
pygiAmaranth, doing implementation? :)12:06
Amaranthi actually didn't do anything to make https work, it just did :)12:06
pygigreat ;)12:07
pygiNow if only all would just work :P12:07
=== RobinShepheard [n=robins@80-45-78-121.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
Amaranthmy bank works and logging into ubuntuforums works12:28
Amaranthnow to make my bank a 'bad' site :)12:28
BurgworkAmaranth, http://www.firefoxflicks.com/flick/index.php?sort=pop&id=19542&c=false12:29
BurgworkAmaranth, you already have that much up for the the proxy?12:29
Amaranthit's not hard12:30
Amaranththe hard stuff is non-compiant servers and corner cases12:30
Burgworkyou planning to implement the PICS stuff?12:31
Amaranthif i have time12:32
Burgworkit can be done later12:32
Amaranthit's not a main priority though12:32
BurgworkPICS is a joke, tbh12:32
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Amaranthhmm, Kipina seems to be a common package installed on systems that get and error running alacarte12:47
=== Amaranth thinks someone made a b0rked package
Amaranthnope, wrong again12:49
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bddebianHeya folks01:26
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-89-87-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_Athurhi all01:40
bddebianHello Lord_Athur01:40
Lord_Athurhi bddebian  , I've got a new keyborad, it's connected to the computer with my usb card, but grub doesn't detect it, what can i do?01:41
=== mhz is now known as mhz_food
BurgworkLord_Athur, It is likely yoru bios, not grub01:41
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Lord_Athurbut i can get inside the bios options with this keyboard01:42
=== jane_ [n=JaneW@dsl-146-167-152.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
Burgworkhmm, that is odd01:43
Burgworkthe best solution I have for you is to go back to your other keyboard01:43
Lord_AthurI spent much money on it- not very much but could have gotten a good book with it-01:46
Lord_AthurBurgwork, Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0a81:0101 Chesen Electronics Corp. Keyboard01:46
Burgworkit is likely that Ubuntu will work once booted, but grub might be an issue01:48
Burgworkfile a bug too01:49
Amaranthcrap i broke https02:22
Amaranthheh, goofy bug02:23
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=== arkan0x is away: .....zzz...b
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=== jsgotangco yawns
mhzjsgotangco: cover your mouth04:19
mhzjsgotangco: NL will be out when?04:19
jsgotangcomhz: we're consolidating with the ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu probably this weekend04:20
jsgotangcoedgy just opened so its news04:21
Burgundaviajsgotangco: colidating?04:21
mhzjsgotangco: next week's NL could I include a mini article about the Rrle of Edubuntu and its potential/base for a variation to consolidate for Latinamerican schools?04:21
mhzr o l e04:21
jsgotangcoif you could provide a link, we'll include it04:22
jsgotangcomhz: well i woke up around 4am for the meeting then slept 1 1/2 hours more before going to work04:22
mhzjsgotangco: i ask because it will be related to FET, too. One of FET Libre 2006 objectives is to promote Edubuntu in LA04:23
mhzjsgotangco: ooh, yeah, I remember you were at a corner04:23
jsgotangcosounds cool, when would you be able to finish it?04:24
mhzI will start it on Sunday, while my daughter sleeps and my wife snores :D04:24
=== mhz already got the posters... real big size of paper
mhzposter size :D04:25
mhzand just finihsed the desging for t-shirt04:25
=== mhz corrects: ex-wife
jsgotangcomm i always get a heartwarming feeling whenever i start my kubuntu station and i get a segfault :/04:26
mhzI had to make a difficult decision while ago (5 months) for this thin laptop: Either I kept just 1 heavy desktop and many lighter ones, OR I would kill have to live with slowliness (considering I have to use lots of OOO. 04:28
mhzso, I have never used KDE since then04:28
mhzonly GNOME once a week, to see what's new and NO OOO in parallel04:28
mhzand the rest of the fays, from Fluxbox, to Wmaker to Xubuntu04:29
jsgotangcoi would understand you, XFCE is fast04:29
jsgotangcoespecially thunar04:29
mhzlovely thunar04:29
=== mhz wants to try out nomed's development of his aoutmounter
mhz'basilico' i guess it is called04:30
mhzwell, Daniele Favara is coming to FET04:30
mhzand so is the guy from Bolivia, the one who needs dvd but has no web connection04:32
Burgundaviamhz: have you tried dapper on that thing? it is much much lighter04:33
mhzthat i amusing04:33
mhzthat I am using04:33
Burgundaviamy desktop machine went from 230+ mb on a cold boot to 130+04:33
mhzBurgundavia: much faster, less battery (default settings)04:33
Burgundaviayou mean you get less battery life?04:33
mhzi mean04:33
BurgundaviaI get crap battery life in general04:34
Burgundavianice to create a spec about battery life04:34
mhzI unplug it and it lasts less, using same desktop, compared to breezy04:34
BurgundaviaI will create a spec now04:35
mhzthough, I can't wait to see Edubuntu on PDA's04:36
mhzmore especifically, in ARMs04:36
mhzanyways, those are not needed specs right now, so I close the idea ;)04:37
mhzBTW, since I got back here, I unplugged the AC and now I get 2 more mins. of battery04:37
mhzwhile, I used to have at least 80 minutes with breezy04:38
Burgundaviamhz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReducedPowerUsage04:44
Burgundaviafyi, the 2nd use case is my fathers, when he worked in the Seychelles04:45
mhzBurgundavia: thx.. I'll plug back the AC and will tab it04:45
=== CuriousG [n=cg@c-67-174-42-184.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
CuriousGI have a problem with the hibernate option when exiting from a thin client04:49
CuriousGIt appears to hibernate the whole server so it shuts it off04:49
CuriousGI assume that isn't supposed to happen.04:50
=== arkan0x is back (gone 02:05:03)
bimberiCuriousG: is this for a privileged user (ie. sudo access) or anyone?04:55
=== mhz tabs in Epiphany
mhzBurgundavia: you use/like Moin?04:58
Burgundaviamhz: yes and no04:58
mhzBurgundavia: lol04:58
mhzBurgundavia and guys, just to show off more Moin power:04:59
mhzJava and Moin: http://www.slec.net/AmbientesVirtualesdeAprendizaje04:59
mhzMind Maps, very needed by schools04:59
bimberi"a plane from Cape Town to South Africa" ?05:00
Burgundaviabimberi: right, that would be my bad05:00
bimberiBurgundavia: kk, pedantry over :P05:01
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Burgundaviabimberi: no worries, I fixed it05:02
mhzBurgundavia: and Moin and Latex and GNUPLOT, http://www.slec.net/ExtensionesMoinSlec05:02
=== HedgeMage peeks in
mhzHedgeMage: sure!05:03
mhzedubuntu needs edu-contents ;)05:03
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
LaserJockwoah, did somebody say gnuplot?!05:10
mhzLaserJock: yup05:12
mhzthat was an example of Moin and Gnuplot05:12
mhzMoin rocks05:13
mhzit is just that you need to learn to love it05:13
Burgundaviamhz: moin has serious issues05:14
LaserJockgnuplot rocks, I'm not so sure about Moin ;-) j/k05:14
LaserJockwow, that is very cool though, my boss would flip if he saw that05:15
mhzLaserJock: it can do lots more, if you let it so.05:16
HedgeMagebrb mommy duty05:16
mhzBurgundavia: serious?05:16
mhzHedgeMage: TT?05:16
Burgundaviamhz: moin sucks for teams which do not already have a method of community. It sucks for presentation docs.05:17
mhzBurgundavia: oh, I see. You mean you have even seen the Moin SlideShow plugin with my CSS?05:18
Burgundaviathat might be nice, can we get it on the help wiki?05:18
Burgundaviait doesn't solve the issue that moin sucks for communication05:18
mhzBurgundavia: well, yeah. If you have a team with no clear communication policies, it may not be the best choice05:19
Burgundaviawhich makes it bad for docs, because you tend to get lots of people helping out at random05:19
mhzBurgundavia: now I see why you say that05:19
Burgundavialook at wikipedia05:19
LaserJockdoes mediawiki make that easier? and how?05:20
Burgundaviathere is a clear discussion page with every doc05:20
=== LaserJock shuts up
mhzBurgundavia: it is the approach that is different05:20
mhzMoin has been built upon the concept of "build it as you wish"05:20
Burgundaviamoin is great for developers, not for users05:20
mhzMediawiki was built upon the concept of we give you all this, you get the rest if you can05:21
Burgundaviamediawiki is built to create a community and have presentation docs, moin is not05:21
mhz" we give you all this"05:23
mhzBurgundavia: maybe you have seen this idea. This is good for Help pages, for example.05:25
mhzand then select MoreAction -> SlideShow05:25
mhzand go to at least Slide #5 to see it working05:25
Burgundaviashiny, but too hard to get into05:26
BurgundaviaI want a slideshow on a page by default05:26
mhzno problem!05:26
mhzI can do that too :D05:26
mhzBurgundavia: I can easily make this the default page: http://mhz.homelinux.org/somework/EmacsCommands?action=SlideShow05:27
mhzBurgundavia: this is why  we do not use Mediawiki: http://linux.lcampino.cl/wiki/index.php?title=Matematicas_Libre&action=history05:28
mhzand I should have only seen this instead: http://linux.lcampino.cl/wiki/index.php?title=Matematicas_Libre05:29
mhzohhh, nothing to do but, we should have some sort of statistics to know how many schools/ teachers/ students/ pcs/ etc we have running edubuntu05:32
mhzIn Colombia, a friend of mine has this: http://estadisticas.slec.net/ejemplos05:32
CuriousGbimberi, this is a regular user I created under users and group.  I even chose the "Default" profile the one that says "Unprivileged" under the comment section.05:33
CuriousGI thought at first it was because I was using the first account that was created then I created another one using Desktop profile and same thing and now created the Default and still same thing.  It just shuts down the server.  If I turn it back on, it comes back to where I was shut down if I had logged in already.05:34
mhzCuriousG: hmmm, now thatr you mention it...05:37
mhzIIRC, I had same issue yesterday night05:37
mhzwhen leaving the LAB05:38
mhzI was on the phone and one friend was testing a client. Then he shutdowns his client and when I got back to the server it was already down too!05:38
mhzNOW I get it05:38
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mhzCuriousG: yes, it is big issue, indeed!05:39
CuriousGI don't have the shutdown problem if you click on the light switch from thin client after you log off.05:41
CuriousGBut hibernate shut down the server.  I was just wondering if it was just me or some setting in the BIOS I needed to tweak.05:41
CuriousGSurely don't want kids to mess with something like that.05:42
mhzCuriousG: my issue was my friend did not log out his session, he chose 'shutdown' from Client side 05:43
mhzthat is huge issue05:44
CuriousGI don't have a shutdown option from client.  There is a log off though.05:44
CuriousGThen after you log off and get the login screen, there is a light switch on the bottom left corner that you can hit to shut down the thin client05:45
CuriousGand that didn't appear to affect the server.05:45
mhzoh, I'll have to recheck tomorrow then05:45
CuriousGI also thought maybe hibernate was an option because this is a laptop I'm PXE booting from.05:45
mhzmaybe he did something diff05:45
CuriousGNow if he was logged in from the server however, there is a restart and shutdown option.05:46
mhzbut he wasn't05:49
=== mhz does not let anyone touch the server
CuriousGwell I guess Dapper isn't so battle tested05:53
mhzCuriousG: hmm, so it seems now05:54
mhzbut, we'll see, Maybe it is a foolish thing we are missing05:54
CuriousGI don't even understand the directions that were given for the 2 NIC setup05:55
HedgeMagemhz: yep, TT needed me, but he's safely (and exhaustedly) in bed now :)05:56
CuriousGI'm able to surf with the thin clients without making changes05:56
CuriousGyet it talks about changing some files05:56
mhzHedgeMage: and you are happy he is exhausted for next 4 or 6 hours :D05:58
mhzit is just too incredible how fast the can recharge energies!05:59
HedgeMagemhz: yep :)06:00
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
CuriousGbimberi, any new insight as to my problem?06:01
bimberiCuriousG: where do you see the hibernate option?06:01
CuriousGWhen you click the door at the top right corner06:02
CuriousGObviously if you're running a desktop it shouldn't matter but this is from a thin client06:02
CuriousGand when doing that it appears to hibernate but at the same time it'll hibernate the server to the point it shuts it off.06:03
CuriousGThen when you turn the server back on, it'll come back up from where you left off.06:03
bimberihm, i only have Logout, Switch User and Lock Screen.  However my server is still at about Dapper Beta 2.06:03
CuriousGI'm running release06:04
CuriousGand I've updated06:04
CuriousGalso ran easyubuntu06:04
CuriousGso unless something there changed it.06:04
=== HedgeMage wonders if CuriousG's nick is a reference to a mischievous monkey in a red T-shirt
=== CuriousG but of course.
bimberii think there was some last minute fiddling with the logout dialog - not edubuntu specific afaik06:04
=== HedgeMage grins at CuriousG
HedgeMagenice :)06:04
CuriousGthen again that was before they made a stupid movie out of it... had that nick for over a decade.06:04
HedgeMageI never knew there was a movie... my brother loved the books as a kid and introduced my son to them :)06:05
CuriousGI think it came out last year06:05
HedgeMageI missed it06:05
Burgundaviaavoid it at all costs06:05
HedgeMagelol that bad?06:05
CuriousGnever watched it.06:06
CuriousGanyway I don't even know what the correct way of setting up the DHCP server so if I hooked up a Windows computer, they're able to surf through the edubuntu server.06:07
CuriousGusing 2 NICs06:07
CuriousGSeems to work fine for clients06:07
Burgundaviayou need to bind the dhcp server to one of the nics06:07
CuriousGlet me try this again... it gets DHCP info but apparantly it isn't working the way I want it to06:08
=== mhz is now known as mhz_work
CuriousGI tried different dhcpd.conf options06:08
CuriousGthe eth1 NIC is the one to the Internet and that one is doing it by DHCP06:09
CuriousGand eth0 is static06:09
CuriousGprivate IP06:09
Burgundaviathat is correct06:09
Burgundavianow you need a dhcp server on eth0, for the clients06:09
CuriousGwhy was there all this fuss on some doc page I found if you have two NICs it tells you to do all this other stuff?06:09
Burgundaviathen clean it up06:09
CuriousGthat is how it is done06:09
CuriousGIf I knew what I was doing, I wouldn't need the help :)06:10
CuriousGactually dhcpd is working for eth006:10
=== LaserJock loved Curious George as a kid
CuriousGwhat should the dhcpd.conf settings be.06:11
mhz_workBurgundavia: I read the spec...Cape Town to South Africa ?06:11
bimberimhz_work: too late :P06:12
Burgundaviamhz_work: fixed it06:12
CuriousGit shouldn't all point back to the server IP?06:12
Burgundaviafor what?06:12
CuriousGlike option domain-name-server and routers?06:12
CuriousGrouter I tried my router and it didn't work06:13
Burgundaviano idea, I have never installed Edubuntu06:13
CuriousGdns pointed to the same thing06:13
CuriousGwhich is what windows client gets06:13
mhz_workBurgundavia: hehehe, sorry, I had like 20 tabs, so I read them all from 1st to last :)06:13
Burgundaviamhz_work: no worries06:14
=== mhz_work refreshes cache now
bimberiCuriousG: i don't think an edubuntu server is set up to do NAT by default06:15
CuriousGWhich is what this document mentioned06:16
CuriousGI thought it was just old06:16
Burgundaviahm, no idea06:16
=== Burgundavia kicks mhz_work
CuriousGI don't have an /etc/network/option file for one06:16
CuriousGoptions that is06:16
Burgundaviamhz_work: your edubuntu docs are out of date on teh wiki. Clean them up06:16
CuriousGSo it leaves me back to where I was.  Still don't know why the hibernate doesn't work.06:19
bimberiCuriousG: i find that page confusing.  if you're on a thin client you're logged into the server.  So if the server has access to the internet so would anyone logged into it.06:19
Burgundaviatry the mailing list06:19
mhz_workBurgundavia: which? all?06:20
Burgundaviamhz_work: there are outdated docs on the wiki, please get rid of them06:20
CuriousGthen why would you need to do thin client NAT?06:20
mhz_workBurgundavia: okis06:20
AmaranthI think my proxy needs a better name than WillowNG. :P06:20
=== bimberi visualises Burgundavia wielding a rolling-pin
Burgundaviabimberi: I prefer a shovel, really06:20
AmaranthAnd soon, before I have to change it in 20,000 places.06:20
Burgundaviathen I can bury the evidence afterwards06:20
CuriousGAll the ltsp implementations have 2 NICs.  So I'm wondering why the getting started doc doesn't cover the two NIC setup.06:21
CuriousGrather than just one.06:21
BurgundaviaI blame highvoltage06:21
CuriousGI'm not on k12ltsp because I don't want to download 4-5 CDs just to install it.06:22
CuriousGskolelinux I had some issues with and their recommended server, thin-client server setup06:23
Burgundaviahighvoltage wrote the docs06:23
BurgundaviaCuriousG: try the edubuntu mailing list06:23
CuriousGI'd like to think these are all simple questions that many people will run into06:23
CuriousGI was looking in the archives06:23
Burgundavialikely they are06:24
bimberiCuriousG: you could try firestarter, it provides a gui to setup NAT06:24
CuriousGdid find the answer to something I had an issue when I changed the IP address.06:24
Burgundaviathis is only the 2nd release of edubuntu, so the docs are not their yet06:24
CuriousGfirestarter?  Link?06:24
bimberi!info firestarter06:24
ubotufirestarter: (gtk program for managing and observing your firewall), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.0.3-1.1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 384 kB, Installed size: 1904 kB06:24
AmaranthBurgundavia: Any ideas for a name for WillowNG? :)06:25
bimberismeg! - now that it's unused06:25
BurgundaviaAmaranth: was thinking myself. But listening to the Bloodhound Gang was leading to all sort of innappropriate ideas06:25
AmaranthDon't want to go through that again. :)06:25
BurgundaviaHoneyComb I guess gives the wrong idea06:26
AmaranthIt's full of holes!06:26
BurgundaviaSewageTreatmentPlant also might be bad, although it is getting the filtering idea06:27
CuriousGI say dangdittydangdittydangdittyditty06:28
mhz_workAmaranth: call it mordor06:28
Amaranththe all seeing eye of sauron? :)06:29
mhz_workeven better: sauron06:29
mhz_workor TheEye06:29
mhz_work"This proxy sees it all, lets it all in, but not all goes out"06:30
bimberiI guess a cricketing reference is too obscure for many (willow is used to make cricket bats)06:30
Burgundaviaisn't there a castle at the edge of mordor, with gates?06:31
Amaranththe black gate?06:31
Burgundaviaya, that got another name?06:31
mhz_workkill bill?06:32
Burgundaviahmm, Willow is Saliko in Esperanto06:33
Burgundaviathat is nice name06:33
AmaranthBurgundavia: Nope, it's just "Black Gate"06:33
Amaranthhmm, saliko06:33
Amaranthabusing foreign languages for project names is what i'm good at :)06:33
Amaranth(pymusique, libmusik, alacarte, etc) :)06:33
bimberiIsenguard ?06:33
mhz_workAmaranth: what is the 3 words to sum up your proxy?06:34
Burgundaviabimberi: too common06:34
Amaranthmhz_work: No idea. :)06:34
mhz_workLaserJock: yeah, that was a very tricky fast joke06:34
AmaranthI could name it sieve. ;)06:34
bimberinote the LOTR spelling is isengard06:34
Burgundaviamight get the wrong idea06:34
Amaranthit leaks like a sieve?06:34
Amaranththat reminds me06:35
Burgundaviasweet, I have bad touch (the discovery channel song) by the Bloodhound Gang06:35
mhz_workHow about PimpNG06:35
Amaranthi accidently left it running for about 4 hours, was using 1.6MB of writable memory (the closest thing to actual memory usage)06:35
Amaranthapparently it leaked .2MB over 4 hours06:36
Amaranthbecause on a fresh start it's only using 1.4MB06:36
Burgundaviathat might be an issue06:36
Amaranthalthough i removed a couple print statements in between06:36
Amaranthso who knows06:36
Amaranthi'll leave it running overnight refreshing firefox's BBC RSS feed06:37
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
BurgundaviaAmaranth: I expect a package asap, so we can test it06:37
CuriousGspeaking of firefox, how do you setup firefox so that every user will have the same theme and installed extensions?06:37
BurgundaviaCuriousG: you need the CCK06:38
Burgundaviasome of the extensions are also packaged, so you can push those down06:38
BurgundaviaCuriousG: hmm, that might not work06:39
CuriousGthis applies for all OS platforms?06:39
Burgundaviathen I don't know06:39
CuriousGI was talking about for edubuntu but it'd be nice for WinX also06:40
Amaranthoh, it's not leaking06:40
Amaranthit's just staying at a certain max06:40
Amaranthso if i do something that causes it to use 20MB it'll stick at 20MB, i guess06:41
=== Amaranth smacks python
Amaranthbecause i queue the entire file before sending it to the browser (so i can check it)06:42
Amaranthand when i set filter_data back to '' (blank string) it creates a new string06:42
Amaranthapparently the memory used by the old one is kept by python06:43
Burgundaviabimberi: boring06:44
bimberithat's me :P06:44
Amaranthi'll stab it with gc.DEBUG_LEAK tomorrow06:52
Amaranthi just made it go up to 2MB06:52
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cbx33mornin all06:54
Burgundaviahey cbx3306:55
Amaranthhehe, and with a major stress test i couldn't get it over 1.9MB06:57
cbx33hi Burgundavia, Amaranth 06:57
Amaranthi bookmarked about 15 sites, cleared the firefox cache, restarted the proxy, and opened all the sites at once06:57
mhz_workhey cbx33 06:59
cbx33hi mhz_work 07:00
cbx33Amaranth, sound like it's going good?07:00
Amaranthmore or less07:00
HedgeMageI'm somewhat here... highlight me if you want my attention :)07:02
mhz_workeeek! this is freak!07:04
mhz_workOT: a site to place claims agression caused by women to men in colombia! http://www.lamma.com.co/07:05
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=== HedgeMage peeks in
pygihey HedgeMage 08:34
HedgeMagehi pygi 08:36
pygihow are you? :)08:36
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HedgeMagepygi: thanking the DYC for imap08:40
HedgeMagepygi: at least when the lappy tanked, I didn't lose my email or its organization08:41
Amaranthholy crap08:41
AmaranthI think I just finally ended the automatix-easyubuntu flamewar.08:41
pygiAmaranth, how? what? when? why? and what? :)08:42
AmaranthI made ubotu say the same thing for both of them and (hopefully) setup a policy where if you start talking about them, get send the ubotu factoid, and keep talking about them you get a +q.08:43
AmaranthPretty simple, really.08:43
Lintunenhttp://www.edubuntu.org/images/runltsconf.png   this is not working for me :708:44
Amaranthoh, crap08:44
pygiHedgeMage, eh08:44
AmaranthPython never returns freed RAM to the OS, it always holds on to it in case it's needed agan.08:44
AmaranthSo if for some odd reason my proxy were to peak at 120MB usage it would stay that way.08:45
AmaranthI guess I need to ditch the threads and go to forking.08:45
LintunenHow you activate in terminal local usb drive to work?08:46
=== HedgeMage contemplates tea
bimberiAmaranth: at least this is a good point to find these things out (rather than post-release)08:47
Amaranthyeah, although i already knew this one :P08:47
HedgeMageLintunen: I don't know that it is possible, but I'm the least-LTSP-knowledgeable person here, so bug ogra or someone before you give up08:47
AmaranthI just haven't written any long-running Python projects in awhile.08:47
AmaranthNow that's _cool_.08:49
=== anamaria [n=anamaria@p23.pub.ro] has joined #edubuntu
AmaranthWatching it fork in gnome-system-monitor while loading a page, then watching it go back to 1.4MB usage when the page is done.08:49
anamariahelp gnome-panel doesn't start08:49
pygiLintunen, what exactly doesn't work? Starting gedit??08:50
pygianamaria, more info would be helpful08:50
anamariaafter i log in it is stopping08:50
anamariai read some forum08:50
anamariabut i cant get it08:50
=== bimberi suddenly remembers a remote printing daemon he has that uses python's xmlrpc
pygianamaria, that's not very informative :-/08:53
pygiis the process a zombie?08:53
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=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
pygimornin' highvoltage 08:55
HedgeMagepygi: how many newbies know how to recognize a zombie? :P08:57
pygiHedgeMage, ergh, right :-/08:57
pygianamaria, you can try writing "top" and see at top does it says you have any zombies08:58
HedgeMageanamaria: You log in, and the panel freezes (starts to appear then won't finish) or it doesn't show up at all?08:58
anamariait is freezeing on the brown page08:58
HedgeMageso it's just plain brown when it stops, but that's after you enter your username and password, am I right?08:59
anamariahedegemage yes08:59
anamariawhat should i do?09:00
HedgeMageanamaria: is it a new install, or one you have been running for a while (that is, did it work before and stop, or has it always done this?)09:00
anamariais the first install of me09:00
highvoltagemornin' pygi!09:01
HedgeMageokay, and it is Edubuntu Dapper, correct?09:01
anamariaand of edubuntu09:01
=== HedgeMage thinks
bimberiunlikely, but ...09:01
ubotuIf the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority09:01
HedgeMageanamaria: if what ubotu (and bimberi) said doesn't help, let us know and we will try another idea :)09:02
anamariarm .{X,ICE}authority i did it09:03
anamariabut same result09:03
HedgeMageanamaria: did you restart X (or the whole computer if you don't know how to do just X) after trying it?09:04
pygianamaria, CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE09:05
anamariai switched in text mode09:05
anamariai typed rm .{X,ICE}authority and ctrl alt f709:05
pygianamaria, do CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE pls :)09:05
Amaranthdoes that rm command actually work?09:05
anamarianow appears the yelow square with ubuntu 09:06
anamariabut it freezes09:06
spaceyi had that login problem a few times after i rebooted during system upgrades09:08
HedgeMagespacey: fix?09:09
anamariaany ideea?09:09
=== HedgeMage wonders if spacey spaced out on us
pygianamaria, can you try doing "sudo dexconf" 09:10
spaceyHedgeMage: just dpkg --configure -a09:10
pygiand do reboot, and start a computer09:10
spaceyif something was left it will resume09:10
pygihey JaneW ;)09:11
pygihow are you? :)09:11
=== jimjimovich2 [n=jimjimov@gate.spcu.atlant.ru] has joined #edubuntu
jimjimovich2hi everyone09:13
jimjimovich2anyone have any tips on getting usb devices to work on the thin client?09:13
anamariapygi not working09:14
anamariai will quit on edubuntu09:14
pygianamaria, that's not good attitude09:14
HedgeMagehi JaneW 09:14
pygido you have internet access?09:14
JaneWpygi: still dying :(09:14
pygiJaneW, don't die :(09:14
pygianamaria, do: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:14
=== HedgeMage applies a Last Chance Salve to JaneW
pygiafter that, do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and configure monitor09:15
JaneWwhat happened to my immune system? I used to hardly get sick at all...09:15
pygiafter that reboot09:15
HedgeMageJaneW: stress and not enough sleep?09:15
jimjimovich2anyone have any luck with ltspfs?09:16
JaneWHedgeMage: well I am sleeping more and stressing less in the last week or so...09:17
JaneWHedgeMage: perhaps it's a stress relief thing?09:17
jimjimovich2how can i see what is running on my thin client?09:19
highvoltageJaneW: i talked to alastair, he says an interview with ogra sounds interesting, he's going to discuss it with the rest of tectonic team and get back to us09:20
highvoltagejimjimovich2: i don't think ltspfs works with ubuntu ltsp yet09:21
HedgeMageJaneW: could be09:22
jimjimovich2ogra pointed me to the ltspfs docs the other day, and the packages are there for it.  i just have no clue how to configure it. it's so very unclear how and where edubuntu ltsp is different from regular ltsp09:22
JaneWhighvoltage: great! thanks09:22
JaneWhighvoltage: when are you guys moving?09:23
JaneWhighvoltage: Richard may be taking over my desk there soon...09:23
jimjimovich2it seems that ogra has packaged ltspfs and ltspfsd for edubuntu, but you have to install and configure yourself09:23
jimjimovich2so, if ltspfs doesn't work.  is there any solution for mounting a local floppy or usb drive?  we really need this for our lab.09:25
pygijimjimovich2, share via samba and mount in kernel space?09:27
jimjimovich2pygi: wow. that doesn't sound fun at all09:28
pygiergh, I wrote few scripts and a explanation on how to setup things like that, just can't find it right now09:28
pygijimjimovich2, you could do something like this in lts.conf09:29
pygiLOCAL_DEVICE_01 = /dev/hdc:cdrom09:29
pygiLOCAL_DEVICE_02 = /dev/fd0:floppy 09:29
pygiLOCAL_DEVICE_03 = /dev/sda1:usb09:29
pygiHOTPLUG = Y09:29
highvoltageJaneW: after the end of this month some time09:30
pygifor usb devices, it's really tricky to configure it properly :-/09:30
pygiAnd I gotta run preety soon09:30
highvoltageJaneW: what's richard going to do?09:30
jimjimovich2pygi: do i have to somehow turn on USB in the lts.conf?09:31
jimjimovich2pygi: like load a module or something?09:31
pygijimjimovich2, kindaof, but it's not that easy09:31
jimjimovich2is there any way at all to see what's running on the thin client? Like, pull up a terminal window that's logged into the thin client and not the server?  so, run like "top" and see what's running on the client?09:34
pygijimjimovich2, student control panel09:34
jimjimovich2pygi: how do i get this?09:35
pygijimjimovich2, sudo apt-get install student-control-panel :P09:36
jimjimovich2pygi: thanks, i've seen vague references to this scattered around, but never anything that even explained what the student control panel is09:37
pygijimjimovich2, :)09:37
jimjimovich2ok, that kicks butt09:38
pygis-c-p is still in early stages tho, but it works :P09:38
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cbx33hi all09:41
HedgeMagehi cbx33 09:41
cbx33hey HedgeMage 09:41
pygimornin' python :)09:42
=== blue-frog [n=bluefrog@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33mornin python mentor09:46
cbx33working with treeviews now :p09:47
cbx33so where does pygi come from.... python - guy?09:47
=== cbx33 considers changing his name to - joatmon
cbx33Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None09:49
pygicbx33, bah :)09:49
cbx33thanks for all the help pygi 09:50
cbx33seriously I'd not be doing any python if it weren't for you09:50
cbx33you gave me the kick i needed09:50
pygiheh, someone else would help you09:51
JaneWhighvoltage: http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=943 :(09:51
=== Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #edubuntu
pygiJaneW, linspire? :-/09:55
highvoltageJaneW: yes, i saw that. i don't think it's entirely a bad thing, tbph09:57
JaneWhighvoltage: oic09:58
highvoltagefirstly, at least they are very public about their intentions to roll out linux based machines. where lenovo said they specifically won't roll out linux laptops.09:58
JaneWhighvoltage: yes any linux pre-installed is good imo09:59
JaneWbut would have been nice if it were ubuntu09:59
highvoltagei think that's going to happen in the future though.09:59
highvoltageat the time they made the release, linspire had a friendlier (read: more colourful) package manager front-end, which swayed them over.10:00
highvoltageif they were to compare dapper with linspire, i'm sure they would choose dapper.10:00
=== cbx33 thought at one time of setting up a computer company to supply machines with ubuntu
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highvoltagecbx33: i have too, unfortunately my current contract prohibits me from starting something on the side :/10:09
jimjimovich2ok, i need some honest feedback here.  is it a waste of my time to try to mount local floppies and/or usb drives at this point?10:09
=== blue-frog [n=bluefrog@] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagejimjimovich2: don't give up until you've asked ogra about it at least10:12
jimjimovich2i'm thinking, that as seldom as students use removable media, maybe there's a simpler solution10:13
jimjimovich2we have about 15 computers, and they're all completely different, i just can't see how it'll work (when I can't get it to work on one)10:14
HedgeMagejimjimovich2: I know the problem of mounting removable media at the thin client was discussed a while back, I just don't know if it's solved in dapper or in the works for edgy10:14
jimjimovich2ok, i'll chill and as ogra later10:16
blue-froghi is there a command line to revert Dapper to previous state (meaning did some updates yesterday or 2 days ago and I thing those updates are doing something strange with my cdroms, would like to check without reinstalling)10:16
jimjimovich2on the topic of linspire ... i think that a big part of it seeming "easier" to use is that it looks like windows.  It was hard to sell our bosses on the idea of using Linux when we showed them a default gnome install, but after we made it look more like windows, it seems like a psychological barrier was lifted10:17
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jimjimovich2personally, i think the default gnome is easier than windows, but it's hard for people to get past the idea of not having a start button.  So, this is our default desktop for students.  So far, they all like it.  One person even believed us when we told them it was Windows Vista.  http://flickr.com/photos/jimjimovich/162343385/10:19
=== DanielC [n=daniel@] has joined #edubuntu
DanielCHello. I want to upgrade an Edubuntu LTSP to Dapper and I'm reading the relevant instructions. Is it really safe to 'rm -rf /opt/ltsp/i386 && ltsp-build-client' ?10:23
DanielCWill I have to recreate the users? Reconfigure their accounts?10:23
DanielCWill the users lose their personal files?10:23
HedgeMageDanielC: you might want to hang out a while or ask on the mailing list... it's pretty quiet in here at the moment10:32
DanielCOk. I just asked on the list. Let's see if anyone responds.10:33
jsgotangcoi think you will just have to recreate the chroots10:33
jsgotangconot sure about the user accounts though10:33
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #edubuntu
HobbseeJaneW: are you leaving us?10:43
HedgeMageHobbsee: she's leaving canonical, but we expect to see her here from time to time10:45
Hobbseeah, i see10:45
=== jsgotangco will miss JaneW terribly
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has left #edubuntu ["Bye!]
JaneWjsgotangco: you can read my blog :P10:51
cbx33highvoltage: yeh I know, it's just the financial side10:52
=== RobinShepheard [n=robins@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33I already run a web design company with my wife10:52
cbx33I think my brother in law wants to do something like that when he's older10:52
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jsgotangcomorning ogra 10:54
cbx33hi ogra 10:59
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cbx33DanielC: ping11:07
cbx33don't take my word as gospel truth11:08
cbx33you need ogra for that 11:08
cbx33but but...11:08
cbx33the command you mentioned earlier should just removed the NFS root boot11:09
cbx33all documents account settings etc are stored in the actual server11:09
cbx33not the chroot that is exported over nfs11:09
DanielCAh. I did not know that.11:09
DanielCWhat does the chroot do then?11:09
=== jimjimovich2 [n=jimjimov@gate.spcu.atlant.ru] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33there is a small, tiny, installation of ubuntu/edubuntu in that folder11:10
cbx33when the clients boot up, they are pointed to that folder and do not see any of ther parent folders11:10
cbx33as far as they are concerned that is their entire Hard drive if you get my meaning11:10
jimjimovich2ogra: i was asking eariler (when you were not here) about mounting local floppies (and/or usb drives).  I tried installing ltspfs and ltspfsd from the repositories ... but i'm having no luck getting it running. Any ideas?11:11
DanielCcbx33: I think I understand. This tiny little ubuntu system then runs some program that runs a remote X connection. So what I "see" on the thin client is actually the main server. Is that right?11:12
DanielCOk, I got the general idea. Thank you.11:12
cbx33the client uses SSH to connect a tunnelled X session11:13
DanielCOk. I just learnt something today :)  So recreating the ltsp client should be pretty safe and pretty quick. Great.11:14
=== Kozuch [n=jan@159.108.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33DanielC: I would think so11:14
cbx33but as I said before ogra is the man for gospel truth11:14
cbx33I updated mine a while ago and it was ok11:15
DanielCOk, understood.11:15
RobinShepheardHi All11:24
RobinShepheardJust a quick question, has anybody used multiple servers with round-robin dns to load balance??11:25
RobinShepheardI am just wondering whether it would work ok11:28
RobinShepheardas far as I reckon, once it has downloaded the os and setup the ssh connection, it should only speak to the same server each time11:28
RobinShepheardbut I wasn't sure whether this is the case, I will do a test install of a couple of machines here I guess11:29
RobinShepheardssh tunnels dont query dns once they are up do thery ???11:30
RobinShephearddoh they11:30
=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-169-33.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu
DanielCcbx33: Do you know how long the ltsp-build-client step takes?11:43
cbx3315-30 mins last go i did11:46
DanielCAlright, thanks.11:46
cbx33anyone here ever created a dvd12:36
highvoltagewhat kind of dvd? dvd-rom, dvd video?12:39
RobinShepheardcbx33:  one is available for download from the download page12:40
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cbx33dvd video12:47
cbx33I'm using qdvdauthor12:47
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cbx33but I've never written a DVD before12:49
DanielCI've written a *data* DVD, but never a movie.12:50
highvoltagewriting a dvd is pretty much exactly the same as writing a cd image12:52
cbx33highvoltage: I had the video_ts and audio_ts folders12:53
cbx33do i just bung them on a cd?12:53
highvoltagewell, on a dvd, at least12:55
cbx33not like an iso then12:55
highvoltageyes, like an iso.12:55
cbx33wasn't aware it was that easy?12:55
highvoltagesorry, yes, you don't burn it as raw data12:56
cbx33you can't do that with a cd can you?12:56
highvoltageyou make in iso first and them burn that iso12:56
cbx33ah 12:56
cbx33do you have any hints on how to make the iso12:56
=== cbx33 is just having a brainwave about a new feature for gISOMount
cbx33iso building12:56
highvoltageyou can use K3b or graveman or mkisofs12:56
cbx33are any of them gui?12:57
highvoltagek3b and graveman are12:57
highvoltagegraveman is gnome, k3b kde12:57
cbx33thanks highvoltage 12:58
jimjimovich2is it possible to log into the server from a linux machine that is not a thin client?  Like, can I pull up a session on the Edubuntu server from my Ubuntu desktop?01:02
cbx33jimjimovich2: it should be possible in theory01:05
cbx33jimjimovich2: I just use a vmware machine on my desktop to connect to the server01:06
jimjimovich2cbx33: ok, i was gonna ask about that too.  So, you can do a network boot with vmware? What about with vmware player?01:07
cbx33dunno about player01:07
cbx33buit remeber server is now free01:07
jimjimovich2cbx33: true.  we're using it ... forgot about that. One of those days, i guess :)01:07
cbx33ping ogra seen the post on the ML about local devices?01:19
RobinShepheardcbx33: someone from the lug suggested that if we do get permission to do BETT2007 that if we can prove we are not for profit we may be able to get some free space or atleast a much reduced rate01:36
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DanielCHelp help. I upgraded to dapper and how "eth0" is gone.01:47
cbx33RobinShepheard: no such luck01:52
cbx33I already spoke to the organisers01:52
RobinShepheardDanielC: try running sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart from a command line eg ctrl+alt+F101:53
RobinShepheardcbx33: Oh well it was worth a thought01:53
DanielCRobinShepheard: I already tried that, but eth0 just doesn't exist.01:54
RobinShepheardit there anything in system --> networking??01:54
DanielCNo, there isn't.01:54
RobinShepheardhave you restarted the machine since the update??01:55
DanielCYes, I have.01:55
DanielCIf you do 'networking restart' it says 'eth0: ERROR: No such device".01:55
RobinShepheardwhat machine are you running, desktop or laptop??01:56
RobinShepheardwhat make?01:57
DanielCThis is a PCMCIA ethernet card.01:57
DanielCDell Inspiron 250001:57
RobinShepheardok what chipset is it, do you know??01:57
DanielCNo, not really.01:57
cbx33how can i send a message to an X session?01:57
RobinShepheardwhat make is the ethernet card??01:57
cbx33like when you shutdown a machine01:57
DanielCI just pulled it out, it doesn't say what make it is.01:58
RobinShepheardthat does make things a little more tricky01:59
DanielCWhen I run lspci I can't see anything I recognize as an ethernet card. But I admit I'm not sure what I'm looking for.01:59
DanielCIs there a general hardware detection program I can run?01:59
cbx33that's even more tricky01:59
cbx33DanielC: 01:59
cbx33can you post the output of lspci somewhere?02:00
cbx33gonna be tricky seeing as you don;t have a network card02:00
cbx33USB stick or something?02:00
ograDanielC, type dmesg in a terminal after plugging it in02:00
RobinShepheardwhen it plugged back in, can you please open a terminal applications --> accessories --> terminal then type lspci02:00
DanielCogra: dmesg outputs a lot of information...should I grep anything?02:01
cbx33try grepping for net02:01
ogralspci wont show anything02:01
ogra(its pcmcia)02:01
cbx33ogra: oh sorry I didn't read above02:01
RobinShephearddoh good point ogra02:01
ograDanielC, look for something like bcm43xx :)02:01
DanielCdmesg|grep net == audit: initializing netlink socket02:01
cbx33i was assuming he was shuttong the machine down02:01
ograi bet its a broadcom card02:02
cbx33ogra: you da man02:02
DanielCdmesg|grep bcm == blank02:02
ograso its not02:02
DanielCThis card used to work with Breezy and with Hoary before that.02:02
ogradoes it create any ethX device after you replug it ?02:02
RobinShepheardI am not using a pcmcia card, but would it register under pccard in dmesg ??02:03
DanielCls /dev/|grep eth == blank02:03
cbx33does dmesg | grep net02:03
DanielCdmesg|grep net == audit: initializing netlink socket02:03
cbx33dmesg | grep pccard02:04
ogrado: dmesg|tail -50 02:04
ograand paste that to a pastebin02:04
cbx33if you can get to a paste bin02:04
cbx33seeing as network is down02:04
RobinShepheardsuggestion use grep -i and then choice as it ignores case02:04
DanielCls /dev/|grep pccard ==02:04
DanielCpccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 002:04
DanielCpccard: card rejected from slot 002:04
cbx33ok cool so it's pciking it up02:05
RobinShepheardhow about dmesg | grep -i net02:05
cbx33what's inbetween those lines02:05
cbx33good idea02:05
DanielC"dmesg | grep -i net" gives a few lines of "NET: Registered protocol family x" where x is an integer.02:05
cbx33what about02:06
cbx33dmesg | grep found02:06
cbx33the last line02:07
cbx33that that finds?02:07
cbx33if it does02:07
DanielCThe last line is "ibm_acpi: ec object not found". I don't see any line I recognize as an ethernet card.02:08
ograyou wont gain anything by grepping for single lines you need to see the whole snippet of dmesg after the card was plugged in02:08
DanielCIt lists ACPI,pnp, isapnp, cardbus and smpbus.02:08
RobinShepheardcardbus is the pcmcia02:08
cbx33malloc(): memory corruption02:12
RobinShepheardmy regex's are a bit rusty, how could you filter to mach a mac address02:12
lucasvohi everybody02:12
RobinShepheardi know the basic is ??:??:??:??:??:?? but I am not sure how to get this to work with grep02:12
cbx33RobinShepheard: it doesn't always display it02:12
RobinShepheardI know but I was thinking it was worth a try02:13
RobinShepheardIf you have a mac address you can find the vendor02:13
RobinShepheardI know my built in card displays the mac on detection but I dont know about pcmcia, I have never used a pcmcia card02:14
cbx33the mac should be on the card02:14
RobinShepheardyeah but if it can't find the card it is a bit of a no go, unless it registers the hardware and mac on boot and then says it rejects it02:15
cbx33doubt it02:15
DanielCWhere can I past the dmesg output? I just got it off a usb stick.02:15
cbx33**** SET: Misaligned resource pointer: d3bdfa22 Type 07 Len 0 ??02:17
DanielCNo idea what that means.02:17
cbx33but it's not picking up the data02:18
cbx33so far as I can see02:18
RobinShepheardwell i damned if i can see anything useful02:18
cbx33me either02:18
cbx33ogra: ?02:18
DanielCDang! I have to go!  Grrr....02:19
DanielCThanks for the help anyways. I guess I'll come back tomorrow and ask again...02:19
RobinShepheardjust a quick thought, has it loaded module for the pcmcia system??02:20
DanielCbtw: daniel.carrera@zmsl.com02:20
=== DanielC dashes off to setup Linux at a school...
cbx33RobinShepheard: that's an idea02:22
cbx33we'll try some lsmod's tomorroe02:22
cbx33ping ogra: an unrelated question, when packaging, if my python program has to call in a glade file which is stored in another directory, how do i ge the install to manage that.  Like when testing normally they are both in the same dir02:23
cbx33but once in stalled they might both reside elsewhere?02:23
ogrause dh_install and the .install file 02:23
cbx33yeh I have done that02:24
cbx33but in the python script I need to call in the glade file02:24
cbx33which no longer resides in the same dir02:24
cbx33as the script itself02:24
cbx33do i have to hardcode the path of the glade file? - there must be a better way?02:25
ogrause the path where irt resides then 02:25
ogranope, in the python code02:25
=== RobinShepheard waves good bye
RobinShepheardhave to ga and meet the better half for lunch, see you all later02:25
cbx33bye RobinShepheard 02:25
cbx33ogra: I'm not sure I follow02:25
cbx33gisomount lives in /usr/sbin for exampl02:26
ograerr, why do you call scripts in the glade file ? 02:26
cbx33and gisomount.glade lives in /usr/share/gisomount/02:26
cbx33gisomount needs gisomount.glade to run02:26
cbx33when I'm developing they are both in the same dir02:26
ograyes, so you call /usr/share/gisomount/gisomount.glade from your python code02:26
cbx33I hardcode it in?02:27
ograinstead of gisomount.glade02:27
cbx33that was what I was asking02:27
cbx33ok, is that not inflexible?02:27
ograwhy ? its a package, the location doesnt change ... indeed you could add a conf file and define the path there if you want to make it more portable to non debian distros02:28
cbx33thanks ogra I'll do it that way02:28
cbx33I think I managed to make my first package from scratch02:29
ogragreat !02:29
cbx33it installs fine02:29
cbx33just didnt run02:29
cbx33because of that issue02:29
ograi'm just doing a ltsp-manager driven ltsp install 02:29
cbx33just ognna fix now02:29
cbx33you're fast02:29
ograif thats finished i'll upload the initial package02:29
cbx33ogra: you are da man02:29
cbx33I'm impressed02:29
ograstill missing a lot02:29
lucasvotoo bad we didn't have it for dapper02:29
cbx33did you see I used treeviews02:30
lucasvoogra: what for e.g.?02:30
ograbut will be fun to work on it02:30
cbx33they are quit cool02:30
ograits my big pet project for edgy :)02:30
lucasvoogra: last time I checked, one was only able to configure general settings, not per machine02:30
cbx33did i hear we're having an scp meeting soon?02:30
lucasvocbx33: when?02:30
ogralucasvo, yes, it wont do more02:30
=== lucasvo wants to attend it
cbx33so ogra when developing do you keep the glade files in your dir and change the paths upon packaging?02:31
=== lucasvo is waiting for the (k,ed)ubuntu cd's
ograyou can use a try: statement 02:31
cbx33ah to try local and alternate location?02:32
ograso you can look for the file in the current dir and fall back to 7usr/share02:32
lucasvoogra: ltsp manager=ltspadmin?02:33
cbx33ltsp manager > ltspadmin02:33
ograltspadmin is the old commandline perl script ltsp.org uses02:34
cbx33WOW it works02:34
cbx33I just created my very first package :D02:34
cbx33Laser_away will be so proud02:35
ograthere is code for the above galde problem in ldm if you look for a solution btw02:35
cbx33ah cool02:35
cbx33you don;t use in ltsp-manager?02:35
ograi'll do once i got to code cleanup and the like :)02:36
cbx33i see02:36
cbx33so will the package you're creating now install all to a single dir?02:36
ografor now its only free playing around with the code until its in shape ... then i'll do a claenupo and add more error handling etc02:36
cbx33that's the stage gisomount is in02:37
cbx33ogra: at some point02:41
cbx33would you do me the greatest honour of looking at my gisomount code and suggesting improvemnts from a structure coding methodology point of view02:41
cbx33wow thank you02:42
cbx33I'll buy you a beer 02:42
cbx33or 202:42
cbx33because I'm ok at coding and it works etc, but I'm not sure my structuring and classes are well done or not02:42
cbx33I have a bit more work to do, but once it's in a stage where I think it's ready to be viewed I'll let you know02:43
cbx33thank you so much02:43
cbx33that means a great deal02:43
=== cbx33 breathes a sigh of relief
lucasvoogra: it is not good that ltsp-manager doesn't try to open /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf if /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf isn't available02:48
ogralucasvo, /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf must be availabel for ltsp to work right and ltsp-manager hard depends on ltsp-server-standalone02:49
lucasvoI think it's crap to take a default config and move it to a non default place02:50
lucasvobut I can work without ltsp manager as well02:50
ograhow would you do it ? 02:50
ograyou cant change files for one package from another one 02:51
ograltsp manager is for managing standalone installs, for all other things we'll have something bigger02:51
lucasvowhat bigger?02:51
lucasvolandscape *g*?02:52
lucasvoit's like microsoft with windows vista02:52
lucasvoYes, we will implement it in windows vista.02:52
ograso how would you do it if you may not break existing dhcp configs *and* cannt touch the file from ltsp-server-standalone ?02:52
lucasvoYes, this feauture will be improved in windows vista.. :)02:52
lucasvo *and* cannt touch the file from ltsp-server-standalone ?02:52
lucasvois not true02:52
lucasvocannot OPEN is more appropriate02:53
ogralucasvo, please read the packaging policy02:53
lucasvoogra: well, if the conf is in /etc/dhcp make warning 02:53
ograyou are not allowed to touch /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf from *any* package but dhcpd02:53
lucasvoogra: even if the user says yes?02:53
ograso you either will have to break *all* dchpd setups out there, *or* you get a conffile prompt which is forbidden in ubuntu since it breaks various other things 02:54
ograso the only way to implement it in a sane manner is to source a different config file ...02:55
ograbtw, no debian developer disagrees here (debian uses our implementation this way)02:55
ogralucasvo, belive me, we're not making packaging decisions for fun or to annoy the users 02:57
ograbut indeed you are free to file a bug (which would get rejected, but hey you have the opportunity)02:58
lucasvoogra: I think at least the app should run without a conffile in /etc/ltsp02:59
lucasvoDHCP settings isn't the sole purpose of this app, is it?02:59
ograof ltsp-server-standalone ? 02:59
lucasvono, ltsp-manager03:00
ograplease read the package description03:00
lucasvoogra: which one?03:00
ograltsp-managers purpose is to be a GUI frontend to ltsp-server-standalone 03:00
ogranothing more03:00
ograand it wont grow into a networkwide ltsp management gadget03:01
ograthats something other apps can do03:01
lucasvoogra: and which one is the app to change the lts.conf?03:01
lucasvoogra: and I am not able to configure my ltsp setup if I don't use the standard dhcpdconf?03:02
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
ogralucasvo, because you broke everything by fiddling around with the initscripts etc03:03
jsgotangcogood evening03:03
lucasvoogra: lol03:03
lucasvoogra: it is a blank installation with a rc03:03
lucasvoI even have ltsp-standalone admin installed03:03
lucasvothe only thing I did: rm /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf03:04
ograltsp-standalone admin ?03:04
ograwhats that ? 03:04
=== cbx33 was confused too
lucasvoI mean ltsp-standalone03:04
lucasvoor whatever this package is called03:04
lucasvolucasvo@supernova:~/Desktop/projekte/ubuntu/ltsp-manager$ sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone03:04
lucasvoReading package lists... Done03:04
lucasvoBuilding dependency tree... Done03:04
lucasvoltsp-server-standalone is already the newest version03:04
ograand with rm /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf you broke the setup03:05
lucasvoogra: why?03:05
ograbecause you use the wrong dhcpd.conf *SIGH*03:05
ograeither use the package as they are supposed to be used or stop complaining 03:06
lucasvoogra: my question is still unanswered. 03:06
lucasvo15:02 < lucasvo> ogra: and I am not able to configure my ltsp setup if I don't use the standard dhcpdconf?03:06
lucasvoI mean the file /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf03:06
lucasvowith a gui03:07
ograsure you are ... rm /etc/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf && cp /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcpd/dgcp.conf03:07
lucasvoit worked a few weeks ago03:07
ograthere is no GUI to edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf03:07
lucasvoogra: there was03:07
ograthere never was03:08
lucasvowasn't there some packge?03:08
lucasvook, then I'm sorry03:08
ograelse we'd use it03:08
lucasvoI thought ltsp-manager is that package03:08
ograyes, it is03:09
lucasvo15:07 < ogra> there is no GUI to edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf03:09
lucasvoso is there one or not?03:10
ograthere is no gui to edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf03:10
lucasvo15:08 < lucasvo> I thought ltsp-manager is that package03:10
lucasvo15:09 < ogra> yes, it is03:10
lucasvoobviously a misunderstanding03:11
ograthere will be one once you stopped asking me questions and i can go on with packaging it03:11
lucasvoI pulled the bzr anyway03:11
=== cbx33 is looking forward to it
lucasvoogra: But in bzr version you can configure it03:12
ograbzr version of what ? 03:12
ograyes, indeed, since thats one of its purposes03:13
lucasvoogra: I was talking about the development version of the package all the time. where one is able to configure it03:13
ograthere is only one version of ltsp-manager and there was neither a release yet nor does there exisist a package03:14
lucasvoogra: couldn't you just disable the DHCP tab in this app if there isn't any /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf?03:14
ograand it probably wont unless i'll get off this channel it seems03:14
lucasvoogra: but fact is "there is no GUI to edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf" is wrong03:15
lucasvoogra: ok03:15
lucasvogo to work :)03:15
jsgotangcothat doesn't work yet03:15
ogranope, it doesnt even have any functionallity to edit lts.conf 03:15
lucasvoit's only dummy or what?03:15
jsgotangcoyep i grokked it last night03:15
jsgotangcolucasvo: it has code, but its not full featured yet even the glade setup is just braindumps it seems03:16
ogralucasvo, its a planned feature that will be there if edgy releases, for now neither a release fo ltsp-manager nor a package nor this feature exist03:16
jsgotangcoogra didnt get enough time to work on it because it wasn't spec'ed earlier for dapper03:16
ograjsgotangco, it is specced for edgy now and i'll work on it 03:17
jsgotangcoit was planned for dapper+1 03:17
jsgotangcoahh yeah03:17
=== mvo [n=egon@p54A6673E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograhey mvo 03:17
jsgotangcomvo: !03:17
ograwhat a rare guest :)03:17
cbx33hi mvo03:17
mvohello everyone! 03:18
mvoI'm here in the search for a .au person :) a friend of mine (who studies to become a teacher) needs some information about the .au highschool system03:19
mvoand this sounds like the perfect place :)03:19
jsgotangcoyou'll get lots of info from greebo03:19
jsgotangcoshe works with a lot of gov't agencies03:19
jsgotangcoand NGOs03:19
mvonice, thanks!03:20
mvoI guess its already a bit late in .au03:20
jsgotangcowell call up jdub lol03:20
mvoheh :)03:20
cbx33I found a bug in openoffice03:27
cbx33a tick box with no text associated with it03:27
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C-O-L-TSeveas: Hello are you there? I have a big problem with my Dapper. I can not connect to the internet. I use DHCP connection but sometimes works and sometimes not. Under windows everything works well03:28
C-O-L-TSeveas: what to do? What is the solution03:28
ograC-O-L-T, thats an #ubuntu question03:30
lucasvoC-O-L-T: and Seveas is not the only who can answer it. I suggest you to go to #ubuntu and ask your question there.03:31
C-O-L-Tok ok03:32
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lucasvothe SERVER variable in lts.conf is to define the server which should be used as the terminal server?03:43
ograits set automatically anyway, but yes ... set it only if the server differs from the bootserver03:44
lucasvoogra: well, it could be used for load balancing, could it?03:45
lucasvosend half of the clients to another server03:45
ograits not that easy03:45
lucasvoogra: have you read the mail from robin?03:45
lucasvowhat should one do?03:46
ograyou would have to keep everything in sync on both servers all the time if you did that...03:46
lucasvoah, yes03:46
lucasvolike /home and so on03:46
ogramore than that ... probably even /tmp 03:46
lucasvowhat else?03:46
lucasvowhy that?03:46
ograits a lot of work to get that reight 03:47
lucasvowhat's used in /tmp by multiple users?03:47
ograthe best way to do load balancing is a openmosix or ssp cluster03:47
ograno idea03:47
ograthats why i said probably03:47
lucasvowah, openmosix is not accepted03:47
ograneither of the cluster solutions is mature enough to enter our kernel03:48
lucasvoa friend has a running ltsp 4.1 with openmosix03:48
ograso we simply dont have it yet, and its a major pain to set up03:48
lucasvoit's quite good03:48
lucasvoogra: what should one reply to the ml?03:49
blue-froghi ogra, would it be sensible for an install to fail because it can't scan the repositories? (no internet connection)03:49
ograwe dont have it ... point him to ltsp.org docs there are some instructions how to patch kernels for clustering etc03:49
ograblue-frog, nope03:49
ograblue-frog, it should just time out 03:50
ogra(admittedly apt can take 10 mins or more until it times out)03:50
blue-frogit does but right after it fails saying one step couldn't be achieved and I see nothing special in console 403:50
=== lululinux [n=chatzill@B2a-CommercialWay-Brooksville-28.ij.net] has joined #edubuntu
lucasvo!package w32codecs03:52
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, lucasvo03:52
blue-frogso in fact it installed some software apparently but then fails and everytime i try to run the select and install software step again it shows me straight " an installation step has failed:select and install"03:53
ogradid you check the media ? 03:54
blue-frogyes the iso is good03:54
ogralooks like a broken CD 03:54
blue-frogrunning directly from hdd03:54
ograwell, at some point the installer rescans for CD drives ... 03:55
blue-frogthe only thing left would HDD/motherboard but the y are brand new and I already have an edubuntu on it03:55
ograso if it doesnt find the cdrom there might be your problem03:55
blue-frogah thing is i tried HDD as all crdom/dvd i burned lately with dapper are screwed so I wanted to see if i had the same problem with dapper with no updates03:56
ogramhz wrote a nice howto to net-install from an edubuntu iso if you have an apache server around inn your LAN03:56
ogramust be on the wiki somewhere03:56
blue-frogas the only dvd burned with breezy not dapper is working ok03:57
blue-frogOgra to be honest I suspect a major poopoo with a dapper updates and the cdroms, that's why am trying to run some tests03:58
blue-frogI have 2 burner on 2 different puters doing weird things since the updates03:58
ograwell, if you didnt tweak your configs to heavily, it shouldnt be a problem to upgrade03:58
blue-frogI mean the burners were still ok when i did fresh install of dapper03:59
=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-169-33.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu
blue-frogand then 2 or 3 days ago after an update they went berzerk03:59
ograjust install the update-manager from breezy-updates, run sudo update-manager and youre good to go03:59
cbx33ogra: I still have that keyboard issue04:04
cbx33 was thinking of reinstalling dapper, just leaving my home partiion unformatted04:05
ogradoes it happen with the liveCD ?04:05
cbx33that's a plan04:05
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cbx33ogra: does it on live too04:33
ogralikely a driver bug then04:33
ograask #ubuntu-kernel04:33
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cbx33see y'all later04:41
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jsgotangcogood night05:09
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RobinShepheardDanielC: have you had a chance to sort out your eth0??05:16
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highvoltagehey cbx33 06:09
cbx33hi highvoltage 06:10
cbx33howz it going06:10
highvoltagegoing great, even though it's been a tough day.06:10
cbx33yeh me too06:10
=== cbx33 packaged up gisomount for the first time today :D
highvoltageogra: i just asked on #launchpad, it's intentional that you can sign the CoC with an unsigned GPG key.06:11
highvoltagecbx33: cool :)06:11
cbx33ah yes06:11
ograhighvoltage, i still have noi clear answer for that, but i suspect it is06:12
cbx33keyboard fixed :D06:21
cbx33or so it seems06:21
cbx33it's an acpid issue, they know about it and are fixing it :D06:21
cbx33ogra, you got two secs bud?06:28
cbx33question about packaging06:28
cbx33howz ltsp-manager going?06:28
Amaranthcbx33: Don't do crack man. :P06:32
=== cbx33 is goign to put some grub on
ogracbx33, shoot06:34
ograltsp-manager is done so far, its waiting for the buildds to be ready06:35
cbx33oooh nice06:36
cbx33I have a source tree06:36
cbx33and I have a source tree with a debian dir seperately06:36
cbx33when it comes to update the source tree, do I just dump the source in the dir where I'm packaging 06:36
cbx33and overwrite what's alreayd in there06:36
cbx33what's the proper way to do things06:37
ograthere is a more elegant way, but i do it the same as you (unless i have a new upstream release which requires a new orig.tar.gz)06:38
cbx33should I update my orig.tar.gz too?06:38
cbx33i used that initially with dh_make06:39
cbx33it's out of date now, but the package still builds and installs with the latest source tree06:39
cbx33if I do it the way I described06:39
ograwell, if you make your first public release you should do it with a fresh orig.tar.gz06:40
cbx33what is the difference?06:40
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cbx33or is there essentially none, it's just better practice?06:41
ograyou should keep packaging (.diff.gz) and program source (orig.tar.gz) distinct as much as you can06:41
=== P3L|C4N0 [n=sopmac@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33so does the diff.gz store my changes in the source tree as well?06:42
cbx33like when I just copied the new source tree across?06:42
cbx33does it compare tothe orig.tar.gz06:42
cbx33and make diffs?06:42
ograi.e. the orig.tar.gz should be identical to what the user would get from your apps webpage as tar.gz06:42
cbx33OH cool06:42
cbx33I totally get it now06:42
cbx33so if I just re-tared up the orig now,06:43
cbx33I don;t have to run dh_make again do I06:43
cbx33I can just replace the orig, and the source tree and repackage?06:43
ogramove the debian dir out of the tree first06:43
cbx33of course06:43
ograand move it back after tarring06:43
cbx33to enable the packaging to take place06:43
cbx33I'm really getting this06:43
cbx33it's easy06:44
ograyep :)06:44
ograit has a very steep learning cruve, but once you got it its really easy 06:44
=== Xymor [i=enforcer@200165115054.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33I just need to learn how to edit my rules file properly06:45
cbx33there's a lot of extraneous info there at the mo06:45
cbx33and I can see debuild complaining about stuff but just letting it pass06:45
ograyep, you should drop all unneeded debhelper modules06:45
cbx33indeed I will before I release06:46
cbx33I would think you can expect the first release within a week06:46
ograbtw, do you use debuild only or do you already have a pbuilder set up ?06:46
cbx33i did have a pbuilder setup06:46
cbx33but currently I build and test in a chroot06:47
ogragood :)06:47
cbx33I've never used pbuilder really yet06:47
ograjust make sure it builds in a pbuilder in the end,, then its ready for the archive 06:47
cbx33presumably using debhelper is fine for apps that are non-essential06:47
cbx33by that I mean06:47
cbx33desktop apps etc06:47
Amaranthhey running overnight updating firefox's bbc rss feed my proxy stayed at 1.4MB writable memory06:47
cbx33you wouldn't use it for like gzip etc06:48
cbx33essential basic apps06:48
Amaranthso, forking solves all06:48
cbx33am I right?06:48
ogracbx33, what would you use instead ?06:49
cbx33writing the rules file from scrath06:49
cbx33not using the debhelper scripts06:49
cbx33do i make sense?06:49
ograusing the templates is fine even for essential apps06:50
Amaranthogra: I need a name better than WillowNG, any ideas? :)06:50
ograi'll ping you if i have one, will think about it 06:51
cbx33is this the filtering app?06:52
cbx33for parental control?06:52
ograwell, for filtering 06:52
cbx33ogra thank you so much06:53
cbx33for all the help06:53
cbx33so really if you package from scratch, 06:53
cbx33the diff.tar.gz should have nothing in it06:53
ograthe diff.gz should contain the debian dir 06:54
cbx33i must have done something wrong06:54
cbx33mine only had a diff file in it06:54
cbx33that would happen if the debian dir was in the orig06:54
cbx33but it isn't06:54
Amaranththe diff.gz expands to a diff file06:55
ogradpkg unpacks the orig.tar.gz and then applies the diff.gz to the source dir it unpacked06:55
ograthat as well06:55
cbx33oh yeh06:55
cbx33phew thanks Amaranth 06:56
cbx33was worried I'd done itall wrong then06:56
cbx33thanks guys06:56
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
cbx33hey LaserJock 07:27
=== highvoltage MALFUNCTION
=== highvoltage MALFUNCTION
highvoltageshew. glad someone pressed my reset button there.07:28
highvoltagehow are you LaserJock?07:28
cbx33forget LaserJock how are you highvoltage 07:29
cbx33you seem a little.....hyperactive07:29
cbx33Hhhhyyypppeeerrr active07:29
highvoltagemore or less the same as when you asked me an hour ago, except that i think i'm a bit burned out. which is a bit tough, because i have a lot of work to finish real soon.07:29
highvoltagethis has just been a strange week.07:30
=== cbx33 has to do some flash work now :(
highvoltagei have an intel docstation to optimise nicely with xubuntu, this company wants to roll out 1500 of them like, yesterday.07:30
highvoltagethen i have another slimline computer that a company wants customised real quick with edubuntu07:30
Amaranthchampagne problem07:31
Burgworkhighvoltage, that is terrible problem07:31
=== Burgwork wishes he had highvoltage
cbx33what company is that??07:31
Burgworks problems07:31
cbx33yeh I wish i did something useful like that07:31
highvoltagecbx33: CSIR South Africa07:31
highvoltage(the edubuntu part)07:32
highvoltagethe company that sells the dotstations is a small local company, Bluechip computers.07:32
AmaranthWhen you start having problems like that it means you're so successful (or in this case ubuntu is) you should pop open a bottle of bubbly. :)07:32
highvoltageand then there's more stuff too.. i need to get our ubuntu setup for tuxlabs done, and it doesn't seem like i'll get everything in there that i'd hope to get, which really bums me :(07:32
highvoltageAmaranth++ :)07:33
highvoltagei'm actually getting to the point where i'm jealous of people without work, because they are capable of taking up all the good opportunities that's coming up07:33
cbx33wish i knew some of them highvoltage 07:34
highvoltagei hope to be able to go on my own in the next two years and hire one or two people, there's just so many possibilities with OSS at the moment. and more and more things are popping up all the time.07:34
highvoltagecbx33: i'm sure you see them too :)07:35
cbx33actually I really really don;t07:35
highvoltagecbx33: you even mentioned the Ubuntu PC thing earlier today :)07:35
cbx33well yeh07:35
cbx33but that ones a little too risky07:35
highvoltage(although, you need some good seed capital to start something like that)07:35
highvoltageit is, yes. you're right.07:35
=== cbx33 is beaming
cbx33gisomount has been packaged :D07:38
cbx33just need to optimise it now07:38
DanielCI'm back. Robin wrote to suggest that I run "modprobe pcmcia && modprobe pcmcia-core". I did that, and it worked!!  Suddenly my eth0 is back and I can even get on-line.07:41
DanielCThanks everyone for the help.07:42
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cbx33yeh, thqat was a good suggestion of his07:44
cbx33we came up with that just after you left07:44
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cbx33aaaRRGGHHH i hate working with flash08:01
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cbx33ping LaserJock 08:28
LaserJocki cbx33 08:30
cbx33guess what08:34
cbx33I did it08:34
cbx33I packaged it08:35
cbx33There's some good new additions coming hopefully by the end of tomorrow08:48
cbx33that's not so say the beginning aren't there now :D08:48
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MrGreenAnyone home?08:54
HedgeMageI'm here :)08:55
HedgeMagehi there08:55
MrGreenwondering if edubuntu will install on an old 500mhz laptop?08:55
MrGreenliveCD installer will only work with 192mb ram ....08:56
MrGreenthink my old lappy has about 6408:56
HedgeMagesure, the minimums for a standalone install are 500mhz and 128mb ram08:56
MrGreengo with install cd08:56
HedgeMagewell, you can install using the text-mode insaller08:56
HedgeMageit'll likely drag if you use gnome though... you might want to consider trying xfce08:57
HedgeMageit's not quite as pretty, but it's still fairly easy to use and consumes less ram08:57
MrGreenKnoppix / ubuntu would not start08:57
blue-frogMrGreen: the only thing you can run with 64meg is a server without guidesktop08:57
MrGreenfrom liveCD08:57
MrGreenDSL loaded ok08:57
blue-froganything else on top will make it much too slow08:57
HedgeMageliveCDs need tons of ram because they aren't able to use the hard disk08:57
MrGreenXp (yuk!) is on there atm08:58
MrGreenhard disc08:58
MrGreenthat works (2*yuk!)08:58
HedgeMageMrGreen: you could get ubuntu/edubuntu working with major tweaking... but... if you've the tech skills to try it, or want to learn, gentoo would do fine08:58
blue-frogmust take ages to open anything with xp on 64meg no?08:58
MrGreenno seems ok08:58
MrGreennot that fast 08:58
MrGreenbut ok08:59
HedgeMageblue-frog: I'm tempted to think that edubuntu with xfce would be fine08:59
spaceywhy not xubuntu?08:59
MrGreenwho mentioned gentoo ;-(08:59
HedgeMagespacey: that's basically what I suggested :P08:59
cbx33MrGreen, any reason it has to be edubuntu?08:59
MrGreenfor my youngest08:59
MrGreenshe is 608:59
spaceyi would certainly not suggest gentoo, *especially not* with such crappy specs08:59
cbx33and esp not for a 6 year old :p08:59
blue-frogHedgeMage: i tried some breezy on my old laptop... to come up with soltuion of server only (64 meg)08:59
cbx33i had it running respectably on 12809:00
HedgeMagespacey: if you tweak it carefully, you can run gentoo on that... it's similar to my last laptop... I distributed compiles over the network though09:00
MrGreenDamsSmall loads up fine09:00
MrGreenbut like you say running from cdrom is slllllooooowwww09:00
MrGreengoing to wipe XP ... 09:00
cbx33text install is the way to go09:00
MrGreenok will do09:00
cbx33ubiquity just won't do it09:01
MrGreenI have installed ubuntu dapper a couple times but even on desktop 09:01
MrGreenits a slow09:01
cbx33MrGreen, really?09:01
cbx33what spec09:01
MrGreenemmm ....09:01
MrGreenamd64 3000+09:01
cbx33we had it running find on a PII with 128 Mb RAM09:01
MrGreentook about half an hour09:02
cbx33MrGreen, you gotta be kidding me? oh to install?09:02
cbx33but think about just what it's instlaling in that time09:02
cbx33companred to XP09:02
MrGreennot a problem09:02
cbx33you get office suite09:02
cbx33etc :p09:02
MrGreenthink you should be given the option09:02
MrGreenafter all09:02
cbx33for what ?09:02
cbx33not installing anything?09:02
MrGreenif you just want to install09:02
MrGreentext mode09:02
MrGreenhope that makes sense09:03
spaceyMrGreen: then you should use the "alternate" cd09:03
spaceythats text09:03
MrGreenok will do09:03
MrGreennet install even better lol09:03
cbx33if you just want a text based system server is the way to go09:03
MrGreenI want KDE rofl09:03
cbx33nooooooooooooooooooooooO !09:03
MrGreenno waay 09:03
cbx33don't start the war09:03
MrGreenno no09:04
MrGreenOpenbox user 09:04
MrGreenmust say this is a cool channel 09:04
cbx33we try09:04
HedgeMagethanks :)09:04
MrGreenyour welcome09:04
spacey18 degrees here09:05
cbx33was 28 in the office today09:05
=== MrGreen passes cbx33 an ice cream
spaceycant be hot enough :)09:05
cbx33thanky MrGreen 09:05
MrGreenright I'll go install xubuntu on this lappy09:07
=== caravena [n=caravena@169-152-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMageHmmm... I have a small but urgent graphics job I need done... tried finding a friend to trade favors with for it, but I now have a deadline so I think I'm going to have to pay to have it done... any clue where I should go?09:10
cbx33what do you need09:11
cbx33remeber I've done web design and my wife is a free lance designer :p09:11
=== ogra_ibook [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
=== Kozuch [n=jan@159.108.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33HedgeMage, ping :p09:16
HedgeMageahh :)09:17
HedgeMagecountry-looking quilt stuff for my mom's web site09:17
cbx33got an example?09:17
HedgeMageshe's going to be in the newspaper next week and I want to finish it so I can give out the URL09:17
HedgeMagecbx33: Ummm... lemmee see if i can find something similar09:17
=== blue-frog_ [n=bluefrog@] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagegrr I hate this laptop09:24
HedgeMagecbx33: it's hubbys and it runs windoze which lacks many features I need09:31
HedgeMagecbx33: I'm finding stuff that shares one or two qualities with what I want, but nothing that's a good example overall09:31
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-232-35.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
pygicbx33, poke :P09:34
=== paolo_ [n=paolo@pri-214-b7.codetel.net.do] has joined #edubuntu
paolo_ogra, I must redo the remotion of gnome-power-manager for all users, and I can't remember how... could you remember me?09:35
pygicbx33, whats up? :)09:35
cbx33just finished packaging gisomount09:36
ograpaolo_, move the saved file to /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-power-manager.desktop09:36
pygicbx33, nice ;09:36
paolo_ogra, ok, thank you!09:36
=== HedgeMage ponders
ograpaolo_, for the other problem from #ltsp, could you try creating a new user and check if that happens for him as well ?09:37
BurgworkHedgeMage, windows is like that. THere are a few nice features but the basic stuff is maddeningly hard09:37
paolo_ogra, thnkx. Is it effective inmediately, or must I restart something?09:37
highvoltagebattery... dying...09:38
Burgworkpaolo_, log out and back in09:38
ograshould work immediately09:38
Burgworkogra, seriously? I have never found that09:38
ograyeah, for new logged in users :)09:38
Burgworkah, yes09:38
HedgeMageBurgwork: what kind of person only needs one desktop?  I had to install a seperate program just to SSH !  it's maddening09:39
paolo_ogra, what ltsp problem are you thinking?09:39
ograpaolo_, the one you just asked about in the #ltsp channel :)09:40
BurgworkHedgeMage, the list is goes one09:41
HedgeMageBurgwork you mean it goes on?09:41
paolo_ogra, I didn't enter the #ltsp channel today, nor in the last 2 months09:41
HedgeMagein that case, yes, you're right.09:41
ograpaolo_, lol, right, there is a guy called pablo_ asking about ubuntu ltsp, my mistake, sorry :)09:43
paolo_ogra, :-)09:43
cbx33hi pygi sorry phone went09:48
cbx33twas me dear old mum09:48
HedgeMagemoms are cool09:51
LaserJockmy mom doesn't call me really anymore :(09:55
LaserJockI'm not sure why09:56
pygicbx33, no worries ;)09:57
HedgeMagemy mom freaks out if I don't call her, but she calls me at least every week anyway09:57
pygihey HedgeMage ;)09:58
HedgeMagehi pygi 09:58
=== jinty [n=jinty@242.Red-83-49-54.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
pygiwhy are only few applications visible on code.google.com/soc? :-/10:03
LaserJockcya cbx33 10:03
cbx33LaserJock, hiya10:03
cbx33just popping back cos I saw you there :p10:03
cbx33I packaged and it worked10:03
cbx33I'll tell you more later10:04
cbx33pull the latest version10:04
cbx33checkout the info button10:04
cbx33going to be a good addition10:04
cbx33not finsihed yet10:04
pygio joy, bass guitars with 5 strings :-/10:05
LaserJockdon't most bass guitars have 5 strings?10:10
pygiLaserJock, 4 strings :P10:11
pygiAlso just found a guitar with 12 strings :) (altought I knew it exists)10:11
LaserJockyeah, my some of my friends love 12 string guitars10:11
pygiI like regular ones, with 6 strings :P10:12
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sbartleylinuxogra: ping10:18
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cbx33pygi, I agree with you on the 6 strings11:10
HedgeMageI haven't pulled out my guitar in too long...11:12
=== cbx33 should play again
cbx33sounds like we could have an edubuntu band11:13
=== cbx33 plays drums too
cbx33ping LaserJock 11:13
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33hey bddebian 11:14
bddebianHeya cbx3311:14
cbx33right I'm off again for a while guys11:14
cbx33probably be back soon11:14
bddebianHi folks11:15
bddebianLater cbx3311:15
LaserJockcbx33: dude, you're only around for a few minutes at a time11:29
LaserJockcbx33: I can't keep up with you :-)11:29
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #edubuntu
=== arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-19-87-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33sorr LaserJock been busy today11:48
Amaranthso i'm going buzzword crazy11:49
cbx33Amaranth, thought of a name yet11:49
Amaranththe proxy is going to use sqlite for storage and communicate with the GUI over dbus11:49
=== cbx33 thought of loads but google told me otherwise
cbx33right I'm off, sorry LaserJock we'll have to chat over weekend ;P11:50
BurgworkAmaranth, you got any managed code in that there proxy?11:51
Amaranthit's python ;)11:51
Burgworkhow about an ajax front end to manage it?11:51
Amaranthall i need now is a Web 2.0 admin interface and i'm fully buzzword compliant11:51
Burgworkanyway to work XGL in there?11:53
Amaranththe GUI could do some composite tricks ;)11:53
spaceyAmaranth: what are you working on?11:53
Amaranthspacey: content filtering proxy11:53
BurgworkAmaranth, with dbus, is there a way to communicate with the system bus on another machien?11:54
Amaranthditched willow, doing my own11:54
AmaranthBurgwork: i don't think so11:54
Amaranththat's what the web interface is for11:54
spaceyAmaranth: oh, ok.11:54
BurgworkAmaranth, can yer get it packaged and avaible for edgy soonish?11:54
spaceyAmaranth: using the same algorithm? or different way?11:54
Amaranthspacey: it's still using bayesian filtering11:54
AmaranthBurgwork: not likely11:55
spaceyAmaranth: ok thats great11:55
AmaranthBurgwork: maybe in a 3-4 weeks11:55
spaceywillows code just sucked ass? or why did you decide to write your own?11:55
Amaranthspacey: willow's code was pretty bad11:55
Amaranthand had license issues11:55
spaceyyou mean the profiler stuff11:56
Amaranthand i remade the regular proxy part in about 100 lines of code11:56
Amaranthno, worse than that11:56
Amaranthlots of magic11:56
spaceyAmaranth: if you have some beta up i would like to test it:)11:57
spaceywillow has some terrible bugs11:57
Amaranthright now i'm trying to figure out a way to only queue HTML and text and send everything else straight through (as long as it passes the domain filter)11:57
Amaranthso you don't sit waiting for a 20MB download to download completely in the proxy, then get sent to you11:57
spaceythats nice11:58
Amaranthanyone have an open DNS server i can use? my ISP's just died12:05

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