
=== Chicken__Fire [n=chickenf@p213.54.144.127.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
NoUse!tell rizck about java12:00
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NoUserizck you don't, follow the links ubotu sen tyou12:00
edvinasMD5how to play .avi format, i have all players and codecs, dont know what's wrong :12:00
void^BioVorE: it's like 2 lines of code to fix a small compatibility issue with gtk 2.8.17 :p12:00
Warboneutrinomass: Yes, for gnutella it seems a little stupid to use mldonkey, but I like to leave it on for ages with a huge list of rare file in case they ever show up (donkey network is good for rare files, gnutella is good for speed)12:00
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rizckedvinasMD5> sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd12:01
BioVorEok.. I'll search around there source forge site for cvs access and build docs12:01
crimsunvoid^: can you point me to the diff?12:01
TobberothNvidias driver installer needs the kernel source to install on my system. How do I get the kernel source?12:01
cjbHi.  I'm going to upgrading a Dell desktop from breezy to dapper, and I see there are pcmcia problems.  What should I do to avoid those?12:01
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rizckedvinasMD5, then u type VLC thats the best thing for all codecs12:01
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forsakendoes the server version come w/ a NFS server?12:01
WarboTobberoth: You just need the right "linux-headers-kernelversion" for your kernel12:01
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TobberothWarbo: Allright, how do I find my kernelversion?12:02
HamppariSo how can I stop ubuntu autoloading a certain module when I plug in the device12:02
gavagaiI have an S3 Savage IX video card, and ubuntu will only give resolution 640x480.  this bug report doesn't seem to have a solution https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2028 .  does anyone have any suggestions?12:02
WarboTobberoth: Type "uname -r" in a terminal12:02
void^crimsun: eh.. it's in MessageSlideShell.java, don't have a link here, you'd have to dig into the cvs at sourceforge12:02
TobberothI'll try it, thanks :D12:02
Xinuxhow would i go about installing drivers for an ATI Rage 128....12:02
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froguzis there a boot option to install full ubuntu in non graphic mode?12:03
TobberothWarbo: It says 2.6.15-23-386, but I can't find any such kernel-headers in synaptic12:03
void^crimsun: iirc the problem is a window with the ON_TOP swt property (a tool window) doesn't receive selection events anymore12:03
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dtygelneutrinomass: It scrolls too fast...12:03
BioVorEvoid^: w00t figure out the fix :-P12:03
froguzi think my old laptop can run ubuntu, but it gets out of memory on install proccess12:03
dtygelneutrinomass: should I put a bigger sentence?12:04
WarboTobberoth: "kernel-headers" was the old name. Now they are called "linux-headers"12:04
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dtygelneutrinomass: I'm putting "Feira de Santa Maria", but thousands of lines popup12:04
Xinuxhow would i go about installing drivers for an ATI Rage 128.???12:04
TobberothThanks, found it! :D12:04
=== bobbyd [n=bobby@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunvoid^: if you can point out the fix and verify a test package for me, I can submit it to -updates12:04
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lpglhi iv downloaed ubuntu 6.06 . what should i do to upgrade my 5.10 ?12:04
bobbydI can't find pdf2html in dapper, is it missing or in some other package?12:04
lpgladd another line to sources?12:04
bobbydis there any way to convert a PDF file to html in dapper?12:05
lpglor is there any other easier way?12:05
neutrinomassdtygel: Because of the -A and -B options. Try running grep with -A 10 and -B 1012:05
TobberothI'm been wondering, how do you guys know all this stuff :O I'm amazed, most of it I can't find in the ubuntu wiki12:05
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TobberothI ask 10+ questions in this chat everyday, and I always check the wiki first.. yet you guys always know the answers12:05
BioVorEAzuereus fix:grab the the cvs .jar file from azuereus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php  (Azuereus2403-B37.jar and over write you Azuereus2.jar file with it.. start up azereus and it works12:05
mjrbobbyd, there's pdftohtml12:05
dtygelneutrinomass: ok. And if I find It, how do I say it's the place I want to broaden the number of lines?12:06
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HamppariDang, in what file I should type the name of the module I dont want ubuntu to load automatically??12:06
neutrinomassdtygel: See whether your file pops up there and then copy paste a line from the file so that grep only shows one result, the result of the file. Then increase the -A and -B numbers (read the grep man page to see what they do ... )12:06
void^crimsun: http://azureus.cvs.sourceforge.net/azureus/azureus2/org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/shells/MessageSlideShell.java?view=log12:06
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WarboTobberoth: A lot of us have been using Linux for years, and you pick up a lot of stuff. (you will find a lot of commandline programs used in here, because people like me have learned what works on all Linux distros years ago, before individual GUIs were made)12:06
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fr500is there a way to change my username? retaining my preferences and configuration12:06
crimsunvoid^: have you personally verified that this fixes the issue?12:06
AesopSomething went seriously wrong witht hat upgrade.12:06
eldenhey guys i have a problem12:06
ubotuit has been said that resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:07
AesopIt got to het end of the installs, said that it had failed, and quit the update program.12:07
TobberothWarbo: That's great, I hope I get that good eventually :) I won't move over to Gentoo until I feel I'm devently proficient in Ubuntu12:07
AesopAlso, Tetex failed to install12:07
crimsunvoid^: (rather, a pointer to the specific revision would work, too)12:07
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inreliefTobberoth, forget about gentoo ;).  I just migrated to Ubuntu after using gentoo for the last 4 years12:07
WarboTobberoth: By that time you will see Gentoo as a little to over the top :)12:07
void^crimsun: yes, it fixes the issue12:07
leethalis it possible to set the resolution for things outside X? Such as startup screen, conloles etc.12:08
dtygelneutrinomass: I see. I narrowed to A 10 and B 10... and then I should copy the whole 20 lines and search for it again with more lines, is it?12:08
WarboMind you, I am currently trying to install it in Qemu12:08
bobbydmjr, doh!12:08
bobbydmjr :)12:08
=== eXistenZ [n=existenz@bzq-88-154-24-206.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
BioVorEcrimsun: I just updated my Azuerous2.jar file using the Beta jar on there site and it worked here12:08
Warboleethal: The framebuffer can give you a bigger console but the startup is fixed12:08
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eldeni can't play vcd's that are burned using sony's picture package manager12:08
=== Aesop is going to reboot linux and pray.
AesopWish me luck12:09
leethalWarbo: Well, the startup on the livecd is changable12:09
LeaChimfr500, you could try creating a new user, then copy all of /home/olduser into /home/newuser. it just depends if anything has your old username stored12:09
leethalWarbo: will google for framebuffer anyway12:09
neutrinomassdtygel: Not all 20. Just a line is fine (it should b aline unique to the file). Then increase -A and -B12:09
Xinuxhow would i go about installing drivers for an ATI Rage 128.???12:09
Stormx2Geeze I am so board! My xbox has stopped working properly >_<12:09
dtygelneutrinomass: I'm already praying :)12:09
=== Chadza [n=Miranda@c-69-243-24-182.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LeaChimfr500, you could run :grep -R olduser /home/olduser/* - to see if your old username is stored anywhere12:09
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Warboleethal: I think the option "vga=XXX" where XXX are numbers will give you more room on console12:09
crimsunvoid^: I presume you're referring to /just/ r1.21 (since you didn't address which revision)?12:09
leethalWarbo: where is this set?12:10
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timhello, can somebody help me compile something. i run ./configure and i get the error: C compiler cannot create executables12:10
Warboleethal: On the kernel line at bootup (in GRUB)12:10
leethalhmmm... I'll google for that as well =D12:11
=== IcE-bOy [n=javi@30.red-82-158-25.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob_07Hay everyone, I've been having some problems getting the nvidia drivers to work12:11
mardii crashed my little speaker in the task bar, anyone know how i get it back?12:11
Warboleethal: basically add them to /boot/grub/menu.lst (but not the recovery ones, in case you screw it up :))12:11
synictim: apt-get install build-essential12:11
inreliefhey all you wireless people, what channel do you have your router broadcasting on..and am I correct in assuming that changing the channel shouldn't require any alterations to the settings on the client-side?12:11
leethalWarbo: oh, thanks a lot =D12:12
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void^crimsun: yes, r1.21 has a better fix than 1.19. basically you just need what the diff between those 2 shows on lines 436, 450 and 46812:12
NoUseXinux they are probably already installed12:12
IcE-bOyare there any problem in centrino with speedstep and dapper?12:12
BioVorEIcE-bOy: I don't think so..12:12
zybridWhat is the best way to get my TV working with my ATI X1900XTX AVIVO? S-video output wanted. Is there a working howto? I cant find any :(12:12
ZeZuI have a dependancy screwup in synaptic, http://rafb.net/paste/results/UzCf6934.html12:12
timsynic: running an update at the moment. will try when it is done12:12
IcE-bOywith the last kernel vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-686 speedstep doesn't works but with my other own kernel works12:13
IcE-bOywhat could happend ?12:13
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
peter_ndiswrapper message:bcmw15  invalid driver! yet it is the correct driver.Can anyone help?12:13
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ZeZuIt wont let me install libsdl-dev due to it, do i really have to roll back to an earlier version of ubuntu to solve it ? ;|12:13
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XinuxNoUse, negative, i changed my resolution and reinstalled xorg.conf, and they arent there anymore12:13
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=== Hedos [n=Hedos@modemcable221.254-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
BioVorEIcE-bOy: The kernel has speedstep in it..  if its not working I am not sure why..  (I don't have a centrinio here)12:13
HedosHello guys. Should I use ext3 or reiserfs for a new Ubuntu system?12:14
BioVorEHedos: dosn't matter..  I like ext3 personally12:14
zybridext3 same here12:14
mjrext3 for reliability12:14
h3sp4wnZeZu: have you tried using apt-get -f install libglib2.0-dev12:14
ompaulHedos, ext312:14
NoUseXinux the rage uses the 'ati' driver12:14
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HedosAlright, I'll go with what's more popular then, thanks.12:14
Goeland86so I just finished installing my first ubuntu, but I've got slight issues with ndiswrapper... my pcmcia wifi card doesn't power up. I modprobed the pcmcia and yenta modules, and ndiswrapper, but it doesn't do it. Any ideas?12:14
XinuxNoUse, yes, and under the load section in xorg its not there12:14
mardii crashed my little speaker in the task bar, and now alsamixer is like 'empty', anyone know how i get it back?12:14
leethalWarbo: what will vga="XXX" be for 1280x1024?12:14
XinuxNoUse, should i add it ?12:15
IcE-bOyBioVorE, is strange, i don't know where can i find a solution12:15
Warboleethal: I'm not sure. I'll Google.......12:15
neutrinomassHedos: ext3 has less issues with fragmentation and performance degradation over time ...12:15
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XinuxNoUse, under the module section that it12:15
leethaloh, then I'll just look it up myself12:15
Hedosok, great12:15
zybridI must say that the new Dapper 6.06 LTS version is sooo nice!12:15
NoUse!tell Xinux about xorg12:15
NoUseXinux run the command ubotu just sent you12:15
selaiahCan someone recommend an IRC client other than GnomeXchat?12:15
XinuxNoUse, k12:15
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zybridselaiah: irssi12:15
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Cashhow do i get, and install gtk-gnutella12:16
HedosI have a primary fat32 partition with windows, then an extended partition, on which there is 45gb of logical ext3 and 1.5gb of linux-swap. Is everything alright for installation?12:16
ZeZuh3sp4wn, yes that comes up with :12:16
thierryhi all12:16
XinuxNoUse, will that reset my resolution back to 1024 ?12:16
selaiahzybrid: Is it a bit more customiseable than gxchat?12:16
NoUseZeZu what version of ubunt are you running? 'lsb_release -a' to find out12:16
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XinuxNoUse, i want it to stay at 128012:16
_antixhow do I mount my windows cdrom on the linux box?12:16
zybridselaiah: its a text-based console irc client12:16
dtygelselaiah: gaim?12:16
NoUseXinux it will allow you to secify12:16
zybridselaiah: www.irssi.org12:16
XinuxNoUse, awesome12:16
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TheAspAnyone have or know where I can get some debs for 2.6.16 with the headers?12:16
Goeland86anyone know what I should do to get wifi working? it's a pcmcia card to use with ndiswrapper12:16
XinuxNoUse, thanks =p12:16
Warboleethal: I think it may be "vga=0x31A"12:16
Goeland86it doesn't power up12:16
thierrycan sb check 6th field in /etc/fstab for vfat partition? dapper set a 1, but breezy set a 0. What would you recommend?12:16
selaiahI'll try them, thanks zybrid and dtygel12:16
ZeZuI think the problem maybe that i installed glib manually12:17
h3sp4wnXinux: try vga=77512:17
zybridAnyone have a working tv-out with ATI x1900-series?12:17
NoUseZeZu you're kidding12:17
NoUseZeZu thats a sure fire way to break a system :_)12:17
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ZeZuNoUse, lsb_release -a12:17
helfrezeverytime unless u reaaaaaly know what ur doin hehe12:17
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Warboleethal: This page has a little table about half way down http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Framebuffer:Bootsplash:Grubsplash12:17
ZeZuNoUse, Description:    Ubuntu 6.06 LTS12:17
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greekoI am having a problem with trying to install ubuntu12:18
NoUseZeZu where did you get the copy of glib you installed?12:18
blazehello, isn't it better to hibernate your pc instead of turning it off?12:18
ZeZuNoUse, actually I couldn't find it in synaptic is why i did it12:18
ZeZuNoUse, from gtk ftp ;)12:18
helfrezi reinstall glib alot because i compile my own xen friendly ones with notls...but u have to make sure u install all the packages at same time not one after the other lol12:18
blazewhat are the negative sides of the hibernation?12:18
NoUseZeZu its in synaptic12:18
=== Tedd [n=Tedd@ool-457b3b63.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
zybridblaze: its fast to start the computer, so it depends how you look on it12:18
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ZeZuNoUse, yes i found it now12:18
NoUseZeZu I honestly don't know how to fix that12:18
zybridblaze: faster even.12:18
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greekoi insert the install disk and then i get to the part where it says Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting kernal12:18
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lwizardlhow do i configure multi_keys ?12:18
greekothen it just hangs12:18
thierrycan sb check 6th field in /etc/fstab for vfat partition? dapper set a 1, but breezy set a 0. What would you recommend?12:18
blazezybrid: it is faster to start the computer when it's turned off?12:18
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ZeZuperhaps i should force the package that depends on it, since i think i have the newer package actually12:19
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zybridgreeko: wait a couple of minutes, then it did work for me12:19
zybridblaze: when hibernating, to fully funcionaly12:19
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NoUseZeZu having a 3rd party copy of glib is going to cause nothing by problems12:19
lwizardli'm wanting to do character accents like  (copy/pasted that one)12:19
zybridblaze: sorry for my english. :(12:19
=== Hedos [n=Hedos@modemcable221.254-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
blazeno problems zybrid :)12:19
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greekothanks zybrid, by a couple minutes... aproximately how long was that12:19
zybridgreeko: around 312:20
blazeand.. so why do people don't use hibernation?12:20
greekobeceause i have been waiting almost 10 minutes now12:20
ZeZuNoUse, its hardly third party12:20
NoUseZeZu look around ubuntuforums.org and see if someone has a solution, otherwise, post your situation12:20
=== deeel [n=dan@adsl-69-107-59-165.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazei meant why don't people use hibernation?12:20
NoUseZeZu you didn't get it from ubuntu did you?12:20
zybridblaze: lazyeness? In my opinion, it seems kinda new on the linux-front12:20
ZeZuno but ubuntu is the second party, the source distribution would be the first not third ;)12:20
ooboon2how to disable kernel module?12:20
=== Kingbahamut [n=bahamut@c-24-98-229-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazeso.. zybrid, as you say it is better to hibernate :), right?12:20
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zybridblaze: yes and no :)12:21
h3sp4wnZeZu: Have you thought about trying to replace glib with uclibc ?12:21
NoUseZeZu ok, you have a broken system with a 2nd party copy of glib12:21
valehru2hey guys, anyone know any scripts that I can use to set up wine on dapper 64?12:21
blazeand why not? zybrid12:21
mardiok, it's alsamixer -c 0, thanks!12:21
skipster23Warbo: thanks for your reply, i was busy trying another method, ive got the grub disk but i'm so new to this myself i don't know the commands12:21
leethalWarbo: thanks!12:21
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zybridblaze: The nice thing is that you can have a fast start, for example in a laptop or so on.12:21
ZeZuh3sp4wn, its not my lib12:21
blazeyes.. and the not so good side ?12:21
=== Chicken__Fire [n=chickenf@p213.54.145.126.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
zybridblaze: in the windowsuniverse, a reboot is always good. In the linuxuniverse reboots are often unneccary12:21
leethalWarbo: by the way, what channel would be ideal for questions like these? I guess my issue applies to all distros?12:21
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Warboskipster23: (you're the non-booting CDROM person yes?) You would want to make GRUB "chainload" the CDROM drive (eg. hand over to the bootloader on the CD)12:22
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blazeyes zybrid, and.. i'm using laptop and linux12:22
ZeZuI'm just trying to install the necessary libraries to build an application i'm writing12:22
Warboleethal: No idea12:22
blazeso.. i can hibernate with no worries, right :D ?12:22
zybridblaze: I cant find any negative side to put your computer in a hinbernation mode instead of turning it of.12:22
zybridblaze: sure12:22
blazeok, 10x a lot :)12:22
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zybridblaze: np12:22
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thierryCan somebody check the 6th field in /etc/fstab for vfat partition? dapper set a 1, but breezy set a 0. What would you recommend?12:22
skipster23warbo: yes how would i go about it12:23
wogiGreetings little ubuntians..! Does anyone know how to switch desktops in gnome with the keyboard only?12:23
thierrydo you fsck a vfat partition on boot up ?12:23
Goeland86hey, I just installed dapper drake, but wifi is the only problem left. it's a pcmcia card with ndiswrapper, any clues?12:23
h3sp4wnleethal: #linuxhelp (there was one guy in there who helped me fix a really strange gpg problem with debian sid mipsel - I think there are very knowledgable people in that channel)12:23
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Warboskipster23: I THINK you would enter GRUB's command-line (with "c" I think) and enter "root (cd0)"12:23
thierrywogi: Ctrl Alt arrows left an right12:23
Warboskipster23: That's the first line, but obviously that has to work before we can go on to the next (do you have the non-booting system handy?)12:24
zybridwogi: switch desktops?12:24
=== Jemt [n=Jemt@nat.kollegienet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
felipe__ Hello, does anybody else has troubles with beagle in dapper. It apears it is not indexing anything....12:24
skipster23warbo: i might try the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromHardDriveWithFloppies btu i was wondering if i could copy the cd to the drive and run it that way12:24
wogiThanks thierry!12:24
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skipster23wrabo: no i just have the drive now12:25
=== Dimitris [n=AbsolutD@acr-as2-02.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #Ubuntu
thierryCan somebody check the 6th field in /etc/fstab for vfat partition? dapper set a 1, but breezy set a 0. What would you recommend?12:25
=== fox__ [n=r00t@pc-182-108-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
greeko i insert the install disk and then i get to the part where it says Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting kernal12:26
judahthen it hangs.12:26
zybridwogi: you just wait12:26
zybridwogi: ignore that.12:26
greekoyeah judah12:26
Warboskipster23: Yes you probably could, but you would have to set up your partitions beforehand (you can't run 1 partition as the Ubuntu iso will be on there, so how can you format it?). Basically make a root "/" partition, maybe a "/home", and make enough space for the CD image in another partition. Tell the installer you do not want to use swap space and then later you can turn this small partition into swap (that's what I would12:27
zybridI "solved" the "hang" by waiting some minutes.12:27
brandon_anybody running amule right now?12:27
greekoanyone else have the hang and solve it other than waiting? because i have been waitingn now for between 15 and 20 minutes12:27
wogizybrid: mmm. I'm not quit sure what you're saying. I was trying to get out of a fullscreen rdp session.. But Control-Alt-Enter seems to help too. :)12:27
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Warbobrandon_: Every time I search on it recently hardly anything comes up.12:27
skipster23ok thanks i'll try it and get back to you12:27
Some_PersonI found out that I need realtek-linux-audiopack-3.5-6.tar.bz2. Where do I get it?12:28
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brandon_Warbo: i just wanted to know what the server.met file was it was using at startup?12:28
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Some_PersonWhere do I get realtek-linux-audiopack-3.5-6.tar.bz2?12:28
crimsunSome_Person: why do you need it?12:28
Warbobrandon_: Oh. I don;t think it has any servers at startup, but it does have a button you can press to download one (actually I don't think that worked for me last time)12:29
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WarboSome_Person: Google?12:29
Some_Personits my soundcard drivers12:29
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valehru2hmm...why does mozilla plugin not play *.rm movie files?12:29
Some_Personi tried googling12:29
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Some_Personevery link i find is broken12:29
thierryfsck on a vfat partition ? is this useful ?12:29
=== mumbles_laptop wonders if his ubuntu is goign restart propely after he had upgared it
TobberothGuys, X got busted when I installed the Nvidia driver :(12:30
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Warbovalehru2: Which plugin? The realplayer plugin does it fine (well, they LOAD, but they are jumpy, so I generally look in the source and load them with Totem)12:30
Some_Personplz plz plz find me a good link12:30
crimsunSome_Person: pastebin the output from ``lspci -nv && lsmod && tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat''12:30
zybridTobberoth: replace nv or nvidia in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to vesa and restart gdm12:30
TobberothEverything worked great, the installer saw the kernel source, compiled a module, then changed x to use the module... now gdm won't start12:30
camper8472I installed Ubuntu 6.06 and most things worked out-of-the-box. Some issue remain, the first one where I need help: My core duo is a 1.83GHz, but it is only set to either 1GHz or 1.33GHz, depending on the load. It never runs at 1.83GHz. Does this sound familiar to anyone? (I already googled, even tried to set the governor to ondemand, but nothing helps). My machine (if it matters) is a HP/Compaq nx9420.12:30
valehru2where can i get the real player plugin?12:30
Some_Personcrimsun: I know what driver I need12:30
valehru2Marbo, where can i get the real player plugin?12:30
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Tobberothhmm, vesa..12:31
DimitrisI have a problem with frostwire.  I have java installed but when i try to run frostwire it says "oops unaible to locate java exec in /usr/lib and some other dirs and it doesn't start. Java works fine in firefox.12:31
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crimsunSome_Person: I'm nearly certain you don't need another set of drivers, only adjust the mixer12:31
selaiah_which Bittorrent Client would you suggest guys? Azureus? Bittornado? theres so many to choose from ;p12:31
Some_PersonNo, crimsun12:31
crimsunSome_Person: therefore I'm asking for information to confirm that12:31
Hamppariselaiah_ azureus, though I use utorrent with wine12:31
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Warbovalehru2: I have added a Debian repository to get it. "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ sarge main"12:31
selaiah_why do you do that if i may ask Hamppari?12:31
Some_Personclicking on the volume control even does the error "no sound card"12:31
valehru2Marbo, I can hear sound in the rm file....however I can't see the video in mozilla12:31
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crimsunSome_Person: that's why I asked for the information that I did.12:32
Hamppariselaiah_ Azureus eats my memor12:32
greekoanyone here had the kernal hang during boot? could it be a bad disk?12:32
=== eXistenZ [n=existenz@bzq-88-154-24-206.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
NoUseZeZu you might be able to fix this with a live cd and creative use of the 'dpkg' command12:32
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crimsunSome_Person: work with me here, ok? I handle sound for the Ubuntu kernel.12:32
greekoi am trying to install12:32
DrakonikDoes anyone know why I wouldn't be able to access anything other than Google?12:32
Warbovalehru2: If you add that in Synaptic>Settings>Repositories>Add>Custom then you can find realplayer in Synaptic12:32
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DrakonikI can use XChat just fine.12:32
ZeZuthats insane amt of crap to do to fix it12:32
DrakonikEmail works as well.12:32
jrattner1If Im using ATI drivers and i do a dpkg-reconfigure do i want to select ATI or fglrx?12:32
SelaiahAre you running on a low spec machine Hamppari or is azureus so resources wasting?12:33
valehru2Marbo, for x64?12:33
=== amac [n=amac@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
NoUseZeZu glibc is a prety important piece of the system12:33
zybridjrattner1: fglrx12:33
zybridjrattner1: if you have the fglrx drivers installed.12:33
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zybridpackage even.12:33
DrakonikThe only problem is that I can't access anything other than google.com.12:33
zacchhi, I've got vga=791 (framebuffer) enabled in GRUB config, and resume after suspend yields only funny chaos on the screen before shutting down. Anybody got any hints on how to allow suspend and framebuffer on intel 855GM, Toshiba Laptop?12:33
TobberothCan I use gedit from terminal, or do I need to use another text editor?12:33
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DrakonikI don't even get an error message.12:33
Warbojrattner1: "ati" is free, more stable but no 3D. "fglrx" is non-free, less stable but has 3D12:33
=== orn [n=orn@3e6b77f0.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
jrattner1zybrid, i do there giving me some real trouble though12:33
jrattner1zybrid, i just want to get my resolution corrected12:34
zybridjrattner1: what problem are you recieving?12:34
Some_Personso can anyone find me
greekoshould i re-download and burn the install disk?12:34
Warbovalehru2: Oh, I don't think that repo works for 64bit x86 (I gave it to a mate who said it didn't) but it works fine in a 32bit chroot12:34
Some_Personexcept workin link12:34
valehru2Marbo, its not there for m64,12:34
ZeZuNoUse, yes but its not like it couldn't just install over it or something12:34
zybridjrattner1: CTRL ALT +12:34
zybridor -12:34
thedesburritowhats the max resoloution for ubuntu? and what limits it?12:34
ZeZuit is made to be able to upgrade old packages and such12:34
Tobberothwhat text editor can be used in terminal to edit xorg.conf ?12:34
zacchTobberoth: emacs, vi ?12:34
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crimsunSome_Person: can you just give me the info I'm asking for?12:34
TeddTobberoth, vi, vim, emacs....12:34
tsarkonthedesburrito, that is up to your graphics card to decide12:34
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Warbothedesburrito: Monitor and graphics card limit the resolution12:34
TobberothI'll try vi or vim then12:35
Tobberothhope this works.. i really need my X12:35
zybridTobberoth: nano12:35
tsarkonthedesburrito, and monitor yes12:35
HamppariSelaiah I dunno, I have 512 ram 1,8gz12:35
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thierrycan anyone give me the result of "grep vfat /etc/fstab" on its machine ?12:35
thedesburritotsarkon: ok... cause right now I am getting a smaller resoloution that what my windows will allow... is that because of lack of drivers since it is the liveCD?12:35
Some_Personrealtek-linux-audiopack-3.5-6.tar.bz2 is the file i need for sure12:35
zuhause01xxhi, i would like to record the streammovie i am watch with mplayer, can anybody help me out please12:35
HamppariIt just doesnt work :P And I like the lightweightness of utorrent12:35
tsarkonthedesburrito, no it is not. I had same problem when changing from another distro12:35
zybridthierry: /dev/sdc        /media/sdc      vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       112:35
tsarkonthedesburrito, your problem is the monitor sync in horisontal and vertical12:35
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greekowhere else can i go to get help for ubuntu? anyother channels?12:36
crimsunSome_Person: ok, let me state this again. Give me the ``amixer'' output on http://pastebin.ca12:36
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zybridSome_Person: then download it on google12:36
thierryzybrid: thanks, but does does not help, its a usb drive12:36
thedesburritotsarkon: so this isnt changeable? its not too big a problem with the different workspaces... but it would be nice if it was bigger12:36
crimsunSome_Person: sorry, the ``lspci -nv'' output12:36
Some_Personno, crimsum12:36
Warbogreeko: We're not good enough for ya? :)12:36
tsarkonthedesburrito, it is changable. you can do it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:36
ZeZuand the error i'm getting12:36
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Some_Personi freaking know what driver i freaking need!!!!!!!!!!12:36
ZeZuis not that its already installed causing a problem12:36
tsarkonthedesburrito, I changed it. my computer worked perfectly after that12:36
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ZeZuit seems to not like hte version of ubuntu that is installed12:36
thedesburritotsarkon: ok. im new to this... how do I got about changing that?12:37
thierrycan anyone give me the result of "grep vfat /etc/fstab" on its machine ?12:37
crimsunSome_Person: might I add that you're talking to one of the people who WORKED ON THAT DRIVER?12:37
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valehru2hmm....so is there a way for x64 to play rm files anywhere with video?12:37
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crimsunI don't know how to make it ANY clearer12:37
tsarkonthedesburrito, have you used linux at all before Ubuntu?12:37
greekolol warbo, it just seems no one knows the answer to my problem12:37
Some_Personso where can i get it? i have an onboard realtek ac9712:37
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crimsunSome_Person: just put the output from ``lspci -nv'' onto http://pastebin.ca12:37
NoUseZeZu the reason I advocate using a live cd is if you force something with glibc and it doesn't work, your system won't boot12:37
thedesburritotsarkon: no, besides foolign around on suse breifly12:37
CrashProneSo umm... I had Guild Wars running over Cedega on my other computer before, and I can't seem to get it running here-- it claims my video card is too old, even though I moved over the same one (post install, maybe it still thinks I have my old video card?) how can I FULLY convince ^^;; the computer that I do indeed have the same video card that worked with GW before? :-P12:37
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Warbogreeko: There are loads of Ubuntu channels in Freenode for other languages and stuff, but other than that I only know forums which come up in Google12:38
Some_Personi'm not on ubuntu right now12:38
ZeZublah the system not booting can be fixed12:38
=== bear [n=bear@c-71-230-109-9.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tristanmikeI'm trying to install Limewire via ubotu's instructions, but I get and error "need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x or newer from http://www.java.com   ls: /opt/j*: No such file or directory   You need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x " Can some one help please ?12:38
crimsunSome_Person: then please reboot into Ubuntu12:38
ZeZuits hardly going to stop me12:38
judahgah.. is there a m4a decoder for gstreamer 10?12:38
Some_Personjust plz plz plz give me link to that driver12:38
ZeZui'd _then_ use the livecd if need be12:38
Dreamglidernow in 6.06 can one have diffrent background pictures on each desktop ?12:38
tsarkonthedesburrito, what graphics card do you use?12:38
forsakendoes the server version come w/ a NFS server?12:38
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SelaiahAnyone know why Xchat keeps making this most annoying "red marking line" ? =D12:38
judahbanshee used to play my m4a's until "that one update"12:38
crimsunjudah: yes, it's in gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse12:38
ZeZuI also have another linux install on this machine though, so prob not even use that12:38
ZeZua distro i built myself for work12:39
greekoanyother irc channels?12:39
Some_PersonI have a GeForce 6100 integrated mobo, so: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-98059.html12:39
NoUseZeZu ok12:39
judahii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse   0.10.3-312:39
thedesburritotsarkon: im afraid I dont know the specifics.. but its a 64mb nvidea.. if I remember correctly12:39
camper8472I installed Ubuntu 6.06 and most things worked out-of-the-box. Some issue remain, the first one where I need help: My core duo is a 1.83GHz, but it is only set to either 1GHz or 1.33GHz, depending on the load. It never runs at 1.83GHz. Does this sound familiar to anyone? (I already googled, even tried to set the governor to ondemand, but nothing helps). My machine (if it matters) is a HP/Compaq nx9420.12:39
judahbut no workie.12:39
slackernSelaiah: it shows what was the last line you saw when you had the window active so you can find your way back fast to where you where.12:39
ZeZuoh well i'll just install the packages i need manually if the package manager wants to cry12:39
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crimsunjudah: what app are you using?12:39
ZeZui dont have time to argue with it12:39
AlI need help installing drivers for my new video card, have to do it via command line, and I've got it on a windows partition on this comp12:39
Some_Personit says to use that driver12:39
Selaiahslackern: Is it posible to disable that? =D12:39
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Al* that comp12:39
tsarkonthedesburrito, that's alright12:39
crimsunSome_Person: Hi, do I need to restate it? I /worked/ on that driver.12:39
NoUseZeZu it'll cause more problems later but whatever12:39
slackernSelaiah: yes12:40
zybridal: trye the wiki.ubuntu.com12:40
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SelaiahSlackern: Excellent :D12:40
Alok cool12:40
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judahi'll see if uninstalling and reinstalling the package works..12:40
ZeZuif it solves them now then it can't hurt anything else imo12:40
zybridal: what kind of gfx-card do you have?12:40
crimsunSome_Person: If you're not willing to reboot to give me the minimal troubleshooting info, I don't know how else I can help you.12:40
judahmaybe the library got hosed or soemthing.12:40
bearlooking for information on setting up X desktops for multiple users with vnc12:40
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NoUseZeZu if you try to upgrade the distro later, it might break12:40
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ZeZui'll just keep updating these packages manually if  need be .. prob wont need an update afterwards12:40
slackernSelaiah: preferences ->textbox and uncheck "show marker line"12:40
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ZeZupossibly, then i'll just whipe it out and reinstall12:40
thierrycan anyone give me the result of "grep vfat /etc/fstab" on its machine ?12:40
Alit's a geforce FX550012:40
NoUseZeZu ok12:40
w0pw0phi, guys12:40
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zybridthierry: i did12:41
greeko i insert the install disk and then i get to the part where it says Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernal, then it hangs, i have waited 25 minutes now to no avail, any advice?12:41
jrattner1_Anyone know the link for amarok 1.412:41
thedesburritotsarkon: Ive found the xorg.conf file. will this not work until I do the install (planning on doing it in the next couple days)12:41
thierryzybrid: yes i know and thank you12:41
thierrybut I need another exemple12:41
tristanmikeI'm trying to install Limewire via ubotu's instructions, but I get and error "need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x or newer from http://www.java.com   ls: /opt/j*: No such file or directory   You need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x " Can some one help please ?12:41
krazykitjrattner1_: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main12:41
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skonksAnyone got a Canon Pixma MP500 printer working under ubuntu?12:41
judahcrimsun: bad-multiverse is installed/reinstalled.. no luck.12:41
tsarkonthedesburrito, if you open up a terminal....   ALT+F2 and type:  gnome-terminal12:41
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jrattner1_krazykit, isnt there a howto page or something12:41
Selaiahthanks a ton Slackern =)12:42
skipster23warbo: if i remove my drive and insert the other and run the disk do you think it may run fine int other computer12:42
NoUse!tell jrattner1_ about amarok12:42
tsarkonthedesburrito, gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    or similar?12:42
slackernSelaiah: your welcome.12:42
tsarkonthedesburrito, no never mind..12:42
krazykitjrattner1_: do you really need one?  add that line to your sources.list, update, and install.12:42
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tsarkonthedesburrito, open that terminal with ALT+F2 or by finding a terminal on your program menu ok?12:42
tsarkonthedesburrito, type this:  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep HorizSync12:42
slackerntsarkon: 'gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'12:42
bear!tell bear about vnc12:42
neutrinomassAny USB ADSL modem users here ?12:42
tsarkonslackern, no no... I want some info12:42
judahcrimsun: encoding prefrences list access to Faac mp4 as well.12:42
crimsunjudah: does faad (if installed) play it?12:42
greekowhat are other ubuntu IRC help channels?12:42
slackerntsarkon: oh sorry, missunderstood :)12:42
skonksneutrinomass: sure12:42
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[arcane] neutrinomass, before you ask do you have supoort for it in your kernel ??12:43
jrattner1_krazykit, ahh ok thanks12:43
tsarkonslackern, haven't gotten that far yet. need to know sync rates12:43
tsarkonslackern, it's ok :)12:43
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[arcane] greeko, #penguinslair12:43
zybridgreeko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat12:43
greekook thanks12:43
neutrinomass[arcane] : I'm not trying to get one running. I'm trying to work on this spec: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyUsbAdsl12:43
=== [arcane] goes to look at the paste
thedesburritotsarkon: ok.. done that.12:43
neutrinomassskonks: Please tell me you don't have an accessrunner :)12:43
tsarkonthedesburrito, after you have done my cat xorg command... what is the result with HorisSync?12:43
slackerntsarkon: argh refresh rates, i've been messing around with resolutions and refreshrates with this ati card so i want to pull my hair :)12:44
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:44
judahcrimsun: i installed faad.. it decoded the file to .wav12:44
camper8472tristanmike: OK, next problem: When I play videos (DVD/MPG/...), the colors are all wrong, e.g. human skin looks blue, grass is orange... any idea, anyone?12:44
skonksneutrinomass: hehe, no12:44
w0pw0panyone knows if there is any way to use a .deb for ubuntu386 in ubuntu-amd64?12:44
ubotucommands is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/12:44
tsarkonslackern, I had to take the values I got from ArchLinux, another partition.. it helped me get it going12:44
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fr500is there a way to make an nfs share available with lvm?12:44
thedesburritotsarkon: what do you mean?12:44
neutrinomassskonks: Excellent. Mind if I /msg you ?12:44
camper8472tristanmike: Sorry, this wasn't for you, but for everyone :)12:44
tsarkonthedesburrito, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep HorizSync12:44
tsarkon        <- typing that..12:44
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tristanmikecamper8472: no worries :)12:44
tsarkonthedesburrito, will give you info12:44
quamperslackern: hey i just wanted to thank you again for the help last night with the motherboard problem. I got one that has a supported chipset and I'm up and running again no problems12:45
CrashProneOH!!  Question!  Oo oo!  Me!!  Um, I tried to reconfigure X to do lower refresh rates, but under GNOME it still only has the option to have X as 85Hz refresh rate and it's too high for my card!!12:45
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Warboneutrinomass: I have an ADSL modem (eagle-usb powered Sagem F@st 800) but I think it's in 2.6.16, so I don't know how much help I will be12:45
slackerntsarkon: the problem i have is that all resolutions works sweet with the "ati" driver but if i use "fglrx" it doesn't seem to support those resolutions i want to use.12:45
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slackernquamper: ahh wonderful :)12:45
skipster23if i remove my hard drive and insert another and install kubuntu would that drive work in another computer12:45
neutrinomassWarbo: Have you got it working ?12:45
slackernquamper: glad it worked out in the end for you.12:45
[arcane] CrashProne, really thats usually a safe res12:45
Warboneutrinomass: yup12:45
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CrashProne[arcane]  not for my GeForce 3.  Flickery.12:45
NoUseskipster23 you mean with the other computer be able to boot off it?12:46
[arcane] skipster23, no unless they are exactly the same12:46
tsarkonthedesburrito, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep VertRefresh      <- do that too12:46
thedesburritotsarkon: it isnt showing me anything.12:46
Matthewvskipster23, no, because that installation would then be configured for the hardware of that computer, not of the other12:46
tsarkonthedesburrito, it is not?12:46
[arcane] CrashProne, well you could try xorgconfig12:46
shockenti have a question, I have a DSLR (Digital Rebel) and I'm wondering how to capture the RAW image format from the camera, anyone have experience with this?12:46
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skipster23thats what i thought12:46
CrashProne[arcane]  How will I be able to tell it to open up the options for 60Hz and 75Hz?12:46
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Warboskipster23: Actually they will generally work. Dapper even reconfigures Xorg to use the right graphics driver12:46
CrashProneOh, arright.. >_>12:46
nerdzyboyHow do I install rpm packages undre12:46
tsarkonthedesburrito, then you need to configure something.. and make sure it is in there12:46
nerdzyboyunder ubuntu?12:46
w0pw0panyone knows if there is any way to use a .deb for ubuntu386 in ubuntu-amd64?12:46
mumbles_laptopdapper is sexey12:46
neutrinomassWarbo: Can I /msg you as well ?12:46
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CrashProneIt IS!12:46
Warboneutrinomass: sure12:46
[arcane] w0pw0p, shouldnt hurt it too bad12:46
mumbles_laptopjust updated  :p12:47
krazykitnerdzyboy: it's strongly strongly discouraged, but you can use alien to make it a deb12:47
[arcane] w0pw0p, i know of pppl that run x86 on 6412:47
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Wyredhow do I update from breezy to the newest version?12:47
jdmpikeoh man, I installed XGL and I have really messed up my system...12:47
h3sp4wn:w0pw0p - You need to install a 32bit chroot12:47
WarboBTW, I run off a USB HD which I often plug into different computers12:47
NoUseskipster23 yeah the only think you mighe need to recofig is X12:47
kyledye wyred !dapper12:47
jrattner1_krazykit, i added that to my sources and reloaded and still cant find it12:47
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skipster23well im having trouble i need a guide on how to install the iso to a drive and run it from that drive12:47
krazykitjrattner1_: amarok-xine12:47
w0pw0pwhat is that?12:47
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[arcane] skipster23, you mean mount the ISO12:47
judahcrimsun: xmms with xmms-mp4 is playing them.12:47
jrattner1_krazykit, the box is already checkd12:48
w0pw0pwhat is a 32bit chroot ?12:48
judahcrimsun: maybe it's a banshee thing12:48
slackernWyred: you have a pm.12:48
nico8481how come that, although apt-cache showpkg finds two versions of amarok (1.3.9 and 1.4.0a), when i run "apt-get install amarok" it installs the oldest (1.3.9) one?12:48
ubotuI heard chroot is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457512:48
skipster23no, copy the iso to the drive to run run the install from there12:48
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jrattner1_wait i got it12:48
[arcane] skipster23, due thats called mounting a ISO12:48
matthewis the new version of ubuntu an better?12:48
apache2any news on when ubuntu puts out a intel-mac version?12:48
[arcane] skipster23, its easy ill give you a link12:48
nerdzyboyHow do I install rpm packages in ubuntu?12:48
[arcane] nerdzyboy, alien12:49
apache2getting a little frusterated waiting for a distro to release an intel-mac CD12:49
Warboapache2: All they would need is elilo I think12:49
[arcane] nerdzyboy, alien -d <rpm>12:49
zybridrpm -i package.rpm12:49
skipster23ok well then how would i go about getting it on the drive with this copmuter here12:49
skonksnerdzyboy: sudo apt-get install alien12:49
skonksif u dont got it12:49
crimsunjudah: it may be. Does gst-launch-0.10 work?  (``gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///path/to/some.m4a'')12:49
matthewshould i dl the new version of ubuntu?12:49
w0pw0pmmm ok h3sp4wn12:49
neutrinomassWarbo: (Not trying to force you to reply) Are you getting my /msgs ?12:49
Warboneutrinomass: yes, and I am replying12:49
apache2I know there is Mactel-Linux, -- which is ubuntu dapper, but that isn't good enough :P12:49
camper8472When I play videos (DVD/MPG/...), the colors are all wrong, e.g. human skin looks blue, grass is orange... any idea, anyone? (Ubuntu 6.06 on HP nx9420 with ATI X1600 fglrx 8.25.18)12:49
CrashProne[arcane]  I cannae find any command of xorgconfig. :-P  I did 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' before, and it should have worked, but it still only allowed 85 under GNOME's resolution change12:49
apache2I want to wait for the official thing12:49
thedesburritotsarkon: I did both of those.12:49
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thedesburritotsarkon: I might just wait till Ive installed it... then figure it out12:50
[arcane] CrashProne, hmm have you tried sudo xorgconfig12:50
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Wyredty slackern12:50
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tsarkonthedesburrito, ah ok12:50
[arcane] CrashProne, or learn to manually edit the xorg.conf file12:50
NoUseapache2 it'll probably be a while, they still need to stablize EFI support12:50
judah** Message: don't know how to handle audio/x-m4a12:50
skipster23arcane: i havn't got the link12:50
[arcane] CrashProne, its not too hard12:50
apache2yeah :P12:50
gavagaii have a savage ix s3 video card and i am using the savage driver.  all i can get is 640x480.  any ideas?12:50
[arcane] skipster23, here it is12:50
judahERROR: from element /playbin0: You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins.12:50
slackerncrimsun: remember the problem i was talking to you about with alsa and mpd not finding the card? was a while ago so you might not remember.12:50
matthewcrashprone, is the 6.06 better than breeqy badger?12:51
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WarboEFI has been around for years12:51
camper8472judah: google for faad12:51
apache2NoUse: hate to see windows XP stable on intel-macs before a linux distro ;)12:51
CrashProneI love it, and it's working great, Matthew.12:51
CrashProneIt's newer.  And better.12:51
RandolphCarterapache2: bootcamp?12:51
judahcamper8472: BAAHHHH... it was working until a few weeks ago.12:51
Knorriematthew: don't change a winning team? dapper is 'better'? it's newer12:51
WarboLinux was one of the only things which would boot an Itanium12:51
[arcane] skipster23, http://penguinslair.dyndns.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=312:51
neutrinomassWarbo: You have replied?12:51
apache2RandolphCarter: exactly12:51
judahcamper8472: i know what the hell it is and i know i have what's supposed to make it play.12:51
skonksanyone could tell why my samba server shows in windows xp, but I cant access it? samba-channels folk are sleeping12:51
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Knorriematthew: new recent hardware support etc12:51
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Warboneutrinomass: Yes, twice12:51
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neutrinomassWarbo: No replies made it. A gaim bug maybe ?12:51
judahcamper8472: btw.. what's google?12:51
UKMattare there any programs that let you rip a dvd to comp?12:51
tubbiehow do u install a new gnome splash screen?12:51
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camper8472judah: OK, google for timemachine then (or try buying on at ebay) ;)12:52
matthewknorrie: ill stick with ubuntu12:52
Warboneutrinomass: Maybe12:52
judah!google timemachine12:52
ubotujudah: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:52
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[arcane] tubbie, goto gnome-look.org12:52
crimsunslackern: no, I don't.12:52
neutrinomassWarbo: Gimme a sec, I'll file a bug and log in with another client ...12:52
[arcane] and read12:52
crimsunslackern: refresh, please?12:52
Knorriematthew: dapper drake == ubuntu12:52
Warboneutrinomass: Every time I have tried Xchat it crashed though, so I use GAIM :)12:52
matthewyea thats 6.0612:52
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CrashProneYou can dist-upgrade your Breezy straight to Dapper really... just change your repositories, and then sudo aptitude dist-upgrade12:52
Knorriematthew: yes12:52
skipster23arcane: i just run this command in the terminal with sudo right12:52
neutrinomassWarbo: I'm on the 2.0beta3 gaim, so it's likely to be a bug :)12:52
UKMattI'm trying to back up my dvd's and need something that can save them12:52
slackerncrimsun: just wanted to say that i solved it, seemed like the mpd user wasn't allowed to use the audio devices :), changing user in /etc/mpd.conf to myself fixed it.12:52
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Warboneutrinomass: OK lol12:53
jbirdAngelhello i have a fresh install of ubuntu but it doesnt seem to com ewith an app for getting online? just one to monitor the connection? how to i get online?12:53
[arcane] jbirdAngel, lol12:53
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crimsunslackern: excellent12:53
judahjbirdAngel: you seem to be online.12:53
[arcane] jbirdAngel, fireox12:53
CrashProneYou're on dialup I assume?12:53
[arcane] firefox*12:53
b14ckcan install dvd decrypter using wine or is there a linux version of the program?12:53
KnorriejbirdAngel: what do you mean by 'getting online'?12:53
judahjbirdAngel: try to google for it.12:53
matthewwell i have to manually configure my dns sever address, how can i connect?12:53
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[arcane] jbirdAngel, dhcpd eth012:53
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ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)12:54
skipster23arcane: then i could install the drive in the other computer and run the install12:54
jbirdAngelhow do i get online with my laptop, i want my laptop to wirelessly connect with my laptop, i dont think i have something to connect with thow like network manager i dont need one of those?12:54
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Knorriematthew: connect to... to what?12:54
[arcane] skipster23, why cant you just DL it to the other comp12:54
judahjbirdAngel: sudo network-admin12:54
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skipster23i think i will12:54
matthewthe internet to dl the apps and stuff12:54
Yangowhat webcam brand do you recommend to work in ubuntu?, and which software?12:54
camper8472judah: Forget it...12:54
judahcamper8472: just giving you a hard time. sorry ;)12:55
[arcane] Yango, look for it in google12:55
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[arcane] Yango, look for compatible hardware12:55
slackerncrimsun: should the mpd user be a member of the audio group perhaps?12:55
WarboYango: My samsung "anycam" worked straight off. Plugged it in, opened Ekiga and voila!12:55
matthewmy dsl modem sux and i have fo manually configure the dns address12:55
[arcane] matthew, is it usb or reg12:55
quamperin Dapper the window border stuff changed. I used to be able to drag a window border above the screen line and now it refuses to budge, in addition applications have edges that stick to the sides of the screen as well.. is that something that can be turned off?12:55
crimsunslackern: if it needs access to the sound abstraction ("devices"), then yes12:55
judahmatthew: you can always use for dns12:55
Yango[arcane] , that's what I'm doing, but wanted to read 'realworld-realtime' experiences about it12:55
camper8472judah: You call that a "hard time"? Your no older than 25, right?12:55
matthewhow do i change it from terminal?12:56
[arcane] Yango, well not too many ppl actually use from my experience12:56
judahcamper8472: sorry guess again ;)12:56
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judahmatthew: sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf12:56
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Warboquamper: I see you don't like Metacity's new features. Well, you could replace metacity12:56
[arcane] Yango, but i wish you luck12:56
radicalHello, I am using xubuntu and I want firestarter to start on start up.  How do I go about doing this?  I've looked on the FS security website and I found in the instructions, but they are for KDE and GNOME.  Can someone point me in the right direction for editing it in xubuntu.  Thanks.12:56
DeshI tried both methods to  install the ATI drivers on Dapper and I still get mesa as my OpenGL vendor. o_O I am running a Mobility Radeon 9700.12:56
Yango[arcane] , use what? webcams?12:56
[arcane] replace metacity w/ openbox12:56
UKMattwhats the program for DVD's?  libdvdcss2?12:56
[arcane] Yango, yeah12:56
Knorriejudah: what's never heard that before12:56
slackerncrimsun: ahh hmm very strange, oh well now i know what's causing it atleast.12:56
[arcane] UKMatt, there are dvd playing apps12:56
Yangothanks Warbo12:56
[arcane] like totem12:56
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judahKnorrie: it's an always working dns resolver12:56
UKMattarcane, i can't find them12:57
WarboUKMatt: That's a library to let you play DVDs. Use any media player to play them12:57
[arcane] or ogle12:57
quamperwarbo: it causes problems when I want to play games in a window but take up the whole screen.. is there something similiar to the way it used to be I can install?12:57
AK7Hey, guess what was #27 of PC world's 100 top products?12:57
[arcane] AK7, what12:57
spikebtom jones a go-go12:57
UKMattwarbo, where do i get them?12:57
judah2.2.2.4.in-addr.arpa domain name pointer vnsc-bak.sys.gtei.net.12:57
_jasonAK7: windows? *hides*12:57
CrashProne<3 Ubuntu12:57
judahwhen it doubt you can use it as a nameserver12:57
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judahbeen there for years.12:57
=== [arcane] thinks PCBSD should have won
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tubbiehow do u install a new gnome splash screen?12:58
matthewjudah that code doesnt work12:58
ubotufrom memory, usplash is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto12:58
[arcane] tubbie, dude its in the system menu12:58
spikebusplash is not gnome splash12:58
[arcane] tubbie, google it12:58
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, kyledye12:58
judahmatthew: sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf12:58
RandolphCartertubbie: you need to install gnome-splashscreen-manager12:58
judahmatthew: add the line     nameserver
_jasonspikeb: yep, you are riht. I misread12:58
RandolphCartertubbie: after you do that, it's in System->Preferences->Splashscreen12:58
Warboquamper: I don't know about comparing window manager features, but I remember it was confusing trying to tell GNOME to use Enlightenment 16 instead of metacity (there are LOADS of references, like in galternatives, in gconf2 and stuff, but only one works) I found the easiest thing to do was to move /usr/bin/metacity somewhere and link that location to /usr/bin/enlightenment12:58
judahmatthew: save the file.12:58
victor_mrrhello all, can someone give me a pointer on how to get WinTV working with Ubuntu 5.10?12:58
jbirdAngelokay thank you for the help12:59
judahmatthew: are you getting your ip address via dhcp or did you set it statically?12:59
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[arcane] FreeBSD12:59
jhennis edgy out yet?12:59
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matthewthe ip is dhcp and the dns is manually12:59
krazykitjhenn: is #ubuntu+1 up yet?12:59
Warbojhenn: It's out in October :)12:59
radicalAnyone know the start up files needed to be edited to add firestarter to start up ?12:59
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judahmatthew: sometimes your dns setting will be over written by your device re-requesting dhcp leases.01:00
jbirdAngelwhat does ubuntu use in the place of adept or where do i find it?01:00
Warboradical: You want to add it to your System>Preferences>Session list01:00
matthewlike for when i install the new version it wont connect to the internet so i need to some how change the dns server address from the terminal01:00
judahmatthew: you can also set it in network-admin01:00
WarbojbirdAngel: Synaptic01:00
judahmatthew: but the file is actually /etc/resolv.conf01:00
judaha valid file would look something like this01:00
jbirdAngelWarbo: thank you01:00
judahsearch ubuntu.com01:00
judahyou can have multiple nameserver lines01:01
radicalWarbo: I'm on xubuntu.01:01
judahwith known dns servers listed.01:01
Warboradical: Ah, sorry. You need to add it to XFCE startup though, NOT system startup (because it needs X up and running)01:01
UKMattwhen you put on gnome-splashscreen manager, which splash screen does that effect, the one that comes up when nautalis and all are loading at the initial start?01:01
CrashProneHelp? I have my monitor refresh rates set to reasonable levels, under the X config, (60-75) but X deigns ONLY to ever give the option of 85Hz which is too high for my video card without flickering.  Ideas?  My X config IS set to have the refresh rate sane, but it refuses!!01:02
neutrinomassWarbo, still not reading me ?01:02
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spikebUKMatt, yeah01:02
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WarboUKMatt: yes01:02
UKMattspikeb, warbo, ty01:02
radicalOkay, thanks.  I'll poke around see what I can come up with.01:02
spikebCrashProne, have you restarted X yet?01:02
Warboneutrinomass: I've got no PM window this time (I did before)01:02
CrashProneA few times...01:02
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spikebwell, there goes my idea01:02
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jbirdAngeldo i want only the first two things that are called universe in synaptic and the last 2 security updates or ?01:03
_jasonjbirdAngel: can you be more specific?01:03
Subhuman!tell jbirdAngel about easysource01:03
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gavagaihow do i start and stop services in ubuntu from the terminal?  like in mandrake 'service foo start/stop/restart'.  i just installed snort and it started snort, but i don't want it running01:04
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ifrHi, running dapper and Firestarter seems to twazz out and ramp up cpu usage every time it detects a hit. This is new behavior. ANyone know what up>01:04
Warbogavagai: "sudo /etc/init.d/nameofthing start/stop/restart"01:04
gavagaiWarbo, thanks01:04
judahgavagai: /etc/init.d/<services> restart / stop / start01:04
judahSUDO! guh01:04
ackeHey guys, i have jre installed on my system. but when i visit a webpage with a java applet my firefox says that i miss the appropriate plugin, how do i make firefox recognise my java installation???01:04
judahthat's should be a given.01:04
_jasongavagai: sudo invoke-rc.d ssh stop <- for example01:05
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init_6Using the alternate install CD how does one pass variables to the install?01:05
_jasongavagai: (both ways work)01:05
Warboacke: If you have j2re1.4 then the firefox plugin is called j2re1.4-mozilla01:05
gavagaigreat, that worked.  excellent.01:05
neutrinomassWarbo, Argh! I got what you said but apparently you didn't get my "test". Anyway,, you said you have an eagle-usb based modem. 1. These are not on the default installation, right? 2. What are all these issues with the eagle-usb packages that people are talkin about? 3. To get the hardware working, did you have to do anything besides installing the eagle-usb* packages ?01:05
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gavagaiis there a similar command to list the current status of all services?01:06
jbirdAngelin synaptic im trying to enable universe i guess so that i can get xchat-gnome thunderbird etc i can click there are somet hing sthat say only universe and 2 things that say universe and multi verse and then 2 that say securrity updates universe, do i want to enable all of them but the ones that also say multiverse?01:06
judahgavagai: ps -eaf01:06
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jbirdAngelthanks for the link Subhuman but i didnt fully get it with all those other repositories iwth the names the way they are01:06
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Subhumanwell jbirdAngel do you jus want to enable universe and multiverse?01:07
Subhumanif so01:07
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.01:07
TobberothOkey, still a major error here01:07
Dreamglidernow in 6.06 can i have diffrent background pictures on each virtuak-desktop ?01:07
wolkiDreamglider: if you install wallpapoz01:07
TobberothI downloaded and installed nvidia-xgl and did x-config01:07
oni-draculais anyone here still a transgaming subscriber? I didn't renew my subscription and now I no longer have access to downloads01:07
SubhumanDreamglider, i know of such functionality it kde but not in gnome by default.01:07
Tobberothbut x won't reload, probably because of the faulty driver I installed earlier01:08
Tobberothit seems that driver overwrites it insted of nvidia-xgl01:08
Tobberothhow do I fix this?01:08
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ooboon2if i want to mount /etc from a different filesystem each time linux boots, how/where can i do it? put mount command to /etc/init.d/rcS ?01:08
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Dreamglideryea Subhuman kde can do it default i'll have a look at wallpapoz01:08
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wesmkay, font trouble again01:08
wessomehow i got the msttcorefonts on but i couldnt use them..01:08
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wesbut, now they're gone01:09
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ackeWarbo how do i install that pluggin??01:09
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Tobberothwes, tried restarting openoffice or whatever your using?01:09
fr500is there a way to make an nfs share available with lvm, so it behaves like a local volume?01:09
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wesnot using openoffice01:09
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westhey're completely gone01:09
wesout of the system poof01:09
maddyhelp X is crashing on DD01:09
rochehello How Can I uninstall gnome in ubuntu 5.10 ? apt-get remove gnome didn't work01:09
Warboneutrinomass: The eagle-usb packages do not get installed by default. I know in Breezy the packages did not work (not really sure why) so I installed from source. In Dapper there is a specific version of eagle-usb needed (for the 2.6.15 kernel) which does work when installed from source. Sorry I haven't tested the Dapper packages as I upgraded, so I never got a disc. I can find the source I used if you want, but I also hacked 01:09
nerdzyboyI just installed an application but I01:09
nerdzyboycan't get it to start01:09
nerdzyboyWhere do apps get installed?01:10
jbirdAngelSubhuman: okay thank you01:10
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Warbonerdzyboy: /usr/bin01:10
neutrinomassWarbo, hm.... that's bad. source I guess you mean upstream release/svn checkout ? How complicated were those hacks ?01:10
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keleusIm trying to write a script.... how would i get echo to put both a prompt and the output of pgrep on a single line?01:10
maddyanyone knows a concole bittorrent client ?01:10
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nerdzyboyit's not there01:10
nico8481anyone running amarok 1.4.0? no problem with the way the "playing: " information is displayed in the lower left part of the window?01:11
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neutrinomassWarbo, maybe the breezy issue you are talking about is https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/eagle-usb/+bug/24355 ?01:11
nerdzyboyHow do I uninstall apps?01:11
nerdzyboyjust found out01:12
grasshopperAny advice on getting Epiphany spic and span?01:12
jrattner1_Anyone know where amarok stores in config files?01:12
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grasshopperAny tricks to share on Epiphany?01:12
grasshoppertips and tricks and hints and pointers to get in the fast lane with Epiphany01:13
=== TheHollow [n=duende@wiley-459-104521.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warboneutrinomass: The setup is quite simple (./configure, make, sudo make install, sudo eagleconfig, sudo eaglectrl -d, sudo startadsl) [the not-very-obvious steps are told to you if your connection isn't working, eg. "startadsl" will say "modem not operational, check eaglestat" and eaglestat will tell the user to run eaglectrl -d]  so basically my startup script just ran the connection steps "stopadsl, eaglectrl -d,  startadsl" wi01:13
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nickrudgrasshopper, I liked mouse guestures and I also learned to put my bookmarks in as many topics as possible01:13
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TobberothHow do I uninstall a driver? (Preferably using GNOME, I really stink with the terminal)01:14
grasshoppernickrud: where do i laern all this?01:14
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nickrudgrasshopper, I read over the help docs, and used it a long time :)01:14
LinuxNITis there a livecd for dapper?01:15
grasshopperhelp docs, ok01:15
fr500Tobberoth: what kind of driver01:15
SubhumanLinuxNIT, the standard dapper install CD IS a live cd.01:15
matthewhow can i upgrade to 6.06?01:15
Subhumanit jus has the option to install to hard drive.01:15
LinuxNITSubhuman, oooohhhhhhh01:15
LinuxNITi see01:15
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)01:15
nickrudgrasshopper, and be sure to look over the extensions, you want to turn most of them on01:15
LinuxNITi didnt know they changed that01:15
Tobberothfr500: A faulty nVidia driver01:15
grasshopperwhere are the extensions?01:15
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fr500Tobberoth: look for synaptic and find nvidia-glx01:16
Warboneutrinomass: Hmm. Reading that bug report the only real description is a) the packages not installing from CD due to a dependence on ppoeconf (I could install the packages with just the CD contents) and b) a problem for which the solution is setting prefixes and "--disable-mod", but since I started from scratch with the source I honestly can't tell if this is the bug01:16
neutrinomassWarbo, thanks. I've searched the forums as well and the matter seems rather complicated :(01:16
nickrudgrasshopper, under the tools menu item01:16
Tobberothfr500, I have nvidia-glx installed, but x-config won't work. I think it's because I installed another nvidia driver before01:16
grasshopperthx, nickrud01:16
b14ckis it safe to burn using dvd decrypter runned with wine?01:16
grasshopperwill go and explore01:16
Tobberothso I want to delete the old one01:16
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Warboneutrinomass: I know for a fact that the Breezy packages will not work if recompiled for Dapper. The newer source is needed01:17
=== vic [n=vic@CPE0050f2cf38bd-CM014390042162.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
fr500 Tobberoth you can remove things with synaptic01:17
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grasshoppergnome's irc sux01:17
vichey can someone help me out01:17
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neutrinomassWarbo, remember the version of the packages required ?01:17
me2winvic: with?01:17
b14ckvic just ask01:17
vici got no sound on my ibm thinkpad 770x01:17
=== Fred is now known as Fr3d
vicusing xubuntu 6.0601:17
b14ckis it safe to burn using dvd decrypter runned with wine?01:18
WarboTobberoth: If you installed the old driver with NVidia's ".run" file then you need to find it and run "sudo ./filename.run --uninstall"01:18
=== Samus_Aran [n=raven@about/linux/supportwhirlwind/SamusAran] has joined #Ubuntu
nickrudgrasshopper, install xchat from universe, it was the first thing I did01:18
Tobberothfr500, the first nvidia driver was downloaded from nvidias site, not synaptic :(01:18
Warboneutrinomass: no, sorry01:18
fr500then it difficult01:18
TobberothWarbo: Thanks, I'll try that!01:18
me2winubotu: tell vic about sound01:18
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fr500not easy i don know how feasible01:18
Samus_Aranhow does one go about adding new users and specifying which ones have access to sudo-install apps/updates ?01:18
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G8trBaitDoes Dapper Desktop come with everything I need to compile my own programs?01:18
neutrinomassWarbo, Ok, thanks a lot :)01:18
b14ckis it safe to burn using dvd decrypter runed with wine?01:19
WarboG8trBait: You need the "build-essential" package which I think is on the CD01:19
neutrinomassG8trBait, You need to install the 'build-essential' package ...01:19
grasshoppernickrud: yea, that's what i need. I just went to Applications/Add/Remove and installed what they had - don't recommend it01:19
G8trBaitThank you both.01:19
nickrudSamus_Aran, sudo adduser <new user> , then sudo adduser <new user> admin gives that user admin priviledges01:19
Warbob14ck: I doubt it would work. Devices are handled differently in win and lin01:19
grasshoppernickrud: X-chat always served me well before. Opera's integrated chat is also Nice!01:19
Samus_Aranb14ck: if the WINE app can detect your DVD device, then it should burn fine.  I have used Nero Burning Rom under WINE years ago, it burned fine01:19
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Samus_AranWarbo: wrong ..01:19
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grasshopperbut this Gnome IRC is yuck ugly and primitive01:19
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WarboSamus_Aran: Wow. WINE keeps suprising me!01:20
b14ckty Warbo and Samus_Aran01:20
Samuli^grasshopper, try xchat, not xchat-gnome01:20
Samus_Araneven more than 3 years ago it burned fine under WINE for me.  this was before I found k3b and stopped craving for the old Nero01:20
DeshCan anyone tell me how to get rid of the link so I can remove fglrx? I highlighted the lines that cause the problem. http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76634901:20
Samus_Arannow I consider k3b far better than Nero has ever been =p01:20
grasshopperSamuli: will do01:20
Samuli^nero is for linux too, though.01:21
G8trBaitdoes xchat have multiple server support..?  mIRC seems to be the one thing I can't ween myself from so I use mIRC still with Wine01:21
b14ckSamus_Aran:  i want to burn ps2 iso so i'm not sure with k3b01:21
matthewwhat is the eaisest way to upgrade?01:21
Samuli^G8trBait, it does.01:21
_jasonubotu: tell matthew about upgrade01:21
WarboSamus_Aran: I find that there is little WINE can't run with some patience (like extracting CAB files manually, for instance) but I find stuff like FlashMX trial is just too slow to be usable (that is not being picky, it is SLOW)01:21
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu
TobberothWarbo: It won't work. It says sudo: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8762-pkg1.run: command not found01:21
Samus_AranTobberoth: set it executable first01:21
WarboTobberoth: You need to put a dot and a slash "./NVI............." like that01:22
TobberothI did that too01:22
b14ckany one burned ps2 iso with K3B?01:22
Tobberothgot the same error01:22
Samus_AranTobberoth: and either put it in your path, or run it as: ./NVIDIA....etc.01:22
DeshHow do I get rid of a symlink?01:22
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matthewi cant upen update manager it wont let me01:22
Samus_AranDesh: rm foo01:22
Samuli^Tobberoth, you need to put the path there if you're using sudo.01:22
TobberothThis is what I wrote: root@Itachi:/home/tobberoth/Desktop# sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8762-pkg1.run --uninstall01:23
Tobberothsudo: ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8762-pkg1.run: command not found01:23
WarboTobberoth: You need to be in the same place as the file. Maybe install the "nautilus-open-terminal" package and "killall nautilus" then you can open a terminal in the right place every time :)01:23
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DeshSamus_Aran: sudo rm foo ln -s /usr/lib/dri /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri ??01:23
Samus_Aranb14ck: I haven't, myself, but I would just do a google search for: ps2 k3b01:23
Obsthmm how can i find out the free disk space of my hdd over the shell?01:23
Samuli^Tobberoth, if you're root you don't need to use sudo.01:23
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WarboObst: df01:23
b14ckSamus_Aran:  lol yeah gd point01:23
Samus_AranDesh: if you are tyring to change an old symlink to a new one, do it as two separate commands01:23
Obstok thx01:23
TobberothI know guys, but I know all of this. I think the problem is that the file just won't run with --uninstall01:23
Samus_AranDesh: sudo rm foo; sudo ln -s /source/file /destination/file01:23
Samuli^Tobberoth, understand that sudo will bring you to root's home, and there's no NVIDIA-foo.run there.01:24
DeshSamus_Aran: No I want to remove that symlink since it won;t let me remove fglrx01:24
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maddymy X just restarts itseld sometimes  pls help01:24
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WarboTobberoth: That doesn't sound like the problem (why would it say "file not found"?)01:24
judahln -s  == symbolic link == awesome!01:24
tomorrowlabanyone know what this error means? "OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0.0'"01:24
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Warbotomorrowlab: You need a 3D graphics card driver01:24
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uboturumour has it, ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers01:24
Tobberothnow it says "Permission denied"01:24
ubotunvidia is, like, totally, Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:24
Tobberotheven if I'm root01:24
Dreamgliderwolki, thanks alot mate01:24
Samus_AranTobberoth: sudo sh NVID*01:24
tomorrowlabI have a 3d graphics card driver01:24
=== Almond [n=s@adsl-209-30-156-218.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboTobberoth: OK that is fine. Run "chmod u+x NVI........"01:25
matthewis there a code that will update ubuntu?01:25
Warbomatthew: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:25
TobberothI tried that sh NV* and it worked! the driver should be uninstalled now01:25
_jasonmatthew: ubotu should have sent you the info in a private message01:25
TobberothSHould i redownload nvidia-xgl?01:25
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vici still cant get my sound to work01:26
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tomorrowlabdoes noone know what my problem is?01:26
Samus_AranTobberoth: the problem was that you hadn't made the file "executable", so it could not be run "permission denied"01:26
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WarboTobberoth: I find that it is best to copletely start from scratch after getting a mixed install like that, so now you have no ".run" file installed I would remove any nvidia packages and reinstall them all01:26
TobberothSamus_Aran: Ah.. I didn't know there were such things.. I'm VERY new to this as you've noticed. :)01:26
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Samus_Arantomorrowlab: it means that you are using a non-accellerated Xorg driver right now, but the app you are using wants OpenGL accellerated support01:26
TobberothOkey Warbo, I'll try that01:26
tomorrowlabI installed the nvidia-glx driver01:27
TobberothI must say though, Linux is AMAZING for fixing screwups01:27
Warbotomorrowlab: Are you using it?01:27
tomorrowlabhow do I do that?01:27
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matthewcwarbo that code doesnt work in terminal01:27
matthewwarbo it doesnt work01:27
Warbotomorrowlab: "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nv"01:27
Warbomatthew: what happens?01:28
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Warbotomorrowlab: OK, add a "idia" to the end (to get "grep nvidia")01:28
Aapzakgrep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf would have been nicer :)01:28
DeshCan anyone help me uninstall the fglrx driver?01:28
viccan someone please help me out01:28
tomorrowlabstill nada01:28
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_jasonmatthew: did ubotu send you the private message?01:28
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matthewwarbo it says sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()01:29
tomorrowlaboh wait, found my problem01:29
WarboAapzak: Yes, well I still do "cat file.txt | less" loads, because that's what I learned :)01:29
Aapzakgrep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:29
void^vic: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:770X01:29
matthewjason: i didnt get a message01:29
_jasonubotu: tell matthew about upgrade01:29
_jasonmatthew: now?01:29
vicok fine01:29
Warbomatthew: That is a problem becoming super user. That is pretty serious01:29
vicforget the guy with the sound problems01:29
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matthewwarbo why is it serious?01:30
Aapzakvic, who needs souns anyway ;)01:30
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vici do01:30
void^vic: just read http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:770X01:30
vici want to hear xubuntu yell at me when i get an error01:30
bullrageI waaaaaaaannnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaa know what loooooooveeeeeeeeee is01:30
AapzakI've got wifi trouble, network manager seems buggy to me01:30
matthewwarbo it wont let me run update manager01:30
miguelsr@google amsn01:30
bullrageSorry, I like to sing publicly01:30
Warbomatthew: Well it isn't serious. If you don't want to mount drives, start network connections, install software, etc. :)01:30
matthewi click nothing happens01:30
=== Tobberoth [n=tobberot@c83-249-202-182.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonmatthew: your sudo problem does need to be resolved, paste the first line of /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname01:30
TheHollowAapzak, NetworkManager is buggy to everyone01:30
TobberothI'm giving up. This is just not working. I do nvidia-xconfig, press ctrl+alt+backspace01:30
Tobberothand I get out to terminal, and gdm won't run01:31
AapzakTheHollow: I didn't know, is is officially broken?01:31
Clapauciushi all, I just installed the server version of ubuntu, how do I get a window manager up and running (don't want Gnome)? will "sudo apt-get install wmaker" be enough, or is there mre to it?01:31
TobberothI have to overwrite the xorg with the backup every time01:31
Warbomatthew: Make sure your user is in the "admin" group (to do an emergengy root login you can use "recovery mode" at boot)01:31
_jasonTobberoth: are you following the wiki?01:31
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Tobberoth_jason: Yes01:31
matthewit says permission denied01:31
WarboTobberoth: Do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" instead (from a console)01:31
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matthewwarbo it says permission denied01:32
kevinmatthew, are you using someone elses pc?01:32
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AapzakTheHollow: if you say it's broken I can go to bed and rest :)01:32
matthewkevin im in my computer01:32
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Tobberothomg Warbo, it wants my  bus identifier01:33
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abouhow can I figure out where the Mozilla / firefox plugins directory?01:33
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TheHollowAapzak, what problems are you having with it?01:33
judahmatthew: what does ls -lash /etc/hosts  give you?01:33
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kevinok, just wondering matthew it was sounding like maybe you were using a pc that they setup a non sudo acct for you is all01:33
=== jbparrothead2102 [n=andy@nwtn-02-1959.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
TobberothHow do I know what to put as my bus identifier for my graphics card?01:34
_jasonabou: ~/.mozilla/plugins for local and /usr/lib/firefox/plugins01:34
matthewjudah it says "4.0K -rw-r--r--  1 root root 60 2006-06-07 17:26 /etc/hosts01:34
WarboTobberoth: That doesn't matter. Leave it either default or blank01:34
Nixdorfubuntu install from disk 1.44 with USB support ?01:34
DeshCan someone help me uninstall a package that doesn't want to be removed?01:34
judahgethostbyname() error doesn't have to do with that.01:34
judahmatthew: now cat /etc/hosts01:34
WarboTobberoth: Same for RAM01:34
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bruenigwhat package is it Desh01:34
jbparrothead2102having trouble when trying to install ethereal using "apt-get install ethereal".......keep getting "E: Couldn't find package ethereal"01:34
judahcan you read the file?01:34
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jbparrothead2102suggestions anyone?01:34
Deshbruenig: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76634901:35
matthewjadah doesnt work01:35
matthewjudah doesnt work01:35
=== judah stares blankly
Warbojbparrothead2102: "apt-cache search ethereal"01:35
_jasonmatthew: what does it say?01:35
matthewi should just reinstall ubuntu?01:35
judahmatthew: rw-r--r-- mean you have read access..01:35
vicit didnt work01:35
judahmatthew: what does it tell you..01:35
=== kevin is stumped by matthew's problem.........
TheDraclejbparrothead2102, Does it exist in your repositories when you do apt-cache search ethereal?01:35
victhat website didnt help01:35
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matthewjudah matthew@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:36
matthewsudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()01:36
matthewmatthew@ubuntu:~$ /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname01:36
matthewbash: /etc/hosts: Permission denied01:36
matthewmatthew@ubuntu:~$ /etc/hosts01:36
matthewbash: /etc/hosts: Permission denied01:36
matthewmatthew@ubuntu:~$ ls -lash /etc/hosts01:36
matthew4.0K -rw-r--r--  1 root root 60 2006-06-07 17:26 /etc/hosts01:36
matthewmatthew@ubuntu:~$ /etc/hosts01:36
matthewbash: /etc/hosts: Permission denied01:36
matthewmatthew@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/hosts01:36
matthew# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts01:36
tristanmike!tell matthew about paste01:36
tristanmikematthew, please don't paste in here01:36
matthewi had to get it out01:36
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judahahhh hosts isn't  a executable.01:36
tristanmikenot here please01:36
_jasonmatthew: your /etc/hosts appears to be blank other than comments? is that line all that it said?01:36
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kevinmatthew, are you trying to do it through the network? Just by chance01:37
matthew_jason yep01:37
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TobberothWow, this x configuration is SO advanced..01:37
matthewkevin im on a network01:37
AlmondDesh, did you try sudo apt-remove (packagename)01:37
adaranhello everyone01:37
judahyou need to have a line in there that is like this..01:37
grasshoppernickrud, is it a crime or merely gross negligence to not have Epiphany-extensions installed as default?01:37
TobberothI have no idea if my mouse is ImPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2, is there a simple way to find out?01:37
_jasonmatthew: and what does 'cat /etc/hostname' say?01:37
jbparrothead2102apt-cache doesn't give me anything, still get same error01:37
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judah127.0.0.1 localhost.localdomain localhost myhostname01:37
victhis is interesting01:37
adarani've just got xgl and compiz installed, and both running. now how do i start playing around with some effects?01:37
matthewmatthew@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/hostname01:37
grasshopperGuys! X-chat is feeling MUCH better than x-chat gnome01:37
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nekostarhey why do i see dice when i do ctrl+k for instance? [im in xchat on dapper] 01:38
jbparrothead2102E: Couldn't find package ethereal01:38
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fredrich1how do i start the xdmcp service on a headless server?01:38
nickrudgrasshopper, erm, never noticed :)01:38
judahgrasshopper: AWESOME!01:38
Warbojbparrothead2102: try searching for "ether" or something which is slightly more generic01:38
gavagaii am not getting any sound, and totem won't start.  in the device manager it lists my soundcard as vt82c686 ac97 audio controller.  it is an integrated into the mobo.  any suggestions?01:38
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nekostaris it a locales thing ?01:38
ScottHi all01:38
tristanmikejbparrothead2102: have you enabled the universe and multiverse ?01:38
_jasonmatthew: you need to add the line judah just said, but replace "myhostname" with "ubuntu".  Do you know how to edit /etc/hosts?01:38
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grasshopperjudah, YEA!01:38
jbparrothead2102how do i enable the universe and multiverse01:38
_jasonubotu: tell jbparrothead2102 about repos01:39
Warbo!tell jbparrothead2102 about universe01:39
tristanmike!tell jbparrothead2102 about universe01:39
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bruenigDesh, i am not sure as i don't have that package, looks like it might be a dependency problem01:39
matthew_jason i dont know much about ubuntu or linux i just want a working desktop01:39
Lord_Athurhi all, I've got a new keyborad, it's connected to the computer with my usb card, but grub doesn't detect it01:39
jbirdAngelhow do i get the search for files to search the whole system not just like one thing file system searching goes to fast to be able to be the whole thing, plus it doesnt find the file that exists..01:39
jbirdAngeli think01:39
_jasonmatthew: ok, type this: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts01:39
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vicill install windows01:39
tristanmikejbirdAngel: locate01:39
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_jasonmatthew: then add the following line: localhost.localdomain localhost ubuntu01:40
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matthewjason_ matthew@ubuntu:~$  gksudo gedit /etc/hosts01:40
kevinLord_Athur, does it detect any usb devices connected to it?01:40
DreamgliderHey how can i update my menus i installed gparted but i cant see it anywhere!01:40
matthewsudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()01:40
jbirdAngeltristanmike: do i do that in terminal?01:40
tristanmikejbirdAngel: yessir :)01:40
jbirdAngeltristanmike: okay thank you01:40
judahmatthew: what about trying to run   network-admin01:40
Lord_Athurkevin, I don't know, does it?01:40
judahmatthew: can you do that?01:40
bruenigDreamglider, it is in System>Administration>Gnome Partition Editor01:40
_jasonmatthew: haha oops, ok you have to reboot in recovery mode (this is an option at the grub prompt) and type: nano /etc/hosts01:40
maddyis there a wya to run a proper 64bit system?01:40
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kevinLord_Athur, do a lsusb01:40
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Metalstarcan someone point me to a good guide on installing drivers? I have a wireless pci card and a wireless usb adapter but i cant get ubuntu to see either of them. Are there any good guides around?01:40
_jasonmatthew: then add the following line: localhost.localdomain localhost ubuntu01:41
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Almondone question, has Dapper addressed the laptop ATI problem of black screen?01:41
Fuelbottlewhat is the simplest way to switch to 32bit when I'm already running 64bit, is there a command for downloading and installing 32bit packages for everything?01:41
tgahow would I go about debugging a wifi card that doesn't work?01:41
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WarboFuelbottle: You can install a 32bit system in a "chroot jail" which lets you switch to 32bit to run specific apps (like firefox with Flash plugin)01:42
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WhatTheDeuceHey.  How do I list all of the directories inside of of a directory?01:42
Fuelbottlewarbo: I want to isntall 32 bit01:42
Fuelbottlewarbo: I have already done that01:42
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tgaWhatTheDeuce: ls -r01:42
matthewi have no clue this isnt working01:42
Lord_Athurkevin, Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0a81:0101 Chesen Electronics Corp. Keyboard01:42
abouCan anyone help me with Macromedia plugin problem in Firefox?01:42
WhatTheDeucetga: ls -r doesn't work.  I think ls -R is what you meant (which worked)01:43
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WarboFuelbottle: To get in it just do "sudo chroot /whereveryourchrootjailis"01:43
tgaWhatTheDeuce: right, didn't check, sorry01:43
fredrich1i badly need help with getting xdmcp working01:43
bruenigabou is no support for Macromedia unless you use Crossover office or maybe wine01:43
Fuelbottlewarbo: many things crash a lot with the chroot jail01:43
kevinok, then it does see it Lord_Athur what I would do is reboot and blamo, it should be working01:43
jbparrothead2102what is the repository for ethereal?01:43
gavagaii just installed ubuntu and can't access my slave drive.  if i click on it in nautilus it fails to mount, and says "could not execute pmount".  any ideas?01:43
Kyozabe1when I "deleted" things off of my memory stick, then emptied the trash01:43
tristanmikejbparrothead2102: it's in the Universe01:43
Fuelbottlewarbo: so I want to install normal 32bit version instead01:44
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WarboFuelbottle: You can install Qemu and emulate/virtualise, or do the smae thing with vmwareplayer01:44
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gavagaii just installed ethereal, it is in universe01:44
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Kyozabe1all that happened was the move of my trash to a different folder on the memory stick (through usb)01:44
Kyozabe1what gives?01:44
aboubruenig, it's working in Konqueror, it's only firefox that's not working01:44
Metalstarcan someone point me to a good guide on installing drivers? I have a wireless pci card and a wireless usb adapter but i cant get ubuntu to see either of them. Are there any good guides around? please im a first time linux user!01:44
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carthikmy gnome-sound-record doesn't record anything. Can someone help me get it working, please?01:44
jbparrothead2102what does it say for the universe i need to install?01:44
TobberothWarbo: Same error again. Should I start getting worried?01:44
NickGarveyMetalstar: I think googling your brand might help01:44
void^Lord_Athur: check if your bios has a usb keyboard legacy emulation option01:45
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bruenigabou, maybe it does work, it didn't work for me and i did a google search and it came up with forums with people complaining that macromedia shockwave needs to get off its ass and put out a linux compatible plugin01:45
tristanmikejbparrothead2102: you need to edit your sources.list file01:45
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WarboMetalstar: There are no proper generic "driver installation" pages, because they should not be necissary. As soon as one becomes popular someone will "fix the problem" (eg, put the driver into the kernel) Obviously the only exception to this is non-free drivers01:45
tristanmikejbparrothead2102: after that "sudo apt-get update"01:45
aboubruenig, are we talking about the same "flash plugin"?01:45
WarboTobberoth: Don't fret. What exactly is the error?01:45
bruenigabou, no01:46
bruenigabou, i thought you were talking about shockwave01:46
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jbparrothead2102where is the sources.list, and what do i need to add in there?01:46
Warbojbparrothead2102: /etc/apt01:46
jbparrothead2102i appreciate the help01:46
root____What is the command line to show my processor clock speed etc?01:46
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maddyhelp my X apps are crashing!!!01:46
tristanmike!tell jbparrothead2102 about sources01:46
TobberothWarbo: Well, when it tries to restard gdm, it says xorg.conf doesn't work and gdm won't start until it's corrected.01:46
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aboubruenig, oh sorry for the confusion, I'm after flashplayer01:46
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_jasonroot____: cat /proc/cpuinfo01:46
Warbojbparrothead2102: In Synaptic you can go on Settings>Repositories as well01:46
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tristanmikejbparrothead2102:  "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"01:46
bruenigabou, flashplugin is the following sudo apt-get flashplugin-nonfree sudo update-flashplugin01:46
TobberothWarbo: I saw some mention that it didn't find any frambuffer device or something like that.01:46
skonksMy samba server shows in windows, but says it is not accessable and that I maybe dont have permissions. any ideas? users are added and shares.01:47
WarboTobberoth: What is the output? (it will say what the problem is)01:47
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MetalstarWarbo: thanks for that, ubuntu doesnt seem to even see either the usb or the pci card. Im at a loss as to how to get it started!01:47
Samuli^skonks, are you using passwords?01:47
TobberothWarbo, I don't know.. it's quite a bit of text and I don't understand any of it01:47
WarboTobberoth: Did you tell it to use the framebuffer in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? Don't worry, just do it again and say no instead01:47
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aboubruenig, the plugin is already installed and uptodate, and it's working for Konqueror, I can see it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/01:47
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Lord_Athurvoid^, I'm sorry, could you tell me how to do it?01:47
WhatTheDeuceas a followup to my last question, what would be the best way to use grep on each file in a directory (including the files inside directories in that directory)?01:48
Fuelbottleis there a way to reinstall all packages, I have some important stuff that is corrupt but I'm not sure what01:48
aboubruenig, but if I do about:plugins (in the adress bar of firefox) I dont see any flash01:48
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WarboTobberoth: The "detailed output" (the second one) is actually easier to read. (II) means information, (WW) means warning and (EE) means error01:48
skonksSamuli^: no I have security = share01:48
TobberothWarbo: I told it to use the backup again.. but I really want some decent Nvidia drivers because my Ubuntu is lagging pretty badly.01:48
_jasonabou: have you closed all instances of firefox and started it again?01:48
Lord_Athurhow can I listen music in the mp3 forma?01:48
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: find should work01:48
jonessssswhy doesnt skype inherit my theme01:48
abou_jason, I did that several time01:48
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nightcoderLord_Athur: install codecs (gstreamer)01:48
abouI can do that again01:48
klubberwhat does the line in fstab have to read for a user to be able to r/w to a partition? i mounted it in user's home dir01:48
_jasonabou: is this a fresh dapper install or an upgrade?01:48
phreakazhi everybody, where can I set the essid for my wlan?01:48
simonbpWhatTheDeuce: sudo find /etc | xargs grep chicken01:49
bobstroklubber: what filesystem?01:49
tristanmike!tell Lord_Athur about mp301:49
abou_jason, upgrade01:49
TobberothWell, it absolutely seems that the nv driver is the problem.01:49
Warbojonesssss: Skype uses QT (which KDE uses) because GTK (which GNOME sues) doesn't let non-free apps use it but QT does01:49
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simonbpwhatthedeuce: that will look for the word 'chicken' in all files in /etc01:49
WarboGNOME uses sorry01:49
abou_jason, It wasn't installed before the upgrade01:49
burzumhow can i check if ubuntu is using both cpus?01:49
_jasonabou: did you use firefox1.5 on breezy?01:49
skonksphreakaz: sudo iwconfig wlan0 ESSID 'name'01:49
jonessssswarbo, anyway to fix it?01:49
maddypls help01:49
abou_jason, no I installed firefox1.5 on dapper01:50
klubberbobstro: reiser01:50
Warbojonesssss: Install "kcontrol" and run it, then you can configure your KDE apps (including Skype)01:50
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Ophiocushow can i change the encoding of a file from usc-2 to ascii?01:50
seifei need help installing my ati video drivers..01:50
_jasonabou: what does "readlink -f $(which firefox)" say?01:50
phreakazskonks: is this than configured permanently or until next reboot?01:50
Samuli^seife, what's the prob?01:50
ubotusomebody said ati was http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers01:50
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bobstroklubber: hmm. user owns those files?01:51
bruenigabou, I don't know01:51
simonbpwhatthedeuce: is that what you were looking for?01:51
abou_jason: /opt/firefox/firefox01:51
seifeSamuli^: all video is really slowly fglrx sucks, i get into blender and try to rotate the plane and it rotates video slowly01:51
seifei need to install official ati drivers01:51
skonksphreakaz: not permanently.. to do that configure /etc/network/interfaces01:51
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Samuli^seife, then you don't have hardware acceleration enabled.01:51
klubberbobstro: it's a new, empty partition which i want to use for storage, but i don't want to always "sudo" to write to it01:51
bobstroseife: easyubuntu?01:51
phreakazok thanks01:52
_jasonabou: that means you are running a custom installation of firefox instead of the one installed through apt01:52
seifeSamuli^: how do i enable it?01:52
bobstroklubber: you shouldn't have to. the mountpoint is owned by the user, and the filesystem too?01:52
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Ophiocushow can i change the encoding of a file from usc-2 to ascii? recode as shown in some howtos aint working for me :D01:52
abou_jason, I did the upgrade to firefox1.5 as per (!firefox1.5)01:53
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kevin1I am attempting to run sawfish... I have killed metacity using gnome-session-properties and I get the following error message01:53
kevin1File error: No such file or directory, debian-menuerror--> (error "sm-open-connection" "Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed")01:53
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carthikHI, I cannot record audio using a mic with either gnome-sound-recorder or audacity. Can someone help me figure out what the problem is?01:53
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WhatTheDeucesimonbp: It's close, but I get a bunch of messages: grep: *: No such file or directory01:53
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spikebis your mic muted carthik?01:53
abou_jason, how can this be fixed?01:53
Ophiocusmaybe its a FC command, whats the debian equivalent01:53
WhatTheDeucesimonbp: * being a filename01:53
Goeland86anyone know why pcmcia wifi card doesn't power up?01:53
klubberbobstro: mountpoint is owned by user... dunno how to check whether FS is too :)01:53
_jasonabou: ah ok, that would do it, just go to the !firefox1.5 page and follow the removal instructions01:53
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Samuli^seife, sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx && sudo sed -e 's/"ati"/"fglrx"/' -i /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:53
bobstroklubber: ah, well mount is and ls -l01:53
bobstroklubber: as root if necessary01:54
bobstroklubber: then chown to that user01:54
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void^interesting. my laptop survived a `echo mem > /sys/power/state`. time to rejoice.01:54
seifebobstro: where can i get easyubuntu01:54
simonbpwhatthedeuce: ah yes, you've got to direct standard error to /dev/null. give me a minute...01:54
bobstroklubber: i'm assuming you're working at shell. probably can do same with nautilus.01:54
gavagaii have no sound.  is there a way to have the system try to autodetect my card again?  it is ac97 integrated audio01:54
=== Dylan1 [n=Dylan@S01060090279f8761.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
gavagaipretty common, surprised it isn't working out of the box01:54
simonbpwhatthedeuce: the errors don't really concern you ,they're just annoying.01:54
=== spine55 [n=erniee@c-69-180-53-201.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dradulklubber, there are two options. 1) mount the partition at its defintieive point, and "sudo chown youruser:yourgroup the_partition_path". Or 2) mount the partition and "sudo chmod 777 /the/mount/point/." That dot at the end is critical.01:54
Dylan1how do i get my machine to set up an apache2 server to work when i'm behind a router (linksys)01:54
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Samuli^seife, actually.. use the wiki.01:55
Dylan1i've installed apache2 (sudo apt-get install apache201:55
Dylan1i can see http://localhost01:55
bobstroseife: or a quick google :)01:55
abou_jason, and after that I'll be back to firefox 1.0.7?01:55
Dylan1but i give my ip out and nobody can connect01:55
bobstroseife: make sure it's for right version01:55
gavagaiDylan1, have the router forward port 80 to the server01:55
Samuli^seife, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI these are probably better instrunctions.01:55
Warbogavagai: "lspci" will tell you what exactly it is so you can Google for what the driver is called, then just "modprobe therightdriver"01:55
Dylan1how do I port forward?01:55
gavagaiWarbo, thanks01:55
_jasonabou: no, dapper has firefox1.5 available in apt01:55
Dylan1im on my router settings01:55
Metalstari have just installed ubuntu and have no web access on the pc i installed it on, how do i get it to recognise the wireless card or usb adapter, have tried google but cant find anything useful!!01:55
gavagaiDylan1, in your router's web configuration thingy01:55
WhatTheDeucesimonbp: I know, but they cover up the information I'm looking for, don't they?01:55
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Dylan1Port triggering?01:56
Dylan1or  Port Range Forward01:56
WarboMetalstar: Do you have an ethernet connection on your router at all?01:56
kevin1I am attempting to run sawfish... I have killed metacity using gnome-session-properties and I get the following error message.... tication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed")01:56
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gavagaiWarbo, it has the right driver, lspci and the 'system manager' thing have the same soundcard listed01:56
gavagaibut still no sound01:56
abou_jason, ok thanks01:56
MetalstarI can connect it to the router manually but the pc is on a different floor01:56
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Metalstarby manually i mean with a cable :)01:57
simonbpwhatthedeuce: try this one: sudo find /etc | sudo xargs grep chicken 2> /dev/null01:57
Warbogavagai: You need to do "sudo modprobe drivername" then try doing something like "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" (use ctrl-c to stop it)01:57
Dylan1In Port Forward Ranger I have this in itApache 1 -Start 80 - End 80- PROTOCOL BOTH - IP ADRESS and enabled01:57
Dylan1and i have the same but Apache 201:57
Dylan1and 443 to 44301:57
klubberbobstro: thanks01:57
bobstrosimonbp: why is he getting file not found if they're found with find?01:57
klubberdradul: thanks01:57
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klubberall done01:57
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Dylan1what do I do?01:58
WarboMetalstar: OK, just that ethernet ALWAYS works (Linux is based around networking)01:58
gavagaiWarbo, ok, i'll try that.  thanks.  how do i know the driver name?01:58
Warbogavagai: I said before, Google it01:58
gavagaioh ok01:58
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simonbpwhatthedeuce: not they don't cover anything up. the errors that you see will probably just be a bunch of broken links.01:58
Metalstarok, I will connect it via ethernet, will it be possible to get the wifi working easier after doing that?01:59
michael117How could I emulate 5.1 surround sound in Ubuntu by duplicating the stereo stream to the back speakers and also to the center and sub?01:59
simonbpwhatthedeuce: files that exist will all be readable by root. any file that's not readable by root, must not exist.01:59
WhatTheDeucesimonbp: sorry, I forgot to tell you.  I'm not running this as root.  I just want to search through my home directory01:59
simonbpbobstro: a symbolic link to the file was found with find. The file that was linked to doesn't exist.02:00
Dylan1can anybody help me?02:00
simonbpwhatthedeuce: that's find. you just will only be able to search files that are readable by you.02:00
AaronMT!tell AaronMT mp302:00
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AaronMT!tell mp302:01
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blanky!tell AaronMT -about mp302:01
tgahmm.. how would I go around debugging a not working wireless card?02:01
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Ophiocushow can i change the encoding of a file from usc-2 to ascii? sorry for trolling but i have had no answer so far02:01
mike__anybody know how to test how many fps you are getting like from glxgears?02:02
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gavagaiok i THINK i found the right driver, via82cxxx.  i did the modprobe command and it returned nothing.  is that normal?02:03
simonbpwhatthedeuce: good luck. I've got to go.02:03
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WhatTheDeucesimonbp: Thanks for the help02:04
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burzumhow can i use a dualcore kernel (K7 SMP) and the nvidia driver? X wont load, even after reinstalling nvidia-glx while using the new kernel... :(02:04
simonbpgavai: run dmesg. usually newly loaded modules print their stuff at the end of its output02:04
dligavagai, usually, no output means success02:04
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Sannegavagai, it's a good sign :). You can check if your driver is loaded by typing lsmod in a terminal.02:05
ZeroGratiudehey anyone wanna help me i have a problem partitioning02:05
dliburzum, you need nvidia-kernel for that kernel02:05
bobstroZeroGratiude: more details?02:05
mike__how do you get it so glxgears shows fps?02:05
burzumdli, apt-get install nvidia-kernel?02:05
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ZeroGratiudeim in the live desktop thing for ubuntu 6.0602:05
Flannel!tell mike__ about glxgears02:05
bobstroZeroGratiude: that's just a bit vague. :)02:05
ZeroGratiudebut when i try to install02:05
ZeroGratiudeand partition02:05
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ZeroGratiudeit keeps sayings something like02:06
ZeroGratiudecan not make enough space02:06
ZeroGratiudeand i even tried very little and it wont let me02:06
bobstroZeroGratiude: so you're trying to resize an existing partition?02:06
WarboZeroGratiude: Do you have windows?02:06
ZeroGratiudeyes that has windows on it02:06
dli!tell burzum about nvidia02:06
gavagailsmod seems to show two drivers, the via82cxxx i just loaded as well as snd_via82xx02:06
gavagai(there are also other via drivers but those are the obvious sound ones)02:06
Izzy2umm can anyone help me install intellij IDEA? I keep getting "No JDK found to run IDEA. Please validate either IDEA_JDK or JDK_HOME points to valid JDK installation" I'm new to linux...02:06
WarboZeroGratiude: I would use GParted beforehand02:06
maciis there sth wrong with /usr/include/GL/glx.h ive tried compiling something and it complains about that file ..02:06
ZeroGratiudei tried that02:06
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ZeroGratiudebut it didnt work02:06
CodenutHow can I install linux on a laptop that won't boot from the CDrom? Can I make a special partion to load linux to?02:06
ZeroGratiudei couldnt even resize it to make 10mb partition02:07
maciCodenut: boot from usb then02:07
WarboZeroGratiude: I find it a little dodgy, but QTParted has never failed me02:07
bobstroWarbo: how is it with resizing and moving partitions? i didn't have much luck, but didn't fight it much.02:07
gavagaithe driver i just loaded also says "[permanent] ".  did the old driver get disabled ?02:07
CodenutAre there instructions on how to do that around?02:07
bobstroCodenut: is it networked?02:07
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Warbobobstro: I've only tried it on a hard-disk install (never live) and it said it couldn't apply changes because "disk is in use", well duh! (no, the marked partitions were not mounted :))02:08
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ZeroGratiudewarbo so how do i get qtparted02:08
gavagaior do i need to restart for the new driver to control the soundcard?02:08
bobstroWarbo: i use partition magic out of laziness and habit, or just nuke windows.02:08
CodenutYes with a linux box and an XP box and another win98se box and I am running 98se on this box02:08
WhatTheDeuceCan anyone help me with this?  I have a file in my home directory with the text "HelloThereLooking" in it, yet "find | xargs grep HelloThereLooking &> /dev/null" fails to find it02:08
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Warbobobstro: I just get out an old KNOPPIX CD and use QTParted. Besides, it lets me play xgalaga while I'm waiting02:09
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_jasonWhatTheDeuce: why are you sending everything to /dev/null?02:09
WhatTheDeuce_jason: I was told that that sends the errors to /dev/null02:09
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: try "find . -exec grep barf {} \;" perhaps?02:10
WarboZeroGratiude: I have QTParted on a KNOPPIX LiveCD, but that seems a bit overkill for 1 app. I don't know of any specially-made QTParted CDs though02:10
_jasonWhatTheDeuce: I think that sends errors and standard out, try replacing the & with a 202:10
disinterested_pei live in washington state and am kindof wishing mt rainer would blow and take seattle with it02:10
dliCodenut, I heard liveusb is simply not available for ubuntu, can you do debian instead? debian installation docs explain how to to install from usb02:10
aboucan anyone help me setup access to ntfs and fat drives ?02:10
FlannelZeroGratiude, Warbo, Gparted is on the ubuntu liveCD02:10
_jasonubotu: tell abou about ntfs02:10
WhatTheDeuce_jason: Sorry...that was a typo.  2> doesn't work02:10
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WarboFlannel: precisely, but I find it doesn't work very well02:11
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ZeroGratiudegparted doesnt work02:11
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ZeroGratiudei cant get it to partition02:11
WarboZeroGratiude: What actually happened?02:11
WhatTheDeucebobstro: What would I replace with my pattern in that?02:11
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Codenut I would rather get the cd from another machine on the network.02:12
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kristoscant get openoffice to run02:12
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bobstroWhatTheDeuce: barf02:12
kristosgives this error02:12
ZeroGratiudeOkay well I am trying to install ubuntu but when i try to partition it wont let me it gives me a error saying that it could not make enough space, but i have 73g of free space on my harddrive02:12
kristos/usr/lib/openoffice/program/javaldx: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:12
kristos/usr/lib/openoffice/program/pagein: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:12
kristos/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:12
ZeroGratiudeI have even tryed gparted before doing the installing and same error02:12
_jasonWhatTheDeuce: seems like it would work but I can't test right now, make sure you are in the rigth directory ($HOME) when you issue it02:12
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: "find <startpath> -exec grep <pattern> {} \;02:13
disinterested_pei hear wma files can be converted to a different format but havent figured out how to do it yet02:13
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: Just tested, works fine.02:13
WarboZeroGratiude: I am assuming that the "free space" is tied up in an ntfs windows partition. What is the eroor given by gparted02:13
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ZeroGratiudegimme a second02:13
kristosand the dependencies are already installed02:13
evanproStupid question02:13
Warbodisinterested_pe: You can play them with an "xmms-wma" plugin and use XMMS's disk-writing output02:13
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evanproInstalling new Dapper with desktop-i386 iso02:13
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evanproLetting it auto-resize the old Windows partition02:14
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Zippi've got two problems: 1. my english is bad wich will makes solving the second problem difficult 2. I just made my WLAN work, but now nothing nothing is working except IRC i can't even ping the router even though IRC works fine.02:14
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evanproDoes "New partition size" mean02:14
evanpro"Size of new partition" (created with free space)02:14
evanproor "New size of old partition" (that's being resized)02:14
disinterested_peok ty warbo02:14
ZeroGratiudeokat the error is "Failed to create enough free space"02:15
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ZeroGratiude"Failed to create enough space for installation" i mean02:15
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WarboZeroGratiude: Is that in GParted? Are you selecting your windows partition and resizing it?02:15
ZeroGratiudeNo matter what size it gives me the same error02:15
ZeroGratiudeyes i am resizing the windows partition02:16
disinterested_pewarbo theyre on dvd though will xmms play dvds?02:16
nickrudkristos, that file is in libstdc++6, which is a package I'd be extremely suprised was not installed.02:16
lufisHi. Trying to install initg per the initg directions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InitNG . It says download the two deb's here http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-initng/ , but no files exist02:16
WarboZeroGratiude: Hmmm. I will install GParted to get the hang of the interface again........02:16
WhatTheDeucebobstro: How long should this take to work?  Right now I'm running it, and it seems to be going extremely slowly02:16
G8trBaitI installed XGL, and it was spinning the cube all day.  Then I just rebooted, and it seems like its gone, my nvidia drivers seem to load, I still see the flash screen.  Is there any logs that I can look at to see what is happening?  I do not get any errors..?02:16
Warbodisinterested_pe: If you can mount a DVD then XMMS can access the files02:16
kristosnickrud the package is installed02:16
nickrudkristos, does /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 exist?02:17
kristosdont know and cant figure what the problem is02:17
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: is it possible it's not matching? try a test with a pattern you know exists first.02:17
_jasonWhatTheDeuce: you are scanning all of the files in your $HOME, it could take quite a while02:17
Warbodisinterested_pe: XMMS WMA plugin is not in Ubuntu. You will have to find it on google ("xmms wma ubuntu" should work)02:17
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bobstroWhatTheDeuce: i tested with "sudo find /etc/ -exec grep hostname {} \;"02:18
Fastlyi have an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ ... should this be using the amd64-generic or amd64-k8 kernel?02:18
kristos ls /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6  /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.602:18
WhatTheDeucebobstro: I know the pattern exists.  It's taking about 30 seconds to search through each file though02:18
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kristosit exist im using the version for amd6402:18
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Wyredhow do I change permissions for a folder?02:19
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: should search at same rate "find . -print" does02:19
nickrudkristos, then I also dont know and cant figure what the problem is, especially with openoffice.02:19
gnomefreakWyred: chmod02:19
KuLoverAnyone know of a partition manager, other than qtparted?02:19
WarboWyred: "chmod [whateverpermissions]  foldername"02:19
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bobstroKuLover: cfdisk02:19
Wyred+x for a directory?02:19
noodleis there native hfs+ support in dapper?02:19
bobstroKuLover: though more just partitioning, not much managing.02:19
WarboWyred: use "-R" to do the contents as well, and remember that "execute" permissions on a folder mean that you can open it02:20
krazykitKuLover: parted.  gparted.  fdisk.02:20
WhatTheDeucebobstro: Hmm...maybe it's just taking a long time searching through large binaries.  Is there any way I could make it not search hidden folders?02:20
KuLoverThanks bobstro and krazykit!02:20
kristosthe last line of the error message says "** (process:14641): WARNING **: Unknown error forking main binary / abnormal early exit ..."02:20
bobstroer... yeah, but you're into "man find" i think02:20
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nickrudkristos, you could file a bug against openoffice-core02:20
gavagaiwell i still don't have sound, but modprobe added a driver according to lsmod.  how do i get rid of these drivers that don't work?02:20
ZeroGratiudeWarbo did you figure out the problem yet?02:20
squigglyOpenOffice is nice02:20
gavagaii seem to now have the original drivers and the new one, if i am deciphering lsmod correctly02:20
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nickrudkristos, that's the package that contains the file /usr/lib/openoffice/program/javaldx02:21
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kristosgavagai i had the same problem with my wifi card just added the name of the module that i didnt want to load to the blacklist02:21
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bobstroWhatTheDeuce: hmm... not sure if you can use that elaborate a regexp in find02:22
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sewkdyneeHi, I need to free some HDD-space and I want to uninstall KDE.02:22
nyc-h0sthello everyone, anyone set up ejabberd? i followed every instruction out there and nothing...02:22
Zippi've got two problems: 1. my english is bad wich will make solving the second problem difficult 2. I just made my WLAN work, it work for some minutes, but now nothing is working except IRC. I can't even ping the router even though IRC works fine. Isn't anyone able to help me or give a tip on what the problem could be?02:22
LinuxNITcan you install programs while runnign live?02:22
WarboZeroGratiude: OK, I am resizing my /boot partition as an example (I don't use it anyway). You open GParted, click on your partition, click "Resize/Move" then drag the right over to the left a bit. Then go "Apply" and tell me what happens02:22
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LinuxNITassuming you have enough ram of course02:22
nyc-h0sthello everyone, anyone set up ejabberd? i followed every instruction out there and nothing...02:22
sewkdyneeDo I just have to remove all packeages listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE ?02:22
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: so you mean files starting with ".", right?02:22
NickGarveyZeroGratiude: after you defrag!!02:23
eric__Hello.  I was hoping to solicit some help installing Ubuntu on an iMac G3/233 (PPC)?02:23
WhatTheDeucebobstro: Yes.02:23
spikebsewkdynee: if you remove libqt3-mt that should get rid of all of kde02:23
WarboWow, GParted still does it's "busy device" warning, but AFTER the resize so it is actually useful now :)02:23
sewkdyneespikeb, thanks, I'll try that02:23
ZeroGratiudeit gives me a erro02:23
WarboZeroGratiude: What exactly?02:24
eric__It has an 80 Gb HD I added to it.02:24
eric__[8:16pm]  eric: I have trouble getting into the second stage of the installation.02:24
eric__ 1st stage goes just fine - no errors.02:24
eric__The computer ejects the CD and reboots.. OK so far.02:24
eric__ Then I get the 'boot:' prompt, to which I enter 'Linux'.02:24
eric__ I get this error: t comes back with /pci@800000000/mac-io@10/ide@200000/disk@0:3,/boot/vmlinux: Input/output error02:24
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: i think you'll be chaining find commands, but not sure. problem is, EVERYTHING it returns will start with "."!02:24
eric__ I have the exact same issue with YDL and Debian.02:24
eric__I'm pretty sure the drive is OK because I can put OS X on it.02:24
eric__ I'm able to boot up Umbuntu live.02:24
eric__You know, off the CD.02:24
ZeroGratiudeits blank02:24
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ZeroGratiudeit just says error02:24
WarboZeroGratiude: If your filesystem is REALLY fragmented then defraging it in windows may help02:24
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ZeroGratiudeits not02:24
ZeroGratiudei alrdy did02:24
ZeroGratiudeit windows02:24
ZeroGratiudei checked02:24
WarboZeroGratiude: hmmm....02:25
ZeroGratiudeand it says does not need to defrag02:25
ZeroGratiudeand i see alot of white space to the right02:25
ZeroGratiudeatleast 40%02:25
WhatTheDeucebobstro: Hm...I think the environment I'll be using this on won't have as many binaries as the testing environment, so I think I'll be fine02:25
WarboZeroGratiude: I think command-line tools are the next bet02:25
ZeroGratiudewhats that?02:25
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: ah, wait. are the big files binaries?02:25
WarboZeroGratiude: Applications>Accessories>Terminal02:25
WhatTheDeucebobstro: Most of them are02:26
WarboZeroGratiude: (bear with me :))02:26
CodenutI guess i am going to have to try again on another Hard drive.02:26
CodenutCheers everyone.02:26
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richiefrichanyone in here a cron syntax person and help me check if this is right ?  --> 0 11 * * mon date exec mysqldump02:26
Codenutgood night.02:26
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richiefrich 11:00 a.m. on every mon   i think02:26
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emrys64anybody got any luck with usb mice ?02:27
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gnomefreakemrys64: yep02:27
nickrudworked every time02:28
WarboZeroGratiude: OK, try typing this "ntfsresize -i /dev/hda1"02:28
bobstrorichiefrich: it's minute hour day-of-month month day-of-week user command02:28
gnomefreakwhos on dapper with a full repo list without country code?02:28
gnomefreaknickrud: can you run update please02:28
nickrudfull, meaning just ubuntu02:28
ZeroGratiudeERROR(13): Opening '/dev/hda1' as NTFS failed: Permission denied02:28
ZeroGratiudethats the error i get02:28
WarboAAA! Gentoo's "emerge --sync" is still on A!02:28
gnomefreaklet me know if you get a gzip error02:28
benplautjenda: you may not like automatix, but you don't have to change the ubotu entry to something like that02:28
MikeboonHas anyone found intergrated surround sound (through nvida nforce3 with frontin in sound-in and rear in mic) with 6.06 to work?02:28
gnomefreakZeroGratiude: use sudo02:28
nickrudeven used apt-get :)02:28
WarboZeroGratiude: OK, put "sudo" before that02:29
emrys64I can see the bluetooth hub, but it doesn't see the mouse02:29
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WarboZeroGratiude: "sudo ntfsresize -i /dev/hda1"02:29
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gnomefreakmy mian repo is giving a gzip02:29
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Mikeboononly get front speakers and sub02:29
_jasonWhatTheDeuce: you know grep has a recursive switch you can use? as well as one to ignore binaries02:29
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wolkihm, i seem to have lost nautilus drawing my desktop, but the gconf key is still enabled. i can still open normal nautilus windows. does someone have an idea what might be wrong?02:29
nickrudno errors, no upgrades available gnomefreak02:29
richiefrichbobstro ok then like  --> 0 11 * mon * exec mysqldump02:29
ZeroGratiudewell it says i have 1 bad sector02:30
gnomefreakty nickrud02:30
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Warbowolki: Is the command to start nautilus followed by a "--no-desktop"?02:30
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bobstrorichiefrich: no, no "mon", it's a number02:30
bobstrorichiefrich: the manpage gives more detail02:31
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MikeboonIf not nforce sound set, atleast surround sound, i was told surround sound with intergrated boards isn't possible in linux in general as it's software controlled through xp02:31
tgaI'm having some trouble getting my wireless cards to work.. could anyone please take a look at some pastes?02:31
richiefrichbobstro ok then like  --> 0 11 * 1 * exec mysqldump      <-- 1 not mon then ... ok ill man crontab02:31
mike__what are the fps people get with there graphics cards here?02:31
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mike__anybody have the 7800GT?02:31
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ZeroGratiudeWarbo: it says i have a atleast one bad sector02:31
WarboZeroGratiude: I was after the size mainly, so you can do "sudo ntfsresize --no-action -s <whatever_size_you_want_it_to_become_in_gigabytes>G /dev/hda1"02:31
bobstrorichiefrich: yeah, you're close. just double-check parameters.02:32
gnomefreakmike__: with a nvidia 5200 im around 2000fps02:32
Snow_Shelterdoes anyone know why stepmania keeps giving me this error message? "./stepmania: error while loading shared libraries: libvorbisfile.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"02:32
richiefrichbobstro ok ty02:32
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wolkiWarbo: i don't think so, normal gnome.02:32
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maddyanyone plays warsow on linux?02:32
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nickrudMikeboon, a lot of cards have good support. You might check the http://www.alsa-project.org/ site for your card details02:32
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Warbowolki: Well I have it turned off anyway :)02:32
mike__gnomefreak should i do it while glxgears is fullscreen>?02:32
ZeroGratiudeshould i do the checkdisk like it tells me to?02:32
gnomefreakmike__: no02:33
davek2000im having a problem with dual booting, my windows drive isnt showing up02:33
WarboZeroGratiude: Yes, I would02:33
gnomefreaknickrud: thats weird02:33
wolkiWarbo: i have home-as-desktop, so i'm really used to it. :) thanks anyway02:33
davek2000any ideas?02:33
nickrudgnomefreak, yes, seems so to me. I've heard of gzip errors, but never had one02:33
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boricuai am running currently a live ubuntu and i am planning for instalation.  what is the default boot manager for ubuntu  lilo or grub?02:34
gnomefreaknickrud: mine should be pushed to UK repos iirc02:34
Flannelboricua: grub02:34
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mike__i get 13484.517 while regular size and full-screen is 1798~02:34
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mike__is that good?02:34
gnomefreakmike__: thats great02:34
Snow_Sheltercan anyone tell me what package contains libvorbisfile.so.3?02:34
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Warbowolki: I have a bare root window with ChBg changing the images, and I use GDesklets for icons (I mainly use the panel menu and dekbar anyway)02:34
Snow_ShelterI'd really like to know so I can get stepmania working02:34
jbirdAngeldoes the updater only update stable release?02:34
gnomefreak13,000 is better than most02:34
_jasonSnow_Shelter: packages.ubuntu.com lets you search for that02:34
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gnomefreakjbirdAngel: right now it should02:34
jbirdAngelokay thank you02:35
davek2000can any one help me with a dual boot setup? i have 2 drives, one windows and other ubuntu02:35
davek2000my windows drive isnt showing up in GRUB02:35
Warbo"a British"?02:35
gavagaiwell my default driver doesn't work, and even after googling my card and modprobing the right driver it doesn't work.  two questions.  1)was modprobe supposed to remove the old drivers?  2)is there a generic soundblaster driver i can try?02:35
nickrudjbirdAngel, no, it has the capability to update to the latest release, gksudo "update-manager -c"02:35
gnomefreakSnow_Shelter: search for libvorbis and you should see a -dev package with the name you are looking for its in there02:35
justin_Hi everyone, if you're not too busy, could I get some help running my sound blaster live! 24bit under Dapper Drake? The sound output works but I can't get the microphone working at all.02:35
justin_thanks in advance02:35
Flannel!tell davek2000 about dualboot02:35
jbirdAngelnickrud: but its default is to only do stable?02:36
wolkiWarbo: ok, after killing it a few times more, it seems to work again; thanks. having to use a desklet for everything seems like a pain, but for people who don't want their files accessible from the desktop it's fine, i guess02:36
gavagaimy card is ac797 compat so this shouldn't be too hard02:36
gavagaier, ac9702:36
Warbowolki: :)02:36
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nickrudjbirdAngel, yes02:36
jbirdAngelnickrud: okay thanks02:36
kristosgavagai rmmod to unload the unwanted driver02:36
G8trBaitMy XGL all of a sudden stopped working, is there any way I can tell how?  I get no errors, but the features just dont work??02:37
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gnomefreakG8trBait: try 3ubuntu-xgl02:37
=== nickrud is amazed, no man page for update-manger
hav0khow do i format this hard drive for fat 32 in ubuntu?02:37
gnomefreakG8trBait: try #ubuntu-xgl02:37
Warbogavagai: If you add a module to /etc/modules then it will be loaded at boot and (hopefully) any starting services will use it02:37
G8trBaitoh.. ok thanks.02:37
Snow_Sheltergnomefreak, I installed the package it found, but StepMania still isn't happy02:37
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gnomefreakhav0k: ummmmm im not so sure ubuntu supports fat02:37
Snow_Sheltergnomefreak, do I have to run it in a chroot or something?02:37
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gnomefreakSnow_Shelter: you on a 64bit?02:38
hav0kgnomefreak, i know it does, linux in general does.02:38
Snow_Sheltergnomefreak, yes02:38
gavagaii  rebooted but still no sound.  looking at lsmod i can't tell what drivers to remove, there are so many: via686a, snd_via82xx, the one i added (via82cxxx)02:38
Vaske_Carhow to restart Apache2 (Dapper)?02:38
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jbirdAngelno offense, in my experience so far linux apps crash alot more than windows apps, but i thought it was supposed to be the other way around, any thoughts? i like ubuntu/gnome alot and i intend to use them just thought it would not crash, although the restart right away feature when crashing is nice02:38
jbirdAngelany thoughts ?02:38
gnomefreakSnow_Shelter: you might have to i havent heard of that app before02:38
WarboVaske_Car: "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"02:38
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hav0kjust the disk manager doesnt give fat 32 as an option for formatting02:38
gavagaijbirdAngel, my thought is "linux apps" is pretty vague02:38
davek2000Flannel, thats only for a single drive, but do i still need to create that swap partition?02:38
gavagaiwhat are you talking about?02:39
bobstrojbirdAngel: that's certainly not typical.02:39
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nickrudhav0k, cfdisk certainly does02:39
justin_linux apps crash, but linux itself rarely crashes, thats an improvement over windows in itself02:39
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nickrudhav0k, and also mkfs.vfat02:39
Vaske_CarWarbo, tx02:39
hav0knickrud, thanks, ill try that02:39
EleafIn Dapper, I can't close windows from game using the mouse, virtual resolution is also very slow, I can't scroll my screen, it takes 10 seconds or so.02:39
jbirdAngelbobstro: okay thanks, and i dont think it iwll be a problem in the future, probably just me not knowing what im doing02:39
EleafThis is horrible!02:39
Zippi've got two problems: 1. my english is bad wich will make solving the second problem difficult 2. I just made my WLAN work, it worked for just a few minutes, but now nothing is working except IRC. I can't even ping the router even though IRC works fine. when i ping (router) i get "From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable" but there are only two devices the router and me ( so *.*.*.101 shouldn't exis02:39
Warbohav0k: "mkfs.vfat /dev/partitiontoformat" will format that partition as Fat3202:39
EleafWhy can I not close windows with my mouse?02:39
hav0khahahahaha, cfdisk gave me a fatal error02:39
bobstrojbirdAngel: well, that or hardware problem? crashing apps should not happen, whatever you do.02:39
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gnomefreakZipp: what do you nativly speask?02:39
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LinuxNITcan you install programs while runnign dapper live?......   assuming you have enough ram of course02:40
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hav0kWarbo: thanks, ill try that02:40
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EleafLinuxJones_, yes02:40
Zippgnomefreak: german02:40
jbirdAngelgavagai: xchat-gnome crashed alot when trying ot use the system tray plugin, is it jus tnot compatable? also the adept/synaptics i guess they dont crash but they dont always come up?02:40
EleafLinuxNIT, yes02:40
gnomefreakZipp: #ubuntu-de02:40
Warbohav0k: Don't mis-type it :)02:40
LinuxNITEleaf, hehe thanks02:40
nickrudhav0k, and use sudo :)02:40
EleafNow seriously, why can I not close 50% of my windows in dapper?!02:40
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EleafThis is one sensational bug.02:40
javiolodoes anyone knows how festival (a text to speech app) works ?02:40
Zippgnomefreak: it's 3am in germany, theres noone there who can help me02:40
[BreliC] silly question: i just installed Dapper (clean install over Breezy)...  what program gives me the 'mail' command from cli?02:40
hav0khahaha, ok02:40
[BreliC] i can't remember!02:40
gnomefreakjbirdAngel: xchat-gnome didnt last long as default during install02:40
bobstrojbirdAngel: hmm... hard to say for sure, unless you've forced stuff to install etc.02:40
Eleafjaviolo, yes.02:41
disinterested_pewarbo im having trouble installing the xmms wma file02:41
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gnomefreakZipp: go to sleep than? you can bet at 3:30am i will be02:41
blitzaceZipp, are you new to using WLAN in ubuntu?02:41
Warbodisinterested_pe: What kind of file is it? tar.gz, rpm, deb?02:41
hav0kwell, wait, its an external drive... well an internal drive in an external housing... does that matter?02:41
javioloEleaf how ? festival -i file.txt ??02:41
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MarineboyOkay, I have some movies on my computer, They play with any player, but i have no sound on them anyone know how to fix that?>02:41
jbirdAngelgnomefreak: why is that, what does gnome suggest using? id like to be able to adjust the notifies more in it but i like it alot so far, with the message notification and all02:41
Zippblitzace: I*m new to using Ubuntu02:41
Eleafjaviolo, type "festival" at a terminal.  This is its interface.  The easiest way to make it say something is this.  Type "(SayText "hello, I am talking")"  SayText is case sensitive02:41
jbirdAngelbobstro: what do you mean by forcing stuff to install02:41
gnomefreakjbirdAngel: gnome doesnt suggest using an irc app02:41
Eleafjaviolo, or you can just have it read text files.02:41
Warbohav0k: As long as you know it's name (you can even do that command to a file, then mount the file with the loop option)02:41
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Snow_Shelteris there anyway I can resize the resolution of my screen once X is started?02:42
gnomefreakjbirdAngel: ubuntu added/pulled it out not gnome02:42
disinterested_peoooops rpm02:42
hav0kWarbo: alright02:42
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Snow_Shelterstepmania just seg faulted, and I'm in 640 x 48002:42
gnomefreakdisinterested_pe: try not to install rpms please look for a deb for it02:42
nickrud[BreliC] , mailutils & mailx02:42
jbirdAngelgnomefreak: okay, does that just mean that gnome doesnt have a specificly created one the way kde does with konversation?02:42
gavagaiSnow_Shelter, yeah, it is like ctrl +/- or something like that, i can't remember exactly02:42
Zippgnomefreak: do you think the problem is that i'm using xchat?02:42
gnomefreakdisinterested_pe: alien is not all that safe in alot of cases02:43
G8trBaitduh, just figured it out.  I followed the guide that makes 'thefuture' command, forgot I had to type it every time.02:43
gnomefreakZipp: for what?02:43
Zippfor my prob02:43
blitzacesorry Zipp I don't have much experience with wireless I thought it might be a simple problem but it seems not02:43
burzumany ideas why my ubuntu randomly crashes? ive set already RenderAccel to false and ive changed the kernel to a k7 smp kernel but i have still the same problem with random hardlocks :(02:43
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jbirdAngelgnomefreak: why did they decide to not have xchat-gnome as part of the default do you know02:43
gnomefreakjbirdAngel: no i dont htink they do im not sure who built/maintains xchat-gnome02:43
Warbodisinterested_pe: It isn't a very important package so you should be fine. Install alien "sudo apt-get install alien" then use it "sudo alien packagename.rpm" and finally install the package you made "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb"02:43
jbirdAngelgnomefreak: okay thanks02:43
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Snow_Sheltergavagai, no, I need to change resolution on the fly, not resize a window02:44
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[BreliC] nickrud: thanks :)02:44
hav0khmm, Warbo and nickrud, it says that it "Will not try to make filesystem on full-disk device '/dev/sdb' (Use -I if wanted)02:44
leethalany suggestions for good mySql admin guis? no, not phpMyAdmin02:44
blitzaceSnow_Shelter, isnt it Ctrl+Alt - or +02:44
hav0kwhat does that even mean?02:44
gnomefreakZipp: sounds like a proixy issue02:44
javioloEleaf thanks, running festival works, but Im trying to read a textfile, how can I do it ?02:44
blitzaceto increase/decrease rez02:44
disinterested_petheres a tar bz2 but no debs02:44
Warbohav0k: That is your drive. You want to make it on the PARTITION (like sdb1, sdb2, etc)02:44
nickrudhav0k, it'll be something like sdb1 or 2 or some other number for the partition02:44
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hav0koh, okay02:45
Zippgnomefreak: I think i don't have a proxy02:45
m_4utit_0alo a hay alguien?02:45
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gnomefreakblitzace: not res it just zooms in and out02:45
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:45
Zippgnomefreak: not really knowing what a proxy is02:45
Eleafjaviolo, I don't have festival installed on my computer.  try festival --help and it should give the option to read a text file.02:45
hav0kwell, how do i know what number it is?  i have it hooked up through a usb...02:45
brandon_is there a really good recording app for linux a la wiretap?02:45
blitzaceyes it is res I just tried it02:45
Snow_Shelterblitzace, nope, that isn't working either02:45
javioloEleaf thanks02:45
Warbohav0k: s/c/fdisk will make partitions that you can format02:45
gnomefreakZipp: my point alot of people have that issue they shouldnt go through a proxy but ubuntu pushes them to one02:45
Debbywanybody know why itc support is depreciated in dapper drake?02:45
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disinterested_pewarbo will tar bz2 work in breezy?02:45
blitzacehave you got all the resolutions you want set in xorg.conf?02:45
Warbodisinterested_pe: Yes02:45
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Debbywerrr itc I meant IRC support02:46
Warbodisinterested_pe: Extract it then go in it with a terminal02:46
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Snow_Shelterblitzace, yes, but when an app that changes the resolution crashes, it leaves it in 640, and I have to kill X to reset it, and that's annoying02:46
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hav0ks/c/fdisk, what does that mean?02:46
Snow_Shelterwhatever, I'll just kill X already02:46
Snow_Shelter*killing X*02:46
Warbodisinterested_pe: What is in there? Does it look like source code (README, INSTALL, configure, stuff like that?)02:46
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burzumany ideas why my ubuntu randomly crashes? ive set already RenderAccel to false and ive changed the kernel to a k7 smp kernel but i have still the same problem with random hardlocks :(02:46
Zippgnomefreak: did i get you right?: ubuntu forces people to use a problem without telling them and this proxy causes problems?02:46
gnomefreakZipp: not always im thinking it has something to do with thier isp02:47
Warbohav0k: fdisk, sfdisk or cfdisk02:47
fredrich1gaah...im going insane...how the heck do i get through to my xdmcp server...an netstat -l shows it running...but i cant connect?02:47
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blitzaceSnow_Shelter, I've had the same prob as you b402:47
Zippgnomefreak: isp is the company you "get your internet" from02:48
=== gnomefreak brb smoke
blitzaceyou can change it without killing X02:48
gnomefreakZipp: yes02:48
blitzaceit's just a chore02:48
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Snow_Shelterblitzace, ok, well I've fixed it now02:48
MarineboyOkay, I have some movies on my computer, They play with any player, but i have no sound on them anyone know how to fix that?>02:48
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searaymanhow can i uninstall picasa?02:48
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Zippgnomefreak: thanks, gives my problem some substance02:48
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Warbosearayman: Did you use a .deb file? It will be in Synaptic02:48
blitzaceSnow_Shelter, good, pity you had to kill X to do it tho02:49
javioloSometimes my computer its very slow, Id like to know why, I dont know if its my hd or ram or...02:49
searaymanWarbo: i downloaded it from google02:49
anethemaHey ive got a problem. I've got a toughbook i want to install ubuntu on. It has no cd-rom, just a floppy..it has NO os on it right now..is there a way to install ubuntu on it ?02:49
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disinterested_pewarbo its saying no such file or directory02:49
Flannelanethema: it have a NIC?02:49
blitzaceAnyway..... could I please get some help running my sound blaster live! 24bit under Dapper Drake? The sound output works but I can't get the microphone working at all.02:49
anethemayes, a pcmcia one02:49
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hav0kWarbo: how can i find out what the number is for the external hd?  i would guess it would be /dev/sdb1, but i dont know how to find out... under the disk manager, it just has it as /dev/sdb02:49
Vaske_CarNeed help with Apache2 and Dapper, I installed forums. Me as a local user can access all pages but others can not access forum except index  page... What is the problem?02:49
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Warbodisinterested_pe: ? Extarct the file (double click it to open file-roller) then have a look inside02:49
NickABuseyI'm on am AMD64 Compaq Laptop with an NVIDIA Card. I can't seem to get my 3d acceleration to work. I tried Method 1 from the guide in the forums, with no luck. Here's what I get when I try and run torcs to test the Open GL "freeglut (/usr/lib/torcs/torcs-bin): OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0.0'". What is the problem? What can I do?02:50
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FlannelVaske_Car: sounds like a configuration problem, in php, or whatever the forum is in.02:50
anethemaFlannel: with a nic..how do i boot into the install to get it going? is there a ubuntu network install floppy or something ?02:50
cwillu_Vaske_Car, check that the site is bound to an external interface02:50
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hangfiredoes ubuntu use Grub or Lilo?02:50
Warbohav0k: The first partition on it is sdb1, the second is sdb2 like that. Run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb" to see the numbers02:50
hangfirek, thx blitz02:50
blitzaceno probs02:50
burzumany ideas why my ubuntu randomly crashes? ive set already RenderAccel to false and ive changed the kernel to a k7 smp kernel but i have still the same problem with random hardlocks :(02:51
Vaske_CarI did default LAMP installation02:51
Snow_Shelterblitzace, piece of shit did it again02:51
KuLoverHow do I close parted in konsole?02:51
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searaymanWarbo:  i cant find how to uninstall it02:51
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Vaske_Carcould it be my router (PS: i opened port 80)02:51
anethemaFlannel: ?02:51
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Warbosearayman: Do you still have the file you downloaded from Google? What is it called?02:51
Flannelanethema: http://gridpt1.fe.up.pt/mlopes/blog/index.php/ubuntu-network-install/  there's no 'official' way, but a few methods of doing it.  googling for ubuntu network install, gives a few, if this one doesn't work02:51
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Fastlyanyone here managed to get sound working through the coaxial output on a VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)?02:52
hav0kWarbo: ahhh, i get it, sdb doesnt have any partitions on it yet, its still blank, right out of the box... raw i guess.02:52
Fastlyit's built in to an asus k8v motherboard02:52
Toma-burzum: what mobo you got? and gfx card? and cpu?02:52
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searaymanWarbo: picasa_2.2.2820-5_i386.deb02:52
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Warbohav0k: You can use "sudo fdisk /dev/sdb" to add one "use "n" then press enter for the defaults and it will fill the disc. Press "w" to write the changes and exit)02:53
lib8264qhello all02:53
Aladdin-Hi guys02:53
SeanTaterwhat's the best audio/video editor for Linux? (open source)02:53
maddywhat can i best install to be able to play most comming video formats?02:53
burzumToma, Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe, Asus Geforce 7800 GT Extreme, AMD X2 3800+02:53
javioloSometimes my computer its very slow, Id like to know why, I dont know if its my hd or ram or...02:53
Toma-burzum: cool system :)02:53
lib8264qcan someone answewr an install ?02:53
Aladdin-Got a big one: I just updated to Badger and I can't login as sudoer anymore! Please assist.02:54
Warbosearayman: OK, go in System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager and search for "picasa" then it should come up. Click on the green box next to it and select "mark for removal" and click "apply"02:54
Toma-burzum: is it an SiS chipset the Asus board?02:54
SeanTaterubotu tell maddy about restrictedformats02:54
burzumToma, hehe, thanks, but i  cant use it with ubuntu :/02:54
FlannelAladdin-: what error do you get?02:54
burzumToma, its an nforce402:54
Toma-ahh k02:54
burzumSiS.... argh :D02:54
Aladdin-Flannel: authentification rejected02:54
maddyjaviolo, system specs?02:54
blitzaceAnyway..... could I please get some help running my sound blaster live! 24bit under Dapper Drake? The sound output works but I can't get the microphone working at all.02:54
=== sylvain [n=sylvain@dsl-134-176.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu
lib8264qwhat command can i use to copy files for ubuntu desktop from teh install cd  on top of a server install02:55
javiolomaddy its a macmini02:55
Toma-burzum: have you tried the amd64 version of ubuntu?02:55
Warbolib8264q: "sudo aptitude"02:55
javiolomaddy ppc macmini02:55
NickABuseycould someone help me getting my OpenGL working?02:55
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burzumToma, and im pretty sure its an ubuntu problem because gentoo runs stable02:55
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disinterested_pei cant use make or make install02:55
lib8264qcool thanks02:55
xpatHow can I get Java apps to work for me in FireFox.  No plug-in available; manual install...02:55
burzumToma, no, not yet02:55
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hav0kWarbo: its asking for something about First Cylinder (1-19929, default 1)02:55
MarineboyWarbo: Okay, I have some movies on my computer, They play with any player, but i have no sound on them anyone know how to fix that?>02:55
burzumi dont see any real advantage in 64bit systems, not yet02:56
Toma-burzum: were you running gentoo at 64bit or 32?02:56
blitzaceMarineboy, you must need the corrosponding audio codecs02:56
sylvainhi everyone, I just installed Ubuntu on a widescreen laptop (1280 x 800) and the resolution is stuck at 1024x76802:56
hav0kWarbo: im pretty sure everyone her is talking to you02:56
NickABuseyI'm on Dapper AMD64, works great for me! :)02:56
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Warbodisinterested_pe: Is it source code? You know you would probably be fine with the RPM file (it is not recommended for system packages, but this is hardly system critical)02:56
burzumsome apps can cause problems under 64bit02:56
maddyjaviolo, ram?02:56
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maddyjaviolo, howmuch ram02:56
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Marineboyblitzace, on windows it plays fine with ac3 codecs.02:56
Aladdin-Flannel: I used to be able to sudo with my installation account password.  Now I can't even login with gdm into that account (!?)02:56
javiolomaddy I think 25602:56
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maddyjaviolo, howmuch free hdd space02:56
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lee_Hey, is installing all the gstreamer codecs the best way to play .WMV files?02:57
WarboMarineboy: Do you have any flash-players open (in Firefox or something?) or do you have XMMS on pause?02:57
blitzaceMarineboy, yeh you'll have to download them for ubuntu02:57
disinterested_peidk warbo how can i tell?02:57
FlannelAladdin-: wait, what?  you can't log in as root? or, you can't login as your normal account?02:57
javiolomaddy 56gb free out of 7202:57
_jasonlee_: no, you need w32codecs and use xine or mplayer02:57
blitzaceMarineboy, wait a sec while i find the right ones02:57
lee_jason: okay thanks02:57
Warbodisinterested_pe: If you can run "./configure" then it is source code02:57
Marineboyblitzace, thanks.02:57
Toma-burzum: what nvidia drivers were you using on gentoo?02:57
_jasonubotu: tell lee_ about w32codecs02:58
sylvainwhere's the config file to add more resolutions and refresh rates for the monitor02:58
maddyjaviolo, hdd shoudl not be the issue then02:58
Aladdin-Flannel: Can't login on my regular (sudoer) account.02:58
Flannel!tell sylvain about resolution02:58
disinterested_peall it says is make and make file02:58
Warbosylvain: /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Edit it with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:58
maddyjaviolo, its prolly the buggy x server02:58
blitzaceMarineboy, try "sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs" in the command line02:58
javiolomaddy I heard that macminis have a slow hd...02:58
Marineboylee_,  it might take some playing around with, it did me at first, but eventually it'll start owrking02:58
FlannelAladdin-: can you login to the terminal with it?02:58
sylvain:) thanx Flannel & warbo02:58
FlannelAladdin-: try ctrl-shift f1, and try to login02:58
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Marineboyblitzace, thanks02:58
Warbodisinterested_pe: Do you still have the RPM? That would be much easier :)02:58
lee_MarineBoy: alright, I got it to work on my other install using automatix... but that's automatix02:58
Aladdin-Flannel: yep. but I can't sudo even on the console02:59
javiolomaddy is there any app or anything to test whats is wrong ?02:59
disinterested_peyeah i do02:59
hav0kWarbo: thanks for all the help, but i think i just got gparted to do it02:59
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FlannelAladdin-: right, but you can log into that account.02:59
javiolomaddy maybe 256mb of ram is not enough02:59
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Marineboyblitzace, E: Couldn't find package libxine-extracodecs02:59
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Aladdin-Flannel: yes02:59
FlannelAladdin-: and when you sudo, whats the error you get?02:59
maddyjavilolo, what exactly is slow?02:59
lee_Hey, where do I find win32 codecs?02:59
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lee_apt-get install win32codecs didn't do it02:59
Marineboyubot tell lee_  about restricted ormats02:59
Flannel!tell lee_ about restrictedformats02:59
Marineboyubot tell lee_  about restricted formats03:00
nickrudlee_, on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:00
Marineboyits in there03:00
Warbodisinterested_pe: Install Alien with "sudo apt-get install alien" then run use it to convert the RPM to a Deb with "alien packagename.rpm" then install the Deb file you have made with "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb"03:00
burzumToma, 1.0.6629-r403:00
blitzaceMarineboy, ah i forgot you need to add the restricted repositories sorry, wait a sec more03:00
Marineboyblitzace, okay.03:00
Aladdin-Flannel: had to use windows to chat (xchat didn't install right somehow) so I'll have to try again to tell you the exact error message.  Gimme 1 minute...03:00
nickrudMarineboy, those are in multiverse (I'm back :)03:00
maddyjavilo, did u have same problems runnign mac os?03:00
Warbodisinterested_pe: You will need XMMS as well (in case you don't have it "sudo apt-get install xmms")03:01
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Marineboynickrud,  didnt we enable multiverse lastnight?03:01
blitzaceMarineboy, try to follow this guide http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#multimedia03:01
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nickrudMarineboy, theoretically, if you added multiverse to the lines that had univers. I'd just use the repos for dapper at !repos03:01
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.03:01
blitzaceMarineboy, no wait that guide is a bit crap03:02
maddyjaviolo, there should be an Apple Hardware TEst on 1st CD of ur macos03:02
danlhow can i reinstall the default cursor font 'cursor'?03:02
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danlI have no X right now so i can't search in Synaptic03:02
javiolomaddy I didnt run mac os x in this computer03:02
Marineboynickrud, isnt repos different for dapper then they are for breezy03:02
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Warbodani: You can use aptitude on the console03:02
william__everytime I type gedit in terminal I get a stack of errors http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1526703:02
Marineboyblitzace, im on breezy right now.03:02
danlWarbo: I am, but i don't know the package03:02
javiolomaddy I think that the xs takes all the memory03:03
jbirdAngelthank you for the help03:03
nickrudMarineboy, yes, that's right, you're on breezy.03:03
danlWarbo: correction, i was using apt-get :-) forgot about aptitude03:03
Warbodanl: Well, just serch for "cursor" by pressing "/"03:03
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maddyjaviolo, did u try System monitor or $ top03:03
blitzaceMarineboy, okay I've got the best thing for you, go on goole and search for "Automatix" click the first link and follow the guide to install Automatix03:04
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Marineboyblitzace, thanks03:04
blitzaceMarineboy, that will sort you out for the codecs and lots of other stuff if you want it03:04
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uboturumour has it, automatix is dangerous! DO NOT use it, it has wrecked many systems. If you really insist on a script to do the work for you, consider EasyUbuntu (!easyubuntu, #easyubuntu).03:04
Aladdin-Flannel: error while connecting to session manager. None of the authentication protocols are supported. And host based authentication failed.03:04
Snow_Shelteris there a stepmania package for ubuntu, cause that'd make my life a hell of a lot easier03:04
nickruddisowns the bot, cuz it works all too often even though it is 'bad'03:04
kbrooks_!forget automatix03:05
ubotui forgot automatix, kbrooks_03:05
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krazykitkbrooks_: what are you doing?03:05
Marineboyautomatrix is dangerous?03:05
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kbrooks_krazykit: nothing bad03:05
kbrooks_automatix is not dangerous03:05
blitzaceautomatix is fine03:05
nickrudMarineboy, yes, on anything but a really recent install03:05
william__everytime I type gedit in terminal I get a stack of errors http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15267  any ideas guys?  I've re-installed gedit03:05
kbrooks_that data is old03:05
krazykitkbrooks_: automoatix is dangerous.03:05
kbrooks_krazykit: no it isn't.03:05
Aladdin-Flannel: that is the error I get while trying a sudo command like "sudo nautilus".03:05
blitzaceit's really not03:05
Bogus8could someone point me to a resource where I can read about how to run ubuntu "live" but keep settings and such stored on the local hd?03:05
crimsunFUD is dangerous, though.03:06
Flannelkbrooks_: no, that data is not old, it was changed, and changed back.03:06
lib8264qstupid ? if a live cd works on a laptop any ideas why  it might not install ....03:06
Faileasnever heard of automatix ;p, i usually tended to reccomend easyubuntu03:06
krazykitkbrooks_: funny, i've only seen problems with it.03:06
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blitzaceeasyubuntu is slightly limited but it does work03:06
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Faileasjust curious, are there any repositories for apt that you guys would reccomend for someone running a server?03:06
FlannelAladdin-: you should use gksudo for graphical apps anyway.  but, your host file is messed up, it sounds like.  You're going to have to reboot into single user mode (that means changing the kernel at the grub menu) and edit your hosts file to include your domain (that's whatever is after the @ at your prompt)03:06
WarboFaileas: Yes, "archive.ubuntu.com"03:07
FlannelFaileas: ubuntu repositories.03:07
blitzaceit's just a shame that the newest Automatix doesnt enable midi playback like the old ones03:07
ubotuMarineboy: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:07
danlWarbo: thanks for the help, but i still can't find the package that would install it03:07
MarineboyBogus8, i suggest you to get the live cd.03:07
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mike930what dependencies are required for mpeg support in totem03:07
MarineboyBogus8, it will not change anything on your hard drive and will not install ubuntu03:07
Bogus8Marineboy: is there a specific "live" cd I thought all the iso's were "live"03:07
Aladdin-Flannel: never really "played" with grub. How do I do that?03:07
blitzacegstreamer-ffmpeg I think03:07
javiolomaddy please check http://pastebin.com/76649403:07
blitzacesomething to that effect03:08
MarineboyBogus8, hold on one second ill get you the donwload link.03:08
Warbodanl: Sorry, I don't know what it's called either (I know what you mean though)03:08
Bogus8Marineboy: I want to be able to write to the HD and save settings and do things on the hd... I just don't want to install the OS to the hd03:08
nickrudmike930, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats has all the info you need03:08
FlannelAladdin-: well, you'll boot, and there will be a menu, for you to select your kernel, you just push down once (it'll be the same thing, but it'll say "recovery mode" or somethign next to it) and then hit enter.03:08
danlWarbo: thanks agian for your help03:08
FlannelAladdin-: this is before any ubuntu stuff.03:08
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FlannelAladdin-: you might have to press something to get to it, I can't remember with breezy.03:08
blitzaceBogus8, if you wanna write to the HDD it cant be NTFS03:08
MarineboyBogus8, hrm, you'd have to create a linux partition then, being linux cant write to windows partitions03:08
blitzaceit can write to Fat3203:09
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blitzacebut not NTFS which sucks03:09
Bogus8blitzace: I'm aware of that... I have been running FC3 for a couple years on a "fileserver" here03:09
blitzacehehe soz03:09
FlannelBogus8: the "desktop" CD is a liveCD, the others are not.03:09
Bogus8I plan on probably making it ext303:09
blitzacenot sure about the advanced features of the livecd03:09
FlannelBogus8: that is, for dapper, for breezy, there's a separate liveCd.03:09
danldoes anyone know what package the default font 'cursor' is in?03:09
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Bogus8Flannel: I am downloading ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso03:09
blitzacethats Dapper03:10
FlannelBogus8: then you're good.  that's a liveCD03:10
Aladdin-Flannel: anyways I'm with Dapper now (just upgraded). K I'll see what I can do.03:10
disinterested_peive got xmms warbo03:10
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Bogus8ok, is there any documentations on being able to store settings from "live" sessions to the HD? and such03:10
Warbodisinterested_pe: Have you managed to install the .deb file yet (or even make it)?03:10
JoseStefanis there a comparison between the dvd version of dapper, and the rest of the discs?03:10
FlannelAladdin-: there will be something you'll need to push, it'll say "press XXX for more options" or whatever, before the graphical stuff starts.03:10
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Aladdin-Flannel: be back when I'm there...03:10
disinterested_peim getting an dpkg: need more action line03:10
FlannelBogus8: you just need to mount the harddrive, then you can write to it03:10
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Marineboyubot tell bogus about ntfs03:10
klubberdoes anybody here use GYach? (not very likely, but i thought i'd ask anyway)03:11
Warbodisinterested_pe: "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" should do it03:11
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Bogus8Flannel: what about making ubuntu look to the partition to see if there are settings that exist to "override" default03:11
nixuserklubber: ive used gyachI which supports yahoo voice03:11
MadHatte2Hello.  I am on dapper now..but I am having trouble connecting to the internet.. it looks like it is configured right.. I am connecting cat5e to my foxconn motherboard.  Is there a good way to start troubleshooting?03:11
FlannelBogus8: ah, no, not that I'm aware of.03:11
nixuserbut its still in beta03:11
Bogus8Marineboy: I know all about NTFS, I don't need that info.. thanks03:11
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javiolomaddy any idea ?03:11
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blitzaceBogus8,  Knoppix has a command for that... something like "preserve"03:12
maddyjaviolo, doenst look very strange03:12
blitzaceBogus8, not sure about the ubuntu livecd tho03:12
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javiolomaddy you mean the strange characters ?03:12
Bogus8blitzace: ahh.. that must be where I have read about some of those things... it was some time ago and then I just checked distrowatch and ubuntu was on top so I figured I'd give it a go for the live cd03:12
klubbernixuser: it's been in beta since forever... and latest version is over 1 yr old :)03:12
maddybut 256 mb of ram03:12
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earthencan anyone tell me why my mount points are showing up on my desktop under differant names03:12
JoseStefanblitzace: Persitance? there is an article on that in the wiki03:12
klubbernixuser: but that's not the problem03:12
maddyjaviolo, it does not look strange03:13
blitzaceyeh try knoppix, it's designed primarily as a livecd03:13
blitzaceJoseStefan, thats right03:13
javiolomaddy ok03:13
nixuserklubber: gyachI has only been out a couple of months now, your thinking of gyache i think03:13
javiolomaddy sometimes takes 10 secs to open synaptic03:13
JoseStefanblitzace: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDPersistence03:13
javioloand firefox too03:13
klubbernixuser: yes, that's the one03:13
blitzaceah so it is ubuntu then03:13
nixuserboth gyachI and gyache are forks of gyach03:13
Bogus8blitzace: thanks mate03:13
disinterested_peok warbo it said unpacking yadadadaa then setting up it03:13
Bogus8and thanks to all03:13
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nixuserfor yahoo chat i use gaim03:14
maddyjavilolo like completely open?03:14
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maddyjaviolo like completely open?03:14
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FlannelBogus8: the liveCD for ubuntu is more of a "try it out, before you install" knoppix is designed as a distro on a liveCD, but, apparently you can use a USB drive (that link) and, concievably a HDD, to store things.03:14
JoseStefanBogus8: did you get that link?03:14
william__anyone know why when I run gedit it trys to make a sound but fails?03:14
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maddysay takes 3 sec here amd64 2.2 ghz 1gb ram :)03:14
javiolomaddy I dont know what you mean03:14
MadHatte2do i need to download drivers to get internet working on a foxconn motherboard?03:14
klubbernixuser: anyway, my problem is, i'm trying to use a display image, and it always tells me the image couldn't be converted to a 96x96 .PNG, even if i convert one manually and try using it03:14
Bogus8JoseStefan: I see it... thanks, I did miss it at first03:15
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blitzaceAnyway..... could I please get some help running my sound blaster live! 24bit under Dapper Drake? The sound output works but I can't get the microphone working at all.03:15
Warbodisinterested_pe: OK, if you open XMMS now you should be able to play WMA files (as long as they aren't encrypted). If not, then go in Preferences and enable WMA. Then you can change the output from ALSA, OSS or whatever it is on to Disk Writer03:15
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nixuserdisplay image on profile?03:15
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javiolomaddy if I open firefox its takes normally like 7 secs to open03:15
NickABuseydoes wine for AMD64 exist yet for Ubuntu?03:15
klubbernixuser: display image, as in avatar03:15
crimsunNickABusey: no.03:15
nixuserklubber: not sure what to say, i dont use avatars03:16
JoseStefanis there a comparison between the dvd version of dapper, and the other discs?03:16
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NickABuseygrr, is it being worked on? haha03:16
Aladdin-Flannel: OK.  I just rebooted in recovery mode.  What do I do now. "edit your hosts file to include your domain (that's whatever is after the @ at your prompt)" . How do I do that?03:16
NickABuseywhat about OpenGL for AMD64?03:16
william__anyone have any clues on why I type gedit in console and I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15267   ???03:16
bernier i just installed limewire using alien to change the rpm in a .deb and then i used dpkg to install limewire and it worked but now when i click on limewire theres a long loading time at the bottom but it closes without doing nothing03:16
=== distanceisdeath [n=joseph@191-196.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
maddyjavililo takes 3 sec om my ibook with 512 ram03:16
crimsunNickABusey: not afaik, since there are no 64-bit apps that I know of for Windows03:17
blitzaceDVD dapper just has more apps on it I believe, may run faster or slower depending on DVD/CD drive I guess03:17
tristanmike!tell bernier about limewire03:17
distanceisdeathhow do i get .RAR support?03:17
crimsunNickABusey: (i.e., it compiles but does a lot of nothing)03:17
MalThe Ubuntu 6.06 CD is running ridiculously slow for me... It's not just read operations off the CD, but everything. Anyone have any ideas what's going on?03:17
klubbernixuser: well, i don't mean the animated one which you can customize on the yahoo website, but a normal pic to be displayed there03:17
NickABuseycrimsun: I have wine running perfectly well on FC5 on AMD6403:17
Warbodistanceisdeath: There are a few packages. Try rar-nonfree03:17
tristanmikebernier: you should have avoided the rpm, if possible you should remove it and follow the instructions ubotu sent you03:17
zbyteman..this ubuntu still up and running03:17
klubbernixuser: anyway, not a matter of life & death... so no sweat over it :)03:17
blitzacebernier, try getting frostwire, there are native debs for it and its based on exactly the same code03:17
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distanceisdeathsudo apt-get?03:17
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crimsunNickABusey: yes, it does compile, as I said, but it's pretty useless03:17
nixuserklubber try regular gyach03:17
bernierok thanks a lot03:17
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javiolois flash available for the ppc version of dapper ?03:18
bernierhow do i uninstall?03:18
crimsunNickABusey: ...unless you know of some 64-bit Windows apps?03:18
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brendenwhere do the init scripts come from in ubunters?03:18
MadHatte2I am on dapper. what drivers should I use to install my geforce 6800gt?03:18
brendenapt-get install does not install them03:18
NickABuseyWell I don't, but I had plenty of windows apps working on the 64-bit03:18
blitzacebernier, I dont think its in the repos tho so you'll have to download the deb from the frostwire site, good luck03:18
nickrudAladdin-, nano /etc/hosts, see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15268 for a dapper version. replace teserias with your host name03:18
NickABuseycrimsun: I had several Poker rooms running, Notepad, some games03:18
klubbernixuser: i will, 10x for trying to help03:18
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JoseStefanMadHatte2: i think you need to get package nvidia-glx (in synaptics)03:19
william__anyone have any clues on why I type gedit in terminal and I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15267   ???03:19
KuLoverAnyonw know what this "lost+found" folder is on my freshly formated HDD?03:19
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bernierhow do i uninstall a .deb i just installed with dpkg?03:19
nickrudBerge, dpkg -r03:19
nickruderm bernier ^^03:19
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brendenokay so let me rephrase03:19
Warbobrenden: Init scripts are installed when they are needed. /etc/init.d/apache2 is part of the apache2 package03:19
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farousbernier: you can use apt or synaptic too03:19
JoseStefanMadHatte2: then you need to follow more instructions, which can be found on the package description (also in synaptics)03:19
Aladdin-Flannel: K. I.ll do that.  Be back with results...03:20
bernierok thanks03:20
farousbrenden: i ment sorry03:20
MagicFabhello - what can I use for multiuser chat ?03:20
bimberiKuLover: all filesystems get that - it's for files/blocks recovered by fsck (iirc)03:20
brendenWarbo: well my cups init script is gone, so how do i get it back03:20
KuLoverThanks bimberi!03:20
bimberiKuLover: oops, ext2/3 filesystems that is03:20
bimberiKuLover: yw :)03:20
KuLoverThanks again, bimberi. What FS do you like best?03:20
javiolois flash available for the ppc version of dapper ?03:20
Warbobrenden: I think reinstalling the cupsd package may fix it (I think that is a package, I've never used CUPS)03:21
bimberiKuLover: i just leave it to the default chosen by the experts (ext3) :)03:21
MagicFabsorry, mean "multiuser video chat"03:21
Warbojaviolo: You can get Free versions like GPLFlash and Gnash, or emulate x86 ones03:21
KuLoverBimberi, Seems logical.. lol03:21
brendenWarbo: that does not do it03:21
Warbobrenden: Sorry :(03:21
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javiolowarbo Im on ppc03:22
VersedI've had an never ending problem getting flash to install on my g4-450 under ubuntu.03:22
VersedI just gave up.03:22
disinterested_peim not seeing any options to play a dvd in xmms warbo03:22
brendenman i hate debian03:22
Warbojaviolo: Free flash players (like those I mentioned) will work natively on PPC, but you can use Qemu to emulate x86 linux apps on a ppc03:22
zexr0brenden,  why that ?03:22
Aladdin-Flannel: My domain is already there :o/03:23
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nickrudbrenden, and you are using all it's labor?03:23
farousbrenden: what is your prob? state it clearly and am sure people can help03:23
Warbodisinterested_pe: Mount the DVD and browse for the files03:23
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javiolowarbo this is a slow machine I dont think that will work...03:23
blitzaceWarbo, XMMS for DVD'S?03:23
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nixuserman i love debian03:23
blitzacehear hear03:23
Warboblitzace: I think he has some WMA files on a DVD03:23
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blitzaceOhic it's data sorry03:23
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ubotujaviolo: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:24
anethemaok this netboot thing isnt gonna work...03:24
brendenwell first cups would list no printer drivers, so i tried removing it and adding it again.  then cups wouldn't start, so samd thing except i rm'ed everything cups related.  now i have no initscript for cups (but t won't run anyway)03:24
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william__any ideas whats going on here?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15267  It happens whenever I type gedit in terminal03:24
Warbojaviolo: Gnash is probably the best bet at the moment (gnu.org/gnash I think) but it doesn't do sound (MP3 is patented)03:24
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nixuserwilliam sudo gedit?03:25
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Faileasdumb question but if i wanted to install a .deb thats not in a repo, where do i download it to?03:25
KuLoverWhy dont I have permission to copt files into a partition that i just created and mounted?03:25
anethemaOk anyone, assuming ive got 2 fat32 partitions, one of which has the ubuntu cd install files, and only a floppy drive for removable media...is there a way to get the installer going from a floppy then point it to the files?03:25
blitzaceFaileas, anywhere, preferably your home folder03:25
anethemaim basically asking if there is a ubuntu install floppy03:25
nickrudFaileas, doesn't matter, but the desktop is always there03:25
zexr0Faileas, man dpkg I don't know the exact syntaxe03:25
william__nixuser, yeah03:25
Faileasi don't have a desktop03:25
Aladdin-Flannel: I jus noticed that when I try to change the screen resolution to my usual one (1024x768) - That is using another account than my sudoer one - the screen won't take it and I get gdm screen back.  Could it be that my sudoer account is set to that resolution and that is the reason I can get into it?  If that is so, how can I change the screen resolution without actually being in that (sudoer) account?03:25
zexr0Faileas, you can download it anywhere, as long as you execute it with dpkg03:25
nickrudthen home03:25
Faileasits a CLI only install (stock server)03:25
farousbrenden: did you make a desktop or server install.03:25
nixuserwilliam what was the problem again?03:25
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william__it seems like it is trying to make sounds when I type gedit03:26
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blitzaceFaileas, are you root then? just download it to the /root folder03:26
bimberijaviolo: libflash-mozplugin is available for PPC.  No idea how well it works though ...03:26
brendenfarous: desktop i guess, however i just changed the sources.list and did an apt-get dist-upgrade03:26
bimberi!info libflash-mozplugin03:26
ubotulibflash-mozplugin: (GPL Flash (SWF) Library - Mozilla-compatible plugin), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 0.4.13-1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 12 kB, Installed size: 88 kB03:26
Faileasblitzace: i thought there is no root? confused the hell outta me03:26
anethemano one knows anything about a ubuntu install floppy? im lots for what to do here03:26
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ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware03:27
farousbrenden: check with synaptic if you have broken packages03:27
JoseStefanFaileas: you don't have a home folder either?03:27
bimberianethema: check that Installation wikipage ^^^^^03:27
FaileasJoseStefan: i think i do, its empty03:27
blitzaceFaileas, there's still a root, you just dont directly access it usually, all I'm saying is, download it to your home folder03:27
javioloIm going to dl that package03:27
JoseStefanFaileas: put the deb on your home folder03:27
FaileasJoseStefan: i am trying to learn CLI linux the hard way03:27
bimberianethema: there are various methods described, not sure about floppy though03:27
brendenfarous: it says no03:27
william__nixuser, doesnt it seem like its trying to use my sound card?03:28
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nixuserwilliam not sure whats going on there, is this a fresh install of ubuntu?03:28
blitzaceFaileas, hehe, good idea, it pays to learn CLI well for when X crashes (which it does if you tweak it too much like me)03:28
=== xst [n=xst@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl208-012.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu
william__pretty much03:28
xstI have just upgraded to dapper but now I have no sound in firefox/flash. Sound in e.g. amarok works just fine. Any ideas?03:28
nixuserdapper drake?03:28
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adamant1988xst I'm having the same issue03:29
william__nixuser, pretty much..  Its Dapper but Ive only installed BUMPs and tried to install Torvid03:29
farousbrenden: i just checked cups on my sys and it is all reported broken03:29
nixuseri used sudo gedit just the other day, it worked fine03:29
blitzacexst, close any programs that use sound then open firefoxand use flash03:29
JoseStefanis there a comparison between the dvd version of dapper and the other discs?03:29
Faileasblitzace: well, the other 2 distros i used so far (one of which i still use) are spoonfeedy ;p03:29
farousbrenden: perhaps someone else can help for i gave up on it as neither my scanner or printer is supported03:29
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xstblitzace: Been there, done that. Doesn't help03:29
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william__nixuser, is there a way to uninstall devices and re-install them aka my headset?03:29
blitzacexst, really? sorry cant help you then, thats always fixed it for me03:30
adamant1988xst there is an article in the wiki on Ubuntu.com about it.   But the fixes didn't work for me.03:30
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nixuserwilliam: try rebooting the anti matter chamber03:30
brendenfarous: wth i thought shuttleworth was supposed to be making dapper good03:30
adamant1988there are a few editing fixes you can try, I couldn't make any of them work.03:30
blitzaceFaileas, try installing gentoo it's alot of fun03:30
william__I just did, I dont have my headset with me right now or I'd plug it in03:30
farousbrenden: it is better then breezy03:30
adamant1988brenden: shuttleworth doesn't make Ubuntu canonical (sp) does.03:30
Faileasblitzace: its the first one i tried, i can't grok it at all03:30
brendenfarous: well it worked in breezy03:31
nixuserare there any little bugs crawling around in them?03:31
javiololibflash-mozilla works but sometimes I see strange things03:31
eneriedhello guys03:31
Faileas"good" is relative,  most advanced users would tweak the heck out of their systems ;p03:31
JoseStefanwhere can i find som sort of Edgy Eft "plan" ?03:31
blitzaceFaileas, ic, well when you learn a little more, try it again, it's probably he best distro I'vve used03:31
Faileasblitzace: its the whole lack of installer that gets me03:31
william__nixuser,  it says cannot find headset, do you know where I can uninstall it maybe?03:31
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valehruFaileas, this is one of the easiest plus best distros out at the moment03:32
nickrudJoseStefan, the dev's are writing the specs as you speak, probably late this month they'll do a tentative road map03:32
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-69-217.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
blitzaceFaileas, that's the point, It's good fun trying to get it to work...set yourself loads of time to do it tho lol03:32
bimberiubotu tell JoseStefan about edgy03:32
DeshI have tried multiple methods to get fglrx to work, but no matter what I do, when I enter 'fglrxinfo' into the terminal it says Mesa is still my OpenGL vendor, any clues?03:32
nixuserwilliam: whens the last time you saw your headset?03:32
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Faileasvalehru: thats why i am using it as a replacement for my current server ;p03:32
william__its at my place about 6 hours ago03:32
valehruFaileas, but once you spend the time getting it running ti really is worth it..03:32
william__nixuser, about 6 hours03:33
william__nixuser, and maybe 4-5 restarts03:33
Faileasi just froze the windows rig ;p03:33
blitzaceFaileas, how long have you been using linux?03:33
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william__valehru, I'm on a laptop :P03:33
Faileasblitzace: on and off 2-3 years03:33
MalI think the kernel on the livecd hates my system. :(03:33
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NickGarveymaybe your system hates the kernel!03:34
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nixuserim out03:34
blitzacethats not bad, I've only been using it for about a year and a half on and off03:34
bernierif i installed frostwire and when i try to open it it does nothing is that because java is not installed?03:34
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enerieddoes anybody knows where to download dapper universe and multiverse?03:34
Faileasthis is the first time i went totally CLI though03:34
brendencomputers suck03:34
Flannel!tell eneried about repositories03:34
nickrudbernier, try calling frostwire from the command line, you might get a useful error03:34
eneriedwe want to download the full packages03:34
=== mattwestm [n=mattwest@adsl-221-85-20.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
blitzacebernier, no it means he java you're using doesnt work well with frostwire, try getting blackdown java 1.4 from the repos03:34
Flanneleneried: oh.  Look into mirroring then, I suppose.03:35
bernierwhat's the repos?03:35
mattwestmcan someone send me their 6.06 sources.list file? I am having problems connecting to the servers03:35
ubotuThe rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components03:35
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.03:35
blitzacebernier, sorry synaptic03:35
bernierand how do I call it from the command line?03:35
JoseStefaneneried: i think it's packages.ubuntu.com03:35
william__does anyone know how to uninstall devices?  I'm looking to uninstall the headset that Ubuntu still thinks is connected03:35
Flanneleneried: or, with apt- you can download, and NOT install, then they'd be in your package cache.03:35
Deshbernier, my frostwire did not work until I installed java03:35
eneriedFlannel, do you mean download it as mirrors... but there's no way to get them in isos?03:35
Flanneleneried: nope, no way to download additional packages as ISOs.  not yet anyway, planning, if I remember correctly.03:36
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:36
nickrudbernier, that means open a terminal, and type frostwire . You should get some text in the terminal about any errors03:36
blitzaceFrostwire doesnt work well with suns java03:36
Deshbernier, when you add the repos as the guide should show, run this from the command line: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin sun-java5-jre03:36
NickGarveymattwestm: eh that kind of didn't work well with me03:36
valehruwilliam, plug it out, then plug it back in, then frmo your log file deduce what drivers are stopping and then startfing back up, then simply remove them from the system with synaptic03:36
=== disasm [n=disasm@69-162-7-12.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
blitzaceDesh, I'm not sure Frostwire works well with 1.5...03:37
DeshMine does.03:37
eneriedFlannel, JoseStefan, thanks03:37
mattwestmshould my servers be updates.* or us.*?03:37
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bernierit says E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-bin03:37
blitzaceDesh, ok, guess my problem was isolated sorry03:37
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eneriedi'll take a look on mirroring03:37
Deshblitzace: No problem. ;)03:37
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Faileasis there a howto for command line?03:37
farousbernier: search for sun-java03:37
nickrudmathieu_, both and neither :)03:37
Faileas(adding sources)03:37
berniersearch where? =/03:38
blitzaceFaileas, ummm I guess you could google common linux commands03:38
Faileasno no03:38
eneriedFaileas, it depends on your command line, the ubuntu default is bash, so look at bash homepage03:38
blitzacebash rules03:38
Faileasi mean a list of sources so i can add it in myself ;p03:38
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blitzacedont use anything else!03:38
Faileasi am using bash03:38
eneriedor type man bash, or look into help about command line03:38
Faileasand nothing else03:38
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blitzacehehe good then03:38
nickrudmathieu_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 if you're on breezy, they should look like that03:38
Faileasnano as a text editior (cause it works for me)03:39
JoseStefanFaileas: do a "man dpkg"03:39
farousbrenden: it is in multiverse repos check you have it enabled03:39
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farousman they change the names so often. yesterday it was just sun-java1.503:39
JoseStefanFaileas: also "man wget"03:39
brendenfarous: check03:39
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farousbrenden: did you find it its sun-java5-bin in multiverse repos03:41
brendenfarous: uhm what has that got to do with cups03:41
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berniershould I install java by converting the RPM to .deb with alien or its dangerous?03:41
spikebno dont do that03:41
faroussorry it was for bernier03:41
Cornellius*minus <03:42
=== PyroticShadow [n=PyroticS@24-72-195-37.cm-dynip.usadig.com] has left #ubuntu ["~Hears]
mattwestmis there any way to reset apt?03:42
blitzacebernier, there's no point, it's in the debia repositories03:42
Snow_Sheltercan someone build a stepmania amd64 package, please? I've tried solving dependencies, that hasn't worked. I've tried compiling from source, and that doesn't work. Please don't make my play this on my PB!03:42
krazykitmattwestm: what?03:42
bernierand where's that?03:42
krazykitbernier: multiverse.03:42
blitzacebernier, it's where the .debs get downloaded from03:42
mattwestmkrazykit: like, reset the sources.list back to original03:42
farousbernier: sun-java5-bin is in multiverse enable it03:42
berniercould you give me the link?03:42
farous!tell bernier about easysource03:43
Aladdin-Anyone.  I can't login into the graphical interface of my account since I upgraded to Dapper (from Breezy).  X disconnects. Seems my screen resolution crashes it. How can I change my screen resolution without actually being into my account. PS: I got access to another account and I CAN login trought the console.03:43
farousbernier: look at ubotu link in your pm03:43
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FlannelFaileas: to add the additional ones, it's essentially the same format, just instead of "main" and "restricted" it's "universe" and "multiverse"  you could even just append those two to the end of the line, but usually people put them different places, so they can comment them out piecewise.03:43
Cornelliusbernier: Use Alien as a last resort.03:43
bernierok thanks03:44
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DisorderOk, question.03:44
NickGarve1Snow_Shelter: mm.. I will.. lemme boot my 64 bit..03:44
Snow_ShelterNickABusey, thanks03:44
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nickrudmattwestm, the best I know of is sudo cp /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list . It's not physically identical, but it is default03:44
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MalAladdin-: Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look for the lines saying "Modes".03:45
farousAladdin-: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. if you are talking about system wide resolution reconfiguration03:45
MalOr that.03:45
Vaske_Carcwillu_, "Vaske_Car: check that the site is bound to an external interface." How?03:45
=== Acke [n=chatzill@d64-180-169-169.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudAladdin-, you mean the gnome resolution tool?03:45
anethemadoes anyone know how to make a grub boot floppy from within windows?03:45
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codecaineanybody know how to use synaptic for the mouse to supprise the mouse bad click to none03:45
DisorderAnyone knows iptables in here?03:45
=== willy [i=ragincaj@ip68-110-237-242.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
distanceisdeathhow can i create an iso from a disc without using the dd command?  is there any software?03:45
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benkong2anyone know of problems with fglrx? I did this "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx" then when I do fglrxinfo I get "03:46
mattwestmnickrud: thanks03:46
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)03:46
Flanneldistanceisdeath: I'm sure there is, whats wrong with dd?03:46
distanceisdeathim not sure03:46
benkong2a screen full of this "[fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for SelectTextureSGIS"03:46
distanceisdeathits just not making the image03:46
DisorderAnyone knows iptables in here?03:46
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anethemadoes anyone know how to make a grub boot floppy from within windows?03:46
Amy1anethema: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:46
farousbenkong2: install the linux restricted modules package. sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)03:46
Amy1farous: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:46
bobstroDisorder: yes, but what is your question?03:47
Amy1bobstro: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:47
benkong2farous, ok thanks03:47
Amy1benkong2: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:47
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bobstroAmy1: i prefer to say "rephrase" myself03:47
Amy1bobstro: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:47
Amy1bobstro: I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.03:47
resonantHaha. IRC script gone bad. Hahaha03:47
Amy1resonant: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:47
=== sylvain [n=sylvain@dsl-134-176.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!03:47
Amy1Flannel: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:47
Amy1ubotu: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:47
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ubotuAmy1: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about03:47
Amy1ubotu: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:47
bernierfarous what do i do with that sources.list?03:47
Amy1ubotu: I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.03:47
Amy1bernier: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:47
ubotuAmy1: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:47
Amy1ubotu: Choose 1 to say 'Amy I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.'03:47
Amy1ubotu: I am sorry, I do not understand, could you please refrase.03:47
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=== dbau [n=dbau@pool-71-102-167-129.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
anethemahaha sorry im just only stuck in windows here, and i need a grub boot floppy....anyone know how /03:47
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.03:47
AckeWOOOOPS my bot is insane03:47
=== peter_ [n=chatzill@c-66-30-112-44.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthWho brought in the ALICE bot?03:48
Ackenot a alice bot03:48
Snow_Shelterheh, too late03:48
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ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Acke03:48
Snow_ShelterAmy1, misspelled rephrase03:48
farousbernier: backup your old sources.list and replace it with this it is located at /etc/apt/sources.list03:48
bobstromost annoyingly03:48
AmaranthAcke: Please don't bring any bots here without permission.03:48
sylvainhi again, I'm kinda stuck with the widescreen resolution of my laptop, it's stuck at 1024x768 and won't budge. reconfiguring the x-server (including device autodetection) hasn't changed03:48
dtygelhi all: a question: I'm trying to mount a smbfs in Dapper machine, and I cannot. Looking at dmesg | tail, I saw the following error: "smbfs: mount_data version 1919251317 is not supported"03:48
bernierfarous it says i need special rights03:48
william__Guys I think Ubuntu is playing sounds and things on the wrong sound device.... anyone know how to get in and change hardware settings?03:48
dtygelany help on this?03:48
farousbernier: use sudo03:48
mattwestmI am still getting connection errors with the default sources.list. Are there any problems with the servers?03:49
DisorderI have blocked somthing in the past, I -d ed the rule and yet it is still acting like its blocked. iptables -A INPUT -s <ip address> -j DROP Is the blocking command, iptables -D INPUT -s <Rule#> was the command I used to delete the rule, Bit is there a way to make a rule to accect the packet?03:49
codecainehow can I suppress mouse taps on a laptop03:49
=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-41-182.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu []
bernieru want me to do all of the file replacement in console?03:49
crimsunwilliam__: pastebin ``cat /proc/asound/cards ~/.asoundrc*''03:49
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Amaranthcodecaine: I just did that, let me get the info.03:49
farousbernier: cd /etc/apt && sudo cp sources.list sources.list-original && sudo gedit sources.list03:49
benkong2farous, the restricted modules was already installed03:49
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=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bobstroDisorder: are you sure it's gone (iptables -nvL)?03:49
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: ok what did you need?03:49
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Disorderiptables -L INPUT and checked it.03:50
=== AJ_Riddle [n=alex@CPE-67-48-122-170.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DisorderIts not there03:50
farousbenkong2: did you change the driver to fglrx in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file03:50
benkong2farous, yes03:50
searaymanhow can i put my itunes mp4 onto my ubuntu and play them?03:50
benkong2and rebooted03:50
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, NickGarvey03:50
ubotump3 is probably a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:50
Amaranthcodecaine: add Option          "MaxTapTime"            "0" to the synaptic input device section in xorg.conf03:50
bernierstop talking i cannot copy what he wrote me03:50
Disorder((I did reboot))03:50
farousbenkong2: what error are you getting exactly03:50
bobstroDisorder: if it's gone, shouldn't block.03:50
AJ_RiddleCan someone tell me how to set up a mysql server?03:50
crimsunbernier: use the mystical page+up key03:51
NickGarvey!tell AJ_Riddle about lamp03:51
benkong2farous, I'll post to pastebin...hold on a sec03:51
bernierlol i know it was a joke03:51
dbauthere's a ton of howtos out there for mysql03:51
FlannelAJ_Riddle: you want it with apache/php/etc? or just sql?03:51
Vaske_Caris htere a indication that open source will replace mp3?03:51
=== |GraBBer| [n=grabber@dsl-hkigw8-feedf900-160.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
searaymanhow can i play itunes format music on ubuntu?03:51
NickGarveyVaske_Car: not any time soon03:51
Disorderbobstro, But it is. This isnt the 1st place ive asked.03:51
NickGarveyVaske_Car: maybe after the world opens its eyes ;)03:51
=== NetBandit [n=netbandi@c-24-126-213-206.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
|GraBBer|Hi! =)03:51
william__crimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1527003:51
Snow_ShelterNickABusey, I'd love a .deb package for stepmania, for amd6403:52
=== fairy [n=fairy@dlrnmb01bb0-ac01-41-118.dial.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelVaske_Car: there's already an open source mp3 library.  but, I believe ogg vorbis is the full open source alternative03:52
Snow_ShelterNickABusey, Ubuntu doesn't have a package at all03:52
william__crimsun, my headset hasnt been connected for almost 6 hours and a couple restarts03:52
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: .deb03:52
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: not sure how to make that03:52
bobstroDisorder: what is default policy?03:52
Snow_ShelterNickABusey, something03:52
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: but what I can do is compile it and give you the bin, and you run make install03:52
bobstroVaske_Car: there is ogg03:52
searaymanhow cna i convert mp4 to mps on ubuntu?03:52
crimsunwilliam__: you need to set it to 'Intel'03:52
=== ZeroGratitude [n=ubuntu@ppp-69-230-41-36.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: lets see if this works, never done this before03:52
crimsunwilliam__: have you selected it using System> Preferences> Sound> default sound card?03:52
ZeroGratitudeWarbo im back from defrag and checkdisk03:53
Disorderbobstro, DROP03:53
ZeroGratitudewhat were the commands i needed to type03:53
=== Ronz [n=RonzO@nc-71-50-121-166.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: heh, dance simulator?03:53
bobstroDisorder: and there *is* a rule to ALLOW that traffic?03:53
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Snow_ShelterNickABusey, yea03:53
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: eek say nickgarvey03:53
william__my default is HDA Intel, there is no option for my Headset03:53
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NickGarveySnow_Shelter: and do you use a pad or something? or your arrow keys?03:53
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, getting a pad, it's been ordered, but it's out of stock03:53
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Ronzhey, im new to linux...and im looking for a good distro that i can install, and mess around with. i have some networking experience (mainly wireless). how easy is wireless networking to set up in ubuntu?03:54
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: oh shoot dude, its not gpl03:54
crimsunwilliam__: ah, you've hit one of the bugs03:54
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: I can't compile ti03:54
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william__crimsun, no option for headset.. but It says HDA Intel but in the volume control it has both HDA Intel and Realtek which is my soundcard03:54
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, stepmania isn't GPL?03:54
Disorderbobstro, thats what I am asking03:54
=== cu83 [n=cu83@c-69-255-30-254.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: change it03:54
MarineboyNickGarvey, im on kde should i switch over to gde to do a upgrade to dapper?03:54
bernierfarous i wasnt able to do what u told me but i did it with nano03:54
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: they change dit03:54
NetBanditRonz, ubuntu is real easy03:54
SoirRonz: very much depends on the network hardware you're using03:54
lwizardlcan i bind multiple ips to one nic?03:54
crimsunwilliam__: from a Terminal, you need to use ``asoundconf set-default-card Intel''03:54
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, when?03:54
NickGarveyMarineboy: I wouldn't bother03:54
benkong2farous, here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15271 I did an apt-get restricted modules 1st then the fglrx drivers03:54
RonzSoir, ipw220003:54
bobstroDisorder: well, if policy is dropped, it won't get thru unless you have an ACCEPT rule03:54
farousbernier: same03:54
dbauRonz: Dapper Drake worked with Intel 220BG chipset w/o any issues03:54
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SoirRonz: shouldn't have any problem at all03:55
MarineboyNickGarvey, whats the cmd in terminal to upgrade it from there?03:55
william__OMG it worked!03:55
ZeroGratitudeHey anyone know the commands to partition thru the terminal??03:55
Ronzths dbau and Soir !03:55
cu83anyone know how i can have a program run on boot?03:55
ubotuMarineboy: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:55
william__thank you crimsun, now when I type gedit I dont get random sound card errors03:55
NickGarveyMarineboy: apt-get dist-upgrade03:55
crimsunwilliam__: right.03:55
Marineboythanks nick03:55
bobstrocu83: init scripts03:55
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: wait, looks like they changed it to a less restrictive license03:55
=== AlwaysIcey [n=chatzill@71-215-18-156.dvnp.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
william__crimsun, thank you very much!03:55
NickGarveyMarineboy: but change /etc/apt/sources.list from breezy to dapper03:55
crimsunwilliam__: np03:56
cu83bobstro, what directory do i put them in /etc/init.d?03:56
MarineboyNickGarvey, what do you mean?03:56
ZeroGratitudeAnyone that can help me with my partition problem?03:56
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, so can you compile it?03:56
bernierfarous do I tick every cases on the source-o-matic?03:56
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: yessir03:56
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, cause I'm in a pickle. There's no package, and it wont work03:56
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, I've linked every freaking SDL lib I can find, and it still wont start03:56
william__crimsun, while I've got you.... do you know any programs I could use to transcode avi to dvd?03:56
Disorderbobstro, What is the syntax to do it then? iptables -A ? -s <IP>03:56
crimsunwilliam__: no idea.03:56
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: I'm going to ./configure and make03:57
=== leancalper [n=leancalp@] has joined #ubuntu
AlwaysIceyHi everyone.  I have a strange networking issue.  I've configured my ethernet using ifconfig.  I can ping my other computers on the network, and I can ping my router/modem.  But, I can't ping anything outside of the local network.  Neither by IP address or www name.  However, I can do an nslookup and get IP addresses.03:57
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: then tar.gz it and toss it on my server03:57
=== Helldragon is now known as Doritos
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, couse, I could just reboot into Mandriva and use their RPM, but I migrated to Ubuntu to get away from Mandriva03:57
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: okie?03:57
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, sure03:57
=== greyjay [n=faith@h185.248.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: then you make instnall03:57
ZeroGratitudeAnyone know how to partition through the terminal?03:57
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: install*03:57
william__I really dont wanna go back to Windows, but if I cant figure out how to transcode avi to dvds I'll have to :(03:57
farousbenkong2: first are you sure your card is supported? make sure also you have right access to the shared memory created by fglrx . check the tmpfs line in your fstab03:57
NickGarveyZeroGratitude: yes, parted and cfdisk are good tools03:57
=== Doritos is now known as HellDragon
dbauAlwaysIcey: sounds like Gateway hasn'nt been con figured03:57
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, ok, you sure it'll make ok? My make didn't work out too well03:57
AJ_Riddlehow do i setup the name of my mysql database?03:57
ZeroGratitudei mean i alrdy did it03:57
bobstroAlwaysIcey: are your local machines using your router for dns proxy?03:57
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, neither did alien03:57
ZeroGratitudei was having problmes earlier03:57
ZeroGratitudetrying to partition03:58
ZeroGratitudesomeone was helping me here03:58
=== silince [n=vbatts@user-12hcum5.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ZeroGratitudeand he is not anymore03:58
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: one way to find out ;) getting the source from cvs now03:58
AlwaysIceyYes, they are.  Plus, I have a DNS server on one of my local machines.03:58
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyHat|away
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, and 32bit chroot was a disaster03:58
farousbernier: normlly you need the main repos + universe and multiverse. anyother repos you add is your choice to make03:58
=== Xinux [n=Xinux@71-85-243-55.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xinux#ubotu xorg03:58
AlwaysIceyHow would I go about configuring the gateway and DNS servers?  (I'm thinking it's a conf file, but I can't remember which.03:58
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: haha I bet, I haven't bothered with that03:58
=== Phrozen_One [n=cory92@pool-70-105-247-183.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
FaithXhey guys, I have a booting problem... I had a failing drive which I managed to get all the data off... I have loaded grub onto the new drive but it seems that when it comes to load the initrd it fails, even though the disks are pratically identical.03:58
AJ_RiddleHow do I setup the name for my database in mysql?03:58
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Xinuxwhats the command to reset xorg file03:58
bobstroAlwaysIcey: are your local machines getting addresses via dhcp?03:58
ZeroGratitudeanyone know how to partition through the terminal?03:59
NickGarveyAJ_Riddle: thats where you need a sql tutorial I believe03:59
benkong2farous, I have a T42P thinkpad with an ATI Radeon R250 Lf [FireGL 9000]  (rev 02)03:59
AlwaysIceyNope.  Static IP;s03:59
=== ydnar [n=ydnar@ppp-70-254-207-11.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveyZeroGratitude: scroll up, I told you03:59
Xinuxwhats the command to reset xorg file??03:59
MarineboyNickGarvey, do you mean to change it like this  deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted03:59
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl725.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobstroAJ_Riddle: that is a mysql question. you need a howto on that topic i'd say.03:59
bernierHmmm adept is having a hard time with all those packages :p03:59
=== Digipan [n=master@cpe-24-242-5-64.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@AC8F4C87.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
greyjayHow do you stop network services from coming up at startup?03:59
ZeroGratitudeNo you didnt03:59
ZeroGratitudeyou just told me that they are good tools03:59
ubotusomebody said xorg was To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html04:00
=== miked [n=miked-ju@cpe-72-226-238-163.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
benkong2farous, no what I don't have a tmpfs line in my fstab04:00
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, lucky dog!04:00
Digipanhi all04:00
bimberiXinux: ^^^^^^04:00
farousbenkong2: if you are sure you card is supported you might consider compiling from source. btw the boost in perfomance is not that ggreat. the tmpfs should read tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults, rw o o. make sure you have the rw there04:00
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: did you run autogen?04:00
=== j_ack [n=nico@p508D8CDA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
mattwestmwhat does the -f option do on apt-get?04:00
=== G8trBait [n=mikey@89-60.125-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelohelp for a newbie ? I'm trying to get the right drivers for my videocard but all I got was a text file with a driver in c  what the heck do i do with it ?04:00
NickGarveyZeroGratitude: then read the man files04:00
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Disorderiptables -A INPUT -s <IP> -J ACCEPT04:01
mariahello everyone, i need help04:01
benkong2farous, I am using lvm would there still be a tmpfs line?04:01
AlwaysIceymattwestm, you can try apt-get --help or man -k apt-get for more information on it.04:01
G8trBaitIt seems Shift + Backspace seems to be mapped to reset Gnome ? (guessing) because it restarts.. I seem to use that key combo a lot when I type, how do I change it?04:01
farousbenkong2: fglrx needs the shared memory just add the line i sent you to the end of your fstab. and you know you need to reboot after the installation04:01
bernierfarous ok i got my sources.list04:01
mariamy computer crashed when i tried upgrading from breezy to dapper04:01
HedosHello, I just installed Ubuntu. I got g++4.0 installed along with that. Before I was on slackware and g++3.4 or 3.3. When I tried to compile my project now, "ldd" shows it links to 3 times more libraries and my executable size produced is a lot bigger. Is something wrong with g++4.0? Should I use it or go back to 3.4?04:01
bobstroDisorder: if you're allowing all traffic from that ip, sounds good04:01
bernierhow do i install java now?04:01
=== AlwaysIcey I believe it's force, or file list, but I"m not positive
=== SurfnKid [n=Surfn@cpe-68-201-98-2.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
benkong2farous, ok04:01
mariaplease help04:01
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SurfnKideasy question04:01
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Marineboyubot tell bernier about restricted formats04:01
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Digipandoes anyone know how I get windows media player videos to play over the internet?04:01
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: compiling, wish me luck04:02
Pelomaria:  good luck, I've been asking for help here all day and I didn't get it04:02
=== tristil [n=method@c-68-49-245-105.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bernierubotu tell bernier about restricted formats04:02
mariaoh no.....04:02
=== Mempf [n=chatzill@S0106000129f69133.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZeroGratitudeThe documentation doesnt have anything04:02
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: that was pretty cryptic, there was no clear readme04:02
NickGarvey!tell bernier about mp304:02
DisorderNickGarvey, Linux? Since you said WMP I have to ask.04:02
SurfnKidwhy is it i my eth0 is enabled, pings loop, pings router, and gets web stuff, but cannot ping or access any other machines?  only if both laptops are wifi, can i then do file transfer04:02
dtygelpeople: does someone have experience with file sharing in samba?04:02
mattwestmwhat could be the cause of "Err http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security Release.gpg Connection failed04:02
dtygelI'm having problems with charset!04:02
=== Dan [n=chatzill@cpe-24-195-89-50.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob_07Digipan: Try getting VLC or MPlayer and their firefox plugins04:02
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@AC8F4C87.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
bernierwhy tell me about mp304:02
adamant1988how can I tell if Ubuntu recognized a printer I just plugged in?04:02
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, compiled? (I've got my fingers crossed)04:02
farouspelo and maria be patient and ask your question again perhaps people can help04:02
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: its going, no problems yet04:03
Disorderadamant1988, it isnt windows04:03
=== gutera [n=gutera@] has joined #ubuntu
Danautomatix is cool04:03
adamant1988I'm aware disorder, does that mean my peripherals are not plug n play? I'll have to restart?04:03
=== NickGarvey slaps dan
bernierfarous how do i install java now?04:03
ubotuwell, automatix is dangerous! DO NOT use it, it has wrecked many systems. If you really insist on a script to do the work for you, consider EasyUbuntu (!easyubuntu,#easyubuntu)04:03
Dani use automatix all the time04:03
dtygelcharset in samba filesharing: 2 ubuntu machines...04:03
Danon my systems04:03
dtygelany help?04:03
=== NickGarvey slaps dan
Danand they're great!04:03
bob_07I'm trying to connect my pocket PC using synce, but there isn't a ttyUSB0 device, any ideas?04:03
DisorderIts not PnP. I dont know exacly how tho.04:03
Danthey dont damage it at all04:03
bobstroDan: are they secure?04:04
adamant1988and you've been able to get updates?04:04
ZeroGratitudeAnyone know how to partition through the terminal?04:04
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: still no errors04:04
fairyis there an smtp server installed by default on ubuntu?04:04
Snow_Shelternew to ubuntu, automatix like automator?04:04
farousbernier: use synaptic the package manager to search for and install java or anyother package you like04:04
bobstroZeroGratitude: cfdisk works04:04
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: EEK NO04:04
ZeroGratitudewhat is cfdisk04:04
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: use easyubuntu04:04
=== AJ_Riddle [n=alex@CPE-67-48-122-170.kc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
SurfnKidcan anyone advice on how to diagnose my eth004:04
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, ok...04:04
adamant1988Ok, how can I tell Ubuntu that I've plugged in a new printer?04:04
NickGarveyZeroGratitude: read the man files dude04:04
DanAutomatix is for 1337 h4x0rs04:04
ZeroGratitudeThey dun have anything04:04
farousbernier: do not forget first to update run this command. sudo aptitude update04:04
bernierfarous i have adept but java's still not there04:04
ZeroGratitudeI checked04:04
ZeroGratitudeBefore i came here04:04
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, I don't use it, I didn't even know what it was04:04
bernierand i ticked every cases04:04
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: it does a lot of stuff for you, flash, video drivers, thinks like that04:04
bobstroDan: hah, sure04:05
ZeroGratitudeIF i found a solution i would not be here04:05
bernierha maybe04:05
adamant1988Automatix is for people who don't mind compromising their system04:05
farousbernier: you have to reload your sources04:05
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Danit works great...and doesnt compromise my system04:05
Danwhy, are you worried yours might become worse?04:05
adamant1988Mine's fine, I used easy ubuntu04:05
bobstroDan: that you know of, but anyone with pride would do the work themselves, not use somebody's script! :)04:05
=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dansomebodys script they make for others?04:05
=== RobNyc [n=ax@pool-151-202-105-20.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Danmy bad for wanting to get stuff installed quicker and easier04:06
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: still going good!04:06
AlwaysIceybobstro:  Where do I find the conf files that I have to set my gateway and dns up in (I think it's just default.conf, but I can't remember for sure)?  Thanks.04:06
Danand arent you guys telling me to use easy ubuntu?04:06
NickGarveydan: haha yeah04:06
Danif you had pride you wouldnt use someone elses script04:06
bobstroDan: they'd probably be running gentoo and going on about that too, but...04:06
farousdan if it worked for you that is great04:06
NickGarveydan: its a joke04:06
SurfnKidis there an ubuntu package to diagnose eth0 cards and settings.. other than ethereal04:06
bobstroDan: saying use it, but don't claim 'leet skillz04:06
Danwhy not claim when you have them?04:06
=== davey_ [n=chatzill@c-67-182-44-11.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
miguelsrsomeone kniow a program to listen music by radiostations like winamp?04:07
bob_07I'm trying to connect my pocket PC using synce, but there doesn't apear to be a ttyUSB0 device, any ideas?04:07
NickGarveymiguelsr: xmms04:07
farousmiguelsr: xmms04:07
=== rodrigo [n=rodrigo@128-16.dedicado.com.uy] has joined #ubuntu
farousmiguelsr: and try streamtuner too to search for stations04:07
mikedi have a problem getting something to start on boot...can anyone give me a hand?04:07
SurfnKidor totem, but xmms is compact04:07
davey_or... VLC!!!04:07
rodrigoAlguien que hable espaol?04:07
davey_it does everyhing04:07
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:07
SurfnKidrodrigo, si en #ubuntu-es hablan mucho04:08
rodrigocom ohago para ir ahi?04:08
AlwaysIceymaria:  What kind of errors are you getting now that you tried to upgrade?04:08
SurfnKidcomo entraste aqui?04:08
=== farous is now known as farous-away
SurfnKidigual pero pon #ubuntu-es04:08
rodrigohice click en algo04:08
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, glad to hear that. What kind of AMD you got?04:08
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: amd 6404:08
rodrigoes que recien hoy lo pruebo, no se ni como se usa04:08
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: altalon04:08
SurfnKidhaz esto  pon /join #ubuntu-es04:08
rodrigomuchas gracias04:08
SurfnKiddenada suerte04:08
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, speed?04:08
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:08
rodrigoun salu204:08
miguelsrrodrigo: entra a #ubuntu-es y a #ubuntu-mx04:09
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=== firekid [n=firekid@cpe-72-224-154-224.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DisorderWhere can I get Ubutu 64bit?04:09
G8trBaitIt seems Shift + Backspace seems to be mapped to reset Gnome ? (guessing) because it restarts.. I seem to use that key combo a lot when I type, how do I change it?04:09
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+04:09
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DisorderWhere can I get Ubuntu 64bit?***804:09
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: cpu MHz         : 1989.89604:09
NickGarveyDisorder: google "ubuntu download"04:09
Disorder3200+ Nick.04:09
=== greyjay [n=faith@h185.248.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
DisorderThats the AMD conversion.04:09
firekidhello all Im having trouble setting ubutu up, can someone help?04:09
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earthencould some one tel me how I change the name of the mounted drives that show up on the desktop04:09
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nickrudG8trBait, it should be ctl-alt-backspace, not alt-backspace for killing X (Gnome)04:09
NickGarveyDisorder: yeah, I know, thats why I posted the 2 ghz04:09
bernierwhy is everyone saying "ubutu"04:09
Alexi5Dapper is out04:09
bernierits UBUNTU04:09
adamant1988How can I get my printer set up in Ubuntu? is there a program to get it running?04:10
Alexi5i am still using 5.1004:10
SurfnKidjust set it up manually04:10
ubotuI heard printer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org04:10
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DisorderHey, its a weird name, what do you expect?04:10
miguelsrfarous: streamtuner is another program?04:10
nickrudadamant1988, point your browser at localhost:631 , or System->Admin->Printers04:10
SurfnKidits not a weird name, Ubuntu is african04:10
NickGarveyhumanity to others ;)04:10
coolpupAny ideas on how to get audio working with Ubuntu and Skype04:10
firekidI downloaded it and set it up but I cant get to the GUI04:10
bobstrogoogle is a weird name04:10
nerdzyboyI just installed an application and I can't seem to get it to run...04:10
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, that's kinda slow for a 3200+, you on Newcastle, or Venice?04:10
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: how big is this thing?04:11
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, no idea04:11
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: I have a hp pavilion laptop04:11
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, took about 15min before it failed on my 3200+04:11
bernierfarous im installing java but it's been 3 min it's on "preparing" on adept04:11
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: runs at the advertised speed04:11
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, Turion?04:11
SurfnKidbobstro, and it was gonna be googol but the mixed up the last part talk about weird04:11
krazykitprobably a mobile sempron, then04:11
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@ip60.217.23.209.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikedplus googol.com was taken ;-)04:12
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Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, cool, I've been able to get my Athalon to post at 2.7Ghz, but it'll only boot at 2.5Ghz. Cause the BIOS voltage settings are off by -0.15V, which prohibits me from going higher... I'm running at 2.0Ghx Vcore 1.2V right now04:12
ubotuhmm... modem is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto04:12
=== farous-away is now known as farous
Snow_ShelterGhx kicks Ghz anyday of the week!04:12
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: oh nice, I can't over click this or anything at all04:12
krazykitSnow_Shelter: gigahax?04:12
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Alexi5what good stuff does Dapper have ver 5.1004:12
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Alexi5what good stuff does Dapper have over 5.1004:13
firekidCould someone please tell me how to get to the GUI, it doesn't let me acess it. I used the command line at the text login area but it says there is no such bash. Any ideas?04:13
ubotupppoe is probably Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE04:13
NickGarveyAlexi5: changelog ;)04:13
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ubotuNickGarvey: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:13
krazykitAlexi5: new applications04:13
G8trBaitAny idea how 'Shift + Backspace' key combo got mapped to reset gnome?04:13
sampsonagggh can someone help me with xgl? i got it up and 'running' but when it loads gnome it isn't loading the window decorator properly. currently i have it setup in a script to run through gnome-sessions-properties at priority 45. it loads compiz --replace gconf and then gnome-window-decorator04:13
bur[n] erG8trBait: it's in Xgl... grr04:13
sampsoncompiz runs and i get the effects but all windows are borderless04:13
krazykitsampson: then you didnt' follow the guide right.04:13
Snow_Shelterkrazykit, gigahex!04:14
Flannelsampson: #ubuntu-xgl04:14
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: worked04:14
=== cjones [n=cjones@wercs.wercs.com] has joined #ubuntu
Snow_Shelterkrazykit, doing hexy stuff faster than you can talk!04:14
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, no kidding? you running 6.06 LTS or beta?04:14
=== Kovecses [n=ray@c-24-61-227-56.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Snow_Shelterkrazykit, sure, gigahax (C) (TM) (R) (R) (R)04:14
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: yes tls04:14
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: but I have no idea where the binary is04:14
Alexi5why do the freebsd say linux is a piece of shit when linux has a lot more software than freebsd04:15
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, it should have been created in the folder04:15
Alexi5why do the freebsd people say linux is a piece of shit when linux has a lot more software than freebsd04:15
firekidCan someone answer my question, please?04:15
cjonesdoes anybody know how to un upgreade?\04:15
krazykitAlexi5: because everyone bashes everyone else.04:15
Kovecsesfreebsd does not say that04:15
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: yeah I don't see it04:15
FlannelAlexi5: watch your language please.04:15
=== ZeroGratitude [n=ubuntu@ppp-69-230-41-36.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== SurfnKid firekid you aint the only one with frustrations
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, who cares? I just type make install, right?04:15
farousAlexi5: this is a support channel not a general chat room try ubuntu-offtopic04:15
ZeroGratitudeCan anyone help me i have a partitioning problem04:15
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, cool, can you give me a link to the .tar.gz?04:16
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: lemme check04:16
bobstroZeroGratitude: you're not asking about cfdisk again, are you?04:16
ZeroGratitudeIm on the live cd right now and i cannot install it because it wont let me partition04:16
lisa__ anyone using the ndiswrapper package?04:16
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, or email it to that addr. I PMed you04:16
FlannelAlexi5: we'd be glad to speculate in -offtopic04:16
bobstroZeroGratitude: you want to RESIZE or MOVE that partition, right?04:16
=== anfangs [n=matt@c-68-52-82-138.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
KovecsesZeroGratitude, the livecd partitioning is weird04:16
ZeroGratitudeany ideas on how i can do it04:16
mikedlisa__, i am...just got it up and running04:16
NickGarveySnow_Shelter: are you registered? didn't get your PM04:16
cjoneshow do i fix my screes res after the dapper upgrade04:16
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Flannel!tell cjones about resolution04:16
lisa__miked are u using wireless?04:16
Snow_ShelterNickGarvey, whoops, forgot to identify04:16
farouscjones: sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg04:17
bobstroZeroGratitude: i usually cheat and either use partition magic or delete and re-install all OS.04:17
mikedyes lisa__04:17
mikedwpa-psk too!04:17
bobstroZeroGratitude: never had luck moving with open source toys, though i've read stuff implies it can be done.04:17
Alexi5can oracle be installed on ubuntu04:17
lisa__i'm having problems pulling the windows drivers out04:17
bimberiAlexi5: yes04:17
ZeroGratitudeWell someone in here was helping me about a hour or so ago and he gave me these commands to do it through the terminal, it told me i needa do the check thing in windows so i did it and now i am back but he is not on any more04:17
=== Willian [n=gd@] has joined #ubuntu
mikedwhat chipset?04:18
bimberiAlexi5: what oracle version?04:18
farousAlexi5: look i tup at packages.ubuntu.com for any other package you need too04:18
xnullcan I install XEN on ubuntu ?04:18
ZeroGratitudeNow i need the command again to see if it would work this time04:18
Kovecsesdude ubuntu is a nice os\04:18
NickGarveyKovecses: well said04:18
=== greyjay [n=faith@h185.248.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobstroZeroGratitude: have you searched for howtos? also, up-arrow history perhaps if it's command you ran before?04:18
lisa__i d/l the wusb11v4 exe but how do i get the .inf and .sys04:18
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anfangswould regular debian run better on a 600mhz laptop w/ 128 mb ram and ubuntu w/ a light window manager?04:18
ZeroGratitudewhere are the howtos04:18
lisa__i tried unzip and found .inf but non .sys04:18
KovecsesNickABusey, I have been using linux for a while.... lots of distros... and Ubuntu is just awesome04:19
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bobstroZeroGratitude: google for "resize windows partition" linux etc.04:19
cjonesfarous hey could you check this out and tell me what i did wrong http://pastebin.com/76656304:19
mikedlisa__ you'll need to either unpack the files from the exe from a windows install, or find an archive somewhere04:19
bobstroanfangs: you could build it with less stuff that way, if you really want it light.04:19
cjonesfarous: hey could you check this out and tell me what i did wrong http://pastebin.com/76656304:20
mikedor you could try and rename it to be .zip, that was a trick that used to work sometimes back in windows...04:20
lisa__miked: i have the archive, just need better info on unpacking the file04:20
cjonessorry didnt mean to do that04:20
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=== jasonjdp [n=jasonjdp@adsl-69-110-73-171.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiAlexi5: i've installed 9i and done a wikipage for it - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Oracle9i . There is also a page for 10g although it seems to be complicated when i'm sure it need not be - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Oracle10g04:20
=== mattwestm [n=mattwest@adsl-221-85-20.rmo.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu []
nickrudcjones, no space between dpkg and -reconfigure, it's one command04:20
lisa__miked: did you install on a windows platform and pull from there?04:21
Geoffrey2I definately have to say, Ubuntu was far easier to get up and running...Linux had definately come a long way in the user friendly department04:21
Alexi5thanks bimberi04:21
bimberiAlexi5: yw :)04:21
=== Marineboy [n=tj@nc-71-49-180-128.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== ZeroGratitude [n=ubuntu@ppp-69-230-41-36.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu []
lisa__miked: or did you do everything on linux.  I'm only on linux.04:21
=== babo is now known as madmike
bobstroGeoffrey2: agreed. that's why i've made it my "standard debian"04:21
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mikedlisa__ i managed to find a zip archive for the drivers i needed04:21
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mikedso i was able to do it all from within ubuntu04:21
=== blimpnode is now known as blimpdude
=== ubuntubes [n=ubuntube@espeed27-27.brunet.bn] has joined #ubuntu
billybob27so you think ubuntu is the best linux distro from the deskto perspective?04:22
farouscjones: man seems they changed it in dapper04:22
farousam starting to hate dapper04:22
=== federic [n=haifeng@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu
lisa__miked: what drivers did you use?04:22
=== Marineboy [n=tj@nc-71-49-180-128.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobstrobillybob27: i think it's a *very good* one04:22
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
farous!tell cjones about resolutions04:22
Geoffrey2now, if I can just figure out how to get my wireless back, I can start thinking of doing pretty much a full transition over from Windows04:22
ubuntubeshelp me! I cannot do apt-get update04:23
farouscjones follow ubotu link then04:23
lisa__miked: I see netusb, lpsmusb, and wusb11v404:23
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nickrudubuntubes, what error? put it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:23
bobstroso what's a good wireless nic with native drivers?04:23
mikedlisa__ i used the drivers for the TI ACX 111 chipset04:23
ubuntubesnickrud http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1527304:23
KuLoverCan someone help me with a line in fstab?04:23
mikedis the wusb11v4 the correct driver for your card?04:23
bobstroKuLover: more detail?04:23
lisa__miked: mine is different, do you use both *.inf and *.sys files?04:24
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-138-192.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
KuLoverBobstro Id like to make it so that a hard drive mounts with norma user access.04:24
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nickrudubuntubes, you seem not to have internet, or if you do, not have dns resolution04:25
bobstroKuLover: what is filesystem on that drive?04:25
gimmulfWhat do i need to install to view Realplayer/WindowMedia video- clips in Firefox?04:25
=== Chobo-Mog [i=ChoboMog@HSE-Montreal-ppp338423.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mikedlisa__ the archive for my drivers had quite a few file types in it... .cab, .bin, .sys, .inf -- i selected the .inf for ndis04:25
farous!tell cjones about resolution04:25
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntubesnickrud I do have internet connection, but and I can ping my ISP04:25
bobstroKuLover: should work fine. make sure appropriate user(s) have permissions to the mount point and files on the partition.04:25
lisa__miked: yes I selected the wusb11v4.inf file for installation04:25
xnull/j f'#ubuntu-server04:26
nickrudubuntubes, can you ping archive.ubuntu.com ?04:26
davey_he's having a network problem04:26
DavidJaqI have a computer that won't boot from CD. I found 'https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows' but it's all instructions for Breezy, not Dapper. Can someone help me find a way to start the install process for Dapper from windows?04:26
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-67-188-14-184.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== blimpdude is now known as pppoe_dude
KuLoverbobstro, thats the problem.. When I copy a file to it, I dont have permisssions.04:26
nickruddavey_, I'm sure, but ...04:26
carlfkI need a BitKeeper client - is there one in the repos?04:26
KuLoverbobstro, I dont know how to set it.04:26
ubuntubesnickrud ping archive.ubuntu.com cannot, but ping ip address can04:26
lisa__miked: did you need to install the ndis package?04:27
=== CokeNCode [n=john@] has joined #ubuntu
bobstroKuLover: yes, sounds like you need to set them. "sudo chown -R <yourusername> <file_or_directory>" should work.04:27
CokeNCodehey, can anyone help me out with tvtime04:27
mikedlisa__ i installed ndis-utils and ndisgtk, it appears that dapper comes with ndiswrapper04:27
bobstroKuLover: that's assuming you want ALL files under there owned by that user.04:27
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CokeNCodei can't get it to change channels04:27
nickrudubuntubes, then you have dns issues. I'm not real strong with networking, so I'd ask for specific help with setting up your dns04:27
=== mystamax [n=mystamax@c-24-98-118-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikedlisa__ that04:28
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mikedlisa__ that's ndiswrapper-utils04:28
lisa__miked: i'll look at what i have installed;  is that all you needed + windows .inf file?04:29
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mystamaxhello, if I've installed Frostwire by double clicking the .deb files and following the prompts, but I should of installed it via aptitude, is it ok to just install over it??/04:29
=== J-_ [n=j-_@Toronto-HSE-ppp3724130.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mikedlisa__ yes, and wpasupplicant if you want wpa support04:29
=== bobstro is now known as bobstro-away
AlwaysIceyWell, I may have my networking set up.  Now, I just have to get xserver to work with my ancient video card.04:29
lisa__miked: not sure whata wpasupp... is?04:29
DavidJaqI have a computer that won't boot from CD. I found 'https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows' but it's all instructions for Breezy, not Dapper. Can someone help me find a way to start the install process for Dapper from windows?04:30
=== zach [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
zachis there a gimpshop package for dapper?04:30
ubotuI guess gimp is at http://www.gimp.org04:31
mikedlisa__ if your wireless access point uses WPA encryption then you'll need the wpasupplicant package04:31
AlwaysIceyDavid, can you enable the boot from CD in BIOS?  It would be easier, I think.04:31
NickGarveyzach: eh, apt-cache search gimp04:31
J-_hey, can i install and run the ubuntu 6.06 server straight into a router, or do i need to pit another nic card into the machine and have my windows connected to the server as well... probably making a complete fool outta myself, but we gotta start somewhere =P04:31
zachyeah...but i dont see gimp shop04:31
KuLoverbobstro, will that setting stay forever?04:31
DavidJaqNo, AlwaysIcey. My computer is completely unable to boot from CD04:31
AlwaysIceyHow about a floppy?>04:31
DavidJaqBIOS says it should boot from CD, and I'm using a brand new DVD burner as the drive, but it just won't boot04:31
=== SheaTara [n=shannon@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DavidJaqI don't have a floppy disk to use04:31
bobstro-awayKuLover: yes, unless you change them back04:31
mikedlisa__ otherwise you should be all set with just the ndiswrapper packages and the windows drivers04:31
FaileasJ-_: in a real sense : PC->one NIC to router, set the router to port forward...04:32
bobstro-awayKuLover: do be sure that's what you really want, but it will work.04:32
=== axion` [n=axion@ip72-197-152-186.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Faileasi use a VMware setup that needs two NICs but thats a different kettle of fish04:32
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zachDoes anyone know of a deb package for gimpshop... that could possibly get all presuiquites....04:32
KuLoverbobstro-away, is there any other way?04:32
=== P0ldy [n=P0ldy@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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KuLoverbobstro-away, its only a storage drive.. for music and sutch04:33
J-_Faileas so i can just connect the machine to the router like i normally do>04:33
bobstroKuLover: yes, then that should be fine.04:33
lisa__miked: ok, i don't have ndisgtk installed.  Is this a graphic tool that helps install?04:33
bobstroKuLover: if all files on that partition truly belong to that user, then that will work just fine.04:33
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikedlisa__ yes, you shouldn't need it if you plan on doing it from the command line04:33
mikedforgot to mention that04:34
ToHellWithGAwhat's the best way to set 32 bit I/O and DMA?04:34
ubuntubesanyone can solve my problem?? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1527304:34
Ronzis 20g enough to install dapper drake, and have all the kick-ass software?04:34
ToHellWithGAi've been told it'll improve my CD burning chances drastically04:34
ToHellWithGARonz: fa sho04:34
Ronzthx ToHellWithGA ;)04:34
=== SheaTara [n=shannon@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DavidJaqI have a computer that won't boot from CD. I found 'https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows' but it's all instructions for Breezy, not Dapper. Can someone help me find a way to start the install process for Dapper from windows? I don't have a floppy disc and no, BIOS is not the issue.04:35
lisa__miked: i did try an install from the command line, but it says that wusb11v4 doesn't install, however, netusb and lspmusb do install??04:35
bobstroToHellWithGA: what have you got against georgia?04:35
ToHellWithGARonz: i have ~130 free on a 150 GB drive04:35
=== Whatsisname [n=whatsisn@rrcs-67-52-37-209.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Ronztime to install! =)04:35
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=== Chris_C [n=chris@user-1121cbb.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
farousDavidJaq: did you check netbooting. search it on help.ubuntu.com04:35
ubotumethinks netboot is a method of installing Ubuntu over a network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot04:36
mikedlisa__ i'm not sure about that, i didn't have any issues installing for my card04:36
lisa__mike:  i'll load the ndisgtk and give it a  try, thanks!04:36
=== nerophibia [n=nero@user-85-201-80-253.tvcablenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Chris_CDoes anyone know how I can access the extra non-music data on an "enhanced CD"? (i.e. a movie burned on the outside edge)04:36
ToHellWithGAbobstro: the University (sic) of Georgia is where mouth-breathing morons go to spend 4-10 years training to be professional drunks.04:36
mikedlisa__ good luck!04:36
Chris_CI can't get anything to come up but the CD audio player04:36
bobstroToHellWithGA: hah, i'm in atlanta this week. :)04:36
=== Goeland86 [n=john@pool-71-109-156-119.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
J-_my pc is relatively slow, hopefully this server works.04:37
ToHellWithGAbobstro: now?04:37
jarrod06i live in atlanta04:37
ToHellWithGAjarrod06: i do to04:37
jarrod06im going to gerogia state04:37
bobstroToHellWithGA: yeah, doing work here lately. but i'm OT.04:37
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lisa__miked: tata!04:37
=== Geoffrey2_ [n=jeffrey@ip60.217.23.209.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
mystamaxhey I'm Atlanta TOO!04:37
Ronzno cd's to burn it.............=/ only dvd's04:37
ubuntubesErr http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg04:37
ubuntubes  Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntu.com'04:37
DavidJaqI don't have a floppy, Farous, and the other methods are described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows but they're for Breezy and don't appear to work with my copy of Dapper04:37
bobstroso... where's a good tech bookstore near decatur?04:37
ToHellWithGAyou atlanta cats old enough to share some beers and discuss linux?04:37
jarrod06after next year ill be at Georgia tech04:37
=== eric__ [n=eric@CPE-60-228-197-19.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntubescan somebody help me04:37
mystamaxToHellWithGA: YEP!04:37
jarrod06not beers04:37
jarrod06linux yes04:37
ubotumethinks samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html04:37
bobstroToHellWithGA: old enough not to do so well with the beer any more :)04:38
valehruToHellWithGA, Atlanta eh? me too..04:38
Geoffrey2_will the Linux version of Macromedia Flash player install and run properly on Ubuntu?04:38
mystamaxToHellWithGA: where do you work in atlanta?04:38
valehruwell for the next 3 months anyhow04:38
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Chris_Cbobstro: Engineers Bkstr and GT bookstore are pretty much it in Atlanta AFAIK04:38
=== Dubuntu [i=main@69-165-108-140.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ToHellWithGAjarrod06: i can try to fish for a fake ID for you, assuming you're a 6 foot tall skinny redheaded guy04:38
ubehey guys04:38
=== FriendlySoviet [n=friendly@adsl-70-234-249-242.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ToHellWithGAi don't fit that description but that's the fake i used for years lol04:38
mystamaxI work in Alpharetta behind Northpoint Mall04:38
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@AC8F4C87.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ToHellWithGAi work at Mary Mac's Tea Room and go to GT04:38
DavidJaqI have a computer that won't boot from CD. I found 'https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromWindows' but it's all instructions for Breezy, not Dapper. Can someone help me find a way to start the install process for Dapper from windows? I don't have a floppy disc and no, BIOS is not the issue.04:38
valehruIm out in Smyrna myself04:39
KuLoverbobstro, would it have the same effect if i were able to mount the drive as user instead of giving myself permisions like that?04:39
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Chris_COTP, OTP, OTP, all Atlanta wannabe's :)04:39
bobstroKuLover: well, not with ext3.04:39
valehruWell Im actually Irish04:39
bobstrodecatur here.04:39
jarrod06nope i look nothing like that04:39
=== sindrum [n=sindrum@cpe-24-59-56-226.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
KuLoverbobstro, what FS do you perfer?04:39
valehruaint met too many atlantan's04:39
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jarrod06im going to love gsu though04:39
jarrod06and i hate aint04:39
xnullhow do I install a older version of ati-drivers? thanks04:39
jarrod06and ya;ll04:39
Chris_Cthe concrete campus04:39
bobstroKuLover: i use ext3, but i hear reiser is good too.04:39
FaileasDavidJaq: you *might* be able to start the install using VMware, mounting a real disk on it. mildly risky, and only theoratical. no idea if it will actually good04:40
ToHellWithGA<3 y'all04:40
NickGarveyxfs is the coolest FS04:40
abarbacciahey all - can i apt-get install something from a different repository without changing my sources.list? (like use dapper for just one file instead of breezy)04:40
ToHellWithGAbut ain't is too base04:40
Faileasbobstro: personally i haven't had much luck with reiser, hosed my HDD twice04:40
ToHellWithGAabarbaccia: you could download that .deb04:40
AlwaysIceyDavid, I think the only change you need is to download the files from the dapper location instead of the breezy one.  Let me see if I can munge the link for you so you have the right files.04:40
=== crus [n=CrusadeR@CPE-60-227-58-239.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ToHellWithGAbut its dependencies might be on that other repository04:40
bobstroFaileas: i've used ext3 for so long, and no compelling reason to change so far.04:40
mystamaxToHellWithGA: what year are you?04:40
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abarbacciaToHellWithGA: thanks buddy - that'll do - no new deps04:40
ToHellWithGAmystamax: 5th this fall, graduating in december04:41
jarrod06haha fools i really run os x04:41
=== Geoffrey2_ is now known as Geoffrey2
DavidJaqAlwaysIcey, I tried finding the files myself but the files I got didn't appear to work04:41
Faileasbobstro: i use that now04:41
=== jighead [n=soccio@69-162-25-95.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Faileasjarrod06: so?  ;p04:41
Mutinyis there an appreciable advantage for running the latest ubuntu over the latest debian, on the desktop, for a "power user?"04:41
Mutinyby power user i mean somebody with a very great deal of linux experience, on and off the desktop04:41
nickrudMutiny, no, not really04:41
KuLoverAnyone here run a RAID array?04:41
FaileasMutiny: well, linux being linux, a power user could take practically any distro and mod it, so no04:42
valehruunless you want the glamor of XGL...but that should be available in Debian anyhow04:42
bobstroMutiny: if by "power user" you mean somebody who will be asked repeatedly for help, then yes. :)04:42
Faileasdoes that make me a windows power user then?04:42
nickrudand doesn't wanna play with subsystems anymore04:42
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@AC8F4C87.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
MutinyFaileas, right, but i find a lot of advantages of debian over, say, slackware or suse.04:42
bobstroMutiny: that has been one of my motivations. i'm fine with any, but get tired of teaching complex stuff to end user who just want to do stuff.04:42
FaileasMutiny: such as?04:42
=== Steil [n=Steil@S0106001195556180.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ToHellWithGAi just let the server make #atlanta in case yall wanted to talk about atlanta there instead of wasting space in this already busy channel04:43
nickrudMutiny, the toos are the same. The implementation is different though, so you might find it a decent start04:43
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bobstroFaileas: well, suse was $$$ until recently.04:43
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jigheadMutiny, ubuntu gets security updates that debian unstable does not necessarily get04:43
ToHellWithGAmystamax: are you at tech?04:43
=== gypsum [n=dbatey@cpe-66-68-25-210.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mutinywhy would ubuntu get security updates that debian wouldn't?04:43
xnullhow do I install a older version of ati-drivers? thanks04:43
=== jonesssss [n=rab@dynamic-acs-24-154-232-113.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Faileasbobstro: and that affects the non hobbiest user how? ;p04:43
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ubotujarrod06: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:44
jonessssshow can i install opera on my ubuntu04:44
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jarrod0604:44
nickrudMutiny, the simple reason that unstable never claims to be up to date on security, ubuntu stable does04:44
xnulljarrod06 : i know that.. but the lasted ati drivers are f8cked .. they have bugs for 920004:44
Faileasjonesssss: there's a .deb on the opera website04:44
davey_mutiny, if you want security, ubuntu might be considered less based on a theory i have04:44
jonesssssthat doesnt work04:44
jigheadMutiny, debian only guarantees security updates for stable, ubuntu is based on unstable, so the ubuntu team is making patches that debian is not necessarily working on04:44
davey_the least popular os would be more secure04:44
bobstrodavey_: er.... the "illusion" of security perhaps04:45
davey_since it's weeknesses aren't tarteged04:45
abarbacciaToHellWithGA: where would i download it from?04:45
Faileasdavey_: ONLY if the myth of security by obsurity was true04:45
Mutinythat's just a derivative of "security through obscurity"04:45
davey_thats what i use for security04:45
bobstrodavey_: apple dos?04:45
jarrod06davey i disagree, the more popular an open os is, th more people will work on security issues04:45
AlwaysIceyDavid, the two files that you need are in the link I provided you with.  Have you already tried downloading them, then following the directions on the page you referred to?04:45
jigheaddavey_, openvms is the way to go then04:45
SheaTaraHey -- my sound won't work -- it did just a few days ago -- before i update dapper from flight7 to final04:45
ubotuSetting up an ADSL PPPoE Connection? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE04:45
bobstrodavey_: that just means a few people will know, those with specific intent.04:45
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Faileasjighead: well openvms allegedly IS the most secure OS available04:45
AlwaysIceyShea, what sound card do you have?04:46
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ToHellWithGAabarbaccia: that's something i wouldn't know.  anybody know where one can download individual .deb's from a repository?04:46
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jonesssssfaileas,they do not have anyfor dapper04:46
jigheadFaileas, that's what both of the people still using it say04:46
=== Ar2No [n=ubuntube@espeed27-27.brunet.bn] has joined #ubuntu
Mutinyjighead, then again, i'd somewhat trust that a .deb file, produced by the maintainers of a piece of software, would be available more swiftly than a patch made by the ubuntu team.04:46
ToHellWithGAabarbaccia: my best bet would be to add the repository, download, and then remove that repository.  i'd hope it would then leave those packages when removing the repository04:46
Faileasjighead: they actually did a test04:46
axion`stupid question, whats the command to delete a file from Terminal?04:46
=== t3r0_ [n=t3r0@a62-248-141-57.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ToHellWithGAaxion`: rm04:46
jonesssssfaileas, and breezy requires a few libs that dapper doesnt have04:46
axion`k, thx04:46
=== danial [n=danial@cpe-071-075-056-164.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
abarbacciaToHellWithGA: yeah, but scripting all that in sed is a bitch04:47
Faileaspersonally how "good" a OS is is dependant on 1) usability 2) security 3) drivers...04:47
ToHellWithGAif it's a folder with tight permissions you might have to "sudo rm" instead04:47
SheaTaraAlwaysIcey: lspci says: 0000:00:14.5 Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)04:47
Ar2Nohelp me I cannot do sudo apt-get04:47
Faileaswindows has 3) and a bit of 1), apple has 1) and 3) (due to specific hardware) and a fair bit of 204:47
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danialI am having problems with my Wi-fi and a rather large delay in http connections04:47
Faileaslinux, depends on distro04:47
=== FliesLikeABrick [n=Ryan@about/rpi/rawdor] has joined #ubuntu
danialAr2no: Do you have adept installed?04:48
ToHellWithGAAr2No: could you be more specific?  you can't run the command or you don't know the syntax or what?04:48
=== irun [n=irun@gatotkaca.sby.rad.net.id] has joined #ubuntu
Mutinyso ubuntu has Xgl, which wouldn't even be useful at all without an opengl accel. card, right?04:48
jigheadMutiny, software maintainers don't put out debs, Debian and Ubuntu do, the software maintainers patch their apps, and it is up to the package maintainers of Debian and Ubuntu to create updated packages04:48
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ubotujarrod06: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:48
Mutinyi see a lot of software maintainers packaging their own .deb files.04:48
=== ssstormy [n=sliverst@ppp-71-139-111-116.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrud   ubotu mutiny is ubuntu04:48
Ar2Nodanial & ToHellWithGA http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1527304:49
ubotuokay, nickrud04:49
=== darsha [n=darsha@CPE00112444cc44-CM000f212fbc56.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudubotu forget mutiny04:49
ubotunickrud: i forgot mutiny04:49
Ar2Nodanial what do u mean? adept?04:49
nickrudheh. thought the spaces would confuse the bot04:49
CornelliusSo, who here tried the XGL & Compiz thing ?04:49
CornelliusThe 3D desktop thing04:49
jarrod06ubotu mice like cheese04:49
ubotujarrod06: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:49
tristanmikeCornellius: running it right now04:49
ToHellWithGAAr2No: try to update04:49
jigheadFaileas, openvms has only recently been able to run ssh/sshd, so while it's kernel may be supperb it's useability has been, well telnet and ftp04:49
SheaTaraMy sound won't work on an ATI IXP sound card -- it did before I upgraded from KDE 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 -- help04:49
Mutinyor they had somebody else make a .deb manifest or whatever it's called and then just produce one as a matter of routine during their release or build process04:49
ToHellWithGAsudo apt-get update04:49
adamant1988Cornellius: I heard it was very unstable and drains your CPU a lot.04:49
AlwaysIceyShea, did ubotu whisper you with some links?04:50
=== claudio [n=claudio@static-200-105-130-182.acelerate.net] has joined #ubuntu
tristanmikeadamant1988: my cpu is 0%04:50
Ar2NoToHellWithGA when I type sudo apt-get update then I got that long msg04:50
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adamant1988tristanmike: only saying what I've heard... myself I'm not brave enough to try it for some eye candy04:50
tristanmikeadamant1988: fluxuates between 0-11% but I have rhythmbox going too04:50
Faileasjighead: IE it has 1 of 3 things that make a good OS04:50
ubotuwireless is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers04:50
SheaTaraAlwaysIcey: sorry -- did not see -- I read the first one, but for the second -- I'm ubing dapper, not hoary, but I'll look anyway'04:50
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.04:51
lolamy computer doesnt seem to recognize my audio board... any ideas? please?04:51
ubotutripppy: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:51
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ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, tripppy04:51
tristanmikeadamant1988: i'm just letting you know what I'm experiencing, it's great, i have set up a seperate session so I don't interfere with my "production" logon :)04:51
irunany body know how to upgrade firefox ??04:51
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion04:51
adamant1988tristanmike: I would try it but I just finally got Linux on my desktop working with my very finniky video card... I'm not going to push it04:52
=== alchemist [n=alchemis@cpe-066-026-081-081.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudirun, see ubotu just above04:52
claudiodoes anyone know which version of gcc was used to compile ubuntu 5.0404:52
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tripppysomething weird is happening... i just got a cable modem... it works fine with windows04:52
tripppynot with ubuntu04:52
claudiodoes anyone know which version of gcc was used to compile ubuntu 5.0404:52
Redehey. i just installed kubuntu 6.06 and my sound is working, but using the wrong card (its using on-board as opposed to my sblive 5.1, but sound works fine if i plug speakers into that card)04:52
tristanmikeadamant1988: probably for the best :) I have an nvidia, so I'm pretty cool04:52
ubotuwell, gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler.  From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc.  You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'04:52
SheaTaraAlwaysIcey: Looked -- I don;t use ESD either -- I use arts04:52
tristanmikeclaudio: 3.4.x ?04:52
Rededoes anyone know how id go about changing the sound card?04:52
tripppyred: turn off onboard soundcard in the BIOS04:52
SheaTaraAlwaysIcey: anything more?04:52
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AlwaysIceyNot really..  I'm having some of the same issues as you, except that my sound card is ancient.04:53
claudioproblem is i have to compile spca5xx with the right version04:53
Mutinyi'm going to try to apt-get upgrade my 4 year old Debian desktop.  should be interesting, to say the least.04:53
claudioproblem is i have to compile spca5xx with the right version04:53
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claudioi've tried 3.4 - 4.004:53
bobstroMutiny: yeah, but should work! :)04:53
claudioand nothing works04:53
nickrudMutiny, um, don't upgrade to ubuntu directly, no ;(04:53
AlwaysIceyDid you check in the wiki to see if your sound card is supported?  Or maybe in the forums for help.04:53
SheaTaraAlwaysIcey: I'll look at some of Xine's conf04:53
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ubotuI guess ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers04:53
Ar2Noanyone can help me?? please04:54
SheaTaraAlwaysIcey: It already worked before -- yesterday04:54
Redetrippy: theres no way i can just tell alsa to use the sblive without doing so?04:54
tripppywhen i plug cable modem into eth port on windows, i get a auto address via DHCP - i mean im connected now!04:54
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tripppyrede: no idea. if you dont need on board one. disable it.04:54
danialIf anyone replied, I missed it, so I am going to ask again. Anyone have any idea why my wifi might have started having a huge delay04:54
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danialIt started within the past few days04:54
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jarrod06dapper upgrade?04:55
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tripppyubuntu doesnt get auto address from cable modem... i have no idea why04:55
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tristanmikeAr2No: perhaps your mirror is down04:55
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tristanmike!tell Ar2No about sources04:55
nickrudtripppy, I'm not an networking expert, by any means. But if you have only one ethernet port, add the two lines   auto eth0 <newline> iface eth0 inet dhcp  to /etc/network/interfaces, then sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth004:56
jarrod06!tell jarrod06 about sources04:56
SheaTaraAlwaysIcey: still won't work --04:56
tristanmikeAr2No: you can try replacing your current sources with the sources ubotu sent you, and do an "apt-get update" to see if things change04:56
AlwaysIceyAr2No, try sudo aptitude update It's been working for me, AFAIK.04:56
davey_ar2no has a network problem, i tryed to help, but apperntly it messed him up04:56
tristanmikejarrod06: you can "/msg ubotu <factiod>" for personal one-on-one encounters with him ;)04:57
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AlwaysIceyI'm not sure what to tell you then Shea.  It stopped working when you upgraded, or did it work for a while after you upgraded?04:57
tripppynickrud: i have two eth's - im did hhave ubuntu setup as my router/FW - with a DSL modem, I moved , got cable.... now its weird04:57
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SheaTaraAlwaysIcey: Stopped working directly thereafter04:58
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nickrudtripppy, then cut to the chase, pare down /etc/network/interfaces to the bare minimum & get your dhcp working. You can add back the rest later.04:58
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SheaTaraAlwaysIcey: I tried installing fglrx too04:58
__mikemI wonder when they are going to release a review of ubuntu on mad panguin04:59
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Ar2Notristanmike AlwaysIcey http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15275 still got problem05:00
NickABuseyHas anyone here gotten OpenGL to work with NVIDIA on AMD64?05:00
__mikemI have05:00
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__mikemand I am even using vmware05:00
NickABuseyI can't seem to get mine to work05:00
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tripppynickrud: sorry. can i send you the config i have on windows05:00
__mikemIs the problem that you can't boot into the OS05:00
NickABuseyno, I'm in X right now05:00
tristanmikeAr2No: you are using dapper, right ?05:01
NickABuseyI can't get OpenGL to work, as in 3d support05:01
nickrudtripppy, sure, but I don't use windows at all. I'm interested in what it looks like, anyway :)05:01
=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-41-182.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sugarhigh4242anyone running AiGLX?05:01
william__I need to edit a file tovidgui but I cant due to permissions, I've tried to chmod 777 the file but no luck... any ideas?05:01
__mikemOh, I had a problem where the computer would freeze after booting into linux, but rearanging the DIMM chips fixed that05:01
Ar2Notristanmike yes dapper drake05:01
danialI am running AiGLX05:01
AlwaysIceyok, Ar2No, you need to follow nickrud's advice to tripppy..  Open up /etc/networks/interfaces and pastebin what's in there.05:01
sugarhigh4242danial, are you getting "ghosts" of windows after you close them?05:01
Ar2NoAlwaysIcey http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1527405:02
Warbowilliam__: sudo chown?05:02
danialsugar: it is functioning fine05:02
ubotuI guess gpg is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/874605:02
william__hahaha Warbo I forgot :P05:02
sugarhigh4242danial, that sucks for me :(05:02
sugarhigh4242i'm running an intel i91005:02
sugarhigh4242and when i close windows, a translucent "frame" of the window remains05:03
AlwaysIceyAr2No, you need to add DNS Servers to that.  I'll see if I can get the lines for you.  (May be a few minutes).  I'm going to assume that the DNS server will be the same as your gateway (if you're on DSL or cable).05:03
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anethemahey is there a way to use the old style ubuntu..the cd i downloaded boots to a live cd with the option of installed using some graphical installer05:05
anethemabut if i go to the manual partitioner...05:05
=== hedos [n=hedos@modemcable221.254-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
danialsugar: the i910 seem to have a good few issues with linux05:05
anethemait freezes :(05:05
AlwaysIceyAr2No add "dns-nameservers" (without the quotes) to the end of the interfaces file.05:05
danialtook me a good while to get ubuntu to the correct resolution05:05
hedosHey guys. I just installed the ATI drivers for Ubuntu. Looks like they're working fine, I get fast FPS in OpenGL games. I just have troubles setting my display resolution.05:05
anethemathe old style installer i mean, breezy style05:05
__mikemanethema you probably have a corupted image05:05
hedosI use aticonfig to add a 1600x1200 resolution, so that's what I'm in at the moment.05:06
SeanTateranyone have an idea what to do if the sound stops after upgrading KDE, Dapper, and attempting to install fglrx?05:06
jigheadanethema, there is an alternate install that will do text/server/oem installs05:06
__mikemtry redownloading it before you blame the installer05:06
hedosBut Gnome actually just occupies maybe a size of 1280x1024.05:06
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AlwaysIceyIf you know what DNS Servers your ISP wants you to use (can usually be found by going to the modem's configuration pages in your browser) I would add those at the end.05:06
hedosit looks like my video card is in 1600x1200 and Gnome is in 1280x1024 or something like that.05:06
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hedosSo the right and bottom 1/3 of my screen is just blank.05:06
Faileashedos: check your bios maybe? my bro's system had the same issue05:06
hedosAny idea?05:06
anethemajighead on the same iso? how do i run it ?05:06
jigheadanethema, no differnet iso, you will  have to download it05:07
Ar2NoAlwaysIcey still cannot get the update05:07
NathanaelHow do I display my memory from the command line?05:07
anethemadoh, fugit ill figure it out, thanks guys05:07
Warbohedos: Is this a TFT issue? I know many TFT screens will only run at their native resolution, and trying to go lower results in a smaller image05:07
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jigheadNathanael, free or top05:07
hedosI'm on a laptop but using an external CRT monitor. The laptop screen is just closed and inutilized.05:07
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Ar2NoAlwaysIcey still cannot get the update http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1527605:08
Avenhow do I use breezy's universe package?05:08
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hedosI was able to get 1600x1200 fine on slackware on the same hardware.05:08
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@AC8F4C87.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.05:08
Ronz"error loading operating system"    this is gonna be a long night. =)05:08
Avenok, thanks05:08
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AlwaysIceyAr2No, in your command line, type in ping -c5 and tell me if you get replies05:09
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NathanaelRonz: After reboot?05:09
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Ignaciohi i have a question05:09
Ronzyea, in the middle of install, it froze05:09
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NathanaelWhat stage of the install?05:09
NathanaelCopying files to HDD?05:09
Ignacioi need to add some new lines to the route table05:09
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Ignacioin which config file05:10
=== SAM_theman [n=SAM_them@user-11faufu.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Avenbleh, no noe05:10
Ronzinstall OEM from cd05:10
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Ignaciodo i have to add them ?05:10
Avenhow do I add breezy's universe repository? not the new Ubuntu Dapper05:10
NathanaelRonz: If at first you don't succeed...05:10
Flannel!tell Aven about repositories05:10
Ronzdo it again05:10
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ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Ronz05:10
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SAM_themanyo people i really need some help GDM keeps on failing05:10
Ronzi just dont want to fubar my windows partition05:10
nickrudAven, use the repos at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604705:10
SAM_themanMy GDM screen all i get is a blue screen05:11
NathanaelAdd the universe repository to your sources.list file!05:11
ubotumiguelsr: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:11
=== zach [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSAM_theman: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:11
__mikemHey Hobbsee, remember me?05:11
ubotuSAM_theman: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:11
cyphasewho thinks GDebI should install rpms using alien05:11
zachhow can i format a usb thumb drive?05:11
Hobbseehey __mikem.  yes05:11
Avennickrud: ah, that's what I'm looking for thanks05:11
AlwaysIceytell miguelsr about es05:11
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__mikem!tell miguelsr about es05:11
nomasteryodazach, under the System menu you should see Disks05:11
nomasteryodause that tool05:12
Warbozach: If it is /dev/sda then "sudo mkfs.filesystemyouwant /dev/sda1"05:12
=== sharky [n=shahrukh@68-65-48-250.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlwaysIceySAM, what kind of video card are you using?05:12
nickrudAven, np, I came into this channel complaining about sources :)05:12
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Nathanael386084 = 384MB of RAM?05:12
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xnullhow do I install flash/java for firefox?05:13
zachthe format option is greyed out under disk05:13
nickrudbest sources: delete all, and cycle through all options in synaptic. Don't even gotta know the names05:13
=== nekostar is playing:[[Grateful Dead - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown T - Dicks Picks - Volume 15 - Disk 1 - Grateful Dead - 04 Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodeloo.mp3] ] Quality:[[128/44] ] Length:[[13:35] ] Size:[[12.44 MB] ] Track:[[288 of 680] ] Volume:[[110%] ]
Nathanaelxnull: ^^^05:13
ubotuPlease join #automatix for help and discussion with automatix.05:13
tritiumnekostar: please turn that off05:13
AlwaysIceyNot quite Nathanel.  It would be 384 * 1024 or 39321605:13
nekostari LUB the new ubuntu so far05:13
nomasteryoda!tell xnull about java05:13
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nekostartritium, that was manual ~_~05:13
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nomasteryodanekostar, it is sweet05:14
=== distanceisdeath [n=joseph@191-196.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumadamant1988: please don't use that.  easyubuntu is preferred05:14
roostishawwhat bash command is used to see if a web url exists?05:14
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NathanaelI'm running automatix right now!05:14
nekostardid anyone fix gnome+k3b in dapper or does it still fail05:14
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NathanaelNew install on a free P305:14
nickrudroostishaw, I usually ping it05:14
AlwaysIceyrootishaw try nslookup or ping05:14
nekostarNathanael, swt05:14
tristanmikenekostar: never failed for me, not once05:14
Warbonekostar: It has never failed for me05:15
=== AMD_XP [n=bardock@user-0vvd9kg.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
d00bywhats up with xchat being removed from 6.06?05:15
d00byi had to synaptic it05:15
cynical<3 xchat05:15
distanceisdeathhow can i create an iso file? from cdrom?  dd isnt finding my disc in my drive.  im not even sure if i have the right drive typed.  how can i firgure this out?05:15
adamant1988you can get IRC through gaim...05:15
__mikemAMD_XP change your name now!!05:15
nickrudd00by, it's in universe, why is a question for someone05:15
iiiears<3 XChat05:15
SAM_themanok brb restarting05:15
Warbonekostar: "cdrecord" comaplains about 2.6 kernel but nothing up with k3b05:15
cynicalbut xchat is better05:15
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roostishawnickrud, ping http://sitehere.com  ?05:15
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Nathanaelirssi is better than xchat05:15
nickrudroostishaw, ping sitehere.com05:15
Nathanaelit's RAW05:15
markgrifI just installed lynx and trying to go to google gives me a 400 bad request error.05:16
Hobbseenekostar: please remove that playing message05:16
markgrifYet I can go to cnn.com.05:16
zachwarbo: what was taht command ...with say fat16? (is that the right format to use?>05:16
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tritiumHobbsee: I already asked him.  He typed it himself :|05:16
Hobbseeoh ok05:16
Warbozach: If you KNOW that your device is /dev/sda and it only contains 1 partition then "sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1" will format it. NOTE: Putting something wrong in there can leave a wiped system!05:17
roostishawnickrud, thanks!05:17
w0pw0phi, anybody can help me? I installed opera 8, but when i tried to execute it it says me " error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" but i HAVE installed this libraries but opera doesn't detect it, how can i solve this?05:17
__mikemHeres a random question. WOuld you rather use irssi or xchat?05:17
NathanaelHAs anyone found a linux client for syncing to an Exchange calendar?05:17
zachmkfs.vfat: /dev/sda1 contains a mounted file system. is what i get05:17
nekostartristanmike, Warbo failed for me05:17
ubotuIn Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse05:17
nekostar__mikem, xchat 2.4.x05:17
zachi have a linux distro on usb thumb drive..05:18
jigheadNathanael, evolution has a plugin05:18
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nekostarand Hobbsee as you would notice if you noticed my reply05:18
=== AlwaysIcey uses ChatZilla if I can get into it.
=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=chatzill@219-89-80-175.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
w0pw0pplease help!05:18
__mikemI use irssi, NCURSES FOREVER!!05:18
Warbozach: Your drive is mounted. unmount it with "sudo umount /dev/sda1"05:18
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cynicalI would rather use xchat05:18
nekostartritium nekostar: please turn that off05:18
nickruddo people need to install sun-java5-plugin for the browsers? the dependencies seem to say so05:18
nekostarnekostar tritium, that was manual ~_~05:18
=== jackn [n=jackn@cxr69-5-82-227-132-152.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
d00byanybody know a good link to a good, UPDATED madwifi install tutorial?05:18
id_sonicI always use IRSSI.05:18
Hobbseenekostar: i didnt see it, sorry...05:18
nekostar__mikem, i got a good thing for irssi that actually shows all the chans05:18
xnullanybody could tell me a 3d game ?05:18
nekostarHobbsee, its ok05:18
Warbozach: ONLY use sda if you only have 1 usb device plugged in. Otherwise it may be sdb or sdc or something05:19
danialI am going to ask this one more time, in hopes that I missed the answer for a second time:05:19
nekostarat least yer not a total prick like him ~_^05:19
InvisiblePinkUnii upgraded to dapper, now i get a blank screen when I VNC to it. How can I make it show the normal login screen?05:19
=== lola [n=lola@175-241-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
NathanaelSolitair...when you win05:19
id_sonicxnull : WOW05:19
zachWarbo: now it says its not found...because its not mounted...05:19
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tritiumubotu: forget automatix05:19
ubotui forgot automatix, tritium05:19
nickrudxnull, pinball05:19
xnullid_sonic: working on linux?05:19
markgrifI would use irssi if I knew how to set it up. Too lazy to rtfm for now. Need to set it up to sign in and send my password to nickserv.05:19
id_sonicxnull : use WINE05:19
danialDoes anyone have any idea why, in the last few days, my wifi connection seems to have grown a delay, a delay of up to 11 seconds, but pings seem to show a normal speed05:19
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xnullnickrud: something to install with apt05:19
__mikemNO use cedega05:19
jacknhello all. Can somebody please help with Pan newsreader basics. Would like to log on to a list, can't seem to.05:19
iiiearsxnull - The unreal tournament series includes linux installers on the CD. Many others can use "Cedega" or Wine05:19
nickrudxnull, exactly, it's like I was a kid again05:19
nekostari much much prefer xchat to irssi05:20
__mikemyou can get it free through cvs05:20
loladavey_ didnt work. It still says 5.1005:20
AlwaysIceydanial, do you have WEP enabled?05:20
InvisiblePinkUnii upgraded to dapper, now i get a blank screen when I VNC to it. How can I make it show the normal login screen?05:20
Warbozach: It doesn't matter whether it's mounted (well, it SHOULDN'T be mounted). It wouldn't be found if it's not plugged in05:20
Avenomg, dapper is so damn unstable!05:20
Avenbreezy rocked05:20
__mikemgui isn't everything nekostar05:20
danialalwaysicey: nope05:20
roostishawnickrud, with ping -c 1 pass.villagechristian.org/sched/08cc3493.htm, i get an unknown host error... whats wrong?05:20
=== claudio [n=claudio@static-200-105-130-182.acelerate.net] has joined #ubuntu
xnulliiiears: does apt knows to install unreal ?05:20
NathanaelAnyone running XGL on Dapper?05:20
WarboAven: What is a duck's equivalent of teething problems?05:20
Avenxnull: nope05:20
tritiumAven: what's the issue?  It's working well for everyone else05:20
markgrifMy panels only crashed 3 times today. lol05:20
AlwaysIceyThen you may have unwanted users downloading off of your WIFI connection.05:20
nekostaranyone who uses irssi should google adv_windowlist.pl05:20
nickrudroostishaw, ping -c 1 pass.villagechristian.org     the site, not the page05:20
danialthis problem doesn't accur under windows XP on the same machine05:20
nekostarthat thing is teh shitzorz05:20
jacknHelp with Pan newsreader basics please?05:20
id_sonicnekostar : OK, I think Xchat is a good , but IRSSI is simple to use and use less CPU time.05:20
duckdownIrssi is brutal for not being able to display notices and whois in the active window05:21
Aventritium: xine used to go real fast, now it's really slow with dapper05:21
InvisiblePinkUnianyone having problems with VNC on dapper?05:21
xnullaven: what games does apt knows to install ?05:21
roostishawnickrud, how do i test if a page exists?05:21
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duckdowni much prefer xchat to irssi05:21
danialThis is the only computer connect to my wifi, I am certain of it05:21
duckdownFN~InvisiblePinkUni> The VNC clients absolutely blow here on dapper05:21
nickrudroostishaw, not a clue. I tend to believe the server in general05:21
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Warboxnull: Anything in the repositories. Look under "Games" in Synaptic05:21
duckdownif you put them in fullscreen mode, they get stuck05:21
zachWarbo: thanks!05:21
tritiumAven: dvd playback?  is dma still enabled?05:21
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AlwaysIceyWhich clients does Dapper have (VNC)?05:22
jacknHello. Help with Pan newsreader please?...05:22
danialOnly problems I have had with VNC and dapper have had to do with compiz05:22
Avenit played video files from my harddrive :P05:22
zachdoes anyone have GimpShop working in dapper?05:22
InvisiblePinkUniduckdown: the clients are good... but i'm unable to see my Dapper Gnome Login after i upgraded05:22
bobstrojackn: what about it?05:22
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duckdownthe "Terminal Client" or "tsclient" is crappy, xtightvncviewer is just as bad05:22
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jacknThanks Bob.05:22
duckdownnone of them work right for me05:22
jigheadroostishaw, with a browser05:22
lufisWhere should /opt be?05:22
InvisiblePinkUniduckdown: when i VNC to my dapper, i see a blank screen05:22
jacknI can't log on, though I'm pretty sure it's installed and I'm subscribed to a list.05:22
jacknHave copy of log.05:23
=== Xinux [n=Xinux@71-85-243-55.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Warbolufis: Ermmm... In /?05:23
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danialNon http based requests seem to be fine, just http. I have tried FireFox, Mozilla Suite, and Elinks, all of which have this problem05:23
lufisWarbo: :-p Well, it isn't there. I'm installing an app and want to be sure05:23
Xinuxhow do i mount and IMG file to my cdrom drive05:23
Xinuxwith a supposed loop05:23
__mikemwith loop05:23
jacknHow can I see the list, read it in other words?05:23
bobstrojackn: i use pan, and it works fine. but a lot can vary depending on server.05:23
__mikemmount -loop05:23
ubotuI guess mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f05:23
Xinux__mikem, how would i do that05:23
=== distanceisdeath [n=joseph@191-196.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
iiiearsaggh. - sorry05:24
bobstrojackn: you need to get group list from server (whichs is probably huge these days)05:24
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__mikemXinux mount -loop05:24
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Warbolufis: It is for "optional" stuff. Mainly Ubuntu uses /usr for packaged stuff and /usr/local for locally built source code. /opt isn't really used by Ubuntu (but I use it for Sancho GUI which I converted from RPM)05:24
Xinuxmount -loop what ?05:24
jacknPretty sure it's basic, just don't know what to do once subscribed.05:24
__mikemthe file05:24
jacknwhy don't I see the group? Thanks for attention, Bob.05:24
Xinuxstfu =\05:24
Xinuxj/k, thanks05:24
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__mikemyw, sorry I blew my stack, Its late here in florida05:25
Xinuxwouldnt it be05:25
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jacknWhere should I see the group, Bob?05:25
rpedrocan someone who has wine-utils installed do me a favour?05:25
Xinuxit'd be mount /home/Xinux/D2LOD.img /dev/cdrom05:25
bobstrojackn: do you see the list of newsgroups?05:25
Xinux__mikem, ?05:25
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobstrojackn: you need to download that from server if you haven't.05:25
__mikemyou want to use the -loop commandline switch05:25
jacknBobstro, no, precisely, only empty panes.05:25
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__mikemUnfortunately, I have never actually done it, so I am not the best person to ask for help05:26
rpedrorun ' apt-cache policy wine-utils ' , and tell me which repository(s) it mentions, please05:26
nekostari was looking for a way to fool a few proggies for multimedia in mounting images....05:26
jacknBobstro, can see 'subscribed groups' and 'other groups' in pane, but they won't budge when clicked.05:26
bobstrojackn: i think there's a "server" menu. look for option to download newsgroups.05:26
Xinuxit said no medium found05:26
Xinuxand i typed mount /dev/cdrom -loop /home/Xinux/D2LOD.img05:26
nekostarmounted to /media/cdrom1 and the programs like mplayer were all ZOMG A DVD IS IN :D05:26
jacknBobstro, trying.05:26
WarboXinux: What are you trying to mount where?05:26
bobstrojackn: once you have master list (.newsrc) you should see them (LOTS OF THEM) under "other"05:26
bobstrojackn: sorry, not in linux atm.05:26
nekostarthough there really needs to be a package closer to daemon tools !_!05:26
XinuxWarbo, i want to mount /home/Xinux/D2LOD.img to CDROM05:27
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WarboXinux: CDROM? Do you mean /cdrom?05:27
jacknBobstro, no server menu.05:27
bobstrohmmm... sorry, forgot details, but look for option to download newsgroups.05:27
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WarboXinux: "sudo mount /home/Xinux/D2LOD.img /cdrom -o loop" there, simple05:27
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jacknBobstro, all actions seem to expect preselection of a group, but none avaiable...05:27
WarboXinux: You cannot mount to /dev/cdrom, you can only mount to a directory05:28
jigheadXinux, are you trying to burn an image to your cdrom?05:28
iiiearsmount -o loop -t iso9660  /dev/cdrom /home/you/image.iso    ?05:28
__mikemWarbo I made a woh , I told him to use -loop, I wasn't thinking05:28
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@68-112-180-210.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xinuxim trying to make an IMG project on my cdrom05:28
WarboXinux: You can make a link from /dev/cdrom to your image05:28
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nickrudXinux, you have some stuff you want to write to cd?05:29
Warbo"sudo ln -sf /home/Xinux/D2LOD.img /dev/cdrom"05:29
AlwaysIceyHe's trying to copy his CD to an image file (Create Image from CD).05:29
Xinuxnickrud NO05:29
jacknBobstro, can't see download, only subscrieb or read05:29
nickrudXinux, ok, then :)05:29
Xinuxyou guys misunderstand me05:29
bobstrojackn: hang on, firing up pan05:29
SAM_themanthanks my gdm is ok05:29
Xinuxi want to make my IMG file mount itself to the cdrom05:29
iiiearsXinux - somewhat related is the makeisof command to copy files and dirs into a CD format05:29
garryfrecdrecord is supposed to be able to burn image files onto cd.'05:29
Xinuxno cdrom in drive05:29
jacknBobstro, and all seem to require preselection of a group..., as don't respond...05:29
jacknBobstro, thanks, very kind.05:29
WarboXinux: That makes no sense. You can mount your CDROM or mount your image file.05:29
__mikemnickrud, I think he recognizes that anyone who would try to write a cd by mounting an img file on the cdrom drive (how does one do that anyway) is stupid05:30
Xinuxhow does it make no sense05:30
Xinuxi want to make a kind of05:30
Xinuxvirtual cd05:30
nickrudXinux, you have an image file you want to be able to read05:30
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.05:30
iiiearsmount -o loop -t iso9660  /dev/cdrom /home/you/image.iso    ?05:30
__mikemWarbo, you can mount an image file if it contains a filesystem05:30
danialXinux: Are you wanting to mount a CD image as a CD drive?05:30
AlwaysIceyIn other words Xinux, you want to mount your image file to a VIRTUAL cd rom (mount it in the filesystem)05:30
Xinuxdanial, basically05:30
dooglusiiiears: you mean /mnt/cdrom?05:30
XinuxAlwaysIcey, i guess =\05:30
jacknBobstro, here is log: Thu Jun  8 04:42:36 2006 - Pan 0.99 started05:30
jacknThu Jun  8 04:42:36 2006 - Error opening file "/home/jackn/.pan2/newsgroups.ynm" No such file or directory05:30
jacknThu Jun  8 04:42:36 2006 - Error opening file "/home/jackn/.pan2/newsgroups.dsc" No such file or directory05:30
jacknThu Jun  8 04:42:36 2006 - Loaded data backend in 0.0 seconds05:30
jacknThu Jun  8 05:00:20 2006 - Making a new connection to gpodder-devel@lists.berlios.de05:30
tritiumjackn: use pastebin!!!05:30
Xinuxjackn, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/05:31
WarboXinux: /dev/cdrom is a special device node, you cannot mount onto it. An image file contains a filesystem, which can be mounted in a directory or written to a CDROM05:31
Xinuxwarbo, damn05:31
dooglusXinux: what do you have at the moment?  you have a .iso file?  or what?05:31
Xinuxi guess ill have to write it to a cd05:31
AlwaysIceyI think iiiears has the right command for you Xinux.05:31
jacknXinux thanks a bunch. what's that?05:31
jigheadXinux, it doesn't matter where you mount it then, you can mount it anywhere but /dev/*05:31
iiiearsdooglus - lol - i haven't done it in a while the command is only likely to be close - give me a second to grab the link05:31
bobstrojackn: if you do Server->Get list of all groups, does it work?05:31
Xinuxguess ill have to write to cd then =\05:31
nickrudXinux, see Warbo Xinux: "sudo mount /home/Xinux/D2LOD.img /cdrom -o loop" there, simple above, then cd /cdrom05:31
jigheadXinux, try mounting it to /tmp/cdrom or ~/cdrom05:31
=== Ronz dances to dead windows OS
Xinuxill just burn it =\05:32
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Xinuxeven tho i have very little cds left05:32
=== __mikem hates windows
WarboXinux: Earlier today I was trying to use cdrecord to write to an image (I couldn't work out how), is that anything like what you mean?05:32
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AlwaysIceyWarbo, he's trying to mount it to a virtual CD ROM.05:32
WarboXinux: You can access a file as if it is a CD in your drive. The only thing you can't do is control the drive (there isn't one), so you can't write it, eject it, etc.05:32
nickrudXinux, take a breath, and listen to warbo, he had you right then05:32
roostishawhow do i test if a webpage exists?05:32
XinuxWarbo, no05:32
roostishawin bash05:33
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XinuxWarbo, i know how to burn cds just fine05:33
AlwaysIceyI would say look for something like Daemon Tools on Linux then.05:33
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Xinuxim just going to burn the image then05:33
dooglusroostishaw: you could use wget or curl05:33
iiiearsXinux - This page has a straightforward explaination http://www.cpqlinux.com/cdimage.html (pardon the confusion.)05:33
Xinuxsince i cant mount it virtually to a cdrom05:33
WhatTheDeuceExcuse me if this is a dumb question, but is it possible for me to host my own site without a static ip address?05:33
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judahroostishaw: you can use wget, links, lynx or a few others i'm sure.05:33
qatsiwhats up everyone ?05:33
Xinuxi have to go the quickest route for now05:33
Xinuxi'll try your suggestion latter iiiears05:33
dooglusXinux: if you told us what you wanted to do exactly we could probably help05:33
jigheadXinux, you don't have to burn it, you have been given the answer mount -t iso9660 -loop /home/Xinux/D2LOD.img /tmp/cdrom05:33
bobstroWhatTheDeuce: yeah, use dyndns or such05:33
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__mikemI have a dyndns05:33
danialXinux: Linux doesn't mount CDs to a CD-rom. It mounts a CD-Rom to a directory05:34
roostishawdooglus, whats curl?05:34
jacknBobstro, come up with anything?05:34
WarboXinux: But you don't have to burn them to access them. When you put a CD in a drive the filesystem on the disc is mapped into a directory ("mounted"), but you don't need a CD to do that, because an image IS the filesystem, so you can mount that05:34
bobstrojackn: yeah, didn't you see it?05:34
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AlwaysIceyWhatTheDeuce.  You need to register your site at dyndns or no-ip.com and you can.  I have one hosted (although I'm getting it set up right now)05:34
nickrudXinux, do sudo mount -o loop /home/Xinux/D2LOD.img /mnt , then do cd /mnt . do you see what you want?05:34
dooglusroostishaw: curl - Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or GOPHER server05:34
jacknBobstro, sorry, guess not05:34
bobstrojackn: servers->download all newsgroups ... does that work?05:34
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AlwaysIceyYou'll need to get their dynamic IP udater (whichever site you use) and that will keep you synched up.05:34
jacknBobsro, where is 'servers"?05:34
roostishawdooglus, is there any way to just test if its there, w/o downloading it?05:34
Xinuxi'll get it to work later on05:34
Xinuxim going to burn it now05:35
Xinuxi have no time at all05:35
bobstrojackn: no servers menu?05:35
KuLoverAnyone here experiance high CPU usage during large file transfers?05:35
ubehey guys i have an issue. ubuntu doesnt recognize my hard drive05:35
jacknBobstro, afraid not05:35
danlis there a way to use apt-get, aptitude or dpkg to reinstall a package without manually removing it and manually installing it?05:35
krazykitKuLover: transferring via what?05:35
bobstrojackn: ah... version i'm using isn't on ubuntu (long story) so maybe they changed it?05:35
jacknBobstro, only file, edit, view, go, actions, help05:35
chavodanl, apt-get install --reinstall05:35
jigheaddanl, aptitude reinstall05:35
ubei used to have a raid but now linux cant see it05:36
Xinuxwell um05:36
krazykitKuLover: if it's usb, that's normal.05:36
bobstrojackn: nothing under actions?05:36
XinuxNERO i used in windows05:36
WarboXinux: I have a few images which I like to access as if they were in my drive 24/7 (like some Amiga game CDs) so I add them to /etc/fstab to be mounted automatically at boot into /media/something and they are like permanently inserted CDs (I can unmount them at any time, but don't want to)05:36
Xinuxis an .IMG file05:36
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Xinuxnot an .ISO05:36
Xinuxits a .IMG05:36
jacknBobstro, or maybe only displayed if it thinks I'm subsribed.05:36
jacknBobstro, looking at actions.05:36
ubei managed to install suse but nothing after that can read it05:36
KuLoverArighty, Thanks krazykit.. it is USB05:36
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jesusmontesQUE TAL05:36
jesusmontesCOMO ESTAS05:36
bobstroWarbo: you're asking how?05:36
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iiiearsXinux - In Linux *everything* is treated as a file. explaination blah, blah, blah... etcetera.05:37
jesusmontesHOW ARE YOU05:37
jigheadXinux, run `file whatever.img` and see what it says05:37
nickrudXinux, oh. Then, I have no darned clue, since I have no clue what the diff is. Sorry05:37
ubewill windows recognize my hard drive if linux is installed?05:37
Xinuxjighead, K3B says its not a valid image file05:37
Xinuxjighead, sooo..........05:37
iiiearsXinux - Apologies for not giving you the right answer the first time.05:37
Kyralube: if it has a NTFS or FAT32 partition on it05:37
jigheadXinux, so what does file tell you?05:37
danlok... so i reinstalled xfonts-base and X still gets fatal error: could not open default font 'cursor'05:38
jigheadXinux, it will tell you what type of file it actually is, and then we can go from there05:38
jacknBobstro, under 'actions', no action responds, seem to want a selected group, yet groups not diplayed anywhere, only have one.05:38
WarboXinux: iso files and img files don't really differ. "iso" is basically slang for "img" when it is a CD. "img" can be of a floppy, a hard drive or anything. CDs use the ISO9660 standard filesystem, so since the image IS an ISO9660 filesystem they are called "iso" (well, it is mainly from windows/msdod users using "file extensions" to describe things)05:38
ubei tried to use a live cd to delete the partitions but windows still cant recognize it05:38
qatsi i have an ATI Radeon 9200SE, and im trying to use the XGL and Compiz thingy. According to the gentoo wiki page, my card is supported and...not supported. It says first that its supported, but then after, in the not suported cards, i have the ATI Technologies Inc RV280 (5964) [Radeon 9200SE]  (with ati-drivers-8.22.5)05:38
ubei want to dual boot with dapper05:38
Kyralube: you try installing drivers?05:38
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XinuxWarbo, the file extension was written as IMG and k3b is saying its not valid05:38
dooglusroostishaw: what about 'HEAD'?  (/usr/bin/HEAD in package libwww-perl)05:38
tritiumqatsi: try the ubuntu wiki page05:38
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XinuxWarbo, maybe i'll change the extension to .ISO05:39
qatsitritium, ok, ill try05:39
ubekyral: which drivers?05:39
WarboXinux: NO!05:39
XinuxWarbo, maybe its just thinking .img is not valid05:39
KyralXinux: that won't work05:39
__mikemfile extention does not equal file type05:39
WarboXinux: I said windows/msdos users!05:39
d00bycan anybody help me set up airsnort or kismet or the like?05:39
Xinuxwhat ?05:39
WarboXinux: Linux does NOT rely on file extensions05:39
tritium!tell qatsi about xgl05:39
jigheadXinux, most linux apps don't care about extensions, run `file foo.img` and find out what it is05:39
Xinuxi know this05:39
Xinuxokay ?05:39
Xinuxim not retarded05:39
KyralXinux: unlike Windows, Unix doesn't determine by extension. Or rather, the last resort05:39
WarboXinux: So why bother renaming it?05:39
Xinuxa file extension is simply an indicator05:39
jacknBostro, guess will be looking on the forums. Thanks a bunch.05:39
WhatTheDeuceAlwaysIcey: Do you know of any good tutorials of how to get it all set up?05:40
bobstrojackn: good luck05:40
tritiumXinux: please don't hit enter when you could instead use periods or commas05:40
=== bobstro is now known as bobstro-away
iiiearstritium - Thanks again for helping me move to Ubuntu Linux. :)05:40
__mikemfile extentions are just for inventory control in linux05:40
jacknBobstro, Ok, Ta.05:40
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ubekyral: i had set up a raid with windows then reinstalled with suse05:40
WarboXinux: Try mounting it with the type autodetected ("mount file /directory -t auto -o loop") and then run "mount" to see what filesystem it is05:40
tritiumiiiears: was it me?  :D  of course!05:40
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__mikemfor instance, you can write a shell script and name it script.mp3 and the shell will still be more than happy to execute it05:40
Kyralube: and it suddenly starts not working05:40
ubeerased the partitions with knoppix live cd05:41
=== KuLover is now known as Constrabus
dooglusroostishaw: roostishaw "HEAD -d http://www.google.com/" prints "200 OK"; "HEAD -d http://www.google.com/bad-url" prints "404 Not Found"05:41
Kyralube: do a low level format with windows?05:41
=== Rhine [n=Rhine@216-43-239-234.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearstritium - It was you and the many others that are here and can be counted on for solid information.05:41
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Warbo__mikem: I always found file prefixes more sensible. Keeps images together if they are called "jpeg.myholiday"05:41
ubekyral: windows cant recognize anything05:41
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tritiumiiiears: awesome!  :)05:41
=== jones [n=jones@pool-71-117-77-194.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kyralube you wanna nuke the entire drive yes?05:42
RhineCan someone help me here I have an ext 2 drive and im trying to have it mount to /media/hda1 at start up but it keeps mounting to a /temp folder05:42
roostishawdooglus, thanks!05:42
d00bycan anybody help me set up airsnort or kismet or the like?05:42
Kyralube then this should work05:42
_divan_Rhine, cat /etc/fstab05:42
WarboRhine: You need to change the contents of the /etc/fstab file05:42
__mikemWarbo, I know, but I have been oppressed for so long (I have only been using linux since last christmas)05:42
Kyralube: in a terminal (and as root) "dd if=/dev/zero of=<device>"05:42
__mikemSO, I am not used to such wonders05:42
RhineYeah im looking at it atm05:42
RhineI put this in the final line /dev/hda/media/hda1ext305:42
Rhinebut its not working05:43
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dooglusroostishaw: no problem05:43
nickrudRhine, /dev/hda105:43
NickABuseyHow can I fix this error? "OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display"05:43
Rhinethank you05:43
nickrudfast fingers, I got there first, only05:43
__mikemUse another display05:43
Warbo__mikem: What annoys me is the lack of MIME support for soundtracker music. For instance, LOADS (most) of my Amiga music uses prefixes, so "mod.songname" and Nautilus doesn't know what it is. That annoys me a lot.05:43
ubekyral: device would be hda?05:43
Kyralube: yah if thats what you wanna nuke05:44
__mikemI prefere the commandline in most cases to graphical file managers05:44
Kyralube: I'm telling you, MAKE SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS. It will COMPLETELY zero out the HD05:44
nickrudWarbo, there's a guide to adding mime types to gnome in the system administrator05:44
RhineNuking Hdd's is fun good luck05:44
nickruds guide :)05:44
ubeill give it a shot. my next step was to use a kill disk05:44
iiiearssome other interesting options for dd are /dev/urandom  and the bytesize switch -bs also -count05:44
ubekyral: i am sure of it05:45
NickABuseyhow do I "use another display"?05:45
=== bur[n] er_ [n=burner@c-67-176-41-240.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemModify your xorg.conf file05:45
Kyralube: you understand that if you come back in like 6 minutes whining that you nuked your HD I'm going to have to kill you ;P05:45
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ubekyral: thanks a lot05:45
KyralI do hope you took that as the joke I meant05:46
ubeoh and ive had problems with linux bc of my video card05:46
ubekyral: of course05:46
__mikemATI SUCKS!05:46
iiiearslol kyral05:46
=== dylan_ [n=dylan@adsl-69-220-116-54.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
dylan_can somebody help me install something?05:46
ToHellWithGAdylan_: i could try05:46
__mikemdepends what it is?05:46
nickruddylan_, what?05:46
ToHellWithGAdepends on what "something" is05:47
NickABuseymodify it to use what instead?05:47
=== Zapti [n=irc_pspc@modemcable250.77-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ToHellWithGA!tell dylan about helpme05:47
dylan_ToHellWithGA, nickrud how to install FlickrBackup from SourceForge?  I am confused05:47
ubethe only video card i have is an nvidia 780005:47
__mikemWhat ever other display is available, there are sections labeled display in the file, look there for starters05:47
ZaptiI am contemplating whether or not to migrate to Ubuntu from Windows XP.. can anyone answer some software equivilence questions?05:47
ubehow would i start linux in text mode right after install05:47
__mikemInstall the server version05:48
cynicalgo into recovery mode05:48
ZaptiFor USB drives, how well does it connect?05:48
jigheadNickABusey, it depends upon what you are trying to do, are you trying to do dual head, or replace your current monitor, or something totally different?05:48
cynicalchoose that from the grub menu05:48
ubebc i would need to install linux driver05:48
Warbonickrud: Where is this guide? It sounds interesting (would it also help Totem, which currently needs ".mp4" and ".mov"?)05:48
NickABuseyjighead: I'm just trying to enable my OpenGL 3d acceleration05:48
ZaptiWould it automatically recognize my PSP (Playstation Portable) to access Memory stick drive?05:48
cynical@zapti, it automatically connects mine05:48
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NickABuseyjighead: I get this error when trying to run something that uses it "OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display"05:48
jigheadNickABusey, ati or nvidia card?05:49
dylan_ToHellWithGA, do you want the full URL?05:49
Zapticynical: thx05:49
ToHellWithGAdylan: what part of installation is causing trouble?05:49
jighead!tell NickABusey about nvidia05:49
dylanWhoever made ubotu speak to me, notice: I'm not dylan_.05:49
=== mrd` [n=matthew@c-67-166-242-232.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dylan_ToHellWithGA, i dont know how to install it ... period05:49
ToHellWithGAdylan: my bad05:49
dylanToHellWithGA: n/p.05:49
__mikemdylan do a /nick to resolve any further ambiguity05:49
Zapticynical: how difficult is software installation?05:49
dylan__mikem: I have this nick owned by nickserv...05:50
CornelliusOnly one thing I like about Mandrake: The galaxy style.05:50
SAM_themanOk guys I am back from playing Enemy Territory on HIGH05:50
nickrudWarbo, System->Help, Desktop, Gnome 2.14 Desktop System Adminstratiion Guide05:50
SAM_themanDamn 6.06 is the shit05:50
__mikemoh, so do I , I use the double underscores because I am a computer programmer05:50
ubecausing will dapper run with nvidia 780005:50
WarboCornellius: install gnome-art and you can easily install that theme05:50
cynical@zapti, using synaptic its quite easy. You just search for software like 'firefox', check a box, and then hit apply to install it05:50
NickABuseyjighead: Thanks, I'll read this, I've tried a bunch of the how-tos though05:50
__mikemSAM_theman: NO 6.06 is DA BOMB!!05:50
SAM_themanI am playing On a 6600GT05:50
SAM_themanAMD X2 3800+ and 1GB05:50
Zapticynical: ah great, and for instant messengers.. anything good besides Gaim?05:50
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cynical@zapti, you can also download .deb files, which are equivalent to .exe files in windows. You just double click those and choose install from the file manager to install those05:51
jigheadNickABusey, the nvidia install is pretty simple, good luck05:51
_divan_Does anybody know where GNOME keeps the configuration of "System" menu?05:51
sharkyhow do i restart the bittorent client which comes with ubuntu?05:51
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mrd`I'm trying to boot ubuntu-6.06-desktop-amd64, and the media check always kernel panics right away.  Is this a known/common issue or unique to my machine?05:51
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Zapticynical: ah great05:51
ubeevery time i install ubuntu goes gay with video05:51
dylan__mikem: I'm an ocaml programmer, but IRC doesn't let me add prime symbols to my name. So, foo.05:51
cynical@zapti, hmm, none that are really as good (read: polished) as gaim05:51
Warbonickrud: When you said "the system administration" I checked in there, I have Online, Community, Commercial or the Ubuntu Book (I have checked through a bit of Community as well)05:51
nickruddylan, you the same one as before :)05:51
ubei think its bc of my 780005:51
CornelliusWarbo: Just installed it. It's why I said that :P05:51
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d00bywhere is the configuration file for kismet?05:51
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__mikemI am a c/c++ programmer, but I also do x86 assembly05:52
Xeon3DErm.. does anyone know how much diskspace does ubuntu 6.04 use?05:52
nickrudWarbo, dapper?05:52
Zapticynical: oh okay, and for resolutions, will my ATI card work?05:52
Xeon3DErm.. does anyone know how much diskspace does a plain installation of ubuntu 6.04 use?05:52
iiiearsmrd - Can you mount the image or checksum the image another way?05:52
dylannickrud: I'm dylan. Check my IP, it's in Florida, US.05:52
xpatAnyone know how to get JAVA to work in FireFox in Ubnutu ?05:52
nickrudIf so, it's under Other document categories05:52
__mikemxpat install the java runtime on the machine05:52
garryfreGoes gay? Hmmm, that could mean anything. So are you saying your gui is slow under dapper or that it dont' work?05:52
mrd`iiiears: I ran md5sum on the image on another machine and it coincided with MD5SUMS from ubuntu.com.05:52
WarboCornellius: I used to be addicted to dark themes, and preferred Clearlooks' diagonal progress bars to Ubuntulooks' segmented one, but it has grown on me (well, I am in a blue colour scheme)05:52
Warbonickrud: Yes05:52
d00byis there a search thing for ubuntu?] 05:52
Warbod00by: beagle05:53
cynical@zapti, what card do you have? It should work well for desktop use, but dont expect high framerates when gaming, as ati's drivers arent too great yet05:53
Zapticynical: will my MOBILITY RADEON 7500 work?05:53
xpat__mikem:  I think I have it installed but, it still shows up as a broken puzzle-piece in the browser05:53
Zapticynical: don't plan to be gaming05:53
cynical@zapti, yeah it'll work05:53
cynical@zapti, perfect lol05:53
d00bywarbo, do i have to synaptic beagle/.05:53
iiiearsmrd - Huh. Like you i wonder what is hapening.05:53
CornelliusWarbo: Yeah, I use both Clearlooks and Klearlooks.05:53
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Zapticynical: any additional drivers to install?05:53
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xpat__mikem:  do you know what package to check for ?05:53
nickruddylan, nm, I was looking up something, it was for dylan in chicago05:53
jigheadd00by, find is the cli search tool05:53
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william__what do you guys think about MAX-RPM05:53
__mikemI would just do apt-get install java05:53
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ubotuwell, mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:53
Zapticynical: and what resolutions can I reach? I'm running 1600 by 1200 right now05:53
Warbod00by: Yes, but you'll find that it crops up in many places once installed (like the deskbar)05:53
__mikemI have to do that myself insidently05:53
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enjnanCould someone direct me to a faq on getting a mail-transfer agent setup properly to deliver mail for me?  I don't need it for incoming mail, only to send mail out.05:54
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lwizardlhow do i force a nic reenable or something? my networking went down and after this box came back up my server box says fail on synchronizing clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org but network interface says ok05:54
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs05:54
cynical@zapti, well, no. The hardest thing to do for a beginner is to install display drivers (I think). They might be included in repos I cant remember. I run 1650x1050 on my widescreen dell :o05:54
d00bywarbo, ok cause i cant seem to find the kismet ocnfiguration files, any idea where those would be hding?05:54
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mrd`Can anyone attest to the media check feature working on the amd64 desktop CD?05:54
ToHellWithGAdylan_: i've never seen a source tarball of just jar files05:54
Warbod00by: No idea sorry05:54
ToHellWithGAthat's really weird, man05:54
tritium__mikem: apt-cache search sun-java for the new Sun java packages in dapper multiverse05:54
jigheadd00by, find / -depth -type f -name "*kismet*"05:54
__mikemtribium thanks that will save me some trouble05:55
xpat__mikem:  got the error - couldn't find package java05:55
Zapticynical: ah, im not using my laptop monitor with that res though, hooked to external monitor05:55
shad0w1ecould someone maybe point me in the right direction? I'm looking for a live CD for use with a cyrix300/64mb ram, but I want it to be a full CD of stuff, (unlike DSL). Default desktop XFCE with fluxbox as an option.. thanx05:55
__mikemyes I know, do an apt-cache search sun-java05:55
Xeon3DCan someone that has just installed ubuntu (and maybe made a few updates) do a df -H and tell me the result?05:55
Zapticynical: with the two connected, so I cant reach the resolution?05:55
dylan_ToHellWithGA, so you have no idea?05:55
d00byahh jighead, you are a wise one!05:55
ToHellWithGAdylan_: no idea at all05:55
ToHellWithGAthat's just weird that the project wouldn't have the usual ./configure, make, make install style05:56
cynical@zapti, you can do 1280x1024 at least05:56
ToHellWithGAmaybe the project page has details, dylan_05:56
jigheadXeon3D, call it 3GB05:56
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Zapticynical: but is it possible to install?05:56
dylan_ToHellWithGA, thanks i didnt even think of that05:56
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cynical@zapti, you mean an external monitor? yeah05:57
__mikemtritium, that querry returns nothing05:57
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Zapticynical: i mean the proper drivers for a higher resolution05:57
tritium__mikem: then you don't have multiverse repo enabled, or haven't updated your package list yet (sudo apt-get update)05:57
__mikemI believe I have actually, let me double check though05:58
cynical@zapti, yes you can get the drivers and installation instructions from www.ati.com05:58
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JohnsonEi have a quick installation question about partitioning05:58
Zapticynical: the only issue is that it's difficult then?05:58
iiiearsnickrud - Whatever happened to bob2?05:58
cynical@zapti, to some people, command-line is intimidating05:58
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cynical@zapti, but if you follow the instructions you should be ok05:59
jugheadI'm having problems with accesssing ntfs partitions on other hard disks05:59
mrd`Actually, it's not even specific to the ``Check CD for defects'' option; I get a kernel panic even if I choose ``Start or install Ubuntu'' or ``Start Ubuntu in safe graphics mode''.05:59
__mikemtritium, I have multiverse enabled, I ran apt-get update and there are still no results05:59
Zapticynical: ah okay, great.. if I only have a Breezy badger disc on me, would that be sufficient until i get my hands on a dapper disc later on?06:00
tritium__mikem: are you running dapper?06:00
=== facts [i=facts@adsl-69-154-32-41.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jugheadthe help page indicates that windows partitions should be available by default, but I cannot access them06:00
=== hedos [n=hedos@modemcable221.254-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cynical@zapti, why not download the iso from ubuntu's site? Dapper is very different from badger06:00
tritium!info sun-java5-jre06:01
__mikemTHe first thing I did was uncomment all the repository lines, and run apt-get update06:01
hedosWhat happens if I install, from the Synaptic Package Manager, gcc 3.4 when I already had gcc 4.0 installed?06:01
tritium!info sun-java5-jre dapper06:01
ubotusun-java5-jre: (Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 7169 kB, Installed size: 15768 kB06:01
nickrudiiiears, I think he got worn out. People laid in wait for him.06:01
tritium__mikem: look above06:01
factscan i install grub to my mbr, for a drive with ntfs/ext3?06:01
iiiearsnickrud - lol "laid in wait.."06:01
__mikemtritium package not found06:01
tritiumiiiears: I've been wondering about him too06:01
garryfreI have the same issue Jughead. Even under system/administration/disk manager I eventually end up with an error saying I have not the permissions to access the partition or I get an empty mountpoint.06:02
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factsusing the live cd?06:02
tritium__mikem: again, then you haven't setup multiverse properly.  Make sure you've done this (note: universe != multiverse)06:02
Zapticynical: don't have the bandwidth unfortunately.. and no burner on this computer06:02
luc1fersflowersi've got a newb question for you guys, where do i find codecs for audio and video? i'm running the newest dapper06:02
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jugheadyes garryfre, they are all enabled, but I don't have permission06:02
__mikemHold on06:02
Ar2NoAlwaysIcey yes i can ping it..06:02
garryfrejughead Yep, same here.06:02
jugheadI've already checked the help page concerning partitions and made sure they were enabled06:03
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factsjughead are they already mounted?06:03
jugheadYou have not found a fix I take it?06:03
factsunder /tmp?06:03
cynical@zapti, you can try ship it, and have the disc delivered to you for free06:03
davey_stupid question how do i get away off?06:03
factscan i install grub to my mbr, for a drive with ntfs/ext3?06:03
tritiumdavey_: /away06:03
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Ar2NoAlwaysIcey yes i can ping it..  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1527706:04
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jugheadI think they are mounted06:04
__mikemwhat should the multiverse lines read?06:04
Zapticynical: I have one ordered, but won't ship for quite awhile06:04
garryfreno fix.06:04
=== Vaske_Car [n=opera@d38-208-116.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
charlesJacobsfacts: yes, but you'll have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:04
williswatsonexcute me ?????is there Some one used the BullseyeCoverage????06:04
charlesJacobsfacts: er.. for it to be able to boot windows, that is06:04
Zapticynical: can I upgrade easy from breezy badger?06:04
Vaske_CarWhat is the name of default command line installed on Dapper?06:04
tritiumyes, Zapti06:04
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cynical@zapti, ah well you can always try using apt-get dist-upgrade06:04
factscharlesjacobs i don't have a /boot partition06:04
factsis that required?06:04
__mikemtritium what should the multiverse lines read?06:04
ubotuwell, dapperupgrades is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades06:04
nickrudiiiears, but bob2 did bootstrap a lot of this channel.06:04
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Vaske_Car!tell terminal06:05
Zapticynical: is it troublesome?06:05
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Kr0ntabheya folks06:05
AlwaysIceyAr2No, can you ping  same command06:05
charlesJacobsfacts: if you install it with the super grub disk you should be able to make it work on the MBR.06:05
iiiearsnickrud - "is that a digital SLR in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" - bob2  - lol06:05
factssuper grub disk...sounds like something i need to download06:05
cynical@zapti, heres how you do it. Open /etc/apt/sources.list, change everything in there that says breezy to dapper, save it, then do apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade06:05
charlesJacobsfacts: but I recommend googling some info on how to boot windows from grub. it requires a little bit of tweaking06:05
cynical@zapti, its easy, but some people say they've had problems with it. I havent tried it so I dont know what to tell you :\06:06
tritium__mikem: same as the universe line, but s/universe/multiverse06:06
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Zapticynical: ah, sounds simple enough06:06
nickrudbimberi said he sees him now and then06:06
iiiearsnickrud - Some of his packages were  became part of Ubuntu.06:06
tritiumnickrud: in here?06:06
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Zapticynical: okay, but with the dapper disc, can I upgrade using that?06:06
cynical@zapti, well good luck :) I'm off to reinstall it myself06:06
nickrudnou, face to face, lug meetings & the like06:06
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charlesJacobsfacts: actually.. nevermind. I just looked up on it and I'm not sure if that's possible on the mbr06:06
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nickruderm, tab completion hell06:07
Zapticynical: ah okay then, thanks your your help.. I'll be installing asap thx06:07
cynical@zapti, there is no option to upgrade06:07
factsyea, i don't know if it is too06:07
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cynical@zapti, np, cya :)06:07
Zapticynical: kk =) cya06:07
factsit sounds like you have to use ext2 to do it on the mbr06:07
__mikemok, we have liftoff thanks06:07
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iiiearsThe helpful people in this channel are one of Ubuntu's best features.06:07
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ZaptiNow people, need opinion.. do I format clean and go for Ubuntu?06:08
=== Dynamicrealism [n=Dynamicr@ip68-225-239-75.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dynamicrealismwould there happen to be any one available to help out a newbie ubuntu user making the switch from windows?06:08
Hmmmmhi guys, is there a remote monitoring tool that simple to get going?06:08
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Zaptior should i just keep Winblows and dualboot?06:08
drcodehi all06:08
=== enjnan glares at postfix :(
nickrudZapti, fresh installs of dapper are best06:08
davey_depends what you need06:08
__mikemhey docter can I have this removed06:08
drcodehi all06:08
Zaptinickrud: dont have dapper on me, will be getting disc soon though06:08
zachDoes anyone have Splashy running ?06:08
davey_if you have specific windows programs that you need to do work then dule boot06:08
=== ben_underscore [n=ben@ppp141-249.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
drcodeI have old release of linux (on old laptop) Any idea how I can put languge keyboard?06:08
__mikemdrcode I was refering to you06:08
Dynamicrealismim jus thating windows atm06:08
factscan i install grub to my mbr, for a drive with ntfs/ext3?06:08
__mikemNope raid not06:08
drcodeI seccessed can use other languge by press ALTGT all the time06:09
wizzlefishDynamicrealism: why?06:09
nickrudZapti, wait and install if you can't download easily06:09
drcodebut how can I lock it?06:09
bluefoxicyA harem to whoever wrote libparanoia and sound juicer06:09
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Dynamicrealismfor my line of work06:09
__mikemtape the key down06:09
Zaptidavey: for me.. photoshop can be sacrificed.. MSN Messenger is getting cool but gaim is fine.. and this Windows is getting way too slow06:09
Dynamicrealismi get nothing but instability06:09
bluefoxicyI have an old, totally fucked green ink CD that won't play in anything06:09
davey_zapti, then go fresh install man06:09
bluefoxicythere's 2 tracks that pop and click minorly after ripping with sound juicer.06:09
Zaptinickrud: only issue is the lack of burner06:09
bluefoxicythat's one damn nice app.06:09
HmmmmZapti: use amsn for msn. its great and can be apt-get'ed06:09
wizzlefishthe only thing I don't like about Linux is that it slows considerably when running Flash content06:10
drcodewhat do U mean _mikem ?06:10
nickrudZapti, showstopper, that06:10
zachZapti: Gimpshop looks very similiar to photoshop as in same menus...but i cant seem to get it to work in ubuntu dapper06:10
bluefoxicy(now if only it could integrate with audacity plug-ins to remove pops and clicks!)06:10
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Dynamicrealismwizzlefish: what about open gl platform material?06:10
enjnanPostfix is -attempting- to deliver mail it looks like... but no matter where too it keeps giving me no route to host.. (whether trying to deliver a message to a hotmail account or gmail.06:10
davey_wizzlefish, a new version of flash will be releaced for linux soon06:10
__mikemthat key you hit to switch the keyboard layout, tape it down soyou don't have to hit it anymore06:10
ToHellWithGAoh goody.  i'm having errors installing sun java06:10
enjnanwhy is it not able to deliver?06:10
SDhi all06:10
davey_hey people  when I do this  "name," does that make it bold for the other person?06:10
ToHellWithGAE: sun-java5-doc: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:10
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wizzlefishDynamicrealism: that's pretty slow too, but only when fullscreen - like gl screensavers06:10
drcode_mikem:I still dont undertande06:10
SDanyone else have an install of firefox1.5 ruin apt-get for them?06:11
Dynamicrealismright right, i just want the stability first off06:11
wizzlefishdavey_: oh goody - Pandora might not slow down my system as much as it used to06:11
=== __mikem face in hands
__mikemnever mind06:11
ZaptiSo should I just go Breezy for now?06:11
drcode_mikem:I need to press it with down key?06:11
zachHmmm: how do you figure amsn is good?06:11
ToHellWithGAdavey_: it does not.  it would be better to just choose another name06:11
AlwaysIceyIt does on Chatzilla.  And, it alerts them in the server window.06:11
DShepherdcan someone suggest a good downloader manager for gnome?06:11
Zaptinickrud: showstopper?06:11
spikebwhen it works, amsn is great.06:11
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__mikemI was trying to be funny anyway06:11
spikebDShepherd: freeloader is the only one i know of06:11
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Dynamicrealismwizzlefish: is there anyway to reformat a drive using the ubuntu burned iso06:11
Dynamicrealismto start fresh06:11
DShepherdspikeb: and you use it?06:11
nickrudZapti, not having a burner, no downloading & burning of iso: compare to, the theater burned down06:12
nekostar i lub u but not as much as teh music c 2 next tuesday *cunt*06:12
spikebDShepherd: no. i dont need a download manager06:12
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DShepherdspikeb: ok06:12
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Hmmmmhi guys, is there a remote monitoring tool that simple to get going?06:12
__mikemWell, my install is done. I am going to bed, I have to get up early tomarrow06:12
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AlwaysIceydavey_ in my window any reply that you put my name in is bold (in chatzilla) and in the freenode.net window, it shows the message.06:12
iiiearsDShepherd:  d4x might be worth a try also06:12
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Zaptinickrud: oh okay, lol sounds like some cool opensource app06:12
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nickrudZapti, copyright the name, now :)06:13
Dynamicrealismwizzlefish: what is the quickest / easiest way possible to do a full wipe and have it fresh for linux to install06:13
DShepherdspikeb, iiiears. I'll just use wget06:13
Zaptinickrud: lol06:13
zachanyone here have dual monitors with an ati card?06:13
wizzlefishDynamicrealism: you can do it in Windows - is that OK?06:13
=== AlwaysIcey keeps a copy of DBAN around for wiping drives.
iiiearsDShepherd: "" A little scripting is a good thing. :)06:14
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Ar2NoAlwaysIcey yes i can ping it.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1527806:14
davey_zach, I do06:14
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wizzlefishDynamicrealism: another good way is to burn the Gparted iso and use that06:14
DShepherdiiiears: i'll keep in mind d4x though06:14
zachdavey_: can you attempt to help me get that going here :)06:14
gharzguys, i need some input. i initially installed ubuntu... installed the kde desktop using synaptic... installed xfce-desktop using apt-get... and now i finally prefer XFCE and i wan to uninstall gnome and kde.06:14
ZaptiOh, Flash, Shockwave, Quicktime.. what can I use on Linux for these?06:14
AlwaysIceyOk Ar2No, now try pinging us.archive.ubuntu.com06:14
gharzwould there be an issue if i remove gnome and kde? what's the safest thing to do  to uninstall gnome and kde?06:15
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Ar2NoAlwaysIcey ping: unknown host us.archive.ubuntu.com06:15
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Lockei'm having a permissions problem..06:15
AlwaysIceyOk, I'm assuming that you're on a different computer right now, right?06:15
kingxkmIs there anyone speak Chineses.06:16
Lockei cant get /mnt/windows to be rwxr-xr-x06:16
Ar2NoAlwaysIcey http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1527906:16
Lockeits r-x------06:16
zachanyone have dual monitors with an ati card in UBUNTU06:16
Zaptikingxkm: zhong wen? think there's a channel for that06:16
AlwaysIceyAr2No, are you on a Windows computer right now?06:16
Lockeand chmod 744 /mnt/windows doesnt fix it06:16
geotsaikingxkm, i speak chinese, but i cant read or write it06:16
williswatsoni m chinese ^o^06:16
Zaptikingzkm: wo bu hui shuo zhong wen06:16
Ar2NoAlwaysIcey yes I do06:16
iiiearszapti - MPlayer is the often recommended choice. though i use the apple player for quicktime.06:16
geotsaiwo yeh bu hui06:16
Lockethat actually showed up as chinese symbols06:17
Dynamicrealismhow does one do a reformat in windows that gets rid of everything?06:17
Zaptigeotsai: wo zhen de ai ni06:17
williswatson/join #ubuntu-cn06:17
Lockethe wonders of OSS06:17
Zaptiwow I saw the chinese06:17
AlwaysIceyOk, open a command prompt (Start Run...  cmd) and type in ipconfig /all  Take the IP addresses that it lists in the dns portion and put those in the interfaces file.06:17
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SDwow so this is the chinese windows support channel now?06:17
enjnanI think I've narrowed it down... for some reason postfix can't access the internet at all... is there a permission to change somewhere?06:17
LockeZapti, me too06:17
Zaptiiiiears, thx06:17
Zaptianyone know if i can run shockwave + flash on Ubuntu?06:17
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Lockeof course06:17
AlwaysIceylike this dns-nameservers ipaddress1 ipaddress2 ipaddress306:17
williswatson13000000000000's chinese06:17
Lockeinstall firefox plugins06:17
davey_not shockwave unless you use wine06:18
=== wizzlefish [n=steven@cpe-66-68-149-197.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dynamicrealismlook at the wiki i just found for ubuntu06:18
Dynamicrealismits kick ass06:18
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wizzlefishwhere is it, Dynamicrealism?06:18
rodrigojoin /ubuntu.es06:18
Zaptikk tgx06:18
makkoany particular reason the grub boot menu of dapper is text (a plain text table) instead of graphical (supporting a splash screen)?06:18
Dynamicrealismim a newb so im happy i found it lol06:19
JohnsonEwhat can I do about this error: "The test of the file system with type fat16 in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) found uncorrected errors."06:19
Ar2NoAlwaysIcey yes I do then what should I do?06:19
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wizzlefishmakko - aren't all the grub menus text?06:19
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Lockethey sent me 5.10 in the mail06:19
tritiummakko: grub supports a background image.  Also, don't you have the usplash image of ubuntu?06:19
zachmakko:  load up synaptic and install usplash06:19
JohnsonEwhat can I do about this error: "The test of the file system with type fat16 in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) found uncorrected errors."06:19
DShepherdmakko: cause it kool?06:19
wizzlefishDynamicrealism: ubuntuguide.org (I think)06:19
Lockemy grub is graphical06:19
zachanyone able to get splashy working?06:19
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makkotritium: no, i don't... thank you... but why doesn't it install by default?06:19
makkozach: thanks06:20
tritiummakko: it _does_ install by default06:20
AlwaysIceyCopy those servers (from ipconfig /all) to the interfaces file.  Just add them to the original dns-nameservers line separated by one space).  Then try ifup eth# (where # is the number of your NIC).06:20
JohnsonEwhat can I do about this error: "The test of the file system with type fat16 in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) found uncorrected errors."06:20
makkotritium: that's very strange06:20
wizzlefishLocke - how'd you do that?06:20
makkotritium: my live dapper cd didn't install it06:20
=== dark-messias [n=luis@200-98-41-223.tlf.dialuol.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
SDooooh i just went sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.... exciting06:21
makkotritium: i don't even have a /boot/grub/splash folder.06:21
=== whaley [n=whaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wizzlefisharrgg I want a pretty grub06:21
zachHow can i "program" mouse buttons (like extra buttons)06:21
williswatsonsorry ,what 's the apt-get dist-upgrade????06:21
AlwaysIceyAr2No, you may want to look for a file called resolve.conf and add them in there also.  I'll see if I can get into mine, and get you the proper line for that file.06:21
makkotritium: or how do i enable it?06:21
ChakRai see a lock folder with my File System folder. Althought i am logged in as root. I used sudo chown but i know i am missing something. Help will be appreciated06:21
=== rodrigo [n=rodrigo@128-16.dedicado.com.uy] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
williswatsonwhat 's the "dist-upgrade "06:22
davey_williswatson it makes your distrobution newer06:22
=== ToHellWithGA [n=TheStone@c-69-180-28-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Client]
tritiummakko: for the grub splash image, you need to supply one, and edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst to make grub aware of it06:22
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tritiummakko: surely you have usplash installed (please verift)06:22
zachtritium: are you familiar with splashy06:22
tritiumverify even06:22
tritiumzach: no, sorry06:22
SDi was going to do a fresh install, but this seems much quicker06:23
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wizzlefishSD: that's what I did06:23
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iiiearszach - Check out imwheel and see if it is what you need.06:23
wizzlefishthat's probably why I don't have a graphical grub06:24
AlwaysIceyActually, I'm not able to get into my resolve.conf file.  I'm in the middle of an installation.  If someone else could do a pastebin of theirs, that would be great.  We're looking specifically for Default Gateway and DNS lines.06:24
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thunderwolf318what do i need to set up ndiswrapper and where can i download the packages please06:24
SDwho needs graphical grub anyway? real mean type root (hd0,0) setup (hd0) each time06:25
SD*real men06:25
=== T8y8 [n=t8y8@c-71-193-255-175.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wizzlefishhow can I run the screensaver without waiting a long time?06:25
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T8y8Hello. I'm a long-time linux holdout. I'm trying to set up writable SAMBA shares with Drapper06:26
AlwaysIceywizzlefish, I would decrease the wait time to 1 or so.06:26
pgavinwould someone mind helping me figure out why wep isn't working on my laptop06:26
wizzlefishAlwaysIcey: is there a way to do it via terminal?06:26
Flannel!tell T8y8 about samba06:26
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odathi everyone06:26
AlwaysIceyI'm not sure.06:26
pres348how do I resume after hibernating on a laptop? My screen is all black, but the power button light is on, pressing it does nothing06:26
[NP] Tangentpgavin, what network card do you have?06:26
odathas anyone ever tried gcdw06:26
nickrudAlwaysIcey, I have a totally new /etc/resolv.conf :)06:26
FlannelT8y8: read what ubotu sent you.06:26
thunderwolf318can someone link me to the packages needed for ndiswrapper06:26
pgavinI'm using network manager.  I can connect to the ap without wep... I'm using an airo card06:27
Juhazwizzlefish, gnome-screensaver-command --activate06:27
AlwaysIceyCould you pastebin it for Ar2No to look at nickrud?  Thank you.06:27
pgavinthe 802.11b version06:27
pres348How do I resume after hibernating?06:27
zachiiiears: it seems like it should...but i cannot figure out how to configure it06:27
nickrudAlwaysIcey, it's really specific to this new router/dsl modem, but I will06:27
=== makko [n=makko@195-245-89-185.dtcom.ro] has joined #ubuntu
williswatsonis there Someone play the wow in ubuntu????????06:28
makkoUSPLASH has NOTHING to do with my question!06:28
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@ip60.217.23.209.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
makkoUSPLASH doesn't deal with the boot MENU!06:28
AlwaysIceyOk, He mainly needs to know the format of the lines. So, it will work for him anyhow.  Thanks again nickrud.06:28
Flannelwilliswatson: there are lots of howtos on the forums, suggest you look there.06:28
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thunderwolf318maybe 3rd times the charm06:28
thunderwolf318can someone link me to the packages needed for ndiswrapper06:28
nickrudAlwaysIcey, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1528006:28
romulohi, whats the app to change x-window position related to screen? i cant ajdust on the lcd06:28
tritiummakko: calm down06:29
makkoi am talking about the groob SPLASH image06:29
williswatsonflannel,what 's the url????06:29
makkotritium: my computer crashed06:29
iiiearszach - http://linux.netpimpz.com/mx700/ - I have a very plain mouse. someone else here might help06:29
makkotritium: when i ran usplash06:29
Flannelwilliswatson: ubuntuforums.org06:29
makkotritium: i am calm, but i am just angry06:29
Geoffrey2can someone suggest a pcmia wireless card that DOES play nice with Ubuntu?06:29
tritiummakko: why did you try to run it?06:29
makkotritium: i thought it would offer some setup choices06:29
tritiummakko: no, no06:29
FlannelGeoffrey2: check the wiki, there's a hardware compatability section: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport06:29
makkotritium: now i know it does not :)06:30
thunderwolf318you guys are useless06:30
makkothunderwolf318: why do you say that?06:30
SDxscreensaver-command --activate also works06:30
tritiumthunderwolf318: be nice06:30
pres348thunderwolf318: I know youll need some linux header files... http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/06:30
Flannelmakko: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3034106:30
makkothunderwolf318: doesn't synaptic resolve deps for ndiswrapper?06:30
thunderwolf318iv asked for a url to the ndiswrapper packages or atleast a place to get them 3 times :/06:30
tritiumpatience, thunderwolf31806:31
thunderwolf318not when you dont have internet on the machine06:31
iiiearsthunderwolf318: Did this link help?06:31
tritiumthunderwolf318: do you not know how to search with synaptic, or apt-cache search?06:31
ubotuhmm... ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper06:31
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tritiumWhy ask for a URL if you have no internet access?06:31
=== mheath[laptop] [n=mheath@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thunderwolf318tritium, not when i dont have a ubuntu machine that has intert access06:31
thunderwolf318because its another machine06:32
=== cyne [n=cyne@203-49-186-36.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Flanneltritium: he's talking on here, obviously he has some access.06:32
cynehi all :)06:32
thunderwolf318and im not running ubuntu on this machine06:32
pres348thunderwolf: I just did the same the other day, you need to download the linux headers for your kernel @ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/06:32
bur[n] er_!ndiswrapper06:32
ubotuit has been said that ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper06:32
tritiumFlannel: which makes his statement all the more odd06:32
Flanneltritium: nah, not really.  it means he has to download all the dependencies beforehand.  not too odd at all.06:32
pres348thunderwolf: And I cant remember all of the other dependencies06:32
thunderwolf318tritium, a person can have more than 1 computer06:32
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tritiumthunderwolf318: nevertheless, don't call people useless.  Be kind here, and follow the Code of Conduct06:33
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pres348thunderwolf: And ndiswrapper is here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper/06:33
nickrudthunderwolf318, it's a tool I used a few years ago, but you can use a usb dongle with: apt-zip06:33
ThePubanyone know how to get around xawtv's inability to stretch the display to fullscreen in xinerama?06:33
thunderwolf318not helping is what earns that. ignoreing is what deservers that06:33
tritiumthunderwolf318: no, not at all06:34
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.06:34
iiiearsthunderwolf318: lol - Okay, you won't be invited to the christmas party. - just kidding.06:34
=== Barbecue [n=bbq@S01060011957a212f.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudthunderwolf318, bottom line is, I'm willing to point you at a tool that might work, cuz it worked for me once. Others won't, cuz they work for free06:34
pres348After hibernating, my laptop is irresponive. How do I start it back up?06:35
geotsaii have a question i would like to ask06:35
tritiumpres348: power button06:35
thunderwolf318the last christmas pary i went to didnt go so well anyway.................. still getting over that one06:35
tritiumgeotsai: ask away :)06:35
thunderwolf318but calling you guys useless did get me alot of help heh06:35
pres348tritium: Irresponsive too. Press it, nothing happens.06:35
BarbecueAnyone wanna help me with something (setting up x on the server-install of 5.10)06:35
geotsaihow do i get mp3's working in xfmedia06:35
tritiumthunderwolf318: just drop it, dude06:35
geotsaii downloaded the codecs and stuff06:35
thunderwolf318ok whatever06:35
geotsaiusing synaptec06:36
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tritiumpres348: so you're saying it won't turn on at all?06:36
factscan i install grub to my mbr, for a drive with ntfs/ext3?06:36
tritiumyes, facts06:37
nickrudgeotsai, try installing libxine-extracodecs06:37
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frank__facts: the mbr is the first sector and is not part of any filesystem06:37
pres348tritium: It sits there, screen off, but the power LED is on and the power button LED is on, but pressing any key, the power button, etc, does absolutely nothing, i have to hold down the power button until the system shuts off.06:37
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
factsfrank, sure but i've tried to reinstall grub and no dice, and i thought i read somewhere you can't do it with ext306:37
makkoFlannel: thank you. now any idea why a splash grub menu image is not default in dapper (although it was in breezy)? why this step back? (it's strange to me! many newbyes are prejudiced against text menus, especially after they use suse or mandriva, and will think ubuntu is inferior.)06:38
tritiumpres348: are you waiting long enough for the sytem state to be written to swap before it shuts down?06:38
frank__facts: what happens when you boot?06:38
Flannelmakko: what are you talking about?06:38
factsi boot into windows, like grub isn't even there..06:38
factsso i have to stick in the ubuntu cd and tell it to boot the first hard drive06:38
Flannelmakko: what do you mean no grub splash in dapper?06:38
makkoFlannel: i am talking about a grub menu splash image06:38
makkoFlannel: i have no splash image by default in dapper!06:39
pres348tritium: How long is long enough? There is no harddrive activity that I can observe...06:39
nickrudgeotsai, did that work?06:39
tritiummakko: grub splash images was not included by default because usplash is used for the pretty eye candy06:39
Flannelmakko: there's no grub menu displayed in dapper, it's hidden by default.06:39
frank__facts: how did you reinstall it?  you need to do a sudo grub-install /dev/hda    to install it to hda06:39
geotsaii cant find it in synaptics06:39
pres348tritium: It seems suspended to me, and the harddrive LED doesnt blink06:39
tritiumpres348: it can take a few minutes06:39
makkoFlannel, tritium: i am talking about the MENU splash image, not about the booting splash image06:39
=== AVATAREZ [n=avatar@97-176-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Barbecuehow would one go about installing the gui on a server-install of breezy06:39
tritiummakko: I know06:39
makkoFlannel: it is not hidden when one has more partitions06:39
tritiummakko: and I told you why it wasn't included by default06:40
iiiearsBarbecue:  synaptic "Ubuntu-Desktop"06:40
pres348tritium: OK, Ill try again, less impatient this time.06:40
FlannelBarbecue: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:40
AVATAREZhello, i think i messed up lilo and i'm afraid of restarting yet. how can i 'reinstall' lilo in the mbr?06:40
factsfrank__ i tried running grub, and doing root (0,3) or something like that...doing it that way ya know06:40
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Barbecuethanks iiiears and flannel06:40
makkotritium: does usplash somehow exclude any possibility of using a *menu* splash image?06:40
DShepherdis it possible to make totem play a video slower than its normal rate (slow motion)?06:41
frank__facts: make sure your /boot/grub/menu.lst   is in order too (before running grub-install)06:41
geotsainickrud, i cant find that in synaptic06:41
tritiumno, not at all.  i told you already that you can use a grub splash image06:41
iiiearsuse synaptic or aptitude it would be much easier to uninstall. If the network hiccups06:41
makkotritium: or... i still don't get it06:41
farousBarbecue: there is a wiki for it but you can try installing xserver-xorg and one of the following packages xdm, gdm, or kdm06:41
=== chennaituxian [n=parthan@] has joined #ubuntu
moonmanif i just bought a new video card, is there anything i should know/do before i install it?06:41
nickrudgeotsai, if you have multiverse enabled, you should see it06:41
=== mark105 [n=nnscript@60-234-132-105.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
makkotritium: if i can use a menu splash image, then why doesn't ubuntu use a menu splash image for eye candy, along with usplash for eye candy?06:41
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AVATAREZhello, i think i messed up lilo and i'm afraid of restarting yet. can anybody tell me how to 'reinstall' lilo in the mbr?06:42
tritiummakko: zless /usr/share/doc/grub/README.Debian.gz06:42
chennaituxianHi Faileas06:42
mark105i have a friend who wants to turn off ubuntu telling him he has updates to install, is this possible?06:42
makkotritium: thanks06:42
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tritiummakko: for the reason you were given earlier (menu is hidden by default)06:42
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ans-torhi, have anyone work with mod-suphp on apache 1.3?06:42
pdc303AVATAREZ: tried lilo --help ?06:42
Adrian_NZ<moonman> have you ever installed a video card before?06:42
chennaituxianmark105: what do u mean by turn off ubuntu ?06:42
iiiearspres348 - Interesting question. Wondering what the solution is.06:43
geotsaii do have it enabled, but im using xubuntu06:43
makkotritium: then why is my menu not hidden by default?06:43
geotsainickrud read up^06:43
tritiummakko: I cannot say06:43
makkotritium: oh, so it's a bug06:43
makkotritium: now it all makes sense to me06:44
Flannelmakko: did you upgrade?06:44
mark105no not turn off ubuntu, he wants to turn off the automatic update telling him he needs to update06:44
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tritiummakko: no, not necessarily06:44
=== AlwaysIcey wonders if there is any GUI other then xserver. Since it doesn't recognize my video card.
xnullfrom where do I select what display manager to user ? gdm/xdm/kdm ?06:44
ans-tori install libapache-mod-suphp on ubuntu, but it still run as user "www-data".  what wrong?06:44
nickrudgeotsai, hrm. what does   apt-cache policy libxine-extracodecs say? does it have a candidate, 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 ?06:44
chennaituxianmark105: u can update with apt, even if auto update is turned off06:44
frank__xnull: you mean for the login screen?   sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm   (if you want kdm)06:44
ccamachoafter update my Xorg to Xorg 7.0 and install fglrx driver I can get back to tty (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F1), I receive a message from my monitor out of sync and a few seconds latter my computer is completely death...06:44
AlwaysIceyxnull, when you first log in, there should be a Sessions option.06:44
ccamachoany idea?06:44
DShepherdis it possible to make totem play a video slower than its normal rate (slow motion)?06:44
moonmanAdrian_NZ, yeah, i was just wondering if there was any [software]  prep needed with ubuntu that i may not know about06:45
makkotritium: yet, isn't it wrong to hide the boot menu by default, seeing that many users will still want to use windows or another distro in parallel? or am in missing something again?06:45
pdc303mark105: right-click on the notifier in the Tray and go to Properties.06:45
xnullok thanks06:45
tritiummakko: if you want to use it, there is a grub splash image in /usr/share/pixmaps/grub/ubuntu-artwork.xpm.gz06:45
farousxnull if any is installed then you can do dpkg-reconfigure kdm06:45
mark105pdc303: thank you06:45
makkoFlannel: yes, and nothing has changed06:45
tritiummakko: no, because not everyone dual-boots06:45
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nickrudDShepherd, no, you'd need mplayer or maybe gxine for that06:45
DShepherdnickrud: ok. thanks06:45
chennaituxianxnull: switchdesk kde / gnome06:45
xnullthanks thanks:)06:45
tritiummakko: and apparently, since you're dual-booting, that's the reason your menu is not hidden06:45
nomasteryodachennaituxian, wow so simple06:46
tritiumSo, I don't see a bug06:46
AlwaysIceyfarous, will dpkg-reconfigure kdm allow me to set up a video card with it? or do I have to do that through reconfigure xserver-xorg?06:46
Adrian_NZ<moonman>not that i can think of, just bung it in and see what happens! What kind of card are you installing?06:46
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chennaituxiancli's are always simple :p06:46
tritiumAlwaysIcey: xserver-xorg06:46
nomasteryodaoh yea for sure06:46
geotsainickrud, it says:06:46
geotsai  Installed: (none)06:46
geotsai  Candidate: (none)06:46
geotsai  Version table:06:46
pres348trutium: No luck, had to power off again06:46
farousAlwaysIcey: that is xserver-xorg check if your card is works well with ubuntu first06:46
moonmanAdrian_NZ, dont laugh, i got an ati 7000 64mb card to replace the agp 2x in my pentium 306:46
frank__chennaituxian: switchdesk?  I don't have that as a command06:46
Faileaschennaituxian: CLIs are like classic literature, simple to read, hard to understand ;p06:46
AlwaysIceyUgh:S  Then I'm hosed as far as a GUI goes.  I've got a Trident TVGA8900D and it doesn't recognize that.06:46
A-L-P-H-AIs there an easy way to get xorg 7.1 install on 6.06?  I'm hoping it will fix my ATI driver issue here... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18965106:46
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tritiumgeotsai: use pastebin next time06:47
A-L-P-H-Aheh... I just realized there's another xserver problem. :)06:47
chennaituxianFaileas: once u understand u have the power wand :p06:47
nickrudgeotsai, then your sources don't have mutiverse enabled. What release are you using?06:47
tritiumAlwaysIcey: have you tried VESA?06:47
makkotritium: i agree not everyone dual boots, but i guess almost everyone does this. isn't it a strange decision for the dapper team not to use a splash menu, especially seeing that breezy used to feature that? i mean, do you at least agree it's quite strange and maybe improper?06:47
ccamachoafter update my Xorg to Xorg 7.0 and install fglrx driver I can get back to tty (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F1), I  receive a message from my monitor out of sync and a few seconds later my computer is completely  death..06:47
farousA-L-P-H-A: what is your card name06:47
geotsainickrud 6.0606:47
Adrian_NZ<moonman> wahoo!!!, anyway, bung it in, then you may want to install the ati drivers, although i've never had an ati card myself so i can't be much more help than that.06:47
AlwaysIceyI'll try that.  One problem is, it doesn't detect the location and I'm not sure how to tell it in this computer.  It's an ISA card.06:48
Faileaschennaituxian: the thing i miss the most is multitasking personally, CLI forces you to focus06:48
A-L-P-H-Afarous: ATI 9200, and ATI9200se... it works... but only for one card at a time... I can't get three heads running, as X crashes.06:48
tritiummakko: if it's not hidden for dual-booters, where is the problem?06:48
chennaituxianFaileas: open up multiple terminals :D06:48
moonmanAdrian_NZ, i got the card via newegg, so i could play this one game, www.ufoai.net should take you to the site for the game06:48
Flannelmakko: Breezy didn't have a grub splash default either.06:48
pres348How can I have a command run as root at startup?06:48
nickrudgeotsai, replace the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list with  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666606:48
makkoFlannel: really??06:48
moonmanAdrian_NZ, all freeware, and linux ready06:48
tritiumpres348: update-rc.d can be used to install your own initscripts06:49
Flannelmakko: really.06:49
Faileaschennaituxian: not as intuitive as a taskbar. if i wasn't aiming to learn CLI i'd have given up and gotten a WP by now06:49
makkotritium: the problem is huge: it won't be eye candy06:49
tritiummakko: menus are not eye candy06:49
BarbecueOk. I apt-get install 'd  everything I need, but it give me a "Xsession: unable to start X session --- no "/root/.xsession" file, no "/root/.Xsession" file, no session managers, no window managers, and no terminal emulators found; aborting.06:49
makkotritium: (huge within our topic)06:49
pres348tritium: Thanks, and that hibernate didnt work BTW.06:49
makkotritium: yes, and this is my point06:49
tritiummakko: no, this is silly.  Let's stop talking about it please06:49
makkotritium: ok06:49
geotsainickrud, thanks, lemme try06:49
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Flannelmakko: take the conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue to discuss it please.06:50
tritiumpres348: which laptop do you have?06:50
Coreyhow do you move files using terminal ?06:50
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chennaituxianCorey: move or copy ?06:50
gharzguys i find this funny. initially i installed ubuntu then installed KDE & XFCE. now, after grub the icon says kubuntu... then during the login session it's Xubuntu... how can i make ubuntu as a default?06:50
pres348tritium: Compaq Presaio 220006:50
Coreyor move06:50
Coreyjust move how do i do that06:50
chennaituxianCorey: cp /source /destintion06:50
makkotritium: anyway, i hope you understand that i wasn't trying to persuade you to fight for my cause, but just to try to talk in such a way as to show me you didn't think my point was stupid. i didn't get anything like that from you, but, hey, that's it.06:50
nickrudgeotsai, those are pretty good, the number had changed so I read them again.06:50
SAM_themanInstall these packages without verification [y/N] ? n06:51
makkoFlannel: i just said the last things that i had to say about this.06:51
A-L-P-H-Accamacho: have you tried to run the xserver reconfig?  dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or something like that... that's how I got my card to work again.06:51
tritiummakko: I never thought it was stupid at all, just offtopic, and we need to move it out of #ubuntu, okay?06:51
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chennaituxianSAM_theman: dont wurry, give an yes06:51
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SAM_themanu sure?06:51
pdc303SAM_theman: they are not 'official' Ubuntu packages. They are all fine though06:51
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tritiummakko: I've showed you how to setup a grub splash image.  I hope that will satisfy you.06:51
chennaituxiansure dude, carry on06:52
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SAM_themano ok want to make sure it won't damage my gaming comp06:52
chennaituxianSAM_theman: no worries06:52
pdc303surely you install unverified software and drivers on windows all the time :P06:52
tritiummakko: I don't like that particular splash image, by the way, since you can't tell which line is highlighted06:52
CornelliusWhen can I find the bouncing cow screensaver ?06:52
chennaituxianCornellius: hehe..06:53
makkotritium: yes, it will, and thanks. but i was just curious why the dapper devs didn't think of this. i mean, boy, it's so simple to do it... and suse does it so nice :) i don't want to start over, i was just trying to conclude somehow :)06:53
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Geoffrey2oh happy days, I'm wireless again :)06:53
FaileasCornellius: i think it was default with my KDE install so looking around there should help ;p06:53
tritiummakko: you're free to file a bug report ;)06:53
A-L-P-H-AGeoffrey2: I find that I have to take out my pcmcia card, and then replug it back in to get my wireless to reconnect...06:53
Cornelliuschennaituxian: Trully exists06:53
dr3wstercould someone please help me fix my "Gnome Settings Daemon"?  Ever since I got Dapper it's been screwed up06:53
Ar2Nohow to get proftpd ? why apt-get install proftpd cannot be done in dapper??06:53
iiiearstritium pre348 - What was the solution?06:54
SAM_themananyway when u guys play music u play with amarok or Rythmbox06:54
tritiumit's in universe, Ar2No06:54
davidknippersi need some help with the sources.list: most of the time, i get these timeout errors while downloading things from the ubuntu archives server. i tried to change the server list to something more local (http://mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/mirror/ubuntu.com/) but it had no effect.06:54
Geoffrey2actually, I simply gave up on getting my onboard Broadcom to work and plugged in an Orinoco card....06:54
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tritiumiiiears: are we talking hibernate here?06:54
dr3wsterSAM_theman,  does rhythmbox in dapper work for you?06:54
A-L-P-H-Adr3wster: works here...06:54
iiiearstritium yes, Do you have the link?06:54
SAM_themanjust 3 stations don't work06:55
Ar2Notritium oo yeah sory06:55
tritiumiiiears: which link?06:55
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BingToNBohello I run ubuntu mostly gnome but I installed kde just for the sake of it, when my pc loads now it shows kubuntu which is no biggy but i was wondering if i can restore it to ubuntu?06:55
nickrudAr2No, I don't use proftp, but there's a tone of packages for it. have you searched synaptic for proftp?06:55
tritiumAr2No: :)06:55
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dr3wsterA-L-P-H-A, darn, mine says it's loading in the bottom panel but never makes it.  What version does it say you're running?06:55
BingToNBoalso are there any other cool window managers anyone can suggest .....?06:55
tritiumiiiears: I'm not aware of a link.06:55
SAM_themanwhats seems to be the problem dr3wster06:55
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makkotritium: WOW, i found a grub-splashimages universe package!!06:55
tritiumpres348: have you looked at your log files in /var/log to see if you find any clues?06:55
iiiearstritium - You only have a dozen questions to answer at any one time. (grin) I'll find it.06:56
Ar2Nonickrud where to searh synaptic for proftp??06:56
chennaituxianiiiears: what are you looking for ?06:56
Geoffrey2A-L-P-H-A: I've come to the realization that Broadcom just doesn't like working with Linux, and it's probably more of a pain in the butt than it's worth to keep fighting to make it work06:56
dr3wsterSAM_theman, whenever I start up my computer, I get an error saying that Gnome Settings Daemon restarted too many times06:56
pres348tritium: Will do...06:56
BingToNBohello I run ubuntu mostly gnome but I installed kde just for the sake of it, when my pc loads now it shows kubuntu which is no biggy but i was wondering if i can restore it to ubuntu?06:56
nickrudAr2No, clt-f , for find06:56
tritiummakko: yes, there are those as well.  The one I mentioned is specifically ubuntu-branded06:56
SAM_themanhad that pproblem on 5.1006:56
tritiumiiiears: heh, thanks :)06:56
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SAM_themanbut 6.06 never06:56
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dr3wsterSAM_theman, what did you do?  (ANd could you please type my name cus I always miss it in the window if you don't:-p)06:56
tritiumpres348: does suspend work at all?06:57
BingToNBohello I run ubuntu mostly gnome but I installed kde just for the sake of it, when my pc loads now it shows kubuntu which is no biggy but i was wondering if i can restore it to ubuntu?06:57
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SAM_themanhow i do that red stuff (lol)06:57
FlannelBingToNBo: you just said that.06:57
pres348tritium: yep ,works fine06:57
Ar2Nonickrud I install server dapper, and I cant see any GUI on it, and cant use clt-f06:57
dr3wsterSAM_theman, just type my name, dr3wster06:57
nickrudAr2No, ah.06:57
BingToNBocan anyone help?06:57
farousBingToNBo: what do you mean shows kubuntu do you mean the login screen06:57
SAM_themandr3wster, anyway?06:57
FlannelAr2No: apt-cache search [whatever] 06:57
BingToNBoumm when the pc is booting06:57
iiiearspres348 - What did you change/Edit?06:57
tritiumpres348: that's cool.  usually it's the other way around06:57
dr3wsterSAM_theman, what did you do to fix yours? Cus it's driving me bonkers06:57
BingToNBowhen it runs through its process's06:57
farousBingToNBo: is it the splash screen06:58
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pdc303BingToNBo: have you tried re-installing gnome? Maybe that will bring your image back :)   That aside, this will probably be a case of changing a PNG or something... somewhere.06:58
tritiumiiiears: he was talking about suspend, not hibernate06:58
davidknippershow much stress is currently on the main repository servers? is it common to receive timeout errors with apt-get or synaptic?06:58
pres348iiiears: nothing06:58
Deedubbhow do i set my default editor to vim?06:58
nickrudAr2No, here's a command to remember: apt-cache search . I did apt-cache search proftp06:58
dr3wsterSAM_theman, did you see the forum link too?06:58
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SAM_themandr3wster, k...what I suggest  is for u to use amarok but what i have done many tims was unistall it and try the source06:58
iiiearspres348 - Okay. :)06:58
tritiumBingToNBo: which image?  splash at boot?06:59
pres348tritium: yeah, i could live without hibernate, but it would be nice (especially for a laptop)06:59
tritiumThat's in your initrd06:59
dr3wsterSAM_theman, ohhh I'm sorry, I was asking about my problem with ubuntu settings daemon, not rhythmbox.  Thanks though06:59
dr3wsterSAM_theman, I'll try to install from source06:59
SAM_themanK srry06:59
Ar2Nonickrud nothing happen !!06:59
SAM_themanHopes the source works for u06:59
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tritiumBingToNBo: only a sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r) will allow that splash image to be changed06:59
Deedubbhow do i set my default editor to vim?06:59
nickrudAr2No, you mean, apt-cache search found nothing, right?06:59
dr3wsterDoes anybody have any ideas to help me with this stupid gnome settings daemon?!07:00
dr3wsterSorry, it's really frustrating me07:00
pres348tritium: Ok, I am going to do a suspend and then a hibernate then look through the logs07:00
tritiumpres348: good luck07:00
Ar2Nono, there is noting happened after I'm typing it07:00
davidknippersdoes anyone else receive timeout errors while apt-getting or synapticizing?07:00
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davidknippersi'm having a huge problem regardless of whatever server im using07:01
SAM_themanYeah its normal for me07:01
davidknippersyou don't get random cutouts on packages then07:01
ZaptiOkay ina  few min ill be wiping this drive for breezy badger (getting dapper in mail soon)07:01
SAM_themanIt would say error07:01
SAM_themanor cut off07:01
nickrudAr2No, that means you don't have access to proftp, most likely. replace /etc/apt/sources.list with the contents of http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 if you are using dapper.07:01
Zapti(will wipe again soon)07:01
Deedubbecho -e "EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim; export EDITOR" >> /etc/profile07:01
Deedubbyou're so good07:01
dr3wsteris there an easy way to reinstall dapper over my current OS?07:01
davidknippersis that just because of the high strain on the servers?07:01
tritiumDeedubb: you want to change the system-wide default editor?07:02
DeedubbI did07:02
SAM_themanTry this (1) apt-get update (2)apt-get upgrade (3)apt-get auto clean and reset your modem07:02
Geoffrey2when the time comes that I'm ready to dedicate a larger part of the hard drive to Ubuntu, would I be better off just blowing away the present partitions and starting over with a new install?07:02
chennaituxiandr3wster: wipe off your OS and make a fresh install :D07:02
dsasDeedubb: you may want to use "update-alternatives --config editor"07:02
tritiumDeedubb: "sudo update-alternative s--config editor"07:03
tritiumoops, "s" is out of place ^07:03
dr3wsterchennaituxian, but I'm dual booting with windows XP and my ubuntu's pretty well configured:-/.  Any better ideas?07:03
Ar2Nonickrud is that official source list from dapper??07:03
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AlwaysIceyThanks tritium.  I picked VESA and told it ISA:1 and it's working (So far).  I'm rebooting to see if it works permanently.07:03
chennaituxiandr3wster: why you want to reinstall ?07:03
nickrudAr2No, no it is not. (me bites his tongue over official sources)07:03
tritiumAlwaysIcey: okay, good luck07:03
davidknippersok, thanks SAM_theman07:03
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dr3wsterchennaituxian, because I get an error about the "GNome settings daemon" every startup, it screws up my themes, and I can't run rhythmbox or azureus07:03
SAM_themanNo Problem Sir07:04
AlwaysIceyThanks.  I only really need it long enough to copy my website over..  Then I'm not too worried if I have the GUI or not.07:04
Deedubbthank you tritium07:04
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chennaituxiandr3wster: delete ur gdm and reinstall it, why the entire distro ?07:04
tritiumsure, Deedubb07:04
dr3wsterchennaituxian, because I'm dumb:-p.  What's the best way to do that?07:04
nickrudAr2No, but they are very good, reliable sources anyway07:04
SAM_themanGuys is there a Bloody way to disable the bloody sound system alearts>07:04
tritiumdr3wster: you're not.  That's an unfortunate situation you have to deal with07:05
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wizzlefishjust wanted to say I have 1111 packages installed :)07:05
dr3wstertritium or chennaituxian , any tips?  Or a link'd probably do me just fine07:05
farousSAM_theman: system > prefernces > sound07:05
chennaituxiandr3wster: delete ur gnome package and reinstall that again07:05
dr3wsterchennaituxian, in synaptic?07:05
SAM_themanThanks man07:05
tritiumSAM_theman: there is a way, but I'm not sure how bloody we can make it without knives or blades07:05
chennaituxianya, synaptic if you are ok with it07:05
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iiiearspres348: It works from the gnome menu but not from the GDM ? http://linux.netpimpz.com/mx700/https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/364207:06
tritiumdr3wster: worst case, you could wipe out some of your hidden directories that store gnome settings07:06
dr3wsterchennaituxian, well there are about 800 packages called "gnome" something or other in synaptic, but I don't see one that's just gnome07:06
SAM_themanThere we go no anyoning sounds07:06
Skye---Hi, i installed java and went through all the steps but it's still not working with firefox..07:06
tritiumdr3wster: usually you install ubuntu-desktop to get gnome07:06
pres349tritium: Well, evidently, suspend doesnt work either, though I couldve sworn. And checking my syslogs, it drops off without mentioning anything about acpi or shutdown, just some stuff about the network and then right into booting, 5 minutes apart.07:06
dr3wstertritium, where would I find those hidden directories?07:06
farousdr3wster: can you restate your problem07:07
tritiumpres349: hmm, okay...I'm not sure what to suggest...07:07
tritiumdr3wster: in your user07:07
tritium's directory07:07
pres349tritium: From what I hear its a common problem07:07
SAM_themanSkye---, what u mean buddie07:07
chennaituxiandr3wster: /home/urname/07:08
SAM_themanI've got mine to work and my dad07:08
tritiumpres349: laptop support can be challenging, for sure07:08
dr3wstertritium, /home/drew/.gnome?07:08
dr3wsterfarous, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191342&goto=newpost07:08
tritiumpres349: see if any of the pages on wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam help07:08
dr3wsterfarous, I'm having trouble with Gnome07:08
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pres349tritium: OK will do, thanks07:08
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Skye---well i installed java and did every little thing i was supposed to do. the java is installed and the firefox is installed, but the firefox won't recognize the plugin i guess07:09
tritiumdr3wster: or .gconf, perhaps07:09
dr3wstertritium,  so it's safe to just delete the whole file?07:09
wizzlefishfor some reason, when I put down the lid of my laptop, if I open it again I get a blank screen on resume. Any ideas? I've tried looking at the LaptopTesting pages for my model, and they said it worked - but it's not working here.07:09
chennaituxiandelete ?07:09
frank__Skye---: did you install sun-java5-plugin ?07:09
tritiumdr3wster: it's a directory, and be aware that it'll delate all kinds of settings07:09
farousdr3wster: did you install your theme to a your local dir or was it a system wide one07:09
dr3wster*tritium, whole folder rather07:09
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Skye---frank__: yes i did07:09
dr3wsterfarous, I used the theme manager default thing, so whatever is most likely?07:10
dr3wstertritium, settings that I need to have my computer actually work?07:10
SAM_themanthats what I did07:10
chennaituxiantritium: if dr3wster deletes the folder is it created again on boot up ?07:10
Ar2Nonickrud thanks07:10
tritiumchennaituxian: next time he logs in07:10
AlwaysIceyWell, I'm done for the night.  I got into the X startup (where it's a black screen with an X hourglass) and it locked up..  I'll fight with it in the morning.07:10
AlwaysIceyNight everyone.07:10
farousdr3wster: ok before screwing up your emails specialy if you use evolution07:10
nickrudAr2No, np. good sources are necessary.07:10
tritiumdr3wster: not the system, but evolution is a good example07:11
dr3wsterfarous, I use gmail, but go on.07:11
farousdr3wster: there are too many .gnome hidden files and .gnomerc let me check which one you need07:11
dr3wsterfarous, thanks a ton07:11
dr3wsterfarous, tritium, chennaituxian, <3 this community and thanks for all the help07:11
tritiumdr3wster: hopefully you'll get it resolved soon :)07:11
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html07:12
chennaituxiandr3wster: we are here to help :)07:12
dr3wstertritium, I hope so too.  I always seem to have some problem with these bi-annual upgrades.07:12
tritiumsorry for your troubles, dr3wster07:12
dr3wstertritium, haha, compared to winXP this is cake.07:12
chennaituxianFaileas: dude, that apache-php stuff worked out,:)07:12
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dr3wsterfarous,  you still here?07:13
chennaituxiandr3wster:  we need to learn how to eat cakes too :p07:13
Skye---so does anyone have any ideas?07:13
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dr3wsterchennaituxian, :-p07:13
farousgive me a min07:13
CrashProneSo um.. any idea on what VNC program available for Ubuntu is considered awesome-best?07:13
dr3wsterfarous,  all right, sorry:-p.  No real rush07:13
farousdr3wster: are you looged into your account now by the way07:13
dr3wsterfarous, if that was a question, then yes, I'm logged into my account07:14
CrashProneI had been using TightVNC before, but I THINK I read something that ordinary VNC package has implemented the improvements that are in TightVNC by now07:14
tritiumCrashProne: without tunneling it over ssh, none are awesome, imho07:14
dr3wsterfarous, but I know how to root run nautilus etc.07:14
pres349Now, my laptop has a Celeron M processor. Is CPU scaling built into the kernel? Because the CPU scaling applet shows that its not supporting my processor.07:14
pdc303Skye---: have you pointed Firefox in the right direction of the plugin? Or looked how to install the plugin?07:14
Skye---yes, and it's all correct, but still not working07:14
farousyou do not need to be root. can you find .gtkrc.mine file07:14
tritiumpres349: yes, that should be supported07:15
FaileasCrashProne: look at the featureset, i'm told there's one called freenx thats pretty good, and not VNC, but no idea if its available for ubunty07:15
pres349tritium: well, i found something else that doesnt work :-D07:15
tritiumpres349: any help from the wiki page?07:15
SAM_themananyone who trys to hack  my computer will be suprised what their bloced with07:15
ubotuSAM_theman: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:16
SAM_themano my bad Lol07:16
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pres349tritium: There are a couple laptops similar to mine, one had problems with the hibernate, the other didnt, and left no notes...07:16
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dr3wsteroh yeah, and while I"m waiting for farous, tritium (or anyone), have you heard of many people not being able to lock their computers after getting dapper?07:17
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farousdr3wster:  can you find .gtkrc.mine file07:18
dr3wsterfarous, in the .gnome folder?07:18
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tritiumdr3wster: no, not at all.  You mean lock the screen?07:18
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farousdr3wster: under your home folder07:18
dr3wsterfarous, I'll check07:18
dr3wstertritium, yes, it won't let me, I click it and nothing happens07:18
chennaituxiandr3wster: ./foldername is always something under ur home :D07:18
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dr3wsterchennaituxian, I know, but he was saying file, I thought it might be within a hidden folder07:19
iiiearspres348 - There may be something useful here.  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10656407:19
stinkywrixHey guys, I need a program that can let me unzip files larger then 2 gigs. Any help?07:19
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dr3wsterfarous, .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 is the closest I see07:19
tritiumdr3wster: does the keyboard shortcut work (Ctrl-Alt-L) ?07:19
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Faileasstinkywrix: whatever was used to zip it? ;p07:20
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dr3wstertritium, nope, neither does my panel shortcut or doing it from the shut down menu07:20
dusthi. i was trying to watch an xvid movie that has subtitles but i don't know how to make any of the players read them. can anyone help?07:20
tritiumdr3wster: not sure what happened there07:20
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farousdr3wster: it should contain one line check it. For your own themes it is under .theme folder this should be empty07:20
erikneudorferany one know how to change the resolution to 1280 1024?07:20
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dr3wsterfarous, it contains one line but my .theme folder has my themes in it07:21
chennaituxianerikneudorfer: system --> preferences --> screen resolution07:21
erikneudorferyea i got that far07:21
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erikneudorferbut it doesnt have the option for 1280 102407:22
tritiumerikneudorfer: if that does not work, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:22
farousdr3wster: your themes are the one causing the problems you can move them to another folder for now07:22
=== tritium needs to get some sleep
chennaituxianerikneudorfer: add it in "mode:" in xconfig07:22
makkotritium: that's silly! now my usplash won't work! :))07:22
dr3wstertritium, yeah, I guess I'm lucky that updates don't completely screw up my computer, but I just get these annoying little idiosyncracies07:22
iiiearserikneudorfer:  If it isn't available in gnome. editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf or sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg should do it07:22
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farousdr3wster: till you start gnome anyway then you can reinstall the ones that work07:22
erikneudorferthanks :] 07:22
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tritiummakko: after what?07:22
dustyou could edit your xconfig file is well there is some good stuff in the wiki about it.07:22
makkotritium: after i added the splash line to the grub's menu list07:22
dr3wsterfarous, so now I'm good to go?07:22
dr3wsterfarous, just restart?07:23
william__dust, check out BUMPS if you wanna play videos07:23
neutrinomasserikneudorfer: Can you please file a bug report (if none already exists)? Users shouldn't be expected to do a dpkg-reconfigure ...07:23
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tritiummakko: and how about grub's splash image?  Does _that_ show?07:23
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ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html07:23
dustwilliam: what is bumps?07:23
erikneudorferhow do i file a bug report?07:23
farousdr3wster: log out and in and hopefully you are good. to check if this is not system wide just make a new user account and log into it07:23
makkotritium: yes, that one does, but after that i get a text boot07:23
dr3wsterok, thanks07:23
chennaituxianerikneudorfer: go to launchpad.net07:23
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tritiummakko: hmm07:23
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dr3wsterfarous, see ya in a few:-D.  And thanks tritium and chennaituxian  as well07:24
makkotritium: and i only added the splash line to grub07:24
farousgood luck07:24
william__1 sec dust07:24
makkotritium: now i understand why they couldn't add them both by default ;)07:24
tritiummakko: I had both working succesfully07:24
dustwilliam: i think mplayer or xine should be able to play movies with subtitles i just don't know how to lead them. the rest of the movie plays fine.07:24
william__dust, I just learned of this today http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18124807:24
makkotritium: on dapper, installed from the live cd07:25
makkotritium: on dapper, installed from the live cd?07:25
william__dust, it has worked flawlessly for me07:25
tritiummakko: yes07:25
tritiummakko: good luck with that.  I'm off to bed...07:25
adhochi guys,07:26
makkotritium: ok, thanks :)07:26
adhocany one know of decent tools for work with LDAP ?07:26
rixthWhere the hell can I find a ffmpeg targball! I swear none exist07:26
tritiumeasy there, rixth07:26
dustwilliam__, okay i'll check it out, i'll be back in a bit. cheers.07:26
william__take care dust07:26
rixthSorry, tritium.07:27
=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-81.lns3-c7.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Jimmey__How can I change my hostname?07:27
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tritiumrixth: :)07:27
xtraitorxhow do i find out which version of ubuntu i have?07:27
tritiumGood night, all.07:27
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chennaituxianguys, think we can put up a common FAQ page :d07:27
xtraitorx(totally embarrased)07:27
rixthtritium, but seriously, none on the first 10 google results pages!07:27
tritiumxtraitorx: lsb_release -a07:27
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chennaituxiantritium: good night07:28
pdc303Jimmey__: System--->Administration--->Network07:28
tritiumsee you, chennaituxian07:28
pdc303Jimmey__: System--->Administration--->Networking07:28
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dr3wstertritium, chennaituxian, farous, that didn't fix it.  Wanna see the error I get when I boot?07:28
Jimmey__pdc303: Oh, yeah - Thanks07:28
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rockycan someone help me fix my laptop touchpad07:28
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farousdr3wster: did you move all the themes under the .theme folder?07:29
chennaituxiandr3wster: sure, show us07:29
farousok pastebin the error07:29
dr3wsterfarous, yes, to a folder called themes.07:29
anethemaanyone know if there is a way to autodetect the x driver? i installed linux on a diff machine and switched the hdd over07:29
anethemanot sure which x driver to use07:29
dr3wsterfarous, chennaituxian , "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon.07:29
dr3wsterSome things, such as themes, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly.07:29
dr3wsterThe Settings Daemon restarted too many times.07:29
dr3wsterThe last error message was:07:29
dr3wsterSystem exception: IDL:Bonobo/GeneralError:1.0 : Child process did not give an error message, unknown failure occurred07:29
dr3wsterGNOME will still try to restart the Settings Daemon next time you log in."07:29
rixth!tell dr3wster about paste07:29
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rockyhow do i make sure that the right driver is installed for my touchpad mouse?07:30
dr3wsterthanks rixth07:30
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farousdr3wster: did you try to make a new user account and log into it. just to know if this local to your dir or is it sys wide prob07:30
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anethemahow in ubuntu do i run the x config? anyone know07:31
dr3wsterfarous,  all right07:31
farous!tell anethema about resolution07:31
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dr3wsterfarous, I'm logging out, I'll see you in a few07:32
=== ydnar [n=ydnar@cpe-67-10-187-94.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
farousgood luck my friend07:33
rockyhow do i make sure that the right driver is being used for my touchpad mouse?07:33
dustwilliam__, did you have any restricted formats installed when you used bumps?07:33
dr3wsterfarous, the test account does the same thing.  It keeps restarting the daemon (as far as I can tell) and the theme switches from ubuntu default to ugly default back and forth a few times before giving me the error07:34
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farousdr3wster: so it is a sys wide problem07:34
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chennaituxianfarous: think dr3wster has a system wide problem07:34
william__dust,  I started with a new installation07:34
x-Dieuguten morghns ihrs :)07:34
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dr3wsternice to see we're all on the same page:-p07:35
william__I did have restricted turned on but I believe it uses its own sources07:35
NickABuseyAlright, I've just completed my fourth NVIDIA guide with no luck for OpenGL yet07:35
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kjonI got a problem! - The horizontal scrolling feat. from synaptics driver does exactly the opposite when I use firefox.07:35
NickABuseyI'm on AMD64 Dapper, but I can't get the nvidia drivers to load properly07:36
kjonWhat do I need to do to fix that?07:36
farousdr3wster: gnome-settings-daemon is part of the gnome-control-center try reinstalling it07:36
kjonwith the other applications, the synaptics driver works fine.07:36
farousotherwise you will have to reinstall or continue debugging no one know how long either might take07:37
dr3wsterfarous, maybe this other error message will help.  I get it when trying to open the theme preferences window: Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'.07:37
dr3wsterWithout the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not take effect. This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME settings manager.07:37
dustwilliam__, oh. it sounds really good, but i worked long and hard to install all the restricted formats (kicking myself now that i read about this program) and i'm kinda scared it will mess something up. but i remember it for a time when i feel more daring.07:37
tcp|pi'm getting the infamous grub error 18 on boot, is their anything I need to do other than make a small /boot partition?07:37
chennaituxiancya guys, good luck dr3wster ! :)07:37
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dr3wsterthanks for all the help chennaituxian !07:37
tcp|pthis is my first time installing linux so not really sure how to fix this07:37
Ar2Nonickrud now I can use apt-cache search ppssssxxx07:37
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Ar2Nonickrud then what should i do next?07:37
william__dust,  I tried for a day 1/2 to get movies playing through firefox with no luck I installed every possible codec and plugin with no luck.. but BUMPS fixed it nicely07:37
dr3wsterfarous, ok I'm reinstalling.  Should I restart afterwards?07:38
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farousdr3wster: if i had this problem and to have peace of mind i would do the following. but this will take some time07:38
dr3wsterfarous, fine by me.07:38
faroussudo aptitude purge ~ngnome07:38
farousthen sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop07:38
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gharzguys, how can i totally remove KDE? i've installed ubuntu initially and installed KDE desktop using synaptic.07:38
farousdr3wster: the first one removes gnome packages the second reinstall them again07:38
gharzeverytime i start my system it says Kubuntu.07:39
gharzkubuntu seems to be bloated.07:39
dr3wsterfarous, ok, and why will this take time?  the installer itself does?07:39
farousdr3wster: but do not close the terminal when this is going on. this is like a complete reinstall07:39
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dr3wsterfarous, ok, should I do it now? ( I just reinstalled the control center, maybe I should restart?)07:39
farousok try that first dr3wster07:40
dr3wsterok, back in a flash, farous07:40
Ar2Noanybody know on how to download ftp server??07:40
Ar2Noanybody know on how to download ftp server?? for dapper07:41
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farousAr2No: proftp and vsftp are in the repos07:41
Rastasubuntu comes bundled with gnome by default right?07:41
Ar2Nofarous i'm using server dapper07:42
FaileasRastas: yeah07:42
xpatNeed help finding this:   Sun Java5: Install it from the Applications -> Add/Remove... menu, or install the sun-java5-bin package.07:42
farousproftpd is in universe07:42
Faileasunless its ubuntu server which is GUIless by default07:42
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farousand vsftpd is in main07:43
xpatAnyone?  Cant find "sun-java5-bin" package07:43
farousAr2No: check packages.ubuntu.com07:43
farousxpat it is in multiverse repos07:43
xpatfarous:  sorry, don't know how to access that....advice ?07:43
bimberiubotu tell xpat about multiverse07:44
=== dr3wster [n=drew@pool-71-98-98-60.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dr3wsterfarous,  ok that didn't fix it, so I'm going to reinstall gnome like you said07:44
dr3wsterwish me luck!07:44
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farousremember you will be running from your pc memory as packages are removed and reinstalled. so do not shutdown do not open anything new and do not close the installer07:45
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farousgood luck07:45
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dr3wsterit says it's going to remove 60 packages, farous. is that ok?07:45
=== farous wish there was a better way to help dr3wster
dr3wsterfarous, you've been a big help already, thanks.07:45
farousdr3wster: that is less than what i expected07:46
NickABuseyCan someone help me with NVIDIA?07:46
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NickABuseyRight now the Driver in my xconf file is set to "nv" and it works07:46
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NickABuseywhen I set it to "nvidia" like the wiki says, it says module not found07:46
NickABuseynow when I say it works, I mean I'm in X, but OpenGL does npt07:47
Utopiatedid you apt-get install nvidia-glx in a terminal NickABusey?07:47
NickABuseyI believe so, I'll try it again07:48
Utopiate"sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx07:48
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NickABuseyalready the newest version07:48
Utopiateand you changed the "nv" to "nvidia" in xorg.conf?07:48
SAM_themanyo hommies is ubutnu servers down?07:48
NickABusey'nvidia module not found' error07:49
rockyanyone had problems with the synaptics driver and the touch sensitivity of the touchpad?07:49
Utopiateand when you reboot it goes into x?07:49
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SAM_themanNickABusey, for real?07:49
NickABuseyI had to edit it back to get back into X07:49
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UtopiateI had the same problem... but that's cause I installed the nvidia-settings07:49
NickABuseyyup. it's currently 'nv', and I'm in X07:49
Ar2Nohow to add ftp user including it home directory?07:49
Ar2Nohelp me! how to add ftp user including it home directory?07:49
Utopiateopen a terminal and try to run nvidia-xconfig07:49
NickABuseyUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".07:50
NickABuseyBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'07:50
NickABuseyNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'07:50
farousAr2No: i think you need to search the forums for that. or the forums of whatever ftp server you are using07:50
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Utopiatetry a reboot or ctrl-alt-backspace07:50
NickABuseyk brb07:51
dr3wsterfarous, dpkg - warning: while removing gnome-themes-extras, directory `/usr/share/icons/gnomedev' not empty so not removed."  Should I be worried?07:51
farousdr3wster: no those are the extra themes you installed by hand07:51
dr3wsterfarous, oh, cool07:51
UtopiateI know it's a bit off topic but the cedega room is dead... any one use cedega?07:51
dr3wsterso after reinstalling I just restart, farous ?07:52
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farousdr3wster: no need to reboot just logout and in again07:52
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dr3wsterfarous, is there anything wrong w/ rebooting or is it just longer?07:52
farousdr3wster: wirte down the warning for those icons might be the ones causing the problem07:52
dr3wsterfarous, the icons in the warning I copied and pasted to you?07:53
farousdr3wster: with linux you hardly need reboot. reboot is a window thing ;)07:53
farousdr3wster: yah copy them on a piece of paper for if needed you can remove them manually07:53
=== Rastas still uses windows :(
UtopiateI did as well... don't feel bad... I still have two windows machines here07:54
dr3wsterfarous, yeah, done.  And I guess rebooting is just a mental thing, yes baggage from my winXP.  I can't help it:(, I love iTunes07:54
dr3wsterand macs are too expensive07:54
xpatwhat is multiverse repositories ?07:54
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UtopiateAfter I got WoW working in Cedega... I no longer have a need for windows07:54
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farousdr3wster: you can run old itunes on linux but this is another story lets take it one step at a time07:54
rockyanyone know how to turn off the touchpad click on a laptop?07:55
armedkingdoes'nt wow work with wine?07:55
dr3wsterfarous, through wine?07:55
duncan_Anyone know why I can't install nvidia-glx? x server crashes every single time07:55
NickABuseyNo good07:55
farousi hate wine myself to much configuration are use a commercial ver of it cross-over07:55
NickABuseyIt set the driver back to "nvidia", and the same thing happened. I had to edit it back to "nv" yet again.07:55
dr3wsterfarous, well I haven't had much look with my soundcard (SB Audigy, it hates me.) so I'll stick to windows with the itunes probably.  (I can only get 5 speaker sound in XMMS, nothing else07:55
armedkingyeah but it's free!!07:55
dr3wsterfarous, logging out, be back in a second07:56
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duncan_vinboy you a kiwi lol07:56
UtopiateNick: Hrmmm...07:56
Utopiatewhat card nick?07:56
SAM_themanbbl guys07:56
SAM_themanHave a Good nite07:56
NickABuseynVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go 32M]  (rev a3)07:57
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.07:57
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dr3wsterfarous, :(, still the same problem07:58
duncan_Does anyone know the answer to my question?07:58
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dr3wsterfarous, it bounces between default ubuntu theme and ugly ugly theme before giving me the error finally and going with ugly ugly07:58
farousdr3wster: lol i give up. we have wiped out most gnome packages and reinstalled them at no veil07:58
dr3wsterfarous, should I try deleting those icons?07:58
farousdr3wster: lst hope look under .gnome2 folder for a session file07:59
dr3wsterfarous, also, one error said that something might be conflicting with the Gnome Settings Daemon.  Any idea?07:59
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NickABuseyshould I install nvidia-settings?08:00
farousdr3wster: nope have no idea what might cause tht. perhaps someone else can take it up from here and debug your sys08:00
dr3wsterfarous, what's a session file called?08:00
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farouscalled session08:00
rockyanyone know how to turn off the touchpad click on a laptop?08:00
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dr3wsterfarous, don't see one.08:00
farousso if you type ls .gnome2/session08:00
farousfrom home dir08:00
dr3wsterls: .gnome2/session: No such file or directory08:01
faroussorry dr3wster was hoping to help08:01
farousgoodluck debugging your prob though08:01
dr3wsterhaha, thanks for trying, farous08:01
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dr3wsterthis is a puzzler08:01
xtraitorxgoddammit, does anyone succesfully use banshee?08:01
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NickABuseyUtopiate: you still around?08:03
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CrippsFXis there a way to get mv to retain permissions?08:03
Faileasapt-get stopped working, i get a "segmentation fault" error message08:03
UtopiateNick: check the Ubuntu HCL make sure your card is under the nvidia-glx driver... if not you may have to manually patch the kernel... which just requires the kernel source to be installed and a download from nvidia.com08:03
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Ar2Nohelp! what is the command to move the folder inside the folder to different distination ?08:04
Faileasi just added multiverse repos08:04
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dr3wster This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME settings manager.08:05
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duncan_can anyone help me out?08:05
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dr3wsterdoes anyone know how to reconfigure bonobo or check to see if something's conflicting with the GNOME settings manager?08:06
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natescapeHow can I find out what version of ubuntu is installed on a machine?  (I know it's got ubuntu, just not sure which version)08:07
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Faileasanyone can tell me how to fix a "segmentation fault" error in apt?08:08
ubotuTo find out what ubuntu version you have type ''lsb_release -a'' in a terminal.08:08
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Ar2Nohelp! how to access mysql? I installed it just now but dont know how to access it08:09
ubotuTo find out what ubuntu version you have type ''lsb_release -a'' in a terminal.08:09
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natescapebash: sb_release: command not found08:10
crimsunnatescape: you missed the el ('l')08:10
duncan_can anyone talk to me about how to install nvidia-glx? it keeps crashing and doesn't install08:10
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duncan_its driving me mad08:10
natescapeBut now:  LSB Version:    n/a08:10
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ubotu[apt]  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto08:11
natescapeoh wait, I left out the -a.  thanks.08:11
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duncan_ubuto was that directed at me? I understand that...08:12
natescapethanks much08:12
TheSheepduncan_: try setting: Option "NvAgp" "0"08:12
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duncan_in xorg.conf?08:13
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TheSheepduncan_: yes, in the Driver section08:13
duncan_will that allow nvidia-glx to install correctly?08:13
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TheSheepduncan_: on some hardware there is a problem with agp + nvidia, crashing the computer hard08:14
TheSheepduncan_: so it may help, but it may be something totally different08:14
TheSheepduncan_: try it08:14
duncan_ok wish me luck08:14
geotsaithanks nickrud for ur help08:14
Ar2Nohelp! how to access mysql? I installed it just now but dont know how to access it08:14
=== TheSheep crosses his thumbs
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FaileasAr2No: er... you need some front end IIRC08:16
La_PaRCaAr2No, you can install mysql-query-browser and mysql-admin08:17
RastasAr2No, or in the console type: mysql -u root -p08:17
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ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .08:18
Rastasthat was for me?08:19
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mluu510i want to read my ntfs partition. can anyone teach me?08:21
xtraitorxhttp://banshee-project.org/Distributions/Ubuntu   -   pardon my ignorance... what the eck is the mono thing? i'm trying to upgrade but im afraid i dont follow that first step at all08:21
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xtraitorxmluu510, you must mount it in fstab08:21
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keegan_Anyone know where I can find a guide on how to install utorrent with wine?08:22
mluu510how do i do that?08:22
axion`hey im trying to add the repository for wine, its not working, what else do i have to do?08:22
TheSheepxtraitorx: mono is a .net implementation08:23
disinterested_peaxion what have u tried?08:23
xtraitorxmluu510,   http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_manually.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read_only08:23
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xtraitorxTheSheep, okay, how do i.... do what ever it says i should :P?08:24
axion`the URL on the winehq.org site08:24
axion`what do I add under Components?08:24
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Kmancan someone help me install ubuntu on my lappy08:24
TheSheepxtraitorx: maybe just look for banshee in synaptics?08:24
mluu510is it safe to read/write ntfs with ubuntu?08:24
disinterested_pedid u try sudo apt-get install wine?08:24
TheSheepmluu510: read -- yes08:24
xtraitorxTheSheep, i did, and this is how to upgrade it from the horrible version synaptics gave me :P08:25
axion`disinterested, that's not going to work if the address for the repository isnt going thru, will it?08:25
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mluu510what about writeing ntfs? ubuntu seem to be about08:25
Kmanwhen i use the install on the liveCD, and i use the slider to adjust my partition, and use my free space, it says that there's not enough space, though i have tons08:25
TheSheepmluu510: writing is still a bit experimental, especially changing size of large files08:25
mluu510be able to*08:25
rpaulls -l /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable results in ?--------- ? ?    ?          ?                ? scalable.  anyone seen this before.  i can't remove the scalable file as it says i don't have rights (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1080798#post1080798 for more details)08:25
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mluu510ok, i just need to be able to read08:25
xtraitorxmluu510, scroll down the link i gave you, its all there08:25
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Kmancan anyone help me, please/08:26
axion`Kman thats going to get you ignored08:26
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geotsaiu cant just partition off space that windows usese kman08:26
axion`or worse, kickd08:26
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Kmanjust need some advice08:26
rpaulKman: are you sure it is free space?08:27
geotsaikman, u need unpartitioned space, on your harddrive08:27
KenSentMeKman: is that space used by another partition, like geotsai says?08:27
Kmani have space on my windows partition, about 28 GB08:27
humankman, go into manually edit the partition table, its so much easier08:27
Kmanbut i dont wanna fuck up my laptop08:27
geotsaiuse a virtual machine08:27
disinterested_peaxion for firefox?08:28
KenSentMeKman: then it's not free space, it's already used in a windows partition08:28
humanare you on the live cd right now?08:28
Rastasuse partition magic08:28
humango into manually edit the partition table, you can resize the windows partition08:28
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geotsaikman; u can also use a virtual machine08:28
axion`no, the wine repository address is not working08:28
geotsaithen u dont mess with ur partition08:28
KmanWould someone like to please step me through the manual partition through the install on LiveCD?08:28
humani will08:28
TheSheepxtraitorx: if the apt-get build-deps banshee doesn't work, you can just manually install required packages08:29
Kmanokay thanks human08:29
rpaulKman: backup any important data first!08:29
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sambristahi! I've enabled beagle in dapper and it works well but when i search for some things that i have in one folder, using nautilus or the menu options, it doesn't find them. It finds the folder where they are,but no more. I thought that this could be because of indexing (this folder is in /home/me/.../folder so it should have been indexed08:29
Kmani have nothing important08:29
TheSheepxtraitorx: they are listed here http://banshee-project.org/Banshee_Source08:29
sambristaanyone knows how to tell beagle to index things?08:29
Kmani just dont wanna have to deal with reinstalling windows08:29
keegan_Nevermind I found one..08:29
humanhow many partitions do you have08:29
Kmansorry if i sound stupid by saying that08:29
disinterested_peaxion open the terminal and type install wine mozplugger08:29
humankman, are you in the manual edit gui?08:30
rpaulwhat would cause a file (folder) to not be able to be deleted, even as root?08:30
ben_underscoresambrista, i've setup beagle and have found a few inconsistencies too08:30
Kmangoing in right now08:30
TheSheepKman: nobody wonts to bother (re)instlling windows ;)08:30
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Kmanbiggest hassle08:30
disinterested_pego here axion https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:30
bimberirpaul: if it's immutable bit is set (see the chattr and lsattr commands)08:30
Ar2Nohelp! how to set password for mysql root ?08:30
Kmank im in08:31
anamariai just install edubuntu after i log in i stopped at the brown ....page08:31
humanKman, right click on your windows partition08:31
rpaulbimberi: ok, i'll have a look.08:31
KmanRight now, i have one partition08:31
humanclick resize08:31
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humani think it might say move/resize08:31
geotsaianamaria, try the hotkey ctrl+alt+backspace08:31
Kmanim making it 50000 MB08:31
humanmake it whatever size you want08:32
humanleave enought for ubuntu08:32
Kmani know08:32
TheSheepKman: why not 51200 MB ? ;)08:32
Kmanim making the new partition about 50K08:32
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Ar2Nohelp! how to set password for mysql root ?08:32
duncan_did you get my messages "thesheep" ?08:32
anamariageotsai i did it but the same result08:32
Kmanwith 7000 MB left over08:32
ubotuwell, irc is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage or have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat08:33
Kmanwith is enough08:33
CrippsFXhm. has anyone heard of mcopy?08:33
TheSheepduncan_: sorry, no08:33
bimberiAr2No: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-39085275bc28194cca77d021ec362ff3003b10bc08:33
TheSheepduncan_: you have to register your nick to send private mesgss08:33
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humanKman, the seven GB should say unpartition or free space or something08:33
humanRight click on that and click new08:33
duncan_<duncan_> ok08:33
duncan_<duncan_> I attempted to reinstall the nvidia-glx drivers08:33
duncan_<duncan_> it installs ok08:33
duncan_<duncan_> but then I control-alt-backspace to reload the xserver and the new nvidia drivers08:33
duncan_<duncan_> but I get a black screen  that shows a blue panel and it says the xserver has failed to start up08:33
Kmanthe 7000 MB is the free space following08:33
duncan_<duncan_> I have to reconfigure the xserver and set it to use "vesa" instead of "nvidia"08:33
humanor create, i forget08:33
=== bimberi wonders why moin does that to its urls
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TheSheepCrippsFX: you mean the C function or the mtools command?08:34
rpaulbimberi: lsattr scalable/ -> lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device08:34
rpaulbimberi: not sure what that means08:34
anamaria help:i just install edubuntu after i log in i stopped at the brown ....page08:34
CrippsFXTheSheep, I think it would be mtools.08:34
TheSheepCrippsFX: yes, I've heard of it ;)08:34
humanKman, you do that?08:34
geotsaianamaria, im sorry, i have no clue...08:35
TheSheepduncan_: when you write lspci08:35
Kmanwait a sec08:35
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Kmani messed up08:35
TheSheepduncan_: does it show you graphics card?08:35
CrippsFXTheSheep, well, in your reply to my first question, you answered my second one ;)08:35
Kmani want the free space to be mroe08:35
bimberirpaul: what sort of files are in scalable/ ?08:35
Kmanbecasue the free space following will be my ubuntu partition right?08:35
humanyeah that seemed a bit small, but i didnt know what kind of media you had on that windows partition08:35
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Kmanthe new size is gonna be my windows partition08:35
Kmanmy laptop has barely anything08:36
bimberirpaul: 'file scalable/' will tell you08:36
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Kmani just need about 30 GB for it08:36
bimberirpaul: err, 'file scalable/*'08:36
rpaulbimberi: there are all directories08:36
humanKman, do you want an easy data share partition?08:36
Kmanwhats that08:36
rpaulbimberi: all to do with icons08:36
duncan_yes it shows many lines, but it doesn't specifically say "6800 gs" which is the card I have08:36
humanso you can share data between windows and ubuntu08:36
Kmanok im making my windows 36 Gb abd ubuntu 20 GB08:36
Kmanhow would i go about doing that08:37
rpaulbimberi: ls -l /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable - you should have the same files i would imagine08:37
TheSheepduncan_: do you have the 'pcidev' command?08:37
humanwell, resize windows pretty small, because most of the files that take up space will be on this partition08:37
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Kmannvm then08:37
Kmanits alrite08:37
duncan_nope, command not found08:37
Kmanill just keep 35 for windows08:37
Kmanwait a sec08:38
Kmanafter i resize the windows partition08:38
Kmani press resize08:38
Ar2Nobimberi how to add new database?08:38
Faileasmy apt keeps segfaulting, does anyone know a way to fix it?08:38
bimberirpaul: yep, 7 subdirectories (actions ... stock)08:38
Kmanand then do i right click the same partition and press new?08:38
bimberiAr2No: that i don't know sorry08:38
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billytwowillywhat's the command to make a deb file from source?08:38
dennis_when you install wine it does not show on the plications menu ?08:38
axion`ok im on the right track08:38
humanright click the free space08:38
mluu510i tried mounting my ntfs. ubuntu said it's already mounted in /tmp/disk but i can't access via nautilus. how do i fix that?08:38
neutrinomassFaileas: Does dpkg segfault too ?08:38
CrippsFXbillytwowilly, man kpkg08:38
Faileashaven't tried08:38
rpaulbimberi: lsattr shows thsi http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1528608:39
bimberirpaul: and lsattr on that directory works fine here :/08:39
neutrinomassFaileas: Give it a shot. If it segfaults as well, its a dpkg problem.08:39
Kmanafter i press resize though correct/08:39
Faileasdpkg what?08:39
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humannone of this stuff takes effect immediately so don't worry too much about order08:39
Faileasi need to use apt to get the packages i want right? ;p08:39
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Kmani know08:39
rpaulbimberi: there is something wrong with my directory, not sure why.   my post on the forums for some background http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1080798#post108079808:39
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billytwowillyCrippsFX: No manual entry for kpkg08:39
Kmanand then i make that as many GB as i want right?08:39
rpaulbimberi: did you have a look at that pastebin?08:40
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humanok well if you resized the windows, click on the free space and then select new08:40
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Kmani did08:40
Kmanmake this new one08:40
Kmanmy remaining 20GB08:40
neutrinomassFaileas: Um... sort of. You could try grabbing a blah-ubuntu.deb package from some trusted site and installing it with dpkg ...08:40
humanyou will need a swap partition08:40
Kmanoh yea08:40
Kmanso should i make it like 1708:40
neutrinomassFaileas: Or going to /var/lib/apt/archives and try installing something from there ...08:40
Scorpmoonwhy can't I make "Applications - Places - System" take up less space08:40
bimberirpaul: yep, looks ... interesting08:40
humanno a linux swap, not a file share08:40
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duncan_are you still there TheSheep ?08:40
TheSheepduncan_: can you paste on pastebin the output of your lspci?08:41
Kmanwhat do you mean08:41
humanhow much RAM do you have08:41
rpaulScorpmoon: use main menu instead of menubar08:41
billytwowillyCrippsFX: I'm looking for it to be done automagically as well. I know there's a prog, I just don't know what it's called08:41
Kmanso i press create as and make it the linux-swap instead of ext3 right08:41
Kmani have 512 MB08:41
Scorpmoonfrom panel propertis?08:41
rpaulScorpmoon: in the add to panel menu08:41
Scorpmoonok thanks08:41
humanok, size this partition down to 1 GB08:41
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rpaulbimberi: no idea?08:41
humanand make it linux-swap08:41
duncan_how do paste to the pastebin? lol08:41
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CrippsFXbillytwowilly, sorry, that was my bad ... kpkg is for building the kernel ... heh.08:41
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .08:42
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humanthen hit resize or whatever it is08:42
Kmanit should be my extended partition right?08:42
Kmanhit add?08:42
humanyou can make it extended if you want08:42
Kmandoes it make a difference?08:42
humanbut if you are just going to have 3 partitions then it doesnt matter08:42
TheSheepKman: you can only have 4 non-extended partitions08:42
Kmano ok08:43
bimberirpaul: none sorry :(  (only knew about chattr making files undeleteable by root)08:43
Faileassegfault as well08:43
humanso make it primary08:43
CrippsFXbillytwowilly, try man dpkg-buildpackage08:43
humanand then linux-swap08:43
Kmanso no press the free space again and presss new again08:43
billytwowillyCrippsFX: It's checkinstall I think. Thanks for atleast trying to help me though.08:43
rpaulbimberi: ok, thanks for you help08:43
humanwhat does your partitions look like right now?08:43
Kmani have my windows08:43
duncan_ok, you can check it now TheSheep, I used the same name as I used here08:43
Kmanmy linux swap08:43
bimberirpaul: yw :) (such that it was)08:43
=== ube [n=ube@ip72-199-132-230.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sakhaso i had this crazy idea about installing ubuntu on a file mounted on an ntfs partition08:43
Kmanand two unallocated for some reason08:43
Kmanone is 304 Megs08:44
neutrinomassFaileas: Ok, just a moment then ...08:44
Kmanand the other is 19 Gigs08:44
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs08:44
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human35 GB windows, 1 GB linux swap, the rest Ubuntu08:44
ube_hey guys08:44
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Kmanwhat about the 300 meg one?08:44
sakhaanyone try anything like that? that way we do not need any partitioning etc08:44
Kmanis that also a ubuntu one?08:44
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Faileassakha: NTFS isn't writable by linux very well ;p08:44
CrippsFXbillytwowilly, no problem ... It'd be nice for me to know too ... I've been a fedora user for 2 years, so I'm used to rpmbuild08:45
humanyou don't have any extended partitions do you?08:45
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Kmanno dont tihnk so08:45
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sakhaFaileas: well ntfs write support exists now08:45
Kmanshould i right click the 19 Gb and make it the ext-3?08:45
sakhawith ntfsmount, it says for a single file the write support is good08:45
neutrinomassFaileas: What about /var/lib/dpkg/available ? Does it exist? Is it corrupt ?08:45
humanthe remaining should be formatted as ext-3 yeah08:45
neutrinomassFaileas: Though I don't know how to check the corrupt part :-p08:46
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Kmanprimary or extended?08:46
humanare you sure you dont want data share?08:46
Kmanyea im good08:46
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humanthen hit forward or whatever that button on the bottom right is08:46
ube_does anyone know how to totally wipe a drive?08:46
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Faileasits there08:47
ube_im trying to dual boot windows and linux but my windows cd cant recognize the drive08:47
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Faileasube_: usably or unusably?08:47
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Lockefuck widows08:47
neutrinomassFaileas: Then file a bug report. Get a backtrace first though (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash )08:47
Faileasneutrinomass: its there08:47
ube_i need to use it for certain programs08:47
Lockejust make linux aCCESS IT08:47
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Lockewho cares if winodws twill boot08:47
Faileasneutrinomass: what info do i need to give?08:47
humanube_ insert the linux live cd, then go to system>administration>Gnome Partition Editor, delete it all then apply08:47
ube_i cant even install linux on it08:47
CrippsFXube_, dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/hda; ... tehn move your mouse around until it's done ;)08:47
Kmanno i have my windows08:48
Kmanone unallocated 300 megs08:48
Lockehow big is partition08:48
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ube_crippsfx: thanks08:48
Faileasneutrinomass: in that case, i should reinstall everything?08:48
Lockehow big is unallocated space08:48
TheSheepduncan_: can you paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?08:48
Kmanone linux-swap 1 GB and one ext-3 19 GB08:48
Kmanits 300MB08:48
anamariahelp gnome-panel does not start08:48
CrippsFXube_, :)08:48
KenSentMeube_: have you installed ubuntu first and then windows? It's better the other way around08:48
anamariawhat should i do08:48
dreamcatcherhello guys08:48
TheSheepduncan_: from after the X doesn't work08:48
humandoes that 300 MB bother you?08:48
dreamcatcherbusy channel08:48
Kmannot really08:48
humanok just go ahead then08:49
KenSentMedreamcatcher: hi08:49
CrippsFXdreamcatcher, thank you :)08:49
dreamcatcheranyone got some time for some questions?08:49
Faileasneutrinomass: i can't do what, apt is broken08:49
dreamcatcheri would appreciate it greatly08:49
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ube_kensentme: i once had windows installed with a raid, i then installed suse but now i want to dual boot windows and ubuntu08:49
KenSentMe!tell dreamcatcher about justask08:49
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neutrinomassFaileas: If it is corrupt? I'm not sure.... I was asking because I've opened a bug report on how dpkg crashes if there is no /var/lib/dpkg/available.... Well besides the backtrace I'm not sure what's needed...08:49
xnull/j f'#ubuntu-women08:49
Lockemake swap 319MB and / = 102408:49
neutrinomassFaileas: Oh, you don't have gdb ?08:49
CrippsFXLocke, your name is like the modern philosopher .... right?08:49
Faileasneutrinomass: no...08:49
neutrinomassFaileas: Sorry, yes, you can't get the source.08:49
humannow it should ask you about mount points, Kman08:49
Kmani just made that extra unallocated an extra ext308:49
Faileasi don;t have anything but the SSHD and LAMP stack08:49
KenSentMeube_: first install windows and leave some free partition space for ubuntu, after that install ubuntu08:49
Kmanis that alright?08:49
neutrinomassFaileas: That's a tough one ...08:50
TheSheepLocke: don't give back advices, someone could get it serious08:50
humanmake it fat3208:50
ube_kensentme: yeah i got the idea, but i cant erase whats one the hard drive08:50
humansame way you did ext 308:50
ube_kensentme: windows does not recognize the hdd08:50
humanbut scroll down the list and select fat3208:50
dreamcatcheri got a complicated network and internet questions involving ubuntu gnome interface and a belkin router and a linksys router08:50
Kmanwith the unallocated?08:50
mluu510help. ubuntu said "according to mtab, /dev/hda5 is mounted on /tmp/disks-conf-hda5". how do i stop /tmp/disks-conf-hda5 from mounting?08:50
ube_kensentme: im using a knoppix live cd as we speak08:50
Kmanim just gonna delete the little one08:50
KenSentMeube_: ah, ok08:50
Kmanit doesnt matter08:50
Kman anyways does it?08:50
dreamcatcheri can connect to the internet using the ubuntu live cd but i cant connect after full install08:51
humandelete it and then right click on it, select new, then where it says file format make it fat3208:51
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dreamcatcherwhat gives?08:51
duncan_I have  Xorg.0.log and Xorg.0.log.old08:51
TheSheepmluu510: add 'noauto' to fstab08:51
LockeCrippsFX, yes, john locke08:51
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humanit wont hurt anything08:51
mluu510thesheep, at the end?08:51
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LockeCrippsFX, also has relation to Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VIj08:51
Kmannow im moving to the mount points08:51
TheSheepmluu510: in the options08:51
=== ube_ farts
TheSheepmluu510: of the disk you mean08:51
Lockebut more FF than the governmentalist08:51
Kmangimme a minute to resize the disk08:51
KenSentMeube_: i don't know this for sure but if u start cfdisk and delete all te remaining partition, maybe windows can start up08:52
Lockeas i'm more anarchist than governmentalist08:52
Kmanit says08:52
mluu510thesheep, can be more specific? my ntfs is already mounted in tmp but i have no read access08:52
KenSentMeube_: you don't want to keep anything that's on the disk?08:52
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CrippsFXLocke, :)   ... good ... cuz I was gonna say, the philosopher was pretty ambiguius when it came to "idea" ;)08:52
neutrinomassFaileas: The only thing that I can think of is installing gcc, autotools, gdb and dpkg from source (the latter with debugging symbols, read the INSTALL file on how to do this,  I think you need ./configure --debug or something) and get a backtrace ....08:52
KmanError while resizing/moving /dev/hda1 *my main partition08:52
ube_kensentme: ive loaded the knoppix cd and did an fdisk, for some reason it wont delete the partitions08:52
Faileasreinstalling ubuntu, getting it to work, and backing it up before i try anything funny08:52
ube_kensentme: i dont care for the data thats on it08:52
neutrinomassFaileas: If that's too much, just file the bug report and say you can't get a backtrace because you can't install anything ...08:52
Kmanbe aware the failure to apply this operation could afffect other operations on the list08:52
TheSheepmluu510: there is a file /etc/fstab08:52
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Faileasneutrinomass: its quite a bit08:53
Kmanshould i just press ok>?08:53
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duncan_TheSheep I'll be back in 5-10 minutes08:53
Faileasnot to mention08:53
TheSheepmluu510: it lists the disks that sgould be mounted08:53
Faileasi just started a reinstall attempt ;p08:53
mluu510thesheep, yes, i see. what do i do with it?08:53
SurfnKidDapper is installed, 0 errors08:53
humanhow much space is used on your windows partition?08:53
TheSheepmluu510: and where they should be mounted and how08:53
Kmanabout 29GB08:53
Scorpmoonwhats up with beginningubuntu.com and bandwidth used?08:53
TheSheepmluu510: you need to find a line about the disk you want08:53
SurfnKidcan i get help on the repository thingy08:53
TheSheepmluu510: and change it08:53
Kmanand im resizing the full 55 to 3508:53
humandid you defragment the windows?08:53
TheSheepmluu510: if there is no such line, add one08:54
Kmanweird, eh?08:54
humanit is weird, I have resized mine multiple times, from 200 to 40 to 35 and finally 3008:54
dreamcatchercan anyone help me out with an internet problem within ubuntu?08:54
humannever had a problem08:54
SurfnKidcan u help me08:54
KenSentMeube_: hmmm08:54
Kmanshould i start over?08:55
dreamcatcherim willing to wait if you all are busy08:55
Kmanor press ok?08:55
dreamcatcherim just so lost :*08:55
Scorpmoondream, welcome to linux08:55
KenSentMe!tell SurfnKid about sources.list08:55
ube_kensentme: weird isnt it? i did a "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda208:55
TheSheepmluu510: the first column says what device it is, the second where it should be mounted, the third what filesystem it is, the fourth lists options, the last two are best zeroes08:55
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dreamcatcherthank you...i just wish it was more easier to fiddle with08:55
ube_that should format the hdd right?08:55
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KenSentMeube_: yes08:55
ube_kensentme: is it supposed to show a status?08:56
ube_right now the cursor is just blinking08:56
CrippsFXScorpmoon, it's not *that* bad .. ;)08:56
KenSentMeube_: i don't think so08:56
xukunHoi all. I was running vmware 5 on breezy, but after I upgraded to dapper LTS I cant start vmware, it says that I need to run /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl first, but then it says that it cant find the location of the "make" program08:56
CrippsFXdreamcatcher, what's the "internet problem" you're having?08:56
KenSentMeube_: but i'm not gooed at this08:56
Scorpmoonit is for a previous windows user like me08:56
ube_kensentme: neither am i08:56
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humanKman, go ahead and do it, it says that the windows wasn't resized08:56
ube_kensentme: i know just basics08:56
humanso the others wont work08:56
foohttp://pastebin.com/766792 - can someone tell me why 2.4.21-40.ELsmp isn't being loaded?08:56
Kmanpress ok?08:56
KenSentMeube_: me too08:56
CrippsFXScorpmoon, well ... only at the beginning.08:56
C101foo O_o08:56
humanit wont hurt anything08:56
fooC101: Hm.08:56
CrippsFXScorpmoon, I learned really fast ...08:57
Kmanshould i cancel?08:57
fooC101: Hello.08:57
humanshould just return another error about not being able to do the next thing08:57
TheSheepube_: actually mkfs formats, dd just fills with zeros08:57
humanclick ok08:57
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KenSentMeube_: have you tried windows again after the dd command?08:57
ube_thesheep: what is mkfs?08:57
ube_kensentme: i will after it finishes08:57
TheSheepube_: a 'make files system' program08:57
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CrippsFXTheSheep, or random valyues ... depending what "if=" ;)08:57
dreamcatcherif anyone can help me with this small internet problem within ubuntu just pm me08:57
Scorpmoonthis channel has a few more people than what is pleasant08:57
ube_hm i should try that out08:57
dreamcatcheri agree.....08:57
TheSheepCrippsFX: or anything really08:57
Kmanim gonna try it again08:58
mluu510thesheep, i changed the options to include noauto and mount -a but when i open my /media/windows, it's empty inside08:58
CrippsFXTheSheep, /dev/random08:58
TheSheepube_: it comes in variety of flavours08:58
SurfnKidi am following directions https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages?action=show&redirect=UniversePackages  however when i select repositories, and Add. I select community maintained08:58
SurfnKidand there's no OK.. just ADD. and even if i do that. nothing changes08:58
ube_thesheep: mkfs is to build a linux file system08:58
mluu510thesheep, i know there's suppose to be file inside08:58
TheSheepube_: you probably want mkfs.xfs or something like that08:58
SurfnKidKenSentMe: thanks, i just got lag08:58
ube_thesheep: i need to dual boot windows with linux08:58
Kmanthats what im trying to do too ube08:58
TheSheepube_: best format the windows partition under windows08:58
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dreamcatcheri dual booted windows with ubuntu08:59
dliube_, you can use grub to load windows and linux08:59
ube_thesheep: windows cd doesnt recognize hard disk08:59
ube_kman: you got trouble doing it?08:59
TheSheepube_: there is mkfs.vfat08:59
KenSentMeSurfnKid: no problem :)08:59
ube_i know how to dual boot guys. the only problem i have is that windows nor linux can read my hard disks08:59
dreamcatcherits easier to either 1:install each OS on different harddrives or 2: partition one hardrive to hold windows and partition the other for linux08:59
TheSheepube_: may be a hardware problem?08:59
ube_ive done an fdisk and it sees the partitions08:59
ube_one of the partitions it cant even delete09:00
Kmanim trying to manually partition mine through the manual install on the live cd09:00
dreamcatcherare you installing both as a fresh install?09:00
ube_i once had windows on there..with a raid09:00
humanKman, just delete all except the 35 GB into one big unpartitioned Space09:00
ube_i then reinstalled with suse09:00
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dreamcatcherok when you install windows it should just boot from cd...your getting that far at least right09:00
CrippsFXhey zcat[1] 09:00
intelikeyFatal server error:09:00
intelikeycould not open default font 'fixed';09:00
ube_i tried erase the partitions and install dapper09:01
humanMake a 1 GB swap and the rest ext3 Ubuntu09:01
Kmanthats what im ttrying again09:01
ube_dreamcatcher: yes09:01
zcat[1] hi09:01
humanshould work09:01
ube_dreamcatcher: when i press "enter" to install it claims there are no hard disks09:01
dreamcatcherok there should be a screen that lets you press l to delete all partitions09:01
Kmansame eerror09:01
dliintelikey, apt-get install xfonts-base09:01
intelikeythe X server's font paths might be misconfigured, remote font server(s) may be unreachable, and/or local fonts may not be installed or are not configured correctly.   ???09:01
humanclick out of the install09:01
dreamcatcherthen set new partition to half the hardrive if you have only one09:01
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Kmani did09:01
dreamcatcherthe rest will go to ubuntu09:02
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dreamcatcherlet windows install09:02
humango to System>Administration>Gnome Partition Editor09:02
ube_dreamcatcher: thats my issue. windows does not get to the partition part of the install09:02
intelikeydli it looks like a default install from the hoary would include xfonts........  no ?09:02
SurfnKidKenSentMe: can i get your help. are oyu on Dapper 6.0609:02
Kmansame thing?09:02
KenSentMeSurfnKid: yes09:02
dreamcatcherthen restart and press whatever button lets you boot from cd or set bios to boot from just the cd....boot up live ubuntu cd09:02
dliintelikey, just --reinstall09:02
humanresize windows and then just click apply09:02
humanleave the other unpartitioned09:02
dreamcatcherthen install and leave the ntfs file system alone...just instal ubuntu on the free space left09:02
dreamcatcherthats what i did09:02
dreamcatcherbut if you want more help just pm me09:03
ube_yeah thats the easiest09:03
intelikeyxfonts-base is already the newest version.09:03
dreamcatcheri need help setting up my internet so we coul dhelp eachother09:03
Kmansame thing09:03
dliintelikey, any problem, backup your xorg.conf, dpkg --purge xserver-xorg , install it again09:03
Kmanits soo weird09:03
ube_kman: do you get an error?09:03
humangive windows a different size09:03
dliintelikey, --reinstall09:03
humanmake it a little bigger09:03
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intelikeydli that's not the problem.09:03
SurfnKidKenSentMe: ok, this is weird, i open synaptic right. click on settings, repo, and the instructions says click on settings at bottom, tick show disabled sofwtware sources. but where's the settings button!09:03
frying_fishKman: windows gives you no harddisks at the install?09:03
frying_fishdo you have a sata drive?09:03
Kmanno it does09:03
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humankman is getting an error when trying to resize his windows partition09:03
ube_frying_fish: i use sata hard drives, is that an issue? bc im having problems09:04
Kmanbut it says there was an error while moving09:04
Kmansame error AGAIN09:04
Kmanlol] 09:04
Kmanthis sucks09:04
frying_fishube_: with windows it can be09:04
Kmanmaybe make it bigger?09:04
humanthe extra space is being put after the windows partitino right?09:04
duncan_I'm back TheSheep09:04
frying_fishKman: whats the error, transferring the files from the windows cd to the drive? either, bad cd, or dodgy drive / ram09:04
ube_frying_fish: should i need drivers?09:04
humanmake it a little bigger 40 GB09:04
=== Ohzie [n=ohzie@dsl093-040-198.pdx1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kmanit says it has an error resizing the drive09:04
zcat[1] windows installer 'hides' it's ability to manage partitions... when it comes to the part where it says 'where do youwant to install windows [C:\]  or omething like that, there's some options there to delete and move partitions around...09:04
Kmanim trying09:04
frying_fishube_: for windows, probably, on a floppy disk09:05
Kman46 GB09:05
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ube_frying_fish: damn, i have no floppy lol09:05
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ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Ohzie09:05
dreamcatcheris there other ubuntu channels other than this one09:05
Kmansame thing09:05
dreamcatcheri would like to know everywhere i can get help09:05
intelikeydli reinstalled xfonts-base  exact same results.09:05
KenSentMeSurfnKid: click add and then choose the repo's you want to add09:05
rpedrosakha: take a look at http://www.topologilinux.com/  ;-)  there used to be some others and AFAIK they didn't all work that well...09:05
frying_fishube_: it depends on the chipset, some are recognised09:05
ube_frying_fish: though i do remember installing a driver bc i was doing a raid config09:05
humantry resizing it by like one megabye and see if it works09:05
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frying_fishbut linux is a lot better than windows at handling it09:05
fooerr, how do I know if a server has lilo or grub?09:05
OhzieDoes anyone know about how to maybe speed up my boot time? Running Dapper on a laptop...09:05
dliintelikey, any problem, backup your xorg.conf, dpkg --purge xserver-xorg , install it again09:05
KenSentMeSurfnKid: just click all four options, so universe and multiverse09:06
frying_fishOhzie: apt-get install sysv-rc-conf09:06
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xcessHi, can anybody tell me how to mount an XFS filesystem so that non-root user could write to it?09:06
frying_fishthen run it, and turn off the services you don't need09:06
dreamcatcheri got a wierd problem with my internet in ubuntu09:06
Ohziefrying_fish: Thanks.09:06
ube_kman: are you in the linux installer right now?09:06
intelikeydli i'll do that   "and it will give the exact same results"09:06
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TheSheepduncan_: weird, do you have two 'Driver' sections?09:06
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SurfnKidKenSentMe i did. 2 are checked, i check the other 2 and click add?09:06
Kmanactually now im using the gnome partition09:06
KenSentMeOhzie: or check dmesg for errors09:06
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Ar2Nohai everybody, I just want to have a school server, so what should I install? LAMP or Desktop ? any suggestion ?09:06
Kmansame thing09:06
xcessCan anybody tell me how to mount an XFS filesystem so that non-root user could write to it?09:06
duncan_I'm not sure, I only installed ubuntu 3 days ago09:06
KenSentMeSurfnKid: yes09:06
dreamcatcherme too09:06
zcat[1] anyhow... since dapper is out my standard response to windows problems is to install dapper. So far I've done three, and I have three more people who've seen it and want it now!09:06
duncan_I deleted windows09:07
humanwhen you right click on it what does it say about minimum size?09:07
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ube_kman: why do you need to repartition windows?09:07
nysosymHi all09:07
FujitsuAr2No, LAMP, Desktop isn't designed for a server...09:07
intelikeydli er actually i wont do that  it will take everything x with it.... no dice.09:07
nysosymany news about Edgy?09:07
SurfnKidKenSentMe: then exit that and when i go back again to check if those 2 were checked.they get unchecked its weird.09:07
KenSentMenysosym: hi09:07
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Kmanit says minimum is 2946609:07
TheSheepduncan_: the logs you pasted show the startup of the vesa driver09:07
KenSentMeSurfnKid: but they are in the list on the previous page09:07
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TheSheepduncan_: I'd like to see the logs from the failed startup of nvidia driver09:07
Kmanube_: to install linux09:07
Kmanon my laptop09:07
bulltitani'm about to replace the gxine from ubuntu's repositories for the new gxine from xine's website, i have all the libs installed but i need to know if this installation will screw my codecs or something in the system09:07
Ar2NoFujitsu , so if LAMP , can it act as server to manage all the workstation?09:07
duncan_nvidia-installer.log ?09:08
TheSheepduncan_: so that I can see why it doesn't start09:08
FujitsuAr2No, manage?09:08
ube_kman: i would probably reinsert the windows cd, delete any partitions and do the windows partition in the windows installer09:08
dreamcatcheri got a wierd problem with my internet in ubuntu09:08
ube_kman: then install linux on the empty space09:08
humanyeah, you can always reinstall09:08
xukunall I needed to reconfigure vmware workstition for Dapper was: "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`" I hope this helps others09:08
TheSheepduncan_: no, /varl/log/Xorg.0.log09:08
humanbut you are probably trying to avoid that09:08
Kmanill just wait until one of my cousins comes over09:08
zcat[1] LAMP isn't that kind of server. You want something like LDAP to manage workstations.09:08
Kmanhell prolly help me out09:08
Kmanthanks anyway human and ube_09:08
dreamcatcheri got a wierd problem with my internet in ubuntu09:08
Kmanhave a good night09:08
ube_kman: do you need the info on the windows partition?09:08
TheSheepduncan_: are you trying to install using the isntaller from nvidia page?09:08
bulltitanplease somebody i'm a "make install" away from doing this09:08
ube_kman: aight lates09:08
SurfnKidKenSentMe: yes they are, but keep clicking on add and only the first 2 are selected. the other 2 keep getting unselected ( even tho i should click on 1 )09:09
zcat[1] !ldap09:09
Kmanand thanks for educating me on this stuff09:09
ubotuzcat[1] : Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:09
TheSheepduncan_: or the one from synaptics09:09
duncan_no the installer from synaptic09:09
zcat[1] !lamp09:09
duncan_but I've tried many times to install it09:09
TheSheepduncan_: nvidia-glx, right?09:09
TheSheepduncan_: and it also installer restricted drivers?09:09
ube_good night ladies09:09
zcat[1] hmmm.. ubuotu doesn't answer !lamp at all?09:09
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ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, dreamcatcher09:09
duncan_I also ran a script by tselliot09:09
keegan_Could someone help me with a question about wine please?09:09
zcat[1] oh, privmsg...09:10
TheSheepduncan_: what script?09:10
duncan_yes I have linux-restricted-drivers installed09:10
dreamcatcheri'll try that thanks09:10
bulltitani'm doing this gxine replacement because i can't read srt subtitles09:10
KenSentMeSurfnKid: that's teh same with me, but if they are in the list, it means the repo's are added. So just click close09:10
foohttp://pastebin.com/766820 - any ideas? I want to boot into 2.4.21-40.ELsmp ... should that config do that? Bleh. If I'm even using grub.09:10
duncan_I'll search my book marks09:10
duncan_one sec09:10
Ar2NoFujitsu to able to point all worksation to LAMP server09:11
KenSentMeube_: good night? I just woke up!09:11
fooAny ideas?09:11
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xcessHi, can anybody tell me how to mount an XFS filesystem so that non-root user could write to it?09:11
SurfnKidKenSentMe: im gonna try thru cli09:11
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ayaranhi all09:12
dlixcess, chown09:13
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intelikeyxcess chmod it ?09:13
KenSentMeWhat's cli?09:13
ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org09:13
KenSentMeSurfnKid: isn't your problem solved right now?09:13
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SurfnKidKenSentMe: it might, once i reload the sources.list09:14
KenSentMeSurfnKid: synaptic does that too09:14
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=== disinterested_pe [n=green@63-225-82-45.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidgrr i got an IP problem now09:15
SurfnKidi need to fix that09:15
tcp|pcould somebody help me with my partitions? i'm getting a grub 18 error and I dont know how to make a small boot partition09:15
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dlitcp|p, reinstall grub :)09:16
tcp|phow would I go about doing that?09:16
Duncan_any updates TheSheep?09:16
dreamcatchersorry that site didnt have my particular problem...09:16
dreamcatcheri was hoping someone in here could help me09:16
TheSheepDuncan_: reading :)09:16
Duncan_hehe ok :)09:17
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ubotudreamcatcher: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:17
disinterested_pewell i finally got ymessenger installed and im quite disappointed with it09:17
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tcp|pdli: mind if I pm you?09:18
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@p54A18396.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
dlitcp|p, you have ubuntu installed on hdd right now? okay for pm09:18
dreamcatcher!my internet connection stops working 3 seconds after i log in...i can get to 2 webpages before it shuts down....what gives?09:18
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, dreamcatcher09:18
geotsaiis anyone getting this error when reloading updates?09:18
geotsaihttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)09:18
dreamcatchermy updates wont download09:18
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intelikeyhmmm now i've got   Fatal server error:09:18
intelikeyno screens found09:18
TheSheepDuncan_: this is weird, I didn't have to use any scripts and it works for me :/09:18
dreamcatcherim on xp right now cause i cant connect to anything with ubuntu09:18
dliintelikey, drxx again09:19
SurfnKidguys why do I keep getting these time outs, is there a network setting i need to check http://pastebin.com/76683209:19
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intelikeydrxx ?09:19
dliintelikey, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:19
disinterested_pethats why im not putting dapper in again for awhile anyway09:19
frying_fishSurfnKid: can you get other connectivity from that box (i.e web to google and such)09:19
Duncan_yes its quite bizarre, I practically havea  fresh install of ubuntu 6.06 as well09:19
keegan_After I close Utorrent after installing it with Wine, I cannot open it again, without reinstalling.  Does anyone know how to open it without having to reinstall it everytime?09:19
frying_fishand do you have a proxy set.09:19
intelikeynah that's the long way to get no where.  just edit xorg.conf09:19
dapperneilhelp i cant play mp3 in dapper09:19
SurfnKidfrying_fish: im on here09:19
dreamcatcherits such a cool OS it just sucks that i cant get internet but i can get it on the live cd09:20
SurfnKidfrying_fish: i can surf the web09:20
SurfnKidfrying_fish: ping yahoo09:20
frying_fishkeegan_: run the executable it installed, not the one you downloaded.09:20
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dliintelikey, then, " X -configure "09:20
disinterested_pei upgraded to it the first night and couldnt get it to work09:20
dreamcatcheris anyone going through a network with two routers and a switch09:20
frying_fishSurfnKid: ahh, would suggest there is an issue getting in contact with the archives then09:20
TheSheepDuncan_: maybe try to reinstall nvidia-glx via synaptics09:20
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MadHatte1How can i install quicktime in dapper?09:20
SurfnKidfrying_fish: is there?09:20
frying_fishdon't know09:20
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dapperneilhelp i cant play mp3 in dapper , anyone ?09:20
Duncan_yes, but i get the same problem, I tried to reinstall like 6 times today :(09:20
SurfnKidoh ok09:20
keegan_frying_fish: I went to /home/keegan/.wine/... and I couldn't find it in there.  Where else do it install too?09:20
TheSheepDuncan_: then just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and swap 'vesa' to 'nvidia'09:20
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frying_fish!restricted  dapperneil09:21
Ohziedapperneil: Search in synaptic for mp3. =P09:21
ubotufrying_fish: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:21
dreamcatcherhelp i cant get internet on full install but it works on live cd09:21
ubotuI heard mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:21
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frying_fishdapperneil: look at that second link09:21
ubotudreamcatcher: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:21
ubotuThis refers to a group of interconnected computers. The computers must be capable of transferring data to form a true network--you can't just weld a bunch of computers together.09:21
Celestarubotu: LDAP09:21
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Celestar09:21
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OhzieHey, if ubuntum during the boot process, tries to load things like raid drivers I don't have, other shit like that, hardware stuffs...How do I make it not want to load those anymore?09:21
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frying_fishSurfnKid: I can connect to them fine, you're not behind a proxy are you?09:21
frying_fishand dreamcatcher what exactly is the issue09:22
Ohzieubuntum == ubuntu09:22
frying_fishdoes it not find the driver, or not raise the interface or what.09:22
dreamcatcherhas anyone connected to internet on live cd but not after install?09:22
Celestarhm ...09:22
SurfnKidfrying_fish: no, but i think i know the problem, this network settings connetion is horrible, im on dhcp but the settings have a static ip, no wonder the system is confused09:22
frying_fishOhzie: in sysv-rc-conf, move to them, and press space, to remove the x from the box.09:22
dreamcatcheri get internet after login for a few seconds and then the network drops09:22
m_0_r_0_napt-get remove evolution -> The following packages will be REMOVED: evolution evolution-exchange evolution-plugins ubuntu-desktop. Why Ubuntu-desktop????09:23
frying_fishdreamcatcher: wireless?09:23
SurfnKidfrying_fish: i got the same error on synaptic09:23
dreamcatcherim set for dchp through belkin wireless09:23
frying_fishor wired, and SurfnKid ahh09:23
dreamcatcherbut im wired to it09:23
frying_fishSurfnKid: synaptic is just a graphical front end.09:23
dreamcatcheri tried static ip09:23
dreamcatchersame problem09:23
SurfnKidfrying_fish: right09:23
KenSentMeSurfnKid: the repositories are ok, i don't get those errors09:23
frying_fishm_0_r_0_n: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package09:23
frying_fishit won't remove all your stuff09:23
SurfnKidso its my network thing, then cool deal09:23
frying_fishit just means you no longer have a default install09:23
frying_fishdreamcatcher: and it works perfectly in say windows.09:23
dreamcatcheryeah and on live cd09:24
KenSentMeHow do i leave a window in irssi09:24
m_0_r_0_nfrying_fish, ok, thanks09:24
dreamcatcherbut not on the installed ubuntu after login it works for one page and then drops09:24
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frying_fishright, in the live cd find out what driver its using for your network09:24
frying_fishand then you need to make sure you are using that in the main system09:24
dreamcatcherah ok09:24
frying_fisheasiest way i can think of is that nm-applet will tell you on connection information09:24
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dreamcatcheris there a command that i could use?09:24
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intelikeydli it was as simple as changing depth from 16 to 1509:25
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krazykitKenSentMe: you can /leave a channel, but if you want to just close it, try /window close09:25
frying_fishdreamcatcher: lsmod09:25
frying_fishand look for ones relating to network09:25
dreamcatchersorry im still green around the ears09:25
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dreamcatcherso i can access this info in the gui?09:25
dreamcatchergnome i mean?09:25
dliintelikey, I doubt it, unless it's a very old video card /monitor09:25
frying_fishdreamcatcher: ahh, that might require a bit more stuffs.09:25
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frying_fishdreamcatcher: if it has network-manager installed then yes09:26
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dreamcatcheri did full install i just need to find that driver that works with live cd09:26
SurfnKidman this aint workingg09:26
SurfnKidhow can i be connected to chat. and do a reload on synaptic and says it cant connect to ftp sites09:26
SurfnKidthis is weird09:26
dreamcatcheri'll try it out...brb. if it works i'll reconnect and let you know09:26
frying_fishdreamcatcher: what does lspci give you in relation to network interfaces.09:26
intelikeydli   doubt all you want.  i'm looking at it.09:26
KenSentMekrazykit: thanx09:27
frying_fishSurfnKid: could be a DNS issue09:27
disinterested_pewhoohooo theyre saying al-zarquawi has been killed09:27
SurfnKidbut i can resolve anything on the browser its weird09:27
frying_fishmaybe there are DNS conflicts somewhere, how is web browsing, is that fine?09:27
dlidisinterested_pe, misinformation?09:27
SurfnKidfrying_fish: yeah :S09:27
dreamcatcherbrb..gonna go check drivers for network card09:27
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disinterested_peits a news alert09:27
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disinterested_pecnn and ap09:27
sakhaFaileas: so what do u think about the ubuntu install onto an ntfs file mounted as ext309:28
SurfnKidalzarkawi isnt dead, he's down here fixing my DNS issue09:28
SurfnKidget real09:28
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frying_fishsakha: oh dear :s thats badness.09:29
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sakhafrying_fish: why is that, i thought most people already have ntfs , gives an easier way to dual boot09:29
m_0_r_0_nWhen removing a package I always get the warning "I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/var/lib/scrollkeeper/(null)/scrollkeeper_cl.xml" Any idea how to fix this?09:29
frying_fishoh, I thought you were mounting NTFS as ext309:29
frying_fishwhich would be badness09:30
SurfnKidum. i can ping security.ubuntu.com just fine09:30
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carlfkhow do I find what package supplies the hcidump command?09:30
sakhafrying_fish: lol, nope, wanted to c anyone has done anything like tat?09:30
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TheSheepsakha: still it's a large performance hit :(09:30
intelikeycarlfk apt-file ?09:30
sakhaTheSheep: do u think so, why is that?09:30
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TheSheepsakha: I recall monkey linux did something like that with umsdos or something09:31
carlfkbash: apt-file: command not found09:31
frying_fishsakha: well, I have on my desktop system, / = reiser /home = reiser windows = 2x NTFS, /media/storage = ext309:31
TheSheepsakha: becasue any disk read/write must go trough ntfs filesystem procedures09:31
carlfkah!  apt-cache search hcidump09:31
pd273Hi all, I am not sure if this is the right channel to ask this question, but in the consoles when I go through <ctrl> + <alt> 1, I have white fonts, how can I change it to some other color09:31
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SurfnKidIm going to Microsoftly pull a "restart" ...see if this works09:31
vincent_Hello everybody.  Anybody here having trouble with Azureus?09:31
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carlfkintelikey: thanks - that was the reminder I needed09:32
ruxpindo I need to emerge a package to get 'less' to output code documents (shell scripts and xml files) in color? I couldn't find the setting in less options09:32
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ruxpins/emerge/apt-get install/09:32
sakhaTheSheep: sure sure, any disk read write should go thru ntfs, but it is better than umsdos, because u dont create file under ntfs but rather on the ext3 mounted file09:32
vincent_I've been checking the forums on recent problems with Azureus, but the problems they're describing are different than mine.09:32
intelikeycarlfk yes if it's listed that way  "i.e. package name = command name"  else you need something more probing  like apt-file09:33
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vincent_If anybody's seeing this: Azureus starts, but the GUI never shows up, nor does the notification icon.09:33
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Scorpmooni didn't see it09:34
carlfkintelikey: ah - apt-cache search apt-file = apt-file - APT package searching utility -- command-line interface09:34
vincent_I've installed the JRE from Java's site as well as from repositories.09:34
esoxI recently updated to Dapper - mostly everthing ran fine - thank you guys! There is only one problem I already had with Breezy. My Matrox G550 with Sony SDM93 is not able to use 1280x1024. All other resolutions work fine. I had to install a new driver from matrox.com, but with dapper there is Xorg 7 and the driver refuses installtion. What can I do?09:34
bulltitani need some help with subtitles in gxine please09:34
sakhafrying_fish,TheSheep: what i am trying to get at is not having to re-partition existing ntfs disk, which is the situtation with 95% computers sold09:34
dbernar1cafuego_: ping09:34
carlfksakha: forgive me for being late, but what are you looking for?09:34
frying_fishsakha: that seems a bad idea.09:34
frying_fishwhy not just repartition it, if you make it ext3, then you can get a driver for windows so you can read-write09:35
x92Hi, I have tryed Ubuntu 5.05 and 5.10 desktop edition on my server... they dount work09:35
Faileassakha: i wouldn't bet a live system on it, would try it out on QEMU or VMware first09:35
frying_fishx92: what about 6.0609:35
sakhacarlfk: got this crazy idea of installing ubuntu onto a file moutned as reiserfs onto a writable ntfs disk09:35
bulltitanany ideas?09:35
x92not tryed yet :D i am downloading xubuntu right now09:35
intelikeysakha trying to get linux to live in ntfs space ?09:35
frying_fishalso, if you're putting it on a server, why not just do the server version09:36
m_0_r_0_nIs it possible in the gnome-terminal to scroll the screen line by line?09:36
m_0_r_0_nwith keys?09:36
TheSheepsakha: I think that solving the bug #1 is better approach ;)09:36
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sakhayup, i already managed to boot knoppix from an iso cd image copied onto my winxp (ntfs) disk09:36
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lukeis there anyway I can make ALT+F2 open up a new Terminal window?09:37
sakhaThesheep: sure i agree, but just thought i wud ask around and c what people think09:37
carlfksakha: interesting.  I can see it working (somehow) but it seems like a 'poor' solution for 95% of installs09:37
frying_fishluke: probably in gconf-editor, under metacity in apps.09:37
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intelikeysakha just a thought.  but what will it cost to just resize the ntfs and make a partition ???09:37
frying_fishbut, why not just assign it to a different key, so you can still have alt+f2 to bring up the launcher09:37
sakhacarlfk: why do you think it is poor?09:37
bulltitangxine can't read srt subtitles,... i have all the codecs and libs installed correctly,.. wtf is going on09:37
TheSheepsakha: it may be a good temporary workaround if you're afraid to resize your ntfs partition09:37
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SurfnKidok ive restarted and nothing09:38
SurfnKidi can get in here.. but no updates on Synaptic09:38
intelikeycarlfk i agree.09:38
Duncan_TheSheep, i just uninstalled my driver, but when I look in applications>systemtools there is still nvidia x Server settings09:38
frying_fishsakha: the linux ntfs drivers aren't good as good as the windows ones, so it would be a big performance hit09:38
SurfnKidwhat the hell :(09:38
TheSheepsakha: but its solwer, ntfs write is experimental and you don't really get the 'linux way' :)09:38
frying_fishand ntfs writing is not 100% either.09:38
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sakhaarent most novice users afraid to re-partition an existing ntfs drive/disk?09:38
lukefrying_fish, thanks mate09:38
carlfksakha: my main worry is the user deleting the file when they are in windows09:38
frying_fishDuncan_: did you restart X.09:38
ruxpinsakha: you may try captive-ntfs09:38
Duncan_no how do you do that?09:39
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TheSheepDuncan_: just install the packages from synaptics09:39
ruxpinsakha: be warned, use it only lightly, you can't really get ntfs disks working like fat3209:39
TheSheepDuncan_: lets hope they'll overwrite :)09:39
frying_fishDuncan_: ctrl+alt+backspace09:39
SurfnKidwhats a trace command in VT09:39
bulltitanany news about my problem09:39
frying_fishhe may have no desktop when he tries to come back09:39
frying_fishif he didn't change his xorg.conf first.09:39
intelikeysakha people afraid to partition have no business installing an os.   imo09:39
ruxpinwhat's the command to get my domain name?09:40
carlfksakha: even with captive ntfs, it seems like relying on a few too many 'out there' things to solve a phosicalogical problem09:40
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carlfkor however that is spelled09:40
TheSheepfrying_fish: wonder if there's something like 'nohup' for X apps :)09:40
sakhawell the idea is not to create the ubuntu/linux file onto ntfs partition, but to put everything on a file created under ntfs mounted as a reiser/etx3/ext2 filesystem09:40
frying_fishTheSheep: don't know.09:40
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frying_fishsakha: that wouldn't really be a smart plan09:41
frying_fishis it still has to go through the ntfs write driver09:41
sakhaintelikey: would we want more and more people to try linux?09:41
frying_fishbecause the underlying filesystem is ntfs09:41
SurfnKidhow can i see my DNS table?09:41
bulltitanhey! sons of neo and trinity can u help me so i can leave you in holy peace?09:41
frying_fishsakha: thats why resizing is avaialble.09:41
vincent_Nobody's having problems with Azureus and dapper?09:41
ruxpinsakha: you're bound to lose data on that setup09:41
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TheSheepfrying_fish: I know there are some possibilities of 'reconnecting' apps between different X servers, but Xorg doesn't support that :/09:41
uboturumour has it, ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers09:41
Auckland_Pigwhich file stores the settings for "System -> Admin -> Login Window Preferences -> Security" in ubuntu dapper ?09:41
sakhasure underlying filesystem is ntfs but all you are really doing is writing to one file09:41
intelikeysakha the number of people that use linux does not interest me in the least.09:41
crimsunvincent_: plenty of people are thanks to a swt-gtk bug09:41
frying_fishsakha: but you aren't09:42
carlfksakha: but you want it to be a 'normal' install, not like a LiveCD, right?  so you would need to write to the file, which means writing to the NTFS file (something needs to know where the file lives on the disk)09:42
frying_fishits a lot more complex.09:42
dr3wstercould someone please help me? Dapper broke my rhythmbox:(.  It says that it can't find libtotem-plparser.so.0 but synaptic doesn't have that.09:42
TheSheepsakha: you don't get the linux speed and stability with that ;)09:42
intelikeysakha i'd rather have a hand full with quietness than great numbers with strife09:42
frying_fishTheSheep: thats if it would even work.#09:42
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bulltitanthanks to get ppl close to ubuntu with your usefull help ;) (in a millon years)09:42
carlfksakha: although, I do hear that writing to an ntfs file is ok as long as you don't change the size.09:42
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frying_fishsakha: the whole point of the partitioning software allowing you to resize partitions is so you can avoid exactly that.09:43
sakhacarlfk: yes, writing to ntfs, but i thought it would be simpler if you just were to write to one single file09:43
vincent_crimsun: Is THAT the problem!?  How long has the bug been in the repos?09:43
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frying_fishsakha: it would be a bad plan, think of the fragmentation you would get.09:43
TheSheepsakha: next step is porting gnome to windows :)09:43
sakhacarlfk, precisely with a large enough file mounted as reiserfs u wud not need to change the size of the file on the native ntfs disk09:44
frying_fishright, I have to go, have breakfast and continue packing.09:44
crimsunvincent_: probably ever since swt-gtk has been in the repo09:44
frying_fishsakha: you just aren't listening, it wouldn't be good.09:44
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intelikeyfrying_fish i'm not sure frags would be an issue there but data loss might.09:44
frying_fishintelikey: yeah, and big performance hit09:44
sakhafrying_fish: fragmentation, why is that i would create one huge file under ntfs, so hopefully it is all in contiguous space09:44
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frying_fishand people would be like "well this is soo much slower than my windows, I will stick to that"09:44
Auckland_Pigwhich file stores the settings for "System -> Admin -> Login Window Preferences -> Security" in ubuntu dapper ?09:44
TheSheepand a dependency on what m$ thinks up next09:45
=== xxyyzz [n=xyz@CPE-58-169-32-103.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu
vincent_crimsun: Oh.  Well now I'm slightly confused.  I was using Azureus from SF (the whole azureus dir in my home folder) and the JRE from java.com and it was working just fine for awhile.09:45
carlfksakha: still don't like it.  I agree there is a problem, but I think you are asking for more.   but it is worth considering.09:45
xxyyzzDoes Xubuntu come with TCL installed?09:45
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intelikeysakha hopefully....  hehhe yeah09:45
frying_fishit would cause more problems, thant to just have a stable partitioning system that can resize the ntfs09:45
xxyyzz'Cause I'm trying to compile something, and it's saying it can't find TCL, and I'm not sure if I have it or not...09:45
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frying_fishas if you have the space for thepartitions anyway, it can create them09:45
crimsunvincent_: yes, if you use the latest beta jar from azureus.sf.net, it should be fine because it has a workaround for that swt-gtk bug09:45
TheSheepxxyyzz: check in synaptics09:45
xxyyzzTheSheep, what's synpatics?09:46
frying_fishxxyyzz: not the development packages09:46
SurfnKidi cant connect to the repos, help help09:46
cynicalsynaptic, its your package manager09:46
sakhaintelikey: why do u think there might be a data loss?09:46
TheSheepxxyyzz: synaptics, sorry09:46
frying_fishxxyyzz: sudo apt-get install tcl8.4-dev09:46
vincent_crimsun: Okay, I'll try that.  Have you used the beta?  Is it stable enough for daily use?09:46
xxyyzzThanks I'll type that :-)09:46
frying_fishor maybe tcl-84.-dev09:46
xxyyzzHopefully that fixes it...09:46
SurfnKidwhere can i check for my network connection settings in a file09:46
mluu510help: when i press PRINT SCREEN, nothing happens. i already configured my keyboard print button in keyboard shortcut09:46
frying_fishsome combination09:46
xxyyzzI tried typing "sudo apt-get install tcl", but that didn't work...09:46
xxyyzzHow do you find out exactly what you should type?09:46
intelikeybecause you would still be accessing the rieserfs.iso via ntfs arch.09:46
frying_fishwhy not do apt-cache search tcl8.409:46
xxyyzzIs there a website that lists all the apt-get package thingies?09:46
dooglussakha: I have my reiserfs partition on /dev/hda2.  it never changes size at all no matter how many files I write to it.  so I don't see what the problem would be of using a big file on an NTFS partition instead09:46
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cynicalthere is your package manager which lists all the apt-get package thingies09:47
carlfkSurfnKid: /etc/network/interfaces ?09:47
frying_fishdooglus: the fact you are writing through ntfs, which is sketchy at best09:47
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xxyyzzcynical, I'm very bad at using the package manager thing :-/09:47
SurfnKidcarlfk: just found it! yep09:47
antoni_NThello guys, I connect in here using internal modem, unfortunately, just less trhan 14.4 KBPs,is there any other ways to increaase it?09:47
frying_fishand, if you have the space for the partition, why not make it a separate partition?09:47
sakhawell, i just thought this because i managed to boot knoppix from i livecd image on my ntfs disk using grub-nt09:47
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xxyyzzIs there a place that just has an exahaustive list?09:47
cynicaltype sudo synaptic09:47
frying_fishantoni_NT: get a better modem09:47
xxyyzzOkay thanks09:47
cynicaland then use the search function09:47
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dooglusfrying_fish: writing to NTFS is perfectly safe if all you're doing is writing to an existing file without changing its size.  it's creating new files which can be hit and miss09:48
frying_fishdooglus: there are still issues, and it will be a *lot* slower09:48
sakhaand then i mounted the ntfs partition writable using ntfsmount and the fuse driver09:48
carlfksakha: just because it can be done doesn't make it a good idea :)09:48
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frying_fishsince essentially you have to do the write twice.09:48
mluu510help: when i press PRINT SCREEN, nothing happens. i already configured my keyboard print button in keyboard shortcut09:48
TheSheepdooglus: it's safe, but it's still slow and prone to windows's bugs09:48
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sakhabut the newly created files will all be under the linux mounted file system, ntfs would still think it is just getting more data writted to section of the same huge file09:49
SurfnKidis this correct for my ethernet settigns http://pastebin.com/76684709:49
frying_fishsakha: but it has to send the command through both filesystems.09:49
intelikeylet them dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda   and go from there...09:49
frying_fishand so the write is slower.09:49
antoni_NTmy modem is good,yet I have the direver for linux but it is limited to 14.4 kbps of 56 kbps,linuxant,09:49
sakhacarlfk: i thought the opposite, just because it can be done, would be a great idea,09:49
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frying_fishsakha: so another example, just because I can build a nuke to take out a country, I should do it?09:50
carlfksakha: when you want to do an update to the file, something need to know what sector of the disk to update.  that is where the NTFS write happens, and that is the step that we are all freaking out about09:50
frying_fishsakha: do you have any underlying knowledge of how the filesystem will interact with the hardware and such?09:51
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sakhaok ok, i agree its a crazy idea, but i said so at the start :)09:51
frying_fishso why are you still trying to push it09:51
ubotuSurfnKid: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:51
frying_fishif its crazy, then it would likely cause many more issues than it would solve09:51
sakhacarlfk: after all this is not such a gr8 idea, but i just wud be worth i try09:51
TheSheepheh, how about user-space kernel run as a windows app? :D09:51
frying_fishespecially since, if the free space is there for the partition, just resize it so you can use it.09:51
Ar2NoHelp! I want to copy files from pc1 to my pc. but how? using shell command09:52
SurfnKidDid anyone have problems pinging, connecting or resolving to hosts on 6.06? i cant resolve to any repositories09:52
=== Matthewv [n=Matthewv@CPE-139-168-253-198.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
sakhaTheSheep: there is already colinux to do that09:52
dooglussakha: how did you boot from a knoppix .iso on an NTFS partition?09:52
dliAr2No, rsync09:52
TheSheepsakha: kewl09:52
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Ar2Nodli how to copy that file, u know how?09:52
sakhadooglus: grub-nt09:52
intelikeysakha sure make a scba for linux to live in ntfs space.... ahhh isn't that cygwin ???09:52
izm99hey, when  you insert a flash memory card from a digital camera as USB-mass storage, what is the expected behaviour?09:53
dooglusuh huh09:53
troy_sar2mp: cp is the copy command09:53
carlfkAr2No: scp ?09:53
troy_sar2mp: yep09:53
troy_sar2mp:  use ssh09:53
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dooglusAr2No: are they both running ubuntu?09:53
KenSentMeizm99: that nautilus pops up with the contents of the card?09:53
dliAr2No, rsync also uses ssh (scp) by default09:53
carlfkAr2No: you need openssh-server installed on one (maybe both to get the scp command on the other)09:53
Ar2Nodooglus yes both ubuntu09:54
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sakhaintelikey: it is not really like cygwin, cygwin uses the native ntfs filesystem only09:54
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Ar2Nocarlfk yes i did install openssh server09:54
SurfnKidgood night guys09:54
izm99KenSentMe, for me, it pops up with an Import Photos dialog.  If I click "Import Photos," then it opens gthumb in that DCIM directory of the card...09:54
carlfkAr2No: learn how to use scp - it is really handy09:54
SurfnKidtoo tired to deal with this now09:54
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SurfnKidKenSentMe: thanks for yer help09:54
intelikeysakha but it's so near...09:54
SurfnKidfrying_fish: thanks man09:54
Ar2Nocarlfk can u give me example ...09:54
carlfkAr2No: what is the name of the file, the username and IP of the target box?09:55
faroushi i am trying to install a couple of packages yet all complain they can not find xlibs. anyon know a work around i thing this is due to the new xorg09:55
sakhaintelikey: yet different09:55
KenSentMeSurfnKid: no problem09:55
dooglusAr2No: in that case scp is the way to do it.  install openssh_client on one, openssh_server on the other09:55
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KenSentMeizm99: if it detects foto's it does that indeed09:55
intelikeysakha build it.09:55
kholerabbiAnybody know how I can tell if privoxy and tor are working??09:55
KenSentMeizm99: is there something wrong with that?09:55
dooglusAr2No: scp user@remote_host:/path/to/file /local/path09:55
izm99KenSentMe, but if you connect a camera over USB, the Import Photos option opens a different program, that allows you to automatically copy files and delete from source, etc.09:55
farousAr2No: you can also use natilus to it easier if you have x running09:56
doogluskholerabbi: visit some kiddie porn sites and see if the police come knocking?09:56
sakhaintelikey: sure, once i know enough about the ubuntu install process, it is all in python and i could get much ahead in that09:56
kholerabbidooglus: haha09:56
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intelikeysakha i think it's a bad idea in general.  it says that "linux will bend over backwards and kiss M$ butt"   but hey.  doesn't ecery one ?09:56
KenSentMeizm99: if i connect my mobile it starts gthumb09:56
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sakhaintelikey: u have any idea about the ubiquity thingy09:57
doogluskholerabbi: but seriously, browse to http://whatismyip.com/ and see if it tells you your real IP or not09:57
sakhai mean any knowledge about it?09:57
Ar2Nodooglus: thanks I try 1st09:57
KenSentMeizm99: check System > Preferences > Removable Storage > Digital camera09:57
izm99KenSentMe, odd.  I just thought the interface should be consistent.09:57
izm99KenSentMe, ok.  *checks*09:57
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carlfkAr2No: the scp command can reference the remote box as either the source or target - I normaly do it the other way: scp somefile user@remotebox:09:58
=== intelikey says ' if linux can't do it. i don't need it. '
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carlfkthat will drop somefile in user's home dir09:58
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troy_samen intelikey09:59
izm99KenSentMe, ah.  yeah.... the program is a script that decides what to do.  I wrote a substitue for that script (/bin/gnome-volume-manager-gthumb?)09:59
faroushi i am trying to install a couple of packages yet all complain they can not find xlibs. anyon know a work around i thing this is due to the new xorg09:59
troy_sfarous:  how you installing them?09:59
sakhaproblem is that the ubiquity installer wants to complete the disk-repartitioning step, this is where i want to stop it and point it to the ext3/reiser fs mounted on the ntfs09:59
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faroustroy_s: tried both installing deb files and building then09:59
dreamcatcherok the driver on live cd is the same as the one installed10:00
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amortvigilhey, how can i create network bridges?10:00
xukunI cant seem to write anything on my usb stick. it says  that its read only disk10:00
dreamcatcherthough its not particularly the driver for this nic10:00
troy_sfarous:  building will require the development libs for each set10:00
sakhaintelikey: but it is really linux doint it, just that the file system underneath that it has to go thru is ntfs10:00
intelikeysakha so rewrite it.  it's open source.  not like ntfs.10:00
Ar2Nocarlfk http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1529710:00
amortvigilhey, how can i create network bridges?10:00
troy_sfarous:  meaning that if you need foo -- you need foo-dev10:00
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faroustroy_s: i know but it also required the libs which can not be found. the dev package i downloaded10:00
amortvigilhey, how can i create network bridges?10:01
dreamcatcherok the driver on live cd is the same as the one installed10:01
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troy_sfarous:  not all makes are created equally.  you might need to specify where your libs are located in an export.10:01
sakhayea it is open source, but not much documentation, atleast i dont have any documentation10:01
dreamcatcherso why internet on live cd and not in installed ubuntu?10:01
faroustroy_s: i am used to building deb packages10:01
amortvigilhey, how can i create network bridges?10:01
amortvigilanyone, how can i create network bridges?10:01
troy_samortvigil:  that's a pretty broad statement.  you want wireless / wired / where/ how?10:01
dreamcatcherso why internet on live cd and not in installed ubuntu?10:02
troy_sfarous:  yeah but you need the exact error bro, or else can't help you.10:02
dreamcatcherok the driver on live cd is the same as the one installed10:02
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sakhacarlfk: u have any knowledge about ubiquity installer? i guess that is what it is called the live cd to hd installer10:02
dreamcatcherwhats the differnece?10:02
frying_fishdreamcatcher: thats odd.10:02
amortvigili have wired from the router too my computer and i want to tup it from my computer to another computer10:02
maikolis ssh prefered over nfs?10:02
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amortvigiltroy_s: i have wired from the router too my computer and i want to tup it from my computer to another computer10:03
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troy_smaikol:  hell yah10:03
farousit looks for xlib6g that is for opera beta210:03
dreamcatcherlet me give you more info on my network10:03
troy_smaikol:  use ssh for everything.10:03
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maikoltroy_s: thats what i thought10:03
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troy_samortvigil:  wireless?10:03
dreamcatcheri have vonage hooked up to cable modem which has a linksys router wired hooked up to itself10:03
troy_sfarous:  and you have xlib6g-dev installed?10:03
intelikeyssh into X on localhost....10:03
amortvigiltroy_s: no wired10:03
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dreamcatchernow...there is a belken wireless router that is hooked to the linksys10:03
frying_fishmaikol: two different things.10:03
dreamcatcherthen a switch to the belkin10:03
dreamcatcherand then my computer and ps310:04
troy_samortvigil:  sorry, i am failing to see exactly why you need a bridge etc.10:04
dreamcatcheri mean ps210:04
frying_fishdreamcatcher: make sure that the belkin isn't handing out DHCP as well as the linksys10:04
dreamcatcheri get internet on xp10:04
dreamcatcherdual boot config10:04
dreamcatcheri get internet on live cd10:04
maikolfrying_fish: whats the difference, other than ssh being more secure10:04
dreamcatcherjust as fast10:04
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farousi installed xlibs-dev troy_s but xlibs is a virtual package10:04
frying_fishnfs is for files right10:04
dreamcatcherthe drivers on both the live cd and the install are the same10:04
frying_fishssh is for all sorts of stuff.10:04
troy_smaikol:  you don't need more than ssh.10:04
dreamcatcheri had thought about that fryingfish10:04
frying_fishbeing SecureSHell10:04
troy_smaikol:  more secure, cleanly written, more versatile, better, better.10:04
troy_smaikol:  single port10:05
dreamcatcherthough i dont know how to handle that and if that was a problem why is live cd working and not the install10:05
maikolexactly, so ssh can replace nfs10:05
dreamcatcherit seems like something small10:05
maikoltheres no need to have it then10:05
troy_smaikol:  yep10:05
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troy_smaikol:  you can use ssh for a plethora of things -- everything from shelling to remote copy to remote x (ssh -X and you will see)10:05
frying_fishdreamcatcher: it could well be that,10:05
troy_smaikol:  it is the best bloody thing since sliced bread.10:05
frying_fishit can be random what it does, I would suggest going to the config pages of the routers and checking10:05
amortvigiltroy_s: this is the setting: (router) --> (computer1) --> (computer2) the arrows are the network cables i need a bridge between computer 1 and 210:05
dreamcatcheri got the dns ips for both routers10:05
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dreamcatcherthe config that works for xp is throught the wirelss belkin router10:06
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maikoltroy_s: what are the corresponding packages10:06
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frying_fishdreamcatcher: no, go the routers webinterface10:06
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dreamcatcherand the info for dns and gateway and ip are the exact same on ubuntu install and live cd10:06
troy_smaikol:  its a meta -- in dapper i think it is just ssh10:06
frying_fishand turn off dhcp on the belkin.10:06
frying_fishand then, make sure its IP is in the same range as the linksys.10:06
troy_smaikol:  you basically need a client and server -- that's it.10:06
dreamcatcherah......so it could act as just a switch maybe?10:06
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frying_fishdreamcatcher: basically, yes.10:06
troy_samortvigil:  why you flinging 2 thru 1?10:06
frying_fishI have a wireless router acting as an wireless extension to my regular network10:07
maikoltroy_s: im in breezy10:07
ajax4Anyone know how I can fix the error on booting that says, "there are differences between boot sector and its backup" ?10:07
dreamcatcheri dont have cat5 lines long enough to reach that far10:07
troy_smaikol:  then it is openssh-server10:07
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dreamcatcherand we have a lot of comps here10:07
troy_smaikol:  you already have the client.10:07
frying_fishtroy_s: if its like mine, I have an ADSL router, that only has one port out, and a NTL CABLE router that has wireless and a switch10:07
maikoltroy_s: ah, ok10:07
troy_smaikol:  there are a few basic command lines:  scp, ssh, and sftp10:07
amortvigiltroy_s: because it can and because i only got 2 cable here10:07
frying_fishcan't just use the second one as I have ADSL, so just use it for passthrough.10:07
amortvigiltroy_s:(one cable wich is long enough)10:08
troy_samortvigil:  yes but i was just wondering why you don't pipe both computers direct from teh router10:08
frying_fishdreamcatcher: its wireless will still work10:08
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frying_fishif you give the router an IP in the correct range, and turn off DHCP10:08
dreamcatcherso if i disable dhcp and set the static ip's to the range of the linksys.....would i have to do that on all comps connecting through the belkin router10:08
frying_fishit just passes the requests to the other router.10:08
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amortvigiltroy_s: explain10:08
dreamcatcherthere are three comps and wireless comps as well10:08
frying_fishdreamcatcher: no, just on the belkin10:08
cynicalhis router may not have a built in switch :P10:08
dreamcatcherthey all rely on autimatic ip configuration and run xp10:08
frying_fishset the belkin router to have a static IP in the same range as the linksys10:08
dreamcatcherim the only one with linux dual boot10:08
frying_fishthen the linksys will handle the rest.10:08
troy_samortvigil:  doesn't yoru router have four or so switch ports onit?10:08
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dreamcatcherso the static ip that is on the belkin should be the static ip on all comps or will linksys reconfigure all the comps that connect after the belkin static ip change?10:09
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frying_fishdreamcatcher: no10:09
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troy_smaikol:  if you really want to see the power of ssh, try "ssh -X host" then launch an x app from that host.  secure transparent x windows networking.10:09
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dreamcatcheryeah they both do and so does the switch10:09
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amortvigiltroy_s: yes it has,but the cables are verry exspensive and i aint got the money (like 20 euro's) and it worked fine at wiondows xp10:09
maikoltroy_s: sweetness10:09
frying_fishdreamcatcher: I will pm you a set of instructions10:09
blazecan somebody tell me what to add to fstab in order to be able to read/write?10:10
maikoltroy_s: installing as we speak10:10
dreamcatcheri appreciate it10:10
cynical20 euros for some ethernet cables? wtf10:10
troy_samortvigil:  yes, but i guess i just don't see why you don't run a cable from the router.  i guess it is a distance thing.10:10
frying_fishjust reply quickly to the pm10:10
dreamcatcherim learning something new every 10 minutes here lol10:10
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troy_samortvigil:  needless to say, it is just as easy to connect the two10:10
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ElBrujohey how can i cancel print jobs from console?10:10
troy_samortvigil:  iirc, firestarter has a handy little interface to iptables to let you do ics10:10
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amortvigilcynical: they must be longer than 20 meters:P10:10
troy_selbrujo:  lp10:10
frying_fishamortvigil: what are you trying to set up?10:11
cynicalamortvigil: ohhh gotcha ;)10:11
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frying_fishis he basically extending the network via 2 routers?10:11
dreamcatcherso the ip of the linksys is usually the ip you put into firefox to configure the router?
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frying_fishdreamcatcher: do you still want those instructions, if so reply to the first pm (it will make it easier)10:11
troy_sfrying_fish:  router->comp1->comp210:11
dreamcatcherthat ip?10:11
intelikey   lprm  cancels  print  jobs  that  have been queued for printing.10:11
amortvigilfrying_fish (router)-->(computer1)-->(computer2)10:11
frying_fishtroy_s: oh right.10:11
amortvigilfrying_fish: (router)-->(computer1)-->(computer2)10:12
cynicaldreamcatcher: thats the internal ip10:12
frying_fishtis perfectly possible,10:12
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troy_samortvigil:  i presume (router)->(computer2) is too far?10:12
frying_fishamortvigil: is computer 1 pretty much just going to act as a router, or will it be used for other things.10:12
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troy_samortvigil:  and comp1 has two eth ports?10:12
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dreamcatcheris the internal ip what i set the belkin router to or the external10:13
ElBrujolp: Error - destino predeterminado no disponible.10:13
ElBrujowhat happend?10:13
amortvigiltroy_s: he has 310:13
amortvigiltroy_s: :P10:13
intelikeywho can guess why startx gives  "X: unable to open wrapper config file /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config10:13
intelikeyX: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.10:13
troy_samort:  and you have a distance issue between router and comp210:13
troy_samort:  if so, plug in, set your ips, and fly.10:13
amortvigilfrying_fish: yes exactly10:13
cynicaldreamcatcher: what are you trying to do?10:14
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frying_fishdreamcatcher: check your private messages10:14
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frying_fishcynical: I gave him the instructions he needs.10:14
chennaituxianintelikey: check the permissions for that file10:14
znero__Hello. Does somebody know how i turn off doubleklicking xloses windows? im still used doubleklicking everywhere and often close windows i need accidently :(10:14
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amortvigiltroy_s: if so, plug in, set your ips, and fly??10:14
cynicalfrying_fish: rgr10:14
Flannelznero__: you using #kubuntu?10:14
znero__(im using gnome)10:14
maikoltroy_s: portmap isnt needed for ssh im guessing10:14
troy_samort:  i think if all the comps have ax to the same subnet, you shouldn't need any more.10:14
frying_fishright, I am needing food.10:15
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arejensenI think I have found a bug in the pythoncard-tools package in universe, but Im not sure if I should use the normal bugtracking webinterface for reporting it. Anyone know ?10:15
intelikeychennaituxian file perms are ok.   system is mounted 'nosuid'  so user cant start the xserver10:15
troy_smaikol:  port map?  port 22 is ssh if you have any stinker walls in the way.10:15
Beta_Mwhen i try to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse i get "Depends: liblame0 (>=3.96.1-1) but it is not installable" error10:15
RealMurphyHi there, just a quick question: I'm trying to build gcc-4.1 for dapper, however, the imported gcc-files from debian need a newer libc6-dev (e.g.). Any idea how i can circumvent this in a pbuilder preocess?10:15
xxyyzzDo you ever have to defrag your computer if you're running Xubuntu?10:15
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amortvigilhmmm im going to try a few things again thanx alll10:15
troy_smaikol:  although some strange magic happens when you try the -X across networks10:15
ElBrujoanoter way to kill print jobs lp dont work10:15
amortvigiltroy_s: going to try a few things again thanx alll10:15
watson540znero__: umm double clicking a window at the top doesnt close it, it 'shades' it10:15
RealMurphyxxyyzz, No, depending of the file system you are using, it is automatically taken care of10:15
troy_sxxyyzz:  journaling filing systems don't suffer from too much frag10:16
chennaituxianintelikey: login as root, startx, logout and login as user :D10:16
blazehello, how can i activate fstab10:16
xxyyzzOh, that's good10:16
Beta_Mxxyyzz: if you absolutely must defrag, then the best way is "back up/format/restore" but even that isn't needed10:16
xxyyzzHow do I make sure I'm using a journaling file system?10:16
troy_sxxyyzz:  ext310:16
RealMurphyxxyyzz: look at /etc/fstab10:16
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dreamcatcherfrying_fish read pm10:16
RealMurphyxxyyzz, there is a column with file formats10:16
troy_sxxyyzz:  default filesystem in ubuntu is ext3 (which is ext2 plus journaling)10:16
xukunWhich packages do I need to install for dutch spelling check?10:16
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RealMurphyxxyyzz, or simply type "mount"10:16
blazewithout restartin10:17
blazerestarting *10:17
xxyyzzaaah k, I must be using ext3 then10:17
xxyyzz'Cause I haven't changed it.10:17
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RealMurphyxxyyzz, it will tell you type ext3 most probably10:17
blazehow can i run fstab without restarting?10:17
Celestarwhere do I install an additional keyboard map?10:17
Celestar(for X)10:17
makko_does this "deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/snapshot/bzr/ ./" REPO work for anybody?10:17
intelikeychennaituxian yeah root has to do   X    then user can attach to the server10:17
RealMurphyblaze, run ftsab, what are you up to?10:17
Celestarbecause I have US English as only option10:17
troy_smaikol:  if you want to remotely ssh a file system, gnome has it built in too.10:17
blazei want to change the number of auto-mounting partitions10:18
znero2Hm, doubleklicking at windows that are minimized will close them, just happend to my irc-client10:18
blazeRealMurphy: how to run fstab :) ?10:18
xxyyzzMount says "xt3", thanks10:18
troy_sxxyyzz:  there you go.10:18
B1zzim intrested in the ssh -x command :)10:18
RealMurphyblaze, fstab is jsut a configuration file and cannot be run10:18
troy_sxxyyzz:  if you want, you can force a fschk10:18
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troy_sb1zz:  its ssh -X not -x10:18
blazeand how to run the things, that i have added10:18
B1zzahh yes :)10:18
blazewithout restarting10:18
blazeor i have to restart?10:18
troy_sb1zz:  one of the most useful tools in ssh that not a whole crapload know about.10:18
intelikeychennaituxian solution for my purposes is  add  X & to an init script.10:18
RealMurphyblaze, typically 'mount 'a'10:19
makko_does this "deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/snapshot/bzr/ ./" REPO work for anybody?10:19
RealMurphyblaze, 'mount -a'10:19
blazei se.. i'll restart then :)10:19
chennaituxianintelikey: good if you have found a way10:19
B1zzyeah but i have one set up on my xp bow running cygwin10:19
troy_sb1zz:  should still work apparently, although plain x is faster from what i have heard.10:19
RealMurphyblaze, if it's automounter '/etc/init.d/automounter restart' (or whatever the name is)10:19
troy_sb1zz:  just ssh -X to host, then launch any x app...10:19
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B1zzok i will try :)10:20
troy_sb1zz:  try xclock10:20
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znero2oops, seems like its an strange compiz-addon that caused my problem, ill try to deactivate it.10:20
troy_sb1zz:  almost every x app should work, although you can watch the errors for certain discreps.10:20
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B1zzwell duh! it would help if i had X apps installed right? lol10:20
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B1zzi have very basic cygwin installation10:21
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intelikeyB1zz all you need is a kernel and bash   :)10:22
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makko_intelikey: can a kernel be installed as a part of cygwin?10:22
troy_sb1zz:  i was assuming you were doing it from your cygwin box to a real *nix box.10:22
troy_sb1zz:  but you can test with default x apps like xeyes etc.10:22
intelikeymakko_ i don't know ??!!10:22
troy_sb1zz:  should work seamlessly... i launched rosegarden across the internet which was pretty cool.10:23
Mageknightcan I still install the edubuntu-6.06-install-i386.iso without burning it??10:23
B1zzyeah thats what i want to do too :)10:23
Beta_Mwhen i try to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse i get "Depends: liblame0 (>=3.96.1-1) but it is not installable" error, and this is a package that i need to listen to non-free media10:23
B1zzi use it mainley when i am clients house and i need a tool from my pc i just ssh into my pc using putty10:23
troy_sb1zz:  its _very_ powerful.  there are further steps for sound and such... but you can get the gui up within seconds with ssh thanks to the auto head / display assignment etc.10:23
troy_sb1zz:  yah putty works fine for the plain cli10:24
troy_sb1zz:  but the real power comes from native ssh to ssh10:24
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troy_sb1zz:  with that -X10:24
maikoltroy_s: what files must i modify to configure ssh10:24
B1zzyeah thats my next steo :)10:24
troy_smaikol:  nothing :)10:24
troy_smaikol:  which is why it is soooooo powerful.10:24
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B1zzwaiting to get my gigabyte board back from maufacture10:24
maikoltroy_s: it just works?10:24
troy_smaikol:  just ssh to host10:24
intelikeyMageknight it is possable.  if you can mount it, in some *nix    or boot an iso.10:24
troy_smaikol:  yep10:24
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B1zzand then install linux on my windows box as a server10:25
maikoltroy_s: wow. speechless10:25
troy_smaikol:  and if you have a ssh server running, right click on your gnome desktop and add a ssh folder to a remote computer... then it is all integrated right into nautalis.10:25
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RealMurphyMageknight, another possibliy is to do a full network install and just take the install kernel from the iso10:25
troy_smaikol:  yah i convinced a guy to use ssh the other day after he struggled with samba for 8 days.10:25
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RealMurphyMageknight, however, that is a bit of extra work10:25
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maikoltroy_s: haha, ive struggled through samba and nfs for about a week now10:25
troy_smaikol:  and there is a free file tool for winblows called winscp if you need to share crap in winblows across platforms.10:25
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phreak97how do i make my mic work?10:26
MageknightRealMurphy: i  was thinking which one to use.10:26
troy_smaikol:  try the gnome shortcut -- it will BLOW you away.10:26
maikoltroy_s: will do10:26
troy_sin ubuntu10:26
troy_smaikol:  click PLACES from menu10:26
maikoltroy_s: cant do it right now, dont have mouse10:26
troy_smaikol:  then CONNECT TO SERVER10:26
MageknightRealMurphy: instead of using the update manager itself. i decided to download it on bittorrent10:26
maikoltroy_s: or gnome running10:26
RealMurphyMageknight, install kernel? Mount the iso (loop device) and extract the network kernel, move that to a place where grub can find it and boot from there10:26
troy_smaikol:  the rest should be pretty self explanatory.  if you want to do it all via the cli -- man scp or sftp10:27
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troy_smaikol:  and there is sshfs which is another client of sorts i believe... although i have never used it because scp does everything you need.10:27
maikoltroy_s: awesome. thanks for the info10:27
B1zzso troy if i want to ssh into my laptop (Linux) i would need to install the server on it right?10:27
makko_does this "deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/snapshot/bzr/ ./" REPO work for anybody?10:27
troy_sb1zz:  yep.  that's it.10:27
B1zzok imma do that10:28
troy_sb1zz:  and of course know the IP, have port 22 open, and have a password/account10:28
MageknightRealMurphy: how do i install the kernel, or is it already here???10:28
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blaze__when i chmod a file will it stay the same after rebooting?10:28
B1zzyeap granted10:28
troy_sb1zz:  aside from that, its painless compared to crap nfs and samba10:28
blaze__if it is a folder from a auto-mounting partition10:28
B1zzadded another router to my network10:28
troy_sb1zz:  and you get encrypted transmissions for free -- which means no stinking packet sniffing on wireless will haunt you.10:28
B1zznow i lost smb.....10:28
troy_sb1zz:  ignore smb.  it sucks.10:28
RealMurphyMageknight, do you have already linux on the bos running (with gurb)?10:28
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B1zzwhat about my amarok?10:29
B1zzi have all my music on my smb share?10:29
troy_sb1zz: uh... you use gnome?10:29
B1zzim on XFCE10:29
troy_sb1zz:  you can still mount a remote dir using whatever wm you are running.10:29
MageknightRealMurphy: you mean linux on the dos running with grub?? yes10:29
troy_sb1zz:  then just launch accordingly.10:29
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B1zzdun understand.....10:30
RealMurphyMageknight, linux on the dos? What does that mean?10:30
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B1zzbut in order to mount i use smb10:30
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troy_sb1zz:  i don't know how to do it in xfce10:30
frying_fishB1zz: yes.10:30
MageknightRealMurphy: never mind the dos. i'm just new to linux10:30
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troy_sb1zz:  but in gnome there is a native way to simply add a folder via ssh10:30
frying_fishtroy_s: it should be the same anywhere10:30
B1zzahh ok10:31
frying_fishjust add an entry to fstab10:31
MageknightRealMurphy: i just happen to use linux for the first time using ubuntu10:31
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B1zzi will look into it troy_s10:31
RealMurphyah ok, then I would definately advise you to burn the image to a CD and install that way.. way easier than anything else10:31
troy_sfrying_fish:  yah i spose you could do that too.10:31
troy_sb1zz: n eedless to say, it shouldn't be a pain.  it is quite simple.10:31
frying_fishmuch simpler than messing round, and will take about 2mins10:31
Ar2Nohelp! how to allow FTP annymous access ?10:31
B1zzhehe ya!10:31
frying_fishlet me find my forum post on how I explained it to someone else10:31
whityhmm well dapper finally works, but I had to select the kernal 2.6.12 instead of 2.6.15 in grub10:31
B1zzssh is cool10:31
troy_sfryingfish:  well adding a folder in gnome is damn easy and takes all of about 1 second :)10:31
troy_sb1zz:  check out sshfs10:31
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aftertafwhity, whyn doesnt 2.6.15 boot? tried in recovery mde to see the error?10:32
troy_sb1zz:  that lets you mount a filesystem via that client relatively painlessly (according to a buddy of mine)10:32
B1zzahh ok10:32
intelikeyhmmm if you delete all panels  what do you do to put one back ?10:32
B1zzwill do10:32
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whityaftertaf: yes I have, says root can't be mounted10:32
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blaze__what should i add to fstab to be able to write to a partition?10:32
troy_sintelikey:  good question!  laf.10:32
blaze__help me :)10:33
aftertafwhity, which version of kernel? and what exact error. imho try another 2.6.15 kernel. i happens sometimes.10:33
intelikeyand can gnome run affectivly without nautilus ?10:33
aftertaflol intelikey10:33
whityaftertaf: the default one with dapper10:33
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intelikeyaftertaf ?10:33
chavointelikey, sure you win't have desktop icons10:33
whityand I don't currently have a copy of it10:33
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Celestarubotu: keyboard10:33
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Celestar10:33
intelikeychavo that is preferable10:33
lorenzo_si puo parlare con messanger?10:34
aftertafwhity, i had pbs with not long ago.10:34
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:34
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=== intelikey hates icons
blaze__and how can i login with 2 accounts simultaniously?10:34
whityAlright, I might try 2.6.1610:34
aftertafblaze, with one or two pcs?10:34
frying_fishtroy_s: true, however, if you want to keep the thing to survive after rebooting, its just as easy to stick it in fstab10:34
Auckland_PigI just see a black screen and a pointer when i VNC.... any ideas what the problem is?10:34
aftertaf2.6.16? bulit yourself?10:34
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TheSheepintelikey: sure, it's not explorer ;)10:34
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troy_sfrying_fish:  what does the line look like for ssh then?10:35
Mageknighthow long will it take to download and install 6.06 on a speed of 383kbps???10:35
frying_fishtroy_s: don't know for ssh.10:35
chavoTheSheep, you can run windows w/o explorer10:35
frying_fishfor smb, its simple enough10:35
troy_sauckland_pig:  vnc isn't horribly great for security, but you probably know that.10:35
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intelikeyTheSheep so what is required to cause gnome to "not have nautilus as it's window" ?10:35
TheSheepchavo: but not windows applications, at least not the ones written by stupid programmers10:35
CelestarI don't get this :(10:35
Auckland_Pigtroy_s: i'm using ssh to tunnel10:35
whityaftertaf: I seen a post on the forums about 2.6.16 not long ago I thought10:35
aftertaftry it then whity :)10:36
troy_sauckland_pig:  well that is at least good... any reason that you need more than ssh?  is it a windows box?10:36
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Auckland_Pigtroy_s: i'm trying to vnc from my windows box to dapper10:36
frying_fishdammn, searching is taking too long10:36
troy_sauckland_pig:  if you need gui apps, i would say use the cygwin then you can simply remote x apps via ssh10:37
FaileasAuckland_Pig: dosen't VNC blank the BG by default?10:37
intelikeyTheSheep ?10:37
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frying_fishfor smb in fstab it should be along the lines of : //computer/share /mount/point smbfs defaults,logondetails,rw,uid=user 0 010:37
frying_fishthats what I have for mine.10:37
chavointelikey, go to Prefernces - Sessions10:37
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troy_sahh it is probaably the same in ssh using sshfs10:37
troy_sif i had to bet.10:37
Auckland_Pigtroy_s: Faileas : i can VNC properly after a user is logged on to a gnome session. but when i try to vnc to the GDM login screen... i only see a black screen10:38
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fruges5172didnt work for me guys10:38
frying_fishthat XDCMP that needs sending isn't it.10:38
frying_fishyou could try another vnc server10:38
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FaileasAuckland_Pig: sounds like VNC acting wierd10:38
KenSentMefrying_fish: don't you have boot problems with smbfs in fstab?10:38
frying_fishand have in its start config thing to just load a gnome session.10:38
frying_fishKenSentMe: no,10:38
frying_fishif it can't connect to the remote filesystem, it just slows boot slightly.10:38
KenSentMefrying_fish: there's a bug in launchpad that makes hal load very slowly10:38
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frying_fishit takes about an extra 5-10seconds maybe10:39
frying_fishwhich, I don't care about10:39
Auckland_PigFaileas: probably i screwed up some settings....10:39
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fruges5172frying fish i apoligize for bothering you again....but i had tried what we talked about and i lost the internet connection...i feel i did something wrong....i fixed it...but im back wherei started10:39
frying_fishextra 5 - 10, to save me other sorts of hassles is easier.10:39
intelikeychavo k that works.10:39
frying_fishfruges5172: ?10:39
KenSentMefrying_fish: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/4487410:39
snoopsHi there - anyone up for helping me with a manual grub install?10:39
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frying_fishsnoops: its on the wiki10:39
frying_fishahh right10:39
KenSentMefrying_fish: with me it's more like 5-10 minutes10:39
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chennaituxiansnoops: do a google10:40
frying_fishKenSentMe: ouch10:40
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dreamcatcher3344sorry fryingfish...it was me10:40
snoopsah, including the stuff about chrooting frying_fish?10:40
frying_fishnah for me its fine, I don't experience the bug.10:40
frying_fishsnoops: yes10:40
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Faileasi am doing a reinstall and was wondering10:40
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frying_fishso dreamcatcher3344 what was the problem?10:40
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frying_fishsnoops: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RecoveringGrub10:40
ElBrujohey help10:40
ElBrujoi cant cancel print jobs10:41
Faileascould it be me changing the amount of ram available that caused apt-get to segfault?10:41
dreamcatcher3344i had set the belkin up with an ip address which is in the range of the linksys10:41
frying_fishok, and the linksys was handling dhcp yes?10:41
dreamcatcher3344and the connection dropped on me...had to reset the belkin10:41
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snoopsah thank you frying_fish :)10:41
dreamcatcher3344i turned dchp off on the belkin and it pooped on me10:41
_viperhi all - has anyone here managed to install ubuntu server using a mylex dac960 raid card?10:41
frying_fishdreamcatcher3344: it shouldn't have10:41
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shriphaniguys i need good instruction to play mpg videos in totem movie player10:42
frying_fishunless the belkin is shoddy.10:42
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dreamcatcher3344i know...it sounded like it would have worked10:42
ElBrujoplease i put lp and give me an arror10:42
frying_fishshriphani: use a different payer? like vlc10:42
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frying_fisha simple apt-get install vlc away10:42
snoopsoh, while I'm here is there a room for help on smoothwall?10:42
dreamcatcher3344its a good router...they both are...and the live cd handled it without a hitch10:42
shriphanifrying_fish, does vlc come with mpg codecs ?10:42
frying_fishshriphani: yes10:42
Celestarwhich keymap does gdm use?10:42
dreamcatcher3344advanced bookmarks were working and everything10:42
intelikeychavo hmmmm i might get enough crap turned off that i can tolerate 'nome      i still don't really see anything i like about it though   ;/10:42
Celestar(by default)10:42
cef_viper: what sort of issue you having.. I've installed earlier versions, having to work around abug or 210:42
frying_fishit does jjust about everything itself.10:42
shriphaniis it there in the repos ?10:42
chavointelikey, sorry did you figure it out10:42
dreamcatcher3344i just dont understand why the full install would poop out on me like that with the internet10:42
intelikeychavo yes10:42
troy_sfrying_fish:  including streaming10:42
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TheSheepintelikey: use ratpoison window manager ;)10:43
frying_fishdreamcatcher3344: dunno then10:43
frying_fishtroy_s: yeah it does streaming10:43
troy_sfrying_fish:  if you want to do that around your house etc...10:43
intelikeyTheSheep twm10:43
chavointelikey, what do you normally use?10:43
intelikeytwm  or bb10:43
frying_fishtroy_s: yes. (are you asking or stating this as an extra features)10:43
shriphanithank you very much10:43
troy_sfrying:  stating10:43
dreamcatcher3344it says in the network configuration within ubuntu that eth0 is active...though the network connection shows disconnected after a few seconds after boot up10:43
troy_sfrying:  it is pretty darn powerful.10:43
shriphanifrying_fish, thanks10:43
BSDinuxi dist-upgraded from breezy to dapper yesterday, now startx fails... i removed glcore from xorg.conf, as i suspected a nvidia-driver issue, but i still get an error. typing X on the console starts X11, but not the gdm. i am not at the box right now, but do you have any hints or ideas?10:43
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troy_sbsdinux:  change driver to vesa10:44
_vipercef: i seem to have a couple of redundant hd's and scsi errors10:44
frying_fishtroy_s: cool, yeah, its a great little player, you using the latest build from them (0.8.5)10:44
dreamcatcher3344do you suppose there is a place where i can get extended driver packages and put them on cd so i can install them on ubuntu and maybe fix the connection?10:44
troy_sbsdiniux:  then work on getting nvidia up and running.10:44
troy_sfry:  default apt-get... whats new in .8.5?10:45
intelikeychavo well i should specify that 'when i use X' it's twm or bb most of the time.  i play with k when i want to fiddle and twiddle.10:45
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BSDinuxi'll try vesa then... i used nv instead of nvidia, but that didn't help10:45
chavointelikey, if you happen to run nautilus again it will try to paint the desktop10:45
frying_fisha lot of fixes, and a new skins set up (the new skin is quite nice)10:45
troy_sbsdinux:  always start with the standard, then work up.10:45
BSDinuxaye aye10:45
frying_fishbut, you have to get it from their nightlies place http://nightlies.videolan.org/10:45
_vipercef are there any utility's that you know of for initializing the drives etc?10:45
troy_sbsdinux:  it is the goto driver :)10:45
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cefBSDinux: if you're using custom res stuff, you may find it's been trashed or that the driver has changed it's detection routines and is overriding youer settings10:45
chavointelikey, but there's a gconf key that will stop it10:45
frying_fishI may even look at starting to compile it myself at some point10:45
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frying_fishif I can get their dependencies sorted (never could with slackware) will do it on my dev box rather than this laptop though10:45
troy_sfrying:  what's new though?10:45
cef_viper: only tools I've found were DOS based or in the card's bios10:45
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intelikeychavo that's no problem.  i don't like nautilus anyway.  i could just  rm /usr/bin/nautilus  and be done with it.10:45
blazehow can i set the owner i fstab?10:46
knubbehow do i see what kernel i have?10:46
BSDinuxok thanks10:46
_vipercef how about raidutils?10:46
troy_sknubbe:  uname -r10:46
blazehow can i set the owner in fstab?10:46
knubbetroy_s: thank you10:46
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Ngblaze: as in the owner of the files on the filesystem that gets mounted? if so, see "man mount" and investigate the "uid", "gid" and "umask" options10:46
cef_viper: the hardware raid cards don't talk to the standard linux raid utils. they're all software raid tools.10:46
blazethank you :)10:46
intelikeyblaze owner of fstab ?   no root needs to own that.10:46
blazeng :)10:46
carlfkhow do I find out what plugin is needed for http://gorillamask.net/videoelnino.shtml ?10:46
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blazeno, intelikey :)10:47
cef_viper: is it a true dac960, or one of the ones that uses a DAC960 chip?10:47
troy_scarlfk:  totem under properties shoudl do you10:47
blazeNg already told me what i needed :) 10x10:47
frying_fishtroy_s: some better support for things.10:47
carlfktroy_s: huh?10:47
Mageknighthow do you install 6.06 using edubuntu-6.06-install-i386.iso on the computer itself without using a CD anympre???10:47
frying_fishand its nicer to interact with I found.10:47
B1zz*wiats for ssh to install*10:47
Mageknighthow do you install 6.06 using edubuntu-6.06-install-i386.iso on the computer itself without using a CD anymore???10:47
troy_scarlfk:  try loading it using totem or another media player, then look at the properties stated.10:47
_vipercef so really i should find something like serverwork GAM (global array manager) from fujitsu siemens or something10:47
ubotuompaul: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:48
carlfktroy_s: it is a web page10:48
ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware10:48
intelikeyblaze i was just answering your question.  not trying to guess what you really wanted...10:48
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linchrissDoes anyone know what the neg-plugin does in compiz?10:48
frying_fishcarlfk: it seems to load fine with the mplayer pluugin.10:48
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ompaulMageknight, ^^^ have a look up there a couple of lines10:48
cef_viper: on the one I had (a DAC960 chip card), it had issues till I properly init'ed the array using the DOS utility10:48
frying_fishand obviously you need the w32 codecs for that10:48
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_vipercef poss the same thing im getting10:48
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cef_viper: if it's a fujitsu/siemens machine, then I'd definitely give it a shot!10:48
Mageknightompaul: what do you mean exactly??10:49
_vipercef but i dont see the utility to init the drives in the dac bios10:49
troy_sfrying:  nope10:49
=== SirGrok [n=jeff@cpe-24-165-180-108.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sfrying:  running amd64 here with no w32 and it runs fine10:49
Lukkiemorning guys, quick question. On ubuntu.com it states that 6.06 LTS will have support for Sun SPARC T1 ... but I cant find the .iso for installation10:49
fiendskull9anyone noticed a big unstableness in firefox whilst using myspace?10:49
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cef_viper: on the machine I was playing around with (a DEC Prioris) I had endless probs till the array was init'ed properly using the tool10:49
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_vipercef thanks 4 your help10:49
SirGrokCan someone tell me the command to how Process ID numbers so that I can run the "kill" command?10:49
cef_viper: no probs.. glad to help10:50
troy_ssirgrok:  ps -aux10:50
SirGroktroy_s, thanks.10:50
ompaulMageknight, I was suggesting that if you read the page that was on the screen a moment or two ago, this one-> See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation <-- you would see how to achieve any install that is possible10:50
intelikeytroy_s that will error   no dash.10:50
frying_fishtroy_s: oh ok.10:50
troy_sintelikey:  it will still work, more bsd friendly10:50
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Lukkienobody? :(10:50
troy_sintelikey:  it will just bitch.  but it shouldn't...10:50
=== Lukkie has a nice UltraSPARC T1 ... but I just hate Solaris
intelikeyi agree   it should not.10:51
BuZzY_hello i have a phpBB2 forum installed on a server and want to export only the structure (i.e the sections and messages) whithout the theme configurations..how can i do that?i(i have phpmyadmin10:51
troy_sintelikey:  pisses me off like shutdown -hP versus -hp10:51
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ompaulLukkie, well that was a bit fast for a question expecting a reply now if you wait a moment one image may be found for you10:51
troy_sintelikey:  if the nixes would just get on teh same page...10:51
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.10:51
intelikeytroy_s lsb10:51
Lukkieompaul: *hold* :)10:51
NgLukkie: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/dapper/main/ - is that any use10:51
=== troy_s is an idiot.
intelikeylinux standards base10:52
Ar2Nohtlp! how to add ftp user?10:52
Ar2Nohelp! how to add ftp user?10:52
cefBuZzY_: no idea, but I'd suspect that if the theme configs are stored int he databse, they're probably either stored in a table named something like 'themes' or in a table named after the theme itself10:52
troy_sintelikey:  yah... i spose.  but i mean linux is a nix derivative... everyone should try to be nix.10:52
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troy_sar2no:  DONT10:52
troy_sar2no:  it is too insecure.10:52
BuZzY_cef: i want to copy only structure ..10:52
troy_sar2no:  use ssh10:53
BuZzY_not theme10:53
LukkieNg: mmm ... could be something :)10:53
cefBuZzY_: best off looking on a phpBB2 forum though10:53
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KenSentMeAr2No: most ftp servers use system users as ftp users, so when you add a system user and create it's home, than that user is a new ftp user and the files go in his home folder10:53
LukkieDapper = latest release?10:53
NgLukkie: correct10:53
KenSentMeLukkie: yes10:53
troy_sar2no:  it is worth noting that the ONLY remote hole in openbsd came in the ftpd server.  think about it.10:53
Auckland_Pigtroy_s: Faileas : finally got VNC working to the gnome login screen... had to tweak with the XDMCP settings, they changed (probably i replaced them) during dapper upgrade :D10:53
ompaulLukkie, afik its not fully ready but I have seen it about10:54
intelikeylinux is not a unix derivative    unix has been a large contributer to linux but travold would disagree about the origen  and so would stalman10:54
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Ar2NoKenSentMe so I just need to add normal user? so what is the normal command that use to add normal user?10:54
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troy_sar2no:  ssh was intended to replace ALL of those insecure protocols -- telnet, ftp, etc.10:54
ompaulLukkie, translation, I am still looking10:54
Lukkiemini.iso ... lets download and burn it! :)10:54
miracolimiracoli ogra ottolo betul dark_light EvilItself|alt mantono agileist hartym__ rednax SirGrok RandolphCarter gmd Lukkie disasm_ ompaul lepingbeta blaze knubbe Yoric ChaKy DarkMageZ nathan_ knopper Flyoc_ Dangermouse xice human_blip fiendskull9 snoops BuZzY_ eliphas_ g8m Regis_ mikl teacher zenit retodd herzi genaus transgress Lukketto roche_ ssam rosex KLuuppo takedown__ mlowe dli_ mbm1980 Eleaf _TomB GNAM pasadena3 AaSFi blue-frog th10:54
miracolibrainball Seveas xpc Bergcube picole Freduardo brynk MasterC legion_nux saik0 samitheberber vegiVamp Aapzak phaero B1zz mumbles-laptop lloydinho carlos gigabyte_noteboo pvanhoof Sergi0 Fjodor Hobbsee vincent__ Hit3k Matic`Makovec Warlord384 fix- |GraBBer| xxyyzz Remy Auckland_Pig osirix brmiller visik7 x92 reggaemanu_ ruxpin carlfk diop Spaceraver dwa ^Michael avis avi__ thansen|laptop Fillado Tomcat_ TigerWolf Karpor disinterested_pe10:54
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troy_sar2no:  please don't use ftp.  your insecurity is everyone's insecurity.10:54
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
=== miracoli was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (You should know better. Bye!)
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@cpe-024-168-251-071.sc.res.rr.com] by ompaul
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B1zzwhat was that?10:55
ompaulB1zz, a muppet10:55
=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
troy_sb1zz:  channel skript kiddie.10:55
Hobbseenice work, calling ops in advertantly...10:55
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
ompaulthere was that10:55
Ar2Notroy_s so what is the command to add ssh user? complete with his home directory? please help me abit..10:55
=== ^betul^ [n=anjuna@ip-152-234.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Hobbseei would have thougth that you wanted to *miss* the ops, so you could keep spamming...10:55
ubotuI guess ssh is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdvancedOpenSSH10:55
troy_sar2no:  ssh is simply based on your basic system.  add a user using adduser and you get ssh for free.10:56
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intelikeyAr2No normal user is ssh user10:56
intelikeyman useradd10:56
troy_sar2no:  and you won't be subjecting all of the world to further exploitation via owned systems.10:57
=== cynical [n=cynical@adsl-068-209-095-168.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ar2Notroy_s u mean like this sudo useradd troy_s10:57
troy_sar2no:  use the gnome user adder if you want10:58
intelikeyown your home   not your neibours box....10:58
=== chuck_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sar2no:  but man useradd is a good start as per intelikey10:58
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troy_sintelikey:  well said.10:58
ompaulLukkie,  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20060531/ have a look in there - as I said it is not ready yet that I know of10:58
Ar2Notroy_s actually I dont have GUI on my server10:58
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Lukkieompaul: if this is gonne work ... IOU one :)10:59
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ompaulLukkie, help people :-) irc is the bittorrent help :-)10:59
troy_shttp://bsdfreak.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=458 -- everyone should know about that.10:59
dark_lighti am on dapper amd64 and i see that some libs have a 32bits version on amd64 (i mean, there are libs starting with lib32, like lib32gcc1 package), but i want some other libs, like libsdl1.2debian, what can i do? i don't really want to build a lib32sdl1.2debian package10:59
=== aeho [n=aeho@cable-vlk-fe74de00-69.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
troy_ssupport openbsd guys -- we are all on the same team.10:59
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=== DBO [n=DBO@cpe-65-185-133-122.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ar2Notroy_s let say if i want to add user just type ->useradd kamal -d /home/kamal11:00
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=== johnnowak uses openbsd, not ubuntu
phreak97ok, i cant make my microphone work. it works but volume is ULTRA low11:00
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ompaultroy_s, it has been known for several months, and some people do not have sympathy for Theo, others do11:00
troy_sjohnowak:  if openbsd had openoffice and such, i am sure more would use it.11:00
troy_sompaul:  but many many many people use ssh.  and well, ssh alone is worth supporting the brothren.11:01
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B1zzdid you enable mic bost phreak97?11:02
B1zzmic boost*11:02
johnnowakompaul: It has nothing to do with Theo.11:02
B1zztry that11:02
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
johnnowaktroy_s: Openoffice is crap.11:03
troy_sjohnowak:  well it has upside to the folks who are msoffice stuck.11:03
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troy_sjohnowak:  and to vert takes tools...11:03
Ngjohnnowak: please mind the language and personal opinions ;)11:03
johnnowaktroy_s: I don't think many are considering moving from MS to OpenBSD :)11:03
johnnowakNg: "Crap"?11:03
phreak97how do i change the recording source?11:03
ompaulguys can you keep it to ontopic11:03
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phreak97if i open the recording level app i get nothing11:04
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ompaulphreak97, play with audacity and see what you get11:04
Ngjohnnowak: indeed, this is a family rated channel :)11:04
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ompaulNg, thats !lanugage11:04
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disinterested_peompaul can u tell me how to play a dvd wma format in xmms?11:05
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phreak97what's audacity?11:05
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ompaul!tell disinterested_pe about restricted11:05
rpaulphreak97: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/11:05
freeflying|awayompaul: hi11:05
ompaulthat is all I know disinterested_pe11:05
ompaulfreeflying|away, hi there11:05
=== ompaul notes your not away
disinterested_peive been there and have got the wma plugin installed11:06
mathfeelhey, just starting using Ubuntu within the last few hours...11:06
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disinterested_peok ty11:06
mathfeelcan anyone tell me if certain software is not in apt-tree...11:06
freeflying|awayompaul: RX packets:4916151 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:5877 --< why the value of frame keep increase11:06
ompauldisinterested_pe, try clicking on the track and see if that works11:06
CrippsFXhm ... off topic question here ... but does anybody know of any good websites for finding cheap flights in europe?11:06
mathfeelhow do I grab 'em?11:06
Auckland_Piggrrrr ubotu11:06
mathfeelfor example, Amarok only has version 1.3, but i need 1.4 for some feature...11:06
disinterested_pei cant even get the tracks to show in xmms11:06
ompaulAuckland_Pig, playing with the bot is not on11:07
Auckland_Pigompaul: :-(11:07
zcat[1] To play DVD's you need libdvdcss .. it's got nothing to do with wma.11:07
ompaulAuckland_Pig, there are 800+ here, please11:07
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=== Auckland_Pig nods in agreement
=== Matthewv [n=Matthewv@CPE-139-168-253-198.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ompauldisinterested_pe, right go to nautilus right click on a track and see what opens11:07
=== zcat[1] is confused .. what ls 'dvd wma' ?
rpaulmathfeel: amarok 1.3 is the official packaged version of amarok.  ubuntu won't get a new version until its next release in 6 months11:08
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ompaulfreeflying|away, no idea,11:08
freeflying|awayompaul: thx11:08
xophErrpaul, isnt it possible via backports?11:08
rpaulmathfeel: what features of 1.4 do you need, it seemed almost the same as 1.3 to me11:08
rpaulxophEr: i think so.  are they setup yet?11:09
Auckland_Pigompaul: there used to be some channel where we can play with ubotu and other bots, any idea where it is?11:09
mathfeeli have a laptop running gentoo with 1.4 on it11:09
xophErrpaul, no idea :/11:09
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.11:09
apokryphosAuckland_Pig: #debian-bots11:09
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=== Auckland_Pig off to #debian-bots
mathfeeland it can just play mp3 off of url...11:09
mathfeelbasically I am using apache2 to host my mp3s...11:09
zcat[1] you can /msg the bot too...11:09
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
rpaulmathfeel: ah yes, finally support for streaming urls.11:09
crocohow do i replace the pre-installed gnu java with the sun one?11:10
zcat[1] Hmmmm.. not many updates since 1/6 ...11:10
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more.11:10
zcat[1] new compiz thought. I wonder what Quinn has given us today!11:11
ompaulzcat[1] , ^^^ read that 1/6 was a release date11:11
rpaulmathfeel: i think it may be added through backports sometime.  that is your best bet.  i'm primarily a gentoo user so i'm not sure11:11
mathfeelin this regard...i actually like gentoo better, caz it's portage is constantly updated (although thing breaks every now and then)11:11
apokryphoszcat[1] : LMK if there's anything good/decent please ;-)11:11
=== gharz [n=gharz@de1-b14862.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
rpaulmathfeel: yeah, gentoo evolves instead of jumping forward every 6 months11:12
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zcat[1] ompaul: bugs still get fixed though don't they? I'm waiting for a fix on acidrip and kino. Then my life will be complete :)11:12
mathfeelbut the ease of ubuntu amazes me...11:12
gharzguys... does beagle work with ubuntu dapper?11:12
phreak97"There was an error initializing the audio i/o layer. you will not be able to play or record audio"11:12
gharzhow can i run it?11:12
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apokryphosgharz: yes11:12
crimsunrpaul: "jumping forward" is based on /when/ a user updates, though, in both distros.11:12
gharzi cna't find it in Applications.11:13
mathfeelbtw, whenever ubuntu updates, do I need to download/burn new CD and ramp the system with it?11:13
gharzi've already installed beagle11:13
apokryphosmathfeel: no, see the FAQ11:13
rpaulcrimsun: that is true, but you can choose to update every day if you wanted to with gentoo11:13
mathfeelor is there more "gentle" way of just using some GUI thing..11:13
cynicalmathfeel: no just do apt-get dist-upgrade11:13
ompaulzcat[1] , no only security fixes, unless there is some "compelling reason"11:13
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Jowiquick question: is /etc/cron.weekly run automatically or does it need to be set up with cron or crontab?11:13
crimsunrpaul: same way with Debian/Ubuntu11:13
apokryphosmathfeel: exactly11:13
intelikeydoing dist-upgrade without changing the sources.list installs security updates and bug fixes ?11:13
zcat[1] I installed beagle. Then I uninstalled it. I might try again in edgy but I don't think it's quite 'ready' yet :)11:13
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rpaulcrimsun: ubuntu only add new versions of software for a new release (except for fixes)11:14
apokryphosintelikey: a certain  amount of things might be allowed into the dapper-updates repository, which is essentially bugfixes, yes.11:14
phreak97ompaul, help?11:14
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>11:14
phreak97error: Host error.11:14
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-108-10-185.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulphreak97, context11:14
crimsunrpaul: discounting -backports, yes.11:14
intelikeyi guess i should do that, seeing i now use hoary and it's no longer supported.11:14
rpaulcrimsun: are the backports setup yet for ubuntu?11:14
intelikeyapokryphos ^11:14
Ngrpaul: there's nothing to backport yet11:15
cynicalintelikey: make sure to update your sources.list file before you do dist-upgrade11:15
crimsunrpaul: they have been since hoary11:15
ompaulintelikey, it is for another 4 months11:15
phreak97ompaul, i started audacity and it says theres an error with the audio i/o layer11:15
ompaulphreak97, no idea11:15
rpaulcrimsun: ok, i should add it to my sources list then11:15
zcat[1] hmmm.. there's a patch for kino, I may have to just use that in the meantime..11:15
crimsunrpaul: we're just a lot more conservative in backporting, as in the build requirements are much more stringent11:15
rpaulNg: amarok 1.4 would be a prime candidate for backporting11:15
intelikeyompaul i thought it went out with the release of dapper ?11:15
zcat[1] audacity tries to use oss instead of the sound daemon I think. I've always had problems with that...11:16
fiendskull9phreak97, restart it a couple times. it does it to me alot too11:16
apokryphos!info amarok dapper11:16
ubotuamarok: (versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE), section kde, is optional. Version: 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4 (dapper), Packaged size: 7630 kB, Installed size: 18672 kB11:16
ompaulintelikey, no warty went on the 20th April11:16
Ngrpaul: there won't be backports for dapper until at least the point where the edgy tree opens, afaik11:16
apokryphosNg: nope, -updates was open straight away11:16
rpaulcrimsun: which is a good thing in some respects.  i like to live dangerously :)11:16
intelikeycynical there will be no changes to my sources.list11:16
phreak97fiendskull9, i restarted once11:16
phreak97i want to use skype is all11:17
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Ngapokryphos: aren't -upadtes and -backports different sources?11:17
phreak97brb restart again then11:17
ompaulphreak97, that is a different thing,11:17
mathfeelthanx...reading FAQ now...11:17
phreak97ompaul, what ?11:17
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crimsunrpaul: yes, the ultimate separation, I suppose. A dozen or fewer of us managing 18,000 packages means much fewer room for random backports.11:17
Ngapokryphos: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz looks pretty empty to me11:17
apokryphosNg: ah, indeed; I thought you meant any backports. Not quite sure when backports opens, but it's probably some time after edgy tree does, yeah11:17
ompaulphreak97, do this, click on the speaker icon, and then choose input devices and mic and turn it on11:18
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Ngapokryphos: :011:18
phreak97ompaul, it is11:18
Hobbseeapokryphos: probably after edgy goes for UVF11:18
Hobbseeor FF11:18
Hobbseei dont remember which one11:18
xukunHow can I test sound on dapper11:18
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rpaulcrimsun: are you an official maintainer?11:18
aawill someone tell me what's wrong with this plz? http://pastebin.com/76697111:18
Matthewvxukun, play something?11:18
crimsunNg: dapper-backports is extremely low priority until our archive admins get edgy chroots built11:19
crimsunrpaul: yes11:19
=== Stardog [n=jalla@126.80-202-89.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp always worked for me :)11:19
nightw0lfhi, i've added a folder to "shared folders", i can see the comp in the network but i can't access it, standard user and pw doesn't work... any idea?11:19
frying_fishaa thats not how you do it at all11:19
Jowixukun: "playsound /usr/share/sounds/warning.wav"11:19
crimsunNg: toolchain transition, that is (glibc 2.4, gcc 4.1)11:19
rpaulcrimsun: good work on this latest release.  very easy to update from breezy.11:19
ompaulphreak97, you should try to talk with echo123 a user for skype to test things - and go though those settings in the capture window, if your having issues a much easier to understand mixer is kmix install that run it and you will find your mic is turned off11:19
Matthewvwhats the command to check what process is using a certain file?11:19
=== Mikelo [n=silvio@81-174-39-142.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu
frying_fishaa, for a start, it can't find the file its after, and secondly, you don't untar by typing "install foo.tar.gz"11:19
rpaulcrimsun: however i have a package related problem :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1110387&posted=1#post111038711:20
ompaulMatthewv, you want lsof11:20
Stardoghow to upgrade from breezy to dapper?11:20
rpaulcrimsun: any ideas?11:20
Matthewvompaul, thanks a lot11:20
intelikeyok that should be the last time i run ' apt-get update ' on this system.   not to do the apt-get dist-upgrade   and it's all set up.11:20
Stardogjust sudo apt-get upgrade?11:20
rpaulstardog, run update-manager11:20
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rpaulStardog: and click upgrade to dapper11:20
phreak97ompaul, my mic is working through my speakers11:20
aafrying_fish, so i'll extract it first and then find the right command11:20
umarwhether ubuntu is LSB compliant11:20
phreak97but anything that tries to use it gets an i/o error11:20
apokryphosStardog: please read the FAQ first11:20
KenSentMe!tell Stardog about upgrade11:20
frying_fishaa, extracting it is all you need11:20
Ngcrimsun: indeed :)11:20
frying_fishif its the one from the mozilla site11:21
aafrying_fish, yes11:21
frying_fishits a precompiled binary.11:21
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frying_fishthen you can run it, but you might want to sort out other things11:21
crimsunrpaul: I can look in about 40 minutes (in a meeting atm), but it's also 5:21 AM localtime11:21
Mikelodoes anybody know where where rhythmbox saves its playlists?11:21
frying_fishlike where it is, and what launches it and so forth11:21
ompaulphreak97, okay that is beyond my knowledge, I take it you installed skype from the instructions found at !skype11:21
Mikelodoes anybody know where where rhythmbox saves its radio stations?11:21
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frying_fishMikelo: ~/.rhythmbox ?11:22
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Jowiphreak97: you may want to kill esd11:22
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xukunbefore I always did from console: play //usr/share/sounds/warning.wav but the play command is gone sins the upgrade11:22
phreak97ompaul, i downloaded it then typed dpkg -i skypefilename11:22
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ
umarubuntu is LSB compliant?????/11:22
umarubuntu is LSB compliant?????/11:22
umarubuntu is LSB compliant?????/11:22
umarubuntu is LSB compliant?????/11:22
ompaulumar, excuse me11:22
rpaulcrimsun: so your either up way to late, or far too early :)  it's not urgent, i just can't uninstall a few packages as the files they reference are a bit strange.11:22
ompaullsb_release -d11:22
umarubuntu is LSB compliant?????/11:22
=== axisme [n=JJVen@host-212-158-244-58.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stardogthx mates :D doing it now11:23
crimsunrpaul: (too late, been awake for 49 hours)11:23
Hobbseeumar: dont repeat.11:23
Jowiumar: stop spamming please11:23
Faileasumar: try checking the ubuntu page?11:23
ompaulumar, your question marks do not validate your question, please do not repeate11:23
crimsunrpaul: have you unmounted and fscked the fs?11:23
=== knubbe [n=knubbe@c-33d4e255.217-9-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Jowiphreak97: try "killall esd" and see if skype work better.11:24
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umarwhether ls_release -d will work11:24
rpaulcrimsun: can i unmount the root partition?  not sure what fsking the system does but it sounds nasty11:24
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ompaulNo LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description:    Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Release:        6.06 Codename:       dapper11:24
umarAny body heard about Xandros?11:24
ompaulumar, this is a support channel for ubuntu that is offtopic11:25
williswatsonhave someone used the SlickEdit????11:25
Faileasumar: its a distro11:25
=== Alecx [n=Allo@ron34-3-82-236-239-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
phreak97Jowi, i still cant record in audacity or anything else11:25
intelikeywhat did berkley do ?    lsb  or was that  lsd  ?11:25
phreak97though it didnt error11:25
phreak97it just doesnt work11:25
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.11:25
intelikeybsd and lsd  that's it.11:25
umarcan i know IRC server address of Xandros?11:25
williswatsonis there someone used the SlickEdit????11:26
Faileastry #Xandros?11:26
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crimsunrpaul: you can mount it read-only if you either drop to single user or boot from a live cd (in which case you don't need to mount it read-only at all)11:26
bonyhow to install xulrunner on a 64bit ubuntu dapper ?11:26
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, bony11:27
rpaulcrimsun: ok, ill grab my breezy live cd and give it a try, thanks for the help.  just 1 question, does the file system get fscked on boot up?11:27
Celestarthis is weird11:27
crimsunrpaul: not by default, only every 20/30 mounts11:27
Jowiphreak97: are you sure you are using the mic and not the line-in?11:28
rpaulcrimsun: ah ok.   thanks.  i'll reboot with my live cd now.  get some sleep sometime11:28
Celestarubotu: gdm11:28
ubotuCelestar: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:28
crimsunrpaul: (default meaning an ext3 fs, so crashes will only replay the journal not fsck the fs)11:28
=== Cloneysocks [n=clone@cable-cmts1-66-196-23-87.vvm.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jowiphreak97: i mean, is the mic connected to the correct plug?11:28
intelikeyrpaul actually yes it gets fsck'd but if it is marked as cleanly umounted fsck without -f does nothing.11:28
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Cloneysockshey, I need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst.  What do I put into the terminal to do that?11:29
rpaulcrimsun: intelikey: i am running reiserFS, does that make a difference?11:29
intelikeynot really11:29
fiendskull9Cloneysocks, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:29
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crimsunafaik the semantics don't differ11:29
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ompaulCelestar, the bot does not have to know everything - what is your quesiton11:30
Celestarompaul: I'm trying to set the default keymap in gdm11:30
intelikeyrpaul all fsck will do is replay the journal     man fsck11:30
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Celestargdmsetup provides no such option11:30
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ompaulCelestar, system preferences keyboard11:30
rpaulcrimsun: intelikey: i just remembered this box doesn't have a working CD drive for the live CD.  how do i drop to single user mode?11:31
ompaulCelestar, thats an X config setting that is imported11:31
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amortvigilhey how do i change readonly premissions of an harddisk?11:31
Celestarompaul: "system preferences" ? in gnome?11:31
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Faileashow do i remove a user or delete a user?11:31
crimsunrpaul: ``sudo telinit 1''11:31
amortvigilhey how do i change readonly premissions of an harddisk?11:31
rpaulcrimsun: thanks, and then 'fsck /'11:32
ompaulCelestar, in Ubuntu menu: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard11:32
crimsunrpaul: well, you'll want to lsof /var* /tmp*11:32
aai got the message saying i don't have permission to extract a file to a folder.  how can i extract it?11:32
ompaulamortvigil, generally you don't want to, what permissions on what kind of file system11:32
Celestarompaul: no keyboard options (Beside us) is listed, I needa install a package11:33
rpaulcrimsun: lsof?11:33
crimsunrpaul: and stop any processes like logging daemons before remounting read-only to fsck11:33
=== Celestar goes browsing apt-cache
BrianGin nautalus, i want to be able to middle click on a folder and have it open without the parent closing, is this possible?11:33
intelikeyrpaul single user mode wont let you fsck /  you need to mount -o remount,ro /  and fsck /dev/hd?#11:33
intelikeythen reboot11:33
FaileasDoes anyone use Xubuntu? is their a GUI package manager in it?11:33
crimsunFaileas: you can install synaptic.11:33
Faileasor likewise for any other light graphical interface11:33
aai suppose i have the same problem as amortvigil11:33
amortvigilompaul: i have an hdd wich i cant do anything with because i aint got premissions11:33
ompaulCelestar, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and work from there - but it is there in dapper and breezy11:33
Faileascrimsun: cool11:34
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Faileasand how do i switch from CLI to GUI and vice versa? init something right?11:34
aaamortvigil, you can create folders and delete files by getting permission by typing "gksudo nautilus" in terminal, i think11:34
Celestarompaul: yeah but I have not even a VGA card in that box :)11:34
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Stardogwhen I try upgrading, i get this errormsg; Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/source/Sources.gz Underprosessen gzip ga en feilkode (1)11:35
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aai just can't extract to a folder11:35
amortvigilaa: ill try11:35
aathat's my problem11:35
WINBALLSo, how do I install nvidia drivers for my GF6600 without having problems with X configuration? (?)11:35
ompaulamortvigil, I don't understand your question enough to help you, there are many ways to do things, if I give you one I can suggest that it works, but it could break your machine, so is it a windows disk, is it a linux disk what is it11:35
rpaulcrimsun: intelikey: i'll give those commands a try.  thanks heaps11:35
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intelikeyhehhe    fsck `grep ' / ' /etc/fstab | cut -d' ' -f1`11:35
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Celestarompaul: and I can't log in because with gdmsetup because there's some weird default keymap and I can't find my passwd :P11:35
Anchoito21anyone knows where is the module of modprobe11:35
phreak97Jowi, yeah, i get full volume through my speakers when the mic isnt muted11:36
Anchoito21for soundcard isa Crystal CX423511:36
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apokryphosWINBALL: have you read the FAQ?11:36
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phreak97but applications cant access it11:36
phreak97not properly anyway11:36
intelikeyAnchoito21 modprobe snd-cx423511:36
ompaulCelestar, that is a console issue, and you really were not being fair with the question, so you need to attach ye monitor and a video card and go in rescue mode11:36
DavidJaqWell, I have step one to getting Dapper installed on my computer... I got Breezy installed despite the fact that my computer won't boot from CD (it's an old computer that seems to ignore the BIOS setting for boot order)... I followed instructions I found online on how to update to Dapper from Breezy...11:37
DavidJaqHowever, my repositories are still for Breezy and I don't notice anything different11:37
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amortvigilaa: when i try to change it says cannot change the rights this is an only read disk11:38
Jowiphreak97: you need to enable recording for the mic as well.11:38
Anchoito21intelikey it said FATAL: Module snd_cx4235 not found.11:38
Celestarompaul: I can login using RS-232 or ssh, only in gdm the keyboard layout is weird. btw there's no way to install a video card and/or monitor at the time being.11:38
intelikeyAnchoito21 use bash_completion.11:38
phreak97Jowi, i did11:38
crimsunAnchoito21: (snd-cs4236)11:38
phreak97it is enabled11:38
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aaamortvigil, that happened in the new file browser window that came up after typing "gksudo nautilus" in terminal? [if so that should have certainly allowed you] 11:39
Anchoito21FATAL: Error inserting snd_cs4236 (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/sound/isa/cs423x/snd-cs4236.ko): Operation not permitted11:39
Anchoito21FATAL: Error running install command for snd_cs423611:39
Celestarompaul: but I'll manage :)11:39
ompaulCelestar, you can try the xserver-xorg setting and it should set the keyboard choose vga not that it matters for the video card11:39
DavidJaqTo upgrade from Breezy to Dapper I opened a terminal and did 'gksudo update-manager -d' and it upgraded a lot of stuff, but now my repositories are still for Breezy and not for Dapper and I don't notice anything different.11:39
sn00pWhats the line to add the nonfree to sources.list?11:39
ompaulCelestar, or vesa11:39
Anchoito21how is bash_completion?11:39
amortvigilaa: well:i came right up there but it wont work:S11:39
apokryphossn00p: FAQ11:39
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Celestarompaul: yeah did set vga11:40
apokryphosAnchoito21: fine here11:40
jrsimshow can I play quicktime?11:40
ubotuxfce is, like, totally, a lightweight Desktop Environment that uses GTK. to install, "sudo apt-get install xfce4" or "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". http://www.xfce.org/11:40
apokryphosjrsims: FAQ11:40
sn00papokryphos where?11:40
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Celestarkilled the wrong X server :11:40
apokryphossn00p: /topic11:40
void^Anchoito21: use sudo modprobe ..11:40
Stardogcant upgrade to dapper beacause of this errormsg; Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/source/Sources.gz11:40
intelikeyhow was that command to make the stuff in /dev/snd/ ?   something in /etc/alsa/ ???11:41
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Jowiphreak97: I would try disable esd and use only alsa as output and input sink11:42
DavidJaqTo upgrade from Breezy to Dapper I opened a terminal and did 'gksudo update-manager -d' and it upgraded a lot of stuff, but now my repositories are still for Breezy and not for Dapper and I don't notice anything different.11:42
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sn00papokryphos I cant find the nonfree one tell me pleas11:42
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Anchoito21help me please11:43
apokryphossn00p: go through the guide that tells you the extra repositories to add11:43
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PFAmy friend has a widescreen laptop and she says that the resolution is too narrow, so everything's stretched out, and the computer froze when she tried to change the resolution. how can she fix it?11:43
Jowiphreak97: i don't have gnome installed, but i believe the option is in System->Prefs->multimediasomething11:43
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sn00papokryphos which link?11:43
phreak97Jowi, how?11:43
DavidJaqPFA: I read something about that today. I'll post a link in a moment.11:43
PFADavidJaq: thank you11:43
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apokryphossn00p: the one about adding new repositories; in the FAQ11:44
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StardogDavidJaq, try this link to change repo http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper11:44
DavidJaqPFA: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:44
sn00papokyrphos I dont see any11:44
PFADavidJaq: thanks!11:44
FlannelStardog: don't recommend ubuntuguide, please.11:44
DavidJaqPFA: I don't know if that'll solve your friend's problem or not, but I did recall reading about that problem in that section.11:44
StardogFlannel, kk11:45
phreak97Jowi, under the audio settings in skype i can only choose /dev/dsp11:45
phreak97is that right11:45
Jowiphreak97: yes11:45
FlannelStardog: the wiki has everything and more, in it (wiki.ubuntu.com)11:45
Celestarapt == good11:45
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StardogFlannel, isnt my link a wiki?11:45
DavidJaqPFA: No problem. I figure it's only fair if I help you since people here help me most times :)11:45
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FlannelStardog: yes, but it's not the official ubuntu wiki, and actually, it's just a copy/paste from ubuntuguide it looks like.11:46
phreak97Jowi, alsa is selected already11:46
Anchoito21sudo modprobe snd-cs423611:46
Anchoito21and now?11:46
phreak97should i try another one?11:46
phreak97what's oss?11:46
PFAphreak97: open source software11:46
phreak97worth trying?11:46
StardogFlannel, ah.. ok11:46
phreak97oprn sound system actually11:47
void^(or open sound system)11:47
Anchoito21To enable ALSA support you need at least to build the kernel with11:47
Anchoito21primary sound card support (CONFIG_SOUND).  Since ALSA can emulate OSS,11:47
Anchoito21you don't have to choose any of the OSS modules.11:47
Anchoito21where is kernel?11:47
Jowiphreak97: not sure. i just made an upgrade so i will have to install skype again. wait a few minutes and I will try it again11:47
StardogFlannel, can u link the official to me?11:47
intelikeycarp    mount: no permission to look at /dev/loop#     gar11:47
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Jowiphreak97: btw, which skype version do you have and where did you download it from?11:47
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FlannelStardog: http://wiki.ubuntu.com11:48
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phreak97i downloaded from the skype website11:48
intelikeyi guess i'll have to add me to some groups.11:48
phreak97and i got the debian one, i think it mentioned ubuntu next to the link11:48
phreak97strange thing is that it worked for a few minutes11:48
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xstAfter I upgraded to dapper, I have no longer any sound in firefox. How can I fix this?11:48
uboturumour has it, skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/11:49
phreak97it didnt work to begin with then while i was messing with it to try work it, it started working, then it stopped again11:49
Jowiphreak97: try that one instead11:49
phreak97and i didnt really do anything to make it start or stop11:49
DavidJaqStardog: Thanks! It appears to be working. Owe you one.11:49
phreak97how do i uninstall this one?11:49
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Anchoito21help pls!11:50
Jowiphreak97: "sudo apt-get remove skype". skype has a test builtin to it. call "echo123" and see if that works before installing another version.11:50
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Anchoito21where is the kernel11:50
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sn00pWhats the line to add the nonfree to sources.list?11:51
Flannelsn00p: ubuntu doesn't have non-free, you mean multiverse.11:51
DavidJaqI like how fast and resposive Ubuntu is compared to my Windows XP machine11:51
JowiAnchoito21: the kernel that is used when you start your machine is in /boot11:51
Flannel!tell sn00p about repositories11:51
PFADavidJaq: me too :D11:51
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Klaidashello. Whi trying to compile (./configure), I get this error: [error: "Qt library is required to compile VyQChat!"] . What's the name of this library that I have to install?11:51
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DavidJaqI was thinking of getting vmware and installing Windows XP inside of it for those one or two programs that I can't live without, don't work well with wine, and have no satisfying linux alternatives11:52
DavidJaqlike zMUD11:52
JowiKlaidas: probably libqt4-dev (or libqt3-dev)11:52
Anchoito21To enable ALSA support you need at least to build the kernel with11:52
Anchoito21primary sound card support (CONFIG_SOUND).  Since ALSA can emulate OSS,11:52
Anchoito21you don't have to choose any of the OSS modules.11:52
Klaidasok, thanks. I'll try that11:52
Anchoito21where is that?11:52
williswatsonFlannel,whats the multiverse ????11:52
rpaulcrimsun: intelikey: well i fkcked my root partition at run level 1 and it said "No Corruptions Found" so I guess that is good?11:52
williswatsonFlannel,multi - version????11:52
sn00pFlannel I want the nonfree11:53
JowiKlaidas: depending on the application you might want to install libqt3-mt-dev as well11:53
intelikeyWHAT is this error;   memlock: Cannot allocate memory11:53
intelikeyCouldn't lock into memory, exiting.11:53
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DavidJaqzMUD is a program I use on a daily basis, it works under wine but the feature I use most doesn't work in wine, and the linux-native alternatives don't have that feature to a satisfying level, which means either I keep a windows xp installation or I use something like vmware11:53
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FlannelDavidJaq: use mushclient! it's wine friendly.11:53
phreak97Jowi, echo123 returns me if im close to the mic, talking loudly, and have 20db mic boost on11:53
intelikeyrpaul always good to see no errors11:54
DavidJaqmushclient doesn't have the automapper and I LOVE the automapper... there's linux alternatives with the automapper, but they're not as good11:54
Jowiphreak97: ouch. and the mic volume is on max already as well?11:54
phreak97 Jowi yup11:54
phreak97and it's not coming through my speakers loudly either anymore11:54
DavidJaqI've done lots of research into the matter, Flanel11:54
DavidJaqgnome-mud is promising, though11:54
FlannelDavidJaq: actually, there's a mapper plugin for mushclient, check the forums (the mushclient ones)11:54
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sn00pFlannel is that one for dapper 6.10 as well?11:55
DavidJaqFlannel: there is a mapper for it, but it's not as good as zMUD's11:55
rpaulintelikey: but that doesn't explain why my directory '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable' directory is acting strange ...11:55
Flannelsn00p: what?  6.10 isn't out yet.11:55
rpaulintelikey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1080798#post108079811:55
sn00poh i mean11:55
StardogFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/source/Sources.gz.... gzip gives a wrong code or something when trying to uppgrade to Dapper... is this error just temporary or is it something Im doing wrong?11:55
DavidJaqFlannel: zMUD's is buggy, but when it works it works awesomely.11:55
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intelikeyrpaul "acting strange"   ?11:56
phreak97Jowi, ideas?11:56
phreak97i dont think it's skypes fault11:56
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Flannelsn00p: you don't want "non-free" non free doesn't exist, you want multiverse.11:56
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Anchoito21how i can open snd-cs4236.ko?11:56
intelikeyopen it ?11:56
sn00pFlannel thank you11:57
intelikeyit's a binary kernel module no ?11:57
Jowiphreak97: well, either it's your soundcard, your mic or skype that's at fault. hard to say. run "alsamixer" and put around 80% volume on Master, PCM and Mic. if you also have a thing called "External" in alsamixer make sure it is not muted. that's all i can think of11:57
intelikeyAnchoito21 to view or edit ?11:57
rpaulintelikey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=111091711:57
rpaulrpaul: my directory problem is on the forum11:57
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Deconhi im having problems with wifi on my ThinkPad R51 anyone around to help a poor man out ^^?11:58
DavidJaqyou know... from a newbie to linux's point of view, like my point of view right now, linux looks intimidating. Yeah, it has a friendly GUI, but everything useful needs to be done in a terminal... that's what's stopped me in the past... but Ubuntu does a nice job of making it all seem less scary and confusing.11:58
Flannelwilliswatson: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components11:58
Jowiphreak97: need to cook. bbl11:58
nevynDavidJaq: don't fear the commandline11:58
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phreak97Jowi, i cant get external to show11:59
Anchoito21for edit11:59
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intelikeyrpaul looks more like a permissions problem to me.11:59
DavidJaqI don't fear it, really... it's just that in Windows you only have to use the command line for weird reasons, like getting certain java files to open (even then, I tend to make .bat files)... in linux it's more like the GUI and the command line are on equal footing11:59
Anchoito21intelikey for edit11:59
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GerbilsHow can I, via commandline, take ownership of a folder and all that is in it?12:00
FaileasDecon: you might need to get the firmware12:00
apokryphosDavidJaq: yes, it still requires some advance on that respect. Some distros are a lot worse, certainly; but then, some are also quite a bit better.12:00
JowiDavidJaq: there is also a nice wiki for basic commands (/msg ubotu commands) :)12:00
FlannelGerbils: why do you want to do that?12:00
GerbilsFlannel: So I can upload files.12:00
nevynDavidJaq: I wouldn't say they're on an equal footing even in windos12:00
DeconFaileas, it worked in suse 10.1 thats why im kinda confused  :(12:00
FaileasDecon: see if you can find a IPW 2100 or 2200 package12:00
apokryphosGerbils: chown username:usergroup -R somefolder12:00
Gerbilsapokryphos: thanks12:00
intelikeyAnchoito21 sudo <your editor> `find /lib -name snd-cs4236.ko `12:00
FaileasDecon: there's a non free package essential for the wifi to work12:00
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FlannelGerbils: just making sure you weren't editing system things via chown ;)  lots of people make that mistake.12:01
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nevynDavidJaq: doing everything in the gui is something GNU/linux environments continue to strive towards12:01
DavidJaqNevyn: I meant that in Windows the commandline is hardly ever used while the GUI is used for nearly everything... in linux the commandline is used far more, sometimes nearly as much as the GUI12:01
codecainehi anybody know how to fix the mplayer error the screen turns black with alotof lines all I can do is hear sound no video12:01
Faileassuse has it, ubuntu dosen't12:01
GerbilsFlannel: Thanks for your concern :)12:01
rpaulintelikey: i just did an ls -l again and now it seems ok.  not sure how an fsck on a readonly partition would have fixed the problem but it looks ok now12:01
nevynDavidJaq: I use a commandline every day in windows12:01
apokryphosFlannel: ouch, yeah, seen some bad cases. A guy chowned /etc/ and /usr to his username12:01
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FaileasDecon: i can link you to their site, donno if there's a proper ubuntu package, i'm pretty new to it12:01
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DavidJaqNevyn: I'm talking from a normal user's point of view (A little more advanced than Grandma, but not a 'hacker')12:02
nevynDavidJaq: not as much as I do on linux but still I'll have 2 or 3 open when using windows12:02
DeconFaileas, ipw, does it come as stadard with ubuntu ?:/12:02
FaileasDecon: i doubt12:02
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Netcad hey, how can i make my /var/www directory a samba share?12:02
Deconbecause i might have i hard time getting it without internet12:02
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FaileasDecon: http://ipw2100.sourceforge.net/12:02
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intelikeyrpaul it looks like a permissions error in the url you gave. not an fs error   if perms are read but no exec on a dir it will do that.    example;  mkdir blah ;touch blah/testing ;ls -l blah12:03
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nevynDavidJaq: I'm a normal user.. at least I delude myself that I'm one ;)12:03
gasoHas anybody configured min12xxw driver and make minolta printers work under Dapper12:04
DeconFaileas, whats the difference between the 2100 and 2200 ?12:04
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Anchoito21with insmod?12:04
FaileasDecon: http://support.intel.com/support/notebook/sb/CS-006408.htm12:04
FaileasDecon: yours wifi B or G?12:04
Anchoito21how is with insmod12:04
intelikey ?--------- ? ? ? ? ? scalable  <--- your post compared to that test  rpaul   same ?12:04
Deconits g12:04
Deconokay :)12:04
Faileaslucky bastard ;p12:04
Faileasi have a 2100 ;p12:04
rpaulintelikey: it is now drwxr-xr-x 9 root root     232 2005-11-24 22:15 scalable12:04
DavidJaqNevyn: You ceased to be a 'normal user' when you started doing more than tinkering with Linux :)12:05
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DeconFaileas, ;p12:05
addict3di tried using ffmpeg in dapper.. all i get is a "cannot find video grab device" error.. any help anyone ?12:05
rpaulintelikey: so somehow that fsck fixed the problem.12:05
intelikeyrpaul i doubt that.12:05
FaileasDecon: you could burn it to a cd and compile from source there, should work w/o a net connection12:05
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rpaulintelikey: well, i didn't do anything else....12:05
Morticia.    ?12:05
DavidJaqIt's taking a long time to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper12:05
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gasoHas anybody configured min12xxw driver and make minolta printers work under Dapper, it has worked under Breezy12:05
intelikeyrpaul i don't know what fixed it.  but it's unlikely that fsck did.12:05
DeconFaileas, got a usb drive ill try with that to start out with12:06
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FaileasDecon: might be a deb for it floating around, that could be copied too12:06
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rpaulintelikey: shoudn't fsck fix up errors in the file system, like directories that have lost their directory flag etc12:06
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intelikeyrpaul that's not an fs error.  it's a permissions setting.12:07
addict3dcan anyone help me ?12:07
rpaulintelikey: hmmm, i'm not sure why it works but it now does.  thanks for your help12:07
DavidJaqI think that Ubuntu should have a feature that allows a user to start the install process from within Windows XP... you put in the disc and hit 'Install Ubuntu' from within the autorun pop up... this should work like instlux does, allowing you to bypass the need to boot from CD (for us using sucky hardware) and it'd also make it easier for WinXP users to migrate to Linux12:07
Terminushello. is there anyway i can get dapper to set invisible mode on yahoo?12:07
gasoDoes enyone have Konica Minolta PagePro XXXX printer12:07
Terminuserrr... s/dapper/gaim/12:07
intelikeyrpaul i wish it was still as before i would show you...   sudo ls -l  would have read it.12:07
DavidJaqit'd also be nice if it detected problems before the reboot, giving a message like "You have Windows XP installed with no free partition space. This means that Windows XP may be overwritten by your installation of Ubuntu." and it should give information on how to fix that problem12:08
rpaulintelikey: previously i tried to delete the directory as root but it said permissions denied12:08
DeconFaileas, dunno, cant find if there is12:08
gasoIs it Cups broken in Dapper, nothing usefull in forums how to fix that12:09
intelikeyrpaul only way i can see that being an fs error is if it powered off without umounting...12:09
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intelikeythat is possable12:09
adamant1988DavidJaq: I don't believe it should. You would have a mass of people who didn't know what they were getting themselves into, and would be VERY unhappy.   Also, if the live CD won't run at all on your hardware, do you expect the installed version to fair much better?12:09
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intelikeybut on boot the system should have fsck'd the thing and fixed it auto.12:10
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DeconFaileas, could you maybe help me compiling the ipw package :P?12:10
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Zajjko|workAnyone alive?12:10
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Zajjko|work; p12:10
xstWould you recommend to use easyubuntu or automatix in order to install various non-free stuff on dapper?12:10
FaileasDecon: i have been using ubuntu for about...12:10
Faileas12 hours ;p12:10
rpaulintelikey: basically i used update-manager to move to dapper.  once it had installed and rebooted i had a look at the packages installed and noticed some old kde packages.  so i tried to delete them and got that error12:10
DavidJaqadamant1988: Yes, I expect it to fair much better? Why do I expect this? Because I'm in just such an environment. My computer will not boot from the CD drive even though the CD drive and IDE cables are new and the BIOS is set correctly12:10
adamant1988xst easy ubuntu12:10
DeconFaileas, whoops :)12:11
DavidJaqignore that first question mark :)12:11
rpaulintelikey: so i dont' think it was powered off with out unmounting12:11
apokryphosxst: easyubuntu, of course. /msg ubotu automatix to find out why :P12:11
FaileasDecon: i had the exact same issue with mandriva and they had a package from PLF, thats how i know12:11
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adamant1988DavidJaq: does your computer have multiple disk drives?12:11
intelikeyrpaul could have been... upgrade rewrote most if not all your init scripts.12:11
KenSentMeHow does this bounty thing on launchpad work?12:11
gasoDacon: apt-get source -b xxx.deb12:12
=== Faileas is a total linux noob
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Zajjko|workCan anyone assist me with a Live-CD issue? I'm getting a black screen upon loading X/Gnome when starting Live-CD12:12
codecaine_how can I play wmv files in mplayer?12:12
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uboturestricted is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats12:12
DavidJaqadamantl1988: The problem is that my computer's hardware doesn't like eachother. There's lots of problems with it, but it's all I have... so I had to use instlux to install Breezy and now I'm using Breezy to upgrade to Dapper.12:12
rpaulintelikey: ok.  thanks for the help12:12
apokryphosKenSentMe: probably the same way all bounties work. If you implement the feature, you get the cash.12:12
adamant1988Zajjko|work: try loading it in safe graphics mode.12:12
apokryphoscodecaine: FAQ12:12
BladedgeGuys, hey I can't take it anymore, Flash Player NEVER installs as it should12:12
ubotuI guess mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:12
BladedgeI tried to install it at least 10 times12:12
intelikeyrpaul any time.   if it gives more trubble  buz me.  i'd like to look.12:12
Zajjko|workadamant1988: I've tried that, unfortunately there is no change in behavior12:12
gasocodacain: install w32codecs, with automatix or manualy for playing wmv12:13
rpaulintelikey: thanks buddy, take care12:13
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BladedgeI never displays any text-buttons and stuff like that12:13
KenSentMeapokryphos: so i put up a bounty and when someone solves the problem i should pay the money to that person?12:13
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DavidJaqadamant1988: My computer seems to completely ignore my BIOS boot order... I tell it to boot from CD and it doesn't even check the drives before it boots from hard drive... if I remove everything except the CD drive it tells me No OS Present or some other error, ignoring the disc in the CD drive12:13
adamant1988Zajjko|work: hrmmm have you tried re-burning it?12:13
apokryphosKenSentMe: I'm not sure that ordinary people can add bounties there12:13
Zajjko|workadamant1988: I've also tried changing the monitor updatefrequencies in xorg.conf, but I'm unable to reload X/Gnome12:13
KenSentMeapokryphos: and when i want to pay the ubuntu devs for solving a bug?12:14
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FaileasKenSentMe: something like that12:14
Zajjko|workadamant1988: It's an installCD that has worked for my friend with a similar config12:14
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adamant1988DavidJaq: Sorry to hear that, assumed you meant slow hardware as I consider slow and sucky synonymous.12:14
intelikeyDavidJaq what bios ?12:14
intelikeyDavidJaq you might be able to update your bios12:15
DavidJaqPhoenyxBIOS with some ancient version number. I've tried to find an update for it, but I can't find it12:15
FaileasDavidJaq: i think there's usually a button you can press to force a certain drive to boot, try escape?12:15
gasoHas anybody configured min12xxw driver and make minolta printers work under Dapper, it worked under Breezy12:15
DavidJaqI've given up. I plan on buying a new computer soon12:15
Zajjko|workadamant1988: When I try to force-reload gnome I get: Stop Gnome [ok] , Start Gnome [Fail] 12:15
adamant1988Zajjko|work: did you try restartin X?12:15
Zajjko|workadamant1988: Also, when trying startX it tells me I have to terminate all X-instances running first12:16
adamant1988I believe12:16
xstHmm, using easyubuntu returns an error: File "easyubuntu.py", line 31, in ?    replace(confdir)     File "/tmp/easyubuntu/detect.py", line 157, in replace     os.popen("chown -R "+os.getlogin()+":"+os.getlogin()+" "+confdir)        OSError: [Errno 2]  No such file or directory12:16
Zajjko|workadamant1988: I'm not completely sure, but I think that didn't work12:16
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intelikeyDavidJaq what cd drive.... that may be where the problem is12:16
adamant1988xst: did you download the stable version or the nitely build?12:16
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xstthe stable version12:16
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adamant1988ok join #easyubuntu someone will help you out12:17
DavidJaqMy computer is a HUGE tower put together by Micron. The Micron Millennia Pro or something like that. All I know is that it's ah uge noisy tower with a 700mhz processor (give or take) with about 700mb-800mb of ram and two 40gb hard drives12:17
DavidJaqintelikey: I've tried different ones. I tried a CD burner, a CD drive, and now a brand new DVD burner12:17
Zajjko|workadamant1988: Me?12:17
adamant1988Zajjko|work: no, xst.12:17
Zajjko|workheh ok12:17
gasoI do need help with Cups, USB-Printer Minolta 1300W,  who want's to help12:18
BladedgeCan anyone help me with the Flash Player please?12:18
BladedgeGot Firefox
intelikeyDavidJaq drive works from other os's ?12:18
DavidJaqworks perfectly fine12:18
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adamant1988Zajjko|work: I know of a way you can just install an Ubuntu desktop from the server edition which I think is install only.12:18
scheurihi all12:18
Bladedgegaso, sup with it?12:18
DavidJaqI've even swapped out IDE cables, just in case12:18
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scheuriI have some troubles with LVM installation and the Server-CD...anyone here who might help me?12:18
Zajjko|workadamant1988: Yeah I guess I could do that, or download the Alternate Install-disk12:18
g-nomexgl anyone?12:18
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:18
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adamant1988Zajjko|work: I can't remember the commands right now, and I actually have to go to work now.  But the article on Distrowatch has the commands . It's in the weekly edition.12:19
intelikeyhmmm idk.     send me your junk    i irc on this p1 100mhz  750mhz sounds like a potato12:19
ubotuati is, like, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers12:19
Zajjko|workadamant1988: But since I haven't run Linux since Debian 3 (I think it was) my skills in the commands have somewhat deterierated12:19
gasoBladedge: what did you mean12:19
DavidJaqhey, when my upgrade to Dapper terminal screen started doing the fonts I keep getting long lines of 'Use of uninitialized value in print at /var/lib/defoma/scripts/gs.defoma line 108.12:19
DavidJaq' ... is this an error?12:19
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DavidJaqit seems to be continuing past that, even if it is an error12:19
Bladedgegaso, what's wrong with it12:19
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phreak97Jowi, the mic works12:20
void^Zajjko|work: debian is currently at 3.1 ;)12:20
scheuriLVM-module of kernel seems not loaded during install with server-cd...modeprobe lvmcfg fails...anyone an idea what I am doing wrong?12:20
phreak97but not under linux12:20
gasoPrinter seem to be off-line, I installd driver min12xxw as in breezy, when I try to print test page, nothing happen12:20
Zajjko|workvoid^: Then it must have been another dist, soz12:20
DavidJaqanyone know what 'Use of uninitialized value in print at /var/lib/defoma/scripts/gs.defoma line 108.12:20
DavidJaq' means when it's trying to install updated fonts?12:20
Zajjko|workvoid^: Let me put it like this, I haven't run Linux since 94-9512:20
DavidJaqNow it's saying 'Regenerating fonts cache...'12:21
intelikeyDavidJaq is it a warning  or an error ?12:21
DavidJaqI dunno12:21
g-nomexgl+compiz: how do i disable the "wobbly" pop-up of menus and describtion boxes? (i still want the windows to be "wobbly", though...12:21
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DavidJaqit doesn't say warning or error, it was just spitting out about twenty lines of that followed by 'Regenerating fonts cache...'12:21
intelikeyDavidJaq if it don't say  E   or  error   don't trubble your self too much about it12:21
gasomy problem has been mantioned in many forums, but it seems that something is broken maybe Cups12:21
DavidJaqit continued past that, so I think it's ok12:21
Zajjko|workHas anyone experienced an issue getting a black screen when starting ubuntu 6.06 Live-CD?12:22
slackern1DavidJaq: I've had that too, seems like its nothing that breaking anything.12:22
Zajjko|workwhether it being graphic-safe mode or not makes no difference12:22
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BladedgeGtg, sry12:22
Jowiphreak97: do you have something called "VIA DXS" in alsamixer? are they on max?12:22
apokryphosZajjko|work: try killing X and re-configuring your X.12:22
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apokryphosZajjko|work: ctrl+alt+F1. Then login, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:23
DavidJaqit'd be nice if this upgrade process had a percentage indication so I feel like I'm getting somewhere12:23
xstThe easyubuntu channel seems pretty dead at the moment. Does anyone know why following the instructions in the easyubuntu install guides results in a python error? (That is, I can't launch easyubuntu)12:23
intelikeyapokryphos or reconfig then restart X   either way12:23
DavidJaqjust as I said that it finished :)12:23
ubotu[xgl]  "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"12:23
DavidJaqI'll be right back. I'm going to reboot12:23
Zajjko|workapokryphos: How do I stop X?12:23
gasoBladedge, I think, it might be wrong something with USB connection, don't know,...12:23
Zajjko|workapokryphos: Or restart it for that matter=?12:23
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Zajjko|workas is, I have tried "sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to change the refreshrate of my monitor12:24
apokryphosZajjko|work: ctrl+alt+f1; then reconfigure your X with the command above, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:24
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Zajjko|workI have done a writeout of the config-change but when restarting GDM I get a failure12:25
apokryphosZajjko|work: I recommend using the dpkg-reconfigure wizard instead12:25
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gasoI do need help with Cups, USB-Printer Minolta 1300W,  who want's to help12:25
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hoehaveri have a question every one12:25
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ubotuFor information on how to ask good questions please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The more information you can give the better we can help you. If your going to give output of commands please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:26
sapperjankoim after a little help here guys, the guys in the au channel told me to come here, i have downloaded ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso and its loaded it off the cd, how do i install to hard drive12:26
ubotuhmm... usplash is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto12:26
hoehaveri downloaded ubuntu 6.06 but the cd keeps getting error messages and it couldnt start the x server12:26
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Zajjko|workapokryphos: I will try the dpkg-reconfigure wizard, but how will I be able to restart X if I get "Stop Gnome [OK]  Start Gnome [Fail] "12:26
hoehaveri had ubuntu 5.10 laying around and i installed it12:26
intelikeygaso would if i knew anything about cups.    fold blah > /dev/lp0  is about all the printing i do.12:26
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hoehavercan i up grade it to 6.06 with out fucking it up12:26
cynicalits possible12:26
apokryphosZajjko|work: let me know if that's what you get12:26
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apokryphosZajjko|work: if you do, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, then: startx12:27
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hoehaverwell when i only had the 5.04 ubuntu cd and i upgraded to 5.06 it mest up my system12:27
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gasoDoes anybody know Cups12:28
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apokryphosgaso: just ask :)12:28
gasoPrinter seem to be off-line, I installd driver min12xxw as in breezy, when I try to print test page, nothing happen12:28
Zajjko|workapokryphos: when I try startX I get the message "X cannot be started until all intances of X have been terminated", since I only switched from Gnome with ctrl+alt+f112:28
apokryphosZajjko|work: did you do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop first?12:28
Jowisapperjanko: you should have a "install" shortcut on your desktop no?12:29
Zajjko|workyeah, that's what boggles me aswell12:29
apokryphosZajjko|work: killall X, and retry?12:29
gasoHas anybody configured min12xxw driver and make minolta printers work under Dapper, it worked under Breezy12:29
Zajjko|workapokryphos: ahhh gotcha, I'm going to try that, thnx12:29
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intelikeyhoehaver i did upgrade from hoary to dapper three times  all went relatively smooth    there was an issue with initramfs.img    because of scsi    but aside from that the upgrade was smooth.12:30
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sapperjankoJowi: yes i do, but i have no mouse (well its not workin as its com port mouse)12:30
Zajjko|workapokryphos: As you can see I'm at work so direct feedback is not possible I'm afraid, but I greatly apreciate your help12:30
sladenhoehaver: have you tried safe mode?12:30
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intelikeyhoehaver i'm using hoary now because i didn't care for dapper though12:30
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sapperjankoJowi: im in the install screen now, but im stuck at the time zone area, i tabbed to select my city, now it wont let me tab off it onto the next button12:31
apokryphosZajjko|work: oh ok. Well, if it still doesn't work then, I'd recommend checking if there's a lock file that's just blocking it. ls /tmp/.X0* to see it12:31
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Jowisapperjanko: either you should be able to <tab> to it and select it that way, or the alternate cd might be a better choice12:31
gasoIs it Cups broken in Dapper, nothing usefull in forums how to fix that12:31
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rapha_Hi all!12:31
ubotuI heard mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:31
apokryphosZajjko|work: if it doesn't work with the X reconfigure, without a lot of work I'd just recommend trying the alternate CD.12:31
rapha_Any chances I can get AirPort to work under Dapper with my iBook G3?12:31
Jowisapperjanko: oh, no idea about that12:31
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:31
apokryphos_nano_: /msg the bot please12:31
hoehaveryou mean safe grafics mode?12:31
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hoehavertalking about installing 6.0612:31
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apokryphos_nano_: or check the FAQ :P12:32
hoehaverif so, then no i havent12:32
snoopssigh..okay I'm having some real fun here.. I have ubuntu 6.06 desktop installed.. there was a problem with grub where it wouldn't install because of a sata drive(it's a known issue) anyway, I installed grub manually.. I can boot into windows alright, but not ubuntu..grub tells me "no such partition"12:32
sapperjankoJowi: is there anyway to install it via the term12:32
snoopsnow this drive.. /dev/sdb has 4 partitions..12:32
Zajjko|workapokryphos: heeeeey, now that you mention it, there IS a lock file blocking!! I'm sorry I didn't mention it, it wasn't on my mind12:32
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gasosnoops, I had problems with grub, if I was connected to internet, otherwise NO12:33
intelikeydapper=6.6  breezy=5.10  hoary=5.412:33
apokryphosZajjko|work: if X is definitely not existent, you could remove it, yeah.12:33
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snoopssdb1 = windows, sdb2 = swap, sdb3 = /, sdb4 = /boot12:33
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snoopsso in your grub install file thingy12:33
Khamaeldoes ubuntu install and run a bittorrent tracker as default?12:33
Jowisapperjanko: i honestly can't say. i didn't use the live cd to install it.12:33
Zajjko|workapokryphos: so basically, I "killall X" remove the lockfile (how?) and restart X?12:33
hoehaverwell, im using breeze now12:33
hoehaveri just now installed it12:33
snoopsyou can specify which drive to boot from12:33
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snoopsI was told I must boot from the partition that is /boot12:34
gasosnoops shure12:34
snoopswhich is sdb412:34
apokryphosZajjko|work: yes. Remove it by sudo rm /tmp/.X0-adlfkj (whatever it is)12:34
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rapha_HELP! Airport (not Extreme) under Ubuntu?12:34
apokryphossomething like /tmp/.X0-lock12:34
Zajjko|workyeah that's it!12:34
sapperjankoJowi: hmmm12:34
snoopswhich it seems grub sees as hd1,312:34
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snoopsbut when I go to boot..nothing12:34
hoehaveri was going to see it 6.6 would work now what i installed 5.10 bc i was reading and it said that you can only install 6.06 if you have a swap drive from a previous linux install12:34
hoehaverand i didnt12:34
hoehaverbut now i do12:34
snoopsanyone have any clue what the problem might be12:34
intelikeysnoops yes hd1,3 would sdb412:34
Zajjko|workapokryphos: thank you very much! Hopefully the change in refreshrate will do, when I finally manage to restart X12:34
intelikeygrub is stupid that way12:35
gasosnoops, you dind't install grub correctly12:35
snoopsintelikey okay well, when I try to boot that with grub, it says no such partition12:35
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apokryphosZajjko|work: yeah, make sure you do that x-reconfigure though, it probably should be the solution.12:35
hoehaveri have xp and ubuntu12:35
hoehaverim lovin it12:35
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snoopswant to run me through the install then gaso?12:35
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snoopsI thought I did everything right..12:35
intelikeysnoops try hd1,2  that should be the / partition12:36
sn00pDoes anybody know where the C header files are in ubuntu?12:36
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snoopsyeah I tried that too intelikey12:36
gasogrub-install /dev/sdxxx, depends which is bootable12:36
snoopsno such partition12:36
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snoopsyes I did that gaso12:36
apokryphossn00p: re:header files, what is it you're trying to do?12:36
snoopsI booted into the livecd, chrooted to my ubuntu install12:36
Zajjko|workapokryphos: yeah. I quick runthrough: ctrl+alt+f1 sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg . write out . killall X . sudo rm /tmp/.X0-lock . startx?12:36
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Healotsn00p: the GCC headers?12:36
snoopsran a grub install12:36
intelikeythats why i use lilo.    no partition...12:36
phreak97jowi, i dont have that12:36
raddyHello Everybody12:36
sn00pinclude header files12:36
sapperjankoJowi: I also have server installed to hard drive, is there any way to install over that with the cd if i boot into the server12:36
snoopsit said it was successful..12:36
sn00papokryphos trying to install vmware12:37
apokryphosZajjko|work: yeah, you might get an error, but it should at least be useful output this time12:37
gasohave you tried all partitions12:37
Healotsn00p: even for me, I can't remember the patg12:37
snoopsI checked my mbr, and that indeed was edited like it should be.. I also have a backup of my mbr12:37
gasosda1, sda2, ...12:37
sn00pWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running12:37
sn00pkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 12:37
Healotit's somewhere in src/include directory12:37
snoopsI haven't tried sdb112:37
Zajjko|workapokryphos: haha yeah, that's what I'm hoping for, thanks for all the help!12:37
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snoopsonly sdb0,2,312:37
sn00pHealot there is nothing in /usr/src on mine12:37
Jowisapperjanko: if you have the server cd installed all you have to do is "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"12:37
Scorpmoonhow do I make dual boot with vista after I installed ubuntu12:37
Scorpmoonand havent installed vista12:37
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apokryphosScorpmoon: /msg ubotu grub12:37
gnomefreaksn00p: you need the kerenl headers12:38
raddydoes ubuntu support package delra for updates?12:38
Jowisapperjanko: not sure if you can use the livecd as a source though.12:38
sn00pgnomefreak  right how to install them12:38
raddyor need to download whole package?12:38
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Healotsnoops: not the kernel include, the libc include12:38
gasosnoopa, do you have two HDD, sda, sdb12:38
snoopsI have 4 hdd's12:38
ubotuTo install linux headers, open a console and type sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)12:38
hoehaverhey in the xchat ubuntu server window i forget what do you type to put in your user name and password?12:38
gnomefreaksn00p: ^^^12:38
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hoehaverya know if some one is using it and you want it back12:39
gasoFrom whic one you boot, bios setting sdb12:39
hoehaverits registered and all12:39
sapperjankojowi: yea was trying that command last night, before i had desktop and it wasnt working12:39
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intelikeysnoops 4  nice.   8 drives in this box12:39
snoopsright gaso.. the mbr is on sdb.. grub sees hd1,0 for xp which shows up as sdb1 in live cd....12:39
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snoopsthat works fine12:40
Jowisapperjanko: worked fine for me. did a server install + ubuntu-desktop yesterday.12:40
snoopsthe problem is the other partitions..12:40
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snoopssdb2 - swap, sdb3 - / and sdb4 - /boot12:40
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snoopslogically thinking.. if sdb1 - hd1,0 in grub, then hd1,3 should be /boot12:41
snoopswhen I set it to that, grub tells me so such partition12:41
snoopsI've also tried hd1,212:41
snoopswith the same result12:41
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Jowisnoops: hd0 is primary haddrive. hd0,1 is second partition on the primary harddrive.12:42
intelikeysnoops what happens if you manuelly enter the addressing    root=/dev/sdb3  <ret>  kernel=/vulinuz boot    ?12:42
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snoopsmanually enter it in what?12:43
intelikeyin grub12:43
intelikeyat the boot prompt12:43
snoopsin the grub menu.lst?12:43
intelikeyno at the prompt12:43
snoopsoh I didn't seen an option to do that in the boot prompt12:43
icebreakhi, i can't see flash-non free in 6.06, but i've enabled resps ?12:43
Snow_Sheltercan someone please make an amd64 binary for stepmania?12:43
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intelikeyhit [esc]   and type12:43
sapperjankoJowi: dont know what i did wrong then, but i was doing what the -au boys were saying12:44
gasosnoops, I am not, shure, I had same problem and don't remember exactly how I solved it. I think(not sure), I did grub-install /dev/sdb in your case, not sdb1 sdb2 ...12:44
intelikeysnoops has tab completion  and help12:44
snoopsyes I did that though gaso12:44
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DavidJaqWell, that sucked12:44
sapperjankoJowi: I will try this, i have got my wireless keyboard n mouse plugged in it now for install, n this computer now only got a ps1 keyboard LOL12:44
snoopsgrub just doesn't seem to be seeing my other partitions on sdb(install drive)12:45
snoopswhich ugh12:45
Jowisapperjanko: hehe, good luck :)12:45
icebreakhi, i can't see flash-non free in 6.06, but i've enabled resps ?12:45
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snoopsso do I need to type the entire kernel=/vulinuz-2.blahblah?12:45
intelikeyDavidJaq you couldn't boot the new kernel  ?12:45
sapperjankoJowi: yea thkz12:45
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DavidJaqmy upgrade from Breezy to Dapper finished so I went to reboot Ubuntu only to have it hang for five minutes with no apparent activity, just the background with my mouse... I could move my mouse but couldn't do anything... so after five minutes I powered off the tower and powered it back on... now it gives me an error saying it can't load X and drops me into a command line12:46
NET||abuseumm, what does mount:Resource temporarily unavailable mean?12:46
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intelikeysnoops if that's how it's listed.  use the tab key12:46
Tronkshi all12:46
snoopsah great okay12:46
snoopswell I'll be back in about ten minutes then intelikey12:46
Tronksi have a problem and i couldnt find a solution after a long time googling: i installed ubuntu dapper, then installed the kubuntu-desktop, and now i want to keep kde and gnome but i'd like to have the ubuntu logo during boot/shutdown, instead of kubuntu's12:46
DavidJaqI didn't know what to do so I tried reinstalling breezy except that it gives me an error when it gets to the part where it configures the timezone12:46
icebreakcan anybody help me installing FLASH on UBUNTU for FIREFOX ?12:46
snoopsthis client is on another box so I won't be leaving the room :)12:46
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Tronksicebreak: use automatix or easy ubuntu12:47
gasosnoops, strange, dapper has some errors, I have a problem with usb printer, which worked under breezy, maybe your problem is a bug12:47
NET||abuseicebreak: very easy, download the package from www.macromedia.com / which is now adobe..12:47
PFAcan you use thunar under gnome?12:47
snoopsgaso a problem with not being able to boot?12:47
icebreakbut the wiki says there is a "flash-nonfreE" pacakge, no ?12:47
NET||abusethen unpack it, then from the terminal sudo run the install script,, it will do it very simply12:47
snoopsthat's some problem12:47
intelikeysnoops but i will,   hope you get it working.    if not others that know more about grub can help ya.12:47
snoopsanyway away I go12:47
NET||abuseicebreak: it's such a simple plugin, all it is is 2 files copied to the plugins directory12:47
icebreakandyet... i like t do things-wiki style12:48
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icebreakwhat am i missing?12:48
Healotthis one icebreak12:48
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:48
DavidJaqanyone know how to solve my problem?12:48
icebreaki enabled them ...12:48
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zneroIm using XGL, and want a german keyboard-layout. Keys like or@ work, but the little arrows (between [shift]  and [Y] ) dont work, neither does the "pipe". Does somebody know why?12:49
icebreakhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto <-- doesnt match adpper12:49
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gasosnoops, the grub is loaded and you cannot boot linux, did I get it right ?12:49
Healothere is the package that your looking for "flashplugin-nonfree"12:49
Tronksdoes anybody can help me?12:50
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Matthewvznero, if its to do with xgl, maybe the folks in #ubuntu-xgl will know about it?12:50
icebreaki dont have that package12:50
hoehaverhey for kicks i put in the ubuntu cd in (6.6) and i have 5.10 and this thing poped up saying " ubuntu cd detected " " you can start the package manager application with it now"12:50
pojeicebreak: how did that change?12:50
Healotbtw, a good place to look for packages >> http://packages.ubuntu.com12:50
DavidJaqI'm desperate here. Anyone know how to fix my problem? I finished the upgrade from Breezy to Dapper and went to reboot, but it hung up so I powered down my tower manually and powered it back in... now if gives me an error when I try to go into Ubuntu, saying that X can't start and it drops me to a command line.12:50
hoehaverwill this install ubuntu 6.6?12:50
icebreakpoje: what?12:50
QPAD|warlockIf im using intel 3.4 dual core proccesors and wish to use 5.10 ubuntu server, would (ubuntu-server-5.10-install-i386.iso) automatically see both of the proccesors?12:50
pojehoehaver: the CD is not for upgrading to dapper12:50
Tronksi want to restore the ubuntu logo during startup/shutdown12:50
icebreakHealot, it might be good, but it doesnt exist in my synpatic12:50
zneromatthewv, thanks, il ask them12:50
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Matthewvznero, no probs12:50
HealotQPAD|warlock: you need an SMP kernel to enable duel-CPU use12:51
pojeicebreak: editing /etc/apt/sources.list is still the same, as is the synaptic list thingy12:51
hoehaverwell why does it give me an option to start the package manager12:51
pojeicebreak: I just don't see what changed besides the repo names ;d12:51
Healotdefault, the kernel is for single CPU12:51
Blue89what is the console command to start the power managment tray icon12:51
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icebreakdunno, i selected them, and i reload, and i dont see flashplugin-nonfree, what can i do ?12:51
QPAD|warlockHealot, which SMP kernel? Could anyone perhaps give me the line to install the correct SMP kernel ?12:51
hoehaveri didnt select anything i just put the cd in and this poped up12:51
Tronksdavidjaq: i dont know much about xorg, but did you look at the specific error?12:52
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DavidJaqyeah, but I didn't understand any of it12:52
pojehoehaver: did you read the description for the Dapper CD? Not for upgrading from Breezy12:52
Tronksyou should show us the error12:52
Tronksso that we can help12:52
Blue89I tried to install a wifi monitor in Synaptic, now all my tray icons are gone, gaim and skype load tray icons fine12:53
hoehaveroo...i downloaded it12:53
hoehaveri didnt know12:53
pojeicebreak: trying to get Flash, right?  I believe I just ran Firefox, went to watch a flash, popped up the plugin finder, chose manual install, and ba,12:53
icebreakpoje: tried that, failed12:53
pojehoehaver: not a problem :)12:53
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QPAD|warlockHealot, got any clues ?12:53
DavidJaqI'll reboot and try to write it down, but I doubt I'll be able to write it all out, seeing as the only writing materials I have is a brown paper bag and a fat-tipped sharpee12:53
pojeicebreak: did it give you any errors?12:53
icebreakit just said failed12:53
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Khamaelwhy does ubuntu stop a bittrorrent tracker when I shutdown? I didn`t install that12:54
Tronksplease help me: i want to restore the ubuntu logo during startup/shutdown12:54
icebreakKhamael, it comes builtin :)12:54
hoehaverwell. hey poje why do you think that i could install 5.10 and 5.5 without a problem but when i tryed 6.6 i had alot of messages12:54
icebreakTronks, did you try looking in the ubuntu forums / wiki maybe ?12:54
pojehoehaver: not sure12:54
Tronksi looked everywhere12:54
Khamaelicebreak: what does it do?12:54
HealotQPAD|warlock: kernel-image-<version>-smp12:54
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icebreakKhamael, have no idea.. prolly nothing by default12:55
QPAD|warlockHealot, would this one work?: sudo apt-get install linux-686-smp12:55
Tronksdidnt post anything yet, though12:55
VSTP@find peer12:55
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pojeicebreak: try this: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list - then uncomment the multiverse lines and save it12:55
Healotit should, QPAD|warloc, because it's the metapackage12:55
pojeicebreak: then do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:55
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pojebrb, need to wake up the gf for work12:55
QPAD|warlockcheers Healot.12:55
icebreaki have deb http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse uncommented12:56
icebreakisnt it enough?12:56
WINBALLWhy can't it find quake2 package ? I've done update and upgrade too12:56
hoehaverlike...2615.418717 sauashfs error : sd_dread failed reading block 0x2205c12:56
hoehaver..it may not be a c it maybe 012:56
DarkMageZWINBALL, have u enabled the multiverse repository?12:56
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Gerbilsbye all :) Thanks12:57
Tronksplease help me: i want to restore the ubuntu logo during startup/shutdown12:57
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icebreakpoje ?12:58
hoehaverand 2451.431424 buffer I/O error on device hdc,,logical block 567512:58
Tronksi now have the kubuntu one12:58
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hoehaveri got that message like say..15 times12:58
icebreakhoehaver, while bottin?12:58
icebreakbooting ?12:58
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Tronksgotta go12:58
hoehaverthe first nuber was random but the last number went in order from 56975 56976 and so on12:58
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ubotuI guess xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"12:59
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Tronksi'll try to post in the forum, icebreak, thanks12:59
icebreakhoehaver,  answer my question, is it while booting at the kernel from the libe cd ?12:59
hoehaverwell, it was a live cd i had to boot it up first then install it from the desk top12:59
blakkinohow to login on cups?12:59
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hoehaverafter it booter the kernel12:59
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chavoTronks, sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so12:59
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blakkinologin and pass?12:59
icebreakhoehaver: so it's after ubuntu is installed already ?12:59
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blakkinoroot doesn't work (as in any other distros..)12:59
hoehaveri think it booter the kernel...o wait it said loading kernal...01:00
hoehaveroo no01:00
hoehaver i never installed it01:00
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icebreakhoehaver, ok, so install with the text-installation, the alternative .ISO01:00
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hoehaveri never even seen the desktop of 6.601:00
bernierhi, whenever i try to start adept, i get a message that the database is already in use. but there's nothing else using the database. i just rebooted my computer and get the same message01:00
icebreaki had problems like that as well01:00
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hoehaverwhy the alternate iso01:00
hoehaverwhat is diff about it?01:01
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icebreakcause it has a saner kernel01:01
icebreakno LVM crap and stuff01:01
Tronksthank you chavo, i'll try it01:01
HealotLVM rocks01:01
gharzanybody around using Frostwire?01:01
icebreakhealot: maybe, but my comp doesnt boot with it enabled01:01
HealotMBR sucky :-01:01
boricuagood morning if you tell ubuntu during instalation to use entire disk, how many partitions will it create?01:01
icebreakcan anybody help me on getting flash to work in firefox ?01:01
gharzmy Frostwire is always on 'Starting Connection' mode. i installed frostwire following the wiki how to.01:01
hx10As many partitions as you create?01:01
WINBALLAny reasons for why firefox uses so long time to look up pages?01:01
Healotinstall "flashplugin-nonfree"01:01
imaxive got a question. ive got an athelon 64 3500+ and i want to install the new kubuntu amd64 version. if i boot the desktop cd for installing he start and hangs on "mounting root file system...". can somebody help me? please01:01
icebreakhealot: no such package01:01
Tronkschavo, what does it do, anyway?01:02
icebreakand i've enabled all the resps01:02
icebreakbesides the source ones01:02
gharzicebreak, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:02
icebreakplz stop it01:02
icebreakbeen to all the wiki pages01:02
icebreakenabled all the resps01:02
icebreakit simpyl doesnt work01:02
icebreakno such package01:02
Healoticebreak: aye, gimme your /etc/apt/sources.list01:02
gharzit does01:02
chavoTronks, lets you choose the bootsplash01:02
icebreakHealot, k sec01:02
Healotlet's see what you actually did?01:02
Tronkschavo, i mean the update-alternatives command01:02
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blakkinonobody know how to login on cups?!01:03
blakkinoi need to print :\01:03
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Healoticebreak: gimme access to your too...01:03
icebreakprint ? in linux ? :)01:03
xpci need to orkut.01:03
Healotblakkino: you don;t need to login to CUPS server01:03
icebreakthat is my sources.list01:03
blakkinoicebreak, i never had problems with cups. now i have problems.01:03
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blakkinoHealot, so how to install the printer?01:04
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gnomefreakicebreak: put a # infront of the cdrom repo01:04
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icebreakgnomefreak, will that fix the problem ?01:04
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Healotwell, in GNOME, there is the shortcut in the System Menu01:04
gnomefreakicebreak: yes01:04
hoehaverhey icebreaker the text installation from the alternate iso is it any harder to do? and also will the out come of the install make the system any different, i mean will i not have certain things01:04
blakkino(even if i had already installed it i would appreciate to login as admin in my cups server)01:04
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gnomefreakicebreak: do that than run apt-get update01:04
icebreakk, sec01:04
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icebreakhoehaver, dont think so, i installed with the text, and it was easy01:05
icebreakand it's the same ubuntu01:05
DavidJaqok.... after rebooting and checking my errorI found two01:05
Celestarjust getting a full root account seem not easy01:05
=== _nano_ [n=nano@ip70-162-104-171.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Healotdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe main restricted >> here's your mistake01:05
hoehaverok thanks man01:05
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icebreakgnomefreak, it doesnt fix it01:05
icebreakHealot, how to fix it ?01:05
gnomefreakhoothe text installer ask a lil more but its not any harder and the outcome is about the same01:05
blakkinoHealot, ok it worked01:05
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gnomefreakicebreak: break what Healot said01:05
blakkinoyet i would know how to login as administrator :)01:05
zeroim still runiing Breezy badger01:05
zneroDoes somebody know a source for unfree stuff like RealPlayer or Adobe Acrobat Reader?01:06
Tronkssee you guys01:06
chavoTronks, sorry, update-alternatives lets you choose a default between two or more alternatives, for example the bootsplash or if you had 2 versions of gcc installed01:06
icebreakbreak what ? how do i fix it ?01:06
Healoticebreak: add "multiverse" to that line01:06
icebreakand thats it ? do i need to add anything else for future programs?01:06
zeroDoes anyone know why my installers wont run?01:06
gnomefreakread what Healot told you01:06
Tronkschavo, oh ok01:06
Tronkschavo, thanks a lot. i gotta go now. cheers!01:06
Healotline 021, icebreak01:06
Hexohmm.. hi01:06
icebreakyes, fixed, anything else ? do i nee to add multiverse to other places?01:06
gnomefreakznero: install acroread01:06
Healotand then update the list01:06
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gnomefreakubotu tell znero about restricted01:07
Healoticebreak: you put multiverse on the "dapper-backport" and "dapper-security"01:07
DavidJaqwhen it's at the ubuntu logo scree nwhere it's loading the modules and whatnot it says "PCMCIA" failed and then later, before it drops me to the command line, it says "Failed to start the X server (Your graphical user interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly." with the error message surrounded by a whole bunch of random non-english letters, such as the capital A with the circle on top of it01:07
gnomefreakznero: you will find realplayer in your pm01:07
HexoI'm trying to access a folder I shared on my ubuntu machine through a windows xp machine01:07
Healotbut not the the main "dapper" repos01:07
johntramphey,  I have installed pure-ftpd but when I start the daemon it doesnt show any open ports in nmap01:07
johntrampalso I can't find a config file for it01:07
Hexocomes up with a login prompt and I'm kinda stuck :/01:07
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@AC8F4C87.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
hoehaverwhat exactly is universe and multiverse01:07
Healotthere's what you did wrong, the flash packages in in "dapper" repos01:08
gnomefreakubotu tell icebreak about repos01:08
hoehaveri know where the option is01:08
icebreakblah, i put multiverse everywhere01:08
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TobberothGuys, I just installed the 686 kernel insted of the 386 kernel.. should i mark the 386 one for removal or complete removal?01:08
icebreakgnomefreak, stop it, i've read it, it doesnt wrok in 6.0601:08
hoehaverbut...what is it, made by the "people"01:08
gnomefreakicebreak: take that sources lista nd replace yours with it01:08
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znerognomefreak: Thanks01:08
Healoticebreak: you missed the "dapper" repos, aye01:08
gnomefreakicebreak: you didnt read enough01:08
zerocan anyone help me?01:08
geotsaiquestion: i ran apt-get update and i got this error: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)01:08
gnomefreakznero: yw01:08
icebreakworks, thanks01:08
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we cannot actually help you. :)01:08
DavidJaqwhen it's at the ubuntu logo scree nwhere it's loading the modules and whatnot it says "PCMCIA" failed and then later, before it drops me to the command line, it says "Failed to start the X server (Your graphical user interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly." with the error message surrounded by a whole bunch of random non-english letters, such as the capital A with the circle on top of it01:08
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gnomefreakzero: what installers?01:09
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Subhumangeotsai, that line looks incorrect, it should be "http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper universe"01:09
geotsaithanks a ton01:09
zeromy installers for Flash player, acrobat reader and some other basic crap01:09
Subhumanedit your /etc/apt/sources.list01:09
DavidJaqI got that after trying to upgrade Breezy to Dapper and then when I went to reboot it locked up so I had to restart the tower manually.01:09
zeroit just wont run01:09
gnomefreakzero: did you enable universe adn multiverse repos yet?01:10
hoehaverbye all01:10
Subhumangetosai, look at01:10
hoehaverand thanks01:10
pojeicebreak: how'd it go?01:10
ubotuSubhuman: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:10
zerohow do i do that?01:10
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.01:10
_nano_Hi, I have enabled universe and multiverse repos, but 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree' says not found01:10
Frogzoozero: good excuse to install dapper...01:10
icebreakpoje: works gr801:10
gnomefreak_nano_: 64bit or ppc?01:10
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:10
_nano_gnomefreak: neither...x86 32 bit01:10
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zeroDapper is coming in the mail01:10
pojeicebreak: awesome :D  - there seems to be a bit of touble with synaptic enabling repos, dunno exactly what it is01:10
=== [caminante] [n=[caminan@VA1-1D-u-0704.mc.onolab.com] has joined #ubuntu
DavidJaqwhen it's at the ubuntu logo scree nwhere it's loading the modules and whatnot it says "PCMCIA" failed and then later, before it drops me to the command line, it says "Failed to start the X server (Your graphical user interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly." with the error message surrounded by a whole bunch of random non-english letters, such as the capital A with the circle on top of it01:10
kkaisareGreetings. Can Evolution be used to read webmail like yahoo, etc?01:10
DavidJaqI got that after trying to upgrade Breezy to Dapper and then when I went to reboot it locked up so I had to restart the tower manually.01:10
zeroshould i just wait?01:10
HexoHow can I set up my share so that I can access it from a Windows XP machine? I set it up using Samba, I've set it to the correct workgroup but I can't get past that login screen when I try to access it from the Windows XP machine01:11
gnomefreak_nano_: make sure its universe and multiverse repos not the backports repo01:11
_nano_gnomefreak: i have ticked all repos :D01:11
gnomefreakzero: you havent answered me yet01:11
zeroi dont think i have01:11
zeroi dont even know what that is01:11
_nano_gnomefreak: i have installed all other restricted plugins...01:11
zeroim a linux n00b01:11
gnomefreak_nano_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and paste it to pastebin please01:11
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_nano_gnomefreak: roger01:11
Frogzoozero: do you have broadband?01:11
gnomefreakubotu tell zero about sources01:11
icebreakpoje: yeah, there is, it's annoying, hopefully it will be fixed :|01:12
zeroyes i have broadband01:12
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.01:12
Frogzoo!tell zero about torrents01:12
xxyyzzWhen doing chmod 777 <somedirectory> ... how do I enforce the same write permissions onto everything else in that directory?01:12
=== EvilGrin [n=gking@82-43-224-11.cable.ubr01.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoo!tell zero about torrent01:12
gnomefreakzero: open you sources file by running gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and make yours look like that one01:12
ubotugeotsai: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:12
DavidJaqwhen it's at the ubuntu logo scree nwhere it's loading the modules and whatnot it says "PCMCIA" failed and then later, before it drops me to the command line, it says "Failed to start the X server (Your graphical user interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly." with the error message surrounded by a whole bunch of random non-english letters, such as the capital A with the circle on top of it01:12
DavidJaqI got that after trying to upgrade Breezy to Dapper and then when I went to reboot it locked up so I had to restart the tower manually.01:12
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Subhumangeotsai, !repos01:12
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Subhuman!tell geotsai about repos01:12
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SubhumanDavidJaq, I did too, dont worry about eh PCMCIA (unless ure on a lappy)01:13
gravesoni am tryig to customize firefox to adda bookmark toolbar but no luck,i have dapper just installed01:13
SubhumanDavidJaq, are you using a nvidia card?01:13
geotsaiquestion, i still get Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)01:13
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DavidJaqSubhuman: an ancient diamond viper TNT2 card01:13
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_nano_gnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1530501:14
zerothanks guys01:14
zeroimo outta here01:14
SubhumanDavidJaq, what you need to01:14
Subhumanis when you get the the scrambled screen, push CTRL+ALT+F201:14
DavidJaqwhat will that do?01:14
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SubhumanDavidJaq: then login, and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and follow the commands.01:15
Celestarhas anyone managed to boot ubuntu off a USB stick?01:15
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SubhumanDavidJaq, it will put you into a shell so you can recover the machine, at any time in X or any system, CTRL+ALT+F1 to F6 are all terminals.01:15
gnomefreak_nano_: take the #away from the last 2 lines and than add the word multiverse on the lines that end with universe so it look like this : bleh bleh bleh universe multiverse01:15
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Subhumangeotsai, copy the official dapper source listr and try updating.01:16
gnomefreak_nano_: than save and close it that sudo apt-get update01:16
Subhumanor geotsai use easysource01:16
Subhuman!tell geotsai about easysource01:16
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DavidJaqSubhuman, I'll log in either back into windows XP or linux, depending on if this works or not, and I'll update you on my status. Back in a few.01:17
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_nano_gnomefreak: the last two lines are security repos ...01:18
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daxxarHm, I've got a problem with Xgl/Compiz, on Gnome and nVidia. During usage, suddenly the window-decorations disappear, and I can't change focus on the windows.01:19
daxxarI guess it could be gnome-window-decorations that's crashing, but where should I look to debug it?01:19
snoopsit is in alpha ya know daxxar01:19
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daxxarYeah, I know. But seeing there's good tutorials etc. on setting it up, I'd assume it was atleast slightly stable. ;P01:20
avisgood morning01:20
wezzerhi there, I need help with new Ubuntu. I installed ubuntu but I didn't have partition for swap. Now I have. How do I tell ubuntu to use /dev/hda2 as swap?01:20
apokryphosdaxxar: /msg ubotu xgl01:20
snoopsfrying_fish no go at all01:20
apokryphoswezzer: swapon01:20
Me4LivingdeadgirHi, I ned help geting my touchpad mouse on my laptop to work with ubuntu01:20
avisi was able to get it to run stable but my biggest help was a large thread which i no longer have a bookmark for on ubuntufourms.org01:20
toodlesHello all. Would this be the correct channel to ask for help on getting the correct screen resolution on a laptop? I have a dell inspiron 640m with an intel 945 graphics chipset, and I can't get a higher resolution than 640x480 :-(01:20
snoopsit seems like grub can't even detect there are two more partitions on that drive01:20
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apokryphoswezzer: you'll want to create an fstab entry too, ideally.01:21
ubotuit has been said that resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:21
xxyyzzWhen using the 'make install' command... what's the syntax that changes the destination of the installation ?01:21
wezzerapokryphos: ahum, so how do I use this swapon?01:21
=== bobstro [n=user@68-116-164-61.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
xxyyzzIs it "make install DEST = /blah/blah/blah" ?01:21
dvhello ppl01:21
ompaultoodles, ^^ up a couple of lines to  ubotu's comment01:21
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apokryphoswezzer: swapon /dev/hda2. Fstab entry: /dev/hda2     swap    swap    defaults      0  001:22
snoops:( okay.. guess frying_fish is gone.. So anyone else willing to have a crack at this seemingly very odd grub problem?01:22
dvI have an external HD (well, its an internal HD with a case), and I connected it with a sata extension01:22
wezzerapokryphos: thanks! :)01:22
avisxxyyzz: sometimes things have a way of putting themselves in the place they need to be01:22
dvi.e. external sata01:22
toodlesompaul: cheers, thanks :-)01:22
=== DevGet [n=gustav@h54n5fls32o1096.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
xxyyzzavis, this has put itself into a place I don't want it to be...01:22
xxyyzzSo I wanna re-do the make thing...01:22
dvin windows I scan for plug&play hardware and it finds the HD01:22
avisgood morning ompaul01:22
daxxarThanks apokryphos01:22
xxyyzzAnd put it somewhere else...01:22
wezzerapokryphos: swapon: /dev/hda2: Invalid argument01:22
avisyou can always start over again01:22
ompaulavis, hi01:22
dvbut how can I do this in ubuntu? dmesg doesnt say anything about my hd01:22
Me4LivingdeadgirHi, I ned help geting my touchpad mouse on my laptop to work with ubuntu01:22
BrucHi there01:22
BrucIs anyone here using Perl ?01:23
snoopsThe problem is this. Had to manually install grub - used live cd to chroot to my ubuntu install because grub wouldn't install to the right mbr(a known issue). Did the whole install grub command.. it installed and said okay01:23
xxyyzzavis, if I type "make install DEST = /whatever/path/I/choose" will it work?01:23
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axismeme4living, what laptop?01:23
=== cynical [n=cynical@adsl-068-209-095-168.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsrebooted.. it also detected win xp..which I'm on at the moment01:23
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Me4Livingdeadgiracer aspire 300001:23
snoopswhen I try to boot into ubuntu it says no such partition01:23
apokryphoswezzer: plainly "swapon /dev/hda2" with sudo, right?01:23
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avisanyway i'm doing the xubuntu things these days but there are a number of clueless people in there at times.  i build my "awesome box" today.01:23
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wezzerapokryphos: yeah, and it says "swapon: /dev/hda2: Invalid argument01:24
snoopsthe main drive has 4 partitions - sdb1 to 4.01:24
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xxyyzzClueless people make the world go round...01:24
xxyyzzAnd I am pretty clueless, so I can't say much.01:24
avisapokryphos: that intizilatizes swap01:24
snoopssdb1 - windows, sdb2 - swap, sdb3 - / and sdb4 - /boot01:24
apokryphosavis: yes01:24
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avisxxyyzz: hehe buddy have seat next to me well figure how to get XGL running on xfce ;)01:25
wezzeravis, apokryphos: should I mount /dev/hda2 /swap or something first?01:25
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snoopswindows boots off of grub hd1,0.. it can see another partition hd1,1..but nothing else01:25
avisi dont think so01:25
avisto wezzer01:25
xxyyzzWhat is XGL?01:25
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xxyyzzWhat is xfce?01:25
wezzeravis: ok01:25
snoopsso when I try to boot from hd1,3 (for the /boot partition) it says no such partition01:25
snoopswhat gives?01:25
=== MikkelRev [n=irc@40.85-200-31.bkkb.no] has joined #ubuntu
lucaasxxyyzz, try searching01:25
apokryphoswezzer: try using that fstab entry then sudo mount -a, though I'm not convinced that would make sure you use swap. A reboot after with that definitely would though01:25
avisXGL is the neatest eye candy that linux has to offer involving switching workspaces.01:25
xxyyzzOkay, nvm, that wasn't my real question...01:25
axismeMe4Livingdeadgir: look at your messages01:25
wezzerapokryphos: okay, thanks for your help01:26
WINBALLdoes quake3arena comes as a package ?01:26
xxyyzzlucaas, if I type "make install DEST = /some/random/path" ... will it install into the path I specify?01:26
avisits meant to replace xorg01:26
HawkinsI can't get fglrx work with this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-5ead174a0b3294527486cd4d71ded66b40003f25 . Can somebody help me ?01:26
dvany ideas?01:26
lucaasxxyyzz, not, sure, never used that01:27
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.01:27
MikkelRevHi, Im trying to install ubuntu. After restart, I cant su-login. I dont have pwd, and was also never asked to create a root pwd. Just hitting Enter wont work01:27
xxyyzzOkay, I am going to try it.01:27
xxyyzzIf my whole system crashes... I will just reinstall.01:27
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.01:27
dvis hotplugging sata drives supported in linux at all?01:27
avisxxyyzz: not even i know that.  i was so proud of myself when i compiled tin on mandrake.  tin would run i believe from anywhere in my home directrory, but i think it placed its files spread across the hard drive01:27
queuetueie24linux has done a great job telling me test web sites in IE5 and IE6 without having to keep a windows box around ... Is there also a way to run IE7 on Ubuntu?01:28
lucaasMikkelRev, read that: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo01:28
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TheSheepxxyyzz: you probably mean PREFIX, and you have to specify it when configuring, not when installing01:28
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queuetueActually, iS IE7 even out yet? :)01:28
MikkelRevubotu,lucaas, thnx, have to read01:28
ubotuMikkelRev: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:28
avisqueuetue: you dont want to IE7 in ubuntu you need to get funky with the firefox.  it runs smooth.01:28
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zoom2001I wonder if someone can help? I have installed dapper as an upgrade, and using kdiskfree, I find some items other than my 3 partitions:/lib/moduels/2.6.15-23-k7/volatile;/dev;/var/lock;/var/run... is this desirable? or is there a problem?01:28
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queuetueavis, I don't want to *use* IE7.  Duh. ;)  I want to test with it.01:29
xxyyzzTheSheep, how do you do that when configuring?01:29
mp3guyis there a dock applet I can get that lets me store files on it? Or store files in a folder, then they show up on the dock?01:29
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TheSheepxxyyzz: you do './configure', right?01:29
avisqueuetue: heh simple minds are easily entertained ;)  take that lightheartedly.01:29
snoopsblah so no one has any idea?01:29
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queuetueavis, "Duh" was the wrong random grunt to use there.  I meant "uugh" which would not imply stupidity. ;)01:30
xxyyzzTheSheep, right01:30
queuetueavis, I'm a web designer and designing for IE is very important - even if I don't like it myself.01:30
TheSheepxxyyzz: when you type './configure --help' it prints you several screenfuls of options01:30
avisqueuetue: the thought never crossed my mind that you were stupid.01:30
TheSheepxxyyzz: the 'prefix' is one of them :)01:30
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xxyyzzOkay, I am gonna look that up.01:31
xxyyzzThanks TheSheep01:31
dv_so I can assume that plug&play and serial ata are impossible together in ubuntu?01:31
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_nano_I see dots on 'Ok' and 'Close' buttons on window dialogs, moving the mouse over those buttons removes the dots. Does anyone else face this issue?01:32
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)01:32
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avisqueuetue: well i'd make everything w3c compliant but IE is not.  so -- well, you have to use windows too.  if you claim to be a student online on froogle they wont ID you for student ID and you can get a copy that way.  its naughty.  its not gpl.  but i've seen people advertising the student versions more and more.01:32
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bobstrosnoops: have you tried grub-configure too see what it finds? (after saving copy of menu.lst)01:33
zoom2001 I wonder if someone can help? I have installed dapper as an upgrade, and using kdiskfree, I find some items other than my 3 partitions:/lib/moduels/2.6.15-23-k7/volatile;/dev;/var/lock;/var/run... is this desirable? or is there a problem?01:33
snoopsthat'll mean another chroot into machine right bobstro?01:33
Me4LivingdeadgirHi, I ned help geting my touchpad mouse on my laptop to work with ubuntu01:33
axismewell if you checked your messages you would get help01:33
bobstrosnoops: yeah, if it won't come up directly01:33
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bobstrosnoops: i'm no grub stud, but manage to get it going (most times)01:34
queuetueavis, No, you don't.  IE 5 and 6 run fine on Ubuntu, under wine.01:34
johntrampwhat is the quickest/easiest ftpd to set up on ubuntu?01:34
bobstrosnoops: or can you manually edit the entries on boot to get it to work?01:34
axismewhy would you want to run IE on ubuntu?01:34
zeroIs it possible to install the new version of Ubuntu while iside breezy badger?01:34
snoopstried that bobstro01:34
axismewhats wrong with firefox?01:34
queuetueavis, If I had to maintain windows boxes, I'd go find another job.  Life is too short.01:34
bobstroaxisme: for testing for one!01:34
avisqueuetue: ok.  but IE 7 is very popular in the windows world.  though if you can get IE 6 running i think you'd be ok.01:34
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gnomefreakavis: IE7 runs like crap if you can get it running at all01:35
bobstroaxisme: if you're developing a web site for someone, best make sure it works right with the *other* big browser population out there.01:35
snoopsI've tried booting from hd1,1 hd1,2 hd1,3 and hd1,4..01:35
zoom2001time to go.. farewell ubuntu users01:35
snoopswindows is on hd1,0 and boots fine01:35
zeroIs it possible to install the new version of Ubuntu while iside breezy badger?01:35
TheSheepI tried to install ie6 in wine once, but it said it cannot connect to donload its components :(01:35
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snoopsgrub says hd1,1 is not mountable (it's the swap partition)01:35
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snoopsand then says every other partition doesn't exist01:36
TheSheepzero: yes01:36
bobstrosnoops: hmmm... not near my sata machine to check.01:36
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m_0_r_0_nWhat happened to the screensavers that are not listed in dapper drake anymore? I want back my favorite screensaver! :-)01:36
avisqueuetue: thats my job function around the house so my dad doesn't disown me because he can't do it himself.  i have to keep things together or else he'd just think i was a fool.  or call him on his shots when he messes up (badly)01:36
=== mcphail [n=mcphail@dyn-62-56-103-188.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakrunning IE in ubuntu you are just looking for issues i dont advise it01:36
TheSheepzero: just add the dapper repositories01:36
CrippsFXI say make it compliant to a standard (w3c) and then publish it like that. on your website have a statement "Best viewed with a w3c compliant browser"01:36
zeroand how do i do that?01:36
TheSheepzero: and do dist-upgrade01:36
snoopsis there some file in grub which you use to tell it how many partitions?01:36
zeroi suck01:36
zeroand im have awake01:36
DavidJaqSubhuman, that didn't do me any good. Ran through the reconfigurer several times to try different settings, none of it worked01:36
TheSheepzero: I think there's a howto on the ubuntu wiki01:36
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gnomefreakzero: gksudo "update-manager"01:36
avisqueuetue: plus i'm disabled so i have to maintain a modicum of "i'm just a regular guy" for him to feel right about me01:36
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ubotusomebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats01:37
bobstroCrippsFX: that's fine if you're not making a living developing sites!01:37
CrippsFXbobstro, this is true ...01:37
SubhumanDavidJaq, hmm.01:37
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TheSheepsomeobody please write a firefox plugin to emulate ie rendering bugs! X)01:37
SubhumanDavidJaq, well when you get the error, did u read the error mesages?01:37
bobstroCrippsFX: i had to set up vmware with several OLD win browser versions for testing.01:37
stuckintermhi! yay! I found how to start a full screen remote terminal! now, is there a key so I can get out ?01:38
CrippsFXbobstro, I think that somehow more pressure should be applied on m$ to make a standards-compliant browser instead of trying to make the world comply to them ...01:38
mantonoIs there a way to use compiz without using gdm? I start X with "xinit".01:38
h3sp4wnqueuetue: If you are using it any type of work the company should have no problem paying for cross-over office or vmware workstation01:38
bobstroCrippsFX: that would be a LOT of pressure. :)01:38
rixthError with Launchpad... HTTP Error 500: OK at http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x00FF2F9B&op=get01:38
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rixthInternal Server Error01:38
DavidJaqthere wasn't much of an error message, just that X Server failed to run, likely due to being set up wrong. If I go for more details it just tells me version information01:38
snoopssadly CrippsFX ms doesn't care what you, or the rest of the web developers want :)01:38
CrippsFXbobstro, it sure would. how can we do it?01:38
bobstroCrippsFX: replace microsoft, for one.01:38
CrippsFXbobstro, lol. yeah.01:38
bobstroCrippsFX: they're not used to competing.01:38
bobstroCrippsFX: well, not on a level field anyhow.01:39
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mcphailhas anyone else been having probs with vmware workstation since dist-upgrading?01:39
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johntrampcan anyone help with this;01:39
johntramproot@tom-ubuntu:~# /etc/init.d/proftpd start01:39
johntrampProFTPd warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.01:39
gnomefreakbobstro: and CrippsFX can you please take this convo to #ubuntu-offtopic01:39
bohnePals. I m in Dapper, but dont find the pine (gpg/imap/ldap) package in synaptic... Any tip about it?01:39
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purpleone question please01:39
purpledoes win modems have a better support in 6.06?01:39
CrippsFXgnomefreak, it's sort of on topic.01:40
m_0_r_0_nWhere is the preview button for the screensavers?01:40
avisthats very true.  they simply dont care.  they know that most families is running windows and they own the user base of most of the world.  and with the genuine advantage thing they've got their mind on their money and their money on their mind.  its a product.  there really are no alternatives other than open source.01:40
gnomefreakubotu tell purple about linmodems01:40
purpleintel ep537 specially'01:40
_nano_gnomefreak: thanks, it worked :)01:40
h3sp4wnbohne: I think you can only get pine in source form01:40
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bobstrognomefreak: just relating why IE on Linux might make sense01:40
DavidJaqI've tried upgrading Breezy to Dapper twice now from within Breezy and both times it's screwed up for me... is there any way for me to just start a fresh install of Dapper from within Breezy? My computer won't boot from CD, despite the BIOS being set up properly01:40
dv_do I really have to reboot just to access my external hard drive?01:40
m_0_r_0_nIE is the best browser01:40
casanova_mmm, wine, coding and Modern Talking01:40
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bohneh3sp4wn: Any howto to compile without problems?01:40
avisthough i think some odd and end banks may be running os/2 here and there.  where to find a copy or figure out what hardware supported ?  bleh !01:41
casanova_mmmh, IE on Linux thru WineX rulez, if you need to use ActiveX01:41
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_nano_gnomefreak: I am seeing dots on 'Ok' and 'Close' buttons on window dialogs...moving mouse over those buttons removes those dots...Taking a screenshot doesn't show those dots, so there's no way I can show them. What might be the reason?01:41
gnomefreakbobstro: and CrippsFX "CrippsFX: replace microsoft, for one." has nothing to do with ubuntu support01:41
Faileasavis: you can get a demo version from the serenity website as ecomstation01:41
casanova_IR 7 is ALMOST like Firefoxy01:41
Faileasits a liveCD01:41
avisFailes of os/2 ???01:41
bobstrognomefreak: so is "hello"01:41
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snoopshardly casanova_.. if you mean tabs then yes.01:41
zeroso im trying to add repositories01:41
avisthat was a gorgeous os when it came out01:41
Faileasavis: sorta, os/2 got taken over by another company, and renamed01:42
gnomefreakbobstro: ive asked you to please move it to ubuntu-offtopic please dont fight me on it01:42
snoopsfirefox's biggest thing is extensions01:42
zeroso i can update my Ubuntu to Dapper01:42
avisoh very nice01:42
zerofrom Badger01:42
gnomefreak_nano_: what dots?01:42
DavidJaqI've tried upgrading Breezy to Dapper twice now from within Breezy and both times it's screwed up for me... is there any way for me to just start a fresh install of Dapper from within Breezy? My computer won't boot from CD, despite the BIOS being set up properly01:42
zerobut i dont see any Dapper updates in the repository list01:42
casanova_snoops, you have tabz in the IE7. And an integrated email/rss/atom feed reader01:42
snoopsgnomefreak know much about grub?01:42
bonyi am unable to run xul file in firefox and no one is responding since last 20 min is there any other channel were i can go for help or dose any one know about xul in this channel?01:42
casanova_no irc though01:42
gnomefreaksnoops: depends what you want done01:42
Faileascasanova_: they coppied firefox01:42
bobstrognomefreak: ah, the political officer speaks, nice. that's the ubuntu way, eh? i advocate it, but not "in the right way".01:42
Faileascasanova_: neither does FF outta the box01:42
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_nano_gnomefreak: what dots? ..it's like green dots on the buttons..(i wish i could show you a screenshot but the screenshot doesn't capture it)01:43
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drcodehi all01:43
keegan_Try doing a server install then doing a dist-upgrade, then do a apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.  Thats how I install from the breezy CD.01:43
snoopsgnomefreak installed grub manually because of known error with ubuntu and sata drives.. can boot off xp fine on the same drive.. grub can't see the other partitions where / and /boot are, but it can see /swap01:43
_nano_gnomefreak: some time the dots are green..sometime black...01:43
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gnomefreak_nano_: is the bottom like pixilated?01:43
zeroso im trying to add repositories01:43
zeroso im trying to add repositories01:43
zerobut i dont see any Dapper updates in the repository list01:43
zerofrom Badger01:43
=== bobstro [n=user@68-116-164-61.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
stuckintermis there a special key so I can go back to my ubuntu desktop after a full screen remote desktop session ?01:43
casanova_Yeah, so? M$ 's got more raw marketing power [read: more lobbyists for bribing policymakers in sauna, mor vodka, and more money]  than any Linux developer, mention say, IBM01:44
=== Hajuu [n=hajuu@dip-220-235-53-175.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
TheSheepsnoops: maybe try lilo?01:44
gnomefreaksnoops: are you sure everything is set up right in grub?01:44
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DavidJaqI've tried upgrading Breezy to Dapper twice now from within Breezy and both times it's screwed up for me... is there any way for me to just start a fresh install of Dapper from within Breezy? My computer won't boot from CD, despite the BIOS being set up properly01:44
keegan_Just change breezy to dapper..and thats dapper repo..01:44
avisi just looked at ecomstation.  i'd rather be running xfce ;)01:44
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gnomefreaksnoops: sounds like your root partition is being look for somewhere else01:44
_nano_gnomefreak: no..it's like a layer of random dots over the button..01:44
casanova_ Enlightenment!Enlightenment!01:44
CrippsFXcasanova_, enlightenment is AWESOME! ;)01:44
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gnomefreak_nano_: im not sure i would have to see it01:45
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keegan_I used e16 and I didn't really like it, is e17 a lot better?01:45
snoopsthe / partition shows up as sdb3 and /boot shows up as sdb4..xp shows up as sdb1 in ubuntu live cd01:45
m_0_r_0_nIs it possible to get back the screensaver that have been deleted by Ubuntu team?01:45
_nano_gnomefreak: i know ...but the screenshots don't capture it :(01:45
HawkinsI can't make fglrx work, did it like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-5ead174a0b3294527486cd4d71ded66b40003f25 said, but fglrxinfo says I have Mesa ?01:45
Faileasm_0_r_0_n: try the KDE or Gnome websites?01:45
casanova_trust a guy who's coding with spanish red wine and smoked trout01:45
gnomefreak_nano_: does it happen all the time?01:45
snoopswhy would the grub think the root partition was anywhere else01:45
DanielCHelp help. I upgraded to Dapper and now my laptop doesn't see the ethernet card. "eth0" no longer exists.01:45
HajuuHey does anyone know if its possible to open something from a shell into a different display for the same user?01:45
_nano_gnomefreak: another way of putting it would be "haze over the buttons"...01:45
_nano_gnomefreak: yea01:45
gnomefreakm_0_r_0_n: you mean xscreensaver?01:45
=== pimp^air [n=pimp@HSI-KBW-082-212-060-100.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu
ccookeHawkins: have you checked that the fglrx kernel module is loaded? 'lsmod | grep fglrx'01:45
gnomefreak_nano_: try changing you theme01:46
DavidJaqI've tried upgrading Breezy to Dapper twice now from within Breezy and both times it's screwed up for me... is there any way for me to just start a fresh install of Dapper from within Breezy? My computer won't boot from CD, despite the BIOS being set up properly01:46
_nano_gnomefreak: k01:46
avismy first linux distro was redhat 6.2.  i was enthralled with an operating systems that boasted such things as Gnomes and Enlightenment.  it was like -- mystical journey intot techhood,.  never could figure out what all packages i needed at the time :)01:46
bobstroHajuu: i think so, but i'm not sure i understand what you want01:46
DanielCIs there a way to run the hardware configuration again? My "eth0" disappeared after I upgraded to Dapper.01:46
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TheSheepHajuu: most X apps accept 'display' option01:46
Hawkinsccooke , no fglrx listed there01:46
bobstroHajuu: where is this other display?01:47
Hajuubobstro: well my distro is poorly upgraded from hoary to breezy right now... just want to take a break and play a game in wine, but somethings broken so I cant open terminals through gdm right now01:47
_nano_gnomefreak: wow..changing the theme worked!01:47
m_0_r_0_ngnomefreak, System -> Preferences -> Screensaver01:47
_nano_gnomefreak: it happens only on the 'human' theme...01:47
Hajuuso I just need to open it from a console01:47
echostormcan anyone give me an idea of the differences between dapper cd and dvd? I know it has more 'packages' but what kindof packages?01:47
ccookeHawkins: Right. 'sudo gedit /etc/modules' - add fglrx to that01:47
_nano_gnomefreak: you have been a great help...thanks a lot man!01:47
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gnomefreakm_0_r_0_n: its there for me ubuntu shouldnt have tremoved it01:47
TheSheepHajuu: or you can set the DISPLAY environment variable01:47
bobstroHajuu: gdm? are you trying to open display on another machine?01:48
DavidJaqI've tried upgrading Breezy to Dapper twice now from within Breezy and both times it's screwed up for me... is there any way for me to just start a fresh install of Dapper from within Breezy? My computer won't boot from CD, despite the BIOS being set up properly01:48
keegan_DavidJaq: Stop spamming01:48
HajuuTheSheep: sure how would I do that so it opens in the display that opens on my f7 key01:48
TheSheepechostorm: with cd when you want to install something in addition, it will fetch it form net01:48
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Hajuunot sure what number that is01:48
m_0_r_0_nI want back my apple2 screensaver !01:48
Hawkinsccooke , done, CTRL + ALT + backspace to restart X ?01:48
ccookeHawkins: That'll make sure it's loaded next reboot. To load it *this* time only, do: 'sudo modprobe fglrx' and hit Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to kill your X server - it may take a minute or so to reload.01:48
avisechostorm, there are likely to be more packages that aren't outdated on the dvd or its a dual set of live and install or something.  if its the first scenario then alot of packges get replaced anyway, eventually.01:48
Hajuubobstro: nothing so fancy01:48
Hawkinsccooke , roger01:48
TheSheepHajuu: export DISPLAY=':7' or somethng like that01:48
bobstroHajuu: echo $DISPLAY will show you your current display if that's what you want01:49
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DavidJaqkeegan_: I didn't know reasking my problem after several new people had logged on and my question was already off the screen was spamming01:49
Hawkinsccooke , modproble gave me FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/volatile/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted01:49
echostormthanx thesheep i remember it doing that. cool that made things clear.01:49
ccookeHawkins: did you run it with sudo?01:49
Hajuuecho $DISPLAY comes out blank?01:49
HawkinsYes, but it didn't ask password01:49
LtJaxhello, I can't seem to change to the terminals via ctrl-alt-f* anymore after logging in to gnome (seems to have been like this ever since upgrading to dapper)01:50
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LtJaxany idea how to fix this?01:50
bobstroHajuu: it should get set, but you could set it manually as TheSheep said01:50
achrafhello,,, udev is causing me problems when i try to boot kubuntu from a diskless terminal, it gives: nfs: RPC remote call returned error 101... while loading01:50
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JowiDavidJaq: make sure the package "ubuntu-desktop" is installed, remove packages you do not need, and update the breezy system before doing a dist-upgrade to dapper.01:50
ccookeHawkins: Try: 'sudo -s' to get a root prompt, then modprobe fglrx01:50
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Hajuubobstro: so what number display would it be on my F7 key? I have no idea.01:50
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rixthlaunchpad.net is officially down.01:50
bobstroHajuu: are you the same user in the terminal? are you trying to run that program as the same user you logged in as?01:50
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DavidJaqJowi, you are talking to a complete newbie. I have no idea what ubuntu-desktop is or how I would install it01:51
bobstroHajuu: sorry, no idea what you mean by f7 key.01:51
Hajuubobstro yes on both questions01:51
Hawkinsccooke , got into root, but still giving same error01:51
Hajuuon the keyboard01:51
ompaulrixth, ehh I am getting Welcome to the Launchpad01:51
Hajuutheres a button labled f701:51
bobstroHajuu: well, i know it's a key but i don't see how it relates!01:51
JowiDavidJaq: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" will tell you if it is already installed, otherwise it will be downloaded and installed automatically01:51
bobstroHajuu: oooh, there's an f10 too! cool! :)01:51
AngryElfhey guys, how could i cut off the end of a file? say at n bytes?01:51
ompaulrixth, you have fallen off some part of the internet01:52
HajuuWell when I press ctrl+alt+f7, thats the display I want to open it on01:52
JowiDavidJaq: did you follow the dapper upgrade wiki?01:52
DavidJaqjowi, should I reinstall Breezy before I do that?01:52
kkaisareIs anyone aware of a good web-based email service that's open source? I found Cryptomail and Roundcube. Cryptomail does offer free accounts, but the speed and the interface is terrible. Roundcube is AJAX based, looks to be slick, but doesn't offer accounts. Is anyone aware of other options?01:52
avisDavidJaq: i've opted for the apt-get install gnome before so that is probably a more viable solution.  when i lost it.01:52
ompaulDavidJaq, if it is all you have yes, and then straight away before you customise anything upgrade01:52
bobstroHajuu: ah... well you can do the 'log in as another user' to keep both active and toggle between if that's what you want.01:52
JowiDavidJaq: didn't you say the pc doens't have a cdrom?01:52
avisgnome-desktop is01:52
bobstroHajuu: sorry, still not fully grasping exactly what you're after.01:53
Faileasroundcube is for your own server IIRC01:53
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DavidJaqI was pointed to a wiki, Jowi, that told me to edit my sources list and type a command that downloaded a whole bunch of stuff and then installed it... I tried to reboot afterwards and it locked up so I had to power off the tower and power it back on, now it's all broken01:53
mbm1980Hello. I need to run some custom commands at startup, what file do I need to add it to? The commands is 3 sshfs mounts, I've made passwordless login to the SSH server (with keys) so no need for input.01:53
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kkaisareFaileas: Yes. I don't have a server though :)01:53
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ompaulDavidJaq, does it boot?>01:53
Hajuulol ok bobstro .. my problem is, Im only half upgraded from hoary to breezy, just want to play some games in wine.. but I lack the ability to spawn terminal windows in my display manager for some reason due to being half upgraded... So if I cant open a terminal, how am I meant to run wine :)01:54
pojembm1980: try the bum (package|program, can't remember)01:54
mbm1980poje, okay thanks01:54
pojembm1980: I think that is relevant01:54
ccookeHawkins: Okay. Try rebooting - it's just possible it's an ordering problem.01:54
bobstroHajuu: ah, ok. i think you need to fix your system. :)01:54
DanglyBitshow to i upgrade from ubuntu amd64 dapper beta to full release dapper version?01:54
JowiDavidJaq: then i would go with what ompaul suggested earlier. re-install breezy, then upgrade it before making any custom changes01:54
avisDavidJaq: that is very odd for a wiki to instruct you as such considering the operating system pretty much take care of itself if you admin it properly.01:54
m_0_r_0_nI ve installed two screensavers, but there are not listed in the screensaver list? Where can I find them?01:54
Hawkinsccooke , rebooting X or the system ?01:54
ccookeHawkins: the system.01:55
DavidJaqIt goes to the Ubuntu logo where it says a bunch of stuff and '[OK] ', then when it tries to start X Server it says that it's failed and then drops me to a command line. I've tried reconfiguring the x server thingy like someone else said, but it didn't work01:55
Hajuubobstro: Got the rest of the updates downloading.. but they are going to be HOURS and im bored01:55
pimp^airDanglyBits: just don't change your sources.list...01:55
DavidJaqHow would I uninstall Ubuntu?01:55
bobstroHajuu: sorry. you could set display manually like shown before. that might work.01:55
Hawkinsccooke , understood booting01:55
avisDavidJaq: next time that happens apt-get install irssi and come here :)01:55
DanglyBitshow to i upgrade from ubuntu amd64 dapper beta to full release dapper version?01:56
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DavidJaqavis: what do you mean?01:56
TobberothDavidJaq: If you have a windows install CD, boot from it and clear the partitions ubuntu is currently on01:56
JowiDavidJaq: you don't need to uninstall it before reinstalling it.01:56
DavidJaqI can reboot right now and get dropped the command line... you want me to do that and apt-get install irssi?01:56
Tobberoththen go in on the ubuntu liveCD and install it again01:56
DavidJaqI can't boot from cd, Tobberoth01:56
pojembm1980: /etc/init.d is the file that lists scripts to be run at startup - learn a bit about making a script (pretty easy :)) and make a script01:56
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TobberothThen I don't know how to reinstall it :(01:56
mbm1980poje, okay ;)01:57
JowiDavidJaq: if you can, try to run "apt-get dist-upgrade" again01:57
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mathfeelhi guys...01:58
mathfeelis there a gvim package?01:58
mathfeelhow come I can't find it?01:58
DavidJaqOk, Jowi, I'm going to try that. Back in a bit.01:58
pojembm1980: actually I'm a bit wrong, I'd just suggest googling about running commands on startup ;(01:58
m_0_r_0_nDo I have to restart Linux to get the new installed screensavers listed?01:58
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casanova_what do you do when you're single and nerdy and having a free day?01:58
Jowicasanova_: install dapper :)01:59
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ompaulinstall ubuntu source and hack some new code01:59
casanova_i'm drinking wine, eating fish, doding and doing Blender. Ppl on #politics told it's gay01:59
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TobberothBTW, do the main makers behind Ubuntu hang around in this channel often?01:59
__mikemHey, casanova I am a programmer, don't you dare say coding is gay in my pressence02:00
TobberothAgreed __mikem02:00
casanova_..the code itself is full of bugz but at least  have the courage to implement my hallucinations in my code when i'm a bit tipsy02:00
ubotuwell, gay is the dictionary says "Excited with merriment; manifesting sportiveness or delight; inspiring delight; livery; merry."  But some people don't know what it means, I guess  Some highly ignorant folks think it's an insult of some sort.  Who can tell why?02:00
Hawkinsccooke , thank you now fglrx is working :)02:00
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casanova_no, but wine, blender and liking sailing wa gay, and Modern Talking02:00
ompaulcasanova_, that is kind of offtopic, can you move it to #ubuntu-offtopic02:00
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__mikemwheres an op when you need it02:01
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ompaul__mikem, right here02:01
Hawkinsccooke , but on this boot my network card wasn't active before I fiddled with it :(02:01
__mikemoh that works02:01
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ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _nano_02:02
__mikemthats a weird name NET||abuse02:02
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EngFBNHi. Evolution 2.6.1 keeps disconnecting from my IMAP4 mailbox. Am I missing something?02:02
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__mikemgdm is presents a login screen and allows you to choose which desktop environment you will use02:02
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_nano_how do I change gdm theme?02:03
__mikemthere should be an option in system>prefferences02:04
__mikemactually, go to system>administration>login window02:04
Jowi_nano_: sudo gdmsetup02:04
_nano_Jowi: k02:04
__mikemsystem>administration>login window also launches sudo gdmsetup02:04
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DanglyBitsi tried to run apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade from dapper beta to full version...nothing happens02:05
__mikemthis is why I waited for the full to come out02:05
JowiDanglyBits: maybe you are already fully upgraded02:05
dv_Dangermouse, you ran apt-get update?02:05
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berniershould i use the blackdown java or the real jre 5.0 from sun?02:07
dizyhi guys.. if i have windows installed on the same box as ubuntu... is there any program that will let me run windows within ubuntu02:07
__mikemdizy vmware does02:07
dizythanks mikem02:08
dizyi wont haveto install xp clean.. right ?02:08
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dizyfrom within vmware i mean02:08
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__mikemWell, you can have it use your physical disk instead of a virtual disk, but if youdon't know what your doing that can be dangerous02:08
geotsaiyea u do actually have to install windows on ur virtual machine02:09
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__mikemyou don't02:09
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TobberothUbuntero? ^^02:09
__mikemIF you tell it to use your physical disk instead of a virtual disk02:09
__mikemI know because I use vmware02:09
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ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, rixth02:10
paolo_Hi guys! Yesterday my edubuntu server freezed, and now I see that the syslog shows: "Jun  7 09:12:17 server-basica gnome-power-manager: Hibernating computer because the DBUS method Hibernate() was invoked". What does it mean? thank you!02:10
ubotuwell, abuse is not acceptable, use the bot appropriately, for usage instructions http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:10
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geotsaii need some help... i got this when updating  W: GPG error: ftp://cipherfunk.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4CF19C3233BAC1B302:10
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Hobbseegeotsai: you should not use that repo02:10
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Hobbseeit will break your system02:11
ograpaolo_, remove gnome-power-manager from that installation ...02:11
berniershould i use the blackdown java or the real jre 5.0 from sun?02:11
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TobberothGuys, how hard are windows emulators to use? I want to be able to use a program called FirstClass on Ubuntu02:11
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__mikemHobbsee it may already be too late :)02:11
Tobberothbernier: I recommend the real sun java502:11
Hajuubernier: real java if you value your livelyhood02:11
geotsaihobbsee, i dont understand02:11
bernierok thanks02:11
Hobbsee__mikem: well, if the guy has used it, then he'll quickly find out why not to next time, if he breaks his system02:11
Hobbseegeotsai: check !restricted02:12
Hobbseegeotsai: using random debian repos is not a good idea02:12
__mikemMy point exactly02:12
paolo_ogra, when I try to run gnome-power-manager a window is shown saying: "This program cannot start until you start the dbus session service."  That's strange, because ps shows me that dbus is running...02:12
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geotsaiwell i already ran it ^^||| but nothing updated02:12
ograpaolo_, likely only the system dbus ...02:12
DarkMageZTobberoth, wine isn't difficult to use, but it isn't perfect, so your application might not run02:12
__mikempaolo see if dbus is running before you try and start gnome powermanager02:12
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__mikemif it is, kill it, then start gnome poweromanager02:13
ograpaolo_, in any case you should remove gnome-power-manager (if thats an edubuntu ltsp server)02:13
__mikemit might be that theres a current instance of dbus running which is preventing any new instances02:13
TobberothDarkMageZ: Thanks, I'll try it later this evening and see what happens :)02:13
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paolo_ogra, "ps axu|grep dbus|grep paolo    paolo     4991  0.0  0.0   2712   636 ?        S    07:57   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session x-session-manager"02:13
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paolo_ogra, ok, I'm going to remove it02:14
ograpaolo_, else users will be able to force hibernation of the server02:14
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zjimbohas anyone had trouble with Easy Ubuntu, like tty1-6 not working?02:14
__mikemkill 4991 should be your first step paolo02:14
__mikembe back later02:14
ograpaolo_, do you get this dbus error from a thin client or on the server02:14
paolo_ogra, you mean that yesterday the server hibernated because some client asked it?02:14
paolo_ogra, from the server02:15
ograand please dont kill the dbus as __mikem advised, that will break02:15
ograpaolo_, are you logged in at the same time with the same user from a client ?02:15
avisremove and reboot ?02:15
paolo_ogra, no, I'm only on the server.02:15
avisor kill -9 ?02:15
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paolo_ogra, removing gnome-power-manager removes gnome-session too!!!!02:16
ograpaolo_, hmm, thats weird, on the server dbus shouldnt complain ...02:16
xxyyzzIs it possible to undo things you do in the terminal?02:16
hyphenatedxxyyzz: no, not really.02:17
ograpaolo_, hmm then just remove it from the default session with the gnome-session-remove command02:18
xxyyzzSo, theoretically, if I moved a file from DirA to DirB... would there be a way of undoing that, without using the move command again?02:18
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xxyyzzI think someone once told me Linux keeps a record of everything you do... if this is true, surely you can just execute everything in this record backwards, to undo stuff?02:19
aviswell you could cp the file then delete the old destination :/02:19
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xxyyzzavis, I meant a more automated way... where you just say: undo-get 10 (last 10 commands)02:19
xxyyzzAnd as long as none of the commands involved deleting files, it might work...02:19
xxyyzzOh :(02:20
bernier i'm having a problem, everytime I try to install java or blackdown java adept stays at "preparing installation of sun-java5-bin" and it never changes02:20
xxyyzzWell they should invent that for the next Linux.02:20
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avisbernier: i do a apt-get instal sun-java-bin5 add a couple of symlinks and i'm through02:20
c0nfidencalhey, i wanted to ask - why all pages on ubuntu are opening (resolving) so slovely? on windows they were opening fast!02:20
hyphenatedxxyyzz: a certain level of competence is expected of people running commands in a terminal02:20
paolo_ogra, I gnome-session-remove gnome-power-manager, but I wonder: did I remove from the whole server or only from my user?02:21
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xxyyzzhyphenated, sorry I'm not very fluent in terminal...02:21
xxyyzzBut the reason I'm asking is...02:21
xxyyzzI installed this thingo, and it worked fine the first time... but then I did "make install" again, and now it doesn't work at all :-/02:21
avisxxyyzz: you need to become though02:21
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ograpaolo_, only from your users session02:21
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wall0159Hi all. Congratulations on Dapper. It seems great, and a smooth dist-upgrade from Breezy. Thanks all! Just one question - my ipod is hfs+ formatted, and Dapper mounts this read-only, and (in dmesg) complains that it's journaled. It says I can force mount the ipod read/write, but I'm not sure how to do this so that it's automated (with HAL, etc). Any suggestions?02:22
beavisc0nfidencal: try changing dns, pages load fine for me02:22
paolo_ogra, and will that solve the problem with the users on the clients hybernating the server?02:22
pittiwall0159: does remounting it r/w manually work?02:22
CrippsFXdoes anyone know of a good playstation emulator that can use keyboard input?02:22
ograpaolo_, to remove it for all users just remove (backup) /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-power-manager.desktop02:22
c0nfidencalbeavis im using 2 dns servers02:22
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wall0159(shucks) - I haven't actually tried that, I just assumed it would.02:23
CrippsFXhey Hobbsee :)02:23
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Hobbseehey CrippsFX02:23
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bernieravis ok ill try but the only way i can close adept is byt the X because i canot cancel while its "preparing" and after i closed it it always says theres a process in memory which is using the package system manager or something02:23
beavisc0nfidencal: well , you are only using one at the time , so use one at a time and see if its any better02:23
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wall0159pitti: I'm not sure how to, because it mounts 'ro' automatically, and if I eject it, the device (/dev/sda) disappears02:24
beavisonlso try public dns lik or
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Klaidaswhich one of these keep internet connection: suspend or hibernate?02:24
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paolo_ogra, renaming it in the same directory?02:24
avisbernier i believe for some reason amarok integrated with it to load with files02:24
c0nfidencalbeavis, k i will try02:24
pittiwall0159: sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdaX (where X is the mounted partition, e.g. '1')02:24
pittiwall0159: if you just type 'mount', you will see which partition is mounted02:25
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ograpaolo_, asl long as it doesnt end in .desktop it should be fine02:25
wall0159pitti: thanks! hang on - I'm trying... :-)02:25
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xxyyzzIs there a special way to uninstall stuff on Linux, or do I just go around deleting all the files?02:26
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paolo_ogra, ok02:26
pojexxyyzz: depends on what you are removing02:26
ctothejATI Driver installed a program called fireglcontrol. What is it?02:26
xxyyzzpoje, an application that I downloaded and installed02:26
Netcad i want to send all outgoing mail to a development email address. I was told virtusertable was what i needed to look into but i don't think that will do what I want. Any suggestions?02:26
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pojexxyyzz: how did you install it02:26
Chris_CDoes anyone know how I can access the extra non-music data on an "enhanced CD"? (i.e. a movie burned on the outside edge)02:26
xxyyzzpoje: ./configure ... make ... make install02:26
Chris_CI can't get anything to come up but the CD audio player02:26
pojexxyyzz: go to that directory and use make uninstall02:27
xxyyzzI didn't know you could do that02:27
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pojexxyyzz: no problem, _most_ programs include uninstall targets :)02:27
pojexxyyzz: two things though: 1, if you delete the makefile (or the directory holding it, obviously), you lost that capability; and 2) try using ./configure, make, checkinstall02:28
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xxyyzzpoje, what does checkinstall do?02:28
ubotuI guess checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall02:29
pojecheckinstall is a package that uses make install to create a .deb package that registers it in your app list to make uninstalling easy02:29
xxyyzzI don't think there's a thing ubotu doesn't know...02:29
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, VoX02:29
wall0159pitti: thanks - that seems to have worked. I had to pass it a 'force' command too though, as 'sudo mount -o remount,rw,force /dev/sda3'02:30
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TobberothIs there a program like Limewire for Ubuntu? I need a swedish rare song ^^02:30
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pittiwall0159: oh, 'force' is the reason why it doesn't happen automatically in the first place02:30
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wall0159ahh! :-)02:30
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pojeTobberoth: limewire is released for linux :)02:31
pittiwall0159: do you see anything in dmesg about a corrupted file system or so?02:31
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pittiwall0159: in any case, can you please file a bug against pmount and include /var/log/kern.log and the facts?02:31
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Tobberothpoje: Awesome! Thanks :)02:31
pittiwall0159: I'll try to come up with a fix, but I need some info (I don't have an iPod myself)02:31
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wall0159pitti: this is the only questionable line:  HFS+-fs: write access to a jounaled filesystem is not supported, use the force option at your own risk, mounting read-only.02:32
pittiwall0159: oh, uh02:32
Tobberothhmm, limewire is not in synaptic package manager.. don't know if I dare trying to install it then ^^02:32
ROBOdi want to use vnc4server instead of vnc3 for sharing my desktop in ubuntu 602:32
ROBOdhow to do that?02:32
pittiwall0159: please redirect the bug report against the kernel then (linux-source-2.6.15)02:32
pojeTobberoth: have you enabled the multiverse repository?02:32
ROBOdi have vnc4server, vnc4-common installed, but, of course, gnome won't use it02:32
Tobberothpoje, yeah02:32
ROBOdhow to force it?02:32
wall0159pitti: ah ok. I wondered if it was a kernel issue02:33
pojeTobberoth: downloading a client from the LW site should be safe02:33
Tobberothonly binary though02:33
pittiwall0159: we should take this warning serious enough to not override it by default02:33
pojeTobberoth: as much as I love apt-get and rolling my own, binaries aren't bad02:33
ubotusomebody said frostwire was a free peer-to-peer application that runs on the Gnutella network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWire02:34
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, h3sp4wn02:34
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efbieHello ! Is there anybody here who knows how to convert html to pdf ?02:34
Tobberothwhat should I open .rpm with?02:34
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wall0159pitti: ok. That sounds fair enough. I've not submitted a kernel bug report before.. is that an Ubuntu based bug, since they've compiled the kernel?02:34
noskloTobberoth: you shouldn't02:34
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pojeFrogzoo: any particular reason you like frostwire over limewire?02:35
pojeTobberoth: possible but not advised02:35
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wall0159pitti: the flip-side of that question - if I recompile my kernel, will that fix my probs? ;-)02:35
pojeTobberoth: hold on while I check their stuff02:35
h3sp4wnTobberoth: Depends what it is you could try alien02:35
_nano_how do I change the splash screen?02:35
noskloTobberoth: but if you really want, you can use alien to convert it. It doesn't work all the times and may break your system, tho02:35
TobberothNevermind, I'm going for that Frostwire, seems very easy to install02:36
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noskloTobberoth: go for the packages in the repositories first, if that fails, then you look for external solutions02:36
noskloTobberoth: try gtk-gnutellla, nicotine, frostwire, amule, gift...02:36
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beaviswhats the difference between shell, console and screen session??02:38
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Celestarubotu: LDAP02:39
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Celestar02:39
mr_sutzqualcuno potrebbe darmi una mano?02:39
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ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image02:39
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _nano_02:39
jonesssssDoesn't ALSA  support multipul applications using the sound driver?02:39
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Jowibeavis: the shell is a command interpreter. it can be run in console or in a xterm. bash is a shell.02:40
wall0159pitti: I have to go - thanks a lot for your help. Gives me an idea of the problem, and I'll submit a bug report (to Ubuntu) Cheers mate! :-)02:41
pittiwall0159: it's basically a kernel problem02:41
pittiwall0159: the driver lacks the functionality, or sth.02:41
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wall0159pitti: 'sth'?02:42
pittiwall0159: for now, just paste the warning in a bug report against the kernel and descsribe the problem (readonly ipod)02:42
pittiwall0159: sth == 'something' (sorry)02:42
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wall0159pitti: ah! ok! will do. cheers!02:42
edneymatiashello all!02:42
CrippsFXwindows is the best02:42
beavisJowi: ok , but wouldnt it make the console not work without the shell?02:42
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Chris_Creposting my question before I leave this computer for the day ...02:43
Chris_CDoes anyone know how I can access the extra non-music data on an "enhanced CD"? (i.e. a movie burned on the outside edge)02:43
Chris_CI can't get anything to come up but the CD audio player02:43
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CrippsFXChris_C, if there's data on the outer edge of the CD, you *should* be able to mount it as a data CD02:44
Jowibeavis: the console by itself isn't very useful without by itself for the user (the system is another matter). think of the console as DOS without any user commands (for example, win98 provided most of the commands used in a DOS box)02:44
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Jowibeavis: "useful without shell by itself"02:45
Jowibeavis: alot of "itself" in that sentence but you probably understood :)02:45
Chris_CCrippsFX: with just a standard mount command? (would need to dig up that syntax)  Won't already being mounted as an audio CD interfere?02:45
CrippsFXJowi, I didn't ....02:45
meuserjChris_C, audio CD's aren't mounted...02:46
CrippsFXChris_C, audio CDs aren't *mounted* ....02:46
Chris_Coh cool, didn't know that02:46
JowiCrippsFX: good that the sentence was for another person then:)02:46
CrippsFXChris_C, man mount .... you'll get the syntax from there ... but for CDs it's usually as easy as: mount /dev/cdrom02:46
CrippsFXJowi, ;)02:46
beavisJowi: yeah, i get the point, thanks02:46
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Jowibeavis: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/ explain what bash (a shell) does.02:47
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tristanHey, anyone having trouble to input Japanese since he updated to Dapper?02:50
Chris_CCrippsFX: you are a prince among men, that worked, thanks!02:50
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CrippsFXChris_C, high praise, I don't deserve it. But, you are welcome :)02:51
patrick_hello there. A bloody Gentoo install just ruined mypartition setup. buty there is this 1 .tgz file I would like to safe. Is that possible?02:51
patrick_in a descent way? :-)02:51
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CrippsFXpatrick_, check out F.I.R.E. on www.linux.org02:52
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jimcooncatLogged in with ssh to home machine, how can I issue a popup to the destop user?02:52
CrippsFXpatrick_, http://biatchux.dmzs.com/02:53
CrippsFXjimcooncat, <command> >> /dev/vtty07   ... that might do it ....02:53
CrippsFX... but I'm probably wrong.02:54
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jimcooncatmaybe export DISPLAY=0:0 && xenity "IM me!"?02:54
CrippsFXjimcooncat, that might work better than my idea :)02:55
jimcooncatCrippsFX, thanks, but I'm not sure how that would show up02:55
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CrippsFXme neither :P02:55
cefjimcooncat: ssh into your own machine and try it *grin*02:55
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gabri81i have a problem with ethernet card and motherboard asrock 93902:56
jimcooncatcef, I am, just have to use "zenity" not "xenity" :-)02:56
gabri81anyone have buy asrock?02:56
cefjimcooncat: woot!02:56
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Faileasgabri81: asrock= asus's budget line02:57
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gabri81faileas ok02:58
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Faileashaven't run linux on any of their mobos that i have, sorry02:58
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Faileasi have one of those though, caps exploded ;p02:58
jeff__Can anyone help me with apt-get (not sure if im right on names) updating from breezy to dapper?02:59
byennone of the wifi managers work on dapper... can someone help me02:59
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Samuli^Faileas, exploded? whaat.02:59
Vliegendehuiskatsudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:59
FaileasSamuli^: the mobo went unstable and stopped working03:00
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Faileascaps were bloty and leaking03:00
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Samuli^Faileas, nice failure :)03:00
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jeff__sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:00
jeff__E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:00
jeff__E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:00
verwilsthow do i install domxml support for php5 on dapper?03:00
jeff__(sorry for the spam)03:01
verwilstonly php4-domxml exists...03:01
byenis synaptic open jeff__03:01
Vliegendehuiskatjeff do you have other apt programs running?03:01
Vliegendehuiskatlike synaptic or the update manager03:01
gabri81faileas this problem is irrisolvable?03:01
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verwilstno xml modules for php5 seem to exist even03:01
jeff__ah no03:01
HawkinsI can't get the resolution I want, anybody willing to help me ?03:01
Faileasgabri81: yours or mine?03:01
Vliegendehuiskatnone of them running03:01
jeff__byen: ah wait, there03:01
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Faileasgabri81: no reason why it shouldn't work. is the ethernet port (i assume its internal) working for any other OS?03:02
Ngverwilst: what kind of xml module?03:02
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verwilstNg: domxml03:02
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zewojeff__:  what Vliegendehuiskat says is correct although when I tried it said it would need to download 800mb, thats more than the iso image for a complete new dapper. my reason for attempting the update via apt-get was simply to save having to download the cd image your's may be different03:02
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gharzguys... can ubuntu 6.06 dapper be a part of a windows server 2003 domain?03:03
Vliegendehuiskatwas it 800 mb there?03:03
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jeff__zewo: ah, lemme check03:03
zewojeff__ and Vliegendehuiskat yeap just my experience :)03:03
sapperjankos3 trio-36803:03
Vliegendehuiskati'm on 6.06 though03:03
jeff__zewo: tells me 107MB03:03
Vliegendehuiskatone little buggy there03:03
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gabri81faileas yes i have asrock 939 and there is ethernet card realtek alc85003:03
Vliegendehuiskatusb keyboards lol03:03
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sapperjankook im back, damn mouse i had to plug back in03:04
gabri81you use this card withj ubuntu?03:04
jeff__78.9MB of disc space required03:04
zewowow a lot less. dunno why I got 800 mb update needed then :D03:04
cefjimcooncat: figured it out?03:04
Ngverwilst: php5 doesn't include the domxml module anymore. http://pecl.php.net/package/domxml might help, or you could try searching with pear03:04
Vliegendehuiskatbut my keyboard is not one that you see everywhere03:04
jeff__zewo: is mine correct?03:04
Faileasgabri81: hmm03:04
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zewojeff__ not sure, am fairly new at this myself. definitely said 800mb to me when I tried to update from breezy to dapper though.03:04
zewojeff__ yours is probably correct.03:04
Faileasgabri81: i can't really think of anything else, sorry03:04
verwilstNg: oh.. sucky03:04
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VliegendehuiskatIt didn't say that to me03:04
verwilsti'll just use php4 then03:04
jeff__zewo: ah okay then, going ahead with it03:05
Vliegendehuiskatbut whats the trouble with pushing alt f203:05
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gabri81faileas you are newbie?03:05
chamoany news about ATI and Dapper???03:05
gharzguys... can ubuntu 6.06 dapper be a part of a windows server 2003 domain?03:05
Vliegendehuiskatand doing gksudo update-manager -d03:05
CrippsFXchamo, they work.03:05
cefjimcooncat: 'DISPLAY=:0.0 zenity --info --text="This is a test."' works for me03:05
lizardmaneWhat's a simple, easier to setup intrusion detection system for ubuntu?03:05
chamoCrippsFX: with acceleration ??03:05
Faileasgabri81: yeah, i'm a learner, i've done mostly windows, and a little suse03:05
Vliegendehuiskatchamo everything that is on debian works in ubuntu too03:05
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jimcooncatcef --no not yet03:05
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Vliegendehuiskat(almost everything)03:06
CrippsFXchamo, I'm currently running it.03:06
bernierhi, i just installed java and when i try to run frostwire with konsole it says java is not installed but im completely sure it is .. i have sun-java5-bin03:06
chamobecause I cannot get FGLRX to work. I have tried many things.03:06
chamoyou got FGLRX ?03:06
chamoor ATI ?03:06
chamodrivers I mean03:06
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gabri81someone help me for my problem about ethernet card03:06
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs03:06
ubotuhmm... ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers03:06
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Mikelohow do i enable java in firefox03:06
cefjimcooncat: that version has the added advantage of not modifying the display var for the session, so other X based commands SSH forward properly03:06
Xappei'm using fglrx for my 9600 pro...no problems so far on dapper03:06
lewishi my name is lewis and can you help me?03:07
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torrentwoesi've installed azureus via automatix but it wont work03:07
bvanaerdeati 9700 here, no problems either03:07
jimcooncatcef I get "This option is not available"03:07
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torrentwoeswhat shoudl i do?03:07
chamoCrippsFX: what graphic card do you have ?03:07
jimcooncatJust on the remote machine, it's ok with ssh'ing to my own03:07
cefjimcooncat: are you usong :0.0 for the display? you weren't before03:07
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cefusing even03:07
chamoplease give me some advices. I need it badly working for OpenGL03:07
CrippsFXchamo, Xpress 200M03:07
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chamoCrippsFX: Im running a Mobility Radeon 9700.03:07
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gabri81my ethernet card not worky correctly...help03:08
chamoDid you install a fresh new version of dapper for make it run ?03:08
CrippsFXchamo, since the mobility R 9700 is older than mine, it should work.03:08
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lewishelp me my name is lewis my pc is not puting in divx? help03:08
jimcooncatcef: ok, I understand now, Xlib refused the connection03:08
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lewisso help me?03:08
DavidJaqok... I got an error after trying to update breezy to dapper and it kept crashing X Server upon boot... so I was told to 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' on the command line... I did that and everything seemed to work... it boots up to the user logon screen... I logon and it shows me my mouse and a colored screen... and that's it. Goes no further.03:08
cefjimcooncat: yeah.. I got that wrong before too, which threw me off for a bit. *grin*03:08
b14cktorrentwoes:  i asume that you download with p2p. what prog do u use?03:08
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gr33npho3nixan andybody maybe offer some suggestions about this message /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libgcc_s.so.1/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_3.4' not found (required by /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2)03:09
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ctothejhey. im trying to reinstall fglrx drivers, but im getting an error when removing or installing the xorg-driver-fglrx using apt-get03:09
torrentwoesi dont download anything03:09
jimcooncatI guess xhost needs to be set03:09
Hawkinschamo, I am truly a newbie in linux world and I just got fglrx work with my Radeon 850XT, only problem is I can't get 1280x960 resolution03:09
ctothej it says: dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/lib/libGL.so.1' with  different file `/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa', not allowed03:09
torrentwoesi just got ubuntu working03:09
gr33npho3nixI tried changing the symlink to GCC-3.403:09
gr33npho3nixbut that didn't work03:09
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torrentwoesi ran automatix03:09
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Xappechamo, you should just have to apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx and change the driver from ati to fglrx in your xorg.conf03:09
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amortvigilhey i cant use my second hard disk i tried gksudo but even there i cant change its rights and i tried to chmod to 777 but than it still says read only premision03:09
Jowigabri81: I don't know about that specific card. but if you can copy/paste "lspci -n" and paste it to this site http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ you should at least be able to find out what driver to use.03:09
torrentwoesazureus wont launch03:09
cefjimcooncat: are you the same user as the logged in X user?03:09
kemik!dpkg-reconfigure x03:09
b14cktorrentwoes:  oh good. enjoy. i have done that myself only a little while ago03:09
ubotukemik: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:09
torrentwoeswell.. it launches and then disappears03:09
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gr33npho3nixamortvigil: what format is your second disk03:09
chamomy xorg.conf is already set up, the new driver have been installed, I even installed the headers. And it doesnt work :/03:10
lewishelp me put in xvid03:10
DavidJaqok... I got an error after trying to update breezy to dapper and it kept crashing X Server upon boot... so I was told to 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' on the command line... I did that and everything seemed to work... it boots up to the user logon screen... I logon and it shows me my mouse and a colored screen... and that's it. Goes no further.03:10
b14cktorrentwoes:  have ypu installed java?03:10
torrentwoesyup via automatix as well03:10
lewishelp me put in xvid03:10
amortvigilgr33npho3nix: windows ntfs03:10
torrentwoesalthough i did that after azerues03:10
Frogzootorrentwoes: -> #automatix03:10
chamodamn this is a mess03:10
lewishelp me put in xvid03:10
zewolewis: do you want to play xvid format video's?03:10
gr33npho3nixoh well thats about how you mount it03:10
jimcooncatcef, I think I got it by sudo su "user" first03:10
b14cklewis:  search in synaptic for nvidia03:10
gabri81jowi you can help me?03:10
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lewisyes and divx03:11
jeff__When updating with apt-get, it will all install fine even when im logged in?03:11
torrentwoesill try there03:11
DavidJaqJowi, you there?03:11
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b14ckyou don't need divx. just install mplayer03:11
gharzguys... can ubuntu 6.06 dapper be a part of a windows server 2003 domain?03:11
gr33npho3nixamortvigil: windows ntfs doesn't like to mount read/write in face I can't remember if its compiled w\ such in ubuntu03:11
b14cklewis: you don't need divx. just install mplayer03:11
gr33npho3nixyou have to specify read write in the mounting options03:11
JowiDavidJaq: more or less. dist-upgrade failed?03:11
chamoany idea why it doesnt work for me the ati/fglrx support ?03:11
rusherkaffeine and vlc work best for windows content03:11
gr33npho3nixunfrotunately you can't jsut chmod it03:11
chamoI always keep getting MESA03:11
zewolewis: this webpage will explain all you need to know: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:11
cefjimcooncat: yeah.. it'll be xhost or Xauthority holding you back otherwise03:11
DavidJaqIt seemed to work, but it won't load past the log on screen03:12
jeff__someone.. I was using dist-update and it just completed.. do i need to reboot?03:12
b14cktorrentwoes:  did u tried with bit torrent?03:12
jimcooncatcef, good, thanks a bunch!03:12
amortvigilgr33npho3nix: so whats the best thing to do?03:12
cefjimcooncat: no problem03:12
Hawkinschamo, what have you done so far ?03:12
jendaCan anyone recommend a text editor that allows me to open the last 5k lines of a file? For logs.03:12
daxxarHow can I get visible-bell working with Gnome-Term? Audible-bell in .inputrc works fine, it beeps and is annoying, but setting it to visible makes it just ignore it (no sound, no blink).03:12
JowiDavidJaq: (put my name in front of your message so i see it better) so you get to the login screen?03:12
chamoHawkins: I have tried most of the steps found on the net.03:12
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gr33npho3nixamortvigil:  i highly suggest that you don't try to make it writable in linux03:12
gr33npho3nixthat could cause serious data loss03:12
HawkinsI had the same problem about 2 hours ago03:13
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gr33npho3nixbut give me a second and will try to find you the propper commands03:13
Frogzoogharz: http://www.wlug.org.nz/ActiveDirectorySamba03:13
b14ckcan i download using wine =>> bit commet?03:13
rafaeli need a help03:13
rafaelwith firefox update03:13
lee_Hey, so why is automatix bad?03:13
amortvigilgr33npho3nix: thanx03:13
Frogzoojenda: tail -5000 blah.log | less     ;)03:13
amortvigilgr33npho3nix: welll data or no data is has to be writeble:P03:13
zewojenda: try tail -n 5000 yourfilename - that will print out the last 5000 lines which you can redirect to another file and edit03:13
cefjenda: 'tail -n 5000 | vi -'03:13
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DavidJaqJowi: It seemed to work, but it won't load past the log on screen03:13
chamoHawkins: I have all the repo well configured. I had XGL working well. I have updated kernel (to 2.6.15-23-686) and I have reinstalled xorg-driver-fglrx + linux-restricted-modules-XXXXXX coreseponding.... And my xorg.conf has the line "Driver "fglrx" in it.03:14
jendahehe thanks03:14
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.03:14
zewooh nice one cef :D *tries that*03:14
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chamoRebooting and everything. Tried already theses steps a few times03:14
jendacef: please don't recommend vi to newbies ;)03:14
b14ckcan i download using wine =>> bit commet?03:14
ubotukemik: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:14
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cefjenda: true true03:14
Hawkinschamo, I had to add fglrx into modules file which is loaded at boot03:14
ubotumethinks frostwire is a free peer-to-peer application that runs on the Gnutella network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWire03:15
Frogzoo!tell b14ck about appdb03:15
Ngverwilst: the suggested route seems to be to port your code to the new DOM module, which should be included in php503:15
gharzFrogzoo, thanks! i'll check the website.03:15
Hawkinschamo, I don't remember where it was located, but I'm searhing it at the moment03:15
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b14ckty Frogzoo03:15
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chamoetc/modules I think03:15
Hawkinschamo, you're right03:15
chamoand fglrx is in there....03:15
JowiDavidJaq: try to press ctrl-alt-f1, login there, delete the gnome directories "rm -rf .gnome* .gtkrc*" then press crtl-alt-f7 and try again.03:15
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cefunfortunately gnome-text-exitor doesn't accept standard input03:16
chamoHawkins: any other idea ?03:16
Hawkinschamo, sudo gedit /etc/modules03:16
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chamomaybe the modul is not well loaded03:16
SAM_themanYo hommies03:16
HawkinsIf you don't have fglrx listed there, add it and save03:16
ijeffokay, i just finished using dist-upgrade.. do I have dapper now then?03:16
SAM_themanAnd Goodmoring03:16
h3sp4wnjenda: Why is that vi was the first text editor I used in unix , (after emacs which I couldn't use at all) - I read unix in a nutshell - then understood enough about vi for it to be useful - stil use it , I think you are making the mistake of assuming people who are new to something are incapable / unwilling to learn03:16
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zewoijeff: i would guess so :) as i said i didnt end up using that method03:17
ijeffzewo: ah cool, that was surprisingly quick and easy!03:17
chamoHawkins: fglrx is in the modules to load file03:17
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migdes franais par ici ??03:17
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cefhrm, just found a bug in gedit03:18
Hawkinschamo, hmm... I didn't have it there first... I think just a plain booting system might help03:18
cefat least in breezy03:18
DavidJaqJowi, I'll try that and be right back03:18
RandolphCarteranyone know which package has the M4 macros for building gnome apps?03:18
chamocan you post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to www.pastebin.com please and send me the url ??03:18
Hawkinschamo, at least it made my driver work, if not, we should check your xorg.conf... or ask somebody who has been using linux more than one day :)03:18
chamodid u make a fresh install of fglrx ?03:19
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zewoijeff: i'm not really sure actually, all release announcement indicated you would have to download several hundred megabytes. now i know this was for the release candidate but the instructions should be the same: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-May/000081.html03:19
SAM_themanWell anyway I get this message when trying to play UT2004 "demo"03:19
h3sp4wnRandolphCarter: Do you already have gnome-devel installed ? I would expect it to be somewhere in all that junk03:19
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dou213Hawkins, u have ATI video card?03:20
Hawkinschamo, roger, I'll put it there. I installed Dapper 32bit just recently and then installed fglrx03:20
Hawkinsdou213, yep, x850XT03:20
RandolphCarterh3sp4wn: just fixed it - the automake metapackage install automake1.4?  package I was building needed 1.8 min03:20
SAM_themanand quake 403:20
dou213Hawkins, then send me the link too pls03:20
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gr33npho3nixamortvigil: it appears the kernel needs to be rebuilt to support it on dapper03:20
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gr33npho3nixa grep of my kernel config shows that ntfs rw is not enabled03:21
RandolphCarterbuilding Gimmie :) http://beatnik.infogami.com/Gimmie03:21
mighello everybody.   Do this discution IRC could works with firefox, with Java runtimes environment ???03:21
ijeffzewo: ah ill look into it then\03:21
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ijeffzewo: thx03:21
h3sp4wnRandolphCarter: using pbuilder ?03:22
migi'm Linux nexbie :)03:22
Hawkinschamo and dou213 here's my xorg.conf at the moment http://pastebin.com/76729003:22
chamobe right back03:22
RandolphCarterh3sp4wn: just checked out the CVS, it's pretty bare right now03:22
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amortvigilgr33npho3nix so ill have to wait?03:22
amortvigilgr33npho3nix: so ill have to wait?03:22
CrippsFXwhat port does VNC broadcast on?03:22
RandolphCarterh3sp4wn: runs fine though :)03:22
chamothese WACOM thing have always been strange for me03:23
chamoto e03:23
gr33npho3nixso you have to recompile the kernel yourself03:23
Hawkinschamo, I have no idea about those, I can only help a bit with ATI + fglrx stuff03:23
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gr33npho3nixtheres no waiting I don't believe stabilities in the near future and I therefore don't believe it will be default in the future03:24
gr33npho3nixamortvigil: find debian howto on building a new kernel and set aside a few hours03:24
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amortvigilgr33npho3nix: well to be honest :P im new to linux and i dont even know what a kernel is03:25
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Hawkinsdou213 , did you find that listing helpful ?03:25
gr33npho3nixubotu: tell amortvigil about kernel building03:25
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Frogzoomig: chatzilla03:25
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ijeffzewo: wow, Update Manager has a button called "New distribution release '6.06 LTS' is available" "Upgrade"03:26
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zewoijeff: ok cool! press it then and see what it tells you it will need to download?03:26
amortvigilwhere can i read that/?03:26
Hawkinsdou213, I can't respond in private as I'm not registered user, but no I'm on desktop03:26
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ijeffzewo: 539MB to download, seems right!03:26
dou213i'll look at it some other time, gotta go now... fact is i tried myself to install xgl, but it didn't work03:26
zewoijeff: ok yes thats much more like it03:27
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amortvigilgr33npho3nix: where can i read that/?03:27
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DavidJaqJowi, that didn't do any good.03:27
void^amortvigil: don't bother, just don't write to ntfs. it's not reliable and certainly not for beginners. :)03:27
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gr33npho3nixvoid^: already said that03:27
ijeffzewo: will be a few hours, thanks! ill let it install now - ttyl! thanks again!03:27
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zewoijeff: cool ok cya03:28
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shifa^awayjust want to know is LAMP ready with mail, web, DNS, file serving ?03:28
void^gr33npho3nix: just putting some extra stress on it.. :)03:28
zenithsN00bI have no acceptable C compiler... what do I need to do to fix that?03:28
gr33npho3nixhaha thanks03:28
amortvigilvoid^: just format it?03:28
zewoamortvigil: what you might be able to do though is get something in windows that is able to read and write the ext2fs / ext3fs if your using those filesystems in ubuntu03:28
matt0440is there a gstreamer mpeg plugin????03:28
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Jemtmatt0440: Yep, sec03:29
JowiDavidJaq: ok. did you install ubuntu-desktop?03:29
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shifa^awayhelp! just want to know is LAMP ready with mail, web, DNS, file serving ?03:29
void^amortvigil: you could use a small fat32 partition to exchange files, or install a ext2 driver on windows to read ext2/ext3 and probably write it03:29
zewoamortvigil: explore2fs is something i have used to copy files from linux into windows when i was using the default ubuntu filesystem of ext2fs03:29
DavidJaqno :( Give me the command to do that... is it sudo apt-get install unbuntu-desktop?03:29
zewoext3fs i mean03:29
JowiDavidJaq: yep03:30
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DavidJaqI'll try that and be right back03:30
matt0440jemi: is there a command for it?03:30
amortvigilvoid^: okay:) but i aint got windows03:30
Jemtmatt0440: Yep, sec03:30
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zewoamortvigil: lol :)03:30
matt0440jemi: k thx03:31
amortvigilzewo: does that work in linux either?03:31
void^amortvigil: just get rid of ntfs then03:31
mmatnjpa here03:31
zewoamortvigil: no explore2fs is a windows program to write to ntfs03:31
chennaituxianamortvigil: whats ur problem ?03:31
zewoamortvigil: from ext2 and ext3 filesystem03:31
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cefzewo: you mean that allows access to ext203:31
zenithsN00bI have no acceptable C compiler, what do I need to install... it's on the tip of my tounge03:31
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zewocef: yeah getting confused in my typing :D03:31
chennaituxianzenithsN00b: gcc03:31
tritium_awayzenithsN00b: build-essential03:31
amortvigilchennaituxian: i have only linux on my computer but an nttfs disk with all my wondows information how to get the information on linux03:32
mmatnjany idea of where to get a cisco vpn client for ubuntu?03:32
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zenithsN00bok thanks!03:32
Jemtmatt0440: I think this is what you need : 'apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg'03:32
tritiumzenithsN00b: you'll want build-essential, as it has more than just gcc as dependencies03:32
Jemtmatt0440: Wait - you are using Dapper, right?03:32
shifa^awayhelp! just want to know is LAMP ready with mail, web, DNS, file serving ?03:32
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Faileasamortvigil: i think there's a readonly NTFS driver03:32
zewoamortvigil: ubuntu should have mounted your ntfs disk during install? yeah mine did, and its a readonly NTFS03:32
Killazguys I need some help configuring ulogd.... for my firewall (shorewall) can you help me?03:32
zenithsN00bI think it was build-essential I was trying to think of.03:32
Jemtshifa^away: LAMP is Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP - no web server03:32
Faileasshifa^away: as far as i can tell, you need to install the mailserver yerself03:33
Jemtshifa^away: No MAIL server :)03:33
cefJemt: was about to say.. apache IS a web server03:33
gharzanyone here who uses Konica Minolta Magicolor 2300W?03:33
pinkisntwellhow do i upgrade to dapper using the alternate cd?03:33
amortvigilFaileas: indeed its readonly  so i cant use them03:33
C-O-L-TI use Ubuntu 6.06 and cannot connect to the internet via nor via DHCP neither via Static IP. Under WIN XP everything works well.03:33
chennaituxianamortvigil: AFAIK, ntfs is readable, only writing is not adviced03:33
amortvigilzewo: indeed its readonly  so i cant use them03:33
Jemtcef: I know. It was a typo :)03:33
Killazuhmmm so noone with some ulogd experience?03:33
Faileasamortvigil: you can copy then ;p03:33
zewoamortvigil: you mean you can't even see the files on the disk?03:33
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amortvigilzewo: indeed03:34
shifa^awayJemt Faileas  ooo ic03:34
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chennaituxianamortvigil: why don't u copy those data u need, from ntfs to ur linux ?03:34
mighello i've a little newbie's question...03:34
amortvigilzewo: i can see them only in root mode but them iu cant move them03:34
JemtC-O-L-T: Your network adapter is properly installed ?03:34
Faileasshifa^away: good rule of thumb, watch boot03:34
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Faileasshifa^away: all the servers need to initialise then03:34
amortvigilchennaituxian: i can see them only in root mode but them iu cant move them03:34
zewoamortvigil: ok, way to mount them properly is under system->administration->disks03:35
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robewaldhi, i have problems with the norwegian keymap on a blueberry imac in dapper drake03:35
C-O-L-TJemt: I suppose because sometimes works my network and sometimes not it is like weather :)03:35
SAM_themanYo hate to be rude but anyone here has skype03:35
chennaituxianu dont move 'mv' u copy 'cp'03:35
mighello everybody.   Do this discution IRC could works with firefox, with Java runtimes environment ???03:35
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JemtC-O-L-T: Is it a wireless card ?03:35
robewaldhow can I boot into the shell?03:35
robewaldon said imac03:35
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C-O-L-TJemt: no it is an Nvidia Ethernet Card and I use LAN03:36
shifa^awayFaileas I want to install something to operate my xp with ubuntu, but what should I install, some people recommend me SAMBA, other than that what else can be install?03:36
william__If I get a program from .deb source do I do dpkg to use it?03:36
JemtC-O-L-T: does 'ifconfig -a' display your card ?03:36
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bernierwhat does that mean? debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process03:36
migi'm french :)03:36
amortvigilzewo: it's set to active03:36
chennaituxianshifa^away: what u mean by operate xp with ubuntu, u have 2 systems ?03:36
amortvigilzewo: too /home/amortvigil/Desktop/hdd03:37
jimcooncatmig, if you find a java IRC client it should03:37
Faileasshifa^away: Samba is good, or you could install FTP servers in each system03:37
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migOK !03:37
jimcooncatmig, simpler to use gaim or xchat03:37
xmoogleeep, big channel. umm, i was kinda wondering where in the ubuntu menus the terminal was. such as gnome-terminal or whatever, trying to help someone with it and i don't know where to get her to launch a graphical terminal from (as while i'm familiar with unix/linux i don't know ubuntu specifically and the terminal doesn't seem easily findable)...03:37
matt0440jemi: yes im on dapper03:37
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C-O-L-TJemt: I can not say because now I am in windows and if I boot to ubuntu I don't have net so I always have to boot in order to talk with you. But I have tried to use Static IP and everything, I tried iptables --flush, everything and sometimes works and sometimes not03:37
zewoamortvigil: and the status is set to accessible?03:37
daxxarxmoogle, press 'Applications' in the top-left, then 'Accessories', then 'Terminal'. :-)03:37
Faileasshifa^away: personally, zeroconf is the best but its not very supported by both linux and windows03:37
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shifa^awaychennaituxian Faileas What actually I mean is I want to access by network places in xp03:37
xmooglety daxxar :)03:37
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Faileasshifa^away: samba then, definately03:38
chennaituxianuse samba,03:38
amortvigilzewo: where can you check that?? there is a button next to the activation butoon in wich i van enter them maps03:38
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migi thinked that could work with java environment but....no ok03:38
shifa^awayFaileas chennaituxian oic..03:38
migsorry for my english03:38
JemtC-O-L-T: Well, don't touch things you don't understand - I don't understand the IP tables either, heh. Anyways, are you SURE there is a DHCP service running ?03:38
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chennaituxianmig, what u want is a IRC which works in java environment ?03:38
amortvigilzewo: when i enter it says : you have not enough rights to enter03:38
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cr3how do I enable Ubuntu to join the Windows domain?03:39
JemtC-O-L-T: If you have DHCP running, then we'll go with that03:39
SAM_themanHold on I have to take the trash out03:39
zewoamortvigil: on mine i have device, filesystem, access_path, size, status and next to status i have disable / browse03:39
=== SAM_theman hate my damn chores
bernierhi, I installed java and frostwire but please take a look at the orror message it gives me when I open frostwire with the konsole03:39
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Faileasmig: try PJIRC or ...03:39
C-O-L-TJemt: under windows works well, my provider says that they recognize computers from their ethernet card address so called MAC address.03:39
migi am on  www.ubuntu-fr and i click on irc03:39
gharzguys, i tried playing a VCD and i got this message => Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrom0'.  There is no input plugin to handle the location of this movie... what does it mean?03:40
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migand firefox say java is requiered03:40
JemtC-O-L-T: Ok, good.03:40
Faileasmig: then install java ;p03:40
migthats all :)03:40
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zewoamortvigil: on my working system the values are: device=/dev/sda5, filesystem=WindowsNTFS, accesspath=/media/d_drive, size=157GB, 123Gb free, Status= Accessible03:40
shifa^awaywhy everytime I type useradd blabla, then home directory for blabla wasnt created03:40
C-O-L-TJemt: so what is the problem03:40
tatdpkg gives me this error when i run aptitude install or upgrade: "dpkg: fgets gave an empty string from diversions [i] "03:40
shifa^awayhelp!! why everytime I type useradd blabla, then home directory for blabla wasnt created03:40
tatanyone got an idea of whats wrong?03:41
JemtC-O-L-T: But next time you boot into Ubuntu, notice the boot-splash screen! There might be errors [failed]  messages. Then, from a console, try 'ifconfig -a' to see if the card is found. If a IP is not assigned, try 'dhclient eth0' (eth0 is the name of your network card)03:41
tat(running dapper lts)03:41
HawkinsHow can I get a custom resolution work, running on Ubuntu 32bit Dapper / Gnome / ATI / fglrx ?03:41
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C-O-L-TJemt: I have tried dhclient eth0 and cannot connect to network03:41
zewoamortvigil: remount it using this disks tool to a different folder - i had your exact same problem under breezy03:41
JemtC-O-L-T: Unfortunately, my wireless network card is not reliable in Dapper either. It is found on every 3rd boot - so I haft to use my wired LAN instead03:41
migi tried with command line but no result03:41
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migi followed instructions but result03:42
JemtC-O-L-T: Any errors ?03:42
migno result03:42
matt0440jemi: the command worked just its not letting me play mpeg's03:42
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daxxarHow can I tell Ubuntu that the system time (BIOS) is not UTC? (I'm running a dualboot with Windows, and my Windows relies on it being the local time)03:42
shifa^awayhelp!! why everytime I type useradd blabla, then home directory for blabla wasnt created. do i have to create it manually?03:42
Jemtmatt0440: Are you sure it is mpeg? You cannot trust extensions (.mpg)03:43
C-O-L-TJemt: I am gonna boot to ubuntu now look for errors and something any useful commands which I can try in terminal>?03:43
SAM_themanOk back03:43
gharzguys, i tried playing a VCD and i got this message => Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrom0'.  There is no input plugin to handle the location of this movie... what does it mean?03:43
Faileasdaxxar: at install?03:43
daxxarAfter instal. =)03:43
JemtC-O-L-T: Good03:43
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mlopesHi. I'm about to make a software raid in ubuntu server 6.06. Can anyone tell me how can I format the partitions as Linux RAID from the shell? I've installed the system already a long time ago03:44
tritiumdaxxar: look at /etc/default/rcS, and make sure it says UTC=no03:44
tatIm running Dapper LTS and dpkg gives me this error when i run aptitude install or upgrade: "dpkg: fgets gave an empty string from diversions [i] " Anyone got an idea of whats wrong, and how to fix it?03:45
matt0440jemi: its not working should i restart my computer?03:45
mlopesbtw, following this instructions http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_software_raid03:45
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daxxarThanks tritium.03:46
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zenithsN00barghg ...  how do I install gtk?03:46
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alchemistdoes anyone have a pointer on how to make the included madwifi-ng the default vs. the old madwifi?03:46
zewoshifa^away: you need to use the -k option to force the creation of user home directory03:46
jigheadmlopes, use fdisk to format the partitons and set their type to fd03:46
tritiumzenithsN00b: it's already installed for gnome apps.  Do you mean the development libraries?03:47
zewoshifa^away: sorta like 'useradd -k ....'03:47
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shifa^awayuseradd -k zewo just like that??03:47
jigheadmlopes, fdisk will write your partition table and you will lose all data on the disk03:47
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zenithsN00bwell I'm trying to install nmap, and it says gtk isn't installed and it cant use a gui.03:47
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gharzwhat's the command line to check the version of a certain installed package? in fedora it's rpm -q <package name> and for ubuntu?03:47
shifa^awayzewo useradd -k zewo just like that??03:47
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michael117!tell xgl03:48
mlopesI'll try it! thks jighead03:48
tritiumzenithsN00b: apt-cache depends nmap doesn't list gtk as a dependecy03:48
zewoshifa^away: i think so - i just looked in the man page to be honest ... 'man useradd'03:48
michael117!tell michael117 xgl03:48
michael117!tell xgl michael11703:48
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amortvigilzewo: i changed it to /root/Desktop/zxzzx but now i even aint able to get in at root mode03:48
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ubotuI guess xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"03:48
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amortvigilim going to gormat it as ext303:48
cefzenithsN00b: what's complaining about gtk? when you try to install nmap or nmap itself?03:48
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michael117gormat... hehe03:49
amortvigilzewo: i'm going to format it as ext303:49
DavidJaqJowi, guess what?03:49
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JowiDavidJaq: ? please tell :)03:49
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DavidJaqI'm chatting at you from my Linux installation :)03:49
zewoamortvigil: lets try a safe option first and put it into /media like i did we know its working for me03:49
mlopesjighead, do you know the option to format a partition through fdisk? didn't find one03:49
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Jowicool DavidJaq so ubuntu-desktop was all that was needed?03:49
amortvigilzewo: okkie03:49
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mlopesjighead, no problem, these are brand new Seagate 160GB hdds :-)03:49
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jigheadmlopes, when you open fdisk, hit m, and you will get a list of options03:49
DavidJaqactually, I needed dpkg --configure -a03:49
jigheadmlopes, n will create a new part03:49
DavidJaqor something like that03:50
zenithsN00bcef, I'll pastbin it, hold up...03:50
zewoamortvigil: am assuming you know what will happen if you format as ext3 - you will lose all data on that disk03:50
DavidJaqI went to install ubuntu desktop and it gave me an error saying I needed to type that dpkg thing so I did, then it put me back at the login screen so I logged in... and here I am03:50
JowiDavidJaq: ah, ok, as in the upgrade wiki. happy it worked well for you :)03:50
mlopesbut it doesn't ask me for the partition type03:50
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shifa^awayzewo hmm..03:50
jigheadmlopes, use t to set the type03:51
zewoshifa^away: did it work?03:51
DavidJaqDon't cheer too soon... it told me I needed to reboot and rebooting is where my problem always starts... so I may be back in here with a new problem in just a moment. Wish me luck.03:51
jigheadmlopes, use l to see a list of part types03:51
michael117What ever happened to that one wavy watery graphical thing that was shown for red hat a few years ago?03:51
mlopesohh, it's a hidden feature :-)03:51
jigheadmlopes, but fd is the one you want for raid auto-detect03:51
jigheadmlopes, nope, it all shows up if you hit m for help03:51
mlopesI did and it didn't show up03:51
shifa^awayzewo nope03:52
mlopesnever mind03:52
amortvigilzewo: i know:( but i realy need it:(03:52
jigheadmlopes, :)03:52
mlopesit's called change a partition's system id03:52
mlopesthanks for your precious help!"03:52
amortvigilzewo: i tried it diddnt do well either03:52
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zewoamortvigil: thats ok, so long as you are ok about losing the data on the ntfs disk03:52
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mlopesbtw, is there any CLI GUI for mdadm?03:53
mlopesit would help a lot03:53
zewoJenny_buntu: : can you type here the exact command like you are trying to run?03:53
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zenithsN00bI pastebined it...  "GUI's are for wimps"...  to all who are helping me with the GTK nmap thing...   http://pastebin.com/76733303:53
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DavidJaqJowi, well, I just rebooted and all seems fine :)03:54
Jenny_buntuzewo I want to sudo useradd kamal <- but this isnt create kamal home directory03:54
cefzenithsN00b: any particular reason you're compiling it?03:54
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Jowicool DavidJaq03:54
zenithsN00bYeah, I just like security as a hobby.03:55
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DavidJaqthanks for all the help, Jowi. I owe you a great many.03:55
zewoJenny_buntu: you must run 'sudo useradd --create-home kamal'03:55
JowiDavidJaq: np. glad i could help03:55
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cefzenithsN00b: ahh ok.. well you need to tell the nmap compile process to not use gtk most likely, or install the gtk devel libs03:55
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cefzenithsN00b: you are aware you can just install it though, without compiling your own version03:56
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zewoJenny_buntu: or you can also go to the System->Administration->Users and Groups tool and add the new user there if you have the desktop installed.03:56
jigheadmlopes, i am not aware of one, and searching apt for raid and md doesn't turn anything up03:56
zenithsN00bcef oh how so, I am not sure what to type in bash?03:56
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zenithsN00bcef to do it the simple way.03:56
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zenithsN00bcef or is it in add programs?03:56
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cefzenithsN00b: to just install nmap try "sudo apt-get install nmap" or go through synaptic03:57
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zenithsN00bk I'll try that and brb let you know cef, thx!03:57
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mlopesjighead, it turns out that it's pretty simple.. mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/hda1 /dev/hdc1 note to self: google is my friend!03:57
Jenny_buntuzewo no I dont have desktop install03:57
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zewoJenny_buntu: OK then just run the command as 'sudo useradd --create-home kamal' :)03:58
SAM_themanGuys wtf ] 03:58
SAM_themanand I have my nvidia drivers install03:58
SCOttlebutALl -- Just installed 5.10 then upgraded to 6.06.  Looking for gdm-stop, gdm-restart commands (see man gdm) but can't find them anywhere.  What's up with that?03:58
whizz-can the high scores in gnometris, etc be reset?03:58
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Jenny_buntuzewo then to remove user?03:58
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starkmjolkeavning :)03:59
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zewoJenny_buntu: 'sudo userdel -r kamal'03:59
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travelleri'm using dapper amd64, tvtime is giving me static for audio, does anyone know how to fix this?04:01
Hexidigital_good morning everyone04:01
Jenny_buntuzewo ok it help me lot thanks04:01
zewoJenny_buntu: no problem. If you want to lookup the help on those commands try use the 'man useradd' or 'man userdel' command and it will bring up a help screen#04:01
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starkmjolkthere seem to be an issue with hardware compability for my laptop in dapper04:02
jigheadSCOttlebut, use /etc/init.d/gdm [stop|start|restart] 04:02
wizzlefishme too, starkmjolk ;)04:02
starkmjolkafter doing my dist-upgrade, the sound stopped responding at all04:02
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starkmjolk(compaq armada m700)04:02
Hexidigital_starkmjolk:: are you using alsa?04:02
SCOttlebutjighead, OK, but where are the other commands? ANy idea why they are not installed?04:02
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wizzlefishhey that happened to me, too, starkmjolk - then I reinstalled completely and it was fine04:03
Hexidigital_Judeu_Errante:: hablas inglais?04:03
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Judeu_ErranteHexidigital_,  a little bit04:03
starkmjolkHexidigital_: to be honest I can't recall. :) I've never had to struggle much on the hardware side in linux (:04:03
jigheadSCOttlebut, nope, you can use which or locate to see if they are still around04:03
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zenithsN00bCef, thanks, I got it to work with Synaptic04:03
Hexidigital_Judeu_Errante:: vas #ubuntu-es04:03
Hexidigital_starkmjolk:: in a terminal, type alsamixer04:03
gharzwhy is my machine can't play VCD? i can play DVD. :((04:03
Judeu_ErranteHexidigital_, thanks, #ubuntu-br04:04
starkmjolkalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device04:04
SCOttlebutjighead, yeah, tried that, they are AWOL.  I hate it when stuff like that happens.  I guess the man pages need updating.04:04
Hexidigital_Judeu_Errante:: :) lo siento04:04
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Judeu_ErranteHexidigital_, why "lo siento"?04:04
Hexidigital_Judeu_Errante:: wrong dialect04:05
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Hexidigital_starkmjolk:: one moment04:05
starkmjolkHexidigital_: sure man. :)04:05
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sapperjankoI have just installed ubuntu but havint problems getting into it04:06
sapperjankoit somes up saying could not open default font 'fixed'04:07
Hexidigital_starkmjolk:: type ls /dev/snd/controlC004:07
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sapperjankois anyone able to help me my question04:08
SCOttlebutjighead, OK -- so I killed gdm. any idea how to recover my screen, short of rebooting?  the keyboard doesn't respond, but I'm ssh'd in from another box04:08
jbirdAngelis doing sudo network-admin the only way to get online in ubuntu? or atleast if i use WEP, and there isnt a way for it to remember my wep key?04:08
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jigheadSCOttlebut, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start04:08
starkmjolkHexidigital_: it's there, anything you wanted to know?04:08
Sir_Brizzsapperjanko, did you install Dapper?04:08
Hexidigital_starkmjolk:: are you registered in freenode?04:08
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starkmjolkdon't think so no04:09
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Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell starkmjolk about register04:09
zewojbirdAngel: it should be storing the WEP key in /etc/network/interfaces04:09
Hexidigital_starkmjolk:: follow those directions, and private message me when finished04:09
Hexidigital_starkmjolk:: the directions from ubotu04:09
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jbirdAngelzewo: okay ya its there, but when i started the comp up it didnt automatically get online i did sudo network-admin and typed it in as it wasnt already there04:10
starkmjolkgot it Hexidigital_, thanks04:10
sapperjankoSir_Brizz: I think so04:11
Hexidigital_starkmjolk:: when you are done, private message me the output from that command04:11
jbirdAngelit said this is this okay ** (network-admin:5091): CRITICAL **: gst_xml_element_set_content: assertion `no de != NULL' failed04:11
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Sir_Brizzsapperjanko, Ubuntu or Kubuntu or Xubuntu?04:11
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Sir_Brizzwhat kind of video card?04:12
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wizzlefishhow do I get rid of a link emblem on a link to a folder I made? It's not listed in "emblems"04:12
zewojbirdAngel: hmm weird. bit of a newbie myself so can't really help beyond saying that if its configured in /etc/network/interfaces it should remember across reboots. because network admin tool is just a user interface that writes stuff into that file.04:12
sapperjankos3 trio 3d/2x04:12
Sir_Brizzsapperjanko, in the past that error was related to the video card driver being loaded wrong or not at all04:12
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jbirdAngelzewo: okay maybe i need to comment outh the eht0 stuff i think they had me do that before on kubuntu, not sure if it was the same file tho04:13
rizuntuIs there a HOWTO on how to use the "open source" ATI driver?04:13
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jbirdAngelzewo: do you know if that thing the terminal said after doing sudo network-admin is okay?04:13
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sapperjankoSir_Brizz: well i have tried three that it could have been04:13
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rizuntuI got bit by bug #47371 with the binary ATI driver04:13
torrentwoesdo i have to run firestarter to be able to use bittorrent?04:13
sapperjankoi have done s3, s3virge, vesa04:13
Sir_BrizzSomeone here know how to load the generic video card driver? I can't remember04:13
zewojbirdAngel: yes its OK i'm a software developer myself and although its a log message telling an error if the network admin tool opened and you used it then its probably OK04:14
adamant1988is there any virtualization software included in the Ubuntu repos?04:14
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LeaChimadamant1988, qemu04:14
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lemsx1hello all04:14
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lemsx1anybody has any idea why do Xv colors (video) go back (or how to fix them)04:15
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lemsx1i have two ubuntu dapper boxes side-by-side. one has good colors in videos and the other doesn't04:15
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Nglemsx1: are you using totem? its preferences have a hue slider that can often compensate for strange Xv discolouration04:15
jbirdAngelzewo: okay thank you, im kinda concerned i get that error, xchat-gnome was crashing when id try to use the xchat systray plugin (im guessing its not compatible with xchat-gnome) and adept/synaptics often doesnt open, i thought it was supposed to do stuff like that less than windows, not more, no offense04:15
jbirdAngelnot concrend just wondering04:16
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zewojbirdAngel: no offence taken lol its not my software :D when i said i develop software i meant in a commercial sense for another company04:16
lemsx1Ng: everything that uses video looks bad. totem included. i just tried Helix PLayer and Real Player04:17
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temperedI used the server disk to do a lamp install, but I wasn't asked for a superuser account.  I want to setup SFTP... what do I do?04:17
zewojbirdAngel: its just the kinda junk that developers leave in their programs, the only reason you saw it is because you started the program from the console otherwise you wouldnt have normally seen it :)04:17
jbirdAngelzewo: i didnt htink you meant you do it for ubuntu, but didnt want to upset anyone by my comment as i think sometimes people get too upset04:17
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zewojbirdAngel: oki doke :)04:17
lemsx1Ng: changing the video output sink in multimedia preferences yields the same for SDL and No Xv04:17
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jbirdAngelzewo: well thank you for yoru help04:18
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Nglemsx1: hmm, that's quite strange04:18
lemsx1Ng: i'm actually starting to think that the video card is bad... who knows04:18
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zewojbirdAngel: one more suggestion then, perhaps you can backup the interfaces file in its present working state so you can go back to it easily04:18
Nglemsx1: might be worth checking that X is running in enough colours04:18
oezguerhi, Why ist the Sound Quality of XMMS very bad when i listen some Radios? :804:18
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MikkelRevHow to setup my soundcard in ubuntu ?04:18
lemsx1Ng: yep. X does run with millions of colors at 1280x1024 (LCD display)04:18
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chamoHow can I show a custom popup in gnome ?04:19
Nglemsx1: I'm not sure then, sorry04:19
jbirdAngelzewo: okay thank you04:19
djcabzhow nice... I notice with dapper I am now able to come out of hibernation on my Dell.  Good...04:19
jbirdAngelzewo: ill try commenting out the ehto's first04:19
lemsx1Ng: both computers use the same display setting. the same monitor plug to both. etc... but, the computers themselves are different. one is HP other IBM04:19
jbirdAngeler eth004:19
zewojbirdAngel: sure go for it :)04:19
lemsx1Ng: no problem. is just weird04:19
Nglemsx1: do you have a spare graphics card you could test with?04:19
temperedis the LAMP install what I should of done ?   why didn't it ask for a su account?04:19
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Faileastempered: there's no root04:20
RootsyCan someone point me toward information on higher resolution than 1280x1024 for dapper drake?04:20
Faileasuse sudo and the first accoint to do it04:20
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temperedthank you04:20
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xxyyzzI just tried to do "sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin" and it said "xxyyzz is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."... reported to whom?04:20
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izihello, is there something i can check to know why my laptop freezes randomly ? I have nothing in the log files...04:20
jigheadRootsy, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:20
lemsx1Ng: this box only takes PCI cards and i have no card at this moment04:20
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temperedcan anyone direct me to a STFP install doc?04:21
lemsx1Ng: i was wondering if there is anything from gconf or some obscure setting somewhere...04:21
Soirxxyyzz: whoever owns the box? If it's you, then you haven't put that user in the right group. ^^04:21
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Nglemsx1: not as far as i know04:21
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xxyyzzSoir, I own the computer04:21
xxyyzzSoir, how do I change who is in which group?04:21
xxyyzzIs it juts "Users & Groups" in the menu?04:21
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lemsx1Ng: xvinfo is no help either04:21
lemsx1Ng: it shows the same output for both systems04:22
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Soirxxyyzz: It should be. I assume that there's more than one user account on your machine?04:22
florianhi, is there a good free mathematical software to differentiate, matrix multiplication and so on ?04:22
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xxyyzzSoir, thanks I will try Users & Groups04:23
Soirxxyyzz: Yeah, so go on one that can sudo and then set group, it should work then04:23
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l3dxAm I the only one getting kernel panic when trying to boot ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386 ?04:23
XplOzIonhas anyone installed a ventrilo server?04:23
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temperedcan anyone help me setup SFTP on a LAMP install?04:24
lemsx1florian: anything wrong with octave ?04:24
xxyyzzSoir, do you know where the sudo-attempts get reported? Is there a file I should look for?04:25
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lemsx1tempered: sftp is setup as soon as you install openssh-server04:25
florianlemsx1: didn't even hear of it until now, i'll try it04:25
temperedso:  sudo apt-get install openssh-server?04:25
MikkelRevHow to setup my sound and wireless networkingcard in ubuntu ?04:25
izimy laptop freezes under dapper, but works fine under winXP and openbsd, it 's a sony vaio pcg-k115, anyone has the same problem here ? i'm stuck...04:25
power1Is Intel GMA950 supported by Linux?04:25
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lemsx1l3dx: how much ram is in the box that you are using to test that CD ? you need more than 128mb04:26
temperedby default does ubuntu look for other places besides that install cd for packages?04:26
lemsx1florian: octave is poor-man's Matemathica for Linux ;-)04:26
jbirdAngelim looking for the link on ubuntulinux.nl that has the auto mount partitions thing on it?04:26
lemsx1florian: or that other famous math program. i can't recall it now...04:26
l3dxlemsx1: 51204:27
lemsx1tempered: no. you have to enable the sources in Synaptic04:27
Soirxxyyzz: My first thought is that they get shown as soon as root logs in. But of course, on ubuntu, root never logs in. Might be worth thumbing through /var/log anyway though04:27
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lemsx1l3dx: weird. are you sure that the md5sum of that ISO you burned matched the one online?04:27
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florianlemsx1: i tried scilab, but that didn't work fine. what about axoim?04:27
lemsx1l3dx: try burning the ISO to a different media (other brand name) and perhaps use a different computer to burn it04:27
l3dxI haven't tested, but Iv'e downloaded it twice, from different mirrors04:28
lemsx1florian: never heard of any of those. i always use octave04:28
zeroi just uprgraded my Ubuntu to dapper04:28
florianlemsx1: installed it, will try it now, thank you04:28
temperedlemsx1: thank you.   Is there a tutorial about how to do the basics of ubuntu setup?   like configuring repositories and such?04:28
zerobefore i upraded, installers wouldnt run at all04:28
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lemsx1florian: i'm not an octave master, but solving matrix is one of the many things octave can do well04:28
zerothey only run in terminal04:28
lemsx1florian: np04:28
zerocan anyone help me?04:28
lemsx1tempered: wiki.ubuntu.com ?04:29
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temperedthank you I'll read04:29
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lemsx1zero: what's the rpoblem?04:29
zeroi want to run my installers for programs in GUI mode04:29
l3dxlemsx1, I'll try burnin' on a different computer then.. :)04:29
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eugmanWill the bottlaoder from the live isntall be able to detect xp?04:29
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florianargh is there a possibility to let firefox not open pdf files in a browser tab?04:30
sambristaeugman: usually it does it04:30
sambristaeugman in most of the cases04:30
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kbrosnanflorian, are you using the adobe reader or an open source one?04:30
zerosome installers wont run at all...04:31
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jigheadzero, can you provide an example, what are you trying to install?04:31
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zeroi try and run the installer, wont go04:32
floriankbrosnan: using evince04:32
jbirdAngelanyone know the location of the auto diskmount script i can run to auto mount my partitions that is somehwere on ubuntulinux.nl04:32
eugmanHeh, That usually sounds a bit unnerving like "This safety belt usually works." Of course I can always edit grub so it is no biggie. Let's say for some reason it didn;'t detect it. Would reisntalling grub so anything of use?04:32
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zerotry and go with the isntaller in the terminal, and it wont go either04:32
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kbrosnanflorian, the you need to find the plugin file and remove it often plugins are in firefox binary location/plugins04:33
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sas171how can I change my titlebar fontcolor in the theme? Is it a metacity option or gtk?04:34
gharzi can't watch vcd ... it says => Totem could not play 'vcd://media/cdrom0'. No URl handler implemented for "vcd". what could be wrong?04:34
gharzplease help04:34
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gharzi've followed the wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictredFormats yet it doesn't work.04:34
gavagaiWhen I run ubuntu as the live cd i get sound.  When I install, it recognizes no soundcard.  Why is it doing this?  I thought the point of the livecd was partially to see if your hardware works!04:34
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gnomefreak0000ghtry either w32codecs or totem-xine  im not sure about that format though04:34
phos-phoroshey all, after having installed ubuntu on a gateway solo laptop (500Mhz/32MB memory) and having taken the disc out, rebooted, after having the system configure/recognize hardware devices, I get open: Read-only file system04:35
phos-phoros/usr/sbin/termwrap: line 140: $tmpfile: ambiguous redirect04:35
phos-phoros/usr/sbin/base-config: line 31: /var/log/base-config.timings: Read-only file system04:35
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phos-phorosany ideas would be greatly appreciated.04:35
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gnomefreaks/0000ghtry/gharz try04:35
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phos-phorosand then of course, the system just hangs04:35
gharzany idea would be greate appreciated.04:35
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gharzgnomefreak, is that a command line?04:35
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gnomefreakgharz: try w32codecs or totem-xine04:35
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gharzgnomefreak, i've already installed w32codes and installed totem-xine. it doesn't work. i can't even play DVD.04:36
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skydragon38anyone know the name of the program that can use windows-based wireless card drivers on linux04:36
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Bassettshi, i was wondering if there is a program like newton wiki for kubuntu?04:37
Soirskydragon38: ndiswrapper?04:37
gnomefreakgharz: im not sure than im assuming you have libdvdcss and libdvdread04:37
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drapei changed my default runlevel in /etc/inittab to 3. how can i change the default virtual terminal?  it always starts at alt+ctrl+f8...04:37
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gharzgnomefreak, i tried re installing it again. it says it's already installed.04:37
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cynehow do i switch my laptop from mains power supply to battery power supply in ubuntu?04:37
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gnomefreakgharz: can you play it in mplayer?04:37
Soircyne: pull out the mains? :)04:38
=== phos-phoros installs Damn Small Linux instead.
__mikemcyne unplug the laptop04:38
gharzgnomefreak, nope. mplayer says error: seek failed04:38
eugmanGavagai, I'm not sure if this would apply to you but with some pieces of hardware sme tweaks with the installation would be needed to get things working. Check ubuntuforums to see if that's the case .04:38
Hajuuargh my tar keeps hanging when I try and extract this archive04:38
NgHajuu: how are you calling it?04:38
NgHajuu: as in, what command are you running04:39
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Hajuuhow do you mean?04:39
FrogzooHajuu: cat the file & > /dev/null - to check you can read it04:39
__mikem.... should be a bad command04:39
NgHajuu: I meant the full command you used :)04:39
cyneSoir, it is strange... i bought my laptop 2 days ago... it seemed to be on "battery mode"... i.e. when i had the mains plugged in for ages the battery was fully charged and then the screen flashed and the system slowed down as a consequence until i unplugged04:39
HajuuFrogzoo: its in my homedir so course I can read it04:39
scorpixhow to stop popups in epiphany browser?04:39
__mikembash: ....: command not found04:39
HajuuNg: tar -x archive.tar04:39
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NgHajuu: tar -xf archive.tar04:39
Hajuumy bad04:39
NgHajuu: otherwise it will be expecting an archive on stdin04:40
gnomefreakgharz: run this please sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh04:40
cyneSoir, and now i've somehow got it onto "mains mode" where i unplug the laptop, and it's like it has no battery at all04:40
gnomefreakgharz: let me know what that says04:40
gnomefreakor does04:40
ZaggynlHi, how do I restart inetd? 'sudo /etc/init.d/inetd' wont work =(04:40
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NgZaggynl: sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart    ?04:40
cyneSoir, so you think it's more of a laptop issue than an ubuntu issue?04:40
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Soircyne: sounds like a strange laptop to me. mine uses mains when it has it, battery when it doesn't. But how the thing deals with power should exclusively be a hardware issue, yah04:40
ZaggynlNg, ups I made a typo in that, I tried the restart thing after /etc ...04:41
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skydragon38soir: much appreciated?04:41
NgZaggynl: hmm. also you could try "killall -HUP inetd"04:41
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NgZaggynl: but the init script should work (although it's /etc/init.d/inetutils-inetd on mine)04:42
gharzgnomefreak, http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/app/view/41804:42
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ZaggynlNg, did't work, ill try ineutils..04:42
gnomefreakgharz: good ;)04:42
floriankbrosnan: thank you, i uninstalled mozplugger, it know works04:42
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gnomefreakgharz: restart totem and let me know if not i have one other thing that sticks out in my mind04:43
ZaggynlNg, not there either :(04:43
gharzgnomefreak, ok. i'll do that.04:43
Bjarkananyone with a palm tx that solve the sync problem?... any ideas?04:43
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gharzgnomefreak,  i closed totem and tried playing a VCD and i got this message again => Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrom0'.  There is no input plugin to handle the location of this movie.04:44
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gnomefreakgharz: ok good04:44
gnomefreakgharz: sudo apt-get install regionset04:45
rdzhi all. i installed cpufreqd for some testing and then uninstalled it again. now when i start ubuntu, a popup tells me, that 'cpu frequency scaling is not working or not supported by my hardware or by misconfiguration'. what can i do in order to scale cpu frequency automatically again?04:45
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gharzgnomefreak, regionset is already the newest version.04:45
Bassettsanyone know of a program like newton for KDE?04:45
gnomefreakgharz: is the dvd in the drive?04:45
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gharzgnomefreak, right now it's a vcd.04:46
torrentwoeswhat is the command to find out your ip?04:46
gnomefreakgharz: close totem and type in terminal regionset04:46
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rdztorrentwoes, ifocnfig04:46
rdztorrentwoes, ifconfig04:46
ZaggynlNg, this is really weird, /etc/inetd.conf exists04:46
ZaggynlNg, also it does its job by starting my swat service04:46
kane77I thought I was past it but... How do I unpack something that looks like this   wsh.sh.gz   gzip -d wsh.sh.gz doesn't work...04:46
gnomefreakgharz: if the above doesnt work than im not real sure what next04:46
Bjarkananyone with a palm tx that solve the sync problem?... any ideas?04:47
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jigheadrdz, is powernowd installed?04:47
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Zaggynlanyone: how do you restart your inetd service?04:48
gharzgnomefreak, http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/app/view/41904:48
ZaggynlI'm using Ubuntu 6.0604:48
torrentwoesanybody know how to open a port?04:48
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mrmistHi all04:48
Ixzatis there a apt guru around here? i get the following when doing apt-get install postfix: update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/postfix: file does not exist, and then it quits04:48
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rdzjighead, no it wasn't. thanks for the tipp04:48
Defttorrentwoes: a port is open if something is listening on it04:48
jigheadtorrentwoes, /etc/services controls allowed ports04:49
rdzjighead, but now it is still on 1,7GHz...04:49
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torrentwoeshow about forward a port then?04:49
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rdzjighead, do i need to reboot?04:49
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Stormx2What is an IP tunnel, and can ubuntu do it?04:49
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gnomefreakgharz: try it again but im not sure what else to go with04:49
kane77I thought I was past it but... How do I unpack something that looks like this "wsh.sh.gz"   "gzip -d wsh.sh.gz" doesn't work...04:49
gnomefreakbrb doggy wants out04:49
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jigheadrdz, powernowd tries to scale your cpu down as low as the sys load will allow04:49
KenSentMeIxzat: this is the first time you install postfix on that system?04:49
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mrmistI need to repartition one of my drives.. resize one partition, and create a new one... How do I do it ??04:50
fourcheezeanyone running kolab on dapper?04:50
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IxzatKenSentMe: no, i have been fiddling with postfix a few times now04:50
jigheadso unless you are doing something intensive, it will report a lower freq04:50
rdzjighead, my cpu-load is 1% but still on 1,7GHz04:50
temperedI edited the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf to make the line: ServerRoot "/home/tempered/WWW" ( and I created a WWW directory there ) but it's still serving from the default.  I also restarted apache, how do I get apache to look in /home/tempered/WWW instead of the default?04:50
KenSentMeIxzat: but this is a fresh install of postfix?04:50
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richiefrichmrmist gparted/cfdisk/fdiak04:50
jigheadrdz, do you expect it to be higher or lower?04:50
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fourcheezewhich bits of kolab do I need to get a working server on dapper?04:50
IxzatKenSentMe: well, i uninstalled it a few times aswell :)04:50
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jigheadrdz, you may just need to do sudo /etc/init.d/powernowd start04:50
rdzjighead, i expect it to go down to 600MHz04:50
mrmistrichiefrich: I'm trying gparted now, but it won't let me choose "resize"04:51
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KenSentMeIxzat:  maybe you can do sudo apt-get --purge remove postfix04:51
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rdzjighead, thanks, i'll try that04:51
KenSentMeIxzat: so that all files are deleted04:51
KenSentMeIxzat: maybe this works04:51
mrmistrichiefrich: Am I doing something wrong ?04:51
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Killazguys maybe you can answer this? which of these log analyzers (firewall) would you recommend: fwanalog or lire?04:51
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richiefrichmrmist well do u have on selected ?04:51
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IxzatKenSentMe: will try...04:52
richiefrichmrmist  what part.  type ?04:52
mrmistrichiefrich: of course. I'm right clicking ON the disk04:52
mrmistit's an ext 3 partition type04:52
richiefrichmrmist  that maybe why04:52
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rdzjighead, now i see; when i install cpufreqd, powernowd is going to be removed...04:52
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OneSeventeenhow do I know what to add as the location of my windows partition in grub?04:53
mrmistrichiefrich: doesn't help to choose my ntfs-partition either04:53
Stormx2Is there an apache monitor of some sort for ubuntu, so I can see if any files are being downloaded?04:53
richiefrichmrmist  if it's jfs i kow u can enlarge them04:53
rdzjighead, i try to reboot and see what happens then..04:53
MikkelRevHow do I set up my soundcard ?  when i try to play a mp3, "Totem could not startup... could not establish connection to sound server"04:53
mrmistrichiefrich: maybe it's because I've got an op.sys on both ??04:53
OneSeventeen(the howto says assuming /dev/hda1 is the location, it would be hd0,0, but mine is /dev/sda2, so would that be sd0,1?)04:53
richiefrichmrmist thats not supported the ntfs... only experimental04:53
KenSentMetempered: delete the default server in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled04:53
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mrmistrichiefrich: But the installer managed ?04:53
DeftStormx2: any sort of apache log monitor will tell you that, it won't be an ubuntu specific thing04:53
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richiefrichmrmist managed what04:54
Killazguys maybe you can answer this? which of these log analyzers (firewall) would you recommend: fwanalog or lire?04:54
Stormx2Deft: ok ;) What is an apache log manager?04:54
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IxzatKenSentMe: worked like a charm... thanks, didnt know about --purge04:54
mrmistrichiefrich: I had winxp on the machine. The installer resized the partition, and made a new ext3 partition to install Kubuntu04:54
__mikemMy password on irc is really easy to guess, how do I know if someone has used it in the past without my permition?04:55
KenSentMeIxzat: with remove you don't remove all config files etc. with --purge you completely remove all postfix files from your system04:55
slg_Hello all, need someone who can help me with a script  http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/clip.php?clip=35e04:55
richiefrichmrmist yes it does that.. but resizing them... is different04:55
Stormx2__mikem: is it mikem or password?04:55
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rdzjighead, it works now! many thanks for your help04:56
gharzgnomefreak, it doesn't work. i chose Region 2 (Europe, Middle East, etc). this is frustrating. :((04:56
mrmistHow can that be any different? I just want to do exactly the same thing once more, only not installing ubuntu on the new partition04:56
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KillazI guess my questions cant be answered in this channel.... ;)04:56
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gharzgnomefreak, my ofcmate also installed ubuntu but he can play DVD/VCD04:56
OneSeventeenIf /dev/hda1 is (hd0,0), what is /dev/sda2 ?04:56
__mikemKillaz what question04:56
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slg_last line -> update_fslist {}   http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/clip.php?clip=35e04:57
karimhi brothers04:57
NgOneSeventeen: it's kinda hard to predict. if there are no other drives it will probably be hd1, but the only way to tell really is to fire up grub and have a look04:57
Killazwhich of these log analyzers (firewall) would you recommend: fwanalog or lire?04:57
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Stormx2How do I check to see if a package exists and where it is located, with ubotu?04:57
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Linuturkwhere is the php.ini file in the LAMP install?04:57
__mikemKillaz, it really doesn't matter. Try them both.04:57
xxyyzzif you installed something with apt-get install <app>, and you don't like it, can you use apt-get to uninstall it?04:58
KenSentMeLinuturk: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini ?04:58
Killaz__mikem: ok!04:58
NgLinuturk: most likely in /etc/php5/apache2/ but it depends which versions of php and apache you are using04:58
rdzxxyyzz, apt-get remove <app>04:58
__mikemIf one is a GUI based and the other is a CLI based, you should go with the gui based one though04:58
GilaunOneSeventeen: Depends on the number of drives in you system.  It will always be hd#,# reguardless of drive type.04:58
xxyyzzrdz, thanks :-)04:58
KenSentMexxyyzz: sudo apt-get remove04:58
luc1fersflowersNoob question> How do I get audio/video codecs for ubuntu? Do I need an all round AV program, or can I just integrate new codecs to make all AV files playable?04:58
OneSeventeenNg: There is only one drive, but it is a SATA...04:58
NgOneSeventeen: then it should still be hd004:58
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KenSentMe!tell luc1fersflowers about restricted04:58
kane77xvidcap: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory where can I get it???04:59
OneSeventeenGilaun, Ng: cools, so probably (hd0,1) (since it is the second partition on the first drive)?04:59
markgrifHello, What do I get so that xmms has some EQ settings like for rock,techo etc?04:59
xxyyzzI'm just curious why it's called "apt-get" if you're not actually getting anything... you're getting rid of something =/04:59
NgOneSeventeen: yep04:59
gnomefreakgharz: this will play them gtkwave04:59
eugmanWould having ubuntu taking up the first two partitions and windows the third work or does windows have to be on the primary partition?04:59
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KenSentMexxyyzz: don't ask such hard questions :p04:59
luc1fersflowersthank you KenSentMe04:59
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Ngxxyyzz: because apt-get is the tool that sits on top of dpkg for manipulating the state of packages. you can do dpkg -r packagename, but it won't be as helpful with respect to dependencies04:59
xxyyzzaaah, okay04:59
OneSeventeenNG, Gilaun: Awsome, thanks guys04:59
xxyyzzThanks :-)05:00
KenSentMeeugman: doesn't matter, as long as you isntall windows first05:00
jigheadxxyyzz, you can use aptitude or synaptic if the question keeps you up at night ;)05:00
xxyyzzSynaptic is hard...05:00
GilaunOneSeventeen:  Glad you got it.05:00
Bassettsanyone know of a program like newton for KDE?05:00
joe_hi, i'm trying to install gaim2.0 and apt-get tells me i'm missing deps? where can i find those?05:00
gnomefreakgharz: you can try installing libxine-extracodecs and than see if totem will play it05:00
xxyyzzI like apt-get 'cause you just type in one line05:00
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__mikemYOu should be able to put windows on any partition. GRub doesn't actually boot windows, but will call the windows boot loader, its called "chainloading"05:00
gharzgnomefreak, ok05:00
gharzthanks for the help.05:00
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gharzi'll check on this.05:00
gnomefreakgharz: yw05:00
eugmanKenSentMe, You are referring to windows attitude of "Wheeeee installing new bootloader, Wheee" I'm asumming?05:01
KenSentMejoe_: doesn't it tell you what dependencies it's missing?05:01
eugmanAs to why it must be first05:01
joe_KenSentMe, yeah, but i don't know where to get them05:01
__mikemDuelbooting is hard to do though, I would recomend you get a copy of vmware and practice a few times on a virtual machine so you don't screw things up05:01
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gnomefreakgharz: if you type apt-cache search vcd | less it gives you all packages that will play or whatever with them 1 page at a time use page down to move to next page05:01
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KenSentMeeugman: yes, if you install windows after ubuntu it's hard to boot ubuntu, windows bootloader is not great05:02
__mikemKenSentMe. As I said, typically, you want grub to load first. THen you want ubuntu to be in the next partition, then after that the windows boot loader and windows05:02
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KenSentMe__mikem: you're right05:03
mrmistShould I install Kubuntu again then, and format it correctly ?05:03
__mikemGRub will either load ubuntu or "chainload" the windows bootloader05:03
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mrmistInstead of resizing ?05:03
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__mikemdepending on what you want05:03
skydragon38anyone know the command to upgrade to dapper05:03
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gnomefreakubotu tell skydragon38 -about upgrade05:03
KenSentMejoe_: maybe google for them, but as gaim2.0 is not in the repositories yet, so it's possible that there aren't any deb for the other packages yet05:03
eugmanThanks kensentme, Mikem_, I understand that stuff and was just wondering if windows had any partiton location requirements. I'm planning on setting up a friends laptop to dual boot. The wierd think is she'd like Xp, ubuntu, and 98 if possible. (8 for some old obscure game apparently.05:03
kaningskydragon: gksudo "update-manager" -d05:04
__mikemIF you want to duelboot its safest to install linux first05:04
foomanis there a way to read file contents using bash scripting?05:04
NoUse__mikem I find it to easier to install Windows first05:04
LeaChim__mikem, it's much safer to install windows first05:04
Ngfooman: try googling for the bash scripting howto, it should cover stuff like that05:04
NoUse__mikem that way ubuntu finds Windows and sets up the boot menu automagically05:04
kaninghttp://www.kaning.co.uk/blog to see how i did mine05:04
LeaChimwindows will destroy the MBR when you install it.05:04
KenSentMe__mikem: that's not true it think, ubuntu sets uop grub automaticly to boot windows also, windows doesn't do the same with ubuntu05:05
LeaChimit will ignore ubuntu completely05:05
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LeaChimubuntu will set dualboot up correctly05:05
__mikemLeaChim, the problem is, windows has this nasty tendency to take up the entire disk not allowing room for additional partitions05:05
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joe_editing window's boot.ini to boot linux is well documented and _very_ easy, i don't see what the problems are, but i'd still prefer grub in my MBR.05:05
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foomanNg, i'm trying to script a service to run in the background to takedown potential hazards such as forkbombs05:05
LeaChim__mikem, not when you install it manually05:05
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KenSentMe__mikem: choose the right options at install05:05
KenSentMe__mikem: never had a problem with that05:06
LeaChimyou just have to choose your partition size :/05:06
Concord_Dawn__mikem: Not if you partition correctly.05:06
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KenSentMeI guess __mikem gets the point now05:06
mrmistA GRUB question: I've got XP and Ubuntu now. If I reinstall Linux, will GRUB handle it ?? Or will it still try to connect to the "old" linux installation?05:06
Concord_DawnThe easiest way to do it is to install Windows first and make two partitions, then reformat the second partition when you install Linux.05:06
__mikemYEh I do05:06
metallituxcan someone help me fix GRUB?05:06
Concord_Dawnmrmist: It should be fine.05:06
Concord_Dawnubotu: tell metallitux about grub05:06
KenSentMemrmist: if you install it over the old linux it wont05:06
__mikemHold on, I have to ruscel me up some GRUB05:07
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mrmistKenSentMe: I'm reformatting the Linux drive05:07
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ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting05:07
KenSentMemrmist: then there's no problem05:07
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Concord_DawnThis is a question about dapper drake. If I have an 8 year old x86 box lying around, am I better to go with Breezy or Dapper?05:07
mrmistKenSentMe: I really just want to separate out the "/home" folder to a separate partition, but I can't do it in Linux it seems05:08
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Concord_DawnKenSentMe: yes you can.05:08
KenSentMeConcord_Dawn: dapper, but try the alternative iso for download05:08
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Concord_Dawnmrmist: yes you can.05:08
__mikemConcord_Dawn you should use dapper, but if you are worriecd about speed, you can use Xubuntu, or ubuntu-lite05:08
h3sp4wnConcord_Dawn: 8 years probably hoary or xubuntu05:08
mrmistConcord_Dawn: Know how ??05:08
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Concord_DawnJust mount the second hdd at /home.05:08
ubotumount is probably the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f05:08
Concord_Dawnubotu knows everything.05:09
ubotuConcord_Dawn: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:09
KenSentMemrmist: choose to manually partition your hd and then choose /home for the second partion for ubuntu05:09
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KenSentMeConcord_Dawn: sorry xubuntu instead of alternative iso05:09
avisi am using xubuntu on my 2.4 1ghz machine and everytime i click on "open browser" link it wont open firefox05:09
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Concord_DawnCan I do a dist-upgrade from Breezy to Xubuntu?05:09
__mikemdo a dpkg-reconfigure on firefox05:09
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__mikemdon't mention it05:10
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)05:10
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__mikemdpkg-reconfigure can fix a lot of problems, its  areally nice command05:10
Concord_Dawndpkg ftw.05:10
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KenSentMehail dpkg05:10
kaninganyone know how to upgrade firefox without waiting for update manager05:10
mrmistConcord_Dawn: er... I've only got to partitions on my current system. One with WinXP, and one with Linux. Now I want "/home" to have it's own partition, so I may reinstall linux without deleting the partition05:11
avis__mikem: no such luck with dpkg-reconfigure05:11
KenSentMekaning: it's better to wait05:11
__mikemwhat EXACTLY did you type05:11
mrmistConcord_Dawn: I know how to mount :)05:11
avisdpkg-reconfigure firefox05:11
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kane77xvidcap: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory where can I get it???05:11
OneSeventeenhow can I mount my windows partition for read only, it claims to be HPFS/NTFS05:11
markgrifSo anyone know how I can get presets for xmms EQ?05:11
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ciasadoes anyone here know if the xine package in ubuntu is supposed to include ogg vorbis support?05:11
__mikemwhat message did you get05:12
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avis__mikem: none05:12
__mikemdid you do it as root05:12
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to configure 5.1 audio under ubuntu?05:12
Concord_Dawnciasa: have you tried searching for ogg or vorbis in the repos05:12
OneSeventeen(following the ntfs mounting tips in the wiki don't work, it returns wrong fs type...)05:12
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temperedwhere is the default phpmyadmin on ubuntu lamp install?  what address do I hit to see it?05:12
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Concord_DawnOneSeventeen: Wierd. Works for me.05:12
ciasayeah, i have all the ogg and xine packages installed05:12
Concord_DawnYou have to type -t ntfs though05:12
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KenSentMetempered: it should be in localhost/phpmyadmin i think05:12
__mikemdo me a favor, try opening firefox again05:12
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markgrifThe speakers on this laptop really suck.05:13
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Concord_Dawnwow @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu <--- "beening."05:13
Gilaunmrmist: you can try resizing your 1 linux partition down, the adding a new partition in the empty space.  You are going to have to do some googling for the details though.05:13
OneSeventeenConcord_Dawn: I'm adding it to my fstab, setting the type to "ntfs"05:13
Concord_DawnI don't know. The last time I tried it was with Hoary and it was a USB 2.0 external.05:13
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to configure 5.1 audio under ubuntu?05:13
avisConcord_Dawn: not too much info there eh ?05:13
ubotuConcord_Dawn: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:13
ciasaamarok refuses to load any ogg files (with the xine plugin selected) and xine proper wont load them either05:13
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zuhause01xxhello, i accidentally removed the waste basket from mydesktop, how can i get it back?05:13
Concord_Dawnciasa: you tried install w32codecs?05:14
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__mikemavis did it work?05:14
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DarkRavenMixageconcord_dawn do you know how to play amr audio?05:14
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ciasait seems like the file /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.1/xineplug_decode_ogg.so is missing05:14
DarkRavenMixageciasa run gstreamer05:14
Concord_DawnDarkRavenMixage: Not in the slightest.05:14
Concord_DawnWhat's wrong with 2.1?05:14
__mikeminteresting, and this is in a NEW xubuntu install05:14
temperedKenSentMe: isn't working ( or various casings of that too, phpMyAdmin, etc ).  But php is working and it's a LAMP install.  Where else could I check?05:14
ciasagstreamer isn't an availabe engine with the amarok 1.4 packages yet05:15
dradulzuhause01xx: right-click on an empty panel, it can be the one on the top, and select add to panel05:15
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Concord_Dawntempered: Not use LAMP.05:15
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avisdefault action command is the problem its having05:15
ciasaand the xine engine is more stable05:15
LeaChimtempered, try apt-get instapp phpmyadmin first05:15
dradulzuhause01xx: click on the trash icon, drag and drop it to the low-right corner of the screen,05:15
Concord_Dawnapt-get install apache2, php5, phpmyadmin, mysql, etc etc.05:15
mythicnesshey guys05:15
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Concord_DawnIt's all in the repos. You don't need LAMP.05:15
mythicnesscan someone help me05:15
Driverzany1 know how i go about connecting using a psybnc?05:15
__mikemoh, do me a favor, tell me what command the shortcut boints to05:15
avispreferred applications only lets me set a browser, not a variable after it05:15
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Concord_Dawnmythicness: What's up?05:15
mythicnessim trying to install kubuntu 6.06 on my mao05:15
zuhause01xxthere is no trash can there05:16
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Concord_DawnDriverz: yes.05:16
markgrifI downloaded the Dapper desktop iso. Is there a server version hidden on it?05:16
mythicnessjust got a new macbook pro05:16
mythicnessi installed it05:16
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zuhause01xxgot it05:16
tmnis there any support for apt-setup in ubuntu dapper drake.. I get the command not found when i try to use it05:16
markgrifSweet, mythicness!05:16
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Concord_DawnDriverz: Start psybnc, then connect to the port it's listening to.05:16
mythicnessbut when its booting grub just hangs05:16
Concord_DawnFollow the instructions it gives you, et woila.05:16
temperedthanks guys I thought LAMP installed it by default05:16
Concord_Dawnvoila, even.05:16
=== jrattner [n=Administ@h-72-244-214-2.nycmny83.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemavis, also, when you are done, open up a terminal window and type exec firefox &05:16
ubotuparted is, like, totally, a GNU program for creating, destroying, resizing, checking and copying partitions.  http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/parted.html05:16
Some_PersonCan I reinstall Ubuntu without losing programs and documents I have?05:16
KenSentMetempered: when you go to localhost, what do you see?05:16
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Concord_DawnSome_Person: Why do you need to reinstall Ubuntu?05:17
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temperedthe docs that I specified /home/tempered/WWW05:17
Some_PersonI screwed it up05:17
h3sp4wnSome_Person: Do you have /home as a seperate partition if so just don't format it05:17
gharzgnomefreak, i installed vlc and yet it doesn't work. i'm getting frustrated.... do u think if i re install ubuntu it will fix the problem?05:17
Concord_DawnHow Some_Person?05:17
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tmnis there any support for apt-setup in ubuntu dapper drake.. I get the command not found when i try to use it? =/05:17
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Killaz__mikem: do you have some experience with fwanalog?05:17
kaningSome_person: you'll have to backup your home folder to keep your personal settings05:17
mythicnessany idea why my grub cant boot on my mac05:17
Driverzpsybnc runnin05:17
__mikemFRaid not05:17
ubotuConcord_Dawn: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:17
avisi get a cannot open display error __mikem05:17
Driverzbut get following error05:17
Stormx2where the apache logfile on ubuntu?05:17
temperedI did sudo apt-get install phpmyadmni and it did a bunch of stuff but still not able to hit phpmyadmin from a browser05:17
redrumzwho has ati cards05:17
Killaz__mikem: ok np05:17
gnomefreakgharz: i wouldnt think it would help05:17
kaningbut i think you will need to install the programmes all over again05:17
markgrifvls doesn't work for me either.05:17
KenSentMe!tell redrumz about ati05:17
__mikemavis, that sounds like a problem with X then05:17
Some_PersonI can't just reinstall ubuntu without losin my stuff?05:17
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Driverz Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).05:18
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Concord_Dawnyou need to authenticate.05:18
Killaz__mikem: maybe that's the diff not enough documentation about fwanalog on the net05:18
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kaningSome_person: you can backup your personal settings05:18
mythicnessanyone have any idea why grub would be hanging on my macbook pro?05:18
ijeffUpgrade from Breezy -> Dapper Complete!05:18
Some_PersonWith Wincrap, u can reinstall without formatting.05:18
Concord_Dawnhuzzah ijeff05:18
Some_PersonHow come you cant with Ubuntu?05:18
KenSentMeijeff: congratz05:18
Concord_DawnSome_Person: you can fix anything you need to fix with a Ubuntu LiveCD.05:18
kaningyou don't have to reformat05:18
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jbirdAngelanyone know the location of the auto diskmount script i can run to auto mount my partitions that is somehwere on ubuntulinux.nl05:19
KenSentMejbirdAngel: /etc/fstab05:19
Concord_DawnjbirdAngel: add the disks to your fstab and they should automount on startup.05:19
Some_Personi mean without losin everything (i have loads of updates and such i want to keep05:19
Concord_DawnAnyone know how I can make a custom LiveCD so that I can add recovery utils for Windows?05:19
jbirdAngelKenSentMe: Concord_Dawnokay thank you05:19
Some_PersonOn dialup, those updates take FOREVER05:20
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__mikemavis, as a last report try to restart x05:20
KenSentMejbirdAngel: no problemo05:20
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xstI have installed ruby but there is no "ruby" command. Only "ruby1.8". This nameing makes some scripts broken. E.g. the lyrics in amarok. Is this a bug in the ruby package?05:20
Concord_Dawnyou're welcome jbirdAngel05:20
GilaunConcord_Dawn:  There are a ton of ISOs available already.  Why create your own?05:20
du_Gnomebaker says...The plugin to handle a file of type audio/mpeg is not installed.what package do i need?05:20
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Some_PersonI can only log in to ubuntu with the "Failsafe-Terminal"05:20
KenSentMedu_: depends on what file you are trying to play05:20
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Concord_DawnGilaun: a) for experience. b) because it allows me to set everything up exactly the way I want it to be in order to ensure a smooth recovery.05:20
ubotuConcord_Dawn: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:21
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ubotuConcord_Dawn: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:21
Some_PersonI have a livecd05:21
peerkeI'm a complete noob at linux (ubuntu 6.06)and want to change my resolution. I've downloaded easyubuntu and installed the ati from there but still I can't change the res. what to do??05:21
KenSentMedu_: ouch gnomebaker :) play = burn05:21
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du_KenSentMe, i'm trying to make an audio cd from mp305:21
Concord_DawnSome_Person: What'd you break anyhow?05:21
Driverzim struggling to see where to authenticate05:21
NoUsepeerke run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'05:21
GilaunConcord_Dawn: Can't argue with a.05:21
elkbuntuhow to get a bluetooth receiver to be detected when it's been plugged in after boot?05:21
Some_Personi installed some soundcard drivers and now i cant login05:21
Driverzi assumed entering my userrname and pass would have done it05:21
KenSentMe!tell du_ about restricted05:21
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KenSentMedu_: maybe check here first05:21
Concord_DawnDriverz: What IRC client are you using?05:22
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Driverzwhats the best?05:22
du_KenSentMe, i installed lots of gstreamer plugins..included mad05:22
kaningpeerke: you can click on system -> preferences -> screen resolution05:22
KenSentMedu_: ah, ok05:22
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__mikemubotu livecd is Try Ubuntu by running it off a CD without touching the contents of your hard drive.05:22
ubotu__mikem: okay05:22
Concord_DawnHaven't found any good ones on Linux.05:22
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Concord_DawnI normally use Wine+mIRC.05:22
foomananyone know of a guide where i can find to setup user process limits and what not for the file /etc/security/limits.conf05:22
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ijeffhow can i go about installing Mobility Radeon 7500 drivers?05:22
Driverzi saw summin bout that05:22
Some_PersonSame here: concord05:22
nerdzyboyHow do I become root in gnome^05:22
Driverzdoes it work ok?05:22
KarhutonIRC is better with alchohol05:22
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Some_PersonI use normally WINE+mIRC05:23
Concord_DawnDriverz: anyways, you need to enter your username in the ident field, and your password in the password field.05:23
GilaunDrivers: Wine allows you to run windows apps on linux.05:23
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Driverzi must get wine then05:23
Concord_Dawnnerdzyboy: Why do you need to become root?05:23
KenSentMe!tell ijeff about ati05:23
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Concord_Dawnnerdzyboy: You can use sudo from terminal.05:23
uboturumour has it, ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers05:23
WyredKarhuton, correction, irc is better with a lot of alcohol05:23
Some_PersonBecomin root is easy05:23
nerdzyboyI got to edit a bunch of files05:23
Concord_Dawnsu root.05:23
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Concord_Dawnbut sudo works best.05:23
jrattnerIf i have a procmail .foward file in a directory, how can I make the e-mail save on the server AND forward to the address?05:23
__mikemyou don't need to type su root05:23
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nerdzyboyand don<t want to do it from de console05:23
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__mikemjust plain su works fine05:24
foomananyone know how i can enable the file limits.conf when its setup?05:24
KenSentMe!tell nerdzyboy about root05:24
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SurfnKidgood morning05:24
Concord_Dawn__mikem: *shrug*05:24
nerdzyboysu only works in console05:24
Driverznow what about antivirus05:24
SurfnKidcan someone help me with this connectivity issue05:24
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Driverzwhats best free05:24
kane77xvidcap: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory where can I get it???05:24
KenSentMenerdzyboy: if your want to run nautilus as root for example try sudo nautilus05:24
Concord_DawnDriverz: Have you followed the setup instructions on psybnc's site?05:24
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SCOttlebutAll -- I went from -386 kernel to -686 kernel.  Now X won't start in 24-bit depth (says its not supported), tho it worked b4.  Any thoughts?05:24
kaningDriverz:what do you need Antivirus for05:24
Concord_DawnIt will show you how to set up a user and have them as bncadmin and etc etc.05:25
Concord_DawnIt's quite good.05:25
Driverzyeah i had it all runnin nice on windows05:25
KenSentMeSurfnKid: still have update problems?05:25
SurfnKidi mean its crazy, i can connect here05:25
Driverzso i dont recieve viruses kaning05:25
lemsx1i'm having problems with xvideo myself. crappy colors05:25
SurfnKidbut sudo apt-get update fails to connect to all sources05:25
lemsx1but X is in 24bit here...05:25
Concord_Dawnholy crap.05:25
kaningtry clamAV05:25
Concord_Dawnok, I'm running a gdm update.05:25
__mikemI love saying HOLLY CRAP05:25
KenSentMeSurfnKid: strange indeed05:25
Concord_DawnIt tells me that I need to kill all X sessions.05:25
SurfnKidit sure is05:26
Concord_DawnBut how do I kill all X sessions without stopping Synaptic from closing?05:26
llpamiesWhen I suspend to ram, and resume, the screen don't works very well, like if some parts of it doesn't refresh the content05:26
SurfnKidKenSentMe: and I cant proceed to install anything else05:26
kaningDriverz: clamAV is probably what you're looking for05:26
Some_Personnerdzyboy: set a root pass on System>Administation>Login05:26
gharzgnomefreak, this is weird. i can watch dvd... but i can't watch VCD!!!!05:26
llpamiesAnybody knows this problem ?05:26
william__Hey Guys, whats the best program for *backing up dvds*05:26
NgConcord_Dawn: you can't. are you sure it says you "need" to, or is it just telling you that gdm changes won't be applied until you do close all x sessions? (I suspect the latter, in which case you are fine)05:26
gharzgnomefreak, uhmmm... i wonder what the problem is.05:26
du_KenSentMe, nothing..i installed all gstreamer plgin05:26
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Concord_Dawnuse it's the latter.05:26
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du_KenSentMe, same gnomebaker error05:27
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gnomefreakgharz: im not sure ive never tried vcd's before05:27
Some_Personnow, how do i backup my crap without login in?05:27
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Concord_Dawnthat's it. No more crack for me.05:27
KenSentMedu_: sorry i can't help you then05:27
Concord_DawnSome_Person: you booted from the LiveCD?05:27
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NgConcord_Dawn: then when you're finished with synaptic and other stuff, just log out and hit ctrl-alt-backspace at the gdm screen and it will restart :)05:27
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jendaUbuntu Dapper crashes occassionally for absolutely no obvious reason. X simply disappears and reappears on tty8! When I switch to tty7, all I see is an error message about X being disabled and restarting it when GDM is configured correctly. Below that is a note: ***glibc detected***corrupted double linked list: 0x0something***05:27
ijeffhow can i go about installing Mobility Radeon 7500 drivers?05:27
gharzgnomefreak, anyway, VCD's are becoming obselete now. i guess this is not a major issue anymore. :)05:27
nicoduckcan anybody help me please with am ppc problem??05:27
ijeffdoes anyone know how can i go about installing Mobility Radeon 7500 drivers?05:27
SurfnKidgnomefreak: are you on dapper. i have a connectivity problem maybe you have advice05:27
Some_Personbut how do u mount my partitions?05:27
=== gmccreight [n=gordon@adsl-66-124-89-130.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakSurfnKid: i am on dapper05:27
Driverzany1 got a good link for wine ..concorde?05:27
Driverzthe version u use05:27
KenSentMeijeff: have you tried the links ubotu sent you?05:28
Driverzim readin theres various versions05:28
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Concord_DawnI'm currently running my Windows box.05:28
william__ijeff, you need the ATIBInary Howto05:28
Concord_DawnSome_Person: They should be mounted.05:28
gnomefreakubotu tell william__ -about ati05:28
Some_Personthey dont on livecd05:28
Driverzim gonna have to install windows on my nix box upsatairs05:28
Driverzthis was my windows box05:28
ijeffKenSentMe: unfortunately i dont have them on me, i wiped my computer last night to rid it of windows05:28
gmccreightI've been looking on the website, but I can't seem to find what the "Long Term" in LTS stands for.  How long does it last?05:28
gharzgnomefreak, thanks for the help. i appreciate it.05:28
SurfnKidgnomefreak: im on now, as yoyu can see here.. but apt-get fails to update all sources,  as if dns resolving failed. However I can browse or ping anything else,05:28
Some_Personso how do i do it?05:28
Concord_Dawn!tell Some_Person about grub05:28
KenSentMeijeff: look at the wiki page05:29
ijeffwilliam__: ATIBinary HowTo?05:29
Some_PersonI know about freakin grub05:29
Concord_DawnCheck out the fixing grub after install winblows link.05:29
PeregrinoCan anyone help me with a KDE issue?05:29
gnomefreakSurfnKid: can you ping archive.ubuntu.com?05:29
KenSentMe~tell ijeff about ati05:29
Concord_DawnThat will tell you how to mount your HDD on LiveCD.05:29
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Some_Personi want a command to mount my partitions on the livecd05:29
KenSentMe!tell ijeff about ati05:29
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SurfnKidgnomefreak: yes05:29
Driverzdoes it matter that im runnin dd05:29
Driverzand its for bb05:29
jrattnerQUESTION: If I have a mailserver set up for a domain, and I want it to accept mail for that domain AND another domain on the same server how do I set mail up to accept it from both domains?05:29
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SurfnKidgnomefreak: 0% packet loss05:29
ubotu[restricted]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats05:29
gnomefreakSurfnKid:no im not sure than05:29
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kaningaight guys i'm out05:30
KenSentMejrattner: what mailserver have you got?05:30
Concord_DawnRead what I just said. Read the first bit. It will show you how to mount your HDD in a LiveCD so you can get anything you need off of there.05:30
gnomefreakSurfnKid: it might just be apt can you open synaptic ok?05:30
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gharzgnomefreak, i don't know if this could be a factor. i'm watching VCD burned from divx movie formats. and these VCD's were created by NERO. does it make any sense?05:30
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SurfnKidgnomefreak: it does the same thing, when it finishes updating, throws a window with all the failed links, says maybe a network problem?  How! im on now :(05:30
jrattnerKennie, I use dovecot, procmail and postifx05:30
Some_Personjust tell me the command to mount my partitions thru the LiveCD05:30
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Concord_DawnI DON'T REMEMBER IT.05:31
gharzgnomefreak, i'm trying to play a DVD burned by NERO from a divx format and it doesn't work as well.05:31
de1Is it possible for the "alternative" install CD to reconize my previous LVM and RAID setup on bootup? It seems only the Live CD does this.05:31
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gnomefreakSurfnKid: have you changed your domain name or pc name lately?05:31
SurfnKidgnomefreak: and i cant proceed to install anythingn else05:31
selinium__hi all, any network printer people around, i am trying to connect to a brother MFC-620CN via the network. All the Windows machines can see it, but I am a little stumped with CUPS...05:31
SurfnKidgnomefreak: not at all this is a fresh install, just did yesterday, formatted05:31
selinium__hi gnomefreak :)05:31
gnomefreakhi selinium__05:31
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jrattnerKenSentMe, any ideas?05:31
Kwonghi, how to replace gnome-desktop by fluxbox?05:32
Some_PersonDoes anyone know the command to mount partitions (not read only) through a LiveCD?05:32
rdzsilly question: how can i get the size of a directory and all its containing files?05:32
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gnomefreakSurfnKid: im not real sure than maybe apt is being sent through a proxy (ive seen it before just dont know hwot o check nor fix sorry)05:32
KenSentMejrattner: try /etc/postfix/main.cf and look for mydestinations05:32
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foomancan somoene tell me how to start up usage of the limits.conf file?05:32
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KenSentMejrattner: add you second domain there05:32
SurfnKidgnomefreak: exactly thats what i think too05:32
farousKwong: just download fluxbox then from the session manager choose fluxbox05:32
Gilaunrdz: du --max-depth=205:32
SurfnKidthanks anyway :)05:32
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eugmanHey, how do I change the default nick for irssi?05:33
munckfishSome_Person: I'd have to look in 'man mount' for the options to do that05:33
ubotufrom memory, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f05:33
Kwongfarous: is there anyway to remove completely gnome-desktop?05:33
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, fooman05:33
jrattnerKenSentMe, alright give me a second ill give it a try05:33
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farousKwong: i do not remember the exact package name for it05:33
dradulKwong: remove glib2 and then reinstall ubuntu-standard05:33
gnomefreakKwong: ubuntu-desktop05:34
munckfishSome_Person: also when I tried to mount my partitions from the LiveCD it sort of looked like the necessary drivers weren't there to do it as the Gnome disk manager thingey hadn't ID'd the filesystem types properly05:34
KenSentMeeugman: go to /home/eugman/.irssi/config and change your nick at the bottom05:34
Kwonggnomefreak: apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?05:34
KenSentMejrattner: oki05:34
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Driverzwhats apt05:34
Jon_eugmen: there's #irssi for that05:34
rdzGilaun, many thanks05:34
KenSentMe!tell Driverz about apt05:34
tanathcan someone help me get online (i'm on the livecd now)? when ubuntu starts loading and gets to 'configuring network interfaces' it says failed. i brought eth0 and lo up with 'ifconfig eth0 up' and 'ifconfig lo up' but it still doesn't work05:34
gnomefreakKwong: are you trying to use kde instead of gnoem? what are you attempting to do?05:34
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farousKwong: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package it is mainly used for update purposes05:34
dradulKwong: No. You need to remove *all* gnome and gtk apps. All depend on glib.05:35
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Kwonggnomefreak: i want to remove the gnome desktop to replace by fluxbox, wanna free some resources05:35
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dradulKwong: So, you remove glib and then reinstall ubuntu-standard, to restore a *server* install.05:35
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tanekwhats a good program for finding wireless networks?05:35
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gnomefreakKwong: than remove --purge glib but iirc flux will bring back glib05:35
tanathi've been slowly updating to dapper, and i think that's what's causing my problems05:35
jrattnerKenSentMe, how do i restart postfix now to test it05:35
farousKwong: but doing soo you will remove nautilus the file manager you will remve a lot of stuff you need. fluxbox is just a window manager not a desktop env05:35
dradulKwong: On top of that you can install wither kubuntu-destop, edubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop, your choice.05:36
KenSentMejrattner: sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart05:36
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gharzgnomefreak, now i got another problem. the color is not showing the right one. the saturation/hue is bad.05:36
farousKwong: have you considered xubuntu, xface05:36
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Kwongfarous: because i usually remote to my ubuntu box only05:36
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Kwongfarous: so i dont really need the gnome-desktop05:37
IchigoI hope I dont get banned for this but, I am trying to setup keybindings and this app I have no clue what to do with it: xbindkeys-1.7.2.ebuild05:37
__mikemwhy can't I pipe the output of ps to another command05:37
Kwongfarous: i want something light05:37
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__mikemI want to do ps -C less -o pid --no-heading -w | kill05:37
klubberhow can i check what software & on what port is listening?05:37
__mikemin a shell script as a way to kill a process by its command name05:37
farousKwong: just remeber to pick up some light applications for other stuff you need like browsing and file managing05:37
__mikemin this case less is the name of the command I want to kill05:38
synic__mikem: killall commandname05:38
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mluser-workIs it possible to tell the livecd installer to install/setup grub into /dev/hda7 instead of /dev/hda?05:38
viper474hello, I can't get the files burned to a disk05:38
tanathcan someone help me get online (i'm on the livecd now)? when ubuntu starts loading and gets to 'configuring network interfaces' it says failed. i brought eth0 and lo up with 'ifconfig eth0 up' and 'ifconfig lo up' but it still doesn't work05:38
Ichigodid anyone get transparency to work with the scroll mouse wheel running the new Xgl compiz server?05:38
Kwongfarous: i currently running some services on ubuntu, if i remove the glib, will it effect anything to those services?05:39
synicKwong: glib, probably not.   glibc yes.05:39
NgKwong: if you try to remove glib you will be told about anythign that requires it05:39
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=== __mikem likes to use c runtime functions in assembly language programs
KwongNg: oh alrite, that makes sense to me, thanx05:40
gmccreightHow Long Term is LTS?05:40
Nggmccreight: 3 years for the desktop profile, 5 for the server profile05:40
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__mikemHEres a question, Ubuntu versions are named after creatures indiginous to south africa, what exactly is a dapper?05:41
=== _JP [n=jp@dsl-trebras1-ff48c000-158.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
temperedwhat file do I edit or how do I set the ip address to not be dhcp?05:41
viper474i connot burn the image to a cd properly, I have wasted 5 cds...05:41
synic__mikem: it's dapper drake05:42
__mikemtempered system>administration>networking05:42
Ng__mikem: it's dapper drake. a drake is a type of duck, dapper is an adjective :)05:42
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temperedconsole only, what do I edit?05:42
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__mikemwhy must you use the console05:42
eugmanHey, is it possible to add the ssh server but make it so only one account is ssh accessable?05:42
Ngtempered: /etc/network/interfaces05:42
__mikemunless you can't get into x05:42
synictempered: /etc/network/interfaces05:42
Ngtempered: see "man interfaces" for documentation for the file format05:42
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a22anyone know how to enable the file /etc/security/limits.conf05:43
dradul__mikem: drake is either a male duck or a make dragon. Dapper means elegant as in: dressed-to-kill.05:43
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DaemonicDressed to kill duck?05:43
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syniceugman: sure... only give that user a valid shell05:43
dradulmake dragon -> male dragon05:44
tanathcan someone help me get online (i'm on the livecd now)? when ubuntu starts loading and gets to 'configuring network interfaces' it says failed. i brought eth0 and lo up with 'ifconfig eth0 up' and 'ifconfig lo up' but it still doesn't work05:44
synicDaemonic: be very afraid05:44
__mikemCool. And this distro is definitely dressed to kill redhat05:44
Ngeugman: you can put entries in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to only allow specific users or groups ssh access05:44
mluser-workeugman: modify sshd_config and add this to it "AllowUsers <username>"05:44
Ngeugman: I use "AllowGroups ssh" and then add users to the "ssh" group if they are allowed to ssh in :)05:44
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Ngeugman: or what mluser-work said :)05:44
henriquemaia-about nfs05:44
dradulDaemonic: Exactly. All Ubuntu code names are puns that point to the release intention/condition. E.g., Hoary Hedhog. A hedhog is an ant-eater and that release was full of bugs.05:44
ubotuI guess nfs is see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:45
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mluser-workIs it possible to tell the livecd installer to install/setup grub into /dev/hda7 instead of /dev/hda?05:45
a22tanath, do you get your ip address using dhcp or do you have to manually assign the ip address from your router?05:45
igorzolnikovhow i can use Wine?05:45
SurfnKidno luck :(05:45
tanathhow do i manually configure an interface (eth0)?05:45
henriquemaiaThanks __mikem05:45
tanatha22, dhcp05:45
__mikemhenriqumeia your welcome, ! is the triger for the irc bot05:45
a22tanath, try dhcpd eth005:45
eugmanAh, perfect thanks. I don't need to make a whole group since this is just going to be a fix my aunts laptop remotely account.05:45
tanatha22, hrm, thanks05:45
ubotumethinks nfs is see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:45
__mikemany tim05:45
SurfnKidwhats the command apt-get runs when it fetches updates?05:45
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gnomefreakSurfnKid: apt-get update05:46
mluser-workSurfnKid: sudo apt-get update05:46
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gnomefreakhenriquemaia: use /msg ubotu <factoid>05:46
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a22anyone have any idea of how to start up or enable the file /etc/security/limits.conf05:46
tritohchello i think i messed up xchat somehow, it won't start anymore.  where would i look for a log telling me why?05:46
gnomefreakdo not play with the bot in the channel05:46
SurfnKidgnomefreak: right.. but when it does the http:// connecting does it wget or something else05:46
tanatha22, actually, 'ifconfig eth0 up' seems to work, but i can't ping my router. says network unreachable05:46
__mikemBare in mind ubotu doesn't know everything, and will be quick to point out when it is ignorent05:46
viper474i connot burn the image to a cd properly, I have wasted 5 cds...05:46
__mikemfor instance05:46
__mikemubotu nothing05:46
ubotu__mikem: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:47
gnomefreakSurfnKid: i would assume wget but for sure i dont know05:47
farous_dam this firmware error and bad programming :(05:47
a22tanath, login to your router and see if your boxes domain name is coming up05:47
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SurfnKidgnomefreak: ah05:47
viper474i connot burn the image to a cd properly, I have wasted 5 cds...05:47
tanatha22, doesn't have one05:47
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viper474i cannot burn the image to a cd properly, I have wasted 5 cds...05:47
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tanatha22, and i wouldn't be able to if i can't connect to it :p05:47
farous_viper474: use a low burn speed 2- 4x05:47
viper474farous_ cannot find out how to lower it05:48
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to configure 5.1 audio under ubuntu?05:48
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a22tanath, hmmm try setting up manuall with ifconfig05:48
SurfnKidif i do this command  sudo wget http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg05:48
SurfnKiditll run fine05:48
viper474farous_ cannot find out how to lower it05:48
Skwid_anybody tried picasa on ubuntu 605:48
tanatha22, when i bring it up with ifconfig it seems to be configured.. just doesn't work05:48
ijeffthe howTo wont help for my video card.. ATI Mobility RADEON 750005:48
farous_viper474: depend on what program you use so can not help you there05:49
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viper474which would you use?05:49
farous_i use k3b05:49
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SurfnKidmaybe i have a character conflict or something05:49
Skwid_what's up with the crappy menu ?05:49
farous_but all other programs have this functionality so just look for help on your specific program05:49
a22tanath, do you possibly have an io error?05:49
ijeffanyone know if i can reach a higher resolution above 1024x168 with my video card.. ATI Mobility RADEON 750005:49
tanatha22, i don't believe so. not that i know of05:50
ijeffanyone know if i can reach a higher resolution above 1024x768 with my video card.. ATI Mobility RADEON 750005:50
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gnomefreakijeff: should but can you monitor handle a higher res?05:50
farous_!tell ijeff about resolution05:50
ijeffgnomefreak: yep, but do i need to install new drivers/05:50
a22tanath, try lspci see if your nic comes up05:50
farous_ijeff: check ubutu pm05:50
tanatha22, when you're in gnome's network settings, and you click 'activate' on an interface, what does that do? that's what i need to do05:50
a22tanath, all it does is ifconfig eth0 up05:51
gnomefreakijeff: i dont use ati anymore (thankgod) but no not for a higher res you shouldnt have to05:51
tanatha22, i'm on a livecd now.. i'd have to reboot, and i'd have no more connection :p05:51
a22tanath, also if you have a wireless nic in there make sure you have that one down before you activate that05:51
tanatha22, hrm, well that's not working anymore :/05:51
tanatha22, nope05:51
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a22tanath, do you have more than one nic?05:52
SurfnKidis there a network monitor system log i can check?05:52
tanatha22, why would it suddenly fail to configure on boot?05:52
tanatha22, no05:52
Zkillz|Guesthow do i access my cdrom drive in ubuntu server? I have a file in there i just burned as "data disc", it's in tar type. But i cd'ed to /cdrom and didnt find anything ?05:52
tanatha22, this wasn't a problem until i rebooted. all i've done is start upgrading to dapper05:52
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a22tanath, hmm not sure some cards don't work until you get into gnome i'm not sure why05:52
tanatha22, may be a bug05:52
jendaUbuntu Dapper crashes occassionally for absolutely no obvious reason. X simply disappears and reappears on tty8! When I switch to tty7, all I see is an error message about X being disabled and restarting it when GDM is configured correctly. Below that is a note: ***glibc detected***corrupted double linked list: 0x0something***05:52
tanatha22, no, wasn't a prob before05:52
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a22tanath, i've heard that dapper is buggy that could be the problem i use breezy myself05:53
NoUseZkillz|Guest you need to mount it, 'mount /cdrom'05:53
Zkillz|Guestok 1sec05:53
tanatha22, i haven't been upgrading packages that list bugs.. just ones that don't05:53
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=== farous_ wishes i never upgraded to dapper
=== feross [n=feross@c-24-8-62-49.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tanathi can't get into X anymore either05:53
tanathgdm says there's no drivers05:54
tanathi upgraded gdm05:54
__mikemHey, My mom was vacuming in the room, suddenly the bag fell out and everything spilled over the floor, so I just sat there and said, "Hey, mom, you need to vaccume"05:54
=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
a22is anyone here at all familiar with the file /etc/security/limits.conf all i need to know is how to start it up05:54
Zkillz|GuestNoUse, OK i found it now. But how do i move it from /cdrom to my HD ?05:54
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DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to configure 5.1 audio under ubuntu?05:54
NoUseZkillz|Guest the cp command05:54
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Zkillz|Guestcp thefile /home/bla ?05:54
NoUse!tell Zkillz|Guest about commands05:54
NoUseZkillz|Guest yes05:54
Zkillz|Guestthank yuo05:54
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Zkillz|Guestthe start dir in ubuntu is /root/ correctly ?05:54
freddyubuntuHey guys would somebody please help me to install my tv tuner card, to watch World Cup ? I had once installed it long time ago in breezy...but now I forgot...05:55
NoUseZkillz|Guest what do you mean start dir?05:55
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Kwongwat's the recommended ftp daemon for ubuntu?05:55
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jbirdAngelis there a way to run a .exe, my understanding is that it is a video?05:55
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NoUsejbirdAngel wine05:55
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a22Kwong, i use proftpd or are meaning a client?05:55
NoUse!tell jbirdAngel about wine05:55
dixieKwong: i don't know which is recommended but i'm using proftpd and it works05:55
tanatha22, alrite, i'll try a few things, and if i don't get it working, i'll be back. thx05:55
jbirdAngelNoUse: thanks05:55
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jbirdAngelalso how do i watch .avi's and .mov's etc05:55
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dixiejbirdAngel: gxine is good movie player05:56
ubotuhmm... avi is Video for Windows. For more info http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:56
mmolinaalguien de chile05:56
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jbirdAngelthank you both05:56
Driverzsudo apt-get deb-src http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main05:56
Driverzdont work for me05:56
mmolina alguien de chile05:56
=== RavenTest [n=raven301@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3574840.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
Kwongdixie: i've just installed proftpd but dont know how to configure it, since my ISP block port <62000, so i configure it to work on port 62005 but somehow i couldnt manage to get into it05:56
mmolinaalguien de chile05:56
mmolinaalguien de chile05:56
mmolinaalguien de chile05:56
Driverzis that what is should type05:56
mmolinaalguien de chile05:56
mmolinaalguien de chile05:56
mmolinaalguien de chile05:56
LoRezWarning: `mmolina' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kills/klines will be issued.05:56
NoUsemmolina stop it05:56
mmolinaalguien de chilealguien de chilealguien de chile05:56
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:57
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dixieKwong: for this can be many reasons why it doesn't work05:57
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Kwongdixie: is there any ref doc?05:57
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Kwongdixie: also how to stop and start proftpd?05:57
freddyubuntusomebody please help me to watch world cup games by my tv tuner....  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1112094#post111209405:58
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beefsprocketso how do I install firefox when I get this error: unable to create `./usr/lib/firefox/libgfxpsshar.so': No such file or directory05:58
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Skwid_is there a way to share mysql databases between windows and linux ?????05:58
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Skwid_symlink ?05:58
dixieKwong: /etc/init.d/proftpd start|stop05:58
NgSkwid_: share how?05:58
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NgSkwid_: across a network, or on a dual-boot machine?05:58
Skwid_Ng: on a dual boot05:58
Kwongdixie: thanx, i'll try it05:59
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SurfnKidguys can someone tell me what to check for this network error i get05:59
dixieKwong: http://www.proftpd.org/docs/05:59
Spec!seen neutrinomass05:59
Skwid_im tired of emailing dumps to myself and imporing them :)05:59
liquoredonlifeSpec, neutrinomass (n=pandis@ppp55-116.adsl.forthnet.gr) was last seen leaving #ubuntu 8hours 52minutes 55seconds ago.05:59
ubotuneutrinomass <n=pandis@ppp55-116.adsl.forthnet.gr> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu-offtopic, 9h 32m 46s ago, saying: '(Needless to see I finished it in one sitting and reread it the next day )'.05:59
=== Huh1 [n=adi@p54AC64ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidmaybe a proxy file i have to disable strings or something05:59
NgSkwid_: I imagine you could store the mysql data files on a fat32 drive so they can both access them, or install an ext3 filesystem driver on windows, but I'm not 100% sure that the file formats are the same (I would hope and assume they are). Take backups and try it :)05:59
dixieKwong: on /etc/proftpd.conf to change listening port05:59
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Kwongdixie: yup i know it06:00
Kwongdixie: one more question06:00
__mikemthat must be a new feature for ubotu06:00
Skwid_Ng: hum ok thanks06:00
__mikemanyway, I am going to take a nap06:00
=== T5 [n=jan@dslb-088-072-200-066.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
tony_hi all! can anyone direct me to a guide to current problems with dapper? does this release work well out of the box?06:00
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Kwongdixie: i want to map users to their home dir when they ftp to server, how could i do it?06:00
ooboon2is there a way to generate xorg.conf "automatically" ?06:00
Huh1I got a problem with my screen setup, I think it has something to do with me having an nvidia gfx card: the screen display is somewhat shifted to the right. how do I fix this?06:00
Ngtony_: the release notes list some known issues, and launchpad.net contains the bug database. I think that's about all there is for finding that information06:01
ZajjkoaPoX: Could you do me a favour? Search the log for "Zajjko|work" and send me the command "dpkg-blah blah blah" that I was given earlier?06:01
bensodeAnyone have information on getting dual monitor support from a Dell M70 laptop under Dapper?06:01
Huh1so the trashbin icon as well as the logoff/shutdown/ etc buttons are hardly visible because they're off the display of my screen06:01
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dixieKwong: You want something like chroot ?06:01
farous_tony_: wait a month if you can for most of the bugs to be streamed out06:01
dixieKwong: to restrict user only to thier home directories?06:01
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tony_Ng: thansk for your help! any big issues i should know about before i try it out as my only OS?06:02
Driverzis ok06:02
Kwongdixie: yes06:02
Driverzi added the repository to source list06:02
dixieKwong: i think it is possible06:02
Kwongdixie: you know when users ftp to the server06:02
Driverzand am now installing wine :)06:02
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Ngtony_: nothing especially major. If you use the regular live/desktop install CD you'll get a fair idea of how well it works on your machine straight away, since the installer runs inside a live instance of ubuntu :)06:02
=== dominion [i=Gab@home-3221125.galati.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu
Kwongdixie: they should go to their home dir instead of some other places06:02
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dixieKwong: http://www.proftpd.org/docs/directives/linked/config_ref_DefaultRoot.html06:03
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aktiwersHi all!06:03
Tenshiis there a bluetooth manager that handles HID devices?06:03
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aktiwersCan anyone tell me how I can Wget to /media/sda1 ??06:03
Kwongdixie: thanx06:03
tony_Ng: ok! sounds great! could i keep all my files? or is format allways included?06:03
LewixI would like to design a website, what tools can I use?06:03
WINBALLI have to install repositories to find wine as a package ?06:04
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dixieKwong: add to you proftpd.conf06:04
dixieKwong: DefaultRoot ~06:04
albackerguys is there any GUI partitioning application ? i want to delete the windows application /dev/hda1 and make it one with /dev/hda4  [which is the root ext3 partition of linux]  !?06:04
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albackers/appliocation/ partition.. * :S06:04
NoUseWINBALL no there is a version in the ubuntu repos06:05
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aktiwersNo one?06:05
gmccreightLewix: You might consider the program NVU06:05
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a22i need some help starting up the limits.conf file anyone have any idea at all how to do this?06:05
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Lewixgmccreight, is it better than frontpage or dreamwaver06:06
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NoUsea tin can and string is better than frontpage06:06
apokryphosfor web development projects I always use Quanta+06:06
gmccreightno, but you're asking in the Ubutu channel, so I assume you want it to run on Linux06:06
aktiwersReally no one who can help me with this? :(06:06
bensodeeep in Xchat is there an option to turn off joins/parts?06:06
bensodefor this channel06:06
rdzmaybe this question is a bit OT: how can i create a message filter rule in evolution, so that all mails that are sent to a specific account of mine are moved the a certain folder?06:07
JasonLis there a way to get Newton to launch without the small window with the apple in appearing?06:07
WINBALLNoUse Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:07
neutrinomassSpec: ping06:07
gmccreightLewix: no, but you're asking in the Ubutu channel, so I assume you want it to run on Linux06:07
apokryphosWINBALL: /msg ubotu wine06:07
NoUseaktiwers what partition type is sda1?06:07
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Specneutrinomass: heya, someone took my spec06:07
Driverzany1 can help06:07
albackerLewix, nothing is better than something else. it's better for someoen, and it's better for you, and it all depends of what you are used to use. Everyone will give his own opinion. some people use vi/emacs/notepad to design webpages, so try it and use it :D06:08
neutrinomassSpec: Congrats! You mean it was approved or is somebody implementing it ?06:08
Specneutrinomass: Martin Pitt is assignee and drafter, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/auto-unmount-notifications06:08
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Driverzive installed wine06:08
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ubotumethinks printer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org06:08
Driverzhow do i run it06:08
Specneutrinomass: well, i thought it was just gonna sit there, so, :p06:08
gmccreightLewix: as far as I know, Dreamweaver is the best web IDE, though many here would probably argue that you should code by hand.06:08
aktiwersNoUse: ext3..  but all I want to do is to "wget Url to /media/sda1" but I dont know how to do it?06:08
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apokryphosgmccreight: if you want to produce any sort of decent code, yes 8)06:08
neutrinomassSpec: Will be cool if it makes Edgy :D06:08
tanatha22: 'dhclient eth0' worked and downgrading gdm got me back into X. thanks :)06:08
NoUseaktiwers cd /media/sda1; then wget http://url/file06:08
Specneutrinomass: indeedy06:08
rdzaktiwers, why not first 'cd /media/sda1'?06:09
aktiwersNoUse: Thanks! gonna try it :)06:09
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void^last time i used dreamweaver some years ago i ended up fixing things in notepad.06:09
Zkillz|GuestAnyone got any clues of how to get a intel pro e1000 network card to work?06:09
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aktiwersNoUse: Thanks! it worked!06:09
Zajjkoapokryphos: could you send me the "dpkg" command again, lost it so I configed through pico = no change06:09
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gmccreightapokryphos: I actually just code by hand, but I think that's not really the answer Lewix was looking for...06:10
neutrinomassSpec: Do you know Perl by any chance?06:10
apokryphosZajjko: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:10
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bensodeis there an IRC command to stop displaying join/part/quit spam in all channels?06:10
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unitybensode: it's controlled by your irc client06:10
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apokryphosbensode: there's an option in the menus of X-chat, look around06:10
Lewixgmccreight, I don't know man...I want your advise06:10
tanatha22: although i had to reconfigure x06:10
bensodeusing xchat ... will look again06:10
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sugarhigh4242how can i capture a video of my desktop?06:11
Specneutrinomass: nope, :p06:11
Specneutrinomass: not enough to be helpful, at least06:11
zhenreis there anyway to use two monitors in ubuntu (I have a geforce 6200 TC) or even just using the DVI and no analog, I see no video when I try using the dvi06:11
Zkillz|GuestAnyone got any clues of how to get a intel pro e1000 network card to work?06:11
gmccreightLewix: Are you a coder in another language?  If so, then css and html aren't too hard to pick up by hand.06:11
farous_sugarhigh4242: look up screencast on the forums and the web06:11
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farous_sugarhigh4242: a great start is wikipedia06:11
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Lewixgmccreight,  i used to code in html but i forgot06:12
NoUsesugarhigh4242 http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/06/08/how-to-create-a-screencast-in-ubuntu/06:12
gmccreightLewix: Otherwise, Nvu is free, runs on Linux and Windows, so there's not a high barrier to entry.06:12
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Zkillz|GuestAnyone got any clues of how to get a intel pro e1000 network card to work?06:12
Lewixgmccreight, I'll give it a try..Im a newbie with linux tough06:12
Lewixwhere can I download it ?06:13
tony_Hi all! i forgot to ask: any issues specifically with amd64 bit?06:13
apokryphostony_: FAQ06:13
gmccreightLewix: http://www.nvu.com/download.php06:13
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orbinZkillz|Guest: that wired or wireless?06:13
neutrinomassSpec: OK thanks. The g-s-t backends are in Perl and I really don't have the time to learn it all. I haven't talked to upstream about it, but g-s-t needs to be extended for USB ADSL modems and it would be nice to have it in edgy.06:13
tubbiehi, I have wireeless problem. the transfer speed is very slow06:13
Ngtony_: things like browser plugins and multimedia codecs don't tend to work on the amd64 version06:13
Lewixgmccreight, can I see what kind of design you made with it06:13
gnomefreakLewix: sudo apt-get install nvu06:13
airmikeyi trying to , create launcher on desktop for my backup drive...what command do i type to ge to drive06:13
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Ngtony_: there are workarounds though, you can install a 32bit version of firefox, but if you want it to be painless it might be worth going with the 386 version06:14
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Specneutrinomass: what's g-s-t?06:14
tubbiesignal is Bit Rate:11 Mb/s   Sensitivity:1/3 Link Quality=92/92  Signal level=5/153  Noise level=110/15306:14
eXistenZwhat's the default html directory for apache2?06:14
gmccreightLewix: I've never used it! ;)  I code by hand.06:14
apokryphoseXistenZ: /var/www06:14
tubbietransfering at max 35kb/s!06:14
tony_ng: thanks again! ill go for no hassle06:14
Spectubbie: iwconfig <device> rate 54M         (if you have wireless 802.11g)06:14
tubbieSpec, I have 11 mbps wireless06:14
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Lewixgnomefreak, thanks06:14
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eXistenZapokryphos, for each user?06:14
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Specoh, have fun.06:14
gnomefreakyw Lewix06:15
Lewixgmccreight, ya let me see how it looks like06:15
tubbieeven with 11mbps, it should go faster than 350kb/s06:15
zhenredoes anyone run two monitors on ubuntu?06:15
apokryphoseXistenZ: erm, apache by default is per-account, not per-user, so there is no default user apache directory. You'd have to start hacking the configuration.06:15
Huh1Help me please. My display is somewhat screwed up, pushed to the right. so on the left there is a black blank and on the right the display is clipped off. how can I fix that? I've got an nvidia gfx card and I'm running 6.0606:15
gharzguys, what's the command line to view a .png or .jpg files?06:15
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>06:15
gmccreightgnomefreak: Whoops.  Thanks for the correction.06:15
Lewixgmccreight, html or xml ?06:15
gnomefreakHuh1: if you run your mouse off screen to right does it fix it?06:15
farous_zhenre: you need to configure xorg.conf for dual head or xinerama depend what you need06:16
bensodebah I'll just have to deal with the join/part spam ...06:16
Specgharz: xview, if it's installed,06:16
neutrinomassSpec: gnome-system-tools (i.e. most of what's under system->administration - we're interested in the "networking" part, network-admin)06:16
gharzSpec, thanks! i'll try that06:16
gmccreightLewix: xhtml... ;)06:16
eXistenZapokryphos, I used to make public_html directory for a user foo and the address would be
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Lewixgmccreight, lol what's the difference ?06:16
Specneutrinomass: ah, ok, so it doesn't work with usb adsl?, is filing a bug or writing a spec appropriate?06:16
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apokryphoseXistenZ: look into the apache2.conf, it's pretty readable06:16
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gmccreightLewix: It conforms to the well formedness of XML, but it has the standard syntax of HTML.  Like the <body> tag.06:17
gharzSpec, xview is not installed. i tried to apt-get it but it's not available.06:17
bensodeAnyone have any experience  getting dual support screen setup on a laptop?06:17
vodka-monkhi folks06:17
bensodeerrr dual-screen support for laptops that is?06:17
zhenrefarous_: do you know what options I have to change or a tutorial I could go to06:17
orbingharz: eog <file>06:17
Lewixgmccreight, alright06:18
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vodka-monkmy evolution in ubuntu is not abe to connect to exchange06:18
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cypherany one here works with STREAMS ?06:18
Huh1gnomefreak:  no, it doesnt fix the problem06:18
AskHLHey, I've been looking on the forums but haven't found a solution. My computer sometimes (particularly when the wireless has been active) crashes during shutdown while 'deconfiguring network interfaces'. I have the impression that this isn't an entirely unknown issue. Does anyone else have this problem and possibly a solution?06:18
gmccreightLewix: In other words, it's easy to use a validator or parser on.06:18
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gharzorbin, it worked! thanks!06:18
Lewixgmccreight, alright06:18
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Specgharz: apt-get install xloadimage06:19
orbingharz: yw06:19
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neutrinomassSpec: I've already written up a spec and I'm slowly beginning the implementation. There's quite a lot of work to do. A bug report is open against network-admin, but it's not that simple because we have to figure out a way to install the firmware for these devices as well.06:19
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DavidJaqI want to get vmware up and going in Dapper so I can install Windows XP inside of it so I can use those must-have programs that I can't run under linux or find alternatives for... but it has 'vmware-install.pl' and I don't know how to run that to install it06:19
DavidJaqcan someone help me?06:20
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Specneutrinomass: oh....that means on distribution it'll be broken? :)06:20
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cypherdapper has vmware ?06:20
Huh1btw is there something such as Highlighting in gaim?06:20
rdzbensode, it works here. but i used aticonfig which destroyed my xorg.conf06:20
NoUsecypher vmware player06:20
SpecDavidJaq: chmod +x vmware-install.pl;./vmware-install.pl06:20
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aktiwersDavidJaq: Try this guide, worked great for me        http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18320906:20
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usamahi all06:21
ubotussh is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdvancedOpenSSH06:21
SpecDavidJaq: sorry, add a sudo in front of those commands, unless you follow the guide06:21
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usamamy system's sound is not working, can anyone help me. also lspci is not showing any sound device06:22
Linuturkis ssh the best way for remote access?06:22
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SpecLinuturk: yes06:22
Linuturkor should I go vnc since I want a gui?06:22
SpecLinuturk: it's fast, and secure.06:22
AskHLLinuturk, you can use ssh -X ...06:22
SpecLinuturk: It'd be better to forward X11 through ssh06:22
IchigoLinuturk: is the best thing to do for remote access06:22
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Linuturki'll be remote via a windows machine, will that still work?06:22
neutrinomassSpec: lol, hopefully not. It hasn't been approved for edgy yet. It's a mess though (weird firmware licensing, stuff needs to be packaged and a couple of applications should be written).06:22
SpecLinuturk: run cygwin X1106:23
vodka-monkmy evolution in ubuntu is not abe to connect to exchange06:23
SteilIs there a way to get network manager to work with unencrypted networks?06:23
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XVampireXHelp on partitioning06:23
Specneutrinomass: well, you probably can't ship firmware with ubuntu, right?06:23
tubbiehow do u disblae ipv6 networking?06:23
vodka-monkevolution 2.6 doesnt use native evolution connector ?06:23
usamacan anyone help me about that sound problem?06:23
LinuturkSpec, is this guide the most uptodate? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto06:23
Linuturkubuntu 6.0606:23
XVampireXCan anyone help me with partitioning?06:23
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Aragorn_Guardiani am getting ubuntu iso. the alternate is necessary?06:23
XVampireXAragorn_Guardian: no06:23
faroustubbie: check the forums06:23
XVampireXPlease, help me with partitioning06:24
Aragorn_GuardianXVampireX, thanks...06:24
jbirdAngelsynaptic got this error on reloading repositories: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)06:24
jbirdAngel  is this a network problem or should i do somethign to fix it06:24
void^usama: you should give some information about your soundcard at least06:24
Aragorn_Guardianserver is stable too...06:24
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XVampireXI need / and /home and /swap06:24
faroustubbie: there is great howto there06:24
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SpecLinuturk: Yes, except it doesn't tell you how to export X1106:24
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airmikeyis there a command to type in terminal to get to back up drive06:24
vodka-monkmy evolution in ubuntu is not abe to connect to exchange06:24
vodka-monkevolution 2.6 doesnt use native evolution connector ?06:24
Specairmikey: where's the backup drive mounted?06:24
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ubotupartitioning is probably best done using gparted, gparted, or fdisk. You must unmount a disk before it can be partitioned. Use the LiveCD for this.06:24
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Jimmey__Can Gmail accounts be used with Evolution easily?06:25
SpecXVampireX: please don't shout06:25
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Jimmey__Emphasis on easy.06:25
XVampireXSpec: Please help me06:25
SteilJimmey__: yes06:25
SpecXVampireX: i refuse, you shouted. it hurt my feelings :-/06:25
NoUseXVampireX its easier to help when you ask a specific question06:25
airmikeyspec: airmikey/dat106:25
XVampireXI did06:25
Jimmey__Steil, have you set one up before?06:25
JasonLis the kubuntu forum now on the main kubuntu site?06:25
kane77hey guys... do you know of any good online RPG??? (free)06:25
Specairmikey: ?06:25
Jimmey__kane77, sudo apt-cache search rpg06:26
XVampireXI remember in before the desktop cd, in the text mode install06:26
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SteilYou just enable pop on gmail and then I think theres a gmail page that describes how to setup evolution for it06:26
Speckane77: webbased or not? :)06:26
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ooboon2(WW) NVIDIA: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:0) found06:26
ooboon2root@Dapper:/etc/X11# grep BusID xorg.conf06:26
ooboon2        BusID       "PCI:0:5:0"06:26
Jimmey__Steil, okay, thanks.06:26
XVampireXI was able to select what partition everything will be06:26
LinuturkSpec, so I should go with openssh? or should I use the ssh package?06:26
ooboon2.. how can it be?06:26
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .06:26
usamavoid^, i dont know which is the company and what is the model of sound card. i tried lspci but its not showing sound card06:26
SpecLinuturk: openssh06:26
SpecLinuturk: the ssh package is probably a dummy package for openssh06:26
void^usama: is it an old pc?06:26
kane77Spec, what is webbased?06:26
Specalthough i'm not certain06:26
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Speckane77: rpgs that are webpage-based06:26
vodka-monkmy menu editor is not working !!06:26
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kane77Spec, no not web based, then...06:27
LinuturkSpec, no further configuration needed?06:27
NoUseXVampireX ok, you can still do that06:27
AskHLvodka-monk, do you use Xubuntu ?06:27
XVampireXI only have 3 options06:27
Speckane77: I mean, there's lots of ROMs you can use with zsnes/snes9express/gsnes9x, and various other n64/ps emulators06:27
NoUseXVampireX run the installer, it will ask you06:27
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NoUseXVampireX what are your options?06:27
vodka-monkAskHL: No Ubunto06:27
orbinvodka-monk: which menu eiditor? :P06:27
SpecLinuturk: nope, just install it and it'll do it's thing. On windows download a program called "putty", and you can use that to connect06:27
Linuturkright, i know about puttty06:28
XVampireXIt only says 3 things, and I can select only primary partition and extended partition06:28
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Skwid_can i install xgl / compiz if i have an integrated graphics card ?06:28
XVampireXbut there's logical partition06:28
SpecLinuturk: you can forward X11 with putty, but you need an X11 running, so I'd suggest installing cygwin06:28
cdubyaI need to setup a cron job to cp some dirs for backup on a nightly basis, and I was looking at the options for cp and it has the -R option, which I thought would allow me to set it to backup every day at a given time....06:28
vodka-monkI am try to add a custom menu to skype buts it not comming up06:28
Jimmey__Skwid_, what card06:28
kane77Spec, but I'm looking for something that is playable in multiplayer... some MMORPG...06:28
XVampireXbut I can't select logical partition06:28
Skwid_Jimmey__: intel06:28
Speckane77: ah, an MMORPG....i dual-boot to play WoW :-/06:28
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neutrinomassSpec: (sorry for slow responses, I'm writing a couple of e-mails) For some devices you can ship the firmware. For accessrunners the script I have scans the CD that comes with the modem for the windows drivers and uses a firmware extractor to grab the firmware from there ...06:28
Speckane77: i'm a bad, bad person.06:28
cdubyaI thought I had it setup right, but when I tested it the other day, the recursion didn't seem to work......06:28
kane77Spec, :)06:29
Jimmey__Skwid_, I'm pretty sure that XGL and Compiz got some support for the i810s - Do you have one of those?06:29
LinuturkSpec, what ports in my firewall do I need to open?06:29
XVampireXPlease help me with partitioningg06:29
AskHLvodka-monk, hm ok. I didn't even know there was a program for that.06:29
Specneutrinomass: ah, i see06:29
Skwid_Jimmey__: yeah i think so06:29
SpecLinuturk: 2206:29
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orbincdubya: is this a headless box?06:29
neutrinomassSpec: Generally though it's a tricky situation. The worst part is where you are allowed to download the firmware, but not package it so that it gets on the main CD .06:29
SpecLinuturk: you can change that if you want, but default is port:2206:29
cdubyaorbin, nope06:29
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Aragorn_Guardianwhere are ubuntu 6.06 packages??06:29
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neutrinomassSpec: Not to mention that I only have one USB modem, so I'm not sure how the others should be set up :(06:29
Specneutrinomass: if you're allowed to download it, have a pre-install script that downloads it in the package?06:29
Aragorn_Guardian.deb, i wanna say06:29
NoUse!tell Aragorn_Guardian about dapper06:29
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cdubyaorbin, I had setup the job in cron.daily......06:30
Jimmey__Skwid_, follow the links. Hope that helps :)06:30
NoUseAragorn_Guardian what do you need the specific debs for?06:30
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cdubyaorbin, and it copied my first test of just a single folder.....06:30
XVampireXOk, I found how to do a swap, how do I make /home ?06:30
neutrinomassSpec: How are you going to downlaod the script without a working modem ;) ?06:30
cdubyaorbin, but when I went to try the -R option, it didn't seem to work06:30
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Specneutrinomass: ssh, be quiet06:30
Specneutrinomass: it honestly didn't cross my mind :-/, damn, that does suck.06:30
Aragorn_Guardianonly to see where synaptic will look for...06:30
torstein_hey guys!06:31
NoUseXVampireX http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/partitions-booting.html06:31
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Spectorstein_: heya06:31
Skwid_Jimmey__: links ? where ? :)06:31
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torstein_voav, this is my first time trying IRC06:31
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torstein_I didn't know it was this easy to set up06:31
gharzguys, how do i delete a directory even if it's not empty?06:31
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Speci was gonna say, it's pretty easy torstein_06:31
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Skwid_Jimmey__: oh, just got em06:31
orbincdubya: what's the cp command you're using?06:31
Spectorstein_: you just type stuff, and magically stuff appears on the screen, it's pretty cool06:31
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=== Aesop facedesks
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Jimmey__Skwid_ :-P06:32
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torstein_Spec: hehe :) It appears so06:32
AesopEver get one of those times where you FINALLY got something to work, and then broke it again within the hour?06:32
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cdubyaorbin cp -R /home/user/dirs_we_want/ /media/SEA_DISK06:32
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gavagaimy install has been a nightmare.  the previous owner of this computer said warty recognized all the hardware.  if i install warty and upgrade, will the hardware continue to work, or will i just end up with the same problems after upgrading to the current version?06:32
cdubyaorbin, that was how the man page read I thought.....06:32
Jimmey__Aesop - Every other day. I've re-installed Dapper about 4 times. I'll not even start talking about Breezy..06:33
Shaezscheif ubuntu is so great why cant it recognize that my proc is a pentium M. even kanotix does that!06:33
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Geoffrey2I just did a complete reinstall of ubuntu, and I'm noticing that I can't access some of the packages that I could previously, but as far as I can tell, I have all the available sources selected06:33
cosoccan someone help me disable the tap to click function of my touchpad?06:33
NoUseShaezsche regognize as in.. what?06:33
Jimmey__Shaezsche: What's the problem?06:33
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Jimmey__NoUse, please let me solve this one :(06:33
SpecShaezsche: cat /proc/cpuinfo, what's it say?06:33
AesopJimmey__, Sometimes I jsut want to give up, neh?06:33
apokryphosGeoffrey2: example?06:33
Jimmey__Aesop, installing Linux is fun :)06:34
Shaezschespec, not sure im on winxp atm, because ubuntu doesnt recognize my modem06:34
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Specwhat type of modem?06:34
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Shaezschethe hsfdrivers from linuxant dont work either06:34
ubotuhmm... winmodem is See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto for instructions on setting up your modem (including winmodems). Additional info can be found at http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/06:34
Shaezschethat faq does NOT help either06:34
Specwell, too bad, i didn't buy a winmodem ;)06:34
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AesopJimmey__, Well, my Breezy was so hacked up... I spent about 10 hours yesterday getting the Dapper upgrade to install. Nice things about external RAIDS is that it makes it REALLY easy to restore files after wiping the HDD.06:34
cosoccan someone help me disable the tap to click function of my touchpad?06:35
ubotuSpec: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:35
torstein_Guys, just a tip: Never do a $ sudo dist-upgrade ! That's how I upgraded from Breezy to Dapper, and I've experienced a loit of irritating problems like packages that won't install etc.06:35
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NoUsetorstein_ I did that last night, no prob06:36
AesopHey, what's a good WYSIWYG HTML editor? I need to pop out a website fast and it doesn't need to work well, it just needs to look pretty =P06:36
XiXaQwhat does it mean when Firestarter's icon in the tray is a blinking lightning?06:36
ubotucosoc: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:36
NoUsetorstein_ have you used anything like automatix?06:36
edneymatiastorstein: i did it too....and it's ok!06:36
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SurfnKidwell my stupid router is the problem06:36
Jimmey__XiXaQ, it's blocking a connection. Click on the "events" tab,  in firestarter.06:36
julian_how can i upgrade from breezy to dapper?06:36
tkupany horror stories for those moving away from breezy to drap?06:36
SurfnKidgnomefreak: I got it man06:36
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)06:36
torstein_NoUse, yea, I used Automatix on Breezy before the upgrade.06:36
NoUsetorstein_ thats why06:37
NoUsetorstein_ automatix breaks systems06:37
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SurfnKidgnomefreak: i assume its beccause im behind the router, so Im now directly on the modem06:37
SurfnKidgnomefreak: now i can apt-get fine :)06:37
julian_thank u06:37
ijeffhow can I install MPEG video support?06:37
ubotuwell, touchpad is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo06:37
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cdubyaumm, I didn't use Automatix before any upgrade and did a dist-upgrade and just yesterday finally was able to get this system working on Dapper.....I won't do that again.06:37
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torstein_NoUse: What do you know hehe, guess I better do a reinstallation then06:37
SpecAutomatix is a good way to break your system.06:38
cdubyamy experience sounds much the same as torstein_06:38
airmikeywhats the command to open my harddrive06:38
Spechighly effecient06:38
NoUsetorstein_ I've never used automatix so I don't know how to recover from it06:38
livevilHi guys, IT's one week I'm trying to share folder in my local area network my folders. there are other two users, using winXP. I've tried to follow the wiki, I've readed the howto and answered in the forum, but noone could help me to resolve the problem with samba. Anyway, from the winXP computer I can see the ubuntu server, but I can't explore it, saying I've no permission. From ubuntu resource - net server I see windows network,06:38
livevil but when I double click, I can't see the other user. Please someone help me06:38
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NoUsecdubya did you manaullly install any debs?06:38
Speclivevil: how are you doing authentication in samba?06:38
ijeffanyone know how can I install MPEG video support?06:38
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ubotuSpec: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:39
torstein_NoUse: What kind of a printer are you using? Canon? *hoping*06:39
ubotuwell, restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats06:39
cdubyaNoUse, man, I've installed, reinstalled, purged and FINALLY got this thing to work with DVD playback after much frustration got it working.....using xine06:39
NoUse!tell ijeff about restricted06:39
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NoUsetorstein_ HP06:39
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Speccdubya: try vlc as well,06:39
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livevilspec I haven't set a password06:39
Jemt_Ok, this is just TO much now. In 3 days, Dapper has frozen completely 5 times!! All I can do is turn of my computer - I lose data every time. Can anyone help me? At least with some debugging so I can find ie error messages from the kernel or what ever, so I can file a bug ?06:39
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cdubyaSpec, wouldn't work a likc06:39
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FrogzooJemt_: which vid card u using?06:40
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cdubyavlc always worked before, as did totem, but nothing worked...did the upgrade and everything was busted06:40
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Jemt_Frogzoo: ATI Radeon Mobility M6 (default drivers)06:40
cdubyalivevil, so what all have you tried?06:40
livevilspec[ global ] 06:40
livevil  workgroup = casa06:40
livevil  netbios name = maurizio06:40
livevil[folder] 06:40
livevil  comment = cartella pubblica06:40
livevil  path = /home/folder06:40
Speccdubya: damn06:40
livevil  public = yes06:40
tkupJimmey__, I didn't ask about a tutorial to upgrade from breezy to drapper06:40
livevil  writable = yes06:40
livevil  create mask = 077706:40
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .06:40
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .06:40
livevil  directory mask = 077706:40
roicowhn i use free -m, it tells me i have no swap, although i have "/dev/hda3       none            swap    sw              0       0" on my fstab06:40
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livevil  force user = nobody06:40
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livevil  force group = nogroup06:40
Specplease don't pate here....06:40
livevilavailable = yes06:40
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cdubyaSpec, it was frustrating to say the least06:40
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Specor you'll get kicked....06:40
Speclike that....06:40
Hajuuhey guys! I just completed a dist-upgrade... and now I have no shells in my menu in fluxbox even though xterm is installed... Anyone got any ideas?06:41
torstein_NoUse: hmm, I'm using a Canon i850, and have experienced some major problems getting it to actually print in Dapper. That's why I chose to upgrade from Breezy, because it setting it up there was much easier. Anybody else experiencing problems with printers in Dapper Drake?06:41
Jemt_Frogzoo: Is it a known issue with ATI ?06:41
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cdubyaumm, livevil, you did create the users on your samba setup using smbpasswd, yes?06:41
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airmikeyhow do i open up backup drive threw terminal06:41
Jemt_Frogzoo: It is SO frustrating. I'm crazy about Dapper. It is great. But I haft to downgrade to Breezy if the problem cannot be solved06:41
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NoUseJemt_ when you say default drivesr, do you mean the binary ATI drivesr from synaptic?06:42
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Jemt_NoUse: I mean what ever Ubuntu installed for me :)06:42
zhenreare there any dual head tutorials for ubuntu06:42
Jemt_NoUse: I havn't changed any drivers myself06:42
Concord_Dawnzhenre: You mean dual monitors?06:42
zhenreor would someone help me edit my xorg.conf file06:42
_stevHow do I mount my zen micro in ubuntu?06:42
NoUseJemt_ ok06:43
rocky_i cant get "sudo apt-get install qsynatics" to work.  it says it cant find the package06:43
rocky_and ideas?06:43
Specwho asked for dual head?06:43
zhenrewell really I'd be happy to just to get a single DVI monitor06:43
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Speczhenre: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaHowTo?action=show&redirect=DualHead06:43
torstein_Hmmm, I guess I'm the only one then, witgh Canon i850 problems in Dapper? Gotta be a logic explanation to it06:43
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judahrocky_: you forgot a p06:43
judahqsynaptics - A QT application to configure Synaptic TouchPad06:43
roicowhn i use free -m, it tells me i have no swap, although i have "/dev/hda3       none            swap    sw              0       0" on my fstab06:43
Jemt_rocky_: The package dosn't exist in repositories (universe nor multiverse)06:44
SpecSeveas: heya, we're against automatix, right?06:44
FrogzooJemt_: does this radeon have a model number other than M6? eg 9700 or such?06:44
Jemt_rocky_: You probably mis-spelled it06:44
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rocky_i cant get "sudo apt-get install qsynaptics" to work.  it says it cant find the package06:44
apokryphosSpec: yes06:44
Hajuuhey guys! I just completed a dist-upgrade... and now I have no shells in my menu in fluxbox even though xterm is installed... Anyone got any ideas?06:44
NoUseJemt_ I have an idea let me just find a good link for you06:44
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.06:44
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Specthat should be changed then06:44
SeveasSpec, no06:44
Jemt_Frogzoo: Don't think so - but let me see what the Device Manager says06:44
ubotufrom memory, fluxbox is a lightweight window manager.  Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox.  More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net06:44
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Specno? we like people breaking their systems?06:44
Jemt_NoUse: Thanks :)06:44
SeveasSpec, pm06:44
Concord_DawnWhat WM does Ubuntu come with06:44
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apokryphosConcord_Dawn: metacity06:44
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cdubyarocky_, do you have universe and multiverse enabled?06:45
SpecConcord_Dawn: Gnome06:45
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NoUseJemt_ when you boot dapper, you see a prompt like "press esc for boot menu", hit esc to bring up the menu, then hit 'e' to edit the boot parms for your default kernel06:45
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cdubyaany cron pros here?06:45
apokryphosthat's the desktop environment06:45
opitwinI was wondering if Ubuntu can ship me a copy of Ubuntu Server Edition?06:45
Concord_DawnOh, I thought WM and DE were different things...06:45
_stevdoes anyone know how to get a sort of ipod running under ubuntu?06:45
Jemt_Frogzoo: This is what Device Manager displays : "Radeon Mobility M6 LY"06:45
apokryphosthe window manager gnome uses is metacity06:45
NoUseselect the line starting with 'kenrel' and hit 'e' again06:45
Jemt_Frogzoo: Maybe 'dmesg' displays more. Give me a sec06:45
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lime4x4is php5-mysql available?06:45
rocky_cdubya - im not sure.  what does that mean?06:45
almuleoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee estays aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii06:45
Jemt_NoUse: Ok06:45
apokryphosConcord_Dawn: they are06:45
Spec_stev: yes06:45
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apokryphosalmuleon: please stop06:45
cdubyalime4x4, in Dapper it's installed06:45
NoUseJemt_  add 'acpi=off' and hit enter and the 'b' to boot06:46
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Spec_stev: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=ipod&titlesearch=Titles06:46
apokryphos_stev: /msg ubotu ipod06:46
torstein_bye guys! Nice chatting with you, see you again soon. btw, I'll be registering at the ubuntuforums.org-page. I might see you there :)06:46
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Jemt_NoUse: But.. won't that disable Advanced Power Management?06:46
Jemt_NoUse: I didn't have any problems in Breezy06:46
Concord_DawnFluxbox looks like it's nice for old computers.06:46
=== livevil [n=maurizio@host88-53.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
cdubyarocky_, are you using synaptic?06:46
sirius--> Does anyone know how to set up Citrix ICA Client on Ubuntu ??06:46
lime4x4running the latest version of kubuntu but when i try to go to phpmyadmin i get a mqsql socket error06:46
FrogzooJemt_: nothing to lose by trying the fglrx drivers, give us a sec to check ati's site...06:46
Concord_DawnBut I've heard a lot about enlightenment.06:46
ubotusomebody said enlightenment was http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7915506:47
NoUseJemt_ just an idea06:47
rocky_he package manager?  i am using apt-get06:47
opitwinCan Ubuntu send me a copy of Ubuntu Server Edition06:47
Seveasopitwin, no06:47
Jemt_Frogzoo: Ok, thanks. 'dmesg' wasn't helpful either06:47
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cdubyarocky_, so you're doing it in a shell?06:47
opitwinthank you,06:47
sirius--> Does anyone know how to set up Citrix ICA Client on Ubuntu ??06:47
Some_PersonI found an error log file! thank god06:47
cdubyarocky_, k.06:47
Jemt_NoUse: Ok, I'll give it a try next time i reboot - thanks alot! :)06:47
judahsirius: rdestop will work for you06:47
ubotucitrix is probably http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8539806:47
Some_PersonI cant login to ubuntu!06:47
judahsirius: and there is a citrix client for linux.06:47
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judahsirius: rdesktop06:48
lime4x4the last time that happened it was due to the fact of not having php-mysql installed06:48
dropdriveDoes anyone know where Ubuntu CDs are shipped from?06:48
Zkillz|GuestAnyone got any clues of how to get a intel pro e1000 network card to work?06:48
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Scorpmoonhow do I make apps only minimize to notification area not task bar?06:48
cdubyarocky_, can you open synaptic.....it may be easier that way06:48
AesopHey all, trying to start a game (SecondLife) using WINE, had it working yesterday, now (after a system reboot) I get a 'X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)" error06:48
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AesopAnyone know what causes this?06:48
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Some_PersonI can't login to GDM, contents of .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1531206:49
opitwinCan Ubuntu send me a copy of Xubuntu06:49
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Specdropdrive: shipit06:49
cdubyarocky_, you on Dapper?06:49
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Specopitwin: just install with 'server', then do apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:49
dropdriveSpec: I mean, where in the world...06:49
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ooboon2Help. What is the name of the default mouse driver in xorg.conf?06:49
Some_Personwat do i do?06:49
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NoUseopitwin I'm not sure they do xubuntu shipit06:49
Specdropdrive: what do you mean?06:49
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cdubyarocky_, in synaptic, go to Settings > Repositories06:49
Aesopooboon2, 'mouse'06:49
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)06:49
dropdriveSpec: mine just shipped and I'm trying to estimate how long they'll take to get here06:49
opitwinCan you check?06:49
jendaUbuntu Dapper crashes occassionally for absolutely no obvious reason. X simply disappears and reappears on tty8! When I switch to tty7, all I see is an error message about X being disabled and restarting it when GDM is configured correctly. Below that is a note: ***glibc detected***corrupted double linked list: 0x0something*** Could anyone give me a push the right way?06:49
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ooboon2Aesop, 10x06:50
Specdropdrive: ohh, i think africa maybe, i heard that once06:50
opitwinI have a very slow internet connection06:50
Some_PersonI can't login to GDM, contents of .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1531206:50
cdubyaClick on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Binary) and click Edit06:50
Concord_DawnIs Englightenment suitable for a system with 128MB RAM?06:50
Hajuuhey guys! I just completed a dist-upgrade... and now I have no shells in my menu in fluxbox even though xterm is installed... Anyone got any ideas?06:50
cdubyarocky_, you get that?06:50
livevilsorry, I didn't know that I couldn't write so much lines!!!!!06:50
NoUseopitwin no they don't06:50
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dropdriveHajuu: you can manually put whatever you want in your fluxbox menu06:50
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rocky_which one, i have 206:51
Zkillz|GuestAnyone know how to get a intel pro e1000 network card to work? please...06:51
opitwinThank You06:51
TobberothIf I use an ubuntu program to write to my iPod, will iTunes get mad an reject it in windows later?06:51
roicowhn i use free -m, it tells me i have no swap, although i have "/dev/hda3       none            swap    sw              0       0" on my fstab06:51
Some_Personhelp me plz plz plz i dont wanna reinstall06:51
cdubyalivevil, did you add the users for samba using smbpasswd, by chance?06:51
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dropdriveSpec: thanks06:51
Jemt_Concord_Dawn: Enlightenment is not a lightweight VM - but it should run on 128 MB RAM06:51
Hajuudropdrive: how :D06:51
cdubyarocky_, the one that says Binary after it06:51
Specdropdrive: i could be wrong though .... :p06:51
rocky_i have 206:51
Frogzoojenda: how odd: even ATIs site doesn't mention the card: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.25.18.html#179398 - still, give the fglrx driver a try06:51
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dropdriveHajuu: you have to edit ~/.fluxbox/menu06:51
rocky_one is checked, one is not06:51
SpecConcord_Dawn: if you want a really light WM that doesn't suck too much, I suggest IceWM06:51
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LiteHeddedi have a laptop06:51
cdubyarocky_, the one that is checked06:51
SpecLiteHedded: me too06:52
livevilcdubya I don't06:52
livevilI didn't06:52
LiteHeddedif I want to remove the cd and insert the floppy drive will i have to do anything special??06:52
FrogzooLiteHedded: nice for u :D06:52
Speclivevil: oh, yeah, btw, don't paste in this channel ^.~06:52
zhenreis there anyway to have ubuntu autodetect a dvi monitor...it just doesn't seem to work06:52
judahZkillz|Guest: sudo modprobe e100006:52
cdubyalivevil, that's prolly all you need to do.....06:52
Jemt_Frogzoo: That is weird indeed. Well, I'll give the fglrx driver a try. Thanks alot - appriciate it :)06:52
cdubyaif you have the shares setup right.06:52
opitwinjoin #xubuntu06:52
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cdubyalivevil, smbpasswd -a user06:52
Some_PersonFor ATI/nVidia cards that show the infamous "Cannot start X server", try the VESA driver (included in ubuntu)06:52
_stevSpec: the problem is, that I can't mount my zen micro...I've tried sudo mount /dev/sda1 to 6...won't work06:52
judahZkillz|Guest: make sure the e1000 module is being loaded.06:52
cdubyathen give them a passwd, make sure samba is running and try to connect06:52
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judahZkillz|Guest: lsmod, modprobe, rmmod are your friends.06:53
cdubyarocky_, you get that?06:53
Spec_stev: can you patebin the output of:   sudo fdisk -l06:53
rocky_yeah im there06:53
Zkillz|Guestjudah, I did modprobe e100006:53
Spec_stev: pastebin* at that06:53
Zkillz|Guestbut nothing happened, not working at all...06:53
Some_PersonI can't login to GDM, contents of .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1531206:53
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Zkillz|Guestbeen trying for 4 hours..06:53
FrogzooLiteHedded: probly just unmounting should be sufficient06:53
cdubyarocky_, click on edit and then check the boxes that say universe and multiverse, then click ok.06:53
judahZkillz|Guest: did you configure the device?06:53
livevilcdubya, I have to write it in smb.conf, or I just have to edit the command?06:53
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cdubyalivevil, open a shell, and one by one, add the users at the command line using that command06:54
judahZkillz|Guest: in like network-admin or manually in /etc/network/interfaces?06:54
Concord_DawnIceWM runs on WINDOWS?06:54
SpecConcord_Dawn: no06:54
Specnot that i know of06:54
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Zkillz|Guestjudah, I use ubuntu server ,and i did that in ~ dir.06:54
Some_PersonI can't login to GDM, contents of .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1531206:54
siofwolvesare network-manager and network-manager-gnome the same ? I can get network-manager to run using nm-applet in the terminal, but I need network-manager-gnome to see if it can access my WPA wi-fi06:54
Specdamn, i gotta try that06:54
judahZkillz|Guest: did what?06:54
cdubyarocky_, then let it download what it wants, then recheck for qsynaptics, because it shows up in an apt-cache search for me06:54
Zkillz|Guestjudah, the modprobe e1000 command in 06:54
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Zkillz|Guest~ *06:54
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Concord_DawnSpec: I'm looking to replace my shitty explorer shell for Windoze.06:55
Concord_DawnKnow any good ones?06:55
FrogzooJemt_: turns out your radeon predates the 8500 - so the fglrx driver won't work :(06:55
SpecConcord_Dawn: enlightenment, Ubuntu.06:55
Zkillz|Guestbrb smoke judah, i'll be RIGHT back. I badly need help with this. If you would be nice enough to help me in #zkillz.bla i'd be highly appriciated.06:55
Concord_DawnAnd I've tried Litestep. Me no likies.06:55
judahZkillz|Guest: it doesn't matter where you run the command.06:55
Specjoin #offtopic for a continued discussion :p06:55
Specor ubuntu-offtopic06:55
Zkillz|Guestjudah, could you join that chan?06:55
judahZkillz|Guest: but after you run the command and have proven that the module has loaded you still have to configure the device.06:55
Zkillz|GuestSpec, lots of spam :D06:55
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Jemt_Frogzoo: Oh, ok :(06:55
Zkillz|Guestjudah, how do i do that ?06:55
dropdriveHajuu: any luck?06:55
Some_PersonI can't login to GDM, contents of .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1531206:55
Jemt_Frogzoo: What a shame. Then I haft to go back to Breezy or find another distro :(06:56
FrogzooJemt_: maybe try tinkering with xorg.conf - eg: http://five.pairlist.net/pipermail/linux-laptop/2002-July/000537.html06:56
Jemt_Frogzoo: Checking06:56
cdubyarocky_, that work?06:56
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rocky_waiting for it to reload06:56
rocky_old computer06:56
judahZkillz|Guest: look at the /etc/network/interfaces file06:56
bluefoxicyubotu: audacity?06:56
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, bluefoxicy06:56
judahZkillz|Guest: also the commands ifconfig , ifup , ifdown06:56
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Concord_Dawnbluefoxicy: You're looking for Audacity? http://audacity.sourceforge.net06:57
Some_Personwhy wont anyone help me?06:57
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Jemt_Frogzoo: Almost a shame to go back to VESA. But fortunately, I don't need hardware accelleration - so I guess that solution would be ok. I'll give it a try :)06:57
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Concord_DawnSome_Person: Have you tried editing your conf?06:57
bluefoxicyConcord_Dawn:  current dapper audacity is using wxwidgets with gtk+1.206:57
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Concord_DawnAnd disabling asound?06:57
Some_Personwhich file (i'm noob at linux)06:57
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bluefoxicyConcord_Dawn: someone needs to relink it to use the new wxwidgets :O06:57
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jorgpwhat is a good video editing package? kinda like audacity but for video06:57
Concord_Dawnbluefoxicy: Mail the audacity devs or use the precompiled binaries.06:58
cdubyaI'm out for a bit....have a good day, all.06:58
Hajuudropdrive: what line do I need to add to my menu list? just [exec]  (Xterm) {/usr/bin/xterm} <> ?06:58
livevilcdubya can I send you the error message that appeared in my terminal after editing command?06:58
judahZkillz|Guest: also use the output of lsmod to determine if the driver is loaded. lsmod , modprobe , rmmod .. good commands.06:58
livevilIn private06:58
cdubyalivevil, you can06:58
opitwinI have a computer that Ubuntu 5.10 will not install on but 5.04 will.  I can't figure it out.06:58
Jemt_Frogzoo: Oh, dinner is on the table. I'll keep you updated on progress in about 20 minutes :)06:58
Some_PersonConcord_Dawn: exactly what file do I edit?06:58
bluefoxicyConcord_Dawn:  Hmm?  No I mean I asked, it's actually supposed to work with 2.0, ubuntu's is just built against the wrong wxWidgets lib :>06:58
Concord_Dawnopitwin: I've had the same problem.06:58
Frogzoocheers Jemt_ - can't say I'll be around, but good luck06:59
cdubyalivevil, as long as it's right now....because I need to get going soon06:59
Jemt_opitwin: Try Ubuntu 6.0606:59
_stevSpec: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1531306:59
Concord_Dawnopitwin: Just instal 5.04 and do a dist-upgrade.06:59
crimsunbluefoxicy: ..."wrong"?06:59
judahZkillz|Guest: /etc/modules  might be a good file to check out for getting the driver to auto load.06:59
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Jemt_Frogzoo: Ok, thanks :)06:59
Concord_Dawncrimsun: "old".06:59
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BSDinuxi dist-upgraded to dapper and it's a pain getting things working again... at least i can start gnome now. but audio devices are not found, neither does tvcard, nvidia can't be configured, i get a strange error on startup about pcmcia devices not being initialized (it's a desktop...)... :-( is there a dist-downgrade option?06:59
Concord_DawnSome_Person: your xorg.conf I believe. Can't remember where it is though.06:59
crimsunConcord_Dawn: does it reliably break existing installs?06:59
=== judah -> seacrest out
roicowhn i use free -m, it tells me i have no swap, although i have "/dev/hda3       none            swap    sw              0       0" on my fstab06:59
MikkelRevCan anyone help getting sound in ubuntu? I get errormsg that it cant connect to the sound server. I've tried ESD, ALSA and OSS06:59
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Some_Personwell, where is xorg.conf?06:59
bluefoxicycrimsun:  this was according to the wxWidgets guys, not the audacity guys.  it doesn't break, it just uses gtk 1.206:59
opitwinConcord_Dawn:  I tried, but it will not upgrade06:59
bluefoxicycrimsun:  It's universe anyway06:59
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dropdriveHajuu: I have "[exec]     (xterm) {xterm}" (without quotes)06:59
Frogzooroico: swapon -s   gives....?06:59
cdubyaSome_Person ^06:59
ubotuSome_Person: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:00
cdubyaSome_Person, /etc/X1107:00
Concord_Dawnopitwin: Try installing Ubuntu 6.0607:00
crimsunbluefoxicy: right, that would be a wishlist bug. Does upstream recommend using gtk2?07:00
dropdriveHajuu: you might have to restart Fluxbox for the changes to take effect (but I don't think so)07:00
roicoFrogzoo: nothing...07:00
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bluefoxicycrimsun:  I don't particularly want GTK 1.2 installed, anymore than I want Qt or FLTK installed.07:00
Concord_DawnSome_Person: /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:00
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Hajuudropdrive: my file says its an automatically generated file and I shouldnt edit it...07:00
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Frogzooroico: cool - so you actually have no swap - maybe you'd like to configure some...07:00
Concord_Dawnbluefoxicy: Welcome to the world of dependancies.07:00
bluefoxicycrimsun:  I don't know what upstream recommends.  It's wxWidgets, the underlying tool kit shouldn't matter to the application07:00
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opitwinConcord_Dawn:  I will try, but I still have to wait for my copy to come in the mail.07:00
freddyubuntuHEY GUYS ! is there any way to watch World Cup Online ? (I am NOT in the UK)07:01
opitwinConcord_Dawn: Right now I am running Ubuntu 5.10 on Live CD.07:01
Concord_Dawnopitwin: Torrents ftw.07:01
crimsunbluefoxicy: except with the wxwindows/wxwidgets split, we revisit the whole locales-handling cruft.07:01
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freddyubuntuplease answer if u know07:01
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roicoFrogzoo: i have a partition formated as swap, and the ""/dev/hda3       none            swap    sw              0       0", what else should i do?07:01
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Frogzoo!tell opitwin about torrents07:01
sugarhigh4242is there any good programs for creating a screencast?07:01
siofwolveswhere abouts are you freddyubuntu ?07:01
Frogzooroico: you DEAD sure there's no useful data on /dev/hda3  ???07:01
opitwinConcord_Dawn: I can't download it here, it would take a year07:01
wezzerhi there07:01
Spec_stev: What does `sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda` return? And what's `sudo fdisk -l /dev/sg0` say?07:01
sugarhigh4242i have istanbul, but it doesn't seem to work07:02
Concord_Dawnopitwin: Campus net?07:02
wezzerI didn't configure any swapdrive while installing ubuntu07:02
wezzerbut now I would like to do it07:02
bluefoxicycrimsun:  You want a wishlist bug?  Rewrite the Audacity plug-ins for clearing pops and clicks as gstreamer pipelines, and get soundjuicer to clean up old, wonky CDs ;)07:02
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roicoFrogzoo: yep...07:02
Concord_Dawnwezzer: parted.07:02
freddyubuntui am in iran07:02
Concord_Dawn!tell wezzer about parted07:02
opitwinFrogzoo:  I have a very slow connection07:02
bluefoxicycrimsun:  (i.e. what I'm currently doing with audacity)07:02
opitwinConcord_Dawn:  I am at home07:02
Specinstead of repartitioning you could just use a swapfile....07:02
Frogzooroico: ok, at your peril, we'll make the swapfs   -  'sudo mkswap /dev/hda3'07:02
opitwinFrogzoo:  What is a torrent?07:02
Frogzooopitwin: :(07:02
freddyubuntucan u give me a site which I can see the openning of the world cup games?07:02
=== bluefoxicy is looking for an alternative since audacity doesn't natively handle FLAC and so isn't preserving tags >:|
livevilcdubya, I've pasted the error message07:02
crimsunbluefoxicy: Or bounty it.07:02
cdubyalivevil, where?07:03
bluefoxicycrimsun: When I'm a billionair.  :>07:03
livevilin the private box07:03
wezzerConcord_Dawn: well I do have one partition for swap already. I made it with cfdisk07:03
roicoSetting up swapspace version 1, size = 1003479 kB07:03
roicono label, UUID=c7d5975e-28c1-42f9-91e2-2a79bca52fab07:03
crimsunupstream (Debian) isn't using wxwidgets yet, so I'm disinclined to change the b-ds07:03
bluefoxicycrimsun:  ah07:03
cdubyaumm, heh, which private box are you using?07:03
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opitwinConcord_Dawn: What is a torrent?07:03
NoUsefreddyubuntu we deal with ubuntu support releated questions here, you should probably ask in #ubuntu-offtopic07:03
dropdriveHajuu: whoa...I guess you should follow their instructions then!07:03
Frogzooopitwin: bit torrent is a way of filesharing across multiple computers07:03
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livevilI've clicked on your nick and a windows was opened07:04
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_stevSpec: they don't say anything :-)07:04
Hajuudropdrive: just thinkin there might be some kinda config app07:04
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livevilfrom clients lists07:04
cdubyalivevil, I didn't get anything.....07:04
livevilI'll try again, wait a second07:04
Spec_stev: hmm, well, it seemed to detect it according to dmesg07:04
freddyubuntuNoUse I tried to ask a ubuntu question...but nobody replied me07:04
roicoFrogzoo:Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1003479 kB07:04
opitwinFrogzoo:  My internet connection is only at 26.4 Kbps07:04
freddyubuntuI asked ppl how to setup my TV Tuner07:04
roicoFrogzoo: no label, UUID=c7d5975e-28c1-42f9-91e2-2a79bca52fab07:04
freddyubuntunobody helpt me07:04
Concord_Dawnbbl everyone07:04
Spec_stev: it also said something about upgrading your sd driver.....so, i don't know what to suggest, sorry :-/, perhaps someone else can help you07:04
roicoFrogzoo: and still no swap...07:04
Frogzooroico: now 'sudo swapon /dev/hda3 ;  swapon -s'07:05
NoUsefreddyubuntu maybe noone knew about tv tuners, have you looked in ubuntu forums?07:05
livevilcdubya, done07:05
dropdriveHajuu: yeah, not sure...I use fluxbox and haven't come across anything07:05
freddyubuntuyeah I have posted in the forums07:05
freddyubuntunobody replied me07:05
freddyubuntuand only 4 ppl VIEWED my post07:05
bluefoxicycrimsun:  according to #wxwidgets you can pass a command line parameter to wxwindows 2.4 to make it use GTK+ 2.0.. perhaps it would be possible to figure a way to compile wxWindows wxGtk 2.4 without GTK+ 1.2 support?07:05
cdubyalivevil, I'm still not getting anything.....I can open a dialog window for you, but are you getting anything...?07:05
Hajuudropdrive:  I cant even think why its not in there :/07:05
existenz_What might prevent users from getting into my webserver? I forwarded port 80 to my computer07:05
roicook, the swap is on now... but is it gonna be on when i restart too?07:05
rocky_ok, i got that installed, but when i run qsynaptics it says Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?07:06
NoUsefreddyubuntu is the tuner card in the machine?07:06
roicoFrogzoo: ok, the swap is on now... but is it gonna be on when i restart too?07:06
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freddyubuntumy tv tuner is PCI07:06
freddyubuntuit is phiplips saa713007:06
NoUsefreddyubuntu ok, install tvtime 'sudo aptitude install tvtime'07:06
Frogzooroico: the fstab looks good, so 99% likely yes07:06
crimsunbluefoxicy: please file a wishlist bug against wxwindows2.4 and assign it to me07:06
Tenshilol ... http://humorix.org/articles/2006/06/hurd/07:06
snoopsHey guys - how can I choose the resolution on rdesktop?07:06
freddyubuntui have installed tvtime07:06
_stevSpec: no prob, thanks for your help anyway07:06
freddyubuntuit doenst help07:06
g-nomewhat was the command to see fps? glxgears [???]  ?07:06
wezzerConcord_Dawn: http://antti.homeunix.net/~antti/Screenshot.png07:06
snoopsthis default is killing me!07:06
bluefoxicycrimsun:  nod.  I'll gather a little more information first.07:06
NoUsefreddyubuntu oh, the only tv cards I ever used worked out of the box07:07
sugarhigh4242is there any good programs for creating a screencast?07:07
freddyubuntutake a look at this07:07
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wezzerConcord_Dawn: is it right type and size?07:07
freddyubuntuI had once made my Card WORK07:07
Frogzoofreddyubuntu: your IQ score just dropped 20 points .... :007:07
freddyubuntubut now it doensnt07:07
cdubyalivevil, what's the error?07:07
g-nomewhat was the command to see fps? glxgears [???]  ?07:07
freddyubuntuwhy Frogzoo ?07:07
roicoFrogzoo: than why did it happen? anyway, ill restart in some minutes and will let u know if happens again...07:07
Frogzoofreddyubuntu: (tvtime)07:07
bluefoxicycrimsun:  I just don't want GTK 1.2 to be force installed if it doesn't have to be.07:07
livevilcdubya "Failed to modify password entry for user pentium4"07:08
Frogzooroico: you didn't have the swapfs on the partition07:08
cdubyalivevil, just a sec07:08
MikkelRevCan anyone help getting sound in ubuntu? I get errormsg that it cant connect to the sound server. I've tried ESD, ALSA and OSS07:08
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crimsunbluefoxicy: yes, I understand that. "It's ugly" is the most common complaint.07:08
snoopsAlso when I try to play an mp3 I was told I don't have a decoder for it and I need to install the necessary plugins - which plugins?07:08
i3dmasterwhen I use apt-show-version -u |grep upgradeable, I saw a bunch of upgradeable packages, but if I do 'apt-get upgrade', it is not upgrading those packages... what's the problem?07:08
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Administrator_MikkelRev, try Arts07:08
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cello_raspi ahev a single athlon processor and i want to change the current kernel on my system from 386 to k7. Using SPM, should I remove linux-386 and linux-image-386 and install linux-k7 and linux-image-k7?07:09
cello_raspor is this risky07:09
cypheri have a problem with ndiswrappers .. when i do modprobe ndiswrapper it is not loading the drivers07:09
freddyubunturead this plz07:09
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troy_scello:  should be fine.07:09
jgalvezhi, is there any reason i would want to burn a dvd ubuntu .iso instead of a cd?07:09
roicoFrogzoo: what do u mean? when i installed ubuntu i checked that partition as swap, what did i do wrong?07:09
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MikkelRevAdministrator_: whats Arts?07:09
troy_scello:  if you simply add that kernel image, you will retain the old one.07:09
cdubyalivevil, try sudo smbpasswd -a user07:09
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Administrator_MikkelRev, another sound daemon (mostly for KDE) but give it try it might work its in the repos07:10
OMGLAZERSAnyone know a free burning program for Mac so I could burn the ISO for 6.06 ?07:10
opitwinFrogzoo: Where can I get Bit Torrent?07:10
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cello_rasptroy_s: is ok to remove the 386 packages then?07:10
cdubyaOMGLAZERS, BurnX Free07:10
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cdubyaOMGLAZERS, HernanSoft.com methinks07:10
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OMGLAZERSopitwin: Bittorrent is pretty much available wherever. Google it, and you can easily find a program for it07:10
g-nomewhat was the command to see fps? glxgears [???]  ?07:10
Frogzoo!tell opitwin about azureus - also 'apt-cache search rtorrent'07:11
gilligan_hm, using the alternative install-cd is it possible to use an existing LVM partition layout so that I can install over root but keep my /home partition ?07:11
cypherubotu ndiswrappers07:11
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, cypher07:11
Frogzoo!tell opitwin about azureus07:11
MikkelRevAdministrator_: do I have to download and install it as an extra? Because theres no choice of Arts in gstreamer-config07:11
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cypher!tell ndiswrappers07:11
cdubyalivevil, did that work?07:11
Administrator_MikkelRev, install it through synaptic, then re-open gstreamer-config and the option will be there07:11
livevilcdubya read in the private session the message07:11
rocky_ how do i edit the xorg.conf file07:11
opitwinFrogzoo: What is azureus?07:11
Frogzooroico: mkswap is a way of 'formatting' a partition so the swapfs driver can use it07:11
cypher!tell cypher about ndiswrappers07:12
Frogzooopitwin: it's a bit torrent client07:12
OMGLAZERSThanks for the BurnX suggestion guys07:12
cdubyarocky_, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old07:12
cypher!tell cypher about ndiswrapper07:12
livevilcdubya it asks to me " Does this user exist in the UNIX password database ?"07:12
hastesavercypher, type just "!ndiswrappers", or try "/msg ubotu ndiswrappers", or try "!tell userX about ndiswrappers"07:12
cdubyarocky_, then sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:12
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ubotucypher: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:12
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cdubyalivevil, well, is there a unix user by that name?07:12
ubotundiswrapper is, like, totally, a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper07:12
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cdubyalivevil, you're going to need one there if not07:13
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cypherhastesaver thanks07:13
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roicoFrogzoo: ok thanks... ill restart now and ill see what will happen...07:13
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cypherhas anyone faced problem with ndiswrapper like it not loading the card drivers07:13
opitwinI am back07:13
livevilcdubya, I can't understand what you said07:13
snoopsOkay so anyone able to help me with this lack of sound.. I double click on an mp3 and am told I don't have the decoder installed to play this07:14
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opitwinFrogzoo:  What is Azureus?07:14
Frogzoocypher: some reports from broadcom users having trouble07:14
snoopsI would have through ubuntu would have native mp3 support..07:14
snoopsazureus is a bittorrent client07:14
snoopsa good one at that - requires java07:14
Frogzooopitwin: it's a bit torrent client07:14
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livevilcdubya, anyway pentium4 is a user that has on his pc WINXP07:14
usama_void^, hi, i found the name of sound card, that is, es1869 plug and play audiodrive (wdm), can you help me now?07:14
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cdubyalivevil, you have to have a user on the machine by that name before you can create the smbpasswd for it...in other words, if I want to create a smbpasswd for user bob, then I have to have a user named bob setup as a unix account on the system07:15
sugarhigh4242is there a repository with XvidCap in it?07:15
Speccypher: what card do you use?07:15
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cello_raspis it ok to change from linux-headers-xxxx-386 to linux-headers-xxxx-k7 ?07:15
cypherSpec intel pro wireless 220007:15
cdubyalivevil, yes, but it's not a unix account user on the linux machine running samba.....that's what I was suggesting...so create a user named pentium4 on the linux box...then do the smbpasswd.....07:15
cdubyaand you should be good to go07:15
AesopHey all, trying to start a game (SecondLife) using WINE, had it working yesterday, now (after a system reboot) I get a 'X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)" error07:15
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weedarI have a S3 Unichrome Pro graphics card on my laptop - Does anyone have experience getting the tv-out to work?07:16
Frogzoo!tell Aesop about appdb07:16
void^usama_: try `sudo modprobe snd-ess18xx`07:16
eXistenZWhat might prevent users from getting into my webserver? I can log in through my external IP, but they cannot =/07:16
cypherSpec any idea07:16
livevilI'll try, I've to add him in smb.conf, right?07:16
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FrogzooeXistenZ: if they have to go through your router, you need to forward port 80 to your pc07:16
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cdubyalivevil, that make more sense? In other words, you can have the user setup on the XP box, but that means nothing to samba, because if there isn't a user on the samba box called pentium4, then it knows nothing of the XP box07:16
weedareXistenZ: if you are using the external IP from inside the local network I assume the problem is that you haven't forwarded the correct port to the web-server on your router07:16
usama_void^, it says; FATAL: Module snd_ess18xx not found07:16
Speccypher: nope, sorry :-/07:16
weedareXistenZ: what Frogzoo said :P07:17
cute_bettongcan anyone tell me how to set up ubuntu on a compaq presario M2000 to do auto wireless networking.....like windows  does?07:17
eXistenZFrogzoo, I got port 80 forwarded07:17
eXistenZonly 80 TCP07:17
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void^usama_: sorry, snd-es18xx07:17
cdubyalivevil, or rather of that user07:17
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | #ubuntu+1 os open for Edgy Efts
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | #ubuntu+1 is open for Edgy Efts
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h3sp4wnDoes anyone know of a way to dump a mysql database when LOCK TABLES is in effect (I am trying mysqldump --add-drop-table -u dirtytechno -p dirtytechno > dtsqlbackup.sql) but get Got error: 1044: Access denied for user 'dirtytechno'@'localhost' to database 'dirtytechno' when using LOCK TABLES ?07:17
FrogzooeXistenZ: are you logging in with https?07:17
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eXistenZFrogzoo, no, http07:17
roicoFrogzoo: k thanks. it worked. thank u very much... :)07:17
cute_bettongit has detected the wireless card and is trying to connect to it but i want to be able to roam diffrent networks07:17
cute_bettongis this possible in dapper07:17
JasonLi dont suppose anyone in here could help with a KDE problem??07:17
livevilcdubya, ok07:18
Hajuudropdrive: hey are you still around?07:18
cdubyalivevil, I've got to get going, but if you want, I'll try to check back in later this afternoon (it's 12:20pm here)....and see if you're still around....07:18
Administrator_Anyone good with graphics and got a little spare time?07:18
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cdubyaif you still need the help07:18
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JasonLi click end current session, and the kubuntu splash comes up, with no white text and the loading bar does nothing =(07:18
cdubyalivevil, did that make more sense, though?07:18
bluefoxicycrimsun:  I have nfc how to assign you to a bug anymore.  Since a couple months ago i haven't even been able to figure out how to change severity/priority on bugs.07:18
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usama_void^, now it saying; FATAL: Error inserting snd_es18xx (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/sound/isa/snd-es18xx.ko): No such device  FATAL: Error running install command for snd_es18xx07:18
livevilcdubya Here it's 19:1807:18
livevilcdubya yes it did07:19
FrogzooeXistenZ: what's the url? (if it's public...)07:19
cute_bettongany ideas guys?07:19
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crimsunbluefoxicy: click the Assigned To07:19
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Administrator_QUESTION: Anyone good with website (graphics) thats got some spare time and thinks could help me with a logo?07:19
bluefoxicycrimsun:  it's not a link, it's just text.07:19
cdubyaouch, k. well, if you want, I can check in a few hours and see if you're still here.....and see if you've made any headway on it....just make sure that you create a user account for each XP box with the SAME name that you use on the XP box so that when you go to smbpasswd -a user, you can add those there without that error.07:20
_masonWhat ports do i need open for someone to access my computer using VNC07:20
bluefoxicycrimsun:  that USED to work though07:20
crimsunbluefoxicy: bug #?07:20
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OMGLAZERSAdministrator_: Sure.07:20
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cdubyalivevil, sorry, forgot to add your name to that last post07:20
bluefoxicycrimsun:  4902307:20
crimsunubuntulog: bug 4902307:20
usama_void^, what can i do now :(07:20
cdubyagotta go. have a great day, all.07:20
crimsunUbugtu: bug 4902307:20
Seveascrimsun, that's off in here07:20
crimsunSeveas: ah, thanks07:20
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_masonAnyone, what ports do i need to forward for a VNC session?07:21
bluefoxicycrimsun: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/wxwindows2.4/+bug/49023 :)07:21
dropdriveHajuu: yes, what's up?07:21
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crimsunbluefoxicy: yes, changed.07:21
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Administrator_OMGLAZERS, look at your MSGs07:21
livevilcdubya, i've read, I've to check the commands to do what you said, I'm a beginner, I'll search on the wiki or in the HOWTO, thank'07:21
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bluefoxicycrimsun:  any idea why the heck I can't do it?07:21
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crimsunbluefoxicy: click "Affects" then change "Assigned to"07:22
smickwhen I update ubutu, does it keep the old, or replace and remove the old. I was just wondering if my HD is filling up, and not letting go of files not used.07:22
g-nomewhat was the command to see fps? glxgears [???]  ?07:22
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bluefoxicycrimsun:  oh, rather than the column heading.07:22
usama_void^, do i have to creat the device or recompile the kernel (with including support for that sound card)?07:22
OMGLAZERSAdministrator_: What do you need help with?07:22
FrogzooeXistenZ: can you open    ?07:22
bob_07Hi everyone, I've been having some problems with the nvidia drivers.07:22
=== bluefoxicy was trying to click the column heading >/
cute_bettongcan someone tell me what the command is to tell the computers ip address?07:23
Administrator_OMGLAZERS, I private messaged you the details07:23
bluefoxicycute_bettong:  ifconfig07:23
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Hajuudropdrive: I read the manual entry for fluxbox, it says I can put my global user menu in /etc/X11/fluxbox/menu so I did... I just modified my menudefs.hook file with the xterm line.. and then copied it to the menu file... restarted fluxbox.. still no terminals in the menu07:23
ijeffHelp someone, ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 can't change resolution on external monitor to 1600x120007:23
bob_07I get a blank screen on restart, and it won't respond to any button presses or key commands07:23
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OMGLAZERSAdministrator_: Unfortunatly i'm runnin chatzilla in firefox and I cant get PM's... lemme finish downloading a mac IRC program so I can help you out07:23
bluefoxicycute_bettong:  'ifconfig | grep addr' is prettier though.07:23
Administrator_OMGLAZERS, sounds good07:23
ijeffHelp someone, ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 can't change resolution on external monitor to 1600x120007:24
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void^usama_: hm, it seems the 1869 is a little difficult. try `sudo modprobe snd-es18xx isapnp=1`07:24
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blinkyAnyone. what ports need to be forwarded for a VNC connection?07:24
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OMGLAZERSAnyone here able to help a first time ever Ubuntu user with getting my internet to work?07:24
snoopscan anyone help with my sound problem - it seems I do have sound - which is super and can play mp3's in xmms..but every other player has a hissy fit (the ones installed with ubuntu)07:24
firefly2442where did the archive program go into gnome for creating .tar.gz files and such?07:24
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ubotumethinks mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:25
dr3wsterhey everyone, I compiled rhythmbox by hand using ./configure etc, and now I want to uninstall it but it doesn't show up in synaptic.  How do I do this?07:25
MrObviousOMGLAZERS: You'll have to be more specific.07:25
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smickwhen I update ubutu, does it keep the old, or replace and remove the old. I was just wondering if my HD is filling up, and not letting go of files not used.07:25
ijeffHelp someone, ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 can't change resolution on external monitor to 1600x120007:25
bob_07Hi everyone, I've been having some problems with the nvidia drivers. I get a blank screen on restart, and it won't respond to any button presses or key commands07:25
hastesaverdr3wster, you can't. If you install it by hand, it won't appear in Synaptic. Why did you install it by hand?07:25
MaLkdr3wster: use make uninstall07:25
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dr3wsterMaLk, what directory do I have to be in or what do I need to type before typing make uninstall07:26
void^usama_: (or isapnp=0 actually, not sure which)07:26
OMGLAZERSMrObvious: Well I just installed a copy of 5.10 since my Mac doesnt seem to want to properly burn a copy of 6.06.. and my wireless card doesn't seem to want to connect to my router even after I put it to factory defaults. My Ethernet (which is on my mobo) doesn't even show up in the networking app07:26
firefly2442how come under "accessories" there is no archive program anymore?07:26
hastesaverdr3wster, if you still have the original setup files, use 'make uninstall' from that directory you installed from.07:26
dr3wsterhastesaver, I compiled by hand because the synaptic version hated me and gave me import errors for every mp3.07:26
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dropdriveHajuu: where did you read this?07:26
dr3wsterhastesaver, thanks07:26
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Hajuudropdrive: man fluxbox07:27
MaLkdr3wster: go to the directory with the source files and type make uninstall07:27
dr3wsterMaLk, done, and thank you.07:27
cute_bettongwhat does bcm43xx:Error : Microde "bcm43xx_mixocoder.fw" not availible or load faild mean?07:27
opitwin627Frogzoo:  Accept the private chat07:27
cute_bettongsorry ba spelling mean lol07:27
cute_bettong*bad even07:27
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bob_07Hi everyone, I've been having some problems with the nvidia drivers. I get a blank screen on restart, and it won't respond to any button presses or key commands07:28
cute_bettongdoes the wifi card need some sort of proprietary driver or something07:28
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cute_bettongbecassue i keep getting that error in dmesg07:28
Adam_Smithheya all07:28
OMGLAZERScute_bettong: Talking to me?07:28
usama_void^, no, the same error is appearing again and again :(07:28
MaLkbob_07: are u running the correct resolution?07:29
Adam_SmithIs this upgrade like pretty much flawless from 5.1 to 6.06?07:29
OMGLAZERScute_bettong: Whoops no nevermind haha XD07:29
cute_bettongi am just asking07:29
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usama_void^, what do you think, if i recompile the kernel07:29
bob_07it seems more like a kernel panic07:29
bob_07or something07:29
cute_bettongi just need help figureing out why the wifi driver isen't loading or being used by the laptop07:29
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cute_bettongit's seen and showes up in networking07:29
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cute_bettongbut the wifi generates a message in dmesg07:29
Adam_Smithhas anyone whatsoever had any issues with the upgrade with 6.06?07:30
=== pacopiriz [n=pacopiri@53.Red-83-58-220.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Adam_Smithjust so I know what to look out for?07:30
ijeffHelp someone, How can I connect an external monitor to this laptop to have the desktop  extend to the new monitor?07:30
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cute_bettongsaying that microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not availible or load failed is there a way to fix this so the card will run?07:30
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yurtboywhat type of video card07:30
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ijeffyurtboy: ATI mobility Radeon 750007:30
smickdoes dapper have an easy dual monitor option?07:30
OMGLAZERSCan anyone help me with figuring out how to get my ethernet connection to work in Ubuntu?07:30
=== _JP [n=jp@dsl-trebras1-ff48c000-158.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
bob_07MaLk: I have a 64 bit processor, but I'm purposely using 32 bit ubuntu. It works fine when I use 64 bit.07:31
void^usama_: looks like you have to supply all config details to the module :/07:31
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FrogzooOMGLAZERS: dhcp or static ip?07:31
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jusalguien que sepa espaol?07:31
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usama_void^, what do you mean?07:31
yurtboyijeff: some cards have extra packages, like the s3 i had to install a package to get the external monitor to display on a laptop do a search in synaptics with description ati?07:31
sparkleytone? es07:31
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OMGLAZERSFrogzoo: My Router is set to DHCP; but the ethernet connection doesn't even show up in the system->admin->networking area at all07:32
J_Phi all07:32
dropdriveHajuu: i'm lost, sorry...I can only guess that if you've edited /etc/.../menu, then you can try deleting ~/.fluxbox and restarting fluxbox07:32
void^usama_: well, figure out which io, irq and dma it uses and add this to /etc/modprobe.d/options (with your values): options snd-es18xx enable=1 isapnp=0 port=0x240 mpu_port=0x390 fm_port=0x300 irq=9 dma1=1 dma2=007:32
ijeffyurtboy: the external monitor works fine, but shows whatever is exactly on my laptop screen, is it possible to have my desktop expand to this monitor rather than have it mirror?07:32
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t-thingHi. I'm reinstalling my system. I'm going to keep /home but what else there is to back up? I've dumped mysql but am I missing something?07:32
OMGLAZERSFrogzoo: I don't know if I need to install certain drivers since it's on my mobo or what07:32
FrogzooOMGLAZERS: ifconfig |grep eth0     ?07:32
MaLkbob_07: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper07:32
=== Flik [n=Flik@d154-5-134-98.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
usama_void^, wooof07:33
MaLkbob_07: is a nice guide for nvidia setup07:33
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yurtboy( -: well that is not impossible? But I am not sure.  You laptop may have a fn key and it changes settings and then linux and dual xserver settings.  Otherwise I am not much help07:33
=== Cornellius [n=alain@142-217-38-112.telebecinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
usama_void^, where can i find all this information?07:33
OMGLAZERSFrogzoo: Do I need to run that command in the terminal or something? I've never used Linux before.07:33
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bob_07MalK: I'll have a look at it07:33
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void^usama_: if it's a compaq laptop the bios should have it, otherwise dig around in windows07:33
MaLkbob_07: make sure to do sudo nvidia-xconfig after installing drivers to setup xorg.conf07:33
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firefly2442what archive programs work with nautilus or konqueror?07:34
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recoverOk, I'm following this Xgl-guide and I get stuck on point six, I don't know what he mean... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13125307:34
FrogzooOMGLAZERS: apps -> accessories -> terminal07:34
MaLkbob_07: are u using repository drivers btw?07:34
usama_void^, its a compaq desktop07:34
bob_07I am07:34
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CornelliusGot problems with the sound here. The sound is too ''High'', the pitch is too high, just like if my soundcard inhaled Helium :P07:34
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void^usama_: well, see if you can configure it in the bios07:34
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recoverExactly where am I supposed to add them?07:34
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billybennettWhat's a good program to listen to music that I can queue up tracks with?07:35
jrattnerOMGLAZER1, you still around?07:35
Frogzoobillybennett: amarok - can't be beat07:35
usama_void^, can i find this information from /proc?07:35
billybennettthanks Frogzoo07:35
Jemt_What would be better - VESA drivers or ordinary VGA drivers? I'm replacing my xorg.conf with a new configuration as it seems that the ATI driver is very unstable in dapper07:35
yurtboyanyone know why there are no ltmodem/ltserial modules in my breezy install with restricted drivers. the web site sais they should be there07:35
void^usama_: no, /proc is the kernel, the problem is the kernel doesn't know it07:35
OMGLAZER1jrattner: I am07:35
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usama_void^, ok, by the way thanks a lot07:36
jrattnerOMGLAZER1, take a look at http://www.dovertubularalloys.com/JobTask.html when you have a free second07:36
snoopswhat's the command to get xorg to redetect settings and drivers (just installed my nvidia driver)?07:36
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recoverCan anyone who knows Xgl clarify what he means on point six? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13125307:36
roche_People Can I revemove gnome from Ubuntu 5.10 and install xfce ?07:36
usama_void^, can you tell me another thing07:36
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yurtboysnoops: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:36
usama_void^, do you know something about mysql, php and apache?07:36
seancan someone help me i am new to ubuntu07:36
OMGLAZER1jrattner: Ok i'll get on it when I hit lunch07:36
seanand trying to figure out the wireless stuff07:37
OMGLAZER1Frogzoo: Whats the command I need to run again?07:37
FrogzooOMGLAZERS: ifconfig |grep eth0     ?07:37
jrattnerOMGLAZER1, thanks alot I really appreciate it07:37
void^usama_: no07:37
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snoopsthank you yurtboy07:37
ccookeroche_: Install the 'xubuntu-desktop' package07:37
usama_void^, ok,  np07:37
ccookeroche_: That'll do it all for you.07:37
seanit doesent seem to want to connect to the wireless router at my freinds house07:37
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ccookeroche_: After that, you can remove gnome as you like.07:37
seanand he cannot help me much as he dosen't know much about wireless and linux07:38
wendyalisonHello there, I am planning to purchase an Mac-Intel, I am not familiar with mac machines, but which Ubuntu could I install on it, if I can install it that is07:38
OMGLAZER1Frogzoo: I ran the Ifconfig and all i've got is the wireless card (wlan0). No etho007:38
FrogzooOMGLAZER1: bookmark the url ubotu is about to post, for future reference...07:38
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seanthe card is detected but for some reason will not run07:38
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ubotudocs is, like, an index of documentation on the Ubuntu Wiki - you can find it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation07:38
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FrogzooOMGLAZER1: hm....07:38
OMGLAZER1Frogzoo: Thanks. Bookmarked.07:38
the_dark_sidecan someone help me with this buntu thing?07:38
FrogzooOMGLAZER1: what's the nic's make/model?07:38
roche_ccooke, what is xubuntu-desktop ? Like Control Center ?07:39
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OMGLAZER1Frogzoo: It's an onboard NIC. It's on a A-Bit NF7 motherboard07:39
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soundraywendyalison: I've heard that you can install Ubuntu on Intel-Macs, but you need Bootcamp from Apple, which is currently alpha software.07:39
semqhi! i'd like to update my program to the last version but the last version shown in synaptic is wrong07:39
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js_roche: xfce4 and stuff07:39
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ccookeroche_: You'll find it in synaptic07:39
FrogzooOMGLAZER1: sanity check - is the nic enabled in the bios?07:39
soundraywendyalison: if you're going down that root, you should use the latest release, Dapper Drake07:39
wendyalisonThank you soundray, and I would need to pick the PPC version, correct?07:39
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OMGLAZER1Frogzoo: Well it works fine when I run it in Windows, no problem. So, yea. It should be enabled in my BIOS07:40
BSDinuxomg... i resolved all my problems - i still booted the old kernel by mistake, had grub on the other harddisk with my debian installation... lol07:40
the_dark_sidei have a quite onld pentium and windows kep screwing up.can i install ubuntu linux and still use my windows software?07:40
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seancan someone tell me what this means my freind says that this thingy is the problem07:40
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seanbcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed.07:40
soundraywendyalison: no, the i38607:40
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billybennettFrogzoo, how would I go about playing music with amarok but through a SMB share?07:40
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seanis that why my card is not working?07:40
wendyalisonwonderful, thanks07:40
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no te llamas07:41
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FrogzooOMGLAZER1: yup, that helps07:41
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Frogzoobillybennett: just add the samba mount as media to amarok07:41
martinhey guys, i'm just interested to know why linux has optimized kernels for different architectures, but they aren't auto installed? also, does windows have different optimized kerenels? i'm guessing if it does then it is auto installed07:41
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nhola que tia eres mas apaa07:42
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BSDinuxapt-get autoinstalls everything you want.. ;-)07:42
neuron_i got a problem07:42
OMGLAZERSFrogzoo: I figured that I need to install some kind of drivers but I wouldn't know how to go about that (I do have the CD provided by Abit though)07:42
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J_Ppeople, in debian for my change the locales I did : dpkg-reconfigure locales, so in dialog was show in windows for me change coorect locales. In ubuntu i do this equal command, but not open dialog, only pass all locales and setting "up-to-date". Anyone know how I change the locales ?07:42
nno te calles coo07:42
=== Yoric [n=ElYoric@cpc4-brig7-0-0-cust881.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
BSDinuxnever heard of win having different kernels... dunno07:42
nenacomo que mas espaa07:42
rocheccooke, thanks07:42
martinok, i was just interested thats all07:43
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billybennettFrogzoo, not sure how I would do that.07:43
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nno te eniendo de lo de espaa07:43
neuron_i`m trying to install xgl and i got to the point i have to add a key(wget http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -) it seems it wont stop07:43
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:43
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FrogzooOMGLAZERS: driver is usually already installed - gimme a sec 2 check07:43
elenayu_necesito flash player y openoffice2 para ubuntu 6.06 AMD6407:43
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martinask in #ubuntu-xgl07:43
neres muy buena te digo que eres  muy apaada07:44
Frogzoobillybennett: once you have amarok installed & the share mounted via samba, just click on amarok's media tab07:44
nenano te entiendo07:44
ncoo pues soy espaola y con mucho arte07:44
=== Alex24NJ [n=alex@ool-4354afed.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Rajuuwhat the HELL!!! It shouldnt be so hard to get a terminal open in gnome07:44
OMGLAZERSAnyone else here having issues burning 6.06's ISO?07:44
Rajuufor gods sake07:44
=== daddy_ [n=Igor@83-131-69-246.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
nenaha bale coo07:44
g-nomeRajuu: why?07:45
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crimsunRajuu: what's the issue? (just switched buffers)07:45
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g-nomewhat was the command to see fps? glxgears [???]  ?07:45
FrogzooOMGLAZERS: ah, it seems there's no open source nvidia drivers that will work, so yes, you'll need to d/l from nvidia07:45
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spiderwormhey wheres the ubuntu bot?07:45
martinRajuu: you can make a keyboard shortcut07:45
g-nomemartin: how?07:45
spiderwormoh there he is07:45
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x503ea7f7.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
spiderwormubotu: multiverse07:45
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.07:45
martinSystem > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts07:45
RajuuTheres no entry for any terminals in my menu.. even though I manually edited one in my fluxbox menu file, and restarted07:45
nno me abias entendido bueno ola yo mellamo como tu quieras soy corta de palabracvjksgfdg07:45
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Rajuuso I cant open any terminals07:46
h3sp4wng-nome: glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark07:46
smallfoot-does ubuntu have anything like http://slackwiki.org/Packages which say what package comes with ubuntu and what license they are?07:46
nenaha bale07:46
OMGLAZERSFrogzoo: I've got them on a CD that they gave me, but im guessing those are for Windows. So I need to see if they have any Linux drivers or something?07:46
Alex24NJBah, just had an awful experience fixing grub.  In server install, it should warn the user from using ReiserFS that some tools (including Ubuntu install's "copy data from another partition") don't fully support it.07:46
g-nomeRajuu: fluxbox, gnome? what now?07:46
g-nome<h3sp4wn>: thanks07:46
Frogzoobillybennett: if samba mounting sounds difficult, just install the smb4k package, it's a gui, & samba mounts are peasy07:46
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nno soy dde otro mundo e bale07:46
=== RomanK [n=roman@p54A27D92.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
billybennettI think I already mounted it07:46
billybennettcause its on the desktop and if I right click it it says unmount volume07:46
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FrogzooOMGLAZERS: correct - but they are there, fer sure07:46
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OMGLAZERSFrogzoo: Ok i'll go check it out.07:47
nenake komo te va con los esrtudios07:47
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g-nome8717.687 FPS :-D07:47
smallfoot-does ubuntu have anything like http://slackwiki.org/Packages which say what package comes with ubuntu and what license they are?07:47
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Frogzoobillybennett: k, so install amarok07:47
billybennettI did07:47
Frogzoo!tell billybennett about amarok07:47
smallfoot-g-nome, thats hell lot of fps07:47
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nno soy tan inpaciente  como tu07:47
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Frogzoobillybennett: hit the window key + p07:47
martinsmallfoot-: http://packages.ubuntu.com ?07:47
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nenade que me ablas ia07:47
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g-nomemartin: how to make a shortcut to terminal?07:48
nlos estudios va........................................07:48
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OMGLAZERSThis is going to sound retarded, but can someone help a Mac user burn the 6.06 CD? I'm just having crazy issues with it.07:48
ny ati07:48
billybennettFrogzoo, well I had amarok open but I closed it and it wont re-open07:48
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smallfoot-martin, it dont say their license07:48
billybennettahh got it07:48
Rajuuargh if I cant open terminals I cant even run wine07:48
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sorush20are there any programs that can record telephone conversations?07:48
marting-nome: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts... then click in the box next to open terminal and press the shortcut keys you want07:48
snoopsumm I'm having a problem playing mp3's - they aren't playing! I've tried totem and amarok and rhythm box..no go..I can play them with xmms though07:48
Frogzoobillybennett: do you have a notifier applet running? if not, add one07:48
billybennettFrogzoo, Its opening now07:48
npor que soy basta porque soy de pueablo07:48
snoopsso what's the problem?07:48
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dsas!tell snoops about mp307:48
nenabueno si tu lo dices07:49
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ubotump3 is, like, totally, a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:49
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sparklinghi all07:49
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ny ati como trtttte vqa co anamaria la brujaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa07:49
nichlasooh.. informativeness07:49
snoopsbloody patents!07:49
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J_Ppeople, how i reconfigure my locales ?07:49
DeshHow do I find out my motherboard's chipset?07:49
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billybennettFrogzoo, do you mean Notification Area07:49
sparklingi've installed acroread from repo..how i can associate pdf extension to acrobat reader program?07:49
nyesx bmjjhx gbjhc07:49
=== boazyeah [n=boazyeah@bzq-88-155-117-42.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
[newbies] hallo.. i'm a newbies with linux world.. and ubuntu is my first time with linux world.. i already install ubuntu on my machine. i choose server installation but i stuck after i login. i mean i dont know what to do next. is that on server mode doesnt have any desktop/GUI or on server installation everything only just a command type? if is a command type.. how to config my network connection first? thanxs dude.07:49
nenano tentiendop07:49
soundrayJ_P: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales07:49
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g-nomemartin: yes, didn't see it was in that menu :-) thanks07:50
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Frogzoobillybennett: then settings -> configure amarok -> collection & pick the samba share - then tools -> rescan collection & your'e good to go07:50
snoopsman I'm so impressed with ubuntu..it even detected my bloody ms keyboard with the volume controls by default..not even windows does that07:50
martinno problem07:50
Frogzoobillybennett: aye07:50
dsas[newbies] : There is no gui on the server mode install07:50
J_Psoundray: http://rafb.net/paste/results/uaJ8tw94.html07:50
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nno yo ati yanmpoca por que no te conozco de nada07:50
Desh[newbies]  type 'startx' from the command line07:50
Frogzoobillybennett: there should be a wolf looking icon for amarok07:50
crackintoshis there a live cd version for powerpc that will run out the box on a g4 powerbook?07:50
g-nome<snoops> try xgl+compiz and you will be amazed07:50
J_Psoundray: look, not open dialog to reconfigure, only generate locales.. :-( but I would like change my locales07:50
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KenSentMe[newbies] : isn't your network connection configured during the install07:50
eXistenZFrogzoo, Can you try now?07:51
ubotufrom memory, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"07:51
ubotuIf you wish to discuss the upcoming, in development, not ready yet edition of Ubuntu please join the IRC channel #ubuntu+1 when it's open. #ubuntu+1 is closed unitl edgy opens07:51
soundray[newbies] : if you're a newbie, you should probably do 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' and learn the GUI side of things first.07:51
billybennettFrogzoo, Amarok is crashing now, I think it was cause I clicked it too many times.. Ill brb07:51
nyes y ati07:51
dsas[newbies] : If you install ubuntu-desktop you should get a graphic interface.07:51
Seveas!#ubuntu+1 =! s/ #ubuntu+1 is closed unitl edgy opens//07:51
ubotuSeveas: okay07:51
ubotuDAPPER IS OUT! PARTY TIME! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html07:51
KenSentMe[newbies] : otherwist you have to adjust /etc/network/interfaces07:51
bionicI just installed ubuntu dapper desktop, install went smooth, but everytime when i boot, and right before the login screen x kinda stalls, but if i ctrl-alt-f8 then ctrl-f7 it starts to load again and i come to the login screen.. Anyone maybe know why it stalls?07:51
Some_PersonWhat is edgy?07:51
FrogzooeXistenZ: what was that?07:51
ubotuCompiz is a compositing manager that uses OpenGL for rendering. See http://en.opensuse.org/Compiz -- Installation howto's:   http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.07:51
JemtFrogzoo: I'm still running with the ATI driver - but I have enabled FrameBuffer now - that might solve the problem with my laptop freezing (hopefully)07:51
eXistenZFrogzoo, does it work?07:51
ubotuEdgy Eft is the next codename for Ubuntu dapper+1. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html.  initial release timeline - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-June/000144.html07:51
eXistenZFrogzoo, I want to know whether it works07:51
madauhmmm... anyone with a great deal of success with dapper on amd64?07:51
Seveas!dapper is Ubuntu 6.06, the "Dapper Drake" release. Release June 1st 200607:51
ubotu...but dapper is already something else...07:51
Seveas!no dapper is Ubuntu 6.06, the "Dapper Drake" release. Released June 1st 200607:52
Some_PersonWell, I got my Breezy workin again07:52
ubotuSeveas: okay07:52
ChakRaguys bittorrent in dapper keeps giving me error on this torrent file that "problem connecting to the tracker". I copy the same torrent and run it in utorrent in windows and i am dling at like 250Kbps with like 1234 leechers07:52
OMGLAZERSCan anyone here help me out in burning the Dapper Drake CD; im having issues with burning it07:52
CornelliusGot problems with the sound here. The sound is too ''High'', the pitch is too high, just like if my soundcard inhaled Helium :P07:52
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madaOMGLAZERS: what kind of issues?07:52
Some_PersonNow, is there anyone here who works for Realtek (if there is, PM me)07:52
sparklingi've installed acroread from repo..how i can associate pdf extension to acrobat reader program?07:52
FrogzooeXistenZ: no http headers though...07:52
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eXistenZFrogzoo, I know :)07:52
eXistenZFrogzoo, it was just a test07:52
Seveas!no edgy is Ubuntu 6.10 DEVELOPMENT, the "Edgy Eft" release. Discussions about and support for edgy take place in #ubuntu+107:52
ubotuokay, Seveas07:52
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FrogzooJemt: never know your luck in the big city07:53
pepsihello there! i am your local troll.. how may i annoy you the most?07:53
Some_PersonHow do I get my onboard Realtek AC97 soundcard working?07:53
[newbies] thanxs for ur answer all of my friends here..07:53
OMGLAZERSmada: Well I'm on mac right; and half the times I try to burn it using one of a variety or tries it has an error or doesnt work.. OR when I put it into Toast, it comes up as almost 1.5 gigs in size because it seems there's a folder IN the iso that is called ubuntu itself and 700 mb in size07:53
dsassparkling: right click on a PDF, then press properties, then click open with07:53
JemtFrogzoo: Hehe, true :)07:53
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Mysta_hello, I have installed the 686-SMP packages for my Dual Core laptop, but I cannot select an SMP kernel @ GRUB. I only get 686 kernels and not 686-SMP kernel07:53
Mysta_any reason why07:53
OMGLAZERSmada: Basically; I can't get a damn CD of 6.06!07:53
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Some_PersonHow do I get my onboard Realtek AC97 soundcard working?07:53
madaOMGLAZERS: ok, well i run ubuntu on my mac ... are you doing the same or are you on OS X?07:53
snoopsgosh rdesktop is a great program07:53
JemtFrogzoo: At least my experience could benefit someone else with the same problem07:54
snoopsI'm so impressed how good it is07:54
sparklingdsas: ok but i have to do it all times...i wnt to double click and open it directly07:54
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crimsunSome_Person: I /was/ attempting to assist you yesterday...07:54
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OMGLAZERSMada: Im trying to burn it for my windows (x86) tower.. but i'm trying to burn the CD itself on the mac for the PC07:54
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crimsunSome_Person: please use the channel, thanks07:54
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madaOMGLAZERS: ok, so you have the image on the hard drive of the mac?07:54
billybennettFrogzoo, Ive got Amarok open now07:54
soundrayJ_P: sorry, I'm obviously not up to date...07:54
dsassparkling: if you right click on the file, go to properties and then open with and choose acroread it *should* stick. If you just right click and press open with, it won't.07:54
Frogzoobillybennett: ^^^07:55
OMGLAZERSmada: Yes. I downloaded the .iso, and it was mounted and appears as a drive in the finder.07:55
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JasonLin kopete can i change my msn private message?07:55
Frogzoobillybennett: or just type '/lastlog Frogzoo'07:55
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billybennettFrogzoo, I had to reconnect07:55
ijeffI just installed skype in a deb package, where'd it install to?07:55
J_Psoundray: but in debian when i do dpkg-reconfigure locales open a dialog, in ubuntu not!07:55
sparklingdsas: now it seems it work thanks :D07:55
dsassparkling: no problem.07:55
nvero yo se que nos peleamos pero estas en mi corazon siempre i nunca te olvidote quiero mucho nuestra amistad es como las rosas con agua lla sabes sin agua tanbien lo sabews07:55
ijeffI just installed skype in a deb package, where'd it install to?07:56
Some_Personcrimsun: I need you to assist me, however you can.07:56
Frogzoobillybennett: then settings -> configure amarok -> collection & pick the samba share - then tools -> rescan collection & your'e good to go07:56
madaOMGLAZERS: ok, open finder click on applications, double click on "utilities", then double click on "disk manager" and tell me when that opens up07:56
dsasijeff: I'd hope it installed to /opt07:56
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soundrayJ_P: yeah, they've changed something...07:56
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crimsunSome_Person: are you presently running Ubuntu?07:56
ijeffdsas i dont see it there07:56
Some_Personcrimsun: yes07:56
ceuif you start with /dev empty, hda1 will be corrupted heavily. Isn't that a bug?07:57
billybennettFrogzoo, I dont see my Samba share07:57
nno me contetas es por que te as quedado  sin palabras07:57
sparklinganother little question about java: i've installed latest java vm with the usual howto but if i use java -version i obtain 1.4.2 instead if i use the menu icon java web start and i click on properties i obtain java is installed correctly..so how can i remove java 1.4.2?07:57
crimsunSome_Person: please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org, and post the output from: ``lspci -v && lspci -nv''07:57
nadios un beso07:57
OMGLAZERSMada: Ok in DiskUtility on the left I see the ubuntu .iso and under it is the mounted drive version of the .iso07:57
ChakRaguys about my question, if thats just a random thing please let me know so i know i am not missing any repositories and stuff07:57
Seveasn, please stick to english in here07:57
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J_Psoundray: so you know how change my locales ?07:57
Frogzoobillybennett: it's there somewhere - find it from 'mount'07:57
bob_07Hi everyone, I'm still having problems with the nvidia drivers. I get a blank screen on restart and it won't respond to any button presses.07:57
madaok, click on the non-mounted icon of the iso07:57
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madaOMGLAZERS: ^07:58
OMGLAZERSmada: Ok. Clicked :P07:58
ijeffI just installed skype in a deb package, where'd it install to?07:58
madaOMGLAZERS: ok, then the little "burn07:58
dsasijeff: maybe doing dpkg -I skype.deb will tell you, if I remember rightly.07:58
ceusparkleytone: you can remove old version, or you can select preferred version using "update-alternatives --config java"07:58
RogerioDeLucahi all... did someone already used vino on the 6.06 version?07:58
billybennettFrogzoo, I guess I dont have a correctly setup Samba share.  Its on my desktop but I guess its not setup right07:58
Jowiijeff: "whereis skype"07:58
Frogzooijeff: dpkg -L pkgname07:58
madaOMGLAZERS: then the little "burn" icon at the top should light up just like in iTunes when you burn a cd07:58
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ijeff /usr/bin/skype /usr/lib/skype /usr/bin/X11/skype /usr/share/skype07:59
OMGLAZERSmada: It did, and I put in a CD now and i'm burning it07:59
Frogzoobillybennett: if you can open it from your desktop, it's mounted. try 'mount |grep smb'07:59
Some_Personcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1532007:59
soundrayJ_P: apparently you have to install language packs now if you want to change locales.07:59
sparkleytoneijeff: updatedb && locate skype07:59
OMGLAZERSmada :D Thank god. I was trying the burn folder and Toast and BurnX and just having so many damn problems07:59
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madaOMGLAZERS: sweet, it takes a little longer to burn .iso's with disk util because it tripple checks everything, but it is definitely the fail safe way of doing so :)08:00
soundrayJ_P: System-Administration-Language Support08:00
OMGLAZERSmada: Sweet. Thanks :P08:00
madaOMGLAZERS: no problem :)08:00
sparkleytoneijeff: probably need to sudo updatedb08:00
billybennettFrogzoo, nothing :(08:00
bob_07Hi everyone, I'm still having problems with the nvidia drivers. I get a blank screen on restart and it won't respond to any button presses. Note that they work fine in 64 bit ubuntu, but I am purposely using 32 bit.08:00
crimsunSome_Person: sec, loading08:00
billybennettFrogzoo, It has a little SMB icon on the bottom?!08:00
CornelliusI need help with the sound here.08:00
Frogzoobillybennett: right click -> properties...08:00
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dsasCornellius: Just ask your question.08:01
CornelliusGot problems with the sound here. The sound is too ''High'', the pitch is too high, just like if my soundcard inhaled Helium :P08:01
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akudewanHi guys, I downloaded the "alternate" CD to upgrade from breezy to dapper. Having trouble burning. md5sum of the iso file is allright, but the media check fails. I tried burning under windows also. What can be the problem ?08:01
eneriedcould you help me?08:01
CornelliusWhat I don't understant is that it is worked well on the last Dapper installation on the very same hardware.08:02
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bob_07Hi everyone, I'm still having problems with the nvidia drivers. I get a blank screen on restart and it won't respond to any button presses. Note that they work fine in 64 bit ubuntu, but I am purposely using 32 bit.08:02
J_Psoundray: But I would like via text like as dpkg-reconfigure locales, becouse I dont have GUI here, is a server.08:02
Jowiakudewan: i would try burning at lower speed (like x4)08:02
Frogzooakudewan: maybe try burning somewhat slower08:02
billybennettFrogzoo, yep?08:02
Frogzoobillybennett: should show a directory path there somewhere08:02
eneriedI'm trying to hibernate my computer, but it doesn't work :'( same fuction worked on breezy but doesn't work on dapper :( what i must do?08:02
TobberothGuys, i just noticed Skype is not in Synaptic package manager, but it's for Linux on their website.. any reason?08:02
akudewanJowi: burned at 4x and tried, also tried a rewritable CD08:02
sparkleytoneTobberoth: its not a deb pkg prob08:03
soundrayJ_P: perhaps 'sudo apt-get install language-pack-pt'?08:03
wastrelTobberoth:  probably because skype is proprietary and ubuntu only packages free software08:03
Frogzooeneried: suspend or hibernate?08:03
TobberothI see..08:03
akudewanmaybe the lens of the drive has dust ?08:03
billybennettFrogzoo, nope no path but.. I know the path08:03
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Jowiakudewan: if the md5sum is ok it is either 1. media or 2. cdrw drive08:03
Frogzoobillybennett: then just browse to it through amarok...08:03
eneriedFrogzoo, hibernate08:03
eneriedthe option that shutdown08:03
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jbirdAngelis the calendar that comes up when clicking on the clock part of evolution?08:04
J_Psoundray: I will try.. :-)08:04
Frogzooeneried: hit 'F10' - does hibernate show on logout options?08:04
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akudewanare those lens-cleaning CDs any good ?08:04
soundrayjbirdAngel: yes.08:04
jbirdAngelsoundray: okay thank you08:04
billybennettFrogzoo, I dont know the directory structure that well how do I get to it08:04
eneriedFrogzoo, F10?08:04
eneriedjust F10?08:04
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Frogzooeneried: or just logout - but F10's quicker ;)08:05
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crimsunSome_Person: please open a Terminal, and tell me the output from ``lsmod |grep ^snd_hda_intel''08:05
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gharzis there a software that works like a dreamweaver for linux?08:05
eneriedF10 doesn't work, mayybe IRC has reserved it, let me see08:05
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Some_Personcrimsun: no output08:05
pepsihello there, i have 2 identical SATA hard drives and i would like to make a raid array with them.. would a mirrored setup give me better performance, or would i have to use striping? and is there a way to boot from it? or do i need another drive just to boot?08:05
Jowiakudewan: never tried them :) a bad burn for me has always been a bad cdr. amasingly crappy quality these days. 1/10 cdr fail on a spindle for me.08:05
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eneriedit has the options sleep hibernate and restart and shutdown08:05
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crimsunSome_Person: excellent. ``sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=6stack''08:05
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billybennettFrogzoo, do I need that package you were talking about before?08:06
eneriedFrogzoo the options available are: Sleep, Hibernate, Restart and Shutdown08:06
Some_Personcrimsun: error08:06
Frogzoocrimsun: closest I get is: snd_intel8x008:06
crimsunSome_Person: pastebin the error, please08:06
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crimsunFrogzoo: sorry, what are you referring to?08:06
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eneriedbut when i select Hibernate the computer seems to suspend but cannot awake, i must shutdown in the bad way and i must wait until system check disks :(08:06
akudewanJowi: Thanks for the help, I'll give it another try and if it still doesn't work, I'll try the lens cleaner08:07
Frogzooeneried: oh, so you can get to hibernate, it's just that it doesn't work? which vid card?08:07
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mlopeshi. how do I set a reiserfs partition on fstab so that any user can write files there?08:07
SukiSanhi there08:07
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Frogzoobillybennett: I thought you could access the samba share?08:07
Some_Personcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1532108:07
eneriedFrogzoo, vid card? video? i have an integrated Sis630/73008:07
billybennettI can08:07
billybennettFrogzoo, I can08:07
billybennettFrogzoo, only from desktop and file browsers not the context menus inside amarok08:07
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SukiSani'm troubling with my bind-setup - should I simply ask here, or should I query anybody?08:08
eneriedFrogzoo, hibernate worked on breezy, but it seems to work bad on dapper08:08
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Crembohey guys, I have a small problem.. installed ATI drivers as per procedure, configured, everything went great. then I rebooted my computer. now I can't change resolution. gnome doesn't say anything - all it says is "do you wish to keep the new settings?" without actually changing the res...08:08
wastrelSukiSan:  just ask08:08
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crimsunSome_Person: what cpu do you have?08:08
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[newbies] Question: How to adjust network setting from Ubuntu server ?08:08
Frogzoobillybennett: billybennett those mount will be somewhere under / somewhere - just type 'mount' & take a close look at the output08:08
Slyder0244i've set in the power management options for the computer and monitor to go to sleep never yet my monitor always shuts down after a period of time08:08
Some_Personcrimsun: AMD Semptron08:08
Slyder0244anyone know how i can change that08:08
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stalefriesI have a question about ATI drivers08:08
crimsunSome_Person: ``uname -r''08:08
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Some_Personcrimsun: 2.6.12-9-38608:09
[MH] Narc`LapHello friends!08:09
billybennettFrogzoo, when I type mount in console I see nothing with Samba shares08:09
Tinned_Tunamy skype has stopped working :/ it runs and everything, but it will not produce any sound08:09
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Frogzooeneried: works for me, but I'm using the latest fglrx driver - if you can update your vid driver, give that a go08:09
Tinned_Tunaall other apps are closed and I've reinstalled it08:09
crimsunSome_Person: you're using breezy instead of dapper?08:09
_Spire_Tinned_Tuna: does the sound work in other apps?08:09
eneriedFrogzoo, how can i update that driver?08:09
__mikemhow to use an ati card: step 1, mount card securely on wood post. Step 2, take 30 paces backward, step 3, turn, step 4 load shotgun, step 5 fire at will, step 6, buy an nvidia card08:09
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Some_Personcrimsun: yes08:09
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crimsunSome_Person: I've had instructions sent to you08:10
Frogzooeneried: dunno - try google?08:10
SukiSankay..first I got thousands of syslog entries [sysquery: no addrs found for root NS (M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET)]  when I started bind or tried to resolv something with dig.08:10
akudewanmlopes: put an "rw" in the "options" section, separated by a comma08:10
madaSome_Person: you said you are running an AMD Sempron right?08:10
Some_Personmada: yes08:10
jbirdAngelimport in evolution doesnt find thunderbird to import from? any way i can do this?08:10
eneriedOK, Frogzoo, thanks a lot :)08:10
Some_Personcrimsun: I see no instructions08:10
madaSome_Person: is it the 64-bit extended or 32-bit?08:10
ali1234hi. what's the easiest way to get a sound from a midi keyboard on ubuntu? i've installed rosegarden, qsynth, amsynth, bristol... none of them work...08:10
billybennettFrogzoo, I dont think I have the share setup right08:10
akudewanmlopes: without the quotes08:10
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crimsunSome_Person: you don't?08:10
Some_Personmada: 3208:10
Frogzoobillybennett: maybe08:10
SukiSanGoogle said me, noone knows what could be the reason.08:11
Some_Personcrimsun: no instructions08:11
billybennettFrogzoo, I think I made a link instead of a share08:11
eneriedbye, boys08:11
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crimsunSome_Person: in a query?08:11
billybennettFrogzoo, even thought the icon has SMB08:11
crimsun(from ubotu)08:11
Some_Personcrimsun: oh, here they are08:11
[MH] Narc`LapNow, I popped the ubuntu CD in the drive. all works fine, I get to the ubuntu start/install screen. I hit "Start or install Ubuntu", but this only starts Ubuntu, and does not give me further prompts to install Ubuntu, is this because I am short RAM?08:11
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madaSome_Person: nvm ...08:11
stalefries[MH] Narc`Lap: no, double-click the Install icon on the desktop08:11
CremboI have a problem with my ATI card, if I try to change resolution, nothing happens. gnome doesn't even give an error, it just asks me if I want to keep the new settings - which it hadn't changed08:11
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_Spire_[MH] Narc`Lap: click "08:11
Crembohow can I even begin to diagnose this?08:11
SukiSanI read it could help to let the file of the root-zone point to /dev/null - so I did.08:12
[MH] Narc`Lapthanks stalefries/Spire! I was getting pretty pissed.08:12
h3sp4wnali1234: Have you tried ardour ? What midi interface are you using is it linux supported08:12
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madaCrembo: ATI cards + linux = headache ... did you download the drivers?08:12
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smickanyone know a good single cursor theme with many different sizes of a generic cursor setup?08:12
Crembomada: yes08:12
__mikemCrembo, if you want to use an ati card follow these instructions. step 1, mount card securely on wood post. Step 2, take 30 paces backward, step 3, turn, step 4 load shotgun, step 5 fire at will, step 6, buy an nvidia card08:12
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Some_Personcrimsun: its doing it08:12
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Frogzoobillybennett: yeh, wierd it's not showing up, but can't really figure out what's up from this end08:12
ali1234h3sp4wn: i modified the source of the midiman firmware to use on a midi keyboard i built myself, ez-usb based08:12
Crembo__mikem: noted.08:12
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uboturumour has it, ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers08:12
SukiSanNow, there is just a forwarder to resolv external querys.08:12
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psaikidohello all - total newbie here - needs help with ubuntu install08:12
ali1234h3sp4wn: closest i got was qsynth. it logs the note on/note off, but makes no sound :(08:12
mlopesskudewan, still getting permission denied (did mount -a)08:12
madaCrembo: hrmmm....08:12
_Spire_psaikido: I'll be glad to help08:12
wee[] does anyone know if the initramfs can accept input while it shows the splash? I want it to read password for encrypted /, but dont want to restructure the initrd if i can avoid it.08:13
Crembomada: most frustrating bit is no error message.08:13
ElazarAnyone know of a diff viewer with a GUI that's available from synaptic?08:13
h3sp4wnali1234: Have you tried ardour ?08:13
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psaikidobrilliant - how can i talk just to you?08:13
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SukiSanBut, if I dig for ebay.de, the08:13
ali1234h3sp4wn: no, i'll try it...08:13
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_Spire_psaikido: /msg _Spire_ your message08:13
stalefriesElazar: viewer for what?08:13
madaCrembo: that is strange ....08:13
SukiSanauthority-section lists all root-NS.08:13
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jbirdAngelimport in evolution doesnt find thunderbird to import from? any way i can do this?08:13
Elazarstalefries: diffs. diff files.08:13
SukiSanafaik this isn't the way it should work.08:13
stalefriesElazar: no idea08:13
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crackintoshdoes the live cd work on powerpc?08:14
varsendaggrhey my mouse buzzes in the speaker whenever i move it.  what gives?08:14
ijeffWhat's a good P2P client for Ubuntu?08:14
void^Crembo: try xrandr on a terminal08:14
Specijeff: limewire08:14
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stalefriescrackintosh; if it's the PowerPC version08:14
wastrelvarsendaggr:  wireless mouse?08:14
ijeffspec: how can I install it?08:14
ali1234varsendaggr: a common problem, try muting unused audio inputs on your soundcard08:14
ElazarSpec: Screw limewire. Frostwire. :P08:14
Specfrostwire :p08:14
Frogsnoozevarsendaggr: wrong mouse protocol?08:14
Specijeff: apt-get install frostwire08:14
__mikemI aut to try frostwire08:14
h3sp4wnali1234: have you seen http://ubuntustudio.com (I have built the realtime-kernel) Haven't got round to configuring jackd yet08:15
ijeffspec: cool08:15
SukiSanCan someone explain me how it should work? And if everything is okay like it is?08:15
varsendaggrthat ubuntustudio looks cool08:15
__mikemthere is no such package as frostwire08:15
Crembovoid^: tried xrandr -s <index>, no error message, no change either.08:15
ali1234h3sp4wn: no, not seen it... i really just want to hear a sound from this crazy thing i've built :)08:15
AesopAnyone know what causes this error? X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)08:15
_Spire___mikem: got universe repositories enabled?08:15
smickAnyone know of a way to get Freemind to work easily?  I have Java and freemind and it's not opening the program.08:15
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__mikemI believe so, I remember enabling them last night08:16
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stalefriessmick: I think there's a howto on ubuntuforums.org08:16
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h3sp4wnali1234: Does your sound card have any type of hardware midi synth in it08:16
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ali1234h3sp4wn: i don't think so08:16
__mikem_Spire_ yes they are enabled08:17
Some_Personcrimsun: thanks for helping me, even though I acted like a jerk yesterday08:17
psaikidosorry _spire_ i haven't registered yet and can't do private messages08:17
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_Spire_psaikido: ok08:17
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TobberothYou can download frostwire from their site08:17
zAo^is there a way to use the "back" button on my mouse without evdev?08:17
Tobberothit works great08:17
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_Spire_just do "/msg nickserv register insertpasswordhere"08:17
ElazarAnyone know of a viewer for diff files that I can get off of synaptic? Having trouble finding one by searching.08:17
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__mikem_Spire_ I do infact have universe enabled08:18
__mikemso its another problem08:18
recoverI've installed Xgl and compiz but now when gdm try to start up just hang and nothing comes up, tho it still looks like its loading08:18
spiderwormis there an apache server configuration frontend in the repos?08:18
smickfound one freemind install tute on the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160510&highlight=freemind08:18
ali1234h3sp4wn: ardour crashed because i don't have jack installed... isn't there something less complicated?08:18
_Spire___mikem: try  "apt-cache search frostwire"08:18
stalefriessmick: http://blog.siliconchaos.net/articles/2006/05/22/setting-up-freemind-in-ubuntu-dapper08:19
__mikemI already did, nothing was returned08:19
ubotuI heard frostwire is a free peer-to-peer application that runs on the Gnutella network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWire08:19
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jbirdAngelis there a way to set thunderbird as my default mail client?08:19
Morrowyntry tkdiff or emacs, Elazar ?08:19
dr3wstercould someone please help me?  Rhythmbox doesn't work because I don't have a "decodebin" element in gstreamer (it's using gstreamer0.10).  Is there an equivalent to gst-register-0.8 for 0.10 or something else that I could do?08:19
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stalefriesjbirdAngel: system>Preferences>Preferred applications08:20
FrogsnoozejbirdAngel: system -> prefs -> preferred apps08:20
h3sp4wnali1234: I don't know of anything less complicated you need something that can support soft synths08:20
stalefriesdr3wster: search synaptic for gstreamer08:20
dr3wsterstalefries, I did and I've installed like everything there08:20
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stalefriesdr3wster: hmm.08:21
srinath_manDoes anybody know how can I get a horizantal scrollbar on a terminal ? I don't want the lines to be wrapped ...08:21
__mikem_Spire_ I tried aptcache search and didn't find anything08:21
ElazarMorrowyn: No I haven't, but thanks for the suggestions. :) I'll look at those now.08:21
_Spire___mikem: weird08:21
dr3wsterstalefries, and I have a decodebin file in my gst directory08:21
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stalefriesdr3wster: try looking at the gstreamer website08:21
dr3wsterstalefries, * gstreamer-0.10 directory08:21
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gharzis there a software that works like a dreamweaver for linux?08:22
billybennettis XMMS pretty good guys?08:22
Kaltekarcan anyone offer some help laoding up openvnc08:22
Subhumangharz, nvu is close08:22
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ubotufirst you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. Consider !frostwire as an alternative.08:22
AesopAnyone know what causes this error? " X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)" "Major opcode of failed request:  144 (NV-GLX)"08:22
Subhumanbillybennett, if you like winamp-type mp3 players, yes.08:22
wastrelxmms works ok.  supposedly not good for really large music collections.08:22
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Subhumanwastrel, works fine with me = 4000 songs08:22
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gharzSubhuman, thanks!08:22
Elazarbillybennett: I've found it to be a bit crash-prone. Audacious is an alternative that's similar.08:22
Subhumanworks better than most players do with this amount08:23
AesopI find XXMS annoying, I've got over 100,000 songs.08:23
AesopIf it'd use a Winamp5 style music library, I'd love it08:23
wastreli only have a couple hundred so meh08:23
jonnyoobi like beep media player08:23
Subhuman100,000? how can you possibly listen to that all though?08:23
jonnyoobit supports winamp skins or sth :)08:23
AesopSubhuman, I'm a professional DJ08:23
SubhumanAesop, WA5 works in WINE i think.08:23
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_masonim trying to install real player, but it asks where synaptic has downloaded the file to install it from, where does synaptic keep files its currently downloaded / installing ?08:23
J_Phi all08:23
AesopYeah, but I'm having -enough- trouble with WINE right now08:23
wastrelmmm wedding dj08:23
MorrowynAesop, have a look at rhythmbox08:24
KaltekarI'm getting the following error when running the config file  "C compiler cannot create executables"08:24
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ali1234h3sp4wn: i got ardour working. i dont see anywhere to select the midi input device08:24
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ijeffOkay i installed frostwire, how do I launch it?08:24
AesopCtrl-C is NOT copy. >_<08:24
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stalefriesCan someone help me with an ATI question?08:24
AesopYeah, I've looked at Rythmbox08:24
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Morrowynalsa there is amarok08:24
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AesopBut normally I just boot into Windows and use Sam3 Broadcaster, can that run under WINE?08:25
FuelBWhat is the easiest way to upgrade to 32bit from 64bit?08:25
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MorrowynAesop, check their database08:25
mmjeppapokryphos: It's Zajjko, I've tried dpkg-reconfigurator to no avail, so I was thinking about the Alternate installation... but how will that help exactly? It seems that the issue is bound to either the video-driver or the video hardware...08:25
stalefriesAesop: check appdb.winehq.org08:25
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Geoffrey2now, can anyone tell me which repo I need to get network-manager-gnome?08:25
AesopI knew that >_<08:25
billybennettElazar, thanks.... I installed it but it wont play any audio so Ill try Audacious08:25
[newbies] Dear all of my friends, i would like to ask your opinion about this question. I would like to setup a web hosting server on Ubuntu platform. As a newbies like me, is that good for me to start from Ubuntu Desktop then goes to Ubuntu Server? Is that Ubuntu Desktop can running a performance for web hosting server?08:25
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_masonAnyone? where does synaptic keep temp files ?08:25
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_masonor files that are being installed08:26
xikoguys, what is the console command that opens up a configuration window to choose wich java version I want?08:26
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Elazarbillybennett: Hm... sure it not playing audio isn't a system config problem? Can you play audio in any other apps?08:26
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FuelBIs there somewhere I can switch the architecture to 32bit and then do an apt-get dist-upgrade to replace everything with 32bit binaries?08:26
scifihi guys, im using firefox and some sites seem really jerky when scrolling through them, anyone else experience this ?08:26
wastrel_mason:  check /var/cache/apt08:26
to0om_mason: /var/cache/apt/archives08:26
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Morrowyn[newbies]  install the ubuntu server it will feed you lamp (linux, apache, mysql and php)08:26
h3sp4wnali1234: I think the inputs are configured through jack but as I say I haven't got jack working yet (I have a few bits of hardware but no linux compatible midi interface here)08:26
Morrowynout of the box08:26
freschhello, i just installed the latest ubuntu. i have trouble getting sound to work. alsa seems to be configured correctly, if my debian skills do not deceive me, but every app complains it is not working08:26
_masonThankyou wastrel & to0om08:26
pike_FuelB: better maybe just to backup home dir and then reinstall..08:27
ElazarMorrowyn: BTW, love your nick. I think Tolkien missed that one. :D08:27
__mikemLimeWire doesn't like my version of the Java RunTIme and frostwire won't install, someone want to suggest another client08:27
pike___mikem: amule but its not gnutella08:27
Elazarscifi: What version of FF are you running?08:27
disinterested_pewindows sucks08:27
Frogsnooze!tell __mikem about java08:27
Elazar__mikem: Define "won't install."08:28
ijeffOkay i installed frostwire, how do I launch it?08:28
__mikemFRogsnooze I have version 5.008:28
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Elazarscifi: Um... do you mean
titanWhat is the best way to play moviest in Ubuntu?08:28
Elazartitan: I use VLC.08:28
MorrowynElazar, :) thanks, its celtic, so he should  have come across it i think08:28
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scifiElazar: yes08:28
Frogsnooze__mikem: did you update alternatives?08:28
epodCan anyone take a few minutes to point out to me what's wrong with my virtualhost file at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1532208:28
freschubuntu, alsa, not working, any pointers?08:28
titanElazar, I got that, how do I get it to autostart the movie when I put it in?08:28
__mikemElazar, wrong choice of words, I mean it can't be found by apt08:29
__mikemFrogsnooze what do you mean08:29
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mmjeppAnyone here running Dapper on an ATi Radeon x800?08:29
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Elazar__mikem: You have universe and multiverse repos enabled?08:29
[newbies] Morrowyn: is that u mean if i develop web hosting server on Ubuntu i must install web & sql server/etc by my self?08:29
stalefriesCan someone help me with my ATI troubles?08:29
Elazar__mikem: 'Cause I can see it.08:29
billybennettElazar, yeah I have audio in other apps08:29
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Elazarbillybennett: Yeah, give Audacious a shot, then.08:29
[newbies] i mean on Ubuntu Desktop08:29
tttTravishow do I install mplayer on ubuntu?08:29
__mikemElazar, I have ALL repositories enabled in the file. I swear on gods name I have all of them enabled08:29
Elazartitan: Hm, not sure about that.08:29
__mikemWHat are you typing where you can see it08:30
Morrowyn[newbies] , no installing the ubuntu server package feeds you all that, so you only have to worry about the content and configging to your own taste08:30
Elazar__mikem: Hm... tried sudo apt-get update?08:30
scifiElazar: yes
__mikemYEs I did that to08:30
epodCan anyone take a few minutes to point out to me what's wrong with my virtualhost file at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1532208:30
stalefriesCan someone help me with my ATI troubles?08:30
__mikemBelieve it or not I have used ubuntu before08:30
disinterested_peatleast windows is polite it asks u if it is ok to crash08:30
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pdavidmorning all08:31
Elazarscifi: Most I can suggest is to update to This shell script will help you do that easily: http://pykeylogger.sourceforge.net/installnewfirefox.sh08:31
pdavidanyone running asterisk on their buntu box?08:31
_masonKnow of any .rmvb to .avi converters for debian/ubuntu?08:31
tttTravisI did apt-cache seach mplayer and all it found was some kmplayer stuff08:31
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scifiElazar: is it safe to do that , wont break my O/S ?08:31
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billybennettElazar, its not showing up in Synaptic08:31
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titanElazar, then how do you get it to play movies?08:31
deefzihelp, i just lost my tree-view in nautilus. how can i get it back?08:31
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stalefriesCan someone help me with my ATI troubles?08:32
Elazar__mikem: Just checking. ;) Hm... just for fun, try running sudo apt-cache search frostwire from the terminal.08:32
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__mikemI did run it from the terminal08:32
_masonhow do i install a .bin file?08:32
to0omdeefzi: F908:32
keleusCan I use dd to copy an ISO of a safedisk2 protected disk? preserving the safedisk junk isn't needed but the disk will have "read errors"...08:32
[newbies] Morrowyn: since i got a problem with "linux type command language" so if i using Ubuntu Desktop..then i manually install web server application .. is that can be do?08:32
jighead!tell stalefries about ati08:32
__mikemchmod 777 the file and then execute it08:32
Elazarscifi: Hasn't broken my installs yet and I've used that script to update twice now.08:32
_masonme ?08:32
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stalefriesjighead; it's not that08:32
deefzito0om, no good :(08:32
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scifiElazar: do i just run it and it does it automatically ?08:33
__mikemElazar no results08:33
ahmeniAnyone here gotten LIRC to work with the current kernel?08:33
to0omdeefzi: how about view - side bar?08:33
Elazartitan: I think enter vlc & from the terminal and it should launch, then the usual File > Open rigmarole.08:33
[Utah] tristanbobhow can I install more fonts in ubuntu that can be used in openoffice08:33
wastrelyou don't need sudo for apt-cache08:33
Elazarscifi: Mostly. It'll ask you to specify a language and one or two other simple things, but for the most part it's automated.08:33
to0omdeefzi: has the bar disappeared completely or does it show something else?08:33
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ijeffHelp, installed frostwire, how do i start it?08:33
Elazar__mikem: Jeez... I dunno, dude. That's freaky.08:33
crimsun[Utah] tristanbob: put them in ~/.fonts/, then ``sudo fc-cache -f -v'', and restart the app{,s}08:33
scifiElazar: k thx08:33
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Crembooh dear. if my xorg.conf file is destroyed beyond tinkering and I don't seem to have stored a backup somewhere safe, what do I do?08:33
Elazarijeff: should be under Applications > Internet.08:34
__mikemWhat do you recomend I DO about this?08:34
crackintoshhas anyone had success BOOTING dapper on a ppc machine?08:34
tttTravisHow do I install mplayer on Ubuntu Dapper Drake? I tried apt-get install mplayer-586 but it doesn't exist, I also tried searching for mplayer but the only results returned were about some kmplayer08:34
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pike_ubotu: tell tttTravis about repos08:34
Elazarbillybennett: Hm... I forget if I installed it from synaptic or from somewhere else. Probably the latter. I think I used alien to convert it to a native package and then installed it that way. You should be able to find it on Google.08:34
wastrelCrembo:  try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:34
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tttTravispike_ I have all of them enabled except backports08:34
tttTravisI ran apt-get update08:34
stalefriesjighead, the requirements for the Binary Howto (eg, what card version it must be) are confusing08:34
deefzito0om, there's no such "view -> side bar" and yes, it's gone completely08:34
=== [MH] Narcism [n=webmaste@toronto-HSE-ppp4182414.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
xikois there a way to use "sudo update-alternatives --config java" But to config Java virtual machine? It doesnt seem to be working08:35
__mikemElazar what do you recomend I do about this?08:35
deefzito0om, the only visible thing is the file browser -window08:35
pike_tttTravis: 'apt-cache search mplayer' doesnt show any packages?08:35
billybennettElazar, well I made the default application for MP3 XMMS then I removed it and cant get mp3 back to another application08:35
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tttTravispike_ just kmplayer ones08:35
Morrowyn[newbies] , you might wanna install webmin after you installed the server box. Configging  the httpd.conf etc. shouldnt be that hard, if you are willing to read the comments in the conf file. For managing the mysql db i use phpmyadmin, so basically you dont need a gui for it, just install a couple of webprograms, like webmin, phpmyadmin etc.08:35
jigheadstalefries, do you know what card you have?08:35
Elazarbillybennett: Sorry, can't help you there.08:35
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to0omdeefzi: maybe you draged it to the very left, try to drag it to the right again08:35
Elazar__mikem: Tough call. Only other thing I can recommend is looking on the wiki. http://wiki.ubuntu.com08:36
titanElazar, rigmarole? What is that?08:36
to0omotherwise give me a screenshot deefzi :)08:36
crackintoshis anyone booting ubuntu on ppc?08:36
stalefriesjighead: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x (rev 64)08:36
ijeffElazar: it doesn't seem to be loading08:36
Elazartitan: Look it up on Webster.08:36
epodcrackintosh, yea.08:36
Elazarijeff: I think I had a similar problem when I installed it. One sec...08:36
wastrelmplayer-586 is ind dapper/multiverse08:36
epodMorrowyn, webmin isn't in the repos.. at least not in universe or base08:36
__mikemCan you upload a .deb file somewhere and give me a link?08:36
pike_tttTravis: do 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' copy everything and paste it to  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:37
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sa0hi all08:37
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sa0i have a big problem08:37
pike_tttTravis: lemme know the url08:37
Kaltekaris there anyone that has installed openvpn from source??08:37
crackintoshepod: should the dapper disk show up in 'startup disk' on OS X? I dont see it in there. Should I burn with disk utility?08:37
sa0with ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu cds08:37
[newbies] Morrowyn: i have a basic setup apache+mysql+phpmyadmin+etc on windows platform.. but never on linux/Ubuntu platform..this is my first time i try it. did u know any url/web i can refer for "linux/ubuntu typing command/sudo??" especially on Ubuntu Server??08:37
sa0media error08:37
ijeffElazar: kk08:37
titanElazar, lol ahh.. I see =P Did not understand what you meant =P08:37
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sa0ide_intr: huh? errors08:37
sa0can someone help08:37
[MH] NarcismThe first time I first login to an installed version of Ubuntu (not the desktop/test version) I'm asked for my username/password, I input it correctly, and then i'm told: The system administrator is not allowed to login from this screen. What's the deal?08:37
epodcrackintosh, use FireBurner DX to burn it08:37
tttTravispike_ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1532308:37
__mikempike_ considering I am having a problem with source packages not showing up in apt-cache even after I properly enable and update the packages, I think theres a problem with apt08:37
Elazarijeff: I think the answer should be here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWire?highlight=%28frostwire%2908:37
sa0i've seen many entries looking with google08:37
snoopsumm I have an nvidia graphics card(a good one) and am getting some pretty crappy performance when ubuntu does the whole screen fade08:38
ijeffElazar: kk thx08:38
sa0but no solutions comes clearly to me08:38
crackintoshepod: thanks08:38
h3sp4wnkaltekar: I have built openvpn for mipsel from source (with a cross compiler)08:38
stalefries[MH] Narcism: were you logging in as root?08:38
Morrowyn[newbies] , i learned my unix skills by diving into the command line, i run a freebsd server, with no gui, and maintain it through ssh, basically all the wizards and guis are just a frontend for simple .conf files08:38
[MH] Narcismabsolutely08:38
epodcrackintosh, no problem08:38
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[MH] Narcismroot is what i specified as my "name" as well08:38
stalefries[MH] Narcism: don't08:38
Morrowynbut thats just my opinion08:38
Elazarijeff: I think I remember what it was now. The script to start it is in DOS format. It shows you how to convert it to UNIX format so it doesn't error when it's run.08:38
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stalefries[MH] Narcism: That's no good.08:38
[MH] Narcismstalefries: so do i reinstall? and call myself something different?08:38
Elazarijeff: Do this: sudodos2unix/usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh08:38
[newbies] Morrowyn: thanxs for ur info08:39
__mikemMorrowyn, I am not a newbie, I also run freebsd, and just because something doesn't work doesn't mean the person having the problem is a newbie08:39
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stalefries[MH}narcism: I would.08:39
Elazarijeff: If you don't have dos2unix, you should be able to find it on synaptic.08:39
[MH] Narcismokay, thanks stalefries ^_^08:39
wastrel[MH] Narcism:  boot into rescue mode and add a new user08:39
=== h4v0k [n=joseph@pool-70-111-114-87.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelno need to reinstall ffs08:39
deefzito0om, dcc08:39
[MH] Narcismrescue mode?08:39
[MH] Narcismthat safe mode?08:39
wastrelit's like windows safe mode08:39
jighead[MH] Narcism, you can just hit ctl+alt+F1, log in as root and create a new user08:39
scifiElazar: how do i run that firefox script, it opens in a text editor by default for me :c08:39
wastrelor you could boot from a rescue cd08:39
wastrelthat too08:39
_masonhow do i uninstall a .bin file?08:39
__mikemoh, Newbies is the name of a person in the room08:40
jighead[MH] Narcism, no need to reinstall08:40
wastreljighead wins08:40
__mikemI thought he was shooting his mouth off08:40
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[MH] Narcismhahah, i like not reinsatlling, this is amazing08:40
to0omdeefzi: ?08:40
deefzito0om, i send the screenshot thru dcc08:40
Elazarscifi: Download it, open up a terminal, cd to the directory containing the script, and then do this: ./installnewfirefox.sh (or whatever the name of the script is)08:40
h4v0khello fellow linux users08:40
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Elazarscifi: Putting ./ in front of the script name should execute it as a bash script.08:40
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__mikemElazar, If you like I can show you my sources list08:40
scifiElazar: thx08:40
epodCan anyone check out http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15325 and tell me what I'm doing wrong with my  virtual host?08:40
deefzito0om, btw. the view is back when i select one folder and open it on "browse folder" but nautilus doesn't start w/ default browse-mode08:41
titanHow do I set a default program for playing DVD discs?08:41
tttTravispike_ so I think I have all of the right respositories enabled08:41
__mikemxine is a good dvd player08:41
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h4v0khow do i get sound on here08:41
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zoohouseHello everyone08:41
zoohouseIs there an app out there for keeping track of USA Treasury Bonds?08:41
titanxine, ok looking it up08:41
Elazar__mikem: That's OK. I wish I knew what to say to help you, but I really don't know. I just that enabling the universe and multiverse repos was enough to make it available to me via synaptic.08:41
pike_tttTravis: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15326 this is my sources.list replace yours with this and sudo apt-get update again08:41
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[Utah] tristanbobcrimsun: thanks - I was hoping for an apt-get install myfavoritefont08:41
h4v0kzoohouse where in the south are you08:41
deefzito0om, hmm... and on the view i sent to you... i can't see on "view"-bar the options like main panel, side panel etc08:42
zoohouseh4v0k: Miami FL08:42
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Elazar__mikem: s/I just that e/E08:42
Seveasepod, looks ok at first sight, what's the error?08:42
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roshlameI have installed windowsxp after installing ubuntu 5.10, and it put NTLoader on the MBR, over the GRUB, so now I can only boot in Windows, what can I do to work around the problem?08:42
scifiElazar: it says "bash: ./installnewfirefox.sh: Permission denied" if i put sudo in front of it it says command not found08:42
__mikemtttTravis, I think you are having the same problem I am. ARe packages not showing up that you know are there?08:42
wastrelh4v0k:  this is a support channel, for general chat try #ubuntu-offtopic08:42
epodSeveas, when I go to www.iguanacom.ca, I just get my /var/www dir, not my /var/www/iguanacom dir08:42
tttTravis__mikem: yeah08:42
kingspawn[Utah] tristanbob: You can get the microsoft fonts, don't remember the exact names now. Try apt-cache search microsoft | grep font08:42
snoopsroshlame the best solution is usually reinstalling grub08:42
h4v0kjeez sorry08:42
wastrelmsttcorefonts iirc08:42
__mikemI am starting to think there is some kind of bug08:43
[MH] Narcismhow would I create a user after i've logged in as root. (ctrl alt f1)08:43
snoopswant the guide on how to do that?08:43
Morrowynroshlame, reinstall grub i think the wiki has a howto on that08:43
roshlamesnoops yes, please08:43
to0omhm deefzi maybe reinstalling nautilus helps :/08:43
Seveasepod, did you enable the vhost? Did you restart apache after doing that?08:43
zoohouseh4v0k: no, 20 min south of Miami and 20 min north of Homestead. princeton08:43
roshlamei tried doing it, but unsuccessfully08:43
jighead[MH] Narcism, useradd or adduser are the commands08:43
h4v0krosh you can write on the autoexec.bat and make two boot options08:43
deefzito0om, i don't like that approach to problems :I08:43
ijeffElazar: can't find dos2unix on synaptic08:43
epodSeveas, enable the vhost? I did do sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload08:43
Crembowhat's the i2c module do in xorg?08:43
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Seveasepod, by the way, it's: NameVirtualHost
[MH] Narcismthanks jighead08:43
__mikemtttTravis, I can guarintee you, its not you.08:43
Seveasthat may be the error 08:43
eXistenZDo I need to install libapache2-mod-python to get python cgi working?08:43
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Elazarscifi: Hm... well, you should be able to do it manually using these instructions, then: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion?highlight=%28firefox%2908:43
snoopshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RecoveringGrub roshlame08:43
[Utah] tristanbobkingspawn: there is always EasyUbuntu which install microsoft fonts08:44
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deefzito0om, and besides, installing nautilus doesn't probably help cause the problem is on settings08:44
roshlamesnoops thank you08:44
snoopsif you have any questions please ask - I had to go through hell to get it going08:44
snoopsoh roshlame08:44
kingspawn[Utah] tristanbob: Hey, if it works, go for it =)08:44
snoopsbackup your mbr first08:44
to0omdeefzi: reconfiguring it should help then, shouldn't it?08:44
Mysta_how do I switch between workspaces??08:44
trickzhello.. i installed the last version of ubuntu.. but i dont have gcc installed .. i tried to isntall it with apt-get install gcc-4.0 ... it was installed but still i dont have C compiler installed :(08:44
Mysta_via keyboard08:44
psaikidohelp installing please?08:44
trickzcan someone tell me what to do?08:44
stalefriesjighead: mayb you didn't see this before:   ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x (rev 64)08:44
wastrelMysta_:  ctrl-alt left & right arrow08:44
Kaltekarh3psp4wn: sorry stepped away, I'm have trouble the config script craps out on me telling me "C compiler cannot create executables"08:44
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wastrelMysta_:  you can change that in the keyboard shortcuts window08:44
jigheadstalefries, what is the problem?08:44
tttTravispike_ hmm now it shows up08:44
epodSeveas, I changed NameVirtuaHost to the IP.. still no dice08:45
kingspawntrickz: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:45
kingspawntrickz: Fixes that right up08:45
trickzok thank you08:45
pike_tttTravis: np multiverse wasnt uncommented i think08:45
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__mikemtttTravis what did you do to make it show u08:45
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epodSeveas, could my /etc/hosts be causing issues?08:45
Seveasepod, where is the file located with this text?08:45
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ijeffElazar: can't find dos2unix on synaptic08:45
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stalefriesjighead: the BinaryHowto page and the BinaryHowto/ATI pages have the same list of requirements, but Binaryhowto says I only need to meet one, and the ATI page says I need to meet all08:45
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wastrelijeff:  heh yeah it's in sysutils08:45
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epodSeveas, it's in /etc/apache2/sites-available/www.iguanacom.ca which is symlinked to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/001-iguanacom08:45
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psaikidoanyone there to help me get the xserver going?08:46
_masoni get the Error: ./rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:46
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Elazarijeff: Hm... sudo apt-get install build-essential ?08:46
Seveasepod, did you restart after changing it to the IP?08:46
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h4v0khow can i install a VB environment on my box08:46
epodSeveas, I restarted Apache, yes08:46
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Elazarh4v0k: Why on earth would you ever want to do that? :P08:46
mattm591hi, im getting an error when i try to run ut2004. "Can't find 'ini:Engine.Engine.GameEngine' in configuration file"  This is my second time reinstalling it,l and it plays fine when I first run it choosing the "play now" option after install but never works again08:46
scifiElazar: shud i follow the full install instructions or just "update from 1.5....." instructions ?08:46
MarineboyHey, anyone know where the .xine config is?08:46
Seveasepod, is the server behind a NAT router?08:46
titanok, xine no good. Apparently I need Encrypted DVD support built into it to be able to watch this DVD, any suggestions?08:46
Elazarscifi: Just the update, I think.08:46
jigheadstalefries, do you have X up and running, and want 3d, or is nothing working at all08:47
ijeffElazar: downloading08:47
stalefriesjighead: I just want 3D08:47
epodSeveas, yes, port 80 is forwarded to the correct IP08:47
h4v0kcause i am taking classes in VB.NET and want to practice at home08:47
MarineboySeveas, do you know where xine config is?08:47
Seveasepod, then you need to use your internal ip in the apache config, not the external one08:47
SeveasMarineboy, ~/.xine comes to mind08:47
__mikemSeveas, can you help me, I can't pull some packages that I know are there with apt-get and I have all repos enabled08:47
MarineboyYeah i got in there and dont see a config.08:47
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jigheadstalefries, have you tried installing the xorg-fglrx-driver and follow the directions on the binary how-to page?08:47
Marineboyonly 2 things08:47
Seveas__mikem, errors  pastebin08:47
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mattm591titan, automatix lets you install dvd codecs08:48
__mikemSeveas, it just says that it can't find the package08:48
Elazarijeff: I'm not certain that that package has it, but I believe it does.08:48
Seveasmattm591, automatix is bad, please don't recommend it08:48
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srinath_manDoes anybody know how can I get a horizantal scrollbar on a terminal ? I don't want the lines to be wrapped ...08:48
MarineboySeveas, I am in there, ut i dont see the config.08:48
mattm591seveas it works fine for me08:48
stalefriesjighead, I tried it on breezy before, and it complained that it couldn't find the screen, but switching back to "ati" fixed that08:48
SeveasMarineboy, then I don't know08:48
epodSeveas, excellent! THANKS :D08:48
titanmattm591, k, thanks08:48
Some_Personcrimsun: I ran the big long command08:48
Seveasmattm591, it broke 1000s of others' systems08:48
Some_Personcrimsun: now what?08:48
crimsunSome_Person: now, ``sudo depmod -e''08:48
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h4v0kwhats a good room for general linux beginnigs08:49
mattm591seveas and it works fine of 1000s of other users sytems (including mine)08:49
Seveas__mikem, which package? sources.list on the pastebin please08:49
Some_Personcrimsun: no output08:49
psaikidono one there to help my install?08:49
Elazarh4v0k: ##linux ?08:49
MarineboyOk Seveas  thanks.08:49
h4v0ksorry mispelled:">08:49
=== bderrly [i=bderrly@c-71-234-101-200.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stalefries!tell mattm591 about automatix08:49
pike_h4v0k: if you have ubuntu here is often best place for newbie questions08:49
Seveasmattm591, that's irrelevant. As long as it's breaking things it's bad.08:49
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.08:49
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mattm591ubotu no one cares what you think ;)08:49
jigheadstalefries, it is possible that you may want the radeon driver instead of fglrx08:49
snoopsIs there a way for x to remember what applications are open as well as their positions when you restart it?08:49
h4v0kyeah i got ubuntu and love it08:49
ubotumattm591: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:49
stalefriesjighead: I don't know.08:49
Tobberothpsaikido: No worries, Ubuntu is pretty easy to install, depending on how you want it.08:50
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stalefriesjighead: it defaulted to ati08:50
jigheadstalefries, you didn't provide a chipset, and i don't know if the mobility line is covered by the fglrx stuff08:50
Scorpmooni finally managed to make ubuntu task bar look and feel like windows :)08:50
h4v0ki only used IRC a couple of times whats some of the commands08:50
snoopsyeah I definitely feel like ubuntu is the best os I've ever used08:50
stalefriesjighead: how do I find out the chipset/08:50
Some_Personcrimsun? u there?08:50
snoopsfor a desktop that is08:50
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jigheadstalefries, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and see if it lets you choose radeon instead of ati for a driver08:50
Scorpmoondoes ubuntu 64bit generally has less supported drivers than 32bit?08:50
crimsunSome_Person: sec, I'm on the phone.08:50
stalefriesjighead: ok08:50
jigheadstalefries, lspci -vv08:50
crimsunSome_Person: yes, no output for that command is good. Now, ``sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=6stack''08:51
fishheadhello, I have a question about using nautilus as a ftp client if there is anyone out there who is also using this feature08:51
wastrelScorpmoon:  screenshot?08:51
Some_Personcrimsun: errors galore08:51
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Scorpmoonsorry, wife is using the computer now :)08:51
h4v0kyeah how do i set up for a ftp server08:51
crimsunSome_Person: pastebin08:51
Scorpmoonits no big deal08:51
sp3tth4v0k: sudo apt-get install proftpd08:52
kingspawnubotu tell h4v0k about cli08:52
jigheadScorpmoon, 64bit support is lagging for all OS'es, it's still relatively new08:52
stalefriesjighead: what do I get from lspci -vv? I ran it, but it didn't provide anything new about the card08:52
Scorpmoonso you would recommend using 32bit ubuntu even for an AMD64 ?08:52
h4v0kwhats apt-get stand for?08:52
dsasfishhead: Just ask your question08:52
snoopsso no one knows if I can get x to do that?08:52
sp3tth4v0k: package manager08:52
kyncanistalefries: hal-device-manager is pretty good08:52
dsash4v0k: advanced package manager - get08:52
wastrelapt is a package tool  apt-get is just apt-get  it gets a package from apt repository08:52
gharzh4v0k, man apt-get08:52
ijeffElazar: nope doesn't seem like dos2unix is in there08:52
bderrlysnoops, check out sessions in the preferences menu08:52
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jigheadScorpmoon, no, the supoort is decent, and there are workarounds for some of the annoyances08:53
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snoopsoh cheers bderrly08:53
fredrich1anyone know how to get xdmcp running on a headless server? i'm completely lost as to what to edit and where, and what to restart08:53
wastrelijeff:  dos2unix is in sysutils08:53
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jigheadScorpmoon, it's not worth dumping half your performance08:53
Some_Personcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1532708:53
Scorpmoonjighead, how much performance will I get from using 64bit over 32bit ubuntu08:53
Scorpmoonthat much?08:53
stalefriesjighead: Is this it? 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX AGP08:53
jigheadScorpmoon, well, i exaggerate a bit08:53
h4v0kthats the second time i ran apt-get and it said no such file or directory08:53
Elazarwastrel: Thanks. ijeff: Sorry for the misdirection. :P08:54
fishheadEssentially what I would like to do is connect with my server with nautilus and use it just as it is another folder in my file system, however when I connect I can only open files as read only, so when I want to edit them I have to click save as then pick the location on the server to overwrite the file, I am wondering if there is some way I can configure it to just save on the server directly.08:54
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Mysta_wastrel: thx for the tip08:54
snoopsI can restart x by just backspace backspace right?08:54
scifiElazar: i did the manual update, then gave permissions back to root, started up firefox, but it still says im using ver. :c08:54
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gharzi'm new to linux... but i've just one question... how come there are so many versions of linux? why can't they just combine so that Windows would take the lead?08:54
ijeffElazar: where's sysutils then? lol sry08:54
jigheadstalefries, could be, check on ati.com and see what driver they recommend08:54
Scorpmoongharz just my thought08:54
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__mikemSeaves see the screenshot08:54
stalefriesjighead: will do08:54
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Elazarscifi: Not sure how to help you. Look through the rest of the wiki article.08:54
h4v0kok i ran apt-get update08:54
jbirdAngelstalefries: Frogsnooze thank you08:54
wastrelijeff:  apt-get install sysutils   <308:54
deefzito0om, okay. i've figured it out but now i would need to find config file of some kind for nautilus. does anyone know?08:54
h4v0kits loading something now08:54
LeaChimgharz, people in the different distros want different things08:55
snoopsgharz not everyone agrees on how things should be done08:55
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deefzito0om, it must be started with "nautilus --browser" or have the --browser set for default, but where08:55
number_sixhi all08:55
snoopsdifferent strokes for different folks I believe fits well08:55
Seveas__mikem, forstwire  frostwire, and I did not see your sources.list yet 08:55
crimsunSome_Person: please pastebin /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base08:55
dsasdeefzi: you need to use gconf-editor to edit nautilus configuration08:55
epodSeveas, ok, it's working now, but when apache loads I am getting the warning - [Thu Jun 08 12:54:42 2006]  [warn]  NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts08:55
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Seveas__mikem, rofl, sorry I must be blind 08:56
__mikemITs alright08:56
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gharzi just hope that these genius people combine their work.08:56
__mikemas you can see everything is enabled08:56
to0omdeefzi: open gconf-editor08:56
Seveas__mikem, no08:56
Seveasyou're missing quite a lot08:56
__mikemI am08:56
t-thingCould someone help me get the driver for dwl-g510 wireless network card rt61 rom to be used with ndiswrapper08:56
deefzito0om, thanks, but made a little hax for it. it'll do08:56
=== erirlar [n=erirlar@216-27-239.0512.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
Morrowynfishhead, you probably dont have the proper permissions on the server, you might wanna check that08:56
to0omdeefzi: and go to apps - nautilus - preferences08:56
pike_h4v0k: ?08:56
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to0omdeefzi: and set always_use_browser there08:57
Some_Personcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1532908:57
h4v0kshould i run inet or standalone08:57
Seveasah wait, you have double repositories...08:57
Seveaslet's clean it up a bit08:57
to0omdeefzi: then it should always start as a browser08:57
kingspawnh4v0k: standalone08:57
number_sixcan anybody help me to get my windowmanager to work? I uninstalled compiz and xgl and i do not have window borders (sry 4 ban english)08:57
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frank__Xorg is using 307 MBs RAM (717 MBs VmSize)   is this a memory leak?08:57
fishheadMorrowyn: so it is something that nautilus would support if the server permissions are correct?08:57
kingspawnh4v0k: inet is sort of old and not used that much anymore08:57
siofwolvesare network-manager and network-manager-gnome the same thing ?08:57
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Morrowynepod, add   your myhostname to the /etc/hosts perhaps?08:57
h4v0kok how do i use it08:58
=== Crembo [n=shachar@bzq-88-153-130-161.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
chewyf5does dapper support intel_hda08:58
pike_h4v0k: bear in mind the default config i think allows anonymous login so anyone can login until you change that..08:58
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Morrowynfishhead, correct, your server checks wether you are permitted or not, and nautilus just passes that through08:58
__mikemxorg is a very intense program as are all graphics programs08:58
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Crembohey everyone, difficult question: how do you make firefox memorize window position and size when you close and reopen it?08:58
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Seveas__mikem, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1533008:58
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ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>08:58
fishheadMorrowyn: thanks, I will look into it08:58
=== kzm_ [n=ketil@238.80-202-253.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
kingspawnh4v0k: /etc/proftpd.conf is the config file08:58
moocowmooif i had some permission errors to where i can't log in to my system at all could i use the ubuntu live cd to fix the problems?08:58
ijeffElazar: installed, should the dos2unix command work now?08:59
erirlarhi all, i have a problem here. some how i can't get access to the (Multiverse) serction in Synaptic, i've checked the box in the Repositores and Reloaded it. but still nothing08:59
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bderrlymoocowmoo, yes08:59
scifican anyone help advise me on my firefox problem, i just did the manual update following the wiki, but it still says im using ver. 1.5.02 , not 1.5.04 ?08:59
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=== RememberPOL [n=pol@adsl-64-108-205-252.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Elazarijeff: Should, yeah, if wastrel is right.08:59
niallobroin'm trying to do a dapper install with RAID1 disk setup, but when it comes time to configure the MD devices, one of the partitions I've setup on one disk isn't offered in the list. All partitions are correctly marked as type fd. Any ideas?08:59
stalefriesjighead: I found the product page (I know it's the one because it lists my laptop as one of the models using it) http://www.ati.com/products/mobility/index.html08:59
niallobroinHello ompaul08:59
zeroonce again08:59
zeroi suck08:59
moocowmoobderrly, does it matter if i use breezy 5.1 and the live cd is 6.0608:59
__mikemok, let me just wipe out my old list08:59
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RememberPOLHas anybody had luck setting up Quake3 on Ubuntu 6.06?08:59
zerocan anyone help me get WINE running on my dapper drake box?08:59
epodSeveas, my /etc/hosts is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15331, could you take a peek?08:59
bderrlymoocowmoo, have you tried using the "recovery" option in grub?  that should take you to a root prompt09:00
zeroits installed, just dunno how to get it to run09:00
mrmistI'm having this bug when trying to run the i686 kernel..09:00
cgeHas anyone found a workaround for bug 36014, where Pentium M's get locked to their lowest frequency? This appears to now happen on 386 kernels too, and is making Dapper rather unusable.09:00
pike_RememberPOL: ive got quake4 doom3 etc running fine not quake3 though..09:00
h4v0kok how do i open it to configure it? gedit?09:00
wastreli have a pentium m09:00
MrObviouszero: wine (windows app)09:00
ijeffElazar: same error09:00
number_sixerirlar,  open a terminal sudo gedti /etc/apt/sources.list delete all  # from the lines what started # deb09:00
crimsunSome_Person: pastebin ``lsmod |grep ^snd''09:00
moocowmoobderrly, yeah i'll see if i can thanks i might be back i'm on a knoppix live cd right now lol09:00
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Seveasepod, that warning is harmless09:00
number_sixerirlar,  open a terminal sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list delete all  # from the lines what started # deb09:00
zeroin the terminal?09:00
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zerohow do i get it to READ CD?09:00
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MrObviouszero: Yup09:00
bderrlymoocowmoo, well, i'f you're on a live cd you can fix stuff09:00
dr3wsterdoes anyone know how to change the default icon size for desktop icons?09:00
Some_Personcrimsun: snd_page_alloc         10248  009:01
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RememberPOLpike_: KK09:01
epodSeveas, ok thanks09:01
MrObviouszero: Type cd /media/cdrom/ && wine (exe file)09:01
bderrlymoocowmoo, all you have to do is just get the system running...then mount your root partition09:01
moocowmoobderrly, for some odd reason its not allowing me to read the contents of the hdd09:01
mrmistI can't make my laptop run the i686 core. Any idea why ?? It's a Centrino Core Duo 2.0GHz laptop09:01
=== apex\\shiNNNNg`8 [n=xxshinwa@c-24-3-143-26.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunSome_Person: ok, all of ``lsmod'' -> pastebin, please09:01
bderrlymoocowmoo, did you mount your root partition?09:01
__mikemOk seveas I just put your modifications in mine and updated09:01
__mikemhold on09:01
moocowmoobderrly, yes09:01
epodmrmist, linux-686-smp09:01
epodmrmist, try.09:01
bderrlymoocowmoo, what kind of issue are you having?09:01
mrmistsmp ?09:01
__mikemSeveas it still can't find the package09:01
Some_Personcrimsun: do i need to pastebin that one?09:02
Seveasfrostwire or xchat?09:02
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epodmrmist, yeah, you have multiple CPUs :P09:02
Seveas!info frostwire09:02
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siofwolvesare network-manager and network-manager-gnome the same thing ? no way am I going to use WEP09:02
J_Phi all09:02
TobberothHow do I make a shortcut?09:02
Seveas__mikem, frostwire doesn't exist in ubuntu it seems09:02
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b14ckhi J_P09:02
Elazarijeff: Hm... FUBAR... that should have done the trick. Do this? which dos2unix09:02
Seveas!info frostwire dapper09:02
__mikemSomeone else said it does09:02
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erirlarnumber_six, i have done that. but still the "flashplugin-nonfree" is in my list09:02
TobberothI have a a folder called /shared, but I want a shortcut to it on my desktop09:02
__mikemand xchat doesn't show up either09:02
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moocowmoobderrly, it says can not mount media device filesystem type unknown but i'm telling it the correct type09:02
ElazarSeveas: It does exist, I installed it through synaptic.09:02
crimsunSome_Person: yes09:02
Seveasodd, maybe au.archive is broken09:02
scifican anyone help advise me on my firefox problem, i just did the manual update following the wiki, but it still says im using ver. 1.5.02 , not 1.5.04 ?09:03
apex\\shiNNNNg`8Hey, I've been using Gentoo for the past year or so, but now I find that I don't have the time and energy to manage the system, so I've been looking for a new distro. Could someone give me a brief overview of Ubuntu, why it's so popular, and advantages/disadvantages?09:03
=== blakkino [n=BLaCk@host99-234.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
snoopshow do I restart x11?09:03
__mikemactually, I take that back, xchat shows up now09:03
erirlarnumber_six, is NOT in my list09:03
SeveasElazar, not from ubuntu repositories 09:03
pike_Tobberoth: i can tell you howto from terminal but dont know how gnome does it09:03
Jowisnoops: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (you will be logged out)09:03
number_sixok im on it09:03
mrmistepod: *doh*09:03
=== L1nx [n=L1nx@69-162-113-171.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #Ubuntu
snoopsk thanks jowi09:03
Elazarapex: Relatively easy installation/management. Having to prepend sudo to most commands is rather annoying. :P09:03
bderrlymoocowmoo, when trying to mount your root partition?09:03
Seveas__mikem, ok, than all is working. For frostwire you need to find a 3rd party repo09:03
bderrlymoocowmoo, what fs type is it?09:03
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasbut Elazar should be able to help you with that 09:03
mrmistepod: hehe... guess I'll try that... but it's a version below the others... does that have anything to say ??09:03
MrObviousapex\\shiNNNNg`8: It uses debs and has a huge support channel.09:03
moocowmoobderrly, its ext309:03
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Tobberothpike_ I don't really mind using the terminal, unless it's very hard stuff09:04
Some_Personcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1533309:04
number_sixerirlar, make an apt-get update09:04
ubotuDownload and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically.  If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions09:04
J_Ppeople, sorry, but anyone could PLEASE, tell me how I change my locales in Ubuntu dapper ? I'm in consoel mode. so I try simple commando "dpkg-reconfigure locales" (this works in debian), but in ubuntu this commando dows not open dialog to configure new locales, anyone can help me ?09:04
ijeffElazar: jeff@jefftop:~$ which dos2unix09:04
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Elazarijeff: And you're getting the exact same error?09:04
=== agra [n=douglas@pD9E34D0E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
epodtrade someone a 12" powerbook g4 + 1.25gb ram, 1.5ghz, 80gb HD, GeForce 5200 for a MacBook with the crappy intel gfx ;)09:04
SeveasJ_P edit /etc/environment and use locale-gen to generate locales09:04
Elazarijeff: Ah, wait, duh... run the line I gave you earlier.09:04
Amaranthapex\\shiNNNNg`8: We're almost as up-to-date as Gentoo is, lots of software available through apt, great community support.09:04
__mikemElazar according to Seveas Frostwire doesn't exist in the ubuntu repositories, what repos are you using?09:04
wastreli lurve me some dos2unix09:04
bderrlymoocowmoo, mount -t ext3 /dev/hdaN /mnt/root, you did something like that?09:04
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moocowmoobderrly, yeah09:05
kbrosnanscifi, you might have launched the wrong version in a console which firefox and give me the output09:05
Versedm/join #ubuntu-offtopic09:05
epod__mikem, frostwire is just a java app.  you can get it from sourceforge.09:05
Elazarmikem: He may be right. Check http://frostwire.org for an installation file.09:05
blakkinoJ_P, if i remember correctly there is a way to configure debconf about how many question do u want it to ask when you use it09:05
Amaranthapex\\shiNNNNg`8: We've got #ubuntu, #kubuntu, etc plus ubuntuforums.org09:05
pike_Tobberoth: well it basically like this: ln -s /media/hda1 ~/Desktop/whateveryouwantocallit you would replace /media/hda1 with the path to your shared drive09:05
apex\\shiNNNNg`8Amaranth: Thanks, is there Cedega support? That is a must for me, I play waaay too many games haha09:05
blakkinodpkg-reconfigure somethings :)09:05
Tobberothallright pike_, i'll try it!09:05
Amaranthapex\\shiNNNNg`8: cedega has deb packages available, i think09:05
bderrlymoocowmoo, you're sure you have the correct /dev ?09:05
Elazarapex: And wiki.ubuntu.com. :) Between this channel and that wiki, there aren't a lot of issues I've run into with Ubuntu that I haven't been able to find solutions for. The user base is great.09:05
mo0sewhat options should i put in /etc/fstab for fat32 partition?09:05
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scifikbrosnan: i didnt use console to launch it, just used shortcut icon09:06
moocowmoobderrly, yeah i'm positivie09:06
frank__blakkino: sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf09:06
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kingspawnmo0se: Seems reasonable09:06
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>09:06
apex\\shiNNNNg`8Elazar: I see, but what made Ubuntu the popular distro that it is in the first place?09:06
hikenboothello all--I am trying to setup a LTSP server and I would like to use pxes client or thinstation client so I can also make simultaneous sessions to a windows terminal server. Nowhere in any documetation i have found or thru internet search has anyone done  this...does anyone know if its possible...would I run rdp sessions or others?09:06
bderrlymoocowmoo, where are you trying to mount it?09:06
mo0seit's fat32.09:06
Elazarijeff: Did you do this: sudodos2unix/usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh09:06
ubotuin fstab it should look **like** this:: /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       009:06
=== Firebird8 [n=Firebird@pool-138-88-243-17.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tobberothpike_: It worked great! Thanks :D09:06
kbrosnanscifi, the console and a shorcut are no different09:06
nnamWhat ports do two IRC servers on the same network use to communicate with eachother?09:06
Amaranthmo0se: that wiki page actually has fat32 info too09:06
pike_Tobberoth: np09:06
Elazarapex: The slogan "Linux For Human Beings" doesn't say enough? :P09:06
__mikemElazar frostwire.org doesn't exist09:06
ijeffElazar: now the directory doesn't exist09:06
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J_PSeveas: ok, I will try!09:06
mo0seit works.09:06
Elazar__mikem: Sorry, .com09:07
scifikbrosnan: yes but i cant give u any output, cus there is none09:07
erirlarnumber_six, i loaded it now, and still nothing. somehow i just cant get "flashplugin-nonfree"09:07
J_Pblakkino: yes, If you remember tell me!09:07
AesopAnyone know what causes the error:09:07
crimsunSome_Person: I actually need all of ``lsmod'', not just the filtered output09:07
epodWhat's the easiest way to set up email and webmail on a LAMP installation?09:07
AesopX Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)09:07
Aesop  Major opcode of failed request:  144 (NV-GLX)09:07
apex\\shiNNNNg`8Elazar: hahaha ok. How easy (or hard) is the configuration and the install?09:07
Elazarijeff: find / -name runFrost.sh09:07
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AmaranthAesop: Xgl?09:07
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blakkinoJ_P, frank__ tell us that09:07
Elazarapex: About as easy as Windows, I would say.09:07
moocowmoobderrly, on the desktop09:07
ubotuPlease check this out, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare adjusting kernel versions to your own, to get the number replace the numbers with " `uname -r" The ` is a Backtic09:07
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Some_Personcrimsun: what do you mean?09:07
AesopAmaranth, I was trying to run WINE09:07
Elazarapex: If not a little simplier.09:07
bderrlymoocowmoo, you're trying to mount your root partition to your desktop?09:07
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AmaranthAesop: Ah, I dunno then.09:07
Elazarapex: It's child play compared to most Linux installations, I think.09:07
stalefriesjighead, what do you think of this: "3D support is not available for RAGE PRO derivatives, including MOBILITY P/M/M1 under XFree86 4.x"09:08
ijeffElazar: it tells me find: /etc/lvm/archive: Permission denied09:08
ijefffind: /etc/lvm/backup: Permission denied09:08
ijefffind: /etc/ssl/private: Permission denied09:08
luc1fersflowershellow, world09:08
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r3sethi there, i can't execute gconf. any ideas?09:08
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knowns how to configure 5.1 audio in ubuntu?09:08
moocowmoobderrly, yeah09:08
Elazarijeff: OK, sorry, sudo that. sudo find / -name runFrost.sh09:08
h4v0kok in the help file it say proftpd -c is the config file but when i type it in the terrminal it just runs the help file:-|09:08
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mlehrerDarkRavenMixage: depends on your hardware, but when it works it is just magic09:08
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bderrlymoocowmoo, open a terminal: mkdir ~/moocow && sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdaN ~/moocow09:08
r3setmaybe a package is missing09:08
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luc1fersflowerscan anyone help me, i'm trying to swtich GUI's. i've got kde installed under gnome but i don't know how to switch between the two09:08
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apex\\shiNNNNg`8Elazar: Ok, I think I will try it tonight, thanks!09:08
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dsasepod: http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/email-services.html may help09:08
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epoddsas, excellent, thanks :)09:08
jigheadstalefries, it sounds like you're not getting 3d, did you get 3d in windows?09:08
XxATOLxXwhats the system requirements for ubuntu server? i have a really old P2 266mhz laptop09:09
pike_h4v0k: you shouldnt have to type that unless you want to use a different config file than the one in /etc/ directory09:09
kbrooks_I'm using TB09:09
dreamcatcher3344can anyone help me with my internet connection09:09
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dimitriosDoes anyone know how I can change the keyboard language? I would like to type in Greek and I don't know how.09:09
dsasepod: The guide doesn't mention setting up MX (mail exchanger) records in DNS, but you have to do that somehow too09:09
DarkRavenMixagemlehrer i have a sound blaster 5.1 configured with alsa09:09
stalefriesjighead, the laptop came with Win 98, and I almost immediately scrapped it, so I don't know09:09
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bderrlydimitrios, add the language selector to the taskbar09:09
Some_Personcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1533409:09
jigheadstalefries, how old is the laptop?09:09
ijeffElazar: /usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh09:09
dsasXxATOLxX: It depends on how many people will be accessing it and what you'll be serving.09:09
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jigheadstalefries, do you NEED 3d09:09
stalefriesjighead: I don't know, but it's old09:09
__mikemElazar, it is complaining about the jre, and I have jre 5.0 installed09:09
scifikbronsan: any idea? ive tried point to both "firefox" and "mozilla-firefox" in preferred applications09:09
mlehrerDarkRavenMixage: just plug your s/pdif cable into it and configure your alsa app to use it09:10
dreamcatcher3344i can connect to the internet with the live cd but not in the installed ubuntu09:10
dsasXxATOLxX: For a few users it shoujld be fine though.09:10
luc1fersflowerscan anyone help me, i'm trying to swtich GUI's. i've got kde installed under gnome but i don't know how to switch between the two09:10
jigheadstalefries, given that it's running, stick with the ati09:10
stalefriesjighead: only if need means "want 3d games"09:10
DarkRavenMixagemleher where is the alsa configuring tool?09:10
stalefriesjighead: alright09:10
DarkRavenMixagemlehrer where is the alsa configuring tool?09:10
mlehrerDarkRavenMixage: sound blaster seems to be the worst for 5.1 support though09:10
kbrooks_I'm using thunderbird, and I'd like to get the headers for each mail message09:10
mlehrerDarkRavenMixage: i use VLC to do it09:10
h4v0kok but i tried to use gedit on the /etc/proftpd.conf file and it wouldnt come up09:10
XxATOLxXits going to be a light website... so even a 266mhz pII with 32mb's of ram will run it?09:10
pike_h4v0k: there is another ftp server app called pureftpd if you install that and pureadmin you can run pureadmin and its basically a graphical config.. never used it myself though09:10
dimitriosthis worked09:10
dimitriosthanks man!09:10
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dimitriosI'm new at this...09:10
kbrooks_How do I do this09:10
jigheadstalefries, wants 3d games = buy newer laptop unfortunately :)09:10
Elazarijeff: sudo dos2unix /usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh09:10
bderrlydimitrios, have fun!  :)09:10
h4v0kthat would be sweet09:10
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ijeffelazar: sudodos2unix/usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh09:10
ijeffbash: sudodos2unix/usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh: No such file or directory09:10
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DarkRavenMixagemlehrer so... what i have to open to configure my alsa card?09:11
h4v0kim new to linux bein a windows man (formerly)09:11
dimitrioscan I associate it with a shortcut as well? Like Alt+Shift in windows?09:11
ijeffElazar: there, worked09:11
cgeDoes anyone here have a Dell D600 running Dapper?09:11
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ijeffElazar:  I think, it just went to new empty line09:11
luc1fersflowersanyone know how to speed up ubuntu for w/e reason my desktop is laggy, i'm on an inspirion 6000 with 1gb ram 2.0 p4m09:11
ijeffElazar:  did it do anything?09:11
Elazarijeff: Yup, probably worked.09:11
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Elazarijeff: Try launching Applications > Internet > Frostwire now.09:11
mlehrerDarkRavenMixage: all i had to do was open vlc, make sure it is using alsa, and check the box to use S/PDIF.09:11
kbrosnanscifi, open up the alacarte menu editor and see what the firefox icon is launching.09:11
cgeluc1fersflowers: check the cpu frequency.09:11
__mikemElazar its complaining about the jre and I have 5.0 installed09:11
ijeffElazar:  still don't see anything opening09:11
Elazar__mikem: Frostwire is?09:11
luc1fersflowerscge: how?09:11
mluu510help: my print screen button doesn't work. i already configured in keybaord shortcut09:12
DarkRavenMixagei can configure under xmms?09:12
mluu510can someone help me out?09:12
pike_h4v0k: i use ssh and sftp instead of ftp though just because its way more secure.  and i use a free app called winscp to connect to my ubuntu box from a windows machine09:12
Elazarijeff: Try launching it from the terminal: frostwire &09:12
mlehrerDarkRavenMixage: and your media has to have the AC3 5.1 audio in it, i'm assuming you are watching an xvid or something like that09:12
TobberothOkey um, I'm starting to think GNOME, Nautilus or whatever it is dislikes me..09:12
ubotump3 is, like, a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:12
cgeluc1fersflowers: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq09:12
TobberothI tried to rename a folder from Example to example..09:12
h4v0ki need to take a course on unix/linux for my network admin degree and i wanted to switch to linux before it got time09:12
cgeluc1fersflowers: in the terminal09:12
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Amaranthcge: that requires sudo09:12
Tobberothwhat it does is basically a copy of the folder with that name09:12
ijeffElazar:  ah it looks live my JRE is faulty09:12
kingspawnh4v0k: Smart move09:12
Tobberothdeleting one of them deletes both09:12
moocowmoobderrly, only thing i mounted successfully so far is grub or /boot hmmm whats the fs type for ubuntu by default?09:12
cgeAmaranth: no, it will run as a user.09:12
XxATOLxXhas anyone run Ubunto on the new AMD AM2 series yet?09:12
ijeffElazar:  need new java09:12
kingspawnTobberoth: How'd you go about doing that?09:12
h4v0kyeah im a hands on kinda guy09:12
moocowmoobderlly, i'm pretty sure its ext3 correct?09:13
bderrlymoocowmoo, ext3 i believe09:13
luc1fersflowerscge: it say's 80000009:13
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Elazar__mikem: Dunno. I'm running 1.5.0_06-b05 and I can run it fine.09:13
Tobberothkingspawn, i right clicked the folder and chose rename09:13
Elazarijeff: There you go.09:13
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Tobberothand changed the name09:13
DarkRavenMixageyes mlehrer09:13
__mikemI am running 5.009:13
kingspawnTobberoth: Seems reasonable =)09:13
cgeluc1fersflowers: Yes. And I take it the CPU should be running at over twice that, right?09:13
h4v0kbut i like linux more even though im feelin like a total lamer09:13
ubotusomebody said mp3 was a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:13
Tobberothbang, two identical folders, one capitalised, one not.09:13
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bderrlymoocowmoo, reboot and try the "recovery" mode from grub09:13
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L1nxXxATOLxX: I've seen a LAMP server running on a Pentium 120 Mhz with only 64 MB of RAM, and it handles well.09:13
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bderrlymoocowmoo, from there you can edit whatever you need09:13
kingspawnh4v0k: Heh, you'll get up to snuff pretty fast, just stick with it09:13
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Elazar__mikem: Check the wiki page, dude. I don't know. All I know is, I can run it.09:13
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XxATOLxXL1nx: sounds good.. thanks =)09:13
cycomh4v0k: it's the 1337 name, I bet. ;)09:13
crimsunSome_Person: ``sudo modprobe -r snd_page_alloc && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=6stack''09:13
luc1fersflowerscge: it's supposed to be at 2ghz09:13
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looksausI exchanged two or three mails with Marilize Coetzee, someone behind shipit, two weeks before the Dapper release09:14
luc1fersflowerscge: does this mean it's running at 800mhz?09:14
ijeffElazar:  thx, ill update mine09:14
TobberothIf I go into the folder now, I have 1 folder, capitalised09:14
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kingspawnh4v0k: Yeah, I'd like it even better if your name didnt have numbers, makes me have to press h4 to complete your nick =)09:14
cgeluc1fersflowers: Yes. It is currently running at 800 MHz. Try cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq09:14
looksausbecause we (ubuntu-be.org) needed 1k Dapper installation sets09:14
h4v0ki know its so pseudo intelligent but i dont like some of the name choices i have seen09:14
tritohchow do i disable shift+backspace from killing gnome?09:14
Tobberothif i go into it, then back, then forward, then back, the duplicate is there again09:14
tritohcevery time i try something i accidentally hit it09:14
Tobberothmakes no sense at all09:14
tritohcso i've stopped trying09:14
Seveastritohc, by not using XGL 09:14
h4v0kyeah how do i change my nick i forgot09:15
looksausI have confirmation we were eligible,but nothing more than that09:15
bderrlyh4v0k, /nick09:15
tritohcyou mean not using x server right?09:15
Seveastritohc, yes, it's a hard-coded XGL "feature"09:15
luc1fersflowerscge: ok so i did that, but it's still at 800mhz09:15
Some_Personcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1533509:15
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cgeluc1fersflowers: Ubuntu is supposed to scale the CPU frequency up and down depending upon CPU load, but I've found that it doesn't work for me, and just pins it at the lowest frequency.09:15
tritohchow do i disable it?09:15
fishheadMorrowyn: thanks, I have fixed it09:15
__mikemSeveas, this program is complaining that I don't have the latest version of jre installed and I know I do09:15
tritohcxgl, that is09:15
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looksausI'm a bit worried about the shipping date for our mega shipit order09:15
luc1fersflowerscge: is there anything i can do to fix this?09:15
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Seveaslooksaus, info@shipit.ubuntu.com 09:16
cgeluc1fersflowers: It is bug 36014, and I can't understand why more attention hasn't been paid to it. I haven't found a way around it yet.09:16
luc1fersflowerscge: i know i can turn off speed stepping in bios, but i may need that if i decide to unplug my laptop09:16
Seveas__mikem, probably $JAVA_HOME isn't set09:16
__mikemhow do I set it09:16
chewyf5i need help my soundcard is an INTEL HDA and my OS is dapper but i cant hear anything09:16
Seveas__mikem, try this: export JAVA_HOME=/usr09:16
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luc1fersflowerscge: interesting, i'm going to try to turn off speed stepping. thank you for your help09:16
__mikemit isn't set echo $JAVA_HOME doesn't return anything09:17
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Crembofor some reason, internet seems to work much slower in Ubuntu than windows for me.. it gets hung up on "looking up <address>" for a great deal more time than it should09:17
cgeluc1fersflowers: You're welcome. Sorry about the bug, it is making Dapper rather unusable.09:17
__mikemNo that didn't work09:17
mluu510i lost my shutdown button. how do i get it back?09:17
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DarkRavenMixagemlehrer how to configure mp3 for 4.1?09:17
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Seveas__mikem, it works only in the same shell09:17
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__mikemI did it in the same shell09:17
scifikbronsan: in the command box for ff in applications menu editor it says "firefox %u"09:17
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boogerok ill bbl09:18
__mikemSeveas I ran export JAVA_PATH=/usr in the same shell09:18
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boogerthanks for the help09:18
DarkRavenMixagehow to configure mp3 for 4.109:19
crimsunSome_Person: sudo insmod snd09:19
halibutE: The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package azureus.  :(09:19
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Seveas__mikem, weird...09:19
=== __mikem face in hands!
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Geoffrey2at minimum, what repos do i want active in the package manager?09:19
ijeffhmm can anyone help me in installing JRE 1.4?09:19
Some_Personcrimsun: insmod: can't read 'snd': No such file or directory09:19
Seveas__mikem, this should also work as command09:19
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SeveasJAVA_HOME=/usr name_of_application09:20
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gnomefreakijeff: why not java 1.5?09:20
_bthey guys, what command do i use to build a deb package from a source tarball ?09:20
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autosuggestedGreetings! Does anyone here mount nfs shares at boot up (list them in /etc/fstab)?09:20
ijeffgnomefreak: that would work too.. lol09:20
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crimsunSome_Person: ``dmesg |tail -25''09:20
Seveasadministrador_, try: /join #ubuntu-mx09:20
gnomefreakubotu tell ijeff about java09:20
__mikemJAVA_PATH=/usr frostwire didn't work either09:20
ijeffgnomefreak: thx09:20
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DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to configure mp3 for 4.109:20
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DaveyJhello :)09:21
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to configure mp3 playback for 4.1?09:21
XVampireXIs mplayer in the repositories?09:21
scifikbrosnan: in the command box for ff in applications menu editor it says "firefox %u"09:21
Seveas__mikem, ok, then frostwire is using something wlse to determine java version. Never having used it, I'll refer you to Elazar again 09:21
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XVampireXCause I can't get it09:21
DaveyJwahts the easiest java editor/compiler available?09:21
autosuggestedThe reason I ask... my nfs shares don't mount at bootup. I have to run "sudo mount -a" to mount them after boot.09:21
DaveyJi'm used to using jcreator for win3209:21
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__mikemHEs not responding09:21
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mattm591does anyone know how to set xmms as my default player for mp3s, m3us etc. (i hope without having to use that dirty dirty script automatix!)09:21
ElazarDavey: I like jEdit personally, as far as an IDE goes.09:21
__mikembUT I WILL TRY AGAIN09:21
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Some_Personcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15336P09:21
DaveyJjEdit? :)09:22
DaveyJi'll check it out09:22
__mikemSorry i use the caplocks instead of the shift key and I inverted the case09:22
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DaveyJits just that i have a project due in 3 hours lol09:22
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__mikemElazar, it is still complaining about the jre!09:22
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_bthey guys, what command do i use to build a deb package from a source tarball ?09:22
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Elazar __mikem: Sorry, I just poke my head in randomly. :P I'm actually at work ATM, so I'm afraid the help I can provide will be limited. Most I can do at this point with your problem is point you to the wiki.09:22
roostishawhow do I make it so that the read entry is on the same line as the question?09:22
mo0seis 386 a kernel?09:22
Elazar_bt: alien maybe?09:22
chavo_bt, make checkinstall09:22
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Elazar_bt: Sorry, chavo is right. My mistake.09:23
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to configure mp3 playback for 4.1?09:23
=== __mikem bangs head on table!
scifikbrosnan: pls advise09:23
_btchavo, thanks! also Elazar :)09:23
chavonp :)09:23
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, what is 4.1?09:23
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srinath_manDoes anybody know how can I get a horizantal scrollbar on a terminal ? I don't want the lines to be wrapped ...09:23
comptonhey guy I am a newbie09:23
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mo0sewhenever i install vmplayer, it doesn't run when i click it. anyone know why?09:23
amortvigildoes anybody know a good linux cd emulator?09:23
_btchavo: make: *** No rule to make target `checkinstall'.  Stop.09:23
kingspawnamortvigil: Are you trying to mount an iso?09:23
ubotuI guess livecd is Try Ubuntu by running it off a CD without touching the contents of your hard drive.09:23
Elazar_bt: alien is something that might be useful to you in the future, though, if you're using checkinstall. "alien is a program that converts between Red Hat rpm, Debian deb, Stampede slp, Slackware tgz, and Solaris pkg file formats."09:23
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comptonHi guys09:23
comptondo you guys c me09:24
_btthanks Elazar09:24
__mikemubotu tell amortvigl about livecd09:24
pianoboy3333compton: yes...09:24
amortvigilkingspawn: yes09:24
Elazar_bt: np09:24
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niallobroincompton: No - you're invisible09:24
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scifican anyone help advise me on my firefox problem, i just did the manual update following the wiki, but it still says im using ver. 1.5.02 , not 1.5.04 ?09:24
bderrly_bt, you need to install checkinstall to use it09:24
kingspawnamortvigil: Just go mount -t iso9660 -o loop my.iso /home/amortvigil/dir09:24
_btbderrly, cool, will do now09:24
comptonhow  can I use skype on Ubuntu09:25
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amortvigilokkei thanx09:25
mattm591compton, you can download it from skype.com but check first if it's not in synaptic09:25
DarkRavenMixagebdderly 5.1 is not possible with mp3 audio09:25
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DarkRavenMixagebdderly 4.1 is 2 front and 2 rear speaker + subwoofer09:25
comptonok but it gives me errors whn i intsll09:25
DarkRavenMixagebdderly i can hear only the two front speakers09:25
bderrlyDarkRavenMixage, it doesn't matter what your speaker configuration is. play the file09:26
SeveasDarkRavenMixage, fraunhofer recently added 5.1 to the mp3 spec :)09:26
DarkRavenMixagebderrly i can hear onli 2 speakers09:26
zerodoes anyone know how to open up WIne so i can see the virtual windows directories09:26
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DarkRavenMixagebderrly the front ones09:26
zeroi need to install a CRACK for warcraft 309:26
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kbrosnanscifi, are you sure the command "which firefox" returns nothing when entered into the console?09:26
RussianVodkaHey everyone.09:26
Seveaszero, cracks are not our metier09:26
luc1fersflowerscde: you still here?09:26
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eXistenZCan anyone help me get python cgi working?09:27
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zeroi also need to copy some Diablo 2 MPQ files09:27
SpecDarkRavenMixage: same here09:27
Some_Personzero: /home/[user] /.wine(hidden)/drive_c09:27
gharzi have infrared on my laptop. how can i use this in linux?09:27
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DarkRavenMixagei can't find a wiki for that09:27
DarkRavenMixage working one09:27
[MH] NarcismI'm getting a "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" when trying to install apache. What just happened? am I missing a compiler? is there an easier way to do this?09:27
scifikbrosnan: which firefox gives /usr/bin/firefox09:27
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zerosome person: can i do that in the gui or do i have to use terminal09:27
Some_Personnautilus is fine09:27
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zerothank you09:28
Some_Persongo to view>show hidden files09:28
bthorntonif I want to run Flash (or any other 32-bit application) on a 64-bit install of Dapper, is creating a chroot'ed environment my only/best option?09:28
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rackerzcan someone help me setup incoming/outgoing webcam in kopete?09:28
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MikkelRevHow can I install progs with synaptic when it only shows me istalled progs?09:28
Elazarscifi: firefox -v ?09:28
crimsunSome_Person: ``modinfo snd_hda_intel|grep ^vermagic''09:28
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luc1fersflowersanyone know how i can check my cpu clock?09:28
SpecDarkRavenMixage: there's some good documentation on alsa's website, but i've yet to actually get front/back/mid/subwoofer speakers all working with an mp309:28
sphivo[MH] Narcism: Install build-essential09:28
Some_Personcrimsun: vermagic: 2.6.12-9-386 386 gcc-3.4(09:29
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scifiElazar: says Mozilla Firefox, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2006 mozilla.org09:29
rackerzcan someone help me setup incoming/outgoing webcam in kopete?09:29
[MH] Narcismsphivo: i'm new to all of this.. how would I do that09:29
Crembohelp! I can't change anything in CUPS (localhost:631), it wants a username/password. so I give it my user/pass like I would in SUDO - not good enough, however...09:29
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crimsunSome_Person: please unload all the snd_ modules (using modprobe -r), then depmod -e09:30
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kbrosnanscifi, ln -l /usr/bin/firefox09:30
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wastrelCrembo:  ubuntu disables the cups web interface by default for some reason.09:30
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Some_Personcrimsun: no output09:30
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Crembowastrel: disables? but it seems to work fine, until I click "modify" to confirm my changes and it wants me to give it a user/pass.09:30
sphivo[MH] Narcism: System -> Adminsitration -> Package Manager; Edit->Seach "build-essential"; Check the box next to it and hit "apply"09:30
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scifikbrosnan: says ln: invalid option -- l09:30
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Elazarscifi: Hm... not sure. I'd say make sure all FF windows are closed and run through the wiki procedure one more time to make sure you got everything.09:31
crimsunSome_Person: did you pass the list of snd_* modules to modprobe -r ?09:31
wastrelCrembo:  right - it requires authentication but doesn't set up auth credentials09:31
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danbeehi, has anybody successfully got the fglrx driver working with slightly obscure resolutions, such as 1280x960 and 1400x1050?09:31
rackerzcan someone help me setup incoming/outgoing webcam in kopete?09:31
wastrelCrembo:  you need to go into your cups configuration and change the auth method for the web admin interface.09:31
Some_Personi just used modprobe -r09:31
bthorntonAre there any HOWTOs on creating a chroot environment to run 32-bit apps in a 64-bit environment for DappeR?09:31
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scifiElazar: ok :c09:31
danbeei've been struggling with it for days and i just can't seem to get it where i want i09:31
[MH] Narcismsphivo: I don't have a package manager, I see device manager, network suite, printing, system log and system monitor09:31
hastesaverrackerz, try #kubuntu, more KDE users there09:31
rackerzok ty09:31
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Some_Personcrimsun: what is the full command?09:32
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Crembowastrel: well, truth is, I started messing with CUPS because that's where the HPLIP app directed me; and I tried HPLIP because I'd set my printer to print on A4 in gnome and that's what it shows - but it decided to ignore me and attempt printing legal anyway...09:32
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Elazarscifi: Sorry dude, wish I could help. I'm still not even sure why that shell script didn't work for you. It's always worked for me that I can remember.09:33
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crimsunSome_Person: you need to unload each snd_ module (using modprobe -r $module, replacing $module with snd_...) starting from the top of ``lsmod'' output09:33
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sphivo[MH] Narcism: Perhaps "Synaptic package manager"?  You can always just "sudo apt-get install build-essential" from the command line, though.09:33
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crimsunSome_Person: I'm away for ~45 minutes for a meeting.09:33
roleranyone have ubuntu running on an Intel 945GM chipset or Intel 950GMA video card? Xorg 7.0 performance is lacking, 6.9 was fast.. Just wondering if there are any tricks09:34
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ijeffElazar:  Frostwire works! thanks!!09:34
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Elazarijeff: Awesome. :) Glad to help.09:34
Crembowastrel: okay, so how do I configure CUPS?09:34
gharzwhat's the command to check the branch of my irDA that's installed in my laptop and the name of the irDA, if any?09:34
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Elazarijeff: Only sorry that I couldn't get you up and running faster. It's been a while since I had to install it.09:34
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ijeffElazar:  np np, you've semi-completed my migration to linux09:35
Some_Personcrimsun: do i need to use sudo (i get not permitted)09:35
kbrosnanscifi, ls -l /usr/bin/firefox (I made a mistake and used the wrong command)09:35
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CrescendoAnyone mind if I post a quick link to everyone to Google's Net Neutrality page?09:35
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ijeffElazar:  Just missing proper video codecs (will work on later) and my 1600x1200 resolution, other than that.. im set without windows :)09:35
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wastrelCrembo:  dive into /etc/cups/cupsd.conf   - i dunno more than that - did it a year ago but have forgotten where & what09:36
holzmodemim searching for an patched undervolting speedstep-centrino.c09:36
Elazarijeff: Cool deal. :) If only they'd release a Linux version of the WoW client for Linux, then I wouldn't have to run Windows at all. :P09:36
[MH] Narcismsphivo: this sudo command doesn't seem to be doing anything.09:36
davek2000im having trouble using grub for dual boot, i dont have a grub.conf file, what should i do?09:36
CrescendoThe future of the internet depends on us:  http://www.google.com/help/netneutrality.html09:36
suyogHow can i remove locations from the "places" sidebar in nautilus?09:36
=== zerny [n=zerny@0x573268da.arcnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
krsnenduFor days I have been trying to upgrade to Dapper but I keep getting "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format" when I run apt-get update09:36
scifiElazar/kbrosnan: im goin thru the update procedure and as soon as i gave myself root rights and opened firefox it has succesfully installed the update, now close ff and give root back to root ?09:36
luc1fersflowersanyone know how i can check my cpu frequency?09:36
gnomefreakCrescendo: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic09:36
ijeffElazar:  lol yeah it'd be great.. I quit WoW, the best way possible.. lol09:36
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jighead[MH] Narcism, are you the one that created your first user as root?09:36
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[MH] Narcismjighead: yes09:37
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jjazz[MH] Narcism: What does sudo -s do?09:37
jighead[MH] Narcism, you need to add your new account to the admin group09:37
ijeffElazar:  didn't feel like playing/paying/watching school marks drop.. so I just ran float + speed hacks on my lvl 43 UD mage to go sightseeing before I left09:37
Elazarijeff: *lol* I wish... I have to give it up while school is in session or I'd never get anything done, but in between semesters, I _have_ to have my fix.09:37
diopI have a dream09:37
krsnenduhow can I fix this"gzip: stdin: not in gzip format " problem with apt-get09:37
=== dman [n=dlx@26.Red-81-36-243.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
diopI have a dream !!!!09:37
scifiElazar/kbrosnan: its worked :)09:37
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Elazarscifi: Cool deal. :)09:37
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davek2000im having trouble using grub for dual boot, i dont have a grub.conf file, what should i do?09:37
suyogHow can i remove locations from the "places" sidebar in nautilus?09:37
diopI have a dream !!!! one day, my rt2570 will work on Dapper09:37
[MH] Narcismjjazz:nothing09:37
[MH] Narcismjighead: how would I do that, i'm in the GUI currently09:38
gnomefreakjjazz: sudo -s and sudo -i give you a root terminal (or just look in system tools theres a root terminal there09:38
Specdavek2000: /boot/grub/menu.lst09:38
Specdavek2000: is what you're thinking of when you say "grub.conf"09:38
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jjazz[MH] Narcism: literally nothing?  There's no output at all?09:38
scifiElazar/kbrosnan: it must have been because the firefox update wanted me to restart firefxo straight away...but the wiki update procedure said close ff, give root back to root, THEN restart ff, which didnt work09:38
green_earzluc1fersflowers: you can use the command top to see the cpu usage or cat /proc/cpuinfo   for what the cpu is09:38
[MH] Narcismjjazz: not even an error, it just hops to the next line09:38
zernyHello, I have a few questions in regard to AIGLX with a mobility 7500 any body have a minute to chat :)09:39
gnomefreakjjazz: did you enable su password bychance?09:39
Alfred__Have anybody got Beagle to work under Dapper?09:39
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suyogsomeone please help!! How can i remove locations from the "places" sidebar in nautilus?09:39
jjazzgnomefreak: I'm not the one asking for help here.  Perhaps you want to direct the question to [MH] Narcism09:39
Elazarscifi: Well, that's why it's a wiki. ;) Add that in!09:39
jighead[MH] Narcism, ctl+alt+F1, log in as root, and adduser <yourusername> admin09:39
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zernyAlfred__: I had it working but that is months ago09:39
rolerwhere is the !howto on windows ttf fonts?09:39
gnomefreakoh ok sorry09:39
ubotuSpec: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:39
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Spec09:40
jighead[MH] Narcism, then you can hit ctl+alt+F7 to get back to gui and try sudo09:40
jjazzgnomefreak: No problem.  Just don't want you to waste your time.09:40
scifiElazar/kbrosnan: http://www.targa.co.uk/ is still very jerky for me to navigate/scroll, can u test it for me too?09:40
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luc1fersflowersgreen_earz: ok, so my cpu is a p4m 2.0ghz but it's running at 798.37409:40
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ubotuYou can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned.09:40
luc1fersflowersgreen_earz: i turned off speedstep in the bios thinking that would help09:40
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eidolonhi folks - what's the 'ubuntu' way of doing PHP Pear installs?  I did the apt-get install php-pear, but there's a pear module i'd like to get i don't see in apt.  is it safe to just do 'sudo pear install blah' ?09:40
holzmodemwho of you use 6.06 on a samsung p35?09:40
ubotufrom memory, msttcorefonts is sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need multiverse enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first09:40
dmanis  power saving  (apm/acpi)  any  better  in dapper  than it  was  in hoary or breezy?  does suspend(2)  finally work?09:40
SpecRolandFrans: ^^09:40
Specroler: ^^09:40
Alfred__zerny: Hmm, at least you got it to work :) I installed it with the command sudo apt-get install beagle, but nothing happend (Using Dapper 6.06)09:41
__mikemSeveas, one more thing, they have been banning people in debian-bots for playing with the bots in there, so you might want to change ubotu's message09:41
XVampireXThere is no mplayer in the repositories09:41
Elazareidolon: Should be.09:41
suyog someone please help!! How can i remove locations from the "places" sidebar in nautilus?09:41
jjazz[MH] Narcism: do groups at the commandline and tell us what you see.09:41
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scifiElazar: im not registered to edit the wiki, feel free :)09:41
eidolonhm,  pear install blah is giving me an error.  (note, i don't know pear)09:41
ubotuI guess mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106109:41
Elazarscifi: It's not overly jerky for me. Might be a bit because I have AdBlock installed.09:41
[MH] Narcismjjazz: root adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpamin scanner09:41
gnomefreaksuyog: there is an X to hit to close it09:41
amortvigili just mounted an iso file from red alert how can i make ra2 use it?09:41
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XVampireXjjazz: It says that I can get it from the repositories, but it's not there...09:41
Geoffrey2I see documentation for Dapper is a bit lacking at present09:41
scifican anyone please test http://www.targa.co.uk/ with firefox and see if scrolling is jerky for u09:42
zernyAlfred__: what does not work? is the daemon not running?09:42
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rolerspec; do I need xfs or xfstt?09:42
SpecGeoffrey2: if you consider wiki.ubuntu.com lacking in information....09:42
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scifiElazar, hmmm so it is just me :*(09:42
=== gnomefreak doesnt have ff1.5 anymore :(
luc1fersflowersdoes anyone know how to turn off cpu scaling09:42
green_earzluc1fersflowers: what the out put of the comand uname -a    the reason it looks like it the 386 kernel and for a p4 it should be a 686 kernel09:42
Elazarscifi: Eh, registering isn't that hard. Plus it probably won't be the last time. :P09:42
jjazz[MH] Narcism: what happens if you do visudo at the command line?09:42
Specroler: i dunno.09:42
suyoggnomefreak: i mean, i just want to remove one location that i added.09:42
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scifignomefreak: what u use now ?09:42
rolerSpec; thx09:42
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jigheadluc1fersflowers, sudo /etc/init.d/powernowd stop09:42
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hektiskHello.  When I go to a terminal (ctrl+alt+f1) I can't see the entire terminal, including where I input text.  I've tried changing the TV (I have it hooked up to my TV, which accepts vga inputs) but the normal functions (changing horizontal/vertical/auto-adjust) don't work...is there any way to fix this?09:43
ubotuwell, msfonts is sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need multiverse enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first09:43
gnomefreaksuyog: right click it and choose remove09:43
Geoffrey2I'm there...however, I've  looked up several things that were created for Hoary, and obviously don't apply to Dapper09:43
amortvigili just mounted an iso file from red alert how can i make ra2 use it?09:43
Specroler: just do sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts09:43
gnomefreakscifi: ff2.0 the broken pos09:43
Specroler: if you have multiverse enabled09:43
[MH] Narcismjjazz: I see GNU nano 1.3.10     File: /etc/sudoers.tmp   etc.etc.etc and subsequent text09:43
zernyAlfred__: I do not have beagle any more, installing it now so we kan give it a look09:43
jjazz[MH] Narcism: OK, problem solved.  sudo was doing nothing because... you were already root!09:43
suyoggnomefreak: the remove option is faded, and doesn't work.09:43
scifignomefreak: wow the beta? ne gud ?09:43
iloadminAnybody know of certain equipment for assistive technology09:43
rolerspec; got it. thanks!09:43
Alfred__Zerny: I'm not sure, but that might be the problem! I have the option "Searching and Indexing" under System -->  Preferences though, so I guess it's installed successfully09:43
luc1fersflowersjighead: it still is running at 800mhz09:43
Specroler: np09:43
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gnomefreakscifi: its crap atm but better than ff3 atm09:44
suyoggnomefreak: both remove and rename option are faded (inactive)09:44
luc1fersflowersgreen_earz: Linux luc1fersflowers 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 13:49:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux09:44
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Specgnomefreak: what's better than ff3?09:44
zernyAlfred__:  ok, are you using it with deskbar?09:44
iloadminAnybody know of certain equipment for assistive technology09:44
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iloadminAnybody know of certain equipment for assistive technology09:44
iloadminAnybody know of certain equipment for assistive technology09:44
iloadminAnybody know of certain equipment for assistive technology09:44
iloadminAnybody know of certain equipment for assistive technology09:44
iloadminAnybody know of certain equipment for assistive technology09:44
LoRezWarning: `iloadmin' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kills/klines will be issued.09:44
jjazz[MH] Narcism: You can exit nano (I think it's cntrl-X) and then go on and do whatever you wanted.09:44
jigheadluc1fersflowers, lsmod | grep cpu09:44
scifignomefreak: didnt even know there was an ff3 lol09:44
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kranghey, does anyone know how to change my default media player from totem to mplayer? I'd rather leave totem installed09:44
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mo0sei'm trying to install vmware player and it says there was a previous install detected. how do i remove it?09:44
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Alfred__zerny: Not sure, is that a package?09:44
Specgnomefreak: I'd argue ff3 is wanna the best games ever....no browser will ever be as fun to 'play' as ff3 ;)09:44
gnomefreakscifi: yeah it doesnt run though09:44
mo0sei've already used the synaptic package manager to get rid of it.09:44
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amortvigili just mounted an iso file from red alert how can i make ra2 use it?09:45
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gnomefreaksuyog: im not sure than maybe you have to be sudo'ed to remove it09:45
[MH] Narcismjjazz: thank you!09:45
luc1fersflowersjighead: cpufreq_userspace       4696  009:45
luc1fersflowerscpufreq_stats           5636  009:45
luc1fersflowersfreq_table              4740  1 cpufreq_stats09:45
luc1fersflowerscpufreq_powersave       1920  009:45
luc1fersflowerscpufreq_ondemand        6428  009:45
luc1fersflowerscpufreq_conservative     7332  009:45
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suyoggnomefreak: i see, thank you09:45
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jjazz[MH] Narcism: No problem.09:45
zernyAlfred__: Yes, it is a applet that you can add to your panel. It lets you search for many things and has a beagle plugin AFAIK09:45
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scifiwondering if its a flash/java related issue thats causing this scroll lag09:45
Alfred__zerny: I have to go, have to carpool my brother. I'll be back in 40 minutes. Is that ok?09:45
[MH] NarcismI will no doubt have more problems in just a moment >_>09:45
amortvigilhello, i just mounted an iso file from red alert how can i make ra2 use it?09:45
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J_Phi all09:45
mo0seanyone? anyone?09:45
Specamortvigil: please stop asking the same question over and over every 20 seconds09:46
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jjazzXVampireX: do you have multiverse enabled in your repositories?09:46
zernyAlfred__: I might not be here but others can maby help if I'm gone09:46
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Specmo0se: sudo dpkg --purge <packagename>09:46
amortvigilSpec: do you know a solution?? even wine isnt working09:46
XVampireXjjazz: Yeah09:46
mo0sespec: i'll try that.09:46
jjazzXVampireX: Did you do apt-get update?09:46
Specamortvigil: I don't, that's why I didn't tell you the solution. But I have read your problem about every 20 seconds, so please stop repeating it.09:46
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ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you.  You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Please give it 10 to 15 minutes before asking a second time, thanks.09:47
=== Toge [n=cristian@15.Red-213-96-200.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
pablo_is there a tool in 6.06 that helps in creating default profiles?09:47
jigheadlucasvo, i am not sure if the powersave module automatically does that, or if those mods allow things like powernowd and cpufrequtils to work09:47
jkroonHow do I re-configure Xorg ? I recall using dpkg somehow...09:47
scifiare there any other lightweight web browsers i cud try  for dapper ?09:47
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gnomefreakscifi: links209:47
jjazzXVampireX: what does apt-cache policy mplayer-386 say?09:47
Alfred__zerny: thanks! Will you be here tomorrow then?09:47
janskuDoes anybody play cube here?09:47
gnomefreakscifi: dillo09:47
=== luc1fersflowers [n=luc1fers@pool-70-17-147-121.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
scifignomefreak: ne of those available in synaptic ?09:47
luc1fersflowerssorry about that09:47
gnomefreakluc1fersflowers: dont paste in here again please use pastebin09:48
gnomefreakscifi: all09:48
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .09:48
mo0sespec: it says ignoring request to remove vmware which isn't installed.09:48
janskuhow can you install java for ubuntu?09:48
luc1fersflowersgnomefreak: how do i use pastebin?09:48
XVampireXjjazz, apt-cache policy mplayer-3809:48
luc1fersflowersjighead: any ideas?09:48
gnomefreakubotu tell jansku about java09:48
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Specmo0se: sudo dpkg -l |grep -i vmw09:48
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zernyAlfred__: Maybe. Try the command `beagle-search' or take a look at deskbar. you can add it to your panel09:48
XVampireXW: Unable to locate package mplayer-38609:48
jigheadluc1fersflowers, see my response above to lucasvo09:48
gnomefreakXVampireX: enable multiverse09:48
jjazzXVampireX: OK.  Put the contents of /etc/aps/sources.list in a pastebin09:48
zernyAlfred__: Good luck, and I'll see you later :)09:48
jigheadluc1fersflowers, it was meant for you09:48
FraeonDoes Dapper Drake support pwnage?09:49
jjazzXVampireX: /etc/apt/sources.list09:49
luc1fersflowersjighead: sorry i got booted :\09:49
luc1fersflowersjighead: can you msg me w/ it?09:49
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jigheadluc1fersflowers,  i am not sure if the powersave module automatically does that, or if those mods allow things like powernowd and cpufrequtils to work09:49
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mo0sespec: i'm confused. what was that suppose to do?09:49
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Specmo0se: it lists every package installed, and then greps for ones that start with vmw09:49
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XVampireXjjazz, http://pastebin.com/76812509:50
davek2000Spec, i need some help editing that file to have windows as a bootable option09:50
Specmo0se: so, if nothing shows up, then vmware isn't installed09:50
Specmo0se: did anything return when you did that command?09:50
mo0sevmware-player showed up.09:50
mo0seand then i did the dpkg purge thing.09:50
Specmo0se: dpkg --purge vmware-player09:50
cgejighead: have you looked at bug 36014?09:50
jbirdAngelanyone know how i get my laptop mouse to not click on tap09:50
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mo0seand then it still says previous installation detected.09:51
gnomefreakmo0se: theres a vmware-player and a vmware-server iirc09:51
ubotuit has been said that touchpad is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo09:51
jbirdAngelSpec: thanks09:51
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mo0sei'm trying to install vmware-player09:51
Specmo0se: i don't know what vmware is looking for :-/09:51
mo0seme neither.09:51
luc1fersflowersjighead: is there a way to manualy set the frequency?09:51
mo0semaybe a restart will help?09:52
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jjazzXVampireX: You don't have multiverse in your sources.list.  All you have is backports, which you don't really need anymore.09:52
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scifii think i'll try updating java09:52
cgeluc1fersflowers: Yes, but in your case I don't think it will work.09:52
=== XVampireX shrugs
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XVampireXWhere do I get multiverse, then?09:52
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mystamaxhello, I've installed Frostwire via downloading the .deb package from their site, and I probably should of used aptitude to install it, so that dependencies get picked up. Is it ok to install over the current install?09:53
mike930how do I edit the default program to open a file09:53
jjazzXVampireX: In the first line, add the word multiverse at the end of the line.  Then do apt-get update.09:53
farousis ther is a way to downgrade to breezy again ?09:53
luc1fersflowerscge: i turned off stepping, and i disabled powernowd09:53
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luc1fersflowerscge: but my freq is still at 800mhz09:53
XVampireXAh, okey, thanks09:53
jjazzfarous: Restore from backup.09:53
cgeluc1fersflowers: Hmmm....09:53
luc1fersflowerscge: do i have no other option but to go back to winblows?09:53
jjazzXVampireX: no problem.09:53
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cgeluc1fersflowers: I am working on it.09:53
farousjjazz: wish i did backups but i had limited resources. any other way?09:54
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jigheadluc1fersflowers, according to the bug that cge posted, you could try the 386 kernel, or you could see if cpufrequtils will let you manually set the speed09:54
luc1fersflowerscge: thanks again, i'm searching wiki, and forums to see if i can't find anything09:54
jjazzfarous: Unfortunately, not.09:54
mike930how do I edit the default program to open a file09:54
cgejighead: 386 appears to have the same problem now.09:54
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farousjjazz: cool thanx for your help09:54
jigheadluc1fersflowers, is this an intel or amd cpu?09:54
opitwinFrogzoo: Do you know how to install Java on Ubuntu?09:54
jigheadcge, lame09:54
diopi think that the dapper hate this ralink driver09:54
jjazzfarous: Sorry my help wasn't more... helpful.09:54
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luc1fersflowersjighead: intel p4m09:54
Administrator__ompaul, any luck?09:55
ElazarMan, people seriously don't read the channel topic, do they? :P09:55
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs09:55
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jjazzopitwin: ^^^09:55
diopcan anyone tell me if the RT2570 works on dapper dist ?09:55
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cgeluc1fersflowers: It is a Dell right?09:55
green_earzluc1fersflowers: it may be the 686smp kernel that you need ?09:56
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luc1fersflowerscge: yes Inspirion 600009:56
joshua__Hello, people. I'm having a problem with my video driver. I have a ATI Radeon X850XT. I downloaded the closed source drivers and installed them. now my display seems to be alright, but the 3D Performance it simply horrible.09:56
ompaulAdministrator__,  depends on the question, I get several, if yours was ooo then the answer is no, if it was you msg me and I can go into his suggestions he had a couple but they are not pretty09:56
cgegreen_earz: I don't believe the 686-smp kernel exists any more.09:56
janskuI cant play Cube!09:56
Administrator__ompaul, sorry wrong person09:56
luc1fersflowersgreen_earz: honestly i'm really new to this whole deal so i wouldn't even know how to change my kernel09:56
XVampireXAnother thing, how do I access the multimedia settings in ubuntu? Are there any?09:57
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ompaulAdministrator__, np09:57
ElazarXVampireX: System > Preferences > Sound ?09:57
joshua__I've already let a friend check my xorg.conf and my glxinfo. According to him, I'm not using the ATI Drivers, but Mesa drivers, which explains the poor performance. According to my xorg.conf I already have DRI on my system.09:57
XVampireXNot really multimedia settings09:57
cgeluc1fersflowers: I've just downloaded the ubuntu kernel sources, and will see if there is something awry with the settings that is causing this. You could try installing an old version of the kernel temporarily.09:57
ElazarXVampireX: Right-click on the little speaker icon on the top left-corner of the screen?09:58
cgejoshua__: The libraries aren't set up properly. Have you looked at the instructions on the wiki?09:58
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zernyjoshua__: have you read the wiki info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:58
XVampireXElazar, Thanks09:58
joshua__cge & zerny: I will read this and check back with you guys.09:58
snoopsHey - how can I map windows network drives in 6.06?09:59
opitwinDoes anybody know how to install Java on Ubuntu?09:59
luc1fersflowerscge: it's funny, i changed to speedstepping in my bios and everything runs alot faster in dapper now, though when i do cat /proc/cpuinfo it says that my cpu MHZ is at 800 yet09:59
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luc1fersflowerscge: ** turned speedstepping off09:59
cgeluc1fersflowers: In dmesg, there should be a line giving a BogoMIPS value. What is it?09:59
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void^ /proc/cpuinfo is does not necessairly show current cpu speed09:59
Cremboaaaaargh. this is impossible. gnome's interface claims my printer is configured to print A4. CUPS web interface claims it's letter. and CUPS is right here since the test page is thin and clipped.10:00
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luc1fersflowerscge: how do i find that line?10:00
gharzguys, what's the command line to check my irda  and the name of the interface, if detected?10:00
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cgeluc1fersflowers: If you just scroll around, it is near the beginning. Or you could do "dmesg | grep Bogo".10:00
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gharzmy irda on my laptop is connected to serial port 2.10:01
krsnenduhas anyone else had this "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format " problem with apt-get update? What do I have to do to fix it?10:01
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XVampireXWhat's the best music player for ubuntu?10:01
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AeudianI remember there being an allinone package for compling and configuring source files anyone remeber the name10:01
gnomefreakkrsnendu: i had to add de country code to mine10:01
gnomefreakopitwin: lose the caps please10:01
HedgeMageXVampireX: heh that's like asking what's the best brand of socks... pick one that fits you nicely :P10:01
cgeXVampireX: That is like asking what the best editor is.10:01
Elazaropitwin: 1) Lay off the caps. 2) Check the FAQ.10:01
mandy-o-maticknnen mich wegen camfrog fr linux ubuntu downlads geffnet10:01
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de10:01
DynaStabhello i just did /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start and it said  * Starting rpc mountd...                                                [fail] 10:01
gnomefreakmandy-o-matic: ^^^10:02
DynaStabhow do i get rpc mountd10:02
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ompaulopitwin, caps lock off please, and which version of ubuntu?10:02
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zernyXVampireX: I like rythmbox, it has improved much since breezy. but xmms is also nice10:02
XVampireXHedgeMage/che, what are my choices?10:02
opitwinElazar: I did that on Purpase10:02
nzxhey, can someone help me to get my memorystick reader on my sony vaio working ?10:02
luc1fersflowerscge: i msged you with the results10:02
AeudianWhat Ubuntu apt package allows for configuring packages10:02
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DynaStab * Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...                        [ ok ] 10:02
DynaStab * Starting rpc nfsd...                                                  [ ok ] 10:02
DynaStab * Starting rpc mountd...                                                [fail] 10:02
HedgeMageXVampireX: rockbox, xmms, amarok, and beep are all popular, but for different reasons10:02
XVampireXzerny: I'll give rhytmbox a try10:02
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opitwinompaul: Dapper Drake10:02
gnomefreakDynaStab: please use pastebin10:02
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HedgeMagerythmbox, that's what I was trying to think of10:02
ompaulDynaStab, you should not paste in this channel I will un mute you again in a minute10:03
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gnomefreakno you wont ;)10:03
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amortvigilhello, i just mounted an iso file from red alert how can i make ra2 use it?10:03
mandy-o-maticknnen mich helfen10:03
ompaulDynaStab, ban avoidance tut tut10:03
joshua__alright, I will reboot now.10:03
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ompaulDynaStab, ban avoidance tut tut10:03
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holzmodemwho of you use 6.06 on a Samsung notebook??10:04
cgeluc1fersflowers: Yeah. If I recall, BogoMIPS for a pentium-m is 2x the frequency. So getting 1597 is bad. By the way, I do believe it is ok to paste a single line like that into the channel.10:04
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AeudianWhats the all in one package for "configuring"10:04
kbrooks_ompaul: DynaStab is a stupid user10:04
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YogSothothI'm trying to get my wlan card working with ndiswrapper. Well in fact it does if I install it manually and uninstall it before shutdown. But, if I forget to do so and let the driver installed, at next boot the system will hang when trying to initialize networks. So, my question is: how can I make a script that install the card when I log into GNOME and uninstall it when I logoff?10:04
cgeholzmodem: Are you having CPU speed issues?10:04
opitwinompaul: 6.06 Dapper Drake is what I would like to know10:04
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mike930urg, can't find what I'm looking for. Anyone tell me how to change the defaults what programs open different extensions?10:04
APOETICHELP....was installing dapper to HD from live cd over some old linux partition (beta dapper) and installation got stuck (twice) at 68 percent...10:04
ompaul!tell opitwin about multiverse10:04
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APOETICplus it messed up my grub and i cant get back into windows10:04
ompaulopitwin, read the message from the bot, follow those instructions, and then you can install it10:05
kbrooks_APOETIC: um10:05
gnomefreakAPOETIC: dapper isnt beta10:05
luc1fersflowerscge: sorry10:05
zernyAPOETIC: did you run a cd check on the install disc10:05
holzmodemim having only heat  problems...10:05
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APOETICzerny; no10:05
cgegnomefreak: ? I think APOETIC is trying to install _over_ beta dapper.10:05
Specmike930: it's somewhere in gconf10:05
gnomefreakAPOETIC: i would checkthe md510:05
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zernyAPOETIC: I would recommend you do, it is in the boot menu10:05
mandy-o-maticfrostwire downladen ffnet werden10:05
tanekAPOETIC: the CD seems to be corrupted or so. u can restore MBR to get into windows by using windows install cd10:05
luc1fersflowerscge: this may sound crazy but should i do a fresh install of everything? or is that going to lead me to the same place.?10:05
mike930thanks spec, I'll look again but copuldn't find10:06
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cgeluc1fersflowers: I doubt it will solve anything.10:06
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gharzcge, u r using dell right? do u have irDA isntalled?10:06
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APOETICgnomefreak: i know it isnt beta (anymore) the last install i did with it it was beta...i just reformatted the linux partitions i set up for that and....tried to install over it....gets stuck at 68 percent10:06
Specmike930: yeah, i dont' know exactly where either :p10:06
RCX3325How we all doin today :D10:06
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zernyAPOETIC: I have tried installing from a corrupted disc, did not work10:06
opitwinHow did you make the bot pop up, and are your letters red too?10:06
SpecRCX3325: are we legos?10:06
gratefulfrogYO! hi!10:06
cgegharz: no, sorry. I've haven't used it in a while.10:06
mag_Hello. Is it possible to upgrade to dapper from debian sarge?10:06
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RCX3325Spec: No :P10:06
snoopsHow can I map windows network drives in 6.06?10:07
APOETICtanke: will give that a go thnx do the install cd's have to be burned slower? seemed okay ;(10:07
gharzbut have u ever installed and used it with ur linux?10:07
Specisn't the rcx a lego board?10:07
addisonwhat your name10:07
ompaul!tell snoops about samba10:07
opitwinompaul: How did you make the bot pop up and are your letters red too?10:07
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gnomefreakAPOETIC: i would 1) check the md5 of the iso 2) make sure you burned it as slow as you can 3) use teh beta cd you have to install and run sudo apt-get upgrade10:07
ompaulsnoops, read the message from the bot10:07
RCX3325Nah, I think its somehing else10:07
snoopsyeah I know about samba.. but I was wondering like is there a gui?10:07
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green_earzluc1fersflowers: run a knoppix on the box from the  cd drive and have a look at the cat /proc/cpuinfo10:07
ijeffHelp, I can't get Mp3 audio to play.. i went to wiki but it's not working10:07
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uboturestrictedformats is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats10:07
APOETICthnx gnomefreak good advice ;)10:07
Specijeff: ^^10:07
ompaulopitwin, cos I am the best :-) I don't know your client so colours mean nothing to me10:08
cgeIs there some way for me to get an older version of linux-image? I need a pre-21 version of
krsnendugnomefreak: de seemed to fix that problem. Will mixing repositories like nz and de cause any problems?10:08
_jasonijeff: did you install gstreamer-mad?10:08
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gnomefreakkrsnendu: no10:08
ijeffspec: yeah i tried, installed the required stuff10:08
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gratefulfrogsnoops: use the gnome places menu10:08
ijeff_jason: I got the "ugly" think10:08
ijeff_jason: I got the "ugly" thing*10:08
joshua__I have followed the instructions on the wiki about installing the video drivers. This however did not help. fglrxinfo sais that I'm using MESA drivers.10:08
gnomefreakkrsnendu: you will be fine with mixed country codes10:08
luc1fersflowersgreen_earz: knoppix?10:08
_jasonijeff: are you using dapper?10:08
joshua__instead of the ati drivers10:08
ijeff_jason: yes10:08
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clin1how do I hide the CD roms from the desktop?10:08
gnomefreakkrsnendu: also de is always a great fall back on repo10:08
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gharzguys, i just run dmesg and i'm getting this msg => http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/app/view/431  what's wrong with this?10:09
opitwinompaul:  I want to know how you select me to talk to10:09
gharzplease help. i'd appreciate ur input.10:09
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ijeff_jason: i've installed what they suggested.. or is a reboot required?10:09
green_earzluc1fersflowers: its a live cd  just like the ubuntu live cd that runs from the cd drive10:09
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cgeIs there any way to get an older version of a package?10:09
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mag_Have anyone tried to upgrade from debian sarge to dapper?10:09
clin1and how do I hide the partitions from the desktop? I mean, where are these options?10:09
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gharzwhat's HDC? hard disk or CD-ROM?10:09
jigheadcge, look at the dpkg man pages and search for downgrade10:10
gratefulfroggharz: what's your pb?10:10
gharzhdc: media error10:10
_jasonclin1: run gconf-editor from a terminal and checkout applications/nautilus/desktop10:10
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ZtripezCan any1 pls help me... I cant install Ubuntu 6.06 becasu my graficcard isn't supported by the defaultdrivers that is loaded in the Live CD. Where in the live CD can i set the grafic drivers? !!!!!!10:10
jigheadcge, i think it's one of the --force options10:10
digencan anyone suggest me a software such as Swish for Ubuntu?10:10
green_earzluc1fersflowers: or run the ubuntu live cd and see what it say your cpu is10:10
ompaulopitwin, this is IRC the granddaddy of IM this use a client like xchat and you will see it differently10:10
clin1_jason: what is a terminal?10:10
gharzgratefulfrog, i just run dmesg and i got this message => http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/app/view/43110:10
Ztripezsorry fpr my crappy english10:10
_jasonijeff: can you make sure gstreamer0.10-mad got installed?10:10
luc1fersflowersgreen_earz: any specifc command i should use?10:10
cgejighead: The issue is that the older version no longer appears in the repos for dapper, apparently.10:10
beavisSorry beavis_, need my nick to open a query10:10
snoopshow can I save a location gratefulfrog?10:10
_jasonclin1: applications > accessories > terminal10:10
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gharzgratefulfrog, hdc: media error.10:10
green_earzluc1fersflowers:   cat /proc/cpuinfo10:11
jigheadcge, go to a breezy mirror and grab a kernel10:11
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clin1_jason: It is asking me for money10:11
XVampireXOuch, I did a little BIG mistake10:11
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Aeudianalrighty i need a refresher, my mind just hit a wall and i cant remember lol, what package had all the tools for configuring apps10:11
_jasonubotu: tell clin1 about desktop-icons10:11
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_jasonclin1: what do you mean?10:11
opitwinompaul:  I am using XChat, I just want to know how to make words in red on your screen like it is mine10:11
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gratefulfrogsnoops: Places network places, then pick the one you want, it remembers all by itself...10:11
joshua__cge: I followed the instructions in the wiki, but those didn't help. fglrx still sais I'm using MESA drivers.10:11
gharzgratefulfrog, have u seen it? i'm just worried this might cause problem.10:11
XVampireXI accidently put /swap as /home (the /home partition got only 760mb...)10:12
clin1it says $10:12
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beavis_how do i change the nick?10:12
XVampireXCan I re partition it somehow?10:12
ompaulopitwin, when I use your name the client (xchat) highlights10:12
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kermitX_gdm or x keeps crashing in a certain spot in launchpad... has happened with both firefox & epiphany in what amounts to the same spot in lp....  anyone give me a hand?10:12
_jasonclin1: type gconf-editor and press enter10:12
darkseedhey Quick question guys what  i cant get libxine-extracodec cause for some reason i dont have a good multiunivrse reposiriry10:12
zernyjoshua__: what is the driver set to in the graphic device section of you xorg.conf?10:12
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darkseedi need a good nonfree multiuniverse repo10:13
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digencan anyone suggest me a Swish like software for Ubuntu?10:13
clin1is this Wine registryedit?10:13
opitwinompaul: so when I talk to you are your words highlighted?10:13
holzmodemwhat wrong when i try to change the powerstate of my 9700 >> Segmentation Fault!10:13
_jasonubotu: tell darkseed about repos10:13
gratefulfroggharz: i saw it, looks like you've got a problem that requires attention, but I don't know what to suggest... have you posted to the forums?10:13
XVampireXCan anyone help me with this partition problem?10:13
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_jasonclin1: no, it's gconf editor.  See ubotu's private message10:13
winbondchanged it?10:13
ompaulopitwin, yes10:13
gharzgratefulfrog, i'll do that.10:14
joshua__zerny: I notice that there are two devices set. The first one is set to vesa, the following device is set to fglrx10:14
xerophytei have 2.6.x kernel and i have 2G file limit how can i increase it10:14
clin1isn't there a place to change this in System -> Preferences?10:14
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samshapiroHi.  I am new to ubuntu and I'm trying to get it installed but I am unsure about some partitioning/mount point stuff, can anyone help me out?10:14
opitwinompaul: Thank You, now how to you make a bot pop up10:14
_jasonclin1: not that I know of, but possibly10:14
wastrelsamshapiro:  just give us your specific questions :] 10:14
Aeudianalrighty i need a refresher, my mind just hit a wall and i cant remember lol, what package had all the tools for configuring apps10:14
zernyok, try out commenting the section that configures vesa10:14
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zernyjoshua__: ok, try out commenting the section that configures vesa10:14
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ijeffIs it possible to sync my ipod with linux?10:14
dmanis  power saving  (apm/acpi)  any  better  in dapper  than it  was  in hoary or breezy?  does suspend(2)  finally work?10:15
clin1I can't find it10:15
_jasonubotu: tell ijeff about ipod10:15
hektiskHello...little bit of an issue, wondering if anyone has any ideas10:15
_jasonclin1: use gconf10:15
hektiskWhen I go to a terminal (ctrl+alt+f1) I can't see the entire terminal, including where I input text.  I've tried changing the TV (I have it hooked up to my TV, which accepts vga inputs) but the normal functions (changing horizontal/vertical/auto-adjust) don't work...is there any way to fix this?10:15
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salahwhich package do I need for installing gtk+-2.0?10:15
holzmodemsomebody an idea?10:15
zernyjoshua__: and maybe backup you xorg.conf first :)10:15
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ubotu[skype]  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/10:15
ompaul opitwin !keyword - or /msg ubotu keyword << this is prefered unless your talking to the channel - I will get it to tell you how to find out about registration for use of messages10:15
wastrelijeff:  yes - there's a program for it i believe- i don't have ipod tho so don't know how specifically10:15
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clin1this is confusing10:16
winbondbeavis: happy?10:16
joshua__zerny: Alright. I have to say that both these devices have different identifyers10:16
opitwinubotu: tell jjeff about ipod10:16
OMGLAZERSAnyone here able to help a brand new Ubuntu user install some drivers for my Nforce Motherboard? Already have them; just no clue how to install it10:16
joshua__zerny: And the screen is set to the correct identifyer (the one that has fglrx)10:16
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zernyjoshua__: what are they? and what is set to be used in your serverlayout section?10:17
cgeIs there a way to get a specific, slightly older version of linux-source-2.6.15?10:17
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_jasonclin1: just tell me what part is confusing and I'll try to help10:17
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opitwinubotu: tell ijeff about ipod10:17
amortvigilwine says: Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.10:17
amortvigilMake sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.10:17
amortvigilApplication tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.10:17
amortvigilMake sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly. what do i have to do with x server?10:17
cgecge: Or patches between versions?10:17
judahcge apt-cache search linux-source10:17
mandy-o-matichallo bitte hilfe mir ber frostwire downlads ffner10:17
samshapiroI am trying to dual boot ubuntu on a windows machine.  I have my disc partioned as follows:  1 large ntfs partition for my windows stuff, 1 5gb partition for the ubuntu install, then the rest is in an extended partition, with 2gb logical partition for swap and the rest of the space is in a logical partion for my home directory.  my question is how do i set it up so that it only installs on these partitions, what is all this mount 10:17
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de10:17
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joshua__zerny: aticonfig-Screen[0] . This screen uses the correct video device too.10:18
OMGLAZERSAnyone here able to help a new Ubuntu user install drivers for his NIC?10:18
judahcge: hrm that wasn't as pleasnt as i thought it would be.10:18
judahcge sorry.10:18
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joshua__zerny: Which is aticonfig-Device[0] 10:18
opitwinsamshapiro:  It will ask you where you want to install it during installation10:18
_jasonijeff: apparently gstreamer0.10-mad no longer exists, so ignore my advice about that from before10:18
samshapiroshould i just leave all the mount point stuff as default?10:18
zimwhat do i need to install to watch mov, wma, etc10:19
samshapiroand it will ask me which partition i want to put as swap, home, etc, later in the install?10:19
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_jasonubotu: tell zim about restricted10:19
Subzim, w32codecs10:19
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zernyjoshua__: hmmm, can you msg you xorg.conf to me?10:19
cgejudah: No problem. The issue is that I need to see the changes in how linux-image-386 was built between around version 2.6.15-19 and the present 2.6.15-22. apt-cache search only shows linux-source-2.6.1510:19
ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439910:19
Mastastealthsam, ur on the dapper live CD right?10:19
clin1I went to that part in the registry that ubonto was telling me to go to but I don't see anything about my hard drive, I just see computer, docs, home, trash and volume10:19
jigheadcge, you could get the source you want from kernel.org and use make-kpkg to build your own kernel deb10:19
samshapiroyes, dapper live cd10:19
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cgejighead: I believe that ubuntu-specific changes are the problem.10:19
opitwinsamshapiro:  I believe it does, I not exactly sure.10:19
Mastastealthok, you just did the partitioning part? the next step will ask you about your mount points10:19
jigheadcge, which doesn't help if you want ubuntu specific stuff10:20
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samshapiroyeah, thats the part im confused about, the mount points10:20
_jasonclin1: you wanted to remove partitions from your desktop right?10:20
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clin1yeah the windows partition10:20
opitwinubotu: tell samshapiro about install10:20
felipe_sotochalguien habla espaol?10:20
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:20
_jasonclin1: then make sure volumes_visible is not checked10:20
aalyahi, how to know the kde's version plz ,10:20
OMGLAZERSAnyone here able to help a new Ubuntu user install drivers for his NIC?10:20
kumasanI have dapper installed, working well (been using it for several months, ) just did an install of the xgl stuff, but how do I "activate" it? the howtos seem to be pointing to pre release dapper config, I have nvidia's binary driver running fine, just want to see the eye candy10:20
opitwinsamshapiro: Read the message from the bot10:21
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clin1but I want the volume icon there so I can mute it and unmute it10:21
Mastastealthok sam, the mount points will set which partition does what10:21
Jowiubotu, tell kumasan about xgl10:21
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Mastastealthu said u had one large NTFS partition for windows, the mount point for that is probably /mdeia/windows10:21
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_jasonclin1: it is not referring to volume as in sound, try it and see10:21
jigheadcge, how long have you been running dapper10:21
samshapirohda1 i think10:21
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Mastastealththen you have a the 5GB part for Ubuntu, this will be your root "/" partition10:22
cgejighead: For at least a few months, but this is a fresh install, so nothing in /var/cache/apt/archives ...10:22
jigheadcge, you could check in /var/cache/apt/archives to see if you have older stuff still sitting around10:22
jigheadcge, dern it!10:22
Mastastealththen set the 2GB one to swap, and the last one to your /home10:22
opitwinsamshapiro: Are you all set?10:22
clin1thank you _jason. you are patient and helpful. I think ubuntu needs to be more userfriendly than this though.. are you a ubuntu programmer?10:22
Mastastealthand make sure of course, that you are NOT reformatting the windows partition10:22
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Mastastealthonce you got all that setup, u should be good to go :)10:23
samshapiroso i should just change the default stuff that comes up as like sda/ and all that10:23
cgejighead: I believe that the bug I am looking at (36014) was caused by a change, probably in configuration, between the two versions.10:23
clin1the website says to go to internet > xchat but that is not on my system so I had to try with this gaim program10:23
samshapiroi dont need to worry about that stuff?10:23
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samshapiro just the 3 partitions?10:23
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Mastastealthhm, can you tell me what were the default entries?10:23
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Cremboclin1 makes an interesting point that xchat is not installed by default for some reason10:23
_jasonclin1: I'm not.  Your problem is more about GNOME than ubuntu directly.  GNOME doesn't like to clutter the interface with too many options.  That's why what you were trying to do was hidden away10:23
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zernyjoshua__: you can paste it at the past bin10:23
richard_how do i set a email client as default - ie not Evolution?10:23
samshapirolet me get back up to the installer, i had to restart10:24
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Administrator__I wanted Xchat too10:24
jigheadcge, yeah, i looked at that bug, it's been open for over a month now, and is pretty clearly verified10:24
opitwinsamshapiro: yep10:24
=== Square1 [n=amaia@87-196-87-128.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
sireliahwhats the best codec pack?10:24
XplOzIonoops sorry10:24
cgejighead: Yes. It is rather important, too, for those who have it.10:24
Mastastealthrichard, should be in System -> Prefrences -> Prefrerred Applications10:24
clin1oh ubuntu can't change gnome10:24
opitwinSquare1: Hello10:24
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Square1hi there ppl10:24
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samshapiroalright i will try all of that out, ill let you know if it works.  thank you all so much for your help i really appreciate it10:25
jigheadcge, yeah, it's a show stopper on a laptop10:25
joshua__zerny: Oh, ok10:25
=== weedar [n=weedar@084202105172.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu
Mastastealthnp sam, happy Ubuntuing ^_^10:25
sireliahi need to play mp3s10:25
joshua__zerny: messaged you the link10:25
NathanaelIs it possible to get Outlook 2003 running under linux?10:25
opitwinsamshapiro: ttyl10:25
junglefeverNathanael: yes, with crossover10:25
ubotuit has been said that mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:26
XplOzIonsite looking better now http://xplozion.homelinux.org10:26
Nathanaelis Crossover a Pay Package?10:26
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LadyNikonjunglefever: can you get all of office working?10:26
junglefeveryes it is10:26
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MastastealthCrossover costs $40 i believe10:26
opitwinNathanael:  You should just use evolution Mail, Its much better.10:26
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KevLeehello everyone - anyone fancy helping out a newbie install & configure open-ldap ?  I've tried and tried and am starting to loose my hair :(10:26
=== vgoltser [n=vgoltser@acc2.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu] has joined #ubuntu
richard_how do i uninstall evolution - i cant get it to work - but i got Thunderbird working - so im going with that10:26
junglefeveri have everything from office except access10:26
J_Phi all10:26
zernyjoshua__: hmmm, can see any msg?10:26
NathanaelWill Evolution sync my Calendar, Contacs, Public Folders, as well as mail?10:26
joshua__zerny: odd. Ahh well, here it is: http://pastebin.com/76823610:27
=== luc1fersflowers [n=luc1fers@pool-70-17-147-121.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowirichard_: sudo apt-get remove evolution (or remove it from synaptic)10:27
judahNathanael: there is an evolution exchange conduit.10:27
richard_Try thunderbird Nathaneel10:27
=== agra_ [n=douglas@pD9E34D0E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuit has been said that sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.10:27
=== Xanadu [n=Blah@wbs-196-2-116-158.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
vgoltsersmbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000). smb4k gives the error, what's the command to fix it?10:27
opitwinNathanael: You can get all sorts of alternatives for MSOFFICE.  Try Openoffice.org and Evolution Mail10:27
luc1fersflowershellow world10:27
NathanaelThunderbird will not handle the exchange calendar10:27
opitwinNathanael: I think it will,  haven't tried.10:27
aalyahi, how to know the kde's version plz ,10:27
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sireliahisnt there just a codec pack though?10:27
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ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Spec10:28
opitwinNathanael: Thunderbird isn't as nice as Evolution.10:28
Jason_I use the KDE Kontact suite because it syncs with my PDA (with the KDE Palm sync software).  You might consider using that as well.10:28
Jowikde is 5:45ubuntu110:28
SpecIs there a good page that explains with the setuid/suid bit is?10:28
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opitwinNathanael: Evolution is free from Novell10:28
_jasonubotu: tell sireliah about multimedia10:28
protocol1any way of getting embedded streaming players running in dapper yet?10:28
luc1fersflowersgreen_earz: hey, so i figured out by disabling speedstep in my bios that it locks the freq at the lowest possible setting10:28
judahNathanael: make sure evolution-exchange package is installed and yes.10:28
SixFeetUnderim curious about ntfs write support10:28
SpecSixFeetUnder: captive-ntfs10:28
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ubotuI guess captive is a project to use windows NTFS drivers under linux. It does not work properly with Ubuntu.10:29
_jasonprotocol1: sure, there are a few, but I fell mplayer's plugin works the best10:29
NathanaelI have evolution (Came with Dapper)10:29
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shamrock_uk@Spec: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Suid10:29
luc1fersflowersgreen_earz: now it's at a more resaonable 1330mhz but i still want to disable cpu scaling10:29
opitwinubotu: tell Nathanael about Evolution10:29
weedarWhy would apt-get upgrade show me lots of packages being held-back?10:29
vgoltsershamrock, ty10:29
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monteiroSpec : is a kind of permission to allow users like us execute that program as root, like the spool of the printer, direct access to send to the printer for example.10:29
Pupbuntuhi, i just upgraded breezy to the new version "long term support"... it worked pretty well, but my mouse (it's a laptop glidepad) now moves much slower, even though i set it to as fast as possible in "system -> preferences -> mouse"10:29
protocol1_jason, your saying browser embedded right?10:29
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bernierhi, i have a sony network walkman (nw-e75) and it uses sonicstage to convert and transfer music to it. Unfortunately, sonicstage is for windows only and can't transfer music when running on wine. do you guys know anything with which i could trasfer my music to my mp3 player?10:29
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richard_I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/var/lib/scrollkeeper/(null)/scrollkeeper_cl.xml"10:29
_jasonprotocol1: yes10:29
Pupbuntuis there a way to make the mouse faster than the maximum on the dialog?10:29
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@ip60.217.23.209.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
opitwinubotu: tell Nathanael about Evolution Email10:30
richard_got that message when uninstalling Evolution10:30
_jasonprotocol1: just install mplayer and mplayer plug-in, both are in the multiverse repository10:30
shamrock_ukWhat happens when you plug your mp3 player in, bernier? Does it show up as a generic USB device?10:30
protocol1_jason, any urls that can help me get that taken care of?10:30
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Administrator__ubotu tell me everything you know10:30
Infectocan some one tell me how to set dafault char set encoding for gnome-terminall10:30
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berniershamrock_uk wait ill do it and tell you exactly10:30
_jasonprotocol1: have you enabled multiverse?10:30
Spechehe, makes a lot of sense now :)10:30
opitwinNathanael: You should try out evolution, it has a similar look to Outlook 200310:30
luc1fersflowersDoes anyone know the name of the prog that handles cpu scaling?10:30
Specwhat's a sticky bit?10:30
protocol1_jason, yes10:30
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ijeffCan I rip music from my ipod to comp on ubuntu?10:31
NathanaelIs "automatically synchronize account locally" in Evolution the same as "Cached Exchange Mode"?10:31
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ubotuinfo for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto10:31
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NathanaelDamn I sound like a real Windoze n00b10:31
Jowibernier: i can not find any specific packages for sony md devices at least, you might be out of luck.10:31
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spiderwormubotu: xgl10:31
ubotu[xgl]  "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"10:31
ijeffI know how to sync w/ ipod.. but to import music FROM the ipod?10:31
Geoffrey2I see that Adobe has a Linux version of it's Flash player..is that usable under Ubuntu, or would I be better off using an Ubuntu specific distro?10:31
Some_Personcrimsun: are you here?10:31
Administrator__QUESTION: Has anyone SUCESSFULLY used Amarok to manage an IPOD?10:32
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shamrock_uk@spec:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=25871910:32
judahflashplugin-nonfree - Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer10:32
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shamrock_ukgoogling works wonders for simple queries lilke this :)10:32
opitwinNathanael: I am using Windows right now, I would have to look at evolution (its not out for Windows yet)10:32
berniershamrock_uk yes it shows up as a usb device10:32
nzxi'm getting this error FATAL: Module ungrab_winmodem not found.10:32
nzxFATAL: Module slamr not found.10:32
shamrock_ukin that case, just try opening it up?10:32
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luc1fersflowersDoes anyone know how to disable powernowd?10:32
shamrock_ukyou may have to browse a folder or two10:32
cirowho can help me to fix this problem? ./edonkey2000: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:32
nzxi've installed sl-modem-source via module-assistant10:32
berniershamrock_uk i can also open it and there's many files in it which i dont know what they're used to10:32
protocol1_jason, i do have multiverse enabled10:32
=== pinkisntwell [n=ru@ppp172-12.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
shamrock_ukbut with many mp3 devices, it's simply a matter of dragging and dropping10:33
darkseedhey thanks for the repos guys  1 more quick question  i installed the nvidia glx driver and reconfigured xorg   it works but i get the memory leak  screen hang every 10-15 min or so10:33
NathanaelI'm setting up Evolution with my work exchange server right now... it uses the OWA apparently10:33
kumasanluc1fersflowers, /etc/init.d/powernowd stop10:33
_jasonprotocol1: go ahead and install mplayer and I can't remember the name of the plugin's package right now... but search for it and let me know if you can't find it.  You probably also want w32codecs as well for playing wmv's and such, I'll send you a link for that10:33
pinkisntwellwhat kernel version does dapper use?10:33
_jasonubotu: tell protocol1 about w32codecs10:33
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opitwinNathanael: I have to go now, supper.10:33
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darkseedi tried to instal nvidi own drivers but i cant rebuild my kernel10:33
berniershamrock_uk it aint that with the sony's10:33
shamrock_ukhmm...no sign of your music files then bernier? bet that lousy software converts it somehow...aargh, this is why free formats are wonderful ;)10:33
luc1fersflowerskumasan:  thank you, sir10:33
copeland3300hi all10:33
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kumasanluc1fersflowers, and you can use update-rc.d to shut it off permanently (or do that manually in the rc dirs)10:33
shamrock_ukI'll see what I can look up10:33
Specah, sticky bit is weird, big difference between folder/file10:33
jigheadpinkisntwell, uname -r10:33
kumasanluc1fersflowers, np10:33
berniershamrock_uk yes it does convert it to ATRACT3plus10:34
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judahpinkisntwell: 2.6.15-23 is the current version10:34
snoopsokay I've mapped a few drives.. the problem is this, on the windows network there are many machines which I just want to access their drives on eg C$ and such.. Well they require authenication.. in places>connect to server it has no box for password..What's the answer?10:34
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joshua__zerny: Have you gotten the link?10:34
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_jasonprotocol1: mozilla-mplayer is the package for the plugin, just install that once the regular mplayer is setup10:34
darkseedhey thanks for the repos guys  1 more quick question  i installed the nvidia glx driver and reconfigured xorg   it works but i get the memory leak  screen hang every 10-15 min or so10:34
richard_how do i associate links on websites to thunderbird email client10:34
richard_email links10:34
moocowmooanyone know how i can fix this: sudo: must be setuid root?10:35
Subsnoops, goto places/add network server10:35
nickm__is there anyone from ubuntu-artwork i could talk to?10:35
zernyjoshua_: Yes.10:35
_jasonrichard_: system > preferences > default applications10:35
Subadd it in there, and then on first login you can ask to remember password10:35
judahmoocowmoo: look into  chmod +s10:35
giindCan I install opera on dapper drake?10:35
joshua__zerny: Alright.10:35
=== lasindi[lappy] [n=lasindi@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotudownload the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ (breezy) or http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/Weekly-284/intel-linux/ (dapper) to install see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser10:35
luc1fersflowersI appologize for throwing out random questions but this is the only way i'm going to learn anything. I installed kde ontop of gnome, how do i switch between the two?10:35
Sub snoops then it will create the folder, and itz just there with no auth and can be drag/droped10:35
=== whitynz [n=whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
giindforget what i said10:35
darkseedquick question  i installed the nvidia glx driver and reconfigured xorg   it works but i get the memory leak  screen hang every 10-15 min or so10:35
zernyjoshua_: are there any EE lines in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?10:35
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joshua__zerny: I'll check10:36
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_jasonluc1fersflowers: at the screen where you login, there is an options button where you can select the desktop for your session10:36
cirowho can help me to fix this problem? ./edonkey2000: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:36
=== Dubuntu [i=main@69-165-108-140.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Speci'm not sure i understand suid, I have a shell script owned by spec:spec with suid bit on it, it runs the command "whoami". If I run that program as a different user, 'whoami' should report that i'm spec, right?10:36
kumasansnoops, also, try firing up nautilus, and entering smb://username@sambamachine/share and it should prompt for passwd10:36
moocowmoojudah, thats a bit broad so what exactly do i chmod?10:36
=== JasonL [n=jason@cpc3-mapp1-0-0-cust122.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
luc1fersflowers_jason: i installed kde via Synaptic is that the best way to do it?10:36
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aalyahi, how to know the kde's version plz ,10:36
darkseednvidia help10:36
nickm__anyone from ubuntu-artwork?10:36
Some_PersonOSS: anyone familiar with it?10:37
krangAnyone know how to change which application opens which file type without GUI editing the "opens with" tab in a file's properties? I wanted to write a script that changes a few associations10:37
darkseedscreen freeze iissue10:37
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JasonLcan someone help me, i just made a new partition but cannot write to it10:37
_jasonluc1fersflowers: yes, installing the kubuntu-desktop package.  That will give you the same desktop that kubuntu has10:37
Joshua_BoshiHi. If I download instalation ISO for ubuntu 6.06, is there any option to update current version of my ubuntu from it? thanks10:37
Tinned_Tunaheya, does anyone know what might stop skype from using any sound resources (in and out)10:37
samshapiroso what you said worked great, but now when i get to the install it keeps telling me there are problems with my swap partition and that i need to go back and fix it10:37
Tinned_Tunait doesn't crash10:37
samshapiroany ideas/10:37
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snoopsokay thanks guys10:37
nickm__oh well, i tried, i'll try again later10:37
kumasanluc1fersflowers, when you are at the login, select the session option, and you should have the option to change from/to KDE etc10:37
Some_Personis anyone familar with OSS???????????????????????????????????????????????????10:37
copeland3300hey all, i'm having trouble installing ubuntu on a hard drive10:37
shawn__ok. ive installed firefox and associated torrent files with azureus, but azureus doesnt work. does anyone know where the @#$! i can change this? one would think in Edit->Prefs->Downloads but, heh, nope. Can ANYONE help? I can't believe this isnt a really easy thing to accomplish. Firefox instructs me to "Change the association in your preferences." but Edit->Preferences has nothing10:37
Tinned_Tunait doesn't give any error messages, I just can hear the guy on the other end, and he can't hear me10:37
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luc1fersflowers_jason, kumasan: thanks10:38
wastrelwhat's azureus10:38
_jasonnickm__: maybe in #ubuntu-artwork10:38
joshua__zerny: Yes. there are EE lines. (EE) fglrx(0): Fail to initialize ASIC in kernel. (EE) fglrx(0): DRIScreenInit failed!10:38
shamrock_ukbernier, have a look at this link:10:38
=== gizmo_the_great [n=ted@tedsmith28.force9.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
nickm___jason: , im there10:38
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gizmo_the_greatHi. My screen is fine normally, I have several resolutions to choose from, and the Nvidia drivers are all installed OK.10:38
gizmo_the_greatHowever, whenever I play Americas Army, it starts off fine for about 5 minutes, then all of a sudden the screen goes blank for a second and then comes back flickering. If I exit, the screen remains flickering for a few seconds when I'm back in Gnome then it goes blank again and comes back fine. Very odd.10:38
gizmo_the_greatAnyone know why and how I fix it?10:38
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krangDoes *no-one* here know how to manually edit file associations?10:38
samshapiroanyone know why the installer doesn't want to work with the swap partition i created?10:38
kumasanshawn__, I think it's in the downloads section of ff prefs10:38
ijeffHow can I backup the music from my ipod to this computer?10:39
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JowiTinned_Tuna: try call "echo123" and see if you have the same issue there. if you do, you might want to enable your microphone in the volume properties.10:39
Some_Personis anyone familar with OSS???????????????????????????????????????????????????10:39
Subgizmo_the_great, sounds like AA is using the wrong sync rates.10:39
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>10:39
_jasonubotu: tell krang about defaultapp10:39
bernierok shamrock_uk hoep it's good news :P10:39
FlannelSome_Person: what are you asking?10:39
gizmo_the_greatSub, how do I chnage that - do you know?10:39
ijeffHow can I backup the music from my ipod to this computer? (not syncing.. already checked wiki)10:39
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shawn__ok. ive installed firefox and associated torrent files with azureus, but azureus doesnt work. does anyone know where the @#$! i can change the file association? one would think in Edit->Prefs->Downloads but, heh, nope. Can ANYONE help? I can't believe this isnt a really easy thing to accomplish. Firefox instructs me to "Change the association in your preferences." when it fails (since azureus is no longer installed) but Edit->Preferences10:39
shawn__es nothing there which helps.10:39
Some_PersonHow do you install OSS10:39
Subgizmo_the_great, itz an AA problem so no10:39
shamrock_ukwell, just wondering if that links to a different Sony programme10:39
=== daddy_ [n=Igor@83-131-76-144.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you.  You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Please give it 10 to 15 minutes before asking a second time, thanks.10:39
Flannelijeff: isn't synching backing up? (never used an ipod)10:40
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NoUseSome_Person oss is on by default10:40
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shamrock_ukif not, you could try CrossOver Office - they offer a 30-day trial and might work10:40
gizmo_the_greatSub, i will load it up and see if there's an option10:40
billybennetthow do you delete directorys in terminal?  rm? mv?10:40
kumasanshawn__, as I said, it's in the edit prefs, download section10:40
Flannelbillybennett: rm10:40
SubSome_Person, OSS is just any software which has open source, which is anything in synaptic ( by default)10:40
FlannelSub: no, he wants oss as in sound.10:40
_jasonbillybennett: rmdir if it is empty, rm -r if you want to remove recursively10:40
snoopsman I absolutely adore this linux release10:40
krang_jason: I know that, I'm wondering how it can be done by editing a text file10:40
ijeffflannel: syncing = copy music from this computer to ipod and delete ipod's library.. I have music from another computer i want to put on here (before/after partition wipe)10:40
ijeffHow can I backup the music from my ipod to this computer? (not syncing.. already checked wiki)10:40
snoopsI've been off an on with linux for ages - shitty support for my old pc10:40
samshapiroIs there something special I need to do to get my swap partition to work when I try to install?10:40
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c24ab5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsthis new one - supports everything off the bat!10:41
shawn__kumasan: whereabouts? i dont have anything excepot "View and Edit Actions" but torrent files are NOT listed there10:41
DaveyJi cant get jedit to install properly :(10:41
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DaveyJ*** Catastrophic failure while handling uncaught exception.10:41
DaveyJGC Warning: Out of Memory!  Returning NIL!10:41
DaveyJi get that everytime i try to run it10:41
gharzwhat's hdc? is it the cd-rom?10:41
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Subsamshapiro, not really.10:41
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Flannelgharz: it's the master drive on your second IDE.  so, depends ;)10:41
_jasonkrang: if you visit gnome's page and look for admin docs, I believe they go into how it works... I don't know offhand10:41
Subsamshapiro, it should detect it as swap automatically10:41
shawn__"View and Edit Actions" only shows me SPL files10:41
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billybennettthanks Flannel and _jason10:41
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gharzFlannel, coz i'm getting a hdc: media error when i run dmesg.10:42
Jowigharz: probably. it could also be a harddisk depending on your layout. my cdrom is hdc.10:42
krang_jason: cheers10:42
kumasanshawn__, when you click on a torrent, it should give you the requester asking what to do with it.10:42
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Jowigharz: "fdisk -l" should show you10:42
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shamrock_uk@berner, if you're still here. You have two possible options - 1) You can try encoding the files yourself, as per these instructions:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=331135&highlight=sony+mp310:42
Jowigharz: or "mount"10:42
NoUseijeff just use gtkpod to copy music off the ipod I assume10:42
samshapiroand I should set it to the logical partition that I have defined as swap or the extended one that contains the logical partition?10:42
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zernyjoshua_: I am trying to find som info on the error10:43
shamrock_uk2) Someone has suggested reformatting the thing as FAT...but perhaps not such a good idea as it may end up unusable10:43
phlexonanceI desperatley need a tool (if possible with gui) to validate an XML file with my own DTD10:43
shawn__kumasan: yeah, it used to until i told it to automatically use azureus, then i discovered azureus doesnt work10:43
snoopsIs there a way to make the 'window selector' be on two lines?10:43
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gharzJowi, fdisk -l doesn't show any /dev/hdc... it's all /dev/hda10:43
snoopslike it is in kde?10:43
Chamwork`hey guys, whats a good tutorial on getting xgl working?  I got xgl installed and compiz installed, just need to turn it "on" I think?10:43
luc1fersflowersWhen ever i do anything regarding packages i get this error:     W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D508810:43
snoopsthe window selector in gnome that is10:43
luc1fersflowersany idea what that is?10:43
KenSentMe!tell Chamwork` about xgl10:43
_jasonubotu: tell Chamwork` about xgl10:43
SubChamwork`, i used a script, installed it all flawlessly10:43
phlexonanceor if that works with quanta, someone to show me how10:43
SubChamwork`, i can link you if u want it10:43
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Jowigharz: then hdc should be cdrom. to make sure  ls -la /dev/cdrom10:43
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gharzmount doesn't show any hdc10:43
shamrock_uk@Chamwork: pick a walkthrough depending on your graphics card: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14835110:44
kumasanshawn__, does azureas use some extension or somthing to d/l the torrent?10:44
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tarzeauis it a PONY? http://sanuk.s69.ch/sanuk/FKK/FKKTiPa/TiPa22.jpg10:44
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wastrelsnoops:  what window selector?10:44
samshapiroon the install, should i set my mount point for my swap to the logical partition i have for it or the extended one that contains it?10:44
Aeudiani am getting an error message on compling an application " no GTK+-2.0 found " i can not seem to find any gtk packages through via apt-get10:44
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gharzJowi, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2006-06-08 20:24 /dev/cdrom -> hdc10:44
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!10:44
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Jowigharz: there you go :)10:44
Subsamshapiro, the extended.10:44
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gharzJowi, what could be wrong?10:44
samshapirook thank you that was my problem i think10:44
Subsamshapiro, the logical partiton is just a contaier.10:44
Amaranth_jason: ?10:44
Subor wait, is it the other way around.;...10:44
DaveyJokay so thats a no-go on jedit10:44
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phlexonanceI desperatley need a tool (if possible with gui) to validate an XML file with my own DTD, or if that works with quanta, someone to show me how. it is urgent10:44
_jasonAmaranth: tarzeau's link is inappropriate10:45
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DaveyJany other good java editors out there?10:45
nalioth_jason: ?10:45
samshapiroshould i do the same for my home directory?10:45
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phlexonanceDaveyJ, check out eclipse10:45
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Subsamshapiro, itz the logical partiton you want.10:45
NoUseAeudian they would be called libgtk2.0-something10:45
Jowigharz: i missed the error you told earlier. i just saw "is hdc my cdrom"10:45
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gharzup to now if i run dmesg i'm still getting that error10:45
gharzit bothers me.10:45
gharzi've just installed my ubuntu this morning and i'm not starting to get this error.10:45
gharzis this a major issue?10:45
AesopOh, where's Apache's config file located on Ubunty?10:45
Aeudiannouse: thanks ill look10:45
snoopswastrel umm when you open an application the window button appears at the bottom of the screen in gnome10:45
AesopUbuntu*, even10:45
NoUsegharz no10:45
berniershamrock_uk it didn't work =/ thanks anyway. It's all because of that piece of crap called sonicstage =/ even with windows it sucks10:45
gharzJowi, errata... "i'm now starting to get this error".10:45
snoopsI believe that's called 'window selector'10:45
FlannelAesop: /etc/apache2/10:45
DavidJaqI have two NTFS partitions that I want to read from, not write too... they're mounted but when I open them they tell me I don't have permission10:45
snoopsI just wanted that to display on two lines10:45
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AesopFlannel, thanks10:45
ubotumethinks ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:45
Amaranthnalioth: i already had it10:46
NoUsegharz if you can't read a CD, then its a problem10:46
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ijeffNoUse: thx gtkpod is exporting my music now! :)10:46
snoopsoh I'm sorry I mean window list10:46
AeudianNoUse: it says i have the newest verison10:46
AesopFlannel, says that thats just for backwards compatability? Nothing in the file, either10:46
DaveyJalright i'll check out eclipse :)10:46
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mystamaxif I'm not running a Xserver @ all, do I have to mount CD-ROMS manually?10:46
NoUseAeudian what are you trying to do?10:46
phlexonanceI desperatley need a tool (if possible with gui) to validate an XML file with my own DTD, or if that works with quanta, someone to show me how. it is urgent10:46
joshua__zerny: kay10:46
wastrelsnoops:  if you increase the size of the panel it's in i think the buttons start to stack on each other.10:46
samshapiro"The test of the swap space in partition # 5 of IDE1 slave (hdb) found uncorrected errors"  What do I do with this?10:46
gharzNoUse, my CD can read CD. but it doesn't play VCD and other CD's (VCD/DVD) burn from NERO.10:46
snoopson hmm okay wastrel10:46
AesopFlannel, wait, envermind10:47
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DavidJaqI have two NTFS partitions that I want to read from, not write too... they're mounted but when I open them they tell me I don't have permission10:47
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gharzNoUse, can i just leave this or this is an issue? (since it's an error, i guess this is an issue).10:47
FlannelAesop: that's a directory ;)  there's a few files that make it all work.  Ubuntu has moved the config files around a little,you'll fgure it out though.10:47
AeudianNoUse: trying to compile gbindadmin a gui interface for bind9 but it errors with that error on ./configure10:47
KenSentMeDavidJaq: can you open then using sudo?10:47
DavidJaqI dunno how to do that10:47
NoUseAeudian if you are compiling you need the -dev packages10:47
Flannel!tell DavidJaq about ntfs10:48
NoUse!tell DavidJaq about winfstab10:48
phlexonanceDaveyJ, I use eclipse for a year now and I LOVE it =)10:48
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AeudianNouse: if you mean build-essential i have it installed10:48
snoopsah brilliant wastrel10:48
wastrelrock on10:48
kermitX_firefox and epiphany both crash X when i go to my signed CoC in lp, when using the restricted "nvidia" driver. switch to "nv" (only change in xorg.conf), it doesn't crash. any ideas?10:48
Jowigharz: i think only mplayer and vlc can read vcd files. not 100% sure about that though.10:48
NoUseAeudian no10:48
FlannelDavidJaq: that page talks about your problem10:48
phlexonanceI desperatley need a tool (if possible with gui) to validate an XML file with my own DTD, or if that works with quanta, someone to show me how. it is urgent10:48
JasonLhow can i make a partition writeable by myself? the partition is /media/sda610:48
AeudianNouse: what is the dev package called?10:48
samshapiro"The test of the swap space in partition # 5 of IDE1 slave (hdb) found uncorrected errors"  What do I do with this?  Should I go back or continue?  What is wrong with my swap?10:48
NoUseAeudian it wants gtk, so you need libgtk2.0-dev or something liek that10:48
gharzJowi, is this a major issue if i'll just leave it this way?10:48
Chamwork`says no composite extension10:48
AeudianNoUse: ahhhh let me try10:48
Jowigharz: i don't know10:48
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Chamwork`i'm using it on a dell laptop, some crappy intel vid card i'm sure :)10:49
NoUsegharz I have the same messages in my dmesg, not a big deal10:49
gharzNoUse, ok. thanks!10:49
mmjeppIs anyone here familiar with the OEM-install of Dapper?10:49
Jason_Is there a way to get DVD playback to work better?  I.e, be able to move between chapters, fast forward, etc.10:49
AeudianNoUse: thank you works10:49
Yoricphlexonance, would that be good for you ? http://www.hcrc.ed.ac.uk/~richard/xml-check.html10:49
gharzNoUse, everytime i run dmesg i'm getting the same message.10:49
NoUse!tell mmjepp about oeminstall10:49
samshapiro"The test of the swap space in partition # 5 of IDE1 slave (hdb) found uncorrected errors"  What do I do with this?10:49
YoricJason_, what are you using ?10:49
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t-thingHow to disable X starting at boot?10:49
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kermitX_Jason_, use totem-xine (with extracodecs) instead of totem-gstreamer.10:50
rolerWhat package gives me compiling? gcc and all the included stuff?10:50
Jason_MPlayer and totem10:50
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NoUsegharz dmesg just ouputs messages that have been recorded, so if was recorded once, you'll see it each time you run dmeg10:50
Jowit-thing: temporary or ... ?10:50
phlexonanceYoric, no, it has to be my own DTD and it has to be offline10:50
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t-thingJowi: completely.10:50
ubotusudomania4: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:50
wastrelt-thing:  sudo update-rc.d gpm remove10:50
henriquemaiaHi, anyone knows how to make autofs work on ubuntu (with nfs)?10:50
gharzNoUse, ok. thanks for the info.10:50
t-thingwastrel: ok, thanks10:50
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wastrelt-thing:  er, that's  gdm  not gpm10:50
henriquemaiaI have followed howtos and such with no luck.10:50
NathanaelAlright! Evolution Syced with my Exchange mail and calendar, but there seems to be a contacts issue with the Global Address List...10:50
t-thingwastrel: yeah, I kinda realized that too :)10:51
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gharzNoUse, is there really no solution to get rid of this message?10:51
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NoUsegharz haha why does it bother you so much?10:51
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AesopFlannel, Alright, somethings wrong here, then. I've got the server set up, and can access it through, my computers IP, or my routers IP. However, people outside my network cannot access it. The router is a Dlink 604, set to redirect incoming connetions on port 80 to this computer, and its firewall is off. Any ideas? (IP is, if you wan to give it a shot)10:51
Jowit-thing: I would do this: 1. remove gdm from /etc/rc3.d 2. set /etc/inittab to start init 3 instead of 2. (that way you will still have x to start automatically if you want by use init 2)10:51
Yoricphlexonance, depending on your level of skill, flexml might help you.10:51
samshapiro"The test of the swap space in partition # 5 of IDE1 slave (hdb) found uncorrected errors"  What do I do with this?  Should I make a bigger swap?10:51
NoUsegharz its probably something probing to see if a disc has been inserted and it gets "media error" becaues there is no disc10:51
gharzNoUse, bec it's an error.10:51
AesopI thought it migh thave been configured to deny ports in the APache server, but nope.10:51
rolerWhat package gives me compiling? gcc and all the included stuff?10:51
phlexonanceYoric, I'll try that10:52
mo0seokay. i installed vmware player via synaptic package manager and everything seems to be okay. when i try to run it, i see "starting vmware player" in the taskbard and then it disappears.10:52
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Alabasta`what the difference between the "alternate" and "desktop" iso`s ??????10:52
billybennettanyone have any idea why a file opens with Totem when its run over a network share but my default VNC when its locally?10:52
nzxhi guys, can someone help me to get sl-modem-daemon working ?10:52
gharzNoUse, yeah.. .that's correct. i'll try to put a CD and i'll check if the message be deleted.10:52
mo0sealabasta: alternate lets you do different stuff. and desktop is the livecd.10:52
eugmanAlalabaste, alternate is text install.10:52
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NoUsegharz you are really spending way too much time worry about this10:52
JowiAlabasta`: desktop is a live cd with gui installation10:52
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mo0seyou butured his name.10:52
t-thingJowi: wastrel: I'm wondering if this gdm after all since there are no sym links to it at rc[23] .d I'm actually using xubuntu, to tell you the truth.10:52
eugmanIs the a way to see what kind of video card I have?10:52
ubotuit has been said that printer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org10:52
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wastrelt-thing:  you using kde?10:53
Yoricphlexonance, xmlstarlet might be good, too10:53
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t-thingJowi: wastrel it's late here. sorry. there is a link. Maybe I should go to bed..10:53
Jowit-thing: is xubuntu using xdm, wdm or kdm instead maybe?10:53
mo0seeugman: the device manager?10:53
Yoriceugman, yeah, there's a hardware browser10:53
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Alabasta`Jowi: which do you reccomand for normal home usage?10:53
samshapirodo i need to format a partition as linux-swap or no10:53
eugmanWell the device manage seems a bit cryptic10:53
t-thingit was so early, S13 that I somehow missed it.10:53
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mo0sesamshapiro: you should.10:53
gharzNoUse, haha. i'm a newbie freak with Ubuntu... and i like Ubuntu...10:53
YoricAlabasta`, gdm is nice.10:53
eugmanOr I'm a bit dull minded10:53
samshapirook, it keeps telling me "The test of the swap space in partition # 5 of IDE1 slave (hdb) found uncorrected errors"10:54
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umberleighhey. how do i compile and install something as a package, so i can uninstall it later with synaptic if i need to?10:54
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NathanaelOK - so in Evolution I have an "On This Computer" mailbox, and the one I set up for my work exchange - the local mailbox was there by default, is there a way to make the my work mail the "on the computer" mailbox? (i.e., I only want one drop down list)10:54
hanasakiwhat pakage provides the gnome cups admin?10:54
Yoricumberleigh, apt-build10:54
kermitX_firefox and epiphany both crash X when i go to my signed CoC in lp, when using the restricted "nvidia" driver. switch to "nv" (only change in xorg.conf), it doesn't crash. any ideas?10:54
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samshapiroi dont really have any idea what i did wrong10:54
JowiAlabasta`: the desktop cd is probably a safe bet and what most begginners would want, but i never used it.10:54
umberleighyoric: thanks10:54
mo0seeugman: it lists what you have on the column to the left.10:54
Alfred__Does anybody know how I make Xchat IRC log on this channel automatically on startup?10:54
NoUsegharz if you looked at the logs for any OS, you'll see ATAPI errors like that, its just telling the apps "no there is no disc I can read right now"10:54
mo0seeugman: just look for your video card.10:54
Yoricumberleigh, my pleasure10:54
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FlannelAesop: well, if people on your LAN can access it, then it sounds like a router problem.10:54
gharzNoUse, i'm using a laptop and it has Infrared port installed. i wonder how to use this with linux? i've been reading lirc.org and it seems like it concerns about remote control...10:54
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rdzhow can i use a cups-printer with ubuntu? how can i install (if installation is necessary)?10:54
BrownManHello, can I get Banshee support here for 6.06?10:54
mo0seanyone know why vmware player won't start?10:54
gharzi'm planning to transfer files from my mobile (not necessarily Nokia) to my laptop and vise-versa.10:55
AesopFlannel, ja, that's what I thought. On the other hand, I've told the router to route all incoming connections on 80 to this computer.10:55
AesopAnyone have experience with servers and DLink routers?10:55
joshua__zerny: any luck?10:55
Jowiubotu: tell rdz about cups10:55
gharzNoUse, thanks for the info about the disc. i appreciate that.10:55
tonyyarussoDoes the DVD download include universe and multiverse?10:55
BrownManHow do I get the plugin for 6.06 Banshee to play .m4a files?10:55
prammyiTunes file ?10:55
mo0setony: you can add universe and multiverse10:55
Jowiubotu: tell rdz about printer10:55
FlannelAesop: I've never dealt with a DLink, sorry.10:55
eugmanThe only thing I can find for ati is ATI SB400 - Ac'97 Modem Controller, that doesn't sound like a video card. Is it?10:55
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.10:55
tonyyarussomo0se: I know how to enable them - I'm wondering what's on the disc image.10:56
AesopFlannel, thanks for your help anywase.10:56
mo0seno idea.10:56
Jowirdz: you should try just to plug it in and add the printer in the system menu10:56
mo0senathanael: ditto.10:56
BrownManPrammy:  .m4a is an itunes file, yes.  Banshee used to play them but it's not at the moment with the new distro10:56
S0me1Nathanael, me too ;p10:56
Yoriceugman, doesn't sound so10:56
=== Nausica [n=Nausicaa@18.Red-83-53-21.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelmegadittos Nathanael10:56
gharzanybody around who's using their IrDA on their laptops to transfer files from their mobile phones and vice-versa?10:56
Yoriceugman, have you tried with a simple lspci10:56
tonyyarussomo0se: Apparently the DVD can be purchased on Amazon now, and given my dialup situation, that might be nice if it had everything.10:56
Yoricgharz, I haven't yet but I'd be interested10:57
=== davek2000 [n=davek200@HSE-Toronto-ppp318045.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
rdzJowi, i tried, but then it asks me, which model... i think this shouldn't be necesaary for cups-pprinters, or is it?10:57
mo0seif it doesn't, you could always enable them.10:57
Yoricgharz, so if you do it, feel free to add some knowledge to the wiki :)10:57
garryfreHello all. I have an issue with trying to boot ubunu on /dev/hdd1 and I installed using the alternate cd, and told grub to install and boot from /dev/hdd1 and got dreaded 17 error. I have restored my dapper 6.06 after this experiment. I think I need to create a separate partition to boot from on /dev/hdd Question is, what type and size of boot partition do you suggest? Thanks.10:57
YoricNathanael, sympathies.10:57
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samshapiro"The test of the swap space in partition # 5 of IDE1 slave (hdb) found uncorrected errors"  What do I do with this?10:57
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sivangis there a bluez /bluetooth GUI frontend for GNOME?10:57
Jowirdz: it might be necessary, yes. select the one that match your model from the list.10:57
rdzJowi, and when i specified the exact model, it didn't work afterwards10:57
jrsimshey, is there some way to control treble, bass in ubuntu?10:58
phlexonanceYoric, xmlstarlet does the job, thank you10:58
Yoricsamshapiro, fair bet: if noone has answered the first five times, probably no one knows the answer10:58
Jowirdz: couldn't print a testpage?10:58
Yoricphlexonance, great !10:58
samshapirook thanks10:58
davek2000im still having troubles loading into windows from grub, can someone help me?10:58
hanasakicups web console says no print jobs.. i restarted the cupsd and cycled the power on my printer and something is still sending garbage to the printer10:58
rdzJowi, nope10:58
Yoricsamshapiro, good luck, though10:58
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NoUsedavek2000 what kind of message are you getting?10:58
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Yoricdavek2000, what kind of trouble ?10:58
BrownManHey all, I am having trouble playing some music files in Banshee after installing 6.06.  How do I get them to play (.m4a plugin?)10:58
rdzJowi, is there a way tocheck, if there is a printer at the given path?10:58
=== tiagoboldt_ is now known as tiagoboldt
samshapiroyeah i have been trying to install for 3 hours now its getting sorta frustruating, sorry for the repeated questions10:58
davek2000NoUse, its not giving an error, its just not booting10:59
jrsimshey, is there some way to control treble, bass in ubuntu?10:59
Yoricsamshapiro, I know the feeling.10:59
garryfreNot sweating it, I got it working again, I just wan to be able to boot to different os's without having to juggle which hard drive is first in the list in bios.10:59
amortvigilcan anyone tell me how to install wine correct?10:59
EleafHow do I update the menu in fluxbox to show my newly installed applications??10:59
NoUsedavek2000 is windows the first parition on the drive?10:59
davek2000NoUse, this is what i have in the menu.lst file for the windows lines10:59
NathanaelDavek2000: Do you get to the grub loader screen?10:59
Jowirdz: have a look at www.linuxprinting.org to see what is needed to get it going. i have installed a few printers, some worked out-of-the-box, some needed some tweaking. it differs from model to model10:59
frying_fishamortvigil: sudo apt-get install wine10:59
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S0me1amortvigil, apt-get install wine10:59
EleafIt doesn't update my menu.10:59
garryfreDid some researcch, but didn't fnd much help.10:59
amortvigilwell no it gives errors10:59
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S0me1amortvigil, sudo apt-get install wine10:59
frying_fishdavek2000: don't paste here, use pastebin.11:00
rdzJowi, i'l check it. thanks a lot for the hints..11:00
frying_fishamortvigil: pastebin the errors.11:00
Jowirdz: make sure you don't have a paper jam, that the printer is in ready mode and that you have paper in it first of all.11:00
=== gmhikin03 [n=greg@pool-70-105-184-36.alt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
frying_fishand is it an error in installing it?11:00
Some_PersonWho has the infamous onboard Realtek AC97 soundcard?11:00
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S0me1Some_Person, me11:00
Jowirdz: and make sure you select the correct print port in the "add printer" wizard11:00
davek2000Nathanael, yeah i get to the grub menu with all the options for which to boot to11:00
amortvigilfrying_fish: pastebin?11:00
jrsimshey, is there some way to control treble, bass in ubuntu?11:00
frying_fishamortvigil: http://pastebin.com11:00
Some_PersonS0me1: do u hae breezy?11:00
BrownManjrsims:  double click on the volume control in the corner of your screen and click on preferences to enable you to see the certain various options your soundcard can change11:00
frying_fishjrsims: alsamixer11:00
davek2000i think its with the menu.lst file though11:00
luc1fersflowersQuick simple question, what is the command to list files in a term?11:01
tonyyarussoluc1fersflowers: ls11:01
Flannelluc1fersflowers: ls11:01
jrsimsBrownMan: ok, great!11:01
Some_PersonS0me1: do u have breezy?11:01
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BrownManAnyone know how to get Banshee to play .m4a files in 6.06 Ubuntu?11:01
davek2000is there a website that shows what to put in that file to boot to windows?11:01
ubotuSome_Person: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:01
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NoUsedavek2000 I'll pastebin what I have for my windows parition11:02
Nathanaeldavek2000, if Linux boots, but not Windows, it's likely not a huge deeal, as the Windows lines (for GRUB) are not long...11:02
Alabasta`what package manager does ubuntu have11:02
judahBrownMan: i think it's a current gstreamer issue.11:02
FlannelAlabasta`: ubuntu uses apt11:02
frying_fishdavek2000: look on the grub wiki page11:02
=== farous_away is now known as farous
judahBrownMan: i have the same issue.. used to work.. now doesn't..11:02
davek2000NoUse, how do i pastebin?11:02
FlannelAlabasta`: but, there are lots of frontends for it11:02
S0me1Some_Person, sorry this is my ethernet card,but i have ubuntu 6.0611:02
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gharzYoric, i've been searching for answer about IrDA for a week now and i can't get answers.11:02
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S0me1Some_Person, what is your problem?11:02
judahBrownMan: i've looked into it.. i'm currently in the mode of "wait for it to start working again"11:02
BrownManJudah: I see...I checked the multi/universes and found no updates11:02
JowiBrownMan: m4a = mp4. see if there is a plugin for mp4 for your application11:02
gharzlooks like Windows still got some edge on this. :(11:03
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Yoricgharz, noted.11:03
Skwid_how do i install apache2 modules ?11:03
NoUsedavek2000 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1534511:03
Alabasta`Flannel: so what would i do for example to install Apache ?11:03
FlannelSkwid_: through apt11:03
Some_Personmy onboard realtek ac97 soundcard wont work in breezy11:03
judahBrownMan: you need gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse at least11:03
Flannel!tell Alabasta` about lamp11:03
Skwid_Flannel: i cant find mod_rewrite in synapti11:03
FlannelAlabasta`: read that, it'll walk you though it.11:03
zOapsomeone in here succesfully installed xjadeo?11:03
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mo0sehow do i list the packages i have installed that start with vmware?11:03
judahBrownMan: now i'd use xmms-mp4 for xmms11:03
J_Phi all11:03
mo0seis it sudo dpkg -l -greb -vmware?11:04
mo0seor something?11:04
NoUsemo0se 'dpkg -l | grep ii | grep vmware11:04
zernyjoshua__, Hello still here?11:04
FlannelSkwid_: Skwid_ believe it's installed with apache, check your mods folder.11:04
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BrownManjudah: ok where is that located?11:04
mo0seah. thanks, nouse.11:04
Skwid_Flannel: ok11:04
davek2000NoUse, my windows drive is the slave, so would it be: "root (hd1,0)"?11:04
garryfreNo suggestions on the size and type of partition for booting Dapper from /dev/hdd? Most I'll have is slackware, ubuntu and windows for when I feel like hurting myself.11:04
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amortvigilfrying_fish: aint getting answers11:04
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NoUsedavek2000 yes11:04
davek2000ill try and be back11:04
frying_fishamortvigil: answers about what?11:04
judahBrownMan: it's in the apt repos.. i have everything turned on so i don't know exactly which one.11:04
amortvigilfrying_fish: at paste bin11:04
turbomaticany idea why OOo doesn't spell check my documents in dapper 6.06?11:05
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judahBrownMan: try   apt-cache search xmms-mp411:05
joshua__zerny: Yes. check your messages :)11:05
J_Ppeople problem with caracter in psql to connect to DB is a bug in pgsql :  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-common/+bug/3917711:05
BrownManjudah: yeah i found 9t11:05
frying_fishright, you paste your error into the box, then click send11:05
phlexonanceYoric, xmlstarlet only checks if the xml file is well formed, it does not validate against my dtd :/ and flexml is really too geeky for me^^11:05
BrownManjudah: ill try it11:05
frying_fishand then copy the link in the title bar to here11:05
Some_Personi need sound on breezy!!11:05
=== mpmc [n=mpmc@cpc3-lich5-0-0-cust886.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
frying_fishand then we can look at it11:05
redguySome_Person: why not u[pgrade to dapper?11:05
amortvigili used the name evan11:05
Jowigarryfre: you need minimum 3GB for / in dapper for a normal desktop install (it will only use 1.5GB but another 1-1.5GB is needed to unpack files)11:05
=== SurfnKid [n=klormexo@cpe-68-201-96-76.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Personi ordered cds11:06
amortvigilfrying_fish: i used the name evan11:06
=== oezguer [n=oezguer@p54A16F4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
davek2000NoUse, when i start up my computer, it doesnt automattically go to the menu screen for grub, it goes to the command line, how do i fix that?11:06
BrownManjudah:  eh, i installed the package but it didnt change anything11:06
frying_fishamortvigil: so, just go copy paste the link11:06
turbomaticauto spell check isn't underlining wrong spelling11:06
turbomaticand manually initiated spell checks don't find ny errors11:06
Some_Personbreezy would take 11 hours on dialup11:06
garryfreThanks Jowi!11:06
DaveyJi cant figure out how ot get eclipse to compile/run the code =/ it keeps bringing me up to this menu to "create, manage, run configurations" but i cant seem to get it to go past there11:06
Jowigarryfre: personally I would have at least 6GB /11:06
BrownManjudah:  i also cannot see it in the plugins section so i don't know how to tell if banshee even recognizes it11:06
judahyou'll ahve to restart xmms and then play your m4a's through that application.11:06
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frying_fishamortvigil: or if you closed the page, reopen it at http://pastebin.com  paste it again, then click send and copy the link11:06
SeanTaterI can't get sound to work on Dapper -- just upgraded to KDE3.5.311:06
zernyjoshua__, I have no idea what is up with xchat... cant see anything here :/11:06
Some_Personso dapper would take more11:06
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phlexonanceI need a tool (if possible with gui) to validate a XML file against my DTD, checking if the XML file is well formed is not enough. If thats possible with quanta, I need anoyne to show me how. it is urgent11:06
Yoricphlexonance, too bad.11:07
oezguerHi , i downloaded qc-usb for logitech webcam, its on desktop , How Can I Install It? HELP11:07
judahBrownMan: it won't make banshee play them..  but it will make xmms play them.11:07
SurfnKidhas anyone experienced intermittent wifi disconnects on broadcomm cards from being 100%link to 0%link just all of the sudden?11:07
mpmcAnyone here use the Xfce GUI?11:07
joshua__zerny: That's really weird. :S11:07
FlannelSeanTater: #kubuntu is a better place to ask, I imagine.11:07
BrownManjudah: Oh....darn ok then11:07
BrownManjudah:  I hope they fix that soon11:07
amortvigilfrying_fish: http://pastebin.com/76833911:07
judahBrownMan: like i said. i think it's a gstreamer0.10 thing currently.11:07
FlannelSeanTater: maybe not.11:07
joshua__Zerny: I'm receiving your messages though.11:07
joshua__Zerny: hmm11:07
judahBrownMan: i hope so too.11:07
=== judah <3 banshee
zernyjoshua__, ok, I hade the same problem on a machine here and got the same error. it now works with a config I will past now11:07
=== BrownMan agrees with judah
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Some_Personi need to get my AC97 workin on BREEZIE11:07
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frying_fishamortvigil: you could have pasted the whole command that you launched11:07
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oezguerHi , i downloaded qc-usb for logitech webcam, its on desktop , How Can I Install It? HELP11:07
frying_fishso I would at least have a clue as to where its coming from11:08
jrsimsI'm not sure how to get quicktime working. Where do I start?11:08
joshua__zerny: allright11:08
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BrownManjudah:  on a side note, do you hate this whole vista copying thing...where it fades out everything to show me a prompt?11:08
rdzJowi, the cups-printer and -server is already installed and when i go to the cups-webinterface, i can print the testfile. i just cannot figure out, how to set up the printer in ubuntu.11:08
NoUseoezguer have you read the wiki page on webcams?11:08
Yoricphlexonance, gnustep-base-common also contains a tool called xml-parse, which claims to validate xml documents.11:08
oezguerno, i gonno read thanx11:08
zernyjoshua__, http://pastbin.com/76835611:08
frying_fishand amortvigil do you have wine installed, and it just won't run a program?11:08
ubotuit has been said that webcam is now easy to install, per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam - webcam support soon to be available in  gaim-vv. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:08
judahBrownMan: like when you click on update-manager and it prompts you for your sudo password?11:08
hanasakiis cups buseted in dapper?11:08
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BrownManjudah: yes!11:08
rdzJowi, it is silly, cause i think that must be the most easy part of it.. :-)11:08
jrsimsI'm not sure how to get quicktime working. Where do I start?11:09
judahBrownMan: meh.. i don't mind it.. sortta like it..11:09
Jowirdz: if it works from cups interface then you probably have just either selected the wrong port or driver.11:09
NoUse!tell jrsims about quicktime11:09
judahBrownMan: I haven't used windows as a desktop in like 7+ years11:09
=== gmhikin03 [n=greg@pool-70-105-184-36.alt.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
garryfreJowi I plan to boot from that partition via grub and system commanderrr to choose to boot that drive instead of juggling drive order in bios. Do ye think that will work? Strangely, I had two partitions ext3 and a small swap on that drive and I suspect grub over-wrote something. My idea for the partition was that it be bootable and only have grub there.11:09
judahBrownMan: so i wouldn't really know.11:09
zernyjoshua__, sorry missed an `e' :)11:09
amortvigilfrying_fish: http://pastebin.com/76836211:09
jrsims!tell jrsims about quicktime11:09
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luc1fersflowersIs there a database on terminal commands? Somewhere i can refrence to?11:09
NoUsejrsims not receiving the message?11:09
Yoricluc1fersflowers, "man"11:10
Flannelluc1fersflowers: check for bash tutorials on google.11:10
BrownManjudah: Yeah the current version of windows does not do that but Vista is planning to do that and I can see why everyone would hate it -- its a tad bothersome...I wonder if you can turn it off.11:10
jrsimsNoUse: no11:10
Yoricluc1fersflowers, actually, depends on what you're looking for.11:10
joshua__zerny: Aye :P hmmm I can just use this config?11:10
NoUsejrsims probably need to register on Freenode11:10
frying_fishamortvigil: might I suggest not running wine stuff as root11:10
seifehow do i remove mesa drivers?11:10
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:10
judahBrownMan: i think it's pretty useful actually.11:10
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frying_fishand also, what are you trying to "configure"11:10
luc1fersflowersYoric: i'm new to linux so i'd just like a big list of basic commands and breif explinations to help me out with things11:10
Jowigarryfre: if you install from the alternate cd you can choose if you with to install grub or not. ubuntu will boot happily from another partition. I have never used system commander. it *should* work fine. you can share the swap partition between ubuntu and slackware without a problem.11:10
BrownManjudah: haha it fades out everything while im doing other stuff.....its bad enough that i have high security on so it asks me everytime i do something as trivial as installing an update11:11
Yoricluc1fersflowers, then your best bet is probably to google for a "bash tutorial".11:11
amortvigilfrying_fish: tell me what to do, ill do what you say:)11:11
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-136-113.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
frying_fishbecause, when I run `wine configure` I get the module not found problem, so I think you are doing something odd.11:11
phlexonanceYoric, how do I get this tool, apt-getting it doesnt work and after installing the gnustep-base-common it isnt there either11:11
zernyjoshua__, yes, but back up the one you have so you can replace it if it does not work. Do you now your way around the in the terminals if X does not load?11:11
frying_fishamortvigil: what are you wanting to do ?11:11
judahBrownMan: fading is sexy.. like drop shadows.11:11
luc1fersflowersYoric: thank you11:11
Flannelluc1fersflowers: http://www.linux.org/lessons/beginner/index.html will walk you through a good deal of stuff.  It's for debain, skip ahead past the installation stuff, but it'll tell you a lot of good stuff.11:11
zernyjoshua__, know11:11
judahBrownMan: need more drop shadows for sure.11:11
frying_fishdo you have a program you want to run?11:11
Yoricluc1fersflowers, Bash = Bourne-Again Shell, it's what you typically use when you open a terminal.11:11
amortvigilto not install it in the root?11:11
BrownManjudah: haha....say do you use xgl with all its sexyness?11:11
luc1fersflowersYoric: gotcha11:11
amortvigilfrying_fish: too not install it in the root11:11
frying_fisheasy, don't be root when you run `wine FOO`11:12
BrownManjudah: with 6.06 it should be fully supported now...11:12
joshua__zerny: I think so. I could copy the backup, or open up nano and save it and stuff11:12
Yoricphlexonance, actually, I don't know, I was checking on my Debian box.11:12
judahBrownMan: i have. i like it.. but it's too buggy to run everyday.. ie.. suppend and return and other things.11:12
frying_fishright, if you have done apt-get install wine, which means you have wine installed11:12
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frying_fishthen, as a regular user, if you want to use wine, just do `wine /path/to/program` and it will run the program you want11:12
judahBrownMan: maybe i'll try it again. last time was a couple months ago when dapper was still making lots of changes.11:12
frying_fishand create all the stuff it needs11:12
garryfreJowi Thanks, that was the idea I had in mind. Yeah the swap part sharing is an idea. OH what type of part would you reccommend for the boot partition?11:12
zernyjoshua__, yes. oh, but do replace the line `Monitor  "Acer AL1914"' with the generic monitor11:12
judahBrownMan: i'm mainly a laptop user.11:12
Yoricphlexonance, according to packages.ubuntulinux.org, /usr/bin/xmlparse is in in gnustep-base-common11:12
BrownManjudah:  yeah i think I will too...it didnt work on 5.05 so eh11:13
JowiI just followed the wine wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine and it worked fine11:13
BrownManjudah: oh yeah I have a very high powered desktop so I think it will be nice11:13
judahBrownMan: i'm sure it will .11:13
BrownManjudah: lets look in the repository and see if its any good....11:13
joshua__zerny: Kay.11:13
Jowigarryfre: i never used a boot partition. always installed to mbr :)11:13
=== RandomChu [n=randomch@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zernyjoshua__, Good luck :)11:13
=== davek2000 [n=davek200@HSE-Toronto-ppp314716.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
joshua__zerny: thanks ^^11:14
NoUsegarryfre ext3 is fine for /boot11:14
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frying_fishamortvigil: just follow the link that Jowi gave to the wiki about wine11:14
Some_Personhow long until the dapper shipits come in?11:14
phlexonanceYoric, got it, testing now11:14
garryfreHmm, Ok, strangely, when I tried mbr it wanted to put it on the first disk instead of /dev/hdd. Thanks again.11:14
Jowigarryfre: i do it the other way around though. grub is at mbr and I added an extra post for slackware11:14
davek2000NoUse, i get this error message after the root line: "filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7"11:14
seifehow do i remove the mesa project DRIVers?11:14
frying_fishgarryfre: thats not really a surprise, if you put it in mbr, it will put it in mbr of the drive that is read first.11:15
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Some_Personhow long until i get my DAPPER cds?11:15
=== roler [n=chris@pool-71-109-251-62.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mastastealthcould be some weeks11:15
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting11:15
Mastastealthor months :P11:15
Mastastealthor tomorrow?11:15
Some_Personanyone know11:15
rdzJowi, i still cannot figure it out. what port should i give? ipp:// or http:// or lpd:// ?11:16
FlannelSome_Person: Mastastealth answered you.  No one really knows.11:16
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Some_Person11:16
Jowirdz: how is it connected?11:16
judahSome_Person: i'm sure they'll be delievered shortly.11:16
rdzJowi, i mean what protocoll11:16
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Jowirdz: yeah. how is it connected?11:16
NoUsedavek2000 can you pastebin your menu.lst?11:16
garryfrefrying_fish Yeah, and it said no room for it in mbr of first disk.11:16
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Mastastealthyes seife?11:16
frying_fishgarryfre: thats odd, as the mbr should be a set size11:16
kane77hey... do you know of any application like reason or rebirth?? (for electronic music production)...11:17
Jowirdz: or is it a network printer (not a local one)?11:17
frying_fishand grub will fit in that11:17
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frying_fish512bytes iirc11:17
zachhow can i add write support to mounted ntfs drives?11:17
Some_Personhow come ubotu knows about grub but not lilo11:17
BigToemy realplayer has just disappeared from my system11:17
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Mastastealthkane: cakewalk, LMMS, rosegarden?11:17
rdzJowi, the cups-webinterface says: Device URI: lpd://
BigToeand I tried to install it via synaptic11:17
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rdzJowi, yes. nwtworkprinter11:17
loosHi guys, I'm a gentoo guy, but I've been hearing from a lot of people who seem to love Ubuntu. What does Ubuntu do really well?11:17
BigToebut it says "Depends on xlibs but it is not installable"11:17
garryfrefrying_fish Yeah, I think its because system commander was already there.11:17
BigToehow do I get xlibs and realplayer?11:17
dooglusloos: it's very *orange*11:17
redguyloos: "it just works"11:17
Flannelloos: might get a better response asking in #ubuntu-offtopic11:17
phlexonanceYoric, doesnt seem to work11:18
frying_fishgarryfre: it shouldn't make a difference11:18
frying_fishit should overwrite it.11:18
loosKay, thanks guys11:18
NoUse!tell BigToe about realplayer11:18
rdzJowi,the url of the webinterface is: http://printy.snm-hgkz.ch:63111:18
Yoricphlexonance, that's a shame.11:18
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Jowirdz: then I would trust cups-webinterface. I don't have much experience with ldp in linux though. can't help you much further than that i'm afraid11:18
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garryfrefrying_fish yeah.11:18
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Jowirdz: ldp seems more likely than http11:18
tiagoboldtwho's frying_fish ?11:18
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tiagoboldthate fish :|11:18
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rdzJowi, ok. thanks a lot for your time... first i thought it should be easy as just setting a path/url.... i'll keep trying11:19
garryfreWell, I gotta go to away. Thanks kindly for the help folks.11:19
Jowirdz: you need the correct ldp. if you don't have it, get it from linuxprinting.org. they have tons of updated ldps there11:19
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phlexonanceI need a tool (if possible with gui) to validate a XML file against my DTD, checking if the XML file is well formed is not enough. If thats possible with quanta, I need anoyne to show me how. it is urgent11:19
Ploujyo guys11:19
joshua__zerny: it didn't work :( and you use a different key layout XD11:19
Ploujany idea why OOo on Ubuntu 6.06 doesn't find any spelling errors in a document which obviously has mistakes? I didn't change any dictionary settings, and I'm currently using English(Canada).11:19
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NoUsedavek2000 sorry, try changing root (hd1,0) to rootnoverify (h1,0)11:20
zernyjoshua__, hehe, sorry. ok, so you have the same errors in you Xorg log?11:20
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zernyjoshua__, and have you done a total reboot11:20
rdzJowi, do you mean PPD? or what is an LPD?11:20
PloujI have manually clicked the spell check button. The automatic spell check fails to underline badlyspelled words.11:20
amortvigilfrying_fish: wiki doesn't work when i do :winecfgit gives thesame eroor11:20
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Jowirdz: argh. ppd. of course11:20
frying_fishamortvigil: make sure you are your normal user11:20
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amortvigilfrying_fish: and when i do it as normal user it does totaly nothing11:21
frying_fishthen make sure you are in your home dir11:21
frying_fishdo rm -r .wine11:21
gharzanybody here who's connected to a windows server 2003 network? i want to get my emails from Microsoft Exchange but my Ubuntu is not a member of the domain.11:21
seifeMastastealth: how do i remove mesa drivers?11:21
frying_fishand then do winecfg11:21
judahPlouj: do you have aspell and gnome-spell installed?11:21
frying_fishamortvigil: how did you install wine11:21
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Ploujjudah: dunno, should I?11:21
rdzJowi, for some reason i htough the correct PPD is provided by the server.... but i don't really know.....11:21
Mastastealthseife: I suppose apt-get remove would do the trick, but why do you want to uninstall them? i think they are necessary for something...11:21
AesopDoes anyone know if Adelphia blocks port 80?11:21
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joshua__zerny: wait I need to get this layout correct XD11:21
judahPlouj: i blelieve so for spell checking.11:21
amortvigilfrying_fish: with the rm thingy it does something11:22
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MastastealthAesop: they can't, then theor customers wouldnt be able to surf the web :X11:22
Ploujjudah: great, thanks for the tip.11:22
Jowirdz: it should be downloaded automatically from the server. I've seen it fail that's why i recommend it for safe measure11:22
judahPlouj: aspell  aspell-en (for english) and gnome-spell11:22
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amortvigilfrying_fish: yeah im in the config11:22
AesopMastastealth, I meant incoming11:22
seifeMastastealth: because i just installed ati drivers and then when i do fglrxinfo it says that i have Mesa Project drivers and not the ATI ones11:22
judahPlouj: dpkg -l | grep spell11:22
LjLi've got a PS/2 (wireless) keyboard that's acting very strange: misses keypresses and/or repeats them like crazy. i think i had this problem with Breezy, but to a *much* lesser extent. i thought it was the keyboard, but i'm now sure it isn't: another (wired) keyboard gives the same problems. this doesn't seem to happen under Windows. the problems are intermittent, though they seem like getting worse every time11:22
frying_fishamortvigil: ok then11:22
seifeand i installed the ati correctly followed by the tutorial11:22
frying_fishgo from there11:22
rdzJowi, yo.. thanks again11:22
judahPlouj: look for ii  that means installed.11:22
Jowirdz: have it as a last resort11:22
frying_fishdo what you need to11:22
frying_fishfollow that wiki page11:22
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fr500can anyone tell me why when i type dmesg i get los of this messages11:22
fr500[4294965.457000]  Inbound IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:0d:88:f7:a0:7b:00:13:c4:6e:9d:67:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=408 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=50 ID=25830 PROTO=UDP SPT=30449 DPT=1026 LEN=38811:22
LjL(for insance, i just had a LOT of trouble typing the above aragraph)11:22
Mastastealthseife: ok, that just means something went wrong during the install11:23
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joshua__zerny: There. Yep, there are still (EE) errors. and it are the same errors.11:23
ubotufrom memory, ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers11:23
BigToenouse, the ftp server times out11:23
davek2000NoUse, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1534811:23
Ploujjudah: I have all three installed :(11:23
ubotu[nvidia]  Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:23
Mastastealthseife: what card do you have?11:23
ubotuit has been said that ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers11:23
NoUseBigToe which ftp server?11:23
kane77what should I do... I need to install jack0.80 but it depends on jackd but jackd depends on jack0.80!!!11:23
redguyfr500: because your firewall logs some packages11:23
Some_Personubotu: lilo is the Linux Loader. Homepage: www.freshmeat.net/projects/lilo NOTE: Getting support for LILO is not very easy.11:24
fr500redguy: ty11:24
ubotuokay, Some_Person11:24
zernyjoshua__, are there more further in the file? cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep EE11:24
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NoUsedavek2000 yeah try changing root (hd1,0) to rootnoverify (hd1,0)11:24
phlexonanceI need a tool (if possible with gui) to validate a XML file against my DTD, checking if the XML file is well formed is not enough. If thats possible with quanta, I need anoyne to show me how. it is urgent11:24
SurfnKid_lets see how long this POS stays online without eth1 somehow losing link to router11:24
rdzJowi, hahah it was so easy.... even easier than i thought at first... i just had to enable 'DETECT LAN PRINTERS'      ;-)11:24
judahPlouj: what about something simialr to openoffice.org-l10n-en-us11:24
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BigToeNoUse, the one to download realplayer11:24
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rdzJowi, now i have them all propery configured11:24
Ploujjudah: I have openoffice.org-l10n-en-us11:25
NoUseBigToe I can connect to it11:25
davek2000NoUse, also, i should take out that savedefault for the windows one lol11:25
Plouj(in other words, it shows ii)11:25
eugmanI am setting my aunt up with ubuntu and I'd like to make a big icon which says "Click here for help" and would open up a client and take her to this channel. Any idea of a good shell command to do that?11:25
rdzJowi, sorry, that i have stolen your time....11:25
joshua__zerny: Nop, just those two errors.11:25
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fr500and what about this? [4294705.922000]  device eth0 entered promiscuous mode11:25
fr500[4294709.742000]  device eth0 left promiscuous mode11:25
zernyjoshua__, have you done a full reboot. That was necessary here11:25
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joshua__zerny: yeah, I have11:25
BigToeoh wait NoUse11:26
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zernyjoshua__, ok, and you have the linux-restricted-modules for your image version?11:26
BigToeit timed out 2 times, then failed on the 3rd, and now it works :D11:26
eXistenZHow can I install fonts in ubuntu11:26
Mastastealtheugman, maybe irc://irc.freenode.net/ubuntu ? i think u can make a shortcut as a webpage, then an irc app will launch11:26
Some_Personubotu: GEdit is a text editor for GNOME.11:26
ubotuokay, Some_Person11:26
joshua__zerny: Yeah11:26
judahPlouj: also chekc you seetings in Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Writing Aids11:26
zernyeXistenZ, Alt-F2 fonts:///11:27
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gharzanybody here who's connected to a windows server 2003 network? i want to get my emails from Microsoft Exchange but my Ubuntu is not a member of the domain.11:27
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judahPlouj: in oomph11:27
eXistenZzerny, gracias11:27
MrKeunerhi, is there a way that I keep both ubuntu-desktop and kde-desktop and let them do not see each other? I mean in the application menu's of gnome I do not want to see any Kapplications and vice versa. Also when I right click on a spesific file, gnome should not list a KDE app to use to open with. thanks11:27
judahPlouj: in OO11:27
zernyjoshua__, hmmm this is strange11:27
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phlexonanceI need a tool (gui optional) to validate a XML file against my DTD, checking if the XML file is well formed is not enough! If thats possible with quanta, I need anoyne to show me how, already tried with quanta but cant figure out how. it is urgent11:27
joshua__zerny: indeed, it is11:27
fr500is the clearlooks theme that ships with ubuntu, cairo enabled?11:28
omiHow can I MANUALLY specify mirrors to pull packages from. I'm using hoary (debian installer)11:28
gharzanybody here who's using Konica Minolta Magicolor 2300W?11:28
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gharzanybody here who's using Konica Minolta Magicolor 2300W connected to Ubuntu?11:28
omiI'm in the process of installation, but the cd doesn't read and I dont' see an option to provide http mirror11:28
AesopHey, how can I set apache2 up to use HTTPS instead of HTTP?11:28
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, fr50011:28
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Mastastealthphlexonance: quick google search brings this: http://programming.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/02/24/1650248&tid=57&tid=13211:29
Ploujjudah: humm, it seems that it spell checks new documents, but old ones it doesn't :/ Maybe it has something to do with Load/Save > General > "Load user-specific settings with the document" setting.11:29
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seifeMastastealth: i have an ati radeon igp345m that comes integrated with the motherboard11:29
zernyjoshua__, so if you run fgl_glxgears runs like ***?11:29
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Mastastealthseife: can you give me a link to the tutorial you used?11:29
seifeMastastealth: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide11:30
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phlexonanceMastastealth, thanks11:30
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Stormx2hey everyone11:31
joshua__zerny: a screen pops up, and closes right away and it outputs an error11:31
zernyjoshua__, ok, yes then it is not working11:31
judahPlouj: ah11:31
joshua__zerny: aye11:31
zernyI had ths same thing at the machine next to me but now it works :/11:31
Mastastealthok seife, so wen u do a fglrxinfo in a terminal, you see stuff about mesa correct?11:31
redguydoes anyone know if user-mode-linux package is still availible for ubuntu?11:31
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Ploujjudah: humm, still doesn't find old documents' errors.11:32
seifeMastastealth: absolutly11:32
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Jowigharz: found this on google, seems to be a step-by-step setup for evolution with exchange (disclaimer, i never used exchange so i don't know how it works): http://www.leeds.ac.uk/iss/email/staff/ximiansetup.pdf11:32
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Mastastealthok seife, can you give me the output of this command? "dmesg | grep fglrx"11:32
eXistenZzerny, How can I add fonts after I log in there? I need to have my sudo working11:32
fr500the azureus from repos is a little broke for me, is it for you?11:32
Skwid_why doesnt apache come with mod rewrite enabled ? how do i enable it ? on dapper ?11:32
gharzJowi, thanks for the info. i'll check this!!!!! i appreciate ur help.11:33
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seifeMastastealth: it doesnt show anything11:33
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pablo_hi! im usign ubuntu 6.06 and want to have firefox and open office in spanish! how can i do that?11:34
zernyeXistenZ, you can just drag them into the window. They will not show up there right away. I think X needs a restart befor you can see them but they should work11:34
deloreandmcim having trouble playing live audio streams from BBC radio 1s site. the sound will play for a second then pretty much stop giving the odd chirp. can anyone help me with fixing this prob?11:34
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joshua__zerny: So odd. Do you have any ideas what could cause this?11:34
Mastastealthok seife, thats telling me that the fglrx module isnt loaded...11:34
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Mastastealthdo you know how to open ur Xorg.conf file?11:35
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Jowigharz: you might need to install the evolution-exchange package btw11:35
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seifeMastastealth: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?11:35
phlexonancedoes anyone here have experience with quanta?11:35
Mastastealthyes, type this into a terminal: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:35
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gharzJowi, thanks! ur info is greatly appreciated. i've been looking for this since last 2 wks. i'll check on this if it applies to my settings.11:36
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Mastastealththis will open up a configuration file, i want you to look for a section called "device"11:36
SurfnKidok this is getting me angry, i cant stay on for more than 5 mins withouth the Wifi going fubar and go thru 1000 commands to get it back up11:36
gharzJowi, i'm having problem with this OWA URL.11:36
wilberforceNewbie question: I reran the xorg autodetect script, and made some extra resolutions available, but they'll only allow me to select 55hz, which makes my eyes bleed. Am I stuck with 1024x768 for ever?11:36
zernyjoshua__, no... you are sure you card it supported? what card do you have?11:36
gharzi wonder how to check this from my server.11:36
Mastastealthit should have an "Identifier", "Driver", and "BusID" section...11:36
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SurfnKidanyone having wifi problems?11:37
gharzJowi, aside from the fact that our server doesn't have a static ip add.11:37
qsrv___I'm having some trouble with my breezy laptop : after the last reboot gnome does not work : I login on gdm and all I see is a blank brown screen and nothing more. I even tried to create a new user and login as it to see if maybe it's just a local config problem, but it's not. Where do I look for gnome's logs? Maybe someone's had this? What could I try?11:37
wilberforceNo - wifi worked straight off the bat for me!11:37
Arnaldany resources for broken pcmcia during dapper upgrade?11:37
joshua__zerny: I thought so, I'm using a Radeon X850. Well, I've read that it's 3D support with the DRI drivers isn't all that good but..11:37
Mastastealthwilberforce, why dont u rerun it again ;)11:37
Arnaldmy laptop is FUBAR11:37
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zernyjoshua__, hmmm X850 should work11:38
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intelikeywhat be's dis error ?     * version 2.86 booting11:38
intelikeygrep: /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory11:38
intelikey * udev requires tmpfs support, not started.11:38
deloreandmcanyone know a bit about sound drivers ?11:38
wilberforceI figure it's the horz and vert sync settings I need to adjust, but I'm not sure what they should be.11:38
NoUseArnald https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades#head-27c927e71a666b3b5064a3c3fa1a3ce31231a8a111:38
Mastastealthwilber: you know what monitor you have?11:38
joshua__zerny: hmmm... odd11:38
bullragemust be superuser to use mount11:38
Ploujjudah: I just saved a simple document with spelling errors, and was able to open it and see the errors again. Then I copied text from an old document to this one, and no errors were noticed (I made some intentionally). :(11:38
D1does anyone know how to play WAVs in XINE? Error msg says it doesn't support the format.11:38
bullragehow do i become superuser?11:38
wilberforceYup, it even autodetected it: Acer AC71311:39
=== Firebird8 [n=Firebird@pool-138-88-243-17.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mastastealthbullrage: use sudo11:39
LjLbullrage: type "sudo" before the commandyou need to run11:39
uboturumour has it, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.11:39
gharzbullrage, krazypenguin.net/ubuntu11:39
=== giind [n=giind@0x503e5bb4.ronxx5.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
YoricWell, I've just had my first Ubuntu freeze.11:39
bullrageMastastealth, LjL, gharz: sudo: must be setuid root11:39
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StRHi all11:40
LjLbullrage: uh? is that an error it gives?11:40
StRhow can I use mysql4 in dapper?11:40
giindHelp!!! Many programs keeps shutting down, including the terminal It doesnt open them11:40
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ArnaldNoUse: I don't think that applies to PCMCIA machines11:40
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Arnaldand anyway, it's not hanging11:40
bullrageLjL, I used chown -R on my partition! Hehe.11:40
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NoUseArnald ah ok11:40
LjLbullrage: ooh... =)11:40
ArnaldNoUse: thanks anyway11:40
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bonaldo2000Anyone know what might cause my screen to be a bit more blured in ubuntu than in Windows? Text is harder to read f.ex!11:41
=== SUSaiyan [n=susaiyan@cc84863-b.zwoll1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LjLbullrage: then boot into recovery mode i suppose, or from a cd11:41
ubotusomebody said fonts was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto11:41
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LjLbullrage: but anyway i think you really want to reinstall ubuntu, after something like a chown on /11:41
giindhow do i boot into recovery mode?11:41
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NoUsegiind its an option on the boot menu11:41
bullrageLjL, why? Is there not a command I can use?11:41
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mjrBonaldo2000, differences in resolution and/or refresh rate. Perhaps Ubuntu uses a higher resolution/refresh and your monitor is nearing its limits. (If it's a CRT)11:41
Flannelgiind: at the grub prompt, select the recovery kernel11:41
LjLgiind: there's an option for that int he Grub    boot menu. .press Esc on boot if you don't see a boot menu11:42
aLPHa_LeaK n811:42
NoUsebullrage you set like 1000 files to one permission with no way to set them back11:42
mariuxwhich file in /boot should i add to the lilo boot path to boot ubuntu?11:42
=== klormexor [n=klormexo@cpe-68-201-96-76.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mariuxi usually have a bzImage file but there is no such file there11:42
kbrooks_".deb: These are actually programs that need to be installed. Open a terminal and type sudo dpkg -i DEBNAME.deb. Warning: Installing programs from .debs can seriously damage your system."11:42
JasonLhow can i extract rar files?11:42
=== abarbaccia [n=andrew@c-24-91-115-239.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MastastealthBonaldo, here's a link on making fonts clearer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1041769&postcount=111:42
LjLbullrage: you can restore sudo. but you'd still be left with wrong permissions/ownership for just about every file you have.... which is very bad11:42
MastastealthJason, sudo apt-get install rar unrar11:42
bullrageNoUse, I used chown -R myusername.users /dev/drive/11:42
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zernyjoshua__, Sorry cant seem to find any info about you problem. Hopefully someone else can help :/11:42
kbrooks_is this true? ".deb: These are actually programs that need to be installed. Open a terminal and type sudo dpkg -i DEBNAME.deb. Warning: Installing programs from .debs can seriously damage your system."11:42
Mastastealththen the Gnome Archive program can do em11:42
JasonLi tried that and got E: Package unrar has no installation candidat11:42
intelikeycould that boot time error be connected to my fstab only having one line ?11:42
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JasonLim in KDE11:43
abarbacciahey all - if im in a bash script - i can use export to change an env var - but how do i make it STAY that way after i exit the script11:43
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SurfnKid_see what I mean i just go offline after like 2 minutes11:43
Bonaldo2000Mastastealth: thx...will look at it..11:43
=== MrSiggler [n=kris@hlfxns01bbh-142177207251.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
xcoderhello ... is anybody here to help me setup a tvtuner ?11:43
NoUsebullrage if sudo isn't set suid then you did something else11:43
SurfnKid_for no apparent reason, as if!11:43
joshua__zerny: ahh well, I hope so too. I'll be going now, it's about bedtime for me ^^;11:43
bullrageLjL, I just need to mount 1 drive to get one file. Once I've done that i'll do a new install.11:43
pablo_hi! im usign ubuntu 6.06 and want to have firefox and open office in spanish! how can i do that?11:43
SurfnKid_if i cant get wifi going11:43
nlaohi anyone able to tell me how to give a user a privilige to start and stop x servers?11:43
SurfnKid_dapper just isnt for me then11:43
MastastealthAlso Bonaldo, may wanna try this first (as it seems simpler): http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=16896&postcount=111:43
LjLbullrage: chowning everything back to root isn't really going to fix it, since  many files are suppoesd t be owned by other users (look at your /etc/passwd to see how many users you*ve got)11:43
sapperjankohey im having some driver problems with my s3 trio 3d/2x, how do i update them11:44
SurfnKid_should have stayed with Breezy11:44
v|nc3can i install ubuntu on a seperate drive so i dont have to do dual boot11:44
zernyjoshua__, good night and good luck :)11:44
LjLbullrage: i guess doing that from a CD would be simplest11:44
=== cu83 [n=cu83@c-69-255-30-254.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
joshua__zerny: hehe, thanks ^^11:44
Mastastealthvjnc3: yes, you mean like some spare drive you'll just plug and unplug?11:44
deloreandmcim having trouble playing live audio streams from BBC radio 1s site. the sound will play for a second then pretty much stop giving the odd chirp. can anyone help me with fixing this prob?11:44
bullrageLjL, next time should I just chwon the folder I need access to as a user and not the whole drive?11:44
xcoderhello ... is anybody here to help me setup a tvtuner ?11:44
cu83anyone know how i can make an init script to run a command on boot, and where'd i'd put it i tryed to make one and put it in the /etc/init.d folder but that didn't work, does anyone know how i can do this?11:44
Subv|nc3, u can install it on any drive you like, what do you mean "dont have to dual  boot"?11:44
SurfnKid_where can you set the wifi-network interface settings in command line11:44
LjLSurfnKid_: Yeah, me too :( i can't een get my eyboard working, as you can probably see if you read my measges =)11:44
v|nc3Mastastealth no its like a slave11:45
SurfnKid_LjL: :(11:45
intelikey  * udev requires tmpfs support, not started.11:45
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LjLbullrage: definitely ;)11:45
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SurfnKid_LjL: it was a headache with breezy but this has been a migrane11:45
Mastastealthcu83: just go to system -> prefrences -> sessions and you can put the startup command there :)11:45
bullrageLjL, I'm new to linux.. so I guess I'll learn from my mistake11:45
v|nc3well i was told if you have windows and linux on same hard drive you will need to install grub11:45
fuffalohow long does it usually take to receive ubuntu cd's?11:45
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intelikeycu83 put your command in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh11:45
SurfnKid_LjL: im still alive im surprised, wow by now i'd be bye bye11:45
Mastastealthv|nc3: grub pwnz, and you'll have to use it whether you use a slave or same drive11:45
nlaofuffalo: about 4 weeks11:45
giggles4 to 6 weeks11:45
cu83i'll try that =P11:45
=== jasonmansey [n=Jason@Toronto-HSE-ppp3893081.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Mastastealthunless you want to hack the windows bootloader11:46
edneymatiashow can i do to configure my system locale?11:46
LjLbullrage: in general, you should *never* touch anything outside your home directory, unless you know what you're doing11:46
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SurfnKid_guys where can i set master, managed, auto? in which file /etc/networks?11:46
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ubotumethinks locales is at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LocaleConf11:46
v|nc3how do i install grub11:46
Bay`Guy`27Can anyone tell me what command to place in a new link to a .sh file??11:46
Mastastealthv|nc3: install ubuntu, and it'll do it for u11:46
airmikeytrying to create launcher on desktop to get to backup drive...whats the command11:46
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting11:46
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ubotuedneymatias: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:46
intelikeyvinc3 sudo grub-install /dev/hda   ?11:46
v|nc3so i dont need to create any partitions before i start11:46
Mastastealthfor ubuntu yes, for grub not necessarily, it'll just install to the MBR11:47
gavagaii am manually doing my partitions for the first time.  i have /, swap, and /home.  am i missing anything?  do i need a boot partition?11:47
=== davek2000 [n=davek200@HSE-Toronto-ppp317652.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Subv|nc3, no the installer can create them for you.11:47
timmowerhi I have two questions first - why does samba not work? I have it set up the same way as at work11:47
nlaoBay Guy - have a look at the ln command11:47
SurfnKid_mm im still here, im breaking a record11:47
sapperjankoim having problems here, in the log its saying Error opening /dev/wacom, no such file or dir. Then Fatal server serror: could not open default font 'fixed'. ANY IDEAS11:47
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
timmowerare there any weird caveats to samba in dapper?11:47
Subtimmower, yes, it never works for me :D11:47
Mastastealthgavagai: you dont need to, unless you really need em11:47
davek2000NoUse, windows, still doesnt load11:47
gavagaiok thanks11:47
intelikeysurfnkid  using firewall ?11:47
NoUsedavek2000 same message?11:48
v|nc3ok thanks guys will bbl going to install ubuntu11:48
xcoderis anybody here to help me setup a tvtuner ? pls help .. worked on breezy ... on dapper no ...11:48
davek2000NoUse, theres no message, it just hangs there11:48
=== origama [n=origama@adsl-ull-62-95.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKid_intelikey: for what11:48
Mastastealthgl v|nc3, hapy ubunting :)11:48
bullrageLjL, Is it ok to chown other partitions though, like partitions solely for music that you'll write new music to?11:48
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NoUsedavek2000 pastebin your menu.lst11:48
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intelikeysurfnkid  allowing ping ?11:48
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nlaoxcoder: i wil try to help11:48
NoUsedavek2000 I have to leave in 10 min though11:48
Subbullrage, should be yes.11:48
LjLbullrage: genearlly yes11:48
SurfnKid_intelikey: nah ive got the wifi up, but now when it connects to AP i can stay on for about 3 mins tops, and suddenly no more connectivity (still shows 100% link)11:48
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SurfnKid_intelikey: where can i look for wifi settings other than NM11:49
intelikeysurfnkid  i have seen a firewall that does not allow ping  cause that kind of problem.11:49
intelikeysurfnkid   ifconfig   &&  iptables -L11:49
timmowerhehe I just plugged my tv tuner in and it worked! Ubuntu is amazing sometimes...11:49
davek2000NoUse, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1535011:49
Mastastealthindeed tim ^_^11:50
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-143-0.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
sapperjankoim having problems here, in the log its saying Error opening /dev/wacom, no such file or dir. Then Fatal server serror: could not open default font 'fixed'. ANY IDEAS11:50
LjLtimmower: i just plugged my *keyboard* in, and it's not working. ubuntu is amazing someties ;(11:50
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nlaodoes anyone know how to allow a user to start and stop xsevers?11:50
timmowerbut talking of tv tuners, does anyone use mythtv, and know the best way to get the latest version?11:50
frying_fishdavek2000: is it actually on the second hdd (windows this is) or is it on the same disk, but a different partition as ubuntu11:50
jasonmanseyHello, im a windows user planning to switch to ubuntu... i want to download the live cd, i guess as torrent, im just not sure which i need for my system. can anyone offer any help as to figuring out which iso i need.11:50
davek2000frying_fish, its actually another hard drive11:50
intelikeysurfnkid i'm not much on networking though, i wont be much help there.    hope you get it streightened out.11:50
mathieuis there a GUI to change the color depth of the display in dapper ?11:51
frying_fishjasonmansey: what processor do you have11:51
frying_fishdavek2000: ok, was going to suggest that as a problem to start, but that seems correct.11:51
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nlaojason: what processor do you have?11:51
SurfnKid_intelikey: chain input, chain output, chain forward are all clear11:51
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davek2000frying_fish, my ubuntu drive is the master, and the windows is the slave11:51
jasonmanseyfrying_fish: AMD Athlon XP 2500+11:51
NoUsedavek2000 is windows the first parition on that second drive?11:51
frying_fishyeah thats fine, it was just they were being (hd0,0) and (hd1,0) and if that wasn't correct it can issue11:51
frying_fishjasonmansey: then you want the "desktop" cd, i386 version11:52
JemtCan someone help me find what is causes my laptop to freeze once in a while? I'm not sure where and what to look for11:52
Mastastealthjason, http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso.torrent  is the torrent for a regular ubuntu install11:52
SurfnKid_has anyone used ndiswrapper with Dapper instead ?11:52
deloreandmcQUANTA Computers??11:52
=== RandolphCarter [n=brett@82-42-145-141.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
AK7hi people, this is actually about xubuntu but i think its a general buntu problem...11:52
davek2000NoUse, yeah, im pretty sure its the first partition, i have 2 partitions on there11:52
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AK7when I'm loading the xubuntu dapper desktop CD in an Emachines desktop it stops in the boot sequence with this error:11:52
Jemt!tell AK7 about enter11:52
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jasonmanseythanks a lot, frying_fish11:53
jasonmanseyand Mastastealth11:53
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AK7"hw_random: RNG not detected"11:53
davek2000NoUse, is there a way in ubuntu to check whats on that drive, just to make sure11:53
mathieuis there a GUI to change the color depth of the display in dapper ?11:53
AK7I've found similar questions on google but those involve disabling /etc/hw_random11:53
AK7how am I supposed to do that on a liveCD?11:54
NoUsedavek2000 sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb11:54
Jemtmathieu: There is a semi-graphical tool - use can run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'11:54
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mathieuJemt, thanks11:54
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davek2000NoUse, it says that hdb1 is bootable, so is that hd1?11:54
Jemtmathieu: Remember to backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf !!!11:54
bullrageLjL, i'll go and reinstall now :D11:55
StRhow can I use mysql4 in dapper?  how can I do a downgrade for to keep using mysql4?11:55
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JemtStR: Install mysql-server4.111:55
luc1fersflowersHello all!11:55
JemtStR: mysql-server-4.1 probably11:55
NoUsedavek2000 yeah, is it marked as NTFS?11:55
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luc1fersflowersDoes anyone know how to set network manager to default on one particular wireless network?11:55
xcoderStR: uninstall mysql-server511:56
davek2000NoUse, HPFS/NTFS11:56
Flanneldavek2000: hdb1 is the first partition on your slave harddrive.11:56
NoUsedavek2000 yeah11:56
NoUsedavek2000 sorry I gotta get going, good luck11:56
SurfnKid_is anyone lagging?11:56
=== SurfnKid_ is now known as SurfnKid
davek2000Flannel, can you look at my menu.lst file and see what wrong?11:56
davek2000Flannel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1535011:56
SurfnKidlord almighty thats not lag11:57
SurfnKidthats a wifi error11:57
luc1fersflowersDoes anyone know how to set network manager to default on one particular wireless network?11:57
cyphaseUbuntu on Amazon11:57
SurfnKidluc1fersflowers: wow, having problems too!11:57
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luc1fersflowersSurfnKid: what type of problems?11:57
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SurfnKidluc1fersflowers: wont stay connected more than 3 mins without it going off somewhere to pluto looking for a signal11:58
=== zoidberg [n=bratisla@pD9E9716F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mastastealthmine defaulted to my main one just with the firsst time i used it...11:58
jbirdAngeldoes quicktime work with wine?11:58
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k31thanyone use openwengo?11:58
doped1how to easily add frequency selector to my frequency monitor on my laptop?11:58
xcoderis anybody here to help me setup a tvtuner ? pls help .. worked on breezy ... on dapper doesn't work ...11:58
ubotuit has been said that quicktime is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information on quicktime support or just install the "libquicktime0" package (for Ubuntu 6.06) or "libquicktime1" (for Ubuntu 5.10).11:58
=== VR_ [i=vr@159-50.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
luc1fersflowersSurfnKid: did you have troubles with getting your wireless to work after you installed? what chipset are you running?11:59
SurfnKidluc1fersflowers: a lot yes, bcom43xx11:59
uboturumour has it, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto11:59
luc1fersflowersdoped1: where did you get a freq monitor?11:59
SurfnKidluc1fersflowers: i had to disable the wired ethernet card just so there's no conflict11:59
timmowerxcoder what does dmesg | tail say?11:59
Mastastealthouch, broadcom >_<11:59
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doped1shipped with ubuntu dapper drake..11:59
SurfnKidMastastealth: thank you11:59
cute_bettonghow can i burn mp3's with k3b to a audio cd?11:59
davek2000Flannel, can you look at my menu.lst file and see if there is a problem >> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1535011:59
cute_bettongit dosen't want to for some reason12:00

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