.03:38
Ownerjime, is it easy to install a Desktop's external cd-rom drive into the laptop?03:38
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crimsunThumann: google for an archive03:38
eduardothanks I go to ubuntu-pt03:38
troy_sron_o:  a lot of the commercial operating system bits don't make much sense, but because you grew into them, you take them as 'standard'.03:38
Ron_oit's all fundamentals that's all.03:38
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=== taser is now known as firehat
robzilla1983skippy: what happens if i don't have enough room to mount it? my second drive is about 76 gigs, and i have less then 40 gigs free on my primary disc03:39
Ron_oI've had way more problems on my Win Machine.03:39
troy_sron_o:  which is why "how linux works" is awsome -- it tells you exactly how a linux system works -- without getting distro specific.03:39
Thumanncrimsun:  -_- and you didn't think i did that before asking here?03:39
troy_sron_o:  i can't recommend it enough.03:39
Ron_oI would spend hours killing adware and the like.03:39
ic56robzilla1983: mounting doesn't occupy any space.03:39
troy_sron_o:  make no mistake, malicious computer attacks don't stop with linux.03:39
skippyrobzilla1983,  mounting doesnt require much space :) its not like your copying the contents - just making linux able to "see" them03:39
=== Davey|MbP [n=davey@77-231.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunThumann: the chances of you finding an archive are pretty slim in here...03:39
=== eggzeck [n=exec@cpe-66-65-31-185.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sron_o:  security is security, it is here to stay as much as crime is in the outside world.03:39
skippyRon_o, yeah in many ways a linux box is a far jucier target - its a credit to linux that half of the www stays up :)03:40
=== bderrly [i=bderrly@c-71-234-101-200.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
robzilla1983skippy: do you just change the access path in the partitions tab?03:40
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Ron_oI know that.03:40
Thumanncrimsun:   you've been a great addition to my search03:40
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skippyyeah robzilla1983 , that access path is the mount point03:40
Ron_oI know security isn't absolute.03:40
B0FHok i installed frostwire why will it not run?03:40
troy_sron_o:  little known fact:  there are more linux exploits out there than windows.03:40
seifei need heko03:41
troy_sron_o:  we all need to learn a step or two from openbsd...03:41
gnomefreakB0FH: do you have java installed and working?03:41
Flory_How do I rename my xorg.conf_backup to xorg.conf in the terminal?03:41
bullrageIs there a command to give my user constant root access without su - or sudo?03:41
Seougegnomefreak, what am i supposed to put a 3 in front of03:41
skippyRon_o,  start with a strong admin password, and dont enable ssh until your password contains multiple non-dictionary words and numbers03:41
troy_sflory:  mv03:41
B0FHgnomefreak: um....yes i think so03:41
gnomefreakSeouge: not a 3 a #03:41
seifehow do i reproduce formats like .asx or .ram to see tv on the internet, totem tells me that i need the decoder, i already installed the w32 codecs and nothing happened03:41
SpleenfeederFlory sudo mv xorg.conf_backup xorg.conf03:41
skippythat will stop 80% of hackers03:41
gnomefreakB0FH: what does java -version output?03:41
Flory_Thanks :)03:41
gnomefreakB0FH: dont paste it just give me an idea03:42
digikombullrage:  sudo -s for root shell03:42
skippyit really makes me laugh when i hear about someones "apple32" account getting hacked03:42
Ron_otroy_s, you might be right but not for one disto, re exploits.03:42
deliretroy_s: that is hardly true.03:42
B0FHgnomefreak: 1.4.203:42
gnomefreakB0FH: is it gjc?03:42
gnomefreakor gcj?03:42
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deliretroy_s: Linux is open about all it's known exploits. proprietary operating systems certainly aren't.03:42
gnomefreaksomething like that B0FH ?03:42
Ron_odelire, there are for all the linux distos combined.03:42
bullragedigikom, I'm trying to move files from one partition to another but can't do this without using sudo03:43
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delireRon_o: yes of course, including non-critical local exploits.03:43
B0FHgnomefreak: gij?03:43
troy_sdelire:  just talking quantities... linux is a heavy target because of its place in webservers... but alas, offtopic.03:43
linxehbullrage: change the permissions on the target directory03:43
Ron_othat's what some study said.03:43
Flory_How do I restart linux in the terminal?03:43
delireFlory_: sudo reboot -n03:43
linxehFlory_, : sudo reboot03:43
Ron_obut they were using a linux distros as one.03:43
skippyim a bit of a secrutity noob - can mysql, php, apache etc be run from a chrooted environment? and would doing that prevent someone from being able to take your entire box offline?03:43
gnomefreakB0FH: paste the output of java -version to pastebin please03:44
B0FHgnomefreak:  ok03:44
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linxehskippy: yes, and no03:44
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robzilla1983skippy: i can't see my desktop when i click that change button for access path03:44
xxyyzzHow would I use the terminal to look for a hidden file called '.ircrc'?03:44
kimbarothHi there again, i messed up my xorg.cong, how can I re edit it from the live CD03:44
bderrlyls -a03:44
linxehxxyyzz: locate .ircrc03:44
delireRon_o: yes, i remember the study, and they were including proof-of-concept local exploits.03:44
linxehor ls -a :)03:44
B0FHgnomefreak: http://pastebin.com/75885303:44
gnomefreakty brb03:44
bderrlykimbaroth, vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:44
bullragelinxeh, when right clicking the folder i want to copy to, and putting a tick in the read/write/execute boxes, the tick disappears straight away03:44
Ron_oMS's influence goes deep.03:44
skippyrobzilla1983,  i dont understand "I cant see my desktop" ?03:45
Ron_oOS will win because it's real freedom.03:45
Ron_oand ideas get mixed.03:45
=== Remy [n=Remy@203-158-63-104.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Ron_oClosed Source is like the Great Wall of China.03:45
linxehbullrage: what filesystem is the target ?03:45
xxyyzzI'll try that, thanks03:45
skippyoh robzilla i see what you mean, you need to browse to /home/yourname/desktop to find it03:45
bullragelinxeh, ntfs, using captive-ntfs to write03:45
gnomefreakB0FH: install java please03:45
linxehbullrage: and do you have permission to change it? you might want to try from the command line using sudo chmod03:45
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gnomefreakB0FH: are you on dapper?03:45
B0FHgnomefreak:  yes03:45
=== deshantm_ [n=deshantm@ool-45796435.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
linxehwhy do it this way? why not get ext2 support into windows? it is more reliable03:45
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ic56robzilla1983: to what did you set the mountpoint for your NTFS drive?  Hopefully not the location of your desktop?03:46
xxyyzzOkay, "locate .ircrc" did nothing, no error or anything, just went to the next line...03:46
deshantm_does anybody how to setup ekiga?03:46
grapegilhmm. last time i installed ubuntu, it came with no compilers.03:46
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bderrlyxxyyzz, ls -a03:46
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, deshantm_03:46
xxyyzzAnd "cd /" "ls -a *ircrc*" did "no such file or directory"03:46
grapegilthat pissed me off enough to immediately uninstall it :-?03:46
skippylinxeh, yeah but ext2 isnt used much linxeh, and ext3 isnt readable in windows i dont htink03:46
robzilla1983skippy: i put a folder on my desktop called ntfs. i don't know what you meant about setting the mountpoint03:46
gnomefreakB0FH: run sudo update-alternatives --config java03:46
ubotusomebody said ekiga was full-featured SIP and H.323 compatible VoIP, IP-Telephony and Videoconferencing application that allows you to make audio and video calls to remote users with SIP and H.323 hardware or software.03:46
bullragelinxeh, because I don't plan on rebooting for a while, and the ntfs drive is a backup drive with a lot of data on it so I don't want to format it, just write data03:46
bderrlykimbaroth, i answered you above03:46
varsendaggrahhh i can't  uninstall foxytunes     from firefox   or rather i installed it with sudo and now i can only get it with sudo03:46
gnomefreakB0FH: how many choices does that give you?03:46
skippyrobzilla1983,  use the disks utilitys, and use the ntfs folder as the "access point", then enable the ntfs partition03:47
ic56robzilla1983: to what did you set the "access path"?03:47
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B0FHgnomefreak:  2 with a *+ next to the number 203:47
robzilla1983skippy: access path is that folder on my desktop03:47
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deshantm_i setup an account, but don't know what to put in for the registrar03:47
kbrosnanvarsendaggr, extensions are dependent on the user03:47
skippygood, now enable the volume and you should be able to get into your disk through the ntfs folder03:47
varsendaggrwhere are firefox extensions installed then?03:48
deshantm_i can't find any docs on google or the wike that are useful03:48
cachedmy sound stopped working ever since i upgraded to dapper03:48
gnomefreakB0FH: enable multiverse repo and install java 1.5 or use the wiki to install java from sunjava (i perfer the latter03:48
gnomefreakubotut ell B0FH about java03:48
kbrosnanvarsendaggr, you need to install it again for your normal use03:48
bullragelinxeh, any idea?03:48
kimbarothHi there again, i messed up my xorg.conf, how can I re edit it??? im ussing the live cd rite now (and I dont know how to access the /etc/x11/xorg.cong of my installed system from here).03:48
xxyyzzbderrly, got any other ideas?03:48
Lolita__19X--Hi guys, i want to change the file associations in ubuntu, can someone help me???03:48
gnomefreakubotu tell B0FH about java03:48
cachedhow do i fix my sound? my sound stopped working ever since i upgraded to dapper...03:48
skippy"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" kimbaroth03:48
robzilla1983skippy: i dont' see anything about setting an access point03:48
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varsendaggrkbrosnan, it is there but it is jsut a red carrot03:48
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ic56robzilla1983: what *exactly* did you type as the "access path"?  You probably typed it wrong.03:48
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varsendaggrohh i get it03:49
PjottJust tried to install Ubuntu03:49
=== Whoops [n=harold@S010600c04f73f30e.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bderrlycached, run alsamixer, are any of the channels muted?03:49
varsendaggri need to uninstalle with sudo03:49
robzilla1983i just clicked the change button and it brought up another window, then i browsed to my foler from there03:49
linxehPjott: congratulations on picking the best distro :)03:49
skippyrobzilla1983,  good youve done it03:49
cougerI need a pointer for a read me on getting smb configured if possible.03:49
cachedbderrly: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device03:49
JustinLynnPjott>how'd it go?03:49
skippynow just click "ENABLE"03:49
=== gnomefreak brb need a smokey
Lolita__19X--Can someone help me, i want to change the file association for MP3 in ubuntu ???.. :S please helpe!...03:49
Pjottlinxeh: Let's discuss that some more, shall we?03:49
PjottI got "Freq. Error" on my screen. Not from Ubuntu, but from the crappy thing in the monitor-machine03:49
bderrlycached, is the module for your sound card loaded?03:49
skippyLolita__19X--,  right click on an mp3 file and choose the program03:49
cachedbderrly: how can i tell?03:50
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PjottI also tried to increase it to 800x64003:50
PjottStill did not work :s03:50
Lolita__19X--@skyppy: yeah i know, bu i want to double click on the file and get it open automatically with the prog i choose :(03:50
bderrly /sbin/lsmod03:50
cached0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)03:50
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bderrlycached, look for ac97..i think that is what it is called anyway03:51
robzilla1983under the "Status" part in the partitions tab, it says Accessible, and the button actually says "Disable" , and there's a "Browse" button next to it03:51
skippyLolita__19X--,  yeah that should work right click "properties" and then "opens with"03:51
cachedbderrly: where?03:51
skippyrobzilla good, now leave that screen and open the ntfs folder on your desktop03:51
bderrlyin the output of `lsmod'03:51
Lolita__19X--@skippy: ok i'm going to try that03:51
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robzilla1983there's nothing in the folder03:52
bderrlyeeek, they are directories, not folders03:52
bderrlyno winspeak here03:52
PjottI've been looking ALL over the place on the monitor's menu for frequenzy settings. I'm in Windows XP Professional now. Should I put it down to MAXXX-Low from here and retry?03:52
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Lolita__19X--@skippy: HEY thanks a LOT!!03:52
edvinasMD5how can i mount my windows hard drive from linux?03:52
skippynp Lolita__19X--03:52
Lolita__19X--@skyppy: that worked great!03:52
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robzilla1983should there be something in my ntfs directory then ? because it's empty03:53
wimsPjott,  make sure you find out what your monitor can handle03:53
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Lolita__19X--Can anyone recommend me a good python editor, and a good ftp client for Ubuntu?03:53
skippyrobzilla1983,  if you have mounted the ntfs volume correctly in disks it will show up under its access point03:53
ice_1963Window's xp what's that...:)-03:53
wimsi have permanently dmaged a monitor by chooisng wrong frequencies, although that was an old monitor03:53
seifeHow do i play video formats like .ram or .asx that are used for an internet tv channel? i installed gxine, w32codecs, nothing works. HELP03:53
cougerhell they used to be directories in dos as well before winblows gobbled everything up on that side.03:54
gearryI just upgraded to Dapper, and decided to try out rhythmbox03:54
skippydoes anyone know how to mount an ntfs volume from the shell please?03:54
robzilla1983then i don't think i mounted it correctly03:54
delireLolita__19X--: i like vim for python, and gftp as an ftp client.03:54
Ron_oseife, ram would be realplayer..03:54
bderrlyskippy, yes03:54
gearryI can't get it to work at all, I launch it, get the setup screen, and it hangs03:54
Ron_oI updated through their website, IIRC.03:54
Lolita__19X--yeah but vim indents automatically and colors the text?03:54
catchjoshCan anyone recommend a specific Postfix GUI (Web-based administrations work, too...)?03:54
WoodwardAveskippy: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/(device here) /(mountpoint)03:54
Ron_oor you could try to do so with apt or synaptic.03:54
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lightstarLob-Sogular, for ftp you can use grtp03:54
ic56skippy: I know how to mount an NTFS volume from the CLI.  What's the problem?03:54
gearryI can't even kill -9 the damned thing03:54
lightstarLob-Sogular, gftp03:54
PjottI have a HITACHI CM823F 21" CRT Dual Screen. It should handle it. My settings in Windows are: 60 Hertz. On my Monitor's Menu, I have: 53 kHz / 60 Hertz03:55
Ron_oasx, I'm not sure but there is a way.03:55
delireLolita__19X--: it colours the text yes, with :syn on.03:55
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delireLolita__19X--: it indents with ">>"03:55
navaroneI must say xfce4 in dapper is sweet03:55
kimbarothbderrly: vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf wont worked, it opens the xorg.conf of the live CD not the one that i was using in my installed system03:55
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wimsPjott,  you need to look in the manual for horizontal and vertical frequency ranges03:55
Ron_onavarone, is it?03:55
Ron_owhat's the diff?03:55
Pjottwims: Will do! ;)03:55
wimsand then adjust your xorg.conf so that it matches your min and max ranges03:55
robzilla1983under the disc utility, if the status says accessible, if i disable then enable, will that actually delete anything off that disc?03:55
Pjottwims: For Ubuntu, or the Monitor?03:55
wimsfor the monitor03:55
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PjottBut I thought the "VGA" modus in Ubuntu CD-Boot should fiX such stuff, or atleast Ignore'em? :s03:56
bderrlykimbaroth, you need to mount the hard drive and edit the file...  mount -t ext3 /dev/hda /mnt/foo && vi /mnt/foo/etc/X11/xorg.conf ...obviously you need to edit the device and mount point but you get the idea03:56
navaroneRon_o: I have relatively old machine...1.2ghz athlon...xfce uses it well...512mb ram03:56
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skippyok cool, robzilla1983 there you have it - open a terminal now type "sudo mkdir media/ntfs" then type "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda? /media/ntfs" changing the questionmark for the number of your partition03:56
Ron_ohehe, navarone I have an older machine by about a year or two. :)03:56
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bderrlykimbaroth, if you have grub installed you can also use the recovery mode option to get to a command line and edit your xorg.conf that way03:56
Ron_ohalf RAM, 1/3 CPU.03:56
PjottThis was freaky03:56
PjottI just took it down to 800x640 in Windows :s03:57
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skippyrobzilla1983,  no it wont, but i really cant see what you are doing wrong, try the command line method03:57
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delireLolita__19X--: but there are many good GUI IDE's around for python.03:57
Pjottwims: I've never seen you so close to me before :s03:57
navaroneRon...it is a bit minimalistic but cutomizing the panels and such is elegant and I found intuitive03:57
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skippyWoodwardAve,  thanks for that03:57
Ron_oI think XFCE is great.03:57
Ron_oit's all I need, expecially with the plugins.03:57
=== Kevin__ [n=chatzill@adsl-69-208-66-79.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippydoes XFCE work with compiz?03:58
Kevin__hey im lookin for some help03:58
=== navarone doesn't know what compwiz is...
robzilla1983when i try the command line i get an error message saying no such file or directory exists03:58
skippyim quite a compiz fan = well i like the effects which tax the gfx card and not the cpu anyway03:58
gnomefreakKevin__: if you dont tell us what the issue is how do we help you?03:58
Ron_oKevin__, that's what we're here fer'03:58
seifeHow do i play video formats like .ram or .asx that are used for an internet tv channel? i installed gxine, w32codecs, nothing works. HELP03:58
DarkMageZskippy, yeah, JKnife has gotten it to work, xubuntu is #xubuntu03:58
skippyrobzilla1983,  which command ?03:58
Kevin__ok how do i run GUI in the server version03:58
bderrlyseife, someone already answered you above03:59
robzilla1983sudo mkdir media/ntfs03:59
skippycool DarkMageZ i might try it some time :)03:59
Ron_oseife, I already said that ram is realplayer...03:59
Ron_oand asx I don't know right now.03:59
seifesorry, i didnt change the question its just .asx03:59
Whoopsanyone know why flashplayer is not downloading03:59
spikebasx is windows media03:59
navaroneskippy I haven't got nvidia driver installed to systems satisfaction. may need a fresh install...but no matter. I never ran many 3d apps or games anyway03:59
Ron_ooh, :)03:59
bderrlyKevin__, you need to install the xserver packages and gnome, etc03:59
seifespikeb: how do i install windows media in linux?03:59
bderrlyi would recommend installing ubuntu-desktop03:59
Kevin__i think i did03:59
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Ron_oseife, there's a huge page in ubuntu.wiki on that subject.03:59
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skippyrobzilla try "sudo mkdir -p /media/ntfs" then04:00
Ron_otry there since no one here knows. or wants to help.04:00
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ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:00
bderrlyflash sucks04:00
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yaruhow do i disable the touchpad on the laptop? it's been very annoying when i type04:00
Lolita__19X--Does anyone knows why my XGL crashes X after a while u__u04:00
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:00
skippynavarone,  yeah the drivers are a pain, mine a quite buggy04:00
bderrlyyaru, have you checked the bios of the laptop?04:00
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navaroneskippy...I'ver tried everything...lol04:01
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yarubderrly, yes i have... it's phoenix blah blah ; when there was no option to turn it off04:01
Pjottwims: I've set everything to "Low" now.04:01
Pjottwims: Hope this'll be alright (-:04:01
bderrlyyaru, hmm, i don't know how to disable on a live system i can disable mine in bios...04:01
KevinIN72Ok how do I start gnome04:01
troy_sseine:  windows media is laden with problems.04:01
PjottSo, See you guys soon I hope! =)04:01
kimbarothbderrly: with the recovery console what do I type???  vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf ???04:01
robzilla1983okay. that line worked. what should i try next in terminal ?04:01
troy_sseine:  best bet is to script and vert all of your stuff away from it.04:01
Lolita__19X--Does anyone knows why my XGL crashes X after a while04:01
bderrlykimbaroth, yep04:01
troy_slolita:  yes i do04:01
robzilla1983sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda? /media/ntfs?04:01
bderrlyLolita__19X--, because it is alpha software04:01
kimbarothbderrly ook lemme try04:01
troy_slolita:  its because the drivers for nvidia and ati are proprietary and closed source and therefore the community can't fix the problems.  we must wait for those companies.04:02
Lolita__19X--oh that sucks..04:02
skippyLolita__19X--,  i assume you have read the thread http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148351&highlight=xgl+compiz+thread+rule ?04:02
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yarubderrly, which option did you turn it off? probably i might have missed something at bios?04:02
troy_slolita:  some bugs are in xgl/compiz -- many are in the interaction between the card and the drivers.04:03
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bderrlyyaru, hmm, i don't recall, i did it a while ago04:03
delireLolita__19X--: XGL is pre-alpha software. it'll all work pretty well soon enough. give it 6 months.04:03
Saad_Does anybody know the correct "Time Zone" for people living in CST and in Texas or somewhere close to there?04:03
skippymy xgl is rock solid, but i have annoying niggles - windows resize poorly, no vsync on the desktop etc04:03
crimsunSaad_: CDT, normally.04:03
Saad_Ok, let me check.04:03
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skippyhehe what does CDT stand for?04:03
skippycentral dessert time? :D04:04
bderrlyCentral Daylight Time04:04
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skippyah i c :_04:04
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valehruhmm...is there a way to minimise the xchat to the system tray?04:04
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KevinIN72can anyone help me with switchin to GUI04:04
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skippyKevinIN72,  what do you mean?04:04
yarubderrly, that's fine then :) thanks so much though04:04
st3v3dndDoes anyone know of any dedicated or virtual hosting providers that support the Dapper Server version?04:04
bderrlyKevinIN72, if you have installed all the gnome/xserver/gdm crap then sudo gdm04:04
KevinIN72so i type gdm??04:04
bderrlyyaru, sorry i couldn't help more04:05
robzilla1983skippy: i got the sudo mkdir -p /media/ntfs to correctly work. what should i try next ?04:05
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bderrlyKevinIN72, give it a whirl04:05
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Lolita__19X--thanks guys04:05
skippyst3v3dnd, as far as i know most hosts dont like to make clear what machines  they use - you just get a directory in a webserver tree04:05
D-sideany urls or info on making nvidia drivers go in dapper?04:05
KevinIN72'sudo gdm' command not found04:05
Lolita__19X--one last question : how can i setup gaim so it starts when i start ubuntu ??... :)04:05
slavik!tell D-side about nvidia04:05
gnomefreakKevinIN72: trying to start an x-session?04:05
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slavikLolita__19X--: look into gnome-session-manager04:05
bderrlyLolita__19X--, add it to your session... System->Preferences->Sessions04:05
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D-sideslavik: thanks.04:06
st3v3dndskippy: I'm not talking about shared hosting. I'm looking for dedicated or virtual hosting where you have root access.04:06
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shodanjr_granyone who says that linux is fit for the casual user should burn in hell...thats what my experience for the past 4 hours or so has taught me :p04:06
skippyrobzilla1982. now do "ls /media/ntfs/" does anything come up ?04:06
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slavikshodanjr_gr: linux is getting there ... slowly but surely04:06
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buffaramai just upgraded from breezy to dapper, and X11 won't start. I was running gnome, and now it says no screens found.04:06
KevinIN72gnomefreak: how would i start that04:06
gireeshmgot a silly q04:06
robzilla1983skippy: nothing came up04:06
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gireeshmwhat is the ubuntu color name?04:06
gnomefreakKevinIN72: type startx04:06
gireeshmthe brown color name04:06
skippyrobzilla1983,  are you sure you actually have data on that drive?04:06
slavikbuffarama: in terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:06
shodanjr_grslavik there has been quite a bit of development since i first tried to get into linux a few years ago04:07
slavikgireeshm: the theme name?04:07
slavikshodanjr_gr: has it gotten better?04:07
Spleenfeederbuffarama: check the log, maybe your vid card driver isn't loading any more04:07
gireeshmI had my login window get set to xubuntu login window and want the brown colors back with GDM04:07
skippyrobzilla1983,  type "mount", is your ntfs partition listed?04:07
robzilla1983absolutely. unless something to deleted in the installation process (and seeing as how i didn't touch anything on that disc i don't think it happened) there's lots on it04:07
shodanjr_gra bit better04:07
KevinIN72gnomefreak: server error04:07
gireeshmslavik, no04:07
gireeshmthe color name04:07
shodanjr_grslavik mostly hardware detection04:07
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gnomefreakKevinIN72: what kind of video card do you have?04:07
gireeshmas in something like #FFBB0004:07
KevinIN72gnomefreak: built in04:08
slavikshodanjr_gr: if only the hardware makers weren't so stingy about releasing drivers04:08
Pepinosomebody knows where's the loader config on the ubuntu install?04:08
shodanjr_grslavik but lets just say that it took me about 2 and a half hours to get my wireless card working, something that i could do in 2 minutes in windows04:08
gireeshmgo to Login Window preferences and tell me what the color name is04:08
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KevinIN72gnomefreak: its an old etower04:08
shodanjr_grslavik and im still trying to get my graphics card working to no avail04:08
slavikshodanjr_gr: what chipset on the card?04:08
slavikand what gfx card?04:08
robzilla1983skippy: when i bring up the disc util, i click that "Change" button to change the access path, and i'm able to see the directories that are on my second drive04:08
gnomefreakKevinIN72: paste lspci to pastebin please04:08
D-sideugh. installing nvidia-settings killed the glx portion? jeez.04:08
shodanjr_grslavik the wireless one was a WG511 by netgear, got it to work using Ndiswrapper04:08
gnomefreakKevinIN72: the output of that command04:08
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shodanjr_grslavik the GFX card is a Radegon IGP320M04:09
slavikshodanjr_gr: do you know what chip is on it?04:09
slavikshodanjr_gr: you mean 200M?04:09
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KevinIN72gnomefreak: i cant its on the computer next to me04:09
Pepinosomebady knows where can I select LILO insted of GRUB during the installation?04:09
shodanjr_grslavik yes prism5404:09
skippyrobzilla1983,  i really dont understand how this isnt working, it is a really simple procedure04:09
shodanjr_grslavik no 320M04:09
=== pschulz01_gettin is now known as pschulz01_learni
slavik320M? msut be new ...04:09
ic56skippy: sounds like robzilla's problem is that the umask hasn't been set in /etc/fstab04:09
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shodanjr_grslavik  no its a 5year old chip04:09
gireeshmwhat is the background color for the Human Theme for the Login Window?04:09
gnomefreakKevinIN72: lspci should give you an idea on what type of video card you have04:09
gnomefreaklet me know04:09
slavikshodanjr_gr: use the ati module04:09
skippyic56, if you could take him through it that would be great :) :) :)04:09
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jhennhow many packages are available (official) for dapper?04:10
shodanjr_grslavik tried it, X hard locks04:10
skippyim starting to think he should just put his fstab on pastebin and let someone edit it04:10
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KevinIN72gnomefreak: intel 8281004:10
slavikjhenn: over 18k04:10
ic56robzilla1983: you want me to take over your NTFS question?04:10
gnomefreakjhenn: 17,000+04:10
slavikshodanjr_gr: and radeon module?04:10
skippyrobzilla1983,  say yes :)04:10
slavikshodanjr_gr: you can always use vesa as a fallback ...04:10
gnomefreakubotu tell KevinIN72 about hardware04:10
robzilla1983skippy or ic56: i just tried to disable, and enable, and now when i try to browse the ntfs folder that i created, i get a message saying i do not have the necessary permissions to view the folder04:10
KevinIN72gnomefreak: it worked when i had the desktop version04:11
shodanjr_grslavik yes04:11
gnomefreakKevinIN72: go to the link ubotu gave you and look for your card please04:11
robzilla1983ic56: i'd love some help :)04:11
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shodanjr_grslavik my system seems very sluggish with Vesa04:11
gnomefreakKevinIN72: did you install server version?04:11
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mnki am trying to view my external usb hard drive from vmware but i am not sure how to do it04:11
slavikshodanjr_gr: vesa is very basic ... have you tried the ati driver?04:11
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KevinIN72gnomefreak: yes04:11
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mnkcan someone pls help?04:11
mnkubuntu linux recognises it, the the guest windows under vmware doesn't automatically recognise it when i plug it in, what do i have to do ?04:11
gnomefreakKevinIN72: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:11
shodanjr_grslavik ive tried ATI and fglrx and they both crash04:11
skippyrobzilla1983, ic56 can tell you how to get your ntfs drive mounted in fstab04:11
shodanjr_grslavik ive tried vesa, it works but its sluggish04:11
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robzilla1983skippy: thanks for the help. hope i wasn't too annoying :)04:12
Pjottwims: Nope, still didn't work!04:12
skippyi have no idea why this has been so painful though robzilla1983  mounting my ntfs was painless04:12
troy_sshodanjr:  can't say it enough -- send mail to ati and tell them to open up their blasted card specs.04:12
KevinIN72gnomefreak: something happend04:12
skippyrobzilla1983,  no problem at all, it is the machine to blame :)04:12
PjottI re-set all my monitor-menu stuff, but still just as dead! >:(04:12
gnomefreakKevinIN72: and that would be?04:12
skippykill the machine!!!: )04:12
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PjottCan someone please help me? ^^04:12
ic56robzilla1983: ok, answer me some questions first, so I know I'm not missing anything.  Is this a new Ubuntu installation?  During installation, did you tell Ubuntu about your NTFS partitions?  Have you ever previously mounted the problem partion under ubuntu?04:13
toothpickHow can I install the live cd to /dev/hda1 as a live "cd" ?04:13
robzilla1983haha. i get used to it. i'm a bit of a computer nerd, so i tend to jump into things without doing any research on it first, and then i run into all sorts of troubles04:13
KevinIN72gnomefreak: long list of things and at the end E:  Broken packeges04:13
shodanjr_grslavik at the moment im trying a more extensive way to install fglrx04:13
gnomefreakKevinIN72: sudo apt-get -f install   (just that no package names please)04:13
=== mish4 [n=blah@c-69-249-68-205.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyPjott,  i take it you have done "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and now x wont let you in?04:13
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Pjottskippy: I haven't changed anything in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org :/04:14
robzilla1983ic56: this is a new ubuntu. just did it tonight. version 6.06. during the installation i did not touch anything on the second hard drive (the one i can't get access to). i haven't mounted that partition under ubuntu04:14
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=== Cheshirc [n=Randel@70-57-167-227.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
robzilla1983i've literally had this installed for only about an hour04:14
KevinIN72gnomefreak: 0 upgrades 0 newly installed 0 to remove 0 not upgraded04:14
skippyPjott,  but the problem is that xwindows wont start?04:14
searaymanis there an expose clone like the thing on macs for ubuntu?04:14
mnki am trying to view my external usb hard drive from vmware but i am not sure how to do it04:14
gnomefreakKevinIN72: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:14
mnkcan someone pls help?04:14
PjottI haven't installed it yet, and if I'm getting peases together, then you want me to run those in the "Self Defined StartUp" stuff? eh?04:14
mnkubuntu linux recognises it, the the guest windows under vmware doesn't automatically recognise it when i plug it in, what do i have to do ?04:15
shodanjr_grffs that didnt work...04:15
D-sideah excellent slavik, thats precisely what i needed. thanks again.04:15
slavikshodanjr_gr: looks like radeon module is what you need04:15
gnomefreakrun that as i typed it please KevinIN7204:15
Pjottskippy: That's Right!04:15
robzilla1983it's not a HUUUUUGE problem if i can't get this working at all. i'll just clear everythign and try a different OS, but i like what i've seen of ubuntu so i'd love to keep it04:15
slavikD-side: np04:15
valehruwow, this place is mad busy tonight.....haha....newbies installing dapper eh?04:15
bderrlyrobzilla1983, this is what my fstab line looks like for ntfs...try it out changing your device and mount point as necessary...04:15
Ron_orobzilla1983, what's the problem?04:15
Pjottskippy: I get the first menu like: Start Ubuntu - Start Ubuntu (Safe Graphic) - Start from HardDrive etc.04:15
slavikmnk: recognise what?04:15
bderrly/dev/hda1       /win            ntfs    ro,nls=utf8,umask=0222   0       004:15
SpleenfeederIs it normal to have the following packages held back from apt-get? "enigma flashplugin-nonfree gdk-imlib1"04:15
Ron_ocan't mount second HD?04:15
SpleenfeederI am running dapper04:15
wimsPjott,  did you get your monitor manual and put those values in your xorg.conf ?04:15
searaymananythign like hot corners i can download for ubuntu?04:15
robzilla1983bderrly: no idea what that line means :(04:15
Ron_ocan't mount hdb1?04:15
slaviksearayman: what's hot corners?04:15
robzilla1983ron_o: that is the problem yes04:16
Pjottwims: How can I put it into "xorg.conf" when I have it on the CD?04:16
ic56robzilla1983: ok, that makes sense.  Now, let's find out what you've been up to in the last hour.  Type this command in the Terminal for me, and tell me what you see: grep <disk partition name> /etc/fstab  Where partition name is something like hdb1.04:16
JanneMAnybody know how to deal with font matching issues? It seems apps that rely on the default fontconfig behavior gives me unantialiased Japanese fonts for most (but not all) font sizes04:16
KevinIN72gnomefreak: ok it did a bunch of stuff04:16
bderrlyrobzilla1983, it is a line to put in your /etc/fstab file04:16
slavikanyone know of anything like azureus that doesn't suck as much?04:16
robzilla1983ron_o hdb1 is exactly it04:16
wimsPjott,  oh, you're just running the live cd ?04:16
gnomefreakKevinIN72: is it installing anything?04:16
Pjottwims: I might sound like an idiot04:16
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ron_orobzilla, open up /etc/fstab and put those lines the bderrly mentioned above.04:16
gnomefreakKevinIN72: downloading/installing?04:16
searaymanslavik: its liek when you move you mouse to a corner it will spread out all your opne windows so you can see them all. Apple computers have it its called expose04:16
Ron_oit will mount your HD.04:16
=== V-for-Vendetta [n=vforvend@host223.201-253-20.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Ron_oand read the ubuntu.wiki..04:16
Bot_Builderhmm, why does services have three different task daemons and two loggers?04:16
bderrlyrobzilla1983, but you need to change the /dev/hd? and /path/to/mount/point04:16
Pjottwims: I do that at start, right. Then I could choose to install it if I wanted, according to Ubuntu Norge (Ubuntu Norway)'s HomePage04:16
Ron_osearch for mounting on there.04:16
slaviksearayman: I use the window list for that :P04:16
Ron_omounting isn't automatic in ubuntu like it is in Windows.04:17
searaymanslavik: what do u mean04:17
robzilla1983ic56: i typed grep hdb1 /etc/fstab04:17
robzilla1983... nothing happened04:17
bderrlyRon_o, it is if you set it up correctly...  ;-)04:17
slaviksearayman: I don'04:17
slaviksearayman: I don't need such a thing :P04:17
Ron_osur bderrly ..04:17
KevinIN72gnomefreak: yeah installing i think04:17
Ron_oI know that.04:17
mnkslavik: i am trying to view my external usb hard drive from vmware but i am not sure how to do it04:17
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Ron_obut coming from Windows myself I know what he's thinking.04:17
gnomefreakKevinIN72: when its done let me know if im still here04:17
searaymanslavik: do u knwo anyhtign that i can get that dose this?04:17
Pjottwims: Any idas so far? :s04:17
KevinIN72gnomefreak: done04:17
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=== wamd [n=wamd@adsl-pppoe-154-99.hurontel.on.ca] has joined #ubuntu
slavikmnk: you need to give access to vmware for the usb drive, it's one of the settings04:17
Ron_orobzilla1983, type this sudo gedit /etc/fstab04:18
gnomefreakKevinIN72: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:18
mnkslavik: how can i do that, please?04:18
Ron_ostart with sudo04:18
bderrlyhehe, this is crazy04:18
skippyPjott,  what message does X crash out with when you run it off the live CD?04:18
wimsPjott,  yes, in the newest version of Ubuntu you install from a live cd enviroment. Dunno if it's possible to install from a text based envirmoent like in the older versions of ubuntu04:18
Pjottsudo -> root pw -> run cmd04:18
V-for-Vendettahi, just a easy question04:18
shodanjr_groh well forget this about ATI04:18
robzilla1983ron_o...typed sudo gedit /etc/fstab. new screen with lots of info came up\04:18
Pjottskippy: None.04:18
shodanjr_grim not gona be playing any games on this thing anywa....04:18
=== mstlyevil [n=mstlyevi@adsl-68-89-250-173.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ic56robzilla1983: ok.  Sounds like you're a good candidate for using an automated tool.  You can download it from the official site and run it.  However it so happens I'm working on it and have some modifications I'd like to test out.  Wanna be my guiney pig or do you wanna play it safe?04:18
Pjottskippy: My monitor gives me "Freq. Scan error"04:18
gnomefreakbrb smoke04:18
Pjottwims: OK :/04:18
V-for-Vendettawhere can i found the ubuntu on spanish irc channel?04:18
KevinIN72gnomefreak: ok04:19
Pepinosomebody knows how to install lilo instead of grub at the installation?04:19
Pjottgnomefreak: Agreed ;)04:19
shodanjr_grguys what about divx/xvid/mp3 decoding on dapper?04:19
robzilla1983ic56: will this actually delete the partition?04:19
Ron_owhat is your partition ntfs?04:19
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Ron_ofrom XP?04:19
bderrlyV-for-Vendetta, #ubuntu-es i would imagine04:19
robzilla1983ron_o: yes, ntfs, from xp04:19
V-for-Vendettayty :)04:19
KevinIN72gnomefreak: it did the same thing as before04:19
gnomefreakubotu tell shodanjr_gr -about divx04:19
ic56robzilla1983: the tool configures ubuntu to recognize your partition.  It does not delete anything.04:19
Ron_ohdb1, right?04:19
gnomefreakKevinIN72: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop04:19
skippyPjott, ah i see, i think you will have to install without the luxury of the live CD then - you will be able to configure your monitor later on04:19
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gnomefreaknow i will brb i really need this smoke04:19
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shodanjr_grthanks gnomefreak04:20
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KevinIN72gnomefreak: not installed so not removed04:20
wimsskippy,  excactly how do he do that?04:20
robzilla1983ron_o: yes, hdb104:20
Pjottskippy: That's what I missed to hear ;D04:20
Ron_otry to put this in there: /dev/hdb1       /win            ntfs    ro,nls=utf8,umask=0222   004:20
=== rt wonders why his dapper drake cd dies on his amd64 machine while trying to mount the rootfs from cd just after booting...
robzilla1983ic56: i'll try it as long as nothing gets deleted04:20
Ron_oand tell me when you're done.04:20
Pjottskippy: Any possibility to make that happen if I add an extra command at the "start"-thingy?04:20
skippyPjott,  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" run from the recovery mode will allow you to correctly set up your monitor = but you will have to do a ncurses based install first - which means you will have to download the "alternate" installation CD"04:20
=== AlienX_ [n=theanswr@unaffiliated/alienx] has joined #ubuntu
ic56robzilla1983: which version?  The old or the one I'm testing?04:20
robzilla1983ron_o: put /dev/hdb1       /win            ntfs    ro,nls=utf8,umask=0222   0 where?04:21
=== AlienX_ is now known as AlienX
wamdHi all.  Just wondering, has one had issues with X randomly locking up?  A quick C-A-BSp fixes the problem but I can be working away fine all day and all of a sudden boom, it locks up.04:21
skippyPjott,  i dont think that will work, because the start thingy is for kernel parameters, not xorg parameters04:21
ic56robzilla1983 (neither does any deleting)04:21
Pjottskippy: Fine. I just D/L the "command based" install then?04:21
bderrlyrobzilla1983, after you edit your /etc/fstab file you need to run this on the command line:  sudo mkdir /win04:21
Spleenfeederrobzilla1983: /etc/fstab04:21
robzilla1983ic56: i'll try the one you're testing. might as well be a good guiney pig04:21
Pjottskippy: or is that lot's of writing etc.? :s04:21
Ron_oin /etc/fstab04:21
skippyPjott,  i dont suppose you have another monitor you could use just for the install? :)04:21
Pepinosomebody knows how to install LILO instead of GRUB at the installation?04:21
=== Pjott slaps skippy around a bit with a large trout
robzilla1983so just add that line to the end of the file, save, and try the sudo mkdir /win ?04:21
PjottI wish so :/04:21
ic56robzilla1983: excellent!  Here's the URL: http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter.txt04:21
skippyPjott, hehe04:21
bderrlyPepino, any particular reason?04:22
=== mnvl [n=mnvl@host81-132-185-77.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
PjottHmmmZ... Well. Then I'll Download a new one04:22
Cheshirci'm having the hwclock adjtime localtime prob ..(xbunutu started beta to present) any got a clue for me ? i thought i'd tried eveything .. clock is 7 hours off04:22
Pjottchriiiiist! :/04:22
bderrlyrobzilla1983, yes04:22
slavikwhere do I change the setting to have ubuntu make changes to usb drives right away (instead of mnaking changes when I eject the device)04:22
skippyPjott,  try the "alternatite" installation CD04:22
wimsPjott,  hvor bor du ?04:22
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bderrlyrobzilla1983, after the mkdir command you need to do sudo mount -a04:22
Pepinobderrly, yes, grub fails to boot04:22
Pjottwims: Norge, Haugesund04:22
ic56robzilla1983: save it into a file from your browser, then type: sudo sh <filename>04:22
bderrlyPepino, are you sure it is a grub problem?04:22
robzilla1983ic56: just give me five minutes here04:22
PjottomFg.. Du MTTE vre norsk...04:22
Pjottwims: S det p nicket btw. ;p04:23
wimsPjott, lawl04:23
Ron_orobzilla1983, wait..04:23
Pepinobderrly, GRUB is giving me the error 1704:23
PjottLet's take English here04:23
Ron_oone second.04:23
shodanjr_grim trying sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly but i get an error message04:23
=== zcat[1] [n=zcat@60-234-226-80.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
mnkslavik: how can i do that, please? cos my usb devices r not showing up in VM->removable devices->usb devices04:23
=== darkcmd [n=steve@adsl-69-208-68-235.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
robzilla1983bderrly: i just typed sudo mount -a04:23
slavikmnk: I am not sure, I don't have vmware anymore so can't help you, sorry04:23
ic56robzilla1983: It will add the entry in /etc/fstab (plus some comments) and create a mount point in the /media directory.  It will also tell you what it's doing and I'd appreciate a cut and paste of that in the pastebin.04:23
robzilla1983ron_o: wait for what?04:23
=== spartas [n=spartas@adsl-065-082-233-182.sip.btr.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pepinobderrly, i've tried LILO on a SUSE installation and works well04:23
bderrlyrobzilla1983, ls /win04:23
skippyshodanjr_gr, what is the error message of which you speak?04:23
=== DAaaMan64 [n=daaaman6@207-109-181-148.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ron_orobzilla1983, go here.04:24
Pepinobderrly,  that's why i want to install LILo instead of GRUB04:24
=== BlackSolaris [n=blacksol@c-71-233-63-244.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ron_othis will explain everything.04:24
robzilla1983bderrly: ls: /win: Permission denied04:24
Ron_olearn about mounting real well.04:24
=== toothpick [n=toothpic@c-68-85-82-16.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
bderrlyPepino, grub works well too...  apt-get install lilo04:24
shodanjr_grskippy something about the package not having an installation candidate04:24
Ron_oit's very important you understand what's going on.04:24
jadaz87hello i am on dapper and i have an external monitor attached to my laptop when i unplug the vga cable i do not have any video on the laptoplcd screen04:24
bderrlyrobzilla1983, sudo chmod 777 /win04:24
Ron_ounless you like to pull your hair out or something.04:24
Pepinobderrly,  I could not boot my machine04:24
DAaaMan64hey has amarok on dapper been acting up for people?  Answer even if it hasn't for you.  This is really weird.04:24
robzilla1983chmod: changing permissions of `/win': Read-only file system04:24
Pepinobderrly,  then I cannot use apt-get04:24
BlackSolarishey, I am trying to install Ubuntu, but X wont start for some reason.  I don't really care, I just need to know how to start the Ubuntu installer from the command line04:24
Pepinobderrly,  I need to do it at the install04:25
=== eisen_ [n=eisen@xdsl-81-173-145-145.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
Ron_orobzilla1983, to be able to comm. better, let's try #ubuntu-offtopic, OK?04:25
bderrlyPepino, i don't know if that is possible...perhaps if you look through the options in the installer before it starts, you know when the cd brings you to the boot menu04:25
Ron_othis moves too fast in here. :)04:25
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skippyshodanjr_gr, i suggest you do "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and edit it to look like mine : - http://pastebin.com/758936, then do "sudo apt-get update"04:25
robzilla1983sure. let's hope i can figure out how to change channels04:26
skippyshodanjr_gr, then see if you can get the package after that04:26
Pepinobderrly, ok, I tried, but I can't find the option at the partition time04:26
jigheadBlackSolaris: if you've run the install and gdm is failing, hit ctl+alt+F1 to get to a console04:26
bderrlyPepino, i really, _really_ doubt it is an issue with grub04:26
KevinIN72BlackSolaris: do you mean x windows04:26
ic56robzilla1983: have you downloaded the script yet?04:26
Ron_otype /join #ubuntu-offtopic04:27
Pepinobderrly,  I installed SUSE and use GRUB and it was the same04:27
BlackSolarisI guess, it just said that X failed to start, and I am staring at a command line now (ubuntu@ubuntu:~$)04:27
robzilla1983ic56: not yet no04:27
Pepinobderrly,  then I installed SUSE with LILO and it can boot04:27
skippyout of interest are any of you using IRC from a terminal or tty?04:27
wastrelthe command line is your friend04:27
skippyif so tell me which client you use please?04:27
KevinIN72BlackSolaris: well im also trying to get mine to work04:27
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Pepinobderrly,  the error is : error 17: cannot boot selected partition04:27
robzilla1983ic56: i'm just gonna see what ron has to say, i'll get back to you04:27
wastrelskippy:  i like bitchx, but use xchat nowadays04:28
ubotuDownload and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically.  If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions04:28
skippyhehe bitchx sounds good :)04:28
=== not4u2know [n=chatzill@ip68-228-24-108.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
braniffbitchx is such a bitch04:28
=== richard [n=richard@port0193-adf-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
nbx909!tell braniff about language04:29
Pjottbraniff: Welcome to XChat ;p04:29
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richard can s'one help me04:29
BlackSolarisso is there a command I should run to start the installer?04:29
gnomefreakrichard: you havent told us with what you need help04:29
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=== CaBlGuY [n=user1@doc-209-33-24-32.brighton.il.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakKevinIN72: are you on dapper?04:29
KevinIN72BlackSolaris: idk that is what im tryin to figure out04:29
mnkdoes anyone know how i can access my usb hard drive [which ubuntu recognises]  from, vmware win xp guest?04:29
richardi get this error when i try to play a dvd movie:  cannot mount dvd04:30
Pjottrichard: Open your WEB-Browser (Mozilla, IE etc.) - Type in this at your Adress-Bar: -> Press Enter04:30
CaBlGuYI need a enlightenment guru..  :o)04:30
bderrlyPepino, have you googled for grub error 17?04:30
KevinIN72gnomefreak: the newest one 6.0604:30
Pepinobderrly,  yes04:30
gnomefreakKevinIN72: hmmmmm04:30
Pepinobderrly,  i've read a lot04:30
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=== MaKkY [n=ubuntu@c-71-193-61-47.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jigheadBlackSolaris: if X is your only problem, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:30
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gnomefreakKevinIN72: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:30
KevinIN72gnomefreak: well i had 5.1 on it than i upgraded to 604:30
Pjottrichard: Either that, or explain your problem (-:04:30
BlackSolarisjighead: ok, let me try that04:30
Pepinobderrly,  but the most interested solution i found was to replace grub04:30
MaKkYcan someone PLZ help me...04:30
jigheadBlackSolaris: do you know what video card you have?04:30
=== gnomefreak thinks that package might be the broken one
jigheadBlackSolaris: you can run lspci and find out if it is ATI, Nvidia, etc04:31
gnomefreakMaKkY: lose the caps please04:31
=== valehru_ [n=valehru@c-24-98-143-4.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nbx909MaKkY, go ahead04:31
PjottMaKkY: EXPLAIN your PROBLEM04:31
Pepinobderrly,  with lilo, now the problem is how to do that04:31
PjottSorry, long night ;p04:31
BlackSolarisjighead: it's some intigrated Intel card04:31
KevinIN72gnomefreak: same thing Broken packages04:31
Pepinobderrly,  I have four SCSI disks04:31
robzilla1983ic56: will it only take about 5 minutes to try whatever you have ?04:31
Pepinobderrly,  and want to install it at the first04:31
bderrlyPepino, did you look in /boot/grub/device.map?04:31
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=== Slappy [n=JP@cpe-65-189-226-31.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CaBlGuYenlightenment.... anyone...  I need help..04:32
=== ch_604 [n=andrej@c-68-40-107-86.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MaKkYnbx909,Pjott: I removed EVERYTHING off my hd... including my recovery Partition for XP.... all i have is this live cd; I wanted to keep XP yet make a partition for Ubuntu..... bad i lost EVERYTHING...04:32
nbx909MaKkY, and?04:32
KevinIN72gnomefreak: should i be in root??04:32
ch_604k hi ^_^04:32
Pepinobderrly,  yes04:32
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MaKkYnbx: i need XP....04:33
PjottMaKkY: Google, search for "Hard Disk Recovery"04:33
gnomefreakKevinIN72: no04:33
ch_604i have some monitor problems04:33
nbx909MaKkY, reinstall04:33
PjottThere are many programs out there04:33
jigheadBlackSolaris: ok, that should be supported out of the box, fool around with dpkg-reconfigure and when you're done, do a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and see if it gets better, repeat as needed04:33
KevinIN72gnomefreak: ok because im not04:33
=== shachaf [n=Shachaf@c66-235-26-115.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
robzilla1983ic56: you around?04:33
bderrlyPepino, can you post your device.map and menu.lst to pastebin?04:33
shodanjr_grapt-get update gives me an error....04:33
=== earthen [n=earthen@dpc674727138.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
nbx909MaKkY, install xp and then install ubuntu04:33
khaije1speaking of which do the new intel mac's run linux?04:33
slavikshodanjr_gr: what kind of error?04:33
MaKkYnbx909: how, i dont have recovery on the partitioned section anymore; all i have is... ONE LARGE hdd.04:33
skippyMaKkY,  calm down - you can recover everything form the ntfs partitions, but only if you dont write over them04:33
shodanjr_grduplicate sources.list entry....04:33
ic56robzilla1983: yes, it will only take 5 minutes04:33
nbx909!tell MaKkY about dualboot04:33
yurkahey guys04:33
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nbx909MaKkY, got an xp cd around?04:34
yurkai have a question04:34
richardi just installed ubuntu on my system but i cant play dvd's why?04:34
robzilla1983okay. can we open up in a new channel? so i can run back and forth from my comp here? (and how do you join a new channel again?)04:34
yurkahow do i get root privilages?04:34
gnomefreakyurka: sudo04:34
Pjottrichard: Codeck needed.04:34
=== Boelcke [n=Boelcke@c-24-99-247-67.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MaKkYnbx909, they put the cd in my partitioned HD04:34
ch_604yurka: su root04:34
shodanjr_grnever mind04:34
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shodanjr_gri fixed it...04:34
CaBlGuYa-n-y-o-n-e-   Please..  little help with enlightenment?????    ANY help....04:34
Pepinobderrly,  let me reboot the system and boot with the live-cd04:34
nbx909MaKkY, well then your screwed lol04:34
=== jiping [n=jiping@c-24-91-155-63.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyMaKkY,  you need to figure out which are of the disk the partition you killed lived on, and make sure you dont write anything onto it - you will tehn be able to pull all the files back off it04:34
=== JavaPoe [n=behmann@c-68-49-61-90.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mnkdoes anyone know how i can access my usb hard drive [which ubuntu recognises]  from, vmware win xp guest?04:34
gnomefreakch_604: please dont advise that04:34
=== obsidians [n=obsidian@rn-wis3a19.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Cheshircso when i boot normally ? system time says it's 7 hours earlier than it really is ... i do an ntp time update .. clock looks good but the hwclock is then set incorectly04:34
richard how do i get it?04:34
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bobbywhy in gods name did ubuntu go from a tried and true (stable) installer to gentoos gui installer (unstable) which is only just out of alpha?04:34
richardand install it04:34
ch_604gnomefreak, k04:35
richardhow do i get the codec?04:35
BlackSolarisjighead: I still haven't gotten dpkg -reconfigure to work... it just says dpkg: conflicting actions --control and --remove [...] 04:35
earthenyurka, if you type sudo -s -H you will not have to type sudo everytime you need you run something as root04:35
KevinIN72gnomefreak: dpkg-reconfigure04:35
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skippyBlackSolaris,  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:35
yurkai typed su root and i typed in my pass but it sais its wrong04:35
obsidiansI've got a laptop with a built-in webcam (Acer Travelmate 8204). What do I need to do to get Ubuntu to recognize the webcam? It sees it in the device manager.04:35
yurkai dont know the pass04:35
ch_604yurka, dont listen to me04:35
skippyBlackSolaris,  literally cut and paste, linux doenst appreciate extra spaces and mixed caps :)04:35
=== root____1 [n=root@68-188-91-97.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ch_604its sudo04:35
bderrlyyurka, root is disabled by default04:35
gnomefreakKevinIN72: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and make sure you are using the veesa drivers please04:35
earthenyurka, the password is your password04:36
bderrlyyurka, sudo su04:36
gnomefreakyurka: use sudo04:36
=== bobby attempts to beat the ubuntu graphical installer into submission
spartan2600are there any bugs that exists in the thing that updates breezy to dapper?04:36
gnomefreakubotu tell yurka about sudo04:36
Pjottbobby: Welcome to my world !04:36
yurkahow do i enable root04:36
nbx909bobby, install using the alternative cd04:36
PjottYou need the "Text Related Install"04:36
bderrlyyurka, don't04:36
nbx909yurka, you can't04:36
nbx909well you can04:36
yurkaok please listen04:36
nbx909but it's very unsecure04:36
PjottTerminal: Sudo su04:36
bderrlyyurka, LISTEN... sudo su04:36
bobbynbx909, yeah...good work, another 700meg I guess?04:36
nbx909yurka, to run stuff as root do sudo su04:36
yurkai am running a program in terminal04:36
PjottDon't log in to it "graphical"04:37
nbx909bobby, yep04:37
KevinIN72gnomefreak: broken or not fully installed04:37
richardcan someone tell me how to install codec so that i can playback dvd's ?04:37
Pjottrichard: Open your WEB-Browser (Mozilla, IE etc.) - Type in this at your Adress-Bar: -> Press Enter04:37
yurkasry i wasnt listening earlier04:37
bimberiubotu tell yurka about root04:37
ch_604anyhoo i have this crazy monitor problem04:37
bderrlyrichard, if you google ubuntu dvd you'll come up with more stuff to read than you can in a lifetime04:37
skippyubotu tell richard about restricted formats04:37
Pjottrichard: There are plenty of them04:37
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bobbyrichard, go to the ubuntu wiki and look at the restricted formats page04:37
root____1My xserver is broken after upgrading to dapper drake, it appears to be related to my video card, Radeon Pro 9600.  Anybody familiar with this?04:37
gnomefreakKevinIN72: ok i think i know the reason but let me think of the package to fix it04:37
skippyrichard read ubotus whisper04:37
nbx909!tell root____1 about reconfigurex04:37
KevinIN72gnomefreak: ok cool thanks04:37
ch_604theres white streaks coming from the right sides of windows, and it only does it in ubuntu04:38
skippythe robot is whispering sweet nothings into your ears :)04:38
rpedroMaKkY: look at the pm I sent you...04:38
=== Heartsbane [n=ne1469@] has joined #ubuntu
lastnodeanybody know where the Conf editor is in gnome? (in ubuntu)?04:38
skippylastnode gconf-editor04:38
lastnodeskippy, thanks04:38
ch_604im thinking its a montor driver, but i dont know anything about how to deal with that04:39
skippylastnode, just run it from a term, i think they hid the icon :S04:39
gnomefreakKevinIN72: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg04:39
lastnodeskippy, apparently so :)04:39
richardskippy thanks04:39
PjottWell, I'm off for bed :)04:39
PjottC Ya'll "tomorrow"/later today ;p04:39
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Pjottarw :/04:39
bimberiskippy, lastnode: it's there, but disabled, you can enabled it using the menu editor (right-click on Applications)04:39
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lastnodewth is pixmaps in?04:40
JavaPoehey, anyone having trouble with freenx after upgrading to dapper?04:40
KevinIN72gnomefreak: ok uhh Brocken packages04:40
lastnodethe directory i mean04:40
KevinIN72gnomefreak: maybe i need the disk in??04:40
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gnomefreakKevinIN72: no you shouldnt04:40
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obsidiansI've got a laptop with a built-in webcam (Acer Travelmate 8204). What do I need to do to get Ubuntu to recognize the webcam? It sees it in the device manager.04:40
gnomefreakKevinIN72:  sudo apt-get -f install04:40
skippylastnode, add a launcher and browse the icons, you can find the directories out that way (lol i hate gnome :) _04:40
lastnodeskippy, better than kde :p04:41
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BlackSolarisskippy: it's still not working, I have tried a couple of different configurations, and I can't find anything that works04:41
skippylastnode, sad but true :) i think im heading for XFCE at this rate04:41
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skippyBlackSolaris, remind me, were you reconfiguring xorg.conf? what was your aim?04:41
lastnodeskippy, i rather like gnome :)04:41
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KevinIN72gnomefreak: ok did the 0 upgrade stuff04:41
ch_604i know its not the monitor, it works fine in other oses04:42
bobbyobsidians, you will need to find what driver supports your webcam and install accordingly04:42
jigheadBlackSolaris: what errors are you getting in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?04:42
=== generalbridger [n=generalb@p54AB7720.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ch_604anyone have any idea what it could be?04:42
skippylastnode, one think i will say about gnome is that it is pretty fast and it looks awesome with compiz enabled :)04:42
=== Hajuu [i=hajuu@dip-220-235-36-178.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
rjcubeHow do you install Themes in Gnome, When i download a theme, its a .tar.gz file and if i try to install that as new theme it does not work, and i have tried a few files that were in the .tar.gz and all say not valid file04:42
MaKkYrpedro: pms...04:42
BlackSolarisjighead: how do I check?04:42
=== cobelloy [n=cobelloy@optussatelliteservices.22bjipb002.optus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakKevinIN72: im not sure how to fix this there are too many broken packages and they wont fix until one gets fixed not sure what that app is thats broken04:42
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skippyrjcube, have you tried jsut dragging them into the themes windows?04:42
jigheadBlackSolaris: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:42
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skippyBlackSolaris, can you not boot into x at all?04:42
rjcubeskippy, yeah ive tried that, still says its not a valid file04:42
KevinIN72gnomefreak: should i just reinstall 6.0104:43
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BlackSolarisskippy: no, I can't04:43
rpedroMaKkY: just sent you a personal message now04:43
KevinIN72gnomefreak: yeah04:43
BlackSolarisI just want to run the installer04:43
lastnodeskippy, you got compiz enabled? got a sec for a pm?04:43
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gnomefreakKevinIN72: personally i would04:43
=== dabucks [n=zeus@adsl-68-252-34-38.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hajuuhey im using aptitude, but anytime I get disconnected from the net, IT LOSES ALL MY SELECTIONS! Anyone got any advice?04:43
KevinIN72ok ill do that now04:43
rpedroMaKkY: my wasn't identified before, so I didn't know you weren't getting them04:43
skippylastnode, sure but i just followed a guide, pm me though :)04:43
gnomefreakKevinIN72: if you can do a fresh install04:43
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cobelloyHi there, can someone tell me how to get nautilus to open as a two pane browser by default04:44
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KevinIN72gnomefreak: is there a format option on the disk04:44
gnomefreakKevinIN72: yes during install it will ask you how you would like to do it04:44
jigheadBlackSolaris: have you installed ubuntu? what installer are you trying to run?04:44
rpedroMaKkY: I think you need to register and identify your nick too to send messages at freenode :O04:44
KevinIN72gnomefreak: ok sounds good i will give that a try thank you very much04:44
rpedroMaKkY: :O)04:45
=== spine55 [n=erniee@c-69-180-53-201.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mixxdoes anyone know how to get VNC server running on Ubuntu?04:45
rjcubeWhat file is needed to propaly install a theme? is it the actual .tar.bz, or is it a file inside it?04:45
KevinIN72gnomefreak: oh should i do install to hard drive04:45
=== hanasaki [n=hanasaki@CPE-65-30-38-188.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BlackSolarisjighead: Breezy is installed on this computer, as well as WinXP, but I am trying to run the Dapper installer becuase I want to repartition and overwrite all of that04:45
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jigheadMixx: sudo aptitude install vncserver04:45
MaKkYrpedro, PM's please!04:45
=== TigerWolf [n=tigerwol@ppp173-168.lns3.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hajuuhey im using aptitude, but anytime I get disconnected from the net, IT LOSES ALL MY SELECTIONS! Anyone got any advice?04:46
dick-richardsonhow do I make my laptop NOT ask me for the password when I open my lid?04:46
hanasakican someone look at a bug in ubuntu lauch pad and tell me if its dead or someone is working on it?   says rejected in one place and not rejected elsewheree04:46
Mixxjighead thanks i'll try that04:46
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obsidiansbobby: How would I go about finding such a driver?04:46
shodanjr_grguys, what's the linux equivalent of CTRL+ALT+DELETE?04:46
Ron_ocobelloy, I rarely use nautilus but if there's a way then look here: applications > system tools > configuration editor04:46
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Ron_ogo down to Nautilus and look in there.04:46
=== SANTTA [n=chatzill@68-70-143-29.lkwnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
rpedroMaKkY: I'm not getting any messages from you right now, cause your nick is not identified with the server, you need to do that first04:46
KevinIN72gnomefreak: ok it lockes up after it looks for hardware04:46
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a45072.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
MaKkYim on a live cd,rpedro04:46
bobbyobsidians, google I guess04:46
MaKkYwell, can you help me, rpedro?04:47
jigheadBlackSolaris: if you want to upgrade, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change all instances of breezy to dapper and then aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade04:47
bobbyslashdot switched over to the new css design just then :D04:47
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BlackSolarisjighead: I don't want to upgrade though, I want to start with a completely fresh install04:47
rpedroMaKkY: sry, no , not here, this channel is for ubuntu support, not hardware related04:47
MaKkYrpedro, so where?04:48
s|khrm now it works with xterm, but not with rxvt04:48
TigerWolfIm having problems with my nvidia drivers in ubuntu - when doing glxinfo it says direct rendering: no - i know my video card support it - how do i get it to work?04:48
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hit1983how to install tomcat ?04:48
jigheadBlackSolaris: ok, so do you have an installer downloaded?04:48
rpedroMaKkY: /j #hdd04:48
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:48
MaKkYrpedro i dont understand what you want me to do04:49
shodanjr_gri got an issue with MPlayer....04:49
skippyBlackSolaris,  ok if im right your problem getting into X is only with the live CD?04:49
jigheadBlackSolaris: or are you trying from CD?04:49
shodanjr_gri start my dvd playback but i cant seem to be able to contorl the damn thing....04:49
shodanjr_grall controls are non-responsive...04:49
smacky_wolf_Ron_o, you have to do more than just that howto.04:49
Ron_osmacky_wolf_, that's all I got.04:49
BlackSolarisjighead, skippy: yes, I am trying from the CD right now, I just want to run the installer04:49
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Ron_oI know there's problems with nvidia, but, but what?04:50
rpedroMaKkY: just click here -->> #hdd << it's an empty channel I created so you don't have to identify with the server04:50
Ron_oshould I have tried nothing?04:50
=== smacky_wolf_ brbs to find the other info
jigheadBlackSolaris: there is no X-based install, it's text-mode04:50
smacky_wolf_I'll grab it,  give me a sec04:50
BlackSolarisyeah, but I can't find the install04:50
jigheadBlackSolaris: is the install failing at any point, or are you looking for a gui?04:50
Hajuuhey im using aptitude, but anytime I get disconnected from the net, IT LOSES ALL MY SELECTIONS! Anyone got any advice?04:50
=== guest42 [n=guest42@c-69-249-154-8.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FXHey I forgot what unpacks a .rar file in linux, what is it?04:50
rpedroMaKkY: or type ' /j #hdd ' where you're typing your messages...04:51
hit1983no one can answer me ?04:51
guest42Hey folks04:51
mnkdoes anyone know how i can access my usb hard drive [which ubuntu recognises]  from, vmware win xp guest? pls someone help04:51
BlackSolarisjighead: I went to the option "start or install" or whatever it is called, and it came up with the "can't start X" error04:51
SANTTAi am having problems with adept, when i lauch app i get error  details: fail to execute child procsess "kdseu" no such file or directory, so what do i do, i just downloaded adept two secs ago04:51
=== calyth [n=calyth@S01060011950c8ccf.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyjighead i think BlackSolaris has the live CD - no text installer04:51
cobelloyRon_o: thats it - thanks!!:)04:51
calythquick question - does Linux 2.6 still refers to SATA drives as /dev/sdX?04:51
Ron_ohit1983, no one knows right now.04:52
JavaPoefor anyone having trouble with FreeNX after upgrading to Dapper, I figured out the problem.... you have to manually add users and reconfigure the node.conf04:52
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guest42Does anyone present do any programming in C on linux?04:52
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jigheadskippy: that's helpful info04:52
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blakcheezhow do I set a different player to handle wmv/avi files by default?04:53
Ron_obalkcheez, that's a bit tricky because it depends on your app you are using.04:53
=== scarn [n=scarn@ppp-70-226-151-54.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlackSolarisskippy, jighead: what do I need to download then?  I was under the impression that the Dapper CDs could run live or install04:53
Ron_obut try Nautilus and right click on the file and go from there.04:53
braniffguest42, check out ##c04:53
skippyBlackSolaris, im searching the ISO now, im wonding if theres any way of hacking it to change the xorg settings, in the meantime BlackSolaris  you need to download the "alternative dapper install CD"04:53
blakcheezit's a stream04:53
skippyBlackSolaris, the alternative CD has a text mode installer that does not require x windows04:54
guest42Eh, I suppose that makes sense04:54
skippyim ripping through the ISO for "desktop" now, but cant find the xorg.conf - so you best start your download04:54
=== TigerWolf [n=tigerwol@ppp173-168.lns3.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:54
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DAaaMan64no one has been having problems with amarok and dapper????? Mine keeps freezing in kde and gnome.04:55
ubotu[adept]  a package manager for Kubuntu. A howto is provided here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto04:55
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jmcclosk@ip60.217.23.209.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippythe dapper desktop cd doesnt make sense its full of .exe files lol - its as if M$ vandalised it04:55
BlackSolarisskippy: I'm downloading the alternate CD, I just have to grab another CD-R, brb04:55
TigerWolfIve installed nvidia drivers - 3d works but i cant get OpenGL Direct Rendering to work - any ideas on how to fix it?04:55
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skippykk BlackSolaris04:55
=== manymore [n=gary@ip68-98-25-179.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Burgundaviaskippy: the live cd has .exes for the WinFOSS stuff04:55
SANTTAsweet i like that command !04:56
smacky_wolf_Ron_o, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1083433&postcount=3 <-- Made my Nvidia work04:56
skippyBurgundavia, oh i see , thx :)04:56
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Ron_oBlackSolaris, just mount the iso in /media/cdrom and point apt to cdrom..04:56
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Ron_osimple. :)04:56
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Ron_osmacky_wolf_, good for you. :)04:56
smacky_wolf_Ron_o, there;s something dodgy with the nvidia-glx pkg.04:57
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Ron_oI know I've heard of problems with nvidia and ubuntu..04:57
twobitspritesomeone told me this before, but I can't remember... what packages do I need to play mp3s?04:57
Ron_obut I don't have that hardware.04:57
uboturumour has it, mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:57
BlackSolarisok Skippy, I'm back, it will just take about 18 min to download the other .iso04:58
smacky_wolf_Can you give that link to ubotu?04:58
=== valehru [n=valehru@c-24-98-143-4.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyhehe you got a good connection BlackSolaris :)04:58
=== gnomefreak going to bed
skippyvery good, i cant wait to get home - my uni connection is rubbish04:58
=== gnomefreak is now known as xfcefreak
Ron_osmacky_wolf_, sorry, I don't know how. Only admin can do that.04:58
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BlackSolarisskippy: thankfully!04:58
=== vladuz976 [n=vladuz97@pool-71-106-208-236.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kurbacikhas anybody been able to configure hibernate with nvidia driver04:58
=== smacky_wolf_ will try
Geoffrey2I'm in the process of installing ubuntu, I'm at the "Create new Partition" stage...a little bit unsure of what to do at this point04:59
troy_sron_o:  anyone can train the bot04:59
Ron_oI didn't know.04:59
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skippyGeoffrey2,  ok dont worry we will guide you :)04:59
vladuz976my USB keyboard doesn't react to anything. what could be wrong?04:59
troy_sron_o:  /msg ubotu blah is at http://wherever.com04:59
skippyGeoffrey2, what operating systems do you allready have installed?04:59
Geoffrey2Windows XP04:59
troy_svladuz:  you need to turn on usb keyboard support in bios04:59
troy_svladuz: on some boxes.04:59
SANTTAcan some one help me with adept05:00
skippyOk, Geoffrey2, do you have a block of unpartitioned space you can install into?05:00
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mnl88is there an easy way to get mpa/aac playback for rhythmbox?05:00
vladuz976troy_s: i did. but if i stop using the keyboard for 2 min it dies05:00
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troy_ssantta:  too vague be a litlte more specific.05:00
Geoffrey2yes, 15GB that I freed up when I resized the NTFS partition05:00
=== whitynz [n=whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Ron_o..... would that work:? /msg ubotu nvidia http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1083433&postcount=3 <-- Made my Nvidia work05:00
troy_svladuz:  strange weird.  have yougoogled your make of keyboard against ubuntu?05:00
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ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1083433&postcount=305:00
SANTTAi cant launch adept, it keeps saying cannot execute child process kdseu is missing05:01
troy_sron_o:  ask ubotu for help05:01
troy_sron_o: hell talk to you.05:01
vladuz976troy_s: yes, it's an apple usb keyboard, i haven't found anyone with a similar problem,05:01
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skippyok, Geoffrey, the easiest thing to do is just tell the installer to use the largest block on contnious unallocated space - it will partition it automatically for you05:01
smacky_wolf_SANTTA, did you do an expert install?05:01
skippyGeoffrey2, unless you have special requirements, that is the way to go05:01
troy_svladuz:  i don't know what to say.  99.99% of usb keyboards work.  maybe shell out 10 bucks for a non stinky one.05:01
troy_svladuz:  but i don't recall anyone having lynch problems.05:01
mnl88can anybody help w/ aac support for rhythmbox?05:02
Ron_ovladuz976, there's a program called usbview from apt.05:02
babohow can I test my sound in dapper ?05:02
Ron_od/l it and see what it says.05:02
shodanjr_grsun is getting up here....05:02
SANTTAafter launching live cd i ran "install" on the desktop and rebooted05:02
Ron_oit's a start. Beyond that, sorry.05:02
skippyGeoffrey2,  at the end of the installation, a bootloader called "grub" will be installed, it will find your windows partition and automatically set you up with a dual boot system05:02
troy_subotu, tell mnl88 about restrictedformats05:02
shodanjr_grbeen working on ubuntun for more than 6 hours straight...05:02
vladuz976troy_s: i posted on several forums but ppl usually ignore it. they probably think it's a stupid quesiton to ask05:02
troy_svladuz:  well it _is_ an apple keyboard.  they aren't open source happy.;05:02
jigheadmnl88: try sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.8-faac, and see if that helps05:03
troy_svladuz:  so you can expect some problems.  that said, usb keyboards are pretty generic in nature.05:03
Teukrosbabo, have you tried using the live cd?05:03
mnl88jighead: already did, no progress05:03
Hajuuhey im using aptitude, but anytime I get disconnected from the net, IT LOSES ALL MY SELECTIONS! Anyone got any advice?05:03
troy_smnl88:  is it drm aac?05:03
guest42Unfortunately, no one seems to be around in #cc : /05:03
mnl88troy_s: nope05:03
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troy_sguest42:  whats your issue?05:03
troy_smnl88: you could try converting it to flac and see if the flac works.05:03
skippyvladuz976,  your not the only one with the issue http://forums.macosxhints.com/archive/index.php/t-44415.html05:04
SANTTAi don;t know if i did expert install05:04
Bot_BuilderEkiga allows me to call people just using my inet connection, for free?05:04
guest42Well, I'm just coming over from Windows, and I would like to be able to program in C. The only problem is that I had a fancy IDE that did everything for me over in Windows05:04
mnl88troy_s: i could, but that's a last resort...i have a ton of aac files05:04
troy_sbot_builder:  yes.  voip etc.05:04
shodanjr_grif i get a no screens found error during X initialization05:04
guest42So beyond the programming itself, I'm not sure how to set up my compiler and what not05:04
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Bot_Builderholy crap05:04
shodanjr_gris there anything that i can do for it?05:04
troy_sbot_builder:  but don't expect to crossover to land lines.05:04
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InnerFIREwhats a good ftp client?05:04
Bot_BuilderI thought thats what it did05:04
troy_smnl88:  there are a lot of people with wmv files that didn't know any better too.05:04
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vladuz976skippy: i saw that but that's not the same problem. he is connecting it differently somehow, that's why he has problems05:05
troy_sbot_builder:  there are some methods to go voip to landline, but usually you pay.  freeworlddialup did have some free landline links.05:05
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troy_sinnerfire:  ftp ;)05:05
mnl88troy_s: i had just assumed i would be using itunes primarily for a long while...i was wrong05:05
guest42So I'm just looking for someone to help me out one on one and run me through the basics05:05
troy_smnl88:  well congrats on the migration -- the future looks brighter.05:05
disinterested_pei cant get easy ubuntu installed it says ive got broken packages and i just rebuilt?05:05
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baboTeukros: no, I've installed dapper already. I want to be able to see if my microphone works. I can play cd's no probs ...05:05
mnl88troy_s: heh, thanks05:05
blankythe install sequence for tarballs is ./configure, make, make install, correct?05:05
troy_smnl88:  there are a few methods to decode aac, gstreamer is one -- try opening it with totem05:06
jigheadInnerFIRE: ftp on the commandline will work; if you want a gui, gftp is nice or the "connect to server" feature in nautilus will do05:06
=== Ron_o hates totem.
troy_smnl88:  apt-cache search aac05:06
Ron_oit can't play anything on my system.05:06
troy_sron_o:  you might hate it, but gstreamer is for use with it...05:06
Ron_oand it's quite large, too.05:06
s|ktotem is the gnome movie player right?05:06
troy_sron_o:  what is anything?05:06
SANTTAumm i dunno what happened to help for me , ill try myself i guess05:06
s|kI like it :/05:06
jigheadsecond the hate for totem05:06
Ron_oyah, and the default one too.05:06
troy_stotem: is dead simple.  the default won't play dvd/etc05:07
s|kI like it05:07
Ron_otroy, mpg, avi, wmv... etc..05:07
Geoffrey2I take it Itunes won't run under WINE?05:07
troy_sron_o:  you need totem-xine to play dvds05:07
s|kwell that's what gnome is all about, simple05:07
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cefok, I've had a look about, but can't seem to find a way to edit grub stuff without going to the console. relaly annoying on a dual-boot machine05:07
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Ron_oI use gxine whenever I can.05:07
troy_sron_o: most of those are probably proprietary codecs :)05:07
cefreally even05:07
Ron_osmall footprint05:07
Ron_otroy, so.05:07
Ron_ogxine has no problem with the proprietary codecs.05:07
richardhow do i get totem xine?05:07
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richard to play dvd05:07
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troy_sron_o:  actually, they all do.  once you have the codec installed, it isn't an issue.05:08
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jigheadGeoffrey2: if you buy the CrossOver version of wine, they have it working, but not under the OSS wine05:08
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Ron_oI have the codecs installed..05:08
WolF414I need help getting warsow to work on ubuntu  (someone who has installed warsow on linux)05:08
Ron_owhy totem can't find them I don't know.05:08
Ron_oit never could.05:08
troy_sron_o:  then totem will play them if you put the xine backend on.05:08
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Ron_ogood thing because I like gxine better.05:08
troy_sron_o:  sudo apt-get install totem-xine05:08
Geoffrey2well, that's why I'm dual booting at present :)05:08
troy_sron_o:  and presto.05:08
syuusukedo i have to uninstall the restricted linux modules inorder to install fglrx?05:08
HajuuHey I have a dependancy issue... Um the libhal (hardware abstraction library) requires dbus-1 while libhal-storage requires dbus but I cant have dbus and dbus-1, which one do I *need*05:08
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Ron_oI don't think I want xine with totem.05:08
Ron_oI like gxine.05:08
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troy_sGeoffrey:  what?05:08
disinterested_pethis is friggin weird when i try to play wmp videos with mplayer it says it cant play them but it does lol05:09
nothingmuchdh-make-perl is not building packages with `sudo dh-make-perl --install --cpan Lingua::Stem::Snowball`05:09
troy_sron_o:  it is totem using xine's libs... that's all.05:09
WolF414I need help getting warsow to work on ubuntu  (someone who has installed warsow on linux)05:09
nothingmuchdpkg: error processing /home/chem/liblingua-stem-snowball-perl_0.94-1_i386.deb (--install):05:09
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nothingmuch cannot access archive: No such file or directory05:09
troy_sron_o:  as gxine is xine using a gnome frontend.  not much diff.05:09
nothingmuchany clue?05:09
nothingmuchno more errors05:09
Geoffrey2or, at least, will be once the install is finished05:09
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jigheadGeoffrey2: amarok is a nice app, it's not an itunes killer, but it is ok05:09
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Ron_oI know troy. SOOOoo ;-)05:09
Tarantulafudgehas ANYONE goten flash to work with sound on ubuntu?05:09
troy_sgeoffrey:  itunes isn't worth the time05:09
shodanjr_grmy flash seems to work fine on firefox with sound05:09
Ron_obut totem is a hog.05:09
richardi installed the codec too but i still cant play dvd using totem05:09
troy_sgeoffrey:  just use an open source player and help shaping its future.05:09
ice_1963well yes05:09
DarkMageZTarantulafudge, i have05:10
syuusukedo i have to uninstall the restricted linux modules inorder to install fglrx?05:10
piqqyanyone here using Xgl?05:10
TarantulafudgeDarkMageZ: what did you have to do05:10
troy_sron_o:  that's fine, you were wondering why totem didn't work.  now you know at least.05:10
mnl88troy_s: for some reason banshee could play them now...i hope it lasts.  thanks a bunch!05:10
piqqyI want to know how to set a background behind the cube05:10
Ron_oactually, the best video, music player problaby ever was a windows one: irfanview.05:10
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Ron_oit doesn't work under WINE.05:10
DarkMageZTarantulafudge, there are some notes about it in restrictedformats05:10
troy_smnl88:  it is because SOME players use gstreamer, some use other libs.05:10
DarkMageZ!tell Tarantulafudge about restrictedformats05:10
WolF414I need help getting warsow to work on ubuntu  (someone who has installed warsow on linux)05:10
troy_smnl88:  the secret is in the details.05:10
Ron_oI knew why. I didn't care for the hog. :P05:10
mnl88troy_s:  yea, gotcha.05:10
Geoffrey2if someone can point out an open source player that plays protected AAC files, I'll most certainly try it05:10
troy_smnl88:  anything 'gnomeish' is supposed to use gstreamer (not always though)05:11
Ron_oI don't like Kaffeine either. It takes 2 minutes for the thing to start.05:11
troy_sgeoffrey:  you fell into a trap then.05:11
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shodanjr_gri pressed ctr+alt+f1 and im now at a terminal screen without a bash prompt05:11
troy_sgeoffrey:  the apple trap.05:11
shodanjr_grany way to get back to X?05:11
richardcan some one tell me why i  install the codec pack and still cant play dvd's05:11
ice_1963but if you chill it i like it :)05:11
troy_sshodan:  yep... ctrl alt f705:11
jigheadshodanjr_gr: ctl+alt+F705:11
shodanjr_grcheers :D05:11
DarkMageZ!tell richard about restrictedformats05:12
shodanjr_grwhats a shortcut to a terminal window in X?05:12
troy_sshodan:  the graphical terminal is on f7 in ubuntu.05:12
Ron_oI think I would have tried cntl-alt-backspace, but nay..05:12
Ron_obetter off not.05:12
WolF414I need help getting warsow to work on ubuntu  (someone who has installed warsow on linux)05:12
troy_sshodanjr:  ??? you mean a keybinding to open a term?05:12
guest42I tried making a test C program, but when I tried gcc FingerTest.c, I got this: FingerTest.c:4: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function printf05:12
Ron_oI'm still used the alt-cntrl-del from Win.05:12
mnl88troy_s:  related problem: banshee skips playback every 30 seconds or so, with a short blip of silence.  any idea of the cause?05:12
guest42What's up with that?05:12
shodanjr_gryes troy_s05:12
Geoffrey2well, I'd probably have just as little luck with Microsoft's proprietary protected music files05:12
jigheadshodanjr_gr: Applications->Accessories->Terminal is where it is in the menus, is that what you want?05:12
troy_sguest42:  your syntax is flakey.05:12
troy_smnl88:  hrm... could be dma possibly?05:13
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troy_sgeoffrey:  yes you would!  buy a cd.  you won't have any problems.05:13
frank_mnl88: low quality electrons coming from the power plant of course ;)    I guess I have nothing useful to say05:13
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shodanjr_grjighead i thought there was a default keyoboard shortcut to make one popup05:13
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mnl88troy_s: lol, alrighty.  i'll think about it.05:13
troy_sgeoffrey:  do NOT support any company that tries to secretely force drm down your throat.05:13
Tarantulafudgeis automatix a good idea?05:13
troy_smnl88: dma --05:13
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ubotuAutomatix is a utility which helps install various codecs and applications which cannot be part of the default installation, also another utility is called EasyUbuntu, please join #automatix or #easyubuntu for more information05:14
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rtwhat if they are overtly trying to force drm down your throat? :-)05:14
ghoztanyone know where I can find information about XGL ?05:14
troy_srt:  then you are an idiot05:14
ubotuit has been said that xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"05:14
troy_srt:  :)05:14
DarkMageZghozt, www.compiz.net & #ubuntu-xgl05:14
guest42Oh? I just did the same thing I do when compiling C in Windows with gcc.... so I dunno.05:14
ghoztthank you.05:14
guest42I guess I'll have to... revise my methods.05:14
troy_sguest42:  there is your first mistake.05:14
rtwell, i've suspected that for a while, given the difficulties i've been having with drake.05:14
DarkMageZ!tell darkmagez about help05:14
troy_sguest42:  follow standards and protocols and you won't have an issue.05:14
troy_sguest42:  use ansi c syntax for example.05:15
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guest42I didn't know printf("Yo"); wasn't standard.05:15
guest42I've been bamboozled.05:15
jigheadshodanjr_gr: there isn't a default shortcut setup, but you can go into the preferences and set one up if you wish05:15
troy_sguest42:  well obviously you have something wrong in the compile step...05:15
shodanjr_grjighead thx05:15
ubuntuuwhat's the version of nvidia module inside "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-686" pkg ?05:15
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shodanjr_granother issue05:15
guest42Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.05:15
shodanjr_grif X crashes05:15
ubuntuuubotu tell me about nvidia05:16
troy_subuntuu:  apt-cache show blah05:16
shodanjr_gris there a place wher ei can check out a log of the crash?05:16
mnl88troy_s: is there any way to get banshee to use gstreamer.08 instead of .10?  or would that not make a difference?05:16
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troy_sshodanjr:  yep05:16
troy_sshodanjr:  /var/log has all the logs05:16
guest42Like I said, I don't really know anything about setting up the compiler itself. My ide pampered me. I suppose I'll go and figure it all out then.05:16
Burgundaviamnl88: no, it wouldn't05:16
troy_sshodanjr:  should be self explanatory from there for each one.05:16
jigheadshodanjr_gr: /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:16
b0xenHey does anybody know if there is a VMware image of dapper drake around? I've been googling like crazy but I can't find one.05:16
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b0xenfor VMware player i mean05:16
ubuntuutroy_s, my bad, i didn't see it ;) tx05:16
troy_smnl88:  .1 should be better... but you can always use another aac decoding lib.05:16
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HajuuHey I have a dependancy issue... Um the libhal (hardware abstraction library) requires dbus-1 while libhal-storage requires dbus but I cant have dbus and dbus-1, which one do I *need*05:17
mnl88troy_s: ok05:17
troy_sb0xen:  just run dapper.  you won't be sorry.  ;)05:17
b0xenno you dont understand, i run all my linux from VMware lol05:17
b0xeni dont have the hard drive space to dual boot, and unfortunately i need windows05:18
troy_sb0xen:  hrm... how come?05:18
troy_sb0xen:  security blanket?05:18
Ron_otry Clusty search engine. I go there when I cant' find anything on GOogle.05:18
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b0xenread above05:18
troy_sb0xen:  need windows is pretty um...05:18
ubuntusorry, what does it mean sudo05:18
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b0xenbut i do *need* it.05:18
troy_sb0xen:  for what app?05:19
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kyledyeis it possible to set up a web site server from my box if i have the dapper desktop version of ubuntu?05:19
ubotufrom memory, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:19
troy_subotu, tell ubuntu about sudo05:19
b0xenFor perfect MSoffice compatability, and for itunes, because ive used the music store and you cant strip DRM anymore05:19
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jadaz87how can i remove a package and all its dependencies that were installed with it?05:19
BlackSolarisskippy: finally, it's done downloading, I just have to finish burning it and I'll be ready05:19
Ron_osudo apt-get remove <package name>05:19
troy_sb0xen:  oh lord.  another person who fell into the drm trap.05:19
mnl88troy_s: thanks for the help, i think i've finally got decent playback05:19
Ron_oor synaptic.05:19
DarkMageZkyledye, completely possible, i was doing it with hoary i think05:19
b0xeni used to always strip the DRM05:20
b0xenbut now with itunes 6 no1 has broken it yet05:20
cocoxplease somebody who knows how to activate the iptables rules without rebooting05:20
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troy_sb0xen:  all the more reason to firebomb apple.05:20
b0xenlol yeah well05:20
kyledyeDarkMageZ: where would i look for a walkthru?05:20
b0xenits too late for me.05:20
jadaz87Ron_o: it does not remove dependancies :-(05:20
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Ron_omaybe they are needed by another application.05:20
troy_sb0xen:  don't say that.  just eat the pain and buy the cds or something.  mp3 stinks.05:20
Ron_othat's probably it.05:20
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troy_sjadaz87:  aptitude apparently does.05:21
Ron_oif not, then remove them one by one.05:21
DarkMageZkyledye, :P install the apache package, and configure it, then start apache, webserver on desktop box is up and running, for more details on each step, use google05:21
b0xenthey arent mp3. theyre mp4. or something.05:21
ubotuaptitude is another front-end to apt, like apt-get, adept and Synaptic.  Unlike them, aptitude remembers what dependencies were installed with a package and can remove them if you uninstall. It also has a (somewhat buggy) text-mode interface.05:21
kyledyeDarkMageZ: thank you very much05:21
troy_sb0xen:  yah awful quality.  go with flac05:21
ubotuI heard apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP05:21
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b0xenitunes is cheaper05:21
b0xen$10 per album05:21
mnl88quality doesn't matter as much when you have horrid speakers, though05:21
Ron_owhy, I didn't know aptitude was that powerful.05:21
Ron_oI guess you could use CheckInstall as well.05:21
ubotuit has been said that checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall05:22
troy_sb0xen:  um no.  crap quality.  not even close to cd.  not cheaper at all... most cd's these days are 9 bucks canadian and you get all the songs.05:22
b0xenmaybe where you live05:22
b0xenbut in NYC05:22
b0xencds are $17.9905:22
troy_sb0xen:  move.  laf.05:22
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b0xenand the quality is good enough for me.05:22
Hajuudoes anyone know of a package manager besides synaptic which is actually able to save my selections?05:22
mnl88bOxen: but the drm isn't05:22
b0xenbut its too late05:22
b0xeni already have DRMd music05:22
jadaz87Hajuu: aptitude i believe05:22
b0xeni cant magically unbuy it05:22
richardcan some one help me with downloading and installing a software to play back dvd, the default players like totem dont work05:23
Ron_oBoxen, try used CD stores.05:23
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)05:23
b0xenRon_o, no.05:23
mnl88bOxem:  um...burn it to a cd, and re-rip it, and have even worse quality?...05:23
Hajuujadaz87:  aptitude doesnt. Everytime I quit or get disconnected I lose all my selections05:23
troy_sb0xen:  well... if you go to www.apple.com i am pretty sure they have all the answers for your lovely problem.  it will probably involve a core duo (tm) (c) g6 and a apple enema though.05:23
ubotuI heard restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats05:23
b0xenok enough with the zealotry05:23
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b0xenall i wanted to know was if anybody knew of an image05:23
b0xenbut i guess not.05:23
troy_sb0xen:  you should be able to vmware any iso05:23
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b0xeni cant05:23
b0xeni dont have vmware05:24
troy_sb0xen:  last time i checked.05:24
b0xeni only have vmware player05:24
b0xenrequires a premade image05:24
b0xenof the OS itself05:24
b0xennot the install disc.05:24
couchosomeone please help me, i just threw away my entire menubar05:24
troy_sb0xen:  ick.05:24
troy_sb0xen: umm...05:24
ice_1963you need to take the time to learn linux first05:24
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ubotu`Chip`: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:24
b0xentroy_s: Ick? Yes. Ick, but free.05:24
Ron_othrew it away?05:24
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, `Chip`05:24
skippyBlackSolaris, sorry i was in offtopic :D good luck with the text install :) after its finished you will be able to run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" from the recovery prompt if x wont let you in05:24
KnelixGuys, I got a little emergency here... trying to install Dapper on a 10 year old Dell which was running Win XP.. it boots and loads but it's glacial...  it's just not usable... can I install Dapper in text mode, or should I just give up on this oldie?05:24
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Ron_ocoucho? what?05:24
troy_sb0xen:  itunes rocks apparently.  i don't know if there is a quick and dirty way to help you.05:24
Ron_oyou men panel?05:25
b0xenKnelix try xubuntu05:25
couchoyeah the top thingy05:25
troy_sb0xen, but since you are into keeping those music files, i have some 8tracks for you if you want.  :)05:25
BlackSolarisskippy: thanks for your help!05:25
baboSo when I click on a skype:+telephone_number?call  link, a blank offline skype opens. It doesn't connect the call or login. Afaik it works in windows ?05:25
b0xentroy_s: Arrogance only makes you look bad.05:25
DarkMageZKnelix, how much ram does it have? and what processor and hard-drive05:25
Knelixb0xen, is that included on Dapper?05:25
Ron_othere's a command, but I don't know what it is. try alt-F2 gnome-panel and see what happens.05:25
WolF414My xine has no sound when playing wmv files05:25
ubotufrom memory, xubuntu is Ubuntu using Xfce instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://www.xubuntu.org05:25
b0xenKnelix: I believe it is a seperate ISO05:25
troy_sb0xen:  you should see my face, i already look bad.  it isn't arrogance.  just reality.  sometimes you can cut your losses.05:26
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cocoxebody who knows how to activate the iptables rules without rebooting05:26
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jadaz87Knelix: also if you are interesting i am developing a fluxbox based distro05:26
WolF414My xine has no sound when playing wmv files05:26
ubotufluxbuntu is, like, an Ubuntu-based derivative project that uses FluxBox as the desktop environment. For more info visit http://www.fluxbuntu.org or #fluxbuntu05:26
Hajuudoes anyone know of a package manager besides synaptic which is actually able to save my selections?05:26
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troy_scocox:  google iptables.  there are a few good howtos out there.  i can't recall off the top of my head... let me look.05:26
Ron_ococox, a firewall will do it. But not from scratch.05:26
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Ron_ofirestarter or Guarddog might do.05:26
couchoRon_o: it says "i've detected a panel and i'm now exiting05:26
KnelixDarkMageZ: It's 128 MB, not sure about the CPU.05:27
K4TRINAjadaz87: why not an OpenBox based distro?05:27
K4TRINAjadaz87: openbox is much faster05:27
Ron_ocoucho, sorry.05:27
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KnelixDarkMageZ: I think it's 450 MHz, nbut not sure about CPU type... assume the lowest CPU.05:27
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jadaz87K4TRINA: well there is more of a want for fluxbox :-(05:27
menatoranyone know how to set the gnome menus to not use scrolling and just display the entire menu?05:27
DarkMageZKnelix, hmm, the normal install cd needs 192mb of ram to install, try the alternative install cd, which installs in text mode :)05:27
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jadaz87K4TRINA: maybe i will come out with an twin sister project :-)05:28
DarkMageZKnelix, also, it is rumored that xubuntu runs better05:28
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couchoanyone else?05:28
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KnelixDarkMageZ: No way to do that with the standard Dapper CD (it's all I have now)?05:28
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K4TRINAjadaz87: i guess so then05:28
wensonhas anyone installed fluxbox on dapper from source code?05:28
Ron_ocoucho, I mostly use XFCE desktop.05:28
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Ron_oI can't help much with Gnome.05:28
ydnarsorry guys, which music player would you recommend? amarok or banshee?05:29
DarkMageZKnelix, well, the standard cd does say u need 192mb minimum... alternative is the way05:29
jadaz87K4TRINA: i will look into openbox05:29
jadaz87K4TRINA: are you here often?05:29
Ron_oydnar, XMMS.05:29
couchothnx Ron_o05:29
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couchoanyone know how to show the gnome panel?05:29
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ydnarany reason why xmms over the other two?05:29
K4TRINAjadaz87: it's faster is all... and i don't like a lot of the features that fluxbox implements by default, like that stupid excuse for a task bar and those annoying window tabs05:29
menatorI read somewhere in the forums that they are called tear offs?05:29
keeganI prefer amarok myself...05:29
K4TRINAjadaz87: granted you can turn all that off, but still05:29
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, `Chip`05:29
Ron_ocoucho, here's a fix. Terminal > type in Gnome and then <tab> and it will list all the commands for Gnome.05:30
KnelixDarkMageZ: OKay, I guess I''ll have to find some way to burn it.05:30
cocoxtroy_s, Ron_o, i've been looking for im asking for some help..... im still looking... but if anybody knows please...05:30
K4TRINAjadaz87: openbox doesn't try to come with any of that, so you really peice it together yourself05:30
KnelixThanks guys.05:30
cocoxRon_o, from the scratch?? what do you mean05:30
troy_scocox:  ok let me look...05:30
couchoRon_o: i don't know how to open the terminal05:30
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jadaz87K4TRINA: i am going to look into openbox right now05:30
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troy_scoucho:  applications accessories terminal05:30
couchotroy_s: that's the problem, i don't have the menubar any more05:31
troy_scocox:  what do you want to restart?05:31
Ron_ocoucho alt+F2 <gnome-terminal>05:31
troy_scoucho:  ouch. right click and try to add a panel.05:31
cocoxtroy_s, i want to activate my ip rules without rebooting05:31
Ron_ococox, what's your question?05:31
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troy_scocox:  and you passed them via file, not using the iptable cli right?05:31
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cocoxtroy_s, yes.. just with my file05:32
Ron_ococox, use a firewall like firestarter or Guarddog.05:32
Ron_oyou can manipulate Ip tables manually.05:32
`Chip`Will installing Dapper 6.06 as Server from the Alternate CD include a GUI (GNOME)?05:32
Ron_olet the firewall do it for you.05:32
troy_scocox:  hold.05:32
cocoxRon_o, i know that firestartter its just a mask for iptables05:32
Ron_ook, sorry.05:32
troy_scocox:  hold tight.05:32
cocoxtroy_s, ok thnx05:33
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Jon_I have a question.. If you're upgrading from the 'desktop' 5.04 to a 6.06, will it ever ask if you want to switch to the server version (and remove all the other gui applications and such)?05:33
Ron_oChip, I don't think it will, but you should be able to d/l anything you want through apt-get with a server.05:33
chavo`Chip`, installing as server does not include X or any desktop05:33
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frank_Jon_: no05:34
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anfangshallo all05:34
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frank_Jon_: it will update everything you have to the 6.06 version05:34
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devin_Is there a reason, when i run glxgears it gears away but don't give me any fps  / output?05:34
mardihi, how do we see if our dvd/cdrw drive is being recognized?05:34
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frank_devin_: not fps by default now05:34
`Chip`would I just type sudo apt-get install gnome?05:34
ubotuTo display the FPS type "glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark"05:34
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troy_sdevin:  -iacknowledgethisisnotabenchmark05:34
chavodevin_, glxgears -printfps works too05:35
troy_swoop frank beat me.05:35
anfangswill I run into conflicts if I try to install KDE when gnome is already my default dm?05:35
Jon_frank_: so what would I have to do? reformat? and only install the server?05:35
troy_schavo:  i don't think it does anymore.05:35
troy_sanfangs:  no you shouldn't.05:35
odinrikoI have 5.10 installed, do I have to download another iso to get the new dapper or can I apt the same updates?05:35
jrattner1Is there a newsticker for gnome similar to knewsticker for KDE?05:35
troy_sanfangs:  kde-desktop -- then choose your session.05:35
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anfangstroy_s: ok, cool..05:35
bobstroanfangs:  i have both installed, not a problem.05:35
troy_sjrattner:  gdesklets has some05:35
frank_Jon_: well that would be the easiest way I guess05:35
anfangsbobstro: alright, thanks05:36
nathan_glxgears is reporting between 15-25fps, is that typical for a 6600gt nvidia card?05:36
chavotroy_s, have you tried it?05:36
chavonathan_, no05:36
bobstroanfangs:  i kept gdm (over kdm) since i prefer it.05:36
troy_schavo: a while back yah... then it changed to that cooky param05:36
Geoffrey2looks like the latest version of Firefox hasn't made it to ubuntu yet05:36
mardianyone? please, how do we see if our dvd/cdrw drive is being recognized?05:37
anfangsthere are some kde apps that i prefer... the IRC client for instance05:37
nathan_hmm, i tried the howto on enabling the 3d features in my x configuration, wondering what's going wrong05:37
Ron_oodinriko, the update manager will take care of your upgrade, as long as all your applications are upgraded especially update manager.05:37
ydnaris there any reason why if i insert a dvd into my drive, it will load in totem and play, but not if i try to open it manually in VLC?05:37
troy_sgeoffrey: its open source.  make it if you want.  but you can break lower level depends.05:37
bobstroanfangs:  i'm leaning towards going back to kde myself.05:37
shrump_jimbomardi 'hdparm -I' should do it05:37
KevinIN72inorder to get a GUI should i run sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop05:37
troy_scocox:  still looking.05:37
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troy_si don't remember it being that tough05:37
devin_ok i got a beater Radeon Mobility 7500 in my r-40 thinkpad laptop but i would think it should get better then 2795 frames in 5.0 seconds = 558.831 FPS05:38
Ron_oKevinIN72, look in Synaptic to see what the name is called. Sorry, I don't know off hand.05:38
chavoKevinIN72, yup that'll install gnome05:38
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KevinIN72ok i was lookin for gnome anyways thanks05:38
rredd4does dapper kernel support ntfs write?05:38
Ron_orredd4, no.05:39
troy_scocox:  what are you using for your config file?05:39
cocoxtroy_s, still waiting ;)05:39
Ron_ontfs is read only.05:39
DJLCWhat is the Terminal command to run an application as root? sudo (??) filepath05:39
mardishrump_jimbo: that just spits out a list of hdparm flags05:39
cocoxtroy_s, what do you mean ?05:39
odinrikoRon_o, Thank you05:39
troy_swell how did you add your rules?05:39
cocoxtroy_s, im doing all by scripting in the console05:39
troy_srredd:  yes.05:39
dick-richardsonhow do I make my laptop NOT ask me for the password when I open my lid?05:39
Ron_oDJLC, gksudo <name of application>05:39
troy_scocox:  using the add function of iptables?05:39
rredd4ok, then read this please  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php05:40
DJLCRon_o, kthx05:40
cocoxtroy_s, something like this -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT05:40
troy_scocox:  um... that should automatically take effect bro.05:40
Ron_ogksudo is GUI front end for sudo.05:40
couchoRon_o: panel is only the bottom thingy05:40
troy_scocox:  have you tested it?05:40
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Hajuudoes anyone know of a package manager besides synaptic which is actually able to save my selections?05:40
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odinrikoIs there a nice package list like gentoo-portage.com?05:40
Ron_ocouch, I can't help ya. I don't know. Sorry.05:41
cocoxtroy_s, yes but i have to reboot for this to take effect05:41
troy_sodinriko:  apt-cache search will help you.05:41
ubotuaptitude is another front-end to apt, like apt-get, adept and Synaptic.  Unlike them, aptitude remembers what dependencies were installed with a package and can remove them if you uninstall. It also has a (somewhat buggy) text-mode interface.05:41
rredd4troy_s  have you been able to write to a ntfs volume?05:41
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ydnardoes anyone know why a dvd would not play in VLC, but work just fine in totem?05:41
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=== Viaken installs aptitude.
troy_srredd4:  ages ago, yes.  it is past the 'experimental' point if that is any consolation.  best bet is use fat32 slush -- copy the stuffs over and write there then share between the two oses.05:42
Kane666i need help on my windows machine, i cant enable my wireless router connetion :s any ideas?05:42
troy_sydnar: strange wierd.05:42
ydnaram i just not opening it correctly in vlc?05:42
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ubotuFor help with microsoft windows, please visit ##windows - see also https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/105:42
Kane666thanks ;)05:43
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rredd4ydnar  type retrictedformats  in firefox05:43
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troy_sydnar:  possibly.  select dvd:// as your source url.05:43
troy_srredd4:  he has it working in totem.05:44
rredd4troy_s ok05:44
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couchodoes ANYONE know how to get the menubar back?!?!?05:44
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earthenhow do I set my clock to 12h and to not update to daylight saving time?05:45
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couchoi'm frikkin desperate here05:45
troy_scocox:  have you tried networking restart?05:45
hey560when is edgy going to start development?05:45
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jigheadcoucho: what does ps -ef | grep panel say?05:45
troy_scoucho:  right click add panels.05:45
cocoxtroy_s, how could i do that ?05:45
troy_scocox:  /etc/init.d/networking restart05:45
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troy_scocox: or stop start05:45
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DavidLeeRothhey guys, will xgl work with ATI cards?05:46
nomasteryoda|wwow, i see more and more new people here05:46
couchotroy_s: if it were that simple i wouldn't be here05:46
troy_subotu, tell davidleeroth about xgl05:46
couchojighead: panel is running, that's not the menu bar05:46
troy_scoucho:  i believe it is:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart05:46
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DavidLeeRothdoes anyone know of any hardware that would cause ubuntu to freeze during install?05:46
troy_scoucho:  but it has been ages since i used that script manually.05:46
earthennomasteryoda|w, yeah Ubuntu is growing fast :)05:47
troy_scoucho:  if that fails, try stop, then start.05:47
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cocoxtroy_s, it doesnt works05:47
couchotroy_s: wtf has networking to do with it?05:47
rredd4troy_s this web site http://www.linux-ntfs.org/  says there is a driver for linux to write to ntfs, just in case your interested.  I didn't know if dapper kernel was already config'd to do this05:47
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MTecknologycoucho, he's talking to cocox05:47
jigheadcocox: what menu bar do you want?  the one with applications, places, and system, or something different?05:47
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DavidLeeRothduring install, dapper freezes05:48
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couchojighead: that one05:48
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troy_swhoops sorry05:48
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  I had the same problem, had to redownload dapper install05:48
DavidLeeRothhowever, it works on my laptop. what could be the case? i really want to run it on my desktop, and not my notebook05:48
jadaz87sudo: unable to lookup eclipse via gethostbyname()05:48
troy_scocox:  did you try restarting the network?05:48
jadaz87does anyone know why that is happening?05:48
omirixCan someone help me? My GCC can't make executables, but MAKE can! What's wrong?!05:48
DavidLeeRothrredd4, why would it work on one machine but not the other?05:49
anfangsi'm running an installation script that says i need to own $HOME and that sudo won't work -- any suggestions?05:49
ydnarnevermind troy_s, i can't seem to get the dvd to work in either now :p05:49
omirixanfangs: sudo sh05:49
earthencoucho, right click on any menu bar that you have left and click add panel05:49
troy_sydnar:  told you it was weird.05:49
troy_sydnar:  ;)05:49
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troy_sanfangs:  sounds suspect05:49
earthencoucho, sorry that's new panel05:49
bimberiomirix: have you installed build-essential ?05:49
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couchoearthen: i only have the bottom one left, and that only says remove from panel05:49
DavidLeeRothrredd4, what hardware do you have? I doubt that the install cd was invalid because i downloaded it from bittorrent05:49
jigheadcoucho: you can hit ctl alt backspace to restart X05:49
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omirixbimberi: yes05:50
anfangsomirix: yes, i did this... and a graphical installer came up (CrossoverOffice) that said i need to own $HOME... that i need to be root, and sudo prolly wont work05:50
cocoxtroy_s, yes i tried it05:50
omirixanfangs: run su then05:50
ydnari think the problem is, now i'm using a commercial dvd, when previously i was using a ripped and burned to dvd-r, dvd05:50
omirixanfangs: hit CTRL-ALT-F1 and login as root05:50
earthencoucho, you have to right click on a free space on the panel not over a open tab or anything05:50
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  maybe the cd  drive is not reading the cd in the other machine, had that problem too...  using a laptop, dell05:50
jigheadcoucho: you have to right click on a "blank" area of the bottom panel for the add panel option to show up05:50
Linuturkyeah, I don't like the live session installer. It seems it doesn't do it right most of the time (at least on older hardware)05:50
pvd2006ydnar, do you have libdvdcss2?05:50
omirixbimberi: any idea?05:50
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  and a dell celeron05:50
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DavidLeeRothrredd4, breezy works fine.  this is seriously pissing me off05:50
ydnari think i followed instructions to get libdvdcss3?05:50
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  and a dell celeron desktop05:50
=== KevinIN72 [n=chatzill@adsl-69-208-66-79.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
anfangsomirix: ok, thanks05:51
bimberiomirix: directory permissions?05:51
w^xI have a ATI radeon 9600 256mb memory video card i dont see any info on the wiki about this card.05:51
omirixbimberi: elaborate?05:51
omirixanfangs: np, gl! :)05:51
DavidLeeRothrredd4, gateway 7510gx notebook, home built desktop05:51
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  try a cd cleaning disc05:51
bimberiomirix: sorry, do you have write access where you want to compile05:51
DavidLeeRoththe drive works fine dude05:51
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Geoffrey2so, if there are any updates to any of the programs in the Synaptic Package Manager that I have installed, the system will automatically inform me of the updates?05:51
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w^xbut no acceleration05:51
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DavidLeeRothit works good enough to load breezy, and windows xp pro, and burn dvd's.....05:51
couchojighead: that did not bring back the menubar05:52
w^xwait nevermind05:52
omirixbimberi: NVM, i got it, thansk anyways. I forgot to fully install gcc, i failed to check all the things in synaptic05:52
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KevinIN72man it takes a long time to install gnome05:52
ViakenAnyone know what would cause X programs to not start after booting up after hibernate? I can drop to console, restart gdm, and it all works, but that's a bit annoying.05:52
bimberiomirix: phew, i was struggling :P05:52
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  those are my suggestions, I just thought that the cd drive might not be reading the cd, because its needs cleaning.  it happens05:52
omirixbimberi: lol05:52
DavidLeeRothrredd4, I want to do a clean install from cd, meaning I don't want to go into breezy and upgrade. this is retarded!05:52
jigheadcoucho: right click on a blank area of the bottom panel and the add panel option should be there05:52
omirixbimberi: nvm it's still happening. any ideas? =\05:53
couchoyeah it is05:53
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ubotusomebody said restrictedformats was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats05:53
omirixbimberi: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executable05:53
tritiumomirix: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:53
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  I never suggested a breezy upgrade...05:54
omirixsh-3.1# gcc blah.c05:54
omirixblah.c: In function main:05:54
omirixblah.c:4: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function printf05:54
omirixsh-3.1# ./a.out05:54
omirixtritium: i did.05:54
DavidLeeRothrredd4, i know. most people do. no one can seem to figure this crap out05:54
omirixit SEEMS fine when i do gcc filename.c05:54
omirixbut when i compile wine it make san erorr05:54
farousomirix: don't flod the channel use the pastebin05:54
ydnarso to play dvds in VLC, i need only to install libdvdcss2?05:54
bimberiomirix: i'm not sure sorry :|05:54
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tritiumomirix: you included stdio.h?05:55
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  you have the install cd right, works in only on machine, not the other, right?05:55
baboSo when I click on a skype:+telephone_number?call  link, a blank offline skype opens. It doesn't connect the call or login. It works perfectly with windows / firefox ...05:55
omirixtritium: it's not about that. it's about my wine compile. it says my gcc cant compile executables05:55
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  on=one05:55
MTecknologyHow do I set default video player?05:55
DavidLeeRothrredd4, yes. it boots on the desktop. i click install in text mode.... it asks for my language and keyboard.  then it says scanning for hardware.  Then a big blue screen freezes.05:55
farousomirix: check which ver of gcc you need most programs need gcc3.405:56
jigheadomirix: sudo aptitude install build-essentials should get you everything you need to compile stuff05:56
omirixjighead:  i did05:56
rredd4DavidLeeRoth but works in your laptop?05:56
omirixgcc version 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)05:56
DavidLeeRothrredd4, yes.05:56
omirixhow do i get a later version? =\05:56
tritiumjighead: with no "s"05:56
omirixthat installed with synaptic, farous05:56
DavidLeeRothrredd4, I seriously do not want linux on my laptop. that is windows only.  i want linux on my desktop05:56
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roeevening all05:57
farousomirix: you need an older ver. check the specific with the program you want to compile05:57
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omirixfarous: OH im retarded! its my symlink!05:57
omirixone sec05:57
ic0ffeecup_hi, have someone already packaged anjuta2 ?05:57
cocoxtroy_s, are u there?05:57
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CornelliusCan't tell why, I really love Aptitude05:57
phrowzenhmm, no dapper updates in a few days now eh.. any idea why05:57
rredd4DavidLeeRoth  did you do a cd check when you booted the install cd from your desktop?05:57
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tritiumphrowzen: it was released05:57
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ViakenWhen I resume after hibernating, I can't start any X applications unless I restart gdm. I click things, it says "starting such and such" and nothing happens. It isn't locked up because I can still work in open applications. Anyone have a guess what's wrong?05:58
DavidLeeRothi tried, it freezes as well05:58
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phrowzentritium, true.. but meh, i still received like daily updates for breezy05:58
tritiumphrowzen: only security fixes now05:58
m0biu5where do you suggest i put sources that I am going to compile? (specifically gnome colorscheme)05:58
ViakenStarted when I upgraded from breezy to dapper...05:58
Cornelliusphrowzen: give it time man05:58
omirixfarous: i have GCC 4.0.305:58
couchojighead: thnx man05:58
omirixfarous: idk what could be happening..05:58
MTecknologyHow do I set default video player?05:58
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phrowzentritium, and i just find it interesting how prior to dapper final, even a week before, there was *tons* of daily updates, i just find it strange how its just 'done' like that hehe, but no biggie im not complaining, everythings working :)05:58
=== DJLC [n=DJLC@69-164-37-117.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
mnl88is it worth going w/ the 64 bit version of ubuntu if you can?  (i have an athlon 3500+ w/ 32-bit dapper installed)05:58
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Cornelliusphrowzen: Only been 4 days since it was released. Breezy was out for a long time05:58
bimberiphrowzen: the devs are still catching up on sleep :)05:59
farousomirix: what program you are compiling05:59
phrowzenbimberi, haha, true05:59
omirixfarous: wine05:59
johnnyrussomnl88: not if u have an ati video card05:59
phrowzenCornellius, yeah,.. i only ran ubuntu since breezy, im a newb to the process i guess ;)05:59
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DavidLeeRothrredd4, i tried, it freezes as well05:59
CornelliusSleep ? WHut's that ?05:59
farousomirix: type ./configure --help will tell you which gcc you need to use05:59
mnl88johnnyrusso:  that answers my question, then  (i have ati...and i really don't like it...)05:59
babomnl88: nope, it's not worth it if you use your machine for business or day-to-day critical tasks IMO05:59
Cornelliusphrowzen: New to linux ? You choose the right distro :)05:59
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DJLCI hate to have to come back and ask the same question - but I closed IRC before I could write it down. What's the Terminal command to run an application as root?06:00
phrowzenCornellius, for workstation use yes. i have been using slackware for many years for a server -- i wouldnt say im terribly comfortable, but i can get my way aroud no problem06:00
openbysourcehow much packages drapper has06:00
ic0ffeecup_DJLC, sudo06:00
jigheadomirix: if you add deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main to your /etc/apt/sources.list, you won't have to compile wine, you can grab the packages06:00
omirixfarous: that does nothing06:00
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farousomirix: i know that most programs need gcc-3.4 to work. quite rare that i see one compiling with gcc 4. so just install gcc-3.406:00
openbysourceis it having mplayer xmms, xine and other media packages06:00
MTecknologyHow do I set default video player?06:00
tritiumjighead: wine is also in multiverse06:00
omirixjighead: tried it. that link is dead... thanks though06:00
DJLCic0ffeecup_ no - there was (some command) (appname)06:00
omirixjighead: i had to get the sources06:00
tritiumuniverse, rather06:01
farousomirix: than perhaps check on their website of linux requirements for compilation06:01
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rredd4DavidLeeRoth  "try" cleaning your desktop drive, just to see if it makes a difference06:01
ic0ffeecup_DJLC, sudo application06:01
hit1983how to install tomcat ?06:01
openbysourcedrapper has dvd version ?06:01
omirixfarous: im sure this meets the standards, its a 3 day fresh install of Ubuntu latest06:01
omirixfarous: and everything is up to date06:01
=== clintonc [n=clintonc@71-12-183-169.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DavidLeeRothrredd4, it's also strange because my laptop has virtually the same specs as my desktop06:01
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buzzedany solutions for slow startup... seems to take a minute or so to load metacity06:01
DJLCic0ffeecup_ wasn't what they told me before - but I'll try it anyway. Thx.06:01
farousomirix: you knwo there are special repos for wine. check /msg ubotu easysource06:02
MTecknologyHow do I set default video player?06:02
johnnyrussomnl88 np06:02
openbysourcedownload link for drapper ?06:02
=== richard [n=richard@port0193-adf-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
DavidLeeRothi swear to god rredd4.... it's clean! I was installing crap with it yesterday! I find it strange that breezy boots, windows xp cd boots, music cd's work, dvd's burn flawlessly, but badger doesnt.06:02
=== joevandyk [n=joe@c-24-19-234-135.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
`Chip`How can yo uload into single user mode with Ubuntu?06:02
DavidLeeRothi wonder what the problem is rredd406:02
DavidLeeRoth* i meant to say dapper rredd406:02
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rredd4DavidLeeRoth  maybe someone can help06:03
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roeanyone know how I get css decryption06:03
rmooneyis there no solution to flash plugin for ppc06:03
richardUnpacking replacement realplayer ...06:03
richarddpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of realplayer:06:03
richard realplayer depends on libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1); however:06:03
richard  Package libstdc++5 is not installed.06:03
richarddpkg: error processing realplayer (--install):06:03
richard dependency problems - leaving unconfigured06:03
farousomirix: did you use this repos too deb-src http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt source/06:03
omirixfarous: im very confused by it saying this though.. maybe i could talk to you better in PM, would that be OK?06:03
richardErrors were encountered while processing:06:03
saquibHELP: Everytime I boot I have to have to start the "network-settings". There on the first settings page is a label "Default gateway device:". Everytime I havve to choose "eth0" as my default gateway device!! and Disable & then Enable the eth0. then I would get my internet connectivity. How can i fix this? its really bugging me to manualy switch on the eth0. :S06:03
rtwindow grow 506:03
omirixfarous: yes, can we talk in pm06:03
DavidLeeRothrredd4, everytime i come in here it's too busy and noone helps.  I appreciate your time  and suggestions.06:03
farousomirix:  no prob06:03
=== clintonc [n=clintonc@71-12-183-169.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
rmooneyin case you missed it06:04
rmooneyis there no solution to flash plugin for ppc06:04
MTecknologyHow do I set default video player?06:04
althDamnit, I keep middleclicking in firefox to autoscroll (which it does) but occasionally it opens google or one of my bookmarks instead :(06:04
richardi get this message when i try to install real player: Unpacking replacement realplayer ...06:04
richarddpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of realplayer:06:04
richard realplayer depends on libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1); however:06:04
richard  Package libstdc++5 is not installed.06:04
richarddpkg: error processing realplayer (--install):06:04
richard dependency problems - leaving unconfigured06:04
richardErrors were encountered while processing:06:04
=== Aven [i=aven@adsl-69-231-54-100.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Viaken will just continue shutting down his system, then. Not a huge deal.
rmooneyalth you can turn that off06:04
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DavidLeeRothrichard, use the pastebin! spare us!06:04
MTecknologyrichard, quit flooding06:05
Avenis there a way to convert .wmv files into .mpeg or something?06:05
linux_user400354xubuntu has BUGS!!!! http://www.geocities.com/good_bye300/xubuntu_error.png06:05
rmooneyfirefox has hidden settings06:05
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althrmooney: Yeah? In the About:Config page?06:05
saquibHELP: Everytime I boot I have to have to start the "network-settings". There on the first settings page is a label "Default gateway device:". Everytime I havve to choose "eth0" as my default gateway device!! and Disable & then Enable the eth0. then I would get my internet connectivity. How can i fix this? its really bugging me to manualy switch on the eth0. :S06:05
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MTecknologyHow do I set default video player?06:05
rmooneythink so forgot how to do it06:06
kbrosnanalth, you likely need to disable middle click paste type about:config in the address bar and filter on middle and find middlemouse.paste change to false06:06
althThanks kbrosnan  :)06:06
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rmooneyhow do i set my default boot order06:07
althOk, fixed, thanks guys.06:07
kbrosnanalth, you also might want to set middlemouse.contentLoadURL to false too06:07
MorbidHungerdapper is sexy06:07
ViakenI <3 middlemouse.paste.06:07
=== monsterb [n=monsterb@c-71-201-140-39.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
althrmooney: by editing your grub.list file.06:07
rmooneyrt thanks06:07
hangfireI dont have any sound in my installation of ubuntu, anyone know what could be the problem, I have onboard sound06:07
DavidLeeRothcan anyone help me? dapper doesn't want to get past the hardware screen on my system! ANY help is appreciated greatly. I can also provide detailed system specs to help you help me :).06:07
althkbrosnan:  right, thanks, done :)06:07
=== GTroy [n=galen@65-103-133-17.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
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althDLR, have you tried the server install?06:08
GTroyis this now the dapper channel yet?06:08
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tritiumyes, GTroy06:08
althYes GTroy .06:08
monsterbHow do I update to dapper from CD ?06:08
MorbidHunger<hangfire> you might want to purchase a better sound card, i have the same problem06:08
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GTroythanks guys06:08
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hangfireMorbid-but I would think it would be easier for ubuntu to detect onboard sound than a sound card06:08
nosklomonsterb: just insert the cd, there should be a dialog asking if you want to add it06:09
MTecknologyHow do I set default video player?06:09
bimberimonsterb: you need the alternate CD, it should prompt you to update when you put it in06:09
MorbidHunger<hangfire> thats what i thought too06:09
GTroyhangfire, I have a chaintech av710 and it works unbelievably good for audiophile music06:09
clintoncDavidLeeRoth: what part specifically does it hang on?06:09
hangfireok, thx GTroy06:09
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cocoxanybody knows how can i do for apply my iptables rules without rebooting???06:09
DavidLeeRothclintonc, it hangs on the scanning hardware part. there is a blue screen that is frozen.06:09
monsterbbimberi: alt CD? ok thx06:10
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clintoncthis is an x86 system?06:10
Cornelliusblue screen of death ??06:10
nosklofrozen blue screen? that reminds me of... oh. nevermind.06:10
=== alth giggles
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Cornelliusnosklo: hahahah06:10
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Avenis there a way to convert .wmv files into .mpeg or something?06:10
DavidLeeRothyes, an amd 3700+ clintonc06:10
bobstroDavidLeeRoth:  is there an option when you boot the cd to use "safe" mode or such?06:11
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bobstroDavidLeeRoth:  (sorry, can't check it now myself)06:11
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DavidLeeRothbobstro, there is gui, text, and OEM mode06:11
clintoncThere's probably a failsafe kernel or something06:11
bobstroDavidLeeRoth:  do you have any outboard stuff connected you could remove?06:11
DavidLeeRothclintonc, i chose not to try amd64... i am install an i386 dapper on a amd 370006:11
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DavidLeeRothbobstro, the only outboard stuff is my video card06:12
bobstroDavidLeeRoth:  i wound up using i386 on my 3500+, works fine there.06:12
MTecknologyHow do I set default video player?06:12
clintonc*puts on turban*06:12
bobstroDavidLeeRoth:  unusual bios settings perhaps?06:12
clintoncwould that be an ATi?06:12
cocoxanybody knows how can i do for apply my iptables rules without rebooting???06:12
jigheadcocox: iptables -F will flush your firewall06:12
DavidLeeRothbobstro, i have an amd 3700+ with 1 Gb ram. I have an x700 Pro video card and an Abit KN8SLI motherboard.06:12
DavidLeeRothclintonc, yes.06:12
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roeanyone know what repository has the libdvdcss2?06:12
jigheadcocox: then you can apply your rules06:12
gonz1silly question: i u/g to dapper, from breezy, and all is, well, AMAZING ... but i would like to add a "lock screen" applet to my menubar, but i can't find it it and i know the default menubar had one, iirc. thoughts?06:12
bobbyroe, see resticted formats in the ubuntu wiki06:13
DavidLeeRothbobstro, i pretty much used the default bios settings.06:13
bobstrococox:  are you using one of the firewall programs?06:13
nosklogonzi, just drag from the menu06:13
bobstroDavidLeeRoth:  any way of knowing what it hung on while scanning?06:13
gonz1i don't see it anywhere anymore.06:13
nosklogonz1: on the system menu06:13
DavidLeeRothbobstro, i have no idea. it does it in all modes.06:13
nosklogonz1: the last item06:13
nosklogonz1: you drag it06:13
cocoxbobstro, just iptables06:13
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bobstrococox:  well, you need a script or something to save those settings.06:14
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cocoxjighead, thats nit true..... you must restart06:14
clintoncDavidLeeRoth, I don't quite know what to tell you...  Have you tried other linux distributions on this machine?06:14
gonz1well, it's not on my menus06:14
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gonz1it == lockscreen06:14
bobstroDavidLeeRoth:  does a live dvd/cd work?06:14
gonz1i don't see it in the menubar add application panel(s) either06:14
Geoffrey2where can I find directions for setting up a wireless card with ndiswrapper?  the Instruction link on wiki.ubuntu goes to a blank page06:14
cocoxbobstro, apply my iptables rules without rebooting???06:15
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jigheadcocox: iptables -F essentially stops your firewall06:15
DavidLeeRothclintonc and bobstro , I have. Debian, knoppix, ubuntu breezy.06:15
cocoxjighead i know06:15
bobstrococox:  jighead is telling you how to clear them. you can then enter them, BUT you need some way to preserve them.06:15
DavidLeeRothbobstro and clintonc, breezy live and install works! WTF?!?06:15
scabootsscahey does dapper drake support winmodems better than breezy?06:15
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bobstrococox:  so you can either write a script yourself, or use one of the many firewall programs.06:15
clintoncDavidLeeRoth: are they using the 2.6.15 kernel?06:15
bobstrococox:  are you doing anything particularly fancy?06:15
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jigheadcocox: once you flush them, just run your script that has all of your rules in it06:16
DavidLeeRothclintonc, i only use breezy and it's latest everything.06:16
cocoxjighead, bobstro, i just want to apply my iptables rules without rebooting06:16
bobstrococox:  do you *have* a script?06:16
bobstrococox:  HOW did they get there?06:16
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bobstrococox:  if so, do what jighead told ya, then re-run your script06:16
jigheadcocox: pastebin your script06:16
cocoxi did iptables-restore xxx06:16
bimberimonsterb: still about? actually it's not quite as simple as i said sorry, check the "Upgrading from an Ubuntu 6.06 CD" section on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades06:17
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bobstrococox:  ah, then modify and save with iptables-save06:17
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cocox-A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT06:17
cocox-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT06:17
cocox-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT06:17
cocox-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT06:17
cocox-A INPUT -m limit --limit 5/min -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables denied: " --log-level 706:17
cocox-A INPUT -j DROP06:17
clintoncDavidLeeRoth: This is when you're trying to boot the livecd, right?06:17
bobstrococox:  though that's a bit ugly.06:17
bobstrococox:  for that simple, use firestarter program.06:17
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cocoxjighead, bobstro, i just want to apply my iptables rules without rebooting06:17
DavidLeeRothclintonc, this is when im trying to install the system06:17
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clintoncright, but from the iso06:18
cocoxthere is no way just with some iptables script option ?06:18
bobstrococox:  well, you want to save them first or not?06:18
Burgundaviaanswerguy: yes06:18
jigheadcocox: when you run the iptables commands, they are applied, you don't have to reboot06:18
clintoncnot using distupgrade or whatnot06:18
cocoxbobstro, i already do thtat06:18
linuanyone having trouble opening skype links ?06:18
cocoxjighead, they dont...06:18
joh6nni preferred /mnt to /media; is there any way for me to switch my install to using /mnt?06:18
DavidLeeRothclintonc, i used this: http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso.torrent06:18
MTecknologyI think it's time to delete my web site. Can somebody go to http://www.madnessmayhem.info and tell me what you think??06:18
bobstrococox:  iptables-restore didn't do it?06:19
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jigheadcocox: what makes you say they don't go into effect immediately06:19
redbladesHi, has anyone here installed Xen on Ubuntu, 5.1006:19
clintoncdid you do a checksum?06:19
clintoncto make sure the CD is good?06:19
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davidX_if i'm using xubuntu and i've installed kubuntu-desktop how do i switch?06:19
joh6nnMTecknology: don't take this wrong way, but please die in a fire06:19
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DavidLeeRothclintonc, no. that's redundant! Utorrent does that for me06:19
answerguyIs there a (relatively easy) way to install Ubuntu into a chroot jail?  (Something like a debootstrap script?)06:19
redbladesI*'m going to do it and I could do with all the help I can get06:19
cocoxjighead, bobstro with my rules (the ones i pasted ...) i just can go through the internet , no chat, and now im using the irc06:20
MTecknologyjoh6nn, wtf, where does that come from??06:20
grapegilmy ubuntu install is as slow as SHIT!06:20
clintoncah, cool06:20
joh6nnMTecknology: don't spam the channel06:20
grapegili think it's got something to do with this (hateful) gnome business.06:20
clintoncfrankly, I'm stumped.06:20
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grapegilit spent the last 30 minutes doing nothing but being slow until i killed X06:20
joh6nndavidX_: once you've installed the kubuntu desktop, you should be able to choose which one you want at login06:20
bobstrograpegil:  well, that's not normal.06:20
clintonchappens from time to time  ;)06:20
davidX_ok thanks06:20
MTecknologyjoh6nn, well, I ask questions about Ubuntu and don't get an answer... might as well ask something that gets attention06:20
grapegilno? i thought so.06:20
MTecknologyHow do I set default video player?06:21
bobstroMTecknology:  you were asking about explosives last night. trolling?06:21
grapegilwhat's the simplest way of flashing out gnome?06:21
joh6nnMTecknology: oh, i see.  that's a totally valid and mature response to the situation.06:21
grapegili don't want it, i don't want it i don't WANT IT!06:21
clintoncDavidLeeRoth: You could hypothetically upgrade through distupgrade, but I wonder if your rebooting problems wouldn't persist06:21
DavidLeeRothclintonc, should i try to get the desktop ubuntu instead of the alternate?06:21
tritiumMTecknology: no, that's not appropriate here06:21
pojegrapegil: really? My Dapper is quite snappy on a 500mhz box06:21
grapegilit's slow as fucking shit man!06:21
clintoncDavidLeeRoth, I wouldn't know...  I don't even know the difference  :x  But I doubt that the startup would be different, just the included packages06:22
grapegili'm running X without a w/m now.06:22
bobstrograpegil:  this is a fresh install?06:22
DavidLeeRothclintonc, my breezy is a little fucked up. i want to reinstall.06:22
MTecknologyI'm looking for some help on anything... Can somebody tell me how to set default video player?06:22
clintoncanyone else know about this?06:22
answerguyMTecknology You've asked how to set your default video player at least a half dozen times.  Having received no answer suggests that no one here has an answer06:22
Viakengrapegil, How much ram?06:22
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grapegiland luckily this wonderful system comes without twm ...06:22
needhelphi all06:22
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clintoncDavidLeeRoth, I know the feeling06:22
answerguy... or that you've ticked off enough people here that those with the answer are ignoring you, perhaps?06:22
grapegildon't ask me to add more. kde under bsd does just fine.06:22
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tritiumgrapegil: watch your language06:22
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needhelphow to install .tar.gz files?06:22
ViakenI won't ask you to add more.06:22
BurgundaviaMTecknology: if you do not get an answer here, try the forums or the mailing list06:23
grapegiltritium, :) i'm VERy happy with my language thank you very much.06:23
clintoncDoes anyone else know if the only differences between desktop and alternate are the packages?06:23
answerguyneedhelp What's in those tar.gz file?06:23
pojeneedhelp: tar -xvzf <filename>06:23
cocoxanybody knows how can i do for apply my iptables rules without rebooting???06:23
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Burgundaviaclintonc: none06:23
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joh6nnMTecknology: /usr/sbin/update-alternatives06:23
bobstrococox:  did you *try* iptables-restore?06:23
omirixCan someone help me with installing wine on x64 Ubuntu Dapper? There are no binary repositories for x64, but when I go to compile the source, it's telling me my GCC cannot compile executables. Yes, i've installed the package to fix that, and I can go to console and type gcc blah.c and it will compile something, both as root and a user. I seriously need help, I'm considering reinstalling if this doesn't work. Thanks...06:23
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needhelppoje: how to install it?06:23
tritiumsuit yourself, grapegil06:23
Burgundaviaomirix: Wine does work on amd6406:23
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rredd4DavidLeeRoth  I did a clean install of breezy and the upgraded to dapper, worked (I know, you don't want to....)06:23
cocoxbobstro, yes..06:23
bobstrococox:  and it didn't work?06:23
joh6nnMTecknology: if that doesn't get it done, then you need to hunt through the gnome settings, which i know nothing about06:23
answerguycocox: you just run the iptables command with the appropriate arguments06:23
Viakenneedhelp, "tar -xzf filename.tar.gz && cd filename && less README && ./configure && make && make install"06:24
pojeneedhelp: that will extract your files, after that it depends on what it is06:24
answerguyHow are your rules stored now?06:24
AngryElfwhere is the hotplug directory in dapper?06:24
ViakenThat may not work, but it's a good bet. :P06:24
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omirixBurgundavia: it DOES? or does not?06:24
BurgundaviaAngryElf: hotplug has been replaced by udev06:24
DavidLeeRothrredd4, im going to try the desktop iso. if that doesnt work, ubuntu is not for me.06:24
pojeViaken: I would take out the less README, but yes06:24
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Burgundaviaomirix: Wine does not work on amd6406:24
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Peggerwhere do I download the ubuntu version for the sun CoolThreads arch06:24
pojesudo make install06:24
MTecknologyjoh6nn, thanks06:24
answerguy(Usually it would be in a shell script, with each line preceded by the command: iptables06:24
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clintoncDavidLeeRoth: when I boot my desktop ISO, I have an option to start in safe graphics mode06:24
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needhelppoje: how to install installer?06:24
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AngryElfBurgundavia, so, if i've got fw files where do they go?06:24
omirixBurgundavia: wtf... can i install an x86 kernel?06:24
needhelppoje: how to install compiler?06:25
BurgundaviaAngryElf: read up on udev rules06:25
DavidLeeRothclintonc, i should get desktop.  alternate sucks, obviously06:25
pojeneedhelp: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:25
clintoncAnd, though I hate to mention it, a memory test may prove helpful...06:25
MTecknologyHow many people in here consider me a troll??06:25
Burgundaviaomirix: multiarch stuff is a little weak in Ubuntu/Debian right now06:25
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tritiumMTecknology: don't ask questions like that, and you'll be less likely to be perceived as one06:25
omirixBurgundavia: well that's BS, time to switch to Gentoo. ;)06:26
joh6nni preferred /mnt to /media; is there any way for me to switch my install to using /mnt?06:26
tritiumomirix: what's the problem?06:26
CornelliusWhich irc client do you use all ? I use X-Chat and irssi sometimes.06:26
Burgundaviaomirix: it is being worked on06:26
clintoncDavidLeeRoth: If you use memtest as the kernel, it'll perform a memory test06:26
MadMerCMTecknology depends on a what u mean by teoll06:26
Peggerwhere do I download ubuntu for sparc?06:26
Pipwhat is Alternate install CD ?06:26
omirixtritium: i am not able to install Wine for x64. it doesnt work.06:26
clintoncOf course, nothing will come up probably  :)06:26
MTecknologytritium, ok, i was just curious how many ppl hate me in here06:26
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Pip06:26
tritiumomirix: you can try building it from source packages06:26
bobstroMTecknology:  asking about explosives, your web site and other off-topic stuff may qualify you. :)06:26
DavidLeeRothclintonc, my memory is fine. i just installed breezy! i've tested it before06:26
omirixtritium:  trust me, tried everything.06:26
clintoncOr maybe there's a 'live-expert' boot method you can use.06:26
tritiumMTecknology: please don't fan the fire06:26
needhelppoje: where can i find the guide how to install .tar.gz files?06:26
rredd4bobstro  iggy06:27
pojeneedhelp: www.google.com06:27
MTecknologytritium, where else can I go for ubuntu help?06:27
roeany idea why playing a dvd just hangs?06:27
rredd4bobstro  iggy him06:27
DavidLeeRothclintonc, i'll try that when i get my new iso in 13 minutes06:27
tritiumMTecknology: here, of course06:27
Pipwhat is Alternate install CD ?06:27
clintoncGood luck, DavidLeeRoth, wish I could help more...06:27
DavidLeeRothPip, it's the devil.06:27
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Xenophoebicmy installs never work.  old ubuntu wouldnt let me use my keyboard on my chaintech nforce 4 mobo.  dont even have a ps2 legacy support option.  and the new ubuntu has a couple errors when it is trying to set up and then just hangs up on a black screen...06:27
needhelppoje: how about ubuntu official guide?06:27
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PipDavidLeeRoth, what ?06:28
joh6nnXenophoebic: where does it hang?06:28
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PipDavey|MbP, don't  understand06:28
Tiduswell... i just installed xubuntu 6.06 and i must say that it's quite nice06:28
jigheadomirix: it looks like wine is not ready for x86_64, you could try a 32-bit chroot to run it06:28
PipDavidLeeRoth, don't understand06:28
RobNycwhats the name of the app that handles .debs?06:28
pojeTidus: heck yeah, Dapper is quite snappy06:28
althPip: I think he meant poje,06:28
TidusRobNyc: dpkg06:28
omirixjighead: heh. how do i do that?06:28
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RobNycTidus, no there's a gui in ubuntu06:28
TidusRobNyc: synaptic06:29
DavidLeeRothPip, it won't even load on my sys. I recommend getting the desktop one. it is recommended by both the ubuntu website and Ms Havisham ;)06:29
tritiumomirix: yes, jighead has a good idea.  Many are setting those up06:29
MTecknologytritium, where else can I go for ubuntu help that support occasional off topic questions?06:29
Pipalth, what is poje ?06:29
Geoffrey2ok, my Dell Inspiron 6000 comes with a Dell Wireless 1470 Dual Band WLAN Mini-PCI Card, made by Broadcom...according to wiki.ubuntu, it seems I need to use ndiswrapper to make that work...anyone know where I can get instructions on how to do that?06:29
RobNycTidus, no06:29
RobNyci think its gdept or something06:29
omirixjighead: could you link me to a guide, or what commands do i use?06:29
Xenophoebicuh, after it has mounted and made CD user it goes to a black screen (for at least 10mins, the point i figured it was just not displaying any video...)06:29
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TidusRobNyc: it's synaptic... i just got done installing xubuntu on my laptop06:29
PipDavidLeeRoth, Then shall I try a server install Cd ?06:29
jigheadomirix: not tested, just googled: http://process-of-elimination.net/wiki/Ubuntu_32bit_CHROOT_for_AMD6406:29
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jigheadomirix: should get you in the ballpark06:29
DavidLeeRothpip, what's wrong with a desktop cd?06:29
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RobNycTidus, im talking about ubuntu, it has a cool gui installer for .debs only (External .debs)06:29
rredd4MTecknology  #ubuntu-offtopic06:30
RobNycnot synaptic, not command line, not dpkg, its a front end to dpkg i believe06:30
A-L-P-H-AIs there a way to convert a NTFS drive, along with it's data, to a linux style partition?06:30
PipDavidLeeRoth, Nothing ,I just want to have a try with a non-desktop CD ,need I ?06:30
Tidushm... that i wouldn't exactly know06:30
RobNycubuntu = gnome, thats where i saw it06:30
RobNyci dont think other than gnome has it06:30
jigheadomirix: better link: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457506:30
DavidLeeRothpip, what's wrong with desktop? if you don't want desktop, try server06:30
kholerabb1IS an antivirus needed in ubuntu?06:30
pussfellerwhere dopes beagled start from06:30
PipDavidLeeRoth, OK! I think the desktop cd is the best ,right ?06:31
A-L-P-H-Akholerabb1, no... as long as you're not installing random stuff with sudo06:31
tritiumkholerabb1: if you're running an email server for windows clients, yes ;)06:31
bimberiPip: the alternate cd has the text based installer, like the breezy "install" cd06:31
DavidLeeRothpip, it's my only hope now.  i think it will be fine06:31
RobNycTidus,  In Dapper, you can just double-click a .deb file and Gdebi will take care of it - pretty slick.06:31
Tidusyay... now to get the stupid NOTworking working06:31
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omirixjighead: thanks. it seems pretty indepth.06:31
PipDavidLeeRoth, I see06:31
Tiduspcmcia-cs still has trouble detecting my laptop's pc card NIC06:31
Pipbimberi, why does Alternate install CD exist ?06:32
kholerabb1:) But just for looking at images, downloading videos etc. it wouldn't be needed?06:32
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joh6nnXenophoebic: double check to make sure your CD is good (like by testing it in another system, or comparing md5 sums).  if that's not it, i'd guess that there's a hardware problem somewhere06:32
Tidusit tries to load pcnet_cs when it's an axnet_cs card06:32
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bimberiPip: for the reasons described at http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/06:32
Tidusthe pcnet_cs driver even tells me that06:32
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joh6nnXenophoebic: you could try a live CD, see if you get better results that way06:33
Pipbimberi, OK06:33
PipDavidLeeRoth, Thank you06:33
gza/dev/dsp is always set at 660 and although I can chmod it changes back after reboot...regular users don't have sound otherwise.06:33
Pipbimberi, Thanks06:33
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bimberiPip: np :)06:33
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tritiumgza: add the users you want to have audio access to the audio group06:34
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Xenophoebici have a amd64 and i tried both versions 64 and 32 they both have the issue.  gonna go write down the two errors it shows before it even gets to the ubuntu loading screen06:34
skippyHello Anusien, are you there?06:34
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Xenophoebiccuz after it shows the loading progress screen it goes back to the listing of those two errors and then goes to a black screen eventually06:34
tritiumgza: you don't need to be chmodding /dev/dsp06:35
jigheadomirix: there is a linux32 package that wraps 32-bit binaries06:35
gzatritium: Ok that'll work. Why doesn't it do this by default, assuming this is a workstation machine06:35
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jigheadomirix: people use it for flash and java and such that aren't prime-time on 64, don't know if it'll do wine though06:35
tritiumgza: the _first_ user gets added to that group.  Any additional users you add, _you_ set the permissions that _you_ want06:35
AngryElfdoes anyoen know how to get ivtv working with udev in dapper?06:35
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joh6nnskippy: there is no Anusien, there is only Xul06:36
kholerabb1IS there any good language learning programs for ubuntu? Anyone know?06:36
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omirixWhere can I find the kernel source of 2.6.25 with apt-get? It just keeps apt-getting 2.4.27...06:36
joh6nnXenophoebic: try the live CDs, then; they might give you a better idea of what exactly is going wrong06:36
skippylol joh6nn my user list must be out of date then :D06:36
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gzatritium: makes sense but for new users new to linux, sound is something they expect to work out of the box. Just my 2cents06:37
joh6nnomirix: apt-cache search06:37
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omirixman x64 blows.06:37
joh6nnskippy: ; D06:37
digikomhello, does anyone know how to erase cdrw disks in dapper?06:37
skippythats a shame i was helping him to sort a dual boot earlier, and i forgot to tell him somthing important lol06:37
tritiumgza: I hear you06:37
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omirixaha skippy06:37
omirixjoh6nn: that doesn't do it..06:37
bimberitritium: :)06:37
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tritiumhi bimberi :)06:37
skippyi told him to install grub using a live cd, but he needs to chroot into his hard disk installation first lol06:37
joh6nnomirix: doesn't do what?  it should show you a listing of available packages with the search term in the name06:38
Peggerwhere do I download ubuntu for sparc?06:38
skippynevermind, i guess it wont actually do any damage06:38
nzxhey, how do i enable guest mode in xserver?06:38
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linuwhat's the best way to install a binary that I've downloaded off the internet ... ?06:38
omirixjoh6nn: it does, but only 2.4.2706:38
skippylinu, depends on what it is?06:38
Fujitsulinu, what program?06:38
threeseastried using evolution mail today... has some nice features but touch anything and it starts a 20 min trip dling and not showing anything06:38
linuI downloaded tripwire but it doesn't come with installation instructions ...06:38
joh6nnomirix: have you updated your sources.list ?06:38
bobstroMTecknology:  answer is on the wiki06:38
Fujitsulinu, install the tripwire package.06:38
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linuor the instructions it has seems to be for the src package ...06:39
MTecknologybobstro, whick answer??06:39
tritiumlinu: did you look in /usr/share/doc/tripwire ?06:39
threeseasso I tried thunderbird and wondered why thunderbird wasn't included in the drapper drake instead of evolution06:39
bobstrodefault media player one06:39
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omirixjoh6nn: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade, correct?06:39
skippyyeah linu, have you just tried "sudo apt-get tripwire"06:39
bobstroMTecknology:  default media player06:39
linuFujitsu: I want to install tripwire myself ...06:39
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MTecknologybobstro, already had it answered06:39
jadaz87tritium: do you know a way i can search through already installed packages through cli?06:39
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MTecknologybobstro, ty though06:39
bobstroah, missed that06:39
linuwhat's the best way to install binaries anyway ?06:39
Fujitsulinu, why?06:39
Fujitsulinu, the best way is to install the package!06:39
linucan I just move the tripwire binary to the /bin ?06:40
tritiumlinu: install ubuntu packages06:40
bobstroMTecknology:  so besides your unreachable web page and bombs, what was your other question?06:40
tritiumjadaz87: dpkg -l06:40
linuFujitsu: because I'd like to know ...06:40
nzxjadaz87, i use "dpkg -l | grep <package name>"06:40
tritiumjadaz87: pipe that into grep06:40
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Fujitsulinu, what motive do you have for not using the package?06:40
giorgoshi all, anyone using the latest ATI proprietary driver on Dapper?06:40
jadaz87tritium: thanks06:40
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MTecknologybobstro, my page is up now, but i'm reformatting the drive in a few minutes06:40
skippylinu, binaries usually have their own install script provided with them06:40
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digikomdoes anyone know how to erase a cdr?06:40
de_ad2MEyou cant06:40
skippylinu, in your case though installing the binarie would be silly06:41
bobstrodigikom:  several of the media programs do it06:41
linuFujitsu: because I'll be loading it on to my server later, and my server is running a distro that doesn't have a tripwire package ...06:41
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giorgosI was using the laster release candidate and everything seemed to work fine with fglrx until I dist-upgraded to 6.06 final and now all I see is a black screen...06:41
joh6nnomirix: well, apt--get updated will refresh your repo lists, and apt-get upgrade will install all the updateable packages.06:41
de_ad2MEim having trouble installing ubuntu, i load the cd and when it comes to the part where it loads the root filesystem it gives me a null exception handler error06:41
bobstrolinu:  have you checked out aide?06:41
joh6nnomirix: but have you made sure that your sources.list is pointing at useful repos?06:41
giorgosanyone else seen this problem (in particular on a T60 with an X1300?)06:41
MTecknologytritium, can I ask you a private question?06:41
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nzxgiorgos, when you press crtl+alt+f1 do u get a terminal ?06:42
tritiumMTecknology: I'll be back in a bit.06:42
giorgosnzx: hi, no the keyboard doesn't respond06:42
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Tidusquick question06:42
giorgosnzx: in fact i have to power off the machine by force06:42
Tiduswhat's the sed script to do simple find/replace throughout a file?06:42
omirixwhere should my kernel source be?06:42
skippydigikon, you could try "cdrecord -v -force blank=fast dev=0,0,0" at your own risk06:43
nzxgiorgos, reboot your machine, and pass "vga=791 reboot=h" as kernel boot options06:43
de_ad2MEdigikom left skippy06:43
pussfelleraint it /match/replace/g06:43
JanneMTidus: sed "s/oldtext/newtext/g" file06:43
skippyah kk :)06:43
de_ad2MEim having trouble installing ubuntu, i load the cd and when it comes to the part where it loads the root filesystem it gives me a null exception handler error06:43
giorgosnzx: thanks, what is the effect of that?06:43
TidusJanneM: thx06:43
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JanneMTidus: if you want to edit in place (dangerous) you can add the "-i" flag06:44
aroonii just downloaded wget, and i'm trying to get the handle of it... i have need to: 1) control where the output goes? 2) tell it to download one page, and all associated scr tags (stylesheets) & images? 3) send a cookie to the server upon every request for a file ( as it is the authentication system ) 4) be able to view all content locallY (so it would need to change the 'src' tags?06:44
nzxgiorgos, vga=791 will setup the terminal to use 1024x768 res and reboot=h will solve ur power problem06:44
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giorgosnzx: and what about the fglrx driver, is your solution related to that?06:44
de_ad2MEanyone feel like responding to my message?06:44
TidusJanneM: i've made a copy of that file to test on06:44
skippyde_ad2ME,  try "noapic nolapic acpi=off" as advanced kernel parameters, i think you have to press F5 or F6 on the boot menu to add them - your using a live cd i take it?06:44
nzxgiorgos, yep06:44
giorgosnzx, oh thanks!06:45
de_ad2MEyeah im using the livecd06:45
linubobstro: cool, thanks ....06:45
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bobstroarooni:  wget can do those, lots of options.06:45
nzxgiorgos, i use xgl, and i had the same problem, untill i added vga=79106:45
de_ad2MEthanks skippy06:45
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JanneMQuestion: how do I disable the password prompt after sleep?06:45
skippyyeah give those a try de_ad2ME , you should be able to get it so a little line of text with a cursor appears to let you type those magic words in :)06:45
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giorgosnzx, that's kind of a surprising solution06:45
bobstrolinu:  i went to aide a while back, it was easier to configure than tripwire.06:45
patrick_hi, i was wondering if anyone uses skype with ubuntu06:45
nzxgiorgos, if u dont get a terminal on crtl+alt+f1 your terminals arnt setup properly and xgl,aigl wont work06:45
patrick_i'm having difficulty installing it06:45
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omirixWhere can I download the kernel source of the current kernel I am running?06:46
giorgosnzx, i'll be back to let you know if it worked for me06:46
bobstronzx:  or you have a stupid logitech keyboard!06:46
richard_Device manager on 6.0.6 doesnt load - well it starts to but process doesnt finish06:46
nzxgiorgos, i know!! it doesnt sound related at all, but thats what happened to me06:46
skippyomirix,  use synaptic, it will be named linux-source-'your kernel name' i believe06:46
nzxbobstro, i have a sony vaio laptop, no logitech keyboard in sight06:46
omirixskippy: it only shows 2.4.2706:46
threeseasHOW to erase a CDR...... set it out in the sun..... yes it can be done06:46
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omirixskippy: where can i find updated ones?06:46
skippyomirix, do a "uname -r" in the terminal for me so i can see your kernel version06:47
bobstronzx:  yes, but if ctl-alt-f1 doesn't give a term and someone *does*, they need the F-Mode key.06:47
patrick_skype? anyone?06:47
ydnarwould anyone know why i wouldn't be able to play a DVD in VLC after following these instructions (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-38863fbbf26f3d29d557d0f754e7d83ce3220cda)06:47
JanneMpatrick_: yes - but I just grabbed a binary from their website06:48
ydnarthe only thing i can think of is maybe because i ran easyubuntu first06:48
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nzxi'm trying to get vmware to fun in full screen, its throwing an error about guest mode in xserver, how do i enble it?06:48
omirixskippy: any ideas?06:48
nzxbobstro, fmode key ? is that the fn key ?06:48
skippyjust getting you the right name now omirix06:48
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omirixskippy: ok thanks06:49
bobstronzx:  an annoying "enhancement" on some of their wireless keyboards. Fn keys are re-mapped by default. really annoying.06:49
Tidusfor some odd reason pcmciautils still hasn't gotten the card definition right for the Network Everywhere NC10006:49
nzxbobby, ah!! the function key thing!! i see, that used to annoy me alot when i had a logitech keyboard on a desktop06:49
nzxbobby, sorri i ment bobstro06:49
patrick_how'd you go about installing it JanneM06:49
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patrick_i tried the deb package and it didnt work06:50
gjmcan anyone help with a breezy-to-dapper upgrade problem?06:50
patrick_and when i tried the method that was on the wiki, it wouldnt let me edit the source.list file06:50
JanneMpatrick_: I downloaded the generic binary from their site six months age, and used it ever since06:50
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skippyomirix,  "sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.15" will do it, i know it doesnt have the 23 at the end but it will still work, its had the patches applied06:50
JanneMpatrick_: I have never tried the "correct" method06:50
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omirixskippy: E: Couldn't find package 2.6.1506:51
patrick_haha so just go about it normally?06:51
omirixskippy: NVM06:51
omirixgot it!06:51
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JanneMpatrick_: I wanted the static build so I didn't have to install all of qt for just one app06:51
omirixthanks bro06:51
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nzxgjm, run "update-manager -d" from command line and there will be an option to upgrade to dapper, its the best way06:51
patrick_the .deb has so many depenedency issues06:51
disinterested_pecan anyone tell me why when i try to install realplayer 10 it gets to 96% installed and says it cant create a folder?06:51
richard_is there a tool for linux to determine DMA drive speed and DVD firmware properties06:52
skippyit should work omirix, im downloading it now :)06:52
buzzedhow do i update metacity?06:52
nzxrichard_, hdparm06:52
patrick_any idea why it wont let me edit sources.list?06:52
patrick_or do i even need to do that to install it06:52
skippyrichard,  "hdparm /dev/hdc" should help you06:52
omirixskippy: yup!06:52
patrick_and why it says a tar.bz2 isnt supported by archive manager?06:53
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patrick_( ijust put ubuntu on my box from SuSE)06:53
JanneMdisabling password prompt when waking up from sleep? Anyone?06:53
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skippyomirix, i advise you to copy your existing kernel config in from the /boot directory, it will save you setting all the options from scratch06:53
james_xxxif anyone could help, it would be much appreciated... maybe the question does not belong here because i use kubuntu dapper w/KDE 3.5.3, but this question may not be related to the desktop environment. starting this afternoon, my accelerated 3D graphics quit working for what seems like no reason. if anyone has a suggestion , please let me know06:53
BurgundaviaJanneM: power preferences, under pferences06:53
JanneMBurgundavia: nope06:54
JanneMBurgundavia: what option would that be?06:54
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richard_ BLKROGET failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device06:54
skippyjames_xxx,  how do you know its stopped working? have you done "glxgears -printfps"?06:54
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BurgundaviaJanneM: might have to dig into gconf06:55
gjmnzx, i already upgraded but have to use an older kernel to boot my system all the way....06:55
james_xxxskippy: i just know that accelerated 3D apps worked fine until this afternoon06:55
JanneMBurgundavia: so there is an option in gconf? Thanks!06:55
BurgundaviaJanneM: should be06:55
nzxgjm, you can apt-get install a newer kernel06:55
BurgundaviaJanneM: file a bug asking for a GUI preference06:55
skippyjames_xxx,  what sort of graphics card do you have? have you checked xorg.conf to make sure the right driver is loaded?06:56
gjmnzx, thanks06:56
richard_I have drive issues06:56
james_xxxskippy: the gears work, but not well at all, the turn VERY slowly and haltingly06:56
ydnarcould anyone help me to play DVDs in VLC?06:56
nzxgjm, "apt-cache search linux-image-2.6 | more" will show you a list06:56
richard_ydnar search google for easyUbuntu06:56
james_xxxskippy: i have an i810 (i think)06:56
ydnari ran that first richard06:57
ydnarand then installed VLC06:57
ydnarand then followed the instructions for the restricted formats06:57
james_xxxskippy: how do i check what driver is loaded?06:57
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skippyjames_xxx, "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg-backup" to backup your xorg.conf06:57
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richard_ah - i did it the other way round06:57
ydnarshould i run easyubuntu again with just the dvd checkbox?06:57
richard_installed VLC frist06:58
skippyjames_xxx,  then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and select the intel i810 driver06:58
richard_i did anyway06:58
JanneMBurgundavia: found it - thanks.06:58
BurgundaviaJanneM: cheers06:58
richard_hdparm doesnt like my hd's06:58
ydnarok, i will run easyubuntu again06:58
Tidusyay! got the networking up on the laptop06:58
nzxydnar, you need to enable libdvdread306:58
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skippyjames_xxx, after editing xorg.conf you will have to reboot, if it goes wrong then use "sudo cp  /etc/X11/xorg-backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to restore your old config06:59
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richard_libdvdread is installed with easyubuntu i think06:59
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richard_if u choose to07:00
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richard_Oh and i updated after07:00
Geoffrey2lesse here, I tried sodu apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r), after asking for a password, I was told Unable to lock the administration directory, is another process using it?07:00
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james_xxxskippy: how much memory should i give to the card?07:00
skippyjames_xxx, you can leave it blank07:00
richard_hdparm doesnt like my hd's07:01
richard_what do i do07:01
ydnarnzx, i did install libdvd -- i followed the directions from the RestrictedFormats site07:01
skippyjust hit enter if you are confronted with things you dont know the answer to james_xxx07:01
ydnarright after i tried easyubuntu07:01
nzxydnar, "sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 && sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh" should do it07:01
richard_yeah thats the one07:01
ydnarok, i'll try once again07:01
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nzxydnar, oh then it should work, worked for me07:01
richard_u'll find the regular "movie player" works as well07:02
gjmnzx, i'm having trouble getting the new kernel...07:02
nzxgjm, whats the problem ?07:02
franky123hey, i have a laptop i've installed dapper on and everything works right and i have a dual boot. the problem is that battery life with windows is around 3 hours while with ubuntu its around 1 hour, and the laptop gets a lot hotter with ubuntu running. is there some better power management thing out there than the gnome one?07:02
AVATAREZhello, i'm kind of new. i cant see some videos. i installed w32codecs, but the videos are veeeery high contrasterd07:02
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nzxfranky123, install powernowd, it will clock ur cpu according to what ur doing07:03
gjmnzx, it's not "unlocking" the administration directory... btw, i'm very new at linux... only been using it for about 2-3 months07:03
richard_did u install easyubuntu AVATAREZ07:03
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richard_if not - do so07:03
richard_google it07:03
nzxgjm, you need to run apt-get as root, do sudo apt-get install ...07:03
AVATAREZrichard_: thanks, i'll try with it07:04
gjmnzx, i did that...07:04
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nzxgjm, do you have synaptic open anywhere ?07:04
gjmnzx, yeah.... hold on... i'll try it again07:04
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arooniis anyone here familair with the gpl?  basically i'd like to redistribute the compiled binary form of wget, (providing source if needed), and have my program execute wget with different, dynamic arguments known at runtime.  no legal advice sought here, but the gpl wouldn't apply to my software since there is no linking to wget's library dynamically right?07:04
nzxgjm, thats why, you can only have one install process at anytime07:04
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davidX_hmm isn't there a way to make my resolution virtually bigger?07:05
gjmnzx, ok... it didn't work because it sees that i already have that kernel... but it won't boot correctly... evidently had issues after i upgraded from breezy to dapper.07:05
jmghi2u all07:05
jmghow come i cant install flash from within firefox like i can on sid?07:06
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DShepherdjmg: ??? you should be able to07:06
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lwarimavsalut  tous07:06
Alexi5wgats the difference between ubuntu desktop and server07:06
skippyarooni,  i wouldnt have thought so, since wget wouldnt actually be incorporated into your code07:07
nzxgjm, kernel should boot, is it in your grub list?07:07
jmgDShepherd: downloads but wont install07:07
gjmnzx, yes it is... but it hangs up somewhere around the lvm mount i think... then the screens does this green/blue/red static-y type deal.07:07
gjmnzx, so to boot i have to use an older kernel07:08
DShepherdjmg: really?? hmmm there should be a package for flash for firefox.. (mozilla). I dont know why07:08
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nzxjmg, try "apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree && update-flashplugin" then reload firefox07:08
nzxgjm, is this a laptop ?07:08
james_xxxskippy: no luck... the graphics are as slow as ever07:08
gjmnzx, no07:09
DShepherdAlexi5: I think the server has no gui plus.. it has LAMP and other server stuff. The desktop is well you can guess what that is07:09
james_xxxskippy: i think i may just have to reinstall07:09
skippyjames_xxx, thats odd, i cant imagine why it could have changed today07:09
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james_xxxskippy: i also have no idea07:09
nzxgjm, try disabling lvm and reloading the kernel, use "bum" to disable it during boot07:09
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james_xxxskippy: everything was great until some time this afternoon07:10
gjmnzx, ok. where do i do that?07:10
skippyjames_xxx,  ask in here at a busier time, not as many hardcore ubuntu people on at this time07:10
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nzxgjm, system>admin>boot up manager07:10
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james_xxxskippy: i appreciate the help very much. i need to go to bed anyways07:10
skippyjames_xxx, it is really wierd though, i always find my linux system to be really static, nothing changes unless i tell it to :007:11
nzxgjm, it might not be installed so you might need to do "apt-get install bum"07:11
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skippynp james_xxx  i hope you get it sorted07:11
patrick_whats the terminal command to change permissions?07:11
skippypatrick_,  chmod07:11
nzxDShepherd, would you know how i can enable guest mode in xconf.org?07:11
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mjbhappy releaseddness dapper dans!  how do you truncate a file via command line again?07:11
skippypatrick_,  and chown to change the use its owned by07:11
DavidLeeRothI figured out the problem!07:11
patrick_thanks skippy07:11
jmgnzx: thanks07:12
skippynp patrick_ , doing a "man chown" will give you some handy examples07:12
nzxjmg, no problem, your welcome07:12
james_xxxskippy: well it was weid, there were several things that changed. what i first noticed was that my monitor was not going into power saving mode.... when i went into settings, power saving was turned off..... i live alone, so no one could have messed with it07:12
markgrifI installed Dapper, and my wireless card seems to be working, but when I go to console I get a bunch of error messages.07:12
richard_help! - device manager doesnt load on 6.0.607:12
nzxarrrg! i have to start getting ready for work07:12
skippyjames_xxx, maybe theres a "ghost in the machine" :P07:13
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james_xxxskippy: there is more like some bugs in KDE 3.5.307:13
james_xxxor kubuntu07:13
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skippyjames_xxx, it is wierd though, maybe you should make a forum post before you go to bed - its hard though because KDE users are in a minority07:13
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pojemarkgrif: if it's working, just close your eyes and don't look at the errors07:13
patrick_chmod: changing permissions of `sources.list': Operation not permitted07:13
patrick_thats why im trying to change it hahah07:14
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skippypatrick_, "sudo chmod" would do it07:14
pojepatrick_: why are you trying to change the owner?07:14
patrick_ah okay :)07:14
pojeI highly suggest trying to change permissions on sources07:14
skippypatrick_, only a superuser can chmod his files07:14
markgrifPoje I would but I like consoles.. the error message will go over whatever I am doing.07:14
pojeYou need to "sudo apt-get bklsdjfldjsffas"07:14
Alexi5which cd image is best to get if i am going to install ubuntu onto my system:Server install CD or the Desktop CD07:14
patrick_i'm not somehow i edited sources.list07:14
patrick_and now i cant again07:14
markgrifreading a man page even.07:14
pojepatrick_: sudo.07:14
james_xxxskippy: i get the impression that people are having problems installing kubuntu from the dapper live CD , too.... i don't want to reinstall at all, but if that's what it takes, i guess i will07:14
patrick_so i need to to get add applications to work07:14
pojemarkgrif: crazy, perhaps google a way to suppress error messages from that source07:15
patrick_and other things07:15
skippypatrick_, "sudi gedut /etc/apt/sources.list" will let you edit it07:15
patrick_okay thanks poje07:15
patrick_it wont!07:15
pojepatrick_: no problem :D07:15
skippysorry patrick_  "sudo gedit" i meant :)07:15
patrick_it wont save skippy07:15
Bot_BuilderAlexi5: I'm guessing desktop07:15
patrick_i know haha :)07:15
pojegedit for the winnnnnnnn!07:15
patrick_but it wont let me save when i do that07:15
Bot_BuilderAlexi5: If you aren't setting up a server, you want desktop07:15
pojepatrick_: when you sudo gedit?07:15
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skippyjames_xxx, maybe you should try gnome :) its treating me really well07:15
james_xxxi have been a KDE fan up until 3.5.307:16
pojeskippy: some people like having every checkbox in existence ;)07:16
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Geoffrey2by default, what directory should .tar.gz files be saved to?07:16
pojeThis release of Gnome is freaking snappy though07:16
james_xxxpoje: that is what i am like07:16
skippypatrick_,  ok type "ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list" and paste the line here07:16
gzahmmm...I guess the sound issue must be something else then I'm in the audio group.07:16
linuhmm ... can someone who has a bit of aide experience have a look at this for me pls ... ? http://pastebin.com/75912307:16
patrick_yeah -rw-r--r--  1 root root 2041 2006-06-03 21:03 sources.list07:16
skippyyeah james_xxx gnome is turbo speed at the moment, its so fast lol07:16
skippypatrick_,  exactly the same permissions as mine is set to07:17
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patrick_yeah, i ahvent changed the permissions yet07:17
james_xxxKDE is very fast, too....... i have xubuntu on another machine and am impressed with it as well07:17
skippyyou really should be able to edit it with "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"07:17
james_xxxok good night all07:17
billclintonwhich opera distro install do i need for ubuntu 6.0607:17
skippynn james_xxx07:17
noonexwhat is the command to show what kernel version you are using?07:17
pojeNight james_xxx07:17
patrick_i know! thats why i'm all frazzled07:17
pojenoonex: uname -a07:17
patrick_and do you know why archive manager can't do tar.bz2 files?07:18
skippyhehe james_xxx  name makes it look like we blowing him kisses as he goes:)07:18
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pojepatrick_: nope, but tar -xjvf <filename> should work07:18
patrick_i'll try sudo gedit one more time07:18
patrick_okay :)07:18
patrick_thanks poje07:18
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skippyyeah i think untarring is the worst thing in linux, -xjvf really isnt noob friendly07:18
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skippyit needs sorting out07:19
omirixhey, i just apt-get'd my linux kernel source, but where is it?07:19
skippyomirix. look in usr/src/ :)07:19
tonyyarussoskippy: No, but the Archive Manager thingy is.07:19
omirixthanks skipdog.07:19
pojeskippy: yes, I fully understand that users are completely against remembering anything07:19
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skippyyeah but i think the CLI should be more accesable to newbies07:19
pojeI just was offering a solution07:19
skippyi think a -bz2 flag would help07:19
gjmnzx, also FYI, my audio isn't working since i upgraded to dapper... i don't know if that helps or not...07:19
patrick_ yeah07:19
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pojeskippy: once you get over the huge hump of understanding man pages it's not a problem07:20
patrick_when i sudo gedit /ect/apt/sources.list07:20
patrick_ it brings up a blank gedit doc named sources.list07:20
SiriuskrHey when trying to install flashplayer from package manager i get error need gsfonts but cannot install ????07:20
patrick_and wont let me save07:20
tourenti was curious how to run a ".bin" file07:20
nzxgjm, is you audio card supported by alsa ?07:20
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skippypoje,  oh dont misunderstand mate, i wasnt having a go at you- just saying that its a hard line for peeps to remember07:20
pojepatrick_: try loading sources.list~07:20
pojeAnd then saving over sources.list07:20
gjmnzx, soundblaster live07:20
m5m_anyone know how to safely store an ssh password for rsync to use for a cron job?07:20
Siriuskranyone else having lots of trouble with dapper ?07:20
omirixit sucks07:20
gjmnzx, it worked fine in breezy07:20
pojepatrick_: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list~07:20
noonexpoje: thank you, i kept thinking it was rname -a :)07:20
patrick_ah okay :)07:21
pojenoonex: no problem :)07:21
pojeskippy: no no, I completely agree with you07:21
DavidLeeRothlsb_release works too07:21
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patrick_same thing!! oifdjsafsf07:21
nzxgjm, it is supported, you have no sound at all ?07:21
tourenthow do you run .bin files?07:21
DavidLeeRothtourent, you need to make them executable07:21
skippythat is wierd patrick_, maybe its a bug with gedit, can you use "vi" patrick_ ?07:21
ubehey guys i just installed ubuntu :] 07:21
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DavidLeeRothchmod a+x xxx.bin07:22
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DavidLeeRoththen run the bin07:22
gjmnzx, no sound at all. it seems like my problem has been partially described by other people who have used that update manager to go from breezy to dapper07:22
pojepatrick_: sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list07:22
mathew-efDoes anybody know whether wireless WPA supports out of the box in 6.06?07:22
m5m_a .bin file can also be part of an .iso for cd burning07:22
patrick_ah pico07:22
skippypatrick_, vi is a text editor, comes with ubuntu - i have trouble with it though07:22
poje(I love vim, but pico has the keybindings always visible)07:22
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skippyyeah pico is a better choice07:22
ubevim is awesome07:22
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m5m_tourent: what .bin file are you talking about?07:23
skippyi find nano and emacs easy, but vi is a killer for me07:23
pojeVim is what God wrote the universe with07:23
skippyi still cant save in vi :(07:23
nzxgjm, i did a breezy to dapper, update with no probs, i must of been lucky07:23
pojeOh yeah, and nano07:23
pojenano/pico blur in my head07:23
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gjmnzx, evidently07:23
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skippyemacs i like07:23
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ubedont you do :w07:23
babocan someone have a look at this aide config problem for me pls ... ? http://pastebin.com/75912307:23
m5m_skippy: esc :w saves07:23
skippyapparantly vi vs emacs is like a religious war lol07:23
pojeEmacs is the tool of station07:23
ubepress the esc button07:23
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Kr0ntabmathew-ef, wpa is supported... but it's initiated differently than previous versions of the package07:23
pojeube: :wq07:23
skippym5m_, cool ill remember that :) i should really just print out a cheat-sheet and learn it some time07:24
nzxgjm, try install alsa-oss package it might help07:24
pojetool of SATAN07:24
Tidesi was wondering if anyone could help me with a few (i'm assuming/hoping simple) problems im having with ubuntu? (im new to linux, so i am a bit clueless)07:24
pojeExcuse my random typographical wanderings07:24
gjmnzx, i've got the bum open. i don't see anything about LVM07:24
skippybecause one day ill be trying to get into a server through ssh and vi will be my only option :D07:24
Emu_hi all07:24
pojeTides: shoot07:24
ubepoje: yeah he just said right so i assume :w07:24
satanyes, poje? you summoned? lol07:24
mathew-efKr)ntab: can I know what is the difference in WPA in 6.06?07:24
skippynp patrick :)07:24
m5m_skippy: vim has an awesome tutorial file07:24
patrick_and does anyone use nicotine here?07:24
pojesatan: yes, once again I have invoked your name07:24
omirixhey skippy07:24
omirixits telling me its not the same version07:24
skippypatrick_, nciontine as in the legal drug?07:24
omirixi have a 64 bit linux source07:24
nzxgjm, one sec07:24
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Tidesk, well, first off, im stuck at 1280x1024 for some reason, every time i try to change it to 1024x768, it just kicks me back to the login screen.. any ideas why?07:25
omirixis linux-source-2.6.15 64 bit?07:25
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patrick_its a soulseek client for linux07:25
thewh00Is there a way to add software to the ubuntu repositories07:25
skippyomiris, linux source is both 32bit and 64bit, you configure it yourself07:25
Kr0ntabmathew-ef, the dapper's wpa package integrates its configuration from within ifupdown's /etc/network/inerfaces config07:25
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omirixskippy: ok ty07:25
skippyomirix, expalin the big picture of what you are doing to me please?07:25
nzxgjm, the descrition reads "manages multiple disk devices for fault tollerance"07:25
pojeube: touche ;)07:25
pojeMan I am so happy with this new release of Gnome07:25
skippyi might be able to better advise you then07:25
poje500mhz laptop feels very snappy07:26
skippyomirix, usually the first step is to sym link the linux source to /usr/src/linux07:26
buzzedis there a key command to switch desktops?07:26
paul_well I wasnt so happy setting up a printer but I finally got the damn thing to work.07:26
mathew-efKrOntab: Do you know a link to find more details on this?07:26
Kr0ntabcheck /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes for more info.07:26
gjmnzx, ok, i've disabled it... i should do what now?07:26
nzxbuzzed, crtl+alt+left or right arrow07:26
skippym5m_, im checking out the tute file now :) thx07:26
Kr0ntabno nice links that I've been able to find07:26
nzxgjm, reboot, and load the newer kernel, and good luck07:26
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Kr0ntabdid you have it working before?07:27
pojebuzzed: terminals, workspaces, or what?07:27
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pojenzx: covered workspace switching07:27
lwarimavI have a problem deleting some file that i save in mu ipod. there protected. I tried to change the permission but it won't... what will i do???,07:27
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pojectrl+alt+num switches terminals07:27
gjmnzx, ok. thanks for all your help so far07:27
nzxgjm, no problem, good luck07:27
nzxpoje, cool07:27
josys36Who here has had good success with VMware?07:28
pojenzx: didn't mean to include that colon, silly irssi ;d07:28
bimberilwarimav: sudo rm /path/to/file  ??07:28
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omirixThe directory of kernel headers (version does not match your07:28
omirixrunning kernel (version 2.6.15-23-amd64-generic).07:28
ydnarafter running easyubuntu and following the instructions on the RestrictedFormats page, are there any other suggestions you guys may have to get DVDs playing?07:28
skippyoh omirix, are you compiliing a module?07:28
nzxomirix, do "apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname-r`" that will fix it07:29
omirixskippy: VMware07:29
lwarimavbimberi: Is that removing those file???07:29
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skippyah omirix you should need the headers instaed then :)07:29
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bimberilwarimav: yes, 'rm' removes file(s)07:29
omirixskippy: lol, where is that?07:29
paul_Tell me something please. If I choose to upgrade to dapper should I get it through using the terminal or will update manager suffice?07:29
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nzxomirix, see my msg07:29
`Chip`I just logged into DAPPER 6.06 on a fresh install and under SYSTEM, ADMINISTRATION... I am missing Synaptic and about 10 other options, how can i add them in. I tried the Alacarte Menu editor and all the items are checked but do not appear still for me. Please help07:29
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omirixnzx i didnt get it.07:29
lwarimavbimberi: I try that....07:29
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omirixnzx oh ok thanks07:29
bimberiubotu tell paul_ about upgrade07:30
omirixThe directory of kernel headers (version does not match your07:30
omirixrunning kernel (version 2.6.15-23-amd64-generic).07:30
ubedoes anyone know what xfce is?07:30
omirix# apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`07:30
omirixReading package lists... Done07:30
omirixBuilding dependency tree... Done07:30
omirixE: Couldn't find package kernel-headers-2.6.15-23-amd64-generic07:30
nzxomirix, np, your welcome07:30
tritiumomirix: please use pastebin07:30
mathew-efKrOntab: Hello ..Do you know a link to find more details on this?07:30
nzxomirix, @.@07:30
Flannelube: it's another window manager, like gnome or kde.  it's more minimal, less resources, than either of those.07:30
skippyok omiriz download "linux-headers-" then07:30
nzxube, its a window manager like kdm/gdm07:30
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patrick_is there a way to reset ubuntu to a previous point07:30
patrick_like system restore?07:30
skippyomirix, headers are specifically configured, whereas source is unconfigured :) so the headers have a specific name07:31
Flannelnzx: no, kdm and gdm are the login screes, not the desktop environments.07:31
CornelliusLike a restore point ?07:31
tonyyarusso`Chip`: Let's start with the easy possibility: try 'killall gnome-panel' in a terminal and see if they show up when it refreshes.07:31
ubeflannel: so it installs minimal apps as well?07:31
omirixskippy: it wasnt found07:31
m5m_I've found a tutorial for using rsync as a cron job, but I'm concerned about the security of this option: can anyone give me their opinion on using 'ssh-keygen -t rsa' with no password?07:31
pojepatrick_: what, and admit that linux users make mistakes?07:31
nzxFlannel, your right, sorry07:31
patrick_yes corrnilious07:31
omirixskippy: E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-
patrick_haha i make them all the time; thats why i'm here right now :)07:31
Cornelliuspoje: Well, I've used Mandrake once07:31
`Chip`will do07:31
patrick_cornellius* sorry07:31
monsterbWhat is a good rss feed reader?07:31
tritiumomirix: apt-cache search linux-headers.  This will show you the available headers packages07:31
pojeCornellius: bhahahahhahha touche07:31
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Cornelliuspoje: Only mistake I did though :P07:31
pojeSo did I ;(07:31
Flannelube: right, xubuntu-desktop will have some other applications instead of the ubuntu/kubuntu ones, I think it doesn't use OOo, for one.07:31
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nzxube, they are window managers like compiz/fluxbox07:32
pojeYes, Mandrake was like a padded room07:32
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ubei was just reading about it on ubuntu's site07:32
ubeit says its better for older computers07:32
nzxcan i disable usplash from startup ? will it cause any problems ?07:32
Cornelliuspatrick_: I dunno, but it must exists07:32
omirixThanks, tritium, that really helped. it works now07:32
mathew-efcan someone tell me where I can find the details for WPA in 6.06?07:32
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omirixsorry for being such a newb tonight07:32
omirix=] 07:32
Flannelube: you can get more information on the xubuntu site.07:32
DavidLeeRothwhen i try to install ubuntu, it freezes when it says "mounting root file system". why?07:32
tritiumomirix: no worries :)07:32
ubeand im using a test machine running a pentium 207:32
pojepatrick_: what are you trying to roll bck?07:32
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tritiumube: it's lighter weight, for sure07:32
patrick_now it says there isnt a source.list file07:32
skippyomirix, "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-23-amd64-generic"07:33
Flannelube: it's designed to use less resources, so, older computers can use it and itll be faster than gnome, of course, newer computers will get performance benefits as well.07:33
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pojeube: I'm running Dapper (with Gnome) on my 500mhz laptop07:33
patrick_so thats not good07:33
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pojeIt also ran Breezy before two days ago07:33
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omirixskippy:  i got it07:33
ubepoje: im running the same07:33
`Chip`I am not in the sudoer file... how do I add myself to the sudoer file07:33
ubeflannel: thanks07:33
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pojeube: Dapper is snappy snappy for me :D07:33
patrick_and i just want to restart from scratch but not have to reinstall07:33
sunnuntaivaiheanyone know a good c/c++ environment for dapper07:33
patrick_but i might as well eh?07:33
anfangscan anyone recommend a good ftp server for ubuntu with a GUI?07:33
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pojeMy only "problem" is not having a shitton of tabs open in FF07:33
poje128Mb of RAM goes quickly07:33
skippyhey i just realised something, apt-get now has tab key completion of packages - is it a new thing?07:33
cafg10_sunnuntaivahe testa anjuta07:34
Geoffrey2what's a good irc package for ubuntu?07:34
sunnuntaivaiheanfangs: proftpd with gproftpd07:34
pojepatrick_: pull a sources.list off the wiki07:34
pojeI'm sure there is one up there07:34
nzxGeoffrey2, i use xchat07:34
skippyxchat is good in a gui Geoffrey207:34
FlannelGeoffrey2: xchat-gnome is in main, xchat is in universe07:34
anfangssunnuntaivaihe: thanks, ill check them out07:34
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chavoskippy, no bash_completion has been there a while, just not on by default07:34
Kr0ntabmathew-ef, did ya get my msg?07:34
anfangsisn't Konversation better than xchat?07:35
Flannelpoje: don't yell, and... no need for zealotry.07:35
chavoit will tab complete for a lot of stuff07:35
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pojeFlannel: I was joking ;(07:35
sunnuntaivaiheanfangs: just do a search on ubuntuforums, something will come up07:35
patrick_okay ill try that poje07:35
nzxok!! off to work, sucks!!07:35
chavoanfangs, It's really a matter of taste07:35
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patrick_and also the update manager closes whenever i open it, any idea why?07:35
pojepatrick_: xchat is nice, it just seems to rub me the wrong way07:35
sunnuntaivaiheanfangs: isnt konversation for kde?07:35
skippypatrick_, theres by sources.list if your interested - its totally clean07:35
DavidLeeRothdoes anyone know why ubuntu freezes when it says "mounting root file system"?07:35
skippypatrick_, oops linkage http://pastebin.com/75913907:35
pojepatrick_: irssi is terminal-based, so if you're not comfortable with a CLI I suggest xchat07:36
tritiumDavidLeeRoth: you'd have to give us more info, as it doesn't happen in general07:36
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chavoDavidLeeRoth, could be a lot of things07:36
anfangssunnuntaivaihe: yes, but you can use it with gnome, just have to install some kde support07:36
mathew-efKrOntab: No I did not get your mesg. Pls post it again.07:36
belkremi am need to install libc6-2.3.6-7 but apt doesn't seem to have it07:36
qalimasHey guys, can anyone help me with remastering the Dapper cd?07:36
skippyDavidLeeRoth, i assume you tired "noapic nolapic acpi=off"?07:36
DavidLeeRothtritium, chavo, what extra info do you need?07:36
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DavidLeeRothNo i didnt skippy07:36
skippyDavidLeeRoth, are you booting a live CD?07:36
patrick_ah tahnks07:36
sunnuntaivaiheanyone know a good c/c++ environment for dapper07:36
patrick_i wasnt asking about irc clients haha someone else was poje!07:36
DavidLeeRothskippy, i am booting the live install cd to install ubuntu07:37
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pojeSorry patrick_ !07:37
patrick_dont be!07:37
chavosunnuntaivaihe, the only one I know of is kdevelop it's more kde centered but it's really nice07:37
patrick_thanks skippy for the linkage :)07:37
nzxsunnuntaivaihe, try anjuta07:37
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cafg10_sunnuntaivaihe test anjuta it is nice07:37
Syndicat3I need help07:37
skippyDavidLeeRoth, if you are then press either F5 or F6 for the advanced options, it will give you a line of text with a cursor at the end, just type "noapic nolapic acpi=off" and press enter, see if it helps07:37
Syndicat3ooooo boy.07:37
Kr0ntabmathew-ef, meet me in #Kr0ntab.07:37
patrick_ah but i'm running badgerr07:37
Syndicat386% into kubuntu...it freezes07:37
Syndicat3oh golly gosh07:38
Syndicat3what do I do!07:38
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DavidLeeRothok i'll go try07:38
skippyDavidLeeRoth, sometimes it can work wonders07:38
Syndicat3i have an ibook g407:38
ralphiehow would I upgrade firefox to the current version? the "check for updates" is greyed out07:38
pojepatrick_: gasp!07:38
patrick_i know!07:38
skippySyndicat3, is it totally locked up, or has just the install frozen?07:38
tourenthow do you look  up your ip address in the terminal?07:38
kbrosnanralphie, sudo firefox07:38
tritiumtourent: ifconfig07:38
Syndicat3totally locked up07:38
Syndicat3i have to hold the power button down07:38
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Syndicat3but it says.... kubuntu is installed.. or whatever07:38
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Flannelkbrosnan, ralphie, gksudo not sudo.07:38
anfangsdoes ubuntu block the ftp port by default...07:38
anfangsif i want to serve07:39
skippyhmm, there have been rather a lot of troubles with the graphical installer reported07:39
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Flannelanfangs: ubuntu has nothing listening by default.  if you install a server, then it listens.07:39
nzxSyndicat3, pass "reboot=h" as a boot option07:39
skippyim coming to the conclusion that its cra.... not very good07:39
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@AC8F4C87.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
belkremdoes anyone know of how i can get libc6-2.3.6-707:39
Syndicat3i a1 sec07:39
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anfangsFlannel: ok, so proftpd will open the port for itself?07:39
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skippybelkrem, have you searched synaptic for it?07:39
sunnuntaivaihebelkrem did you try apt-get07:39
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Syndicat3any other suggestions07:39
Syndicat3like...should that fix it?07:39
belkremi tried apt-get07:39
Syndicat3it goes to 86% after a long installation...and says that it is installed... and totally locks up...07:40
ralphieFlannel: no dice, option is greyed out07:40
Syndicat3so should i try reinstalling with "reboot=h" as a boot option07:40
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Flannelralphie: after sudoing into it?  it shouldn't be.  maybe it's changed in dapper, I dont know.07:40
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skippySyndicat3,  i know its not what you want to here, but you might be better off downloading the "alternative" install CD if you have decent bandwidth07:40
gjmnzx, hey i'm back. new problem: now i don't get the static-y screen. after linux loads everything and switches to gnome, i get a cursor then a black screen.07:40
ralphieFlannel: thanks, I will keep trying07:40
sunnuntaivaiheanfangs: www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5161107:41
nzxgjm, using new kernel ? cool07:41
=== james_xxx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafg10_some one knows about a mail server package on ubuntu07:41
jadamsI don't know what I just did...I was moving this crap music out of the music directory (into a temp dir called 'g') and instead of typing 'mv George\ Strait g' I typed 'mv George\ Strait *'...where did all of my files go now?  :-\07:41
Syndicat3notice skippy, okay, but is there a problem with the alternate one?07:41
james_xxxskippy: you still here?07:41
gjmnzx, yeah. i'm back to 2.6.12-10-38607:41
nzxgjm, no console when you do crtl+alt+f1 ?07:41
jadamsahh, found it07:42
gjmnzx, no, nothing... system unresponsive07:42
nzxgjm, dapper has 2.6.15-23 :)07:42
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skippySyndicat3, the alternative isnt foolproof, but the live cd method has been causing a lot of issues the last few days07:42
nzxgjm, also add vga=791 as a boot option and reboot, that should fix ur console07:42
jadamsI'm dumb...to the last listed directory (which was the last in the directory's listing)07:42
skippyjames_xxx, yes i am :)07:42
Syndicat3hmm really07:42
gjmnzx, i do too... but that's the kernel that won't complete a sucessful boot07:42
james_xxxskippy: ok my video chip is an 82865G, if that makes any difference....07:42
Syndicat3i hope it isn't too hard to install, i am a linux newbie07:42
Syndicat3i will try downloading it07:42
Syndicat3one more quick question... no airport extreme drivers for linux??!07:43
Syndicat3i heard about that...sucks..07:43
cafg10_some one knows about a mail server package on ubuntu?07:43
tritiumSyndicat3: there are in dapper07:43
gjmnzx, where do i add that??07:43
ubeSyndicat3: ubuntu was extremely easy for me07:43
nzxgjm, you will get it running eventually :)07:43
anfangssunnuntaivaihe:  ok, checking that link out..07:43
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@ip60.217.23.209.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Syndicat3sorry i need to pm you07:43
sunnuntaivaiheSyndicat3: there definitely should be, i know that i got it to work on the live cd07:43
nzxgjm, you need to pass add it to grub boot menu07:43
james_xxxskippy: i don't think an 82865G is the same as i81007:43
Syndicat3i will try it out now07:43
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Syndicat3but i will also leave osx on my computer07:43
skippyjames_xxx, the i810 is a generic driver, it works wiht a whole range of cards07:44
sunnuntaivaiheosx is a great os07:44
james_xxxskippy: i see07:44
gjmnzx, ok... i'll try it again07:44
pojeOkay, so I had upgraded FF to, right? well now every time I don't use it for a bit it does the crazy update check thing and whatnot - wtf?07:44
nzxgjm, test it out before u save it permanently, when the grub menu displays, select the kernel you want to load, and press 'e' and add the options to kernel line07:44
james_xxxskippy: i am not sure the driver is my issue anyways07:44
nzxgjm, i'm off to work, good luck buddy07:44
gjmnzx, mmkay07:44
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gjmnzx, thanks. i appreciate it07:44
skippyjames_xxx, no im not, since it would appear the driver hasnt changed07:44
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nzxgjm, no, hope you get it runing07:45
james_xxxskippy:  would it be worthwhile downloading the linux driver from the intel website?07:45
sunnuntaivaiheouch off to work, i havent even gone to bed yet07:45
gjmnzx, same here07:45
skippyim looking at hte intel site now, but im pretty sure i810 is the best you can do james_xxx07:45
smacky_wolf_Hrm, I'm trying to create a 32bit chroot envirnonment with the su_chroot script on the forums, but evrytime it gets to extracting libgcc1, it ends to the commandline withouit any errors.07:45
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james_xxxskippy: intel does list a linux driver for this card07:45
Syndicat3ohhhh mannnnnnn07:46
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`Chip`K tried refreshing the gnome panel but items are still missing from System/Administration07:46
Hmmmmguys i have a ProSavage8 KM266/KL266 video card. i cant seem to get a high resolution going. i think im stuck at 800x60007:46
kapputuany networking guys here?07:46
`Chip`can't get Synaptic and other to show in the list even though they are selected in Alacarte07:46
AJ_RiddleHey, how hard is it to set up a server with ubuntu from an almost complete linux noobs point of view?07:46
tritium`Chip`: did you reinstall ubuntu-desktop?07:46
Syndicat3so this "reboot=h" should make it not crash at 86%????????????????///////07:46
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FlannelAJ_Riddle: which sort of server?07:46
`Chip`no I will try that now07:46
kapputuI need to know if it's possible to disable VPN connections from a linux machine07:46
sunnuntaivaiheSyndicat3: if you're worried about it crashing then i wouldnt try it now07:46
AJ_RiddleFlannel: HTTP07:46
troy_saj_riddle:  very easy.  but you should probably at least start with www.openbsd.org so you don't make bad mistakes out of the gate.07:47
=== Kane666 [n=kane@144.pth0501.pth.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Flanneltroy_s: huh?07:47
skippyjames_xxx,  its worth a try i suppose :)07:47
troy_skapputu:  of course.07:47
omirixskippy: this is still not working, it doesnt match my kernel.07:47
FlannelAJ_Riddle: you want this on it's own machine? or on your normal desktop box?07:47
cafg10_some one knows about a mail server package on ubuntu?07:47
kappututroy_s: why would someone want to do that?07:47
skippyjames_xxx, http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/confirm.aspx?httpDown=http://downloadmirror.intel.com/df-support/9722/eng/Intel-3.4.3006-20051209.i386.tar.gz&agr=N&ProductID=1044&DwnldId=9722&strOSs=39&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng07:47
troy_sflannel:  linux isn't the most secure starting point for a web server.07:47
AJ_RiddleFlannel: I want to run it on my out of date old PC07:47
skippyomirix,  what is the message now?07:47
FlannelAJ_Riddle: you can download the "server07:47
james_xxxskippy: well thanks again lol. i honestly don't think this will get resolved unless i do a complete re-install07:47
Kane666QUESTION: how do i access my windows shares on ubuntu, i have samba installed (i dont know how to configure it) in Places > Network Servers i get prompted for passwords that i dont know07:47
tritiumtroy_s: sure it is07:47
FlannelAJ_Riddle: you can download the "server ISO" and it's got a LAMP install option07:47
james_xxxgood night again!07:47
hengestHmmmm, you need to edit your xorg.conf file07:48
troy_stritium:  um no.07:48
skippynn james_xxx07:48
sunnuntaivaihecaf10_: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4004707:48
FlannelAJ_Riddle: it'll set it all up for you while installing ubuntu.07:48
omirixThe directory of kernel headers (version does not match your07:48
omirixrunning kernel (version 2.6.15-23-amd64-generic).  Even if the module were to07:48
omirixcompile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.07:48
FlannelAJ_Riddle: if you want to install the server after the fact, there's a howto here:07:48
Flannel!tell AJ_Riddle about LAMP07:48
AJ_RiddleFlannel: I think I installed all the LAMP components through Synaptic07:48
tritiumomirix: you were unable to install linux-headers-$(uname -r) ?07:48
AJ_RiddleFlannel: And I know things about servers, I just dont know how to get one running07:48
FlannelAJ_Riddle: read that page then, it'll go over all the (very little) config, and you'll be able to see if you've missed anything.  It's really super easy.07:48
Hmmmmhengest: what do i enter in it?07:49
skippyomirix,  ok, but those arnt the headers you installed07:49
skippyomirix, did you upgrade from breezy to dapper?07:49
troy_saj_riddle:  if you aren't up on security issues, please at least do some learning before you put a webserver up.07:49
FlannelAJ_Riddle: but yeah, the new dapper server ISOs have LAMP server installs on them as an option.07:49
=== DavidLeeRoth [i=DavidLee@adsl-074-229-198-249.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
AJ_Riddle!tell AJ_Riddle about LAMP07:49
troy_saj_riddle:  your insecurity is everyone's insecurity.07:49
omirixskippy: nah07:49
omirixskippy: its just dapper07:49
Kane666QUESTION: how do i access my windows shares on ubuntu, i have samba installed (i dont know how to configure it) in Places > Network Servers i get prompted for passwords that i dont know07:49
DavidLeeRothnoapic nolapic acpi=off didn't work07:49
Flannel!tell Kane666 about samba07:50
troy_skane666:  use ssh07:50
FlannelKane666: that'll tell about the config stuffs.07:50
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omirixThe directory of kernel headers (version does not match your07:50
omirixrunning kernel (version 2.6.15-23-amd64-generic).  Even if the module were to07:50
omirixcompile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.07:50
troy_skane666:  more secure and easier to setup than samba.07:50
skippyomirix, i just cant understand where it is getting as a version for kernel headers form, you shouldnt have ever had those on your system07:50
Flanneltroy_s: ssh isn't a viable option for everyone.07:50
omirixskippy: idk07:50
hengesthmmm, go ot the screen section, and under the 24 bit one, add in the resolution you want (eg. 1280x1024). make sure it's in the same sort of formatting07:50
`Chip`tritium...still no go07:50
troy_sflannel:  its opensource and yes it is.07:50
AJ_Riddletroy_s: is security that big of a deal with ubuntu server when only around 150 unique visitors a day...?07:50
troy_sflannel:  you simply install sshd.07:50
troy_saj_riddle:  yes.07:50
avisAJ_Riddle, always07:51
nzxi dont have to go to yet!!07:51
skippyomirix, type "ls /usr/src/" and give us the output07:51
`Chip`Users and Groups is missing in the list to07:51
troy_saj_riddle:  if you don't believe me, packet filter all of the incoming packets.07:51
Flanneltroy_s: it's NOT a viable option for certain filesharing applications.07:51
AJ_RiddleWhat would be insecure07:51
troy_saj_riddle: it might shock you.07:51
troy_sflannel:  ssh is uniform filesharing.  period.07:51
DavidLeeRothskippy, those boot options didnt work07:51
troy_sflannel:  more secure and far superior.07:51
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Flanneltroy_s: it WONT WORK for everyone's means of filesharing.07:52
omirixskippy: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/KoUrnr12.html07:52
Geoffrey2hmm...what are Backports?07:52
AJ_Riddletroy_s: wouldnt my router protect me?07:52
troy_saj_riddle:  no.07:52
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troy_sflannel:  i think you are ill informed.07:52
AJ_Riddletroy_s: so what would?07:52
DavidLeeRothskippy, it works on my laptop and in vmware.07:52
cafg10_Geoffrey2 backports are some upgraded packages07:52
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nzxGeoffrey2, programs from the testing release compiled for stable07:53
DavidLeeRothskippy, why wouldn't it work on my desktop?07:53
skippyDavidLeeRoth, im not sure then to be honest, its either a damaged installation medium or incompatible hardware07:53
troy_saj_riddle: knowledge first and foremost.07:53
troy_saj_riddle:  that said, i would feel a whole lot better starting with openbsd as a webserver for you out of the gate.07:53
AJ_Riddlealso, why can't I use the make command in the terminal?07:54
DavidLeeRothskippy, it works on other pcs, so it's not the medium! it's weird because my laptop and desktop basically have the same hardware :(.07:54
Geoffrey2is there any reason not to include Backports in the Package Manager?07:54
troy_saj_riddle:  it has a plethora of more secure features.  further still, you will learn enough about how a server operates to be more confident with linux.07:54
cafg10_Does someone knows how to setup a mail server07:54
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hengestaj_ridddle, have you installed make via synaptic07:54
troy_saj_riddle:  you need build-essential.07:54
anfangswhat suggestion would you make? I want to share files (mp3s) from my linux desktop here at home with my windows 2000 box at work.07:54
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anfangsshould i use ftp? or is there a more suitable app i dont know about07:55
tritiumanfangs: gnump3d07:55
troy_saj_riddle:  needless to say, don't rush it.  learn as much as you can before you setout to prevent bad habits and bad exploitation potential.07:55
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troy_sanfangs:  use ssh.07:55
`Chip`If someone has a suggestion, I have a problem where a majority of confiuguration prgorams in Gnome under Administration are missing including Users and Groups and Synaptic07:55
anfangstritium: ill check out gnump3d07:55
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omirixPasted by: bickoma07:55
cafg10_anfangs which partition type is windows using07:55
omirixLanguage: Plain Text07:55
troy_sanfangs:  takes about six seconds to setup on ubuntu if you want a server on it.  slightly more if you use winblows.07:55
omirixDescription: No description07:56
omirixRemove line numbers07:56
w^xman im having trouble with the nvidia-glx driver07:56
CokeNCodeok, i just updated to 6.06 ... questions, why wasn't xchat available anymore, and why can't i use "locate" ?07:56
=== eno [n=eno@adsl-70-137-171-56.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyomirix,  give me that ls output07:56
omirixDownload as Text07:56
tritiumomirix: please don't paste all taht07:56
omirixOther recent pastes07:56
hengest`Chip`: try alacarte menu editor07:56
omirixCreate new paste07:56
troy_sangfangs:  you only have one option across a network if you want security:  ssh.07:56
cafg10_Does someone knows how to setup a mail server?07:56
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`Chip`hengest...I tried and everything is checked off07:56
Flannelcafg10_: what sort of mail server.07:56
aroonifolks when i see '-a/--append"... these are just two differnet ways to pass command line args to a *nix program right?07:56
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nzxi need some help with enabling guest mode in xserver please07:56
tritiumomirix: please stop07:56
troy_scokencode:  locate requires a database:  use find (man find for more info)07:56
cafg10_Flannel a pop3 one07:56
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!07:56
omirixWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running07:57
hengest`Chip`; dunno then, sry07:57
omirixkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]  /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-23/include07:57
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ
anfangscafg10_: my win2k box has ntfs.07:57
omirixThe directory of kernel headers (version does not match your07:57
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %omirix!*@*] by tritium
`Chip`thanks anyways, appreciate any help I can get07:57
troy_scokencode: add xchat via apt-get or another package manager frontend.07:57
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %omirix!*@*] by tritium
omirixWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running07:57
omirixkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 07:57
omirixholy crap07:57
omirixsorry accident tritium07:57
omirixskippy: what directory?07:57
cafg10_anfangs sorry i didnot read the question right, forget it07:57
omirixusr src?07:57
omirixroot@sphere:/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-23/include/asm-x86_64# ls /usr/src07:57
omirixkernel-source-2.4.27.tar.bz2           linux-source-2.6.1507:57
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omirixlinux-headers-2.6.15-23                linux-source-2.6.15.tar07:57
tritiumno problem.  That's why I quieted you for a bit07:57
skippyyes omirix07:58
=== michael117 [n=michael@adsl-68-94-40-203.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
anfangstritium: this gnump3d app looks promising.07:58
troy_subotu, tell anfangs about ssh07:58
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tritiumomirix: but you better start using pastebin07:58
cafg10_Flannel any idea07:58
tritiumanfangs: glad you like it :)07:58
CokeNCodetroy_s, ok, yeh, i did that, and i'm using xchat now ... but what about locate ?07:58
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mathew-efCan someone give me the link/URL to see how the WPA works in 6.06?07:58
troy_scokencode:  it is database driven meaning it will work in a bit.  use find until then.07:58
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CokeNCodeok, wait, i can run locate ... but only as root07:58
troy_scokencode:  it needs to build itself.07:59
omirixtritium: yeah sorry accident07:59
CokeNCodetroy_s, oh k ... weird07:59
CokeNCodetroy_s,  ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh07:59
boneewhat are some good eye candy to install07:59
Kr0ntabmathew-ef, check /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes for more info07:59
paul_How many have had problems upgrading from beezy to dapper? Are there any horror stories I should know about? From what I read on the wiki site many have had problems07:59
ubotuFor easy WPA support in Ubuntu 6.06, install the package network-manager-gnome, then log out and in. Otherwise, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto.07:59
Flannelcafg10_: well, there are a few, postfix, dovecot, search the wiki for "pop3" and you'll get a list of HowTos.07:59
CokeNCodetroy_s, so, what other stuff has to "build itself" ?07:59
anfangstroy_s: ill look into ssh, ive hear of it before, seems like it would be useful for a lot of things.07:59
troy_snight all.07:59
pojenight troy_s07:59
cafg10_Flannel Thank you07:59
troy_sanfangs:  it is brother.  it is awsome work.07:59
CokeNCodeanfangs, ssh is good stuff, it's on by default with ubuntu07:59
troy_sanfangs:  you can remote x apps thru it, share files securely, remotely administer a box, etc... all through ONE port08:00
FlannelCokeNCode: no it's not.  ubuntu has nothing listening by default.08:00
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CokeNCodeFlannel, oops ... well, i guess i configured it to listen ... and forgot about it somehow ... :/08:00
omirixCokeNCode: he is correct.. =] 08:00
pojeCokeNCode: I thought it only turned on if you installed openssh-server?08:00
skippyomirix, try "cd /usr/src/"08:00
troy_sanfangs:  and it is one of the most securely written daemons out there.08:00
tritiumthat's right, poje08:00
pojeFlannel: perhaps he meant that an ssh client is installed by default08:01
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CokeNCodeis it dangerous to have port 631 listening ?08:01
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skippyomirix, "sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15 linux"08:01
cafg10_Flannel there is nothing on wiki but found something on forums08:01
mathew-efKr0ntab: Thanks08:01
skippythen run your program again and keep hitting enter omirix08:01
anfangstroy_s: and i can connect from windows 2k? would this be thru telnet or should i use some other app?08:02
`Chip`Wow, talk about funny...I went into Alacarte unchecked all the items under Administration, and it removed the administration from the system menu08:02
CokeNCodeno no no ... telnet is bad08:02
Kr0ntabmathew-ef, no prob...08:02
troy_sanfangs:  of course08:02
Kr0ntabmathew-ef, meet me in #Kr0ntab.08:02
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troy_sanfangs:  and you can use a graphical app if need be -- winscp does files.08:02
CokeNCodeanfangs, use putty08:02
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`Chip`went back to alacarte and re-checked everything under administration, brought back tha administration undersystem but only device manager shows08:02
anfangstroy_s: srry ;) meant to refer to ssh08:02
troy_sanfangs:  free too.  but only really trust the stuff from openbsd's team if you want complete security -- meaning scp etc.08:02
skippytritium, if you dont mind me asking are you like a moderator - im new to IRC and i dont understand how all this "operator status" works?08:02
nevynis there a shipit for large volume? 10 is really inadequete for my needs.08:02
troy_sanfangs:  winscp uses ssh08:03
tritiumskippy: yes, I'm an op08:03
troy_sanfangs:  just a graphical interface into scp08:03
troy_sanfangs:  ssh is the defacto tool for all your networking needs.08:03
Geoffrey2what's a good antivirus package to use?08:03
`Chip`Is it possible to do a reinstall repair08:03
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`Chip`without reformatting?08:03
anfangsok, ill be reading those links uboto sent me08:03
CokeNCodefor some strange reason, Opera just stopped working for me08:04
skippyGeoffrey2, virus's arnt really a priority on linux - you can safely not worry really08:04
CokeNCodei did an uninstall and a reinstall08:04
CokeNCodeand nothing08:04
troy_sanfangs:  it really is the only choice if you want to keep everything secure.08:04
skippyGeoffrey2, if you are paranoid, then "clamav" is a virus checker08:04
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CokeNCodewhat could be causing this ? I click on it and absolutely nothing happens08:04
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troy_scokencode:  try an open source browser... its easier to figure out the bugs.08:04
omirixskippy: nope08:04
IGDis there anyway to emulate windows standby mode in ubuntu?08:05
avisgnome-xchat is open source and i removed completely and reinstalled and it wont launch08:05
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tritiumIGD: yes, with suspend-to-ram (sleep)08:05
smacky_wolf_OK, my 3d rendering is all but useless on my system, which is fairly shiny. Any ideas on how OpenGl may be broken?>08:05
allobjectsAnyone know of a package for Ubuntu similar to Publisher available on Windoze ? it lets you do invitations, cards and the like.08:05
smacky_wolf_I have my video drivers all working correctly.08:05
troy_savis:  is there a process lingering holding it up?08:05
CokeNCodetroy_s, ok, thanks. I use firefox, but I like that Opera remembers what windows I had open08:05
avisi dont think so troy_s08:05
troy_scokencode:  epiphany does that no problem.08:06
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troy_scokencode:  and it is very lightweight, tabbed, etc.08:06
IGDtritium: thanks ill do some searchs08:06
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Geoffrey2I realize Viruses aren't as big a problem on Linux as that other operating system, but I think it's being a little foolish to assume you're bulletproof just because one is running Linux08:06
troy_savis:  ps -aux | grep chat08:06
CokeNCodei get Authentication rejected, reason: none of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host based authentication failed. Segmentation Fault08:06
bimberiallobjects: scribus08:06
tritiumIGD: you're on a laptop?08:06
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MTecknologyIs there any way to get a list of changes to installed and removed applications?08:07
troy_sgeoffry2:  good thought.  that said, virus checkers are rather a back ass way of trying to protect a computer.08:07
McNutellahow come when I install drake, it resets configurations for applications like firefox ?08:07
avisjust standard xchat08:07
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troy_savis:  gnome-xchat is a frontend, so that might be preventing it.08:07
nevynMTecknology: using aptitude you can do it one at a time08:07
kbrosnanCokeNCode, there are also several extensions that will rembember your tabs for you https://addons.mozilla.org session saver and tab mix plus08:07
CokeNCodeok thanks troy_s i'm downloading as we speak08:07
skippyGeoffrey2, make sure you arnt running services unless you need and understand them - that will cut your risk of system penetration by about 90%08:07
tritiumIGD: have you seen the "Suspend" button when you go to logout?  (Assuming you're running dapper)08:07
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asdxwhere can i see the release noted08:07
IGDtritium: i have a graphics problem that only seemed to be fixed if i went to standby mode in windows, now that this is a ubuntu system i cant fix my graphics problem, kinda wierd but its true08:07
aviswell i'm in a kind of experimental mood08:08
allobjectsbimberi, scribus simple enough for kids to use ?08:08
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troy_scokencode:  its very slick in terms of light-weightedness.  epiphany-browser thought -- unfortunately there is a thing called epiphany that is a game.08:08
anfangsso i can transfer from a mounted windows partition just as easily as any other file, correct? (using SSH, that is)08:08
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skippyGeoffrey2, ssh and telnet are the ones to be careful of :) in the wrong hands they give acess to your box to the whole world08:08
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tritiumIGD: not too surprising ;)08:08
troy_sallobjects:  gcompris has some simple drawing tools and an animation package.08:08
CokeNCodetroy_s, yeh, i noticed that ... lol  .... managed to side step that land mine08:08
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omirixskippy: that is still not working.08:08
omirixskippy: its still saying wrong version08:08
skippysame messege omirix?08:08
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omirixskippy: yes08:09
`Chip`guess I am left to re-install08:09
troy_sok out this time for real.  keep the information flowing friends.08:09
MTecknologynevyn, how do i use aptitude to see what has been installed recently?08:09
skippyit doesnt make sense, there is nothing on your system with the name
bimberiallobjects: i don't really know sorry.  I will say that it is part of the default edubuntu installation though :)08:09
tritiumMTecknology: aptitude keeps logs in /var/log08:09
`Chip`Linux is very much a Large School of Hard knocks08:09
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McNutellafunny how no one answers that one08:09
Kane666QUESTION: How can i un-install samba, and leave only smbfs08:09
skippyomirix, are you sure that vmware doesnt have a configuration file somewhere which is filled in with the wrong values?08:09
skippyare you using a makefile?08:10
skippyif so edit it and check#08:10
troy_s`chip`:  actually, computer knowledge is horribly low thanks to ms and apple.  consider yourself learning how to read.08:10
allobjectsbimberi, troy_s, thanks for the responses, I'll have a look. cheers08:10
MTecknologytritium, so i can only see the changes if i used aptitude to install them?08:10
tritiumKane666: simply leave samba-common installed08:10
tritiumMTecknology: right08:10
Geoffrey2ok, no problems there...I see several Actions schedulers, two activity loggers, a graphical login manager and printer services..that's it...does that mean I don't have a firewall up at present?08:10
Kane666tritium: do i just mark the other files for removal?08:11
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skippyGeoffrey2, you can use "firestarter" to stealth drop packets08:11
skippybut if you dont have open ports you cant get hacked08:11
tritiumKane666: you can, yes08:11
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`Chip`THanks Troy, I have been muddling around with Linux for a few years and I enjoy it more than Windows at most times as I like the more handls on approach and the vast amount of things that you can do with it08:11
smacky_wolf_Is it just me, or has Dapper been receiving far less updates since the official launch?08:11
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guisshi guys, any known url to get ungrab-winmodem ? do you know why it doesn't appear anywhere?08:11
McNutellasmacky_wolf_, prolly a good thing08:11
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skippyGeoffrey2, "nmap" is a good secruity tool, download it and scan yourself "sudo nmap"08:11
kapputuRegarding samba setup, why do I need to add a network user?08:12
omirixskippy: positive. it is reading it from the headers.08:12
mathew-efDoes anybody know whether we can install & run IE 6 with wine 0.9.9 in 6.06? I need IE 6 for one office app.08:12
smacky_wolf_McNutella, agreed. Dapper made my connection shaped :(08:12
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tritiumsmacky_wolf_: there have been no security updates yet08:12
`Chip`why would you want to run IE6 on Linux08:12
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`Chip`that proposterous08:12
McNutellasmacky_wolf_, it reset all my configs, so I aiint gonna tell anyone else to upgrade until someone answers me why it does this08:12
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tritiumsmacky_wolf_: after a stable release is made, only security fixes are released08:12
smacky_wolf_McNutella, which configs? And why?08:12
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smacky_wolf_tritium, excellent.08:13
kapputuI have a question with Samba, anyone?08:13
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McNutellasmacky_wolf_, i installed it on my lappy, and it reset most things, like firefox and konverastion.. not a good idea when I had it configured the way I wanted08:13
skippyomirix,  well unless you have a chroot up or something silly like that im stumped.  I simply cant see how it thinks you have headers on your system08:13
tritiumMcNutella: apt doesn't automatically change config files.  debconf would ask you if you want to replace your old ones, or keep them08:13
josys36I hate wine run VMware.08:13
josys36VMware is so much more stable and works so much better.08:13
McNutelladid I see anything about debconf ?08:13
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kapputuHelp with Samba anyone?08:14
smacky_wolf_McNutella, I did an update to Dapper and it kept all my configs. Go figure =/08:14
omirixskippy: this is retarded. i have no idea, i guess i give up.08:14
tritiumMcNutella: how should I know what you saw?08:14
`Chip`MAthew-ef what is your need for IE6 under linux?08:14
omirixskippy: im going to reinstall with x86 most likely08:14
`Chip`MAthew-ef what does the app you need to run use?08:14
tritiumomirix: you never answered if you were able to install linux-headers-$(uname -r)08:14
McNutellawhich part of the proceeds does it ask to keep or overwrite configs ??08:14
omirixtritium: yes i did08:14
smacky_wolf_McNutella, no clue. It just kept all of mine =308:15
omirixtritium: linux-headers-2.6.15-23-amd64-generic is already the newest version.08:15
kapputublocky: quick question08:15
McNutelladamn random thing smacky_wolf_ heh08:15
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blockynano /etc/samba/smb.conf08:15
kapputuI'm looking at the Ubuntu guide to setup Samba08:15
kapputuno GUI08:15
tritiumMcNutella: any time a config file is updated in a package, you're given a choice about what to do08:15
kapputunow that guide says smbpasswd -a system_username08:15
smacky_wolf_McNutella, when did you do your upgrade?08:15
kapputunow is that 'system_username' a placeholder or do I have use that???????08:15
McNutellai upgraded my lappy on the first, smacky_wolf_08:15
Geoffrey2port 631 is open08:15
pojePrimeOkay I give up on mozzilla-mplayer/mplayerplug-in08:16
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=== smacky_wolf_ does a huge Starwars esque "NOOOOOOOOO!"
blockyits a placeholder lol08:16
tritiumMcNutella: which config files, specifically, are you concerned about?08:16
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smacky_wolf_GOD damn. WINE refuses to compile, no matter how I try it.08:16
tritiumsmacky_wolf_: watch the language please08:16
McNutellatritium, most of them :S08:16
tritiumsmacky_wolf_: also, just install the ubuntu package08:16
McNutellamakes me a little anxious about upgrading the main PC here08:16
kapputuok, in the second part I have to edit the smbusers file08:17
pojePrimesmacky_wolf_: what's yer error?08:17
tritiumMcNutella: that doesn't happen08:17
smacky_wolf_tritium, Can't. x86_6408:17
McNutellaa one off case, but it still happened08:17
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kapputuIn that I'm asked to setup system_username = "network usernaem"08:17
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kapputuin that is network username the name that I used with smbpasswd?08:17
skippyomirix,  have you seen this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VMwarePlayerAndQemu ??08:17
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tritiumMcNutella: please give me the specifics so we can investigate it08:17
smacky_wolf_collect2: ld returned 1 exit status08:18
smacky_wolf_winegcc: gcc-3.4 failed.08:18
CokeNCodeok, i'm getting hell trying to get Nessus to work, can anyone help me out here08:18
blockyanyone know why my mouse will periodically stop responding since upgrading to dapper from breezy08:18
mathew-efChip: Some internally developped tool & Frontend browser shoule be IE. I have tried other browsers in windows & did not work.08:18
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CokeNCodeit keeps telling me htat it can't connect, and i don't know how to start the daemon running08:18
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blockyuse nmap08:18
McNutellaI cant be more specific.. I upgraded the laptop, and from what I can see, by default it just made all the tools use default settings08:18
McNutellaand it took out alot of tools that I use also08:18
IGDanyone know where to change the aspect ratio for widescreen monitors?08:18
CokeNCodeblocky, isn't Nessus better than nmap ?08:18
mheath<tritium> smacky_wolf_: also, just install the ubuntu package<-- tritium, you really shouldn't recommend that in reference to WINE.08:19
smacky_wolf_pojePrime, this is the fartherest I've managed to get it. Actually managing to get part way through make is a first./08:19
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tritiumIGD: from the console, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:19
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K1mb3rlyI'm trying to upgrade my desktop and the new graphical installer (which is really nice) does not seem to allow me to install to my existing LVM group. Can anyone help me do so?08:19
mheathUbuntu's WINE packages are horribly out of date, and WINE has made leaps and bounds since then.08:19
Kweki need help08:19
kholerabb1Is there a way to get deskbar to search my files?08:19
tritiummheath: we _always_ advise ubuntu packages here08:19
IGDtritium: thanks08:19
phpmattk_kholerabb1: beagle08:19
Kweki am at the livecd installation manually edit partition tables screen08:19
tritiummheath: if you want winehq.com packages, use them08:19
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pojePrimesmacky_wolf_: GCC4 might help08:19
Kwekhow do i set a partition for /root 10gb and swap 1gb?08:19
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Kweki am partitioning without reformatting08:20
pojePrimeAnd yes, smacky_wolf_: ubuntu packages are good08:20
mheathtritium: Why always? The ubuntu wiki advises otherwise, against using them.08:20
Kwekhow do i set a partition for a 10gb root partition and 1gb swap?08:20
mheathUsing the official WINE packages, that is08:20
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smacky_wolf_PojePrime, point me to where I can get 64bit architecture, and I'll gladly use them.08:20
pojePrimesmacky_wolf_: touche ;d08:20
`Chip`MAthew-ef sorry i can't help, I was going to try and suggest installing firefox Windows version with wine, but don't think that will solve your prblem08:20
digikomkwek: easiest to use gparted08:20
kholerabb1Beagle.. can I just do that through aptitude or synatpic?08:21
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anfangsSHH QUESTION: so with ssh, the remote user has all the rights that they would if they were physically at my machine (provided they have the login/key)?08:21
smacky_wolf_pojePrime, hence why I am trying over and over to compile them.08:21
Kwekim at livecd partition tabes edit screen08:21
Kwekhow do i do it?08:21
smacky_wolf_anfangs, depending on which user they are logged into08:21
digikomkwek:  which livecd?08:21
mathew-efChip: thanks. I will try that later.08:21
smacky_wolf_Er, mean to say,m yes08:21
Kwekubuntu dapper08:21
K1mb3rlyKwek: r u on manual parition screen?08:21
Kweki have no idea how to use it08:21
K1mb3rlyKwek: then why are you trying to use it?08:22
digikomKwek: are you on the desktop?08:22
K1mb3rlyKwek: why not let it auto-partition?08:22
anfangssmacky_wolf_: ok08:22
Kwekbecause i need to install ubuntu without formatting my hdd08:22
K1mb3rlyKwek: do you have an existing OS on it?08:22
Kwekwindows xp sp208:22
=== smacky_wolf_ pets SSH. <3
K1mb3rlyKwek: only 1 HD?08:22
Kweki just defragged and now partitioning08:22
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K1mb3rlyKwek: so on /dev/hda1 it says filesystem: NTFS, right?08:23
mheathtritium, where is it the official policy to only recommend Ubuntu packages on here? Like I said, the official Ubuntu wiki even recommends against using the Ubuntu WINE packages...08:23
kholerabb1Could someone tell me how to get beagle?08:23
K1mb3rlyKwek: right-click on that and select Resize/Move08:23
digikomKholerabb1:  sudo aptitude install beagle08:23
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=== anfangs wonders if there's a graphical SSH client for windows.
kholerabb1digikom: I tried that, doesn't work?08:24
tritiummheath: please don't pester about it.  Use the packages you prefer08:24
K1mb3rlyKwek: how much total space is on your HD and how much are you using in Windows and how much do you want for Ubuntu?08:24
K1mb3rlyanfangs: putty08:24
kholerabb1"Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "beagle""08:24
McNutellaanfangs, yeah, ask god.. erm, google :)008:24
digikomKholerabb1:  you need to enable universe repositories08:24
anfangsK1mb3rly: ok, i thought maybe putty was only CLI08:24
kholerabb1digikom: how?08:24
digikomkholerabb1:  go to synaptic08:24
Kweki have a 80gb hdd, max is 76317 mb and min is 46796 mb. I want 10gb space for ubuntu and 1gb for swap08:24
mheathtritium, sorry, I was just trying to find out more about the policy you referenced so I could know to refrain from breaking it. :)08:24
kholerabb1digikom... yes?08:25
digikomKholerabb1: go to menu settings08:25
phpmattk_anfangs: ssh=secure-SHell.. shell being the keyword.. you just get a command line.. if you want to remote control the desktop you need vnc (over ssh)08:25
tritiummheath: you can recommend what the wiki suggests08:25
Hobbseemheath: the repo version of wine is old - almost a year old08:25
digikomkholerabb1:  repositories08:25
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K1mb3rlyKwek: so in new size put 68.8 GB08:25
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Kwekits in mb its say08:25
mheathHobbsee, yeah, that was my point. :) (I brought that up after tritium suggested a user just use the repo version)08:25
kholerabb1digikom: add- comunity maintaned universe reps?08:26
anfangsphpmattk_: i guess i was just thinking like a remote file browser, which would allow me to transfer the files without having to deal with CLI....08:26
digikomKholerabb1:  yes08:26
Hobbseemheath: ah okya08:26
Kwekho much is 68.8gb in mb?08:26
phpmattk_anfangs: winscp08:26
K1mb3rlyKwek: about 6880008:26
kholerabb1digikom: ok, thank you :) (what is universe though, old software?)08:26
mheathHobbsee, Hehe, I run about 5 programs in Wine....none of them are remotely supported yet in the current ubuntu repo version, but they work perfectly in the latest release :)08:26
Kwekits 1024x68.808:26
Kweklemme count08:26
phpmattk_anfangs: not sure if that has a gui.. but it is for transfering files over ssh..08:26
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digikomKholerabb1:  more software that is not officially supported08:26
anfangsphpmattk_: ok.. someone mentioned that earlier, ill check it out.08:26
Hobbseemheath: nice.  wine seems a little weird to be in stable repos - as you always want the latest version of wine...08:27
anfangsphpmattk_: yes that looks like it has a gui... probably what i need.08:27
K1mb3rlyKwek: approximate is fine.08:27
skippy81guys is there anyway i can maniputate the window that a program starts in when i run it from a terminal? window size, colour etc?08:27
phpmattk_anfangs: yah, its gui http://winscp.net/eng/index.php08:27
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Kweki put 6880008:28
phpmattk_anfangs: what oculd be easier than scp /var/file/source user@ guis slow things down08:29
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chavoskippy81, depends on the program08:29
Kwekcant, if i put 68800 free space is 7517 only08:29
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skippy81chavo: the program im running is an old game, it runs in a generic window with "untitled window" written on its menu bar08:29
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Kweki put 65317mb, what do i do next?08:30
K1mb3rlyKwek: that's fine, sorry my math is bad.08:30
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Kwekits alright08:30
K1mb3rlyKwek: can you press the button to start the resize?08:30
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Kwekmy maths is bad too, ijust put in 11gb in the free space08:30
K1mb3rlyKwek: Resize/Move in the lower-right corner?08:30
Kwekk wait08:30
anfangsphpmattk_: well, i have a lot of audio file in different places on a windows mount here... so it's nice to be able to browser a little.08:30
magicHi! I just installed Xubuntu, So, where is the trashcan? I guess we don't need one since all we can do is just delete whatever we want to get rid of, but what about if we want to undelete something?08:30
K1mb3rlyKwek: now wait for it to finish... shouldn't take too long08:30
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Kwekthe operation is pending08:31
Kwekit isnt doing anything08:31
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phpmattk_anfangs: true08:32
Kwekdo i click next?08:32
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K1mb3rlyKwek: then Right-Click and select New and create 2 new partitions. first a 1gb swap and next fill the remaining space with the EXT3 root (/) file system.08:32
samuel__command to install kde under ubuntu?08:32
Robbie[MCD] trying to install ubuntu but no luck, got a few error mesages and wondering if anyone could help me or point me in the right direction08:32
K1mb3rlyKwek: then click Next08:32
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MidknightLet me start off by just saying, WoW...I'm now a Ubuntu Convert ;) I not only have it fully up and running on laptop, Wireless, DRI working and sound ;)  Good bye Gentoo08:32
mcarrollhi there, i'm running fetchmail and local imap and storing mail in ~/Maildir, i'm trying to configure mail-notification (for the gnome notification area) to alert me when new mail comes in, but it says re system mailbox:  "The location of your system mailbox could not be detected. Check the MAIL environment variable"... I can't remember where to set that, can someone help me out?08:33
K1mb3rlyKwek: if you can't create new partitions yet, you may first have to resize stuff through System / Administration / Gnome Partition Editor.08:33
phpmattk_samuel__ : apt-get install kubunutu-desktop08:33
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answerguyskippy81 Many X programs accept a -geometry option08:33
Kwekhow do i create one for swap?08:33
phpmattk_samuel__: erhhr.. kubuntu-desktop .. obviously08:33
chavoRobbie[MCD] , what are the errors?08:33
Kwekcreate as what partition?08:33
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McNutellawhen I try removing programs, why does it always say it relies upon so much, like desktops?08:34
Mystahello, whats the easiest way for me to copy files from my windows box to a linux box???08:34
answerguyThat allows one to specific the initial size and location of the window08:34
richard_hdparm doesnt like my hd's08:34
skippy81ok answerguy, ill try that thanks :)08:34
Kwekext3 and active partition also for swap?08:34
Robbie[MCD] PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0001:11:02.008:34
neutrinomassHas anybody got the alcatel speedtouch to work with Dapper ?08:34
K1mb3rlyKwek: ext3 should be the active partition, not swap08:34
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hengestMysta: are they networked08:34
mheathMysta, Linux has a program called Samba that allows you to copy files from shared directories on Windows machines.08:34
K1mb3rlyKwek: make swap first08:34
richard_hdparm really dislikes my hds08:34
richard_ BLKROGET failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device08:34
richard_ BLKRAGET failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device08:34
richard_ BLKGETSIZE failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device08:34
Kwekso what do i make for swap?08:34
richard_anyone know what to do ?08:35
Robbie[MCD] that happens after about fifteen minutes waiting for the spalsh screen to create root08:35
Mystahengest: yes they are08:35
Kwekfilesystem for swap is linux-swap?08:35
aboI want to mount a ntfs disk, in /etc/fstab I added the following: /dev/sda2       /media/sda2     ntfs-fuse       fmask=0111,dmask=0,succeed_chmod  0 0  , is that wrong?08:35
bimberiMysta: create a share on the windows box and connec to it via Places -> Connect to Server... on the ubuntu box08:35
Mystamheath: i am short on time08:35
K1mb3rlyKwek: yeah08:35
mheathMysta, Assuming the two computers are networked, you can copy files by using the network file browser built into the Gnome desktop in Ubuntu.08:35
richard_what is wrong with the drives?08:35
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Kwekso swap is a primary partition too?08:35
Mystamheath: looking for a quick solution like SCP or something?08:35
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Mystamheath: oh really08:35
hengestthen as the other guy sorta said, just use samba to create windows shares on the linux pc08:35
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mheathMysta, I just gave you one, a point and click solution that ships with Ubuntu by default. Enjoy :)08:35
K1mb3rlyKwek: sure08:36
K1mb3rlyI have to go. Bye08:36
K1mb3rlyKwek: good luck.08:36
Kwekso after setting all these, nextr?08:36
AnusienHey can someone help me out setting up a dual boot?  I had Linux first (my windows partition got corrupted), and I reinstalled windows.  How do I setup the boot loader?08:36
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skbSwap should have its own partition type.08:36
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mo0sewhenever i try to access a windows ntfs partition, it says there was an error mounting it.08:36
bimberiAnusien: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows08:36
mo0sehow do i fix this?08:37
hengestmo0se: you need to set up /etc/fstab08:37
mo0sewhat's that?08:37
skbLinux swap should be type 82.08:37
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mo0sehehe. i'm new to linux.08:37
hengestdo you know which hd partition you want08:38
ntars@mo0se: welcome to linux!08:38
mo0sei think it's sda1?08:38
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aboI have this in my fstab08:38
mcarrollanyone know where i set the MAIL environment variable (for gnome mail-notification to work) - i'm running fetchmail to a local Maildir store08:38
mheathmo0se, how are you trying to access or mount the partition?08:38
abo/dev/sda2       /media/sda2     ntfs-fuse       fmask=0111,dmask=0,succeed_chmod 0 008:38
samuel__what is the kde command sudo apt-get kde ubuntu?08:38
mo0sewith nautilus.08:38
Anusienbimberi: in that guide, when it says "mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/work" under "load your filesystem and some information GRUB will need" why does it use /dev/hda4?08:39
phpmattk_samuel__: pay attention.... i've already told you 3 times... apt=get install kubuntu-desktop08:39
mo0sei think i can access it with the terminal.08:39
mo0sei haven't tried.08:39
anfangsanother SSH question: are there tools to monitor/admin my SSH server? ex. monitor current users logged in, kick user, etc.?08:39
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phpmattk_anfangs /var/log/auth.log08:39
hengestmo0se, go into the terminal, and type sudo gedit /etc/fstab08:39
Anusienbimberi: or rather, how do I figure out which is the location of / and /boot.  I have windows partition on hda1 and ubuntu on hda208:39
bimberiAnusien: that would be an example only.  you can use 'sudo fdisk -l' to work out the correct partition for your case08:39
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abo!tell samuel__ about kde08:40
mo0senow what?08:40
Robbie[MCD] I downloaded and burned ubuntu 6.06 on a cd and tried installing, but its not working getting error.   PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of Device 0001:11:02.008:40
hengestthe, at the end of the file, paste: /dev/sda1       'where you want it mounted'  ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222 0       008:40
phpmattk_anfangs: the admin is in the conf files.. and you can get some tools like denyhosts to auto ban brute force attacks08:40
pojePrimeOkay, so while I'm trying to compile mplayerplug-in it is saying that the libXpm library hasn't been found, when it DEFINITELY is08:40
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Anusienbimberi: boot is on /dev/hda1 and / would be /dev/hda2 because that's the linux partition?08:41
mo0sei would mount it /media/windows, right?08:41
hengestmo0te: yeah08:41
mheathRobbie[MCD] , you're getting this error very shortly after the CD tries to boot? (You get a screen asking questions about boot...hit enter..then see that message almost immediately?)08:41
Robbie[MCD] no, no questions are asked08:41
hengestjust make sure that /media/windows exists08:41
Robbie[MCD] it starts with a splash screne that says ubuntu and tries to setup root08:41
Robbie[MCD] then sits on that screen for about 15 min08:42
bimberiAnusien: no, you said windows is on hda1.  if you only had one linux partition then both / and /boot are on it.08:42
mo0sedo i need to restart or something?08:42
mo0sei don't see it.08:42
Anusienbimberi: so in this guide, their /dev/hda3 and /dev/hda4 are my /dev/hda2 (linux partition) even though fdisk -l shows the star in the boot column under /dev/hda1?08:43
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hengestno, you don't need to restart08:43
mheathRobbie[MCD] , did you have Ubuntu installed before? It sounds almost like your booting into a corrupt installation, rather that into the install CD.08:43
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Robbie[MCD] nope, no linux is installed, and i just zero'd the drive before trying.08:43
DavidLeeRoth!tell DavidLeeRoth about xgl08:43
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DavidLeeRothcan someone tell me about xgl?08:43
hengesthave you set it up as: /dev/sda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222 0       008:43
hengest(includiong the 0s at the end?08:44
Fujitsuubotu, tell DavidLeeRoth about xgl08:44
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mheathRobbie[MCD] , You get no messages asking what options you'd like to boot with, or prompting you for help, before it tries to boot?08:44
phpmattk_DavidLeeRoth: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Xgl-Compiz-Dapper08:44
ubotuxgl is probably "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"08:44
mo0seyeah the zeroes are there.08:44
bimberiAnusien: yes, a partition having a bootflag (indicated by the *) doesn't mean that it's /boot.  By the way a linux partition doesn't have to have a bootflag in order to boot from it (yes, it's confusing)08:44
anfangsphpmattk_: so there's no way to actively kick a user?08:44
Robbie[MCD] oh, yea, i get that option i hit tab then type in live then enter08:44
Anusienbimberi: thanks, will try this now08:44
Robbie[MCD] then it goes to the ubuntu splash screen08:44
hengestmo0se, good. now go into terminal, and do 'umount /dev/sda1'08:45
phpmattk_anfangs: it shouldnt come up often.. you dont want to give access to any old person08:45
Robbie[MCD] then after about fifteen mintues it gives me the previously mentioned message08:45
mheathRobbie[MCD] , you're looking to install Ubuntu, right?08:45
Robbie[MCD] yea08:45
Robbie[MCD] i just burned the 6.06 cde08:45
Robbie[MCD] *cd08:45
mheathRobbie[MCD] , try booting with the default options (just hit enter).08:45
phpmattk_anfangs: you could stop the server, then add then add a block to your iptables .. then bring the server back up08:45
hengestmo0se: ...and then 'mount /dev/sda1'08:45
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Robbie[MCD] so at the command line, instead of typing anything just hit enter?08:45
phpmattk_anfangs: stop the ssh daemon that is..08:45
mo0seit says mount point /media/windows does not exist08:46
mheathRobbie[MCD] , yep. That works 90% of the time.08:46
Fujitsumo0se, sudo mkdir /media/windows08:46
Robbie[MCD] ok, i'll try it real quick and get back to you08:46
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Anusienhave to configure GRUB manually08:46
mo0sei feel cool.08:46
Fujitsumo0se, great!08:46
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mo0sethanks, hengest.08:46
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joycetickcan anybody help me with a wireless problem in xubuntu?08:47
ubotu- Ask your question and we'll try to answer it.08:47
joycetickwell in the live cd the wireless connection comes up and i can use it, but after i installed xubuntu the wireless connection option isent there anymore08:48
Fujitsujoycetick, what were you using on the Live CD?08:48
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Robbie[MCD] mheath, i just hit enter this time and it gave me the error message right away, now its at the splash screen and its stuck at "mounting root file system"08:48
Guard] [anello08:48
Guard] [anhello08:48
FujitsuHi, Guard] [an.08:48
Guard] [ani want to install ubuntu from scratch in desktop mode, should i choose desktop livecd or server install cd ?08:48
joycetickwhat do you mean fujitsu08:48
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FujitsuGuard] [an, from scratch?08:48
Guard] [anchoosing the packages08:49
Fujitsujoycetick, what program were you using to configure wireless?08:49
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FujitsuGuard] [an, if you don't want the entirety of the GUI system, use the server CD.08:49
joycetickjust system > networking08:49
FujitsuGuard] [an, and then install the bits you want by hand.08:49
Fujitsujoycetick, aha.08:49
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Fujitsujoycetick, please install the package `gnome-system-tools'.08:49
Guard] [anFujitsu : well i want most of the gui stuff, but i want to have thunderbird in place of sypheed or such :)08:50
FujitsuGuard] [an, OK.08:50
AnusienI want "makeactive" and "chainload +1" as the options in the menu.lst for XP?08:50
Geoffrey2well, now all I need to do is figure out how to get my wireless network device up and running, and I'll be all set08:50
joycetickok il try that, thanks08:50
FujitsuGuard] [an, just install the Desktop CD.08:50
FujitsuGuard] [an, then add/remove packages as necessary.08:50
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mo0sewhat's the best way to go if i wanna run windows at the same time as ubuntu?08:50
mo0sewine or vmware?08:50
Fujitsumo0se, VMWare.08:50
Fujitsumo0se, Wine can't be used for that sort of thing.08:51
Guard] [anok thx08:51
mo0sei already have windows installed on another partition.08:51
arcadeUgh.  What happened to slashdot?! :)08:51
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Fujitsuarcade, the new theme?08:51
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AnusienFor dualbooting, I'm editing menu.lst from GRUB.  All the auto-added Linux entries have "boot" at the end.  Do I need that for XP?08:51
Fujitsuarcade, it's revolting, and it takes ages to load.08:52
arcadeFujitsu: Well, yes, that new look.  Heh.08:52
arcadeFujitsu: Well, I think I can get used to it, but the old one has een there since .. the 90s! :)08:52
zcat[1] I prefered the omg!!! ponies!!! theme..08:52
blazecan somebody help me set my partition be write-able?08:52
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Fujitsuarcade, yeah :(08:52
Fujitsublaze, is it NTFS?08:52
blazebecause i have one second extended partition08:52
blazeno, ex308:52
hannahHey there...  how do you burn to the dvd writer with the terminal? X is not working...  Any help?08:52
Fujitsublaze, sounds like you don't have permissions over it...08:53
Robbie[MCD] so now its gone back to the error message.08:53
blazehow to set them..08:53
blazeFujitsu: ?08:53
phpmattk_hey.. i have a wacom tablet.. got it working in linux.. if i install vmware server and use it to run windows xp.. will i be able to use my tablet in xp through vmware?08:53
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Fujitsuubotu, tell blaze about permissions.08:53
Fujitsublaze, see the message from Ubotu.08:53
blazeok, Fujitsu08:53
Fujitsuphpmattk_, possibly.08:53
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MadMerCcan i install another window manager eg. fluxbox on ubuntu ???08:54
AnusienI'm editing GRUB's menu.lst and all the default Linux entries have "boot" at the end.  The guide online and the examples don't include this.  Do I need it?08:54
phpmattk_Fujitsu: i guess i'll just ahve to try it out08:54
skbMadMerC: Short answer is yes :)08:55
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MadMerCok thanx08:55
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ic56Anusien: perhaps "boot" is the default grub action and can be omitted.  All examples I've seen had it.08:57
blazeok, Fujitsu, i've set the permission stuff but next time i boot my ubuntu will it remember the settings i gave to it? :)08:57
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Fujitsublaze, yes. They're stored on the disk.08:57
Anusienic56: I'll try adding "boot" to the end, then booting.  Thanks08:57
blazeok, cool :)08:58
blaze10x :-P08:58
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Robbie[MCD] i'm trying to install ubuntu 6.06 off a cd i burned when the command line comes up I just hit enter.  It gives error PCI: cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0001:11:02.0 then goes to splash screen to try and mount root system, then returns to previous error.08:58
holycowhey guys08:58
holycowi just dist upgraded to dapper ... and no sound08:58
holycownothing on the wiki nor google nor forums even comes close to debugging this08:59
ic56blaze you still here?08:59
AnusienI followed those instructions and after the BIOS it just goes to a blinking black screen08:59
jirwinhey, using dapper, is there anyway to change the ubuntu graphic on startup?08:59
holycowthe cards seem recognized, the modules seem to be running08:59
jirwinthe one before gdm?08:59
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holycowi'm hoping by off chance someone here has some other tips to try and get sound back?08:59
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crazy_penguingood day all!09:00
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brosio anyone known applications like stramtuner for listen radio from web on linux ?09:00
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bam__where does wget normally store its downloaded files?09:00
alleyoopsterholycow: have you checked what is set in multimedia system selector?09:00
ic56Anusien: hit c to to get grub's CLI and go from there09:00
skbThe directory you invoke it from09:00
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mcarrollbam: in the current directory09:00
jirwinbam__, in the current directory09:00
holycowalleyoopster, yeah, nothing produces a peep at all09:00
jirwingood call mcarroll :)09:00
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alleyoopsterholycow: is it set to use ALSA?09:01
Anusienic56: it didn't default boot anything09:01
jirwinholycow, sure things aren't muted?09:01
phpmattk_jirwin: edit your c:\windows\logow.sys file09:01
holycowof course not, esd09:01
jirwinphpmattk_, very funny. :(09:01
ic56Anusien: so the "boot" keyword is required eh?09:01
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blazeyes ic56, i'm here09:01
holycowjirwin, master button is not muted, nothing in the mixer looks muted except for the input stuff :/09:01
phpmattk_jirwin: i i couldnt resist that bit of win98 nostalgia09:02
Anusienic56: no I tried with the boot keyword09:02
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MadMerCif i install a new window manager eg. fluxbox would it change the way i get to stuff on my desktop ??09:02
ic56blaze: you still have a problem with making a partition writable?09:02
uboturumour has it, mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:02
blazei haven't rebooted09:02
blazebut i made it writeable09:02
jirwinphpmattk_, no kidding...those were the days.09:02
blazeic56: my partition is ex309:02
ic56Anusien: maybe the problem is elsewhere -- something else in the config.09:02
jirwinthis channel is more active than I have ever seen it.09:02
ic56blaze: so, problem solved?09:02
Anusienic56: amybe.  Most of it is default.  I'll post it09:02
blazeyes, ic56 :)09:02
Anusienic56: as soon as the liveCD comes back up09:03
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ic56blaze: ok, good. ttyl09:03
blazeif it stays the same after rebooting, so the problem will be solved09:03
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ic56blaze: how did you fix it?09:03
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phpmattk_jirwin: ya, dapper got some major press09:03
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jirwinphpmattk_, I figured as much.09:03
blazeic56: i just typed user@host:/home/user$ chmod ugo+rwx file409:04
jirwinphpmattk_, "most anticipated Linux release of all time"09:04
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myleftfoothey Madpilot, nice graphic for ubuntu canada09:04
blazeand a few more before that.. but i think they don't matter09:04
blazedidn't matter *09:04
Madpilotmyleftfoot, thanks09:04
ic56blaze: ok, that will stay that way after reboot.  However, the way you did it is very insecure.09:04
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hengestwell, its the first one that has given me any grief so far09:04
jirwinso no one knows how to edit that graphic?09:04
jirwinhas to be somewhere09:05
blazewhy ic56 ?09:05
ic56blaze: did any of the other commands include "mount"?09:05
blazeit's my second partition09:05
phpmattk_jirwin: sounds about right... i was anticipting fedora 5 more so though09:05
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blazeno ic5609:05
skbIs that part of GRUB?09:05
seougehow can i get my monitor refresh rate up from 60hz09:05
blazeit's mounting with fstab atomaticly09:05
Fujitsublaze, that let's everybody read and write that partition.09:05
jirwinit is just that I installed kubuntu-desktop to get kde(just to try), and it switched the graphic on me.09:05
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jirwinseouge, edit xorg.conf ?09:05
ic56blaze: ok, then you'll have no problem after reboot.09:05
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blazeso.. Fujitsu, how can i make it only me that will read and write? :)09:05
seougejirwin: where is xorg.conf located?09:06
blazeor.. don't tell me09:06
blazei'll read the article09:06
jirwinseouge, /etc/X1109:06
ic56blaze: it's insecure because you're allowing full read-write access to anyone and everyone who logs into your system.09:06
zcat[1] jirwin: it's not easy; you have to design a 16 color bitmap and then link it into the usplash binary..09:06
blazewhen i have more time, thanks anyway09:06
seougethanks jirwin09:06
FujitsuNo problem, blaze.09:06
blazeok, i'll keep that in mind ic56, and fix it09:06
jirwinzcat[1] , no easy fix?09:06
blaze10x to you both :-)09:06
zcat[1] !usplash09:06
ubotu[usplash]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto09:06
ic56blaze: welcome.09:06
zcat[1] as easy as it gets09:06
MyNameIsNotBobanyone know of an easy way to use dr17 on dapper?09:06
jirwinexactly what I was lookin for. Thanks :)09:07
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MyNameIsNotBobi mean install09:07
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seougejirwin: where exactly should i edit it?09:07
hengestseoge: try: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/ChangeResolution09:08
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mo0sewhenever i try to do an apt-get gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly i get an invalid operation error.09:08
mo0sewhat's the correct operation?09:08
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MyNameIsNotBobmo0se, put a -i in there09:09
ic56moOse: you're missing the word "install"09:09
AnusienOkay, back into livecd09:09
ubotufor wintel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo :for the Mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:09
mo0selemme try.09:09
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mo0seyay! :-P09:10
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ic56Anusien: you gonna pastebin your grub config?09:10
ic56moOse: :-)09:10
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mo0secrap. now i don't have sound.09:11
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Anusienic56: yeah, ahve to re-setup the mount so I can grab it09:11
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ic56Anusien: cool09:11
robl_Hi - does anybody know how to disable gnome-screensaver from starting when suspending to ram09:11
J_Manhello everyone - has there been any reported problems with the new Dapper installer on Radeon-based hardware?09:11
Mystahello, does nano have syntax highlighting?09:12
aroonicurl question for you geniuses here: I am requesting images via my web server without actually having the name of the file/extension.  i believe this information is contained in the http header curl receives.  ::09:12
J_ManI just tried to boot the desktop install cd, and all i got was a black screen - even tried the "safe mode"-ish option on boot09:12
arooniIs there a way of having curl examine the header, grab filename/extension, and then save the image file with those same attributes... all in one step?  thanks!09:12
=== glick [n=dbunch@cpe-24-193-237-24.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Anusienic56: it's chrooted, so I have to find where it actually is09:12
FrogzooJ_Man: no problems here... - but be sure to upgrade to the fglrx driver...09:12
Frogzoo!tell J_Man about fglrx09:12
glickhi i found a potential security vulnerability in dapper09:12
glickwho do i report that to?09:13
J_ManFrogzoo, sure, if I could get the install going anyway :)09:13
digikomMysta: not 100% sure but I think not...gedit has it for sure though09:13
FrogzooJ_Man: :(09:13
hengestmo0se: under applications, goto accesories, the alacarte menu editor09:13
J_Manthe livecd boot to do the install won't give me a desktop at all09:13
ic56robl_: System> Preferences> Screensaver ?09:13
Mystadigikom: thx, is vim the only terminal based app that does it?09:13
mo0sehengest, now what?09:14
digikomMysta: honestly I just don't know09:14
pojePrimeHA HA HA I WIN09:14
FujitsupojePrime, ?09:14
pojePrimeYes. *fist pump*09:14
digikomMysta:  I don't really use cli apps that much09:14
pojePrimeFujitsu: mplayerplug-in09:14
Mystadigikom: thx09:14
mo0sevolume control?09:14
pojePrimeThat is all.09:14
Madpilotglick, file a bug report @ launchpad09:14
J_Manmore info - turion64 laptop, but trying to install the x86 version of ubuntu09:14
hengestmo0se: then gto system, preferences, and check the multimedia systems selector one09:14
jirwinzcat[1] , what app would you use to make a 16  color app?09:14
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Madpilotglick, what's the vulnerability?09:14
jirwinnot app....png09:14
glickMadpilot, whats the website?09:14
robl_ic56 : no - you can't disable it there, only set it to be blank09:15
J_ManI'm considering installing Breezy and doing the upgrade to Dapper that way09:15
pojePrimeMysta: Vim is the best command line editor :)09:15
Madpilotglick, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs09:15
J_Mansince I know breezy will install on here09:15
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glickMadpilot, well if you have a bin file in your home directory, that is searched for commands before the system directories09:15
mo0sei'm in the multimedia systems selector.09:15
joycetickIs fujitsu still here?09:15
ic56Mysta: emacs also has syntax highlighting.  A couple others probably do too.09:15
MistaEDhey i just bought a usb video capture thing and i'm trying it with ubuntu, the only thing is the video module isn't being detected, does anyone have an idea to get it going? the audio part of it gets detected when plugged in though09:15
Anusienic56: I can't seem to get the data out of the chroot jail09:15
Madpilotglick, I think that's a known issue - it's one of the risks of having a ~/bin (but I could be wrong...)09:15
hengestmo0se: try changing the output plugin and clicking test each time09:15
J_Manglick - that's also fixable by editing /etc/profile and removing ~/bin from the default PATH09:16
joycetickFujitsu, are you still here?09:16
J_Manmost distros, tho...do add ~/bin to the path for user-defined scripts09:16
Fujitsujoycetick, yes.09:16
Fujitsujoycetick, I'm always here :)09:16
hengestmo0se: make sure no other apps are trying to play sound when you do this09:16
glickJ_Man, its just a bad default setting09:16
holycowmo0se, i don't have sound either09:16
joyceticki installed gnome-system-tools, now what09:17
pojeWow, I am SO happy you have no idea09:17
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Fujitsujoycetick, run network-admin09:17
ic56glick: what's the problem with ~/bin again?!09:17
J_Manglick - matter of opinion - I think it's a reasonable default :)09:17
pojeThere remains only one single thing in the way from my desktop conversion09:17
J_Manit's in the default PATH, ic5609:17
ic56J_Man: why shouldn't it be?!09:17
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=== Will [n=_will__m@host34.200-117-200.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
J_Manask glick - I agree with you!09:17
mo0sehengest: nope, nothing.09:17
holycow mo0se via chipset? sblive?09:18
Willcan I run Opera browser in ubuntu 64bits09:18
hengestdidja try the oss one09:18
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mo0seno idea what you just said, holycow.09:18
joycetickfujitsu, its still not there09:18
holycowwhat kind of sound card do you have mo0se09:18
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AnusienHere is my menu.lst for GRUB.  What is wrong with it that GRUB won't work?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1511009:18
mo0sehengest: yup, and i got silence.09:18
J_ManWill - possibly, but I doubt it.  Depends on if it was compiled static or dynamic09:18
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Fujitsujoycetick, network-admin should run the thing.09:18
hengestmo0se: did it give an error09:18
mo0seholycow: i think it's a sigmatel.. or something?09:18
J_Manok....*grumbles at the new dapper installer*09:19
mo0sehengest: nope. no error.09:19
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Willstatically compiled it is I believe09:19
joycetickit comes up with the network settings, but theres still no wireless connection there09:19
mo0sehengest: just tested and got no sound. that's all.09:19
Ratzillahow do i set universal shortkeys?09:19
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hengestmo0se: an error for trying the alsa one09:19
J_Manwill - try it...but no guarantees - if it looks for any 32-bit libs on the system, it won't find them09:19
mo0sehengest: oh wait, for the default input i get an error with the oss.09:19
glickic56, its a potential system vulnerability09:19
J_Manyou can find out easily after you install it by running ldd on the opera binary09:19
glickthats why09:19
ic56Anusien: looking now at your grub config09:19
Willthanks J_Man09:20
Anusienic56: thanks09:20
mo0sehengest: nope, no error for the alsa one.09:20
joycetickfujitsu, it comes up with the network settings, but theres still no wireless connection there09:20
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Fujitsujoycetick, that's odd.09:20
holycowokay i guess i haveto reinstall alsa and esd09:20
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WillI'm about to download Ubuntu iso so I have to choose09:20
Madpilotglick, by default, Ubuntu doesn't have ~/bin, and I"m pretty sure it's not in the default $PATH09:20
glickthe system should ALWAYS check for commands in system directories first09:20
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ic56glick: I don't see how that is a vulnerability.  It is the standard way of running things in the unix world.09:20
holycowwhat package contains esd? apt cache doesn't seem clear on that09:20
J_Manglick - no, it shouldn't09:20
WillI'm not going for 64bits then09:20
hengestmo0se: didja get sound when clicking test for the alsa one?09:20
MyNameIsNotBobDoes anyone know how to get Enlightenment DR 17 running on Dapper?09:20
J_Manuser-defined stuff should come before system stuff09:20
Fujitsuglick, on none of my systems is it in the default PATH.09:20
mo0sehengest: not at all.09:20
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holycowhengest, no he didn't09:20
glickMadpilot, no, but i  add one, and put a malicious ls program into it and then someone comes and sudos and runs ls they could get screwed up the corn hole09:21
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holycowhengest, infact he isn't the only one with the exact sam eproblem ... theres a ton of people not getting any sound despite modules being loaded and sound cards being detected09:21
mo0seoh wait.09:21
ic56glick: you have it backwards.  You want your *personal* ~/bin to override system defaults so you can write wrappers that provide the interfaces you want.09:21
Madpilotglick, that's why it doesn't exist by default, and isn't in the default $PATH...09:21
J_Mana - if someone can get into your system to add something into ~/bin - you're screwed anyway09:21
Anusienglick: That requires someone sudoing into you09:21
mo0senow i get an error with the oss.09:21
glickbasically it should be PATH="$PATH":~/bin09:21
hengesttry going to system -> prefs -> sounds09:21
mo0seit says resource busy or not available.09:21
ydnarwhat is the daemon-tools / alcohol 120% equivalent for linux?09:21
J_Manb - noone should be allowed sudo unless YOU, as the system admin, give it to them09:22
Anusienic56: it's all added automatically except for the part I notate09:22
mo0senow i don't get an error.09:22
J_Manremember, ubuntu only sets your first user you create at installation with sudo access09:22
hengestmo0se: have you got rhythmbox or any other media app open09:22
ic56glick: perhaps you are confusing this with a common security hole which is putting "." in the /home/ic/arch/i586-Debian-3.1/bin:/home/ic/bin:/home/ic/bintmp:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin/mh:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games -- that should never be in the path and *definitely* should not be before any other directories.09:22
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mo0sehengest: no. made sure i closed those. all i have are gaim, firefox, and sound preferences.09:22
ic56glick: perhaps you are confusing this with a common security hole which is putting "." in the $PATH -- that should never be in the path and *definitely* should not be before any other directories.09:22
Anusienic56 :P09:23
=== Istario [n=[tgn] cok@adsl-63-196-194-199.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mo0seholycow: why am i in sound preferences? :-P09:23
holycowno idea, that won't do shit09:23
J_Manok...experts - if I did a clean install of breezy from one of my ubuntu CD's...and then upgraded to dapper09:23
glickic56, its the same difference09:23
mo0sehahahah. nice.09:23
=== ThePub_ [n=thepub@dyn53-225.res-hall.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu
J_Manwould I still have a fairly clean system (no dregs from breezy hanging around)?09:23
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mo0sesigh... and i was liking ubuntu too...09:24
KenSentMeHi, i'm using avidemux to put my avi videos on a video dvd. What format should i choose, MPEG PS A+V or MPEG TS A+V, and how do i burn that on a dvd?09:24
holycowmo0se, well shit happens, it didn't cost you anything09:24
docta_vJ_Man: yes09:24
ElkoJ_Man: why don't you just try and find out, I'm sure you're used to making a mess of things ;)09:24
hengestmo0se: in sound prefs, does any sound card show up in the thingy at the bottom09:24
holycowmo0se, however you should note that a) your not the only one with the same problem and b) therefore there must be a fix09:24
mo0sehengest: it says hda intel.09:24
J_ManI remember you!09:24
ic56glick: no, it's different because you *own* ~/bin but "." could be owned by anyone.09:24
=== boxemall [n=boxemall@p548885C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
rohKenSentMe dvd should be system stream, so try PS09:25
rohTS is only used on dvb-transmissions09:25
hengestwell then it's at least picking it up09:25
rohor atsc09:25
glickic56, here is how it goes down, i put my own version of sudo into my bin, that collets your password09:25
=== patrick_ [n=patrick@c-24-218-215-142.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
glickic56, what do you think of that then?09:25
patrick_woo i got it all to work! i reinstalled ubuntu :)09:25
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rohKenSentMe you can try to burn the dvd with gnomebaker i think.. but never tried.09:25
Binsy_glick: that requires someone to be logged in as you and then sudo as you09:25
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patrick_there is no online update for the new ubuntu from breezy badger right?09:26
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J_Manglick - what stops you, as the sysadmin, from putting your own version into the system directories?09:26
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J_Manpatrick - check the wiki09:26
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ic56glick: it's *your* bin.  Others cannot accidentally stumble into it so they aren't vulnerable.09:26
mo0seit worked a long time ago when i had breezybadger kubuntu.09:26
J_Manthere's a whole page on upgrading from breezy to dapper09:26
SJOYCEfujitsu, what do u think i should do09:26
holycowdoes anyone know what package contains esd? i need to reinstall it but apt cache isn't exactly clear on what package it is09:26
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patrick_ah okay thanks J_Man09:26
=== nadjyla [n=nadjyla@ALyon-253-1-35-8.w83-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
KenSentMeroh: ok, i think gnomebaker doesn't do video dvds, so i use k3b.09:26
holycowmo0se, it worked in dapper beta too just before dapper final release09:27
SJOYCEfujitsu, its joycetick, its saying my username is in use09:27
Binsy_KenSentMe: What are you trying to do?  I still haven't found good dvd-video software09:27
holycowmo0se, i waited until today to upgrade and it worked until about an hour ago09:27
Binsy_holycow: try searching synaptic for esd09:27
rohKenSentMe ah.. is see.. i only burn dvd from the commandline and never burn video.. so i dunno that ;)09:27
mo0seoh. i didn't have dapper beta.09:27
KenSentMeBinsy_: burn my avi's on a dvd09:27
FujitsuSJOYCE, ask somebody else about your problem.09:27
holycowmo0se, there was some change somewhere in the final that affected this09:27
mo0seif you solve it, holycow, can you help me? :-P09:27
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Binsy_KenSentMe: good luck.  I have some software that does it that I haven't gotten to work yet09:27
holycowmo0se, i think there was a kernel upgrade that affected my video card too but that was easily fixed09:27
SJOYCEfujitsu, ok thanks anyway09:28
pojeDoes anyone know how to use network-manager-gnome?09:28
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carlfkI am runnign dapper, I am on a wpa wifi, but I have to run wpa_supplicant to get associated.  anyone know how how to make that happen automagicly?09:28
Fujitsupoje, yep.09:28
Fujitsupoje, what's it doing?09:28
holycowmo0se, i'll post on forums .. no idea what might be going on, but this is the same shit we had last time, only last release no one had proper access to floppies and usb disks :/09:28
Fujitsucarlfk, install network-manager-gnome.09:28
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patrick_i cant fint that page, could you link me?09:28
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holycowthus why i use debian for servers :-o09:28
gr33npho3nixhey, i'm trying to compile gaim beta from source and it works on my breezy machine but not on my dapper, it cliams gtk2+ is not installed when it is09:28
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Fujitsuubotu, tell patrick_ about upgrade09:28
gr33npho3nixanyone have any experience or ideas?09:29
Fujitsupatrick_, please see the message from ubotu.09:29
boxemallhi you freaks out there! does anyone know where my sound has gone?09:29
Fujitsugr33npho3nix, even the dev package?09:29
ic56/msg Anusien that's ill09:29
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patrick_thanks Fujitsu09:29
KenSentMeroh: should i give the files i get from avidemux a certain extension?09:29
SJOYCEi have a wireless problem in xubuntu, when using the live cd i can access my wireless connection fine but once i installed xubuntu the wireless connection settings are not there anymore09:29
boxemallafter fresh install no sound which has worked before09:29
mo0seboxemall hello!09:29
gr33npho3nixFujitsu: yeah09:29
mo0sei have no idea.09:29
FujitsuNo problem.09:29
Fujitsugr33npho3nix, you /sure/?09:29
Cheshirci'm having the hwclock adjtime localtime prob ..(xbunutu started 6.06beta >>to dapper)   anyone got a clue for me ? .. clock is 7 hours off09:29
`Chip`How come whan I try to install ubuntu using the Alternative CD and install OEM it asks during the install for user password but no User credentials?09:29
ic56is the guy who wanted to eliminate the screensaver still here?09:29
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gr33npho3nixit looks like it missing ac_nonexistant.h09:29
Cheshircso when i boot normally ? system time says it's 7 hours earlier than it really is ... i do an ntp time update .. clock looks good but the hwclock is then set incorectly09:29
rohKenSentMe you have to see what k3b needs as input09:29
gr33npho3nixbut i can't seem to find that anywhere09:29
FujitsuCheshirc, are you UTC+7?09:29
mo0sei think i'll be off to sleep.09:29
pojeFujitsu: I installed the package (no idea _why_, someone was like "yeah it's great" as I was busy getting mplayerplug-in going, but I digress) - it's installed and (apparently?) going, but I don't know how to use it per se09:29
mo0selater everyoooneee.09:30
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carlfkFujitsu: apt-get says E: Couldn't find package network-manager-gnome.09:30
Cheshirci thought pacific09:30
Fujitsupoje, can you set the icon in the notification area?09:30
Fujitsu!info network-manager-gnome dapper09:30
ubotunetwork-manager-gnome: (network management framework (GNOME Frontend)), section net, is optional. Version: 0.6.2-0ubuntu7 (dapper), Packaged size: 234 kB, Installed size: 1556 kB09:30
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pojeFujitsu: no I don't see anything in my notification09:31
holycowholy hell! look at all the stuff that gets removed with libesdf?09:31
holycowlibesd0 even09:31
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holycowholy smokes, why does evolution depend on libesd?09:31
holycowthats ridiculous09:31
pojeFujitsu: when it installed I saw some output about DHCP cycling, so I just figured it was already on like when installed openssh-server09:31
Fujitsupoje, please log in and out.09:31
skbIt controls the audio system.09:31
Fujitsupoje, out and in, sorry.09:32
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holycowskb, yes and what the hell does evolution haveto do with sound? :)09:32
pojeFujitsu: ahh, kay - I don't have my wifi card in at the moment, I was just asking for future use09:32
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Fujitsuholycow, it plays sounds?09:32
skbIt's Evolution. Its the nature of the thing to spread until it uses every single system. ;)09:32
pojeI haven't attempted the great wifi quest yet09:32
boxemallwho of you guys is so much into hardware that he could help me out?09:32
holycowevolution doesn't play sound, gedit doesn't play sound, stop that you gits :)09:32
pojeskb: that is true09:32
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Fujitsuboxemall, just ask.09:32
SJOYCEi have a wireless problem in xubuntu, when using the live cd i can access my wireless connection fine but once i installed xubuntu the wireless connection settings are not there anymore09:32
=== `Chip` wonders...How come whan I try to install ubuntu using the Alternative CD and install OEM it asks during the install for user password but no User credentials?
Binsy_ic56: so it's not the winXP entry in menu.lst anyway09:33
carlfkFujitsu: duh... I cut/pasted the . too.  now I get network-manager-gnome is already the newest version.09:33
boxemallis there a way of getting sound working with 4front technologies "original OSS" drivers?09:33
ic56Binsy_: ok09:33
Fujitsu`Chip`, it'll ask for a username and password when you bootup. That's what OEM does.09:33
CheshircFujitsu ; i thuoght pacific was like UTC+14 or something09:33
Binsy_ic56: i #ed out the lines I added for WinXP and I had the same problem.  Black screen with blinking underscore character09:33
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FujitsuCheshirc, I wouldn't know.09:33
boxemallfujitsu - remember me? i was here a few days ago. you and someone called crimsun tried to help me with my sound problem09:33
FlannelCheshirc: no, -709:33
carlfkFujitsu:  I do have an icon up by the clock, but it says "no network connections"09:33
Fujitsucarlfk, aha. That's it.09:34
`Chip`Hi Fujitsu, it didn't ask me to enter in a Full Name and username... it just went to password.09:34
dou213what's that OEM meaning?09:34
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Binsy_ic56: although the harddrive light is lit09:34
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FlannelCheshirc: erm, -8 for PST, -7 for PDT.09:34
Fujitsu`Chip`, why'd you do an OEM installation?09:34
Ratzillamy gaim icon disappeared...where can i check all the system tray icons?09:34
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`Chip`Cuz I am having issues installing it09:34
`Chip`thought I would give it a try09:34
pojeRatzilla: /usr/share/pixmaps/09:34
Fujitsu`Chip`, don't use OEM installation unless you're an OEM.09:34
boxemallfujitsu, i did a fresh install of (now xubuntu) and still have no sound.09:34
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Cheshircseems to be a clue there, thanks09:35
`Chip`Gotcha..Thanks! I am using the text install09:35
Ratzillapoje: thanks09:35
dou213Fujitsu, what does OEM mean? if he's an OEM = what?09:35
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ic56Binsy_: does the default entry (0) work?09:35
holycoworiginal equipment manufacturer09:35
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, holycow09:35
boxemallit is a problem through the ubuntu (ubuntu,kubuntu and xubuntu) world. no distro does work on my machine09:35
holycowoem is used by people that sell computers09:35
Fujitsudou213, Original Equipment Manufacturer.09:35
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FujitsuYes, holycow.09:35
Binsy_ic56: no, it didn't boot09:35
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dou213aham, ok thx09:36
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ic56Binsy_: ok then, maybe initrd doesn't exist.09:36
`Chip`well guys I am off for the night09:36
holycowyou want to install ubuntu in such a way that i forces the user to pick their own user/pass at the beginning so that you don't have a default factory pass which would be easily exploited09:36
`Chip`thanks for all your help!09:36
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holycowwhich is what oem does09:36
FujitsuBye, `Chip`.09:36
Binsy_ic56: okay, so what do I ened to do?09:36
dou213and why would somebody do this OEM installation then?09:36
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Mystawhen i enable universe (in source.list) am I also enabling multiverse? Or, is that diffrent line i need to uncomment???09:36
ic56Binsy_: hang on a minute09:36
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FujitsuMysta, it's differnet.09:36
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Willanother question, will I be able to run xorg with propietarie driver of nvidia on ubuntu 64 bits?09:36
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MadpilotMysta, add 'multiverse' right after 'universe' in your sources.list to enable them both09:37
inreliefhey guys, i just updated to dapper and my wireless card is now listed under 'eth1' and not wlan009:37
quaxsphinxi cant shutdown my system ..."will now halt" then hangs out09:37
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inreliefany suggestions?09:37
MystaFujitsu: ooh, so its not there @ all, and I have to add it, correct?09:37
joycetick_is there anyone here that can help me with wireless in xubuntu09:37
quaxsphinxanyone knows about it09:37
FujitsuMysta, yep.09:37
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Binsy_ic56: why do you think it's initrd and not a GRUB problem?09:37
ic56Binsy_: there's a way to get grub to do a syntax check on a config file -- look for trouble before you try to reboot with it.  Did you try that?09:37
gr33npho3nixubotu: tel gr33npho3nix about pastebin09:37
Fujitsuquaxsphinx, that's a known issue.09:37
ubotugr33npho3nix: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:37
Binsy_ic56: i know nothing about this09:38
gr33npho3nixubotu: tell gr33npho3nix about pastebin09:38
Fujitsuquaxsphinx, it's just not powering off. It's fine to switch it off once it says that.09:38
ic56Binsy_: I think /boot/initrd.img either doesn't exist or is the wrong version for your kernel.09:38
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ic56Binsy_: check up on that while I look into grub CLI options.09:38
quaxsphinxsorry i didnt understand09:38
Binsy_ic56: thanks.  as soon as LiveCD comes up, I'll see if I can check09:38
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tockerpaging einZtein09:39
dou213quaxsphinx, when that message appears, you can press the power button until the pc is shut down09:39
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patrick_can you have ubot link me again09:39
quaxsphinxit does not work09:39
Fujitsupatrick_, to what?09:39
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tockerpaging einZtein09:40
pojeI still don't know why win32 apps list themselves by manufacturer and linux/OSX apps are listed by program functionality09:40
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patrick_dapper update from breezy09:40
Fujitsuquaxsphinx, you need to hold down the power button until it turns the power off.09:40
Fujitsuubotu, tell patrick_ about upgrade09:40
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patrick_thank you09:40
quaxsphinxyes but does not work friend09:40
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poje"hmmm I can't remember which company produced FEAR, let me spend 3 minutes searching all of my menus for it"09:40
Fujitsupoje, yeah/09:40
tockerpaging fender_09:40
pojepatrick_: still haven't moved to Dapper?09:40
joycetickis there anyone here that can help me with wireless in xubuntu09:41
Binsy_poje: I resorted mine according to Games/Internet/Media/Utilities09:41
skippy81Fear, rockstar at a guess09:41
quaxsphinxok i must leave now thanks for your help Fujitsu09:41
patrick_no i have the old breezy cds09:41
patrick_so i reinstalled that09:41
patrick_and now am going to update :)09:41
quaxsphinxand thank you too dou21309:41
FujitsuBye, quaxsphinx.09:41
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Morrowyni only miss games on ubuntu at the moment, a pity only a few triple A titles are made for linux09:41
ZenethianIs there a way to change the module load order?09:41
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patrick_but poje, the problems i was having before are not problems anymore09:41
patrick_so thank you for your help earlier09:42
ZenethianI'd like snd-emu10k1 to load before snd-usb-audio.09:42
pojeMorrowyn: if I could play Battlefield 2 on linux I would move my desktop solely over to Dapper09:42
skippy81what i want to know is why nonone has extracted the bare minimum environment for playing games from windows09:42
pojepatrick_: I doubt I helped much, but yer welcome :)09:42
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Morrowynsame count for oblivion, guildwars and lots of other games09:42
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pojeBinsy_: I don't have that kind of effort in me :(09:42
Binsy_poje: :P09:42
Morrowynskippy81, aint that the xbox?09:42
skippy81surely you could make a hacked XP which existed soley for games with no overhead09:42
pojeMorrowyn: yeah but I play Bf2 and CS - one I can live without, one...not really09:42
skippy81lol Morrowyn, you could be right there09:43
Madpilotskippy81, yes, but MS would probably object to your 'hacked up XP'09:43
pojeskippy81: I play Bf2 enough where I would be rebooting to switch pretty often09:43
pojeAnd I am lazy09:43
Morrowyni think you might wanna have a look at the XP N (no media stuff)09:43
Morrowynor hack it yourself09:43
boxemalli can't even understand that my hardware is not supported. i don't even have "new" hardware.09:43
skippy81Madpilot: its like BartPE though, i doubt they could stop you if you had a license09:43
OvrDriverpoje try www.transgaming.com09:43
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skippy81although im not an expert at intellectual property law :( so im not too sure09:43
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Morrowyncedega, is that even worth trying?09:44
Morrowyni mean what are the framerates09:44
OvrDriverbetter than ever09:44
Morrowynsince there is overhead of converting dx to opengl09:44
Frogzoo!tell Morrowyn about wineapp09:44
skippy81I dont trust cadega, the payment method sucks imo09:44
inreliefhey guys - so i'm a little puzzled by my newfound wireless fiasco.  the card is still recognized, only now at eth1 and not wlan0, however, when i go to configure it, it doesn't see any wireless networks..?09:44
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inreliefit worked fine w/breezy, dapper however doesn't seem to happy09:44
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boxemalland no one could help me so far. it seems that its gonna be a very short linux experience for me,... :-(09:45
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joycetickis there anyone here that can help me with wireless in xubuntu09:45
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gdbboxemall: :-(09:45
skippy81boxemall, what is your hardware?09:45
skippy81and what wont work?09:45
inreliefohyeh, and i've got a broadcom chipset09:45
inreliefusing windows drivers via ndis wrapper09:46
ic56Binsy_: why so many entries in your menu.lst?  Many seem only duplicates and could be removed.09:46
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MystaMadpilot: about the repositories, it currently say deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe, do i just add multiverse to the end of that line?09:46
MadpilotMysta, exactly09:46
patrick_so updating to dapper deletes the 3rd party software?09:46
Mystaalright! thx09:46
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Anusienic56: I don't know, they were there automatically09:46
ZenethianIs there a way to change the module load order?  I'd like snd-emu10k1 to load before snd-usb-audio.09:46
boxemallskippy81, i have amd athlon 1 Ghz on asus a7v (via kt133) with geforce5700 with terratec dmx6fire (ice1712) which does not work.09:46
Schalkenwhats DRI?09:46
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Schalken09:46
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pojeOvrDriver: it looks like Bf2 is barely working, if at all :(09:47
skippy81boxemall:  and what is the problem? cant install? where does it stop?09:47
ic56Binsy_: ok, let's recap.  When you reboot, you get a dark blank screen.  No menu is displayed.  Then you hit "c" as I suggested and then what happens?09:47
OvrDriveri get 50 fps09:47
Anusienic56: nothing.  I hit ESC, 'c', enter, and nothing happens09:47
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MorrowynZenethian, not really sure, but you could try /etc/modules or man /etc/modules09:48
Morrowynmaybe that gives some hints on hw to do that09:48
ic56Binsy_: did you try commenting out "hiddenmenu"?09:48
pojeOvrDriver: in Bf2?09:48
Morrowynon ubuntu?09:48
Schalkenwhats DRI? :p09:48
OvrDrivernope on redhat09:48
Morrowyndirecr rendering input09:48
OvrDrivertired of redhat09:49
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Anusienic56: no, not yet.  did you figure out how to check syntax?09:49
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SchalkenMorrowyn, is that needed for hardware acceleration of OpenGL?09:49
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Anusienic56: but I did try hitting 'ESC'09:49
pojeOvrDriver: huh...and how much is the subscription? (also, do you stop getting updates if you unsubscribe or does it kill everything?)09:49
ic56Binsy_: no luck w/ syntax checking yet.09:49
Morrowynhave a rewad on that one09:49
joycetickwhen running the xubuntu live cd i can access my wireless network fine but once i install it there are no wireless settings?, is there something that i have to install?09:49
Morrowynand no, you need   load "glx"   for opengl09:49
boxemallskippy81, no matter which derivate of ubuntu i use (x,k or u) i does install and recognize my hardware (soundcard) but i don't have sound after it boots. right away at login screen i have a lopped sound. just the way like it wants to play but hangs an restarts like on old vinyl.09:50
OvrDriver5 a month and everything still works09:50
glickhey how do i add a crontab entry that runs as root if there is not root account?09:50
glicknot = no09:50
Morrowynboxemall, have  a look at09:51
Morrowynmaybe its all muted09:51
ic56Anusien: ls -l .../boot and figureout what /boot/initrd.img maps too.  Is it a symlink?09:51
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SchalkenMorrowyn: but "glxinfo | grep direct" says I am rendering through Mesa, do you know how I can turn on hardware acceleration? I thought I might need DRI for it.09:51
joycetickwhen running the xubuntu live cd i can access my wireless network fine but once i install it there are no wireless settings?, is there something that i have to install?09:51
ic56glick: there *is* a root account -- it just doesn't have a password09:51
Elkoomg! no root passwd!!09:51
Morrowynyou could try turning off dri, which i always do09:51
rohhm.. how do i add a bugtracker issue to the dapper-rnel?09:52
Frogzooglick: who said there's no root account? o_O09:52
glickic56, so how can root run a crontab09:52
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SchalkenMorrowyn: okay I'll give that a shot.09:52
ic56glick: you have two choices: either put your entry in /etc/crontab or else "sudo su" to become root and then use crontab to create private crontab for the root user.09:52
rohi'm logged into launchpad, but i can only see bugs09:52
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Frogzooglick: sudo crontab -e        should do it09:52
Morrowyni have  Load Glcore  and load dri  commented out, and only have load glx in my xorg.conf  (im using the nvidia 3rd party drivers)09:52
glickic56, and crontab executes its things even if your not logged in right?09:52
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Morrowynwhen you are on ati, it might be different, i kinda avoid ati like the plague when it comes to linux09:53
boxemallmorrowyn, right now i have xubuntu running. i can't even acces alsamixer. it says: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device09:53
Mystaif I'm logged into two SSH sessions, and I want to log off one of the accounts remotely, how do I do that???09:53
Morrowynsudo alsamixer09:53
ic56glick: correct.  But, if the system is shutdown, the jobs in the crontab won't run.  Unlike windows, crontab won't attempt to catch up when the system boots.09:53
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Frogzooglick: cron executes as the user who owns the crontab - cron will run batch jobs as required, as long as cron is running09:54
ricardoanyone knows how works isapnp tools?09:54
Elkoic56: that depends on the cron daemon you're using09:54
boxemallmorrowyn, same with sudo prefix09:54
Anusienic56: initrd.img -> initrd.img-2.6.15-23-amd64-k809:55
ricardoanyone can help me?09:55
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FrogzooElko: is this an advantage of anacron?09:55
ic56glick: there is an alternate cron that *does* attempt to catch up on missed jobs.  It's called anacron.  Ask Elko about it.09:55
Morrowyntry sudo alsaconf    , but after that im running out of options09:55
Elkoglick: stay away from me!09:55
ic56Anusien: and how about the corresponding kernel?09:55
ic56Elko: :-)09:55
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ubotutuxmaniac: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:56
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Anusienic56: what do you mean?09:56
boxemallmorrowyn, it says "sudo: alsaconf: command not found"09:56
glickElko, ?09:56
Elkoglick: nm09:56
ricardosabes como funcionan las isapnptools?09:56
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uboturumour has it, mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:56
filleokusIm going to install one server and one desktop, wich iso should i go for? Or must i dl both?09:56
Morrowynok boxemall , im sorry , what type of soundcard do you have anyways?09:56
ic56Anusien: I mean /boot/vmlinuz  -- what does that symlink to?09:56
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Frogzoofilleokus: I'd recommend the DVD :D09:57
boxemallit is a terratec dmx6fire (ICE1712 chipset)09:57
Anusienic56: vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-amd64-k809:57
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cgeIs there some documentation on setting up Ubuntu's moinmoin package? I know there is the rather antiquated README.Debian, but I would think there would be better documentation since it is now in main.09:57
skippy81boxemall have you seen this guide? http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Terratec&card=DMX6Fire&chip=Envy24&module=ice1712#opt09:57
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ic56Anusien: ok, the names match so that looks ok.  Presumably both the symlink targets exist?09:58
filleokusFrogzoo, where do i get my hands on them?09:58
ricardoi have a crystal soundcard09:58
MadpilotMysta, 'logout'09:58
ricardoanyone could help me?09:58
carlosricardo: no, and please, anything you need to ask here, do it in English, there is an Spanish channel at #ubuntu-es09:58
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skippy81boxemall: type "lsmod", you need to have "snd-ice1712" loaded, if it isnt then "sudo modprobe snd-ice1712"09:59
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Anusienic56: yes09:59
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clastgood morning09:59
Morrowynhttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?threadid=294112  and http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=169178   boxemall09:59
Anusienic56: i'm going to try rebooting with hiddenmenu off10:00
ic56ricardo: tell us a bit more about your problem -- in one line -- don't spread it over many messages.  I don't know sound but when a question is presented more fully, answers tend to pop up10:00
anfangsanfangs: sdf10:00
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Morrowynthey discuss your problem, although they seem rather old, weird why they havent fixed this in ubuntu10:00
MystaMadpilot: thx10:00
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Mystaoff to bed, night everyone10:00
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ic56Anusien: wait!10:00
boxemallskippy81, it says: "FATAL: Module snd_ice1712 not found."10:00
clastquestion: do I need the proprietary drivers for my nforce4 chipset? what are the advantages of them?10:00
Morrowynboxemall,   you might wanna  sudo apt-get install alsa-tools  alsa-tools-gui10:01
ic56Anusien: try removing the excess menu items.  It iwll make debuggin easier.  Make a backup copy and delete teh following stanzas:10:01
Morrowynand follow the "poor" instructions on the forum10:01
skippy81boxemall its "snd-ice1712" not snd_ice10:01
Binsy_ic56: yeah, that didn't do it10:01
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Morrowynanyways, food and showertime for me10:02
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skippy81its definately included with dapper boxemall10:02
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skippy81i can see it on my disk10:02
nevynclast: more code in kernel the audio code for the proprietary drivers does in kernel reverb and hall effects10:02
Binsy_ic56: before I rebooted I made a new copy of menu.lst with only the main Ubuntu entry and the XP entry like in this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:02
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Morrowynskippy81, maybe boxemall needs to add that in /etc/modules or something?10:02
Morrowynthe snd_ice1712 thing10:02
clastnevyn, k, i don't need that. performance wise anything noticable?10:02
skippy81yeah but he should be able to modprobe it10:03
skippy81i can, just tested it lol10:03
skippy81so i have a random driver loaded :)10:03
ic56Anusien: gah, I can't handle counting stanzas in firefox.10:03
nevynclast: I would be supprised if they were faster than the free drivers.10:03
ic56anyone know how to make firefox do a clean page-down -- no overlap with previous lines?10:03
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clastnevyn, okay :) thank you. that's all I wanted to know :)10:03
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skippy81Morrowyn:  i think this guide should prove that it will work :) http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Terratec&card=DMX6Fire&chip=Envy24&module=ice1712#intro10:04
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KnelixXubuntu isn't recognizing the ethernet card on this old Dell....10:04
ic56Binsy_: how about you show me the nice clean menu.lst that you're currently using?10:04
NiklasH_workhi, anyone know how i can remove the Alt-Ins shortcut inc xfce4 for adding a desktop? It's overriding a shortcut i need in an app10:04
Binsy_ic56: bringing liveCD back up and will try the new file.  How do I know, by the way, whether it's the menu.lst or GRUB's setup?10:04
ic56Binsy_: menu.lst *is* GRUB's setup.10:04
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skippy81Binsy_ are you the same person as Anusien?10:05
Binsy_ic56: what I mean is, to make sure the system is set up properly to use grub.10:05
Binsy_skippy81: yeah.  Anusien is the LiveCD computer, this is another one I have handy10:05
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Anusien2should have just done that10:05
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skippy81Anusien2:  i think i spoke to you earlier10:05
skippy81will grub not boot you ubuntu?10:05
skippy81if it wont i think i know the solution10:06
Anusien2skippy81: i was just giving you a headsup because, of course, it was never that easy.  You had pointed me towards the right doc, but the easy way out10:06
Anusien2<skippy81> Anusien:  from the live CD you should be able to run "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda" didn't work10:06
filleokusubuntu-6.06-server-i386.iso thats the server install?10:06
Anusien2skippy81: grub isn't coming up at all10:06
edulixthere's still no #ubuntu+1 ?10:06
ic56Binsy_: grub reads all its config on the fly -- it's not like lilo.  The only10:06
skippy81i think i told you something wrong Anusien. you need to install grub from a chroot of your system to make it work well10:06
Anusien2edulix: #ubuntu+1 is obsolete now that dapper is official10:06
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Anusien2skippy81: I'm here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:07
Anusien2ic56: oh, so the bit from the walkthrough that talks about running grub and pointing it at the root partition is just to set up a default config file?10:07
ic56Binsy_: the only that can go wrong outside of its config files is for the boot sector to not contain the right bootstrap program.10:07
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skippy81basically Anusien, you want to try and chroot onto your hard disk before you install10:08
Anusien2skippy81: that's done10:08
joycetickwhen running the xubuntu live cd i can access my wireless network fine but once i install it there are no wireless settings?, is there something that i have to install?10:08
skippy81is your linux partition mounted?10:08
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Anusien2skippy81: i mounted the partition, ran a chroot and setup grub10:09
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skippy81oh i see10:09
skippy81and it didnt work?10:09
Anusienskippy81: I'm here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:09
skippy81thats wierd, are you sure you installed grub to /dev/hda ?10:09
Anusienskippy81: I believe so.10:09
AnusienTo confirm, how do I make sure I don't need to mount /boot/ seperately?10:10
edulixAnusien2: but after dapper, there'll probably another new unstable version right ?=)10:10
Anusienedulix: but not atm10:10
skippy81Anusien you only need to mount boot if its on a seperate partition10:10
IVANGOTOYmy ubuntu normal session won start after upgrading with apt-get10:10
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Anusienskippy81: doesn't appear to be from fdisk -l10:10
IVANGOTOYis there a proper solution ?10:11
edulixsuspend to disk doesn't seem to work for me, should I fill a bug report? with which information?10:11
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skippy81Anusien yeah almost everyone has boot on same partition as home10:11
edulixsuspend to ram I mean, to disk I haven't tested yet10:11
skippy81sorry i mean as /10:11
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ic56Anusien: let's go over that webpage you're using.  Under "using the livecd while preserving windows...", items 3-6 work outside teh menu system.10:11
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Anusienic56: i'm down at the bottom under troubleshooting10:12
ic56Anusien: they cause grub on a running system, to install a bootloader on the disk.  This bootloader will invoke grub at the next reboot.10:12
joycetickwhen running the xubuntu live cd i can access my wireless network fine but once i install xubuntu there are no wireless settings?, is there something that i have to install?10:12
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gusawe1hello !10:12
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Anusienic56: how does this look: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1511110:13
edulixbtw, does apt already uses deltas to do an apt-get update?10:13
edulixi've read about that but I'm not sure10:13
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Anusienic56: although I don't know why it would matter since it appears that the old one I showed you before is what was working originally10:13
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Anusienic56: Should we start from step one and try it over?10:14
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ic56Anusien: the old one may have worked but it's harder for me to know what's wrong with it.10:15
Anusienic56: okay, so should I try booting the new one?10:15
ic56Anusien: don't boot yet.10:15
ic56Anusien: cat /boot/grub/device.map10:16
Anusienin the meanwhile should I setup a super grub disk?10:16
ic56Anusien: actually, you're on live cd so that's mounted elsewhere right?  Where?10:16
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AnusienI'm on a liveCD, but I have the filesystem mounted under /mnt/work and chrooted to /10:16
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DBOanyone got any idea what would cause the notification-daemon to just not produce notifications?10:16
AnusienIt gives me (hd0)   /dev/hda10:17
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avisi get this error when removing packages please help http://pastebin.com/75923610:17
ic56Anusien: device.map looks ok.10:17
answerguyYou live in the Silicon Valley --- with Strata?10:17
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ic56Anusien: can we get rid of "quiet splash" in your config?10:18
avisapt-get error removing packages gives an i/io warning http://pastebin.com/75923610:19
Anusienyeah.  Should I do that or just try the new config?10:19
avisic56, yes the entries in menu.lst there are some that only have one #  others have ## you can edit one entry and remove splash10:19
avisbe sure to backup menu.lst first10:19
ic56Anusien: kill the fallback line too.  Don't want variables.10:20
avisapparently single # entries effect the grub write which is done with update-grub10:20
Anusien2avis: huh?10:20
avishe should remove splash10:21
ic56avis: thanks.  my question was rhetorical -- I was asking Anusien to make it so.10:21
avisi just learned that today10:21
Anusienic56: shoudl I just try this config: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15111 ?10:21
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jendaWhy is it not possible to choose a selection of screensavers to cycle when using random ones?10:22
jendaOr is it?10:22
ic56Anusien: hell no.  Please fix it like I said -- remove "quiet splash" and "fallback"10:22
Anusienic56: oh.  I mentioned it and you seemed eager10:22
kholerabb1I have installed beagle, how do I set it up to work through deskbar?10:22
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ic56Anusien: you can go back to a big complicated config later.  For now, we need to figure out what's wrong.  The simpler the cnofig, the better.10:23
xtraitorxwhat does RPM stand for? (in terms of self extracting files)10:23
ic56Anusien: now, let's go over installing the bootloader.10:23
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Anusienic56: wait, huh?  I showed you a version with just 2 options10:23
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Kweki need new GPG keys10:23
ic56Anusien: not at 15111 you didn't!10:23
skbRedhat Package Manager10:23
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skbIt's the RedHat equivalent of a .deb10:24
xtraitorxskb, thanks :)10:24
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boxemallskippy81 + morrowin, i just synaptic'ed alsa tools and alsa tools gui (envy24control) but when i want to start it it says - "No ICE1712 cards found10:24
Anusienic56: 15111 is much much simpler.  anyway, "#defoptions=quiet splash" means quiet splash is enabled or disabled?10:24
answerguy.rpm files are a cpio (or compressed cpio) with a variable length header full of Red Hat Packaging meta data10:24
Anusienic56: i don't see fallback anywhere10:24
aftertafAnusien, enabled. disable it with nosplash10:24
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skbYeah, it's actually not technically an archive. It explains to the system where to find the package.10:25
answerguyYou can use the rpm2cpio Perl script to skip past the header and pipe the results to cpio if you need to just extract the contents.10:25
Anusienaftertaf: huh?10:25
answerguyOr you can use the alien command to convert them into (crude) .deb files.10:25
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Anusienaftertaf: replace that line with "#defoptions=nosplash" ?10:25
[NP] Tangentalright10:25
[NP] Tangenttime to upgrade to Dapper10:26
[Chameleon] how do I boot the Dapper installer cd in Text-Mode ?10:26
[NP] Tangentwoohoo10:26
aftertafAnusien, splash or nosplash, in #defoptions10:26
ic56really?  Guys, does ctl-R in firefox cause a reload of the webpage?  I thought it did but Anusien swears he's changed the page and I don't see the changes.10:26
[Chameleon] graphical installer doesn't support LVM which I require.10:26
answerguyskp: technically it *is* an archive, with some meta-data wrapped around it.10:26
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Madpilotic56, Shift+F5 is force reload10:26
kbrosnanuse ctrl + shift + R to force a reload10:26
skbGotcha, thanks answerguy :)10:26
basvghi all... is it difficult to get composite stuff working in Dapper (I want to achieve `true transperancy' for my urxvt terminals..)10:26
=== guestie [n=ubuntu@pool-70-18-20-218.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mohrfi have 2 questions :). at first there is a problem while booting ubuntu lamp server. when grub appears and and the sequence for the normal ubuntu initialisation progress starts the pc makes a reset. i dont know why. its a very old machine 64 mb ram and 200mhz cpu but it works still pretty good? any idea? second problem. i installed ubuntu lamp on vmware then. everythings ok. when i ping the server it works fine. but i think nothing works yet, am i right. so,10:27
=== matt_ [n=matt@c-68-52-82-138.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
answerguy.deb files are ar (library style archives) containing .tar.gz (or tar.bz2?) and a text file: debian_version? control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz10:27
[Chameleon] basvg: there are many guies on XGL. It's not that hard. I got it working on my AMD64 system.10:27
guestieanybody out there willing to help a complete newb with installation?10:27
guestieim on ubuntu right now10:27
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IVANGOTOYhow can be fixed a persistent problem with username and password requirements loop on boot? that happened the first time i upgraded to dapper drake :(10:28
basvg[Chameleon] : can you recommend a good spot to start reading?10:28
ic56ctl-shf-R acted same as ctl-R which is it looked like it's reloading but I don't see the stuff that's supposedly there.  shf-F5 seems to be an ignored keystroke10:28
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guestieim at a loss on how to correctly partition my drive for dual boot tho, the info out there is a little difficult to follow10:28
[Chameleon] basvg: google10:28
basvg[Chameleon] : *rofl* ok thanks, cu all later :p10:28
kholerabb1I have beagle - How do I get beagle results in deskbar??10:28
answerguyguestie How is your drive currently partitioned?10:28
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Anusienic56: okay, I changed it to "#defoptions=no splash" and changed the kernel definition by removing "quiet splash"10:28
ic56Anusien: can you please re-upload to a new pastebin page?10:28
hyphenatedubotu: tell guestie about dualboot10:28
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Anusienic56: yeah sure10:29
DarkLegacyGuys, I've just got 120 more GB of HDD space10:29
guestieright now ive got three partitions10:29
DarkLegacyGiving me a total of 1 TB.10:29
kakaltocan I wrap a program in a different keymap?10:29
answerguyubotu: tell answerguy about dualboot10:29
DarkLegacyNow, what do I do with it? =|10:29
guestieall of which came with my dell laptop10:29
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: sweet. download porn.10:29
Anusienic56: Possible alternative: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1511210:29
kakaltolike, switch keymap for that program, then switch back after?10:29
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Rambo310:29
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: r u using LVM?10:29
ic56DarkLegacy: donate it online:  Setup a mirror.10:29
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DarkLegacyI'm thinking of dual-booting with Ubuntu Server on the extra 120GB drive, or FC5 server10:30
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: yeah, ic56 has a good idea there... setup a porn mirror.10:30
Frogzooic56: what we need- a pr0n mirror10:30
kholerabb1..Could someone tell me how to use beagle with deskbar?10:30
[Chameleon] ;-)10:30
[Chameleon] kholerabb1: no10:30
Frogzoo[Chameleon] : lol - snap10:30
DarkLegacyA porn mirror10:30
Anusienic56: And what we're working with: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1511310:30
ic56Anusien: dude, are pulling my leg?  15112 is identical to what it was before.  "quiet splash" isn't commented out.10:30
guestieanybody know of a step-by-step guide to partitioning for dual boot, the wiki is vague and i have no experience with it10:30
pexisomeone have problem for stop a sata hard disk?10:30
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Anusienic56: 15112 on my screen is much much smaller10:30
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Rambo3!ubotu tell rambo3 about beagle10:31
aftertafAnusien, what s the problem with splash?10:31
answerguyguestie What part is vague?10:31
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Misiek|w_szkolehi [;10:31
nysosymhi all10:31
guestiewhen it says to create the new partitions10:31
Anusienaftertaf: I'm not seeing grub come up at all.  It just goes to bios then to black10:31
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guestietheres a lot of options10:31
ic56Anusien: ok, I'm tired and hungry and cranky.  Sorry, I can't handle this frustration.10:31
aftertafAnusien, have you enabled the timeout?10:31
Anusienic56: I understand.  Thanks for helping10:31
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Anusienaftertaf: it's not that at all10:31
ic56Anyone wanna help out Anusien with GRUB problems?10:32
Steve|hey, i recently installed my wlan card on dapper using ndiswrapper and it worked fine after configuring it, but after i reset my computer, it won't recognise the hardware..10:32
nysosymcan anyone help me please, vmware-player load and load but he doesn`t start :( . I have the vmware-player from universe10:32
kholerabb1!ubutu tell kholerabb1 about beagle10:32
ubotukholerabb1: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:32
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DarkLegacyHow do I install Xubuntu on a Ubuntu-desktop enviorment?10:32
answerguyDo you have any free space on the drive?  (that is ... any space which is not allocated to any of your existing three partitions?10:32
aftertafic56, ill try :)10:32
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Anusienaftertaf: It literally goes immediately to a black screen with just a blinking underscore character10:32
Misiek|w_szkoleDarkLegacy: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop10:32
ic56l8r folks!10:32
Rambo3Anusienso it doesnt boot at all?10:32
DarkLegacyI don't have an internet connection on my laptop.10:32
joycetickwhen i tried to run the ubuntu livecd it gets up to booting the linux kernel and then stops, anyone know why?10:32
orbinanyone with a synaptics touchpad and on dapper?10:32
DarkLegacyThat's my second problem, that nobody has answered yet10:32
Anusienrambo3: nope.  I installed Windows then need to configure grub10:32
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Rambo3Anusiendo you have live cd?10:33
aftertaforbin, yes, in the past..... why?10:33
nysosymcan anyone help me please, vmware-player load and load but he doesn`t start :( . I have the vmware-player from universe?????10:33
guestieanswerguy, i just chose to resize one of my paritions to creat some10:33
Anusienrambo3: on it now10:33
xtraitorxggrrr, i am using "root@rich:~# chmod 777 ./jre-1_5_0_07-linux-amd64.bin10:33
xtraitorx", but it tells me file not found, when its there :( any help?10:33
aftertafahhh Anusien you reinstalled windows after linux?10:33
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guestienow ive got 7.35 gigs unallocated10:33
orbinaftertaf: i had an xorg.conf file w/ my synaptics config but i accidentally deleted it.  my horiz. scroll isnt' working10:33
guestiei know ive got to make at least 2 new partitions10:33
Rambo3no like , do you have live cd there where you are so you can boot from live cd10:33
aftertafxtraitorx, and without the ./ ?10:33
DarkLegacyWindows + LInux - Dual boot OK.10:33
guestieone for swap, one for ubuntu itself10:33
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DarkLegacyLinux + Windows - Good luck10:33
Anusienaftertaf: yeah.  installing linux nixed my windows partition10:34
aftertafAnusien, sure about that??? anywa, too late ;)10:34
Anusienaftertaf: yeah.  it wouldn't resize the partition at first, and then it killed it10:34
DarkLegacyLol, the day Windows needs a dual boot for Linux, is the day we win10:34
answerguyguestie if you go into fdisk and you try to create a new partition ... what message do you get?10:34
aftertafAnusien, best bet is to boot to live cd, then chroot to your / and reinstall grub, i think10:34
Rambo3Anusien do grub-install and add windows amnualy in menu.lst10:34
DarkLegacyer Linux needs dual boot for Windows*10:35
Anusienaftertaf: that's the part I'm stuck on10:35
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orbinnvm, i'll see if i can copied it onto a backup cd somewhere10:35
DarkLegacyAnyway, can anybody help me with my problem?10:35
=== answerguy would use something like the following (from a command line:
guestieanswerguy, fdisk? im sorry im using the partitioning thing included in install and havent tried to move past the screen because im unsure of the details of the partitions i need to make10:35
aftertafAnusien, so, now no windows, and linux not booting, right?10:35
=== answerguy sudo fdisk /dev/hda
Anusienaftertaf: grub-install /dev/hda: /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.10:35
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xtraitorxaftertaf, same again. i assume the ./ points to my desktop?10:35
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=== answerguy p[Enter]
aftertafAnusien, you run chroot?10:35
Anusienaftertaf: yeah10:36
DarkLegacyeth0 is missing. *10:36
=== answerguy n[Enter] (for new)
aftertafxtraitorx, nope.... refers to current directory ;)10:36
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aftertafAnusien, hmmm.10:36
Rambo3Anusien you need to mount linux partition mkdir /mnt/temp/  && sudo mount /dev/hda2 ? /mnt/temp  , and sudo chroot /mnt/temp/ && sudo grub-install /dev/hda10:36
=== answerguy p[Enter] (for primary)
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aftertafthx Rambo3 :] 10:36
Anusienrambo3: i did all that according to this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:36
kholerabb1Is there a way for deskbar to display beagle results, rather then "Search beagle for [word] "??10:36
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=== answerguy [Enter] (to accept the default first cylinder(
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: what's your problem again?10:37
xtraitorxaftertaf, gah, sorry, confusing myself, i still get a file not found, even at ~/Desktop10:37
guestieanswerguy, so you're saying i want a new primary partition?10:37
DarkLegacyEth0 is non-existant. There's an ethernet card but no eth0 connection.10:37
aftertafxtraitorx, can you see it in console?10:37
answerguyYou want one primary partition to be bootable10:37
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: what chipset?10:37
guestiewhich is the windows one right now10:37
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: got eth1?10:37
answerguy... and you want another (probably extended) to be the swap10:37
DarkLegacyNo eth110:37
aftertafDarkLegacy, sudo ifup eth0 gives what?10:37
DarkLegacyJust modem10:37
guestieso i want a primary bootable ext3 for ubuntu10:37
answerguyYou can have up to 4 primary partitions10:37
DarkLegacyXircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56 GlobalACCESS Adapter (REM56G-100)10:37
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guestieand then an extended partition for the swap?10:38
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xtraitorxaftertaf, got it, file got renamed somewhere *not guilty i swear!*10:38
answerguyAny time for swap10:38
aftertaflol :)10:38
xtraitorxthanks :D10:38
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: so it's some sort of bastard child between an ethernet card and a modem?10:38
answerguyBut you've already got three, so at least two of your primaries are used.10:38
boxemallhow do i start alsaconf when it tells me "command not found"?!?!!?10:38
Rambo3Anusien i newer tryed one of those , with one did you use?10:38
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: what kind of sick person does that?10:38
guestiefucking dell10:38
DarkLegacyIt's an ethernet card with two modem ports, and an ethernet port.10:38
Anusienrambo3: i'm at the bottom10:38
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answerguy(one for Windows C: drive, the other to hold the "extended" partition which has your "logical" drives in it)10:39
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: get a REAL ethernet card. they're like $6.10:39
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DarkLegacyNot quite an option here10:39
[Chameleon] why not?10:39
DarkLegacyOld OLD laptop10:39
DarkLegacyPCMCIA onlt10:39
Anusien2rambo3: doing the troubleshooting bit10:39
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[Chameleon] so get a real Ethernet PCMCIA card without the 56k bits10:39
pojeDarkLegacy: \m/,10:39
DarkLegacyThe PCMCIA card was working on WIndows 98 :\10:39
[Chameleon] guess what10:40
[Chameleon] Linux != Win9810:40
DarkLegacyIt isn't win9810:40
DarkLegacyYes, i know10:40
Anusien2fuck it10:40
pojewin98 was also a total piece of crap10:40
[Chameleon] so if u know, don't give a stupid answer like that.10:40
Rambo3Anusien2: well does grub-install report eny errors?10:40
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Anusien2rambo3: yeah, I posted10:40
guestieanswerguy did you see my pm?10:40
=== answerguy is using a Linksys PCMCIA ether/model combo card in his seven year old laptop right now
netgrabberAfter some time my approx doesn't work :/10:40
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DarkLegacyWell, what's wrong with the 56k bits on the card?10:40
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: what does google have to say about using that PCMCIA poop with Linux?10:40
answerguyNo, guestie I didn't10:40
netgrabberI get only 404 Not Found10:41
Anusien2rambo3: grub-install /dev/hda: /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.10:41
pojeanswerguy: I don't know if mine is THAT old, but it's only 500mhz and CD only ;d10:41
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DarkLegacyIn Breezy, I had eth010:41
guestieone more primary, bootable as the main ubuntu drive10:41
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[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: OK, u didn't say that.10:41
guestiebut how do i designate it as such10:41
DarkLegacyYes I did10:41
DarkLegacyI had eth0 in Breezy10:41
DarkLegacyI have pics too10:41
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answerguyMine is 500MHz, but with DVD/CD-ROM (no burner)10:41
Steve|hey, i recently installed my wlan card on dapper using ndiswrapper and it worked fine after configuring it, but after i reset my computer, it won't recognise the hardware.. can anyone help me?10:41
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pojeDarkLegacy: I've heard stuff about Dapper shifting net stuff around10:41
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: must have been before I got here.10:41
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pojeSteve|: can you retrace what you did the first time and make it work?10:42
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Rambo3Anusien2: can you okease check device file in grub/ folder and see if there is anything that doesnt need to be there10:42
answerguyMy wife bought it for me when she worked at "TuxTops" ... one of those few start-ups that tried to make a go at Linux on Laptops10:42
Anusien2rambo3: how do I do that?10:42
answerguyShe even suggested the name to the founders of the company10:42
Steve|poje: well.. all i did to make it work was install the driver with dapper and then it would recognise the hardware.. and all i needed to do was configure it.. I tried reinstalling it but to no avail10:42
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Rambo3open with gedit device ordevice file10:42
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Anusien2rambo3: when the livecd comes back up, I'll see10:43
aviscould someone tell me what is wrong with this pastebin ?  (apt-get)  http://pastebin.com/75923610:43
pojeDarkLegacy: I have pics of your mom ;o10:43
amarokkerhi, after i edit the kernel headers, do i need to build them? or do they get configured automatically?10:43
Rambo3Anusien2: buy that i mean /grub/ folder on mounted partition10:43
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DarkLegacyOh no, not my mom :(10:44
Anusien2rambo3: you mean /boot/grub ?10:44
xtraitorxI am following this  (  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava  )  tutorial to get java going, and i've downloaded the AMD64.bin, and i *think* i've modified the subsequent terminal commands to suit, but its still a no-go. any ideas?10:44
lighow do I get apache to start automatically when I start my computer?10:44
DarkLegacyAnyway, even when I did have eth0 on breezy, it couldn't connect to DHCP server on my router10:44
js_lig: install the apache package10:44
aftertaflig, install bum and set apache to run10:44
Anusien2rambo3: what's more obnoxious is I can't seem to get a CD burner to work to put on super grub disk10:44
ligit is installed and the current owner and grp is root10:44
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answerguyguestie ... when you use fdisk and you type n[Enter]  from the main menu it asks if you want a primary or extended (if you have any primaries avaiable)10:45
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bulltitani have to say thanks to micorosft!,......10:45
answerguyIf you don't, but you have an extended (and any free space) it will automatically make a logical.10:45
pojeavis: rofl that looks crazy - is xchat-gnome gone? check10:45
James-CQuestion: My /etc/hostname on a Ubuntu server keeps resetting (on any reboot) to have contents of " machinename" So then anything that is based on /etc/hostname (like prompts, login, uname, etc.) keep coming out as 127 or instead of the machine's name.  Doesn't seem to affect anything it is running, but a bit disconcerting. Suggestions?10:45
bulltitanbecause of 'em i'm using kubuntu10:45
answerguyTHAT'S WHY I ASKED what does it do when you try to create a new partition in fdisk.10:45
avisnope i can still install it.  it was a very nice version of xchat for gnome10:45
Surfnkidcan anyone tell me where i can download initrd.img-2.6.12-9-686 ?10:46
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guestieanswerguy im not sure what fdisk is since im doing this all from the install wizard lol10:46
answerguySince you couldn't clearly describe your partitioning, I was asking a question that would tell me (indirectly) what was up.10:46
Surfnkidmy internet just came on after 2 days, how appropriate10:46
pojeavis: I meant if it actually got removed like you wanted successfully10:46
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DarkLegacyOh, I think I know what the problem is10:46
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answerguyIf you won't follow my instructions then you should ask someone else for help.10:46
DarkLegacyIn Device Manager, my PCMCIA card is listed wrong10:46
kakaltohow can I change keymap from the console, with one command?10:46
guestiecan you tell me how to get to fdisk?10:47
aviswell the output was in the pastebin so it was removed unless the error message meant something was leftt behind or fubar10:47
guestieill do it then10:47
DarkLegacyHow can I change the card type in driver settings?10:47
rambo3guestie, use gparted10:47
Surfnkidanyone have initrd.img-2.6.12-9-686 i can download from?10:47
answerguyI have 12 year experience using fdisk; about two weeks experience with the Ubuntu espresso GUI10:47
answerguyOpen an xterm or terminal window10:47
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor9-ppp3102.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
aftertafSurfnkid, cant you regenerate one?10:47
answerguyType: sudo fdisk /dev/sda10:47
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: what's it listed as?10:47
Surfnkidaftertaf: how10:47
answerguy(or might be /dev/hda; depends on whether your drive is IDE or SCSI/SATA)10:48
aftertafgoogle regenreate initrd... i dont know how myself... ;)10:48
Anusien2rambo3: okay, liveCD is up10:48
Morrowynsurfinkid  Assecoires -> Open terminal10:48
Cheshircfound answer to my time warp adjtime hwclock problem ... changed /etc/default/rcS   line that says UTC=yes to UTC=no  .. localtime seems good now10:48
pojeMan, I think today has been crazy awesome for me+linux10:48
=== answerguy waits
guestieit was SDA10:48
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DBOanyone got any idea what would cause the notification-daemon to just not produce notifications?10:48
[Chameleon] DarkLegacy: try this at a console:    sudo modprobe xircom_cb10:48
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aftertafCheshirc, which file? i have same pb10:48
guestieit gave me this10:48
answerguyOn a Dell laptop that suggests it's a SATA drive; probably usign a Dell 610M or 800 series10:48
Schalkenhas anyone used a Geforce 5200FX in Ubuntu?10:48
rambo3Anusien2, just sudo cat /boot/grub/device.map and see if there is anything that shouldent be there10:48
SurfnkidMorrowyn:  ok ive got it open10:49
avismoi Schalken10:49
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bulltitanin my childhood i was happy with windows and it's games,.... but now it is time to grow up and move on to big and better things,........ that's why i moved to kubuntu10:49
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answerguyType: p[Enter] 10:49
Cheshirc aftertaf : /etc/default/rcS10:49
answerguy... and it should print a partition table10:49
Anusien2rambo3: already checked that10:49
aftertafCheshirc, hehe got it.10:49
Schalkenavis, did you get working drivers for it?10:49
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Anusien2rambo3: just /dev/hda and /dev/sda (external hard drive)10:49
no0kehow do i know what process is using that port?10:49
no0kelet's say, for example, port 55555, how do i know which process is using this?10:49
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xtraitorxany firefox people able to help with java issue?10:49
avisSchalken, yes somehow i was able to apt-get install the nvidia drivers for it.10:49
guestieive got partitions sda1 throught 310:50
Remy__Could somebody help me with my Wireless internet?10:50
MorrowynSurfnkid, sudo fdisk /dev/<yourhdddevice>   sda or hda depending wether its ide or sata/scsi or something10:50
avisi found out how installing XGL to replace xorg.10:50
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rambo3Anusien2, ok did you use force flag on grub install ?10:50
answerguySo try typing: n[Enter] 10:50
Schalkenavis, and it worked with FULL support?10:50
Morrowynbut follow aftertaf stff :)10:50
answerguyWhat does it ask?10:50
answerguy(should ask for "primary or logical")10:50
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Schalkenavis, (forall the cards features etc)10:50
andrividHey, does Ubuntu suppport all Intel processors, or just Pentium and AMD?10:50
bulltitanxtraitorx i followed sun's tutorial and it worked10:50
avisSchalken, i dont use dual monitors i'm satisfied with my 21"10:50
SurfnkidMorrowyn: um what would that do exactly10:50
GTroyadrivid, supports all10:50
SurfnkidMorrowyn:  I just need the file, i accidentally deleted it10:51
kakaltoandrivid: AMD is not intel. but as far as support goes, all, AFAIK10:51
andrividDoes ubuntu's shipit cd work on IA64?10:51
rambo3grub install --force-lba  /dev/hda10:51
guestieit says command action e extended p primary partition10:51
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[Chameleon] bye10:51
answerguyOkay, that's even better10:51
avisSchalken, i've only used vga, not dvi .. so -- ??10:51
answerguy(You don't have an extended yet)10:51
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answerguyType: p[Enter] 10:51
answerguy(create a primary)10:51
Schalkenavis, lol. ive concluded there is no getting DRI to work on my onboard video10:51
hugomagicThe only thing I'm able to click is the firefox icon, anything else does not work. xubuntu 6.06. Any fix?10:51
MorrowynSurfnkid, if you rm'd the file, its gone forever iirc10:51
avisno it does not support DRI10:52
Remy__Q: I've installed Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06 I configured my Wireless Internet only it doesn't work properly. Here is a topic about my problem: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/62188-wusb54g-wireless-g-adapter-problems.html#post33295510:52
Morrowynif you deleted it through nautilus or something, its in the trashcan10:52
skipmeisteris anybody running Ubuntu on a 1680x1050 display with an ATI video card?10:52
avison 5200 FX10:52
SurfnkidSurfnkid: yep its gone. just wondering if i can get one from someone10:52
guestieit says selected partition 4, first cylinder 4864-4864, defaul 486410:52
ubotuHelp to fix issues with sound can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary10:52
Remy__ON a 660010:52
avisi'm mixed up and tired. .  thought we had same monitors10:52
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answerguyNow, I personally would make a relatively small primary to be my /boot; then I'd put the rest in the extended and carve that up as logical drives for /, /usr, /var, /tmp and /home; ...10:52
aftertafSurfnkid, http://lists.debian.org/debian-kernel/2004/07/msg00006.html10:52
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answerguyHOWEVER, that's pretty advanced and you're likely to want to learn ALOT more Linux before you want to do that.10:52
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Schalkenavis, so because i LOVE ubuntu so much I am going to get a graphics card that will work with it. just so ubuntu will work. could the 5200FX be that video card?10:52
pojeanswerguy: and your usage habits10:52
guestiei agree answerguy10:53
Anusienrambo3: The force flag?10:53
orbinskipmeister: what's the issue?10:53
zaheermanyone knwo if i can install dapper server from usb stick?10:53
rambo3Anusien,  grub install --force-lba  /dev/hda10:53
answerguySo let's just make one big / for you; and an extended to hold your swap10:53
guestiek, i havent resized anything yet btw10:53
rambo3missing - there10:53
avisSchalken, thats the perfect video card, i have 2 already.  and they run about $3010:53
answerguyYou said you have 7.5 GB free?10:53
Anusienrambo3: do I need to remount everything?10:53
rambo3Anusien,  grub-install --force-lba  /dev/hda10:53
guestiei would with a resize10:53
avisavoid ati10:53
answerguyWell then you should just Ctrl-C out of this and go resize.10:53
roicowhen r the edgy repos gonna be open?10:53
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Anusienrambo3: Still the same error: "/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.10:54
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hugomagicno trashcan on xubuntu where is it?10:54
skipmeisterorbin, I can't get my ATI Mobility X1600 to work in Ubuntu, with or without the proprietary drivers10:54
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=== answerguy doesn't resize partitions normally.
andrividUbunt Shipit on IA64?10:54
orbinskipmeister: define not work.10:54
aviswhat xorg servers do xubuntu support ?10:54
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Surfnkidaftertaf: thanks gonna check that10:54
bulltitanwassup orbin10:54
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orbinhugomagic: ~/.Trash10:55
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nystalIs there anybody who has a mac and Dapper?10:55
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orbinhi bulltitan10:55
guestieanswerguy thanks for your help but im going to have to tackle this some other time, something tells me its too late for me to be tinkering10:55
skipmeisterorbin, not work means I can't get 1680x1050 res. The best I can manage is 1400x1050. Also couldn't get 3D acceleration working10:55
Schalkenavis. i just dont want to install it. boot up ubuntu and find no drviers for it work and it is using dreaded Mesa software rendering again. that would be HELL. or boot up a video game and find OpenGL doesnt work. or some OpenGL feature doesnt work or something like that. so... does anything with the 5200FX not work with the nVidia drivers?10:55
bulltitantrying kubuntu today,... tomorrow god knows what i will try10:55
avisthere isn't a such of thing as clustering under ubuntu is there ?10:55
awssdoes  Ubuntu used "update-rc.d" such the one being used by Debian?10:55
answerguyI have to get to bed, too10:55
orbinskipmeister: pastebin xorg.conf10:55
andrividDoes ShipIt's distros work on AI64?10:55
guestiethanks again, ive learned at least how to navigate this shit10:55
guestiea little bit daunting10:55
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guestiethanks again, later10:55
Anusienrambo3: does the fact that I'm using a breezy LiveCD matter?10:55
DarkLegacysry for caps* Is Xbuntu-desktop package on the alternative version of the Xbuntu disk?10:55
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skipmeisterorbin, I'm not in Ubuntu at the momen (dread)...I've had to resort to Fedora for the moment.10:55
rambo3Anusien, no , its the same process10:56
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DarkLegacyer Ubuntu disk*10:56
=== Surfnkid prays his internet connection stays on
avisSchalken, i got XGL working very nicely with it..  i think that proves that its the minimum nvidia supperted card you'd want to get  best value definitely.10:56
spikebDarkLegacy, xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce instead of gnome10:56
Anusienrambo3: thought so.  any ideas?10:56
=== Surfnkid has been internet dead for 2 days now
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orbinskipmeister: same box?10:56
nystalI has troubles with Dapper alternate and an ibook G3, somebody knows about it<10:56
AnusienOr how much simpler would it be if I started over from scratch, putting Windows on and then Ubuntu?10:56
andrividam i not seeing answers?10:56
rambo3Anusien, chech out ubuntu forums?10:56
Schalkenandrivid: you can order (for free) distros for x86, x86_64 or PPC. i think its safe to think the x86_64 (AMD64) cds actually work.10:56
roicowhen r the edgy repos gonna be open?10:56
sladenroico: relax.  couple of weeks10:57
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skipmeisterorbin, different machine but I don't have access to it at the moment. Don't sweat, I just wanted to know if there were issues with Ubunut and my hardware. Couldn't find any meaningful discussion by googling10:57
Schalkenavis: thanks! i love ubuntu (if only it werent so sluggish on this stupid linux unsupporting motherboard)!10:57
Morrowyntry setting your default gateway in your network connection to your wlan card , Remy__10:57
andrividSchalken, well as long as its for everything INtel, because I have an Itanium 2, not AMD or Pentium10:57
sladenAnusien: yes, isntall MS Windows, then install Ubuntu;  the opposite order won't work as Windows insists on wiping things10:57
Remy__Morrowyn, I did that already10:57
DarkLegacyi386 = intel10:57
Remy__but it failed10:57
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sladenandrivid: try the ia64 version10:58
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andrividI have Intel Itanium 2 64-bit10:58
orbinskipmeister: low resolutions are a known iissue: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto  as for accel....could be a number of things10:58
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Anusiensladen: Well, I'm already a week or so into Ubuntu, so I'd like to avoid that if I can10:58
Anusienrambo3: no10:58
andrividDoes that come as a shipit?10:58
smooshcan i set 2 chroot environment on ubuntu?10:58
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Anusienespecially since I just got the 32bit chroot setup, and I don't think I have a bookmark for that10:59
andrividive become a full Ubuntu(Kubuntu) user on pentium 3, so im realy wanting it to work with my 64bit10:59
sladenandrivid: no, download the netboot or install ISO10:59
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skipmeisterorbin, ok, thanks I'll have a look at that. Also, I've tried a number of things to get Ubuntu to function properly with my Duo Core, but to no avail. Tried upgrading the kernel and using the smp kernel10:59
ligI want to be able to save files to the apache htdocs dir without using sudo.  I know this is possible by somehow changing the owner and/or grp, but I don't know how. Can someone please point me to somewhere to learn about how to do this?  i have done a bit of googling and looked at the apache docs a bit - but no love.10:59
MorrowynRemy__, ; try  sudo dhclient10:59
Mr-mOjOjOjOis there a Dapper Live cd?10:59
avisi will be running my 64 bit at 32-bit speed10:59
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Remy__then what happens?10:59
MorrowynMr-mOjOjOjO, yup, the install iso's are the livecd10:59
andrividDo you think the 32bit version should work on 64bit?10:59
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MorrowynRemy__, you kick the dhcp again to have a look at dhcp servers11:00
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avisyeppers intel and amd are backwares compatible11:00
Remy__I think I already did that11:00
Morrowynit might be that your dhcp server is down or something11:00
Remy__but I'll check again11:00
orbinskipmeister: can't help you with taht. sorry....maybe try the forums or keep asking in here11:00
sladenandrivid: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/dapper/main/installer-ia64/current/images/11:00
Anusien2man, such a pain11:00
sladenMr-mOjOjOjO: Yes, the Desktop CD11:00
skipmeisterorbin, ok thanks for your help.11:00
andrividsladen i cannot burn the ISO at this time.11:00
Mr-mOjOjOjOok thanks11:00
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sladenandrivid: then netboot it11:01
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bulltitan(my desktop is a mess because i'm a mess not because of kde,...in windows everything is a mess because bill is kickin it"11:01
andrividthat would require connecting the machine to do that11:01
andrividits a seperate machine, and currently has no operating system.........11:01
Mr-mOjOjOjOhow easy it is for a windows user to switch to Ubuntu, or atleast try it out11:01
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andrividfrom windows to ubuntu is easy as hell11:01
andrividI did it11:01
avisi was enough to buy my dad a computer to match the one i'm getting to run linux on :/  i will have 2 linux machines 1 router, and a windows box to play with as well as a wireless printer.11:02
andrividtook about a month to completely switch11:02
jpojeandrivid: other than multimedia, wifi, and gaming11:02
MorrowynMr-mOjOjOjO, easy, as long as you are open to learn certain over again, like naming conventions and such11:02
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andrividI dont do gaming or stuff11:02
andrividI just program11:02
Morrowynespecially gnome or kde is kinda "weird" at first11:02
Morrowynandrivid, what do you program?11:02
andrividjust a bit11:02
Anusien2The grub magic live cd won't even work11:02
jpojeandrivid: then why were you on windows to begin with ;)11:02
bulltitanyou can have some gaming experience with wine11:03
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andrividbecause i grew up with my family pc, which was a windows machine, and hadnt heard about linux until 3 years ago11:03
bulltitanmore over with a nvidia card11:03
ligshould i ask this in the apache channel?11:03
jpojebulltitan: yes, and with cedega - but they are nontrivial to use and buggy as hell11:03
avisthoreauputic, is it possible for me to get a usercloak for ubuntu/student/avis ?  i'm going for a LPI then Ubuntu cert.11:03
andrividI program anything11:03
andrividCurrently working on a chat client11:03
andrividI plan to make an IRC Client11:03
Morrowynoh nice11:03
Anusien2screw it, I'll start over11:03
jpojeandrivid: why would you wish to replace irssi? ;D11:03
Morrowynis that any difficult?11:03
rambo3in what language andrivid11:04
Mr-mOjOjOjOi used Ubuntu before, but was not comfortable with all the command typind to accomplish anything.... has there been improvements in this area?11:04
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jpojeMr-mOjOjOjO: definitely11:04
Surfnkidis anyone running 2.6-12-9-686?11:04
MorrowynMr-mOjOjOjO, yup11:04
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jpojeandrivid: zomg - terminal-based IRC client, my favorite11:04
MorrowynSurfnkid, nope, 2.6.15 here11:04
bulltitani had no problems and mine's a ati 9600 se11:04
JonnytheloonyHello ppl! Just would like to know how to set up Soldat on Linux. Any help please?11:04
andrividim using XChat right now11:04
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thoreauputicEveryone probably knew this already except me, but in Open Office under Tools - Options - Memory you can enable "quickstart" which keeps a copy in RAm and speeds start up incredibly....11:05
Morrowynsamehere, although i cheat, on mac osx here11:05
orbini've got a sempron...should i use the 686 or k7 kernel?11:05
jpojesudo apt-get install irssi11:05
andrividi dont like command line11:05
SurfnkidI guess Ill have to look in ubuntu to find that file im missing11:05
andrividi prefer gui's11:05
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Surfnkidandrivid: i got tired of guis11:05
Surfnkidandrivid: telling me what to do11:05
DarkLegacySomebody took my driver database idea!11:05
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DarkLegacyIt's in Dapper :)11:05
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Mr-mOjOjOjOok last question, now there are some windows programs i cant live without sadly, how can i run these in ubuntu .. ?11:05
MorrowynDarkLegacy,  :)11:05
jpojeandrivid: lol, you can implant irssi in Eclipse :D11:05
DarkLegacyAnyway, Linux is finding my PCMCIA device as CEM56 instead of REM56G-100. How do I fix that?11:05
Surfnkidandrivid: it helps if you develop gui's and are tired of command line11:05
andrividUsing WINE, the windows Emulator11:05
thoreauputicavis: not sure - if you become an Ubuntu member you can get a member cloak - other cloaking options are documented on the freenode site I think11:05
Morrowynjpoje, no shit, really?11:06
JonnytheloonyHello ppl! Just would like to know how to set up Soldat on Linux. Any help please?11:06
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jpojeMorrowyn: no shit.  go to www.irssi.org - a screencap is on the front page11:06
Surfnkidandrivid: but certainly better to know procedures to get around gui's11:06
Morrowynon the consolewindow there? or like a real plugin?11:06
avisthoreauputic, what do you mean by ubuntu member ?11:06
bulltitanthere's only one doublt i have,... can i use free internet tv with wine?11:06
rambo3Mr-mOjOjOjO, use google and find winehq and search application database11:06
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bulltitani really love that one11:06
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JonnytheloonyHello ppl! Just would like to know how to set up Soldat on Linux. Any help please?11:06
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Surfnkidjpoje: um watch the language11:06
avisi'm just loyal to my distros11:06
thoreauputicavis: hang on I'll get an URL for you11:06
Morrowyndamn, thats just ace, irssi in eclipse11:06
andrividWell its 2am11:06
andrividbed time11:06
andrividthanks for the help guys11:07
avisbedtime is not until 6am11:07
Madpilotavis, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMemberHowto11:07
avisthank you11:07
Morrowyni think im, past mine then, 11am here11:07
andrividid die if i stayed up that late11:07
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andrividmy dad would murder me :P11:07
Surfnkidmy bedtime is until my internet connection dies11:07
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avisi can hack over 24 hours11:07
=== Morrowyn trips over Surfnkid internetcable
Jonnytheloony:-* Hello ppl! Just would like to know how to set up Soldat on Linux. Any help please?11:07
bulltitanand my problem is if free internet tv is able to see the codecs even using wine11:07
jpojeWait, bedtime?  Like when the ball of fire decides to start harrassing my window again?11:08
thoreauputicavis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMemberHowto11:08
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ligI want to be able to save files to the apache htdocs dir without using sudo.  I know this is possible by somehow changing the owner and/or grp, but I don't know how. Can someone please point me to somewhere to learn about how to do this?  i have done a bit of googling and looked at the apache docs a bit - but no love.11:08
kakaltoJonnytheloony: through synaptics, find soldat?11:08
Jonnytheloonykakalto: Nope.11:08
MorrowynJonnytheloony, soldat is a windows game, so you might need to install Wine first and then run it11:08
thoreauputicMadpilot: hah - while I was looking you already gave avis the URL - thanks :)11:08
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=== Surfnkid takes a deep breath and stares freakishly at Morrowyn
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jpojelig: use the man pages for chown11:09
Morrowynthrough:   wine soldat.exe11:09
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jpojeman chown11:09
bulltitanor nobody knows or nobody uses free internet tv11:09
JonnytheloonyMorrowyn: I have Wine but another site told me I needed Cedega11:09
=== Morrowyn grins at Surfnkid
no0tichi, I've a big problem, I have a laptop: all was working fine until some days before dapper release, now I have to downscale my cpu freq to avoid kernel freeze, because cpu hottens too much. with live breezy it doesn't happen11:09
divineomegadoes anyone know when adobe is releasing the amd64 version of the flash player?11:09
Surfnkiddude its been dead since friday11:09
Madpilotthoreauputic, /msg ubotu membership :)11:09
nystalplease help me with ubuntu11:09
avisyes thoreauputic i saw that and i'm afraid that i have i am not adept enough to have made contributions to the ubuntu community.  i'm merely a ubuntu cert aspirant.  i've invested a large chunk of money in the 2006 LPI in nutshell book and a new 64 bit computer as well as 21" monitor11:09
Fujitsudivineomega, some time within the next year.11:09
ubotu- Ask your question and we'll try to answer it.11:09
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MorrowynJonnytheloony,  oh i see, its using directx11:09
thoreauputicMadpilot: aha!11:09
SurfnkidHey Fujitsu how goes11:09
FujitsuHi, Surfnkid.11:09
Surfnkidsup Madpilot11:09
no0ticwhat can I do?11:09
JonnytheloonyMorrowyn: Yup11:10
Madpilothi Surfnkid11:10
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Morrowynthen you need cedega, which isnt free11:10
avishiya Fujitsu !11:10
divineomegathat's 2006 I assume Fugitsu11:10
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Surfnkidjust glad to be here thats all11:10
Morrowynyou can find it here11:10
JonnytheloonyMorrowyn: No way to download it free?11:10
FujitsuHi, avis.11:10
kakaltoJonnytheloony: cedega is like wine with directx support. not free, unless you do some funky stuff11:10
JonnytheloonyMorrowyn: Aw man :(11:10
thoreauputicavis: you don't have to be particularly adept - I'm living proof of that ;)11:10
Surfnkidroadrunner stinks11:10
Fujitsudivineomega, maybe.11:10
Schalkenavis: i just realised its not the 5200FX, but the FX5200.11:10
jpojeNot free as in beer or freedom ;(11:10
Jonnytheloonykalto: any help with the funky stuff?11:10
Schalkenavis: were still talking about the same card arent we?11:10
Surfnkidand i have a big research for a client tomorrow, being down couldnt've come at a better time11:10
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no0tichi, I've a big problem, I have a laptop: all was working fine until some days before dapper release, now I have to downscale my cpu freq to avoid kernel freeze, because cpu hottens too much. with live breezy it doesn't happen. what can I do?11:11
avisthoreauputic, i've seen you around.  you are more adept than i :)  i am also disabled.. so thats a burden.. but i know i can apply myself  i spent a good 4 fours getting XGL up and running11:11
thoreauputicavis: there are lots of ways to contribute - mailing lists, IRC, documentation, wiki etc etc11:11
SurfnkidFujitsu: know how to regenerate an initrd file? i stoOpidly deleted one11:11
FujitsuSurfnkid, perhaps reinstall the kernel package.11:11
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Jonnytheloonykakalto: any help with the "funky stuff" to install it for free (That's what I needed in the first place I guess.)11:11
gianlucahi guys!11:11
Morrowynanyways, im off guys, need to do shopping and such11:12
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Surfnkiddirectly from the cd/dvd11:12
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SurfnkidMorrowyn: later11:12
Schalkenavis: i just realised its not the 5200FX, but the FX5200, were still talking about the same card arent we?11:12
FujitsuBye, Morrowyn.11:12
Morrowynall gl with dapper and such11:12
kakaltoJonnytheloony: there's a script somewhere... google for cvscedega11:12
avisthoreauputic, and for what its worth i'm not looking for employment.  i merely want to frame and hang the certs on my wall.  i will remain disabled.11:12
kakalto!tell Jonnytheloony about cvscedega11:12
Jonnytheloonykakalto: super thxs I try it.11:12
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avis same card, dyslexic mind ;)11:12
Morrowynkakalto, can you compile cedega, wow, i thought it was closed source11:12
kakaltoubotu doesn;t know about it though :S11:13
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, kakalto11:13
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kasumixhello ubuntu users. ive just noticed that the Dapper Release also has a Server Version. now im asking whar advatages does it brings with itself ?11:13
kakaltoMorrowyn: it's got some funky licensing and stuff11:13
Schalkenavis: dyslexic?11:13
someonehi, is there any way to rebuild/reinstall all existing packages?11:13
gianlucai have a problem....when i try connect to the network, ubuntu wants user name and psswd.....i try with the samba account but doesn't work, can you help me?11:13
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thoreauputicavis: :) Well you never know - things have a way of happening to you unexpectedly in this Ubuntu thing11:13
fermiCould anyone tell me how to shut off antialias in firefox?11:13
Morrowynok, lawyer talk you mean :D11:13
avisuhm i'll keep my fingers crossed and study like mad.11:13
Jonnytheloonysomeone: through synaptic, installed, select all, reinstall. Doesn't that work?11:14
Morrowynim gonna give this a go , see how guildwars and oblivion are going to do on it11:14
Morrowynprolly not11:14
fermiJonnytheloony: it works fine, why?11:14
no0ticwhat package must I file a bug for?11:14
gianlucai have a problem....when i try connect to the network, ubuntu wants user name and psswd.....i try with the samba account but doesn't work, can you help me?11:15
avisi think i will retire my p4 to a server and use the new box i bought for a destkop this XGL uses a bit of resources if you want to seriously max out your workstations11:15
Schalkenhi Fujitsu!11:15
thoreauputichmm the torrents are still flowing fast...11:15
someoneJonnytheloony: unfortunately, kde is busted, so I can't test that11:15
Fujitsugianluca, it wants the username and password for the system you're connecting to?11:15
FujitsuHi, Schalken!11:15
Jonnytheloonyfermi: I was suggesting this to someone whho asked11:15
Jonnytheloonysomeone: so through the terminal you mean?11:15
fermigianluca: you need the usr name and the pwd which were provided by your ISP...11:15
gianlucapossible, and i have tryed!11:15
someoneJonnytheloony: yeah11:15
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fermiJonnytheloony: Oh.. sorry then11:16
gianlucamy isp?11:16
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no0ticread me please11:16
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Jonnytheloonysomeone: hmm.... and you can't google it lol...11:16
fermigianluca: hell yes11:16
Jonnytheloonysomeone: OK I'l try it for you...11:16
Fujitsugianluca, which computer are you trying to connect to?11:16
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someoneJonnytheloony: I did search, but turned up nothing :\11:16
joycetickin the xubuntu cd it can see my wirelss card but in the installed xubuntu it cant/ :S11:17
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joycetickanybody know why?11:17
gianlucamy laptop to the university net11:17
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Fujitsugianluca, what is it that's asking for your password?11:17
joycetick*in the xubuntu live cd11:17
kasumixWhat does the Server Release of Ubuntu DapperDrake brings with ? ist it usefull or would you go on using the normal Debian Sarge ?11:17
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Jonnytheloonysomeone: How can you search if KDE's busted???11:17
SurfnkidHey MadMerC how ya goin11:17
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someoneJonnytheloony: I am on another machine right now11:17
newinlinuxhi guyz11:17
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fermigianluca: did your university issued you any passwords to connect the internet?11:18
Subhumankasumix, the server has a slightly server optimised kernel.11:18
FujitsuHi, newinlinux.11:18
newinlinuxhow long wukk it take to get nt cd?11:18
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Fujitsuruxingz, pardon?11:18
divineomegawhat's the best way to get DVD playback running correctly first time?11:18
someoneJonnytheloony: anyway, I could have used links :p11:18
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Jonnytheloonysomeone:oh ok11:18
Subhumanand you can get LAMP up and running fast.11:18
fermiruxingz: @@11:18
Jonnytheloonysomeone: think I found something11:18
kasumixSubhuman does it also has a GUi or just console `11:18
Fujitsunewinlinux, ordered from ShipIt?11:18
newinlinuxi live in europe11:18
tanekdivineomega: take a look at easyubuntu11:18
Subhumankasumix, itz all CLI11:18
Fujitsunewinlinux, a few weeks.11:18
ruxingzfermi e11:18
orbindivineomega: easyubuntu + totem-xine11:18
Jonnytheloonysomeone: nope...11:18
newinlinux:) is it freE?11:18
Schalkenubotu, tell divineomega about dvd11:18
Subhumanu can install X but it's a waste of resources IMO11:18
kasumixok thanks11:19
aroonifolks: I have "Cookie: cookieName=cookieValue\r\n" added to my header file... is that the right thing if i want to add a cookie to my header request?11:19
Jonnytheloonysomeone: still trying!11:19
Fujitsunewinlinux, of course :)11:19
newinlinuxam broke at the momnt11:19
kasumixya of course it is a waste11:19
newinlinuxis ubuntu a good linux?11:19
gianlucabut i am using ubuntu as guest machine with wmware.....11:19
Fujitsunewinlinux, one of the best.11:19
kasumixhmmm and it uses the normal Ubuntu packages or diffrent stable ones ?11:19
fermigianluca: hmm, it's weird that you could log onto IRC right now, and you don't have a internet access from your school..11:19
newinlinuxi have vista i rlly want to discover linux11:19
kakaltonewinlinux: what answer do yuo expect in the ubuntu channel?11:19
newinlinuxwin vista*11:19
fermigianluca: are you in Ubuntu now?11:19
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Jonnytheloonysomeone: Couldn's find anything... Sorry.11:20
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msidok this is a funny one. i have a laptop that has a touchpad like any other laptop. the touchpad has a middle button which now works in dapper as scrolling. the problem is that i am so much used to pasting by pressing the middle button that i want the old functionality back. should commenting the zaxis like in xorg.conf "fix" the problem?11:20
newinlinuxam after info cuz i want to be 1 a customer of ubuntu11:20
tanekwhat is vista like btw?11:20
someoneJonnytheloony: thanks anyway!11:20
Jonnytheloonysomeone: Are u on Kubuntu?11:20
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kasumixvista is like Xp and some features of OS-X and it needs double of ressources ;)11:20
fermigianluca: I am suggesting you reading through the samba's manual then..11:20
kakaltowhat's a kewl name for a virus?11:21
Jonnytheloonysomeone: Have you tried the Kubuntu support forums?11:21
thoreauputickakalto: Windows ;)11:21
fermigianluca: I guess it was something wrong with your configuration..11:21
tanekkakalto: windows vista seems to be a good name11:21
gianlucathey have registered my pc (mac address or something like this) some month ago...11:21
kasumixkakalto: vista ?11:21
tanekso its crap basically?11:21
James-CQuestion: My /etc/hostname on a Ubuntu server keeps resetting (on any reboot) to have contents of " localhost.localdomain" So then anything that is based on /etc/hostname (like prompts, login, uname, etc.) keep coming out as 127 or instead of the machine's name.  Doesn't seem to affect anything it is running, but a bit disconcerting. Manually doing 'sudo hostname machinename' fixes until next reboot. :-( Suggestions?11:21
hugomagicIs there a way to click on the Aplications menu without using the mouse?11:21
kasumixkakalto: no better take Windows seems to be better11:21
Surfnkidnewinlinux: stay with ubuntu, we're a better crowd, we wreak havoc :D11:21
gianlucai'll try to understamd...11:21
someoneJonnytheloony: not yet11:21
DarkLegacyWhat's the terminal command for copy?11:21
NaynayHi all. I can't get sound from 6.06 on this old Panasonic CF-M1ER laptop. Uses NeoMagic driver. No modern linux using ALSA works on it, but FreeBSD does. I doubt anyone cares, but anyway FYI11:21
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kakaltoI said "kewl name" for a virus... not a name of an old virus11:21
Naynaythe patop is a Japanese one too11:21
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kasumixoh sorry11:22
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thoreauputichugomagic: alt-F11:22
gianlucabut however i can use firefox etc...11:22
fermigianluca: our states are totally different, I am under an ISP service, that's why I can't help11:22
tanekDarkLegacy:  cp filetocopy destination11:22
DarkLegacyThank you11:22
thoreauputichugomagic: alt-F111:22
fermigianluca: sorry for that11:22
kasumixwould you suggest using the Ubuntu Server Release or the normal Debian Sarge ?11:22
lincityHi everyone, I really like the new Ubuntu, but I can't stand the colour! How do I get icons/ change colours to something decent - e.g. blue?11:22
NaynayI'm going to annoy the ALSA people11:22
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Jonnytheloonysomeone: are yoou getting my IM's?11:23
gianlucai don't know so much about networks, isp etc...11:23
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thoreauputiclincity: just change your theme and background11:23
Ngkasumix: given that we're mostly all ubuntu users, we're probably going to recommend ubuntu ;)11:23
quaxsphinxHi everyone!11:23
divineomegais there a amd64 compatibly build of libdvdcss11:23
DarkLegacyWhat's the terminal command for archive manager?11:23
kasumixgianluca: ive PMd you dident you receve the message ?11:23
tanekNaynay: :P tried compiling a kernel without alsa support but with oss?11:23
hugomagicNo, actualy alt F1 opens Firefox, not the Applications menu.11:23
thoreauputicDarkLegacy: file-roller11:23
joycetickcan anybody help, my wireless works in the xubuntu live cd but in the installed version it cannot find the card :S11:23
lincityThe background is no problem, but all the other icons that come with Ubuntu lack that nice glossy finish.11:24
thoreauputichugomagic: no, it openes the gnome menu11:24
kasumixgianluca: ive wrote you a privateMessage dident you got it ?11:24
someoneJonnytheloony: nope, freenode has unregistered PMs turned off11:24
thoreauputicat least it does here11:24
marzecgreetings, in case someone is familiar with the ndiswrapper i could need some help. i have a netgear wg111 usb wlan stick, got the ndis drivers from my windows installer cd. i installed the ndiswrapper and installed the drivers. ndiswrapper -l lists the hardware and driver as present but as soon as i modprobe the driver nothing works. dmesg tells me this ( in short ) Windows driver couldn't initialize the device11:24
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kasumixgianluca: its in a other tab... if you cant seem to find it write me one11:24
Jonnytheloonysomeone: OH ok... Anyway, found this http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html hope it helps (list of package managing commands)11:24
gianlucai'll try...11:25
thoreauputichugomagic: check your gnome keybindingd11:25
someoneJonnytheloony: thanks, I'll check it out!11:25
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hugomagicI'm using xubuntu probably the set up is different.11:25
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Jonnytheloonysomeone:Next time just use Gnome!11:25
Jonnytheloonysomeone: lol...11:25
thoreauputichugomagic: ah11:25
Jonnytheloonysomeone: anyway good luck11:25
thoreauputichugomagic: ask in #xubuntu then11:25
someonesomeone: heh, no DE will load at the moment :(11:26
fermipirate:  XD11:26
ruxingzpirate 11:26
lincityi'm pretty new to linux, which is the standard one to use, gnome or kde?11:26
hugomagictoo few people in there, all new like me.11:26
thoreauputic*cough* english here please11:26
maikollincity: up to you11:26
gianlucai have sent you a message...11:26
kasumixlincity : the one you like more11:26
maikollincity: ubuntu starts with gnome though11:26
rixxonthis is _so_ annoying, if i copy something in an application and close it, the clipboard is cleared!11:26
thoreauputicpirate: final warning11:26
fermipirate: /join #ubuntu-cn11:26
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fermithoreauputic: sorry, I didn't notice11:27
fermithoreauputic: :P11:27
thoreauputicfermi: OK :)11:27
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Jonnytheloonysomeone: argh...11:27
gianlucakasumix: it doesn't work...11:27
maikolrixxon: yeah i noticed that too11:27
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kasumixhmmm have you got access to an other chat network like MSN or ICQ ?11:27
rixxonmaikol: annoying, isn't it11:28
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the_Grinchok everytime I go to it tries to download the index.php, doesn't just display it...any ideas on how to fix it?11:28
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maikolrixxon: very11:28
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cashwonganybody can help me to setup my sierra aircard on dapper drake?11:28
waterbabyim new11:28
kasumixthe:grinch have you instaled php modules for apache ?11:28
joycetickcan anybody help, my wireless works in the xubuntu live cd but in the installed version it cannot find the card :S11:28
DarkLegacyWhat's the terminal command for rename?11:28
tanekkasumix: use aMSN or gaim (gaim is best choice if u want to be on many networks at once(11:28
kasumixgianluca: you can add me its_ kasumix@gmx.net11:28
maikolDarkLegacy: mv11:28
bderrlyDarkLegacy, mv11:28
cashwonganybody can help me to setup my sierra aircard on dapper drake?11:28
James-CDarkLegacy: 'mv filename newfilename'11:28
the_Grinchkasumix:  how would I do that?  I tried symbolic linking doesn't appear to be working11:29
DarkLegacyMan, what happened to ctrl C and F2? :\11:29
kasumixtanek ive asked if he has access i know what to use11:29
thoreauputicwaterbaby: don't11:29
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taneknvm then :P11:29
waterbabydont what?11:29
kasumixthe_grinch: how did u install your apache ?11:29
cashwonganybody can help me to setup my sierra aircard on dapper drake?11:29
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althAnyone know if webcams work with GAIM?11:29
bderrlycashwong, stop asking so much11:29
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James-Calth: Not the standard distribution.11:29
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maikolrixxon: is there a fix for that, or were you asking here11:29
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the_Grinchkasumix:  went to synaptic package manager and downloaded it11:30
cashwongbderrly, can you help me?11:30
tanekhow do i change default gcc version to use?11:30
althJames-C: Ok, do they work with ANY distribution? :P11:30
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JonnytheloonyAnybody know  a Terminal command to reinstall absolutely ALL packages (if  it's possible)?11:30
Aeroravercan someone help me, i have problems with my kernel11:30
kasumixthe_grinch: youve just downloaded "apache2 " ?11:30
bderrlyno, i am not familiar with the card11:30
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the_Grinchkasumix:  and php511:30
waterbabywhat  does ubuntu11:30
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kasumixthe_Grinch: so download also libapache2-mod-php511:30
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James-Calth: see http://gaim-vv.sourceforge.net/11:30
gianlucakasumix are you on line?11:30
kasumixit should get you the rest11:31
bderrlyAeroraver, ask your question11:31
cashwonganybody can help me to setup my sierra aircard on dapper drake?11:31
kasumixya i am11:31
the_Grinchcool thanks11:31
tanekJonnytheloony: something like apt-get reinstall *?11:31
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marzechow can i get to know my kernel version from within the console?11:31
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kasumixgive me your addy if you dont see me11:31
thoreauputic!tell cashwong about patience11:31
althTa, James-C .11:31
Aeroraverwell uhm my system freezes while booting up the latest kernel11:31
kasumixsometimes my messenger has problems11:31
bderrlymarzec, uname -r11:31
rixxonmaikol: it was meant as a question ;p11:31
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>11:31
maikolmarzec: uname -r11:31
Schalkendoes anyone know how to make Gaim show a little popup when someone comes online, like a normal messenger?11:31
ubuntuHey does anyone know much about USB mass storage devices being used in a PC then a Mac and data being corupted11:31
maikolrixxon: yeah thats what i thought11:31
gourdinwhen I use dpkg-reconfigure locales, dpkg doesn't ask me what locale to use11:31
avisSchalken, yes its a gaim plugin11:31
James-CSchalken: Nope, but you can set it to raise on events.11:32
Aeroraveryou get the list with checks before startting, and it freezes when checking on the root file system11:32
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gourdinHow do I reconfigure my locales ?11:32
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ubotuit has been said that locales is at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LocaleConf11:32
the_Grinchkasumix:  that's installed already11:32
joycetickcan anybody help, my wireless works in the xubuntu live cd but in the installed version it cannot find the card :S11:32
Schalkenavis, thanks, know what its called?11:32
avislemme load mine up and check :)11:32
waterbabyhhow long will it take to get the cd?11:32
cashwongyoo hoo11:33
smooshhow can i see from console which is my default c compiler?11:33
thoreauputicwaterbaby: 4-6 weeks11:33
the_Grinchwaterbaby:  took me a long time to recieve mine11:33
kasumixthe_Grinch: Can you PM me ?11:33
bderrlysmoosh, gcc --version11:33
waterbabyoh k11:33
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waterbabywhat has the cd?11:33
smooshbderrly: thanks :-)11:33
Schalkenubuntu: the data shouldnt be corrupt. if anything the device might show 'unsupported file system', but ive exchanged data on my usb stick between macs and it worked. could be something wrong with your usb stick.11:33
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the_GrinchI will say I am really impressed with dapper, much better then breezy11:34
Jonnytheloonytanek: You think it works?11:34
waterbabywhat does the cd do??11:34
Schalkenthe_Grinch: i love dapper aswel!11:34
kasumixthe dapper installer is buggy11:34
Jonnytheloonytanek: I didn't know that reinstall command actually existed!11:34
kasumixbut rest seems to be ok11:34
joycetickmy cd doesent get past booting the kernel :(11:34
DarkRavenMixagei have a problem i have an ati radeon 9600xt and, i followed the wiki to install it and when i try to test if it works with fglrxinfo in return me with this error Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:34
DarkRavenMixageError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual!11:34
Jonnytheloonysomeone: did you get that?11:34
tanekJonnytheloony: i dont think it does, it might tho :S11:35
Jonnytheloonytanek: lol11:35
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, you'll need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make sure Load glx is in the module section11:35
Jonnytheloonysomeone: apt-get reinstall * try it!11:35
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Aeroraverand the kernel im running cant be downloaded , else id installed it again11:35
DarkRavenMixagebderrly it's loaded with this line Load "glx"11:35
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avisSchalken, its called buddy state notification11:35
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bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, then i would venture that the driver isn't working correctly...did you `lsmod' to see if it is loaded?  also, did you edit your xorg.conf to make it load the correct driver?11:36
James-Cavis: That notifies in a conversation window, not as a pop-up (if I recall correctly?)11:36
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avisi have to double check again11:37
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avisit says in a conversation window11:37
Jonnytheloonytanek: Couldn't find the command on http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html so don't think it exists. Too bad. Thxs anyway.11:37
avisthere is also buddy pounches11:37
tanekJonnytheloony: :(11:37
waterbaby:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)it was funn bye11:37
DarkRavenMixagebdeerly under lsmod glx is not loaded but xorg.conf is configured11:37
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James-Cavis: He might be able to do it with buddy pounce, can't remember. :-)11:38
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bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, no, glx won't be listed in `lsmod', your ati driver should be11:38
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, glx is an xorg module11:38
DarkLegacyIs Fedora Core 5 better than Ubuntu?11:38
FujitsuDarkLegacy, it's really buggy, Fedora Core 5...11:38
NgDarkLegacy: that's an impossible question11:38
DarkLegacyOh, right11:38
FujitsuDarkLegacy, what can you expect in this channel!?11:38
DarkLegacyIt's like asking apples and oranges, right11:38
avisSchalken, please look into buddy pounches it will notify you if a user comes out of any state and can include a message for yourself and it cna even transmit a message to the other person once they come online, away from idle, or not busy, etc.11:39
FujitsuDarkLegacy, no, it's like asking Bill Gates whether Windows or Linux is better.11:39
NgDarkLegacy: try them both and see which is better for whatever you want to use it for11:39
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bderrlyDarkLegacy, here is a *crazy* idea...install them both and find out!11:39
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DarkRavenMixagebderrly i past you the line under modules section in org tell me if it's writed correctly11:39
DarkLegacylol I will11:39
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, try again, i was marked away11:39
avismy windows is my bad boy box.11:39
DarkRavenMixagebdeerly under lsmod glx is not loaded but xorg.conf is configured11:40
DarkLegacybtw Fujistu, the network doesn't work.11:40
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SurfnKidThis explains why FC4 did weird stuff11:40
avismy linux box are my intellectual development boxes :)11:40
divineomegaI can't get CSS encypted DVD's to play on my AMD64 architechture - latest Ubuntu11:40
DarkRavenMixagebdeerly  Load  "glx"11:40
divineomegaanyone managed to get this to work?11:40
aviswill have two boxen for linux by wednesday11:40
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joycetickdoes anyone know why my livecd doesent get past 'booting the kernel' when running it11:40
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, that is correct...you need to find the ati driver listed with lsmod, not glx11:40
bderrlyjoycetick, did you md5sum the iso before burning?11:40
Fujitsujoycetick, what hardware?11:40
Fujitsujoycetick, did you check the MD5?11:41
DarkRavenMixagebderrly here it is fglrx                 388908  011:41
Ngdivineomega: the instructions for libdvdcss on the RestrictedFormats wiki page should work11:41
joycetickuh MD5?11:41
avisdivineomega, you could try to find dos firmware and a dr-dos flash disk11:41
FujitsuDarkLegacy, what network?11:41
ubuntuno idea sorry dude11:41
mr_lukokasumix:  how would I do that?  I tried symbolic linking doesn't appear to be working11:41
mr_lukook everytime I go to it tries to download the index.php, doesn't just display it...any ideas on how to fix it?11:41
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joycetickits a toshiba laptop11:41
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bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, good...now, is that driver being loaded by xorg?  check under the display section of the configuration file to make sure that that driver is being loaded by xorg11:41
Fujitsumr_luko, have you installed libapache2-mod-php5?11:41
joycetickxubuntu and ubuntu hoary works on it11:41
DarkRavenMixagebderrly under device11:42
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mr_lukoFujitsu, yes I have11:42
bderrlyjoycetick, yes, md5sum, it is to make sure you have a complete iso...you compare it against the md5sum on the server11:42
Fujitsumr_luko, please run:11:42
Fujitsusudo a2enmod php5 && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart11:42
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avisother that xfce, what is the most popular lightweight x gui for ubuntu ?11:42
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, do this:  sudo grep '(EE)' /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:43
joycetickbderrly, well i dident, but i downloaded it with bittorrent so i wouldent think there would be any problems with it11:43
avisi appologize for typing tonight but i should have gone to bed around 8pm last night.11:43
frenkelavis: fluxbox?11:43
bderrlyavis, [black|flux] box11:43
mr_lukoFujitsu, says "This module is already enabled!"11:43
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avisfluxbox. . ok.  can i install that in xubuntu ?11:43
ruxingzavis i using the icewm11:43
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Fujitsumr_luko, just run:11:43
frenkelavis: try it11:43
Fujitsusudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart11:43
frenkelavis: apt-get install fluxbox?11:43
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Fujitsu... and then try again.11:44
avisi dont have my new computer here yet11:44
DarkRavenMixagebderrly (EE) Failed to load module "glx" (a required submodule could not be loaded, 0)11:44
=== bderrly has to go soon
joycetickfujitsu, its a toshiba laptop which xubuntu and ubuntu hoary have worked on11:44
surface-did ubuntu desktop for mac have live cd?11:44
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, ahh, we're getting somewhere eh?  the power of the log file!11:44
squid0avis, i like xfce for its stability and sanity11:44
DarkRavenMixagebderrly lol11:44
mr_lukoFujitsu, stills brings up the download menu...11:44
avisbasically i want to run a server with something lightweight on top11:44
thoreauputicavis: you can install fluxbox or any other window manager11:44
aviswith my new box11:44
surface-did ubuntu desktop for mac have live cd?11:44
avisthank you11:45
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, now sudo less /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:45
thoreauputicavis: see http://xwinman.org :)11:45
avisshould i get the server install cd then ?11:45
maikolavis: xubuntu would be the lightest, though you dont really need a desktop11:45
Fujitsumr_luko, can you please restart Firefox, or try with another browser/computer?11:45
thoreauputicavis: no need11:45
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, read through the file around where that error occurred to see if anything else peculiar happened11:45
avisi can handle console at 1024x76811:45
joycetickbderrly, how can i md5sum it?11:45
thoreauputicavis: thhe server CD is specialised for servers and has no WM at all11:45
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bderrlyjoycetick, you just gave yourself the answer ;-)  ...   md5sum ubuntu-6.06.iso11:46
avisthe ubuntu cert has one for servers and one for desktop correct ?11:46
James-Csurface-: yes see for example http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/11:46
mr_lukoFujitsu, I restarted firefox...no luck11:46
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Fujitsumr_luko, that's strange.11:46
bderrlyjoycetick, you can md5sum any file you want...it is used for integrity checks11:46
thoreauputicavis: if you want a lightweight install you can either use xubuntu or use the alternate CD and do a "server" install then add what you need/want11:46
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kasumixmr_luko: are you entering: localhost or ?11:46
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, i've got to head off to work, hopefully someone else can help you along further11:47
DarkRavenMixagebderrly (WW) Warning, couldn't open module GLcore11:47
DarkRavenMixage(II) UnloadModule: "GLcore"11:47
DarkRavenMixage(II) UnloadModule: "glx"11:47
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joycetickbderrly, lol, is there anyway to do that in xp?, my ubuntu compter is using the xubuntu livecd atm11:47
thoreauputicavis: servers are daemons/programs - you can add servers to any linux install11:47
avisi'll use xubuntu and fluxbox11:47
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DarkRavenMixagebderrly just a moment11:47
avisyes but maximize resources11:47
bderrlyjoycetick, yes, google md5 windows...there is an md5 program for windows11:47
avismy poor little 2.4 p4 with 1 gig ram is running at11:47
surface-James-C: thanks11:47
mr_lukokasumix, entered and on my mac it tries to download the file as well11:47
Aeroravercan someone help me, i cant get my linux to boot up11:47
thoreauputicavis: OK - that will give you a choice of xfce and fluxbox at login11:47
jirwinhey there.11:48
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bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, comment out the GLcore module  ie, put a # in the beginning of that line11:48
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kasumixhmm strange ive had the sameproblem when i entered "localhost" but with it workd11:48
DarkRavenMixagebderrly in xorg.conf?11:48
jirwinhas anyone messed around with adding xsessions to gdm?11:48
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, yep11:48
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florizs84@aeroraver what is the problem?11:48
thoreauputicavis: 1G RAM ? P4 ? pfft I have a celeron 2G with 512 running gnome/kde/xfce/fluxbox/ ....11:48
mr_lukogod hates me when it comes to linux....11:48
kasumixmr_luko: you could try xampp11:48
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jirwinion3 all the way11:49
kasumixmr_luko: it is a package wich contains Apache, Mysql, FTP-Server and PhP11:49
AeroraverFlorisz84 my computer freezes when the kernel is loading, im using kernel 2.6.15-23-386, it freezes when it says: mounting root filesystem11:49
Fujitsujirwin, yep!11:49
DarkRavenMixagebderrly that module isn't loaded....11:49
kasumixand its fast and easy set up11:49
DarkRavenMixagethere isn't in the list11:49
DarkRavenMixagebderrly there isn't in the list11:49
pd273Hi all, where did the site http://packages.ubuntu.com go, it is taking me to the ubuntu main site11:49
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mr_lukokasumix, nice, should I uninstall apache, php5, and mysql first?11:49
kasumixya would be bether11:50
jirwinAeroraver, any more info than that?11:50
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kasumixPM me again if you want more informations11:50
avisi have have coffee, tylenol, and a cigarette to continue.  i'm afraid my desire to learn isn't agreeing with my will to not sleep.  though i'm sure thats nothing new amongst linux users.. entusiastically hacking away.11:50
daneelhi everybody11:50
jirwinI am looking to create a custom xsession for gdm...anyone done this before?11:50
florizs84have you tried another kernel image? or is this your only one?11:50
thoreauputicpd273: no problem here - just loaded it11:51
daneelI would need some help to get mod_rewrite working on Apache2/Dapper Drake...11:51
Aeroraver@ jirwinno not more, i upgraded yesterday to Dapper Drake, thats it, i get into the black screen, and after 30 minutes, still noting, im able to boot up recovery mode and thats it11:51
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jirwinit should keep your old kernels in grub11:52
jirwintry a different one?11:52
stelkiHello. When I installed the nvVidia drivers from aptt on my ubuntu install, all the text sizes suddenly got  very very small. How can I fix this? ((Like text in menues in kde etc, theyre all small)11:52
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, perhaps you need to add it then...?  i know for nvidia cards you don't want it but perhaps you do with ati...i've never had an ati card so i'm not sure11:52
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Aeroraveryeah but the older one's wont seem to wanna use my wireless netcard11:52
pd273thoreauputic: something wrong with my machine, it is working fine on another machine11:52
nnzhas there been a fix for apt not connecting ? even if i can wget from the same url11:52
pd273thanks thoreauputic11:52
DarkRavenMixagebderrly allright i'll give a try11:53
Aeroraverits visble in device management and thats it11:53
daneelcould someone help me with mod_rewrite config ?11:53
florizs84I would try booting on one of the older kernels and reinstall the latest kernel11:53
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thoreauputicpd273: DNS weirdness?11:53
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, you are restarting gdm after you edit xorg.conf right?11:53
kasumixmr_luko did it worked ?11:54
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florizs84what kind of hardware are you running?11:54
Aeroraver@florisz that is the latest, but it isnt downloadable yet, else i already had11:54
jirwinAeroraver, what kind of wificard?11:54
the_Kaneneed some help..11:54
the_Kanewith smbfs, if i try to open the mounted folder for a second time... it hangs, and doesn't work... any ideas?11:55
mr_lukokasumix, haven't installed it yet download the tar now11:55
DarkRavenMixagebderrly ctrl+alt+del is ok or i have to rstart the machine?11:55
kasumixmr_luko: oke have fun if you got problem PM me11:55
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, that is perfect11:55
thoreauputicDarkLegacy: ctrl-alt-bksp11:55
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mr_lukokasumix, cool thanks for all the help dude!11:55
DarkRavenMixagebderrly ok i'm resetting gdm11:55
joycetickbderrly, the codes do not match, i guess that means i have to download it again?11:55
kasumixmr_luko: no problem11:56
Fujitsujoycetick, yes.11:56
Fujitsujoycetick, or use BitTorrent to correct it.11:56
Aeroraverjirwin, thats what it says in device manager11:56
bderrlyjoycetick, like Fujitsu said11:56
joyceticki dident think bit torrent could get it wrong :P11:56
jirwinboot up and run lspci11:56
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joycetickhow can u get bittorrent to check it? (i use azureus)11:57
jnoonanyone decent with makefiles?11:57
divineomegahow do i install a C compiler?11:57
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florizs84@divineomega sudo apt-get install gcc11:57
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ROBOdhow to convert an ext2 partition to ext3?11:57
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NgROBOd: tune2fs -j /dev/hdX (where hdX is the partition in question). you might also need to update your /etc/fstab then to mount it as ext3 instead of ext211:58
divineomegaflorizs84 - that requests depencies which can't be instaleld11:58
ROBOdthanks Ng11:59
daneelI would need help with mod_rewrite configuration11:59
airtonixhi guys, i did a stupid thing. i was chmoding a folder of stuff to 755, and i forgot to put a period before the slash...now I reckon system critical files are 755.......how do i reveerse this? can i load up a live cd and fix this?11:59
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DarkRavenMixagebderrly .... not working :(11:59
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bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, as in X won't come up at all or just the 3d?11:59
holycowairtonix, well yes :)12:00
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DarkRavenMixagebderrly no!! just the 3d!!!12:00
airtonixholycow: can you point me to some docs or help me out?12:00
mr_lukokasumix, I believe I am in business thanks for the help12:00
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, ok, read through the log file again and see if you see anything else regarding GLcore or glx modules12:00
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, look for (EE) and (WW)12:00
kasumixmr_luko: sounds good... verry good :D12:00
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holycowairtonix, docs for what? put livecd in, go to /media/harddrive/whatever and chmod it back to whatever12:00
KenSentMehow do i propose packages to be included in the next release of ubuntu?12:00
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, i've got to go to work now, and i don't think i'll be able to get on once i get there because today is going to be a busy day12:01
florizs84@devineomega that is strange, what kind of dependency's?12:01
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, keep reading docs online about your card and i know you'll get it12:01
DarkRavenMixagebderrly allright :) thank you :)12:01
airtonixbut how do i know which octlet to set each and every file to? i didn't write them down before...not that i could before my retirement12:02
airtonixholycow: you have to excuse me im pretty much a linux newbie....12:02
holycowits okay12:02
mr_lukokasumix, where is the index.php file?12:02
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holycowairtonix, it might be faster to jsut reinstall actually12:02
airtonixoh well here i go12:02
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digitalgalileoif I leave room on my hard drive for ubuntu will the installer just recognise that and set up the partitions automatically without killing my windows partition?12:03
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holycowdigitalgalileo, kinda sorta12:03
holycowdigitalgalileo, it should ask you 'use available free space'12:04
holycowdigitalgalileo, you want to edit the free space manually using the partition options in the installer12:04
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SurfnKidtime for sleep12:04
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digitalgalileoholycow thanks12:04
holycowdigitalgalileo, at the end the installer will install the bootloader and will make entries for your old os and ubuntu12:04
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ydnarfor what reason would a dvd not play if i have libdvdcss2 installed?12:05
digitalgalileothis is my second attempt at an install the last time i selected the resize automatically option and it just wiped my windows installation12:05
Ngydnar: what are you using to play it?12:05
holycowydnar, because it couldn't crack the encoding for the particual portion of the dvde12:05
holycowydnar, its common12:06
ydnartried vlc12:06
joycetickfujitsu, i did a 'force re-check' in azureus and it scanned for a bit but dident do anything12:06
gourdinwe will we be able to access an edgy repo ?12:06
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cefor if you're putting the DVD in a cd rom drive. *grin*12:06
holycowydnar, start up vlc from gnome terminal and try to play th edvd.  it will tell you where it erroring out12:06
ubotuEdgy Eft is the next codename for Ubuntu dapper+1. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html.  initial release timeline - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-June/000144.html12:06
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Fujitsujoycetick, odd.12:06
althI saw a screenshot somewhere of Beagle running in the Gnome panel, anyone know how I could do that?12:06
Fujitsugourdin, it hasn't been created yet.12:06
ydnarso then libdvdcss2 in other words will not work with my dvd-rom?12:06
Fujitsualth, add the `Deskbar' applet.12:06
holycowydnar, work with you cdrom? it has nothing to do with your cdrom12:06
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stasislovei try to compile wine but when i run configure it cant find flex/lex, synaptic doesnt have it, can anyone help where to got flex/lex? Should i ask what it is?12:06
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aviscoffee awaits me.  i think i would have bought an ubuntu coffee mug but i think they were $15.12:07
ydnari guess i don't understand the problem12:07
holycowas cef said, either you DON'T have a dvd player but a cdrom in which case you put the wrong media into the wrong device12:07
Ngstasislove: any particular reason you're not installing wine from the repositories?12:07
holycowor libdvdcss cannot decode the encoding for the dvd12:07
holycowone or the other12:07
holycowlibdvdcss has nothing to do with hardware12:07
Ngstasislove: flex should be in the repositories too though12:07
ydnarso then it was this specific dvd?12:07
Pipis there any necessary for me to delete the old archives in /var/cache/apt/archives ?12:07
holycowydnar, in which case just do what i told you and run vlc from command line and quit talking already :)12:08
holycowydnar, chances are yes12:08
holycowydnar, most dvds play12:08
mike__Can someone please tell me the appropriate forum for discussing bcm43xx problems?12:08
holycowydnar, some simply cannot be decoded12:08
Pipbecause I have updated my box from Breezy to Dapper12:08
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ydnari'm a huge ubuntu noob12:08
vermoosahoy there12:08
holycowydnar, don't forget libdvdcss is illegal in the states12:08
avisforums or irc channel ?12:08
holycowydnar, its okay i'm explaining anyway.  libdvdcss was REVERSE ENGINEERED12:08
holycowwhat that means is ITS NOT PERFECT12:08
avisholycow, well they can on windows12:09
the_KaneQUESTION: Can i use valknut if im behind a proxy server>12:09
stasisloveNg, no i just lice to compile, gives me the feeling that its better suited for my system then, but it doesnt matter i can install from repositories, but you sey i need flex anyway12:09
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avisofftopic !12:09
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ydnarok, don't get mad but.. you told me to run vlc from the cl12:09
holycowin order for you to play dvds legally in the states  you need to PAY FOR A PLAYER THAT THROWS A KICKBACK OF THAT $$ TO THE MOVIE STUDIOS THAT OWN THE PATENT12:09
vermoostrivial question: i upgraded to dapper, and my .py files stopped looking like pythons :(12:09
ydnarto do so, which directory would i navigate to?12:09
avisword of advice, if you do something naughty, dont profit from it.12:09
Ngholycow: could you not use quite so many caps and hold back on the ranting? ;)12:09
ydnari guess like the equivalent to c:\program files\12:09
holycowavis, no they can't, windows users PAY TO PLAY DVDS by either buying the dvd player software, or buying windows where ms pays the extortionists money on a per licence basis or whatever their agreement is12:10
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the_KaneQUESTION: Can i use valknut if im behind a proxy server?12:10
holycowNg, emphasis helps , that was overboard indeed12:10
ROBOdthanks guys12:10
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avisyou may not believe this12:10
joycetickbderrly, i did a 'force re-check' in azureus and it scanned for a bit but dident do anything, should i just try downloading it again?12:10
delirei've got a friend that is not online and i'm helping her over the phone. when ever she logs in she's dumped back to the login screen. we've deleted ~/.Xauthority and chmod'd the ~/.ICEauthority but still it persists. any clues?12:10
stasislovewhat is flex/lex anyway? there must be somewhere i can get it o.012:11
holycowdelire, the easiest thing is to create a new user from command line and transfer their files to that account .... :/12:11
avisi plead the 5th i'm a linux neophyte12:11
cefholycow: don't have a cow man!12:11
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Ngstasislove: flex is used to generate code. It should be in synaptic. on dapper at least12:11
delireholycow: she's tried that but even the new user has the same issue12:11
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holycowavis, :) lol no worries, i have plans on putting up a website explaining all the scams the big companies are pulling.  at first i was annoyed at linux not being able to play mp3's or whatever, now i'm just angry12:12
avisokies holycow12:12
stasisloveNg, i have dapper, i searched on flex, nothing came up named like that, but some other stuff were found named differently and allt were installed =\12:12
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aviswell i only bought 98 because i scratched my pirated copy12:12
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Ngstasislove: then I'm tempted to suggest your repositories are incorrectly configured because it's definitely in dapper, in the main section12:13
avisi went from win 3.1 to xx6412:13
DarkMageZholycow, linux can play mp3, unless you live in a country that doesn't allow it :)12:13
holycowdelire, oh shoot ... *hmm* i know that is fixable, but i don't have instructions on me bro ... i'm sorry.  trying to solve my sound problem so i don't have time to look it up for you. stick around someone will know12:13
avisdual core x6412:13
delireholycow: cheers.12:13
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avisnow with genunie advante, i shell out the money on credit to buy the os12:13
stasisloveNg, ok, ill try to find it by hand =\12:13
holycowDarkMageZ, thats exactly what i mean, and now one company BOUGHT RIGHTS (paid extortionto the mp3 consortium) to let us play mp3's in all countries12:13
holycowthe companies name is fluendo12:13
Ngstasislove: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to a pastebin and we can check it for you12:13
holycoweveryone should write them and say thank you12:14
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cefDarkMageZ: yeah, linux (and even windows) can do lots of things. Wether they're legal or not is another question.12:14
zipper_I'm trying to setup dualview on my geforce7900gt (2x dvi output). One of the screen is a regular lcd monitor, the other is a hdtv. If i only connect my lcd monitor, it works fine. But if i also connect my hdtv, everything is showed there and the lcd monitor goes black. Any hints on what might be wrong?12:14
_jpierreHello ... I just installed Dapper and I'm getting "Grub Hard Disk Error". However, I can see grub, when I try to boot from a Windows CD, but actually not booting as I'm not pressing any key when it says "To boot from CD press any key" any tips on fixing grub?12:14
avisi also bought my father the window os (he is too dumb for linux) so he has a copy too.12:14
Ngholycow: seriously, this is not the place for ranting, please use #ubuntu-offtopic12:14
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gnotthi..anyone knows how to set up a pxe-boot using the ubuntu cd mounted loopback? There would need to be a pxelinux-file, i guess...?12:14
holycowNg, dude, shut the f up.   first i'm not talking to you.12:14
holycowsecond i'm not ranting.12:14
avisi'm very generous to my father but he seems to fall short in many ways as a father but never let it be said i wasn't a good son -- most of the time.12:14
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Ng!tell holycow about attitude12:14
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holycowif you cannot read simple irc text properly you don't belong on irc12:14
holycowthird i don't give a damn what you think12:15
holycowand fourth, it is usefull information for newbies12:15
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Ngholycow: if you're not asking a question or answering it, you're offtopic. This is a very busy channel, we just don't have the space for anything else.12:15
_jpierreHello ... I just installed Dapper and I'm getting "Grub Hard Disk Error". However, I can see grub, when I try to boot from a Windows CD, but actually not booting as I'm not pressing any key when it says "To boot from CD press any key" any tips on fixing grub?12:15
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holycowthe problem is that newbies assume that because windows can do it so should linux, and they need to know WHY it can't12:15
holycowNg,  bite me bro12:15
holycowseriously, just do it12:15
kimoany idea when we're getting the first kernel update?12:15
digitalgalileoholycow, good point12:15
the_KaneQUESTION: where can i find an mp3 codec for totern12:16
Ng!tell the_Kane about RestrictedFormats12:16
_jpierreHello ... I just installed Dapper and I'm getting "Grub Hard Disk Error". However, I can see grub, when I try to boot from a Windows CD, but actually not booting as I'm not pressing any key when it says "To boot from CD press any key" any tips on fixing grub?12:16
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cefkimo: why you after a kernel update?12:16
avisyou can re-write grub in recovery mode i think and i am beginning to think that making a backup floppy of grub is essential to users and to user awareness in the installing ubuntu wiki12:16
airtonixholycow: i have stuff i dont want to lose. my only problem so far isnot being able to log due to not beingable to write to my authorization file... if i chmod my entire home dir to 7777 would it help?12:17
holycowavis, these days backup to usb probably is more relavant, i would agree12:17
stasisloveNg, Postebin? I have used Linux for only 4 days or so, quite a noob, but i have what you asked for, just dont know how to send it12:17
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Ng!tell stasislove about pastebin12:17
aviskernel updates take care of themselves unless they compiled them themselves12:17
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .12:18
avisi only have 2 usb devices as storage, one is meant for music, the other is a 80 gig lappy in enclosure12:18
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holycowairtonix, well you can login with live cd such as knoppix ... then su - to root in that12:18
airtonixim in the live now12:18
avisformatted fat32 for portability in my room full of comps12:18
holycowairtonix, then set the root pass so that you can modify stuff12:18
stasisloveNg, please tell me again, turnd it of by misstake =(12:18
Ng!tell stasislove about pastebin12:18
holycowairtonix, which live cd, knoppix?12:18
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airtonixahh no the dapper live12:18
holycowanyway, once you are root you can do whatever12:18
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aviswww.pastebin.com -- over 2 lines of text ?  a simple url and they will thank you12:19
kimocef: coz the current kernel doesn't poweroff my laptop12:19
avismaybe there is a special laptop kernel12:19
avislaptops are finicky12:19
holycowairtonix, oh i forget if livecd has root ... if not you can create root account, then go over to dir and copy it to whatever media12:19
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Fujitsuavis, there is no special laptop kernel...12:19
airtonixback up.....ugh!12:19
avisholycow, can you gnome terminal and sudo -i or sudo su ?12:19
Fujitsuholycow, why create a root account!?12:20
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avisFujitsu, okies.12:20
Fujitsuholycow, do not recommend to set the root password!12:20
holycowairtonix, its very easy on linux as compared to windows :)12:20
avismandriva would specialize kernels12:20
airtonixi have a root account easily12:20
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holycowFujitsu, dude please stfu, and read what i said? he is using live cd to backup files and then reinstall12:20
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cefavis: what Fujitsu said. however, a kernel specific to the processor may help things12:20
Healotthe "root" account exists, but disabled by default installation12:20
thoreauputicsudo -i if you need a temporary root shell12:20
airtonixbut i just need to know if an octlet of 7777 on my home dir will allow the gdm to swrite to my authorisation file.12:20
holycowFujitsu, of course he shouldn't use root, but i do appreciate the fact you are  noticing and warning everyone as it s a common mistake12:20
avisholycow, watch your language.  save the drama for your mother.12:20
Fujitsuholycow, can you please be pleasant. sudo -i is your friend.12:21
delireairtonix: same problem here.12:21
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holycowor what? its straight up truth12:21
Toma-is it easy enough to setup 2 gfx cards to work on 2 different monitors?12:21
thoreauputicholycow: watch your language please12:21
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airtonixholycow: i dont want to have to re-install......12:21
holycowFujitsu, and that matters how on a live cd for a one time backup?12:21
delireairtonix: a friend of mine can't log in to gnome after an upgrade. she's dumped back to the login window.12:21
thoreauputicholycow: and your attitude12:21
airtonixeveryone: truth is important12:21
rambo3Toma- i would't think that12:21
PjottGood Morning ppl :)12:21
avisyou can reconfigure X from a console prompt12:21
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Fujitsuholycow, it's a bad habit to get into. There is no reason to not use `sudo -i'.12:21
avissudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:22
holycowthoreauputic, brother i respect you, but others need to learn to read first.  its okay tho, i make the same mistake12:22
thoreauputicholycow: just cool it OK ?12:22
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airtonixanyone know what a laodecian is.12:22
holycowcool what? are you people high? its text on irc, with strangers.  amazing how people read stuff into text12:22
thoreauputicairtonix: a spartan12:22
stasisloveNg, now i have posted in postbin, do you need url now or can you see it?12:22
airtonixthoreauputic: nope12:23
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Ngstasislove: please give me the url12:23
airtonixthoreauputic: its a lazy luke warm spirir without passion.12:23
zipper_I'm trying to setup dualview on my geforce7900gt (2x dvi output). One of the screen is a regular lcd monitor, the other is a hdtv. If i only connect my lcd monitor, it works fine. But if i also connect my hdtv, everything is showed there and the lcd monitor goes black. Any hints on what might be wrong? My xorg.conf is here : http://pastebin.dk/index.php?show=173912:23
Fujitsuholycow, there's no need for bad language, there's no need to set a password on the root account.12:23
stasisloveNg, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1512012:23
airtonixholycow has passion. its to be admired12:23
protocol1I am a newb and it only took me 2 days to get a ftp server up and running and accessible from anywhere on the net12:23
avisbut his lack of manners is nto12:23
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airtonixwell yes12:23
thoreauputicairtonix: passion does not require rudeness12:24
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holycowFujitsu, you are correct, your advice is perfect.12:24
airtonixanyway, will an octlet of 777 get me logged in?12:24
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Ngstasislove: hmm, strange, it does look like you have enough repositories in there. Perhaps try telling Synaptic to reload the package lists12:24
airtonixholycow: oh 7777 that is.12:24
Klaidashttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186954 <- any ideas? :/12:24
Fujitsuholycow, I must agree.12:24
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic12:24
protocol1of course it took some reading12:24
holycowairtonix, it should give you access to those files yes ... are you backing up or ... ?12:24
aviseveryone that wants a notepad for gnome -- ie for taking ubuntu notes -- please check out "tomboy" a notepad for gnome.12:25
holycowairtonix, ohhhhhh wait ... you are asking for perms to fix tha tproblem12:25
airtonixyeah you got it now....lol12:25
holycowairtonix, i'm sorry i was answering the wrong question, i thought you were backing up to reinstall12:25
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airtonixit was an option id avoid12:25
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airtonixfor nbow that is12:25
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holycowairtonix, my appologies i'm not exactly certain, thats a very specific question12:25
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_jpierreHello ... I just installed Dapper and I'm getting "Grub Hard Disk Error". However, I can see grub, when I try to boot from a Windows CD, but actually not booting as I'm not pressing any key when it says "To boot from CD press any key" any tips on fixing grub?12:26
stasisloveNg, lol, now i found it, reload worked perfect, sorry to bother you, =\ *samed*12:26
Ngstasislove: no probs :012:26
avisthose of you who are experimental and can hack it most of the time XGL rocks !!!!  i can manage my tasks easier when i can visually manipulate them12:26
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the_KaneQUESTION: does SDRAM have 3 sets of pins, and DDR has 2 sets? im trying to see what ram i have here12:27
holycowavis, xgl is neat yeah, but i got bored of it really fast ... it was weird12:27
thoreauputicairtonix: ah, I was thinking of "laconian" :)12:27
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Fujitsuthe_Kane, SDRAM has 3.12:27
avisthoreauputic, i do have to comment the ubuntu official documentation is poor in regards to XGL12:27
holycowavis, the thing i ended up liking about it is how quickly the apps felt they loaded, even though they all loaded in the sam eamount of time12:27
delireavis: is't pre-alpha software12:27
avisholycow, i find it easier to manage12:27
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the_KaneFujitsu: thanks ;) also where on ubuntu can i find system information (such as processor speed, ram etc...)12:28
redmonkeywell, I rather work on a 2d desktop :)12:28
thoreauputicavis: I wouldn't know - maybe send a mail to the ubuntu-docs list about it then :)12:28
Ngavis: xgl is not part of the core of ubuntu, it's a community supported extra because it's in universe. The next release may well provide more official support for it12:28
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divineomega:D I have DVD's playing finally.12:28
AnAntwhich package provides libtermcap.so ?12:28
holycowxgl is dead anyway ... aiglx is the future12:28
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divineomegaOnly 1 reason left to keep windows..12:28
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zipper_Ng, is there a deadline for the next release or is it ready when its ready?12:28
holycowdivineomega, whats that bro?12:28
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thoreauputiczipper_: Ocober12:28
avisi dont just rotate the cube i move apps around and seperate the "partitions in my brain"  i'm an ex windows user well i will use x64 again but grouping tasks is good12:29
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zipper_okay, thanks12:29
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divineomegaholycow, games - cedega doesn't do everything unfortunately12:29
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holycowah yes, well hopefully we will start to see more native ports anyway12:29
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avisNg, Dapper is the latest release and will be for the next 3 years at least12:29
holycownow that we have gdebi, installing on ubuntu is WAY easier than on windows for newbs12:29
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__doc__hi, I am installing dapper and I got some issue12:30
ubuntuNewbeeNg, Hi!12:30
divineomegaI can slowly start to shrink my windows partition12:30
holycowcleaner and safer hopefully too, for properly packaged items anyway12:30
airtonixre: xgl....im waiting for the looking glass project  to step out of java and becomes "usable"....12:30
skippy81ok anusien, are well im using xgl and compiz: phear my cube!!!12:30
Fujitsu__doc__, what are these issues?12:30
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_jpierreHello ... I just installed Dapper and I'm getting "Grub Hard Disk Error". However, I can see grub, when I try to boot from a Windows CD, but actually not booting as I'm not pressing any key when it says "To boot from CD press any key" any tips on fixing grub?12:30
skippy81lol i had part of another sentance typed :D12:30
the_KaneQUESTION: where on ubuntu can i find out how much ram speed i have, processor, and other stuff like that (such as windows System Information tool)12:30
holycowairtonix, what does that doe that aiglx / glx dont?12:30
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AnAntwhich package provides libtermcap.so.2 ?12:30
ubuntuNewbeeNg: One question for you, if you have a little time, please12:31
__doc__my problems are a) nvidia card. my screen resolution is 640x480 and I can-t click trough the installation because the rest of the installation dialog is outside my screen12:31
NgAnAnt: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ can search packages for specific files12:31
NgubuntuNewbee: just ask, if someone can help you, they will12:31
airtonixholycow: well. its hard to explain12:31
avisNg, yes i'm well aware of that and i'm done some reading and i'm quite content with what i've found and i dont use my mouse i use keyboard shifting unless i want to slide applications over.  its nifty on my 21" CRt12:31
holycowthe_Kane, free for ram, top for processes, uname -a for cpu12:31
Fujitsu!find libtermcap.so12:31
_nano__jpierre: if you have your rescue disk, boot and then run chkdsk, and then fixmbr and then fixboot12:31
thoreauputic!tell __doc__ about fixres12:31
FjodorAnAnt: Install apt-file, do apt-file update and apt-file search libtermcap.so.212:31
ubuntuNewbeeare there problems with the Switch user?12:31
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'libtermcap.so' (2 shown): (/usr/lib/libtermcap.so) in libdevel/libncurses5-dev ;; (/lib/{libtermcap.so.2|libtermcap.so.2.0.8}) in universe/oldlibs/termcap-compat.12:31
the_Kaneholycow: i dont follow?12:31
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airtonixholycow: know how you can expand the cube into more sides than just 4?12:31
holycowthe_Kane, thoser are commands you can use to find that info from command line12:32
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the_Kaneisn't there a gui ?12:32
__doc__thoreauputic: hm?12:32
_jpierre_nano_: I don't need to do the fixmbr, I want to fix the grub error. If I run fixmbr how will I run ubuntu?12:32
holycowairtonix, add more virtual desktops maybe?12:32
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avisthere is an apt-file search function ? after an update ?12:32
Ngthe_Kane: either the System Monitor or the Device manager12:32
airtonixholycow: yeah kinda.....well its along those lines.....but i believe you can grab a window and throw it into the distance12:32
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Ngthe_Kane: in Applications->System Tools and System->Administration, respectively12:32
thoreauputic__doc__: that URL should help with your 640x480 problem12:33
_nano__jpierre: once the mbr is fixed, you can reinstall grub12:33
AnAntFjodor: thx12:33
airtonixas if you were using operation flashpoint as your window manager12:33
avisairtonix, you mentioned getting rid of novell splash, i'm interested12:33
holycowanyway i think the cube idea is dumb ... i'd rather have more interesting animation between desktops ... say a nice blend, or say like a matrixy transition, or say maybe like an origamy folding transition ...12:33
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airtonixxcruise meets xgl12:33
_jpierre_nano_: how?12:33
__doc__thoreauputic: sry i-m an irssi noob I probablz didn-t see the url12:33
holycowairtonix, *nod*12:33
_nano__jpierre: using the installation cd?12:33
FjodorAnAnt: Np. Didn't know ubotu would answer the query though ;-)12:33
ubotuHelp to fix the display resolution is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:33
airtonixavis: i did? well i managed to put my own logo there12:33
thoreauputic__doc__: see ubotu above12:33
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_jpierre_nano_: I did that/ I fixed the MBR and reinstalled Ubuntu.. Didn't work. I still get Grub Hard disk error12:34
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nnz0idhow to edit file in vi?12:34
airtonixyou may want to grab the compiztools or edit the apps/compiz tree in gconf12:34
avisairtonix, i'm not interested in that.. they can take the credti for development but i dont see them unless i'm showing them off to papa.12:34
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=== __doc__ tries, thx
thoreauputicnnz0id: to learn basic vi, type vimtutor12:35
__doc__oh one other thing, where to set the input locale?12:35
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orbinnnz0id: press i for insert mode.....i'd stick with something easier though. try nano12:35
airtonixavis : im confused.....12:35
holycowallright guys now i need a bit of tlc ...12:35
nnz0idcant nano doing a system resque12:35
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holycowi'm  not finding much help on my sound issue, i just dist upgraded from beta of a week ago .. and my sound is gone12:35
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orbinnnz0id: what's that got to do w/ anything?12:35
holycowmodules seem loaded and sound card seems recognized12:35
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nnz0idfrom the dapper server cd12:35
holycowand nothing seems to be muted12:35
nnz0idit only runs sh12:35
airtonixholycow: mmmm12:36
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nnz0idand when i do nano says some error12:36
holycowany clever module tricks anyone might be aware of perhaps?12:36
_nano__jpierre: oh i see, in my case it worked..12:36
ubotumethinks apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP12:36
orbinnnz0id: ah12:36
_jpierre_nano_: Lucky you12:36
avisholycow, lsmod12:36
Toma-holycow: what are u doin?12:37
avisholycow, apt-get install alsa-oss12:37
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OrTigaShi! why when i try to copy my file from Desktop to fat32 hd it said "no permission" to copy12:37
orbinin azureus, what do the numbers in brackets mean for seeds and peers?12:37
avisthat would be a fstab problem i believe12:37
holycowToma-, i'm trying to figure out why my sound is gone, but modules are loaded, sound card is recognized and nothing is muted ... :/12:37
bjmgOn the website https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue1 you can read that there are updates for epihany-browser and other packages (section Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates). But they are not available on the mirrors (at least not in binary form). The source packages do exist.12:37
holycowavis, *nod*, okay that is actually already installed *nod*12:38
avisyou can remove it from fstab and manually mount it12:38
Toma-holycow: speakers on?12:38
avislsmod reporting a sound card ?12:38
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skippy81OrTigaS: the easiest way to fix it is to do "gksudo nautilus" browse to the folder, right click on it and set it to read and write12:38
holycowToma-, yeah, they worked just before the dist-upgrade infact with last weeks beta.  the weird thing is this  upgrade seems to have updated the kernel, i had to fix nvidia manually and its probably interfering with sound now too12:39
avisspeakers on and plugged in ?  right click volume control and go to the sound level adjustments and or mute panel ?12:39
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holycowavis, *nod*nothing muted, i tried all of those *nod*12:39
Toma-holycow: and you have rebooted?12:39
holycowseveral times12:39
avisi'm no expert and thats what you need holycow12:39
holycowi tried installing libesd-alsa ... which removed libesd012:39
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holycowreboot and nada12:39
avisi suggest ubuntuforums.org in hardware sound12:39
holycowreinstall libesd0 , reboot, nada12:40
Toma-i agree, i gotta goto the movies right now...12:40
OrTigaSskippy81,  i tries to copy then right click but the paste is not highlighted12:40
holycowavis, *nod* indeed, i'm shooting in the dark here, no one seems to know12:40
protocol1holycow, have you checked to make sure your cables were all connected properly12:40
holycowToma-, later, thanks for the help12:40
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izihello, I have a sony laptop vaio pcg-k115z and I get random (2/per day) freezes with dapper, i have nothing in log files, what can i check ?12:40
avisubuntuforums.org is awesome.  it gets so much traffic my posts get outdated pretty quick with the new dapper release.  no one replies !12:40
avisbut to some quetions they wont be ignored12:41
holycowprotocol1, well i managed to make the speakers squeal by checking the wrong input box while i had another cardin to test ... i'll try th eother port again, but this one looks green to me ...12:41
Toma-holycow: im guessing you might have had a modified /etc/modules/aliases file, and the dist-upgrade hasnt installed all the new aliases.12:41
avismine was a query for best gnome apps that are unknown12:41
skippy81i find that the forums arnt good for really technical stuff12:41
nnz0idwhen i press i in vi , kinda nothing happens , how to move pointer around12:41
Toma-holycow: but thats just my first guess :( hope it points you somewhere! and sorry! :)12:41
nnz0idlike in normal text editor?12:41
skippy81but the froums are a real asset for begineers12:41
holycowToma-, oh thats interesting ... *hmm* vaguely remember something about that way back ... okay googling12:41
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avisi got "tomboy" the notepad for gnome12:41
holycowToma-, danke12:41
skippy81OrTigaS:  have you set the permissions of the folder to read and write for others?12:42
cdfsI'm having problems installing mplayer...12:42
avisthen post to the mailing lists on the forums and it will be send out to the mailing lists12:42
cdfsit seems to be removed from the repository...12:42
avisor heh sign up for mailing list12:42
__doc__about the display problem, the first suggestion "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" does not work because "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process"12:42
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shrump_jimboi had problems with mplayer till I got the files from packages.ubuntu.com12:43
avisforums are nice because its easily accessible to everyone12:43
zipper_i'm having trouble determining the "BusID" (for xorg.conf) of my gfx card. lspci gives me "0000:04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation...". However, if i set BusID "PCI:0000:04:00.0" i get an error about there is no device there?12:43
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avismplayer requires some additional configuration other than apt-get thats in the ubuntu documenation12:43
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avisits quite nice tho12:43
ubuntuNewbeeNg: As it seems that nobody answers, it remains to me to present here the problem. I created the power user (sudoer), then a normal user. From my first account I switched (with the switch user button) to the normal account. From the normal account I chose log off and there was the problem: The greeter failed to show 6 times. After 6 times a message shows in text mode (very wired characters),...12:43
ubuntuNewbee...that tells me that "The display server has been shut down about 6 times in the last 90 seconds. I is likely that something bad is going on. Waiting for 2 minutes before trying again on display :0". After 2 minutes nothing happens.12:43
nnz0idhow can i add lines from command line to a file ? cant vi it coz vi sux12:43
ubuntuNewbeeWhat do you think about that?12:43
Healotdoes your X start? zipper_12:43
zipper_Healot, no12:44
avisso is Muine12:44
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jhunterI'm a new user, struggling to get the drivers working for my nVidia GeForce3 Ti200 working. The standard directings  just cause the system to hang, so I'm now in the  NvidiaManual part trying to install the drivers manually. I'm up to the stage sudo chmod +x NVIDIA*, but all I get is 'no such file or directory' - Anyone able to help?12:44
zipper_if i remove BusID it works fine, but i need the setting for dualview (or well, i hope so at least)12:44
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airtonixHealot: does it work when you set it to PCI:0000:01:0:012:44
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orbinzipper_: that's equiv. to : "PCI:4:0:0" i think12:44
dennis_hello Im new to linux i have the ubuntu breeze on my pc and tried to update to this new drake one it did everything with no errors but i could not log in my user name and password dint work any more12:45
Healotairtonix: that wasn't my question ---? zipper_12:45
NgubuntuNewbee: hmm, I've not come across that before. Perhaps check /var/log/Xorg.* for errors?12:45
airtonixHealot: woops lol......12:45
a_monkeyDoes anyone here have experience with the "suspend" function for laptops? mine suspends fine, but locks up totaly when trying to boot up again when i open the screen.12:45
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skippy81ubuntuNewbee:  same thing happened on my gentoo installation - i just ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and that fixed it12:45
zipper_orbin, think i've tried that, but i'll check it out12:45
orbina_monkey: ati card?12:45
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deliredennis_: does it take you straight back to the login screen?12:45
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orbinzipper_: just do a reconfig of the xorg package and it will autodetect the id for you12:45
avisthere should be native nvidia drivers you can apt-get from the repositories that are official nvidia12:45
zipper_Healot, x does not start, it only gives me that error and shuts down. if i remove BusID it works fine, but i need the setting for dualview (or well, i hope so at least)12:46
avisi got them upgrading to XGL12:46
ubuntuNewbeeNg: but have you used that functionality before?12:46
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deliredennis_: do you see anything of the desktop before it dumps you back?12:46
DarkLegacyHow do I change my PCMCIA's cards model ?12:46
holycowdennis_, at the begging, select 'safe mode' or whatever it is in grub where you haveto press f1 or whatever ... when it loads you will have root priviledges.  you can use adduser command to create a new user and go from there maybe?12:46
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zipper_orbin, yes, but i need to manually specify the busid to get dualview. Reconfiguring won't give me that setting12:46
DarkLegacyIt's listed as CEM56 in Device Manager, but it's really REM56G-10012:46
orbinin azureus, what do the numbers in brackets mean for seeds and peers? e.g seeds: 3(2)12:46
ubuntuNewbeeskippy81: I'd do that, but the system doesn't allow me to enter command line12:46
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dennis_no only like windows hourglass wait symbol12:47
Healotzipper_: is your card nv or ati?12:47
holycowzipper_, are you using nvidia?12:47
a_monkeyorbin, Nvidia 660012:47
zipper_nvidia geforce7900gt12:47
deliredennis_: hmm. have you ever used the console before?12:47
Morrowynshould work12:47
izidoes anyone have a vaio laptop here ?12:47
skippy81ubuntuNewbee: it should, either boot in recovery mode, or just hit control alt backspace to escape from x windows and get to a prompt12:47
holycowzipper_, want my xorg.conf file ... i run dual screen with dualview?12:47
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zipper_holycow, yes please12:47
Healotfor each card you can download all the neccessary packages for multi-monitor...12:47
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dennis_no sorry im very new to linux12:47
Morrowynzipper, let me feed you me dual setup xorg.conf12:47
deliredennis_: a friend had a similar problem we just fixed. but you need to do a little command or two from the console.12:48
Morrowynthat one works for the 7900gtx i have12:48
zipper_Morrowyn, keep 'em comming, the more the marrier :)12:48
=== TimothyP [n=sdfsdf@83-217-93-182.adsl.realdsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
holycowzipper_, accept12:48
skippy81or ubuntuNewbee you could use control-alt-F2 to open a terminal and log in through that12:48
deliredennis_: this happened after an upgrade?12:48
DarkLegacyI have network problems. Help12:48
avisi was able to apt-get install a kernel or something that allowed me to get "nvidia native" drivers for the kernel.. i had to edit xorg.conf and change nv to nvidia12:48
zipper_holycow, hmm, xchat seem to have some sort of auto-ignore dcc's... 2 secs12:48
TimothyPHi, I have the latest ubuntu on my pc, my pc contains numerous NTFS drives which I want to read from, I see them in "My Computer" but when I try to access them it can't seem to mount them I get the following error:
orbina_monkey: i don't have an nvidia card but it could be driver related..that's why i saked.12:48
dennis_2 times i have last version cd12:48
TimothyPerr... wrong copy paste :p12:48
avisDarkLegacy, hey guy whats going on ?12:48
ubuntuNewbeeskippy81: control-alt-F2 has no effect when that problem appears12:48
holycowno worries12:48
TimothyPerror: device /dev/sdb5 is not removable12:49
deliredennis_: sounds very similar. so i want to be sure before we go on. you try to login, you get the little clock-wheel and then it dumps you back to the login screen12:49
TimothyPerror: could not execute pmount12:49
jhunterI tried to install the nVidia drivers from the reppository - they just caused my screen to go blank and I had to replace the xorg.conf with a backup12:49
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skippy81ubuntuNewbee: just reboot and use recovery kernel mode then12:49
skippy81its just standard but without x being loaded12:49
zipper_holycow and Morrowyn, try sending xorg.conf again12:49
TimothyPjhunter, apt-get install nvidia-glx     and   nvidia-glx-config enable ?12:49
avisi made the mistake of not backing up my xorg.conf but i didn't make a mistake of misediting xorg.conf12:49
deliredennis_: ok type CTRL-ALT-F212:49
kholerabb1Can I install skype through synaptic or aptitude or do I have to download it from there website?12:49
holycowtry now12:49
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deliredennis_: you should see a text-only login prompt. type in your username and password.12:49
michael__hello all. I would like if anyone can help me change GRUB so that windows is the default OS on launch.12:49
avisi believe you have to download the deb12:50
avisfor skype12:50
dennis_well i cant do that now im back on the older version i re installed12:50
zipper_holycow, i'll get here on another irc client12:50
steve343im very new to linux how do i make a fat32 partition write acessable?12:50
holycowzipper_, http://pastebin.com/75941012:50
hoarymichael__: open /boot/grub/menu.lst and change default value to what windows is12:50
zipper_ah, thanks12:50
holycowi just put it on pastebing, copy paste as you like, i hope it helps12:50
kholerabb1avis.. hmm ok12:50
themikesteve: have you already an entry in the /etc/fstab file?12:50
jhunterPerhaps I'm doing something wrong - installing the confis automatically uninstalls the glx and also vice versa12:50
deliredennis_: ahah, then i can't help you sadly ;/ i can only fix the problem on the Dapper.12:50
dennis_im writing this down12:50
deliredennis_: ok.12:50
avismichael__, let me fetch you a url12:50
steve343you see i dont even know what that means12:50
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gnottanyone here about pxe-boot? how to use the dapper install cd for pxeboot12:51
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themikeare you seeing the content of your fat partition?12:51
dennis_i do like this operating system just not very good at it yet12:51
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deliredennis_: pm me.. so i can give you instructions12:51
michael__thanks all12:51
steve343yes but i cant save too it12:51
guillem101How can I use startx for a user?12:51
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kholerabb1avis: do you know how to install skype form the deb? Could you explain please?12:51
avisguillem101, i haven't heard anyone discussing disabling gdm12:51
TimothyPyou're not root steve34312:51
steve343its unbuntu tho isnt it12:52
steve343there is no root12:52
avisi did get rid of boot splash and got console to 1024x76812:52
themikeopen the file /etc/fstab as root12:52
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orbinavis: heh, same here12:52
althHmm. I installed grub-splashimages, but does anyone know how I actually use the image I want?12:52
steve343do i have to do that every time?12:52
themikeno just once12:52
deliredennis_: see my PM?12:52
dennis_new to this chat too did i do that right?12:52
guillem101avis, don't want to disable gdm, just to be able to startx.... because I'm using Xgl and I want a non-xgl server as well12:52
avissystem-preferences-splash screen12:52
themikethere you should find a line like this: "/dev/hdxx /your/folder vfat ......"12:53
themikeshow me this line12:53
deliredennis_: you should see a private message session somewhere in your IRC client.12:53
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aviswell i get standard X unless i type thefuture in gnome console12:53
steve343how do i open it as root?12:53
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steve_hey, does anyone know how i can get ubuntu to use the windows key? i actually want it so that when i press "windows + d" it will minimise everything and go to the deskop12:54
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dennis_i have you pm12:54
themiketype "alt-f2" and then "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab"12:54
avisguillem101, look at this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131267 it saved my life12:54
deliredennis_: anyway, i'll do it here. fix 1) login into the text only console and try the following. first 'chmod 777 ~/.ICEauthority'. then go back to the gnome login screen with CTRL-ALT-F7 and try to login12:54
avishacking away at the comp for about 4 hours figuring out why it would not work anymore !12:54
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Guardiani asked this morning about choosing between desktop cd or server cd, if i don't want to alter MBR, i have to choose server install cd or alternate install cd right ???12:55
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Morrowynzipper_,  http://www.morrowyn.org/x/xorg.conf12:55
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Morrowynthis works for a gf7900gtx pcie12:55
avisi just think the visual aesthetics is more condusive to grouping and using multiple destkops especially if yuo are migrating from windows -- plus it looks awesome by mouse12:55
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deliredennis_: if that doesn't work try fix 2) go back to the txt-only console with CTRL-ALT-F2 and 'rm -f ~/.Xauthority'. then go back to the login screen with CTRL-ALT-F7 and try to login.12:56
Morrowyni miss expose :D12:56
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ubuntuNewbeeNg: Are you there?12:56
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zipper_Morrowyn, thanks12:56
avisGuardian either one of those is going to have grub on the system so if you dont have grub you can always make a grub floppy or cd12:56
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ubotuliquidindian: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:56
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Morrowynsteve, look into the metamode/key or something12:56
dennis_ok thank you ill try upgrade this again12:57
avisliquidindian, what tribe is uhm your ubuntu ? :)12:57
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deliredennis_: if *that* doesn't let you login try this: fix 3) go to the text-only console and "mv ~/.gconf ~/.gconf.old'. then try to login again.12:57
steve343why is it blank?12:57
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steve_Morrowyn: where is that?12:57
liquidindianavis, erm, huh?12:57
katir0bby where are you from?12:57
avisliquidindian, lack of sleep -- appologize12:58
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Morrowynyou migth wanna check:  keyboard shortcut in preferences12:58
deliredennis_: that last one is a little serious as you'll end up losing _all_ your preferences.12:58
avisor namaste12:58
Guardianavis: i have currently have a multiboot and i'm afraid desktop cd won't let me choose on which partition to install and wether or not grub should be placed on the mbr12:58
steve_Morrowyn: thanks12:58
Morrowynunder gnome, in kde i think its somewhere in the control center12:58
liquidindianliquidindian, oh, okay:  I'm sorry.12:58
deliredennis_: eg desktop shortcuts, desktop background, applets and stuff.12:58
rixxonwhat do i use to convert some .ogg to .mp3?12:58
NgGuardian: the alternative install disc is probably the best way to go12:58
themikehave you entered you password? then open now the file "/etc/fstab"12:58
avisGuardian the alternate cd is a piece of cake12:58
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steve343it doesnt ask for a password12:58
dennis_i dont have any as yet i just got the cd about 2 weeks before the upgrade and have been exploring the system12:58
ubuntuNewbeeNg: When you have time, please test that thing out. The problem is consistent. It keeps showing12:59
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AlcoholHey guys. Is there a tool similar to partition magic available on Linux? I would like to install Windows XP alongside Ubuntu, but I don't want to have to reformat and partition everything again -and- reinstall Ubuntu too.12:59
katihow can I change the room?12:59
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nominhow do I control what applications are opened for different file extensions?12:59
Noltwho knows where i can find a .deb package of verlihub ??? i tryied to compile but i compilation has been finished with error... Please help !!!!!!12:59
Morrowynqpart or gpart Alcohol12:59
NgAlcohol: gparted12:59
avisAlcohol, yes qtparted12:59
HealotAlcohol: g/qparted12:59
themikeok, then we try the termal-way12:59
Morrowynthats the one :)12:59
Healotthe backend is parted12:59
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AlcoholAh, thanks (:12:59
AlcoholI will look into that.12:59
dennis_thanks bye for now12:59
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themikeopen a terminal by executing "xterm" after pressing "alt-f2"12:59
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Guardianthx ng & navis12:59
Guardian& avis12:59
Guardiansorry : )12:59
avisyou can find a bootable qtparted with a very recent kernel boot image if you google for systemrescuecd01:00
Noltanybody ??01:00
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katido anybody know how to change the room?01:00
Guardianone more question, what differs between desktop cd  and server cd + ubuntu-desktop package ???01:00
guillem101avis, wow, just choosing "new entry" asks me wether to use Xgl or standard X :-))))01:00
avisGuardian, learn grub01:00
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holycowknoppix comes with a whole ton of tools on live cd, including qtparted if anyone cares01:00
NgGuardian: in theory, nothing01:00
sybaritenstill thousands of users ?01:00
rixxonogg -> mp3, how?01:00
Ngkati: /join #channelname01:00
avisguillem101, i'm lost ?  you sound like you have performed a olympic task ?01:00
steve343it gives a warning saying it didnt work01:00
Guardianavis: i know grub, i just want to make sure grub will be installed on a dedicated partition. i'm using XOSL on the MBR01:00
Ngkati: assuming you mean chat room01:00
Healotanyone familiar with LVM?01:01
Guardianok ng, thx01:01
sybaritenLagen om vard av missbrukare01:01
MorrowynNolt, gran the rpms and use alien to make a .deb from it and then dpkg -i the debs01:01
themikerixxon: try the package: "nautilus-script-audio-convert"01:01
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katiNg : Yes sorry, I cannot speak very well...    please,tell me a name01:01
avisGuardian, the alternate cd i believe automatically will write the mbr01:01
HealotI am building an enterprise server, so I really need to work with RAID/LVM01:01
rixxonthemike: thanks01:01
symetricdoes anyone here have any experience with codeweavers crossover office?01:01
avisi had to think back01:01
katihi nervchen01:01
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avisperhaps you need a text or expert mode01:01
symetricI have installed it, but i can't find it anywhere :P01:01
Morrowynsymetric, crossover office 5 works ace on ubuntu01:01
nevchen_I have a problem with my network card can anybody help me?01:01
Morrowynim running it for photoshop01:02
symetricMorrowyn: ok :) but how do i get it running? :P01:02
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Morrowynnevchen_, some more info on your problem might be useful01:02
BladesonfireDoes anyone know if the PPC version of the server install CD does not include the easy LAMP install option?01:02
themikerixxon: maybe you have to install some libs 4 the audio-codecs too, so just look into "/usr/share/nautilus-scripts/ConvertAudioFile" after the installation01:02
nevchen_it's a pcmcia network card01:02
althsybariten: Try install the Debian menu, sudo apt-get install menu01:02
althEr, symetric *01:02
nevchen_@ breezy the card works very well01:02
Morrowynsymetric, after you installed it, it should created a menu in the gnome menu: crossover01:02
katiNg:Can you tell me a 'channelname'??01:02
NgBladesonfire: it should have the same things as the 386 version01:02
themikesteve: have you opened a terminal?01:02
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nevchen_@ dapper i must start ubuntu01:02
NoltMorrowyn: do you know where i could find rpm of verli ?01:02
Ngkati: there are loads. what are you looking for?01:02
nevchen_put und release the card 3 times01:03
steve343i did01:03
nevchen_since it works01:03
Morrowynnolt, dunno01:03
katiNg:just for talking...?!01:03
avisNolt, rpmfind.ent01:03
katiNg: I don't know...01:03
BladesonfireNg: doesn't seem like it does, although I don't have the i386 ISO to compare01:03
Ngkati: there's #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatting01:03
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Morrowynwow, havent seen that site in a long time01:03
themikeok, then let me look an your mounting table01:03
Noltavis ok ill try01:03
steve343maybe i got the password wrong but i dont think so01:03
themiketype in "mount"01:03
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katiNg: merci....       hm... thanks...;)01:03
symetricMorrowyn:  do i have to reboot or something before it shows up?01:03
Morrowynsymetric, is the menu there?01:03
symetricweird :/01:04
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sybaritenalth: i'll do that .... some day01:04
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Morrowyndid you install it through    sudo sh <installer> ?01:04
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kholerabb1Could someone help me install skype .deb please?01:04
Morrowynit cuold be that you didnt had the permissions to create the menu or something01:04
althsybariten: I meant symetric  :P01:04
rixxonthemike: uhm is it supposed to add any menus to nautilus?01:04
futlibhi, network-admin is slow and doesn't save my settings for a place. but it looks like it should do exactly what I need it for. Is there any way to make it faster/work with different places or a reasonable replacement?01:04
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Firebird8off to school01:04
themikethere has to be a line like this: "/dev/sda1 on /media/mobile_hd type vfat (rw,nos.........."01:04
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aviskholerabb1, its in the ubuntu wiki for all distros01:05
themikerixxon: hm?01:05
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themikerixxon: whats your problem?01:05
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>01:05
ubuntuNewbeeskippy81: is there a way to disable Switch user functionality?01:05
Morrowynbut, find the <yourinstalldir>/cxoffice/bin/cxinstallwizard  that should give you the wizard where you can install the windows programs01:05
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steve343i give up ive got no time to do this now i'll just move it over to my linux partition01:05
steve343thanks for the help guys be back later01:06
themikehave fun ;)01:06
rixxonthemike: i installed that package but i don't find anything in nautilus related to converting01:06
truzakhello, how do I turn off animation effect during window minimize?01:06
ed__anyone out there using a AMD HP200001:06
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themikeyou have to restart nautilus or gnome01:06
Whyvasanyone using rogers cable?01:06
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bajker_can anyone help me with broadcom wifi card in laptop?01:06
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themikethen you can convert the files with "rightclick" > "scripts" > "audioconvert...."01:07
sybaritenalth: eye know ...   tab-completion can be a bitch, cant it01:07
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avisbajker_, i dont know i am getting a wifi despite being 3 ft away from the router just to learn but i hear that chipset is very problematic with ubuntu01:07
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shriphaniis there a garageband like audio manager for ubuntu ?01:07
ed__did you install ndiswrapper?01:08
althsybariten: Yeah ;)01:08
sybaritenok i'm sick and tired of not having access to the swedish characters ... i have US keyboard layout on a stupid iMac under Breezy. Running XFCE. Any help on that?01:08
avisndiswrapper is always a solutions01:08
sidwhenever I switch on the numlock gets on in my laptop01:08
sidis there a way to stop it ?01:08
Morrowynsybariten, try set it to a different layout01:08
Whyvasbajker_, which broadcom chipset?01:08
bajker_ndiswrapper doesn't work for me and bcm43xx-cutter also :(01:09
shriphaniguys any idea about an audio manager like garageband for ubuntu ?01:09
aviskinda hard when your used to typing in swedish :)01:09
bajker_whywas> bcm431801:09
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sybaritenMorrowyn: yeah, thats ecxactly what i want to do   :)01:09
k3mperhow should i install kernel source which is used in default distribution? (linux-source gets me but uname -r = 2.6.15-23-386 - dapper)01:09
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Morrowynhmmm, xfce should be caffeine free01:09
workbeanguys, if someone is buying a PC that will eventually run ubuntu is there a reference hardware spec that he can refer too?01:09
avisk3mper, apt-get install build-essential01:10
Whyvasi've got the 4319 and it works wuth cutter and ndiswrapper01:10
avisor essentials01:10
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avisworkbean, i believe its common sense01:10
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ubotuliquidindian: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:10
avisthough there are supproted chipsetes by kernel etc01:10
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Healotliquidindian: ubuntu comes ith xorg as the X server01:11
avisand there have been lists of laptops and desktops that did or did not work under ubuntu etc01:11
Morrowynhttp://xfce.wikia.com/wiki/Tips,_Tricks_and_Howtos#How_do_I_configure_Xkb sybariten01:11
shriphaniUbugtu: any idea about audio managers of ubuntu01:11
k3mperavis: already have that01:11
Healotdo you need XFree somehow? liquidindian01:11
liquidindianHealot, I'm getting funny lines when playing video using xine.01:11
ed__Anyone in here use Blender?01:11
ubotushriphani: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:12
workbeanthanks vis01:12
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Morrowyned__, not really, im a maya man01:12
avisk3mper, you dont need bleeding edge for computer to work under linux01:12
shriphanihmm anyone can help me ?01:12
Morrowynbut orange.blender.org shows what you cando with oss graphics software though01:12
Morrowynit amazed me01:12
aviswhat is an audio manager, shriphani01:12
k3mperavis: what? i need kernel source of default kernel in dapper (i386)01:13
Healotliquidindian: type of media played?01:13
ed__I use to use Maya but I left the company and I will not buy it.01:13
liquidindianHealot, avi01:13
shriphanisomething like garageband01:13
avisyes k3mper build-essentialls i believe fetches the kernel soruces01:13
avisi thought01:13
avisbest bet01:13
avisuse synaptic01:13
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Healotok, is 3D support enabled, liquidindian?01:13
avissearch for kernel01:13
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avislook for source01:13
shriphanior an industrial audio manager01:13
avisindustrial ?01:13
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shriphanilike frequency modification, pitch modification and the like01:14
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avisahh ok i have no idea.  nothing that sophisticated.01:14
Morrowyned, true, its rather expensive01:14
bajker_i will try ndiswrapper, how can i restrict driver bcm43xx load on startup? in blacklist?01:14
Morrowynand now that autodeskk own alias, i dont see any bright future for maya01:15
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avisshriphani, mplayer after its properly configured has a equalizer01:15
liquidindianHealot oo, how do I check that?01:15
avisyou have to read setup docs though01:15
ed__do you have it installed on Linux?01:15
shriphanierm only an equaliser ?01:15
Morrowynbut when i wrapped my maya stuff, im going to learn blender01:15
Morrowyned, open synaptic01:15
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Morrowyndo a search on blender01:15
shriphaninot a pitch modification or something like that ?01:15
Morrowynmark it, also mark ; yafray (thats a raytracer for blender)01:15
Healotliquidindian: are you using ati/nvidia card?01:15
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Morrowynand sit and wait01:16
avisshriphani, i'm not going to say it doesn't exist01:16
avisi'm going to say i have no clue01:16
liquidindianhealot let me check01:16
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avisperhaps ubuntuforums.org can help you find the app you need01:16
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shriphanihmm lemme get back to gnome01:16
Morrowyned__, yes i have it running on ubuntu btw :)01:16
avislet me get coffee and ciggy01:16
hoaryhi guys i have a bizarre problem: i can't play any mp3 files with totem, amarok and co.; all essential gstreamer pakets are installed (ugly, multiverse ...) - but mpg321 can play mp3 files O_o01:17
liquidindianHealot,  integrated Via ProSavage KN133 graphics chip01:17
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MyNameIsNotBobDoes anyone here know how to get Enlightenment 17 running on dapper?01:17
Morrowynhoary, you need a plugin for gsteamer01:17
avisliquidindian, what about it ?01:17
Morrowynsince it a restrictedformat01:17
Healotliquidindian: how about other media? MPEG for example...01:17
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junior_hello everybody01:18
hoaryMorrowyn i have installed all necessary plugins, inclusive the ones that are in universe/multiverse01:18
junior_algum brasileiro aki?01:18
Healotjunior_: !br01:18
Morrowynthat worked for me though01:18
themike|awayhoary: try installing the package "libmpeg3-1"01:18
themike|awayor similar01:19
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liquidindianHealot looking for an mpeg...01:19
Healotjust making sure it's the X driver or the plugin01:20
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J_Phi all01:20
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ed__I have mac version of it I never tried to install it on linux does executor work well with it?01:20
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hoarythemike: do i have to restart or something? because it doesn't work yet01:21
themikehave you restarted amarok?01:21
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Healoted__: try first, my g4 works seamlessly01:21
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hoarythemike: it wasn't running01:21
hoarythemike: so i started it01:21
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hysoHi, I need some help please01:22
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hysoI am having a problem when booting... I'll explain it...01:22
themikeok, then i don't know too.....but i remeber that is has been very difficult to find the right package01:22
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hoarythemike: ah now amarok works fine after installing libxine-extracodecs ... so now let's have a look on other programs xD01:22
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ed__It works fine on my G4 400 but I'd like to move over to open source any suggestions?01:22
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hysowhen starting Enterprise Volumen Management System in dapper it starts with error messages like: Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block <numbers>01:23
mattm591hi, i'm trying to set up lirc and it complains "configure: error: *** you need to have the ALSA libraries and drivers from at least version 1.0.9 for this driver" but the problem is i don't know how to get these libraries. i did a synaptic search and found nothing. anyone know where i get them from. thanks01:23
hysoAs I have read dm-0 is something related to raid configurations but I don't have any01:23
iiiearsHow do i reboot into "Rescue Mode"?01:24
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futlibso network-admin works fine for everyone?01:24
futlibcannot believe that01:24
Healotboot up with the CD, Select Rescue mode? or type rescue on the boot prompt01:24
ed__My digital camera images resolution opens at wierd resolution could it be because I am in VESA?01:25
sharpeihi guys, anyone willing to help me with installation of 6.06 ? I have a problem with partitioning...01:25
mattm591whats wrong with network-admin for u?01:25
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Healotthe alternate CD can do that01:25
iiiearsHealot - Thank You :)01:25
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futlibmattm591, it's so damn slow01:25
futliband doesn't remember my places01:25
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futlibI use my laptop at home and at work, but whenever I get home, the work profile gets overwritten with the home settings01:25
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joycetickhow do you get out of ctrl+alt+f1?01:26
futlibliterally, I change my profile to home @home and from that moment on, the work profile has the home profiles settings01:26
mattm591futlib, i found the first few times i started ubuntu i had to set up my ethernet again but it remembered it eventualy. as for its slowness maybe your computers you just need a faster pc :P01:26
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themikelutlib: the profile-thing doesn't work for me too01:26
mattm591joycetick ctrl+alt+f701:26
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themikefutlib: the profile-thing doesn't work for me too01:26
futlibmattm591, I don't think this is the case, everything else is fast01:26
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futlibit just takes more than one minute to switch a profile, and another minute when I click "okay" then01:26
joycetickthanks mattm59101:26
mattm591futlib, i don't know then, by slow do u mean it takes it a long time to enable a network connection?01:26
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futlibmattm591, yes, think that's what it does01:27
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mattm591futlib, ah i see. yeah this happens to me too, but i just figure it's part of life.01:27
the_rockhi chickas01:27
mattm591futlib, it tends to be slowest for me when it's not going to work01:27
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futlibmattm591, I think this sucks. everyday when I get to work, I have to invest about three minutes of waiting for this01:27
k3mperwhere can i get source package of dapper's default kernel image (i386)?01:27
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futlibwhich just is too long since there' usually a lot to do in the morning01:27
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mattm591futlib, fraid i don't know what you can do about that sorry01:28
mattm591does no one know where i can get alsa libraries?01:28
futlibhm. but this is a gnome tool, right?01:28
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DarkLegacyI'm having problems with eth0.01:28
DarkLegacyIt's not getting anything from DHCP server.01:29
zipper|This is very strange... The gfxcard has 2xdvi outputs, which i use for lcd monitor+a hdtv. Trying different parts of your cfgs Morrowyn, the tv is the primary display, no matter which DVI port i put it in. Isnt that a bit wierd? Is it possible to manually define which monitor should be the primary display?01:29
hyphenatedfutlib: network-admin is an annoying little b**** for me in breezy :-) haven't upgraded to dapper to see if it's still that way01:29
mattm591DarkLegacy, do you mean you have no internet connection?01:29
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hyphenatedfutlib: I gave up on it and resort to 'sudo ifup eth0' etc in a terminal01:29
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ccookeThis weekend I updated my dad's laptop and desktop to Dapper01:30
ccooke... as a result, he's decided that he'll be perfectly happy to do the next upgrade on his own01:30
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Healotyou suck at upgrading, ccooke, hehe01:31
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DarkMageZHealot, that comment isn't appropriate for this channel01:31
Healotjust kidding...01:31
HealotI joke, I joke01:32
mattm591tut tut01:32
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drayenJust installed Dapper on my shiny new Ferrari 4002 Acer laptop (Wide screen ATI x700, 64bit AMD) but the screen goes black when it tried to launch into the window manager... i've read somewhere that i need to change the primary display back to the LCD, but dont know how to do this.. anyone help?01:32
DarkLegacyI need help with my PCMCIA card.01:32
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DarkLegacyIt's there, detected by Linux, working, but unable to connect to the internet or get an IP from my router.01:32
iiiearsndiswrapper still gave me fits upgrading to dapper. -  I guess Breezy will just have to do for now. lol01:33
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faisal_dhi, where does apt-get store the cached packages when downloaded?01:33
zipper|drayen, if you find out how to define which is the primary display, please speak up01:33
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mattm591DarkLegacy, are you using onboard ethernet or a card. if its onboard it wouldn't happen to be an nforce would it01:33
Morrowynzipper, dunno, i think either the left or right dvi is the primary display01:33
drayenzipper|, you got the same problem?01:33
squiddlefaisal_d  /var/cache/apt/01:33
Morrowynnever looked into it01:34
faisal_dsquiddle, thanx :)01:34
hyphenateddrayen: not sure if it'll help, but my xorg.conf has a line saying this in the "Device" section: Option          "MonitorLayout"         "LVDS, NONE"01:34
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iiiearscan't complain to loudly though. - gutenprint improved printer installation to a few clicks. - much improved.01:34
squiddlefaisal_d  apt-get autoclean entfernt alle alten *.debs01:34
drayenhyphenated, humm will give that a try.... where should i find the xorg.conf?01:34
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hyphenateddrayen: /etc/X11/xorg.conf .. make a backup copy first :-)01:35
ndazzaHi! i'm having problems booting ubuntu dapper drake. The Desktop CD hangs at 'mounting root partitions' or something. Any ideas what could be wrong?01:35
squiddlefaisal_d  apt-get autoclean removes all old .debs :)01:35
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hyphenateddrayen: I'm not using dapper yet, but I had that in there to make it work nicely on breezy01:35
zipper|drayen, well, not really. I'm setting up dualview, but my tv keeps on being the primary display no matter what dvi port i put it in.01:35
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junior_drayen: always, always... make a backup01:36
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zipper|Morrowyn, leftof/rightof only changes the position, the tv is still the primary display01:36
Mikelohey guys when i type something in the terminal how do i know the actual location of the binary?01:36
Morrowynleftof mean the second monitor is leftof your primary01:36
ndazzaMikelo: whereis <binary>01:36
Morrowynand rightof01:36
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zipper|Morrowyn, so i need to find a way to make my monitor the primary display, not the tv01:36
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Morrowynswitch the cables01:37
Mikelondazza, that simple? ok!!01:37
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Morrowynat the back of your vidcard01:37
zipper|i've tried swapping dvi cables, but as i said before, that doesnt work01:37
Morrowynif both are dvi, should be a problem01:37
zipper|and i cannot comprehend why01:37
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zipper|they are01:37
Morrowynoh ok01:37
Morrowynthats odd01:37
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Mikelondazza, i got two files, how do i unlink one of them?01:37
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ndazzaMikelo: also: which <binary>01:37
Morrowynyou might01:38
zipper|yeah, so i'm searching the manual for anything that might look like a "primarydisplay" option01:38
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tony14764Anyone good with tvtime?01:38
zipper|no luck so far though =/01:38
avisi see no reason why i cannot stay up another 18 hours without sleep01:38
Morrowynand extra id in the metamodes01:38
ndazzaMikelo: you probably need them both. whereis will also report the location of the man page01:38
Morrowynlike metamodes: crt0: 1280x1024  crt1: etc.01:38
iiiearsavis - Sleep is for people without the internet. - grin01:38
iiiearsmore caffiene please...01:38
avisi'm just immersing and sharing :)01:39
zipper|i think i tried that, and making tvout standard HD720p, but that didnt change much01:39
avisi've got a goal in mind and these are essential-babysteps01:39
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Morrowynzipper|, how does your xorg.conf look like/01:39
Morrowyncan you paste it?01:39
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Morrowynin the pastebin ofc01:39
Healotto pastebin of course01:39
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zipper|with my last attempt i only got 2 black screens, so i might have a hard time getting my xorg.conf out, but lemme give it a try01:40
drayenhyphenated, that seemdd to work... resolution is rubish, but i can work on that01:40
avisi have dyndns.org service.  can this be used in a server configuration for a router that uses pppoe to distribute connections and run a server on it ?01:40
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hyphenateddrayen: yeah, that's a different issue :-)01:41
avisit also mentioned something about mx mail.01:41
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Healotavis: just ignore the mx if you don/t have any... you just need to register the IP address to get your Internet service working01:42
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althHmm, I've installed the flashplugin-nonfree package, but Firefox still wants to install it :\01:42
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drayenhyphenated, wow - its says i have a refresh rate of -13785Hz ??? and is stuck at 640x480 :(01:42
avisok i have done that however i am trying to figure out how to utilize the service for my linux learning needs either server or application wise01:42
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Healotalth: have you restart FF?01:43
mwealth: the official ubuntu firefox?01:43
althHealot: Yeah.01:43
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avismy router logs in for me since its a dynamic ip that doesn't chance01:43
althmwe: Yeah.01:43
Healotavis: do you know any dyndns client?01:43
zipper_Hmm, Morrowyn, if i remove the TV cable from my card, x starts up fine on my monitor, and the resolution is even correct. My xorg file is here : http://pastebin.dk/index.php?show=174001:43
avisdrayden it could not recognize your monitor ?01:43
avisclient ?01:44
=== alth is using the 686 kernel, could this be the problem, Healot/mew?
drayenavis, it seemed to when i looked in xorg.conf01:44
althEr, mwe*01:44
aviszipper dont plug anything next to the pci slot next to your agp01:44
mwealth: I don't know why it didn't do it, but make sure there is a link in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ to the plugin01:44
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Healot alth: nothing to do with kernel01:44
Morrowynzipper, thats a funky xorg01:44
Healotmaybe the link to the plugin is missing01:45
zipper_avis, i dont have anything there01:45
Morrowyntake my xorg.conf  , and place your tv refresh rates on the secondmonitor spot01:45
zipper_i have a audigy4 4 slots from the gfx card01:45
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minimecHi folks. I have a question about 'beagle'. First time I tried 'beagle' on a breezy machine, I had to load the the beagled-deamon and then the 'best' Software to have an icon in the systray and the 'F12'-function. In dapper, it seems that loading the beagled-deamon should do both... loding the deamon and the search mask. But I don't have any icon in the systray and no F12-funciton. Did I miss something?01:45
althflashplayer.xpt  mwe?01:45
althminimec: beagle-search ^_^01:45
aviszipper if you have nothing in yoru xorg.conf regarding the detection of the monitor you need to run something so you can manually enter the refresh rates yourself01:45
drayenavis, yes, the screen section lists it as 1280x800, which is correct - but KDE is only running at 640x48001:45
althHealot: It's just the wiki page said it'd only work on 386. Or something.01:46
avisctrl + alt + plus ?01:46
avisa couple of times ?01:46
Healotalth: really, the kernel doesn't matter, expect for 64-bit CPUs and Mac CPUs01:46
avisor system preferences01:46
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avisscreen resolution01:46
=== alth nods
ndazzaalth: that'd probablye be i386 (as opposed to x86_64 or ppc)01:47
Healotalth: open the Firefox Preference.... find the Edit Action button... see if the dialog have SWF file in it?01:47
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chamoI can't reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx!! any idea how to resolve this http://pastebin.com/759493 ?01:47
minimecalth: Ok :-) But I still don't have any Icon in the systray and no F12? DO I always have to start the beagle-search again?01:47
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althOpen up the what, Healot?01:48
Mikeloanybody here play gav?01:48
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althminimec: Dunno, I just put a launcher to it in my Gnome toolbar ^_^01:48
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Healotalth: your PC casing, hehe01:48
avisi'm afraid my french is very limited01:48
holycowanyone having that no sound problem after dist upgrading to dapper?01:48
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GuerillaTactiksIs it possible to accelerate gnome or kde using the gfx card?01:49
althHealot: Eh?01:49
drayenAnyone else got a widescreen laptop with a rez of 1280x800? can they tell me what they have in thier Monitor Section of xorg.conf?01:49
holycowi solved my problem anyone need to know what it was?01:49
avisholycow why dont you do the dirty deed and backup your data and do a proper dapper final install cd ?01:49
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minimecalth: OK. That should do it, but... Hmm... what about F12?01:49
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avisits just a days work getting things back to normal :)01:49
holycowavis, dude, your not talking to a newb01:49
althdrayen: I do, but it's not booted at the moment. Sorry.01:49
althminimec: What do you mean?01:49
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avisholycow, i dont care at what level of linux experience you are at but if you want to resolve your sound issues i gave you one solution to do so.01:50
holycowavis, the thing about linux is that you are not permanently stuck as a newb unlike windows, one graduates to the next level of l33tness every time you resolve an issue :)01:50
zipper_Morrowyn, i'm not sure about the metamodes... Should they be "MonitorResolution,TVResolution" ?01:50
holycowavis, did i ask  you for a solution?01:50
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holycowavis, please read what people read more carefully, it helps01:50
ocenandaSalut  tous (hi all) !!01:51
avisyour whining about soundcard not working and you've been taking advice from everyone01:51
darth_hey i need to talk to somebody about using the LiveCD01:51
BarBazhi. I'm unable to open windows disks i see in Places->Computer. Is it expected behaviour?01:51
darth_can i get a PM?01:51
vaderdrayen, I am using 1280x763 on my  lappy01:51
BarBaz.. both fat and ntfs01:51
minimecalth: Normally in a working beagle-configuration, you should be able to fire up the search engine with F12 (see beagle-settings)01:51
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holycowavis, go f your self bro01:51
GuerillaTactiksIs ubuntu inconsistant, because I followed the instructions to play mpeg4 (xvid) and they still dont play01:51
holycow:) no really01:51
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reZoWhat's a random NIC that's supported in Ubuntu?01:51
althF12 doesn't work for me, minimec.01:51
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avisholycow your language is gutter talk and this is not the place for that kind of behavior01:52
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reZodarth_, where abouts in New Zealand are you from?01:52
Healotholycow !01:52
holycowgo away assface :)01:52
avisperhaps if you learned how to behave like a gentleman and grew up you might learn a few thigns01:52
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holycowavis, your a retard01:52
GuerillaTactiksholycow go away01:52
holycowanyone still having that no sound problem?01:52
holycowi've got a potential solution01:52
ndazzawas anyone having it to begin with?01:52
minimecalth: Well it doesn't work for me either, but I would like it to work...01:53
concept10where are security updates/bulletins for ubuntu posted?01:53
holycowactually yep ndazza01:53
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holycowlots of people01:53
ndazzaperhaps a wiki page would be appropriate then01:53
GuerillaTactiksI get a no video problem in avi files..  sound is fine01:53
holycowndazza, perhaps it would, if you like you can make one, i know there was someone here looking for the solution tho, i'm only interestedin helping them01:53
althminimec: Perhaps bind a global key combination to it?01:54
althIn gconf?01:54
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drayenvader, humm... not sure if that will cut it01:55
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vadermine is a Compaq Presario V2555CA01:55
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minimecalth: Even that sohould be possible, I do agree with you. But this is a function that normally beagle should handle, not the windows-manager. So beagle still semms to be a little buggy in dapper...01:56
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concept10Seveas, where could I get that usplash preview app01:56
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chamoany idea how I can corretly reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx??? I have an error "dpkg-divert: mismatch on divert-to01:56
chamocf http://pastebin.com/75949301:56
chamothus I cant launch X anymore :/01:56
althminimec: Agreed.01:57
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minimecalth: Ok. THX anyway...01:57
minimecalth: cu01:57
Bobakitoohi, ubuntu server use kernel linux-image-server but no linux-restricted-server is avaible. do i need to change kernel to desktop one(witch include nvidia stuff) in order to get my wireless card to work?01:58
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chamoAnyone got an idea? Im stuck since a few days :/01:58
dou213chamo, reboot into failsafe and do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"01:58
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althPeace, minimec.01:58
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freakshi there01:58
thoreauputicholycow: enough is enough - you passed the barrier with your recent remarks01:58
dou213your x server should start then01:58
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ubotusomebody said x was a portable, network-transparent window system.01:59
avisanyone bored and on a non-production computer but a desktop ?  try XGL :)  it rocks !!!01:59
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Bobakitoowhere are the ath_pci module in ubuntu server? (the initial install had the wireless card working but installed kernel do not suport it)02:00
ndazzaavis: i would but dapper won't install :-.02:00
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avisndazza, what are your issues ?02:00
NUB!x ati02:00
ubotuNUB: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:00
avisthere are different upgrade steps for different level distros02:00
ndazzacd won't boot. Attempts to boot, gives me the installer options screen, choosing any option (except memtest or boot off 1st hd) causes installer to hang on "mounting root partitions"02:01
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chamodou213, even without network ?02:01
avisbefore you tried to boot the cd did you check against md5sum ?02:01
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ndazzaavis: yes02:01
nnz0idndazza disconnect all usb devices that u have02:02
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avisi would do a low level format of the hard drive02:02
avispowmax is popular and works on a variety of ide drives02:02
ndazzannz0id: ok...02:02
nnz0idtheres a thread on forums with the same problem02:02
dou213chamo, what do u mean even without network?02:02
Healotlow-level format... never heard of ppl doing that since 199502:02
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ndazzaavis: i was under the impression low level formatting was non-existant these days02:02
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ndazzamanufacturer sets the drive geometry and that's it02:03
dou213chamo, just do that command in failsafe mode, ur x server will work afterwards, did work for me02:03
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dou213i had the same problem as u02:03
avisndazza, not at all.  not for me.  i've run into linux distro partitions that would not be nuked.02:03
ndazzaanyways, i'll try that usb tip, thanks nnz0id02:03
Healotavis: every OS has chances to be intruded. even GNU/Linux...02:03
ndazzaavis: not even with dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hda ?02:03
avisi also did it in 1995 believing it would block out my 8088's bad blocks02:03
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avisndazza, you'll have to forgive me but i have no experience with dd command02:04
Noltavis: when i try compile verlihub i have this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1512502:04
Noltdo you know what can be wrong ?02:04
NUBcan somone tell me how to get the x to work after installing it ubuntu?  it fails to boot, ati x80002:04
ndazzaavis: like copy, but for devices02:04
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ndazzaanyways, i'm off to try disconnecting my usb stuff02:05
avisndazza almost like cloning ?02:05
minimecavis: PentiumM  1.6GHz CPU  with a ATi Mobility Radeon 9600 64MB... Is that enough to run xgl smoothly?02:06
ndazzaavis: yes02:06
Healotbut could be a but slow02:06
avisminimac yes it would be02:06
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Noltanybody know what is wrong ? ./configure didnt show any errors and when i make i have this => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1512502:06
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minimecavis: So I'll give it a try. ;)02:07
ndazzaavis: keeps copying blocks of data from the source file to the destination file till the source runs out or the destination is full02:07
chamodou213, how did you reinstall the drivers afterwards ?02:07
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avisNolt i can't make sense of coptic language02:07
tuxtheslackerhey guys, does anyone know of an rss reader plugin for evolution?02:07
chamoI want to install xorg-driver and new fglrx related to my kernel version02:07
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Noltavis: :(:(02:07
avisminimec !02:07
avishold on !02:07
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minimecavis: ?02:08
mp3guydoes anyone know what folder the default ubuntu desktop backgrounds are stored in?02:08
chamolemme try brb02:08
avisall those of you who are interested in installing XGL replacing xorg please see this url http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13126702:08
patrick_how do you enable other languages to be typed in, such as chinese?02:08
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avisthe official ubuntu documentation is not good02:08
minimecmp3guy: Hmmm... somewhere in /usr/share ;)02:09
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avispatrick_, you defined a language when you setup your os02:09
Healotpatrick_: you need input method server, and fonts02:09
tuxtheslackerdoes anyone know of an evolution e-mail plugin to add an RSS reader to it.02:09
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HealotIME servers like IIMF or SCIM, and input engine like anthy02:10
avistuxmaniac, i have no idea but if you find one i'd like to know.  i miss the old evolution.  however mozilla-thunderbird can do mail and rss and news but you must provide your own rss02:10
patrick_yeah i know, but is there anyway to have two langauges? i do some work in chinese and on suse and other distros you can use multiple languages02:10
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avisthe old evolution was neat because it was all geeky and linuxy02:10
CelesteI need help02:10
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Healot02:10
Celesteanyone here?02:10
avishi Celestar02:10
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CelesteI've done something stupd02:11
avishi Celeste02:11
Celestehi avis02:11
aviswe've all done something stupid02:11
Fujitsu_AMILO_A1Hi. Can anyone here help me setup wireless on a Fulitsu Amilo A1655G laptop?02:11
Fujitsu_AMILO_A1I'm running Dapper 6.0602:11
Fujitsu_AMILO_A1I've followed the instructions on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#head-e70dd6b5c57894d32e3eddc4f3e21d7d6d02230f02:11
Celesteyou know  CTRL + D  I guess  (like exit in the shell)02:11
avisyes ?02:11
avistuxmaniac, i dont know about evolution but mozilla-thunderbird does rss if you provide feeds02:12
Celestegood ...02:12
tuxtheslackertuxmaniac, he meant to send that to me, if that's what you're talking about :-P02:12
Fujitsu_AMILO_A1I've determined I have a Broadcom BCM4318 wireless card? chip?02:12
avisand mail, usenet, etc02:12
Celesteline 21  ... I pressed   CTRL + D by a mistake in line 2102:12
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tuxmaniactuxtheslacker: ah ok02:12
Fujitsu_AMILO_A1And I've extracted the firmware from the driver CD that came with my laptop, using fwcutter.02:12
tuxtheslackeravis, I much prefer evolution because it's much more light weight.02:13
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znhHello. Why is there in dapper a bittorrent tracker installed by default?02:13
avisi will switch to evolution then because i'm into lightweight02:13
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Bobakitoosomeone know why Atheros wireless card work in 6.06 desktop but not in server?02:13
avisi have not been able to locate a plugin for rss though02:13
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Fujitsu_AMILO_A1Now, if I use iwconfig, I can see my wireless card, but I cannot use it.02:13
Healotznh: you don/t like bittorrent client?02:13
Celesteavis, what will my action do bad to linux?02:13
znhHealot, tracker != client02:13
Healotznh: the tracker installed? I don't think so02:14
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hmpedersenIt seems I have to reinstall my computer now..02:14
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Fujitsu_AMILO_A1The one problem that I can see is that it states "Access Point: Invalid" and I haven't been able to change this.02:14
tuxtheslackerBobakitoo, I'd say because servers are general not running on a wireless computer...02:14
avisCeleste, of all people why would you think that i might know ?  i'll look at it and see what i could possibly conclude.  there are alot more adept people in here.  lemme look02:14
gnarkillProblem: i cant activate my wireless card in ubuntu breezy .. 5.10. what should i do?02:14
Bobakitootuxtheslcaker: i use my server as wireless access point02:15
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Celesteavis, because you've been the only one saying a word to me *g*02:15
Bobakitoohow i can enable wireless card on ubuntu-server?02:15
avisCeleste, something else was using the respositories at the time something like synaptic or aptitude02:15
zachcan anyone help me setup dual monitors with an ati 9500? the 2nd monitor is just displaying brown...at the login window i can move mouse across both monitors02:16
Celesteavis, no it was me I pressed CTRL + D  (line 21)02:16
avisor the upgrade-notifier02:16
Celesteavis, so I was not root anymore02:16
Celestewhat may I do now?02:16
avisok lemme look02:16
Celesteit got stock in the middle of the installation avi02:16
avisapt-get remove ude ; apt-get install ude02:17
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kane77hi everybody...02:17
Celestethank you avis!02:17
avisfind another repository and dont ctrl-c or d02:18
kane77how is beagle realy used??02:18
avisi dont know that much02:18
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zachdoes anyone know if the dock in osx is always on top? or is it set so nothing can go over the bottom of the window?02:18
aviszach you can probably sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:19
avisi'd bet it would detect dual monitors02:19
avisbut dont make a mistake and make backup of xorg.conf02:19
zachlol how?02:19
avishow cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf conf.bak02:19
zachthen how would i restore it if needed?02:20
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aviscp conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:20
avisand locate02:20
reZowhat's a random NIC brand / model that works in Ubuntu, prefer PCI ones.02:20
avisand whereis02:20
avisare your friends02:20
avis3com 3c905x02:21
avisabo, b, c you got it made :)02:21
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avisFujitsu !02:22
avisis that you ?02:22
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zachmeh it didnt detect them02:22
FujitsuHi, avis...02:22
avishello :)02:22
Fujitsuavis, this is me.02:22
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avismust be different person with wifi02:22
FujitsuNot Fujitsu_AMILO_A1.02:22
avisdidn't think so02:22
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Bobakitoowhat in linux-image-server that is not in linux-image-version-686 for exemple?02:23
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zachwhat are the open source drivers ive tried flgrx and those never seem to work...02:23
avismy wifi is going to be easy, input 63 char WPA-PSK TKIP into install and gateway, two dns servers, and static ip address, gateway.   simple.  tedious !  but simple02:23
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avissupported out of the box02:24
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kane77what is the executable for search (beagle)?? or how can I add shortcut to it??02:24
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Hajuuhey does anyone know of a lightweight alternative to gdm thats in the breezy ubuntu repositories?02:25
ynefkane77: "beagle" is the executable's name. What desktop environment are you using?02:25
avisgnome is not a display manager02:25
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ynefHajuu: xdm, kdm, gdm -- the three great ones. xdm is ugly, but should also be lighter02:26
jhunterI'm still struggling to get nVidia drivers working. Everything installed ok, but the xserver just won't start. The log isn't very informative, just says that the kernal failed to load and check everything. Any suggestions?02:26
aviscan fluxbox run both gnome and kde apps and by now is it able to integrate them into its menu ?02:26
ynefkane77: then I can't help you, but I suppose that the terminology is "launcher" or something02:26
kane77ynef, and trying to execute beagle it says that "bash: beagle: command not found"02:26
BobakitooJhunter yes nvidia driver is bugged in 6.0602:26
avisjhunter did you go on a quest for XGL ?02:27
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Bobakitooyou must edit xorg.conf your self and the enable script fill in worng identifier02:27
ynefkane77: interesting -- you do have it installed, right?02:27
dubiduhi all02:27
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jhunterNot yet, not until I get a usable screen02:27
dubidu i get a strange error installing nvida drivers from nvidia installer02:27
avisdo not enter wrong identifier for XGL02:27
dubiduwhen i do startx it says me that the nvidia module and xorg module are of different versions02:27
zachhas anyone gotten dual monitors with atis in dapper? if so please help02:27
Bobakitoojhunter check if you got ATI identifier02:27
dubiduxorg module is 8762 and nvidia module is 875602:28
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Bobakitoofor some reseaon the enable script detected a ati card and set that as identifier02:28
dubiduinstalling 8762 drivers it is all ok but..it seems strange..do you?02:28
Hajuuynef: So if I put xdm on, and remove gdm and gnome but keep gtk (if thats possible) then I can still run all my gnome apps?02:28
aviscat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep ATI02:28
=== M|NDL|GHT [n=mindligh@81-170-148-153.bahnhofbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu
kane77ynef, yes... when I run Places->Search it runs a beagle search... but when I try to add a button to pannel "Search for files" it only gives me the old search...02:28
zachavis is that for me?02:29
Bobakitoohajuu no, if you left only gtk then only gtk aps can run02:29
Ngzach: I have, but only with the xorg driver, not the binary ati driver02:29
avisthat was for jhunter02:29
avisi think02:29
Bobakitooyou can replace gdm by xdm and cotinuing using gnome and gtk aps tho02:29
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Hajuuah ok.. just wanted to remove gnome completely02:29
Hajuuso guess ill say my goodbyes to gedit02:30
zachNg: is the xorg driver hard to configure? is that the thing you run from terminal....(sorry im new at linux still lol)02:30
avisthe application base for gnome is so large02:30
[bsd] hi, friends!02:30
M|NDL|GHTCan someone please explain to me why there is no amarok-gstreamer package in Dapper? Ive been searching for the reason on the forums and a lot of other places and the closest to an anser Ive come is "gstreamer is not stable enough in Dapper"... anyone got an answer and some links to prove it? :D02:30
avishi bsd !02:30
chamodou213, now that works! thanks!02:30
=== DrNickRiviera [n=riviera@81-179-131-137.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ngzach: it's pretty easy, but if you have a newer ATi card you probably want to use their binary driver. I'm running a pretty old radeon02:30
ynefkane77: looking at the file list, it seems that beagle might be started with the command "beagle-search" -- one of many files installed into /usr/bin that start with "beagle"02:30
=== M|NDL|GHT cant live without Amarok :(
=== xophEr [n=xopher@a84-230-124-206.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
zachNg: im running an ati 9500 non pro with 64mbs is that considered old?02:30
avisMIND, the proof relies on you02:30
kane77ynef, yes that's it... many thanx...02:31
M|NDL|GHTavis, didnt get what u mean :)02:31
ubotusomebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats02:31
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Ngzach: no that's new enough to be supported by the binary driver. perhaps googling or searching ubuntuforums.org will turn something up?02:31
avisgoogle :)02:31
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ynefM|NDL|GHT: I think that basically just means that the Ubuntu team don't feel like supporting it for 5 years because it may be too buggy to them :)02:31
zachmost guides end up ruining my x11 conf file02:31
ynefM|NDL|GHT: I'm sure you can find it elsewhere02:31
jhunterNo, - I did get the ATI from the original attempts, but I've now downloaded the driver from nVidia - that's ok. Do I have to uninstall anything from previous attemts, or is it just in the xorg.conf file02:32
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avisynef what release are you referencing ?02:32
BazziM|NDL|GHT: whats wrong with amarok-xine?02:32
ynefavis: any -- if ubuntu doesn't want to officially include it, it is probably for a good reason02:32
M|NDL|GHTBazzi, I cant get it to work? :$02:32
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Bazziwhy is that so?02:32
chamodou213, are you there ?02:32
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kane77one more question... what is the nvidia-glx drivers... I installed it and I think I lost 3d... (eg. screensavers that are 3d doesnt show up at all... just a blank screen...)02:33
avisynef what was it about amarok that was so special to you ?  do you have an ipod ?02:33
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ynefavis: you have the wrong guy, i answered M|NDL|GHT :)02:33
avisciggy tiem02:33
ynefavis: I use moc personally, an ncurses player02:33
avisi'm disabled people give me a break :)02:33
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ynefkane77: it's the drivers you use to get OpenGL in Linux on Nvidia cards -- that it killed 3D for you doesn't seem right at all02:34
shriphaniguys i installed all necessary dependencies for audacity but it still says dependencies are not installed02:34
kane77ynef, I believe I need legacy drivers I have ancient TNT202:34
shriphaniany ideas ?02:34
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ynefkane77: ah, yes, you do -- TNT2 is too old to be supported by the newer drivers AFAIK02:35
=== redlounge [n=andi@dslb-084-058-110-122.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
kane77ynef, how can I install them?02:35
BazziM|NDL|GHT whats failing?02:35
Ron_othe only idea I have shriphani is to check out synaptic and see if audacity is broken.02:35
Ron_oif audacity isn't in Synaptic, then I don't know.02:35
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shriphanii dont think it is in synaptic02:35
Ron_ohow did you d/l?02:36
redloungehi everyone02:36
shriphanii mean i got the debian package02:36
shriphanifrom the website02:36
ynefkane77: install "nvidia-glx-legacy" instead ;)02:36
Ron_oI don't know.02:36
chamoanyone know how I can resolve a "divert" error while trying to reinstall my xorg-driver-fglrx packet with apt-get ??? Im stuck... cf http://pastebin.com/75949302:36
Ron_ocheck out Synaptic.02:36
shriphaniapt-get install says no such package02:36
Ron_oyou should always d/l from there if ever in doubt.02:36
miraksladen: hey, I have realised that base-config is deprecated in dapper, though I don't find any tutorial on the web saying how to proceed now02:36
Ron_oshriphani, do you have all the repositories available?02:37
kane77ynef, that sounds logical :)) why don't I ever come up with it... :D02:37
Vissudanyone have a solution to this? I can record from my mic, but I can't just plug in an input source and listen02:37
shriphaniRon_o, i have a hunch that my apt/sources.list is messed after i tried to mess around with dapper02:37
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Ron_othen upgrade the list.02:37
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ynefshriphani: post it somewhere, let's see it02:37
ubotuRon_o: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:37
=== wireless [n=rmilne@84-72-25-133.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.02:37
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=== wireless is now known as Fujitsu_AMILO
redloungei installed dapper a few days ago and now i have sometimes problems with the sudo command. i type in the console e.g. 'sudo ls' and then the console hangs, then i can not start any process that has to do with root privileges. not in the terminal, not in gnome. i can even not shutdown... anyone has an idea what to check/do?02:38
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Ron_oshriphani, check out the wiki. It will help you out to update your repository.02:38
M|NDL|GHTBazzi, my brains? :D  Never got xine to work and gstreamer seems to be the most right choice... but ok, amarok speaks xine... how do I get my soundcard to speak xine? It does not work default... if u got a URL for me to read up on the subject, that would be just fine and I wont bother u guys :)02:38
Ron_osorry, I'm too new to remember exactly how.02:38
BazziM|NDL|GHT: just configure it in amarok to choose ALSA/OSS/whatever fits you. and dont forget to install libxine-extracodecs02:39
ubotuHelp to fix issues with sound can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary02:39
shriphanijust 3 links there !!!!02:39
=== archville [n=archvill@155.Red-83-42-206.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsu_AMILOI got disconnected earlier - has anyone responded to my wireless question?02:39
shriphaniman i'd be blown02:39
kane77... how do I change the default boot in grub?? there's a line "default 0" I believe I need to change it, but to what..?02:39
M|NDL|GHTBazzi, tried that when Dapper was alpha...didnt work...but I will give it another try...thanks :D02:39
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avisFujitsu_AMILO,  there is always ndiswrapper should you not be able to do it the standard way02:40
BazziM|NDL|GHT but I think the amarok 1.4 packages do have amarok-gstreamer02:40
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ynefkane77: post the file somewhere and tell us what OS you want to boot per default02:40
M|NDL|GHToh...there is a 1.4 ...  an "official" one for Dapper? :$02:40
avisread that02:40
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-050-125.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
pegwhere the heck do I download the sparc version of Dapper Drake , I cant find it in the main download site02:40
ynefkane77: or that ;)02:40
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting02:40
Fujitsu_AMILOHi, avis. Thanks for the response. I had previously tried ndiswrapper but got no response at all. Using the kernel broadcom driver has been the most promising approach so far.02:40
avisand trust me its not complete as far as grub goes02:40
BazziM|NDL|GHT: done by j. riddell so it's done by a competent person but it is not officially supported02:41
avisso what is the problem Fujitsu_AMILO ?02:41
M|NDL|GHTlater yall, thanks for the help...gotta play with my dapper...erhm...didnt sound right... well well...l8er yall02:41
peganyone know02:41
nosklopeg: is there a sparc version?02:41
avisextract tgz and nano the README02:41
Ron_opeg, I saw the sparc version there.02:41
Fujitsu_AMILOI have managed to set up my wireless card so I can see it with 'iwconfig'02:41
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Ron_o02:41
shriphaniRon_o, i think there is nothing in my apt sources02:41
grapi m having some trouble with nvidia drivers, I tried to install the propietary drivers (like always) but it failed and then i installed the ones from apt-get but now, my X wont start until i reinstall the propietary driver, can anybody help?02:41
Ron_oI know I saw it.02:41
noskloI didn't know... I thought there were only i386, 64 and ppc versions02:42
avisi have only dont wireless once so bear with me02:42
pegnosklo, http://www.sun.com/smi/Press/sunflash/2006-05/sunflash.20060530.1.xml02:42
Vissudanyone have a solution to this? I can record from my mic, but I can't just plug in an input source and listen02:42
avison linux02:42
Ron_oI saw t on the bittorrent page.02:42
=== Bilange [n=Warbird@Toronto-HSE-ppp3759828.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsu_AMILOavis: However, it is not assigned an ip address, and I cannot change the 'Access Point' value from 'Invalid'02:42
pegRon_o, where can you poit me me to it02:42
shriphanican you please tell me where i can get the apt-get sources ?02:42
Ron_opeg, I'm sorry. I can't access the www right now.02:42
Ron_oI could otherwise.02:42
grapshriphani, look for souce-o-matic in google02:42
pegRon_o, all I see is x86 powerPC and AMD6402:43
shriphanisouce or source ?02:43
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Ron_oI'm sorry peg, I know it's there. If not then I apologize.02:43
nosklopeg: http://sparc.ubuntu.com/02:43
Ron_oI can't help you beyond this.02:43
avisFujitsu_AMILO, i have never experimented with wireless and ubuntu yet.  you definitely need to assign your SSID and your WEP or WPA-PSK02:43
grapshriphani, source, sorry02:43
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shriphaniok thanks02:43
chamodou213  ??02:43
=== zach [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsu_AMILOavis: I've disabled WEP/WPA in case that was the problem. I've assigned my ESSID.02:44
avisFujitsu_AMILO, if you can let it accept defaults perhaps if you could get into gnome then you could use the network manager to set it up ?02:44
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avisdoes your router have mac filtering?02:44
zachHello when i try to use ati config i always get errors such as                zach@ubuntu:~$ aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=102:44
zachWarning: Failed to set hardware overlay to head 1 immediately.02:44
zachWarning: Option 'DesktopSetup' doesn't affect running session.02:44
zachUsing /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:44
zachSaved back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.fglrx-302:44
zachaticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor.02:44
grapcan anyone help? im in nvidia trouble02:44
pegnosklo, dude http://sparc.ubuntu.com/ does seam to be loading, are you having better luck02:44
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Fujitsu_AMILOavis: Everything seems to work in Network manager. I can configure and activate the interface. But despite all this, it doesn't work.02:44
Fujitsu_AMILOI've tried ifconfig eth1 up02:45
avisso its an open infrastructure network and you need to define SSID to connect to02:45
ynefgrap: what does the log file tell you? what error messages do you get?02:45
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avissomeone help Fujitsu_AMILO02:45
jwl007could someone try pinging krellinst.org for me?02:45
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ynefjwl007: doesn't work for me (sweden)02:46
avisFujitsu_AMILO, perhaps try ubuntuforums.org02:46
jwl007thanks ynef02:46
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pegjwl007, is not pingign02:46
kane77ynef, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15128 that's the paste of /boot/grub/menu.lst02:46
jhuntergrap: glad I'm not the only one trying to get this working - same problem, I'm pulling my hair out here!02:46
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pegnosklo, dude http://sparc.ubuntu.com/ does seam to be loading, are you having better luck02:46
aviswhile people pass be here, problems are resolved, and the experts wake up02:46
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Fujitsu_AMILOavis: I'll have a look there. Thanks for your time, avis02:47
grapynef, jhunter good luxk!02:47
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shriphaniok guys i got an apt sources list02:47
avisFujitsu_AMILO, i have nothing but time :)02:47
shriphaniso do i plainly go and put it in /etc/apt/source.list ?02:47
kane77ynef, and I want to change the default boot to windows... (you know i share this PC with dad and he gets mad when he turns on comp and the windows doesn't start up..)02:47
b0efis the md5 sum available anywhere for ubuntu-6.06?02:47
ompaulshriphani, where did you get it from02:47
avisscroll down from the link that you clicked on that specified that country02:48
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Ron_ob0ef, it must be.02:48
ompaulb0ef, www.ubuntu.com/download02:48
Ron_oyou mean the application?02:48
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grapynef, basically it said that the version did not match02:48
nosklopeg: nope02:48
grapso i install the propietary ones and all works fine02:48
nosklopeg; trying to find02:48
grapbut when i reboot, it just pops out the same message02:48
ynefkane77: change the default to 5 -- if that's wrong, then to 6... don't know if the "other operating systems" line counts as one, so experiment :)02:49
b0efRon_o: no the md5 for the iso cd (x86)02:49
shriphanii got a set of repos do i just put them in my sources list ?02:49
nosklopeg: google shows a lot of ubuntu-6.06-rc-server-sparc.iso but all of them seem to be missing02:49
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pegnosklo, thanks, it almost looks as though it disapeared02:49
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grapshriphani, yes,02:49
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shriphaniok grap thanks02:49
kane77ynef, ok I will... RESTARTING....02:49
ompaulshriphani, yes you can overwrite the existing file on your machine by doing this, in a terminal >>gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list<< and take your time - I was not finished --02:49
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ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you.  You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Please give it 10 to 15 minutes before asking a second time, thanks.02:49
=== briceg [n=briceg@host45-46.pool82107.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
pegnosklo, so I am not going crazy ir realy did disapear02:50
ompaulcheers :)02:50
b0efompaul: it's not on that page, as far as I can see02:50
=== Aegir [n=richard@d220-238-91-84.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
grapynef, can you help?02:50
EmxBAFujitsu, hi02:50
avisompaul i have a very peculiar bug related to the removal and installation of xchat-gnome.  could i show you a pastebin.com for diagnosis ?02:50
EmxBAgrap, what's the problem02:50
EmxBAit's ver early02:50
ompaulb0ef, so follow through to a link of where it is, and then look at it - pick your mirror :-)02:50
grapi m having some trouble with nvidia drivers, I tried to install the propietary drivers (like always) but it failed and then i installed the ones from apt-get but now, my X wont start until i reinstall the propietary driver, can anybody help?02:50
EmxBAjust try to use default drivers02:51
grapbut i need accel02:51
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ompaulavis, show it to the world, if I read it and know it I pitch in, otherwise you have an audience of 1 not a great thing02:51
ynefgrap: not unless I see the errors X told you -- they are more specific than you think :)02:51
nosklopeg: that's odd, disappear with no warnings02:51
=== Trinisan [n=Trinisan@ool-18bc0f98.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
avisi tried that02:51
avisi'll try again02:51
grapynef, i cant find it, because it now works fine, but when i will reboot it will fail again02:51
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pegnosklo, just found this, just a article abotu other people trying to find it http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189430&highlight=sparc02:51
EmxBAwell, use vesa till you don't find out reason for your problem02:52
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ompaulavis, I am only back - so lets pretend... give the channel a url ;-)02:52
ynefgrap: how annoying -- what did you do to fix it this time?02:52
b0efompaul: ;), thanks02:52
grapynef, i found it!02:52
samu2There is something wrong the layout of the synaptic package manager. the list on the left side rarely displays more than a few entries when i use it, yet the list view on the right side never seems wide enough to display the full descriptions and version numbers and stuff.02:52
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grap(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! Please ensure02:52
grap(EE) NVIDIA(0):     that there is a supported NVIDIA GPU in this system, and02:52
grap(EE) NVIDIA(0):     that the NVIDIA device files have been created properly.02:52
grap(EE) NVIDIA(0):     Please consult the NVIDIA README for details.02:52
grap(EE) NVIDIA(0):  *** Aborting ***02:52
shriphaniok guys changed the apt sources and did an apt-get update02:52
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ynefgrap: the lines before that?02:53
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ynefat least the few first ones02:53
grapall correct02:53
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .02:53
ynefgrap: and have you consulted the NVIDIA README file? ;)02:53
grapyes sorry Hobbsee02:53
ompaulgrap, DONT PASTE IN THIS CHANNEL THANKS!!! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:53
grapynef, i guess there is a simple solution02:53
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graplike make the now installed dirver the default02:54
grapi dont know why it overwrites the driver02:54
Fujitsu_AMILOEmxBA - Hi, Fujitsu_AMILO here. Were you referring to me earlier?02:54
Ron_osamu2, your package manager sounds right to me.02:54
=== avdd [n=avdd@ppp21-56.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
aviscan anyone help me get xchat standard and xchat-gnome working together ?  prolly not.  i can't figure it out.. but perhaps this pastebin.com will tell you something by its error ? http://pastebin.com/75960502:54
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ynefgrap: tell me exactly what you did, step by step02:55
=== ompaul pokes avis with two sticks one for being root, you don't need to do that - fastest route to problems, and the other one for
ubotumethinks reinstall is renew configuration: sudo dpkg -P --force-depends $package <<followed by >> sudo apt-get install $package02:55
ynefgrap: (and preface every line with "ynef", so I get it highlighted -- please!) :)02:55
samu2Ron_o, yeah, i just mean its badly planned02:55
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avisom mani padme hum02:56
ompaulavis, sssshhhhhhhh02:56
=== Ron_o thinks you're wrong samu2 ... :-)
shriphaninamstey avis02:56
grapynef firstly i installed the propietary nvidia driver and it failed because of my xorg.conf so i decided to install the ones from ubuntu repositories02:56
shriphanikya aap bharatiya ho ?02:56
ubotuit has been said that ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers.02:56
avddsince installing dapper my HDD is going nuts, but with no obvious process indicators.02:56
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ynefgrap: right. so doesn't the proprietary drivers have some kind of "uninstall" feature?02:57
grapynef, that's all, the only thing i have to do now, everytime when i reboot, is to reinstall the propietary drivers and it works02:57
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ompaulshriphani, avis it is an english language channel, thanks :)02:57
vincenzHow come on my desktop I got a notification in my update notifier asking me if I wanted to upgrade, and I don't get this ono my laptop?02:57
Ron_oavdd, be more descriptive.02:57
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shriphaniompaul, i am sorry :)02:57
althNice name, eniac.02:57
grapynef, i guess so, i'll look for it02:57
ompaulshriphani, well you know now, ;-)02:57
Ron_ovincenz, could it be your laptop isn't internet bound?02:57
vincenzRon_o: it is02:57
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eniachy... i installed ubuntu amd64 at my server.... but he didnt ask me to change root password. what is default root password?02:58
shriphanii added a few cipherfunk sources as well for win 32 codecs02:58
vincenzRon_o: apparently it's cause I had updates to do on desktop, while synaptic doesn't ask about system update02:58
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.02:58
gilhow do i burn two bootable ISO filles to one DVD and choose which one to boot to at start up02:58
ompauleniac, ^^^ read above02:58
eniacompaul_ read where?02:58
avddRon_o: There's a lot of audible activity on the HDD that / and swap is on.02:58
vincenzis there any solution to removing unused packages?02:58
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ompauleniac, ubotu Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.02:58
avddIt sounds like a slocate update or something02:58
eniactks a lot.02:58
avddbut no obvious activity in process list02:59
Ron_ovincenz, use aptitude to install or Checkinstall02:59
ompaulvincenz, that causes problems when you try to update02:59
antares79hi... does anyone have any experience with installing ubuntu's root partition on a sw-raid1?02:59
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Ron_oother than that probably not.02:59
ompaulvincenz, ehh upgrade sorry02:59
vincenzompaul: what does/02:59
Ron_oI'm kind of in that problem myself.02:59
kyledyehrm.  i have an ATI 9250 PCI02:59
grapynef, done, lets try it again, rebooting!02:59
kyledyeanyone know if that will work?02:59
ynefgrap: great -- good luck :)03:00
vincenzno what I want to do is remove stuff from my system I don't need...but if I do this manually it will automatically remove dependencies... instead I would like to see what packages are orphans or children of orphans03:00
patbamhi folks, when i try to install realplayer from synaptic under dapper, i get "xlibs not installable" . is there some reason that i shouldn't install xlibs, whatever that is?03:00
=== Trinisan [n=Trinisan@ool-18bc0f98.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulvincenz, removing random packages, have a look at synaptic package manager do to it03:00
romanyI am running Ubuntu Server 6.06 LTS as a guest inside VMware (Ubuntu is also the host). The first virtual instance runs like a charm. The second - a copy of the first one does bring eth0 up. I am probably missing something obvious here. Any pointers?03:00
avisompaul, yes i'm quite aware of that but i can't help but notice the om prefixed by your english name :)03:00
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vincenzompaul: I do... but I was hoping for a more systematic way of tidying up03:00
ompaulavis, put ompaul into google03:01
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ubotuRon_o: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:01
vincenzmaybe I should do a clean install03:01
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pussfellerhow do I keep beagled from starting up, I cant find where it starts03:02
gypsymaurowhat's the difference of packages in ubuntu desktop and ubuntu alternate?03:02
Ron_ovincenz, I hear aptitude can take of tydying up.03:02
Ron_oI might have to do a fresh install too. :(03:02
Ron_othe way things are a lookin.03:02
xikoWhat is the command that it opens a window so I can choose witch version of java is the default?03:02
vincenzRon_o: yeah but it's a pain03:02
ompaulRon_o, what is working / not working the way you want?03:02
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vincenzRon_o: and... I also have stuff in /usr/local03:03
Ron_oompaul... it's a long story.. :)03:03
avisompaul :)03:03
ompaulvincenz, you installed from source?03:03
vincenzompaul: some things yes03:03
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Ron_oeverything's working fine.  But space is really limited.03:03
markusshi all03:03
markussi am looking for a help with little problem...03:03
Ron_owe only solve big problems.. ;->03:04
shriphanicool thanks apt-get is downloading audacity !!!!!03:04
ompaulvincenz, add universe and multiverse and then you will have almost 20k packages so its likely you will have somehting that does a job that way you stay inside the supported or locally generated things, then you have a better idea as to what is going on03:04
Ngmarkuss: ask away, if someone can help, they will03:04
markusshmm, for me it is not a little problem...:)03:05
avisi take notes of the big problems i solve through tomboy notepad for gnome :)03:05
markussproblem with hald...03:05
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markussduring booting hald seens to freeze harddisk03:05
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vincenzompaul: some things were still required03:05
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ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions not the full complement of boot options but it is some of them03:05
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markussafter that system stars very slowly...03:05
ompaulmarkuss, ^^ up the screen a couple of lines03:05
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redrumhas anyone here got wine to build in dapper with amd64? it doesn't seem to build at all, and there isnt much about it from google03:05
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WatjeI just restarted X (after 30 days) and now everything is sooo small. Please have a look at http://watje.be/fonts.png03:06
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=== Ron_o thinks that ubuntu is the most well documented OS out there.
ConstantinkaI reply for some help in installing Macro Media Flashplayer03:06
ompaulRon_o, almost - debian is still ahead, but in terms of accesiblity I think it may be there03:06
avisConstantinka, free or non-free ?03:07
Ron_oit's quite organized, I must say.03:07
avisits in the ubuntu wiki03:07
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ompaulRon_o, however ... and this is more important - there are things out there that are not on the wiki or help.ubuntu.com and some of them are just *wrong*03:07
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs03:07
Ryugican java be installed on ubuntu03:07
ubotuIn Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse03:07
Ron_oRyugi, yes. I have it.03:08
avisthats so awesome of sun.com to recognize ubuntu03:08
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Ryugithe jdk too?03:08
Ron_o!wiki gnuflash03:08
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markusssorry a have to leav chanell03:08
markussso what about hald...03:08
Ron_othere's no wiki page for gnuflash.03:09
aviscould someone send me the url to the mplayer install how-to ?03:09
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Ryugiwhat version of gnome comes with ubuntu03:09
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grapynef, it worked!03:09
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graptime for compiz03:10
ynefgrap: nice! congratulations, man! :)03:10
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NgRyugi: dapper ships with 2.14.103:10
avis!mplayer avis03:10
ubotuavis: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:10
jhuntergrap: so what exactly did you do?03:11
ompaul!msg the bot03:11
ubotuPlease message the bot (me) in private, more info about the bot: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage03:11
grapjhunter, uninstalled propietary driver and reinstall the ubuntu one03:11
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ompaulavis, /msg ubotu mplayer03:11
ubotufrom memory, mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106103:11
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jhuntergrap: how do you uninstall the proprietory one?03:12
tombshi all03:12
grapjhenn, sh NVIDIAxxxxx.sh -uninstall03:12
grapjhunter, see up03:12
grapsorry jhenn03:12
ompaulxiko, perhaps /msg ubotu Keyword is better03:12
jhunterI'l give it a go!03:12
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grapnow is problems with compiz XDDD03:12
xikoompaul, is that wrong to do as I do?03:13
tRSSquick question: after I upgraded from breezy to dapper, i am getting this and few more errors when I login to bash: "unknown items QUOTAS_ENAB (notify administrator)"03:13
ubotudownload the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ (breezy) or http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/Weekly-284/intel-linux/ (dapper) to install see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser03:13
xikoompaul, it does work03:13
ompaulxiko, if your looking for it yourself you should message the bot, that way the channel does not get infomation you need and can ask for03:13
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xikoompaul, ah ok03:13
=== grap [n=grap@20.Red-83-58-156.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
rohanAlthough not officially a bug (it's a feature!), I found that I could not start the X server by disabling gdm, booting into text mode, and then running startx. ---> how is that a feature ?03:13
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xikoompaul, channel guidelines, wont happen again03:14
rohani am reading from DWW03:14
ompaulxiko, for others then okay but point them to it or /msg ubotu tell Fred about foo03:14
Ron_oif you're going to install opera, then you must install the static.03:14
markusshi all03:14
zachhello how do i use the control panel  that fglrx has03:14
vincenzompaul: I tried something simple.... recurse in all subdirs of /usr/local and did a sudo rm -rf03:14
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markussi need help with hald03:14
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avddIs there something like top for I/O?03:14
xikoompaul, ok, learnt03:15
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babysnakesavdd: try vmstat03:15
Ron_oavdd, I know there is... but.. what...03:15
tombsdoes anyone knows what happend with madwifi-cvs?03:15
markussi need help with hald03:15
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Ron_ovmstat's for the swap.03:16
Ron_oit reports virtual memory stats.03:16
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stbrennermy screen rez won't go 1024 x 678.  do i just edit the xorg.conf?  i'm on a dell xps m14003:16
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ompaulvincenz, not really the best way forward03:16
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stbrenneri mean it won't go above03:16
babysnakesRon_o: vmstaats also reports IO but not for separate programs03:16
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vincenzompaul: nah it's fine03:17
bpontdoes anyone use daemontools under ubuntu?03:17
ompaulstbrenner, please read the message from ubotu03:17
vincenzwhen upgrading to dapper: The upgrade aborts now. Your system can be in an unusable state. A recovery was run (dpkg --configure -a).03:17
stbrennerahhh thx03:17
markusshave anybody problem with hald?03:17
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izm99does anyone know how to get the mount point of a digital camera card when it's inserted?03:18
avddbabysnakes: thanks, that's a start03:18
Ron_obabysnakes, I see it does. Thanks.03:18
ompaulmarkuss, check out launchpad.net for bug reports03:18
babysnakesavdd: you're welcome :)03:18
Ron_oizm99.. usb?03:18
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izm99Ron_o, yeah.03:19
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Ron_oI would try an app called usbview, but I'm not sure if it will give you a mountpoint.03:19
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bponti need to mount a image file on my hard drive (cue / bin)...what's the best ubuntu app for doing that03:19
tim__hi all03:19
mAge2hello.. gota prob when installing 6.06: mounting root file system -> system hangs03:20
tim__I'm wanted to know if this new version of ubuntu has the install to USB external drive feature built in ?03:20
vincenzcrap crap03:20
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izm99I want to run my own script when I insert the MMC.  Currently, under the gnome-volume-preferences, it uses gnome-volume-manager-gthumb %h03:20
vincenzupgrade manager wasn't working03:20
Ron_ousbview doesn't give you a mountpoint.03:20
vincenzit worked fine for my desktop03:20
kholerabb1Hello, most of the images in nautulus and on the desktop show up as thumbs, but soemtimes I get an image (jpg, although most jpgs work) that doesn't show a preview.. All the times this has happened has been on large (1000x1000px or more) images.... Under properties > image it says "Failed to load image information".. anyone help?03:20
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flapanecan i speak about dapper in this channel, right?03:21
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flapaneor i have to go in ubuntu+103:21
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izm99if I change the command in gnome-volume-preferences, %h is a message from dbus, and I don't know what to do with it.03:21
onkarshindebpont: Install nautilus-actions package and then check this http://www.grumz.net/?q=node/20703:21
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Ron_oflapane, yes.03:21
izm99flapane, here is fine.03:21
flapaneok thanks03:21
maybellehello can somebody help me, on how to configure my network :(03:21
izm99flapane, (since dapper's been released).03:21
flapaneI have issues with ati fglrx modules...3d won't work http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18947003:21
=== Matthewv [n=Matthewv@CPE-139-168-253-198.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
maybellei cannot configure my network pls help me :((03:22
flapanei don't know if it's related to amd64, to dapper, or to what03:22
onkarshindemaybelle: What kind of network?03:22
bpontonkarshinde: ok...i'll check it out...tx03:22
nightcodermaybelle, whats your problem03:22
pedrocrafter my dapper install I now get a warning when I login saying that my preference settings are being used and then that "xml:readonly/var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults" can't be found03:22
maybellei cannot access my other computers03:22
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onkarshindemaybelle: Please give details03:22
crazy_penguinhas someone used the shfs module?03:22
elfomarcioanyone use linux dc++03:22
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flapaneelfo usa valknut03:22
maybelleit is always asking for my hostname domain and password03:23
pedrocranyone know what it might be?03:23
stbrennersudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange   command won't work03:23
flapaneif anyone could look at the link i gave maybe could give me a shot03:23
mAge2what means: HPT37XN: unkown bus timing [69 4] 03:23
nightcodermaybelle: what kind of network you have ?03:23
mAge2i get this at beginning of the install03:23
maybellei want to setup my netowrk im using freezy badger 5.1003:23
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elfomarcioi have a lot of troubles with dc03:23
vincenzupgrading on lappy carshed (worked fine on desktop...) doing it from console now03:23
maybellesmall lan03:23
mAge2then it says Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer exception03:23
zachdoes anyone have dual monitors running with ati and fglrx03:23
maybelleabout 10 pc's03:23
crazy_penguinelfomarcio:what troubles?03:24
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nightcoderHave you a proxy server ?03:24
elfomarcioit crashes every 5 minutes and is very slow03:24
ubotuThis refers to a group of interconnected computers. The computers must be capable of transferring data to form a true network--you can't just weld a bunch of computers together.03:24
maybellepls i really need help03:24
mAge2me 203:24
nightcoderOr wireless network ?03:24
Ron_omaybelle, you need specific questions.03:24
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onkarshindeDoes anyone know if backports repos is up?03:24
Ron_oyou need a manual, not help.03:24
crazy_penguinelfomarcio:are you using the windows version with wine?03:24
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ubotucheck this for command line networking http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html03:24
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elfomarciothe linux version03:24
elfomarcioflapane vieni in pvt03:25
heatxsinkany idea why I can't play xvid codec mpegs/03:25
flapaneanyone getting problems with ati3d? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18947003:25
ynefheatxsink: probably because you don't have the correct codecs installed03:25
maybelleei guys im running a lan network how can i configure the host and client03:25
Ron_othat's too vague heatxsink IMO.03:25
Ng!tell heatxsink about RestrictedFormats03:25
heatxsinki installed that w32codec's deb03:25
onkarshindeheatxsink: Which player are you using? What codecs did you install?03:25
tristanhello all03:25
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elfomarciohi tristran03:26
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heatxsinkonkarshinde:  i'm using xine03:26
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heatxsinkonkarshinde:  I installed that w32codecs deb03:26
AeudianWhen trying to open a program from terminal as "su -" i get an error message saying "GTK-WARNING **:cannot open display" then i type in xhost +localhost, and i get an error message saying "xhost:unable to open display "" and ive tried the export commnad for xhost as well03:26
tristanAnyone know why I cannot use acroread and even start it? I re-installed it with synaptic after upgrading to Dapper but it still doesn't work....03:26
nightcodermaybelle: your computer is behind a firewall/proxy ?03:26
onkarshindeheatxsink: xineshouldn't give problem with xViD. Try installing libxine-extracodecs package03:26
elfomarciocrazy_penguin any idea?03:26
elfomarciocrazy_penguin: any idea?03:26
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ynefAeudian: that's because you own the X display, not root. if you use "sudo" instead, it should work03:27
onkarshindeheatxsink: I am assuming you are on Dapper03:27
=== vincenz is having issues with dist-upgrade :(((
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t-thingHi. I've got a file and I can't figure out what kind of file it is. What tools should I use to check it?03:27
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noob31how do i play mp3 files ??03:27
heatxsinkonkarshinde:  yes03:27
crazy_penguinelfomarcio: no. sorry. i thought that you tried to use the wine + dc++ combination. sorry.03:28
yneft-thing: "file", actually :03:28
onkarshindevincenz: What kind of issues?03:28
xikohmm I have been having trouble installing aquadata. First I needed the latest java which I got and eclipse is running fine. I cant find an install log or something. The window just freezes. It might be a problem in java configuration. Ideas?03:28
onkarshinde!tell noob31 about mp303:28
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zachdoes anyone have dual monitors running with ati and fglrx03:28
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onkarshindexiko: How did you install Java?03:28
Aeudianynef: i was told by the person who wrote the program that sudo wasnt for some reason giving the program full access to create files, and to try su -03:28
vincenzonkarshinde: it complains while installing...03:28
pedrocrfor some reason "/var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults/" didn't have +rx permissions for everyone03:28
barrosis there any problem if I compile a kernel by myself? Will I run into deps problems?03:28
ynef!tell onkarshinde about java03:28
t-thingynef: how obvious :) Unfortunetaly it says "data"03:28
xikoonkarshinde, apt-get install sun-java5-jdk03:29
nightcoderbarros: no03:29
vincenzonkarshinde: it worked fine on desktop, now my laptop is even hanging when starting a terminal03:29
onkarshindeynef: I know how to do it. I was just verifying how he did it.03:29
vincenzsomething concering renaming a man file from textutils.1.gz to something else03:29
nightcodervincenz: try 'apt-get -f install'03:29
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ynefonkarshinde: ah, nevermind then :)03:29
vincenznightcoder: did that, then dist-upgrade, then dist-upgrade )f03:29
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onkarshindexiko: Did you run command 'sudo update-alternatives config java' after installing java?03:29
barrosnightcoder: thanks..03:30
flapanenoone could give me help? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18947003:30
SiriuskrHey when trying to install flashplayer from package manager i get error need gsfonts but cannot install ????03:30
nightcodervincenz: have you search for error logs ?03:30
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xikoonkarshinde, hmm no, but it doesnt work03:30
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onkarshindexiko: What doesn't work?03:30
xikoonkarshinde, the command you just gave me03:31
shriphaniguys i got an error when i wasa trying to install banshee would you please help me ?03:31
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onkarshindexiko: let me verify the command03:31
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Matthewvanyone had trouble with some hp psc's printing black as a mix of colours??03:31
xikoonkarshinde, unknown argument, 'config'03:31
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xikoonkarshinde, it is --config java03:31
maybelleei nightcoder03:31
onkarshindexiko: My mostake It is 'sudo update-alternatives --config java'03:31
vincenznightcoder: I'm retrying install -f03:31
vincenznightcoder: in console03:31
maybelledid you recieve my messages</03:31
xikoonkarshinde, doing it now ^^03:31
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vincenzseems to be going now03:32
noonexcan anyone tell me what the latest version of xorg-driver-fglrx  is?03:32
onkarshindexiko: If you still have problem after that then the Sun Java Control Panel is available in System->Preferences03:32
vincenzI'll try another distupgrad after03:32
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maybellecan somebody teach me how to configure my LAN Network?03:32
xikoonkarshinde, ty03:32
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nightcodermaybelle: let us to know if everything works (or not)03:32
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mAge2where do i get badger 5.1 ?03:32
bovwhat file is used to change the terminal size settings?03:33
nightcodermaybelle: explain your network environment03:33
ben_underscorewhat is the name of that script that installs a whole lot of multimedia and commerical apps?03:33
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irci don't see an irc client in ubuntu, i'm using irssi. which graphical irc client do you guys recommend?03:33
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shriphaniplease look at that link and tell me what the error is03:33
onkarshindemAge2: It is 5.10. And 5.10 is eight months old. Get 6.0603:33
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nightcodermaybelle: is you behind a firewall/proxy ?03:33
shriphaniirc xchat is good03:33
maybellei have 10pc's desktop computer setup its has no firewall03:33
ben_underscoreirc, xchat03:33
Frogzooirc: gaim, xchat03:33
onkarshindeirc: xchat-gnome or Gaim03:33
maybelleusing ubuntu 5.10 freezy badger03:33
ziadcud anyone plz tell me..how to active root user in ubuntu03:33
Columboben_underscore: I think you are looking for easyubuntu03:33
ircoh, gaim has irc? nice03:33
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nightcodermaybelle: what network card type ? Ethernet ? Wireless ?03:33
Ron_omaybelle, that's *breezy. :)03:33
ben_underscoreColumbo, no, it's called something else....03:34
onkarshindeziad: Don't do it. Using sudo is always better03:34
shriphaniRon_o, i need your help again03:34
maybellewired using UTP Cable03:34
Ron_owhat's up shriphani03:34
maybelleaw sorry :(03:34
Frogzoo!tell ben_underscore about docs03:34
Columboautomatix perhaps? It;s not recommended though03:34
ircthanks guys, i'll try setting up gaim and having a look at its irc03:34
maybelleim really confused with the new OS that i have03:34
mAge2onkarshinde, 6.06 wont install, and i dont get any help, so i wanted to try 5.103:34
shriphanii got the errors when i was trying to install banshee03:34
Frogzooben_underscore: you might be better off to just read the docs & install the apps yourself03:34
zachdoes anyone have dual monitors running with ati and fglrx03:34
Ron_oshriphani, I don't have access to the net right now. Sorry.03:34
Frogzoozach: plenty of people...03:34
=== Woozle [i=MrWoozle@c-68-82-230-127.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniconsole Ron_o ??03:34
nightcodermaybelle: run in terminal 'ifconfig'03:35
Ron_oyah, the console I do.03:35
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zachcan anyone help me set up ati and fglrx dual monitors?03:35
onkarshindemAge2: What kind of error did you get while trying to install 6.06? How did you try to install. Which CD did you download?03:35
shriphanii think lynx is a good text based browser03:35
Columboben: I just used easyubuntu to get the multmedia stuff, works pretty good03:35
ben_underscoreColumbo, ah that's it. I realise people don't like it but I was going to look through what it installed03:35
noob31!tell noob31 about divx03:35
Matthewvanyone know anything about krgb?03:35
ziadonkarshinde: but I want to install .bin and .rpm packages03:35
maybellethen what night03:35
onkarshindezach: I guess xinerama does the dual monitor work. Search on wiki.ubuntu.com03:35
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h3sp4wnshriphan: elinks is quite a bit better (handles cookies and forms better but is quite like lynx)03:35
ben_underscoreColumbo, I've not heard about easyubuntu -- will have a look tx03:35
Columboben: ok, good luck :)03:35
shriphanih3sp4wn, i need your help03:35
mAge2onkarshinde, i used 6.06 i386 release for my amd xp 3000+... my install hangs on mounting root file system03:35
nightcodermaybelle: whats your config ?03:36
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shriphanii got those errors when i was trying to install banshee03:36
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shriphaniplease help me03:36
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BoglizkWhy doesn't work to update via Update Manager? :S03:36
mAge2onkarshinde, i think it comes from the hpt372 controller but not shure03:36
onkarshindeziad: Why do you need rpm package? Isn't it available in Ubuntu repos already? What s/w are you installing?03:36
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zachhmm unfortuanely my net isnt working well right now....some outage with sprint/earthlink/soon to be embarq dsl in indiana03:36
maybelledid you recieve it nightcoder?03:36
kholerabb1Is it possibel to view floppys fromated by windows?03:36
Siriuskr-----> Hey when trying to install flashplayer from package manager i get error need gsfonts but cannot install ????03:36
nightcodermaybelle: yes03:37
WoozleI ran into a problem during an install, it did the initial program prep, it popped up an error, was wondering is there a way to continue the install or do I need to re-install03:37
aviskholerabb1, of course03:37
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ziadonkarshinde: amsn, and others...it also requires for .bin to chmod03:37
onkarshindemAge2: Did you change partitions after you installed 6.06?03:37
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kholerabb1lol, ah right.. my floppy drive was unplugged :)03:37
nightcodermaybelle: got to 'System' -> 'Admin' -> 'Network '03:37
chrisbudden14im getting this - lp: Error - no default destination available. when trying to print from the gimp03:37
h3sp4wnShripani: Can I have the output of - grep -v '^#' /etc/apt/sources.list03:37
Ron_oWoozle, I don' t know. Initial install?03:37
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Ron_oclean install or upgrade?03:37
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mAge2onkarshinde, i couldnt even install 6.06 int hangs at install03:37
shriphaniok h3sp4wn03:37
ynefchrisbudden14: I think that might be because it tries to read from the PRINTER environment variable, but am not sure03:37
nightcoderhow many interfaces do you have ?03:37
onkarshindeziad: amsn is available in ubuntu repositories and many more packages.03:37
Woozleclean install03:37
maybelleim here at the network sir03:38
mAge2onkarshinde right after the select otpions screen03:38
Ron_oif it stopped then I would restart it fresh.03:38
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-104-10-217.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
chrisbudden14ok ynef , what should I do?03:38
nightcoderUnder 'connections' tav03:38
Ron_oI don't know how you would continue it.03:38
jhuntergrap, how exactly did you reinstall the ubuntu nVidia driver after uninstalling the proprietary one?03:38
Woozleit was preparing and installing the copied programs03:38
=== burger_ [n=burger@oraax5-107.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ziadonkarshinde: is it possible just to let me know how to change to root03:38
Thumannhey guys... is there any way to add gaim to the ubuntu splash loader thingie? you know.. when you log into your session you get that.. 'starting nautilus... ' etc..03:38
BoglizkWhy doesn't work to update via Update Manager? :S03:38
nightcodermaybelle: how many 'connections' have you ?03:38
maybelle2 ethernet connection and modem connection03:38
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nightcodermaybelle: great03:38
maybellebut im using the ethernet connection03:38
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maybellewhat should i do next>03:39
kholerabb1Thumann : in the gaim settings, "run on startup"03:39
nightcodermaybelle: now, click one of then03:39
seppehi, I just installed dapper .. but it's doesn't handle my DVD's well (with VLC)03:39
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nightcodermaybelle: and click 'properties'03:39
ynefchrisbudden14: well, you could try to start a terminal, the PRINTER variable part of your environment (how you do that depends on what shell you use) and start the gimp from the terminal -- if it works then, we know that was the problem03:39
Thumannkholerabb1: oh.. i'll try it.. thanks03:39
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ynefchrisbudden14: "...set the PRINTER..."03:39
shriphanih3sp4wn, http://pastebin.com/75969603:39
maybellemy connection setting is03:39
maybelleconfiguration dhcp03:39
maybelleip add blank03:40
maybellesubnet blank03:40
maybellegateway blank03:40
onkarshindeziad: First thing, you are solving wrong problem. I can not help with it. You can't install rpm package. Also you are trying to do something that has other simple ways to do.03:40
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chrisbudden14what do you mean, set the printer variable ynef03:40
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nightcodermaybelle: ok03:40
shriphaniziad, an rpm can be converted to deb and then installed03:40
onkarshindeziad: rpm has to be converted to deb package03:40
nightcodermaybelle: what you can say about your network ?03:40
nightcodermaybelle: have you a fixed ip address ?03:40
Frogzooshriphani: yes, but it's not recommended...03:40
ubotufrom memory, alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/03:40
avissorry, ops, for the !03:40
maybellenone im using static03:41
rezahi guys, i upgraded from breezy to dapper, and now one my network cards is broken :( can someone gimme some tips?03:41
shriphanimaybelle configure the network then :)03:41
h3sp4wnShripani: Whats cipherfunk.org ?03:41
ziadonkarshinde: well i get ur point...but y is it wrong to work as root03:41
shriphanih3sp4wn, i got them off source-o-matic for win32 codecs03:41
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avisreza, simple, start from scratch ;)  fresh dapper iso03:41
Frogzooziad: cos that's how viruses propogate & other security exploits03:42
onkarshindeziad: Becuase then you normally log in as root which is harmfull if your system is attacked over internet.03:42
=== JavaPoe [n=behmann@pat.xmradio.com] has joined #ubuntu
nightcodermaybelle: can you look into another computer now ? Just to find network info03:42
simian__sorry, but can someone enter benward.dyndns.org into a browser03:42
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rezaavis i have lots of thing i can't eh03:42
WoozleI think I found it03:42
WoozleI can do dpkg --configure -a03:42
Woozleand hopefully they'll work...03:42
maybelleok w803:42
WoozleI think...03:42
=== Klay [n=MEEP@82-32-198-174.cable.ubr05.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
avisreza must buy dvd burner or usb harddrive03:42
ziadonkarshinde: thanx.... (y) then plz tell me how do i convert rpm to deb03:42
ubotushriphani: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:42
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ynefchrisbudden14: open a terminal, write "export PRINTER=whatever-your-printer's-name-is" (no quotes), then write "gimp". Try to print using "default printer", if that works, we know that we need to set up the "PRINTER" variable every time you log in, which can be done automatically03:42
h3sp4wnShripani: Where where you installing banshee from ?03:43
rezaeth0 is broken i can set it in dapper can someone help me plz?03:43
avissure otherwise its alot of work but when things are broken ??03:43
shriphanih3sp4wn, apt-get03:43
Frogzooziad: what are you trying to install?03:43
nightcoderreza: broken how ?03:43
chrisbudden14ok ill try that ynef03:43
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SurfnKidsimian__, says its loading but nothing :(03:43
shriphaniziad, better not try that03:43
maybelleei night03:43
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maybeller u stil der<03:43
nightcoderreza: etho is listed on 'network-admin' ?03:43
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avisnot that its not possible but i've heard alot of people complain about broken dist-upgrades03:43
ordobansimian__: timeout03:43
rezanightcoder it was working in breezy but now in dapper i can't set it03:43
simian__SurfnKid: thanks, i think i' blocking port 80 :(03:43
rezayes it is listed03:43
onkarshindeziad: If you are installing amsn, it is available already in repositories.03:43
stbrennerdoes anyone know whethere or not you can insert information about an artist (ie the artist's name) manually in Rhythmbox?  It just says Unknown right now03:43
onkarshinde!tell ziad about repos03:44
=== Frogzoo raises hand (avis)
simian__ordoban: thanks03:44
ziadFrogzoo: amsn/mplayer/netbeans/etc03:44
h3sp4wnShripani: Remove the cypherfunk.org entries from /etc/apt/sources.list then run sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade03:44
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nightcodermaybelle: we need to get some info about your network03:44
freezeysay i wanna remove an application and all its files... would my command be sudo apt-get remove process --purge03:44
avishiya Frogzoo whats up ?03:44
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shriphanidist-upgrade for dapper ???03:44
shriphanii have a download limit :(03:44
maybellewhat kind of info is that pls specify it for me and i will give it to yousir03:44
Frogzooavis: oh, the upgrade borked my machine big time03:44
maybellewhat kind of info is that pls specify it for me and i will give it to yousir03:44
aviswell if you go for XGL yes.  otherwise, no.03:44
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yneffreezey: sounds about right :)03:44
shriphanii am stuck with breezy03:44
nightcoderreza: go to 'System' -> 'Admin' -> 'Network'03:44
rezanightcode two network cards eth0 is dhcp to connect to wan and eth1 is local03:44
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bimberifreezey: sudo apt-get remove --purge package03:44
avisthere is nothing better than a fresh install03:44
Siriuskr-----> Hey when trying to install flashplayer from package manager i get error need gsfonts but cannot install ????  When i also try to install other stuff its always telling me the Stupid dependences CANNOT be installed any suggestions, this is for dapper !!!!!!!!!!!!03:45
avistime consuming but worth it03:45
mAge2onkarshinde, any idea ?03:45
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maddycant play mp3 what to do?03:45
nightcodermaybelle: search for 'gateway' address03:45
bimberiSiriuskr: put your sources.list on the pastebin03:45
shriphanimaddy apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad03:45
rezanightcoder: i have eth0 and eth1 both there03:45
nightcodermaybelle: ip ranges too03:45
Frogzoo!tell maddy about restricted03:45
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Siriuskrbimberi, ok03:45
Frogzoomaddy: - install mp3 codecs03:45
avisnightcoder, are you 64 bit or 32 ?  if 64 use vlc if 32 see wiki for restricted formats03:46
maybelleits blank03:46
nightcoderreza: eth0 is you local or internet interface ?03:46
ziadonkarshinde: have u tried installing s/w packages using console?03:46
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onkarshindemAge2: Which laptop is it?03:46
maybelleim using a dhcp configuration03:46
rezanightcoder: internet03:46
onkarshindeziad: Yes03:46
maybelleshould i setup it manually?03:46
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onkarshindeziad: 'sudo apt-get install packagename'03:46
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ziadonkarshinde: well i wud like to know the "how to"03:46
ziadonkarshinde: arrite lemme try03:46
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a_monkeyHow do i start network-manager-gnome?03:47
rezanightcoder: when i reboot and come to the last kernel version in boot menu network is working ... but no sound and ..03:47
a_monkeyits installed but wont show up on my panel03:47
nightcodermaybelle: you need to get some network info from another computer03:47
onkarshindeziad: I guess you have read the link that ubotu gave you03:47
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ziadonkarshinde: yep03:47
ompaula_monkey, system adminisration networking03:47
stbrennerwhat mp3 player do you guys reccomend? something that let's me edit artist's name, album, song title, etc.,03:47
bimberia_monkey: 'nm_applet &'03:47
maybelleok w8 ill just transfer ill be back with you jst a second03:47
mAge2onkarshinde, huh no laptop, desktop install03:47
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onkarshindea_monkey: try Alt+F2. This will bring run dialog and then enter nm-applet03:47
ziadonkarshinde: i'll visit it soon...03:47
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pucko-is there a guide to do a "net install" without cdrom or floppys?03:47
shriphanih3sp4wn, it now says broken packages03:47
rezanightcoder: i tried hard to use ifconfig. ifup and down to set it but couldn't :|03:48
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avisstbrenner, i use totem.  wont let you edit tags though.  xmms might.03:48
ColumboI've installed network-manager-gnome too, but when starting nm-applet, I don't get an icon03:48
nightcoderreza: eth0 is fixed ip address ?03:48
chrisbudden14looks like it is printing ynef03:48
Columboany ideas?03:48
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nightcoderreza: or its dhcp ?03:48
bimberipucko-: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot03:48
rezanightcoder: no dhcp03:48
avisi also use Muine03:48
onkarshindemAge2: Then it is hard to tell. May be your partition table is corrupt. This is often result of using Partition Magic03:48
rezait is dhcp03:48
aviswont let you edit tags either03:48
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nightcoderreza: is your ip address correctly configured ?03:48
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shriphanimAge2, type mount in terminal03:49
mAge2hm my windows runs without probs03:49
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avishow can you assume reza's network problems are a result of a bad partition table ?03:49
mAge2how to i enter the terminal @ install screen03:49
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mAge2without waiting 10 mins03:49
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aviscouldn't she open fdisk from console and print the partition table and see if it lists everthing in order ?03:50
rezanightcoder: yes ... i am using the same settings in last version and everything works fine03:50
maybelledid you see it nightcoder?03:50
Siriuskrbimberi: http://pastebin.com/75971203:50
noob31how do i play mpg ?03:50
bimberimAge2: ctrl-alt-f1 ?03:50
d-rockI'm having a problem doing a dist-upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06. Here's what I get: "Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/multiverse/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)". It's not in known issues and a quick search on google turns up nothing :(03:50
h3sp4wnShripani: sudo aptitude -f dist-upgrade03:50
nightcodermaybelle: no03:50
maybellemaybelle@ubuntu:~$ sudo ifconfig03:50
maybelleeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:5B:4D:1E:D103:50
maybelle          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
maybelle          inet6 addr: fe80::211:5bff:fe4d:1ed1/64 Scope:Link03:50
maybelle          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:103:50
maybelle          RX packets:135 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:003:50
maybelle          TX packets:132 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:003:50
SurfnKidi thought i left BT on for Dapper, noope :( i ned to jump to someone's network03:50
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maybelle          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100003:50
maybelle          RX bytes:137761 (134.5 KiB)  TX bytes:11252 (10.9 KiB)03:50
maybelle          Interrupt:19 Base address:0xe80003:50
Frogzoomaybelle: please use pastebin03:50
maybellelo        Link encap:Local Loopback03:50
maybelle          inet addr:  Mask:
SurfnKidmaybelle, use the pastebin03:50
maybelle          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host03:50
maybelle          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:103:50
avis!tell noob31 wiki03:50
maybelle          RX packets:1454 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:003:50
maybelle          TX packets:1454 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:003:50
maybelle          collisions:0 txqueuelen:003:50
shriphanih3sp4wn, i have a download limit i cant download dapper03:50
nightcoderreza: is your problem related to eth0 not being started ?03:50
maybelle          RX bytes:130166 (127.1 KiB)  TX bytes:130166 (127.1 KiB)03:50
maybelledid you see it night?03:51
maybelleaw im sorry....03:51
SurfnKid!tell maybelle abou pastebin03:51
nightcodermaybelle: yes03:51
d-rockHas anyone else had a problem doing a dist-upgrade?03:51
maybelle:( im sorry guys03:51
h3sp4wnshriphani: All that will do is aggressively try to fix dependancies03:51
avis!tell noob31 wiki03:51
maybellethis is just my first time i hope u understand03:51
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h3sp4wnshriphani: It won't upgrade you to dapper03:51
maybellenightcoder: what should i do next03:51
Frogzoomaybelle: how could he miss it??? O_o03:51
shriphanioh cool03:51
rezanightcoder: when i type ifconfig it lists eth0 and eth1 both,,,03:51
avishmm Dave says i'm not allowed to tell noob3103:51
B0FHcan someone tell me if there is a way to repair gnome in dapper?03:52
Siriuskrbimberi: you get my pastebin link ?03:52
nightcoderreza: you ip is set correctly ?03:52
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mAge2i mean enter terminal @ install scree, ctrl+alt+f1 doesnt work here03:52
B0FHXGL messed me up03:52
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bimberiSiriuskr: yes ...03:52
nightcoderreza: both interfaces ?03:52
ziadonkarshinde: i tried the "command" u gave me.... but "Cudn't find package" error is shown03:52
rezanightcoder: yes i am sure :)  both03:52
bimberiSiriuskr: there are a few issues.  probably best addressed by replacing the whole thing with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666603:52
nightcodermaybelle: this IP address '' is correct ?03:52
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avisB0FH that happened to me too03:52
stbrennerthanks everyone.  i really just want to let all of you know how much i appreciate the brotherhood that ubuntu inspires.  i've been using linux for about a year now and coudn't have made the switch without you guys in here :)03:52
avisi dropped to terminal and apt-get install gnome03:52
shriphanimAge2, Applications --------> Accessories ---------> tereminal03:53
Siriuskrbimberi: okay i will try working with that03:53
avisand kept hacking away till it worked03:53
maybelleno my ip add is
B0FHavis: ok i will try that03:53
rezanightcoder: anything i can do?03:53
pucko-thanks bimberi03:53
nightcoderreza: eth0 is ethernet or wireless ?03:53
mAge2shriphani, i am @ the install screen... withouth having installed ubunto03:53
maybelledo i nid 2 change it nightcoder?03:53
bimberipucko-: np :)03:53
B0FHavis do i have to remove gnome first or just install over it?03:53
rezanightcoder: ethernet03:53
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avisB0FH, if gnome is installed then do gnome-desktop -- i'm guessing03:54
mAge2im stuck here03:54
seppedoes anyone know why vlc doesn't see dvd:// as my dvd drive?03:54
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h3sp4wnshriphani: also try sudo aptitude purge banshee (build it from source or something that package is probably coming from cypherpunk.org or whatever)03:54
B0FHavis thanx ^_^03:54
nightcodermaybelle: well, you can try 'sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up'03:54
avisif it wont start gdm03:54
vincenzregarding ubuntu03:54
avisthen edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:54
vincenzwhen upgrading I get the following error03:54
avisalways make backup03:54
nightcoderreza: can you 'ping' another host ?03:54
SurfnKidglad he's gone03:54
rezanightcoder: it should take a few seconds for dhcp at startup but it passes the network setting part so fast and writes [OK]  lol03:54
rezanightcoder: i can't03:54
shriphanimAge2, please rem the cd and do a check03:54
shriphanibest would be with yer live cd03:55
nightcoderreza: whats you card model ?03:55
a_monkeynm-applet is now running, but i still do not get a statusicon on my panel, and it does not appear to be addable in the menu.03:55
nightcoderreza: 'lspci ' can say it to you :)03:55
rezanightcoder: in eth0 properties, it says status: disable03:55
mAge2i installed mandrake some time ago, same system, did work fine03:55
mAge2just ubuntu hangs at install03:55
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avisXGL is good for me not so much for the flash but because it is more useful for me to assign workstations to groups of apps03:55
ziadshriphani: I tried the sudo apt-get....but an error "Cudn't find package <packagename> " is shown03:56
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vincenzAnyways I get a serious bug... when trying to upgrade03:56
nightcoderreza: ahhhh03:56
avisthe flash is fancy and it has neat features that are "flashy"03:56
nightcoderreza: enable it !03:56
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shriphaniziad packagename is to be changed with the package you want03:56
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freezeysomeone do me a favor goto http://www.phpgroupware.org tell me if loads for u03:56
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ziadshriphani: yea i know ..and i did that03:56
Siriuskrbimberi: I am still getting the same error -> "Depends: gsfonts-x11: But it is not installable"03:56
rezanightcoder: how? it is  activated03:57
shriphaniziad, is this the first time you are using apt-get ?03:57
ziadshriphani: yes03:57
vincenzcould anyone look at this failure: http://rafb.net/paste/results/GpQwIO20.html03:57
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avisziad did you type a package name ?03:57
shriphanimaybe all your repositories are commented03:57
nightcoderreza: double click03:57
avisapt-get install pico03:57
avistry that03:57
ziadshriphani: yes i did03:57
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seppedoes anyone know why vlc doesn't see dvd:// as my dvd drive?03:57
shriphaniyou commented all repositories !!!!??03:58
nightcoderreza: a check 'enable this connection'03:58
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bimberiSiriuskr: did you 'sudo apt-get update'03:58
ziadshriphani: well tell me the command is applicable for only deb packagese right?03:58
=== vincenz did 'sudo apt-get install -f; dist apt-get dist-upgrade' and I get this error: http://rafb.net/paste/results/GpQwIO20.html
dallasanyone able to help me with running WOW on a ATI card?03:58
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nnz0idhow to make smbpasswd file?03:58
GNAMhow can I boot ubuntu in text mode?03:58
ompaulfreezey, its stuck in deep space 903:58
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rezanightcoder: it is checked :)03:59
GNAMi've add 3 at kernel line, but it boots graphics03:59
shriphaniziad please check /etc/apt/sources.list if the links with deb in front of them have a #03:59
avisGNAM, learn grub03:59
bimberinnz0id: sudo smbpasswd -a username03:59
gnotthi...got troubles with a pxeboot: klient trying to load pxelinux.cfg/ xxx but seems to fail03:59
nnz0idbimberi thnx03:59
bimberinnz0id: yw :)03:59
gnottanyone got advice?03:59
nightcoderreza: your ip under network-admin is right ?03:59
ompaulGNAM, install a program called bum and use it to turn off gdm03:59
ziadshriphani: but i've them downloaded in my harddrive03:59
aviswhat does that do ompaul ?03:59
shriphanidownloaded what ?03:59
rezanightcoder: yes every thing set, it is a lower level prob i think03:59
shriphanitell me the filename04:00
ziadshriphani: i want downloaded files to be installed04:00
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.04:00
vincenznightcoder: you asked for a log regarding the error during upgrade? It can be found at http://rafb.net/paste/results/GpQwIO20.html (it's only the relevant bit)04:00
shriphaniziad which files are they ?04:00
ziadshriphani: i know how to install thru synaptic04:00
shriphanithe packagename please04:00
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ziadshriphani: for eg. ymessenger.deb04:01
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kasumix_hi there a little question: ive just set up ubuntu and installed some additional components.... afterwards i wanted to connect to a windows share and i set up a Windows Share connection..... when i try to login with my account on this pc i get Aacces Denied all the Time.. what am i doing wrong ?04:01
avisompaul could you please tell me what apt-get install bum does to a gdm session does it help configure grub ?04:01
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shriphaniziad open your terminal04:01
ziadshriphani: it's open04:01
shriphaninavigate t the directory where the downloaded files exist04:01
a_monkey2here is the settings in my nm-applet.desktop : http://pastebin.com/75972704:01
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vincenzompaul: maybe you have some ideas regarding the upgrade problem I have, maybe some fix?04:01
nightcodervincenz: coreutils fail to upgrade ... you can try upgrade it now: apt-get install coreutils04:01
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Siriuskrbimberi: okay it let me install it ^_^ Thanks --> But now when opening firefox and trying to watch a flash movie it just sits at a white box "the flash movie part" ???04:01
rezanightcoder: when i boot 2.6.15-23 no internet ,,, but when i boot with 2.6.12-9  i have internet04:02
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nnz0idhow do i know //myserv/sharename? , i did in smb.conf [public]  comment = file_dump path = /tmp public = yes writable = yes . should i just use //myserver/tmp ?04:02
B0FHhttp://pastebin.com/759732 <---= can someone please help me with this? explanation given as well04:02
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vincenznightcoder: same problem04:02
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nightcoderreza: can be a module-related problem04:02
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rezanightcoder: can i solve it then?04:02
ompaulavis, bum is boot up manager - is can be used in the GUI to turn off the gui - it does nothing to grub04:02
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nightcodercan you compare 'lsmod' under 2.6.12-9 and 2.6.15-23 ?04:02
bimberiSiriuskr: sorry, that one's beyond me :|04:02
maybelle_nightcoder when i change dhcp to static04:03
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:03
Siriuskrbimberi: Okay thanks for your help :D04:03
maybelle_i lost my internet04:03
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bimberiSiriuskr: ... apart from that ubotu factoid ^^^^04:03
nightcodervincenz: and apt-get -f install ? whats message it return ?04:03
shriphaniziad ?04:03
bimberiSiriuskr: np :)04:03
ziadshriphani: yes04:03
shriphanii am waiting for a reply04:03
avisthanks ompaul04:03
maybelle_nightcoder :(((04:03
maybelle_pls reply04:03
shriphanidid you navigate to the directory ?04:03
vincenznightcoder: I have repeatedly done both in a cycle to no avail04:03
nightcodermaybelle: sorry04:03
rezanightcoder: takes about 15 mins will you be here?04:03
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nightcoderprobably you eth0 is dhcp and eth1 is fixed ip address04:04
|rt|anyone here know how to get openvpn working with network manager in ubuntu?04:04
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nightcodermaybelle: can you try the same command changing eth0 to eth1 ?04:04
shriphaniok ziad now type dpkg -i packagename04:04
ompaulvincenz, that is from sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?04:04
vincenzompaul: yep04:04
arraisi think i just messed my master boot record, does anyone know how can i reinstall grub?04:04
nightcoderreza: yes04:04
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting04:05
vincenznightcoder: and now sudo apt-get install -f gets more issues04:05
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Frogzoo!tell arrais about recoveringgrub04:05
ompaulmgalvin, welcome to the sunny side of the street04:05
danfgWhy is ubuntu missing /dev/hda1, hda2, etc. files? damn, it only makes mounting harder. how do i create a /dev/hd#? i've tried using mknod, but the device i create can't be mounted: "/dev/hda1 is not a valid block device"04:05
nightcodervincenz: can you send error message returned by 'apt-get -f install' ?04:05
ziadshriphani: it says ...it requires super user priviledge04:05
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arraisthanks Frogzoo04:05
mgalvinompaul: howdy :)04:05
vincenznightcoder: ok04:05
shriphaniziad type su04:05
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shriphaniand then type in the root password04:06
ubotuHa magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu04:06
Ngdanfg: if everything is working correctly then it will only create the nodes in /dev/ for things that actually exist04:06
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:06
Ngdanfg: what is the disk you're trying to mount?04:06
ompaulshriphani, People do not need to be ROOT ./...04:06
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noob31how can i set a root password ?04:06
danfgNg: it's an ntfs disk, does ubuntu autodetect and mount these?04:06
ziadshriphani: says Authentication Failure04:06
nightcodernoob31: use 'sudo' instead04:06
danfgnoob31: set your own password, it's the same for root04:06
ompaulnoob31, you don't need one this page has all the info you want: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo04:07
Ngdanfg: I don't think so. I meant more is it IDE, SATA or SCSI/USB?04:07
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maybellenightcoder pls reply when i try to change DHCP to STATIC im lossing my internet04:07
nightcodernoob31: or if its a 'type password' dialog you should type your user password04:07
linuonce I use a nickname, how do I go back to my normal name on irc ...04:07
nightcodermaybelle: change eth0 to dhcp04:07
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shriphanilinu /nick yernick04:07
nightcodermaybelle: and eth1 to static with address
flapaneANYONE with ATI, dapper and working 3d??04:07
maybellecan you pls give me a good configuration04:07
noob31thank YOU04:07
shriphaniziad i am sorry cant help04:07
maybellew8 im doing it04:08
=== pexi [n=pexi@cipi.dmz.nordakademie.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuit has been said that ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers.04:08
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linushriphani: no, I mean to get rid of my nickname and go back to my user name ?04:08
ziadshriphani: thanx anyway....(y)04:08
flapaneompaul i don't need it thanks04:08
grasshopperhi Guys!04:08
flapanei already compiled the module and installed it04:08
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linushirphani: I've tried that and it doesn't work for some reason ...04:08
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flapanebut i have BadAlloc error on fglrxinfo04:08
maybellewhat should i put in the gateway add mr nightcoder?04:08
skipmeisteranybody on a laptop using cpuspeed?04:08
nightcodermaybelle: leave it blank04:08
lisoedo you reckon it's better to use ext2 ifs for windows or captive ntfs?04:09
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watson540flapane: mine works fine, xgl and all04:09
vincenznightcoder: never ming, install -f works ( had accidentally done ^C before... however I've done install -f before, and doing dist-upgrade keeps giving me te same error as on that webpage)04:09
danfgNg: one is IDE, another is SATA (i guess its SCSI because its /dev/sda), both are NTFS. i'm trying to mount them, but the /dev/hda and /dev/sda are "busy", even though i cant umount them04:09
danfgNg: if i try mounting /dev/hda1, the device doesnt exist (no /dev/hda1 file)04:09
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linuWhat type of files are highlighted in a brown box ?04:09
vincenzcan I somehow remove coreutils?04:09
ompaulwatson540, so ehh did you follow the steps at !ati ?04:09
linusymbolic links perhaps ... ?04:09
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ziaddanfg: have u looked into /media/hda104:09
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flapaneompaul all the people folloowed that wiki, don't worry04:10
Ngdanfg: you might want to run "sudo fdisk -l" - that will show you all the partitions on all disks the system is aware of04:10
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flapanethe probelm seems to be with dapper, as i see on google04:10
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nightcodervincenz: can you check 'coreutils' version ? Use 'synaptic' to seee it04:10
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nightcodermaybelle: ?04:10
vincenznightcoder: 5.2.1-2ubuntu204:11
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maybelle__when i tried it04:11
maybelle__i lost my internet connection :((04:11
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ompaulflapane, what is annoying me is that I saw it working in a pub on Thursday night04:11
florizs84does anybody here have experice with mythTV?04:11
danfgziad: only media i have is /media/cdrom. Ng: I did! these drives are listed in fdisk -l, but the device files/nodes/whatever aren't there, so i tried creating them with mknod, and i get "mount: /dev/hda1 is not a valid block device"04:11
avisdf will tell you filesystem and mount points04:11
nightcodervincenz: last version is  5.93-5ubuntu404:11
troytroyhi my irssi cant connect to any server04:11
vincenznightcoder: yep04:11
vincenznightcoder: that's what it says04:11
flapaneompaul, video cards and hardwares aren't the same in the whole word m804:11
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nightcodermaybelle: you should change eth0 to 'DHCP'04:12
Ngdanfg: hmm, that's quite strange04:12
troytroy"Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:] "04:12
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vincenznightcoder: it has issues upgrading to that version due to the error on that webpage04:12
ziaddanfg: cud plz type in the command u performed?04:12
troytroyhi my irssi cant connect to any server04:12
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troytroy"Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:] "04:12
maybelle_my ethernet connection is alreay at DHCP MODE04:12
flapanesome ppl on google say that they had the same problems after having updated do dapper04:12
nightcodervincenz: what if you try upgrade only coreutils ?04:12
vincenznightcoder: same04:12
nightcodervincenz: sudo apt-get install coreutils04:12
danfgziad: mknod -m 660 /dev/hda1 b 3 104:12
flapanethe same error i have here, the error that i didn't have on breezy04:12
vincenznightcoder: same problem04:12
nightcodervincenz: you sources.list has changed during dist-upgrade ?04:13
maybelle_so when it is in DHCP mode i cannot change my ip add sumask and gateway nightcoder04:13
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gilianimadoes someone know the equivalent of "recode euc-cn..utf8 -f myfile" using iconv ?04:13
vincenznightcoder: Not sure, I would assume so?04:13
MaKkYhow do i install a .bin file? its planeshift...04:13
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nightcodermaybelle: you will change ip address and netmask of eth104:13
avismaybelle are you doing network config in gnome ?04:13
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vincenznightcoder: yes04:13
nightcodermaybelle: have you 2 network interfaces, right ?04:13
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MaKkYthe website tells me to use the run command04:14
flapaneso noone here with ati latest driver, dapper, and working 3d?04:14
MaKkYhow do i do that?04:14
danfgziad: then i did: mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/z -t ntfs04:14
ziaddanfg: if i haven't missed ... u r trying to mount the Fat/NTFS partitions in linux..right??04:14
nightcodervincenz: you can look into it :)04:14
danfgziad: exactly04:14
maybelle_i jave 2 connection ethernet and modem connection04:14
vincenznightcoder: I did, it's changed04:14
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gnomefreakMaKkY: try sh file.bin  or ./file.bin04:14
maybelle_my ethernet connection is in dhcp mode already04:14
vincenzdeb http://be.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted04:14
maybelle_and my default gateway device is etho04:14
Aeudiananyone recommand a gui for bind9, can be gui or web pref is gui04:14
ziaddanfg: well do u have any FAT/FAT32 partition??04:14
maybelle_can you teach me step by step pls...04:14
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nightcodervincenz: can you show me errors (during coreutils upgrade ?) -- not dist-upgrade04:15
vincenznightcoder: that is all there is to it04:15
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nightcodervincenz: you can 'force'04:15
MonoNoSaint_BRanyone know where could I find updated Mono Packages for Dapper?04:15
maybelle_night :(04:15
maybelle_night :((04:16
=== linuxgeekery [n=panther@ppp-70-244-122-133.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
avismaybelle, its relatively simple.  your static ip address is something ahead of what your gateway address starts with.  lets say or  then you would choose  (safe number, plenty of space for other clients) if you like unless you have another one in mind.  enter netmask  enter gateway which is or 0.104:16
danfgziad: well it says /dev/sda1 is FAT16 and /dev/hda1 is SFS. i'm pretty sure sda1 is NTFS ("dynamic drive"), and hda1 has XP installed.04:16
MonoNoSaint_BRI'm having problemas with MD 0.10 and would appreciate to use 0.11.04:16
nightcodervincenz: apt-get install coreutils --force-yes (or something like that)04:16
nightcodermaybelle: ?04:16
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danfgziad: according to fdisk -l that is04:16
avisdns server you can look up by logging into your router and looking at the status page and there will be two dns servers.  you can input them in gnome network setup04:16
MaKkYgnomefreak: planeshift.bin: planeshift.bin: cannot execute binary file04:16
linuxgeekery:) I just noticed ubuntu is #27 on PC World's top 100 products of the year04:16
flapaneit seems all the ppl have switched to nvidia, then....04:16
h3h_timowhich iso for ubuntu is the live cd????04:16
vincenznightcoder: nope: http://rafb.net/paste/results/4xHgZT42.html04:16
MaKkYgnomefreak: that is the error i got04:16
nightcoderavis, maybelle internet connection seems to be DHCP ...04:17
avismaybelle, are ya with me ?04:17
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gnomefreakMaKkY: did you use sh planeshift.bin?04:17
MonoNoSaint_BRflapane: The Desktop one04:17
maybelle_yes i am04:17
maybelle_im reading it04:17
h3h_timois it the alternate?? or the desktop?04:17
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MaKkYgnomefreak tried both, but i gtg for now...04:17
MonoNoSaint_BRh3h_timo: the desktop04:17
flapaneMonoNoSaint_BR, what do you mean?04:17
avismaybelle, did you want a static ip or a dhcp address ?04:17
MaKkYgnaomefreak thank you though04:17
maybelle_when im changing my dhcp to static ip add im losing my internet connection04:17
h3h_timoMonoNoSaint_BR, thanks!04:17
maybelle_i want to use static ip add04:17
MonoNoSaint_BRMono is 1.1.13 on the repos, I would like 1.1.15...04:17
avisstatic ip address gives you the advantage of opening a port or range of ports for services and applications04:17
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vincenznightcoder: it's actually crashing (error code 1)04:17
rezanightcoder: they are exactly the same04:17
maybelle_but when im changing it it static im losing my internet04:17
danfgziad: you there? :)04:18
nightcodervincenz: well after this04:18
nightcodervincenz: remove /usr/share/man/man1/md5sum.textutils.1.gz04:18
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aviswhat did you enter for gateway ?04:18
vincenznightcoder: yep :)04:18
ompaulAeudian, all I can suggest that you have a look at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BIND9ServerHowto04:18
cordeiro05hi everyone?04:18
nightcodervincenz: this can solve or completely broke :)04:18
maybelle_192.168.0.1 avis04:18
MonoNoSaint_BRflapane: I'd like to try mono 1.1.15 with MonoDevelop 0.11, 'cause I'm having problems with the one that is on dapper repository04:19
vincenznightcoder: let's hope the first (it was going to remove it according to the log)04:19
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ziaddanfg: open /etc/profile04:19
nightcodermaybelle: under network admin are listed 2 interfaces, right ?04:19
troytroyhi my irssi cant connect to any server04:19
troytroyhi my irssi cant connect to any server04:19
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avismaybelle, are you sure that is what you type in your browser to login to your router ?04:19
rezanightcoder: 0000:03:06.0 Ethernet controller: Davicom Semiconductor, Inc. 21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 Ethernet (rev 31) 0000:03:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)04:19
vincenztroytroy: you are here04:19
troytroy"Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:] "04:19
cordeiro05hey! i need a little help about how to use ubunto04:19
danfgziad: what about it?04:19
vincenztroytroy: freenode was having problems before04:19
aviswoohoo !04:19
troytroyam using mirc on windows04:19
nightcodercan you choose eth1 and put fixed ip address in it and leave eth0 with DHCP settings04:19
noob31i got sound to work when playing an mpg file04:19
skipmeisterwhat options do I have for adjusting the way it throttles?/close04:19
noob31what do i do to get the video too?04:19
vincenztroytroy: I got serious lag and couldn't connect either for a few minutes04:19
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troytroyvincenz, cant conect to any server04:19
nightcoderreza: rtl 8139 should work under 2.6.15-2304:20
ompaultroytroy, /server irc.freenode.net04:20
avismaybelle ??04:20
avisi lost ya..04:20
ziaddanfg: forget the previous stuff04:20
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danfgziad: done04:20
troytroyvincenz, yes and any other server04:20
maybelle_logging in a router?04:20
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maybelle_ei avis04:20
troytroyvincenz,  "Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:] "04:20
avisyes when you access your router through a web browser what do you type ?04:20
MonoNoSaint_BRIs there any mono programmer here?04:20
ziaddanfg: open /etc/fstab04:20
nightcoderreza: did you save 'lsmod' outputs ?04:20
vincenztroytroy: no idea, I'm not a tcpip expert04:20
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cordeiro05i cann't hear my mp3 sound what do i hav to do?04:21
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troytroyvincenz, so?04:21
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ompaulcordeiro05, can you hear any sound?04:21
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maybelle_w8 ill ask my brother pls gve me a second pls04:21
aviscordeiro05, read restricted formats in the ubuntu wiki documentation04:21
ziaddanfg: there check if u have the drives mentioned04:21
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avismaybelle !04:21
noob31i have sound but no video when playing a MPG file04:21
rezanightcoder: the eth0 is the other one not rtl :|04:21
avisno !  just type it yourself !04:21
MonoNoSaint_BRcordeiro05: download the gstreamer ugly and bad plugins04:21
yneftroytroy: can it connect to other chat servers, then?04:21
cordeiro05no only mp3 tha is in another dirve04:21
MonoNoSaint_BRcordeiro05: there is one suitable for mp3 playback04:21
nightcoderreza: and bout lsmod outputs ?04:21
maybelle_ei avis are you there04:22
troytroyynef, nope04:22
avisyes maybelle04:22
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troytroyynef, the same error04:22
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MonoNoSaint_BRcordeiro05: did you mount the partition with those other mp3?04:22
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ompaulcordeiro05, please read the reference from ubotu cheers04:22
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danfgziad: funny thing, if i try mounting /dev/hda (as opposed to /dev/hda1), it says "/dev/hda already mounted or /mnt/c busy", but if i "umount /dev/hda", i get "/dev/hda not mounted", haha. yes /etc/fstab has the mount i put in there for both drives04:22
avistype in your browser then type stop and tell me which one asks for a login and tell me04:22
maybelle_avis here it is04:22
yneftroytroy: is the machine firewalled somehow?04:22
avisthat is your gateway04:22
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MonoNoSaint_BRcordeiro05: so you have to mount the partition first to access it04:23
avisgo ahead and type that into your browser04:23
partsguyif I have a linkys wireless router set up as a DHCP server and connect to it and use a dhcp connection do I stll have to imput the DNS servers in the prefs??04:23
samu2Any idea why I don't get any sound in ubuntu?04:23
troytroyynef, nope thing is i used it before but now04:23
ompaultroytroy, did you do what I suggested?04:23
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avisask bro what the router login and pass is maybelle04:23
cordeiro05so how do i do it?04:23
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vincenznightcoder: btw, thanks for the help :)04:23
troytroyompaul, what did u ...?04:23
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=== voraistos wants to install ubuntu on his windows-only PDA (203 Mhz) and run apache on it. where should he start ?
flapaneanyone with ati?04:23
avisadmin admin, admin password -- are often defaults04:23
ompaulcordeiro05, read the web page that I had the bot send you04:23
MonoNoSaint_BRcordeiro05: it that a ntfs/fat partition?04:23
maybelle_ei avis04:23
avisyeh ?04:23
maybelle_im already in at my router configuration04:24
nightcodervincenz: ok04:24
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vincenzout of curiousity... who pays for the development of ubuntu04:24
maybelle_what should i do next04:24
ompaultroytroy, /server irc.freenode.net  <-- do that04:24
ziaddanfg: so u have the partitions in fstab ???04:24
avisnow find your two dns servers04:24
maybelle_hee hee =p04:24
avisheh !04:24
neutrinomassvincenz: I think it's the Ubuntu Foundation that pays for things.... alot of development is done by volunteers though04:24
avisfind yours dns servers write them down and never lose them04:24
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maybelle_i have my dns now04:24
avisenter that in dns04:24
ziaddanfg: cud u plz copy/paste the first line after the colun headers04:24
vincenzneutrinomass: and where does the foundation get money?04:24
neutrinomassvincenz: In any case, the money probably comes from shuttleworth ...04:24
avisfor netmask
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avisfor static ip.. something like would do04:25
troytroyompaul, "unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:] "04:25
maybelle_i have already here my primary and secondary DNS04:25
neutrinomassvincenz: Now if the question is how does shuttleworth make money, the answer is that 1. he has a lot 2. he sells support :)04:25
maybelle_whats next04:25
voraistosvincenz: developers are also drug dealers04:25
ziaddanfg: shud be something like this>> /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     vfat    defaults        0       004:25
danfgziad: yes, i just put them there recently: "/dev/hda  /mnt/z  ntfs ro,nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0". i haven't booted yet. i get the same errors with mount -a though04:25
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ompaultroytroy, is the user banned?04:25
avislook up04:25
avisyes maam04:25
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danfgziad: vfat or ntfs? i'm pretty sure it's an ntfs partition04:25
troytroyompaul, nope like i will not be chatting with u04:25
vincenzneutrinomass: I see.. I just don't get the economy behind linux distros... :/04:26
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aviswhats left maybelle ?04:26
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cordeiro05where do ai write this?04:26
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samu2what is the sound mixer thing called?04:26
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ziaddanfg: well....mine is vfat :p04:26
troytroyompaul, fact is cant connect to any chat client04:26
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maybelle_do i have to put this all in my network configuration?04:26
danfgziad: is it windows xp?04:26
avisyes maam04:26
vincenzneutrinomass: for instance many people at novell work on linux (I read an interview about a guy working on device drivers) just can't see how they fufnd that04:26
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troytroyompaul, fact is cant connect to any chat server04:26
avisyou should have been doing it04:26
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maybelle_ok w8 avis ill try it04:26
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avisthen apply and activate the eth004:27
cordeiro05where do i write this?04:27
mr_husHey im having problems with font rendering when viewing pdf's with evince. Kinda looks like old LaTeX documents... Anybody knows how this can be fixed?04:27
avisbuttons in gnome04:27
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avisacroread ?04:27
arraisthanks, guys. mbr recovered and ready to go04:27
ziaddanfg: then u better try in /etc/profile ...write... mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/c at the bottom of the file content04:27
voraistosvincenz: coke is good when u devellop, and after work, u can have extra work ;)04:27
MacSlowGreetings everybody!04:27
ziaddanfg: yes mine's XP04:27
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neutrinomassvincenz: Well, the money is not on the desktop, it's on the servers. RHEL costs a 4-figure sum I think.... Basically they don't make money selling distros, but by providing support. The free software model can survive even in commercial situations :)04:27
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danfgziad: /etc/profile? don't you mean /etc/fstab?04:28
vincenzneutrinomass: and it's a stable market?04:28
ziaddanfg: this is an alternative04:28
ziaddanfg: :d04:28
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danfgziad: ok, just asking04:28
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avisi guess i will be ubuntu server certified engineer04:28
aviswhen i'm all done04:29
mgorbachguys can someone help me out ... i need to set up a fresh install of ubuntu with eclipse and the latest sun java04:29
ziaddanfg: well u seem to have change ur user to root!!04:29
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mgorbachiv just finished getting ubuntu installed04:29
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avislets hope the ubuntu system can stand up to the web server market for large scale deployment with things like cpanel and fantastico04:29
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__doc__hi, I've got problems getting my graphics driver to run04:29
maybelleei avis04:29
avisyeh ?04:29
danfgziad: done that, i don't enjoy the whole sudo this sudo that... i did a sudo -i04:29
maybelleavis :((04:29
__doc__I can run only in vesa mode04:29
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aviswus wrong ?04:29
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maybellei lost my internet04:30
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avisactivate it again04:30
mr_husAnd it's weird too. In Evince, if i select the text that is rendered ugly, when selected, it is rendered nicely!! Anybody have ideas?04:30
avisyou'll lost it at first04:30
neutrinomassvincenz: Maybe we should continue in #ubuntu-offtopic ? This is mainly a support channel ... :)04:30
ziaddanfg: same here...so tell me how u did that04:30
__doc__would need some help with nvidia/xorg config04:30
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ziaddanfg: coz i want to use chmod badly04:30
maybellethen what happens?04:30
vincenzsudo apt-get dist-upgradeThe following packages have been kept back:  gnome-cups-manager libgdal1-dev python-netcdf04:30
partsguy-avis- I have a simalar situation, if my router is DHCP and no static IPS, Do I still need to manually input the dns server addresses for eth0?04:30
vincenzneutrinomass: good idea04:30
__doc__when I follow the instructions for nvidia installation my gdm doesn't boot anymore.04:30
vincenzneutrinomass: or join #oasis, my chan ;)04:30
avismaybelle, i'm sorry but i've helped you all i can04:30
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danfgziad: i'll reboot and get back to you, thanks a lot for the help man, i appreciate it04:30
maybelledo i have to reboot after ive done it?04:30
nightcodermaybelle: not04:31
ziaddanfg: :D04:31
maybelledo i have to reboot after ive done it? after i change my network configuration04:31
avisno maybe04:31
avisno maybelle04:31
vincenzwhat does it mean if packets are held back?04:31
avisjust activate ethX04:31
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nightcodermaybelle: try pint your gateway04:31
ziadfolks have anyone upgraded to the new version?04:31
nightcodermaybelle: ping04:31
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rastaxHi there04:31
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gilianimahow to decode mac files to be able to use it on linux ?04:32
rezanightcoder: they differ alot which part should i check?04:32
rastaxI have asm960, but I can't run on Ubuntu04:32
avisi think i've played m4a on linux04:32
__doc__I can't boot my x-server with nvidia drivers, help.04:32
troytroyhi my irssi cant connect to any server04:32
maybellewhat command shoud i type?04:32
rastaxbash: ./asm960: cannot execute binary file04:32
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nightcoderreza, you should look for you networkd card module04:32
maybelleim sorry im really a newbie with this one i hope u undrstand04:32
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avisi used to use debug to start writing in assembly04:32
avisit was a dirty job04:32
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rastaxmaybelle, are you female?04:33
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nightcoderreza: whats your card model ? Realtek 8139 ?04:33
rastaxsomeone helpme04:33
maybelleyes and i am trying 2 configure my network here04:33
nightcodermaybelle: type 'ping' in terminal04:33
rastaxI have asm960, when I put ./asm960 in command line, error to me: bash: ./asm960: cannot execute binary file04:33
ompaultroytroy,   >>>sudo dpkg -P --force-depends irssi-text &&sudo apt-get install irssi-text <<<  do that, it will reinstall it04:33
__doc__I cannot start my xserver with nvidia drivers (installed nvidia-gfx and followed instructions from the site)04:33
rezanightcoder: eth0 is    0000:03:06.0 Ethernet controller: Davicom Semiconductor, Inc. 21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 Ethernet (rev 31)04:33
maybellenight: unknown host04:33
avisnightcoder, her gateway is
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avisthat is what she should ping04:34
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avisOTOH it might not be pingable04:34
nightcoderreza: wait a minute, please Ill check whats module it uses04:34
avisactually from her computer it is.04:34
avismy bad04:34
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nightcoderreza: dmfe04:34
rastaxI have asm960, when I put ./asm960 in command line, error to me: bash: ./asm960: cannot execute binary file04:34
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avisnightcoder, feel free to help i've tried all i can04:35
samu2does alsa have the same function as esd?04:35
ompaultroytroy, turn off xchat before you try to connect04:35
maybellewhen i type  it just keeps in pingng04:35
nightcodermaybelle: type in terminal 'sudo route add default gw'04:35
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avisare you getting 0's maybelle ?04:35
avisdid you enter static ip address maybelle04:35
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Rectabhow to upgrade my ubuntu from 5 to 6 version04:35
avisif so then ping static ip address04:35
rezanightcoder:  in 15 : dmfe  21532  0    in 9: dmfe   18332  004:35
nightcoderavis, I think maybelle is using a DHCP internet connection ... and has a eth1 to local network04:35
noob31what is xine ?04:35
maybelle ping statistics ---04:36
maybelle75 packets transmitted, 75 received, 0% packet loss, time 74055ms04:36
maybellertt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.345/0.364/0.385/0.021 ms04:36
=== Aven [i=aven@adsl-69-231-54-100.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ynef__doc__: what does the log file say? /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:36
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ziaddoes ubuntu_6.06 has xgl integrated in it??04:36
Avenubuntu 6 isn't stable at all04:36
Rectabhow to upgrade my ubuntu from 5 to 6 version04:36
ompaulRectab, thereare two versions - in the 5 series which one have you got04:36
troytroyompaul, ok but i have irssi installed but not irssi-text04:36
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maybelleyes that is correct night coder04:36
pradeepziad, no04:36
AvenRectab: don't!04:36
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avisnightcoder, yes but nothing is stopping her from assigning a static ip address04:36
Avenit's not stable04:36
ziadpradeep: have u used it already?04:36
avisshe has two dns servers04:36
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Rectabompaul, newest04:36
AvenI'm planning to downgrade :\04:36
nightcoderreza, search for another module using dmfe (second column)04:36
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c172is it possible to start the vnc server in ubuntu from an ssh shell?04:36
ompaulRectab, what does this say, lsb_release -d ?04:37
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avispoor me i have alot of hours to stay up.04:37
Avenc172: yeah04:37
pradeepziad, it not built in ... but if you have a good graphic card .. you can set it up04:37
maybellenight here what come out when i type in sudo route add default gw
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nightcoderavis, I send a route commad to maybelle ...04:37
rezanightcoder: there is only one dmfe in each04:37
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ziadpradeep: do u think an ATI Radeon 9600 pro wud do??04:37
maybelleSIOCADDRT: File exists04:37
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troytroyompaul, ok but i have irssi installed but not irssi-text04:37
c172aven, how would I get it to run for a certain user?04:37
avismaybelle its much easier if you use the gnome gui04:37
nightcoderreza ... can you look into 'dmesg' of both kernels ?04:37
Rectabompaul, Description:    Ubuntu (The Breezy Badger Release)04:37
__doc__Need some help with configuring xserver/nvidia drivers, plz msg me04:37
ziadpradeep: it;s an old one thou04:38
c172I had it automatically logging in then using the desktop sharing option, then I upgraded and it stopped...04:38
maybellewhat should i do what command ???04:38
nightcodermaybelle, type: 'sudo route del default'04:38
Avenc172: well, log on as that user, then type 'vncserver'04:38
ompaulRectab, read the message from ubotu04:38
Avenwithout the '04:38
c172it's too bad something like remote desktop wouldn't work in linux04:38
kyncani__doc__: like someone has already told you before, check your logs04:38
nightcodermaybelle: try now ...04:38
pradeepziad, i have no idea, check the forums ... there are tons of threads on XGL etc04:38
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ziadpradeep: well..cud u tell me how to change user to root?04:38
rezanightcoder: takes another 15 mins :) will you be here?04:38
nightcoderreza: yes :P04:39
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avisnightcoder i wasn't aware you were doing all this from console.. i applaud your skills04:39
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rezathank you04:39
ompaultroytroy, irssi is the command line -text is the package04:39
c172I'm supposed to have a vncserver executable?04:39
pradeepziad, type sudo su in terminal04:39
__doc__kyncani: the xserver logs, the gdm logs or the kernel logs? where do I find the respective important information (I suppose somewhere in /var/logs)04:39
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c172that's funny, ubuntu apparently doesn't think so04:39
iiiearsGood Morning Nalioth.04:39
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ynef__doc__: /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:39
nightcoderavis, to speak true I can learn some gui-related ways of helping people :)04:39
kyncani__doc__: all of them, starting with xserver logs04:39
ziadpradeep: thanx a lot mate.04:40
pradeepziad, np04:40
avisnightcoder, are you trying to tell me you take the road less travelled ?04:40
c172what configuration files make ubuntu automatically log on a user when gdm starts?04:40
naliothhowdy iiiears04:40
__doc__(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)04:40
__doc__error opening security policy file /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy04:40
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avisnot not change device id in xorg.conf04:40
avisdo not04:40
maybelle__what did you do  night04:40
ynef__doc__: is your xorg.conf file set up correctly, using "nvidia" as the driver?04:41
maybelle__no such process comes out04:41
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maybelle__then i lost my internet connection04:41
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troytroyompaul, man u wasted my time did not work04:41
gnotthi..got problems with a pxeboot /install: client tries to load pxelinux.cfg/default but finds no kernel - anyone got advice?04:41
troytroyompaul, "Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:"04:41
samu2crap, sound isnt working...04:41
maybelle__r u der04:41
avistroytroy, nobody wasted anything he did his best and its a privellege to get any help from anyone for free04:41
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nightcoderavis: not ... Im only trying to tell that I need to learn more 'how to configure' using guis (is best to help newbies)04:42
maybelle__i lost my interne04:42
gnottI downloaded the netboot-kit and untarred the netboot.tar.gz in /var/lib/tftpboot/04:42
nightcodermaybelle: tell me if last command works04:42
avishehe nightcoder if you can do it from console then gui will be snap :)04:42
__doc__maybelle__: yes, when I got nvidia in there it screws up, currently I have vesa in, only thing that works04:42
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ompaultroytroy, the problem is not with the client, you have learnt something, so your - wrong - now next have you some class of a firewall in place?04:42
kyncani__doc__: well, you should check what this securitypolicy file is (google), check which package should provide it (apt-file), and figure out if this is why X isn't working04:42
maybelle__it did not04:42
iiiearsgnott - is pxe a virtual machine?04:42
avis__doc__, did you apt-get install the necessary files ?  including the nvidia-kernel-common04:42
nightcodermaybelle: please open 'network-admin'04:43
troytroyavis, am not talking to u04:43
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maybelle__where can i find network admin04:43
avistroytroy i was talking to you04:43
gnottiiiears, virtual machine? i got the tftp-server running on a physical workstation, the client is a laptop...04:43
maybelle__nightcoder correction04:43
maybelle__it work04:43
__doc__avis: I didn't install anything else then nvidia-glx04:43
nightcoderSystem -> Admin -> Network04:43
troytroyavis, whats ur problem u know the kind of bond that exist bn as04:43
maybelle__ok ok04:43
c172I knew that upgrade wouldn't just work... that would be too easy04:43
avis__doc__, see url04:43
maybelle__then what is next04:43
ziadpradeep: um trying to apt-get install yahoomsngr.deb04:44
maybelle__ive already open my network im using 2 computers now04:44
iiiearsAh, Okay. - I always learn something new here.04:44
ziga_I mounted the NTFS drive, but how can i access write permissions on this drive?04:44
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georgeguitarHello I want to use this function: mdelay(10) in a program but when I try to compile it, it can't find the lib04:44
troytroyompaul, ok bro so what do i do cos xchat connects perfctly04:44
ziadpradeep: but it says "package cudn't be found"04:44
nightcodermaybelle: under network-admin are listed how many interfaces ?04:44
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ziadpradeep: but the package is in the dir04:44
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pradeepziad, there no package for yahoo messenger04:44
pradeepziad, what dir?04:45
__doc__avis: doing that apt-get from the url did nothing, that was already installed04:45
ompaultroytroy, scroll back and answer my last question please04:45
troytroyompaul, so question is what firewall will block irssi and give way to xchat04:45
ynef__doc__: what is the ouptut of "file /usr/lib/libGL.so"? If it says "symbolic link", keep asking "file" about it until you get something that is an ELF shared object04:45
ompaulor one connection04:45
rastaxnobody can help me04:45
ziadpradeep: but i've downloaded the .deb file04:45
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maybelle__i got 204:45
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ynefrastax: what did you ask?04:45
rastaxI have asm960, when I put ./asm960 in command line, error to me: bash: ./asm960: cannot execute binary file04:45
nightcoderrastax: whats you prolem ?04:45
maybelle__1 modem 1 ethernet connection04:45
ziga_one question:I mounted the NTFS drive for reading, but how can i write into it? thank you04:45
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maybelle__1 modem 1 ethernet connection nightcoder04:46
nightcodermaybelle: that 2 interfaces are network or modem ?04:46
nightcodermaybelle: hmmm04:46
naliothziga_: you can write to it with Windows04:46
ynefziga_: you can't -- not safely, anyway. if the thought of writing to ntfs is more important to you than your data, you can always try to use Captive (google it)04:46
pradeepziad, the deb from the yahoo site is very old ... anyway to install it do: sudo dpkg -i yahoomessenger.deb04:46
troytroyompaul, not any i am aware of cos irssi connected perfectly first04:46
ziga_ynef, thank you04:46
maybelle__no its different04:46
neutrinomassDoes anybody have an alcatel speedtouch adsl modem ?04:46
nightcodermaybelle: click ethernet to select ir04:46
maybelle__1 is ethernet connection04:46
avistroytroy i have no problem.  i simply stated my opinion about your lack of courtesy.04:46
pradeepziad, apt-get install is for packages in the repository04:46
maybelle__d oder is moden connection04:46
T_D_His there somewere i can DL a breezy badger boot floopy, and write in using windows???04:47
So_Simplei dont know why but i cant access to repositories... allways time out!!!04:47
freezeyhow do i check the chmod for a dir?04:47
spikebyou realise you can double click on a .deb and an installer will run, right pradeep ?04:47
ynefrastax: what does "file asm960" tell you?04:47
troytroyompaul, and i have not setup any firewalls since then04:47
maybelle__what is ir nightcoder04:47
nightcodermaybelle: open ethernet properties04:47
yneffreezey: "ls -l" outside of the directory04:47
pradeepziad, you can also double click on the deb file instead of the terminal04:47
troytroyavis, hey stop pissing me ok04:47
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troytroyavis, now u telling i ve not got manners?04:47
iiiearsnalioth - Is running an app like Yahoo messenger or any other network application in wine safer or more dangerous than natively in Ubuntu linux?04:47
nightcodermaybelle: please tell me whats your settings ? (sorry for no remember)04:47
freezeyynef: i need to open up full write permissions to this dir whats the chmod for that?04:47
avistroytroy, that is bad language for this room.  if i'm upsetting you its your problem not mine.04:48
yneffreezey: to whom? you or everyone?04:48
freezeyynef: everyone04:48
So_Simplei dont know why but i cant access to repositories... time out!!!04:48
naliothiiiears: you'll be fine, just keep in mind that wine is not quite as 'stable' as windows (but sometimes it's more so)04:48
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yneffreezey: chmod 777 directory04:48
maybelle__what do you mean setting ?04:48
maybelle__setting in what</04:48
So_Simplei dont know why but i cant access to repositories... time out!!! help me please....04:48
naliothziga_: please join #ubuntu-offtopic04:48
ziadpradeep: ok ok..i didn't know that..thanx04:48
nightcodermaybelle: im talking about your ip address, netmask, etc04:48
troytroyavis, well kudos Mr. Milton or Shakespear04:49
B0FHis there anyone here that can help me repair the damage that XGL has done to my gui?04:49
maybelle__i dont have any04:49
KalkranHow can I get the Dapper repo's? I'm running Breezy..04:49
ompaultroytroy, try to join here:
troytroyavis, what ever u call ur self04:49
B0FHi can provide error logs if need be04:49
maybelle__can u give me the proper settings...04:49
rezanightcoder: :) so what should i check id dmesg?04:49
troytroyompaul, ok bro04:49
gnomefreakKalkran: you dont want to mix dapper adn breezy repos04:49
yneffreezey: if you want the files in that dir to be world readable as well, you should go to it and use the "chmod og+rw *" command, which adds (+) read and write access to "others" and "group"04:49
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nightcoderreza: look for 'eth0' and 'eth1'04:49
kdean06Kalkran, open /etc/apt/sources.list as root and change the word breezy to dapper. Save the file and run apt-get update04:49
Kalkrangnomefreak, I don't.. I just want to dist-upgrade to Dapper for XGL04:49
nightcoderreza: are it recognized ?04:49
Kalkranty kdean0604:49
vincenzis vim 7 going to be pushed into dapper?04:50
ompaultroytroy, the other thing is don't use bad language and respect all04:50
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gnomefreakKalkran: gksudo "update-manager -d"04:50
kdean06Kalkran, but gnomefreak was correct, mixing repos can cause some instability.04:50
pradeepziad, you can try gaim (with which you can login to yahoo,msn,gtalk etc: sudo apt-get install gaim04:50
avistroytroy dont be so hard on yourself, just ease up and be nice, and btw, i dont have more than a GED education for a shakespear04:50
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ynefvincenz: i guess it isn't, but you could hope for the backports that will most likely start coming in :)04:50
nightcodermaybelle: do you want to try some terminal comands ?04:50
vincenzynef: I'm crossing my fingers, and for that matter ghc 6.4.2 iso 6.4.104:50
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maybelle__ok sure sure04:50
troytroyompaul,  "Unable to connect server port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address:"04:50
vincenzmaybe we'll get lucky and we get 6.604:50
maybelle__my brother and i are working together here04:50
ynefvincenz: well, you can always hope :)04:50
maybelle__just tell me what to type04:51
ziadpradeep: since u've tried ubuntu 6...did u find it stable04:51
maybelle__pls .... patience04:51
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rastaxasm960:          a.out NetBSD/i386 demand paged dynamically linked executable04:51
ziadpradeep: otherwise..i won;t have it upgraded04:51
Bezzerdoes anyone know how I can set the network dns address without using the gui?04:51
nightcodermaybelle: type ifconfig and tell me whats eth ip address, ok ?04:51
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ompaultroytroy, you got something unique there - why are you looking for that machine it is not an irc server04:51
maybelle__k w804:51
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rezanightcoder: recognized but different in 2 kernels04:51
ynefrastax: well, then that's your problem -- you should get the linux version. the one you've got is for NetBSD04:51
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pradeepit great ziad04:52
troytroyompaul, ok bro so what do i do to set irssi running again04:52
nightcoderreza: under 2.6.15-23 it is recognized ? as eth0 or eth1 ?04:52
rezanightcoder: 15:   [4294693.171000]  eth0: Davicom DM9102/DM9102A rev 49 at 0001cc00, 00:08:A1:7F:33:BA, IRQ 185.     and 9: [4294675.299000]  eth0: Davicom DM9102 at pci0000:03:06.0, 00:08:a1:7f:33:ba, irq 19.04:52
ziadpradeep: kool04:52
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maybelle__inet addr: nightcoder04:52
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maybelle__inet addr: nightcoder04:52
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ubotufrom memory, flood is for pasting, please use http://pastebin.com , http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org or #flood here on freenode.04:52
nightcodermaybelle: type 'ping'04:52
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Bizzehare there any tools for creating your own livecd?04:53
rezanightcoder: in 15 both eth1 and eth0 are recognized04:53
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nightcodermaybelle: the host '' answer ?04:53
ompaultroytroy, well something is returning that ip to you, your call, we can get to it, I gave you a specific one and your returned that, its like a proxy or some such so no idea there04:53
troytroyavis, aint no fight here for u. go find some where else04:53
gnomefreakompaul: fyi on my issue with other pc vesa, nv, nor nvidia worked i ended up doing  aserver install from flight 4 but i still havent set it up after that04:53
ynefBizzeh: morphix linux is a distro made especially for that stuff, IIRC04:53
SeanTater_if I only want to allow people with authenticated SSH Keys into a ssh server, and disallow anyone to get into it with only a password -- what would I do04:53
mnkhello all. i am trying to use my HP LaserJet 1000 usb printer with ubuntu but the native drivers don't work. I also tried the hacks online and again they didn't work. The printer gets recognised [i can even print it from vmware windows guest]  but when i try to print under linux, it just hangs - it says it is printing, but nothing. no light flashing on printer, nothing. PLEASE help me someone as I have my final year project to do. Thanks!04:53
avisyes Bizzeh mkisofs or something like that but you supply the boot options and parameters hehe04:53
neutrinomassreza: Let me guess.... dhcp isn't working ?04:53
ompaultroytroy, I asked you once to drop it04:53
tkjacobse1dsslive.org also good for making your own livecd04:53
Bezzerdo I use /etc/resolv.conf?04:53
iiiearsBizzeh - Do you mean beyond makeisof? - there are a bunch of howtos in the forum.04:53
ompaultroytroy, now be nice04:54
Bizzehavis: looking for something a little more automated :P04:54
rezaneutrinomass : yes dhcp is not working :( sad  but true lol04:54
mr_hushow are you supposed to install fonts in ubuntu (those not in the package management)??? Do you just drag-n-drop them into nautilus fonts:/// ?04:54
troytroyompaul, yes master04:54
nightcoderreza: 15 seems to be ok04:54
ynefmr_hus: yeah, should work04:54
maybelle__network is unreachable04:54
neutrinomassreza: Heh :D04:54
troytroyompaul, :(04:54
avisBizzeh, a live cd ?  linux distro ?  of your own ????04:54
T_D_His there somewere i can DL a breezy badger boot floopy, and write in using windows???04:54
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nightcoderreza: eth0 is DAVICOM under both kernels ?04:54
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neutrinomassreza: Don't touch anything regarding ifconfig and dhcp settings, they are all fine.04:54
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Bizzehavis: no, when i install ubuntu, i wanna wrap it up into a livecd04:54
maybelle__network is unreachable nightcoder04:54
nightcodermaybelle: ok04:54
nightcodermaybelle: type04:55
maybelle__aw w804:55
tkjacobse1dsslive: DEbian BASED Live Linux System04:55
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maybelle__my brother04:55
rezanightcoder: yes same but with different IRQs etc. i copied it for you :)04:55
neutrinomassreza: 'sudo rmmod tulip && sudo rmmod dmfe && sudo modprobe dmfe' and your problem is fixed :)04:55
Bizzehi have a laptop with a dead hdd, and i cant get to the hdd to replace it04:55
rezaneutrinomass : i know but how can i fix it?04:55
BezzerI've set up eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces, but I don't know where to set the dns address for the connection04:55
nathan_anyone know if there is a way to get a Cannon PiXMA iP1600 printer to work in linux?04:55
tkjacobse1bizzeh: it is build from debian/ubuntu packages04:55
maybelle__somthng comes out04:55
maybelle__pls w804:55
ompaultkjacobse1, got a url for that04:55
rezaneutrinomass : is it?04:55
Bizzehso i was thinkin of using a ubuntu lice disk, with some extra stuff04:55
avisok so install ubuntu then backup the filestructure and permissions in a cd or dvd to restore once again ?  thats a great idea !04:55
ynefBezzer: /etc/resolv.conf04:55
nightcodermaybelle: sudo ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up04:55
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neutrinomassreza: Yes. I nearly killed myself trying to figure out what's wrong. I put up a wiki page to help others but apparently you didn't run across it.04:56
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Bizzehavis: no. i wanna install ubuntu, then from that install, create a cd that i can boot from04:56
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nightcoderreza: different irqs ?04:56
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avisa grub boot cd ?04:56
avisman grub04:56
mwewhat's a good tool for logging network trafic?04:56
ynefBezzer: fill /etc/resolv.conf with lines such as "nameserver some.ip.address.here"04:56
troytroyompaul, i have switched from 3 independent networks and still getting same error message04:56
avisthat can be done04:56
rezaneutrinomass : i couldnt find any help in the net :( thanks :)04:56
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avissome people dont have floppies04:56
neutrinomassreza: AFAIK it broke after breezy (I never had the chance to use breezy so I don't know). It will be fixed in the next kernel update for dapper04:56
Bezzerok thanks04:56
rezanightcoder: yes04:56
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Bizzehavis: what is used to create current ubuntu live/install cds?04:56
Bezzerjust wasn't sure because that file didn't exist04:56
tkjacobse1ompaul: they even have a really simple howto04:57
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maybelle__nothng comes out nightcoder04:57
avisBizzeh, no idea04:57
maybelle__i type here04:57
nightcoderreza: you can try pass irq argument to modprobe04:57
neutrinomassreza: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DavicomEthernet04:57
ompaultroytroy, so its like your getting to a proxy got some funny .irssirc file there?04:57
maybelle__sudo ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up04:57
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nightcodermaybelle: now try to ping
rezabrb going to check !04:57
CrippsFXhttp://spaces.msn.com/mmm2006-05-01_18.20/# ... I think Microsoft is stealing from ubuntu ;)04:57
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troytroyompaul, ??/04:57
neutrinomassnightcoder: It's a driver issue. The chipset is not 100% compatible with the tulip driver as everybody thought it would be. It gets picked up by the tulip driver, but the dmfe driver is the one that should be used.04:57
mgorbachcan someone answer some basic ubuntu questions for me?04:57
iiiearsBezzar - Firestarter is a GUI firewall software that can help with basic configurations.04:58
maybelle__it keeps on ping'ng04:58
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CrippsFXmgorbach, if you ask them, yes.04:58
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gnomefreakmgorbach: if you ask them we will try04:58
avisCrippsFX, good for ubuntu :)04:58
mgorbachhow do i get new versions of software? for example why do i have vlc .8.4 instead of .8.504:58
CrippsFXmgorbach, first point of advice, don't ask to ask a question, just ask it.04:58
neutrinomassnightcoder: Ooops, sorry. I thought you were talking to reza04:58
CrippsFXavis ;)04:58
avismgorbach, im ok with basic questions04:58
avishehehe :)04:58
nightcoderneutrinomass: any workaround ?04:58
mgorbachwhen i know .8.5 is availble? im comming from gentoo and this is strange to me04:58
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nightcodermaybelle: ping works ?04:58
iiiearsBizzeh - I seem to remember " mondo backup" mad an iso of your install.04:59
gnomefreakmgorbach: what version of ubuntu are you using?04:59
maybelle__and it doesnt stop04:59
maybelle__ /wah04:59
maybelle__what shud i do next</04:59
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avisCrippsFX, let them steal, then ubuntu can get wicked with their server deployment04:59
neutrinomassnightcoder: Yes. Unload the tulip driver and reload dmfe. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DavicomEthernet - it will be fixed int he latest dappe rkernel04:59
nightcodermaybelle: your interface is ok04:59
mgorbachdownloaded today ... its the Dapper Drake LTS release04:59
iiiearsGood Morning thoreauputic.04:59
maybelle__what shud i do next?04:59
avison m$ dime04:59
thoreauputichi iiiears :)04:59
gnomefreakmgorbach: if using dapper than most likely 8.5 came out after the freeze04:59
nightcoderneutrinomass: when reza come back please tell it to he04:59
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nightcodermaybelle: now type04:59
avisok mgorbach04:59
mgorbachso is there a way to upgrade?04:59
thoreauputiciiiears: not here for long - 1 am here05:00
avisso you would like to install ubuntu ? mgorbach ?05:00
nightcodermaybelle: sudo ifconfig eth0:0 down05:00
neutrinomassnightcoder: I told him :)05:00
=== T_D_H says could i PM anyone???
maybelle__ei nightcoder my brother is asking do we nid to setup a host and a client?05:00
gnomefreakmgorbach: you would have to install the newest version either find a .deb for it or compile it from tar05:00
nightcodermaybelle: sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up05:00
neutrinomassT_D_H: You could try asking in the room ...05:00
avismgorbach, yes but it seems from what i've read people have had a horrible track record.  best to backup and fresh install05:00
T_D_Hi have 2 times :o05:00
ompaultroytroy, what is your ip address on the interweb?05:00
avisit will upgrade but things will break and people dont know how to fix05:00
jendamgorbach: you DL'd the CD - you can use that for a clean install - or run sudo package-manager -d to upgrade from Breezy.05:00
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mgorbachavis ... im talking about upgrading VLC to a newer version05:01
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=== thoreauputic snarls at ompaul 's use of the Intarweb ;p
gnomefreakguys hes not asking how to upgrade dist05:01
mgorbachubuntu has this policy of "freezing" packages that seems strange to me comming from gentoo05:01
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=== c172 [n=richard@207-195-100-188.regn.hssx.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ziga_thank you for the last answer, now next question : I have network printer on Host , which is running under Windows. However, that printer doesn't seem to work if I try to print on Ubuntu. The printer is HP 990cxi, but in Ubuntu i can only chooose HP 990c . Please tell me, how can i setup this printer, thank you05:01
T_D_Hanywayz im on dial up, my friend screwed up making the breezy badger CD by opening the iso then burning it, not burning the image so i need a boot image for a floopy05:01
avismgorbach, apt-get install vlc ; apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade05:01
neutrinomassreza: so ?05:01
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gnomefreakmgorbach: most distros do they wont allow a newer version after a certain date for stability05:02
iiiearsAh, Thanks. - You and the many other regulars here make Ubuntu the great escape from Windows viruses, spyware and adware possible. :)05:02
avisor download the source and if your dare to do so use alien to turn a tar.gz to deb and dpkg -i .deb05:02
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c172I'm trying to run the vino server, but I get this message: (vino-server:6094): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:05:02
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c172is it possible to start it from the command line?05:02
simpkins------> I installed the latest version of flash on firefox with the package manager, when i got to a page that has flash the part that is suppose to be a flash movie just stays white, i can right click on it and have the flash settings but the movie does not play ?????? Im running dapper with good  computer specs05:02
maybelle_coz we want to browse folders and files in the network05:02
troytroyompaul, hmm u want me to paste it here05:02
rezaneutrinomass: damn it works ! thank you05:02
mgorbachso gentoo is the exception? i guess because it's compiled05:02
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maybelle_mr nightcoder are u stil der?05:02
mgorbachwhere is a good source for .debs?05:02
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nightcodermaybelle: yes05:02
gnomefreaksimpkins: whats teh URL?05:02
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rezanightcoder: thank you bro it is working now05:02
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simpkinsgnomefreak: Ive tried multiple flash sites05:03
thoreauputic!tell mgorbach about repos05:03
ompaultroytroy, only the ip its self or paste it to me05:03
nightcodermaybelle: can you look into another computer ? I need some more info05:03
zx80userI am having serious problems with nvidia-glx, worked fine with Breezy but now locks randomly under Dapper - I've seen some messages suggesting most recent driver does this, anybody care to comment?05:03
nightcoderreza: :)05:03
ynefsimpkins: do you have a 64 bit processor?05:03
ompaultroytroy, or msg it05:03
gnomefreaksimpkins: if you give me one we can see if its flash the site or your flash05:03
simpkinsynef: no05:03
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ziga_thank you for the last answer, now next question : I have network printer on Host , which is running under Windows. However, that printer doesn't seem to work if I try to print on Ubuntu. The printer is HP 990cxi, but in Ubuntu i can only chooose HP 990c(no option for cxi), and it doesnt seem to work.05:03
joaquinzi've trouble with XGL and ubuntu daper 6.0605:03
neutrinomassreza: You're welcome :)05:03
ynefsimpkins: then that's not it... :)05:03
c172and here I thought linux was supposed to be good for remote administration05:03
gnomefreaksimpkins: ppc?05:03
joaquinzi think i've done everything i needed to get it work05:03
thoreauputicc172: it is05:03
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simpkinsgnomefreak: ppc ?05:04
mo0seis there a way to run windows while running ubuntu when i already have it installed on another partition?05:04
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maybelle_my brother is asking05:04
Bizzehmo0se: vmware05:04
maybelle_ei nightcoder my brother is asking do we nid to setup a host and a client? nightcoder05:04
c172thoreauputic, that's what I thought until the vnc server didn't come up after an upgrade...05:04
nightcodermaybelle: ?05:04
gnomefreaksimpkins: its not a mac right?05:04
c172now i just can't get it running05:04
maybelle_coz we want to browse folders and files in the network05:04
mo0sebizzeh: vmware or vmplayer?05:04
paolo_Hi guys! After upgrading to dapper, ubuntu doesn't see a espon usb printer any more. Any idea?05:04
simpkinsgnomefreak: no its pc05:04
joaquinzbut now gdm (Xgl) stays frozen at the start up... loading and loading and loading05:04
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richiefrichmo0se qemu05:04
joaquinzbut never ends05:04
joaquinzany idea??05:04
neutrinomassDoes anybody have an alcatel speedtouch modem ?05:04
thoreauputicc172: in gnome t should start by default I think05:04
gnomefreakok simpkins let me see one of the sites in question05:04
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mo0serichiefrich: what's qemu?05:04
nightcodermaybelle: I dont understand05:04
avisjoaquinz, read this url http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13126705:04
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rezaneutrinomass: how can i set it in startup?05:05
joaquinzavis thx i'll try05:05
richiefrichmo0se same as vmware05:05
simpkinsgnomefreak: okay sec05:05
c172I managed to find the configuration file to re-enable the automatic login, and I can connect to vnc... but it just shows a blank screen05:05
nightcodermaybelle: Can you see another computer configuration on network ?05:05
benHey, my im trying to boot off a CD but grub won't let me, and I can't even get into bios before grub loads...how can I fix this?05:05
c172does upgrading to 6.06 do anything to the user configuration files?05:05
neutrinomassreza: I'm not sure about that part... I don't use my NIC anyway .... gimme a sec please05:05
richiefrichmo0se app-emulation/qemu (): qemu emulator and abi wrapper meta ebuild05:05
maybelle_my brother is asking if we nid a computer host and a client05:05
ziga_Under Network printer i have options like Windows Printer(SMB), Unix printer, HP Jet Direct, which one do i choose?05:05
simpkinsgnomefreak: http://www.allthingschrist.org/test/chapter1.html05:05
avisc172 thats the last thing it would damage05:05
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nightcodermaybelle: it will depend on your network scope05:05
mo0sei think i'll try vmware.05:06
c172well unless the vnc isn't working, it looks like that user won't login to an actual desktop anymore05:06
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avissimpkins, offtopic, sorry.05:06
mo0seis there a difference between vmware and vmplayer?05:06
nightcodermaybelle: your computer is a server ? Its sharing internet or something like that ?05:06
marcel__anyone got xgl working on dapper?05:06
joaquinzavis: does it work for ati cards too??05:06
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gnomefreaksimpkins: the white part stays white huh?05:06
avisjoaquinz, yeppers05:06
ynefmo0se: yeah, one's free -- the other one's vmplayer ;)05:06
ynefmo0se: uh, other way around... :)05:06
avisjoaquinz, but not as easy05:06
mattikooHow can I repair xfs filesystem by live cd05:06
simpkinsgnomefreak: yea05:06
mo0seynef: you just confused me. hahaha.05:07
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nightcodermaybelle: can you look in another computer and tell me whats ip address, network mask and gateway are it using ?05:07
gnomefreaksimpkins: thats not you thats the site05:07
ynefmo0se: vmware = expensive, vmplayer = free :)05:07
mgorbachi've also got another problem ... my gui is running extremely slow05:07
richiefrichmattikoo repair.. as in ?  fsck.xfs05:07
neutrinomassreza:  I think you have to add 'tulip' in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, but I'm not sure ...05:07
benSo, is there any way I can get into my bios with grub booting up instantly?05:07
mgorbachiv got an nvidia 6600 i think here05:07
ynefkane77: sup?05:07
simpkinsgnomefreak: it works on windows tho05:07
maybelle_no its not a server05:07
Ng!tell mgorbach about nvidia05:07
c172is there some kind of vnc server that doesn't have to be run for a user that's already logged in, or is that too much to hope for?05:07
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1083433&postcount=305:07
richiefrichDShepherd morning good sir05:07
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Bezzerthanks for the help ynef, working nicely now05:07
gnomefreaksimpkins: it might not be flash than let me look at source see what it is05:07
mo0sedoes xgl work with intel onboard graphics cards?05:07
joaquinzavis: do you know some tutorial to ati cards??05:07
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ynefBezzer: great to hear05:08
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mo0seheheh. 'cause that's all i got.05:08
nightcodermaybelle: read last msg ... I need some info from another computer in you network05:08
maybelle_all of our pc's are not connected with each oder05:08
Ngc172: Xvnc works like a regular X server, but only talks to vnc, so you can run it without it displaying anything on a monitor, if that's what you mean?05:08
simpkinsgnomefreak:its flash cause i made it lol05:08
rezaneutrinomass: never mind it is working ! 2 days i was searching for a solution thx again ! :D05:08
rdouglasshi world. Anybody have some time to help me with my wifi on Dapper? (perhaps private channel to minimize chatter?)05:08
marcel__mattikoo: chkfs.xfs?05:08
DShepherdrichiefrich: goodmorning to you too :) whats' up?05:08
mattikoorichiefrich: After my son reset computer in linux it halt05:08
Codenut On my system, I can't become su or root, how so I do that?05:08
c172ng, does that take a lot of configuration?05:08
Hobbsee!tell Codenut about sudo05:08
gnomefreaksimpkins: my flash i know works as of 3am this morning05:08
Ngc172: nope :)05:08
richiefrichDShepherd not much man...  just chillin05:08
Intangirhey guys, i have multiple screens, and firefox05:08
maybelle_all of my computer dont have any ipp submask and gateway05:08
pradeepCodenut, sudo so05:08
marcel__Codenut: su is not a user, su changes to a user05:08
c172it's probably not installed anyways, and I don't really have access to the package manager...05:08
maybelle_all of my computer dont have any ipp submask and gateway05:08
Intangiri can only run firefox on 1 screen though05:08
nightcodermaybelle: but can you look in its network configuration ?05:08
mattikoomarcel__: I try05:08
pradeepCodenut, sudo su05:08
kane77I played a bit with the boot... isn't there anything realy graphical...(? (I've seen a boot loader that looked nice on my friends computer... but I don't know wether it was lilo or grub...)05:09
Intangirif i try to run it in 2 i.. geez this channel is crazy busy.05:09
DShepherdrichiefrich: kool05:09
beni wanna get in my bios /cry05:09
maybelle_were looking at it05:09
Intangirscrew it.05:09
thoreauputicmaybelle_: no need to repeat05:09
mr_huswhat are the video specs needed for xgl to run smoothly? Last time I tried it, window movements seemed to glitch at the end of the movement. I have an nvidia card... Geforce4 Ti 4200...05:09
mnkhello all. i am trying to use my HP LaserJet 1000 usb printer with ubuntu but the native drivers don't work. I also tried the hacks online and again they didn't work. The printer gets recognised [i can even print it from vmware windows guest]  but when i try to print under linux, it just hangs - it says it is printing, but nothing. no light flashing on printer, nothing. PLEASE help me someone as I have my final year project to do. Thanks!05:09
maybelle_all our pc's are have internet05:09
gnomefreaksimpkins: it looks like it uses flasha nd shockwave05:09
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maybelle_but they dont have anyconnection with each pc05:09
nightcodermaybelle: your network use DHCP ...05:09
c172I just don't understand how things can go wrong like this... I didn't really change the default configurations at all05:09
avismr_hus, that will do fine05:09
ubuntuinstalled 6.06 nio probs very please only thin thing is I had a look at gparted to create a new partition and sine i only have the one partition at the moment  gparted says 35 gigs in toal of which 33 gigs is used this is not the case as only 5 gigs were used before 6.06 install05:09
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richiefrichmattikoo then run..  fsck.xfs /dev/XXX     -->  XXX being hdX#  or sdX#05:09
simpkinsgnomefreak: does shockwave work on ubuntu i think i couldent get that to work last time lol05:09
neutrinomassreza: I know how you feel. I had just bought a router + nic combination and didn't know what was wrong. I know 0 of networking (0 though) so it was *painful* :)05:09
kane77and... my TNT2 doesn't work even with the legacy drivers...05:09
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marcel__mnk: did you set it up in cups? and does a test page print?05:09
Codenutbye gang!05:09
ynefkane77: sure, grub can use images and stuff... look it up on the internet05:09
maybelle_all our computer are in DHCP mode05:09
KalkranThere are so many people talkin in here.. :o05:10
ziga_Can someone please tell me how to setup a network printer, which is running through windows on Ubuntu?05:10
gnomefreaksimpkins: thats kind of iffy but heres the site for you05:10
mnkmarcel__: yes i did05:10
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gnomefreakubotu tell simpkins -about restricted05:10
maybelle_and i cant even access my other computer05:10
marcel__mnk: does the test page print?05:10
simpkinsgnomefreak: thanks05:10
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maybelle_but all of them have internet connections05:10
gnomefreaksimpkins: yw05:10
mr_husavis: any idea why it was glitching then? i've seen videos of it running pretty smootly... i know there are still issues tho05:10
marcel__mnk: what driver did you choose for the printer05:10
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tRSSquick question: after I upgraded from breezy to dapper, i am getting this and few more errors when I login to bash: "unknown items QUOTAS_ENAB (notify administrator)". so how can I fix this?05:10
richiefrichDShepherd i dont have many problems... i think im as tweaked as i can get.. :)  im just trying to get lighter... like getting ride of gnome totally :)05:10
mnkmarcel__: the foo thingy one05:10
rdouglassubotu tell rdouglass about wifi05:10
nightcodermaybelle: are you trying to setup a local network 'from scratch' or only trying to put your computer into network05:10
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maybelle_from scratch...05:11
CuriousCathello! Would anyone know about kernel issues with the IBM X30?05:11
nightcodermaybelle: System -> Admin -> Network05:11
DShepherdrichiefrich: k05:11
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marcel__mnk: you need to install better drivers, like foomatic cups , or something like ppd05:11
nightcodermaybelle: Click your network interface05:11
c172Ng, what package do I have to install for xvnc?05:11
neutrinomassmaybelle_: You don't by any chance have a Davicom NIC as well right ? :)05:11
thoreauputictRSS: look in /etc/logins.def05:11
DShepherdrichiefrich: i'll be back soon05:11
marcel__mnk: also make sure what driver you have choosen, foo is not a driver05:11
mnkmarcel__: foo2zjs05:11
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maybelle_click network interface05:11
CuriousCatI'm getting IRQ 15 errors on the said laptop.05:11
nightcodermaybelle: click properties05:11
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avisthere are some options you can change in the control panel for i forget what its called.   let me show you another page but be careful what you do and whos directions you follow.  http://www.madman2k.net/?module=article&id=19#p205:12
richiefrichDShepherd ok and i must invite u05:12
maybelle_im looking at my network settings now05:12
mnkmarcel__: what's foomatic cups?05:12
marcel__mnk: sudo apt-get install foomatic-filters-ppds05:12
Ngc172: just vncserver I believe05:12
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nightcodermaybelle: change its configuration to 'DHCP'05:12
CuriousCatI'm getting IRQ 15 errors on the said laptop. Would like to know if there's a workaround for it.05:12
tRSSthoreauputic: why has the upgrade done to cause this error? i would appreciate your help.05:12
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ubuntuis there another program other than the gparted GUI on which i can check my disk size gparted is giving misleading information05:12
rdouglass$50 in Amazon gifts if someone can help me with wifi (Dapper) - open a private channel05:12
maybelle_configuration setting is now dhcp05:12
mnkmarcel__: foomatic-filters-ppds is already the newest version.05:12
maybelle_ip subnet gateway all blank05:12
thoreauputictRSS: you will probably find a debconf file there with the new config ( something like /etc/login.defs.debconf05:12
marcel__mnk: drivers for printers05:12
benSo, is there any way I can get into my bios with grub booting up instantly?05:12
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marcel__mnk: modify printer and choose a different driver05:12
paolo_guys, after upgrading to dapper the usb printer isn't seen by gnome-cups-manager. Any hint?05:12
thoreauputictRSS: just move that file in place of the old one05:12
c172I don't think I have vncserver, I just had a regular 5.10 install05:13
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c172I think it was using 'vino'05:13
mnkmarcel__: tried that - i tried all the drivers; same issue05:13
marcel__paolo_: is the printer on?05:13
kane77anyone uses grub2?? Is it realy safe to install?? (last thing I need is to mess up my MBR)...05:13
aLPHa_LeaKben: normally the delete key works for that05:13
c172is xvnc in the regular repositories, or do i need to add another one?05:13
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thoreauputictRSS: you probably answered a config question on it and said to keep your settings05:13
tRSSthoreauputic: and where is the old one?05:13
ubuntuCOMMAND LINE05:13
nightcodermaybelle: yes05:13
avisdeka vino vasos !05:13
neutrinomassAnybody with an alcatel speedtouch modem here ?05:13
mgorbachthanks for your help guys ... video performance is much nicer now05:13
marcel__mnk: can you not choose hp laserjet driver? that should work, and do you hae the usb connection choosen?05:13
benaLPHa_LeaK, it doesnt .... it shows the intel logo and goes immediately to grub, i hit delete anyway and no bios05:13
nightcodermaybelle: click ok05:13
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thoreauputictRSS: no, the old one is /etc/login.defs05:13
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mgorbachcan someone point me to the best guide to follow for XGL on the LTS ubuntu release?05:13
mnkmarcel__: btw thanks for ur help - i appreciate it. i'm in a bit of a situation here!05:13
c172avis, I don't like it either but it's what comes with ubuntu05:13
Ngc172: vino is just the one that lets you export your current login. vncserver is in universe05:13
benSo I cant make it boot off CDs first and i have to boot off a cd :/05:14
CuriousCatOh, sorry... i meant IRQ 15 errors on the IBM Thinkpad R30 laptop. Any workaround for this?05:14
c172so... i would have to add sources?05:14
thoreauputictRSS: the new one is the one that debconf backed up in case of need05:14
collusionhello all05:14
mgorbachiv found many forums but im not sure if they are outdated?05:14
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nightcodermaybelle: internet is working now ?05:14
thomaslaiXMMS cannot play mp305:14
simpkinsso anyone know of a way to use Shockwave without using WINE with windows version of firefox lol ????05:14
c172this is when the package manager would come in handy05:14
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paolo_marcel__, yes, and lsusb gives a "Bus 001 Device 003: ID 04b8:0005 Seiko Epson Corp. Stylus Printer". However, gnome-cups-manager doesn't detect it05:14
thomaslaibut my mplayer can05:14
ubuntuagorbach; howtoforge.com05:14
Ngc172: yep, but you can do it all from a terminal. how come you don't have a package manager though?05:14
mwoshhey all.. just wondering if someone could help...05:14
c172because I can't log in with vnc05:14
mnkmarcel__: i chose hp lj 1000 printer05:14
mwoshany way to install dapper without the live cd?05:14
mwoshjust a direct install?05:14
marcel__mnk: good, with usb connection?05:14
CrippsFXis there a command line applet for the gnome taskbar (FC has one ... I was wondering where I could get one for dapper)05:14
maybelle_all of my pc's have internet connections05:14
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collusioni'm using a network cups server that has dozens of printers on it (for the whole building) but I only care about seeing icons for the ones that are on my floor in gnome-cups-icon; is this possible?05:14
marcel__paolo_: maybe you need to install more ppd drivers05:15
thoreauputictRSS: try  ls -l /etc/login.def*05:15
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maybelle_what we want is on how 2 access/share pc 2 pc ...05:15
thomaslaianyone can help me here - XMMS cannot playback mp3 files but mplayer can05:15
paolo_marcel__, how? what packages=05:15
paolo_marcel__, how? what packages=?05:15
mgorbachcan someone point me to the best guide to follow for XGL on the LTS ubuntu release?05:15
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thoreauputictRSS: you should see two files05:15
marcel__paolo_: apt-cache search cups ppd05:15
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mnkmarcel__:  yes i have usb chosen - but same problem05:15
nightcodermaybelle: after last change, your computer (ubuntu) is connected to the internet ?05:15
marcel__mnk: does the test page print?05:15
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benIs there a way to get grub to boot fro ma CD so i dont need to worry why its not even letting me in bios05:15
benim starting to hat grub05:16
maybelle_yes yes :D05:16
c172I guess the only remote administration that will fix this is bringing in a keyboard and monitor from a remote location05:16
thoreauputictRSS: the one with the extra suffix needs to be renamed to /etc/login.defs05:16
Subhumanben, grub cannot lock u out of the bios.05:16
maybelle_the internet now is working fine05:16
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mnkmarcel__: no it doesn't05:16
marcel__mnk: what error?05:16
Ngc172: you can do it fine from a console/ssh05:16
nightcodermaybelle: good.05:16
Subhumanben, nothing but the bios can do that.05:16
maybelle_what we want now is how 2 share pc 2 pc05:16
thoreauputictRSS: got it ?05:16
maybelle_what should we do mr nightcoder05:16
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benSubhuman what cna I do then ?  Grub pops up before anything else and i never have an option to get in bios05:16
paolo_Marcel: $ dpkg -l|grep ppd05:16
paolo_ii  foomatic-filters-ppds     20050913-105:16
paolo_ii  hplip-ppds             0.9.5-2ubuntu205:16
marcel__mnk: is the printer connected and on? and it is a supported device via cups? linuxprinting.org?05:16
mnkmarcel__: no error on the gui - it just says: printing: job-prining. but nothing comes out of the printer05:16
nightcodermaybelle: tell me about your 'other' computer05:17
c172only after taking a couple of hours to learn how to do something that should take 5 minutes05:17
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nightwCould anybody help? Here is the problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1096974#post109697405:17
marcel__paolo_: install the foomatic-filters-ppd05:17
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Ngc172: take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 - that's the complete list of breezy package sources. make your /etc/apt/sources.list file look like that and do a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vncserver". done.05:17
paolo_marcel__, it is installed!05:17
maybelle_the other computer also has an internet connction05:17
maybelle_so do i05:17
mnkmarcel__: in /var/log/messages i get: drivers/usb/class/usblp.c: usblp0: nonzero read/write bulk status received: -3205:17
marcel__mnk: maybe you need to reset the printer and restart the cups server /etc/init.d/cups restart05:17
ubuntuwhats the command line in parted to check partition size?05:17
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c172since I'm using 6.06 do I just change everything to "dapper"?05:17
nightcodermaybelle: it is a ubuntu (linux) or windows machine ?05:17
maybelle_but i cannot access his computer05:17
Ngc172: ah sorry, I thought you were using 5.10. The list for dapper is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666605:18
marcel__paolo_: try adding the printer to cups with cups-printer-manager05:18
Subhumanben, thats very odd, try holding DEL or w.e ure bios button is while u power on, the system shoukd ALWAYS start with a POST , so u must have some time.05:18
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maybelle_its ubuntu 5.1005:18
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mnkmarcel__: : and in the cups error log: CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized - and:  [Job 34]  No %%BoundingBox: comment in header!05:18
benSubhuman,  I agree its wierd, I coulda sworn it was delete and i tried that05:18
c172if I hadn't tried to upgrade things would still be working... at least until I did something else that wasn't approved05:18
mnkmarcel__: yes i did restart cups too05:18
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nightcodermaybelle: that other computer uses DHCP too, right ?05:18
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories05:19
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic05:19
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maybelle_yes mr nightcoder all our pc are dhcp connection05:19
Subhumanben, it could be you have "quick boot" or something like that enabled.05:19
avisi didn't believe there was plf for dapper ?05:19
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marcel__mnk: try google and ubuntu cups05:19
marcel__mnk: i dont have any ideas left05:19
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Subhumanben, you could just take the CMOS battery out, that would reset the bios to factory default though, should fix it.05:19
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atongendoes anybody know where I can find detailed technical information on the certified lamp stack installed with the dapper server installer?05:19
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benSubhuman, I was thinking of that, im on a laptop though05:20
nightcodermaybelle: all PCs are connected to a HUB/SWITCH ?05:20
avisben, there should be a jumper near your cmos to reset it05:20
thoreauputicavis: w32codecs is just a bundle of codecs - it installs in the same place and works fine05:20
mnkmarcel__: loads of ppl have this problem on google - but the only solution given doesn't work for me [and others] . the printer works in windows, so i really don't know what the problem is05:20
benavis -- i know, laptop though05:20
avisthank you05:20
maybelle_all pc's are connected to a switch05:20
Subhumanben, its still possible on some laptops, or they have a reset switch/jumper.05:20
avislaptop.  i see.  whats keeping you from going into the bios and resetting to factory defaults ?05:20
nightcodermaybelle: your network is 'server-based' ? Have you a machine acting as a server to you network ?05:20
dr_willisOdd.. some how Ubuntu/cups is saying I got a printer on each of my parrallel ports.. and i dont even have parrallel ports (i think)05:20
mnkmarcel__: and the printer even works in vmware - windows guest - under linux!05:20
maybelle_none of them are working as a server05:20
Subhumandr_willis, mine does the same :P05:20
paolo_marcel__, cups-printer-manager? I have gnome-cups-manager, that doesn't see the printer05:21
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maybelle_and we are really starting from scratch :((05:21
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nightcodermaybelle: this switch is connected to a DSL modem or something like that ?05:21
c172well, xvnc doesn't want to start either05:21
maybelle_yes we are connected to a dsl modem05:21
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dr_willisSubhuman:  been having all sorts of printing issues with Dapper since it has been released.. had no issues in the beta. :()05:21
Subhumanavis, the lappy goes straight to GRUB, no POST at all.05:21
mgorbach228how do i make my ubuntu detect the dual core processors? i think i need to get an SMP kernel?05:21
stbrennermy video is messed up.  anytime i get a .mpg or .wmv video to play...it will open, however it's really bright...almost "whited" out i guess you could say.  help?05:21
maybelle_we have 10 pc's all connected to a switch05:21
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maybelle_that is connectd to a dsl modem05:22
Subhumandr_willis, my printing has been fine apart from GIMP, but thats always been shit with my printer.05:22
gnomefreakstbrenner: install the w32codecs05:22
thoreauputichi ubuntu :)05:22
maybelle_all our individuals pcs05:22
nightcodermaybelle: we will make some changes in your network05:22
maybelle_have no host or client05:22
atongenmgorbach228 -- sudo apt-get install linux-686-smp05:22
maybelle_ok ok05:22
gnomefreakubotu tell stbrenner -about restricted05:22
maybelle_what should we do night05:22
ubuntuwhat is the command line in parted to check partition size05:22
thoreauputicubuntu: imaginative nick you have there ;-)05:22
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Hobbseeubuntu: dh -h05:22
stbrennerapt-get install w32codecs won't work for me05:22
Hobbseeubuntu: df -h05:22
nightcodermaybelle: that 2 computers are the only you need to comunicate ?05:22
maybelle_night can u pm me?05:22
Doomhammerwhat was the command to select alternatives again ? :S05:22
stbrennerand i thought the repository was down05:22
Hobbsee!tell stbrenner about restricted05:22
gnomefreakstbrenner: read the link ubotu pmed you with05:23
dr_willisSubhuman:  the thing keeps losein g the printer. :(05:23
marcel__paolo_: i ment the gnome cups manager05:23
avisyou have to wget win32codecs from a server05:23
ubuntuit came with the the live CD!05:23
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avisthen install05:23
patrick_hey, how do you get programs to start when you log in?05:23
stbrennerargh, i've done so many times :)05:23
c172can xvnc run at the same time as gdm?05:23
maybelle_no we nid the 10 computers to access each other05:23
trynemjoelhow do i install Java's .bin package from their homepage?05:23
mo0sehow do i uninstall the grub bootloader?05:23
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thoreauputicubuntu: yeah I know05:23
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting05:23
maybelle_this is a internet cafe nightcoder05:23
stbrenneronce more i suppose05:23
marcel__paolo_: are you useng dapper?05:23
gnomefreakDoomhammer: depends on what you are attemting to configure05:23
avistrynemjoel, its in the wiki05:23
ubuntuBUT the doamin name is ok05:23
c172I didn't think it was that hard to make software that works05:23
Doomhammergnomefreak: gcc05:23
gnomefreakstgraber: its not apt-get its wget to get the w32codecs05:23
beerockxsAnyone know why sometimes, the buttons in gnome appear in a different color until i mouse-over them?05:23
nightcodermaybelle: good ... we will setup on of your machines to act like a server05:23
paolo_ marcel__ the problem has arised after upgrading to dapper05:23
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avisxvnc should be a system service05:24
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maybelle_what should i do05:24
thoreauputicc172: both vino and xvncserver ( and indeed freenx) work just fine here...05:24
gnomefreakDoomhammer: i think thats an exportCC-3.4 or whatever05:24
nightcodermaybelle: have you a machine with 2 ethernet cards ?05:24
c172I really just need it this one time to get the regular vnc service working, but I'll see if there's an init script05:24
thoreauputicxtightvnc actually05:24
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simpkins----> Has anyone got shockwave to work ????? with the restricted section instructtions ????????????????? <-------------05:24
mgorbach228atongen, will grub be updated automatically?05:24
c172apparently not05:24
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mnkhello all. i am trying to use my HP LaserJet 1000 usb printer with ubuntu but the native drivers don't work. I also tried the hacks online and again they didn't work. The printer gets recognised [i can even print it from vmware windows guest]  but when i try to print under linux, it just hangs - it says it is printing, but nothing. no light flashing on printer, nothing. PLEASE help me someone as I have my final year project to do. Thanks!05:24
Doomhammergnomefreak: nah that command isn't found :S05:24
atongenyes, it should be.05:24
ubuntuthoreauputic : parted command line any offers?05:24
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thoreauputicsimpkins: lose the ??? please05:24
Doomhammergnomefreak: couldn't i just remove the symlink in /usr/bin and poitn it to where i want ?05:25
maybelle_we are just using 1 lan card connected to the switch using a UTP cable05:25
thoreauputicsimpkins: and the other gratuitous spam05:25
avismnk, its possible vmware is the culprit05:25
gnomefreakDoomhammer: theres an export command for it i just cant rememeber exact command05:25
gnomefreakDoomhammer: you could try05:25
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nightcodermaybelle: ... all you machines are ubuntu (linux) ?05:25
dr_willismnk:  ive been having some printing issues as well..  check your cups web interface perhaps it will mention an error. ( http://localhost:631 )05:25
mnkavis: it wasn't working b4 vmware05:25
atongenas long as you haven't manually edited your /boot/grub/menu.lst05:25
maybelle_all of them are ubuntu 5.1005:25
nightcodermaybelle: good05:25
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maybelle_whats next05:25
trynemjoelthe wiki appears to show no knowtion of .bin according to the searchengine05:26
avismnk, google is your best friend then05:26
c172how can xvnc run as a system service when it has no init script?05:26
dr_willistrynemjoel:  huh?05:26
Doomhammergnomefreak: yep that apperas to have worked05:26
nightcodermaybelle: we will setup some 'virtual' ips in your network05:26
patrick_start up programs?05:26
maybelle_got that05:26
dr_willisc172:  i have my vncserver set up to run as a service through inetd05:26
nightcodermaybelle: please type on ther terminal05:26
maybelle_whats next05:26
aviseven if it isn't just run it if its a server and you can kill it when its done05:26
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maybelle_what should i type05:26
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nightcodermaybelle: sudo ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up05:27
nightcodernow, in another computer, type:05:27
nightcodermaybelle: sudo ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up05:27
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gnomefreaksimpkins: you have to install wine moxplugger and windows version of ff  if you ask me its not worth the trouble05:27
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mnkdr_willis: what would the user/pass be for cups?05:27
Rubinanyone know how i can completely disable the 'windows' key?05:27
nightcodermaybelle: now, on the first computer, type05:28
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Rubini keep hitting it by accedent05:28
gnomefreakthat too ty05:28
nightcodermaybelle: ping
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nightcodermaybelle: answer ?05:28
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tRSSthoreauputic: thanks, it worked! really appreciate your help05:28
thomas__I need some help, please05:28
=== chamo re
TiG4thomas__: what can I help you with?05:28
stbrenneri tried installing w32codecs but the video is still way too bright to see anything05:28
Frogzooanyone get the acrobat plugin for firefox working on dapper? (i get error loading ewh.dll plugin)05:28
georgcan someone help me with installing my wlan adapter? i have a samsung p28 with an agere mini pci card. i tried ndiswrapper with the drivers from the agere site, but that did not work.05:28
stbrenneri can make it out but it's definately messed up05:29
dr_willismnk: - hmm - i had mine set to root :) its mentioned in the wiki/forums a tweak ya need to do to get cups working fully with the web interface.. cant even look at the printer/settings eh?05:29
c172this isn't doing much...05:29
=== indrop [n=indrop@ver44-1-82-231-145-224.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
thomas__I have a problem whith ubuntu tapper05:29
gnomefreakFrogzoo: from acroread?05:29
indropBonjour ?05:29
maybelle_its running05:29
thoreauputictRSS: no problem - I did the same thing as you on the upgrade - I tried to keep my old config with the result you described05:29
TiG4thomas__: what seems to be the problem05:29
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c172is the AutomaticLogin option in gdm.conf enough to make an automatic login, or do i have to change something somewhere else?05:29
atongenanyone know where I can find specific information about the certified dapper lamp stack?05:29
thoreauputictRSS: evidently the login defs have changed05:29
nightcodermaybelle: hit 'Ctrl + C'05:29
avisindrop, english only, sorry.05:29
mgorbachcan someone help? ubuntu is still not detected my dual core 4800+ as two processors05:29
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thomas__the wify work well with breezy but not with tapper ?05:29
mgorbachcat /proc/cpuinfo shows one05:29
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indropPlease, where is the french chat on irc plz ?05:29
c172for that matter, what configuration file starts vino when a user logs in?05:29
iiiearssimpkins - The truelyparanoid among us. (Suddenly looks uneasy and a little embarassed.) Run network applications using qemu or vmware. - isolating the internet from the base Operating System. - lol05:29
duraAnyone know where I can find the repository addresses for sources.list so I can dist-upgrade to 6.06?05:29
ompaulc172, sysetm perferences sessions is the way to do that05:30
gnomefreakindrop: #ubuntu-fr05:30
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nightcodermaybelle: tell me if your ping command works ...05:30
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c172ompaul, you mean in gnome?05:30
maybelle_yup working properly05:30
ompaulc172, yes05:30
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c172I'm trying to get there05:30
TiG4thomas__: PM me please. I will try to hel05:30
nightcodermaybelle: good, very good05:30
maybelle_im not a dog05:30
avismgorbach, are you using the latest bios for motherboard ?05:30
BoglizkHow do i use the "Text Manipulation" in xScreenSaver?05:30
maybelle_but thanks :D05:30
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nightcodermaybelle: on each machine you will type the following command05:30
maybelle_what should we do next05:30
pradeepomg. ... maybelle_ still here :-/05:30
mgorbachyes i believe so ...05:30
Frogzoognomefreak: yes, from acroread...05:30
ompaulc172, forghet that - I was doing something else -- it is really05:30
c172I did that already, but after the upgrade it isn't working... now I need to check if it's still enabled05:30
avismgorbach, also can you uname -a to verify you are using  a smp kernel05:31
kane77dura, just change all occurences of "breezy" to "dapper" then run "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"05:31
iiiearssimpkens - give qemu or vmware's browser appliance a try. (both are free. though vmware is a bit easier to use.)05:31
samu2w00t, my wav sound was just turned down really low in alsamixer05:31
nightcodermaybelle: sudo ifconfig eth0:0 192.168.0.X netmask up05:31
mgorbachLinux montecarlo 2.6.15-23-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 23 14:03:07 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/L05:31
gnomefreakFrogzoo: the thing that bothers me about that is dll's shouldnt have a thing to do with pdf05:31
mnkdr_willis: i can browse the settings just can't add a printer :)05:31
maybelle_ok got that05:31
maybelle_then wat is next05:31
durakane77, Okay thanks... I wasn't sure if that was still okay to do or not. I"ve broken a few Debian boxes doing it that way.05:31
mnkdr_willis: i am in the lpadmin group though05:31
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nightcodermaybelle: you will replace 'X' on that command to a number between 2 and '11'05:31
mgorbachits strange ... im getting the following line is dmesg:05:31
ompaulc172, System administration logon screen setup, and go to the Automatic logon box05:31
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exhaleis there a reason Ubuntu uses Gnome?05:31
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nathan_anyone have a link on how to enable mp3 / wmv / divx / xvid / etc playback in ubuntu?05:31
mgorbach[4294669.829000]  SMP motherboard not detected.05:32
maybelle_ok then05:32
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c172ompaul, I'm trying to do this remotely05:32
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tRSSthoreauputic: that is interesting, but useful information05:32
avismgorbach, try getting a k8 smp kernel if one exists.05:32
c172but that might be too much to ask for05:32
thoreauputicexhale: you can use KDE too  if you wish05:32
ompaulexhale, cos the devs wanted to, there is a xfce version, and a kde version also05:32
gnomefreakFrogzoo: try a differnt pdf and see if you get ssame errors if the pdf has dll's enbedded thats just really strange to me05:32
kane77i'm trying to install "grub-gfxboot" but it says that it has conflict with current "grub"... anyone has installed it?? How should I proceed???05:32
Ranciliojoin/ #granada05:32
c172I think I enabled automatic login again in gdm05:32
c172now I just want to see if vino is starting the way it should05:32
ompaulc172, install vnc and remotely control the session05:32
maybelle_ei nightcoder05:33
c172xvnc and vncserver don't start05:33
maybelle_r u stil der :((05:33
maybelle_im w8tng for u waaaaaa05:33
gnomefreakmgorbach: are you using the smp kernel?05:33
thoreauputictRSS: usually the default answer is to keep your config but in this case it was a better idea to acept the new one - I should have looked at it more closely I guess :)05:33
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avismgorbach, they used to name the 64 bit arch releases amd64.  now its ia64 or whatever.  heh !05:33
c172this has to be in a configuration file somewhere... did they hide it and throw away the path?05:33
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nevchen_firefox starts very very slow how can I fix it?05:33
mgorbachim not using a 64biut05:33
c172it must  take an active effort to make things this hard to understand05:33
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tRSSme too, but I guess the default also said that we should keep the old one05:33
mgorbachim using an i686 kernel ... it shows up as SMP05:33
iiiearsexhale - GNOME is a bit lighter on resources and the menus aren't as cluttered as KDE. KDE has GNOME beat hands down for beauty though. - it is even possible for some time now to enable true.transparency ala "Windows Vista"05:33
avisoh just smp05:33
dmanjoin #ubuntu-xgl05:34
maybelle_ei guys where's nightcoder /wah05:34
nightcodermaybelle: Im still here05:34
maybelle_der u go05:34
maybelle_whats next night05:34
duane<iiiears> exhale - GNOME is a bit lighter on resources05:34
duanenot true05:34
avisyou just need a smp kernel look at a system monitor in gnome to see if there are two cpus there or the device manager05:34
duanekde is way lighter on resources05:34
maybelle_now where understandng each other thnks 2 u :D05:34
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duaneand it is snappier than gnome05:34
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thomas__I need to register before ;-)05:34
duaneand i find the menu system in kde more organized that gnome05:34
Subhumanduane, kde runs shittier than gnome for me.05:34
nightcodermaybelle: now, try to ping every machine on your network05:34
nikoshello can you plz telle me ehat the option in gnoem i ahev to change so it can let me login as root?05:34
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thoreauputicduane: desktop wars -->> #ubuntu-offtopic :)05:35
Subhumanduane, i think they mean compare qt to gtk - i find gtk alot quicker.05:35
maybelle_we already done thats05:35
duanei guess it is relative to the user05:35
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nightcodermaybelle: ping  ...05:35
duanebut to say that kde is faster than gnome or gnome is faster than kde is bull05:35
H0ddiSome things is Gnome are just braindead, but I find it mostly usable05:35
maybelle_its also working05:35
nightcoderhit 'Ctrl + C' to stop ping05:35
nikosplz someone05:35
avisnikos, open console, type sudo -i, enter password, then you have root05:35
nightcodermaybelle: great!05:35
maybelle_whats next05:35
maybelle_now ur smiling ahem =p05:35
nightcodermaybelle: now, you can share anything you want between computers05:35
BoglizkWhy isn't possible to update through Update Manager? I just get "Failed to fetch...".05:36
nikosavis i wan tto be able to run gnome as root as well05:36
maybelle_how can i do that05:36
H0ddiJust try changing the color of the font on the panel05:36
maybelle_can i do that now05:36
avisnikos you cannot05:36
thoreauputic*** General Announcement *** The channel is busy - if you want to chat about the relative merits of KDE and GNOME, /join #ubuntu-offtopic05:36
nikosi can i did it tin the past05:36
avisnikos you cannot login to ubuntu with user "root"05:36
nikosi did it in the past05:36
nightcodermaybelle: under System -> Admin -> Shared folders05:36
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nikosi just can rwcall the option05:36
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neutrinomassnikos: May I please /msg you ?05:36
nikosi think it was in "sessions"05:36
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nikosneutrinomass: yes of course05:36
nightcoderYou can share ... folders :)05:36
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neutrinomassnikos: Why would you want to login to gnome as root ?05:37
setroshey, please help05:37
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vincenzI have an issue with dapper05:37
vincenzI installed fine05:37
vincenzI now rebooted05:37
vincenzand it can't launch x05:37
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TiG4neutrinomass: to avoid typing root all the time :)05:37
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.05:37
avisneurino, because you shouldn't be doing it.  he is misbehaving :o05:37
mgorbachim trying the k7 kernel now ...05:37
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nikosi also want to disable the sudo command05:37
setrosI write "make" in terminal and Ubuntu don't recognize the command :S05:37
mnkdr_willis: i get this when i tried to print from the cups web interface [i got in] HP "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed"05:37
avismgorbach, be sure its smp05:37
TiG4mgorbach: what are the advantages of K7?05:37
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duranikos, Type sudo passwd05:37
Frogzoognomefreak: my bad _ewh.api_05:37
apokryphosnikos: huh, why?05:37
billybobthortonnhow can i install dapper (from CD) in text mode? (installing without booting to dapper gui)05:37
=== Canard [n=Canard@host81-132-83-21.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
maybelle_what shud we do next nightcoder05:37
gnomefreaksetros: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:38
nikosi dotn want to type sudo each time05:38
apokryphosbillybobthortonn: /msg ubotu alternate05:38
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duranikos, Type sudo passwd05:38
mgorbachwell right now im just trying to get the thing to recognize my dual core 480005:38
TiG4Does anyone have a link to a write-up or how-to on tunneling an x connection05:38
nightcodermaybelle: you will share computer folders in one (or various) hosts05:38
Subhumanwhat is the keyboard called in /dev ??/05:38
apokryphosnikos: so don't; type sudo -i to get into a root shell05:38
thoreauputicnikos: sudo -i gives you a root shell05:38
maybelle_w8 ill try05:38
thoreauputicapokryphos: :)05:38
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c172ok, so vncserver says it started but I can't connect05:38
c172what am I missing?05:38
nightcodermaybelle: after this, you will access that folder from each computer, easily05:38
nikosdura: its ask for a password05:38
gnomefreakFrogzoo: hmmmmmm that i dont know05:38
maybelle_whats the procedure nightcoder05:39
iiiearsTiG4 - OpenSSH?05:39
setrosgnomefreak, it says that the packages are broken05:39
mnkanyone else know why i get this when i tried to print a test page from the cups web interface: HP "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed"05:39
avismgorbach, are you sure your motherboard bios is up to the latest version ?05:39
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CanardI have a computer running ubuntu I wish to connect to a router using a USB cable, I have checked the manufactures homepage and they do not offer drivers for Linux, how should I get it too connect to the internet?05:39
nightcoderPlaces -> Network servers05:39
TiG4iiiears: Can I use that to have a remote display (I dont want NVC)05:39
gnomefreaksetros: sudo apt-get -f install  (no package nameplease) just the command05:39
nikosplz tell me how to log ina s root05:39
=== WoodwardAve [n=kevinjsm@host-5277.dhcp.egr.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
nikosand disable the sudo commnnd05:39
=== thierryn [n=thierry@modemcable199.142-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
duraCanard, Plug it in and see if it works.05:39
runelinddoes dapper support a graphical config of dual screens like FC5?05:39
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nikosic an t find that in gui05:39
avisCanard does it have an ethernet port ?05:39
apokryphosnikos: no, logging in as root is unsafe05:39
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gnomefreaknikos: its not recommended to do that05:39
neutrinomass!tell nikos about root05:39
maybelle_ei hold a moment night05:40
thoreauputic!tell nikos about root05:40
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maybelle_its asking for a authentication required05:40
neutrinomassnikos: It takes a little while to get used to sudo, but then you'll understand why it rocks :)05:40
iiiearsTiG4 - yes, OpenSSH is encrypted tcp/ip05:40
nikosi know but iam sued to work with other distro like this05:40
nightcodermaybelle: or places -> connect to a server05:40
Canarddura, that was plan A when that failed I moved to plan B which was freenode. avis no05:40
stbrennereverytime i download a .wmv movie it closes totem05:40
avisrunelind, i dont believe so05:40
apokryphosnikos: read what ubotu is sending you05:40
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maybelle_i dont have any server05:40
ParadoxxSeveas: you there? I need help setting up freenx b/w linux machines05:40
runelindavis: :(05:40
billybobthortonnhow do i netboot install dapper? (I have a cd)05:40
duraCanard, Hmm... I have a USB to ethernet adapter... might try one of those05:40
runelindthat's too bad05:40
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mgorbachok ... still no luck05:40
avisCanard, do you have a standalone tivo with usb ports ?05:40
apokryphosbillybobthortonn: /msg ubotu install05:40
nightcodermaybelle: each machine sharing a folder act as a file server05:40
mgorbachonly one processor detected05:40
gnomefreakubotu tell billybobthortonn -about netinstall05:40
duraI haven't yet played with USB networking... but I do have it enabled on all my machines.05:40
vincenzI have issues with xorg postinstall05:41
duramgorbach, BIOS setting all correct?05:41
Canardavis standalone tivo? I don't think so05:41
stbrenneri can run the .wmv from firefox and it works (with some video problems, it's really bright) but if i download it it won't open at all (it just closes totem).  i have w32codecs installed05:41
c172vncserver starts but I can't connect, xvnc doesn't start... is this supposed to work in 6.06?05:41
maybelle_all my computers will be servers?05:41
=== RandolphCarter [n=brett@82-42-145-141.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mnkanyone else know why i get this when i tried to print a test page from the cups web interface: HP "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed"05:41
mgorbachyeah windows detects everything OK05:41
vincenzit complains about lacking GLCore05:41
maybelle_let suppose i have 3 computer running now05:41
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nightcodermaybelle: not 'servers'05:41
gnomefreakstbrenner: try totem-xine05:41
duramnk, Is your firewall blocking RIP packets?05:41
stbrenneri have it05:41
avismnk, because you haven't gotten it to work in the first place ?  google is your best friend05:41
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gnomefreakstbrenner: mplayer should play it without an issue also05:42
=== gnomefreak brb
mnkdura: it won't print anyway05:42
nightcodermaybelle: it will serve some service (shared folders in that case)05:42
duramnk, Of course not... not if your firewall is dropping the packets.05:42
mnkavis: i tried google - a lot of ppl have this problem with ubuntu / hp lj 1000 and only one solution which doesn't work05:42
maybelle_what do you mean by that? it will seve sme service?05:42
mgorbachany other suggestions? its quite dissapointing that ubuntu cant detected another processor05:43
Canarddura, did you need to install anything for the USB to ethernet thing to work or was it a case of plug in and work?05:43
mnkdura: how can i switch off the firewall? i am on a default ubuntu 6.06 install05:43
nikoswhy dont i have login scren setup option?05:43
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setrosgnomefreak, it doesn't works... it doesn't install or actualize anytihng05:43
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Seveasnikos, Because it's not there ;)05:43
avisif there is one solution that is proven then you be sure to follow that exactly.  if you did and it still does not work -- perhaps its irrecoverable05:43
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maybelle_ei night05:43
ParadoxxSeveas: can you you use freenx right?05:43
nightcodermaybelle: you is inside a closed network, using virtual IPs your machines will comunicate and share everything you need05:43
nikoslook i want gui as root05:43
SeveasParadoxx, yes05:43
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nikosand i dotn want to ask me each time to sudo05:44
maybelle_but night05:44
avismnk is the printer on another computer or a wireless printer ?05:44
nikosplz tell me how to do it05:44
duramnk, I'm not sure what 6.06 uses for a firewall but yes it can be turned off.05:44
Paradoxxhow do you start the client05:44
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fsanchohi all05:44
Paradoxxi followed the wiki, but my client won't start05:44
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SeveasParadoxx, via the menu 05:44
maybelle_when we are accesing our network its asking for the username domain and password05:44
avisfirestarter, but its not installed by default05:44
Seveasor with /usr/NX/bin/nxclient05:44
maybelle_authentication required05:44
nikoscome on ppl05:44
Paradoxxwhere in the menu is it for oyu05:44
duraCanard, Yeah I just plugged it in and it worked.05:44
avisa router is at least a nat firewall05:44
fsanchoi'm experienceing problems after upgrading from breezy to dapper05:44
nikosits my comp and i want o login the way i like05:44
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Seveasnikos, we don't help people wrecking their system05:44
steveklDoes dist-upgrade do everything that upgrade does? Should I run both every day, or what?05:44
CanardM'kay, I have seen them before. Thanks05:44
fsanchoi'm using kernel 2.6.15-23 and orinoco driver doesn't works05:44
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ParadoxxSeveas: where in the menu is it..and is there a way to get it to launch without having to do the whole /usr/NX/bin/nxclient command05:45
avisfsancho, is it a laptop ?05:45
georgcan someone point me to a channel where i can ask ndiswrapper specific questions?05:45
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nightcodermaybelle: what kind of share are you using (SMB) or (NFS)05:45
fsanchoorinoco driver seems to work, the card lights blinks05:45
vincenzI upgraded to dapper but it doesn't like GLCore and flgrx in xorg.conf... How do I solve this... In addition it seems that vime changed location, so it can't find the vimfiles05:45
kane77I was wondering how do I make unwanted processes not load on startup (such as PCMCIA)???05:45
marvin_Hello... can I use amaroK and gstreamer on Dapper05:45
durageorg, Ask here05:45
SeveasParadoxx, applications  internet05:45
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fsanchoavis, yes, a Thinkpad 600X, and the wiereless card a compaq WL1100 Pcmcia05:45
vincenz!ubotu flgrx05:45
ubotuvincenz: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:45
vincenz!ubotu nvidia05:45
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1083433&postcount=305:45
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duranot flgrx05:45
vincenz!ubotu fglrx05:45
ubotu[fglrx]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:45
c172if I use vncserver, would it start gnome normally?05:45
avisfsancho some orinoco cards uses the mad_wifi driver05:45
avismy grandma is here !05:45
avisbrb guys05:45
ubotuit has been said that ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers.05:45
neutrinomassnikos: It is strongly discouraged that you use the root account. If you insist on using it, please read the wiki page ubotu sent you.05:45
ParadoxxSeveas: lol, it wasn't there at first...thx much m805:45
Seveas!no fglrx is <reply> see ati05:46
ubotuSeveas: okay05:46
fsanchoavis, with breezy i was using orinoco05:46
bintrueAnyone have any experience with Remote registry changes from Linux to a WinXP box?05:46
stbrenneranyone know how i can get mplayer?05:46
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stbrennerit's not in synaptic05:46
nikosneutrinomass: i did man but i dont have ahny login screen setup05:46
nikosits not there!05:46
stbrennerand the command line doesn't work either05:46
Seveasstbrenner, it sure is05:46
duraI don't see what the big deal is about root and Ubuntu and when virtually every other distro allows root access.05:46
Seveas!info mplayer05:46
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Seveas!info mplayer-58605:46
nightcodermaybelle: do you have added your computers under 'permission' list05:46
ubotumplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9 (breezy), Packaged size: 3670 kB, Installed size: 7928 kB05:46
duraThe only reason I can think of is to protect n00bs05:46
georgi have no idea, how to setup my agere wlan adapter with ndiswrapper. i tried the drivers from the agere site and installed them with ndiswrapper -i ???.inf, but they did not work05:46
vincenzhow do I get mouse support in the regular consoles?05:46
mnkdura: my firewall is off05:46
bigcx2hey all05:46
maybelle_no how can i do that??05:46
bigcx2i have a sysadmin question05:46
duramnk, Still isn't working?05:46
fsanchoavis, and it seems to work ok, because iwconfig works, ifconfig works, and the lights of the card blinks. But no traffic at all05:46
nightcodermaybelle: 'shared folders'05:47
bigcx2can you force apt to only use keys managed by apt-key05:47
mnkdura: nope05:47
nightcodermaybelle: below 'shared folders list'05:47
marvin_Hello... can I use amaroK and gstreamer on Dapper05:47
duramnk, Can you give me ssh access?05:47
stbrenneri don't see it05:47
neutrinomassnikos: Sorry, I can't help. I'm logged in in Xfce now :)05:47
nikosneutrinomass: how ic an iudentify myself?05:47
mnkdura: /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed - what does that mean?05:47
paolo_guys, gnome-cups-manager can't see the epson usb printer. When restarting cups I find repeatetly this message in syslog:" CUPS-Get-Printers client-error-not-found: No destinations added." Any idea05:47
nikosi can tlk to you05:47
vincenzthe flgrx help page from the wiki does not work for me05:47
nightcodermaybelle: click on your shared folder05:47
nightcoderthen click 'properties'05:48
vincenzparticularly the linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)05:48
neutrinomassnikos: Sorry? I don't understand ...05:48
duramnk, Could mean any number of things... did you try searching http://www.google.com/linux with that message?05:48
=== dura would do tha
maybelle_there is no item on the list05:48
nightcoderunder properties ?05:48
dr_willismnk:  well i just removed the printer off the network-fileserver :P and am trying it locally.. save me walking. lets see if it works now. Sad is ive NEVER had this problem with this same printer/setup in other ubuntu versions05:48
maybelle_i can only see add button05:48
nightcoderor main 'shared folders' screen05:48
zipper_I've finally got my dualview working, horray. But for some reason, the login screen is always on my tv only, i want it to be on my monitor. My xorg.conf is here : http://pastebin.dk/index.php?show=174105:48
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maybelle_where is that05:48
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nightcodermaybelle: you should add some folders to be public visible in your network envir ..05:49
nightcoderclick add05:49
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dmanhi all, I cant get my front panel mic to work, the output jack works but I cant get any response from the mic.. any ideas?05:49
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nightcoderchoose a path to the folder that you want to share05:50
duradman,  Did you check to see if the mic is muted? It is by default05:50
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mnkdura: yes but to no avail05:50
maybelle_ok then05:50
nightcoderchoose the share method05:50
duramnk, hmmm05:50
maybelle_ei night05:50
maybelle_look at this05:50
duraIs the input for the mic turned on?05:50
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maybelle_under shared folders05:50
nightcodermaybelle: click 'add machine'05:50
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maybelle_path and share with05:51
durabrb phone05:51
maybelle_share with comes with SMB05:51
thomas__I don't speak a very good english is there a french helper :P05:51
CrippsFXfor java is there something the same as, or similar to "#DEFINE" of C/C++ ?05:51
mnkdr_willis: which printer r u tryinmg?05:51
maybelle_under it is share properties05:51
maybelle_name blank05:51
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maybelle_comment blank05:51
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CrippsFXshit ... wrong room ...05:51
dr_willismnk:  got an old reliable hp laserjet 6l. - 10+ yrs old.05:51
maybelle_then der is a box there05:51
iiiears#ubuntu-fr ?05:51
maybelle_read only and allow browsing folder05:51
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thomas__thanks iiiears05:51
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KyynaraI updated to dapper, but X won't start, it says something about not beeing able to load libglcore.so. Anyone have any ideas?05:52
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georgnoone with a working Agere Systems Hermes2 Mini-PCI WaveLAN adapter here? PCI ID is 11c1:ab3005:52
maybelle_everythng is uncheck night05:52
nightcoderbut check 'allow browse folder'05:52
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dr_willismnk:  it was on a dlnik network-print server for the last 2 years. :P working good.. so i just moved it locally.. cups saw it right off..  hmm it even selected a print driver for it. not the one i normally select.05:52
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ParadoxxSeveas: is there a way to control the current session instead of getting a new one?05:52
dr_willismnk:  perhaps now my margins will be right. :P05:52
maybelle_what should be the proper entry on the path05:52
nightcodermaybelle: the path to the folder you want to share05:53
iiiearsdr_willis - gutenprint is a big improvement isn't? - grin05:53
maybelle_ok i put there home05:53
maybelle_then wats next05:53
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maybelle_share with SMB05:54
nightcodermaybelle: yes ...05:54
maybelle_ok next05:54
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maybelle_share properties?05:54
mnkMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN i dunno what is wrong with this stupid printer!! i keep getting /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed05:54
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Paradoxxhow do i access a computer using samba? When i type the ip address in nautilus it dosen't find it05:54
avisyou can navigate the network05:55
avisthrough gui05:55
vincenzvim has moved in dapper... how do I fix this:  Can't open file /usr/share/vim/syntax/syntax.vim05:55
maybelle_night r u der?05:55
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dr_willisiiiears:  i can honestly say taht ive had very few if any problems with CUPS over the last few years. Other then a few lame programs messing with the margins. :P05:55
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avisnetwork servers05:55
avisin gnome05:55
nightcodermaybelle: on the 'name' field you should type something (to search in another computer for that name)05:55
Paradoxxwhen i type in \\<ipaddress> on a windows machine i get it.. how do i do it on linux05:55
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buzzedafter upgrading to Dapper my firefox auto launch is messed up... like for clicking a link in irc or yahoo mail05:55
runahey :) Since I installed dapper drake glxgears is -extremely- slow. I've installed nvidia-glx and I've configured xorg. Also, glxinfo shows direct rendering is on. Any hints?05:55
grapi need some help with my keyboard, it is a laptop keyboard with the pc105 setting on the xorg.conf and my ALTGR key does not work! what can I do05:55
maybelle_like what<?05:55
dr_willisiiiears:  and I just realized that ive been using A4 instead of "letter" for my printer paper size for the last year+ Lol. my mistake..05:56
maybelle_can u give me an ex. entry05:56
halibutmy webbrowsing is extremely slow, how would I go about diagnosing this?05:56
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iiiearsmnk - Psst. Update gutenpint to the dev version. most don't need the update to the latest version but it might help if you need a printer installed that isn't otherwise listed.05:56
avisbuzzed, seems to be a reoccuring thing for people that upgraded through network.  dist-upgrade sucessful but things are broken.  wait and hope for fixes ?05:56
kbrosnanbuzzed, try http://kb.mozillazine.org/Register_protocol05:56
nightcoderwell, if your shared folder is called 'photos' you can use 'photos' in name :)05:56
avisor fresh install, my .0205:56
nightcoderput 'home', ou 'personal_folder'05:56
vincenzbtw... some packages are not upgraded05:56
c172uh... that's wierd05:56
maybelle_i put there home05:57
c172would upgrading to 6.06 reset my X resolution, or is that just the vnc viewer?05:57
Paradoxxis there a simple way to access a smb share from another linux machine?05:57
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maybelle_then on the comment what should i put>05:57
_masonCould we help reaper get ubuntu live disk working on his toshiba M70 W0005:57
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ubotusamba is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html05:57
avisc172, its not supposed to break anything :)05:57
nightcoderyou can leave it blacnk or type home too05:57
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maybelle_then what05:57
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maybelle_ive also check allow browsing folder05:57
_masonDoesnt boot gdm05:57
c172it's supposed to work, but this is linux so we know better than that05:58
maybelle_then below it there is a box05:58
reaperHELP! I can't get ubuntu running on my toshiba notebook05:58
maybelle_general windows sharing settings05:58
maybelle_what is next05:58
DShepherdrichiefrich: invite me to what?05:58
iiiearsreaper - What error messages are you seeing?05:58
grapi need some help with my keyboard, it is a laptop keyboard with the pc105 setting on the xorg.conf and my ALTGR key does not work! what can I do05:58
gnomefreakSeveas: ping?05:58
mnkiiiears: how do i do that pls?05:58
nightcodermaybelle: tell me what options are05:58
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avisreaper, check ubuntu laptop HCL05:58
maybelle_ok look at this05:58
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c172are the remote desktop options always stored in the same place for one user?05:59
maybelle_the windows sharing setting under that is05:59
c172I don't remember configuring it like this...05:59
Seveasgnomefreak, pong05:59
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gnomefreakSeveas: was there an update of xorg between rc and release?05:59
maybelle_host descrption server (samba, ubuntu)05:59
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maybelle_the domain/workgroup is MSHOME05:59
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maybelle_after that05:59
maybelle_wins server05:59
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richiefrichDShepherd did u get that05:59
maybelle_do not use win server05:59
Seveasgnomefreak, could be05:59
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maybelle_this computer is a wins server05:59
DShepherdrichiefrich: no.. go again05:59
maybelle_use win server05:59
_masoniiiears: None, he can hear the startup sound but no desktop05:59
maybelle_on my wins server06:00
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richiefrichDShepherd  now ?06:00
babois it possible to mount my remote servers file system to my desktop. And then use my desktop to sweep it for rootkits etc ...06:00
vincenzis there any reason why synaptic would hang when downloading even if it worked priorly?06:00
DShepherdrichiefrich: on more time :-)06:00
maybelle_the computers default it put a check on the do not use wins server06:00
iiiearsmnk - the dev version of gutenprint was listed in the synaptic package manager last time i checked. - "System".."Administrarion" >> "Synaptic Package Manager" search "gutenprint"06:00
maybelle_whats next06:00
DShepherdrichiefrich: srry06:00
gnomefreakok ty Seveas ill work on that tonight than im hoping thats the issue06:00
richiefrichDShepherd  ok06:00
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Paradoxxhow do i connect to my machine using nautilus?06:00
Skiprunning dapper but python2.4 tkinter examples do not run. Even hello world in python tk says color black not defined???06:00
nightcodermaybelle: change only 'workgroup'06:00
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kane77I was wondering how do I make unwanted processes not load on startup (such as PCMCIA)???06:00
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steveklShould I upgrade my breezy server (no window manager or desktop installed) to dapper?06:01
nightcodermaybelle: put your internet cafe name, instead of 'MSHOME'06:01
nightcodermaybelle: do not use 'spaces'06:01
maybelle_on  the work group>06:01
grapkane77, go to /etc/rc.dX/ and move it to another number06:01
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nightcodermaybelle: exactly06:01
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grapstevekl, not yet06:01
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ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se06:01
steveklgrap: o06:01
nightcodermaybelle: confirm06:02
maybelle_should i also change the host description>06:02
Paradoxxhow do i connect to a remote machine using nautilus?06:02
simian__sorry, but can someone enter benward.dyndns.org into a browser06:02
nightcodermaybelle: click ok ...06:02
maybelle_now im back on the share folder06:02
simian__i want to see if i have unblocked port 8006:02
maybelle_shud i also click ok>06:02
avisParadoxx, network servers lets me browse samba under gnome06:02
mnkiiiears: yeah but it doesn't tell me which one is the dev version... all the results r installed apart from cupsys-driver-gutenprint06:02
maybelle_ /root is on my shared folders list06:02
maybelle_should i click ok "OK" now?06:03
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kane77grap, I don't see anything like rc.dx  inside /etc...06:03
nightcodermaybelle: you can remove it06:03
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nightcoderyes, click 'OK'06:03
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vincenzWhere does synaptic take it's proxy address from06:03
maybelle_its done06:03
grapkane77, rcX.d06:03
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kermitX_simian__: use shields up http://www.grc.com/default.htm06:03
reaperI dont see how it would be filed under HCL errors, i can get a screen, just not in gui. when i attempt to reset it, it says command not recognised06:03
iiiearssimian - Take a peek at the "Firestarter" firewall (it's in synaptcic package manager" having a GUI makes changing things easier.06:03
nightcodernow, from another computer, try to find that 'home' folder in your network06:04
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Sp4rKywhere can i set the proxy configuration for software like pat ?06:04
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buzzedtrying easy ubuntu... says I need to fix broken packages06:04
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maybelle_how do i do that06:04
nightcoderPlaces -> Network Servers (to browse your network)06:04
Skiprunning dapper but python2.4 tkinter examples do not run. Even hello world in python tk says color black not defined???06:04
iiiearssimian_ - shields up gibson research corporation06:04
simian__iiiears: i'm using firestarter and i've set rule to allow http port 80 traffic06:04
avisreaper. just a guess, but you need to reconfig your x-server sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:04
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avisthen startx as user06:05
vincenzI have an issue with synaptic...for some reason it tries to keep using a proxy even though I disabled it!06:05
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grapi need some help with my keyboard, it is a laptop keyboard with the pc105 setting on the xorg.conf and my ALTGR key does not work! what can I do06:05
kane77grap, and what to rename it to??06:05
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reaperkk, thanks avis06:05
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grapkane77, something else06:05
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grapkane77, it doesnt matter06:06
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mgorbachcan someone help me out with ubuntu xgl install?06:06
tdondichIs Dapper all that and a bag of chips?06:06
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avisbefore you reconfig06:06
mgorbach iv set up a the script and selected the session but it seems to be running X and not Xgl06:06
reaperyeah my laptop isnt in the HCL06:06
avisreaper ??06:06
kane77grap, you mean the files inside (KXXsomething)??06:06
reaperthis is all live remember06:06
avisbackup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file06:06
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avisthen do what i said06:06
reaperbackup? im live?06:07
maybelle_its asking for the authentication required06:07
iiiearstdondich - It is definetly worth a try.06:07
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aviswhoah i am talking in a chat room of almost 1000 people06:07
nightcoderif you type your password, it works ?06:07
vincenzwhy does synaptic keep using a proxy even after I disabled it??06:07
maybelle_for my username domain and password06:07
maybelle_its keeps on poping06:07
kane77grap, and I think rc0-6 mean runlevels (6 as restart etc..) am I right??06:07
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reaperavis! dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:08
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nightcodermaybelle: under 'Places -> Network servers' you found a 'Windows network', right06:08
reaperwont work06:08
reapercommand not found06:08
grapkane77, yes you are06:08
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nightcoderthen, your workgroup06:08
SkipAny pthons programmers out there?06:08
tritiumreaper: type it correctly06:08
nightcoderand finally your shared computer06:08
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SkipAny Python programmers out there?06:08
maybelle_it only has a windows network06:08
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kane77grap, thanx a lot... you know I learn something new every day...06:09
tahorgSkip: mmh ?06:09
nightcoderinside windows network06:09
avissudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, reaper06:09
grapthats good06:09
reaperahh my bad06:09
gomekhello everyone06:09
reapersorry, freaked out06:09
maybelle_how do i do tjhat06:09
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ubotuit has been said that display is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto or ask !Resolution06:09
nightcoderdouble click windows network icon06:09
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maybelle_inside windows network there is nothng06:09
tahorgSkip: what's your question ?06:09
gomekanyone here have any clue how to activate a screensaver for gdm?06:09
mnkwhat does this mean pls? hplip-base:06:10
mnk  Depends: hplip-data (=0.9.5-2ubuntu2) but 0.9.7-4ubuntu1 is to be installed06:10
mnk Depends: libcupsys2-gnutls10 (>= 1.1.23-1)06:10
maybelle_ive got nothng inside my windows network06:10
maybelle_:(( night06:10
SkipThe hello world does not run using Python Tk in dapper. Says black not defined???06:10
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gomekmight have to do with your rgb.txt06:10
nightcodermaybelle: something is wrong06:11
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iiiearsmnk - hewlett packard?06:11
gomeksudo ln -s /etc/X11/rgb.txt /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt06:11
nightcodermaybelle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba06:11
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mnkiiiears: yeah06:11
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gomeksudo ln -s /etc/X11/rgb.txt /usr/X11R6/lib/rgb.txt06:11
gomeksudo ln -s /etc/X11/rgb.txt /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt06:11
avismaybelle_, in xp run the network setup wizard.  define MSHOME.  it'll then work after you right click and share folders06:12
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gomekand see if that helps06:12
avisif you want password protection you have to enable do not use simple file sharing06:12
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gomekanyways, does anyone have any clue how to enable a screensaver on the gdm login screen?06:12
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roca question: does anyone know a good cd/dvd burning program for gnome specificly?06:13
lastnoderoc, gnomebaker06:13
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reaperavis, i redid my config file now. i've logged out, how do i start xserver again?06:13
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nightcodermaybelle: do you have 'smbclient' installed under that 'other' computer (not the computer that is sharing folders)06:13
reaperok then what?06:13
roclastnode: thanks06:13
avisgdm should load06:13
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Geoffrey2when using fakeroot to build debian modules, is there a log file created anywhere I could look at to see what went wrong?06:14
gomek=\  bah...this sucks.06:14
reaper"sudo /etc/gdm start" ??06:14
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avisor type /etc/init.d/gdm stop  then etc/init.d/gdm start06:14
TiG4--AMAZING Video of XGL  http://osvids.com/files/page3-1036-pop.html --06:14
reaperok thanks06:14
CokeNCodehey guys, since i upgraded to 6.06 i can't seem to get tvtime to work06:14
amodlinAMAZING video of XGL - my desktop06:14
CokeNCodecan anyone help me out here06:14
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troytroyhi how do i close or colapse window or channels in irssi06:14
avisor as root do top and kill and ghost gdm's.06:14
stbrennerI am trying to get my video to play back correctly. Whenever I play a video (i've tried DVDs, mpgs, and wmvs), I get the picture...however it is really really bright. It doesn't look how it is supposed to look at all. I would describe it as having the brightness and contrast too high06:15
TiG4troytroy: /wc06:15
CokeNCodei think i'll just run automatix agian06:15
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Ngstbrenner: totem should have a series of sliders in its preferences window that let you adjust things like the saturation, which sounds like what the problem there is06:15
avisewww scripts :/06:15
JemtGreetz. I have just installed Dapper, and I am now trying to install XGL. To my knowledge, ATI Radeom Mobility 6 is already installed properly, so there is no need to install any new drivers. I followed the instructions described in Method A (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/Xgl?highlight=%28CategoryDocumentation%29) which seems to work - except that all I got something like 1-2 frames per second. I can actually see the screen is refreshing when y06:15
Jemtour guys are typing something in the channel. What's wrong? It seems that the /etc/X11/xorg.conf is not being used at all anymore06:15
babois ssh configured and running on a default dapper installation ?06:15
troytroyTiG4, thanks06:15
reaperavis: when i started it again it failed.06:15
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TiG4troytroy: yw06:15
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mnk Depends: libcupsys2-gnutls10 (>= 1.1.23-1)06:16
PPowerJemt: Odd. xorg.conf is fine here06:16
maybelle_yes it has a samba06:16
avisreaper gosh at least you made a backup06:16
kdean06Does Ubuntu release a SMP kernel for servers with the i686 arch?06:16
avisi dont know what to tell you06:16
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reaperahaha yeah06:16
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aviskdean06, yes06:16
reaperalwell hahah06:16
troytroyTiG4, presume u using irssi06:16
nightcodermaybelle: you can try now to browse your network again06:16
nightcoderPlaces -> Network06:16
reapersee, this puts me off. every time someone tells me to install it, im open and give it a try and always get uneplainable errors06:17
mwekdean06: I think default dapper kernel is smp06:17
reaperill keep trying dw06:17
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gomekwait...what's smp?06:17
shadymy god06:17
avismutli processor06:17
stbrennerNg, i tried that, it's the same in gxine, totme, and VLC....06:17
JemtPPower: Mine too. But it is just not being used. Ie my mouse dosn't support scrolling anymore, which is specified in xorg.conf06:17
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Ngstbrenner: hmm, maybe it's an Xv problem/bug then06:17
PPowerJemt: Very odd. I have no idea why06:17
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JemtPPower: It worked before I created the new session as described in Method A06:17
JemtAnyone else ?06:17
PPowerJemt: If in doubt. dont play with it ;)06:18
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stbrennerNg, could 915resolution have anything to do with it06:18
nightcodermaybelle: sudo apt-get install libsmbclient06:18
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Ngstbrenner: what's 915resolution?06:18
avisi'm running XGL but it took me like 4 hours of tinkering06:18
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baboI can't su up to root from my bash terminal ? ... what's the story ?06:18
nightcoderif its already installed we will to know :)06:18
stbrennerNg, i had to install it to get my resolution to 1280 x 80006:18
amodlinAnyone know why certain features of XGL are working yet some are not? Such as, I can use the cube switch but not transparency, even though it is enabled.06:18
shadyChinese ,??06:18
Ngstbrenner: ah. hmm. I wouldn't have thought so, but I'm not sure really06:18
mwe!tell babo about root06:18
buzzedwhat is XGL all about?06:19
TiG4troytroy: Yep, irssi here.06:19
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stbrennerNg, is there anything i can do other than submit a bug report?06:19
=== utopiah [n=me@AStrasbourg-251-1-15-165.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
maybelle_its already in the newest version06:19
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lastnodehi utopiah06:19
TiG4troytroy: You?06:19
avisits a fancy 3d workspaces with alot of features06:19
rocbtw I have been hearing stuff about xgl: you can't run any other opengl apps when it is running, is this true?06:19
Ngstbrenner: possibly search ubuntuforums.org and/or google, or ask again here a bit later and see if anyone else knows :)06:19
gomekAnyone have any idea how to enable a screensaver on the gdm login screen?06:19
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nightcodermaybelle: sudo apt-get install smbfs06:19
utopiahhi lastnode06:19
nightcodermaybelle: same thins06:19
=== avis likes Ng, she is smart :)
babomwe: thanks, it's not a direct login. I've logged in and am working from my bash prompt ?06:20
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Ngavis: she? guess again ;)06:20
dr_willisgomek:  could look at that gdm config file and see all the options in there. Not all of them have a 'gui' front end setting06:20
mwebabo: read the page it refers to06:20
avissorry Ng !06:20
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utopiahhey, got a problem ... someone told me to install easyubuntu, but then i was told it's crap, how can i remove that stupid thing that doesn't want to be removed?06:20
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lastnodestbrenner, repeat please?06:20
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mwebabo: use sudo for a single root command or sudo -i to get a root shell06:20
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babomwe: ok thanks ...06:21
stbrennerlastnode,  am trying to get my video to play back correctly. Whenever I play a video (i've tried DVDs, mpgs, and wmvs), I get the picture...however it is really really bright. It doesn't look how it is supposed to look at all. I would describe it as having the brightness and contrast too high06:21
troytroyTiG4, yes sorry ust went to get some food from kitchen06:21
dr_willisutopiah:  ive heard of very few problems with easyubuntu,  now 'automatix' is a real annoyance.06:21
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TiG4troytroy: nice, you using irssi remotely?06:21
stbrennerlastnode, also, it looks fine in the thumbnail icon on my desktop...it's only when i play it that i get the bright picture06:21
=== WoodwardAve [n=kevinjsm@host-5277.dhcp.egr.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
lastnodestbrenner, hrm, that's a first. have you tried different players? xine/vlc/mplayer ?06:21
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stbrennerlastnode, aye06:22
utopiahdr_willis, what is automatix? i'm afraid the system is not going to be happy after upgrades06:22
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avisthere is no end of people needing help !06:22
troytroyTiG4,  remotely?06:22
lastnodestbrenner, only video output? all file formats?06:22
avisi'm goin' nuts06:22
TiG4troytroy: nevermind :)06:22
TiG4troytroy: How come your using irssi instead o f Xchat lets say06:22
dr_willisutopiah:   automatix is a 'bad' script to auto-do things.. Easyubuntu is a much better done one.06:22
KevinIN72ubuntu never game me the option to set up root what is the defaults??06:22
stbrennerlastnode, like i said, i've tried mpg, wmv, and a couple of dvds06:22
dr_willisutopiah:  ive had no issues with easyubuntu the few times ive tested it.06:22
utopiahavis, sorry :P06:22
avisutopiah, why ?06:23
mwe!tell KevinIN72  about root06:23
TAISola karlos06:23
avisutopiah, be definition, i am nuts, i'm mentally disabled :)06:23
=== Fillado [n=Fillado@81-179-129-247.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
lastnodestbrenner, sorry mate, that's really baffling. :o06:23
mweKevinIN72: read /msg from ubotu (and the link it points to)06:23
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troytroyTiG4,  like terminal programs, makes me feel bit nerdy :)06:23
KevinIN72mwe: thanks06:23
SkipAny python tkinter programmers out there?06:23
=== zandaa [n=zandaa@84-105-216-35.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
utopiahdr_willis, thanks ... just hope the packages are not going to be a pain after a while. i was told it was likely to break the system06:23
avisbut i'll be darned if i'm not gonna give it my best shot at getting my ubuntu engineer cert06:23
utopiahavis, sorry for needing help :P06:23
troytroyTiG4,  bn u and me dont know anything06:23
TiG4troytroy: Yep. If you'd like, try BitchX06:23
avisactually i am helping06:23
stbrennerlastnode, i'll try a restart...it can do wonders sometimes06:23
avisi take meds, thats how i get help06:24
zandaaZandaa back again :S06:24
lastnodestbrenner, good luck06:24
=== Jemt [n=Jemt@nat.kollegienet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willisutopiah:  i doubt if easyubuntu will break much, if anything. however it is a little out of date in some areas.06:24
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ziga_does anybody know how to make to print it faster on Ubuntu, because my printer is very, very slow06:24
zandaaI'm having trouble setting up my compile-environment (am running Ubuntu 6.06-AMD64)06:24
troytroyTiG4,  ok also terminal based ?06:24
avisdr_willis, it would not execute for me on a updated system06:24
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KevinIN72ok what is the code to give myself all privileges06:24
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TiG4troytroy: yep, a bit easier to use than irssi06:24
avisKevin sudo -i06:25
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utopiahdr_willis, thanks, it's kinda relieving :) i hope it's going to be ok. i'll have someone look at it06:25
avisin console ot terminal06:25
nightcoderKevinIN72: sudo -s -H06:25
joaquinzi've trouble with Xgl and gdm06:25
dr_willisavis:  i noticed last i used it.. it had a check box for java.  which is now a simple apt-get install. :P06:25
tahorgTiG4: bitchx easier ?06:25
troytroyTiG4,  well like to learn the hard way06:25
avisjoaquinz, me too and boy was i frustrated but i didn't give up06:25
joaquinzi've no trouble if i start Xgl with a script06:25
jadacyrusAnyone know of a cool place to download system sounds for gnome besides gnome-look.org ?06:25
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dr_willisutopiah:  ubuntu is easier to reinstall then winedows i find. :P so its  no big deal either way06:25
dr_willisjadacyrus:  kde-look.org :P06:25
utopiahyeah, i was told so :P06:25
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reaperavis: yeah i can't do anything :( every way i try to restart graphics it just stuffs up06:26
joaquinzbut with gdm... it simplily freezes in the loading stage, it shows the wait cursos06:26
joaquinzcursor* but nothing else more06:26
TiG4tahorg: you dont think so?06:26
joaquinzany ideas??06:26
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TiG4troytroy: You new to *nix?06:26
avisreaper, i'm guessing your lappy is not compatible06:26
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troytroyTiG4,  yes06:26
joaquinzavis: do you know what i mean?06:26
jcoleis there a gtk2 app similar to LinNeighborhood (gtk1) and smb4k (qt/kde) that lets you manage samba mount points?06:26
tahorgTiG4: irssi is way better06:27
jcolekey word is *mount*06:27
dr_willisjcole:  i just run smb4k under gnome. :P06:27
TiG4tahorg: why do you say that?06:27
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avisyes joaquinz ... i had to ditch the ubuntu documentation and use ubuntuforums help06:27
SCOttlebutAll -- can I upgrade 5.10 to 6.06 in place, over the net, or must I burn a CD and boot it?06:27
utopiahdr_willis, good :D anyway the dapper version is brand new, so not many things installed. so it should be very easy and not very painful to reinstall06:27
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dr_willisjcole:  there used to be some others, gnomba, is one.06:27
troytroyTiG4,  guess here user friendly is traded for power and total control06:27
tahorgTiG4: sorry for the troll, I'll stop here.06:27
joaquinzavis: did u have the same problem??06:27
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avisno sir06:27
avisthis rocked my world http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13126706:27
TiG4troytroy: Whatchu mean?06:27
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joaquinzavis okok06:28
jcoledr_willis: apt-cache search gnomba gave me nothing :/06:28
avisjoaquinz dont be afraid to undo things.  i had to.06:28
harisundCould someone give me a quick howto on burning an ISO using the command line only using cdrecord command? I find its man page a bit difficult to understand?06:28
KevinIN72ok thanks06:28
ziga_does anybody know how to make to print it faster on Ubuntu?06:28
dr_willisjcole:  yep. not sure its even being maintained any more.06:28
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gnomefreakharisund: try cdrecord --help06:28
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avisharisund, uhm thats more difficult then me trying to read coptic06:29
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reaperavis: dw, i just booted WHAX haahh06:29
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avisactually i know people here can do it06:29
reaperthanks anyways man, appreciate it06:29
troytroyTiG4,  windows does almost evrything for the user but *nix the user edits config files ... bulids drivers06:29
avisreaper cool !06:29
harisundgnomefreak that was quite helpful. Thanks a ton :) avis, what is more difficult?06:29
joaquinzavis: but the unbelivable thing is that xgl and compiz work perfectly06:29
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joaquinzthe only trouble i've is that i cant use gdm06:29
jcoledr_willis: that looks like a gtk1 app06:29
avisreading coptic.06:29
TiG4troytroy: Lol, thanks for the info.06:29
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dr_willisjcole:  no idea. :P i dont worry about it. and i told ya i use smb4k :P time to hit freshmeat i guess06:30
avisis harder than creating a iso for mkisofs or whatever it is to do to iso a directory06:30
foomanis there a way i can re-get the init.d apache2 file?06:30
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foomani tried to reinstall apache but that didn't work06:30
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marlunhow can I see the files installed by a specific package?06:30
maybelle_are u stil der06:30
harisundfooman how did you reinstall apache2?06:30
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foomanharisund cli06:30
maybelle_i have a question06:30
maybelle_after typing vi /etc/samba/user06:31
nightcodermaybelle: yes06:31
erchachewhat are differences between linux-image and linux-image-server?06:31
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harisundmarlun 'dpkg --listfiles packagename'06:31
troytroyTiG4,  so apart from "crtl + n" and "crtl + p"06:31
erchachei cant find information about this06:31
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maybelle_i type at the terminal06:31
nightcodermaybelle: dont use 'vi' ... its console based text editor06:31
harisundfooman try 'sudo apt-get reinstall apache2-common06:31
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crimsunerchache: different elevator (i/o scheduler), preempt is disabled, larger memory space supported by default, etc.06:31
troytroyTiG4,  how can i navigate swiftly thru views06:32
nightcodermaybelle: use gedit instead06:32
tritiummarlun: also dpkg -L <packagename>06:32
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crimsuno/ tritium06:32
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TiG4troytroy: Please join #ubuntu-offtopic06:32
erchachecrimsun: where i can find detailed technical information about that?06:32
foomanharisund says invalid operation "reinstall"06:32
maybelle_im just following the website that uve gven me06:32
tritiumhi crimsun :)06:32
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maybelle_can u go there also at d site06:32
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maybelle_and gve me a walk through pls....06:32
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maybelle_guide me night pls06:32
crimsunerchache: the "detailed" technical info is in the kernel configuration/source code06:32
marlunharisund, tritium : thanks!06:32
harisundfooman ok purge it and then install it 'sudo apt-get --reinstall apache2-common' I think should work though06:32
nightcodermaybelle: I know ... but you can use gedit instead of vi06:32
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jonesyanyone here an ubuntu usability guru?06:32
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nightcodergedit is graphical, vi is console ...06:33
harisundfooman I think there should be a '--' switch before reinstall. Did you try that?06:33
jonesyis there a chan for those?06:33
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foomanharisund i just used the -f with it...06:33
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richardanyone know about hard drives?06:33
nightcodermaybelle: but both are text editors06:33
Specrichard: well, i know there's one in my computer ...06:33
maybelle_after those lines the a vi06:33
harisundrichard, go ahead and ask your question. Hopefully someone will be able to answer06:33
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maybelle_it is said here it should contain two lines as follows:06:34
nightcodermaybelle: ?06:34
richardive just switched on dma06:34
maybelle_username =06:34
maybelle_password =06:34
wastrelwhere do i go to check if a digital camera is compatible with linux/gthumb ?06:34
foomanharisund, when i use --reinstall says invalid operation apache2-common06:34
wastrel(before i purchase it)06:34
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richardbut im trying to streamline the drive06:34
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tanekhow do i chose to use gcc-3.4 instead of gcc-4.0 when compiling something?06:34
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utopiahwastrel, can't you just plug it?06:34
Specwastrel: http://www.teaser.fr/~hfiguiere/linux/digicam.html06:34
harisundfooman try these instead 'sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2-common' and 'sudo apt-get install apache2-common'06:34
richardhow do i do it - list the settings and how do i know they are correct06:34
nightcodermaybelle: this will set your network without passwords ...06:34
weedarHi! I want to install Dapper Drake, but need to know if my rt2500 wlan card will work during install so I can install from the Internet?06:35
mwewasabi: if supports usb mass storage (almost all cameras do) it is06:35
harisundfooman sorry. I am not really familliar with the syntax of apt-get since I don't use apt-get over the command line. I use aptitude instead06:35
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maybelle_ah i c06:35
wastrelthx spec06:35
foomanharisund, aptitude?06:35
harisundfooman, aptitude is just like apt-get, only smarter.06:35
r0xoRhow can i get gnome to let me move from desktop to desktop when i hit the screen edge with my pointer while holding down a modifier key such as the windows key?06:35
maybelle_but u know what it really hard configuring this shared files :((06:35
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harisundfooman, in aptitude I would have executed 'sudo aptitude reinstall apache2-common'06:35
patrick_anyone know to have programs start up when you log in?06:36
harisundpatrick_ in gnome?06:36
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maybelle_i really nid an experience here :((06:36
foomanharisund, i purge removed it06:36
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maybelle_mr nightcoder thank you so much for the time and avis 2 :D06:36
harisundfooman that's fine. now you can just reinstall it and it will (hopefully) be fine06:36
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maybelle_but ah im really tired figuring this out :((06:36
foomanharisund now it says it depends on httpd or apache2 hehe06:36
TrendKi||hello every106:36
crimsunpatrick_: System> Preferences> Sessions06:36
maybelle_nid some beauty sleep sob06:36
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maybelle_thank you so much06:36
nightcodermaybelle: one last thing06:36
patrick_ah okay thanks crimsun :)06:36
harisundfooman httpd shouldn't enter the picture anywhere. Ok just try this and tell me what you get 'sudo aptitude reinstall apache2 apache2-common'06:37
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ziga_does anybody know how to make to print it faster on Ubuntu?06:37
nightcodermaybelle: you need to put 'sudo ifconfig eth0:0 192.168.0.X netmask up' on your boot scripts06:37
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nightcoderon every machine :(06:37
ziga_I change the options to Draft in printing preferences, but it doesn't help much06:37
foomanharisund, i thnk its a good deal06:37
hmpedersenHey all06:38
maybelle_in the terminal is that what you mean?06:38
harisundfooman were you successful?06:38
nightcodermaybelle: 'sudo gedit /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh'06:38
avisziga_, if its black and white set to greyscale06:38
beerockxsIn what package would I search for a bug that's about miscolored buttons in Gnome?06:38
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R_engelWhat coding is used by the given channel?06:38
iGamappl where can i get the linux-image for amd64?06:38
foomanharisund, yeah the command initiated but no init.d for apache2 :(06:38
alan|laptophi all06:38
fuzzyhairCan someone help me set up Valknut. I can share files, but I can't download them. I always get disconnected. Any suggestions?06:38
iGamaand the headers for 2.6.15-23 ?06:38
nightcoderon the end, just before exit 006:38
ziga_avid, I tried that but that doesn't help much06:38
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avisiGama -- synaptic search kernel06:38
hmpedersenDoes dapper include dvd player from clean install?06:38
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ziga_the printing is stil very, very slow06:38
nightcoderyou will add that command06:38
crimsunbeerockxs: which icons specifically?06:38
nightcoderwithout sudo06:38
erchachecrimsun: ah! ok....i need to download source code of dapper kernel no? :-P06:39
gianlucahow can i check my ubuntu version?06:39
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iGamaavis its not there!06:39
nightcoderon each computer06:39
beerockxscrimsun: buttons in the normal gnome dialogs06:39
crimsunerchache: no, you can use gitweb to browse06:39
ziga_I have HP 990-cxi, and i use hplip driver for 990c if that helps06:39
beerockxsare sometimes colored yellow or greenish or blue06:39
maybelle_ei night06:39
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avisiGama it is so06:39
crimsunbeerockxs: is it reproducible with a brand new user?06:39
maybelle_can u write it down again step by step06:39
erchachecrimsun: gitweb?06:39
harisundfooman: ok forget everything you did so far, and just do these 2 commands one after the other: 1. sudo aptitude purge apache2 apache2-common 2. sudo aptitude install apache206:39
slabbywhere is the network configuration stored on breezy?06:39
nightcoderwithout this, when you reboot network setup will not be ready to use06:39
gianlucahow can i check my ubuntu version?06:39
nightcodermaybelle: ok06:39
maybelle_the things that i should write in the terminal06:39
iGamaavis, amd64? whats that k7 k8 ?06:39
crimsungianluca: lsb_release -r06:39
iGamai just see that for amd06:40
nightcodersudo gedit /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh06:40
crimsuniGama: k806:40
avisyou have to install the ia64 version06:40
beerockxscrimsun: it happens every now and then, I don't see a pattern with it. and it did happen with a new user account06:40
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nightcoderbefore exit 0 (on the end of file) type:06:40
iGamawhat are your repositoris? i dont find that06:40
avisassuming you haven't06:40
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avisif you have06:40
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alan|laptophi all06:40
crimsunbeerockxs: then I doubt it's an icon issue, probably more of a gtk icon cache issue06:40
gianlucais possible to upgrade my distribution from 5.10 to drake?06:40
nightcoderifconfig eth0:0 192.168.0.X netmask up06:40
aviscat /etc/apt/sources.list06:40
slabbywhere is the network configuration stored on breezy?06:40
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nightcodersave the file, done06:40
alan|laptophas anyone been able to use a ARTEC dvb usb device with dapper ?06:40
crimsunerchache: http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-dapper.git;a=summary06:41
beerockxscrimsun: the gtk icon cache is used for ok buttons and stufF?06:41
nightcoderon every machine in your network06:41
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nightcoderremember that 'X' is a number between 2 and 1106:41
harisundany luck fooman?06:41
foomanharisund, could of just told me them in one line hehe &&06:41
thomas__How can I fixe a value in the /sys FS06:41
crimsunbeerockxs: it's used for everything in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/06:41
gianlucais it possible to upgrade my distribution from 5.10 to drake?06:41
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gnomefreakubotu tell gianluca -about upgrade06:41
ziga_where is already the boot configuration file in Ubuntu?06:41
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ziga_i can't seem to remember it06:41
crimsunziga_: what do you mean by "boot configuration?"06:41
foomanharisund, nope init.d is still not there for apache206:41
slabbyubotu tell slabby about upgrade06:41
ziga_I mean like boot.ini for windows06:42
TPChello. my dad is having problems with his ubuntu box, and I'm gonna try to ssh into it and see the problem for myself and try to fix it. So have have some questions about the remote assistance thingy built into ubuntu. 1. when go into the remote desktop preferences I see that it lists port 0. wtf is up with that? The normal user isn't allowed to use port 0, only ports > 1023. And if it will list port 0 on his box too, how will he know what port to06:42
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alan|laptopusbtest 1-1:1.0: EZ-USB device <-- usbtest registers the device, not dibusb... and i don't understand why/how to change that...06:42
harisundfooman ok wait. I think your problem is different. What exactly are you searching for that is not there?06:42
ziga_crimsun, i mean like boot.ini for windows06:42
avisziga what bootloader are you using ?06:42
grogoreowill Vim7 go into Dapper or do you have to wait until edey eft?06:42
crimsunziga_: /boot/grub/menu.lst06:42
gianlucawhich is the command?06:42
avisthen what is grubs configuration file ?06:42
gnomefreakziga_: /boot/grub/menu.lst06:42
foomanharisund, you know how you can start restart and stop apache with /etc/init.d/apache2 stop etc..06:42
ziga_ty all06:42
slabbywhere is the network configuration stored on breezy?06:42
gnomefreakavis: same as above06:42
foomanharisund, well the file isn't there06:42
tritiumslabby: /etc/network/interfaces06:42
avisi'm sorry06:42
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alan|laptopziga_, what do you want to configure ?06:43
harisundfooman You mean /etc/init.d/apache2 is itself not there?06:43
nightcoderslabby: /etc/network/interfaces06:43
avisthe way he phrased that passage06:43
slabbytritium: thanks06:43
foomanharisund that is correct06:43
slabbynightcoder: thanks :D06:43
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harisundthe /etc/init.d/apache2 comes with apache2-common. Try doing 'dpkg --list | grep apache2' and see if apache2-common shows up?06:43
SCOttlebutAll -- can I upgrade 5.10 to 6.06 in place, over the net, or must I burn a CD and boot it?06:43
gnomefreakSCOttlebut: gksudo "update-manager -d"06:43
crimsunSCOttlebut: either06:43
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tritiumSCOttlebut: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades06:44
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alan|laptopSCOttlebut, you edit your source.list, and then just do a dist-upgrade06:44
harisundfooman, what happens when you do 'sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart'? I mean, what error do you get?06:44
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foomanharisund, invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/apache2 not found.06:44
avisziga_, to update grub just update-grub after changes to grub.lst but remember that the single # entries count towards your configuration06:44
zenithsglintI changed my screen name, so I want to change my log in name and my home name and stuff, how would I go about doing that?06:45
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gnomefreakalan|laptop: why do that insead if using the update manager that they made for that reason06:45
mattikooThank you for help with xfs repairing. I have only two problems. flash sounds and adobe reader plugin for firefox. I have changed /etc/firefoxrc to DSP="aoss"06:45
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maybelle_ei night06:45
nightcodermaybelle: yes06:45
maybelle_i wrote everthng down06:45
harisundfooman that is really surprising. can you post the output of 'dpkg --listfiles apache2-common' on Pasteboard or something?06:45
maybelle_final question06:45
alan|laptopgnomefreak, i didn't know that... thanks for info06:45
gnomefreakalan|laptop: anytime06:45
foomanharisund sure give me a sec06:45
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Geoffrey2I'm trying to build the latest version of ndiswrapper, when I try to use the command "fakeroot debian/rules binary-modules", I get the message "/usr/bin/fakeroot: line 150: debian/rules: No such file or directory"..any idea how I go about figuring out what it's looking for that it can't find?06:45
=== willmc [n=willmc@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
troytroymaybelle_, what time zone are u in06:46
crimsungnomefreak: (some people use the server edition, which presumably wouldn't have a gnome environment, thus making update-manager a bit of a noop)06:46
maybelle_whaat is before exeit 0 (on the end of file) type blah blah06:46
alan|laptopanyone here ever had a ARTEC T1 working ?06:46
maybelle_eastern time06:46
harisundfooman that should be a huge listing. Instead list out 'dpkg --listfiles apache2-common | grep init.d'06:46
troytroymaybelle_, its 4:46pm here06:46
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gnomefreakcrimsun: true06:46
beerockxscrimsun: it looks like this: http://www.mynetcologne.de/~nc-brocksse4/Bildschirmfoto.png06:46
mirakI have the  Twenty four Hours season 4 DVD and a 5.1 sblive, but when I choose 5.1 I don't hear center channel with voices. any idea of what's wrong ?06:46
maybelle_sorry im from the phillipines06:46
foomanharisund, odd says apache2-common isn't installed :\06:46
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mirakthat's with VLC I don't have the voices06:46
nightcodermaybelle: if you shutdown your computer now, all configurations that we made was lost06:46
harisundfooman aha !06:47
maybelle_its only 1:00 am here06:47
crimsunbeerockxs: ugh, does it only occur with gtk icons?06:47
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harisundfooman did you do 'sudo aptitude install apache2-common' ??06:47
foomanharisund i am now06:47
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beerockxscrimsun: as far as i can see, yes. but not regularly, and with different wrong colors06:47
^Nikosdo you ahve any diea why gdmsetup crashes?06:47
harisundfooman typically 'sudo aptitude install apache2' itself should have brought along apache2-common06:47
nightcoderwhen you add that command to bootmisc.sh script, every time you boot your computer that command will be run06:47
^Nikosi get errors  liek this06:47
^Nikos  Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry06:47
^Nikos  Trying failed command again.  Try 2 of 5.06:47
^Nikos  Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry06:47
beerockxscrimsun: it goes away when I mouse-over the buttons06:48
foomanharisund, i know its oddd06:48
zenithsglintI need to change my screen name login and home like... /home/azurehuesofblue to /home/zenithsglint... how do I do that?06:48
oezguerHi, i have a logitec web camera but it doesnt work at Amsn, what sould i do?:(06:48
gnomefreakubotu tell ^Nikos asbout pastebin06:48
R_engelWhat coding is used by the given channel?06:48
nightcodermaybelle: insert that command into bootmisc.sh and be happy :)06:48
^Nikoswhats does all these errors mean?06:48
gnomefreakubotu tell ^Nikos about pastebin06:48
crimsunbeerockxs: yeah, that sounds like an icon cache issue, but it may involve your video driver06:48
suicidastop highlighting me!!!06:48
SCOttlebuttritium, following the wiki, I get stuck because it tells me about the upgrade, but does not give me the option to do it!06:48
maybelle_what the program again night06:48
pppoe_dudeis gpass secure/mature enough?06:48
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foomanharisund muahhaha thanks it is there now06:48
hmpedersenI have serious problems with the dapper disc..06:49
nightcodersudo gedit /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh06:49
J_Phey all, What I do to solv this problem : root@neo:~# dpkg --configure -a06:49
J_Pdpkg: ../../src/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.06:49
harisundfooman hehe.. funny though. never mind06:49
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maybelle_troytroy y are u asking for my timezone06:49
maybelle_what the program again night06:49
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oezguerHi, i have a logitec web camera but it doesnt work at Amsn, what sould i do?:(06:49
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foomanharisund, what? i have something for you to check out though its a bit odd...06:49
nightcoderbefore exit 006:49
beerockxscrimsun: so against what package should I report a bug?06:49
harisundfooman, yes?06:49
nightcoderifconfig eth0:0 192.168.0.X netmask up06:49
grndslmhow do i disable gdm?06:49
foomanharisund, http://pastebin.com/76010206:49
maybelle_aw i mean the application that im gonna use sorry night06:49
swimive been running dapper, do I need to reinstall now that 6.06 is released?06:49
nightcoderreplace X for a number between 2 and 11 (a differente number for each computer)06:49
hmpedersenCan anyone tell me why the dapper disc doesn't work when burned on a high quality cd with a cutting-edge philips dvd writer?06:50
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avisbad download06:50
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avisdid you check md5sum ?06:50
slabbyis it better to update using update manager or by changing sources?06:50
troytroymaybelle_, yes cos u said goodnight06:50
harisundfooman I am guessing that is probably because somewhere in the configuration files of apache, there is mentioned a directory that doesn't exist'06:50
hmpedersenRedownloaded 3 times06:50
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linkdhmpedersen: How did you buy it? Did you use "special" burner software for ISOS?06:50
avisdid you check md5sum ?06:50
maybelle_ei night :(( what is the program again/application that im gonna use06:50
foomanharisund, its all default sites-available etc..06:51
usuarioque pasa aqui06:51
hmpedersenlinkd, I use nero06:51
harisundfooman do you recollect having deleted any directories? again that shouldn't really affect anything since we purged and reinstalled. Are you sure you 'purged' and not just 'removed' ?06:51
crimsunbeerockxs: you need to ask for more info in #ubuntu-desktop06:51
linkdhmpedersen: The burn image tool?06:51
nightcodermaybelle: gedit06:51
hmpedersenlinkd yeah06:51
oezguerHow can i install my logitech webcamere to use at Amsn????06:51
crimsunbeerockxs: (I don't want to tell you the wrong srcpkg)06:51
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beerockxsok crimsun06:51
avisusuario, #ubuntu-es06:51
grndslmanybody know how to disable gdm?  i'd like to boot into text only06:51
nightcodermaybelle: use gedit instead of vi always06:51
linkdhmpedersen: I mean, you didnt just copy all the files into a project and burn the files. You actually used something that understood how ISOs worked?06:51
harisundfooman hey hang on. I think I know what could be another bug. Can you post the output of 'sudo netstat -plant | grep LISTEN' somewhere?06:51
J_Proot@neo:~# apt-get -f install return for me this :  dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.06:51
J_PE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly. Anyone know how to solve ?06:51
foomanharisund yes i'm positive06:51
maybelle_but my terminal is not working  :((06:51
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crimsunJ_P: pastebin the output from ``dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii''06:52
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slabbyis it better to update using update manager or by changing sources?06:52
foomanharisund its listening on 80...06:52
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nightcodergrndslm: you can remove simbolic link from rc2.d06:52
hmpedersenlinkd, I never just copy files. I always go to "Recorder" > "Burn Image" and give it the iso06:52
maybelle_dont worry night i think i can handle this now06:52
J_Pcrimsun: ok06:52
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harisundWhat is fooman? Apache itself?06:52
swimive been running dapper, do I need to reinstall now that 6.06 is released?06:52
foomanharisund, http://pastebin.com/76011106:52
usuarioque es espaol06:52
nightcodergrndslm: sudo rm -f /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm06:52
crimsunswim: no, just update && upgrade06:52
hmpedersenswim, just update06:52
foomanharisund yeah only apache206:52
don-ousuario: #ubuntu-es06:53
linkdhmpedersen: Good, hmm, what happens when you try to root from it?06:53
lnostdalswim, no .. just apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade as usual06:53
maybelle_i've written everythng in a paper whehehe =p thanks again night sleeping time lolz06:53
swimok thanks crimsun hmpedersen06:53
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nightcodergrndslm: or change 'S' on the name to 's'06:53
grndslmnightcoder, thanks....i actually just thought about deleting gdm....06:53
nightcodermaybelle: good night06:53
slabbyis it better to update using update manager or by changing sources?06:53
grndslmi don't need it on a mythtv backend anyway06:53
hmpedersenlinkd, I'm trying to reburn it now.. Well it comes to boot menu, starts bootin, freezes and then the disc doesn't work anymore06:53
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hmpedersenswim, np06:53
harisundfooman that's really funny :( ?? The only thing I am able to think of is probably you tried to run it without sudo perhaps?06:53
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grndslmi wasn't sure if i could actually delete it or not06:53
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nightcoderslabby: update-manager06:54
linkdhmpedersen: Thats.. odd. I've never heard of that happening before.. so.. I guess I'm useless06:54
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foomanharisund, no i did hmmm... its a bit tricky i may say myself06:54
hmpedersenA piece of advise to all: When burning a dvd, remove your glass before disc ejects..06:54
slabbynightcoder, thanks06:54
nightcodergrndslm: yes, you can delete06:54
J_Pcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/76011606:54
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@220-245-154-56-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] by gnomefreak
hmpedersenlinkd, well. I had problems with breezy (amd64) downloaded too. Getting the discs from shipit solved that problem..06:55
avismgorbach, oh my gosh you are from nist.gov !06:55
crimsunJ_P: ``sudo apt-get -f install''06:55
mgorbachcan someone please help me get xgl installed?06:55
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crimsunmgorbach: #ubuntu-xgl06:55
foomanharisund i think its working properly now06:55
ubotuit has been said that xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"06:55
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foomanharisund thanks a lot for your help06:55
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harisundfooman this gets more and more scary every time. What did you do?06:55
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markgrifHappy days. I upgraded to 686 kernel. Now my laptop is a speed demon. I wonder why Dapper didn't install it to begin with?06:55
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avismgorbach, the best advise i can give you is this:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13126706:56
crimsunmarkgrif: because not every machine is 486-class or higher06:56
foomanfooman, all i did was stop it and start it up again it might of had the process running from the old apache?06:56
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harisundfooman oh good point.06:56
hmpedersenHmm.. Never noticed the "Check CD for defects" before.. Gonna try that now06:56
mgorbachiv run the methods but im getting a problem i cant fix06:56
avisgdm into gnome normally then type thefuture via terminal06:56
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb *!*@ *!*@] by gnomefreak
skripti'm dist-upgrading from breezy to dapper (with apt-get) the upgrade ends with an error 'Errors were encountered while processing xscreensaver ... .deb' ... anyway to resolve this ?06:56
harisundfooman I will keep that in mind for next time. Awesome !06:56
lAN^pARTYhello everyone06:56
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lAN^pARTYanyone sources list for new ubuntu06:57
foomanharisund, know by any chance what the package is where you can use php5 but php4 for phpmyadmin?06:57
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markgrifIt might have fixed my wireless error messages too. still testing06:57
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J_Pcrimsun: I have equal error, but but i remove ( apt-get remove python-subversion) and now working ok06:57
slabbywhat do I need to be able to run my php scripts?06:57
J_Pcrimsun: if I try install python-subversion  I have that problem06:57
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wastreli like python06:57
harisundfooman, phpmyadmin simply uses whatever version of php you have already installed. All you need to do is install php5 first (before installing phpmyadmin) and then instsalling phpmyadmin06:57
magical_trevskyhi, I'm trying to use the command 'grep so.me.ip access.log', but how would I specify more than one thing to search for in the same query06:58
thomas__How can i fix a value in /sys/class/firmware/timeout ?06:58
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harisundfooman remember however, purging phpmyadmin is a real pain.06:58
magical_trevskylike an OR operator sort of thing?06:58
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slabbywhat do I need to be able to run my php scripts? (it is an IRC bot if that helps)06:58
d34db14ckhow can i run rpm ? does ubuntu have a package manager?06:58
foomanharisund, i thought that there wasn't a package yet realesed for phpmyadmin to work with php506:58
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crimsunJ_P: pastebin ``dpkg -D3773 -i /var/cache/apt/archives/python-subversion_1.3.1-3ubuntu1*deb''06:59
foomanharisund, but yet only a mod for php4 to work with phpmyadmin06:59
factorxd34db14ck, package manager for ubuntu is apt-get06:59
harisundfooman on dapper?06:59
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jani_d34db14ck, i think you can convert that to .deb using alien06:59
foomanharisund i think the package was lib-mod-php4 or something similar06:59
avisd34db14ck, if its not comlicated you can use alien to convert to .dev and install with dpkg -i _.deb06:59
foomanharisund nope i'm on breezy 5.106:59
nightcoderd34dbbl4ck: yes, ubuntu have a package manager. Read about synaptic06:59
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d34db14ckOMG i'm wasted :P06:59
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gnomefreakd34db14ck: i would look for a deb or tar alien will do .rpms but its eh doesnt always work06:59
Kwonghi could any1 help me pls07:00
harisundfooman ok firstly phpmyadmin has nothing to do with php4 or php5. It's a package that simply put, displays webpages using php. That means you need to have php installed on your system07:00
jtdcan someone explain to me why ifup is pretending my wireless card doesn't exist?07:00
nightcoderKwong: whats your problem07:00
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Kwongnightcoder: my bro just did a stupid thing ever, chmod 000 /07:00
harisundfooman phpmyadmin needs atleast php4. If you have no php on your system, it will install php4. If it detects the prescence of php5 it will not install any php and nsimply install the phpmyadmin package only07:00
foomanharisund yes i know that but it was a while back ago when i first installed all of this where i had to do that07:00
lee_Hi, can someone help me configure XGL? I've been working on it for about 45 minutes07:00
d34db14ckok i appreciate the help but i don't really understand, on short- can i run rpm without getting any progrs from the net?07:00
Kwongnightcoder: i cant access any thing now07:00
jtdIgnoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.07:00
nightcoderKowng: it was logged in as 'root' ?07:00
factorxjtd, maybe the needed modules are not loaded?07:00
gnomefreaklee_: try in #ubuntu-xgl07:00
traumaticI just installed ubuntu and somehow managed to put it on a 2 GB partition, and so I have a 70 GB partition as well.  I want to combine the two of them into a single partition, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.07:01
lee_OK thanks.07:01
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J_Pcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/76013307:01
jtdfactorx: the modules are loaded fine, I'm USING the interface right now to talk to you :)07:01
Kwongnightcoder: yes07:01
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hmpedersenNo defects on the disc..07:01
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avisd34db14ck, alot of rpms have been repackaged for ubuntu as deb's07:01
nightcoderKwong: God ... Its really bad07:01
avisapt-get install chkrootkit -- etc07:01
yopbhi,,,can someone give an opinion about the music of finnish band called bleak.. http://www.bleakmusic.com/e-card/07:01
Kwongnightcoder: but i cant sudo, or anything07:01
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factorxjtd, that's pretty funny, so what's the problem if everything works? ;)07:01
harisundfooman if you want php5, just go ahead and install php5.07:01
crimsunJ_P: no, I need /all/ the output. Don't omit any of it.07:01
jtdbut when the system starts, it doesn't ifup the interface, presumably because ifup says that --^07:01
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wastreltraumatic:  easiest just to reinstall, and repartition during the install process07:01
d34db14ckavis: ok so instead of getting rpm i should search for deb07:01
nightcoderKwong. you will need to login as root07:01
avisno d34db14ck07:02
gnomefreakd34db14ck: yes what package is it07:02
jtdfactorx: I have to manually run dhclient on the interface in order to get it to pick up an IP Address07:02
nightcodertry sudo -s -H07:02
kermitX_fooman: when i installed phpmyadmin on top of php4; i used aptitude.. and during selection it deselected php4 for some reason. going back to that package and "re-selecting" it, then proceeding with the install of phpmyadmin worked. i have phpmyadmin working fine with php4 and mysql 4.1.07:02
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foomanharisund alright i'll see how it goes... thanks you have been very helpful... anyways know of a good guide or way of chrooting apache2 for virtual hosting?07:02
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d34db14ckgnomefreak: it's xmms07:02
Kwongnightcoder: everythign just permission denied07:02
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avisd34db14ck, you can get what you need from the repositories and it'll install it for you or use synaptic a GUI to find what you are looking for and install itg07:02
gnomefreakd34db14ck: sudo apt-get install xmms07:02
avisubuntu rocks man !07:02
gnomefreakd34db14ck: its in the repos07:02
J_Pcrimsun: ok07:02
Krpanocan someone tell me if its possible to change the Ubuntu meni icon on the menu bar ?07:02
ubotuxmms is, like, totally, to get xmms to work in Ubuntu Hoary and Breezy, set the output plugin to eSound (right-click on the XMMS window, then choose Options -> Preferences)07:02
s|kKrpano: it is possible07:03
nightcoderKwong ... can you boot you system in 'single' mode07:03
d34db14ckgnomefreak ok got it thanx07:03
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gnomefreak!info xmms07:03
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Kwongnightcoder: how could i do it?07:03
foomanharisund, i tried some guide before and thats what screwed up my apache setup in the first place heh07:03
ubotuxmms: (Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp), section sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.10+cvs20050209-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 979 kB, Installed size: 7216 kB07:03
harisundfooman now you have gone over my head. I am just a small time guy having apache and php on my system. :( Someone might be able to help you out. Though I would really suggest you go to some place like apache's own IRC channels or some 'better' documentation than me :)07:03
Krpanos|k , can you tell me how ?07:03
nightcoderUnder grub, type 'e' to edit the line07:03
jtdif I go into the Network Settings application in System it says eth0 is not configured.  except it IS configured.07:03
nightcoderthen, add 'single' to end of grub line07:03
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jani_lee_, check this out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12709007:03
foomanharisund, i thought you were leet lol07:03
Kwongnightcoder: oh ok i will try07:04
lucky9hey mensen07:04
harisundfooman hehe ..07:04
Kwongnightcoder: thank you07:04
s|kKrpano: no idea how, but I noticed different icon themes have different pictures, so go through the icon folders you have (in ~/.icons) and look for it07:04
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freezeywhat are the file permissions to set where every1 can write to it it was like og+ something07:04
freezeywrite frmo the web07:04
ubotuxmms is, like, to get xmms to work in Ubuntu Hoary and Breezy, set the output plugin to eSound (right-click on the XMMS window, then choose Options -> Preferences)07:04
traumaticwastrel:  Should I manually partition the drive during the install, i let it do it itself and I thought I allocated 100% though that may have been me allocating 100% to a secondary partition somehow07:04
pppoe_dudecan i use gnome-keyring like kwallet?07:04
foomanharisund have you messed around much with configuring dhcpd?07:04
Krpanos|k , thx..ill take a look07:04
s|kKrpano: you'll probably be able to change by replacing the icon with a different image with the same name07:04
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wastreltraumatic:  manual partition if you have an idea what you're doing.  it's not too hard with the graphical installer07:04
harisundfooman you mean the DHCP server? no only have had a look at dhcp client07:04
lucky9ik zoek iemand die mij kan vertellen hoe ik mp3 kan afspelen onder ubuntu07:04
nightcoderlucky9: ubuntu-de ?07:05
oezguerIf you receive: IP-Restrict-NAT and you receive false in webcam wizard, that means your connection is firewalled. (does not send the IP);;; Without outer web-based configuration can i do something? is there a another way to fix my cam??07:05
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foomanharisund, no i meant what i said the conf file for dhcpd such as connecting to whatever access point is open to your usage07:05
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de07:05
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tr00stwas there someone a minute ago trying to get xgl working?07:05
freezeywhat is the CHMOD to set for people to be able to write to that DIR from the web... i want to give full access to it... and i am not lookin for 77707:05
lucky9desktop 5.1007:05
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jtddoes anyone know if there is a known problem with Intel 2200BG wireless chipsets?07:05
oezguerIf you receive: IP-Restrict-NAT and you receive false in webcam wizard, that means your connection is firewalled. (does not send the IP);;; Without router web-based configuration can i do something? is there a another way to fix my cam for Amsn???07:06
wastrelthat wasn't german07:06
johnnyrussoi like boobies07:06
jtdin terms of ifup playing nicely with it?07:06
nightcoderfreezey: chmod a+rw07:06
gnomefreakjohnnyrusso: not in here07:06
wastrellooks like dutch maybe07:06
jtdwastrel: I think it was Dutch07:06
harisundsorry fooman. Out of my range :(07:06
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d34db14ckok si i get xmms.rpm and run sudo apt-get install xmms. but where do i  copy the package?07:06
wastreljtd:  great minds : ] 07:06
jtdbut it's likely a Dutch person knows at least a little German :)07:06
avisd34db14ck, just do this apt-get install xmms07:06
r0xoRhey yall i'm getting a weird error:07:06
r0xoRThe application 'gnome-panel' (/usr/bin/gnome-panel) wants to access the password for 'a_nautilus_ftpbookmark@ofmine' in the default keyring. [Deny]  [Allow Once]  [Always Allow] 07:06
MetaMorfoziSanybody please tell me aprogram that similar to teleport pro, so it can download pages fully07:06
foomanharisund, its ok hehe this is for my laptop using slackware 10.1 can't use ubuntu for everything ubuntu is a bit boring after you know so much07:06
r0xoRanyone know why that would happen?07:06
Krpanos|k , i have only cursors there...:(...i thought it would be possible to change it in the gconf-editor07:06
r0xoRno matter what i click it doesn't work07:07
harisundfooman I agree with you on that though07:07
nightcoderd34db14ck: if you want to install xmms, just type in a terminal: 'sudo apt-get install xmms'07:07
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foomanharisund, i recommend not using fedora core 5 i've had many issues with that the partitioner in the install formatted the wrong hard drive and i specifically specified which one to use07:07
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oezguerMY webcam doesnt work at Amsn cos routerfirewall :( can any body help me?  without router web-based configuration07:08
BoglizkI get some warnings when using: gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list". I pasted them at http://pastebin.com/76014407:08
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lucky9does any one know how to install plug ins for mp3 playback?07:08
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simulcrahow do i detect my external modem?07:08
lucky9or where to get them?07:08
gnomefreakfooman: not really our place to recomend or not another distro in here please thats a good way to start a dist war07:08
nightcoderlucky9: look for gstreamer-bad and gstreamer-ugly07:09
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oezguerMY webcam doesnt work at Amsn cos routerfirewall :( can any body help me?  without router web-based configuration07:09
Kwongnightcoder: i'm logging in in single mode but still couldnt get it through07:09
nightcoderlucky9: Universe and Multiverse repos07:09
foomangnomefreak, i wasn't saying anything i was just giving my opinion on my experiences with its usage07:09
Kwongnightcoder: i couldnt even make it to the command prompt07:09
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aviswell you did say ubuntu was boring when you know enough which is an opinion.07:10
MetaMorfoziSanybody please tell me aprogram that similar to teleport pro, so it can download pages fully07:10
diemanis there an rss feed with the weekly newsletter?07:10
nightcoderKwong: its really hard to say something if you cant do anything as root07:10
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d34db14ckavis:E: Couldn't find package xmms. the name of the package is xmms-1.2.10-src.rpm07:10
nightcodersudo doesnt work, right ?07:10
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stbrennerhow to i get service to startup (namely 955resolutin) to startup automatically via terminal?07:10
Kwongnightcoder: yes07:10
Kwongi meant no07:10
Kwongsudo deosnt work07:10
avisd34db14ck, this ubuntu we deal in ubuntu .debs not .rpms] 07:10
gnomefreakd34db14ck: type sudo apt-get install xmms07:10
foomanavis, no bashing on ubuntu i just like to broaden my knowledge of other distros07:10
johnnyrussohow do you use a .deb file?07:10
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gnomefreakjohnnyrusso: sudo dpkg -i file.deb07:11
MetaMorfoziShow can i save a page?07:11
nightcoderjohnnyrusso: double click it07:11
nightcoderClick 'Install package' button07:11
dmandura: sorry I was on phone, yes the mic is not on mute, it works fine when I plug it in on the back but not in the front07:11
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stbrennerMetaMorfoziS, in firefox?07:11
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d34db14ckgnome : it doesn't work. could not find package07:11
MetaMorfoziSwith links07:11
m68kin the console you can install it with sudo dpkg -i filename.deb.07:11
MetaMorfoziSand linked images etc07:11
MetaMorfoziSand in a session07:11
gnomefreaknightcoder: only problem is gdeb isnt in breezy only in dapper07:11
stbrennerMetaMorfoziS, well in firefox you can do this by going to file > save page07:12
avisfooman, yes i know but it was an opinion.  just an simple observation.  i'm actually hopeful that alot of developers will jump on ubuntu and help develop it now that its gained so much popularity07:12
nightcoderKwong: Have you much files under that system (in your home dir)07:12
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d34db14ckgnomefreak : it doesn't work. could not find package07:12
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foomancan someone tell me why my apache2 setup isn't running correctly i'm trying to view a php script but its just trying to download the file instead of initiating the script07:12
avistroll ?07:12
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gnomefreakd34db14ck: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin please07:12
A-L-P-H-Afooman: http.conf setup is wrong.07:12
gnomefreakavis: ?07:12
nightcodergnomefreak: youre right. But Im trying to say gui-based steps when possible :)07:13
MetaMorfoziSstbrenner: no, it can't07:13
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Kwongnightcoder: should blocking something like what my bro done just now07:13
avisi'm questioning d34db14ck status07:13
MetaMorfoziSit saves only the page that i'm on07:13
BoglizkWhats wrong? Should i worry? http://pastebin.com/76016607:13
MetaMorfoziSbut i need al linked images, all links and other07:13
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foomanA-L-P-H-A, it shouldn't be considering its the default config .....07:13
A-L-P-H-Afooman: double check your script program's installation proceed again to make sure you've set it up correct, and restart apache.07:13
MetaMorfoziSnot only that page that shows07:13
A-L-P-H-Afooman: what type of scripting language?07:13
gnomefreaknightcoder: yeah i understand and ive been temped to say that but than they say well it doesnt work and i run in circles until they say im on breezy :(07:13
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d34db14ckgnomefreak: where's the pastebin?07:13
foomanA-L-P-H-A, php507:14
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A-L-P-H-Ahaving an multimonitor xinerama ati issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1097290#post109729007:14
nightcoderKwong: Its really a hard question. I cant help you if we dont have a way to type super-user commands, sorry07:14
gnomefreakubotu tell d34db14ck -about pastebin07:14
A-L-P-H-Afooman: you need to add a few lines to httpd.conf to get it to work, and then restart apache.07:14
Kwongnightcoder: my user is root isnt it?07:14
hmpedersenlinkd same result now..07:14
foomanA-L-P-H-A, a few lines such as?07:14
nightcoderKwong: no. Under ubuntu, root account is hidden ?07:14
A-L-P-H-AKwong: only off the install CD.07:14
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A-L-P-H-Afooman: read the install.txt file that comes with php5.07:15
nightcoderKwong: oops, '?' doesnt stay heere07:15
BoglizkI need some info... Is this of any inportance or should i ignore it? http://pastebin.com/76016607:15
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lee_ I've been trying to configure XGL on my computer for the past 45 minutes to no avail  I get the error /opt/fdor/bin/compiz : GLX_EXT_texture_frinpipmap is missing and  two others /opt/fdor/bin/compiz: Failed to manage screens: 0 /opt/fdor/bin/compiz: No managable screens found on display 107:15
fr33mindHi, I'm looking for the name of the module for Compaq scsi raid LC2 please?07:15
dosioWhere can I find the Display settings in ubuntu? So that I can enable multiple monitors...07:15
Kwongnightcoder: is there anyway to get into the system without reinstall?07:15
foomanA-L-P-H-A, i didn't install php5 myself i just apt-get07:15
d34db14ckgnomefreak :k07:15
peterrusi heard that it is possible to let certain commands run automaticly when you connect a device (something with udev) now i want to automaticly run 2 commands (sudo bla bla) when i connect my pocketpc. (synce is already working)07:15
Gh0styquick question: anyone here with an asus K8N4 running ubuntu server? Friend of me has problem when he installs 6.06 server it doesn't recognize his network cards and sata controller (he had the same problem with debian, but not with ubuntu 5.10)07:16
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gnomefreakd34db14ck: can you give me thelink it gave you after you hit send07:16
A-L-P-H-Afooman: then I don't know.  I install it manually.07:16
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d34db14ckgnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1513307:16
gnomefreakubotu tell lee_ -about xgl07:16
foomanA-L-P-H-A, hmms... what should i look for in the httpd.conf file though?07:16
gnomefreakd34db14ck: ty brb looking07:16
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d34db14ckgnomefreak: k07:16
nightcoderKwong: yes ... but you will need root privileges07:16
gnomefreakd34db14ck: make sure that file is still open please07:16
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amar-zeis xubuntu on shipit?07:17
lee_Nobody is on the ubuntu-xgl channel :(07:17
avisd34db14ck,  enable universe and multiverse07:17
dosioAnyone? please.... I'm trying to find the display settings in ubuntu so that I can enable multiple monitors....07:17
gnomefreakamar-ze: no07:17
nightcoderfe33mind: cpqfc.o ???07:17
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Subhumanamar-ze, no07:17
MarcNAnyone here running Ubuntu/Dapper on hp/cpq ProLiants?07:17
d34db14ckavis: no ideea07:17
avisd34db14ck, sudo -i, nano /etc/apt/source.list07:17
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peterrusdosio: i think you need special drivers from your graphics card amnufacturer07:17
gnomefreakd34db14ck: take the # away from the lines that start with deb http please and add the word multiverse to the end of the lines that end in universe07:17
nightcoderKwong: If you can reinstall will be better. Kill your brother07:18
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A-L-P-H-Afooman: http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.unix.php. and "locate *.conf|less"07:18
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peterrusi heard that it is possible to let certain commands run automaticly when you connect a device (something with udev) now i want to automaticly run 2 commands (sudo bla bla) when i connect my pocketpc. (synce is already working)07:18
amar-zeand in the future , what's the plan ?07:18
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dosioohhh... this is too complicated...07:18
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gnomefreakamar-ze: dont know the future isnt here yet07:18
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hmpedersenGreat..  The disc won't install only boot a live system07:18
J_Pcrimsun: Wasn't possible paste taht long log in pastebin, so I put here : . next log logs is easy to copy in web now :-)07:18
philstar[dapper]  should I be seeing a line about clock being updated after "Configuring network interfaces"?07:18
peterrusdosio: yep, whats youtr graphics card brand/type?07:18
DarkRavenMixagei have a problem with gaim.. i'm under a nat and i can't open ports.. the sends often fails or go max 2/3 kb/s... anyone can solve this??? (extra package or so)07:18
Kwongnightcoder: i would, fact that i just have hoary here, and it such a long way to upgrade to dapper via 512kbps connection07:18
dosiopeterrus, I have an ATI 9700 pro07:18
gnomefreakamar-ze: kubuntu was around for a while it just started shipit for dapper07:19
r0xoRwow, anyone got a clue on my problem?07:19
avisKwong its much better to download the final and then do fresh install. i've seen alot of broken things after succesful upgrade07:19
nightcoderKwong: Do a clean install ...07:19
DarkRavenMixagegnomefreak do you have forgotten your crystal ball? LOL07:19
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peterrusdosio: then it will be hard cuz ati support sucks on linux, go to ati.com and download the ati drivers. seek for tutorials about this07:19
wastreli need to get 3daccel working :p07:19
gnomefreakDarkRavenMixage: ;) yep07:19
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amar-zegnomefreak : I don't like kde , just like you :)07:19
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d34db14ckgnomefreak:  so the end will be universe multiverse?07:19
dosiopeterrus, ok, thank you07:19
Kwongnightcoder: i dont have the CD, should i download it? or do the upgrading?07:19
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gnomefreakamar-ze: i never said i didnt like it and this is moving too far offtopic07:20
wastreldosio:  fglrxconfig has options for 2 monitor setup iirc07:20
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r0xoRdoes nvidia have 64 bit drivers yet?07:20
nightcoderDownload the CD ... go to ubuntu.com07:20
gnomefreakd34db14ck: yes07:20
blibbity123k, ubuntu newb question here, I just installed gnome network manager and restarted, the network manager shows on the taskbar but says 'no devices have been found' but the regular built in network manger thing works fine, how might i remedy this?07:20
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dosioI'll try it now07:20
crimsunJ_P: ``apt-get --reinstall install python2.4-subversion''07:20
avisKwong, i've observed enough to know that installing from source cd is best way07:20
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peterrusnoone can tell me about the udev thing?07:20
gnomefreakd34db14ck: when your done making changes if in nano hit ctrl+o than ctrl+x if not in nano save than close it07:20
factorxif I switch to my notebook's screen resolution (1280x800) everything looks crap. all windows and menus look 'broken'.07:21
factorxwhat can I do=07:21
DarkRavenMixagegnomefreak today i've tried to configure xmms for 5.1 and i crashed it lol i had got to reinstall LOL07:21
gnomefreakd34db14ck: after that run sudo apt-get update07:21
Kwongi think that what i should do07:21
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Kwongreinstall the whole thing again07:21
peterrusfactorx: screenshots can be handy07:21
amar-zeanyone have pppoe-dhcp problems on dapper ?07:21
nightcoderKwong: yes ...07:21
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J_Pcrimsun: yes, now works the install!! The magic is that "--reinstall" ? what it do ?07:21
wastrel!tell dosio about ati07:21
DarkRavenMixageeveryone gots problem on linux and usb modems07:21
Kwongwhen i intall vncserver07:21
nightcoderama-ze: whats your problem with pppoe07:21
Kwongand do vncviewer07:21
DarkRavenMixagethey are like cat and mouse07:21
Kwongit doesnt show up anything eventhough i got xstartup07:22
factorxpeterrus, one minute, I'll upload one07:22
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blibbity123k, ubuntu newb question here, I just installed gnome network manager and restarted, the network manager shows on the taskbar but says 'no devices have been found' but the regular built in network manger thing works fine, how might i remedy this?07:22
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d34db14ckgnomefreak:  it won't let me save...read only07:22
crimsunJ_P: it reinstalls07:22
avissudo -i07:22
peterrusd34db14ck: use sudo07:22
DarkRavenMixaged34db14ck use the sudo command07:22
crimsunJ_P: apparently you encountered a db mismatch07:23
avisd34db14ck, sudo -i specificially07:23
Boglizkwhats the -i for?07:23
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avisproper root07:23
J_Pcrimsun: ahh ok! thanks for your help!07:23
lee_!tell lee_  about ati07:23
Boglizkproper root? O.o07:23
amar-zenightcoder : conn. 'dies' every 2 hours (aprox. ) and I can't open any site , I can if I type IP of that site but can't thru host07:23
crimsunJ_P: np07:23
factorxpeterrus, http://www.rewler.de/pq/screen.png07:23
d34db14cksudo in what? i edited the file NOT in a terminal07:23
DarkRavenMixageor login as root (but it's dangerous if you don't know linux well)07:23
blibbity123gah! anyone?07:23
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avisd34db14ck, first time using linux ?07:23
nightcoderamar-ze: its a DNS-related problem07:23
peterrusfactorx: lets seee07:24
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wastrelblibbity123:  don't use gnome network manager... :/07:24
nightcoderamar-ze: check your /etc/resolv.conf07:24
d34db14ckavis: obviously :P07:24
avisyou use a terminal07:24
avisok no problem07:24
blibbity123wastrel: I need it because I need wpa07:24
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avisno problem07:24
DarkRavenMixageamar-ze use eciadsl07:24
avisi'm weary of trolls07:24
MarcNAha!, when installing Dapper on an older (maybe newer too) ProLiant, set the NOAPIC boot option.07:24
avisthats all07:24
amar-zenightcoder : it's okay , there's a nameservers of my ISP ..07:24
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DarkRavenMixageamar-ze search it via google it will configure your dns07:24
lee_If you know anything about Xgl please go to #ubuntu-xgl07:24
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amar-zeDarkRavenMixage : will try07:24
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BoglizkI need some info... Is this of any inportance or should i ignore it? http://pastebin.com/76016607:25
peterrusfactorx: wow never seen that before :/ you should check if your screen can support this reesolution (use google) because i think yoou sync rates are too high or somethiing. i suggest a lower resolution07:25
blibbity123wastrel: unless there's some sort of other 'point and click' solution for wpa in dapper07:25
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DarkRavenMixagei have a problem with gaim.. i'm under a nat and i can't open ports.. the sends often fails or go max 2/3 kb/s... anyone can solve this??? (extra package or so)07:25
nightcoderamar-ze: you can make a cron job ... just ping. It will prevent your connection to go down07:25
d34db14ckok i'll check back later after i learn some for my exam tomorow. if ther's a chan for noobs pls tell me07:26
factorxpeterrus, it's the native resolution of my notebook's display, it works in windows as well07:26
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avisthere is a package for wpa-psk in dapper07:26
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amar-zenightcoder : just ping ? ping anything or ..07:26
Fujoorhey people, i have 2 small questions, the first one is, how to i change my sources list so it doesnt want the cd everytime?07:26
peterrusfactorx: then i have no idea, try installing the drivers?07:26
wastrelblibbity123:  i dunno - never needed wpa.  i tried that network manager deal and it doesn't seem to play nicely with ifconfig, so i stopped using it.07:26
nightcoderping anything ... only to prevent connection down07:26
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nightcoderping every 10 minutes for example07:26
richard_i accidentally removed the file "/etc/xdg/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml" can i extract that file from somewhere to restore it?07:26
nightcodersend 5 packets to another 'internet' host will be sufficient07:26
avisi have to enter 63 characters when i setup my wpa-psk07:27
nightcoderpinc -c 5 google.com07:27
wastrelFujoor:  edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the CD line07:27
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amar-zeokay nightcoder will try that , I hope it 'will work ..07:27
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wastrelFujoor:  make a backup copy before you mess with it07:27
nightcoderamar-ze: let us to know if it solves your problem07:27
BoglizkCan anyone at least try help me?07:27
peterruscome one, who can tell me how to autorun commands at a udev connectiion?07:27
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Fujoorwastrel: thank you, with nano? what was the other editor called?07:28
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nightcoderwhats your problem07:28
BoglizkI need some info... Is this of any inportance or should i ignore it? http://pastebin.com/76016607:28
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DarkRavenMixagei have a problem with gaim.. i'm under a nat and i can't open ports.. the sends often fails or go max 2/3 kb/s... anyone can solve this??? (extra package or so)07:28
fr33mindwhere is list of supported pci card for ubuntu?07:28
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wastrelFujoor:  nano would work - use -w to prevent line wrapping.  or use gedit, vim or any other editor... you'll have to use sudo too07:28
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nightcoderBoglizk: its not important07:28
DarkRavenMixagei have a problem with gaim.. i'm under a nat and i can't open ports.. the sending of files often fails or go max 2/3 kb/s... anyone can solve this??? (extra package or so)07:28
soundrayBoglizk: if you haven't got any trouble after that, ignore it.07:28
nightcoderBoglizk: gtk-related warnings almost always are not important :)07:29
Boglizknightcoder, soundray, thanks07:29
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avisBoglizk, is seldom can use gksudo for some reason07:29
BoglizkThats something i should remember07:29
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blibbity123avis: hmm, perhaps you could walk me through? I just looked for wpa psk on official and unspported repositories and didnt see anything though07:29
Fujoorwastrel: thank you, fixed ... and my other question is, how do install centericq? apt-get install centericq doesnt do it07:29
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avislet me look i saw the package mentioned the last 24 horus07:29
BoglizkI'll be back later to tell you how the update went07:29
=== ubuntuStud sound was working fine on install, and after installing alsamixergui, I tried to get my mic to work, by unmuting the mic channel...but now i cant hear anything or record anything...VIA 8237 onboard sound on an asus board...
brosioazureus doesn't work with the official package java1.5_06 from repository anyone has the same problem ?07:30
=== thomas_f [n=thomas@v212-090.vps.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelFujoor:  centericq packages aren't in the main repository, they're in the universe repo.  you'll have to enable universe in your souces.list (either edit the sources.list file again, or use synaptic) and then  sudo apt-get update, then try to apt-get07:30
ubuntuStudbrosio: works for me07:30
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amar-zenightcoder : addet to cronjob , will let you know in couple hours .)07:30
wastrel!info centericq07:31
ubotucentericq: (A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 4.21.0-2ubuntu1.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1250 kB, Installed size: 3604 kB07:31
blibbity123avisL I do have wpa supplicant installed, but I dont know exactly what it's doing for me right now, I know that in the default network manager thing for dapper I have no where to configure wpa though07:31
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Fujoorwastrel:  ah thank you wastrel07:31
nightcoderamar-ze: ok07:31
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brosioubuntuStud: could u run javac -version ? i have java sdk15_06 from official repository07:32
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blibbity123yeah I installed wpa_gui as well, now im lost as to what to do next07:32
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avisthe rest is history :)07:32
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avisi haven't setup my wifi card yet07:33
aviseven though it will be a few feet away from my router07:33
aviswhy ?  to learn.07:33
ubuntuStudjava version "1.4.2"07:33
ubuntuStudgij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.0 (Ubuntu 4.1.0-1ubuntu8)07:33
troytroyanybody know of any pkg similar to photoshop or corel graphics07:33
ubuntuStudtroy:  Gimp07:34
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wastreltroytroy:  gimp is good, you might also want to check out inkscape, it's a vector graphics program.07:34
brosioubuntuStud: it's different07:34
soundray!info gimp07:34
ubotugimp: (The GNU Image Manipulation Program), section graphics, is optional. Version: 2.2.8-2ubuntu6 (breezy), Packaged size: 2739 kB, Installed size: 7736 kB07:34
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DuniaImpian!info wpa07:34
brosioazureus doesn't work with the official package java1.5_06 from repository anyone that has dapper has the same problem ?07:34
=== spikeb berates the bot managers
watson540hrm, open office seems to be pretty limited in its web page creation for dummies07:35
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hmpedersenTroy, here are rumors George Lucas has Adobe working on Photoshop for linux07:35
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avis!tell wpa avis07:35
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soundrayDuniaImpian: !info works with package names only.07:35
troytroyubuntuStud: hmm Gimp is cool alright but does not support advance graphics editing07:35
wastrelphotoshop for linux would be good i suppose, but gimp is free :] 07:35
ubuntuStudhmpedersen: there are rumors that G.L. might make a good movie07:35
mr_husI noticed ubuntu comes with locate. Is it used by anything by default?07:35
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avismr_hus, yes you do updatedb07:35
avisand then locate will find any file07:35
bk__does anyone here use Evolution for their email?07:35
wastrellocate is a shell command to find files quickly.07:35
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avisits a database07:35
=== leggy [n=leggy@74-48.vpn.rz.uni-potsdam.de] has joined #ubuntu
troytroywastrel: hmm Gimp is cool alright but does not support advance graphics editing07:35
DuniaImpiansoundray, oh ic. I thought it works like in #suse. LOL. thx 4 info07:36
aviswhereis is similar07:36
soundraytroytroy: yes, it does support practically every mode of graphics editing, layers, paths, the works.07:36
hmpedersenubuntuStud, there are rumors all people might some day accept GL's masterpieces07:36
spikebyes it does07:36
=== ubuntuStud only accepts the first three original ones
wastreltroytroy:  i don't know what that means :]   i just touch-up personal photos and scanned thingies.  total graphics novice...07:36
mr_husavis: yes but i mean, is there an application using it or its just there for you to use? Does it index periodically already or that's up to you to configure?07:36
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=== hmpedersen agrees with ubuntuStud
=== xion`os2k [n=admin@cpe-71-79-147-238.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
denstarkI just have a quick question -- I go to system --> preferences --> sound, change my sound card from what it is now (intel 828) to my other card (esoniq) and then hit close, and it doesn't save my changes for some reason. anyone else getting this problem?07:37
mr_husavis: i was wondering if the gnome deskbar was using it too... but from what i've read it's using python.07:37
avisi've had to do it manually i dont know about ubuntu but if it doesn't you can setup a cron job07:37
=== ubuntuStud wonders if anyone knows how to fix this: my sound was working fine on install, and after installing alsamixergui, I tried to get my mic to work, by unmuting the mic channel...but now i cant hear anything or record anything...VIA 8237 onboard sound on an asus board...
xion`os2khey guys, i have a rather small question if anyone can help07:37
=== bliss_ [n=bliss_@4096.net] has joined #ubuntu
hmpedersenBut official word is. They want to make the tv series on linux.. But they want to use adobe software including photoshop..07:37
xion`os2khi bliss_07:37
troytroywastrel: does is support ligthing, transparency etc07:37
simulcrahello, how do i detect my external modem? thanks07:38
bliss_somwone has sent me a zip files how to extract the contents please07:38
=== Geoffrey2 sighs
hmpedersenIf the linux versions are ever made available to the general public is another matter..07:38
soundraybliss_: try unzip07:38
troytroywastrel: turning a night pic into day that sort of editing07:38
bliss_xion`os2k hi07:38
penguinwhoflewquick question: it IS possible to open word docs on linux right?07:38
denstarkYes, penguinwhoflew07:38
avisopenoffice, yes07:39
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denstarkopenoffice.org will do the trick07:39
MarcNpenguinwhoflew: the vast majority, yes.07:39
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xion`os2kok, here's my problem, i just installed 6.06, and the problem didn't occur on 5.10, but my desktop is offset to the left, cutting of the edge of my screen07:39
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amar-zenightcoder : conn. just 'died' and now if I close conn. from chat I wont be able to connect again until I restart pppoe. Weird I chat now but can't open a thing07:39
avisxion`os2k, adjust monitor07:39
denstarkxion`os2k: do you have any buttons on your monitor?07:39
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denstarkxion`os2k: thats what your going to have to mess with07:39
thomas1234hi, i am having a performance problem, but don't know what's wrong!! does someone wish to give me a helping hand??07:39
xion`os2kyeah, but when i reboot into windows, it keeps it off the the left07:39
hmpedersenI hope i did not just hear what i just heard..07:39
xion`os2ki know, i said the dreaded "w" name :)07:39
avisthomas1234, ask question07:39
denstarkDon't reboot into windows ;-)07:39
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nightcoderamar-ze: when your connection 'die' look into resolv.conf to see if it changes07:40
thomas1234it's the same problem as http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14866907:40
OddinnCan anybody help me with installation of additional ttf fonts to ubuntu?07:40
ubuntuStudthomas:  #viagra07:40
xion`os2klol, unfortunaltely, i'm a game freak, and i can't get ffxi to run on nix yet07:40
nightcoderpppd is not running, right ?07:40
ubotuI guess midi is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8736 or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo07:40
brighthi! is there an application with which I can access the parallel port directly, by setting single pins?07:40
bk__penguinwhoflew, if you've never used openoffice, know that it has multiple formats a file can be saved in like .odt.  Microsoft Word cannot open that.07:40
xion`os2ki thought there was some tool or command i could fire up to adjust the setting to move it to the right... but maybe i'm just goin crazy :)07:40
=== Aeudian [n=Aeudian@ip67-94-157-98.z157-94-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
amar-zenightcoder : Only this now  search lan07:40
amar-zeand I am still here :)07:41
mwe_bright: what do you want to do?07:41
=== jtd is watching Automatix do its thign
jtdThis is all rather impressive.07:41
nightcoderamar-ze: when your connection 'die', pppd stay running ?07:41
watson540does anyone know of a good app that will create a basic web page for me?07:41
watson540already tried openoffice..07:41
troytroyhi how do i scroll up messages in irssi07:41
jtdwatson540: loaded question.  :)  What do you want to do?07:41
amar-zenightcoder : yes , ifconfig shows ppp007:41
OddinnCan anybody help me with installation of additional ttf fonts to ubuntu?07:42
nightcoderamar-ze. change /etc/network/interfaces07:42
watson540not much, a background, a little text and a few pics maybe07:42
brightmwe_: I am a complete newbie to hardware programming and so on, so I just wanted to start lighting an LED through a parallel port... and wondered if there is a program with which I can set the different pins...07:42
bliss_soundray; thanks for unzip07:42
bk__Oddinn, do you have the font?07:42
denstarkalright how about this question -- does anyone know if it is possible to set the default sound card in ubuntu (6.06) from the command line07:42
nightcoderamar-ze: put your 'right' DNS servers instead of local ip (showed before)07:42
=== firefly [n=fire@c-24-34-214-122.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eternale1troytroy: page up?07:42
jtdwatson: probably the easiest way to do that is just type up the html yourself, to be honest.  HTML editors will just add a lot of extra garbage you don't need.07:42
neoxan_is there no "build-essenital" package any more?07:42
Oddinnbk__, how can I install it?07:43
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troytroyeternale1: lol thanks st i think too deep07:43
ubuntuStuddoes anyone know how to reset the sound to default?07:43
nightcoderamar-ze: when your connection 'die' are your computer in idle ?07:43
NoUse!info build-essential dapper07:43
ubotubuild-essential: (informational list of build-essential packages), section devel, is optional. Version: 11.1 (dapper), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 48 kB07:43
=== michael117 [n=michael@adsl-68-94-23-160.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwe_bright: I think you gotta look into the linux kernel api07:43
bk__Oddinn, go to System, and look at Help07:43
NoUseneoxan_ ^^^07:43
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watson540jtd: yeah but i dont know html..heh07:43
jtdwatson540: Here's a hint: you'll probably be a lot happier with what you type up if you <font face = "Something Not As Ugly As Times New Roman"> right at the beginning.  :)07:43
amar-zenightcoder ; what should I change in /etc/network/interfaces? and btw in resolv.conf .. nameservers get there automaticly07:43
bk__Oddinn, that's how I got Lao installed07:43
Oddinnbk__, thanks :)07:43
jdmpikehow do I find out what has the sound device busy?07:43
neoxan_nouse, cant find it :s07:43
neoxan_maybe my sources.list...^^07:44
brightmwe_: ok.07:44
bk__Oddinn, let me see if I remember myself and I will show you if you don't succeed.07:44
ubuntuStudlots of sound questions, no answers...07:44
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jtdwatson540: there are easy tutorials everywhere, and you can probably just cut and paste some sourcecode.  Google for it.07:44
Oddinnok, thanks.07:44
neoxan_omg, nouse07:44
amar-zenightcoder : right now conn. is 'dead' but I still chat .. until I close conn.07:44
docta_vi'm using ati big desktop...after upgrading to dapper i can no longer use both monitors in kde07:44
watson540good idea i will07:44
neoxan_wrong spelling07:44
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docta_vwhen kdm is up before i login, i can move my mouse between both screens but once kde launches i'm stuck on just the left screen07:44
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mwe_bright: writing a program that is accessing the parallel port driver07:44
docta_vseems to be the same thing if i launch gnome too07:44
amar-zenightcoder : then I will have to restart pppoe07:44
jtdwatson540: Is this for the webpage installed on your Ubuntu server, or are you putting this code hosted somewhere else?07:44
nightcoderamar-ze: your computer seems to lost dns config during ppp connection (for no reason)07:44
mcquaidhello, i ordered some cds a couple of days ago, but when i submitted the browser just seemed to reload the page and i was still at the submit screen07:44
troytroyok now too much of asking am available for anyone need help (thats if i can)07:44
watson540jtd: yeah its for my home box07:44
nightcoderamar-ze: not exactly07:45
hmpedersenThat's it. Im now marking this presumably dead dvd drive dead!07:45
jtdwatson540: you'll DEFINITELY want to learn at least some basic HTML.07:45
mcquaidi wanted to know if that's normail, or should i have seen some confirmation07:45
amar-zenightcoder : is there solution to fix this..07:45
hmpedersenIt just shut itself down while installing base system07:45
mcquaidi don't want to order again in error07:45
watson540insecure eh07:45
eternale1watson540: coding basic html is simple... or Bluefish is a webdev ide07:45
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eternale1depending on how advanced your getting you could probably just do it with nedit07:46
bk__Oddinn, did you figure it out?07:46
nightcoderamar-ze: if you can 'ping' some (internet) IP address when your connection 'die', it means that only DNS config has died07:46
jtdwatson540: you know, you might have a lot of fun installing and running MediaWiki.  Give it a shot.07:46
EmxBAhmpedersen: hi07:46
jtdeternale1: nedit?07:46
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eternale1just a text editor07:46
nightcoderamar-ze: edit your /etc/network/interfaces AND /etc/resolv.conf07:46
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mcquaidnm if i go back there i see the order is there07:46
hmpedersenEmxBA Hi07:46
eternale1like gedit07:46
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amar-zenightcoder : I can't says unknown host07:46
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jtdeternale1: ah.07:47
nightcoderamar-ze: put your correct DNS servers on /etc/resolv.conf -before- pppd is up07:47
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jtddo we still hate Automatix?07:47
=== rikai [n=kitty@pool-72-65-99-164.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAutomatix is a utility which helps install various codecs and applications which cannot be part of the default installation, also another utility is called EasyUbuntu, please join #automatix or #easyubuntu for more information07:47
jtdOh wow.  I guess not.07:47
EmxBAamar-ze: jesi l to ti majke ti :D07:47
amar-zenightcoder : will try that too..07:47
docta_vlooks like this guy has the same problem as me: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17398607:47
nightcoderamar-ze: and check if /etc/network/interfaces have dns related configuration07:47
amar-zeEMXba . jesam :D07:47
ch_604i'm trying to change permissions and its not workign out right07:48
=== KLuuppo [n=puulaati@a80-186-13-89.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
hmpedersenEmxBA, that nick sounds familiar.. What have you been helping me out with?07:48
mwe_jtd: I think someone changed it without general accept07:48
docta_vanyone have suggestions?07:48
=== DevGet [n=gustav@h54n5fls32o1096.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
jtdmwe_: I think it's a lot more careful than it used to be.  There's a lot of user prompting and so on now.07:48
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, dabbler07:48
skippy81Hey guys, does anyone know of a site which explains in simple terms how the GPL works please?07:48
EmxBAhmpedersen: i don't know really, I helped a lot on this channel, so I am very confused. I chat on #ubuntu all over the day07:48
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mwe_jtd: maybe so07:48
amar-zenightcoder : can I pm you pastebin of my /etc/network/interfaces ? Not sure what to change there :)07:48
ch_604ive got some files on a fat32, but i cant change the permissions, even after changing the fstab07:48
ch_604any hints?07:48
EmxBAamar-ze: kakav imas problem07:48
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EmxBAwhat's the problem07:48
nightcoderamar-ze: ok07:49
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amar-zepppoe dhcp07:49
bliss_since  installing 6.06 my disk used has increased by may gigs cannot be correct from 35 gigs toal  and  28 unsed to 32 gigs used  something wrong07:49
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amar-zepriv. Emx07:49
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hmpedersenWell seems I won't be playing dvds on my laptop anymore..07:49
eternale1skippy81: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ?07:49
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nightcoderbliss_ check your /var/cache/apt/archives directory07:49
jason^is there a command to see what files are in a package or what package a file belongs to?07:49
soundraybliss_: check the size of the /var/log directory; run apt-get autoclean07:49
hmpedersenNot that I walk around with dvds in the backpack anyways07:50
watson540well i installed mediawiki now u have to figure out what it does i guess :)07:50
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skippy81thx eternale107:50
nightcoderbliss_: rm -f anything there07:50
johnnyrussowhy hmpedersen07:50
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mwe_hmpedersen: why can't you play dvds ?07:50
eternale1skippy81: np... google always knows :)07:50
ch_604so i can change the fstab, but it makes no effect. chmod doesnt work either. what can i do?07:50
bliss_no its not the log.directory its a fuzzy buggy gui called gparted#07:50
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hmpedersenjohnnyrusso, mwe_, because i just scrapped the dvd drive. It kept shutting itself down. I can live with it shutting down with only a shutdown-eject drive-insert drive-boot to cure it if it was inactive for an hour.. But I can not live with a dvd drive that shuts itself down during install!07:51
soundraych_604: you should remount the filesystem in question after changing fstab.07:51
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mwehmpedersen: no07:52
ch_604soundray, i did. didnt work. i even rebooted.07:52
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hmpedersenOnly got it because it was marked presumably dead anyways..07:52
hmpedersenjust like the laptop07:53
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soundraych_604: what did you change in fstab?07:53
bliss_soundray: thanks whats the command line to check disk space  i am not in a live cd07:53
bliss_nightcode: thanks for support07:53
soundraybliss_: du /var/log/07:53
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blibbity123anyone familiar with how to setup/config wpa_supplicant?07:53
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hmpedersenCan anyone tell me why I'm installing breezy with only 7 min till dapper is done downloading?!?07:53
H0ddidu -h is even better07:53
ubotuFor easy WPA support in Ubuntu 6.06, install the package network-manager-gnome, then log out and in. Otherwise, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto.07:54
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mweblibbity123: read that07:54
blibbity123mwe: that doesnt work for me07:54
jobehmpedersen: man impatient07:54
hmpedersen(if anyone feels like answering my former question, a /slap would do)07:54
mweblibbity123: what doesn't exactly?07:54
bliss_soundray: i will pastebin results07:54
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thewh00How are security updates applied automatically?07:54
blibbity123mwe: the network manager shows, but doesnt detect any devices07:55
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soundraybliss_: if you have time, run 'du / | sort -rn >/tmp/diskusage'. The first few lines of /tmp/diskusage will show you which directories occupy most of the space.07:55
mweblibbity123: then read the wiki page07:55
vacafekien er4es tu?07:55
vacafe'ola a todos07:55
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mwevacafe: shut up07:55
ronin_hi everyone! small problem: dapper drake doesnt start the x-server anymore...i have to start it by myself....whats wrong?07:55
EmxBAvacare, don't spam us07:55
johnnyrussohmpedersen: was that a trick question?07:55
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fluxinatorvacafe #ubuntu-es07:55
lillpelleHi, I don't want apache to write "HTTP Response Header Location", anyone know howto do this?07:55
johnnyrussowhy is it called dapper drake07:55
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scenestaranyone else seen stuff on that?07:56
mweblibbity123: is the device even configured without encryption07:56
vacafeen el espaol07:56
scenestaris it fixable with a modeline?07:56
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:56
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.07:56
hmpedersenjohnnyrusso, maybe someone has seen too much darkwing duck?07:56
mr_husAnybody knows what the Gnome Deskbar uses to index things? I mean, it must use an index of some sort... and some cron job to keep that index up to date right?07:56
TobiasFarwhat package do i need to install if i want to run kile? it says that no dcopserver is runnin07:56
jobejohnnyrusso: because its pretty looking07:56
blibbity123mwe: the wiki says nothing that helps me07:56
GarryFreWell, I got the new Ubuntu working but it won't boot via system-commander but must be done via setting the drive as the boot drive and it says no active partition but there is, then Grub comes up and all seems fine. Its called dapper drake because its a pretty dragon that will burn you up. j/k07:56
ssamthewh00, try system -> administration -> software properties07:56
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avisvacafe vayase #ubuntu-es  o  +b07:56
jobejohnnyrusso: like a really well turned out duck!07:56
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mweblibbity123: you gotta ask a better question07:56
disinterested_pesorry, i dont have spanish translation enabled07:56
Bizzehi think its time to make a LFS07:57
vacafeke ,mwe hables en espaol,,,,,07:57
johnnyrussolol ok07:57
lillpellehm, I'll ask in #apache instead...07:57
blibbity123mwe: i dont know how better to ask it, installed gnome network manager, it shows up in the taskbar, says it cant find any devices..07:57
crummagei need to recover my mbr by ubuntu 6.06 live cd,  do someone know how to do that?07:57
vacafetu puta madres07:57
=== Earthen [n=earthen@dpc67143122098.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
mweblibbity123: provide detail. is the device configured, where doesn't it work. what did you try etc07:57
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EmxBAvacafe: we speak english07:57
=== zach_ [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!07:57
vacafeola lucaas07:57
fluxinatornosotros hablamos ingles vacafe07:57
hmpedersenEmxBA, we do?07:58
apokryphosEmxBA: ?07:58
EmxBAhmpedersen: most of us07:58
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NoUsein this channel we do07:58
jobehmpedersen: i think EmxBA means we try07:58
thewh00ok that worked thank you07:58
zach_hello... how can i set VLC as default video player?07:58
hmpedersenjobe, ahh..07:58
sergiolhow can i upgrade my sources.list?07:58
mweblibbity123: you should probably read the wifi wiki first, to get your device to be recognized07:58
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gnomefreakEmxBA: ?07:58
EmxBAjobe: english looks like default language on thischannel :D07:58
mweblibbity123: if the device is not recognized nothing will work07:58
crummagei need to recover my mbr by ubuntu 6.06 live cd,  do someone know how to do that?07:58
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bliss_soundray http://pastebin.ca/6220807:59
ch_604ok i umounted and mounted about 5 times, i get the same result. anyone can help me with permissions?07:59
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EmxBAi just want vacafe to stop speaking non-english07:59
rdzhi all. i read on the compiz-page: "add "/usr/bin/startcompiz" to gnome session startup programs". how can i do that?07:59
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apokryphosgnomefreak: just vacafe above07:59
EmxBAlet him visit other ubuntu channels on his native language07:59
soundraych_604: what did you change in fstab?07:59
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gnomefreakty apokryphos07:59
EmxBAif they exist07:59
penguinwhoflewumm.... glxgears won't output fps info, but it runs just fine...07:59
SeveasEmxBA, there are heaps of localized channels07:59
blibbity123mwe: the default network manager dapper has detects and configures all my devices fine, but has nothing for wpa, which I need. so I installed gnome network manager per the isntructions. restarted, it shows up in the tray, but says it cant finda ny devices. if there's something that needs to be configured, it doesnt say that in the wiki and I have no clue what to do or where to go next besides a different os07:59
disinterested_pei put in sudo checkinstall last night havent tried it yet but will sometime07:59
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, thewh0007:59
ch_604soundray: i changed a default mount to rw.07:59
zach_how can i watch videos over a windows network....nothing will play...but if i copy to computer they do...07:59
sergiolhow to update my sources.list?07:59
gnomefreaksergiol: from what to what?08:00
soundraych_604, for what type of filesystem?08:00
penguinwhoflewumm.... glxgears won't output fps info, but it runs just fine... how can i see my fps?08:00
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gnomefreaksergiol: or do you mean after you made changes?08:00
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ch_604soundray, vfat08:00
hmpedersenDownload done.. And now breezy install asks me if i want to download full language support..08:00
nightcodersergiol: use synaptic08:00
EmxBASeveas, i know, so i am just telling vacafe to try them08:00
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hmpedersenI think I'll reboot the laptop08:00
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mweblibbity123: I don't know the nwm. does ifconfig show your device?08:00
soundraybliss_: your log directory is not the problem.08:00
GarryFreIs there an accellerated nvidia driver for Dapper? I look, I find the wrong one, the computer has a siezure.08:00
sergioli want to update it if there is one in ubuntu.com08:00
zach_sergiol: apt-get update          ??08:00
rdzsergiol, what do you mean by updating? apt-get update?08:01
mwegnomefreak: do you know if the use of automatix is approved now, or did someone just change the factoid?08:01
gnomefreaksergiol: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:01
clement_lefebvredid anybody see any SMB problem with using nautilus as an SMB client ?08:01
bliss_soundray: ok did you se the print out for the command you gave me08:01
crummageno knows how to recover it? :~08:01
iiiears1000 CLOSE UBUNTU USING FRIENDS. - this room is huge. - grin08:01
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aviscrummage i know its in the bot08:01
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blibbity123mwe: ifconfig did until I installed the gnome net manager, now it just shows the wiredcard and the loopback, but iwconfig shows all 3 devices08:01
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zach_How can i set VLC as default video player?08:01
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t35t0ranyone know how to set a central plugin directory environment variable for opera? OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH doesn't work08:01
soundraybliss_: what you pasted? Yes.08:01
penguinwhoflewso, my glxgears is just borked then?08:01
crummageavis, in the bot?08:01
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aviscrummage yes the mbr recovery08:02
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tijnhey all08:02
avisthats gotta hurt08:02
sergiolok thank you08:02
crummageavis, sorry my noobish but what bot?08:02
gnomefreakmwe: someone changed the factoid yes as for your other question i never looked at script (i also found that to be a touchy subject)08:02
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hmpedersenHey tijn.08:02
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avischannel bot08:02
soundray!tell ch_604 about vfat08:02
bliss_soundray: well that command was not correct the secound or i did not type it correctly08:02
crummageoh yes08:02
iiiearspenguinwhoflew - If you mean it shows up without printing any numbers. yes, seeing the same here.08:02
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soundraych_604: please read the pages that ubotu points you to.08:02
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thewh00anyone have info on pgp08:03
mweblibbity123: well it sounds like you should get rid of nwm and configure it manually and file a bug on nwm08:03
avisthere are ops here be more concise and ask them to send you the info08:03
crummagecan i download it throught a web irc? b/c ubuntu doesn't seems to have an irc client08:03
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thewh00pretty good privacy08:03
=== hmpedersen exclaims POWER TO THE PENGUIN!
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=== hmpedersen goes to grab some food
tijncrummage well, there is xchat08:03
sergiolhow can i search in the repositories the packages containing php in the name?08:03
crummageavis, ok thanks for the help ;)08:03
tijnor konversation08:03
blibbity123mwe: that's what I was doing, hence my first question, help configuring wpa_supplicant :)08:03
tijnits apt gettable :)08:03
nightcodersergiol: use synaptic08:03
aviscrummage i dont know :(08:03
zach_can anyone help me setup dual monitors with an ati card?08:03
soundraybliss_: you added spaces that weren't in the command I gave you.08:03
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bliss_soundray: ok08:04
soundraybliss_: run 'du / | sort -rn >/tmp/diskusage'.08:04
disinterested_peim the proud dad of a 4ft8" green iguana lol08:04
nightcodersergiol: or 'sudo apt-cache search xxx'08:04
avisblibbity123, For easy WPA support in Ubuntu 6.06, install the package network-manager-gnome, then log out and in. Otherwise, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto.vacafe08:04
troytroyok so why does ubuntu always add totem to default pkg whilst it does nothing right. shoul rather be mplayer08:04
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crummagetijn, i can download it even with live-cd?08:04
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SpirosChronisHello All, i am having such a problem getting my wireless pcmcia card working. I am the biggest NoooB. i have installed ipw220 and still no luck. The thing doesn't even show the power light. ANYONE KEEN TO HELP :-D08:04
tijncrummage eeerh08:04
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kettenschutzhey there08:04
tijnmaybe :)08:04
tijntry it08:04
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ydnarwhat do you do if the newest version of the software you want is not in synaptic?08:04
fluxinatori want to compile the latest fluxbox... anything I should know about08:04
kettenschutzi need some help by using GRUB08:04
MehAdultblibbity123: What kind of wireless card?08:04
nightcoderydnar: check your repos ...08:04
tijncrummage i think it *should* work, it will be installed in ram08:04
kettenschutzit wont load my Windows, stops aber clicking it in my menu08:04
blibbity123MehAdult: intel 394508:05
ydnarwhat should i look for nightcoder?08:05
sergiolits annoying08:05
SpirosChronisit's a twinmos G231 wireless card08:05
MehAdultblibbity123: What chipset?08:05
ydnari used easyubuntu to update my repositories08:05
nightcoderydnar: are you using breezy or dapper ?08:05
mweblibbity123: why doesn't the wapa wiki work for you?08:05
SpirosChronisthe drivers on the site are meant for the 2.4 linux kernel08:05
crummagetijn, yeah iam downloading konversation right now... thank you ;)08:05
mweblibbity123: where does it fail?08:05
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@host-84-9-54-120.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
tijncrummage np08:05
mgorbachanyone here running a dual core?08:05
nightcoderydnar: what software you need ?08:05
MehAdultmgorbach: Why do you ask?08:05
blibbity123mwe: because the files it says should exist, dont, such as /etc/default/wpasupplicant08:05
ydnarxchat 2.6.2 -- 2.6.1 is what's showing in synaptic right now08:05
tijnbtw, anyone expierience playing call of duty with ATi?08:06
troytroyok so why does ubuntu always add totem to default pkg whilst it does nothing right. should rather include mplayer as default08:06
=== nettogrof_ [n=cgiircus@pdpc/supporter/active/nettogrof] has joined #ubuntu
EmxBAdid anyone setup lucent wireless cards on ubuntu08:06
mweblibbity123: just create it08:06
mgorbachmy new ubuntu 6.06 install is not detecting my 4800+08:06
avismgorbach, my windows box is.  such a shame too i dont nearly consume the power that its capable of using windows08:06
EmxBAthey require extra drivers08:06
mgorbachat least it doesn't look like it08:06
soundraytroytroy: this is not a support request. Do not repeat please.08:06
EmxBAthatis patch for kernel08:06
blibbity123MehAdult:I dont know, it's just the intel 3945 a/b/g card their putting into all the new laptops08:06
sergiolapt-cache search php gives everything that does not contain php in the name08:06
mgorbachcat /proc/cpuinfo shows one CPU08:06
MehAdultmgorbach: Usually you need a SMP kernel.08:06
rdzhow can i add a script to the "gnome session startup programs"?08:06
mgorbachiv got one08:06
nightcoderydnar: you can download sources if it are not in repos yet ... or you can wait a few days ...08:06
mgorbachtried both the k7 and the i68608:06
MehAdultDid you choose it while booting?08:07
=== misterj [n=misterj@72-109.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ydnaris it easy to install the sources?08:07
soundraymgorbach: you need the k808:07
blibbity123mwe: but I have nothing to create it from, i need the config file it comes with so I can modify it per the wiki instructions08:07
MehAdultIt gives you several options08:07
mgorbachLinux montecarlo 2.6.15-23-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 23 14:20:54 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux08:07
tijni have installed my ati card drivers (ubuntu ones), d3d works, but i have installe COD and it says my driver are bad08:07
troytroysoundray: totem works for u?08:07
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green_earzmgorbach:  i think its the smp kernel you need08:07
nightcoderXchat 2.6.2 has some feature that you need (especifically) ?08:07
MehAdultmgorbach: Sounds like the wrong kernel.08:07
SpirosChronisanyone: I am having such a problem getting my wireless pcmcia card working. i have installed ipw2200 and still no luck. The thing doesn't even show the power light. could anyone help???08:07
avismgorbach, i think your good08:07
DBOsoundray, he shouldnt need the 64 bit kernel for dual core, just the smp kern08:07
mgorbachshouldnt it be showing two processors if i do cat /proc/cpuinfo08:07
ydnarnightcoder, not really.08:07
nightcoderydnar: install 2.6.108:07
ydnarbut thank you very much for your help08:07
MehAdultmgorbach: Once you get the right kernel.08:07
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soundraymgorbach: it's possible that you have to activate a BIOS option before you will.08:08
mgorbachiv got SMP ... is there something else i need?08:08
MehAdultydnar: On Mandriva I can get 2.6.2 and I have 2.6.1 on Dapper and you're not missing much.08:08
iiiearsnightcoder - it is vastly changed. with a simplified interface. - I miss some faamiliar features08:08
mgorbachwell ... windows is detected the dual core correctly08:08
mgorbachi dont think its a bios issue08:08
ydnarnightcoder, will it update automatically later?08:08
MehAdultsoundray: Good point.08:08
SpirosChronisHello All, i am having such a problem getting my wireless pcmcia card working. I am the biggest NoooB. i have installed ipw220 and still no luck. The thing doesn't even show the power light08:08
nightcoderydnar: yes08:08
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MehAdultmgorbach: Did you buy this computer with the X2?08:08
ch_604soundray, thx ^^08:08
mgorbachgot it built at a shop here08:08
mweblibbity123: yeah I guess the wiki is deprecated08:08
MehAdultDid it ever work like on Winblows or anything?08:08
nightcoderiiiears: sorry, I dont know what changes was made in Xchat 2.6.208:09
mgorbachwindows came installed and works correctly showing  two processors08:09
troytroyhi anybody using totem here08:09
crimsunmgorbach: are you running -686?08:09
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green_earzmgorbach: what dose uname -a say ?08:09
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SpirosChronishelp please08:09
ydnariiiears, you like v.2.6.1 better?08:09
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brosiois possible found an usb to serial converter that isn't linux compatible08:09
mweblibbity123: you should read /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.Debian instead08:09
t35t0ranyone know how to set a central plugin directory environment variable for opera? OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH doesn't work08:09
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soundraySpirosChronis: have you read the wiki pages?08:09
ubotusomebody said wireless was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers08:09
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mgorbachLinux montecarlo 2.6.15-23-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 23 14:20:54 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux08:09
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soundraySpirosChronis: read ubotu08:10
zach_can anyone help me with dual monitors and an ATi card08:10
mgorbachiv also tried i686 SMP kernel ... didnt work either08:10
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ubotuI guess wep is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-10-07.003150731508:10
mlehreris Dapper going to stay with 2.6.15?08:10
crimsunmlehrer: yes.08:10
soundraymlehrer: yes08:10
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mlehreri need 2.6.16 for some driver updates08:10
tijnhmz, when i install orignal ATi drivers, and i run aticonfig, i get aticonfig: error while loading shared libraries: libfglrx_pp.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:10
SpirosChronissoundray: which pages should i read?08:10
iiiearsnightcoder - I just installed it so am not comeplete in all the changes but The logged in names have been moved to the left. (meh) nick comepletion using a comma is gone. spell checking is added. etc.08:10
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mlehrerbut i really don't want to start maintaining my own kernel fork on Yet Another distro08:10
crimsunmlehrer: we've backported many of them from .16 and .17-git08:10
mgorbachim pretty much stuck here ...08:10
soundraySpirosChronis: read ubotu's line on wireless ^^08:11
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brosioi have an athlon64 but i'm running dapper i386 is better that i use a k7 kernel or not ?08:11
bliss_soundray http://pastebin.ca/62212---why three entries for one vmware machine?08:11
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simulcrahello, how do i detect my external modem? thanks08:11
mlehrercrimsun: this is Alsa, the snd-intel driver08:11
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mgorbachperhaps i need a kernel switch?08:11
paolobHi guys! Still unresolved the problem of a usb epson printer unseen by gnome-cups-manager. Any one knows something?08:11
mgorbachon boot?08:11
green_earzmgorbach: and cat /proc/cpuinfo08:11
mlehrercrimsun: S/PDIF doesn't work properly on the older driver release, the maintainers claim that the "latest" alsa fixes it as of a few weeks ago08:11
soundraymgorbach: have you looked at the BIOS? It could be setting that Linux honours, but Windows overrides.08:11
crimsunmlehrer: I personally backported hda-intel from hg-git, so it's newer than what's in
SpirosChronissoundray: Thanks, i'll have a look see. ndiswrapper didn't work for me08:11
green_earzmgorbach: pastbin08:11
MehAdultmgorbach: Is your BIOS updated to the latest?08:11
mlehrercrimsun: excellent08:11
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mgorbachok ... 1sec08:12
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zach_can someone help me set VLC to defualt video player and banshee to default audio player?08:12
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MehAdultThat's another thing to try with 93908:12
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CarinArrjesus.. userbase on this channel has increased dramatically;)08:12
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crimsunmlehrer: I mean hg, not hg-git. :)08:12
mgorbachthats /proc/cpuinfo08:12
mgorbachbios is updated08:12
MehAdultCarinArr: Yeah. I'm new here because I just installed KUbuntu 6.06 to try it out.08:12
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whiterhello, i dont have any sound when trying to play mp3's with any media player08:12
mlehrercrimsun: ok cool.  what kind of motherboard do you use with that driver?08:12
whiterincluding mplayer08:12
soundraybrosio: k7 will make better use of your CPU than 38608:12
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crimsunmlehrer: I don't use it. I just do sound for Ubuntu kernels.08:13
CarinArrdoes anyone know if there's an easy way to display a warning message when someone chooses to reboot from the gdm menu?08:13
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Bizzehwhere does ubuntu install the linux headers too?08:13
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mgorbachmotherboard is ASUS a8r-mvp08:13
brosioare u sure ?08:13
tijnBizzeh: /usr/src08:13
ubotukernelheaders is, like, To install the kernal headers do sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)08:13
MehAdultIt's got the HT flag on the thing.08:13
zOapDoes anyone know if it is possible to specify the firefox width, height and alignment from top, left?08:13
avissomeone said the 386 kernel would be more resource intensive than a 686 on a p4 intel ?08:13
soundraybrosio: why are you asking that? It's rude.08:13
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Hattoriwhere to set the 128bit wep key on ubuntu?08:13
avisor rather the other way around08:14
hmpedersenAllright.. Can anyone tell me..08:14
hmpedersenNo nevermind08:14
crimsunavis: 386 would hardly do that08:14
ubotusomebody said xgl was "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"08:14
RadiantFireavis, 386 can't use the nifty execution paths that have been put into a p408:14
HymnToLifeavis > The 686 will give better perfs08:14
avisFor easy WPA support in Ubuntu 6.06, install the package network-manager-gnome, then log out and in. Otherwise, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto08:14
DBOavis, a 686 kernel would better take advantage of your processor08:14
crimsunmgorbach: have you booted with ht=on?08:14
avisthank you08:14
avisi can't reboot now08:14
DagaZI need a little help... does anyone know how to change mode on a usbdrive? sudo doesn't work..08:14
mgorbachnope ... is that what is needed?08:14
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ubotuCompiz is a compositing manager that uses OpenGL for rendering. See http://en.opensuse.org/Compiz -- Installation howto's:   http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.08:14
crimsunmgorbach: I don't know offhand, because I don't know the core duos that well.08:14
tijnhmz, when i install orignal ATi drivers, and i run aticonfig, i get aticonfig: error while loading shared libraries: libfglrx_pp.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:14
brosiosoundray: are u sure08:14
tijnsomeone? plz08:15
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mgorbachcrimsun, this is not a core duo ... its an X208:15
NoUsetijn did you install the drivers via synaptic?08:15
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crimsunmgorbach: I have no idea what that terminology means08:15
tijnNoUse: yes08:15
tijnthats work08:15
BizzehHymnToLife: where do they install to though?08:15
MehAdultcrimsun: He has an AMD processor.08:15
DBOcrimsun, he means he has an AMD processor, not an intel08:15
MehAdultcrimsun: It has NO HyperThreading.08:15
Intangirall of my fonts look the same, where in the repositories can i get alot of good fonts?08:16
=== DBO slow today
tijnto play COD is probally need the original ATi drivers08:16
mgorbachoh ok crimsun ... its just processor branding08:16
ubotuit has been said that ati is http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch04.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers.08:16
mgorbachMehAdult, so any suggestions?08:16
green_earzmgorbach: it looks like its a 64 bit  ?08:16
NoUsetijn I don't use ATI so I'm not sure, but make sure the installation script ran ok08:16
MehAdultgreen_earz: It's def. 64 bit.08:16
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mgorbachbut im running 32bit ubuntu08:16
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tijnNoUse i ran ok, but, after install run aticonfig08:16
MehAdult32 or 64 bit makes no difference or shouldn't.08:16
crimsunmgorbach: can you boot with "smp-alt-disable" ?08:17
tijnthat gives me an error08:17
Alacritoh it does, it does..08:17
ghoztis xgl going to be standard next release?08:17
crimsunmgorbach: that should force it into smp mode.08:17
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soundrayghozt: unlikely08:17
crimsunmgorbach: also, please pastebin current ``dmesg |grep -i smp''08:17
green_earzmgorbach: i bets that the problem you are running a 32 bit install08:17
binks120does anyone no howto get tovid to create better quality video08:17
NoUsetijn you might try googling that error message08:17
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crimsunMehAdult: thanks for the clarification08:18
mirakwhere am I supposed to put  "dmesg -n 1" to have it at bootup ?08:18
bliss_soundray: did you see my post08:18
mgorbachwhy would that cause issues?08:18
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MehAdultcrimsun: You're welcome.08:18
crimsunmirak: /etc/rc.local, for instance08:18
tijnNoUse ok i will look further08:18
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sergiolis that what i want08:18
dergringohey girls! Where is my amarok-gstreamer package?08:18
Hattoriwhere to set the 128bit wep key on ubuntu?08:18
sergiolapt-cache search php --names-only08:18
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MehAdultWhat command do I use to check which deb a file is in to download?08:18
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mgorbachcrimsun, http://pastebin.com/76031108:19
MehAdultIn debian I could do apt-file something or another.08:19
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mirakcrimsun: there is no thing to be put in /etc/default for exemple ?08:19
crimsunMehAdult: apt-file, or use packages.ubuntu.com's search.08:19
soundraybliss_: I am not an expert on vmware (or on any other proprietary technology)08:19
crimsunmirak: use /etc/rc.local, which was merged specifically for that.08:19
MehAdultHmm apt-file wasn't installed.08:19
MehAdultThanks :)08:19
=== __doc__ [n=ubuntu@84-73-208-14.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
mirakah ok08:20
wastrelapt-file isn't installed by default08:20
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wastreli had cheap chinese for lunch08:20
crimsunmgorbach: yep, precisely as I suspected. Boot with smp-alt-disable08:20
bliss_soundary:ok what about the rest the space is my problem i mentioned vmwarwe as an afterthought08:20
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mgorbachso ... i boot that into the grub menu file?08:20
zach_can anyone help me get and ATi and fglrx working for dual monitors?08:20
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crimsunmgorbach: I'd test it first by editing the grub kernel command line08:21
=== QMario [n=ndubisi@66-100-35-23-static.dsl.oplink.net] has joined #UBUNTU
__doc__hi, the nvidia problem. so after adjusting driver = "nvidia" in xorg.conf and apt-get install nvidia-glx and then a ctrl+alt+backspace my X.org contains "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!"08:21
mirakis there a way to put unused harddrives on standby when not acceced ?08:21
soundraybliss_: did you look at the file /tmp/diskusage? Pastebin the first 20 lines if you can't make sense of it.08:21
dergringohey girls! Where is my amarok-gstreamer package?08:21
NoUse__doc__ try restarting it from the console: 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'08:21
QMarioWow! 1K people today!!! :)08:21
NoUse!tell dergringo about repeat08:21
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MehAdultdergringo: apt-cache search amarok | grep gstreamer08:22
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bliss_soundray: thats whats posted08:22
crimsundergringo: it's gone, why? (Upstream is looking for a maintainer for it, as it's unmaintained)08:22
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soundraymirak: yes -- install laptop-mode-tools and configure via /etc/apt/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf08:22
dergringocrimsun: nothing has been found08:22
jcoironHello. I'm searching for a way to start vino from a shell. I'm connected through SSH. I search on the net but can't find a shell command. Could someone give me a hint ?08:23
crimsundergringo: see what I just typed08:23
VonGeistIs there any way to get an SLI setup to work in Ubuntu?08:23
__doc__NoUse: that wont't work sais gdm is already started08:23
miraksoundray: thanks08:23
soundraybliss_: what's the link?08:23
bliss_soundray http://pastebin.ca/62212 i ran the command as suggested08:23
miraksoundray: in fact I have my second hard drive with windows which is never used when I am on linux08:24
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NoUse__doc__ read the command I sent again, restart, not start08:24
mgorbachno luck ...08:24
=== PietSheep [n=peter@i577A6A98.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
mgorbachstill getting "smp motherboard not detected"08:24
mgorbachin dmesg08:24
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__doc__NoUse: that's what I *did*!08:24
PietSheephi @all08:24
soundraybliss_: your vmware is out of control. I won't be much help with that.08:24
crimsunmgorbach: is this a 64-bit cpu set?08:24
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mgorbachits a 64bit cpu ... but iom running 32bit ubuntu08:25
PietSheephab da n problem mit dem nm-applet. kann man nicht alle netze sehen ?08:25
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NoUse__doc__ ok, try 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'08:25
soundraymirak: in that case, you can set a spindown timeout with hdparm (no need for laptop-mode)08:25
jhons1Is Dapper's live cd also the install CD?08:25
NoUsejhons1 yes08:25
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crimsunmgorbach: hmm, try looking at cpuinfo from an amd64 live cd08:25
__doc__NoUse: same thing08:25
jhons1How do I install Ubuntu then??08:25
bliss_soundray: your quite correct its attacking me and the rest?08:25
soundraymirak: 'sudo apt-get install hdparm', then edit /etc/hdparm.conf (bit hairy, but full of examples)08:26
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tahorgjhons1: choose install at boot time08:26
Bizzehis there a sudo option i can use to stop needing to use it in this 1 terminal session?08:26
DBOjhons1, there should be an icon on your desktop on the live CD that says install08:26
NoUse__doc__ pastebin the console stuff, command and output08:26
NoUse!tell __doc__ about pastebin08:26
octanhi all, i looking for some help (trying to make intel 2200 wireless to run)08:26
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PietSheeplooking for help with the networkmanager. the nm-applet does not show other networks - wifi-manager does. how to fix ?08:26
jhons1I dont see an install option at boot time- so use the desktop install icon?08:26
NoUsejhons1 yes08:26
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jhons1OK thanks guys!08:27
__doc__NoUse: http://rafb.net/paste/results/6tRWUp19.html08:27
soundrayBizzeh: sudo -i08:27
Hattoriwhat's "mode managed" means in wlan0 interface?08:27
Hattoriwhat's it handles?08:27
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NoUse__doc__ I don't see the error messaage08:27
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PietSheep@octan: dapper drake or breezy ?08:28
NoUse__doc__ run this: 'lsmod | grep nv' what does that output08:28
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miraksoundray: ok. laptop-mode is installed, I just want to look at it a bit. What must I do ?08:28
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troytroyhi how do i switch on code highlighting in vim08:28
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zach_anyone have ati card working with dual monitors?08:29
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Khamaeldoes flash 8 exist for ubuntu/linux?08:29
spikebno Khamael08:29
__doc__NoUse: Jun  5 18:25:49 ubuntu gdm[8997] : GDM already running. Aborting!08:29
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michaelsAzureus's warning are always rendered unreadably and the buttons don't work. anyone know what to do?08:29
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Khamaelspikeb: will it ever?08:30
NoUse__doc__ and the lsmod command?08:30
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dos000what is the name of the installer in dapper ?08:30
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spikebKhamael, nope. but flash 9 is coming08:30
bliss_sounday; whats the total in gigs of vmware according to my pastebin?08:30
MehAdultKhamael: It won't, but Macromedia is gonna release like 8.5 or something I heard last.08:30
__doc__NoUse: what does the lsmod tell me? (what do I look out for?)08:30
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MehAdult__doc__: Tells you what kernel modules are loaded.08:31
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NoUse__doc__ I sent you the full command to run 'lsmod | grep nv' and just pastebin the output of that08:31
DBOspikeb, really?  any eta or just more empty promises from macromedia?08:31
spikebDBO, empty promises so far08:31
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iiiearsdos000 - Synaptic (GUI) apt-get (CLI)08:31
Ron_owhile upgrading, they give me choices when a .conf file has been modified by myself or a script.08:31
LordElphIf I've got a basic server install with a console login, is there a nice apt-get incantation to upgrade that to a gnome desktop? (I want to try and run VMWare Server)08:31
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Ron_oshould I keep it or upgrade?08:31
__doc__NoUse: http://rafb.net/paste/results/Hgca6S99.html08:31
DBORon_o, upgrade08:31
altprsonahow do i remove the pcimia , brltty, and pcimia-utils from my bootup process08:31
nightcoderLordElph: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:31
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Ron_oalways DBO? :_)08:31
NoUse__doc__ run 'sudo modprobe nvidia'08:32
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LordElphnightcoder: heh, that easy :) thanks08:32
spikebDBO, there was a short beta test of 8.5 for linux, but the final never appeared08:32
DBORon_o, unless its something like samba or proftpd...08:32
iiiearsdos000 - aptitude is also good (CLI)08:32
Ron_oor when in doubt?08:32
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dos000iiiears, i need the name of the package that does the does the hd install from the live cd08:32
troytroynightcoder: hi how do i switch on code highlighting in vim08:32
Intangirwhere do i get msttcorefonts08:32
soundraymirak: for a disk that you don't use at all, don't use laptop-mode. Use /etc/hdparm.conf (-S option)08:32
nightcodersyntax on08:32
__doc__NoUse: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/volatile/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory08:32
nightcodertroytroy: set syntax on08:32
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NoUse__doc__ you don't have the kernel drier installed08:33
wastrelok the new version of mutt in dapper no longer works with my old .muttrc to login to my imap server.  anyone got an idea how to fix this?  i've been trying different things but :[08:33
gnomefreakubotu tell Intangir -about fonts08:33
nightcodertroytroy: to make it default, create a .vimrc and add 'syntax on' in it08:33
NoUse__doc__ did you follow the wiki HOWTO?08:33
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miraksoundray: I might mount it occasionaly08:33
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__doc__NoUse: which one?08:33
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1083433&postcount=308:33
soundraymirak: still, you're better off with hdparm alone.08:33
iiiearsdos000 - I am sorry, no idea on that one. maybe one of the more experienced users here has the answer.08:33
hmpedersenHmm.. Right now my laptop sounds like a dotmatrix printer.. It's retrieving 874 files from cd..08:33
amarokkerHello all, i am unable to get any sound anymore....it was working yesterday's well...and I dont recall making any changes to the configuration-08:33
NoUse__doc__ the one ubotu just posted08:33
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soundraymirak: laptop-mode is advantageous only when you want to spin down a disk with Linux filesystems on it.08:34
miraksoundray: lol, laptop mode is that bad ? I found the config of laptop mode a bit handier08:34
miraksoundray: what do you mean ?08:34
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Ron_oamarokker, did you restart the computer?08:34
troytroynightcoder: thanks08:34
Ron_oor anything?08:34
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DBOamarokker, does "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" make any noise?08:35
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miraksoundray: you mean mounted devices only or filesstem?08:35
amarokkeryeah, several times...08:35
amarokkerwait a bit.08:35
__doc__NoUse: I ran sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx08:35
amarokkerDBO: nada-08:35
Ron_odo you see a speaker type device no your gnome panel?08:35
dos000anyone: what is the installer name ??/08:35
Ron_owhat's it say when you put your mouse over it or click on it.08:35
DBOamarokker, what kinda sound hardware do you have?08:35
__doc__NoUse: but nvidia-kernel-common was already installed08:35
NoUse__doc__ ok, but thats not what the howto states you should do08:35
NoUse__doc__ you need to get the restricted-modules package, read the howot08:36
__doc__NoUse: the howto tells me to do the same over the gui package manager08:36
soundraymirak: laptop-mode changes the way buffering/caching is handled to control the risk of data loss in case of system crashes.08:36
amarokkerDBO: have intel on board ac'97 and an audigy card.08:36
__doc__NoUse: I read that howto, and the restricted-modules package comes preinstalled with dapper08:36
octani have just installed ubuntu(last version) on a compaq9030 that comes with the intel2200 wireless nic,everything works but the wireless.It detected by the system and it has been able to detect my wireless connection but a ping doesn work08:36
DBOamarokker, which are you using?08:36
octanhave tried tons of things08:36
octanany hep will be great!08:36
amarokkerthe intel one-08:36
soundraymirak: you can of course use laptop-mode if it does what you want it to do.08:36
__doc__NoUse: i.e. in the gui thingy for packages it was already installed for the processor I use08:37
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mgorbachfigured it out08:37
miraksoundray: have you heard of some gui ?08:37
mgorbachcpus=2 did the trick08:37
amarokkeri changed the asound.conf card's option to 'card 1' - earlier it was 0- after that i restarted (/etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart)08:37
KenSentMeoctan: do you use any kind of security like wep or wpa?08:37
DBOamarokker, is it selected in system -> preferences -> sound ?08:37
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NoUse__doc__ the howto doesn't even mention nvidia-kernel-common08:37
marlunIf I need to set something at startup what should I use .bashrc or .bash_profile?08:37
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amarokkeryeah, DBO- it is08:38
NoUse__doc__ I would read it again and follow it closely08:38
troytroynightcoder: am new to vim08:38
=== Ron_o doesn't know why things aren't shared amongst distros..
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__doc__NoUse: no it doesn't, that's from http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13126708:38
soundraymirak, no, but that doesn't mean that there isn't one.08:38
Ron_oKnoppix has an grea alsoconfig app that works wonders.08:38
DBOamarokker, both cards are showing in there?08:38
soundraymirak: use apt-cache search08:38
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amarokkeryeah, it is- right now, there's a hardware prob with the audigy card, so i am not using it anyway08:38
__doc__NoUse: because that binary install instructions got me where I am now. "couldn't load nvidia kernel module..."08:38
troytroynightcoder: let say i want code highlighting for a file config what the command syntax08:38
amarokkeri can hear this static noise though08:38
amarokkerwhen i turn on the line jack sense08:39
NoUse__doc__ I understnad that, which is why I'm telling you to follow a different set of instructions08:39
DBOamarokker, the command I gave you produces white noise, did you stop the command?08:39
cuscoshipit.ubuntu.com only allow 10 cd's this time??08:39
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nightcodertroytroy : syntax on too08:39
cuscois it possible to make a special request?08:39
__doc__NoUse: no you don't udnerstand. I *did* follow the binary howto before, and I ended up where I am now.08:39
__doc__NoUse: no difference08:39
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NoUse__doc__ then you didnt' follow it correctly08:40
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cuscowe are going to have a presentation about linux and would like to have some cd's to offer08:40
CarinArrcusco, you could just burn some;)08:40
M-RevHi, when I try tro install Ubuntu 6.06, I get this errmsg: Invalid fs for this mountpoint.... ext3fs for / in partition #7 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda)08:40
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cuscoaltho other distros we are going to burn them, it would be advatage that we would have quite some large quantitty for people to take and try!08:40
DrakonikIs Ubuntu's partitioner non-destrucitce?08:40
M-RevTried with reiserfs too, but same result08:40
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__doc__NoUse: when I execute that sudo nvidia-xconfig it configures something that will not boot for the same reason after ctrl+alt+backspace08:40
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__doc__NoUse: and that was following the binary howto to the letter08:41
wastreli h8 u08:41
troytroynightcoder: eg "vim -syntax=on config" right?08:41
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DBO__doc__, did you install the drivers from nvidias site or from repos?08:41
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cuscois there really no way arround to make a special request?08:41
miraksoundray: I searched with synaptics but nothing08:41
nightcoderyes ... the easy way is to write a .vimrc and put 'syntax on' inside :P08:42
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__doc__DBO: I did apt-get install nvidia-glx and I didn't need to install the restricted modules because they're already there08:42
avisthe nvidia kernel i believe is on another repo08:42
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DrakonikIs Ubuntu's partitioner non-destructive?08:42
gnomefreak__doc__: in dapper they are08:42
__doc__gnomefreak: I'm on installing dapper08:43
ChousukeDrakonik: it doesn't destroy anything you don't tell it to destroy.08:43
gnomefreakDrakonik: you mess up than yes it very much is destructive08:43
DBO__doc__, so "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`" doesnt do anything for you08:43
Intangirapparnetly the msttcorefonts arent in any of the repositories that are in ubuntu dapper by default anymore?08:43
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Intangiror werent when i installed08:43
Intangirim nto sure which ones they are in08:43
M-RevHi, Need help installing Ubuntu 6.06. When I try tro install, I get this errmsg after setting up partitions: Invalid fs for this mountpoint.... ext3fs for / in partition #7 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda). Same problem with reiserfs08:43
ChousukeDrakonik: if you modify a partition, the data on the partition is lost08:43
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Intangirthe wiki is out of date and doesnt help08:43
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ChousukeDrakonik: but if you don't touch a partition, then the data is safe.08:43
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DrakonikSo there's no possible way for me to keep my XP install?08:43
Intangirnm i just found one that worked08:43
NoUse__doc__ did you install the nvidia-xconfig package?08:43
troytroynightcoder: eg "vim -syntax=on config" did not work08:44
ChousukeDrakonik: the partitioner can also resize some filesystems08:44
gnomefreakDrakonik: why not everyone else does ;)08:44
zach_i have a mouse with backward and forward buttons how can i configure them to work in ubuntu and firefox?08:44
Chousukegnomefreak: can parted resize ntfs?08:44
jpojeDrakonik: partition magic :)08:44
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Chousukepartition magic isn't free. :)08:44
octandeocho /msg nickserv set unfiltered on08:44
gnomefreakChousuke: yes i am pretty sure it can08:44
__doc__DBO: http://rafb.net/paste/results/n7ledC97.html08:44
NoUseChousuke I used gparted to resize my ntfs drivesr a couple weeks ago, no prob08:44
jpojeNo, it isn't free08:44
avisdisk director by acronis is much better than partition magic08:44
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jpojeOf course I can't recommend copyright infringement...08:45
spikebhah, partition maggot08:45
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ChousukeDrakonik: so the ubuntu installer can resize your windows partitions08:45
BurgworkChousuke, for NTFS, yes it is non-destructive08:45
DBO__doc__, ok, you have it installed, try "sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common"08:45
DrakonikWell, I'd like a free partitioner that will resize my Windows without destorying it.08:45
amarokkerDBO:  back.08:45
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nightcodertroytroy: try open vim without parameters08:45
__doc__NoUse: there isn't really a way to do the Binary howto "wrong". I did follow it tree time taking great care, all the while arriving at the same result.08:45
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nightcoderand, in interactive mode, type08:45
nightcoder: set syntax on08:45
NoUse__doc__ did you install the nvidia-xconfig package?08:45
DrakonikChousuke: So I can resize my Windows install without losing it?08:45
ChousukeDrakonik: but you need to choose "edit partitions manually"08:45
ChousukeDrakonik: yes.08:45
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amarokkerand oh yes, i am using dapper08:45
ChousukeDrakonik: though always make backups of important data. :)08:45
NoUse__doc__ don't install it if you haven't08:46
ChousukeDrakonik: if you lose power or something goes wrong...08:46
__doc__NoUse: no nvidia-xconfig mutually exclusive with nvidia-xgl08:46
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DrakonikEdit partition manually, backup data...08:46
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NoUse__doc__ yeah but I thought you mentioned something about it earlier08:46
DrakonikKeep my feet away from the power strip.08:46
oezgueri need help :( for Amsn , cos of firewall router  i cant use my cam at Amsn, anyone can help me?  a way without router setting!!!08:46
__doc__DBO: that apt-get install nvidia common kernel was what I did about 15 minutes ago08:46
gnomefreakDrakonik: i would backup first ;)08:46
__doc__NoUse: no I didn't08:46
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DrakonikWell, I didn't mean in that order.08:47
DrakonikIt'd be silly.08:47
gnomefreakDrakonik: ive done it :(08:47
zach_anyone help with dual monitors?08:47
DrakonikThanks for answering my questions.08:47
b0efDrakonik: isn't your problem that you are trying to put / on a secondary partition?08:47
__doc__DBO: instructions from this manual here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13126708:47
DrakonikYeah, but it's been taken care of b0ef.08:47
M-RevAnyone help with installing Ubuntu 6.06 ?08:47
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nightcoderM-Rev: whats your problem ?08:48
hmpedersenM-Rev, what kinda help ya need?08:48
gnomefreakM-Rev: what part are you stuck on?08:48
oezgueri need help :( for Amsn , cos of firewall router  i cant use my cam at Amsn, anyone can help me?  a way without router setting!!!08:48
b0efM-Rev: I thought you were Drakonik08:48
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octandeochoanyone help setting up wireless network?08:48
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M-Revb0ef: no, Im Mikkel :->08:48
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DBO__doc__, and what errors are you getting (sorry, wasnt here when you posted them)08:48
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ydnar_wow, i can't believe this guys -- i have ubuntu completely setup now as a primary desktop08:49
ydnar_thanks for everyone's help08:49
khermans_Can someone help me get a MIC input working?08:49
M-RevIm trying to put reiserfs or ext3fs on the rootpartition on a logical partition on the extended disk08:49
__doc__DBO: 's alright, after that sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx I go to xorg.conf and edit driver = "nvidia" then I do ctrl+alt+backspace, then gdm fails to start.08:49
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M-RevMy problem is: when I try tro install Ubuntu 6.06, I get this errmsg: Invalid fs for this mountpoint.... ext3fs for / in partition #7 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda)08:50
DBO__doc__, you think you can get your /var/log/gdm/:0.log onto pastebin?08:50
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nightcoderM-Rev: whats your partition layout ?08:50
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M-Revnightcoder: like this: http://pastebin.com/75974008:51
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hermesi want to use java on my firefox (breezy).how?08:51
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs08:51
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ubotuIn Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse08:51
__doc__DBO: that's from the X.org.log.0 just after the failure http://rafb.net/paste/results/nQlfjV68.html08:51
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mtoledoHow do I change the initial date of the week in gnome?08:51
M-Revnightcoder: scratch that, like this: http://pastebin.com/76039108:51
CactusWiZaRdhow can i open .rar archives with my Ubuntu(Dapper)?08:52
DBO__doc__, I need the gdm log08:52
uboturar is, like, totally, a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression08:52
tkjacobse1CactusWiZaRd: you need unrar or unrar-nonfree08:52
__doc__DBO: I don't have the gdm log from just after the try to start and it wouldn't08:52
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soundraymtoledo: Evolution Preferences - Calendar and Tasks08:53
factorx_can i configure xchat-gnome to display the userlist permanently?08:53
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NoUseDBO I had him do a 'modprobe nvidia' and it came back FATAL: Could not open08:53
NoUse          '/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/volatile/nvidia.ko': No such file or08:53
NoUse          directory08:53
mtoledosoundray, thanks.08:53
NoUsesorry bout that08:53
__doc__DBO: that the logfiles are trunkated is *really* stupid08:53
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nightcoderM-Rev: why your /boot is fat16 ?08:53
DBO__doc__, uninstall then reinstall the linux-restricted-modules...08:54
SelaiahHave problems getting my Wlan (dapper) (Ralink RT2500 on WPA2) to run, anyone experienced in this field?08:54
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nightcoderM-Rev: try using /boot as a ext2 partition08:54
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CactusWiZaRdbtw, what's the difference between unrar and unrar-nonfree?08:54
michaelsAzureus's warning are always rendered unreadably and the buttons don't work. anyone know what to do?08:54
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M-Revnightcoder: makes it easier to have multiple OS's, like Windows in addition08:54
CzarWhats does LTS stand for?08:55
NoUseM-Rev you can't have /boot as fat1608:55
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soundraySelaiah: the ralink module in dapper doesn't support WPA as far as I know. You can compile a module with WPA support from more recent sources.08:55
NoUseCzar Long Term Support08:55
nightcoderM-Rev: Windows will not use /boot partition08:55
=== wastrel cries
M-Revnightcoder: Ubuntu lets me format my disks as ext2fs, ext3fs, reiserfs, so it should be supported08:55
CzarNoUse: As in Final Release? or is that still something different?08:55
b0efM-Rev: grub will install itself in the MBR08:55
NoUseCactusWiZaRd nonfree is the proprietary version of unrar08:55
KevinIN72how do i go about installing apache08:55
nightcoderM-Rev: use ext2fs for your /boot partition08:56
M-Revnightcoder: no, but Windows uses it as C:, the first partition, on a scsi-drive08:56
Ron_oin synapitc package manager, there is a section under <Status> > Not installed (residual config). I gather they are leftover files from deinstallations.08:56
tanathi'm trying to run a command like such: for i in pattern*; do echo $i; done   and it's not working because the file names have parentheses in them. how do i get around this?08:56
NoUseCzar its been released, it means its to be supported longer than other releases of ubuntu08:56
ubotumethinks apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP08:56
Ron_oit's safe to remove all of those, right?08:56
CzarNoUse Thank you!08:56
spikebRon_o, yes08:56
Selaiahsoundray: Any hints on where i can possibly read up on how to do that?08:56
CactusWiZaRdNoUse: and what that means, i'm pretty good at english, but that term is weird to me08:56
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b0efM-Rev: fsck /boot; there is no use for it08:56
bliss_whats the command line in parted to check size of partition?08:56
NoUseCactusWiZaRd proprietary?08:57
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tanathi get zsh: no matches found:08:57
b0efgrub is able to access secondary partitions, isn't it?08:57
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CactusWiZaRdNoUse: yup08:57
tanathcan anyone help?08:57
nightcoderM-Rev: Let windows using only their single partition sdb508:57
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M-Revb0ef: grub tried to install to /dev/hda0, which seemt very wrong. Because after it restarted, no signs of grub08:57
soundraySelaiah: I've seen wiki info on that, but I can't remember where exactly.08:57
NoUseM-Rev change it to ext2, having a Fat parition for boot will cause nothing but problems08:57
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ubotu[sensors]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SensorInstallHowto08:57
NoUseCactusWiZaRd not free software08:57
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b0efM-Rev: that's a bug then; use a boot floppy, then08:57
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CactusWiZaRdNoUse: oh, okay08:58
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b0efM-Rev: then install grub on the scsi device08:58
__doc__DBO: looks better http://rafb.net/paste/results/da2A9u11.html, I'll try the nvidia driver now. BBS08:58
soundraytanath: perhaps you can do what you want with 'fdisk -name pattern* -print0 | xargs -0 echo'08:58
soundraytanath: perhaps you can do what you want with 'find -name pattern* -print0 | xargs -0 echo'08:58
soundraytanath: (sorry)08:58
DSL_ /quit08:59
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soundraytanath: still wrong, sorry08:59
soundraytanath: find /path -name ...08:59
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tanathwell, i knew the fdisk one was wrong... fortunately :p08:59
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M-RevNoUse: But Windows has a hard time reading ext2fs... FAT16 is a fs that everyone has easy rw access to... I want to have multi OS08:59
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wastrelwell it's proper bash but i dunno anything about zsh08:59
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Shaezschei am trying to install a driver and it is giving me error messages because my kernal does not include prebuilt modules? what does that mean????09:00
M-Revb0ef: I did install it - grub - manually on /dev/sdb109:00
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nightcoderShaezsche: what driver ?09:00
Shaezscheits an hsf modem driver09:00
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Shaezschei have problems installing other programs that require compiling a kernel09:00
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b0efM-Rev: why do you need a /boot partition?; isn't grub able to access secondary partitions?09:01
nightcoderShaezsche: are you using default ubuntu kernel ?09:01
Shaezschesuch as acpi4asus09:01
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zach_what do i need to type to enable dual monitors? with ati config09:01
Shaezschedefault? i dont know i used the apt-get install linux headers command09:01
Shaezscheput a 2.6.15-23-386 in my usr/src09:01
tanathsoundray: that's not right either09:01
zach_aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1   I've been trying that but no luck09:01
jjazz_I am trying to get my ipw2200 wireless card working.  I can see it in lspci, but it doesn't show up in iwconfig.  I compiled and modprobed the modules recommended in various howtos, and I'm not sure what my next step would be.  Any advice would be appreciated.09:01
tanathsoundray: find: paths must precede expression09:01
tanathUsage: find [-H]  [-L]  [-P]  [path...]  [expression] 09:01
nightcoderShaezsche: what error messages are you getting ?09:01
Shaezscheit cannot find prebuilt modules09:02
nevchen_bis spte09:02
Shaezscheit needs to configure and compile them i guess09:02
nightcoderShaezsche: probably you will need to install kernel-source09:02
Shaezscheok, what is the apt-get command for that?09:02
M-Revb0ef: perhaps I dont need to mount it as /boot09:02
b0efM-Rev: ask in #grub09:02
tanathhow annoying. isn't there a simple way to get this command to work when the filenames contain parentheses? for i in pattern*; do echo $i; done09:03
KevinIN72Has anyone here ever ran a counterstrike source server on ubuntu09:03
nightcoderShaezsche: sudo apt-get install linux-source09:03
gnomefreakzach_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaHowTo?action=show&redirect=DualMonitors09:03
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spinecan some1 plese explain to me how to get cdrecord to under ubuntu, i used a scsi scanbus sript and that returns: scsi subsystem not active so i cdrecord with devname and it warns me that devname is unsupported then it freezes, BTW i just burned a cd with devname but it wont let me do it again09:03
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macsimhi, anybody use phpeclipse ?09:04
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gomekanyone here have any clue how to set a screensaver on the gdm login screen?09:04
mirakis there a way to make the kernel use an USB KEY as a cashing media before loading data to hard drive to reduce the spining ?09:04
wastreltanath:  works in bash...09:04
b0efM-Rev: the only partitions you need is / and a swap09:04
jtdHow do I remove Evolution's configuration files, or just all of Evolution itself so I can start over, without removing ubuntu-desktop as well?09:04
spineal the guis to cdrecord kill my X somehow09:04
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nightcoderspine: are you using a scsi cd recorder ?09:04
roicominutsouphi, is there a way to restore ubuntu configuration after a dpkg-reconfigure -a ?09:04
Shaezschenightcoder that command does nto work, i get this error E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:04
ShaezscheE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:04
spinenightcoder: IDE09:04
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jjazz_Shaezsche: did you run it as root?09:05
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nightcoderShaezsche: probably synaptic is open09:05
Ron_ojtd, I think you're stuck with Evolution.09:05
Shaezschei used the sudo command09:05
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gnomefreakShaezsche: it looks like you have maybe synaptic open?09:05
tanathwastrel: hrm, echo does work in bash, but oggdec gives file not found errors...09:05
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M-RevHow would you prepare partitions for dual booting GNU/Windows ?09:05
Shaezschelol yea09:05
gnomefreakShaezsche: or another apt running?09:05
Shaezschek thx09:05
jjazz_Shaezsche: Then, nightcoder is probably right.09:05
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mahognyany way to check recently installed packages?09:05
gnomefreakShaezsche: yw09:05
nightcoderspine: if youre using 2.6 version of kernel you wont need to emulate scsi09:05
mahognya suitable log file somewhere?09:05
ShaezscheOH it looks like i ALREADY had that installed09:05
jtdRon_o: I added a mail server to Evolution and it seems to make the app hang.  So I need to remove that server at the very least, but I have no idea where Evolution keeps its configuration files.09:05
octandeochoanyone help setting up wireless network?09:06
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b0efM-Rev: this is just a grub setting09:06
Ron_oI don't know either, jtd..09:06
Shaezschenow what?09:06
gilianimahow to convert into utf8 an "AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file" ?09:06
Ron_ohave you tried /home/<name>/.evolution?09:06
jjazz_I am trying to get my ipw2200 wireless card working.  I can see it in lspci, but it doesn't show up in iwconfig.  I compiled and modprobed the modules recommended in various howtos, and I'm not sure what my next step would be.  Any advice would be appreciated.09:06
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slackernmahogny: /var/log/dpkg.log should contain that information for you09:06
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mahognyslackern, thanks09:06
Ron_othe '.' means it's a hidden file so you must enable hidden files.09:06
spinenightcoder: so i just let it sit untill it burns it? i got impatient cuz it was only the Gparted live cd, that about 30MB09:06
maikoloctandeocho: how far into are you09:06
jtdWow, I'm a retard.09:06
nightcoderShaezsche: let us to know what error messages are you getting09:06
tanathwastrel: why would echo work, but not oggdec?09:06
jtdthanks, Ron_o :)09:06
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nightcoderspine: can you use gnomebaker ? or bonfire ? or k3b ?09:07
juanbobohi people running live ubuntu cd to resize a hd  when i apply changes to gparted it goes to the routine but no message and it does not resize the partition,  any log to look at???????  TIA09:07
wastreltanath:  echo just spits the string out to stdout, oggdec is then trying to open the file with unquoted special characters in the filename.09:07
hmpedersenDoes dapper install continue after a raboot as breezy did?09:07
zach_gnomefreak: all that had for ati was an x11 file which was nothing like mine....nor did it have any info on setting up xinerama....09:07
spinenightcoder: gnome baker kills my X and so do most front ends to cdrecord09:07
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Shaezscheok its a long msg, should i copy paste in channel? or want me to pm you??09:07
wastreltanath:  i'm not enough of a bash guru to fix it but maybe #bash can help09:07
gnomefreakzach_: it gave you 2 forums posts to look at to teach you how09:08
Ron_ojuanbobo, you must start the changes after you apply them.09:08
Ron_otry up in the menu.09:08
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Ron_oyou should see changes on the screen.09:08
nightcoderspine: when you X die, did you see any error messages ?09:08
nightcoderLook in /var/log/messages09:08
jjazz_!tell Shaezsche about pastebin09:08
Shaezschenightcoder here is the first msg i get No pre-built modules for: Ubuntu-6.06 linux-2.6.15-23-386 i68609:08
juanboboi dont see the changes in the gparted gui  var log messages does not show naything09:09
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mirakdoes hdparm.conf overrides the default hard drives settings ?09:09
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spinenightcoder: well die isnt exactly the best word, but my system gets very sluggish and i run all the graphs on the taskbar and they report normal usage but the it freezes and i have to force reboot09:09
nightcoderShaezsche: are you using hsf installer ? Or are you trying to compile the driver by hand ?09:09
Shaezschehsf installer09:10
nightcoderShaezsche: that installer gives you some other option ?09:10
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Shaezschei dont know why?09:11
nightcoderShaezsche: tell me exactly whats your modem (Ill try to find a suitable module for it)09:11
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lsuactiafnerroot@infant-finite:~# glxinfo | grep dir09:11
lsuactiafnerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:11
steveklDoes anyone happen to have any idea how much space dapper would take up if you didn't install Xorg?09:11
lsuactiafnerhow do i fix that?09:11
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nightcoderspine: we need some 'error' to work on. Please try run your GUI-cdwriter from a terminal ... and see if it send error messages to console behind it09:12
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter
Shaezscheim on a laptop, its built in to my sound card, ive been told the ID is 82801fb09:12
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ubotuI heard samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html09:12
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OwlofDoomhello everyone! has anyone got any experience building ndiswrapper for a custom kernel on dapper?09:12
spinenightcoder: k, il try k3b, il BRB.09:12
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nightcoderShaezsche: lspci returns what ?09:12
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wastrelbah i still need to configure modem, printing, mail server, 3d accel, and i haven't finished restoring my backed up files yet either :p  remind me not to upgrade anymore :p09:13
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ShaezscheIntel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) IDE Controller (rev 04)09:13
__doc__DBO: that's rather interesting. after removing the restricted kernel modules it also removed nvidia-glx09:13
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philippicHello - would anyone care to help me set my clock with NTP?09:13
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__doc__DBO: then I reinstalled the restricted kernel modules, and glxinfo gives me back lots of good locking info09:14
oezgueri need help :( for Amsn , cos of firewall router  i cant use my cam at Amsn, anyone can help me?  a way without router setting!!!09:14
jjazz_philippic: sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntulinux.com  should do it.09:14
nightcoderwastrel: here in almost 5 machines the transition breezy -> dapper was really nice and easy09:14
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__doc__DBO: then I apt-get install nvidia-glx and ctlr+alt+backspace, and all good info's gone09:14
wastrelnightcoder:  i wanted to repartition so i wiped & installed fresh09:14
__doc__DBO: back to square one09:14
nightcoderwastrel: hmmmm09:14
der1hey guy, does anyone know if its possible to install ubuntu and have windows dual boot with it when you use the 'use largest available space' install option09:14
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jjazz_wastrel: I upgraded to dapper and lost my sound, my dual head config and my wireless card.  I'm still trying to figure it out.09:14
DBO__doc__, I need that gdm log =)09:14
OwlofDoom:( has no one here built an ndiswrapper with module-assistant?09:14
Kyral_FreeBSDI have09:15
maddyi want to install dapper drake is this want i need ubuntu-6.06-server-amd6409:15
Kyral_FreeBSDlong time ago09:15
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philippicjjazz_: Thanks - I was thinking about running ntpd, but maybe I'll just script ntpdate instead.09:15
nightcoderderl: your hard disc have 'free space' ?09:15
apokryphosmaddy: do you want to install it for your desktop or for your server?09:15
apokryphosmaddy: and, is it an amd64?09:15
Shaezschenightcoder: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) IDE Controller (rev 04)09:15
der1nightcoder, not yet but i can create some with the rescuedisk09:15
maddydesktop amd 6409:15
jjazz_philippic: Use cron and run ntpdate daily.  Unless you need super precise time, the daily drift of a few seconds shouldn't be a problem.09:15
der1freespace is unpartioned space right09:15
nightcoderShaezsche: nice. Wait a minute please09:15
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apokryphosmaddy: then that's not the one you want09:16
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apokryphosmaddy: get the one that isn't "server"09:16
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maddyapokryphos  ok :)09:16
tanathwastrel: just needed quotes ("") around $i09:16
OwlofDoomKyral_FreeBSD: hmm, i have a feeling this is dapper-specific (the package has the wrong version number when built) but thanks anyway09:16
wastreltanath:  so simple, yet so difficult :] 09:16
Kyral_FreeBSDOwlofDoom: When in doubt, build from source09:16
__doc__DBO: http://rafb.net/paste/results/MXIA7G80.html09:16
jjazz_I am trying to get my ipw2200 wireless card working.  I can see it in lspci, but it doesn't show up in iwconfig.  I compiled and modprobed the modules recommended in various howtos, and I'm not sure what my next step would be.  Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks.09:16
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OwlofDoomKyral_FreeBSD: yeah, might be best... or i may just go back to the stock kernel.. this'un's been nother but trouble09:17
der1if I change the size of my windows partition and have a couple gigs without a partition will the ubuntu installer do the rest and make my machine dual bootable?09:17
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der1or do i have to partition stuff myself for that09:17
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wastreljjazz_:  i have ipw2200 - worked out of the box w/ dapper09:17
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philippicjjazz_: I have ipw2200 too, works out the box for me too.09:17
jjazz_wastrel: Hmm... it didn't for me.09:17
DBO__doc__, your xorg.conf please =)09:17
jjazz_So why am I so special?09:17
freezeranyone from the UK here?09:17
mgorbachdoes networkmanager support WPA?09:17
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nightcoderShaezsche: is it your modem device ?09:18
njanfreezer, me, for one.09:18
OwlofDoomanyhow, thanks everyone09:18
jjazz_wastrel: philippic:  was that an upgrade from breezy or a fresh dapper install?09:18
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wastreljjazz_:  fresh install for me09:18
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philippicjjazz_: Upgrade from breezy.09:18
Shaezschenightcoder: thats all the information i have, i emailed the maker of this laptop about the chipset and they just told me to dl the hsf driver09:18
__doc__DBO: http://rafb.net/paste/results/xL0sAh64.html09:18
spinenightcoder i give up, im not using the gparted live cd, im going back to debian with a complete reformat.09:19
Shaezschefurthermore that program on linuxant detects thats the driver i need09:19
spinenightcoder, thx though09:19
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jjazz_philippic: I just wish I knew what steps I could take to debug this.09:19
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wastreljjazz_:  i'm using the stock ubuntu kernel, you rolled your own?09:19
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wastrelhmm i should install the 686 kernel.09:19
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der1still wondering... f when installing ubuntu i select "use largest available space" will it make it dual bootable with my windows?09:19
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DBO__doc__, ok, lets see your xorg.log now... (wow Im confusing even myself with your issue)09:19
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jjazz_wastrel: Nope.  Using the stock kernel.09:19
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QPAD|warlockI typed chmod +x steam to give permission to run the file called steam, but now it answers with: -bash: ./steam: No such file or directory09:20
QPAD|warlockAnynoe ?09:20
QPAD|warlockanyone '09:20
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philippicjjazz_: Hmmm. I wonder if you've overwritten something trying to install it manually?09:20
__doc__DBO: http://rafb.net/paste/results/6TKQoD11.html09:20
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maddy_whats the app to burn CD?09:21
Shaezscheif i use the sudo command does that mean i am running from root?09:21
jjazz_philippic: Maybe, but it didn't work at all after I upgraded and rebooted, so whatever I overwrote wasn't correct in the first place.09:21
wastreljjazz_:  yeah the stock kernel works for my 2200bg - no fuss no bother :/09:21
jjazz_wastrel: What does uname -r say for you?09:21
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QPAD|warlockAnyone got any clues of how to give premission to the file steam so it can run trough ./steam ? (is it chmod +x ./steam or what) ?09:21
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DBO__doc__, does your x server load?09:21
jjazz_wastrel: I'm using 2.6.12-10-68609:21
apokryphosQPAD|warlock: yes09:21
njanQPAD|warlock, yes, that's exactly it.09:21
jjazz_philippic: What does uname -r say for you?09:22
QPAD|warlockIt is?  but it answers with:09:22
__doc__DBO: yes it does09:22
QPAD|warlockroot@game-server:/home/cz/swe-randommaps# ./steam09:22
QPAD|warlock-bash: ./steam: No such file or directory09:22
weedarHey, after correcting the time by setting it back two hours I keep getting errors, in console I see "timestamp too far in the future" - Any ideas as to what I should do?09:22
DBO__doc__, run glxgears in a terminal09:22
maddy_whats the app to burn CD?09:22
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philippicjjazz_: 2.6.15-23-38609:22
apokryphosmaddy: k3b, gnomebaker....09:22
nightcoderShaezsche: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ac97-modem/09:22
QPAD|warlockbut the file STEAM is there?!09:22
macsimDBO: gnomebaker09:22
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gnomefreakmaddy_: gnomebaker, k3b,cdrecord .....09:22
nightcoderShaezsche: this is your driver ?09:22
wastrel2.6.15 seems to be the current kernel in dapper - at least for i38609:22
CrippsFXmaddy, mkisofs, cdrecord09:22
apokryphosQPAD|warlock: then you're executing it from the wrong directory09:22
QPAD|warlockIm not, im in the dir..09:22
jjazz_wastrel philippic: Maybe I should use the same kernel as you folks.09:22
DBOmacsim, what???09:23
gnomefreaknautilus will burn cds also09:23
__doc__DBO: runs, but it sort of jumps09:23
hmpedersenThat's weird..09:23
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philippicjjazz_: Probably :)09:23
__doc__DBO: I suspect that's software renderer09:23
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Shaezschenightcoder: it might be i dont know, but that file to download is broken09:23
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philippicjjazz_: I asked you a question in private too, about whether the module is loaded.09:23
hmpedersenDoes anyone know if it's normal for xchat (windows) to loose the menu?09:23
macsimDBO: sorry wrong person09:23
wastreli'm installing the 686 kernel now :]   it's also 2.6.1509:23
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macsimDBO: was for maddy09:23
QPAD|warlockapokryphos, im in the dir /home/cz/swe-randommaps and im trying to execute ./steam, http://pastebin.com/760469 - see the file steam is in there..09:23
der1has anybody installed a dual boot onto a windows machine using Dapper's "largest available space" install option?09:23
DBO__doc__, glxgears -printfps09:24
der1will it work?09:24
bananaflydoes anyone here have a HP Pavillion, with the default MBR?09:24
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=== santo [n=TIGRE@host105-110.pool8717.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Sum1Anyone found that when they tried to install Dapper, the system locks at 92% (detecting hardware)? Can only find one comment about it (bottom of http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1069590) but it's just happened to me.09:24
bananaflyi kind of fucked up mine, including the part. table09:24
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.09:24
jjazz_philippic: I didn't get it for some reason.  Bu the module is loaded.  lsmod | grep ipw shows ipw2200, ieee80211, ieee80211_crypt and firmware_class09:24
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gnomefreakubotu tell bananafly -about language09:24
apokryphosQPAD|warlock: that's very weird; maybe friends in #bash could be more helpful09:24
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__doc__DBO: 3664 frames in 5.1 seconds = 722.356 FPS09:25
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philippicjjazz_: Unload the module with modprobe -r..09:25
jjazz_philippic: which one09:25
__doc__DBO: alright so it seems right now I have gl support09:25
philippicjjazz_: and load it again. See what dmesg or kern.log says.09:25
DBO__doc__, seems that way09:25
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wastrelQPAD|warlock:  ./steam is referencing a file that doesn't exist - maybe in the bangpath09:25
wastrel(my guess)09:25
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philippicjjazz_: I'd try modprobe -r ipw220009:25
bananaflyanyway does someone have a HP Pavillion, one of those with 250GB HDDs and a recovery partition?09:25
philippicand then modprobe ipw2200.09:26
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Shaezschewhat does it mean to run commands from root?09:26
__doc__DBO: so now I need to install nvidia-glx again?09:26
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jjazz_philippic: ipw2200-bss.fw request_firmware failed: Reason -209:26
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jjazz_philippic: Maybe I have the wrong firmware version installed.09:26
DrakonikOkay, I've got Norton Partition Maigc 8, and i'm making a partition for ubuntu.09:26
msidmy system gets stuck on boot when it saying mounting the root filesystem and it does not do anything for 10'. any ideas how to solve this thing ?09:26
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aviswhat ports need to be open for samba to work on ubuntu ?09:27
maddy_when installing dapper drake can i choose to build my kernel during install?09:27
DrakonikWhat type of files system shoudl it be?09:27
DBO__doc__, why??? its working09:27
philippicjjazz_: That's a good start then...09:27
__doc__DBO: alright ^^09:27
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gnomefreakwhat is the gnome default cd player called?09:27
jjazz_philippic: Yes.  Good usggestion.  Thanks09:27
__doc__DBO: continuing with other glx instructions now09:27
gnomefreakwatch it be cdplayer :(09:27
avisugh :(09:27
jjazz_avis Netbios ports are 137-13909:27
avisi helped people.  oh well google time.  i'm a lazy poop.09:27
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avisthank you :)09:28
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DrakonikNTFS, Linuxext2, Linuxext3, Linux swap?09:28
wastrelok i'mna reboot with my fancy new 686 kernel l8r09:28
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Sum1Is there a good faq for problems people have had with installing Dapper?09:29
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apokryphosSum1: /topic09:29
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philippicjjazz_: Google thinks you have the wrong firmware version..09:29
shwaghow do I setup my bluetooth  mouse?09:29
Sum1apokryphos: thanks. didn't find my problem there, unfortunately.09:29
gomekanyone here have any clue how to set a screensaver on the gdm login screen?09:29
DrakonikAny ideas on what file system my Ubuntu should be?09:30
apokryphosSum1: what is it?09:30
JemtGreetz. I have just installed Ubuntu Dapper. Am I the only one having graphical errors on my buttons? A lot of dashed stribes are visible on top of the buttons09:30
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DrakonikDoes it matter?09:30
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Pupeno_I am trying to compile dsywindows, when I run autogen.sh I get the error "aclocal: configure.ac: 31: macro `AM_PROG_CC_C_O' not found in library", any ideas ?09:30
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hmpedersenoh.. gettin closer now..09:30
apokryphosDrakonik: ext3 is default09:30
Shaezschehow do i issue commands from root?09:30
Shaezscheis that what sudo does?09:30
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Sum1apokryphos: system hangs at 92 percent installed "detecting hardware".09:30
DrakonikThat's what I'll go with.09:30
apokryphosShaezsche: /topic09:30
hmpedersenI can almost -see- dapper booting (97% installed) :)09:30
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Sum1apokryphos: Breezy had no problem.09:30
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apokryphosSum1: hm, haven't seen that no. I recommend trying to install with the alternate cd09:30
WyredShaezsche, yeah thats what sudo is for09:30
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Weirdbro!tell Shaezsche about sudo09:31
jjazz_philippic: Yes, I'm googling the error now too.  What page are you looking at?09:31
Wyredanyone know the ftp url for mulitverse?09:31
gomekbwahahaha, i figured it out.09:31
apokryphosWyred: same as http but with ftp://09:31
bananaflyis there any tool that can recreate partition tables, and find the beginning of the lost partition?09:31
Sum1apokryphos: Okay, will do. Unfortunately, I now can't burn the alternate cd because I have one cd drive and a wiped hard drive! Typical ;)09:31
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meuserjbananafly, gpart09:31
__doc__DCO: thx, that reinstall of the restricted kernel modules seems to have been it, and in this case installation of the nvidia-glx stuff is really missleading09:31
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Wyredjust had to reinstall ubuntu, after trying sarge09:32
apokryphosSum1: dang 8). You've tried to install with the desktop CD more than once?09:32
meuserjbananafly, http://www.stud.uni-hannover.de/user/76201/gpart/09:32
bananaflymeuserj, can it find my lost partition too?09:32
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jjazz_Wyred: ubuntu is a lot closer to etch/sid than sarge.09:32
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msidmy system gets stuck on boot when it saying mounting the root filesystem and it does not do anything for 10'. any ideas how to solve this thing ?09:32
meuserjbananafly, that's what it does09:32
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Wyredyeah, sarge never can find my internet connection09:32
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Sum1apokryphos: Nope, just thought I'd check if it was a common problem first. It's weird that the livecd has no problem detecting hardware, but suddenly does on install. What other hardware is it likely to be looking at?09:32
Wyredyet ubuntu, or kubuntu does09:33
zuhause01xxhello does anybody here run limewire inside ubuntu, i am pretty new to ubuntu and dont know how to install it.. :)09:33
jtddoes anyone here have a Wacom tablet, and can they explain to me how they got it working?  Ubuntu seems not to have installed support for it by default09:33
bananaflymeuserj, this ain't the same thing as gparted, right?09:33
jjazz_Wyred: If you really want sarge, you can bring up the connection manually during install.09:33
apokryphosSum1: no idea. I'd try the desktop CD once more; it's certainly not a common issue though09:33
jtdzuhause01xx: you want Frostwire instead.09:33
intelikeymsid make the root partition about 3g  rather than 200g  in size ?09:33
steveklCan someone point me into the direction that I need to install dapper on a machine without a monitor (using a serial cable, i've never done it and am confused as heck)09:33
meuserjbananafly, right... different programs09:33
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Wyredjjazz_, it never finds it, even after I use my full ip, hostname etc etc09:33
zuhause01xxok, thanks ilkl check that out09:33
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jjazz_Wyred: I've been in that situation where I can bring it up myself (by specifying the essid), but the installer for some reason doesn't.09:33
Sum1apokryphos: I found the same issue at the bottom of http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1069590... but no other references to it, and no solutions there.09:33
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jjazz_Wyred: weird09:34
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Sum1apokryphos: oh well, I'll try again and see what happens. Thanks for the help!09:34
Wyredmy pc uses eth109:34
jjazz_Wyred: I guess that's a good reason to use ubuntu, then.09:34
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Wyredas the main connection09:34
nightcoderShaezsche: your driver is linuxant ?09:34
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msidintelikey: what kind of answer is this? i cannot even boot on my system and i have data on it. and it is auto partitioned the way the installer did it.09:34
facefacefaceyo yo yo09:34
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Wyredand eth0, is a dormant eth port09:34
facefacefaceI 'have update09:34
intelikeymsid you can not boot ?09:34
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hmpedersenI don't get why I can't read the dapper disc from my bootable dvd drive..09:34
shwaghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto  seems to be out of date.09:35
msidintelikey: no09:35
facefacefacebut they are all unsigned. I think I am missing a gpg key09:35
hmpedersenOh well.. Gonna unplug it and reboot so i can install from the other one..09:35
hmpedersenahh.. now laptop is installing grub :)09:35
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intelikeywhat did you upgrade that cause the inabilty to boot msid ?09:35
Wyredhmpedersen,  saved it as a data file instead of a bootable media09:35
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facefacefacewhen I click09:36
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msidintelikey: i just did a fresh installation. and it doesn't work09:36
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valbergwhen upgrading to ubuntu 6.06 LTS I get this:09:36
rackerzcan someone help me setup my webcam at all?09:36
valbergCould not calculate the upgrade09:36
valbergA unresolvable problem occured while calculating the upgrade. Please report this as a bug.09:36
=== sphivo [n=sphivo@24-181-194-150.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
facefacefacesorry, when I click 'update' it says - you are upgrading unverified packavges09:36
bananaflywhen I try to run gpart i get an Acces denied error, what's wrong?09:36
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meuserjbananafly, you can't run it and scan the drive that you are booted to... you need to make abootdisk09:37
zuhause01xxcool thanks jtd!! ;)09:37
facefaceface'not authenticated'09:37
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facefacefaceam I missing a key from some repo somewhere?09:37
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meuserjbananafly, if I recall.. I may be wrong.. it is on the Ubuntu live CD09:37
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sanmarcoswhat is the difference between server and normal?09:38
intelikeymsid the you don't have data on the root system in the sense of valuable files that need to be saved.    you did a fresh install and it wont boot.   reinstall it.  and use expert mode.09:38
bananaflyhow handy!09:38
apokryphossanmarcos: server has no desktop things, i.e. X, GNOME, etc09:38
facefacefacesanmarcos, in what context?09:38
paul_Can someone point me in the right direction for setting up a linksys wireless router ?09:38
abois there a project manager like program in ubuntu?09:38
msidintelikey: i have data, it worked until i rebooted it for the first time09:38
meuserjabo, planner09:38
facefacefacepaul_, you can config it manually by going to
sanmarcosapokryphos: not even in the repos?09:39
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apokryphossanmarcos: what?09:39
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jjazz_paul_: Go to  Username is admin.  pasword is blank.09:39
facefacefacepaul_, or google ... - I booted into windows actualy09:39
abomeuserj, thanks09:39
intelikeymsid then again i ask what you changed (between the time it booted correctly and the time it failed to boot)  ?09:39
apokryphossanmarcos: the server install is just an install made specifically for servers (hosting websites etc). The desktop install is what you'd want, most probably09:39
sanmarcosapokryphos: on the install cds no gnome, but its on the repos, right?09:39
meuserjabo, np09:39
paul_cool thanks foks09:39
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sanmarcosapokryphos: no, else I would not be askijng09:39
facefacefacecan anyone hear me?09:39
sanmarcosanyways, I got my answers, thanks apokryphos09:39
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apokryphossanmarcos: the install CDs have gnome, presuming you don't have a server CD09:40
DBOfacefaceface, no, you'll have to speak up09:40
jacopoexchangedoes anyone knows where i can find the package "qtutils" in binary?09:40
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ajeebIs there a way to share a directory from the filesystem via USB?09:40
intelikeymsid if a system boots one time and the next time it doesn't,  something changed.09:40
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avisi tried to setup samba to share my home directory through smb4k because i thought it would be easy but i could not do it09:40
msidintelikey: yes, data got on the hard drive. isn't that unusual now ?09:40
facefacefaceOK, IS THIS ... loud enough -- ahem... 'Apply the following changes'... Warning... You are about to install softwar that can be authenticated.... what shoudl I do?09:40
avisi opened 137-139 on this machine09:40
ajeebthat is can my ubuntu laptop server as a USB hardrive/mem stroage for another device?09:41
intelikeymsid what data ?09:41
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apokryphosfacefaceface: no shouting please; we hear you. If someone is able/willing to help, they will :)09:41
avisi need an easy way to share my home dir09:41
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msidintelikey: MY data09:41
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facefacefaceapokryphos, only joking09:41
facefacefacejust my little joke09:41
intelikeymsid a file called vmlinux perhaps ?09:41
facefaceface!tell facefaceface about authenticated09:41
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msidintelikey: word documents, mp3, videos09:42
DBOapokryphos, facefaceface was only responding to a joke I made... yell at me instead =P09:42
facefaceface!tell facefaceface about packages09:42
ubotuPlease message the bot (me) in private, more info about the bot: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage09:42
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jjazz_!tell facefaceface about msgthebot09:42
blaster8Is anyone using an Atheros card with the original madwifi drivers on dapper successfully?09:42
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blaster8reference: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/3777309:42
facefacefaceOK, I get it09:42
avis!tell avis about samba09:42
intelikeymsid none of the will affect the system.    what else did you change ?09:42
zipper_Grr, no matter what i try, i cannot get my monitor to be the primary screen instead of my tv. Any hints? My xorg.conf :  http://pastebin.dk/index.php?show=174209:42
stbrennernew red hot chili peppers album = awesome09:43
msidintelikey: i am not in the mood to play with words man. i say it for the last time, NOTHING09:43
eNons3nseto get my ATi card working do I just need install the "fglrx" package?09:43
intelikeythen it will still boot.09:43
msidintelikey: it doesn't09:43
M-Revstbrenner: if its more Californication than One Hot Minute/Blood Sugar, its probably not09:43
ubotuhmm... nvu is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingNvu http://www.nvu.com/ Linux/Mac/Windows Web authoring.09:43
valbergahh.. the reason was some unwanted repos09:43
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stbrennerM-Rev, it's funky :)09:44
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TimothyPHello, in latest ubuntu/gnome when I hold my mouse over an MP3 file it starts playing, but the players in ubuntu can't play it, what do Ineed to do09:44
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stbrennerget w32codecs09:44
TimothyPand why is it gnome can preview these files09:44
TimothyPapt-get can't find it09:44
M-Revstbrenner: I've read its very soft, sweet and laidback, like Californication09:44
apokryphosTimothyP: see teh FAQ in /topic09:44
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valbergdam'it! that wasn't the reason... i still get: Could not calculate the upgrade09:44
valberg A unresolvable problem occured while calculating the upgrade. Please report this as a bug.09:44
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stbrenneryou want that preview thing...09:44
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TimothyPno the preview works09:45
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TimothyPthat just it09:45
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stbrennerM-Rev, do you believe everything you read?09:45
TimothyPif that works that means there's support for MP3 somewhere :p09:45
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TimothyPbut it only works in preview not in applications :)09:45
intelikeymsid i'm in no mood to play either.  you havent described any problem you just said "it will not boot... after i rebooted"   thus it did boot.  but now doesn't  unless you can give us some error message to work with, or remember what you changed that might have caused it.  i can not help.09:45
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jjazz_!tell TimothyP about w32codecs09:45
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apokryphosTimothyP: interesting, it shouldn't; mp3 is a patented format.09:45
jjazz_Maybe that will help?09:45
TimothyPI know that's just it :)09:45
eNons3nseto get my ATi card working do I just need install the "fglrx" package?09:45
Anusien2If I'm starting over from scratch to set up a dual boot, I just need to clear out the hard disk, set up a partition for windows through the windows installer, put Windows there, then put up a Linux partition and put ubuntu there?09:45
TimothyPwhy does it ?09:45
shwagI need someone to explain to me how to use the Respository Selection dialog in Synaptic. All the HowTos are out of date. wtf?09:45
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apokryphosand guys, the mp3 codecs in ubuntu are NOT w32 codecs09:45
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lordgregcan someone please tell me how to install the "add/remove applications". i think i accidentely removed it. now it's gone. it's not even in Alacarte09:46
ghoztwould apt-get grab the newest nvu?09:46
jacopoexchangeeNons3nse, i tried to install fglrx, but doesn't work too well in dapper09:46
TabooTreezanyone know a good windows irc client09:46
jacopoexchangeand i switched back to linux ati09:46
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TabooTreezright now im running bitchx threw cygwig09:46
dfccbnhi has anyone tried using ubuntu + XGL inside of qemu?09:46
TimothyPI figured win32 codecs were WMA and the likes09:46
apokryphosTabooTreez: xchat ;-)09:46
paloIs there any way to push updates to ubuntu clients from an ubuntu server?09:46
TabooTreezxchat cost money on windows09:46
ghoztTabooTreez:  mIRC on windows09:46
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jjazz_TimothyP: I believe it's a bunch of proprietary codecs.  Some win specific, but not all.09:46
TabooTreezmirc blows09:47
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TabooTreezi want something like konversation09:47
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TabooTreezthat kicks ass09:47
TimothyPok but still I haven't got it and yet gnome plays them :p09:47
ghoztTabooTreez: try hyrdairc then09:47
apokryphosTabooTreez: it doesn't cost anything on windoze09:47
intelikeymsid there are only two things that cause a system to "stop" booting.  software change  or hardware failure.09:47
apokryphosTabooTreez: heh, oh wait, I see you have to register. That is funny.09:47
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linkdxchat on windows is free. just the offical precompiled binaries arent. silverex precompiled binaries are free. google "silverex" for more info09:47
TabooTreezno funny09:47
apokryphosdual license, like Qt09:47
eNons3nsejacopoexchange:  so if i install linux-ati, turn of my computer and swap out the card it will work when i turn it back on?  or are there other things to do?  and will linux-ati work with compiz & such?09:47
Anusien2To set up a dual boot Windows/Ubuntu, If I'm starting over from scratch to set up a dual boot, I just need to clear out the hard disk, set up a partition for windows through the windows installer, put Windows there, then put up a Linux partition and put ubuntu there?09:47
jjazz_TimothyP: I don't know what that's about.  I suspect demonic possession.09:48
Sadek-Hey I want to move a file to /usr/share/firefox/icons but it says I don't have access, how do I give myself access to do this?09:48
nightcoderAnusien2: yes09:48
sk4jvokerhow can i chage the permission to the file09:48
Anusien2nightcoder2: of course it'll never be that easy, but here's to trying09:48
valbergSadek-, run sudo mv from-file to-file09:48
apokryphosAnusien2: see the FAQ in /topic09:48
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intelikeySadek- sudo09:48
jjazz_sk4jvoker: man chmod09:48
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ajeebDoes my question make sense a all: can i export/share files via USB to a device like an mp3 player?09:49
jacopoexchangeNons3nse: i'm just a newbie, all i have done was just apt-get remove xorg-fglrx-driver and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with ati instead of fglrx09:49
jjazz_ajeeb: depends on the player09:49
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intelikeysk4jvoker which file may i ask ?09:49
jjazz_ajeeb: some players can be mounted like usb drives.  Other ones require you use an application09:49
jacopoexchangeeNons3nse: i'm just a newbie, all i have done was just apt-get remove xorg-fglrx-driver and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with ati instead of fglrx09:49
ghoztooo nvu is nice.09:50
uscg_coreyanyone using dapper and totem-xine plugin for ff1.5 experiencing really bright streaming video pictures?09:50
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Anusien2On the upside, I'm getting good at this "Installing OSes" thing09:50
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facefacefacewhat is the equivelent term for a reop with atp vs. yum?09:50
QPAD|warlockhow can i support 32 binaries to run under 64 -bit kernel ?09:50
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Anusien2QPAD|warlock: you need to set up a 32bit chroot09:50
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ajeebjjazz: no, I m asking if my laptop could be the "usb driver" that the device would mount... can that be done?09:50
facefacefaceget three coffins ready... no make that 409:50
QPAD|warlockAnusien2, how do i do that ?09:50
Anusien2QPAD|warlock: um, let me look.  I have the script saved somewhere, but I'll find the forum post09:51
tomas__can anyone tell me if there is any tools (gui) in gnome for handling tv-out & multiple monitors?09:51
meuserjajeeb, no.. that can't be done... you are trying to use a USB perifial as the host... doesn't work09:51
facefacefacerepo to yum is what to apt?09:51
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sk4jvokerok how can i see the permisions of file09:52
intelikeyfacefaceface see /etc/apt/sources.list    or  man apt-get09:52
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facefacefaceah... man09:52
intelikeysk4jvoker ls -l09:52
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[NP] Tangentwooooooooo09:52
ajeebmeuserj: are there any projects to make that happen that i could try?09:52
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[NP] Tangentgot my upgrade to Dapper done09:52
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[NP] Tangentnow I just need to find a make sure my DNS always works09:52
tritium[NP] Tangent: how is it not working?09:53
meuserjajeeb, unless the mp3 player is capable of being in host mode, then this is impossible.. I don't know of any that can do this.09:53
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eNons3nsejacopoexchange: Thanks for the help.09:53
intelikeysk4jvoker may i ask what error you are getting   (assuming errors)09:53
stbrenneris there anyway to view the .wine directory in the file browser?09:53
stbrennerjust saw it09:53
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intelikeystbrenner view hidden09:53
ajeebmeuserj: thanks09:53
sk4jvokeri get a error when i try to login09:53
meuserjajeeb, np09:53
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intelikeysk4jvoker what error ?09:54
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[NP] Tangenttritium: it's working now, but it likes to default to not working09:54
[NP] Tangentjust editing the GNOME network manager settings real quickly solves it09:54
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sk4jvokerthe file .dmrc needs to have 644 permision09:54
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[NP] Tangentbut it keeps setting my router as a DNS lookup server09:54
tritium[NP] Tangent: what ISP do you have?09:54
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[NP] Tangentwhich doesn't work09:54
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tritium[NP] Tangent: Qwest DSL with Actiontec modem?09:55
sk4jvokerand i can not login to my profile09:55
[NP] Tangentyes09:55
tritiumI knew it...09:55
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TimothyPdamn the new ubuntu is FAST09:55
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[NP] TangentI love the new Ubuntu09:55
siezeruh.... where can I find the 'normal' (non dvd sized)  installation iso for dapper?09:55
[NP] Tangentit's pretty fancy09:55
intelikeysk4jvoker then chmod 644 /home/sk4jvoker/.dmrc       or rm it.09:55
TimothyPbootime is superb and the ui is so responsive09:55
boogaloothere's a new ubuntu ?09:55
tritium[NP] Tangent: in your /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf, prepend the DNS servers (the proper ones)09:55
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meuserjsk4jvoker, chmod 644 .dmrc09:55
[NP] Tangentah09:55
[NP] Tangentthanks09:55
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sk4jvokerok will try thanks09:56
gnomefreakboogaloo: dapper09:56
TimothyPnow I need to find a way to convert 1TB of data without losing it to ReiserFS or Ext309:56
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Kyral_FreeBSDTimothyP: from?09:56
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QPAD|warlockAnyone know where to get the old ubuntu version then dapper drake which is on the ubuntu.com download page; I need a version for my 2 intel xeon proccesors on 64-bit.09:56
Kyral_FreeBSD..hehe thats gonna be FUN09:56
chavosiezer, it's the alternative CD09:56
DBOTimothyP, lots and lots of DVD's09:56
Kyral_FreeBSDTimothyP: a full TB you say? :P09:56
tritium[NP] Tangent: like this:  prepend domain-name-servers,;09:56
TimothyPgot 1 terrabyte of NTFS data, near enough 2 terrabyte of space09:56
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TimothyPbut 500GB of that is on external drive09:57
Ariel_hello everyone09:57
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jpojeTimothyP: that's a lot of pr0n ;o09:57
TimothyPI wish :)09:57
dfccbnanyone used dapper with qemu succesfully?09:57
tritium[NP] Tangent: your nameservers may be different.09:57
Kyral_FreeBSDTimothyP: oh in that case...just shrinkout the NTFS down to as far as you can09:57
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boogaloothe new ubuntu needs a most powerfull computer ?09:57
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fontojoin #symfony09:57
Kyral_FreeBSDboogaloo: nope09:57
DBOdfccbn, you mean dapper as hoster or hostie?09:57
jpojeboogaloo: I'm running it on a 500mhz lappy09:57
BHSPitMonkeyhey all09:57
TimothyPI've to deal with 7 hard drives, there's not much spacing out :p09:57
Kyral_FreeBSDboogaloo: Same requirements09:57
boogalooi'm still with the breezy09:57
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dfccbnDBO, hostie09:57
gnomefreakboogaloo: no im running dapper on a 450mhz 512 ram P209:57
Kyral_FreeBSDboogaloo: you can upgrade freely09:57
jpojeboogaloo: Dapper is noticably faster09:57
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DBOdfccbn, donno, dont see why not09:57
TimothyPbut I'm willing to put some time in it, so might just have to bring a few external drives of 500GB from work09:58
TimothyPbut can I format an external drive as ReiserFS?09:58
[NP] Tangenthey tritium09:58
TimothyPdon't care about windows compatibility09:58
[NP] Tangentcan I put in more than one?09:58
jpojegnomefreak: I'm going to steal some of your RAM ;(09:58
BHSPitMonkeyis the Alternate CD good for just regular text installations? I find the installer in the livecd to be prone to hanging09:58
dfccbnDBO, is xgl already in there, and do you think it would work?09:58
Kyral_FreeBSDboogaloo: Doncha llove  Linux and not have to buy a new Computer to use the new upgrades?09:58
meuserjTimothyP, yes09:58
Kyral_FreeBSDTimothyP: I would say Reiser blows09:58
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Kyral_FreeBSDTimothyP: Go with JFS or ext309:58
TimothyPblows as in good or bad and why09:58
gnomefreakjpoje: ;)09:58
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DBOdfccbn, xgl is not installed by default, nor will it work in a VM09:58
tritium[NP] Tangent: see my example above.  I added 209:58
gnomefreaki only have 256 in other pc on dapper09:58
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Kyral_FreeBSDTimothyP: For one it takes a LONG time to mount the FS09:58
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msikmaHmm. I've been trying to update an old 400 MHz laptop to Dapper for a few times now (from Breezy). The automated installer constantly fails.09:59
Anusien2QPAD|warlock: Somewhere someone wrote a script that does this, which I can't find, but try this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457509:59
meuserjTimothyP, I disagree... ReiserFS is the best one out there09:59
dfccbnDBO, ah ok, thanks09:59
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[NP] Tangentoh09:59
Kyral_FreeBSDand 2) I just had a very bad experiance with it and my data09:59
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mrwwhere is the /dev/null on ubuntu?  Why don't I see it in /dev/?  is it somewhere else?09:59
msikmaIt says that it can't get an exclusive lock on a certain directory in /var.09:59
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Kyral_FreeBSDWee FS Wars :D09:59
intelikeyTimothyP yes external drive or internal drive  makes no differance.  mkfs.rieserfs /dev/<devicee.node>09:59
[NP] Tangentsorry tritium, it split it onto two lines above09:59
tritiummeuserj: yeah, best at corrupting my FS, twice!  ;)09:59
jpojegnomefreak: my desktop has a gig - I'm just too cheap/lazy to try and put in another stick of ram into this laptop09:59
Kyral_FreeBSDSeriously, give JFS a shot09:59
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mrwmsikma: more than likely the command you are using needs sudo power.  sudo command09:59
BlueNinjaIf I may intrude... Since my upgrade to Dapper, I can't lock screen. If someone has an answer, please send it in a query.09:59
QPAD|warlockAny ideas of which one i should use for intel xeons x2 running on  64bits? is it: 64-bit PC (AMD64) install CD ? I want breezy badger.09:59
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gnomefreakjpoje: i know that feeling (i hate laptops)09:59
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DBOReiserFS is like a rocket, it goes really fast for a short while, then it explodes09:59
schloobdoes anyone know if it's possible to get a system tray/notification area in the ion3 window manager?10:00
Kyral_FreeBSDwhen in doubt, use ext3 :D10:00
Kyral_FreeBSDTried and true10:00
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jpojeBlueNinja: ctrl-alt-l10:00
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meuserjTimothyP, if you have space in several different drives that you want to use, you should also check out using LVM.. makes all you drives look like one giant drive10:00
BlueNinjajpoje: I'll try it10:00
sk4jvokerstill no go i get the following message when i try to login to gnome10:00
msikmamrw: I'm not using a command10:00
Anusien2QPAD|warlock: here it is.  this worked 100% for me: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157412&highlight=chroot+32bit+script10:00
mrwmsikma: nm then, I came in halfway on your conversation :)10:00
OneSeventeenHow do I disable the sound that plays at the logon screen?10:00
msikmamrw: I'm using the automated installer. The one you get when you click on "upgrade" from the updater.10:00
tritiumOneSeventeen: yes10:00
BlueNinjajpoje: nothing happens10:00
TimothyPone more thing I do have with ubuntu is we have a server with hardware raid, and I configured a raid array there but ubuntu kept seeing it as seperate drives so we had to go for software raid instead :p10:01
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DBOTimothyP, you have fakeRAID10:01
tritiumOneSeventeen: System->Preferences->Sounds, and change the sounds for Log out to "No sound"10:01
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DBOTimothyP, its not TRUE hardware raid, its actually software raid that is managed with a system driver10:01
dos000when generating openssl certificate authorities it does not look like you can define the startdate !10:02
li1how do i set tv-out? i've got an svideo cable connected to the tv10:02
Kyral_FreeBSDYanno, one of these days I'm gonna write something that replaces Synaptic10:02
Kyral_FreeBSDwith PERL!! :P10:02
TimothyPwhy does reiserFS explode?10:02
tritiumli1: nvidia?10:02
Anusien2I'm trying to set up Windows XP as a dual boot with Ubuntu.  The Windows install doesn't seem to want to let me partition my hard disk into two pieces.  Would it be better to throw up a LiveCD and split it now or take over the whole thing and scale it back later?10:02
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TimothyPoh :)10:02
OneSeventeentritium: I have "Play system sounds" unchecked, so there are no sounds at all in my session, I'm wondering about before my session starts, at the logon screen10:02
TimothyPoh well :)10:02
Kyral_FreeBSDTimothyP: seriously, in doubt just use ext310:02
li1tritium: laptop, it's an ati x1400 card which is already working with fglrx10:02
Kyral_FreeBSDit works10:02
jpojeAnusien2: format your drive, install XP, then install ubuntu10:02
Kyral_FreeBSDpeople know it works10:02
Kyral_FreeBSDits good :D10:02
tritiumli1: ah, okay10:02
Anusien2jpoje: so scale the partition down later?10:02
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li1tritium: i still need help :)10:03
jpojeAnusien2: what partition? an existing one?10:03
TimothyPmost of our servers run ubuntu-server, most of them are HP Proliants 380 machines :)10:03
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tritiumli1: sorry, I have the answer for nvidia, not ati10:03
KaiSVKhi all10:03
TimothyPsome with more than 6 network interfaces and it still doesn't lock up pr slow down, I'd love to see windows try that :p we couldn't even get it stable with 3 cards in SBS :p10:03
BHSPitMonkey_if the computer is amd64, should I get the amd64 version of ubuntu? or is it too unstable?10:03
KaiSVKsomeone needs help with ATI ? :)10:03
marlunWhen Installing -dev packages like python2.4-dev, where is (what is the path to) the source?10:03
li1tritium: i see10:03
rhyddinhey all10:04
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Kyral_FreeBSDTimothyP: Ext3 Full Journalling with Dir_Index for the win (What I run on my server :P)10:04
Anusien2jpoje: I cleared out all my partitions and I have 80gigs.  I just wiped it out.  I want to take like 50 gigs for XP and 30gigs for Linux.  Should I boot up in Ubuntu LiveCD and run parted now, or have Windows take over the entire 80 and then repartition?10:04
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TimothyPI've to start teaching end users how to work with ubuntu soon :)10:04
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rhyddinhey quick q: how do i get to a plain old command line?10:04
Kyral_FreeBSDHoly heck!10:04
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TimothyPomg mager netsplit10:04
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BHSPitMonkey_good little split there10:04
TimothyPmagor netsplit I mean10:04
BHSPitMonkey_major you mean.10:05
DBOrhyddin, CTRL + Alt + F110:05
KaiSVKwhat is this ?10:05
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DBOKaiSVK, its called servers gone loco10:06
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mrwmsikma: It could be that some other program was just trying to do updating simultaneously.  I've also seen that type of error message if I run apt and then run like one of the updater programs too quickly before programs have closed or something.  I don't know the full error or situation, but if it isn't updating at all I would just close the program down and then restart that program and see if it gets a lock then10:06
boogalooi'm trying to upgrade10:06
Anusien2rhyddin: Accessories->Terminal?10:06
meuserjlooks like one of the freenode servers went down...10:06
jpojeAnusien2: better to partition up before hand, nondestructive partitioning can be iffy - make the first partition XP, then ubuntu/swap - then install XP, then Ubuntu10:06
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steveklCripes, i'm getting corrupt package warnings while installing dapper!10:06
RMSe17server split10:06
Kyral_FreeBSDIts called10:06
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=== mitcheloc trips over cable
Kyral_FreeBSDA Hole In The Internet!10:06
stefoutcould someome please help me with my ethernet problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1098349#post109834910:06
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Ariel_is there any quick and easy way to install something like vnc on ubuntu 6.06?10:06
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BHSPitMonkey_hey, can anyone tell me if the amd64 version is stable, or should be avoided?10:06
Anusien2jpoje: Yeah, trying to repartition NTFS in the first place gave me the problems.  I'll leave 50gigs in one partition and 30 in the other and let the respective OSes do what they need with the free space10:06
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jpojeAnusien2: just make sure XP is in the first slot or else it gets bitchy10:06
SL|warlockBHSPitMonkey_, its shit, messed up my system :(10:06
paradizelos1Ariel_: you need server or client?10:06
Anusien2BHSPitMonkey: the amd64 version has its own quirks, but it seems to be stable10:06
rhyddinnah - not a terminal .. i mean how do i actually quit X altogether?10:06
TimothyPAriel_ xtightvnc10:06
SL|warlockAnusien2, the link you linked to me. What is it ?10:06
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Ariel_paradizelos1, server10:06
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TimothyPapt-cache search xtightvnc :)10:06
intelikeysk4jvoker the dmrc (by default) tells the display manager to load gnome  or some other wm.    what are you trying to set in .dmrc ?10:06
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redrumBHSPitMonkey_,  do you have an nvidia card?10:06
=== mitcheloc apologizes for that
vbgunzeverybody here is ugly10:06
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jpojevbgunz: so is your mom10:06
KaiSVKvbgunz, why ? :)10:06
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TimothyPvbgunz compared to my girlfriend , yeah :)10:06
vbgunzjpoje: haha10:06
paradizelos1apt-get install vncserver10:06
jpojevbgunz: but the paper bag fixed that ;d10:06
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mitchelocAriel_: you use ubuntu?10:06
BlueNinjajpoje: I've also tried rebooting, and I get some message at startup-I can't remember exactly what it is, but something about gnome mixer10:06
sk4jvokeri am not trying , i am trying to get in10:06
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valbergCould not calculate the upgrade <- i get this error when trying to upgrade... any ideas to why ?10:06
vbgunzscreen moving so fast, aint think anyone would catch it :P10:06
BHSPitMonkeyredrum: the system I'm talking about doesn't, it just has onboard10:06
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Ariel_mitcheloc, yes for some desktops10:06
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sk4jvokerbut i get the message that the file is being ignored10:06
BlueNinj1sorry, I guess there was a netsplit?10:06
msikmaWow, that was some netsplit.10:06
ciruzzowhere cn I download screensavers for gnome?10:07
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mitchelocAriel_: cool ;), just installed it yesterday10:07
intelikeysk4jvoker well did you try just rm'ing the .dmrc ?10:07
jpojeBlueNinj1: did ctrl-alt-l work?10:07
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BlueNinj1jpoje: nope10:07
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vbgunzanyone know why I cannot join ubuntu+1?10:07
BHSPitMonkeyredrum: I've just always gotten the opinion that 64bit OS's aren't stable enough yet, and to use x86 versions, but the guy has an amd6410:07
shwagprograms for gnome, programs for kde, programs for gnome, programs for kde.  How about just programs for Ubuntu.10:07
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sk4jvokeryes i rm and i still cant login10:07
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Vaske_Car!tell Vaske_Car about SSH10:07
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jpojeBlueNinj1: then yeah, your lock screen is broken (that seems to be a default keycombo for lock screen) - retrieve that error message from your logs and google it10:07
KaiSVKhave anyone read the DaVinciCode ? :)10:07
ubotuvbgunz: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:07
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uscg_coreyanyone using dapper and totem-xine plugin for ff1.5 experiencing really bright streaming video pictures?10:08
redrumBHSPitMonkey, 64bit is stable but it requires a lot more messing about to set things up - Wine etc, arent so.. intuitive to install10:08
BlueNinj1jpoje: great.10:08
BlueNinj1Would it be in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages?10:08
intelikeysk4jvoker hehhe oh   i think i know what the problem is .     do this  sudo rm /home/*/.*auth*10:08
valbergCould not calculate the upgrade <- i get this error when trying to upgrade... any ideas to why ?10:08
KaiSVKwho is lilo ? :)10:08
BHSPitMonkeyKaiSVK: lilo's the boss.10:08
jpojeBlueNinj1: no idea, I am a noob when it comes to the real work ;)10:08
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TimothyPstiches friend :p10:08
sk4jvokerwhat is that for10:08
BHSPitMonkeygrub's enemy10:08
KaiSVKBHSPitMonkey, so I am ... ;)10:08
intelikeysk4jvoker to let you login.10:09
KaiSVKTimothyP, aaah ... never seen that cartoon :)10:09
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redrumBHSPitMonkey,  also there is no 64 bit flash support... you require to set up 32 bit chroot applications or download firefox32 and link it to 32bit libraries10:09
meuserjvalberg, try using synaptic instead10:09
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intelikeysk4jvoker you ran nautilus with sudo didn't you ?10:09
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gnomefreakredrum: they can use gplflash10:09
redrumthat too10:09
BHSPitMonkeyredrum: I'm trying to make it easy for the guy, he's a linux virgin... so I'll go with the x86 on him for now :)10:09
sk4jvokeri ran cedega with sudo10:09
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intelikeysk4jvoker some other gk app perhaps.  but at anyrate try that command.10:10
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boogaloohow to eject an ipod ?10:10
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Jeeves_Mossall:  any one in here experianced with installing Aircrack-NG on their Ubuntu box?10:10
TimothyPcan someone tell me what it does when I "share" music in rhythmbox?10:10
BlueNinj1jpoje: I looked in messages, dmesg, and syslog-nothing about Mixer there10:10
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rhyddinthat netsplit screwed everything up for me .. did anyone answer my question? How do I exit the X server to a CL prompt?10:11
intelikeyboogaloo sudo eject /dev/<device>   ???10:11
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Anusien2rhyddin: you need to exit the X server or just get a commandline?10:11
facefacefacehello, installing evince from dapper-updates/main Packages, I get the following warning...10:11
rhyddini need to exit the server altoether10:11
Anusien2TimothyP: I would imagine that it runs a server that lets other people listen to your music.  That's the way iTunes sharing works10:11
ablyssrhyddin: control+alt+F110:11
TimothyPdoesn't show up on any itunes here :)10:11
rhyddinablyss: Thank you!10:11
facefacefaceWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  evince Install these packages without verification [y/N] ?10:11
boogaloobut i must be superuser to eject that thing ? intelikey10:12
BurgworkTimothyP, it uses DAAP sharing, same as iTunes10:12
facefacefaceam I missing a GPG key10:12
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ablyssrhyddin: that will not stop X, you need to tell gdm to stop10:12
TimothyPhmm perhaps I haven't got the required libs then and it doesn't throw an error (the help file doesn't mention anything about it)10:12
Anusien2rhyddin: "sudo apt-get install bum" which gives you a graphical utility to shut down gdm and keep it from restarting automatically.  Then in CL, to bring it back up, "/etc/init.d/gdm start"10:12
intelikeytoo much server side trubble today.   i'll be back when lilo and the rest get done.10:12
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jpojeBlueNinj1: try this command: xscreensaver-command -lock10:12
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marlunhow do I get the version of my bash?10:13
gnomefreakthey are done10:13
rhyddinAnusien2: thanks for the 411. I'll dl the pkg and give it a shot10:13
gnomefreakoh well10:13
jpojebash --version10:13
marlunjpoje, oh, ok thanks!10:13
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jpojemarlun: no problem :)10:13
shrump_jimbowould "init 3" stop the GUI and exit to a shell?10:13
Wyredbang head on keyboard, then count the amount of stars you see10:13
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BlueNinj1jpoje: ok10:13
ablyssalt+control+F7 to return back to X10:13
BlueNinj1$ xscreensaver-command -lock10:14
BlueNinj1xscreensaver-command: warning: $DISPLAY is not set: defaulting to ":0.0".10:14
BlueNinj1xscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.010:14
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jpojeBlueNinja: you seem to have a problem with your gnome-session10:14
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Chris_Hhey guys, im a little bit of a newbie and i could use some assistance, only im having trouble finding a newbie irc channel10:14
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valbergmeuserj, you mean that i should update all packages ?10:15
BlueNinjablargh. What do you suggest?10:15
BHSPitMonkeyChris_H: #lfd ?10:15
gnomefreakChris_H: for what?10:15
jpojeBlueNinja: does the command xscreensaver work?10:15
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Chris_Hfor Linux10:15
!lilo:*! Apparently level3 is also having 'typing issues' today, so I'm not alone. :)10:15
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Anusien2rhyddin: Stopping 'gdm' through bum (boot-up manager) will stop gdm from starting automatically when you start linux, so you may want to re-enable that again through bum10:15
gnomefreakChris_H: for ubuntu?10:15
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linuxboyfriendhi all10:15
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BlueNinjajpoje: yeah10:15
neoxanwhats the standard port for realvnc?10:15
gnomefreakjpoje: wasnt xscreensaver pulled out of dapper?10:15
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linuxboyfriendwhat is a usenet?10:15
zukalkhas anyone had problems with Ndiswrapper in Dapper? i can't get it to work10:15
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SystemBomberzukalk, i need to get my Broadcom 4303 to work :P10:16
ThralasWhat package need I install to be able to use `crypt`?10:16
sk4jvokernope no i still cant login , and i still have that message $home/.dmrc is being ignored10:16
Chris_Hbasically, im experimenting with my PC upstairs with Kubuntu running linux, and i want to try and set up a network so that i can transfer files from this Windows XP pc upstairs to the Linux machine and if possible, connect Linux up to the internet10:16
jpojegnomefreak: people have said that it's gone, but I seem to have it...10:16
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gnomefreaklinuxboyfriend: irc server?10:16
gnomefreakjpoje: do your updates ;)10:16
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jpojeBlueNinja: try xscreensaver;xscreensaver-command -lock10:16
jpojegnomefreak: I did!10:16
Chris_H#kubuntu said im looking in the wrong place, but couldnt help with any alternatives10:16
sk4jvokerany other users can login just one cant10:16
gnomefreakjpoje: iirc they pulled it cause too many issues with it sometime in flight 4-rc10:16
zukalkSystemBomber: mine's a Linksys WMP54G. won't work. it did fine in Hoary and Breezy10:16
linuxboyfriendgnomefreak, hi10:16
jpojegnomefreak: or did I need to upgrade after upgrade+dist-upgrade?10:17
Anusien2zukalk: what wireless card?10:17
klaidashello. I have recently intsalled xubuntu-desktop (using aptitude). Now, when shutting down ubuntu, a Xubuntu logo is displayed instead of a Ubuntu one. How could I change that?10:17
linuxboyfriendgnomefreak, irc server? sorry10:17
gnomefreakjpoje: you might have to10:17
SystemBomberzukalk, lol ive never gotten mine to work yet, still experimenting with linux..:P10:17
gnomefreaklinuxboyfriend: theres an irc server with a name simular to that if not that10:17
valbergwhat is the repo for 6.0610:17
zukalkAnusien2: you have a WMP54G too?10:17
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Anusien2zukalk: for routers?  I have a WRT54G, but my wireless card is a bcm43xx10:17
rhyddinHey this BUM thing is cool. I was trying to figure out how to turn off Bluetooth services since my laptop doesnt use them anyway. This makes it easier than 'bummin' around in the scripts (ok, lame jok)10:18
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jpojegnomefreak: but I like my xscreensaver ;(10:18
SystemBomberAnusien2, is it a BCM4303?10:18
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gnomefreakubotu tell valberg -about sources10:18
spikebvery rhyddin10:18
Anusien2SystemBomber: I don't know exactly10:18
BlueNinjajpoje: it doesn't do anything different than xscreensaver10:18
bmk789when trying to make a call in skype, i get a "problem with sound device" how do i fix this?10:18
SystemBombershould say in lspci10:18
MehAdultAnusien2: I have the EXACT same thing.10:18
zukalkAnusien2 and SystemBomber: lspci detects mine as a BCM430610:18
Anusien2MedAdult: Mine is a compaq laptop that no one else seems to have10:18
MehAdultOnly mine is a 4318 not a 430610:18
Anusien2zukalk: You don't need ndiswrapper then if you want to use the kernel module10:18
linuxboyfriendgnomefreak, no i mean i heard something about that usenet, that by using usernet clients you can download things like music or something else?10:18
Chris_Hcan no-one here help me?10:18
SystemBomberdamn, i need to get my BCM4303 work with WPA too10:19
gnomefreakjpoje: i did too ;) but im working on adding some once i figure that out ill be happy ;)10:19
MehAdultAnusien2: What is the output of lspci | grep BCM10:19
zukalkAnusien2: what should i do then?10:19
gnomefreaklinuxboyfriend: that i dont know10:19
ThralasWhat need I get in order to be able to use `crypt`?10:19
jpojeBlueNinja: I would try google to look at xscreensaver/gnome-session errors - I have to drive down to school now, or I would stay and help - good luck10:19
SystemBomber#bcm-users (think)10:19
linuxboyfriendgnomefreak, hmm10:19
Anusien2MedAdult: Reformatting...10:19
ubotujpoje: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:19
BlueNinjajpoje: thanks10:19
=== chuck_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
MehAdultFor BCM43xx cards on Ubuntu 6.06: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517410:20
MehAdultRead up.10:20
Anusien2zukalk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx?highlight=%28bcm43xx%2910:20
BlueNinjaCould anyone else suggest something? I can't lock screen and get an error about gnome_mixerapplet at startup10:20
MehAdultUse my link. Read the WHOLE thread.10:20
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zukalkAnusien2: thanks, i wil10:21
MehAdultzukalk: For BCM43xx cards on Ubuntu 6.06: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517410:21
Anusien2It's relatively easy to get set up once everything falls into place10:21
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zukalkMehAdult: thanks10:21
MehAdultzukalk: You're welcome. Read the whole thread not just the first part.10:21
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Speczukalk: MehAdult i've got something better10:21
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Speczukalk: MehAdult: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx10:22
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Anusien2For when my laptop comes back up, thank god I have a bunch of these guides printed out AND bookmarked10:22
MehAdultSpec: Both links are good.10:22
MehAdultzukalk: Both my link and the wiki are good.10:22
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zukalkMehAdult: ok10:22
mgorbachcan someone help? my graphics drivers for nvidia seem to have gone crazy10:23
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mgorbachthe xorg log complains saying that the kernel module and the x module are different versions10:23
ubotuAutomatix is a utility which helps install various codecs and applications which cannot be part of the default installation, also another utility is called EasyUbuntu, please join #automatix or #easyubuntu for more information10:23
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SpecMehAdult: yes, true, but I started/wrote a whole bunch of that wiki page :p10:23
ubotuMarineboy: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:23
mgorbachanyone know what that means?10:24
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gnomefreakmgorbach: install the kernel-restricted-modules for your arch10:24
BlueNinjaCould anyone else suggest something? I can't lock screen and get an error about gnome_mixerapplet at startup.10:24
zipper_Hah! I've got my monitor to be the primary display, but in return my tv isnt getting any signal now, sigh. Twinview in linux is for masochists :P10:24
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suspendis there a way to disable hibernate?10:25
zukalkMehAdult: "but you might want to think about reinstalling if you've messed around with Ndis prior to this." bummer. i'll try and get rid of any ndiswrapper traces10:25
gnomefreaksuspend: dont use it?10:25
fuzzyhairDoes anyone here know a lot about Valknut?10:25
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ParadoxxSeveas: are you there?10:25
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MehAdultzukalk: There's something in both links about blacklisting ndiswrapper10:25
SeveasParadoxx, no10:25
zukalkMehAdult: ok10:25
ParadoxxSeveas: good10:26
suspendtrying to get rid of it in the menus, if thats possible10:26
GoClickDoes a default install of dapper have a firewall enabled?10:26
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TimothyPif you think about it, it's amazing how all the different project depend on eachother and yet don't brake to ofen10:26
suspendand just keep sleep as that works fine10:26
TimothyPit's scary10:26
zukalkMehAdult: i'll be back in 10min10:26
MehAdultI won't10:26
TimothyPyou want to install a media player but it depends on 50 other projects with cryptical names10:26
MehAdultI need to get changed and go somewhere.10:26
Speci can help you, zukalk10:26
TimothyPlinux might be open source, but I have no idea anymore what I'm installing10:26
ParadoxxSeveas: but yea, if i wanted to control a current session on a remote machine how would I do it?10:26
ubotuhmm... mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:27
SeveasParadoxx, vnc10:27
jwilfhi all, i upgraded from breezy to dapper and now i can't boot with the new 2.6.15-23-k7 kernel, it hangs at "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel"10:27
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ubotuParadoxx: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:27
ubotusomebody said vnc was http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session)10:27
okfineanybody an expert with the dapper install (namely making partitions for dual boot)10:27
Morrowynweee, just saw that cedega officually support guildwars10:27
Morrowyncant wait to check it out10:27
jwilfbut the previous kernel still boots and all the options are the same in grub10:27
ubotuUbuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic.10:28
Scorpmooni really don't get why there is no installation docs for ubuntu10:28
Kyral_FreeBSDBecause its stupid simple :P10:28
Scorpmooni selected "install" from the live cd, and then it just runs ubuntu from CD10:28
Scorpmoonnow what?10:28
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Scorpmooni need to partition i guess10:28
Scorpmoonbut gparted I cant find10:28
Krpanowhat is the comand to check if i have 3d accelleration ?10:28
=== Kyral_FreeBSD falls down
jjazz_Scorpmoon: I think you want the install CD rather than the live CD.10:28
duane_i just downloaded a .deb file. When I click on it ark gives me this error:10:28
duane_The biggest news from Three Six was that CRUNCHY BLACK IS GONE! Yes, DJ Paul and Juicy J announced that Crunch Black is out of the Three Six Mafia. They didnt do this from the Summer Jam stage, but actually before on the radio with Miss Jones. Juice and Paul said that they havent talked to their former crewmember for several months and werent sure what he was up to. By, the time they took to the stage, the crowd had not y10:28
duane_et materialized, but they did their thing nonetheless.10:28
Kyral_FreeBSDNO PASTE!!10:29
Scorpmoonthe menu says "start or install ubuntu"10:29
duane_wrong paste10:29
Krpanowhat is the comand to check if i have 3d accelleration ?.....plz..... :)10:29
okfinehaha three six mafia10:29
Kyral_FreeBSDScorpmoon: Sorry we expected someone to actually think10:29
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mlehrermmm paste tastes good10:29
jwilfanyone have any ideas on my boot problem... i'm stumped10:29
jjazz_Scorpmoon: OK.  I've never run the live CD.10:29
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duane_but the error is : The utility is not in your PATH. Please install it or contact your system administrator10:29
Kyral_FreeBSDKrpano: glxgears10:29
duane_anyone know why?10:29
jwilfKrpano: glxinfo10:29
duane_how do I install a .deb file?10:29
zOapduane_, dpkg -i10:30
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Specduane_: dpkg -i <filename.deb>10:30
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jjazz_duane_: sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb10:30
Scorpmoonwhich download do I get? Alternate install CD?10:30
Scorpmoonif I want the desktop10:30
Specthe desktop?10:30
Kyral_FreeBSDoy I think we screwed up by splitting it10:30
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duane_ok thanks10:30
Kyral_FreeBSDOne Install CD == NO PROBLEM!!10:30
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Scorpmooni downloaded ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso10:30
Specnbx909: please turn the away notifications off10:30
Scorpmoonwhat file do I need!10:30
TimothyPbtw is the root password still visible in the setup configuration file like it was on the previous version ?10:30
Kyral_FreeBSDexcuse me10:30
=== Kyral_FreeBSD goes to beat the devs
SpecScorpmoon: that file will work fine10:30
okfineam I fine to resize my NTFS partition with dapper install?10:30
SpecTimothyP: no10:30
nbx909Spec, sorry10:30
SpecTimothyP: that's been fixed for a while10:31
shwagWhat are backports?10:31
shwagokfine: yes10:31
Specokfine: Please make a backup first.10:31
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TimothyPnot that I ever use the ubuntu/sudo way :p10:31
okfineI've got the data i can't lose on CD10:31
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duane_ok another question. Is it just me or are white textures in gnome or kde NOT as bright as white textures in xp?10:31
okfinethe rest is expendable10:31
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Specokfine: shoot for it then :)10:31
TimothyPI always sudo su  and then passwd anyway :p10:31
zOapduane_, what??10:31
okfineSpec, when I create the two new partitions one should be primary and the other extended?10:31
SpecTimothyP: sudo bash as well10:32
longest_daydoes the ubuntu upgrade screw the /home repertory ?10:32
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jwilfTimothyP: just use sudo -i10:32
duane_i have always noticed that the color white is not as bright in kde or gnome10:32
TimothyPwhat does it do10:32
duane_as it is in xp10:32
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GoClickI installed a pre-release version of dapper how can I make sure everything is updated now that it's out. Will the normal update thingy keep it up or do I need to issue a special command, ie get things that were added etc10:32
zOapduane_, maybe it's your graphic card driver.have you calibrated?10:32
bmk789when trying to make a call in skype, i get a "problem with sound device" message, how do i fix this?10:33
TimothyPapt-get update &&  apt-get dist-upgrade10:33
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=== TimothyP is trying to install skype as well, it booted now I have to see if I can select the different sound devices :)
jwilfis nobody interested that i can't boot the new kernel after upgrading to dapper? :(10:33
TimothyPjwilf I'm not proficient enough to help sorry m810:33
jwilfi'd be really grateful for any suggestions10:33
zOapmethod|, then I don't know. My guess it's the driver. Have nothing to do with gnome or kde10:34
disinterested_pei went back to breezy cause i had problems with dapper10:34
jwilfTimothyP: ok no worries10:34
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rackerzcan anyone help me get my webcam going?10:34
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zOaprackerz, try to be more specific10:34
ParadoxxWhat vnc client do you guys recommend??10:34
ScorpmoonSpec, that is the file I have!! then why does ubuntu start from CD when I click "start or install" in boot menu?10:35
okfineguys I just ran into a small problem with partitioning10:35
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nbx909Paradoxx, vnc10:35
TimothyPooh nice very nice I plug in my usb headset and ubuntu notifies me of it :)10:35
rackerzzOap I've got a logitech quickcam express, it used to work with easycam2 before i re-installed.10:35
okfinei freed up some space with Gparted in install and then created a new partition... but i cant create one more for swap10:35
zOapScorpmoon, when you boot there is an icon on the desktop. INSTALL10:35
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jwilfwow - is it just me or is firefox 1.5 MUCH faster than 1.03 on ubuntu10:35
okfineit says something about extended partitions being able to contain primaries10:35
TimothyPParadoxx I use xtightvnc10:35
Scorpmoonlol so there is10:35
ParadoxxI mean which vnc server. Cause like i see realvnc which i have used b4, tightvnc etc etc10:35
okfine(my computer came with a couple of bull primary partitions from Dell)10:35
Scorpmoonthats not logic to a windows user though10:36
disinterested_peits not just u ] wilf10:36
zOaprackerz, sorry, don't know that one. But there are lots of howtos on google10:36
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nbx909jwilf, it's even faster if you don't use the ubuntu verson and install the mozilla verson10:36
Scorpmoonand windows users are the ones you wanna hijack right?10:36
ParadoxxTimothyP: whats so special about tightvnc10:36
lssHi, does anyone know any nice networking guides to get my windows xp + ubuntu 6.10 LTS working? thank you.10:36
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NoUseParadoxx there is a vnc server built into gnome10:36
TimothyPParadoxx it works: p10:36
nbx909!tell jwilf about firefox1.510:36
NoUseParadoxx System -> Prefs -> Remote desktop10:36
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zOapScorpmoon, we don't want to hijack anyone10:36
carbois there a way to hide all icons on the gnome desktop?10:36
jwilfnbx909: ?10:36
ParadoxxNoUse: what client you recommend10:36
NoUseParadoxx tightvnc is fine10:36
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jwilfnbx909: ah, ok10:37
okfinefellas the main ubuntu partition needs to be primary right?10:37
longest_daycarbo, yes10:37
nbx909jwilf, install firefox from that guide and it will run even faster10:37
Vaske_CarIs 450Mhz / 128mbRAM enought for server installation of 6.06?10:37
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nbx909Vaske_Car, yeah10:37
carbolongest_day: and what's that? I can't find any option10:37
jwilfnbx909: what guide?10:37
Vaske_Carinstalling :)10:37
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nbx909jwilf, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion10:37
longest_dayin the gconf i think10:37
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jwilfnbx909: ah, got it :-)10:37
longest_dayyou can hide the "volume" icons10:37
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fiendskull9whats hda4 on hda in grub terms?10:38
longest_dayand/or the "computer" icon10:38
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okfineanybody available to chat via PM about dual boot installation partitions10:38
brmillerAm I to understand that you need to use the alternate CD if you have any system involving RAID?10:38
fiendskull9would it be hd0, 310:38
okfinei can't figure this out10:38
avisi dont know grub well enough10:38
avisi know lilo10:38
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longest_daycarbo, once you're in gconf, you go there: /apps/nautilus/desktop10:39
BoglizkWhat happend to the fonts? (I just updated to dapper)10:39
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carbolongest_day: ah, okay, then I have to remove everything else normally... was hoping for a hide all option10:39
pvd2006okfine, yes the ubuntu main partition needs to be primary, then you need a swap partition.10:40
shwagWhat are backports?10:40
okfinei cant create another partition tho pvd10:40
longest_daythen i don't know10:40
okfinemy computer came with 3 already on it from Dell10:40
okfinei can create an additional primary but then i cant create any more10:40
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Pepinohi, I installed Ubuntu and use GRUB, but at boot time it send me the error 17:10:40
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pvd2006okfine, you can resize partitions with certain tools. or format an other partition for swap as long as its not too big.10:41
Pepinothen I tried suse with LILO as the loader and it works fine10:41
pvd2006Okfine, how much memory do you have?10:41
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okfine37 gigs, about 7 of which i just freed up by shrinking my windows partition10:41
Pepinothen I want to install Ubuntu with LILO as the loader, but can't find where can i change the option10:42
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zukalkMehAdult: i'm back10:42
okfineso i created a 6 gig ubuntu primary in that space10:42
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okfinebut now i cant do anything to make a swap10:42
zukalkSpec: how can you help me? and sorry for taking so long10:42
pvd2006okfine, how much Ram do you have?10:42
okfinei believe 51210:42
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okfineim on a laptop10:42
pvd2006Oh, then I would definitely put a swap partition with 512megs of memory.10:42
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okfineim afraid to screw around with any of the dell installed partitions cause im sure one of them is the windows install10:43
okfineand i dont want to have to call for a CD lol10:43
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Vaske_Carhow to install SSH server?10:43
NoUseVaske_Car sudo apt-get install openssh-server10:43
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t-thingHi. Where on earth does angband save game?10:43
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redrumokfine you can use GParted LiveCD to resize partitions relatively safely10:44
Vaske_CarNoUse, and do I need to install client side as well on client PC?10:44
pvd2006okfine, you can tell which one has windows on it.10:44
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okfinei was able to when i ran fdisk last night but i cant remember how to do that10:44
SurfnKidok back online10:44
NoUseVaske_Car you'll need a client on the PC you are connecting from, yes10:44
Ron_oFor Dapper, are they allowing you to pick and choose which apps to get rid of, unlike in Breezy?10:44
SurfnKidat a cybercafe :S10:44
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pvd2006okfine, what operating system are you on right now? Windows?10:44
CactusWiZaRddoes Ubuntu support ttf -fonts?10:44
Vaske_CarNoUse, let me first install everything on server10:45
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caepcHELLO ubus10:45
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caepchas anyone used DRBL  Diskless Remote Boot in Linux10:45
ubotufonts is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto10:45
longest_dayyes CactusWiZaRd10:45
okfinepvd right now im running live install ubuntu10:45
supertankerany way to download all the pkgs with apt-get and burn them to CD if I need them later?10:45
pvd2006ohhh ok, good.10:45
okfinei have XP on this PC tho10:45
CactusWiZaRdlongest_day: thanks :)10:45
caepcim trying to decide which distro to use for it....because it's going to be a pita on slackware (no source supplied, only rpms)10:45
mwesupertanker: yes10:45
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supertankerwhere do the pkgs go? do I need to lay them out on the cd in a special way?10:46
runelindI tried doing sudo modprobe fglrx and it said operation not permitted10:46
mwesupertanker: apt-get -d will download only. read 'man apt-get' for details10:46
runelindI have the restricted modules installed10:46
supertankerso do I need to put them on the cd in a special way?10:47
mwesupertanker: no10:47
runelindanyone know what's up?  this is a fresh install of dapper10:47
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quirkyis anyone getting random freezes in Dapper?10:47
mwesupertanker: but you have to install them with sudo dpkg -i10:47
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mwesupertanker: they go to  /var/cache/apt/archives/10:47
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zestHi all there !10:47
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eobanbwelcome, zest10:48
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caepczest, OMG HI2U10:48
zestIs there somebody who can tell me how to redirect mp3 songs to open with xine automatically ?10:48
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NoUsezest xine? its realy more of a video player10:48
caepczest, frome firefox10:48
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caepcxine sux0rziz10:49
okfinePVD, the partitions that came with my computer were /dev/sda1 (fat16 62mb) /dev/sda2 (ntfs ~30 gb) and /dev/sda3 (fat32 3.47 gb)10:49
zestcaepc: Firefox ?10:49
don-oxine ru1ez :)10:49
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supertankerdoes the apt cache ever get deleted?10:49
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spikebxinelib > gstreamer10:49
mwesupertanker: if you sudo apt-get clean10:49
mwesupertanker: or autoclean10:49
caepczest, from what program............10:50
pvd2006okfine, most likely windows xp is on the /dev/sda210:50
supertankerwhat is autoclean?10:50
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mwesupertanker: please read the manual for details10:50
zestcaepc: just click on it in nautilus10:50
caepcpvd2006, df -T and look for ntfs partitions10:50
mwesupertanker: it only cleans what is not installed10:51
caepczest, right click it and do set default action or something....though that stuff rarely works on gnome10:51
Ron_osupertanker, try sudo apt-cache clear if you want to clean it.10:51
okfinepvd, do you mean windows or the windows install/restore info10:51
jstewHi. has anyone heard of the problem of an eth0 device not being created after breezy->dapper upgrade? It's a pcmcia ehternet adapter.10:51
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Ron_o10:51
supertankerI don't want to clean it in case I need them again10:51
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okfineive heard dell puts that on a seperate partition, which i guess would be sda310:51
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Ron_osupertanker, it only gets so big. I think the default is 500MB.10:51
okfineeither way im not sure how to proceed without eliminating a potentially necessary partition10:51
mwesupertanker: then don't :)10:51
longest_dayi'm upgrading10:51
Ron_ofor a 50Gig HD that's not much.10:51
longest_dayi'm scarred10:51
Ron_obut for a 5Gig that might be alot.10:52
zest:ceapc there is no option to set default ... or i'm blind10:52
bastiI just bought a sata disk, and dont have any other sata disks in my system. now I would like to format this disk with ext3. How would I do that most easily?10:52
jstewBasically I've been hosed since my dapper upgrade. The modules load fine, but no network devices :(10:52
zestceapc: there is no option to set default ... or i'm blind10:52
=== SystemBomber [n=ChaZ@80-42-11-17.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
pvd2006okfine, I dont know much about dells, so I guess you would have to be careful on which partitions you do mess with.10:52
quirkyHas no one had any random freezes on Dapper then? Lucky bunch!! ;)10:52
zestceapc, there is no option to set default ... or i'm blind10:52
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caepczest, i dont use gnome, so im sorry....check in preferences MIME or something10:52
shwagim confused and would like someone to msg me how my  sources.list should look with universe and multiverse10:53
mwequirky: nah. that thing is usually caused by buggy drivers10:53
Oliver_123hello, i have a problem with my networking after upgrading from brezzy to dapper10:53
spikebanyone know if rockbox-ed ipods still have drag n drop wiht banshee?10:53
okfinepvd, youd say theres no way to create a swap partition without editing the others?10:53
Oliver_123i get an SUICGUFFLAGS Error message: no such device10:53
mwequeuetue: is it totally random, no pattern?10:53
quirkyBut which drivers? I ugraded from breezy, and nothing was broken there10:53
okfineive got 4 primary partitions but isnt there some way to add another non primary10:53
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Pepinohello, anyone know how can I install LILO if a boot with a live CD?10:53
quirkynow dapper freezes every 30-40 minutes10:53
pvd2006okfine, you could shrink the 6-7 gig partition down 512megs less and then create a 512meg partition for swap.10:54
redrumzest - try "open with..."10:54
okfinepvd if got free space but it wont let me create a new partition10:54
zestredrum, open with works, but other default would be nice ..10:54
mwequirky: I don't know. you need to suspect something and then see if it happens if you don't load that module. check /var/log/syslog to see if it suggests anything10:54
pvd2006okfine, I understand, they are under other partitions right?10:54
okfineno its unallocated10:54
redrumzest you can then select the application to open with, and then later you can select which program has preference with that file by clicking the bullets next to the apps10:54
okfine530 mb10:54
Oliver_123my network card is a Marvel, driver module sk98lin is loaded, but ifconfig does not show the ethx device, only ifconfig -a does show something10:55
okfinebut i just cant make that inot a partition cause it says i have 4 primaries... even tho i dont want a primary10:55
facefacefacesudo apt-key update10:55
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facefacefacedosn't help me10:55
mwequirky: are you using closed source drivers?10:55
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quirkywell, thx mwe, I imagine it's the ati stuff. seems to have lots of bug reports in launchpad10:55
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quirkyno, I use the xorg ati driver10:55
okfineit says i should create an extended partition cause they can contain other partitions10:55
Oliver_123can anyone help me with my networking problem?10:55
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=== SurfnKid is choking someone else's internet to download Dapper 6.06 =D
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ubotubasti: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:55
mwequirky: yeah. I guess ATI still hasn't hired a decent linux coder10:56
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quirkythe closed source one in breezy caused a similar locking prob10:56
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SystemBomberIf anyone wants to know if BCM4303 will work with wifi, then it does :D i finally done it lol10:56
=== bolsh [n=dave@mne69-3-82-225-22-32.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fear_is_the_mindi use the ati drivers with breezy, and i never have problems10:56
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mwequirky: I heard disabling the framebuffer solves some problems with ATI drivers10:56
pvd2006okfine, you can make your swap a extended partition10:56
okfinepvd2006, when i try to create a new partition it doesnt give me the option of making it an extended partition before telling me i cant make it10:57
facefacefacewhy do I get WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!10:57
zimhi all just installed dapper very dapper but no sound on my sony vaio tr1mp any ideas10:57
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crimsunzim: tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat10:57
klikeuris anobody speak french please??10:58
eugmanDoes anyone know of a screenshot walthrough or review of the graphical installer? I'd like to take a look at it.10:58
facefacefacemais no10:58
=== AlinuxOS [n=AlinuxOS@d81-211-217-31.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
klikeurje suis un newbie sur linux tu peux m'aider10:58
Fear_is_the_minda faire quoi ?10:58
redrumzest rightclick -> properties on that file you can get an open with tab10:58
okfinepvd2006, should i maybe make my main ubuntu partition extended so it can contain swap?10:59
zimsorry all just a 2 line paste10:59
okfineor is that a no no10:59
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klikeurben je viens d'installer une application (linphone common) avec apt-get mais je ne sais pas ou il se trouve dans le systeme de fichier10:59
zim0: Analog Devices AD1981B10:59
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Fear_is_the_mindtu veux lancer ton application ?10:59
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:00
bastiI just installed the first sata disk on my sata onboard controller, how come I cant see the disk in Disks manager?11:00
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TimothyPhow do I change the CPU usage of an app in the coimmand line with nice if it's already running11:00
zimcrimsun did you get that11:00
Fear_is_the_mindklikeur, tu ouvres une console, tu tapes "linphone"11:00
crimsunzim: yes11:00
crimsunzim: please pastebin ``lspci -nv && amixer''11:01
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klikeura me dit :command not found11:01
zimwhat is the pastebin link again11:01
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Ng!tell zim about pastebin11:02
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SelaiahDoes anyone know how to get the Ralink RT2500 on Dapper to connect to a WPA2 (static IP's) encrypted network?11:02
ubotusomebody said gcc was the GNU project C and C++ compiler.  From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc.  You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'11:02
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okfineanybody know why ubuntu install isnt letting me create an extended partition when i have 4 primaries?11:03
zimng did not work11:03
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okfinei need a swap partition but it wont let me create any more partitions cause it says i have 4 primaries11:03
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bolshokfine: Creating an extended partition needs at least one primary free11:03
paqlwhat command I need for install a *.bin ???11:03
zimhow do i get to pastbin11:03
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apokryphoszim: /msg ubotu pastebin11:04
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bolshokfine: An extended partition is an entry in the partiton table that points at another partition table later on the disk - it's a hack to have more than 4 partitions in a partition table that only has 48 bytes11:04
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okfinebolsh--since i have three partitions already and dont want to mess with them is there any way to install ubuntu on my machine?11:05
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okfinedamn dell and their mystery partitions11:05
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bolshokfine: Yeah -11:05
ablysspaql: chmod +x <file>.bin , then ./file.bin11:05
okfinei mean with dual boot11:05
okfinesorry should have specified11:05
=== pizux [n=sebux@vel78-2-82-243-104-169.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
bolshokfine: Install an extended partition in the 4th (free) slot11:06
paqlablyss, sudo sh ????11:06
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bolshThen add a hda5 for / and a hda6 for swap11:06
ablysspaql, sudo if necessary11:06
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stalefriesI've completely broken my Ubuntu installation, and I plan on doing a complete reinstall. Besides my home directory's contents, what should I back up?11:06
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ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439911:06
okfinebolsh, and thatll work?  ive been reading that root should be a primary but you're the boss11:06
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] GoldenDragonwhere do I download Ubuntu Live CD?11:06
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ubotub08y: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:06
zestredrum: Komm nicht wirklich weiter. Er will immer TOTEM ffnen ...11:07
bolshstalefries: Unless you've done customising of packages (in which case you'll need to save config files) that should do it11:07
] GoldenDragon!live11:07
] GoldenDragonO_o11:07
=== roc [n=centraln@dsl-jklgw4-fe9bf800-133.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
jansenforalgum brasileiro11:07
stalefriesbolsh: thanks11:07
zimcrimsun http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1514111:07
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.11:07
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories11:07
zimty all pastbin11:07
cute_bettongwhat happend to the link11:07
ubotuI heard vlc is a video/audio player that supports almost everything - See http://www.videolan.org/ for more information (VLC is in the universe repository)11:07
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:07
cute_bettongthere used to be a link O_o11:07
=== mardi [n=cheeseca@c-68-43-69-43.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rochas anyone else had the 'Could not initialize Audio' problem with mplayer?11:07
zestredrum, Komm nicht wirklich weiter. Er will immer TOTEM ffnen ...11:07
quirkywell, 2 freezes in 5 minutes there. Dapper sucks :(11:07
okfinecan the / partition be in an extended partition? id like verification before i go ahead with this11:08
pizuxhello is there a command line to known all my device?11:08
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sean__I got this -> http://eepybird.com/dcm1.html <- from a friend -- it will not play -- how might I get it to play?11:08
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crimsunpizux: yes11:08
bolshokfine: I'm not the boss11:08
mardihello, when i try to use skype, i send find, but the incoming sound gets distorted and choppy, any ideas?11:08
cute_bettonganyone know what happend to the dapper/breezy page that showed you how to get all the codecs?11:08
ablysspizux: df11:08
bolshokfine: But it should work11:08
void^ubotu: tell zest about de11:08
mwecute_bettong: it says to read !easysource which provides the link11:08
okfinebolsh, im going to go ahead and trust you since its all ive got lol11:08
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okfinehave you done this yourself?11:09
zestredrum, excuse me, german is my native language, i don't really come along to open anything other then totem ...11:09
bolshsabdfl: Does the root partition need to be a primary partition?11:09
simpkinsIs there a good MSN progy for Ubuntu besides GAIM ?11:09
pizuxdf ? but there ios no my dvd and cdrom?11:09
ablysssimpkins: kopete11:09
zimcrimsun did you get my pastebin11:09
mwesimpkins: amsn11:09
Fear_is_the_mindyes, amsn11:09
rocsimpkins: why GAIM won't do?11:09
mwesimpkins: but I think gaim2 is the best11:09
rocworks perfectly fine with me...11:09
ablysspizux: you have to sudo mount /dev/cdrom before df will list it11:09
simpkinsroc: its only for msn and gaim is not brining up msn correctly11:09
zestredrum: excuse me, german is my native language, i don't really come along to open anything other then totem ...11:09
redrumzest try open with custom applicaton first11:09
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SurfnKidthere's amsn too? does it include all other chat protocols?11:09
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crimsunzim: yes, please wait a second, I'm busy11:10
rocsimpkins: well that's weird... atleast I can communicate correctly trough gaim - msn connections11:10
cute_bettongmwe i don't want the source o matic don't need it i just would like the page that you could go to to see how to install all the codecs and media stuff11:10
rocactually I'm on gaim at the moment11:10
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mwesimpkins: funny. gaim bring up msn fine here11:10
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simpkinsmwe: you using gaim or gaim211:11
zimty no prob just this channel moves so fast it is easy to miss stuff11:11
meherenwhere do i get the network install cd for download?11:11
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rhicanto install a new kernel, what else do i have to do, except apt-getting? any tutorials?11:11
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nikianyone know of a command line app to convert mp3 to wav?11:11
rocsimpkins: atleast I'm using gaim 1.511:11
mwesimpkins: gaim2 but it worked in 1.5 as well11:11
pizuxam looking for a good plugnplay webcam on dapper can i have an advice please?11:11
rocsimpkins: since I had some serous problems with 2 when I tried it the last time11:11
zestredrum: ok tried rythmbox. but how to set the default option ?11:11
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)11:11
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html11:11
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rocnews flash...11:12
simpkinsroc: well i logged in and it brings up a blank buddy list and i cant message people11:12
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nikianyone know of a command line app to convert mp3 to wav?11:12
redrumzest try right clicking select properties on an mp3 or movie file11:12
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mwecute_bettong: so what link would you like it to provide?11:12
rocsimpkins: hmm can't you add yer buddies back?11:12
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msidcan you tell me programs i can use to watch tv ?11:12
nootropeniki: it'll sound like crap11:12
ablysstvtime, msid11:12
simpkinsroc: shouldent it bring up all my buddys11:12
redrumzest there should be a open with tab in the properties dialog box11:12
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msidablyss: other ?11:13
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cute_bettongmwe took some looking in the bots mem but this is what i would suggest... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:13
nikinootrope, i only need it to convert a small event sound11:13
rocsimpkins: yeah it should, but maybe you didn't put the right account in...11:13
=== SunTzuTech [n=bent@ip68-100-120-63.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cute_bettongmwe that works without fail11:13
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disinterested_pewhen i try to install easy ubuntu it says fix broken packages how do i accomplish that?11:13
meherenis there a way to do a network install? in other words only use the cd to boot and the network to do everything else?11:13
simpkinsroc: lol ill try one more time11:13
kubuntu_anyone know of a music ripper that can rip a whole cd to single file?11:13
BockBilboanyone here has tried CMapTools on ubuntu?11:13
mwecute_bettong: that's !restricted11:13
redrumzest click the button next to the app you want11:13
redrumzest then try double clicking11:13
cute_bettongmwe oh ok i diden't know11:13
rocsimpkins: do so ;)... ya know the screen name has to be your mail, incase you didn't know11:13
KuLoverHas anyone been able to get the text install to detect thier RAID arrays?11:13
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nootropeniki: lemme check a few things11:13
gratefulfroghey, anyone know how to get videos to view in firefox (amd64 or 32bit dchroot)?11:13
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ablyssmsid, xawtv11:13
mwecute_bettong: we can make it refer to !restricted as well11:13
nikinootrope, ok thx :)11:13
cachedI just installed Dapper and now when I boot to the upmost thing in Grub the internet connection doesnt work, and in the others printing doesnt work. what should i do if i need both?11:14
zestredrum: double click ... opening application11:14
redrumgratefulfrog what format of video?11:14
rocgratefulfrog: I remember there being a mplayer extension the firefox... but no idea where it was11:14
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ablyssmsid, sudo apt-cache search tv11:14
mardihello, when i try to use skype, i send find, but the incoming sound gets distorted and choppy, any ideas?11:14
simpkinsroc: its letting me sign on and everything but just no buddy list11:14
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cute_bettongmwe that might make it easyer for some people looking for the restricted codecs.....sorry for the fuss it's really just a misunderstanding ^_^11:14
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KuLoverAnyone been able to get the text install to detect thier RAID arrays?11:14
rocsimpkins: well my head is empty... :( sorry11:14
cachedI just installed Dapper and now when I boot to the upmost thing in Grub the internet connection doesnt work, and in the others printing doesnt work. what should i do if i need both?11:14
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redrumzest did you select rythmbox in properties - open with?11:15
=== agra_ [n=douglas@pD9548A7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Oceansbluemsg mardi My does the same on dapper.11:15
zestredrum: right click ... opening application totem...11:15
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fedgehello all11:15
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nikiwhat's a good quick gui text editor?  preferably something a lot quicker than gedit?11:15
rocsimpkins: btw did you choose the correct protocol?11:15
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SurfnKidgonna save battery bbl guys11:15
SelaiahDoes anyone know how to get the Ralink RT2500 on Dapper to connect to a WPA2 (static IP's) encrypted network?11:15
amphiokfine: don't shout - yes / can be in a 'logical' partition11:15
cachedniki: kedit?11:15
ablyssniki mousepad11:15
rocsimpkins: ya know it has to be MSN11:15
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nootropeniki: http://www.mp3-converter.com/linux/index.htm11:15
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mwecute_bettong: like this:11:15
cachedniki: better: emacs!11:15
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories. Also refer to !restricted11:15
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zimniki vim11:15
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simpkinsroc: yes :P11:15
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cachedvim != gui11:15
nikizim, a gui one  :)11:15
nikibut thanks11:15
nikii know emacs11:15
mardiOceansblue, it was fine yesterday, but i put in alsa-oss for something else, and now skype is messed up, i took out alsa-oss but skype is still sounding bad11:15
rocsimpkins: okay... empty again...11:15
nikibut i need a gui one =11:16
amphicached: gvim ;)11:16
ablyssniki mousepad is by far the fastest text editor with GUI11:16
cute_bettongmwe lol sure ^_^11:16
nikithx nootrope, checkin that out now11:16
fedgei'd like to DL dapper, what utils are in the Server CD that aren't in the desktop CD?11:16
Dandrehello all,11:16
cachedI just installed Dapper and now when I boot to the upmost thing in Grub the internet connection doesnt work, and in the others printing doesnt work. what should i do if i need both?11:16
nikiablyss, thanks, i'll definately check it out then :)11:16
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gratefulfrogredrum: any video from google's video site, the screen just stays black11:16
Dandreis there any doc on how to install sun jdk 1.4.2 ?11:16
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ugwhat can i do to make my mouse not be a square block?11:16
cacheddandre: ubuntuguide.com11:16
redrumgratefulfrog ok you need java11:16
mweDandre: you can't use .5?11:16
redrumand flash11:16
ggilbert_Is there any difference between the results you get by installing from the livecd or installing from the install cd?11:17
cacheddandre: whoops, ignore that11:17
Fear_is_the_mindget the .deb file, Dandre11:17
mweDandre: um 1.511:17
amphiug: in console?11:17
crimsunzim: amixer set 'Headphone Jack Sense' on11:17
gavin_hey guys, got an interesting setup here. i had to use ubuntu server to install on an older dell laptop, because it lacked the memory for ubuntu desktop cd... how do i invoke from the command line setting up the NIC (PCMCIA card) to get dhcp?11:17
zestredrum: found. Thanks / i didnt look under options for this file. Only opened the application ....11:17
zimcrimsun ty11:17
redrumgratefulfrog try using GNASH its a free flash player alternative that will work in 64 bit apparently11:17
cachedcan someone please answer my question? its urgent11:17
cachedI just installed Dapper and now when I boot to the upmost thing in Grub the internet connection doesnt work, and in the others printing doesnt work. what should i do if i need both?11:17
hmpedersenIt seems I'm not going to get dapper running here11:17
amphigavin_: edit /etc/network/interfaces11:17
zestredrum, found. Thanks / i didnt look under options for this file. Only opened the application ....11:17
ugno, in the desktop environment amphi11:17
sean__I can't play a .mov file (see http://eepybird.com/dcm1.html) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15143 (output from kmplayer)11:17
redrumzest thats ok11:17
zimcrimsun where how11:17
ggilbert_redrum: Have you tried gnash lately?11:17
fedgecan anyone explain the difference between the Server CD and the Desktop Cd?11:17
redrumno i use chroot11:18
gavin_amphi: what do i need to do in that file? it lists auto lo and iface lo inet loopback underneath the commented section11:18
zestBye, go playing some music ....11:18
ggilbert_ah. it didn't do audio when  I looked last. Was hoping that had changed11:18
mwefedge: server provides a different set of packages11:18
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nootropeniki: see here too: http://www.patoche.org/LTT/sound/00000122.html11:18
fedgemwe: like apache, php, etc?11:18
crimsunzim: open a Terminal and paste that command that I gave you11:18
nikinootrope, thats what i'm doin now lol11:18
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nikinootrope, looks like thats the answer :)11:18
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ugamphi, I have no mouse themese installed will that affect it?11:19
redrumgratefulfrog https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava is one alternative11:19
mwefedge: I'm not into the details, but for one thing X is not installed by default I think11:19
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cachedI just installed Dapper and now when I boot to the upmost thing in Grub the internet connection doesnt work, and in the others printing doesnt work. what should i do if i need both?11:19
amphigavin_: man 5 interfaces has the info - is your interface eth0 ?11:19
mwefedge: it used to not install sshd by default so I think it's a little odd11:20
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fedgemwe: i'm a die-hard fedora fan who wants to give ubuntu a try, so you recommend the desktop cd?11:20
GoClickHas anyone configured PostgreSQL for remote access on Ubuntu? I can't get it to listen on all IP addresses it persists in only accepting connections on
zimcrimsun still no sound11:20
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mwefedge: it depends on what you are going to do with it :)11:20
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ompaulfedge, as long as you are willing to know that it is a lot slower11:20
ubotulist is probably you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage11:20
gavin_amphi: i'm not sure, i assume it would be eth0 since its the only NIC in the laptop, but it is a removable PCMCIA card... i skipped network config in the install because i didn't have it plugged into my network11:20
crimsunzim: amixer set 'External Amplifier' off11:20
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cachedwell you all are a big help :(11:21
mwefedge: if it's a server, the server cd. if it's a desktop, the desktop one11:21
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meherenI want to do a fresh install but i don't want to download the huge 698 somehting .iso file is there some file that i can download that is very small that is just used to boot up the computer?11:21
fedgemwe: well, it's a little of both.  i suppose i could always install the server packages i need later11:21
meheren698 megabytes11:21
ompaulfedge, that but if you install come back rather than researching answers we have lots of things like this11:21
OceansblueMy python idle is broken under dapper11:21
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.11:21
Dandremwe, Fear_is_the_mind , the project leader wants me  to use sun jdk 1.4.211:21
cute_bettonghmm the restricted codecs must be down....i cannot get the w32codecs via wget :(11:21
amphigavin_: plug it in and do 'sudo ifconfig -a', you should see it there - I expect it's eth0, but no harm to make sure11:21
lillpelleHi, I don't want apache to write "HTTP Response Header Location", anyone know howto do this?11:21
mwefedge: of course11:21
gavin_amphi: is there a command to invoke auto network config?11:22
mwefedge: the repos are the same11:22
ubotudarklobin: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:22
TTilusGoClick: are you sure it is about connections not being accepted _to_ certain addresses?  check if it is configured to accept connections _from_ elsewhere than localhost11:22
msikmaOh man11:22
Fear_is_the_mindi have the 1.4.111:22
mwefedge: only the initial install is different11:22
Fear_is_the_mindconverted from the rpm11:22
msikmaWhy doesn't the stupid upgrade program have a "retry" button11:22
fedgemwe: ok, cool11:22
amphigavin_: once you set it up, it'll be automatic11:22
msikmaEvery tiny little error will make it do a complete abort.11:22
gavin_amphi: yes it shows eth0 from that output11:22
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ggilbert_fedge: The upside to the desktop cd is that you end up with something to play with while you do the install :p11:22
msikmaI've tried to upgrade to Dapper five times now.11:22
SystemBomberis anyone able to help with wpasupplicant in dapper please, i need to know how to set it up. TIA11:22
Ron_onot to get too complicated here, but why isn't there a #ubuntu-pastebin here?11:22
squiddyI just downloaded ubuntu 6.06 final and was trying to install it, selected both the normal installation and the safe graphics one, but after having loeded the progressbar completely, my tft tells me that there is no signal..11:22
squiddyideas? (linux newbie)11:22
ubotu- To put MS-Windows back on a disk that previously had Linux, boot from the Windows disk, go into the recovery console, and type fixmbr.  Another alternative is to type fdisk/mbr11:22
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faroushow to check if the ISP is blocking my connection to some streaming media?11:22
amphigavin_: you want the interface to come up at boot time?11:23
TTilusGoClick: there could also be command line option hidden in init.d script which disables networking11:23
meherenI want to do a fresh install but i don't want to download the huge 698 meg or somehting .iso file is there some file that i can download that is very small that is just used to boot up the computer?11:23
fedgemwe: well, i'm looking forward to trying dapper out11:23
Bizzehhey, i installed gcc 3.4, how do i force make to use it, instead of gcc4?11:23
mwemsikma: maybe it's time for a different approach11:23
Fear_is_the_mindho wait wait Dandre11:23
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DandreFear_is_the_mind, and is there any incompatibility with jre1.5 tat I already have on my system?11:23
gavin_amphi: well, at this point, i just want the interface up right now so i can download ubuntu-desktop LOL11:23
msikmaIs there a sort of mistake-proof method of upgrading to Dapper without using that upgrade tool?11:23
mwefedge: yeah11:23
Fear_is_the_mindI have the java 1.4.211:23
msikmaShort of using a new CD.11:23
Ron_ofarous, through another internet connection or maybe ask someone else if they can receive data...11:23
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ggilbert_SystemBomber: Just a thought, but installing network-manager might make your life a lot more pleasant :p11:23
mwemsikma: yes11:23
meherenI want to do a fresh install but i don't want to download the huge 698 somehting .iso file is there some file that i can download that is very small that is just used to boot up the computer?11:23
zimcrimsun that worked11:23
farousRon_o: so no way i can do from this pc now. Thanx11:24
Keigo-kunGuys, I'm going to try Ubuntu for the first time today, making a dual boot system with windows XP. 1 partition with XP, 1 with Ubuntu and 1 shared.11:24
zimwill it sat11:24
crimsunzim: yes11:24
Keigo-kunHow big should the ubuntu partition be?11:24
Ron_ofarous, I didn't say that. :)11:24
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msikmamwe: some neat terminal command?11:24
Ron_oI know you were getting to it.11:24
Keigo-kunOr rather, the free space which will become the ubuntu installation11:24
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zimwill it be there after a reeboot11:24
squiddyI just downloaded ubuntu 6.06 final and was trying to install it, selected both the normal installation and the safe graphics one, but after having loeded the progressbar completely, my tft tells me that there is no signal..11:24
squiddyideas? (linux newbie)11:24
Ron_oyou didn't say *how*. :)11:24
gavin_keigo: 10 gigs should be plenty11:24
crimsunzim: yes11:24
mwemsikma: sudo sed -i 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is pretty fool safe11:24
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msikmaI'll try that, thanks11:24
meherenI want to do a fresh install but i don't want to download the huge 698 somehting .iso file is there some file that i can download that is very small that is just used to boot up the computer?11:24
Anakselhi all, anyone knows if ITE8211 bridge is working on 6.06?11:24
farousRon_o: lol ok how  :)11:24
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Keigo-kungavin: thanks :)11:24
Ron_omeheren, yes..11:24
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Ron_othere look up netboot..11:24
docta_vi have a strange problem... after upgrade to dapper my ati bigdesktop doesn't work... at the kdm/gdm login screen it works fine but as soon as gnome or kde starts only one screen is usuable. it's like kde/gnome is somehow altering my x config after x has already started...very strange11:24
Ron_oit's in the wiki.11:24
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Ron_o30 MB I believe.11:24
BHSPitMonkeyKeigo-kun: it will force you to give the minimum amount possible... anything else, just think about how many programs/files you'll have there11:24
BlackocellarisAnyone who wouldnt mind helping me set up my wireless Broadcom card?  I had it working before but now I'm getting this error using (sudo modprobe ndiswrapper -  <<<< Fatal: error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted >>>).  This is after a failed dapper installation, I decided to just keep breezy11:24
amphigavin_: edit /etc/network/interfaces; append 'eth0' (without quotes) to the line 'auto lo', and add a new line at the end of the file, 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' (without quotes), save the file, and do 'sudo ifup eth0', and you should be set11:25
Ron_obut eventually you have to d/l the files..11:25
=== skybox [n=Skynet@c83-251-101-202.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
meherenRon_o, where is it?11:25
Ron_oor you can order a CD.11:25
Ron_ocheck out the wiki.11:25
Fear_is_the_mindDandre, here it is, sun-jre, 1.4.2 version11:25
Ron_olookup netboot.11:25
mitrovarrI have some general questions about the new version (6.06)11:25
meherenRon-O, so search wiki for netboot ok thx11:25
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skyboxhi! can editing fstab and vice versa make your dvd reader worse? right now it's reading retail dvds very badly, they skip a lot and cpu is almost up to 100%11:25
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SystemBomberi kinda removed the netwrok-manager-gnome icon from the top bit11:25
farous!tell meheren about netboot11:25
mitrovarrhave many of you tried it?  Does the upgrade script work well?  Does it break anything important?11:25
squiddyI just downloaded ubuntu 6.06 final 64Bit and was trying to install it, selected both the normal installation and the safe graphics one, but after having loeded the progressbar completely, my tft tells me that there is no signal..11:26
squiddyideas? (linux newbie)11:26
mbmccormickhow do i setup a terminal server, similar to the way windows xp professional and media center has? where a completely new remote session is created, while the local user's session is not affected?11:26
farousmitrovarr: so far nothing broken lol11:26
ggilbert_SystemBomber: I believe the binary name is nm-applet11:26
meherenim not getting anything11:26
mweskybox: fstab wont affect that11:26
Bizzehis there a export something=whatever, to allow me to use gcc3.4 instead of gcc411:26
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meheren!tell meheren about netboot11:26
mitrovarrI'm a little nervous ever since I completely hosed a good mandrake system with an upgrade.11:26
farousmeheren: check your pm11:26
SystemBomberggilbert_, ive already tried running it :P it just dont show up in taskbar atm lol11:26
Fear_is_the_mindpeople, shoud i replace configuration file /etc/gdm/gdm.conf  when upgrading to drapper ?11:26
skyboxmwe, I see , so it's my dvd then?11:26
SystemBomberhold on lemme reboot :P11:26
DandreFear_is_the_mind, where?11:26
user__czy jest ktos z PL ?11:26
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joh1hi, i'm running the live cd now and about to install, but i'm a little concerned about accidentally killing my windows partition11:26
gavin_amphi: looks to be working now. thanks for the help! :)11:26
meherenah here we go just abit slow...11:26
AnakselI'm trying to install 6.06, but my target HD isn't listed in the installation... anyone can help?11:26
amphi!tell user about pl11:27
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mweskybox: or something else. definately not fstab11:27
Fear_is_the_mindcheck your incomings11:27
=== BHSPitMonkey thinks this channel needs to be broken up into smaller, topical channels :P
ggilbert_SystemBomber: ah. Thant's funky11:27
Ron_omitrovarr, try partimage for a backup then. It's free and easy.11:27
mindmedichow do i change the default umask gnome applications use?11:27
mweskybox: is the 64bit version or 32bit?11:27
hmpedersenI would lie if I said I liked this sound..11:27
ubotunetboot is, like, totally, a method of installing Ubuntu over a network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot11:27
amphigavin_: cool - in future, sudo ifup eth0 will bring up the interface, if it doesn't come up automatically when you insert the card11:27
Ron_oFear_is_the_mind, I heard you should upgrade when in doubt.11:27
BHSPitMonkeyjoh1: it's a good idea to do a Defragment in Windows first, to be safe.11:27
squiddyI just downloaded ubuntu 6.06 final and was trying to install it, selected both the normal installation and the safe graphics one, but after having loeded the progressbar completely, my tft tells me that there is no video-signal and though i cant install it. Could anyone please help me? (linux newbie)11:27
Ron_osomeone just told me that and I had no problems except I have to reconfigure my desktops.11:28
BHSPitMonkey(before shrinking a windows partition)11:28
hmpedersenKinda sounds like my hdd is trying to make itself explode..11:28
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mbmccormickhow do i setup a terminal server, similar to the way windows xp professional and media center has? where a completely new remote session is created, while the local user's session is not affected?11:28
mwesquiddle: that's odd11:28
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gavin_amphi: good to know, thanks again11:28
mwesquiddle: I'd recommend the text install in that case11:28
canllaithHiya, I'm using ubuntu dapper and my gnome is complaining that it doesn't recognise SVG icons. Does anyone know what package I might be missing?11:28
squiddymwe: how can i start the text install?11:29
gavin_mbmccormick look up FreeNX... i've been using that and it rocks so far11:29
amphigavin_: if you are likely to boot without the card, you might want to remove 'eth0' from the line 'auto lo eth0' if the absence of the card causes an excessively long timeout at boot time11:29
joh1on the "prepare mount points" screen, if i leave my windows partition "mount point" as blank, it'll leave it alone right?11:29
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-136-113.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
NRVI just installed ubuntu for the first time,,, need help11:29
zukalkMehAdult: thank you, everything's up and runnin' thanks to the thread you pointed me to11:29
gavin_amphi: well, the card will probably remain in, but it might not always be plugged into anything.11:29
ubotuvnc is, like, totally, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session)11:29
simpwhile trying to change the permissions of a folder/file/partition i get an error saying that i don't have access to these settings. it is FAT32 partition and i'm logged in as the "admin" user(the one that is created while the installtion)11:29
mbmccormickthanks gavin11:29
Fear_is_the_mindnothing is coming in Dandre ?11:29
mwesquiddle: I think that's another cd. I must admit I upgrade from breezy so I'm not into the details11:29
amphigavin_: maybe remove eth0 from auto lo eth0, or see how it goes11:29
Ron_osimp, you must use SUDO.11:29
ubotuwell, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.11:29
nbx909simp, use sudo infront of the commands to be a root users11:30
squiddlemwe  stop it, im not squiddy :)11:30
sergiolin what package i can found the manpage 1 of ulimit?11:30
NRVin the install it never ask for username,,, what is the defaut11:30
mitrovarrthanks guys, laters11:30
mwesquiddle: heh. sorry :)11:30
simpyes but i'm not doing it in terminal nbx909 / Ron_o11:30
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gavin_amphi: can i set a max wait on eth0 coming up to prevent extremely long wait times at boot?11:30
DandreFear_is_the_mind, I don't see11:30
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Anakselplease, anyone can help me with 6.06 not recognising the HD on a ITE8211 bridge?11:30
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gavin_amphi: or does it even take that long to give up on time out?11:30
squiddyok I'll search the correct version -.- 700mb again11:30
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Ron_oNRV, it had to ask for username.11:30
nbx909simp, when you run the program do sudo program name in the terminal11:30
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Ron_otry nothing and see what happens.11:30
amphigavin_: dunno11:30
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Ron_ohit return.11:30
mwesquiddy: hmm11:30
sergiolapt-cache search ulimit11:30
sergiolhas returned nothing11:30
Fear_is_the_mindwait a moment Dandre, i put it on the internet11:30
DandreFear_is_the_mind, do you have a link?11:30
gavin_amphi: well i'll see how it goes.11:31
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Fear_is_the_mindi'm uploading it11:31
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mwesquiddy: can't you boot it without framebuffer or something like the old one?11:31
NRVnothing retur to be error11:31
SystemBomberLol...nm-applet is gone11:31
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SystemBombernothing in my icon area :P11:31
mwesquiddle: can't you go to a menu to select boot options?11:31
amphisergiol: man bash perhaps11:31
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squiddywell i do not know what the hell a framebuffer is11:31
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mwesquiddle: again :|11:31
SelaiahDoes anyone know how to get the Ralink RT2500 on Dapper to connect to a WPA2 (static IP's) encrypted network?11:31
Ron_oNRV, I don't know.11:32
squiddybut i can tell you that ubuntu 5.10 is working11:32
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mwesquiddy: yes11:32
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Fear_is_the_mindit will be ready in 10 minutes, Dandre11:32
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mwesquiddy: so 5.10 is already istalled?11:32
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joh1how do i install ubuntu without hosing my windows partition?11:32
squiddyyes it is11:32
mwesquiddy: just upgrade without the cd then11:33
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SystemBomberoo found it11:33
mwesquiddy: you don't need to reinstall11:33
Admirali have a way i can install packages withou the CD11:33
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amphijoh1: backup the windows partition, if you want absolute security ;)11:33
finleyi'm working on systemimager (trunk) support for dapper; i've just imaged a system, but upon reboot, /var/run was not mounted11:33
Admirali'm trying to install NFS but it's asking me for the breezy CD11:33
finleyand, running /etc/init.d/mtab start does not mount it11:33
andrisphello all, what to do if i can't run Package Manager (Add Application) anymore ?11:33
squiddyok thank you11:34
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msikmaI can't properly update to Dapper because my repositories are failing.11:34
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msikmaSome of the Dutch mirrors can't be statted.11:34
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mwefinley: is it proberly defined in /etc/fstab?11:34
joh1amphi, i'm pretty confident, but what i mean is, what do i select from the partition screen to leave it alone11:34
mwefinley: not set to noauto11:34
finleymwe: unfortunately, no.11:34
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joh1do i unmount or deactivate it perhaps?11:35
finleymwe: it appears to get mounted when /etc/init.d/mtab is run11:35
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mwefinley: what does fstab look like? can you put it on paste.ubuntu-nl.org?11:35
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finleysure.  one sec.11:36
crazy_penguingood night to all. sleep well! :)11:36
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silluhello again... (sillu=simp)my computer crashed... nbx909 what did you say again? i just saw the red flash and then it crashed...11:37
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nbx909sillu, wa?11:38
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sillunbx909: i'm simp... i can't change the partitions11:38
=== MetaMorfoziS rebootol
mwefinley: is it raid or lvm or what?11:38
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Fear_is_the_mindobviously i've upgraded11:38
nbx909sillu, use sudo infront of the command to start the program11:38
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gratefulfrog /msg NickServ IDENTIFY wig77711:39
SelaiahDoes anyone know how to get the Ralink RT2500 on Dapper to connect to a WPA2 (static IP's) encrypted network?11:39
farousgratefulfrog: we all read that ;)11:39
r4zzcould someone have a look at my fstab as well please? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15149 just want to make sure I set the other partitions properly11:39
finleymwe: yes11:39
gavin_speaking of partitions: what is the deal with LVM? two different ubuntu installs i've done where i was completely unable to make any changes to the LVM stuff without hosing the entire installation (infinite loop in the partitioner, requires restart of installer) - simply by trying to resize the swap and / LVM partitions11:39
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finleymwe: raid on top of lvm11:39
dust_hi! i have a gdesklet that i want to remove but it says that i need root. can i get root control for the desktop?11:39
finleymwe: sorry, backwards -- lvm on top of raid11:40
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goo-manI just created a new Ubuntu user, deleted my "first" user ("test") and now of course can't sudo to fix my mistake nor run "Users and Groups" panel. D'oh! Ideas?11:40
ablyssdust_:  did you install the desklet as root?11:40
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chapiumgoo-man: you have to put the new user into the sudo group11:40
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chapiumor admin11:40
ubotuI heard xmms is to get xmms to work in Ubuntu Hoary and Breezy, set the output plugin to eSound (right-click on the XMMS window, then choose Options -> Preferences)11:40
jdmpikewhat are the best open source web desin tools?11:40
distanceisdeathhow do i install banshee?11:40
jdmpikeis there anything better than Nvu?11:41
goo-manyeah, but too late. I can't sudo to do that.11:41
slabbywhat is the name of the audio program?11:41
JoeMauchdoes XGL not like my x1600xt? I updated the video card drivers and x starts but GDM doesnt.11:41
nbx909distanceisdeath, sudo apt-get install banshee11:41
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Peggeranyone run ubuntu of sparc?11:41
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finleyPegger: not yet, but i plan on giving it a try soon11:41
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goo-manbecause the user "test" that could have done a 'sudo' no longer exists.11:41
hmpedersenCan there be any doubt by now, you should always be careful with your password?11:41
finleyPegger: currently have it on amd64, x86, and powerpc11:41
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dust_ablyss: i don't believe so. i just placed it on the desktop from the gdesklet shell.11:42
goo-manguess I'll boot from CD and try to fix11:42
Peggerfinley, which ype of machien do you plan on running it on11:42
mwefinley: ok. I'm no expert on that, but from what I see /var should be mounted automatically. I don't know why it isn't11:42
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hmpedersenGotta reboot11:42
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finleyPegger: sparc-wise, i don't know yet11:42
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finleydepends on what we have available11:43
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mwer4zz: provided you supplied the correct partitions your fstab looks fine to me11:43
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Peggerfinley what about the new cool threads,  I realy want to get some of those to try it out on11:43
sean__is dsa or rsa for SSH better?11:43
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finleymwe: thanks for having a look.  /var/ is mounted fine, it's /var/run on the varrun device that i need help with.11:43
nf4hello dose any one use electric sheep on 6.06?11:44
finleyPegger: heh.  yup.11:44
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mwefinley: oh11:44
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finleyPegger: sun amd64 is what we've been deploying for both linux and solaris lately (mostly linux), and we've been very pleased.11:44
mwefinley: but that's not mentioned in your fstab11:44
distanceisdeathhow do i install java?11:44
Marineboyhey, i done a sudo for opensshd11:44
Marineboyits not letting me ssh in though?11:45
mwefinley: maybe you should add it11:45
Marineboyany pointers?11:45
ablyssdust_: you can remove the .gdesklets config directory and start over? e.g., sudo rm -fr .gdesklets11:45
ablyssdust_: or better yet just remove that particular sensor11:45
finleymwe: exactly.  it is mounted by the /etc/init.d/mtab script, but it's not clear to me how it's failing to mount at this point11:45
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spikebwhat the heck does gnate mean?11:46
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mwefinley: I don't understand why it shouldn't be mounted in fstab11:46
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dust_okay, but is there away to use root on the desktop?11:46
Fear_is_the_mindDandre, i've given you the url in private11:46
finleymwe: domtab tmpfs /var/run "varrun"11:46
finleymwe:  that's the line in /etc/init.d/mtab that attempts to mount it11:46
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Bizzehwhy doesnt bison install yyparse11:46
ubotumethinks mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f11:46
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nf4what is the name of the otd ubuntu room or hardware11:46
ubotu[windowsdrives]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions or see http://tinyurl.com/bly9f11:46
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brokenthornI'm searching for an OpenSource application simillar to Google's Picasa (now for linux but uses wine code :/)11:47
spikebf-spot might do what you want11:47
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finleyf-spot rocks11:47
brokenthornf-spot - nice name :p11:47
Bot_Builderyeah, f-spot is what you want11:48
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ggilbert_take a gander at f-spot or digikam11:48
mwefinley: domtab() says mount if not already mounted. I'd try adding it to fstab11:48
Bot_Builderthere's a gspot too, dunno what it does, saw it in the repo11:48
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ubotuMarineboy: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:48
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ubotussh is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdvancedOpenSSH11:48
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squiddymwe: maybe i am stupid but i am unable to update ubuntu 51011:48
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mwesquiddy: how are you trying?11:49
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squiddywell i am trying to start the management for the update. my translations are bad, using a german ubuntu version11:49
squiddywhen clicking on preferences, the manager tells me that there is a new version11:50
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DandreFear_is_the_mind, I don't see PM, I am using xchat but I don't really know how to use it11:50
mwesquiddy: oh. I'd do it from the command line then11:50
squiddyin the preferences menu, there is no 6.06 version chooseble11:50
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mwesquiddy: I haven't tried the auto updater thing11:50
squiddyupdate from the web or from the cd11:50
brokenthornBot_Builder, hmm l'll try fspot but in the mean time any other suggestions? Anything that is meant not to be easy? :D11:50
finleymwe: i could ad it to /etc/mtab if it were a single machine i was trying to hack into shape11:50
squiddyi have the terminal open. plz tell me how to update11:51
finleymwe: however,11:51
Fear_is_the_mindi use xchat too11:51
mwesquiddle: from the web11:51
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squiddysquiddle or squiddy?11:51
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finleymwe: in this case, i'm making modifications to enterprise deployment software that needs to replicate machines _as they are_.11:51
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mwefinley: dont mess with mtab!11:51
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mwefinley: put it into fstab11:51
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finleymwe: i can't assume that others will be happy with me deciding to re-configure this aspect of their systems11:52
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mwefinley: no11:52
Fear_is_the_mindDandre ? is it ok ? here=> http://blackbanana.free.fr/Dean/sun-j2re1.4_1.4.2+11_i386.deb11:52
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finleymwe: putting it in /etc/fstab is the easy way out, but is fixing the symptom, not the problem.11:52
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mwefinley: that's true11:52
mwefinley: I guess /etc/init.d/mtab should be fixed. or your setup11:53
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sergiolubuntu buy default reads /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc?11:53
squidmwe: so how can i update my system via commandline. and should i update from the web or from the cd?11:53
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DandreFear_is_the_mind,  ok fine11:53
finleymwe: i want to fix systemimager to handle this situation, but i need to understand the situation first.11:53
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mwefinley: yes11:54
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mwesquid: sudo sed -i 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is pretty fool safe11:54
mwesquid: try that11:54
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squidi will. thanks11:55
mwesquid: come back if it complains11:55
Dandretime to go to bed, good night11:55
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cachedwoohoo i was banned from ubuntu-offtopipc11:55
cachedwoohoo i was banned from ubuntu-offtopic11:56
zukalkany reason why beep's not working since dapper?11:56
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nootropebeep's what?11:56
squidmwe: well.. it does not work11:56
mwesquid: what happened?11:56
amphicached: how did you sin?11:57
squidi tryed all of the 3 things in the order you wrote them11:57
Madpilotcached, keep it up and you'll be banned from here too...11:57
squid1st: nothing happens11:57
mwesquid: paste sources.list to paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:57
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mwesquid: that's a good sign11:57
mwesquid: it means it worked11:57
mtoledoDoes anyone  noticed a problem in changing the initial date of the week in gnome? I have it set do Sunday and the calendar appears initial date as Monday. Any idea?11:58
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squidmwe squid: paste sources.list to paste.ubuntu-nl.or11:58
squidhow do you mean that11:58
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valbergi need some help here11:58
squidwhat should i exactly do. i do not know what i am doing ;)11:58
valbergi've just run apt-get dist-upgrade11:58
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mwesquid: yes. first tell me what happened on sudo apt-get update11:58
rhicanis there a way to quickly "reset" an ubuntu installation? just reinstall the base system11:58
mweSeveas: do you know if using automatix is approved now? the factoid seems to have changed.11:59
sergiolto enable generation of core files ulimit -c unlimited is enough?11:59
squidmwe squid: paste sources.list to paste.ubuntu-nl.or11:59
squidoh sry11:59
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ubotuAutomatix is a utility which helps install various codecs and applications which cannot be part of the default installation, also another utility is called EasyUbuntu, please join #automatix or #easyubuntu for more information11:59
Seveas!no automatix is a piece of crap that wrecks your system. DO NOT use it11:59
ubotuSeveas: please, watch your language.11:59
valbergand now when it has fetched all the packages it comes with an error saying something like this (translated from danish): dpkg: error handling package  /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg-core_1%3a1.0.2-0ubuntu10_i386.deb (--unpack): \n tried to overwrite '/usr/bin/scanpci' which is also in the package gatos11:59
amphiSeveas: ;)11:59
Seveas!no automatix is a piece of cr*p that wrecks your system. DO NOT use it12:00
ubotuokay, Seveas12:00
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