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msikmaOur programmer just emptied the database of the wrong site.12:07
msikmaLooks like we'll be working late tonight!12:08
bersacesay what ?12:08
msikmaHe had to empty a database. Happily dropped all tables. Unfortunately, he used the wrong database which apparently, as he says, authorized his request with a cached password.12:12
msikmaOhh, he found a recent XML version of the database.12:42
msikmaGreat. So now all he has to do is write a script that converts that XML into MySQL tables.12:43
bersacebut, which database ?12:45
bersaceat your work ?12:45
bersaceor about ubuntu-artwork ?12:45
bersacemsikma: ping12:45
msikmaNah, it has nothing to do with Ubuntu.12:47
msikmaJust work-related stuff.12:47
bersacei posted a big e-mail about our wiki organisation01:15
bersaceplease check it and comment it01:15
bersaceby mail if possible01:15
msikmaYeah, I've seen it. I agree with pretty much all you've said. Great thinking! I'm pretty busy right now, so I'll respond to it later.02:10
msikmaHmm... I wonder if Math.round() or >> 0 is faster for rounding numbers...02:11
=== Kylekf [n=Kyle@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-016-023.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
bersacei was cleaning my room with my mother, so i was absent quit some hours ^^05:16
bersaceHave anybody a reaction considering Wiki reorganisation05:16
kyledyebersace, i like it05:36
kyledyekind of cleans it up a bit05:36
bersaceso msikma and kyledye are ok05:37
bersacewhat about troy_s05:37
msikma!@#$!@#$ bugs in ActionScript05:37
msikmaIt's such a beautiful day05:38
msikmaAnd the working day is almost done05:38
msikmaBut I really should fix this05:38
msikmaWorks absolutely fine the first time, no matter which settings you use, but the second time the script is used, it messes up... I need to make it go not only from state A to B or A to C, but also from B to C.05:39
msikmaOh well, I'll fix it at some point.05:39
bersacemsikma: please talk about ubuntu-artwork, not you *@! proprietary software mess05:40
=== PseudoPlacebo [n=Placebo@user-12lcr8r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
msikmaI don't care about any of that.05:52
troy_sgreetz bersace et al06:07
troy_si love the idea of wiki structuring.  my only thoughts are to keep it streamlined.  not too many sub pages, only as many as needed.06:09
troy_sand bersace, before you start -- think in advance about all the cross links.06:09
troy_sthe links will be a nightmare06:09
bersacei know how to redirect :)06:09
troy_sglad you posted it... it has already started to evolve anyways.06:09
troy_si think if you keep it as streamlined as the artwork team is now, we win.06:10
troy_sonly thoughts are that we keep perhaps all NEW content in something like Drafts or Unsorted or whtaever...06:11
troy_sa singular dir for all of it.06:11
troy_sand with the sub pages thing that henrik has setup, it is easy to see material as soon as it is added.06:12
bersaceFor the page template06:12
troy_sless is more.06:13
bersacei would like to drop the title Sub Page and just put the a bold "subpages" with the list of subpages06:13
troy_si think we need to keep our thoughts towards how a first time user would look at the pages.06:13
bersacethat won't pollute the ToC06:13
bersaceok ?06:13
troy_sit might be nice to have a link to subpages from teh contents no?06:14
troy_sgive it a bit of time on the mailing list too... just get your planning in place first.06:14
troy_sgive the mailing list a day or two.06:14
troy_sok workie time.06:14
=== troy_s is out.
bersaceso you want to wait one day or two before applying changes ?06:15
troy_sbersace yes i think that is prudent.  give it two days for responses.06:22
troy_sin teh meantime, why don't you copy and adjust a mirror below your home page on the wiki?06:22
troy_sso that the existing stays, but the fresh can begin to be worked out without damaging the structure?06:22
=== troy_s is really out this time. I mean it. ;)
bersacetroy_s: what is my "home page on the wiki"06:23
troy_sbersace:  when you sign up for launchpad, you get a home page dir dedicated to you.06:30
troy_sit is a good 'work' area06:31
bersacethat will lead to mass renaming :(06:32
troy_swell you can plop an outline in there06:32
troy_swithout too much nightmare06:32
bersacei really hate the one-cell-table in PageTemple06:34
bersacefor ToC06:35
troy_soh.. i just copied henriks.  it is clean and simple.06:36
kyledyewish they'd let me do a layout for ubuntu.com :(06:45
bersacetroy_s: hey ! you are owner of ubuntu-art at launchpad !06:47
bersacegreeeeaaaaaat !!!!!06:47
bersaceI propose Incoming to replace Drafts and Propositions06:50
kyledyewhat can i do to help07:02
bersacereview this page07:04
bersaceadd you propositions07:04
bersacecomplete it07:04
bersaceand wait for troy_s to trigger the migration07:04
bersacein fact, that page should be ArtworkTeam/ReOrganisation :(07:05
kyledyebersace: do you think i could be involed with the template creations?07:15
bersaceof course07:15
bersacei wish not only !07:15
kyledye<-- web designer by trade :)07:16
kyledyeit's my passion07:16
=== megabyte405 [n=megabyte@user-0cdvltn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kyledyewtf is this launchpad thing07:34
=== PseudoPlacebo [n=Placebo@user-12lcr8r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== neodreams [n=neodream@modemcable198.230-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== Snake [n=Snake@unaffiliated/snake] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
SnakeCan someone tell me what font the Ubuntu logo is in?08:17
SnakeIs there anyway I can get it not in package form? I need it for use one a..08:18
=== Snake whispers windows machine
neodreamsI can08:19
neodreamswait sec08:19
SnakeOkay thanks man08:19
SnakeWow awesome set08:22
neodreamsyep !08:22
Snakethanks again08:22
=== Snake idles here for a bit in support :D
=== nettogrof [n=nettogro@pdpc/supporter/active/nettogrof] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kyledyehowdy nettogrof08:33
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