
=== kyledye [n=defunkt@24-176-55-231.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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klepashey troy_s09:52
troy_show goes it klepas?09:53
klepasnot too well10:11
klepasquite disgruntled atm10:11
troy_show come?10:12
klepasour state government here in the capital of 300,000 has released this year's fiscal policy10:12
troy_suh oh10:13
klepasthey want to shut down a quarter of the of the Capital's schools, including 22 preschools, 15 primary schools, an established highschool my sister has just begun to attend with over 850 students and one of Canberra's most reputable colleges, Dickson College10:13
klepasand i am off10:16
klepasgoing a rally at the college10:16
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msikmaHey Troy_s11:20
=== nettogrof_ [n=nettogro@pdpc/supporter/active/nettogrof] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
msikmaHow's things?11:20
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klepastroy_s: back01:31
=== AndyFitz [n=AndyFitz@cust1772.qld01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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troy_shey bersace, can you put a link to the blasted ubuntu font from the documents page?  i can't find it.07:09
troy_sand i can't remember where it is on the wiki.07:09
troy_sthanks brother.07:09
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bersacetroy_s: apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title08:15
bersacetroy_s: i don't understand what you want08:17
bersacea link where to what ?08:17
bersacetroy_s: i receive the mail08:27
bersacei'll do something08:28
bersaceThe problem is : We have two namespace : Artwork and ArtworkTeam08:28
bersaceWhat do we need really ?08:28
bersacei guess that Artwork is less confusing than ArtworkTeam08:28
bersaceand that ArtworkTeam should be renamed to Artwork/Team08:28
bersaceI would like to gather Edgy proposals, but Artwork/Evaluation/EdgyPropositions is a mess08:55
=== msikma [n=omega@s55933ad4.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
bersacemsikma: ping09:07
bersaceWe have two namespace : Artwork and ArtworkTeam What do we need really ? i guess that Artwork is less confusing than ArtworkTeam and that ArtworkTeam should be renamed to Artwork/Team09:07
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-028-248.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
bersacein the wiki09:21
bersaceshould we seperate Drafts and Evalutions ?09:21
bersacei gather09:25
bersacesi i rename a lot of pages09:27
bersaceadded redirection09:27
bersaceand create some pages09:27
bersacedon't want to do more alone09:28
msikmaHello :)09:41
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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nickm__anyone around?10:28
nickm__oh well, basically i have some images some people might like to work with to create wallpapers or whatever, i dont want to join the art team or anything, they're just here if anyone wants to play with them10:30
nickm__maybe i can put a link on the wiki for people to get to them if someone would show me where to put it10:31
=== _jason [i=_jason@AC942A67.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
nickm__hi jason, are you there?10:38
_jasonyeah, I was just making sure this channel existed10:38
_jasonnickm__: forgot to look to see if you were already here :)10:38
nickm__im looking for someone from ubuntu-artwork cos i have some artwork people might *might* want to hack on10:39
nickm__its ok :)10:39
nickm__make screenshots and the like10:39
nickm__*wallpapers :)10:39
_jasonnickm__: ah, probably best to try later or just email then10:42
nickm__alrighty, thanks :)10:42
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