
aboaprikonqueror and k-meleon both have that pre-loading feature that makes them fast to start.12:04
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Sethwm2Can anyone see my text?12:04
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aboapribut k-meleon is gecko based, so I find it has a better compatibility rate than konqueror.12:05
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DrBairaboapri: KHTML has its advantages too you know12:05
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DrBairaboapri: and theres a project to integrate gecko into konqueror as well12:05
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KuLoverAnyone in here use an ATI X850 XT?12:05
aboapriOh, I'm not dissing khtml, but I have had some incompatible web pages and crashes with konqueror.12:05
edulixit's me or http://es.gizmodo.com/2006/06/08/uranium_jeans_tejanos_con_scro_1.html doesn't work well in konqueror?12:06
aboaprinow here's a question, why does epiphany suck so bad?  that's gnome's biggest weakness I think.12:06
chavoedulix, seems to load fine here12:07
mikedep333aboapri: because everbody uses firefox anyweay12:07
DrBairaboapri: i never had any big problems with it back in my Gnome days. Nice and simple... almost too simple though12:07
mikedep333drblair: yes12:07
edulixchavo: the same in firefox and konqueror?12:07
mikedep333that's what gnome is all about12:07
LinuxMonkeyedulix: works fine for me too, try changing your browser identification12:08
aboaprino big problems, just ephiphany is slow and uncustomizable.12:08
mikedep333edulix: that page works fine in konqueror on dapper12:08
chavoedulix, looks the same in both12:08
edulixI'm using konqueror 3.5.3 in dapper12:08
aboaprifirefox is great, but it's so frickin' bloated.12:08
edulixand yes, changing the browse identification worked12:08
DrBairedulix: do you have the correct video drivers going?12:08
edulixnow changing back to previous works too12:09
LinuxMonkeyhehe had that happen to me on the wiki when editing thats how i knew that would work12:09
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mrmistAny way to restart xgl without restarting x ?12:10
aboapriI love the slimmed down firefox you get with DSL or Puppy though.  anyone know how to get firefox installed like that on *ubuntu?  is that possible?12:10
mrmistsorry.. I need a way to TEST xgl, and it would be best not having to restart x all the time12:10
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haidermrmist: dont think so12:11
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judgenwhat is the advantages of k-merleon vs konq or mozilla?12:11
distanceisdeathhello, does anyone program using kate? or use kate at all?12:11
aboaprik-meleon is slim and fast, very compatible, and very customizable.12:12
ahmenidistanceisdeath: I do, what's up?12:12
mrmistcant get it to work :(12:12
distanceisdeathahmeni, python?12:12
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ahmenidistanceisdeath: yup12:12
judgendistanceisdeath: use kwrite instead12:12
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distanceisdeathahmeni, when you use the for loop, it like boxes them up and tabs it for you.  i want to get rid of it. do you know how12:13
aboaprithe closest thing I've found in linux is kazehakase.12:13
judgenaboapri: ok, but ff and konq is that too12:13
distanceisdeathjudgen, i like the there is a built in terminal12:13
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eimajenthatHowdy, anyone here familiar with old JetDirect's in LaserJet 4 Plus printers?12:13
aboapriit's basically a slimmed down firefox.12:14
chavomrmist, you can rut it like this -> Xgl :112:14
aboaprion my computer, firefox takes almost 10 seconds to start the first time....  that's too much bob!12:14
chavomrmist, that'll load it into a small window on your desktop12:14
judgenaboapri: im usually not impressed with slimdowns.. as they offer (mostly) less functionality12:14
judgenaboapri: use konq then, its fast12:14
aboaprik-meleon offers more functionality, in my opinion.  if you use reactos, give it a whirl.12:15
mrmistchavo: yay :D It started12:15
judgenand if you really want that app you can always wine it12:15
eimajenthatit pings fine, but I can't get the web interface, and the printer finding programs in System Settings aren't finding it.12:15
judgenwell im off too bed12:15
mikedep333just so you guys know, ReactOS will be releasing a new version within a month or so12:15
mrmistchavo: It's just a emty screen though.... guess that's kinda' to expect :P12:15
mikedep333.3, the networking release12:15
mrmistgoodnight judgen12:15
mikedep333it will be a larger than usual improvement12:15
LinuxMonkeymikedep333:  so we still like kubuntu better :)12:15
aboapribye judgen12:16
chavomrmist, sure but you can run apps in it, just do DISPLAY=:1 xterm12:16
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mikedep333I'm saying that you guys should wait for ROS to release .3 before you try out apps on it.12:16
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chavothen launch what you want from the xterm there12:16
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distanceisdeathk-meleon isnt that windows?12:16
mrmistchavo: How 'bout "compiz" ?12:16
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chavoyou can also use commandline switch to change the window size or make it fullscreen12:16
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mrmistchavo: Can I test it with the Xgl window ?12:17
aboapriyes, I was simply mentioning earlier that k-meleon is the app I miss most since switching to linux.12:17
chavoit's running in mine12:17
distanceisdeathis it for linux also?12:17
aboaprino linux version is unlikely.12:17
aboapriit's heavily windows-optimized, that is part of why it is so fast I believe.12:18
mikedep333aboapri: k-meleon works pretty well on wine12:18
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distanceisdeathis t here any other good browsers? firefox doesnt play multimedia and konqueror is annoying12:18
mikedep333distanceisdeath: you need to add the mplayer plugin probably12:19
aboaprifirefox does so play multimedia12:19
mrmistchavo: I'm able to start compiz in the window :) I've managed to run a xterm in there as well12:19
distanceisdeathit doesnt have sound for me12:19
mikedep333distanceisdeath: oh, grab opera12:19
mikedep333I think it is for ubuntu12:19
mrmistAny more functionality I can check ?12:19
distanceisdeathopera is on linux?12:19
distanceisdeaththats cool12:19
aboapriyeah, I'm not going to do the wine thing....  I don't see how running a slimmed-down browser through a comptibility layer is logical.12:20
chavomrmist, make sure gnome-window-decorator runs12:20
mikedep333aboapri: sometimes running apps on wine is faster than in windows12:20
mikedep333it's not that slow12:20
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mikedep333and they work on integrating it with KDE12:20
mikedep333and gnome12:20
mrmistchavo: how do I start it ?12:20
chavoaah my keyboard is all messed up in the window12:20
distanceisdeathis opera in the multiverse, universe?12:21
aboapriinteresting.  I would simply assume that it would lead to longer load times though at least.12:21
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aboapriyou got to get the .deb file off opera's website.12:21
distanceisdeathahh okay12:21
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distanceisdeathahmeni, any luck?12:21
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aboapriI am unimpressed with Opera, myself.12:21
mrmistchavo: er... it was not that way... hehe12:21
distanceisdeathi just want a fast browser12:22
aboapriAlthough I am impressed that they are porting it to wii....  I am so getting one of those.12:22
distanceisdeathwith multimedia12:22
distanceisdeathi have a 36012:22
aboapriI think the best bet for fast browser with multimedia is konqueror.12:22
erovall you must do is install the multimedia plugin.. plays fine.. what's not working with you?12:22
ahmenidistanceisdeath: it's probably the Auto brackets setting under Editor->Editing12:22
aboapriI used to have a 360.  I sold it cause it is teh gay.12:22
distanceisdeathnot sure..no sound, mplayer is installed and the video works but no sound12:23
distanceisdeathand purevolume sucks it up on firefox too12:23
distanceisdeathi just play halo12:23
distanceisdeathand halo is awesome12:23
distanceisdeathlemme try ahmeni12:23
aboaprithe free60.org project had too many problems trying to get past the ridiculous amount of protection on it.12:23
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aboaprialso, I mainly just can't stand how loud the sucker is.  those 360s make a lot of noise.12:24
distanceisdeathmine doesnt12:24
distanceisdeathbut i always have music blasting12:24
aboaprithat's crap, they all make a lot of noise.  I know other people with them too.12:24
distanceisdeaththe playstation 3's are destroy the competition so it doesnt really matter wii or 36012:24
aboaprithey say ps3 is going to have linux pre-installed.  :)12:25
aboapribut it's also going to cost a small fortune.12:25
erovi was gonna say..12:25
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aboapriyeah, that is not a reasonable price for a game console, in my opinion.12:25
distanceisdeathwell, if they are gonna try to band homebrew that would be so gay12:25
distanceisdeathlike they do on the psp12:25
distanceisdeathahmeni, where is the editor option?12:26
DrBairif i did anything, id go for the wii. the 360 and ps3 are too expensive for my tastes12:26
aboaprithen again, I'm a lower class blue collar worker, so I don't have a large disposable income.12:26
distanceisdeathim fourteen12:26
h3sp4wnNintendo is the best games always has been always will be12:26
mrmistchavo: how do I start the decorator ?12:26
distanceisdeathhespawn, no12:26
ahmenidistanceisdeath: Settings->Configure Kate, then the Editor-Editing section along the left12:26
chavomrmist, DISPLAY=:1 gnome-window-decorator12:26
DrBairanyone know how to probe a device attached to a serial port?12:27
erov*fires up the SNES emulator* ;)12:27
DrBairgrab some device info or something12:27
distanceisdeathahmeni, what do i uncheck/check12:27
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leafwis there any way in kmail to search for a particular field, not just on the subject field?12:27
ahmenidistanceisdeath: unchecking Auto Brackets should do the trick12:28
mrmistchavo: Nothing happens12:28
distanceisdeathit was already unchecked?12:28
aboapriI love my ps2.12:28
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DrBairleafw: yes12:29
aboapricrazy taxi, and katamari damacy, that's really all I need.12:29
distanceisdeathps2 is final fantasy12:29
DrBairleafw: edit -> find messages12:29
aboapriI liked final fantasy x.12:29
aboaprix-2 was gay though.12:29
leafwDrBair : I just realized. Thanks.12:29
distanceisdeathx was the best NEW one12:29
distanceisdeathever played 7 or 8?12:29
h3sp4wndistanceisdeath: any final fantasy after VI (ok 7 was ok) is no where near as good12:30
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aboapriand xii, I played the demo, it looks pretty lame to me.12:30
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kunjananyone know how to make .torrents in dapper?12:30
aboaprix was the only final fantasy I really liked.12:30
distanceisdeathi dont play the new ones12:30
aboaprithe skill system and combat system gave an interesting element of strategy.12:30
distanceisdeathkunjan, do you have ktorrent?12:30
distanceisdeathyeah, i liked the graphics12:30
kunjandistanceisdeath: umm  from the command line?12:30
aboaprigraphics schmaphics.12:31
distanceisdeathlook in your internet from the drop down applications12:31
aboaprione of my favourite games is my activision classics collection.12:31
distanceisdeathim just saying the graphics were good12:31
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kunjandistanceisdeath: cant see anything.. .it has to be from the command line tho.. going to be part of a script12:32
aboaprigraphics are overrated.12:32
aboapriI miss the cga days.12:32
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jbirdAngelits legal to run quicktime on linux, is it legal to use non quicktime programs to run quicktime media on linux?12:32
aboapriblack, white, cyan, and magenta...  who needs more colours than that?12:32
distanceisdeathkunjan, its in my list.  try ktorrent in the command line, not sure though12:32
kkathmanaboapri: well we could all go back to green screens :)12:33
drbeamsi need a utility that will scan the network and let me see host names, ip address and thier coresponding mac addresses12:33
h3sp4wnThe green screens were usually hercules12:33
drbeamsand dump to a text file12:33
distanceisdeathi never played any of the black and whites, ataris, nes and some snes12:33
aboaprior orange.  ;)12:33
aboapriI had an orange screen with a hercules graphics card.12:33
DrBairjbirdAngel: afaik yes, but ianal12:33
jbirdAngelDrBair: what does the last word you said mean12:34
jbirdAngelyoua re not a lawyer?12:34
drbeamsI am not a Layer12:34
drbeamser loser12:34
drbeamsor er lawyer12:34
aboapriwhat is fun, is if you have one of those old monochrome monitors with composite video in...  you can watch dvds on it.  :))12:34
jbirdAngelokay thanks12:34
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distanceisdeathahmeni, thanks12:35
ahmenidid it work?12:35
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distanceisdeathi reduced the 8 to 012:36
h3sp4wnaboapri: You use aaxine  for xine to watch films pi looks pretty good in it (you still see the patterns)12:36
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JasonLwhat is meant to happen when you click logout>end current session12:36
aboapriI also miss my mac plus.  system 6 is by far the best version of macos.12:36
h3sp4wnaboapri: But the film is converted to ascii12:36
aboapriyeah...  I love aalib.  :)  libcaca is also cool.  ;)12:36
distanceisdeathim getting a mac mini soon, should i dual boot?12:37
kkathmanJasonL:  just what it says :)12:37
JasonLno, seriously, what happens?12:37
kkathmanJasonL:  it should take you back to the logon splash12:37
h3sp4wnwhat does libcaca do ?12:37
JasonLmine doesnt12:37
aboaprilibcaca is colour version of aalib.12:37
JasonLmine takes me to usplash where it hangs for a while, ends all processes and restarts my pc12:37
h3sp4wncan it be used from the console ?12:37
kkathmanJasonL:  you are talking about the K-menu, Logout?12:38
aboaprikinda reminds you of the ANSI bbs days....12:38
aboapriconsole?  I dunno, I would assume yes.12:38
aboapriI always used it from VLC.12:38
JasonLwhere you have "End current session" "restart" and "turn off"12:38
kkathmanJasonL:  yes it should just log you off your session and take you back to usplash and allow you to login to another session if you wish12:38
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h3sp4wnaboapri: I was looking for a console media player found aaxine by accident12:38
kkathmanJasonL:  if you choose that option that is12:39
JasonLok, is usplash where kde is started or the very simple kubuntu logo with the white text under it where processes are started?12:39
distanceisdeathbbl bye12:39
Mongeywho has themed kde here? any tips?12:39
kkathmanJasonL:  there should be a splash that allows you to enter your name and password12:39
aboaprigoogle for libcaca, I don't use the console much, because frankly, I am not well enough acquainted with linux yet.12:39
kkathmanwell there is on mine ;)12:39
JasonLi get taking to the splash that appears before that on boot12:39
JasonLand it takes ages for it to end processess and restart12:40
kkathmanhmm thats not right I dont think12:40
JasonL=( i guessed that12:40
JasonLbut how to fix it12:40
kkathmannow thats a good question :)12:40
JasonLcould it be an acpi problem?12:40
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h3sp4wnJasonL: If you are using fglrx it happens often (not shutting down properly)12:41
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LeeJunFanuh, is it just me or did kopete lose the ability to go invisible to certain users with kde 3.4.3?12:41
mluser-workDoes anyone know which repo has skype?12:41
JasonLand I have only just install Kubuntu12:41
kkathman!info skype12:41
h3sp4wnJasonL: Ati binary driverfs12:41
aboaprieasy ubuntu will install skype for you.12:41
JasonLi restarted from live, cam here, and tried end session...12:41
JasonLi have a ati card12:41
kkathmanoh wait12:42
h3sp4wnDid you install the binary drivers though ?12:42
JasonLi have not installed anything12:42
kkathmanskype is now owned by Mdollar so it wont be in the repos12:42
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JasonLim fresh from the live cd12:42
JasonLapart from the end session i did12:42
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JasonLits annoying me alot12:43
JasonLand i would like to fix it asap12:43
HawkeyeJasonL, can i help you?12:46
JasonLyou tell me =P12:46
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JasonLwhen i end current session i am taken to usplash and my pc restarts12:46
Hawkeyewhat model of ati video card you have?12:46
JasonLradeon 955012:47
Hawkeyeyou cannot start kde, is right?12:47
aboaprithat's the same model I have.  that card sucks.12:47
Hawkeyethe ati video card are not best for linux :-(12:47
aboapriit even sucked under windows.12:48
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JasonLi know this now =P12:48
JasonLim in kde now12:48
aboaprifor some reason, windows or linux....  always detect it as 960012:48
ron_when i go to adept and try to install sun-java5-bin, it downloads fine but i get an error when it tries to install.  anyone know how i can get it to install??12:48
JasonLits just when i try and end current session12:48
aboapriunder windows, that made it slow as hell until you manually installed the 9550 drivers.12:48
isaidalguien me puede ayudar a cofiguara kubuntu12:48
HawkeyeJasonL, have you tried to download official driver for linux from ati website?12:49
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YazzYhi guys12:49
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JasonLshould I?? I had no problems with breezy12:50
aboaprithe standard "ati" driver works best for me.12:50
YazzYI have a kinda unusual problem with sound on my system. I had it working after initial installation of breezy but it stoped working when i upgraded to dapper.12:50
Hawkeyeiif you no have problem, no12:50
YazzYi can play the sound files but nothing comes out from the speakers (which are ok since they worked before and work fine in windows now as well)12:51
YazzYany slightest idea what can be causing my problem?12:51
aboapriI had a bunch of problems when I upgraded.  Have you tried doing a clean install?12:52
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YazzYaboapri: no12:52
YazzYand i am not intending either after hours of customization12:52
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YazzYthere must be some other way to fix this issue12:54
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aboaprioh, re-installing the OS is pretty much my cure-all for any problems I ever have.12:55
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ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Mongey12:57
aboaprithat and beer.12:57
Mongeyhow do i get ksmoothdock to run12:57
YazzYaboapri: that's what the less knowledgable do12:58
aboapriwell, that's me.12:58
YazzYhm, must be something in the device naming, my printer was /dev/usb/lp0 before and now it's /dev/usblp012:58
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LeeJunFanRiddell: you around? If so is has kopete been modified for simplicity?01:00
RiddellLeeJunFan: it's not been touched01:00
Riddelloh, tabs by default01:00
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LeeJunFanRiddell: hrm, in the 3.4.3 I can't go invisible or always visible to people. Only my overall status. I just compiled myself and I can.01:01
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Riddelluse 3.5.3?01:01
LeeJunFanoops, yeah, that's what I meant.01:02
LeeJunFanRiddell: that's ICQ protocol btw. I haven't really looked with other protos.01:02
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RiddellICQ in kopete is always broken01:03
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LeeJunFanRiddell: well anyway, no real biggie, it's just that it worked before when I was compiling from svn pre .12, and then didn't when I upgraded to 3.5.3, then worked again when I compiled from svn again.01:05
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kkathmancant the koffice 1.5 suite use the msttcorefonts??01:05
LeeJunFanRiddell: I was afraid it had been moddified to be like that on purpose.01:05
kkathmanI installed them, but they dont show up in koffice :(01:05
kkathmanmaybe only oo2?01:05
fatejudgerI think that the atheros drivers are preventing me from using ndiswrapper, despite the fact that I disabled the interface using them01:06
fatejudgercould there be anything else that's conflicting with it?01:06
fatejudgerbecause I can't seem to get ndiswrapper's interface to show up01:06
LeeJunFanRiddell: thanks for clarifying. :)01:06
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Why are you using ndiswrapper with atheros ?01:06
fatejudgerI'd rather not use atheros01:06
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fatejudgerthe drivers are crappier01:07
h3sp4wnThan the windows drivers ?01:07
fatejudgerno offense to the atheros devels, but they're reverse engineering proprietary tech01:07
fatejudgerit just isn't going to work as well01:07
h3sp4wnNo they are not madwifi is totally open source01:07
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fatejudgerI know it is01:07
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h3sp4wnthe only non free part is ath_hal atheros pay someone to write them01:08
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_vladi_hey, anyone here know how to pick which version of java I want to use? I know there is a command for it but I cant seem to find what that command is01:08
fatejudgerbut they don't have access or know about any proprietary features that are used on certain cards01:08
h3sp4wnYes they do01:08
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fatejudgeratheros is great, but I'm tired of going out in my living room and having my connection drop01:08
fatejudgerwhen I know that the Windows drivers don't do that01:08
h3sp4wnhave you tried madwifi-ng ?01:08
h3sp4wnAre you using network manager ?01:09
fatejudgerthe problem is that my router uses the atheros super G tech01:09
fatejudgeryes, I am01:09
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fatejudgerwhich is part of the reason it's getting so damn complicated01:09
h3sp4wnThe atheros drivers in dapper do not support network manager properly01:09
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Sanne_vladi_, I belive it is: sudo update-alternatives --config java01:09
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: well another reason to use ndiswrapper then01:09
h3sp4wnfatejudger: madwifi-ng does01:10
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Including super g01:10
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: why would it be able to connect and work, but not as well as the windows drivers without madwifi-ng?01:10
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: where is madwifi-ng located?01:11
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: it's not in universe01:11
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Because madwifi-old (one in ubuntu) does not support scanning an active interface whilst it is up fully hence the connection drops often01:11
_vladi_Sanne: yes thats exactly it, thanks01:11
Sanne_vladi_, you're welcome01:12
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: okay, so I need to get the new madwifi packages?01:12
h3sp4wnfatejudger: You need to compile them01:12
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: damn, okay01:13
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: don't you have to compile those things against that kernel?01:13
distanceisdeathwhats madwifi, again?01:13
h3sp4wnfatejudger: http://snapshots.madwifi.org/madwifi-ng-current.tar.gz01:13
h3sp4wnfatejudger: kernel headers should be enough01:13
fatejudgerwhat package does it replace?01:14
fatejudgerand hasn't someone compiled a deb for the latest kernel?01:14
h3sp4wnmadwifi-old is integrated into the ubuntu kernel01:14
h3sp4wnedgy will probably use madwifi-ng01:15
fatejudgerwell what am I supposed to do?01:15
_vladi_anyway to install the eclipse package without installing the gnu java bytecode interpreter?01:15
fatejudgerit sounds like it would be far easier to use ndiswrapper01:15
h3sp4wnfatejudger: blacklist the old modules01:15
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: all you need to do is tar xvzf madwifi-ng-current.tar.gz then then run make and make install01:16
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I know how to compile it01:16
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: but I need to know how to disable the other one01:16
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: if it's in the kernel, I can't just remove a package01:16
h3sp4wnfatejudger: It would be installed to a different location01:18
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: so how to do I go about disabling the old madwifi then?01:18
_vladi_is there something buggy with the eclipse packages? they require me to install mozilla-browser as well as the gnu java bytecode interpreter (when i alreayd have the sun jdk installed)01:18
fatejudgerthere's an eclipse package?01:19
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fatejudgerwhat's the point of using a Java IDE without Matisse01:20
fatejudgeryou might as well use KDevelop or Kate01:20
_vladi_what is Matisse?01:20
ChefWillanyone use network-manager know how i can setup a network that is "Hidden" from public view to be displayed in the menu and preferences saved so id ont have to re-renter the info and pass each time?01:20
Hikaru79_vladi_: it's a GUI editor built into Netbeans. Very powerful.01:20
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: if I "make install" is it just going to overwrite the old madwifi stuff?01:21
_vladi_ok sure, but i've built huge java programs before just with eclipse and its been fine01:21
h3sp4wnfatejudger: No it will install them to a different location01:21
ron_can anyone tell me how to install sun's jre?  adept always fails in the install process01:21
fatejudgerMatisse isn't anything special, it just uses the grabbaglayout or whatever the hell it's called01:21
_vladi_yea i can write all that manually, its not a problem01:21
fatejudgerQT's GUI development IDE is far more mature01:22
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: You need to add some stuff to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist but I am trying to find the correct thing (I use 2.6.16)01:22
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I hear that kernel is much better01:22
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: I am using it with madwifi-ng , fglrx doesn't crash on reboot anymore and I have the realtime preempt patches on it its working well01:23
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_vladi_has anyone used KDevelop before? is it any good?01:23
_vladi_i might just give it a go01:23
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: the madwifi installer is asking me whether I'd like to remove my old madwifi modules01:24
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: should I just trust it to do it right?01:24
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I would say so01:24
Kadranis the amd64 version of kubuntu works for intel 64 or it is only for amd?01:25
h3sp4wnfatejudger: (even with old madwifi you can get turbo mode using iwpriv ath0 turbo 1 iwpriv ath0 xr 1 iwpriv ath0 burst 1 (It has all the features its just network manager doesn't support them)01:25
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: damn, it didn't work01:26
_vladi_Kadran: virtually everything that works for amd64 will work for intel6401:26
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: it tried to install the package but it wouldn't let it since linux-image-2.6.15 conflicted with it01:26
Kadran_vladi_: thanks01:26
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: so much for that idea...01:26
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Try running make uninstall from that directory01:26
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Where you using checkinstall to make the package ?01:27
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: lol, yes, I just did a make install instead01:27
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I'm obsessive about having everything packaged01:27
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: so how will I know that everything works?01:27
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h3sp4wniwlist scan ath0 will look like this http://pastebin.com/76865801:28
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KuLoverHow can I configure flash to work with a compiled version of firefox, as opposed to the version in the repos01:29
aboapriwhat's ath0?01:29
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aboaprilol, I remember it being the off-hook command for modems.01:29
umberleighhey. is there any easy way of editing the contents of a data dvd+rw disc in k3b? at the moment i'm having to copy the disc's contents to my hard drive, edit, then overwrite the whole disc.01:30
SanneKuLover, I'm just putting the plugin files into ~/.mozilla/plugins/01:30
KuLoverAnd it works that way?01:31
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SanneKuLover, for me it does. The files for flash are named here: flashplayer.xpt and libflashplayer.so01:31
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: You will need network manager to use the wext extensions instead of madwifi which is built against madwifi-old (unless you want to rebuild wpa_supplicant which is a pain)01:32
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: how can I enable the "super g" speeds?01:32
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: wext?01:32
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mrmistmy screen gets all messed up during boot01:33
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Generic linux wireless extentions01:33
h3sp4wnfatejudger: All the drivers should be using it eventually01:33
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: iwpriv ath0 turbo 101:33
h3sp4wnfatejudger: iwpriv ath0 xr 101:34
h3sp4wniwpriv ath0 burst 101:34
h3sp4wn(dunno how do do that with network manager01:34
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KuLoverThanks so much, Sanne01:35
SanneKuLover, you're welcome :)01:35
mrmistAnyone else but me experienced that the boot-up status-screen gets seriously messed up ?01:36
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: so I'm pretty much stuck with the old madwifi stuff if I use network manager?01:36
h3sp4wnfatejudger: No01:36
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I just don't know exactly how it deals with it01:37
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I take it you don't use network manager01:37
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I just set my wireless stuff in /etc/network/interfaces01:38
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: any ideas on how to get it working with network manager?01:38
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Just try it I think it will probably try wext by default01:39
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I did, it can't communicated with the card01:39
fatejudgerInterface doesn't accept private ioctl...01:39
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fatejudgerturbo (8BE0): No such device or address01:39
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Has the machine been rebooted ?01:39
h3sp4wnfatejudger: can you do iwlist ath0 scan ?01:40
fatejudgerno, it hasn't been rebooted01:40
fatejudgerand yes, I can do the scan01:40
fatejudgermaybe I ought to reboot it then01:40
h3sp4wndoes it appear in the same format as mine before ?01:40
fatejudgerwell not exactly, you have security enabled01:40
h3sp4wnOr is there less text ?(the old way)01:40
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: the format looks very similar to yours01:41
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: if you want I can pastebin it01:41
h3sp4wn(It probably would be best to reboot though)01:42
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h3sp4wnThat is the new driver though01:42
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: alright, let me reboot01:42
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I restarted but the hardware wouldn't load01:49
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I think that ndiswrapper might be conflicting with the atheros drivers01:49
h3sp4wnfatejudger: so iwlist scan ath0 did nothing ?01:49
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I can't connect to the internet01:50
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I'm on my desktop now01:50
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: it refuses to connect to my AP now01:50
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tripAny of ya know of a way to work with .daa files from linux?01:53
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Mongeythunderbird is nowhere tobe found01:54
Mongeyhow do i run it?01:54
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: Add ndiswrapper to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:54
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darkseedhow do i fix nvidia screen freeze ive tried everything? please help!!!01:55
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: Can you connect to the network with iwconfig01:56
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: honestly, I didn't try01:56
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I figured that network manager did its best01:56
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: ok, when booting Kubuntu it stops at "Loading hardware drivers"01:57
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: this happened before I blacklisted ndiswrapper as well01:57
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I just figured that ndis and atheros were conflicting01:58
danialI am having some problems with DNS lookup on my ubuntu system01:58
danialthis problem just popped up a few days ago01:58
ljldanial: i have DNS problems too. what's the problem precisely?01:58
h3sp4wnfatejudger: wait until it comes up and then do /sbin/ifconfig -a (see if ath0 is there)01:59
danialWhenever I change domains, it takes a good while02:00
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ljlhm different from my problem then. i simply can't get a DNS server to stay set up02:00
danialmine will connect, but it takes around 10 seconds02:00
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: ath0 is there, but so it wifi0_ifr02:01
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Thats normal wifi0 is for wext02:02
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: then why does it not boot up correctly?02:02
scastwhere i configure the network in kubuntu?02:02
ljlscast: K / System Settings / Network Settings02:03
ljlif you're lucky02:03
kkathmanyeah be careful :)02:03
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Sometimes it stops at the restricted modules part when its checking disks for me02:03
kkathmanif you have both gnome and kubuntu installed...use sudo network-admin instead02:03
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ljl... /etc/network/interfaces if you're less lucky, and just bang your head against a wall if you're even less lucky ;)02:03
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: well then why isn't it connecting to my AP?02:03
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: let me try to do it manually02:04
h3sp4wnfatejudger: try removing usplash and quiet from the kernel line in menu.lst and rebooting it again (more verbose information)02:04
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: nothing comes of doing it manually02:05
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: the cards acts as though it can't connect to any APs02:05
h3sp4wnfatejudger: sudo ifconfig ath0 up02:06
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: let me restart with verbose02:06
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: yes, I tried that02:06
h3sp4wnfatejudger: iwlist scan ath002:06
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: it says it's connected to my AP02:07
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: at least on the iwlist scan ath0 command02:07
h3sp4wnfatejudger: just run sudo dhclient ath002:08
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: tried that already02:08
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: ifconfig doesn't say it's connected to an AP either02:08
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: just the iwlist scan ath0 command02:08
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: It could be network manager interferring02:08
fatejudgerI guess I could kill network manager02:09
h3sp4wnfatejudger: The iwlist implies the driver is working02:09
fatejudgershould I try that and test it again?02:09
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gurumeditationeris there a smart reason that the gcc packages don't make /usr/bin symlinks?02:09
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ljlgurumeditationer: you mean the ones older than version 4?02:10
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I would say so the vebose output would also be useful02:10
gurumeditationergcc-4.0 was the first one I installed02:10
gurumeditationer"gcc" on the command line did nothing so I installed gcc02:11
gurumeditationers/Installed gcc/Installed the gcc package02:11
LjLgurumeditationer: and that worked? (it should)02:11
LjLgurumeditationer: fact is, you might want to have several versions of GCC installed at the same times. so if you install a specific version (i.e. not just the package "gcc"), you won't get a symlink so that it doesn't conflict with the main version02:12
LjLthough it's strange that the "gcc" package didn't create the symlink02:12
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: okay, I just tried disabling network manager and manually enabling02:13
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: same thing happens02:13
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: iwlist works02:13
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: iwconfig says that I knows I want to connect to my AP, but it isn't connected02:13
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: and ifconfig thinks the interface isn't connected at all02:13
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I'm going to restart with verbose02:14
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eimajenthathey, I'm having trouble with the ole nvidia kernel module02:15
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eimajenthatApparently I've been running the nv driver, but I switched my xorg.conf for one I used on this computer before, and that one uses the nvidia driver02:16
eimajenthatI have the package installed for the nvidia driver, but I get an error when I try to startx02:17
gurumeditationerdid you install the nvidia-glx package?02:17
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eimajenthatIf someone can remind me where xorg logfiles live, I'll pastebin it02:17
eimajenthatyeah, that's the one02:17
eimajenthatI've had it installed for a long time02:17
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LjLeimajenthat: /var/log/Xorg.*02:18
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: no errors are apparent, but it does stop while loading "wifi0"02:18
eimajenthatand it's currently installed, and up to date02:18
danialthis whole DNS thing is a real pain02:18
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LjLdanial: for all i'm concerned, i used to find it way nicer when i could just spit an IP address into /etc/resolv.conf =)02:18
Kadranhi, i have two hd one with kubuntu (ext3) then i installed winxp (ntfs) after, and i can't add windws in the grub menu, any help?02:20
henriquemy Compaq V2000 doesn't see my pendrive, what's happening?02:20
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NthDegreehenrique just mount it02:20
henriquei already tried02:21
h3sp4wnfatejudger: We just need to find how to tell network manager to use wext02:21
gurumeditationerKadran: Have a look in /boot/grub/menu.lst, there should be a commented out example02:21
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: why is it having trouble loading the drivers at boot though?02:21
henriqueby konsole i can see the files02:21
danialI wasn't even sure what the problem was untill I noticed that "Looking up [address] " in firefox's status bar02:22
danialBut It made sense because pings where showing up fine, but taking a long time to run02:22
Kadrangurumeditationer: i tried to follow this example but didn't worked, i don't know what i am doing wrong02:22
Darkseednvidi help on new kubuntu02:22
Darkseednvidia lol02:22
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gurumeditationerKadren, do you know what exact drive/partition your windows installation is?02:23
LjLgurumeditationer: for me, installing gcc does create a symlink02:23
mrfishhatwhat kernal does 6.06 use standard?02:24
gurumeditationerLjL, it seems like something magical has happened with me02:24
LjLgurumeditationer: perhaps try "apt-get --reinstall install gcc"02:24
danialIs there any way to competely flush all my network settings and have them regenerate themselves?02:24
gurumeditationerI've just made the symlink by hand, it's all working02:25
eimajenthatLjL: http://pastebin.com/76879802:25
Kadrangurumeditationer: i have windows on a hd1, and kubuntu on other hd002:25
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Not sure about that I have just installed network manager and it seems to be not working properly02:25
gurumeditationerWhat partition number is windows on?>02:26
eimajenthatLjL: I thought I remembered seeing another slightly different error, about not being able to run an install script02:26
Kadrangurumeditationer: sorry, i don't understand, it is on the whole hd space02:27
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: it sounds like newer versions of network manager don't have this problem02:27
gurumeditationeryou on linux right now?02:27
LjLeimajenthat: not sure what the problem might be02:27
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: isn't it always that the "next release" will fix everything?02:27
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: it's starting to get a little cliche02:27
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I am using network manager and it seems to be ok for me02:27
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: you just said it didn't work02:27
Kadrangurumeditationer: yes02:28
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: you're also using the newer kernel02:28
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: maybe that makes a difference02:28
gurumeditationerKadran, on a prompt: sudo fdisk /dev/hdb (or whatever the drive number is)02:28
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I just loaded it and ifdown ath002:28
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: And the connection came back straight away] 02:28
gurumeditationerKadran, then hit p and return to see a partition list, look and see which one is bootable02:28
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: well I wonder wtf the problem is then02:28
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: it must hvae something to do with that damned ndiswrapper02:29
h3sp4wndoes it appear in the output of lsmod02:29
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Kadrangurumeditationer: http://pastebin.com/76881002:31
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I don't see it in there02:31
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gurumeditationerKadran, shove this on the end of /boot/grub/menu.lst -> http://pastebin.com/76881302:33
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Kadrangurumeditationer: thanks alot gurumeditationer :)02:34
gurumeditationertry not to boot it too much02:34
=== havoc preps for putting ubuntu on his primary workstation
Kadrangurumeditationer: i hate windows alot but i have to work on asp.net do you know any substitute for it?02:35
havoclots of stuff to backup first though :|02:36
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Try disabling knetworkmanager and adding this section to /etc/network/interfaces then run ifup ath002:36
jbirdAngellegal way to play multimedia files on linux in the usa?02:36
h3sp4wnfatejudger: http://pastebin.com/76881902:37
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I got it working without network manager02:37
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: and without that command02:37
Kadrangurumeditationer: yeah tell that to the company, :( for the first time i feel home in the first day job,02:37
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: it was strange, I just came back to my laptop, and it was working02:37
h3sp4wnWithout doing anything ?02:38
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: well I had to get an IP02:38
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: but that's it02:38
gurumeditationerfatejudger: your ath0 device doesn't happen to be a Wistron CM9?02:38
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: Thats what the pastebin above had in it (so you could use ifup ath0 and ifdown ath0 properly02:39
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I just activated knetworkmanager again, and once again it's broken02:39
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Have you found anything about wext support for network manager02:39
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: did you ever restart your computer after you installed knetworkmanager?02:39
_nathanHi, I was wondering how I can see my computer's specs (like ram ant ghz)02:39
h3sp4wnfatejudger: No02:39
gurumeditationerMines is a CM9 and it uses the Atheros 5212 chipset(hence the ath0) and it doesn't behave at all if it isn't given a iwpriv ath0 authmode 2 on boot02:40
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I've been looking, but I've only come across WPA tutorials for Network Manager02:40
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I brought the interface down though02:40
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: maybe you ought to restart02:40
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I don't want to use network manager02:40
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: what's wrong with network manager?02:40
_nathanI bet it's realy easy to find, but I just can't02:40
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: I never have problems just doing it manually02:41
fatejudgerwhat about the bling factor?02:41
D0M1N8R__Without a internet connection.. How do I go about getting the kernerl source. Vmware and Parallels both want matching kernel source02:41
_nathanis there any cammand line text that will show me it?02:42
h3sp4wnfatejudger: When the connection is up see if the iwpriv commands increase the connection speed (the ones I gave you before)02:42
D0M1N8R__Well I got a internet connection here so I can transfer the files over to ther pc using CD-Rom02:42
gurumeditationerD0M1N8R__, you better start rewriting it now because it took 15 years so far...02:42
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: Is the router a netgear WGT634U ?02:43
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: lol, okay, let me see if I can get it working again02:43
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: no, it's the matching router for my card02:43
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: Dlink something02:43
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: do you want the exact model #?02:43
_nathancommon, help, I'm sure it's real simple!02:43
D0M1N8R__LoL well as I said though I can transfer it using cdrom. Just dont have internet access at the other puter with kubuntu atm so apt-get doesnt work.02:43
_nathanplease... :(02:44
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cbglasgowsomething terrible just happened...ok, i removed the gcc base package using Adept and it uninstalled every single package in my Kubunty02:44
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I don't really need the model number (its just I have some custom images I have made for that particular netgear router)02:44
cbglasgowi did it by accident02:44
_nathanhelp me out a little02:44
D0M1N8R___nathan I missed the question02:44
gurumeditationerdownload the debs you need from directories such as http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.15/02:44
cbglasgowbut geez, can anybody tell me why this happened and if it is fixable?02:45
gurumeditationerthen when you've got them on the netless machine use sudo dpkg --install package_to_install.deb02:45
cbglasgowi just installed kubuntu all over again cause i didnt know what to do02:45
_nathanDOM1N8R__: How can I see my system specs?02:45
kbrooks_Riddell: ping?02:45
cbglasgowgurumeditationer, are you talking to me?02:45
gurumeditationerno cbglasgow, that was for D0M1N8R02:46
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cbglasgowany advice on my problem?02:46
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fatejudger_h3sp4wn: ok, so what were those commands again?02:46
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: I'm on my laptop now02:46
gurumeditationerI'm not 100% sure what your asking for, haven't you already reinstall Kubuntu02:46
D0M1N8R___nathan there is the kinfocenter02:46
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h3sp4wniwpriv ath0 burst 102:47
_nathanD0M1N8R__:  What's that?02:47
gunjamincan anyone help me please??02:47
D0M1N8R__in KDE click K then system then kinfocenter02:47
mrfishhathi, i just got a tv tuner card and was wondering if anyone knew how to install it?02:47
h3sp4wnfatejudger: iwpriv ath0 turbo 102:47
gunjamini've used google and cant find any answers02:47
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: iwpriv ath0 xr 102:47
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kbrooks_i need a kubuntu developer02:48
kbrooks_and fast02:48
_nathanD0M1N8R__: cool! thanx.  I knew it'd be easy I just coundn't find it.  bye02:48
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: that last one gives a segfault02:48
gunjaminplease, i would really appreciate if someone could tell me why removing gcc uninstalled my whole kde02:48
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Ok I need some help02:48
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kbrooks_gunjamin: it does not.02:48
gunjaminit did for me02:48
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kbrooks_gunjamin: huh?02:48
kbrooks_gunjamin: pastebin output02:48
LiNuX_LoVeR_17I would like to delete a file from the windows side of my harddrive and I know it is a keylogger but it won't delete02:48
gunjamini removed it using adept by accident02:49
kbrooks_gunjamin: show screenshots, etc02:49
gunjaminand it uninstalled every package i had on kubuntu02:49
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kbrooks_gunjamin: did it mention kubuntu-desktop?02:49
gunjamini couldnt take a screenshot, it uninstalled my screenshot capturer02:49
LiNuX_LoVeR_17it tells me: That I can not delet the file02:49
kbrooks_gunjamin: it didn't do that. are you one hundred percent sure?02:49
LiNuX_LoVeR_17How would I be able to delete it?02:49
gunjaminyeah i am02:49
gunjamini couldnt do anything02:50
kbrooks_gunjamin: DID it mention kubuntu-desktop? do you remember?02:50
gunjamini just had a blank os02:50
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gunjaminwhy? what is kubuntu desktop?02:50
gunjamini dont think it mentioned that02:50
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DaSkreechWhats the problem?02:50
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Can anyone help me??02:50
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Can anyone help me??02:51
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Don't to the last one then02:51
DaSkreechI don't know LiNuX_LoVeR_1702:51
kbrooks_gunjamin: let me get this straight. you remove GCC, and then somehow removing gccc removes kde?02:51
DaSkreechWhats the issue?02:51
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: I tried that command again and now I can't stop the program02:51
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Can you try?02:51
gunjaminhey daskreech, i am cbglasgow if you remember me from earlier02:51
DaSkreechI don't know again02:51
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: so apparently I'm going to have to restart my computer, again02:51
DaSkreechhi gunjamin02:51
LiNuX_LoVeR_17would you try?02:51
gurumeditationerkubuntu-desktop is a "fake-package" that doesn't install anything itself but depends on KDE and all the stuff kubuntu needs to make it kubuntu rather than ubuntu02:51
gunjaminyes, exactly kbrooks02:51
h3sp4wnfatejudger: I think that one is quite experimental02:51
kbrooks_gunjamin: doesn't do that for me on ubuntu.02:52
h3sp4wnfatejudger: before you restart try02:52
gurumeditationerso when you install kubuntu-desktop it installs KDE for you, it's useless on kubuntu because if you remove it it doesn't remove anything else02:52
gunjaminhmm, what do you think couldve been the problem02:52
kbrooks_gurumeditationer: can you try and duplicate with "apt-get remove gcc"?02:52
gurumeditationerit's only for the ubuntu crowd that realise GNOME is pants02:52
h3sp4wnfatejudger: iwlist ath0 rate02:52
gunjamini will tell you the exact name of the package i uninstalled in ovne sec02:52
kbrooks_gurumeditationer: its not only for the ubuntu crowd02:52
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: but nothing responds...02:52
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: let me restart and I'll try02:53
DaSkreechubotu: tell LiNuX_LoVeR_17 about ask02:53
h3sp4wnfatejudger: OK (that was just one I found out when I was messing around with madwifi on my netgear router02:53
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: alright, brb then02:53
gunjaminthat is the exact package i removed02:53
gunjaminand it ruined everything02:53
kbrooks_gunjamin: h/o02:54
h3sp4wngunjamin: Did you try upgrading to gcc-4.1 (from debian sid or anything ?)02:54
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gunjaminno, dont believe so02:55
mrfishhatany ideas what this means?02:55
mrfishhatmake[2] : Entering directory `/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build'02:55
mrfishhatmake[2] : *** No rule to make target `modules'.  Stop.02:55
gurumeditationergcc-4.0-base doesn't provide anything that is system-essential02:55
DaSkreechin fact I'm fairly certian it's not installed when you install ubuntu02:55
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gunjaminman, i wonder what happened then? i panicked as i saw adept uninstall several familiar package names02:56
gunjaminlike i saw it uninstall each and every one02:56
kbrooks_gunjamin: what are these names?02:56
gurumeditationermake is saying it's not got instructions for how to build the "modules" either you arn't supposed to type "make modules" but something else or somethings broke02:56
gurumeditationerAre you following 2.4.x kernel compile instructions for a 2.6.x kernel?02:56
kbrooks_gurumeditationer: hilight people02:57
gunjaminya know, stuff like gaim, konqueror, kaffeine, EVERYTHING02:57
gunjaminall my apps02:57
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Would someone tell me please, how I could delete a file from a windows partition on Kubuntu?02:57
gurumeditationeryou sure you didn't uninstall something else like bintools?02:57
kbrooks_gurumeditationer: using: "part<tab>" (replace "part")02:57
gunjamini am maybe 95% sure02:57
kbrooks_gunjamin: then you're nort sure at all02:58
gurumeditationerLiNuX_LoVeR_17: before you can rm a file you must have A) the drive mounted readable and B) the permissions to rm it02:58
DaSkreechLiNuX_LoVeR_17: Is it an NTFS partition?02:58
gurumeditationerLiNuX_LoVeR_17, are you asking how to delete a file, or are you saying your having trouble with this one in particular.02:58
LiNuX_LoVeR_17and it is mounted02:58
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DaSkreechubotu: tell LiNuX_LoVeR_17 about NTFS02:58
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: I used the commands02:59
gurumeditationerLiNuX_LoVeR_17, Ahh, forget it if its NTFS02:59
LiNuX_LoVeR_17I am asking how to delete a file.02:59
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: the iwlist scan ath0 says that it goes up only to 54 mbps02:59
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: what would be the best way to test to see if it's working or not?02:59
LiNuX_LoVeR_17ok here is why02:59
gunjaminall i can say though is, this is my first day using ubuntu and i was kinda ticked off that i was able to screw up everything so easily02:59
h3sp4wnfatejudger: what about iwlist ath0 rate02:59
gunjaminbut i guess thats where linux's power comes from02:59
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fatejudger_h3sp4wn: wtf, current bit rate is 6 mbps03:00
LiNuX_LoVeR_17there is a virus but it is hidden and I can only see it from the linux side so I was hoping I can delete the file or at least rename it.03:00
h3sp4wnfatejudger: What is the max one listed as ?03:00
kbrooks_gunjamin: very powerful03:00
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: 54 mbps03:00
kbrooks_gunjamin: admin privileges should not be used lightly03:00
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gunjaminso kbrooks, it is not unusual at all that i would be able to F&*# up everything so quickly, right?03:01
LiNuX_LoVeR_17is that possible?03:01
h3sp4wngunjamin: I think badly messing it all up is part of learning to use linux03:01
gunjaminyeah, definitely03:01
gunjamini did learn alot today so far though03:02
gunjamini really like linux03:02
gurumeditationerIt can have a steep learning curve at times, gunjamin03:02
gurumeditationerBut think of it like this, Linux is probably the last OS you'll ever have to learn.03:02
gunjaminthe learning curve is definitely pretty steep03:03
h3sp4wngurumediationer: Do you never think plan 9 will take off03:03
h3sp4wngurumediationer: The ideas are good in it03:03
gunjamini have dabbled quite a bit previously with puppy linux03:03
DaSkreechLiNuX_LoVeR_17: technically yes but you stand a chance of messing up your partitons03:03
gunjaminbut it is a very simple linux distro03:03
gunjaminhas anyone here tried puppy?03:03
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Plan 9?03:04
DaSkreechLiNuX_LoVeR_17: Why don't you boot into safe mode for Windows and delete it?03:04
h3sp4wnIts a research operating system by bell labs (more unix than unix)03:04
gurumeditationerh3sp4wn, plan 9 is nice right enough, it's even by one of the ol' unix boys. But *nix has too much momentum now.03:04
LiNuX_LoVeR_17good plan03:04
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: I'm guessing that the driver didn't end up installing right03:04
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gunjaminnobody here has tried puppy linux?03:04
gurumeditationerPlus if a truelly compelling feature/ideology takes hold linux will change to adopt it.03:04
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Thanks never thought of that03:05
h3sp4wnfatejudger: What are you going to do rebuild network manager ?03:05
DaSkreechLiNuX_LoVeR_17: If that doesn't work the new Knoppix allows you to delete from NTFS03:05
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: I have no idea03:05
DaSkreechIt's still kinda dangerous so UB!03:05
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: I'm really out of ideas03:05
h3sp4wnfatejudger: But it can connect ?03:05
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: yeah, I'm on my laptop right now03:06
gurumeditationerLiNuX_LoVeR_17, you better be prepared for a ruined filesystem. It may not be likley but it's still possible so don't do anything to a NTFS partition that holds important shit03:06
gunjaminquestion...i notice you all address someone whenever you talk to them...do you type this manually or automatically?03:06
h3sp4wnwhen I do the iwpriv turbo (if I connect to a supported ap I get 108mps)03:06
LiNuX_LoVeR_17got it03:06
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gurumeditationergunjamin, in most IRC clients you can type half the name then hit tab03:07
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: the command is sudo iwpriv ath0 turbo 1, right?03:07
gurumeditationergunjamin, you get the same sort of completion you'd get on bash03:07
DaSkreechubotu: tell gurumeditationer about language03:07
gunjaminahh, cool03:07
gunjamingurumeditationer: thanks03:08
fatejudger_DaSkreech: you're complaining that he said "shit"?03:08
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DaSkreechKinda some people still find it offensive :)03:08
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fatejudger_DaSkreech: would you be one of them?03:08
KuLoverIs there a way to have certain directories remember view modes in Konqueror?03:08
lwellsI was wondering if someone can help me install a printer03:09
gurumeditationerBeing offended by certain words is so arbitrary03:09
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DaSkreechNo but I'd like to feel tha parents would be alright with young ones being able to come here and ask questions03:09
gurumeditationerIf I had said "poo" would it still be offensive? It'd still be conjuring the same image.03:09
fatejudger_DaSkreech: oh yeah, because my little cousin comes in here all the time at discuss the nuances of Linux03:09
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fatejudger_not only that, but what language haven't little children heard by now?03:10
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lwellsI am able to select a driver, but then it tells me that it does not excist or I do not have permission to load it03:10
AMEGALUSXthis is my final name03:10
AMEGALUSXused to be gunjamin03:10
DaSkreechfatejudger_: Not really for me to judge03:10
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: what do you think I ought to do then?03:10
lwellsI mean , if the driver is on the list why wont it load it?03:11
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: I'm guessing I'd have more success starting from zero03:11
gurumeditationerlwells, a driver for what?03:11
fatejudger_probably a printer03:11
fatejudger_I get the same error for mine, it's pretty dumb03:11
KuLoverIs there a way to have certain directories remember view modes in Konqueror?03:11
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Could try building 2.6.1603:11
lwellsa photosmart 7350 HP printer03:11
fatejudger_lwells: try using the hpjis driver03:11
fatejudger_lwells: not just the standard generic one03:12
h3sp4wnfatejudger: (madwifi is not in that at all so madwifi-ng) definately works perfect (thats what I use03:12
lwellsI did, it is on the list, but tells me that it cannot load or I do not have permissions03:12
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: I've never compiled my own kernel before03:12
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: is there a tutorial on the wiki or something?03:12
lwellsIf it is on the driver list, it should be there right?03:13
AMEGALUSXcompiling your own kernel...sounds scary03:13
fatejudger_lwells: should be right around that driver03:13
fatejudger_lwells: there should be several drivers with your printer name03:13
fatejudger_lwells: after you select your printer that is03:13
fatejudger_lwells: well, maybe it's before03:13
fatejudger_lwells: yeah, before03:13
lwellsYes I see that driver, but when I try to load any of them it gives me an error03:14
fatejudger_lwells: well that's damn strange03:14
lwellsIt says it does not exist or that I do not have the propermissions03:14
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fatejudger_yeah, I got that error too, but hpjis worked03:14
lwellsSame error?03:15
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fatejudger_lwells: exact same error03:15
h3sp4wnfatejudger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelHowto03:15
morlahi there. i'm about to mkfs.ext3 a 40gb partition. are there any important parameters (blocksize?) to set?03:15
lwellsI tried ignoring the error, but the printer just spews out blank pages03:16
h3sp4wnfatejudger: The best way to get the .config is to copy it from /boot/config-2.6.15 - then just run make-kpkg --initrd --revision=custom4 --append-to-version=-v1 binary03:16
Lunar_Ravenyou're sure you're picking the one that says -hpjis at the end?03:16
AMEGALUSXmorla, you should just use default03:17
h3sp4wnfatejudger: You will end up with 4 debs03:17
AMEGALUSXthats what i do03:17
lwellsYes, and it also says it is the recommened one03:17
morlasimply mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/etc ?03:17
lwellsthe exact message is "Unable to create the Foomatic driver [HP-PhotoSmart_7350,hpijs] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation."03:18
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: should I get the latest stable?03:18
h3sp4wnfatejudger: Yes03:18
h3sp4wnfatejudger: First time through I would not remove anything just copy the .config from /boot03:19
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: then run make menuconfig don't change anything03:19
h3sp4wnfatejudger: then make-kpkg --initrd --revision=custom4 --append-to-version=-v1 binary03:19
Lunar_Ravenhmmm very odd03:19
Lunar_Ravenyou could try it with super user permissions03:19
Lunar_Ravensudo kprinter03:19
lwellsDo I need to be in admin mode?03:20
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: alright, well I need to go get something to eat03:20
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: thanks for your help03:20
h3sp4wnfatejudger: You need to do that stuff as root or in fakeroot03:20
Lunar_Ravenno sir, just in a console type 'sudo kprinter'03:20
fatejudger_h3sp4wn: alright, I'll right that down03:20
Lunar_Ravenit'll ask for your root password03:20
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lwellsWell I just went into admin mode, lets see what happens03:20
Lunar_Raventry that03:21
lasindiHi all, how do I change the workgroup in Kubuntu for Samba filesharing? I can't find it anywhere in the File Sharing section of the System Settings03:21
Lunar_Ravenbecause the driver should work03:21
lwellsIt did say I may not have had the proper permissions03:21
Lunar_Ravenhope that's it03:21
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KuLoverIs there a way to have certain directories remember view modes in Konqueror?03:22
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fatejudger_h3sp4wn: which version of the kernel should I be downloading?03:23
lwellsthanks all, i might be back03:23
Lunar_Ravengood luck03:23
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Lunar_RavenThere should be Ku03:23
Lunar_Ravennot sure if there is or how, though :O03:23
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: I'm still logged into my desktop03:25
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h3sp4wnfatejudger: 2.16.whatever the latest point release is03:26
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: there's a few different ones you can download at kernel.org03:28
h3sp4wnhttp://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/patch- (latest stable version)03:29
h3sp4wnno thats just the patch03:29
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: yeah03:29
fatejudgerh3sp4wn: that's why I asked03:29
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fatejudgerh3sp4wn: ok, cool, thanks03:31
Search4Lancerahhhh stupid question..... how do I extract a .bin?03:31
h3sp4wnwhat type of bin03:32
Search4Lancerthe java runtime environment bin03:32
Search4Lancersince apparently Kubuntu doesn't come with java installed03:33
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ubotufrom memory, avi is Video for Windows. For more info http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:34
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: A) You can apt-get Java03:35
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: b) for future reference if you know the bin file is not a CD image you can ./binfilename.bin to run it03:35
Search4LancerDaSkreech: no I can't, my apt is broken, as explained in the forums03:35
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: Well want me to grab the dependency list and the URLs so you can manually install it?03:36
Search4Lancerwhen I try to ./ it it says permission denied.... even though I'm in as root03:37
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: a) I think it comes with a README or an INSTALL file03:38
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Search4Lancerthat's rediculous..... and in any case, I don't see one03:38
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: b) have you checked the permissons on it It may not have the executable bit set03:38
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Search4Lancerwell, I can't now, as right clicking on it just froze my damned desktop (as right clicking on archives tends to do)03:39
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DaSkreechthere wasn't any instructions on the page you got it from?03:40
DeshDoes anyone know how to correctly install fglrx onto Dapper (Xorg 7, ATI Mobility 9700, nForce3 motherboard chipset)03:40
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Search4Lanceroh sure, sure... found the instructions now...03:43
AMEGALUSXim confused about something....is it not possible to login as root in ubuntu?03:43
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.03:44
DaSkreechWow :)03:44
ubotuThe Ubuntu women project women and men hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.03:44
AMEGALUSXwhat is !root03:44
DaSkreechAMEGALUSX: It asks the local Ubuntu robot a question03:44
DaSkreechubotu: tell AMEGALUSX about root03:45
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.03:45
DaSkreechThere you go :)03:45
DeshAMEGALUSX: At the login screen, select a console login, enter your username as root, same pass you use for your primary user, then type: startx03:45
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Search4Lancergreat.... the install failed...03:46
lwellsI need to squeeze some speed out of my system, how can I do tht03:46
AMEGALUSXwhat does startx do03:46
Search4Lancerwhy in the flyin hell does kubuntu not come with a java runtime environment already installed!?!?03:46
DaSkreechIt starts X03:46
LjLstarts X... but i'm not sure what you're saying Desh03:46
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: Not free software03:46
AMEGALUSXand X would be an X windows session?03:47
lwellsI am on a 500 mgz machine, little on the slow side03:47
D0M1N8R__is there a basic category break down some where of how this 3Gig is used up on kubutu install.  Doesnt seem like there is anything really installed.03:47
Desho_O LjL, startx is the command you would use at the black screen to sart the GUI.03:47
LjLAMEGALUSX: yeah. the X server, more precisely03:47
AMEGALUSXahhh, that is helpful03:47
DaSkreechD0M1N8R__: What do you want?03:47
LjLDesh: i know that, what i'm not understanding is the other part of what you said03:47
AMEGALUSXcause i have been stuck in the console before03:47
lwellsIs there something that I can tweek to have the computer run a little faster?03:47
DeshSearch4Lancer: enable repositories and install sun-java5-lib and sun-java5-jre03:47
DaSkreechlwells: You can turn off services you aren't using I would guess03:48
LjLAMEGALUSX, Desh: but the usual way to start the X server is "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" (or kdm start, depending), not startx03:48
DaSkreechDesh: his apt is broken03:48
Search4LancerDesh: pay attention please - I can't03:48
DeshLjL: on the login screen you select a console Login, one of the buttons there lets you choose b/w different logins or reboot03:48
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: No need for that03:48
=== Search4Lancer is extraordinarily frustrated at the moment, kay?
DeshSearch4Life: Wait, you are using apt-get correct?03:49
LjLDesh: hm, so you're saying to login with username "root" and password same as your user's?03:49
DeshLjL: Yes03:49
=== DaSkreech nods. And we are trying to help
lwellsAre there ways in linux to overclock the processor?03:49
LjLDesh: but that won't work, unless you've manually enabled the root account and assigned it a password03:49
AMEGALUSXyou overclock your processor in the bios03:49
Search4Lanceryes Desh, I know how to use apt-get - see this: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=5884.003:49
DeshLjL: No, Kubuntu/Ubuntu is designed to use the pass you designate your primary user03:49
AMEGALUSXif your motherboard allows it03:49
lwellsguess that was pretty naive of me03:49
LjLDesh: yes. but it's *not* designed to have the root account enabled at all, so you just can't login with user "root"03:50
LjLDesh: you've got to login with *your* user, and then use "sudo"03:50
DeshLjL: you can from the console03:50
lwellsIs there anything else that i can use in linux to speed things up?03:50
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DaSkreechlwells: Turn off things you aren't using03:50
LjLDesh: uh, no you can't. not unless you installed in Expert mode (thereby enabling root, should ask for its password during installation) or enabled root manually03:50
lwellsHow do i do that??03:51
DeshLjL: Hmm I installed it normally and I can do that03:51
AMEGALUSXis loggin in as root kinda dangerous security-wise?03:51
LjLDesh: well, i'm really positive that it shouldn't happen...03:51
DeshLjL: Also, during boot up, pressing Esc and going into the Grub menu lets you choose the Recovery Mode which also lets you use root03:51
LjLAMEGALUSX: yeah. that's why Ubuntu prefers the sudo approach. encourages you to stay root for as short as possible03:51
Search4Lanceryes AMEGALUSX, which is why by default in Ubuntu you can;t03:52
DeshLet me test this..03:52
LjLDesh: yes03:52
AMEGALUSXits unbelievable how willing people are to help in here....im kinda shocked03:53
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DaSkreechUmm sorry about that03:53
lwellsWhere do I see the processes that are running?03:53
=== DaSkreech removes the electrodes from the chair
LjLlwells: ps aux03:53
LjLor ctrl+esc under kde03:53
DaSkreechOr Ctrl+Esc03:53
Search4Lancerhah yeah yet I continue to have trouble....03:53
DaSkreechOr Gnome03:53
=== Search4Lancer throws himself off the roof
DaSkreechor E I think03:54
=== DaSkreech bets it would work under XFCE as well
LjLdunno, i don't use gnome :)03:54
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: Just want to know what happens if you try to use apt?03:54
Search4LancerDaSkreech: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=5884.003:54
AMEGALUSXjust out of curiosity, what does everyone here do for a living?03:54
LjLit works under Windows in any case03:54
Search4LancerNothing, absolutely nothing AMEGALUSX03:55
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: so if you run apt-get install something you get that?03:55
DaSkreechAMEGALUSX: Break windows03:55
Search4Lancerif I run apt-get anything I get that03:55
AMEGALUSXlol, break windows?03:55
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: Waht does dpkg -configure -a give you?03:55
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: Waht does dpkg --configure -a give you?03:55
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Search4LancerDaSkreech: nothing03:56
AMEGALUSXare you gusy using konversation or something else?03:57
LjLkonv for me03:57
AMEGALUSXk me too03:57
mrfishhathow do i upgrade to kernel 2.6.1803:57
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Search4Lanceryou climb the highest mountain, you swim the deepest sea...03:57
DeshLjL: Ah I see, on my previous installation I was able to, but I had set the root pass with: sudo passwd root03:58
mrfishhatand after that?03:58
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: Where did you get mldonkey-server from?03:58
DaSkreechDesh: Right that's what we said03:58
LjLDesh: i see... well note that enabling root that was was known to give a couple of (not very serious) problems, at least under breezy03:58
Search4LancerDaSkreech: how the heck should I know? :D Adept, I believe03:58
LjLwas was = way was03:59
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DeshI wish I could get 3d to work. :(03:59
DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: Should I do the pyscho thing and install it to see if it goes crazy?03:59
D0M1N8R__basically I setup 3G partition as thats the min requirement and planned on setting up just a hand full of stuff on it and use a large partition to keep all my files on. Im using 91% of the partition with nothing really installed.03:59
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qalimasIs there a KIOSlave for opening .tar.gz files as folders?03:59
D0M1N8R__Im curious to know what is taking up so much room03:59
=== DaSkreech falls on knees. Nooooooooooooooooooo! Why ubotu why?????
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DeshYeah, ubotu failed me before as well.04:00
DaSkreechD0M1N8R__: OS and few thousand applications along with documentation for said applications04:00
AMEGALUSXdomo arrigoto mr. ubotu04:00
DaSkreechD0M1N8R__: Hope you have /home partition04:00
AMEGALUSXfor nothin....04:00
Search4LancerDaSkreech: I wouldn't recommend it. At least, not until someone comes up with a solution for it.04:01
DeshArgh, I can't live w/o Half Life 2!04:01
AMEGALUSXyou can play HL2 on Linux?04:02
DeshYes, but I would nee my 3d to work.04:02
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AMEGALUSXwhat vid card you have?04:02
DeshAti Mobility Radeon 9700 128mb04:03
AMEGALUSXwhere do you even get HL2 for linux?04:03
DeshNo, I have the Win32 version.04:03
DeshI used to play it on XP.04:03
AMEGALUSXand you can install in in linux?04:03
DeshWIth Wine or Cedega04:04
AMEGALUSXoh ok04:04
Search4LancerI'm tempted to just delete (or move, in case deleting totally kills everything) every single thing on here named mldonkey-server and see if that helps04:04
AMEGALUSXoh yeah, ive heard about cedega04:04
qalimasHow do I enable the tar:/ kioslave?04:04
DeshBut my wine is not showing up in my menus.04:04
AMEGALUSXforgot about that04:04
claydohAMEGALUSX: plus sometimes a bit of tweaking04:04
AMEGALUSXdoes it decrease performance with the overhead?04:04
claydohbut it runs OK for me04:04
Search4Lanceryou whip it, qalimas. whip it til it's nose bleeds.04:04
DeshNever actually tested, never got 3d working.04:04
AMEGALUSXhow about for you claydoh?04:04
claydohdunno, never played it in windows04:05
AMEGALUSXis it fast for you on linux?04:05
Deshclaydoh: what do you use to play it? Cedega or Wine?04:05
claydohtransgaming.org's forums are good for info and ideas on what you may have trouble with04:05
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DaSkreechSearch4Lancer: Is mldonkey running now?04:06
claydohcedega, never did get it going in wine, but I will try again when the next wine version comes out04:06
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=== claydoh may compile it himself if he gets bored
Deshclaydoh what card do you use?04:06
claydohnvidia gf 620004:07
AMEGALUSXhow do I install a package that i downloaded?04:07
AMEGALUSXnot using a package manager or anything?04:07
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h3sp4wndpkg -i04:07
claydohI can get 40-60 fps in cedega if I twek my xorg, enable fastwrites, and tweak the game settings/cedega settings04:07
LjLAMEGALUSX: though before installing it... are you positively sure it's not in the repos?04:08
LjLinstalling "foreign" packages can cause damages in some cases04:08
DeshHow do I see my framerate with glxgears?04:08
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LjLespecially when they were intended for debian04:08
AMEGALUSXnah, im not actually installing anything right now, i was just asking in general04:08
DeshAnd how fast are they supposed to move?04:08
=== DaSkreech can't get xfishtank working
LjLDesh: glxgears --yesiknowthisisnotabenchmark, or something similar04:08
claydohuse this command : "glxgears -printfps"04:09
AMEGALUSXso i would just type dpkg -i in konsole?04:09
LjLthey're not supposed to move at any specific rate, since it's not a benchmark ;)04:09
LjLAMEGALUSX: no - dpkg -i followed by the file name04:09
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LjLand preceeded by sudo04:09
ubotuhmm... avi is Video for Windows. For more info http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:09
claydohits ok for testing driver changes/settings/ etc04:09
claydohglxgears, rather04:09
AMEGALUSXand this not only extracts, but also installs, correct?04:09
DeshHow odd, I am using the normal ati driver and it seems like I have 3d..04:10
LjLAMEGALUSX: yes, but it doesn't install any required dependencies04:10
Desh4000+ FPS04:10
AMEGALUSXwhats a required dependency04:10
LjLAMEGALUSX: a package that the package you're installed needs in order to run04:10
DaSkreechubotu You Lie!04:10
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DaSkreech04:10
LjLlike a library that it needs, or things like that04:10
AMEGALUSXah, gotcha04:10
AMEGALUSXlike a plugin package for example?04:11
LjLonly if that plugin is *required* for the main package to work04:11
spiderwormanyone know how to get xgl working with kubuntu?04:11
kkathmanwould there be restrictions on me using the nvidia drivers in ubuntu, on myu GeForce2 GTS/Pro card?04:11
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AMEGALUSXic, thanks04:11
DaSkreechubotu: tell spiderworm about XGL04:11
kkathmani had some really tough times getting the right video driver under SUSE04:12
LjLAMEGALUSX: for example, try "sudo apt-get install xfce4" (but then answer NO when it asks whether you really want to install, since it's just a test!)04:12
spiderwormDaSkreech: its all about gnome / gdm at that URL and in #ubuntu-xgl, thanks04:12
LjLAMEGALUSX: xfce is a desktop environment like KDE and Gnome. as such, it requires a number of other programs. apt-get would install them for you04:12
michelleindeedGo figure the day I install Kubuntu it becomes outdated.04:12
DaSkreechspiderworm: Yeah it's a bit gnome heavy  :-)04:13
DaSkreech mostly cause compiz-kde doesn't work too well04:13
DeshAs of when is a Mobility 9700 supported by the ati driver?04:13
=== chuckyp [n=histo@adsl-68-76-102-155.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreech You cna use compiz-gnome though04:13
LjLAMEGALUSX: (although i'd normally use "sudo aptitude install xyz" rather than apt-get, since aptitude also *removes* the dependencies for you, the day you decide to remove the package)04:13
DaSkreechThere should be a forum post on XGL and KDE I've herad as well but don't repeat it ;-)04:13
chuckypDownloading kubuntu 6.06 to install now figure i'll give it a try since i've been runing gnome for ever.04:13
chuckypDaSkreech, there is04:13
chuckypDaSkreech, its in the wiki i believe04:13
DaSkreechchuckyp: Welcome04:14
AMEGALUSXLjL, i tried that...this is what i got:04:14
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LjLAMEGALUSX: don't paste here if it's long please ;)04:14
AMEGALUSXCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:14
AMEGALUSXCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:14
AMEGALUSXCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:14
AMEGALUSXCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:14
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LjLAMEGALUSX: oh, that would be because you already have Adept, Synaptic, apt-get or some other package manager running04:14
LjLor dpkg even04:14
DaSkreechchuckyp: Tell spiderworm about it04:15
ubotuStupid Pointless Annoying Messages, or the pork luncheon meat whose name is the acronym of Shoulder of Pork and hAM04:15
AMEGALUSXahh, you are right04:15
D0M1N8R__k having more problems with permissions I think. VMWare wont edit virtual settings. When the settings window appears says read only.04:15
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chuckypspiderworm, ^^^^^^^^^^04:15
D0M1N8R__The vmware files are in /mnt/hda4/04:15
D0M1N8R__Ive already done a chown to my user04:15
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D0M1N8R__and even tried chmod to 77704:16
DeshThis is so weird...04:16
AMEGALUSXBuilding dependency tree... Done04:16
AMEGALUSXE: Couldn't find package xfce404:16
D0M1N8R__but still no luck but if I run as root using kdesu works fine04:16
LjLAMEGALUSX: oh, that's because xfce4 is in the Universe repository, which you probably don't have enabled04:16
AMEGALUSXhow come it coldnt find it04:16
chuckypIf I install ubuntu dapper then install kubuntu-desktop package will it still borkt he menus in gnome up?04:16
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LjLAMEGALUSX: which brings me back to the above question: are you *sure* the package you're trying to install manually isn't in a repo?04:17
chuckypAMEGALUSX, sudo apt-get -f or something like that to fix04:17
LjLchuckyp: no, no, it's just Universe not enabled04:17
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chuckypAMEGALUSX, to fix the locked file unless you arent' using apt-get04:17
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chuckypLjL, sorry i wasn't paying that close of attention04:17
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LjLno worries04:18
LjL!tell AMEGALUSX about repos04:18
LjL!tell AMEGALUSX about easysource04:18
AMEGALUSXLjL, im not really trying to install anything04:18
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ubotuI guess nvidia is Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:18
AMEGALUSXxfce4 is what you suggested i try04:18
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vanRijnre, all04:18
LjLAMEGALUSX: yeah, but before you asked how to install a package that you downloaded manually04:18
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chuckypAnyone  Know if installing kubuntu-desktop on dapper will bork my menus in gnome?  i.e. add all sorts of kde related apps etc...04:19
AMEGALUSXyeah, but that was jsut for future reference04:19
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LjLchuckyp: yes it will04:19
no0tichi, is xgl working on kubuntu?04:19
chuckypLjL, hrm... pooop04:19
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LjLAMEGALUSX: ok, well then - keep Ubotu's links for future reference too. as long as you don't have Universe enabled, you only have access to some 7000 packages. with Universe and Multiverse, that becomes roughly 17000 packages iirc04:19
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LjLAMEGALUSX: so you'd definitely want to triple-check that a program isn't in the repos, before downloading it manually from some external site04:20
chuckypLjL, Well i'm probably going to just finish dl'ng kubuntu then and install that.  I've been playing with gnome for a while now and want to see the other side.04:20
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LjLchuckyp: if doing multiple installations isn't a problem for you then yeah, i would suggest that04:21
AMEGALUSXok, thanks LjL, i appreciate the help..i will ask the bot about universe so i dont have to bother you anymore04:21
AMEGALUSXi am a total noob04:21
michelleindeedI'm more of a noob.04:21
michelleindeedI win.04:21
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chuckypLjL, well i'm just blowing out my old installation.  Its a dual boot machine right now but I havent' been booting to nix that often anymore since bf2.  Been playing a lot of that.04:22
AMEGALUSXoh, LjL, i see youve already told the bot to tell me about universe04:22
IvanTheVikingHey guys, I'm a noob to kubuntu after a while with fedora here... is there a way to upgrade to dapper drake from 5.10 ?04:22
LjLAMEGALUSX: everyone has been. i'm just trying to advance-tell you some things that you may stumble upon later... and that can be hard to fix once the mistake is made04:22
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AMEGALUSXyeah, thanks man04:23
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LjL!tell IvanTheViking about upgrade04:23
IvanTheVikingThank you!04:23
rabbyIvanTheViking you russian?04:23
IvanTheVikingNot at all04:23
IvanTheVikingI'm from the US actually.04:24
IvanTheVikingWhy, rabby?04:24
LjLoff to bed, night04:24
michelleindeedI could be a Viking in my own right04:24
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rabbyIvanTheViking Ivan - russian name :)04:25
AMEGALUSXheres a question, how do i get an actual IRC account04:25
AMEGALUSXi dont even know how i am logged in right now04:25
IvanTheVikingAh, well rabby, Ivan's also a viking name.04:25
IvanTheVikingBut we're o/t so I'll shoosh04:25
AMEGALUSXi just clicked on konversation and it logged me in as my user name for kubuntu04:26
michelleindeedSame here, amegalusx04:26
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AMEGALUSXmichelleindeed: do you have a friend list?04:26
michelleindeedI might be able to answer were I to know what you meant..04:27
DeshOk, if I can get 4000+ FPS on glxgears and planet penguin racer works, does that mean I have opegl and 3d acceleration working correctly?04:27
AMEGALUSXim new to IRC, do you get a friend list?04:27
rabbyIvanTheViking: Has understood04:27
michelleindeedI am new to IRC as well, as about ten minutes ago I had never used it04:27
IvanTheVikingDesh : yes.04:27
AMEGALUSXmichelleindeed: a list where you can add people you meet on IRC04:28
michelleindeedI don't know04:28
DeshIvanTheViking: Is it normal for glxgears to give an error and still show them working?04:28
IvanTheVikingDesh : another way to test is to glxinfo | grep direct04:28
IvanTheVikingSee if you have direct rendering or not.04:28
AMEGALUSXim guessing you are new to04:28
michelleindeedYes, I am04:28
AMEGALUSXare you new to linux?04:28
michelleindeedI just installed Kubuntu a week ago, and I had never used IRC while I was running Windows04:29
AMEGALUSXi just installed kubuntu today04:29
DeshNo ctx->FragmentProgram._Current!!04:29
Deshdirect rendering: Yes04:29
DeshWHat does the first line mean?04:29
DeshIvanTheVIking: You know more about this than I do, can I PM you something?04:30
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IvanTheVikingDesh : sure.04:30
IvanTheVikingDesh : I will advise you, most of my knowledge stems from Gentoo Linux...04:30
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DeshIvanTheVIking: Ok I Pm'ed you04:32
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DaSkreechnoob :-)04:34
vanRijnI'm unable to use sound on my dapper laptop (powerpc).  something just recently broke, since it did use to work.  I get this:  ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:819:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave, Failed to register plugin: /usr/lib/alsaplayer/output/libalsa_out.so.  anyone else seeing this?04:35
kkathmanare there nvidia install instructions for Dapper as opposed to Breezy?04:35
vanRijnokay, let me ask that differently then04:35
kkathmanthe one mentioned in ubotu is dated04:35
vanRijndoes anyone know if/when alsa 1.0.11 is being planned on making it into ubuntu?04:35
IvanTheVikingkkathman : try the nvidia installer ?04:36
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kkathmanis that in Dapper?04:36
IvanTheVikingNo, that would be from nvidia's site, unfortunately I am not running dapper. It's what I've used in the past in other distros though.04:36
kkathmanthere is a specific instruction set for Breezy via ubotu, but its based on packages in Breezy04:36
BrigadierFrogis there some wiki article on how to upgrade to 3.5.204:37
BrigadierFroger 3.5.304:37
kkathmanwell there were packages in Breezy installable via apt-get04:37
BrigadierFrogit won't let me install them04:37
BrigadierFrogsomething about being held back04:37
ubotunvidia is, like, Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:37
BrigadierFrogoh I see, needed a dist-upgrade04:38
BrigadierFrognot just a regular upgrade04:38
DeshThis is all very odd...04:38
kkathmanHawkwind:  yes I did that...its out of date,, like most of ubotu's stuff right now04:39
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DeshIvanTheViking: did you get my PM?04:40
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Hawkwindkkathman: That was for me pesonally :)04:40
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IvanTheVikingDesh: yes04:40
IvanTheVikingand I have responded04:40
kkathmanah okie dokie Hawkwind :)04:40
IvanTheVikingif you run glxgears without the -showfps option, do you still get an error?04:40
DeshIvanTheVIking: Yes, same error.04:41
IvanTheVikingDesh : well I do not know exactly what the error means, but if your OpenGL apps do not complain and work fine, I would ignore it.04:41
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DeshIvanTheVIking: Ok thanks. One question, see I have an Ati Mobility Radeon 9700, fglrx always reported Mesa as the Open GL thingy, but now, with the "ati" driver, well I am getting glxgears and planet penguin racer to work...so I am confused, should I try to get fglrx working as its supposed to or should I stick with this driver?04:43
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IvanTheVikingDesh : here's where you make the call, ATI's support for linux isn't all that great from what I have heard, but I do not own an ATI card. I cannot tell you which works better.04:44
james_xxxkubuntu is really starting to tick me off lol. i had had k/ubuntu on this computer for a month or so... switched from ubuntu to kubuntu, upgraded from breezy to dapper, and upgraded to KDE 3.5.3. However, after having upgraded to 3.5.3, the first thing I noticed was that screen savers no longer worked. Then I realized that #D graphics no longer worked. I finally did a fresh reinstall a few days ago. Things were fine for about 2 days...04:44
james_xxxger work...04:44
IvanTheVikingDesh : If this setup works, stick with it.04:44
chuckypIs there a fix for the borked menus in gnome after installing kubutnu-desktop?04:44
DeshIvanTheVIking: Ok, thanks. :)04:45
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james_xxxi was wondering if anyone had any clues as to what is going on with my graphics.... i have a brand new dell desktop with an integrated intel video card04:45
IvanTheVikingDesh : quite welcome, I hope it works out.04:46
QbyteI guess nobody knows, James =D04:47
james_xxxQbyte: possibly not04:48
james_xxxthis is a weird issue. if i can't fix it this time, i am switching distros04:48
QbyteI gave up on getting my broadcom wireless to work04:48
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Qbyteended up switching to another card04:48
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james_xxxQbyte: wireless can be touchy04:48
QbyteHave you tried it in suse?04:49
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AMEGALUSXi just used synaptic to download a game called tetrinet and i installed it but i dont know where it is now04:49
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AMEGALUSXcan anyone help me?04:49
james_xxxQbyte: my graphics work fine with kubuntu... for a while, maybe a week. mine worked fine last night, but to day they don't04:49
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AMEGALUSXwhere would it be located?04:49
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Qbyteameg: do a seaarch for it04:49
Qbytejames: I am assuming that you've rebooted numerous times and all that jaz04:50
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AMEGALUSXi did, but it doesnt tell me what menu the program would be located under04:51
AMEGALUSXwhen i use Adept, the program appears in its appropritate category on my start menu04:51
Qbyteuse the locate command?04:52
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james_xxxi have another major issue with kubuntu.... and again it involves video. i CONSTANTLY have to re-configure power saving for my monitor. i usually set it to 30 minutes. but i have to set it, set it and re-set it continually.04:52
james_xxxQbyte: yes, i have rebooted04:53
IvanTheVikingjames_xxx, this sucks but you can add lines to your xorg.conf to manually set the timeouts04:53
james_xxxIvanTheViking: have you heard of anyone else with these issues?04:53
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QbyteJames: I feel your pain, bro.  Shit like this is an example of how far linux still has to go but you've gotta admit that it's WAY better than even a year ago04:54
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IvanTheVikingJAmes_xxx : yes, me. I never could use the KDE setting on any machine I have setup, be it in gentoo, debian, k/ubuntu or fedora to timeout the monitor for some reason.04:54
james_xxxIvanTheViking: i see. it is a good way to ruin a monitor.04:54
IvanTheVikingJames: I always had to add lines to my xfree86/xorg.conf files over the years to manually do DPMS timeouts (google)04:54
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beavishey , can anyone tell me why the 6.06 takes up almost 1gig of ram without almost any apps running?04:55
james_xxxIvanTheViking: i love a lot of things about KDE, but maybe instead of switching distros, it is KDE i need to scrap.04:55
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IvanTheVikingbeavis, check that its not being used as disk buffering.04:56
QbyteJames - did you get your card working on any other distro's with KDE installed?04:56
IvanTheVikingJames : gnome never did it right either.04:56
beavisIvanTheViking: how can i check that , im kind of new04:56
chuckypis there a netinstall anywhere?04:57
_johnhey there we've got amarok running but adpet wont run because it complains of some other process already using it and I think it is because of a lock file somewhere.  2 days ago, after the upgrade to dappper, went into adpet and fif a full upgrade and then apply changes and then it only got ot 52% and it basically stopped there saying   could not commit. any pointers please04:57
IvanTheVikingbeavis : I think its in ksysguard.04:57
james_xxxIvanTheViking: i can  live without screen savers, and i can do the xorg.conf thing, but having the 3D graphics just quit a week or 2 after each install is unacceptable.04:57
IvanTheVikingJames : that is silly. I never ran an intel based card in linux, I don't know how to fix them, sorry04:58
beavisIvanTheViking: thats what im looking at , anything specific i need to look at?04:58
QbyteI missed it, James, what card are you having trouble with?04:59
IvanTheVikingbeavis: physical memory, should be color coded04:59
beavisIvanTheViking: yes , i have 3 colors04:59
BluDog_Anchoriteany idea why i would be recieving a "sudo: timestamp tpp far in the future : june 9 02:24:34 3006"04:59
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james_xxxQbyte: i am not sure exactly what it is anymore. i am using the 1810 driver05:00
IvanTheVikingbeavis: blue is actual ram used05:00
IvanTheVikingbeavis : yellow is the cache05:00
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beavisIvanTheViking: yeah , the yellow takes up like 500megs05:00
james_xxxi mean, i would go to walmart and buy an nvidia geforce card if i thought that would solve this issue, but i am not sure that it would05:01
IvanTheVikingbeavis : how much crap do you have running ;) , look in the processes05:01
IvanTheVikingjames : nvidia linux support is killer.05:01
QbyteATI is pretty much a sure bet05:01
_johnany pointers on how to unlock adept05:01
_johnor where to find a lock file05:01
james_xxxQbyte: i have heard that ATI support for linux sucks05:01
Qbytenoot any of the cards that I've ever encountered05:02
beavisIvanTheViking: just what comes with the standard install, nothing else05:02
Qbytenever had a problem05:02
_johnor what to do when it only gets 52% of the way basically hangs and the box is then pwoer cycled05:02
IvanTheVikingbeavis : that's quite odd, look in the process table and sort by mem use, see what's burning it up05:02
james_xxxQbyte: i have kubuntu on my laptop, too, and it has an ATI rage card... it does seem to work fine05:02
IvanTheVikingjames: stick to one less than newest and ATI's ok, nvidia is the same.05:02
beavisIvanTheViking: im suposed look at VMSIZE?05:03
QbyteI agree, Ivan - linux does best with one gen older of pretty much any card that it supports well05:03
james_xxxQbyte: i doubt that the intel card i have is exactly cutting edge.05:03
Qbytethe last part of my sentence said any card that it supports well - Intel isn't on that list ;)05:04
james_xxxthis computer was the cheapest thing dell had six weeks ago05:04
Dasnipa`gah dell... dells are gay05:04
IvanTheVikingbeavis : the other one05:04
Dasnipa`dell is so very very proprietary05:04
beavisIvanTheViking: VMRSS?05:04
IvanTheVikingbeavis, another handy app is a console one, top.05:04
IvanTheVikingbeavis yes, I think that's what I am thinking about05:05
james_xxxDasnipa`: maybe so, but i got a lot for $45005:05
IvanTheVikingbeavis : example, firefox-bin is whoring up 112 MB of memory on my machine.05:05
james_xxxhow long does it take to put a new graphics card in?05:05
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IvanTheVikingjames: 2 minutes.05:05
QbyteFor me?  About 2.6 minutes .. give or take ;)05:06
Dasnipa`except how much of that hardware is modified with dell 'extra features' like that one chip that dell modded to fail after certian amt of time05:06
BluDog_Anchoritehow can i change the sudo timestamp05:06
QbyteIvan has me beat by .6 minutes05:06
james_xxxIvanTheViking: and with kubuntu , it should be recognized immediately, i imagine?05:06
Dasnipa`notice nothing ever came of that dell had ways to get around it all05:06
beavisIvanTheViking: kdesktop 112, xorg 61, kicker 39,kopete 28, knqueror 25, konversation 22 etc.05:06
IvanTheVikingjames : not nvidia or ati, those use closed source stuff. You'd need to add a driver and change an xorg.conf line05:06
IvanTheVikingbeavis : kdesktop is taking alot of memory are you using a HUGE wallpaper or something?05:07
QbyteIf it's a new install, I'd just reinstall .. but that's because I'm lazy05:07
james_xxxIvanTheViking: if i run easyubuntu and install the nvidia drivers, THEN install my card, should things be ok?05:07
beavisIvanTheViking: no just one that comes with the kubuntu05:07
IvanTheVikingjames : I think, I don't use kubuntu on my desktop, can't help you there. I was in here to help my g/f out with her 1st kubuntu install05:08
beavisIvanTheViking: but i run 1680x105005:08
james_xxxthe thing is, i would not be surprised if i installed a new graphics card, but still wound up having the same issues i have right now05:09
IvanTheVikingjames : I have always used an nvidia card in my machines and never had a hitch, in gentoo, debian, and fedora. I wouldn't imagine a problem with kubuntu.05:10
IvanTheVikingbeavis : I don't see why it is hogging that much then05:10
james_xxxok, i may go to walmart tonight yet, and get another card05:10
QbyteJames: If you have the same problems after a new fully supported graphics card is installed, I'd be surprised05:11
james_xxxbut...i'll accidentally get some new , as of yet unsupported card lol05:11
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IvanTheVikingjames : geforce FX 5200 's are cheap05:11
IvanTheVikingand work well :-D05:11
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Qbytethere ya go05:11
IvanTheVikingjames : before you go, pop open the machine, and see if you have an AGP or PCI-E slot for the graphics05:12
james_xxxIvanTheViking: would those still be in walmarts? ( i hate walmart, but they are still open )05:12
Qbyteuse Ivan's credit card, too05:12
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sdolnackwho iss good wit zee amaroK?05:12
IvanTheVikingQbyte : touche ;)05:12
sdolnackI want to make it show tracknumbers05:12
_johnhmm i cant find anything on kubuntu.org wikis or documentation about unlocking adept, any pointers or specifics would really be appreciated05:12
sdolnackbut can anyone recommend a gui to encode flac files?05:13
james_xxxIvanTheViking: is it possible that a new desktop would NOT have those slots?05:13
sdolnackliek flac frontend but for linux?05:13
Qbyte_john: ps -A05:13
DeshHas anyone ever gotten Ragnarok Online to run in Linux?05:13
Qbytelook for the PID of the process and kill it05:13
IvanTheVikingjames : quite. It is a ghey dell05:13
james_xxxIvanTheViking: i have no idea what to look for....05:14
IvanTheVikingjames : google pictures05:15
DeshWhat is the most demanding 3d game I can find in Adept?05:16
sdolnack3d chess!!05:16
_johnQbyte: adept is not listed in the list of processes05:16
DeshTribes does not load up :(05:17
_johnI think there is a lock file somewhere05:17
DeshNeither does Ragnarok Online05:17
IvanTheVikingif it has it : quake 2 or 3, doomsday, ut200405:17
DeshStupid bouncing icons05:17
IvanTheVikingdoomsday with all the foo crap turned on hits an fx5900 hard.05:17
DeshHmm...Linux UT2004 demo....05:17
DeshTime to test how well my 3d works..05:17
DaSkreechmmm UT2007 linux demo05:18
beavisis there a process guide for kubuntu , so i can shut down whatever i dont need to free uo ram?05:19
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DeshYeah, Tribes told me I needed 120mb of free Ram or something like that...05:19
IvanTheVikinguse with caution.05:20
DeshFor video editing, I would need 3d rendering, no?05:20
Qbyte_john: check /var/cache/apt/archives05:20
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IvanTheVikingdesh : no.05:21
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DeshIvanTheKing: Oh, because Cinelerra ran like crap before.05:21
DeshOn Breezy05:21
Desh*IvanTheViking o_O05:21
james_xxxIvanTheViking: this computer has 2 available card slots.... would they likely be AGP or PCI-E, or could they be something else?05:22
IvanTheVikingThat's odd, Desh.05:22
IvanTheVikingjames : send me a link to the dell page you got it from plz05:22
DeshOk, I want to install Cinelerra, they have versions for Athlon and P4 processors, and i386 processors, I am running i386 kernel on 32bit Kubuntu on a 64bit AMD...05:23
DeshWhat should I use?05:23
IvanTheVikingdesh: I never did use that program, do you know what video output backend(s) it uses?05:23
DeshIvanTheViking: No clue05:23
IvanTheVikingdesh: athlon. Why 32 bit? Use the 64bits man, its faster05:23
DeshIvanTheViking: I would, but my WLAN driver is 32bit05:24
james_xxxIvanTheViking: http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&oc=DB110C&s=dhs05:24
QbyteI"m running 32 bit on the AMD64, too.  I didn't notice any real speed difference05:24
IvanTheVikingDesh: what driver?05:24
Qbyteand I get better driver support for the laptop in 32 bit05:24
beavisIvanTheViking: so what does the cached ram mean and whats it for??05:24
IvanTheVikingQbyte : I have an AMD64 machine, when it comes to transcoding video, the difference is there.05:24
IvanTheVikingeveryday use, nah.05:25
QbyteThat's probably true - I don't game much on this thing and I don't do any editing, either05:25
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IvanTheVikingbeavis : google, please ;) I am typing like a madman ;)05:25
Qbyteall of my games are on the windowz partition05:25
DeshIvanTheViking: Video driver?05:25
l091548good evening all05:26
beavisIvanTheViking: oookokokokok05:26
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NthDegreeDesh, AMD64 rocks only use other architectures on slackware or gentoo :)05:26
IvanTheVikingDesh : nah, curious what WLAN driver is holding you up.05:26
QbyteGoogle knows all05:26
IvanTheVikingGentoo is actually what I running now : shhh :-P05:26
Deshbcmwl5 or something like that.05:26
beemeranyone know why my wireless (usb) is showing as eth2 instead of wlan0?05:26
_johnQbyte: there is tonnes of stuff .deb in var/cache/apt/archives05:26
IvanTheVikingNot going to ndiswrapper a windows driver in ?05:26
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Qbytebcmwl5 is the broadcom wireless05:26
DeshIt never worked when I tried 64bit Breezy05:27
IvanTheVikingAh, I am using ndiswrapper atm to use the windows driver on my acer laptop.05:27
_johnI found and deleted 3 lock files from /var/lib/ apt aptitude and dpkg05:27
DeshAnd this was my gaming rig...I miss my Half Life 205:27
Qbyte_john: any luck?05:27
IvanTheVikingDesh : you try wine or cedega?05:27
DeshI tried wine for Tribes and Ragnarok Online, it didn't even open them up..05:28
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DeshIt does open up small stuff like the installer for RO or the setup, but not th actual game05:28
_johnwell I tried adept again and I get the database is locked05:28
Desh_john: did you try from the Konsole: sudp apt-get update05:29
IvanTheVikingUsing the latest wine's from the winehq builds?05:29
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IvanTheVikingNo pointers either in the database either I imagine.05:29
DeshNot sure if the 3d acc may have something to do with it05:29
IvanTheVikingI know my roomie had HL2 in linux.05:29
james_xxxIvanTheViking: i guess that link didn't really tell you much, huh05:29
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IvanTheVikingjames : looking now, sorry.05:30
james_xxxIvanTheViking: no problem at all05:30
DeshWhat does it mean when you click install a package and it says: BREAK (install)05:30
_johnwell command line apt-get update seems to have started processing and just choked05:31
QbyteDesh: it means that it will break a dependancy if you install it so it stops you05:31
DeshOh...why would Cinelerra do that?05:32
DeshSytupid Cinelerra..05:32
QbyteOne of the libs, maybe?05:32
IvanTheVikingjames_xxx : http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/dim1100/en/SM/specs.htm#wp107675205:32
IvanTheVikinglook for yourself ;)05:32
_johnE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:33
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Qbyte_john - and what happens when you run that command?05:33
Deshlibmpeg3hv also would Break something...?05:33
_johnso I run dpkg --configure -a    (i already did a sudo bash) and05:33
Shaezschewhat exactly do newer kernels mean? do they add hardware support? is 2.6.12 too old?05:33
Shaezscheis it just stability fixes? security?05:33
IvanTheVikingMany fixes in the kernel05:33
_johnits gpoing through a long list of setting up05:33
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IvanTheVikingbut, the rule is for kernels05:34
IvanTheVikingif its working fine, leave it usually for now.05:34
TheNewsmanive lost all the toolbars in the chat window on kopete, how do i get em back =\05:34
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IvanTheVikingunless you *know* something is in there.05:34
_johnwithout mentioning if it succeeded or not as it goes onto the next one05:34
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james_xxxIvanTheViking: i take it that means that i DO have the necessary slots? (PCI)05:34
Qbytewww.kernel.org does a nice job or talking about the kernel changes05:34
Shaezschewell, do they add better hardware detection?05:34
_johnevery thinf it is setting up has this beside it   3.5.3-0ubuntu0.105:35
Shaezscheor is that the external application's job05:35
_johnis that correct for dappper05:35
IvanTheVikingjames : wrong again. You have standard PCI slots. Those suck for video. You *can* find PCI low end Geforce cards, but the performance isn't hot. The intel graphics aren't any good anyways, so I would think it would be an upgrade anyways.05:35
Qbytewow, not a good scenario, James05:36
Qbytenow you know why the system was so cheap05:36
IvanTheVikingits a un-upgradeable machine05:36
james_xxxIvanTheViking: what really sucks is the fact that 3D graphics DO work on here with kubuntu.... for a week or so... then quit for no apparent reason05:36
Qbyte_john, I'd only worry if you get errors05:37
IvanTheVikingjames : you get any errors in dmesg?05:37
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IvanTheVikingor for that matter, in a console when you run 3d apps05:37
james_xxxIvanTheViking: i do not know what to look for05:37
_johndo you mean like this one Resolving aleron.dl.sourceforge.net... failed: Connection timed out05:37
DeshHmm...I wonder how well VIsta Beta 2 works.05:37
IvanTheVikingjames : open a console.05:37
IvanTheVikingtype in dmesg | more05:37
QbyteJames: is it possible that it's the video card being flaky and not the OS?05:37
IvanTheVikingread away.05:37
Qbyteit IS a cheap computer05:37
IvanTheVikingalso, check the xorg logs in /var/log (usually where they are, kubuntu might be different)05:38
Qbytebecause your caplocks are on? ;)05:38
IvanTheVikingDesh : try manually installing it.05:38
_johnor perhaps this error  All done, errors in processing 1 file(s)05:38
_johndpkg: error processing msttcorefonts (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 105:38
DeshNo actually I used shift then05:38
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_johnits since gone on to more of the setting up stuff05:40
Qbyte_john: I'd just let it do what it's doing and try running adept again once it's done05:40
Qbyteignore any errors unless it doesn't fix it05:41
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sdolnackdoes anyone know how to make the progress bar wider in amaroK?05:43
sdolnackit's waay too small05:43
Ranma2264Hi to all Im using kde 3.5.3 How do i get icons in system tray to display in two rows instead of one?05:44
james_xxxok i am just going to re-install kubuntu again.... the idea that this graphics card works for a while and then quits is retarted05:44
_johnwell how about that - Adept seems to be running but it looks different than last week05:44
IvanTheVikingjames_xxx : it'll just shite out again.05:45
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NthDegreei prefer synaptic05:45
james_xxxIvanTheViking: that makes no sense. if it works, it shoud work05:45
IvanTheVikingjames_xxx: finding out why is the key, have you tried to google a solution?05:45
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IvanTheVikingjames_xxx: I agree. I think it might be a bad card. Did you update something before it died?05:45
james_xxxIvanTheViking: the card has no issues in windows05:46
Hikaru79How can I disable some of the tty's that are on by default? Kubuntu seems to come with like 6 of them, when I only need one or two. How can I turn the rest off? Anyone know? Thanks in advance =)05:46
IvanTheVikingjames_xxx: always is the case with dells05:46
IvanTheVikingjames_xxx : google your card linux and see what comes up05:46
james_xxxIvanTheViking:  there is an actual linux driver for this card made by intel, but i do not know how to install it05:47
_johnok so I cant find koffice in this adept05:47
james_xxxIvanTheViking: i am also unsure if i should install it lol05:48
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_johnthere are several openoffice.org packages but no koffice05:48
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IvanTheVikingjames_xxx : I agree. run lsmod in a console, see if the intel driver is installed. If not, install it, and change your xorg.conf file05:48
IvanTheVikingjames_xxx: if your gui dies, then you'd reinstall linux anyways, right? :-P05:48
_johnwas koffice removed from dapper?05:48
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RawSewageit's not in Dapper.  I dont know if it was removed05:49
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RawSewageI dont remember it being in Breezy05:50
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michelleindeedIvan, Breezy is the one I have, yes?05:50
RawSewageoh wait, I only had Gnome in Breezy05:50
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IvanTheVikingyes michelle.05:50
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james_xxxwhen i run lsmod, it says "agpgart                34888  2 intel_agp" what does that mean?05:51
IvanTheVikingmichelle, we'll update your install of kubuntu next week to the newest one.05:51
michelleindeedCan you upgrade me to Dapper next week,05:51
IvanTheVikingintel_agp is the intel agp driver05:51
michelleindeedNevermind, you read my brain.05:51
rredd4when I install kubuntu, is there a way to install the 686 kernel instead of the 386 kernel?05:51
IvanTheVikingagpgart is what linux uses to communicate with video card on agp.05:51
james_xxxIvanTheViking: so it does not mean i have an agp slot?05:51
IvanTheVikingjames_xxx: it means there's an AGP bus on the motherboard, you're using AGP, there's just no slot to tap into it.05:52
michelleindeedDid you ever figure out what the issue with my webcam is? Or is it just that's it's so cheapo?05:52
IvanTheVikingjames_xxx : | grep intel of that thing.05:52
IvanTheVikingmichelle : its a crappy cam, could be the driver.05:52
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Reivechas anyone tried installing kubuntu 6.06 on a system running raid 1 that already has XP loaded?  I would like to dual boot and not have to mess up what I currently have (partitions are already made)05:53
magicbronsonoff-topic (sorry): can anyone recommend a good place to sell my kubuntu machine?05:54
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_johnis there an automonut of some sort for the floppy drive?05:55
IvanTheVikingmichelle : see if anyone here has an issue with it ;)05:56
Lord_DeviHow does a person release the apt-get database if it's locked again? (adept crashed earlier and now i can't use it)05:56
michelleindeedI don't even know what kind of a cam I have ;)05:56
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sdolnackanyone have a good suggestion for a FLAC encoder gui?05:57
_johnE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:57
_johnLord_Devi: I had the same prob;lem05:57
Lord_DeviOh ok. and ALL that does is reinit the database?05:57
IvanTheVikingsdolnack : for cd ripping or for just straight .wav encoding?05:57
sdolnackwav encoding05:57
sdolnackfor cd ripping im gonna use EAC in my winxp partition05:57
=== Lord_Devi gives it a try, Thanks John
_johnLord_Devi: on the command line I htink you need to sudo apt-get update05:57
IvanTheVikingsdolnack : you can just use grip in linux to do the same, and flac it right in there.05:58
IvanTheVikingEAC is an awesome program though.05:58
sdolnackyeah but it's not as secure as EAC05:58
_johnthen the dpkg --configure -a05:58
sdolnackonly eac rips with regards to caching audio data05:58
IvanTheVikingI realize this, it is the only program I miss from windows, really.05:58
sdolnackso i guess it doens't run in wine?05:58
sdolnacklike friggin LDC++05:58
sdolnackwhich is the program I miss most myself05:59
IvanTheVikingNot that I know of.05:59
IvanTheVikingThe thing needs raw hardware access iirc.05:59
IvanTheVikingand to flac, I just use the command line anyways :-P05:59
sdolnackhow do i do batch files though?05:59
magicbronsonsomeone here recommended DVD rip-o-matic to me for backing up my dvd's. i see a download link on the kde-apps.org page (http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=21455), but is there some way to find out if it's packaged in some repo so i can track it?05:59
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_johnso im trying to install openoffice with adept and I just go this error05:59
sdolnackwrite a script?05:59
_johnThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.05:59
IvanTheVikingLast year around this time it didn't work!05:59
Lord_Devi_john: Hrm, according to the manpage that configures all unconfigured packages..05:59
IvanTheVikingyes, script I think06:00
r0xzi am trying to encode from CLI and LAME complains with: "lame: -e emp must be n/5/c not set"  I am lost... if anyone has a clue please ping me06:00
Lord_Devii think i did that before, and it buggered up my kubuntu install06:00
talljon84Evening all-   What package provides the xmodmap.us file? xmodmap doesn't appear to...06:00
_johnwell it worked fro me after doing the apt-get update first06:00
Lord_Devifor some reason, something i answered while running that dpkg --configure -a, made it so udev stopped working properly among other things :(06:00
IvanTheVikingsdolnack: now how to make it use flac and oggenc from linux ;)06:00
sdolnackhaha yeah!06:01
Lord_DeviWell I'm sure it's cuz i answered something wrong. I just wish I knew what it was, lol06:01
sdolnacki just downloaded tarballs of both oggenc aotuv 4.51 beta06:01
sdolnackand the LAME 3.97b206:01
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sdolnackbut have no clue what to do from there yet06:01
IvanTheVikingI don't think you need to use tarballs06:01
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sdolnackfor lame?06:01
IvanTheVikingyou should be able to install the packages.06:01
sdolnackor oggenc06:01
sdolnackno shit06:01
IvanTheVikingoggenc is already on ubuntu06:02
IvanTheVikingas should be flac06:02
sdolnackflac is yes06:02
IvanTheVikingthose are Open source ;)06:02
IvanTheVikinglame.. enh. Mp3 laws and all might not06:02
sdolnackit's lame 3.96.106:02
sdolnacki gues stha'td do06:02
IvanTheVikingit'll work fine.06:02
IvanTheVikingmp3 encoding hasn't changed much06:02
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IvanTheVikingmight save .001% better.06:03
sdolnacki must say i was thrilled to find flac support outta the box on kubuntu06:03
sdolnacki'm actually listneing to a live Talking Heads recording as we speak06:03
sdolnackor type.  whatever.06:03
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IvanTheVikingMost linux distros should have it I think.06:03
IvanTheVikingGentoo doesn't, but that's a different story.06:03
IvanTheVikingEAC with CDRDAO support.06:03
IvanTheVikingDefine irony in installing that.06:03
DeshWhy would there be an error extracting an archive?06:04
IvanTheVikingBad archive.06:04
DeshThe world hates me..06:04
sdolnacksorry charlie06:04
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beavisi would be happy if i could get a raid running in kubuntu , mandrive has such a good installer but crappy system06:04
sdolnack(wrong window)06:05
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IvanTheVikingGiah, wine 0.9.14 and eac aren't liking each other.06:08
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sdolnackhow the hell is it working accessing the drive and all?06:08
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IvanTheVikingit isn't06:09
IvanTheVikingI get a wine error trying to boot it.06:09
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IvanTheVikingunhandled exception.06:10
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IvanTheVikingits gold on older versions, I am going to roll back06:10
beavisanyone in here got a software raid to work ??06:11
steveklDay changed to 09 Jun 2006 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM06:11
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sheldoncwondering what kind of script stevekl is running06:14
Desh1000 FPS in glxgears = good?06:15
DeshAnd why am I not getting 4000 like I did before?06:15
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_johndarn it adept keeps trying to install the corefonts andale32.exe   and then complainst about msttcorefonts.   how do I fix this or where do I get those fonts installed or tell adept to stop trying to isntall it06:16
Desh_john, that's the end result of the porno-virus -_-06:16
Desh:-P Umm you vould blacklist it06:17
Desh*could - If you're on Dapper that is06:17
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_johnno its micro-soft true-type fonts06:18
_johnbut maybe that andale is seperate06:18
IvanTheVikingpeace everyone.06:19
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_johnso then theres 2 problems andale and msttcorefonts06:19
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_johnwhere can I font the pacakge msttcorefonts for download and then local install06:20
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unix_infidelhey guys, when i run mc inside of aterm it doesnt work too well with garbled output.06:21
unix_infidelbut if i run it in xterm or on console.06:21
unix_infidelworks fine...any ideas?06:21
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defryskunix_infidel, stop using aterm ?06:22
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lasindi[newton] Hi all, I'm trying to set up my Kubuntu machine as a Samba server. I've got basically everything working, but I want to change the workgroup name. I know how to do this in the smb.conf file, but is there a way to do it through the pretty GUI in System Settings?06:24
Healothey buntuans06:25
=== CellarDoor [n=jeremy@d58-105-218-87.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
beavisdoes anyone have a link to a guide for installing XGL/Compiz on ATI cards?06:27
ubotuit has been said that xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"06:27
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DaSkreechSomeone should really have a stats module on ubotu to see what it gets asked the most06:28
DaSkreechI vote for !XGL06:28
defryskDaSkreech, that would be an off topic funtion06:29
defryskso no go06:29
DaSkreechdefrysk: Huh?06:29
CellarDoorI've installed kubuntu 6.06, next xgl06:29
DeshWhat is xgl?06:29
ubotuxgl is, like, "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"06:30
beavisits something cool06:30
beavislike cool windows atc06:30
koshopengl accelerated x system06:30
DeshLike Windows Aero?06:30
koshit allows more of the processing of the desktop to be offloaded from the cpu to the graphics cards06:30
beavisyeah something like that06:30
DeshI want that!06:30
DaSkreechdefrysk: Fun ton?06:30
DeshWhere can I get it?06:30
defryskDaSkreech, function06:31
beavisread the xgi guide , it will tell you where to get it and how06:31
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DaSkreechdefrysk: What would be an off topic function?06:31
DeshAdept :)06:31
beavisyou have ati or nvidia card?06:31
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beavisdamn me too06:32
beavisi cant find a good guide for ati06:32
defrysk<DaSkreech> Someone should really have a stats module on ubotu to see what it gets asked the most06:32
DaSkreechdefrysk: Right06:32
Deshbeavis, for 3d acceleration?06:32
DaSkreechdefrysk: Why is that offtopic?06:33
Deshand opengl06:33
defryskDaSkreech, nm06:33
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sdolnackoh---my god06:34
sdolnacki just drag/dropped amaroK from the taskbar to another desktop06:34
sdolnackthis linux thing06:34
sdolnackit rules so hardcore06:34
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mbm1980Hello, I have a problem with having no sound. I tracked the problem, it seems that my main audio device is the one on my TV capture card (which only outputs to video) and not my onboard device, where do I change the device ALSA/OSS uses?06:36
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defryskmbm1980, turn off the onboard sound in your bios06:37
beavisDesh: i found it06:37
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defryskmbm1980, sorry misread your q06:37
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mbm1980defrysk: Why would I want that? I need to output the sound through that as that is my only option. The TV turner doesn't output anything except video.06:38
beavisDesh: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13125306:38
mbm1980defrysk: okay =)06:38
mbm1980defrysk: I've seen the 'Override device location' option in the system settings dialog, however, I have no clue where my onboard device is locate.06:39
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defryskmbm1980, mybe its the opposite and you need to turn it ON in your bios06:40
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defryskthe on board sound card that is06:40
Desh_My screen went blank randomly!!!!06:40
defryskanyway , gotto walk the dog06:40
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mbm1980defrysk: Nope, because I can select it in KMix, turn up and down the volumes, still the active device is the TV tuner.06:41
mbm1980defrysk: okay, have a nice  walk =)06:41
defryskmbm1980, I'm sure it can be fixed tho :)06:42
mbm1980...if there just were a way to list hardware devices and their location in /dev... *scrathes head*06:42
unix_infidelWhen i try to run mc in aterm i get really garbled output.  But when i run it in xterm or in console i get standard output.06:43
CellarDoorcould someone remind me what the command is to check if my nvidia card is being used ?06:43
unix_infideldoes anyone know of why this could be happening.06:43
mbm1980glxinfo I think06:44
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_johnhey there does anyone know what to do about an interface glitch in adept06:44
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_johnit says installation complete but its still isntalling more software06:45
CellarDoorhow do I set direct rendering to be on again ?06:45
CellarDoorI have forgotten :P06:45
_johnit says installation complete because it choked on msttcorefonts which gave a window for OK06:45
_johnthis is the 5 time06:45
_johnbut the 2nd last time i didnt click ok and got to watch the remainder of packages get installed06:46
ubotumethinks nvidia is Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:47
_johnhey the bug report link under the help menu opens a window for Destroyer but the launch wizard button does nothing06:49
hektiskhello...usually when I go to System Settings->Display and try to log into 'Administrator Mode' the box asking me for the root password doesn't appear.  The AM button becomes grayed out, and there's a red outline around where the tabs/settings should be, but there's nothing there and there's no where for me to type my password so I can't change any settings...anyone know why this is happening, or how I can fix this problem?06:52
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uboturumour has it, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"06:56
RawSewageQt: 3.3.606:57
RawSewageKDE: 3.5.206:57
RawSewagekde-config: 1.006:57
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RawSewagewill Kubuntu give us 3.5.3 and the latest Amarok soon06:57
RawSewageor do we do it manually06:57
root_____Evening all.  Anyone had trouble getting custom keyboard shortcuts working in dapper?  For example, I mapped ALT+1 to switch to desktop 1, ALT+2 to desk 2, etc.  Won't take hold.06:57
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GliderMikeAlso, selecting "double click to open files and folders" in mouse settings is set but behavior still stays on single click06:59
ubotusomebody said kde4 was http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html06:59
TheHonki'm loving moving from windows to ubuntu, i've got tons of apps up now, but can i get an itunes replacement for ubuntu 6.06?06:59
DaSkreechRawSewage: Check http://www.kubuntu.org06:59
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Desh_:-O I want xgl, but I'm too lazy to set it up, why can;t I just get it from adept and bam, make it work.07:00
RawSewageyou mean XGL and Compiz07:00
r0xzKsCD doesn't give me any sound, and so does grip. Is there a package i should install?07:00
DaSkreechDesh_: That would be Edgy07:01
DaSkreechDesh if you want it that bad then jump to edgy :)07:01
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Desh_Does it work on Mobility Radeon 9700?07:01
Desh_And like, is it it's own GUI like KDE and Gnome, or an addon?07:02
DaSkreechDesh_: :-) Wow07:02
Desh_You know, you don;t have to make me feel dumb..07:03
DaSkreechDesh_: ok You have an X server07:03
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DaSkreechDesh_: Which serves up windows but as points07:03
DaSkreechLIke this corner is at X,y this corner is X,y07:04
DaSkreechThen you have a window manager on top of that07:04
TheHonkis there an iTunes replacement for ubuntu that'll synch w/ my ipod?07:04
Desh_Oh, like Kde and Gnome?07:04
DaSkreechThat draws it as well as gives it butons and a title bar etc07:04
DaSkreechTheHonk: Amarok07:04
DaSkreechDesh_: Not quite07:04
Desh_I see, Xorg would be the X server, right?07:04
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DaSkreechDesh_: Like kwin or Blackbox07:05
AshexMy Package management system appears to have been broken by java: http://pastebin.com/76912107:05
DaSkreechDesh_: Correct07:05
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DaSkreechOn top of that you have a desktop which is a bunch of connected applications, control panels and HIGs07:05
Desh_So, if I use KDE, what would that be?07:05
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DaSkreechLike Gnome or KDE07:05
CellarDoorHello again all07:06
Desh_I used Blackbox once on another LiveCD...07:06
TheHonkthanks DaSkreech07:06
DaSkreechSo it's XServer -> Window Manager -> Desktop07:06
Ashexanyone have any ideas?07:06
click_wilsonhi again all07:06
DaSkreechTheHonk: No problem07:06
Desh_So what is Kubuntu's window manager?07:06
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DaSkreechDesh_: Right Blackbox has no libraries or guidelines07:06
Desh_I see...07:06
DaSkreechHi _amy_07:06
Desh_So where does Xgl fall in this?07:06
DaSkreechSo XGL is a new Xorg07:07
DaSkreechit replaces it07:07
DaSkreechthen you have a window manager and desktop on top of it07:07
CellarDoorI'm currently working my way through the instructions on how to install xgl on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/Xgl and it says I need to do a dist upgrade... Do I really need to do that if I already have dapper installed ?07:07
DaSkreechDesh_: Kinda badass :)07:07
DaSkreechCellarDoor: Yes07:07
RawSewageis xgl faster?07:07
DaSkreechDesh_: one second07:07
Desh_You need to get Edgy?07:07
_johnnite all07:07
DaSkreechRawSewage: At some things07:07
RawSewageone second faster?07:07
DaSkreechDesh_: No It works on Dapper07:08
CellarDoorDaSkreech: ok... do I need to install kubuntu-desktop ?07:08
DaSkreechCellarDoor: Dist-upgrade doesn't just upgrade toa new distro07:08
CellarDoorDaSkreech: ok07:08
DaSkreechWhat it does it replace entire sub-systems with new ones07:08
DaSkreechCellarDoor: Since you are replacing XOrg with XGL you need to dist-upgrade07:09
TheHonkis there a quick shortcut for moving my focused window to another workspace?07:09
DaSkreechThat way they don't try to run at the same time07:09
Desh_So, if I have 3d now, I MAY screw it up with Xgl?07:09
DaSkreechTheHonk: Right click and move it or drag the taskbar entry to the desktop you want07:09
CellarDoorDaSkreech: thanks for that, youre most helpful and informative :)07:09
DaSkreechCellarDoor: Sure07:09
sdolnackok, it says Swiftfox is my default browser07:10
sdolnackyet links in other apps open in Konqueror07:10
sdolnackhow do i change this07:10
DaSkreechDesh_: ok So once you have an Accelerated X server you need to have a window manager that understands it (to take advantage of it)07:10
TheHonki agree, thanks again DaSkreech, you're helping us all move away from windwos07:10
TheHonkGates can suck it07:10
DaSkreechsdolnack: Umm there is a default apps somewhere in System settings07:10
AshexSo nobody knows how to solve this? http://pastebin.com/76912107:10
=== DaSkreech forgets where right now
sdolnackand that's another thing07:11
Desh_DaSkreech: Such as Kwin?07:11
sdolnackshould iuse system settings or kcontrol?07:11
DaSkreechDesh_: Right except kwin doesn't understand it yet07:11
DaSkreechhowever compiz does07:11
Desh_Ah, I see.07:11
Desh_Can KDE run on compiz?07:12
DaSkreechso we can either move over to compiz or port the compiz capabilites to Kwin07:12
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DaSkreechDesh_: see thats the beauty :) the desktops have a window manager standard07:12
Desh_You mean, to make Xgl run on Dapper?07:12
CellarDoordistro upgrade in progress07:12
Desh_Or for Edgy?07:12
DaSkreechas long as the window manager complies any desktop can use it07:12
DaSkreechcompiz complies :) so you can just swap out kwin for compiz :)07:13
DaSkreechsdolnack: they are the same thing07:13
Desh_Ah, that's good. Is there anywhere I can see a video of Xgl in action?07:13
CellarDoorok thats done... now to the next bit07:13
DaSkreechsdolnack: Different interfaces. Whichever you like better07:13
ubotuxgl is, like, totally, "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"07:13
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DaSkreechPetty videos :)07:13
Desh_Thanks. :)07:14
DaSkreechPretty even07:14
CellarDoorI'm up to "Selecting Xgl packages" now :D07:14
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TheHonkread/write access for NTFS volumes (non-raid)?  I've tried a couple and they don't seem to work07:15
CellarDoorI'll bypass the 'install nvidia-glx' bit as I've already installed that07:15
sdolnackhow do i add files to a .zip folder again?07:15
CellarDooror do I need to do that again ?07:15
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sdolnackhow do i zip whole folders07:16
DaSkreechubotu: tell TheHonk about NTFS07:17
_amy_ok how do I even find my source.list file07:17
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DaSkreechsdolnack: Right click archive I think07:17
DaSkreech_amy_: /etc/apt/sources.list07:17
TheHonk:-) thanks again!07:17
Healotin Kubuntu, there is option to "compress" your file... the popup menu on directory "Archive"07:17
DeathGuppieblah.. the installer, failed to set up a swap space.. I'm hoping it created a swap partition..07:17
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CellarDoor_amy_: and if you forget, you can always type "sources" in konquerors address bar and it will find anything on your system that has "sources" in it for you so you can find it easily if you forget the path07:18
DeathGuppiesplat.. still detecting filesystems..07:18
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DeathGuppieme to..07:19
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admin_ol, algum de meu idioma?07:20
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:20
DeathGuppieall I want is denormgen.. I couldn't get it to work on amd64, so I'm firing up my old dual 1500mhz athlon.. and I was hopin kubuntu would be a fast installer..07:20
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.07:21
HealotPro Favor... admin_07:21
Desh__Ugh there's this file on my desktop that when I try to delete it says the file doesn't exist!!07:21
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.07:21
DeathGuppiethat means your in a time warp somewhere.. hit CTRL-shift in your brain and it will work again..07:22
DeathGuppieor you could try to delet it from the command line..07:23
sdolnackwhat can you peeps tell me about the Paragon NTFS driver07:23
Ashexwhat's the location of the repositories list?07:24
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admin_como entro no #ubuntu-br07:24
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Healotno one in there? admin_?07:24
DaSkreechAshex: /etc/apt/sources.list07:25
AshexThanks DaSkreech07:26
sdolnackso how long's it look like until we get native ntfs write support?07:26
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DaSkreechsdolnack: Right after Microsoft turns over the specs or the code07:26
_amy_ok now I am updating what exactly is Xgl07:27
_amy_in neebie terms plz07:27
leafwHi all. In dapper, right-click on a window frame enables to make the window borderless. It says: you can restore through the special windows operations shortcut, but then it lists no shortcut between the parenthesis!07:27
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DaSkreechDesh__: You wanna take that one?07:27
admin_alguem pode me ajudar?07:27
DaSkreechleafw: try Alt+f307:28
=== _amy_ brb afk
DaSkreechadmin_: alguem is cannot?07:29
Desh__Xgl = :-O!07:29
sdolnackare you serious daskreech?  i thought they were devloping it apart from MS07:29
sdolnackwho will probably never cooperate07:29
leafwDaSkreech : never midn, in System SEttings / Regional and Acc / Keyuboard / keyboard shortuts global one can set it.07:29
DaSkreechsdolnack: Sarcasm is lost on you huh? :)07:30
sdolnackthat didn't sound sarcastic!!07:30
sdolnacksarcasm doens't work in irc07:30
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sdolnackim the most sarcastic fuck you'll ever meet07:30
sdolnackmost sarcastic person07:30
DaSkreechsdolnack: Thank you07:30
sdolnacksometimes my best friends can't even tell when i'm joking07:30
Healotsdolnack, you haven't met RMS?07:30
DaSkreechJorgeLuis: Ask. I'll try and help :(07:30
DaSkreechJorgeLuis: http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr will have to suffice07:31
=== _amy_ back
sdolnackuhh gaim keeps crashing when i send files!07:32
DaSkreech_amy_: Great and Desh went afk07:32
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_amy_i did the apt-get and got it07:33
_amy_but now I have no idea what to do with it07:33
DaSkreechYou read !xgl?07:33
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DaSkreechubotu: tell _amy_ about XGL07:34
ubotuI heard xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"07:34
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sdolnackwhat the heck is the big todo about xgl07:35
sdolnackits apprently not stable07:35
sdolnackand slows your system to a crawl07:35
Desh_afkBut it's cool.07:35
sdolnackwtf is with it07:35
sdolnack...but it's so SO impractical!!07:36
DaSkreechsdolnack: Look at the videos from the novell link on what ubotu said07:36
Desh_afkThat guy's system seemed to run fine...07:36
_amy_I like it07:36
_amy_wanna try it07:36
Desh_afkWell yeah, Windows Aero is impractical, but people like that crap.07:36
DaSkreechsdolnack: It's impractical right now. The idea is very practiacl07:36
DaSkreechDesh_afk: It's the same thing actually :)07:36
lowtechprobably fine on a high end machine07:36
Desh_afkDaSkreech: No Aero lets you move windows, I don;t think it does the cube thing.07:37
DaSkreechlowtech: Nope it works on laptops with a built in video card07:37
Desh_afkThe cube > rotatable windows07:37
DaSkreechDesh_afk: doesn't matter about the cube thing that has nothing to do with XGL07:37
lowtechwhat speed laptops?07:37
DaSkreechThats the window manager07:37
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Desh_afkWhat's the cube thing?07:37
DaSkreechThe window manager07:37
sdolnackwait then what's xgl then?!?07:37
DaSkreechIt does that effect07:37
sdolnacki thoguht that's what xgl was07:38
Desh_afkI want that.07:38
sdolnackthe rotating cube07:38
DaSkreech What XGL is doing is making the video card do the calculations so that it's accelerated07:38
Desh_afkI want the cube thingy.07:38
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DaSkreechYou can do any 3d effect you want07:38
azathothXcellerated Graphics Library07:38
lowtechsomehow i don't think it would be worth it on a 1GHz with i815 video07:38
azathothuses your graphics card to do the onscreen rendering legwork...07:39
sdolnackit seems all glitz though07:39
sdolnackw/ no real purpose other than to look cool07:39
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sdolnackand hog resources07:39
DaSkreechlowtech: Probably not but the cool thing is you can run it (same as running X for ram) it would use less CPU power and you can turn off all the effects you don't want/need/can't handle07:39
azathothoh it is, but if you have a geforce 7800 that you only use for gaming, why not use it on the desktop too?07:39
DaSkreechsdolnack: it has uses07:39
lowtechDaSkreech: exactly, so no real point in it for me07:40
azathothyour desktop will be faster too as it takes any rendering away from the cpu and straight to the gpu, so everything is more repsonsive and less prone to getting bogged down by heavy apps07:40
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DaSkreechsdolnack: For example all the research in video cards are in the 3d realm so you get to use all that stuff for free and makes the computer more efficent07:40
Desh_afkGlx gears never gets old...07:40
Desh_afkCan I make Glxgears run faster?07:40
DaSkreechlowtech: I'm not saying you have to use it :) I'm just saying that it's useful for some people and they can use it on low end hardware07:41
HealotDesh_afk: buy a faster graphics accelerator07:41
lowtechspeaking of glxgears, is there a way to get it to show the FPS?07:41
Desh_afkNo I mean make the gears spin faster?07:41
sdolnackmaybe i config'd it wrong07:41
DaSkreechHealot: You can't always do that07:41
sdolnacki have a dell insprion 9300 with i think a 128 mb Radeon x30007:41
sdolnacka gig of ram07:41
HealotDesh_afk: glxgears depends on hardware acceleration... hence upgrading would do that07:42
sdolnack1.6ghz pentium M (which isn't the same as a 1.6ghz dekstop apparently)07:42
Healotor add more RAM07:42
sdolnackwill i be able to pull it off?07:42
Desh_afkOh, well I have a Mobility 9700 and 1GB ram..07:42
robin____anyone here use zsnes? the sound is cracky any way to fix?07:42
HealotDesh_afk: then it is fast enough07:42
Healotplay some 3D games... see the actual performance, Desh_afk07:43
Desh_afkOh...ok...first time i saw the FPSs I had 4000 FPS now I only have 1000ish07:43
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lowtechin mandriva glxgears showed the FPS but kubuntu doesn't, and i haven't found any options for glxgears to try07:43
Desh_afkglxgears -printfps07:43
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HealotI know an app for this 3D madness... tdfsb... a 3D OpenGL file manager07:44
Desh_afkI get 60-70 fps in penguin racer07:44
Healotit rocks07:44
HealotDesh_afk: FAST...07:44
Healotmine is 9200, only 50-6007:44
Desh_afkOh, o_O07:44
Healotnot sarcsm, REality...07:44
Desh_afkOh ok.07:44
Desh_afkYay!! It works!!07:45
Desh_afkHealot, you use fglrx?07:45
HealotDesh_afk: you 3D maniac07:45
Healotyes... fglrx07:45
CellarDoorhello again all07:45
Healotfrom the kernel stock07:45
Desh_afkThat never worked for me..07:45
noaXessgood morning all...07:45
lowtechDesh_afk: thanks much.07:45
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Desh_afkHealot, somehow, "ati" driver gave me 3d acc, randomly...07:45
noaXessdoes KDE have a rsync frontend?07:45
CellarDoorI'm trying to get compiz going here and I've hit a snag with this gnome-window-decorator07:46
noaXessrsync GUI?07:46
HealotDesh_afk: what do you mean by that?07:46
Healotit always gave 3D acc, with some VideoLayout tweak... even 2D performance07:47
CellarDooris gnome-window-decorator a package I have to install ?07:47
Desh_afkHealot: Well, supposedly, "ati" does not give 3d acceleration, fglrx does, but for me it was the opposite, fglrx always showed mesa OpenGL, never ATI OpenGL, no matter what I did. I got mad, went back to standard "ati" drivers, and bam, glxgears and penguin racer work..07:47
CellarDooranyone ?07:49
Healot"Option" "VideoOverlay" "on" should do it07:49
Healotthe default x driver...07:49
Desh_afkHmm, I dunno..let me see my xorg07:49
HealotDesh_afk: fglrx from the stock kernel?07:49
HealotSection "Device"07:49
Desh_afkHealot: No fglrx07:49
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noaXess07:50
sdolnackany good games to install from the repos?07:50
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Healotbtw... you don;t need that tweak... if you use ati driver07:50
Desh_afksdolnack: planet-penguin-racer07:50
Healotsdolnack: nethack clones and related games07:50
Desh_afkHealot: What tweak?07:50
Healotaddictive geek games07:50
HealotDesh_afk: nvm...07:51
Desh_afkHealot: I am using the standard driver07:51
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, CellarDoor07:51
Desh_afkAnd I don't have the VideoOverlay option07:51
sdolnackwhat is nethack07:51
noiesmoCellarDoor, yes install gnome-window-manager even though your on kde check http://compiz.net07:52
noiesmoCellarDoor, decorator sorry07:52
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CellarDoornoiesmo: but it doesnt come up in the repositories anywhere07:53
Desh_afkHow to I install a .run file?07:53
noiesmoCellarDoor, it's part of another package07:53
defrysk Desh_afk sh blah.run07:53
noiesmoCellarDoor, hang on ill see if i can find07:53
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sdolnackanyone else?07:53
Desh_afkI am learning - I is so proud of me07:53
Desh_afksdolnack - get UT200407:54
Desh_afkSo I can pwn you. :)07:54
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sdolnackanyone ever tried adonthell?07:55
sdolnacki'm not gettin ut2004 lol07:55
jpcdochi everybody07:55
Desh_afkWhy not!?07:55
noiesmoCellarDoor,  sudo apt-get install compiz xserver-xgl compiz-gnome compiz-kde gconf-editor07:55
Desh_afkHi jpcdoc07:55
jpcdocI noob here07:55
Desh_afkAren't we all?07:55
noiesmoCellarDoor, these are the main ones i got for my kubuntu install you on dapper07:55
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noiesmoCellarDoor, Nvidia or ati07:55
noiesmoCellarDoor, quinnstorm packages ??07:56
CellarDoorI think so07:56
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CellarDooradded the sources07:56
noiesmoCellarDoor, ok my system got amd2500 6600GT card also are you 64bit or 32bit07:57
CellarDoorI think the gconf-editor is the only thing not installed07:57
CellarDoorjust installed it07:57
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CellarDoorgnome-window-decorator: Another window decorator is already running07:58
CellarDoorcompiz.real: No composite extension07:58
noiesmoCellarDoor, what cpu you got07:59
CellarDoorI'm finding it a little confusing trying to follow the instructions since they are rather gnome specific07:59
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noiesmook have a look at my howto I did http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/article.php?story=2006060217365863208:00
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sdolnackhow do i run planetpenguin racer08:01
noiesmoCellarDoor, this works for me and used it to set a mates up worked as well but gconf-editor is it there is gset-compiz as well but dont like it as much08:01
DaSkreechnoiesmo: Would you mind if that was added to Ubotu's xgl info blurb?08:01
noiesmoDaSkreech, whats that08:01
ubotuwell, xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"08:01
DaSkreechThat thingy08:01
noiesmoDaSkreech, no I don't that be cool :)08:02
CellarDoornoiesmo: do I need to install gdm ?08:03
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DaSkreechnoiesmo: Alright :)08:03
DeshUT2004 is somewhat laggy. :(08:04
noiesmoCellarDoor, no08:04
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CellarDoorok I'm going to restart... fingers crossed08:14
DaSkreechHope you have a spare computer handy08:14
DeshWhy does UT2004 seem choppy. This does not make me happy. >_<08:16
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DeshSubpar graphics drivers.08:16
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DeshNot even using fglrx, don't work for me.08:17
lowtechwas just curious :)08:17
DeshStandard Xorg driver. Ew.08:17
sdolnackthis penguin racing game is stupid08:17
sdolnackit's too difficult08:17
DeshHmm...I wonder if Wine would run Tribes from COmmand Line Login...08:17
DeshI KNOW!!! I can;t get past the 2nd level.08:17
sdolnacki know08:17
sdolnacksame here08:17
sdolnackpoor level design08:17
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DaSkreechI can get to level 4 pretty easy08:18
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DeshDon;t show off.08:18
DeshI bet I could blow you up in UT200408:18
DeshWhat what!? Let's go!08:18
nixternalanyone successfully install and use the VMplayer from the repositories?08:18
DaSkreechI'm always one second too slow or 3 fish too hungry08:18
Desh:-P, just joshing ya, DaSkreech08:19
DaSkreechDesh: I doubt it :) I'm pretty good once I've played for a week or two08:19
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DaSkreechDesh: Great game though!!!08:19
DeshDaSkreech, you got UT2004 on Dapper?08:19
DaSkreechAnd has a native Linux install!08:19
Deshyeah, same her08:19
DaSkreechNaw someone stole my CD :-(08:19
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DeshDid it run a bit laggy?08:19
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DeshNot laggy, more like, choppy08:20
sdolnacki hope linux has good emulators08:20
DeshMy crap never ends up in my menus. >_<08:20
sdolnackomg zsnes is for linux!!08:20
yannuxHye :)08:20
DeshLuckily I have MGS3:S :-P08:21
threatsdolnack, ?08:21
melkartmy kubuntu-system doesnt turn off the computer after shutting down. how can i make it to do so? i believe the problem is caused by the APM module being unloaded during the shutdown process...08:21
sdolnackthreat: ? what?08:23
sdolnackwhat's the best nes emu for nes?08:23
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sdolnackor fce ultra08:24
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threatsdolnack, where do I get the ROMs from?08:24
sdolnackdo you have aim?08:25
sdolnackwe'll talk about roms on ther e;-)08:25
sdolnackwhat's your screen name08:25
DaSkreechYes please :)08:25
CellarDoornalioth_: I'm getting an error08:25
sdolnackyes please what?08:25
DaSkreechtalk about it off chan08:26
threatsdolnack 47668212, ICQ08:26
sdolnackwell yeah of course08:26
sdolnacki don't have icq :-/08:26
sdolnackhold on08:26
sdolnacklemme find the site first08:26
sdolnacki mean08:26
threataim/icq is basically the same08:26
sdolnackfor uh educiational purposes and all08:26
threatyes "theoretically"08:26
CellarDoornalioth_: tried to log into a compiz session but it says it cant find /usr/local/bin/eyecandy ... but its there :/08:26
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threat"hook me up" for "educational" purpose08:26
noiesmoCellarDoor, did you chmod +x the file oops08:27
threatCellarDoor, permission?08:27
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CellarDooroh sorry, noiesmo... talking to the wrong person there... apologies nalioth_08:27
CellarDoornoiesmo: nope :P08:27
noiesmoCellarDoor, fixing howto right now sorry08:27
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CellarDoorso I'd enter "sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/eyecandy" ?08:28
sdolnackso uhh08:29
sdolnackhow about that legal software :-)08:29
noiesmoyes no "08:29
=== DaSkreech hugs Hobbsee muchly
CellarDoorjust a learner here08:29
Hobbseehey DaSkreech08:29
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DaSkreechsdolnack: You should install vrms :)08:30
CellarDoorok, going for another try08:30
noiesmoCellarDoor, k08:31
HealotVirtual Richard M. Stallman08:31
HealotGNU... gnu08:31
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CellarDoorok I think I'm almost there08:35
Healotnear the CellarDoor?08:35
PyroMithrandirhttp://home.earthlink.net/~pyromithrandir/images/gnu.gif <-- :)08:36
CellarDoorI get as far as "restoring session" but then it hangs08:36
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Desh_Does anyone else have UT2004 on their box?08:36
PyroMithrandirDesh, yeah, I have it08:36
CellarDoornoiesmo: am I missing something ?08:36
Desh_What gfx card?08:37
PyroMithrandirnvidia geforce fx 550008:37
noiesmoCellarDoor, just tring to think08:37
Desh_Ah, and it runs smoothly?08:37
PyroMithrandirwell, it does under windows08:37
noiesmoCellarDoor, check the plugins that order in gconf-editor08:37
Desh_Ah yeah I could run Half Life 2 smoothly under windows, in High settings, but UT2004 is choppy on Linux. :(08:38
PyroMithrandirI only really play it at lan parties, where I stay booted to windows08:38
Desh_Hmm, I should dual boot..08:38
Desh_What program can I use to repartition my drive if all 80 gigs are for Linux?08:38
PyroMithrandirgparted can do it, I think08:39
CellarDoornoiesmo: whereabouts does it show those ?08:39
Desh_Ok, thanks.08:39
DaSkreechWhat's water?08:41
noiesmoDaSkreech, water is plugin from quinstorm repo08:42
noiesmoCellarDoor, did you use the repos I have on my how to08:42
DaSkreechWaht does it do?08:43
noiesmoDaSkreech, http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/mediagallery/media.php?aid=1&f=0&s=18&sort=008:43
noiesmoDaSkreech, looks cool08:43
noiesmoDaSkreech, otherwise totally useless08:43
DaSkreechLIke E! :-)08:43
Hobbsee!tell DaSkreech about add08:44
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CellarDoornoiesmo: yes, looks the same, they are the same as on the ubuntu instructions08:45
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:46
noiesmoCellarDoor, check ls /usr/lib/compiz see if all plugs are listed08:47
=== DaSkreech pokes noiesmo. Try the tinyurl link :)
CellarDoornoiesmo: ah that might be it08:47
noiesmoDaSkreech, nice08:47
noiesmoCellarDoor, they there08:48
DaSkreechAny idea why the  name of OO.o was changed?08:49
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CellarDoornoiesmo: the ones you mentioned ?08:49
HobbseeDaSkreech: from what to what?08:50
CellarDoornoiesmo: no they dont seem to be all there08:50
DaSkreechFrom OO.o <name> to OO.o <function>08:50
noiesmoCellarDoor, then you not using the quinn packages08:50
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noiesmoCellarDoor, in your /etc/apt/sources.list is beerorkid.com and the xgl.ompiz there as per howto08:51
kkathmanHey Hobbsee :)08:51
noiesmoCellarDoor, please check sources.list for beerorkid and if not add as per howto08:51
CellarDoornoiesmo: yes08:51
Hobbseehey kkathman08:52
HobbseeDaSkreech: ah okay.  no idea08:52
noiesmoCellarDoor, ok do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install --reinstall compiz-gnome compiz08:52
DaSkreechnot really critical but kinda disturbing08:53
noiesmoCellarDoor, this will update the apt cache and reinstall the packages might help us fix your system08:53
DaSkreechesp for us poor Alt+space addicts :)08:53
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CellarDoornoiesmo: ok done08:54
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noiesmoCellarDoor, did a heap os schema stuff spam out08:54
CellarDoornoiesmo: yup08:54
noiesmoCellarDoor, ok08:54
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noiesmoCellarDoor, check /usr/lib/compiz08:55
noiesmoCellarDoor, then check gconf-editor and if it looks ok then try again08:55
noiesmoCellarDoor, brb 2 min08:55
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noiesmoCellarDoor, ok how do it look08:57
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lowtechhow do i search the repositories for the ssh server and client?09:00
CellarDoornoiesmo: transset and trailfocus are not there09:00
noiesmoCellarDoor, ok they are obsolete, things i do and not adjust sorry about this but there not needed fixing howto :)09:02
CellarDoorno problem09:02
noiesmoCellarDoor, otherwise its all good try again see if it works now09:02
CellarDoorok here goes09:04
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CellarDoornoiesmo: still hangs at 'restoring session'09:07
noiesmoCellarDoor, bugger09:08
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CellarDoorearlier while trying to follow the ubuntu page I did type this "compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place switcher water &" not sure if it matters at all09:08
ashridahhey. anyone know why amarok-gstreamer doesn't seem to exist on dapper?09:09
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noiesmoCellarDoor, you can do that but you shouldnt have to09:09
noiesmoCellarDoor, most say not to09:09
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crimsun_ashridah: it was removed because upstream GSt engine supports lacks a maintainer iirc09:10
ashridahbecause the amarok-arts package doesn't seem to work, and the amarok-xine package appears, but just zips through all of my music without playing anything :S09:11
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Hobbseeashridah: installed libxine-extracodecs?09:12
ashridahHobbsee: that might help.09:13
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ashridahcurious that arts doesn't show up even tho i've got the package installed tho09:13
Hobbseeit might indeed09:13
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CellarDoornoiesmo: I might try a reboot09:13
noiesmoCellarDoor, ok09:13
Healotdamn sed09:13
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DaSkreechHas anyone played with aiglx yet?09:16
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CellarDoornoiesmo: no change09:18
ashridahHobbsee: much better. thanks09:18
CellarDoornoiesmo: It hangs on "restoring session"... wondering it thats a clue as to whats going on09:18
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Hobbseeashridah: :)09:19
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CellarDoornoiesmo: I'm thinking maybe something I've done from this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/InstallingCompiz is in conflict with something I followed on your page ?09:21
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nmorseI'm guessing there's still no fix to it uninstalling most of kde when you upgrade to dapper?09:23
noiesmoCellarDoor, i'll have a look at your link hang on09:23
DaSkreechnmorse: Huh?09:23
ashridahokay. someone definently needs to adapt "google browser sync" to konqueror :)09:24
nmorseEverytime I attempt to upgrade from breezy to dapper apt-get wants to remove almost all of kde.09:24
ashridahi've been pining for something like that for about three years09:24
nmorseIf I do 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' it says it's impossible and gives a list of packages that won't install.09:25
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DaSkreechnmorse: Cause it's a new KDE09:25
nmorseHence why I'm still on breezy with a Kaffeine that crashes if you try to open a new file after playing one.09:25
DaSkreechso it has to replace it09:25
nmorseI've never had issues like this when upgrading KDE before.09:25
DaSkreechwhich means getting rid of the old one09:25
DaSkreechnmorse: Backup important stuff and grab a dapper CD09:26
=== DaSkreech hopes you have a /home partition?
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noiesmoCellarDoor, brb09:27
nmorseIs the new kubuntu-desktop package broken or something? There should be a little more convenient way to upgrade than having all my packages removed and then reinstalling them.09:27
nmorseAfter the upgrade is done.09:27
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Hobbseenmorse: probably a new version of kde...09:28
ashridahi thought that's what apt-get dist-upgrade was for :)09:28
nmorseSo did I.09:28
Hobbseebuilt on a different lot of glibc09:28
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Hobbseewell, yeah, that's how it's supposed to work...09:28
Hobbseei dont know why it all removes first - the end effect is almost the same though09:28
nmorseI thought the big glibc and gcc move was between Hoary and Breezy?09:28
Hobbseedo you have to manually install k-d again?09:28
ashridahHobbsee: it should still handle it better than removing everything09:28
Hobbseeashridah: i know09:29
nmorseIf you go the KubuntuDapperKnowProblems link in the topic you'll see they have a bug report on it.09:29
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nmorseI was just wondering if there was an unofficial fix for it yet or something.09:29
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Hobbseenmorse: if there's a fix for it, it'll be made official pretty quickly09:31
nmorseLooks like I put off upgrading for a while yet then. Is GRUB any better this time around about not screwing up my boot configuration?09:31
noiesmoCellarDoor, open a terminal and type eyecandy it should fire up this session of kde will keep running to end the eyecandy session09:32
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noiesmoCellarDoor, I have to go for a while I will be back here in about 1-2 hours09:34
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DaSkreechCellarDoor: Heehee :)09:39
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CellarDoorDaSkreech: I couldn't get back to my current session, ended up rebooting09:41
CellarDooroh well09:42
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burepeI want to use the Google Web Tool Kit and it says to install "Sun Java Standard Edition SDK" Can I do this through Adept? There are so many Java packages, it is a little confusing. Lil` help?10:02
martosshi there10:02
martossI can just login as root through kdm10:03
martossit says that there's a shutdown running10:03
weedarburepe: sun-java5-jdk is what you want :)10:04
martossalready tried shutdown -c10:04
weedarJDK = Java Development Kit, just another word for SDK (which is Software Development Kit)10:04
burepeweedar you are the man or woman or whatever10:05
Healotjust append J10:05
burepeI don't have that package10:07
=== weedar is the man
weedarare you running dapper, breezy or what burepe?10:09
weedarburepe: Dapper has the Java packages available via apt-get, but for Breezy check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java?action=show&redirect=AddingJavaSupport#head-c11d7e79caf92b25d665c18c7821f925784de8d110:10
weedarOr upgrade to Dapper :)10:10
burepeCan I upgrade without a reinstall?10:11
burepeHow long does that take?10:11
burepeYou gotta love the bots10:11
burepewhere are they anyway?10:11
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.10:12
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic10:12
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weedarburepe: for me the update took two hours maybe, depends on your internet connection somewhat of course :)10:13
weedaruprade, I mean10:13
icheyneping #automatix10:14
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)10:14
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pd273Hi there, when I do a apt-get -f install I get this error http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/769319, any idea how I can remove this package10:23
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chavopd273, I remember having that problem, but I can't remember exactly waht I did to fix it :(10:25
chavopd273, it's something with the init script, some sort of bug10:26
pd273Oh I c10:26
pd273I cant even remove it now10:26
aftertaflol chavo. back with xgl again.10:26
chavoI'm not doing any walkthroughs right now :)10:27
aftertafyou know why when i type compiz --replace gconf i have no titlebars?10:27
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aftertafand this as error: Failed to manage screen: 010:27
chavoI've been asked to write a wiki about it, but I've been busy10:27
aftertafjust wondering if you have a one-line solution ;10:27
chavoaftertaf, did you run gnome-window-decorator also?10:28
aftertafrun it? im in kde.10:28
pd273when I do a apt-get remove, I get this error. Almost same http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/769326, can I do some sort of force remove10:28
aftertafcompiz --replace gconf & gnome-win-dec.....   like that?10:28
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chavoaftertaf, yes compiz and gnome-window-decorator have to run together10:28
Healotxgl problems again10:28
chavog-w-d draws the decorations10:29
Healotdoes the wiki help, ?10:29
chavoHealot, the wiki is gnome specific at the moment, I am supposed to be writing the kde version10:29
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aftertafyay!!!! i found a new way of rebooting X without pressing ctl+alt+back10:32
aftertaf:] 10:32
TheHighChildhey guys, where are the ,deb stored when they are fetched?10:32
TheHighChildthank you aftertaf10:32
aftertafls /var/cache/apt/archives/10:33
TheHighChildDo you know how to set it so they aren't stored after setup?10:33
aftertafi got it completely wrong ;)10:33
defryskTheHighChild, sudo apt-get clean to remove them10:33
aftertafTheHighChild, nope, but you can type apt-get clean10:33
aftertafdo a df -h before and after ;)10:33
TheHighChildwhat is that?10:34
TheHighChildI know df but not the h option10:34
TheHighChildnvm, I'll man10:34
TheHighChildThanks dude10:34
aftertafdf -h10:34
aftertafshows results in human readable format10:34
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tuxciclesTheHighChild: apt-get clean10:35
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TheHighChildReally stoked about Dapper. It even setup my wireless (not optimized) in a working fashion on my laptop (IBM T42)10:36
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aftertafdapper rox da house10:37
tuxciclesi cant get the newer version of fglrx or ati driver to work with my videocard - mobo configuration, the older one does though, the one in breezy10:37
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ashridahheh. i'm having a reasonable time with it. a freshly installed amd64 version decided to ignore one of my sata controllers (which just happened to be the one with the only sata disk in the system on it) butmoving the drive to the other controller helped there.10:37
ashridahnot too happy that it decided to install grub to /dev/hda without asking tho10:37
burepeHey, can I upgrade to a different language or just change my whole system to Japanese?10:38
Healotburepe: yes you can change the interfaces/keyboard/input method to Japanese10:38
TheHighChildyes, Settings > Regional & Accessibility > Country/Region & Language10:38
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burepethe keyboard is already Japanese, I just want everything else to be too10:39
Healotbtw... did you download Kubuntu from the Japanese project?10:39
Healotor the English main project10:39
Healotor do the Japanese team finished the translation project? Idk10:40
burepeI  think I got the english one10:40
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burepeI have downloaded older distros from the Japanese one though.10:41
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burepeI have never changed the language though10:41
burepeSo the Japanese Dapper is not out yet probably?10:41
TheHighChildburepe: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDapperBeta?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=japanese&titlesearch=Titles10:41
burepeTheHighChild, I don't have that settings path10:42
burepestrange huh10:42
Healotguess not... burepe, but you still can setup Japanese interfaces using the English release10:43
TheHighChildOk, should be able to access it from the Control Center in 'Regional & Accessibility10:43
Healotdamn ubuntu.com certificate is use even for its subdomains?10:44
burepeI don't have a control center10:44
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burepeThis is breezy. Maybe that is why10:44
HealotKDE Menu - > Settings10:44
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burepesorry my bad10:45
burepeI am using gnome at the moment, didn`t realize I was on #kubuntu10:45
HealotWell, it's on Menu System->Preferences->language10:45
Healotif you're in GNOME10:46
Healotcheck on Japanese list, and prepare to download the files...10:46
Healotbut you need to setup the keyboard layout/input method manually though, if i recall10:46
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TheHighChildburepe: are you using KDE or GNOME?10:48
burepeboth but gnome right now10:48
burepeI acutally have Kubuntu10:48
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TheHighChildoh, well that would be why you can't find what I am talking about. Sorry, I don't use or know GNOME at all10:49
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burepeYeah, i'm a space cadet10:49
HealotMenu System->Preferences->language --> for GNOME10:49
rverripsHiyee - Everytime I startup kubuntu it scans my Windows XP fat32 partition (takes about 3 minutes each time) - Anyway to stop this?10:50
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Healotremove its entry from fstab file?10:50
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Robert_SCan somebody help me.  I've got 3 sound cards  - my "normal" one, a USB one for Skype and a specialised one for sound recording.  How do I ensure that they always get loaded as the correct device each time I boot?  Id. I'd like to be able to guarantee that /dev/dsp is always my "standard" card.10:51
rverripsThanks Healot, but if I remove it from fstab, will it still mount upon boot?10:51
maltehm, does anyone else experience problems with azureus? it's pop-up windows (you know, that come up when you didn't shut down azureus tidily the last time) aren't possible to dismiss10:51
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TheHighChildYou on breezy malte?10:52
mrmistHere's a tough one: Any way to see the INDIVIDUAL load on my TWO processors ??10:52
malteTheHighChild: dapper10:52
puckmanAnyone know how to unlock the adept database?10:53
puckmanWhen I try to run adept it claims something is using it10:53
TheHighChildI used to have the issue but Since my upgrade to Dapper, it's been fine thus far.10:53
puckmanbut I just booted up my machine10:53
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malteTheHighChild: hm, okay. that's strange10:53
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Aapzakgood morning everyone10:55
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Aapzakit's quiet inhere, no hello, no xgl discussion, no ati/nvidia questions. is everyone sleeping?10:59
puckmanNo, I just asked a question but got ignored ;P10:59
=== chavo bangs on some pots and pans
Aapzakhehe, what wa it?11:00
puckmannice name btw, you dutch?11:00
puckmanLekker weertje in nederland vandaag?11:00
Aapzakyou are :)11:00
puckmanhehehe, but I live in london :P11:00
puckmanadept refuses to run as it claims the database is in use11:00
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puckmanwhich is bull so I was wondering if it can get locked during a crash11:01
puckmanlike the lock file in thunderbird or firefox11:01
Aapzakpuckman: hot in London ? ;)11:01
puckmanbut I'm in a ice cold office11:02
Aapzakaha, apt broke because your system crashed while the db was locked11:02
puckmanright, so how do I undo that?11:02
Aapzakyou might have a good change this can be found in Debian forums11:02
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Aapzakpuckman: it's not easiliy googled11:04
puckmanhence asking in here in case someone had run into it11:04
puckmanI'm having a few other nasties with dapper11:05
puckmanit freezes every now and then11:05
puckmancompletly random11:05
puckmanwhole thing locks up, cant even poke it from another machine11:05
Aapzakwhich is pretty weird11:06
Aapzakaccording to an old message the dpkg lockfile should be in /var/lock11:06
puckmank, lets have a look11:07
puckmanhehehe, aapzak, funny, not seen a name like that in ages11:07
Khrizhi, someone can help a moment, please I want to make a question on wireless assistant11:08
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Aapzakpuckman: I'm starting to use it less and use my real name more often these days11:09
Khrizwhen KUbuntu starts I need to go to wireless assistant and connect to my wireless network, is there a way to fix the same connection and at start Kubuntu connects always to the same?11:09
AapzakKhriz: ask and see if someone knows something usefull11:09
puckmanAapzak: whats that then?11:09
puckmanhow undutch sounding11:10
puckmanmine is gerard11:10
puckmanwell, thats my calling name11:10
Aapzaksounds Dutch to me :)11:10
puckmanfull name is Wilhelmus Gerardus11:10
AapzakKhriz: yes11:10
puckmanThe english dont understand that, full and calling name11:10
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Aapzakwhy not? Becks real name is Beckham11:10
KhrizI don't find the option on wireless assistant11:11
AapzakKhriz: you do tthat in another application I guess, I don't use wireless assistant11:11
puckmangonna reboot, this is driving me nots11:11
Khrizooh, and what app are you using?11:11
AapzakKhriz: use the configuration from control center11:12
AapzakI'm not on Kubuntu at the moment, so I can't really see what it's called11:12
AapzakI think11:12
Khrizok, thanks, I'll try it11:13
Aapzakfound it?11:13
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Khrizyes, found it, thanks11:14
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exceswaterhi all11:24
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exceswatersorry if i disturb anyone but i am kinda noob to kubuntu and I need some help ...11:24
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Vampisexceswater: ask away then11:26
Vampiscant guess your question :)11:26
exceswateri just installed kubuntu11:26
exceswateri love it :D11:26
VampisGood for you :)11:26
exceswaterbut i dunno how to install anything11:26
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exceswaterat all11:26
exceswateri donwloaded a game11:26
Vampismkay ?11:26
exceswatersomething like that11:26
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Vampisis it sourcecode or is it a .deb file ?11:26
exceswaterand i dunno how to install anything11:26
exceswaterit's a file named warsow_0.11-english.run11:27
exceswater10x a lot11:28
exceswateryou've been great help11:28
puckmanAapzak: got it sorted11:28
Vampisand to run that file11:28
Vampisopen a terminal11:28
puckmanAapzak: ran apt-get update and upgrade from terminal and after that it was fine11:28
exceswater register claudiu11:28
exceswaterdunno how to register here :D11:28
exceswaterit's awfull to be so noob11:28
VampisEveryone has to start somewere11:29
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exceswaterit's better to be unix noob than usual windows user :D11:29
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HTRednekDoes anyone have a good link to info for accessing an existing RAID 0 array on a Via8237 controller?  I haven't been able to find much.11:31
puckmanI agree11:31
Vampistes ?11:31
Vampisyes *11:31
exceswaterwhere is that cute "terminal" thing11:31
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exceswateri find something like shell command11:31
exceswaterbut not terminal11:32
Vampissame thing11:32
exceswaterit's my first hour of linux11:32
Vampisopen "Konsole"11:32
VampisThe Startmeny under system11:32
exceswaterkde ?11:32
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exceswaterkde launcher11:33
exceswateri am not bothering anybody11:33
exceswater? ? ??11:33
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exceswaterthat kde seems to not want to open :D11:36
exceswateri am good in windows11:36
exceswatera little11:36
exceswaterall my friends used to bug me all the time...11:36
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exceswateri even got a call an 23:45 from a friend ... asking me how to change the home page in IE11:37
exceswaternow i am just like that noob11:37
exceswaterall my friends are noobs in comps11:38
exceswateri was the expert :D11:38
exceswaterin allmost anything11:38
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exceswaterthat kde is not opening11:38
exceswaterby the way11:39
exceswatermay be a stupid question11:39
exceswaterbut: is there a linux version that has more easy installer11:39
Vampis"that KDE" ?11:40
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Aapzakpuckman: I was working :) good for you11:40
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GNAMwhat's ubuntu package for kde trash?11:41
GNAMklauncher said: "unknown protocol trash"11:42
GNAMthat's a partial installation of kde on ubuntu11:42
burepeI am trying to update but I keep getting this error http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest/dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found Any suggestions?11:43
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robvery cool11:43
tuxciclesexceswater: fedora, but thats where the easiness ends11:44
chavoburepe, looks like you've got some kubuntu.org repos in your sources.list11:44
exceswaterit's so hard .. fedora ?11:44
noaXessis it possible to recreate the kmenu? i have installed koffice, kmail,... but there are no entries in kmenu..11:44
RawSewageit's an applet11:45
RawSewageadd a new applet to the taskbar11:45
noaXessRawSewage: i mean.. i have the aplett shown in taskbar.. but the entries in kmenu are not complete.. koffice, kmail,.. and so on aren't there11:45
tuxciclesexceswater: ever heard of dependancy hell?11:46
RawSewageKubuntu doesnt come with Koffice installed11:46
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exceswaternot really11:46
RawSewageand KMail is part of Kontact11:46
burepechavo is that bad?11:46
RawSewageKontact is in the Office area11:46
burepeshould I take that out?11:46
noaXessRawSewage: but shoud apt-get install koffice not create the kmenu entries to the koffice components?11:46
RawSewageyes, reboot11:47
chavoburepe, yes take it out11:47
noaXessRawSewage: aha here they are.. just opend kmenu editor, save it and here they are :)11:47
RawSewagerebooting will put them there11:47
RawSewageyou dont have to do it manually11:47
noaXessRawSewage: restart X :)..11:47
chavoburepe, and one other thing before you upgrade, make sure you have kubuntu-desktop installed11:47
noaXessok.. thanks.. just time for eating..11:48
=== noaXess is hungry.. :) not i'm suisse people.. switzerland.. :)
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burepechavo, I took it out but I have some pub key error, I tried to fix it with the directions from source-o-matic but it didn't work. Any suggestions?11:50
VampisTrying to install koffice ?11:51
chavoburepe, pastebin your sources.list11:51
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exceswateranyone knows a nice free game for kubuntu  ?11:51
chavoexceswater, enemy-territory11:51
TheHighChildCan my windows be hacked in VMware?11:52
JasonLweird, MS emailed me and said please download vista beta and test it for us...11:52
TheHighChildexceswater I run a few ET servers. I must say, it's a great game11:52
exceswaterit's free ?11:53
exceswaterand where I can find it :D ?11:53
GNAMhow can I start konqueror with sudo privileges? "kdesu kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing" ?11:53
exceswaterand please think that i am noob in linux11:53
TheHighChildexceswater Enemy territory?11:54
TheHighChildone sec11:54
burepechavo http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/76951211:54
chavooh that site you have to sign up to11:54
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TheHighChildexceswater: http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=274311:55
chavoburepe, you updating from hoary to breezy?11:55
TheHighChildLet me know if you want a server suggestion. Also, you can use a program called 'xqf' to act like ASE does on windows11:56
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chavoTheHighChild, which servers do you run?11:56
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TheHighChildI used to run the glory hole and milkspank servers. I currently run Anarchy and Shiat Storm (setup and admin only)11:57
burepechavo breezy to dapper11:57
chavoburepe, well the sources.list is for breezy11:58
TheHighChildAnyone run VMware?11:58
burepeso I have to change the sources to dapper?11:58
chavoalso try changing to the archive.ubuntu.com servers, without the jp11:58
chavoburepe, yes11:59
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)11:59
burepeI am following this faq https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades it didn't say anything about that in the non-command line update11:59
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burepeThanks it's working chavo12:10
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rob_hi, I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience with PCI based nova-t cards and sound issues?12:12
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stefanhello all12:29
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stefanI just create a sources.list -file over the website with source-o-matic12:29
Vampis*taking noteS*12:30
stefanI select all12:30
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stefannow I want to install webmin12:30
stefandoing apt-get updade12:31
stefanbut can not find webmin12:31
stefancan someone tell where I can get it?12:31
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TheHighChildstefan you probably don't want to use webmin from the repos12:31
stefanwhy not?12:31
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stefanwhat else should I use?12:32
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usuariohi every one ... i am a new user of this great o.s.12:32
TheHighChildFrom my understanding (not positive) the repos use an older version12:32
TheHighChildhey usuario12:32
DaveQBhi usuario12:33
usuarioi am very glad to comes to the comunity !!12:33
memoricehow can I install java jdk 512:33
DaveQBusuario: well your welcome12:33
stefanon breezy I had webmin12:33
usuariothanks all12:33
TheHighChildstefan read this thread12:33
memorice(I've installed jdk, but the commands java and javac are not working)12:33
DaveQBI have an issue with KDE's media:/ file system and auto mounts12:33
TheHighChildmemorice: are they in your path?12:33
memorice(so I guess I need to set the classpath)12:33
memoriceTheHighChild: no12:34
DaveQBI am getting the error you get if you try to mount a device not in fstab, but in a KDE popup12:34
usuarioi want to connect to a spanish channel.. I am Spanish boy12:34
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usuariomy English isnt good enough to write good english12:34
DaveQBthe usual "could not mount device" mount: Can't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab12:34
DaveQBNow I know I can edit the fstab, but i shouldnt need to12:35
memoricehow can I set the classpath?12:35
DaveQBmy Breezy-to-dapper system does this fine, but this new Dapper install has this issue12:35
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memoriceor better how can I set environment variables (if that is possible in linux)12:35
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DaveQBmemorice: export TEST="high there"12:36
DaveQBmemorice:  for example12:36
memoriceok thanks12:37
DaveQBmemorice:  put it in your ~/.bashrc to have it every time you log in12:37
DaveQBmemorice: yu can create alias' or even funcitons in your ~/.bashrc that will then always be available12:37
memoricehow do I go to .bashrc?12:38
TheHighChildnano ~/.bashrc12:38
memoricewhere is it?12:38
TheHighChildor late ~/bashrc if you like a GUI editor12:38
memoricewhat is ~12:38
DaveQBmemorice:  or kate ~/.bashrc12:38
DaveQBmemorice:  ~ is your home like /home/name12:38
memoriceok thanks :)12:39
DaveQBmemorice: try "echo ~"12:39
DaveQBmemorice: that should expand what your home is set to12:39
memoriceI know what my hostname is :)12:39
memoricehostname = home*12:39
DaveQBmemorice: sorry ?12:40
DaveQB$ hostname12:40
DaveQBwill return your hostname12:40
DaveQBecho $HOSTNAME should too12:40
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memoricesorry,I typed the wrong word12:40
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memoricewhy is ubuntu using java 1.4 in stead of 1.5?12:41
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Healotthat's blackdown for breezy... dapper uses 1.5 from Sun, correct me if I am wrong, kubuntuans12:41
memoriceI've dapper...12:41
DaveQBHealot: I believe your right12:42
memoriceand it looks like it uses 1.4.2 (GNU libgjc)12:42
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samulimemorice, you need to install sun's java from the multiverse.12:43
Healotmemorice: because you haven't install the Sun's JDK yet12:43
samulibut it's in the repos.12:43
Healotthat gcj is fake Java :)12:43
memoriceI've installed sun's jdk from sun.java.com12:43
Healotpackage "ia32-sun-java5-bin"12:43
rob_hello, i have a problem with kubuntu dapper, i hope someone can help me with it.12:43
samuliok.. so you need to do something like sudo update-alternatives java12:44
dr3asdamn strange running internet explorer inn kubuntu :p12:44
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memoriceapt-get install ia32-sun-java5-bin12:44
rob_i have a pci soundcard and an onboard unit on my motherboard12:44
samulimemorice, do the update-alternatives java   -thing.12:44
rob_how do i select which one to use by default?12:44
Healotor you can make your own ubuntu's Sun Java package by installing "make-jpkg"12:45
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rob_now al my sound get's played through my onboard device and that one is crap12:45
samuliit doesn't matter even if you install it from the repos or make your own package.. ubuntu will still use the older java until you tell it not to.12:45
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memoriceupdate alternatives --config java12:46
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samulimemorice, riiight :)12:46
memoriceno sun there12:46
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Healotit just update the softlink to the desired java interpreter12:47
Healotand the library path12:47
samulimemorice, are you using breezy or dapper?12:48
samulisudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk then12:48
pekujaDoes anyone know if there is a browser sync extension available for Konqueror that allows synchronising bookmarks and other info between systems?12:48
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memoriceCouldn't find package sun-java5-jdk12:48
pekujaLike the one that Google now has for Firefox: http://www.google.com/tools/firefox/browsersync/12:48
samulijdk or jre.. jdk install stuff you don't need if you're not a developer, but they don't take much.12:48
memoriceI am a developer ;-)12:49
samulimemorice, you need to enable universe, multiverse etc. then.12:49
Healoti build houses, a developer too... memorice :)12:49
memoricewhat was the file name I should edit for that?12:49
memoriceHealot: lol12:49
psb154memorice, I have the same problem.12:49
samulimemorice, /etc/apt/sources.list12:50
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:50
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psb154memorice, I have the multiverse enabled but it still is not available12:50
TheHighChildI don't pekuja, you could always import to firefox and sync that way.12:50
Healotpsb154: lemme see your sources.list file...12:50
samulipsb154, are you using dapper?12:50
memoriceuniverse and multiverse were enabled12:50
memoricepsb154: same problem, not available12:50
samulimemorize, odd, because my apt-cache search founds the package.12:51
psb154Healot, samuli, I am using dapper12:51
pekujaTheHighChild, no, I mean syncing between different computers running Konqueror12:51
pekujaTheHighChild, it essentially requires an external server though, so I doubt there is one12:52
samuli"sun-java5-jdk - Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0" says apt-cache even after updating filelist from the repos.12:52
psb154where to paste my sources.list12:52
samuliubuntu has it's own, but might as well use that.12:53
DaveQBwhat does KDE use to auto mount a removable USB device ?12:54
apokryphoscombination of HAL and DBUS12:54
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DaveQBhmmm ok, so why would this fresh install of Dapper not be able to mount the USB device ? although it does the popup and then opens Konqueror at media:/sda but then errors sying /dev/sda isnt in the fstab12:57
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psb154Healot, pastebin psb154 recent post12:57
Healotwhich is, my DSL connection dropped just now12:57
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samulipsb154: it's easier for everyone if you just give the address.12:58
samuliadd 'multiverse' to line 2012:59
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CellarDoorhey all01:00
CellarDoorI have xgl working... sort of01:00
memoricejust add or replace universe?01:00
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samuliadd after it.01:01
memoricenot working for me01:01
memoricestill Couldn't find package sun-java5-jdk01:01
samulimemorice, did you do sudo apt-get update?01:01
puckmanAnyone here use Japanese with Linux?01:01
CellarDoorIs anyone familiar with title bars dissappearing when using xgl ?01:01
thoreauputic!info  sun-java5-jdk01:02
samuliyou need to do that to get repository filelist up-to-date01:02
memoriceno, it's working now :)01:02
puckmandid a clean install of dapper and now cant use japanese text in open office even though it is installed01:02
thoreauputicmemorice: wrong package name01:02
samulithoreauputic: no it's o-kay.01:03
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thoreauputic!info sun-java5-jdk dapper01:04
ubotusun-java5-jdk: (Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0), section multiverse/devel, is optional. Version: 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 4868 kB, Installed size: 11548 kB01:04
memoriceok javac is working for me now01:04
memoricejava is still using GNU01:05
memoricehow do I change it?01:05
=== thoreauputic thinks it's time to update ubotu to dapper
thoreauputicmemorice: sudo update-alternatives --config java01:05
samulimemorice, sudo update alternatives --config java01:06
=== samuli got it right this time
memoricethanks :)01:06
memoriceworking now :)01:06
thoreauputicsamuli: am I lagged or are you a slow reader ;)01:06
samuliIt must be you lagging :)01:06
thoreauputicsamuli: 0.3 s - /me doesn't think so01:07
samuliyeah well, shut up ;)01:07
thoreauputicsamuli: beware the wrath of the op01:08
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thoreauputicsamuli: just kidding :)01:08
samulihrr hrr, I just didn't read what you were writing.01:09
psb154hmm still no luck.01:09
=== thoreauputic drops a 50kg Unix manual on samuli
psb154I'm trying for the jre01:09
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thoreauputic!info sun-java5-jre dapper01:10
ubotusun-java5-jre: (Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 7169 kB, Installed size: 15768 kB01:10
memoricepsb154: stil can't find package problem?01:10
samulipsb154: you need to sudo apt-get update01:10
psb154done the update....01:11
=== psb154 tries the update again
memoricepsb154: apt-get update did work for me :S01:11
samuliwell.. it's in the multiverse. There's still something wrong with your sources.list then.01:11
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memoricewhat is a nice editor for .java files in linux?01:12
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memorice(in windows I was using ultraedit)01:12
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psb154memorice, netbeans01:12
memoricedon't like netbeans that much01:12
psb154netbeans rocks01:12
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memoriceI just want to have a text editor01:13
sandraTrying to upgrade to dapper I get the error "openoffice.org-core: Conflicts: openoffice.org2-l10n-1.9.129 which is a virtual package.  Conflicts: openoffice.org-help-1.9.129 which is a virtual package." when doing aptitude dist-upgrade, any idas ?01:13
DaveQBmemorice: kate has a vast array of highlighting01:13
DaveQBmemorice: might include java01:13
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memoriceyeah, kate looks nice :)01:14
DaveQBmemorice:  it is01:14
DaveQBsessions too01:14
memoricehow do I get sessions?01:15
memoriceapt-get install ...01:15
memoriceI see sessions is a memu item in kate :P01:15
memoricehuge tabs in kate, no line numbers01:16
memoriceneed to config that01:16
mwalesHave you tried KDevelop?01:16
pekujais there a centralised site for Konqueror extensions?01:17
DaveQBmwales: kdevelop is just kate on steroids01:17
pekujaare there many Konqueror extensions in the first place?01:17
psb154Healot, samuli, thank you for your help, downloading now.01:17
memoricemwales: no01:17
VampisCTRL+R i konversation makes a line :)01:18
psb154memorice, you might want to look at eclipse, it is the anti-netbeans.01:18
Vampisdidnt know that01:18
memoricehow can I set the tab-space01:18
memorice(in kate)01:18
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DaveQBmemorice:  not sure if you can , check Tools > config kate01:19
memoricetrying it01:19
memoricebut I can chose for use spaces instead of tabs...01:19
memoriceah that's working :)01:20
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everlast_I'm trying to update my breezy kubuntu to dapper, but when I do 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade', it gives a list of packages to remove and it has lots of important KDE packages in that list...so I'm a bit afraid to do it01:37
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everlast_it says it will remove 163 packages including ones like kubuntu-desktop and xorg-common and lots of other important-sounding packages01:38
everlast_is it normal that the upgrading from breezy to dapper removes all those?01:39
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eeanRiddell: Amarok 1.4 needs a hard dep on ruby01:47
eeanI'm getting second-hand info that it doesn't01:47
TheHighChildAny VMware folks out here?01:48
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eeanRiddell: +  * Build-dep on libexscalibar1-dev and ruby01:51
eeanits not a build dep at all! we just have configure check for ruby to let distributors know they need to depend on it. >.<01:52
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jlefkowitzhey everybody01:57
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mundial what is the different ubuntu and kubuntu?02:01
memoricekubuntu is ubuntu with kde in stead of gnome02:01
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mundialand xubuntu?02:02
memoricexfe4 in stead of kde or gnome02:02
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stnUbuntu is the distro more popular02:03
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stnlinux is the new revolution in the world02:03
samulidistro moore pooppulaare.02:04
ChryseusIsn't it pretty old already? :)02:04
stnLInux is not new02:04
stnhowever now is very popular02:04
stnin europe is more popular02:04
memoriceso a new revolution and not a new os :)02:04
stnthan USA and Latin America02:05
memoriceeuropean people are clever ;-)02:05
memoricenederlands nog ook :P02:05
stnhey excuseme Im latin american02:06
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stnIm dominican02:06
stnyou know where is dominican republic02:07
=== Chryseus knows
memoriceI see02:07
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ChryseusWe're not stupid americans ;P02:07
memoricecalifornia I guess?02:07
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stni use Kubuntu but is the same02:08
highvoltagehi. is kuickshow in the dapper repositories.02:08
memoriceChryseus: depends ons the fact if you are reacting to european people are clever ;-)02:08
stnonly is the kde02:08
highvoltageit's my favourite image viewer and it seems to be just gone :(02:08
defryskhighvoltage, apt-cache search <package>02:08
Chryseusmemorice: sorry but you don't make any sence to me :D02:08
highvoltagedefrysk: it's not there02:09
memoricefryslan boppe02:09
highvoltagedefrysk: but i find that strange, since it's such a good viewer02:09
highvoltageRiddell: do you know if there's a reason why kuickshow has been dropped (if that's the case)02:09
Chryseushighvoltage: doesn't seem to be in dapper repositories :(02:09
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defryskojee een twent02:11
memoricezit op universiteit hier, m'n ouders wone in friesland (ga straks weer naar toe)02:11
Chryseusik ben een nieauveling02:11
Chryseusor something.. :P02:12
terrorUSA sux (?)02:12
memoriceChryseus: nieuweling02:12
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Chryseusclose enough ;)02:13
RadiantFireok so quick question, I'm trying to use a samba printer, I can print the test page, but nothing else02:13
RadiantFireanyone know whats up?02:13
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terrorAmerica is not USA.02:14
defryskhighvoltage, try this : http://www.ubuntu-debs.de/app/kuickshow/02:14
defryskusa just owns it right ?02:14
mundialubuntu and kubuntu is available only on live cd?02:15
defryskanyway this is off topic take it somewhere els02:15
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memoricemundial: you can also install it02:15
mundialfrom the same cd?02:15
defryskmundial, no there is an alternative cd (for installing only)02:15
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memoricemundial: and there is an alterante install cd...02:15
sexygirl13yrneoxan pradeepto bdmp RadiantFire ng_ highvoltage terror yamal hustla DevGet Seveaz Czessi mr_lampe mundial stn h3sp4wn GazzaK HymnToLife Fillado edneymatias rraajj vinboy troy_ eean My8os[Away]  defrysk freeflying|away mth`MAW piotrek frank__ YaH00 skipjack sandra Creperum OdyX ziza maxx_k goldenear memorice Snake[Sleep]  stefan chris__ robewald drayen DrNickRiviera everlast_ Al-Daja gobbe thoreauputic puckman burepe TheHighChild02:16
RadiantFirewtf was tjat02:16
sexygirl13yrrob roconnor pd273 malte Pooh22 kahal visik7 ToyMan ubotu aurum osh_ trym_ ppd fek azathoth RogueJediX BazziR nmorse yannux samuli Kadran tuxcicles hupp3l m0ns00n nalioth_ JohnFlux Huahua firephoto Twogmf ArmedGeek _eric_ kosh _JP Hawkwind luksan Hawkwind_Ubuntu threat RavenTest Hikaru79 poningru_ [wolf^bnc]  Ahmuck_ vega- andre^off Glavata SlicerDicer- mwales NthDegree fabo__ rzei_ je4d cycom_ icer crimsun_ rogger Jaymac nixternal`zzz02:16
defrysksexygirl13yr, ?02:16
terrorAdept = BIn Laden.02:16
sexygirl13yrPyroMithrandir ryanakca linuxmonkey scast bleaked_ gurumeditationer StR_gt paelscrit sheldonc drbeams DrBair phreak___ brandon_ winX cliebow_ errpast-wc gilprice alexand3r LeeJunFan kzrout BluDog_Anchorite yuriy wt8008 _pocket apokryphos koshka88 mianiak B4zzA kkathman MasterEvilAce Pitchshifter noaXess Kyral jaaroo kujeger_work shawn__ GNAM Sergi0 Spaceraver gronbaek duende evil-doer D0M1N8R Terminus yonkeltron dumb_noob lowtech gallag02:16
ubotuhighvoltage: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:16
sexygirl13yr SheaTara SeanTater Slappy SkrotFFS spoop pipitas Dinofly slicslak Nakkel aseigo skipster23 BioVorE r0xz BlankB _al_ ChefWill fentekreel madc elvstone morrow _rince_ Lord_Devi harritj osiris winXperts dr3as NoUse Search4Lancer stevekl Mirno shredder81 _Pete_ waterglass swoke iNiku Rutger546 _richard kbrooks_ Mazingaro test34 Ubugtu mluser-work vega__ Chousuke ubuntulog OlliK Ilta_ jii Uberriffic HnZeKtO robotgeek Riddell lozenge Chryseus02:16
puckmanoh oh02:16
sexygirl13yrrobin_ robin__ dickhall_ Dasnipa` noaXess_kubuntu xijio JabberWo1ky seaLne JavaGeek neko Gwyth lonewolff duckdown narg__ pekuja sampan trip altecad mikmak barros cromo Firetech _max_ Moo bluszcz uniq |robert| paran oomph v3ctor dereks joch ainmosni jmg kozz tomsku echdev Jozo ajmitch_ trappist02:16
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RadiantFirebut so yeah, I'm very pissed off, I can't print anything!02:16
puckmanwtf was that#?02:16
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Jaymacsexygirl.. hush :)02:17
Jaymacoh, she fucked off02:17
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defryskpuckman, a german invader02:17
RadiantFiregg no re02:17
terrorGARRR ADEPT02:17
RadiantFireGarrr kde print...02:17
RadiantFireseriously though, I can print the test page, but everything else comes out garbled and the printer stops02:17
mundialmay i install grub or lilo with ubuntu or kubuntu?02:17
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RadiantFiremundial: no, you are stuck with grub02:18
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defryskmundial, grub is the deefault02:18
defryskbut lilo can be installed02:18
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srterror"You will not be robably some other Adept application or apg-get or aptitude). Please close the other aplication before using this one"02:18
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mundialmay i use rpm files in ubuntu and kubuntu?02:18
RadiantFiremundial: yes, alien is an rpm/deb converter02:19
RadiantFiredon't replace anything already on the default system with it though02:19
RadiantFiresure way to break something02:19
defryskmundial, most rpms are also available in .deb so try to moderate the usage of alien02:19
defryskrpms are trouble and can make trouble02:20
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RadiantFireso, anyone? p rinter being flaky?02:21
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highvoltageah, found my answer at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdegraphics/+bug/4526502:24
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piotrekjoin #princed02:26
ultm8hi everybody02:27
srterrorAdept gagergehwdx02:28
seaLnewhat is the recomended way to hibernate?02:28
ultm8sleep during the winter months wake up when its summer :oD02:28
neoxangood night everyone / gute nacht :*02:29
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memoricegood morning neoxan ;-)02:29
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not_even_timeAm I here?02:30
not_even_time:) nice02:30
not_even_timeMy net has been kinda instable02:30
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srterrorAdept Read only mode: Database locked02:33
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pussfellersrterror: that means another instance of apt is probably running somewhere02:34
srterrorWhat lr02:34
srterrorwaht instance?02:34
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pussfellerlike, you started it twice, or a previous one didn't get killed off properly02:34
srterrorcomo killed?02:35
pussfelleragept is a front end to apt, which handles program installation02:35
pussfellerturned off02:35
srterroradept: no process killed02:36
pussfellertry typing "ps aux | grep apt and seeing02:36
pussfellererr "ps aux | grep apt"02:36
GNAMwhen I install nvidia-glx, my system hangs during restart/shutdown02:36
pussfellerthats the only thing I know to do02:36
GNAMany idea?02:36
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pussfellertill you reboot02:37
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imbrandonmorning all02:37
imbrandonGNAM: no clue sorry man02:38
noaXessa simple question... if i install something from source: ./configure, make, sudo make install... how is it possible, to uninstall/remove it clearly later?02:39
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imbrandonnoaXess well if you do it sligtly diffrent it is02:39
defryskmorning imbrandon02:39
imbrandoninstall a program called checkinstall ( sudo apt-get checkinstall ) then ......02:39
noaXessimbrandon: how?.. is ther normaly a way in the source?02:39
imbrandon./configure , make , and instead of make install do checkinstall02:40
imbrandonit will create a .deb02:40
imbrandonthat you can later remove02:40
noaXessaha.. ./configure, make,.. and then create a deb file.. with which command?02:41
imbrandoniheya defrysk02:41
imbrandonnoaXess "checkinstall"02:41
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imbrandonnoaXess just replace the command "sudo make install" with "sudo checkinstall"02:41
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imbrandoneverything else is done normaly02:41
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imbrandonfrom the documentation from what ever src you get02:42
seaLneimbrandon: any idea what the recomended way to use hibernate is?02:42
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seaLnea graphical way02:42
noaXessimbrandon: ok.. then checkinstall is a command.. but then i need this package.. cause checkinstall is not available..02:42
Hobbseecheckinstall is evil02:42
noaXessor am i wrong.. sorry for that..02:42
imbrandonseaLne: not sure if there is one atm, its in the works kinda afaik02:42
imbrandonnoaXess "sudo apt-get install checkinstall"02:43
imbrandonheya Hobbsee02:43
seaLnenever tried to play with it before but i'd like it working for a users laptop02:43
HobbseeseaLne: sudo /whatver/path/it/is/acpi/hibernate.sh02:43
HobbseeseaLne: tried kpowersave?02:43
Hobbseehey imbrandon02:43
noaXesshey Hobbsee02:43
Hobbseehey noaXess02:44
MasterEvilAceno hello for me? :(02:44
linuxmonkeyhello Hobbsee02:44
imbrandon'ello monkey and ace02:44
defrysknever ;p02:44
Hobbseehey linuxmonkey02:45
Hobbseehi MasterEvilAce02:45
Hobbseehey defrysk02:45
Hobbseeanyone i missed?02:45
defryskhey Hobbsee02:45
MasterEvilAcehi hobbsee, imbrandon02:45
linuxmonkeyHello *02:45
MasterEvilAcehey defrysk02:45
defryskhey MasterEvilAce02:45
linuxmonkey:) there i got everyone02:45
MasterEvilAcesup linuxmonkey02:45
imbrandonok ok02:45
noaXessimbrandon: is there any howto, for building deb packages?02:46
linuxmonkeyjust setup kmail to handle the mailling list02:46
imbrandonyea the debian new maintainers guide02:46
HobbseenoaXess: the good, but harder way, or the bad and evil hack way?02:46
noaXessHobbsee: hm.. what you prefere02:46
imbrandoncheckinstall == evil hack way thats quick and easy, debian maint guide but will tkae some time to learn02:47
HobbseenoaXess: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html02:47
Hobbseeimbrandon: you dont have to point striaght to debian maintainers guide - IIRC it's linked off that anyway02:47
defryskso checkinstall it is :D02:47
hustlahi a little newbie question. I've installed cups on my local networkserver. so the deamon is running but I cant connect to port:63102:47
HobbseenoaXess: you cant redistribute the files made with checkinstall, or use them on another machine.02:48
imbrandonnoaXess depends on what your wanting to do with the finished deb, if its for anyone but your self then do it the way of the link, if its only for your self then checkinstall is fine02:48
seaLneHobbsee: wasn't sure if that was the recomended way, i'll try it02:48
noaXessimbrandon: aha.. now i see it.. sorry.. i haven't seen your comment to install the package checkinstall.. damn.. sorry...02:49
HobbseeseaLne: well...they all should work...some work better than others02:49
ubotu[checkinstall]  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall02:49
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noaXessyea.. sorry.. my fault..02:49
imbrandonno but like i said checkinstall is ok for if you are only doing something for yourself and only for the box your on, but not to distribute at all02:49
noaXessimbrandon: first.. it's for me.. :) i trying to get synce working.. http://synce.sf.net02:50
imbrandonif you plan on distribute the deb definately learn the ubuntu way of packageing02:50
imbrandonyea if its for you and only you, install checkinstall and just replace the command "sudo make install" with "sudo checkinstall"02:51
imbrandoneverything else as normal02:52
Hobbseewhich is also why you shouldnt use the versions of packages from  the ubuntu forums, unless they're made by a dev (and or have the source provided)02:52
seaLneHobbsee: how do i unsuspend from ram?02:52
HobbseeseaLne: er, hit the power button?02:52
seaLneok corrupted screen02:52
=== imbrandon needs a glass of milk , brb
noaXessthanks imbrandon..02:53
noaXessand Hobbsee02:53
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imbrandonHobbsee:  what was that link instead of the debian main guide ? ( so i can bookmark it to tell others later )02:54
Hobbseeimbrandon: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html02:54
imbrandonthx ;)02:54
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Hobbsee!tell imbrandon about packagingguide02:56
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Hobbseeimbrandon: how's that?02:56
imbrandonhahahahha ;)02:56
Hobbseesaves keeping on looking it up02:56
imbrandonlooks good ;)02:57
imbrandoni always forget about the bot02:57
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=== Hobbsee just added it
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rahabhi there02:57
rahabdoes anyone know when edgy repos will open up ??02:58
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BazziRrahab: should be up02:58
Hobbseerahab: soon.02:58
imbrandonrahab: open for what ? they exist now but i wouldent use them as 110% likely you will get a broken system atm as the toolchain is not complete02:58
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korielhi all, I'm  noticing some strange things with my system..(kubuntu 6)...all of a sadden my keyboard is not working properly..I mean some  times it types the char twice and sometimes not at all...I cant control it...and my mouse always going at  the top of a drop menu...any ideas02:59
rahabmhh ok. i guess there will be some kind of announcement on the forums when edgy will be kind of working, right ?02:59
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Hobbseerahab: probably.  see #ubuntu+1 's topic for more info - that's where it gets updated first03:00
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rahabHobbsee: k, thx03:00
rahabkoriel: maybe you messed up your xorg.conf ?03:02
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noaXessdoes anybody know the command aclocal? i which package is it included?03:04
korielI didn't touch it at alll03:05
defryskapt-cache search aclocal03:06
nidalhi all, I have a problem. whenever I try to open any link from konqueror (e.g my home folder) it says  "kdeinit could not launch " . but when I give "konqueror /home/thefolder" its working fine.whatz the problem ?03:06
nidalI am using dapper03:06
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neliushi there03:06
dshumuse SUSE instead.03:06
noaXessdefrysk: it's in libguile-dev included..03:07
defryskkoriel, thats not utf8?03:07
neliusi have a problem with authentication on kdm in a pam-ldap setup03:07
dshumhey ppl, just wondering does 6.06 come with those unofficial ATI drivers?03:07
dshumi had trouble installing them in 5.1003:07
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ubotuI heard ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers03:08
dshumi've got 960003:08
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dshumso how's kubuntu...03:10
Jack_SparrowIs there a way to save my changes to programs and style or a full backup03:10
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dshumkde better than gnome?03:11
Hobbseedshum: of course.03:11
imbrandonJack_Sparrow: most personal settings are in /home/<username> just back that up03:11
dshumwell i'll give it a go03:11
dshumwhen they send me my cds03:11
Jack_Sparrowthanks imbrandon03:11
imbrandondshum: your in a kde centric room please state questions as not to troll ;)03:11
dshumor is there an easy way to upgrade from ubuntu 5.10 to kubuntu 6.06?03:11
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)03:12
Jack_SparrowWhat will a backup of the home directory Not save..03:12
dshumwell i'm in the middle of uni assignments03:12
dshumi don't want the upgrade to screw everything up...03:12
HobbseeseaLne: next release...03:12
HobbseeseaLne: also known as edgy03:13
seaLnethat was what i ment03:13
Hobbseedshum: probably not a great idea to upgrade in the middle then...03:13
imbrandonJack_Sparrow: lots of thing, what are talking about saving ? it will save things like personal prefrences for kde programs etc ~/.kde/*03:13
dshumhow do i triple-boot kubuntu, os x and winxp on a macbook?03:13
defryskdshum, unless you flunk and need a good excuse....03:13
dshumdoes the new kubuntu support the intel-macs?03:13
Jack_SparrowOk, and I can save my theme to my home dir as well?03:13
dshumit says the mac version is for powerpc still03:14
Hobbseedshum: got no idea...03:14
imbrandondshum: if its the x86 macbooks its just as simple as a normal install03:14
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seaLneah of course its edgy eft, silly me03:14
Jack_Sparrowthanks brb03:14
dshumbut i want it to triple-boot03:14
dshumi want bootcamp to show all 3 options at startup03:15
imbrandondshum: ahh using bootcamp yo have to follow the bootcamp doc's03:15
imbrandondshum: bootcamp is its own beaste03:15
cliebow_anyone see krootimage crashing on ltsp terminals?03:16
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imbrandondshum: but just to let you know i've never personaly done it with bootcamp but i've seen successes in here, but i do tripple boot OSXx86 and Kubuntu 6.06 and FreeBSD all on my iMac ( x86 Core Duo )03:17
h3sp4wnHow can I generate a suitable dpatch is there a way of doing it semi automatically or do I have to manually run the diffs then make the dpatch file myself (I have manged to get wpa_supplicant working properly with madwifi-ng and knetworkmanager by using the includes from madwifi-ng against wpa_supplicant 0.4.9-1)03:17
imbrandoncliebow_: you might be better of asking in #edubuntu , they are the ltsp experts03:17
imbrandonh3sp4wn: the latter03:18
h3sp4wnmanually ?03:18
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imbrandonyea run the diff -ruN etc and make the dpatch03:19
imbrandonis how _I_ would do it03:19
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seaLnesame here03:19
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h3sp4wnThats the only way I can see how to do it03:19
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noaXessi get two errors on make'ing my linux-source-2.6.1503:22
noaXess[drivers/usb/net/zd1211/zddevlist.h]  Error 103:22
noaXess[stamp-build]  Error 203:23
noaXessi don't see more details... is there any logfile after make-kpkg?03:23
NthDegreehmmmmmm someone called?03:25
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seaLneHobbsee: any idea where to set presumably the swap partition for kpowersave?03:25
HobbseeseaLne: er....not a clue...unless its a config option03:26
seaLneswap partition '8:1' is not available cannot suspend to disk03:26
seaLnethats when i try to suspend to disk03:26
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NthDegreeseaLne you need a swap partition double the size of your RAM03:27
NthDegreeand it must be a proper swap partition (not any other type)03:27
seaLnearrggh i just added more ram to it that will be the problem :(03:28
defryskseaLne, no03:28
defryskone gig ram does not require 2 gigs swap03:29
seaLnewhat does it require?03:29
defrysk1:2 is not always needed03:29
defryskseaLne, 1:1 should do fine03:29
NthDegreeummm actually defrysk I have professional partitioning tools that make you do double RAM for the exact reason mentioned03:29
NthDegree1:1 will only work assuming you haven't got anything else currently in swap otherwise it bottles it03:30
h3sp4wnMaybe you may need 120% of your ram maybe03:30
h3sp4wnNot 200%03:30
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NthDegreeh3sp4wn to do any justice it's 1.5x your RAM to 3x your RAM will work effectively03:31
=== defrysk agrees with h3sp4wn
seaLneeither way now i don't have enough grr03:31
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h3sp4wnIf I had 1.5gb of swap in use my system would be too slow to be useable03:32
h3sp4wn(My disk system is not good enough)03:32
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NthDegreeI have 1GB RAM and PartitionMagic does things based on fundamental issues that linux has had03:33
h3sp4wnI don't trust partitionmagic at all03:34
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defryskpartitionmagic is not the tool i would use03:34
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NthDegreeh3sp4wn well after finding partitions a little braindead I decided to use it03:34
=== defrysk would probably use the live cd to resize
NthDegreee.g linux makes extended partitions WRONG they are meant to be extendedX if they are beyond cylinder 102403:35
seaLneservers are so much easier to configure than desktops03:35
gan|y|medis it normal that a php install does not create links in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled for php by default?03:35
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NthDegreealso the cluster size options PM has is superior to what the natural debian-installer can do03:36
Leopardwhen i have dapper-cdrom in AND apt-cdrom add WORKS: why does apt-get dist-upgrade downloads everything from internet?03:36
h3sp4wnmkfs.ext3 supports setting cluster size03:37
Leopardand apt-get dist-upgrade dies nothing when internet sources removed from sources.list03:37
NthDegreebecause Leopard you haven't added the CD repository for Dapper03:37
NthDegreeit is still the breezy one I bet03:37
gan|y|medok, more general. how is the debian way of installing php5 on an apache2 server?03:38
NthDegreeapt-get install php5-apache maybe03:39
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NthDegreeLeopard change the word breezy for dapper on the CD repo03:40
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gan|y|medthere is no such package. i have a complete install (i think) but had to add the links manually. so something went wrong when i installed, did it?03:41
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gan|y|meddidn't it?03:41
NthDegreenot sure03:42
Leopard@NthDegree: there was ONLY "deb... CD rom dapper 6.06 i386 ..." in sources.list...03:42
NthDegreethat should do Leopard03:42
jwatCan anyone give me suggestions as to how to solve my Sudo Kcontrol error?03:43
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Leopard@nthdegree: ok i'll try on the next pc. laptop didnt want to ;) - THX !03:43
defryskjwat, why use sudo for kcontrol ?03:43
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NthDegreeLeopard, i found kubuntu's install fundamentally flawed03:43
jwatI'm getting Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-jwat is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0"03:44
NthDegreeit's alternate CD always crashes on me :(03:44
defryskjwat, start kcontrol without sudo03:44
NthDegreeand I need it's expert setup aswell03:44
h3sp4wnUse debootstrap then03:44
defryskthe admin options in kcontol will ask for your sudo passwd03:44
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gan|y|medNthDegree: i have made the same experience03:45
jwatOK.  I'll give that a shot03:45
Leoparddist-upgrade through internet worked great.03:45
NthDegreered screen at "select and install software"?03:45
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h3sp4wnLeopard: Is it the alternative cd you have ? the desktop cd doesn't have the debs on it I don't think03:46
Leopardoh. i have desktop cd ^^03:46
eckerwhens the new release for 6.06 come out03:46
LeopardITs aout ecker03:46
defryskecker, 3 weeks ago ?03:46
jwatdoes anyone else have the problem of the kcontrol windows being cut off because their screen resolution is smaller than ideal?03:47
eckerwasn't there a stable relese coming, or is that out too?03:47
defryskechdev, 606 is aout yes03:47
Leopardit's out since first of 06/06 !03:47
defryskLeopard, no03:47
defrysk6 weeks later03:48
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defryskoh no it was 60403:48
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eckerwhy does my girlfriend gotta be so demanding ?03:50
xwolf-adept updater (in the tray) shows me there is a package upgradable. how do i make it ignore that package?03:51
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korielis there a 3d desktop switcher for kde?03:52
eckerbbiab later all03:52
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korielor the other facility that arranges all open windows in the desktop?03:52
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neuron_i got xgl installed03:54
neuron_is there any way if making cedega work? :D03:54
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jwathas anyone else encountered the problem of not being able to see all of a particular window in kcontrol?04:02
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:02
xwolf-adept updater (in the tray) shows me there is a package upgradable. how do i make it ignore that package?04:02
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mth`MAWHi there, I am chatting wiht konversation... Does konversation has a funktion, to mark the chat where the chat window left focus?!04:06
mth`MAWI knew somthing like that from xchat (former times :)04:06
vinboyanyone know why the Skype gives me this ? --> *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08a133f8 ***04:06
kkathmangood morning all (or whatever time it is there)04:06
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psb154Hello Installed sun-java-jre what apt command do I use to set it as the default java or do I adjust my path?04:07
defryskmth`MAW, I still use xchat ;)04:07
mth`MAWdamn :)04:07
BazziRpsb154 update-alternatives --config java04:07
psb154BassiR thank you.04:07
psb154BazziR thank you.04:07
mth`MAWdefrysk: I like the function to connect the Contacts in IRC with my adressbook04:07
mth`MAWxchat aint do that04:08
defryskmth`MAW, I dont use that function04:08
defryskso I dont need it hehe04:08
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mth`MAWmhm... it is a pitty, that it is not build in there...04:09
mth`MAWIt is soooo comfortable04:09
mth`MAWand handy04:09
mth`MAWand cool04:09
mth`MAWand ...04:09
ubotuI guess qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=200357&postcount=104:10
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biosolaranyone here get skype working on AMD64?  running 6.06, looked here http://forum.skype.com/viewtopic.php?t=54906& to no avail -  The repository doesn't work for apt-get, I did the dpkg -i skype~~~  , I tried alienizing the Mandriva RPM build, but ran into problems there with alien.   Any ideas?04:16
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neuron_is there any way of switching from Xgl to X and back04:20
BazziRbiosolar: use the ubuntu package?04:21
BazziR+ chroot04:21
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biosolarBazziR - Running Kubuntu, used the skype download .deb (ubuntu) package, and it gives me nothing04:23
imbrandon+ chroot, you will have to setup a 32bit chroot04:23
biosolarI'm kindof a newbie, but I did get it working on Fedora504:24
imbrandonone sec04:24
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biosolarok - what's the chroot 32 - an emulator/wrapper type thing?04:24
imbrandonit lets you run 32bit programs in 64bit04:24
biosolargoing to that link now...04:25
imbrandonthat howto is for firefox, but you can easly adapt it for skype04:25
neuron_can in run multiple x servers with kde?04:26
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neuron_i want to run Xgl/X separatly04:26
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neuron_or at least a way of changing between them04:26
imbrandonneuron_: yes you can, now is there an easy way to do it or a howto , no04:27
biosolarimbrandon - ok - installed the chroot... continuing on the page now...04:27
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imbrandonbiosolar: yea follow it all the way to the bottom04:27
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imbrandonbiosolar: do everything it says and you should be good04:28
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neuron_imbrandon: can you give a link please?04:28
imbrandonneuron_: thats what i was saying, theres not a simple howto to do it, its not easy at all04:28
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imbrandonbut it can be done yes04:29
neuron_how should i start?04:29
biosolarimbrandon - thanks - I'll be back to let you know if I'm not an ijit.  :-)04:29
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imbrandonbasicly you stop kdm from loading , learn to login at the prompt and startx manualy then setup two users one for normal x and one for xgl , then setup ~/.xsession files to start each user pointing to the correct server04:30
winbondi need some help with creating a script,  can i use opeoffice writer to make a script file?04:31
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Hobbseewinbond: you can use kate or something04:31
imbrandonwinbond: you can but something like kate or nano is more suited04:31
neuron_imbrandon: cant i start two xservers at the same time?04:31
imbrandonneuron_: yes04:31
=== mth`MAW Ist mal weg: Examensarbeit schreiben
belk      ?  !   04:31
neuron_without 2 users04:31
winbondok , is kate and nano command based or gui?04:32
imbrandonyes as long as its the same server , you just start a new session04:32
imbrandonbut 2 diffrent server == 2 diffrent users04:32
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imbrandonwinbond: kate is gui , nano is command line04:32
h3sp4wnneuron_: I think you can start Xgl from a script using /usr/bin/Xgl :1 DISPLAY=:1 etc in a script04:32
winbondo ,ty04:32
neuron_hmm, and how could i stop it? :D04:33
neuron_killall Xgl? :))04:33
imbrandonlogout ;)04:33
imbrandonneuron_: going down that road will be long and tricky but it will be good for you, and when you get it accomplished write a howto ;)04:34
neuron_cant i start X to replace Xgl?04:34
neuron_or at least make cedega work under xgl :D04:34
imbrandonneuron_: no it will start on a nother console04:34
imbrandonlike ctl atl f8 / etc04:34
neuron_thats what i want :d04:34
neuron_so, if i start X it will be on vt8 or smthin :D04:35
neuron_without xgl04:35
imbrandonno start x normaly and start xgl with a script pointing to display :1 and it will be on vt804:35
neuron_i got to figure out how i can make Xgl not load at startup now :D04:36
imbrandonjust change your kdmrc back04:36
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h3sp4wnneuron_: You could alternatively use  /usr/bin/Xorg :104:37
imbrandonbrb food time04:37
h3sp4wnto start normal Xorg on vt804:37
belkblin tut est russkie?04:38
neuron_that would be easyer :D04:38
belkili odni burguiny?04:38
neuron_h3sp4wn: hmm, that didnt seem to work04:39
neuron_h3sp4wn: i got boot mesages on vt04:39
qbyteI have a laptop with an AMD64.  I"m currently running Kubuntu 6.06 X86.  Would the speed be worth it to wipe and reinstall the 64 bit version?04:39
winbondanyone here is running xgl on kde?04:40
neuron_i am04:40
winbondim following a guide04:40
winbondand i cant understand this line04:40
winbond Now make sure it's +x'd/executable with chmod +x04:41
h3sp4wnneuron_: try running sudo Xorg :1 from a terminal (if that works it means it just a problem with the suid bits)04:41
h3sp4wnneuron_: i.e from a vt04:41
neuron_chmod +x  <file>04:41
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rraajjwinbond: Just make the script executable.04:41
rraajjwinbond: chmod +x <filename>04:41
rraajjYeah, like what neuron said. :D04:41
neuron_h3sp4wn: i got my root passwd changed :D04:41
h3sp4wnneuron_: Have you disabled sudo also ?04:42
h3sp4wnneuron_: Just run it by logging in as root from a vt then04:42
winbondso i have to type in in the command line chmod +x,filename of the script>?04:42
rraajjwinbond: Yep.04:42
h3sp4wnneuron_: (only to check whether it loads a blank X) then it will be just a case of changing the suid bits on Xorg)04:42
neuron_h3sp4wn: that worked, kinda04:42
h3sp4wnneuron_: You get the blank X screen ?04:43
neuron_it did load a blank X04:43
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neuron_but i couldnt change back to vt7, or any vt at all04:43
winbondthank you04:43
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neuron_and i got a error: (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom04:44
h3sp4wndoes /usr/bin/X symlink to Xgl ?04:45
neuron_wait a sec04:45
neuron_ls -hn didnt show any linking04:46
neuron_i changed the kderc04:46
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neuron_to load xgl, if i remember corectly04:46
h3sp4wntry running just X :1 (as your normal user from the terminal)04:47
winbondok , i named the script ~/.Xsession, and saved it on the desktop  but it dissapeared, i cant see it anywhere04:47
imbrandonwinbond: ~/ is the directory not part of the name of the file04:47
rraajjwinbond: You don't place it in the desktop. :D04:48
imbrandonand .files are hidden04:48
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rraajjwinbond: Save the file as .Xsession, and place it in your home directory.04:48
imbrandon~/ means home dir04:48
neuron_h3sp4wn: it worked, but i couldnt change the vt, and X was blank again04:48
h3sp4wnneuron_: You need something like this http://pastebin.com/77007904:48
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neuron_h3sp4wn: nice, do i start kde without ay arguments?04:50
KarnaKHey, can i play World of Warcraft on my Kubuntu or do i need some extra program?04:50
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h3sp4wnneuron_: /usr/bin/startkde I suppose but I don't know whether two copies can properly run at once you are better off with a more minimalistic windows manager probably04:51
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neuron_i just need something to run cedega :D04:51
neuron_cant i just run cedega? :D04:52
h3sp4wnI don't know anything about it04:52
neuron_okay, i`ll give it a try04:52
h3sp4wntry running fluxbox or something on it would probably be easiest04:52
BelKhow can i turn on the language button in KDE?04:52
winbondis my ~/ "/home/ or /home/user/?04:52
imbrandon /home/user04:53
h3sp4wn~ is the value of $HOME04:53
BelKhow can i turn on the language button in KDE?'04:53
imbrandontype "cd ~/" without the quotes and it will put you in the correct dir04:53
h3sp4wnor just cd ~04:54
imbrandonor just cd04:54
neuron_h3sp4wn: can i do that on vt6 ?04:54
neuron_or vt7+ ?04:54
Mirnoecho $HOME is usefull too04:54
h3sp4wnIt would do it on vt8 by default04:54
neuron_i got boot mesages on vt804:54
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h3sp4wnedit /etc/inittab then04:55
imbrandonneuron_: x starts on 7 with :0 and 8 with :1 etc etc etc04:55
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neuron_and reboot after i modify it?04:55
BelKHELP! Fuckin KDE!how can i turn on the language button in KDE?04:55
h3sp4wnI think that may put the first X onto vt604:55
winbondso when i  chmod +x ~/.Xsession does it suposed to say anything or just go back to command line?04:56
h3sp4wn(presuming you remove getty from there)04:56
imbrandonBelK: please keep the language PG in here04:56
winbondor should i sudo  chmod +x ~/.Xsession04:56
BelKok ok04:56
neuron_and how can i do that and continue running the script?04:56
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h3sp4wnneuron_: Just move the boot messages to vt1204:56
imbrandonwinbond: yes04:57
neuron_i think thy are just printed there04:57
winbondimbrandon: sudo?04:57
h3sp4wnneuron_: Did you put them on vt8 ?04:57
neuron_no getty is spawned in vt8 so i cant login04:57
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neuron_no, i just installed dapper04:57
imbrandonwinbond:  yes04:57
h3sp4wnneuron_: Login to any other vt04:57
neuron_if i start a blank X server, shouldnt i bee able to ctrl+alt+fx ?04:58
h3sp4wnneuron_: You should be able to04:58
neuron_it doenst work04:58
h3sp4wnneuron_: Dunno about Xgl though04:58
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neuron_Xgl does04:59
h3sp4wnneuron_: I know it works with normal X for me (2 instances)04:59
Pitchshifter!tell Pitchshifter about xgl04:59
winbondimbrandon: how can i make sure the file is there , how can i see the scripts couse when they start with a . they are invisible in kde04:59
imbrandonwinbond: in konsole type "ls -la" it will list hidden files also05:00
neuron_are you able to run 2 kdes?05:00
winbondimbrandon: dand , you know it all , thanks05:00
imbrandonheh , not it all but your welcome05:00
imbrandonneuron_: yes05:01
kkathmanwinbond:  In Konqueror you can turn on hidden files, too05:01
imbrandonneuron_: but i wouldent run 2 kde's from the same user as they will both try to access ~/.kde files05:01
neuron_how can i move the boot mesages to any other vt ?05:01
neuron_imbrandon: is that a problem?05:01
imbrandonneuron_: yes05:02
neuron_why exactly?05:02
h3sp4wnneuron_: All you would get is the messages for starting X on that vt05:02
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h3sp4wnneuron_: (actually I don't use usplash)05:02
neuron_h3sp4wn: hmm, yes in fact, its X messages05:02
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neuron_imbrandon: if i start X&kde, i still need to login, right?05:05
h3sp4wnneuron_: run X :1 from the terminal switch away straight away back to the other one05:05
imbrandonno , kdm is the login manager, if you start kde it will use the user you started it as05:05
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SubNetServus zusammen!05:06
neuron_as root, right?05:06
h3sp4wnimbrandon: Can two copies of kde as the same user run at the same time properly ?05:06
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SubNetWei jemand wo ich ein SVG-Kubuntu-Logo herbekomme?05:06
SubNetOhh - sorry - wrong channel ;)05:06
imbrandonh3sp4wn: never tried but i'm sure its possible05:06
neuron_h3sp4wn: X :1 as root?05:07
h3sp4wnneuron_: Not as root05:07
imbrandonh3sp4wn: probbly the same thing as using the kmenu --> start new session05:07
imbrandonnot sure though05:07
h3sp4wnimbrandon: I know you have problems if you try to run one copy of kde from inside schroot and one normally05:08
imbrandonyea that i do know05:08
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biosolar:/# debootstrap --arch i386 sid sid/ http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/05:08
biosolarbash: debootstrap: command not found05:08
imbrandonpersonaly i just create 2 users , each running their own kde if needed05:08
h3sp4wnI only need 1 kde05:08
imbrandonbiosolar: you dont need to install a sid chroot05:09
h3sp4wn(most of the time)05:09
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biosolarahhh - ok, so just continue from there?05:09
imbrandonbiosolar: yup05:09
neuron_h3sp4wn: i cant run cedega on Xgl, and this is why i`m trying to run X separatly05:09
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biosolaribrandon - ok - setting up the dchroot now...05:10
h3sp4wnneuron_: There are some patches to get Xephr working under Xgl maybe that would be more helpful05:10
h3sp4wnneuron_: Xephyr sorry05:10
neuron_that means cedega under Xgl? :D05:10
h3sp4wnneuron_: It means under Xephyr05:10
imbrandonneuron_: just rember this is all POSSIBLE just not easy ;)05:10
neuron_whats than?05:11
h3sp4wnneuron_: You need to build Xgl from svn though with some patches05:11
imbrandonXephyr is a kdrive based X Server which targets a window on a host X Server as its framebuffer.05:11
neuron_hm,, i`d rather not :D05:11
h3sp4wnneuron_: You shouldn't use development code if you are not willing to apply patches05:12
h3sp4wnneuron_: and rebuild if necessary05:12
imbrandonneuron_: and xgl is alpha develpement05:12
neuron_running X separatly would be easyer for the moment :D05:12
neuron_i`m waiting for Xgl to be fully usable :D05:13
neuron_i love it :D05:13
h3sp4wnI hope it never is05:13
seaLnewith kpowersave do i need to setup anything else apart from installing it to be able to suspend to disk?  i now now have 5.5G swap v 2G ram05:13
neuron_why not?05:13
h3sp4wnaixgl (or whatever the other one is called)05:13
h3sp4wnseems a better way05:13
=== imbrandon personaly like aiglx better as a concept
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imbrandonseaLne: not that i'm aware of05:14
neuron_X is bette :D05:14
neuron_better :D05:14
neuron_all it needs now is a 3d touchable hologram :D05:15
h3sp4wnneuron_: exactly05:15
imbrandonneuron_: aiglx is an extension to xorg instead of a new xserver05:15
imbrandonhello JavaGeek05:15
neuron_imbrandon: doesn it support compiz? :D05:15
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imbrandonneuron_: yes but it works with less video cards atm than xgl05:16
JavaGeekfor some reason, I have a listening process on port 50190, but I can't see what process that port belongs to05:16
JavaGeeki did 'sudo netstat -lnp' and the part that puts the process is '-'05:16
imbrandonkill is and see what dies ;)05:16
neuron_imbrandon: are there any incompatibilities with compiz? does it work as fast?05:16
JavaGeekupon further inquiring, i have an associated inode for the tcp port05:17
JavaGeekthe port is working, as i can connect to it via 'telnet localhost 50190'05:17
imbrandonneuron_: i dont know the complete details but xgl and aiglx are just backends compiz dosent care what xserver it runs on as long as there is opengl extensions that both of those provide05:17
LjLwhat's aiglx?05:17
JavaGeekcan someone tell me if that port is also running on his/her machine?05:18
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, imbrandon05:18
imbrandonJavaGeek: i dont have it on mine05:18
imbrandonLjL: its a extension to xorg 7 server that works in much the same way xgl does only using xorg not a totaly new xserver05:19
neuron_h3sp4wn: i`m trying to run  x :1 on vt6 not as root05:19
LjLimbrandon: i see, any advantages compared to xgl?05:19
neuron_a blank X sesions starts, but i cant do anything, and switching vts still doesnt work05:19
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imbrandonLjL: other than its been arround longer ? heh and uses an established xserver instead of reinventing the wheel ?05:20
neuron_whats wrong about reinventing the wheel? :D05:20
LjLimbrandon: uh, so compiz can run out of it, it does the same things as xgl, and yet everybody has only been talking about xgl lately? that's weird05:20
LjLi mean, i've seen weirder things i suppose, but still05:21
imbrandonLjl and neuron_ , aiglx is beeeing pioneered by redhat just as xgl is being pioneered by suse, neither has been accepted yet and both are alpha etc05:21
LjLi see05:21
koshaiglx is also done the way that nvidia has suggested, not sure about ati05:21
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koshbut nvidia presented a paper on opengl accelerated x at some conference and that is what aiglx is based on05:22
koshactually the whole xgl/aiglx thing really interests me long term once I replace this computer05:22
neuron_i dont realy care, i just want Xgl and WoW :D05:22
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koshsince more work is offloaded to the graphics cards from the cpu long term it should make it a lot nicer for quad head setups or more05:23
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imbrandonneuron_: thats all and good just rember the warnings you are using ALPHA software, it WILL be a bumpy road as you can see ;)05:23
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imbrandonneuron_: but also on the other hand it gives you a good chance to try things out , debug them etc and contribute to something you care about ;)05:24
kkathmanfor some reason, my system is shutting down my monitor after about 10-15 minutes, yet I dont have a screen saver set. Is there another setting somewhere that tells the monitor to shut off after 10-15 mins?05:24
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imbrandoncontributing is not always code, you can do bug reports etc05:25
h3sp4wnI still think SGI's x server in IRIX works better than Xgl or aiglx05:25
neuron_imbrandon: that wouldnt be a problem :d05:25
LjLkkathman: yes, Settings / Display / Power saving05:25
neuron_i love debuging :D05:25
koshkkathman: system settings -> display -> power saving05:25
imbrandonkkathman: power save mode05:25
kkathmanLjL - ahh yes I turned that off too, sorry :)05:25
LjLthen i wouldn't know05:25
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koshhave you considered exorcising your monitor then? :)05:26
LjLperhaps the BIOS settings are not getting ignored, but it's just a wild guess05:26
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neuron_cand do anything than ctrl+alt+backspace with  X :1  :(05:27
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kkathmanman people are snippy today :)05:27
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neuron_h3sp4wn: should i kill Xgl to see if its Xgl`s fault?05:28
JavaGeekis there a linux-hacker channel somewhere that can tell me how to know what process is running on port 50190?05:28
h3sp4wnneuron_: If you just need to play a game just stop kdm and start Xorg with xinit then run startkde then run cedega05:29
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koshJavaGeek: netstat -a to find all processes bound to all ports, and then do a ps on that process05:29
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opapoI am looking for help with my wireless card05:30
opapoCan anyone help me?05:30
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opapoI have a dual boot of Windows XP and Breezy05:31
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koshJavaGeek: this one will be better  netstat -a -t -u -l -p -n05:32
JavaGeekkosh: the process doesn't appear05:33
opapoThe card works on XP.  the ndiswrapper is installed and ndiswrapper -l produces the following:05:33
opapoInstalled ndis drivers:05:33
opapobcmwl5  driver present, hardware present05:33
koshJavaGeek: run it with sudo05:33
JavaGeekkosh: I did 'sudo netstat -lnp' but the process appears as '-'05:33
JavaGeekkosh: i did05:33
koshhmm that seems very strange05:33
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JavaGeeki have the inode of the process, though05:34
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john___does anyone know how to get samba shares to show up in firefox when attaching files (e.g. gmail)?05:35
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john___it seems to use the gnome file manager -- and that does show the networked drivers05:35
john___er, does not show the networked drives05:35
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DaSkreechHobbsee: Morning :) How05:37
DaSkreech's work?05:37
HobbseeDaSkreech: work's over, it was pretty boring - not much to do05:37
DaSkreechSecret coding under the table? :)05:37
opapocan anyone help with a wireless problem?05:38
koshopapo: sorry no idea about wireless05:39
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HobbseeDaSkreech: no...i work on a cash register...05:40
Hobbseewith winNT software, actually05:40
smooshhow can i check tge speed of my data hard disk?05:41
smooshdata ==> sata05:41
koshsmoosh: what is your drive called? /dev/sda /dev/hda etc?05:42
smooshkosh: /dev/sda05:43
koshsudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda05:43
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smooshkosh: but hdparm, work also with sata hard disk?05:43
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koshsmoosh: works on mine :)05:44
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smooshkosh: wonderful! thanks a lot :-)05:44
DaSkreechHobbsee: Yeah! I keep asking why doesn't Linux own the POS/register market05:45
DaSkreechThat's got to be a decent itch to some people!05:45
Hobbseei dont know either - but the systems would be a lot mroe stable now...05:45
Hobbseeif htey were05:45
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DaSkreechHobbsee: Your's crashes as well?05:46
HobbseeDaSkreech: yep.  machine got rebooted tonight, as it went suddenly slow05:46
DaSkreechI saw an ATM crash the other day. It was running XP05:46
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exceswaterhi all05:47
DaSkreechI understand the need for a provider but ...05:47
exceswateri am new here... and I have a question05:48
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exceswateri just installed my kubuntu... it looks awesome... anyway... do i have to install my video card ? or it has it's drivers in kubuntu  ? it's a nvidia geforce 4 mx 44005:49
JavaGeekFYI: nfs ports don't have a process associated to them on netstat05:49
ubotu[nvidia]  Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia05:49
ubotuJavaGeek: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:49
ubotu[ati]  http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers05:50
DaSkreechexceswater: Depends :) if you want to do 3D graphics accelration then you have to install drivers. Otherwise it should work fine05:51
h3sp4wnimbrandon: Its alot easier to use dpatch-edit-patch than manually doing the diffs (I don't know how to update the checksums)05:52
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exceswaterDaSkreech: 10x.... i think i will try to play some games... that's why ...05:52
JavaGeekno they're not. At least not the hardware 3D05:52
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DaSkreechexceswater: OpenGL type games?05:53
exceswaterthr only problema is that i dunno what driver should i get... :(05:53
exceswaterany games05:53
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LjLexceswater: for 3D games, you will usually need the proprietary driver05:54
exceswaternot just tetrrs ...05:54
haiderThe world cup has begun! :P05:54
exceswaterand what do you mean by : proprietary driver :D :D ?05:55
exceswatersorry 'bout sounding so stupid ... but i am really new to linux05:56
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drayenexceswater: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_software05:57
drayenexceswater: in your case, he means drivers made by your graphics card manufacture....05:58
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LjLin Breezy, i could configure Lipstick so that the highlighted item in the taskbar looked flat, and so did the "All applications", "Actions" etc labels in the K menu. any way to get the same look in Dapper?06:00
SkrotFFSdrayen: More like the drivers are made by his graphics card manufacturer and are closed source.06:00
LjL(kde 3.5.3, but i don't think it was any different with 3.5.2 on Dapper)06:01
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haiderSkrotFFS: closed source = :(06:03
SkrotFFShaider: Yupp06:03
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user__hey ,guys,how can i use irc in gaim?06:06
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user__anyone can help me?06:06
dr_willisI just added a rc account in the settings/server thinggie in gaim06:07
dr_willisI think it was gaim.. :P or  perhaps it was in that other im client.06:07
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user__how ?06:08
=== dr_willis waits and wonders at the logic of saying 'wait' on an irc channel
user__how can i add ?how can i register a irc account?06:09
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Hawkwinduser__: Either join #Freenode or type /msg nickserv help06:10
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user__hawkwind ,seems i had bee join the freenode ,but when i say hi,no body responsed me06:12
user__wether i need add channel?06:12
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dr_willisadd account, select IRC.. enter info.. join06:13
user__how can i get an account ?06:14
dr_willisyou just enter the info06:14
dr_willisits not an account on this server.. its just an account name for gaim to use06:14
dr_willisYou are making it too hard. :P06:14
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user__dr-wills ,u mean ,i enter the username and password whatever i like?06:15
h3sp4wnregister the name you want with nickserv06:16
dr_willisYou dont even hava a password. ( unless that may work for nickserv)06:16
dr_willisaccounts -> add  -> (select irc) enter a screen name.. done.06:17
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dr_willisim not even sure that password is for nickserv or for some servers that have passwords06:17
h3sp4wnit is for nickserv (at least in konversation)06:18
dr_willisbut i DOUBT if its for nickserv in gaim06:18
dr_willissince you can have password protected irc servers.06:18
nico8481anyone can confirm whether their amaroK (1.4) displays "playing:" info (lower left corner) correctly? or does it does it print a 2-lines thing with html tags in it?06:19
noaXessthere is the little tool to mount network folders in kde "Add Network Folder"... how can this folders be accessed trough a non kde software?06:19
h3sp4wnin konversation if you put in a password it does /msg nickserv IDENTIFY password06:20
neuron_where could i change the hotkeys to change vt`s?06:20
DaSkreechnico8481: It's fine for me06:21
nico8481DaSkreech: where did you get it from?06:21
ubotufrom memory, nfs is see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.06:21
user__the konversation have the kubuntu channel automatically ,how can i get the channel in gaim?06:22
DaSkreechnico8481: The Kubuntu servers06:22
h3sp4wnuser__: #ubuntu is the gnome channel most people here use kde programs06:23
DaSkreechnico8481: I got the tunepimp libraries from archive.czessi.net though06:23
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Huh?06:23
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: gaim is not in kubuntu most people if they are using kde would use kopete or konversation06:24
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DaSkreechuser__: Not sure that Gaim can do that. It's not really a dedicated IRC client it just happens to be able to do that06:24
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: More people would be using gaim in #ubuntu06:24
nico8481DaSkreech: afk 5min brb06:24
xinxi813hey,guys ,im in06:25
Pitchshifteri'm using gaim right now...never had any trouble with it06:25
xinxi813i know how to use gaim06:25
DaSkreechuser__: Most chat/messaging protocols don't use rooms so you would not expect a general purpose IM client to have the option to join a room on logon06:25
xinxi813thank u06:25
xinxi813im that user_06:25
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: I'm giving kopete a change with 0.12 but after that I'm probably going back to gaim06:26
xinxi813im now in gaim and konversation simotaneous:)06:26
DaSkreechxinxi813:  :)06:26
xinxi813thank u guys06:26
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user__im xinxi813:)06:27
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DaSkreechuser__: I think we established that :)06:27
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user__thanku all06:27
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user__i like kubuntu ,but i wanna know if i can just install the kde environment,but no attached software,can i?06:28
katakombiwill there an upgrade on cups 1.2.1 in dapper?06:28
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psb154user_ on kubuntu KDE is very thin. Only the a necessary selection of software appears to be installed.06:31
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user__psb154,for instance ,there is not only one internet explorer06:32
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psb154user_ compared to fedora 5 and suse 10.1 I have to say 6.06 is better. Konquorer is there by default of course but I have also gone for firefox06:33
Steve407Looking for assistance with Mounting an OS X drive from within Kubuntu -- anyone help?06:33
user__yea ,i like konquorer ,so ,i dont want another firefox06:33
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Steve407Specifically whoat FS Type do I use if I have OS X?06:34
user__and ,firefox cant load the web irc06:34
psb154user_ you have to select firefox separately.06:34
psb154user_ firefox uses chatzilla06:34
user__if i uninstall the gnome ,does firefox still there?06:35
psb154gnome is with ubuntu this is the kubuntu channel06:35
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LjLfirefox is not there by default in kubuntu afaik06:35
DaSkreechSteve407: HPFS or HFS I think06:36
user__o,i see ,i was install ubuntu ,and then ,install kde ,so i got two explorer06:36
koshI prefer konqueror since it is faster and uses less memory06:36
koshDaSkreech: hpfs is an os/2 thing06:37
Steve407I was going to try HFS but thought it had to be HFS+ and that doesn't show up06:37
koshSteve407: it should be hfs+ or ufs and ufs is very unlikely06:37
user__i like kubuntu ,but i install it fail several times06:37
Steve407Seems odd they have Kubuntu for PPC and Mac being one of the bigger PPC audiences but no support for mac drive?06:37
Steve407Yeah -- I don't want to destroy my Mac drive with the wrong FS Type.  I don't know what would happen06:38
Steve407I'm just using it in Live mode until I learn more06:38
neuron_can i change the "hotkeys" used to change the vt`s?06:38
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h3sp4wnneuron_: I don't know can you ?06:38
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user__can the konversation add msn massenger account?06:39
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Steve407Does ne1 on this brain trust run Kubuntu on a Mac besides Moi?06:40
h3sp4wnkopete can - thats the kde im client06:40
psb154user_ kopete can do that06:40
John-ZQuestion: How can I get apt-get to fetch MySQL 4.1 .. it seems to auto default to 5.006:40
=== psb154 is impressed that kopete no supports web cams
user__kopete can add both msn and irc  or more?06:41
John-ZJabber, ICQ, AIM, IRC, etc.06:41
haiderpsb154: thats not true06:41
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user__cool ,ill try kopete06:42
psb154haider yes it is06:42
eosynJohn-Z:  apt-get install mysql-server-4.106:42
nico8481DaSkreech: from http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14? i got it from there. and i got tunepimp from czessi too...06:42
user__i gotta go ,thanku guys06:42
John-ZThanks eosyn06:43
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eosynJohn-Z: apt-cache search whatever06:43
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haiderpsb154: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Kopete%20Webcam%20Support06:43
eosynto find available versions and the word to use to install06:43
John-ZNice.. thanks.06:43
sampankonq keeps opening up binary files on webpages in Kate ... how do i stop it from doing that and have it save them instead?06:44
Steve407Well thanks anyway to those that answered.  Steve -- Outta here!06:44
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neuron_h3sp4wn: well, is there any way of doing that? :D06:44
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h3sp4wnneuron_: Probably - But I don't know it and I don't know how difficult it (The fact that you are repeating the same question makes me less likely to help you)06:46
h3sp4wnneuron_: But its a mute point because I don't know how to do it anyway06:46
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neuron_h3sp4wn: well, i was away for some time, gone eating, and i could see the answer, sorry06:46
psb154haider I scrolled up and realised that I have a 'no' in my string....06:47
John-Zeosyn: do you know why it would still force me to install 5.006:47
John-Z"Note, selecting mysql-server-5.0 instead of mysql-server-4.1"06:47
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neuron_i finaly started kde in another x sesions, but i cant change vt`s06:47
=== psb154 is impressed that kopete supports web cams
psb154thats better06:47
haiderpsb154: Hehe, :P06:47
StRhi there06:47
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psb154psb154 = silly-person06:47
StRwhat was the package with the video codes?06:47
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h3sp4wnneuron_: Probably an xgl bug it works fine for me without xgl06:49
StRkatakombi: in dapper I only found libxine-extracodecs06:49
katakombiStR, yeah, that codec is restricted06:49
ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439906:49
StRkatakombi: I want to watch de futbol game from mms://medialab.galileo.edu/mundialfut06:49
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neuron_h3sp4wn: i dont think its a xgl bug, while in xgl i can change them, `ill shut down xgl and run just X and see if i still have this problem06:50
neuron_isnt there a command that can change the vt`s?06:50
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
StRbut in mplayer i don't get video.. it says....  Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: wmv9dmod.dll, /usr/lib/win32/wmv9dmod.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/wmv9dmod.dll06:50
katakombiStR, read the RestrictedFormat html, and you should be able06:50
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nico8481DaSkreech: are you still around?06:50
DaSkreechnico8481: Apparently06:50
DaSkreechKubuntu Krashed again06:50
nico8481DaSkreech: :)06:50
DaSkreechI blame amarok :)06:50
nico8481DaSkreech: did you get it from http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14? i got it from there. and i got tunepimp from czessi too...06:51
ubotusomebody said dapper was Ubuntu 6.06, the "Dapper Drake" release. Released June 1st 200606:51
StRkatakombi: url?06:51
ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439906:52
nico8481DaSkreech: well here it seems to malfunction :-/ damn why doesn't it parse the html in the text ? :-/06:52
DaSkreechnico8481: Did you look at the details in adept?06:52
nico8481DaSkreech: uuh not really... i used apt06:52
nico8481DaSkreech: what was in there?06:53
DaSkreechnico8481: Doesn't matter you have adept?06:53
nico8481yes it's installed06:53
=== Toge [n=cristian@15.Red-213-96-200.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #Kubuntu
Togehow can i close the x server?06:53
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DaSkreechnico8481: Ok search for amamrok and then drop down the little arrow and click details06:53
katakombiToge, /etc/init.d/kdm stop06:53
HawkwindToge: telinit3 or ctrl-alt-backspace will restart it06:53
DaSkreechIt will tell you the libraries that amarok uses maybe there is a html parser missing?06:54
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katakombiguys, a question about dapper: will there be security fixes only, or even minor upgrades?06:54
nico8481DaSkreech: well i guess it installed the required ones so i'm gonna catch the recommended/subjected ones :)06:55
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DaSkreechI suspect there will be minor upgrades since it has LTS06:55
DaSkreechnico8481: Right :)06:55
Togekatakombi, if i have gnome?06:55
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LjLkatakombi: only major bugfixes, mostly. for any other updates, you can enable the backports repository - some packages get "backported" (i.e. taken back from the next Ubuntu development version) there06:56
neuron_does cedega work on 64bit sytems?06:56
DaSkreechLjL: No minor bugfixes?06:56
LjLDaSkreech: yes and no, in my experience06:56
katakombiLjL: thanks! When will be the new development branch opened?06:56
DaSkreechFair enough06:56
LjLkatakombi: it is open already06:57
DaSkreechAfter UBZ?06:57
nico8481DaSkreech: although i guess it should use the same libs as konqeror to parse html... :-/06:57
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DaSkreechThough I think they have repos up already06:57
DaSkreechFor the eager efts :-)06:57
katakombiDaSkreech: really, where to get the source listings?06:57
LjLkatakombi: but i guess you'll have to wait a while for any backports06:57
LjLkatakombi: there's a channel for eager efts, #ubuntu+106:57
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katakombiLjL, thanks :)06:58
DaSkreechkatakombi: a) It's probably blood induciing right now06:58
JRlinuxUpon booting live Kubuntu 6.06 in my HP Celeron 1000 machine, it froze.  After I reset the machine, took out the disk, I was stuck in a no-man's-land of BIOS but no way to manipulate anything.  Finally, after turning off machine and waiting a while, I got into BIOS and reset to default... Has this happened to anyone else?06:58
LjLit's just completely broken right now06:58
h3sp4wnkatakombi: What do you want backported ?06:59
dr_willisthats very very odd JRlinux06:59
=== DaSkreech ducks
katakombicups 1.2.106:59
=== dr_willis agrees with katakombi
katakombikernel 2.6.1706:59
dr_willisThey still aint fixed cups yet eh?06:59
LjLi want windows vista backported06:59
JRlinuxdr_willis, Yes, scared me!  I have booted a hundred different live CDs without anything like that happening before.07:00
dr_willisJRlinux,  i had that happen once on a laptop ages ago.. :P had to remove the battery.07:00
DaSkreechLjL: You can backport backward software?07:00
h3sp4wnkatakombi: 2.6.17 is still rc07:00
dr_willisthe power switch dident even work.07:00
StRcan anyone play this streamming? mms://medialab.galileo.edu/mundialfut07:00
StRI do note get video07:00
LjLwho knows07:00
StRI don't know what package to install07:00
lowtechJRlinux: linux can't affect the bios like that, its a hardware issue07:00
h3sp4wnkatakombi: You can try backporting it yourself07:01
dr_willissome odd apci/apic/bios gettingh confused issue - sounds like to me07:01
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JRlinuxlowtech, could be.  Anyway, it is very odd.  Neither that machine nor my new laptop will run on the latest kernels.  Makes me mad, because the new laptop has the broadcom wireless set, and I would love to get a distro going that had the drivers in it.07:02
katakombih3sp4wn: i could, but i built up an aversion against cups07:03
DaSkreechStR: Sounds a lot like a microsoft format so try mplayer07:03
katakombih3sp4wn: it's in deb unstable already07:03
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StRDaSkreech: I tried with mplayer, but I don't get video07:03
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StRDaSkreech: Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: wmvdmod.dll, /usr/lib/win32/wmvdmod.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/wmvdmod.dll07:04
h3sp4wnkatakombi: Problem is the debian sid version probably is not patched for sudo07:04
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StRDaSkreech: that is the error I get07:04
neuron_is there something close to chvt that works with X ?07:04
=== dr_willis wonders what 'chvt' is
DaSkreechStR: try getting those  DLLS07:04
StRDaSkreech: I thought there was already a package for that07:04
neuron_dr_willis: you can change vt`s withing the console with chvt07:04
h3sp4wnkatakombi: you can use apt-get source from a sid chroot and then try building it07:05
dr_willisneuron_,  so what are ya wanting to do? change out of X?07:05
winbondi need little help with glx and kde on ATI x85007:06
DaSkreechStR: Ahhhmm I don't know I know that you can get the DLLs from a Windows machine and Mplayer can read them07:06
katakombih3sp4wn: maybe i could even install the debian unstable packages. but i think the dependencies might be wrong07:06
dr_willismplayer homepage has lots of codec dlls for downloading07:06
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h3sp4wnkatakombi: thats why you use the source (to build against dappers dev libraries)07:06
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winbondanyone got the xgl to work on kde and ati???07:07
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katakombidoes cups offer /debian subdirs, then?07:07
neuron_dr_willis: change to another Vt, becouse i cant do that with ctrl+alt+fx for a reason yet not known07:07
h3sp4wnkatakombi: It will if you use apt-get source cups from sid07:07
katakombih3sp4wn I see! Thanks, maybe I'll try if I got the time ;)07:08
dr_willisneuron_,  heh - dident disable it in the x config eh?07:08
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neuron_dr_willis: not willingly, i can change vts in xgl tho, and i think X and Xgl are using the same xorg.conf file07:09
dr_willisneuron_,  odd.. normally its weirdness in xgl thats the problem.07:10
winbondanyone got the xgl to work on kde and ati???07:10
dr_willisneuron_,  could boot  the live cd.. copy its x config over. and try it.07:10
neuron_i got no problems running x, and i have a backup x config, i can change vts within Xgl, and the other terminal but not within the newly created X server :(07:11
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neuron_brb. i`m trying shutting down Xgl to see if i still have this problem07:12
katakombiwinbond: you wanna join the ubuntu-xgl channel instead07:12
hustlahi, anyone who knows about cups remote administration?07:12
winbondkatakombi: i dont think anyone in there talks07:12
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nico8481DaSkreech: well, doesn't seem to solve anything :( did you get version 1.4.0a-0ubuntu1 ?07:12
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DaSkreechnico8481: Nope seesm to be 1.4.007:13
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DaSkreechI see no a07:14
DaSkreechthough I'm pretty sure that's what I downloaded :)(07:14
h3sp4wnkatakombi: It seems to build ok - But I don't have the time to test what it breaks (I know it is not patched for sudo)07:14
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DaSkreechnico8481: No wait it's 1.4.0a-0ubuntu1 :-)07:15
nico8481ok so we got the same version from the same repos... wtf ?!07:16
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haiderSomebody knows a good video-screenshot-thingie app??? Need to send some xgl/compiz videos to my windows freands! :P07:20
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GullyFoylei can't run kde. apparently my DCOP server is not running. how do i start it, and why did it stop working?07:26
tsdgeosGullyFoyle: it should start automatically07:27
noaXesswhat backup tool is preffered to use in kde?07:27
JRlinuxWhen resetting Boot sequence in Bios, what does an exclamation mark preceding the CD drive mean?  Can't seem to get the CDRom to boot.07:27
tsdgeosbut try kdeinit o07:27
GullyFoyletsdgeos: well apparently it's not07:27
tsdgeosforget the o07:27
MasterEvilAcenoaXess: Keep is the default isn't it?07:27
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MasterEvilAcei think it's called keep07:27
noaXessMasterEvilAce: yeah but.. it crashes cause i backup to a smb share..07:28
GullyFoyletsdgeos: no write access to /home/me/.ICEauthority07:28
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tsdgeosGullyFoyle: then remove that file07:29
tsdgeossudo rm -rf /home/me/.ICEauthority07:29
GullyFoyletsdgeos: ok i think it's working07:30
lowtechwhy sudo to remove something from the users home directory?07:30
MasterEvilAcelowtech: were you sudo'd when you created the file?07:30
GullyFoylei'm trying to burn all my photos to cd before upgraing to dapper07:30
tsdgeoslowtech: if he does not has access he probably needs sudo yes07:30
GullyFoylek3b wouldnt start07:30
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GullyFoylenow it's working07:31
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GullyFoylei generally run fluxbox but i use a lot of kde apps07:32
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newblinuxhelpcan u get some help?07:32
newblinuxhelpi dunno which versions i should install i386 or the other ones?07:33
newblinuxhelpi have p4 and p207:33
Pitchshifteri386 should be fine07:33
newblinuxhelpalos for p2?07:33
newblinuxhelpthx man07:33
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newblinuxhelpwhat do that mean rlly?07:33
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newblinuxhelpabd ppc07:34
Pitchshifterthat, i don't know07:34
newblinuxhelpu have p?07:34
Pitchshifterppc is powerpc07:34
GullyFoyleanyone here run amd64? any probs with dapper?07:34
newblinuxhelpi hate mac i had powerbook07:34
newblinuxhelphas so lil aplications07:34
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newblinuxhelpand no cames07:34
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noaXessdoes anybody use keep?07:35
noaXessi can't select a kde network destination directory...07:35
GullyFoylehow do i eject a cd from the cmd line?07:36
katakombieject /dev/cdrom07:36
neuron_well, it seems its not a xgl issue07:37
GullyFoylekatakombi: thx07:37
neuron_i now cant change vts in xgl either :))07:37
neuron_and if i close xgl and start X, i still cant chang vts07:37
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h3sp4wnneuron_: ask in #ubuntu-xgl07:39
h3sp4wnneuron_: Someone probably actually has done what you are doing07:40
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neuron_its not a xgl issue07:41
neuron_i asked in #Xorg07:41
h3sp4wnneuron_: It isn't an xorg issue it may be an nvidia / ati issue07:42
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MasterEvil`Laptoanyone use Ventrilo in wine at all?07:42
h3sp4wnneuron_: If you using fglrx you are asking for trouble07:43
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vikkedo anyone know if i can mount .bin files directry in cedega, or if i have to mount it in some other program. in that case, what?07:44
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drbeamshow do i find an internal modem on a laptop ?07:46
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Pitchshifterwith a hammer?07:46
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Pitchshifterit's probably very near the port that you would plug your rj-11 phone line into07:47
Pitchshiftermost likely an chip built onto the motherboard07:48
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buzare there any debs for kopete 0.12?07:48
DaSkreechNot Kubuntu specific07:49
Pitchshifterdrbeams, sry i'm a hardware junkie and it just occured to me that you were possibly talking about software issues...what are you trying to do?07:49
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mattjbrayhey guys, i'm having a little trouble getting my sd memory card reader to work on my fujitsu siemens amilo laptop07:51
mattjbrayi dont really know where to start; does anyone know of a driver for this reader?07:52
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dr_willismattjbray,  ive had similer issues with my laptops.. a external card reader may be the easiest fix.07:54
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buzyes, the toshiba sd reader for one is totally unsupported07:55
buz(tho you can boot from it, go figure)07:55
winbonddoes anyone have a website with badass themes for the latest KDE??07:55
mattjbrayhmm an external card reader isn't the most ideal thing07:55
mattjbrayare all these drivers just closed source then?07:56
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buzwinbond: kde-look.org07:56
vikkeany tip on what to use to mount ISO files?07:56
buzmattjbray: i think they HAVE to be, as there's closed drm in SD cards07:56
samulivikke, mount? :)07:56
winbondbuz: been there, couldnt find anything i like , ty though07:57
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buzi think thats the main site for themes ;)07:57
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vikkesamuli, well, yes i was hoping for something like daemon07:57
buzvikke:  http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=1157707:58
mattjbraybuz: ah i see07:58
samulivikke, I don't know about that.07:58
mattjbraywell thanks anyway07:58
vikkeill try that buz thanks :)07:58
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buzi take it theres no official kopete 0.12 deb...08:01
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remyhi everybody08:02
remyI have no sound on my kubuntu. Someone can help me?08:03
remySomeone is here?08:04
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sdolnacki am08:08
sdolnacki dont' know if i can be much help though08:08
sdolnackoh well08:09
sdolnackcan anyone help me config amaroK a bit?  I want to make the progress bar wider (it's kinda short)08:09
noelKubuntu is very cool!!!08:11
noelthis is a great OS!08:12
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noel.join #kopete08:13
noel./oin #kopete08:13
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scastyou can do it man /join #kopete08:13
scastI know you can!08:13
noelhehehe sorry,, typo error... its dark in here hahaha08:13
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nthdegreedoes anyone have the ubuntu repository website08:16
buzuhm what?08:18
nthdegreedoesn't matter googled it :)08:18
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noelhttp://www.krazypenguin.net/Ubuntu_Dapper_Drake_6.06_Guide   <--  there repo here08:19
nthdegreeyeah, lilo broke my system08:19
nthdegreeso i decided to use good ol grub instead08:20
noeli suppost to use lilo because i want to try XFS, however, i made a decision just to GRUB... i used reiserFS08:20
nthdegreelilo cause a kernel panic08:21
noel:D so far so good :D08:21
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nthdegreeit is so retarded on kubuntu08:21
noeli heard that LILO works great on SUSE.08:21
noeland its fast too..08:22
nthdegreeyeah it works well on slackware too08:22
noelhowever, I dont like RPM base.08:22
nthdegreeI use CentOS, Kubuntu and Slackware :D08:22
nthdegreeone of each distro type08:22
nthdegreemy boot partition is CentOS and i use it to chainload into kubuntu and slack08:23
noelcan we use slackware as desktop os?08:23
nthdegreeyes it is good for a desktop, although i'm not sure if my sound works08:23
noeli see.. :D08:24
nthdegreeit is good for xfce slackware is08:24
noelhey nthdegree, where you from?08:24
noelhow's kubuntu compared to slackware?08:24
salguerojoin #kubuntu08:24
nthdegreesalguero this is kubuntu :|08:25
nthdegreekubuntu is ok compared to slackware but you shouldn't compare them08:25
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noelmore slable?08:25
salguerokubuntu spanies08:25
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nthdegreeslackware is more stable but uses older stuff08:26
noeloh okay :)08:26
thompahow do i get flash to work in firefox?08:26
noelI really want to try BSD when I got a time..08:26
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nthdegreeubotu tell thompa about restricted formats08:26
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salgueroI go join kubuntu for spanis08:27
thompathe restricted formats dont work08:27
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nthdegreethompa amd64 is not supported for flash08:27
nthdegreenor properly for java08:27
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thompaits not amd6408:27
nthdegreewell it does work on 32 bit08:28
noelhelp pls.. I install the kopete_0.12.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb on my Kubuntu 6.06, howevem after the installation, adept prompt me that there are new updates to be download, so I click fetch, after updating my kopete goes back to the original version package from kubuntu 6.06 which is 0.11.308:28
thompaok, which method of installing?08:28
BazziRnoel you need to pin it08:28
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nthdegreethe method that the wiki uses08:28
noelis there a way to tell the system that this is the newest version?08:29
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noelhow can i pin it?08:29
BazziRpin it! :)08:29
BazziRit's an apt command08:29
thompait says to search for flashplugin-nonfree08:29
psykhi i have a notebook with wireless network08:29
thompano such animal08:29
nthdegreethompa try the multiverse repositories08:29
noelhow to pin it?:)08:29
psykand im trying to connect to a windows machine with wireless can anyone help08:29
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psykits got a passwork08:30
thompanthdegree: i have them all enabled, but no flashplugin-nonfree08:30
psykand i have the password08:30
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nthdegreethompa try flash08:30
nthdegreeuse initative and try other names because kubuntu changes very quickly08:31
nthdegreeit's like a debian based fedora core08:31
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nthdegreeexcept without corporate stench :p08:31
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thompai found swf-player, is that it?08:31
noelcan you give me instruction how to pin the kopete?  :)08:31
nthdegreeprobably swfs are flash/shockwave files08:32
jwatin adept, how do you change the repository from breezy to dapper?08:32
nthdegreejwat you dont08:32
nthdegreeopen up a terminal08:32
nthdegreethen do sudo -i08:32
nthdegreeenter your password08:32
thompaill try it, i wish the restricted formats page was accurate, its wrong on almost everything08:32
nthdegreethen nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:33
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nthdegreeand change the breezy for dapper :)08:33
nthdegreethen do ctrl+X, save and exit08:33
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psykim having trouble connecting to a wireless network can anyone help08:33
thompait still says flash player required in firefox after restart of firefox08:34
DaSkreechnthdegree: Why doesn't he just sed it then?08:34
jwatdo I change every instance of breezy?08:34
nthdegreemake them all dapper instead of breezy08:34
thompait says i need macromedia flash player08:35
nthdegreeDaSkreech: because you learn less from sed I think and it's better to see how things work08:35
DaSkreechnthdegree: Good point08:35
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DaSkreechnthdegree: Well for that point they could do a replace all in kate or kedit08:35
=== DaSkreech forgets if kedit ships with breezy
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NthDegreeDaSkreech the integration of breezy sucks for rooting into GUI apps08:36
NthDegreedapper is only just a bit better for root GUIing08:36
DaSkreechah ok :-)08:36
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NthDegreetry opening up a terminal, running sudo -i then loading a GUI app :)08:37
NthDegreeyou'll see what I mean08:37
noelBazziR: how to pin the kopete 0.12? :D08:37
thompaim trying to see this page http://broadband.espn.go.com/broadband/EBB2/web/shellMain?ceid=247422408:37
thompais there some other way to install flash?08:38
NthDegreeuse firefox08:38
thompaim in firefox08:38
NthDegreetry mozilla then08:38
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noelBazziR: how to pin the kopete 0.12? :D08:38
simpwhere was the sources-list file again?08:39
NthDegreenoel go on adept and reinstall kopete 0.1208:39
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NthDegreesimp try /etc/apt/sources.list08:39
simpthank you08:39
NthDegreeno problem :)08:39
winbondis there any place i can get 1680x1050 wallpapers?08:39
simpphotoshop :)08:40
brandon_you there, Riddell?08:40
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simphow did you reload the package informations again?08:42
DaSkreechnoel: Where did you get the 0.12 deb?08:42
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Riddellbrandon_: hi08:43
noela site that given to me from #kopete, but I already forgot which site , but its not from kopete.kde.org08:43
sdolnackwill Googlebar (NOT Google's own firefox toolbar) work in Swiftfox  It keeps telling me it's not compatable08:44
sdolnackand i don't like google's version as much as googlebar08:44
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brandon_Riddell, hi. how about building a package for kplayer?08:44
simphow did you reload the package informations again?08:44
Riddellbrandon_: go ahead08:44
brandon_Riddell, i did. but i mean for everybody else08:45
noelat first i downloaded the source pakcage of kopete (tar.gz2) and I am asking help to install the source package then 1 guy suggested to downlod the .deb08:45
Riddellbrandon_: if you've already made one please put it on revu and we'll take a look at it08:45
brandon_Riddell, i don't know how to do that, but i'm definitely willing\08:45
Riddellbrandon_: /join #ubuntu-motu and ask for an account08:45
Riddellbrandon_: give me a ping when you've uploaded it08:46
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brandon_Riddell, actually, i installed it, i didn't build a deb, but i guess i can do that too08:46
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Riddellbrandon_: right, see the packaging guide on doc.ubuntu.com for getting started with packaging and ask on #ubuntu-motu or #kubuntu-devel if you need help08:47
noelcan somebody teach me how to install a source package? :)08:47
brandon_Riddell, i laready built an mplayer package using fakeroot and so forth, so i guess it shouldn't be too hard08:47
DaSkreechnoel: Which package?08:48
kronozanyone know what the app that shows the playing song is in this screenshot is, http://kubuntuforums.net/mkportal/modules/gallery/album/a_4.png looks like a karamba widget08:48
noelDaSkreech: kopete 0.12 from kopete.kde.org08:49
kronoznoel, sudo apt-get install build-dep kopete08:49
DaSkreechah Thought you had a deb for that08:49
noelDaSkreech: actually any package like apache, tomcat, etc... i just want to learn how to install source packag.08:50
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DaSkreechnoel: First you have to get the build essentialls08:50
ubotuor if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, or get "make: command not found, then you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.08:50
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DaSkreechthen the source normally has a readme or an INSTALL file that you probably should follow08:51
noelDaSkreech: is there any documents to read?08:51
kronoznoel, unpack the tar gzip, open a terminal in the directory, and run `./configure; make; sudo make install`08:51
DaSkreechnoel: Yeah the source normally comes with documentation08:51
noelokay thanks a lot guys.. :D08:52
DaSkreechnoel: if it doesn't then you untar it and cd into the folder08:52
DaSkreechthen run ./configure && make && sudo make install08:52
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noelthanks a lot.. i will try that.. then how to pin the kopete 0.12? so it wont get downgraded by adept?08:53
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iNikunoel, you'll want to remove the kopete pkg first08:57
noelyou mean the current installed kopete 0.11.3?08:58
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noelthen install the 0.12?08:59
iNikuyes. the one you install from a source pkg will be installed in different directories and things will get confusing08:59
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iNikubetter to just remove the ubuntu pkg if you want to use one you've compiled yourself instead08:59
noelthanks a lot :D09:00
noelwill try that one09:00
noelcatch ya laters.. :D need to go to bed now... its 3am already :)09:00
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noelokay :) thanks..09:01
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winbondis the fglrx ati driver proprietary?09:03
winbondis the fglrx ati driver proprietary?09:03
ubotuwell, ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers09:03
ubotumethinks ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers09:04
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serenwhat package is equivalent to kde-headers kde-dev ?09:04
kronozkdelibs4-dev i think09:04
kronozkubuntu is slow on my computer with nvidia drivers and i can't make them work :( :(09:04
winbondwell i got the fglrx with the apt-get and i need to know if that was proprietary or not09:05
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beemergood afternoon everyone09:05
kronozgood evening09:06
kronoz20:06 in the UK09:06
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beemergood {insert greeting appropriate to your time of day here} everyone09:06
beemerhow's that?09:06
kronozwell done!09:07
serengood ${time of day} everyone09:07
John-Zit was amusing the first time.09:07
beemerhehe - hey - got a question about nvidia drivers - mainly what's the diff between installing using the ones from the nvidia site vs. using the nvidia-glx from the repositories?09:08
John-ZHere we go AGAIN!09:08
kronozbeemer, i don't think there is any difference apart from the binary installer from nvidia.com is harder to install09:09
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beemeroh ok - so it uses the same driver level and such then09:09
beemerit's not just a 'generic' driver09:09
beemerthat makes things easier then - exactly why I like kubuntu09:10
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kronozlol, i think every distro is in about the same place with the nvidia drivers09:11
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winbondthe sound icon stopped showinf in the menu bar , any clue how to make it comeback09:18
beemerkronoz: well - i don't have that much experience with distros - tried mandrake a *long* time ago, then simply mepis last year, then kubuntu this year. Gave it 3 months and finally gave my win partiion the boot09:19
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tony__searching for msn sniffer for linux09:21
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beemerwinbond - still there?09:25
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cycykewlHi all09:33
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beemeranyone know how to get key for the apt repositories?  I have several that give either a no key or badsig error.09:34
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beemererr that should be how to get gpg keys09:34
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cycykewlI can't install printers ... is there a procedure or others ?09:35
gurumeditationerDoes anyone else find the Azureus package to be broken?09:35
h3sp4wninstall gnugpg (if it isn't installed) get riddell's key if it is the kubuntu repos you have problems with09:35
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beemercycykewl - what's the issue you have when you try to install? also, is the printer attached or networked?09:36
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beemerhowdy linoman09:36
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linomanIts great to be using Kubuntu 6.06 LTS but I have a very weird problem on my one machine09:37
beemerh3sp4wn - thanks09:37
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ubuntuI'm a potential new user. I have an existing system, and want to know if I can install without formatting the drive (want to keep my home dir)09:37
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cycykewlI test with local printer (USB printer) and with networked printers (SMB windows) and kubuntu say me that he couldn't load drivers (no good right ..)09:38
linomanI managed to install Kubuntu fine on this machine but I can not accsess or edit files that are in root direc09:38
linomanhow can I get around that?09:38
tuxciclesubuntu: do you have your home directory on a separate partition, then yes09:38
ubuntuno, one big partition. I don't mind dropping to shell to delete everything but /home though09:38
acetyl_xHello :) I'm trying to upgrade from BB to DD. I have the DD iso, and looked at the info on the release page, where it recommends running apt-cdrom, then using adept...09:39
h3sp4wnubuntu: You can install with debootstrap if you are relatively used to using linux though (similar to a gentoo install the installation of grub)09:39
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acetyl_x...apt-cdrom seemed to run okay and added a line to the apt sources file...09:40
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acetyl_xBut then the instructions says to go into "Manage repositories" and change to Dapper. Doesn't explain exactly what it means by this, as all that page allows you to do is add, remove or disable repository lines.09:41
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neuron_should i enable the framebuffer device interface?09:41
acetyl_xSo I tried highlighting it and hitty apply- then following the instructions, but no, nothing seemed to realise it had a whole load of updates.09:41
acetyl_xThen I tried disabling everything bar my cdrom source line, and the same09:42
ubuntuthanks h3sp4wn and tuxcicles09:42
acetyl_xIs my apt/adept backend behaving oddly or are the instructions severely lacking?09:42
h3sp4wnubuntu: there is a wiki page about installing with debootstrap - is the partition formatted with ext3 ? If it is you should be fine09:43
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ubuntuin adept, why are some packages greyed out?09:43
tuxciclesubuntu: np, that is why I always put my home directory on one big partition, so I don't have to work so hard to reinstall anything I want09:44
buzacetyl_x: you can do it on the console09:44
buzrun sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:44
buzand replace occurrences of breezy through dapper09:44
buzthen hit ctrl-x09:44
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GullyFoyleok so i upgraded to dapper and now i have no sound09:45
acetyl_xAh, so they really did mean "edit your sources file, changing every instance of the string 'breezy' to 'dapper'"?09:45
cycykewlwhere can I find wiki about networked printers install ?09:46
buzacetyl_x: yes09:46
acetyl_xAnd I'm a vi man myself09:46
buzyeah you can use vi of course ;)09:46
buzit's just that nano is less alien to most so i generally recommend using it ;)09:46
GullyFoylesystem>infocenter>sound>no soundcard09:46
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GullyFoylei had a soundcard under breezy lol09:46
GullyFoyledapper removed my soundcard09:47
acetyl_xStill...how is it that with only one active (non commented out) source (the cdrom) it doesn't recognise anything to upgrade?09:47
acetyl_xI clicked the "full upgrade" button, and nothing happens09:47
buzafter changing the sources file?09:47
beemerwith only the cd-rom active?09:47
acetyl_xNone of the packages are listed as upgradable or anything.09:47
GullyFoyleyou're lucky, my upgrade screwed up my system09:47
acetyl_xYep, there's only one line...hang on, let me cut and paste09:47
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buzacetyl_x: go to the console. try sudo apt-get update09:48
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buzadept is rather hard to debug09:48
acetyl_xchanged the sources list, *then* started adept, to make sure it didn't have a cahced coppy or anything09:48
buzthat should have worked i gues09:48
beemerthought you were saying you only had the cd-rom repo active09:48
buzbut anyway, try the console ;)09:48
acetyl_xadept scared me anyway...having aal that X and KDE running *while* a full upgrade was going on? Amazed that doesn't fuck up horribly.09:48
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acetyl_xI think I might try the console. So, apt-upgrade + some switches of some sort?09:49
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neuron_how can i enlarge *ALL* text in kde?09:49
buzapt-get dist-upgrade, yes09:49
buzconsole is surely safer09:49
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buzto behonest i dont know if adept CAN update it, back in flight3 it couldnt but ever since i didnt try09:49
acetyl_xdist-upgrade, got ya. Yes beemer, just the cdrom line active. Don't think I'm contradicted myself, have I?09:50
beemeracetyl_x - There are some sources in this install guide: http://www.linuxloader.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=2809:50
ChousukeIt's usually safe to run apps while updating.09:50
buzwhat cdrom have you got in the drive?09:50
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Chousukebut I suppose you shouldn't _start_ any apps while updating.09:50
acetyl_xIt's on the main "Dapper Drake released" page, that's what's scary....it's the first instructions that most people will see09:50
neuron_any ideeas?09:50
acetyl_xthe cdrom is the same one that I had in there when I ran 'apt-cdrom add', to wit: the 6.06 kubuntu i386 iso09:51
buzmhh that supposedly works (i never use cdroms for updating myself)09:52
beemerdid you change the cd rom to read dapper instead of breezy?09:52
h3sp4wnIt needs to be the alternate cd otherwise the deb's are not on it09:52
beemererr the cd-rom line in the sources09:52
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h3sp4wnIt just has a squashfs root09:52
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acetyl_xThe cdrom line only ever read "dapper" since it was put there by running apt-cdrom, while the dapper cd was in the drive (which it seemed to think was hunky dory)09:53
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acetyl_xOkay, this is what the only uncommented line in /etc/apt/sources.list says:10:01
acetyl_xdeb cdrom:[Kubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Release i386 (20060531)] / dapper main restricted10:02
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beemerh3sp4wn - you still around?10:04
acetyl_xAnd running "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is a bit disappointing. It just says that two packages were "kept back", namely cpp and cpp-4.0...and then the summary is "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded."10:04
h3sp4wnbeemer: Hello10:04
beemerheya - you fix fixed some of the apt key messages but I still get : W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>10:04
beemerof course, it says to run apt-get update to fix10:05
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beemerwhich of course is what I just ran :)10:05
h3sp4wnBut that doesn't work10:05
h3sp4wnI know it may sound stupid but is your clock set correctly ?10:06
beemeryeah - kde and date command both show the same10:06
beemerand current10:06
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h3sp4wn(You will always get the GPG error if the clock is set to 1970 or whatever - I found that out by alot of effort (That box has no hardware clock))10:07
acetyl_xh3sp4wn: Ahhhh I just read your comment. I need a different iso (which is, as I type, on it's way down as fast as my cable modem will allow)10:07
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chavoacetyl_x, did you apt-get update first?10:07
h3sp4wnbeemer: pastebin the output of grep -v '^#' /etc/apt/sources.list10:08
acetyl_xI will say one other very odd thing I noticed just now- I was about to ssh in from this box to the kubuntu box, and I realised I didn't know the IP. When I checked on the box, which is meant to use dhcp, it had somehow magically gotten itself a public IP address. God knows where from.10:08
acetyl_xchavo: I did, yes.10:09
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buzsounds like your lan is kinda weir10:09
buzyou got a local dhcp server10:09
acetyl_xI do, it's not in the leases.10:09
beemerh3sp4wn - ok - bin'd10:10
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acetyl_xbuz: You beschmirching my lan ;)10:11
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acetyl_xbuz: Oooo the cheak of it10:11
buzcause ubuntu cant magically get some ip that is not offered to it ;)10:11
buz(trust me, i worked for an isp for 5 years ;)10:12
acetyl_xbuz: Well it did. There's only one dhcp server running on the public side of the firewall box, and that's not handed it out- it's given a specific pool to chose from, and there's nothing in the leases file.10:12
buzthat is really really weird10:12
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buzyou mean theres dhcp on the private side, yes?10:13
acetyl_xbuz: Yes. ISC's dhcpcd10:13
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qbyteWhy is it when I open an MP3 in amaroK, it starts, then stops within the same millisecond?10:18
acetyl_xbuz: Grepping for the mac address shows that it was given a lease on a 192. address today, doesn't expire until tomorrow. And I have just found a file on the kubuntu box- /var/run/dhclient.eth0.leases10:18
h3sp4wnbeemer: What is the url ?10:18
buzbut it lists a public ip for eth0?10:18
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buzthat is seriously weird10:19
buznever heard anything like that10:19
acetyl_xbuz: Well I looked in that file, and oddly, no mention of the mysterious public IP at all. Three mentions of the address that tallies with what dhcpd had granted it,
buzunless of course it did connect to another wlan10:19
acetyl_xbuz: Oh gosh, I can't afford anything wireless :)10:19
buzyou'll probably live longer for it ;)10:20
h3sp4wnbeemer: Compare it against this http://pastebin.com/770740 (I don't bother with comments in mine makes it easier to read I think)10:20
linoman@qbyte have you installed all the needed codecs to be able to play music files?10:20
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acetyl_xbuz: But it does seem to suggest it somehow broke through into the outside world- because that public address it had, wasn't even within the netblocks owned by my ISP. Starting to think I am hallucinating.10:21
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buzwait, what ip was it?10:22
buzthere's one specific ip (i think it starts with 169) that is used when there is NO dhcp ip assigned10:22
buzsometimes, anyway10:22
qbytelinoman: what codecs do I need and what's the easiest way to get them?10:22
qbyteor a web page with a howto even10:23
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linomanone second qbyte10:23
ubotu[restrictedformats]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats10:23
acetyl_xbuz: Ahhh you know what, it might have been 169...looked rather random10:23
buzmaybe it didnt get an ip until that10:24
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beemerh3sp4wn - sorry - had someone at my desk - http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/77072210:24
buz !FreeFormats10:24
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats10:24
h3sp4wn172.16 is also private (but less often used than 192.168. or
acetyl_xOdd, since the route was set correctly, and it seemed to have net access, unless it had that 169 address only for the split second I checked)10:25
linomanqbyte you might want to install Automaitx it will make your life a lot easier.. www.getautomatix.org10:25
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acetyl_xbuz: Also odd since the dhcpd box hasn't been down, and has records of handing out that IP to the kubunto box all day long10:25
domihi. Why can't I see thumbnails of video in konqueror with dapper ?10:25
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acetyl_xbuz: I think I'll chalk it up to temporary insanity. That alternative iso is nearly downloaded, so I might have more luck this time...so I'll do an apt-cdrom add, followed by apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade.10:26
buzyou know you can do it without iso?10:27
buzover the net10:27
acetyl_xbuz: Well if it goes well, I have the intention of installing on a few other boxes. Having said that, *those* boxes will be from-scratch, and won't use the alt iso10:27
buzah ok ;)10:28
acetyl_xbuz: Never mind...it's nearly here now10:28
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zorgluuuq. when i launch adept just after boot, or after, i got a message popping up like 'cant update the package because another apps is using the database' my guess is that there is a lock somewhere. something which has been forgotten. and adept believe another apps it running on the database. how can i remove it ?10:30
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zorgluuuYou will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one. <- this is the exact message10:31
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neuron_i  got a problem, i cant change between sesions using ctrl+alt+fx anymore10:32
neuron_how can i reasign ctrl+alt+fx to their sessions ?10:32
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qbytethx, automatic rocks10:33
qbyteautomatix - err10:34
acetyl_xThanks buz and h3sp4wn for pointing me at my misunderstanding- I do think that the instuctions on the website ought to be ammended to include reference to the "alternate" iso. Maybe I'll mail them.10:35
buzor just edit the wiki ;)10:35
zorgluuunobody for my dpkg database question ?10:37
DaSkreechzorgluuu: Whats up?10:37
zorgluuuq. when i launch adept just after boot, or after, i got a message popping up like 'cant update the package because another apps is using the database' my guess is that there is a lock somewhere. something which has been forgotten. and adept believe another apps it running on the database. how can i remove it ? <- bis10:38
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uniqzorgluuu: open konsole, write 'sudo fuser -vk /var/lib/dpkg/lock' and start adept again.10:40
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linomanno problem glad you like automatix10:41
acetyl_xbuz: The wiki is not a bad place to put it- but I'd rather have it accompanying the slightly too simplified instructions on the main website.10:42
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TheHighChildAny VMware users out there?10:44
linomandoes ex Vmware user count?10:44
TheHighChildI guess, I was just hoping someone may have experience with this error 'Virtual device Ethernet0 will start disconnected.'10:45
TheHighChildI'd like to use the VM's with neworking but cannot so far10:46
linomanWhich version of VM you using?10:46
TheHighChildThe latest Beta10:46
linomandid you have this problem before the beta?10:47
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zorgluuuuniq, i did it, now adept doesnt pop up any message but fails to launch. it just wait a bit, like 4-5 sec, and then disapears10:48
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gan|y|medcall me stupid, but i cannot find libxine-extracodecs... where can i find it? (universe and multiverse are activated)10:49
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Healotgan|y|med: i will if you don;t show me your sources.list10:50
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gan|y|medwait a mom. i think i had a little mistake. i have multiverse in my source.list, but the distri is dapper-backports...10:52
DaSkreechgan|y|med: There you go :)10:52
svivian<requests assistance from KDE desktop subject expert re: the KDE su tool10:53
Healotthe usual repos source mistake10:53
Healotput the multiverse/universe on the "dapper" repos list...10:53
Healotnot "dapper-backports"10:54
gan|y|medbut it's cool that there is a backport repo right from the beginning...10:55
uniqzorgluuu: try this command in konsole: "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and then start adept.10:55
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uniqsvivian: what is your problem with kdesu?10:56
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sviviananyone? anyone?10:57
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uniqsvivian: yes, what is your problem?10:57
acetyl_xsvivian: I'd just ask the question if I were you10:57
ubotuFor information on how to ask good questions please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The more information you can give the better we can help you. If your going to give output of commands please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:57
svivianacetyl_x: gotcha10:57
h3sp4wnsvivian: Have you enabled root if so you may quite easily break kdesu10:57
acetyl_xOh esr you raving gun nut...10:58
DaSkreechHe likes guns?10:58
svivianAs of earlier this afternoon, KDE su will no longer let me enter text in the password field. All other applications still work. Why would this be, and more importantly, how can I correct it/prevent it from happening again?10:58
acetyl_xOh gosh yes.10:58
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acetyl_xOne of those libertarian types that thinks that "the right to bear arms" means "you *must* own lots of guns" :)10:59
MetaMorfoziSsvivian: not because the cpuload is high?10:59
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acetyl_xsvivian: is the field greyed out? does it display a cursor?11:00
svivianMeta: nope. Everything else is running fine. I even took the extreme measure of rebooting to be sure11:00
svivianIt displays a cursor, and I can right-click in the field, I just can't enter text11:00
nico8481any idea how to tell once and for all to kontact/kmail that no, I still don't want to use the f***in' kwallet, and prevent him to bug me each time I close Kontact?11:01
acetyl_xsvivian: I'm not saying this is *sensible*, but have you tried pasting your password in there?11:01
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svivianThis behavior happens when trying to run adept and the administrator mode of system services. I have tried pasting my password in the field, but nothing appears and if I click enter it says wrong password.11:02
svivianThe application still responds to the keyboard, because the enter and esc keys still interact with the dialog box, but the letter keys do nothing.11:02
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Rainieris it ok to ask for help here?11:03
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acetyl_xsvivian: I'd be silly if I didn't ask the question- what, if anything, have you done to the system between it working and when you noticed it had stopped working?11:04
Healotnot ok, Rainier, if you don;t ask the question11:04
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acetyl_xsvivian: kde apps are not great for producing debug output I've found, but have you launched it from the command line?11:05
Rainierits about aptitude11:06
Rainieri normally use adept11:06
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Healotstill no question there :(11:06
Rainierbut once i tried aptitude, changed a package(don't remember which on) and it started removing A LOT of packages11:06
Rainierim pretty sure it wasnt because of dependancy11:06
Rainierany idea why that is?11:07
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winbondcan somone tell me how to add the sound icon to the menu ??? it dissapeared11:07
Healotif you remember the package name, maybe... I'll give you some hints though, Rainier11:08
svivianThe last thing I installed was yesterday, and it was the password generator. Yesterday, I could lauch adept fine (I have been keeping it up in case I need a package). Running kdesu from the command line produces the same behavior. I can run sudo from command just fine, and can lauch adept successfully with it.11:08
Healotread the output before actually doing something with any package manager... make sure you understood what the manager says11:09
svivianacetyl, how are you replying directly to me? I am using Konversation, but am not that familiar with it11:09
Rainierok thanx11:09
acetyl_xsvivian: I'm not replying to you, not exactly. I'm just prefixing my channel messages with your handle. Lots of clients (I'm using kvirc) have nick completion, so typing just sv-TAB does the trick.11:10
svivianacetyl_x: got it11:10
DaSkreechsvivian: hi11:10
svivianDaSkreech: hi11:10
acetyl_xsvivian: your client might be highlighting messages that start or contain your nick, but that's client side.11:11
svivianacetyl_x: It is probably as you say. Makes it easier to follow the conversation11:11
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acetyl_xsvivian: I'm afraid I'm not sure what your problem is though- I've had a quick peek at bugs.kde.org. Are you running the latest KDE, 3.5.3? If not, perhaps it's worth updating, since it might fix what went wrong, you never know.11:12
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svivianacetyl_x: In any case, I just ran kdesu from the command line, and it presented the same behavior: cannot enter text in the password field11:12
svivianacetyl_x: I11:12
svivianI'll check, hang on11:12
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svivianacetyl_x: I am running kdebase version 3.4.3. This is a recent install of Kubuntu from the live DVD.11:14
acetyl_xsvivian: I'd definitely upgrade, that's really rather old now.11:16
DaSkreechcan K3b burn wma?11:16
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svivianacetyl_x: I don't see it in the package directory in adept. Is there a package available?11:17
acetyl_xsvivian: Again, it's not a very linuxy way of trying to fix a problem, but the latest KDE is worth getting, lots of fixes etc. Yes, packages for Dapper are available.11:17
winbondcan somone tell me how to add the volume control icon to the menu ??? it dissapeared11:18
acetyl_xDaSkreech: Not according to when I tried it just now with the latest k3b 0.12.1511:18
svivianacetyl_x: I'm still on breezy.11:18
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acetyl_xwinbond: Hit Alt-F2 and type kmix11:18
svivianDapper was still in beta when I loaded my system. Is there an upgrade path?11:18
DaSkreechwinbond: Hi11:19
DaSkreechwinbond: add the kmix applet11:19
DaSkreechto the system tray11:19
DaSkreechYou have a system tray right?11:19
acetyl_xsvivian: s'funny you should ask, I'm in here trying to sort out upgrading...the upgrade is running right now on my kubuntu box.11:19
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winbondDaSkreech: when i add kmix its like really big , takes up half of my taskbar11:19
DaSkreechResize it11:20
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DaSkreechSometimes when I add the task manager it gets really small just move it till i's where you want it11:20
winbondDaSkreech: ok , i know whats going on , how can i make it run on startup?11:21
acetyl_xkmix should only be a small icon in the task bar.11:21
DaSkreechwinbond: Just get it to where you want it11:21
DaSkreechLogout and then log back in11:21
acetyl_xwinbond: It will auto load if you don't close it when you shut down/log off11:21
DaSkreechShould set it in kde's memory11:22
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winbondacetyl_x:  aha ,im still thinking windows ,  thanks11:22
winbondDaSkreech: thanks again11:23
DaSkreechwinbond: Log out and back in and let us know if it worked11:23
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svivianacetyl_x: Gonna drop now. I just found the upgrade path on the Kubuntu site, so am going to run the Full Upgrade. Wish me luck.11:24
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hi247mananyone here use LinNeighborhood to mount remote windows shares ?11:27
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noaXesswhere are the profiles saved from klaptop?11:30
hi247mansmbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)11:31
hi247mansmbmnt failed: 111:31
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noaXesshi247man: what you want to do?11:31
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noaXessinstall smbmnt packache11:31
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winbondok , its working ,11:32
ubotu[mp3]  a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:32
hi247manim trying to mount the shares on my smb server11:32
noaXesshi247man: yeah.. try this..11:32
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winbondthanks linuxerz11:33
AMEGALUSXanyone know how i can get kaffeine to play a DVD??11:33
AMEGALUSXit doesnt work11:33
icheyneI'm using Wireless Assistant to connect to my wifi, but I have to reconnect at every login. Got any idea how I can make it do that automatically?11:34
hi247man Couldn't find package smbmnt11:35
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havocso what do I need to do to get an ATI Radeon 9200 SE to work?11:36
ubotuit has been said that ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers11:37
havocHealot: thanx11:37
noaXesshi247man: sudo smbmount //server/dir/to/mount /dir/to/mount/point -o username=smbuser,password=smbpassword,uid=yourusername,gid=yourgroupname11:37
h3sp4wnhavoc: should work with the opensource drivers best11:38
michael__AMEGALUSX, try installing xine, xine-ui, and kaffeine-xine. The xine engine plays DVDs.11:38
Healotlibxine-extracodecs too11:38
havoch3sp4wn: yeah, but which driver is that?11:39
h3sp4wnhavoc: radeon11:39
h3sp4wnxserver-xorg-driver-radeon (I think it is provided by xorg-driver-ati)11:39
h3sp4wnwhat does glxinfo give you ?11:39
havoch3sp4wn: a ton of crap :)11:40
Healot"radeon" not "ati" for 3D acceleration for 8500-920011:40
h3sp4wnDo you get direct rendering: Yes11:40
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DaSkreechwinbond: Great :-)11:41
havochang on, restarting X11:41
bugwormhi all11:41
h3sp4wnHealot: I think now ati should passthru to radeon if necessary - hence the reason  xserver-xorg-driver-radeon is a virtual package11:41
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bugwormcan anyone help me ? installed kubuntu on ubuntu system... and dont like it anymore, how to deinstall ?11:42
noaXesshi247man: does it work?11:42
Healotbut for me, fglrx is still the best even a bit troublesome11:42
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havocgah, still stuck in 1024x768 :<11:42
hi247mannoaXess, still working on it11:43
noaXesshi247man: you need some packages first.. to use smbmount11:43
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DaSkreechanyone installes xorg-sxserver-air-core?11:44
glyph_is there away to configure kpilot to work wit a Pocket PC PDA?11:44
havocgah, cannot change the res :<11:45
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havocso, still not working with the ATI11:48
winbondnow the only thing i need is get the software raid and xgl to work11:48
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nico8481anyone know a tool to split an animated gif into multiple files (one per frame) ?11:49
winbondis nayone here running software raid?11:50
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winbondis nayone here running software raid?11:53
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havocand now the Display - System Settings won't run11:53
havocok, it runs, it just won't go into admin mode11:54
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Healotamarok is freaking head-ache11:55
Healotbut bleh I figured this bs out11:56
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h3sp4wnIts fine as long as you remember to unmount your mp3 player (otherwise you end up with half old have new stuff11:56
Healotwhy the heck is the default output for xine-engine (for amarok) is oss?11:57
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Healotwhile other player using the same engine choose autodetect or alsa... ama doesn't rock anymore11:58
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Healotwinbond: any question on RAID?12:00
havocbah, had to reboot, not just login/logout (which should have HUP'd X)12:00
winbondHealot: well , i tried to install software raid ,12:01
=== richi_ [n=richi@46.Red-83-32-120.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
winbondHealot: it took me 2 whole days to figure out that i cant do it ,12:01
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Healotwinbond: still no question :(12:01
winbondHealot: because something with grub not installing on software raid12:01
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Healotwinbond: make a /boot partition, install grub on that part or the MBR12:02
Healotof course GRUB won't boot on LVM partitions12:02
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winbondHealot:whats lvm partitions?12:02
Healotyour RAID parition, no matter what type, RAID0/1/512:03

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