
=== sivang is still getting the halts
sivangwhere do they come from now?!12:03
sivang\sh: right12:03
_ionYou want to drink some coffee? Use Web 2.0! Want to get married? Use Web 2.0!12:03
LaserJockwhat the heck is Web 2.0?12:04
\shLaserJock: a webmail frontend with ajax 12:04
mdkeit is a buzz word for a website which is really cool12:04
=== sivang away out&network-problems
\shtim didn't even know, that it already existed..the uber web application, which can do everything..it's the launchpad..we can fly to the moon with it, we can dive into the water with it, it speaks different languages, and it provides us with (most of the year) daily freshmeat12:07
sivanganyway, still getting the halts after all the mockery in the dhclient.conf files,12:07
sivangnight all12:07
\shsivang: server then12:08
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\shhmm RHEL 5 will only be released, if Xen is ready for production environment..12:10
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Burgwork\sh, RHEL5 right into Vista12:13
\shBurgwork: I hope RHEL5 is changing to .deb ;)12:14
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\shBurgwork: no serious, release should be in december12:15
Burgwork\sh, heh, I doubt it12:16
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\shmoins ogra12:16
\shoh reconnect..12:17
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\shnight everyone12:32
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eXistenZI would like to work on the development of multilingual support in different programs, where do I have to start off?12:43
ReMinkI've created my first package and my repository _o/ he he 12:44
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jcoledebconf: DbDriver "di_questions": could not open /var/log/debian-installer/cdebconf/questions.dat12:45
jcoleis the debconf installer questions now nuked?12:46
jcoledebconf-get-selections --installer12:46
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BurgworkeXistenZ, you want to do translations?12:48
=== Burgwork hugs Kinnison
infinityKinnison: Odd time for you to be around...12:48
=== Kinnison snogs Burgwork
Kinnisoninfinity: Yah, just prepping for bed and realised I'd not reconnected the IRC proxy for you to be able to rant overnight at me :-)12:49
infinityOoo, overnight ranting!12:49
BurgworkReMink, #ubuntu-motu can help you get that package into universe/multiverse12:49
ReMinkBurgwork: oO :D12:50
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pianoboy3333Where's a good pygtk/glade tutorial?12:57
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Kinnisoninfinity: Well, you know where to leave stuff for me01:00
=== Kinnison heads off to bedness
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infinityKinnison: 'Night.01:07
robertjhas there been any discussion about trying to simplify MBR management through the gui?01:07
eXistenZBurgwork, Translations, but also I want to contribute in adding multilingual support to some programs which don't support that option.01:07
infinityrobertj: As a general rule, the MBR shouldn't BE managed.01:08
infinityrobertj: If your system booted after you installed it (which we'll assume is a "yes", if you're now at a GUI), a pretty utility labelled "Allow me to attempt to make my system unbootable" seems like a bad idea.01:09
robertjinfinity: that it does, but on a live cd or for a non-boot drive it might make more sense01:09
BurgworkeXistenZ, for translations, try #ubuntu-translators01:11
BurgworkeXistenZ, for the latter, file a bug and then work with upstream01:11
KeybukI'm so going to win the award for the longest edgy spec01:14
BurgworkKeybuk, oh, which one?01:15
Burgworkoh, joy01:16
KeybukI decided it needed another five sections01:16
infinityKeybuk: Do you think I can write a spec called "DoMyJob" and just do that while everyone else is getting on with the whizzbang features?01:17
Keybukinfinity: I already do your job01:17
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infinityKeybuk: Mm hmm. :)01:17
Keybukall those bugs of yours I've fixed01:17
Keybukthose packages of yours I've uploaded01:17
infinityKeybuk: Thpt .:)01:17
Keybukwhy does http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NoMoreNails sound like a spec?01:19
Keybukclearly this beer is bad01:19
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eXistenZBurgwork, There is a major cups bug that hasn't yet been fixed, because of which I moved to windows temporarily until it is fixed.01:29
BurgworkeXistenZ, if you haven't filed a bug, I shame you into doing it now01:30
eXistenZBurgwork, huh, I wish I was the only one who did.01:30
eXistenZBurgwork, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/4509901:31
UbugtuMalone bug 45099 in cupsys "client 1.2.0 to 1.1.2x server over IPP: cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found" [Normal,Needs info]  01:31
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KaiL_any kernel-dev awake?02:43
crimsun-> #ubuntu-kernel02:44
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Lathiat702M    ubuntu/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-powerpc.iso03:15
Lathiatthats too large for many cds, is that known?03:15
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jsgotangcogood morning03:32
infinityLathiat: It fits on 700MB media.03:32
infinityLathiat: We gave up on 650MB media long ago.03:32
Lathiatinfinity: well someone has told me they couldnt get it to fit on a 700M cd for them03:32
Lathiatmight depend on the exact media/software i guess03:33
infinityWe certainly come in under the spec limit.03:33
Lathiathrm, interesting03:33
neuralisLathiat: an iso is an iso; it's size can't depend on media or software.03:34
Lathiatneuralis: no but whether it will allow you to burn that size iso to the media certainly can03:34
neuralisLathiat: if it doesn't, it's broken.03:35
Lathiatneuralis: im not disputing that :)03:35
infinityWhich OS, burning software, etc was being used?03:37
infinityCould just be a bug.03:37
infinityOr buggy CDR drive firmware.03:38
infinityWho knows.03:38
Lathiatnautilus-cd burner on breezy, could have been smaller media i guess03:39
Lathiati'll see03:39
Lathiatcheers infinity 03:39
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SymGeosisCould anybody point me to where the Ubuntu file system layout policy is? While it is generally fairly obvious by looking manually, I'd like the offical docs. My wiki and google searches didn't turn up much.04:55
FujitsuSymGeosis, look for the Debian one, for starters.04:57
SymGeosisYeah, that didn't turn up much either. Though, it undoubtedly exists so I somehow missed it.04:58
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infinitySymGeosis: You want the FHS, there is no Ubuntu-specific standard (a standard with one vendor following it wouldn't make much sense.04:59
SymGeosisYeah, I must be tired. I was just looking at Debian's page again. It's right at the top.05:00
=== SymGeosis smacks himself around a bit with a large stick of stupidity. =(
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jcolewhere is the dapper sparc mini.iso?05:52
jcoleie, here's the ia64 -> http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/dapper/main/installer-ia64/current/images/netboot/05:53
jcoleah, got it -> http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/dapper/main/installer-sparc/current/images/combined/2.6/05:54
infinityNote that sparc will (eventually) disappear from ubuntu-ports, since it's in the main archive now.05:56
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bddebianLASERJOCK! :-)05:58
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LaserJockbddebian:  jeeze, a little happy to see me?06:03
bddebianLaserJock: Always :-)06:03
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desrtBenC, infinity, anyone?06:30
WebMavenWell, I'm here.06:30
infinitydesrt: ?06:31
desrtinfinity; i need the opinion of a kernel hacker06:31
desrtthe problem is as follows06:31
desrtwhen my laptop comes back from sleep IRQ9 is high06:31
infinitydesrt: You may want BenC... For my own sanity, I pretend to not know anything about the kernel.06:31
infinity(but go ahead anyway)06:31
desrtbut the ACPI system doesnt think it ought to do anything about it06:31
fabbionedesrt: your HW is broken06:31
desrtso i fixed this by always having ACPI 'ack' the IRQ even if it doesn't service it06:32
desrtit's a level triggered IRQ06:32
desrtso my machine basically spends 30+% of its time servicing this IRQ06:32
desrtobviously not acceptable....06:32
desrtso next i started to check the ICH7 configuration registers for differences06:32
desrt(between powerdown and restart)06:32
desrti noticed one difference -- the SCI_EN bit06:32
desrtbefore sleep it's enabled, after sleep it's disabled06:32
desrtand reenabling it causes the flood of IRQ9 to stop06:33
desrtso basically, i want to set SCI_EN on resume from sleep....06:33
desrti want this to go into the official version of the kernel (or possibly just dapper) and i need to know how i can make the code only effect my laptop06:33
desrtso that's my story.  plz help :)06:34
infinityWell, there are machine tables that can be used to white/blacklist out behaviours on different machines.06:34
infinityIf that register is being twiddled by the driver on init but not on resume, that's probably a general ICH7 bug, not specific to your machine.06:35
infinity(Or does the driver never go near it, and your firmware is just setting up the hardware different depending on boot method?)06:35
desrtthe driver knows what SCI_EN is06:36
infinitySo, is it the driver that's twiddling that bit on a clean boot?06:37
desrtit only ever reads it, though06:37
infinityOr is the register "pre-twiddled" before Linux even loads?06:37
desrtno.  i think it's probably the bios.06:37
infinityIs this still the MacBook Pro?06:37
desrtmacbook (not pro)06:37
infinityRight, sorry.  MacBook Amateur. :)06:37
desrtmaybe it makes sense to copy the value of the PM1 register (where the SCI_EN bit lives) just before suspend and restore it on resume06:38
infinityBefore you go fixing Linux to work around firmware bugs, have you found somewhere to complain to Apple about it, in hopes that they'll fix the firmware and we will only have to work around the bug for a short while?06:38
desrtare you sure it's a firmware bug?06:39
infinityIf on boot that bit's high, and in resume, it's low, and that's causing a never-ending level interrupt, I'd call it a bug.06:39
infinityBut what do I know?06:40
desrtmaybe it's high because BIOS sets it high06:40
desrtand maybe it's low because the BIOS doesn't run on resume06:40
desrtseems pretty reasonable to me06:40
infinityErr, it doesn't?06:40
desrtvery very little BIOS runs on resume06:41
infinity(forgive me, I know nothing of MacBooks)06:41
desrtonly really enough to jump to our wakeup trampoline06:41
desrtsame on all systems06:41
infinityWell, enoiugh BIOS runs on most systems to bring the hardware back to a sane state, generally.06:41
infinityBut yes, it's also sane for the driver to read registers that may corrupt, save state, and write them back out on resume.06:42
infinityAnd that should be safe for all ICH7 systems, rather than being specific to yours.06:42
desrti say.06:42
desrtso now two questions:06:42
desrtwhat is the 'correct' place to insert this code06:42
desrtand how do i conditionalise it?06:43
infinityThis is where we get into areas where you might want mjg59 or BenC, since I've never hacked at the sleep/resume stuff at all.06:44
desrtk.  i think they're both doing a sleep/resume cycle of their own right now :)06:44
=== StevenK tries to figure why {q,}dvdauthor is broken on Dapper.
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pittiGood morning07:36
FujitsuHi, pitti!07:36
ajmitchmorning pitti 07:38
pittihi Fujitsu, moin ajmitch!07:44
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desrtinfinity; i've emailed the two of them now07:58
desrtin the meantime /me enjoys laptop nirvana07:59
=== infinity blinks.
infinitysmbfs isn't LFS-enabled?08:06
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infinityGuess it's time to switch to cifs...08:07
dholbachgood morning08:08
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tepsipakkiis 'landscape-client' related to the RHN-clone that is under construction in Montreal ?-)08:18
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infinitytepsipakki: The package description should be enough to answer that.08:20
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tepsipakkishould, yes.. I'm just fishing for more information ;)08:21
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jadaz87hm muy interesant08:56
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ivokspitti: ping09:30
pittihi ivoks 09:30
ivokspitti: i noticed that cups works ok on older kernel09:30
pittiivoks: in which regard?09:30
ivokspitti: e.g. 2.6.909:31
ivokspitti: browsing/printing with older cups 1.1.x09:31
ivokssame network, same config09:31
ivokson one comp it works, on other it doesn't09:31
pittioh, interesting09:31
ivokson the one that works - 2.6.9 kernel09:31
pittiivoks: but wasn't 1.2.1 supposed to fix this?09:31
ivoksi'm installing dapper kernel to confirm this09:31
ivokspitti: it doesn't :/09:32
ivoksi even compiled from source, no change09:32
ivoksand guys at easysw can't reproduce our problems09:32
ivoksso... must be something else :)09:32
pittioh, right, I meant browsing/printing with cups 1.1.x09:33
ivoksthe thing is that easysw is aware of problems with cups <=1.1.1709:33
ivoksbut we have problems with every cups that's not 1.209:33
pittiivoks: that's frightening09:34
ivokstell me about it...09:34
ivoksi'm fighting with that for days...09:34
ivoksi'll test this with new kernel later today...09:34
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pittihey seb128 09:41
seb128hi pitti09:42
ivokswell, will be back later today...09:43
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KalozFailed to fetch http://hu.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.15/linux-source-2.6.15_2.6.15-23.39.diff.gz  Could not open file linux-source-2.6.15_2.6.15-23.39.diff.gz - open (13 Permission denied)10:22
Kalozoh, okay.. our proxy redirected it10:22
=== Kaloz is sleepy
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KinnisonMorning all10:27
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mdkeZnarl: around?10:30
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KamionKaiL_: I don't understand your suggestion on CommunityEdgyIdeas/Kernel: "Squash FS support compiled into it"10:47
KamionKaiL_: we *have* squashfs support in our kernel (ok, as a module, but everything is a module where it sanely can be, and that can't really change), otherwise our live CD wouldn't work10:47
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ografabbione, ping10:52
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fabbioneogra: ?10:52
ografabbione, are you aware of any heavy breakage of SiS cards ? 10:53
ograseems i have a user where the install breaks as soon as dexconf starts for hist card ...10:53
fabbioneogra: as of 1st of June i am not the X maintainer anylonger... kthxbye10:53
fabbioneogra: since it's up for adoption and you are the first one mentioning it, i guess you win :)10:54
ograeither in the usual install (workstation) or even if the chroot building of the thin client runs 10:54
ograhrm ...10:54
dholbachfabbione: that doesn't answer his question :-p10:54
ograi just didnt find any bugs that are directly assigned to xserver-xorg-sis10:54
jonohi all10:54
fabbioneogra: i am pretty sure you want to look at xorg...10:55
jonohas anyone been doing any kind of competative analysis of Dapper compared to Vista?10:55
dholbachogra: how about  https://launchpad.net/malone/distros/ubuntu?field.searchtext=xserver-xorg-driver-sis&search=Search ?10:55
fabbionedholbach: well.. today is bank holiday.. so it's not like i am here.. you just imagine i am 10:55
ografabbione, will do ... but its seemed very card specific, so i looked at the driver first, thanks10:55
fabbioneon the 6/6/6 you expect ME to do something sane?10:56
Daemonjono: there were a few reviews around I believe that had a few comparisons, none that I know of since the full 6.06 release10:56
highvoltagejono: i haven't seen someone write about it in-depth yet, but it's on the minds of many people10:56
dholbachfabbione: I see - I just commented on your answer to a "are you aware of ..." question :-)10:56
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jonoI am wrapping some projects up here, and if I get some time I figured it may be useful to do a shot by shot comparison to identify areas in which we can hammer edgy home :)10:56
=== dholbach congratulates his dad on his 60th birthday on 6/6/6 :)
ajmitchfabbione: I'm surprised you haven't found a willing maintainer yet10:56
ogradholbach, yes, thats what i was loopking at yesterday ... seems to have nothing in the list10:57
jonoI spent some time at Microsoft in Reading and used it and figured we need some assessment of Vista to help Edgy kick its arse :)10:57
ogradholbach, 60 on 666 ? thats evil :)10:57
fabbioneajmitch: i guess you just volunteered :)10:57
dholbachogra: *I* know10:57
ajmitchfabbione: do I look that crazy to you? :)10:57
fabbioneajmitch: yes10:57
ajmitchno need to answer that..10:57
fabbioneor are tyou trying to say that i am crazy?10:57
mjg59jono: Can we secure your support in the RSS-pronunciation movement?10:57
=== fabbione looks evily towards ajmitch
mdkejono: there is a marketing team, sort of. they might be interested in helping you out10:58
ajmitchfabbione: you'd be crazy if you wanted to keep it all for yourself10:58
jonomjg59: wah?10:58
mdkejono: or are you more talking technical analysis than marketing?10:58
jonomdke: oh cool10:58
jonomdke: well, I was thinking primarily technical and usability10:58
ogradholbach, btw, seen bug 47638 and bug 47336 (seems there are more of these )10:58
UbugtuMalone bug 47638 in Ubuntu "Artifacts on application buttons" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4763810:58
UbugtuMalone bug 47336 in edubuntu-artwork "Redraws doesn't happen properly with Edubuntu GTK Theme" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4733610:58
=== jono is quite the usability pervert
dholbachogra: yes, that's ati breakage10:58
dholbachogra: xrender and ati - all dups10:59
ograah, then it seems restricted to i38610:59
mdkejono, quite a lot of usability issues depend on upstream tho10:59
ograi dont see it on the ibook10:59
mjg59jono: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/62931.html10:59
mjg59And the link10:59
ogradholbach, thanks 10:59
dholbachogra: maybe specific to a certain hardware - *shrug*11:00
ograyep ...11:00
jonomdke: agreed, but I was thinking the problem could be split into integration and upstream functionality - some elements we can control, but some need upstream cooperation11:00
jonowho knows, if I get time to do this, it may not be actually all that useful, but I figured it would be something that could provide some food for thought11:01
jonojust need to open up my schedule a bit first :P11:01
makkosabdfl: fedora and suse first release a non-commercial version and then they release a commercial one with most bugs fixed. i think the fact that they have two releases helps them a lot with perfecting their commercial release. i think it is very useful for ubuntu to also implement this strategy: first to have a HACKER'S RELEASE (or something like that; a bleeding edge release) and then, after about one month of bug fixing, have a longer time s11:01
makkog like that).11:01
makkosabdfl: otherwise, if we keep on releasing many flights or betas (the names of which don't sound so appealing for most users, so they won't download and try them), they will prefer to download none of them.11:03
makkosabdfl: i am afraid so many flights more like confuse them.11:03
Mithrandirmakko: well, we won't release any more flights now, so..11:03
mdkewhat's a group of efts?11:04
Mithrandirmdke: I'm not sure, and I don't think anybody else is either.11:04
Daemonmakko: I think that's sorta in place, in fact edgy will start soon enough11:04
Mithrandirmdke: so we might have to invent something.11:04
makkoMithrandir: no flights will be released for edgy?11:04
mdkejono: i listened to lugradio last night, was quite interesting. I haven't listened much before. I enjoyed the discussion on the FSF11:04
jonomdke: cool :)11:05
jonomdke: the latest episode was fun to record :)11:05
mdkeit sounds fun11:05
Mithrandirmakko: nope.  Like we didn't release any arrays or colonies for dapper.11:06
mdkemakko: they will be releasing unstable releases, but they will be called something else. "flight" was a word specific to dapper drake11:06
mdkeat least I hope they will be releasing unstable releases11:06
makkomdke: whatever, but what do you think about my idea?11:07
mdkemakko: I don't have a view. I know nothing about release cycles11:07
makkomdke: who's responsible for release cycles?11:08
Mithrandirmakko: I think it's a bad idea.  We get great responses to the alpha and beta releases and the team is too small for us to be able to do the QA and test for a month after a preview release.11:08
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mjg59jono: Really, I just want to hear you describe Web 2.0 as a bunch of RSS on air11:09
jonomjg59: you got it :)11:10
=== jono grumbles something about the word beta, gradients and orange sunglasses...
mjg59And ideally mention a lugradio RSS feed11:10
makkoMithrandir: well, maybe not a month, but two weeks.11:11
mjg59Which can be sucked using a variety of clients11:11
mjg59But anyway11:11
jonoI don't know if I want to say, "keep up to date with LUGRadio episodes with arse"11:11
jonoright, back to work...11:11
jonohave fun guys11:11
Mithrandirmakko: how is this different from the tech preview/beta and release we have today?11:11
makkoMithrandir: the naming matters a lot11:12
makkoMithrandir: we want it to be the equivalent of redhat's and novel's commercial version, right?11:12
makkoMithrandir: i mean, we want the final release to be that11:12
Daemonmakko: from a personal opinion, I like the current version of development where you just enable the newer repositories and keep updating. 11:13
makkoDaemon: what i suggest doesn't affect that11:13
Mithrandirmakko: no, we want it to be better.  We _don't_ want to have a "normal" and an "enterprise" version.11:13
Daemonmakko: have you seen how old some of the redhat versions are though?  That's what put me off the commercial releases11:14
Daemonversions as in package / software versions11:14
ubijtsa2Daemon: there is a reason for that11:14
makkoMithrandir: no, we don't want that. instead, we want to have a HACKER'S RELEASE (bleeding edge) and a LTS RELEASE (or something)11:14
Mithrandirmakko: why?11:15
makkoMithrandir: some users prefer novelty, some others prefer stability11:15
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ubijtsa2Daemon: most notably banks and financial institutions do not want to update every 3-6 months.. they want to update every 2-3 years11:15
Mithrandirmakko: we don't have the resources to make two different versions with different goals, so we have to make a tradeoff11:15
makkoMithrandir: we can address both while this can also bring to us lots of more beta testers (which otherwise will hate the "beta" labeling and will prefer to wait for the "final" release until they try it first)11:16
makkoMithrandir: i understand11:16
makkoMithrandir: i haven't considered resources.11:16
Daemonubijtsa: I understand that side of it, but at the time they're already 6 months behind when they first install11:16
makkoMithrandir: well, but what if it's more like a matter of naming? the LTS will be a tweaked HACKER'S anyway.11:16
makkoMithrandir: a HACKER'S could be another name for PREVIEW.11:17
makkoDaemon: some people prefer to stay six months behind11:17
ubijtsa2Daemon: tracking latest and greatest isn't an option for some, quite a lot are still on RHEL311:17
Daemonubijtsa2: agree. O11:17
makkoMithrandir, Daemon: a HACKER'S RELEASE sounds... quite appealing for much more people11:17
DaemonI'm probably looking at it too much from a desktop pov11:18
Mithrandirmakko: I don't think so.11:18
mdkemakko: appealing in that the word "hacker" is commonly associated with criminal attacks on computers?11:18
ubijtsa2peronally, I prefer the 6 month release schedule. But the work I do now requires me to think of the ones that require the long term stability, like the LTS releases.11:18
Daemonmakko: not to me, considering linux is meant to be the distro that's human friendly11:18
makkoMithrandir: then we can chose another name for it, it's just that we should make it more like a purpose in itself, rather than a mere... beta.11:18
makkoMithrandir: people love attained purposes more than unfinished products.11:19
mdkebut these products are unfinished, that's the whole reason they are called "beta"11:19
Mithrandirmakko: you're arguing that its purpose is to get testers.  Testers test stuff which is not finished, aka alphas and betas.11:19
makkomdke: ok, i am not proposing the word "hacker", but <some appealing naming>.11:19
Kamionmdke: the best two suggestions I have are "knot" (used for other amphibians, frogs/toads) and maybe "nest" (but that's just based on the fact that efts nest, it's not a real collective noun)11:20
ubijtsa2how about the idea that was floated a while back, every fourth release is a LTS, gets much more QA etc, and the three intermediate releases are Desktop releases, more cutting edge stuff, more focussed on new stuff.11:20
makkoMithrandir: yes, but we might also need feedback from casual users and casual problems. the more the eyeballs, the shallower the bugs.11:20
Kamionmy inclination is "knot"11:20
MithrandirKamion: knot sounds like a good name to me.11:20
Kamionubijtsa2: we'll do occasional LTS releases when it makes sense to do so; we aren't going to tie ourselves to "every fourth", appealing though the regularity may be11:21
ograyeah, lets keep nest for the time we run out of suggestions :)11:21
jsgotangcomakko: honestly, not that its bad, casual users tend to file dupes11:21
makkoMithrandir: for instance, this dapper lts still has some bugs which *could* have been detected much earlier if we had released an "appealing" version of dapper one month earlier.11:21
ubijtsa2Kamion: I hear you, but some form of regularity (2-3 years) would be beneficial11:21
makkojsgotangco: maybe you're right11:21
Mithrandirmakko: it's often less that we don't know of the bugs than that we don't have time to fix them.  More bugs doesn't mean more fixes.11:22
jsgotangcowe actually released a "Release Candidate" for general use and testing11:22
Mithrandirs/bugs/bug reports/11:22
Kamionubijtsa2: it has to depend on when everything seems to be settling down to a place where we think we can commit to long-term support11:22
makkoMithrandir: well, that's a good point11:22
Kamionhopefully there'll be an appropriate point in about two or three years time11:22
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makkojsgotangco: yes, but we released it just one week before the final release. nobody has time to fix anything in less than seven days.11:23
ubijtsa2Kamion: would it be possible to keep it in mind while working on the Desktop releases, to slowly steer it into a LTS release, maybe 18 months before making it a LTS?11:23
makkojsgotangco: and why not naming it something else than "release candidate"?11:23
Kamionmakko: I disagree strongly. Particularly with regard to ubiquity, I got just about as many bugs as I could possibly deal with in each iteration (beta, beta2, flight7, rc), and fixed all the ones I considered high-priority and several more11:23
ajmitchubijtsa2: it's a matter of when other parts of the system seem to be at a stable point, like X, the kernel, etc11:24
jsgotangcoreturn of the release candidate?11:24
Kamionmakko: the problem was that the nature of the beast was such that I didn't find out about crashes late in the program's operation until I'd fixed the ones earlier in its operation11:24
Kamionmakko: actually we fixed several things between rc and release11:24
ajmitchubijtsa2: I don't think we'll have crazy insane stuff in all the releases up until an LTS release :)11:24
makkoKamion: right. as i said, saying that "it's not like we don't get enough bug reports, it's just that we lack resources to fix them" is really a good point.11:24
Kamionubijtsa2: I expect we'll be thinking about it, yes11:25
makkoKamion: i think two weeks instead of one would have been much better... 11:25
ubijtsa2ajmitch: just thinking, if we know that we'd like rel+2 to be a LTS, don't include highly volatile stuff in rel and rel+1 just because they are cool :)11:25
makkoKamion: i mean more than twice11:25
ajmitchubijtsa2: yep, I think that's how it's planned, which is why edgy will be rather.. edgy11:26
ubijtsa2ajmitch: sounds sensible. 11:26
Kamionmakko: releasing dapper in December would have got more bugs fixed too11:27
Kamionmakko: but it would also have weakened the impetus on people from knowing that the release was soon11:28
Kamionmakko: you can't extend things forever11:28
Kamionand honestly, we weren't *ready* for RC two weeks before release11:28
ubijtsa2a release can't be perfect in all aspects.. it'll take forever if that is the aim.11:30
stubLaunchpad will be going down for its regular code update in 30mins time. Estimated downtime is 10 minutes. Wikis will be in read only mode during this time.11:30
=== jsgotangco saves work
makkoKamion: this is somehow strange: some other distros release even two rcs, not to emphasise that there was a six weeks' delay11:30
ubijtsa2risk management, and structure for updates and security fixes is important..11:31
makkoMithrandir, Daemon, mdke, ubijtsa2, Kamion, ajmitch: anyway, in fact, if i think better, i guess my suggestion is redundant. i think this is what is already intended by the LTS-like / EDGY-like distinction between releases. right?11:31
Kamionmakko: *shrug*11:34
Kamionfundamentally most distros just chuck out test releases until they're ready to go11:35
Kamionwhere "ready" is determined by all sorts of different things11:35
ubijtsa2cmp with the kernel, they do -rc after -rc until the concensus is that it is good enough.11:36
Kamioneveryone's release process is different in some way11:36
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mdkefrom the little I've seen, open source development is pretty fast moving, and it's pretty hard to tame it. I imagine that release processes are an art form11:36
Kamionthere are hundreds of different ways to paint this bikeshed11:36
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Mithrandircan I have it ice-blue with penguins on?11:38
=== Mithrandir hides from Kamion's gauntlet.
stub Launchpad Rollout cancelled, rescheduled for tomorrow around 03:00 UTC11:48
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mdkeZnarl: around yet?12:48
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Znarlmdke : Hello!12:51
mdkeZnarl: hello :)12:52
mdkeZnarl: do you think it would be a good idea for me to open an RT for this wiki thing, or maybe arrange a time which is convenient to you to discuss?12:52
Znarlmdke : A RT request may be a good idea.12:53
mdkeZnarl: alright. Is there a technical problem, or just lakc of time?12:54
eXistenZany developer responsible for the cups package here?12:54
Znarlmdke : Lack of time.12:54
mdkeZnarl: ok, cool, I'll RT it12:54
pittieXistenZ: I'm the closest one12:54
eXistenZpitti, there is a major bug in cups. Which hasn't been fixed12:54
pittieXistenZ: just one? :)12:54
pittieXistenZ: seriously, is it in LP already?12:55
eXistenZpitti, Here it the bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/45099 . It is very irritating that I have to move to windows everytime I want to print some document.12:55
UbugtuMalone bug 45099 in cupsys "client 1.2.0 to 1.1.2x server over IPP: cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found" [Normal,Needs info]  12:55
pittieXistenZ: I plan to update dapper to 1.2.1 soon, but I need to catch up with some security updates before; also, I'll do a round of bug triage for cups bugs soon12:55
eXistenZpitti, That'll be gret.12:56
pittiUbugtu: I have seen this error message regularly in my logs, but it doesn't have any ill effect12:56
pittieXistenZ: anyway, I'll look at the bug ASAP12:56
eXistenZpitti, When do you think the cups will be upgraded?12:56
pittieXistenZ: the last comments seem to indicate that this error message is irrelevant12:57
pittieXistenZ: end of this week, I hope12:57
eXistenZpitti, What do you think this error is about?12:57
pittieXistenZ: I have to read the bug in detail12:58
pittieXistenZ: it's on my list, but I can't do it right now, sorry12:58
eXistenZpitti, I get the same error, but with "stopped with status 3!"12:58
eXistenZpitti, that's okay.12:58
eXistenZpitti, By the way, do you use vim or emacs? :)12:58
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pittieXistenZ: vim, why?12:59
eXistenZpitti, I'm use vim as well =)12:59
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jonoanyone know John Levin ?01:26
InfraRedwho doesn't 01:26
jonowhat is his nick >01:26
Treenaksjono: isn't he lilo?01:26
Treenaksoh wait, that's Rob01:27
jonohi is a UK ubuntu guy01:27
InfraRedisn't he the guy in pirates of the caribbean ?01:27
jonoany half way serious answers ?01:27
apokryphosJohn Levin is lilo01:27
Riddelljono: he's not on IRC much as far as I know01:27
apokryphosoh wait, that's Rob Levin01:27
jonoRiddell: did you want to do a KDE/Kubuntu BOF?01:27
=== apokryphos catches upw ith the conversation
Riddelljono: but he did the lugradio stand last year for ubuntu01:28
jonoRiddell: do you have his email address?01:28
jonoI need to mail him about Ubuntu BOFs01:28
Riddelljono: I think a stand and a talk will be enough for KDE/Kubuntu01:28
jonojust firmiing up the times01:28
Riddelljohn levin <john@technolalia.org>01:28
jonoRiddell: cool01:28
jonothanks dude01:28
mdkejono: get on the ubuntu-uk list!01:30
jonomdke: I should be, but my mail is rather maxed out with lists atm01:33
jonoright, lunch :P01:33
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mdkejono: would be a good place to drum up a bit of enthusiasm for LRL. Maybe a newsreader would be in order :)01:38
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pittihi zul 02:00
highvoltagehey zul02:01
zulpitti: still no upload yet?02:03
pittizul: no :/02:03
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pitticarlos: ok, daily hoary/breezy/dapper langpack updates set up and cron'ed. I wait for today's run and check the results; shall I announce this to ubuntu-translators again, then?02:14
jsgotangco\o/ pitti \o/02:15
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carlospitti: I think so, yes02:15
carlospitti: thanks!02:15
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sivangre all02:21
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purserjQuick question, why with fresh dapper installs is there no ld.so.conf file?02:26
kermitX_minor bug in the gnome bittorrent client?  if you uncap the upload rate and later re-check that option, the cap never takes effect. you have to shut it down and restart it.02:26
_ionpurserj: Why should there be one?02:27
purserjIn my understanding you need it for linking libraries if you're building from source02:27
_ionDESCRIPTION ldconfig  creates  the  necessary  links and cache (for use by the run-time linker, ld.so) to the most recent shared libraries found in the directories specified on the command line, in the file /etc/ld.so.conf, and  in  the  trusted directories  (/usr/lib  and  /lib).02:28
_ionThe libraries are typically in those directories.02:28
_ion\therefore no need for ld.so.conf02:29
purserjso if there are libraries in say /usr/local/lib?02:29
_ionDon't put libraries there.02:29
_ionRather use or create packages.02:29
tsengand if you do02:29
tsengyou should know how to manage them yourself02:29
purserjwhy the change?02:31
_ionWhat change?02:31
purserjthe removal of ld.so.conf. It was in breezy but not in dapper?02:32
tsengit wasnt in breezy02:32
tsengnot in a server install anyway.02:32
tsengin the future, please pose support questions to #ubuntu02:33
purserjnot a support question, something like this is pretty integral to development on ubuntu02:33
_ionThis channel is about Ubuntu development, not about development on Ubuntu.02:34
_ionSee the topic.02:34
tsengexageration doesn't help you, i have been developing on ubuntu for 2 years and I don't have such a file02:34
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jonoOnly 46 days until LugRadio Live!02:54
jonowrong chan02:54
sivangKamion: Just something for you to think about, IBM .IL Global Tech Group are allowing me to use their testing lab, when I'll choose, to test Ubuntu on the pSeries, so I thought we could arrange a day in which I will conduct boot testing etc, I will provide you with the error messages from my attempts , and you might try to provide me fixed small testing ISOs, so we can at least get the booting thing behind us. Do you think this is feasible to kil02:55
Keybukpitti: how do you feel about sysklogd and LFS support (or lack thereof)02:55
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zulhey Hobbsee 02:59
Hobbseehey zul 02:59
ajmitchhello Hobbsee 03:02
Hobbseehey ajmitch, how are you doing?03:03
Kamionsivang: your message was cut off at "feasible to kil"03:03
ajmitchHobbsee: going off to sleep in a minute or so03:03
pittiKeybuk: oh, how big do you expect log files to grow? :)03:03
Hobbseeajmitch: mmm...sleep...03:03
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Kamionsivang: sure, whenever, just note that I will be on holiday and offline all of next week03:07
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Keybukpitti: apparently on a news server it's quite common for them to get >2GB03:08
thomunderstatement of the hour03:08
Keybuklike Clara's news server03:09
pittiKeybuk: well, of course I'd welcome it :) you have a patch?03:09
Keybukpitti: I was looking through the changelog, apparently we've tried to fix this already03:09
Keybukwell, Charles Majola tried to fix it03:09
Keybukso it may need some gentle repair work <g>03:09
KeybukI only ping'd you, because you tried to fix it before Charles did03:09
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pittioh, did I?03:10
pittiKeybuk: if I did, I lost all memory about it03:10
Keybukwas pre-breezy03:10
pittiKeybuk: one of etch's goals is full LFS support, so from that side we have good opportunities to watch out for :)03:11
thomactually, the transit servers appear to be averaging just under 2GB per day transit logs from diablo03:11
=== pitti looks forward to the next sync/merge rave. new crack :)
dokomdz, Kamion: is qt-x11-free still sitting in the dapper-updates queue, or did I do a mistake uploading the package?03:12
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Kamiondoko: http://librarian.launchpad.net/3008685/iRLv1uVqy6JbBjIsZa6PNOLwRTO.txt03:15
Kamionguessing you forgot to sign it03:15
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dokoKamion: thanks03:15
Kamionyep, looks like it03:15
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mdkeelmo: around?03:25
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iwjpitti: I asked mdz for permission to put into dapper-updates and he demurred and asked what your opinion was.  I am right in thinking that your opinion is like mine, `unfortunately we have no choice so we should do so'.03:28
pittiiwj: well, I'd rather like to see it in dapper-security03:28
iwjIs that more pushy than -updates ?  In which case I agree.03:29
pittiiwj: and yes, we'll have enough to do with backporting this sh** to 1.0.x, I'm all for updating dapper to (after appropriate testing, of course)03:29
pittiiwj: we just need to make sure to not break gtkmozembed stuff03:29
pittiiwj: 'pushy'?03:29
iwjNot to break it worse than it is, you mean.03:29
iwjI mean, is putting something in -security more likely to cause it to be installed than putting it in -updates.03:30
pittiiwj: well, it fixes two handfuls of security bugs, so it should be -security03:30
iwjtesting> Quite.03:30
pittiiwj: ah; well, nowadays -updates and -security are both on by default, so it doesn't matter so much from that perspective03:30
iwjI have a pre-build here and I'll just turn it into a proper package and test it.03:30
iwjOK, I'll target dapper-security then.03:30
iwjmdz: Re firefox, see ^03:31
pitti-security is announced with an USN and instantly mirrored to security.u.c, that's the main difference03:31
pittiiwj: and opting out of -updates is regarded fine, whereas noone should deactivate -security03:31
Kamionyeah, what pitti said, I think -security is marginally pushier03:32
iwjRight, good.03:32
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pittiiwj: btw, dapper-security doesn't work yet, I'll ping you once it does03:35
pittiiwj: did you get the CVE changelog snippet?03:35
iwjYes.  Hence my question.03:36
iwjdapper-security> Oh, right.  OK.  I'll build and test this thing in the meantime anyway.03:36
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mdkeelmo: unping03:44
G0SUBpitti: hello!03:45
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pittihello G0SUB, how are you?03:48
G0SUBpitti: I am fine now. 03:49
pittiG0SUB: glad to hear; I heard from the terribly strong Monsun in the radio03:49
G0SUBpitti: I have written down some of my ideas in the DesignDiscussion page03:49
G0SUBpitti: yeah, Monsoon is coming here :)03:50
mdkejdub: just saw your email (my email is going to the wrong server too like planet) - *winces at linguistic faux pas*03:51
pittimvo, G0SUB: can we 'meet' in 30 minutes to discuss about it?03:54
G0SUBpitti: I am already in a meeting with mvo in #synaptic :)03:54
mvopitti: I'm writing a mail about it currently, can we do it in ~1h ?03:55
mvopitti: I'll CC you then03:55
pittiG0SUB: ok, I'll join :)03:55
pittimvo: works for me, although I will only have 30 minutes then; G0SUB, ok?03:55
G0SUBpitti: fine03:55
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dholbachogra: there's a new gnome-screensaver for -updates04:00
ograoooohhh :)04:01
=== ogra goes to look at the changelog
ogradholbach, ta04:01
dholbachde rien04:01
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dholbachliboobs 0.1.0 RELEASE!04:19
dholbachmvo: ^04:19
jsgotangcodoes it go with libsexy?04:19
pittidholbach: liboops? :)04:19
mdkeboobs eh04:19
pittioh, libboobs04:19
pittidholbach: everything below version 2.0 is UNUSABLE!04:19
dholbachjsgotangco: both go nicely with Ubuntu!04:19
jsgotangcodholbach: then it should integrate well with pornview nicely04:20
=== Kinnison ponders writing libube
=== j_ack [n=nico@p508DBE68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvodholbach: yeah!04:23
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thomi still think the parrott "-larry -Wall" one was best04:25
pittithom: there is a libarry? :)04:25
thompitti: they concocted one so they could have that in the compiler flags04:26
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makkowhy can't i connect to the x11 server in a root konsole (after i run "sudo konsole")? after i run "sudo konsole", i cannot open any x11 app from that konsole; but, after i run "sudo xterm", i can run any x11 app. how do you explain that? it doesn't look like a permissions issue to me.04:27
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=== ivoks is loosing his mind
=== Hobbsee reluctantly hands over ivoks' mind.
Hobbseehere you go..04:33
ivoksi suggest we use lprng for edgy04:33
makkoanswer! i know you are there! :P04:34
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ogradholbach, do you know if g-s-s goes in with the general 2.14.2 upgrade or do i need to ask for separate permission from mdz ?04:42
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leo__Hi , I'm customizing a 5.10 live cd and I want to set my XkbLayout to "be" in my xorg.conf , how do i do this?04:44
dholbachogra: it's a 2.14.2 and if you can eyeball the changes and vouch for them, they're good to go, I'd say04:44
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dholbachheya tseng04:45
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jdong|coreduohow many runlevel 2 services does gdm actually depend upon?04:54
jdong|coreduojust for kicks, I moved S13gdm to S01gdm, and it does work04:55
jdong|coreduoI've tested 10 bootups across two of my (faster) systems04:55
pittijdong|coreduo: X needs a properly set hostname, so it should depend on working network04:56
ograwhere did these come from, there is only one S13gdm in rc2.d on all my systems here04:56
jdong|coreduoogra: yeah, I know. I moved it from 13 to 01, so the first thing it does is start up GDM in runlevel 204:56
jdong|coreduopitti: what would "happen" if hostname was localhost?04:57
jdong|coreduoor unset?04:57
pittijdong|coreduo: I don't know TBH, I'm just parroting Daniel Stone04:57
ograjdong|coreduo, lol, sorry i read removed instead of moved04:57
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jdong|coreduoalso, hostname is done in rcS, right?04:58
jdong|coreduoit shaves around 3-5 seconds to a login prompt04:58
jdong|coreduoso no big deal at all04:59
jdong|coreduobut it looks damn impressive :)04:59
jdong|coreduodapper's bootup is already plenty fast out-of-the-box04:59
jdong|coreduoout of curiousity, are we to see GNOME 2.14.x updates through dapper-updates?05:00
jdong|coreduoit sure is beginning to look that way05:01
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HiddenWolfjdong|coreduo: I believe so05:02
jdong|coreduoexcellent :)05:02
jdong|coreduogood to see some bug fixes05:02
=== jdong|coreduo thinks back to Warty's nautilus FTP :)
HiddenWolfjdong|coreduo: dapper's nautilus is plenty screwed. :P05:03
bddebianMorning folks05:03
jdong|coreduoHiddenWolf: at least it uploads binary data fine :)05:04
jdong|coreduoso I won't complain too much :)05:04
jdong|coreduomorning, bddebian05:04
bddebianHello jdong|coreduo05:04
jdong|coreduoare there plans for Edgy to use Initng?05:05
jdong|coreduoor do we think we can get init to boot even faster?05:06
ivokspitti: good news05:06
mjg59jdong|coreduo: If the hostname isn't set when X starts, there's the potential for authentication cookies to break in surprising ways05:08
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bddebianIs Edgy ready yet??05:08
=== bddebian hides
tsengbddebian: subscribe to edgy-changes and you can be the first to know05:09
bddebianpfft ;-)05:10
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ivokspitti: wb05:15
=== profoXP [n=profox@d54C0FBA7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ivokspitti: so, good news :)05:15
profoXPHello. How does the current suspend work ? (suspend to disk) is it using swsusp or suspend2 or ..?05:15
profoXPBecause it doesn't work well on all 4 pc's in my house (2 laptops, 2 pc's)05:16
ivoksprofoXP: that mostly depends on video card you have and video driver you use05:16
profoXPivoks, 3 pcs use ATI (2x fglrx [proprietary] , 1x radeon [too old for fglrx] ), one uses Nvidia (nvidia [proprietary] ).05:17
thombah, the tailor in dapper doesn't work with bzr 0.805:17
ivoksprofoXP: that's 5, not 4 :)05:18
ivoksprofoXP: and this conversation is for #ubuntu, so let's continue it there, ok?05:18
profoXPivoks, are you sure05:18
profoXPivoks, well, they pointed me here05:18
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leo__how is your xorg.conf generated on a livecd ?05:34
iwjJust to confirm, we're expecting to have the distro meeting on Thursday at 0800Z ?05:35
sfllawThat's what the calendar says.05:35
sfllawZulu time.05:35
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Keybukmjg59: ping?05:44
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Kamionthom: IIRC they created an 'arry' directory so they could use -Larry05:49
Kamioniwj: yes, that's what https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-May/000142.html says, and as far as I know there've been no changes to that05:51
thomKamion: ah, that was it yeah05:52
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iwjKamion: Yes, that was my source.  I just wanted to double-check I hadn't missed a change ...05:52
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KeybukKamion: does d-i keep its own internal copy of bogl anywhere?05:53
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KamionKeybuk: not to my knowledge; it uses bogl-bterm which is from the bogl source package06:00
Keybukwhich appears to be a different bogl than the one in usplash06:00
KeybukMatthew clearly used some black magics to pull a future version of bogl out of the ether :p06:01
KamionIIRC we hacked cfb support into usplash's bogl ...06:05
KamionI definitely remember doing something for powerpc06:05
KamionI thought Matthew said he'd sent the changes to Daniel upstream, but I may be misremembering06:05
Keybukit's the sudden implementation of bogl_move() I'm more interested in06:06
Keybukthe other diff is mostly just indent changes, which aren't very mjg59esque06:06
Keybuk(he's not one to go in and retab code just because he's in there)06:06
Kamionusplash (0.1-9) breezy; urgency=low06:07
Kamion  * Implement bogl_move for cfb, thereby porting to powerpc.06:07
Kamion  * Draw everything in a 640x480 window in the centre of the framebuffer, no06:07
Kamion    matter how large the framebuffer is.06:07
Kamion -- Colin Watson <cjwatson@ubuntu.com>  Thu,  8 Sep 2005 00:28:54 +010006:07
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Kamiondidn't do any reindentation there though06:08
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Keybukfair enough06:11
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jonohey all06:22
Burgworkhey jono 06:23
jonohey Burgwork06:23
highvoltagehey Burgwork06:24
highvoltagehey jono :)06:24
jonoheya highvoltage06:24
highvoltagehow are things in kde land?06:25
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jonoits nuts how difficult it is to download Vista from MSDN - I am looking into doing some competative analysis, and you just can't download anything without IE it seems06:25
jonohighvoltage: oh, I am not a KDE guy any more :)06:25
profoXPjono, lol06:26
profoXPjono, my friend runs vista beta2 in school06:26
profoXPjono, he says his first impressions were good, but after some time he found out it's really sucky and buggy06:26
highvoltaged'oh! for a moment i confused you with Riddell (long day)06:26
jonohighvoltage: I spent much of my time working on other stuff now, including LUGRadio in which we recently interviewed sabdfl06:26
profoXPjono, and it requires alot of hardware power06:26
jonohighvoltage: heh, no worries06:26
highvoltagei listened to that interview. i think lugradio is quite cool.06:27
jonoI think a solid idea of Vista will be useful for developing edgy specs06:27
jonohighvoltage: thanks :)06:27
profoXPjono, i dont know. vista is just a "hack" of every other operating system. It uses ideas from Linux/KDE/Gnome/MacOS06:28
profoXPits not really bleeding edge06:28
highvoltagei think vista will be disappointing from what we've seen from the screenshots. it seems like windows XP with a darker, 'crystal' theme, with a sudo-like tool. it looks very boring even compared to dapper, imho06:29
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profoXPhighvoltage, they just incorporate every single idea other people had06:29
profoXPeverything I have seen in both Live MSN and Windows Vista is a rip06:29
profoXPthen again, the whole history is a rip-off06:29
mgalvinSeveas: ping06:30
highvoltagethey don't have a 11GB repository of great software :P06:30
wasabiThis is a bit off topic.06:30
jonowell I think they have some interesting ideas in Vista, but we will see,but this is off topic06:30
wasabiA *bit*.06:30
highvoltagesorry, yes. (me stops on this)06:30
profoXP(i studied operating system history in my free time :))06:30
jonoright, meeting, later all06:31
profoXPjono, good ideas. jup. but most are stolen (if not all)06:31
jonohave fun :)06:31
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profoXPhey guys, are you busy with improving native "suspend-to-disk" and "suspend-to-ram" support, so that it works out of the box after installing proprietary video drivers ? i fixed it for nvidia following this wiki entry : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend06:35
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profoXPI only tried suspend-to-disk yet06:36
profoXP(Nvidia, ACPI)06:36
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diemanprofoXP: have you filed a bug against something yet?  I'm guessing acpi-support would be a good choice.06:40
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profoXPdieman, nyea... i will.. i have to figure out more first :)06:40
Seveasmgalvin, ?06:43
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-240-148.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bddebianHeya pygi06:43
mgalvinSeveas: you have been hosting those -changes rss feeds right? would it be possible for you to host an ubuntu-news feed by any chance?06:45
mdzogra: changelog for g-s-s 2.14p2?06:45
ogramdz, i think i added everything to the debian changelog, wait, i'll upload it to rookery06:45
profoXPAnyway, how does suspend work exactly ? on what is suspend based ? suspend2 or swsusp.. or where can i find alot of 'technical' documentation (the wiki doesnt have information like this)06:46
Seveasmgalvin, how's ubuntu-news spread? Wouldn't using the fridge (which gives you rss 'for free') work better?06:46
ogramdz, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ChangeLog06:47
LaserJockmvo: thanks :-)06:48
mgalvinSeveas: well it was suggested that we create an rss feed for the new newsletter... i don't know if they will always end up on the fridge or if that is the best solutions (jdub might know)06:48
mvoLaserJock: you are welcome :)06:48
mgalvinSeveas: your feeds were the first thing that popped into my head06:48
LaserJockmvo: I'm glad you mentioned Python, I totally spaced it06:49
jdubmgalvin: it will always be on the fridge, *totally*... might even be worth making a category for it06:49
Seveasthose feeds are simply parse-mail-and-put-it-in-rss scripts that make quite a few assumptions about the input they get06:49
Seveasjdub, rock!06:49
jdubmgalvin: and with the upcoming upgrade to the fridge, it'll be easier for you to contribute directly06:49
mgalvinjdub: that would be cool!06:49
mvoLaserJock: no problem, keep me updated on the package06:50
LaserJockmvo: np06:50
mjg59Keybuk: Hi06:50
mjg59Keybuk: I had to implement bogl_move from scratch - it was just a null pointer upstream06:51
Keybukyup, that's what I noticed06:53
Keybukjust caused me a surprise :)06:53
Tonio_mdz: hello ! sorry for bugging you with this, but did you have a look at the debdiff I sent you concerning streaming configuration in kubuntu ? we would like to get that eventually uploaded :)06:55
mdzTonio_: didn't see the email; when did you send it?06:56
Tonio_mdz 5 days ago, let me check....06:57
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Tonio_mdz: hum.... I purge the sent folder.... maybe you can search with my email address (tonio@ubuntu.com)06:58
Tonio_mdz: it was on 06/03 or 0206:58
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Riddellmdz: I have another dapper-update for review http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/qt.diff07:00
mdzTonio_: nothing from tonio@ubuntu.com in May or June07:00
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Tonio_mdz: gaps......... I will resend now ;)07:01
mdzRiddell: ABI change?07:01
Riddellmdz: shouldn't be, it only touches files in src/kernel which is internal to Qt07:02
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mdzRiddell: is it upstream already?07:03
Riddellmdz: no, although the patch does come from upstream (trolltech)07:04
profoXPThe system log tells me that Ubuntu uses swsusp for suspending. Wouldn't it be better if we switched to Suspend2 ? I have a really hard time with getting swsusp working on all my linux boxes, but I never had any real problems with Suspend2 (except with fglrx, but there is a fix for that)07:04
profoXP"Suspend 2 has a long feature list, including the ability to cancel a suspend by pressing Escape, image compression to save time and space, a versatile plugin architecture, and support for machines with Highmem, preemption and SMP."07:05
profoXPHere is the status of working hardware: http://www.suspend2.net/status07:06
Tonio_mdz: you should have the mail now07:07
pygihey bddebian  ;)07:12
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BurgworkKinnison, haven't you moved yet?07:22
KinnisonBurgwork: yes07:24
KinnisonBurgwork: I moved a couple of weeks ago now07:24
KinnisonBurgwork: If you're referring to the interview, it was done in april07:24
BurgworkKinnison, indeed, congats on the move07:24
=== Kinnison is busy almost every evening with painting etc
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KinnisonSpeaking of which I ought to go and look at doing some chores soon07:32
bddebianAh yes, the "joys" of home-ownership :-)07:32
=== Treenaks will be one from tomorrow morning
KinnisonI had that before. The issue is that I've gotta get the new house tidy :-)07:32
KinnisonTreenaks: congrats07:33
TreenaksKinnison: thanks07:33
=== Kinnison has been a homeowner for nearly seven years now and I welcome you to the party
KinnisonI wish I could say it gets easier :-)07:36
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Burgworksfllaw, ping (re: SoC mentoring)07:37
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Tonio_mdz: did you receive the mail this time ?07:43
mdzTonio_: yes07:43
Tonio_mdz: great07:43
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sfllawBurgwork: Pong.08:01
Burgworksfllaw, have you had a chance to chat with Parag M. Baxi, 08:01
sfllawI have.08:01
sfllawI should ping him again today.08:01
sfllawHis development blog is sort of empty.08:02
Burgworksfllaw, I am deeply concerned about the focus his soc is taking and how it integrates into the rest of the Ubuntu08:03
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mdzmjg59,Keybuk: will you make it to TB in a couple of hours?08:03
sfllawBurgwork: I have asked him to consider how it would integrate with Ubuntu.08:03
Keybukmdz: I will08:04
Burgworksfllaw, yes, he and I had a long discussion in -doc the other day08:04
sfllawI'm afraid that what's going to happen is he's going to go careening off into snapshot-taking land, and do what he thinks is heavy-lifting.08:04
Burgworksfllaw, for me, the sanest place I think he can work is either on yelp or ubiquity08:04
sfllawIt's actually not a big problem for a welcome-center application to occur.  For instance, an "intro-to-your-workstation" application would be a godsend for sysadmins.08:05
highvoltagesfllaw: hey there. are you still interested in the dial-up team for ubuntu?08:05
Burgworksfllaw, sure, but that can be done in yelp08:06
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sfllawBurgwork: Perhaps.  I find yelp's interface a bit icky.  But that makes sense.08:07
sfllawhighvoltage: I am.08:07
Burgworksfllaw, yelps interface is icky because nobody is working on it08:07
sfllawhighvoltage: In fact, it's on my TODO list to contact you when I've done so.08:07
sfllawBurgwork: Does this guy have the skills to hack on yelp.08:07
pygisfllaw, the student must have at least weekly reports on blog08:08
sfllawpygi: Yes, I have to ping him.08:08
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mjg59mdz: Yup08:08
highvoltagesfllaw: great!08:09
pygiBurgwork, may I suggest we go for a "global attack" on range of all students to see what have they done by now?08:09
pygiand come up with a plan to make sure everything goes as planned08:09
Burgworkpygi, sure, that sounds good08:12
Burgworksfllaw, yes, he did mention he knows more C than Python08:12
pygiBurgwork, k, I'll be back around in like two hours08:12
pygiis that appropriate for you?08:12
BurgworkI will be and still at work08:13
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pygioki, great then08:13
Burgworkpygi, weekly reports on the blog would make that today08:14
pygiI have student which did two reports already08:14
phanaticpygi: who was that guy? ;)08:16
pygiphanatic, you :)08:17
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Keybukwoohoo!  snapshot-stealer just ate another day08:19
=== Keybuk waits with excitement to see what is next
Keybukonly 9 months to go08:19
Keybukbddebian: trying to grovel together enough sources to run merge-o-matic again08:19
KeybukI'm "politely" leeching every single source every placed on snapshot.dn08:20
bddebianKeybuk: Ah, nice :-)08:20
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mirakI don't understand why the installer doesn't propose pppoe config as a choice to connect to the internet08:33
mirakif you don't have a router you can't connect to internet if you have dsl with pppoe08:34
mdzyou can, but you  need to configure it after installing08:34
mirakmdz: yes but the installer asks before to connect to the net08:35
mirakbefore you can even chroot to the target08:35
mirakhere if you don't have a router or a box that's the standart conection type for dsl08:35
mirakwith cable it's dhcp08:36
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profoXPivoks, i fixed it on my ati laptop :)08:49
profoXPivoks, was something wrong with ndiswrapper08:49
profoXPivoks, i have to rmmod ndiswrapper once, but for some reason it will still stay loaded as a module, but then suspend will work.. if i rmmod it twice, the system freezes.. very strange08:49
Keybuk"UBUNTU WILL LOOSE MILLIONS OF USERS" ... that's nice, then they'll stop bitching on the bug that the fix didn't make it into dapper and will be in edgy instead08:53
KeybukMalone so needs a "mute" button08:53
Keybukor at least a status that means no further information is required, and prevents anyone commenting08:54
infinityWhich bug is going to "loose" us millions of users?08:54
Keybukmeh, I can never spell that word08:55
Keybukthe one where we do bus enumeration in tree order, rather than logical id order08:55
Keybukso pick up Thinkpad docking station IDE controllers before the internal one08:55
KinnisonWhat's gonna happen if we loose millions of users? Won't there be a big mess on the floor?08:55
Keybukso their hard-drive is hde when docked, hda when not08:55
jdubKinnison: not if we arm them with cricket bats and corkscrews!08:56
infinityAhh, I doubt you'd find milliolns of users who even own docking stations, but yes, an irritating bug.08:56
tsengyou can apperantly get kicked out of debian for using a bat08:56
Kinnisonjdub: Now you're talking!08:56
Keybukit's very irritating, because there's a few people who just won't shut up about it :p08:56
=== Kinnison goes to investigate his CD changer
Keybuk"yes, it's broken; yes we'll fix it in edgy; now go away and stop bugging me!" :)08:56
infinityI'd rather focus on getting d-i and initramfs to agree about module load order.  That's a more widespread detection bug.08:57
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable240.218-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KeybukI think that may be part of it08:57
infinity(Or stop having multiple drivers for the same hardware, whichever)08:58
Keybukthat bit would be nice08:58
bddebianBah, how boring ;-)08:58
infinityThe upshot is that that bug is now cleverly hidden on desktop installs, since we do hardware detection the same on the livecd and the installed system.08:59
trappistKeybuk: can that be worked around with ide=reverse?08:59
trappist(out of curiosity)08:59
infinityBut it still bites server installs, where it seems to matter for some Adaptec i2o controllers, at least.08:59
ivoksurgh... why not set up greylisting on @ubuntu.com addresses? :)09:00
sladeninfinity: bug #636709:00
UbugtuMalone bug 6367 in grub-installer "udev enumeration should use /sys/bus not /sys/devices" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/636709:00
infinitysladen: I tihnk the docking station thing is a different bug from the "we have two drivers for adaptect i2o cards, and d-i and initramfs pick different ones"09:01
infinity(Which leads to the installer thinking your root is /dev/i2o/hda1, while the installed system has /dev/sda1)09:02
sladenokay, that one's a difference bundle of fun09:02
Keybuktrappist: no09:03
Keybukinfinity: ah, the i2o bug?09:03
infinityKeybuk: Yeah.  Very irritating.09:03
infinityKeybuk: Ideally, we should make sure the new driver (that uses the SCSI subsystem and plain SCSI devices) handles all the hardware that the old one does and just drop the old one.09:04
infinityKeybuk: But that's still just covering up for the "d-i and initramfs disagree" thing, which should be fixed, obviously.09:05
KeybukI haven't ever gotten a straight answer out of Tollef which one is *right*09:05
infinityWell, the new one is "right" for all the hardware it handles.  What we're not sure of is if it handles ALL the same hardware.09:05
sladena key thing for the upgrades is going to be able to predictably emulate the old assignments, so that they can be migrated to the new mapping09:06
infinityThis is true for lots of devices that will change names in edgy.09:06
Keybuksladen: easy, change everything to UUID= :p09:06
sladenKeybuk: btw, when you discovered the cause of that bug at T-3.5weeks.  I think it should have gone in there.  It was only T-1week when I noticed that you'd found the solution09:07
Keybukdoes anyone know the probability of PATA-in-libata landing in edgy's timeframe yet?09:07
infinityWe should be almost entirely /dev/sd* in edgy.09:07
Keybuksladen: we thought about it, the problem was that the fix could well break a lot of other installs09:07
infinityKeybuk: I'm banking on it happening.09:07
mjg59Keybuk: Define "landing"09:07
Keybukie. suddenly a lot of people's hde's becoming hda09:07
mjg59In our kernels? Probably09:07
sladenKeybuk: yeah, but that has happened (in reverse) anyway for approximately the same number of people doing an upgrade (and it's going to hit the same number on dapper->Edgy migration_09:08
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mjg59The upgrade manager should just migrate everything to uuids09:08
Keybuksladen: ah, the cunning plan about the dapper->edgy migration is we have to change them from hd* to sd* anyway, so they won't get bit <g>09:09
infinitymjg59: That doesn't help server installs.09:09
mjg59That can be done programmatically09:09
mjg59infinity: Oh, crap.09:09
sladenKeybuk: I would have rathered that it broke a $few people but stayed compatible with other distributions (every other distributor, aswell as hoary and edgy)09:09
Keybuksladen: and the sad, but true truth is that it's easier to cope with a bug you know than a bug you don't09:09
infinitymjg59: We can't really use update-manager as a crutch to avoid proper upgrade paths.09:09
mjg59Ok. udev hackery for the win, I guess09:09
Keybukthis bug only affects hard-drive naming in a very, very specific circumstance that we can identify; and there is a known workaround09:10
mjg59It's less of a problem with servers, since we can follow the enumeration rules ourselves09:10
Keybukchanging the emumeration to logical based would likely break a lot of other things like non-harddrives09:10
Keybukmjg59: easy09:10
Keybukin the postinst (under the old kernel) read the uuid of every drive and change the mappings09:10
_ionWill the edgy installer still create a swap partition? Using swap files allocated on demand would be cool.09:10
Keybukthat way, when it boots, it works <g>09:10
Keybuk_ion: they'd be cool, if we supported them, which we don't09:10
mjg59_ion: While we still need swap partitions for hibernate, yes09:11
Keybukthey flat out don't work in dapper, for example09:11
mjg59Why does this Sony take such a ridiculously long time to charge?09:11
Keybukeveryone gets enthusiastic, tries it, it breaks, they file bugs09:11
Keybuk(not to say we can't make it work in edgy, obviously)09:12
Keybukbut it should probably work before the installer does it by default :p09:12
sladen_ion: if you want it, start a spec.  The main thing to work out are all the requirements that it would need, and which don't currently work09:13
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kagouhi ivoks 09:31
kagouivoks: i'v you built cupsys packages with alternate pstops filter ?09:32
ivokskagou: have i?09:35
ivokskagou: no09:35
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kagouivoks: ok. i suspect pstops problem in a bug so i will try to compile cupsys with it (http://cups.org/links.php?V59)09:36
ivokskagou: yes, it might be... since only raw printing works :/09:37
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Kamionmirak: the reason why pppoe isn't proposed is that nobody's ever written the code, and nobody with sufficient clue to hack on netcfg competently actually seems to have a pppoe line09:37
Kamion_ion: extending partman to support swap files would be "interesting" ... well volunteered ;-)09:38
mirakKamion: ok09:38
mirakI though it was some choice09:38
mirakKamion: but that would be really nice for newbies09:38
mirakthat's the main drawback here I  think09:39
mirakwe have lot of pppe09:39
kagouivoks: Bug #34112 a patch is proposed09:39
UbugtuMalone bug 34112 in libgnomecups "gnome programs don't respect ~/.cups/lpoptions" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3411209:39
_ionkamion: I'll consider that when i get better. :-)09:39
ivokskagou: this isn't related to cups? :)09:40
kagouivoks:  :) i hope this patch works09:41
infinityKamion: My connection is pppoe (though behind a router)... I can toss my router in bridge mode and do the pppoe connection from my laptop to hack...09:41
ivokskagou: yes, this is ugly bug09:42
ivokskagou: anyway, i can't apply it, but we can test it, right?09:43
kagouright. i will test it tomorrow, at work See you later09:45
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ivokskagou: bye09:45
pianoboy3333Can anyone help me set up a svn on my website?09:45
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Kamioninfinity: patches welcome, then :-)09:55
=== ogra wont tell Kamion that pppoe is the german standard proto for dsl, no he wont :)
infinityKamion: Fell free to poke me about it post-Paris.  I've used the pppoe stack a few times here to debug stuff, so it's not entirely unfamilair to me.09:57
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diemanheh, i nearly forgot about the insanity of french national holidays10:03
diemanluckily it doesn't look like the summit lands on one10:03
robertjmdz: I wanted to give you an informal ++ on your automated backup server location idea10:11
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diemani *used* to have a pppoe line10:31
KeybukI have a pppo? line10:33
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Keybukbut it's dealt with by the little black box plugged into it10:34
dredgi ditched mine for cable. 6meg of joy10:34
mjg59Keybuk: I'm pretty sure the entire UK is pppoa, even the LLUed ones10:34
KeybukI assume it is oA yeah, but I've never plugged anything into it to find out10:35
mjg59I've got 8Mbit ADSL now, so I'm happy enough10:35
mjg59802.11b is the weak point in my network now10:35
=== jdub can't wait until he's port-switched
Keybukheh, my LLU is currently purring at ~20Mbit10:35
dredgpity, ireland is pppoe everywhere (except from BT and only in certain exchanges and costs a bloody fortune)10:35
mjg59Hm. I don't even have any 10mbit around any more10:35
Keybukwhich is rather nice10:35
Keybukbittorrent still sucks though10:35
jdub8Mbit with the current modem, then 24Mbit when i get a new one10:36
Treenaksjdub: nice, I hope you live close to the CO then10:36
infinityjdub: Who's your provider?10:36
jdubcurrently on a telstra port though10:36
mjg59My modem chipset is capable of 24mbit, but DLink have failed to provide an upgrade for the firmware10:36
infinityAhh, I'm with iiNet at 24Mb/s10:36
jdubinfinity: working well?10:37
mjg59Keybuk: Do we not have pcmcia-cs in dapper-updates yet?10:37
jdubthey didn't halve your bandwidth when they halved their profits?10:37
mjg59People still seem to be getting bitten10:37
infinityNot too bad, though my line length is a bit long, so I only get ~18Mb/s on a good day.10:37
Keybukmjg59: should be10:37
mjg59Keybuk: And update-manager definitely pulls from dapper-updates?10:38
Keybukmjg59: *mumble*10:38
Keybuk pcmcia-cs | 3.2.8-5.2ubuntu5 |        dapper | source, amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc10:38
Keybuk pcmcia-cs | 3.2.8-5.2ubuntu6 | dapper-updates | source, amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc10:38
Keybukassuming that the pcmcia-cs update is correct10:38
=== dredg thanks some random deity that he doesn't have to support dapper yet
Keybukit would be worth finding such a person and getting them to check that after a reboot10:38
mjg59(Do I mean update-manager? Pointy clicky breezy->dapper)10:38
KeybukI guess we'd have to ask mvo10:39
KeybukI thought it did10:39
mjg59Or check the source10:39
Burgworkcan we code to update-manager to check if -updates and -security is not enabled and warn the user?10:39
Burgworks/we code/we add code/10:39
Keybuk                    self.sources.add("deb", uri, self.toDist, comps)10:41
Keybuk                    self.sources.add("deb", uri, self.toDist+"-updates", comps)10:41
Keybukoh, ick10:41
Keybukit only puts dapper-updates in if you had breezy-updates in 10:42
mjg59Can we fix that?10:42
Keybukit's fixable, again ask mvo10:42
mjg59No mvo to poke10:43
Keybukdo we know somebody who has definitely been bitten?10:43
infinityErr, but you wouldn't have the update-manager from breez-updates installed unless you have breezy-updates enabled, generally.10:43
infinity(Unless you installed the deb by hand)10:43
mjg5937430 sounds like it happened recently10:43
Keybukinfinity: aye, that's what I was just thinking10:43
infinitySo, while I think it's a bug, it's also one that shouldn't bite much.10:43
Keybukyou wouldn't be using the update-manager that can do dist-upgrades10:43
mjg59Or rather the latest comment in 3743010:43
mjg59Maybe we should change the installation docs?10:44
mjg59Not that it's likely to help, but still10:44
mjg59Alternative would be to fudge pcmcia-cs into dapper itself...10:44
Keybukit does sound like it10:44
Keybukmjg59: we can't do that :-/10:44
mjg59Keybuk: Policy or launchpad?10:44
mjg59I think in this case we could make an exception for policy - the problem is well understood. Launchpad is trickier.10:45
Keybukthere's no evidence that he didn't get the update10:45
Keybukso I think that discussion is premature at this time10:45
mjg59Can we ask?10:45
Keybukit's equally likely that the update does not fix the problem10:45
KeybukI've posted a comment asking10:45
infinitymjg59: Changing the dist post-release is generally regarded as a Bad Thing.10:45
mjg59infinity: Right, but having a distro that breaks some percentage of machines on upgrade is also a Bad Thing10:47
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feilexhi - i would like to chat to ( mark ) sabdfl - is he still around? - I have an internet security question11:16
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Kamion... why do you need to talk to Canonical's CEO for that? :)11:17
stuNNedtest...can you read this?11:17
TreenaksstuNNed: Must be encrypted..11:18
stuNNedprobly :P11:18
stuNNedhow to use git?  i need to "git" a driver for ppc broadcom wifi and i will paypal....11:18
mjg59stuNNed: The driver in dapper is pretty much what's in git currently, I believe11:19
mjg59What problem are you having that you believe to have been fixed?11:19
stuNNedbcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed.11:21
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KamionstuNNed: install bcm43xx-fwcutter and run /usr/share/bcm43xx-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh as root (assuming you have another Internet connection on that machine)11:22
Kamionwe don't have legal permission to distribute the firmware in Ubuntu proper, I'm afraid; we've tried to contact Broadcom and got nowhere11:23
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-104-10-217.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
stuNNedunfortunately linuxant doesn't do ppc 11:23
Kamionyes, you shouldn't need linuxant with the instructions above11:24
stuNNedwhere can i submit funds?  (small amount at the moment...inbetween jobs...)11:24
stuNNedi donated to linuxant anyways...should i ask for refund?11:25
stuNNedthanks ogra11:25
stuNNedogra: you guys need to use an easier way to donate than using a paypal account imho...alot of ppl don't trust ebay and affiliates...11:30
=== delire [n=delire@p54BCEAED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogranot my chioce11:33
stuNNedsend it up, if you will.11:33
stuNNedKamion: omg just run that command and it works?11:33
tsengi don't see a reason to donate openly to ubuntu11:33
=== SymGeosis [n=mike@mtairy-motorola1-68-71-230-109.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
stuNNedtseng: why?  are you in a fraternity?  what's the deal?11:34
tsengit is well funded enough, if you want to support it buy a contract11:34
stuNNedwith what?  my measley two dollars?  best way is probly create bounty11:35
tsengI guess.11:35
tsengi am not aware of anything funded by ubuntu foundation atm11:35
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tsengI guess it might be a worthy cause someday11:35
stuNNeddude i cannot afford a "contract" sorry and i think a way to quickly donate, easily, would benefit or no?  does it open the door for fraud or something are you thinking?  i don't get it.11:36
KamionstuNNed: should do11:36
Kamionmodulo driver flakiness11:36
=== Kamion -> bed
stuNNedKamion: very brilliant, thanks.11:36
stuNNedKamion: good rest11:36
delireis it proper to ask about a possible bug here before submitting? i can't find a simile in the bugtracker.11:37
tsengdelire: not generally, as the appropriate developer isnt even guaranteed to be listening11:38
tsengif you file a duplicate bug after making your best effort, it will be marked as such11:38
delireok, i'll register it regardless.11:38
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tsengno real harm11:38
jcoleanyone here know how to create a bootable sparc iso?11:43
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jcolemkisofs -r -J -o $(TEMP_MINIISO) -G /boot/isofs.b -B ... $(TEMP_CD_TREE)11:47
jcolei get a "mkisofs: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/boot/isofs.b'." error11:47
=== lucas [n=lucas@d213-103-78-234.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== purserj [n=purserj@] has joined #ubuntu-devel

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