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nixternalgood moin Hobbsee08:28
Hobbseehey nixternal 08:28
freeflying|awayanyone work on kipi-plugins?08:29
Hobbseei've heard it discussed, i'm not sure08:29
DaSkreechCan I add a URL to ubotu's XGL statement08:29
DaSkreechnoiesmo wrote that up for XGL and Kubuntu08:30
HobbseeDaSkreech: looks nice :)08:31
=== DaSkreech wanted permisson first
Hobbseei dont think permission is required for the bot - mind you, the ops get annoyed with people adding rubbish to it08:32
DaSkreechright I didn't want this dimissed as rubbish :)08:32
DaSkreechHe gave his permisson to link to it already btw08:33
Hobbseehehe :)08:34
=== Hobbsee thought that chavo was doing something like that too...
Hobbseei'm not sure what happened08:35
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DaSkreechSo how do I add it to Ubotu's info?08:43
=== Hobbsee grabs a tinyurl link for that
DaSkreechTad bit long?08:45
=== Hobbsee mutters about the bot being painful.
DaSkreechWell don't let it sit on you...08:46
HobbseeDaSkreech: got it :)08:46
mornfallbot? what bot?09:05
DaSkreechhaha :-)09:05
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mornfall--> meeting09:10
Hobbseemornfall: the one that eats people09:10
RiddellDaSkreech: cool09:36
DaSkreechRiddell: Hmm?09:36
Riddellthat link09:36
DaSkreechOh yes and apparently he hangs around and updates it as people have problems to make it more generic :)09:37
DaSkreechvery nice guy :)09:37
=== DaSkreech should write him a letter
Riddellhmm, that doesn't work09:37
freeflying|awayRiddell: how shall we package kipi-plugins, single or split into several09:39
DaSkreechRiddell: Maybe when Ubotu gets off of Hobbsee?09:39
Riddellfreeflying|away: we already have kipi-plugins, just update the existing package09:40
DaSkreechNow the ipod doesn't work anymore09:40
Riddellfreeflying|away: probably it's already up to date in debian, allee is good like that09:40
HobbseeRiddell: it should...09:40
freeflying|awayRiddell: the latest release include some which used be in digikamplugin09:41
RiddellHobbsee: no ubotu here, only ubugtu09:41
Riddellfreeflying|away: get the latest from debian and update that then09:42
HobbseeRiddell: yes, exactly - which is why yours didnt work09:42
Hobbseeoh, right...i thought you tested in #kubuntu as well09:42
freeflying|awayRiddell: okey09:42
Riddellfreeflying|away: will need libkipi updated to09:42
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Hobbseework, back later.09:44
=== DaSkreech bounces at Xen :)
DaSkreechRiddell: What's the link for the last Kubuntu meeting09:46
DaSkreechI missed it :-(09:46
DaSkreech what does the media player inthe Konqueror side bar run on?09:48
DaSkreechRiddell: When do Wiki pages become out of date?09:53
DaSkreechWhen the distro release is no longer supported?09:53
nixternal`zzzg'nite all10:01
RiddellDaSkreech: it uses kaboodle10:05
Riddellthey're out of date when they're no longer needed10:05
DaSkreechok need to figure out how to get it to play mp3s ;-)10:05
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Riddelland adoke-mpeg10:08
martosshi there10:09
Riddellhi martoss 10:09
martossi can't login through kdm anymore10:09
martossthe problem seems to be, that i sheduled a shutdown10:09
martossvia shutdown -h 10:09
martossand my girlfriend shut down via the k-menu10:10
martossnow, only root is allowed to log in, although i rebooted10:10
martossno shutdown is running anymore...10:10
martossis this a bug or just my misusage?10:11
Riddelli've not heard of the problem, but it's a bug10:11
Riddellcan you login from the command line?10:11
martossany ideas how to solve it?10:12
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martossi already looked through /var 10:12
martossbut couldnt find anything10:12
Riddelllooking at /var/log/kdm.log might help10:13
DaSkreechRiddell: I have akode2-mpeg is that alright?10:13
RiddellDaSkreech: libarts1-mpeglib libakode2-mpeg10:13
DaSkreechRiddell: ok do I have to restart konqueror?10:14
martosshmm, nothing in kdm.log10:15
RiddellDaSkreech: arts10:15
martossmaybe rebooting again helps...10:17
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Hobbseehey bddebian!03:45
=== Hobbsee throws a koala at bddebian in greeting
=== bddebian ducks and says Hi in return :)
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=== mornfall_ is now known as mornfall
seaLnewas there a reason the live dvd isn't setup to be able to use itself for installing packages?04:42
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=== Hobbsee waves goodnight to everyone here
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nixternalwee right back at ya09:01
nixternal10 minutes late...better late then never right ;)09:01
tomaright ;-)09:18
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DaSkreechhi mornfall11:17
DaSkreechHows oprofile?11:17
mornfalli just got xen with network *and* nat working11:22
mornfallyou can't have everything at once :p11:22
DaSkreechhaha :-) What are you running on Xen?11:23
mornfallnothing much right now11:24
mornfallmoving public services to xen dmz11:24
mornfalland then, probably installing some fedora and maybe kubuntu instead of a chroot11:24
mornfallbut that has to wait till i have more disk space11:24
mornfalli also enabled selinux (no policy yet)11:25
mornfallfun times lie ahead11:25
\shmornfall: my actual company is working on a default policy for selinux for our machines....I told our security guy to write ajmitch to help him 11:26
\shmornfall: ubuntu-server that is ;)11:27
mornfalltry fedora, it has pretty good selinux setup out of the box :P11:28
\shmornfall: ah thx, I got my bit of rpm yestday and today ;) 11:33
\shsuses sles9 rpm implementation is not able to do "Requires: jre1.4 or jre1.5" 11:35
mornfallpfff, sles :p11:43
\shmornfall: what should I do....at least 4 people want to change to debian/ubuntu-server..but management said for this time: "No ways..wait after product launch"11:44
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mornfalli would probably rather switch to rhel than ubuntu-server... but whatever11:49
mornfallwell, or debian :)11:50
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