
linuxmonkeyyeah at  14000+ they give ya a bullet and at 50000+they give you the gun to go with it :)12:05
nixternalthat would be my luck12:05
nixternalor my kind of karma you could say12:05
linuxmonkeyhow long does it usually take for a mailing list post to propergate12:07
mdkefew minutes12:08
linuxmonkeyah just wondering cause i sent it 10 minutes ago and wondering if any got it12:09
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mdkehttp://www.mdke.org/blog/FragmentedDocumentation.html feedback would be great12:34
linuxmonkeymdke: arent u supposed to be working or be at work12:35
mdkeat midnight?12:35
linuxmonkeyoh i thought u had to work right now..lol12:35
mdkeno, thankfully not12:36
Burgworklinuxmonkey, no, thats me :)12:36
mdkelinuxmonkey: smaller screenshots would definitely be good12:36
linuxmonkeyyeah 12:37
linuxmonkeythats i can do thats no prob12:37
theCoremdke: sweet page, btw12:38
linuxmonkeyother than the big imges what u think mdke12:39
mdkethanks. I just realised I was posting about this all over the place, but hadn't got my thoughts organised in one place, and i thought it would help me think12:39
mdkelinuxmonkey: looks good. There are a couple of typos and the table of contents is a bit weird (only one section), but it looks fine to me. I'll leave more detailed comments to the kubuntu guys12:40
theCoremdke: do you a blogging software, or you're writing all this by hand?12:40
mdkewell, I write the posts by hand...12:40
linuxmonkeyyeah the table of content is there cause there's more going into it12:40
mdkethe blog software is pyblosxom, with static html12:40
mdkelinuxmonkey: ah, great12:41
mdkelinuxmonkey: in kde do you really have to run adept like that? It doesn't have a menu entry?12:41
nixternaljust do the echo >> trick...adept = to slow for me12:42
linuxmonkeyyeah there;s a few adept in the menu12:42
linuxmonkeythere's and adept installer too so not to confuse people the run command is easyest12:42
linuxmonkeymdke:  the typo's i think should be fixed now12:45
mdkeYour Lulu Order Has Shipped12:46
theCoremdke: Hmm, it would be a great challenge to merge all the documention scattered around the communities12:47
mdkeyeah, wishful thinking maybe12:47
theCoremdke: but, it worth to try12:47
theCorewishful thinking, I like that expression12:47
linuxmonkeymdke: it probably easyer to start fresh.lol sad to say12:47
theCorelinuxmonkey: I don't think so12:47
mdkewe have social barriers though at the moment. I'm hoping that if we take the lead with the help.ubuntu.com site, we can encourage collaboration by inspiring it12:48
theCoremdke: the main problem is not everyone has the same skills12:48
mdketrue, that's not a problem, but an advantage, if you look at it right12:49
theCoremdke: some peoples, even if they know the answer to a problem, won't write a doc about it 12:50
mdkeof course. That's fine12:50
theCoremdke: simply because, they aren't confortable with Docbook, or the Wiki12:50
=== linuxmonkey launches gimp to edit those pics to make em smaller
mdketheCore: right.12:50
mvirkkilmdke: http://iquaid.livejournal.com/12:51
mvirkkilmdke: fyi: the testwiki is broken atm.12:51
theCoremdke: although, what we should do is to provider a uniform layer over all the docs. Like giving the ``Render as Docbook'' option for the Wiki12:52
mdkemvirkkil: looking12:53
mdketheCore: yes, that is a very exciting project (you know mvirkkil is the author, right?)12:53
theCoremdke: for the forums, it would certainly be a challenge12:53
mdkemvirkkil: SOMEONE HAS LINKED TO MY BLOG12:54
mdkei'm so excited12:54
mvirkkilmdke: :P12:54
theCoremvirkkil: nice feature12:54
mvirkkiltheCore: Thanks. Not originally my idea. Henrik asked me to work on it, like a year ago.12:55
mdkehenrik is so sharp12:55
mdkehis ideas always turn out to be way ahead of the rest12:55
mvirkkiltheCore: I did the initial version then, it got a few patches (that broke the docbook)12:55
mvirkkilI'm just a code monkey, doing what is asked of him ;)12:56
mdkemvirkkil: what does your mentor do?12:56
mvirkkilmdke: He's on the docteam. He's not a coder, so patrik barnes (nman) helpes with technical stuff.12:57
mvirkkilmdke: I suppose he's your equivalent afaic in fedora.12:57
mdkethat's his job, or he is a volunteer?12:58
theCorethere is a lot of howtos on forums, it would be great to bring them all into a single authoritative source12:58
mvirkkilmdke: I think it's his job. 12:58
theCoreanyone know what happened with the Google's Summer of Codes?12:59
mvirkkiltheCore: ?12:59
mvirkkiltheCore: I'm one.12:59
theCoremvirkkil: lucky01:00
mvirkkiltheCore: For fedora :)01:00
theCoremvirkkil: what's your project?01:01
mdkepretty nice docmentation guide they have at fedora01:01
mdketheCore: moin -> docbook is his project01:01
mvirkkiltheCore: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MoinDocBookProject01:01
theCoremvirkkil: ahh01:01
theCoremvirkkil: sweet01:01
mvirkkiltheCore: :D01:01
mdkexmlto for pdf eh01:02
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theCoreah, I found01:10
theCorethere's a lot projects for Ubuntu01:11
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mvirkkilI wonder on what basis it's decided how many projects an org get to have01:13
mvirkkilbecausewhen you compare ubuntus list to fedoras, it just seems odd.01:14
mdkecrazy, in fact01:14
theCoremvirkkil: I think it depend of the size of the organisation, Google gives to each org. a limit of projects they can have01:15
mdkethat doesn't justify the difference between Ubuntu and Fedora01:16
mdkeUbuntu has more than it can justifiably handle01:17
mdkefedora has 501:17
theCoremaybe, fedora had less interesting project submitted to them, I don't know01:20
theCoreor maybe, Google likes Ubuntu better01:20
LaserJockgo goobuntu!01:21
mdkeyes, that must be the answer01:21
mdkewell, who can blame them, Ubuntu rocks01:21
theCoreLaserJock: yeah, I heard about it :)01:23
theCoreLaserJock: I got a question for you01:23
theCoreLaserJock: do you think the MOTU would accept a package of emacs-snapshot?01:24
LaserJockumm, isn't there already one?01:27
LaserJocktheCore: did you want to tweak the current snapshot package?01:28
theCoreLaserJock: yeah, but it's quite outdated01:28
LaserJockof course it is, we froze01:28
theCoreLaserJock: well, I would like to replace it with a newer version01:28
LaserJockor is that not the issue01:28
LaserJocktheCore: the one from June 2nd that is in Debian isn't new enough?01:30
theCoreLaserJock: their package is from the HEAD trunk, mine is from the XFT_JHD_BRANCH01:31
theCoreLaserJock: maybe, I should do what Seveas does, build myself a personal repository01:32
LaserJocktheCore: that is probably more likely than getting it into universe01:33
LaserJockyou could always try to convince Debian to use the XFT_JHD_BRANCH01:33
theCoreLaserJock: I think I would have a better chances winning at the lottery01:34
theCoreThank you for shopping at Lulu! - Yay01:42
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theCoremdke: do you know if there is a Docbook -> Latex converter?01:43
LaserJocktheCore: hehe01:48
theCoreLaserJock: I bought the PG01:49
LaserJockreally? who would want to buy that piece of crap ;-)01:49
LaserJockif only we got a royalty, or at least karma for book sales ;-)01:50
theCorepiece of crap?01:51
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theCoremdke: I have some ideas about that BetterWikiDocs thing02:23
LaserJocktheCore: like whate?02:28
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theCoreWe could separate the whole Wiki into a few sections. ( devel, troubleshooting, artwork, ideas, etc ) Each could have their own color "personally", so they would be easy to recognize them02:33
LaserJockhmm, except devel, artowork, and ideas don't sound like documentation02:34
=== crimsun kills his 'sound' highlight
LaserJockcrimsun: you can't do that now that you're core-dev02:35
theCoreyeah, but the idea is to separate the Docs from w.u.c ?02:35
LaserJockyeah, but more so02:35
LaserJocklike when I search on help.ubuntu.com for a doc I'm not really looking for a spec or some devel wiki page02:36
crimsunLaserJock: pwned. :(02:36
Kingbahamutone assumes not LaserJock02:36
LaserJockalthough it might be kinda cool to have links to the corresponding wiki.u.c search02:37
LaserJockjust in case ;-)02:37
theCore"Lack of structure". I'm not sure we can solve this02:38
LaserJockwhy not?02:39
theCorewell, how we could solve this?02:39
LaserJockI don't know but we are smart people. I'm guessing hard work02:42
theCoreone way could to propose a StyleGuide for the wiki, but would stupid simply because less peoples would want to write wiki docs.02:43
theCoreanother way, would to separate the Wiki pages categorically, so peoples could inspire them-self  with the other similiar docs02:45
LaserJocktheCore: there is a style guide for the wiki02:45
theCorereally? I never saw it.02:46
theCorewe could also put a default template for each new page02:47
theCorebased-on the category02:47
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BurgundaviaSeveas: you still up?03:47
Burgundaviaanybody use that?04:09
robotgeeknope, not me04:11
nixternalBurgundavia: i use it, but not on Hoary. I have it on Xubuntu, Nubuntu, and Kubuntu laptops..with the orinoco chipset04:12
Burgundavianixternal: can you cleanup and merge those pages? grab a hoary install and play04:13
nixternalim sure it isn't much different...the one main thing with kismet to get it running is a simple config fix..especially for orinoco04:13
Burgundaviacool, the simpler you can make the document, the better04:14
nixternalroger that04:14
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nixternalgrabbing breezy and hoary Burgundavia, ubuntu style, I use Kubuntu, so for Dapper I don't think their is a difference in setup between Ubuntu and Kubuntu..since Kismet runs in a terminal04:41
Burgundavianixternal: yep04:41
nixternalhehe..gotta tear up my hacktop for this one 04:41
Burgundaviatry and emphasize graphic tools though04:41
nixternalok..so try to stay away from the sudo apt-get's04:42
nixternalif that is so..then it will be real easy to do this. Since Kismet is in the repositories04:42
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nixternalanother question is do we need to stick with the Hoary and Breezy on this, as I believe that a repository install is going to be the same for each setup. 04:44
nixternalthis could be made small and to the point really...its as simple as $ sudo apt-get install kismet04:44
nixternalthen sudo nano /etc/kismet/something.conf04:44
Burgundaviait should talk about hoary/breezy and dapper04:44
nixternalhopefully i can repository install with hoary and breezy also..i kno wi can with breezy..at least with hoary i hope so04:45
Burgundaviathen redirect those pages to something generic, like OrinocoKismet04:45
nixternalya...i was going to recommend a name change04:46
Burgundaviaoh, btw, can you split out the orinoco parts?04:46
Burgundavianixternal: that talks about installing a network card and then sniffing no?04:46
nixternalnot really..each wifi card is different...there are only a handful of cards that will work with kismet04:46
Burgundaviaah, ok04:46
Burgundaviadoes orinoco work ootb?04:47
nixternalfor breezy and dapper yes04:47
nixternali will see with hoary04:47
Burgundaviacan you abstract it to just a kismet page?04:47
nixternalthis page has so much stuff...it is pretty much Orinoco04:47
Burgundaviamaybe Kismet/Orinoco at most04:47
nixternalKismet/Orinoco would be decent, but he also has Wifi Radar and iwlist in here also04:47
Burgundaviaugh, can that be decently split out?04:48
nixternalthis is like a HackWirelessWithOrinoco04:48
nixternalI haven't seen Wifi Radar in a while either04:48
nixternalus wireless guys us Kismet at times...but rely on airsnort and aircrack for most work04:49
nixternalBurgundavia: tell you what i can do, is i can work this up with kate, and then show you my proposal, and we can go from there. how does that sound?04:50
Burgundaviasounds good04:50
nixternalok..good..i wil do that then04:50
nixternaloh no...gotta find some blank cd's04:52
=== nixternal installs breezy
nixternalBurgundavia: on the install and my orinoco wifi works with breezy...so breezy and dapper will be exactly the same05:03
Burgundavianixternal: sweet05:03
nixternalim going to concentrate on hoary now then05:03
nixternalright now the lappy is sitting at the "[!]  Configure the network" screen on the breezy desktop install...and i can ping it05:04
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nixternalactually..i need to make sure though it is using orinoco and not ndiswrapper...so i need to commit...grrr05:04
Burgundaviandiswrapper is not enabled by default05:05
Burgundaviahey bhuvan05:05
nixternalits not...well then that is a good thing.05:05
nixternalthat means i can stop here and work with hoary then05:06
nixternalyour a savior there05:06
Burgundaviahey LaserJock05:14
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Burgundaviahey darsha05:14
darshawhat do you know : )05:15
darshaI noticed that there was an art team, that sounds interesting05:16
bhuvanhello Burgundavia05:16
Burgundaviamostly a disorganized lot, the art team05:17
Burgundaviaprobably better to stay here, we are fairly efficient and on track05:17
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Burgundaviawhen you get sabdfl riding you to get stuff done, you know you are messed05:19
nixternalBurgundavia: hoary has also detected the card and initialised dhcp from the get go...what should i do??  Kismet is in the repositories. It should install on Hoary, Breezy, and Dapper from the repositories. So the only real thing that would need to be done is the Kismet.conf05:19
nixternalhowever, I am going to commit with Hoary to confirm this05:20
Burgundavianixternal: cool, favour default over custom hacks05:20
nixternali think all he was showing was that he patched his orinoco card05:21
nixternalthat is the only thing i can see he did that would warrent everything he did with that page05:21
LaserJockBurgundavia: well, I have Tim riding me, does that mean I'm messed05:21
BurgundaviaLaserJock: iffy05:22
LaserJockI didn't know DM is mentioned in the Dapper release announcement :(05:23
LaserJocknosey jsgotangco 05:23
Burgundaviajsgotangco: product from my work05:23
BurgundaviaLaserJock: no, we are going to have a seperate press release05:24
=== jsgotangco must have missed something
Burgundaviajsgotangco: patience and all will become clear05:24
=== jsgotangco thinks conspiracy
LaserJockBurgundavia: but it is in the release announcement, not really noticably but it's there05:25
BurgundaviaLaserJock: yep, hence the hurry up email we got from Malcolm today05:25
LaserJocknice to annouce stuff that hasn't happened yet ;-)05:25
LaserJockI guess that's the corporate software world05:25
LaserJockPR and marketing05:26
BurgundaviaLaserJock: I don't understand it, I just sell the stuff05:26
robotgeekhmm, turn away from the screen for a minute, and i am lost :)05:26
jsgotangcosame here05:26
Burgundaviarobotgeek: Laserjock is doing some work for my company and it will be announced soon enough05:26
LaserJockBurgundavia: and I try to package it, at least a little bit;-)05:27
robotgeekBurgundavia: ah okay, cool05:27
Burgundaviait will be shiny, crashy and probably mostly useless, tbh05:28
LaserJockI wonder how the vmware package is going05:28
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nixternalBurgundavia: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76670307:06
nixternal^^that would be the outcome of using dapper repositories to install the latest version from repositories07:06
Burgundavianixternal: on dapper, with only dapper?07:06
nixternalwell..the latest in the repositories in the the dapper repositiories...07:07
nixternalrepository install = easiest...can be compiled like the site shows...and just cleaned up07:07
nixternalyour call07:07
Burgundaviasorry, I don't follow07:07
Burgundaviaare you trying to use dapper repos on older versions of Ubuntu?07:07
nixternalfor the kismet to try this out yes i was07:08
Burgundaviathat is not recommended07:08
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nixternali found an old version of kismet in the hoary multiverse repos...and i mean old...i could go ahead and utilize the information on the wiki already..just clean it up and make it user friendly as much as possible07:08
Burgundaviacan you not use that releases repos?07:08
Burgundaviahow old? does it work?07:09
nixternalold..and no it doesn't work07:09
nixternali think for hoary..utilize the current information...and rework it/clean it...and then upgrade the breezy/dapper versions07:09
nixternalit isn't a pretty process for hoary, but it works07:10
nixternalwhen i say pretty..i mean not graphical...all terminal07:10
=== Burgundavia is glad Hoary is dying in 6 months
nixternalkismet is a terminal program anyways07:10
nixternalarg..can this wait 6 months LOL07:10
Burgundaviathen just don't mention hoary07:11
nixternalhow many users do you think is still utilizing hoary with an orinoco card and is interested in hacking wireless...or sniffing it at least?07:11
Burgundaviatalk about breezy and dapper07:11
nixternali blew out my kubuntu install for that ;)07:11
nixternali only use my lappy for testing..so i don't care07:11
nixternalit is installing while im working on other stuff..so it is cool...i will work with breezy and dapper then07:12
nixternalplus the orinoco chipset is old...being replaced with atheros, prismIII and broadcoms..plus ralink here and there07:12
nixternalorinoco is the original wireless chipset i believe..outdating prism1 and atheros07:13
nixternali will say this however concerning hoary on this laptop...it is way fast compared to everything i have put on it ;)07:13
Burgundaviahmm, dapper has been the fastest I have used07:14
Burgundaviahoary is faster than breezy to install and use07:14
nixternalon my main systems yes..my lappy is old celeron 700 with 192mb ram and a mobile rage 2 card07:14
nixternal10gb hard drive that is close to dying ;)07:14
Burgundaviaeven then, dapper should be fater07:14
nixternaldapper is fast..but hoary is faster07:15
dsasnixternal: I still have an orinoco chipset. I have to use the CVS version because it's USB and then it's still dodgy.07:18
mvirkkilnixternal: I have an even slower laptop (650Mhz, 128MB), and I agree. 07:18
nixternaloooh..i got ya by 50mhz mvirkkil07:18
mvirkkilIt's really easy to go from just surfing along, to swapping hell...07:18
nixternalusb wifi = dodgy in every os there is07:19
mvirkkilI think that dapper might be faster if I had just a little more memory on this thing.07:19
dsasnixternal: It seemed fine to me when I used it in windows tbh. Maybe I wasn't using it long enough to experience problems though.07:20
mvirkkilBut the swapping is really killing the overall experience. Oh, and accidentally hitting f1 starts yelp 07:20
nixternali had previously used a linksys usb wifi setup...it would work, but i had issues with intermittence...plus my area is a wifi hotspot and then some07:20
mvirkkilwhich makes the laptop unusable for >1minute as it's loading, and then 30seconds more as it's closing.07:21
nixternali am sitting here with airsnort running and i have 21 access points to choose from...and those are neighbors..i have 3 access points..so 18 aren't mine07:21
nixternaland the neighborhood is roomy..not next to each other and what not07:21
dsasI'm the only AP I can detect here. I live on a street of old people.07:25
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nixternalbreezy is taking forever to install07:59
Burgundavianixternal: it does that08:01
nixternali don't remember that b4..been a while since i installed it though08:01
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mvirkkilshe's known for spewing fud..09:05
mvirkkila lot of people regard her as an ms shill09:06
froudmvirkkil: what is important for the documenation case is09:07
froudYankee Group determined a significant portion of this outage time is attributed to the scarcity of Linux and open source documentation compared to the more mature, established operating systems.09:07
froudThat's good for ppl in the documentation business :-)09:07
mvirkkilfroud: ok.09:09
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bhuvanmorning mdke10:34
robhi mdke 10:35
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jsgotangcogood evening03:06
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mgalvinanyone know who gervasio is?03:23
jsgotangcosounds like some hot italian model =)03:23
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mdkeyeah, I know him03:31
mdkehe's an italian translator03:32
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mgalvinmdke: ok cool, he applied for the newsletter team so i was just wondering03:36
mgalvini guess he would want to be doing the Italian translation03:36
mdkewe're coordinating the italian translation already though03:40
mdkemgalvin: he applied for the docteam too, I'll have a chat with him03:40
mgalvinok cool03:41
cosmolaxmgalvin: hi04:25
mgalvincosmolax: hi04:25
cosmolaxmgalvin: our member has made a Weekly #1 transaltion.04:26
mgalvincool, for Chinese right?04:26
cosmolaxmgalvin: yesterday I've mail to yo.04:26
cosmolaxmgalvin: ya. Tradictional Chinese :)04:27
mgalvini noticed it on the wiki this morning, i already added a link to it from the main issue 1 page04:27
mgalvincosmolax: thanks for translating it! :)04:27
cosmolaxmgalvin: thanks :)04:27
cosmolaxmgalvin: I will keeping my effects on translating #2 and so on. :)04:28
cosmolaxmgalvin: today I have two people join my team, maybe next issue would be quicker and better :)04:28
mgalvincosmolax: great! glad to hear it04:29
mgalvinits awesome to see all these translations getting done so fast04:29
mgalvincosmolax: thanks again for the great effort!04:30
jsgotangcoyes much appreciated04:30
jsgotangcomgalvin: what's the next target btw? this weekend right?04:30
cosmolaxmgalvin: but sorry if I made something confusing, now there are two translated #1, one is on our weekly, the 2nd is on Ubuntu Wiki. Is that will bother you?04:30
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cosmolaxs/ our weekly/ our wiki04:31
cosmolaxzard1989: hi ! ;)04:32
mgalvincosmolax: thats perfectly fine with me04:32
mgalvinjsgotangco: yea, i would like to try and send the out every saturday night04:32
cosmolaxmgalvin:  zard1989 is also our docteam member. :)04:32
zard1989mgalvin: hi04:33
mgalvincool, hi zard198904:33
mgalvinjsgotangco: mdz will probably also add some news at the end of each week (like friday sometime each week)04:33
jsgotangcoits nice to see the -zh time active lately =)04:33
jsgotangco-zh team04:34
cosmolaxjsgotangco: thanks. Is also exciting to us. :)04:35
cosmolaxs/ Is /Its04:35
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jsgotangcogood night05:09
jsgotangcofroud-away: nice seeing you here again!05:10
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froudtrappist: that's a pretty good start to Hypermedia for the Linux Desktop06:12
trappistnever heard of hypermedia06:18
froudtrappist: basically what you did and what Istanbul does06:20
froudtrappist: nice that you create AVI, I am not sure that Istanbul does do that06:21
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trappistfroud: I didn't do this, I just found it :)06:23
froudtrappist: understood but in your demo it created AVI06:23
froudtrappist: which I think is one more option not available06:24
froudtrappist: I knew of Instanbul but when I last used it it was doing ogg I think06:24
trappistogg is nice too06:24
froudtrappist: my customer wanted avi because they had to show windows users how to do stuff06:25
froudbefore they move to Linux desktops06:25
froudproblem I found was that doing the first work was easy, but when it came to r2 we had to redo the entire file06:26
froudeven breaking down into smaller topics06:26
froudStill it did help06:27
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mgalvinfroud: hey!06:39
jjessehello froud06:41
jjessehello mgalvin06:44
mgalvinhey jjesse06:44
froudmgalvin: jjesse hi06:48
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froudAnyone tried potace http://potrace.sourceforge.net/ could be a nice way to use SVG instead of PNG in repo and generate PNG at time of build?06:50
jjesserandom thought, but i hate fruit on the bottom yogurt always seem to have the fruit last and it doesn't mix up good06:50
froudWhich in tern will enable l18n of screenshots to be done using the poxml process06:50
froudput the yogurt upside down in the fridge, that way you will always have the fruit on top06:51
nixternaljjesse: i second that about the fruit06:51
mgalvinfroud: i haven't tried it but it certainly sounds like a neat idea06:51
jjessefroud: never thoght about that06:51
froudhope it helps06:52
jjessehmm when you login to the wiki why can't it bring you to the last page you were at isntead of brining you to user prefrences?06:53
mdkeit can, check your preferences06:54
mdkehello there froud!06:54
jjesseoh thanks mdke06:54
froudmdke: hi there06:54
froudhmmm potrace also has a nice little gui 06:55
mgalvinbah, a kde gui ;)06:57
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nixternalmdke: thanks for that preferences tip, as i was getting annoyed with the userprefs always popping up instead of last page06:58
froudmdke:  :-) let's not get started06:58
mdkefroud: -> mgalvin, but yeah, who would use KDE anyway06:59
jjessesome of use would :)06:59
jjesseand do06:59
nixternalhey hey06:59
nixternali use it and love it ;)06:59
mdkenixternal: nod, that should probably be the default, if it isn't07:00
mdke(remember las tpage)07:00
nixternalit is now for me...thx07:00
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froudmgalvin: :  :-) let's not get started07:00
froudmdke: sorry07:00
froudgeeze dude it does a hectly good job07:01
froudseriously has anyone considerd it as an alternative to generating localized screens for l18n07:01
mdkewe hadn't done07:01
mdkebut mainly because we don't really use screenshots07:02
jjessewasn't aware of it07:02
mdkeand yeah, we weren't aware of it :)07:02
froudcapture > PNG(en) > potrace > SVG > POT > PO > XML(fr, de, etc)07:03
nixternalhow come when i goto save my userprefs on the wiki, it takes for ever?07:04
nixternali have noticed this in the past also07:04
mdkewiki is really slow at the moment07:05
nixternal60 seconds so far07:05
nixternali wonder if fasterfox is causing an issue with it07:05
mdkeit's the same saving pages, real slow07:05
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LinuxMonkey-AFKwhats up10:37
jjessework, same ol' same ol :)10:37
jjessejust downloading the community technology preview of windows vista :)10:38
jjesseonly 1.2 GB left10:38
LinuxMonkeyyeah been there done that10:39
LinuxMonkeyex-microsoft beta tester10:39
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LaserJockjjesse: how much is it total?10:45
jjesse3.2 GB10:45
jjesseok work over :)  see you all later10:45
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=== mdke beheads LaserJock
Burgwork3.2 gb?10:48
=== mdke tidies up his svn tree
LinuxMonkey3.2GB and unpacked takes about 10 gigs10:51
Burgworkthe sick part is that is just the OS, not even the office suite, etc.10:53
Burgworkwhat is MS doing in that 10gigs?10:53
LaserJockI was starting to compare it to the SuSE DVDs10:53
LaserJockand then I was like "what a sec, the SuSE dvd includes EVERYTHING"10:53
mdkeLaserJock: how are you talking without your head?10:54
mdkeoh, keyboard, yeah10:54
mdke21:47:25  * mdke beheads LaserJock10:54
LaserJockwhat? how did that happen?10:55
=== LaserJock feels a weird draft, but continues working anyway
mdkemy samurai sword has taught you the evils of going around with you mediawiki ways10:55
LaserJockuh, oh ;-)10:56
LaserJockthat one was just for Burgwork 10:56
mdkedon't get his hopes up10:56
LaserJockhehe, sorry10:57
mdkesorry for being a bit surreal just then10:58
LaserJockheh, you have to give me a bit more context before you go lopping my head off10:59
mdkewhen I get the samurai sword in my hands, I just can't stop and give you context... it takes me over11:00
LaserJockI can understand that11:01
Burgworkmdke, mediawiki ways?11:06
LinuxMonkeymdke: can you check out https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuAddingRepositoriesHowto  and let me know what you think, I reduced the size of the images by 50% as per your recommendation for smaller images and made a few changes as recommended in the mailling list11:07
mdkeBurgwork: don't ask11:08
Burgworkhttp://digg.com/linux_unix/UbuntuGuide.org_Reborn_for_Dapper <-- ugh11:09
LinuxMonkeyhrmmm no11:09
LaserJockman, that was fast11:09
LinuxMonkeyofficial i think not11:10
LaserJockI don't understand how it is so easy for that stuff to get around11:10
Burgworkdigg, the stupidity of the crowd11:10
Burgworknow that it is a wiki, we can edit it to our needs11:10
LinuxMonkeyyeah please reffer to..... on every page11:11
mdkeLinuxMonkey: the formatting seems a bit odd, more space between the images and the text? also, the lines of text appear very short in comparison to the page. And I would nuke the table of contents, where there is only one title in each level, it doesn't help much 11:11
LinuxMonkeyand point it to our official pages11:11
Burgworkremove the bad stuff, like killing the panel11:12
mdkeBurgwork: we don't have the resources to work on all the unofficial wikis around though11:12
Burgworkno, we don't, but this one is big enough11:12
LaserJockI've just about had it with documentation, tbh11:13
mdkeLaserJock: eh?11:13
mdkedon't say that!11:13
LaserJockI admire you guys for getting in there, I just don't know if I can handle it much longer11:13
BurgworkLaserJock, it goes it cycles11:13
BurgworkI don't love docs for some cycles and for some I do11:13
LaserJockI don't mind sticking to my little PG and UDR, but the large scale wiki and grand scheme documentation stuff is just getting to be too much11:14
mdkehenrik has written an essay on the UDSF thread11:14
Burgworkthen ignore them11:14
LaserJockBurgwork: the problem is I care too much11:15
Burgworkah, I used to as well11:15
LinuxMonkeymdke: how do I add space between the text and images11:15
Burgworkthen I got cold11:15
mdkeLinuxMonkey: not sure11:17
manickaBurgwork, you can't edit the unofficial guide ^^. It's not an open wiki11:17
Burgworkmanicka,  what?11:17
BurgworkI guess they figured they would have us come and change too many things11:17
manickait can only be edited by the maintainers11:18
manickawho are approved by the admin11:18
mdkeLinuxMonkey: maybe have a look at the style of this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications11:18
BurgworkI have already nuked one reference in our wiki to the new uubntugide11:18
manickaso I takr it your view on collaboration is slightly different to mdke's11:19
LinuxMonkeymdke: thats how my code looks. lol and still no spaces..lol11:20
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mdkeLinuxMonkey: how come your text is wrapped though? are you enclosing it in a table or something?11:20
LinuxMonkeyno i just fixed that issue11:21
LinuxMonkeyit was the menu doing that11:21
LinuxMonkeyif you reload it you will see11:21
mdkewhat happened to the specific theme for wiki.kubuntu.org by the way?11:22
Burgworkmdke, got a link to that thread now?11:24
mdkethe storage facility one? it's http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19067611:24
Burgworkyep, thanks11:25
=== mdke goes to sort out the flood of GIVE ME GCC emails
LinuxMonkeyanyone know how to add space between my images and text on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuAddingRepositoriesHowto11:26
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LinuxMonkeymdke i figured out the spacing issue11:36
mdkeah, nice one11:36
LinuxMonkeythe was a space in front of the text and messing it all up oddly ennough11:36
LinuxMonkeyso can we take it out of cleanup now :)11:37
mdkesure thing11:37
LinuxMonkeyto remove it all I do is remove CategoryCleanup at the end right11:38
LinuxMonkeyDone and done :)11:40
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LinuxMonkeydoesnt it look sexy11:40
mdkeLinuxMonkey: thanks for your work on that11:42
nixternalati love i tell you11:42
nixternalxorg-driver-fglrx corruption after my kernel compile...forget that11:43
LinuxMonkeyty mdke11:45
Burgworknixternal, just don't compile a kernel. problem solved ;)11:45
LinuxMonkeyjust told someone to use adept to see apps avail for installation and got this response from a different user... [18:45]  <judgen> LinuxMonkey: apt-get ffs!11:48
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