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edneymatiashi all!12:59
lionelpHi edneymatias12:59
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systestIs any version of  the SPARC release of 6.06 available yet?07:01
fabbionesystest: no, as the announce said, we are validating on the hw07:04
fabbionethe hw arrived late, due to some custom issues07:04
systestsaw that in the release notes.  Thought an alpha or such might be available.07:04
systestThanks for the info.07:04
fabbioneoh yeah07:04
fabbionealpha and beta are around07:04
fabbionehmm no07:05
fabbioneimages haven't been published07:05
fabbioneyou can use netboot/netinstal07:05
systestok, didn't see them at the mirrors so thought I would ask.07:06
fabbionethey are not on cdimage either07:06
fabbionei *think* it's because they need to be relased later.. i don't remember all the black magic07:06
systestOK, thanks.  I'll wait for the official release.07:07
fabbionenetboot image ^^07:07
fabbioneyou can still test and report bugs07:07
fabbionethat's always good07:07
systestEven better.  Rather try out a new release than go to another, pointless mtg.  Thanks.07:08
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Vaske_CarJust installed LAMP and SSH. Where can I see directory structure and how to access apache directory to upload site?10:28
Vaske_CarFor example if I try to access /etc directory i can not... no such file or directory10:29
gpdVaske_Car: this is a development channel - but your DocumentRoot is set to /var/www10:32
gpdyou won't be able to [and shouldn't be able to]  see /etc or any other part of the filesystem10:32
Vaske_Cargpd, just tell me what to do to be able to access server from FTP so i can continue..10:42
Vaske_CarLike when you purchase hosting and you can access your root directory with FTP10:43
infinityVaske_Car: Please take these sort of questions to #ubuntu...10:44
infinityVaske_Car: This is a development channel, and generally doesn't take kindly to providing tech support.10:45
infinityVaske_Car: The short answer is "install an FTP daemon".  You don't have one by default.10:45
Vaske_CarThanks! I am seeking for somebody who can answer me several question in 5 minutes rather than spend 10 days to find it online... Cya dream team :)10:46
brmillerso is this why ubuntu-server is oft quiet?  developers only?  #ubuntu is pretty noisy--with all them support questions!10:47
infinitybrmiller: Yes, it's quiet intentionally, so that when we want to get some work done, we can. :)10:48
infinityThe rest of the time, I'm happy to see the channel idle.  There's no law against quiet IRC channels.10:49
brmillercongratulations--that makes perfect sense--I am a developer too (only not for ubuntu!)10:49
brmillerit's too bad there is only one "help me" channel, although that is not your problem. :)10:50
brmillerkeep up the good work10:50
=== infinity wishes people wouldn't take "this is not a support channel" as an invitation to continue their support requests in /msg
infinityVaske_Car: If I wasn't busy working and wanted to provide tech support, I'd be in #ubuntu, or responding to mailing list posts on ubuntu-users.10:58
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gpd[a community supported ubuntu-server support channel might be useful] 11:31
infinityPerhaps.  You're welcome to start one.11:33
gpdwell my experience is that you are better off making the dev channel /more/ obscure and having the default be the support channel - however, that would require shuffling11:34
gpdI just started #ubuntu-server on oftc - i'll see how many ppl find it :O11:35
infinityI generally expect channels on freenode and oftc to have the same focus if they have the same name.11:37
gpdubuntu-server-support ?11:38
infinityI'd be all for idling in #ubuntu-server-devel, but then I wouldn't be here (and a lot of other people wouldn't be), and I suspect folk would just come to the new channel to ask the same questions.  <shrug>11:38
gpdprobably right - so are you happy if we [non-devs]  answer support questions in here...11:39
infinityWe get so few support requests here, and most of them aren't really all that server-related anyway (OMG, I JUST INSTALLED THE SERVER CD AND I DON'T HAVE A GUI, HOW DO I GET A GUI?!), so I don't feel too bad sending them to #ubuntu.11:39
=== gpd maintains status-quo
infinityAnd the few really clued-up users woh ask random questions in here often find that they get answered anyway, because INTRIGUING questions that make me go research the answers are kinda fun.11:39
=== gpd goes away to find intriguing questions
kermitX_infinity: how's this one:  howto run mysql 5 & 4.1 on same box?11:43
infinitykermitX_: Don't.11:43
infinitykermitX_: If you think you need to, you're almost certainly wrong.11:43
infinitykermitX_: If you REALLY need to, then you've done enough research to know why, and therefore have also done enough research to know how.11:44
kermitX_infinity: i have a couple scripts requires 5 and a couple that requires 4.1; in production environment they're on different servers, but i am looking at my test server.11:44
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kermitX_infinity, best to run a bare install in a virtual machine of some sort to get the 'other' version?11:45
infinitykermitX_: I've never seen anything that will run on 4.1 that won't run on 5.x.11:45
infinitykermitX_: Virtualisation may be a bit extreme, chroots would be fine.11:45
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infinitykermitX_: Or, you can hack the 4.1 source to have it install to non-standard filesystem locations.11:45
infinityEither way, I'm still betting on the "you don't actually need both" scenario.11:46
kermitX_infinity, it may be that i don't "need" both -- those are just the versions supported by the companies who made the scripts.11:49
=== nikola-ppp [i=nikola-p@cmung2612.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server

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