
imbrandoncool thanks crimsun12:03
imbrandonwill take care of all that asap so when the edgy repos open we can upload12:03
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imbrandoncrimsun: ping ...01:24
crimsunimbrandon: pong01:24
imbrandonhey ok since i'm new to this i'm trying to figure out the dh_COMPAT=3 stuff and what it means and what i need to do to update it to 4+ etc etc01:24
imbrandongoogle is not being nice, or i just dont know what to search for01:25
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imbrandonper your sugestion about apt-mirror, i was thinkiing i could change it and just send a patch upstream01:25
imbrandontook care of everyting else01:26
bddebianHeya folks01:26
imbrandonheya bddebian01:26
LaserJockhi bddebian01:27
bddebianHeya imbrandon, LaserJock01:27
crimsunimbrandon: change it to 5 and send the patch upstream01:28
imbrandonjust the dh_compat= line ? thats it ?01:28
crimsunyes, and if you have a debian/compat, change that01:28
crimsun(I don't remember your source package well enough)01:29
bddebianHey crimsun01:29
crimsunhullo bddebian01:29
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imbrandonok crimsun , bddebian , LaserJock , or anyone else .... all ready for prying eyes http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=238301:39
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crimsunimbrandon: did you heed the linda output? You need to bump the b-d version in debian/control, too.01:45
imbrandonouch .. he ok , i'm gonna get this right one of these days , ok whats the stuff about the #DEBHELPER# tag >?01:46
crimsunthe source package has a custom postinst, so you don't necessarily need to add that tag to it01:47
imbrandonand the standards version of 3.5.2 ?01:49
crimsunyou need to actually check that against current Policy01:52
crimsundapper has
=== ctd [i=ctd@incubus.progsoc.uts.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonok linda and lintian look ok this time cept for the standards version and that can be changed later .... http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=238402:04
ajmitchafternoon all02:05
imbrandonheya ajmitch02:05
bddebianHeya ajmitch02:05
crimsunimbrandon: right, better02:05
crimsun'afternoon ajmitch02:06
imbrandonok i'll package up a patch for upstream but thus far looks good for edgy universe ?02:06
LaserJockji ajmitch02:07
ajmitchjey LaserJock02:07
LaserJockhmm, having a little problem with the keyboard ajmitch?02:08
ajmitchonly as much as you are :)02:08
imbrandonor jej02:09
LaserJockwell, I know what my problem was, I just wouldn't expect such sloppiness from you ;-)02:09
imbrandondarn #*-es people j/k02:09
ajmitchit was perfectly deliberate02:09
=== StevenK waves
ajmitchhello StevenK02:10
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bddebianHello StevenK02:13
LaserJockhmm, so does anybody here work with TeX stuff?02:13
ajmitchdefine 'work with'02:13
StevenKI can write LaTeX, does that count?02:13
bddebianAs little as possible :)02:13
=== StevenK creates a base tarball for edgy
LaserJockI'm thinking more along the lines of packaging02:14
ajmitchnot that silly02:14
LaserJockwell, I got (or rather ubuntu-science) and email from a Debian TeX maintainer about how Ubuntu wasn't doing a very good job02:16
ajmitchyou always appreciate those emails02:17
LaserJockhe was saying that we were slow to fix what he said were RC bugs so they only landed in -updates02:17
sladenrelease-critical TeX.  Oh right(!)02:18
tsengit would be nice if we could watch their bugs02:18
tsengbut you cant always02:18
tsengi peak at beagle on occassion02:19
LaserJockit is bug #36145 if anybody is interested in seeing the fun02:19
UbugtuMalone bug 36145 in tetex-base "hyphenation does not work after upgrade from breezy to dapper" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3614502:19
ajmitchoh that one02:19
StevenKLaserJock: Was that Frank Kuster?02:19
LaserJockRalf Stubner02:20
StevenKHeh, I would have considered Frank abrasive enough to do it02:20
tsengit takes a special kind of person to maintain TeX02:20
StevenKOne that is a masochist.02:21
LaserJockso I replied back and said that we just simply lack manpower02:22
LaserJockhe also said we have a *very* outdated version of auctex02:22
LaserJockso I said we had the current Debian unstable up to 2 days before UVF02:23
LaserJockI don't know, but I just wondered if there were enough people to get a little team or something going02:25
ajmitchnot enough of us care? :)02:25
LaserJockdo I have to answer that?02:25
StevenKLaserJock: I'm not masochistic enough.02:26
ajmitchyes you are02:26
ajmitchyou're a DD02:26
StevenK*And* I read -devel02:26
LaserJockyeah, see that's my problem. I did a couple bug fixes for TeX in Dapper02:26
ajmitchStevenK: a lost cause02:26
LaserJockbut I'm a TeX user02:26
LaserJocknot a maintainer02:26
ajmitchLaserJock: I'm barely a user02:27
LaserJockwell, I have to write all my research material in tex02:27
LaserJockI even did a poster once (4ftx4ft) in tex02:27
StevenKI'm with ajmitch. I use TeX. Not very often, though02:27
LaserJocklot of good you DDs are then, shesh ;-)02:28
hubLaserJock: at least you don't have to use a proprietary program02:28
hubLaserJock: unlike some02:28
LaserJockugggh, I'd have nightmares02:29
LaserJock"no, no please don't make me use Word, I beg of you! Anything but Word!"02:30
StevenKOne of the lecturers at Uni refuses to accept online submissions in Word.02:30
StevenK"Submissions in Word will be ignored. If you wish to typeset your assignment, I'd suggest you look at nroff, or LaTeX."02:31
LaserJockactually I've used Word quite a bit for writing reports02:31
LaserJockbut I can't stand it for anything over like 3 pages and no graphics02:32
bddebianSo do it in NotePad ;-P02:35
StevenKMy problem with it is that people concentrate on making it look pretty, to the detriment of the actual content.02:35
bddebianHmm, what to do tonight...  Look at bugs I can't fix, play Morrowind, or none of the above :-)02:37
ajmitchfix bugs02:37
bddebianI cant02:37
LaserJockwhy not?02:37
ajmitchdo it anyway02:38
bddebianBecause I'm st00pid :-)02:39
shawarma...just read a bit of the backlog.. I suppose I could toss some love at tetex. I use it daily. I even hope to package TeXlive for Edgy.02:39
shawarmaNot right now, though.02:39
ajmitchbddebian: oh shut up02:39
=== bddebian shuts up
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ryanakcahmmm... how do you install packages into fakeroot? http://pastebin.ca/6310203:09
ajmitchyou don't03:11
ajmitchfakeroot isn't a chroot03:11
ajmitchso you'd have to do apt-get build-dep bzflag03:11
ajmitch& hope the build-deps it lists are there03:11
crimsunthis changelog entry seems ... unique:03:11
crimsun* Drop LinuxThreads on all arches, require 2.6 on all architectures. - debian/sysdeps/linux.mk: Use linuxthreads instead of nptl.03:11
crimsunI'm not one to question JeffB, but...03:12
=== ajmitch wants to try edgy on the T2000
ajmitchhe mentions optimisations! ;)03:13
crimsunmm -mcpu=niagara03:13
=== Erl[Work] is now known as Erlang
imbrandonuhht ohh Vista Public Beta 2 just hit the MS website, thats gonna be a whole nother nightmare for support on people trying to dual boot03:26
zulthen dont :)03:26
imbrandonnot for me, for the newbs that try it03:27
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=== ajmitch needs lunch or something
crimsunouch, a distro team meeting at 4 AM localtime03:55
ajmitchnot so bad03:56
ajmitch8PM for me03:56
ajmitchcrimsun: it'll probably be a short meeting anyway03:57
ajmitcha 'welcome to edgy' talk & people giving details of what they've done since release apart from drinking :)03:57
Toadstoolhi here04:01
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Kyraloy oy oy04:14
Kyralits heating up again...04:14
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Kyraloy and now I get hell from Kass for agreeing with Seveas...04:56
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bddebianWhat are you talking about? :-)04:59
KyralFliesLikeABrick's cloak04:59
Kyralit has RPI in it04:59
FliesLikeABrickaye it does04:59
KyralRochester PolyTech?04:59
Kyralsame thing04:59
FliesLikeABricksorry for the constant join/part, some script kiddie on quakenet keeps CTCP flooding a couple people in our channel04:59
bddebianKyral: I meant the Kass comment04:59
FliesLikeABrickno, we > Rochester ;)04:59
=== Kyral ignites in a flame colored with green and gold
KyralThen you my friend are my enemy05:00
FliesLikeABrickright-o ;)05:00
Kyral<== Clarkson University05:00
bddebianKelly Clarkson?05:00
KyralIf I recall, our hockey team embarrassed yours this year05:00
FliesLikeABrickKyral my dad went to clarkson05:01
KyralI betcha he loves you now lol05:01
Kyralbddebian: RPI and Clarkson are colleges in NY State who are pretty much bitter rivals05:01
bddebianKyral: I know, I am in Philly.  I was being sarcastic :-)05:01
Kyraland the thing about Kass05:02
Kyralsomeone pissed off Seveas with shit about Automatix and got banned from #ubuntu05:02
KyralI got hell for siding with Seveas05:02
bddebianUhm, OK05:02
bddebianBTW, why are you in an Ubuntu support channel when you don't use Ubuntu anymore? (Just curious?)05:03
KyralBecause I can still help :D05:03
bddebianThat's cool05:04
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Laser_awaywho is the distro team?05:10
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ajmitchLaserJock: the team employed by canonical to work on ubuntu. they have to show up for the meeting. all the rest of us are optional05:10
Hobbseemorning all05:11
bddebianHi LaserJock, Hobbsee05:11
=== ajmitch checks watch
Hobbseeajmitch: hush you!05:11
Hobbseehey bddebian05:11
LaserJockajmitch: what do they do? I haven't really understood that05:11
ajmitchLaserJock: what do you mean?05:12
LaserJockI mean what are they supposed to do? what is their purpose?05:13
ajmitchthe team or the meeting?05:14
Kyralfucking hell05:16
KyralI can't put my braces back in05:16
ajmitchLaserJock: it's just the group of canonical employees who work on the distro, as opposed to launchpad05:16
ajmitchyou've probably seen what they do by now :)05:16
=== Kyral sighs
KyralWatch for the Forums to heat up again05:17
theCorehow can I make a package from a program that doesn't use the standard autoconf build method?05:17
freeflying|awayanyone has set up edgy's chroot?05:18
ajmitchfreeflying|away: yes, but there's nothing new yet05:18
LaserJockajmitch: implement specs is what I've seen05:18
ajmitchtheCore: quite a few packages don't use autotools05:18
freeflying|awayajmitch: thanks05:19
ajmitchyou just need to build it & put the results in the right place05:19
theCoreajmitch: so, does it mean that I have to manual create a debian/rules file for it?05:19
theCoreI get it05:20
theCorethanks ajmitch05:20
ajmitchdepending on what you mean by 'manually create'05:20
ajmitchyou can probably still use most of the debhelper tools05:20
theCoreok, manually edit05:21
ajmitchyou should do that anyway05:21
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theCoreI trying to package Diva, but it seem that it uses a patched GStreamer CVS, I will have surely have a hard time with it05:23
theCore(yuck, I really need to check my spelling)05:25
LaserJockanybody use git for something other than the kernel?05:26
ajmitchnope, I use bzr for everything else05:28
LaserJockI sure wish bzr had better documentation05:29
LaserJockI'm just too dumb to get very far05:29
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ajmitchwhat do you have trouble with?05:41
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LaserJockajmitch: not so much trouble as I doubt I'm using it effectively/right05:46
LaserJockI'm learning a little bit since I started a python software project05:47
LaserJockI'm pretty excited05:56
LaserJockbut I really haven't gotten to work on it yet05:56
LaserJockit has mostly been cbx3305:56
LaserJockand he even made a package for it05:56
LaserJockby reading the Packaging Guide05:56
ajmitchwhat is it?05:57
LaserJockit is a Python gtk iso mounter06:00
LaserJocknothing earth shattering06:01
ajmitchsounds like something that could be a nautilus extension :)06:01
LaserJockwe will be adding that too06:01
LaserJockit also will do md5sums06:01
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LaserJockit kind grew out of all the Dapper testing06:02
LaserJockcbx33 was doing lots of test for Edubuntu06:02
LaserJockand he wanted to check md5sum and browse the .isos06:02
LaserJockbut he was doing quite a few06:02
LaserJockso, I don't know. It's kinda cool for a first project, we are both learning Python and GTK06:03
LaserJockand bzr06:03
ajmitchToadstool: you noticed that pervasive ipv6 integration is a release goal for debian etch?06:03
=== ajmitch will be doing a bit more pygtk stuff in the next few weeks, I suspect
LaserJockbut I think I might also need to do a little C if I end up trying to implement my Edgy spec06:04
ajmitchwhich is?06:04
LaserJocktrying to adjust the Applications menu depending on what group a user belongs to06:06
Lathiatajmitch i noticed it :)06:06
Lathiattheres a few interesting goals there06:07
ajmitchLathiat: I just saw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6Integration06:07
Lathiatthge new gtk framebuffer installer looks quite nifty06:07
=== unix_infidel [n=blue@adsl-68-94-31-78.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiatone bug is on touchpads it seems to be a 1:1 mapping rather than a movement map06:07
Lathiatso if i start in the top elft the mouse jumps there adn starts moving06:08
unix_infidelLathiat: what laptop you got?06:08
Lathiatunix_infidel: dell insipron 860006:08
unix_infidelhey guys, i know i can install kde on top of the standard ubuntu install, but how large will the binary installation plus the debs be?06:08
Lathiatunix_infidel: 100-150M of debs at ag uess06:08
Lathiatno idea on install size06:08
Lathiati pulleda lll of those figures from thin air :)06:09
Lathiatlet me know how right i am :)06:09
unix_infideli'm deciding b/w ubuntu and kubuntu, but i'd like to get idea of what kinda resources i'm dedicating.06:09
unix_infidelheh, i thought you guy's were the masters of the universe :P06:09
Lathiatthe resources between each are probably about the same06:09
unix_infidel600 sounds about riht.06:09
unix_infidel100-150 sounds about right.06:09
unix_infideli'd just like to get a closer estimate.06:10
unix_infidelfrom an authoritative source...unless i'm wrong :P06:10
Lathiatapt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:10
imbrandonno idea but try it out and let us know so we cxan tell the next person ;)06:10
Lathiatsee hwo much it says it needs06:10
unix_infidelLathiat: i know that's about 145MB06:11
unix_infideli'm more interested in the binary.06:11
Lathiatyou mean06:11
Lathiathow much space on disk after?06:11
Lathiatinstal it and find out :)06:11
Lathiatdoesnt apt tell you?06:11
unix_infideli havent installed it yet.....06:11
unix_infideli'm deciding b/w ubuntu and kubuntu :P06:11
LathiatNeed to get 133MB of archives.06:11
LathiatAfter unpacking 398MB of additional disk space will be used.06:11
imbrandonunix_infidel: i'm on kubuntu and did .... sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dektop and got .....06:11
imbrandonNeed to get 147MB of archives.06:11
imbrandonAfter unpacking 676MB of additional disk space will be used.06:12
Lathiattis what it says for me06:12
Lathiati already have the kde base libraries and stuff installed tho06:12
Lathiattis whyt heres a big difference06:12
unix_infidelaight, cool, i'm going to install regular ubuntu then.06:12
Lathiatas i run kopete and stuff06:12
Lathiatunix_infidel: just remember that when y9u install kubuntu06:12
Lathiatyou lose all the gnome stuff06:12
Lathiati suspect that ab ase install of either06:12
Lathiatis basically the same06:12
unix_infidelLathiat: nah, i'm going to install ubuntu06:12
unix_infideland do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:12
Lathiat. righjt, ok06:12
Lathiatthat makesa  mess of your menus :)06:13
unix_infidelLathiat: i use fluxbox :P06:13
unix_infidelthis is for testing purposes :P06:13
bddebianGnight folks06:13
imbrandongnight bddebian06:13
unix_infidelwhy the hell else would you think i'd be interested in how much space i'm "wastin"06:13
LaserJockI dio ubuntu and then install kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop for the heck of it06:14
unix_infidelnw that's just crazy.06:15
unix_infidelanwyway, i'm going to give it a go06:15
unix_infideli think you'd get better support here than in #ubuntu :P06:15
unix_infideli mean seriously....i hate going in there :P06:15
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LaserJockajmitch: I merge for a particular branch all the time, is there a way to have bzr remeber that?06:17
ajmitchit might have --remember06:21
ajmitchI can't recall ;)06:21
ajmitchyeah, it does06:21
imbrandonw00t stuff coming accross edgy-changes .... time to learn to setupa chroot .... or hmmm vmware06:23
ajmitchback later06:24
LaserJockimbrandon: do the chroot06:25
imbrandonanyone have an idea when universe will be open for uploads ?06:25
LaserJockit's good for you :-)06:25
LaserJockit more or less is now, I think06:25
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imbrandonLaserJock: do you have one setup so when i fail i can ask you questions ;)06:25
LaserJocka chroot?06:26
LaserJockyeah, I've got like 7 or 8 of them spread all over the place06:26
=== imbrandon has never done it before
=== StevenK has seven on this machine.
LaserJockoh it's not bad, just use wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot06:27
imbrandonnice , is it simple enough to semi walk me though here on irc ?06:27
imbrandonahh ok06:27
imbrandonand you can setup any enviroment in chroot ? even say suse or such ? not that i would setup suse but its good toknow i could , or say debian sarge chroot etc06:28
LaserJockyou can do debian and Ubuntu, but I don't think you can do other distros (at least not easily) but I'm totally not sure of that06:29
imbrandoncool , yea mostly just debian ish is all i'm interested in06:30
=== Kyral yawns
Kyralnight peopel06:30
imbrandonnight Kyral06:30
=== nenolod [n=nenolod@gentoo/user/nenolod] has joined #ubuntu-motu
nenolodhi! I'm one of the audacious developers. Your listing in launchpad for it is umm, grossly inaccurate. It is listed as being dependant on GST, while in reality we have our own backend.06:38
unix_infidelhey nenolod :)06:39
Erlangeh, I thought for a second that it was pretty strange for somebody to qualify himself as an audacious developer...06:40
nenolodErlang: haha. :P06:40
nenolodAnywho, when I tried to submit an update, it said I wasn't authorized to, so I just wanted to let you all know. I'll idle in here and see if the driver for the audacious package in Launchpad shows up.06:41
ErlangI don't see an 'audacious' package.06:42
unix_infidelnenolod: there is none.06:43
unix_infidelthey have a package on their website.06:43
nenolodunix_infidel: there is in Launchpad. It's a child of gstreamer.06:43
nenolodwhat I am saying is that 'audacious' should not be a child of that.06:43
nenolodbecause they are entirely unrelated things.06:44
ErlangI see now.06:45
nenolodoh. lowercase gstreamer, sorry06:45
Erlangbut I don't think that this means much.06:45
nenolodI run IRC outside X, so that was from memory. :P06:45
unix_infidelnenolod: there's an audacious package for ubuntu in the repsos06:48
nenolodimbrandon: yes. what I am saying is that I am upstream, and I wish to make a correction to how it is described06:50
imbrandonnenolod: then you are better of trying #launchpad ;)06:50
nenolodimbrandon: thanks06:50
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=== ajmitch returns
TheMusoHey all. Do I have to fetch the new 2.6.17 kernel for edgy from git? Or is there a package somewhere?07:43
ajmitchthere will be a package07:45
ajmitchbe patient07:45
=== Lathiat laughs
=== ajmitch mutters about impatient crack-addicts
TheMusoI guess I am interested to try some screen reader crack :)07:46
ajmitchyou can grab it from git if you want07:48
ajmitchbut by the time you finish compiling it, the packages will probably be built & in edgy07:48
TheMusoYeah true.07:48
TheMusoI'll just wait.07:48
ajmitchit took me a few hours to build on my box07:48
ajmitch& edgy is switching to gcc-4.107:49
TheMusoThats several kernels though isn't it?07:49
TheMusoThis will be a very fun cycle.07:49
TheMusoEspecially if gcc is being upgraded. :)07:49
ajmitchit's there now07:50
ajmitchswitching to 4.1 (and a new glibc) is the first task that has to be done before anything else gets built07:50
TheMusoAh thats true.07:51
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusohmm ok. Hasn't been built yet.08:00
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ajmitchsome people just don't know when to shut up :)08:51
=== Lure_ [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-motu
seaLneif there is a version of a package in debian but the package for kubuntu dosen't actually inherit from it (debian didn't do anything but various kubuntu specific patches) should it be -0 or -1?08:53
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ajmitchI'd probably still stick with -0ubuntuX08:54
seaLnethat was my initial thought as -1 would mislead but i wan't sure08:55
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siretartuuuh, first edgy uploads. nice!09:42
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchmorning siretart :)09:43
ajmitchhow are you?09:43
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B308E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartthanks fine, I'm currently starting my day work with dynamic aspect weaving. and you?09:43
siretartmorning dholbach!09:44
ajmitchmorning dholbach09:44
ajmitchI'm just waiting for the meeting which should be in ~15 minutes09:44
dholbachhey siretart, hey ajmitch! hello everbody09:44
ajmitchk3b upload on revu? I wonder why...09:44
ajmitchlooks to only be a new upstream version09:45
seaLneso people can look at it09:45
seaLneprimarily Riddell09:45
=== dabaR [n=dbernar1@S0106000d61122de0.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dabaRhow do I change the install script inside a .deb file?09:47
dabaRIt is performing some check that I want to skip09:47
crimsunwhich install script?09:48
crimsunpre/post, that is09:49
dabaRit does not install09:49
dabaRso I guess it is pre09:49
dabaRIt is all still in a .deb09:49
crimsunwhere does dpkg actually barf?09:49
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachhey crimsun09:50
crimsunif you have already tried dpkg -i, you can edit the preinst, otherwise you need to change preinst in the source package and reroll the deb (preferably)09:50
crimsunhullo dholbach :)09:50
Hobbseehey all09:50
crimsuneek, a pyro09:50
ajmitchhide the matches!09:50
Hobbseematches?  did i hear someone mention matches?09:51
dabaRI want to skip that check, what should I go about doing?09:51
crimsundabaR: since it's already unpacked, just edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/bcm43xx-firmware.preinst09:52
dabaRor, ahhh...09:52
=== Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee grabs the matches from ajmitch and sets crimsun on fire.
ajmitchstrange person09:53
crimsunmust be the .au connection ;)09:53
ajmitchmust be09:53
dabaRNot there.09:53
=== Hobbsee considers who to set on fire next.
crimsundabaR: which /var/lib/dpkg/info/bcm43xx-firmware.p* exist?09:53
dabaRnothing under there with bc09:54
dabaRthere is a bc, actually, I guess the calc09:54
crimsunah, so it's all in /var/tmp/bleh, then (which you'll see if you use dpkg -D3773 -i)09:54
dabaRNoooo please don't make me use that.09:54
crimsunin that case you'll need to retrieve the srcpkg for bcm43xx-firmware and change the preinst, then reroll the binary package09:55
dabaRI have nothing under /var/tmp09:55
crimsunyeah, it's temporary :)09:55
dabaROK, I guess I have to wait for cafuego then.09:55
crimsun(he should be providing the src package for download alongside the binary package...)09:56
=== lloydinho [n=andreas@rosinante.egmont-kol.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dabaRIt is some bug in his package which makes Ubuntu not load any more if you install, then uninstall, then reinstall that particular package with my wlan card. Is there many things that could cause that?09:57
crimsun"not load" meaning "fails to boot and load gdm"?09:58
dabaRit stops at one of the steps in the boot up process. I can't recall which one right now.09:58
dabaRfalls from the graph to the normal scren.09:59
dabaROh, ya, it was the system log something.09:59
dabaRStarting system log09:59
dabaROr kernel log, not 100% sure now.09:59
crimsunhaven't run across that one, mayhap a bug filed in Malone already?10:00
dabaRIt is just with his package, which is not in any way official, so I am not sure. See, I talked to him about it, but before I found out that it only happens when you uninstall, then reinstall, and he decided to put that check. In the meantime, I misplaced the old .deb which did not have that check, so I can not install now. Hence the question about changing the check.10:01
dabaRcheck 1-210:02
dabaRAnd my monodoc crashes every time I click on a link within a page.10:02
dabaRbut, that is another story.10:03
crimsunmm, yeah, without having seen the source package, I dunno...10:03
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dabaROK, thanks for the chat:) see ya10:03
=== ajmitch would just blame Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee would just throw a trout at ajmitch for doing it.
crimsunwell, they /are/ both in .au ...10:03
ajmitchcafuego as well, you mean?10:04
Hobbseeajmitch: NZ doesnt count as a separate country - it's too small :P10:04
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crimsunhmm, mubuntu?  ("managed"?)10:15
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phanatichi people10:16
Hobbseehey phanatic10:16
phanaticheya Hobbsee10:16
=== ajmitch hungry
=== Hobbsee throws some raw fish to ajmitch
ajmitchyou're so very helpful10:22
Hobbseethere you go, there's dinner.10:22
Hobbsee:) anytime10:22
=== ajmitch sighs
=== StevenK jumps on Hobbsee.
=== Hobbsee splats on the ground
StevenKHrm. I ought to be more careful.10:27
Hobbseeajmitch: here's dinner.  StevenK would make great dinner.10:27
StevenKHah, I'm going out for dinner tonight.10:27
=== JohnnyMast [n=rave@84-104-9-27.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeStevenK: take us with you? :P10:29
StevenKIf you can get to my place in oh, 2 minutes.10:30
ajmitchI can try10:30
HobbseeStevenK: not with that couch in the way.10:32
=== StevenK heads off.
Hobbseeapparently traffic was very slow/blocked in one direction on one of the roads, because there was a couch in the way, just sitting on the road.10:32
=== herzi [n=herzi@c206125.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseei didnt see it though - just heard about it - not sure where it was10:36
zakamehi all10:40
ajmitchhi zakame10:40
zakameheya ajmitch10:40
ajmitchhow's SoC going?10:41
zakamejanitor work as usual, cleaning up the source :)10:41
zakameyup, and learning too :D10:43
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp233-230.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch is having fun breaking things
=== jenda [n=jenda@unaffiliated/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jendaploink. Just noticed there is no contact listed in the wiki for this chan. Should I add one?10:48
sladenjenda: if you want to10:49
jendaWell, are you the contact person? ;)10:50
jenda(I'm translating the page, so I stumbled upon that)10:50
crimsundholbach heads motu iirc10:51
Hobbseehehe...breaking things...dont tempt me... :P10:51
dholbachcrimsun: in what regard?10:52
=== jenda is confused.
crimsundholbach: aren't you still listed as being the "head"?10:52
jendaI'm more like looking for the person in charge of the channel...10:52
crimsunoh, irc channel,10:52
dholbachcrimsun: I'm not sure if MOTU ever had a "head" :)10:52
crimsundholbach: ah, ok. I blame Jeff W. ;)10:53
jendaerr... not helping :D10:53
dholbachcrimsun: haha :)10:53
=== dholbach hugs crimsun
Hobbseehey dholbach10:53
dholbachheya Hobbsee10:54
zakamehi dholbach !10:54
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dholbachheya zakame, hey ogra10:54
zakameheya ogra10:54
crimsunjenda: a number of people have chanserv privileged access, if that's what you seek10:54
jendadholbach: so... who is in charge of the channel? (formally)10:54
dholbachjenda: nobody10:55
jendacrimsun: not really, that I found out yself :) was looking for the formal.. right.10:55
dholbachjenda: we're a team10:55
ogrameh, i missed the meeting, damned10:55
jendaGreat :)10:55
ogramorning dholbach10:55
dholbachogra: still going on10:55
dholbachjenda: what is your question?10:55
crimsunogra: hasn't gotten to 'o' yet10:55
ographew :)10:55
dholbachah ok10:56
jendaThis channel has no contact person.10:56
dholbachwell, "the MOTU team" is10:56
dholbach :)10:56
jendaI'm translating the page, so I'd like to know - and can fix it in the orig as well.10:56
ajmitchdholbach is still the Face of MOTU :)10:56
=== ajmitch wonders who gets listed for -motu-school
Hobbseehmmm...that ops page is out of date...10:57
=== jenda waves at ajmitch
jendaoh no :)10:57
dholbachajmitch: I think I'll write a spec about that10:57
Hobbseeajmitch: maybe you?10:57
jendashould I go around and update it?10:57
ajmitchHobbsee: nope10:57
Hobbseejenda: just https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCOperators10:57
ajmitchdholbach: a spec about the face of MOTU? :)10:57
ajmitchor a spec about the school?10:57
dholbachthe latter10:57
jendaHobbsee: doesn't help...10:58
ajmitchwhich would have been useful if we'd kept going with it10:58
=== Hobbsee wishes they had kept going with it
dholbachEdgy will give MOTU a big boost10:58
dholbachI can feel it10:58
jendaHobbsee: the page I'm working on is there to list channels and their contacts.10:58
Hobbseejenda: yeah, i saw...that looks okay10:58
crimsunhmm, importing Sid into LP.10:58
jendaWell, if you come up with who is actually the contact - please ping me :) I'll put teh freenode contact for now.10:59
ajmitchdholbach: we need to be ready to handle the influx of new faces then10:59
ajmitchMithrandir: aha, happy birthday ;)10:59
zakameI can't wait for the merges to begin ;)11:00
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ajmitchsomeone want to go through & write up some info on what tasks a new person can do?11:00
Mithrandirajmitch: thanks11:00
ajmitchmerging stuff will probably be the first big task (again)11:00
ajmitchMithrandir: how many years now?11:01
crimsunhey, happy birthday!11:01
crimsun(dang I feel my old bones creaking...)11:01
zakamehappy birthday Mithrandir ! =)11:01
HobbseeMithrandir: happy birthday :)11:02
ajmitchcrimsun: you're only a couple of years older, right? :)11:02
crimsunjust one ;)11:02
Hobbseebah.  old people :P11:02
Mithrandirthanks all. :-)11:03
=== ajmitch gets back to doing stuff
ajmitchHobbsee: yes, we are11:03
=== Hobbsee grabs her collection of walking sticks, and starts handing them out...
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Toadstoolheya MOTUs11:26
=== pschulz01 [n=paul@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Mithrandirajmitch: can we talk a bit in ~1 hour?11:32
ajmitchI'll try & stay awake :)11:32
pschulz01Greetings all..11:37
pschulz01New package. I'm working through the Packaging Guide, and would like to know if the original tar has to have the same name as the package..11:38
pschulz01Also, anyone have an example for the 'get-orig-source' rules file target?11:39
crimsunpschulz01: the original tar should be named foo-version.orig.tar.gz11:41
crimsunpschulz01: sorry, foo_version.orig.tar.gz11:41
pschulz01crimsun - thanks... upstream wasn't cooperative..11:41
pschulz01crimsun, well.. not at this stage (I haven't spoken to them about this.)11:41
crimsunpschulz01: it doesn't matter what upstream actually names theirs11:42
pschulz01Should I have this in the parent directory befor building?11:42
crimsunthe orig.tar.gz of the source package has to follow that syntax, and you can rename upstream's tarball if necessary11:42
crimsunpschulz01: yes, if the source package is non-native11:43
pschulz01crimsun, It was also 'bz2'ed.. have converted to gz as per manual.11:44
crimsunugh, 3 hours of sleep or fewer before my next meeting11:44
=== crimsun collapses
ajmitchlucky crimsun11:45
ajmitchwork meeting?11:45
=== zakame can't believe he's building Perl from source
ajmitchsick man11:47
pschulz01What do I do if the original 'tar' doesn't extract to a suitable tree? eg. yaAGC (instead of yaagc-<version>)11:49
ajmitchpschulz01: it doesn't matter11:49
pschulz01ajmitch, Just start editing?11:49
pschulz01(adding debian dir?)11:50
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Toadstoolajmitch: yep, I know ipv6 is an etch release goals but I've not seen a thing about that on d-d@ or d-ipv6@...11:52
ajmitchprobably just debian-release11:52
Toadstoolhum, right11:53
Toadstoolajmitch: nope, can't find anything except for the announce :/11:58
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp233-230.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zakameshoot building perl just triggered the OOM11:59
pschulz01What envirment variables should I be setting? (Eg. how do I get emac's changelog mode to pick up my email address?)12:08
zakameerm, DEBEMAIL?12:09
pschulz01Ahh...it's not a environment variable... (setq debian-changelog-mailing-address "myname@debian.org"))12:13
ogranot setting it is a quite effective safety net btw :)12:14
ograyou have to look at the changelog again and have to s/localhost/your domain/ in it12:14
ajmitchogra: not effective enough sometimes :)12:15
ajmitchI'm sure I've seen uploads go through from 'root@localdomain'12:15
ograajmitch, right, but it saved my ass some times already12:16
zakameyou can always have a progn or somesuch to get the environment variable12:16
ograwell, that only works if you dont sign with the changelog address12:16
ajmitchogra: problem is that I use both @ubuntu.com & @debian.org for changelogs12:16
ajmitchdepending on where I'm uploading12:16
ogramy gpg would choke on root@localdomain12:16
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=== Hobbsee thinks her parents are crazy. they want to go on a cruise from sydney, around new zealand.
ajmitchwhy not?12:22
ajmitchdo you have something against NZ?12:22
Hobbseebecause it doesnt take that long to fly - and wouldnt you actually want to go *on* the island, rather than around it???12:22
ajmitchsee the coastline, etc...12:22
ajmitchvisit various coastal cities, perhaps12:23
pschulz01Go to Milford Sound by boat... beats driving!12:23
=== Hobbsee would take a plane.
Hobbseeno, got nothing against NZ at all - apart from aussies lovign to tease the NZ'ers12:24
MithrandirHobbsee: I totally understands them.  But then, I'm probably weird.  (I took the train from Oslo to Hong Kong nine years ago)12:24
Hobbseehehe, fair enough12:24
Hobbseethey dont want to take me either :(12:24
ajmitchso you get to stay home alone & have parties?12:24
Hobbseeso it seems...12:24
azeemHobbsee: it's just a boring trip *around* an island, why would you want to go along? :PO12:25
ajmitchbesides, if you visited NZ you'd be without internet access while on a boat...12:25
Hobbseeazeem: haha true12:25
Hobbseeajmitch: e12:25
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=== ajmitch needs dinner sometime
ajmitchand no, raw fish does not count12:28
pschulz01I've made some changes to the source of a package.. when/how does the '.diff.gz' file appear?12:28
Hobbseecooked fish any better?12:28
ajmitchpschulz01: when you do debuild -S, for example12:28
Hobbseepschulz01: is the folder named "packagename-versionnumber"?12:28
pschulz01ajmitch, Doing that...12:29
pschulz01Hobbsee, No..12:29
Hobbseepschulz01: it needs to be, for the .diff.gz to be created, with the debuild -S, i recall12:29
pschulz01I'm just extracting upstreams tar and editing.12:30
pschulz01But... but.. but..12:30
Hobbseeoh ok12:30
pschulz01( ajmitch said it didn't matter...)12:30
Hobbseethere's something different and weird about that12:30
Hobbseepschulz01: believe him over me!12:30
pschulz01Hobbsee, I do get a warning from dpkg-build package.12:31
=== _jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-68-38-202-139.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pschulz01Ahh,, need to use '_' in orig.tar.gz12:33
viviersflol gr812:33
Hobbseethat's the other one12:34
viviersftheres a python package with only a readme telling you to download the source and compile it12:34
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehey Kyral12:34
zakamehi Kyral12:34
Hobbseehmmm.  some guys in u-o want to get me drunk, and then get me to dance.  how odd.12:35
tsengthat means they think you are a hottie12:35
tsengbut still not a good idea12:36
Hobbseethey've never even seen what i look like!12:36
Hobbseei know, i'm not that stupid to accept :P12:36
tsengi have no idea what u-o iwas, i presumed something university12:36
=== Hobbsee is just mind-boggling at the thought
Hobbseetseng: #ubuntu-offtopic12:36
tsengI see.12:36
tsengpretty weird12:37
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=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
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sivangso, has mergers started already? :)12:51
ajmitchno uploads yet, at any rate12:51
ajmitchpeople probably have some merges prepared12:51
tsengMoM is broke12:52
=== ajmitch wants tomboy shipped on desktop by default, now
tsengi changed my defaults for gnome-volume-manager and nautilus12:55
tsengto use f-spot12:55
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GloubiboulgaDebian policy version is now 3.7.2, do we use this in Standards-Version for new packages in edgy?01:08
ajmitchmight as well, once debian-policy gets synced01:08
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ToadstoolGloubiboulga: I've advised Sp4rky to do so for yersinia01:20
tsengajmitch: i wonder if kamion meant to upload new upstreams to dapper01:21
tsengthey went to dapper-changes01:21
ajmitchI guess he should have done the coffee first01:22
tsengcould be launchpad is still sending to the old list01:22
GloubiboulgaToadstool, I've seen this, that's why I asked here ;)01:23
ajmitchanything is possible with launchpad01:23
ajmitchnothing on https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/libselinux yet01:23
GloubiboulgaToadstool, his package looks great, only a debian/copyright issue01:24
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ToadstoolGloubiboulga: ok ^^01:25
Toadstoolyep, just read your comment about the copyright01:25
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=== _ZuZuu_ [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-4-178.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Mithrandirwho was it who played with ifolder again?01:50
ograMithrandir, mez01:50
ograMithrandir, i wish he hadnt uploaded that unreviewed and unapproved crap01:51
ajmitchI'm sure it was an accident01:52
ajmitchkamion let it out of NEW a few months after it was uploaded01:53
Mithrandirit doesn't seem to be in dapper?01:53
ajmitchno, we got it removed01:53
Mithrandirah, ok01:53
ajmitchit was old, broken & unbuildable01:53
ograajmitch, still it had no reviews at all and its a really odd package01:53
ajmitchogra: I hope he just made the mistake of uploading to dapper when he meant to upload to REVU01:54
=== ogra didnt know it was sitting in the queue
ajmitchwell we can see the queue now :)01:54
ograi thought he did a last minute upload of "what he had"01:54
ograi aslo didnt knwo the removal was approved ...01:54
ajmitchyes, tseng & I talked to kamion01:55
ograajmitch, i was here during that conversation, i justs didnt get that it was actually removed01:55
ogragood thing though :)01:55
ajmitchit still required simias to be buildable01:56
ajmitchdon't know if that was uploaded at all01:56
ograi dont think so01:57
\shcool..no ifolder in ubuntu, but xgl...I actually don't know what's more harmful ;)01:58
ograxgl isnt harmful01:59
ograits locked away in universe ... you need to do some manual steps to even get it working01:59
\shogra: believe me over the weekend and on monday we had to answer hundreds of xgl questions on #kubuntu-de.02:00
\shbecause every ricer is installing xgl and they don't know what to do ... it is harmful for the community supporter02:00
ajmitchit's quite painful02:01
ogra\sh, well, i tend to ingnore them :)02:01
ograxgl wont make it into xorg anyway ... i guess it will stay in its niche and be happy over there02:01
ajmitchwe got xgl & compiz in universe when they were released, and noone cared enough to update them02:01
ajmitchyes, novell vs redhat02:01
\shogra: I told them, it's unsupported, they are on their own02:01
ajmitchthey each have their pet method of doing things02:02
\shI don't need a wordprocessor which is rotating three dimensional over my 2d desktop ;)02:02
ajmitchdon't forget the wobbling!02:02
=== bhuvan_ [n=bhuvan@vpn6.maa.collab.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograyeah, we even have a SoC project for a wobbly screen magnifier ;)02:03
\shoh wobbling email clients I don't need either, I'm already blind ;)02:04
=== freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchogra: and I still wonder why.. :)02:04
ograajmitch, to see the letters wobbling while zooming in and out :)02:05
=== bhuvan_ [n=bhuvan@vpn6.maa.collab.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehehe.  scary02:06
Hobbseethere's apparently a nvidia guide for xgl for kubuntu now :)02:06
ajmitchoh, I should take a look02:06
ajmitchI need to have windows bouncing around02:06
\shbtw...is edgy open for action?02:07
zulajmitch: i note a tone of sarcasm there..02:07
=== Hobbsee just wants this stupid program to crash!
ajmitch\sh: there's plenty of action, but not of the right kind02:07
ajmitchzul: really?02:08
=== \sh has to work on some packages over the weekend
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@ppp100-144.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zulajmitch: really02:08
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=== ajmitch shouldn't be cooking dinner this late
Hobbseewhat are you havign ajmitch?02:46
Hobbseeit's almost 1am there!02:46
StevenKIt took you that long to decide?02:46
HobbseeStevenK: how was your dinner?02:47
StevenKIt was okay.02:47
ajmitchStevenK: no, it took me that long to do something about it :)02:47
StevenKThe Chinese resturant we went to wasn't up to its usual high standard tonight. :-(02:47
ajmitchsince I was watching the distro meeting, talking about soc work, other random stuff..02:47
ajmitchah, a shame02:47
Hobbseebleck, chinese02:48
ajmitchyou don't like?02:48
StevenKHow can you not?02:48
Hobbseeno, especially when it's half cold02:48
Hobbseei dont mind rice and noodles though :P02:48
StevenKWhat about Thai?02:48
=== Hobbsee shrugs - that doesnt seem so bad
Hobbseedepends on what it is - and how spicy it is.  curries are good02:48
ajmitchthis is just a beef vindaloo..02:49
StevenKI'll usually only have a curry if I've got a flu.02:50
ajmitchhow unfortunate02:50
ajmitchwhy only then?02:50
ajmitchyou'd lose most of the taste with the flu..02:50
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pschulz01Does anyone here use dpatch?03:31
tsengyes, everyone03:31
tsengits in the MOTU toolbox03:31
pschulz01Good.. I think it's going to be the only way I'm going to be able to get this package to build.03:31
ajmitchwhy do you think that?03:32
pschulz01Upstream uses a home spun 'configure' script...03:32
ajmitchis that a problem?03:33
pschulz01I would like to use 'autoconf' and friends, but that requires something like 'autoreconf' to be run to create a real 'configure' prior to calling the packaging tools.03:33
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pschulz01Upstream doesn't support PREFIX.03:34
ajmitchwhy would you completely change the upstream build system like that?03:34
tritiumOn launchpad, what's an ubuntero, and why would I not be shown as one?03:34
pschulz01Sorry.. DESTDIR03:34
ajmitchtritium: someone who's signed the CoC03:34
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tritiumajmitch: I've certainly done that03:35
ajmitchI'd assume so, otherwise you couldn't upload :)03:35
tritiumyeah, strange...03:35
ajmitchI see I'm not marked as one now03:35
ajmitchLP bug03:35
tritiumI'll file it03:35
pschulz01ajmitch, It also tries to support multiple architectures but doesn't do it very well.03:37
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ajmitchunilaterally ripping out a build system & replacing it with autoconf isn't the best way to maintain a package03:37
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phanatichey dholbach03:37
pschulz01ajmitch,comment appriciated..03:38
ajmitchsince you end up having to maintain a large burden03:38
pschulz01ajmitch, I would like to push patches upstream that make it easier..03:39
JohnnyMastany italians around ?03:40
imbrandon!it ?03:41
JohnnyMastyeah those fokes :)03:41
ajmitchpschulz01: best to work closely with upstream for it03:41
tritiumajmitch: maybe we haven't signed version 1.0.1 of the Code?03:41
pschulz01ajmitch, I'm also getting lots of "dpkg-source: cannot represent change to...  binary file contents changed"03:41
tritiumperhaps it was only 1.0 that we signed, in other words03:41
ajmitchtritium: probably, and it *was* unsignable until the last code rollout a couple of days aho03:41
pschulz01ajmitch, You're right there.03:41
ajmitchhowever 1.0 ->1.0.1 is typographical changes onlu03:42
tritiumajmitch: okay03:42
azeempschulz01: binary contents changed means you're adding/changing something which is not a text file03:42
azeemyou cannot do that when making a diff like .diff.gz03:42
pschulz01pschulz01, I have had some success (see recent upload to REVU)  when I edit the configuration myself, but this doesn't solve the long term problem.03:43
pschulz01azeem, cheers...03:44
pschulz01How are 'autotool' packages handled? Is it possible for the packaging scripts to run 'autoreconf' or is it expected that this will have been done upstream?03:46
pschulz01(or does it depend on the package?)03:46
azeemit should be done upstream03:46
azeembut if the upstream tarball isn't up to it, you can either run it yourself and use the result as a patch when preparing the source package, or run it during package build time (and Build-Depends on the autotools)03:47
azeemthe latter isn't recommended though I think03:47
pschulz01OK.. I wondered how the automatic build and test tools would be able to cope with it.03:48
pschulz01All very straight forward really.03:48
\shazeem: I like the build time autoreconf way much more03:54
azeemthe main problem seem to be issues with one of the autotools versions changing between rebuilds and thus leading to unexpected results03:55
=== azeem doesn't really have an opinion on it
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pschulz01\sh, are you doing this with any packages?04:07
pschulz01\sh, (looking for an example)04:08
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\shpschulz01: no...just packages which are not working as expected because of outdated aclocal and stuff like this..not every time...04:13
pschulz01\sh, cheers..04:14
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h3sp4wnIs there any good documentation on using dpkg-cross with ubuntu ? Or just the debian docs for it04:40
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Hobbseenight all04:55
phanaticnight Hobbsee04:56
imbrandon64gnight Hobbsee04:57
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Ibalonhi all05:31
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crimsunwee, "Ubuntu udev policy"  [https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2006-June/000024.html] 07:10
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Kyral_FreeBSDoh sadness, bddebian isn't here07:47
crimsunhe's bdubuntu now, I think ;)07:48
Kyral_FreeBSDI finally got around to installing HURD07:48
Kyral_FreeBSD...or trying to lol07:48
Kyral_FreeBSDI load it with GRUB, it goes to a command prompt, then promptly freezes lol07:51
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crimsunperhaps it's a test of HURD worthiness07:51
tsengperhaps it's a signal for you to use linux like everyone else07:51
Kyral_FreeBSDtseng: Where is the fun in that?07:52
tsengI don't know, getting the hardware support we have worked hard to win so far07:52
tsengnot reinventing the wheel07:53
Kyral_FreeBSDThe reason I am trying out HURD is the same reason I am trying out BSD07:53
tsengBSD actually works07:53
Kyral_FreeBSDIts so I can learn about it and why its different than GNU/Linux07:54
tsengif you were trying to apply knowledge to the real world you would be better off with FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris or AIX07:55
tsengnot HURD07:55
tsengbut thats enough stop energy for one day07:55
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LaserJockhello swarog08:20
swarogdamn what a huge buglist :)08:21
swarogi guess bunch of work you have08:21
crimsunyeah, just wait til MoM starts churning.08:22
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=== LaserJock hugs MoM
Amaranthcrimsun: That's when you hide and hope it all goes away. :)08:33
tsengor wait for dholbach08:33
tsengand bddebian08:34
dholbachwhere's the big buglist?08:34
Kyral_FreeBSDHURD works...but only left me with ed as an editor08:35
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:dholbach] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Focus on http://tinyurl.com/nl87h (MOTU bugs) and http://tinyurl.com/rjcqu (UNMETDEPS) and http://tinyurl.com/kbxpe (mysqlclient) | http://tinyurl.com/pghsw (motureviewers)
tsengKyral_FreeBSD: er.. vi?08:36
Kyral_FreeBSDtseng: not even08:36
Kyral_FreeBSDjust plain ed08:36
_ionAnd what's wrong with ed? ;-)08:36
Kyral_FreeBSDI don't know how to use it :P08:36
_ionThere's a good man page.08:37
Kyral_FreeBSDguess what08:38
tsengits fine unless you want to see what you are doing08:38
Kyral_FreeBSDman isn't installed08:38
spaceycat? less?08:42
spaceyor do you want to edit:P08:42
Kyral_FreeBSDedit.. :P08:44
_ioncat >foo08:45
Kyral_FreeBSDyah except you have to relize I am using a KVM switch right now and HURD freezes anytime I use anything other than the alphanumeric keys on the keyboard :P08:47
Kyral_FreeBSDIf I jack a keyboard in directly it works however08:47
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sivangso, the universe is now open in edgy?09:04
tsengif you upload it will be rejected09:05
LaserJockhmm, still?09:05
tsengyes still09:05
tsengwe dont have a sane toolchain even09:05
LaserJocklike that can stop us ;-)09:06
sivangah, right, see Scott's email to u-devel about getting X and more basic tool chain before09:06
LaserJockI don't plan on doing anything until probably after Paris09:06
sivangmakes sense :-)09:07
LaserJockwhat is the title of Scott's email?09:07
tsengRe: Accepted *09:07
LaserJockhmm, I'm feeling like I'09:08
LaserJockI'm missing emails09:08
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LaserJockhmm, I didn't get those emails09:11
LaserJockwell that's odd09:14
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LaserJockI wonder if the department server is having issues09:15
imbrandonLaserJock: to sum it up, they all look similar to this  ......09:15
imbrandonThis has also been rejected.09:15
imbrandonGuys, please don't upload to edgy just yet ... we've got a large dep09:15
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imbrandonstack before X stuff is going to work09:15
imbrandonScott James Remnant09:15
imbrandononly given diffrent reasons ;)09:15
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LaserJockimbrandon: yeah, i'm reading it on the archives for now, until my mail gets here :(09:19
LaserJockI wondered why I didn't have the usualy amount of mail this morning09:20
crimsunoh don't worry, I suspect you'll soon have a flood wrt "installing a compiler by default"09:21
imbrandonhahaha yea09:24
imbrandonis apt-get install build-essential that hard ?09:24
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LaserJockhu theCore09:41
Kyral_HURDJeez I better stop this before I get accused of cloning...09:42
LaserJockyeah, one is enough ;-)09:42
Kyral_HURDor 2...09:42
theCorebonjour LaserJock09:42
Kyral_HURDJeez, where is bddebian when I need him...09:42
LaserJockprobably breaking his Hurd too ;-)09:43
=== Kyral_HURD is now known as Kyral_Hurd
tsengLaserJock: what is the problem with just syncing latex from debian09:45
LaserJocksomebody has to do it09:46
tsengI nominate you09:47
=== tseng hides
LaserJockso far I just haven't been worrying about the main packages since I figured there was a core-dev to take care of it09:47
tsengyou thought wrong09:48
tsengthere are only ~30 of us09:48
LaserJocksure, but there aren't *that* many Main packages ;-)09:48
tsengand we arent all as hyperactive as some motus09:48
azeemI don't think many more people work on SuSE or RedHat either09:48
tsengmuch more than on ubuntu main09:49
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azeemwell, packaging things I mean09:49
azeemplus you can sync a lot and don't need to do everything09:49
lucasare we free to start working on merges & syncs ?09:49
lucasor should we wait ?09:49
LaserJockwell, the specifc complaint was that a bug that Debian TeX considered RC took months to get fixed in Dapper (and ended up having to be done in -updates)09:50
lucasI don't think it's a good idea to exclude main packages from the scope of MOTU teams09:50
lucasmany main packages are in main just because they are dependancies09:50
LaserJockthe big issue comes after UVF and we stop automatically syncing09:51
LaserJockand nobody bothers to go back a see if a TeX sync is needed09:51
tsengit normally wouldnt be needed09:51
LaserJockwe needed several this time09:51
tsengunless someone has a stick up their ass about one particular bug09:51
LaserJocksince te move to 3.009:51
tsengand if they dont make a fuss in ubuntu land09:52
tsenghow could we know09:52
lucasnot that many people used dapper before the release09:52
tsengit is nice to notify someone before you expect action09:52
tsengrather than criticize after the fact09:52
lucasso monitoring debian changes is still a good idea ...09:52
tsengit is09:52
LaserJockwell, the specific bug was #36145 and it was know for a while09:52
LaserJockin Ubuntu09:52
tsengbut it goes both ways09:52
tsengif they want to hold us to their bugs09:53
tsengthey can participate09:53
LaserJockwell, I think their point is they fixed the bug on their end and they want Ubuntu to follow suit09:53
LaserJockbut at certain times in the release cycle it just isn't very easy09:54
bluefoxicywho did you say I should talk to about gcc stack protection?09:54
bluefoxicyTrulux wants to know.09:54
tsengpitti is working on it09:54
bluefoxicyI thought you said another guy was working on hardened in ubuntu too09:54
LaserJockbut bug #36145 did take some time09:54
UbugtuMalone bug 36145 in tetex-base "hyphenation does not work after upgrade from breezy to dapper" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3614509:54
tsengYagisan was09:54
tsengbut pitti is working on it atm09:54
tsenga few test packages09:54
bluefoxicyanyway don't let me interrupt.  :)09:55
bluefoxicy(by the by, why the hell is python apparently executing code in 'anon'?)09:55
tsengno idea09:55
tsenganyway my point is09:56
tsengif they are watching your package09:56
tsengand want you to sync fixes09:56
tsengthey should tell you before, not after09:56
tsengdoes that make sense?09:57
LaserJockbut in this case since there was a bug in our BTS09:57
LaserJockand it looked like we just sat on it for a few months09:58
tsengand was it made clear that it was RC?09:58
LaserJockI'm not sure09:58
LaserJocktake a look at it09:58
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LaserJockbasically, it was reported on 3/23 and there was a fix reported the same day09:59
LaserJockand it took until 5/10 to get any dev response10:00
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LaserJockhmm, all these "Reply-to-List" people must be using mutt, I've been searching for other mail clients that have that feature and I haven't found any yet10:16
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Erl[Work] LaserJock: Kmail?10:19
LaserJockErl[Work] : does it? interesting10:21
LaserJockI've never used it10:21
Erl[Work] Unless I'm mistaken about what you mean.10:21
LaserJockI tried Mail.app, Thunderbird, Opera, Gmail10:21
nawtyhi, anyone know when the merge from debian into edgy?10:24
LaserJocknawty: probably a bit yet, I think they gotta get all the core stuff set up first10:25
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bluefoxicytseng:  discussion in #pax on oftc is bringing up ubuntu and how it doesn't play well with mprotect() restrictions10:28
bluefoxicytseng:  as of breezy, running ubuntu with pax mprotect() is not feasible.  Can you be a dear and find out what these people broke?10:28
bluefoxicythis may be related to running code in anonymous mappings all over the place10:29
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nawtyLaserJock: ok, would there be an announcement?10:44
LaserJocknawty: I would guess so, probably on ubuntu-devel10:44
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bddebianHeya gang11:15
LaserJockhi bddebian11:16
bddebianHeya LaserJock11:16
=== zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== El_Donkey [n=Idiot_Sy@s55924cc8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockbddebian: dude, I don't know that you should be hugging people in -devel ;-)11:26
zulyeah i dont think people like to be hugged for some odd reason11:27
LaserJockonly -motu and -bugs get bugs ;-)11:27
bddebianShould I kick him instead? :-)11:31
zulyeah i dont think you want to pss him off11:31
bddebianzul: Why not?11:35
bddebianHeya Kyral11:36
Kyral_FreeBSDI got Hurd loaded :D11:36
Kyral_FreeBSDI was on here with Irssi earlier :P11:36
zulbddebian: just a sneaky suspicion...11:36
LaserJockhehe, not the way to make core-dev :-)11:38
zulthats what i was thinking11:38
bddebianLaserJock: I didn't so, wtf :_)11:38
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonwhen's egdy gonna let universe uploads  ......... *ducks and runs*    ..... just kiddin11:41
imbrandontseng: was just jokin11:41
tsengARE WE THERE YET?11:41
tsengyou will see that in the topic in a few weeks11:42
zulhow bout now?11:42
imbrandonshe's pinching me ....... he's looking out my window .......11:42
imbrandoncan i have a pony till we get universe opened totaly ? .... heheh11:43
_ionimbrandon: echo OPTIONS=pettype:pony >>~/.nethackrc11:44
imbrandoni'm greedy11:46
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