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nico8481damn, i removed the amarok version that i installed from czessi and did an apt-get install amarok from ubuntu's repos, and it got me 1.3.9 :(12:20
nico8481how can i get 1.4 ?12:20
nico8481apt-cache showpkg seems to find it on the repos12:21
linuxmonkeynico8481: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.php12:21
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lwizardli'm wanting to do character accents like  (copy/pasted that one)12:23
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derek_can any one tell me the easiest way to get mp3 support in dapper12:25
linuxmonkeylwizardl: that in the regional and accessibility12:25
ubotump3 is, like, totally, a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:25
RadiantFireok, so qmake is being retarded12:26
RadiantFireit won't add /usr/include/QtXml to the include path12:26
RadiantFireer qt4/QtXml12:26
RadiantFireanyone know how I can make it?12:27
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linuxmonkeylwizardl: if you kmenu->system settings->regional and accessibility and then keyboard layout12:27
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lwizardlok i don't have that in kmenu but i can get to it from the system in the task bar panel12:29
derek_i cant find it libxine-extracodecs12:29
ubotufrom memory, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"12:30
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linuxmonkeyderek_: did you enable the 2 repositories Universe and Multiverse12:30
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lwizardllinuxmonkey, ok i have the keyboard screen up but i don't see anything about multi key or accents12:31
derek_linuxmonkey ya i enabled all of them12:31
linuxmonkeylwizardl those are french accents so ...lol yeah and good lick figuring out were they are on the keyboard12:32
linuxmonkeyderek_: copy and paste me your sources.list file from /etc/apt/sources.list into kubuntu.pastebin.com12:34
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bernierHmmm the icons on my desktop disapeared and its frozen12:37
bernierwhat should i do? :P12:37
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trix`Gdamn i wish life had a console12:38
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Pc-Dummybernier: complete frozen? or only the icon's?12:38
trix`Gkillall -9 annoying-friends12:38
zblachtrix`G: no processes killed12:38
bernierthe icons disapeared12:39
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bernierand the desktop is frozen12:39
linuxmonkeyrestart X12:39
jrattner1_where mplayer 1.4?12:39
trix`Gbernier: Try CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE and restart X12:39
jrattner1_wheres the link to mplayer 1.412:40
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trix`Gapt-get install sexy-girlfriend12:40
zblachtrix`G: package has unmet dependencies12:41
jrattner1_i mean amarok 1.412:41
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Pc-Dummyfind -iname 'nice girlfriend' -exec ~/stop_working_and_meet_here.sh \; <-- with a console ...12:42
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zblachquick question: my digital camera gives me grief. how can I use it?12:42
LiNuX_LoVeR_17How would I set Firefox as my default browser for my system?12:42
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trix`Gin the firefox options there should be a setting12:43
Pc-Dummyor ... apt-get -y --force-yes install do_my_work12:43
trix`Gmount -t missionary sexy-girlfriend12:43
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Thanks trix`G12:44
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greekoi insert the install disk and then i get to the part where it says Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernal, then it hangs, i have waited 25 minutes now to no avail, any advice?12:44
Pc-DummyLiNuX_LoVeR_17: goto "System settings" -> "Web Browser" -> "in the following browser": insert firefox12:44
=== Pc-Dummy is to lame
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=== trix`G agrees
nico8481how come that, although apt-cache showpkg finds two versions of amarok (1.3.9 and 1.4.0a), when i run "apt-get install amarok" it installs the oldest (1.3.9) one?12:45
Pc-Dummygreeko: start up with the option "noapic"12:45
greekohow do i do that, because i havent installed it yet12:45
greekoi inser the disk then choose the option install12:45
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Pc-Dummygreeko:  start up from cd, write into the command line: install noapic12:46
Pc-Dummygreeko: if that doesn't work use "install noapic noacpi"12:46
drbeamsmy wireless card is not working12:46
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trix`Gor "install dontgivemeanyshitthistime12:47
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Pc-Dummydrbeams: paste the output from "lspci" to http://kubuntu.pastebin.com"  and paste the link here12:47
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Pc-Dummytrix`G: lol12:48
trix`G"bash: workyoupeiceofshit!: command not found."12:49
Pc-Dummydrbeams: or use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto12:49
drbeamsmy wireless connection is failing12:49
Pc-Dummydrbeams: you want to use WPA ?12:50
trix`Gdefine "failing"12:50
trix`Git works then stops, never works at all, thinks its working but doesn't, gives you an error, WHAT12:50
greekoPc-Dummy i tried both install noapic and install noapic noacpi but then i get Error 2212:50
greekoafter GRUB loading, please wait...12:51
Pc-Dummyhmm ... ok ..12:51
trix`GGreeko: Is this an older computer we're talking about?12:51
drbeamsPc-Dummy: nm, i ran out of ip address on the AP12:51
Pc-Dummythe kubuntu installer doesn't known this options i think ( i have them from my debian time... )12:51
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drbeamshrm, that was not it either12:52
greekono, its pretty new, about 2 years old, but it has 1 gig memory and P4 3.212:52
drbeamsso does kubuntu force you to use encryption ?12:52
Pc-Dummydrbeams: no12:52
trix`Ggreeko: hmm give me a minute to refresh myself on grub errors12:52
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greekoalright thanks12:53
drbeamsconnecting ... testing connection ... failed12:53
Pc-Dummytrix`G: i hade a newer IBM witch only startet with noapic ...12:53
greekowhat are apic and acpi anyways?12:53
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Pc-Dummygreeko: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acpi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apic12:54
[CMI] Lysanderhi all12:54
drbeamstrix`G: using wireless assistant12:55
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-69-217.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
DeshI tried both methods to  install the ATI drivers on Dapper and I still get mesa as my OpenGL vendor. o_O I am running a Mobility Radeon 9700.12:56
trix`Gdrbeams is it installed correctly?12:56
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Pc-DummyDesh: "both methods" ?12:56
trix`Ggreeko: are you dualbooting with windows?12:57
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greekono this computer doesnat have anything on the harddrive12:57
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drbeamsDesh: trix`G12:57
greekoim just trying to install an OS12:57
drbeamsinstalled correctly ?12:57
sledgeDesh: sudo rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/10fglrx12:58
DeshNow what?12:59
sledgeDesh: Then restart X (or even reboot)12:59
trix`Ggreeko: error 22 means it can't find the partition correctly, remember that your first partition on your first hard drive is (0,0) and 2nd partition is 0,112:59
DeshOk..be back..12:59
sledgeDesh: hf12:59
RogueJediXOkay, I've tried a fresh install of Dapper and then a fresh install of Breezy and then upgrading to Dapper and even recompiling alsa, but STILL no sound when using Dapper Dan. Any ideas?01:00
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: which soundcard do you have?01:00
RogueJediXPc-Dummy: Hercules Muse XL01:00
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RogueJediXWorked fine on Breezy, then suddenly sound support poofed.01:02
RogueJediXWhen I upgraded to Dapper, I mean.01:02
sledgeRogueJediX: Poofed as in?01:02
trix`Gjust FYI I can't read anything longer then 1 line as my alpha irc client (Peekko) doesn't wrap, so anything past 1 line goes way offscreen01:02
sledgeRogueJediX: Do you still have the sound icon in the bottom right-hand corner?01:02
RogueJediXsledge: Poofed as in went bye-bye01:02
trix`Ganything longer then the line I just typed I can't see01:02
RogueJediXsledge: Yes, and before you ask, Master isn't muted01:03
sledgeRogueJediX: You using a VIA chip by any chance?01:03
greekodo you know what is wrong with my comp trix`G?01:03
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zzeusHow named program that downloads packages and create install cd?01:03
sledgeDesh: Success?01:03
Deshsledge: Still mesa.01:03
trix`GRogue: From console hit 'ps aux' and see if you see anything labelled artsd or esd01:03
trix`Ggreeko: not sure, what did you use to set up grub?01:04
Deshsledge: The fglrx driver I have now was installed from the second method.01:04
greekothats just it, i havent installed anything yet01:04
greekoi get this error when trying to install01:04
RogueJediXtrix`G: None of those show up01:04
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sledgeDesh: Did you change your xorg.conf to use the `fglrx' driver?01:05
Deshsledge: yes01:05
trix`Gok I know you said it already but I missed it, what happens EXACTLY when you type install and hit enter?01:05
DeshWhat are linux-headers?01:05
trix`GRogue: try typing "artsd" and see what it says01:05
sledgeDesh: ok, remove the fglrx-related packages and then reinstall them01:05
greekoit says Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernal, then it hangs01:05
trix`GRogue: but dont paste anything longer then 1 line01:05
Deshsledge: with adept?01:05
trix`Gwithout using the pastebin that is01:06
RogueJediXtrix`G: I don't have to. It doesn't say anything01:06
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: run "lspci | grep -i 'sound'" in konsole01:06
Deshsledge: And through which method should I install them?01:06
RogueJediXPc-Dummy: Nothing shows up. Is that bad?01:06
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Pc-DummyRogueJediX: ... no my fault :)01:07
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Pc-DummyRogueJediX: "lspci | grep -i 'cmedia'" ?01:07
trix`GRogue: hit ps aux again and see if artsd shows up now that you ran it01:07
kbrooks_bachstudies: there?01:07
kbrooks_bachstudies: back up now01:07
trix`Gerr yeah do the lspci thing first01:07
Pc-Dummytrix`G: i think he has got a "CMedia 8378" ...01:07
RogueJediXNothing, but there is this line: 0000:00:0f.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10)01:07
Pc-Dummyahh 8738 ... :)01:08
trix`Ggreeko: hmm01:08
trix`Ggreeko: haven't forgotten you no worries, i'm thinking01:08
greekoalright thats cool01:08
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: now run "lsmod | grep cmipci"01:08
trix`GPc-Dummy: gah I hate onboard sound01:08
Pc-Dummy<-- too01:09
jrattner1_amarok 1.4 keeps seg faulting unless i run it as root01:09
nico8481RadiantFire: looks like 1.4.0 has its how repos (http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14). just installed it from there but i still have the same problem...01:09
trix`Ggreeko: go to your BIOS and see if DMA is enabled01:09
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: any output?01:09
trix`Gon your hard drive01:09
jrattner1_where does amarok store its files01:09
RogueJediXPc-Dummy: Just put it in pastebin: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76633101:09
sledgeDesh: Any.... Adept, apt-get, etc.01:09
trix`Gjrattner1_: which files? program files or sound files?01:10
jrattner1_program files01:10
greekotrix`G: Alright, should it be enabled or disabled?01:10
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: ... ok the driver is here ...01:10
Deshsledge: Option    "OpenGLOverlay" "off" <-- Bad?01:10
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Pc-DummyRogueJediX: kmix show's some channels?01:10
trix`Gfor a newer PC most likely should be enabled01:10
trix`Gwhich is it?01:11
jrattner1_trix`G, ?01:11
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RogueJediXPc-Dummy: Output tab: Master: Maxed out, phone: low setting, PC speaker: low setting01:11
trix`Gjratt: i'm not sure dont use amorak try find amorak01:11
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: .. hmm ...01:12
greekotrix`G: i cant find the option in the BIOS to enable or disable it specifically01:12
greekobut i could find options about its timing and such01:12
trix`Gwhat does it say in bios about DMA?01:12
greekoso i think it is enabled01:12
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: ur sound is noise ?01:13
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: or NO sound ?01:13
RogueJediXPc-Dummy: Nope, no noise. No sound whatsoever01:13
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trix`Ggreeko: ok it's probably ok but what is on your hard drive now?01:13
trix`GRogue: any errors when trying to play sound?01:14
RogueJediXtrix`G: No, that's what annoys me to no end. I can see amaroK playing just fine.01:14
greekothere may be an old FC install on it, its actually a USB harddrive, not IDE01:14
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greekobut i dont have an adapter to put it directly in the machine01:14
trix`GRogue: try hitting "artsd start" without the quotes01:14
Deshsledge: I cannot uninstall xorg-driver-fglrx01:15
Deshsledge: Can I pm you the error?01:15
trix`Ggreeko: I know little about USB hard drives but I do know that that is definately the problem01:15
RogueJediXtrix`G: Done. amaroK is still merrily playing its tunes without giving me any sound01:15
trix`GRogue: try artsd stop then artsd start01:16
greekoalright, i assumed it would work, because with FC there was no problems in the install at all01:16
trix`Gwait for it to stop before hitting start01:16
trix`Gand stop playing the file till you start it again01:16
RogueJediXtrix`G: When I tried to play a file in amaroK, I spotted this in yakuake:01:16
RogueJediXcouldn't load file /home/roguejedix/.mldonkey/shared/Music/Guilty Gear XX #Reload Korean Version OST 2/05-05_Pillars of the Underworld.mp301:17
trix`Ggreeko: hmm, well my best guess, emphasis on "guess", is that the kernel is trying to load ide drivers by default01:17
trix`GRogue: I can't read anything you said paste "Pillars of the Underw"01:17
RogueJediXtrix`G: Just the rest of the file name and .mp301:18
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trix`GRogue: and ...pirated music == baaad.  shame on you.01:18
greekothanks trix`G, does anyone know how to install ubuntu on a portable Harddrive?01:18
DeshDoes anyone know what's wrong? http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76634901:18
trix`Gbut maybe it's the songs themselves that wont work, maybe a bad copy01:18
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xstAren't there some way of scaling down ALL fonts on the kde desktop? I think the used fonts are quite large in the default install so I want to shrink them.01:18
RogueJediXtrix`G: Nuh-uh. Tried them on the windows partition, they play fine01:19
trix`Goh and Rogue, did you read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:19
ataraxis_xst: best way is to set DisplaySize in xorg.conf01:19
RogueJediXtrix`G: Yup, I did01:19
trix`Gmp3 wont play on kubuntu without some modifications01:19
trix`Gyou did all that?01:19
Pc-DummyDesh: apt known's that you have overwritten that file, so it does not want to remove it ...01:20
Pc-DummyDesh: i think :P01:20
RogueJediXtrix`G: Yup. Just checked01:20
trix`Ggreeko: try google "installing linux on USB" see what you get01:21
DeshPc-Dummy: I created a symlink in an earlier step, sudo ln -s /usr/lib/dri /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri, I need to remove this I think.01:21
nico8481anyone using amarok 1.4.0? do you have a display problem with the "Playing: ..." string in the lower left part of the window? if not, where did you get amarok from?01:21
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trix`GRogue: ok use 'ps aux' do you see artsd in there?01:21
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trix`Ggonna try something I was forced to do with OnBoard sound one time01:22
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RogueJediXtrix`G: Nope01:22
zblachi have a built in webcam in my laptop, but it's causing me grief in ubuntu. how can I use it?01:22
trix`Gtry 'killall artsd'01:22
trix`Gwhat does it say01:23
RogueJediXno process killed01:23
trix`Gok type 'esd' what happens01:23
trix`Gthough i hate esd01:23
RogueJediXcommand not found01:23
trix`Gwhat happens when you hit artsd starty01:24
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: "sudo apt-get install mpg123", "mpg123 yourmp3file"01:24
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: do you get any output then?01:24
RogueJediXPc-Dummy: Already tried that. No errors, no feedback01:24
trix`GPc-Dummy: he did that already he said01:24
xstI have set the font sizes in the system settings but for some reason firefox and evolution keeps having huge and ugly fonts. What to do?01:24
Pc-Dummyahh ok ...01:24
RogueJediXtrix`G: Nothing01:24
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Pc-Dummyohh .. i'm sry .. wasnt reading01:25
trix`Gtry typing 'oss'01:25
RogueJediXtrix`G: Command not found01:25
DeshHow would U remove this symlink: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/dri /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri ?01:25
trix`Ghmm eSound and OpenSoundSystem both not found, oh wait right01:26
Pc-Dummyxst: try -> system settings -> apperance -> "GTK ..." -> "use my kde styl in ..."01:26
trix`Gapt-get install esd01:26
Pc-DummyDesh: sudo rm -f /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri01:26
xstpc-dummy: I have already done that but still the non-KDE apps has huge fonts. :-(01:27
trix`Gafter you install esd close anything using sound, then run esd01:27
RogueJediXtrix`G: No package named esd01:27
DeshArgh, still won't let me uninstall. :( how does one forge an uninstall?01:27
trix`Ggrr try oss01:27
trix`G<--- used to mandriva01:28
trix`G"urpmi esd" always worked for me, not good with apt01:28
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RogueJediXtrix`G: esound maybe?01:28
trix`Gyeah that's it01:28
trix`Gapt-get install esound01:28
RogueJediXAnd it's running and running...01:29
xstIt helps to start the gnome-settings-daemon but I think this is too much of a hack.01:29
DeshCan anyone help me remove the fglrx driver?01:29
trix`GDesh: apt-get remove fglrx?01:29
RogueJediXtrix`G: Nothing happens01:29
trix`Gyou mean it wont install?01:30
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Deshtrix`G: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76634901:30
RogueJediXtrix`G: Nah, it installed just fine. Nothing happens when I run it01:30
Pc-DummyDesh: try .. (i dont known if it works...) "dpkg --force-all deinstall <package>"01:30
trix`Gnothing is supposed to, try your mp3 now01:30
trix`Gmake sure Master didn't mute itself01:30
sireliahis there a way to display the past history of packages installed? i want to check to see if i got the security updates01:31
RogueJediXtrix`G: "Can't open default sound device!"01:31
Pc-Dummysireliah: loggend in file /var/log/dpkg.log01:31
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Pc-Dummysireliah: logged i mean ...01:32
trix`Gsireliah: try to install them, any decent package manager will give you an "already installed" message01:32
trix`GRogue: ok one sec try this command without touching anything01:32
sireliahtrix i know, but i have a TON of installed packages, i dont know which are security01:32
noteventimeLinux World Domination... One Joke at a Time01:32
Pc-Dummysireliah: "apt-get update; apt-get dist-uprade" <-- does the job01:33
trix`G"play /home/roguejedix/.mldonkey/shared/Music/Guilty*.mp3"01:33
trix`Gin console01:33
RogueJediXtrix`G: bash: play: command not found01:34
Pc-Dummysireliah: another way is "dpkg -l <your-package-regex-here>" to search for them ...01:34
DeshPc-Dummy: Nope, didn't work.01:34
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trix`Gerr damn debian distros01:34
Pc-DummyDesh: no such package or same error as with apt ?01:34
DeshSame error.01:34
sireliahok my computer isnt detecting any os/security updates, checked log dont see any. i have been told there are 8 since the release on june 1st01:34
bernierhow can i know if my nvidia drivers are installed and working?01:34
sireliahpc-dummy it detects nothing01:35
trix`GRogue: is there any option within your mp3 player that will let you change the default sound device or damaen?01:35
Pc-Dummysireliah: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list <-- you have enabled the security updates there?01:35
trix`GRogue: and try hitting "esd start"01:35
trix`Gthough I think esd start is invalid01:35
RogueJediXtrix`G: Yeah, I can switch between arts and xine01:35
trix`Gtry xine01:36
DeshPc-Dummy: same01:36
sireliahit says i have them enabled, there is a bunch of blank lines too01:36
bernierhow can i know if my nvidia drivers are installed and working?01:36
RogueJediXtrix`G: That was my default setting. I just recently tried it with arts01:36
trix`Gor you can try apt-get install xmms01:36
Pc-Dummybernier: use "glxinfo | head -n 10"01:36
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trix`Gi always preferred xmms01:36
Pc-Dummyyou will see a line with ="server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation"01:37
Pc-Dummy@ bernier01:37
Pc-Dummyif it works01:37
bernierXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:37
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bernieri have this line like 10 times01:37
Pc-Dummyahh ... your drivers arent working01:37
bernierbut i have installed them with adept =/01:38
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RogueJediXtrix`G: xmms failed to produce any sound as well01:39
trix`GRogue: yeah but somewhere in the options I'm pretty sure you can select it to use esd or esound instead of arts01:39
Pc-Dummybernier: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%29 <-- check that manual01:39
bernierthanks a lot01:40
sireliahanyone here use cedega? know where i can find the demo?01:40
RogueJediXtrix`G: Nothing with esound or oss or anything else01:40
trix`Gforget the demo it's $5 a month man01:41
sireliahtrix the demo isnt there, just subscribe01:41
sireliahi want to se how it works first01:41
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Pc-DummyRogueJediX: ... the mixer value's are ok ?01:41
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trix`Gthe demo is there, give me a sec i'll find it01:41
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: the problem is since an update, right?01:41
RogueJediXPc-Dummy: Pretty much01:41
sireliahtrix: thanks, i scanned all over and couldnt see it01:42
RogueJediXPc-Dummy: Yeah. After I upgraded to Dapper, the sound went AWOL01:42
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: try to downgrade your kernel ...01:43
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Pc-Dummyyou known the old kernel version?01:43
sledgeDesh: Sorry man, I got sidetracked.01:43
RogueJediXPc-Dummy: Hm, yeah. There are some old ones left from Breezy. I'll try that. brb01:43
Deshsledge: no problem.01:43
Deshsledge: I have a problem, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76634901:44
trix`Gsireliah: looks like they don't offer a demo anymore01:44
ubotusireliah: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:44
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trix`GI may be able to find you a slightly older full version though01:44
trix`Gor you can compile yourself from the CVS tree01:45
sireliahparse error?01:45
Cayouhello guys! I got a problem: While trying to start Adept, it says: Read Only mode: Database locked... it says another process is using the packaging system database, but I just booted the computer... HELP!!!01:45
KuLoverCan someone please give me a hand on formating a hard drive? Thanks much.01:45
DeshCayou: Ised to get that, it went away afterwards. Try closing Adept and then opening it again.01:45
DeshCayou: I used*01:46
Pc-DummyKuLover: your system hard drive?01:46
KuLoverCayou, try running the terminal and type "sudo apt-get update" then do "sudo apt-get upgrade". Make sure Adept is closed. After running the trminal commands try again.01:46
CayouWon't work01:46
KuLoverPc-Dummy, no, just an extra internal drive.01:46
bernierhow can i know the amount of my hard drive that is taken?01:46
KuLoverPc-Dummy, I know how to mount, I just need help formatting.01:47
quizywho here has played with a thinkpad and nvram?01:47
trix`Gsireliah: gah looks like I deleted the package, sorry01:47
Pc-DummyKuLover: you have partitions ?01:47
Deshbernier, in a konqueror window, make the address '/' without the 's and right click on an empty space and select Properties.01:47
trix`Gsireliah: google can find you a walk through on how to compile it yourself though, it's not too hard and the newest version01:48
bernierthanks desh01:48
KuLoverPc-Dummy, Its an un formatted drive, separate from my main system HDD. My system drive does have partitions though, if thats what you mean.01:48
haiderYou guys know how to upgrade to the newest KDE version?01:48
Deshbernier, no problem.01:48
Pc-DummyKuLover: i known the only the freaky way, ok?01:48
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CayouKuLover: How about this when I ran update: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:49
trix`Ghaider: Nope, none of us have the slightest idea.01:49
trix`Ghaider: lol I'm joking, i'm sure there are loads on howto's on the kde website01:49
KuLoverCayou, do you see an incon in the bottom left of your toolbar? It looks like a box with an exlamation point on it?01:49
RogueJediXWell, that didn't work01:49
Pc-DummyRogueJediX: shit :(01:50
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CayouKuLover: no01:50
haidertrix`G: Hehe, sorry for that lazy question... I will try to find it! :)01:50
trix`Ggoogle is your friend01:50
Pc-Dummysomeone knowns a graphical "fdisk" version ?01:51
RogueJediXDamn. Does this mean downgrading to Breezy is in order? x_x01:51
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KuLoverCayou, have you tried enableing all repos in the repo manager in adept? You can edit that, even with the error message.01:51
quizyPc-Dummy: QtParted01:51
trix`GRogue: you can always try the old masters technique of finding something big and heavy and whacking your computer with it01:51
trix`GRogue: <---= not responsible for any damages01:51
KuLoverPc-Dummy, Im okay with freaky..01:51
RogueJediXtrix`G: I was thinking more along the lines of explosives01:52
CayouKuLover: ok, I think it's working, I ran the dpkg --configure -a command01:52
Pc-DummyKuLover: use "sudo apt-get install qtparted"; sudo qtparted01:52
KuLoverCayou, Alrighty.. come back if you have more troubles.01:52
Pc-DummyKuLover: that the easy way ;P01:52
trix`G<--- DEFINATELY not responsible for any damages injuries or deaths resulting from pulling an "Office Space" on your computer01:52
CayouThanks guys, Kubuntu rocks!01:52
KuLoverPc-Dummy, Thanks much! :)01:52
=== Cayou is happy now
trix`G"damn it feels good to be a gangster"01:52
sledgeDesh: dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libGL.so.101:53
Pc-Dummyloool trix`G01:53
Deshdpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/lib/libGL.so.1' with01:53
Desh  different file `/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa', not allowed01:53
RogueJediXWhen is edgy released again?01:53
bernierPc-Dummy sorry for all those questions but I've done everything written in the guide , i have a tnt2 card so i installed the legacy drivers and the linux restricted modle but it doesnt work =/01:53
RogueJediXI may have to skip an entire release01:53
trix`G6 months I expect01:53
r0xztrix`G: Office Space (1999) right?01:54
trix`Gthis one was only a week ago01:54
trix`Gr0xz: yeah01:54
sledgeDesh: can you just move /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 out of the way?01:54
Pc-Dummybernier: that's no problem, i love to help! :)01:54
RogueJediXOh well. Breezy for 6 more months isn't that bad. I'll only have to compile some dozen apps to get them to their latest versions01:54
sledgeI need a 40-hour nap. :(01:55
trix`GRogue: You could just manually update everything you use except sound01:55
KuLoverPc-Dummy, How do I open it, once installed.01:55
trix`GRogue: and have a psuedo-dapper01:55
Pc-Dummybernier: you haven't forgotten "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" ?01:55
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Pc-Dummybernier: and restart x after?01:56
Pc-DummyKuLover: sudo qtparted01:56
KuLoverThanks again01:56
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RogueJediXtrix`G: That's a good idea. But it'll have to wait until I wake up. It's 2 AM already. Yikes.01:56
trix`Gknow that feeling01:56
trix`Gthough it's only 7pm here01:56
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trix`Gyou in australia or something?01:57
RogueJediXThanks for your help trix`G, Pc-Dummy and whoever else I left out. Night night01:57
Deshsledge: sudo rm /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 did the trick. :)01:57
Tallia1Kubuntusomebody can tell me what's happening to X? as soon as i play a movie using XV i get the following: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/ggeAA633.html01:57
Deshsledge: thanks01:57
sledgeDesh: :)01:57
Tallia1Kubuntuor better, X crashes and restart01:57
sledgeDesh: \o/01:57
Tallia1Kubuntuand the one in the file is the content of dmesg01:57
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trix`GTall:  what was that link again?01:58
Deshsledge: Haha thanks, so what method should I use to install fglrx so that OpenGl is done by that driver and no mesa?01:58
trix`Gthe pasted one01:58
bernierpc-dummy it gives me a long error message01:59
bernierwhen i type sudo nvidia-glx-config enable01:59
trix`Gactually nevermind, diablo IIx is calling me01:59
trix`Glater geeks!01:59
Pc-Dummypaste it to: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com01:59
Pc-Dummy@ bernier01:59
Pc-Dummycu trix`G01:59
rashkaeWhen I try to install the Konsole bitmap fonts, I get a error message that the system cannot install console8x16.pcf.gz .  I searched for this error message in google, but the only reference some back as Ubuntu01:59
rashkaeAnyone know a fix / workaround?02:00
sledgeDesh: Install the fglrx driver provided by multiverse/universe. a previous package contained that funky script you deleted earlier which fucked things up.02:00
bernierpc-dummy its alright i got it :P02:00
Pc-Dummyahh ok, nice!02:00
bernierlets see if it works02:00
Deshsledge: ok, so i unblacklisted fglrx, I think, let me check..02:01
bernierI have to restart X02:01
Deshsledge: first I am removing all that crap step two made me download to usr/src02:01
Pc-Dummybernier: cu02:01
Deshsledge: how can I remove a directory?02:02
rashkaedesh rm dirname -rf  use with care.02:02
KuLoverAnyone know how to format a dirve in qtparted into a reiserfs partition?02:02
Deshrashkae, thanks. ;)02:02
Pc-DummyKuLover: create the partition with qtparted ...02:03
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rashkaedesh: I'm sure that's not what you were asking, but I couldn't resist :)02:03
Pc-Dummythen there will appear the partition name, write it down and format it on konsole by: mkfs.reiserfs02:03
Deshrashkae, oh but it worked, got rid of the fglrx folder under usr/src/modules02:03
DeshI love command line...02:03
Pc-Dummymkfs.reiserfs </dev/(h|s)dxX02:03
ubotumethinks mouse is Enabling extra buttons  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471&highlight=evdev Installing extra cursor themes can be done easily with gcursor02:03
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rashkaeDesh, Oh, you mean, you really were asking how to delete a dir on your own system?02:04
bernierpc-dummy i saw the nvidia splashscreen so it worls! :P02:04
bernierthanks a lor02:04
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bernierwow i have a hard time typing02:04
Pc-Dummybernier: ok, fine!02:04
Deshrashkae, yeah, it was protected so I couldn't delete it with the GUI and sudo rm didn't work.02:04
Deshsledge: what was the file I had to kill before?02:05
bernierbut my resolution is so big02:05
Pc-Dummy<-- loves typing :)02:05
KuLoverPc-Dummy, I understood most of that. The only part I dont understand is after the /dev/. What does "(h|s)dxX" stand for02:05
bernierhow can i change it^02:05
Pc-DummyKuLover: you get it from qtparted02:05
rashkaedesh Well, like I said, -rf is something you want to use with care.  lots and lots of care.02:05
Pc-Dummylike /dev/sda1 on usb02:05
KuLoverGot ya02:05
Pc-Dummyor /dev/sdb1 or something like that02:05
KuLoverIs reiserfs not neccisary for a storage drive?02:06
Pc-DummyKuLover: ... think think think .. before you press ok!02:06
Deshrashkae, yeah, I learned that deleting things can result is lots of crap the hard way, ie, windows xp registry :-P02:06
Pc-DummyKuLover: for me .. i dont like reiserfs in the past because it crashed to much.. i use ext302:06
bernierHow can I change my screen resolution^02:07
Pc-Dummybernier: you have a TFT or CRT ?02:07
bernierwhat<s that^ =/02:07
Pc-DummyFlat or Big Monitor ? ;P02:07
bernierbig :P02:07
DaSkreechrashkae: HI HOw'd it work out?02:08
Deshbernier, dapper or breezy?02:08
DaSkreechnikkiana: Hello :)02:08
nikkianahi DaSkreech02:08
DaSkreechnikkiana: Nice to see you again :)02:08
nikkianaDaSkreech, nice to see you too :)02:08
DeshK Menu -> System Settings -> Display -> Size Orientation & Positioning Tab (Admin mode)02:08
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Deshbernier, the resolutions found there are the ones supported by your monitor and video card driver02:09
Pc-DummyKuLover: onother way to all the devices "sudo fdisk -l"02:09
KuLoverPc-Dummy another way to what? all the devices?02:10
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_henryCan anyone help??  I choose to use foxfire and thunderbird for web and mail.... how can I change the system so that when I click a url in thunderbird it will open in firefox???02:10
Pc-Dummyevery partition has a own "named block device"02:10
Pc-Dummyyou need them to format your disk02:10
Kadranhi all :)02:11
DeshUmm in the thunderbird options, there should besomewhere where you set the default broswer, type 'firefox' in the field, _henry02:11
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Kadrani want to know if it possible to make two different harddisks have the same mount point?02:12
Healotno... not at the same time02:12
StoyJodidohello, anybody has a while to help me with a damn problem Ive been trying to fix for nearly 2 days02:12
Kadrani want to extend the home partition with new harddisk?02:12
Pc-DummyHealot: one can overwrite the other ...02:12
Deshsledge: I followed the steps to install from the repositories, now I came to the reboot section, which I shll do shortly, however, is there anything else I should edit, delete, etc? Like, the Wiki says that I may need to add the symlink for accelerated OpenGL, should I do that?02:12
Pc-DummyKadran: ahh ... extend ..02:13
HealotKadran: if you like to extend volume, you can use LVM02:13
KadranHealot: can you help me more?02:13
DeshIs LVM as badass as the Google definition says it is?02:13
ubotulvm is, like, totally, (for the moment) http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/02:13
Kadranthanks guys :)02:13
HealotVM on windows is easy, but in linux, a like...02:13
ubotu[ati]  http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers02:14
DaSkreechHealot: Virtual machines?02:14
StoyJodidoanyone can give me some help plz? I think its a quite strange problem that I got02:14
HealotDaSkreech: Volume Management02:14
StoyJodidotherere little references on the web about it02:14
Healotsorry same abbreviation02:14
DaSkreechHealot: Ah Ok02:15
DaSkreechIt's not that hard on Linux02:15
DaSkreechJust requires some reading :)02:15
Healotnot really...02:15
Healotsame fundamental, different ways to do it02:15
Healotjust don't install grub on a LVM volume :)02:16
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StoyJodidoI cant log into kde, it just gets stuck after I write the login/password, before ksplash appears02:16
DaSkreechRIght but outside of RedHat ther is no right click to setup option02:16
DaSkreechHealot: Yeah02:16
KuLoverPc-Dummy is it normal that new newly formatted drive, formated wth ext3 has about 8gb already allocated?02:16
HealotDaSkreech: ubuntu installer has LVM option02:16
Pc-DummyKuLover: no02:16
DaSkreechHealot: Yeah I know02:17
Pc-DummyKuLover: that's your system drive i think :)02:17
KuLoverPc-Dummy No lol.. I made sure it wasnt. I wouldnt want to make that mistake. This qtparted software loks like its still verryy buggy though.02:17
_henryDesh: I've searched & searched... can't find anywhere02:18
Pc-Dummy<-- never used qtparted :))02:18
DaSkreechheavily :-)02:18
KuLoverPc-Dummy Hmm.. yeah.. I reccomend you dont.. "(yet)"02:18
StoyJodidoanybody can plz help me with my kde problem?02:18
DaSkreechStoyJodido: What now?02:18
StoyJodido I cant log into kde, it just gets stuck after I write the login/password, before ksplash appears. Also, top shows kbuildsyscoca takes 99% cpu. Any hint to solve that?02:19
KuLoverAnyone know of a partition manager, other than qtparted?02:19
StoyJodidoand I havent done anything strange, it just fucked it up itself02:19
Pc-DummyKuLover: ... fdisk :)02:19
Pc-Dummyfdisk /dev/sdx02:19
Pc-Dummyaehm ... sudo fdisk /dev/sdx02:19
StoyJodidoI googled many forums and webs but just little information on that thing, so I bet its not a common problem02:20
DaSkreechStoyJodido: What happened? Just Tuesday it quit and ran off with the secretary?02:20
Pc-DummyStoyJodido: try to make a new user and login as that user02:20
StoyJodidowell I tried02:21
StoyJodidoas Ive read that on a website02:21
StoyJodidothen the kdm didnt even appeared02:21
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StoyJodidojust an odd plain xwindow window saying something was missing02:21
DaSkreechWhat was missing?02:22
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StoyJodidoI think it was about a file in the new user .kde folder02:22
StoyJodidoI dont remind as right now I have to use windows to write this02:22
Pc-DummyStoyJodido: with the new user ... say u want kde02:22
StoyJodidoI just added the user with useradd02:23
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StoyJodidofrom console02:23
Pc-Dummyon kdm you can say which session type you want to start i think02:23
StoyJodidoas I cant log into x02:23
KuLoverPc-Dummy, When someone asks for a GUI partition program, reccomend Gparted to them ;)02:23
Pc-Dummy<-- ex gentoo and debian user ...02:23
DaSkreechPc-Dummy: KDM doesn't work02:23
NeoChaosXUm, hm02:23
StoyJodidook Ill try that way02:23
Pc-DummyKuLover: thx! :)02:23
StoyJodidothat path I mean02:23
NeoChaosXCan anyboyd help me get my USB external HD to mount on boot?02:23
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StoyJodidobut do you have any clue what could be the reason?02:24
Pc-DummyDaSkreech: was thinking KDM works but KDE not ...02:24
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Pc-DummyStoyJodido: no sry02:24
StoyJodidosometimes it gets stuck in ksplash when it shows "starting services"02:24
StoyJodidoits the second icon that appears in ksplash02:24
bernierAnother problem =p, when i try to install the drivers for my printer it says i do not have the right to so i guess i have to login as root but i dunno how   because i install them with the kind of KDE print gui02:25
StoyJodidoits a fresh dapper instal02:25
StoyJodidoIll go try some things then come back02:25
Pc-DummyStoyJodido: remove/move your .kde folder?02:25
StoyJodidoyep I already did that02:25
Pc-Dummysame problem ?02:25
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StoyJodidoI think that was when it started to not even load ksplash02:26
StoyJodidoalso there was a moment when it just restarted itself back to kdm02:26
Pc-Dummyhmm .. no idee here ... sry @ StoyJodido02:26
StoyJodidowell thx anyway02:26
Pc-DummyBernier: you can go in Administrative mode there,r ight?02:27
StoyJodidoIve changed to a 686 recompiled kernel but I think thats not the reason, as I had already booted into X before with that new kernel02:27
Pc-Dummyon the right bottom: "Administrative mode..."02:27
Pc-Dummy@ Bernier02:27
Pc-DummyStoyJodido: when it does start wxwindows i think the problem is anything else than kde ...02:28
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StoyJodidobut logs arent really helpful02:28
Bernieryou're right02:28
Pc-Dummyouhhh... 02:28 AM here ...02:28
Bernieri had to scroll down :P02:28
Pc-Dummylol :)02:29
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StoyJodidohere too :(02:29
StoyJodidoIm desperate02:29
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DaSkreech02:29
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.02:29
StoyJodidokdm_greet[4934] : Internal error: memory corruption detected02:30
StoyJodidothats the only error that shows there02:30
Pc-Dummy.. your memory is ok?02:30
StoyJodidoas long as I know it is02:31
StoyJodidoI mean how can I know, right now Im in windows and everything works so02:31
Bernierpc-dummy i logged in administrator02:31
Bernierbut i still get the same message02:31
Bernierthey say that the pilot may not exist or i do not have the right to install02:32
Pc-Dummyhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/47455 @ StoyJodido ?02:32
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Pc-DummyBernier: pilot ?02:32
Bernierdriver srry02:32
Bernierim mixing languages02:32
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StoyJodidothe only thing I did before this problem appeared was disabling bluetooth and apmd services (in the kde control panel as root) and reduce virtual terminals to just 2 (in /etc/inittab)02:34
StoyJodidooh and stopping usplash service too02:34
DaSkreechStoyJodido: The CD should have a memory test on it02:34
StoyJodidoas I use text bootup02:34
StoyJodidook Ill try the memory test too then02:34
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DaSkreechIt stops at services after you changed the services?02:34
StoyJodidoI must say Ive reverted those changes Ive talked about and kde still refuses to boot02:34
DaSkreechJust trying to make sure I understand that02:34
Bernierpc-dummy i got it :P02:36
DaSkreechI don't know02:36
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NeoChaosXcan anybody help me to get my external hard drive to mount on boot?02:37
StoyJodidoI disabled those services with the kde control panel and enabled them back with sysv-rc-conf02:37
DaSkreechI would try to reset the settings for thsoe services02:37
StoyJodidou mean the kde settings?02:38
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LeeJunFanIs "default applications" hidden in kde system settings?02:38
DaSkreechI don't know02:38
DaSkreechYeah but I'm not sure how to go about doing that02:38
StoyJodidoneither do I02:38
DaSkreechI'd probably apt-get purge them02:38
DaSkreechBut that seems Microsoftian02:38
StoyJodidoapt-get purge what, kde?02:38
StoyJodidoI tried dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu-desktop02:38
StoyJodidobut no luck02:39
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DaSkreechThat has no real settings I think02:39
DaSkreechIt's a virtual package02:39
StoyJodidoyeah I read later it was just a metapackage02:39
bleakedso where is the Go menu on konqueror.. the KDE help is pointing me to it, and yet i don't see it or where to find it..  was it removed for kubuntu?02:39
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StoyJodidowell I just dont know what else to try02:39
DaSkreechbleaked: I would assume it's the big K menu02:40
StoyJodidooh I got something else02:40
Pc-Dummybleaked: i think you can also use your adress bar :)02:40
DaSkreechStoyJodido: I'd just do it for the services that you played with02:40
Pc-Dummyor k-menu -> run02:40
KuLoverPc-Dummy, Is it normal to have a newly partitioned drive with 2.50 gb taken up.02:40
StoyJodidoon .xsession_errors there are a lot of lines saying sometihng like QSettings:02:41
Pc-DummyKuLover: now 2,5 GB :)02:41
Pc-DummyKuLover: no02:41
StoyJodidoand then talking about an error on some character02:41
Pc-DummyKuLover: what do you mean with "taken up"02:41
StoyJodidowhat do u said I had to do with those services Ive played with?02:42
Pc-Dummyapt-get prune02:42
KuLoverUsed space02:42
Pc-Dummyhmm dpkg purge ...02:42
StoyJodidowhat does that exactly do?02:42
Pc-DummyKuLover: which program does show that ?02:42
Pc-DummyStoyJodido: remove the package with all settings02:43
BernierHmm it's the second time it does that... my desktop's icons just disapear and my desktop is frozen... what's that?02:43
StoyJodidowell going back to linux to try stuff02:43
StoyJodidothanks for the help02:43
=== Pc-Dummy is on the way to install gparted ...
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Pc-Dummycu StoyJodido02:44
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Pc-Dummyhave a nice night :)02:44
StoyJodidooh one last thing02:44
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StoyJodidowhen the kde hangs, top shows kdebuildsyscoca at 99%02:44
StoyJodidosorry kbuildsyscoca I meant02:45
StoyJodidoI dont know if that gives you any hints02:45
Pc-DummyKuLover: blame on gparted ...02:45
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Pc-DummyKuLover: use "df -h" on konsole02:45
KuLoverWhat will that do02:45
Bernierpc-dummy it's the second time it does that my whole computer is alright i can continue what i was doing but my desktop is frozen and it's only the background there's nothing else02:45
Pc-Dummygive u the usage informations02:45
Pc-Dummy@ KuLover02:45
ryankHello all.  Is it possible to establish login timelimits w/ the 6.06 release? If so, can anyone give me a hint?02:45
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Bernierdo oyu know what it could be?02:46
Search4LancerI get no sound when viewing flash movies.... still....02:46
Pc-DummyBernier: there are stucked aps?02:46
Bernierwell no all my apps are alright02:46
Cooner750Got a problem here. When I insert my CompactFlash camera card into the card reader on the computer it mounts it, but when it goes to open it says "Cound not enter folder /media/CANON_DC". Help?02:46
Pc-DummyBernier: right button works?02:47
Bernieronly the desktop is frozen eith the cursor shaped like the small hand02:47
brandon_is there a really good recording app for linux a la wiretap?02:47
Bernierno it doesnt02:47
MikeMcA_Hello.  I'm trying kubuntu for the first time via the live cd (on my laptop, currently running windows).  It boots fine but I can't get my wireless network card to run.  I configure the card interface but my changes aren't being saved...which kind of makes sense because kubuntu doesn't "own" the hd at this point, windows does.  But since making sure my network card would work is my main motivation for trying the live cd I'm in a cat02:47
Cooner750Using media:/sdc102:47
Pc-DummyCooner750: "it says" u mean konqueror?02:48
TheHighChildanyone use gnump3d?02:48
Bernierthe KDE menu is fine too02:48
Bernieronly the desktop02:48
Cooner750Pc-Dummy: Yes02:48
Pc-DummyBernier: ... no idear here ...02:48
Bernierok thanks02:48
MikeMcA_whoops, there's a giant piece of advice on the screen I wasn't seeing...02:49
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Pc-DummyCooner750: open konsole, then "cd /media/CANON_DC"02:49
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Pc-Dummyahh .. have to get some sleep ...02:50
Cooner750bash: cd: /media/CANON_DC: Permission denied02:50
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Cooner750Could it be because there is another user logged on?02:50
Pc-DummyCooner750: ahh that's the problem ...02:50
Pc-DummyCooner750: the user ...02:50
Cooner750let me log off the other user02:50
Pc-DummyCooner750: it dont known but try02:51
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Pc-DummyCooner750: after that reinsert the card02:52
DaSkreechStoyJodido: You were asking something?02:52
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MikeMcA_I need to click the Administrator Mode button on the Network Settings dialog, but it's not activated.  How can I activate it?  Or alternately, is there a way to launch from the live cd as root, or su to root (I haven't specified a password for root so I don't know what it is)02:52
Pc-DummyMikeMcA_: there is no "root" password02:53
Pc-Dummyuse sudo <what you want>02:53
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Cooner750No luck..02:53
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MikeMcA_This is a live cd.  I've done zero config, just booted off the cd.02:53
Pc-DummyCooner750: reinsert the card02:54
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Cooner750when I take it out the icon on the desktop does not leave02:54
Cooner750How do I 'force' it to unmount it?02:54
Pc-DummyCooner750: sudo unmount /media/CANON_??02:54
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Pc-Dummyups it's umount02:55
LeeJunFanugh! kubuntu-default-settings and konqueror-orig piss me off. Have a friend who wants to change his browser to firefox, but KDE default apps is hidden, how the hell is that LESS confusing?02:55
Pc-DummyLeeJunFan: there's an option in firefox option's02:55
Cooner750I just need to install actual Kubuntu. This here is Ubuntu with KDE packages installed and it has all kinds of problems02:55
Pc-Dummyor use -> kmenu -> settings -> apperance -> kde components02:56
LeeJunFanPc-Dummy: firefox option doesn't work.02:56
Pc-DummyCooner750: if u think that's the problem :)02:56
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LeeJunFanPc-Dummy: and standard kubuntu doesn't have settings. also hidden by default.02:57
Cooner750It has problems booting anyway. It sits and sits for what seems like ages at "Setting up ALSA card 0"02:57
Cooner750and eventually moves on02:57
Pc-DummyLeeJunFan: i have a standart kubuntu ...02:57
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DaSkreechMy art sits02:58
Pc-Dummyyou can also use "settings:/" in konqueror02:58
Cooner750/dev/sda is the external USB hard disk, correct?02:58
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Cooner750How hard is it to configure Kubuntu to boot from USB?02:58
Pc-DummyCooner750: no.. can be a scsi/usb/sata device to02:59
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Cooner750I was able to get Ubuntu originally to boot from USB02:59
Pc-Dummynever tried it yet ...02:59
Pc-Dummyok ... have to got! cu all03:00
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Sc[_] ttevening all:  do i need to type something special to install using the live cd?  all i can get it to do is load a desktop from the cd, what's the magic word? :)03:01
Sc[_] ttother than please :)03:02
DaSkreechprepend that to please03:02
Sc[_] tthi sledge and DaSkreech03:02
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=== DaSkreech bows
Sc[_] tthmm alacazam produces a strange mutated white dove but no cage03:03
=== DaSkreech whispers "Look under the table there is a trap door"
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Sc[_] ttmonsters down there03:04
quizywho here has played with a thinkpad and nvram?03:05
SkrotFFSHi. Where can I configure parameters for audiocd:/? Such as bitrate, naming schemes etc03:05
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bryantehaxorHello all.  Is it possible to establish login timelimits w/ the 6.06 release? If so, can anyone give me a hint?03:05
DaSkreechbryantehaxor: Huh? You mean for GDM?03:06
sdolnackso has anyone successfully gotten Xgl/Compiz running on Kubuntu, w/o problems or major slowdowns?03:06
NeoChaosXSkrotFFS: You want to go to System Settings > Audio CDs and select either the MP3 or OGG Encoder tabs03:06
bryantehaxorDaS: User A has x minutes of login timer per week for example.03:07
NeoChaosXer, System Settings > Sound and Multimedia > Audio CDs03:07
DaSkreechsdolnack: try #ubuntu-xgl03:07
Sc[_] ttkde rules03:07
sdolnackno no03:07
sdolnacki mean03:07
sdolnackim asking how other ppl have been with it?03:08
sdolnackwhen i tried it it slowed down the system totally03:08
DaSkreechbryantehaxor: Well before I answer how'd you get that nick? :)03:08
sdolnackand was completely, completely impractical03:08
bryantehaxoraS: Intoxicated Halo taunting.03:08
DaSkreechI'm sure there was tab in there somewhere03:09
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Sc[_] tti'm going to start reading the documentation, this time next year i'll be almost half through it!03:10
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DaSkreechGood job!03:11
Sc[_] ttyou should hear linux docs on text to speech, puts ya to sleep in like 5 minutes03:12
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Sc[_] ttthe accessibility options are really sweeet, whoever thought of that, thanks :)03:12
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bernierim back03:13
bryantehaxorDaS: So do you have an answer?03:14
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bernieri just installed limewire using alien to change the rpm in a .deb and then i used dpkg to install limewire and it worked but now when i click on limewire theres a long loading time at the bottom but it closes without doing nothing03:15
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ubuntuis it not possible to install kubuntu to a logical partition? or must it be installed to a primary partition?03:16
Sc[_] tton the boot options... do i just type 'Install netcfg/disable_dhcp=true'    before all the stuff that's already there preseed/file= ...03:16
DaSkreechubotu: tell bernier about frostwire03:16
bernierand its good?03:17
DaSkreechCheck the links03:17
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KuLoverAnyonw know what this "lost+found" folder is on my freshly formated HDD?03:18
ubuntuis it not possible to install kubuntu to a logical partition? or must it be installed to a primary partition?03:18
Sc[_] tti'm blind 'and' daft, sorry for silly questions, once i have the install going i'm fine, but i can't figure out how to get to the install from the live cd03:18
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bernierhow do i uninstall a .deb i just installed with dpkg?03:19
bryantehaxorSc: Just click the install icon dude.03:19
CheeseBurgerManbernier: 'sudo dpkg -r <package>'03:19
Sc[_] ttonce it loads up a desktop you mean? or is there an icon on the main boot menu03:20
ubuntuDaSkreech: would you know if kubuntu can be installed to a logical partition?03:20
DaSkreechbryantehaxor: I think http://www.freeos.com/articles/4628/ might help03:20
DaSkreechKuLover: Insurance03:20
DaSkreechubuntu: It can03:20
bernierdpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in03:21
bernierthats what it says03:21
ubuntuDaSkreech: for some reason kubuntu live CD installer will not let me install to a logical partition on my HD that is already formatted ext303:21
ubuntudoes live CD installer have any issues?03:21
DaSkreechWhat does it say?03:21
bryantehaxorSc: Yeah, once it loads to the OS there's an install button. It's really easy.03:22
bryantehaxorDaS: Thanks, I am reading it now.03:22
ubuntuDaSkreech: let me try it again here and i'll tell you03:22
Sc[_] tteasy when you can see the icon :P  but that helps a bunch bryantehaxor, now at least i know where to search with the speech .. thanks03:22
TheHighChildAnyone know where to change file preferences at?03:22
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bryantehaxorSc: did you go to fsu by any chance?03:23
sdolnackhow can one config audiocd to automatically retrieve freedb tags?03:23
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DeshOk, I have tried multiple methods to get fglrx to work, but no matter what I do, when I enter 'fglrxinfo' into the terminal it says Mesa is still my OpenGL vendor, any clues?03:23
Sc[_] ttfsu?03:23
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Sc[_] tti guess not, i don't know what that means03:24
bryantehaxorsc: florida state.  nm.03:24
bleakeddoes kdm support XDMCP?03:24
chavobleaked, yes03:24
Sc[_] ttahh ok, nope, i grad from virginia03:25
ubuntuDaSkreech: it says 'invalid file system for this mount poit'mount point03:25
DaSkreechSure you are pointing it at the right place?03:25
ubuntuDaSkreech: yes03:25
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sdolnackis there anything that gnome supports that kde doesn't/vice versa?03:26
ubuntuDaSkreech: besides, i  told it that it could reformat the partiotions i pointed it to03:26
bryantehaxorDaS: That wasn't what I needed, but it still helped for some other stuff, thanks.03:26
bleakedchavo: is there any configuration options for it?  i don't see it in the kontrol center.03:26
KuLoverWhy dont I have permission to copy files into a partition that I just created and mounted?03:26
xstI have just upgraded to dapper but now I have no sound in firefox/flash. Sound in e.g. amarok works just fine. Any ideas?03:26
TheHighChildKuLover is it mounted as root?03:27
Sc[_] ttok i found my install icon, weee thanks all03:27
KuLoverHmm.. I suppose so, I could only mount it in admin mode..03:27
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bryantehaxorsc: good luck man.03:27
pussfellerhow do you do taht thing where xine always pipes out to tv-out03:28
TheHighChildKuLover You'd need to be administrator to mount it. do a 'cat /etc/fstab" and post the line for the drive you've just mounted03:28
chavobleaked, not sure if there's any gui config for it03:28
pussfellerand the rest of the desktop is on the moniter03:28
DeshI have tried multiple methods to get fglrx to work, but no matter what I do, when I enter 'fglrxinfo' into the terminal it says Mesa is still my OpenGL vendor, any clues?03:28
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DaSkreechubuntu: run it as root?03:28
ubuntuDaSkreech: let me ask you something dumb... i have a 5G partition i formatted to ext3.... and labeled as '/', and another 5G partition labeled as /home which is FAT32... is this acceptable??03:28
DaSkreechubuntu: technically yes03:28
pussfellerfat wont handle the permissions right03:29
DaSkreechKinda silly but03:29
DaSkreechHe can do it03:29
DaSkreechit's pretty useless though03:29
bleakedxst: i know the problem..hold up..i'll find the page for you..03:29
pussfellerand what about the filenaming limitations03:29
pussfellerthat could be a problem03:29
chavobleaked, you can enable it in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc03:29
ubuntuDaSkreech: should i make them both ext3??? i just wanted to make it a partition i could access with kubuntu or windows...03:29
xstbleaked: Thanks!03:29
DaSkreechMake a share partition and make it Fat03:30
pussfellerthere are apps which will access ext3 from windows03:30
ubuntuok brb03:30
pussfellerand some which even allow you to put them as drives in my computer03:30
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bernierHmmm when im trying to get frostwire and i click on "ubuntu" it starts dwling and when i right click , save target as it downloads "dowlaod.php"03:31
TheHighChildubuntu I would suggest creating a fat32 only partition. I wouldn't want Windows doing anything with my / or /home partitions03:31
bernieralright i got it03:32
ubuntuwhy the heck does it say invalid file system when i told it to go ahead and formet?!?03:32
DaSkreechbernier: Copy link location03:33
DaSkreechIt will give you the full URL to the file03:33
bernieryeah i got it this way alright :P03:33
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DeshCan Linux edit NTFS partitions?03:34
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DeshI know it can edit FAT partitions03:34
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DaSkreechDesh: For all intents. No03:35
CheeseBurgerManIt can, but it's highly experimental.03:36
DaSkreechI would say still experimental03:36
bleakedxst: ok..03:36
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DaSkreechits' possible that it will completely destroy the NTFS partition03:37
xstbleaked: ?03:37
bleakedxst: edit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc -- and change the value in FIREFOX_DSP to aoss03:37
bleakedxst: restart firefox..should be good to go03:37
sdolnacksum'ins wrong w/ my amaroK03:38
sdolnacki imported all the media from my winblows partition, and it won't play the files03:38
Deshsdolnack, use XMMS and Totem03:38
sdolnackit just goes thru each song on my playlist03:38
sdolnacki don't want a winamp clone!03:38
sdolnacki fuckin love amaroK03:38
sdolnacki meant really03:38
sdolnacki really love amaroK03:38
Deshsdolnack, haha, I like XMMS, much more compact and what not.03:39
CheeseBurgerMansdolnack: What's wrong with amarok?03:39
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sdolnackoh i like to maximize the thing and see it all and have the lyrics there and everythign03:39
sdolnacki imported all my songs from my windows partition03:39
sdolnackmedia/sda2/Documents and settings/Steve/My Documents/My Music03:39
sdolnackand it won't play03:39
DaSkreechubotu: tell sdolnack about mp303:39
sdolnackit goes thru each song in like half a second03:40
ubotuit has been said that mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:40
CheeseBurgerMansdolnack: try 'sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodes'03:40
xstbleaked: Nope. It doesn't work. :-(03:40
xstBut thanks anyway03:40
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sdolnackthat's pretty ridiculous03:40
sdolnackcan i get it to use lame?03:40
DeshNah, it's easily workable.03:40
Deshsdolnack, follow the instructions there, it helps you install the codecs. All my music is mp3.03:41
uboturestricted is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats03:41
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Deshsdolnack, try that also.03:41
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Deshsdolnack, if you install the codecs you can play mp3, wma, wmv and avi just fine, so long as they are not DRM protected.03:41
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats03:41
sdolnackoh i already use ogg03:42
sdolnackfor my rio karma03:42
Deshsdolnack, those are like ogg and what not, but what you want is to play mp3s.03:42
sdolnackso all the cds i rip are in ogg03:42
CheeseBurgerManWhy not just use 'sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs' That's all I needed to do to get MP3.03:42
DaSkreechOgg rocks :)03:42
DeshI'm old school, mp3 for me. :)03:42
sdolnackno i hate command line i'm using adept03:42
sdolnack(just kidding)03:42
CheeseBurgerManOK, whatever. :P03:42
ubuntuok kubuntu is now installing... i hope i didn't screw anything up..... kinda crazy to be able to chat on a computer while installing an OS on it...03:43
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chavoubuntu, yeah it's kind of nice to get live support on an install03:44
KuLoverHow can I gain access to copy files to a partition that i just created and mounted?03:44
ubuntuchavo: absolutely03:44
DaSkreechubuntu: Yeah I know :-)03:44
KuLoverMaybe mount it for user access?03:44
DaSkreechKuLover: How did you mount it?03:44
ubuntuthis calls for a beer03:45
DeshHow can I set XMMS to play all suported audio files when I click them instead of amarok opening up?03:45
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KuLoverThrough the Disk manager in settings in Admin Mode. DaScreech03:45
DaSkreechKuLover: Ah ok :)03:45
DaSkreechWell do you know anything about /etc/fstab03:46
KuLoverI know that its the file that has the paths to mount drives.03:46
KuLoverDesh right click the file you want to open with XMMS03:46
KuLoverDesh then clcik properties03:46
KuLoverDesh Thin clcik the little Wrench icon03:46
DeshAh I see.03:47
KuLoverDesh, find XXMS in the list and move it to the top03:47
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KuLoverOr "Move up"03:47
KuLoverDaSkreech, what should I do?03:47
DeshKuLover, I am trying to make videos open with Totem, but I cannot add it to the list..03:48
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DeshHmm...the correct names for the programs is like, totem %s but it says totem %u when I click it...03:48
KuLoverDesh, click add, THen clcik the folder icon, then browse to the main file that opens Totem.03:48
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DaSkreechKuLover: well in the /etc/fstab entry for the partition put the option user03:49
DaSkreechKuLover: you can then mount the partition as yourself (no sudo) and you will have the rights needed03:49
KuLoverDaSkreech, SHould I remove the "no" from "nouser"?03:49
Sc[_] tthi all again... there's got to be a better way to install other than the live cd... i've got all kinds of errors and it's taken 20 minutes for the system to run the installer, i can't trust this installation... isn't there a regular install disk? surely they don't expect everyone to install this way03:50
KuLoverIts all the "alternate" install disk03:50
KuLoverIts all I use03:50
Sc[_] ttahh i downloaded the wrong iso03:50
KuLoverWhat distro/arhatecture would you like? Ill get you a link to it.03:51
Sc[_] tti have the links here, but thank you :)03:51
KuLoverlol. Enjoy03:51
Sc[_] tti'll grab the alternate disk03:51
KuLoverYeah.. thats all I use too :)03:51
TheHighChildanyone here use Gnump3d?03:52
Sc[_] tti have one hair left! but i'm still having fun03:52
bleakedxst: do you have the alsa-oss package installed?03:52
bleakedxst: install that, and it should work.03:53
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ubuntuwell, in 30 seconds i will see if i successfully installed kubuntu while preserving Xp as well... i have my fears03:54
DeshOne thing I miss from windows, the way I could make a pleyer play all supported files from the options menu...03:55
DaSkreechDesh: Huh>03:55
xstbleaked: I just tried but it still doesn't work. I'll try a reboot.03:56
DeshDaSkreech: I wanted Totem, not Kaffeine to play videos, so I had to find every format of video I had and manually edit it to play with Totem.03:56
ubuntui use linux %80-%90 of the time... but i am not going to totally ditch windows.... the whole hardware support issue would make that difficult03:56
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DaSkreechAh.. I'm sure there is an easier way03:56
DaSkreechubuntu: Thats fine we don't mind weaning you :)03:56
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NeoChaosXDesh. There's a file assoication menu in Konqueror's options03:57
Deshubuntu: Besides some ati cards and WLAN cards, hardware support is better than windows...03:57
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DeshNeoChaosX: >_<!!!!!!!!03:57
DaSkreechubuntu: Don't forget to write to anyone who's hardware is un-supported in Linux. Makes the world better for everyone03:57
fentekreelhmm cedega doesn't seem to like working03:57
ubuntuDaSkreech: i would like to wring some necks at linksys, to start with03:57
DeshI STILL can't get OpenGL to be ATI, stupid Mesa won;t go away!03:57
DaSkreechubuntu: Funny cause they are big Linux contributors :)03:58
CheeseBurgerManDesh: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide03:58
HawkwindI've personally got tons of Linksys stuff, all of which have Linux installed in them in some way03:58
HawkwindNever had a single problem03:58
CheeseBurgerManI followed that, fglrxinfo shows mine to be ATI03:58
DeshRemember boys and girls, the world runs on $$. Since Linux isn't as widely used as Windows it doesn't seem an investment to work on Linux drivers. >_<03:59
ubuntuDaSkreech: i have a few usb wireless adapters that i can't even get to work with ndiswrapper03:59
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DeshCheeseBurgerMan: Same one I used and have bookmarked, :(, still Mesa..03:59
TheHighChildDesh no investment is needed. All people need are hardware specs and the OSS guys will develop drivers.03:59
ubuntuok, i'm out, y'all... ill se what damage i did03:59
DaSkreechubuntu: Y'all come back you here?04:00
DeshTheHighChild, what I mean is they don't care to since it doesn't seem like it will rake in profits04:00
DeshDaSkreech, *hear04:00
DaSkreechThat's particularly stupid04:00
DaSkreechDesh: I know I type faster than I think04:01
DaSkreechEsp for hardware companies04:01
TheHighChildDesh I agree about software manufacturers but in the case of hardware manufacturers I think it's 1. because they over hype their product and the actual specs would show otherwise and 2. showing their hardware specs would go against the industry grain04:01
DaSkreechThe bigger their market is the better04:01
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DeshTheHighChild, true, true04:01
DaSkreechTheHighChild: Well actually it's patent lae04:01
DeshThat and Microsoft forces some not to04:02
TheHighChildDaSkreech: How would releaseing specs violate their patent? Unless they are licensing it in the first place?04:02
TheHighChildnvm, my bad guys. I thought I was in the off-topic channel. I'll stfu now04:03
DeshWhat is the off-topic channel?04:03
DaSkreechTheHighChild: try are they not licensing it :-)04:03
CheeseBurgerManDesh: Did you look at the troubleshooting section? ;)04:04
TheHighChildDaSkreech: I don't think I understood that04:04
DeshCheeseBurgerMan: Yes.04:04
DaSkreechTheHighChild: Well If you are possibly violating 4 or 5 patents would you release full specs or not?04:05
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CheeseBurgerManRats. I assume you rebooted. (it does say to do so)04:05
DeshI did.04:05
TheHighChildDaSkreech: gotcha, you mean that most manufacturer put themselves at risk by publishing them?04:06
DaSkreechAnd for most of them the pace of the engineering team is much faster than the legal team so best way is just to shut up04:07
CheeseBurgerManDesh: Did you try method 2?04:07
DeshCheeseBurgerMan, yup.04:07
CheeseBurgerManYou're impossible. :P04:07
DeshI have concluded that Mesa is codeword for Satan.04:07
DeshBlack mesa...04:08
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=== Sewage is now known as RawSewage
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robnychello i have a bug for kubuntu :) .. xchat > view > Tree channel status colors dont work .. im on debian sid and works good04:16
RawSewagethats an Ubuntu question04:16
RawSewageKubuntu uses Konversation04:17
kkathmananyone know where firefox keeps the theme it loads?04:17
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RawSewageits not in the .kde folder?04:18
kkathmanhmm wouldnt think so, since its not a k-app04:18
robotgeekkkathman: maybe in .mozilla/firefox/ chrome04:18
RawSewageoh yeah04:18
erov /.mozilla/firefox/04:18
kkathmanlemme try that thanks04:18
=== CaBlGuY [n=user1@doc-209-33-24-32.brighton.il.cebridge.net] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanwell theres another directory there04:19
erovyes go into that dir04:20
CaBlGuYthere any kinda peer 2 peer I can install?04:20
kkathmanwhat happened was that I loaded a theme that was "compatible" with linux, but apparently not with Dapper04:20
erovthat is depending on the user profiles04:20
kkathmanerov  there is not a .mozilla/firefox/chrome04:20
CaBlGuY!peer to peer04:20
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, CaBlGuY04:20
uboturumour has it, p2p is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PHowTo04:21
erovj@alpha:~/.mozilla/firefox/sngu6tsh.default/chrome$ lsuserChrome-example.css  userContent-example.css04:21
chavokkathman, ~/.mozilla/firefox/some_random_number_/chrome04:21
kkathmanthere is a  .mozilla/firefox/ctr2yq30.default/chrome04:21
erovthat is it.04:21
kkathmanis the theme in the css?04:21
chavothey might not be in there though, a lot of themes install in extensions folder now04:21
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chavokkathman, no it's a .jar file. a renamed .zip04:22
kkathmanhmm ok I'll check that04:22
erovahh yes.. they are in extensions04:22
erov(in mine anyway)04:22
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DaSkreechKuLover: Yo04:24
kkathmanthanks guys...I just deleted the theme from the extensions as you said chavo...now I get the default again :)04:24
DaSkreechGot the mount sorted?04:24
kkathmanchavo looks like it was just that particular theme I guess04:25
KuLoverNo.. still having problems.. Ughh lol04:25
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jagocan some one tell me what decoder packages i need to play dvd's with kaffeine04:27
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Redehi, i just installed kubuntu dapper but i'm having a little bit of trouble getting sound to work. kmix shows both of my sound cards but is set to my on board sound, not my SBLive5.1 that i want to use. Any idea where I can select the sound card I want to use? I googled and found a forum that indicated I need to change it in System->Preferences but I dont seem to have a preferences entry04:31
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Redeive got amarok, xine, and xine-extracodecs installed. xine plays video, but there isnt any sound. amarok appears to play properly, but there is no sound04:32
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DaSkreechRede: try the system Settings04:33
Cooner750How to install mplayer plugin in Konqueror?04:33
RawSewagemaybe the volume isnt turned up04:33
RawSewagein the Mixer, check PCM04:34
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Redevolume is on04:34
Redesystem settings doesnt seem to give me the option of selecting between the two cards04:35
=== gallag [n=gina@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Redein fc4 i had to use the gui to select the card in order for it to work because it defaulted to the on-board, but i cant find how to accomplish this04:36
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RedeKInfoCenter detects the SBLive card, as does "aplay -l"04:39
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SheaTaraHey -- my sound won't -- it did just a few days ago -- before i update dapper from flight7 to final04:40
Cooner750SheaTara, Do you use ESD for sound?04:40
SheaTaraAmarok won;tplay -- and I don;t get anything else either04:40
Cooner750Try going K-Menu, Run Command... Type esd and click OK04:41
SheaTaraHow mocgh I check?04:41
RawSewagemaybe the volume isnt turned up04:41
SheaTaraCould not run the specified command04:41
SheaTaraThe volume is up ans not mutes04:41
Cooner750Is ESD included in Kubuntu? I'm using Ubuntu with KDE packages installed over it04:41
RawSewagerun kcontrol04:42
SheaTaraNot to my knowledge04:42
RawSewageSound and Multimedia04:42
RawSewageSound Sytem04:42
Cooner750Run kmix to get a volume control in the bottom of the screen if one isnt there already04:42
SheaTaraKmix is there04:42
RawSewagefirst see if the Enable the Sound Syustem box is checked04:42
SheaTaraRawSewage: checked04:43
Cooner750ALSA would probably be the best selection?04:43
RawSewageand Hardware tab04:43
KuLoverAnyone here run a RAID array?04:43
SheaTaraRawSewage: what about it ?04:43
RawSewagewhats it set to04:43
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RawSewagesorry, I dont know whats wrong04:44
SheaTaraRawSewage: nor do I04:44
SheaTarahow about I try #ubuntu04:45
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RawSewagedid you like in KINfoCenter04:45
SheaTaraI read on !sound -- no help04:45
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RawSewageI mean did you RUN kinfocenter04:46
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RobNycHawkwind: yea man im on debian sid now and my xchat view > tree list channel stats colors work fine, its only on kubuntu i dont know why or how04:49
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orient2000RobNyc: I wonder, did you buy the whole computer or you assembled yourselve?04:51
sdolnack...can someone show me how wine works?04:52
RobNycit was a custom built orient200004:52
orient2000So i always do mine. Sorry cannot help you.04:53
Redeok, ive managed to determine that my sound is working, just using the on-board instead of my sblive... does anyone know how i can change that?04:53
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sdolnackso i'm running Kubuntu and can't stand linuxdc++ and want to get wine working04:54
sdolnackand don't know how04:54
RawSewagehow do you have Konqueror show video icons04:56
RawSewagepreview icons04:56
RawSewage> 100 mb04:56
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r0xzsomeone with a clue why ogg vorbis files aren't previewable while downloading with a p2p app?05:01
r0xzin the same app where mp3 and avi are previewable05:01
r0xzeven when the whole file is completed i still can't preview05:02
SeanTaterRawSewage: Not sure you can -- but try looking on kde-look and kde-apps05:04
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SeanTaterr0xz: what p2p app?05:05
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RawSewagesomeone told me how05:05
RawSewageIm testing it now05:05
sdolnackdoes no one know how to help me w/ wine?05:05
r0xzSeanTater: KTorrent05:06
SeanTaterr0xz: How can you preview the other files?05:06
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r0xzreally weird, because it support a special priority for mediafiles so one can preview these05:07
SeanTaterr0xz: I did not think that was possible with the way torrents download05:07
DaSkreechRawSewage: how did you become more raw since yesterday?05:07
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RawSewageI dont know05:08
SeanTaterr0xz: neat -- version 1.2 or 2.0?05:08
r0xzSeanTater: normally, when i rightclik on a file in the files tab of ktorrent, i can preview the files (after some minutes)05:08
r0xzSeanTater: 2.0 dev05:08
SeanTaterr0xz: neat -- how did you get it to install?!05:08
SeanTaterr0xz: I tried and it would not work05:09
r0xzSeanTater: just installing the right packages05:09
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osiristhats cause lots of torrent apps prioritize the first section of the torrent, so you can use that function.  other than that it IS a piece meal system05:10
SeanTaterr0xz: but apt said it conflicted with kdelibs  -- so it would not install here --05:10
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r0xzSeanTater: hmmm, i didn't install by binary but compiled on subversion05:11
SeanTaterr0xz: aaahhh -- that might do it05:11
r0xzSeanTater: is run the svn version from 1.105:11
SeanTaterr0xz: well -- I don't know that I want /that/ new05:11
r0xzalways've been stable enough fo normal use05:11
r0xzSeanTater: KTorrent is in the end of 2.0, so the big bugs are out already05:12
SeanTaterr0xz: okay -- I might get to it, but It's getting late here05:12
SeanTaterr0xz: I'm not sure I'm up for compling05:12
sdolnackso in Wine05:12
sdolnackdo i donwload the exe installer and open it w/ wine?05:12
DaSkreechDoes it still stop downloading for no reason?05:13
r0xzwell, if you don't try you don't know...05:13
SeanTaterr0xz: I'll get to it -- but I plan to sleep soon05:13
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SeanTaterr0xz: in fact -- with my eyelids shutting I think that will be in 5 --- 4 ---- 3 ---- 205:14
r0xzSeanTater: ah, you can always jump on the KT forum and poke with an question, there're some nice people there...05:14
SeanTaterr0xz: there's nice people all over the place05:14
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SeanTaterr0xz: about one in 10**50 people in linux act like trolls -- they might be annoying, but they /are/ a flash in the pan05:15
SeanTaterr0xz: thanks for the encouragement anyway -- see ya05:15
r0xzDaSKreech: you mean KTorrent? One guy said he's still experienced the stalling, but i haven't seen it here05:15
=== SeanTater > /dev/sleep
DaSkreechr0xz: Problem is the 10**50-1 are normally doing work all the time so they are pretty silent05:16
r0xzDaSKreech: iam not following05:17
sdolnackwhat do you guys recommend for a zip utility?05:17
DaSkreechr0xz: The trolls are few but very very loud05:17
DaSkreechand there alllll the time :-)05:17
sdolnackwhat do you use for compression05:18
sdolnackor you r0xz05:18
DaSkreechThe nice guys you have to prod a bit and wait for them to stop doing other things05:18
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r0xzsdolnack: just ark with tarball or CLI05:19
Hobbseehey DaSkreech05:19
DaSkreechsdolnack: gunzip is fine05:19
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DaSkreechhi Hobbsee05:19
sdolnackbut i'm using wine05:19
r0xzsdolnack: tar.bz2 has better compression then tar.gz but is somewhat slower05:19
sdolnackand downloading windows files and they're in like rar and stuff05:20
DaSkreechOh 7zip then05:20
sdolnackahh... so that's the advantage of tar.gz05:20
DaSkreechbut that works under Linus as well05:20
sdolnackLinux too ;-)05:20
r0xz*faster  (getting tired here...)05:20
DaSkreech*laughs* Yeah05:20
DaSkreechThough under Linus most stuff seems to work ..05:21
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larrywellsSo what is the major item for the new Dapper?05:23
sdolnacklong term service05:23
sdolnack3 years instead of 18 months05:23
sdolnacknow that i've installed p7zip... how do i open this damn rar file?05:24
sdolnacksudo p7zip isn't recognized05:24
DaSkreechsdolnack: Lol05:24
DaSkreechJust install unrar05:24
larrywellsWhat does that mean exactly, that they will have service of the new OS?05:24
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
sdolnackit wasn't in the repos05:25
larrywellsDoes that mean Dapper will be the only new release for 3 years?05:26
sdolnackyes it is05:26
sdolnacklarywells--i thougth that, but tha'ts not necessarily true05:26
=== DaSkreech winks at sdolnack
DaSkreechlarrywells: No05:26
sdolnackcoz the other versions were out for 6 mos at a time, but had 18 month support05:26
sdolnackok now what's hte deal w/ unrar and unrar-free?05:26
larrywellsOk, I think I understand now05:26
sdolnackwill i tnot work or something?05:27
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DaSkreechsdolnack: unrar is made by rarlabs. unrar-free is open source05:27
larrywellsBut it is free, the support is not that robust anyway05:27
robotgeeklarrywells: hmm, not true05:27
chavolarrywells, the best free support money can buy05:27
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larrywellsExactly, lol05:28
DaSkreechlarrywells: Does that actually make sense to you?05:28
robotgeeklarrywells: it means that security fixes from developers to packages will be provided05:28
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sdolnacklinux doens't handle spaces in filenames well does it05:28
larrywellsOh I understand that05:28
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robotgeeksdolnack: escape it with a \05:28
chavosdolnack, sure it does05:28
larrywellsSo now they will be supplying the security fixes for 3 years05:29
DaSkreechsdolnack: tab is your friend05:29
sdolnackwhat do you mean escape it w/ a \?05:29
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chavosdolnack, put a slash in front of the space and then you can use it, that's in a terminal anyway05:29
larrywellsKubuntu, has given my old 500 mgz machine new life05:31
larrywellsIt was about to go to goodwill05:31
sdolnackso how do I use wine exactly?05:32
chavosdolnack, basically you just run -> wine appname.exe05:32
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DaSkreechisn't there a winecfg?05:32
sdolnacki did05:32
chavosdolnack, you should run winecfg first to setup your .wine directory05:32
sdolnacki installed a program into the program fiels of the wine directory05:33
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larrywellsI see now that Kubuntu also runs on PPC now05:33
chavosdolnack, it should create menu items, or desktop icon if you asked it too05:33
KuLoverAnyone here experiance high CPU usage during large file transfers?05:33
sdolnackand added it in the applications in winecfg05:33
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makkoany particular reason the grub boot menu of dapper is text (a plain text table) instead of graphical (supporting a splash screen)?05:34
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sdolnacki wondered that to makko but  i'm just kinda used to it05:35
sdolnacki realized to me i tdidn't matter as much05:35
makkosdolnack: it matters for many newbyes wich are used to suse or redhat. they'd think ubuntu is "less advanced"05:35
makkosdolnack: many are prejudiced against text envs05:35
sdolnacki know05:36
sdolnacki had mandriva for a while05:36
sdolnackgranted, it was broken, so i had 10 sec to switch to windows every time i loaded the computer05:36
sdolnackbut it looked nice05:36
sdolnackthen i saw ubuntu and was liek "ugh"05:36
sdolnackbut you can at least make it colorful05:36
sdolnackwhich helps05:36
sdolnackare you running kubuntu or ubuntu?05:36
makkosdolnack: yes! and it's quite funny, seeing that mandriva uses lilo, which is said to be less advanced than grub (it uses a patch lilo, so that explains it)05:36
makkosdolnack: me? kubuntu05:37
sdolnackopen your konsole05:37
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sdolnackand type in sudo kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst05:37
sdolnackon line 26, right below "Pretty Colours"05:38
sdolnackdelete the #05:38
makkosdolnack: nice option05:38
sdolnackand it will then have a nice cyan/white/blue theme goin on05:38
sdolnackwhich is a lot more appealing05:38
sdolnackand you can also hide the menu so that it just automatically boots into default unless you press ESC05:38
sdolnackthis is so cool to me, this whole being able to customize (kustomize--heh) everything05:39
makkosdolnack: my breezy used to have a "splashimage (hd0,0)/boot/grub/splashimages/debsplash.xpm.gz" just at the beginning of this same file.05:39
sdolnacki'm a newbie, too.  3 days old05:39
sdolnackhmm really?05:39
makkosdolnack: i guess this could bring the graphical menu05:39
makkosdolnack: absolutely05:39
sdolnacki just caught on riight after dapper was released05:39
makkosdolnack: i think it would work05:39
sdolnacklook on the forums05:39
makkosdolnack: so i guess you should provide it a path to an existing xpm.gz (picture) file05:40
makkosdolnack: any reason you renounced mandriva?05:40
sdolnackmakko: absolutely05:42
sdolnackit would not work w/ my dell inspiron 9300.  It just woudlnt' boot05:42
sdolnackit'd freeze during boot.  and it was such a hassle05:42
sdolnackand then installed Kubuntu dapper--and everything worked so well!! Wireless!! Right outta the box!!!!05:42
makkosdolnack: my reason of renouncing mandriva (my first love; ubuntu is the second) is that i was feeling like a second-class citizen (no access to some software) as a non--club-member.05:43
makkosdolnack: that's just the main reason.05:43
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makkosdolnack: did you try to disable acpi, apic, and lapic? that way it would work again. no boot freezing!05:44
sdolnackyeah, that too--the whole club thing05:45
sdolnacki didn't try to disable acpi and what not--i didn't even want to bother05:45
sdolnackand i'm sooooooo SOOOOOO happy with Kubuntu-i'm not going anywhere for a long while05:45
makkosdolnack: ubuntu WILL ALWAYS be free (as in free beer)05:45
robotgeekfere speech, even05:46
makkosdolnack: it seems they're trying to encourage a different business model05:46
makkorobotgeek: that doesn't even need to be mentioned05:46
makkorobotgeek: ... since it's so obvious05:47
sdolnackthey totally are05:47
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sdolnackhaha the only free beer i've seen all but requires a donation05:47
kkathmanhey robotgeek, the Opera static wouldnt install because I needed this xlibs and xlib6g05:47
sdolnackubuntu is amazing05:47
makkokkathman: it's not AND, it's just OR.05:47
kkathmanI tried to load up xlibs-dev, but it still didnt work05:47
sdolnacknot just the software, but the mindset and purpose05:47
kkathmanmakko:  ok, well05:47
makkokkathman: you may want to add breezy main, install xlibs from there (no conflict!) and then disable breezy main.05:48
nixternalkkathman: what are you trying to install???  cedega?05:48
kkathmanI still cant get Opera to work in Dapper :(05:48
nixternaloh opera05:48
makkokkathman: it's as simple as i said.05:48
kkathmanmakko.. ok I will try that :)05:48
makkokkathman: you will install it in not time05:48
kkathmanthanks man...I'll check that out05:48
robotgeekkkathman: i tht opera has a dapepr deb?05:49
nixternalxlibs-dev doesn't fix the xlibs dependency for opera does it?  i know it doesn't for cedega05:49
sdolnackso can anyone help me w/ wine?05:49
makkokkathman: plus... let me tell you a secret: just force install opera (yes, with no xlibs) and it will STILL WORK! (it's just that synaptic will report it as broken)05:49
nixternalsdolnack: what kind of help?05:49
chavosdolnack, ill try05:49
makkonixternal: no, not yet. but this is something the opera team should fix, not us05:49
makkonixternal: we had to remove xlibs. it is obsolete.05:50
nixternali had to grab xlibs from elsewhere...i know the xlibs-dev didn't fix my dependencies..and xlibs itself wasn't...ya...05:50
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nixternalmakko: exactly..i found that out the other night with a cedega install05:50
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makkonixternal: you don't need to grab it from "elsewhere". just add breezy main, install xlibs, then remove it.05:51
sdolnacki'm trying to use LDC++05:51
kkathmanrobotgeek:  no dapper deb on Opera yet05:51
sdolnackand so far i've installed wine and unrar05:51
makkokkathman: you just don't have the right repo05:51
sdolnackand extracted the .rar file into ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/LDC05:52
sdolnackbut when i try to run LDCPlusPlus.exe ig et this:05:52
kkathmanmakko:  ok I put in the breezy main...did the update05:52
kkathmanbut, I already installed xlibs-dev from dapper05:52
nixternalargh..i didn't even think of the breezy mains makko...i will in the past now...we get a lot of cedega needs xlibs questions too...i will utilize that info..thank you05:52
makkokkathman: you'll love this: ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic05:52
kkathmanwont that mess things up05:52
sdolnackwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\LDCPlusPlus.exe": Module not found05:52
sdolnackwhat does that mean/05:53
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makkonixternal: you're welcome05:53
nixternalmakko: i was wondering when you were going to hit him with the source-o-matic ;)05:53
sdolnackmodule not found in system32?/05:53
makkosdolnack: and you too will love this: http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic -- it's like easyurpmi05:53
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makkonixternal: why?? :))05:53
kkathmanmakko are you suggesting that I just do the dpkg -i on the opera deb with a --force option?05:53
makkonixternal: was i that predictible?05:53
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makkokkathman: why not. still, i would prefer using the breezy main repo.05:54
nixternalyes makko05:54
nixternali have seen you post the source-o-matic b405:54
makkokkathman: i don't like it when my synaptic shows broken packages05:54
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DShepherdDaSkreech: ur awfully quiet05:54
makkonixternal: before? when?05:55
kkathmanmakko:  but what package is it exactly???   I already installed xlibs-dev from dapper.....wont there be a problem in doing a sudo apt-get install xlibs-dev again?05:55
=== defrysk had opera installed with ho issues
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makkokkathman: no!05:55
nixternaleither the forums or in here05:55
makkokkathman: from breezy, it is "xlibs" that you need to install.05:55
kkathmanahhh ok05:55
kkathmanmakko:  so simply sudo apt-get install xlibs ?05:55
makkokkathman: yes, as long as you have breezy main added05:55
kkathmanI added it05:56
kkathmanone moment then05:56
makkokkathman: first you should sudo apt-get update, you know that, right?05:56
nixternalsdolnack: sorry...im looking at this LDCPlusPlus...give me one second05:56
DaSkreechDShepherd: Yeah05:57
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defryskgo there05:57
DaSkreechDShepherd: Decided that I'd just let the flow of Pros through :)05:57
sdolnackno prob05:57
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defryskand choose ubuntu05:58
defryskinstalls without a hickup05:58
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defrysksorry wron link05:58
sdolnacklet it be known that i never even really got the chance to mess around in mandrake05:59
makkokkathman: any feedback? :)05:59
sdolnacki might have actually loggen in successfully like05:59
defryskget the debian unstable that one works for dapper06:00
kkathmanmakko: You ARE da man :)06:00
kkathmanmakko:  I do need to apparently install motif somehow tho06:00
defryskchoose debian unstable06:00
kkathmandefrysk: hehe no need :)06:00
kkathmanit worked exactly as makko said :)06:00
defryskkkathman, the hard way06:01
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defryskkkathman, get libmotif306:02
defryskso you can get java and stuf detected06:02
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sdolnackso anyone w/ this wine thing?06:03
kkathmandefrysk: I actually need motif for something but dont know how to get it installed06:04
kkathmanit complained that operamotif wasnt installed06:04
defrysksudo apt-get install libmotif306:04
nixternalsdolnack: so when you type> wine LDCPlusPlus.exe     you get that error?06:04
defryskkkathman, it complais about it but wil run without it06:04
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defryskit uses motif as a detection tool06:05
kkathmanahhh libmoitf 3 i get it :)06:05
sdolnackhold on06:05
unix_infideli can install kde meta package fro within dapper right06:05
defryskor something06:05
sdolnacksdolnack@Yggdrasil:~$ wine LDCPlusPlus.exe06:05
sdolnackwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\LDCPlusPlus.exe": Module not found06:05
kkathmanlemme check flash06:05
unix_infidelBUT! how large will the kde desktop be?06:05
kkathmanheh works :)06:06
kkathmanHECK YA!06:06
unix_infidellike that metapackage, how much diskspace will the install take up?06:06
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unix_infidelnot just the debs that apt downloads, but the actual install of the binaries.06:06
unix_infidelplus the debs.06:06
defryskunix_infidel, go tu ubuntu-motu for that06:06
nixternalsdolnack: may i please recommend that you check with the people over at #winehq   <- they are the wine gurus and maybe able to help you further. they may ask if you check the database to see if you program is listed. if they do, let them know it is not listed06:07
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defryskmasters of the universe06:07
defryskdevelopers and stuff06:07
defryskthey no06:07
chavosdolnack, what are you trying to run?06:07
nixternalchavo: LDC++06:08
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sdolnackso has anyone ever gotten xgl/compiz to work w/ kde practically?06:08
nixternala select few ;)06:09
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chavosdolnack, works here06:09
sdolnackno shit06:09
sdolnackon Kubuntu?06:09
defryskkkathman, http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/Weekly-206/intel-linux/ a special weekly daaper build is available there (latest of the latest)06:10
sdolnackand doens't slow everything to a crawling halt?06:10
chavono it actually speeds up rendering06:10
DaSkreechsdolnack: It works in Suse out the box06:10
sdolnackwhen i tried to install it06:10
sdolnackand i logged in to an xgl session06:10
sdolnackeverything wa ssoooooo slow06:11
sdolnacklike scrolling wasn't smooth06:11
DaSkreechYou had the fglrx drivers?06:11
sdolnackmm hmm06:11
sdolnacki don't mean to sound so naive but caon someone explain this whole multi-desktop concept to me?06:12
sdolnacki mean, apart from xgl and all that06:12
sdolnackcoz i see boxes w/ 2, 3, and 4 in it and clicking them does nothing06:12
sdolnackexcept make some things minimized06:12
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DaSkreechsdolnack: Open an application with 4 selected06:13
chavosdolnack, it gives you a whole empty workspace06:14
chavoyou can configure the taskbar to not show apps on the other workspaces06:14
DaSkreechsdolnack: Let me know when you've done that ;)06:14
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auTONYmousanybody know anything about HAL and kde's relationship?06:14
auTONYmousI'm using NTFS-FUSE to mount some winblows partitions, but HAL doesn't know they're mounted06:15
DaSkreechWell they both come from the family of three letter acronyms06:15
sdolnackjust config'd it06:15
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defryskauTONYmous, jriddel seems to be working on it, see http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kde-hal-device-manager/06:17
sdolnackbut it's purely cosmetic, no?  it's not like you suddenly have the stability of a clean workspace w/ nothing running06:17
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auTONYmousI have that, doesn't fix my problem.06:17
chavosdolnack, yes06:18
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makkoany particular reason the grub boot menu of dapper is text (a plain text table) instead of graphical (supporting a splash screen)?06:18
RawSewageIn Kontact, the folder list in Mail is invisible.  How can I fix this?06:18
chavosdolnack, I don't use desktops as much now that I have dual monitor setup06:18
makkoRawSewage: check the side bar06:18
rabidphageis perl installed by default in kubuntu alternative? and if yes how do i run a perl script..06:18
RawSewagemakko, for what06:19
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aseigorabidphage: yes, as is python06:19
DaSkreechRawSewage: Did you get the tabs to go in Konqui?06:19
RawSewageno, you cant06:20
rabidphageaseigo: thanks mate..06:20
RawSewageOh, I forgot to post the ss06:20
makkoRawSewage: for a graphical menu06:20
aseigorabidphage: to run a perl script either do `perl scriptfile` or chmod +x the script, make sure it has #!/usr/bin/perl at the top and away you go06:20
r0xzis there a difference between oasis odt and kword format?06:21
rabidphageaseigo: can i change grant executive rights to the file via the context menu?06:21
aseigorabidphage: yes. go to the properties dialog06:21
rabidphageaseigo:*scratch change06:21
RawSewageOk, if no one can help me, what did it used to look like?06:22
RawSewagewere there icons?06:22
chavosdolnack, I got ldc to run, but it's slow06:22
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rabidphageaseigo: u rock(y)06:22
aseigoi try06:23
RawSewageIRC is useless06:23
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DaSkreechaseigo: How was boston?06:23
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defryskr0xz, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument it stated odt is developed by oasis hence the "oasis"06:24
defryskodf that is06:25
aseigoDaSkreech: very productive06:25
defryskr0xz, so its ODF in kword06:25
aseigoDaSkreech: i did manage to catch a concert and visit a tiny authentic boston irish bar06:25
DaSkreechaseigo: Glad to hear. LSB rolls forward into the future .... and beyond!!!!06:26
defryskor odt whatever06:26
aseigoDaSkreech: but other than that it was ~16hrs of travel, ~17hrs of work and a handful more of networking06:26
aseigoDaSkreech: yeah, i sent a general summary email to kde-core-devel about the meeting this morning06:26
DaSkreechaseigo: Guess I'll catch up on the blog :)06:27
aseigoi'm probably not going to put it up on the blog, actually.. perhaps i'll link to it.. hm.. yeah, that's a good idea06:27
aseigoto the mail archives...06:27
aseigoi didn't really cover some of the stuff that's not of tramendous interest / import ... and i did forget to cover how the lsb is breaking up into more than one module.. but that's a bit of a detail....06:28
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aseigoanyways. time to relax for the evening.06:28
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martinpjust installed dapper Drake on my iBook 300MHz... the partitioning was a bit ruff but the rest was a breeze... :-)06:34
martinpreally quiet here...06:37
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=== chavo makes some noise! BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=== DaSkreech shakes a maracas and goes back to sleep ... without snoring
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kkathmandang I forgot how to get kvirc to play a sound when my name is placed in the channel :(06:45
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MikeMcAHello.  I'm trying out the kubuntu live cd on my dell laptop.  I got it working with my wireless card but only if I set the auth key via iwconfig.  If I try to set it via the kde network settings dialog my selection of a hexadecimal key keeps getting set back to ASCII.  Anyone have any idea why?06:48
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marywill all devices that work on ubuntu work with kubuntu?06:55
kkathmanmary:  what do you mean by devices?06:56
kkathmanin general they should, yes06:56
DaSkreechgenerally yeah06:56
marya pcmcia wifi card06:56
kkathmanbut there are KDE settings that do  get mucked up occasionally06:56
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noaXessgood morning all..06:57
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=== noaXess time is 06:57 am..
maryyeah somebody on the ubuntu forum told me that they used a zonet card, so i bought it on newegg.  maybe i just dont know how to set it up06:57
maryor ubuntu irc06:57
noaXessmy mozilla-thunderbird taskbar icon is an big X, not the tb icon... is it possible to change this?06:59
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newuserakhow would i configure a pcmcia wifi connection?07:00
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azathothis there any way to make d4x automatically download without popping up the dialog?07:03
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alex__anyone here?07:13
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lrathbonhello all07:14
lrathbondoes anyone know if ubuntu still uses pmount in conjunction with hal to do mounting of removable media in kde?07:15
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sdolnackok the guy on winehq was an asshole07:18
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DaSkreechWhy don't you just read the forums?07:19
sdolnacki do07:22
sdolnacksomeone in here told me to go to winehq though07:22
sdolnackand i did07:22
sdolnackand i had no idea about /topic or appdb or any of that07:22
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sdolnackand the guy called me lazy and said i wasted an hou rof my time07:22
sdolnackwht an asshole07:22
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chavosdolnack, I extracted ldc++ into a directory in my ~ and it ran fine, well it's real slow but it ran07:25
sdolnackwell yeah, it RAN... but it wasn't near usable07:26
sdolnacknot on a practical level07:26
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nixternalkkathman: sorry...we have been pretty busy in the other channel. what issue do you notice? maybe I can be of some assistance?  plus most of the people in the other channel are still sleeping due to their location07:28
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kkathmannixternal:  I have a KDE with multiple panels.  For some reason, setting a panel in the center bottom, and setting that to expand, doesnt work07:29
nixternalexpand how?07:29
nixternalyou using 6 desktops?07:29
kkathmannixternal:  hard to explain...but its never worked well in kubuntu for some reason...I suspect there is something peculiar on how kubuntu references the panels07:30
nixternalnm...i read that wrong07:30
nixternalyou said multiple panels..i was thinking desktops...brainfart...ok...lets see here07:30
kkathmannixternal:  actually I take my kicker panel (main) and shorten it and place it far right and tiny07:30
kkathmannixternal:  then I create two other panels, tiny, and place one in the center bottom (for applications), and one on the far bottom left, for desktop pager and sys tray07:31
kkathmanthen makes for a very clean, hidden area07:31
nixternalwill any of the panels expand?07:31
kkathmannixternal:  however, when you settle the center panel and add applications, it wont center properly.  In addition if you try to set the settings on that panel to "expand as neede" this doesnt work either07:32
kkathmannixternal:  yes the other two expand just fine07:32
kkathmannixternal:  also, the center panel's "transparency" isnt operaing properly either07:33
nixternalthe center won't expand at all...now that is odd07:33
nixternalya...it sounds like you have something going on...07:33
kkathmannixternal:  its very odd07:33
sdolnackdoes unix serve any desktop purpose? like non-linux?07:33
nixternali don't see the issue if i try to reproduce it07:33
nixternalhave you checked with http://bugs.kde.com07:33
nixternalhave you checked with http://bugs.kde.org07:34
nixternalsorry about that07:34
nixternaljust noticed i com'd it ;)07:34
kkathmannixternal:  no I havent...but its not a kde issue for sure, as I can configure this just fine in SUSE with no problems07:35
nixternalcheck malone then https://launchpad.net/bugs07:36
sdolnackanyone ever use valknut or linuxdc++?07:36
kkathmannixternal:  one moment... Im going to ctrl-alt-backspace and restart KDE...07:37
nixternalcan't say that i have sdolnack07:37
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kkathmannixternal:  haha...that fixed the problem :)07:39
kkathmanI think sometimes when you add things to the panel it gets messed up on the refresh, nixternal07:39
rockyhow do i make sure that the right driver is being used for my touchpad mouse?  It is very "touchy"  clicks stuff all over the place07:39
nixternalyou know what...i can attest to that happening quite often07:39
nixternalespecially with my applets07:39
nixternalhave to restart kde07:39
kkathmanyep.. now its fine!07:40
nixternalgood deal07:40
rockyi'd like to just turn off the touch click feature07:41
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nixternalwhat kind of laptop rocky?07:42
rockydell inspiron 700007:42
nixternalis it the eraser type or the synaptics type07:43
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rockyany ideas?07:45
nixternali think you might must be able to blacklist the synaptics driver07:46
nixternalthat is what im checking on...i don't have synaptics on my laptop07:46
nixternalplus my laptop is installing breezy07:46
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rockyit seemed like alot of people on the forums have had the same problem, and i went through the threads, but stil couldn't get it working07:48
nixternalrocky: type> sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist07:49
nixternalrocky: add> synaptics07:49
nixternalare you using an external mouse?07:50
nixternalarg i wish my laptop was done installing..i could do this easier07:51
nixternaleww..then you don't want to do that then07:51
rockydo i need to restart completly?07:51
nixternalotherwisey ou will have no mouse07:51
nixternalgo back into blacklist and remove that now...i thought you were using an external mouse07:52
nixternalkick me for assuming ;)07:52
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nixternalyou have the same issue everyone does with synaptics...you touch it...pointer moves and clicks in a different area..and boom you are typing in the wrong area07:53
nixternalbeen there done that..that is why i always used a ps2 or usb mouse with my laptop07:54
nixternali don't know of any easy fix07:54
nixternalyou can check for you laptop model and see if anyone tested it and said anything about it07:55
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TheHighChildDoes anyone know where to set the shortcut bindings? My alt+tab doesn't change virtual desktops08:03
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TheHighChildfound it. Settings > Regional & Accessibility > Keyboard shortcuts08:08
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neuron_i`m trying to install xgl on kubuntu08:10
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neuron_and i get a error while trying to PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/fdo/lib/pkgconfig ACLOCAL='aclocal -I /opt/fdo/share/aclocal' PATH=/opt/fdo/bin:$PATH util/modular/build.sh  -m /home/<username>/cvs/Mesa -D /opt/fdo08:11
neuron_whis is the output i get: http://pastebin.com/76674608:11
crimsunwhy are you compiling the stuff?08:12
nixternalhehe...multiverse repositories own...08:13
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neuron_well, i`m folowing this guide: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13240608:13
neuron_is there any other way i could install xgl ?08:13
aftertaflol xgl madness abounds08:14
nixternalfrom the repositories08:14
myndmelder I'm having trouble getting kafeine to work on Kubuntu... I've got all the codecs, and followed the info I found, but no dice...08:14
neuron_hehe :D xgl rocks :D08:14
neuron_nixternal, is there any how-to on installing xgl from repositories?08:15
nixternalim searchin' for that08:16
neuron_okay, ty ^^08:16
nixternalit is in the dapper universe repositories as xserver-sgl i believe08:18
nixternalactually..yes i see it in the packages08:18
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nixternalxserver-xgl 7.0.0-0ubuntu408:19
neuron_i installed that08:19
neuron_what do i do next? :D08:19
nixternalso it is there...you installed taht?08:19
myndmelder I'm having trouble getting kafeine to work on Kubuntu... I've got all the codecs, and followed the info I found, but no dice...08:20
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nixternalso what were you compiling?08:20
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neuron_well, `im folowing http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132406 , i got to the build an install the newest libs part08:21
m0ns00nAnyone else having problems with KDesktop freezing?08:23
m0ns00nWhen clicking to get icon info08:23
m0ns00nI also have this in v3.5.308:23
nixternali don't have an issue m0ns00n...3.5.3 here also08:23
m0ns00nRightclicking on icons also in Konqueror at large08:23
nixternalwhat icon info you trying to get?08:23
m0ns00nHappens on our AMD64 machine as well08:23
m0ns00nJust rightclicking08:23
m0ns00nTo copy or paste or whatever08:24
nixternaloh no..i have no problem there...i do it all the time...i386 here..so if it is amd64 i can't help08:24
nixternalmy right clicking is fine08:24
m0ns00nThis is i38608:24
m0ns00nSo it's both on the amd64 version and i38608:24
m0ns00nYou then need to log out of session with the mouse as the keyboard freezes08:24
nixternalhmmm...i don't have a problem with it at all...it works great for me cuz i right click like crazy in konqi08:24
=== m0ns00n thinks there are so many things that can freeze linux parts these days
phreak____i'm in AMND 64 and Kdesktop has had some issues08:25
nixternalneuron_: what part are you at that gives you this error?08:25
neuron_the one after compiling libdrm08:26
m0ns00nWith the NVidia drivers leading to server locks, KDE freezing the keyboard etc..... perhaps the linux kernel should have some way to escape these situations08:26
nixternalm0ns00n: im in konqi now...i can right click..do you have a specific setting that might be causing this?08:26
m0ns00nnixternal: No no special setting, just happens randomly08:26
m0ns00nnixternal: The bug is also in kde bugs08:26
neuron_when i do this PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/fdo/lib/pkgconfig ACLOCAL='aclocal -I /opt/fdo/share/aclocal' PATH=/opt/fdo/bin:$PATH util/modular/build.sh -m /home/<username>/cvs/Mesa -D /opt/fdo08:26
neuron_notice i pulled out the "-n"08:27
nixternali don't get it at all m0ns00n...i use the right click feature in konqi at least a 100 times a day08:28
nixternalchavo: you around at all?08:30
m0ns00nnixternal: Me too. It's wierd. Wonder if it only happens with the NVidia drivers08:30
chavoyes I'm here08:30
m0ns00nnixternal: Woudln't surprize me..08:30
nixternalthank god..you said you got kubuntu/xgl working right?08:30
m0ns00nnixternal: That it uses 100% cpu or something like that08:30
nixternalahh..wait...im using nvidia on one machine and ati on another...i haven't come acrossed it yet08:31
nixternalhey.. neuron_ is having a compile issue following hte forums howto...can you help at all?08:31
nixternalchavo ^^08:31
chavoI didn't compile anything, got it all from quinnstorm repos08:31
nixternalim at a lost with it it all concerning the xgl08:31
nixternalcould you point him in the right direction maybe for that?08:32
neuron_chavo, is there any howto that i could folow in installing xgl?08:32
neuron_ty :P08:32
nixternalcool chavo i really appreciate that one08:32
chavoneuron_, what video card?08:32
chavook that makes it easier08:33
neuron_hehe :D08:33
neuron_nvidia GeForce4 Ti 4200 too be exact08:33
chavoI assume you already have the nvidia drivers up and running08:34
chavook first do a kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list08:35
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chavoand add these two lines ->08:36
chavodeb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main08:36
chavodeb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ dapper main08:36
vinboyu got xgl to go on kubuntu?08:37
mrfishhathow do i get a hard drive to become bootable without using the cd to boot to first hard drive?08:37
chavoalright now you gotta import the key-> wget http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -08:37
chavoafter that do a -> sudo apt-get update08:38
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neuron_chavo: i get W: GPG error: http://xgl.compiz.info dapper Release: The following signatures co                        uldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 31A5F97FED                        8A569E08:40
neuron_ when i try to sudo apt-get update08:40
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billytwowillywhat's the command to make a deb from source? not with dpkg, with the automagic program.08:40
chavoneuron_, did you do this one ->08:40
chavowget http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -08:40
frank__billytwowilly: checkinstall?08:41
imbrandon_billytwowilly, checkinstall08:41
chavook hold on let me find the key for the other one08:41
billytwowillyI can never remember the name of that program;)08:41
neuron_okay, ty08:41
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yonkeltroni need to morph an image. any suggestions?08:43
yonkeltroninto another one that is...08:43
imbrandon_chavo, that key worked for me ..... i'm doing this too08:43
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chavowell there's 2 repos, and they are mirrors08:44
D0M1N8RHow does one mount reiser4?08:44
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D0M1N8Rthe tools on kubuntu are there to make a reiser4 file system but seems mount does not support this format08:44
imbrandon_D0M1N8R, same as any other mount only specify reiser08:44
chavotry this one also-> wget  http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -08:45
D0M1N8Rk I did mount -t reiser4 /dev/hda4 /mnt/hda408:45
D0M1N8Rcomes back reiser4 is invalid type08:45
neuron_chavo, i did get a "OK" after this one08:45
neuron_chavo, and it didnt take as long as the first one08:45
imbrandon_D0M1N8R, did you try auto ?08:46
D0M1N8RI looked at man but dont see anything on reiser408:46
chavoneuron_, alright run sudo apt-get update again08:46
D0M1N8R-t auto?08:46
neuron_its done08:46
D0M1N8Rwasnt sure how to do that but I'll try that now08:46
D0M1N8Rsays I must specify a file system type08:47
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chavoneuron_, now do -> sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl  compiz compiz-gnome gset-compiz08:47
chavothis will get you an updated compiz and xgl server08:48
neuron_E: Broken packages08:48
neuron_got some depends mising08:48
azathothi get a kdelibs dependency problem when i try and install qtcurve... and yet the package it depends on is right there in the system...08:49
imbrandon_neuron_, you might have something missing , just worked fine here08:49
azathothanyone know what would be up?08:49
neuron_i got some libs like libxml, libsvg08:49
imbrandon_neuron_, you have universe adnmultiverse enabled08:49
neuron_should i install them all?08:49
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neuron_yup, i do08:49
neuron_first thing i`ve done after installing kubuntu :D08:50
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chavoneuron_, can you pastebin the output of that?08:50
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neuron_yup, just a sec08:51
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imbrandon_chavo, what howto are you following ? or whats next ?08:51
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ubotufrom memory, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"08:52
chavoimbrandon I used bits of each one, there are a lot of how to's. Some of them are outdated08:52
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chavoneuron_, you are on dapper right?08:53
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imbrandon_ok chavo next ?08:53
neuron_i`m on breezy08:53
chavoimbrandon_, next edit your /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc to start xgl instead of regular x08:54
neuron_Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger"08:54
chavoneuron_, woops08:54
chavono wonder!08:54
imbrandon_ok just change the x to xgl ?08:54
imbrandon_no parms etc ?08:54
chavoimbrandon_, no hold on08:54
chavoimbrandon, nvidia card?08:55
imbrandon_yup yup08:55
chavoServerCmd=/usr/bin/Xgl :0 -fullscreen -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo08:55
chavoI just commented the old ServerCmd= out, just in case08:56
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neuron_i`ll install dapper tomorow i think08:56
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nixternallol imbrandon gettin' in on the xgl goodness08:56
imbrandon_lol nixternalyea on my testing box08:56
nixternalneuron...save this to a logfile08:56
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imbrandon_oh good08:57
neuron_chavo, wb :D08:57
imbrandon_ok done chavo08:57
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imbrandon_restart x ?08:57
chavowoops killed the wrong xsession :P08:57
chavoyou can test it out by starting a new session if you want08:58
chavokmenu -> Switch User -> Start New Session08:58
chavojust to make sure it doesn't bomb out08:58
imbrandon_yup yup, not a total newb just havent tried xgl yet ;)08:58
neuron_chavo, what do i do next?08:58
chavoneuron_, you gotta upgrade to dapper08:58
aftertafchavo, doing same...... what about for nvidia?08:59
neuron_i`ll do this today then :D08:59
nixternalchavo gets mad beans for his XGL keynote in #kubuntu08:59
neuron_dang, i got to install lots things again :(08:59
chavoaftertaf, this is all for nvidia08:59
neuron_lots of things even08:59
chavoneuron_, yes it's a big upgrade08:59
aftertafchavo, ok. i got a startxgl, i got a xgl.desktop......09:00
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aftertafi just modified my kdmrc....09:00
aftertafnow what ? :)09:00
imbrandon_all good09:00
chavoaftertaf, you can test it by starting a new session or just restart the one you're on09:01
aftertafand if all goes wrong i remodify kdmrc, right?09:01
chavoaftertaf, yes09:01
ubotuaftertaf: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:01
imbrandon_chavo, brb all worked out and i'm gonna restart my main x session09:02
chavoimbrandon alright09:02
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imbrandon_ /etc/init.d/kdm restart09:02
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aftertafregular kde :/09:03
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chavoaftertaf, you gotta start compiz09:04
chavocompiz --replace gconf & gnome-window-decorator09:04
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taz_k im new to this apt-get. apt-get is the kubuntu's repository correct?09:04
imbrandon_kk back09:04
aftertafeven wit' kde?09:04
imbrandon_fonts small as hell but i'll fix my res later09:04
chavoI'll tell you how to start it automatically in a sec09:04
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chavoyes the kde-window-decorator doesn't work09:04
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kubuntitehello all09:05
imbrandon_compiz.real: No GLXFBConfig for default depth, this isn't going to work.09:05
imbrandon_compiz.real: Failed to manage screen: 009:05
imbrandon_compiz.real: No managable screens found on display :0.009:05
aftertafit worked!!!09:05
chavooh no!09:05
aftertafargh :)09:05
chavoaftertaf, so it worked for you?09:05
nysosymany news about edgy? :D09:06
aftertafcan i get ti to work with enlightenment ???? :)09:06
imbrandon_not for me, infact i have no window borders right ow09:06
aftertafimbrandon, i had that, then they appeared like magic09:06
chavoimbrandon_, you can just run kwin to get your kde borders back for now09:06
aftertafso, now what? :)09:06
imbrandon_kk what about the error09:07
kubuntiteI'm gonna upgrade to dapper from breezy... but I dont quite understand how to manage repositories in Adept... how do I edit it and actually get it to keep the changes, cause whenever I change references to "breezy" to "dapper" it changes back09:07
aftertafand if i then close the terminal, the wm disappears :/09:07
alex__okay so i just did the gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and now amarok crashes! any fixes?09:07
taz_found my apt-get issue here09:07
taz_says line commented out by installer because it failed to verify09:07
imbrandon_alex__, amarok uses xine09:07
taz_who would have known having this puter offline during install would mean apt-get failuer09:08
imbrandon_chavo, ??09:08
chavoaftertaf, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15290 paste that into a text editor and save it as ~/.kde/Autostart/compiz.desktop09:08
chavothen it'll run on startup09:09
kubuntitecould someone help me with upgrading from 5.1009:09
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)09:09
chavoimbrandon not sure what's going on there09:10
chavopastebin your xorg.conf09:10
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psi_forcehi all, need some help setting up dual monitor view for x.org on my laptop. laptop panel can display 1400x1050, external display can only display 1280x1024. When I try I get a 1400x1050 viewport on the lower res screen09:13
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bulltitanif i install gxine from xine's website will it screw my codecs?09:14
chavobulltitan, it shouldn't it's just a frontend for xine09:15
bulltitani see the thing is that with the default xine from the repos i can't read srt subtitles09:15
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bulltitanthey just don't show up09:15
bulltitanand ai hav alll the codecs i could get from universe, multiverse, etc09:16
chavoimbrandon try adding this to the bottom of your xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1529209:16
bulltitanalso w32codecs09:16
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bulltitanif any of you have any idea about this please!!!!09:17
chavobulltitan, win32codecs isn't in universe or multiverse09:18
bulltitani had the same problem with kaffeine09:18
chavobulltitan, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:18
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chavofind the Windows Codecs section09:18
bulltitani know that url i recomended it yesterday :P but yesterday i was using kubuntu,... today i'm using ubuntu09:19
imbrandon_kk chavo brb restarting x again09:19
chavobulltitan, windows codecs is the same for either09:19
neuron_chavo, which should i install? kubuntu or ubuntu?09:20
chavoneuron_, do you prefer kde or gnome?09:20
neuron_well, kubuntu then :D09:20
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bulltitani like both,... but this subtitle thing is killing me :P09:20
grasshopperwhere do i download kubuntu iso?09:21
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grasshoppergeotsai, thx buddy09:21
grasshopperi was looking under ubuntu, silly me...09:22
bulltitanmaybe i should get mplayer it is said to be complicated to configure but,.. :( last chance to get subs09:22
geotsaisubs for what?09:22
bulltitanwell i have tons of japanese movies09:22
bulltitani need thos subtitles!09:22
bulltitanthose i mean09:23
katakombiyou got mplayer-fonts package installed?09:23
grasshopperby the way Guys, is Kubuntu sweet? some people say kde is not quite up there as ubuntu focus on gnome09:23
PyroMithrandiryeah, Kubuntu is sweet, grasshopper09:23
chavograsshopper, I love it09:23
bulltitani don't have mplayer installed at all09:23
grasshopperthx, Guys09:23
bulltitanjust totem-xine and gxine09:23
katakombiits definately the kde distro that sucks lesser than all the others09:24
grasshopperPyroMithrandir, you're not just saying it? ; )09:24
PyroMithrandirnah, man, it's sweet09:24
PyroMithrandirI use it09:24
PyroMithrandirI love it09:24
grasshopper; )09:24
bulltitanthis time after upgrading kade to latest i have to agree09:24
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katakombithe kde part is great, there are other issues, though09:25
grasshopperkatakombi, oh...'coz i heard others say if you want kde then better go to someone who focus on kde like Mepis or SuSE09:25
bulltitanwhat i just don't get is why totem plays my movies all pixelated and gxine not09:25
grasshopperkatakombi, or knoppix, etc09:25
bulltitaneven working with the same codecs09:25
katakombigrasshopper, kubuntu is really free. and i am heavily convinced that it will improve.09:26
Melchiorregrasshopper: Kubuntu has a fairly massive team working on the KDE side of things, it's not like it's just thrown in for fun ;)09:26
katakombitherefore suse, mepis and so on aren't a real alternative in my opinion09:27
chavothe first kubuntu release was a little shaky but things are good now09:27
grasshopperMelchiorre, i know we hear that, but why does that remain the lingering impression nonetheless, that it is just thrown in for fun09:27
Melchiorrecan't answer that sorry...09:27
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grasshopperkatakombi, what are the other issues, if you don't mind saying for exampl;e. Are they other than Ubuntu?09:27
katakombigrasshopper, ubuntu is the future of linux just as linux is the future of OS (speaking in long terms)09:28
bulltitani better get those movies in english then09:28
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katakombii didn't try ubuntu09:28
katakombiso I cannot tell09:28
grasshopperkatakombi, i agree : ) but i notice you said ubuntu not kubuntu. You don't make a disticntion?09:29
katakombii meant *ubuntu (=xubuntu, ubuntu, kubuntu)09:29
katakombithe core is the same09:29
grasshopperyea, i thought you did09:29
bulltitanho i tryed xubuntu too09:29
Melchiorrebulltitan: I came in halfway through your problem, but are you trying to play DVD's or some other movie files?09:29
bulltitanit was really good too09:29
grasshopperwell, i gonna make a ubuntu / kubuntu dual boot, then we'll see : )09:30
katakombigrasshopper: these are my issues: printing (CUPS), acpi, suspend/resume09:30
bulltitanjust avi files with subs Melchiorre09:30
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Melchiorreahh, okay09:30
bulltitanmore over xvid files, ac3 sound and srt subs09:30
katakombigrasshopper: furthermore some apps aren't matured yet (for example adept)09:31
grasshopperkatakombi, ah, well cups is a universal Ubuntu issue at the moment it seems. There was lots of talk over at #ubuntu about it too, if thats reassuring at all in a strange way. The other issues i don't know09:31
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pd273Hi all, I am not sure if this is the right channel to ask this question, but in the consoles when I go through <ctrl> + <alt> 1, I have white fonts, how can I change it to some other color09:31
imbrandon_ok chavo that worked09:31
imbrandon_chavo, whats the autostart thing ?09:31
Melchiorrepd273: are you using konsole?09:32
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chavoimbrandon save this -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15291 as ~/.kde/Autostart/compiz.desktop09:32
imbrandon_kk thanks09:33
pd273Melchiorre: IHi all, I am not sure if this is the right channel to ask this question, but in the consoles when I go through <ctrl> + <alt> 1, I have white fonts, how can I change it to some other color need to change in the <Ctrl> + <alt> + F109:33
chavono problem09:33
pd273I tried it in konsole it is working09:33
grasshopperkatakombi, as long as the core apps work, i.e browsing, email, Office-suite, multimedia(dvd/cd/radio). Those are my primary concerns09:33
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grasshoppergan|y|med, Hi09:34
grasshoppergan|y|med, wie gehts?09:35
aftertafhow do you zoom in/out n stuff?09:35
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chavoaftertaf, did you install gset-compiz?09:35
gan|y|medi have a dependency problem with opera 8.54 or 9.0 beta (xlibs and xlibg). i have to use --force-all for install, bit this breaks my apt database meaning i have to deinstall before updating an reinstall again). any ideas?09:35
gan|y|medgrasshopper: gut, und dir?09:35
grasshoppergan|y|med, ja geil09:36
aftertafchavo, yup09:36
grasshoppergan|y|med, you have to get the right Opera download09:36
chavoyou can use that to configure or see what the key combos are09:36
neuron_if i`ll install dapper, is there any way of keeping my settings, hotkeys, etc?09:36
grasshoppergan|y|med, get the etch version it worked for me09:36
kombrisnneuron_ just keep care on your ~/.kde subdirectory09:37
neuron_oh, ty :P09:37
grasshoppergan|y|med, it works with qt instead of xlibs or something.09:37
chavoI have it set to shift-mouse3 but I don't remember if that's default09:37
gan|y|medgrasshopper: geil?09:37
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grasshoppergan|y|med, also ask in #opera i got help there09:38
grasshoppergan|y|med, ja, geil=gut ne?09:38
chavogan|y|med, someone else fixed this problem earlier tonight09:38
kombrisn OT: how to register my nick on freenode?09:38
gan|y|medgrasshopper: i have tried etch qt shared and static (8.54), and etch qt shared (9.0beta) respectively. always the same error about xlibs09:38
chavoI think it invloved installing xlibs from the breezy repos09:38
aftertafchavo, i pasted your text to autostart/compiz.desktop..... so it'll run auto on each kde run?09:39
aftertafand for enlightenment? :P09:39
grasshoppergan|y|med, ai! i have qt shared and no problems now, so i'm stumped09:39
gan|y|medchavo: tonight? :). where i am it is morning... i love the net09:39
taz_how do I get kernel source/headers09:39
chavogan|y|med, well it's 3:39 am here09:39
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crimsuntaz_: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)09:39
grasshopperthe point is someone successfully installed xlibs from breezy repos in dapper?09:40
gan|y|medchavo: just out of interest... where are you? (part of the world, not your address :)09:40
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chavoflorida usa09:41
grasshopperchavo: i want your exact address, lol : )09:41
Melchiorrepd273: Check out this thread, and see if it helps http://forums.macosxhints.com/archive/index.php/t-1763.html09:41
chavo1313 mockinbird lane09:41
taz_Thanks crimsun09:41
grasshopperlol @ chavo09:41
pd273Melchiorre: I will look at it, thankyou09:42
gan|y|medchavo: last question: how is the weather?09:42
grasshoppergan|y|med, Also xlibs von breezy repos nach dapper rueberbringen, ai...09:42
neuron_chavo, whats your local hour?09:42
grasshopperi am GMT zone09:42
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bulltitanan idea09:43
neuron_pm, right?09:43
bulltitani know all the rules of asking questions here09:43
chavono am, I don't sleep09:43
bulltitanand all that09:43
neuron_hehe :D09:43
bulltitanubuntu channel gives absolutely no help to nothing09:43
grasshoppergan|y|med, nah? wassenloss?09:43
neuron_chavo, will i find you here at about 1pm ?09:43
chavoneuron_, possibly09:43
bulltitanso chavo as you where the only one to answer my call you get the candy :P09:44
grasshoppergan|y|med, nicht geil wie sexy oder schwull, ja?09:44
neuron_okay, i`ll install dapper by then, and i`ll come here for help in installing xgl09:44
gan|y|medsorry trying to install xlibs09:44
neuron_do you have a how-to or something i could folow?09:44
chavono I used info from the many how-tos out there09:45
chavothere's too many of them and quite a few are outdated09:45
neuron_ph, okay, i hope i`ll find you here then :D09:45
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gan|y|medgrasshopper: what about closing the geil-topic... i wouldn't use the word... no good style...09:45
chavoI should write a how-to but that'll just add to the confusion09:46
gan|y|medok, i got it. opera installed aaaannnnddd09:46
grasshoppergan|y|med, sure, my german colloquiallism is a bit rusty. I always thought it was a cool style. I must be getting old09:46
grasshoppergan|y|med, Bravo. tell me how you did it09:47
gan|y|medgrasshopper: used to be in the 90ies. sorry, now it is prevalent in a certain kind of mail09:47
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gan|y|medyou install the xlibs transitional package from breezy. it has no dependencies itself09:48
grasshoppergan|y|med, yea, i lived in Berlin 1989, so it shows09:48
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grasshoppergan|y|med, how do you do that from dapper?09:48
gan|y|medgrasshopper: download the xlibs package from packages.ubuntu.com and do dpkg -i xlibs...deb09:49
gan|y|medinstalls just fine09:49
grasshoppergan|y|med, heh, vielen dank, ich haette es mir nicht so leight vorgestellt09:50
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psi_forcehi all, how do I set kde to run a command when I login (eg like the startup folders in windows)09:50
gan|y|medno prob. thx for the hint09:50
Hobbseepsi_force: what kind of command?09:50
Hobbseesymlink in ~.kde/Autostart09:50
grasshoppergan|y|med, but why qt shared works here and not with you is curious09:50
gan|y|medno,no. now qt shared is working09:51
grasshoppergan|y|med, but Opera 9 rocks09:51
gan|y|medwell, i don't like that it's still beta09:51
psi_forceHobbsee: console script... basically runs xrandr on certain conditions09:51
grasshoppergan|y|med, yea well time...crashes here sometimes but seldom and works just the same09:52
Hobbseepsi_force: i assume you can still symlink it, or stick the script in ~.kde/Autostart, or the global autostart folder09:52
gan|y|medbut i'll check it out... don't like that they keep putting more and more stuff in there...09:52
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gan|y|medwe'll see. thx, have to go and study russian now :)09:52
grasshoppergan|y|med, its fast and integrated09:52
grasshoppergan|y|med, hahaha nostrovia!09:52
grasshoppergan|y|med, i hope i  didn't say anothe rbad word09:53
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aftertafback to standard 2d enlightenment for now ... :)09:54
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Melchiorreis the: "** (process:6512): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed" Error a problem? it seems to come up a lot when I'm installing / removing stuff...09:57
aftertafi think its a ne way of saying, installation worked...09:57
aftertafi get it all the time and things just work(tm) still09:57
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Melchiorregood :)09:58
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CellarDoorHello all... I've been trying to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06 but I think my sources.list isn't what it should be10:09
aftertafCellarDoor, paste it to pastebin and well see10:09
aftertafCellarDoor, or, change all 'breezy' to 'dapper'10:09
CellarDoorok, I've never used the pastebin though10:10
aftertafcan you surf to google?10:10
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aftertafif so, then you're qualified to pastebin ;P10:11
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CellarDoorok I've pasted it to the pastebin - http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76687710:12
CellarDoorIts a bit of a mess I know10:12
CellarDoorDuring doing a distro upgrade apt is not finding stuff10:13
aftertafill check10:13
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aftertafCellarDoor, repalce with this: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76689010:17
weedarWhat is "the" KDE ftp-client? Any reccommendations? :)10:17
joshuafrhi all10:17
CellarDoorokies thanks aftertaf10:17
robweedar, use Konqueror10:18
_davehow can i keep my grub menu.lst changes kept after each kernal has been added to my system?10:18
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CellarDooraftertaf: replace everything with that ?10:18
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aftertafCellarDoor, yep. or my sources.list: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76689210:18
aftertaf_dave, dont modify the kernels between the automagic bit10:19
weedaraftertaf: I seem to remember Kbear _always_ crashing on me :/10:19
aftertaf_dave, what did you modify?10:19
weedarRob, also for non-anonymous accounts?10:19
CellarDooraftertaf: ok10:19
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aftertafweedar, filezilla :] 10:19
robweedar, should work fine10:19
weedarnot really KDElicious, but it is a decent ftp-client..Thanks for the suggestion aftertaf10:19
aftertaf_dave, you can modify the defoptions so that it will add them to new kernels.10:19
robkbear will work too, its up to you which you prefer10:19
aftertafweedar, not kdelicious. but a damn fine slice of cherry pie in any book :] 10:20
weedarmmm, pie....10:20
CellarDoorok, attempting distro upgrade again10:20
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_daveaftertaf: i have a w2k HD setup so i can duel boot and have just added FreeBSD on as well (but not yet added to the menu.lst yet10:20
aftertafCellarDoor, apt-get update? does it work?10:20
aftertafok. then you can add it before the automagic bit... like windows boot option10:21
aftertafargh windows!10:21
robgoogling KDELicious brings up some odd links (esp the first one)10:21
joshuafrI have a problem with compiz under Dapper and nvidia-ubuntu drivers, Xgl reset when I close a window and I cannot have a good conf for my keyboard. An idea?10:21
aftertaf 14 years old10:21
aftertaf  "..YoU kNoW yOu WaNnA.."10:21
chavokonqueror works for simple ftp stuff10:22
CellarDooraftertaf: It seems to be working ok now10:22
_daveaftertaf: Ya i know but .... I'm a bit of a noob with grub so explain futher please10:22
aftertaf_dave, hang on a sec.10:22
robaftertaf, shockwave?10:22
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chavoooh Les Biscuits!!!!!10:23
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robbah, just tell me what it is10:23
aftertaf# Put static boot stanzas before and/or after AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST10:23
aftertaf_dave, look for that section and put your other things before it10:23
skondoes anyone know which file i backup for kontact mail account settings?10:24
aftertafrob, dont work for you? hmm konqueror gave me animated buns10:24
_daveOkay did do some reading and saw an reference to a Kopt that is supposed to keep user defined things there10:24
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_davebut i was scratching my head over multi lines10:24
robaftertaf, I don't have flash/shockwave installed10:24
aftertafanimated buns10:25
aftertaf:] ] ] 10:25
robwoman buns, or hot cross ones?///////10:25
chavoskon, look in ~/.kde/share/config/kamilrc10:25
aftertafi knew that would get you10:25
aftertafhot cross ones10:25
skonchavo - yeah i copied that one across10:25
Hobbseerob: ping?10:25
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robHobbsee, pong10:26
chavoskon, also ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail10:26
robwhats up?10:26
azathothi'm trying to install kxdocker 1.1.4a from source and it's telling me it can't find the X includes. what do i need to install? build-essentials is already there10:26
Hobbseerob: PM?10:26
ubotuWhen a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   x-window-system-dev10:26
chavoyou'll want that whole directory10:26
azathothcool, thanks10:26
skonchavo: yeah i might have to try that instead of individual files - thanks10:26
crimsunoh wow10:26
crimsunerm, that needs to be updated.10:26
crimsunlet's see, no more warty support, so we can kill the monolithic b-ds10:27
chavoskon, it might be easier to just tar up, or cp  your whole .kde10:27
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makko_does this "deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/snapshot/bzr/ ./" REPO work for any of you?10:27
weedarHm, sun-java5-doc tells me to download the doc myself. But then how will the package know when it is really installed?10:28
skonchavo: i agree : )10:28
_daveaftertaf: thanks did read about the Kopt but was thinking okay for 1line but multi-lines??  many thanks for the pointer :)10:28
aftertafno pb _dave10:28
crimsunubotu: xincludes =~ s/xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   x-window-system-dev/libx11-dev  libxext-dev  libxinerama-dev/g10:28
ubotucrimsun: OK10:28
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_daveaftertaf: just been read the menu.lst, bit different from last time i read it -)  what is the alternative declaration do?10:34
aftertaf_dave, not entirely sure, the bits i know are from googling ..... :/10:35
_daveaftertaf: eg should update-grub create alternative automagic boot options <- from aa line in the menu.lst10:35
aftertafi think so10:35
grasshopperGuys! just burning kubuntu to cd now. Looking forward to install10:36
m-onkeygrasshopper, gl10:36
_daveanyone else know what alternative in the grub menu.lst does??10:36
katakombigrasshopper: have fun!10:36
grasshopperI was just wondering is kubuntu really a word or is it ubuntu with kde putting its 'K' in front of it like it does with everything else?10:37
grasshopperthx Guys!10:37
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katakombigrasshopper: ubuntu is the word, k is the childish attitude of kde developers to always prepend  a 'k'10:37
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grasshopperkatakombi, lol, i know, that is so funny of 'em and as you say childish10:39
chavokubuntu is actually a word10:39
grasshopperchavo: common.... ; )10:39
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katakombichavo might be right. Perhaps by chance...10:40
grasshopperubuntu is a word; you can feel that is true. What a coincidence that the language would also have a word called kubuntu10:40
grasshoppertoo convenient a coincidence i would say10:40
katakombiyou speak Zulu?10:41
grasshopperi hardly speak linux and only some english ;)10:41
alex__what's "Broken Pipe"?10:42
katakombigrasshopper: if you want to format your partitions with reiserfs you should use the alternative install cd10:42
tuxciclesthere are all kinda stupid distro names out there, i dont know why10:42
katakombii tried the live cd first, nbut no reiserfs :(10:43
grasshopperkatakombi, now you say...i've got the desktop iso10:43
katakombithat's murphys law10:43
makko_does this "deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/snapshot/bzr/ ./" REPO work for any of you?10:43
katakombibesides the desktop iso boots terribly slow10:43
tuxcicleswhy couldn't they name them somthn cool like orgasm-os10:43
alex__I installed a chess game from adept; started up; got a message saying "broken pipe" and it closes.10:44
grasshopperkatakombi, now all the excuses start coming already...hehe ; )10:44
alex__Any fixes to my issue ^?10:44
katakombiwhat excuses?10:45
dark_lightalex__: i am not sure, but read it http://www.merlin.ac.uk/user_guide/preface/node125.html10:45
grasshopperpreempting the slowness and issues with partitions i might now encounter?10:45
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dark_lightalex__: (i searched for broken pipe)10:45
dark_lightalex__: it may be a bug10:45
grasshopperkatakombi, i'm just gonna go and give it a go now - see what happens10:46
grasshopperi have 160gb hd with 40gb dedicated to ubuntu, just gonna add kubuntu; shouldn't be so hard10:46
katakombino, i dont think so10:47
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_davejust to change the topic here - emoticons that you see in emails are they univeral ?? like a wink in kmail is a wink in thunderbird is a wink in ....  or am i wrong on this?10:48
alex__dark_light: Just googled for that website? thanks anyhow.10:48
Hobbseealex__: try installing it with apt-get - and then pastebin the error10:48
alex__Hobbsee: Thanks; Will do.10:48
_davealso how do you (can it be done) with kmail to have emoticons that you can pick from like from some web sites?10:49
BuZzY_hello i have a phpBB2 forum installed on a server and want to export only the structure (i.e the sections and messages) whithout the theme configurations..how can i do that?i(i have phpmyadmin10:51
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kujeger_workI can't move the applets on the taskbar around even though it's not locked. Any idea? I can do it back home where I had a clean install, but not here where I dist-upgraded. Worked before the upgrade too.10:52
kujeger_workbasically it seems to be permanently locked regardless of wheter I click lock or unlock panels10:53
chavokujeger_work, some applets/icons will move with middle click10:53
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chavokujeger_work, right click panel -> Configure Pnael -> Appearance -> Advanced Options button10:54
_davehobbsee: know much about emoticons and email clients?  eg a wink in kmail is the same in all other email client programs?10:54
Hobbsee_dave: i dont know, but i doubt it...10:54
chavo_dave, they should be pretty much the same10:54
kujeger_workchavo: neither works10:54
chavothere's no standard or anything10:55
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kujeger_workfor example the taskbar applet is stuck in the middle with a max width of 200 pixels or so. A bit annoying to say the least10:55
chavokujeger_work, did you open the panel configuration dialog?10:56
kujeger_workchavo: yes10:56
chavokujeger_work, ok look at Apperance and then click the Advanced Options button10:57
kujeger_workchavo: done10:57
_davehobbsee: So this could be dangerous then as i might do a humourous icon (like a wink) and you see it as a tongue poking out and take offence to the sentance10:57
chavothere should be a section called Applet Handles10:57
kujeger_workchavo: aha, thanks10:57
Hobbsee_dave: no, it will come out as plain text - ie, a wink means ;)10:57
_davechavo: thought they would have been similar across all clients - think i here my mate google calling me on this...10:58
Hobbseeand most people will recognise ;)10:58
chavolike I said some applets can move without the handles, but not all of them10:58
_davehobbsee: ya i use kmail and in an email i saw a devil copied it and it looked something like :;) can kmail have emoticons setup at all (ie get a selection of images to choose)?10:59
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chavo_dave, kmail uses the same theme as kopete11:00
Hobbseei'm not sure - i dont use kmail much11:00
_daveI've not used kopete so what the theme??11:00
_davechavo: I've not used kopete so what is the theme? can you have it setup as icons and click/drag to the point in the message??11:02
chavo_dave, no the emoticons don't show up in the composer at all11:02
chavo_dave, I'm not sure how to change the emoticon theme for kmail11:03
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_davechavo this is my understanding just googling now and am going to read a bit so might have some answers....11:03
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CellarDoorI hope this distro upgrade doesn't hose my computer11:08
apokryphosCellarDoor: if you follow the upgrade instructions properly, everything should be ok11:09
CellarDoorfingers crossed then ;)11:09
apokryphosCellarDoor: how are you upgrading? Via dist-upgrade?11:09
apokryphosCellarDoor: you made sure that you have the appropriate metapackage installed first, right?11:10
CellarDoormetapackage ?11:10
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apokryphoskubuntu-desktop, if you're on Kubuntu11:10
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apokryphoswhat upgrade instructions are you following?11:11
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CellarDoorI just updated my sources list11:13
CellarDoorand did a dist upgrade11:13
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CellarDoorwouldn't I already have kubuntu desktop installed ?11:14
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apokryphosCellarDoor: this is why it's important to follow the *upgrade instructions* if you're going to dist-upgrade11:14
apokryphosno, it certainly wouldn't be necessarily installed11:14
apokryphosCellarDoor: /msg ubotu faq11:14
chavoCellarDoor, not necissarily11:15
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CellarDoorI did, I just didn't notice that11:17
roflcopterni did a stupid thing.. i installed compiz and xgl... now i no longer have any accelerated 3d, even in the regular xserver11:17
roflcopternany ideas?11:17
CellarDoorwhat if I install kubuntu-desktop after just to make sure ?11:18
apokryphosCellarDoor: well, apt requires it to perform the update successfully. You might not have problems, but almost *every* upgrade problem I've seen is because people didn't do that.11:18
_daveChavo: it looks like you can add emoticons via the theme manager, i am now  doing a search on this to find out where to get said emoticons etc from11:18
CellarDoorwell... its already well into it now...11:19
apokryphosCellarDoor: if your apt is still in the process of downloading, then I'd cancel it.11:19
apokryphosif it's installing, then you'll have to sit it through and hope for the best11:19
CellarDoorok, cancelled11:19
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apokryphosCellarDoor: ok, then change your sources.list back, install kubuntu-desktop, and then go for the upgrade, as linked to on the FAQ11:20
chavo_dave, I know you can use the Get New Stuff button in kopete to get new emoticon themes, and I know kmail uses the same themes. I just don't know how to change the theme that kmail uses11:21
roflcopternguess not11:22
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chavoroflcoptern, I'm not sure, need a little more info to figure it out11:23
_davechavo: this is what i'm tring to find out. Dang i did have a blog that referred to the fact that you had emoticons setup then you have a button on kmail to access them if by default or via a menu.11:23
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roflcoptern(WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found11:24
chavoroflcoptern, sorry don't know much about ati11:25
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roflcopternwhere does atp store its packages?11:26
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chavoroflcoptern, /var/cache/apt/archives11:26
trevorwhere is a good media player on here11:27
chavotrevor, amarok for audio, kaffeine for video11:27
trevordoes any one know a good media player on here11:28
trevorok thanks11:28
trevori cant seem to get java working11:28
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:28
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CellarDooruh... I dont seem to have a source for kubuntu-desktop11:36
apokryphosCellarDoor: what do you mean?11:36
CellarDoorcant find kubuntu-desktop11:36
CellarDoorno package11:37
CellarDoordo I have the name right ?11:37
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CellarDoorseems rather strange11:38
CellarDoorsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:38
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apokryphosCellarDoor: you must not have the main repositories listed under sources.list11:39
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.11:39
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_vladi_hi guys, just installed, trying to setup mp3 support, i use synaptic and have enabled every repository able, but still cannot locate the libxine-extracodecs package11:40
_vladi_i also tried using 'sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs' and it cant find it either11:41
_vladi_with all of the extra repositories enabled11:41
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Ph3NiXsalut all11:42
Ph3NiXjai un souci11:42
noiesmo_vladi_, multiverse and universe required11:43
_vladi_yes, i know, i enabled them already11:43
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_vladi_settings->repositories->everything is checked, including multiverse&universe11:43
_vladi_in synaptic package manager11:43
noiesmodid you update /refresh11:43
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_vladi_noiesmo: do you use synaptic?11:44
noiesmo_vladi_, no commandline and apt-get11:45
IceCreamMattI dont know if anyone can help me but I changed my resolution and when I changed it back my login screen res is higher then my monitor so it moves around any ideas how to fix this?11:45
noiesmo_vladi_, but synaptic is gui for apt-get11:45
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_vladi_noiesmo: yes exactly, so changing the repos in synaptic should not be a problem11:45
noiesmo_vladi_, are you on dapper11:45
_vladi_noiesmo: i just installed kubuntu 6.06 off the dvd11:46
noiesmo_vladi_, ok just check /etc/apt/sources.list to be sure and try type sudo apt-get update in termeinal also11:46
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xstAfter I upgraded to dapper, I have no longer any sound in firefox. How can I fix this?11:47
noiesmo_vladi_, here http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libxine-extracodecs11:47
_vladi_noiesmo: i checked /etc/apt/sources.list, everything is uncommented. i did a manual sudo apt-get update and it still cant find it11:48
noiesmo_vladi_, you can download from here and then do sudo dpkg -i libxine-extracodecs in the same directory that you download it to11:48
_vladi_kk cool11:48
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_vladi_when i do sudo install libxine-extracodecs it says..11:50
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_vladi_"Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source"11:50
IcomeyHas anyone here successfully gotten XGL and/or Compiz working on Dapper with ATI?11:50
rraajjIcomey: A happy XGL/Compiz + ATI user here. :D11:51
tuxciclesnot with the new fglrx package, i had to go back to the previous version11:51
Icomeyrraajj, willing to help me through it?11:51
noiesmo_vladi_, http://mirror.isp.net.au/ftp/pub/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/x/xine-extracodecs/libxine-extracodecs_1.1.1+ubuntu1-2_i386.deb11:51
pd273rraajj: nice11:51
rraajjIcomey: Sure. What's the problem?11:51
Icomeyrraajj, or point me to a usable guide?11:52
pd273unfortunately fglrx does not work properly on my ATI 920011:52
IcomeyI'm lost on how to get it started.11:52
rraajjIcomey: Hmm. Let's see...11:52
pd273Icomey: what your graphics card11:52
pd273Icomey: card model11:52
rraajjIcomey: Here's a quick and easy guide: http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=91611:52
noiesmo_vladi_, did you get from ^^^11:52
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_vladi_noiesmo: if i search for amarok, should i see the latest version available ? 1.4 cause i see 1.3.9 as the latest version11:55
noiesmo_vladi_, not sure sorry I'm running on my suse install at moment11:55
noiesmo_vladi_, I have 1.4 on suse :)11:57
pd273_vladi_: on dapper it is 1.3.911:57
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pd273_vladi_: I believe in Dapper version the latest version of amarok is 1.3.911:58
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_vladi_okay a friend figured out what the problem was, synaptic doesnt edit the sources.list file correctly11:58
rraajjIcomey: Sorry, got disconnected. Where were we?11:58
_vladi_so he told me to edit it manuallly and now i can find the libs and it works11:58
=== noiesmo thinks i told you to ceck sources.list too :)
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pd273I think the installation should have an option to ask the users if he/she wishes to include the universe/multiverse repos too12:00
pd273then one could avoid this repo problem everyone is having12:00
_vladi_noiesmo: i did check sources.list and everything was uncommented. my friend told me to add some stuff onto the first entry and it worked after that12:00
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rraajjIcomey: Anyway, just follow the link I gave you. The contents'll guide you to it. :D12:02
rraajjIcomey: And remember to setup 3D acceleration properly first.12:02
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IcomeyOh sorry.12:03
Icomeyrraajj, How do I make sure I have that setup?12:03
=== Icomey gets Konsole ready.
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IcomeyHm.. brb.12:05
rraajjIcomey: Yep. fglrxinfo12:05
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Icomey$ fglrxinfo12:05
Icomeydisplay: :0.0  screen: 012:05
IcomeyOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.12:05
IcomeyOpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9600 Generic12:05
IcomeyOpenGL version string: 2.0.5814 (8.25.18)12:05
rraajjIcomey: Making sure that the output produces "ATI...", not Mesa.12:05
IcomeyAs such?12:05
rraajjIcomey: Good.12:05
rraajjIcomey: Yep.12:05
IcomeyBe right back then.12:06
Healotyo kubuntuans12:06
=== Icomey crosses fingers.
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HealotIcomey: setting up 3D support for ati eh?12:07
Icomeyrraajj, No effects... D:12:07
donterrori cant hear sound when i play music but i DO when i log into kubuntu,  some1 know the problem?12:07
Healotdonterror: are you trying to play mp3/mpeg files or such?12:08
rraajjIcomey: Did you follow the steps in the link I gave you?12:08
ubotusomebody said mp3 was a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:08
IcomeyYes, I did.12:08
pd273donterror: which is the player you are using12:08
IcomeyMade the .Xsession file and all.12:08
Healotgeeks rather, yoshu12:08
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donterrorall the players dont work12:08
pd273donterror: are you trying to play MP3's12:09
judgendonterror you have to install mpg32112:09
rraajjDid you make sure to change gnome-window-decorator to kde-window-decorator, and gnome-session to startkde ?12:09
pd273you should follow ubotu advice, follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:09
donterrorok thx il try12:10
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Icomeyrraajj: It's working suddenly... kinda.12:12
Healotboor: can you talk in English, wo hen hao...12:12
pd273rraajj: nice12:12
ubotuFor support in Chinese, please try the channel #ubuntu-cn12:12
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hdcoolhi all, i'm having a few probs i can't figure out... I've looked at fora, howto's, tried as i once did, and i can't get the 'nvidia' driver to work on xorg. It crashes with the allsaying error "screens found but none of them are usable". While trying to fix it I tried the 'nvidia-glx-config enable' thing, and that has rather strange consequences: My original configfile had nvidia entries (duh), and after running that script, the whole file was12:13
hdcool nvidia script fill in ati stuff? :) Additional tips would be welcome, I can't find anything new about the thing.. tried everything and every step there is to it, X won't start12:13
judgenhave you diabled dri?12:13
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judgennot working at all, or just the 3d parts?12:14
hdcoolit doesn't start12:14
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judgendo yu ahve restricted-modules?12:15
hdcoolstrange thing is the nvidia module shows up in an lsmod12:15
judgenand nvidia-kernel-common?12:15
Healotbecause you have nv's hardware12:16
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hdcool(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!12:16
Icomeyrraajj: Here's the deal12:16
IcomeyIt's working right now.12:16
hdcoolsome more blabla about aborting and unloading and then it ends with: (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.12:16
Icomeyrraajj: And it was a bit ago.12:16
Icomeyrraajj: But, it suddenly crashed kinda, and went back to normal with no effects.12:17
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judgenhdcool i had the same problem just a few minutes ago.. it seems that for me atleast the latest packages i updated to does not work at all with each other12:17
judgenhdcool have you also dont the pdate recently?12:17
judgenlike today12:17
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hdcoolwhat update?12:17
hdcooli just made a clean install like half an hour ago :)12:17
judgenwhat xserver are you using?12:18
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Icomeyrraajj: and when I start it up, it gives me an error saying: The process for the system protocol was killed.12:18
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judgenok, me too... i had big thoubles after installing compiz, ruined the entire system for me. im reinstalling as we speak12:18
hdcoolit's been a while since i've been on linux, what's the package name to tell dpkg -l :)12:18
IcomeyAny suggestions, rraajj?12:19
hdcooljudgen: ii  xserver-xorg   7.0.0-0ubuntu4 the X.Org X server12:19
hdcooljust can't believe my eyes when the nvidia-script puts ati stuff in my config file..12:20
hdcoolit changes more than just the driver12:20
scheuriLVM-module of kernel seems not loaded during install with server-cd...modeprobe lvmcfg fails...anyone an idea what I am doing wrong?12:20
rraajjIcomey: Yes, that happened to me, too.12:21
scheuriand...hi all by the way...;)12:21
Icomeyrraajj: Where you able to fix it?12:21
rraajjIcomey: I don't know if an upgrade to KDE 3.5.3 will do the job (I bet not).12:21
rraajjIcomey: Nope, but there are times that there's no error, but it would just crash.12:21
rraajjIcomey: At the moment, just to savor the full capabilities of XGL/Compiz, I'm using Gnome.12:22
IcomeySo it works fine with Gnome?12:22
rraajjIcomey: There's a thread in the compiz.net forums about Kubuntu+ATI.12:22
rraajjIcomey: Yes, almost perfect. Well, kinda perfect.12:22
Icomeyrraajj: Kinda perfect?12:23
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Healotscheuri: the partitioner didn't load lvm mod?12:23
yoshudid someone say something too me?12:23
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scheuriHealot: it seems so...lsmod does not show anything like that12:23
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rraajjIcomey: Yes, it seems perfect so far, haven't found any bugs yet.12:23
scheuriHealot: md_cfg however is loaded...which is fine...but I need LVM as well12:23
scheuriHealot: modeprobe lvm_cfg fails12:23
Healotscheuri: you don;t need to load the lvm mod12:24
Icomeyrraajj: I will have to install Gnome...12:24
Healotthe partitioner will do that for you... are you missing anything, scheuri?12:24
scheuriHealot: I dont? partionier has troubles with my SoftwarRAID-Partions which I want to use as LVM12:24
rraajjIcomey: If you really want to try XGL/Compiz, sure, that's a good plan. Hehe.12:24
rraajjWoops, he left.12:24
scheuriHealot: it tells me that the kernel can not be informed about changes (ERROR!!! Ignore and Cancel as options)12:25
Healothm... strange, lookup for server-cd bug - > partitioner -> scheuri12:25
Healoti did my lvm fine with the alternate CD12:25
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scheuriHealot: I have the feeling that the alternate may do that fine and server CD dont...but that would make NO sense at all12:26
scheuriHealot: servers tend to use LVM quite often actually12:26
Icomeyrraajj: After installing Gnome, I just change the stuff in the .Xsession file?12:26
Healotscheuri: your hardware setting pleasE?12:27
Icomeyrraajj: And of course installing compiz-gnome12:27
Healotmine consists of 3 SATA disks... work find12:27
scheuriHealot: 2 IBM Harddisks IDE 80 Gbyte...12:27
rraajjIcomey: Yes, basically. :D12:27
scheuriaye, IDE...:)12:27
Healothum... shouldn't be a prob, scheuri12:27
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scheuriHealot: raid worked out fine so far (according to /proc/mdstat)12:28
scheuriHealot: I now assigned md0 to md2 as "use for lvm", but there starts the problem12:28
Healotscheuri: did you do the vm manually? or partitioner did that for you?12:29
scheuriHealot: I made the partitions by hand (with text based partitioner) and said "use for raid" and then configured raid with partinioer...that worked fine12:30
Icomeyrraajj: Unfortunately, my download speeds max out at about 30 KB/sec, so it'll take me a while.12:30
scheuriHealot: I have now md0 to md2...which I want to use as LVM..12:30
Healotoh since you change the volume assignment, then the bs starts, scheuri?12:30
scheuriHealot: bs?12:31
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Healotjust ignore the bs, say "problem"12:31
rraajjIcomey: Lol. That's fine. Mine's capped at only 20 kbps, so you'll do better than I did. :D12:31
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scheuriHealot: well...I am able to assign the "use as lvm" (md0 to md2) but when then I say "configure LVM" in partitioner problems start12:32
scheuriHealot: oh god, my english...beg your pardon12:32
Healotso, you suspect the changes didn't apply? scheuri?12:32
rraajjIcomey: I really love the "cube", hehe. I wish XGL/Compiz would start to unravel it's wonders in the KDE world.12:32
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scheuriHealot: they actually didnt...that is correct...then I did not found the lvm module so I assumed that might be the problem12:33
Healotthe lvm didn't save your disk assignment... hum..12:33
scheuriHealot: but modprobe lvmcfg fails12:33
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Healothmm.. i haven't change anything yet...12:33
Healotoh it even fails to load12:33
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ChousukeI tried XGl once. :/ It looked really nice, but was very unstable.12:33
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Healotdid you try restarting the setup? did partitioner see the changes?12:33
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scheuriHealot: I restarted computer even...and it got all changes of raid and stuff...but LVM does not work12:34
rraajjChousuke: Yes, it won't let me use KDE properly.12:34
scheuriHealot: aye, lvmcfg module fails to load12:34
scheuriHealot: actually...it seems non.existent12:34
Icomeyrraajj: did you get a problem from hittin shift+backspace as well?12:34
Chousukerraajj: It's unstable with Gnome too.12:34
Healotscheuri: during the partitioning stage?12:34
scheuriHealot: yes12:35
scheuriHealot: still in partitionin stage...used console 212:35
Healotscheuri: no data yet on those partition? scheuri12:35
Healotcan you delete all the volume previously created?12:36
chavoxgl works fine with kde here12:36
scheuriHealot: aye, not data existent on those partitions just yet12:36
rraajjIcomey: Yes.12:36
scheuriHealot: do yo mean lvm by volume? well, they are not created...I have only partitions (used fpr softwareraid) and three md-devices12:36
rraajjChousuke: Yep, still unstable, although it's already deployable.12:37
rraajjChousuke: Unlike in KDE, wherein it's really UNdeployable. Hahaha.12:37
ChousukeI wouldn't use it. :)12:37
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Healotyeah, the previously created lvm volumes...12:37
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Healotand re-created them, maybe?12:38
scheuriHealot: well...I wish I could...:)...there are none to delete and recreate...they are not made! I can assign to use the md-devices for "use for lvm" and then "configure lvm" in partitioner...but then error occurs12:38
Healotscheuri: try the alternateCD installer?12:39
Healotyou might want to make sure it's really the partitioner bug...12:39
scheuriHealot: seems the last ressort...but I would have very much doubt if server-CD is not able to configure LVM12:39
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Healotscheuri: maybe a bug in the isntaller partitioner12:40
Healotanyway just try the alternate CD12:40
scheuriHealot: possible...aye, I will...thanks12:40
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Healotscheuri: any other partitions on your disk?12:40
Healotcan you read it under different OSeS?12:41
scheuriHealot: only one on each disk used as swap12:41
Healotjust to make sure your disk partition is aligned properly...12:41
Healotcould be a problem in disk alignment, just investigate the possibilities12:42
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scheuriHealot: according to mdstats everything should be fine12:42
scheuriHealot: sure enough...much appreciated..12:42
donterrorthere is no libxine-extracodecs package?12:43
IcomeyDoes anyone know if the XGL works with other window managers that use less resources themselves?12:43
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apokryphosIcomey: it doesn't yet, no12:43
apokryphosdonterror: eh?12:44
FisherPWhat is the general concensus, is Kubuntu upgrade from Breezy to Dapper relatively pain free?12:44
Icomeyapokryphos: Thank you.12:44
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:44
apokryphosFisherP: if you do it properly (following the guide), it is fully supported, yes.12:44
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FisherPOne question about upgrading while in KDE, it is better to issue the sudo commands while kdm is running, or should a "sudo /etc/init.cd.kdm stop" be issued before the plunge ??12:46
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chavoactually xgl will work with any wm or desktop, compiz on the other hand is limited12:46
HobbseeFisherP: either....for the upgrade12:47
Hobbseeyou'll need to reboot once it's done anyway12:47
apokryphosIcomey: sorry, I thought you meant taking advantage of the cool effects12:47
apokryphosonly compiz does it properly atm12:47
FisherPThanks Hobbsee and apokryphos12:48
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azathothis there any way to restrict how much cpu access an application gets? like i want azureus to not go over 80% cpu... is there a way i can limit it?12:48
apokryphosI recommend using ktorrent12:48
Icomeyapokryphos: I was talking about the cool effects, such as wobble, and cube12:49
donterrori already enabled universe and multiverse but still no package12:49
azathothno, thats not the reason i want to stop it12:49
azathothit's that when i'm re-adding an old torrent and it starts checking it, after 2 minutes at 100% cpu my pc freezes12:49
azathothit doesn't in windows, but does in this...12:49
katakombiazathoth: you could change the priority the process is being run12:49
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katakombithat doesnt correlate exactly to % cpu usage, however12:50
katakombibut it will prevent slowing down your system12:50
katakombiuse the setting button with "run command" dlg12:51
azathothhmmm... lemme try a few things, i was told that if the ram is full and at 100% funny things happen12:51
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Healotazathoth: buggy torrent client... by the way, it is Java bytecode12:59
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bernierhi, whenever i try to start adept, i get a message that the database is already in use. but there's nothing else using the database. i just rebooted my computer and get the same message12:59
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Healotbernier: give us the exact output of the error01:01
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_vladi_hi guys, can anyone point me to some documentation about installing the nvidia drivers for kubuntu 6.06?01:02
bernieranother process is using the packaging system (probably some other adept aplication or apr-get or aptitude) please close the other application before using this one01:02
ubotuwell, nvidia is Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:02
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_vladi_aha found it, it was under the "Hardware" section of the kubuntu desktop FAQ01:03
imaxhello. ive postet this question in #ubuntu too. this is no spam ;) ive got a question. ive got an athelon 64 3500+ and i want to install the new kubuntu amd64 version. if i boot the desktop cd for installing he start and hangs on "mounting root file system...". can somebody help me? please01:03
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bernierhi, when u right click on my desktop and choose "configure desktop" , my desktop background turn black, icons disapear and right click on desktop doesnt work anymore.... what's that?01:13
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chavobernier, that's nastiness01:13
bernierwhat do you mean01:14
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chavothat's kdesktop crashing01:14
Hobbseebernier: would you have kopete open at all?01:14
bernierwell yes but not connected01:14
bernierand what should I do when kdesktop crashes? or how can i aboid this?01:15
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Tallia1Kubuntuis there live distribution to try XGL that supports ATI graphic cards?01:18
cfraz89Tallia1Kubuntu: koraraa01:18
drayencfraz89: know any good tuts to get it working on an installed version (with 64bit)?01:19
cfraz89i'll look01:19
cfraz89so xgl, 64 bit?01:19
_vladi_im also interested in xgl on kubuntu 6.06 with nvidia card01:20
Tallia1Kubuntucfraz89: it's weird, i tried that one.. but the boot CD can't boot01:20
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Tallia1Kubuntu.... it stops suddenly, with the CD light that keep flashing01:20
cfraz89Tallia1Kubuntu: thats wierd, what version was it?01:20
_vladi_Tallia1Kubuntu: do you have a laptop?01:20
_vladi_lol that would be why01:20
Tallia1Kubuntu?? why?01:20
_vladi_lots of laptops dont work properly with linux distros01:20
cfraz89mine does01:20
Tallia1Kubuntumhhh... mine does01:21
_vladi_yea, some do, some dont01:21
_vladi_my friend cant run anything01:21
_vladi_none will boot01:21
defrysklaptop - ati -lcd seems to have bugs01:21
Tallia1Kubuntui tried kubuntu live, kubuntu, knoppix..01:21
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bernierhow can i restart kdesktop which just crashed?01:22
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cfraz89bernier: alt-f201:22
cfraz89then type kdesktop <enter>01:23
cfraz89drayen: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13342701:23
bernieralt+f2 does nothing...01:23
Tallia1Kubuntulook in KDE shortcuts01:23
cfraz89oh yeah sorry, thats part of kdesktop01:23
imaxTallia1Kubuntu: is your kubuntu boot cd freezing while "mounting root file system..."?01:23
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chavobernier, you can run it from a konsole01:23
cfraz89go to menu01:23
defryskkillall kdesktop01:23
defryskand then try again01:24
bernierwhat do i do once im in the console?01:24
Tallia1Kubuntuimax: no, it detect the bootable cdrom, it print something similar to a date in the first line.. than it freezes01:24
imaxTallia1Kubuntu: have you checked the md5 sums?01:24
h3sp4wnAnyone know how to get the menu bar back  on konversation01:25
bernierwhat do i do once im in the console?01:25
imaxTallia1Kubuntu: of iso and cd01:25
chavoh3sp4wn, ctrl-m01:25
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drayencfraz89: i think i tried that one - but i will give it another go :)01:25
cfraz89oh ok01:25
cfraz89good luck01:25
h3sp4wnchavo: Thanks alot01:25
Tallia1Kubuntuimax: nope01:26
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bernierhere's what i did01:26
bernierroot@bernier-desktop:~# killall kdesktop01:26
bernierkdesktop: no process killed01:26
bernierroot@bernier-desktop:~# kdesktop01:26
bernierERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't determine DISPLAY. Aborting.01:26
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h3sp4wnYou shouldn't run kdesktop as root01:27
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imaxTallia1Kubuntu: maybe the iso is corrupted.01:27
h3sp4wnthats why is cannot determine $DISPLAY01:27
Tallia1Kubuntuimax: mhhh, yeah, i could try to download it again01:27
bernierha ok01:27
bernierhow do i logout from root?01:27
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defryskbernier, you are root ?01:28
defryskwhy ?01:28
imaxTallia1Kubuntu: yeah but first check your iso ;) if crc is correct then you dont need to download again ;)01:28
bernieri used sudo01:28
defryskkey in exit01:28
Tallia1Kubuntuimax: can you tell me how?01:28
bernierit says "logout" but ir seems like im still root01:28
ubotuTallia1Kubuntu: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:29
imaxopen the iso with k3b. he will generate the crc of the file01:29
defryskbernier, close the terminal and open a new one01:29
imaxthen check the crc of the orginal crc of the file on kubuntu site.01:29
defryskand then run kdesktop01:29
bernierdefrysk i got a big error message ill copy it on pastebin01:30
bernierbyt my desktop is working again altough there's this erroe message01:31
Hobbseebernier: you still having that kdesktop trouble?01:31
bernierno its fine now01:31
defryskHobbsee, I think he should restart x , agree ?01:31
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Hobbseedefrysk: no, i think he should run gdb kdesktop, and try to make it crash again, and pastebin the results.01:31
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defryskbernier, make it so :D01:32
bernierhow? =P01:32
bernierwhat's gdb desktop01:32
Tallia1Kubuntuimax: can you tell me how check CRC?01:33
Hobbseebernier: sudo apt-get install gdb01:33
defryskgdb is a debugger01:33
cfraz89Tallia1Kubuntu: md5sum <filename>01:33
Icomeyrraajj: Thanks again for the help.01:33
imaxcfraz89: you got it ;)01:34
Icomeyrraajj: I got GNOME going now, and it's working wonderfully.01:34
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defryskbernier, more info : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Debugger01:34
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defryskwikipedia \o/01:35
bernierbernier@bernier-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install gdb01:35
bernierE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:35
Hobbseedefrysk: bernier this stupid program wont crash when i'm running it under the debugger!01:35
Hobbseebernier: run that command first then01:36
bernierthat's what im doing ;)01:36
imaxall: ive got strange problems! while booting(installing) Kubuntu 6.06 LTS my system freezes on "Mounting root filesystem...". somebody knows whats going wrong?01:36
imaxkubuntu 6.06 amd6401:36
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=== defrysk has to do his exersises so back later all
bernierapt-get -f install01:37
Hobbseebernier: cool :)01:37
bernierit tells me to type that again01:38
pd273How can I force remove an application01:38
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pd273I keep on getting an error E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:39
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bernierok gdb is installed01:40
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Hobbseebernier: okay, in a konsole, gdb kdesktop01:41
Hobbseethen type run01:41
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DeBertWhy is it that streaming embedded media still don't work proparly in Konqueror? Or is it me?01:45
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GNAMserver install + kubuntu desktop install = kubuntu install ?01:50
achrafhello,,, udev is causing me problems when i try to boot kubuntu from a diskless terminal, it gives: nfs: RPC remote call returned error 101... while loading01:50
bernieri got01:50
bernierStarting program: /usr/bin/kdesktop01:50
bernier(no debugging symbols found)01:50
bernierand the second line is repeated like 15 times01:51
Hobbseeyep, right - so it hasnt crashed yet?01:51
bernierthen i have ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---01:51
berniernot yet01:51
bernierima try to make it crash01:51
bernierGrrrrr it doesn't want to crash01:53
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Hobbseebernier: hehe01:55
bernierit doesnt crash but i do have some error message being written in konsole01:57
Hobbseebernier: want to pastebin it?01:57
LeeJunFanachraf: hrm, I've got a dapper server/client setup with diskless I didn't have any issues like that.01:59
achrafLeeJunFan: my server is not dapper, its debian  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19134502:02
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LeeJunFanachraf: what kernel/initrd are you using for your clients?02:07
bernierhobbsee is my paste bin alright?02:07
Hobbseebernier: yeah, that stuff is okay...02:08
berniershould i use the blackdown java or the real jre 5.0 from sun?02:08
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bernierfor frostwire?02:08
achrafLeeJunFan: kernel 2.6.15 compiled with root over NFS support and everything....when i disable udev, it gets me to login, so i assume its working(right?)02:09
LeeJunFanachraf: sounds like it. Now that you mention it I do seem to recall having an issue with udev when I set it up at home, during my testing phases.02:10
LeeJunFanAlthough it was months ago and I can't clearly remember exactly what the problem/solution was.02:11
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achraf:) any clues would be very helpfull, i've spent the past two days doing nothing than googling and reading forums02:13
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LeeJunFanachraf: did you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DisklessUbuntuHowto ?02:15
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bernieri'm having a problem, everytime I try to install java or blackdown java adept stays at "preparing installation of sun-java5-bin"02:17
bernierand it never changes02:17
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basquiathi, I just upgraded from breezy to dapper and now kmail is constantly crashing on startup (using IMAP), which can be avoided by deleting the IMAP cache, but only until closing kmail, which will lead to a crash again. found a few problem reports, but no solution yet. is there anything known I can do about it?02:18
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achrafLeeJunFan: yes, but i already go the server up and running and serving other distros, + am not using dapper as the server, am just serving it to clients02:18
LeeJunFanachraf: yeah, I just wondered if there might be something in there on the client side different than what you've got.02:18
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achrafLeeJunFan: nope :'(02:19
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LeeJunFanachraf: are you using unionfs at all?02:21
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ctothejATI Driver installed a program called fireglcontrol. What is it? I need to reinstall drivers, so do i need to fully delete the other ones first?02:22
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achrafLeeJunFan: i think no, as i dont even know what unionfs is :)02:23
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LeeJunFanachraf: well, now I'm wondering if there haven't been some changes to udev since I last did updates on my setup. I've got about 25 workstations at a library here running dapper, I haven't done updates in a couple weeks.02:25
LeeJunFanachraf: perhaps I'll have problems when I do. I don't have anything special done to udev on mine, in fact I wrote that wiki entry.02:26
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achrafLeeJunFan: can you explain to me this step,,, maybe i done something wrong here  make a net bootable initrd.img and copy it to your /tftpboot directory with mkinitramfs02:27
LeeJunFanachraf: if you compiled your kernel with nfs boot support you don't need that, that is for using kubuntu's included kernel.02:28
LeeJunFanachraf: that's also the way I did mine at the library (compiled my own).02:28
LeeJunFanachraf: is your root nfs writable? ie. udev can write to /dev and such?02:29
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LeeJunFanachraf: well, actually it won't need that will it? :0 since it's a pseudo filesystem (ram). duh. hehe02:30
achrafLeeJunFan: /raid/new_office_root,async,no_root_squash)02:30
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LeeJunFanachraf: same as mine.02:31
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Tallia1Kubuntusorry? what happens if k3b was writing a CD and KDE crashed in the meantime?02:33
LeeJunFanachraf: I wonder if maybe some option in the kernel is missing udev needs. Maybe you could try with kubuntu kernel and see if that works.02:33
Tallia1Kubuntuis the writing failed?02:33
Tallia1Kubuntumy CD burner is still flashing though02:33
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LeeJunFanTallia1Kubuntu: it may be the process doing the actual writing is still going.02:34
Tallia1Kubuntuwhat should be the process?02:34
achrafLeeJunFan: am not sure i understand what you mean :$....do you mean i shall try with the original kernel before i recompile with the root nfs option?02:34
Tallia1Kubuntuso maybe i will not have to throw away the CD :)02:34
LeeJunFanTallia1Kubuntu: but probably unlikely. check to see if cdrecord is running?02:34
Tallia1Kubuntusomethign is using the CD thoug02:35
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Pitchshiftermaybe its just kde trying to read the cd while recovering from the crash02:35
Tallia1Kubuntubut if i press the eject button nothing happens02:36
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LeeJunFanachraf: yeah, thats where the mkiniramfs comes in, copy the kubuntu vmlinuz to your tftp dir, and make an initrd that will boot from nfs with mkinitramfs, copy that initrd to your tftp dir, edit your pxe configs and let it try booting that.02:37
h3sp4wnYou need the nfs to be mounted nolock in my experience (which is limited only tried it once to check I could still remember how to do it)02:37
LeeJunFanh3sp4wn: yeah, w/o the nolock it will hang for about 40 seconds.02:38
achrafLeeJunFan: how do i make an initrd that boot from nfs? and whats the difference between the two ways?what files do i need to edit on the ubunutu installation?02:39
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LeeJunFanachraf: if you edit /etc/mkinitramfs/initramfs.conf in your client host, change BOOT=local to BOOT=nfs, then when you run mkinitramfs it will make one that has the modules for netcards and netboot.02:40
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bubblenutHey, since upgrading to Dapper KAudioCreator isn't working. It prepares everything correctly but when I "Rip Selection" it adds everything into the queue but never processes anything02:41
imaxHAHAHAHA kool! my kubuntu installation works without reason! i just let him "frozen" for half an hour!!! lol02:42
LeeJunFanachraf: mkinitramfs will make a new initrd image in /boot to go with the kubuntu kernel, copy the vmlinuz image and the initrd image to your tftpboot dir, and set pxe config to use those instead of the kernel you compiled.02:42
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Tallia1Kubuntuwho is keeping the cdrom busy after a crash of Xorg during a k3b burning?02:44
Tallia1Kubuntuat least i want to stop it..02:44
Tallia1Kubuntuit's making noise02:44
achrafLeeJunFan: ok done that, now i copy it to the tftpboot , and edit tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/MAC to boot the new initrd ? or the kernel? :S02:44
LeeJunFanachraf: you'll have to change your KERNEL line in pxe config, as well as add initrd=[filename]  to append.02:45
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LeeJunFanachraf: yep.02:45
mhterresRiddell: ping02:45
LeeJunFanback in 5 mins.02:45
Riddellmhterres: hi02:45
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mhterresRiddell: did you think about coming to fisl next year ??? :-)02:46
achrafLeeJunFan: DEFAULT original_ubunutu   initrd=new_init  APPEND nfsroot= ramdisk=8192 ???02:46
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zabai dont have restart password mysql02:52
LeeJunFanachraf: I think I did 2 lines in mine KERNEL [vmlinuz] \nAPPEND root=/dev/nfs initrd=[initrd image filename]  nfsroot= ip=dhcp rw02:53
LeeJunFanI can see I think I need to change the wiki to reflect the initrd, originally written with directions using vanilla kernel, I forgot to add change the pxe conf in the wiki.02:55
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LeeJunFanachraf: the more I think about it - I think the udev problems I had were when I left out some plug and play options I didn't think I'd need for ISA in my kernel.03:03
BladesonfireHey, does anyone remember when the Display icon in "System Settings" didn't work, so you could edit a file to bring back the old one...03:04
BladesonfireDoes anyone remember the location of that file?03:04
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ctothejhey. im trying to reinstall fglrx drivers, but im getting an error when removing or installing the xorg-driver-fglrx using apt-get03:05
lizardmaneWhat's a simple, easier to setup intrusion detection system for ubuntu?03:06
ctothejit says: dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/lib/libGL.so.1' with  different file `/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa', not allowed03:06
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ctothejwtf is that?03:06
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Riddellmhterres: I hadn't thought about it03:06
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mhterresRiddell: we you have time, think about it and let me know, ok ?03:07
BladesonfireI guess no one knows what I'm talking about?03:07
mhterresRiddell: correct: when you have time03:07
Riddellmhterres: it's still 10 months away :)03:08
LeeJunFanachraf: well, I gotta go rebuild a brake cylinder (not as fun as building kernels), on my more economical vehicle. So I can afford to drive around. Good luck.03:09
mhterresRiddell: I know, but we have to start it very early :-)03:09
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berniergi, i installed java and im completely sure its corectly installed but when i run frostwire from the command line it says java is not installed... what's wrong?03:13
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IcomeyOkay... I have some questions again... XD03:15
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defrysk bernier you have set the java environment ?03:18
bernieri jsut did it03:18
bernierbut i got a new error message03:18
bernierima pastebin it03:18
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defryskbernier, you have installed sunjava ?03:20
bernierwell yes03:20
bernierjava version "1.5.0_06"03:20
defryskhow did you install it ?03:20
bernierlook at the pastebin it says i have it03:20
bernierapt-get install sun-java5-bin03:21
achraf_LeeJunFan: it said"please append a correct root="" boot option..unable to mount rootfs "03:21
achraf_i tried with my other debian and mandriva kernels,,and they give the same error when i start udev manually...:(03:21
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defryskbernier, a sec03:21
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defryskbernier, sudo update-alternatives --config java03:22
bernieryeah i did that just before03:23
defryskset it to sunjava03:23
bernierand chose the one with "sun" in the name03:23
bernier      1        /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.103:23
bernier +    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java03:23
bernier*     3        /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java03:23
bernieri chose 303:23
bernieris that right?03:23
defryskthen I do not know03:23
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bernierive already heard that the 1.5 version oif java didnt work well with frostwire and id better use 1.403:24
berniercould it be that?03:24
defryskhonestly do not know03:24
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defryskbernier, you could try installing blackdownjave and set the environment to that03:26
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bernierdo i need to uninstall the other java before?03:27
defrysknot sure honestly but i dont think so03:27
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KubuntuInstallieI downloaded the Kubuntu DVD and now my computer refuses to boot from it -.- Is there such a thing as a Kubuntu boot floppy or do I need to download the CD? :|03:28
visik7KubuntuInstallie: does cd boot work for other cd/dvd ?03:31
bernierdefrysk jai un probleme en installant blackdown java...03:32
KubuntuInstallieI have a CD drive and a DVD drive. I can boot from the CD drive, but appearently not from the DVD one.03:32
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bernierdefrysk http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76730703:33
Samuli^KubuntuInstallie, have you enabled bios to check you dvd-drive for boot and before harddrive?03:34
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defryskbernier, got you need some expert for that I think03:34
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bernieri see03:34
berniersuch as? :P03:34
defryskbernier, do you have synaptic open or something ?03:35
KubuntuInstallieIn BIOS, I only have the options hard drive, floppy and the CD drive, the DVD drive does not show up.03:35
bernieradept is closed03:35
defryskbernier, killal java and try again03:35
defryskbernier, killall java and try again03:35
bernierjava: no process killed03:35
defrysktry sudo apt-get -f install03:36
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KubuntuInstallieSo I don't see any solution03:37
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KubuntuInstalliethere is no boot floppy, is there?03:37
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defryskbernier, working ?03:39
bernierwait i just saw your message =P03:40
bernierill try03:40
bernierroot@bernier-desktop:/home/bernier# sudo apt-get -f install03:40
bernierReading package lists... Done03:40
bernierBuilding dependency tree... Done03:40
bernier0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:40
defryskyou could try uninstalling sunjava and then install blackdown java03:40
bernieryeah i think that'swhat i'll do03:41
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defryskbernier, otherwise try limewire maybe that takes03:41
bernieryeah but i cant find any .deb of limewire03:41
bernierand alien ain't safe ive been told03:42
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defryskbernier I think limewire works with alienned rpm of limewire03:43
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bernierill try that then03:43
defryskbernier, you could try it , you can always uninstalled the .deb you created03:43
StageZeroWhat is the Bash-Command for deleting files and directories?03:44
defryskbernier, but its true alien only when there is no other option03:44
defryskStageZero, rm -rf /path/to/whateverfolder/03:44
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defryskbernier, make sure to uninstall frostwire before installing limewire03:46
StageZeroOkay, I've successful configured my MP360 in Windows-Network to be used from Kubuntu.03:46
bernieri did03:46
StageZeroAnd I'm new in Linux.03:46
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defryskStageZero, cool :)03:47
ubuntu_holaalguien habla espaol03:47
bernieri got the same message with limewire03:47
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:47
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kkathmangood morning all (or whatever time it is where you are) :)03:48
defryskbernier, I am out of resources then :(03:48
vinboyhow do I make konqueror similar to Windows Explorer?? (with side-bar and it updates when I go navigate thru)03:48
bernierwell with limewire the limewire splashscreen appears03:48
bernierbut then closes and nothing happens03:48
defryskbernier, did you install java from the repo or as suggested in the wiki ?03:49
v3ctorvinboy: f903:49
ubuntuok, gracias03:49
defryskbernier, check if limewire is in the panel03:49
bernierit is03:49
vinboyv3ctor: cool thx... but when i go navigate thru, the side-pane doesn't update itself03:49
defryskrunning in the background03:49
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bernierwow it works now03:50
bernierlimewire is working! :P03:50
defryskyes I thought so , it was docked right ?03:50
bernieri tryed again03:50
bernierand it worked03:50
defryskbernier, frostwire is the opensourcefork of limewire but needs some more work03:51
defrysktry frostiwre again later for its open source meaning better03:51
bernieryeah i know03:51
defryskgood :)03:51
bernieri would have prefered it =/03:51
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defryskyes but what can you do03:52
v3ctori have been using apollon instaead of limewire03:52
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=== defrysk uses ktorrent , and only torrents
=== defrysk has no java apps running \o/
h3sp4wndefrysk: are you using ktorrent 2 ? (I usually only use rtorrent)03:53
defryskbernier, and as far as p2p is concerned you might like nicotine03:53
defryskh3sp4wn, yes 203:53
h3sp4wndefrysk: Do you have a source deb ?03:53
defryskh3sp4wn, propely debugged and running nicely03:53
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CellarDoorI'm trying to install flash from the macromedia/adobe website and I'm wondering what a valid installation path would be as the installer doesn't accept /usr/lib/firefox... ?03:54
defryskh3sp4wn, not sourcedeb but a .deb from the forum03:54
defryskh3sp4wn, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188530 works flawlessly03:54
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ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:55
h3sp4wndefrysk: I wouldn't trust anything hosted off rapidshare.de03:55
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defryskh3sp4wn, and uses way less resources03:55
Jack_SparrowHello all, How do I get Konq to show all of my drives and partitions03:55
defryskh3sp4wn, well It runs fine so..03:56
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bernierHmmm i dwled a song but only the limewire player can read it amarok cant read =/03:56
KubuntuInstallieIs there a way to create a boot floppy so that I can then install from the DVD?03:56
defryskh3sp4wn, otherwise contact psychicdragon for the sources03:56
Jack_SparrowWHy not bootable DVD?03:56
v3ctorJack_Sparrow: you want konq to be used as a partitioning tool?03:56
h3sp4wndefrysk: I wouldn't trust it without a source deb (I can build it from the source tarball but want to make a deb properly)03:56
Jack_SparrowNot as partitioning tool, just for fat32 partition03:57
KubuntuInstallieJack_Sparrow: My PC refueses to boot from DVD03:57
Jack_Sparrowread and write03:57
defryskh3sp4wn, Hobbsee is working on it but had probs03:57
defryskh3sp4wn, so contact Hobbsee03:57
Hobbseewhat's this for?03:57
v3ctorJack_Sparrow: you need to add the partiton to the /etc/fatab and mount it03:57
Jack_Sparrowthat is where I messed it all up03:57
Jack_SparrowI added the partiition but did not know where to mount it.03:58
defryskh3sp4wn, wants to work on a deb for ktorrent Hobbsee03:58
h3sp4wnHobbsee: Do you have a source deb for ktorrent 2 ?03:58
v3ctormountit where  ever you want03:58
kkathmanHobbsee why arent you in bed asleep :)03:58
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: isnt a source deb an oxymoron?03:58
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Hobbseekkathman: it's only midnight - and i woke at 1pm...03:58
Jack_Sparrowmounted it as root and well you guess it.. ended up editing the fstab from Mepis03:58
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kkathmanHobbsee:  ahh well ok... sleeping late...I remember when I could do that :(03:59
Hobbseeheh - i shouldnt have been03:59
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bernierdefrysk do you know why amarok and kaffeine cant read my songs but limewire can?03:59
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: i have some form of deb, which requires force overwrite, but i think \sh is now taking care of it03:59
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defryskbernier, xine plugins you need but ask someone else i have to go now for a bitt03:59
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defryskmy dag needs air04:00
bernierok thanks04:00
h3sp4wnHobbsee: I will just wait I am not that bothered about it - does apt-get source not use debs ?04:00
defryskbernier, check the wiki on restikted formats for kde in dapper04:00
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Jack_Sparrowbernier, sorry to come in late but limewire can and other softwarte on the same PC cant is that correct04:00
firepolhi there, I'd like to install kubuntu dapper on a AMD64 desktop pc, what installation cd do you suggest to use?04:01
bernierthat's it04:01
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: the source is not a deb.  the deb is a binary.04:01
Jack_Sparroware these songs you paid for?04:01
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Jack_SparrowNot trying to point fingers04:01
berniernot that one it was a song to test music on linux04:01
Jack_Sparrowwhat was the format04:03
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Jack_Sparrowmp3 or ?04:03
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bernieryes mp304:04
h3sp4wnHobbsee: Yeah it is definately an oxymoron, I thought (incorrectly) that the source deb included the dsc and original tar.gz and the patch - never dealt with putting any source stuff onto a repository before04:04
Jack_Sparrowsorry dont know..04:05
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Hobbseeh3sp4wn: the source includes that, yes - but the source does *not* include any debs.04:07
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mrmistHi all :)04:14
mrmistI just installed kubuntu on my laptop04:14
mrmistworked like a charm04:14
mrmistcouple of issues though..04:14
mrmistI had to "resize" my xp partition for this, and it seemed to be working fine04:15
mrmistHowever, I'd like the "home" folder to be on a separate partition too, and it's not as it is now04:15
mrmistis there any way I can separate out a partition now ???04:16
xwolf-how about stealing some more space from winblocks?04:16
StageZeroIs there a good alternative for Microsoft Access in Kubuntu?04:16
StageZeroThe OpenOffice-Database-Module is a big piece of shit.04:16
mrmisthuh ?04:17
mrmistxwolf-: What do you mean ?04:17
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xwolf-mrmist considering your windows partition has space available, make another partition out of it04:18
mrmistxwolf-: And there's a tool for that ?04:18
mrmistI can't just "compact" the partition with Kubuntu on it, and then make another ext3 partition ?04:19
xwolf-i guess Qtparted should do it. i know there is a Gparted for Gnome04:20
xwolf-but you should be asking somebody more experienced. gotta get to java coding now, cya.04:20
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h3sp4wnHobbsee: I know (now) - I knew that once you got it, that it was not in a deb - Do you build cross compile your packages for ppc also ? (if so do you know do you do it ?)04:21
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: no i dont.  i believe you need to build in a ppc chroot if you're wanting to do that04:21
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defrysk bernier got your yuk sound ?04:22
berniersomeone jsut gave me a link ill try it04:23
ubotuwell, chroot is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457504:23
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: ^04:23
defryskbernier, sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs does the trick ;)04:23
mrmistxwolf-: Think it's better to repartition some of the ntfs-drive than the linux partition ??04:24
h3sp4wnHobbsee: But how do run a ppc chroot on x86 (I actually want to compile for mipsel but presume the process would be the same)04:24
bernierthat's exactly what i just read on a website ;)04:24
defryskhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch04s03.html right ? :D04:24
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: hopefully that'll be in the howto...04:24
bernier http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/MP3_on_Kubuntu_6.0604:24
defryskbernier, samo samo :)04:24
xwolf-mrmist the end-result is the same: you'll get a new ext3 partition. just choose whichever partition has more space so that you won't be needing those precious megabytes later04:25
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SnakeUgh where is the mount options stored. I cant remember04:25
mrmistxwolf-: thanks :) I'll try04:25
Snakexwolf-: yep. thanks man04:26
mrmistxwolf-: happy Java coding then04:26
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Bassettshi, I am just wondering if there is a desktop wiki for Kubuntu, like Newton for ubuntu04:26
xwolf-thank you04:26
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defryskBassetts, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu04:28
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Bassettssorry, i think you misunderstood04:29
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MikkelRevHi, how do I set up my sound and wireless netw. card ?04:29
Bassettsthis is newton: http://newton.sourceforge.net/04:29
Bassettsbut it has bad support for KDE04:29
defryski see04:30
bernieryaya music works!04:30
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defryskbernier, yoyo04:30
jwatis there an openoffice channel anywhere04:30
Hobbsee!tell Bassetts about wireless04:30
Hobbseejwat: #openoffice i think04:31
Bassettsi did now ask about wireless =P04:31
Bassetts!tell MikkelRev about wireless04:31
bernieranyway i have 45 min to make a 1000 word text in a language which is not my native one (english) :P04:31
NoUsejwat I think its #OpenOffice.org04:31
bernierso no more disturbing 'bout linux04:31
Bassettsso no one knows of a desktop wiki similar to newton?04:32
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kkathmanohh its a Gnome app04:33
h3sp4wnHobbsee: It is not in there - It seems to be a black art cross compiling that no one (that I have contact with) knows much about04:33
jwatno one seems to be there.  In any case, does anyone know the location of the macro that will convert a batch of xls files in CALC to pdf04:33
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kkathmanyou might try asking in #ubuntu then, Bassetts04:33
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Hobbseeh3sp4wn: hmmm...ask in #ubuntu-motu04:34
dale_gribblei recently upgraded from breezy to dapper, and am now unable to print04:35
mrmistAnyone experienced with qtparted ?04:35
dale_gribblei see that the printer is listed when i run 'lsusb'04:35
Snakemrmist: I suggest gparted over qtparted04:36
dale_gribblebut in cups it says '"Unable to open USB device "usb:/dev/usb/lp0":'04:36
Bassettsno offense, but how will people in #ubuntu know if there is a similar program for KDE??04:36
mrmistSnake: Any reason for that ?04:36
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defryskBassetts, how would we know here ?04:37
Bassettsbecause you know about KDE and Kubuntu =P04:37
defryskyes but its a gnome app04:38
defrysknot kde04:38
Bassettsto my logic, you are more likely to know about a desktop wiki for KDE04:38
Bassettsyes, and I want to know if there is anything like it for KDE04:38
defryskhttp://wiki.kde.org/ there is a forum there04:39
mrmistI'm more wondering about the functionality of the program now, not a principal discussion.. I need to resize one partittion, to make another04:39
mrmistAnyone know how to do it ?04:39
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defryskmrmist, I never resize but I think you can do that with the live cd04:40
mrmistYeah... I did it with the live-CD04:41
mrmistbut I need to resize my linux-partition now04:41
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defryskhttp://www.nuxified.org/the_ubuntu_dapper_experience has a section about resizing and setting up04:42
defryskmaybe that helps ?04:42
defryskresizing can also be done with the live cd you see04:42
mrmistyeah I have a dual-boot configuration, so I had to resize. And did it too04:43
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mrmistI was only foolish enough not to think about my need to have a separate "/home" partition04:43
mrmistlike a "my documents" partition04:44
defryski see04:44
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gan|y|medhow can i make vpnc non-root executable?04:45
synmooI'm getting ready to install the 64bit alt cd on my box. Am I correct in thinking that the packages are architecture dependant? Will I have difficulty finding packages I need and end up having to compile the bulk of applications and such?04:45
synmooI should clarify, not on the CD, but in the repositories.04:45
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v3ctorgan|y|med: you can give the user explicite sudo access to that binary04:46
noaXessdoes anybody know a good tool to import outlook .pst files into kde pim software?04:46
v3ctoror users04:46
Bassettsanyone know of a program like newton for KDE?04:46
synmoonoaXess: It would likely be easier to go back to outlook and export various things as vcards or csv and such. Find a format that both kontact and outlook support and go with that04:47
MikkelRevHi, how do I set up my soundcard ?04:47
defryskMikkelRev, is it not detected ?04:47
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HobbseenoaXess: you cant do that already from kmail?04:48
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neuron_is there any way of updating to dapper without make a cd with the dapper iso?04:49
neuron_i got brezzy right now04:49
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)04:49
MikkelRevdefrysk: when i try to play a mp3, "Totem could not startup... could not establish connection to sound server"04:49
defryskMikkelRev, totem in kde ?04:49
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gan|y|medv3ector how?04:50
v3ctor1 sec04:50
defryskMikkelRev, try amarok or juk04:50
MikkelRevIve tried to different mp3 players04:50
defryskMikkelRev, you use kde ?04:51
MikkelRevThink its GNOME, not KDE btw04:51
MikkelRevwhich is the default in ubuntu04:51
defryskMikkelRev, /j #ubuntu04:51
defrysk#ubuntu is for gnome users04:52
defryskMikkelRev, this channel is for kde users04:52
MikkelRevAlright, didnt know that04:52
defryskMikkelRev, np04:52
MikkelRevBut guess if the sound works in one, it would work with the other too04:52
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defryskMikkelRev, nope04:52
defryskMikkelRev, you have to set sound to esd in gnome04:53
defryskgstreamer properties04:53
defryskMikkelRev, do gstreamer-prperties and set it to esd04:53
neuron_well, i downloaded the cd iso, is there any way of doing a fresh install without burning the cd? or at least upgrade from the iso cd04:53
defryskMikkelRev, do gstreamer-properties and set it to esd04:54
defryski mean04:54
gan|y|medneuron_ can't you add the cd to your sources.list and do an apt-get upgrade (or similar)04:54
defryskMikkelRev, and make sure to set your apps also to esd04:54
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defryskyour sound apps that is04:55
v3ctorgan|y|med: <user> <path to vpnc>04:55
neuron_gan|y|med, i dont have the cd, i only have the iso04:55
gan|y|medneuron_ then mount it as a loop device (mount -o loop ...). but burning it might be easier04:56
gan|y|medv3ctor: where in the sudoers file?04:57
neuron_is there any way i could mount the iso on boot? so i could make a fresh install? or do i realy need to burn the cd?04:57
neuron_i dont have a cdrw close to me right now04:57
defryskneuron_, just get one04:58
neuron_okay :d04:58
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neuron_chavo, hey :P04:59
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Bassettsanyone know of a program like newton for KDE?05:00
defryskcan someone get rid of Bassetts ?05:00
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, neuron_05:00
MikkelRevdefrysk: ok, thanks05:00
defryskMikkelRev, yw05:01
Bassettssorry =(05:01
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v3ctorgan|y|med: v3ctor ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/id05:02
v3ctorgan|y|med: something like that05:02
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v3ctoror you could leave off the NOPASSWD and make themm enter password each time05:03
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gan|y|medi'll try that05:03
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imbrandon64defrysk: get rid of Bassetts why ?05:04
KubuntuInstallieSooo, I changed my CD drive with my DVD drive and now I can boot from the Kubuntu DVD finally ^^ . But I don't find a partitioning tool. qtparted does not seem to be there. Is there a way to partition my HD from the Kubuntu Live DVD? Preferably not on the command line?05:05
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imbrandon64KubuntuInstallie: have you tried the live cd installer05:06
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KubuntuInstallieWell I'd like to partition the HD first because I need to install Windows on the same HD, too05:06
imbrandon64also should be easy enoguht to apt-get install qtparted even on the live cd05:06
defryskimbrandon64, nm05:06
Bassettsis there a way to add a button in the taskbar to show the desktop?05:07
imbrandon64KubuntuInstallie: you can use the partitioner and then quit the installer05:07
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defryskBassetts, yes05:07
defryskrughtklick the panel and add the applet05:07
imbrandon64Bassetts: right click on the bar and "add applet" there is ashow desktop applet05:07
Bassettsi remember doing it, but can remember how05:07
Bassettsahh, thankyou =)05:07
uboturumour has it, nvidia is Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia05:07
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KubuntuInstallieI'll try that, imbrandon64, thx05:08
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lwellscan i use to adept to get superkarmba??05:09
defrysklwells, yes05:09
imbrandon64lwells: adept also has a search function ;)05:09
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imbrandon64how you doing today defrysk ;)05:10
lwellsi typed in "Superkarmba" did not find it05:10
imbrandon64lwells: it might be in universe or multiverse have you enabled those ?05:10
pekujait's superkaramba, not superkarmba05:10
defryskimbrandon64, grumpy with sunny periods :D05:10
ganymedv3ctor: i get: vpnc: binding to port 500: Permission denied05:10
lwellshow to i include those05:11
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.05:11
imbrandon64and spell it correct too ;)05:11
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KubuntuInstallieimbrandon64, it seems not to be possible05:13
KubuntuInstalliesome lock file could not be opened05:13
synmooI'm getting ready to install the amd64 alt cd (raid setup). Are the majority of the packages available in the repository available in amd64 or will I be recompiling a lot of things?05:13
KubuntuInstallieoops, forgot sudo ... but with sudo it says it cannot find qtparted05:14
ganymedhow do i get non-root user to use vpnc?05:14
neuron_if i wanna upgrate to dapper, whats best? fresh install or upgrade?05:14
nixternalfresh install05:15
neuron_tought so :D05:15
nixternalyou can do an update...but i have seen a lot of problems that way05:15
nixternalthat is why i always have a /home partition...just for that reason05:15
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h3sp4wnneuron: Upgrade works reasonably well (I upgraded debian sarge to dapper flight 4 with only a few things that had to be forced so breezy to dapper should at least as easily as that)05:16
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GeniusDexhm, why does a dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper want to remove 379 packages, including things like amarok, kde, openoffice.org-2, python, and xorg-common?05:16
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noteventimeWill something like gdebi be integrated into edgy eft?05:18
ciasahas anyone here tried the amarok 1.4 package yet05:18
ciasaI'm having trouble with the xine engine not playing ogg vorbis files05:18
h3sp4wnnoteventime: Why is gdebi better than aptitude ? (I think they want to switch to using smart for package management)05:18
noteventimeciasa, yes05:18
xstI have installed ruby but there is no "ruby" command. Only "ruby1.8". This nameing makes some scripts broken. E.g. the lyrics in amarok. Is this a bug?05:19
ciasanoteventime, have you had any trouble playing ogg files?05:19
noteventimeh3sp4wn, I marely mean non-command line debian installer05:19
noteventimeciasa, no05:19
h3sp4wnnoteventime: Have you tried interactive aptitude ?05:19
noteventimeIsn't aptitude like synaptic?05:20
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mooperenoteventime: sorta, but better05:20
ciasanoteventime, could you do me a favor and see if you have a file /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.1/xineplug_decode_ogg.so or something resembling that?05:20
noteventimeI want to be able to click on a .deb file  and install it :)05:20
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DaSkreechWhats a good VNC client?05:20
=== moopere nods
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noteventimeciasa, /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.1/xineplug_decode_vorbis.so05:21
mooperewhats the best way to check samba speed?  I'm struggling to stream movies from a winxp box, I think its a netspeed issue05:21
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h3sp4wnnoteventime: I doubt they will ever make it so you click on a .deb and install it (incase it is made for debian sid/etch/sarge and breaks alot of dependancies)05:21
ciasanoteventime, hmm, i wonder why I'm missing that file05:21
h3sp4wnciasa: do you have libxine-extracodecs05:22
KubuntuInstalliehow can I get apt-get to list all packages that include the string "part"?05:22
moopereh3sp4wn: you can do exactly this from konqueror now05:22
noteventimeogg shouldn't be "extracodec"05:22
DaSkreechanyone can recommned a good VNC client?05:22
noteventimedaskreech, xvnc4viewer?05:22
h3sp4wnmoopere: Even for packages that may break the system ? i.e a debian sid deb ?05:22
ciasai dont suppose anyone remembers the command to see what package a file came from?05:23
DaSkreechnoteventime: ok but It's not in Main05:23
h3sp4wnmoopere: Do you have to run konqueror as root ?05:23
synmooI'm pretty much doomed having an ATI graphics card, aren't I?05:23
moopereh3sp4wn: as long as dependencies are satisfied why would it break your system?05:23
noteventimeDaSkreech, It's in universe05:23
DaSkreechSo there are no VNC viewers in main?05:23
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noteventimeI don't knwo05:24
noteventimetry apt-cache search vnc05:24
moopereh3sp4wn: no, right click on a .deb, choose install and it opens a command line asking for your sudo password.  Its just a really simple script linked to apt-get I think05:24
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noteventimeDaSkreech, try "apt-cache search vnc"05:24
moopereno one wants to take up my speed test for samba challenge?05:25
noteventime:) I havn't used samba for 3 years05:26
h3sp4wnmoopere: How do you install a deb with apt-get ?05:26
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DaSkreechh3sp4wn: you don't05:26
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: I didn't think you did05:26
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noteventimedpkg -i05:27
synmooImoopere: I've got an ati chipset that won't start in anything but vesa on the live cd... should I assume that I will be stuck with vesa after a full install?05:27
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Directly anyway05:27
defrysksynmoo, the ati-vesa thing is a bug05:27
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defrysksynmoo, bugs tend to get fixed05:27
noteventimesynmoo,  You might be able to use the official linux drivers from ATI05:27
moopereh3sp4wn: I'll have to go check now I suppose :)  I didnt really look into it, but the command line that popped up to install the deb did resolve dependencies, dpkg -i won't do that I don't think05:27
ganymedsry, have been away for some time... so i'll ask again05:28
ganymedhow do i get non-root user to use vpnc?05:28
h3sp4wnmooropere: dpkg -i does check dependancies05:28
synmoodefrysk: Am I being too ambitious with a dual head ati based setup? Thats right.. ati did release linux drivers. What are my chances of them also being amd64 compatible? :-)05:28
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h3sp4wnsynmoo: ati has amd 64 drivers05:29
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defrysksynmoo, honestly do not know for I dont run that material05:29
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defrysksynmoo, listen to h3sp4wn05:29
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synmooh3sp4wn: I just looked. You are correct, they do. Perhaps I should throw in a different HDD and see if I can get my video running correctly before I wipe out my RAID 0 windows partition.05:30
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=== noteventime marches on the street shouting "Don't get ATI!"
neuron_where are all the hotkeys  and settings i have made in kde? ~/kde?05:30
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synmooThe uncertainty of getting everything to work well enough to ditch windows on my primary desktop is a pain!05:31
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noteventimesynmoo, What more problems are you having?05:31
defrysksynmoo, breaking up is hard to do05:31
h3sp4wnsynmoo: Just ditch windows then once its gone then think about how to do it05:31
noteventimeWasn't hard at all for me :)05:31
neuron_windows was the easyest thing do dich :D05:31
neuron_bsplayer, Y!Mess and winamp arent so easy to get away from tho05:32
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noteventimeI had been using linux a little for playing around with for a few years, 3 or so. Then one day windows crashed and i said "fuck it"05:32
synmoonoteventime:  I've ditched windows on my laptop. In breezy, I had to bend over backwards and make too many compromises to make it my primary OS.05:32
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BurneBlog cul sur: http://www.idpz.net/tomytom/BlogX.htm05:32
ubotuI heard xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"05:33
neuron_xgl ruls, hehe :D05:33
synmoonoteventime: Here I am at work, my machine needing a reformat anyway, I'm not so sure I'm ready to deal with all of the potential pitfalls in getting all of the hardware up and running, only to go back to windows in the end because I can't get the video drivers running.05:33
noteventimesynmoo, I've been using Dapper on a laptop for almost a year05:33
moopereh3sp4wn: Ok, I had a look.  Konqueror -> Kubuntu Package menu -> Install...   <<<--  do this from a right click on a .deb file and it kicks off a script in a terminal window that does (as you though) use dpkg.05:33
neuron_linux has now three dimensions, windows has only two :D05:33
mluser-workIs it possible to tell the livecd installer to install/setup grub into /dev/hda7 instead of /dev/hda?05:33
CellarDoorneuron_: I've just installed dapper tonight and I'm wondering if there's anything I need to know before installing xgl ?05:34
synmoonoteventime: The laptop isn't an issue. It's running dapper as I type on it right now. I'm happy with how things turned out and am considering putting it on my much faster hdd and moving windows to this older, slower drive.05:34
ganymedok. asked differently: how do i allow a normal user to bind to port 50005:34
neuron_nope, just install it :D05:34
CellarDoorneuron_: ok :D05:34
neuron_cant wait05:34
h3sp4wnganymed: Only root can bind to < 102405:34
neuron_i`m installing daper right now :d05:34
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noteventimesynmoo, :-) I know how it is, I was running dapper on intel i915gm GPU05:34
noteventimeThe drivers are even crappyer than ATIs05:35
h3sp4wnganymed: Either use > 1024 or a program which drops its privs after its in installed05:35
mooperehey noteventime, I thought it was you - still getting poor FPS on your intel board?05:35
synmoonoteventime: Thankfully, my laptop was blessed with an nvidia chipset. Using nvidia's drivers, it works like a dream.05:35
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neuron_i`m a wow player, if wow would work on linux, i would have switched ack to windowze05:36
noteventimemoopere, I don't have the laptop any more :)05:36
noteventimeneuron_, cedega does wow05:36
neuron_wouldnt* (damn, i need a new keyboard)05:36
neuron_i know :D05:36
noteventimeahh, misread :)05:36
neuron_i`m playing wow right now :D05:36
neuron_misstype* :D05:36
noteventimeHows your performance?05:36
mluser-workIs it possible to tell the kubuntu livecd installer to install/setup grub into /dev/hda7 instead of /dev/hda?05:36
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noteventimemluser, mount hda7 as /boot05:37
neuron_well, i dont have grate fps, but its not soo bad either :D05:37
moopereI struggle with performance on WoW even on its native platform05:37
neuron_i got min 0.9 fps :)))05:37
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neuron_well, i think is my video card05:37
mluser-worknoteventime: well hda7 is my / which contains /boot.. wont that cause problems?05:37
noteventimeWoW is a crppy game anyway :)05:37
neuron_i had about that under windows too05:38
mooperenoteventime: Yeah, I but I cant stop playing it05:38
neuron_my average fps is about 20fps05:38
CellarDoorneuron_: ok, so I've installed xgl, compiz and compiz-kde... do I need to reboot ?05:38
moopereneuron_: Yeah, me too, 15-20 depending on scenario05:38
ganymedh3sp4wn: how do i change the port?05:38
h3sp4wnganymed: What are you trying to install ?05:38
CellarDoorneuron_: or maybe just log out and back in again05:38
noaXesshow can i enable all the printers and pseudo printers in firefox? i see only printers.. print to pdf or something like this is not available..05:38
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defryskCellarDoor, try restarting x05:39
CellarDoordefrysk: ctrl+alt+backspace ?05:39
noteventimemluser, then grub is installed on hda7 if it is /05:39
marcreichelthi @all05:39
CellarDoorok np05:39
neuron_CellarDoor, no ideea, i didnt install dapper yet :D05:39
CellarDoorhere goes nothin :P05:39
neuron_chavo, would know i think, but his afk i think :D05:39
marcreichelton my new kubuntu 6.06 some applications (e.g. amaroK, Skype and RealPlayer) can't play sounds05:39
marcreicheltare there any fixes for this?05:40
noteventimemarcreichel, its a skype problem05:40
marcreicheltthey ran on kubuntu 5.10 without problems05:40
mluser-worknoteventime: no.. by default its being installed to /dev/hda with root pointing to /dev/hda7, I want to install the bootloader and root into /dev/hda705:40
marcreicheltnoteventime: amaroK too?05:40
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neuron_why doesnt the xmms eq work?05:40
moopereon my lappy at work kubuntu has no sound and doesn't recognise the onboard intel chip, but alsa knows its there and I can play sound from the command line...weird huh?05:40
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noteventimeneuron_ Because xmms sucks?05:41
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neuron_what should i use?05:41
defryskxmms does not suck05:41
marcreicheltamaroK does not work here05:41
neuron_amarok sucks :D05:41
noteventime:) Amarok is a LOT better :)05:41
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neuron_winamp style rulls :D05:41
v3ctorwoohoo...an xmms vs amarok flame war05:41
noteventimebtw, it's Amarok not amaroK now05:41
pmneuron: you suck :P05:41
noaXess!tell neuron_ mp305:41
neuron_nice and simple05:41
defryskxmms = mother of all multimedia apps05:42
neuron_cant wait for xmms2 :D05:42
noteventimenah, ugly and bloated :)05:42
noaXess!tell neuron_ about mp305:42
marcreichelt!tell marcreichelt mp305:42
neuron_CellarDoor, hows it? :D05:42
pmamarok is the greatest multimedia app i've ever seen05:42
imbrandontake mp3 player wars to offtopic please05:42
CellarDoornothing seems to have happened05:42
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neuron_amarok doesnt even have a decent playlist05:42
h3sp4wnIs there a qt version of xmms ?05:42
Pitchshifter!tell Pitchshifter about pie05:42
marcreicheltnevertheless my amaroK can't play any sound05:43
marcreicheltneither do realplayer or skype05:43
Pitchshifterdumb bot05:43
v3ctoryou can't compare xmms and amarok...one is a media player, the other is a media managment system05:43
noteventimeneuron_ :-O are you using 0.2beta?05:43
pmqt version of xmms + amarok :)05:43
h3sp4wnI know amarok is qt05:43
neuron_xmms0.2 beta?05:43
neuron_or amarok?05:43
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neuron_dunno, installed it with synaptic05:43
noteventimeamaroK has the best playlist support since foobar2k05:43
neuron_but i removed id fast :D05:43
marcreicheltbut other applications _can_ play sounds (like Kopete or VLC)05:43
marcreicheltwhat may be the problem?05:44
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neuron_does amarok have a winamp style?05:44
noteventimemarcreichelt, do you have mp3 codecs?05:44
noteventimeneuron_ yes05:44
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GeniusDexit has a player window05:44
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noteventimenauron_ enable small player i think it's called05:44
noteventimeLike, press here if you want a crappier player :)05:44
neuron_i`ll give it a try05:44
GeniusDexsettings -> show player window05:44
neuron_pitty winamps wasnt ported to linux05:45
h3sp4wnnoteventime: foobar2k is considered to have the best sound quality of all the mp3 players (Sound quality is far more important than interface looks)05:45
neuron_winamp is  the best mp3 player ever!05:45
CellarDoorooh I've just realised05:45
EvilIdlerWinamp was ported, and it sucked05:45
defryskmarcreichelt, sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs05:45
noteventimeh3sp4wn, Not if you have crapyy speakers like me05:45
EvilIdlerWinamp is a resource hog, anyway.05:45
CellarDoorI havent installed any nvidia drivers05:45
neuron_yeah, but they stopped working on it05:45
CellarDoorthat explains it05:45
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imbrandonplease take the mp3 player wars elsewere05:46
GeniusDexwinamp was nice as 2.xx05:46
noteventimeneuron_, Why do you like winamp?05:46
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GeniusDexbut 5.xx is a resource hog (and 3.xx plain sucked)05:46
marcreichelthaah, _that_ was the change from 5.10 to 6.0605:46
noteventimeGeniusDex, I second that05:46
neuron_couse its nice05:46
Samuli^h3sp4wn, the sound quality between players are vain at best.05:46
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marcreicheltand what about skype and realplayer?05:46
neuron_simple to make a plugin, mmanage the playlist05:46
marcreicheltthey worked before I installed (no update) 6.0605:46
GeniusDexrealplayer for linux?05:46
neuron_view videos, it can even rip cds :D05:47
ganymedh3sp4wn: i have installed vpnc and i wanna use it without the "root" passwd05:47
GeniusDexi decided not to update to 6.06 yet05:47
Samuli^h3sp4wn, I'm saying that listening with 400$ headphones.05:47
v3ctoryes..reaplayer for linux05:47
GeniusDexit wants to remove KDE in the update :/05:47
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noteventimeGeniusDex, Realplayer for linux is nice05:47
GeniusDexyeah it is05:47
neuron_is there any im client that supports yahoo AND its last file transfer protocol?05:47
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GeniusDexa shame mplayer doesn't play streams as well05:47
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mluser-workIs it possible to setup knetworkmanager to not use kwallet to store passwords?05:47
andredneuron_: kopete does05:47
andredkopete 0.12 does05:47
defryskmarcreichelt, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-7d2f38dce9f1934882f207ab2f4042f72033bf7005:47
neuron_the lates?05:47
v3ctorGeniusDex: what kind of streams?05:47
neuron_and photo sharing too?05:48
GeniusDexstreaming video05:48
CellarDoorIs there anything I need to install for my nvidia geforce 5200fx other than nvidia-glx ?05:48
GeniusDexit has issues with skipping in them mostly05:48
neuron_tried kopoet, worst im client i ever saw, and it didnt support the latest file transfer protcol ither05:48
defryskmarcreichelt, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype?action=show&redirect=SkypeHowto05:48
yannuxhye everybody05:49
noteventimeCellarDoor, nvidia restricted drivers but I think they are automatically installed05:49
h3sp4wnSamuli: I can tell the difference between different codecs on an m-audio delta 44 with 350 monitors05:49
CellarDoornoteventime: nah they're not installed... installing them now05:49
marcreicheltrealplayer is working too now05:49
defryskCellarDoor, you need to do nvidia-xconfig to setup x05:49
defrysksudo nvidia-xconfig05:50
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CellarDoordefrysk: hmm ok...05:50
KubuntuInstalliehow can I get apt-get to list all packages that include the string "part"?05:51
neuron_KubuntuInstallie, install synapti05:51
yannuxI use the universal sidebar to quickly go on folder, but I would like that open everytime on the same Konqueror in other tab, even if is it on other desktop.05:51
yannuxis it possible ?05:51
imbrandonKubuntuInstallie: "sudo apt-cache seach part"05:51
noteventimekubuntuinstallie, apt-cache search part05:51
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CellarDoorthx defrysk05:52
ubotusomebody said synaptic was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto05:52
Mongeywheres kde's theme manager?05:52
defryskCellarDoor, restart x to finish05:52
DaSkreechnoteventime: Hmm I Had xvnc4.viewer installed already :-)05:52
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h3sp4wnganymed: I don't use vnc but freenx is an alternative (which I do use) that goes over ssh so does not require another port to be opened05:53
GeniusDexMongey: you can select your themes and styles via the control center05:53
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Mongeywhich is where?05:53
GeniusDexsystem settings in your K-menu05:54
neuron_is there any was of recording the desktop to a avi05:54
marcreicheltall applications do work now :-)05:54
marcreicheltthanks a lot05:54
neuron_CellarDoor, hows it? :D05:54
pmwhich is better? gentoo or kubuntu???05:55
defryskpm both good05:55
CellarDoorneuron_: still nothing05:55
GeniusDexkubuntu :)05:55
defryskCellarDoor, glxinfo |grep direct05:55
GeniusDexgentoo is only good if you can be arsed to wait for days while compiling everything05:55
yannuxnobody known ?05:55
neuron_sis you modify your xconf?05:55
CellarDoordefrysk: direct rendering is a yes but I still dont have xgl05:56
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defryskCellarDoor, I dont care about xgl , nvidia works05:56
pmdefrysk: wrong!!!!05:56
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defrysk<CellarDoor> defrysk: direct rendering is a yes05:56
defryskthatm eans its up ;)05:56
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noaXesshow can i see which sound card driver is active and enabled now?05:57
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pmkubuntu is a wya better05:57
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defryskpm, sure if you say so05:57
CellarDoordefrysk: Im trying to get xgl up and running, just installed dapper and forgot to install nvidia-glx05:57
beaviscan somone tell me how to run the printer wizard as root?? because i cant install the driver05:57
pmgentoo is for maniacs, kubuntu is for people05:57
neuron_CellarDoor, remember to modify your xconf05:57
defryskCellarDoor, before glx you need nvidia up so continue now with your adventure :)05:57
defryskxgl that is05:58
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beavisxgl is the shit05:58
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beaviswithout that my ati card wouldnt work05:58
CellarDoorneuron_: modify my xconf ? what do I need to put in there ?05:58
beaviscan somone tell me how to run the printer wizard as root?? because i cant install the driver05:58
CellarDoorty defrysk, I shall :)05:59
yannuxerf :s05:59
synmoobeavis: O RLY? I'm getting ready to do an install on a machine with an X700 chipset.05:59
pmbeavis: xgl is a shit for m$ shit lovers05:59
neuron_CellarDoor, well, first of all do sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:59
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neuron_then comment the lines that load GLcore and dri06:00
beavism$? what else you gonna use for ati x800 series?06:00
neuron_and add Load "dlx"06:00
neuron_thats in the "Module" section06:00
neuron_Load "glx" sorry06:00
CaBlGuYok, what app can I use to burn a DVD?06:01
Mongeyis there a way to make ur windows 3d i thought i seen it somewhere06:01
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CellarDoorneuron_: it already says load glx06:01
taz_is there a apt-get for some sort of developers package. Noticed this thing didnt have make and wondering if there is something that will grab all them common compilation tools.06:01
CaBlGuYMongey:  u can try useing enlightenment...06:01
neuron_make sure in the "Driver" section you have Option          "RenderAccel"           "true"  and Driver          "nvidia"06:01
neuron_okay, then you wot need to modify it :D06:02
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MongeyCaBlGuY: enligtenment?06:02
GeniusDextaz_: build-essential if i'm right06:02
beavissynmoo: yeah , if you have problems there is a good guide to get the driver06:02
noaXesshow can i find out, which dev is used for my default sound?06:02
CaBlGuYMongey:  yes, it's a desktop environment06:02
ubotuenlightenment is, like, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7915506:02
taz_GeniusDex: Seems to be working!06:02
neuron_xgl is up to you, i never installed it before :D today will be my first time :D06:02
CaBlGuY!burn DVD06:03
ubotuCaBlGuY: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:03
neuron_hope it wont dissapoint me06:03
GeniusDexgreat :)06:03
pmactually, i don't mind, linux is a free os, you can use xgl if you like but for me xgl is unnecessary06:03
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CaBlGuYso, anyone know what app I need to burn a DVD with?06:03
neuron_all linux needs now is a touchable 3d hologram :D instead of a monitor :D06:04
CaBlGuYneuron_: , it's in the works.. ;-)06:04
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neuron_well, i hope so :D06:04
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GeniusDexi'd prefer a giant touchscreen on my desk tho :P06:05
CaBlGuYpm:  thnaks. ;)  forgot about that one..06:05
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neuron_cant wait to see a portable computer with hologram :D06:05
neuron_and preferably surround :D06:05
v3ctori would prefer 7 trained monkeys to work my computer for me06:05
neuron_a big holo :D06:05
CaBlGuYseems theres always one for going backwords....  :o|06:05
GeniusDexi still don't see why an upgrade to dapper (from breezy with kde351 packages) wants to remove 379 packages :/06:06
pmCaBIGuY: you're welcome :)06:06
GeniusDexespecially not considering it's about all of KDE it's removing06:06
CellarDoorneuron_: where should "RenderAccel" "true" be ?06:06
=== CaBlGuY loks @ GeniusDex....
neuron_CellarDoor, in Section "Device"06:06
GeniusDex1081 upgraded, 150 newly installed, 379 to remove and 24 not upgraded.06:06
GeniusDexsounds very not right to me :/06:06
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GeniusDexanyone has a clue why?06:06
neuron_well, i wanna see xgl thru VR equipement :D06:07
CaBlGuYGeniusDex:  just do the upgrade, trust me. It's worth it..06:07
GeniusDex"oops i just fell in my trashcan"06:07
GeniusDexCaBlGuY: not if it removes my entire KDE :)06:07
amy_ok I am needing to know how to do a java plug in *am brand new to kde and linux06:07
GeniusDexthen i'd rather reinstall06:07
beaviscan somone tell me how to run the printer wizard as root?? because i cant install the driver06:07
CaBlGuYGeniusDex:  probably cuase dapper don't itilies those files any more..06:07
CellarDoorneuron_: hows this06:07
CellarDoorSection "Device"06:08
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CellarDoor    Identifier     "NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] "06:08
CellarDoor    Driver         "nvidia"06:08
CellarDoor    RenderAccel    "true"06:08
GeniusDexCaBlGuY: i doubt it doesn't utilize the 'kde' or 'amarok' packages anymore :)06:08
CaBlGuYGeniusDex:  U will have to upgrade to K3.5 anyway..06:08
GeniusDexi run 3.5.1 already06:08
neuron_CellarDoor, add Option "NvAGP" "1"06:08
synmooGeniusDex: Perhaps instead of upgrading those packages, it's just removing the old and installing new06:08
ubotuHelp to fix issues with sound can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary06:08
synmooif you think you're going to have to reformat anyway06:08
CellarDoorneuron_: what does that do ?06:08
synmoowhy not give the upgrade a shot06:08
GeniusDexsynmoo: it ain't, i can't find anything in relation to amarok or the removed kde components in the new packages listing06:08
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synmooGeniusDex: perhaps they're bundled in a single package06:09
GeniusDexi don't have time for an entire reinstall this week tho06:09
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CaBlGuYGeniusDex:  well there is the patches and stuff that dapper helps with. but, if u wanna live i the past, your more then welcome.. ;)06:09
GeniusDexsynmoo: i'd be very surprised if so06:09
neuron_CellarDoor, it should boost performance, but i`m not realy sure06:09
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synmooGeniusDex: well it sounds like you've made your mind up. Why are we still discussing? :-)06:09
GeniusDexguess i'll have to give things a try next week06:09
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GeniusDexi was trying to get a reason as to why the packages are being removed :)06:10
CellarDoorneuron_: hows this...06:10
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CellarDoorSection "Device"06:10
CellarDoor    Identifier     "NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] "06:10
CellarDoor    Driver         "nvidia"06:10
CellarDoor    RenderAccel    "true"06:10
CellarDoor    NvAGP          "1"06:10
GeniusDexbut i'll try somewhere next week06:10
GeniusDexafter taking backups and everything06:10
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neuron_i got BusID           "PCI:1:0:0" too, dont know what this does tho06:11
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neuron_it should work06:11
CellarDoorneuron_: ok, here goes nothin06:11
GeniusDexneuron_: that BusID indicates the card is in the AGP bus06:11
sdolnackhow can i edit permissions and be able to write files in my xp partition (/media/sda2)?06:11
sdolnackapart from a commandline06:11
sdolnacki wanna edit mp3 tags06:11
GeniusDexis it ntfs?06:11
sdolnacki think so06:11
yannuxI' need some help with konqueror, does someone can help me ?06:12
GeniusDexthen i think you're out of luck, the last time i checked on ntfs write support (which is a few months ago i must say) it was highly unstable and icncomplete06:12
synmooI love kopete. Whenever I see it I always think of Kaopectate06:12
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imbrandonsdolnack: your only option is captive ntfs and thats not very stable / fast , google "captive ntfs"06:12
sdolnackwht exactly is the problem?06:13
sdolnackcan linux read but not write to ntfs??06:13
synmooIt can do both..06:13
imbrandonntfs is not an open standard ;)06:13
synmoobut writing is unreliable06:13
feksdolnack: write support is unstable and beta06:13
sdolnackhow unreliable?06:13
sdolnackeven for just editing mp3 tags, it's not safe?06:13
imbrandonsdolnack: very06:13
fekit will damage your partition06:13
feksdolnack: no06:13
synmoosdolnack: yeah. It will likely damage the partition.06:13
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feksdolnack: it's only a bit safe to rewrite hole files06:14
fekbut not to c hange them06:14
GeniusDexif i'm right it can't update the file index tables in any way, so overwriting will work, but adding or removing even a single byte will break things06:14
sdolnackare they even really working on ntfs writing?06:14
GeniusDexthey are06:14
sdolnackor is itjust kinda backburner06:14
GeniusDexi can remember notes in the kernel configuration menus of them working on it06:14
synmoosdolnack: They are, but it isn't as easy as writing 'hello world!'06:14
GeniusDexbut things go slow if they have to work by trial and error (thanks to some company in redmond)06:14
amy_ok I really need to know how to install java on here please06:14
feklvm> lvextend -L +115G /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /dev/hda306:14
fek  Extending logical volume LogVol00 to 150,16 GB06:14
fek  Logical volume LogVol00 successfully resized06:14
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yannuxplease help06:15
sdolnackhow's Linux-NTFS?06:15
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GeniusDexyannux: what with?06:16
synmoohere goes. First boot after installing Kubuntu amd6406:17
synmooI know the video will error out.06:17
yannuxGeniusDex: I use the universal sidebar to quickly go on folder, but I would like that open everytime on the same Konqueror in other tab, even if is it on other desktop.06:17
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=== GeniusDex passes the question
GeniusDexi wouldn't know the answer :)06:18
yannuxGeniusDex: oki thanks ;)06:18
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GeniusDexnp :)06:18
Shaezscheis the linux-swap file supposed to be mounted? when i go into my storage directory i cannot access it, and it is not in use. is that normal?06:19
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JasonLhow come there is no kubuntu forum in ubuntuforums,org? is the forum now on the kubuntu site?06:19
GeniusDexShaezsche: swap doesn't show up in your filesystem06:19
Jack_SparrowHow do I get access to my other linux ext3 partition and my fat partition?06:19
sdolnackso is there anything i can do to write ntfs w/o rebooting back into xp?  perhaps something in vmware?06:20
Jack_SparrowI need to read and write to them06:20
synmooAs expected, video corrupted on boot with the ATI card. I assume I can boot into recovery mode to get into the shell to change my x11 config?06:20
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GeniusDexShaezsche: you can check if there is swap active using 'free -m'06:20
GeniusDexit should show a number bigger than 0 for total swap space06:20
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Jack_Sparrowsdolnack: setup a fat32 partition that both Ku and XP can read and write to.06:21
CellarDoorok that didn't go to well06:21
GeniusDexsynmoo: can't you press ctrl+alt+F1 once booted to get to a console?06:21
sdolnacki guess I could, and put all my mp3's on it06:21
Jack_SparrowWorks just fine06:21
GeniusDexi have 3 fat32 partitions for data :)06:21
sdolnackbut i'm terrified something would get corrupted, and at this point i don't have an external HD06:21
Mongeyhow do i stop a program06:21
CellarDoorneuron_: X hangs on startup now06:21
Jack_SparrowCan you tell me how to get access to other drives and partitions?06:22
GeniusDexMongey: one without a window?06:22
GeniusDexyou can search for the process in the process manager (which can be opened with ctrl+escape)06:22
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GeniusDexand press the big (non-red) kill button :)06:22
Jack_Sparrowsdolnack: Just start with a small one until you get comfortable06:22
apokryphospm: we're not so tolerant here :)06:22
CellarDoorHow do I change my xconf from a live CD ?06:22
sdolnacksmall what?06:23
sdolnacki don't even have enough space free to partition off a good 30 gigs for fat3206:23
Jack_SparrowSmall partition06:23
CellarDoorso I can boot my system again06:23
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sdolnackbut--let's say i get an external, for the sake of putting media on--it'd be wise to format it as fat32 and not ntfs?06:23
synmooHow do I redirect STDERR to null? My keyboard keeps pissing off atkbd. 'unknown key pressed' and I can't edit this damn config if that error keeps jumping on top06:23
GeniusDexindeed sdolnack06:23
Shaezscheugh, the germans in kanotix are hard to talk to06:23
GeniusDexonly downsize is the filesize is limited to 4 GB06:23
Jack_SparrowEven if you only give up 3 or 4 gigs, you can share important files06:23
GeniusDexso no DVD images06:23
sdolnackdamnit that sucks06:24
sdolnackwtf is with that06:24
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sdolnackso there is nothing that i can write w/ both windows and linux that can handle something over 4 gigs06:24
Jack_SparrowMost rips are under 406:24
GeniusDexnot really06:24
Shaezschemy usb mouse is WAY too fast, how can i slow it down? the options in the control panel dont slow it enough06:24
CellarDoorI need to fix my xconf from this live CD so I can boot my system again06:24
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GeniusDexthanks to the genius minds *cough* at microsoft06:24
pmapokryphos: are you a german?06:24
Jack_SparrowThe actual movie06:25
imbrandonsdolnack: there are ext2/ext3 drivers out there for windows to read ext2/3 partitions06:25
Jack_Sparrownot all the fluff, you could also use voc's06:25
Jack_Sparrowvcd divx06:25
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sdolnacki truthfully don't use dvd images that much but would like to keep the option06:26
Bluemeusis anybody here who can tell me, why the suspend/hibernating-mode isn't runnig anymore since i installed wpa_supplicant?06:26
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CellarDoorreally would like some help here06:26
sdolnackthen again, i can alway save them in windows and ACCESS them in linux if i'd need to06:26
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apokryphospm: read the /topic ; take offtopic talk to #kubuntu-offtopic06:26
sdolnacki wouldn't have to write them06:26
jbirdAngelwhat is a dummy package?06:26
jbirdAngellibwine and libwine-dev are dummy packages?06:26
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Jack_SparrowCan you tell me how to get read write access to other drives and partitions? (without trying to edit fstab)06:27
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CellarDoorJack_Sparrow: I'd really like to know that too06:27
CellarDoorso I can get at my xconf06:27
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CellarDoorcause my system is hanging during startup06:28
Jack_SparrowYou can boot a live cd and edit it..06:28
CellarDoorI'm using a live cd now06:28
synmoowow this is turning out to be quite the pain in the ass.06:28
Jack_SparrowI use knoppix or Mepis that already have SU ability06:28
=== CellarDoor sighs
sdolnackwhat about the Paragon NTFS driver?06:28
Jack_Sparrowcellar which one KU06:29
sdolnackis that stable?06:29
CellarDoorI'm using the kubuntu live cd06:29
Jack_SparrowAh.. so we search for the same things..06:29
JasonLIs there a way to contact  the developers of Kubuntu to thank and congratulate them?06:29
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Jack_Sparrowso you just need to edit your one file from live..06:29
CellarDooryes, so my pc is bootable again06:30
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Jack_Sparrowone sec06:30
jbirdAngeli dont know if this will help either of you get access it will auto mount yoru partiitons and i think give you read write access06:30
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Arawnskubuntu is Ubuntu system whitout Gnome06:30
Arawnsmaybe the kernel and software is same ?06:31
mrmisthello again :)06:31
mrmistis it hard to get OGL to work in kubuntu ?06:31
sdolnackany word on the Paragon NTFS driver?06:31
mrmistI really want to have some drop-shadows from my window06:31
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v3ctorunless you are running windows, most all NTFS writes are risky06:31
neuron_do i need to backup any files before i fresh install?06:32
CellarDoorI really dont want to have to start from scratch at this time of night06:32
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CellarDoorI just need to be able to edit one file06:32
jbirdAngelhow in terminal do i change directory to my desktop folder i cant get its location right i guess06:32
neuron_cd ~/Desktop06:32
apokryphosneuron_: I'd back up /home and /etc06:33
apokryphosand /var06:33
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v3ctorwhy /var ?06:33
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Bluemeusis anybody here who can tell me, why the suspend/hibernating-mode isn't runnig anymore since i installed wpa_supplicant?06:34
Bluemeusmy laptop frezzes by going into stand-by06:34
CellarDoorIf I cant get help I'm going to have to reinstall06:34
apokryphosv3ctor: logs :P, and *some* applications keep configuration-files there06:34
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CellarDoorthis really sucks06:34
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ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we cannot actually help you. :)06:35
v3ctordon't need the logs, and i would just backup the needed   config dirs...to save time and space06:35
Bluemeusis anybody here who can tell me, why the suspend/hibernating-mode isn't runnig anymore since i installed wpa_supplicant?06:35
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mrmistHow do I enable my nvidia card in kubuntu ?06:35
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you.  You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Please give it 10 to 15 minutes before asking a second time, thanks.06:35
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imbrandonmrmist: follow this page06:36
Jack_SparrowI ran the script it says everything was mounted and ready but I dont see any drives or partitions in Konq06:36
ubotu[nvidia]  Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:36
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synmoohow do I stop x from starting? o06:36
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synmootrying to get the ati drivers installed06:36
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synmoobut setting the video as vesa doesn't work either06:37
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CellarDoortime for bed, I'll have to tackle this tomorrow06:38
CellarDoornite all06:38
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs06:38
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armineheyo all !06:39
arminehowre you ?06:40
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taz_Konqueror wont let me open up a folder for me. Just says unable to open.06:41
taz_But I can open it from console06:41
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taz_says can not enter the folder /mnt/hdb106:42
jaimshs anyone been able to get skype with sound?06:42
taz_this is a ntfs partition06:42
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DaSkreechyannux: Hi06:43
DaSkreechWhat were you asking?06:43
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june_starnightanybody here?06:44
DaSkreechGeniusDex: They probably weren't being used anymore06:44
june_starnightanyone may help me?06:44
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>06:44
june_starnighti face a problem to connect to msn server.06:44
DaSkreechGeniusDex: Or they were being replaced by a new subsystem06:44
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june_starnighti failed to connect to msn server by using kopete06:45
synmoowhen running the live CD, where is the xorg.conf kept?06:45
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OdyXjune_starnight: no bug.. FEATURE !06:45
synmooI can get video to work in that with the safe video boot06:45
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synmooI want to copy that to my hdd06:45
synmooso I can start loading packages and get the ati drivers running06:45
june_starnighti am using kopete 0.1106:45
nadyaHi people! Has anybody of you ever burned an iso on a usb stick and installed a ubuntu version from it?06:45
june_starnightanyone may help me?06:45
yannuxDaSkreech: the option in konqueror to open external links in a tab instead of a new window doesn't seem to work when calling konqueror from another desktop06:46
june_starnightnadya, nvr.06:46
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DaSkreechyannux: You mean like Desktop 2?06:46
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MrSmileAnyone has an idea where to look for it in the internet?06:46
MrObviousHow do I set up my HP 3940 printer?06:47
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MrSmilestart cups06:47
defryskjune_starnight, you have evything setup to go ?06:47
DaSkreechyannux: And you want it to jump to the konqui you have open on Deskto p4?06:47
yannuxDaSkreech:  for example, open a link from desktop 1 with konqueror on desktop 2,  konqueror open new window, not a tab06:47
defrysklike passwd and stuff06:47
june_starnightOdyx, no bug....?06:47
beavisare there any better apps then ktorrent?06:47
cfraz89ktorrent is better :)06:48
defryskbeavis, ktorrent206:48
yannuxDaSkreech: yes, new tab on desktop 4, I've already forced to have konqeuror on desktop 4, but It open new window inside of new tab when link is clicke in other desktop06:48
OdyXjune_starnight: I meant that no beign able to connect to MSN is no bug.. It's a feature..06:48
OdyXjune_starnight: that's a joke06:48
beavisyeah , its good but i dont like to mess with jave06:48
armineno I prefer ktorrent :p06:48
yannuxDaSkreech: when i click link on desktop 4, it opens on new tab06:48
DaSkreechAh :-) Not sure Maybe try #kde?06:48
defryskktorrent rules on my box06:48
beavisits slow06:48
june_starnightOdyX, i cant catch u.06:48
defrysknot here06:48
defryskits light and never crashing06:48
yannuxDaSkreech: nobody answer :)06:49
june_starnightOdyX, what do u mean?06:49
OdyXjune_starnight: MSN is evil, so it's normal if you can't connect..06:49
cfraz89beavis: try ktorrent 206:49
OdyXjune_starnight: don't worry. I'm just joking...06:49
DaSkreechyannux: Be paitent :)06:49
OdyXjune_starnight: but MSN works with my kopete...06:49
june_starnightdefrysk, i nvr setup anything recently06:49
june_starnightOdyX, oic! what's ur version?06:49
beavishmm ,ktorrent2?06:49
cfraz89its in beta06:49
OdyXjune_starnight: it has always worked...06:50
defryskjune_starnight, rightclick the butterfly in kopere and go to on line no message and klick it06:50
OdyXjune_starnight: I have 0.12.006:50
june_starnightwhat server do u used?06:50
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OdyXjune_starnight: Microsoft's06:50
beaviscan i get it from a repository with apt-get?06:50
cfraz89i think a deb is on kde-apps06:50
june_starnightOdyX, how can i upgrade my kopete?06:50
defryskthere is a link to ktorrent2 on the forums06:50
yannuxDaSkreech: yes ;)06:51
defryskjune_starnight, want a newer version ?06:51
OdyXjune_starnight: are you up2date with KDE (i.e. you have 3.5.3) ?06:51
june_starnightdefrysk, yup.06:51
june_starnightOdyx, i am using kde 3.406:51
defryskjune_starnight, enjoy06:51
yannuxDaSkreech: someone ask same on the forum today :d06:51
DaSkreechCool. Respond that you have the same issue. Lends credence and weight06:52
june_starnightdefrysk, this is from china one izit?06:52
OdyXjune_starnight: you under Dapper ?06:52
defryskjune_starnight, dunno but it rules on my box06:52
yannuxDaSkreech: yes it's done :)06:53
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june_starnightdefrysk, how to install .deb?06:53
defrysksudo dpkg -i blahblah.bed06:54
synmooWhy the hell, when I use the live CD and set the video to safe... will the video work just fine? But when I mount my hdd, and copy that same xorg.conf over... it doesn't? What the hell! The bootsplash finishes and the monitors just turn off.06:54
taz_Why cant I view the contents of a ntfs partition using konqueror06:54
taz_works fine in console06:54
DaSkreechExcellent :)06:54
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june_starnightdefrysk, thanks. i get it06:55
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JasonLcould someone help me please, when i end my current session i get sent to the usplash and nothing happens, no text, and the progress bar does not move06:56
june_starnightOdyX, i am using Breezy Badger06:56
OdyXjune_starnight: well... it won't be possible to update "as is"...06:57
defryskjune_starnight, not sure if it works on breezy06:57
OdyXjune_starnight: but it should "just wokr"06:57
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neuron_hey, just installed dapper drake in about 10 mins :D06:57
neuron_but i have a problem06:57
june_starnightOdyX, ya!i had remember that i can connect at my office but cant at home now.06:57
neuron_cant change my screen res for more than 1024x76806:57
june_starnightdefrysk, oic06:57
OdyXjune_starnight: firewall ?06:58
neuron_whys that?06:58
june_starnighti dun think so06:58
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june_starnighti din set any firewall with my DesktopSecure06:58
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knubbeis it possible to speed up kde somehow?06:59
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neuron_any ideeas?06:59
JasonLneuron_ theres a wiki document on that06:59
knubbeafter having just 3-4 applications open it gets slow...06:59
defryskknubbe, get the latest version (for dapper only)06:59
JasonLsearch for "fix video resolution"06:59
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NoUseknubbe how much memory do you have?06:59
taz_k figured out why I think. I permissions issue. but root cant run konqueror.06:59
defrysktaz_, kdesu konqueror06:59
knubbedefrysk: i just upgraded to dapper. maybe theres a later version available than the bundled one. ill have a look.06:59
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defryskknubbe, yes there is07:00
defrysklook in kubuntu.com07:00
knubbeNoUse: 2gb ram, intel celeron 1.6ghz mobile. it's a laptop.07:00
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knubbeNoUse: 1.5gb swap i think07:00
JasonLneuron_ https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:00
neuron_what video player should i use?07:00
knubbedefrysk: ok.07:00
defryskknubbe, its way faster (at least here it is)07:00
neuron_ty JasonL07:00
knubbedefrysk: oh, ok07:01
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JasonLanyone know why when I end  my session i get the usplash and nothing happens?07:01
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june_starnightIs that MSN Messenger Server is messenger.hotmail.com?07:01
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june_starnightdefrysk, thanks.07:02
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defryskid = blahblah@hotmail.com07:02
LeoninI have a dual boot problem. I have to install winXP again, but if I do that the grub bootloader gets eaten by winXP startup. How do I logon to Kubuntu after that?07:03
knubbedefrysk: upgrading...07:03
defryskknubbe, cool :)07:04
BazziLeonin: try with a live cd and do "grub install hdax" where x is your primary partition07:04
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gan|y|medhow do i use knetworkmanager.  it does not show me anything, no networks at all. iwconfig shows i am connected... any ideas?07:07
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neuron_how do i restart x?07:08
neuron_kdm restart ?07:08
Bazzineuron_ ctrl+alt+backspace07:08
defryskctrl alt backspace07:08
june_starnightdefrysk, is that i can ping messenger.hotmail.com ?07:08
trappistor /etc/init.d/kdm restart07:08
defryskjune_starnight, ?07:08
june_starnightdefrysk, i should can ping messenger.hotmail.com, izit?07:10
JasonLsomeone please help07:11
defryskjune_starnight, ping messenger.hotmail.co07:11
JasonLi click logout then end current session07:11
defryskjune_starnight, ping messenger.hotmail.com07:12
june_starnightJasonL, and then?07:12
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defryskshould work07:12
JasonLand i get the kubuntu splash screen, no white text, and the loading bar doesnt move07:12
JasonLi have to press the reset button on my pc to get out of it07:12
defryskjune_starnight, you should get this response  PING dp.msnmessenger.akadns.net ( 56(124) bytes of data.07:12
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defryskjune_starnight, also read http://www.bubble-media.com/cgi-bin/articles/archives/000037.html07:14
gan|y|medis it possible to use networkmanager with both static and non-static ip addresses?07:14
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defryskits ms oriented tho :s07:14
JasonL=( this is very annoying07:15
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DaSkreechWhat does dd stand for?07:17
neuron_where can i find a how-to on installing xgl?07:17
neuron_chavo, you there?07:17
ubotuwell, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"07:17
weedarAnyone got tv-out working with a S3 Unichrome Pro video-card? Please say yes :)07:17
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june_starnightweedar, no. sorry.07:18
weedaroh well07:18
jwatanyone know how to get the "Administrator Mode" button to show up in System Settings?07:18
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DaSkreechAh data duplicator :) Thanks Google :)07:18
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JasonLi guess no one knows how to sort my problem07:18
DaSkreechThis is on Logout?07:19
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synmoolooks like getting this running with an ati chipset just isn't going to happen.07:19
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ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Mongey07:20
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HamishTPBcan anyone help me - just installed Kubuntu 6.06 and after an update went wrong my apt database is locked and even restarting doens't clear the lock. Is there a lockfile I can delete?07:22
beavismaybe its locked because youre not sudo or root?07:24
bhnaHamishTPB: sudo apt-get install -f07:24
HamishTPBbhna: thanks - will try that07:24
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HamishTPBbeavis: not that - was using sudo adept and sudo apt-get etc07:24
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h3sp4wnHamishTPB: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock07:25
HamishTPBbhna: your solution plus following what it told me next seems to have worked - thanks :)07:25
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DaSkreechyannux: You good?07:25
HamishTPBthanks all for trying to help :D07:25
yannuxDaSkreech:  bad :s07:26
heleProblems with two screens,  desktop get four times too big and i have scroll like mad to reach second screen. What should do?07:26
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synmoois there a way to manually set my tcp/ip settings via the shell? What about find my mac address?07:29
Mongeyive got a 3d thing from adept but how do i run it?07:29
bhnaMongey: 3d thing?07:30
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Mongeysorry 3D desktop07:30
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h3sp4wnsynmoo: Have a look at ifconfig -a (to find out the mac addresses) and man interfaces to see how to setup your ip addresses (I can give you an example of how to do a static ip address if you like but I prefer to just use dhcp and set the router to always give the same ip07:31
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korottageHi, I've just installed kubuntu64 on my laptop, everything is lovely.  However when trying to run linux32 ./skype I get ./skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXcursor.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:34
korottageHowever, that lib exists07:34
bhnaMongey: http://desk3d.sourceforge.net/07:34
neuron_i`am having a problem doing sudo apt-key add -07:36
neuron_it doesnt seem t finish07:36
korottagehttp://uuoc.com/1471  shows the output of ldd, which says it's not finding the library file, however I've also copied it to the same dir as the rest, and ran ldconfig07:36
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neuron_what could be wrong?07:38
h3sp4wnkorottage: The only supported way of using 32 bit apps in 64 bit os is via chroot07:38
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korottagecould you elaborate07:38
ubotuh3sp4wn: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:39
korottageI mean, I've done it with apache for example, but ..07:39
neuron_"sudo apt-key add -" doesnt seem to end07:39
ultm8hi everybody07:39
ultm8is this a place i can get help with kubuntu?07:39
robotgeekultm8: yes07:39
beavishow can i creat an icon to my /home folder in the taskbar by the K icon07:39
ultm8hi robotgeek07:39
h3sp4wnkorottage: You need to use debootstrap to created a 32 bit chroot - then you can use schroot to run apps from the chroot on the host system07:40
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HawkwindAnyone know if there is an Ultima 4 clone for Kubuntu ?  I know Mandriva which I come from has xu4 and xu4-data but I see nothing like that in apt-cache search.07:40
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ultm8i have to say only just starting using kubuntu and am loving it, still a noobie but if a few people can help me out to get the ball rolling i will be greatful07:40
bhnabeavis: drag and drop from konqueror07:40
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ultm8Hi to everyone by the way07:40
korottageh3sp4wn: nice thanks!07:41
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mrmistthe official nvidia-drivers has some strange effects on my system07:41
mrmistThe fonts suddenly got bigger everywhere07:41
ultm8hey can anyone give me a hint into registering on here so i can pm people ;o)07:42
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:42
mrmisthow do I get the fps from glxgears again !?07:43
ultm8[18:43]  <ubotu> Someone already said that 7 seconds ago07:43
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beavisbhna: thanks ,07:43
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beavislinux if fun ,07:44
beavisfrustrating sometimes07:44
h3sp4wnmrmist: glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark07:45
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mrmistnice oe07:45
jbirdAngelcrossover office isnt oss is it?07:45
mrmistI'm just testing the OGL implementation of my nv drivers07:46
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mrmistNot benchmarking07:46
h3sp4wnThe binary ones ?07:46
mrmistbut then again... is there any good benchmarking of 3d in linux ?07:46
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frank__mrmist: not sure maybe running UT2k4 becnhmarks07:47
synmooDamnit! So close.. and yet so far. Got tcpip fixed, linux headers installed, gcc, go to compile the ati driver.... the setup gives me this GENERIC crap answer in the log... [Error]  Kernel Module : Failed to compile kernel module - please consult readme.07:47
mrmiston linux ?07:47
mrmistwith wine then ?07:47
frank__mrmist: no UT is native to linux07:47
mrmistgot an URL ?07:47
h3sp4wnsynmoo: Why are you trying to compile the ati driver ?07:47
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frank__mrmist: you can get the demo version for free. I don't know how to run becnhmarks on it though07:48
ultm8you think your having problems i still don't know how to register :( please help.  IRC noob07:48
DeshImportant news, nVidia tries to mess up ATI cards on Linux!!07:48
mrmistultm8: try "/msg NickServ help07:48
DeshHow do I find out my motherboard's chipset?07:49
synmooh3sp4wn: Because the included driver does not work. the monitors go blank as soon as X starts.07:49
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h3sp4wnsynmoo: The version in the repositories is the same version as you can download from ati.com07:49
synmooh3sp4wn: to make it worse, I can't even get it to work with the vesa driver unless I'm using the live cd.07:49
_JPis it intentional that "show desktop" (using dapper + kde 3.5.3) leaves konversation visible if i select option "skip creating taskbar entry" from konversation settings?07:49
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JasonLcan kopete change the MSN PM message?07:50
mrmistIs about 2000 fps on glxgears any good at all ??07:50
h3sp4wnsynmoo: You need to enable multiverse and install linux-restricted-modules-386 and xorg-driver-fglrx07:50
frank__mrmist: I find glxgears very unreliable. my fps can vary wildly with the same card07:50
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synmooh3sp4wn: is the multiverse the same as universe (which I have enabled)07:51
ultm8cool am registered i think :)07:51
h3sp4wnmrmist: It means hardware acceleration is working07:51
mrmistAnyhow... another question.. drop shadows on the windows in KDE... is it possible ?07:51
h3sp4wnsynmoo: no07:51
frank__mrmist: to chek if 3d acceleration is working:   glxinfo | grep direct07:51
synmooh3sp4wn: I am also running amd64, not 38607:51
mrmistit's "Yes"07:51
frank__mrmist: then 3D is working07:51
mrmistfrank__: wee :)07:52
h3sp4wnsynmoo: run uname -a (and whatever kernel you are using install the relevent restricted modules)07:52
chavomrmist, yes you can get drop shadows07:52
DeshOk, if there is a fix for my ATI card for nForce2 chipsets, and I have an nForce3 chipset, should I apply that fix anyways?07:52
mrmistchavo: know how ?07:52
synmooshould I just duplicate the universe line in sources.list and change it to multiverse?07:52
h3sp4wnDesh: What is the fix ? (I have an nforce2 which crashed on shutdown often)07:52
chavomrmist, first you have to make sure that the composite extension is loaded in your xorg.conf07:52
Deshh3sp4wn: FOr the ATI 3d acceleration07:52
Deshh3sp4wn: If you have an nforce2 chipset motherboard or if your Xorg.0.log reveals troubles when initialising AGP, put this in the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"07:53
mrmistchavo: All distros have the extension installed by default ?07:53
ultm8hi again everybody this is just a general question how do you install the latest ATI drivers in kubuntu?07:53
chavomrmist, I don't thinks so07:53
Deshultm8: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI07:53
h3sp4wnDesh: I thought you ment a patch for the fglrx kernel module - that should be fine (I use that anyway)07:53
mrmistdoes kubuntu then ?07:53
Deshh3sp4wn: Wait, you use what?07:54
synmooh3sp4wn: should I just duplicate the universe line in sources.list and change it to multiverse?07:54
chavoI don't believe it does mrmist07:54
ultm8thanks desh your a star will have a look at the file :D brb07:54
Deshh3sp4wn: I have followed the steps of the HowTo but I still get mesa as my OpenGL07:54
Deshultm8: No porblem07:54
h3sp4wnDesh: do cat /etc/modules (see whether fglrx is in there)07:55
DeshIt is. I added it manually.07:55
h3sp4wnIs it in the output of lsmod ?07:55
mrmistchavo: it's the "libxcomposite1"package then !?07:55
chavomrmist, no you just have to enable it in your xorg.conf07:55
h3sp4wnsynmoo: just add multiverse to every line with universe in and it will be fine after sudo aptitude update07:56
Deshh3sp4wn: fglrx                 388908  007:56
DeshWhere is Xorg.0.log?07:56
h3sp4wnDesh: /var/log07:56
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DeshThanks. :)07:56
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h3sp4wnDesh: I would use that line anyway in the device "fglrx" section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf (Option      "UseInternalAGPGART" "no")07:57
chavomrmist, look for something like this in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1531907:57
mrmistchavo: it wouldn't be an idea to install xgl instead ?07:57
h3sp4wnDesh: Driver "fglrx" sorry07:57
Deshh3sp4wn: Yeah, I am checking the log just in case but I will probably add it, thanks. :)07:57
chavomrmist, sure you could try it07:58
mrmistchavo: isn't it any good yet ?07:58
chavoit's still a little buggy but I use it07:58
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mrmistI'll try rebooting then07:59
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mrmistchavo: it worked :) hurray :D08:01
Deshh3sp4wn: umm, I have to Device sections and both have a Driver "fglrx" section08:01
h3sp4wnDesh: Are you using two screens ?08:02
HawkwindAnyone know if there is an Ultima 4 clone for Kubuntu ?  I know Mandriva which I come from has xu4 and xu4-data but I see nothing like that in apt-cache search.08:02
h3sp4wnHawkwind: Did you ever finish ultima IV ?08:03
Deshh3sp4wn: No08:03
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: I finish it about every 2 - 3 days currently :P08:03
JasonLyay, i found how to set msn PMs08:03
HawkwindI play it every single day of my life :)08:03
h3sp4wnHawkwind: I had it on sega master system - managed to get all the stones / characters and stuff just never finished the abyss08:04
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h3sp4wnDesh: Does you graphics card have two outputs ?08:05
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Deshh3sp4wn: can I PM you both sections? it's not very long.08:05
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Heh.  I've been playing since it first came out in 1984 on the Commodore 64.  I still have a copy for the C64 I still play quite a bit :)08:05
cbglasgowplaying what08:05
h3sp4wnDesh: Ok08:05
Hawkwindcbglasgow: Ultima 408:05
HawkwindI'm looking for a version of it for Kubuntu08:06
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HawkwindBut I can't seem to find one.  Looks like I might have to compile it from sourceforge08:06
cbglasgowi got a question....anyone else have trouble playing DVDs with Kaffeine?08:06
robotgeekcbglasgow: have you installed libdvdcss?08:07
cbglasgowno, why would i need that?08:07
cbglasgowto unscramble css?08:07
DaSkreechTo play DVDs08:07
DaSkreechRight ;_)08:07
synmooh3sp4wn: rebooting. Here goes nothing.08:07
cbglasgowhow do i get it?08:07
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synmooh3sp4wm: holy sh*t if effin works.08:08
cbglasgowDaskreech, how do i get libdvdcss?08:08
synmooh3sp4wn: thanks for the help!08:09
jwathow do you open another user's Desktop folder with Konqueror.  I get permissions errors when I try08:09
DaSkreechubotu: tell cbglasgow about DVD08:10
DaSkreechjwat: You aren't allowed to play around in oter people's home folders08:10
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jwatbah!  what about administrators08:11
cbglasgowthanks alot Daskreech08:11
jwathow do I copy a file from my desktop to another user's desktop?08:11
DaSkreechjwat: If you are an admin you can help yourself to the rights08:11
DaSkreechtry sudo cp08:11
jwatdid that.  I can't list the files in the dir08:12
Chousukeget a root shell08:12
Chousukedo sudo -s08:12
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DaSkreechremember Don't use this for evil!08:14
DaSkreechWith Great power comes great responsibility andusually a silly spandex suit08:14
zAo^is there a way to use the "back" button on my mouse without evdev?08:14
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DeshHow do you see what kernel you are running?08:16
Deshgrep | ???08:16
h3sp4wnuname -a08:17
DeshAh ok, thanks.08:17
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kronozuname -r08:18
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DaSkreechlsb_release -a08:18
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DaSkreechWhy was the name of OO.o changed?08:20
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neuron_chavo: any chance of you being there?08:21
chavoyes I'm here08:21
neuron_i finaly updated to dapper08:22
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neuron_and installed xgl08:22
=== kkathman appauds chavo's existence :)
neuron_but it freezes when i login08:22
=== chavo bows :P
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neuron_and the windows have no borders, or titlebars08:22
DaSkreechkwin isn't running08:22
neuron_i`m in a failsafe terminal rigt now08:23
noteventimeneuron_: gnome-window-manager08:23
chavoneuron_, alright well first off did you enable the quinstorm repos?08:23
chavobecause the stuff in ubuntu repos is pretty old08:23
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neuron_i folowed the howto on the forum08:23
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neuron_w8 a sec, let me see if i find the link08:23
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ubotuwell, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"08:24
knoppixhi all08:24
Drakesonwhen it will be possible to have a (broken) kde4 desktop through apt-get?08:24
DaSkreechDrakeson: Soon as you roll a deb :-)08:25
chavoneuron_, I'm updatin the kubuntu wiki today-> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/CompositeManager/InstallingCompiz?highlight=%28compiz%2908:25
DaSkreechHowever I doubt that woud be possible even through Edgy's life cycle08:25
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neuron_this is whai i folowed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=84507708:26
DrakesonDaSkreech: it is possible to get qt4 and some development stuff now08:26
neuron_i did exactly what i said there08:26
DrakesonI just don't know how to build (yet)08:26
DaSkreechthey have had a couple of the devs mentioning that you can have KDE up and running with all qt4 stuff since last week08:27
chavoneuron_, ok so xgl is running?08:27
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DaSkreechDrakeson: Wait KDE4 or just qt4?08:27
DrakesonDaSkreech: KDE408:27
HawkwindAnyone have a how-to for doing twinview with Nvidia in Kubuntu by chance ?08:28
Drakesonyeah, I read planet of course08:28
douglas_Do you always have to run make install to run a binary or can you just find the binary after you ran make and try it out? I want to try out kdevelop 3.4 beta 1 but I don't want to install it. I'm building it right now.08:28
neuron_when i login, i sometimes see some efects, but windows have no borders or titlebars and nothing works08:28
HawkwindI'm about to make the switch of my main OS to Kubuntu from Mandriva and was wondering if I could keep my same xorg.conf file ?08:28
gan|y|meddoes anybody know of significant changes from php4 to 5?08:28
DaSkreechDrakeson: Yup you can get it running08:28
kronozHawkwind, maybe08:28
DrakesonDaSkreech: how?08:28
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DaSkreechDrakeson: It's the same thing as KDE 3.5.3 though08:28
h3sp4wnHawkwind: You are better off just saving it somewhere and manually applying the changes08:29
DaSkreechNo difference yet08:29
kronozHawkwind, why do you need to? nvidia/ati drivers?08:29
DaSkreechExcept the libraries08:29
neuron_chavo: so what could the problem be?08:29
Hawkwindkronoz: I run Nvidia on this box and I use dual/twinview monitors08:29
chavoneuron_, open up a konsole and try running gnome-window-decorator08:29
Hawkwindkronoz: So once I have the Nvidia drivers installed, I need to setup both monitors08:29
DrakesonDaSkreech: that's enough for me to begin08:29
neuron_well, i`m in failsafe right now08:30
Drakesonjust don't dare to build the thing at first place08:30
neuron_that didnt do enything08:30
neuron_i didnt respect that order of commands08:30
neuron_i did apt get install xx yy zz08:31
kronozHawkwind, the is a config dialog for dual screen in the Dispaly KControl module in Kubuntu08:31
chavoneuron_, no errors in the console?08:31
neuron_and while they were installing i modified xorg,con and the other files08:31
Hawkwindkronoz: Ah ok.  Guess I'll have to use KDE for a few minutes :(  Ughhh08:31
neuron_chavo: nope, it doesnt output anything08:31
DaSkreechDrakeson: http://people.fruitsalad.org/adridg/bobulate/index.php?/archives/221-My-pre-pre-alpha-desktop.html08:31
DaSkreechThat's a good place to start08:31
kronozHawkwind, you don't like kde why are you wanting kubuntu08:32
chavoHawkwind, you can use the same xorg.conf08:33
Hawkwindkronoz: I hate Gnome even less.  I use E1708:33
Hawkwindkronoz: I don't mind KDE, just I prefer E17 once I can get it installed08:33
kronozHawkwind, ah cool08:34
Hawkwindchavo: So I can replace the one that Kubuntu makes for me with the one from my Mandriva backups and I won't have any issues ?08:34
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DrakesonDaSkreech: I have almost no knowledge of the build system (cmake) and that's a barrier of entry for me now. If one of the devs would be generous and setup a deb + deb-src I would be _very_ happy08:34
chavoHawkwind, yeah as long as it's not a very old version of X on there08:34
DrakesonDaSkreech: nevermind ;)08:34
Hawkwindchavo: No.  It's 6.9 as Mandriva 2006 is pretty current08:34
chavoHawkwind, back up the original one first, just in casew08:34
chavoyeah that'll work, you amy have to check the FILES section though08:35
neuron_brb, restarting x08:35
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chavoHawkwind, just compare them first or paste the Files section from your kubuntu xorg.conf into your mandriva08:36
_jwatanyone know how to correct this "Unlocking Failed" error when switching between sessions?08:36
DaSkreechReally if you want to play with that you should hang around #debian (unfriendly) or #kde (inert) :-)08:36
Hawkwindchavo: Yeah if it doesn't work I'll have the original as a backup none the less :)08:36
zoohouseIs there an app out there for keeping track of USA Treasury Bonds?08:37
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Hawkwindchavo: Do you run twinview with Nvidia on Kubuntu by chance ?08:38
chavoHawkwind, yes08:38
Drakesonubuntu is almost debian-unstable_branch-friendly ;)08:38
Hawkwindchavo: Would you mind putting your xorg.conf in pastebin for me so I can have a copy to look at ?08:38
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chavosure just a sec08:39
Hawkwindchavo: Many thanks08:39
h3sp4wnDrakeson: What do you mean ?08:39
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Drakesonthe irc channel I mean08:39
chavoI'm working on an app that let's you pastebin from klipper, that's how I pasted it so quick :)08:40
comp241hi all08:40
Hawkwindchavo: So 1280x1024 on one monitor, and 1440x900 on the other ?08:40
chavoHawkwind, I've got a 19" and a 19" widescreenh08:40
h3sp4wnDrakeson: I want #ubuntu+1 to reopened there is less in it and its usually more interesting questions08:40
comp241I'm a fairly new linux user and seem to have messed up my kubuntu boot process...  is this the right place to ask for help?08:40
Hawkwindchavo: Very nice!  Both of mine only do up to 1024x768 as they are 15"08:40
HawkwindBut I can't live without dual monitors since I went to at Christmas08:41
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ahmeniAnyone here gotten LIRC to work with the current kernel?08:41
h3sp4wnDrakeson: Some of the debian unstable are pretty helpful if you ask sensible questions (and have searched for it)08:41
Drakesonh3sp4wn: edgy is a bit young for that, I assume ;)  maybe a matter of 1-2 month(s)08:42
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h3sp4wnDrakeson: You can get the edgy kernel now from the git repository08:42
Drakesonyes, but ubuntu is more friendly even to my grandma ;)08:43
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comp241Anyone knowledgeable about the boot process and might be able to help a noob?08:43
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: after UBZ08:43
chavoh3sp4wn, #ubuntu+1 is alive08:43
chavowell relatively08:43
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Sc[_] ttgood afternoon all08:43
h3sp4wnThats good (I was forwarded to #ubuntu this morning)08:44
DaSkreechcomp241: This is the right place to ask in general08:44
chavoyeah and the edgy repos are alive also08:44
comp241I'm getting the following: run-init: /sbin/init: error 8008:44
comp241Then a Kernel Panic (tried to kill init)08:44
comp241It has me stumped...  I tried google but got nothing.08:44
Drakesonchavo: they are 2.6.16 ?08:44
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chavono kernerl upgrades yet08:45
DaSkreechcomp241: When did this happen?08:45
DaSkreechchavo: Course that means you can install it on the PS3 when it comes out :)08:45
comp241I ran adept and did a full upgrade which gave me a new kernel.  Rebooted and voila.08:45
DaSkreechCell suppport :)08:45
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=== DaSkreech wonders what apt-get would do at that point
comp241I probably messed something up (I'm a klutz) but I don't know what.08:45
chavocomp241, sorry wasn't talking to you08:45
DaSkreechchavo: I was08:46
Sc[_] tton any usa server i try to dl the alternate iso, it gets about 20 mb then it drops me "connection reset by server"... i've tried three internet connections and 3 different boxes, the same thing, any ideas?  i'm now dl'ing it from uk, but that'll take 3 days and a case of oreos to wait for it, instead of the 30 minutes from a us server08:46
h3sp4wnchavo: I am not foolish enough to try running it yet I don't think08:46
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chavoh3sp4wn, I've got another partition set up for it, updating in a chroot right now08:46
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h3sp4wnchavo: Is there an edgy version of debootstrap then ?08:47
h3sp4wnchavo: Or did you just manually add it08:47
crimsunyou have to --override-config08:47
crimsunthe debootstrap package hasn't been updated yet08:48
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neuron_chavo: i`m still having problems, the display manager seems to crash08:48
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neuron_the screen is full of nonresponding windows08:48
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chavoneuron_, ok let's back up a little08:48
drcurlthere is no more multiverse commented entry in dapper?08:49
chavoneuron_, waht card do you have again?08:49
neuron_i got a taskbar in failsafe now tho, but still now titlebar/borders08:49
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neuron_okay, wait a sec08:49
h3sp4wncrimsun: thx08:49
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drcurlCan I just copy the universe entry and replace universe by multiverse?08:49
drcurlin adept?08:49
neuron_chavo: where could i get the card name string from?08:50
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Sc[_] tt8% ater 2 hours wooohoo, i'm movin along now!08:51
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jwatso...anyone know anything about the "Unlocking failed" error when attempting to unlock a locked session?08:52
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neuron_chavo: this is hat ive got GeForce4 Ti 420008:52
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neuron_well, i gtg to eat now, i`ll brb08:52
chavoneuron_, alright that should work08:52
comp241Anyone have any ideas about my boot problem?  run-init: /sbin/init: error 80?08:52
chavook I'll be around for a little while08:53
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comp241Well, if anyone thinks they may be able to help, please let me know.08:54
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amy_I have a question08:55
amy_I just installed the new kubuntu08:55
amy_and am needing to know where to go to get programs and how to install them08:55
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mrmistI'm having problems with the i686 kernel on a "Centrino Duo Core" processor08:55
amy_I am needing a advanced graphic editor08:55
kkathmanamy_:  its done through adept08:55
kkathmanK-menu, system, adept08:56
chavoamy_, you should have kate, which is pretty nice08:56
DaSkreechdrcurl: Yes08:56
Drakesonamy_: does inkscape do for you?08:56
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chavooh graphic my bad08:56
kkathmanamy_:  but if you need a graphics editor, i.e. for pictures...try Krita...for text...try Kate08:56
DaSkreechamy_: You may want to try kate :)08:57
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shawn__ive installed azureus and sun-java5-bin via apt but it wont start:08:57
DaSkreechOh wait Graphic :-)08:57
shawn__Starting Azureus...08:57
shawn__Java exec not found in PATH, starting auto-search...08:57
shawn__ls: /usr/java: No such file or directory08:57
shawn__OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/java/  hierarchy08:57
shawn__You need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x or newer from http://java.sun.com08:57
shawn__... any idea?08:57
kkathmanamy_:  you can also try GIMP if you wish also, but its a bit counter intuitive :)08:57
mrmistamy_: Gimp is the most Photoshop-like program I think08:57
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kkathmanits NOT like Photoshop..lets not kid ourselves :)08:58
kkathmanbut its the closest thing...within a few million miles :)08:58
mrmistamy_: A bit strange GUI on GIMP though... I wish someone would make a better "theme" for it08:58
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mrmisthehe... yeah, I guess. I don't like the "floating frame" gui08:58
kkathmanmmist thats why I suggested Krita to her...a bit easier interface08:58
v3ctori find gimp very easy to use...but i have never used photoshop08:59
drcurlthanks Drakeson08:59
Drakesonamy_: if you are looking to replace photoshop currently gimp can do it. if you need something for vector graphics you better use inkscape now08:59
camXHi Kubuntus I just installed Kubuntu08:59
mrmistAlternatively one could run photoshop with WINE08:59
kkathmanv3ctor:  a bicycle is a great mode of transportation if you havent got a ferrari08:59
chavome too I like the Gimp, but then again I'm not a pro graphics guy08:59
kkathmangimp might be too much for a person that's "Just installed Kubuntu"09:00
uniqcamx: hi, congratulations, how do you like it?09:00
camXI want to run a vt100 emulator - any ideas ?09:00
v3ctorkkathman: ferrari is a waste of time to go 2 blocks09:00
chavobut I've been using it for years09:00
kkathmanv3ctor:  but if you had it, you would :)09:00
kkathmanyou KNOW you would :)09:00
comp241Sorry to be a pest but anyone have an idea about my run-init: /sbin/init: error 80 problem?09:00
camXuniq, very smooth install09:00
v3ctordoubt it...i don;t like cars09:00
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v3ctorthey are a waste of money09:00
aseigoit's not so much that photoshop is a ferrari it's that it doesn't require you to smash your fingers in the door to turn the motor on09:00
amy_I just couldn't stand windows anymore and had tried kubuntu a year ago and decided ti was time to go back to it09:01
kkathmanoh..well I'd say you might be a bit counter-culture then and GIMP would be the tool for you :)09:01
uniqcamx: use konsole.09:01
rverripsHiyee - I'm having problems setting up KMAIL (i.e Kontact) to see my folders on a courier-imap server - They show as subfolders of INBOX, and no messages in them, even though I've setup INBOX. as the personal namespace?09:01
drcurlwhat about krita?09:01
uniqcamx: great. glad you like it :)09:01
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Drakesonhi aseigo09:01
camXuniq: how do I dial my university09:01
aseigokrita is great for basic tasks... it's absolutely rocketted along in the last 18 months, though ... i expect 2.0 to be pretty much everything i'd need =)09:02
aseigoDrakeson: yo09:02
Deshh3sp4wn: Do you have 3d acceleration?09:02
uniqcamx: i wouldn't know, as i don't know how your university setup is.09:02
h3sp4wnDesh: yes09:02
v3ctori have been trying to use krita a lot lately..it is not bad09:02
JasonLcan someone please help with my problem09:02
camXuniq: I need to run a screen editor through a direct dial modem connection09:02
uniqjasonl: what is your problem?09:02
Deshh3sp4wn: Well, can you PM me what the output of fglrxinfo is for you?09:02
JasonLok, when i try and end the session, i get back to the kubuntu screen with the blue loading bar and white text09:03
uniqcamx: i have no experience with that kind of setup. sorry.09:03
Drakesoncurrently gimp is better to use and if you customize the keybindings it can be acceptable, but in the future krita is a strong competitor09:03
JasonLbut there is no white text, and the loading bar does nothing09:03
drcurlaseigo, I was wondering, what kinda editor do a top KDE dev use to code, kate?09:03
aseigocamX: minicom09:03
DaSkreechamy_: Welcome!09:03
amy_prety much what I am needing is crw image conversion to jpeg and a better format of printing09:03
JasonLthe only thing i can do is reset my pc09:04
aseigodrcurl: i use vim and kwrite, depending on my mood =)09:04
aseigodrcurl: a lot of us use just emacs or vim though09:04
uniqjasonl: yes, the one you see at boot?09:04
DaSkreechSee the fact I have no idea waht crw images are means I should step out of this convo :)09:04
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JasonLand shutdown09:04
Drakesonamy_: I am not sure but convert might help you (a command line)09:04
amy_canon raw photos09:04
JasonLwhere all the process are started and ended09:04
JasonLnot the one where kde is loading09:05
ultm8dam how to register again09:05
DaSkreechamy_: You may want to look at digikam09:05
uniqjasonl: yes. it's called usplash.09:05
uniqubotu: tell ultm8 about register09:05
Deshh3sp4wn: besides the instructions on the ati HowTo and that line you added, was there anything else you did?09:05
Drakesonaseigo: oh! I could have betted that you use emacs09:05
JasonLi thought it might be09:05
aseigocamX: it's a console app that does what you need rather well09:05
JasonLbut why does it just hang there when i end my current session09:05
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aseigoDrakeson: personally, i hate emacs *shudder*09:05
JasonLwhy am i not taken to the login screen09:06
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camXaseigo: thanks I try it09:06
DaSkreechaseigo: vi>09:06
aseigocamX: you may need to run it with `sudo minicom` (at least the first time) when it first starts up hit ctrl+a then 'z'09:06
h3sp4wnDesh: No that was when I was using the ubuntu kernel (I am now using a rt patched version of 2.6.16) I added the ubuntu version of highmem.h to the ati installer source (It was a pretty ugly hack)09:06
aseigocamX: that will get you to the configuration and help 'window'09:06
h3sp4wnDesh: With 2.6.15 it worked fine09:07
uniqjasonl: did you try to hit ctrl+alt+f7 ?09:07
Deshh3sp4wn: So for my 2.6.15 it should work fine?09:07
JasonLwhat does that do?09:07
ultm8desh you there?09:07
Deshh3sp4wn: Maybe if I turned off Video overlay and used OpenGL overlay?09:07
h3sp4wnDesh: I am using the opengl overlay09:08
h3sp4wnDesh: I think that is what it defaults to if neither of those two lines are present09:08
uniqjasonl: that changes to KDM if it's running. KDM is the login manager. where you login.09:08
JasonLhow come it does not do it automatically though09:08
ultm8am confused desh09:08
Drakesonaseigo: I had a few questions, I can remember just one now. I can guess that you have considered various things for saving desktop sessions. is there a chance that we get a svg-like format for the desktop?09:08
Deshultm8: PM me09:09
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ultm8i registered but says i can private message until i registe09:09
neuron_so, what could be the problem?09:09
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uniqultm8: did you identify to nickserv?09:09
ultm8probably not09:09
ultm8how do i do this?09:09
Deshultm8: /nickserv identify <password>09:09
neuron_chavo: have you ever bumped into thos problem?09:09
chavoneuron_, with older version of compiz yes09:10
ultm8cool am in09:10
chavoneuron_, what does compiz --version say09:10
ultm8thanks am back09:10
camXanother wee problem, easyubuntu locked /var/lib/dpkg09:10
kbrooks_camX: no it didnt09:10
neuron_chavo: compiz 0.0.13-quinn109:11
neuron_chavo: is this right?09:11
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chavoalright that's the latest09:11
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kbrooks_camX: easyubuntu uses apt-get09:11
uniqkbrooks_: how can you be so sure it didn't ? :)09:11
chavoneuron_, you have got xgl running correct?09:11
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neuron_dont know09:11
neuron_but i think so09:11
kbrooks_uniq: the application it uses underneath does that09:11
drcurlbye all09:11
JasonLuniq i will try it now09:12
camXwell it is not letting me apt-get install minicom because it says /var/lib/dpkg is being used09:12
uniqkbrooks_: sure, but easyubuntu can do evil stuff that makes dpkg lock and hold the package database.09:12
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kbrooks_uniq: hmmm.09:12
kbrooks_camX: look at your log window09:13
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uniqcamx: 'sudo fuser -v /var/lib/dpkg/lock' - that will tell you what is using the package database.09:13
neuron_chavo: i think xgl is runing09:13
neuron_but everything crashes09:13
uniqcamx: to kill it you can use 'sudo fuser -vk /var/lib/dpkg/lock'09:13
kbrooks_camX: easyubuntu log window, i mean09:13
egonwchavo: is KDE 3.5.3 on xgl + kubuntu dapper + nvidia supposed to work?09:13
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chavoegonw, it's not officially supported, but it works09:14
camXuniq: thanks just killed it09:14
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chavoegonw, I'm working on the wiki right now, or trying too :)09:14
egonwchavo: just tried it... but applets where not docked into kicker, and konquer/amarok windows never showed up...09:14
camXdpkg --configure -a09:14
egonwchavo: ok, let me know the link...09:14
egonwwhen you're ready09:14
camXoops sorry09:15
chavoegonw, you need a newer version of xgl and compiz. the one in dapper repos is too old09:15
egonw(thanx for your comment already!)09:15
neuron_chavo: i got 1.5ghz sepron with 768mb ram, is thi enough?09:15
neuron_chavo: should i compile from cvs?09:15
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chavoneuron_, should be good enough and no need to compile from cvs09:15
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JasonLuniq, that bought up a blinking cursor in the top left, and it still did nothing09:16
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chavoneuron_, the compiz package was built from recent cvs09:16
camXoops now I'm getting sun-java5-bin needs to be reinstalled09:16
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neuron_chavo: i did something stupid i think, i followed the howto untill the part where compiz, xgl and the other stuff were downloaded and installed, while they were installing i moved on to the next step modifing files09:17
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chavoneuron_, shouldn't matter09:17
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JasonLuniq could it be my xorg.conf file, because i edited that to add my monitors vert and horiz refresh rate09:18
chavoneuron_, you're using kdm right?09:18
neuron_after installing was done, and the files were modified i restarted x, it crashed, and then i enterd in failsafe and did sudo nvidia-glx-config enable09:18
neuron_chavo: yes09:18
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egonwwell, that was 38 seconds well spent09:20
aseigoDrakeson: define "for the desktop"?09:21
neuron_well, this is dissapointing :(09:21
neuron_i realy want xgl09:21
chavoneuron_, pastebin your xorg.conf09:22
Drakesonaseigo: where you currently save the icon positions, ...09:22
neuron_i`ll try09:22
camXok sudo apt-get install fixed java - thanks all09:22
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aseigoDrakeson: the icon on the desktop concept is going away completely.09:23
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amy__ok so what other programs are a must have for kubuntu09:23
aseigoDrakeson: you'll still be able to put icons there but it's going to be a lot more like the way the panel is handled than the current "desktop as a limited function file browser" stupidity09:23
chavoamy_ anything with a K in it :)09:23
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Drakesonyeah I know that, so I guess the objects on the desktop would have way to describe their position, style, ...09:24
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neuron_chavo: http://pastebin.com/76805109:25
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Drakesonaseigo: and the style would somehow be seperated from other data09:25
amy__hi lisoe09:25
lisoecan windows and linux use the same partition for virtual memory?09:25
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neuron_lisoe: no09:25
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ultm8hey it worked desh09:26
neuron_lisoe: windows has a file on every partition with the pagefile09:26
Drakesonaseigo: and I am thinking that it might be a good idea to be able to actually draw on the desktop09:26
lisoethanks (:09:26
camXhow do I tell which tty my modem is on ?09:26
hektiskHello.  Often times, when I go to System Settings->Display and try to log into 'Administrator Mode' the box asking me for the root password doesn't appear.  The AM button becomes grayed out, and there's a red outline around where the tabs/settings should be, but there's nothing there and there's no way to log in09:26
aseigoDrakeson: "actually draw" <-- define?09:27
neuron_camX: thersa a command that any modem would respond to, but i forgot it09:27
noteventime:( k3b doesn't burn09:27
aseigoDrakeson: you mean the user draw like a paint app, or...?09:27
Deshultm8: Konsole, type fglrxinfo09:27
ultm8how can i log back into my username desh so we can pm09:27
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noteventime /msg Nickserv identify PASS09:28
Deshultm8: /nickserv identify <mapp>09:28
chavoneuron_, xorg.conf looks good, patebin your /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc09:28
phreak____I need someone who's running KDE to try to replicate a bug for me09:28
beavisim trying to install the flash player for the kunqueror and it asks where the browser is , does anyone where to install the flash player?09:28
phreak____Try to rename a folder with a . in front of it to make it invisible in Konqueror, while your in the containing dir...09:28
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noteventimephreak____, sure09:28
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ubuntuHola alguien me puee decir que es esto09:28
lisoehow large should i make the swap-partition? will half a GB do?09:29
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Drakesonaseigo: I mean putting text/custom images, lines, arrows on the desktop09:29
neuron_chavo: http://pastebin.com/76806409:29
chavoneuron_, also too make sure you've got everything run a -> sudo apt-get update, and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:29
noteventimephreak____, rename inside konqueror?09:29
rverrips>lisoe - How much ram do you have?  usually a good idea is same ammount of swap as ram ...09:29
daphreak07it crashes the window for me09:29
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noteventimedaphreak07, works here :/09:30
lisoeah, ok. a whole gigabyte, then09:30
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daphreak07are you running AMD64?09:30
daphreak07or x8609:30
aseigodaphreak07: works here. how are you changing the name? right click -> rename?09:30
daphreak07rather than simply dissapear, it crashes09:30
noteventimeamd64 on x86 ubuntu09:30
beavisim trying to install the flash player for the kunqueror and it asks where the browser is , does anyone where to install the flash player?09:30
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noteventimeopteron to be precise :)09:31
noteventimebeavis, from apt09:31
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Drakesonaseigo: once I played with the kwin window-workaround settings and made an inkscape session full-screen and tried to think how is it. I think it is a strong way to manage the desktop09:31
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aseigoDrakeson: ah, you mean as an object canvas that has more than just icons?09:32
beavisnoteventime: no , i downloaded the flash player from the macromedia website09:32
neuron_chavo: there are some things updating, and they all are from xgl.xompiz.info09:32
neuron_finished updating09:32
rackerzcan someone help me setup incoming/outgoing webcam in kopete?09:32
noteventimebeavis, Why not get it from apt?09:32
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Drakesonaseigo: yes, plus a basic drawing functionality09:32
beavisi dont know the command09:32
neuron_chavo: libcairo2,libcairo2,libcairo2 and libsvg-cairo09:32
Drakesonaseigo: is it going to be based on qgraphicsview?09:33
neuron_this is what was updated09:33
chavoneuron_, good09:33
Aapzakhey guys, are some of you having trouble with knetworkmanager?09:33
neuron_is my kderc good?09:33
neuron_i commented the main() in the last file too09:33
samuliwhat are my options for movie player in kde?09:34
Aapzakkmplayer is nice09:34
samulilooking for a fairly simple and not resource hog.09:34
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mrmistto run compiz in KDE... do I install compiz-gnome at all ???09:35
chavomrmist, yes09:36
Drakesonaseigo: being able to define areas (drawing rectangles, ... and adding meta data to objects), sorting items on one area, fixing an application window to an area, adding text, lines, connectors, ... right on the desktop, ...09:36
neuron_lol, xgl madness :D09:36
chavoneuron_, everything looks like it should work09:36
amy__ok how do I go on away in here09:36
neuron_well, it doesnt :(09:36
neuron_let me try again09:36
neuron_restarting x09:36
chavook but don't start compiz yet09:37
chavowoops he's gone09:37
mrmistBut i CAN run KDE with compiz, right ?09:37
mrmistOr will I have to run gnome ?09:37
AapzakI would run gnome with xgl,09:37
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Drakesonmrmist: compiz is just the window manager, you can run whatever you want09:38
imbrandonmrmist: kde will be fine with compiz09:38
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chavomrmist, you need compiz-gnome because compiz-kde doesn't work yet09:39
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imbrandonbut compiz-gnome will work with kde09:39
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haideri got the compiz-kde to work ok09:40
rackerzcan someone help me setup incoming/outgoing webcam in kopete?09:40
HamishTPBI am trying to install idjc in kubuntu 6.06 but it complains it can't find the package pygtk2 - as far as I can tell I have installed pygtk2 :/09:41
lime4x4will this command allow anyone to right to a folder in my home directory  sudo chmod r+rw /home/john/test09:41
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Aapzakothers write09:41
beavisok , so whats the name of the library to get as the flash player for the konqurer?09:42
lime4x4k thanks09:42
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Aapzaklime4x4, I made a mistake09:43
noteventimeMy k3b doesn't do anything, it just says starting SAO writing at 48x09:43
chavobeavis, if you extract the flash archive there's an installer script in there09:43
Aapzakno I didn't :)09:44
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AapzakI should go to bed :)   But I can't stand the network-manager is not working, it seems so nice09:44
aseigoDrakeson: one can already drag app windows around, but as for the rest .. having the desktop as a canvas with dynamic objects is what we're doing09:44
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aseigoDrakeson: so to "draw a box for some icons" is completely doable .. as will be right clicking on it and saying "make these things visible on my local network"09:45
DeshHas anyone gotten a Mibility Radeon 9700 to work with fglrx?09:45
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beavischavo: yeah i run the script but it asks me where the browser is09:46
Aapzakaseigo: these are KDE4 features?09:46
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chavobeavis, are you running it as root or user?09:46
neuron_ chavo: http://img507.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot18rs.jpg this is a screenshot i`ve made09:46
beavischavo: root09:46
aseigoAapzak: yes.09:46
neuron_i`m logged in with kde right now09:46
Aapzaksounds nice09:46
neuron_but nothing works09:46
=== aseigo notes network-manager is typical 90% software
aseigo90% done, 90% works, 90% great09:47
Drakesonaseigo: wow! that's great. can I draw items on the desktop, and drop thom on a graphics editor one day?09:47
neuron_cant even type into conversation, good thing i got xchat09:47
aseigoDrakeson: would just require someone writing a drawing plasmoid09:47
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Aapzakneuron_:  running compiz?09:47
CalilasseiaHello everyone ....09:47
chavobeavis, put it in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/09:47
=== DaSkreech tunes in to the KDE4 chat
Aapzakneuron_:  in Gentoo I didn't get compiz working as nice on KDE as it does in Gnome09:48
DeshCan anyone help me with fglrx?09:48
DaSkreechaseigo: When would you want people to be running it to debug?09:48
beavischavo:k , ty , ill try09:48
CalilasseiaAnyone know where I can find tutorials on programming in C or C++ for Kubuntu/KDE?09:48
neuron_chavo, kicker is freezing09:48
DaSkreechBefore or after the first "public" release?09:48
Drakesonaseigo: if am willing to start and fill in my empty page in plasma.kde wiki, but I have a nasty thesis to get rid of first09:48
h3sp4wnaseigo: I think its 100% unnecessary and (uses wpa_supplicant for the main parts)09:48
Drakesonaseigo: and I really mean it ;)09:48
neuron_Aapzak, hmmm, as nice as in gnome? have you got it working on kde at all? :D09:48
noteventimeCalilasseia, yes09:49
noteventimeOne moment09:49
Aapzakneuron_:  I had it working in KDE, but had some minor irritating stuff.09:49
aseigoDaSkreech: tech previews will start in early fall (possibly late summer)09:49
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bernierman it's incredible eventough i'm thinking I don't have any question to ask!!!!! =D09:49
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aseigoDrakeson: cool.. well, once your thesis is done, be sure to do so =)09:49
beavischavo: ok , i dont have mozilla-firefox , i dont have firefox installed , only the konquerer09:49
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Aapzakneuron_:  and it runs really well on gnome09:49
neuron_i dont care if its kde or if its gnome, i just want xgl09:49
DaSkreechRight right What I'm asking is do the developers want people to start jumping in before that?09:49
haiderCalilasseia: http://women.kde.org/articles/tutorials/kdevelop3/ <<--- good one09:49
Aapzakneuron_:  try gnome first, tweak your config to the max and later try KDE.09:50
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beavisis xgl that new window thing?09:50
noteventimeCalilasseia, http://developer.kde.org/documentation/index.php09:50
aseigoh3sp4wn: oh, it's not 100% unnecessary. it's very, very convenient for those of us who pack laptops around all day between various locations09:50
neuron_i dont have a ubuntu cd atm :(09:50
luixyeah xgl is nice, just got it working =)09:50
DaSkreechOr before that they know stuff is broken please don't use it and if you do use it please don't tell us09:50
neuron_luix, on kde?09:50
aseigoh3sp4wn: but yeah ... kwifimanager actually friggin' -works- ... even wireless assistant which is prettier has issues on the "works" side09:51
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beaviswhere can i read about xgl?09:51
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ubotuxgl is, like, totally, "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"09:51
noteventime!tell beavis about xgl09:51
h3sp4wnaseigo: You can just use wpa_cli if you need to connect to another network09:51
haiderguys, what is compiz-vanilla?09:51
cliebow_anyone see krootimage crashing on ltsp terminals?09:51
luixyes on kde09:51
chavobeavis, well you can put them in /usr/lib/mozilla , just create it if it's not there.09:51
Aapzakh3sp4wn: I was the one asking about network-manager09:51
neuron_chavo, have you saw the screenshot?09:51
chavobeavis, you can put it anywhere09:51
CalilasseiaOK, those two websites will keep me occupied for a while ... thanks :)09:51
Drakesonaseigo: btw, do you know of any standard for desktop objects for freedesktop.org (or plan to build one)?09:51
noteventimehaider, vanilla usually means unmodefied09:51
chavoand then go to the plugins page and add that directory to the search path09:51
haidernoteventime: ahh, thx09:52
Aapzakhaider: you need vanilla if you wish to run it on KDE09:52
aseigoh3sp4wn: using the cli is no problem. iwconfig/iwlist did it for me for a long time. it's about convenience and, most importantly, building a desktop for the general public09:52
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haiderAapzak: are you sure?09:52
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aseigoDrakeson: the gnome people are moving to out-of-process applets and were interested in having kde adopt a similar model09:52
haiderOk, ill try! :)09:52
luixwhoa whoa what's vanilla09:52
neuron_chavo, kicker is not freezed, i can still get in the K menu, but it has wierd bottuns that i cant get rid of09:52
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luixi'm running Xgl/Compiz and i've never touched any thing vanilla like09:52
aseigoDrakeson: but i feel (for reasons i've enumerated in detail in the past) that that is a very broken route to take. in fact, we moved -away- from that model completely in the kde3 series09:52
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Aapzakluix: vanilla was introduced recently09:53
luixalthough i do have to use gnome-window-decorator, is vanilla a way around that?09:53
aseigoDrakeson: other than that, no, there is no such standard. it will be at least two releases of plasma before i'd be ready/comfortable to entertain the thought of writing up a spec09:53
beavisdoes xgl work with KDE?09:53
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aseigoDrakeson: at this point i'm more interested in innovating than standardizing this aspect of the desktop09:53
weedaris nfs the preferred method to share partitions between linux machines?09:53
haiderAapzak: when i install vanilla, it removes the other compiz's!09:53
Drakesonaseigo: you are right, I understand it.09:54
h3sp4wnaseigo: I don't agree with polling the accesspoint constantly in order to provide a graph (which is meaningless anyway - as most probably the transmit and recieve antennas will be of different strengths)09:54
Aapzakyeah, you can have only one09:54
beavisdoes xgl work with KDE?09:54
neuron_not for me tho :(09:54
noteventimeneuron_ not?09:54
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Aapzakh3sp4wn: network-manager switches networks for you when one becomes unavailable, thats nice09:54
chavoneuron_, you running kde 3.5.3?09:54
beavisalright,  now i have something new to spend 2 days trying to get to work09:54
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noteventimebeavis, getting what to work?09:55
yonkeltronis there a list of supported languages for kdevelop3?09:55
neuron_i go tkubuntu 6.0909:55
christoph66I just installed the newest ubuntu and now I am running the kubuntu live cd (also the latest one). On both of them when I change my resolution to the 1280x1024 that the LCD takes natively my display is all borked and in a convulted way is basically showing some of the desktop but then repeats near all the side. Its like it is tiling 1024x768 (or whatever) across the screen. What gives?09:55
noteventimeahh :) sorry stupid me09:55
beavisxgl+kde haha09:55
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noteventimebeavis, xgl+compix+kde ;)09:55
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Aapzaktrue, it;s about compiz09:55
beavisi dont even know what compiz is09:55
LiNuX_LoVeR_17My sound isn't working how can I fix it?09:55
Drakesonaseigo: I feel the need for such standard but of course it won't happen before enough experiment. for now, perhaps having a large set of good plasmoids on kde-look might provide a force in that direction.09:56
diopcan anyone tell me if the RT2570 works on dapper dist?09:56
RiskbreakerXgl is just an Xserver with openGL, compiz is what does the special effects09:56
h3sp4wnAapzak: wireless does that automatically anyway if you just have 2 accesspoints on the same ssid but different channels i.e 1 and 13 (100 ms or so to switch always uses the strongest)09:56
haiderbeavis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=84507709:56
Aapzakcompiz is what we all call xgl, the eyecandy window manager09:56
noteventimebeavis, Compiz does all those nice effects09:56
neuron_gnome-window-decoration doesnt do anything09:56
diopi compile ntimes the source for the drivers and nothing09:56
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chavoneuron_, gnome-window-decorator09:56
beavisohhh , yeah , does it work with ati cards?09:56
neuron_yup, typo, sorry09:56
noteventimebeavis, What ATI card?09:56
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diopone week on it and no results09:56
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beavisany guides out there for getting the xgl ? x850xt09:56
Drakesonaseigo: when do you recommend to start building/porting plasmoids?09:56
neuron_i can even right-click on the desktop09:57
Aapzakh3sp4wn: network-manager does also switch to eth or other essids09:57
neuron_but i cant move windows09:57
neuron_or anything09:57
noteventimebeavis, :/ moment I will take a look if it works09:57
neuron_and kicker seems to act strange09:57
noteventimeI doubt is does09:57
Aapzakh3sp4wn: thats convience I like a lot, I just want it to work09:57
neuron_i cant type in some textboxes09:57
h3sp4wnAapzak: Are you using atheros ?09:57
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chavoneuron_, run kwin --replace to get your window decorations bak09:58
Aapzakit's tough finding a good pcmcia wifi card09:58
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h3sp4wnAapzak: No chance of getting it to work unless you use the 2xx from sourceforge09:58
weedarralink are great09:58
noteventimebeavis, http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Video_Card_Support_Under_XGL#ATI_Cards09:58
diopAapzak: i think we have the same pb09:58
weedarthe drivers work and also support WPA without you needing wpa-supplicant, just FYI09:58
beavisnoteventime:  thanks man , so u running xgl?09:58
diopweedar:  how09:58
h3sp4wnweedar: But the radios are poor quality09:59
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Aapzakh3sp4wn: I also have a linksys acx111 card here09:59
weedarh3sp4wn: I haven't really had any worse experience with them than with Belkin09:59
chavoneuron_, did you run kwin --replace ?09:59
diopone week on it and no results till now09:59
Aapzakh3sp4wn: which seems to be even crapier09:59
noteventimebeavis, not until i get a new vga cooler09:59
weedardiop: check out the rt2500 page on wiki.ubuntu.com - I'm the one using the "third" recipe for WPA09:59
neuron_that worked09:59
LiNuX_LoVeR_17My sound isn't working how can I fix it? AmaroK works but the system sounds don't. How can I fix it?09:59
h3sp4wnrt2x00.serialmonkey.com is the drivers you need (to use with xext)09:59
weedardiop: all you have to do is change the settings in /etc/network/interfaces09:59
neuron_kicker acted a bit strange10:00
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h3sp4wnweedar: He specifically wants network manager10:00
diopweedar: are you on dapper ?10:00
weedardiop: sure am10:00
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neuron_everything seems to work right now10:00
neuron_but no efects10:00
beavisnoteventime: what card are you using?10:00
Aapzakh3sp4wn: I believe Ubuntu uses those drivers, thats what I see in dmes10:00
weedarh3sp4wn: ah, he wants a gui to set up WPA?10:00
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chavoneuron_, yeah that just got you back to the kde window manager10:01
diopi am too but i have tried many sources but still now nothing10:01
noteventimebeavis, xfx 7600GT, its to loud when the fan is on high10:01
neuron_chavo, i got a problem with the display settings10:01
Aapzakdiop: I want a semi-automatic solution10:01
neuron_let me take a screenshot10:01
chavoneuron_, try running this -> LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa compiz --replace gconf & gnome-window-decorator10:01
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neuron_nice :D10:01
neuron_its works now :D10:02
beavisnoteventime: yeah , the leaf blower?  i use water for cpu and the video10:02
LiNuX_LoVeR_17My sound isn't working how can I fix it? AmaroK works but the system sounds don't. How can I fix it?10:02
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Can anyone help me?10:02
h3sp4wnAapzak: Maybe it changed I dumped ralink when it all got broken in dapper (switched to atheros and now I have no problems at all)10:02
lime4x4oky i'm lost...lol i need to change this folders permission along with all it's contents i tried chmod 777 and that's not working i need to let anyone read and write to it10:02
weedarI really have trouble understanding why the people behind wlassistant, kwlan and knetworkmanager could get together to create ONE wifi-GUI10:02
noteventimebeavis, Cool, thats a little outside my budget though :)10:02
Aapzakh3sp4wn: what are you using now?10:02
defrysk LiNuX_LoVeR_17 http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch04s03.html10:02
beavisnoteventime: yeah , had it laying around in the besement from like 6 years ago , i fugured i put it to use10:03
chavoneuron_, so it's working?10:03
beavis_beavis: hi10:03
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Aapzakh3sp4wn: the ralink also works in windows and osx, which is why I still tolerate that thing in my machine10:03
beavisbeavis_: hi10:03
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beavis_beavis: you're not registered, right?10:03
beavisbeavis_: nope10:04
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beavis_beavis: I just wanted to check who hijacked my nick ;)10:04
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h3sp4wnAapzak: madwifi is opensource apart from the hal (which controls the frequency etc) - madwifi-ng apparantly works flawlessly with network manager10:04
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=== Aapzak is logging out and starting KDE (which I just apt-got)
beavisbeavis_: yeah i dont register nicks10:05
beavisi just use whatever10:05
Aapzakh3sp4wn: madwifi = atheros?10:05
h3sp4wnAapzak: Yes10:05
Aapzakwpa2 also works?10:05
h3sp4wnAapzak: Yes10:05
LiNuX_LoVeR_17defrysk, I already have that and the system sounds were working at the start but now they aren't.10:05
AapzakI'm gonna google some more tomorrow10:06
lime4x4sudo chmod 777 /home/mike/test Still won't allow another app to read or write to it10:06
aseigoDrakeson: at least not until the tech previews10:06
defryskLiNuX_LoVeR_17, got amarok set to the xine engine ?10:06
noteventimehttp://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b264/noteventime/hmmm.jpg <- Could someone say why k3b doesn't get any further than this?10:07
LiNuX_LoVeR_17defrysk, it is not amaroK that isn't working, It is it is just the system sounds that aren't.10:07
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defryskLiNuX_LoVeR_17, they just "stopped"?10:08
gilwhat is the story with all in one printers Lexmark?10:08
LiNuX_LoVeR_17and I have tryed restarting my system multiple times10:08
LiNuX_LoVeR_17but it hasn't come back10:08
defryskLiNuX_LoVeR_17, got kopete running or someting?10:08
gildo they work in dapper?10:08
noteventimeLiNuX_LoVeR_17, Try enabling full dublex10:08
LiNuX_LoVeR_17I have kmess10:08
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defrysklime4x4, listen to noteventime10:09
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LiNuX_LoVeR_17it still doesn't work10:09
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neuron_chavo, i got it working for a moment10:10
neuron_its working now10:10
defryskLiNuX_LoVeR_17, set arts also to xine10:10
neuron_but when i try to alt10:10
neuron_alt+tab everything goes poof again10:10
defryskthe soundserver10:10
quidoaapzak -> quido :)10:11
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chavoneuron_, yeah you gotta unload the dock plugin10:11
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Where can I find it?10:11
chavoneuron_, did you install gset-compiz?10:11
neuron_yup, found it in the kmenu10:11
noteventimeLiNuX_LoVeR_17, output plugin10:12
chavook run it and then uncheck the dock plugin, it's pretty buggy10:12
defrysksystemsetting multimedia soundsystem hardware tab10:12
neuron_how do i unload it?10:12
neuron_i just uncheck it?10:12
neuron_everything is running now10:13
defryskno its not10:13
defryskone sec10:13
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Ok but I can't find xine10:13
neuron_how can i make it start this way?10:13
defryskLiNuX_LoVeR_17, set it to opensound system10:13
chavoneuron_, another bug to watch out for is that quitting apps with a systray icon will crash the panel10:13
defryskinseat of auto10:13
hektiskhello all, quick question...10:13
gildefrysk: can u tell me where to get lexmark all in one drivers for dapper10:13
hektisk usually when I go to System Settings->Display and try to log into 'Administrator Mode' the box asking me for the root password doesn't appear.  The AM button becomes grayed out, and there's a red outline around where the tabs/settings should be, but there's nothing there and there's no where for me to type my password so I can't change any settings...anyone know why this is happening, or how I can fix this problem?10:13
quidoweird, kwirelessnetwork works even worse than the gnome version10:14
neuron_i got 4 crashed tabs in kicker :|10:14
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defrysktic gil lexmark is tha sucks and provides......almost nothing10:14
LiNuX_LoVeR_17defrysk it still doesn't work10:14
christoph66I am running kubuntu on a laptop with an ATI Mobility 9600. Does anyone know how to get 1280x1024 resolution to work? When I try to set it, it basically just tiles the 1024x768.. but it looks worse than that even. Any help?10:14
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gilso no go on my lexmark x2350? is that what you are saying?10:15
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defrysknoteventime could you help LiNuX_LoVeR_17 ?10:15
chavoneuron_, add ShowAllWindows=true  underneath the [General]  section in ~/.kde/share/config/taskbarrc10:15
defryskgil not sure but lexmark is the worst choice on linux10:15
chavothat will fix the taskbar problems for now10:15
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gilits the only printer i have sitting around here....BTW thanks for the help yesterday10:17
neuron_i got a ktaskbarrc10:17
neuron_and no general section10:17
sokubanIt is possible to have write access on a windows partition? My windows partition is FAT32 (So I thought it might be possible)10:17
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neuron_just a $Version10:17
neuron_should i create one?10:17
defryskgil I have a read for you10:17
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chavojust make it [General]  ,just like that10:17
neuron_and one other thing10:18
neuron_when i try to change my rs in the display settings10:18
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defryskgil the link is dead unfortunately10:19
neuron_it says "The module Display could not be loaded."10:19
kronozanyone any idea about how to fix this10:19
gildefrysk: what was it....10:19
defryskgil, but try the Lexmark x125 driver10:19
neuron_Possible reasons:10:20
neuron_An error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned contorl module10:20
neuron_YOu have old third party modules lying around10:20
christoph66Where do I go to install kdevelop?10:20
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neuron_and i cant change my resolution10:20
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chrisnAnyone here who can possibly answer a problem regarding apt-get and certain 'missing' packages10:21
gildefrysk:tried it...no go...10:21
farouschrisn: ask your question10:21
gilthis is an all in one printer with only one cartridge for both color/black10:21
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defryskgil this is what ubuntuforums has to say about lexmark ... :( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152576&highlight=lexmark+x235010:22
chrisnWell for example mplayer is one of these packages.  So is libxine-extracodecs.  I have enabled the universe and multiverse repositories10:22
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ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .10:22
defryskHP and Epson are the bestsupported printers for Linux. Usually you can get them to work.10:22
sokubanIt is possible to have write access on a windows partition? My windows partition is FAT32 (So I thought it might be possible)10:22
kronozchrisn, paste the output of the fialed operations thre10:23
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farouschrisn: again i can not understand your prob. do you mean you can not find some packages10:23
kronozsokuban: yes10:23
chrisnI mean that the apt-get can't find them.  Let me past the output one sec10:23
weedarWhile doing an apt-get upgrade I keep seeing alot of packages beeing kept-back - Is this common?10:23
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farouschrisn: did you reload your source file after enabling the extra repos10:23
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noteventimeLiNuX_LoVeR_17, Did you fix it?10:24
chrisnHere it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1534010:24
noteventimeohh, left10:24
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neuron_chavo, how do i change my res?10:24
chrisnYou mean 'sudo apt-get update' ?10:24
Chris_Hcan anyone reccomend a good video codec pack for linux?10:24
kronozsokuban, well, is the windows partition hda1/hda2/hda3/hda4? sudo mount /dev/[windows hd partition]  /media/windows remember to make /media/windows first10:24
Chris_HKubuntu Dapper10:25
Chris_Hmainly using Kaffeine10:25
shawn__ok. ive installed firefox and associated torrent files with azureus, but azureus doesnt work. does anyone know where the @#$! i can change this? one would think in Edit->Prefs->Downloads but, heh, nope.10:25
kronozChris_H, libxine-extracodecs & w32codecs10:25
sokubanthat gives me read access, but I want to write on it10:25
kronozChris_H, is this computer online yet?10:25
Chris_Hnot yet, but i got the router off ebay last night10:25
gilderfrysk: thanks///reading....that sucks the big one....10:25
Chris_His it just worth waiting until its online?10:25
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defryskgil, sorry10:25
farouschrisn: try searching for the proper name use adept or sudo aptitude search10:26
ahmenineuron_: your initial resolution, or change it while X is running?10:26
gilok maybe you can help me with my built in card reader10:26
neuron_while x is running10:26
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gilon  my laptop....10:26
chrisnfarous: I have used adept.  It isn't there10:26
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neuron_xgl :D10:26
ahmenineuron_: check out krandrtray10:26
defrysklexmark is evil stay away from it , their cartridges are way to expensive and refills aren allowed10:26
uniqsokuban: you can have it mountable by your user. if you set the 'users' option in fstab. then you can click it in media:/10:26
farouschrisn: can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list file on the pastebin10:26
gilit was available to the grad students in my department for really cheap10:27
chrisnfarous: yes one second10:27
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defryskgil, the machine is cheap10:27
gilgot it for like 20 bucks.....worked ok in  windows10:27
defryskso is the company10:27
defryski had a lexmark too10:27
gildefrysk, do you have any experience with these built in card readers....10:28
sokubanunder options I put defaults,user10:28
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defrysknow I have a nice samsung laser printer10:28
farouschrisn: i think mplayer is installed by default10:28
defryskcheap and running like a charm10:28
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gili have a tosh m40x.....i cant get dapper to pick it up10:28
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neuron_chavo, how can i get xgl to run when i log in10:28
bernierhi, i have a sony network walkman (nw-e75) and it uses sonicstage to convert and transfer music to it. Unfortunately, sonicstage is for windows only and can't transfer music when running on wine. do you guys know anything with which i could trasfer my music to my mp3 player?10:28
uniqsokuban: users to be able to unmount too.10:29
neuron_and to wokr aswell10:29
shawn__ok. ive installed firefox and associated torrent files with azureus, but azureus doesnt work. does anyone know where the @#$! i can change this? one would think in Edit->Prefs->Downloads but, heh, nope. Can ANYONE help? I can't believe this isnt a really easy thing to accomplish.10:29
defryskgil, http://www.linuxprinting.org/10:29
neuron_this is my last question :D10:29
aapzakneuron_: you got it working?10:29
neuron_yup :D10:29
farouschrisn: oh it is in multiverse10:30
sokubanuniq: so you are saying that if I put an s at the end I will able to write? I can read the disk fine I just can't write to it, it gives me an access denied10:30
chrisnfarous: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1534110:30
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chrisnSo the multiverse repositories are there.10:31
chavoneuron_, save this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15342 as ~/.kde/Autostart/compiz.desktop10:31
uniqsokuban: i would use the options 'defaults,noauto,users' that will not automatically mount it at boot, but after login you can go to media:/ and mount it.10:31
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uniqsokuban: when you mount it as a user, you can also unmount it as a user, and I think you also can write to it as the user mounting.10:31
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neuron_whould i restart X to see if it works?10:32
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farouschrisn: no it is not. your 6 line should have universe and multiverse in it10:32
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farous!tell chrisn about easy source10:32
farous!tell chrisn about easysource10:33
neuron_restarting :P10:33
farouschrisn: for an easy generated source list check ubotu link10:33
chrisnthanks Farous.  Will do10:33
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neuron_it works10:33
noteventimehttp://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b264/noteventime/hmmm.jpg <- could someone help me with this?10:34
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james_if i want to add gnome desktop to my system, but not a whole truckload of gnome apps, do i just apt-get install gnome-desktop?? and then will i be able to choose the type of session i want at boot-up?10:34
neuron_but i still need to run gnome-kde-decorator10:34
neuron_and display settings still dont work10:34
aapzakgtg guys, read and sleep10:34
shawn__ok. ive installed firefox and associated torrent files with azureus, but azureus doesnt work. does anyone know where the @#$! i can change this? one would think in Edit->Prefs->Downloads but, heh, nope. Can ANYONE help? I can't believe this isnt a really easy thing to accomplish. Firefox instructs me to "Change the association in your preferences." but Edit->Preferences has nothing10:35
uniqjames_: there is no gnome-desktop meta package as far as i know. if you don't want all ubuntu-desktop i fear you'll have to specify package by package.10:35
aapzakyou're in a kde channel and are asking about firefox, maybe noone uses firefox here :)10:35
xwolf-shawn__  you can download another torrent and change through the download dialog.10:36
aapzakand ...azureus10:36
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james_uniq: ok, thank you10:36
aapzakshawn__: I use Konqueror and ktorrent10:36
farousme too10:36
shawn__xwolf: the download dialogue doesnt appear, it automatically tries to open with azureus10:36
neuron_chavo: the windows still dont have titlebars10:36
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shawn__yeah i want to use ktorrent, i just cant get firefox to open with it10:36
chavoneuron_, make sure in your compiz.desktop the the Exec= is all on one line10:37
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JasonLcan someone help, i just made a new partition and it is mounted but i cannot write to it10:37
xwolf-shawn__ you just couldnt get to edit -> prefs -> downloads -> show and edit actions?10:37
defryskshawn__, works here but it needed a restart of ktorrent and firefox10:37
xwolf-JasonL an ext3 partition?10:38
xwolf-is it mounted read-only?10:38
xwolf-if yes, mount it with '-o rw'10:38
JasonLrw in fstab10:38
xwolf-do you have clearance to write there?10:39
uniqjasonl: you must give yourself access to write to it. By default only root have write access to the mountpoint.10:39
neuron_chavo: that was the problem, restarting x again10:39
JasonL"/dev/sda6 /media/sda6 ext2 nouser,defaults,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 1" in fstab10:39
xwolf-JasonL i think adding 'user' will do it10:39
JasonLchanging nouser to user?10:39
uniqjasonl: you don'10:39
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xwolf-lemme check.10:40
JasonLor just add user10:40
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JasonLsorry uniq??10:40
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uniqjasonl: you don't need all that. "/dev/sda6 /media/sda6 ext2 defaults 0 1" would do it. it's all defaults.10:40
JasonLok =)10:40
JasonLits sudo mount -a after fstab has been change right?10:41
JasonLstill get access denied10:41
chrisnJust a random question.  Has anyone managed to get Konquerer to work with Gmail's advanced interface?10:42
uniqjasonl: and. what you need to do, is to make a directory in /media/sda6, for example /media/sda6/jason, and give your user write access to it. that would be "sudo mkdir /media/sda6/jason" and "sudo chown username.username -R /media/sda6/jason"10:42
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chavochrisn, yes but it doesn't work perfectly10:42
mrmistHi guys10:42
uniqjasonl: "sudo mount -o remount /media/sda6" after changing fstab.10:42
JasonLso i cant have access to write to the root of the driver?10:42
mrmistI'm getting a error message when trying to load compiz10:42
mrmist GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing10:43
sager_Is it possible to install kdevelop through Adept? When I type in kdevelop it doesn't return anything10:43
chrisnchavo: ah anything special in the configuration.  I found that none of the links or buttons worked10:43
mrmistAnyone seen this ??10:43
xwolf-JasonL FYI, user is only about being possible for non-root accounts to mount it. nothing to do with write permissions10:43
noteventimesager_, kdevelop310:43
JasonLok xwolf10:43
JasonLuniq, is there no way for me to be able to write to the root of the drive?10:44
uniqjasonl: yes you can, but you must give yourself write access to it. giving users access to the partition mountpoint is generally not a good idea, you can of course mount the partition uid/gid but I do not recommend it.10:44
JasonLwell it used to be NTFS, and i wanted to be able to write to it10:44
JasonLso i moved all my files from NTFS to my home foler10:44
JasonLnow i want them back on sda6 in the same order10:44
sager_noteventime: ahhI had to fetch updates10:44
JasonLthat means putting stuff on the root of the driver10:45
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mrmistAnyone ??10:46
mrmistI'm trying to get compiz to work10:46
noteventimemrmist, old drivers10:46
JasonLuniq, can i ask why you do not recommend it10:46
mrmistI get "No managable screens found on display:0.0010:46
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noteventimeYou don't have the extension you mentioned10:46
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noteventimemrmist, are you running Xgl?10:47
mrmistnoteventime: ah... How do I install new ones ?10:47
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mrmistnoteventime: How do I know? I've installed the compiz package. Doesn't it install the rest for me ?10:47
noteventimemrmist, If you want to use compiz you need to run Xgl10:47
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noteventimeit's an OpenGL accelerated xserver10:48
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mrmistnoteventime: I've got it on my system, but I'm unsure if that's what Im actually running10:48
mrmist"ps -A | grep xgl -i" gives me nothing10:48
noteventimemrmist, then it isn't10:48
ubotuxgl is, like, "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"10:49
JasonLuniq ?10:49
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mrmistDo I have to reconfiugure xorg.conf to load xgl then ?10:49
uniqjasonl: hang on. on the phone.10:50
uniqjasonl: 2 min.10:50
JasonLahh ok, sorry =)10:50
noteventimemrmist, It's a whole new xorg :)10:50
JasonLnatures calling so ill take the time to answer10:50
noteventimemrmist, You need to create a symlink from /usr/bin/Xgl to /etc/X11/X but talk to someone who knows a bit about it so you can be sure you get full performance10:51
noteventimemrmist, /join #ubuntu-xgl10:51
kkathmanyou have to have a pretty fast/current vid card for it to work also mrmist10:51
noteventimekkathman, I've been using it on an old Geforce2 mx440 without any problems10:52
noteventimeAll eye candy on10:52
kkathmanwell, I wouldnt call that old tho :)10:52
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noteventimeit's 5 years old10:52
uniqjasonl: yes, you can just give yourself write access to the mountpoint and below. This is how to do it: Make sure sda6 is mounted. if not; "sudo mount /media/sda6", then "chown username.username -R /media/sda6". and you've got full access to the partition root.10:52
ahmeniOlder nvidia cards work with xgl, but older Radeon cards don't :(10:53
noteventimekkathman, 5 years old :) It works on old tnt2 cards without any problem10:53
kkathmanalot of newer PCs have very insufficient vid cards in them so it pays to double check the specs needed... thats all I'll say :)10:53
JasonLok, why would you advise against it may i ask?10:53
uniqjasonl: why it is bad practice, good question, i just never do it, might not be bad practice at all, actually.10:53
JasonLi wouldnt trust myself with root access to / but to another partition i like to have control of all =)10:54
JasonLuniq mount: invalid option -- R10:54
uniqjasonl: yes, I was thinking that too, but it's not critical as it's just for user stuff. So it won't be a problem :)10:55
uniqjasonl: try -r then.10:55
JasonLok =)10:55
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cicciohi there10:55
uniqhi ciccio.10:56
ciccioI'd like to mount a ntfs partition rw but I am not able to, what can I do10:56
uniqjasonl: -R is correct for chown.10:56
JasonLchown: `/media/sda6/lost+found': Permission denied10:56
JasonLchown: changing ownership of `/media/sda6': Operation not permitted10:56
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DaSkreech!tell ciccio about NTFS10:56
JasonLyeh, i typed it wrong =)10:56
JasonLbut then go that10:56
uniqjasonl: ah.. my mistake. put sudo infront.10:56
JasonLoh yes10:56
h3sp4wnciccio: Captive ntfs10:56
JasonLsilly me, i should of seen that too *bangs head*10:57
JasonLim not that dumb, honest =P10:57
noteventimeciccia, you need ntfs tools10:57
uniqjasonl: me neither, honest :)10:57
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ciccioand is there a way to browse samba shares via kde ?10:57
DaSkreechnikkiana: Hello again :)10:57
JasonL=) it works10:57
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JasonLty uniq10:57
uniqciccio: you can use smb:/ in konqueror.10:58
uniqjasonl: no problem. happy to help. :)10:58
JasonLwish i knew as much about linux as i do windows10:58
nikkianahi DaSkreech10:58
=== DaSkreech waves at the nikki one
cicciouniq: but is there a sort of smbtree with a gui ?10:58
DaSkreechJasonL: You'll regret that one day10:58
=== nikkiana has a melted brain and thanks the heavens that Kubuntu is easy to deal with.
uniqciccio: there is a utility called "smb4k"10:59
JasonLthe fact i know alot about windows?10:59
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DaSkreechYeah that too :)10:59
JasonLi already do10:59
JasonLmore employers want linux, and im just leaving school and going into college10:59
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JasonLunfortunetly no college does anything to do with linux =(11:00
DaSkreechJasonL: Really?11:00
uniqnite ppl. going shopping with my GF tomorrow, need alot of sleep.11:00
DaSkreech JasonL: More peopel ask about Linux than Windows?11:00
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JasonLno, just these days people ask about linux more11:00
=== DaSkreech packs nikkiana's brain into a nice mold and puts it to freeze
=== nikkiana thanks DaSkreech
JasonLtheres alot more jobs wanting linux experience11:00
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judgendell has high demand on linux techies11:01
JasonLi myself want to be self employed11:01
DaSkreechJasonL: Thats very interesting I should move ot your place11:01
h3sp4wnJasonL: I made did quite a good contract which involved writing scripts to check iis was running - interface for restarting certain services from windows over ssh - migrated 1000 websites from one to the other with less than 5 mins downtime11:01
judgendell now has 25 of its server customers running linux11:02
judgenand its growing fast11:02
DaSkreechjudgen: See that's not a majority11:02
JasonLsounds cool h3sp4wn11:02
h3sp4wnJasonL: That was nt 4 to windows 2000 (mainly in cygwin though using a few tools from the server resourcekit)11:02
DaSkreech and it's still bug #111:02
JasonLi couldnt get my head around cygwin11:02
judgeneven though apache looses ground, in the real server tasks (not http) microsoft is loosing over 3% a year11:03
JasonLthe world will be a better place when bug #1 is fixed11:03
h3sp4wnDo you think it ever will be ?11:03
judgenDaSkreech: concidering that dell started supporting linx 2 months ago i think 25% is impressive11:03
JasonLone day, its not going to happen over night though11:03
JasonLonce people begin to realise that it really is free and good11:04
h3sp4wnWho do you think will do it - google is the only company at this moment I think capable11:04
judgenthat shows the overwhaleming demand for linux even in the dell-wintel camp11:04
JasonLi think we shall have to work together11:04
JasonLno single person or company will be able to do it11:04
cicciohdb1 is still unaccessible11:04
cicciodr-x------ 1 root root 102400 2006-06-08 07:59 hdb111:04
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: You forget who makes google powerful :)11:04
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JasonLthe users =P11:05
judgenhaha some dude at osnews posted that ms should buy google, i LOL at that motion. since microsoft couldnt afford it even if they sold their windows division11:05
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judgengoogle is valued at more than 2/3 of the total dm of microsoft.. that means, in reality that if ms wants to buy google they have to sell everything they own except the hardware portion =)11:06
JasonLwhat linux really needs is someone to start selling it as standard on pcs11:06
cicciobye thanks11:06
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: But users on their own cannot convince business to use things easily - If google produced a desktop11:06
judgenJasonL:  NO11:06
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: have you seen the Linux Use and Firefox Use survey?11:07
JasonLhow no?11:07
ahmeniChinese characters are showing up in firefox, but not konqueror :(11:07
judgenwhat linux need is a governmetn that makes opensource mandatory (in denmark they have gone faar in thet direction)11:07
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: No but I don't trust market research11:07
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: it was done but OSDL and Mozilla11:07
kkathmanJasonL:  actually you arent that far off... linuxheads wont agree with you, but from a global economic standpoint, thats what would push things forward11:07
judgenahmeni: have you installed the konq addons?11:07
JasonLwell IMO a good step will be getting linux sold with new pxs11:08
SeanTaterMy sound won;t work after upgrading dapper to KDE 3.5.3 -- can anyone help?11:08
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Most people who didn't want to answer / couldn't be bothered would be using windows11:08
ahmenijudgen: what's the package called?11:08
DaSkreech both showed that businesses that are looking at Linux/firefox in the Business place are doing it mostly because the people in the business are asking for it11:09
JasonLone thing that would definately help, awareness11:09
judgenahmeni: i dont speak chineese, try "apt-cache search chineese"  but with proper spelling =P11:09
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judgeni never knew that kopete had such an excellent irc client11:10
judgeni always used ksirc, but after this venture i think ksirc does not stand a chance11:10
rackerzcan someone help me setup incoming/outgoing webcam in kopete?11:10
JasonLhas anyone actually been into a pc shop and tried to use a live cd?11:10
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: the masses have power if they complain :)11:10
kkathmanjudgen:  have you given kvirc a whirl??11:10
judgenrackerz:  do you have wecam support in the preferences?11:11
DaSkreechjudgen: tried konversation?11:11
judgenDaSkreech:  yes11:11
yonkeltroni can't unmmount my cd drive!11:11
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: I only complain if I am expected to use windows on my desktop11:11
kkathmanlol konversation is just pretty much run of the mill11:11
JasonLi actually got thrown out of my local pc shop because i tried it...11:11
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Yup :)11:11
rackerzjudgen yes i do. it all works the webcam just wont send out. if my brother asks to see my webcam it lets him because he is my network.11:11
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Good thing I'm at a 90% Linux company11:12
judgenkkathman:  the good thing is that it only uses one cpu process instead of me using many11:12
DaSkreechwe have 2 macs11:12
kkathmanjudgen:  http://www.kvirc.net/11:12
JasonLsounds similar to my problem rackerz, i cant send or receive files over msn in kopete11:12
judgenkkathman: since i use many protocolls11:12
judgenkkathman:  tried kopete irc-plugin?11:12
kkathmanI personnally hate that tabbed channel thing11:12
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rackerzyeah i just want to use a webcam, why does it have to be so complicated?11:13
kkathmanand I havent found another IRC client that doesnt have that tabbed thing11:13
sager_Does anyone know of anyone good, free, graphical boot managers?11:13
rackerznot meaning to be rude there11:13
JasonLdo you have a router rackerz?11:13
rackerzYep. I've set and forwarded the port11:13
judgeni have no tabs even as default in kopete11:13
kkathmanjudgen:  yes, when you want multiple channels open...I want to see the conversation in ALL channels, not tab to see the first...then tab to see the second...etc11:13
JasonLi think the router is the problem, i have all msn ports open but still no luck11:13
rackerzyep. its stupid, kopete shouldn't even be asking for ports it should just try to let it all work.11:14
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judgenkkathman:  then use kopete11:14
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judgenkkathman:  there are no tabls11:14
kkathmanjudgen:  I use kvirc :)11:14
rackerzjudgen so do you have any idea how i can get webcam working?11:14
JasonLi can understand it wanting ports, but theres not much info on what ports11:14
rackerzyeah i know :(11:15
JasonLanyone actually know what ports kopete uses for file transfer?11:15
judgenrackerz: what chipset of you webcam11:15
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judgenrackerz:  i use a bt878 and it has worked for years11:15
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Christmas_Qt: 3.3.611:15
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rackerzjudgen logitech quickcam messenger, it works in kopete fine. i can send my webcam to my brother who is in my network. just not to my friends who are outside it11:16
judgenaaah, then its the usual forwading error11:16
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: I was setting up a company I would use sunrays I like the smartcard way of doing stuff - does ubuntu support sunray server ?11:16
judgenrackerz: just forward the regular webcam ports11:16
rackerzjudgen what are they?11:16
JasonLjudgen, what are the ports for file transfer?11:16
judgenwindows bypasses this by using a "lmited udp" connection11:17
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: /me shrugs11:17
rackerzjudgen so how can it be fixed in linux? what are the ports?11:17
judgenrackerz: try googling, but its not kopete specific.. wecams in tcp mode all work in the same ports (mostly)11:17
yannuxDaSkreech: are you here ? :)11:17
DaSkreechyannux: Yes11:18
rackerzMSN 1863-1863 tcp udp (checked)11:18
rackerzMSN 5190-5190 udp (checked)11:18
rackerzMSN 6891-6900 tcp (checked)11:18
rackerzMSN 6901-6901 tcp udp (checked)11:18
rackerzdo they look correct judgen?11:18
JasonLjudgen i have 3891 3901 and 3900 open, the msn ports, still no file transfer11:18
rackerz6891 for transfer i think./11:19
yannuxDaSkreech:  yeah pv  ;)11:19
judgenrackerz: ye11:19
judgensure does11:19
JasonLoh, sorry11:19
JasonLgot them wrong11:19
rackerzah :P11:20
DaSkreechnew math11:20
JasonL6891 6901 and 690011:20
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judgenthe webcam in msn uses udp so it does not work the same way.. you have to forward udp too11:20
judgennot only tcp ports11:20
JasonLsure is DaSkreech11:20
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rackerzso the udp ports as well as tcp?11:20
JasonLi have both open :(11:21
rackerzi'll be back in abit then :P11:21
JasonLtransfers still jus hang11:21
mikedep333hey guys, how do I put my comp in hibernate or the other power states from KDE upon my request?11:21
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mikedep333I know it works, since the power daemon can do those states.11:21
mikedep333in my previous distro, I could do this from the logout/shutdown menu11:22
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judgenDaSkreech: you are becoming an regular in #kubuntu arent you =) i always like a regular =)11:22
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=== DaSkreech looks around with shifty eyes
aboaprihas anyone had problems with the screen saver not starting?11:23
judgenaboapri: gl-screensaver?11:23
aboapriany screensaver.11:23
mikedep333aboapri, no11:23
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mikedep333I've had trouble with it continuing to stay animated11:23
judgenmikedep333: is the preview blac?11:23
march2hi people, i just installed a kubuntu system dapper drake, but i cannot find out how to install the kde in my language with this new package manager11:24
JasonLtransfers are working i think11:24
mikedep333jedgen: preview?11:24
judgenmarch2: what language?11:24
aboaprithe preview works fine, it just won't start on it's own.11:24
mikedep333judgen: oh11:24
JasonLin kopete is there an easier way to send files than going through all the menus11:24
judgenmikedep333: use kcontrol and look at the screensavers11:24
aboapriit used to work, I think I broke it somehow.11:24
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mikedep333I don't use the preview for long enough11:24
judgenJasonL: right click the username and add11:24
mikedep333it only seems to stop being animated after dozens of minutes11:24
march2in the list of the packages there are no language packs at all11:25
judgenoh, you mean the msn protocol?11:25
mikedep333it's really not a big deal though11:25
aboapriI think I had that stopping animating problem before I had the not working problem.11:25
JasonLjudgen i dont see where you men11:25
judgenscreensavers isnt a issue if you have a apm screen manager installed..11:26
judgeni have used the 2minutes-noaction11:26
aboapriI think it was related to the power-saving mode, I think that if you don't have the power saving set up right, then when it tries to turn on, it just freezes your screen saver instead.11:26
judgenthen the screen shutdown11:26
JasonLahh i see it11:26
JasonLim gonna hav eto reinstall kubuntu =(11:27
judgeni will never reboot to windows again (except to try new beta apps for scummvm.org11:27
aboaprithe closest thing to windows I will run is reactos11:27
JasonLand hope that when i end current session it no longer hangs11:27
march2can someone tell me how to get all those packages i dont have in the list please11:27
judgeni have osx86, beos and ubuntu installed, nothin needed in windows11:27
ubotuThe rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components11:27
judgenmarch2: what do you mean?11:28
mikedep333march2: you may need to add other components11:28
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aboapribeos huh?  I didn't think that really worked well on modern computers?11:28
judgenthen just add repos11:28
mikedep333*other repositories11:28
march2i need to install new software but there is not in the list11:28
judgenaboapri:  VERY wrong11:28
march2i already removed the # from the source list11:28
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aboapriI had the impression that if you had a newer computer your best bet was to shell out the dough for zeta.11:29
judgenbeos/zeta has better hardware support than any non win-linux os in the world11:29
aboapriwhich I actually contemplated.11:29
MrKeunerhi, is there a way that I keep both ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop and let them do not see each other? I mean in the application menu's of gnome I do not want to see any Kapplications and vice versa. Also when I right click on a spesific file, gnome should not list a KDE app to use to open with. thanks11:29
judgenincluding solaris in some cases11:29
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judgenand the 4 sec bootup is a nice factor why i still use it11:29
aboapriyeah, I like fast boot times.  :)11:29
judgenbut i cant recomend it to anyone that wasnt part of the be.inc era11:30
aboapriyou run a free beos?  no zeta?11:30
mikedep333MrKreuner: I think your asking simply for KDE not to show gnome apps and gnome not to show kde apps.11:30
mikedep333in their start menus11:30
mikedep333*application menus11:30
judgenaboapri: i have both11:30
judgenbut not actually free, i rin the bought R5-pro and Zeta11:30
mikedep333well, I know that KDE and GNOME used to have incompatible menus11:30
mikedep333so there probably is a way11:30
mikedep333to restore that11:30
DaSkreechaboapri: Is Zeta teh new Haiku?11:31
judgenafter getting used to the Tracker(tm) you get very angry at the very low speed of Explorer and X1111:31
aboaprizeta and haiku are completely different.11:31
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judgenDaSkreech:  NO11:31
aboaprizeta is a commercial product.11:31
aboaprihaiku looks pretty promising, in like, 5 years maybe.  lol11:31
judgenDaSkreech: haiku is haiku on new source, zeta is BeOS 6 maintained by a german comeny11:31
march2added all the repositals but still no kde-i18-langcode files11:31
MrKeunermikedep333/ can you give me more clues to do that?11:31
Chousukein 5 years it's too late :(11:32
judgenaboapri:  haiku can do most things that linux can by now, but lacks software11:32
mikedep333MrKreuner: In KDE, you can edit the app menu11:32
judgenaboapri: we can play full speed quake3 now on haiku11:32
mikedep333by right clicking on it11:32
Chousukethere's no opportunity for new OSes anymore.11:32
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MrKeunerI see just editing them manually...11:32
judgenChousuke: stop beeing silly11:32
DaSkreechjudgen: Ah right11:32
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aboaprino kidding huh?  I thought haiku was not even in a usable state yet?11:32
JasonLwhich package do i install for firefox?11:33
judgenChousuke: all oss has a market, but the desktop are might be full11:33
aboapriI never saw any downloads on their website...  save a dev kit I think.11:33
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mikedep333I think KDE and GNOME have different default folders to list the app menu shortcuts11:33
Chousukejudgen: yeah. and Haiku aims for the desktop.11:33
Chousukenot going to happen.11:33
Chousukeit'll have its users.11:33
mikedep333but I can't help you with simply seperating all of them myself11:33
Chousukebut it's not going to spread everywhere.11:33
judgenthere is always imbedded devices, servers, handhelds, low-watt and many more categories where windows and linux dont cut it11:33
judgenin low watt areas window sucks ballz11:34
mikedep333so does linux11:34
mikedep333windows still has better power management I think11:34
ChousukeNow that you mention it, Haiku might do pretty well on some media center.11:34
mikedep333or at least it had decent power management before linux11:34
judgenhavent imcluded any powermanagement in wme above acpi, that is why f.i palmos can work longer on the same batteries11:35
Chousukeit has a snappy, lightweight GUI :)11:35
judgenChousuke: sure is11:35
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rackerzjudgen: the cam still doesn't work :(11:35
ahmeniHaiku is pretty neat, I used to use Matchbox on my tv-top box11:35
judgenand tracker+bfs makes it virtually the fastest ever11:35
judgenrackerz:  wierd11:36
rackerzjudgen: indeed.11:36
judgenare you sure that you dont have an internal firewall installed on you network that might fudge you up?11:36
aboapriwhere can I find an iso for haiku?11:36
JasonLwhen i try and open a .rar file with Ark it says that unrar is not in my PATH, but unrar is installed11:36
mikedep333aboapri: I think haiku is too incomplete for them to provide one11:36
judgenaboapri: i only have an vmware image, but that makes it slow as there are no drivers for the vmware "simulated devices"11:36
judgenmikedep333: NO11:37
mikedep333I believe haiku is just providing replacements for individual parts of BeOS11:37
mikedep333oh, ok11:37
judgenmikedep333: its available allright11:37
aboaprioh, I see.11:37
rackerzjudgen: the only thing i have is a router11:37
aboapriI would like a free os that doesn't take forever to boot up.11:37
judgenbut networking is beeing rewritten this summer, so i recomend waithin untill the bsd netstack is implemented11:37
EvilIdlerMy Ubuntu boots real quick11:37
rackerzyou talking to me?11:37
judgenaboapri: it only uses a few mb (50 i think with full install)11:38
mikedep333well, they hide their ISO alright11:38
judgenmikedep333:  waht me to find it for you?11:38
aboaprithat minix3 looks promising too.11:38
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mikedep333judgen: if it isn't too much work11:38
aboaprisomeone needs to build debian on top of it.11:38
mikedep333I would like to tryout haikuOS sometime11:39
judgenminix on the other hand is a very limited projedt, with no "real" progress in a while11:39
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rackerzjudgen: what should i do? do you have any other suggestions?11:39
judgenmikedep333:  they hare hireing theyr second full time developer this summer (the guy that is going to write the net-stack11:39
mrmistAnyone know what the "i2c" module in xorg.conf is ???11:39
mikedep333I hope that goes well11:40
aboaprigeeah....  maybe I'll just shell out the cash for zeta.  I hate the idea of spending money on software though, lol.11:40
judgenrackerz: as i dont use usb webcams i dont know.... i only use bt-based cams11:40
mikedep333I know that OSS projects that hire people and not others often have tension11:40
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judgenbt878  to be exact11:40
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JasonLwhere can i get unrar from?11:40
mikedep333bt chipsets are nice and compatible under linux11:40
ubotusomebody said rar was a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression11:40
JasonLi have unrar free11:41
judgenpci-card (with tv-tuner and two composite, one for webcam and one for regular comp-in, and also has a svideo in)11:41
judgenhauppage usre does the best video in cards in the world for a sub1000 pricerange11:41
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JasonLE: Package unrar has no installation candidat11:41
judgenand its supported fully in almost every desktop os ever created11:42
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aboapriso what do y'all think of reactos?  that's rather small and fast-booting....  seems decent...  but I somehow feel that being based on windows may taint it with evil.  :))11:42
mikedep333judgen: I have a hauppauge wintv pvr 150 MCE with a conexant chipset, it is good but could be better11:42
mikedep333aboapri: I love reactos, or rather will once it is more complete11:42
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judgenconnexant? didnt thing they still exist11:42
LinuxMonkeyJasonL:  do u have your repositories universe and multiverse11:42
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judgeni have a brooktree chipset11:43
JasonLi enabled all11:43
mikedep333judgen: like for one thing11:43
judgenthere is NO usb webcam that even compares to a real pci- bt878b11:43
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mikedep333with the mpeg2 encoding going, there is a 1 second delay with the video11:43
mikedep333without it, it looks like crap11:43
aboaprisome guy at work was trying to say he's going to get a beta copy of vista today.11:43
judgeni have no delay on my sends...11:43
mikedep333either way, you can't hook up an interactive signal to it11:43
aboapriand he totally expects me to care.11:44
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LinuxMonkeyJasonL: you must not have multiverse enabled11:44
mikedep333judgen: you do not have an mpeg2 encoding card I think11:44
seth_Hello everyone.11:44
JasonLill disable11:44
mikedep333I have a BT card, not delay cuz it is software based11:44
aboapriNo matter how many times I tell people, I can't ever convince anyone that they should stop using Windows.11:44
JasonLhow do i disable just multi?11:44
LinuxMonkeyJasonL: follow guide here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuAddingRepositoriesHowto11:44
judgenactually i have one ofthe few 64bit pci cards from hauppage11:44
mikedep333hey seth_11:44
judgenthat includes an decoder11:44
mrmisthow do i "run Xgl as a session inside of an existing X windows session"11:44
seth_hey mike11:44
judgenmrmist: why do you want xgl?11:45
mikedep333mrmist: you can do that? cool11:45
aboapriI work in a machine shop...  we have some CNCs....  one of them has been having problems....  it actually runs windows 95!11:45
seth_Are there any web sites that have programs for ubuntu??11:45
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aboapriI have been trying to talk them into letting me install linux on it, but they won't!11:45
judgenaboapri: seth_ dried using the repos?11:45
mikedep333seth_: the vast majority of software for ubuntu is in the repositories11:45
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judgenseth: what functionality do you need?11:45
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mikedep333winehq has one for ubuntu for wine itself I know11:46
LinuxMonkeyseth_: we have many many programs built into the repositories, use adept to see them11:46
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judgenLinuxMonkey: apt-get ffs!11:46
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LinuxMonkeywhat judgen?11:46
aboapriok, so this question is probably going to sound real dumb, but how do I make a program start with kde?11:47
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kkathmanwhat is an aiz file?11:47
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katakombiaboapri out it in the autostart folder11:48
seth_Why was I kicked?11:48
kkathmananyone know what to do with an aiz file??11:48
aboapriok, where's that.11:48
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kkathmanseth:  Nick collision11:48
aboapriseth, change your name11:48
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sethwill people stop pinging me please :P11:49
sethwill people stop pinging me please :P11:49
kkathmanseth_ nick collision11:49
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chavoaboapri, ~/.kde/Autostart or Go- Autostart in konq11:49
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kkathmanseth: change your name11:49
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sethaboapri, just make sure that your file is executable, once you put it in Autostart11:49
DaSkreechjudgen: Yeah I'd like to see that ISO btw :)11:49
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aboaprican I just make a launcher?11:50
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chavoyou can drag Icons from kmeu there also or put .desktop files11:50
LinuxMonkeylol doent he learn11:50
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sethI'm tempted to ban him until he changes his nick, just to stop the annoyingness11:50
zblachhey, can you rename a computer?11:50
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sethdude, change your nick already11:51
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sethbah, gone again11:51
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LinuxMonkeyi sent him a msg he should of gotten it11:51
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aboapriok, great.11:51
aboapriyeah, I needed KDE to autostart xfishtank.11:52
Sethwm2Can you tell I am new??11:52
aboapricause I got a cute kitty cat wallwaper.11:52
Sethwm2Sorry about that.11:52
aboapriand the effect of fish swimming around the cat's head is just awesome.  :)11:52
LinuxMonkeyits ok Sethwm2 it happens to the best of us11:52
xwolf-Sethwm2 you really got nick issues don't you?11:53
Sethwm2I am new with linux and ubuntu.11:53
katakombimaybe registering helps11:53
Sethwm2And I am so confused.11:53
Sethwm2how do I register?11:53
katakombii meant your nick11:54
Sethwm2I know.11:54
aboapriI have been using linux and ubuntu for about 6 months now.  and I'm still confused.11:54
xwolf-/nickserv help11:54
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judgenok yu wanted the haiku iso?11:55
aboaprilinux is like othello.  a minute to learn, a lifetime to master.11:55
judgenDaSkreech: http://www.schmidp.com/public/haiku/images/rev17778_raw.tar.bz211:55
judgenthats the iso11:55
judgenfor haiku11:56
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Sethwm2REGISTER Nick11:56
judgenSethwm2: what is confusing?11:56
DaSkreechjudgen: Thanks11:57
judgenDaSkreech: yes, highly compressed11:57
judgenit extracts to about 50mb11:58
Sethwm2 /msg NickServ <command>11:58
judgenits abcause they cant include any beos software, so you will have to download thet yourself11:58
judgenDaSkreech: its a very basic, its only the base system11:58
LjL1) any idea why my DNS server settings are not remembered?     2) anyone else having the usplash shutdown screen not showing (actually, only the second part of it showing), except that it does show up *if* the shutdown is performed from KDM?11:59
judgenDaSkreech: but with downloads it runs most beos software11:59
geotsaisethwm2, learn how to use irc properly plz...11:59
honkertdis there a good site where i can get a list of free useful software for Windows converts?11:59
honkertdlike myself11:59
LjLhonkertd: yes11:59
ubotuwell, alternatives is should you require to change the default applications system wide, use "sudo update-alternatives --all" it provides choice where available to the machine. example: kde/gnome or nano/vi/emacs11:59
judgenhonkertd: the apps is all in the repos allready12:00
LjLhmm no not that12:00
geotsaiwhat do u mean then?12:00
judgenhonkertd: just figure out what functionality you need and ask what pkg you need12:00
honkertdi'm looking for an ftp client that supports sending between two ftp servers (like smart ftp for win)12:01
DaSkreechthe tags in adept rock :-)12:01
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ubotuhmm... alternative is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant12:01
LjLthis one12:01
DaSkreechjudgen: tried using them to find out apackage you need?12:01
aboapriyou know what windows app I miss?  k-meleon.  that has got to be the greatest web browser of all time.12:01
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DrBairaboapri: it can't possibly be better than Konq :-)12:02
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Sethwm2am I all set now?12:03
aboapriI like it better than konqueror, to be honest.12:03
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aboapribut konqueror is quite good.  It's the best reason to use KDE.12:03
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