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nemsterhi! anyone knows how i can do an online resize of my ext3 / fs?12:50
gpdwhen you say 'online' do you mean 'currently mounted as /' - not sure if that is possible/advised - a LiveCD and Parted is the normal method12:56
gpdif you have no other choice / partitions you could create a small boot image in your swap partition, boot into that and then resize the other partition12:57
nemsteryup i mean a mounted /12:59
nemsterit IS possible and worked fine when i tried fedora core 512:59
nemstersince what i read i need to apply a patch for my kernel12:59
nemsteri never compiled a kernel in ubuntu,it seems to be somewhat different from what i am used from gentoo ;)01:00
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usualis it possible that having acpi enabled during an install that nics may be identified but not function properly?01:50
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TTT_Travishow do I downgrade from mysql-server-5.0 to mysql-server-4.1?02:43
TTT_Travisit keeps failing when I try02:43
TTT_TravisAborting downgrade from (at least) 5.0 to 4.1.02:44
gpddo you have data in the tables?02:47
gpdyou could mysqldump the data out --- purge the mysql-server package and reinstall the lower one02:47
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Linuturkhey fellas05:04
Linuturki got caught on something05:04
Linuturkhttp://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/epayroll/INSTALL.txt << step 305:04
Linuturkthat line doesn't work05:04
Linuturkcan someone help?05:04
Linuturkbasically, they provide a .sql file to configure the new mysql database I've created05:06
Linuturkand I need to tell mysql to use that file05:06
Linuturkbut, it won't :(05:06
kermitX_Linuturk, change this: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql payrolldb -uusernamae -ppassword<payroll.sql05:10
kermitX_to just: mysql payrolldb -uusernamae -ppassword<payroll.sql05:10
kermitX_Linuturk, mysql is not located in /usr/local/mysql/bin/ it's in your path05:11
kermitX_Linuturk, aka /usr/bin/ so just using mysql will run it.05:13
Linuturki get error 106705:13
Linuturkwhen I ran that line05:13
kermitX_use mysqladmin not mysql, sorry.05:14
kermitX_Linuturk, or do you have the db created?05:15
Linuturkunknown command 'payrolldb'05:15
Linuturki already created the database05:15
Linuturkmysqladmin payrolldb -uusernamae -ppassword<payroll.sql05:16
Linuturkunknown command 'payrolldb'05:16
Linuturkand, the database is pre-existing05:16
kermitX_Linuturk, mysql payrolldb -uusername -ppassword < payroll.sql05:17
kermitX_Linuturk, there is a -u and a -p before the user and pass, respectively. try a space after your password like above.05:17
Linuturktried that05:17
kermitX_Linuturk, does username have privs on the db?05:18
Linuturki get error 1067 (42000) at line 18: Invalid default value for 'bonusid'05:18
LinuturkkermitX, using root05:18
kermitX_Linuturk, and you're using mysql 5?05:18
kermitX_how big is that sql file?05:18
Linuturkauto LAMP server05:18
kermitX_Linuturk, can you pastebin it?05:19
Linuturk11.7 kB05:19
Linuturkuhhh, hold on05:19
Linuturkwhere is pastebin again?05:21
kermitX_ubuntu.pastebin.com works.05:21
Linuturkthink there is something wrong with their .sql file?05:24
kermitX_Linuturk, get the same thing on mysql 4.1 -- hang on gonna try phpmyadmin, since that's what they dumped it from.05:26
Linuturkwierd it doesn't work, don't you think?05:30
kermitX_Linuturk, it's a little lacking in documentation, don't you think?05:34
Linuturkyeah, i'd say so05:35
Linuturkdo you know of a better time clock thing? i'd really like to see this working though05:35
kermitX_Linuturk, trying mysql 4.0 on sarge05:36
Linuturk:-/, i'm running ubuntu 6.06 LAMP install though. crap.05:37
kermitX_Linuturk, worked in mysql 4.0.2405:41
Linuturkok, anyway to export that to mysql 5.0?05:41
kermitX_Linuturk, as far as timeclock keepers go.. this was the most recent project you found on sourceforge? it's 4 years old.05:41
Linuturkyeah :-/05:41
Linuturkwell, the first on the list05:42
Linuturkcan you find a more recent one?05:43
Linuturkwait, i found one05:44
Linuturklet me play with this one05:44
Linuturkhow do I remove a database from mysql?05:45
infinitydrop databsase foo05:46
kermitX_Linuturk, is this the error you got? ERROR 1067 (42000) at line 18: Invalid default value for 'bonusid'05:46
kermitX_infinity, do you know why that would happen on a import of a < 4.1 dump into v5 mysql?05:46
kermitX_scroll up for the paste05:46
kermitX_infinity, it imports fine on my sarge box with 4.0, but not on dapper w/ 4.1 or Linuturk's 505:47
infinityBecause that SQL is broken?05:49
kermitX_infinity, it's a phpmyadmin dump out of mysql 3.22.3205:49
kermitX_infinity, perhaps just not compatible? or maybe even the php  script he was trying wont be?05:50
infinityYou can't have a default value for an auto_increment column.  By definition, auto_increment columns are UNIQUE.05:51
Linuturkis there a quick reference for mysql commands? i found a different, better documented time clock application05:51
infinity(And generally, unless you explicitely say otherwise, they get set up as the primary key)05:51
Linuturki need to add a database again, and grant a user access to that database05:51
kermitX_infinity, they're all like that.. would be some code cleanup on mysql's part rejecting that syntax now?05:52
Linuturkwell, i remembered how to add a database05:52
infinity"create database foo; grant all on foo.* to user@localhost identified by 'mynewpassword';"05:52
infinitykermitX_: yeah, 4.1 and 5.0 are more strict about accepting broken SQL.05:52
kermitX_infinity, that would explain why i've had to edit some dumps like that in the past. i just couldn't remember *what*05:53
infinitykermitX_: I wouldn't call that a bug, per se. :)  If phpmyadmin is still creating such broken syntax, that's a bug.05:53
infinity(mysqldump certainly wouldn't)05:53
kermitX_infinity, well, it *is* an equally old version of phpmyadmin that was used. ;)05:53
kermitX_infinity, thx for the help.05:54
infinityLinuturk: The mysql.com website has a comprehensive manual.05:55
infinityLinuturk: http://www.mysql.com/doc05:55
kermitX_extremely comprehensive ;)05:55
kermitX_Linuturk, meet me in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to discuss other timeclock scripts.05:56
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adrianyone awake in here?08:20
adrihow do I make my default home, /home/ubotu08:20
adribecause whenver I log in, the dir I'm at is /08:20
adribut it's okay i guess08:20
gpdetc /etc/passwd08:20
gpdedit even08:20
adrigpd, okay thanks08:22
kermitX_adri, use sudo vipw08:33
kermitX_adri, to edit that file.08:33
adriokay, thanks08:33
adrisudo vipw /etc/passwd ?08:33
kermitX_adri, no, just:   sudo vipw08:34
adrikermitX_, oh okay08:34
kermitX_adri, you'd be looking for a line like this: username:x:1000:1000:Full Name,,,:/home/username:/bin/bash08:36
adrioh okay thanks kermitX_ !08:36
kermitX_adri, by default, users' homes are already set. but if you're logged in as 'username' you won't see 'username' at a console prompt. you see ~ which is a shortcut to your homedir.08:37
adrikermitX_, ah okay08:38
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timmower_Hi there, my samba file sharing is refusing to work.09:14
timmower_I have tried a config that I know worked with gentoo, I have switched to a static IP and I have tried with encrypted and normal passwords09:14
timmower_can anyone help?09:14
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ubotu_what's up09:21
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blankynamed my server ubotu :)09:21
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