
jdubmgalvin: (although you can often find interesting information on release+1-changes...)12:04
mgalvinjub: indeed, already subscribed there ;)12:04
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bluefoxicywho is in charge of libc? (or should I leave a minor almost-bug unassigned)01:12
Keybukleave it unassigned, someone will assign themselves01:13
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sabdflmdz: 84 specs so far for uds-paris02:06
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bluefoxicy"gzip is free software...you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with tar..." <-- gzip-1.3.5/debian/copyright05:20
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bluefoxicyparsechangelog/debian: error: badly formatted trailer line, at changelog line 505:42
bluefoxicy -- John Moser <john.r.moser@gmail.com>  Thu 08 Jun 2006 11:32:00 -040005:42
bluefoxicywhat... what?05:42
bluefoxicyI don't understand this !@*^ing question.05:43
bluefoxicyoh ffs.. missing a comma.05:43
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Burgundaviainfinity: thank you for stepping in on that gcc thread06:18
infinityBurgundavia: I already spent last night arguing about it on IRC.  TBH, I'm mostly ambivolent to the idea of it in -desktop (though I will fight tooth and nail to keep it off servers), but I feel the need to fight "random -desktop bloat with non-obvious use cases"06:19
Burgundaviainfinity: indeed. My concern was that it was the same people going around and around06:20
infinityAlso, I just got a shot of homesick in the mailbox this morning.  Gary Burns sent me a copy of Waydowntown.06:20
=== infinity sniffs.
infinityBurgundavia: Are you going to be in Paris as a doc-team rep?06:23
Burgundaviainfinity: work conflicts, so no06:23
infinityBurgundavia: Damn.  I like you, cause you speak Canadian and I actually understand you. :)06:23
ajmitchinfinity: just yourself there for the server team?06:23
infinityOh well.06:24
infinityajmitch: And neuralis.06:24
ajmitchah good06:24
Burgundaviainfinity: no worries. I will catch you in October06:24
ajmitchso you can at least have some discussion 06:24
ajmitchwherever the october meetup may be06:24
Burgundavialets just say I am going to be in my office for 5 more working days the rest of June06:24
Burgundaviathe rest I will be travelling for work06:24
infinityajmitch: Yeah, I doubt we'll be shooting for anything earth shatterring on the server side.  Server stuff tends to move at a stately pace for very good reasons.06:25
infinityajmitch: I do want to examine more "server installation options for idiots" stuff like the LAMP install, which seems to have been very well recieved.06:25
ajmitchyes, a few of those would go down well, and lead towards that 'small business server' goal06:26
infinitySamba 4 might actually release in edgy's timeframe, and I'd like to be prepared for that.  And Apache 2.2 will be in edgy before I get to Paris.06:27
infinityBut other than those, I can't think of any amazingly interesting upstream stuff.06:27
Burgundaviainfinity: Hula! they will release any decade now06:27
ajmitchhaving samba4 in edgy could be interesting, as it has its own ldap & kerberos setup, iirc06:28
ajmitchI've been looking at fedora directory server as well06:28
ajmitchmight try & get that in if it can build properly06:28
infinityajmitch: Yeah, it attempts to do the whole AD thing out of the box.06:28
infinityajmitch: Which might be cool, if I have the spare cycles to make it go.06:28
ajmitchsort of makes what I'm doing relatively obsolete :)06:28
infinityajmitch: Given edgy's "we don't care if it's broken" release philosophy, I may even opt for tossing a samba4 beta in, just for fun.06:29
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ajmitchI didn't think it was even that close to beta06:30
Burgundaviaajmitch: does Sun produce PPC java?06:30
infinityajmitch: It's passably useable.06:30
ajmitchBurgundavia: not that I've seen06:30
ajmitchthey probably do, but I haven't had a ppc box to care about it06:30
infinityajmitch: I think I'll register some spec time to discuss the current state of affairs and see where to go from there.06:30
Burgundaviaajmitch: does anybody? blackdown?06:31
ajmitchblackdown did, I think06:31
ajmitchI haven't kept up with the state of java06:31
infinityThe current state of java is, as always, "poor".06:31
BurgundaviaI am trying to rewrite wik.ubuntu.com/Java06:32
infinityIf Sun comes through on their half-promise to relicense it under a free license, ports should pop up nearly instantly.06:32
infinity(Or the whole thing will just get eated by the GCC stack)06:32
ajmitchI should track down jelmer & see what samba4 stuff he has06:32
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ajmitchhey AndyFitz 06:36
AndyFitzheya ajmitch06:37
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Burgundaviainfinity: do you know much about PPC Java?06:44
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Burgundaviainfinity: unping06:56
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ajmitchmorning fabbione 07:22
tritiumit's night time, silly ;)07:22
ajmitchtritium: I'm sure it is, somewhere :)07:22
tritiumyeah, here...good night :)07:23
ajmitchgood night07:23
ajmitchwhy did some user decide to add https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Feature_Suggestions07:23
fabbioneajmitch: delete the page :)07:25
=== ajmitch wants to delete some users.. :)
bluefoxicyWho is not particularly busy, because the dev I was annoying the fuck out of at 1am has gone to sleep and I have not got this package working quite right yet07:29
bluefoxicydpkg-genchanges: failure: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory  <-- wtf?07:30
bluefoxicyalso is there a more appropriate channel than #-devel or #-motu or whatnot to discuss building packages when you have no idea wtf you're doing and need help?07:31
ajmitchno, -motu is generally the one07:31
bluefoxicyoh ok07:32
=== bluefoxicy wanders back over there then.
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ajmitchhey jsgotangco 07:32
jsgotangcogood afternoon07:32
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Burgundaviaajmitch: you can redirect that edgy page to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityEdgyIdeas07:37
ajmitchBurgundavia: I will07:37
Burgundaviaajmitch: with extreme prejudice, if you please07:38
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ajmitchBurgundavia: redirected07:40
Burgundaviaajmitch: sweet07:40
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pittiGood morning08:18
Burgundaviamorning pitti08:18
ajmitchmorning pitti, how are you?08:19
pittihey Burg08:25
pittihi ajmitch 08:26
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pittiajmitch: pretty good, and you?08:26
ajmitchI'm good thanks :)08:26
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=== ajmitch is wishing that the clock in vmware didn't drift all over the place by a few hours
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=== Treenaks pets ntpd
ajmitchif only it'd actually keep up :)08:29
bluefoxicypitti:  morning.08:33
bluefoxicypitti:  can I pm you a couple things to look at before I sleep?08:34
pittibluefoxicy: sure, I just have to urgently finish something08:37
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sivangmorning all08:48
sivanghey ajmitch 08:48
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ubijtsa2moin moin09:43
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dholbachgood morning09:49
dholbachso you reckon, I shouldn't upgrade my amd64?09:49
ajmitchdepends on how brave you are09:50
=== sivang prefers the chroots
ajmitchit only took a few seconds to resolve the issue on my system09:51
ajmitchonly because I had a root shell open :)09:51
sivangah, you've dist-upgrades already to edgy?09:51
ajmitchsivang: there's not really many changes yet09:51
sivangbut Colin and Scott said that most of the toolchain is missing09:52
ajmitchyes, but that means I just don't get upgrades from dapper for those packages :)09:52
ajmitchthey're trying to get the chroots setup correctly for building09:53
pittihi dholbach 09:53
ajmitch& everything in place before the floodgates open09:53
dholbachheya pitti09:53
=== pitti quickly opens a root shell to survive the current dist-upgrade :)
dholbachcuriosity ...09:54
ajmitchpitti: it's just because I couldn't run sudo :)09:54
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dholbachit's good I sometimes read the topics09:54
sivangwell, for as long as I know pitti, he's doing it on a chroot :)09:54
dholbachI think I would have done the upgrade myself later today ;)09:54
ajmitchdholbach: I upgraded before it was in the topic :)09:55
pittisivang: of course *not*09:55
=== pitti regrets not having read the topic today
ajmitchsivang: I did this in vmware, not my main system ;)09:55
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giftnudeloh well, you could always boot from a live cd, and hey, where is the fun if you already know what happens before you try it09:56
ajmitchgiftnudel: no need to do that09:56
giftnudelajmitch: well, yes, but it still is an option ;)09:56
sivangpitti: ah, oops09:56
ajmitchwhere's everyone's sense of adventure these days? ;)09:56
=== sivang thinks if to dist-upgrade his thinkepad
pittiajmitch: so, what exactly broke? I can't see any difference right after dist-upgrade09:57
ajmitchpitti: /lib64 symlink09:57
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pittiapart from having killed my locale09:57
ajmitchdpkg broke unpacking base-files, since it needed to depend on a newer glibc09:58
ajmitchwhich is probably built & in the archive now09:58
cvdMorning - Chris K here using cvds machine to get some emergency help09:58
pittiajmitch: what's it supposed to be? I have /lib64 -> /lib09:58
fabbionecvd: go ahead dude09:58
ajmitchpitti: that's right09:58
ajmitchpitti: so nothing to worry about09:58
pittiajmitch: I already dist-upgraded yesterday, btw (now again)09:58
pittiajmitch: ah, thanks09:58
pittisudo works fine09:59
ajmitchyou'd quickly notice if it were broken.. not being able to run any programs at all09:59
cvdLogged into Ubuntu this morning and went to change the wireless network connection 09:59
cvd(I was at home last night using the home network)09:59
cvdWhen I login this morning, the wireless option in Network settings is not there09:59
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cvdThe only unusual event last night was that I ran our of juice and th machine went into an emergency shutdown10:00
fabbionecvd: what do you mean by "wireless option"?10:00
cvdNetwork settings10:00
cvdWireless connection is what I meant10:01
fabbionei guess i will never be able to see that on my workstation...10:01
fabbioneanybody with a laptop?10:01
cvdInstead I only have the Modem connection (I recall that there should be three options there)10:01
giftnudelcvd: yes, modem, ethernet, wlan10:02
infinitycvd: You mean in System->Preferences->Network?10:02
infinityIt doesn't show your wireless adapter at all?10:02
glatzorsivang: I hope that this is sufficient :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup/UI10:03
cvdSystem > Administration > Networking on my machine10:03
infinitycvd: Err, yeah, I meant that.10:03
cvdnot at all10:03
infinitycvd: I don't suppose it magically loves you if you reboot?10:04
cvdTried that twice10:04
infinityRight, then.  I blame Fabio.10:04
fabbioneinfinity: teh what?10:04
infinityfabbione: Can you walk her through debugging with ifconfig and dmesg and stuff?  I need to get back to mangling glibc and chroots.10:04
fabbioneinfinity: her -> him ;)10:05
fabbioneinfinity: it's chriss there.. 10:05
fabbioneinfinity: yeah i think i can try...10:05
infinityOh, I don't pay attention much.10:05
cvdOne machine down  - two staff out of action :-)10:05
cvdThank Adam10:05
fabbionecvd: can you please send the output of iwconfig and dmesg somehwre we can read it please?10:05
cvdOf course10:06
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fabbioneat least dhcp3 is broken on ppc/edgy10:07
fabbionecvd: good question...10:07
cvdJust rebooted for the third time and the Ethernet connection has re-appeared10:07
fabbionecvd: collect them on a usb stick and copy them somewhere?10:07
cvdWill reboot again and see if this thing heals itself10:07
cvdActually that was the 4th time10:08
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fabbionecvd: i hate to say it... your laptop sucks10:12
cvdAnd I thought getting the same laptop at Mark would logically mean that there were fewer problems10:12
cvd5th login - back to only the Modem connection10:12
fabbionecvd: i need you to collect dmesg10:12
fabbionecvd: do this:10:12
fabbionedmesg > debug.output10:13
fabbioneiwconfig >>  debug.output10:13
fabbionelspci >>  debug.output10:13
fabbioneonce that's done reboot till you get network10:13
fabbioneand send the file somewhere i can read it10:13
fabbione(and no sorry.. Mark's laptop is older than your.. produced by IBM and not some cheap Lenovo thingy)10:14
cvdThats all in the Terminal services...?10:15
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fabbioneyou need to do it in a terminal and mnually10:15
pittibah, new libc breaks locales horribly10:15
fabbionepitti: they also break dhpc on ppc10:15
fabbionelocale was already known10:15
cvdCool will get onto it10:16
=== lloydinho [n=andreas@rosinante.egmont-kol.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubhow do you get n-m to ignore an interface that you want to configure auto/dhcp?10:17
cvdFabio - Do you > mean return or simply the symbol10:17
shawarmajdub: Put it into interfaces..10:17
infinityjdub: You don10:17
giftnudeljdub: doesn't it ignore it if it it is activated in the network-config?10:17
infinityjdub: You don't.  Our n-m implementation assumes that it can take over anything that's dhcp/auto.10:17
jdubshawarma, giftnudel: no -> auto+dhcp10:17
infinityjdub: The only way to make it ignore it is to remove networkmanager.10:18
pittijdub: set any option in /e/n/interfaces10:18
jdubinfinity: can't set hostname or something token?10:18
fabbionecvd: the symbol10:18
jdubpitti: aha :)10:18
fabbionecvd: execute the commands exactly as i pasted them.. 10:18
shawarmajdub: I see. I thought it left it alone as long as the interface was mentioned in interfaces.10:19
jdubshawarma: if it's configured auto+dhcp, NM will use it10:19
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shawarmajdub: Yeah, that makes sense.10:19
cvdFabbione:  'dmesg'  produces lots of information 'dmesg > debug.output' does nothing10:24
fabbionecvd: the latter is writing all the output into the file called debug.output10:24
fabbionei need the file once you have done10:24
fabbionebe aware of the ">>" in the next commands10:24
fabbioneit's important10:24
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cvdFab: when you say reboot till you get the network  - can you explain?10:28
pygisivang, poke? :)10:29
fabbionecvd: reboot -> does the network work? [yes|no]  -> yes -> perfect.. no -> reboot again10:29
fabbionecvd: i need to look at that file to try to understand what's going on10:29
cvdWhen you say the file do you mean the txt that was showing in the Term Services window10:30
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cvdAnd do you want me to grab it before I reoboot10:30
fabbioneonce the file is written on the hd, you can just get the network up and send it via email.10:30
fabbionecvd: all the commands you did run before, did write all their info into a file called debug.output10:31
fabbionea txt file10:31
fabbionethis file is on your hd10:31
cvdThat would be where10:31
fabbionenow you need to find a way to show it to me10:31
fabbionethe easiest is to reboot, get the network to work again and send it via email10:32
fabbioneare we on the same page now?10:32
fabbioneotherwise use whatever way to send it to me..10:32
fabbioneit doesn't really matter..10:32
cvdOn it now10:34
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glatzordoes anybody know what the mount option "unhide" does?10:35
glatzorI don't understand the manual10:36
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sivangpygi: pong10:39
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cvdfabbione:  file should be with you10:41
pygisivang, pm 10:42
cvdfabbione:  Problem solved10:50
fabbionecvd: i am reading the log.. 10:50
fabbioneone minute please10:50
cvdNot required issue resolved10:51
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cvdBut thanks for the help10:51
fabbionecvd: what was the issue?=10:51
cvdNot sure I want to say it in public10:51
fabbionecvd: if saying it in public will require the help of a shrink, we want to know it NOW10:52
=== jsgotangco listens
infinitycvd: Wireless adapter was a PCMCIA card, and it wasn't plugged in?10:52
=== infinity wonders if there's an even more embarassing explanation waiting.
fabbioneinfinity: there must be. it's a t6010:53
fabbioneno pcmcia wireless card10:53
cvdCKenyon is now going to logon as himself and explain10:53
infinityYou can buy a T60 without wireless, though I'm not sure why you WOULD.10:53
fabbionecvd: thanks lady10:53
\shdear god, please replace RPM with something better...kthxamen10:53
cvdthanks fabbione 10:53
siretart\sh: but it is defacto standard sanctioned by LSB!!!10:53
ajmitchsiretart: which shows how relevant it is10:54
infinityfabbione: The T60 though, does have a hardware "wireless disable" switch.10:54
infinityfabbione: So that's an equally fun bet for "embarassing explanations".10:54
fabbioneinfinity: yes.. that's what i am thinking too10:54
fabbionebut i want to hear that10:55
ajmitchinfinity: would it cause the interface to not show up?10:55
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infinityajmitch: It's meant to do so, yes.10:55
=== jsgotangco laptop has a switch that works
infinityajmitch: It's meant to hotplug it right off the PCI bus.10:55
ajmitchinteresting, I'm sure my acer does it differently10:55
CkenyonMorning all10:56
CkenyonSo where do I begin10:56
ajmitchhowever acers aren't known for their great hardware10:56
siretartthe interface itself should show up, but i've seen drivers which need to be 'ifconfig up'ed so they advertise themself as 'wireless' device10:56
infinityCkenyon: Begin with the embarassing part.10:56
CkenyonThe fact that I turned off the wireless switch on the front of the machine10:56
infinityI win!10:56
ajmitchinfinity collects the pool10:56
CkenyonOr the fact that I triggered the alarm to the building when I walk in this morning10:56
jsgotangcomultiplier bonus!10:57
Kamiond-i in having better technology than the rest of the system shocker ;-)10:57
Kamionit would have noticed ...10:57
CkenyonOr the fact that I spend 20 minutes arguing with alarm company explaining 'No I am not a burglar phoning you as part of an elaborate ploy to stop you turning up'10:57
ajmitchah, one of those days10:58
dholbachCkenyon: the rest of the day will be better! :-)10:58
=== dholbach hugs Ckenyon
Kamion(if anyone wants to fix GNOME to notice kill switches, see netcfg/netcfg-common.c:check_kill_switch() for how to detect it10:58
CkenyonOr the fact that that my effort to get in an hour early has now meant that I am two hours behind10:58
=== sivang wonders who is Ckenyon
Kamionbasically /sys/class/net/<interface>/device/rf_kill, at least for ipw2[12] 0010:59
infinityKamion: I assume that only works for RF kill switches.10:59
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infinityKamion: (Some laptops use a more drastic "bump it off the PCI bus" approach)10:59
Kamioninfinity: ah, fun10:59
Ckenyonsivang - Funny  - that's exactly what the alarm company said10:59
CkenyonMany thanks for the help - I look forward to meeting y'all in Paris10:59
sivangCkenyon: heh, what will you be up to in Paris?11:00
infinityKamion: Care to re-remind me about that preseed upload/build sometime when the buildds aren't all angrily bootstrapping edgy?11:01
\shsiretart: well, reading the doc from redhat, RPM can do some OR dependencies like | in debian/control...somehow suse doesn't support this operator in sles9 :(11:01
infinityKamion: Say, Mondayish? :)11:01
infinityKamion: (Hopefully, we'll be back in fullauto then, and there'll be no need to remind me anyway)11:01
Kamioninfinity: I'm on holiday all next week11:01
Kamionso not really, no ;-)11:01
infinityKamion: Oh, right.  That'll make this fun...11:02
Kamionon holiday and nowhere near any computers, as it happens11:02
infinityKamion: Kay, I'll just make a mental note then.  Have fun VACing.11:02
infinityKamion: Toss a few back for me.11:02
infinity(Only a few; I'm not Irish)11:02
Kamionso somebody else will have to drive debian-installer uploads to -updates and such11:03
infinityKamion: Or we can do it in Paris, since Fabio will be at home anyway, sitting next the sparc test gear. :)11:03
infinity(And we'll have the soyuz guys at arm's length to smack them if it breaks)11:03
MithrandirKamion: you need to walk me through how to release sparc, too.11:03
infinitys/if/when/, I fear.11:04
=== dholbach needs to learn the xrender-cairo-ati-whateveritis bug number by heart to dups more quickly :-(
giftnudelI think there should be weekly quizzes about the most frequent bug numbers11:04
sivangKamion: the IBM guy I'm supposed to meet wanted to set a meeting for next week, I'll tell him to reschedule and we could talk about it some more in Paris before I actually go and test there.11:05
dholbachah it's bug 3443511:06
UbugtuMalone bug 34435 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "Cairo and ATI RENDER extension cause scrambled buttons in UbuntuLooks" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3443511:06
Ckenyonsivang: The Edgey meeting in Paris11:06
KamionMithrandir: I *think* something along the lines of 'ARCHES=sparc CDIMAGE_NO_PURGE=1 for-project ubuntu publish-release daily ../ubuntu-server/daily/$DATE server yes' should do it11:07
sivangCkenyon: cool, I suppose you are in close proximity to Claire then, if you used cvd's nick :-)11:07
KamionMithrandir: (yes, hacky)11:07
MithrandirKamion: what does CDIMAGE_NO_PURGE do?  Not remove the other arches?11:07
KamionMithrandir: but if I were you I'd do 'cp -a cdimage/simple simple-backup' first and check HEADER.html, .htaccess, and MD5SUMS carefully before and afterwards11:08
Kamioner, not cp -a11:08
Kamioncp -al11:08
KamionMithrandir: right11:08
CkenyonBased in London on the business team11:08
MithrandirKamion: ok, I'll do that11:08
Kamionhmm, cdimage will need a little work to pull from -security/-updates for the next dapper build IIRC11:08
infinityOh, halleluja, gcc-4.1 is sinally building everywhere.11:10
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Kamionparticularly to pull d-i from updates. eek.11:11
=== Kamion prods hopefully
=== \sh reads the thread about installing a compiler by default...*shrug*
\shI wonder how "11:12
\shA common reason to install a new driver on a Linux system is to gain11:12
\sh access to the Interne11:12
\shis achieved by installing a compiler, because there is no internet connection. most probaly no one is coming to me, with the source module on disk or cd for the driver anyways11:13
KamionI dunno, I don't think it's unheard of11:14
infinityI have exactly one piece of hardware with a source tarball on the driver disk.11:15
infinityAnd it's a RAID controller, so the compiler being installed probably won't help me. :)11:16
infinity(Might help to have it in -live, I guess)11:16
=== fabbione hands gcc-udeb to infinity
siretartfabbione: great. but please start with a libstdc++-udeb first ;)11:18
\shinfinity: this would be a real use-case for a gcc on -live...many driver sources are waiting in universe anyways, so we would provide more and more unsupported systems11:18
fabbione\sh: that would horribly break at the first kernel abi bump11:18
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\shfabbione: or sure :)11:19
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:infinity] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | HAPPY DAPPER DAY! | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-June/000083.html
infinity(Upgrading to edgy no longer requires rescuing from a boot disk.  Probably still completely broken, but not "boot disk" broken)11:27
\shinfinity: already a working edgy debootstrap package available?11:28
Kamion\sh: no11:28
ajmitchI think that will be 'soon'11:28
KamionI can do that as soon as I've finished fixing cdimage to pull d-i stuff from security/updates11:29
infinity\sh: No point.  deboostrap dapper, make sources.list say "edgy", and you have an edgy chroot.11:29
infinity\sh: The whopping two packages that will get upgraded when you do a dist-upgrade shouldn't be too much of a problem. :)11:29
\shinfinity: hehe...11:30
fabbioneinfinity: modulo dhcp breaking down :)11:30
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infinityfabbione: Who has a dhcp client in a chroot? :)11:30
fabbioneinfinity: well i did upgrade live on my PB11:30
\shoh man..someone broke our nameserver...11:30
fabbioneI am a man! i run edgy!11:30
\sh"And in the right corner, the man who is running Edgy from start, Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, Fabbione, the Italian Stallion...." 11:32
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=== \sh needs a cigarette
mdkeZnarl: ping11:34
KamionMithrandir: ok, I *think* cdimage is set up to pull everything (including the installer) from -security and -updates if necessary for dapper builds now11:34
KamionMithrandir: there's a certain amount of untested code in there, though, so feel free to bug-fix if necessary next week ...11:35
MithrandirKamion: yay. :-)11:35
Kamion(bzr branches are good if you do)11:35
MithrandirKamion: it's bzr now, right?11:35
Kamionsee cdimage/.bzr/branch/parent and cdimage/debian-cd/.bzr/branch/parent for URLs11:35
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Kamionfree of local diffs now, for your comfort and convenience11:37
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infinityKamion: As far as you know, once I've done the toolchain bootstrap and the dpkg/debhelper/cdbs stuff, should we be okay to set the buildds to full auto?12:13
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Kamioninfinity: that's all I know of12:29
infinityOoo, the GCC testsuite on i386 is half done...12:31
=== infinity pushes.
infinityErr, argh.12:32
infinityIt runs the suite twice?12:32
=== infinity frowns at doko.
infinityOnce for -march=i486 and once for -march=i68612:32
dokoinfinity: yes, that works mostly now, could disable that again12:34
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Kamion$ ../germinate/germinate.py --bzr -m http://riva/ubuntu/ -S sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds -s ubuntu.edgy -d edgy --no-rdepends12:37
Kamionsweet, works12:37
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Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~/src/ubuntu/ubuntu-meta/ubuntu-meta-0.119>$ ../../germinate/germinate/update-metapackage.py --bzr dapper01:09
Kamion[...] 01:09
Kamion* Checking out sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.dapper/01:09
Kamionthat'll do nicely01:10
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Keybuksftp, not http?01:10
Kamioncan do either01:12
Kamionhttp requires branch rather than checkout though01:12
KamionI used sftp to guarantee avoiding the supermirror-is-slow-to-pull-to-http problem01:12
Kamion(and to demonstrate that it can be direct)01:13
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jordiKamion: do you think using archive-copier is a good start to modify sarge's installer to build a pool out of the contents of a dvd?01:14
KamionI don't quite get what you mean01:14
jordiSo we want to build a pool out of the contents of the dvd at d-i time, so that after the reboot, base-config can use a file apt repo01:15
Kamionoh right, sure, archive-copier's probably a reasonable place to start for that01:16
jordiI wondered if modifying archive-copier to get it integrated in d-i would be sensible01:16
Kamionmodifying locally, sure, but there's no point for mainline d-i now01:16
jordiKamion: ok. archive-copier only copies to apt's cache iirc?01:16
Kamionapt's cache, /var/cache/archive-copier/desktop/, /var/cache/archive-copier/ship/01:17
jordinm, the dvd already has a pool structure, so the copy is pretty straight forward01:17
jordiok, thanks!01:17
Kamionneeds a small bit of base-config integration to move the latter two into the right places at the right times to avoid being cleaned up by base-config etc.01:17
jordishould I use breezy's, or the latest version in the pool?01:17
Kamionmay need apt-setup integration too01:17
Kamionprobably use breezy's, it's basically dead in dapper01:18
KamionI plan to drop it from the archive in edgy01:18
jordiaha. I probably just need to drop the whole pool in /net/archive pool. reprepro can do the rest after d-i01:18
Kamionyeah, it's easy enough to tweak the postinst01:19
jordiyeah, I realised breezy looked like the best option from the changelog01:19
jordiok. I'll have a look01:19
Kamionnote it kind of relies on either Task or Archive-Copier-Set headers at present, but there's no reason you couldn't change it to copy everything minus base or something like that01:19
Kamionhave fun :)01:19
jordiwhy minus base?01:19
jordithe goal is to build a full mirror out of the dvd01:20
jordicurrently we install from dvd, then build a mirror from the dvd01:20
jordiie, two reads01:20
Kamionoh, you want to copy the stuff that's already installed as well?01:20
Kamionthis is an automatic mirror machine installer or something?01:20
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pygihey ogra 01:23
jordino, it's our classroom server installer. After the install, there's a script that builds a mirror either from http, dvd, or whatever you tell it to use01:23
jordithen the classroom workstations can get installed from that server's mirror01:23
jordior update, whatever01:23
Kamionah, right01:24
pittijordi: hey dude, how are you?01:24
pittijordi: can I talk to you for some minutes?01:24
jordipitti: sleepy!01:24
jordipitti: totally01:24
pittijordi: so, carlos and I talked about langpack updating yesterday01:25
pittijordi: do you generally agree that it's a sane thing to upload new langpacks into stables on the 1st Monday of every month?01:25
pittijordi: so that the translators have a predictable schedule01:25
jordipitti: 1st of month sounds like a very easy date to remember by everyone.01:26
pittijordi: first Monday, to ensure it's a workday01:26
pygijordi, 1st monday :P01:26
jordioh lol01:27
jordidid I comment I'm sleepy :D01:27
jordiOk, 1st monday is also easy to remember :)01:27
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pittijordi: also, do you think we should do the first dapper update earlier? like, mid-month01:31
jordipitti: possibly, becasuse there's probably many last minute work that didn't make it01:31
jordii suggested this in some email exchange01:31
jordiif it's not too expensive, I would do it01:32
pittijordi: not at all; we have daily sources and debs anyway on people01:32
pittijordi: it's just a matter of prodding an LP guy to upload them01:32
jordiThen I think it's a good idea01:33
pittijordi: OK, so let's commit to June 1401:33
pittijordi: I'll write an announcement soon01:34
jordiYeah. I'll speak to mdke about documenting this officially in help.u.c01:34
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pittihi zul01:36
zulhey pitti how is it going?01:36
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pittizul: pretty good, *-security is finally fully working now01:37
zulincluding my gpg key?01:37
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KamionKeybuk: can you sync germinate from incoming, please? (or tell me I can do it)01:43
KamionI want to get the *-meta changes through before I go off on holiday01:43
Kamiongerminate 0.1601:44
Keybuksure, no problem01:44
KeybukDebian's incoming?01:44
=== Kamion replaces *-meta's ./update with a very small shell script
Kamion(not a trout, for a change)01:49
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sivangheh, roasted or boiled ?01:54
Keybukooh, sushi!01:56
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thomsushi ftw.01:57
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dholbachheno: I just read your comments to the FutureOfGst spec... the at / keyboard properties are part of control-center, not gnome-system-tools01:58
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henodholbach: ah, ok. does the control-center need some love as well? ;)02:02
sivanghmm, future of gst?02:02
ograKeybuk, i just saw you have a boot-message-logging spec, there was a bootlogd spec from UDU you might probably look at02:02
sivangdoes it say something about rewiritng the backends in pyhton? :p02:03
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ogras/look/want to look/02:03
dholbachheno: there are lots of modules which could do with some love02:03
sivangheno: is the spec regsitered in Launchpad ?02:03
dholbachsivang: FutureOfGst on the wiki02:03
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henohow many Paris specs does it typically make sense to subscribe to? ie. how many tracks is it sensible to follow?02:05
Keybukogra: I think that spec varies a hell of a lot depending on replacement-init02:05
tsengheno: there is a new bof every 45 minutes02:06
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ograKeybuk, ok i just thought they could be related 02:06
Keybukogra: what was the UDU spec?02:07
ograit think it was just called Bootlogd02:07
henotseng: but there are parallel sessions right, and some specs have several BOFs on different days02:07
Kamionwas probably looking at the sysvinit bootlogd code02:07
tsengheno: yes.. scheduling is tricky02:08
Kamionheno: yes, the scheduler tries to get you to as many of the ones you're subscribed to as it can, and will make sure you're at anything where you're the assignee or the drafter02:08
henoI'm just looking for a round number. I guess signing up for 20 is too many and 5 is too few02:08
Kamionat least that's how it's worked before02:08
ograKeybuk, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/BootLogd02:08
henoKamion: ok, I've got almost 10 of those already :)02:09
KamionI'm subscribed to about 15 for this round which my gut feel says is about reasonable02:09
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henocool, thanks02:09
Kamionif you have a very large number of specs that you're drafting or being assigned to, you may find it difficult to get to many others02:09
KamionI had IIRC 8 assigned to me or that I was drafting last time round, and some of those were pretty chunky, so I didn't get round many of the others02:10
KamionI'm proposing 6 this time which I think will give me a more reasonable load02:10
=== sivang follows the same approach, although is still short of 2-3
henoI've got several that were basically drafted complete weeks ago that I just want other people to look at02:11
Kamionah, those will be much quicker then since they'll probably be a single session02:11
henoincluding two SoC ones02:11
=== sivang goes to check on mdz's page for still unspec'd ideas.
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\shUbuntus developer summits are not fun..it's hard work, even for community people :)02:22
eXistenZThere is some wiki that includes the tools required for packaging02:23
eXistenZCan anyone direct me to that link?02:23
sivangdholbach: nice spec, I'm in for it :) (FutureOfGst)02:24
KeybukKamion: I'll set u-m-f-b as "implemented" then, shall I? :p02:26
KamionKeybuk: I just did :)02:26
KeybukKamion: I mean uncheck "needs further discussioN"02:26
KamionKeybuk: oh, sure02:26
Keybukthe thing that stops it appearing in the schedule02:26
Kamionimplemented should imply that :P02:26
KeybukKamion: I recall having a "But it's implemented! ... you still need to write the spec" conversation before02:27
Kamionalso perhaps "basic direction approved"02:27
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Keybuktalking of which, niiiice empty spec <g>02:27
Keybukheh, TICK ALL THE BOXES!02:27
Kamionunless you want to do a code review before that ;)02:27
KamionI can write a spec if you REALLY want02:27
Kamionit might be shorter than the code, I guess02:27
KeybukI care not02:28
eXistenZanyone? :|02:33
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KamionKeybuk: oh well, wrote a quick spec anyway02:35
KeybukKamion: are you bored? :p02:35
KamionI'm lacking in things that will take four hours and that I can then drop for a week02:36
infinityeXistenZ: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/02:38
ograeXistenZ, yelp has the ubuntu packaging guide02:39
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eXistenZinfinity, ogra, thanks ;-)02:47
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pittiG0SUB: ping03:16
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eXistenZinfinity, How can I edit my wiki page by the way? 03:25
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Kamioninfinity: do you want gcc-4.1 NEWed on amd64?03:32
infinityKamion: If you feel the urge, sure.03:33
infinityKamion: I'm waiting on all arches before I publish it, but if you want to do the binaries as they roll in, that's cool.03:34
infinityKamion: I'm off for some dinner and wife time before I come back and keep going with the toolchain.03:34
infinityKamion: Oh, and i386 should have just showed up.03:34
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B2F9C.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KamionI'm sort of guessing at components, but there you go03:37
Kamionok, amd64 and i386 accepted03:42
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Kamioninfinity: set up britney output for edgy now03:48
Kamions/set/I've set/03:48
bddebianBritney? I think we need a Jessica :-)03:48
Kamionway ahead of you03:49
bddebianW00t, rock on Kamion :-)03:49
Kamionspeaking of ...03:50
=== Kamion points that and anastacia at edgy
=== chrissturm [n=christop@85-125-152-205.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-devel
highvoltageis edgy open :)03:57
pygihighvoltage, which time is that :P03:58
ograhighvoltage, yes, but still missing the basics ... we'll have to wait 03:58
highvoltagepygi: time for a dist-upgrade :)03:58
pygihighvoltage, lol :)03:59
highvoltageheh (just joking)03:59
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Kamioninfinity: gcc-4.1/powerpc accepted04:02
iwjpitti: My for breezy built, btw.04:03
pittiiwj: yay04:03
KamionBenC: btw, I figure we'll hold off on NEWing linux-source-2.6.17 until the toolchain is more or less together :)04:04
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iwjI'm currently trying to get this breezy chroot to a state where I can test it.04:23
pittiiwj: 'dchroot -c breezy -d "bash -l"' works for me (this keeps environment stuff intact), and bind-mounting /tmp to get the X socket04:26
Keybukbind-mounting /tmp ... eww :p04:31
Keybukcould be worse, at least you're not bind-mounting *into* /tmp04:31
KeybukI have a little evil chuckle every time someone does that in their fstab04:31
pittiKeybuk: what's wrong with that?04:32
Keybukpitti: bind-mounting part of your filesystem into /tmp ?04:32
Keybukso you have /tmp/usr or something?04:32
pitti /tmp on /home/dchroot/breezy/tmp type none (rw,bind)04:32
pittiKeybuk: just /tmp itself, so that I get the X socket and stuff in my chroots04:32
Keybukthat's ok04:33
Keybukjust a bit eww :p04:33
Keybukit's the other way around that's funny04:33
pittiKeybuk: do you have a more elegant idea?04:33
Keybukno, it's just eww :p04:33
pittiI can live with that :)04:33
iwjpitti: Yes, yes, but I've just discovered that it didn't have ubuntu-desktop installed ...04:33
iwjAnd I don't bind mount /tmp, just /tmp/.X11-unix04:33
Keybuk(for those playing along at home, if you do it the other way around, and bind-mounts bits of your filesystem *into* /tmp ... you'll lose half your filesystem when you reboot)04:33
pitti*cough* :)04:34
ograpfft, who cares, we all have backups, dont we ? :P04:34
=== pitti pats his pibackup automatic network backup
=== TomB_ [n=ownthebo@ACBC3F65.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== _ion remembers to change the backup tape almost every day. :-)
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@83-65-242-216.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtmjg59; pingage04:39
desrtmjg59; i just got an email from a chap who owns a macmini who has been reading my dapper-on-macbook page and has the same problems with resume from sleep04:40
desrtmjg59; specifically, the PCI thing and the IRQ9 thing04:40
desrtmjg59; so we now have another example of an ICH7 machine with the SCI_EN bug04:41
=== pitti waves to desrt
desrthello pitti :)04:49
=== desrt is laying in bed this morning with a macbook and julie doiron
=== desrt is quite happy
pittidesrt: whoever this julie is, she isn't interesting enough to let you forget your computer? :-P04:50
Hobbseedesrt: hope your computer doesnt overheat!04:50
desrtshe's only here in vorbis form04:50
desrtso i doubt she minds04:50
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desrtHobbsee; it's odd04:50
desrtHobbsee; either my laptop has actually been getting cooler or i'm just not noticing it as much :)04:51
=== Hobbsee doesnt trust her laptop near anything flammable. mind you, this model is *known* for overheating :(
desrtall of the new apple laptops are quite well known for that04:51
dholbachogra's laptop as well, right ogra?04:51
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note not to by an apple machine
ogradoes julie warm you enough ?04:52
ogra*warm you up04:52
desrtapple has a knowledge base article basically saying "stop bitching.  we know it gets hot.  that's just how it is"04:52
desrtogra; it's very warm music04:52
desrtHobbsee; i'm actually really happy with this machine04:52
Kamiondesrt: s/new //; AlBooks use the case as a heatsink, effectively04:54
desrtKamion; my albook didn't get this hot04:54
desrtKamion; nor did the ibook which preceeded it04:54
=== ogra wonders why they seem to think that this also works for plastic ibooks
Kamionit's ok as long as you keep it reasonably well-ventilated; can be a problem if you're in a hot environment and you have it on a desk04:54
ogramy ibook gets very hot if i have it on my lap04:55
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=== desrt had the 1.2GHz G4
Hobbseeogra: but computers arent supposed to be on laps at all, are they?  :P04:55
jsgotangcoouch don't let it stay on your lap too much04:55
ograHobbsee, well, thats how i work most of the time :)04:56
Hobbseeguess there are at least a couple of advantages of being female - i dont have to worry about such things :P04:56
Hobbseemind you, laptops do seem to stay cooler when on laps...04:56
=== desrt just puts a blanket or a pillow or some such between legs and laptop
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip68-105-165-49.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zulnot if they dont have a fan04:57
desrtapple has fans04:57
KamionHobbsee: I find they make my thighs painfully hot, not other parts of my anatomy; not sure being female would help there04:57
desrtthey just don't run them enough04:57
Hobbseemost laptops have fan, i would assume04:57
desrtit's to the point where they'll do this *dumb* thing where the fan spins up for 1 second every 3 seconds04:57
iwjNo, this is no good, yelp is broken already before I install my test.04:58
HobbseeKamion: yeah, that is a point.04:58
desrtwhich (a) makes it louder and (b) probably consumes more power in the longrun and (c) doesn't cool as effectively04:58
pittiiwj: we probably have to rebuild yelp, epiphany, etc. against 1.504:58
pittiiwj: I hope that it'll be just that, and not actually bump upstream version of yelp&friends04:58
iwjYes, but I wanted to check.04:58
Hobbseedesrt: ah, you cant set that in the bios at all?04:58
desrtpitti; did you find out if you're attending guadec yet?04:58
iwjBut this chroot is so broken it can't run yelp.04:58
desrtHobbsee; no.  closed-source firmware >:|04:58
Hobbseeah, darn it.04:59
desrty'all must be in france right now?  (or soon?)04:59
pittidesrt: in two weeks04:59
Kamionone and a bit week04:59
pittidesrt: and no, I won't go to guadec, there are some large family events I have to attend to05:00
pittioh, indeed05:00
pittidarn, time flies like an arrow05:00
desrtguadec is a large family event if i've ever heard of one05:00
desrtlarge event for a large family :)05:00
pittiiwj: interesting, yelp in my breezy chroot displays the initial page (partly) and then just crashes with a 'glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer'05:01
pittiiwj: even if I stop all running firefoxes05:01
desrtisn't iwj normally called something else?05:02
=== desrt tries to remember
pittidesrt: not any more, since he got a sane irc client :)05:02
iwjpitti: Yes, that's what it does for me.05:03
iwjAnd as previously discussed an actual breezy install doesn't, for me.05:03
pittisame here05:03
iwjOh, you've tried to install breezy without success ?05:04
HobbseePitchforkdesrt: hmm?05:04
desrtdoning a pitchfork?05:04
HobbseePitchforkdesrt: yes.05:05
pittiiwj: oh, I thought you mean 'it doesn't crash in a real breezy install'05:05
HobbseePitchforkit makes an excellent weapon.05:05
desrtrunning bsd?05:05
iwjNo, I mean, I can't install breezy.  It crashes during boot.05:05
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iwjWell, if your chroot is broken too then I won't bother trying to make a new one with debootstrap.05:07
iwjBut I'm sort of running out of ideas.05:07
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pittiiwj: you could put the .deb somewhere (for amd64), or the source package, and as soon as I have bandwidth again, I could test it05:08
pittistill odd that breezy doesn't boot05:09
pittiiwj: the live CD fails as well?05:09
pittithis would make an excellent testbed, too05:09
iwjpitti: I haven't tried the livecd yet.  I'm not sure I have a breezy livecd floating around.05:09
iwjNo, it seems I don't have a breezy livecd and I'm not sure I want to put downloading one into the dependency chain here.05:14
iwjpitti: My stuff is rsyncing and will be available eventually.05:17
iwjI think if I'm going to be involved in security support for breezy I'm going to need a working install.05:17
pittiiwj: what crashes on the installer CD?05:17
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iwjpitti: It gets through the install, but after the reboot it flashes up the grub and then crashes.05:18
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iwjpitti: Do you have a copy of the orig.tar.gz from Debian ?  If so I can supply you with just the diff as soon as my computer has constructed it.05:24
iwjThat might be faster than waiting for the binaries to go up and down again.05:24
pittiiwj: no, unfortunately not05:24
iwjOh, OK.05:24
iwjWell, there goes my uplink I suppose :-).05:24
pittiiwj: as soon as it's in dapper-security and my bw is back, I'll update my mirror and will have it05:24
pittiiwj: yes, if you just upload diff.gz/dsc that'll be fine for me05:25
iwjOh, OK.05:25
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iwjI've told it not to sign it because I don't really think it should go into the archive right now :-).05:26
iwjpitti: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~ian/d/, has binaries, .diff, .dsc, and pro-forma .changes.05:38
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iwjI haven't tested those _at all_ so it may crash on startup etc.05:38
iwjBut it does build.05:38
pittiiwj: thanks; however, I'm afraid that I won't be able to test them before Monday05:38
=== pitti throws another curse at his ISP
Hobbseepitti: better not curse it too much, otherwise it might up and die on you :P05:39
iwjpitti: Sure.05:40
iwjAlso, it's too hot here and I'm thinking very slowly.05:40
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pygijdub, you have sec?05:49
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\shok..driving home from karlsruhe...cu later in the evening, hoping that germany will lose the first soccer match *eg*05:52
bddebianLater \sh05:52
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mdkeKamion: I forgot to remind you about having a look at the Livecd customisation wiki page after dapper released, so consider yourself reminded06:12
mdkeoh, but he's gone on holiday hasn't he06:12
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mdkei _suck_06:12
Kamionmdke: not quite but I'm in the "argh must finish packing" mode, so now's quite a bad time :)06:12
mdkeKamion: ok, fair enough. It'll be for when you come back then, unless you can recommend someone else 06:13
mdkerecommend stroke delegate06:13
=== vuntz_ is now known as vuntz
KamionMithrandir's a good vict^Wcandidate for live CD stuff06:14
mdkehave a nice holiday!06:15
pittiKamion: enjoy the free days, see you in Paris!06:15
Kamionyup, see y'all there06:16
bddebianNot me :-(06:17
bddebianThough you are probably happy about that ;-P06:18
mdkebddebian: we will sulk together06:18
bddebianmdke: You aren't going?06:18
MithrandirKamion: enjoy your vacation.06:18
mdkebddebian: nope06:19
bddebianBummer :-(06:19
=== stuNNed [n=lance@unaffiliated/stunned] has joined #ubuntu-devel
stuNNedhi guys hope all is well which i'm sure it is :)  good work.06:20
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-85-239-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdkeMithrandir: if you have a few moments, would you be able to have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowToDapper and see if it is accurate?06:20
bddebianHeh, hello stuNNed06:21
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bddebianmdke: Maybe we can attempt a coup de tat while they are in Paris.. ;-P06:21
stuNNedhi bd06:22
mdkebddebian: good thinking06:23
Mithrandirmdke: looks ok to me.06:24
mdkeMithrandir: ah, good news, thanks06:24
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Mithrandirmdke: I obviously haven't tested it, but it looks roughly equivalent to how I build custom CDs here.06:25
mdkeMithrandir: great06:26
phanaticmdke, Mithrandir: there is already an automated tool available for creating customized livecds06:27
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neutrinomassAre there any plans for Eagle USB firmware inclusion on the CD ? It's something in the order of 1 MB ... 06:29
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madduckKamion: "Bug reassigned from package `mdadm' to `mdadm'." ?06:31
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Kamionmadduck: two reassignments at roughly the same time06:32
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madduckok. i just wondered what happened. thanks.06:33
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madducki think i did reassign too.06:33
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bddebianHeya madduck06:37
G0SUBpitti: hello!06:38
pittihello G0SUB 06:38
madduckbddebian: gruezi06:38
bddebianAnyone know when Xorg 7.1 is supposed to hit unstable?06:46
Keybuk^ sweet06:47
Keybukwe now have revision history06:47
Keybukbddebian: try #DEBIAN-devel :p06:47
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bddebianhaha: 654 2006-05-30 shiny firefox theme IT HURTS OUR EYES, PRECIOUS!  06:48
Keybukoh, yeah06:48
Keybukwe mayyyy have to stop being rude in the commit messages now06:48
bddebianKeybuk: Well where I was going with that was when it was going to hit Edgy ;-P06:48
sivanghmm, what a nice spam06:48
Keybukbddebian: is it in unstable?06:49
sivangmy HSBC bank account has been limited06:49
bddebianKeybuk: Oh and they hate me more in #d-d then you all do :)06:49
bddebianKeybuk: No, not yet, hence why I was asking :-)06:49
Keybukthen we don't know06:49
=== nekohayo [n=jeff@bzq-88-152-118-187.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KeybukThe X SWAT TEAM doesn't want to touch X anymore06:49
bddebianYeah, so I have heard06:50
zulthat didnt last too long06:50
jsgotangcowe do?06:50
mjg59Nobody wants to touch X06:50
mjg59It's even more bizarro than the kernel06:51
bddebianjsgotangco: You do what?06:51
bddebianmjg59: I do but I don't think I have the skills :-(06:51
siretartjust take debian's xorg packages and blame them if they break06:51
mjg59bddebian: I suspect you do because you've never had to do so :)06:51
=== siretart runs and hides
bddebiansiretart: Exactly :-)06:52
bddebianmjg59: Nah, I'm a glutton for punishment.  Hell I have 4 Hurd boxes, how bad could X be? ;-P06:52
mjg59How do you feel about whips and large objects being inserted into your rectum?06:52
Keybukthat's almost half the total Hurd boxes in existance!06:53
bddebianKeybuk: touche06:53
zulmjg59: i bet he loves it06:53
mdkesfllaw: will you be around in maybe 3 hours or so?06:53
bddebianmjg59: Define the context :-)06:53
mjg59Because, when it comes to X, the large objects have spikes on06:53
Keybukmjg59: are the objects dull?06:53
sfllawmdke: Yes.  I'll be waiting for a delivery so I'm guaranteed to be in front of the computer.06:54
sfllawAs opposed to in the shower or cooking something.06:55
mdkesfllaw: splendid06:55
sfllawBecause that's _obviously_ when the delivery would arrive.06:55
sivangsfllaw: it's always like this06:55
bddebianmjg59: Well i'd like to to SOMETHING more substantial for Edgy :-)06:56
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bluefoxicyTHAT IS NOT FRIENDLY.06:58
bddebianbluefoxicy: ?06:58
=== bluefoxicy just installed today's updates. New firefox. He switches to firefox because it says it needs to be restarted FIREFOX HAS ALREADY BEEN CLOSED.
=== t0rtois3 [n=tortoise@extern-halls-1.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bluefoxicyDid.. did update-manager just KILL firefox?06:58
dholbachit surely did not06:59
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bluefoxicythen I don't know wtf happened.06:59
Keybukfirefox could have just crashed :p06:59
bddebianKeybuk: Not possible :-)06:59
bluefoxicyKeybuk:  it does that a LOT.06:59
Keybukbddebian: clearly you are using a different Firefox to the web browser I know ;)06:59
bluefoxicyKeybuk:  ubuntu needs a modified QFA for Firefox that spits back crash data :P07:00
bluefoxicyto ubuntu07:00
iwjbluefoxicy: Thanks for volunteering to handle the crash reports and do binary debugging on Flash and Java :-).07:00
bluefoxicy(as an optional package of course)07:00
bddebianiwj: :-)07:01
bluefoxicyiwj:  I've already handled flash and java07:01
bluefoxicy"Sorry, these plug-ins are not supported.  Thanks."07:01
bluefoxicyiwj:  I'm going to try installing session saver and setting it to recover from crashes only though.07:01
=== Yagisan marvels at how stable his firefox is with flash and java. no flash & no java on amd64 makes flash and java look look little red "x" marks. that's very stable.
bluefoxicy... session manager then.07:02
Yagisannight all07:03
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bddebianHeya pygi07:05
pygithanks bddebian 07:05
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eXistenZno cups developer here?07:10
pittieXistenZ: ivoks and I are the closest approximation of a 'cups developer'07:11
eXistenZpitti, ivoks is not here07:11
pittieXistenZ: although neither of us really knows the code07:11
pittieXistenZ: printing is seriously underloved unfortunately07:11
eXistenZpitti, We started talking about the bug07:11
eXistenZpitti, https://launchpad.net/bugs/4817307:12
UbugtuMalone bug 48173 in gs-esp "Printing on remote Windows shared printer doesn't work" [Medium,Confirmed]  07:12
=== LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-142177207080.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== pitti hears a loud cheering from the neighbor house, I guess there was a goal :)
Burgworkpitti, 2-1 germany07:21
pittiBurgwork: 3:1 now 07:21
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_ion32 sweden07:22
=== pitti thanks doko for doing the 3rd goal :)
pitti... even if it was another Klose07:22
bddebianHoly crap postfix has a lot of bugs in BTS..07:27
jdubKeybuk: did the final n-m in dapper include the workaround for atheros?07:43
FjodorDid something change recently in mozilla or cups?07:47
stuNNedis there flash player 6 for ppc anywheres?07:49
bddebianSorry to ask in here, but we don't support desktop on Sparc do we?  Just server installs?07:50
Keybukjdub: which workaround?07:51
jdubKeybuk: not scanning when associated07:52
jdubKeybuk: something like that07:52
BurgworkstuNNed, gnash might work07:52
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Keybukjdub: oh, I didn't know there _was_ a workaround for that?07:54
Keybukdo you have a reference to the patch?07:54
infinityjdub: I thought there was no work around for that with madwifi-old, only with madwifi-ng...07:56
stuNNedbugger, working on it, thanks!!!!07:56
stuNNedwho is elohim?07:57
lamontbddebian: that's because I don't close them...08:00
jdubinfinity, Keybuk: hrm, i think that might be the case08:01
=== keir [n=keir@bas15-toronto12-1168013318.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bddebianlamont: ?08:04
keirwhy is /etc/ld.so.conf gone-- i need to use shared libs in /usr/local/lib08:04
lamontpostfix bugs08:04
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bddebianlamont: Ahh :-)08:05
bddebianlamont: Are they fixed?08:06
Keybukkeir: create it.08:06
keiraah, ok08:06
keirwill it override the defaults?08:06
keirso i should keep /usr/lib in there first?08:06
Keybukkeir: it does not override the defaults08:07
keircool thanks08:07
lamontbddebian: depends... a fair chunk of them are people asking for stupid features that upstream has said 'hell, no' to.08:07
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bddebianlamont: Bug #1992208:08
UbugtuMalone bug 19922 in postfix "postfix: trivial-rewrite crashes with signal 11" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1992208:08
lamontISTR that's something SASL-ish08:13
lamontagainst what release is that filed?08:13
bddebianpostfix 2.2.4-108:15
=== lamont bets it's not reproducible... was that breezy?
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bddebianIt's an imported Debian bug.  BTS #32260208:16
bddebianMalone is a freakin' mess :-(08:17
lamontand did we ever ship 2.2.4-1?08:18
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bddebianlamont: TBH I don't know.  I know we have 2.2.10 now08:19
bddebianI was tempted to just reject it but I hate getting yelled at :-)08:20
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bddebianiwj: ping?08:25
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bddebianlamont: Still here?08:41
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kermitX_1.5.dsfg+ is the intended 'version' of firefox instead of -ubuntu1 ?09:03
=== lamont ponders how to sync songs to an ipod using rhythmbox
=== lamont runs gtkpod instead
=== sivang wonders if there's something to send screen display to an external device on laptops
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bddebianlamont: Sorry to keep bugging you but I'm trying to clean up Malone.  Do you think I can close/reject that bug on Ubuntu?09:16
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lamontbddebian: well, first thing to do is see if we shipped it in breezy... if we did, then we should see if it's still present in breezy (and tag it accordingly). If we never shipped 2.2.4, then we can probably close it09:17
=== lamont gets ready to take kids to the airport
bddebianlamont: OK, thx09:17
bddebianHmm, breezy: 2.2.4-1ubuntu209:18
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sivangso, does anybody know how good is our support for the laptop buttons / other means in desktop to ootb allow users to conect their machien with video cards that support external devices, to the external devices and easily offer the option to transfer display there?09:20
Burgworksivang, the buttons are good but the external dispay is an X issue09:21
sivangBurgwork: buttons seem sto be ignored for me on the t43, have you had better expreince with it?09:21
mvoiwj: still around?09:21
Burgworksivang, my button works, but breaks if there is no external display attached09:26
mvoiwj: well, we may want to talk tomorrow about your apt-improvements wiki additions09:26
Burgworksivang, file a bug, at any rate09:26
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sivangBurgwork: I actually found a spec proposal about that09:26
sivangBurgwork: should also file a bug as wll :)09:27
bddebianLater folks09:28
tritiumsee you bddebian 09:28
=== KaiL_ [n=KaiL@p548F4C79.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityDoes anyone know where the Ubuntu Community myth that "build-essential" is the right package to install to "compile stuff" came from?09:32
Burgworkinfinity, mostly out of our docs, tbh09:32
tsenginfinity: I install build-essential on a new system to "compile stuff" generally09:33
infinityI'm really curious about this one, since "build-essential" is a product of Policy, and is really about building Debian *packages*, but about building "random stuff from source".09:33
tsenginfinity: followed by apt-get build-dep foo09:33
infinitytseng: Sure, I install it too, but then again, I always need dpkg-dev around.09:33
LaserJockinfinity: it's convenient09:33
Burgworkinfinity, is there a saner package we should be talking about? build-essential has the distinct advantage of being a single package09:33
infinitys/but about/not about/09:33
infinityBurgwork: Well, it's still useless on its own for most things anyway, with the exception of "the kernel" and "Hello World".09:34
infinityBurgwork: Just about everything else will require more development headers and such.09:34
infinity(And note that neither the kernel, nor Hello World, actually require g++ or dpkg-dev, pulled in by build-essential)09:35
infinitybuild-essential is just "the base set of packages you can expect to be installed on a buildd, so your source package doesn't need to build-depend on them"09:36
infinityNothing more.09:36
infinitySo, yeah.  Was always a bit curious, that's all.09:36
Burgworkinfinity, I just read your email. Well said09:36
LaserJockinfinity: do you think a meta-pack for that sort of thing would be useful, or just let people do each individual package?09:36
infinityIf we want or need some cool metapackages for development tasks, we should perhaps dream some up.09:36
infinityAnyhow, it's not a terribly huge pet peeve or anything, just something I've always wondered.09:38
infinity"I can't compile stuff" doesn't translate to "install build-essential" in my mind, since I know that 5 minutes later the user will come back with "now ./configure fails, and I don't know why"09:38
infinityie: I've solved nothing, nor have I taught a man to fish, as it were, I just gave him an apt-get run to get rid of him, and now he's back for more.09:39
BenCinfinity: if I upload a new dapper-security kernel with an ABI bump, do I upload lrm and linux-meta to dapper-security too?09:39
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infinityBenC: Yes, but don't do LRM yet, I want to request a change to LRM other than just the ABI bump.09:39
infinityBenC: (a quick dependency hack to try to do some better user-handholding through ABI changes)09:40
BenCinfinity: ok, I just uploaded the new kernel, you want to take care of lrm this time?09:40
infinityBenC: How urgent is the kernel realease?  I'm off til Tuesday (long weekend, yay!), but if it's urgent, I can discuss the change with mdz and upload it tomorrow.09:40
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BenCinfinity: well, it has about 15 CVE's in it09:41
BenCand fixes a load of important bugs09:41
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infinityBenC: privilege escalation, or just random DoS stuff?09:41
BenCI can wait till Tue, but I'm not sure pitti can :)09:41
BenCnot sure09:42
infinityBenC: If there's privilege esacalation fixes, I'll be sure to get LRM sorted tomorrow.09:42
infinityBenC: Oh, speaking of LRM, can you publish your lrm-2.6.17 work to chinstrap for me, so I can give it a once-over on Tuesday before I let the kernel into the archive?09:43
BenCinfinity: yeah, sure09:44
BenCinfinity: there are a few info leaks in these CVE's09:44
BenCmostly crash type stuff, but the info leaks are kind of scary09:44
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infinityBenC: Alright, I'll look into it tomorrow, then.  I trust your judgement on the scariness. :)09:45
tritiumIs there any chance of 2.6.17 in dapper backports?  I suspect intsall on an iMac G5 might be possible with it.09:45
tritiuminstall, even09:46
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BenCtritium: Install on iMac G5 might be possible with the next dapper kernel09:46
BenClikely hood of 2.6.17 kernel in dapper backports all depends on someone else besides me doing it...I don't have the time to maintain it09:46
tritiumBenC: but will there be a new install CD?09:46
BenCtritium: I'll have to find that out...not sure at this point09:47
tritiumokay, thanks, BenC 09:47
BenCsince dapper will be around for 5 years, chances are we'll see on sooner or later :)09:47
tritiumtrue :)09:47
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BenCinfinity: FYI, after fixing a small bug in the 2.6.17 kernel headers, everything in current lrm builds without change, except I have to disable fritz pcmcia drivers10:03
BenCinfinity: So in reality, there is no change to the current package for me10:03
infinityBenC: Ahh, then I'll just work on my sources instead.10:03
infinity(ie: We're scrapping madwifi-old and moving exclusively to madwifi-ng, and some other random changes too)10:04
BenCthe current linux-headers-2.6.17 are probably borken (.kernelrelease file contains the wrong value)10:05
BenCso you'll get a failure in building a lot10:05
BenCI'll get -2.2 uploaded soon though10:05
infinityWell, the current one's still sitting in NEW, so feel free to keep uploading new revisions. :)10:06
infinity(Also: -2.2?... You've had an ABI bump before we even had an initial release?  Is this a new record of some sort?)10:07
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dholbachhave a nice weekend10:19
sfllawdholbach: Have fun!10:19
dholbachsfllaw: you too10:19
mdkesfllaw: nughe10:20
mdkeinteresting word. I mean, nudge10:20
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BenCinfinity: -1.1 is in the "special queue" for when edgy opens :)10:35
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infinityBenC: It's just in queue/NEW.  Nothing special.10:36
BenCinfinity: Oh wait, there are a couple of patches for ati/nvidia-legacy builds10:36
infinityBenC: If you upload -1.2 before -1.1 builds, then I don't care if it breaks ABI.10:36
BenCinfinity: I'm going to follow my dapper initial upload policy, since every upload has to sync with upstream git, every upload is an automatic ABI bump :)10:37
BenC9 times out of 10, that was the case anyway10:37
hungerBenC: Any chance of that upload fixing suspend on thinkpad T43p's?10:37
BenChunger: dapper or edgy?10:37
hungerBenC: I am on edgy now...10:38
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BenChunger: 2.6.17 may well fix it10:39
ajmitcharen't you the crack addict?10:39
hungerBenC: But that is not so much different from dapper so far:-)10:39
BenCthen again it may well destroy your laptop completely :)10:39
hungerBenC: So it is a normal kernel switch ;-)10:40
BenCcomplete with all the normal disclaimers, yes :)10:41
hungerToo bad that this was broken in dapper. I wouldn't have minded staying with a stable system for a while.10:42
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sivanghave a nice weekend all!10:56
profoXPthanks, u too :P10:57
BenCinfinity: are we allowed to modify the source for the fritz stuff?10:58
infinityBenC: Check debian/copyright.10:58
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infinityBenC: Oh, looks like the non-binary bits are LGPL, so "hellz yeah".11:00
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BenCinfinity: Good, that need patches up just a small bit (.owner isn't a valid field any more for some device structs)11:13
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mdkesfllaw: no?11:57
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sbartleylinuxCan someone tell me which package is responsible for the logout screen w/ dapper?11:58
mdkesbartleylinux: gnome-session11:58
sbartleylinuxmdke: thx.11:58
=== mdke hopes he has got it right
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sbartleylinuxmdke: trying to figure out what to look at for removal of hibernate from the logout screen for remote users like freenx or ltsp clients.  Seems it has shutdown and restart set to only display if it is a local user but hibernate comes up on remote user connections.12:00
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