
dokoKeybuk, infinity: packages are rejected ... (gcc-4.1)02:50
Keybukdoko: sssh02:50
Keybukdon't tell anyone02:50
Keybuk(hey, at least he got _that_ mail)02:50
Keybukwe managed to get two copies of gcc-4.1 in the new queue02:50
Keybukwe reallly don't know how02:51
dokoohh, I see, I got the accepted message twice02:51
dokopromised, I did upload only once ;-P02:51
Keybukactually, we had to shove it through LP with a bulldozer02:52
Keybukthe changes files were sent by me, by hand :p02:52
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jbaileydoko: do you remember off hand the difference between -march=pentium3 and -march=i686 ?11:41
dokojbailey: sorry, no11:42
jbaileynp, thanks.11:43
jbaileydoko: I need to look at specs tonight.11:50
jbaileydo you think edgy is a good time to move glibc out of /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 into full multiarch paths? =)11:50
dokoheh, write a spec =) but I think Mithrandir is working on it?11:56

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