
=== slomo [n=slomo@ubuntu/member/slomo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Jun 08:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 14 Jun 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00 UTC: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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shawarma@schedule copenhagen12:49
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Copenhagen: 08 Jun 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 14 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 19:00: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 22:00: Technical Board12:49
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freeflying|away@schedule Shanghai04:53
UbugtuSchedule for Asia/Shanghai: 08 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 14 Jun 20:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 21:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 16 Jun 01:00: Documentation Team | 21 Jun 04:00: Technical Board04:53
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jendahello x9209:24
x92New project by Ubuntu :)        Xubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake)09:26
x92I want to try it out... maybe THIS works on my server mahine :) because Ubuntu 5.10 and 5.05 doesn't work on it :S only Windows systems are working on my server machine09:29
jendax92: could I ask you to join the channel #xubuntu ?09:31
jendaThey will probably be able to help you better there - I'm in there too, if you need me.09:31
x92but can i get support for ubuntu on this channel?09:31
jendaNot really - this channel serves for meetings - #ubuntu is the main support channel.09:32
x92when the meeting will come :P09:33
jendaThe schedule of meetings is here: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event09:35
jenda@schedule Prague09:35
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Prague: 08 Jun 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 14 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 19:00: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 22:00: Technical Board09:35
jendax92: there is a VERY important meeting here in 23 minutes.09:35
x92Okay I will be here !!09:36
x92Ubuntu Development Team Meeting09:36
x92Start: 08:0009:36
x92End: 09:3009:36
x92time is 10:37 here :D09:37
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jendawhere is here?09:37
x92GMT +209:37
jenda@schedule Tallinn09:37
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Tallinn: 08 Jun 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 14 Jun 15:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 16:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 20:00: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 23:00: Technical Board09:37
x92aha...okay :D09:38
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jendaOK, x92, I don't want to sound rude, but the meeting coming up is an Ubuntu development meeting - and since neither of us is a dev - I'd suggest we don't disturb, OK? :)09:39
=== bmon [n=monnahan@226.Red-83-38-113.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
x92shure :) i just watch the smart talking :P09:39
=== jenda will too
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dholbachgood morning09:44
G0SUBhello, dholbach :)09:45
dholbachheya G0SUB09:46
mvohello G0SUB! how is your project going?09:46
G0SUBmvo: you know better :)09:46
mvoG0SUB: haha :)09:46
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ajmitchG0SUB: almost finished then? :)09:48
G0SUBajmitch: heh, no. just about to start in fact :)09:49
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Jun 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00 UTC: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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mdzgood morning folks09:56
sladenx92: just  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop on your server box09:56
mvohello mdz!09:56
mdzeveryone here?09:56
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ajmitchhi mdz 09:56
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x92sladen: okay.. downloading ;)09:58
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mdzKeybuk,seb128,doko,heno,infinity,sfllaw,BenC,ogra,iwj,Riddell: ping09:58
dholbachmdz: seb128 is on holidays.09:58
sfllawmdz: Pong.09:58
mdzdholbach: oh, yes09:58
dokomdz: pong09:59
mdzJaneW: anyone other than seb128 not expected?09:59
JaneWmdz: not afaik10:00
=== bheung [n=brian@c-67-169-157-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzdholbach: could you ring ogra?10:00
dholbachmdz: i will do that10:00
mdzKamion: could you try riddell and keybuk?10:01
mdzSMSed Ben10:02
mdzKamion: oh, heno is in your calling radius as well10:03
KamionKeybuk's phone is ringing ... and ringing ... and ringing10:03
dholbachI left a message on ogra's mobile.10:03
mdzthe UK has one of the most reasonable times for this particular meeting, ironically10:03
KamionI think Keybuk was up late driving edgy10:04
MithrandirScott logged off at around ~0300 last night, so he could well be sleeping.10:04
Mithrandir(0300 his local time)10:04
infinityYeah, Scott was up late wrangling the opening of edgy with me.10:04
mdzdholbach: care to start us off?10:04
dholbachthis week (done): gnome 2.14 updates to dapper-updates, bugtriage, general catching up10:05
dholbachthis week (todo): gnome 2.15 and merging, more bug triage, writing specs10:05
dholbachnext week: gnome 2.15 and merging, more bug triage10:05
mdzdholbach: how are you doing on your specs for paris?10:05
Kamionleft messages for Keybuk and Riddell; phoning heno10:05
=== Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
dholbachmdz: starting off and have some plans with Michael - but not much progress yet10:05
Kamionheno will be with us shortly10:06
mdzeveryone should have a substantial number of specs (say 5-8) for Paris by the end of the week (i.e. tomorrow)10:06
mdzif you're short of ideas, please talk to me sooner rather than later :-)10:07
mvoshould we try to limit ourself to 5-8? or is it ok to have ... more :) ?10:07
mdzmvo: more is always fine, though it's not clear how many it will be possible to schedule10:07
Mithrandirwould it be possible to get a bunch of the old spec suggestions removed too?10:07
mdzMithrandir: removed from where?10:07
Mithrandirthe spec tracker in LP10:07
Mithrandirthere are some there which are bogus10:08
mdzI don't think so10:08
mdzthe idea is that we should only need to pay attention to specs which are targeted for a release or a meeting10:08
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mdzand that the list of all specs will be a swamp10:08
mdzbut feel free to mail launchpad with suggestions10:08
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henosorry for being late10:09
Keybukmdz: re e-mail, I had deliberately left one spec not added to the meeting, because I think it's edgy+110:09
mdzdholbach: are you confident about meeting that target?10:09
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dholbachmdz: I'll get cracking on it with full speed10:09
mdzthanks dholbach10:10
mdzdoko: next?10:10
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doko- this week (monday bank holidy)10:11
doko- toolchain updates for edgy10:11
doko- openoffice.org: preparing 2.0.2 l10n packages for dapper, rosetta discussions with carlos, preparing 2.0.3 for edgy, builds for amd64 again (no java, gtk crashes, must be gtk bug).10:11
doko- SoC bug10:11
doko- need to do: specs, SoC10:11
mdzdoko: 2.0.2 l10n packages?10:12
pittidoko: erm, we don't have bank holidays in .de :) (that was Pentecost)10:12
fabbione* doko has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <-10:12
mdzwe'll come back to him when he reconnects10:12
mdzfabbione: you're up10:12
fabbione* sparc: working on t1000. Got it installed yesterday and helping davem to get his box up for full speed d10:12
fabbioneebugging. got access to the 4 core Niagara today.10:12
fabbione* specs: most of the specs i will be working are leftovers from dapper. Need to remove dust from them. Unl10:12
fabbioneikely to have them all ready by deadline.10:12
fabbione* ubuntu-cluster: updated ocfs2 and working on GFS2 userland (kernel is already done) while waiting for sp10:12
fabbionearcs to reboot or build kernels..10:13
fabbione* last week: release, release party, drunk, drunk.. more drunk.. more drunkness.. fun.. profit, sparc, spa10:13
fabbionerc64, more profit..10:13
fabbione* next week: sparc till dapper release. 10:13
=== doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-065-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Kamionfabbione: hand over some of the profit10:13
mdzfabbione: since you'll be working on your specs remotely and not at the meeting, the deadline is not as critical.  the sparc work is more important of course10:13
fabbioneKamion: ehehe10:13
dokosorry, daily disconnect from my provider10:14
fabbionemdz: yeps.. i will still be coordinating with jbailey, neuralis and infinity.10:14
fabbionemdz: they will be my gw for some of the specs10:14
mdzfabbione: for your specs, just target them to dapper rather than adding to Paris10:14
mdzfabbione: unless you really need us to talk about them without you10:14
Mithrandirs/dapper/edgy/, I guess?10:14
fabbionemdz: some of them are shared, like cluster, server and mubuntu10:14
mdzyes, edgy10:14
fabbionemdz: people can still talk.. i will find a way to be "there"10:15
=== Keybuk hands fabbione a headset
fabbioneKeybuk: i have one ;)10:15
fabbionemdz: will do as much as possible.. sparc first10:15
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mdzfabbione: if they aren't proposed for Paris by the deadline it will be problematic to schedule them; if they really need to be discussed there then ask the people who will be there to help get them entered so you can continue on sparc10:16
dokofabbione: you did mention this week some sparc toolchain issues?10:16
fabbionemdz: ok will do.10:17
mdzfabbione: thanks10:17
fabbionedoko: let's take this on -toolchain10:17
fabbionemdz: thanks to you10:17
mdzdoko: now that you're back...you mentioned about 2.0.2 l10n for dapper?  I thought dapper already had 2.0.2 l10n10:17
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mdzdoko: disconnected again?10:18
dokomdz; it has, but including the import from rosetta, there are some conversion problems, and currently a build problem, because we do not scale with the number of language packs10:18
mdzdoko: 2.0.2-2ubuntu5 seemed to build10:19
dokomdz: -ubuntu12 not yet10:20
doko2.0.2-2ubuntu5 doesn't have the updates from rosetta10:20
mdzdoko: is -l10n actually any different between ubuntu5 and ubuntu12?10:20
mdzI see10:20
mdzdoko: what is "SoC bug'?10:21
dokomdz: hrm, nothing, just the to do line :-/10:21
mdzdoko: meaning SoC mentoring?   what is the 'bug'?10:22
JaneWdoko: you can;t call SoC a bug! :P10:22
dokomdz: sorry, please ignore that line10:23
mdzheno: next?10:23
heno * Websites: gave ubuntu.com a minor facelift and tidying up10:23
heno * Accessibility: working on lots of new specs, SoC, website section, support section in the forums. We are starting to see a trickle of users now trying it out and seeking 10:23
mdzheno: are you more or less finished proposing specs for paris, or have more planned?10:24
henoall done :)10:24
mdzok, great10:24
henoI realise there were quite a few this time10:25
mdzheno: did you receive the email I CCed you on regarding the forums (from sounder I think(?10:25
henoyes, there are social and technical aspects10:25
henowith the technical being fairly easy10:25
henocoordinating tabs and such10:26
mdzwe seem to have one forums person in paris10:26
mdznot necessarily someone who deals with the infrastructure, though; they say they are a moderator10:26
JaneWyes Roald Hopman10:26
henoI have a good communication with the forum staff on the social level as well though, so I can help there10:26
mdzwe should slot in at least one discussion about how to encourage more crossover between the forums and other parts of the community10:27
mdzheno: could you register a spec to ensure that goes on the agenda?10:27
henomdz: yes10:27
mdzinfinity: next?10:27
infinitylast week: lots of tete-a-tete with soyuz folk about correctly closing dapper, and getting edgy open.  Also got dapper-updates (soyuz) and dapper-security (dak) live and mostly happy.10:28
infinitythis week: opening edgy with a full toolchain bootstrap, then letting open the floodgates for building everything else uploaded, then catching up on some less critical security backlog.10:28
silbsmdz: one of the reasons to get forum people in Paris was to discuss forums governance. Mark and I have talked about this with Ryan Troy in the past, just tryingt omove things forward. Do you need a spec registered for that?10:28
mdzsilbs: I suppose we can schedule things manually, but putting in a spec is the best way to ensure that it won't be overlooked (and it'd be a good idea to write up the outcome anyway, provide a means for people to subscribe to participate, etc.)10:28
mdzinfinity: specs for Paris?10:29
infinitymdz: What if there's nothing other than "run the infrastructure nearly full time and maintain my pet packages" that really interests me?10:29
infinitymdz: I'll poke neuralis about some ubuntu-server spec stuff, though.10:30
mdzinfinity: if you'll be around after the meeting, let's talk about it10:30
infinitySince I intend to still own that.10:30
=== infinity nods.
infinityDo let's.10:30
mdzok, thanks10:30
infinityI'm here all night making sure edgy opens.10:30
mdziwj: next?10:30
=== ranf [n=ralfm@dslb-084-058-165-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
iwjlast week: release testing.  firefox themes.  chasing ancient dpkg bug with >=2 cargo cult wrong fixes (46530 etc.)10:31
iwjthis week: firefox  investigating breezy ff security options.  Thinking about edgy; I hadn't realised the target was 5-8 specs; I'll take a more shallow approach.10:31
iwjtodo: investigate some ff for breezy-security.  Firm up, write up and register some of these spec ideas.  When will the decisions about prioritisation be taken ?10:31
mdzinfinity: it can't be night for you; it's night for me ;-)10:31
Kamioniwj: prioritisation> next week10:31
infinitymdz: It'll be night when I'm done. :)10:31
Kamioniwj: see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-June/000145.html10:31
mdziwj: for the deadline, all you need are abstracts for discussion topics10:31
iwjRight.  But if I really want to push something I need to beef up the rationale ASAP.10:32
mdziwj: in edgy, please merge the human firefox theme as default; once it's been tested in edgy, sabdfl wants it backported to dapper10:32
iwjmdz: That will mean having a different firefox in dapper-updates and dapper-security.10:33
mdziwj: or merging the change into -security10:33
iwjI'm not sure how our users would feel about us doing a theme update in -security.10:34
mdzI expect that we have few if any desktop users who use -security without -updates, to be honest10:34
Kamionby sabdfl's own definitions, doing that in -security would be wrong ;-)10:34
mdzand almost as few non-desktop users10:34
FujitsuI'm both a server and desktop user, and I always have both :)10:35
mdzKamion: I did discuss it with him in fact10:35
Kamion18:30 < sabdfl>  - enable -security only (very stable, only security updates)10:35
mdzKamion: what was the context there?10:35
Kamion-security vs. -security+-updates vs. -security+-updates+-proposed-updates10:35
Kamion#launchpad yesterday10:35
mdzwe've routinely merged non-security bugfixes into -security to avoid duplicating work10:36
pittinot that often, but indeed we did10:36
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pittibut only for small critical bug fixes without impact on the UI10:36
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mdzanyway, thanks iwj10:36
mdziwj: you'll be around after the meeting as well, yes?10:36
iwjJust to be clear:10:36
iwjmdz: yes10:36
iwjI don't really think this is a very good idea, but obviously I don't want to argue with sabdfl.  So AIUI I'm instructed to push the theme change into -security ?10:37
pittiiwj: but let's do the initial update ASAP, without the theme change for now10:37
iwjpitti: Absolutely.10:38
iwjIn fact, it was uploaded earlier during the meeting.10:38
mdziwj: you're welcome to roll a security+theme package for -updates, but keeping that up over 5 years sounds uninteresting10:38
mdzJaneW: next?10:39
infinityTBH, firefox enjoys a rather lax security policy ANYWAY, so one more change in -security isn't likely to make people take notice in the least.10:39
JaneW-SoC: Admin tasks, final mapping of students to mentors, communicating between students and mentors, and google, looking for a SoC admin replacement, any volunteers??? (doko?)10:39
JaneW-Mailing Lists: catching up on back log and unsubscribing from those no longer relevant.10:39
JaneW-Edubuntu: Attended last EC meeting, and appointed 2 new Edubuntu Members, Edubuntu 6.06 released and is doing great on the distrowatch charts - thanks to ogra. Have been handing over my Edbuntu Admin tasks as appropriate.10:39
JaneW-UDS Paris: Invited sponsored guests. Communicated with all guests to facilitate bookings and preferences, prepared spreadsheets and handed these to clan to take over.10:39
JaneW- Have been really knocked by flu and a sinus infection this week.10:39
JaneWTo Do:10:39
JaneW-Finalising everything. This is my last week :(10:39
JaneW-Assisting with LP spec registering and Edubuntu as required etc.10:39
JaneWPlease let me know if I need to do anything for anyone?10:39
JaneWmdz: how do you want this meeting recorded for instance?10:39
JaneWFinally: Thanks to everyone for the most fantastic opportunity, it has been an honor and privileged to have worked with you all!10:39
Kamionthanks for everything10:40
KeybukJaneW: thank you!10:40
=== jsgotangco claps for JaneW
=== pitti gives JaneW a big hug and thanks her
KeybukJaneW: for everything you've done10:40
mdzJaneW: a brief summary for the weekly newsletter and a link to the log would be great10:40
=== Fujitsu applauds JaneW.
dokoJaneW: thanks!10:40
Kamionany volunteers for meeting secretary in the future?10:40
dholbachyeah, thank you very much, JaneW10:40
FujitsuWhere are you going? :(10:40
JaneWmdz: right, thanks10:40
=== mvo gives JaneW a big hug and wishes her all the best
JaneWthanks everyone.10:40
dokoJaneW: well, it would be nice to have you as some kind of backup for the SoC work10:41
JaneWand drink Amarula in Paris!10:41
MithrandirJaneW: where would we get that from when you're not coming?10:41
JaneWdoko: I think we can arrange that, I'd like to stay in touch with it anyway10:41
JaneWMithrandir: duty free ;)10:41
mdzJaneW: we'll miss you and your Amarula both ;-)10:41
fabbioneJaneW: take lady.. 10:42
fabbioneand if you need anything.. you know where the godfather is10:42
mdzheno: could you take over summarizing our meetings for the newsletter starting next week?10:42
henomdz: yes, should be fine10:43
mdzJaneW: apart from that and SoC, is there anything else on your list which hasn't been handed off yet?10:43
mdzheno: great, thanks10:44
dokoJaneW: as long as nobody volunteers, I'm going to do that (at least you already did start briefing ;-P)10:44
JaneWmdz: not really besides some UDS stuff, and the specs etc, the edubuntu team has been great at volunteering10:45
mdzJaneW: claire n. should be handling the remainder of the summit planning, yes?10:45
JaneWmdz: and the meeting reminders etc... bt it is on the fridge, so it's pretty bot-like10:45
JaneWmdz: yes except for the stuff silbs has asked me to do10:45
mdzJaneW: the stuff silbs asked you to do, is doable by the end of the week?10:45
JaneWmdz: also there's the e-mail I receive I will handle it and/or forward it as appropriate as it comes in10:45
JaneWmdz: I did remove my address as the reference on the various wiki pages I had added it to10:46
mdzJaneW: are you feeling any better?10:46
JaneWmdz: I hope so yes, I just read the message properly this morning, I am not sure I understand the team speak requirement, but am going to try to find out...10:46
mdzJaneW: if you could forward me a copy, that'd be appreciated10:46
JaneWmdz: I get a bit better during the day, but at night and in the morning I feel really rotten. I really hope the worst is over now . Thanks.10:47
mdzI've developed sinus infections as a complication of cold/flu before, no fun10:47
mdzthanks JaneW, and all the best10:48
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mdzKamion: next?10:48
Kamionmisc: Huge amounts of bugmail, mostly Ubiquity. Preparing specs for Paris (done five, pondering revive-tasksel); ubiquity-advanced-partitioner prompted by aforementioned flood of bugmail. Various dapper-updates uploads, more to come. Will start on the big d-i merge today, probably (blocked on merging packaging toolchain).10:48
Kamionmigration-assistance: (This is my student's GSoC project.) I've seen an initial code drop and done a design and minimal code review on it; basic approach is mostly sound and I'm happy with his progress so far.10:49
Kamionnext-week: On holiday.10:49
JaneWKamion: enjoy your holiday - is it not your anniversary then (or soon?)10:49
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fabbioneKamion: am i still allowed to SMS you if we get the sparc bugs fixed?10:49
fabbioneKamion:  i am sure i can handle up to testing cdimages.. but for final release i think i will need your 31337 sk177510:50
KamionJaneW: couple of months, this is just a random holidday10:50
Kamionfabbione: I will be nowhere near a computer10:50
fabbioneKamion: ok.. have fun110:50
Mithrandirfabbione: I can do releases for you.10:50
fabbioneMithrandir: on releases.ubuntu.com ?10:50
KamionI can run Mithrandir through what needs to happen; it's a bit weird and will need manual assistance10:51
Mithrandirthat's just a mirror of lithium.10:51
Kamionthe scripts will get a few things wrong10:51
mdzKamion: if you can do a dry run with Mithrandir before you go, that'd be good10:51
fabbioneKamion, Mithrandir: up to you two.. i can't even be 100% sure evything will be fixed10:51
Kamionwill do10:51
Kamionum, we need to discuss other things, but #ubuntu-devel after the meeting10:51
mdzok, thanks10:51
mdzKeybuk: next?10:52
Kamionfabbione: (SMS is fine, BTW, as long as you don't demand an answer within the hour :-))10:52
Keybuk(this week) MoM: Working on a new source grabbing method for mom, instead of relying on external morgues.  Currently finding all sources that I can for the backlog.10:52
Keybuk(this week) edgy: Prepared new udev, module-init-tools and usplash packages.10:52
Keybuk(this week) dapper: Fixed the pcmcia-cs utils bug harder *ahem*10:52
Keybuk(next week) specs: finish off spec drafts and get them on the wiki10:52
Keybuk(next week) edgy: Fix upstream's also-broken udev device enumeration10:52
fabbioneKamion: don't worry.. i expect you to have fun :) not to be ready for me :)10:52
mdzKeybuk: how much luck are you having finding the missing sources?10:53
Keybukmdz: I'm using several different archives; won't know what the hit/miss rate is until it's finished though10:53
Keybukhopefully it'll be good enough10:53
mdzKeybuk: do we have a plan for the future so that we're sure to keep copies of what we need?10:54
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mdzor is that tbd in paris?10:54
Keybukmdz: my plan for the future is that Launchpad should do it10:54
infinityThe future plan is to import sid into LP.10:54
mdzthat's unlikely to start happening before the merge starts10:55
mdzunless you know something I don't10:55
siretartinfinity: do you plan to have chroots on the buildds for sid?10:55
infinitysiretart: No, we're not BUILDING sid, we'll be importing a read-only copy.10:55
siretartI was rather thinking about personal package archives10:56
Keybukmdz: you didn't specify the constraint for "future" :p10:56
mdzKeybuk: "edgy"10:56
Keybukmdz: edgy plans are to use the scripts I've written10:56
Keybukthey basically keep our own equivalent of snapshot.dn10:56
Keybukbut without history we don't need or binaries10:56
mdzok, so once we've filled in the gaps, they should give us what we need going forward10:56
mdzKeybuk: thanks10:57
mdzMithrandir: next?10:57
Mithrandirmisc: post-release cleanups, thinking and writing up specs for Eft.  Public holiday, getting started on SoC mentoring10:57
Mithrandirnext week: more spec preparation, get my space bar fixed so I stop losing spaces, start uploading syncs again, more SoC mentoring10:57
mdzMithrandir: are you confident about getting 5-8 specs in for Paris by the end of the week?10:58
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pittiMithrandir: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!10:59
MithrandirI'm picking some off your suggestions list as well as drawing from a bunch of my own too.10:59
Mithrandirpitti: thanks. :-)10:59
mdzhappy birthday indeed10:59
=== dholbach hugs Mithrandir!
=== mvo hugs Mithrandir
=== sfllaw hugs Mithrandir.
mdzdoko just had one as well10:59
=== ogra hugs Mithrandir
mdzand elmo!11:00
=== ogra hugs as well :)
dholbachdoko: HAPPY BIRTHDAY - when is the party? :-)11:00
=== dholbach hugs doko
mdzgoodness, we need to get these on the fridge calendar ;-)11:00
pittidoko: happy belated birthday!!11:00
Mithrandirthanks everybody. 11:00
=== mvo hugs doko
ogramdz++ :)11:00
dokothank you :)11:00
sfllawmdz: Yes, we should.11:00
=== sfllaw hugs doko.
mdzMithrandir: ok, thanks11:01
mdzmvo: next?11:01
mvo(monday  Pentecost)11:01
mvo- some 3rd party packages work/review11:01
mvo- SoC/spec work11:01
mvo- apt work (ddtp)11:01
mvo- smart work (apt-channel-sync)11:01
mvo- bug triage11:01
mvoWill do:11:01
mvo- preparing specs for paris (including resurrecting some dapper ones)11:01
mvo- more 3rd party app work11:01
mdzmvo: do you have enough spec ideas to occupy you in Paris?11:02
mdzif not I have all sorts of ideas for you :-)11:02
mvomdz: yes, I'm confident in this :)11:02
mvo(both that you have enough ideas for both of us and that I will be able to have enough specs)11:02
mdzmvo: there seem to be at least two things being called 3rd party now11:02
mdzour vendor-oriented repositories, and the install-packages-via-browser magic11:03
mvooh, ok. "3rd party packages" means for me review/mail for the vendor repository11:03
mdzwhich wasabi has been talking about11:03
mdzone of them should be renamed to avoid confusion11:04
mdzyou and he can fight it out ;-)11:04
=== mvo wins
mdzhis is apt-third-party I think11:04
mdzmvo: thanks11:04
mdzogra: next?11:04
ogra* general: preparing a fix for missing cursors in edubuntu-artwork, discussing specs, preparing the merge of debians ltsp branch, packing g-s-s 2.14.2, SoC (willow spec changes)11:04
ogra* next-week: initial packaging of ltsp manager, more ltsp work (lots of changes in debian), preparing for paris, finishing spec writing and selecting edubuntu and ltsp specs11:04
mdzogra: ltsp manager? is that the gui configurator?11:06
ograit has also a spec, so i can work "officially" on it :)11:06
mdzogra: are you going to tackle the dhcp configuration issue and/or local devices for edgy?11:06
ogralocal dev is my highs priority indeed11:07
ograand the dhcp conf issue is at least solved for new installs in my local branch (in the udeb)11:07
mdzogra: ok, if any further discussion is needed about dhcp, please get it on the agenda for paris.  if you'd like to send me a diff to review, I'll look over it11:07
ograok, first i need to  get the debian changes in11:08
mdzI think the best approach would be for that file to stop being a conffile in dhcp311:08
ograthe branch is pretty mixed up11:08
ograthats the minimal requirement, yes11:08
mdzok, thanks11:08
iwjogra: Have you seen any more reports about that ip address exhaustion problem ?11:08
mdzpitti: next?11:08
ograanother thing is when and how to generate it in "not new" installs11:09
pittidone last week:11:09
pitti * piled up a huge number of security updates; staged since *-security wasn't working until this morning11:09
pitti * fixed a few major bugs in dapper-updates11:09
pitti * set up automatic daily langpack updates for hoary, breezy, and dapper11:09
pitti * initial design discussion with my SoC student11:09
pittiplan for remainder of this week/next week:11:09
pitti * finish my amber wrapper to generate USN templates that are actually usable, to greatly reduce the time I spend for creating them (currently in progress)11:09
pitti * release the currently pending security updates11:09
ograiwj, only one11:09
pitti * deal with the next round of security updates (firefox, tbird, mozilla, mysql, kernel), discuss solution for Mozilla&friends with upstream and other vendors11:09
pitti * find some time to think about Edgy specs until tomorrow; most likely I won't find time for 5-8, since security takes a lot of my time, and AutomatedProblemReports is a huge spec that I'd like to concentrate on11:09
mdzpitti: dapper-security is working now?11:09
pittimdz: at least jackass uploads; I didn't try to release something11:09
pittimdz: packages with translation tarballs are still broken, though11:09
mdzpitti: are we still getting a significant amount of ongoing new translations for hoary and breezy?11:09
pittisince katie doesn't eat the raw-translations changes items11:10
iwjogra: Hmm.  I do still think there's something wrong with dhcpd there but at least it's not hugely serious.  Do let me know if it becomes more prominent on your radar.11:10
pittimdz: yes, since all dapper translations which are valid for hoary and breezy will be updated there as well11:10
mdzpitti: don't many/most packages have translation tarballs?11:10
ograiwj, will do 11:10
ograiwj, thanks for pointing11:10
pittimdz: acutally not, about 400 in main11:10
pittimdz: and most of the UI stuff is not particularly vulnerability-prone11:10
mdzpitti: do you have a tentative date for uploading the first translation updates for dapper?11:11
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pittimdz: carlos and I agreed to update translations on first Monday every month11:11
pittimdz: does that sound fine to you?11:11
pittiso, July 311:11
mdzpitti: that's fine with me; jordi proposed doing the first update earlier though11:11
pittiworks for me11:12
mdzdid you discuss with him?11:12
Riddellmdz: I'm awake now, sorry for being late11:12
pittithe packages are generated daily, we just need to upload whenever we want11:12
pittimdz: I'll talk with jordi11:12
ograRiddell, seems to be a derivative desease, i was late as well :)11:12
pittimdz: June 14 sounds like a good date then11:12
mdzpitti: did we already send something to -announce about translation updates from rosetta?11:12
pittimdz: I will do the announcement once I can do a thorough test of the hoary and breezy updates and have the dates settled11:13
mdzpitti: ok11:14
mdzsilbs: might we want to do a press release about the fact that we will now be doing periodic translation updates for Ubuntu from Rosetta?11:14
mdzpitti: we need to keep you busy somehow in Paris; do you need help getting specs registered?11:15
pittimdz: oh, I'll have plenty to do :) I plan to discuss several ffox/oo.o/langpack related things with Carlos, talk with Till Kampetter about printing stuff, and grab some people for AutomatedProblemReports11:16
mdzpitti: it's a good idea to register your planned meetings as specs, that way they go on the agenda11:16
pittimdz: but I'll find some time today to review the specs and at least be drafter for some of them11:16
mdzpitti: (and you will have time to document the outcome)11:16
pittimdz: are you fine with me inviting Till Kampetter for a day? he lives in Paris11:17
pittimdz: he's the Mandriva print guru, and he wanted to exchange some ideas with me11:17
mdzpitti: I think it's too late to get accomodation, but of course he is welcome to come by for the session itself11:17
pittihe doesn't need accomodation11:17
pittihe'll just be there for a few hours, I guess11:18
mdzthat's fine, it's open to the public.  he should register on /Attendees though11:18
pittisince our print infrastructure could need a huge hunk of love, I think it's a good idea11:18
mdzthanks pitti11:18
mdzRiddell: next?11:18
Riddell- e-mail catchup11:18
Riddell- spec writing11:18
Riddell- edgy package update preparation http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates11:18
Riddell- making sure all SoC students are alive and with specs11:18
ograpitti, i'd like to have kdeedu langpacks (in case we cant drop it from edubuntu) to reduce the cd size, can we discuss that in paris ?11:18
Riddell- Discussing Rosetta with KDE translators11:18
Riddell- dapper-updates11:18
Riddellnext week:11:18
Riddell- finish off pre-summit specs11:18
Riddell- KDE 3.5.3 edgy packaging11:18
pittiogra: sure, should become a small spec11:18
Riddell- meeting with KDE reps to discuss summit plans11:19
mdzRiddell: you have a bunch of specs registered; do you expect to divide that work between yourself and some KDE folks?11:19
Riddellmdz: me, KDE folk and the other kubuntu people who are coming11:20
mdzRiddell: I commented on the status whiteboard of one of your proposed specs and asked for it to be reorganized a bit; hopefully launchpad emailed you?11:20
ograpitti, it will be included in the "edubuntu CD diet" spec (which has some other topics as well)11:20
Riddellmdz: yes got that, will change that spec around today11:20
mdzRiddell: how many SoC projects are you mentoring?11:20
Riddellmdz: three11:21
mdzRiddell: seems like a lot, make sure you budget time to help them11:21
mdzin terms of your personal spec workload11:21
mdzRiddell: what do you plan for dapper-updates?11:22
Riddellmdz: just the ones that have been uploaded, plus the openoffice amd64 stuff with doko 11:22
mdzRiddell: ok, I approved qt-x11-free earlier today11:23
mdzRiddell: when is the meeting with KDE?11:23
Riddellmonday (european) evening11:23
RiddellI need to warn them about the 9 o'clock starts11:24
=== doko remembers that we'll need an ia32-libs-gtk update to include libgail* ...
mdzok, please ping me when it's starting so I can at least listen in11:24
Riddellmdz: sure11:24
mdzRiddell: thanks11:24
mdzsfllaw: next?11:24
sfllawDone: Bug triage, release party, SoC mentoring, setup ability to work in the Montreal office.11:24
sfllawTodo: Bug triage, training people for ubuntu-qa, spec writing, SoC mentoring.11:24
sfllawSince Dapper's release...11:24
sfllawUnconfirmed and unassigned bugs of severity >= normal: 1581 -> 208611:24
sfllawNeeds Info bugs: 1450 -> 165111:24
sfllawDapper bugs: 64 -> 7611:24
sfllawBugs without packages: 1079 -> 130311:24
sfllawBugs closed: 6696 (This number seems wrong, considering what https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs said yesterday, which was about 5000 less.)11:24
mdzsfllaw: does that represent a large spike in bug activity, or normal firehose action?11:25
sfllawWhat do you mean by "that"?11:25
sfllawThe numbers overall?11:25
mdzsfllaw: the deltas11:25
Kamionsfllaw: bugs closed> does that take dups into account?11:25
sfllawKamion: I'm unsure.  bradb would be the best person to answer that.11:26
sfllawmdz: We have a huge spike in bug activity, caused by Dapper's release.11:26
mdzsfllaw: the inconsistency might have something to do with that malone bugfix which went in recently, correcting the numbers vs. query results11:26
sfllawmdz: Fair enough.  Sane numbers should reappear next week, then.11:26
mdzbug 3388211:26
UbugtuMalone bug 33882 in malone "Critical bugs are listed as 8 in the side bar, but there actually aren't any" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3388211:26
sfllawIn any event, the bug flow seems to have doubled after you made that release announcement.11:26
=== bheung [n=brian@c-67-169-157-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzsfllaw: from what you've seen, are there many valid/confirmable bug reports or mostly dupes/noise?11:27
sfllawA lot of both.11:28
dholbachfrom what I've seen, I'd say 60% dupes/noise and 40% valid bugs (desktop-bugs)11:28
dokosfllaw: more statistics: ubuntu > 4500 hits on distrowatch, kubuntu and xubuntu on rang 4 and 5 (7 day statistics), edubuntu on rang 23 (ogra, go ;-)11:28
ograYAY !11:28
sfllawdholbach: That sounds about right.11:28
mdzdoko: indeed, distrowatch is very sensitive to new releases and other big news ;-)11:29
sfllawLots of people hit bugs in ubiquity, that I've been hesitant to collapse into dupes.11:29
mdzqualitative feedback about dapper so far seems to be very positive, though11:29
sfllawI agree.11:29
mdzcongratulations to all of you on that success11:29
ogramdz, dont take our illusions !11:29
ogra(about distrowatch)11:29
sfllawLots of people have weird configurations which didn't show up in Release Candidate stages.11:29
mdzwe're getting great press and user feedback11:29
Kamionsfllaw: I'm happy to (and indeed prefer) to do most of that, but see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUbiquity for the easy cases that can be done by others11:29
mdzsfllaw: we need to figure out how to get those folks testing pre-release11:30
Kamionsfllaw: ubiquity is about 80% dupes or weird-shit. :-(11:30
sfllawIt's psychological, I think.11:30
sfllawKamion: We need their logs before we can sort into dupes.11:30
Kamionsfllaw: right, I have cut-and-paste text for that ...11:30
sfllawYeah, so do I.  :(11:30
mdzanyone heard from BenC?11:31
mdzout of time11:32
mdzthanks all, and good time-of-day11:32
fabbionemdz: thanks, good night11:32
dholbachthanks - sleep tight11:32
henosfllaw: I think people are more likely to test Live CDs pre-release, so better ways of getting debugging info from those would help11:33
ograheno, but that wont show you the upgrade probs with weird configs ...11:33
henoogra: true11:33
Kamionheno: we only really started to get decent ubiquity crash reporting going around beta 2, unfortunately11:33
KamionI regret not doing that earlier11:33
ograi had a guy who obviously had poked around in his /etc/login.defs and couldnt log without getting a ton of errors for example ...11:34
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pittibye everyone11:36
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Jun 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00 UTC: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 21 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu
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gnomefreakjenda: ping05:57
jendagnomefreak: pong05:57
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gnomefreakare we only ones here?05:58
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=== gnomefreak never did hear back from mez
ogragnomefreak, there is no meeting scheduled atm05:59
jendaogra: wrong... in one hour, there is one.05:59
gnomefreakogra: we tried to for nun to see if we can get it back up05:59
highvoltagejenda: there's a difference between 'atm' and 'one hour' ;)06:00
ogranot according to the official schedule, please mail the fridge next time to get it on there06:00
jendaIs there? hmm... true06:00
ograand what highvoltage says :)06:00
jendaogra: it's there http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event06:00
ogra@schedule CET06:00
UbugtuSchedule for CET: 14 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 19:00: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 22:00: Technical Board | 21 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu06:00
ograUbugtu disagrees, hmm06:01
ograSeveas, ??06:01
Seveas@schedule Amsterdam06:02
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Amsterdam: 14 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 19:00: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 22:00: Technical Board | 21 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu06:02
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Jun 17:00 UTC: New User Network | 14 Jun 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00 UTC: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
Seveasprobably places on the fridge less than an hour ago06:02
ograah, ok06:03
ograthanks :)06:03
Seveasubugtu refreshes its webcal feed every hour06:03
Seveas"@topic" forces him to do that06:03
ograoki, willl check first next time :)06:03
Seveasto see next meeting, use @now <timezone>06:03
Seveas@now Amsterdam06:03
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Amsterdam: June 08 2006, 18:03:55 - Next meeting: New User Network  in 56 minutes06:03
ograah, cool06:05
jendaSeveas, ogra, must disagree - was there since yesterday.06:06
ograwell, my evo calendar just got it ...06:07
ograso it might be a glitch on the fridge06:07
Seveasjenda, maybe not yet in the webcal feed06:07
ograit was surely not in the webcal feed (in my evolution) when we started talking06:08
jendaSeveas: no idea what you're talking abotu there.. :)06:10
gnomefreakme neither06:11
Seveasjenda, you poked me earlier just before I left work06:11
Seveaswhat was that about?06:11
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=== jenda waves at hybrid
hybridme waves back06:25
hybridbrb im gonna get some breakfast before the meeting06:26
jendasure ;)06:27
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=== hybrid whistles
=== jenda slaps hybrid. 9 more minutes.
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: New User Network | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Jun 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00 UTC: Documentation Team | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
lastnodejenda, DRP == Dapper Release Party06:53
jendaAh ;)06:53
lastnodejenda, http://flickr.com/photos/mahangu/sets/72157594154931177/06:54
gnomefreakis there a logger or do i need to take notes?06:57
jendaI log06:59
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gnomefreakok you log ;)06:59
jendaand this channel has it's own logbot, I think... Ubugtu?06:59
=== pppoe_dude [n=blimpdud@CPE00055df621f8-CM000e5cdd83d2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== kingspawn [n=areffhau@204.80-203-21.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== billybennett [n=william@69-161-9-241.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
lastnodeyeah Ubugtu logs07:00
jendaso... what's the agneda?07:00
jendaAnd where the hell is nalioth and robotgeek...07:01
gnomefreakwe need ideas to bring back nun and what we can do to imporove it07:01
gnomefreaknalmight be sleeping/working07:01
lastnodeyeah i agree07:01
lastnodeso are we <meetup> ?07:01
kingspawnIs it supposed to be done in the nun-channel? Like, advicing people that want mentoring to go in there?07:01
gnomefreaklastnode: yep lets do this07:01
kingspawnOr in the regular #ubuntu-channel?07:01
lastnodekingspawn, in #ubuntu really07:01
lastnode#ubuntu-nun is for us to coordinate07:01
kingspawnHm, okay.07:01
pppoe_dudeMAke an attreactive website07:02
lastnodepppoe_dude, we already have a website/wiki07:02
jendawhy an attractive website?07:02
gnomefreakkingspawn: i talked to naloith about that and he brings them into an offtoic channel either ubuntu or kubuntu but i would like a place (maybe #ubuntu-nun) due to less people07:02
jendaWhat we need first is a mission statement.07:02
pppoe_dudecoz then more people will think it's user friendly, etc.07:02
kingspawngnomefreak: Yeah, me too. #ubuntu is too crowded for indepth mentoring07:02
kingspawngnomefreak: Nowadays it is more suited for oneline-answers07:02
gnomefreaksame with offtopic channels for me atleast07:03
jendaIs the mission the creation of #ubuntu-sidechannels for more personal handling of newbies?07:03
jendaand only that?07:03
pppoe_dudemaybe put all the standard stuff like a few forums and an irc channel07:03
lastnodejenda, that's part of it, i guess07:03
lastnodei dont do forums, so it'll be just irc for me07:03
kingspawnI think that is a good idea, really.07:03
kingspawnConversation-style help in #ubuntu is impossible07:03
hybridlastnode: +107:03
lastnodehybrid, never been anything but a waste of time07:03
lastnodeat least on irc, you can kickban the flamers07:03
jendaindeed, it's mostly the UBunu IRC team anyway... )07:03
hybridlastnode: i have a bad history with ubuntuforums and some of the leaders07:04
gnomefreakjenda: im more of an irc users than forums. forums have a way of going wayyy too off-subject/help07:04
lastnodeUbuntu-NUN should be a group of users willing to answer the same questions over, and over, and over agian07:04
jendahybrid: please. not now.07:04
lastnodepreferebly without too many links07:04
lastnodeand RTFMS07:04
jendagnomefreak: we are all.07:04
lastnodeas polite as we say it, sometimes we're just RTFMing07:04
gnomefreaklastnode: thats what it was at one point07:04
lastnodewithout saying the word07:04
hybridjenda: i was just stating my reason not trying to start a flamewar07:04
lastnodeit's like07:04
=== jenda would cut teh forums away from the subject now.
kermitX_website/wiki/whatever needs a good intro/primer into IRC for these new users.07:05
lastnodeyou have to have the patience to answer "Guys, what's a linix?"07:05
kingspawnWell, sometimes a little reading will make it clearer for the questioneer, imho. 07:05
gnomefreakim making note to take to mez to see if we cant do something either re do the team (if people are not intersted) take them off?07:05
lastnodekingspawn, yeah, there's a fine line there, that we have to be able to draw07:05
kingspawnlastnode: Sure, sure, I'm all for helping. I'm actually quite helpful at times :)07:06
jendasending them off to read is usually hard for them.07:06
lastnodein some cases it IS useful though07:06
jendabut that's not the point of the meeting, eh?07:06
gnomefreakhas anyone looked ar the restricted wiki lately? tell me a new users can understand that now07:06
lastnodewe dont want to encourage dumb users07:06
jendaSo, we need side-channels.07:06
lastnodewe want to help them grow07:06
jendaWhat's next?07:06
lastnodebut at their one speed07:06
lastnodejenda, we _have_ side channels07:07
lastnodethat was already decided07:07
lastnodewe didnt need a meeting for that :)07:07
gnomefreaklastnode: we dont yet07:07
lastnodeyeah, what's next07:07
jendawe do? For this specific reason?07:07
kingspawnWhat's next is actually an efficient way of tunneling the ones that need to go there there07:07
kingspawn(there there...)07:07
jendaWe don't - but we should.07:07
lastnodejenda, i dont think we need for this specific reason07:07
jendalastnode: I'm afraid we do -that's the whole point.07:07
lastnodewait, i mean #ubuntu-nun is eniugh, i reckon07:07
lastnodethere is a flipside though07:07
jendaIt is for coordination, not for tutoring.07:08
lastnodeinviting a user in to #ubuntu-whatever is good07:08
lastnodeas long as you can finish what you started07:08
lastnodeif you have to afk07:08
kingspawnCan't we have something like #ubuntu-nun-coord for the coordination?07:08
lastnodeand no one else is around07:08
kingspawnI can't, for the sake of my sanity, do things like this in #ubuntu07:08
lastnodethen he/she is in the lurch07:08
jendano, we need #ubuntu-coupe07:08
lastnodeat least with #ubuntu, there's always someone else there07:08
gnomefreakkingspawn: that will get messy for the nun memebers that dont know07:08
lastnodei dont think we need a special channel to coord07:08
lastnodeall of us are in -offtopic07:09
jendaand once that is overcrowded #ubuntu-saloon07:09
jendaetc ;)07:09
kingspawngnomefreak: Well, the wiki needs to reflect the changes, I would guess07:09
gnomefreakkingspawn: it will07:09
kingspawngnomefreak: If they are active, they will find out07:09
pppoe_dudehow about #ubuntu-beginners (for the main channel - to keep it simple)07:09
gnomefreaki would like to find out who is and who is not active ont he member list07:09
lastnodebtw, is the IRCteam ok with this?07:09
jendapppoe_dude: +107:09
pppoe_dudeand #ubuntu-nun for discussions07:09
jendagnomefreak is the IRC team here.07:09
lastnodein the end, keeping the peace is going to be their job07:09
lastnodeoh ok :)07:10
gnomefreakjenda: what irc team? the ops?07:10
lastnodegnomefreak, we will have teh opxors in there?07:10
jendaSeveas mainly.07:10
gnomefreaklastnode: yes we will07:10
jendaof course.07:10
lastnodeim just saying, do we need another channel to coord07:10
jendalastnode: if we don't we can abandon it later.07:10
lastnodeive seen a maximum of 5 people in #ubuntu-nun anyway07:10
gnomefreakjenda: ping him hes prolly working on something07:10
lastnode(except now ;-))07:10
jendaI just did, gnomefreak07:10
pppoe_dudethen setup a team to cover the channels 24/707:10
kingspawnlastnode: Heh, the idea is to increase the pressure, innit?07:11
lastnodehow about we do this? we _start_ inviting people in to -nun07:11
lastnodei mean users07:11
Seveasdragging people away from #ubuntu is not-done07:11
lastnodeand if we get crowded07:11
jendapppoe_dude: that should be the people who help in #ubuntu the most.07:11
Seveassending invites definitely not07:11
jendaSeveas: it's not?07:11
=== jenda stops in his tracks...
kermitX_specifically invite beginners to #ubuntu-beginners or whatever in the docs, user guide, wiki, etc.07:11
kingspawnSo all help should be given in #ubuntu?07:11
gnomefreakSeveas: we are not dragging it was meant for like when me or naloith or whoever walk users through compiling07:11
=== lastnode _did_ ask what the irc team thinks of it
=== pppoe_dude will be back in 2 minutes
Seveasgnomefreak, private messages are ok for that too but I see your point07:12
kermitX_#ubuntu is too cluttered to have more than a 2 line conversation with someone.07:12
kingspawnYeah. I'm all up for joining a team to help out more people07:12
kermitX_beginners will get frustrated with all the irrelevent chatter.07:12
kingspawnBut not in #ubuntu.07:12
kingspawn(If text is more than one line, that is)07:13
gnomefreakkermitX_: thats why most of us invite users to an -offtopic channel to walk them through07:13
SpecHow do you redirect beginners to #ubuntu-beginners?07:13
gnomefreakSpec: you cant07:13
Specsocial engineering?07:13
dsasgnomefreak: RestrictedFormats will be reworked a little soon (shockwave and java are planned to be put in their own wiki pages iirc)07:13
gnomefreakit would be more like <user> join me in #blah blah-blah if you want help with this more in depth07:14
SpecI think people who IRC from the livecd/install should be redirected to #ubuntu-install07:14
pppoe_dudeSpec, in the topic07:14
gnomefreakdsas: ty07:14
Specwho reads the topic?07:14
=== gnomefreak read topics
kingspawnNot the beginners.07:14
=== highvoltage too
Speci mean, yeah, we do07:14
Seveasputting things in topic == dragging away07:14
Specbut not beginners07:14
=== hybrid reads it
jendaSpec: I disagree. LiveCD is too general.07:14
SeveasI don't think there's a need for a separate fixed channel07:14
jendaAnyway - it has always been done. Whenever you need to guide someone through, you need another channel.07:15
lastnodeSpec, splitting up channels means you hae to find people who are willing to spawn themselves across all of them07:15
SeveasI suggest: "Join #yournickname to get in-depth help"07:15
Seveasjust temporary join quiet channels07:15
gnomefreaki can go with that07:15
kermitX_preconfigure some of the #ubuntu-xxxx channels in the irc clients in the repos?07:15
jendaSeveas: that does make some sense.07:15
lastnodeyeah that sounds alright07:15
Seveasit even makes people feel special07:15
Seveas"Hi lastnode come to #lastnode and I'll help" 07:15
Seveasbut don't do that for all questions07:15
kingspawnI've got three real life friends that use ubuntu, and they all detest #ubuntu, haha.07:15
lastnodeSeveas, you liar! #lastnode is teh empty!07:16
Seveaslastnode, :07:16
Seveaskingspawn, heh #ubuntu is quite messy at times07:16
lastnodekingspawn, it's not perfect at times, but certainly one of the best channels ive seen07:16
SeveasI wish I had some more time for it07:16
Specand very fast paced07:16
lastnodein terms of promptness07:16
gnomefreakthe one thing that worried me was #ubuntu is getting very big07:16
Speconly because dapper was released07:16
gnomefreaknew users couldnt keep up with 500 people now theres 900+ at all tiomes07:16
lastnodebigger than #gentoo?07:16
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
lastnodethen again, vastly diff audiences07:17
Seveaslastnode, we're pretty close to #gentoo now07:17
Seveasduring release we were bigger07:17
lastnodeSeveas, yeah, i noticed :)07:17
lastnodeoh right, didnt notice that07:17
SpecOne thing I'd like to bring up would be standardization on us people getting information from them, there has to be a better way than pastebin/flood....07:17
hybrid#gentoo is also older07:18
ompaulSpec, #flood is useless07:18
kingspawnHm, so this nun-thing is going to require joining a different channel each time I help someone out?07:18
kingspawnThat is kind of set in stone now?07:18
Seveaskingspawn, no it won't07:18
Specompaul: #ubuntu-flood07:18
Specbut still, the concept of a flood channel is silly07:18
kermitX_Spec, topic="troll magnet"07:18
SeveasSpec, yeah, pastebin is much better 07:18
ompaulSpec, flooding channels are useless, they scoll by too fast07:19
kingspawnSeveas: Oh? I misunderstand, then. Heh. I thought it was /j #nameofusertohelp, and then go at it.07:19
lastnodeguys, i think what Seveas is tring to beat here is recursion. for example, what happens when #ubuntu-nun gets too crowded? do we spawn #ubuntu-nun-nun07:19
lastnodei do see his point07:19
Specpatebin is better, but it takes 10-15 minutes sometimes for a newbie to patebin07:19
kingspawnpatbin, hahah.07:19
Seveaslastnode, indeed07:19
kingspawnFrench pastebin07:19
SeveasSpec, let them use webboard 07:19
lastnodehi user, please /j #ubuntu-nun-nun-nun-nn07:19
kermitX_need 1.2.3. step by step instructions on pastebin.07:19
=== pppoe_dude back
SeveasSpec, apt-get install webboard07:19
billybennettwhats wrong with a new dialog window?07:20
lastnodeyou missed the sudo07:20
=== lastnode shoots Seveas
lastnodezomg blasphemy!07:20
=== mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+b %*!*@unaffiliated/mahangu] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu-meeting [-o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-meeting [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-meeting [-b %*!*@unaffiliated/mahangu] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu-meeting [-o Seveas] by ChanServ
pppoe_dudei think that the channel crowdedness issue is no problem07:20
=== lastnode runs and hides
pppoe_dudebecause their nicknames would be highlighted07:20
lastnodepppoe_dude, you havent spent much time in #ubuntu, have you?07:20
Specit scrolls real fast07:20
lastnodewalk away for some caffeiene07:20
lastnodeand voila07:20
pppoe_dudelastnode, i have07:20
gnomefreakpppoe_dude: it can be when trying to walk someone through something (most of us can do it but the new users eh)07:21
lastnodeyou miss it07:21
kermitX_how long does it take an irc newbie to include a nick in their messages?07:21
gnomefreakok lets start with wiki re0working everyone up with that?07:21
lastnodekermitX_, esp one who doesnt know about tab completition07:21
pppoe_dudekermitX_, they dont have to, but we do07:21
SeveaskermitX_, weeks 07:21
kermitX_lastnode, took me *forever* to figure that out! ;)07:21
lastnodeso, are we clear then? we just spwn #Seveas and take all our users there? :)07:21
kingspawngnomefreak: I'd like to know how this is going to work first, heh.07:21
jendaWell, Seveas, perhaps adding the #username policy to IRC rules?07:21
Speclastnode: it seems so07:21
Seveaslastnode, eep :/07:21
gnomefreakkingspawn: as in?07:21
lastnodeis that really policy?07:22
Specusers might join #theirownnick and just wait for help though ... :-/07:22
Seveasjenda, no it's not policy07:22
lastnodei mean if people wanted to /j #zomgitflies, whatever07:22
Seveasjenda, it's NuN advise for NuN helpers, not IRC policy07:22
=== jenda wants to be a nun
pppoe_dudehow about like 3 channels to spread traffic, #ubuntu-beginner-install #ubuntu-beginner-setup and #ubuntu-beginner-general07:22
kingspawngnomefreak: Well, like if it is going to take me joining new channels every five minutes, etc.07:22
lastnodejenda, we should put this on the Nun wiki page i guess07:22
SpecWhy not just take it to PMs though?07:22
jendalastnode: check.07:22
pppoe_dudeand we'd direct them from a main channel07:22
lastnodepppoe_dude, scroll up, we've been through this07:22
gnomefreaklastnode: if i am going to help you i would make channel #lastnode and than as you to join it for help07:23
jendaSpec: so that more people can help07:23
lastnodepppoe_dude, we're _not_ doing that07:23
pppoe_dudelastnode, ok07:23
lastnodegnomefreak, yeah cool07:23
Specjenda: join me in #jenda to continue our discussion07:23
Seveaspppoe_dude, splitting off many channels is a bad idea07:23
Specjenda: no one else except you and me will be there :p07:23
Seveaseven #ubuntu+1 took a while to grow07:23
jenda* #jenda :You can't join that many channels :(07:23
Seveasjenda, haha 07:23
lastnodethat becomes a problem if a user with nick 'yourmom' joins07:23
gnomefreakif it comes down to it we will use nun07:23
hybrid#ubuntu+1 <307:23
ompaulforget about the spread, lets think about some of our issues, some of this comes from our inability to articulate a set of questions that define users problems, and with some users while being willing to ask for help they ask in a way that is not condusive to getting a resolution07:24
jendaSeveas: you're evil. I do'nt have +u because Ubuntu crashes too often :(07:24
lastnodeompaul, i think we should invade iraq too!07:24
jendaompaul: true. I blame that on nalioth not being here.07:24
SpecI think if we join a #nick it'll be limiting the amount of help that new user could recieve07:24
SeveasI'm on 27 channels on freenode now 07:24
ompaulSeveas, you needed to say that on
lastnodeSpec, this is purely for users who you _know_ you can help07:25
Seveaslastnode, indeed07:25
=== gnomefreak has seen 1 member of nun say he doesnt walk people through thier issues that pissed me off bad but im not stating anyones name on this so dont ask
jendaSeveas: I was on 29 before it crashed :( </OT>07:25
pppoe_dudeoh so the idea is to have like "teacher channels" where each helper will have his own channel?07:25
kingspawnWhat I don't like about /j #nick is mainly two things: We must issue the same help even more often than with a sort of beginner-channel, 2) it will have me join new channels all the time, which doesn't float my boat 07:25
kermitX_we don't all need to open new channels to help a beginner out one-on-one. a single #ubuntu-beginners should be more than adequate..07:25
gnomefreakwe cant have that if your name is on mentors list or member list of nun07:25
lastnodegnomefreak, if you're not stating names, why did you bring it up? it serves no purpose, and just arouses unnecessary curiosity.07:25
gnomefreaklastnode: keep reading07:25
SeveaskermitX_, the problem with #ubuntu-beginners is that lots of people will join it07:26
Seveasnullifying the solution it gives07:26
lastnodegnomefreak, still, it's better to be open about it. but i do get your point07:26
jendapppoe_dude: no... more like each student having a channel with several teachers...07:26
kermitX_Seveas, then we just find a little more obsecure name for it.. #ubuntu-nun-help07:26
ompaulno 07:26
ompaultoo long07:26
SeveaskermitX_, name is irrelevant07:26
pppoe_dudeoh ic. i think its at least better the other way around07:26
ompauland trying to get someone to click on a channel name is hard word07:26
pppoe_dudealthough it would be limiting help07:27
jendaNah - I think the channel problem is solved.07:27
lastnodekermitX_, <lastnode> guys, i think what Seveas is tring to beat here is recursion. for example, what happens when #ubuntu-nun gets too crowded? do we spawn #ubuntu-nun-nun07:27
kermitX_lastnode, number them instead of nun-nun-nun-nun07:27
lastnodeyeah, we're through with the channel discussion? will someone update teh wiki?07:27
kingspawnWhat became the conclusion?07:28
gnomefreakthats why you make temp rooms like #lastnode07:28
lastnodegnomefreak, yeah i know, i was trying to explain the reason for our decision to kermitX_ 07:28
gnomefreaki say either make a temp channel or use an offtopic channel07:28
lastnodeconclusion : we create #username channels when necessary07:28
ompaullets examine a case07:28
lastnodeand rooms?07:28
jendalastnode: I'll update the wiki.07:29
lastnodejenda, cool07:29
kermitX_so everybody ends up with their own personal help channel. people would be able to find you again for follow up. i suppose that'll work.07:29
ompauldon't even go there for joking but 07:30
jendaWait - the channels are named after the n00b, not the mentor, nein?07:30
ompaulso the problem here is that I create that, if I ask a user to go there07:30
gnomefreak30 other follow thinking they are gonna get help07:31
jendagnomefreak: I doubt it.07:31
kermitX_jenda, isn't rule #1 don't call the beginners 'n00b' ? ;)07:31
ompauland you end up in a row with them over the help they are giving 07:31
gnomefreakjenda: i would go with mentor on that that way it stays open07:31
jendaBesides, the channel will have the persons nam...07:31
gnomefreakkermitX_: yes ;)07:31
jendakermitX_: not in here ;) But sure.07:31
lastnodekermitX_, dont call them n00b to their faces! :p07:31
=== jenda whistles innocently
=== lastnode gets ready for an attack
Spec#nun-<helper> sounds better07:32
kermitX_if a room is created using the ahem, n00b's name, they may expect to find future help there...07:32
ompaulthere is a problem there, if we have 20 mentors and all the mentors there and they all join each others channels to help/learn then there is a failure07:32
ompaulwe run out of channels we can be useful in07:32
=== Flik [n=Flik@d154-5-134-98.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ompaulI have an idea, its short and simple07:33
SpecMaybe we should specialize07:33
ompaulno 07:33
=== gnomefreak trying to cut down on some channels im in lol
lastnodeSpec, that aint ever gonna work. im a jack of all trades, specialist in none07:33
jendagnomefreak: you'll just add one ;)07:33
kingspawnFor each user.07:33
gnomefreakjenda: yep :) but i can handle it07:33
lastnodeompaul, idea?07:33
jendaI could, if gdm stopped crashing... but no solutions as yet.07:34
ompaulthank you07:34
gnomefreakjenda: we need to get up wityh naloith i think see if we cant weed out some of the un-active members07:34
kingspawnLet's hear it, ompaul07:34
ompaulthe idea is to have channels off #ubuntu-nun #ubuntu-nun-1   2 and 307:34
ompaulwe need to own them07:34
gnomefreakthan we can set "channels/rules for channels" stuff like that07:35
ompaulthey are like surgeries07:35
Specpainful and take a long time to recover from?07:35
ompaulyou can go into any of them once you are directed there07:35
ompaulSpec, please07:35
=== gnomefreak already tried emailing mez that failed (hes a dev iirc so i see why)
jendawhat about #ubuntu-nun-<mentor>?07:35
kingspawnompaul: I agree one hundred percent.07:35
lastnodeguys, shall we let the man speak?07:35
gnomefreaktoo long07:35
ompauljenda, no 07:35
hybridjenda: i like #nun-<mentor>07:36
jendabut we don't own #nun-*07:36
ompaulhang on a second07:36
gnomefreakjenda: #unu-jenda07:36
dsasMez is practically impossible to to contact in my experience. I think I read on his blog he's 1000s of emails behind.07:36
hybridjenda: we will only need to own #nun and #nun-* comes with it07:36
kingspawnAnyone considered the fact that if we have channels that hold more than one mentor, it doesnt hit the user so hard if you are suddenly called away from the keyboard?07:36
jendahybrid: sure. In that case, shall we let Seveas register #nun?07:37
jendaor not?07:37
gnomefreakdsas: any other way you know to contact him? or should we talk to naloith on this?07:37
Seveasjenda, ubuntu channels should start with #ubuntu-07:37
=== kermitX_ thinks a couple extra #ubuntu- channels would help a bit with the volume in #ubuntu
jendaSeveas: taht's what I suggested...07:38
dsasgnomefreak: No idea, I remember trying to contact him several times via email and never getting a reply, never saw him on IRC either.07:38
jendaUmm... i think we already discussed #ubuntu-beginners.07:38
kermitX_jenda, that could be our 'home base' channel...07:39
lastnodedefragging #ubuntu is not gonna work imho07:39
gnomefreakok why not do this  use #ubuntu-nun for helping people that will take a while (always start in #ubuntuor #ubuntu+1 if you can) and we will always have info in topic for nun members07:39
jendakermitX_: that's #ubuntu-nun07:39
lastnodeit's gonna send bucketloads of users in to the new chans07:39
gnomefreakdsas: me neither07:39
lastnodewith not nearly as many support guys07:39
dsasI have no idea about IRC, but can you make an IRC channel randomly forward to other channels, so upon joining #ubuntu you get sent on a round robin to #ubuntu-helpX07:39
kermitX_jenda, primary support channel...07:39
Seveasdsas, no07:39
jendakermitX_: that's ubuntu. We've discussed that.07:39
kingspawndsas, Can't be done.07:39
ompaulfolks I want to put out a full idea, so if you let me do it in one block you will see a reasonable suggestion, and then you can think ohh that is bad because or it is good because, first off I am opposed to names because it is not in the spirit of community, second off, it leads to toooooo many channels, if there was #ubuntu-nun1 #ubuntu-nun2 #ubuntu-nun3  they are in essence a temp channel - the person goes there and gets the issue resolved07:40
ompaul it is inhabitied by  several mentors, (Quality Assurance) and then the user is removed when the issue is sorted the only people left in the channel are the mentors, is that too bizarre?07:40
jendaand wouldn't solve a thing.07:40
=== gnomefreak brb needed
ompaulbtw that could be #ubuntu1 or #ubuntu2 also 07:40
ompaulbut they are a constant07:40
kingspawnompaul speaks with a rational voice, imho.07:40
kermitX_ompaul, not to be confused with #ubuntu+1, #ubuntu+207:40
kingspawnWhen the help is done, they can politely be asked to go back to #ubuntu for other questions07:40
lastnodekermitX_, #ubuntu+2 ?07:41
kingspawn(mind, politely)07:41
ompaulkermitX_, #ubuntu-A07:41
=== robotgeek [i=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ompaulI really don't care about the name, internalise the idea07:41
pppoe_dudeidea is good07:41
dsaswill people politely go back to #ubuntu, or will they go back to where they got help last time?07:41
ompaulin saying that I do care about the name up to the point where people use their own names - we need to be able to sit there07:41
ompauldsas no invite no voice07:42
ompaulsorry I forgot to suggest that07:42
jendadsas: people aren't completely dumb - whereever they go they will 1) get help 2) be sent elsewhere 3) find nothing and go to #ubuntu07:42
lastnodejenda, i think all of us in here know that sometimes, people _can_ be completely dumb07:43
ompaulthey are invite channels nun peeps are voiced are as invited users then they loose their voice so there can be "and another thing" unless it get invited a second time07:43
hybridwhat about if not invited they are forwarded back to #ubuntu?07:43
=== nalioth [n=nalioth@ubuntu/member/pdpc.bronze.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ompaulhybrid, messy 07:43
kingspawnhybrid: Difficult 07:43
jendahybrid: I like that.07:43
jendakingspawn: +if #ubuntu07:43
dsasOk, I wasn't thinking of people being dumb, just that people would want to go for the quality help in a quiet channel. If the invite rule is enforced then that's not an issue anywa.07:44
kingspawnjenda: Oh, haha, didn't know you could do that. Times they are a'changing07:44
jendanalioth: talking about sidechannels07:44
ompaulanyway that is my idea, suggestion whatever07:45
naliothi do not want to fragment off #ubuntu.  I think that if you invite a new user to #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic, a) you 'own' the problem until you've solved it and b) there are others in those channels who may be able to contribute07:45
kingspawnnalioth: Did you read ompauls idea?07:46
jendanalioth: partly agreed, but it kills those channels.07:46
ompaulwhat I had suggested wa this07:46
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ompaulompaul> folks I want to put out a full idea, so if you let me do it in one block you will see a reasonable suggestion, and then you can think ohh that is bad because or it is good because, first off I am opposed to names because it is not in the spirit of community, second off, it leads to toooooo many channels, if there was #ubuntu-nun1 #ubuntu-nun2 #ubuntu-nun3  they are in essence a temp channel - the person goes there and gets the issue 07:46
ompaul<ompaul>  it is inhabitied by  several mentors, (Quality Assurance) and then the user is removed when the issue is sorted the only people left in the channel are the mentors, is that too bizarre?07:46
naliothstill reading the backlog07:46
pppoe_dudesorry guys but i have to leave... where can i join the mailing list?07:46
jendanalioth: we were thinking of creating special #ubuntu-nun-mentoring channels (no matter the name)07:46
robotgeekis the issue with #ubuntu that too many people there?07:46
jendapppoe_dude: I'll ping you once there is one.07:46
naliothpppoe_dude: i'll get the mailing list figured out07:46
pppoe_dudejenda, ok thanks07:47
ompaulrobotgeek, no it is more that a new user can't cope with the amount of text07:47
kingspawnrobotgeek: Not exactly. The issue is that helping people with more detail than "DO THIS!" is impossible there07:47
pppoe_dudebye :)07:47
ompaulrobotgeek, you can't carry out a conversation with them 07:47
naliothrobotgeek: since dapper released, at times #ubuntu is incomprehensible for new users, i'd suspect07:47
robotgeeki am mostly not in there, i only support #kubuntu now. good to know07:47
naliothi don't necessarily agree with having -nun1 -nun2 and having our folks in the channel, since there are folks who are not nun members willing to help also07:48
G0SUBnalioth: +107:48
gnomefreakthe issue if you start pulling people from #ubuntu is they will not know where to get help after a few times07:49
kingspawngnomefreak: This needs to be explained07:49
lastnodedefragging the main channel may lead to other problems07:49
lastnodethat's my main concern07:49
jendagnomefreak: i don't think so. They'll be side channels for single use (+if, IMO)07:49
lastnodeanyway, i have school tomo07:50
lastnodegoing to bed07:50
gnomefreaknight lastnode 07:50
lastnode23:30 over here07:50
lastnodenight guys07:50
lastnodelet me know what goes down :p07:50
=== lastnode stuffs a ballot a box for good measure
gnomefreaknalioth: i would like if we can get up with the members and see who is active and who isnt (this might give us a better idea on how to pull nun back up)07:51
ompaulwell it was only to assist where a user is in a channel where the questions are as bewildering as they are plentiful07:51
jendaHmm... the problem is overcrowding in #ubuntu. #nick channels seem a viable solution, except they are temporary. #-nun-X channels seem a little messy (perhaps fixable with +if ubuntu)...07:52
naliothgnomefreak: this is another reason for getting the mailing list up07:52
jenda#ubuntu-beginners is no solution.07:52
jendaDid I sum that up right?07:52
hybridim going to make an account just for mailing list07:52
=== ompaul thinks the conversation has just gone full circle and the wagons are now closed
gnomefreakok cool i was looking for it yesterday but couldnt find it if you need help getting it up let me know07:52
kingspawnI guess I've stated my take on it enough.07:52
jendathats why I tried to sum it up...07:53
gnomefreakanswer on that was?07:53
ompaulthere is none07:53
kingspawnHow about doing a pilot project with ompauls idea?07:53
kingspawnIf it doesn't work out, back to the drawing boards07:54
=== gnomefreak missed that
ompaulminute 4507:54
kermitX_are we limiting the solution to this part strictly to IRC? or would some sort of web application that spawns one-on-one webchat sessions a viable alternative?07:54
SeveaskermitX_, mugshot!07:54
kingspawnkermitX_: What the...07:54
kingspawnkermitX_: Have you gone raving mad? ;)07:55
jendaI think IRC is ideal for this...07:55
kingspawnkermitX_: That's my way of saying "Doesn't sound good"07:55
Seveaskingspawn, red hat is working on it already ;)07:55
gnomefreakok so make one channel voice all members and voice users that were invited there for help i see one issue with that07:55
kingspawnSeveas: Well, we know that _they_ have gone mad haha07:55
gnomefreakonly ops can give or take voice are we gonna have 15 ops?07:55
Seveaswhy mess with voice/ops?07:55
Seveasthat's just terrible07:55
naliothSeveas: +q07:56
kingspawnSeveas: To be able to get rid of them again, heh.07:56
gnomefreakthats how i read ompaul idea on that07:56
kingspawnTo perpetuate the idea that they shouldnt outstay their mentoring-welcome07:56
naliothah, i need to go back to bed07:56
ompaulforget the voice idea, but how do you do the you only got one ticket for help07:56
naliothyou gently guide them back to #ubuntu 07:56
ompaulPhone Call ! - 07:57
kermitX_kingspawn, Seveas: i was thinking something like a pastebin on oneside and a chat window on the other.07:57
kingspawnPolitely stating that this ends the session, and that #ubuntu is the place for further inquiry shouldn't be impossible07:57
jendagnomefreak: nope... I don't think so...07:57
kingspawnMost people would take that alright, I think07:57
jendaompaul, in your proposition, could the channels be +if #ubuntu ?07:58
jendaall we need then is the invite command at level 1 and all mentors at that level in the channels.07:58
kingspawnjenda: In ircspeak, that is "you get routed to #ubuntu unless you were explicitly invited"?07:58
jendakingspawn: check07:59
naliothkingspawn: that is the point07:59
kingspawnThat is a nice idea.07:59
jendaI think that would work perfectly07:59
jendaAnd we could stick with one such channel and gradually expand if needed.07:59
sladenI feel guility everytime I leave #ubuntu, since I frequently find there aren't many other people around and that leaving generally means dumping X number of new users into the pit again to fend for themselves08:00
kingspawnI think that would be a good approach.08:00
gnomefreakis that possible kingspawn ?08:01
naliothsladen: you don't stay in multiple channels?08:01
naliothhow about #ubuntu-classroom   ?08:01
gnomefreakto only allow invites?08:01
gnomefreaknalioth: +108:01
kermitX_nalioth, works for me.08:01
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kingspawngnomefreak: Yeah08:01
naliothgnomefreak: that would keep folks from lurking (which may or may not be a good thing . . . )08:01
SpecHow does one become a NuN?08:01
sladennalioth: I generally can only cope with an hour or so at a time;  and often within that I'll have several users I've /query'ed and am following up in detail with08:02
naliothsladen: ah08:02
kermitX_nalioth, better than #ubuntu-nun-habit08:02
gnomefreakwhat happens if they dont know how to except invite  i just learned the other day :(08:02
naliothgnomefreak: good point08:02
kingspawngnomefreak: Just go like "I am going to invite you to a channel. Type /j #channel to join it"08:02
jendaSpec: launchpad and read the wiki08:02
kingspawnWell, that doesnt mention the name, heh.08:02
dsasIf you only allow invites, then is there some difficulty of recruiting new people?08:02
gnomefreakkingspawn: thats them trying to join not invite right?08:03
naliothi personally don't see the need to move folks on back to #ubuntu, since the helped of today can be the helpers of tomorrow08:03
Seveas#ubuntu-classroom is not a new idea but I love to see it worked out08:03
jendadsas: only stable community members should do this type of work anyway08:03
Seveasactually it was #ubuntu-school, but classroom is better08:03
kingspawngnomefreak: Yeah, but you just invite them, and then say that they have been invited, type /j #whatnot to accept the invitation08:03
jendaSeveas: check.08:03
hybridSeveas: #ubuntu-school "You've Been Schooled!"08:04
dsasjenda: I'm just thinking it'll raise the entry barrier for people becoming community members.08:04
=== gnomefreak right clicked link and clicked join after invting myself lol
naliothif you invite someone and they don't know they've been invited, you can tell them in #ubuntu how to join and only they'll be able to join, anyway08:04
naliothdsas: there is that, also08:04
kingspawnBut remember that these are special cases08:04
kingspawnPeople start helping out in #ubuntu all the time08:04
jendadsas: I don't think so. It will soon be a well known thing in #ubuntu.08:04
kingspawnSome of them move to offtopic, where they get in touch with others, and maybe then get into the nun-thing08:04
kingspawnThey ways of irc are strange and many08:05
gnomefreakalways start in #ubuntu unless its a colpiling issue or code issue  (this way we can also keep offtopic for offtopic08:05
SeveasTo get people enthousiastic about helping, #ubuntu-classroom may be a good idea but we have to invest a lot of time in it08:06
=== gnomefreak will stay there most of time atleast my nick will be there
kingspawnThe -classroom would be what we are talking about now, or something else?08:06
gnomefreakif im here im here to help08:06
hybridclassroom sounds like a good idea08:06
naliothi am still not sure making it invite-only is a good thing08:06
hybridAND you dont need a degree ;)08:06
naliothpeople outside of -nun will want to help08:07
gnomefreaknalioth: im kind of debating ont hat also08:07
hybrid-classroom would need to be more open, like nalioth said08:07
naliothif the folks start getting offtopic in -classroom, well, you have +q and /remove08:07
Seveasnalioth, no, only you have them ;)08:07
kingspawnI have "Hush up now"08:08
gnomefreakdoes locobot do factoids?08:09
naliothok, #ubuntu-classroom is up and has admins08:09
Seveasubotu can join #ubuntu-classroom08:09
SeveasI'll be running both ubotu and ubugtu soon and will ask for join-limit exceptions so they can be more useful08:10
gnomefreakno you cant :(08:10
=== gnomefreak cant get in -classroom
naliothgry now, gnomefreak 08:11
jendagnomefreak: try again08:11
naliothbleh, i really do need to wake up08:11
Specpeople outside of NuN that want to help can help in #ubuntu08:11
Specpeople inside of NuN (QualityHelp!) have invites....08:12
SeveasNuN people shouldn't see themselves as elite helpers, just hard workers08:12
naliothSpec: i don't personally turn down help anywhere08:12
jendaSeveas: check. That's for sure.08:13
Seveasjust because someone knows some more things, he is not better than others08:13
jendaTHere is nothing elite about dragging newbies away and having the patience to lead them for hours, if need be.08:13
gnomefreaki see what they are saying on that though with the bad advice some people are known to give08:13
SeveasI've personally always ignored the "seveas is the best" or "nalioth rocks" kind of comments, they're nice to get but nothing more08:13
jendaSeveas: I hardly know more things :) But I can introduce people to Linux as well as most techies out there, or better.08:14
naliothjust because we are -nun members does not mean we do not give bad advice at times08:14
kermitX_Seveas, i certainly don't know more than most ppl, but i have been through what the newbies have been.08:14
SeveaskermitX_, we all have08:14
jendaSeveas: don't boast, we all know you never get such comments.08:14
=== Seveas was little more than a newbie 2 years ago
Seveasjenda, hehe08:14
gnomefreaknalioth: i agree but we dont sit there and do it all the time (like setting up su)08:14
kermitX_Seveas, but so many of the 'geeks' out there, they forget easily how rough it is at the beginning.08:15
robotgeeki gotta run too, later folks08:15
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hybridat the begining? its tough in the middle too08:15
naliothrobotgeek: take care08:15
gnomefreaklater robotgeek 08:15
kermitX_hybrid, heard that. ;)08:15
dsaskermitX_: So will you one day. Probably.08:16
jendarobotgeek: later08:16
jendadsas, not within the NUN08:16
naliothok, channel solved, is there any other business?08:16
gnomefreakwe happy with new channel for support?08:16
jendasoo... one more channel issue:08:16
jendato +if or not to +if?08:16
SeveasNOT to +if08:17
gnomefreaknalioth: the mailing list but im gathering you got that08:17
jendaOK, not to.08:17
naliothi really think +if is a bad idea08:17
gnomefreaknot to +if08:17
naliothi will look into the mailing list08:17
hybridjenda: we should keep the classroom open08:17
hybridfree education08:17
jendastrong vote ;) and i didn't set my own opinion.08:17
jendaindeed. :)08:17
jendaI'm a little afraid we might need to +m later. But for now, everything is OK08:18
gnomefreakwhat about a meeting schedule?08:18
jendatwo weeks is standard...08:18
jendabut perhaps we should meet next week?08:18
jendato see it through the start?08:18
gnomefreakjenda: every other thursday at 1700 UTC?08:18
naliothgnomefreak: i think meetings should be 'as needed'08:19
jendaagreed. Next thursday at 17:00?08:19
gnomefreakjenda: depends on the agenda i would say08:19
=== gnomefreak thinks the mailing list and the wiki are 2 things that need att
jendaagreed there. 08:20
jenda/NewUserNetwork needs some love08:20
kermitX_mailing list top priority so i don't forget meetings. ;)08:20
gnomefreaklol kermitX_ 08:21
L1nxSo... Is the classroom exclusive to recieving help, or can I just listen in?08:21
jendaI can write it once I get all the ideas in my head :)08:21
hybridill look into /NewUserNetwork jenda 08:21
jendaL1nx: feel free, I guess.08:21
hybridor you can ;)08:21
kermitX_mailing list might reduce need for official meetings?08:21
gnomefreakL1nx: too hard a questionm lol08:21
naliothi will get the mailing list running (again)08:21
jendahybrid: whoever finds the time first ;)08:21
hybridjenda: sounds good08:21
naliothL1nx: you are welcome to lurk (you might even jump in and help )08:21
hybridL1nx: only if you are on my side though :p just kidding08:22
gnomefreakjust keep in mind guys this is not an alternative to #ubuntu08:22
naliothgnomefreak is correct08:22
gnomefreaknoraml support needs to go to #ubuntu still08:22
gnomefreakor however you spell those words ;)08:23
gnomefreaknalioth: go to bed your making me tired ;)08:23
kermitX_L1nx, think of -classroom like ducking into a quiet corner to actually be able to carry on a conversation at a rave or something.08:23
kermitX_will the NUN mailing list be for NUN "personnel" only?08:25
naliothyes, just members afaik08:25
naliothok, channel sorted, mailing list will be looked at.  any other business?08:26
kermitX_when we get done using -channel. what do we do with the "client". ask them to leave or boot 'em?08:26
gnomefreaknalioth: not yet really just need to find out whos active nad whos not but we wait on mailing list for that08:27
naliothgnomefreak: correct.08:27
gnomefreakthats it there was something else on angeda but didnt want to get rid of it incase it was important08:28
naliothkermitX_: i'd recommend a gentle reminder that -classroom is for detailed help on one subject (the one you dragged the user in there for) and that #ubuntu would be more overall helpful08:28
hybridkermitX_: /kick is bad08:28
jendanice... so we have something done now.08:28
naliothkermitX_: and then ignore them heh heh08:28
gnomefreakignore is worse than kick imho08:29
naliothgnomefreak: will your 'something else' wait or not?08:29
=== kermitX_ trying to figure out his way through launchpad.
gnomefreaknalioth: i dont know whos it is or what its about its been there as far back as i can remember08:29
jendaOps do NOT /ignore08:29
jendaneither should NUNs IMO08:30
naliothjenda: that is for another discussion08:30
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naliothok. Any other business?08:30
gnomefreakafaik we can call it over08:30
naliothi move for meeting adjournment08:30
=== jenda does too
jendahybrid: 4th08:31
jendahybrid: 5th08:31
gnomefreakok im out of this channel08:31
jendaactually :)08:31
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naliothy'all take care, we'll see you around the big wide internet08:31
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hybridjenda: it's formally a second and then the president takes a vote08:31
hybridout to hit the iron08:31
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