
zulBenC: ping12:09
BenCzul: pong12:14
WebMavenBenC: Is someone assigned to produce the fix for my laptop?12:15
BenCWebMaven: yeah, me12:15
WebMavenBenC: Ah, OK.12:15
BenCWebMaven: first part is actually figuring out what to fix12:16
WebMavenIs there any further info I can get you to help that along?12:16
WebMavenI obviously have a workaround for now, but I'd rather have an actual fix.12:17
zulBenC: the fxsave_clelar function doesnt exist in 2.6.10 looks like i might have to backport it12:22
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zuland i gave you the wrong link12:35
bluefoxicyI 12:48
bluefoxicyhave no fucking clue if this is going to work.12:48
bluefoxicyoh that's right I have to throw stuff in elf.h all over the place12:48
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zulthre patches for hoary done01:53
zulBenC: are you going to the the distro team meeting tomorrow morning?01:54
zulim debating whether to get up for it or not01:55
ajmitchzul: do it!02:01
=== sivang better get to sleep if he wants to make it to that meeting
zulwohoo...dateline is doing internet predators again02:02
bluefoxicydid they get me on there this time?02:42
=== bluefoxicy predates zul
KeybukBenC: awake?02:50
KeybukBenC: un-ping02:50
zulBenC: yay it builds03:21
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fabbioneBenC: please pull from my edgy tree when you are around.. i completed the cluster cleanup for gfs110:03
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ajmitchhi zul 11:03
zulhey ajmitch 11:05
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ajmitchhey zul01:13
zulhey ajmitch 01:14
zulBenC: ill send you the diff for hoary tonight01:16
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cbx33Hi all, ogra pointed me here06:12
cbx33I have a problem my keyboard on a Toshiba Laptop06:12
cbx33it happens on the live cd as well as the system I upgraded from breezy06:12
cbx33it was fine before06:12
cbx33but now every minute or so, it just skips two characters or so06:13
Keybukcbx33: the letters "w", "i", "t" and "h" don't work? :p06:13
cbx33Keybuk, see, it skipped those 406:13
cbx33sometimes, it holds down one letter for the 2 that it skipped and replaces them with that character06:14
BenCcbx33: Does it skip and sometimes repeat?06:14
Keybukit started happening after the upgrade?06:14
cbx33Keybuk, yes06:14
cbx33BenC, yes06:14
BenCcbx33: There's a bug report about that, search linux-source-2.6.15 bug reports for "repeat"06:14
mjg59cbx33: Did you have working battery status in breezy?06:14
cbx33mjg59, no06:15
mjg59Do you in dapper?06:15
BenCyeah, that's the one06:15
mjg59Ok. It'll be the smart battery driver06:15
cbx33wow thanks guys06:15
cbx33anything I can do06:15
BenCunload the driver06:15
cbx33I'de prefer to get rid of the battery monitor06:15
mjg59It seems to disable interrupts for long enough that things break06:15
BenCacpi_ something06:15
cbx33any helpers on how06:15
mjg59cbx33: sudo rmmod acpi-sbs06:15
cbx33how do I make that permanent?06:15
mjg59Will do it temporarily. It's a bit harder to make it permanent.06:15
Keybukecho blacklist acpi-sbs > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-sbs06:15
mjg59Keybuk: No06:16
Keybukor is it force loaded?06:16
mjg59Keybuk: acpid modprobes everything in drivers/acpi06:16
Keybukmjg59: gnargh, and it doesn't use modprobe -b ?!06:16
mjg59Keybuk: Doubt it06:16
BenCacpid should call modprobe -b06:16
cbx33could I add it to my login script?06:16
cbx33actually no06:16
fabbionehey BenC 06:16
BenChey fabbione, saw your msg06:17
BenCI'll pull shortly06:17
cbx33that'll do for now06:17
Keybukcbx33: edit /etc/init.d/acpid and add MODPROBE_OPTIONS=-b near the top06:17
fabbioneBenC: perfect thanks.. it kills cluster/ and update the gnbd code that's the only left over from the cvs tree06:17
cbx33what does that do?06:17
Keybukcbx33: it means that the blacklist line I gave you above with work06:18
BenCcbx33: and then do the blacklist shown above06:18
Keybukand prevent that module being loaded at boot06:18
cbx33ok cool06:18
cbx33shall i create blacklist-sbs06:19
cbx33if it doesn't exist?06:19
Keybuk(filed a bug on acpid to remind myself to fix that)06:19
cbx33can I test by restarting the acpid service ?06:19
Keybukcbx33: if you've done the rmmod, yes06:19
zulBenC: so if my hoary boots tonight ill upload it sounds good? or do you want to have a look at the diff again?06:20
Keybukif the module doesn't show up in lsmod after, then it's worked06:20
alex_jonihello, any idea what to check if a custom built 2.6.15 (from dapper 2.6.15-23) doesn't show the splash? (it simply stays black)06:20
BenCzul: upload sounds good06:20
cbx33thank you guys so much06:20
cbx33you have nooooo idea how annoying that was06:20
cbx33Keybuk, do you have a bug number for that so I can see when it's fixed06:21
zulBenC: excelente el presidente06:22
Keybuk(for the acpid blacklist)06:22
Keybuk#39315 for the battery module problem06:22
cbx33oh you guys are amazing06:24
cbx33thank you so much06:24
cbx33do you guys hug here ;) like in motu?06:24
cbx33and -bugs06:24
cbx33if so 06:24
=== cbx33 hugs Keybuk, BenC and mjg59
BenCthere seems to be a patch to fix that hang when reading BAT/state06:30
BenCmjg59: Have you seen the patch that makes acpi/ec.c use a sema instead of a spinlock, and fixes the acpi-sbs problem?06:39
BenCpresumably it slows down access to the ec, but keeps it from holding off interrupts while reading the bat status06:40
cbx33does the fix we just implemented stop the batt monitor from working06:41
cbx33ok cool just soas I know06:46
cbx33thought it did06:46
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mjg59BenC: Might help08:27
BenCmjg59: I'm a little reluctant to put it into dapper...but the problem it's causing is pretty big08:51
BenCmight be best to disable acpi-sbs for dapper, and test this patch in edgy08:52
mjg59What codepath does the patch hit?08:52
BenCacpi_ec_polling_wait(), acpi_ec_poll_read(), acpi_ec_poll_write(), acpi_ec_poll_query()08:54
mjg59Does anything else use them?08:54
BenCit's just ec.c...changing the spinlocks to semaphores and some udelays to msleeps, but with same timeouts08:55
BenCuse those functions?08:55
BenChmm..not sure08:55
mjg59The answer seems to be "no"08:57
mjg59I'd just go ahead and do it, tbh08:57
BenCand i2c_acpi_ec08:58
BenCacpi_sbs.c uses i2c_acpi_ec08:58
BenCfuck it, can't hurt I guess08:59
BenC11 out of 16 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/acpi/ec.c.rej08:59
mjg59i2c_acpi_ec is only used for acpi_sbs09:02
mjg59The rejects are probably due to acpi *finally* being lindented09:02
BenCyeah, looks that way09:03
BenCthe patch is for .1409:03
BenCplus s/polling/poll/09:04
BenCcrimsun: ping09:35
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zulright im out of here..09:54
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crimsunBenC: pong11:05
BenCcrimsun: should any of the sound patches you sent me for dapper need to be merged into 2.6.17, or will they get pulled from upstream?11:06
crimsunBenC: they're all from upstream hg, so they'll get pulled, no need to merge11:07
crimsun(saves much work)11:07
BenCok, thanks11:07
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zulyay it boots11:21
zulBenC: ping11:25
BenCzul: pong11:26
zulis there anything i have to do to dput to upload to hoary-security?11:26
zuli guess not..11:29
zulUploading via ftp linux-source-2.6.10_2.6.10-34.18.dsc: done.11:29
zulUploading via ftp linux-source-2.6.10_2.6.10-34.18.diff.gz:11:29
zulcrap it got rejected11:36
zulit says im not permitted to upload to hoary security11:37

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